HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-06-02 - Newport Balboa News TimesTIE SA1D CRAB -SAM ~ Conl1ictine state-• menta on tires by federal ..aw.1e a·n d ~cwmen .... left the -----8011le-wbaf CODNied. ~ eidltora; 11 k e Mancbeaer B o .C:U'!,t; c::1a1m. there Ia an IUIJPly OD band if tbe coun- try would be moderate in ita .-. All ol wbicb lliiDa up to tbe fad that the auto& lti1l . lldt alone t h e Calitomia landlcape, their ow n e r s IIDeptbJ ot tbe reports un- til they can be oonvtnced l ~. Pleue .Give To Your r' Red~ Cross -. ... . / ~·--.. ·- EMBRACiNG BAI BOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPOitT, SEA SJ:IORE COII'fltY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, corpNA ~EL ~AR, _COST'! MESA YOLUMK JUUUV -:· NJnn'CJe'l' =•• «'AI.n"URSI:\, Tl't:MUA\", .U'SI'! t, INt. POUR ~AQKI ~ t6 Patterson, H~dgkinson, Bouchey Thompson Reinstated By · Counc~· All City ~mployeee-Have Now Been Acted Upon By New Of Advertising F'erry Proposed Council; Seek Fund; Around Reduction the Bay Dance !Dim-out Ar~as FOr -Rarbor,· District · A-rc · · Annourlced to Public Pollee Chief Tells Council Where Can M...t Uim l4ight1 Ji, (~ity and On Hia'hW&JJ SH&ion Mm\diay By C~t Law Off~ Eliminates Formft" C-o~fu11ion; Sirna. Po.ited Conf\&Kion n~ardlng wM,. drtvt'f"'l m~ .,..,. cara with pnrklna ll5:ht" Rnd wt"K-n> ltw-y mny llllt"' hNtGt8hti WM c•llmlmeh'ff hutt nl.:ht wtw>n ChH-f of Polit"f' R. R. Hodlk ...... ntt.-r Rttf'fldln.: It fll(1tC'fir\K of c:.wt"t lAW t"f'lfOIU'ftlfftt olftdall . thAI duy, lold the> tity C"'Uill'll the> :ZOOf'll whto~ cara mu1t a. OflMtted In thfo harbor anoa u.Wr dim-out resulatlonllr c "11llfoml• Hllrhw•y Patrnl ·of· 1 fk'f'rw, tiUI'f• aad pollf'tl f r om · ••oct•kln-_.. Pie omet.a. ... ,..nta ....,_,. -t4• t h .. Oran•• l'wt.cl. · ())unty 11nr UMt OUwln ..-t Mnn· L .. t Relltl4aU•a day '" ......... out~ IIUiod ..... tM ........ ...... "•'•""« ~~tat diiD-ed IIJ tM Jew -""•• ..... . rou\_ n~r~•l•ll•lf\8 wtwre tnmc Ia ..... , Ud --~ It Ia ...._... «"aaN-mf'd .. Hodi1&1Maa told tbe Ucal lo dim CU'W • _. ........ I'()Ulwll I aacl IMit Ia atMn .. .· Oln<'IIMIAGU _, U.. I"*P .,.... Utvlar .,_ HodPI • t1tat l"out H~Pwaf, 101 • .._. ~u thet N..,ort ...... wiU lie dUll ... Ia ..... _, ...... wtA ... ,_._.-:_ta_.,: ....... =:-::~~;: tbat.-., ... ,.,.. ....... .... ~~~~~~~ wUJ lie •IIII'Wed to ~.ect -:.-;;~=-:z:~.-d--1 ..... ~,., ...... .. t-tl pnllt.cl to ........ ....,.. r.et.rir·lf4 IIIODI'e ...... ucl \act. Leoat ANa Dt..- ·alftt'f' It 1a ~ ... .,_.._.. to dNI,n•tt llhort' dUitalk'• ot lltp.. ••• .a. rMtlirttld ...... fCift'tlae drinn to tuna • ~ ........, liM'II beldi&Pta. elllultq -to Ule ot.llw" emi&MIIJ, U.. IS IT A s•x·nET? That you waat to- lluy. s.n, Heat, Trade, H1rt~, or live away 8o~Deth.lq. _ IF NOT, 'llfEN USE TilE 'WANT-ADS. 5 lines • 1 time 30c .. J PapTWo NEWJAORI' B.AI!fOA N£WS.1'1MD. N lDUl 8Meb. ~llforala. "'ni~E>AY, JUNE 2. 1942. --~-------~~----~--~~----~------~------------------------- 111! CA~FO~IIA . YACHT Ci.UB TO LOCATE HEliE Fishing .So NeWJIO't' Harbor May Be New Home ·Or. ~nci.Mnt. ll D. Heanl ~-Good, 14 . -Of Noted Yachting Organization -Awards In State P.I. T. A. Shoot . Are _(l•ted ~ Due To War Necessity, Jleport ,.!~~~Jill~ ~:..b·;.:;:,~~;. :~. ~-;:.~(:: .. (.;,:::',' ~::-:-:_~ tnl(' r I u b. ~brn ~p.,..._trd ...... ,,. I nom.-lt*i ..Jo !91'1 Newport Harbor may tx>come the h0f1'M:' or the rnmou..; ..thh• f'lty ln 0'11 r..alll.wrua Stat~ Pr Jluar<J clid II l ~-the Callfanda Yacht Club. at l('ast for the duratkln. lf lt aett>pts 1'' 1 T A llb .. ot twld at r ,.., ~ode w ·~.nt ot P'" z~ r....,..,, IItie· _.. \\ r.o:n fourt-clt&l~ a r • • . laat ~·Hkftllf 0•1.1 amot wind pro.. <~n·l 1•la.N' IIC'un! Ill tile ~· ~a~Moed bl/ t-'le~ &ntl Game war-aD lnvttatJon by thts dty to move hert' rrom Wllm~on. Vhl"tt handl~.arw In •• ,.lit •.n tq ··wr:! !>f'lt.-..1 him. t>;<at ...-.uy drna to all,le... on CharJU of . . • • ,_ t.-.d yadlhnc orpAi&a·. ---1 , h .. d1tfk'ulttea 1.n ... '"'"111te~ny admott.-<1 that Ow ~11::. ....... ~ catchlnl ''-~ In n et • ol Ole 1 FootbaU-Baaketball-VolleybaU-BOwbng Uon le "POrted to be fore~ t o prom.._. to extend every dfrif'l hltt.lDa efwliYe larlt .. t.e -,'S, .. r. ..... fnr l-••~ -L IIeut. theft fiahlDI mua be Jood . ..,.. ""'-.. Wllal1nCtoo quar-''"''lOrd helpl.ng thf' club '1•-t&te Dr &lid Mn. Ralph IJ H•Mrd I !nr.a .. t the se~pnrt ~ Whef, aac:b d t&UcoiUI are l.uued I • • • ....... to tbe war proi{TIUil Ill 'hf'n!. ' \81<1 ~r aDd L.)'DA W&Uua. Trape.b.d~ c tub tall Iii .. ..... uw aportl~rmea 4lave \Sailor Smqn· CJI Gnd Squad ~~-'!'1M ·ctutJ 1su ·~• Thf' t.y moort11p-rrDW """"~.nf \h<' !or al dub p;trtiCIJMIW ~"""'"' .. ahooJt to be Mil~ t.oo m&DJ yellowtaU and barr&· . • ..... ~ ~~ 1IIOft lt.e loc&Uoa. Dlf'Dl• 4000 ('l'alt aas roum roulll bf' hr1nrl"-hom. la'l) pn-~un•t..)' <Al the dvb •• • -elida. tlaat IDUM the u •• bait Now Musters 25 H--nlry Lads IEWS· TI .M.ES .. c,. I .,,., enll Uld n«.-ry equlp.1 found f01r mtir•. Muy •1r th.. M,._ J...-Heard wot boeCin lftn lltn-rt. ~ u. ..,_ .. , beet pa.MeQPn are -.eoUDteriDc I · UBI' ~ to Mewpot't llaltlor 1ft a Jet-1lerJ[er pltoeauff ~ r a t t aMhttl"e'd tur N.wport HarbOr by ebootiJII blulf8. (.'c..ta M-. pllllatJ ot Use coveted .-me flab. ter *•• tcfead t o Com.,.,.,._ are b •I n I coukiered fur aJI 1M to pnaer a t.ropby tor tuab, Operalore of the Balboa Sport· The Newport HArbof' u n Ion lftlltry<:Uoo In klcklnl aDd nan· .,...... OoatriU b, ~ vaJ ue IUld af'Veftl are DC-~'tllre ID Uw lady'• Medlc:ap rNtlt w It n H bbard J tllbiJic ..,.., B .. I b 0 .. Pavillorl hlfb IIChOOl S&llor football team nmr play• from kick formaUon. Wal&w M • .....-oor ol the New-J OYemmenl •rvtce La r I e ...... a 0 U r • ~. Morth eQCS ol . M al n now mu.ten 2:5 buaky va,..lty Indicatlooa are Ulat ence Coach ~ JOlt ...,__ o..mw of Com· bu11t f 0 r lbe .._ of ()r. HOU'd N lll .... f'fttly brolle W' as Married Frklay ateet. -Balboa. aMS""\ba clt&Uon8 ca.ndldatel out for ~rinl' tralo· Plck•na flnda adequat~ ·men to .._ a ad ~ Harry lD aenlce bave bMo ~~and· w.-. to ...,... ua ....... ., ...,.. a.u.d ,..arday, Monday. tnc It wu teamed today from plug tbe cuard poeiUorw IJI lUll WM. lq IdS.. """-. a poealbM 200 la (he .me'-'• Walton Jlubbard Jr~ ... ..,._ . ~ aDC1 GuDe dep.IU.. While Ol&cb Wendf'll Pkkt'U. llfte he'll bave a fairly etronc lie • d tor ~at'-ot u.e ~re cratt are nol' pHD~ It· eboot. toe -.,.,. eKOftd b1P· Lnu Rf'ord .........-.. t11111r -.., ~ reoet,t G( d~ for ncea Moa of lUI w~ll wu devoted aJI-round aquad. Qlltenttt. T8CW Chait .. a.roupt ted uap-uc1 ~ from t-.. ui UW -l. the wtruwr lilA•-frit<n* wtth tJwir ....,._ ta fill tM h8&t ID&J DOt M con-to pefl,cllnl' a few play. u a llll . 1tron1 enda are &1-o belnC ..._ '-r·m u.. N&YJ 111 plaD· ~ e~pt to chaqe potU. IDe tM ph •tee• ..... ...,._ R.mo. last FridQ. n. _.._ wA ....-..s eueU, a "Aapp)t eUmu" ....._ for the Sailor runnin1 at. eOUI'bt by ~cb Picken. to re- ... tit ..._ .,.. tiM ~ Commercial n.tllnc boat.e and. U¥t-to bit 100 llrUPL ~ in Loa Allpla ......... to tM day .tro:m tbe lltaDdpoiDt of tack ne•t fall. MIK'b remaJu to p I a c e Charlie Thompeoa . ud ...... ..., trUce ta w......-. bait boat. are t.be ~y· craft per. Tbe local ~ _. -~ 80dal ..t )~ .... t ~ • ••••·=·•· .. certabaly ID. w done before the t~week Charlie Dermleon w b o occupied ... m I rt-Yadllt Club of. altted r.-.. and u..y .,.. kep( of u •• ,~,.. o4 tbr Hal'tMW -at jpftM'ftt .....,.. I a .. ~ u:.~~ ~ ~ ott • p rID .. t.ra.lnlD. •• completed, thoalo bertha OD the ltKl VU'IllJ ..... ._.. '--a.ftte11 to ..... ll8dw atnct ...... .u!JI l .. eoe n., cJ'*. ~ ....-c II LaJwo ,.._.andY..-... ..~ ..--. ..... .._ oper-Pkllent pointed out. eleven. .. IIIII ...... •..... .. a.c.... ot tM ID1and water--' Walton Hullllard II * ..... ....,. ,..aaacl out. J 'The fort part of 'tbia week Lack of adequ&U .uta.Utut.ea to Ill S' 1 !lad u.. N....,on ttar-_, Mn boat owaen baw found aboard tbdr boaU -rely by aut-clrnt ol tJwo ~ 0... ... a.-. ot ~ 1lad ,.UOW· wtU t» de\oot.ed to adctiUOO&l ND· relwve lint etrtnc playe,.. Ia be- L.lttlt Gllm A irnall' army ot Oanfomla State Hlfbway l'atrolJIMD .,.,. on the Job at t h e ov.-bead brldre lut Sunday aJabt aDd when autoe puMd lMpecUoa._ t bey bad notbln« but tbe Illumination ot parldDC ~ wltb wbicb to feel tbltr wa7 &10111 Cout HlebWaJ. 'ftM -~ out bad become a ......Uty for motortau. P1"1 or -to 1Jua4N' nlctJt, the dim-out bad ..._ In e!tect a10111 the eout feW over a w e • k , but .-oton.t. al~r thla eection ot u.. cout-lllle dki not kaow wbere to dbD U,elr ll1hta &Dd where DOt to clo ao. The n!autt wu a ~ JIOdl'e of care, 10me wtta u,tab oo tull blut. othen wttb ~ .• •-=..!;O::••:br:.~ol::.~o:::ree:.~..._=,!•:aa:·:.~piM==•:IIft:...:a~n~d:.~n:l:•:z:•uoo::.:.;•:a!c~en:::ICIIId:~t.t.:.~...,._.==~· ----~AI::":Wiftc:::_:ec..~="':•:•:'~· .,:•:.,~•;-44;;w=rt~--=~are=~..,.==~~ea:upt:::_ll7:.~tbe=~ltft=:lnlllK play. ud durinc the latter llev~ to bave undoubtedly coat t part of the week. COIW:b l"k._. tbe 8aUora tbe Sunaet cha!!JIIWo· me l.!Ib~ ud the_!.efOI!_ dltft=:...· __ ._. --~ cult to Mit. 'l1tis Organization Can Fill Your Every Printing Need, Including·- • Advertising of all kinda. • Letter Beads and Envelopes. ~.,., U..l Forms for all transactions. • Evert form of Printing. ·~ Boo: and. Slips. • EqnvJd Carda~ and ~tatioM. • ,.,_ewrtter Rental. and SuppUea. < t l - Y • aa ..,e tirea ~ IF you wiiJ linr1iok f• it at your ~~-wiRCBANTS! The ehaaea 1ft he HAS it · in ~ . HIS sa ... ',• ,. LEI'"s f~ t1w ,...,.... • ....,..., .• "'• c8·a haw oar tak.;:_... eat lt. Nor caa -·e fHd -~·,-dffh'H)· .,.... ..... ,.......,. ucl oa they ......... ......,. our a1rp1uwa. IDHhut.a tub. ..... fill war ud alftbulalt<'" taer M lf.orekef'pen ttrUt 14 ah·• )"OG who -u.op tlwolr lllonoa n'H)· wnw ,...;hie. 811& fnaldy, •n• I'IHlr'f' aD wut to,.... thfl l 'IIIW Natioll5 .ta thhl war~ Wew N,... that by. aow )'oa JNiiR llow .... Is tlw '-oa""lewf' ol tan, ... ...._ a ff'W pa<'k· ~panod to tlw prh .. UaM ~ •f~Pnd by thow s~-ud womea ~ are t'UT)'lai ttMo ft&llt . f• ,,..._,. to tlw froet! ... . NEWPORT ')\ BALBOA .. NEWS~ TIMES NEWS~ BUILDING •' Phones: 12 .and 13 3011 WestratnLAve-nu~ wUJ llt&rt tua SaiiOMI perfecUnc .~ lp or at leut eomlfll' within u &4. aenaJ aU~k:· ~ of w11bltn~ ftlr eoveted title. Tbe thlrd week . of ~ wW Wltb 25 mw oo the aquad, Pick· be devoted prtmarlly to bnaal}.lq eu bopea to <level~ auttklallt up Oft bolb rwmtnc and 1--.number of me-n to have two pia~. wttb tbe A!=bedu~ for t,lle aquada or at leut a batter INP· lut two or thfte day. caliiDI air ply ot rnervee than Jut year. be.lt boat. leavlnc the Pavtlloo from ~:30 a. m.. to t a. m.., d&Uy, openton reported. ·:- lltM........, . 11M n.b and G....u deputlu are on the job In their annual w.t.by campatp to ftforee bae ot catctaa aad t• • r • ~ y ... t.t ln cOMII"ftUoD ot ..-..e fleh. aid tbe loe&l fleet op.r· at.or., wbo al8o vrpd ~ to C(H)pera~ 1"ttb the law· t11force· ment wardeD.a ancS obtaJJI Ul~ re. qvlred ttehln,. lleftaea Rites And Par-ade =are ImpressiVe . Slana bave aow been pollt.ecl to lllform drtven wbetlt to dia their llehu aDd w b • r • fl&U beadllfbu are permitted. 'nle 011ty trouble wttll .aid .S,U .. their lack ot vMIIbtUty at DJcbt. Priftted in Nd Ink Oil dull brown paper, tbe ll1cna ar-dl.fft· cu.lt to Me. '~bey aer.. tor loral motoi"LLta Wbo c:aA locate U... In tbe daytime aDC1 therefon kAoW Use reetrict.ecl .,... wtac ntPt tan.. JIW ·the ~~r::-=~ lnd.icatloU potnt to CCJDUIDaed I'OOd tiahlne. u wu repocucJ. JMir· tlcularly I!IDe• UM .upply of baSt for ttlf' Balboa BportllebiDJ' F\eet .. excellwL ( Jas~ Burke Winner of Scholarship Jamea Burke. 18, of Corona del Mor It the wtnner of H&rtard t Tn!vt ndly .cbolarllblp t.otallnl' S.'WIOO. It wu unounced lh•• put Memorial O.y rltte and parade held ~ 11 o'clock Saturday mom- Inc •·ere amoGC tbe mo.t liD· preolve beld btn u n d e r. .the ~ ot tbe Newport Harbor Am~rl~an 14100 Poet and Audl· lary 1ft many Ye&rll in th• oplnloo of m&DY obMrve .... ArranJepaent. were ln cbarp of IAJ1on Command•r CleD4 Croft &lid upt.aJa ot &he day wu up- tin Gordon B. Findlay, Compuy F. CaJltOf'Dia State Guard. )Urchin& from the auto ~­ Inc lot oo the OeaaD FroDl at Palm Stre«, bT way ot Bay A ... to Main Street and out ClD t.be Balboa pMt-'"re tbe color bear- en. Ncwporl Baacb poUce otn- ce,.. u Color JU&Zd8, Am~ric.tn 1 LeKtoa membera, Auxiliary mem· ~ ben. Boy Scout.e, Girl Scouta. Sea Scouta, unlta of tbe State Gual'd •uld NnutlcaJ Guard. and oU&u pat.riotk orPA1&&Uona.. pe.aiDJ' UarouP for the ftntt Ulre, It le 111o0re d1ltkuJt. -£erie _ . ~ Drtvtnr a1oar 0oa1t ~­ with only UW doubttu.l l'leuD of parklnr Upt.a te a araap •na.tloo the nnt. time. ''l'ba IMfbway. uaua.Uy brtpl wttb tbe llghta of 8UDdaJ traftlc, praenled a dark aDd aomewbat Hrle atmoepbere. A~~ ca~. part.Jcularty tboee w J t h parklnl' IIchte mounted oo f~ de-ra. appear to h&ve "e'fW' Ill.. elead ol beadlampa. •--.. :· ~edettrlana . II e a v e a b e I p dlm·"Jitt.ed pedutrlau ~ tlltc.b.biken lD dJm..W"t .,.... lt tbey ~ ln practically waJidnl out lll u.e ftrlt laDe ot tJoaftk: • order to attract a clrt'Nr'l .,. aad tbu. I' at • ' "lift"'. IW'Idllltr upta do DOt tlu'ow IDUCb IIPt 1 Burke. a wnaor alutlent al Webb kcv. W .. J. Haltt>r. rt'<'tor of St and that only for a '"' fftt 1ft front of a machine. 1'be mea· a<'l' of o\•er anxlou. pede«rt&Da dnlrlng to thumb a ride waa bad tnO.U«b w b a..n.. hMdllpte w~re permluable. Mort than one pedestrian baa been struck along the blgbway becaUH' the draver coukl not eee a pereon clad In d a r k clothing 110011 t>n••Ugh to. swerve. Under prea. c'fll dim-out colfdlllou, t b • pNlestrfan has II ttle c bance It be lnelata upon etandlnl' on t.be lll~hw8y to thumb a ride. Hf'cl b <' t t r r gel a dim tluhltcflt. 11tancl W('lt nf f tbe ebouldeyo of the road, and blink out ·u 808 to drl\•er.. If Ulat would be p<'rJDitl<'d. ~hool. Claremont. J• Ole aoo of J amce Eplac()flal Cburcb, gave Hlchard J . Burke. rl!tln!d lnven-the Jolemortal addre•. Tht' bugle 1 tor and l"t'l!l~nt o1 Coroo& del call WN 110unded by Harold K. ! lolar. Grauel, v.i tl! a Sea Scout bugler The young etudent 11 a typical I<IUn<lln.: an echoing call from a rf'PN'III'ntatlve o f A me r ic an l lxlftt l'l'Vt'r&l hundn•d fret off the yonith. cnmblnlng motletlly wltb pier.. . I W'holutlc a b lilt y and deter· I F1o~·f'rll Wt'rt' r a11t upon thr ,.-lnatlnn. Burke muclt'l!tl{"lktmlt.. ocean by meml:M'I'II of lht l.eghm lbat be wu "pretty lucky" In Auxlhal)• ·and n ower girls a10 a 1 w1nnthg Ole ect\ol&nnlpa. t rlbute to tbe 10ldler dea•l or Oils I Fa,'b of the <'ll&e, howcvcr, re-country. .... v<'a.l t hat tbe Newport Harbor Tl'.-Hart>or h1~b l'<'hool band. I youth won lh~ tawun.ls thrnugh I dirt>• tt'd lly T L. AIIMI. provided l l!llft f'Ompetltlvt t'llamiY\aUnns on n·art1nl .m u 11 I t n n•l pia yeti thf' Solution? '' hh h ability Ia Ole only import· na11conal nnthl'm 1\11 the Am«-rfcan !lOt factor. . f1&$ WIUJ rai!J('tl to lbt peak OC Kinlla thnugbt tbal when ur. be<lame acarce, tlle I'OOC old bu.yc•lt woulrl &ave the day. Tn\'<'l!tiJ:ntlnn cuncemlng poeal- bllity of purchMing a bike ~­ vc>ab 1 hat bicycles are to t» mtw nt'd ant1 only to thoae need. IIIK th<'m In connection with war ttt llf'ff'T1!1<' work. A cer- tlficatl.' .... ,li be neteaii&I"Y to buy Tbe awarde won by &rke are thr mal!l at lht> entmnce to Bal- l" n .. ( l'il'htl.'f'n oHI.'rcd annually boa f>ltr In a flag t'('t<'mnoy ht'ltl ~,,. tlw UIIIV<'I'IIity to • t u dent • al th .. \ '<>urt n( )o'rlenlillbip. thrOIIIithout thf' •l 'nll <'<l StRteA. 1 Th•· ('&f'rtolo tl'tllrne<.l tn Palm A pur}'Oie untlerho•s ~hararter. n olturr. poaitlon. attainment of ,.,.,.ry !'Ort. -Mun&er. l!t 1 c••t, wn<'n' mRrl blnlil lllottl! c.Juo . hando·•l. Island Red Cross Club !l bot.vC'Ir tht• 1111me aa for Urea at pr<'~c·nt. ac('nrdlng to pree· . 1'111 plan~<. Th,, Balhua r,.lan.J R<'U <'ross a~tlng l1ub hf'ld 1111 initial m•·•·ltnl:' l llllt "'""P"rl Harbor look~ like Thunniav• Ill.. th4' R~>d CrOM St.&-n r 1•nJ!• !lh·tl hig••way Sunday. thm. :oi Crancl t'anr,l. with llalph Tit•' l,av wn,q filled with Mila ICandl'l rr•·~<ldm~ o ,. ,. r 11 rnun•l f r.,m u .:. small •llngbya to cab4n t:)b1•' '""'''""'inn ronl'f'mlng Jllllns c raf t w•lh towermg maata. uf l hr nt'w orgllnl:r.ation. l'III·JIIII!I n11 d cablD crulaera '111c rlub \\'ill rnrt>t t>vt>ry liCe·· W<-t't' nntr<i all ft'n'r tbe bay, ALKA. SELTZER affords unusually prompt and ef- fective relief (n Heada<'ht because It 11 in complete soha· Uon, readS' to ao to •work u toon 11 you swallow lt. Ju pamr•h•ving action 11 Mad• rnor• posih\'t by alkaline buf- fe,.., wh•~h protect 1t from breakdown ln the atomach. "".J und :uur\h•Thu•·,.,Jap• nt 7.:10 ·since plerumre cratt may not I'· m Tht'rc will hf' nn httur nn•l put nul t.~ ~t'a under pretent ' nlf far!lt n1d ftta<'tkt ccwc rtnJ;" I nJiinga. Not only did Ult' 1ar1e ~ material lrametl In !llflmh.rfl and f \•t•t nl l•h•asun• cr&fl on New• n•l\'anr r •l N"III"YII. Anyooe ba\·ln~ 1 port pn!sent a plctureaque vtew • nmplf'lr•i thuc r o II r" f' !I nrc I but 11 lnol11 ahod Ntwport IJ;!.y o·I•,::I"IP (nr m,·ml>t•t!Ohlp. I I>< pruvtnl' mor t' valuable u a Th,.,.e .JP~Ir1n~r tn jo>ln I h<' group n·• rl•;tti•Huol spul than ever be. ~!wul.t ntt1•n11 lhl.' n••xt m•·ctln~ I· for,• If It ~·ere not for mllel o(, Juno· lith \!.hen th41 dub "111 h••:a r 1 n<hqtullt·ly drt>clgetl cbanne .. u t11lk hy H. L. ~hc•rman, C{>· nn.r ~'I'"' oou,. deepwater areU o~A.11{1ator of rl\'lllan tlo'~f'n~ at I wh,•q• , r" t t may maneuver, ~''"'l"•rt Harbur In l'hargt of tlw~•· 1"11\11' '''ol.tld have to re. Atka-Seltzer ~lnl a combiu-· tion of paonrehe,·ina and alka- l.llinl ingredtenta, hu 1alMd Yttde us•i• and popularity amon1 thoH who occatlonaU, -euflfr from A~•d l•drg•tti<m, C o I d S11mprom1, "Monlll\f A/!tr'' "''H~. NuM11Lrr Ta-t•ll"• a'ld M~<ecvlu Pett.a . Alka-Sehzer 1.1 pleuant to take, non-luat1v•. prompt aDd •ffrcllve,ln action.-· - Your lfn oqlft hn Allra.!l(.tt.f til hand)' •n\AII ar J ...-onom• • kol "'P ~'''''~~~ vw or he ••II ~ llAd to .,.,. ~"" • r u• el Alko·S.!t;•r : •• ._,. eoda • .... " ..... .. tir11t suo! pr111 tJ.,. "Ill 'he-M r" main lied up to tbetr mooriDp. ~ancy "'"'''· ftktr !\ll'('ann. )fre. At< 1t ill, hont ownera l'lave u O.Oe )f< .,_,, .. "n ol JUdJ!I.' Jnnf'!l I 'lf'l'"' tun it\' t f< "gt> rldinl"' aDd 8f'\'eral b.llndag<'~ Rn1l nnr • Jlrnh-Jo!lll:l rl'laX&lhm f r 0 m UM of lf'm a·t~l be ta.km up at tb<' If'&. tht'ir boRI8. e\•<'n tboulb forced •'•'h \ c·IJ08 lhrbtt', a·a-. nam~' to ~ ront<'llt wttl'l tne tamer J•Uhl.k'l!y rtuurman. : IIJ")rt '11f !ITTitt.ltl\ water Nllln •. .. \ .......... PLEITf OF · FISI . lOW! Live Bait Boats Leave 5:30 to 8:00 A.· M. PHONE .JII FOR RE8F.RVAnON8 ·w ... OR .C.~RMAnON . B.a\LBOA SPORTFISHING -... ~ Ff.,.EET -....... . . , .. ' .... -.., .. '"' ....._ #' ,. I. NEWPORT BAT.BOA ~~ ttsapact -..-. ta&lldrnla, ru~OA Y. JUNE 2. 1942. .,_. 'l1lrtii ••• ~IF-IJVOU " "' ·wANf~~j~.T~sE-.L~·LI$T.-iTeio·Nti1TifiSO·Fll\c;EII 800 W. ( Merthants To IM. C. Wqner AMa ·. ~ ltness ounty Sell ·war Stamp$ !Pier -Permit ' S; . R . . h , ... "Tribute" I Ap,,,..;auc)ll. bu -.. .... • t JUt Mr. Michae-l 0 . Wapw. u•l cou s ece1ve onors N~wport Ha;b ~r m~~hanta 6u~o~:~ r:~~~~ _.. bav~-bl'eft r~uellt~ to coorerau pt"rmit to conlltnxt a 1111a1t ,._ Crowdinc tlw main floor and a port Harbor and ~ wa& tn tb~ natlonwiM trtbut~ to Amn. and m.t&ll a ~ n.t ... portjoll ot tlw bakony ol the Har·1C. R. Allen ol FWlerton, pnot~idt•nt kan·a war effort on July tat by appurten&Deea t..bereto. \o ...._ bar HJP IChooi auditorium Thu~,of the ~ty Council. Invocation auapendlng all aalell In t b ~ 1 r :\0 IHt 1 n to Oowtty o "' ·c~ay n.!Pt ~lht hundred Oranee wu by · Rev. Carl Johnt!Ofl ol atore• for ntteen mlnut• . .tut· ebuutelwud at Loh 1 .... -t, Count)' parenu U¥1 friends wit· O.tA Meu. · • lnr at }2 o'<'loc", noon. July tat. Block 138, caAaJ ~ • ......., r.-ed the presentation ol hieh , Raben OJT and AMistant Seoul and Mvot!n~t tbal u~ to tbe ale erty um ot N.-.,.ort ...,, ... awardl to Bot' Scouu in the rlr'!lt Muter Ptillllp Ha.yden ol th~· of "·ar aavin«-lll.ampa. lt ...,.. rordlnl to Dtlltrkt ~ ... Oranp O:Nntlf Bot' Scout OouncU Newport 8Nctl Troop ~~ pre annouiiced today. wtD C. Kelt-.. OJurt o1 Honor eYB Mid in thi'l alftted Ear I e baclus. h!&hest Chairman A 8 RouMeU~ o1 Object1aN -.... oa «a.. c:ommunlty. award in Scoutinc. AJ WUJ'I1ln&H', .. _...;.. · 8 , . -~Uan • llltftwt.a CUMt ~ wu ~ Kenr.o!th &~reedy ho~Mr ol an Eacle Md(e, the War ....,_ ud av,or• CCIIIIIIderecl. bera.ddecL . llonUan ol Sant. Ana chal l'flCelvfd -an additional b~ StuD,_ 4rlve bere today UI"Jffld o1 advaneement in Scciu0ne ~ palm and Scoutmaater Thomu L. ewt'Y men:hant lo notify 1M ~ awardl Wft'e preeented b ' olflcen Allen was etven a ailver palm to bor Chamber ol OoauDeree otrlc~ I Walter K. Ke''-fftm the u s Ann,y !J Fo 10 wtth hla Eac~ rank. before Mooday ot wtlltnpeu to . •Q3 .,.._ heft . . r rcc Star a warda IM!C.'Ond hllh<.>t~t cooperate t b a l Benjullln H. {A)mpJete& Jluie .~ Genera. Ralph P. CousiN :::W 0:.!=~· =t ~ ~ c~ "!, :! ~~. -Air ~"----. ... to haw Jiven 1M Eqle ol the N~ unit. Many awards n-eaa~ry Deput~Mnt. Wublaa· ~ award~, but wu called awa,y on 1Wft preeentfd. ScouU frtJm other toa, may be DOtillecl u to bow ~ two bour'l prior to the eYent ~ County dt.ift many llloi"P• wtll partJdpat.. aDCI tu. dUel ol staff, eo.. Me-. 'Mit' ump&Jp Ia be I D I eoo. ===~c'O:::. ~~ ! J '1'-..: .. t· In duced UDder ~ llloru. ''Rtlt&U: Capt.aln Hewitt Captain Melleny A. • I W 18 e... for VIctory , ~ to a ' · D • A. peal wtre ~elved by~~ .. from Lieut. Jtigtrla. Ueut. eo.. Horton. C oetif P NamDL Namm llta.t.ed he would lll.,ar 0p.n Hall w.lcorned lM advlae SecretAry MOI"J'eei\UU and "-111' 1 t11ll"'' 0 r a • • UDO"-UM Avtatiaa uattnl' from IIIII'Cecl /UWt:l kbool alter COla~ a. trallllnl' da8, u-o. .. 9 ••• t Walur K. Kelly ot N•wpart BHcb. C t I T j l}l;~~FD TO RENT en ra 0 WANTED TQ ~"II.NT-IJ"f ..... ,.-;:-- 8 0 :~ 0~:;:~:.: ~~~i::,~: '::.~::~ e n e :'",,o:r•n y=:~:.,:••:.· N~=:~ Tomeo. Ne'*P<'tl e .. cll U lie WaY 5 t. I SPORTs CoA:~ __ _ SllltiMMINQ tn, one '!'""" ('r.awl. !. ' Strol" In thrw ~·""' tlw ,.un. I d•n~entel p, •nen•'" ol tlw Ct ·'""' c,•ntntl A\''''""' wtll hllvo.: •'lflf'· '"' .,.,t.ct•d '"''"""'"II o ..... i wa·; l.•n~ 111 ,.,,, h •hrt"\'l l"ll '"'·I Fl•ollt. fool et Monleto It . a.al. twr-•n =--~·\\!'"" I1Jill ll!tll"-* k · b<'o -' Jt·4tTh car.t·u~ IJ• J•ll· .. •·nt pliUlll nf thr dt)' <'atlnt•tl Mlln•Ul)" DIJIIht l 'o-MISCELLANEOUS he~ 0\J•t "'"'lo:k'"''"" m..t•• the propoaaJ to tht• n•urw tl, wbldt In ln.!IC'•l•'<l ll will ""'''t•l • Other ••••" ,_,Jutlun &m•'lhlllljo: thr ,. II y~ AGe ... """• tnlfil' ~. nl't~ al Ita me..rtat~ 0 . L. Cvll)l, ... , W . lr• at., ~ ltlth, l"n-J .. rall•m Q~ tht' ,· .. ,.,. ..... tOO-tt. r.Jh.AIJoa wu len to t'ily At-------~--tanlf'y Tbnm.-, -wAI\ITilC>-.... ,,.... w....... •• 'nle plan r all• fur ttw S.rulb room .,.. boe1'11 1" "''"'•'• "-8. ..... -.~ ,._ •-J A l ._ · ConWO\Iel\1 te w .. • Very M · ~ ... '-.. n... v~ " ur a. •In<'· ..... ... " .,,Y lborour;hrar,• for •:a..t t .. )Un•l .,, ... ,.. ,.,.... ..,.,..,.. · tratCk and t bt' N orU\ a I \It' •If 1 "t'n lte tr..l tu be t•ne-way for Wut bowacl tnlflc. Ttle tme.way lam•• "'111 -~rom 2bl at"'f'l IUI\1 _.., •• I'Wido·n Pl&ct". N•WJM>I"t. t.u Wain 1 8lntt, B&lboa. WILL &UY tlrl'e •tcrcle ift eeM • ondtto..,-<elltne ptlc.e. IOIIOM• ... _.,.,.. eat. ... ftc. I-Jicauta1111~!M!U-.l.amll.la to .Net. To -Buy-Bonds 1\ocwtwlt at t ... ..... epona , tn the Hartlor .,_, Kdlx...ZZ.. Ia tiM -11n. Doaald K.. ~iiJ;;,-HiilliillliiHrf--8llt'tll'ftll M&Jn littrwt and &Dd a. wtddy 1moWft u a 8thet. Balboa. th••re w ill be n" 11f..-ni ...... ... .. & ... to ' .-w 'for OM·Wll)' l&nf'l• a l n C e ot N-..ort Hartior ..-Ill I' ..ser a s.ennlt obtained from Uw ecbool aad .._.. .... bill A. A. ... "-tne l!.,fl"·trk. annoum·f'll tut" .,.e fi'Oia OoUep ot ....._ tqllt b)' Ctty EqtDHr Patt•· WANTID-c....... H_..._..,_ ~!room i "d ...,_r4 et a-.4 ••.-. ;..Nat ............. ... •• '*·J , ..... Otten Iron -E&cb .,\cuer 10M out ebeerfull7; To partJclpate In tiM..,. effort "a & • To nett for n-csom·. aue. tribute. met"Cbanta _IIIUIIIt otlta1o S,___..., $500 Fire He rtv• \Ill all be bo&ct moM dear; war lltam,_ and bave ~ 1ft 'WII"Wt Hla coUDtry Ia at lltake. t..belr .toree to Hll durtnc tllle U In Island Home But. ~rt.t. aJoM cua·t ""' w. a~auta _ ... _"od. ___ _ We aU mQ\ lltaDd '-blncl bliD Geo ... e BameU A torsott-electric: li'OO whlcll ._..... oorerbeated and ..t ftre to the lroalD.c board I'MUlted 1n MOO c~&a~.ap to u.. tiOOO home ot llr. and lin. A. P . t.a.aaru. at Balboa r.lao4 YMlaftlav. And lleep blllll wen IIUppUed wWl a & WM= UM foe may ftll4 lllal. EnHsts To Fly The eo.ei'DIIMDt woul4 I' II e to tth .us. Navy Oldet Kelly bu ..., c a ;tltiiC -· UM city ptana w wrfa.ce u.. 16 boun ot Ch1Uaa Pilat ,...._ eld P.C. ripto()f.way. Tbr •ur· IDe aad upae eoep1eoUoe ot a t.-. ,_. wW be d«omJI(*d 1ranlt~. _.;a ~ t....._ ~ .-oar lo u.e c"'*'DP rweoUy ~ wt11 racetft a eec.4 ........ -.l Ul.rouP t~ rlpt·oi·W,J,.M· aat'• ....,..,.... Ia tM U. .. tw.. l&tb 8tnoet and ar..ut. N-- Anlay Air I'Wce. port. -....---L-Fu~tNITUitK :-()R 5ALIF . - ........ HOW CAN YOU DO IT' TNt le tM .-el~ .... ,..,.. .,.. ........ -...., ----...... -_... Mill... lit e 1'1 I 't ,,...... " ,.... ..... .. , .. ,., ... • "-8, -UM wl--eN 1 Otller wtfiU ..... ,.,ffte. .-... ... P"I'MALf. HU.P W!INTID-I'll Ql\11 VDU r ~i!dt, Qr·ocer1 ... "~ • 11 • , 111.00 ABIOl UTI.l Y l!'ftr-ll MAke ap1•nd ld "'~"•w ''' ..... u, • ., •• ~ , .... , w •. , .. O.pt .•• tto II. o•l An•h-lln fol • L " n 1 ••ell. r ... , .. ltc. C"PA&LE WOMAN .,.,.t•d for Qf'tWt"l llouHwor", One ~~~~~• ~tor •• go lw>m. "''"'• •••••)' .. ~ .,., "'ornll Phci"n•"ftl 4.1 Jte ' ....... SaTUATON WANTEn w•NTI.~oo"l"8 or Ho_r .. ., , ... ,,.., Mre •Jtoell. , ..... ....... ..... c.... ...... ....._ IMI·"· 11-t'-. WANTED To Buv REAL EsTATE WANT.O. TO 8UY_. • ._.,_, _.,. ... _ ..... -.. ......,.. 10-.fH ........ ..-rt .,........ .... !Jrlee f " r c.aell. ._,,_ M, Newe -TI-, ............... C.llf. • ....... IN TH& IUP&IUOR COURT OP TH& nAT&. CW CALIPOR· NIA tH AND POR TH& COUNTY. OP ORA NO& WANTt:D To Buv "ACM-WANiii-M.= ... =.,;.. .. -.-._-- •"• ell •"" wtttl --a M• ~·u4•d .............. ~·· 7e . ,.., ...,,.... ,._ __ T'-tl Of· ··~· .... w Alonao-uM4 thyell wit" ...,.. ···-........... .-...: '" .... . ..... " ..... ,w .. , .. 11. .... I'' •e• .... tiMirl~'-· "-" It•• lo .... II L ... lll. at.. L--. Ullf, _..... FoR SAi..• BIC\.CLa;:.:e;.;,-,·,-,la-1.-... --... -............ , ... ,_ ..... ...... 104 ... , ............... -• ,...,,,.. Aw., .. .._ ,......_ ....... PuaLic Nonca R:..,.nor OciWt ot ... 8181&' fll Calltomaa, Ia ... ,_ ... ~ ol Oraqe. ... te --.. C'ODI ..... t tMNia ...... ---altlt' tllle eentD& -,. .. .... ........... tt ........... .. C~Manty ot Oftlll'l. • r .,.. wrt1 c~qe u ..,.. ......... &nd you .............. 1M& ..... you ................ . allow ............ tale Ul I 11• ... tak• .m• .. , "' ...... ....... .. .... nt. .. ......... ... •• lilt, or wtU ....,. &a ca. Ollllart .., u y ot.._.. ,..., II $1 f ..... ~platiiL • 01-. ..... ..,. ............ Actlen Weqllt tn ,.._ lu'''* ot tiM .....,_ oa.t' fll .. c-urt .._ u.e c-Mr .,. OrM... ODuatr at 0rup. -.. fll a.. a". ~-· ..... .. .. ,...., u. .... .., .. ~ Offloe llf tM Ciani Wlf tM 1uo l.NJ. .-. ,.,..., c-rt et .. ~ e.-tr. 1 a l . ......, MTR'I'L& WATra. I"WaUff, <lir.-lr a.tl ... ~ fll .. ... ....,... a-t ., ....... fll R. A. THOIIIPIION ... WAU· Qtlffo .... Ia ... fw .. ~ ,.. Doe, ,... Doe; llary DMuctDoe.ac:o-pa&'tMralllp. ud u.. Poe ea.,..,. • COl'· ~ ... -McMAHAN ~U"NITUR. CO. • ~UOD, Dafmcllat& ' wtU. the ....... ot ..... in tllle ... u. 8 . Naval R.Merv• or a.coad X. ~ aa.r.u.. ol tiM The w-Id'• Newt Seaa ~ Ueutenanta tn u.. u. 8. lllu1~~e Balboa Jlllud .... orne.. wtD Ool1le a..rw. ~um today from t.be Santa Ana Til& CIIBmJlAN SCIENCE MONrroR --VaJwy Hoqttat, where .... ~ b llllmMiiofMl Dttil1 N,.,t-1-r 01L 11!1 AJIIJII'Uliiii'I'IO -. -u, ~.AD ~ ,.._. t, TD CD.IITtAH ICUMCI PVIl.JSIIUfO IOCD'I'Y IJ8E IT WlaELI' a~tomy. I OM, ............... " ··- . IIT..Wel-C:-bWii"-U..w..I-Pt. ,_I .....a. Newport-Balboa I --a.a-w. ~ T'...., ... t..-"•• ...... o.lp NEWS-TIMES I .-. T .............. .,...., w. I I ...... aw. PIIONa U A 11 ......... w..aN ....... f• .. ~ Price 112.00 Y .. rt,. w ll.DO a Mona Publlehed Every T..-.y aM 111u,....y A.......-... Yelume XXXIV ~ I-. lncludina M•au'N Seed-. IUO • Y-. I.n&rod~ ~ .. 6 Sealnlar 1.-v c-.. Subllcrt~on ~·~ 1ft Advanee:-82.!10 p&!r )'Nr lit Orance County; Ok·leN.I. ... .15 per ~ar to 4th zon.; $3.00 per year to 8th zocw. · CIIBI8TfAN 8CIENCE ILI!.uiNO aooM Enured u Second-C'Iul INitter at tlw Pottottlc» In Nf'Wil0'1 Deed~. 118 Eut Ceatnl Av--. Callfomla. undrr tM Ad ol Mardr 3. 18'79. Balboa. Calllonl& S. A. MEYER . . . EDITOR AND MANAGER . A Depeadable .. Loeal .......__For Ower ~ y_,. . -. DOROTHY VAU!\IT -~' I l --- 1\. . ....... ,.. .. .,_, OANZ CO.,-N. ; ltocl & .......... ,.. a-u AAa ........ ..., ,.,. ....... " ~ ... . _..... .. ... . f"Ofll IALil-Afttl41.,... NIIU ef u rll' cl•l'•• ,.,...., rwee .,.. Mr• pet. \"•'-., .................. Nfl· auff81o ........ -llet ......... . .,..,, ... (.. , .. . f"OM IALe-"I ew. ft. o.-11 llteetrle ,...,, .. ,eter. u... - ,.._.~ ........ .._ __ ...... ~·--. elil"tte ... ·--u.e Mitt•-· •••. "'''"•· --· , ..... ,.· ............ .... A... etrtr• el ... le _. e4R .. .,. ......,_, can .,.... t ····"' ....... ,_......, •• 111 .. o.r-• .... ...... n .. u..oWa--a..u.r pu~. ,.u.at .-wru for lt8 IIICCOMpliahiiM'IIta. a I'WIOfutm- uadaunlad b)' dllfkullle•. a n d then tUI't'-. -Punabon. Ca a I mu sitl po pital and ptU"t-tlme aervlres ot eX])f'rt ccountant available for any merttor- ous enterpriftc; large or "rrulll. Answ<>r st contain complete outline of propo- on. Box L. t>aro News·'nme14, Nvw· rt. Beach . Calif. By Cy By CharieR McManuA 1 KNOW HOW TO , ":>CARE 'EI\'\ ALL r~IGt(T ~ I '1'H1: P IC 0 P L E OJ' 'n11D STATE OJ' C AUY'ORNIA aafD 1'0: R.. A. "'"'M()M..ON Mel WAU· NITA THOIINOM. b .. wife ; Jobn DIM!, Jul" 0... Mar7 Doe. Doe and Doe, a --~. aftd the [),,. Comp.nJ, a ClOI'I*'• atlon. Deff'ndant.a . You·~ aD -.c't.. lrroqtat ~ ab0¥e D&med -~~~~~~~ OONIIAD we;;;-11:. .. ..., ....... ....... 0fftMI., .... ..,_. ,., ............ . ....... , ......... 1·1 .. .. ~ ... , .... -,...., DR. RALPH D. BOA&D PIII'IUCIAN • .17'80ICOJC CNJTEOPATW ........ u ... ___.,..a•. ........... " ............ DR. H. r .. STAHLER D~lltT Telep4n• 12tot leourlty ••eta. ,,,... & PtM LONG .EACH llF.AN C. RltOWN, II.D. •~"•· ...... ,.,.. ... ,.. nt .... ., m .AMI'Cr.,. fTITKI) "'-NIT --P"-lli'tl .,. .. 1 ........ -... .... ·--.. ~ ......... ... -..... ..... 118 ,..,, .... Ate. ···-·-..... .. -· "'-,..,_. .... N. ll. C-"'11 ., ... INtfJ _, rAY • ._n'&L .. ,.._ A-lfttl A'ITOII.IfD A'r LAW o.ea ........... ....... a .,_....._ om 11111 Dr. ~. E. TohiU rtn'"l«:tAJif _, .11110_,. _.._ ................ _.....,__ otnf'tl PI·W .......... " __ ... .....,., DAJ.T7, a IIIRTCIII"..l MORnJARY Ch•pel ., ,.._ ... tlfl , ......... '"·•-. ~ t.nrona d•t '-'•r • Newport ...... ,.,.,_ s-port n DR. M. D. CRAWFORD 0 P T 0 M ll T fll I • T ., .......... ., ....... ,,., ,. ......... ... ··-·-r.w. ...__ 1410 ,., ................... ...,. I ~------------~~-------------- WHO'S WHO lfl HARBOR DISTIICT .... &:a... ......... .......... ....... ..., . ,., ........ Ollila--. - IIIHJIEIIREIIrlO WON\E.H Pbonee: 12 ud a Spk:er -Allan • I Eb!ll Club Garden I I Patrpns, patronesses l t])eU Baiidinc Committee, Arts and · Enpgement Is Announced I Section Plans Festive Luncheon For Gala Crafta Eventa ·Climax .. S~ul Year Dance Thl' (,&rtlt•n Hl'<"tlt~n nl I h t- '.'Jt•\I'JlMt lit"lh'h Eht·ll ,Cluh will I , '""'' R hWI\' llt'IUutn with llt .. lr 1 IIUit mHtln~ of . lhf' yur. tlf'xt Thurll<.lity a.ltf'rnuon, at I h~ t-:bo·ll f'luhhltUM, Kl I Jl m 'rl·l~ ~ 111 hi> a tunr•l'l)n m~'rt· · lnj(.''A IIt; Mr11 Harry W.-IH!I, wtu• hu ~ chalnnan ol the Canll'n !il·dlun f11r lht· pelll y•·ar. Will '•· IW' fhco c·hrHrman u( hc .. tea.~..-11 f• r lllw lunchi"Uff and Yt111 be ... tatf'd hy )le.,lllmn Jf&rry Wntovrr. !of P. Nf'IJGt'yf'r. · Ralph Holden, H , H :-;ummf'tll K 1'. 'tlllot•on " 1< • 1-''t•wlrr, !'!. W. Ulackbeard, R. Uunultl 11&11. ILil•l Vt·m"n }Jr r An lnlf'l'f'lltJn~t pn•Jram h a " I hri'n llrrangc•d tcor the ml'mbf'rt whn ~·Ill come bt•tlt'<'kl'd With c·or· -cu which thf'y ~·lll makl' tmm _ ..... llantet lA'fl ,......, Owo\'ua, jffflWn In Ul«'lr O~'D J(llr· U.uclttt'i" r4 Mr.lllRt Mtt.-waltf•r ... dC'oll. s. Spicer. annoul'l<"t'd hl'r mgaiC'' rnrnt to Avtatlon Cadet R.obrrt D D f M t W · th Motfal Allan, Jr ~ at· Soronty · · . · ee S I . . Tlw Bulldbte J\md Committe. r DMklnt. 'llhw. Rudd recelv~ a . __.__ ot the NC!Wp{)ft Bncb P.:beU Club beautiful pottery bowl u b • r PlaN for t"lf' bit 1VIMflt Daacf' beld ttwlr aut &ntftt o-n I pr1u, IIDd Mra. OC!Uint. a clever a l t b f' ~ ~ · IUid Bride• ,...ty for Uw .._ 1 cJUDa tlJ'Un. ach~led for the--ollucw aa 'Tburiday--attemooa. May. %8th. 1 Announcement wat mack tbat Mh. and tpon.orect bJ the Harbor wiUI M r a . W. D. Mer1c-d u tbe, Bulldlnr F u n d 2omJnl!tHI A.Mi.atan~ i..Mpf'. wttb Mrs.. ~ 1 c....._ ef tt.. ._._. for ua. hftMd by Yra. R. 1>. Tlllotaoa M. Harvey. u hf'ad ebali"'Daal. are attalr. A.11tMtJnc Mn. M"•rtctl•l for thf' J!AIIl~ a r t-u t'l~!lred came aJM.d wttb ~ ad w~ M...--R. P. n~. over MO on thla atrtea of &ee.flt Yt1th lhf' cooperation ot all ot Uw 1 R. u. 8ummera c. v. Watta, Lew o..-rt and Brlc¥'t r'!rlif's with oth~!" Onnce Couaty ~-u Wnl~. and Hell.ry VaucJm. Sl2, betq n!alllled on lut Tbu,.. well u tiM A.Mtttan« ~ of £nee• aad Nm~Dy wer. play-day"• altf'moon'a party alone, The 1A11 A.Derln. ~ wtU be eel. wtUt .u. I>amoth, wiant.nc 1 nu•ldina FUnd Ia larcriy ~ u.d to Pf'OVtde ~ for lb. C:OO· Uw hi«~~ ~ and pri-o! a tble for lhe r e <' • n t d.laUnctloa l'trucUon c:A an outdoor c~• ny~tal bonbca cMitb for t.be alter-, ~·hk'h the NeY.'J)Ort Beach EbeU I'Y1D aDd daACe f1oor at Uw ,._._ 1 ~·a ~ play, IIDd Mra. 31~ bu pined y,·lth t.belr purt'bue Patrone • n d PU.r-. for Oaamhft1la. Uw 1afc1a 8COft and of a. Sl.OOO War Bond the dia- tta. ~ will be the twllabtlac a~ at war lfll&rDs-for rummy tinction uc bavlna purchaaed UM m•mben from Uw_ l•~eu•• play. An ndtlac nf'llt of th•j Jarce.t wa.r Bond of any Wo- thrupout l.ta. county, trOIIi flanta I afternoon waa the awardiJI« t)f mftYI Club an tht' f'nt•~ Soutb.un Ana. ua. fOUDder ot ~ J)raDp 1 u. JNr:!7 ~ ..wa. u. tot.ll DUtHd. - Cowlty lin: ~b,-:ilr"Md .-or. ot %.1.000 potnta for .ltfrt. S. A. Meyer w1U bead tha · ~rifiie : and x-lllr1dce play fOr u.. astJr. artn., BulldJnc Fund Committee u and MMII&mftl e-re 8 . Bri&P. I ~~riDe .... bJ lin. C. B. ftucld. Chatnnau tor th• 1942·43 aeaaaa . J . Frank !Jur'U, Ray Cllaadkr~ Uld u.e 11fcb ,_.,. acore for lht' Anothf'r Set'llon of the Newport RDy L&n(1ey, B. J. Mdtlllllf'll. C. ,_,. beUic w• bJ Mrs. C. Jol. Bf'st·h Ebell Club to clpae a buy F . Smith. ~ ~ lllwr-1 ~ ja"d au,•ct'uful aea.on wu . tha rnf'C'tinc ~h tradttlonAJ candy Mrs. J1arry Baker .,. .,._. wtll rwbtm tr'CIIII JJUJina. I F-• ...._. 1..-IIUI for a -... --I - -...._. '--• to au.d 8 \VI PI ThP D · D. F'. hMcJitt' club mc·l --........ t;•i:. Anp._, usiness ~women an aut F11~y at tbl' homf' of .Mr11. I _.·-... ~ " prt •*td ,._ Mul· Barbecue Kid Party I Harry Baller In Oran&e for tht'tr ~ IIUib stntM, f( G. 'ndJIUI. ctydf', · 1 Artt and Craft. Section, whlcll o..rdoff. and 111_,._ A. G. Fatherr Conroy Is · ~met o.n Mo.oday tOT u...r Ia a L Pfan'". 8ua tfaldDn. ea.. N--IH ed 8 B'rthd 'mt'f'tln~t of lhf' year wllh a "pot· L.. F . Moulton. Wm. E. Otla, I onor y · I ayh uck" IUJ\<'hPOn At 'thf' .taom•·.of Cba~ 8 pker.A=:..· Carolya iAnniversary Party I Mra. R. P. TtllotiiOCl. on Old Santa ' • · re~tular· mHtltl(, wllh Mra. &>rt ...... -TI1•. be ,.. Bt*MM and Proteulonal Oqullt wtnntni hl&h .cul'f' an• I ..... --~ ... Jiln. C... 1 ~ W0111na. Club will depart from ltra. Roy Pace. th.-80 l;lonor •• .._ el ..... tbelr UIIU&I dt.IT!Ity for their n,.xt prtu · -::&....,. _.., ...-cl · ..-...,. wblcb Ytill &lao be t!H!Ir · • SARDINES IN . .U. Mra. AI Horvath wtth a houal' warmJnr rut ot a lovely bed aldf' ttand for Mr n-ho~~­ WI'n! 111-'AmH Elmer Pattn.on. Bert Oqw.t. Ropr Barrow, Alma Rath. Roy Pari'. 8~M Horvath, Richard l> I t l m a r . a.od Harry Ouat ot1JOnOr tor •vtetnr wu Mra. Howard Pat· t.raon. 'Mit' neat mHUne will be on June 12th at the bomc c:A Mn. Bert Oq~. Recently the government .requisitiorftd the ·entire output of packed seafoods. If any is • left after military and naval' needs are met --.uch surplus may be sold to the civilian. papulation. We want to aid the war effort by erecting a plant for the packing of .sardines and an- chovies. We know that. sardines left out in the ocean will never feed a hungry mouth nor serve a vital need. · The plant that we would build is right be- aide our present building. The very latest food packing equipment is ready to be de- livered. The plant would handle about 10 tons of sardines and· anchovies .. daily, and · would employ 30 people the year around- in addition to supplying fishermen with a o~ market. · Sardines and anchovies are in the ocean -but out there them in time of war. plentiful -out is no place for For the information of the 'fastidious.,or un- informed-such a .plant as we wish to build will have no unsavory odor -nor wilt it in any manner be objectionable. . . An informed public is, we believe, a coop- erative and helpfultone -this is our reason for publicly telling you what we wish· to do. In peaceful• times such a plant as we wish ·to build would be an ass et to Newport Har- bor -now it can become a vital con~ribu­ tion to our war efforts. ...... -. ,./' THE-.-.. -~ ......... ---- Wblt~: from • Dr. Uld Ana ~-Mf'mll.ra who ate tbf'lr lin. Geora'• ~. Dr. ud liN. --• Junct:eon at tabiH atranr\d under C. V . Schultz. Dr. aad Mra. H. ~ Attar Sortdy c:A lb. St. l tbe arbor In the t>.autJful p.rdeD Toww, Dr. aad Mn. Wa 8tolaJ)'. Jot. "'--7 ParitiJ a~rpria«j ' and -who Jll'f'Mnted Mra. W . k. aDd M~ ud Mcecte•s J. B. .,_tlwr ~ wttb a birth· ..,...n .. B. -~ lt....rlwi't::-J for the put year. with a CUt ot ~-.... ......_,..,. rial ,.....t:r'• ..._ at 201 l.:lrler. a IO¥ely pott.ery bowl were Mea· D. Jerey Younp.. R. W... ..,..._ aid Aftfl-. Balboa l.tltuld.. dam" 8. Rutherford. C. M. DeU· Local Yach.tsmen Bishop Gold~ RAc~tucr Gloftr. wan.r a.-,.. A ..._ ...., ...,. waa _... .._ w. R. rowser. '-waU&ce. Cl A. A. Newtanda. lAo Da1dM.. C. wet a. 1M prdftl. wtth a dtfs. ~lllr ,Uovd, Donald McCallum, Hosts to Ho• llywood Confirms First ·ass H. ~ Ewntt o-.. ...s .m -"' ca~~e ad CGU-. M. M~ni~uu. o. w. RJcbard.. . )f---w. H. h .. ll-. A. ... ,._ .... tully decon1ed btrth. Oulwr. -n.ocn. r.:.. r.:. Bow11Dot.' Yacht Club Visitors At St. James Church Grim. Geo. ertn~a. a. P. f'WI· c1a7 t~~Ue wwe ..... -.,. Mn Mil .. 11*1&1 1\Af'.t. Mn. 's. 1:. - --• Tbe 8't_ Jam u l:lMacop&l lopa.. A. W. Y~. R. T. Leo. ~-Art.11ur DeJ. Mn. H. J . ~ IIMdoD. The Balboa _!!#!~ ,Club ..... Ctlurt'h ot..rYed Trtnlt~ A. ClaJte. tlaly K.-. a a.S _. llli'a ~ Buntt.. Mra. Fowl..-a.od M.n. Lew anotbl'r buay weekend, pi&~ wttb "8peel&l wl"'ric:• bJ CUI6e Wd.!Mred; ft'aa ~ Til• ~...,. d ~~W.._. wwe annouDCed u co- hOIIt to lhe vlalttnr H.,..._. ttt.lr tint OooltrmaUon ..-,. a ad II . te..., " ~ o.e-a,. wMII ~ Pfta ~ ot ua. AltAI a.od Crafta Yacht Club membera. and _.. with the RJ(bt Rnenad R. B. ~ ·Anlold ~. wlllkt. lJMoy lied clnftot)' anaapd Beet* for UM cc.D1q aeuon of the Mf'morial Day holiday ...... Coodeo Blahop 8 utfrqu c:A t.o. Kroetcr: r . C. ""--· · W' ... a ~ .. tlw .......... Wri1 Uf:!-43. tnc mo~ than the u.ual lup An,e~ performtnc ua. am.,._. N-a.u. Robnt Muta. E. J . Ia Uw ,......_ ~P-----------. crowd of B. Y. C. mema.n tw • ritft 8Uiea. 0 . H. -n.c-paoa. J . W. M'la ~ t t ••· ....., lhf' week~d r~~h1UM. ~utlM nont ~ tY1 w.u.. ~ -.a. ft'fd TaJ'· plapd. adiJt Mrs. 0. M. lldaDd -. H II ood Y ht C I u Ill lor, La.on Branwt'll, L. J . ...,_, .......... ~ r"--, .. e o yw ac • ICuter lUlu. whtte ttock. (ldoll. ,__. Ocee. ClaP. lllle•eeC•. _. .:.. ------fo~ t.o aive up the1r ec:taedi.W fen~.~. aad c&Ddls, and mu.k b7 ~·- trtp to the Owonado Yacht a.. Uw qlal'tet, (',_\H an eecae.&a.. H • • r 7 ParTy, ucS M..,._ Harry· A Caldwells •--f ...... Emma o.rtaaa. • • -. A8MAl a · Opealnr, and cru,_r race or ... Ucal •ttme for u.. rttu.~a. at 8clnire.aaa; ·· a-Hosts At Two Parties Jame. cra.Jr Trophy . ..,.nt U.. W'll.k:h UM followin« 1INn ec.-_ ,___ 11 ...,_ ... _ ,_ -kead abo&nl their boatal -. ftnDed: MedeDN Robert Herold, r.-.-..,. __ clsored off UM Balbo& Yaei!t 0. MariNI ltl•. ~in~ ucS .._ J.......__o--. Jolla ~· *"7 A. W at Corona del...... . ftiiUl z..a..... OoJte. "Aduaa. J. a. ~. w. c. -.... fll..aap.&a d I'~ .... .0 ....... ......s..,. eo.. -1NIIey, e..Jya ........ ~· ~ v.-=: .. -:.-: ,_ ... .... t ~ .... ..... ud liN. Doft AD-.oa.-~ ........ ltMq p 111 ==-----2 .... «>'Q ............ ... tiMtr erm.er. tbe ......._ "'-" ..........._ -.. ._. ........_ _.. fftd a.jf; fro• H .,.._ b t Ill liN ......._ _...._ ... -.. - -a..ebi ............ ....._ .,, ---tiM .. ,. ud Ph1' -.-· ..... ... .•• d ~ 11-. OloiJua· .;.. rra. ,...,..t IIIII'-Ill .... ._ '-~ dill Jlai'.' a&e ~ tllto a MW ~ .u. IUie, ~ · ..-...r «>·rrca bel: ~ Ud ~ K &. ..,....., o..~a fW thltlr eodltd JIIU(J • ... , ~ . .An lapiwllwd ,.._,Jr .. ud HAw...i lAdtord. w.;_ ~ ud Meoda•u-......._,.co .... ,_clulltd Dr. JandtD&', wttl) a buy t.der ....,_ ,., wu s-p.-ct ot HIIIIP OeGtrp o.a; s .-L M• ...,_. &o' •• •1 .:eM •--- . ......... R~rfont. ~ Karpnt Net-r....,. 1 rea Hae)wood. Olpt.l iDa yadl~ll and tiMir ..,._ ,_, llr. I . W~ teDof. lin. . ca.. Balclt. aad llaia IIIIUr, MIM anet from their boata for a t.... ......_. Bndford. Sdta Ana. -~r. Jltak:tl of l!ltla... aDCt Ucat. IIDd I ure ~unt and • rrtUad .u.ll .......... &ad ~~-lAura JOtner. 'Tbe Americaa ~Dnllll: .... a':~ Mra. Eldm GrUI1tb. ot CGroBa I bKuf' and f'nt•rtam-t.. ....,._ eiMnJto. wtltt Prot_,r G. A.. 18 plana:iDc • "' ckf liar. day n'eDifll, aqd to ... tMt ~ ..,.., r at 1M puo. wttb eo.-nder ca:-:. ~ a-ctey ~. tlw OllchtreDa baU cam• on SUDday, -......r ...... OODdca " ua. A•f'taDt c~ ot tJw c::..,. ' ...... ctt.a.n.ed .UMR ,_,.. wtUI tbclr 'I Commod~ Al"t'!Ue BWl. c:A tile ..... o1 tbc ~ of Loll bJ Mrs. f'..al1 • ' pr Allldl trw Toutlwnl ~)' aad • B&lboa Y'il-M Club. oftlc6at'-C -f • a '· and tlw dl8tiact . bonor of the ~ ~ w t I ; "'al dlk'tlrD eli. ruwr. ~ 1ft ..... I umplrf. • . ., IIIII ftJit JDUtled DOt aaly the tuy. Tbf' e~~Ur. pncr lllftw. attrvtiY• peUo of lbetr bome. Comm.odo~ and Mra. Ted J.._ 8nt ,_ ot a B1abop to the-&lao be added to Uw, c-ral c--. tor thlt ottat1oo tncl\ldrd eon bad u lhrir llpeclal ,_... ....._ but a ~ ntttnc one. u fit fUDd. I Uldr weekead paetb. 1 Dr. Md I tot r :John80fl'a mother Mra. II. ..... Oaadeft 18 a tOI"'Dft" early --: , -:--1 Mrs. Rrit'hrl. and -. ·L!"Y and T. Joh~n. of P.omona, and otbcr l'lllldiM ot Balbo&. and Uw St. C4-... EYeDia 1 sc~taa. Ut'Ut Ccwnmen+r aaa mf'mll.ra llt'f'D about thf' dub Sat. ,.._ l:plec:opal Cburdl 18 the -__ ·-· M,.,. Stanley Lf'ltb. and Donna urday ntght, Yt'f'~ VIc• Oommo-N"M=tton ot bll eariy rlfoiU WEDNEIDA.~ JUNE ~ • and Rob Lrith. and Mra. Rickett I dorf' anet Mra. F'nld Hunlf', an~ Md .__. for a ParWt In the T U all cia llftl8kJw at j and .aon. Darid. Pnrt C'aptaln Fred B~wer, 8t.aU ...,.,.,.. oa.trict. W.h C. ·of .Mra. :6ola Net.on n. OaJctwell8 ar. plannln.r aD· ... cJ ... ,... Hall ~ , 600 \Vetrlmtnater "YftnW· .. --and ... ayor-a.n '"'"· ,'--'Yiln teet!ft clec:oratJ9aa ro to )f r.. ....... JO •JO L m COftftld ~ Saturday and Sunday. wilh Stort now to ~ the a of • ortd profitable woy. Vi1it ovr friendlr o#f'oceJ Of write fOf rvu iftfOtrn otio" obovt our iftwred soviftgS ploft. • ..... . ... , .,,,, ........ LIBEn;t,L E;t,ANI NGS Commodore and Mr11, L.. A. BUlb, ,__,.,t for lh• ~t11ully ef· the ome • .. 'I otlwr ray ''~kmd for thl8 rom-,~ and Mruera and Mudam.. RD. "a--'"'a of Rev W J Hatter port H~,.wta. . .. · bou.w ruet~ta t'omillc from out ,.. __ , J k G ... 8 W"t< ....... , • • • • d1ah luncbf"'OI at aooa. I , La Feel J Sa • lanoJ .-.....-u. llc rHn•. r.. . a-tor ot the Bt. Jamn Ept.cop&l b b CYt M,.._ lk· ot ·tow-n. and a bi&' Soutta.m bar. pna era ~DII Young. Orwon H u o t • r . 0 . K. Cllardt and M"eadamra J . Wat· ~inr C'lu ' oaK' btoctte wttb aJ1 ~ trimminp for J 1-;rf't:'nr. Sldnt'y WllklniMln, A.1aD ..___ 8 8 Brt-w~ C.Orttf' c Donald. __,&,. ' SUnday altf',_. ud Loan Ateoc:iation :-r .. A._ Bod w w.., -· · · Anworican JWd Croa• • .., ... l alg, , .......... rt Y . · , · • •Y· o.Jdln. KathertDe Wript. and . I lO 1 4 ------I lor. Rulx-rt Whit ~. staolt'y Ch~ LIUtan Underberrr. wb<> fur· 1"0001'\5. opl'n rom ~~-:.,..Auxiliary Guild '"Plans topht'r. Ja<'k \\ tl!K>n. W "yo • --.s t.be unu.ual Eaatf'r IIIIH p. m .. 111 Palm ISiii.Jboe bland . ~;:.r, a~vr,11~"~=~ ~ •Jb ;i . a 20~~~::C"(\?o!~;. WOitl ~: Benefit Bridge Party ! ,. eo.t •av.-. 1outt1 • Uituna TNott, C.llf. 0Akf':c, Mar~tlt' an c.l ,leannt'lt'e Howard D. Bakers Dr. NoyH ~-Cout BIYd.. 11M' F.piac~ Guild Auxlllllr•l Ttlom110n. Patty anc.l Jean Hunt1•r. H Ab d y ht Corona df'l Mar. 011"1 1 lo 4 P· m c:A the-!«. JamesE~Cburch :.-------------! Jun y 1111nJol. an1t !\t,.,._.lll CT~tlt OSts ar aC • :'I:M'-por1 Harbor Sf-rvk"f' Club, win hold a Bf'fW'flt DH.rt Bridp:<'~------------ "'--Laeuna ....... 110 Doyll', Jack ~Wil~MICI. Jr , Darby Dr aDd lin. Hoy,·ard D. &&tier noon .Balboa Colfft' Shop. on Monday. Jww 8th. at 12:30 I Ml'tcnlf. "n t1 K<'nnl'lh ~ft•rg"n.l ~ned t h t' t r houw I'Uf'M•. Calllomia State Guard. Com· p. m at thf' Lido ble t-ome or rs I whc• rntt'rtatnf'•l 11 gr11U1' u( rur1~ 1 Dr lltnUord BudJrf', and dau«h· paoy "G". Nnvport Hf'1~ta Rich Mn f'amf'rrm 'Miom. at :-.43 Via flit'n•t" c>n " !'11&1{ pan~· at hht ter" Bartlu'a. df t.o. AnJri'IH and St-hool 7:00 p. Ill. , Udo Soud.. •nth lill'tldamra ,ltrtb- GrAu,l (.'anl\1 he>m• llnd for .tlrmt'r Ill'. aDd Mn. HarolcJ Caldwt'. 11. of THURIDAV. JUNE 4-1 f'r1 p,,.-.. n. f: A. Haddon. 4>uoa" 4t'- 11t the• <"lub. · t ... ~ laland. aboard thrlr <'rubf. Oaf"df'ft 8M.kJn of ~ Newport ~lth. ar•l l"lonald alc80allum "' j I Mr anti ~frs. RniiU\11 I{C'<'(I. • n( tr ,.. DI'MID latt Wf'f'kend Mr. Bf'&t•h Ebel.l ,Club luncbt't>n mHt-1 f'o-h<Aitf'lll'f'fl •·sth Mn. T b om. tiollywl'<~<l. ar,. SJ'C'II•hnJol th" 1111m. ~ lin.' l:od. 'NICkf'rtz. Mr. ami lnfol. 1 p. m Ebell C I. u b H~ JWwrvat•nn• may be m~ by ffi('r l!I'Rlllln on f"hiCIIIIf'l llllan.•t.lll:ra. Oeor~ LoYt'e, and !dn. Pllul MMI. HllrTY Wrlllh. rhalrman n rhorunr ~lu• Thorn, .. , IJiibl>. ''' vnth t n I' I r fl('huunt•r P<&JoMII. S of Balboa Jalall41 jolnl'd thf' HOI!t•-· · llu• ll• I nllurr at 1\00. "'"'·n·,t Wlt~l th(' 1-tl\lbi!A Yacht ..;:::;; for dinn•r at Olrl•llan·11 Eulli"_t>Sit and Prnfl'~l.onal w .. l1uh rll'o't tf t. wtlh lhe party goln~~: \"Ia ml'nA llub Uarbc'<'ul'. 6 .30 I' m }1•, l(t• blu ot }f<tlnnf'. 1 Bt-U)· cW:IRr and moorln« In frnnt Clf Loirln C1ubhuu!lf'. Lldn IIICI'. . F.lllt tt nf K.'l '"•ll. '" n ·portt·.t ~~~ Ckonr and .\rti"tl" tiM Hut tor lhP f'Vf'nlnjl Amf'rlt'an RC"d l r11 !-~ '.A"' k· m:cclc,n..: a :<-'lt.,.ra '''"' y rf'<'O\"I'r~ Sunday mOf"ntng t h " Httkrn• room!'. OJ)('n 10 :1 m. to 1 p m fmm ~r rf'<'PDt •llnf'!llll. llnl! 1.· and tlwlr (Uf'MII t'rui:M>tl to tht' :..'OI_Gnu~c1 <:nn:tl. llaiiJt>it h~n~tl. murll urtf1r0\'<'•l ~ WbiD AdclliiCUQetdoll. Gu • Balbo& Yacbt Club fo.r hrealtfl\-fl. Krwam• < luh. ""''"· nm•ll.m • ~ll O'r H•rtk"' make J0\1 wbcre they wert' jNnc'•l by c'npl (Ju_t. , • ~~~ u __ .. 4 "----Wuueomfortableor l~ aDd Mn. Charll'll ot11on , Mr an. I ~ttnJ!:th"'ltt• 1 lub ., .... Hf..., ~ J'VUo tl7 Alb-Seltzer';-'WhJch ec.- MN. Joe Gaudio. Mr. anct :\lrll. · , • A d 0 tam. eDral!zlnl buftera aDd eo ~·e .sr -llnlt !llrll P~l l ~:,,. f) '1-H .. ht>r1mn ,,. f'IIO•. Yi ...... IIIS an .._,_ COUDteract the auoeiatecl ~and ~ir. an,l )Irs ~mar•l I vah•11ring aftl'r '1 "'' ,.k 11 allnc-11,. IIGIII ~ StaiDac:h' Aclcllif. a..owe: and Dr. Oll\"er. ~if ,, liPIIOIIII attar k nr ttr. flu Y• ..._ ..... Vi~n A ........--of theM mlDor Yqu Build_ Or Remodel- • • .w iD pr«*C~ epinet But ~ relief II oolJ' • IIDall Cafectioaa wlalcla au more =-= ,CU JOG can apeet lib~)-to occw ia t1M nou • .Aib-Seltz,er to do for ,ou. YOG *-t. .,.._ ... •cl tinu~s. .m 6Dd Jt t4f.ctlw for Pam Re- wllea ..... ia a clefipesacy o{ I JWIDJA.dKJM.Nn~CoWa dila ~ ,... I ...-r AeMa ..& ,....._. Y• 11MC1 Viteala D to help ·~an enalpi&. (IOCII\D t1ta body .... proper 11M of ~ ..ut,Jate), ...S. IDIIN t1ta caldllli _. ~laorua in piQIDPt ad t&c:tiwe tn H11 pain- ,._ tllet. ftlJnlal artiaD~ aJbUne ..... If Y•• are aot cettin~ 1 .US.. I I _UDQ· SEAFOOD co-MPANY Flowf'r arTaiiJtf'mt'nta natural!~· ~liN' from ..... BIXLER'S FLOWER SHOP ....... ·eupta ' ~ ....... ..... , of ... two ;.JIOftatlt .._ llrri ....n ........ -~ ..... OJIJt.A-DAY 1-dtN make,.,.. 't!........ I "-d 'VI.--A ad D Tab-~~-::-•-= _, ..:.:=&. ! let ft'er7 .., ~ ..._. J'OW' :::.,. -Alii! I h t. · 1 -;~;F F;,.y . iiiiil---+t,-~' NE\YP.ORT BEACH. CALIF. C' PHONE 280 U11 N_,.n ~. Coatall-........... ', ·.