HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-07 - Newport Harbor Ensign• Harbor Area Scores Big At Disney Awards SeePage2 For Keywane"es. Debl Loofbourrow, accepts $5,000 award from Carol K. Und. ·~a 1111 NIWPORT INSIGH • ESTABLISHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 35 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7, 1982 • 25 CENTS by Robert Frcmk TlWI Holy w .. k ud ~ter will be marked with special wonbip UKI celebration •z- Yioee lD addition to requ.lar proqruaa at Newport B.acb churcla• ud other obeer- •ucee. A fPeCial Good Friday •r- Yioe ia to be held at 12:30 p .m. at the Newport Center United w.tbodi.tt Church, 1601 Wuvuerlte, Corona del War, lpOILIOred by five N.wport Beach cluuch• of tM Interfaith Council. Rev. WilllaJD WcOuotd of St. Mark Preebytenan will be the lpMker. Other churct.. apected to be repreeented lDclucle Newport Center Ualtecl w.t.boclilt. Chriat OucJ. b, the S.. United W.Uaoc~W, Church of the MM'er LuU..ru, and Com- -..., C..-a•»~a) aa.~. ~ r~~~W at Newport llador .. lcJ.oolia tM lllltia9. b aa INter Su.nd&y nari8e •J'ftoe wlth auic &om tM Muautlaa C!uiltiu Acaclem:y c:IUWna'• Chou ad th.e 10-pieoe PraiM Sym- Banning Foes Clal••• Half The Names, Six Days I seft Ron Kravene. 18, as Oaniel,_and Marisa Johnston. 13. as Orpah. rehearse for play which will be pan of Easter program at St. Mark Presbyterian. phony Orcheatra, acbeduled to beqin at 5:15a.m .. The non-denominational Mrvice ia apo;A80%ed by the Newport Rubor li,.nta Founclatioll. Putort will be ~ OdJpd at W&dDert Chu.rc.b, Tim Tt•-om of South Cout eo..wa.tty Church, and Chuck Smith of Calvuy CAapel. An Baiter 199 Hunt for bu~ppecl children ud their aiblin~~S will be bald 10:30 a.m. s.turd.ay, April cia) chacuter for me. I'm paymg SSOO a week mterest. and i1 I can't 9et tb1s atrai9htened out before June, I'm hable to be out on the street." Meanwhile, the Jaycees, who had volunteered to raise funds for the ori9i.ns&l work when it was priced at $17,500, have ex- tended the acope oJ their eHort. B1ll Littleton, a JaycM ofhcer who hu taken ovei apearbead- mq the fundz61Sing, aa.td, "Even thouqb Mataon never did have a 11qned contract, I feel the caty has a responsibility here because ll appomted the com- mattee that commissioned th1s Staff photo by B,;my Slobon 10 at the Newporter Inn, 1107 J&lllboree. Sponsored by the Much of Dim•; teMnationa call979-2270. The Iuter 'BWlDy will also m.ab • tpaCdal appearance. Aa~Prayu BaaJdut .;.au be Held 7:30 a.m. Tkurtday, April 8, at the Sheraton Hotel in NewpoJt Beach, 4S45 MacArthur. An ecumenic& rep.r-.ntation of the county'• clezqy ia scheduled to par· (Coatmued o11 pave 9) ISltes FadingFor General Aviation Are Orange County Super- visors about to put another au· port study on the sheU W1tboul taking any action on the report's recommendations? That seemed a real possabaltty u supervlaOrs prepared to hold a public bearing today to evaluate a. $98,000 study on pouible aites for future general aviation airports. The site recommenct.d by the study-tn the San Juan Creek area lave miles ... t of San J u.u Capistruo-IS opposed by some reaidenta of the a.rea , so the plan should be shelved, says county airport director Murry Cable. by Burt Sima Opponents of the city- approved Banning development project for West Newport said yesterday they have "a.bout half" the petition siqnatures they need to put the matter to a referen- dum. and were confident they would ma.ke the quota W1thin their remammg SlX days. Sharp differences of v1ewpoant in the West Newport neaghborboods continued to sur- face, however . It was learned a group claammg to represent some 3,000 homeowners m the West Newport Beach Association bad voted, at a board of darec- tors meehng last weelc, "to m - dicate non-support for the referendum but rather support efforts to b.ave the 19th Street bndge over the Santa Ana R1ver completed". l'HJs bnd9e tS a county pro- ject for which m.fonn.O sources sar an eof'lJonmenta~~-t report IS nearly ready. Meanwh.Ue, LoulH Greeley, presadent of the West Newport leglllahve Allaance wrucb bas spearheaded oppos&llon to the Banning project, s.ud, "As of 11 o'cloclc Tuesday mornmg we bad tabulated about 2,500 s1gnaturea-and the pellhons are beginnUlq to pour 1n." To mquaries, Greeley estimated there were "probably 300" mcLv1duals carculahng the pehhons She was unable to pro vade a fum figure, she saad, "because there also are volunteers we don't keep track of " lt would take at least 4,321 validated s1gnalures to qualafy the referendum, based on hqures obtamed from C1ty Cleric Wanda E. Petersen. She saad that the most recent number she had been q1ven for quah.hed voters an the city was 43.209-and it lues 10 percent to malce the pehhons valid. The Allaance has untu 5 p .m on Monday, Apru 12. to provtde Andersen wtth 1ts pehhons. "I'll hand carry them to the (Continued on pa9e 3) (CoDtuuwc:l em pa~ 5) Heather Gets A 'Pass' For The Weekend USC Cancels One Spot, Mayor Jackie Heather hu been Cjliven "a w.ekend pua' to retum home hom the bo.pital, abe told the BM.Jgn yeaterclay- ud ia pl,a1Ulin9 on pr•Jd.ln9 over the City CO\l.Dcil cnMtlnQ of April26. For Another Here able for study, a spokesman satd, fac ultv members who would be mvolved tn stafhnq the fa c tlaty would be ~sked tor opt mons. At present some classes are beang held an rooms at C oro na del Mar Htgh School Thts shalt occ urred when elementary school netqhbors obJected that USC's pro)ected presence would be dasrupttve, and were upheld by the Coastal Commlaaaon "Even oo • abort-term basaa, howeYer." wad Or Mann, ''perbapa two to bve years. we atill wish to have • plac• whtcb would have mor• identity •• a usc f.tc:Uity . "lather than 10 cluuooma ecataered around a campu.a, for uample, at would be much more preferable to have one bwldanQ fo.r the c.._.. so ttudnta would h•v• a chance tor interchan9•. ud a •ua of bekm9Ul4 to IM univentty .,..-.. Rep Badham "The problem 1s. where to cu1 ~ .. "' ' hv S ,.,, diiCI8to JlaclhaJD: Bta~~~e Denlos, They Control Congtess Interest rates will start couung down "when the bud9et dead- lock 11 broken, and (Hou.ae Spea.ker) Ttp O'Neill and the Democratic leaderahtp recog- nues It's t~me to cp.nt playmg pohhcs . and get the country moVlDg .. Tlus was one of the many VleW8 on current ISSU8S wrucb Rep. Robert E. Badba.m (R-40th) 9ave the ed..atona.l boaid of the Cout Medla News Group-The Newport Erwgn. Costa Muo News and Irvine Todoy-last w .. k . Badbam, seelnng re-elecbon U1 the 40th Oistnct. a.lao sa1d. -It is eaenllal that Repub- licans get out the messaqe that they don't control Congress, dapite the presence of a Repu..bhcan prea1dent and a bare majonty 1n the senate ''People ... m very supportiVe of the pr•ident-bul they have a cu\Wll, unsopluallcated oppo- aition to the ConCjJreaa, whacb muy ... m to tlunk the Repub- Uca.na control. ''The lonQer the Democratic leadenhip of the Ho\lM aita on thit. the more at helps them 1n Novem.bei." -The ~era! public does not r...UH tllat lD the S215 billion b\tdqet.d thia year lor d.Jen., ''-ore Ut.a 80 percclt ia per· IOilAel oc.W'-eala.rWa. pen- .sOu, b..tth ca.re, dependents' a...kll cant and relat.d u - ~-TN -.c.-tty to taiM --of tllla bJ a peroat C&lll. -. .... tM c..n. Ad•l•iatr•- ... clkla ..... ~ witlllDia· tiaia. a.. at ... a.uoa ..... lail11ftto...a~iaU.. ~ ........ , ..... nicma.ltt· ....................... .... ln*aa~-.""''M . ... , ... ~ ........... , D ' n .. SillilY Wtt 11 .. .......... ,= -• n'sr,._d ' ._ nuke camera and the M.X uu..Ue we'd only cut S4 billion t.b.ia year Some of tb ... are mulh-b1llion 1tems, but they're spread over several yean." -lrvlne and other H&rbor Area r•1denb will see the F -18 takmg o..-er where the F -4 Phu· tom left off-but tho• "race- track" procedurea wrucb brought prot•t.a aCiJ&.Ulal near- UlCeu&nt nol.M will not recur_ He referred to F -~ squadrOJd practicm9 taieofta and la.nduup at n1qbt U1 preparahon for boardmq the earner Coral Sea. "The Coral Sea cannot handle the F-18; the F-4e are belllg pbued out. Evedtually, the Cor- (Conhnued on pa<Je 4) ...... t • ., ...... '· ·-n. •=rwt ...... IN SHORT & f tall ~ana ..,..-..ca .... M'• ....... _ .. .... c.-a ............. .. ., ...... Cout....,. ... W. ••e-GD 'l1awJaMy, April 11, .... •=poilt Wardotl. TM7p.a . baa, fnetotlae PIW'c, t. 8pGMCIIM by tM --t.pe, .......... o.t wa.. v-.. ad u.. Newport/ ..._ ad lmae ._ach.w of the A .. dcu AwoaLettc.. of Uai'f'WI'· .tyWa... Ta.onow iDOIJWwJ, Aprll 7, ... ... ..bject will be cWM..t by Aaa...,_ Mayor Job S.,wr, l8paWica caadicUta ........... ad~­ blynaa Jab Guaamdi, O...CCiatic cudideta b 9QYU· 11«, .t • 7:30-t:»coatta•t.al blwlrfMt ($3.!10) Ia ... a...,lud Hotel'• vrand balhvc.. n.. Rewport~MaM amt of the t.pe of Wo..-Voten wtl1 ctJ.ca. the .... ir8u-SB 200-iD lt. ni Itiaq 8:30 ...... , nonala9. Aprill4, Ia ... Jac.M of ..... y llartnu, ltM3 TnclewbacM Laae, Newport. habmatioD Oil • r 1 tilD9I or ...aben~Up: 645-7UO. ........ C1al11 A~WWoe aw-. aad &tm*.,. ia•tMcl to a "Get Acqa.ai:ated• onc.._il puty ..... •==pwt Jlarbcw Art w---w.-...y, April 7, &o. S-7p.n . JfCA, lonMd ba 1-. tt'IUeNUt. p1roperly owa.u aad t ... atatatJa.nile-...,.... ... port c..t.r, ....,. ... tJwa 800 ............. 11,000 ....,... .. ~ ~640-1._._ Pray••···-A bua ....U lr 1 at:ine Prayw ......... will he ........ by Robert ..... Willian rrw~ 4 A.reocMW, • 190-awh-po- -~· ctftJ agbiF IWtg ad l&ad pla••iaq tiDa ta lfwuport s..cJa Oil Boq r.u.lay ..... iDQ, April 8, .. 7:30 .... at,lM sa..r.... Nc:wport Boeel at 4MS x.c.Artllu Bhd. iD N.wporl s..cla. AD ecu~~ qpnuntattc-oftlae Oraaqe Coauty dercn will participaa. iD tlaeft'elll. The .... Chuck Saaitla, putor o.t Calnry CJaapel of eo.ta ,..., will be the priDcipal rpeak.. n.. .... )4cmrkpor Jolm 6nrMOII, Yicu tor ,... , ........ alb'c.g 111 ... ..,. to s..t. Claw, iD ... .,. elf ....... elf the •=pwt ........ OIQUllu-....... .., ....... ta&al of $»,!00 Ia .... --D' .,. eo-_.tty Awant. pi ........... .... 'n.. 1-*I..eev-of JfwspcHt llub., IDe., -awudecltM ~ • ._ .. NrJ1I)&r pdse,. 8pedaJ Jw19-Awud of $12,!00 "b PI .at(JI9 90hm- tary ~of ita =when ba ed'oattic-al ad cJa.uitahle ~~.tlain~. Ama. lhdt aept r rated tM I..eegae, wiUcla -co-nmcW ....... t.ct -zrn acthe __ .... paowidrd 85,000 901a..._ laoaD to . . .... y pi01JI8 -• • • ad-dz...mqtM...cMof~t ~.c:llildabue, .... care, alcold .._ aad NCOVWJ, aDd tJae AJhwt Sittoa aa.. Speak-.' ........ A1f&l'd. of $5,000 eech _.e pr •t.:l tJae Neuport Claape.r of ... ,..._,., Cllarity l..ell9ae. lac., qpt I I I aJed by J.lher C.....Q91l, Jor .me. to ..mor cttisear; La C..., repn••ated by n.o.-Powell, lor U. vpWpoe to ... Albert SlttoD &a.. aDCi Oruqewoocl: A New Ba.e tor o.p.•a CIUJdna, aad tM Coroaa del Mar lliQia ScJaool ~. RPN- -*1 by D.bi Loc6oa.uow, lor . ••CIIti&g .. COUDtle. laoaD to BAY LIQUOR •• us nice liquor store" Next to the Irvine Ranch Farmer•s Market PEATUaJNG TH~ Plft~Sr Ill WIJIIU & SPIIUTS SpecialaAI INU.UOIN8 THIS WEB llutiaiA j ·-....... c .... A.ti $3.99 ~~ :;:::: $8.99 ..:.., ICed Of Whfre --San $3 · .:::.: • . WalbriW $8.99 S.n$3 e-n 12-,.k $3.99 ........ $4.99 s... • 7 $5.49 750ml SUVICE-SLUCTJOH QtOCEAIES NIO C".0U1M£T ITEMS A CAEAT SEJ.E.CTJOH OF WNS AND iM'OAJfD lEOS 0,.. s.w ... n.s.a .... 2651 IRVINE AVE. (at Mesa Dr.) 642•4 77 4 Newport Beach • Costa Mesa oEuvE~v SERVICE ""4iLABU camp Fu:e Stop PoishinJ y'"' Siwerw.e ,_..MOOf fVJlOI-IICJUOoti ·--·- For many years before his death in September. 1911), ~e 5l0t'e owner AI Forgit ran a weekly persona6-opnion ad in The Ensign. Soon. these will be published again in bool form. Meanwhite. his wedow Peg has decided to repeat some of the ads. This one appeared Jan. 9. 19fl>. TIE /JIJIO IIIII Second highert regular award of t12.500 is signified by this plaque presented to Juniof League of Newport Harbor at the Disney Community Awards luncheon. Anne Nutt aecepts the Special Judges Award from Norma Brandel Gibbs. awards committee chairman. cc:iauau.aity .. me.". The cite· tioa added, ·n-happy, project-and qoal-oriented ~people have, tadeed, -a...:tu.~-, ca..,_....-. The ltuetua Cowa.cil oJ Newport Rubor Art WUMum wu awarded $1,000 in tlae catevorJ of accomplialuaenta by rupport czrous-for "proaaotinq aad .acou.raoinCJ publlc lttlez..t in fUM artr," .. u.mplifiecl by hmdrai8laq actmU. which dca.ated nearly $140,000 to the 1 week TAHITI from .... per person ,mu.eum. Top reqular winner wu the flo.rence CrtHenton Services of Oranqe CoUDty, hMdquartered in Fullenon, which wu preeentecl the Outatanclmq Award of $25,000. Tribute wu paid to the Of9aniaation'a 16 rendered a si;nific&nt rervice to lheiz fellow m&D u well u developi.Dq tlaeir leadarahip yean oJ growth in which il hu provided rehabilitation and education to troubled acloleecent 1 TAHITI and MOOREA from •7M per person INCLUDES: Airfare. Hotel. Transfers ......... ..,., u.. -taral .__..__.1M a-til ..atlcll (842-4403] , gt,rla, aad alter a tkzw.YMJ drift NOOMCied iD .,.,.w ... la9 ttl OWD bGlld.tap, ~ 1ud qroudr 1Mt JMf. Bi9 IW'J)dM ol tlae luacla.oo whicll Jaa.teci1DOie tlaaa 1,000 OODUDUAIIJ and ci~ IMden •t tlae Dim.,lucl Hotelwu the rumoUDcemut that • $26,000 ~1.&1 q1fj wu belaq .deled to ithe $12,800 aw•rded GoodWill lndu.~trl• of 0rUlQe County for providing "u opportunity foz the hancltc•pped, d.i.Mbled and cltMdvut.qed to become •lf- aupportlaq" . Other Harbor Area wlnnen inclucled the following: : COSTA NISA: Y.S.P., JnQ, Sl,OOO, MJ'Vice for youtla; C.n- b.J Oru;e CoUDty Literacy ~ouncU, $1,000, education. IRVINI: Americ&n Cetaceu Society, $1,000, ud Natur.J Hiatory FoUDdation oJ Oranc,. County, $1,000-both in tlae cateqory of environment, ecology and enercn. Co•IBlttee Of 4000 I 8cbedaluRally A proqreu report on ita dispute with The Irvine Co. ia to be provided by the Commitl" of 4000 at a rally scheduled at 7:30 p .m., AprU 14, in the Newport Marriott. The announcement by Bar· bara Young, committ" presi· dent, aaid, "We have aome very important news for the le.ueholdera." . ... • The Villa Nova Restaurant, the Friends of the Newport Theater Arts Center and the Newport Harbor Jaycees, are pleased to present a special Advance Preview Performance of Philip King's "SEE HOW THEY RUN" to benefit the John Wayne Sculpture project DATE:April15, 1982 PLACE: Newport Theater Arts Center 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach CURTAIN CALL: 8 p.m. · TICKETS: 125 ... Tax Deductable Following the performance, the Villa Nova will cater a special Post-Theater Supper at the Arts Center. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: TheJohn Wayne Sculpture Fund AND MAIL TO: John Wayne Sculpture Fund-April15 c/o Parl&s, Beaches and Recreation City of Newport Beach P. 0. Box 1768 3900 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA (92668-3884) For further ticket information, please call Parks, Beaches and Recreation-640:2271 Clty'a Vlc:toay OD~rt 81•• VlveaACh••nae 'I'M-ol Newport a..cla'• euct ~-lt b.u qr .. t )UMI'J 'ltdory ~ Uhed the liQJiiflc.uo.. coaaty'e pkanecl ...,.,...,.. of ''TM COUAty h6d objected tlaat Jolua WQM A1rpol1 tra&c ttooJ" the iDJwact:ilaD (which would \lP Ia oout ~ 1Mt week-but JWLk it. pN~eDt muter plu) wu await. a flul ooa.fl.na.atioA. too bJOed. I c:1arified and -..de SQI*tor Court had9e Bruce explicit ju.at what the county la.u W. S..•aer, who W beea to do. Th.at lt, prepare a oew, upectec1 to ..U. tor.al hJa ed.qaate ID.tronmatal ho~ eatU.r ...oruchaa of iatended Report that b co~eot with the ct.owoa, 'lt..-1 WlobMl j\ldCJ4t'• deolt1oo. Gat&M, IIS*MI couuel Jor the "Aleo, I felt it ucMCliDQly oowaty, a~ to ct.lay actioo important that Judo• SUJDDer UDtll April 28. retain jurildictioD to enforce the GatU. ubd time to .tudy an writ aod iDjuncttoo." ...,_ded vendoe oJ a propoeed Thlt, Mid O'Donnell, would writ ol JD&Ddate and injunction make it muoh euler to tab whk:ll Pi.eroe O'Dcnua.U, dUecUy to court aoy charQe of N.wport Beacll'• lpeclal violation · oouuel, W bema i.Dvtted to wlait to the oou,rt. Aabd about the amendments, O'Dou.U told na. hign, "'nia lt l.ar too mapodaot a matter oot to have it riqht. Lawyen have to fiQht for the . . Gatske aubmitted a 30-paQe document whixh reportedly cha.llenQed the court's illitial findiDCJS that the county'a envir· ODmental impact report accom- 1 pAAyinQ ita IIULiter plan had b.eo ioadequate. "Where Picture Framing is an Art" gtudto , .. 2...__ ........... c.. .. ....._ Colo..._ tM7 17141 .MZ..-:n Easter Special 20~0FF Banning (CcGtioucl &ca peQe 1) ..._..,., o1 Voten lD Seta Au, .... aple•necl, ..... tla.ey wm be .Ujec:Wd to the c.rlific&Uoo proo.ee. The reqi.IUar b.u 30 daya ill which to do thlt. ''The fiodlnQI will be returned to me, aod at the n.ext reQular City Council m .. tiDQ (ollowinQ that date, the City CoUDcil will act." That would be May U . The peUtiooa prot•t the adop· tion of City Council Retolution No. 82-41 , which on March 12 approved the Banninq project ~er IC&liAQ down eome of the mduatrial aod commercial development, aod introducing additional houaiDQ. The BanninQ project would be an i.nduatrial-oUice-r..;dential development on eome 64 acres The Rewport t.a.lp Wedaeeday. April 7. 1-PageS of the f&uu.ly'e former ah .. p lurumQ them m . Anyone an cerlAilD IDlDOr detada of lhe pro- ranch-an u .. now cootauung call a nu.mber on the pehhon, Ject'a approval, but not wholly teYeral oll riQa-ud &n ad)Otn· ud • COIDmltlee member wul duuUafaed. " iDQ 11 .5 acr• owned by the p1ck at up. We wut them aJirn "It will 'do Jlllhce' to West Newport-w ... UnWed School by Monday morDlDQ ." Newport . District. Cathy Andenon, prHldenl of "I'm pleued tb.at the cou.ocd Some $4 milltoo m mthQ&hoa. the W •• Newport Be.ch supported the vaew oJ rDJ.Xed for tr&ffic unpacla aod other Uft· Aaaocaalion, earller bad IAld she hou.11D9, and that at cut down :>rovemeota are mcluded wu ta.hnQ A po.ahoo the mduatnal apace. I'm pleued . U aullicaent valtd aaQnalures "mdependently" of not cam-wllh the Bluff Road plan. The are obtamed, Caty Councll bas patqrunQ aqaaoal the referen-(Newport) Cr .. t QOI lla requeet the choice of eather repealaog dum, but not aupportmQ at. for Qr .. nbelt, to protect the the approval, or aubmaltant;J at to "I think comproDU.M aa what l · vaewa. pubhc vole. we abould be dealinQ Wllh," she ''I'm phuoaopbacally agaanst The earla .. t tha m\oht occur IAld. I ''.1 wu disappomted an the refezendum." wo~dbemN~ember, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the Qeneral elechon Gr .. ley aaad Mike Johnson. c hatrman of the referendum com- maltee, bad ~..~aued a statement aaymQ, "The key to the campalQn a bow mAlly people con- alder the referendum amportAlll enough to follow through Wllb ob· taming aat;Jnalurea and ADD SH EEN CONDITION and COLOR NATURALLY wath FRAMESI U .S .A . the low ammontd $2 5 0 0 hatr color P'I:IIU .. ANI:NT WA\11: S4!1 SHANP'OO CUT. STYLE SIS LENNY'S A rose is a rose HAIR DESIGN rWonwA\~~ A flOfist is a different maner. There's onty one Clark Kennedy. ~~ 641 -0810'• Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa 6ctcu Women's C/ocb;~ 111 Btttir Prices CLASSIC SPORTSWEAR AT SUIITAIITW SA YIII8S .SIMI •12 HOURS: MOM-Ril0-4 I (br~CIIIo) ~~llf··SUITE211 ~, l 87•·0S23 2333 E . COAST HWY g CORONA DEL MAR spec!a! after to new patrons-S5 otf wtth thls ad. The Nail Charmer specializing In professional nail care LIMITED OFFER SCULPTURED NAILS '30 REG S45 FILlS '15 REG Sl8 ~;;~2~750~HARBOR BLVD., 1-B COST A ~M~ES~A~Il~ 557-5055 l i:L a 1 '' rr, All Color Pots and Hanging Basketa ~, ·~A • ·, , Stop 1n ond see our new lone ol cords _.,,,'.f'J. ~ . r . gtft wrop, potpourri ond scent'> :~· ~ I-'-d • \) rog rugs, etc .;-y . . THE BIZARRE BAZAAR 1858 Newporl Blvd . Cnst<l M esa 846-3382 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -· .. ' -I st 1. • Callas rates! ~v~rv work1n~ Amem:an under age 70 may ,helter from F<'llt•ral ta'-t'' thh ~·(•ar $2.000 on an i~d1v1dual n•turn. $2.250 on a joint return wrth one worktn~ "Ptlll~('. or $4 UOO on two ~lara~ ... and bu lid a rt>ll rement fund in either of thest> ways VARIABLE RATE FIXED RATE \8 months 3. 4. or:, years lf you prt'ft>r to makt> a series of deposits. lf you deposal a lump 'urn for a f1xed term open a Varaable-Rate Account for 18 of 3. 4. or 5 yean.. you are guaranteed an- montru Add to 1t unt1l you reach you r terest for the fu ll ter m at the rate for the maxamum tax-heltered amount. Eight· week your account begms. Rates for new een months after your n~t deposit you accounts are announced each week. set at may move the total to any other account a rate hi~her than Treasury Securities without interest penalty. Your interest with similar terms. Interest compounded will fluctuate and be compounded monthly. No additaonal deposits may be monthly. made to this account. Th•n-~~" l)t'nalt} for prtmature Withdrawal. and Withdrawn fundi a no sul>J«t ttl tall. Get a free claec~ accoua wlda you •ew tOOO la.A! A Waste Of Money The moJHttary masochism in which one public- supported entity takes a.u.othel' public-supported entity to court, a.nd either wins or loaes has, of course. one in- esoapa.ble penalty: No matter who wins, the taxpayer loses-money. True there are those rare occasions when officials at one le~el or another persist 10 maintaining an unalter- able position because of-Just as rare-equations which in all conscience can accept only one total. But it is not unusual for tunnel vision to set in simply as a result of political expediency, narrow provincialism or s.imple ignorance. Compromise, which history has established as a leqitimate way to end domestic squabbles, national union batUes and even wars, too often is neglected for c onfrontation between opposing a ttorneys. An emphatic example of this has come with the apparent settlement of the long-stand ing dispute between the county Board of Supervisors and UC Irvine over the status of med1cal bills incurred by ind igents. The county has maintained 11 was beang sore ly ovecharged by UC Irvine. The university has denied th1s, and cancelled exten- sion of its contract. Meanwhile, bills totaling more than sa million have been In dispute. But a form of reason finally appears to have prevail- ed . Details still have to be worked out. but a formula for settlement has been hit upon. The big losers: 4le taxpayers who support the county and UC Irvine. This fight between the two may even- tually have cost more than $4 million. S.ince sources close to the battle say the two s1des were less than tha t figure apart, it's obv10us who's getting stuck-again . Bruce Nestande, chairman of the boaxd o1 super- visors, was a key figure in getting the matter to the point of resolution. He was quot~ as saying the situa- tion "is outrageous" and "symptomatic of a system that . . . works to .the benefit of attorneys." works to the benefit of attorneys." He added , "You have government agency fighting government ·agency and the taxpayers are paying all the b ills." As a former assemblyman who had helped with legis- lation which put UC Irvine mto the active medical support field, Nestande was knowledgeable not only ab out the backqround but Sacramento's power pohllcs, as well. Compromtse was achieved-but not before the taxpayer was force-fed another expensave d iet by those who had acted as though compromise was tmpossible. W e are poorly served when suc h lack of resolution gels this costly. -BRS . CONSUMER CORNER Dear Conaumer League: A year ago my husband &nd I aigned up for a readers' service which would supply ua with maga&inea. We were to make monthly payments to &n add.r ... in Lo. An9eles. About two month.a a9o, we received a letter from their national headquarters statin9 that our payment should now be aent to their New Yol'k office because the Loe Angeles salesman had f.Ued to .end collected funds to the company. We did what they asked. Then we received two nasty letters from them, statin9 that we owed four month.a' back payments. Patty, we pay all our billa, .. have the cancelled check to prove we have paid, &nd we have our receipts from the man in L.A. But what do we do next? Mrs. H. Dear Mn. H.: It .ems to me that your lour mi.ss.ing payments are among those that the L.A. 1a/eamon did not send to the New Yea ollice. So I sent a copy of your checlcs and receipts to the president of this firm, an A -1 letter. Pat Blow Couumer l..eaque P.S. We have jUBI received the nicest letter from the president. He says that the books are straightened out. ~:\\'ll()l{l ~ ENSIGN 27211. Cout Hwy .. Corou del W.r. CA m25-9!*1 Puhl.ahed weekly 011 Weclae.Ur ldUon.J aDd s.Jee pbone -67J..0650 RICHARD BBOHNI.R IOIPATBON ... STI'n BADLAHD ltlnSIWS . LU.AlfD PQUHD BILL srwr.ION . JOJtWIOTI ... WAIOUS DJITZ, CHRlSTOPHD L Y'HCH ...... , SI.OaDf ... ALAIUUICHOrJ . . . . . . . . Co-publiabe:r . .. Co·p~r . ...... Gaeral........., . . . . . lditot ~ldJtor Ad,.~ Dtrectcn Rei&U Act .. rt ... ~~ . .. lpontllport.n ..... ,...,...., . . Prod~M:UollW...•r "-~ c-,. (\Ill'S .. ,.570) ....... ~ ..... ...,..._ .. _.. .............. -., -~~ ...,._ ........... , 14. IMI H ..... I ...... •-a--. A J0l71, Ia ..... C..ot ...... eo-., .. o.-...... c:.w.-. ..... ..,-......., ................... .. ,._... ..... ~-_, ... ,... ......., ......... '-!-... lt. c • ., .. ...,.,. .................... ,....._ ....... , .. ···-, .. ,..,.. ,.,~ .. ·- ....... O....el~ .. ..._.. .... .........u._ .... ,_,.,..._e.--......... ._.... .._...... ..'--IC....U.... ... T.,......,., ............ .., 0 ........... .._ ........ Ul ,......,_,.._,.,.........,c-...._._o.,..., • .-.. .. c-........ ~w ~-- uti Vi TMt '~ ~N i W&H .... MO TAil.:,~~! BilOTTA ,r-o~ Letters To The Editor Are They Yours? To the Editor: Thia is not one oJ thoee letten of great importance or of &n e xtremely critical political nature to the city of Newport Beach, but it is a letter of concern for pe.rhapa the future generation of Newport Beach. I find it very disconcerting that a young buainesaman, a newspaper carrier, c&n.not complete his paper route without harassment from a local gano oJ 9-14 y-.zs of age boya who have nothi.ng better to do than to ma.ske We complicated for a worthwhile individual. It ... :m.a that the bumper stickei "Do you know whe1e your ch.ilc:liren a.re ?" i.a ve.ry appropriate to uk the parents of these nine young bulliu. Evidently even when &n adult has followed our newspaper carrier around his route and been present when th..i.a 9&119 h.u commenced haruai.n9 him, the g&ng memben find it a good es- cuae to tell the "est&b.lislunent" &nd authority-fi9ure all the CUrM WOJ'da &nd DUly slogan. they c&n come up with. This verbal &bu.se compares euily to the lanquaoe my generation used to call "truck drivers' l&nquaCjJe." What is even more diaconcert- inQ i.a that by law, the police department c&n.not do much more th&n wait &nd watch until this youn9 man is actually beaten up and then charges can be fUed against each aaaail&nt &nd co-QOnapirator. Maybe, in the end, this will be a very p08itive leuon for thoee nine, but what kind of retribution will happen by th8M nine CJ&nCiJ members if they only receive a simple slap on the wrist? Parents, if you have boya between the ag" of nine and 14, &nd you live in the Weat- cl.ifJ/Marinen area-do you know what your kids are up to &nd J they a.re &buai.nQ the ->'•tem that tries to protect the riCJhta of the iadividual of &nti- social behavior? Maybe thi.a is a perfect exam- ple wheze we need more Neigh- borhood Watc h involvement! Sue Ka.n&ga A Concerned Citisen Irvine Co. 'GUt' To the Editor: In your story (March 17) about plans for Crystal Cove State Park, it was noted that the state had purchased the entite 2, 791-acre property from the Irvine Co. Tius lS partially incorrect. The Moro Rid9e por- tion of the park, comprising 500 acres, was not bouoht by the state; it was a gift from the company. Thel&nd wu given to the state two yean ago. At the time, ita value wu con.Mrvative- ly estimated to be $12 million. We now look forward to work- ing with public agenciea on the pha.sed dedication of &n addi- tional 2,600 acrea of open apace between the preaent park boun· duiea and Laquna <Anyon. Once th..i.a i.a accomplished, the pu.blic will enjoy accUI to more than 5,200 acr" of contiquoua recreational land alon9 the Irvine Cout-the majority of which will have been provided by the company at no public cost. Martin A. Brower ' Director, Pultlic Relations DebatlDg Wbuaen To the Editor: CdW High School'• speech team culminated • ve.ry suc- c...tul ....on lut month at Or&nqe County Speech· LNque's atat.qualiBel' tou.ma· ment. After 11 Y.a hours of debati.DQ, Colleen and K.ria ~errigan aecured fint place ba team debate. Jeff Sklaa•ky ud Shennan Dom captured eecond p1ace. Jeff ai.o qu.aUfiact fen the state tournameat ba impromptu &nd utemporaneoua apeakin9. n ... tndividuala will be competing in the C&l.UoPlia State Speech Tournament. at the Univeraity of the Pe.oWc at the end of April. Colleen ~errigaA, Seoxet.uy CdW High School Speech Club More Badham: El Toro Use, Offshore Drilling hu been regulated at an uti· fioially Jow price. With deregulatiOD., th ... pricel will ... at their pMpe% S..ela ba the aa.u~. We dlda't ... the pncltcted catutroplle when lao-.e heatiag ot1e were deJ'equlated. and CjJUOline prlc., were clecontrolled. JOURNAUST'S JOURNAL by JliD Feltoa Someooe by the name of Francia RobN.rt hu bMn writinQ letters to the editor advoc:Ati.Dg more initiativ•. refer.-di aDd rectila on local bAllota-the •lat•t ezample ol CJOVerD.III.Ut by the inm.atu which ...au to be aw .. ping lb. land. U you don't like what your oovern.ment i.a doiDQ, circulate a petition. U you want to dictate foreion policy, circW.._ a petition. U the Supreme Court Chief Juatice offends th .. , cinNlate a petition. Don't bothet with the facta; there a.re 10 many unh.ppy peo- ple theM days for one reuon or &nother, you can qet a lot of people to aign mo.t anyt)aing. Not to be ucludecl, I'd like to au9geat a new wan of petition peddling. eo that nobody 11 left out. For starten, let'a circulate a petition to build a bridge from the Cout Highway to the Balboa Peninaula, a.rch.ing right oveT Balboa Ialand, much like the Coronado Bridge in San Die9o. That would unmarl a lot of ttaf· fie &nd free the bay of the huard of thoee lu.m..berlng old terri ... Let'a have a petition ~.a .. ching the atate government '(o return the Upper Bay to private property 10 tha1 free enterpri.M can clean out the mud &nd sludge that the .tate bureaucracy ignor• . Another overdue petition might call for the voten of eo.ta W... to direct their City Coua- cU, their ... mblypenon, their state Mnator, and anyone e1M with a political vote to demand the completiaD. ol the Co.ta ..... (fonur .... wport) rr ... y. ADd how about a petition uk· ing for a ballot pJ"OpOGtion that would outlAw empty t.U.l' win- dows in bub during the lunch hour. It would iller .... baDk buajn-, elJmtute long liD•, incr .... reet.aurant ud bu bu.lin.-becau.. people would have more time Jonaerly wuted standing ba bank liDee to cuh • check befon lwach. Another r•:rendum might ciutaDd that the city of Irvine widen Univenity Drive all the way to the San Diego '"'-way. and &nother petition drive might qive the people of eo.ta W.... Newport Beach and Irvine a chance to vote on the Uni•enity Drive extension linking the t.hr .. coutal com.muniti•. (Don't forqet-clapper raila and leut tema don't vote very heavily.) ' " ..,.. Jldh uti~ Clw hoi: pro cia h Sea W&l the B.ro tMJ leu CJell i.e-. ti011 ll 0\ai Act Nq W01 rou •.U....tally--.tttve .,..., 1aol~ .... 90-equ.are IDiJM off Newport Be&c:h u.d ..-dm9 bUo the C.t&l.ina C!MP•el, abouJd be deleted bola tM lede~al oilleu1D9 pl'OCJr&a, Gov. Jerry ltrown hu ct..ucW. Ia a lettez lut week to Secxet&ry of the lDterior Jam• Watt, who b,u propoeed puttin; the tn.ota llP Joz b6d lD Jue, BIOWD alto c:.Ued lor .. uru.ce that "Ml• of C&liforru. oil 1 ..... be OOillrac:tu.lly contin- CJUl upon ~ent of Amer- i.cau at th-oftahore opera- ticma. H 1M aoted that the federal Outer Continental Shelf Lancb Ac:t (43 U.S.C . 11356, et MQ.) requ.l.r• the u.e of Americ:u. worbn CJG the OCS. ' ODTnac:t lei Sculptor The CJO"I'DOI"• otMr -.ten ,.,.,.._deuau call for «Wetia9 froa the ..... u.. fu.U ud partial tract. wilhiP 3~ lllil• ci U.. .. ward bound.ary of the Stat. Otl ucl Gu Suc- tuuy off OraDCJe County, el9ht trac:ta iD the Suat.a Bubua lc:oloqical Pr.erve Buhr Zone; 12 t.racta adjacent to Santa Monica Bay; and full and putial lrlleta within the Loe An9elee/ l.oD9 INch Harbcn Precaution- a.ry Ar ... Brown noted, "Th ... recom- mendaticma repreMDt ei9ht yean of oommunication.a amonq coocemed citiaeu, elected otfi. ciala, the atate and the Depart- ment of the Interior. 1'&a dele~ tiona that I have put forth are r .. aonable u.d I am coDfident that you will find them to be lD the belt iDtereeta ci both the atat. ud tM D&UoD ... Sectioo 19 ~ t.tae ocs web A.c:t requhw the Secretazy of the Interior to acoept recollllllenda- Uou ci CJOYWDOn of ••• affected by the abe, tlJaillq and locaUoe of OCS 1.--when the reeom.m.Ddationa provide for a reuon&ble balance between a.ation&llnter..t u.d the well- belA; of the cttisen.a of the aJfectedltate. (Continu.d holD ~ 1) )ob in the hrat place, bec k 10 1979 "We're qoeno lo do our beat to qet tb .. art work for the c1ty It's a beauhful, tmpreuave p1ece 1 can't understand &D athtude that wouldn't support lh1s. "Bul we need contnbuhons " Checks may be made oul to the John Wayne Sculpture SAIIIT )AIDS EPISCOPAL CII1JKII 3ZCHI VIa Udo, •••pod lear• INVITES YOU TO OBSERVE THE DRAMA TIC AND JOYOUS EVENTS Of HOLY WE EK AND EASTER WITH US GOODnm&Y ll-3:00p.a. ~•latiOns on the ~ven Last Words de-vohons hymns of IM Passton 7.30p.a. TenebrM-an anctmt dramcsllc <1nd movmg choral ~rviCe With ~nltlf Chou and Orchestra BOLT SATVID& Y 4:00 p.a. CHILDREN S EASTER SfRVICl l.a!.ter Bctp- ttsms Pup~t P1ay an Easter plant for each ch1ld 1:30p.a. Easter V1gtl. ~rv1cr of New f11r f11st Euchanst of Easter. and ~rmon I&STUSUJIDAY 1:00a.a. .:OOa.a. II:OOa.a. Three festival Choral Celebrauon' of thr Holy Communton and ~mon w11h ~ntor Chotr and Orchestra Ould care at all servtces A RENT AN ARCADE VIDEO GAME CALL GALAXY GAMES-673-8245 WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR ll /lilT I ItT$ ~:::c~_-,,,¥ ~ t ' ~ fllnd, and .. nt to the c1ty'a Parka. S..ch• &Ad Recreahon Department, P.O . Bo.a 1768, 3300 Newport 81vd., Newport Beach, CA 92663-l&&t Checka made out the same way, but With "ApnJ 15" added to the fund d.Jqnahon, may be Mnt lor hcketa to the brat fund ra111nQ event, acheduJed for that date Thts 11 to be a prev1ew of "See How They Run," a Bntash farce at the Newport Theatre Arts Center The S25 hcket wul •n· elude a bullet d&nner contnb· uled and catered by the Vtlle Nove rNiauraot, w1d owner Jem 0ai., .oofher Jaycee, With aJI proceeds CJOIDCJ lo the Wayne memor1al fund "The hcketa can be p1cked up at the parka dep.artment. o r held at Will CaU," he w1d Other veoturN the o rgao1U· hon IS protechng tnr: 1de • Jobn Wayne Felm FesttvJ1 ext month, and ~r h 1 Nt. )1alq1a N1qht at the Ball t un Zone 1n June -lwt SiiBII Slmp6e interest on 18 month certlflcote accounts Rates and terms on new ftxed-rote accounts ore slbject to c hange Without notiCe. Substantial interest penalty fcx eony Withdrawal Call fcx comp6ete details. .. ·~--. -· . -.,_: . . . ----~... ~ .. C heck our ra1es-you Will be pleasontly surpnsed Rotes and terms ore subfeet to change. so coli today tcx the latest 1ntcxmotion. •t• • We hove money to loon tcx real estate. Pteose contact R H .. Dick" Turvlicliff or Jonathon Kteswetter for on appliCation and details. ,... -. ..... ...... -. See James P Ready. Trust Officer. tcx hEMp With all yOOI estate planning needs. ERie Roy Escrow Officer. Is prec;xJred to asSist you w1th all types of real estate transactions We Keep You Sm1ling . . . Ruth Rowland Nichols was the fU"'t. woman airline pilot.. She beaan flyinl for New York-New Enaland PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP Hauiet Quimby was t.he fmt. woman in t.he U.S. to receive a pilot's license. She was i.saued license N37 in 1911. Alrwaysi.._n~1~9~3i2~-~~~~ y 0 ~ il r. wu the first. U.S. aid ine t.o offer t.ran.sat.lant.ic jet service. According to Filaie Inter· national's Scott Aviat1on division, the first flliht was from New York to Paris Oct. 26, 1958. 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m . to 7 p .m. All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T . SMRECEK. JR., DDS INC 3961 MacArthur Blvd .• Suite 104 • Breakfast • Free Coffee • e Cocktails • Billiard/Arcade • Free Gift upon check-in Accomodatlons Include: Queen Size Beds RCA Color TV . AMIFM Radio Large Swimming Pool Picnic Bedroom with ki tchen and fl,. place at additional ratea. Twenty percent of Newport Center employees are now 1nvotved •n nde shanng programs otfered by Centende a new transportation management otan for Newport Center busmesses These people are a dnVIng force ustng carpools, vanPOOis and Orange County TranSlt DIStriCt (OCTO) buses to get fo and trom work And by shanng the nde to work each day. they re g n•no some great benef1ts Llke a S~Qntfecant cost savtnos up to S2.000 a year on o , r pa•rs nd 1nsurance More tJme ln the morntno to relax or read the paper And the opportumty to make new friends and acQuaintances that hare a common goal SMre yow ride 11 s easy And tun I You can co 11 throUQh your company sponsored program or by calhng Genterlde at 720 RIDE We II supply you wtth a match hst of people who ltve a conventent distance from your home. who s=are our work hours and are em etther at your company or at anot r Newport Center locatlOn Call Centerld today Or matl thiS couP9n to P 0 Box I Newpot1 Beach. CA 92660 F1nd out how you can J()tn the dnwlQ force 1n Newport Cent r -···-.#, ••• , , .... W tc:-.:IAI 0 -·=~--­, ... , ________________ _ ~·--------------------- a.~--------------- I I ' r;:=;:;;¢::;::;::=:z:~::::====:::::::::;;,n to p~ ... ,, ~ try. fiah. ,._ iooda wttllout wuhtnq bancb thOI'Ouqhly, theN foode may be contaminated ............. terila bit •awe. ill -..ny h,a'tn; __.u.. NC1t • tMt b.-beeu .... , ..... froat ~ 411 a•t C:OUD· lriee ucl C1alt\uw. s-.-...aretM __. popu)u-the Rua- aiua bake Jtirlic:b, a ..U aweet bread baked iD a moJd rouucteci on top to ....,_.nt the 4oJM of a Ruuian c:burc:b, ud moet Euro- pean c:owatri• have a tn.ditioDal e99 btead' with bfi9btly colored h&Jd-coobd eQC}I bak- ed iDa .... , braic:lecl yeut douqb. Americ:aua, too, have •tabliabed Iuter ltaditiOD.I. ODe unique- ly American c:u.atom ia the ba.kiDq and decor· atiuq of an Iuter cake wbic::b can double a.s a ct-rt and a center- piece for an l.utet d.i.lmer or buffet. Since canol cake ia a favor- ite, why not try a delicious caaot cake baked in t1le bunny- ahaped pan and start you own special Eaater tradition? It' a euy to baD and decorate, and eure to impress f&JDily and friends. Profeuioual r .. ults are euy to achieve with the Wilton Easter BWl.Dy Pan because the bunny pattern ia baked ri(Jht into the cake. A decorating baq and tipa are uaed to outline the co11tours made by the pan; tllen zigzags, data and etars decorate the eqg. The bunny's fur is simply fluffed on with a epatu.la. To ~e it eve11 easier, Wilton includes com- plete decoratin,g in- etnactiona ud icing reQpel with each pan. The Euter Bunny Pu ia available in your fawrite deparlment or c:li.count store, cake 8peei&lty shop or direetly from Wtlton Enterpri.Ms, Wood- rid9e, IL 6Q517. CARBOTC.U£ 1 ~ cups sugar 3eqQS 1 cup veqetable oa..l 1 ~ cupa sifted flour 2 t.p. cinnamon 1 ~ liP. baking soda 1~ tsp. baking powder 3 cupa grated canota · Y, cup chopped nuts Generously qreue Iuter Bunny Pan with eolid vegetable sbort- eniDcJ. Du.at pan with flour; tap bottom to reJDOYe uc-flour. Pre.laeat oven to 350°. In large mizing ~. beat sugat and 8998 unhl th1ckened; ecld oil. Sift flour, bak- iqq .ada , balcing powder and Clnna.mon te)9ether; add to eqg IDiature. Pour batter mto prepared pan and bake ia p.reheated oven for 45-55 minutes. Cool c ... od reftlove from l*l· Follow The Food Safety Slxl 1. o._. Spoa.- Cutti.Dg boarcb, COWllel' ud table topa and kniv• all call for apecial care w~e11 ~ witll tlle bacteria. Always ecrub turfacee and bancb with bot, eoapy water iJD.l'Decliate- ly after preparing raw mNt, fish or poultry. 2. Spedal C.. Fooct. Many nour- iahino fooda are periah4.ble. They must be handled with c:ail c:oDtaia braful bectem.wMD raw (thorouqb c:oolriAQ killt th.e bacteria). The duqer il that tile bacteria will c:ontam- iDAte the board or c:ounter top ud the bucb. B ..lad item.a aucll u celery or mueluoom.a are pre- pared 011 tlle NJDe Wl<:leanecl surface _ special care to avoid . . -·-. _._ dev.loping harmful bacteria that can cau.ae food poUoniaq. Some of tbeee tooa. are: lllli1k ud lllfllr proclucte-tc. creua, liqbt &Del heavy creaaa, c....._; eqg-a; a11 ...... powtry. fiah. ...toocl; tuna, ch.icbu and meat aaJ.da. X..p lll ... foocb in the refrigerator. Don't leave them atandinq out at room temper- ature. If y~'re takinq s-La. Pit G. them Oil picnica, ...... eure u..y're c:oolect. They .... e.pecially ~ill hot ........ ~JOU90 doppinfJ, 0... ioocb ehouJd qo IMt into the carl, be t.ba ~lome ptOIDpl)y. ud atone~ ill t1le re&iQerator im- mediately. 3 ........ Doubt. DoD•t t.ne It Out -Coobd tooda left out too kmQ at room .. te-.penhue IMY be the IOOtce of food poojeopi.Jl9. Tbe beet plaD Ia k> refrigerate fooct. .. aooD -u.. e.hle Ia cJeued. Store bot tood8 in C'Oilt&i.aen u ...n uad ahallow u I)C*ible to allow futer cooling of toocl, reduc- i.Dq riak of bacteria growtll. A rule of thumb is: keep bot toocla hot, and c:old fooda colc:l. •· r ..... rooct ec..-Btcwe frosen fooct. ill your a.o.. freeaer ia...d.i.alely after bwJin9· AYOid lh.wiug at n)OIIl teaaperature. If you do, ...U. eure they're in air-tiqbt ...Jed pacb~. 5. Befrlgenltor ear. -Overc:rowd.d rebic;reraton don't allow air to circulate . EIALL OPEN EASTEil SUNDAY LIL - -[ ... Rau l CJUild Stilh 11m Ot: Geol Wei, m.oJ Blpl.l a.&ct. ~ ). O'lh ..... Cow c (a N Ill c .. HARBORUrES A.lnoDQ thoee wilo cam• to purchae Geo.rooe Beruiqu•'• oU. were Su.aie and Rudy Baron , Ann and Jack Biabop, Joyce and Rob Ukropina, Barbara and Pat CadiQan, Nancy and John Cur - ci, C.thy ad David Schweikert, Gep 1>\UenbezQer, Jeannette and John Wlller, Cecilia and Bruce Nott, and Joan Neville. • • • J. Robert J'luor and RichArd J. 01le6ll hoeted a deUQhtful ~~ at the Santa Ana Coa-try Club to ...wt Orano• Staff photo by Otna von Burge• County'• hpJoratory LearninQ Centel'. ELC hu received the larQest ain9l• challenQ• 91ant ever awuct.d by the California Com· munity Foundation. The amount it $50,000 and the holts invited the 400 in order to meet the oh&l.lene)e which they moat qracioualy did. Amon9 thoee lD attendance were Bob Fluor, Jam .. ROOMvelt n.bbinQ for O'Neill, Norton Fink, Michael Mcl-eu, June ~. William Eateru, Jamea Andenoa, Lou Baker, Willi&m Ehrle, B. J. frankovic, Richard ~on.~rrittJ~n. Tom Noore, Nary Nolan, Courtland Paul, Ray Warren, Joann• YounQ and Nary Yunt. • • • Nancy and Jack Caldwell'• cocktail reception in order to raiM fuAda for father Ritter'• home wu an oua.t&ndinQ .uc- ~. Oth .. were Helen and Ted Draper, PeQqy and Gary Damell, Wary MarQaret and Ted Finlter, Shirley and Bob Hauck, IC.athy and JtencWl Simpeon, &..mary and Ray HitMl, Su.lie and Bill Hopkina, Wary and Marvin Maron , Bob Hopki.M, Verlie and Jim New- qui.t, and Jane and Skooter Booth. • • • The Auxiliary of HoaQ Memorial Preabyterian Ho.pital held ita 30th annual luncheon at the W ..tin South Coa.at P1.ua Hotel. The occuion wu the installation of the new preai· dent, francine Arena. Amonq those in attendance were Patti and George Hoaq, Frank Hall, Jackie Miller, Bette South, Jane Clemena, Zada Taylor, Virqmia WaahinC)ton, Linda Bertone, Sue Ahem, Ruth Poole, Mildred Holliater. Marion felton, Nary Hopwood, Gwen Mayberry, Irene Lee, Marl Helen. Belun and Edyth Bulloch. • Tanya and Tom Casey basted a cocktail reception for the Bll.lineu Councu of NH.AM at the muaeu.m. Amonq the o-uem were Lance Blue, Lucille Adam.a, Roque Hamley, Judy Mc Phail, Jeri and Jack Dwan, June and Eric Eklund, Lynn Miller, Robert Helnu, Jerry Ha.rrinQton, Diana Will, A1 Wanamaker, Rick Liv· ingaton , Doris and GeorQe V09el, Scott Miller, Steve AodreWll and Ruthie Jen .. n. • • Calfornla's Largest _.~~--, Selection of Bridal Fashions CalbNa'l ~ lele'*-• Of ll'dal ~ 3«)4 Wesl ..._lr'linler A~ SaniO N-o eo.omo 91700 (114)53' •&7\ 8rfght and am(. ~ rwnodl!l c11lwM bec*oomS. den. 2Ya baths. Home ~ ~ beaCh Cfleltt.d c:no. ~ .. ev6den1 through0u1 EJccelent fkadrQ $536.000 FIE , 2111 SAN JOAOUIH HIUAt ROAD NIWPOI'T lEACH SpeakiD.o of 'ri•actou Ruthie: She and 38 othen jut returned from the Parlai.an buv• trip which .J.o raieed ftmda for NHAM. Then on April 'oobl Doy, abe ha.~ted" deliGhtful puty. Slop- pinQ by were Linda Remley, Carl Loveqrea, Robert Smith, Holm• Taylor (who IMd jut flown in from W.ldco, where wife Dorothy it lendi.nQ their yacht), Barbara Aune and many mo re. • • • Postcripta: _ Barrett Bertea tal~• from her finiahinQ echOOlto visit her parents Hyla &nd Dick durinQ the Euter vaQtioD. • X.therine Marie CleQQ, in.lant dauQhter oJ. Lynda and Robert, wu recently christened at St. John'• Lutheran by Qodparenta Wanha and Larry Hester. • CelebratinG at the BBC after their marrl&c;re aboard Patti and Bill von Hin.lde'a boat were Karen and NicJu.el Paris. ln the weddin9 party were Edith, Gu.a and Ann Neiater, Vibeke Boykin, AlviD Burke, Th.e ""'port EDalp WedMeday. AprU 7. a• .... 1 Le-lng Plans For Luau Wtth proceeds mafked to assist in PfOviding University of Southefn California scholarships to deserving Orange County students, USC's Town and Gown AulCiliary will have a luau-"Okole Maluna" -at the ·i Balboa Bay Club April 17 . Paul Salata w1ll be auctioneer. Debbie ·t Lewis, (from leftl Melinda Patton, Marty StySkal and Phyllis Oi Gruccio consider some hats and leis as decorations. Sheila and Ray BanQa, and Jean and Chria P&N. • City of Hope Open. Door Chapter held a party to "Learn How to Win in L.u Vac)u." • Harbor View Elemen - tary atudenta were treated to a performance of SCR'a Tbe 'itn .. Gcuue underwritten by G.il Ocha. • Robinaoo's held a IJ)eCial Beatri.x Potter atory hour u a p..-.luter pr ... nt for the m~eiU. • The '81 prov1- _ .aional eta. oompoeed of 50 OC Staff photo by ~ &con women became active meaa.Mn of the Junior LMQue of Newport Harbor on April Fool. • Nucy Eb.en celebrated huah.nd Bud-' dy'a birthday on open.in9 n.icJht of the Newport Harbor Acton ThNtJ'e production oJ ll!e Royal Fcun.ily. • Nora and Jerry Wuller feted Tom Nestor at a recent l:Ugb tea. Happy &.ter. THE COMMinEE OF 4,000 is holding a meeting for all Leaseholders and Friends: . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1982 MARRIOTT HOTEL BALLROOM 7:30PM, FASHION ISLAND IMPORT ANT UPDATE ... AND SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT This meeting will determine th future of The Leas hold lssu FRENCH I • LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN Loving Cou~s Love and Death Mahogany JUST THE FACTS let's forget the talk -here are the facts about rhe Beeco Bann~ng Pro,ect The road that would be bUilt to m111gate murh of the 11aH1c problem created by the proj- ect DEAD ENDS 1n the 011 f•elds -Beeco·Bannrng's agreement to bUild the road •S a trade off that would allow them to add another lOO 000 square feet of mdusrrrat oHrce burldmqs AFTER they have already bu1lt a huge, dense development They don't even have to bwld •he r ~>ad untrl and unless they are ready 10 add I hat 100 000 feet -lndus111a1 devetopment DOES NOT benef•t the Clly f1nancrdiiV 11 COSTS the crty, because of serv1ces 1ha1 must be pro,,.ded Cost of these servrces more !han offsets any talC rncome to the crtv -When the pubhc hear~ngs at C11v Councrl on the Beeco Bannrng proposal ended, and w hen homeowners asked leg1t1mate questions of the cmmcrl some counc1l members responded by calling people names. For e){ample -Counc1lman Maurer sa1d, "We won't allow them to do th1s aga1n we can't be swayed by unrealiStiC complaints.·· -Councilwoman Plummer uid, "The pet1t1on pushers are usmg d1abohcal decett " -Councilman Cox said. "h's Ju&t typiCal of the obstructton1st po1nt of vtew They're ltke a bunch of terronsts who want to blow up the world I don't th1nk a dec1swn as tm· portam as thrs should be pu t to wh~t I call a mob scene." So there you have It A populat vote to detefmrne our cuv's future tS described as a "mob acene" and those who woutd ... k such a vote are "terronsts " If you want to join the ,.., of the people of Newport Beach 1n thiS "terrorist" lttempt to milke democfecy W()f't(, Of if you JU$\ feel a ma.JOr de<:~Ston like thtS should be put to • vo~. ca1&42·3125. &46-1686. or 642· 1998 • ' BON APPEl II' ......... a ,.a.·-~-·scllaady .......... -.. w..c ....,., aad to ....._ •1 ooapaa- ilaa'e ..ootll aad cWan• oolcl IMiood pete' Ia • ·~ ·-........ Aa ..,.O.t Aa tM ........ IU9 cllttlee llaaow.t ... s.a.a.."A ................. , .. ................ ou ....................... .......... ...... ., poecMcl, &Dei _.,. ia U ia.lptNd MUGe ol r.a~ ... eonel, ..-·+ ..... -.a.,..., ~ ..... wttla ........ ud tilly wJU• 1011e potatoes W, cc.apuiolt'• ... ·~ 181M CUM ia tM ....... of a.udoD.DAy, St. c ..... t;:~==::;:=========-=-;;:::==========:.=====~ (1880) wu pou..red .w. tM .., ...., Cotto~~ paJlied by a bit oi to9 Wrd ~. putry, topped wttll S.ace ~~wilhtnaf- 0., g&rlli.lbecl wttJa cr....cl aplMc)a, baked toiMto wttJa bui1 buttet, ad • cleJiciau l1ttJe apricot &ttt.r. WitJa the •U.. ~ d.ruk Voee 1878 Cahemet Sa\Wipoo, ricJl Uld e&eoaat .. .naby red ..t'Nt. .. 0... ued t1aeatw have been tra.uport u to a bU oi Vk*Rtu SaW a... nut, Uld lor me ooablaed ba • doaeD waya, LondoD .. we wwe uberedlDto U wu a creative cleUoecy of rue lbivtll9 to e:ntertaiD while offer-the lower dial.D9 rooa, trau-breut ol cluck lD rupbeny 189 the di.Der hcepit&lity with fonud bato a 19tll-catury ~. with ~. oel.ry tood and wiDe. Soaebow theze parlor. UILiformed bobbMe were ued aheetaute, •rftd OD Ka- ia alwaye a •puaUOD of actoz OD petrol# ud a eobcitous hacky IJ·vdODe J.athaoe. uad audiezace, of diDer &Dd lupector Lsstrade oooclKted ua Aa we eajoJM a JD&nelou.a ... rtai.Dez. Not 80 when to the punchbowl wh•~ a •n.r ~ bleck~Mrry 801'bet, table- Richard Dohen and the Pick· iD white tie aDd t.U. ollend a hOJIPlD9 ~r t.s.trade wick Club weave their plot tot of apricot braDdy ud I'WD (cMpl.cted wttb wit ad atyl.e by tbrouqh the oou.n. of the drink, and a etrino quartet aotor Jolt.a Jurell) pranced by dbmer, &Dd the character• atop played oatle melocllee. wt~ a Di•r-looklDo ch.uacter by the table to whiaper a clue or Nn. Hudeon, HoJ.au.' wtaoa leis flatrochtced ul.upeo- pobat out a aupictou.a character. oracioua laDdlady, led qu.te to tor Jtriltol. I Ud already dasduc- Oura wu "Au EV.niDo with the dinino room, elec;r&Dtly aub-eel that~ WUIIIMCI\Mlad· Sherlock Holm•," conducted iD dued with eoft Uoht from tum-of· 1DQ u hoi••l)r Moriarty, uu:l orand .tyle at the impeccable the-century lampe and cba.ode-olowed wi_. pride whea he wu Heminqwaya in Corona del Nar. lien. un••ded u tM vilJa.tll at eve- An unUual chilly rain accom· A choice of appeti.un allow-nba9'• -.d..-. For all Your CatertDe N COME TO SAM'S 1909 Harltor alvei. at 19th St. Aolo~~ COSTA MESA 548-7822 SAY JE TAIME For that tnttmate rendezvous "Say JET' AI ME" at the Pleasant Peasant For the French exempli· ftes the true meanmg of romance. and the culinary delights of fine food' AWAIID WDININ6 r.--~......u-New York Style ~~ ........ • CHEESECAKE W•tdaFoi'O... 2adMr. D'• o.....-. eooo 'ln the Lake Forea Plua ln El Toro MR. D'S CHEESECAKE CO. Rt&SAWlf Alan Bates and Maggie Smith ...... c.an••• f •• UUI'Aifllll ...... .............. ... ........ ., .... ..., .... lO ... Aa we lipped a Qlue of port at diJmer'a ad, a rwell oi aetirity aero. the room ebocbd the qu..ta. Ou oi the iormally d.r~ waiten tlue.r off Ilia taJ.lcoat, doDJled tJae ..... lure ~ m.ackinto.a. uul cq, dbcloeed that he ... iDcleed Hoble., and quickly appnhad- ed the fiadiah Woriuty. It wu an ....W.O filled with ch&ma and a ...... twa ud fiDe U...tw, witb a IMJDcuable dinner perf.otly prepared and •rnd with cr•tirity and .tyle. H.JDinpaya ia at 2441 I . Cout Hwy., in Ccmma del Nu j(673-0120). lor your "lvenino with Sherlock Holm.," or a variety of themee which include NcmD&D Rockwell, Zorro, or C!ui8t1Du with Claulee Dicken.a, Rlchud Dohen and the Pick- wick Club can be reached at •94-tl16 iD WQ'UD4 Beach. The Pleasant Peasant tn Newport Beach. located at MacArthur Square offers you the ambience of a French Country Inn. wtthout the "haute" prices -R BRUNCH WI1H The Pleasant Peasan! serves lunch and dtnner wtth a ftne selectton of domestic and tmported wmes I W e prouOiv iiCLI'IJ 8 .t A M4ste<~ Charge and AfTlero~a· Eaprt-ss 251 Martingale Way, Newport Beach (In MacArthur Square) T etephone ( 7\4) 955-2755 1HE EASTER BUNNY Th~ ICids wtll luv~ our Eo~srer 8uffc1 Brun~h ~.IU!>t' tht· l:o~stt·r Bunny wtll ~ t~rt' 1 Eo~sc~r ~gg hum .1t II \0 A. M .tnJ I \() PM a You lllvvt' 11 fur tht fo~buluus .trr.ty of t.ISty SP«t.that~ Complinwnr.1ry Ch.amp.agne Roasr Baron of Bt-t'f B.1ktd Ham. R.11.Stn Suutt' Egs IWnediCt Snfoud Newburg Hnrtng m Sour c~.~m A.nup.uk, .1n&.l fresh Fru•r So~l.l\.b H.1m, Turk~ .1nd Bftf T1ps l 1.1 l>~\HS4.h ChtlleJ Se.1fuuJ Mc~m~ tn P.urry Ch Kirm <. h.l.ss.ru r AssorreJ frt'~h Po~slrlt'~ Hut (nt~ Bun~ And Mu~h. Muc.h Mun- Served 10 our m.agmftanc (rr.and S..llroum, Adults S 12 '0 Ch•ldrm S6.00 Or tn 1~ dtg.anr prtv.lt)' uf rtw (ir.mJ PHnJ~'t" Resuur Jnt Adults S 14-~0 Child~n S8.00 Cunr tOUt IUS t'nlt'riJtnmc.-nc • Reser¥JIIuns JV.IIIiiblr ~g•nntng 10 ,, m (JII Y>2-H777 R 1HE REGISTRY HOTEL 18800 MacArthur Buulevo~ni. lrvu1e 7~2-H777 The-Rc~ettrry H<fft-1 (..orp"'"'"'n l> .. n .. , Tlr..o• .. -ao.tlahcltlc' t.y .... ·-· . 1-..--~ proct.Otioa. oi ,__. hdtld' tlau lou r -lter, tNt U.. .-91owt.a1 of all wu u.. orl9faa) with Wary Wartia aDd lao Plua. 11aat will ....., be ~lined. no •••• Sebutie•'• ........ 00.. 1IP .... aD ......... ~ ud loriJuJ Mow U..t. ~1 ol _,. tMa peWD9 att.Dtica. Ia fAct, It ........ 9oocl abow. ''SoGtJa PadficH 1a DOtah&e for ite ratlller 11troD9 plot and U. pedectly ~ econ by Rodgen ud lluuDenWa. Tbe compaay here w ... well by the aoG9Pad, outatdeolaiew brW ..-;maate ol o.er-... m.. pe~. it w giftiD proper attelatkiD to tJae atory. TM CUlt II tsn tied by LiN Cutler, do II raaulraWy apirltled ud oaprictou aacl ~ oaptuw dee Mart ol NeUle fomu.la. It II a _. eD989in9 pedonnuoe, ud abe 11D9e.,...., ..U, too. Oppc.ite bar .. Durell Sand .. , ~ reminda OM at timel ollaio PUaaa with Ilia rich buUioDe. Hll oaly WMLr .. U. a pepeice lor dellveriDo moet of b1a eaDQ8 out froat to the audience. ft1a U. rather awkward 1~ 1D the aceD• with Nallle. a. 18, thouoh, quite impr.-l ... VerdOD Aahlly-Simpkina U. a GQtty .... CM......, Bloody Wary, ud Howard Goodwia .. --usa• .. ~~ BW.A.. SW., IM..._U upatU.., ktwe ... aoospt U..t . ..,..w Sawedsn II a penoeab&e Lt. Cab~. ucl b.u a tiDe voice, but 1M ilia bit lUff aDd too b.roic (in boc:b ~taos). lis ooUl ue -.ore ...-u.sty, aacl b1a ''CaNhally Ta\apr' .~.one of tJae .,... lla u.. .... COQ)d ba" JDOre pta, aore iapact. Taylor llayee 1a a ft9orou Captaia, aDd IJat II cbanaiJaQly polttayed by S.U Z.quirre. Jolt.a Clalvez u Radio Operator wozb too ba.rd. lor COIMC:ly in the .,.. wi .. the C.pt&ba .. they await u. ol bai1e ud eaw.. Hie •899lao got the \au9ha, blat tJua II aot a ~ fwmy eoeu. OtMn 1D the cut play with .... ud a ..... of joyoua mYOl...-t. Jolua Splnd._ directed witJa ftne, •tkulua and ..udti.S- ty. 1111 c:J.oJ'e09Taphy 1a aot ejteuivs but p1eeMnt, ud Ilia ataCJe oi"Nothi.a'Lik• a Dame" ia a abow.atopper. One quediOD-wbat happened to the childra of lmile? The w..betitutiOD of a youno oirl aomewbere iA bar t .. u i.D place of the Uttle boy aDd qirl ia a bit diltractiDo. JNt-thia "South Pacific" U. a mu.a~... It abowa what liD• tbiooe cliJ:uaer theatera can do wheD they put in the effort. NOWOP•N POll Lunch & Sunday Brunch For laervadons 759-1854 3901 EAST COAST HWY . COAONA DB. HM Lunch I I :.)0.1:00 s.MJ ~ t t :00.1:00 COME ON IN FOR (Co tictj au by : rro 1M s chu the 0. c.M "" 1:30 s-. p.a. a. oeO c-ud t Mill a. leco ..... ... ..... ... ud , .. .... .... uul l 0.. a.. w. bratlt 7:30 ~ P·•· Gc 1 p .l 7:30 Set ..... ... 10L -.. l6pc • lrriD ~ eo. ~1M Fl I or I I I • (ColltiDued fJOID 1*Je 1) ti.Qpate. lt't u.. Iouth auuliiUCI. ftat ananc;reci by lobert l.m, WillWD rro~t a A..octat• ot N.wport Beecll. Soun:et at the city'• chwoh• have armotlllced the followmv tehedut .. : Ow....., 0.... ...... A8ge)l Czct "=a.-c... 3041 Wu Vllta Drive: n...._,, A.Pril a. revw..r w-., 1:30 a.a.; Pta 1 • • ol tM la.-d s.c-a ADd WMIIt..laQ of ,_. at 7·30 p.a.W... Good Jdday, -•·1 p .a . NedJI&tloae -Ou Lord'• ·~· S..tiou ol tM c._. .tl:30 p.a .; Litur9Y of P- ad ~--&t l ud 7:30 p.a w-. Setud.r,, Apdl10, S.Cr-.u of ........_..letto-, 10 •·•··-· &ue.z VtQU W..,Sp.a . ..... Suday, 6:30 •.•. Swu1. a.-; ........... t :30 .... ..... IMtu1.g tM A.dalt O.OU; 11 .... ..... ud 12:1!1 p .a . w-. • a-. afo""9D'-r ~ P. ONcoll, ..... Ma.ripoT WIW.t.a Balpla Ha.r..y, .... J ... P. ~.a-. Scon s.llot ud O..CO. a... Mr. IQ~~GQ C&nl-. Ow~ ..... C...l c.u.ollc ~..a. lW W. la.Lbo.: W......_y, April 7, Co-llD&l Cale- bratioa ol Seer-eat of PeDAnca lollo- 7:l0p.a . W... Thunday, April 8, 8 •.•. a.od 7:30 p.a .W... Good friday, IJ.huqy of •~~~. 1 p.a .; S..tiou of the Cro., 3:30 p m., 7:30p.a.W.... s.tuday, April 10, 5 p.m Iuter V191J ...... a..t. Suaday, 8 •.•. Qll.lt&r ...... 10 a..a. W.. t.&tur. Tradllio11 Chou; -w-ud 5 p.a . Gu.it&r Na.a. lle.. no-O'Do.-11, "-· Noo- lipow Job Doaa.. ---a.rt.tkla Cbwda. 2401 tnt-: Thunday, April 8, 7:30 p Ill c-.--. Senica leatunAQ c hou A at-!.ov praJW ncpl h.Qw a.ltaz the ~ a.... a-day, A b~ wt1J be ..._.. .. t:41Sa..a.~bya.... ..me. .. lO a..a., ~ dlooir ud .... cllolr wtda til C'lio1lll ,_ "Tile Mcs::!·h • a.-: "A C'rY of Joy,• by ...... a...s..... le. ,__ ~~II .Ill Cburdl, 3D VW. Udo: W......._y, April 7, 8:30 a.a wcMIW, 7:30 p.a ., &.tiou of the Cro-. Tb.nday, ~pril8, 8:30 •·• ei&Cbu· 18t; 5:30 p.a . COAl-ion; 6:30 p m Pa.ove1 wppaz; 9 p.m., ltnpplDQ of allan ud devotioiUI. Good friday, 6:30a.m. eucllari.tt; tr..tltional lll.-hour •rvi<:e hom DOOA·3 p.a .; •nlca of T&Aabr .. t .. tur· loQ tM ~r cbior at 7:30p.m Satu.rd,ay, April 10, 4 p.m. &\&c:Un.t uad ~·· •mea willa baptiem.. Fint lll&ll of Iuter, 7.30 p.m. leah&nDQ cbon&e. IMear Suaday, Choral wch.an.l -at 7, 9, uad 11 •.•. leah&rtAQ orc:a..tra uad -.o1 cluor. FatM. Job Aahay uad Fatllar Bn.an eo~ IV. le. M!Qael • 1W ADgele Ept.copal Cbwc:L 3Z33 Pac:ibc V._: tllu.nday, Apnl 8, Pa.over euppaz a1 6 p.a ., e!ACh.uiM at 7:30p.m . Good Fnday, tlaraa houre of madJta · bOD.I a.od StaboiUI of the Cro. baqmo.UJQ at DOOA. s.tuday, April 10, The Great VtqLI at 9 p.m., finlt .... oJ Iuter at 10 p m Iuter SllDday, choral eucban.ll at 8 &Ad 10 ...... Rev. JollA RoQen O.vw Ullltad by R.v. PhiJUp Roudtraa. LutberGD Cburch of thtt Nc.ter. 290iJw· Pacilic: View, CoroiUI del War . tll\I.I'IIUy, April 8, holy CODIJDIUIIOD at 7:30p.m. t.ah&.ri.RQ chou. Good friday, Othce of Tenebr ... 7.30 p.m. Iuter SllDd.y, 8 a.m •rvac:e will be COAtemporuy iaatunAQ parformanc• by the SllDd.y ecbool a.od youtll qroupe A coH• how a.od Iuter &QQ hllDt will be bald bafoze the tnd1bon&l arvtce at 10:30 a.m., wlucb will l-tura b&A.dbell a.od cb61lcel choira. ''Stop the World, I Want to Gat Oo" 11 the title of Putor Rober1 0 . Collick'• machtaboD Nawpon S.bor Llllh.cm Church. 798 Dover· Th\I.I'IIUy, Apnl 8, 6 p m and 7 30 p.m. ~ 1-h&nDQ a ra-c,_bon ol ~Sed.--a .... epecW ... Good Frida~. T.-br .. •I"YYCe, 7.30 p ·• I t..hu1ao choU KMt.r Sud.e~. Paac.a. ~ at 7 •.•.• lollow.d by ..moe &t ••••. ; pall· cab b~ .. t-30 • • 6ollowed by INYioa at 10:30 •• Puton 8ob.r1 J lezq ud Geol9& A. WU..r. St. Aaclnw'e ,...,....._ Cl.wct. ., ............. 600 St.~; Thllllday, April a. MallDiiy nanday aoaaiUUOD at a p.a Iuter Swlclay, IUYk:al at 7·15, 8:45 &Ad 10.15 •·•, 6eahutAQ cla~m:ll ud MAct\aa.ry c:ho1n , br-chou aod OrQ&D, a11d cbu.rcll a.od Carpan~er'e Guild b&Ad- baU choln. "We'• Noat C ruc l&l o-.tioa," by Or JollA Hllfbaaa, Jr St. Mark~ Cbwdt. llOO Nar Vwta tllllllday, April 8, Mal.l.lldy Th\I.I'IIUy co-wuoa •rv.c:. at 7:30p.m. t.a.hu- IAQ ''The Uol .. ve~~ad," ua oriqul&l plAy by Stave Joluuoo. Iuter Su.od.ay, •rvtcae at 9 uad 10.30 • m laahu1119 tile HaUahajab chotw1 uad a parfoi'III.&DCe by UturCJ)C&l duac.z Judy W aqoar, aotrtJed "Dry loa• a.od the Duaca of w. H R.. WUU... NcQuoJd c-...... c-.IIDlty Cbwclt eo.., .... t.o-1. 611 HeiJotropa, Corooa d.t Mar Thu.nday, Apnl 8, NaiUidy tllu.nday co-WJ.Ioa •rvlce at 7 30 p .a Iuter SllD.day, lll.llnla •"'ca at BiQ Corona, 6:30am Tradlbon&l •nncae at 8:30 &Dd 10 a m t .. tunnQ lltriAQ e~U&mble. cboru1, trwnpata uad h&Dd· belle S.lacboo.e lrom HAndel &Dd Bach are echadu.led Nuu.ter Ooo&ld W Kula. Mariows Chwch. 1000 B1.10D. Thu.reday, Apnl 8, ''The Face of Cbr11t", by Gil Ameho, will be p r-Diad Ul a 7 30 p m CO-UDJOD •fVlce !ute r Su.oday, wonlup .. rv,ce at 9 a m oo the cbu.rcb lawo Putor Ray OriliUid Newport Calli• Unhad Nathod1at. 1601 MarQuenle, Corona del Mar tllunday Apnl 8. W.llDdy tllureday commwuoo •fVlca, 7 p m wter Sunday. 9 am &Dd 10 30 a.m .. rvac• INtunnQ cbom &Dd br._ eDMmble "CelebraiUIQ We an Hope" LS tbe IItle of ~er ICea McNill&a's madJtataoa WE PAY TOP s Automated wrought iron security QOtes e Intercom. telephone access entry control e Leostng program avatloble condos. homeowners ossociatton. apartments e Commercial and lndustnal e Residential. FOI-CLEAI UIEica.US NEWPORT ACCESS ENTRY CONTROL LEASING CO. :'PlYowC..a or anr ~Equip In for a E IPPflilut CAll ..... ~~u~'!~lf+'~ c..-IIIIi tnl~ • _,., .. ·•!--*'~ .... .,..,..,-:r "'~ 9--~~ ~-'"'.d J~-~,~ 0 f'i' .W.-.l/~ fc. ~·-,ON I (714) .. • (j]J #1//i~~Jfl l.l 1435 I c-t llwy 8o 5 U(M~ IAf NC>MS c-tiel M&r 171-JlM .,, ()p«nMon -Fr1 lOam Spm EASTER AT CAMELBACK INN nnn••• .W. DIAMOND& AND TB& AIUZONA SUN THE ARIZONA SUN t~ pl~nttful ~nd tnvat~s you to Marrtott\ r Clmeltwck Inn dunng th~ E~st~r holtd~y susan' Our spec1~l holid~y ~v~nt~ mclud~ o~ c;ompl~t~ soctJI cwoar•m wtth ~tly ~C(IVttln for •II cl~ grousx Your ~ntlfl' f•mtly un ~ntO'f w~\t~rn ~tul.. lrys •nd bruld~st trdll rtde, ht·lt&hted by our umelb~ck Country CarntVdl Yuu c.tn Jl\11 enjoy 36 ho~s of ch.imptonshtp golf, trnnas 10 court\, 2 pools plus ntJhtly ~nt~rt•tnm~nt Call ~ tod~y o~nd oor r~~rv.tt tunt')l\ wtll be happ\ tu t...ndle yoor hohd.ly ne~d> ••••• ••••• ... RIIOin AND COU CLU. In ~II the wOfld only one. P.O. Box 70 Scottsdol•, Arl~ono 85}5} Toll FrH: 8()().218-929() Dlr«l: 602-948-1700 RE-OPEN FOR LUNCH come jc;Mn us on the ~tio .. SPACE IS AVAilABlE AP~Il ~11 1882 CORONA DEL MAR 640-7007 The Great Escape for $5.50 Cone's now offers a fast lunch tn the oor. Monday through Fndoy, 11 30-3 30 Choose one of o ur Dotty Spectols tncludtng a complimentary g lass of wtne Gua ranteed one hour service 2241 w Pociflc Coast Highway Newpoft Beocl'l 631-1381 r~ H.wport E.aDp Wedn•~· April 7. •• ..... 1 FREE MARKET EVALUAOON ON '10UR HOME COMPUTER ANAL VSIS ... eo.~.oe•e<•R Ult Ycu Home .. FOQ SALE•• "' MufttPe Usttng Book THE REAL ESTATERS This week ... Salty's SAl TV'S l&f Pll .t, m .. lu"' ot ~ and chfddar • ~ "\4' .. ~ 10 i)HtP< 1--. .and h4t..t'd 10 111ol~n brooo.n ~tod ,.,, ... ,lot _.cj Hlm.&t<~ .and pot.at~ 'l ~ 29 l1 £ Pac tftc toast Hwv Corona df!'l ~r e &71..()911 liP"tfNMftt. DreW. to loci. '" •t tO!Uy'' haah Rt~ for tomorro" ~ hat~h ,.turn\ ( ~ tlw nwtunh cUtl' th.at vou "'.ant .anv-.tw,... lrom 18 nwnth, to 10 .,..." win t thl' .... dl'tf'rr~ pl.a n th.1t nlfl>h -.our nHif, t .all or .. tor b" tod•~ .and •'"-our S,l\ '"~" ( OU:"''4'1or~ to hl'lp -.ou o~n tlw Nl'..,port B.&lbu.a -..,·,_anJl' lndl\adu.al Rl'tlll'ml'nl Account or't>.HX.It pl.an th.at "''II <,TOP LO~ING MONEY TO THE IRS OPEN A NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS IRA Plastering, painting. and polishing. Next week ... Premiering, partying, and pampering .from the 14th on. .. ··11w lu \Uflc'\ ''' h/t' to "'"' ~ rth- --no I f a't l \laSt H 1gh-.a' .( oro na d~l Mar C'abionua 92625-714-6 7S-4994 Celebrate EASTER A NEWWAY I GIVE 420 ~ oooe C o<ono d.~ Mol Co 976U • • • ...... 10 ....... .., • .,.a'· ·-n.. .. wpon ~ u LIPPE Quic k-Quick Copy/Print 3790 S Bristol St IIISTOl TOWN & COUNTRY aNTER !Bull blda I S•nt• An<t 966-2401 0 D STEVEN L . VENSANO. 0 .0 . AHGh~IICGUiaTCD 171~1 .,, 3307 I?? -.va... AW ...,._G OCWCIMI ~ CA NIIU NEWPORT OPTOMETRIC V.ISION CENTER ST£VEN L. VENSANO. 0 .0 . ~IICGUiaTID (7 1 ~1 U1 3307 ,.,.,_.,...,.w eurTa G C-oNI~ CA NIIU 0 D NEWPORT OPTOMETRIC VasaoN CENTER STEVEN L . VENSANO. 0 .0 . -.ottri~ IIIQUiaTID l71~1 U1 3307 177-llleiiiCAW. a.n'aG ICWCIMI 8UCK CA NIIU NEW PO VACUUM CENTER (714) 646-5144 1832 ~ Newport Blvd .e tn...aton of Harbor mel Newport Bid. uv .... eaca. ..... a.c.. ... WORW'S 8EST SHISHK-808 • SPECIAL 100 PRINTfD COPIES 8'/l x 11 -20 lb wh•te bond only $ 3 9 9 (with coupon) XEROX COPIES-4' w-u~"'" FOR 1 EYE EXAM REGULAR PRICE $30 EYEGLASSES ua.oo ~~~~~~~. EXTENDED WEAR CONTACT LENSES --w••CCNJPON .. Why buy new ... when old can do! SAVEJS~ HOURS: Non.· Frt. 8:30 -4:30 Oa All Set. 8::10-Noon vac ... c ..... aoeec:~ Sun. Pana ~· s.r.tce F8 EE U TUIATU •1 DAY eEaVICE GOOD THRU APRlL 11 SSoFF any cage for yoor rwNI Easter rabbltl Soodoun Al-8oyoti presents Annen• a R•taurant Mtddle Eos•n Cufaln. 2 for I ~cial I I M - •• A ao. of Grill ..... life in Ofange County from the arlitt's points of view. Group show through May 2 at the Fine Arts Gallery, The lumberyard Plaza, 22. 384 Forest Avenue. Laguna Beach. Hours 11 a.m.· 5 p.m., Wednesday-Sunday. G•l•rla 1.._ is featuring monop~ints and works on paper. Gallery hours are Tues· day through Thursday, 11 a.m . to 5 p.m., Fri- day and Saturday. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m . and Sunday, 11 a.m . to 4 p.m. Gattery is located in Cannery Village, 2811 Villa Way, Newport Beach. Cut'Nftt photogriiPha by David Tejada on ex· hibit at the Belson Gallery. 3120 Campos Drive. Newport Beach. Gallery hours: 10 a.m . to 7 p.m . Monday through Thursday. "Heart of a Child". newly released lithograph by artist Alan Murray, along with his pastels and charcoal drawings now on display at Haggenmak8f Galleries, m N. Coast Highway. Laguna Beach. Hours: 10 a.m to 5 p.m . daily. Photography by Olivia Paltlw at the Susan Spiritus Gallery. 3336 Via Lido In Newport Beach. Hours: 11 a.m . to 5 p.m. T ue&day· Saturday. aollla 1 7 a tableau created by Edward and Nancy Kienholz will be on display at the Newport Harbor Art Museum through April 25. Gallery houra 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Theftnt ......... ha.ltlonbf David Rau opens at Ofangerie Gallery, 1492 South Coast Highway in Laguna Beach April 17. Call 494-5666 for hours. .........,.. .... Sohltea presented by the Metropolitan Con· tainer of Art April 1 through 29 •n UCI's Fine Arts Gallery Clubs Newport Hilla Garden Club meets 10 a.m. Thursday, Apnl 15 at Clubhouse 1 In· formation. call Mrs Horn. 640-5150 or Mrs Todd, 644-6929. emn. lanlcw c.n ... •nvites Duplicate Bridge players to bring their favorite partners every Wednesday from 12:15-3:30 p.m . for an exciting afternoon at the Senior Center. 3 Sandburg, lrvme. lpyeiMa Hilt Garden C ... will meet Wednesday, Apnl 21 at the home of Mrs. Roger Hughes. Jim McNulty wiU spak on "Bringing the Beauty of Your Garden •nto Your Home or Office". InformatiOn: S~ron Pence, 844 4443. .... ca. .. ...... rt ...... is preeenting • ~Pring faetMon thow end tun~ cheon noon THursdr{, April 15 et the American Legion HIM in Newport Beech. Oonetiont .... •15, ean Ruth keMOgg, &48-DM, or Olglt Plefet, 141..,. for teMfVedona. Proc..o. wll.-.the Or~ CoUnty Mueic Cent•. ,. ............... Coed AJuntnee Club hosts its anual Foundet's Oay luncheon 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 8 at the Santa Ana Country Club. Golden A rrow members will be awarded during the meeting. Reservations and Information, call Adele Mason. 640-1475. ................ rldga class (8991 is being of· fered Thursday evenings by the City of Irvine's Community Services department. Telephone 754-3639 for more in· formation. Irvine TOMtml8treaa c ... will hold a regular meting 11 :30 a.m . Mon· day, April 12 at Newport-Balboa Sav- ings and Loan, 1100 Ir- vine Avenue, Newport Beach. Information. call Pat at 731·4041. frlendaofSouth Co.et Repeltory Newport Beach Guild will meet 9:30a.m. Thursday, April 15 at the home of Joyce Justice. 43 Cambria Drive. Corona del Mar. for a coffee and business meeting. R.S.V.P. Barbara Peckenpaugh, 759-9500 The Dolphlna, Woman'• DMalon of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Com· merce to hold a regular luncheon meeting 11 :30 Tuesday, April 20 at the Balboa Bay Club. Public is invited, reservations: 644-8211 . New...adent8oflr- vlne are invited to the Newcomers Club lun· cheon 11 a.m. Tuesday. April 13 at Surf & Sand in Laguna Beach. Phone Dorie Gomsrude. 562-8061 for reserva· tions and informat1on "Springing Forth u a 8lngla" a discuSSion lead by Ann Martin 5 p.m. Saturday, April 10 at Advanced Health Center. 1300 Bristol Street North, Newport Beach, 975-0700. Refreshments are 1n· eluded in the $3 adm•s- sion charge The UCI FUm loc .. ty screens a variety of classic films 6:30p.m Saturdays Tickets are $2 general. $1 UCI students. At least two films are shown each night. Scheduled: April 10: "The Blue Angel". {German-1930) by Josef Von Stern berg; and "I Love You I Kill You". {German·1971 ). by Uwe Brandner. Fr• oNidren'a fllma at the Newport Beach Public Library. Newport Center Branch. 856 San Clemente Drive, 4 p.m Tuesday afternoons. In· formation, ~2246. Features will include: April 8: "Storm Boy" and scenes from "Superman"; April 20· "Beat Horse" and "The Lrttle Prince" Oral ... eo.t c-. ............. , Evening Film Series 1s held in OCC's Forum . Selia& tickets ere $15. ev•il~ in the Ticket Office. Tteketa are •2. All movias ltMt II 7:30 p .m . Filma Include: "The Sound Of Music" April 17; "Mv Felr Lady'", April2<4; "Cemltot". May 1 .. llolflne-The Integration of Human Structure." by R Grant Powers, certified rolfer. Wednesday, April 14. 7 p.m . 488 E. 17th St.. Suite 221. Costa Mesa. Information and reservations call 640-7661 Coeadlne Commun•tY College, {963·0811 , ext 256). is offering several workshops and lectures at several locations, including: Mondey, April 12 -"Affirmauons: Putt•ny Your Personal Power to Work"; Or . S10Ulc Harlan is lecturer for this series. whtch runs through May 3 7 10 p.m. at Unita11an Universalist Church, Costa Mesa . Registration fee is $15 . Goethe Sympoalum at UCI comes together April 8-11 for a seminar on the German writer. commemorating the 150th anniversary of his death Sessions begin at 9:30 a.m. in the UCI Campus Village Community Center and run through early afternoon April 8·1'0. A two-hour session w1ll begin at 10 a.m Apnl 11 The symposium 1s free, and reservations should b made by calhng lnge Rudman. 833·6404 "Courting Government -The Developer'• Lov• Hate AHalr" features speakers including Pete Wilson. mayor of San Diego and Untted States Senate can· didate. John Seymour. mayor of Anahe•m and candidate for state assembly, Kathleen O'Connell, dtrector of housing for the c•tY of Los A ngeles. Ruth Yannatta-Goldway, mayor of Santa Mon1ca and Merrill Butler. past president of NAHB Sponsored by 1 he Home Builder's Counc1l, semmar w1ll be held 8:30am 11 :30 am Wednesday, April 28. at the Auporter Inn Hotel 1n lrvme. Reservations cost $30 for HBC members, $35 for non membera, and can be n1ade by calhng 12131 625 5771 . Mrs Zena Golby "What Haa Your Government Done Few You Lately?" •s the IItie of a dinner meeung of the Home BUilders Counc1l, to be held 6 p m Monday. April 19 at the Atrporter Inn m lrv1ne lrvme Mayor Dav•d Sills w111 be a guest speaker Reservations are $20 HBC members. $25 for non-members, and can be made by calhng Mrs Zena Golby. 12131 62S.5nl Gardening W~arebelng off.,.. -.., Sherman Library and Gardens, 2647 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar 67J.2261 A Vertety of FWd a-....eow... .. being offered by OCC . Information on any COUrM is 666-518> They mclude: 1-J pen; 21 days from July 3·23. Coat Is t2.205. reglstr•tion doedllno is May 14. -Perlormrng Arts of Europe; 33 days from Juno 26 to July 28. Cott is t2.987. -Utar•rv England end lre&end: Jun. v thfouge:, Jutt 17. COlt ia t2 ••. ,.,,.Uon dMdNne .. ~ 14. -Art of W•t•n &Hope; FrlnQt, <*· rMnV • ....., •• ·~ end 0r..ec ~: four --.ttom,JUtvl through A~ I . Coet IIU .•• ~ dllldllneltA;lrl30. -Or.-llllndl: , ... mp from June ,. eo Ju tv 13 Cot• It t1.11B . Mlacel~y_ .,. ........ ..,.,. Dance c .... to start at Oasis, 800 Maryue111e Avenue. Corona del Mar 10 a.rn -noon Wednesday. April 14 Eight-week course taught by Herb Lesher Fee IS $20. FrH H .. rtng T .. t 9 noon at Oasis Sen•or Center Tuesday, Apnl 13 Call 759-9471 for appomtment Puaovw 8edef held by Temple lsstah of Newport Beach 6· 30 p .m. Wednesday, Apnl 7 at Oakwood Gardens Clubhouse, 1700 16th Street. Newport Beach Cost is $15 for adults. $8.25 for kids 5-12 years and $6 for kids under five. Call 646-751 2 for more information Resalatratlon few Youth Workahop at the Laguna Moulton Community Playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach to be held 1 p.m Satur day. April lO in the Playhouse Lobby. Of· fered to kids 5 14 years old. 8-week classes cost $25. lnformatton 497-5233. between 3 5 p .m. weekdays Ofganlat Marvel .JenMn will perform a special Lenten concert 7:30p.m. Friday, April 9 at Santa Ana First Bap- tist Church. 1010 West 17th Street. Santa Ana Information· 547-2557 Handal'a M ... tah w111 be presented by the lr· v1ne Symphony Or· chestra and the UCI UmverSiy Choir 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 10 at University Htgh School. 4nl Campus Drive. lrvme. Tickets are $7 and $5. students and seniors get a d•scount. For telephone orders. call 551 -1567 UCI Facuhy Dance Concert to be held 8 p.m Wednesday through Sunday. A pnl 14 17 T1ckets for Wednesday through Fn day performances are $4 general. $2 students and the Saturday benefit performance IS $8 general. $4 students pwceeds from wh1ch w•ll supporl UCI dance scholarshiPS Iouth Coot Reper- tc.y pruenq "DA" by Hugh Leonard wh1ch w111 open Apr •I 13 and run through May 16 r)n he Ma1nstage Also. "Comtng Auracunns" by Ted Tally w1ll nu1 nn the Second Staqe Aprtl 21 -May 9 SCR Box Of f•ce: 957 4033 "Gr ... e·· w•ll be presented by the Newport Beach Parks. Beaches and Recrear1on Department Apnl 16 18 23·25. 30 May 2 at Lul coin School Fnr tiCker 1nformat1on call 640 2271 "Gypay" by Arthur Laurents. muStC by Jute Styne and lyrics by Stephen Sondherm now through May 30 at the Grand Dinner Theatre. 1 Hotel Way. A•l heim Reservations: n2-n10 .., .. .,. ........... la runnrng through AJ)fll 24 at the Miu.on VteJO PlavhouM. ROMfVa· t iont: 496--e669 Of ~91252. I . -• PREPS RO<JN[)(JP by~Lpch The CorOlla del Mar track team, a forenmner in tha S.. View l.eaQ'lW race, lo.t lut ... k to ODa of Oran~ County'• track powera, 11 Toro . However, tha m...t wau't without 110me tina S.. Xing perlonu.ncee. Junior Vin~ McGuin .. took ·• a tint iD tbe 440 in a time of 52.1, in tbe m .. t agalut s.d· dlebeck. • Deva Aadenon, a eophomo re, turned in a 9:96.4 pefotlllance in tha two-mil• to captu.ra tint p1a~. Pacing the qirb wu Mnior Ann Scott, aecurlng tint plac a in tha mile with a tim• of 5:38. • • • CdM aoccer playan goalie JeJf Jacobe and forward Scott McCrimmon bava bean named to the all-county flnt team by tba Orange County co.chu. Jacobe, a tunior, wu the maiutay of the Cd.N deJen.M which recorded Mvan ahutouta duri.DQ tha S.. Viaw l.eagua ....... WcCrimmon, abo a jWllor, wu tha leadinq acorar for the S.. ICinQI u thay advanced to tha MCODd round o f the CIF 2A playoffa for tha tint tim• m the achool'a hiltory. l.n addition, Jacoba and McCrimmon ware named fiut team .U-S.. Viaw Leagua by the lNQlla' 1 coach ... 'Y'S......._. Scolelllgb Orange Cout tuuahed aecond m ita dlvwoo and e1qhth m the lMQll• m the Southam C.Wor· n1a YMCA awunming tinab held reoe~aUy, with youngatan bom Newport Beach, Co.ta W... and lrviDe on 1ta team. The tim": 8 aad U!KMJ Gula ltallsy N~ehob, 4th 50 b.. 40 73. 8ds, 100-yd INDO. 1 4i 10, Wel&llle Woaher 41h 25-yd lr ... 18 08. 7th, !10 tr ... 42 26 7th. 100 yd IHDO, 1 47 87 Boya Shawn lmbolf. 7th. 25 fly. 20 69 9-10 G.lrb Sudre R\llhru, 8th. SO t .... 32 i2. 4th, 50 b.ck, ~ 23 Boya Oenen Luce, 2nd. SO br ..... 39 10. &h. 100 lr• I 12 70. R1chard famno ton, Sth, 50 b.ck, 37 10. 8th , 100 lrM. I 15 27, Steve Moore, 7th. SO baci 39:68. Stb, 100 tr ... I 10 72 200 vd Wedley Ralay lDd, 2 40 54 Rachard rarn.DQIOD, Deneo L&nce. Steve Moore Shawu lmhoff 200 lrM reJay 4th 2:20 07 R Femooto11. 0 L&nce S Woore. O.v,d N-me11 11,12 Gsrla Joanne Rulhn1 2nd SO t .... 28 76, 8th. 50 br ... t, 38 65 Sth 100 lr•, I OS 91. lAuren Newman 7tb, 50 fr•. 31 53. 200 fr• relay 4th 2.17 07 Joanoe R\IJhOJ, Wl.lldy Webb, Vw:ky H.deJy, ~Ul Smotb Boya John Rv.ffuu 81A, 50 breut. 40 53. 200 tr .. relay 3rd, 2 08 68 St-Wo.her, Aaron Elder, Juon 8e&.ft9e r, Job11 RuJfuu 13-14 Gula P1111 t...Dce 8th 100 lrM 1:05.03. 7tlr., 100 br .... 1 21 62. 200 Ned&., Ralay 7th. 2 23 40 Temnay Sp.rbeJ, Pam w 11ce Nmdy webb L ren FIM:her Go.To111'D~AW. Hoapltal The unual S.tchal Club c;,oll lourna ma nt played as a beneht for Weatarn Medical Canlar ll achaduJed AprU 26 a t Santa Ana Country Club Entry forma are ava1lable at th e mad1caJ center, or by caU· 1ng 953-3450. t Tracy Schriber, 8. breaks the 50-yard tape 1n 7 7 seconds AI left. Jenn1fer S1mon 8 IS f.ntsh1ng second Tbe Newport £M.lp W.cloeedcry. Aprtl 7. 1112 Page II Thanks To Pitching, Sea Kings Take by Cbdstoph. L'f'DCb The Corona del Har bueball team l.ut week grabbed brat place m the Sea V1ew Leaque, wlula the Sa..i..lou ol Newport Harboi lowered tbau lMc;,ue mark to 1-4 wtth loeaea lo Irvs.ue and CdN. ... It wu the aecond tune the Newport and C d.M squada bad met, and once ag&Ul, u tn the Newport E.lb Tourna ment, the S.. JUno• came out o n top, 4-2 The story of the game was the pitclung of aeruor Davtd Rohde, fruh oJJ the first no·lutter of the yaar m Otan9e County Once again Rohde was nearly tnvtnct b le , u be held the Sa1lors to two b1ta, one a two-run homer by Shawo Culp ln addtllon, Cd.M JUntor Gordon Mou was four for lour, rncludmg a double and 4D RBI lt wu a bve·run thud LnD.UlQ wluch gava CdN all tha run.a 1t needed, u Greq W ynn and Gordon Mou llDgled betore Mae H ... llDgled m on• run, and Scot1 Loo. lut a baNe- loaded doubla Agauut 11 Toro, H ... wa.a thr .. lor lour and Mou went thr .. lor bve, makmg hu two- day totAl Nven luta lD DUle at-bats Runs Aid March by Don Logan The March ol 0 1mes will be holdmg 1ls e~nnuc11 lund-ra1ser SK and 10)( races Saturday, Aprtl 24 at 9 a m The rcSces are held 10 con ,unction wtth the all-day 32· ktlometet (20-mtle) wc~lkathon and one mtle corporate will, all starting a t the Harbor Muntctpal Court ell Jamboree and Buch tnn Newport Beac h 250 Kids Run, Jump, Throw And Put The day before, the Sallora bad loat to lrvme whtle allowtnQ 11 luts, su errors, four paSMd balh, a.nd two h1t batters Nawport Coach RoU Schwalbe. bowaver. bas lus players plaYlnQ an aggresswe style of baMbaU 4.Dd lus team, c haracteriZed by mexpanence, ts ma..kJ..ng qutc k tmprovement Leist ve.sr s event .sttrc1cted o ver 3 000 p.trllclp.tnts Both races wdl hdve etght men's c1nd e1ght women's d 1v1 s1ons wtlh a total o l more thdn 100 award~o The grand pnze lS a trap to the Bav to Bre.skers run More than 250 yo ungatara 7-15 yean of ao• participated in tba city track and fiald m .. t at Oavid80o Field lut Saturday aponaored by the parka, beach" ud recreation departmant and the Nawpor1 Beach Rotary Club. Evant• and win.nan (u te riak denot" new city record): 14-y-..olcla: Lo11v JW.Dp, Waoo~e HeJUO.D, 12' 11 " •, David V illteu.oett. 15'7''•, Shot put, Jolul ~--. 34'10V'o, HlQh JWilp, CreiQ Wartyn, 47~"'. 440- yd ,.te,, Coi'O.DI cW WeJ Yo~at.b Ceoter IMJII, 54. 7; Gsda, Newport llea -t.ery t ..... 1 08.1. Gist. ~yd N.D, W.oo~e ~. 32.Sil ; Boyw aule, Cr119 Wartyn (oo u.e reccuded). 1$-J .. ol*• Lonv jiUIIp, Mark L.o.. 13'11"; ~pill, J.tl fryer, 37'1•; IU9h twaJ>, Jell Fryet, 5'5~"·; Bo,. ...O.yd relay, w..n-. I 01, Girla, luaqn, 100 yd , Doll l..eedy, 12.1~ Gl.rb, w illa A..per. 12:!n, 22C)..yd , PeteJ NQUJ, 28 94; Girl., lAura Aepero, 31·73; 440 yd . ~ WcCellW.D, I 01 SS, 1320 yet , W1b WcCellwa. 12--,--olcla: Lo.ov JW.Dp , leA.DJ Sllllt.b, 10'10"; Boya, Drew Sheward, Bre.oden Jacobe, Mark Radae, 12'4.,, Shot put, lric Jewell, 24'0'', ffioh JW.Dp, Ken.oJ Shelton, 4'5"; Boya ...O.yd relaJ Newport 11-.. 1:04.7, Girla, l..o~q~~. I 01 4, 100 yd , Keo.oy Shelton, 1Hl9, Gl.rb, Ch.lme.oe H~aot, 12·71'. Pamela Rice, 13:00; 22C)..yd . Derek H&rtae.o, 33·15 •. Gisb, Clumene HU111, 31 48, 440 yd , John SulbUl&, 1 13.48, Gsrb. Jeruuler Puao, 1 20.66, 660 ld , Juon fi.D.Dey. 2 11 2e • 11--,-~'Gub, 660 yda . Lren Sm1tb, 2 12 57; Looo JIUIIp, R W Hea eon, 13'9" 12" Sohb&l.l. Poma Niqro, 117'0''. Bora Todd Hale, 143'7", Hsc;, h JW.Dp, Alia Sed~. 3'6", 440 yd ralay, A.od.noo, 1:05.5, Gula, Wart.o.n, 1.00 8 •. 100-yd , Wske WUUJ, 13 28. Gul., A.o.oe S.Cketa. 13·66, 220 yd • It W H.tuon. 32 22 •, Gula, J-..y lve.oa, 31 02 •, ...O.yd . l ..m W..., 1.12, Gi.rb, Ali Garrett, 1 14 t. 810-yd • Gr19 Sh.ryock, 1.4i 51 lt-y--olcla: 100 yd • Gebe Doonaa.o 13:22, Gitl.a, Cindy Sba.oe r, 14.1; 220 yd . l rie.D loproa. 32 10 •, Gula, Ci.odJ Sb o.a.r, 33.8!5 •, ...O.yd . lddie lAvelle, 1 10.3S, Glrla, l111e Cron1D, I 17 SS, 660-yd .. ley L.lohl.b~&rne, ·1.52.28, Lo119 jw.op, Brooke Reed, 10'5", Boyw, Todd La.mer, 11'0"; l2'' SoJI.bell, ltJ1.Itle Cur, 70'1", Boyw, Tooy Cuino, 124'3"; Hi9b jW.Dp, Jay LlQbtbiU'IIe, 4'0". Boyw +tO-yd . .w.,, N.ari.oen , 1,04 4, Girla. Newpott He&obta, 1 11.2. .. ,_..a.. !10 yd . Todd Dlert, 7 76. GJrla. W.e.dy PtiMJ, 7.87, 1QO yd . Juoo f vro, 14:48; Girt., Traay Pe~~QbeiiA, 15·84; 220-yd., Scott ~~. 3US, Glrla. 0.0. ......_.,, 3515; ...O.yd . Du.W Ric., 1:08,7 •; Gltla, p._uee H lte••MMITo tacluding ~u of 33 and 31 poi.Dta. The 8-1 eeo.lor appean headed to UCLA or Stanford, wlwn be willltucly ecoooalica or polt~ ~oe. H.. wu • blv ,....,.. t.U s.. Kiava wut 20-S oo U.e ,..,. ~ouP M aftl~ 8.8 po&all • ~. S...' btv ooatrUNUoa ... JUt ...... ud Mil ..... lla9, IMdia9 u.. a.. K.IDve iD bc6 .... Ud.-.. Hell il CIM ci Cllly a .... p&ayen ia Cci.W IUMry to Mr1 ...... ..,..., ... ~. toLala9 tM 1.1 ..... prior to ..... Cll...,.... CdW ....... 3AcMBfiDut•· Wednesday, the Se4 Ktngr captured sole posesston of lust place wtth 4.Dolbet ster hng pttc bmg performance , thts lime by Mruuor Kurt Petersen The two-btl defeat of El Toro, 8-0. aaw Petersen allow only lour batters to reach base tn Mven I.DDUlQI of work 111 San Frcinctsco The pte reg1strdtw n deadltne as Aprtl 19 Entrv fees are S8 1ncludwy a I shut c1nd an oppor tunlly to Win the San Franetsco 111p The entry lee lor the race ~.mly 1s SJ Add $1 alter Apnl 19 For furthet 1nlormallon contact thto Mdrch ol D1mes cit Q79 2270 Volleyballers BaWing For Spots In Playoffs W1th h1s tongue out to help g•ve h1m a.rhh . Br~an Hendncks 8, IS sathny Into hiS 10 foot 8-.nch long Jump c;,.,,. ...... ,u~ l'lv BilttV SI<~Cw The Newport Harbor 4lld Co rona del Mar boyt' voUeyba.ll tNJDS last w .. k COnllDUad tbeu tight lor CIF playoH bertha Newport, under Coach Oz Sunmons, loat Tuesday to lMQue lMder EstanCIA 1.n three stta1ght matches, but bounced back to capure thr .. atratghl fr om Woodbndge "W e got off to a really slow atart lD M c h of the three E.atan Cla matches " explam.d S1m mons "h was prettv even once wa got qomg. but we had alrNdy spotted them hve or SIX pomts 4.Dd that really hurt us E.rtancta bas an outstandtng team Wood.bndqe on the othet band. IS a very weak taam " The top perfo rmer• lor the S.Uora, accord1ng to S1mmons have been Mnlor Da ve La uden b.c k and aopbo more Brent Bradley "Laudenbadt has r..lly been Perkma 1 21 ~. Looo )~amp, Wally fer Samoo, !riO'' Boya, &nan H.sdno playmg well the last lew Qames Pt~ater. 11'4" •. Bo.,a, Scott lluli.ooer 10'8" 12" Softb.U, Apnl G,190. 61'8". and bu been wtlhng to take 11'0'' 12" Sottba.ll, O.Oae Nahoo•v Bovw &rena O'Bneo 767'' 44G.vd c harge, and Bradley dtd a Qood 74'2" Bon. J.tf Jecboo. 111'8". Hlqh ,.tav Newpor1 S..Ch llem•ntery JOb blhng 10 for Greg H111man J~&mp, luoo ferro, 3'8", 440-yd rel.sy I 09 7, Gula. E.etblull Newport Hes9hta. 1'08 4. Gula Newport ., y--olda: 50 vd Simon Tou-n at outatde httter." Sunmons lc!ltd He1ohta, 1 13 6. 8 09 Garb. Cuamae Z.na 8 33. 100 vd The Sea K10gs meanwhtle l ·r--o&M: 50 yd . Jack fneno. 7 68 Ryan Hamaltoa IS J G1rla Wikke laat w .. k took c;,ame1 from Gnb. Treoy Schriber, 7 70, ItO vd Webb 17 li, 220 yd Warll Betton Uruveruty and lrvtne, but none ~evu Fol.oD, 14 3, Girl., Trac y J8 SS 4-40 yd Ol!v.r FlMner I l9 75 Schn.ber, 15 4e; 2l0-yd., ~ ... 111 Fo18om. Gub. Ct.rlllb Webber. 1 32 Lo11o Jump ware auy Agatnal Untvera1tv 33 58 •, Gbl.a. A1lYoo Ra~atla. 3i 38, 4-40 Co11rtney H.ll, w · Boya Cluu on Tuuday, the Sea K.mqa bare yd ,..&ey, Newpol1 ~ Dameatary, SluaberQ, t't". 12" Soltbell ftoae.l1e ly won 15-6, 3-15, 14 16 15 12, I 08 7; 440 rv.a, l rudolt f UIJley. 1 18 J l(u e, l8'1w. loyw, Cluia Carden, IS II' 15-10. •. Glrla, Lie s.lw.o, 1 30.51. 440 yd . •, Gu .. 440 yd .W.y. W.r~n~n, I 15 • "Attar wa be&t them 10 auily , ... Se.l-rillo, 1.30 ~~J!!"'!!!!ll~~~~~~~~~~~================::t week~ sw.-m NY that ..-.wy redn8 • ~· okt. T'WW'tty x wieb 01 compeeitkln .. .......... -.....,......, 1n the brat Q&me we lo.t ao..me menta.! coocentrahon tn the m.ld · dle c;,amea " e~tplamed coach John Weywrauc h "Bur we tma.l ly Just hunc;, toqether and QOt our coocentrahon bac k." fnday al lrvtne, the Sea K.tnQI agam found themMlv .. lD a smular 11tuahon. WlDDtnQ 15-5. 15 13, 10 15, 9 15, 15 12 "They were ahoottnQ tor ua They play- ad a vary aggrel&lva defanllve game " aasd Weywraucb Weywrauc b pomted to the play ol Juniors Pete Roqe.n, Joay Fuachettl Dean Curc1, and MDlOU Mlchael Johnston and Mtka Me lUbben a.a key lactora to the C d.M wm "Pete played wall at a pc»lhOD he had nevar played befora, playmQ lor Hadley Carpentar He r...Uy dtd an outatandmg tob on delenM "Joey made aome ellcellent defeJlllve plays m the end ol the match, ·• contmued Weywrauch ' He wu m the pro per poe1hon and alao made aome qood dlga " ln add111on, the coac h pomtad to Miler Jo bntlo n tor holdtng the team toqathar Me IC1bben for h11 tough Mrv1ng, pautng, and dafenM, and Cuzc1 lor ha hne play oH tha bench tn tba httb game "Tbat WU r..Uy AD Q OOUIAQ lDQ w .. lt lor us " con cluded Weywrauc b ''lt wu the brat hma we'va been down and come out on top A. • r .. u.lt, I t.hmk we're m good ahape tor when we face Co.ta W.... Wa almo.t oer- tatnJy are quaranteed a play~ apot " Both t .. ma hAve tha week otf for apnng ucat.aon bafora returning to action an Aprll 14. -CUS.toptl• Lpdl CIDco .. Jill~ T ......... ta.t • ' .... IIW•+ Jq. April 7. 1112 The M•wport EDUp MARINE SCENE bF llary Wav--Club 1ut ,.ar WUD 8amey flam reced hia Pet.ncm 41, Flam- boycmt, to YictOTY in the chall~ reoatta. AfteJ' lpellciJAQ ioUJ' yean Ia the bophy CMe at the N.wport Harbor Yacht Club, the huoe, omate lilriJ' Up- toG Qap wu IDCried to the Loav Beech Yacht The QDAY tea me.r- chant, Sir Thom.u Lip- taD, ~.mmortalised -, .u rr. AFT CA»t# CARVEn ;; ~:-.~.~--,-~~:sz11 ~ J>:: --• -~ JJ FT. MARJH8 ,. ~, ....,..~ YACHT C(ffl~~ 175 I WEST PACIFtC COASTHWY., NE~T BEACH, CA (714) 145-1711 CARVER FAMilY CRUISERS lA 8EUE-THE NEWEST IN TRAWLERS NEW-US£D-MOKE.AAGE WEWPORT Y.N:;Jrr EXCHANGE BEST BUYS Calilorruo ltlormer ,. o -kly leoture in th~ ne.,.,aper All .Ortonol copy wr/ffen by !lory Woqner him•lf in the world of yacht racinQ by diltributi.DQ th ... elevut tropJUe. to vuiou. u ... of the world with iutructiou that it be raced ior on a reQicllal bub. The cme he deeded to the Slul Dievo Y.aeht Club iD 1913 which t.raveled up the c:out lut ,.ar will be the pri.ae IOUqht by 19 Southem California yacht club tha week iD Lonc;r Beach. Thr-teama from the Newport uea will be attemptinc;r to win UU. preatiQiOU trophy. Al Bzown aailinc;r hU Choate 40, Spirit, with O.llllia Choate, Phil Lawhom, David CulTer, Jolm Wiebe!, Paul Manh, Pete Jyfe, Jeff Wilk .. and Pevcn Brown will npreeent Vojaven Yacht Club. Balboa Yacht Club will be 8CdinQ John A.reu' Ron Holland Two Ton TOIIJobawk . Dave Ullma.n, Tom Wilbon, Bruce H\Uil&DJl, B.rad Wheeler, Steve Roa, Bill Herncha.ft, Bill Mala, Alan Andrew-., ao.d Rick Item will be crewiDQ for A.rena. Bill Palmer with crew ......ben Dea.nia OUJ'Qan, Ron La.., [)Qffy DuffM)d, ,... WU.OU., Tom Hoc.Jan, Bobbie V auqhn, Jeff Gordon and Gordo John., raclDQ hia 40 foot CUllom lloop SbeDazxloob will be tryiDQ to bring the t.rophy back to Newport Ha.rbor Yacht Club. The boats will be racinQ Thunday, fri- day and Sahuday. • • • Then wu a mixup iD the Conc;rreaional Cup acoriDQ. The corrected ltao.dinva cpven to me by the Lonv Beach Yacflt Club an: 1. Scott Perry 7-2; 2. Rod Davia 7 -2; Dick Deave.r ~3; 4. Donia OUJ'c;rao. 4-5; 5. Phil Crebhin 4-5; 6. Rua Lonv 4-5; 7. Harry Mcl.auQhlin 4-5; 8. Harold Cud- moz• 3-6; 9. John Ber- trao.d 3-6; 10. Pele Peterson 2-7. • • • The boats literally Uew down the bay in wi.Dcb ranqi.nq up to 18 bota in the Voyac;rez Yacht Club Hot Rum No. 3 Race Saturday. WiDDera oi the RAC- ING CLASS wue T•u.nami, Dave Gray tint, Spi.rlt, Allen B.rowu leCQ\d and In- digo Tiger, RoD o..coo th.lrd. In the CRUISING CLASS Leo VortuD..i in Wild <AM finiahed fint, B. Sim,p- .on iD MiM:hJel eec:ond and r Albut In Vw, t.bi.rd. • • • Since it wu ao. elimination •ri .. for their national cham- pionahip 22 J-2._ turn- ed out fo.r the Balboa yacht Club On•- DeaiCjJD revatta lut weekend. Jordon Mu.r- phy and Nark Rutello iD Electric Pumpkin (BCYC) finiahed in lint place, Steve Grillez ao.d lturt Wille.r iD Amer.icaD hprea (ltHYC) wen MCOnd, Steve Wuhburo and Chuck RickerhaUMr (LA YC) thi.rd and Bill MeDil.iDc;rer aailinc;r Ez. toopident (LAYC), fourth. The Etoh.U. 22 Cla.u abo had a la.rc;re tur- nout with Phil Ramaer in Rebel takinQ the top apot, Howard Hamlin and Ha.rTY Paw..on finiahinQ ..cond iD .BanaDGI, and Hum- dinger aailed by Phil Lyon.a comiDQ in third. All ue from NHYC. n..~Bay Yedat Chh h.u an- nowaced 1M I'UJUliaQ of ibl -'PtJa UA...l Oc.an BaciDQ sm. (ORS}. The -~ COD- aiata of five recee lw the PHRJ' h.ncliNp racinQ fleet. The tint race in the •rl .. ia the NOSA Newport to ln.Mnada Yacht Race April 24-25. Yachts enteriDQ thia race in clanu other than PHRJ' will have their~ re- computed to the PHRJ' corrected t:imM. The 88CODd raa. of the •lies w the San Onofre and Retum race on J\llle 12. Thia will atart and finiah out of Dana Point Hubo.r. The third .race ia the popular race hom Dana Point to the 14- Mil• Bank on July 10. The fourth race w acheduled Auv. 8 and hu been deeiQD.&ted the Olympic Jorm.at race. Tbia will be a hivhly competitive race &.rOWld an Olympic- type courM ..t outside the Dana Point Harbor. The fifth and fiDel race of the ....-w the Newport and Retum race on Sept. 25. The deadline tor seri• entriea is April 21. For additional iDforma- tJon about the •ries or for a copy of the •ries brochure and entry form, contact S.riea Race Chairmen Blaine Rorick at 496-2071 or Randy DeVore at 493--t751, or CPBYC Race Chairman Rick RaHat 492-8497 . 28' Uniflite .................. $32,500 32' Uniflite .................. $41,500 commiSs- ioning and repair on both sail and power boatS.· Newest boat 33' Pace 1980 ................ $89,500 34' Uniflite 1980 .............. $77,500 37' Silverton 'IW/DSL ........ $125,000 40' Defeven Aft Cab.'IW/DSL .. $89,500 40' Pace Sportfish ........... $111,000 43' Viking Aft Cbn ........... $1.,000 46' CAL 2146 Ketc ........... $111,500 48' Hatteras Yacht Fish ...... $180,000 Newport Yacht Exchange (714)87~1800 3404 Via Oporl.o, Suite 4 Newport Beach. CA Rainbow Rigging 900 w. COOit Hwy. Newpoft 8ecd\ (?t4) 631 .......... . The luzul)' associated with the most el89ant crwse IPIHNCaiNVINTOIIY CLIAIANCI DEPTH SQI.H)(RS ~~ f\IIJOO f£4()()A Te!MOn\300 Oo1aTo• • 7KX:J remote WerrrG N«:JJ ~ &Jio1 With remote AocD. Seolcon Loran F\IIJOO l C200 S.tey 737 S.te• 7~7 Site• 3 VHf Pres.oent QQO IMf Automatic~ NCTlOO AIG. WI PfiC( '$279 $179 ss~ So&25 9~ S339 $165 S17'05 s 1029 $2995 $2000 S2Q95 $1099 Sl995 $1099 Sl9Q5 $1299 S34Q5 S22A9 $579 $329 $799 IAITILL MAIINIILICTIONICI 1577 MONROV&A AV9U NEWPORT IEA04. CA 92663 MS--7040 30 YEARS SERVING NEWPORT BEACH B•c Board Ht9h Wtnd Saol o· Neoll Wet Su11 o·Netll Jacket Boottes Cm Rack Preventive Maintenance Senlce ... LOCAtiON A total comblnotion ot mar'• e savtces tot bOth powtW and sailbOats. Gas a. Oiesel/tnboadl-Outboardl-Stem 0rtves. Sct'ledUed monthly aefVIces on~ SchecUed WOihdownS and clecnJpl. ~ seMce . sat>oat ~­ Mt»t work -HcU outs -~ator teMce a.t.OCA11011 A corrc;llete leMoe~ pats and ocoessav ouHet for ~ -Outboard~ -Stem Ottves -AsNng tockte -batt and much much morel aw:.t.._ ow oryow •••••Aw..~ 171..&\ ~M ca.~ CA fl621 \'.·'!'!!I $e99 110 105 8!1 35 22 Winds-· r Sa•l Suot JltCk8t Boo toes r:ar Rack Total Sallboatdlng-Tile Sport of the '80s {Bi~ Fonnerty the Dufour Wing $6 99Complete COST Sl,OEO 1 A lot Mofp I HOBIE NEWPORT co. 1l"GG w. Coat ttwy. ..... ,.".._.. (714)145-2012 abip relined into 60 feet oJ motoryacbt. She bas a g rand salon, aundeck, a 17':&17' master stateroom w1th ltingsue bed. She's Uush wtth amen1hes aucb as washer/dryer, duhwuher, 1ce maker and blender. U your mto ltahan Wes, im· poJted lamps, mla.ld c&rpet and eohd teak cabmetry, Enterp~ bas 1t! Her rao.ge will take her to Acapulco wtthout bav- mg to be refueled. r rom her bow pulpit to traJUOm door, she IS truly • queen. f or further 1nforma· ho.n , contact Sondra O.terhoudt or Ron Richardao.n at Newport Yacht hcha.noe, 61S-1800. Yo.J"¥8 c:iwa'IS 'NOnted to cruise the CoibbeOn ... and noN you can af'rofd It! Not ontv does o Av ~ Oube.,... you mt:)t!I'Bf on yo.Jt<* just look ot all that's Included for one low price: • Round-"" cir be to Miami• Ttar~Sfien to and from the INp • A~ Calbbeon 0'\Jile on o ''fu'l ShlpM· • AM pat cholges. Eight meals and snacks 0 dDV. Dozens d lhlpboard octMties • 'f\No dlftefent cabalet thc7<NS "'Ohttv • A ful gambling casino F£STIV~ dllpats~ tor~ San.AJanond St. 1homos TRClF'ICAlE ~ Sat\Jiocbv$ tor Ocho Rio&. ~ Covmon and Cozumel c.AAt*//llU departs~ davS tor Samano. San .AJan and St. Thomas MAAOI GAAS departs Sundavs tor Cozumel G«:Jnd Covrna't and QchoRio& ~OII'alooooa•oncl~~ Direct from: LOS ANGElES For only: S999 c,A to Z 'Travel . . . . . . . . . . SPRING SPECIAL OOOd April -llay, 18112 F EE --Diacount Coupons- • Breakfast • Cocktails • Billiard/Arcade • Free Gift upon check-in • Free Coffee Accomoclaltlona Include: Qu"n Size a.cts RCA Color TV. AMJFM Radio Lar~ Swimming Pool Picnic Area • Kit~ Fl,..,a.ce Units At eddltJonal rata • L8lge Units: 4, I, 1~ 11 Bedfoom wlth kitchen and ,,,. place at eddltlonal ratea. ....,on dOuble ~..., ,.,..on. two """'~ ••••••••••••••••• The Newport Eoslp Weclnesdcry. April 7. 1982 PagelS Landmark Smoker Study; • Rigm'OlJS smoker tests confim1 MERIT as woven taste alternative to higher tar smoking. Just released-the results of extensive new research con~ ducted by MERIT. The conclusion: In tests comparing taste and tar combined, MERIT is the clear choice over leading higher tar brands. MERIT Remains Unbeaten. In impartial new tests where brand identity was concealed, the overwhelming majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than -leading higher tar brands. Moreover, when tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. Taste Turning Smokers lOM.ERIT In a separate part of this study, smokers report that MERIT taste is a major factt)r in completing their successful switch from higher tar brands. ConfJ.rtDed:9 out of 10 former higher ta r smokers say MERIT is an easy stUitch, that they didn 't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best ... tasting lotv tar they've ever tried. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. MERIT MERIT ~thd Filter I POUCE BL01TER lloackry. llarda II CRDOS J...&.ry fthMd at $1,880 ... reported ltol• from Dozma l.ll.Uaa Bate~UJa lD the 200 block of Oceu View ... Sis 24- ow.oe cau of ba.D•D•·flavor c..brld9e DMt Driak, nlued at $88, w• reported atolen from Dr. lob.D G . Ylllez lD the 300 block of Holpital . . . A 7. 9 hoz-.powez outboard enqme •alued .. $996 wu ..-ported ltoleD from a boat belonqi.Dq to X.thy SUJ&DDe Drlt which wu moored iD the 100 block of SlLiPJud Way ... Approx- i.Jut.ly 100 UMCl batterl .. •alued at $300 wen reported ltolen from Jim Slemo.u Imports iD the 1300 block of Qua.U. ARRESTS Bryu Harte ltelll Hao, 37, of Arl.aona ud Stephen Michael Clancy, 30, 'of Oklahoma, were held enroute to the Beverly Hilla Police Department after beinq arreeted by BHPD i.Dvestiqators oD IU8Picion of conspiracy to commit 'qrand theft . . . nu .. men were arrested OD suspicion of drunken drivinq, none from Newport Beach. ru.day. March 30 CJUWIS A wi.Ddahield wu smashed by vandalt iD the 3300 block of Via ()porto ... ltaaa •&lued at $3,425 ... reporled ltolen hom DoloNe Way ldwucla ta t.be 900 block of Sucloutle . . . A JDU'a oolcl Roles watall valued at $1,12S wu reported ltolen from Douolu Reid Ayr• in the 500 blockof Via Lido Soud ... A abteboard valued at $60 wu reported ltolen hom Edward Lam lD the 200 block of Amethyst. ARRESTS Robert Davia Bille Jr., 31, of Newport Beach, wu a.rreeted on suspicion of ..ault and batteJ"J . . . Ti111othy John Urban, 29, of Oceanaide, wu ureeted OD suspicion of burqlary . . . C.vin Mitchell Dolan, 24, of Newport Beach, wu ureeted OD su.IJ)i· cion of failure to appear . . . Two men were ureeted OD suapi· cion of drunken driYblg, in· clud.inq David Bem.ud GaniD· qer of Newport Beach. w ec:lneiiCkry. March 31 CRINIS Three advertiain~ Milbo.uda fox Bic, valued at $2,100, were ~ lto1en from a ltoreqe boa at Roble N.wpott • . . C.yholee of 21 loeb Oil cluaroom cloora wwe nod•"•· eel, caulnq appraxllut.ly S2SO lD duaa98, at Newport Rubor Hl~ School ... AD ubowa emou.nt oJ jewelry WM NPOrteci atola from LoWaa Spllb iD tiM 300 block Qf ProaootolJ Drive . . . A decor•ti.e \li'D, uecl to kold pknta, valued at $178, wu reported stol«l from Wa.rUa Job.D Locbey lD the 200 block of In- trepid ... TbrM mao rtma ud NlchellD tiree valued at $1,129 were reported atoleD from a car belODqiDO to Duiel W. IWott Jr., lD the 2200 block of Chan- nel. ARRESTS Jeff Steven Je:nnlDqa, 18, of Newport BHch, wu a.rreeted on su..piciOD of petty theft ... Ronald Chrlltopher Givu.a, 22, of J'lorlda, wu a.rr-.ci on suspicion of d ... rtioll. Thunday. Aprill CRINIS nu .. bioycl .. •alued at $650 were recovered by a aba.rp-.yed neighbor of Lorlltim Grove, who spotted them in the beck of • parked pick-up truck Dear Gro••'• 500 block of 35th residence. Police reported trac- inq the truck'• lioenae to • reei- cleat who line DM.rby ••• A PQJW ud ooatenta •alued at $2, 188 ..,. reported ltoleD froaa • oar beloDO'iDo to Jranld. l1oUe Hun.U.r. ARRIST8 PhJJJp ... ~ •• Dobbe, 22, of CorOlla d.l Wu. wu a.nwted OlD w.pioioa of ... alt and bet· tery . . . CUrl .. Bzacl.ley Lu.nd· bezo, 21, of Color.clo, wu .,.,..eel OD .uplcion of petty theft . • . WlllJua luqene Steele of Hunti:Dqtoza BMch wu az. r.ted on napiclOD of feloay d:run.ha dri.mo after beiDq iD· volved lD a hMd·oD colliaion with GUlJa Scott Folden of Dia· mood Bat, whloh OCQUrred on lrrine. Fold. wu abo aneeted OD IU8PioioD of JD11deiDMJlOT drunken clrlvino. Both IU.Itained Jll.lDor lDJurlee ud were a.rr..aeci at Co.t• W... ~rial Holplt&l ... A WiMtOD Viejo ID&D wu arnlteci OD wapiciOD oJ drunken driving. Fnda7. April 2 CJUlLES Silver bowb and a compote nlued at $6,545 were reported stolen from Mary I . Andrewe iD the 1600 block of Lincoln . . . A ctr gereo valued •! $710 wu WE THINK YOUR HOME SHOULD BE THE N1C£ST PLACE YOU GO .••. At World of Moulding You WW P1nd A Wide Variety Of: Moulding -(H•rdwood & Softwood) Wood Turnlnga · THE 'I'Et EPHONE POLL tift-.-.......... 11 .... 1 ,._.will be DO ria9. 1'Mre t Should u..' Ulllted Stat .. help La .DO Deed to talk. '1M ~ · aupply British forcee in the lAY 80Ud you hMr La your Yobt l Falklud laluda dbpute? ~ ~nW. 111 -• qva -oet . . To ..,.. yzi call Do you support Federal aqeo· . • cy's requ .. t for a $3.4-billion 175 tlto. Mveo·yNr civU defenae pro- "To ~te IIO.'caU 115·7020. oram? can uytbM belwHD Dow 'YES 96% t::!~ a.m. Woa~y to cut your NO 4% 'I reported ltolen from a car belonqi.Do to Job.D O.vid Glover Jr. which wu puked lD the 3800 block of Balboa . . . Jewelry valud at $1,300 wu reported stolen from Dorta June Julton in the 2200 block of Vista Dorado. ARRISTS- Da ClaytoD ~eturakie, 32, liated u a tr6Diient, wu ar- reeted OD au.picion of malicious m11chief . . . Steven Gordoo Lily .. , 33, of Corte Madera, wu janeeled oD su.IJ)ioion of P<l•••· mo oocaiD• ... Robert t...veu Stert, 31, of Newport BMch, wu arreeted OD .uapiciOD of lrelpuaing ud occupybfq Without owner's COllMJlt . . . Corn.Uualuley, 23, of W.m- phia, Tenn., wu a.rreeted OD au.ploiOD of .olicitiDo without a permit . . . nu .. peraou were arreeted on suspiciOD of dnmkeD driviDQ, none from Newport ,Beach. ~\ i3 ffi)~~ Stair 'orta -fO•Jc & H•mlocld Galley loll -Picture Frome•-lor lollt Ch•lr R•ll• -B•••• -Crow,. -C•alnga .&. THRILLS * SPILLS * CHILLS..& UNDER THE BIGGEST BIG TOP John£. 'Bfotn CUSTOM PHlYfOGRAPHY We An PROUD To Have Plaotopaplaed ... MISHA WILSON We Would Be PROUD To PhotQII'•h Your Child Vtstt Our Showroom Mastcrchargc/VlSa 8-5 Da!ly. 10·2 Saturday CIOKd Sunday 3109 S. Ma.ln St .. Se.nta Ana l&.weenl)ycr"" M.cAnhur on S Mam S. l 558-7772 DOVANI THE lEST OF 1WO WOALOS: shlrtwabt styt.. lng fa the tobed k:Xt(. but done In the IUfPise taalc of crystal pleotti"Jg to ocoent ~· kldylke QR:Jrooch to faaNOn. Ffom Oovanlln otf-wWte. IRes 8- 18 sao.oo TIIIU •••••• 1m •u•••••• Ttu., AprilS thru Salt., April& SHOWT111E: TICKETS OH IALE AT: n. .. Apr115 ............................ l'OOPII ~:-... '.:r:- frl. Aprl 1' ...................... 4:ll, l ... Pill 0..,.,.. Admtl ton Sit., .. 17 ......... 12:tf. ~-. 7:00 Pill I s.... .... ll ........ ll:tl, ttO. s.•,.. ... " $5.50 c .... '=' ~ S.tter S..tlng Alltl,.ble Tlobt ............. Cell Now ~. 957-1120 DOft"'l ..... OPMifiG DAYI DIIOII .... ~ 01oJ ~ c..-... e1 arc..~ .......... f'l*k ............. We Have A Gift For You CHOICE OF 8 Blown Wine GlaaHa Or LCD Time Pen 8a. /ocuJ olll:J ach }ega tbe 1 JnJU. tb~ tbro tbe , ••Ia. G men prio bcuJ 9'0"' lege aity by) K wah the The. eve• pre1 by. sma ma.t My, ancl deli neD and line tho1 iJiiJ bu• in VI cau ea E ml Aal he ar• oth. me: uk pet a l• th• hia I be - - r. t .• ,. H IJ Su t ''-'"' I tof Ill • j I Ho Tl l I "'' , To· t .. II c,.,,, 1>4 . " . I•· T ~"'J r I "'' I r•• Ill How Do You Select Lawyer? I Eugene X . Garfield a U.. lounder and manoging partner ollbe American 1.-gaJ Network, a clJent-relerraJ q8lem lor lbe /ego} pro/eaiOIJ. 7be •rvlc. o/ the American lAgaJ Network cuw initially being made avdi.labJe to tboee attomey. and law llrln. throughout CaJJJorrua who ateet the qualJJJcotion •tandard. utoblb.b.d by ALN. of humorilt A.mbroee Bieroe'a doleful quip about the leoal prooe...e: "A lawauit ia a ruchille which you oo into u a pjq aDd come out of u a MQM98." That'• becau.. hirino the f1nt lawyer who comee aloDo ~ timea ia cloee kin to buyi.n9 the proverbial pio in a poke. Bergeson Tells Chaniber Of State Welfare Costs Garlield u on attorney and a member o/ the Florida Bor with prior e.xptUience in vnoll b~, tbe roj)roocJ indu.try, government service, private legal practice and as a univer- aily proleaor. by Eugeoe K. Garfield Jt .. pa watchful eye theledoer. That'• a ma..xim every entre- preneur awean by. Watch a amall buaineaa- man buyino, Oura il a day of utraorc:linazy leqal apecialiution. Contracts, torts, tuea, real .. tate, worken' compenaation, Occupation SaJe- ty and Health codu-all of theae and dosen.a more uc&ne leqal wchea are fullUme apeciallzationa for many lawyers, and no counselor c&n be thoroughly verNd in the delicate lD.I and outs of every leoal uena. The health, mdeed the very ezWence, of a sm&ll buai.nea often may hinoe upon a timely call to a well-versed apecial.iat. I A ch&noe in atate leadenlup l.a needed to chanoe a pohtical . pbi.loeopby wb.tcb hu pwnped continuinoly mcreaaino propor· bon.a of the .tate budget into health-and-welfare prooram.a, Auemblywoman Marian Beroe· eon (R-Newport Beach) told a brea.kiut meebng of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce lut w..-k. "In the e1ght years of the Jerry B.rown adminiatratlon," abe aaid, "our health and welfare e~n ­ dihu• have incre&Md 166 percent-compared with an 83 percent mcrMN m outlaya for educahon, and a lU percent mer .... m the 0011t of liVlDQ. "Our health and welfare apending il tops in the natlon." She Mld the .tate lac• a fi.ec&.1 cnsia "becau.. it hu been uaino one-tune revenue to ba..la.nce the budget. So we have to keep robbmo nut yMl"a revenuea to ba.l&nce this yeaz'a budget." So far u altenng the p.ropor· tiona oJ budget all~bona, abe aaid, "The Repubhcans are bop~ mg a Republican oovemor will change the p}uloeophy. 1t aa unrealiahc to tlunJr the Auembly will ba ve a Republican speaker. Reapportaonment aa attend.ino to that. But there 11 a good chance we may make at 1n the Senate. And then we may have a ahot at cban91Qo the p}uloeophy." On other sub)ecta, abe a.ud: aay, a new company automobile and it'a a .tudy in careful deliberation, with every perti- nent fact and feature weiohed and evalueted before the dotted line ia lioned. This same thorouoh-ooinq deciaionma.ltinq ia involved whenever the The dilemma for the entre- preneur 11 aizable, critical-but it now il on the brink of a solu- tion. The U.S. Supreme Court hu reJ)4Ntedly made clear ita aupport for communication by lawyer• to the public. That il an essential atep. Assemblywoman Manan Bergeson shares the podeum with Chress Street, governmental aHaers comm11tee charrman. and Carol South lreghtl, prestdent of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Beroeeon. whoae appearance at the B&Iboa Bay Club mMtmo wu arranged by chauman Cbnu Street and the chamber' 1 oovem.mental afiall'l com.auttee, pomted out that m 1974-75, Ca.Wonua spent $38 aulhon more than the national averaqe on educahon, and Sl.S ballaon less than the nallonal average on weltare. -W ute and duplicatlon oJ effort could be aharply reduced by combl.D.lilg or eliaunatino such aoencaea u the Pubhc Utiliu• Comm1111on, the E.nerqy Reaourc .. Bo.ud, the Au R.eourr~ts Bo.ud. the Coutal CoDliD.lUton and othen, anclud- ano eome "au per aoenca81". Commerce St..ttf ot•"'" bv ew <,,,.,~ But it 11 a step the leoal profeaaion-aadly-il not taki.no. When the American Bar A.o- ciation surveyed ita memben on their acceptance oJ lawyer '\dvertilino, fewer than 3 per· cent had ever directly com- municated with the public. BUSINESS BRIEFS buai.D .. 'a boUomli.oe il involved-and that pervuive caution il the sureat way to keep a amall buainesa thrivinq. But there ia a loophole. a oap in this rioorous attentiveneu. A.tk the am&ll businessman how he .. Jected hia lawyer. Od.da are, the atatiatica insat, that otherwiM circumapect buaineaa- men will find an attorney by ulti.no a friend, a neiqhbor. or perhaps a busineaa associate for a lead. And be often will take the firat lawyer who pJunb into bia path. I look at that 3 percent and I look at another number, the mmu.c:ule 25 percent of the public who, according to a recent Gallup poll, bold lawyen 1n bioh eateem-and I do not long wonder why lawyen fare ao very badly in public opinion. Walter B. Gerken, board chaaman and c haef execuhve off1 cer of Pacific Mutual LUe. has been re-elected a darector of the Automobile Cl\U> of Southern Caldornaa . Arnel Development Co. has selected B.J. Stewart Advertis· ing and Public Relationa of Newport Beach to handle adver· hsinq, pubhc rlataons and pro· mohonal actiVIties for tis com- mereta! real estate holdangs Do that, however, and 1t may be a fut atart towuds val.adation Mattera will not soon change, however-not, that is, until the leoal profession firmly embrac .. direct commumcation with ita publica. Stephen J. Scarborough bas 'UIUC NOT1Ct n<:TlTIOUS IUSINtss NAMt STATtiiiiENT I'VILIC NO TIC£ ncnnous aus111as NAMt STA Tt'MENT T"'• t~ U " •1 ,,,.,_ .,.. i •••·•· • THI t.IAII '>Uill ""• :) ~ r II lr n-• ' "r("••J A •J '~r •" ,,. . c.'" .. ftt,. '~• ,..... • r h" 1 .. j '•Ht1•t•t l -;,ltlf· I ~ ,,. t A (.-Jl. Tt... • • ....... (" . "' •" ... A1• • ~ r ~~ .... "• Th .. N., .. , ' • f ,..,..,. I • ... 'UILIC ttOTICt ncT1T10Ull IUSUUSS IIAitU: ST A TDCDCT T~> ~ II " 1 i·•t• i 1 ,_. , , fiii£NO<;HIP YACill HAIITUS t ~H"f.STRIN , YA<'H' t HAHT"S SLI1VIl fS • rlh ~' •l • 'AC"HT ( HAIITfR'> "iiiiVICt ' a.n ..... ,...., , •.l• f f t , ....... $• a.r-.. A• . ...-•'"•.,4•-Ar I # J• k. 0. f f. t N .. Dt • f (""A,.,, ... fh • t'l·t• ,,.,. ,. I, "''' f •' t •\! ·•' S , .. t ,,~ .. , ~ Ar••l• l"••l i•"' A,, f• • H-'•t • l u •' ' ... ' 'UI UCNOTIU NAMtSTATtJUIIT ... I ,. ' I., I' I 4 I , >I ~"4!11.'11 llMIH[l • •. 4 •• 1 o , tf a. .. "' < A tJ'tt.tl • "I' ""' ,wlll I 4t • f ~"" N ... r ,, l , • , . ~-'" .. • ,. tl f fit '" • s J' .... • .. ruauc 110nct ncnnoua ausuu:ss NAME STATDCEifT r~.. • • "l t P(•LY P( WI~ Ul'L T!i 1'11 Wh.• • A " ..,.., ,,.. t A 4.tb. ! T "~od • /'-ti 8 • l•v• &;, N .... ,. 1 &. , ~ ··~ f ... c "· " ~ • .,. -, ... , ' a.. ~'-A ""'t.t" r , t~ .... ,. "-1 .. , • , • I -..d._., 5 1 "1 1\• t ,,.( fh·• ·····"f\· ... , """'t .. ,. l 1 I o \. •,., I> I ( I \n 1• I " ., A11 I ,.. p""''••:O. "'· r ... ,.. •• , ' J , ..... , t 'UILlC NOTICr ncnTIOUS IUSINUS NAMtSTATE'IIIIENT -. f ~.. I J1, • II I ~ ... , I J ... ~. ....... ;.c urH t'\ ""'rut ... • /II '-" 4 \4,..... I ,. • lol t .~. .... 44 '4 .... r A .. It>. ff'! • t ot I~ t • J ... I .,, J -.J " ,, .. , •• '. "· T"'. •'"'•*"• .... i ... t • ••• t It • .... 0 .... p,,f l••" 4 .. ,., •...... , I ~,., I • &f,•., ...... -.... ~ ~·CILA--..... ____ ..,. I WfU ewo•s I)W(fU lltwtfiiS \1W(Jt.$ .,~ ... -·--·--,. ...... ·-- I WU" JWUIIS •wu•s a.-fWUr.S IJ Wftl($ O'IW((It$ ~W(fll$ ·-·--t •••a•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "''"'""' Claeelflecl , __ .... ,... .......... , ..... _,, ,.._,_.... ..... ........ ----.... a._._ .... _ .. 'UI LIC ttOTlCf NS t%471 ncnnous aus111t:~s NAMf STAT[Iiii[Nl I !jf '~ "N!'<t k.. .. '•.. &-' I '111 I I" 'fp• " I ,, ... " A '....., ••'h/' ~""0 N t• .. Jl "-'•"' I fl. I I J• "'' I ~~ ' .... t' t A, • ... • t ,,.. "' I 'UIUC ItO TIC£ NO TIC£ or TIIUSrt£ 5 \Alf TW?1 A, • ...... J . ,. I• t •l,f '" " .. ,. I •• f 1'1 • . ·~ •••_. • ._ ............ •· 1 to" • I of!t.d.f • I ....... f t • r• •• .~~"_., .. '" Ot·'-~o~• ( ••• ,,t..c,j .. l"' " o1 I • • • .... til._. ........ ••4 .ttl..-t N .,. • ......., ............ , •""'•• ·~" ................. , ...... , -~· IJ •' P"''W '-" ......... tpt\.,.,.,..., .... . IM'f'•t _..,.\4f..t It¥ M4 l)rr..rlll ot ft .. ,t ,... , ......... w ., ___ ..... , .... tun-,..... ett • ._.... HI ._ •ll• ... t U Ul 1• •~• ........ f'l .., 1 ol .... ......,. U'• .. , II 1"1.,.., uo, ••• ....... ~·~...-~ ll>ol•o; ... _ ..... U 1•1 • 1H ...... •'• ,, '"-•••• ... o ............... .. ........... •-...... C4 ' been named. vace presadent of Standard-Pacific Corp., respon· sable for the home-bualdmg ftrm's operahons lD Oranqe, Los Anqeles, Rtveraade a.nd San Ber· nardano counhes. Standard- Pacific as plannmq $150 malhon an new restdentlal construchon Scarborough lS a former proJeCt manager for Irvine Pacific Development Co ... "Now we're ~pending S 1.1 btlhon /ea than the nahonal averaoe on .choola, and S2.6 buhon more on weUare," abe emphU.t&ed. She noted that m recent yeua weltare e~nditurea had been gaven atatutory statua to rile under the Conswner Pnce In- dex, and that "~ehoola and tranaportation have bit the duat. w .. move farther out of balanc~t when we proceed wttll welfare mcreaaes on a coat-of-ltvmq bull," she added. -More flelti.bility ia needed m state oovernment to .1tilise the talent of thoae m local oovem· ment and bUilDeu. -So-called Spht Roll Taxabon would be "a tremendous unpedi- ment to revitaliaing buaineu-- whoae full effort• we need to sbmulate the economy." The added tazea on buaineu would aimply be pa.ued alono to the conaumner, slle 1a1d. "J'here 11 a great need to mform the pubhc on thu," she added. Mital Wells has recently JOin ed Newport Home Loan. Inc. as a loan offacer 'UILIC lfOTIC£ fiCTITIOUS IUSINI:S~ IIAMt STAT£1\4£111 J ' t ~' ' ' • • q ' ~· :'<t p~~" '"' ... ·--~·ty "'''y ··~d . ~-41' t!'f , lti, "' "· ' . ~ • ~. u, • J. ~ , I ~• .... "• I ' ., ' .. I t• '<I I "-'" " 'Ui llt lfOTICI ncnnous ausu•us IIAM[ STATl:llllt:MT '"' ...... ,~," . . .... " . ' . ....... . ~ ·4-... • t M· A I ..... ... .. , . I ,..t " 'Uilll' ttOTICl 'It TITIOUS I USIIU:SS IIAM[ STATE'MCIU 1" 1 r tr Pt ,. • '•-. II , • '... .. .. H ""' '· I "' t • • 1 I • I • . ,. 'VI LIC ltOTlCl If(' nTlOUI IUSIJR:SS NAIIIII tfATDfOfT ......... ,. 4 I H ••If~ LIA~( •'fttAI' "" I • t A ''f ~ .. , f ·" lh .. ~ ..... • ,,. " ... (, lf'l .. . ..., .•• r " . "'" .. th 1 I r~ .. •·• ••• .,, ..... "..., • ~~ t ~ .... c•··• , o,,.. ,. , At "' I .... ,....... At I J .. i If#, I -..: , ••..... pol~'"" •• 'lli!''!J1 "--a&.IIC ..OTICI nc;nTI()US IOIIJfiU "-'-It. tOitJtt "'' I fh• !I • ,...,... .,.. • .. .. ,., __ •• 11 11, N(lW 141\ll A1 t ........ Dtt•• M•wM• V,. ('"A liM G-,.,. r.u 141'1'1 An '" o.~•• ...... ,. v,.,. r. -.~ w.,~. '·-•••••• 14~1 .,...... • ~ .. .-v .. ,.. CA.,._, n.. ~--• co-4 M"·... .., .. ,.._,, ............. , -"--, ... """ o.ia-1 ... I .... •·flo tloe c.... c..• o.._ c-··• .... .., ' I'VI UC tfOTlC[ nl'TITlOUS I USINtsS IIAIIIIL STATt:MUfT ... '·- • ~ • J > I ~ '-'•' . ".' -.. ..... 4 • ·~ • • .. A 1'4"11 r " I ~ I'· A • '"' • •' I 1114• ' ' • I ~UIUC >IOTICI 11$92444 rh nnous ausu.tss !CANt STATtNI:M l " ' II '<\ l A 1 ~ "' ~ . .. '··· . a.. • ' f'4 , ~ ' , .. I • • ' . "-• t • j I i (\.o.t I -.... T • '•••t t •• 'Ui lK NOTlCL r l<'ll TIOUS lusntESS NAMt•n A TtMIDfT ..... ... .. t r-· ,. • 1 t lt •Nt8111(1(:t MIP,T4 J A ,.., 't'"HtJ ..__. ,_. ,, -'•• .. . .... .. "" •• ' 4 • • • .. • • A t'. • t . 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Jill · c:J 'lip •" ... F. f : f · r i : r,lt t t 2: : ?!~r [ f~, : ?! ,.~ 1 r ~· : t 1 oc ~ r i F ~· : F! it ,.tl .. f .. ~i : f• Jtt ri Fl ~; : l!l~ i t ~~" , I .1, Ji !1 J I r[ J .it f a : p ;f .. ,f[r t ... ~r ~ rJ ,.Br •• !:~: o!ts•r 1E • $: o= ?f~~f ! "' ~:': ,.a ~3r A • s: ~ '~iJ l ! . •! p~ r!f~•;t ... : •: ! ,~~~t ..... II •• -& II ! ~;tI t ~· .. ! ! ::'i f . !~JS ~ ~ i l ;; 2 :8~ I ~ ~l i ' i -~ .. : :: ~ ar i 1 i 1 a ~~I f n . =-~·C . ; :: &r t . ~·!e.1 ~: :-a r. t'taJ = ··--·-·-~· • -• ••~.r~•-•-_.•,••·••r.•.ar.:u:·. -• .7~~~6•·•r"lllri2&~Jl.!lili•ltffi,QO~...-=:!LB"Q'IIIll!l1~.-~ .~fflt'PI-1 I ""' Pl .... -1 i'8~ff:P.4.:D2-c:"ll:a (i)ffCitl'l:!l •L i l ,._. ti l • I ,. ' ~ -I ~ I I • AJOeOU'IK:£- IIDIB HOST JAMILIIS a.ro-tiY ....._. lor ~ qu1ity Sw.cliM U · ~ llhad-tll lor l.a-1.,. 487-251115. "DDISS ur -._. htiqM .... opea &ad ~ ., COIUiicpa J'OIU .. ••ated f..Uioa• ~. too (714) 131..-,,l!OC W..echtf nr .~,a..da ADAMS nt CUMIC: Moaday-Jriday 1-8, s.t..rday I-ll. Ho .... liloW ..... aad btrda. ~ ... ~ ...... Al.b.rieoa'a Ceater, ~ O..y'a a JP. w.c.a, Call*-1m5 GJtAJfD OPIMUfG: 'n.iD9a tor pr.clou peta.Q.aabty~. 1~ off ll.ll ' bal-ced pr09ra•a. Dodcb la-.pn-. 20!53 Newport, eo. w-. 64S41&ll WUST SILL -la-t.l.bv-1 ~ ~,.. ....... &ad .._ ...tdJ,e 1SGARAGE SALES A.NTtOUIS. tncbboD&l reprod•clloa• aod •.c:b .ore. Apnl g ud 10. 10 a.•. 110 3 P • n II.Wqr-, lrriDe (TIU tJ.oc:k-) 11BEALTB LOSI WKIGHT NOW 10 1o a u.. m 30 da,. or your S31. 7S for 1 · rao.ath'• ~~tpply returo- ed. Call liiRBAUll chlui.bulor, MiclleUa, NS-5423. 17 tRAVEL/ YACAnON DISCOUNT AIR T~ Of .epu .... .... ca.. Call toUirM --------1 ov.abe. l-t00-532·3972. JARKS: Kawau U98. N.w Torlt $l58, MuiCO S clays $2'19 au ud Lud. Wlay look ... wiwr.? Local Newport BOOK SALE 20th Aruuversary C.lebr•uoo l,.rytbLDQ cta.co .. Died JO~ to 50~ H•rl~quorl• lc; End• S.rurd.., Apollo Book Shop S4S W 18th St Ca.ta M .. IATIOJUIEY lOLOSTII FOUJU) .. ~ ...... ,.. .... Ad- w&tc~W7'Gl lSGABAGE SALES MULTI -FAMILY Ge.raqe SU. Fanut\lr., ~ aad kMe of 9oocl lhdt O..p clleep c A..ep S.hu· day. Apnl 10. e-s n ~ u. Wood- ~.trnae (-~"CIOr tra-..1 ·~ MarilJ1l MitcMU. (714) 631 ICM7. Dl'LORI THI GALA PAGOS ISLAHDS S.W ~ -'1-bowrl ... deal r..u-oa ~r pm•.. yechl n ailable ~ 2-t .---. .,..., aro\&ACI Pl&a JOIU OW11 ,._...., for &do, coa tact W...ry Crowt.,, 1109 Bndqeway, S.uah1oe, CA M9&5. (415) m . a1. II EIUERT AIN WH1T1 MUIT S\IJTS lex ....... 8.Q a...da or ~ooda ._... n...tn cal Sbo.c-. 548-!1851 23BELP WANTED SENIORINSPECTOR Machined Parts Rockwell lnteruahonaJ's Sp.c. T r•nsport.thvn aad Sy.eeau Gro .. p • pnm• contractor I •h• Spec. SIIYtt!. oilers aa eacellent opportuntiY lor a ••uor '-'rei~Aepector ol Wachm.d P•rt• Yo .. II make rl'qutred Mlupc u11 nq phc-~1 comparalors th,.. aa" m-surrnq m•ch1n .. and lil...d m-s~Annq ...,..rems Yo .. r eapen eoce ~ld ~,. tDYOived prec.-.on loleran c... c:oord•Aahoo chmen••ons urequl.r •ur t.c .. requmoq coon:h~~ahon 1n -••I pl•n" compound anqlea ud c-ompo .. nci rev~rw contour' RoclrweU otters ao ou..S.ndtnq s..!.rv and ben efll pack•qe w .. tch 1ocl..des hber.tl hi• dental and nsed.c•l onsuranc• companv con tnbliltnQ NvtnqtiiO,..Imenl plan •1u•rterlv c~t ol lrv.nq tnc r-s •nd more J,m NcG••~rn (DA02) Sp.ce T ransportaltcm 6 s.,.,_, Gro .. p ~k..U laternahon•l 1al0 S Clark 51,_, Dow..., CA 90241 (2ll) 9'22 2!101 lqv.J OpporluiiiiY bpk>"'r M J U S C1h-nalup R.qu~red ROCKWELL Dn'ERitAnONAL Be oar ~Gat at GAS , ......... : ~nd your na.!'M, addras, and phon~ number to ··ncl<ETS·· cl o COAST YE.DlA NEWS GROUP, 2721 E Coast Hwy .. • Onate Cocadt ·~ Corona d~l Mar 92625 11 EIUERTADC EASTER 21UCEMSED CHILDCARE BALLOONS STATI LAW Rl OUIRIS th.at penon.e UDlqlM. penoDD1ned j wbo pro¥1de cluld care Cfl.lt o.b,.red loc&lly 111 theu bome be Ucea. Order today ".UOOIU ed For lllforaatJoo oo oJ "-Port.-645-6445 bow to obttill Uceu. lD THI IIU. TDANCIR I Ot-uqe Coll.Dty. call SNdJo -CdM oJien (714)834-5172 -•.nammeJII for all OC· WILL au==vs=JT=--put--. or CUIOU ud c~ lD I hill·tull• Ill my bome. tbe art of beU,da.Dce M•hue, eapettenced C&ll731-4574 womao Ptc k 11p avDll. -1-1-G-IFT-----I able Rat. 559-6333 IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS Sead eoaeoDe yo11 love • bouqu.c of JO bebWD ba!Joooa Penooal m• uo• HNvenly lo r I&Mr Perfect lor all OCC:UlOM We dahver 673 4419 s.,.. thJAI ad 23HELP WANTED PRISnGIOUS REAL 1ST An orna •n 1r viDe loobDq for lop q\l&l.lty DQeGia Good co--n epllt No daM f-851-0829. m -1493 JOB IHTO RNATION O.U... Kou.too, O..r -· Aluka. S20,000 lo SSO,OOO per yNr poem bla c.u (602) 998 ()Qj dept 8963 Phone call relll.Dd.able L\.RN S350 TO S700 A Wll.1t Wllll our pro-n ••••lo pe pro or•m ~!. from bome ,,.. d.c.W l:ocloaed 11&aa.pec1 ao,..k>pe PI~Ato Co . Oep.rtmaot 6, 1744 W Devoo. Cll.teeqo, D luaow 60660 URN s6 -PER HOUR ..U1.09 Avo o produc:ta Parl·hme oe•r your home or lo your worlt place Call Carol Slrel ly 540 7041 SUBSTITUTi GRAHD MA waoled lor occa SIOI!AI babymttmq ol lt.\ .,_,.oJd boY Prefer IDJ Woodbndqe b.ome 857 1741 HOUSEHOLD HELP lor 9•11eral c lean1119 Weelrd.,., 8 to 10 • m Corona del War 644 4484 Retereoc:" requ11ed Spaa1ab epeoaku.q acc:.ptable PITmON CIRCULA lOI\S -6 8 boun, fu1ll part tuae S6 lo S9 per ~., O.Wy pay &40 8811 liT AIL SALE •• lrnne Part-uae. e::apeneeced a.tr Wom--r 1157-4fi77 GINIIAL OffiCI GIRL needed lor Tu- day and WedJI..t..y Good on phon .. and ac: c uracy for pnvale cl\lb 557 7234 SAl.i.SW.A.N 1\apldly flJOWID9 yac: hi aalea compaay ~... •• peueo~ed f~tll llae powerboat aaletnllaD s..ct ..-ume P 0 loa un. ~rt a..c-111. CAI:Ml 'n SITUAnONS WAHTEO NALE LVN SUitS daytu:ne work 1.11 lloae or boaptlal care 12 y-n eepeueoc:e Wbour Eapeneoc• mdlld• 1.11 tena~ve c • re 1enru.aal cancer paheota Mtil all IDQ\IH'leD IO P~y­ Nver, P 0 Bo:a 4&4032, 275533 Puerta Real, )rfa. etoo Vaeto. C A 92691 PART TINI BABY SITTING 1 to 2 cluldreo '" my home Mature womao E.apeneDced, referenc• C.U Peqqy. 546 1359 RETIRED TEACHER will help at11deo1s. qrad• 1 4. wtlll then .. ucLN Call Mr Sont Sr 559 6.333 29MONEYTO LOAN WLOOW HAS NONIY lor Tr..-Deeds SlO.OOO up No c redit cbecblDO peoalty C.U O.U..oD A~taa .. 613 7311 I HA VI MONET to loa.o oo your bome Low lD 1er..t tr .. appr..-1 7 day MrviCe c redJI no problem BlU (71 4) 964 3 1~ JU WBO SECONDS - CompetitiVe rat•• Bro ker 1.11qwnft LDVlted lmm•d•••• lundaoq Broker, 847 6006 MO NEY WO NI:Y homeowners Loa..ru by phone Zltd ADd Jrd Trust Deeds t.OOred to yo11r a!IUAIIOD or oeede CaU luo. day &Uqht w .. ar..de S86-91n 301USJNESS OPPTYS CUP MIWSPAPE.R AR nCLISI U to SlO ..c:bl S.ocl ataapad, add,_ ed e11v.lope for '"" detaU. 574 C &.u.lon I aLOe P ..adena, C A 91105 31 INVESTIIENT OPPTYS DPORT CO W AJITS 111..-...on 23" r.Cum 6 moot.lu, 90~ rtqht oil Gu•rant..d by letter of credtl 851 6&48 2 TO I TAX WRITE Off I • . , ' ~/'>(Jll or .. ~-·~ 1 " r. .,, .. t ... t .xJ•. •• ' P1 I M 1 C .. 11 (' II• 17141l23-0U8 32 TRUST DEEDS DD MOaTCAGES DfO T D '•· l~YIAI h.Uy -'*»4 17'1U6 Low,.... c..u .. 2Slt .. q.-. 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES MUST SIU. -Trut Deed dl&e .... , 1g&2 Sl4, 000 496-4313 31AJmQUES SULLIVAN'S AN - TIOUIS. 1237 S WatD. Santa Ana Now OpeD 11·4 Clearaoce -.le, m11lll allopa DAd ..U 41 FUJUQTURE FURNITURI NIVIR USED Gla.-top eli· nett• S225 Qu"o bedroom SS80 Sola/ lov-t $300 Bwab S200 Nattreulboa apnnqs IUIQ Je $80, fv.ll S90, qu .. o S1JO RoD. no 01101 ANTIQUI OAJt. repro· ducnoo luruthue ware- bouee now opeo to tlle pu.bhc 811y direcuoD hom our mlllioo-doll&r IJIVeDiory NoDdaJ· Fn - day, 10 4 30, S.t'llrday 10 5. Sunday 12 5 33081 CamUlo Capw- traoo San Juan Capw- lr&oo, 493 1247 TROPtTONI 42" out door p41bo _. w&th4 dul· LDQ cllAJn Never u.Md, 5450 W1.0q ollau Wlth 1mported oneotal la.b- nc, $39!5 ~ DESIGNU'S INTIU EST ATI lor ••I• S..utllul pecao aod smoked 9lue coH .. DAd end t•ble Ml w1th matcb•nq wall wuta C...tom eoLa/lo,. -• n-r new DrnJI.Il&lly S I 600 S.C nbce S650 Oak bedroom eet 6 p.ec.. eleqaat IUiu.Md eola bed Sohd etate 25" color c:ooeole TV S195 No JUDk, caD belp mo,..t 850-1860 CUSTOM O AIC TV cabLDel. 29&33&.20 deep lor 19' TV New S8S Wr ADd Mn c...atom uphot.lered c:bAJn w1th ottom•n rust oraoqe SSO per chau SlO ot IOIIIAD &..11hlw oH· wlltte decorator w.U lamp boa piNt«! wlute abade II" d~&m.Cer by '1a·· h•vh m 640-8624 WOODIGAS COOit STOVE Old qrMII type Reaso oable 497 2246 PIRSIAN RUG 911.2 hne Saro11k (714) 75S 2593 ANANA UPRIGHT tr .. &er $1!10 Blac:k 8' h .de • bed S 1SO/beat oller 559-6391 EXPANDABLI T&Ait duunq table w1th cao• anllque cbAJn b.cel lenl cond•hoo 499 l 2 3 5 ELEG ANT CUSTOW MADE 141C qolci*J col- t-table wtth 2 ettd ••bl.. S I 000 498· 1148 BRAND N'IW oraet ~toq aue ~ Wu $1 200 .... ttt.l 5 p~<ec• ciiDJIIQ Mit w .. S800 Aar ~ otter 497-~ 42 APPUA.ftCES LEN'MOI c.obal air CoDd 11100 IDQ lAD Itt Wlloteaa!. pno. lo ~ZZ»call m.~. MAnAG WAI.RD a..to•...,_w...._. .. 0... • ....... y.at.~e r-'ri9 ... a.-.... orlMtaeaBet 117-1701 33 FOICI.OSURE SDVJCES 42 APPUAMCES • • MICftOW A VI Sharp Cuo-.1' • "- ID boa with -naoty sm m. 8S5-G08 JVC -RST1 DIGITAL receiver, C1au A po-Coet SS88 s.u lor S400/oHer 496-a166. ~oma EQUIPMEifT IBM MAG CARD D wordp~.,.e­ l~c:eUeDt cood&hoo $4,450 or heM otMt C&ll Sally,(714)~0100 ROYAL lliCTRIC lypew nte r t e ll cotrechoq. full-au• P&Mi S785. aac:rlhce Sl'lS Like oew M~ -· 54&-8392 U DIAIIOKDS • JEWELRY ESTAn I SICOND HAHO JIWIUY and sterliDq llatware c<MU a~~<:lt t.. al Jlaotley•a, 220 I . 17.-St Coeta .._ 645-e85 GRAKD OPEIOMG The C:O.. W.. ColA 6 1-.l.ry lacba.aqe, 2~ "-slort Bl.d • CoMa W... bu,. a.nd •U. tU«i t•welry, acrap qold, cie.alal, walcb•. coan.e, alver 631·5933 50 MISCEL- LANEOUS PUBLISHIII DOES NOT ACCIPT ba.bwty for mcorrac:l ~lltoq qraaaa tteal toac:c:ur DCIDD, or typoqraplllcal erron 10 DAY adver u.m.Dta pv..bt..hed IJI Ill• COdt M.dla Me- Group BOO~ OLD RAM aod 0 111-ol pnal We buy ud ee.ll 'Ou I of pnal boob ou I !lp«:IAI ty " Wat.tonwtde Search S.rv~ce Boolr v a wl 3682-A S Btvtol Sanaa Ana, S49-g&41 RIDWOOD 2Jif; daclt 1119 -4-20' lonQ 2S ce.atll loot hm 646 9111!5, ""ytuoe BIDSPUADS, MANU r AC'TUftUS OUTLrf Larqeel 10 Oraoqe Couoty Beddtnq t Bedlp...d Ho..-14-40 S WatD St Sutta Ana Edtover!Naut 835 1611 FOJt SAl.l 1 pau tobe 150 ca. US I pau ah boo•. '"• J. S 10 O.al allav ar.a NQ or&DQe •.od brown '"'" be'v• colon S 15 Meoe bowl toq ball, Al4J 1.11 carry lD9 C ... , Wll.h eJioea, m-..-911\ 5 cluoae aod leatherette dmaq cha1ra, c .. roae aad o rDDQ• color, US eac:~ or all 5 tor SIOO Back pack, S10 C~&Jd•e al .. paaiJ cot S3 644.., AHT1QUI 000 SLOT WACHIHI -SUOO C.U toWY.. nu.a..r 1 800 532 .lfn. ad for ~·e~ Adwatoll IUTTOMS IUMPU STJCDRS. ,.,.,...._ ......... cl&llola ..... ..... -.....na, Oft., ..,.... ...t ..n .... .................... c..e.r,.-. ... 1. ··=nn Matel ... aa. ..._ .. ....... .., .. _ ..... tica by ......... ..,..... ........ ss • ..,.... ........ ~ .... ooao.. .,oa. AWWAT ~ G-.. .. ,.., I*' )• ............... ., .... 50ICISCEL- LAJOX)US RAHCHO SAH lOA OUIN/ftuclto N••• V .de R.c:qu.c Cl v..b aeahenlup Couple 1150 c.n 751 2141 ~ da,. ~ -· SKAJW) VACATION clv..b meabenlup Due to teraiAal 111a--cu't uee our a eaber· alup WUh.oq to lort.tt 40~ of oUJ m...e.m .. t lf y·ou taJre over our moDihlY p41Y111•ta of SSO Call tolltr .. o waber 1-aoo-532 · m2, .U lor P~,..,.r Ad watcb M7481 PHONI MATI TelepboDe An.ewenav Macbme S79 w .tll r.aote, 1149 Wanao bad 750-3791 51 WAMTTO IVY WANTID OLD GUMS. nn... &botQ\lU pocket walc:bea, rothta ry -or<b S.noue collec lor -pa,. acne tllu &DY dealar 581-1170 54 APARTJG:IIITS FU1UOIIIED DCLUSJVI COII'DO -Luv..rioa.t ~. 2· beef..-. 2-hath, tu. place, ..,.., eecllrity qat• r.u ch&w.o- .. eoine. laaechate OCC:Up&DC'Y Co.~y lunuaaed l•ecuhYe ce.llber t-.... ..-qe, s.2-~ DIT A CHID bee: '*or apartae.at. MJ.ioo Vie- jo 1·.,...,-old. CO.· pletely IYrola~ed. wuller, d.ryer, p41tio, 9arac,e. TV, ...,_, ... bedroom, pool, eeculty q'I&AJ'Ci 54 7S 511-i342. aher3pa ClauiHed 17J.OSIO WAMWOTR CC*DO at Ull 7 .•• 11 .... 17. t..n,e 2-~. tu. p&.eoe, aierow.ft, color tv. ~ec...a.. --· ~Yaa.5613DZ. 545-130t. IIG IIAI CAIDI: 811:1· I Ul9 .. ..m .-cl. ... . di.a4J, ~-3 ..... . 5I HOUSES I roo-. 2 ~ .... I. UMI'UIIII I r~. -..'ctcly SOUTH LAGUMA ,_,. ::..ed ~.:--..:: al 2 . .,...,.~ -uti-••okera 131-1118, 3 + 3 Taruua collrtll. 4t2-•1 OC.aA ..,.. • eec.nty ::-::-:::::-::-::---:::;-:-:;:;-::-=:= 11as. $1,300 ao.at)Uy. HAWAD VACA1'1Cit Call tolltree a-.ber ~ OU.. ~ l aoo.m .J97'2 . .-tor 1-Mcb-oo.do. r.o, PeaayMver Adwatc.. ha~. ..... 4. W.1 w.-se.:*" 56 FURNI Z STORY HONI 1.0 lr· Z2!0S'" ua~ TUU. apph&Doee (re Y1DD S.bedrooa. 2\.\ ou __.... •• WANTID luqeratora wubera, balll pnvate duwav Su.a..tt _. ,._. .... clryen. TV'e, worh.oql roo.;, iuuly r-. l fro• cWr l!S. .... ooo-worlu.Dq, Annqu•. llreplac ea, double 4-l. Jecuai, ~ pa6DOD, ou-fura.tture o•r•q• wttll ctoor .._, oolo.r TV . ...._, •"'"AS. (714)..,... 8161 opeaen, covered patiO ll.Dder~JrouGd puluaQ ~ ~· 1 for Y&a or oO.er "'•" ..,.,AT'WANTID De&r poo ' !*'llUI, teo· Av-·•-.. •-~ a. ~ Dill, park DAd ecbooM --With tr.Uer 1T to 22' $1,050 per naonlb Apnl2. April 10-31, rn- lrom pnvate party 552 4454 day aad s.tu.n:La, m 552 S562 534-6652 WOODUIDGI 1.AJfD per D19~1. SD.Dd.ay · WANTID USID FUR ....... _ .,.__ Tllv.nde, tiS P-lli9&t DIG -J M r ... n ~... 7sa.o.87 or 133--1 NrTURI modern an 4 2 !10() Ml It 4 ltque Relrrqeralou be droom. 2'1 balb PALM SPaDfGS hu· waall•r• d,..,..n (work la.mJJy rooiD larqe yDJd ~ 1...,., oc.do lDCJ DOD workLDq) I.. or••• localloo au S...,. 4 SwuaamQ, 957 -8133 cond 9ardeoer No tDCilUJ '--A•llil· pets S1 300 per aoDill ab!. _._. ud &.... S2 REin ALS TO SHARE. Sa.adt. (71 4) 4!YJ...s57 t.r WMk ftssnorehla -ra lee 145-3118 or POOL. SPA 2 545-7111-. bedroom phu de11 814 IIG •• • • C • __ 1 WA TUlll FDU.U ''' pool aod ap.a 1.0 beautlh&l ........,. -allare 2-bedroo• 2 beclr-,ard Co.ta ac-bedroo• phu loh bath coado Uolunu.eh S700 pi ...a pool aaua Sla.pa I S-10 am~_, ed bedroom ..__May teuaoce A•Dlla.ble Ju.aa 9aow Su.a.ail 1!0 per let S.JOO plu• 1 2 1 Call Dow ~..azT.] aMJilt S10 reha6a.We utwtt. 559 5858 PW SO UIVDII. -2 ~-= .:::='-1~ • .-ON TH1 SAND" bedrooa 2-bath bo•• 532 J!ln. aM a-r-7. I + 1 • 1 pruae Newport Baclr-,ud pool and spa .. ,.r Adwaacll M!lll locabOD bu 11 all S400 6401631 or ~1986 --===---:-::::= 1·-"'"'"' .,.,.,7 OON-El. TO.,.. SHOW, SMOW. ~ -,_. '~ 4 BWR "'-' SHOW Wa•aeoll a.. CHJttSTiAH WOMAN ho me' le .. e Nur do 3 ~. 3-bedl, Me1rmQ u otber to abar• ~~ebool.eJhqbted p41rk Ia ~&e••-'· .euaa, IPc:ro- • k>..ly 3-bedroom 2 cl11dN qDJd-eT S9SO wa,. tu.pa-, ...... bath lumtall.d bome 957 6901 855-09158 qrowad partiDQ •'"" (Wlth t.wtdrv) Hom• "' HOUSE foil ~ 3 .W. ApnJ lS oa 10 Hll.DilDqton Beach I bedroo••· 2 ballt• 833 om De&r a.ed1 Btwd cloee oc.&J~Y>ew horae No SOUTH LAD TAJIOa, 10 405 ,,..,., aod PCH d~ S850 naoothly a, Talloe r.,. t..o-ty 2 11-1 .. onh $.}()() mon1b ow-r 833 8891 days bedrooa coedo • ......._ phut 112 ,.t\1,11• Pleue 494 6068 evelllftqs 6 o---•-c..--.. -':i ·. c.U ,,. •' &48 6173 ----itoal• 189 IDdoof pool. .., M7f NO N SMOUR 5I CONDOS/ S701day (714) ... 2113 ait.are J bedrooa 2~-. VACATION DC rr- batll, 2 c:u qaraqa TOWJOISES wttlt taally by aclll~· towallo..-•n Wood fOR ftEitT lDQ boa• dDnD9 fv.Jy br~ Pool taeunt or A~~Q\AM ~ 1D teaoJII, hreplac• sm ....u r,_o~ ...u.... 30 ltill ul• DO,_ ol l'ana 113 utiliu. 559 1026 4 bedrooa 1acludla9 SHAJll LARGI HOME auto ,...._ coaparabla -Hilltop an L.vun• ~-w ~ Call- ...._, bedroom bath lonw U ........... C.U r....ca doon ~·•w (213) --~ = Avaa.labla M.y I ltii.A.MMOTH LUIUH S.CvrUy half COIQ)()I •• eMu lS at.Ueu-4M-1J31 ..... 4 I aad I AD UAPARftiEifTS uuuu ..-atiDa 30 to ~ d~t (213} ... 1441 M.uoiOTK 00.:00 -At to Wa..u.g B.a a, cw... 7JI ...._ 12 111-1ltl ·...;;...;..;;..__ __ _ ataoo•roa IIIIT aOPPICE/ OOIIIIIRaAL .... orncz1U1111 130 to .. ICIQ&N ..... ,_. wtdt prlft .. -· truoe .• noo, . .........,,ml wtDttow.. ~ .. MCretarta1 ""leN . 1100 Do.., No. 330, m.ea. DlVID DfDUSTlUAL PAU, Tutia (Wyford/ W.baat) otfice 1D -~ wttll eddttioul wa.a.o-.,_ •. De:p 731-0114, evealav• 833-1718. oma SPACJ for,., -!100 eq. h., $275 mo.oUaly. 333 3rd .!'a Wqv.M leecll. \,;all tollbee DuaMr 1~ S32·llrn, .U for r-.y- Mver Adwatch W8348. a.-tihl ......... Cealer ofhc:e wtlh u.. of ~IIOD, c:oaier erac. roo• lutc: .. eo. p .. oae, ..crelenal aad word p,_.CJ w.il aad -~ •r •ace evail&ble _,., .... ,"d.~ red C:.USally ,, •• ,~100 •HOUSES FOR SALE FORA SELECT VIEW I iaclu11ve Newpurl BN ch olftce oftlc'n ea.cuhve •PaCfl lc c:om~H~hble buatness UMr Total lac:thllft offer • Dee!Qner huntlure • ft.c:•pllonlai!S.crf'· larl41 S.rvtc:e • I:Mqent Conference rOOIIII • Computer/Xeroa The tnlertor destqn oilers a troptcal am· btenc:e wtth waterlall• poob wath troptc a11lih and luah garden~ L!mued apaces •vatl· able Rates from SJ2S S700 For appurnrment Call Donna •• 851 1000 .._,'-\lUI~~ ~ ~ ~ ... .... ... " you ..... I gea IIC>Ve, ....... Ne ,,. .. light w but~ elflcoen11y ·-""''" • lllue ...,.,. A yellow.,. ,..,_ lfwklt•• en actjyn -·nMOed y,_ -v't UVtnQ ICI .. IWougfll 10 you by IN cle .. illecl eclvenoaone •• _,, ., IN onc••t ot-evCONe<Veuon ~A#oerlWI. o...., ....... UBOUSESFOR SALE Robers 1: Eilertaeli IU&.TOIS IB The Welton IIAdlrQ, SUte 228 2166(. Coalt Hwy. Corona dll Mar (714) 61~2373 OLD CORONA DELMAR ~ $350,000 tor 2 commer- dallftta plus 2 aportmentL 2,300 IQ. ft. net rt~ntable wtth 25' frontage Coast Highway. Seller ftnancWlO at 10.25 fa 3 ~with $130,000 doWn Best tenna In town! Excelent tax shelter! MARY JANK, IIALTOI 6J1·109.C a OffiCII COIIIillaAI PiDd C<5IOiiQ lit. WAa WgWy .......... deetvaer ekowrooa. lteeclyto jut..-tM door. 1,000 .... h., suoo per ~. (1) 4S7-4111. MIOUD a CUI PIIVAft IIC*I CAll lor ......., ...... ietory. lJcqpt ....... MO-IMI 17 UAL IITATI rou.-PLD -C... ......... ooo. ta.o-... ft.aedat. $30,000 clowa. $2!10 par ~. N419at1••· Prtaolpale oaly. Job, •veal, 146-,., . • IIOWD POll . 1.11.1 LAQUNA llltU -~ tl71,000 -llMtt ~. 3 Mcl-IOOaiJ. 2 ..,.,,~ UQZ.OOO. Ow..r. C.U .......... 1 ... 132-3172, Mklor ,_.,_ .... ~WII77. LAGUNA )flQUIL peUo ~. 3-becboola, 1 .............. . $141,000. LMee optiGa or b.y. a.ocl ..... Prtaclpala oaly. ly ow.er.-.u.. NICI HOIII riOJiii-n uc~-......2.100 eq. ft. c.-. ....... • Treb\aoo C..,oa. $171,· • HOUSES FOR 000. US,()()()..$40,000 SALE clowo. O...r. C.U toll-h• Dv.abef 1~fJ32. PIUCID W1TH TDMS. Puonuaio ooeu 'riew. 1096 clowa. QrMf ... .waaWe -.. Tkia 0\11- toa-blli.lt 3·beclrooa/ 2-hath l&oae laM .,_ redeoozUecl ud ill ia iaa.acvlate ooocUtioa, Yloew boa aeady all rooaa. 'nte owaer will cury ti.Duciaq ud Mil jQit redlaoecl pnoe to ~.000. C&aoa Re&l lute, (71.) 413-81101. QUALITY la terlor llP9red.. Wut ..01 3- bedrooa, 2-hath litoae, quiet ael9_kborllood. OD.ly $118,000. S80,000 ill loua. a821 Aloaa, ~ MiQlMI. CaD ~; .i3-8538, ull for Wille, owaer. •HOUSES FOR SALE 3872, .Uior ,_.,..,.r Adwatcll W7482. LIASIIOPTION TO IUY -4-bechooa, da, 2M-bad., 3-c.r 9&1ft941, 2,!180 eq. b. Dua Poi.Dt. SlO,OOO dowa. $1,400 -tbly mohad.. water &lid qarcleaer. Ow~aer, -.1400. II HOUSES FOR SA.LI OCUJ( VIIW CONDO -SWp!ID~.2· h.drooa, 1"-baU., 1uve patio. Low..t pdc· eel oo~.W. wUt oo WftiiA eo.t. S147,SOO. loa Pw1toa, brok.. dl-2510. LABGI 3-UDROC>W. 2"'-hath COlla .... towa!Loae. $155,000. 13.St6 -30 ,_, llua· clDQ. l.t ,.:U at 1296. ~7 I . 18th St., 831- 81Ul. II HOUSES FOR SALE ~21ndlvldual 2 BedrooDI BoDle on a 132' by 300' lot near 23rd and Newport, Eastside Costa Mesa. ~xtras include fireplaces, forced all" heat, large rooms, garages tile kitchens and baths and 8 ha~e 2 baths. A super Easter gift for your future, $775,000. ~oumadd~~ 36-1-1 ~. ~oad ~., ~ownadd~ 673-8-194 FALLUOOK bJ OWMf -1~nt prfae a.o-oedo QI'O'M, 4,000.1oot bo••· pool. ll9.1decl .... ala, llor" oouale. $880,000. Owaer will trade ud tiauce at 1<*. .as-3122. ee 5000at.2108. 10 ACUS Nort.ll.ra Callforale (Sila••• Couty), rn-. riew. $410 ID $810 clowa, U.S.13 -tilly ($22,· ..a c..~~ pnoe). AJ.o m ao... (potaU&l ruoll) wWatnNI .a-1 Jd ldw&rde, OWMl, (71.) 464-1!100. 72RIIOB'l PROPIIlTY HAWA.D -WAUl - New 1·bedrooe coado hally hua!Med. Got· v-\111 ooeaafroat, OWD- er &ookia.Q lot putMn. w,ooo clowo oa.-•· aedi.Ue $25,000 put· ...,.. equ.tty. O.t· ••ad!aQ .... ad ... ~ Prt•U. puty. c.D toll· trw au.aber 1-IOQ..SJ:Z. 38'12, Mil lor,_.,...,., Adwetcll W7'MS. .110111.1-- DCII.I.DT IUY - 1810 aow. ~loa., 2 bechooa, 2 batll, Sua J ~&a a Ca_p let uao . sa.soo. o...r .w o•rrJ· Call toWrM ........ 1-100-532-3872, ull lor p_.,...., Ad· 1MICll W8142. 11'18 2ST fHUXDII. mD Jonallla C... •• .,, w.o •. hl1 c:a~~•u, eleotroa.loe, talMpe 4. TraU..J Sl l ,aoD or belt otier. Cla•d•, 520-1745 ... 84. 1T WOVA CAMOI. Aakia9 $350. Cell Cr-'g, f'11.1372. IAILIOAT: Vnhuo 211-loot. Ha.d.a 10 • ~. --ooe.II-... ••• IOOt' ... O... ..... 131-270, 131-1731. niiiiOIIW 21' Ul· boanll~ &port. ..... ~ oaU.y, .l.&J. .... .a:z ..... -. AVON IWJLATIIl.l IAJT -... <WI z ... ..... z liM,._ ... Md oan. La. aew, SM. Call toUfrM ...... l.eoo.aa...n, lor,_,__"" ....... ...,. .,.. iDIO .. PAIII: ,..._, ,_ ~~::'! oCMr .-..1-Ku.Nr ...... C.... ~~ 141-1221, IUU'lJ GAJAQI, 1170 00001 31. loa piokQ. c.... Spe. olal. ~.,-~ ...-.. peel. .uunc. .,.,.. ~ ud---. auiDa&tlc traaa., all ;"·~-=; 1m DATIUW 1210. 11ro •::~·~ .. ooo--. au, Alllr. ~. -....... 27-311Q9. 0.. owaew. "· $16,300, 141).1711. 1871 2161x. Low ~(38.000), atr, s. .... AlUJ'W~ eteno. 18,000. Call loliiNe aua.ber 1-IOQ.. fJ32,3172. Mil lor ... y. .. .., Ad~WII«<. FIAT 11'13 nAT .0 Soort s,w.. v..,c:~ou,"liM .... $2,000. c.u toll- ... DuaMr 1.-...s.32-3112, Mil lor .... ,......, ~ .. 102. lt71 ffttfA -...... /w.oll ....... ....... 0 to ==:.& ooadUioa. s!.~O. 7'JO.I:Il7. 1110 HOIIDA ,._, caow. OUJOOt. ~ ~ .... $7,800. 1110 iiC5iltiA a. liODQL ........ ...., ............ .,..,.. .......... 770-73a 1t7t HONDA CIVIC - Ori9tu1 --· ..,._ leal ooad1Uoa, vu ..... ..... 837-7*. Kado,claya. IIAZDA WIICIDI8 '81 300CD. Air. ...,.., ft!UOOt, ivory. A tn1y ~~~tdul auto. $25,!100. 18,000 aUM. 770·853fi or 'iiU-tl~. 1•1 WDCIDIS 300TD T11rbo etaUoawetoa . C....... AWirw redlo, IIUJ'OOf, 8,000 .u.. llJDe brud aew. Uade• wuruty. (1) •· 7401. $21.000. Hr. 00 r-.r. kdatt uil ,... ...... ....., brt orr-----~--------ab\lllod. $1,100 ourll or belt .., . ww tude lor nto.M4.Z. DAGAL MOTORS 1871 roaD RONCO nT. AlllOa&Uo, ·-wlleel clri.... 33,000 .u.. AMia9 $1,000. -.e333.,._1p.a . 18'11 DODQI eo. .. - ... Loeclecl '"* ..., utra aY.alaW.. C1eu.. $4,100. 140-8341. 1871 roao aac>Nco XLT. Autoaatic, 4- wa...l drive. 33,000 .u.. AMia9 $1,000 • -..e333.._1p.a . 1_, DATSUif IDfG CAl. ,......_ atat ooadWoe 1D ud o.at. Low ail .. , utrul 542-a138, -.a.o. 1871 J'OAD OOUIID ~~.r.--"::: Wl-!1165, tst330. Grand Opening FIRilARI LAMIIORGHINI • 79MBZ 3000 ...... tAvE (~~) • 79MBZ 450SEL . . . . . AVI 6. 9liMO (9W'O) * -• 79M8Z 450Sl ...... 9AVI (5639) .. - •79MBZ3000 ......... VI (11337) 11 :r~ID • 79 FERRRI 308 GTS ... tAVI USID CAll WANTID (Fl~) -Up ID 1100 pUd. .... GET YOUR BEST QFII:.ER ala9 or aot. A.a.o r , wrda. A1111 tor lee*. THEN SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY M7siN71, Ul ~ ..... 117! '!'17. SUNROOf, vood c:oadltloa, 2S ~~· bl~&e. $2,850. lle-1034 . 01' •• -I I I ... . . ADDI'ft()ICS • JIIIIC)I)IIJltG QUWlCK a SON IUILDD8 lllillce 1M7 . A.W"'oe!!'l RemcM'D9. Doon, wiadowe. Pallo eo .... Piua. , ....... ...... r .... !Mi-2170. Uc. 310M2. AL TERATIOial/ DU8IIIAIIMG '·YYI'• Oa .... ~llta9-Altare· liooa. QUc1 .moe. JllottDODeW. prtoea. o.u ..... PaOJISSIONAL DUSS WAEJNG eben· llou. For your total look. rttttav u. you lloao.. ~ OIID be e.naaved. lerbar•'• Mew Ia.eqe., ........ lor ~po!D,._t, -.1101. ASPIIALT SIAl. CQA1'11101 WllfiWAYI AUIIALT UP lUll ~ , ....... Lie. 3f73IZ MWlll AW1'ATE PA~OO. r= I ~ c DY Co Co ~ c D l1i let i: -c~ ••• ~: c -c -( c ba "' .. • -A l~==================~================================================~~====~====~~~~~wc~~~~E~-~~~~~~~~·~~~~7~.~~~~·:·:·~11 DIRECTORY OF BOSIN CAIHIIIWf CADIIftll.: IMAIJ. J<» II 's'W. c.a,. .................... ................... .............. ~.aNd. ........... ........ ...... ., ...... ~. CALL PIH til. r~ ..... ..u ce.rpeUef ... odd .......... a.L. hr:k1u (Scot/ ~).8'11-1047. CAUIT\JIIBOLSTDT cleee...,-~ ... cial. Hychoateaa, ~.4WIM:2 r001M. Sl3.!0: 5 .-.. $3J.SO; .,., S1t. 7'5. Cup.e. wpk'r "d,.. 1119 (10 ,.,.), Scdc!.- 9 ..... ~ optioM. c..,.. w.. ...... 5611t8. CAUI'I'S CLIAMID: a..o.u-• work. --able prioea. Floor llrtp- pi.DOfWU,IDO. So.tt. .... w••=·-· (714) 7'51· 8001. ~IIZJ lD teok• WOtla ud ,.. aowaJ oJ coacrete <MUo., *'-w.U. ud :!r••aYt). AJ.o c1&ttlacJ baDclaewtao. Not ~~ate Uc. Week'~ eo •. 0'* R.aovel, 631-2110. CONCUTia ASPHALT lllLUJNG aUWOVA.L Slttploader, damp tnck, ~~~ a.a...r. Low rat•. ea~ed. q'll&bl " ttO<k, iuwed, , .. ~ 157..a52 COiaiTRUCTION a. wn.soar a SOHS - IIM.Idera. Free .. u. .., ... 30 ,.ua ezpen· lOCI. loQded Lac:. No 31!/1487. 646-1740. llEIIDIInW. ...... erdaJ...._..J. Po.t Coa.tnac:Uoo Co. fw.h worlr, redwood decb, patio covers, home lmprovemeota. ----------1 Ver1 flaiODable. ~reoc•. Frea lib· CARPET DYEIRG Dft YOUR CARPIT· eo.... laocl.ba9. MiDa Colora r.r•-•at, 9_a&J_t.. . Cvatom 0,.0. (714) ,..7110. TID BIST PARTIIS are c...,_. by~ ~-So a.t w,.,. liaeW'• ~ yow aat -t. 14) 738-11636, (714) 14 -~. "Nola H CO.CWITE PAT108 • DaJVIWAYS Woocl. patio co.,.n, .u type~. No lob too bio/...U. Mo. 21123!5 AM to. lia, 561-7lo:t. OOMCUTI AND WA- SONJIT Palloa, clecb, brick lalay. drl .... ,. wt~ -.pb&lt r..ovel, pluten, fi,.. r1D91. block w.U.. rr .. ..u.w... o... 536- 7440. (lJc. 31Mo22) nil ISTIMA TIS OD ~I Woclt 0~ bJ'Iolt• W01''1l, -CCIUtnacUoo Ol~~.a.G2. C.U 0138 uytlae CI.EAIUieO SVC IIIIG-IIJJU)I Ptcf rl a•Uy ca.-.d l•alcMallal/Comaer del. tu-1111 CUlTON CDOMT ud bricltwod w. do It all No lob too ...U. Re ..... .,.. ud hea ... 1. ....... 7 ....... -·-· 857-:za. NIW CONSTRUCTION -Major remoct.l. Full 1\lptrvilioD Coet pllll or bid. fr• eatl..!Nl•. All Newport relere.ac•. Ou.allty work CJ\llrU· teed. Uallc-..d ~Real Property Servacea," 631-4678. 615-6002 DOORS NORMAN THI DOOR WAN -Prot.-ow Ul· at..UataoD IDiraDce, FreDch. oak. cloora av~.857-1191 DRYWALL DRYWALL ~. l.apAAq ADd crMbVI baad le&t\lrll luwed llebahle 0.. penda.ble Call )eft 831-$913. BA.R.NIS DRYWALL -HupCJ, tape, ICOWIIIC ceUlD9 ud wall tea· tv.r•.l.ic: 4151g'/. $51-1131 ELEC11UCIAN BISIDINTIAL I COW· WDCIAL -llec:trlc ow lpeCI&lty Clean. qvlck , depeadable. We do UJ Rae tob. Peter S RodQefl, Pro perty Improve· ...... 631 -2345 UCDfSU> ILICTRl· ClAN -Depeodable. qualle, work 1\euoD· Allie rat• Fr• .-J· mat• Call Tom. 631- 5072 EI.&CIIUCAL PROil!MS! C.U HCt Service Com· paiiJ w. do ,_ct .. tial, ~ercl&l. .. dllllnal ~ No )Ob " too IID.U 24-l..ow IIIV ~ i1De (7)4) 131·!888 Lie 415233 AnOMEY DANIEL A. VEREKER ATTORNEY AT LAW • [)()t16TIC "Et.A liONS • C~lt'UNAL t.AW •IANK~UPTCY Slot~ Cr.Ot~ Har.wtnenl f~ ~Munt lt.def BANKRUPTCY from $350 779 'fr'. 19tl. SWk A CoetaMt .. 752->416 MARINE SUPPLIES? ,.edCI•nltiH FUJUQTUJlE REPAIR• RESTORE RlrlNlSHlHG, RI- PAWMG, r•vlr.Wlq, aatiqtd.ag. clqarette btuu, be.r-top ~. Cwltom HoUM F\miJ- tv.re, 548-1980. 53().. 2200. HAND STRlPPLNG, repallliiCJ. ADhq\1••· rattaA, aew fu.nillwe. CUI.r ca.u.in9, nahiaQ. SPECIAL -u1 c h.au, a.ay color . band· atripped or reql\lad - $19.75. If To\lcb ol Clue lrateriou, 711 W. 17th St., A-2, Coeta w-. 642·771:Z. GARAGE DOOR OPENERS G ARAGI DOOR SPRINGS: H.zdware. electronic opeo1r1 lvea1nQ1, wHkenda. A&)( Door Compu,., (114) 893-14Tl. GllEEM SCENE Lawo maantenance, cl.-\lpl larQ• aDd ...U. Tr• tnmmlnQ aod removal. Free ..umat•. 548-6065 or 646-1578. AWDUCAN GAJlDEN· lit -Complete lawn ma.IDienAACe, tree tnrll· llliACJ ud h.a\lli.A9 away 0\a&Uty La?·S.rvtcll. 631-4535 .•• IO.OIUEiffAL QAJUJDEil came boa a loaQ way watb oature Specl&lu. ID heavy clean\lp, reqular mau~teDaace, repau tued y11d, U!.M&ll new lucbcape, bnck plaolln. 831·11· GA.RDIMlNG SIRV. ICE: ~waJJReaa. d•.ahal CleaD·\Ipl. Pf'\IJU.D9 Now eodlplaat· IDQ Reaaoaable ChAA9'a GudealnQ S.rnce, 642-1080. RJ & S GAlDENlNG SIRVICI Geura1 CleeA·\Ip, IDIUitiDAJlCI, edQ•. ~. lertili•· U~Q. (714) 559-80'28, FUll MAINTINA.NCI ud c leeA·vp Speclalb· t~ Ia COIIlmercW ud abopp1Jl9 c.~tlen Cell TOilf, M-755e • AeaodelliiQ • 11ll-h S.rv•c• Ca.rpenlly. pl\labanQ electnc •l. laDaabed c arpeDiry, doora moldanga, c a.baneta: ahahllnQ Fauc:eta to qar~Qe door aptiAQI Fut, elhc:•ent 11rvace Uc: 83S-26S1 HAUI.DIG• MOVU.G GIORGI'S local haw· 1119, $20 per bo\lr, truck ud driver Call 542· 0456. PROFESSJONAL SEHV- ICE -Hawm9 • mov· UIQ, tr .. trunmino. ,.ard cl .. nlDq Unbeatable .. u.a..t •. 673-0548 HOUSE CLEANI.NG HOUSEC LEANING ow11er operated 1 do all the work ID)'MU WaAdowa my wpecaa.lty ADo compt.le boaa. cii6UUI9 Call O.v1d Eckert 646-1281 HOUSECLIANIHG - 12 ~· uper..uce Good referenc es w .. ~LcU,.. a.nd S.tur day Cell 10 •v•nmqs 543 6540. SylVIA CLEANING UNLIM CTED for eac•llence 1.n houaec:I .. DinQ, prOVId 1n9 all aupphea mclud IDQ V4C\Ium T rual worth,. and dependable Call todAy lor •shmate 546-3726 STEVE'S CASTLE Cl..EAHUtQ 3 bdrmll b.tb S25 4 bdrm/1 Y, b.tb S35 S.t..tac:hon Q\le.ra.nteed We'll clM.D your c.utle wltb no baale Call $45-.5120 WI t.(AU rr SHINE ProleuaoDal ho\lae ciMDUIQ w1th a penonal to\lcb Satulachon 9u~tanteed Benner Broe C'-mnQ S.rv lC .. 545·3158 LYNN'S MOP N BUC~ Cl .. nlnQ S.r v1ce You mil 11 up we cl1411 11 \lp1 Call lyoo, 552 7692 On c-a.U w .. kl,., b, monthly and monthly SUNS HINI HOUSE KaPlNG Gave YO\Ir home that apnnq cl .. n 109 look all y .. r rO\Ind. w1tb qvaluy and depen· dabl• work rr .. 11h m•t•. reference l\1 rru•h ed, bcenaed aAd bond ad 952·3034. 731 5473 SWEDISH C LIANlNG S.rv•ce Complete bouseclean1nq apart meot emp1111 and wm dows &..cellent work by proleMJOnala We do wh•l ot.bers promi.M tlwt'a why we're the bill RMJOO<~ble raiN 730·0268 TOP UASS Ct....ru.q s.mc:-. HOUIII~· -:atalc:oadoe/reatala Affordable ralea 842·0190 Servaao ~eqeC.W.ry I'DI&IJE HOUSECI..EAJU"HG &.peneuced O.peo dable Call S\llln. (714) 5.40-3138 DON'T SPIHD TH.I SVW14ER cleanmq V0\11 home Lat aomeone elM do 11 for you Call B.c:lty, 631 4908 HOUSICLIANING O.pe.adable, reuoD a.ble Owa traaupor1a boa ~2096 INCOME TAX UTIILEEN FI.MAGAN ACCOUNTIMG • TAX~VJCE • Sml & Ned. Si&e Bu.aineaaes • Corporation PutnerahJpa • Individual ru .. •l'lDanc:i&l Statement. • Payroll • Quarterly Tu Retuma. Forl98l TcuAppt. CoJJ IIOUU CLIUIIeO I:IOUSICL_I ;...A_M_IM-G-. CoapMt. a.o~. UIQ, apetta•ta~ ""-•· ooadoa. Rellao•able retee R.feraeee. Call alter 4 p .a .. g&2.2$ll, o.borall. HAPPIH.ISS IS HA V. IHG TIWI feu ,o~ Let Ill U.adle ,0\11 c leeA1J19 need.a. We do II .UI lA bwm-lilAc• uns. Tha Woppena. Q66.1300. HOUSISITTIRG roa THos• WHO DISDVK THJ BIST. la.au.cW..e ~tba9 ADd bou-=.l.MruaQ aert· IC ... BoGd.ed. 675-97SS. PROFISSlONA.L fl. WALJ, 32, DOD·GDObr, will care lor yow t.oUM, petl, pl&all Ia yow ..b..Dce . 4---.k IIIWU· mvm. late W eJke,, 1'51· 1400, eat. 2721. HOUS.SITTING by mature, reapooaable female. RelereACee. h · peraeoce wath ID.LIDala, pl•nta, 1tc. 831-9212. SlTPIRCA.U Ho~­ llnq S.rvicll. GolDQ OD vacalloo? We11 t&ke care ol the thloga you lov• your chUdzen, peta, pl.aota. bollll, aec:unty -.urad. h · ceU.ot relereoc•. Call Lltby, 495-4578. INCOME TAX TAX PBEPAilAnOR by .. pert prof~D&I Ap- poaatment arranQed days or 1Veo.U191, yo\lr bom.tmy oH~c:~ ftM.. aon.a.ble rat•. PI- call Art, 857-0133. PERSONAL AND BUSINESS INCOME TAX returu preparaboa. Ava.J.able lor evaDJD91 and w•lreod olface or borne appo&ntmenta JamN L ZUDJD.erman, C PA, 64~212. INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR DESIGN MOVt:Df? DOROTHY NAPKI.E INTERIORS c an help you Qat II all toqather COMPLETE DECOR• (11 yMra watb W&J Sk>a.ae.) 548-9798, m-9• 642-1691 LA.NDSCAPtNG LEE'S LANDSCAPING SERVICE Bnck, block. conc rete WOJit Spnnlt· len, lewu LD.IIa.Ued. Fr• ....._,. 4~ 5390, 494-0514. GARDENING WANTED MOWlAQ, edqif19, ru · I.IIQ, IWMplnQ Fr .. 11- tunatll &45-4372 or 645-5737 Q.REEif SCEifE l..wo, lr-. ahru.ba Ill· atallahoa, rototilliDQ ADd veqetabJe Qardena fr• lltUDat• Alter 4 p.m . 646-1578 or 548-6065 SPRING IS HERE ~~ your landacape an ab•pe W • offer MI'VlC" covenoq •II arMS of la.ncbcape needs Har· bor ArM wpecwllll Fr .. 11hm•t11 Newpon S..c:b L.wn S.rvtCe, 675-3730 VIC'S LANDSCAPE De11o oaiiDat•llat aoa Low pnc::11, luqh quaL. I}' C'-an·upu, repa~n Relererac• (714) 857 1509 MASONRY wamoca Mc.ouy/Cooc:nt. Bnck, block, lllOae, Door bl.e. decorallve, dllllincU-IAienon, e.a· Ienon, walla, plaolan, patloa R.feNDcea, b. cenaed, boaded 11«. m•t• 561-13'10 WW_H _AN_D_IRSO--N W..Oruy· B.loe.lt, bnck. atoDe, feac•. petiOli, pJa.n.ten, walla. Inter· •or/eatenor Fr• 11 u.... (1,..c 310921) Boo.ded, I.D.I\lrad 64:Z ... WASOH'RY OUR SPI· ClA.Ln -Tile -c- crete -Block ADd lnck Qwck. clean. ~b&. Peter S llodoen. Property 1m pwo•-•t.lll-2345 IIOVIRG• STORAGE TH1 ST AllYING COL LIGI STUDIHTS Wov bl!!fj. baa 9fOW11. (Lie T· ~ ~ -~. 1141-8427 DC MOVING bpeneacad, prol11· r;IOD&I, lo .... rAtll, tt .. eeti!Dit•. Qwc:lt, car• IILIIIrvlCI 5U-0410 STARVING ACTORS' WOVING COMPANY Cb&a91119 caatl•? No .,...., w. lll&.ltle wull OIU muaclell Lac:-.d, luwed. 673-0853 PACKJRG• SHIPPIMG GLOBI PACXING S.IRVICI -We bo.a w.ap ud crate We ~ &.ll lhippmQ l)'llem.a 645·0980, 645·9090, 979-6.144 PADmNG PAINTING: lratenor/ btenor Low.t rat11, prompt, aMI •rvw:• lo ar .. lor 10 ,..,. Fr• ..wa&tll. (714) 848- 5684,(714)~71•9 SPlCTRUW P ADn'I.RS -Cv.atom LDienore a.nd errtenore Gv.~ut• 2 ,...,. Refer-c•. lr• ....._.,_ Call (714) 964-4828. ~ve IDII MCJ• Sffi'ENS PAINTING aa b.ck! Now iip~Clall:t•no Ul ••••non. rr .. ateiD.Ja ad emmalll Call lor <1ppoU1tment DOW Aak lor Clwr111. 645-3348, 546-4561 CUSTOM PADmNO From $S9i &..tenor 1 Story HoiDI Low Pnce lor lratenor ADd N•w Conatnacbon lnteru•· ooa&l PA.U1t1119 Co Fr .. lltUD.ale. Call 556-1631 COAT O F WAHY CoL ORS pllDtUIQ -Inter aor/ate.nor. ,ac:oWib<:al c.iliDQa S.tvUlQ lrv1ne ud auno\lnd.anq a,... Call S40-0240 (we 158400) PAIN1'1NG llecadeotiAl/Commercaal Ouellly worklll&DAJup Fr.. ltltl.m&lll "-JOna.bl• pnc" we J8920J J IJD WIll 54) 3290. "PAINTING by TWO LADIES' ' lnle norll:s tenor, noo hceDeed R.a.aona.bl• Eace Uent relereoces Cathy 131-3787 IAE'S PAINTING In tenor/Lienor. Realden taal/CommercaaJ Fr .. llti.IDalll Call (714) S45-3131 JJM•co. PAINTING • lotenor • £&tenor 18 yean Fr .. -un•t" 5$9-5$19 PAPal IDICDfG ORCHARD WALL COVIIIING bpert atrlppLao/laataUeiJ.oa .....,.abJ. , .... h .. ..U..t.ea. "'-'er~ CAlllnt.le, 831-4.578 --WEG.Al.S SBOl.JU) BAJIIG TOGETHER W al.lpaper IJIIIIallalloD ud plilllLDQ 13t-0'730•M4-471:1 PUCISJON W AllPA PIR H.AHGD.S lapert c r•haaaoebJp, lo• rat•, 11• llbJa.IJII Call u. &Del uve 20~ •. 30~ OD your pu.rctu.. of w&.llpaper Commer c t.VRN1den11al 642· 2047 PLAS1'ERIMG ALL PHASES of PI.As. TIRING Re at\lcco te.lllltrUIQ, IDienor/ea: tenor patchwork Room add.aboru and cutom hom• Fr.. -*I.ID•Ie L•c 388781 John. 960-3786 PLUMBING SANC HIZ-PLUNBlNG R11tdentt.aJ/Commer clal Spec!Ahunq m c opper rep1pe and repa.ua wceoM No 360997 Call lor tr .. 11hmate 642-3394 DRAINS C LEARED lrom SIO Totlet rDA.lDI from $15 Fr .. plllm.b UI.Q repa.r r llt.UD.atll Gua.ruteed work C&.ll uynme ")4 6r W" Root er. 642 9033 GUSTAVSON PLUMS. ING 6r H-IUIQ Re- paare, remodela, re· 1pea, qa1b.Qe d.aapoa water hMtera A.ak a.bo\lt home wana.nty we ~26 548·8666. 838-4805 AAA I PLUNB1NG . H-tUIQ, Rotor S.rv1ce S.rv1ce call low u S12 50 We do 11 all and MVI you mooey1 (714) 96:z-6534. (714) 631 3006 DRAINS CL.E.A.R.ED From S4 SO F r" eetl mAlll All worlt QUAr anleed Re•aooable pnc11 No Mrvace call c!wrQe Drll.D W&aten . (114) 638-0953 15 .... OFF -All SERV ICE le.bor Spectaha•nq lD all l'l'pll of plumb1n9 Dep.oda.ble, rep\ltable econoaacal L•eenM ~ TeAal Plu•b~nq 951 3548 PLUWBIHG REPAIRS and dr11o• c1-r.d Replace fu•IUrll water beatera. dtapos<tl~ R.a.aonable t4t.. r r- IIIIIDalll Srev .. s .714) 973 0236 POOLS/ SAUNAS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS IWJtGUTTDS MINGtm'IIS: Cu. toa elllala.wa __ ._ Will~ ~tp~e..all $1 4e1 toot t.D.Ilalled. Fr .. ..urut.. (714) .. 8372 RDIODEI.IftG RIPLACI UTCHU COUNTIR TOPS We've popvlar c:*r• •• atocia. AJ..o lratc b- remod.!IJIQ F r-lib· IDIIII Woor .. op• (714) 568-3888 ROOflNG QUAUn-ROOFlNG lor Ia. Old ao.d o..ew COUI\lCbon UceD.Md, LD.Nrad ADd bonded ReJereDc• Avlllable Call l.enny Fu.nlr.e ADY h.ml, 64S-Ol93 ----ROOFING All typea, n-. old. repa.~re, decka, water· proofiDQ Call Bob· 548-0769 Uc: No. 406022 RAY'S ROOP'IHG CO S.rviDQ all of 0r4.1lqe Cou.nty All typal rr .. llfiiD61... UliUred we 36104.2. All work quar a.nteed 559-9369 HUBER ROOnNG All typea New. recover. decka l.Jc 411802 S46-tn4 HENRY ROOFING Speca.aluuu~ 111 ahUIQ111 lor fme hom. Sldewe.ll and ah.ak11 Uc: 415232 Mi-1213 ROOM ADDinONS ROOM ADDITlO NS X•tcben b.tluooma. wet bars, p61l0a Muonry. electuc•l Peter S Rodqen, Propetty 1m provem•ot. 631 2345 mE liCSTALLAnOR DYNAW!C C lllANlC We Ullllal.l&uon, lAter' .or/eatenor. and ,.. pau.. Fr .. ..ua.t11 (P\Irc tu.. &.ll ma.ten.al tbrollQb •• Up to 40,_ dwcoiUII ) Hon ... work 964-!1041 CUSTON TILl WORJ:t AlJ t~ uai&Ual.ons - sp•c••hunq In re mod.elloQ luachen &ad b.th Ouaitty worlr.ma.n slup fr.. ..uma111 Relere nce s Ro n 83J 7791 CERAMICm.E New aAd Remode11Dq Kotc:hen T\lba-Fioor Fr .. eetunalll J.y.., qua rant• Call Scott.l57·l- CEMICIC TILE Floor• Cou.n.t•r Topa Sbo-ra hpert lA· ttall•lloo Guaruteed work, tr.. 11tun•t11 545·5206 SHO WIJI TUB PROB· LEWS? We aolve Owah· ty cere.rruc tale LUt.aUa lion Ltc....d Fr• ..tlmatll (714) a:u 6038, 24 bO\IU (714) 850 0803 T1.l.E INST A.llA TlON f or all lunda oJ worlr N-red.oe Frea lltl· m.lll (397a7} Call Nark (114) 754-68177 TOPSOIL TO P SOIL SPRING d.a.ecou.nt! utra clean 8 yard.. only S56 gg Local dehvery DO charqe wa •. 633-1665 TOPSOIL 10 v•rd.. S60 PluateJ maa av&lla.ble Tractor work Gr&dmQ and re· moval Fr• dehvery loc•llv 557·1588 SECRETARIAL -VERSATILE oma SEBV1CES AdmaDIIIrahve. loqht boo.kbepUlQ, complete aec:reta.rl&l Mrv~c• and TREES word proceat.DQ Lillaan MatcbeU, 957-3963 EJECUTtVE SECRET ARlAL SERVICES NOW IS THI TtW1 to pru.ne yolll ,,_ Call '"Th• hperu. M 30 yean t ••rv•c • 10 O renQ• C o\loly 548 3239 Georqe ~ bo\ln TRUS lXPlRTLY Word proc~Q cLcta hOD Quality ADd depeA d&b.W.,. lle.aec>ublel• TRDOaD ud remov· Newpor1 S..eb arN ed " alao v•.rd ao.d (714) 95$-2142 qard.n taab R...ooa · -- 1 ble reu.bl• Call lor THE BLST molt prompt tr.. etllruatea Art proleuJona.l IYJitaf IBM S48 7802 75 an.awen aU your 'YP RO N'S TRU SUV1Cl m Q need$ Rea.aonable T ra.tea I06Jl 551 .4532 or rlJDIBIDQ toppuu~ S59 5950 (m... ) llh<lpmQ tr• removal Qlt 1tump removal Yard SIYUGHTS SKYLIGHTS SAVE ENERGY c:l-.o\lp wceu.d a.nd 1111urad Quahty worlr f r• ..tunal• 646 5394 ZEE'S I All work Q\l&rADieed POOL SERVICE. 1 O ne day tnataiiAIIOn DAVLD'S TREI SlRV ICE Eaper1 tnm. top . tiiUOp removal, weed, lancbcapa haw awey FrM•Ilmat• Co mplete m11ntenanc e w_.o.~a Coaatructlon •.nd repllr u cellenl (714) 963-7137 reloeble work l ow p11C'N Own•r oper ated Cal1 631 5725 STAINED GLASS ST AlM'ED CLASS S41 MS4 POOLS/ SAUMAS/ KEV AN"S POOL SERV ICE ft11•d•DIIal Apart PAINTlNG WALLPA men IS Comm e rc 1a l Cu.tom w1nd w• HOT TUBS /SPAS PIJUNG la::tenoriiDier Ae1d w"h and repa.us Tf_,AII OPIIOI.ITDY 35 .. orr AU. a SJQND PA.IIUCS • .,. ·~ltD--...,_ pw:bp ..... cte~.ww~. AJI WOI"lqu.u..a..cL So.. MD lD..non, 117-0UI. RIUPHOLSTDY DRAPDJJS -c..._ Wor~ Up lo S0'96 Gil aateJlall ''" - llaalel So1&th ..... Uplaolate ry, r..•-• Hilla. ']61.g()08, VIDEO W'JIOl DN.I,__ A11 brud. ud ._w.. Acceuon... ••clio/ video, Cma-..ac:JM.. P&oDeer/Saayo car stereoa, aad ta0111 -;c. bruda ISG-0$35. E.c~ VWeoScrv~ IVw)'OUf~ OCC"..siOnS ~ recorded Ofl ..0.0 ap. •VHddrog~ ·~<Ar-*s ·~P.-s ·~E-* ·Shoo.osl~ • You N.n.lt''t CaiFreds..e- at (714) S$6. 1e91 WALLPAPEIURG CUSTOW WA.LI.PA- PIIDCG ud pelatill.e, 10 yean~ aw-. Gvaraat=d work. C.U Job. 7lC). 2053 WA.U '.uDIIIQ bpeneace, boect.ct ~. Dlraccnuas a. wall CO'fllliD9L r... ....... CaD 0...... US..M17. WINDOW W ASHIMG Have apuk;haq c-. w!Ado-at rM-·ble rat• Scr-c~ lrea Call 0... at S64- 41J6 CUQhta lor tr. ..n.ate ORAN<D COAST - We a..,.. yo11 wtdl a braQhter o~atlook AveraQe bou. S30 F r ee eat•ma tea 830-6111 POOLS/ SAURAS/ ROT TU.s/SPAS lOt, rwde.nballcommer Hoo"' a.nd d•pend•ble ca.al. biWD-rlll•u S48 4037 rADII Av&lla.ble •ve POOL SERVIC E \35 DlDtp, w•bnda R•fer -cea Doo Qbt,. (7l4) mont.b Spa MfVIC'e $25 f126.24g6 1 mo nth Guaranteed lamps etc Cahlornoa hc•PN'Ci Awatd w1n OIDQ de&~QIU at pnCit below rnarlret Commer coa R•sod •n•o a l ~UIDOSCOP£ '>4q 7S41 C- -··-C&.ll lor tr .. tDSpeChoo DAvtD'S -Newpon'a 631 2720 IDoCMII u cliUilve muter ot I s'I'T'Dros w•llcovennQ •od plilll '""'"~ LDQ lor l\l•rou.a fml.lh• ~~!i~~~~~[ll WROL£SAU: PRICES anmde and O\lt For ap All brand. and m >de!. po111tm•at. call 64$-Acceuoroe• a ud 1o 3051 Vldeo C111:teo waiC'hll RAY'S DISCOU NT P1oo .. r San v c a 1 PAJNTING lAtenor/ea ACIOWASH stereos oand m'''' m<t1or tenor lapeneDCid a _.,2:1100 br•nds r-nable Frea 11U V"'9 ~. ruatea Referene•• Cla.fi.:_(714L547 31J2. NEW LOOK Pai nting Service lnt#'f f r. ',. A "" ~1 t , Ht"'fF f• r " • I h f C " i ~~ 117S Sdlng YOUJ Car? I C&ll Ct.aatntd 613-0550 PAPER HMGIRG PROPERTY MANAGEMENT YMre oJ l.apeneoce SWALL S HOPPING CINTIRS SINGLI r.UCU.Y HO WlS ··a \1, IA•q~~U~ve Peace of WtDd ' Call 14e.,.-r Wqml 54i-l Ooo·t let vo uo lll.Qtalheadac:lll .. t\lm lDtO 'mt9r~ .. I TELEPHONE ANSWDUNG SERVICE --MAIL. MESSAGE SERVICE • Acrvlk. flbetwlau AI TQa. Rod! • ..,.. Gunt•Sp.. • PortA!bfn and GaMboa • So&ar ~hot -•· epa end pool • .J.IU!d Bathtuba SALES A INSTALIA TIONS -------.1 HANGING $10 A CA.Ll. A PROFISSIONAl. w..,.r Ngmlllra,..t wttla occuaonal 11M ol oH~ udlor con.t.r uee roola Photo c-opy IIIQ. word proc.-.aQ. booa..ptD9 tel• COP'!' tnQ. toJlh.. 800 lme avaJlabht GrMt N.w port C.e.r add,._ and loeet1011 Call L 1l1y CALL TODAY FOR ESTIMATE 761-6116 WASONllY WOOD ROll Paper llnPPIA9 DALY ~.t ... ~ Lcm.._ca--~1 00 • .up..,., -r-VIMudWC fl.NCIS PA TlOS SPAS DEC I S f Cll'tMag IDterlow an.u• Dnlp Call Scott. 60-IJ.ZS JA,IIITOJUAI. IDtiCEi Mt-1-(714)780-0100 --- INTERIORIUTDUOR • ACOUSTtCC'll.l.JNGS RIPAIHTlD • • PAP'QJCAMQJMO• Rb40VAL • • D"\'WALLt STUCCO JIUAIJI • S YEAR OUARAMTEEIEXT. COMPLITI CLIANQIG SDVJC£ u~.c.,.....o...,..w...._ • HIGH QUALITY- NOT HIGH niCIS • PU9COTT IODIHS l.ocalftellieleDI I . ., '"I • e • .... ... e , .., -... - ORANGE COUNTY'S. ONLY AUI'HORIZED FERRARI DEALER Ferrari Rover e .. Jaguar