HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-04 - Orange Coast PilotI · · Qrange Coast. EDITl,ON ' * * . VOL. 68, NO. 4, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES • SAT URDAY, JAN UAR Y 4, 1975 1'ocl;1~··s CloslnJ! 1":\·. SltH·ks T E N C E NTS 9 Assessor's Aides Dellland Hearing By TOM BARLEY Of .... 0.11, ... ._ 5Qft Lawyer s ror nin<:> m en indicted by the Ora n ge County Grand Jury aftl'r a five-m on t h i n· vcstlgation or the count y as- sessor's office d em anded the right Friday t n quL•st ion \\"ll- nes.ses who tcstif it.'d duri n ~ t host· deliberation:-,. Superior Court .Judgt• f.:verc>tt \V. Dickey set J ;.an. 17 as the date he -will rule on the motion to gra nt a 1\.1 unicipal Court prt·· limina ry h earin ~ to the ni nt:' de- fendants. l\.1unicip a l Court action agains t the nin e was b}·passed when the Grand Jur.v is sued a n ind ict· n1ent c h a r gin g ;.ill nine '>''il h j!rand theft . cons pi racy, subn1il · ling fal se cl a ims and \'iolation t•f go\·crnme nt codt•s. IL is a lleged lhat t he nin e employees, 1'-''0 of "'horn h;.i \'t' !'inc·p r e tire d f rom cou nt .\ s erv1ct'. use<! county l in1c <.1nd S l'r\""i ("l'S to\\ ork fo r f\SS£'SSOr A n drl'" J ll insh<.1 \V durin_!! ""h ;1t µroved to bt.· his successful bid f u r t h c ., ·I o t h n i s L r i ,. t Cnn ~rt'SS i onal s1:at Prosl'('Ul or~ ,,·ho took the t•as C' l o t ht• C:r .. 1n d .Jury es tin1c1te<I \\hl•n !ht• ind it·!n1cnt \\HS r•·- turned that lhl' ;ill ~·~t~! n1ul li plt• Cll'l ~ of fraud thro11L:h u\t·rt1111t· a nd 1nilt•agc a1nnu11 ttil lf• :1t ll·:1-.t SIO.OoO Se ve ra l o f t l11· l:t\\\!'r'" \\ho jn1nl.'d in t ht• rnol LOn nt.idt• I\ l'le a r ''hl'n th t•\ lt·f1 t h 1• t•ou r t ro o n1 t h a t 11 h.1" l ittl v l·h :1n cl' of at't''-"Pl<.1nl"t' h\ .l ud g1• 1>1 1.:ke,· .Juct ge D1 l·k1·.\ s1·1 J an 10 a~ th1· datt· lie ,,·ill a c1·1·pt plea:-; fron 1 lh1• 111111· d1 ·fl'nd.1111 -. 1111 1111 • t·h ar~t'" 1 i.1 turnt·d h \ 1h1· t :1 .111d J lit"\ Se\Pr;il .t!lnrnt·\-. 1~11111 1 •1! 1•u1 th .II till"\ h;iil h.1d fld 11·.11 11p p11r\l11111\ 1'• 1•\;11111111 • ill dt·1.1ll nf•;1rl\ ::' 000 p.q.,:\'" nf !t·-.111n1•t1\ (•Onl .i!llt'<I Ill It .1 11 -.1·r1p1 ..., ol llH li\t' r11unl h 1h·llh1·raltt111 l)t•ft•n-.t• l,1,\;.1·1-. ;d -.n ,1h.111 do11l'd .i fl)ut1on 1u "'"ii 11\1 • f;1.111d .ft1r\ !1.111-.1·11 pl-. l1'.td1ILJ,! !11 1111 ' 1111!tl"t ni1·11 1 .t lld ll ,11 ll11•!1 ·..,11111011 :0- lroir11 1h•· P l't'"" .1r1d pntilit· JI Ji.I '• l>t ( !1!111 ' .111 ldll' p1•-.t111't' .t1f••I Ill'\ ~!,HI .f11111•._ t'!lllll'l,ttllt'd [ 111 .d IH"\\-.p ,q1t•1-. ll.i\•' h"i'll l'l\"ll ,lt"1"1'"" 1•• lh·· 1r;111 ... ( 11p1 • h\ .111 11 11knn\\ll -.11111 1·1 .u1d lh•' li .J \t' \\11!l1 ·n 1 ' l··n-.1,1· .1rt11 lo · ,1 h.111t \\It.ii .. ,.1.., s;11d l11!h••(:r.111d Ill!\ (~1 ·1· lll'"'ll \\' l':H,\t' \'.!) Ford Faces Decision on Tax Cuts WANTS MAJOR CHANGES Sheriff-Elect Gates Reshuffled Sheriff's Unit Asked 8 ~' \\"II, I .I 1\ !\I ~f'll R 1·:11\ f': ll Ol IJO• O&lly l'11vt 111.off <>r a nc•· C oun t ,· S ht·riff·C'lC'l·t Bradl(•y Gal C's, ""h11 take·~ 11ff1 r r Tues dav, "·11\ a -.k lht• l\o:trd of Supervisors th al -.;irnt• day lo ap provt· a 111 :iJ nr rC'~huffltn J.: 11f ht" depa rtm l•nl ·s u ppC'r l'C hE'lnn . Ti~f' nlaJor C'h;1n :..:t· Ci :t\L·~ 1s prn posin~ ...,.,,uld bt• t·lin1ination uf l ht• po:-t of undt•i -.ht•r iff. \\hi1·h ho• no"'' ho lds 11n rl t·r rc·t 1 rin ~ Sht·rtff J :i mps 1\l 11~1 r k '"It is rPqut·~!c>d lh :I! lhC' po~i 1inn nf u ndPr s ht·r1ff ht• rt·pl:tt'l'd b:i.· lht' c reat1nn nf thrt•t' po ... 111011" of ch iC'f.'" (0;1tl':-:-;1id in a nit·nin to supf'r \·i~or ... 11£' s:1irl !hi· rl c p:1rtni1·n1 s fl.'1ii e n1plnyP!'; no 1\· ;.1rr· a.<.. ... ign .. rt !11 lH burt·::i u s \\'Llh in l'l J.!ht d1\•1 s 1 11n~. a ll of which r l'pnrt to the Sher iff a nd unders ht·ri ff . "Durin ~ the l:i sl fe"' vC'ars. thr d e pa rtment has hcen 1.nc rt';is1n.: in p e rs onn e l. t•ciuipn1e n1 a nd s cope of res pon s ib il it y ." Gates said. He said the complexity of lh<' department ha s made ;t impos!';i- ble lo m a nage propetii with the curr ent admini s trali\"e s truc · ture.' "The s t r ucturt' of the depart · ment has r c a checl lhe poi nt thut limitations Hre being encoun- tered on the fu ll coordination of pers onn<'I a n d bure au <1<:· livities," Gates said . (See GATES Pa ~t A.2 1 A.KEY FIGURE IN '74DRAMA TM year of 1974 ·aaw Hit interna· tNmol orgonlz,at ion which this man Madi 1totlon peact-kttJMg troop:J ./ in the Mideast and C y prus , .!J)onwr an in - ternational con- /trmce on th e food cririir, and expel Sou th A/rlfa /rrnn at- lendinQ meet . ing.t o/ it ll General A :J · .strntly. Can you name the NE:WSNAME? You'll /ind him featured in Tl!E QUIZ on Page A·1. Other people and ewnta in the news during 1974 are aUo featured in lffls !pedal year-end quiz. Every Wf'tk..throUghout tM year, THE: QUIZ 11 publi1h<d by lhe Daily PUot cu a .tittVic~ fo area 1tudtnla. f Lawman r· Bitten By Youth • An under co ver polit•(' offic('r L"> nursing a S a\·;1g<' bite o n r ight h;tnrl todav fo ll o\\·i ng .. , d1·ug b usl in l.agun:1 l:'.\e :tc h "·hirh n ettt.·d :iuthoril ics 48 d os es of s u s pC'r t ed I .S T>. l.aJ::un:i l~t':t ('h n Hr <'ol i<'S of· firC'rs 'f'h u rs d a \' ;:1r r1·s ll'd a 17 · y(•;i r -old South ·1.ag una youth. :1 hig h !'C hon! dropnut. ft 11ln\t"ill )! purC'h<JS\' o f \\•h at \1 ;1s l'f'pr1· .... 1·n1 (•d a.'> pS ,\ r h1·d1·lt ic· .1c·1d fu r Sli:i Thurs da v 'fhe ~·1)ut h \I a s hookt•d fnr ~;de-. of tl an_a.!:ernu s drugs rt·~i!->ling ;t r r1•s ! .. ,nd :1ss:111lt on .. 1 1.oliCL' uf fi1·t·r foll o \\ 111 g a ~<"ufnt· <1 11ri n;.:. \\'h1 {"h nni• n ffir t•r \\;1s h illl'!l n11 h is n1idd lt · fin ~1·r The offi r C'r '':.i s l rt•a!(•d fnr tht• \\ound ~l South t 'n;i:-1 L·omm u111 ty llospit:il . Poli ce <lt·c lincd L11 identify the o fficl'r . S a r co t ics flt·! ·r P r r~ !\lat1\dam ~;tid lht• Sith.· in,111 \"t«I p u r p I •' t ;1 h I t' 1 -. e a I 1 (' d ""nn l'rnd nts ' 'l'ht• ~u ..,pc·c1 t«I 1.Sl1 1-. h1·1 n ~ ;1n;il\ ll'd no 11 IJ.' t11J1 hqrit U.'"· '!'he .vr•tlt h ":.I" in t·uslo<ty 1··r 1 (1;1~ at ()rangt· c·ounly .l11vt·11il1 · I !all S.Lagunan Ends Fi1ila1id Env o y Post ~nulh J.ag:u nan \: J11hn Krchh1f'I h a s res i~nNI a ~ ;1n1 hass:ulo r l o !''inl and . <.1 n appoint n1l·nt n1ad c hv f11r 1nt·r l 'r1·~1 d1·nt f{1 c h;ird !':i-..:11;1 t\rchh11·I. 1;~1 . li ;1d s11 ld '\1\;11n hf1· ins 11r ;i n ('f' ;1nrl \\:1-. a s 1·11 101 undl"r \\'l"!!f'r fn r .-\1•!11.1 [,Jf t· .ind ('11s u alt .\· b (·fo r1· !ht· appn 1n1 n1rnt 'f h r Sn1 1lh l .;1~un ;1n l\k1·I\ \\ill hf' "lH'C'1·1 •d t·d h ~ :\·1 :irk J;:v;in .... ~.T \ LC'L' p r l·~1d l•n t of ,l\lt·l rn rn\•d 1.1 Inc. to he no n1in :11l·d hy l'r(' ... I denl Gcr:1IC'c1 For d K reh hic l"s ;1ppoinln1t'nt as a 111 b;1ss:1d or 111 1H7:1 w a .., tint' of .se ve r a l Ni xon ;1p pointments ht'ld up because o f con g rt•s~ion ;1I pro bc>s into c a m pa i~n funding . The South l .a~unan mt·t lht• Pre!'idPnt t hrough politics :i nd ha d \\'Orkcd 1n a ll 01 Nixon 's can1 paig:n s. H e i s formt'r <'ha ir1n an of the Califo r nia GO r st<llt• cen tral commillef'. a (;O P chairm;in f{1r l.os An geles count y and former GC)P f i nan c e c h :1irm a n in Pas a de na . t\r e h h i e 1 a nd hi s \\•i fl'. F.li zabcth , r es idC' :1t 132 l\.1on:irc h 13ay. The rrason fo r h is rPsi~n ;1t1 on \Vas not public ized a nd KrehlJic·I could not b e re<1c hcd fo r l'Om - n1ent Friday. Saddle back Pair Slwo~ins I Th e orfi cia l S addl cbac k College trus te e e lectio n is still l'-''O months a"'·a y , but two c .:i n- didates a lread y arc assured o f seats on the board of trustee s In cumben t trus tee l.arry Taylor or Lag una Rea ch will be appointe d to -the board for a second ~er m sjn ce no O~hftf per son challenged his fl0!5itron"'tn Trustee Area 3. Meanwhil e . Frank C.re ink:c . a Santa Ana bus iness l'Xccutivc , will automa tically assume lhc seat repre senting Trus tf'e Arc a I . Greinke was the only pe rson lo file nomina tio n papers with the Registrar or Voters by Frid a y 's S p.m . d eadline . .· THI S SECTION OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY'S COLONIA MURAL STIR S IRE Police Complain That Chicano Project Should Be "Positive" Fence Fencing Mural Wall Sparks Protest I\~ K \Tll\. l ·I , \:\{"\" ~l..t •l t·h1·-. qf tip· <·(11111"'''r-.1;el p11!1 ,·, ..,, t•n .. 1,,.1n ~ p.unl i·d 111 l.-1111 11 ! :n n \·.ii! v \' ·.., ( '1110111 ;1 ./ 11 :i rC'z 11t·rl' 1n 1h>' l1 ;111d -. r1f t·tl\ nff1C"1;il-. lnni.: ht·fn r l• ,in\ !lf'"l""! .iro-.v S1·rc1n ()"{",1d11 lh1·('0-.t .1 \11 •-..1 .1111-.! \\ hn 1-.. d•• .. 1 1~1111!~ lht' i;~~ foul l11!lt' n111r.il 1•11' .1 hl•ich. \1,ill ft'rl•'t• 111 1h •· f'olor11 ~.iu l ;1 -.h:1•!("h ... 1111\\ 111 1.' \ \\ n p1il1 r 1· nfl11 '•'I'" d r;1 J.: \.'111J.: ;1 (·)i1(".lr)ll \Dli!h "II !li t' l!r11und \1 :1 ~ 1n ('l11d•·d 111.11·11 \ti .ill d 1~p l,1\ f 1H thl"t'l' \\t•t·h:._ lrl l)t tn h"r ''I d(111 l.;n111\ c·ou ld n·1 h.1\ t' ~l't'tl 11 ~11 1111"h u r..,d a\ tJrJ\\ I ht•\" () i ";1d11 l ie c l;11n11'd he ri·t·f'i\f•d nn c·l1mpl.1111 1-. th1·11 <nlrl \\a~ cl1" lr!'S~f'(I I P 1£•!1 /"11 1:1~1 '\l'l'k Iha! f)l'1l ic1· h:t 1 r p rot est1 ·d t lu· "Cl'Fl•' afli'I' Sl'<'ln J? 11 p a1nt C'd on :111 l'ighl·fnot -hig h block (enf"P T hf· C't•mpl1.1 in1 p rflmpl1·d <·11 1 offiri H I~ to C':ill fnr a n11·l'ting ht•\\\'et•n 1"ol1>n y r l':-;idl'nt:-;ind ;1 pul1t·t• t'l•llllll llll'l' t u ~t 't' If !ht· "l"t'l!t" e•111lc l IJ,• I 1·pl.1f·1·d h.\ l>tlt' llltlft· 1111-.1!1\·1· 1111 ! () t'.11 1L 1 s.11d . 1n.,tt·;1d, th.11 h1 · :ind 1~ .. h 'l'rupllo 1111!' or th•· rnu ral 11ri.:.11ri11·r-.. \I ill rllt•t·\ "11h !ht• 1·o l1Hl\ l •'"ld1•1)1-. flt•\! \\t•1•k !<1 -.11 i'J.!t"'-I .1~k111·' f11r .i puh l1t• 111(·~·1 in).! hvfnr1· lt1 1· 1 It \ 1•11111H·d lv1!1ng ;ill t"llllt"!"I C11 ·d !•,H'!ll'" ;11!' !ht'll" \ I!' II .., (1 (';1!111 .ti .. ,. ·.qd \-..-.1-.1.1111 <'1 1\ '';111,1 !'1'! .l.1111•" ll•·1·h: :1 11d l\111 Fn11 111:11p \".1111 •\ p1~l lt'1•n11·n :It l1·r1d•·d .+ 111111 .d pl:111 r1111i: n11•i •l11H' 1n th1• 1·11inn\ hcfn1 •·I )c·tohi·r !1111 \tolt"l'd no l"nn111l <11 !1I 11ht•rl tht· -.k 1•11·h \\ ;1 ... p l'l'"t'lll ~·d ;'\n11 tu• ";11d hi· h~·llt•\.,.., th1• ('ontrn\·l'r ~1:1I p.1 111·1 I" lii·nq: t.1h:1·n n1 1t o f 1·nn!t·\t. th;1t 1-. in !t•ndt•d Ito "d1•-.t·r i!11• .I (1•••h n~ • Ill' ... :11rl th1· "'"t'llt'. \\hu·h <1l.;o -.IHI\\.., I h rt•t· off1r1•J"-. in J.!.t'-n1;1-.k-. .111<1 pat r ol c ;u -., ··-.ho\\" \h (• f1•t•I 1111.! nf !ht• ('h1c•;111 u 111 1t•l:111r1n to h1-. ('n\1ronn11·11t . !h•· ;11 1l h11rn .' Balloon Trip 'Up in Air' Until Sunday tr '011 i.:o l up •d •I .i 111 !<><l a~ t•' t:••I .. 1 lnol.. ;1t \lalC'oltn F'orhc'>· l1.1llonn .ind d 1llri t "l'!' ii , r t•l;i\ 'l'o u c.t n 111 -.I i,.:t•I 1111 ;1! !li1 · ~:11llf' l!lrlt' St11Hl.1\ l·'nrhl"'" 1:1!1 • f.'r1d.t\ .1 11 n n11nl't·d ,111ott11·t d•·l ;1\ 111 111 .; 1r:11 1~.\1l :11 1 11r \0 \;1111• fur 1t·1·hn1l·al r t• • I "!!II ... ·r11 ,· \11·,1 l th\ n1 :1 ~;1'l 1 n1· puhl1 ..,h('r -.;11d I h 1· ,·q1l!11d11\1 n 11~ d ... ,.lh·d 11l1·rl l.111n(·h :ll I :t rn S:1l11r· d.1 .\ h:1d not pt nc1·,.d1·d :1.., t'\pt•i·! · f'd .111d th;t1 !ht• trip l\:t" off until .il lf'.1-.1 :-.1111rt.1\ rnnr 111111! 1·-orlH'"· ~1·1·." :iddt•d t h at l ht· \\'l'ath1·1· hv S u 111 la .v ;1lso ~hnu lrl he -.11 11nprt1\t•1t 1h:1t !ht· l'nl 1t•' fli c li t l"nts ltl hi' n1:1d 1· 111 ~12 hnur.., l·'•1rht•-. :ind h is '-l'1t·nt 1s l 1·tHll - pan1o n l>r 1'1111111.1 " llt·111-.h C'1n11·r h ;1d "·nrk1·d 0 11 1'1 11a l prl'p;1r:111on" for th1 · trip !Jul l·'r td:1y :1f1 C'r11 oon hc ..,n •d t Ii.• \ :1r1 011 .., -;~·..,11•rn .. \1Crl' not {'he <·k'ing nu ! a ~ l"Xl'!'L"l{'<I Penhall Rites Private No Memorial for Coast Crash Victims Pri\".:i lefamilyser\'ices art'be s u r p lu s j l•l s f1u· plcas u rc :ind ~1 a ;1!> a nd l\.lr~. l.C'llll hnot·ll 1·r . inl! s~h C'duled for l\T r . ;ind !\1 r s . compe titive \I S(' and a rn<in g h t~ holh nf ll;ilhoa. <ind \·11..,s J a nt·t 1.t'Roy Penh•tll nf R:ilhoa l\\'O di \"ci·s(• industria l ;~nd sporting Penhall 11f C o ~I a M t·~•1 11 1 ~ 1·i~\i r'i1s of a pla n<' C'ras h \\'hich i nteres t s . hl.' ht·~•d cd f'"ightl.'r hrothc r . J\1 \"in P l•nha ll. :dso is al k ill t>d fi vc p (' r sons T hur s d ay Airc r aft. a t C hino Ain>o rt llal ho a r e s ident nea r l\.1ammol h l .a ke s llis mai n e nterprise \\'3 S the F'r il'nrls "·ho vvi s h rn :iy m :1k C' 'F':.imily s pokesm en said lrtff..' Penhall Con1pan y in Annheim . <1 m£'mor 1a l <·ontril111li o n s 101 t. 11 ·" t r· · 1· · · nc•"l " "Ul Fa1r1·ic \\' St rt lt· ll ns 11ital in c·11st ;1 The couple w e r f' 'li t'1 in 1 ie 1r m spcr1a 1z1n g 1n co • ~ ~ ... c r as h or !\1 r . Pe nh al r s tw in -ting . l\lt.'sa . or l o lh1• round <Jt ion of cn ,...ine Be eC'hC r a rt Duke shortly ·rh c c ou pl e l eave th rC'c th('ir C'hnic c s p f•1·1all zing 111 " d I lf'ukPmia rt•s c:i r l'h :.1fte r t akeoff fr o m M;immoth-ch ildren . p art•n ts an severn June L.a k c A irport follo wirlg n s k i brothe r s an~ s is t e r s m oslly -fT' "'Lf..',.,., POOR ':acat\on _..,·!or;•..., f"~i"' .. ~~4~f:!J4fit~Atet'; ••I )•, J'I, 'v"t.1'9" .' 1\ls n a bo a~d tl!e ~c.t'-11.N,;;:Ond~ ' ~e 'J0r;v'l\-ing e.hft,dr.~ 1 .~~ , • .. •mong the c cltll.!lii<i<J,l"trj',jtt~, 'Cjiji.lll\ii ,. '!·•11~•. •il<f.hi ~"'li'I N£T J1117YVFALL •lrll'J• !j!gii•los, ~s. of A~oheinl : , Pcl\!>alr: •ljpf tho ~Y ~ ... ,~ . . Ja'tfte ~ Krtbt\\~i40. and 's "'ifc . 210fi E ; tt alboa ~· Ul cv·Af' .' GAMPOBAggO, (t;:1ly CAP! - n eve rl y An n 1 37 , b th .o r ·lla lboa .•I .; . ;_ F.ach ofihc lQO stToel cleuners in Anah('im . 1 · l : :• !\("rs .• ,n h ri ll:'•lt!;a VC'S ~er .this' moun tai n t owq northest of l nvcsti gatoti& n flfyo µollnty .O::.mottler .ftf·r s,, .. ;tllCJr"Benn(>\£ nr N a't>l cs Wll S ll e q~a thed lh(' h:i vl.' not ycf'~'etcr 61i nod whril •AnJ\be im t•andc.lw<\.~S. Mrs., C'Cp.iivalCl\l .o r $310 when Gui do cau sed the l\!ll'p.~ .\Qo\ ftltl<!,e~· r. ~~ ~lll~S ock arid.Jllr"-Ar,one. f:i•po!.oon< died. ." plunge to thc it&Wld:. •..i/"' ~.~ ·~ t.·. . .AJ.Ul\~)'TL . -~ · "'' N •af)ole·nrt (·. a c h1ld~e s s Mr. Pc nh alT,'~U P~eom Plished A r. e n a (';i v es h1 s p <tr€'nls. "·id o'vl•r , sa id in tn s wi ll lh a1 "no pilot , s p ec ia lized in the p ro-J\1 r . ri nr1 M ~s M r rton Pl"nh ~ll of ?nc c l "~ condu<'1t•d a poor er ex· rl'ssion a l conve r!\ion of millt a r y Ha lhoa . !';JSt l'rS. tw1rs . lt<1 lph 1stt•fl ('t.· thanlhcslrect <:lea nc r!\. 1 Midnight Deadline For Bills I~;. 111·'.l.l·::i-J Tll f):\11\."'i \\"/\S llJ'.'\(;·r(l N !l)l 'l l l'rl·sidt•11 t Ford faC'l"d ;1 n111 ln h..:ht dl-;11\t ir1l' \11111 i.:,lil ffl .... 1i.:n nr vt•l o rn•i rt' l h :111 :i;) h ill-. -.till h a n).!in~ f i r1 · froni !h t· 1;11111' d ul'k ('0 11 g r1·-.-.. :111d nlo\·t·d to\\·ard f1n :il dl't'1..,i o11s un ;,i 111·"• :i n· llf"L't't•ssion pro).!r :ori . I K 1~si bl .v in· cludinJ.! :1 I <•~ 1·u1 l·'urd ;ds" rn :1\ n 1:1 kt • :1 st;1te- rn1·n l t1ul:1.1 1111 :1tl .. ).!:1!11u1s th~1t lht• (',.nt r:tl l n t1 ·l l1 ;.:~·11c·•· /\J.!f'll<".V :-p 11 •d on tlln11-.;i n d s nf .i\rnc-ril'an l'llL7.l'lls Hl\1)1\t•d 111 :1n!l\\:1r a nd o! ht'r d i ss ule n t 111 (/\ 1· nu ·111 s 10 1 hc- l ' ni ll•d St<1 l t·s. Ford pt·r~11n ;1 fl\' ("onduel l'd hi'> 11\ln inqui ry /."r1d;1y ··111 t•..,t ;1bhsh the f ;11·t s •· <·on r 1·r n ing t h e t·h:i rgl'S. h.v f':lllin g in Sl'c rt•l.ary o f S t :1lt' Jl ('n 1·y A. Kissingt•r , 0 (•fc ns t:' Scc r t·tary .Ja m es ll . Sch ll'sing t•r :i nd ("11\ IJirL'{'tnr \Villiam f :. \'olh.\ f.,r St'JJ<1rate Ol('l'l i n g~. \\"hitc llnus t· :1id«~ indirat{·d it is hig hl y un'1k1·l:i. !<"11rd \\Ill n1a kc publ1 (' p<lrli('n" 11f !ht· ~"l·p;ig c 1·e · port f·otby ~u b n1 1!1 t>d 111 h in1 1n rt·~1 1(Hl ~\' t•• \h t' 1 h:.1r gt•s, v.hile !he l'res id cnl 1\ :1s on hi" Vai l, < 'n lo ., :-;k i in g , ;1 ~· a ! ion l··ord s eht·d11!1·d ;1 rnor n i ng nl l'l 'l 1n g \.\'ilh h i ~ d1Jn1t·s!1 t· <·oun- l'il ;ind an 11 ~1.111 . 1•s·r n1t•L·li ng v.'1lh h is l"hief f•('<1nunlH" ad' isers. \'ic(' Pr l's id e nt Nt·l s on A . Roc kefe llt'r was inv if.-d II) hoth lll ('Clin g'>. Acc.·orrlin g to \\"lde~prP;ul re· ports. l•'ord ·s t'Co nomic ;1d v1scrs are s t rongly in f;1\'11r11f a t:1x c ut. :i nd thl' only qul'~tion 1 ~ h11w n111c h 'f hf' rur posl· \l"!)tdd ht· to ..;fi r11ul .. 1t l' lh1· 1·1·11nom.v. \\•hil'h is rH1 \\ 111 :1 r •·t·i·..,.;in n :ind rromist•s lo i.:t•t \1·o r s f•. l.;1ho r IJ1•p;1rtn1t·nt :-t :t!1~11 r·s -.ho\\ 1ng ;1 -; 1 p1·r1 ·1·nt n1b l l':-~ r<i te 111 rl1 •('('m!1t'f" \\l'I"'' ;1 11111\\" lo the ;1 dn11nis 1r;1 !1n11 ;ind l'rt·"~ St•tr1'llil'\" Hon N t ·..,~1 ·n f rv~·I\ ;1d - 111 i!tt•d t.h :1t F<1rd h t l u·11·~· the \\ll!"S! l:-O \t'l (II !"!Hlll'. ( !11 a11n t hi·r s1 iliji·1·t . K1..,s1ngC'r sa 1il Ju· refl 1·l't " 1111• l 'r1 ·~idcn1 ·~ \lt'1\S in \\,11"n111g 1h:1l n11l1 !.1ry fnr 1·r rn :i v hl· ;1 1 ~1 -.t f (':-.or! option s hou ld th.l· 111d11~tri a l r1;1 l1on:-. he f:1c·pd \\o'i1h s l r;1nt!11l:111 o n by lhl' oll p rod uc r·r'>. f Jl,.l;1\t•d ~l nrv J';q:!t.' A 2 I Nessc·n said\ h at 1.-nrd h ad re ;uJ ;in interview in J ~u ... int·s~ \\lc{'k in \1hic h K iss ingC'r hacl !i-.1l'd U.S. m ilita r v <l{'tion as a w t«1pon 1n !ht• "g~a \'est em,·rJ?C'ncy .. s hould ther e hi.: a nt•11· oil ~qul'cze nn the l'1 1ns 11n1l·r n:.itin u.-. ( :-\t>c FORD l'aJ?;t' 1\:!) Wrafhl'r Som <' lo,,· clouds o r rog n ear !he c n u 5 t ~:.i rl y Sund a y. oth ('rwise f<lir s ki es, accord · in.L? to the w<:'alh<'r service . llighs in the mid-60s to upper fi>s l..o"•s to nig ht in thc '1Qs . I 'I/SI Dt: ·roD.\ ,, A civil nut asking 11.Smillion rn damages /ror11 former presiden t Richard fl,'i:con and other de/en· danfs 1s being sought In/ lhe A 111erican Ci11il l.1bertir~ Union - wi th acrivist actress .lane ~·mido as its /tad ploinN"ff, ~ 1lury and picture~ Pag(' A /II ••••••• x ... _.,. ... ci.uillM Cl•I ,,.. ... ~ •.. , '-'•• .. *""°"" .. C9mmt•I .. _, •t ·l .,..,_ .. .. MM• Mll ~••h •.. , ONtll ... li~'l ... Trit•lli.n .. E•"""''-•1 . •. , Til4\elff• •.. , ........ , ..... .. Trl•I&' " .... _10.•-.. ..... r '' , --~---------..-----~ .. ---' . .. ..... -• • ,4 J DAil Y PILOT Bomb Books Go on Sale LONDON <A P l -TwoU.S Army fi eld m a nuals t:i vin ~ C'xplic it ins t r uc tions on how tc make bofl\bs a nd other tcr rorist weapo ns arc openl y on sale in Brita in. the Guardian newspaper hali rcportt."<I It said the books, "r~ooby ­ Traps'' .and · · U n convcntion.d Warfare Dl·viccs and Tct·hni- ques," gives prc·c ise infurm a - lioo on explosives, liming :ind delay llcv1ccs, in cend1 <.1r1e". boo b y-t rap s. cor ros 1\'l' materia ls and l C'r ro rist l)lcul· ning. 1'fte G u a r d i a n ~ai d 11 '> reptesenta ti vcs bo ught th<· books, publis hed b y thl' he;u1 quarters o f the U .S Army Depart m e nt . in a London bookstore. From Page Al HINSHAW. • • Judge Dickey's a l·ccpta ncc of the withdrawal n1rans th;1t the transcripts are no v.• avail<Jb lc for public pe rusal ··tt also gets hirn off lhL• hook,., a (!CfC'nsc la ""'YL'r curn rnC'nlcd after the h t·aring . ··v e ry fL'W judges car e to rule on an issue that affects the right of the press or public to pe ruse testimony or e vidence in a c:.1sc of thi s nature." Nine defenda nts wer e order ed to retur·n to Jud ge Dic key's cou rtroom Jan. to a nd 17 . 1'ht'y are: Retired a sse ssor's e mployees ,..-Kirk _Armis te ad, 61 , and G a rland ... ~..J Redding, 55. both of Santa Ana. C urrent e mploye es Jan1es N . Bertolino. 52. of 24116 Vi a M a dru ga~a . Mi ssion Viejo ; Chris Boukidis. 61 , of Anaheim ; R eginald Dunlap, 64, of Pl acen· tia ; Fred For beck . 43, of Orange; John Monti.lni, 48 , of Garden Grove; Robe rt Plumlee, 47, of Santa Ana and G eorge Upton, 54, o f Santa Ana. Ten-year-old Left to Die In Big Swamp CORAL GABLES. Fla . IAP)- Ten-ye ar-cld kidnap vict i m C hristopher Ca rrier was shot in the h ead a nd appare ntly left to die in the Big Cy press Swamp by his abductor. police disclo.c;l'd Friday, Coral Gables pnlice s aid th£':'<' were s earching fo r a gray-h;:lirl'd man driving a v.·hite motor home in connection v.· ith the c a s <.•. - The bullet w o und v.•a s d is· covered b y doctor s pre panng !he Carrier youth for surge ry on f >l'c. 27, but the i nform a tion wa s withheld "for the sak e of thf' family a nd in the b e li ef that such a release could hinder !ht· poli<'l' investig ations,·· police s aid . D e t e ctiv e C apt . C h a rl l'" Skala s ki s aid the small·ca li her bullet travele d th rough the front port ion . or the boy's hra1n ;ind passed out through his left <.·ye . "Althou g h Ch ris had ;ippart1nl ly h een le ft lo die b~· his ;1bd uc l11r, he is reCO \'Crin g ·,•.:ith no <ipµarl'nt br~i n d a n1:1gc :ind is attcn1pt1ng to ;:1idl' C oral (;ahll'S police 1n I he ir inv£•stigat hin,' · p<ili t..·L' ~;11d Chri ~lophC'r 1.1:.:ic; fnun<I "':1ndcr ing ba refoot nnc1 incohcr1•nt. 1n the s v.·am p. The youth was lis ted in L1 1r conditio n f'ri rlay ;1t .J al'k)o.JJll f\.f e mo ri a l lfosp it<d . ORANGE COAST s DAILY PILOT The 0.-CN \t D••l1 Pllol. wl\/\W'llidl 11. tam bOl•tl Ir.. J.i•"'•·P•~••. '""l>h\r..<ll>f rr..O<..,Q!' ~·' Pu~•\ll•~Q C:omo•~· m .... •l• l!dll""" .,. pulllkMO "°""'°'" rnro..qn """-• '°' [Oo.I• ,,,.,,., N•"'OOl'1 !le•(ll, Hun!ll\QIDl"1 !le.cell f ~..., 111n V•ll•Y. lr•1n•. ~~d<llPN<• \l•U•Y a"" u.,.,.,_ B<-•<11 !o()uln C:o•\l A '""'11• ••Q•<>n,U ..,.,_ 1, PVl>l"i.-<1 S•!u•~~•' -~., '""' prlntopo.I pul>l•\ll•nq ol•nl " .i 300 ......,,1 B•l $Ul'O"l, CDS!• Mew, C•l•lo•n•• ~~7'. Robert N Weed l'<~\l<lr-n! '"" Pu~•\11«• Jack R. Cur l('';' V•• p,-..,,.,.nl '"" """"'d' Moo""?"' ThOm as Ke evll E<l•t0< Thoma!. A. Murph1nt' IM'l•glnq E"'I'"' CNrles H. Loos Ric hard P. Nall A•w•l•n! ,,.,_fl.t9•'1(j F °'""' Offices (O\~f\M .. )lCIWP•tfM•~lr~.-i No-I ...... lJJ)N~.p>fl 6""1ev"d l.HuM&.0( ... ,, .. ~~-1 ttun11""4'on &P.oc" 1111~ liP""" floull'• "'" • ~-\l•H•Y 1!1'111 U P•1 lto«I .i""' oi.vo f ·-•• Ttltpltone (7141 '42-.4321 0.Hlfltd Ad't'erllslng '42-S671 ~~ \11t lfo1N•'""Olllc.e 511-6:110 F""" ~ """'""" 495-0630 COfl¥•1olll , '''! 0 •1nq• Co•'' 1"'"'""'~• ,_...,, NOM ........... 111on1r.i···"· ""''"''''' •• ,.,u, ~· •<l•f•lll.f>••"~" 119••·~ ..... "' r•o•odut •tl wllM"I \IN'C "' '''''""•On ot U•~•IOflllwMr. $fo(-tlli• "'"'.,. !WI• II C.tll M•••, i:....-.... i-ui:Mot-,,~rt t•..,...,U.ot-1n•r ; ..., !Mii ... to IMfllMf,' ll'llllf• f tlf'l0Nti.. IJ OD -· S•turda.y. January •. 1975 Ex-coast Man Now Fugitive J<'rnn1 A~"ni·iatf'rl 1•ri•.,, John M t•1 1·r. for 1111·r :11 de 111 b illiona ire IJ ny,·<.1r d l lughr•" ;111d t·x -Ne wport B1·.11·h rt·-.1<ll'nl . 11 .1:, decla r ed a ru g 1t1\1 ' f1nn1 ju)o.\1(·(' toda y a fl L·r f:11hng to app1·;11-for hi s trial on lll l'11 1n 1· !.1' l'\;1'1•111 Ill ltcnn. ~1 ·v ~ll'JC'r ':-. attol'llt'\, llulit•rl \\'.\s hak . tnld l S !11~1 .l tulJ.!l' r.enrgf' Holdt th:1t Ii i~ t·l11·11t 1n ;i1 h<i\e bC'l.'0 "llhJl't'lt•d 111 1l!t•g;d "''irel :.iµs 11hilt• hl' livt.·d 111 Nl'\\'port Beat·h ;ind l .. l'i \'l'g:1 !> 1'h(' inforn1at1nn , said \\'y~h ak. has bl.'t·n turned 01·t ·1· to !111· l 'l'll tral tntellig1·nl't' 1\/.!l'llC'.\' '' hi<"h o.1uthor11cd th•· lnigg ing :lloni.: Y.'tlh t ht• l 11tf"'rn ;1 ! J{1·\'t·1111l· SC'r\'if'f', v. h ll'h h1·ouJ.:hl I Iii· L'V:i-;ion 1·harg1·:- '. \ . D•llr P lto• Sl•H Pllolo :'>l('<1n\1'h1ti " l\n lilt ~01 -.p1·11d1 •d indt•f1n1Tl•l1 1111· tr1.d ~11 1d 1"'tl \'tl .1 henl'h 11~1 ;·r:1nt for i\l l·ier ·~ ;11 f't·:-t ··11 is l'll';1 r <.it !li 1-.1K11nt iha1 111• cannnt gu f11r\\;1rd 1~1 th the l r1 ;J l o r a ny <•!her n1altt·r until r-.11 l\1t!l('f appt·ar" in co111·t. ~;11 d t' ~ Dist . J udge l:t•Or).!L' lk'l lrH. 11h11 sC't th e h l':1ring to d i:lt r n11 ru.: \\'hclhl'r \1 l•ier 1nlt·ndl'cl to ;q i pear for the schcdull-'<l st ;ut or hi" trial Monday . FOR A 2-YEAR-OLD GIRL WHO LIKE TRAINS, ONE THAT'S JUST THE RIGHT SIZE K nren Lynn Barker of Mission Vi ejo Aboard Grandparents ' Christmas Gift "I ""'ill no w tons id£'r Mr. l\ll·icr :1 fugitive from JUSt1ce." s aid Holdt. "and orcler t hat if hf' should e \·cr ente r the t.:nited Sla tes he b e :1 rrC'StC'd. '' Boldt uphe ld a n earlie r ordL'r that Meier forfeit a Sl00,000 bond by failure to ap pear a nd set n l'V.' bail at SS0.000. Meier a tto rney Robe rt Wysh ak hact claimed that the forme r m in- ing cons ultant to l lughcs \Vas t oo ill to trave l fr om London to Rl'no fo r the trial but returned to his hom e inCa nade1 . lklldt s a id it \\'as clear that Mei er did not inte nd to appear in court a nd had resisted a court or· der th at he .s ubmit to a m etli t•<tl e xaminat ion in I.on<l on_ ''\T C'icr d etiht.'rn t ely :ind v.·ill ful lv :1 \"0ided 1nedical ex a n1i n aiion th .a l £'Oul d hJ.\C verified h is h ealth condition." s aid Boldt. ··a nd d eliberalC'ly un- d ertook t o fl y hom e. llis cond uc t h as been outrageous ... Engineer at 2 Viejo Girl Gets Own Train 'V ·rak:l' a lr:1:.ht·:in , :-.unlt' old cuf fel' L"111s, :1 broken pr!'ss url' ).!a u gl', 0.1 11•\\ :-.ht'l'l:> uf old plyY.'ood . ;1 \1 nrn out sn111g ,·alve. I.I n ~~h h ght :lnd ;1 hr~l"S ht•lt , J)lJl it ;111 logL·lht•r :uul \1hal do .\ou h:.t\'l'"! \\'e l l . if you·re l ike 1·.1i . .Jackson nf 'fhuusand Oaks. yoll 'd have a dl'li g htfu l (.'h ri~tn1as i..:irt (or <l f;J \'()rj {L' g ra11c\rl;1 ughl f'r. ·rhe lu£·ky girl is a 2-yl'ar-o ld K<i rl'n 1,_v nn l3a r kt•r of l\1 ission Viejo, d;1 ug !itc•r of Mr . ;ind !\!rs. <::1ry l ~:.1rl\cr . 2 1;.1~12 l'al':.itn ll ri Vt' ./~1 l'kson. ;1 rctir(•d j'\;1\'_1· m ;111. took lhe \':1rio u ~ :.ind s1 111<lr·v i!C'n1 s , :1lnng ''it h :--C'rtl't':. of others ;1 nc1 f;1 ~hio11c d t hl'nl into ;1 n1inalurt· thrl·1.· l':.tl'-r :11!rno.1d train. 1'he tr:11n ,.., :1ho111 JonJ.:. thr1.·e ft't'I 1v11h· feet hig h . C'ighl fC'et and lhret' \\' h <I t W 0 U l d b (' l h I' locnn1otivc's boiler is a trashcan \\'llh !>f.'Ve r al a c c outerments, in l'luding a s n1 o kestack f<.ishionl.'d frorn ;i tofft'C c an and nar<'d n a s hing metal. The haile r lifts up rC'vca ling n nc of two large "toy hnxt's·· huilt in lo the train lo hold Ka ren l.yn n's toys. \\ihnt \V Ou \d be the tender Of the train is a ctually a phonog raph in disguiSC'. 1'hc t'aboose is <.1nothl'r l;1rgc toy hox. "Sht•'s a lv.·ays liked pictures of trains," ~aid Jackson . whil e K<1rc n posrd for photographers. "I lho u ghl it ""·ould he run to build it fo r he r . It v.·:.is," J a ckson s n1iled . '"No. 102" fe aturt>s a headlight lh;d 1\"0r k:. ::ind :i hC'll that rings. ··11 :-.hould kee p her busy for ;t c·ouple tlf yea rs." s:iid "Grad- dp;i." Irvine Cable TV Cuts Programs Scissored Due I r v in e's C ommun i t v l'abll'vision h as l'limi n alcd ;d i loc:.il news s hows :.1s p;:1rt of a 5:i pe rcent c·11! bac k in local pro- gram m ing lh1 -; yC'n r . accordin g to <.~h nn n l·I J n1;111 ;:1ger (~t·n1 • [\.l (K)rJ . Local orig 1n a t 1o n p rogr <.1111 n1ing htis an1ou nl l•d to 100 l o 120 hours a n1onth , !\·l oon :-.;11d , :i nd \1·111 hl' r l'd uccd b y 50 hour)o. LI !'> ;111 (•conon1y nieas11rf'. T he ~t;it i on . an 1 r\'111<• (~0111 pany s u hs itliar:v . hns hf'Pll "Pt·1ul · 1ng S12 24 p('r suh~rribC'r annu;d \,\· out o f ;1 1ot:d. p<'r :--ld~l'rih1·r inc·nrnl' of $3ii nn l11c;1l 1u·ngr;1n1..; !\loon said. '\'t.·v.· fin;1nc1al goals. l\1 n~1n s;1id , m ('an that I hl' Pl'rC·l'nlaJ.!\' u t suhs('rJbC'r 1n<·on1c s pc·n1 nn lnl'.il prn).!rani-. \\di 11~· 1·ut tn 1 ~1 pt'r Ct'nl Thf' rJ1anl'.l' in s!;1!i<1n pnlH"H" 1'£'SU!li·d frn n t dl'lt•!1ri11 r1f .t 1:rdt·r al <"•11111 1\11111 .. 1\11,n -; ,·11111 m1:-.:-.1011 r·u !1• I l'qll1r1n).! 1 ;doh tPl('\'1 s u1n 1·nrn pan1 e~ t o prodi1• • ~t "SiJ,!ni fi1'.1nt " :1n1ount 1Jf !tH '.il pro/,!ran1m 1nJ,!. l\1 0<1n s:tHl Hl'garding thl' <'h ;1ng1·. l\l ~H•ll :-.a id. "I don"t think it y,·11\ <.>fft •c-1 11:-; onr ""1~· or th<' otht·r. 'I h aven't h:1d n nyonC' call up rl l'mandini:: th.'.ll 1\ c h;1 vc a lr11'.d n1•\\ .c; p ro_l?r am .·· h r· )o.:l lf l. ()f 1 hf' 1.l c ;1hle fr;111chi "l'" 1n <•ran~l' L'ount.\'. i\11)(in ~aid th:11 onlv h i s ~1ut1011 and Tl'll'Pron1pter of :'\C\\port l!•·;11·h ••rl' produt ing local prog r am~ l~cfort" the c ut bnc·k , ht· o;;1 1d . ('n1nn-.unit\· ('ab [e,·1 ~10n pro ducPd mnr1; local progr;1n1s th;:111 :1 n \ ol h f'r cah ll' s1;.t iu n in ~ait h ern C alifornia. The stat.ion, hl' said. \\'ill proba bly continue to h a\·l' n111r1· lol';il pro~ranl'i t h;1n flll)'>! d"'>Jll l•' !)1" ('U!!;> f'omn111n1 ty (':1h ll'vi.c;ion. M1H 11 1 :-.<.ud , ni ;J .\' 1 n r rt· a:--t · the an111unl <i f l1n·;rl pr11,l!ran1 rninJ.: 1f ;i prop11~;tl ·•k l"•'l·n1 1•nt In ~harl' f;1t•Jl1liL"· 11 1 I h 'l"t· 1 t pru111 pt,· r is re; 1thl'tl Tt:ll'prorr1p1(•r ·s fr:.tnch1~c j.., 11 p From Page A I FORD ... 1"\n1nnr. thl' m<J1nr h1ll .., \1h1c·h l•'ord till!'">! ;11 ·t .. ~I .irl' thi· r••n r 1111l·r~1.il h1.l'.h\\;1, n1l':1..,u11· 11h1f'h \\11ul1! fH 'rn11\0 :1n i11t·rt"1 ..,1· 1n 1r11t·h \<. v1:•1lt <'l'iltng., <•n 1n l•·1 1.111· h1 l't1\\ ;i .1" ;ind n1 :i h1 · p1 ·r111 :111t•tl! lh1 • f1:", n1il1• ;111 h1111r '>p1·1•ij 11 1111! \\!i i\•• l\!UI\!' '>0\1!'("1 '~ -.:11d l·'111d \\di proh:1hl,1· \'('10 11H· 11•1•1,J:d 111!1 \ 1l \ ! ol I ti I !lo!'\ rln l '>l!.1 11 Ii\ 1111dt11~h\ \!1Jl1 ),'.hl .1 r•• .1ut111n.it1!";d l1 poC'k"! \'C't o1·d \J..,11 Jll'11d111 l! t.,•(<1rt' h11n ;:11 t' t,111 ... Oil r1 •11 r't'.1!111at1nn uf thC' ()f li t't' uf l·.1·111111 n11r ()pportun1I ,\, • nl;1rgir11.: 1h l' (;r:1nd (':tll \'Oll !\"'a !1nlla! l';tt"k :1rid t;n('1al Sl't:Ur1l\ f1n;1111·1n l! · Furtl ~ll!nt•d an 111!1 •rnat11>n<il tr,1 dl' hill 111 ,1 1·1·rl'nlun.\ 1n lh1 • !-:a:-1 ll unnl 1:r1d;1 .~, hul 111 h1 -; "t:1 ten1 .. rH ht• 111 ,1dc ,1 1·rtlll'al re ft'l"l'I H't• to rh!• !tnk1ni.: of l S.· Sn\·i1•1 Ir ;1d1 • In !ho• 1\n11•r11•an ,i, .. n1 :1nd for 1n t'ff',ts1·d 11nrnig r;1tinn o r So\tt•! .Jp1\' ·r ti1· h il l o.n1 t hor-11<•, h1n1 to l'lll l'r in t o \\'Ol"ld n l'J.:OI I a t ions ! 0 IO\\ ('r t<L riff IJ:1r ricr ... to Economy for /"('nL'Wttl . hOW('VCr. bcfQr(' ltu· ~\'\\'port Bca<'h ('it y ('011 11 t•tl. 1~·h1c h is di ss;1 l 1 ~fied ""'i!.h 1 1~ p:1-.\ pC' rf o r 11·1 a nee. An .v ;tJ-!r t'l'mt·n ! \Vi th t h e '\1·\\ pnrt Ht•:u·h station , 1\-t onn ~ :1 i d . \\' i I I h i n g t' ti n 'l"t'I C"p rom pl e r 's re n t·v.ed lr;111l'hi~<·. Should ;111other fi rn1 1;1k l' 11\'L'r . ~l oon !'aid . tht• lr\·inl' -;\:1tion would hack a\Vil\' f run1 !ht· propOSl'd ~h:.t rin ~ Or prn· J..'.rarnminl! ;i nd f;.icil ilic·'i. From Pag,. A I GATES ... ·r11.it l)o. !ht.' rl'a s nn for spli tlinl! tilt• un<ll'r~hc ri ff.!> functions lhre1' \1 ;11 :-..<;atc:--s ;tid "J·'uod:1n11•n!:d l.v. this invol1·'"' lh<' grouping 11f rcl:lf ('(J funttiri n s 111loi a dn11111 -.tr;i!1\l' uni!~ fqr t·on !t•il r•f p(·1·..,,1nncl and ,...,~ourc(''> ... hi · .~ddi'd t nd1 ·r !he nl'I\' ..,trutt ure G ;1l L'" t\;1-.. pr11 pn .... 1·d. fh(• Ch 11·f of OJ>(>r :1 {pin:-. would ma n ;iJ:!C the drp:irt~ rnf'n! "s p:11 rol II iv1s1on. 1nv<'s tiga- l 1on d 1\'1 )o.i11 n and coroner's division in ~1dd i tion to any sccuri - 1 v funct ion s. · 1\ Chief nf C'or1·eclions would c~1rdin:.1tc a ll dl'll'nlion •~nd cor- rcctionHI ser\'\Cl' divisions , 'l"hc Chil'f of S pC'cial ServiCl'"' \\Oulrl be respons ible for sul'h things :.1s I r:li ning, prrsonn£'1. l:ihor:11nr y ;ind l'rimin oloJ.?Y 11 o r k . (;at l'S pro n1i s cd supervisors l h<1l the renr~anization will he d one as <'conomic a lly as possible using ex isling d e partment funds . f'r11n1 1•11gt-111 MURAL •.. of feeling o f 1mpott•nt·c nf a pt•r'inl\. l)'l ';u!11. al"n l'l'l'l'i\'t'd a rt4• 11UL'"' fron1 l"ll .' ufficials Thu rs- d.1y fnr ;i :-ketc h o f th<' cnt11·t· 1;2~1 fqol Inn~ n1u r al ·Thi• i\l t.·x ic·an horn ;1rt1st \\'ho has ;i lrl'adv d on;1l l"tl countlt1ss hours and ·$2.000 ""·orth of p re- li min:1r1· wor k . s;tid that C'v en dra,,·ing a , .... k1 .. t ('h <1 fl'w inches high would t a kl' n1ore than 50 fc<'t of p a pe r a nd ~dd i tional hours of "'Ork. Ill' saiU h<' t h1n1g ht the C'a rlit'r plan ni ng n1l't't1 ng :.i nd c ity ha ll display :-hou ld h;1v t· a \Oi llt•d a ny L'Ont roVL'l"SY. lie po intf'd out . a nd city r1f- ri ci als agrl'l'd . th ;d the projcl'I is not b1 ·1n:..: f1n;1nct·d w ith tax fund~. ln 'i lL·;1 d . !ht• l'ity h:.is givt·n the p rn.Jl'('! SHlll. thC' nrnount city <'r<·"s \\Olllit h ;tVt' nel'dcd to rc- P<Hnl th(• graffit i-euvered ""·all :i nd $300 h;1 s g one tri pay fo r O 'C:id17.' prl'lim1n ary ~ket ches, a fr:1ct ion o f h is normal 52.000 fee for thal par1 nf the proJect . In :1dd1t1011. the c ity is a pplyin g fnr S33,000 tn s late and federal g rants. hut O 'Cadiz hopes to us(• m ost of th a t m oney lo pay <•rt supcr vjsor )o. ;ind p ~1i nters , n ot himself. (}'Cad iz s:dd he doesn't pla n lo slo p !ht• projl'el .. I think lhP C"om promisC" is t i) go ;1 h1·ad. ··ht' ;u ldl'd ;ind s:iid b(• pl<atJ S {t) ('OO l HllH ' lhl' projt•ct llll · lt·~s stnp pi·d h.' t·i1 .v 11ffi <'i<tl s But hL· ~•11 d a n outgrO'-''lh nft h1• pro.ii'<'\ )o.ho11ld he :111 "a.,.,'<1r1·n''"s o r 1111 · :-1tu ;1 t1011 frnn1 ho lh p:1r11 ...... · .idding. tha t if :111 un d1:r:--l:.1nd1ng 1~ I l'i1thl'd, 1x·rh ;1p" 1hL• la ~t p::i n l'l c;1n sho~1· pfll 1 <·1· nl 1 · n ht' Ip 1 n g '~ it h 1 he pa i n1 1ng. )o.hak1n J.! hand ~ \Vi th l 'hica rHI\ or \\'hal('\'C'r s11 u ~111 on L'Xis ts t h(•n_ lll·1·k s :1id n1;1n1 cit _1 orfici;d-; d id ,·11·\\" ()"(':111tz· l'tl\' ha ll d1s- pl:1y, hut \"nic1·d no c0n'1rla1nt ···T:1kl'n nul 11f L·ont .. xt that SC'('llt' m;.a~· hL· 11ff1'1lSl\'l' In S111n 1· p<•<1pl C' hut in lhl' c·o ntext of !h1· c·ntirl' n111r;'1 1l d ol'Sn·t !>l'l'ITI nut 11fp[;1('(',"' fl l•t·k !><!Id (..'i f,\ \l :i n:q:i•r .l :1n1l'" l\'l';ll s;nd lit• \\',IS ,1\o,:1 rt• nf lhL' d1 :-.pl :1~· h11I h;1d h1·t'r1 nut o f IO\\ n 1110-.1of1h1· !irr1c· J! \1 ;1 · .. it l'111 h;d l Ill' ~:u rl h P h ;Hlfl I I l'("l'i\"l'd :Ill\ ('1)111 pl aint -. 1111111 h1 ·:1t"1rl l.! fro1.;1 1H1li!"1 ' !11 ~1 \\~···k. 11111 )i,, d1·1·l11n·d 1n )o.a1 \\'h() l'0111 J1 I :l J rt ( ·d Pane list Says 'Notes to You ' l .,\S \'l·:<;.\s !l 'J1 11 --'/'hah:i J)nndv10, !hl' l11 )o.J i1<1111.i11 ('Jt.·ct1·d lo lhl' l'l ,rrh ('111111{\ l 'o111n1is:-.1on. lh1111gh1 h1·1· f1 ·lln1\' 1·0111 r11i:-.)o.in 111•1-: \\•'I•' J"hlilJ'.! \~'h1·11 lht•,\ :.atd :-.hl· l'(Jldd lie· :-.t.:l'fl'tar\ .ind takc· nnl t'"i•l 111t•1•!111µ,' "f h(',\' II l"I \'II '{ ·rht·v .1 <·111:dl v d id as k inc 11) t::il\f' 11 0.tl':-.. "l"hl'.\: <11·1.: nil ;1 hlln<'h 11f C"l1<1 u v1ni:-;ts,"' :\Irs. l)ondl'rn lnl d rL'P~lt'lt.:1's :\londa,v. We're Still Better Off Than '33 W1\S lllNGTON (U P I ) -The currf'nt U.S . recession a lready i~ as Novernbe r , 1969, 3.9 percent in lhe severe r ecession or the 1950s. anti bad as the short, mild o ne in the I ale 1960s, a nd is approaching in 32.6 pe rcent in the depression. severity the painful recession of the 1950s. new ~overnm ent statistics Industrial production so far has fallen 4 3 percent . That compa res to show. fl .8 percent in the mild reC'ess ion, 12.6 pe rcent.i n the d eep recessio n and But b y ever y m e as ure. the current slide is not as steep as the plunge 53.4 pC'r c cnt in the Depress ion . leading lo the bottom of the GrC'al De press io n in Novembe r . 1933 , the But une mploy ment, al 7.1 J)C'rcent, already has surpassed the peak of fi gures sho""" 6 per c ent hit during the mild recess ion and is close to the 7.5 percent The data we re prepared by the Bureau or 1.:ibor Statistics to give hi g h during the 1950s recession. It is far. however, rrom the 25.2 per- perspective to r~riday's announcement that une mploy ment, in its cent pe ak in the Depression. second s harp jump, had climbed to7.1 percent in December. . Tota l civili a n nonfarm e m ployment Cthc number of persons with With thet r eport the BLS !'!t opped Quibbling over w h ether the term jobs ) actually sta nds six-tenths or l percent above whe re it was whe n ''r t"cess1on" pro µ{!r1y a escnbca the cur r e nt condition of lhc U.S . the slump s et in . economy. Total employment, which reflects the ove rall J:?rowth in the work The RL.S firures mf':isurrd the depth and duration of rour downs lides, force. fell by 1 percent In the mild recession, 4.3 perce nt in the seve r e -the pe riod between lhecrest or a boom and the s tart of a recovery . recession and 31 .6 percent in the Depression. Thf' fi g ures ~ho\"ed thnl i ( the cu.rrcnt recession we re to bottom 01Jt The A I~S statis tics show that in the las t h ri lf of last }'ear 32.8 percent now it Wo uld prove to be about equal to the 12-m onth downs llde or thf' of the indus lri e~ among 172 cate,gorics fo r which statistics arc recorded mildrf'cesslonthatbeganinNovember,1969. '-''t'fC s till adding l o their work forces. Only 19.2 percent w('r e cxpand - Rut1it V.'Ould be less severe than t he 10-month d ownturn which bP,g an in~ in the mild recession . I 1.7 pe rcent in the severe recess ion and none in .Ju ly , 1957 . Richard M. Nixon felt the 1957 s lump cost him the r r<'-in the Depression . sidr ncy in the 1960 e lection. T hC' study isolated one profound differe nce b etween the las t l."'O In the c urrent recession. ~lartlng in Nov<'mhc r, 1973, the U.S . Gross downturns and their more painful predecessors when pri ces fell u s Nationa l Product h11s fallC'n 2.7 perc ent. RLS fig ures s how the G N P hu~ine~s activity s lumped. In lhe 1960 economic downturn and the pre· decline was 1.1 percent in the m ild 12-mon th recessio n tha t s tarted in sent recession pri ce s rose. ( I I • Kissinger 'Threat' ' Assailed F.VF.Rt:1'1'. Wash. (AP) -~C'n . llt:nry M . J aC'k son hus c r 1t 1r 1z1.-•tl S <-c r c lary of Sta t e ll t~n rv A . Kiss inger's r efus al to ru le 1lut use of L'.S. military force against l\11ddlt· P.a s t oil produc- inj!'. n ations . . . "It 's ;1 <!Pliealt· s1 tu<1!1on 1n the :O.Tidl'a:-1 th11t calls for <1u1ct diplo n1aey ,'' the \\'as h i n gt~)n l)l·mocr<1t said f-'rida.v 111 ;in In- (~l_N_SH_O_R_r__,) t('rviev.' at his home he re. "I don ·1 th inl.:: a n y grc:it pov.·c r sh o ulc1 s pea k in t hreat e ning lern1s to lhL· v.·<1r ld publicly.'' In ;1 p r\' {'h r 1.,ln1as intervie w \\Ith 1l u s 1 n~·..,., V..'1'l'k m;.igazinl', f\1 s..,1h1-:l'r d1•cl1ni'lt 111 rull'nut the poss ihilily th;it !ht· l "nit ed St ;1tes \\'t\uld u..,t. 1niltt;11·y force aga ins t l\1 i<le :1st oi l prndut:ers "to prl'· v1·nt the s tr a ngul ation of the in· du:-.tr :1i11 zed world." Brando l~and LOS 1\N l~El,l~S tU PJ) -/\· 40-:icr c p lot o f land in Agoura, Calif., v.·hich M;.irlon Brando gave to the Ind ians c arries a S318.000 mortgage. a televis ion ncv.·s man has :tnno unf'cd. A del.'d .-;ig.ncd hy Br<i ndo and recorded f'r idav turns over the land to the s ur\.'ival of ,\meri can Indians ;\sso<·iatio n. A spoke ~ma n for the g roup said the associa tion y.·as aware of the debt. but lhC'y believed the m on e y to p ay the mortg a g e would be donated to them . Intruder WASl-llNGTON (/\P) -Police seized a man who attempted to c1rive a truc k onto the White !lous e i::rounds 1-'riday in the ~econd such inc ide nt in the pas t lOdn.\'S. . Th e m ~1 n , \~·horn officials dec lined to identify. was com· mittl'd to St. Eli 'I.a beth's l-lospit;1I fo r m e n ta l o b :-.f'r vat ion aft l'r <1u esti on1n g b y Secret Ser,·ice agents Cro:r:r DPad N EW' "r.ORK {AP) -J\ofilton Cr oss. tht· su a \'L', s ilver-tongued anno un('('r of l hL• l\1 ctropolilan o pera for-13 yP.a rs, died F'rid<1 v of :1n apparl'nt h t'art <.itlac k a t -the ~11-?t' of 77. Cross wHs to h a ve b roadr-ast S aturd::iy 's Ji \'e Met Jl('rformance o r "Jla liani in 1\li,.:f'ri ," j ust a s he hroartc;isl n t•:1rl\" ('\"C•rv .Saturda v P•'rfnrn1ane(' s"1 11 ce Christma's l);1y 19:1 1 '"'·h en h e announced "ll;)nSl·I ;ind (;rl'tt•l St Pel lllkP Cl.EVEJ,/\:\'J), ()hio fi\r) - H eru hl i l' S t,.,. I l 'or p , t ht' n al ion ·s fourt h l;Jr~t·st Sll'l'l pr()(iucer, o n l·'rid;1y ;innnu ncl'd 111<·rea ... t'S a\{'f.igi ng I ·1 llL'l"('L'n! in 1hC'prt£'e nf v :1 ri nus ~ 1 £'l' l · n1 i 11 prod ucts. 'fhe p r ice hikes "·ill take l'ffect "·ilh :-.1 ond:1y's s hipm e nts , a Repuhlic spok <'sm an saicl. llaldema11 Plea \\'J\S flfN\.TOl\ ft\P) -IT.rt. llaldcn1:1n ':-. l .1\\_\•'r)o. sav 1he \\';ttl'rga!l' l'O \'••r 1ip l1ial ju rors "n1:1y h;1\·t· r •·c'1·1\ l'd 1nOul'nl 1al inform.1tion \\ hi t'h 1·n11ld h ~1~·1· ;if- fPl'lt'd !h1·1r '''rd 1rt " \~·hilf' they cons11ft·r1·d ch;1rg1•'i 1n !he• f':J SC'. Tht'Y :1-.k!'d l . S [)1 .,1r1el J1 1dg(' John .r slf"l('a for d Ill'\\ tr-lal and p1·rn11-.:.Hn1 tn -.uhJH11•n;1 11n1· nf thl' Jlll'(lt"" and ;1 1H·v.~p:1per rc·- flllrt1·r 1'h(• 111r\· <'nn\ irl l'd ll:ddC'n1:n1 :ind tllrr1: n!lu·r d1·fL·111lanls 011 .'\.t'V.' \'L·;.1r )o. 1>;1\' n f eon ... p1racv t o obstruct just1cC' in the \V~1ll'r~a le C:l)o.l', SM>·•-deu Snood les. tt year-old , female, pood le -rrc)s s. is a fan of c.hildren and knows when it 's tam ~ to go out side. She is <.ivailable for :-adoption at the Laguna Beach SPCA at 20612 I ~agun;i Canyon Road. The s heltC'r is . open loday, ancl Snood les is willing to accept 9Jffers of a home. ' Allan Rive lli Services H e ld In Huntin~on Funcr::il :-;1•r\ II'(", f11r All.in Rivelli. nc!i' t' 1n !111· ll1111t1n1..11111 l\c:il'h S1'111•1t ('1t1/•'Tl "-!nr !1 11• p~tS! l'i~ht '.'-'l';tf<.;, \\l'I!' 1\1·1.J \l l'!I da.v in llunlin i:;1n11 l\1 •.i1·h ~1r. l!i,·t·ll1 4.'7 d 1t·d l)i ··· ··-; :iftcr ::i ton ;..: illn ''"'~ 11 1· r1·1·t·n\I\ had hC'lperl (Pund t!11• l·'n11nt;1111 \'alley Seni nr-. .111d 1' .1-. .u·t 11, f111 sevC'ral \C';1r..; 1n 1hc ll 1111 t1n ~·!f•!l lk';irh .July 1··11 11rrh p;1r:1d 1· l lis ,, 1f<'. r: ... 1111·1. u .1·; 1u·1'<1d··111 nf thr ll untu1 i-:1nn l\1 ·.1rh !'->t •r11111 -. for thrrc )(',11 -.. r1·-..1i:r11111: !h•· po!'! lhis '' c·t·k f\Tr. l{ivellt \I,, ... ,I t•·t1 rt·d I ,II rirr for thf' 1·u11·er l '111 1'0-.1 cit fic·c. a membe r uf the llrdl·r Qf F-:lks. CulvC'r l '1t 1 r\l .1..,0 11 11· Lnd t·t· anrl had bc1•n ;11·ti\i' 1n !lit· ('r1·.,, <'cnt !lay Jt;i 1111i11\\ l;1r l ~ .\ ... scn1bly. Survivors in1·1ud1· hi ~ \\ 1do" ut the home a1 1n:ir.1 !\;10111 1.·l;i D rive. Jluntini::ton l~'a<·h : f\10 rlnughtl'rs. ·r1•rry 1\s ton of Sant :• Ana a nd J oy 1\lillC'r of \V1·st l ~os An~el('s: t"'" s is lf'rs ;1nd right g randch ildrt'n . DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Delivery of the Doily Pilo t is guaranteed M:incby.friday: ti '(1).1 do not hove lfO.X ~ by 5 30 pm .. roll ond your ~ wiH be brouqht 10 you. Collr. ore tcMn ootil 7:00 pm. . SaMby ond Su<Xlay If yoo do '"" naiY!' yw-copy by 9 om. Sot1Kdoy, O' 8 o.m. Sunday. coU ond o ropy will be brourjlt 10 yoo. Coils ore !oken unr1I lOo.m. Telephones h'ml Q-ooge Couuty A1PCK M2-4J21 ltrthwest Hun!1n91 00 !Woc.h crd Wesrmin!>!CI 540· I 110 Son Oemenle, Cop1~1rono Beot.h, Son Juan Cop1!>l!nno. Dono P01nl, Sruth togunw1 l nquna Niguel 495-0630 -' . Easy Co111e ••• ("or11n.t dl'I '.\1 ;1r p l<111t ('It trf'prt·n <.·urs ;1n<I !:i O<in -to-be n1 <.1rri<.•d Kirk I .cc ~ind l~o!Jin Zimn1<.•rn1:..1n thoug ht the\' hacl :1 tig er Pr, c.:h1 ·l'l <.1h h~· the 1c1i 1 t·'r i<tc1v. :ind a s1.ooO rC\\·ard to bn1ii. J{ul inst<.·:ul nf fin d ing the n1i ssing I.i\Jn Cj111ntr1 Sc1f:1r i ("t1li ··n1 ,1cl\ie'; lurkin.t! in l hl·1r o.;hnp. l'\p<·rt o.; L1tl·r· id1·11t ifit•d thl' trl'atur1..• (~C'l' picturL·1 ,1-.. :1 11 t·rr:1111 11t·1·lo1 l .t"' ;111d Sa1urday. Jan1.u11y -4. 1975 DAIL V PILOT J1 :J D ial O··for Ordeal Mesa Suspect Just Making Call A Gardt-n l;ruv1· 1nohll1· honl l' s;.alc ~nlan \\ho JU!->\ h .1 pp1•r11«l 1o be 1n the v.·r0f1~~ pt.u·t· ,1l , tt1t• \\l /'011).,: tlrtll' hit :-bl"i'll L'll·ar1.·tl or :.1n v 1nvn\vcmcnl 111 .in L·xtu1·11un~ t;.-1;c holduµ allt·n1pt at a Cu~t;.a Mt·s a n1o!t·!. 'J'hl' n1·dt•:i l <"o"t lt.i\ n11inil 1··_ 'I';1rr. ·1~. o f 12:J.'>1 ("ur vj•t tc-SI.. :1 fL"w hours in J~111 a11d a\tornl'~ ·.., l 'O ... t:-. b cfuft' Ill' II ..... I 1·lt·.1 ... 1•1I .111d tht•n on 1·11ur~d.1\ t'•Hnph·t1 ·I~ ;d1sol 1·ed. JJL' JU ~l h:1d lhl' t'\l"l't'dlll).! Till" fort uni· to co1n1·nll'n1 alt:-~l11p .uul ust· :1 t elcpho111 .. · ho11th poli1·1· h;.id ... 1;.ikcd out :..1ft1·r .1 t e lc phu n t· b.111 · rlll nrdL'rL·d hi:,, f.Jll ~Ulll dL'IT);l lld to IJL' ll'ft lht•r<'. 'l';.i rl' undL·r·\\ L'rll ;.1 pol:-gr;qJh 1•'\:1nnn:d1on :ti h1 .,, Ollll l'L"f!\h''>I "l'hur-..d .1y :ind p;i~~L'<I it v. 1thnut d11uht . ··JIL' 11;1 .,, uot 1n1·nl1 C"d ,·· f)1·t1·<· t1 v1: l ~u h Ht.· r e <.:011f1rrnL"d '1';1r r '.,, 111 1:--.fort11111• ht•g:•r• :lin10 ... t ... i r11 ul t :111t·uusl ~ 11\llt :1 1n1:--.IL'l"IOU " !L·l1·phunv I .di 111 !\l1th ~1t·I S ulll\ ;111. 111 g ht clt·rk 11! lil l· ('ur:1 I !lt'l'f '.\lut1·I. ~til::O I l.1r hPr Hl\ d . h~ ~u1 L'\1<11·1 1"111-,t I!<' 1nld S ull11 ;111 :t .,,111p1•r h;1d 111111 fr ;11111·d 111 I he s ight. ... of ;1 h q . .:h po\1 L'red r11'\e :ind dv· rn.ind.·d ,di lhi..· monC'~. :1\ 11h11..·h tin1t• lhl' \ 1t.:l1n1 hl·ntdn\\'ll behind !ht' l"'!lHltt·r. Jl t• ;1ppl'~ll'l•d ll• b~ i.:1..·lt in g lhl· munL'~" but \\':JS t..'all· 1ng polil'1· f11r· ;td\·!l't' 'fht•1 ~:11d t" fnll111\ 1n ... 1ruL·- t1n11 ~. hut'" lt•;i\<' IH) llllHlt'_\ Ill a p;q 1l·1· h~•/.! laul 1•111 ;1'i h ail in ~1 lll•:r r h:-lt•lt·phn111· bo,.th ('on11•.,, n111\ .,,;1 le ~n1 :111 "J'.irr. 11 hn ~toppL'll !o 111 •1ke tv.u c:d l ~ a~ poill"l' 1\ ;.atcht:d .. Ill' t h~n drll\l' off. 111!h aliout -..i'>: p~1 trul l 'Ll l'S pot~l·d to rnovl' 111 .ind 0111· du!. its rl'd !iL:hl .,, blinh lil t!_. ·· 1 JllSl tllnught I u •a s go1ni.: !11 J.:t•I :1 t11·kl·l .. l:irncnl.ed lhL" un h:1ppy '/':1rr. 11·hu found h irns('!f !!11• Ob.)t'l't nr \\"f1;1 f )S kno\\"tl Ill pol!(·t·\1 o rk ;1 ~ :1 l•'l'1uny S1up. Il l' \\;1s ordl'rt•d !•1 !ht• ground ~in d \\\':1 pon ... \ll't"L· pro1!ut't.'d lo prt•\1•nt ,111' l1111d~l v from !ht• n1 ,1tori..,t . \\ hon1 polil't• ~~tid th1·~ h:ul rt:a~11n To "U"Pt'l"l ;t! th.it poJILI ln1·t.•s1 q.:.11111.,, f""l'.df1r111t'd \1fl"l.1' lh;!l 'f .!f I' ",!._ ... 1n1 pl 1 !II 1 lt1· \\f <l!lg td ... ·1· U1 \lit• "ftJllJ..: \l!I\!' 111 11h.1t !11rn1.,f "lit to ht• :t r1·;:rt·l!.1 Ille 111t·1d 1•111f,ir1•1·1·1·y h111l v '\q r1-.d li .111d11 -.11 ... pt·(·1 v\1•1 .tp p~·a rt·d .• d!l111ug ll 11111· 11.,,111:..: 1h· 7.2°~, llikt• tcl1•rh 11n l' thrt•at ru:-1· r1,hl1o·d ;111 1n1pn r1 :;h op :1L·ro ... ~ !ti" -..!!'('l'l t r .. 111 fh{' ('01 ;ii H1 ·••f .l\l utt·l o( :$1.llOOl\\1• n 1ont ti ... ..i:.:n .\rill ·r :1rr ... :11d 'l'h111 ,lf;1v h1 • 11ft•·r1 h:i s a n1i.:htL".1p ;1t ;1 r1 • ... t.111r;nl1 \11111 t111 ·t1d 111 lht• .If '"' f!\ th•• fi1110· IJ,. )'011 riU111f I.iii, hi' lit ' d1'd ii AT&T Seeking New lnte~ate Rates "\f-~\\'\llf~" f1,l'l -'/\.f1l~IC";t11 'J'vll·ph•J111· c( '1'1·l 1·~•r:1ph t ·,, · ... q• 11\tt•d }-'r11l.1\ 111 th1· l'1·dl·r:1l l."•1111 1111111H·ar11111 .,, ('t11nn11.,,~1on lllr ·' .,,lll"l'\lLrl t! r1•1i•.1un 11f 111tt •1 .... 1.rl t• phont• r.dt·.,, l h .t! \111t1ld l1(1n...,t 1·h art::t'" f11r lnri i.: d 1 ... t:1nl'V t·:ill" :111 ;1\1•r;1g(' 1if 7 ~ pl'rt·1·r1l t ff1 ·1· \1 1'1'~1 :11-<"h 1 If :1ppro\·L·d, :ilin111 "70 p1 •rr•1·nl !/f :ill Bt>ll S\~1cn1 i1111 ·r ... 1:J!•· ph,lnt· e;d Is 11·otdd b t• 111Pl'L" <·' pc·ns1v1• :ind S7 t 7 1nill1on 1n add1 t1on ;t! :1 nnual r •·venues \\"nl1hl h1 · !.!1·111 ·raI1•d. t Ii L' « tJ 111 pan:-i !'I .I I ct. 'l"ht· L:r 1·;1 t 1· ... 1 1nr·r1·ase~ "<Hild ht• .ipphl·d tu ~hort d1 s t:.in c1· call ... n1;1d1· d11ring nnrrrial hu.,,111 1 ·.,,~ hnu r~ ;ind 1·:iJI .,, pl~tl'1•tl \1 ith an npt•r:-itnr '-.; a .,,o.,js\:11u:1-. Subst~111 Ital dis 1·<i11nt -. for l'\"t.•n1ng :inti l\"l'l'licnd l';1[J .., :1 rt• inl'lt1dl'd. ho11 <'1 L·r . :ind in ~on1l' t·:..i.s t·~ ICJ\l'l•r lht· prl'St:nl r ;1!t•. l!e rr ~1rl' SC1111c s arnple r:1!1.:s fo r a lhrc.·C'·minut(' <·:tll di:.ilt'd 1lirC'ell.v in !ht· d:iytin·u.: !\1nnda\· thro11gh l'r1da.v . l'rf'scnl l'r 11posf'rl ;\\'·l .11s1\n ~"l(.'s St ,1:1 ~1 Hi !'\). L"h1t·;i g1 1 $1 1:) Sl ~7 '.\'\'.\\'asli1n g1011 ~ xo Sl 11 ."\"'i'·.~t'\\";1rk . :-..; .J $ 17 S ':_:H ('h1c:1gn 1;:1rv . I rid S :1:1 S 5"7 \\,. , .. , 1•1..'t1111• !h.il 111 ~·1 .. ;1-..1nl.! pr11·0•-. ,1\ !t11 0., 11111•' ,.,, 11<11 !ht• 1•"1 1111.11 1!i1n1• i .. do. 1!1• h.1rcl H 11 1111;.:h prvo.1d1·11I nl ,\'1«>:.:"1 -.. 1.,,ni: !.111t·" l h·p.11 !n1•·111 -..11d .1t .1nt"1\o.t11rd1•11•111 ,. h··1· Hut 11 itliind r.111 • 1·1·l 1t•f 111 t••I L\\ ·._ , (""l l'llltll 1•!1\ lr't1rlrlll'tl!, 111 · 1·1•ultl ull1111.t!v l\ t :1C'1· Iii.· prn "1 11 ·i·1 .. r ti 11..:1iv1 1q1t·1,1l1ng ct1:-1 .... .1!1d d 1•lt'! IOI ,1 1111 1' "I'!\ I!"!' 'l"h·· 1:1·1· 1·.in 11·1 Tiu · tu·"' r.d1·s i·i, 111111 ··f!1·c·t 1111 ... 1·h1 ·d11 h · tJr iii · l.1.1 ()11• t·fft•t·! I\,. d.!ll' f!I! ll l) 1q '.~t d!i\:o' 1)1 !ht• l'•lt!111ll'>"IHl1 l":!ll l'l" 11·c·t th1· r•·q u1 ·-.1 1f lhl·d111·un11·111.1 t1nn 1«·1nt;1in~·d 111 !h1· 1·11n1p.111\ ... 8 (Jf)f) p;!j.!4' fllltl)! I• 1 "ll"Hlo ·r1 ·d f.nilt ~ t nd1•r llit• p1·opu-.1•d r,dt· ~1 r1H· turt'. 1\ 'f .t '[' 11 ould •ii I 1•r :i :1~1 p1 •1 - c<•nl d1 -.;('011nt f1·or11 1111 · da1 r.1\c for calls fron1 .~, p 111 t11 l J p 111 S1 111da.1" lh r•n1gh f'1·11L1 .1 1\nd .t 1;<1 p1•r(·C'nl dise1111nt 1\otild lu• ul f1 ·rl·d fron1 1he d :1v r.l!i• d11 r1 n~· night-.; and \\ c{'kt:nd .... fron1 11. p 1n. 10 8 a n1 1•\·1•r\ d :11 ;ill d:t1 :-;;1turd:.i.v. ;i nd !Ill S1111d :1y uritil ;, jl fTI i\1'&1" al s0 ;1n11011111·1·d lh;d 11 1\·nu!d (i g1 1r" 1!-.. 1·h ;11·1~l'S for d1rl'C"t ·rli:1IC'd 1·:1ll s 011 ]\· on .i •1n1· 1111 nut1· h :1-.1-.. r :dht·r lh,;111 rlH' l'llt" n ·n! !h1·t·C' n1ir1.111l'"' "f'ht·t·nriq>.1111· ... :11 d onl' th ird nf all inlt·r ... !;ilL' c:dl .... :i rC' 1 \\ o nl 1nul1'" or !t·:-. ... /'.111 1 ml'!'!1l ;111 1 <iok I Ill· ln">s n f ;1 r-----------------------------::-::c:===================:::;; Still G•tin~ Up SJ .000 r p ,1·;.1rd for· "l~l :1 ck · it·'s. rC'turn in stridt'. :\I le:i:-.t thl'_,. h;1 V<' e~1ch ol h<.•r _ I n lhC" ni ... ·antim e. I.ion Cnuntrv h ;1s :1n nct·lot 1t \\·ou\d rathe.r pl:t('t.' els e\1·hC're If lhl' <l\\'tl('I' !urn:-; up. he cir s h1• can call th(' plant s hop . n ohin's ('r1un· lr;.· <;rt.•Pns . at f17~·85.55 . If the o<·t•lnl g<it''i u11cl :tin1ccl. 1! ·11 j:.!<1 In a ZllO Ford Vetoes Milk Bid-To No Avail \\ \.'-111 "\(,!11"\ \I'• l'rt•-.1 d1•11 ! I· i\r«! IL1 · 11 1,.,.iJ l1·g1 ... J;1 111ir1 lh;1T l1!11 ilrl /1 ;1\ 1· 1111·!1'.1.,,i•d ri•1.iil 111iJI.. pt I! r ),\ "I\ \'l"lll -.. .1 h.ilf ~'.illl\tl '.dl111' 1111• hil l ··til)Clil.\ Ill l l:11 1to11.1r1 t •• 1 i•11~u111t'1" ;u1d 111 1 1)1 •1 •" '!I \ H111 1i .. 1·1 I\ .1ll1r11\1 \i·l1• J·11 R e<Ls Dri've So1.ith Viets Froni Capital l ~l "l .l.f:T l '.\i ('on1n1unist ror('l'S ha<''-rfl h v j :l llkS and h I' a\'.\' a fl ill<'I")' l)\'l'l'I' :l n a pro\'int'ia l •·ar1il a l lod:t,\" in a d ayli J!ht as ... ault lo gain t'ontrol or a n f"nliri' prov incr for lhi• fir sl ti1n4· in n 1·arl'.\" thr('f' .\'l'ar s. ~O\'· rrn rnent m ii it a ry sou rc1•s !'oa id. S AJf;l)'.\I (\'I'll -f)t>SpC'ra!£'ly n11t1111n 1h1•rt·d go1·l'rntnl'11!. lroops dro\t' ('ornn1unis t fort:l'S from h<'S1t.'J!t•d l'huo1· B1nh pro\·inct• l:1p11a1. but b 1t t1,•r fighlin,i.: r :q.:ed 1n the ... uh111·hs nf 1he 1n ~1r k<'I 1n\\'ll, 1hc Sni~nn ron11nantl s:l id lnfla.v :'\I i I 1 I :i r ,\" ... o 11 rt· r• s s ;1 id . ho\l"t•\'t•r, t 111 · 1 ank ha<"ked Cn1n n11 11u s ts . ,,·1th a :1 -ln I n1;111po\1<'r ::uivanta_gc. wcrC' cxpcct('d lo HS· o;aull the rit y .:1 1~:1 in '"al ;i ny l1tll('." Ht•ports rl'Hrhin~ S:11j!'.on lnd<ty \\'Pre UllC'IC'ar on whcthf"r the ('nn1munis l s rctreatC'd from !ht> t'it ~· Frida:-' h l"'ra11 s c.> !hf")" w1•rp drl\'{'ll b;:1ck in hc11v~· fi ghting or h1'<·:1us£' thC'y "'i!;hC'd to rt·J!roup for anot her. ht·:1vi ('r :1ssault. ·rht• f;ill of l'h1101· l\inh \1·nuld hl· th(• firs t provincial <·;ipit;d (';q1\ut'l'd b .1· the ('nn1munists sinct• I h1•\" :--.c i1l'cl ()11ang ·r r1 o n ~·l ;1y I. 1~)72. 'T'hc \'1el ('on,i.: Ii)•,! \)11 ;111~ 'l'ri n1n1• n1nnlh'i hcfor<' !ht' pc;Jl'C' pat:l \\'aS signe t! J an 27, 1973. d:1.1 ,\L:11c111tl!re ~t'l'rl·t:1r1 F·::11I I. l\t1t1 !11 0J.. .H"\IOtl lo .illo\\ ,1 111r1·1' 1·1·nt 1n1"r1•,1-..\' '!'h t• hi ll 11011ld h.1\v pl:11·1'd ft•dt•r .din ilk pr1t·1· "llPJ'>llfl :-' :l! i-;;i pt•rc·•·nl of p:1r1 11 ,1 f1 gu11• ti.i ... 1•d 1111 1 h1 • f;1 rn11·r·-. •'n"! uf 111·1• d11l·!11111 1-.t!hi•r !h:11 1 lht• l'IJI" ft'nl i'ln J'•'l't'<'nt of p .1r1t\ l'1 •1·d -.:!1d tht· Hl('lt·.i:-.l' lllftdd h :1\1' h1 kl'd 1ht' pr1t·l' "uppor! Iii .;., 1 I~ In .i r1<t·ortl h I g h tif $7 t i~I p1 •r hun tl1cd\\(•1i.:ht '!'his 11uuld lr .~n~latl' 1111n :111 1nc·r1.,1 :-.1· .it !h1 • r1·1:1ll l<'\l'l tJf a!J11ut six l"t·nt ... p t·r h;llf g,11 1011 of rn dJ.. :ind ;1 ho1 1! 1:.! 1·1·nts pt·r pound nf rht·•'"'" h1• .... 11d l.:1!1·r . !~111 1 ;1nnnunr <.·1I ;1d m 1n is tr;ll i\"t' :1rtion th;1 t \1dl pr n rlt1C"C' incrC'<l!'<'S of ;1hout half nf !hos(' C"nnt ;1incd 1n th<' 1·t•l11<'d hill l ie said th<' gove1·nn1cnt's sup port priC'c-fnr 1n~1nuf actur1n g · I.VP<' n1ilk USt'd In nlllk(' buttC'r, t·h1•('s e and ol he r products "'a.s raist'd lo $7.24 per 1011 pounds, C'f· ft•ctive immt>di<t!C'ly through lh<' nt.'xl 1nRrke tin i.: ye<1r. 1~·hich ends ~l arrh .1 1 . 1976 'fh{' n ld s u11port of $6 57 pC'r 100 pounds had hcPn 111 t'ffC'cl sinrL· !:1 -;1 :\pril ! J~ut1 sa1tl the :1<.:tion \\·a s n('('('S:>arv because farm n1dk priC'cs h ;:lvc d eclined while co~!~ ha\"l' r1'nlninC'd high. ' ; WEATHER R•ct>fd cold chit!~ I~ R<Kk9" f"ridll• ,..,..;i .. ,. ml-1u•• o1 s,..,,, l••••l"'J r1'1n .ond ,,..,.,. ...- drl•l"'J ""11•dou' lo• d•l'lll'•S from .......,,ylw•nl• Jn to 'IOUI""'" N•w Enol•nd R•<o•d tow\ In ,,..., Mounl,.•n\ In< ludfod ?6 hr lo w In Monl• Vl,I•, Colo, •nd 13 bolow .ol ~I""""""· Co~ .. -1<1, SO>l O• •ouallW • rr<.ord tor 11>•PI! ol ,,..llt1 !lW'1aYI 8y MldAlllfnoon, lemp@r8h;r~ '''II l~d"" In •u'P•I~ ,,,. •••o ma•~ al ~1.omovo. WIH<" <ePO<"lr<I • sl• bo'low •••dlrw;i Fo<I Myl•\, fl.o "'"'' 11-.t WArn>e,I \pCI Ffld1'Y ""111> 1n M·<llQ••• •Plld!nQ Eh•w""'""· ~(111 .. ••<I •now tell 11<ro~' !"" G, .. ,., L8~n 1nO In no<!Norn New EnQ\1f'd l\.mouflh . """""'"'' • ll•V~ t...n QPn•r .. l!v ""In<~ Gr IP\\ t..19"! ••!IO <Oflllnueo 1,. tl>il lower Ml1 .. :>ud V•H•y bul •~IPI c!••••d *••UW:r ""'111 -,..,.,,. ll'J"'l•Allll ~""""!tom 11\it Pla!M 10 (~!l!Grf\1- .. IQ" wl,.1H how led l"te'"t:I" lllP nodhfrn R0<-ln, wll" 9 uthot up to .Om.p " •• mi<ld•y. dooq. ttle OAUMIE.R SF I 7SOR ,, 25'" ~ ... ' ' ...-; _.-.) . 1 . THE COP'LEY F4 741oM THf P'EALf F47571"H dioq. 25" dioq. THf RUIEH5 F-4 741 •• I _,,.. .. ~ .... THE ROlENTINO F-4751 ... ~~-.1 I I!: I 1:1 ! 1, ..-.· ,,. di09- ,.. .... I \ ,.. .... THE HOLIUM F474 2W ' ' THE I ET l'40LD5 F4 75V' - ,.._ I ,, ' ' . v " ,.., \. ""' 25"'id dioq. THE VERMEER F4744P' • zs- di<llJ. ,.. .... THE GAIH510 ROUGH F4 75 4f IEMOTE CONTlOl SF2S•t THI CEIAI** • r , • . - :;:. 144 DAILY PILOT Saturday, January 4, 1915 8aprtsr . . 1 · ll•rborTrlnlt y 81ptlsl Ch•r~b . .! IJ30 Baker St ., Costa ,.fesa: v.·orship ser\fif<'~ al 8 :r:> and ti n rn.: sermon "C.'01npl<'tlng a Day or Pr ayer .. by C.'onnil:' Sulios, pas tor. c hurl'h ~c hool for all ages a t 9 :45 n.1n .. c-\'t:n111 g service a t 6 Y•ith lloly Com rn11111o n , f a mily hour with studies for :.ill ages on \Vednesduys a t 7 p. rn . Pulpit & Pew Ptfinistry school ond m inis try de· velopment clas s willl:ie condu<'t· ed ul 7 :30 p.nl on Tue~day . 2091 2 \Laguna · C~nyon IC oad. Laguna )leach. Watchtower l'lblr Study tu follow all lectures on Sunday en titled "The Spirilu<1l Security Provided for Us h y God ", based on Psalm 91 :2. 'l'hc public is cor- dially invited. Rar M ltzvuh ce-lebrenl; lbe Saturd uy N lghl Forum aeriCta tonight "'ill reature panel dls- l' USsl on s o n ''Antl -s o~lal Jk·huvinr '1nrl th e JtiwiBh Child"; rt•gular F'rid:.iy i1~rvices will be ht·ld Ht 8 : ts IJ HI . wilh Rabbl Shf'lrlon ~J Kirsch ddiverine: t.he s<•rmon ; an Oneg Shabbnt will 1n1 rnt.·di••tt·ly rnllow the .service. f ,11fht•ror1 Falr\'lew n ·aplisl ('hurc:h, 2525 Fijirvicw f{d , <'ornf•r or f'a1r Drive, Cu:.la ~It.•:-.a . \.\1)rshi1J ~t·rvic~ nt 10 <L 111 . :-.l'rn1t1n by Dr. Richard \\'. !)oss. !)reach ing n1inister ; tnlkha<·k ;tl 11 15 a.rn . t-'lrsl liaplis t ('hur<-h or " Newport rl('afh, 2501 ('hrf llri\'L'. ~ ~C\~fXll'l ll t.•ii!hl!'i , l'ln1rt·h :.<·hoot • <JI 9 :30 ;1.111 v.o r:-.h11~ :-.l·r'\'ICl' :il r. 10 :30 a Ill , S f"l'tl)IJ!l '"J'hi• i \\'isdom F'r11r11 /\h1)\'f' I s (fcntle" h.\' th t• Ile .... l)r. I ... Kl'nton fkshorc; c vl'ning :-.ervit·e C:tl 7 i \\'ith fir!'it in ;1 seri<·s on lhl' :-.uh· 1 1eet ··~amt·s of C.o<I ''. llr. i Bes hore bro~1d ca s1 s O\C•r XEJ\TO. "f\1011d ;.1y through F'riday :.t 7::w I ~1.111 andRp.n1 . 1 t 'irsl Haptlsl ('h urt·h. 24521 I 1\l oulton P;.1 rk\\·a y, l .:1glu1;1 llilt~. f'hureh sc·hoo l for ;i]] ag:t·s a1 9 :JO \ ;;i n1 ; \\nrship :-.cr·\·icl• ;1l 10:4!") a n1 : !'.crn1on · ''Go;d s. J,ikl' Stars ·· bv th e llcv. l)r. f\";1n B. lie ! r: scr\·i l'l' In con elude \\"ii h oh- :-.er v anc-e of the l,ord's Su1>pt·r : I eoffce hour in ).'l'JlO\\ship ll all I', folh.1\\'ing !he service·; micl\\"Ct·k hour of pr:ty!'r ;ind l~iblc ~tud~ (in \\'ednesdays al 7 1i.1n BlblP l\l rsa Bibl e ('hapel , 17 3-1 01·:.inJ.!e ,\\l' .. Co:-.ta J\1 es a ; <·hurch sc·hoo l ;1t !J ··l.l ~1.m : \\"Ors hip st•r\·ict· :it 10 · 50 ;1. n1 . nnd 7 p..._m : fir·st of :1 four-p;irt sermon series on "1.u1dancc·· by the> Ile\". Roht•rt .r:1ro1Js. pas tor. \Vcdncsrlay is ramil.\· ni~ht V.'ith Steve l?;1s d :1ll J(•;uhn!l Biblt' study tine! youth i.:roup mt.'l'ting led by Ed J\•1 u r ga n Christla11 First C hristia n Church, LC'gion and Glcnncyre Strcl'tS. huguna J~each ; n iblc s tudy ;""1l 9 :45 a .nl . \1ith s ubject ",Jf·s us. the J\1 astl•r 1·e:1c·hcr;': "'ors hip St'rvirc al 10:45 a .m .: scrn1 o n· ''.lob .. by t he Pastor Hieh;1rd S\\•ancy; ('hri s ti an \Vnm l·n·s 1''cllo\\'Sh1p v.·j 11 i ns t a 11 it s n C\\' offi t•t·rs ·rhu rs· d ay nt 7 ::lO pm :t1 th<• hnmt.• of i\lr.s . 1=:.thel l'1l'l_v . <t :J(; J,indl'n St , l .. ;1gun a neach . Ill'\\ officers art•: !\l :1 r ga r c t Gillcn"'~•ter, prC'SI· «lent: Betty Goddard. vice pres i- dent : Sall cyc Dunn. treasurer : a nd Louise Rohb. s ecrct;-iry : l\lrs. 1\1artha Ilallin, outgoing president, "'ill he honorcd : 1\1 rs llub)' Barbe(' o f l,;1guna Ni~u(•I will in!'>tall : for addilion;1l in· form<Jtiou . t·all '194 ·1990. Chri#lfHn SrfPn.,.. 1-'l rsc C h ur('h of Christ, St'ien · tist. 2880 l'wl l'~:i Vt•rdc IJri ""-'· Costa l\les :.i : <'hurch .S('hool ~ti 9 ·15 n.n1.; \\ors h1p s crviec :.ii 11 a Ill ; 1-'irst ( "hurrh or ('hrist, St'if•ntisl, Hth :i nd O live Strt~et s, llunt ingtuu lt c at'h; {'hurrh st·hool :1 nrl \~Ol"!->hip st·rvires at !J ·30 <1 nd 11 ;i.n1 . Informal Gr-oup of C hristian S:{'irnllsts, Unive r s1- I\" ll i~h S (·hool , ·1771 Campus D rive. lr\·inC": t.·hu r<'h school :1l 9 ;1 m .: "or:-.hi1~ "('l"\'tCt' at 10 :30 01 .n1 .: 1-'ir:-.l C.:hurC'h of Christ, St'ientl'\t, :JJOJ Via ljdo, Newpo rt llrach : <·hu r ch sr hoo l :ind \1 ors hip s1·r\·1c·l• a! 9 and 10 :30 <1 111 : t-·ir-.t (:hurc·h of Christ, S<'it>nti:-.t , fl:I.') lligh f)rivc, l.agun:i l ~t ·ach . 1·h11rch :-1·hoo l :111rl \\"Or s hi11 st·rvit't' :It. 10 ;1.111-: St·t.·onfl C'hu r<·h or ('hri.sl, St"i<'n- tist. JIOO l';1 <;1fi1· \'it•\\' !)rive•. ('orona dl'I J\t :.ir , <"hU!'t'h st h<HJI :ind \\"Ors hip :.cr\'il't· ::1t 10 a .111 .. \\'edn<':-.d:1y tl':o;t11nony llll'Cti nJ!S .;1t 8 p .n1. ~11 :t11 e hurc hc·s. r('::1ding · rooms a\";..iilt1b le in :ill but Irvine: sermon topic for ;tll C'hurc-hes : ··t;OO ": ls.iiah 44 :8 : '"Is the re ;1 C.tKI bes ide me? '\·1·n. ther e is no God : I knO\\' not any ·· Comn11111ify Lake llills Cum ninnit \· Church nleC'ls at l.os 1\li s o~· Sthon l, i\1uirlands ::11 !\Joor. ~1issi on \"1<'· .J O at 9 :30 and 11 a 111 .. \\ith brit·f riri\'l'·in s t·r"ict• :1t 8:•15 n n1. ::1l Li on Cou ntry Safari : st•r1non : "'Flight '7~" by lht• ltt.'\", l)z·. 1-larold F . Leestmn. p:tstor . ...,·ho \\·ill present all :.illcnding y,·ith a 1975 p ol'ket ca lenda r : n1 cn's fellO\\"Ship breakfast un \\'(•dnt•s· day al fi :27 :1.n1 . ~t /\irport(•r Inn. \\'ill fl'at u1·1· "Open lll':trl !-iha r- int!'' by nuss P'atte r son. Boh $\\-anson :.inti Jat k 'l'aylor : \\'On1cn"s circle tl ll't.•tin.i:: \\'t•dnl'S· tla~· at 7:30 p rn . :1 n<l 1'hurs d:.y ;1t 9 :45 :i .m . in 10 l11ffercnt lo('a- tion ~; Cilll 8:17 -772() fo1· inforrua- tio n : !)r. \\'arr1·n C. '.\l:tr~h . mini ster nf n111 s ic . :.innounrcs lin1ited opening:s in alt ehoi1·s dur, ing J anunry . · · Community Church by lhe Ba y. 1807 W est c l i ff Dri \."l', Newport BC'ac-h . conducls its meetings at the l.ido Tht.•:1trc at 10 a .m .; sermon : "To Begin Anew'" by the Rev. Dr. Willia(Jl R . P a rker. minister: meditation ~nd he.,.ling s ervictti on Wed- nesdays will resume at 10 a .m , J an. 8. Co11grpgatio11ol ('on1munlly Chur-c h, Congrt•ga. lion al, fil I l-l eliotropc /\vc , Corona de! ~1 ar ; fa m ily v.'ors hip !'it'r vi('e al 10 a .m ., with llo\y Communion ; sermon: "'1'od;1y Is the Firs t Day or the Res t nf \'11u r l.ife" b v the Rev. Donald W. Kutz. nc\.11 m inist er ; hC\\'ill ht• rC'- ccived into c hurch mt•mbt•rs h i 1~ alo n g with se ve ral oth e r fan1ilies; nursery care ;1\'ailahl<'. Neighborhood Con~rt·~ational Church , U nited Church of e.·hrist. St. /\nn and G lenncy1·c Strct·ts. J,aguna !lea c h : "'ors h1p st·r\'it'l' at 10 a .n1 .: st·1·n1on : ·•·rin1l' /\\\'asling" by the Rev_ J ohn !'wt . ltcynolds ; l l ol~· ('ommun1on t·l•lrbratrd : churt·h t·ount•il Yodl hold a n1ceting in !he t·hurch library foll o\ving !ht:' '¥\·or s h tp S£'rl"it'C'. Plymouth ('o n g re~ational Church or Nc"·port Harbor, 3262 Broad St ., Ne\\'port 11each: adult ·.ind youth Bihl<' s tudies al 9 :t. n1 ., c-hurch sc h ool a nd \\"Or s h ip service at 10 a .m -: sern1on : "No l.on1?er a Sa lve"' by Cal Stc\"C'ns. guest prcac·ht'r : t·vening l~ihlt· s tudy ;1t 7: the llcv . Dr. J ohn 1\ Lindva ll , pastor. has be t•n truvelling: in lhC' f''ar F.ast on behalf of Worldsrope t\linistril's. :-.in<·t• Dt·e. 16 : his it inerary in. cludcs \"i s it.s to missionnries in I-long Kon g and the Phil ippines . he \\"ill rt:'turn homl' this "'C('k Epis<'opnl St. J ames Episcopal Church, 3209 Via Lido. NC'wport Beal'h: lloly Comm union and ~crmon at 7:30 a .m .: c hurch Sl'huol. rnor11 ing pr;.1ycr :ind sermon at 9 a n1 ,: pr<.1yer book llo ly Comn1u11in11 ;ind St'rn1on :it 11 <l .m .: F:piph:111y :\1 ;.isquC'. fea s l of li.t:hts ;lntl F.piphany p;trl~· for r:i rnilics :1 ! 7 30 p.m . s hul -ins are a skcd tu c·all th(' c hurc·h . f>75·0270. so !h:1! one of the cll'rgy 1nay brin.i:: lhl' s a c r.aments to hos pital nr home. Saint ,\licharl a nd 1\JI An ~rl s F.pi.sC'opal ('hurc h, 32.h1 Pacific \1ir"' [Jri\·('. Cor ona dcl l\1ar : l-lo· ly Com n1unio11 \\"o rship SC'rvic-l's at 8 :i nd 9 :30 a n1 \\(·l'kd:1y • " serv1C'es with Holy Co1n1n lin1on on Tuesday nt 7 <.1 .01 •• ad,d \Vcdnes- day '41 9; 30 fl . m , followt"d by hP:d • iru; s ervire und }Jiblc t'lasst·:-. rr;1yc r fellows hip meeting on J\1onday nl 7 -45 p.m . al hu n1e of lluffrn;1ns , 1700 J>ort .J\tanll'igh ('1rtll'. l\1t'"'p o rt Rt>.ath ; t h11r(·h v.·ntl1 l.'ll off J l'f'l"S <t r e : 1\1 rs . ltndrt.·'-'' t\lorr(l\\', prt•s ident : J\lrs . All<1n S!ovcr, \'ltt· prt·~id(·nt . J\l r~ f'::-.tht·r T 11rnt·r, s ecrt'l:lr v ; ~1rs t 'l;11·k l'ottl'r , l r(';1s u1·er : ;;nd l\1rs. L':1rn1t·n c; ror J.!('. l '"r <l 1 rea!>urt·r ..IPllf)l"Rh 0.<11 M'iflle8SPS l·:stan<·ia Con~l""t'g ation; puhl•<' Jt-("lurt' on Sunduy al 9;30 a .m . "/\n Earth 1'~ree Fr(Hn Sickm:s~ and Dea th Nc:.1r /\t ll:.ind !"' "'iii b1• di s C'us s vd by (' Ot·hs n~r . n1inis lt•r 1\1 inist1·v school :ind rninistry devt·loprrit.·nl c lass '\'ill be c·onduC'lC'd at 7:30 p.m . Thurs day . 2277 Canyon IJ1-i\'t'. l'u~t:i Mesa . Costa l\1t'sa l·:ast c:ongr4"J.::1- lion ; publi(' Jc('ture on Sund:.iy :1l I :30 p.m . J Dodd. minis trr. 11·1JI di SCUl-iS "'1'hL~ ll oiy Spirit '• ~tinistr.v S<'hool :ind ministry dt'- \'Clopmcnt c la ss "'ill be t·onth11·t- cd a t 7 :30 p .m . o n 1'uesdav. 1;99 \\'.18th S!r('C'l, ('osta l\'1 (':,;i - Costa lt1t•sa ('cntra) Congr('g"a· li<tn : puhlil' !t•("t ure on Su11d;1\ :ii 4 "00 p.111 '"1\11 f:a rth FrC'(' f''i-nn1 Si ekn t•ss a nd 11P;1th N(·~ir 1\t. //a nd ' .. \~ill bt· d1s cusst•d h.,. fl n1 a ~·khu r n rni n tsl('r l\1ini5 try school :ind minist ry dC'vt·lop1n('n l class "ill be conducted <1! 7::10 p n1 o n \\:ednl•sd;1v 2277 (';1n vo11 01"1\"I.'. Costa !\l t·s a : · Corona drl !ti a r Congregation: publie lecture on Saturde1y ;.it 9 no <l n1 . .January II . <.; ()rt iz , niini:;ter ..... -111 cl iscu.ss "llo\\' to Head !ht.• llihle \Vith PC'rso11 ;1I l'lt•nefil ··. M inis trv s<·hool :ind rninistry <'lass \\'ill. he ~·01HltH:lt•d :1l 7·30 p.111 . on \V(•d111•sd:1v ti~)!) \\' 18th Street . l'os ta !\1l·s:1. · Ne\.\'J>ort l\1('s:i Con~rr).("al ion : publi<" lt•c ture nn Sunday ~it~ ]0 01 .rn . A. ('zt·rn .v. n1i n1s t cr. \\il1 diseuss "f:ndur;i nt'(' J,c:ids to God ·-; 1\pprn\·:11 ·· t\l1n1 s l r\ school and 111 in i-.1 ry d 1•\·l'lopn1t•n1 r l:i ss "ill hl' ("11nduelt•d :.it 7 :lo p 111. on 'rhursday _ fi99 \~·· l}!\h Slrl'r l. C:o~t a \IP">;1. 1-:1 Toro {'on ~rf'g ation : publil' lcctur<•o n Sunday :.itJ·Oop.n1 \\" l\lcrli . n1in1 stl·r \1111 dis t'\t"s "Shap1ni:: nf Y111H' l-'ut urt· .. Jpn·lsh Tt'mple Hal \' ahm or Nc"·port Beat'h c R e rorni ), will huld \ls Subbalh services F'riday ill IL 15 p .m ~ at tbe Zonta C lub nf Ne"'port ll a rhor. 2101 1 ~1t h St Ne\\·port Beac h . !lablli l\1t•1\'1n 0 . Silvcrman will .speak on "1\11 /\n1erican Nl'\\' \'l'ar. r•s:ilni 15 G'oodbve to Cor ruption··, ;in (h1eg Shabbal , hosll•d b,v i\1 r:-. Joan R o n1 e in honor of ht·r hus band, n ern1t-. \>ill f1)Jloy,. µrt··schooler s in linliday St'hno l "'Ill m cl'"t Tuesdav at !ht' home <1f ll r anri 1\1 r s . l{obl'rl llt."rsc h . l\'t•"·port ncat·h S h ir ll a -M a'a lot llarhor Reform Ten1plt \\"ill hold it s f"l' g ular Shabbat SC'r\"ll'l' l·'1·1d;1~· ;1t 8 "30 p 111 . at 1·111(1 \V lt;dbo:1 Hlv<I . Nl'"'POl'I lll'at·h . ltahli1 lk•rna1·d King \\ill en11 du1·1. lhl· ~t·r\'irc :1nrl l)or a Kr:tko\\'l'r \\'Ill lit · guest ea nlor : an (lnvg Sh:11J IJ:1t . hosted by Sidnt';\' and Bit;1 h:uperbt.·r~. v.·ill f!Jl!O"'· \VL>chll'!- dav, the ;is lerhood v.•ill IH·gin :1 10.'...,.t'ck clas s o f t'Xl'l'l'ISl' ln n1us i<· al Coddc tl ll;il l fro rn 9 :10 10 10 :30 a .m .. V l'hhi f{OSt'. danet· t<'acher. ,,·ill in struC"I: for :uld1 - 11on ;d 1nfnrn1ati11n . i'.ill i;7;,.7~:lO ori;t<1 -1·1KO. T e mple l ~aiah or !\"P\\f)Ort I!rac-h \\'ill h old :i Sh:1hh:1 th \\·ors hip . spo n :-.o ri·d by Lhl' F:as tC'rn lt1•g 111n t•f \\lonll'tl ':-. 1\n1eriCan Oll1' 4 ()rg:1111 :1.at1on of Hehabilit al ion I h 1·011).(h ·rr:un in).! l on Friday al R !~)pin al /l;irhor Christi11n C h urch . 2•1111 lr\·in1· 1\\'C . NC\\"p11 rt l{t•;tt·h 1!:1hh1 (;arson 1.oocln1:1n uf i ,:igu11 ;1 Ni ~ut•I v.ill l'•HH!ut.:t tht• '.'>l"r\il't'. t\.1rs. J\1ilC's /\ll;.1s, prc•si dl'nl of1he !'::a stern 11.egion of ()J{'I', \\"ill d1 s- c·uss '"() H 1' /\s a I·' :tl'lor In .J 1.•\1·ish I.if(···. follo\\·1·1! hy qut•s tion ;i nd ans \\·er prr111d : ;\1r. and 1\1r ~ l.nu1 s Si n1rir1 :1nd J\lr ;ind J\lrs Kerl \.'c·ngrnff \\ill t·cl,·hr;1tt• \ll·d- d1ng ;111ni\·t•rs:1rit·s : f[;irnld '1'1p Pt'r. te rnplt• 1•rl's 1dt·n\, and hi s l\if(', Bin i , \\il l l't'IL'hr :ilt' h i r!hda\·s : a sot·ial hour \1ill fnllO\\. 'rnr ;1 dd1!1nn:11 1nf(1rn1a l1on . t.dl 1; 11; 7~!:!. :,,;7 5:l2S or :=t.1:,.fl38J T1•n1plP Sh aron , ('nnsf'r\·atiVf', f.17 ll ;1n1iltnn ~I . l 'osl;t J\·ll'S:L bt·.1-:1n:-I!~ S:iht.;1th st·1·vic1 ·s 10":1 .1 ;tt a· 1.·, ;1 Ill •• Jns h11:1 \ll'~t·r . snn nf ;\l r ;ind '.\lrs l\"nrr11;1n J\lt•\"t•r 1,i1r ht· r:dlt~d to lh•· ·rorali :'•~ :• '.\°1'"'Port ll arbor Lutheran l 'hurc:h . 798 l)over Drive. ."'1l'\\'por·1 li ('a(·h : \l.'O r !'l hip ~t·rv i<·es ::1 t H :ind 10 :30 a .m.; s11rn1on hy l>r (; :iylerd fo"'aldc, lushop of tht• Soulh P11ciflc Dis- t r1t·t of /\mt.·rit'i.ln Lutheran <'hLircll . J..:UL·:..t s p('aker: im- rni•diat C'l y fo ll ow ing 10 :30 .... ,.rvt t'I'. lhc rt· \\ill I~ a dcdicn· t1on sPr\ it·(· for ! he Jame~ G. Hlain n1C'n1nria l t·r·oss erected 'l'hursd:1'" in h is nlt'm on.·· Pastor l\J :nn S~'l""\"t'<.l Nt·"'l>Ori 1 IJ arbor Lu!her::1n ChurC'h from 1960 to l!Ji2 l)asl11r lt11n;tlc1 \VhilC'. rorn1t·r pastor uf ~111 ... C. v.·ill at- tt·nli "Ith h1 :. f:1rnil,\; luncheon in /-'('lto""h1p ll all \\"il l follow the d l'<l i1· :11 it ir1 n 11 r~ t' f\ c• art· ;l\' ni I a · 11!1· l .11th1·r :111 ("hur c h o f th e 'laslrr. :!~)on P :11·ifi1· ViL'W ()rive. ('(l ron;1 dt•I !\l ;1r , 1·hurl'h s c hool 1·J.,..,..,L'" for :tll :i i.:t'" ;.it ~I: 15 a .n1 .: \\t1l'st11p ~t·rvi1·1· ;d 10 ·:10 a .m. ..,l·t·n1pn ··1•t·;11't'. l!npl' ;ind Love fn!' th1· "\"1·11 ,.l·;1r "' by the Rev. I .;1 rr\ l.'r11hling pa:-.tor; Ihe me fHr the-<;It'" .t rd.s hip con1mittce is ""('f lflll0 /\IJ1(•111 '7'.1. (.·hrist l.uttu•ran ('hurC'h, 35522 f'ainlno (',1 pi ... 1r:1110 , SH n <.'len1l'nlt•: ll o ly ("on1munion 11or!-h1p :-.1•r\ Jl't• ;it 10 .i.l .m .: '-t·rn1on "'\1•11 .l.i fc 1'"orlheNew "i"t•:.ir ·· 11\ 1';1 ~l or .J. 1':mory ,\ '"" t·rm :1 ,; • t' h u r·<· h t·ounci I n1em~ ht·r ;. !~;dph Sncll'rbPrg. Chris 1'1 l• 1·s1·11 . l\l 1•1 Bruns, J o hn (';i d r;i . l!uhl'rl llurcn . D ave '.\"f'ls nn. (;eorc1· l\l 1s kan1p, l)can J\lt'y('r :i nd ,\fit• Jnhnson v.·ill be 1n s r ;dl l'd: t·hlll"t·h :-.chool children :ind f1r~I \"l':1r cunfi1·mation rlass :t t tP111's o i1C' n in~ \\"orshi r scrvices ht·fnrt• going lo their t•ducationul 11ni ts: :1du lt instruc·tion class in the fund :1nlL'ntals of Chrislianit~­ \1 ill st;1rt \\'rdn esd :1~· :tl 7:30 p.m . 01! the churc·h : l'aslor· /\l'kcrman 11111 h':1d the four \\'ednesday ~·so;; inn!'_ 1~rincj• or P t>at'l' l.ulheran (·hurch. 2987 1\1 es a \i"('rde J)rive. e.·o ... t :i t\lt•sa ~ \\orship st.rvices at }!;ind II a n1 .. y,·jrh Jlnl y Comrnu- ninn . "l'rrnnn · ";\I _\ l'tmosl For !I i:' l ti g hnc ~s·· hy P:.i stur /\ndrc\I.' /\.ncl('rson : (•h urrh st·hool at 9 :30 ;1 n1 n ii d» t'l'k Jt1hle study ;ind prayPr scrviec on \\'t·dncsd ays at 7 1fl p .m ~l. t»aul's l .uthrran ctrurC'h, l l!)f) !\.l ornin gs1d1• J)tl\"l', Lag una (...;,.,. f "lli 1<('11. l'al!I' . .\5) ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY 1 ; 'T ST. JAMES EPISCOPAl CHURCH • LUTHERAN CHURCH A Cordial Welcome from PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES ~c~ , WELCOMES YOU OF THE THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of !he Coastal Areas V \ -3209 Via lido, Newport Beach RESURRECTION PAUL HALVOR SON Christ United Presbyterian Church 5UHDA T 7:30 AM Holy bclitori't NEWPORT HAR BOR ,., ...... C.Os!a M t'liil 1-lunttngton Bf'acti t & 11 Huty hclteri1t & Maniing LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST UNITED FIRST UNITED 20 I 12 MCMfP!oliG ,.,._. A~J ~-leCKllil ,. Rrw. DOf'lald E.. Rubfti1. P'u1tor ,.,..,ft'. afh:rwuf1. • 7,1 DoTn" Dr. 9:00 llUft. METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 5-doy W~ip: 9;]0 A.M. Church School: 9:)0 A.M, 9:00 AM Ct.r-cllil Sci.ool 1---, t & 111 541-363 I Comf•"'fOI ary Ser•icr 19th St & Harbor Btvrl 2 72 1 I 7th SI 536-3~~7 Offic:•: 20112 MIHJ'Mlliu SI. ~:,61 .. 4•.eo T\flSDAY I 0:00 AM Hot, &.clteri1t. He4-g Mcwporl lcuch Wunhip Sft""Ticr~ Sttwict1-9: IS & I 0:30 S.,-..k• wMi l,AYIMG OM Of HA.MOS loqer J. lenJ. Po,tor 1<>=30 a.m. 9:10 & 11 :00 A.M. '""y.r, {~« '"" ·~· ,n, ~I I 0:45 AM H ..... ,r.yer Fdowdllp u....gkcil St'r,,fel" Chtirch Sc.~9:30 A.M. C ""rch Sc~9: I S Chu~ch of the Cov~nant WlDMESDAY 15:30 ,M Ca..r-cli Kltool, Gradt'1 4, 5 & ' Earl)' t ,M•l W l!;l![l l 11 ll 28SO Foir .. Ww Rood. Co1fo Mirsa l:OO PM ,,..,."' -ct ,raiw. . Worship 8 00 am 9':00 Ir I 0:10 .,,,.. Chrrsl1an C'-doSd>ool lrvct A. II...,.;•, Po1tM n.. le•. Jot. P. AsWl"y II. bdor -Phottl" ,75.gz 10 Education 9 15 am Cosla Me-;a North Huntrngron Beact>--Nor!h :S.r>doy Wor~ip & Ct.rch Sc.~:JO I. I 0:00 A.M. Fesl1 ve 9812 Hamilton COMMUNITY UNITED Pi.-: 557-1140 MESA VERDE w orsh10 10 30 am Huntinqto n Beach METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH ST. JOHN THE DIVINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Nu,,..,.. C.,,. .. V••ld!JI,. 962-5005 ,,.,,.y,.,,,,.~£1•>•·· ' "fi62 Hf'ol Av(' 84?-4461 Community Presbyterian Church 2043 Oran<Je A•e., Costa Mesa WELCOME '4 C• ~/ !'J Wonltip-9 & 10:30 415 Frotsf A .. ..-. L~o hoch Wot"t.Jiip & Ct.rch Schoul C~h School Rt•. Artt.w J. T~f'nlty 9:)0 A .M. 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. Rir~. Albl"f"t 0 . Hjrrpc!' -Rt ... Arthur I . ChllM lt"r Sundavs B 00 a 10 00 Church School -9 15 5-dvy W~ip: 9:00 Child Curt 9:00 A...M, Mkt-Wreli Stt"1'N:"1-WK 7:00 P.M. CHRIST CHURCH Phonl": 4,4.7555 fr. Howord Mott C~. Vic_. -~ 548·2217 C HRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH BY THE SEA lrvonfl -[;ir.r Hl 11tl M1ssoun Syriod Newpor1 8f>ach UNIVERSITY St. Mork Presbyterian Church . -J 760 Viclorio St~ Co1to Ml"'G 1 <100 VI l3albo;1 Bl'Jt! METHODIST CHURCH Lott.or Y. T-w. PuslOf" 6/3·3805 1":13-I ?:13 C°"""" Jo.,.bort'r & EusttiWtt Ori .. t , Corot10 dl"I Mor Saint Michael And All Angel s Episcopal Church 548-S404 RC'v AobPrl S S t1cp,1rd .h 1134?? \.11lvf'• fln.u! W..,.., ,,;., .. ,., 1111 I II ...... .,_.,.,,...,.,.'do ... Rr•. W illiOfl'I A. McQ...oOd. ,01f0f" 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar _._._c ..... •10 ..... Wort.Jiip & Ct.rch School nl Un1vPr'l1lv llr1vP W~ip & C hu~h Schcd--9 und I 0:30 A.M. S..nday • 8:00 A.M, & 9:30 A.M. Chri'ltiG" EJ.._.whry School -548-6866 9:10 A.M . Wot"sJ.ip & Ct..n:h School P'honl": 644-134 I w • ...., ,,.. .. School 9 & I 0:10 A.M. CHUICH SCHOOlfMURSERY-9:30 A.M. 9-11:4 5 TUESDAYS: 7:00 A.M.. WEOHESDATS: 9:30 A.M . --n. 11"'1'. J.a. llMJITS Oawi~ RK"for l"tMM1: 644-0463 NEWPORT CENTER UNITED METHODI ST Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 1601 Marguerite Ave . Corona del Mar / [°'\ This Sunday Worsh10 1n Dana Point W °""ip & Suftday Sc.t.oot -I 0:00 A .M . ST, WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rew. JoMri R. KltO• '-V51,Amhnc~ Trl',;ln 1/c1i1111 Clz11rclz 1236 Eli1 St~ f .. wtiilo9fOR k oc:h ~ 33 50 I Stanehm Or, Pit-. 64-4-0745 IJ•sf EoP of Fi•• Poifit1I Donald P. Bankson, Pastor 600 Sr Aodrt•ws Ro<irl . NPWPOtl Be;ich - e ·OOA.M -Holy Communion Worship -8:30 & 11 :00 Or. Chorf•s H. Oitt'l'll"fit'kl, P'e,lor 9 :30A.M -Family Scrv100 & Church School Sunday Sc~ -9:45 Shir I l:1 -l\l ~1 ·;1lot (Nursery Care) -"THE RICHEST MAN f 1 :00 A.M. -Morning Worship {nursery Carel i93-34 I 4 493-4073 Harbor Reform Temple IN THE WORLD" 7:00 p M -Fcsltval Evensong & Sermon EPISCOPAL YOUNG CHURCHMEN '' ''111 Rabbi Bernerd r>. King Dr.Dl~~at.MIJ Sabba th Services Services B A M . 9:30 A M. a nd 1 t A.M. James C Caley. Paslor-962-7512 Res.: 536-4061 R e ligious School PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH meetin% al (;HrllSl C:l-ll!R~H ¥ T>I[ ~f/\ ABC LIME OF HELP-445-2222 2tl7 Ml"so Vi!"rde> 0.-., Co'to Mf'IO, Calif. 140!"• w e.11,.,,. 01v<1 Ne.,..po.t ll"'"'' ANDREW C. loN OERSCJN f'~"IC .. -..IA"'(~ ll N(lSON ..... ,,1~111 ... b. For !nlormahon· Ca!1675-723U S.Mcry School 9:10 o.M. . ,_, EPISCOPAL MISSION OF IRYINE M--,, WonMp: 1:00 ond 11 :00 a ..... TEMPLE ISAIAH "nee of Pc..:~ l u•~·~~n &1>0'1< ' ~ ,,{ YIST A VERDE SCHOOL "'' S t1ip1>oon 5'111~''""" """"<1>"' COHSH:VATIYE ()Ilic• p,.,.,..., ~·~~~' Scl>OOI f>l,o M-~•9--0!>62 TEMPLE BAT YAHM ))Ij. • s bbattt s . "'20Mkfl•• ........ ~~r r ~1-~7 a .,..,cu Wonliip s.r..icr. 10:00 A.M. 552-1153 /\ A (ReJQmol .;: , , ~" Every Friday at 8:15 P.M. 1151-4)6 I ·~rr-w.d kJ R.W.I MELYIM D. SILYERMAM ' 'v ...... . ':.. >" Hurbor Cliristi-C'-rch of M•;t_.t IMc• [tJ "T1 Sobbatti 5et"Tkit\ ~ 1:00 p.-. HB1Ew& 240 I ll""•hw A•c .. ..._..,... ec• ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH Rdil)IOllS Schod-~ S57·53Z5 64'-7512 9':10 -.. to I 2 P-"'· RELIG-IOUS SCHOOL ,.0 ..... l\I, ,_ c.. tll" SOUTH COAST OIURCH OF CHRIST I 8182 Cutvtt Driv• HdM'f'• School--w~ T.....--*J ....... AfHcilckoyl• Uftl•~ Perk, lrviM 4:15-6:15p ..... lo.I Mer ROOM> le• ......... K.Miewa t Few ........ , ...... low Call 644·1''' • ]Ill lri..W Code MMe WORSHlr -8:30 & 11 :00 A.M . P.O . lloa 25 I, eor..det Mw '2625 15RAa ACADEMY ,. ' • (br1slol At San Diego Frwy.} SUHDAY SCHOOL -9:45 A .M. . '552-8121 ..... s ,.IJ Wanllip-10 A-M.·& ~.M. -....,c .... UNIVERSITY SYNAGOGUE , A f'clcbl""ation Of Lire sltffl'_,_ 535-416, TEMPLE SHARON lit.llATJ! ..... SR'l'IC1'--PJ4. The cans•r•oti•t:'l'f"CMJOCJW for th• u....-., ...... . ---· . 11ntire Harbor Area 1..-.. ...,.""'' , c-::t":,_ .. COMMUNITY CHURCH ,IY THE IA Y ·-H.OR FELLOWSHIP 617 Writ Harnittort, Costa Mtso "The Winter of ShOlem Aleichem" M eet ing each Sunday in 646-5552 ' ,... ""4-.. ........ • o• U. .,....,... • J 41. YJe lWo. ~ .. Kirt ..................... ~ '~UMTIHGTOH HARBOUR p lobertJ•~ .... 11,D._&ll:eWti -·-....... Hwwr,, Rdr;on & ...... Sclioof' I S~AEL • • ~~TIOHAL Dr.W .... LP ...... P..._. s.-kc•: Fri. 1::15 ,....s.t. f: I 5 a.a ACA ~~~ 147365-.fC..,..A"'··""°"Me 11~1156 ,;,......,.., ·, ~DT 1714114'"-JZfl ,... ..... -........ ~'''° I.Mil SW*t111 M.-ltr-ldi C:.wtor M. U11 . . - \ • Salu1dly. January 4. t975 DAILY PILOT A.i Church Activities Throughout South Coast Area CFrnm P agf' .\.t) Beaeh ; church school nt 9 a.m . worship scr\'ice al 10 .15 a rn . sern1on by Pastor Roy Gl'~t·h . ne 'A·ly .etectt·d c hurch t'OUlll'11 n1e1nhcrs to be inst<.11!1:d ;1rt·. Early l'h illips, prt•s1,Jt:11 t \\'ilham l\1oorhousr, vict• µrC'.st - d •• n I : \\: a r r (' n ~ i r ho I _... secreta r y: fiubert Bachm'an. treasurer ; and Tr.:1v111.1· Schrieber' rinanclal S('{'l"l;l;Jr\' serving on the bo<1rd of e!d(•rs ;!rt• Keith l'ot1\\'a~·. Lewis Kttrn - meroy,·, C.runt \V(•lzt•I :ul<l Seutt 1-lutchinson : l'lccted to the hoi11·d of trus tt•f's .'.If<' J-~,,·atd ll uLib, Spence liur llJut. Paul 1·:11111 :111 and Carl Sen1n1lo"' RedC't>mer l~utheran C'hurt h, 16351 Springdale St., l-lu nl1ng111n Beach ; \\'Or:ship ser vices a t R· 1:1 .:I nd 10 ;.l.5 ;:i .m .: scrrnon . ··~l ;d, ing 1975 llear;,1hlc " LI\' the· !{1•\· J Jmes 11 . h: notek : t·lu.trch s1,:h1111I at 9 ·30 :1 n1 .: mid\\'t't•k ll1hll· rf'as.~e.'i for l:1dil'S <HI \\"ednl'sr1:1\ ;it 9 ·30 a .ni .. :nu1 for adult.-. ;u1;t tcen·<1J.?f'r s .:1t 7 ·:lo p.m C'h ri't l.utht•ran ("hurt•h, 71.0 \'ii:lor1a S1 {'11<,la i\lc:-.11 llo]\ Con1n1union \\ c>rshir serv1c·1·.., :11 8 15 ;u1 d ) I •• rn : Sl"rn111n "'1''11· f;rt>:!I llon1l'e11m ini..:" h\ 1-'a:-lur I .. V . 'forn(1\\', t·hu 1·vh ~l:hno! and l\iblc t·la:-.ses :1t !.I :10 a 1n , n1id1\'C£'k \\·ors hip :ind s tud\" !-iC'rvicc on \\'(•dnl·st\;iy :•l 7 :JU p.m. ~IPthodlt<t RhPa Zakic h. J!U<'."i l spl'akcr ; lun,:heon to folio" prugran1 l 'nl\lers ity l fnited M ethodi~l Chur e h, 18422 Cul\'t•r 11 r 1vt·. l r\"1n1·. 1.'.hurt•h school a n<! \\Or:::.tup st•r\·ices at 9 :111d 10 30 ;r.m , :::.ern1on "I f I Could 1-'ut 1'1n1e In ii 13ottle" by Ron Allison. minister. for .idditiouul in(or111~1 - tion . rail 552-82:i3 . N""'f'Orl ('en lt•r l 'n if('<i !\l 1•thodis l {'hurc-h , lfiOI :'\l <r1g ut·rit(• /\\"e , ('oror\a de! :'\l ~1r , "ors hip s 1•rt·it"l' al 10 :l m ., "t·rn1on ··'rht.· l'o"•er of 1>t·~si rni sti c ·rtiinking" Liv John 11 Knox ; lf oty Con1"1unio n <·t•h:br;ttrd for thC' nt'\' \'l'~tr . <"hur1:h 'l'hool arid nurs1•r\. t',ll'l! ;1,;nlahll' ;1l thl• s;111)1• hour· 'lt•sa \'('rdl• l 'nil\"'tt l\ol ct hodi~t. ("hurl·h , 1701 l~ak • r· St , Cn...,la :\lt·~•t . \\"t)f!-o blp ~l"l"\i("t.' :ii ~J 30 :1 rn llolv ('nn1n1un1on t11 h1.• ct•l1·hr:i lt•d : s1·rrnon .. l~t· l\l1\e Ill 'j:)"' u_,. the ltt•v Or l3 . Loll1:tl!' 1;r,·1·n. n1 inislt•r , l'hur1:h sC'hoo l ;0111 r111rs1.•rv 1:;1rt• a\ ;11!:11Jll' dur ing tilt· ..,an1.1.· hour Pr1.~-"h'Jl eri 1111 SI .. '\I ark IJrt•sh~ lt•rian (·hurrh. \"lffllt'I' of .l.:in1bort'1• l{oad arul J·;.,..,tfduff Drivt·. (_'orona <tt·I \f.11·. 1·hurl'h ~('h(fnl :111<1 \\·ors hip !->1•1'\"1t"t''> a! ~J ;:ind io·:io ~1 111 . "''rn11>n ; ·"!'he \' cnl Ul"l' of 1-';iith ·' h~· th1· H('v. \Villi:l n1 /\. !\le()1101d, p:1 ~tnr ; fnr furlhl!r 1nforn1•1t 111n , e;dlti·ll-l:Jll l'rt·"i h,·t cri an ('hurc h o f 1111· ('01 f"llarl1 , 28SO t-';u1·\·IC'll Hd . (_'osta :'\ll's a : t·hurt·h ..-1·hoo\ ;ind Sa:n Clemente. hculln~ ser,·ice-al 10:-tO a n1 . l'.hur1._·h ,school and \\Orship 3erv1('e 1-11 11 a'" . sern1nn : 1~etigious Seienec. \\lhal It l'i" h\· lh1• Rt•v. Ll'..,ltt· 11:..irrold : <'•1\1 492·8102 for :ip1ritual n1ind rrcatnlt·nl, p;:1s loral t·ouns~ling ;ind for inforn1;.itio11 <.iboul !'>t•1cn cc nf Mind c lassl's. (;hurr h of R <>li gious Science, fi09 11th .St , Jl u ntin,:.1011 l!each : \1orsl11p sc•r\ ice at 10-50 a .m ; ~ermon . firs t or four in tht• ;]0· nu~d .J anuary rt·v1t•\v nr ll1·1igious Seicnee pr1n riplt·'i ... l 'our llid - d~·n r•o" t·r 'l'hl' 1'h1 ng Itself'' h.v lh•· Ht·v. l>l'ggy l{asst•tt . rninistt1 r . nur <;pry (';•rl' pro- vided . C'offpp ft•l!n\\'ship fnllo1\·· 1111.: serv 1 re : Jun 1or c hur1· h ;;it 1 O: 50 a n1 . study group on Mund;;1ys al JO:! m C hurC'h o f It (•liA ious S(·i1'nc1•, 20062 l.a).!una ('atl\Oll Ud . J.aµuna ll1._•ach . "or ... h1p s1'r' 1t·t·s .it~ ;u1d I I a 111 , sern1n11 . '"l'hc· l'r'irH•tpll"' by !ht' Hl"\ !)r. ll «nr·\ (;l·rh .1r1I . 1111111~\t·r . l;1rnilit•<> \\ ith e<l11ldrt·n art' 111\ l\t"d , {I ;1 I I l'llcl the (•;4 f" Ii \.' I' Sl"!'\"lt"l• \\ he II Junior l'hur(·h fur 1·hildrt•n or ;.d i :igt~s through h 11':h ~ehool nll"t.·ls : nur.:;t•ry <·are OJ\'ail;.1ble :it t-;.irly 'iC'rvicl" onry. 1-'irsl ("hurc h of R f'li~iou s SC'i1·n l't' meets al Co1·on~1 dt•I !\l<.tr lligh School , 2 1tJ J J<;astbluff Dr1\·1._" '.Sl•\\·port l ~t·;·1t'h : thurch :-t·h11nl ;ind \\'01·sh1p St'/"\'jt·1•s ;1l 10 30 ;1 111 · s(·r·n1un · '"rhl' 1'h111 i.: Jl .~t·lf" tiy tht' lt1•\· 1\!hc1t Burk«. n11n i.'>tl·r : 1\[ l.earn1·d. nrgOJni sl, 1-"ir'it l "ni tt'tl )1 f't hotli "I l'hur(•h , 2721 17th St . l runt1n ~t n11 fil•arh : \\ orsh1p st•r\ it·1·s ;1t ~l i.·1 ;111d 10 :30 a .m . :-.('rrn11n · '•\\'111·11 lht.· 1:u1ur1• nu .. h1 •s ;1{ l 'nu" h\" \ht• l{l'v. f':d,, ard ('. J·:rti,\. p :1~1t1r . t·hurrh Sl·hool t•l;iss ., for ~dl :igt•s at 9 : 15 a .rn .: t•:-..tt•n <;1on l·t.:iss lur !->rn;dl 1·hildrt•n :11 10 ".lO ;1 n1 rt• gistrations being rC'l'i'i\'l•d for ;1n nual ri.lid \\"inll'r \"outh Hl'tr<'at at. Sk y !\lt·adn\\ son .J ;1n . 10-12 . L"r111 - t·d !\'11..'t hodisl \\"on1t'n to m1•t•l \Y ednesda~' ::it JO a n1 . :-.Ir :-. 11-orsh ip scrl'it•t·s :11 8::ID ;inti to ~---------------1 :1 111.: Sl'rn1on f1r:-.t in a svri\•S OH l ht• .L: r1 ·;1 f dol't ri 111·.., of th<· t' h ti,.,· h. ".\nd c:od S;1id ·· 11,· 1';1s tn1· l{rut·c I\ h:u1·rlf'; 11111·~t·rv t·:1r(• p rnl'i<il'd during bnth :-.e r vit•t•s ICPllglou.• ..... ;,..,,.,. f'i r:-.1 C'hurf.'h of R1·li g ious St"ienf.'1· 1nt·1·t ...; 111 the l\l asnn1c 'l"en1plt·. :~11 11 S 1-:1 Can11no ltt.•al , . ~ ·I Sth ANNIVERSARV SPECIALS! f"'°~i)ilJ •HARDBACKS 20°10 OFF \°I~· ~ •PAPERBACKS I 0°10 OFF \ ... -• "RE A ~.!,?~ ... ~?U.~. LIFE" \ ··• SHEPHUD SACRED T~0E0~~~;;'~~~SE 111 1.•• .. ~·-c ........ . 1•1-1111 l l tll .. _.&.\t. --.w-, •11-)4f~ How does Christion Scie nce heal? L1s!en to firsthand ex+ per1ences. This w eeks program. WHAT IS YOUR SOURCE OF STRENGTH? 6:l0 ci.m.-tcFl-640-lA 1 :45 ci .m .- ICMP'C -710-lA 7: I 5, ci."'.-l<OCM-fM- 101.11 -NI J4.MUARY 5. l'J75 ,1 TR.UTH 1; ·,: HEi:tlS and Mrs . Pal Benson, :::.oloisl . oc- com pan il'J bv !'tlr ~ 1".:11a Ri(·hardson Churf.'h or Rf'11~1ous Stiencf" meets al 5·11 Ccntl'r St , Costa !\<1esa; y.·ors h1p :::.crvii:t· ut 11 a .m .: sermon: .. \\'hat l l 1!:!" ba.st'd o n the b <1S1t• pr111<·1plt•s of Sc-icnrc of ~find. by tht· f{t:'\'. l·:lt.'nnor C J:icks,n: M'f\ 1tl' tu 1n<"ludt• n1t><1itat 1nn. h c·;d1n f.! !)Olos ;;111el 11un1ht•Ni :;un~ h~ tht· new rhn1r : <'hurr h· sc-hool for ,di :1~e:s ~i nd .. ,.orrec" so<'1:il hnur rollowing scr' 1ec _ l'l asst·~ 111 tb1· r1r'\l anrl "it.'t'O llli t'OUf:O.l' of :-;t'l<'llC'e 1>f t\11nd "111 l't"~lnn1 · v11 'l'tlt'Sda.". f lnifarfa•• t rn it aria n · 11 n1,· 1•rsa 1 lst l-'t•llt1\\'s hlp, 429 (.'yµrcs~ l>rivt·. J .,1g una Ht·:•.:h , 'ft_·rry Campbell "di pres i:nt ·' l"ron1 ·rranscen 1h·nt •llis m to ('_\ b1 ·rnl·t1t·s·· at 1!1 :10 a n1 , rt·lli-:1ous 1'<1ut·;.it1on r l.1...,:-0.L'S fur t"htldrt•11 h~·ld ;.it llu· '>;!Ill •' h•~llf Start the New Year with these Famous Americans St,1rt the nevv yc.1r by <iltr11Lli11g cl1urlh. l~,11 Jl·11 (.ruve Cli111n)Ullily Cl1urcl1 in vile~ )'Ott lo t1e.1r Dr. l~ol)crl SL huller lieliver thl' 111t··•~.1 ge, ''CtH11c Ali ve i11 '75.'' f()i11.i11r, l1i11\ in the pl1\1,it thi~ ~und,1y \Viii br l.l)S 1\n,1;l·lr-; Do1._1gcr r'il l her, lJc111 Suttl)ll . CJrLlcn Grove Con1n1tu1ily Churlh, Ch.1i1111.111 .H\t_l l_c\\'i•. ~trec l-. in G.11:dc.n Crovc.1t thc frec,v.1)1 l1t1b of Or,111 )..;l' Cllllnty, S,111t,1 1\11.1 .ind C.arllen Cro\1e F ree-\v.1v.,. J .1 ~1.1 ry 5 0011 S utton. Ll'!. An~clc~ Dodger Pit chl?r . . J .1nu.1ry J ~ ]C'<:lt.:1 i"l.iirslon , Arr.1nf;l'r . f.('ctur.-;r .• 111J WC'll kno 1vn C hor.11 C\)ndul·tpr. Current I}• .1ppc.1ring in ropular TV -.crie". ''"rh.1t ". My r1/L1Jnrn.1. J.1nu.1rv 10 ~·h1rll."y Cothran, tvliss A1ncric,l )Q75 ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W . Wilson, Costa M~sa 548-4704 Y. l . HHTWfCK. P'ci,tor .,,,,.v{ll G0(\0,..l l ~·'"'"''·~'I ~"''~ -SUMDAY SlRY1CE5 - t:4S A.M. Sc.IM>ol fo Clwi1Hmi Li•iow;I I 0:50 A..M. -a.-Of 11"! M~w T..,,_,.. .. 7:00 ,. ..M ......... ~llMJ ~s,-• ... 1...-. Joi. H ... West Africo f Af<\ G t '411lY ""'"'1..-ot My·,.._ COST A MESA CHRISTIAM SCHOOL P"'·Sc•·O"•-"•"(l"'<:J.'rt••"-! '' ""'~'"" ( '"'"C•r• ~l\~·11 r1ort-~ lcstl L l11·istin11 l c111c1 . :. 64~·6620 1;)0 .-t 11 ;00 A.M.-SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Dr.~Wood "THfRf'S A ROC.: IH THERE" I S.IMt•y School for A.91"1 4-12 Si_tt_,_, to M°"'""9 Wwlhipl t::45 A.M.-CHllSTIA.HfOUCATIOM Tovftl& AduH' Clioi&drett'' c~ tAqe1 4·121 6:00 P.M.-SUNDAT IEY~IHG WORSHIP' ''THE WAY" A ~sical Gr_,. •l•f'fi 1tati-,.... Tlioe Dm In the 11 A,.M. & 6 P'.M. 5tr•ice CAPISTRANO VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH lJOl2 Del Obllf'O Rd.. S-Jitc. Ccipi•tr-- 5-dcrf' Wont.Ip SH•k......-:00111:00 A.M. 7:1S P'.M. s.dcry libh Sclteot-t:lO ~ Cliort1H• Trciini1MJ-6 P·"'· w.-esct.yPr-r"-6:45 p.11'\. Pastor W1ll1am Davenport 491·1940-24 H_, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NEWPORT BEACH 2~1 CMl!O"v"-~BellCh -~•~·74•3 0< r "''""'"~•!>PIO P~•l<>o s..t., Sc..._9:JO A.M. Wonhlp IO:JO A.M. I 7:00 P'..M. W~ll""sG•Y"'"Yf:' S."'oce 1 :lrO PM PIRST SOUTHERN BAl'TIST CHURCH 610 W. H~ Sftwt, C. ... M•M. Colifonlli• 642-9111 . SUtilDAT SCHOOL-t-:4S A.M. WOISHlP SllYtCU.-11:00 A.Jrirt.. & 6:00 P.M., NJ.YH MlfTtHG-WIDt*SDAT IYIEHlttG 7 P.M. t11158Y raQYIDID PilTO•-«EY. JOIE HE.Rill . . fAMtL Y Htfi'HT ~ TOO ro rr< 8of>l•Sl\ldy Ctoild<I~. 'IDU•~ t All< !II ~ .. _,_._,_s...., C EMTRAL BIBLE CHURCH· 23rd St. at Oran9e, Costa M~sa-645.5050 P'o1tor: lcirbt-rt M. &efti;pt- y -tti P"cntor -Fr-rd Mcrtt. M~ Wor,,..ip -I 0:10 ILift. -5-dcry Sc.9tool 'l o.m. S..IK6ciy f•~ w....,,.,,-6:30 P."'- P'roy" Meetinq W~ -7:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IRAMCHIES OF Tt41E MOTI-4ER CHURC H THE FIRST C HUR CH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST IH I OSTOH, MASS,t.CHUSETTS "GOD" January S, 1975 Cotfci Mesa -firtf Ctw.rch of Chritl, Scie"titl 2110 Metci v .... .-Dr_ Co-51ci Meto s-dCly School-'J: 15 A.M. C lt.rch Sff•;c e -11 :00 A.M.. Rtttdiloq ROOfl'I, 21SO Mew Yerde Dr. Huntinqton leach-Fint Chur-ch of Chritt, Scie"titt llt! & ON•e, Htf•""'9'• leoclio Clt.rch I S.1tdoy Scliood-t:JO & I I A.M. Reod'-9 Roo-221 ~St. CWld C.-~ T1ttMiciys t:lO to 11 :10 A.,M, For leodiMJ l-.i s...,., Irvine-· The !"formal Gr~ of ChrittiOfl Sciefttitft u.i.-...vty High Schod 4771 Colftpt11 Dr .• R_.217-211 5-doy School -'J:OO A.M. Ct.rel! Sw.-lcr -10:)0 A..M. R"'-221 W• SH".-k:r -I P'.M.-bi. lOI LOllJlllta leach -First Church of Chnst, Sclerttl1t 615 HICJll on ... C'-r-ch & S-.loy Schooa -I 0:00 A.M. ·~ ·--214 For.st ....... Mltsion Viejo, Ml11io" Yt.fo Soc:l.+y Cordhro S.-.t_,. Sci-.1 25952 Cordllerci Dr. Ct.ri:lio & s-doy Sclilocil-10:00 A.M. Newport leach -Finl Ctu-ch of Chri1t, Sclertfist l lOl Vto Udo, Mewparl .._ .. Ctwch & S...tcry Scllod-t:OO & 1 O:l O A..M. R_._ IOOftl, l l 15 Yici Udo t""d c:;,. P•ov>d~ '"""°*r"-9 J0.1 ! :lOA 1\11 rll< $1"'1~ f,_ Newport leach--SecOftd Church of Chri1t, Scl...tl1t l lOOPoc~ Vl•wDr.,C-.. M• C"-'ch & s-doy Sc.._...-10:00 A.M. Rieo6tg Roo--lS00-1 Cocnt Hw)'. l&it.r HwcltMttJ Saft C.._..te, Flr1t C~h of Chri1t, Sclntl1t ll 14 A'l'Mid• dt>f P11 .... wle Ctwcti & S.-*y Sc._._I 0:00 A.M. •eoctMtJ ·~217 r>et-.... Wed. f.,....., Te•tl-"Y Meaffllg" I p.M.-AI ChwcM1. all are ('Ordi11ll.1' invited lo al tend the ehurfh st•r\•ices ;ind enjoy the pri vilcges of the Reading Rooms CM&d C:.-..~AT All SfRYtcfS Plymouth Congregational Church 1262 ll'09d St., N1•n•011t •.c1t-642·Z740 lllLI STUDY -t:OO A-M. & 7:00 P.M. WORSHIP & CHUI CH SCHOCH.-I 0:00 A.M. SUMO A Y "MO LOH611 A SU VI"' Mr. C.! Sh-'f'IM ' I ST CHURCH Of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE OF NEWPORT BEACH 1"'""'b<>r Ct.,Jft~ U"•!•'<1Cl'">n:"otllf'bUMl'5c•~""" l I> I SUHDAT SERVICE ond SUNDAY SC HOOL--I 0:10 A.M. "THE THING ITSELF" R~•. Alberl lwtie, RSc..f. Ministff' l 11 l l[ fHEA 1( ri-CO!lONll OEl ... Al> >ll(••• <;("'100l ~1 0f (AS IBLUrl (ll< tl[Wl'Olll IJ(At.11 ro~ A" INSPll<AflOllAl M£SSAG[ O•Al M•-.-6!>1• ~'"""'~ '"""""-.'i'"8-(t'.00 NEWPORT HARIOR C HURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIE:MCE SERMON-MEDITATION 1-IEALING SUNDAY SCHOOL-11 00 AM. Rev. EIPanor C Jcickso n ~4 1 Center St . 0Js1a Mes;:i 64&-103? CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIEMCE OF LAGUNA BEACH ~1 Qti.· I "II"~~ (""..,.,~u•\ f<~ ~I I I f•~·' '·" ,,, ···~'""""Ill f f [' """"'"" 1,U (,,.,.,~.,\ "'" •~l~n1 "'"""""' SUNOA. T SERVICE-'l & I I A.M. Jr, C"-rch & Y-+hGr~ -'J A.M.Only Huntington Beach CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 60'J 1 llt! St. -'516-51 SO Wonhip s ..... ic. ~ ...... or Cllirclio I O:SO Cl-"'. "'YOUR 1-QDDEH POWER" I••. P'~ losM'ft. Mini1Mr SERVICES: I 0:00 a.m. & 6:00 P.M. INTERESTING FUND AMENT AL BIBLE TEACHING COAST BIBLE CHURCH MARCO FOllSIEll Jr> HIGtl SCllOOl DCL OlllSPO & A\llON.SllN Jl/AN CAPIS HIANO 493-1949 494-1848 830-0407 ~N~ ~LLI!, @oMMUNITY e~URQ~ • RAMCHO SAM JOA.QUIH IHTIEIMIOlATI: SCHOOL 4161 MkW-, .,.., ... rs.n D•f!llO r,-~ toCul•"'-1"""" Moc"91"°"! le'l'. ltlcla s-.i,_, P'olfw 9: 15 A.M. Sunday School for aU "'IH I 0 :30 A.M. ManOftCJ Worship NVRS£RY CARE Pf'IOVIOEO A I BOT~ HOURS F Ot •nlo<""' I-on Co~ .. ~ M""'lnQS CIM 1133-36:MI THE CHURCH FOR YOUR FAMILY AIMl•1fl<I w<lhtt...flacl15t '"""'"' C-le<Pnc" Seventh-Day Adventist Church J7 I Avocmo Sf., e-t. M•M ' .so..,11 F. Jeffrep. P..ew-,._. 541·4St6 Sabbath School . Morning WorSh ip ... Prayer Meeting Wednesday .... ~30 a.m. . 11 :00a.m. . .. 7.30 p.m. N e~.t?..<2.f.l:krEity D1.,....._.s.r..k:1 -IO~ Sunday SchOOl lor 941 aget-9:00 •.m. 1 IMt .... '"""·He"'. t ··" Offke-646-1111 DlALl'A1'UTll64'"'7JIJ ' HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH ofMewporflt•Clio IDisc.,ae•I 2401 lr.-Me al Sowtci l1cibd Ctwch School . 'J;)O A.M. M ..... Wor.tllp 10:45 A.M. ,,_., 645·5781 FIRST CHRISTIAN CH URCH M ;11n 8 Ar1ams S trr>('t 0• H11n11ngton Br>ach D•b'~' > ·'' '·"""" ·r y,, ,. ' ., 'I fl(I & " ,( I> ... Ir. ,. "' ()+h<:<• !>'•b ~~R'> 0••1 ()""'""'" •,3f, 9!>~'' Corona del Mor -"' -t ... ~ 0 COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 6 I I HELIOTRO Pf SUHDA Y SIERYICIE ~CHURCH SCHOOL I 0;00 A.M. Re•. D0ttdd W. W.+a. M•i1tf'f' 644-7400 LAGUNA BEACH NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL 494·806 1 l40 St, A•'• Place .. Gllkflllf'' Jot. M . R ... CIHI ~tW1tw 'J:OO+,:SO-C I t1z+011 wy Stt•k~ M.,._,. C:.. o.ty J-. 5flii ,,,...S.....k .. ....... R ...... I 0:00 A.M. --. W .... 5.,,;c. c-...c .. ~&.....,_., THE MEDnA.TIOH IS "TIME'S A WASTING" Sftt • • SerilP"a .. Rl'ffNtl• SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS UNITED CHURCH 0, CHRIST l0121Miq.a1Rd.,~~ ,_.,,_ I 0 A..M. Cowte-.or...,. ~ W .... I Cti.rc.11 Sc:hool D•'l'WS A1r .. lt1M• For twfot wllm: C• 4tl:-06 1 l , ----. --.... A• Comment Page ' ' Health Care Is a Non-crisis U.S. Intruding On Doctor's Role R USSELL ll. ROTH lt's an ogc or crisis. You t•an pick your O\Vll crises of the day or f'risis or the week : the (·r1 .... is or Vie tnam, r e1>lac..:d by Watergate, :111d lh<.tt dr;nnatic-al· ly replaced by <11\ un~1 nt1c 1 palt·d en('r~y crisis. ·rhc Jlu rri :-; l1ull a:-i~t·d, \\'h:1t tll:11c)f problcn1s •lo \'fll l ft•1·I 1111· ,go\ L'f 11rn1 • n I ~hould di) '"fl 111·1h111)!. .;.lb.1ut ·~· 'J'hc li st t•f !"1 ... ..,.\111111~·:-. SeL·111et! 1·1Hlle ... s . t•t·o11u1111, 111!1 · J;;l'1ty of gov(·rnmt·nl, <.111d so forth ••. 1'~1 g htcenth down on the lt:-.l v.·as hl'allh care. It is alleged that the ht.•a lth care crisis ha :-. a r~:c·u!lar J.>larc in the minds of lhc )JUl>l ic. 'fhc s u ppnsC'd h<·:1lth C':1r1• c•ri:'1s h :1 ... a 111.:l't ~1ar p••:-1ti<J 11 111 t ht• n1ind "' of p11lrlit·1 ~1 r1..; ;ind. l C'.t:isl ators \\ 1111 n1·1•d :Lt1 i:-...,111'. \'OU SEt:, you c::in bl::ime the s t :..ite of our economy, the level of our taxes, the prt•sencc or abs C'nl·e of pollution controls, law ;.1nd ordL•r .:ind thini-:::; of this sort (•0 a j('g1sl;1tor I f tH· flunks th(' ('Ourse or if 11ur lt•J.!islaturE's flunk the eoursc in progress in some of these areas , lht·y indeed ncct.1 lo ~1bsorb the prin1:1ry bl<:1me and the consequences thereof. In gcnt•r;.d, if you h ave defi· ciencies in the hca llh care area, if there are problems In excess to medical service or If there a re proPlems in the qua lity or medical ser\•i ce or the c05t of medical service, it is oot a renex ac t ion to blame that on tegislutors. That i s normally blamed on the medical pro· Cession . i\ POl,ITIC li\ N in SC'arC'h or :in . issue fjnfts a vt~ry ha ndy o ne i f he ha~n·t been ;..iblr to ;..ic.:('ornpli ~h n1uch in contrullin ~ the C'OSl::; of h\·111g. if hC' hasn't hecn .a ble tu do much to advance the cause of law and order and so on. 1'v.-o things he c.an sei1.c upon :-ti'•' lh(' r·:1n1p.11gn I ~~ i1t1pr uvc 111 - t;•gr1ly in the 1n 0Jttcr of health t·.1r1· c osts. /\!though it mny ra.to 17th or 18th \\'ith the public. the ht•:dth c:n 1• t'l'i:-is h;1s licl'll l;1r ninrt• \ :.d11;1l.Jlt· t han that tootLt' puhllt:.d :1 s p1 r;..1n!S and th0SL' \\·ho :1fl' Ill of- ftl'l' .and tho ... c \\ho \Vo tlld llJ..t• tu bt' in office, b;u·ked up l1y lilJt·r:.ol t·oni 1111·n t;1 tor}. :111d tul u 11111 i :.ls i\(1\\' thC' qttl'SIHl!l :_1l\\OI YS nrist·~ for thu . ..;e of us in ttu.· daily pr:u.._·- t 1('1• of n1t·d ir ine ol how muc h c:a n h l' ;.11·('un1 pli:-.hcd l.J.\' ll·~is l a t1011"! 1'herc arc :-.o nlc of us th.at t;:ike ;1 tlin1 \'i(•\\' of the opportunities of con s tru c li\·c h c<.i lth care by lcgi~lation. There are those who took at the accompli.shments of government in the health care field ant.1 see programming in areas that just don"t work . M edic<1rc h as become soUlething drastically diff~rent than originally pro· posed : Regional n1edic<t l pro- ,:.:rams that didn't v.'Qrk 3nd arc OO\V being phased out. \\'(•are hL'"L'I h\' ;1n11i!tit111Tr111' pl;.111s offered by ·,,·vulll·bc l'ris1s· !>l•l\t•1 -: I 1 ec;dl h ac.:h in lhL· dnys ht•fnr1· ~ulfa drui;~. \\.hen pncu1n11n1a was m o re uf a danger, \Vh l'll 1crisis' n1t•ant a peak after\\ h1ch tho.: p3lh•nt citht·r d11 ·d o r re· c o v e r c d • so n1 c l i 1n c s dramaticolly. 'fhc n1a f.,:nitude oi ch:irges h a\'c changl'd over thL' :i.•·:1rs: PL"rhnp..; \\·e h.1VL' lii'1.·n pl.1;.:111·l l 11.\· built in l'r1 -.1<; Ill LllL·Sc l t'f'lllS. J·'or 01 tin1e crisL...,·SOl\'L"rS ur c~·d 1norf' c\u("lc)rS :t::. lhl' ;1/lS \\l"f ·1·1i1s p roved nut tu ht• Uh' ;1n:.\11 •1·. Su1n1·linll'"' \~l' d.,11·1 ll .111• !ht• ri v,hl k 111tl of phy;,1t"1 :1n:, 111 l h1~ right p L1t·t·"· TllERI-: llAS been u 1ot of at- tention drav.'n to \\'h<ll kinds of physicians arc needed. The pre- sent Congress may report an ex- traordinary pi eC'e uf r ;.1 dieal legi slation. lt would pul the Public Stations • ID Need Dy KEN PA'TTF.RSON JR. C..pltol N•ws S.nk• SJ\CR/\1\.1 ENTO -The various !';OUr(>CS that have pro\·idcd funft s. for the public or educ<.itiona l r:idio and t c lc\"is ion bro<.i dca~t ­ ing stations in C;.iliforni<.i are cut- t ing back or elin1ioating their J'rngrams. f-"nr the Jlast 2~ years public b roarlL"<.1 sl ing ~tations have relied .on J'rivate ins titutions a nrl foun- d:.1tions fort he s ubsid\· nercssar ,· t n operate ::ind pro,·icic fnr publiC :-.C'rvice and cdu c<1 t inn."l l p r11- J! r a ni n1 ing. u·ith son1c f l'<l l'r<I 1 ::I'-'· :::.ist;i nce. For inst ;1nc{'. the Ford 1:ollntl:i- tio11 has provide d n 101:1 1 of S5fl0 m illion in g rants to publi c hro:Hl- <·;1<.;f1n g O\'Cr thr 1 :1~1 1,., yc:1r". 'fhat figure .a nd lhL· gr;1 nt.., it r (·pr {·senl s \\"ill drnp tn $11) n1tllion over tht• nC'x l four yf':ir .... \\ hl'll grant' to p uhltt· brr1adc:1 :.t · inL: "·d i stnp c~·n11n g f ront t.h{' f uuntl ;1t1nn. .1\1 .1·11our.11 TllF. federal gov- ('rnm{'nt \\ill no douht l'nntinue to f 11nd. 1n par!. v ;1r1n11s puhliC"· pro_gr;1111 :-.tntinns . 111 <' losses from th(' l;1rk of trHcl il1onat :-;up - J'H1rt frc1n1 pri \ <11 1' inslitul1ons ;ind fo11 nrl:tlinn~ ,,·i ll be felttle('r- ]_,. Sonl c sort of supplcn1cnt u•ill lie rC''lUirC'd in the futur1..· if public l iroade;isting i.., to r cn1:1i n ::i fe;1si· hie :i ltc rnativt~ t o ncl"'nrk and con1m~·rt·iul bro adcastini.:. 'fhC' 1l (1tion of stale s upporl lo 1111blic 111 n;idc :i stin i?: is not a nt'\V idea in thr l ."nitccl St;.itcs, but t here ;ire likely tho~C' \\'ho "'ould h f' r elucta nt lo think abn111 (:.tlifornia providing s tate :iid t 11 •>11r no,,· f';.:i st1n J.! public brn:ul· cas t s yslcn1 . 1\ l ook :11 son1<' othl'r s t;1lt•s may giv(' :1 n<'\\' pcr~pt'clive to the c(•n<·r-pl ,,f :-.\;.ile s upplcn1f'nt ONANGf: COAST DAILY PILOT The comment page of the Daily Piiot seeks In i nfo1 n1 and stimu la te readers h,y presentina a variely or r(•m tn('ntary on topic~ of intf'1'1•-.1 :incl significance rrom lnfr1r mrd ohserve r s and !lp<lkt•}.Olf'n. 1 , to public broadca s ting in California. F lorid<!.. for ex<.1n1r>lc. has seen its l l'g i ~!nturc become ;!c'li\'ely in\'ol\·l.'d in thC' publit: broadcasting syst cn1 in the :-.tatc . STATE :\S D T.OCAf. !!O\·C'm - mrnt is utili zed in th1..· pro~ram · min g of Florida public broad· <·:ist1n E! ~ind ha s hecome an C'X- ccllent cducatinn;d point of view f<1r :\udienccs as ;in altl·rn;'lti\'C' to (_'on1m l•r c ial n et'' ork program- ming. Tht_• s1·s~ion " or !hr }1 ori!l,I lrei..,laturc ;ire record('!! h~ public hrondcaslinl! st;1t ion.s lhC'rr·. The SC'SS1nns art' <·<htt'd tn p ur tr:iy the hi g hl ight <.; :ind ,. a rions :-. C'g n1 en Is :1 re ;111 ·i.:<L In som(' C<i "f'". thf' rnn11111·rC'i:il OC'\A.'S nc tv.•orks in 1·1 qr1d a h.1\1· m;1dC' ll.".f• nf 1 h f• \·1dcnt;11•1·· rccort\cd IPgi~l.1\1\'C "l'":-1011.., 1n t •\·i-ning TIC'\\S(';1:-.1s. fllhL•r :-.L1tl's '1 h 0 h:1vc hl'l'HJ'Tll' in \olvt·d 111 J)Uhlic hroadc :•~1int! in('1ude l'(1n · nee tic ut. l 'cnn ~y l \ .1n1a ~ind :;\\·hra'-1\a . flC'ing pr('p:ircd for inlroduc· tion in the C alif0rni:t l .t•i:::i s l:1 ture IS ;_1 bill !ha t \\'11U ld )ll'l•\'Ldi· for sAn1 r st:ilc f unding' fo1· publ1 l' broadcasting. It i:i going lr'I he !'>pnnsored b;.t. the /\ssemhl.v Science Coun ci l. the J\ssneialion Qf California Public Tel('vi!>ion Stations <.i nd lhe A ssoci;..ition nf Califo~·nia l>ublil' Radio Stations. IT \\"Ot:l .D pro,·ide st ate 'iUp~ po rt for public broad("a s ting: ad - ministl'rl'd h:o.· a n indepL·ndt·nt commis .. ion appointed hy the ~o\'crnor v.·ith the ad\'ice and t·onscnt of the ~··n:..tf{'. ,\ccording to a s tal utor,· formula . funds ,,·ould h<' spC'nl ff•r gcnl'ral sta- tion npl'rnt1un..; :.ind !oral pro- .cr<.in1nl 1ni.:. in1Prcn n111~ct1un ;,1n1 I :-.t ;dt•\11cl1· pr of!r;1mn1inc. !hf• :1f'- r1ui .. itio11 o f fac1l1t1 cs. in~trL11·t1on ~1 t1d l'o n1n1 i~s 1on adn1inistrati1 111. Tnt C'rco nn£'ction of th•· pL1 h!l 1~ "'·~l!·rn \vould r t•qui rc 1•1th1 ·r th1· l~·;i-..ini:: or cnn<;fr11rt1 rin or ;1 '-1.•!I' f.1t·i111 v. l ·nd1 ·r tl1l' lc-p1..,l;11r(•ll 1hr J1cp:1rtn1t·nt of {;l·n1•1:d S••r,·i ces \\·ould cn 11du ~·1 .. fra..,1hdi1.v "tud.' uf inll'r tonnct· l 11ln pos~1b il1tie~. It "'o•·ld eert ~i inl\· he nf lwn··fH I n the ei1i1e11 s of the:-•.dr In h:1v,. ;1cccss ti' <1 sy:-tcn1 of hroadca ... 1- inl! th:.it C'Ould pr11,·ide q11 ;1l1t~· f11tlJli<: ser\·ice program.;: ;ind a11 cd11cat ion al altl·rnali\C to cunl • 1ncr f'1al radio :lnd tclc,·1s1on. Meditation: It Makes Being Idle Respectable By II E RB CAF.N SAN l·'RANCJSCCt -Jl :1n- do lph llea r sl. put h is foot do\\ n ;:1ftt:r rl'aliing here th at /11." ed1h1rs ~1 r1· t·onsidering" s ulirnit11nl! 1hi• f'_;xa n1in~r ·s C0\'1•r;1j.!t• uf 1ht_· )'atty Jlearsl kidnap1n g for a Pulilzcr l'riet'. 1·:v1·11 thou g h som e of hi.., s t.1tT1·r:-... 1111 likc the idea. he \\ i 11 1u11 a 1101'' it •·under nn.v <-lr<-un1st :Jll('t'""· •. News to Jill' N~1 !11r::1 lhat Gov.-Elc<-t ./1•1'1'\ Bro" 11 un...,·oun<l after h1.-. '11'tnr:i. h• SJX'tlcl ing three da, .. ,11 ·r :1 ... sajnr:i lint Spr· 111g" i'.1•11 (0 (•11tcr . s 1tt1n~ in thr. lntu ... 1'"'1! 1un i.I ,l.(<)C)d 1>a rt. of the tinle ... "The thin~ I hke :1h.111t 111e dit;i tlon , ·· adds ~11.11 1~1· d1• .Jin1 . ··is that it n 1.11\1 · ... doinj!; nolh1ng r{'Sl)l!l'· 1.il1l1·· .. J\ncl 11 n1u .... 1 be I rue lh:•l ,\~:-.t_•n1hl v1na11 \Villi1• l~r~)\\ll h;1s 10;1 hi" pO\\('r . i\t.,•unrl :1 p .n1 . l·"r id :1,\', a polircn1:in al 1•u..;t ;ind l 'U\\Cll laf:gt'd h is ilh·gJll.v p;1rkC>d l'orsc hc , d<·~pitc ~ or becH use of? -the official license plates. OR. JOllN POO;\:f;. 1hc \or~1nt ;\ve. 1xxli<1tr1st . had a distinguished patient r~·cc ntly in the forgettable fo1·m or llow;.ird Cosell, v.1ho limped o\·e r from Stanford Court. }'raught u•ith ethics. the doc· t o r r e fus es to d isc u ss 1-loward "s problem. but root- in-mo uth disease comes to mind .•. Con1p\aints. a lv.·ays complainl:c;: Over there in l~c 1·kcl ey . r e port s John 1 Jtavn1ond . shady Telegraph A\'('. characlcrs arc offering lilt le baJ>:S nf sugar' Ut high prices ;:ind then wh<"n you g<'l home yot1 finrl It's b('en cut v.:ilh h eroi11 fOh. \\'hf're i ~ I.he B itter Bu ~iness Bureau wh('n vou 'rea ll v need it7 ) ... Six· Colurnn hC'adline on tt :'\t•\V York Tim es s tory rron1 Pnrls : ''Romans Killed \ ' t-~ederal government into cur· ncula of medical schools. At no time in lhe past has gov~ crnment told us how many or v.hat kind or physicians would be trained or where. Hut that is just one ~Jeme nt of Jcgislalioo Lhat h;.is been proposed. Jll•;:iltt1 Ci.ii"(' rnaintcnance de· Vl'IOpt·tl in L'.a liro rrua rn ort· tha n 4:> yc~1 r~ .lj:!O. f'..'o"·· the ground J 11i ('S hav <' l'h;1n ~l'£l anti ( '.:11Lfornia is in thi' v.in t!uard of t linse pu :.h i ri g this c·u111·l·pl. '('h(_•re IL.IV <' been ~nn1t• r<ithc-r Sl'rious scandals in prof1l-or1enl- ed, investor owned n1crl1c.al f:il'ililiC'S. 'l'hcrc :ire those \\.'ho"ve pu s hed fo r 111ure Ml!tl ie;.i rL·. SL•fl;Jtor Edward l\l. Kennl'd y h ~1 s J)1)\V ba cked a\va.<J fron1 hi s orq;in:_i \ propos:.il :1nrl ll!:11ncd u1• \\it h llc p . \V ilbur ~l t!l s. ·rhl' piu· p o s al prohahl y "·on"t s urfal'f' ;.q..:.:iin in lhc n l'Xl t·ongrl's~ion~tl ~i· ... :-.ion. All :.o r1 :-. or f:i!'1·1n;1\tn:: SlU!f:C'~ til1f'ls lt :'l \'t• l1Cl'll 1n;1JL· \II v;1ri<1t1 S propn..,;11 -; f1u· lit •:dth 1.;~1rc -t.:Vl-'U .... l'fl'd 11. c :1 r!I ~\':O.LL'lll . It is gC'ncr:1.lly J..ni)\\'n th:1t in· ~ur:1n1~1· f1·es run up l h 1• ft'L'S 1(1 n1t·chcal e :i r e. ()11« propus;11 pro- vides SI .OOU pl'r pCf!'>Otl insof..lr :.is i;::overnn1cnt ·prc ~t:rih e d f 1·c ::;c hcdulc. 1'hi::.> \vuuld cover l\lcdi carc a nJ care for U\e un· i(ormPd sr rvi~cs ;llld their dr.· pendt·nt s anti c;1re for de pe ndent l'hildrl.'u. \\' 1;; ARE Nl)'l' ready to pass a n~itu>n<il ll l'allh pro,i.;f;t1n 1111 lh t?~c '1 <1::-t'"· 'l'hL· 1\r,-JA l\1t•tli«red1l Bill is :-till bt;:ing lrnprovt·d i.lntl wt: h11µL· lo r1·11 1trudu<'C 1l 11\to the !J llh (.'11ng l'l""' !\lu:-.t prop11..,.il ..; c•onl ;cin ~irnilar pi o\'l:O.IUl)... l\\1·dtl i'l'dl l Ill.I,\' •n ··l11t lt• 111o t(' 1lt•11!1:.l 1' prog r ;1111 "i. \\'t• fL'il'l'I !l\11 nl ~l;tnd \lll'l"L"<J:0-1' in iht• S1>1·1.1l ~·<·ui 11.\ t.!\ to :-up l""'l th1 ...:: pru,.;1·:.1111 L 11dL·r tlll· l\1·nnrd y-'.\t il l.., prnpn .... d II \\·oul<i h;,1ve t o be incrcn~el..l lly four pe r· 1.:t•nl . \\'L·'vl' :1 lrcady S<'l'll \vh<1t hnP· pen " ,,it lt 111 erl'.r ~1.:d J111rt•;i 11 c.: r <t l' y. Co11 ..; 11 rn l"r ~.tll~f.11:IHl ll IS not Lilt• 1.:r L·al lllt".1:-U! 1• for :1 :-Ul"('t·:-. ... 111 \ pt O• ··1.1H1 ;\111•111· .... d1 -.:-:u1 ... l11·d 1\ 1th 111 •,+ll h 1·.111· JI\ 1111' l :...~H nr t.'11111.1 '1'111 '\I !i,1\(' Jill d1111h l tli :11 ., .. ,11 .. 111111 ;.: 1 .... lJc111;..:. t\0111.· to :ind r111 · I h l' ! 11 Clu 1• pr1m1• :1t·L·on1pl1 :-li1n1..·111 1\ ill Ii•• Jil l.' f ed!'>('(.! qu..1iltj' VI li t'.dl h {'di (', /1(. l>'11.~s1·/I 11. flot/1 i.<; ft1r ,,.t·r p rl'sidl·n! uj /Ju: Anh·nca11 /\1eJu·(zf · /lssoc1c1/11J1t. 'J'li1 .'i or11c/1· 1<; !ld11pt1·d Jr.,111 lus sp<>t'r·/1 lx/vr.: lh~· Lv111 · • 111v111QC11l//I ('/u/J. ----------------- House Unit Sets Rules l\y T()ltt RA.UJ\1 T••AnKi•l•d Pr"" \\IJ\S llING'l'()N The 1S·m e n1be r ll11ust• ll.ulcs Con1· mittC'c is one nf t he most powerful in Congress, hut its de t ractors c ontl'nd the p;1nl·I al so may be Ofll' of the mus t unprL«lh.:- tablc and inefficient. A rccrnt C'X ample of the rnn1· m il.tee's p11\\l'r c';Ln1c in lht· el!,..;. ing v.'l'eks 11f (."nn~rc:-.s l'hl'n the i,i.:nor L·d l'L'fl lll0Sl :'> h:v thP l ln11s1· lea(lt·rsh ip \'ot.ed nnt !o :1110•\ lh1· full llnu:-.l.' to rnn:-.1dl't' a 111:1111r la:-; h ill that th1• llou,..,t_· \\';,,..,;ind !\fl';l ns Cun1n11l l l'l' had l.ilJt•l'L'<I on for m o nths . Rccausc tl conlrnl s a(·C"l':-OS tn lhe floor a nd d t•tcrn1int'S how long-a bill e.an be debated or whether it cJ n be amended, the panel has life-and-death JXl"14'Cr over almo~t e very piece o f legislalion. !\Tuch of the c-ontrovcrsy sur· rounding tht.!' cnmrnittcc Cl'n\C'r') on its82·yrn r-olrt c hairman, Ill·p . l?a:-· J '.\l ;1drl1·11 11J.fncl .!. Iii:. critics n1 ;1int ;11n he frcqu('nt!y 111:-.l'S control o f cnrnn11tlt·L" s('::;s 10ns. l':ict'1)mr·s e:1-.i lv {'Hll · fused, t e n<I :-; to r amble :1 i1<1 dis- cuss irrclcv::i nt subjC'ets nnrl is pron e !(')s it. on bills for potilical reasons. RUT Dt-:FF.NDf:RSof f\.Tadd f'n ;ind his C"f)m m ittee maintain I hat. :it best , the panel serves as an {'f- fcc ti ,·,c a rm o f th e llou ~1· J)em1,cr:itic lc-ad1..•rs hir. The <lt>fe nders ~11.-;o pui nt to times when lhcy cla1n1 things we re m uch w11r SL', like t h e l~t(Js nnd 19:-)1")-.. wh en " coalit ion nf f{e puhl1 ('<Jn s and south ern 1>cmocrnts hC'ld a ti ght r ei n o n the con1 rnittcc ;ind freque ntly hlnf'kf•d prnArams "oug ht hy th~· IJemner:1tic maJor1ty. ·rti e 1.:1Jmn1itlt·c son1etim<'s ~ni·s f.ir hc~11 ncl prr>C'c<iural is ~11 ('S ~1nd ~C"(<; 1n!o !ht· subslttncc <•f :1 h i l l rt'pP;11111)! "'nrk :drP,1dy cl o nl' h y 11lhl'r 1.:om rnit- 1l'('S lhltl'r :1ri.:un1ent '> oft en hrcak out ~1mnni.: n1<•111h11rs ov1•r points uf urdL•r, \!of;·..; (1 11 <"r1t1r :tl n1rn .... 11r1·..; :ire dt•la yrd rt·pt'<ltf·d- 1 ~· :111<1 !cni.!lhy d i!'>e u~~ion<; h ~1 \'I.! (1ft1•n f'ruptt>d on s1rte issut's. Soml· n1cnlhers dozt·. ()lhl'rs st·cn1 pl'rf!l'tu:tlly cnnfused ov{·r \vhal hill 1s bc·tn!! disc ussed. ,.,t ;1dclC'n h!)s hC'cn accused of hold in ).! o ne b ill ho~t;:ige for ano\h('r fnr p u1·(_•l:v mtitic:il re· a.sons !·"0 1· i nstance. he makes no Christ . l:rc nch Court Rules." pron1pti11g Dick Srind s to 1nurn1 ur, · /\n<I you think tl~e 1,.1ck lo,!.! in UCll courts 1s bad''" t\~ll MIKI~ l\tt\.~ON is no\\' C"n11,·111 cc'<l 1 h<'l'C' is no loni:.:i:r anv inlL•r est in \V:itc1·,i::ate: l fl ril1'r Prl::. .!ohn !\lt1<'he11' ill ;:i l\1C'xi c an rl'Staur:111t ~i nd tht• \\'a111•r didn·1 unrlt·r~land 1 \\' ;1 fl I e d t h 1· b I g t.•111·h11 :1<1 a " ... .'' \' 'k llO\\', •. says liob I lrll(•n. ' I i.aw n1 y slo<·khrokf'I' .on the st reet to day and h e looked so great in ..,C'e1·1·t of t!JC' f;IC'l lh;1t hl' s:1t for :!', n10111hs 011 <1 bill to µrot..:c:t a '\"nrl h (';1rnl1n;1 rivl'r \\'hi!•· :i hill ht• :-.upported to cnlargl! thl! ln- di;111.t !Junt'S Nnlion;d l.:_ikt·s horf· \\·;1s hog.(:cd down in the I luusc I ntcr1or Curn n1 itll·C. Tl lf·~ PRIJ\11-'. fl ,\(1\:l·:lt or the !\"orth (';1rnllna hill, 1!1•p lloy A. T;11·l 11r ( /).J\ (' \. 1:> tlic- 1·h,11rr11 :11 1 11f lh1· Jn!1·r1or ..,1 iJi('o111 111 1\tt'\'. \~h1·1·1· 1111· \l :1tlde11 b.ii·J..1•<1hill 1•,11111 dn!rn\d ~h· '.\1:111 dl'n .q11'.1rt·nt l\ l1upl'd lh.i! h\· dt" 1:11 l!ll! :11'1 l•'rl 1111 'l",1\ 11 ·1·· ... hill 111• 1·011ld 11•1 l 't• ;1c·l1 •ttl un th•• t1t1 ~· lu• :-llppor ,,.d l h ·:-.p111· th1· 1·r111c·L ... 111 .,f .\t ad dt·n frorn ..,nr111• q11.1rl1•1..,, I lt·rn"< r.I! Ii' l1·.1d•·r-.. s.1y thl' <"n111 r111lt1•1• h;1 .., hP1 u11io· 1t1!'rt•;1..,1ng \y nlOfl' r1• .... [H•l1 ... I\•' '" tht· t1nU~t' l1t·n1111·1·.it11· lc·ad1·1·..,h1 p .1nrl "'Ill bt•1·on1 1· ,., 1•n nH•rt" -..11 11nd1•r :1 r1· e1 ·nt r1·or l!;1 1111 .. 1t 111t1 lh.il ~1v1·.., lh •· ... p1·;1k1·r !ll1· l"1v.1•r 111 IHJ!llt n;1l1• !lll 'fll l11 •r ..; dn •'L'I l.\ 1'ht• 11111nh(·r ,.f lh•n11 u·r:1 ts o n lh1• 1·ornn1i!t1•1• :.i .... o v..•il l 11H·re:1...,1 ~ 111 lh1· n1·xt (0 /lll ~i'I'"" fr11r11 the i·orr1 •n1 10 n11•11111.·r·.., t•• 11 ·rli••rt• "il l rl't11a1n f1\•1· ll1·11ulll 1t·;u1 nl•·rnbers l{(•p 111f·hard J',1d1L111~ f l) .\l o 1. 111 ird r :u1k tnl.!. I J1 ·1 11~x·r .11 un th1· 1·omn11ttt·t', :-.:iy., "'St1rl'. \\C 111 ;1\ hl· 1nt:ffiri(·nl. Rut ~di rl·pr1 •-..1•111 :1l1\1' 1nsl ltu l ions arf' 1p('ff11·1 1•nt I f il'.., ;1 c ho icC' hc·t"'e£•n t h ;it 11r hl'ini.! run bv <·fficient l('l'h11n1·i-;L1:-., 1"11 take irif'ffil'lcnc''.'' h <> .... 1111. l\t<•:in"·hilc. l\l addL"n m ay be a1·ound for son1 1· I tlllL'. Ill-: S('O f.'F:': ,\T l:tlk tha l hi~ ;1 gf• n1a.v r1 ·dt11'l' h 1-; efft'L'l1v<~­ n1 '°'"'· :ind he · 1.., f·ind ,,f r1·1·nunl1ng: the tin1e v.'hL"n ht• ~.1v:-. c;t•nrgP /\I l1·n. coo1 r h nf 11i1: \\«1 ... tiingl1HI li••d ..;k1n " a t1·,11n kno\\n f<)f 1!s <.,1•.1..,11n1·d ,-,.1,·r :1n-. 1·.1 llt ·d h1111 111 11 ff,•r litrn ·' 11d1 .1s :1 h:dl'l 1:icJ.. if h.-<111 1t:-1•1d1 t1 1 .. ,\nd 1\ "''('111 -. unlik{'I\ !h;!I 111 .., 1·h.11rrn.1n .. h11• \\ill tu• ... 1·1'1"11 "1' c·h;il l•ot \;.:1·d , \ 1•11 IJ .v rl·furni 111 1nd ~·d l>c n1nrr.1!<; "'h11 "lhL'f '-"1!'>'' fr,·qt11·ntly t'f1ltc11.1· hi Ill , If ~t ;1 1l11 1 ·n ..,hnu!d I~· t11pph·d fr11n1 tht> p•1 ..,t. th•· s:nn•· ..,P111or 11 y "\' t•·tn !h.1t hro11g l1t h1r11 l h1• c h.11 rrn:-in ... h1n in 1!172 "·01ilrl i::,1\1• 11 !11 ..,1·1·ond r;u1kin;.: l!t·p . J:in1{·s ,j f l{·J;q\i'\ ! I)°\ ,. I \lth1111 j.!h 11el:1111•\' 11:1 .., \nl•·•I "'t!h th1 · [)Pn101·r:1t;,. l1·.11l1 •r:-li 11• <•n n1 ost n1,11•1r 1)111..,, ht· h.1 ... r11i1r1· :inti n1r11'(· l r1·q1 1t·ntl\ ..,1d1·1J \111 ti llt• public· :t 11 .., ·' n d t'• ,n..,t•r \'a\ i v1; l)1•111r11·r;1t S 11 n ol ht·r 1:-.-..ttt'" •·\\'hi!e m ;111v ft'l'l th:1t r.t :1 dd1·n i..:: ton old 1 n do '1 hl' 1111! 1•fff•1·l 1 \<'I\ . lli•·:i. rre re r him 1 ..... or111•u11 .. ;I'. 1·011 ..,1·rv:1liv<' :1.., f1 1•l.1n1'~ ·• onf• c·nn1n1illt'1' :-.1J urc·c• :-.;ud. ··.\t 11'<1:.t :'-.1 addi'll IS ~\'ll1pa th l'I JC l•t J>ff)· gra 1 n ~n~~:-.1r 1·d b.Y lhl'ni:1Jur1 t)." 197 4 Wasn't So Bad l~y 0:1 "1)" ,,.,.; ~.\f"R 1\\1 l·:''l"I) \·,\\!'I I•)"'•' lh•· d•"•r "n 7 1 :ind 1·il11"!1.+! \\'ri!1·r.., .1111 11l ••l r11111• ii1u1111111 t:11111· ....... 1111 1" I·· II 1th \•',II' 111 1 II ' 'l"\1'-1n•1 h ,1p»\I! -..h1>1il.Jt.1!-.••:1 di( ft I •'!ii I 1!'1\' 11f !ht .. \I ,Ir {l\.i! '>fi.,uld11 1 ht\< h<•1•11 f.•·1 ·,11r1•l1 •r1•l \I •',,,,, lh.i1111·\ d••i •« l•'•J II\ 11 !H•'-1 !11 ".I 1111 t1d !1 II.., 11 .. !•1 1 fl«•'1' 1q1 l.,11 .oil ·•' !hill!!" ( ooiiJd h1 • II !'I !' ;-,., \I t" «h1•1 •r1·d lllJ .1 1111 lho·\ ul Ill•( ,.• I fl d 1d Thi·\ llr1\t rn ,1tl\0 of q -. r1·d1 ~ 1.1 • r1•ii ih.-rn111 :1n(',. ul r t·.idttt" 111111 1• •,11 tine in !IJ.,..,,. fl .1n1n.d1I ,. ''·' lnu·..,' \\"h•\ .1n1 ri111..: 11-. ..,111~111 :1 !1•11 ,,, 1ra nlinult''> ill !llL' pull1ni.: pLn·,• h1·c:1 11!'>C \\'1' rt•f11 .. 1·d In 1•\"t·r a_i.::1111 h:1\·p ou1· 'ot<· <.;lt•l•·n"' ,.\11d h~1\\. ;,1bn11 1th;1 I 1.!lt·an1 lh.d po ppcli into our ··~e \1 hen \\t' his (~~1 rdin •q11' :i nd· l i11cc 1 ~hllt':-;111d lllHI' 11" 111.•t I !>ou ght ;111 ;1p1dv t1·nn1 h1n1 ' S:'\flOPS nl: .1ot·1t : (:11, F:lt·t·l J e 1·ry l ~t'o\111 Ji ;1:-. h1 ol..f'n a l·a111p;11 i.:n p1·nn11 -;1· ;1 lr1•.td y. ll\11111.., Otll /tld) !l'lar1'h1oni . It \I a s h;u·k 111 l\lar<-h lh;it .l•·r ' :111nn111ic·t·d ··1 (1011·1 n<'eci ;1 nulfinn d 11l l:1r m ;1n:-.inn 1f 1"111 1·l1 ·1 ·!1·d I c.:oulcl live ;11 tlit'~L'rl:11 1 H· llo lel for SI I 11 n i.c ht " ()),a_\, k11t. I hen do i t. and :-.top ~.1 n l..1·r1ni.: H ftcr thr1 t 111·ntho11:-c • 1v1·r11 ,ni.. 1ng Capilo l !':irk 11 F, A R T \\' J\ R .\I I i'O (; showbiz s tory : <lvt•r lh1·t'C in the r.. IJ ;ly. lilt• r .. ;Lfa_\t'l le Or;imatcur..; \\•1·r1· prt·st·nting l)ickC'ns' "t:hr1:-.tn1a~ l ':iro l, • Jnrl the C-yr-old kiri \vho played "J'iny 'fin1 kept forQcl.· 11 11g his C'ru t«h . So finully a .... t;1gch;111d =-.:1id t11 Paul f'ill· 1n ,t!t·r. w ho pln y<•d l~ob \"1 ·;1t('h1l. ··.J('C7t'. ,,·h.' do n't \OU b rc;1k th<• h t.11<' hJs ticl"" i1·g a11d lhl'n rn11y l"11· h1 •tt fl" 111l'mhrr thr,.oa·utth ,'' So y1111 S('(', th<' ~p1r11 nf C hri~t n1ns l'r<"scn1 clo1·:-. ltvt'. KNO\V \\'11 .\T I ,,·j~h " I \\·1 ~h lhf' An1<'r1c;1n Cancer 1 .. 11J..<>d a l the <·.1 r \\ 1··.i 111-..1 \\ :i'"d '" 1h1 • 11.dJ \\I 'd Jll"I l'•Ll"'r1 ·d l'rl'l\\ r•r1111• ...... 11on:ll .t111 t 1 ... ,1.. .11 .di 1h1 · !1111 1,...., II I' rl!dll I "l'•'nfi .... II\\ Ii.I! It\ ·!llJI l11t I/\• f11 \I 't ,H • \11" ,. ,j.i'•!il .<nd 111,,"1 ,1•,.f rn.il-.11 dn 111tl11it l! 111•• 11 111 111' \1 ,1 11, h111 r!"I\ I J\•·••rl ' l'tolo,1t.l1 Ind l ,,k,· I•• rt 1111'f•· !-. I iii f111p1 \!l>'r ,.JI 1)p 11 • ' Ii'' I •ti !lit' t n1 11 ·d "it .1!•·· 1'1•11!1 r11 •1,111 Jll••!\d1 •d ,111 Ill• I• ,t • 'II II" ,l lllf>!l!lt ,,f • 1,.111 !•1 11· 11• 1111 ( 11 .....i,, 1·,,11hl 11 '' • '.dl··1I l•<1 I• 11 ., 1«••11\. II~ \\ tJ\. \\,I hll'+'!"I! ,lt\il .1,ff1q·..,1111 .., t"or'•.111 .111il 1,11Hit tr,1 r11ntf•1of Jl 1111•·~1 \I.,, 'I hi • d,1ll.1r l<tll l'LI\ '-1111 ).,. ;1 r1111n(! ind I" r 11.q• 111 1 .111 , . .,n l1t1U••tol11ok :111h1•11l hr•1 1d1•1111l 1 !11!11r1• ))1,uhl1 · 'I l.1" .111d 11 Ji .. l..11•1 \\' -n1 ;1\ h·· \1 ,. 1 .itl 111.11.•· r1 ·.dly 1•on11• :d11 ,. !'-O(·tC'l ,v \\'111ild ... tup ha' 111 r: 1'-ILknff I.till~ h,·011.~ fi,1\ Ji ll' Jll~t bl'l'fl \l\\'!l1 •d !o) 11+11• 111 l 'u11l 1'<.1 {.'11-.t :i I '.+111\!' .ind h:1\. 111).!. 11" d1 •:.,111• lo J.,1 ( k '1!! !"\"(•fl 111 :r i!Cl!H I f':lll'-t' 1·:11•1\hlld\'.., !1 :1 ,·111 ;.? 1·p ... 1.11r.s [ln l\n s !;11r:-.·· p :1 1·111· ... !h1s ... t·:lS(lll , i11:-.p1rr d h;.•tll•' Kl)F.I) :-l·1·1r .... hut r•r;11 1 t .1l1··111h :d 11 L'f\1 l•, lh1· ht·s t of the lot . out in Far l':11;ifi1· lll·1i.:hts. ['11•1·l· rt e rt'' 1 s t ;1 n {'<' during t'ot"k ! a ti:. \1 as a l°t"!)l1e;i of !hL' · ·r;1 :1111{:·· ~1nk111 g Lil a hligc l>CJ\\I o( • :IVlill' ,\'f {,/\ BOt:RGOG~..:. the 1•\!pc-nsi\'c French rc~1 .111retnl. 11. 1-lu gh Gregory t 11lt·1noi.n O\'erheard a \V m. llam1 lton ''artoon caption 1n lhc fl t·sh, :-;idcburned hus band lo black · nl il pe arl ~ "14'ife: ··t ,.m not s ug. ~1·s ting l\·e ('ha n ge our life style. dear. but 1 do think "'e ~hould cul dov.·n a lltth;" .And fl y inJ?" in rron1 l'hila<1elphia. l\.1:inn ncment ("ons ult<tnt Bi ll Kri\'dll <'Aught. onl y lhl· last p::ttl or the con- versal i•'r'I a1l u s te,,·urdesll s ijthl·d to a man ... And th nl·s the s tory of rny lire -a n eost- hound pron1 iiu-: 11n a \\'CSl· bound fli ght '. .. ! • Hi girls and boy::,. Here we are o..it the beginning of a new yt>ar Uncle Len ho pes that 1t vn ll be <1 happy and prosperous ye:.i r fur .<ill of his friends. I ulsu hop e lh<.1t ~ill of the bovs :111d i:irls \\'ho r ('ad tht• F ami.lv l';1gc l'<tt·h '''C('k '~:ill t:nter th~ \;_1rious con lc:-.ls 'J'hl'Y are not (inly ~1 lot _of f un , hut 1·\'Cry entr y \OU send 111 h:..i!-;1 t·h;1n1·c to win \utt <• \\C1·hly p1·11t• of a bright. !'.>h1ny Kt·nncd' h;df dull:ir l'ri Lt'" •ire a,,·;.1rd1 ·tl fllr the bc!'.l l•>kc or r1 ddlC' 1h ;11 J'>:-.t·nt ttJ C:1rul fur ht•r ''(';u·ol':-. <..'urnt•r " ;ind for l hl' IJl' ... t POC l'n \\ r1tll'/) t·:H'h Wct•h . ,\nd _\OU get l o 1 ·hno~c Lile sub· _11·et . '!'his is 1n o.1tldit1on to the prize ;_iv.o.rded for lht~ ht•s t dr;1\\'in g 1-l'Ot in ;1bu ut t ht· :-.ubJctt :-.1:letlt•t.1 hs Unc lt· I.t'n t':H·h "l't.:k. 1'hC' ni:tll \1 ""very. vt·ry li ~ht j )\'(.'f lhC' h oli d:1.\S ;11HI L'nt le l.l'll t•a n und er~t und hn11· ;dl nf yuu v.-ould he -.u hu:-1 1111 yuur V<1e:1- t 1ons th:1t vou ~1·uulti 11ul h :1v1· tir1>e l o c·111 1.'r t lH· 1·11nlt.· .. r. .. !Sul 1101,1, v.·c h a11• a 11·ho!t· 1c;.1r· ~1h l'ad of us <nH.l I 111JJ t>l' Jo1)h.1 n1-: lur your m;,i il t'ti t·h 11'l't·I-. llOt'\O RABLI-~ 1'1 1-:!'\1'10'.\' t h1:- 11 l'l'k ~oes to J :111 et c;11n1t·r cir f 'usta !'rtC"sa. K irs tt·n :'-.I anger:-uf ll untin gt o u l"l<•al'h . ;tnd Jil l O'Connell o f:'-.\ iss ion Vu~10. 1"hc•rt.· is <J h i~ S port". \:;ic;1t1 nn :i nd Rccrt·a tun1:d \'1·hlcle Show lh ~il opc ns t t1d ;1v :1l An aht•1n1 <:unvcnt10 11 C.'t·ntt·r_ *PRIZEWINNER .* Janell Kubas, 8, of 1784 Mann St., Irvine Any ehild 12 or under , ('an e nt£•r IJ nclc I.en's Conlc'il. f[{'r1•'::. ;di you do : (I J l1raw pi ctur t• on pictt· of plain. while p a per 51 ~i n ­ ches \\'idc'~11 d <I inchesdet.·p . Use bl:J<·k ink a nd m<:1kl' lines black . (~) l1o not l'O py or traee picture. It n1us t be your ov.•n "'Ork t:ll l'ut y o ur name. age and address on bac k of dra1,1,•ing _ h1ail it to l 'n<.'ll' Len's Art Contest, Box lS60, DAILY PILOT, Costa J\le~a 92G26_ Entries must be received by noon on Thursda y for produ(" tion o n the following Saturday. Winner will r eceive Kenn~dy half doll;..ir . !·'or ;ill n f 1ou hc11·:-and ~Ir(., 1\h11 h kt• !'>po ri s. lht·1:1, 1~ nlu("h 1(1 -.(•1• 'f'his ,,·eek l 'n c lC' I.en v.nuld li ke ;JI[ o f ~ou to d rav.• pil'lt1r1•., :iliout c:.i 1np1 ni.: 11u!. You C'an U!'>t' .. _ .1 uur I 1n ~1 g1 natio n s as to\\ h:.it ~ou \1otlld !ike to dra11'. So unli! n t·xl 1,1,('l:'k , then. Unclr· \.l'n '' ish<'s t•;1f'h and every o n(• ;1 l't•ry. \t•ry. ple;1!'>~1 nt V.L't'k 0.1 1\1 1 !lit· bt•.,111f •·l'cry lh111).! Letters From Ellie IJrar 1-:lli1', I y,·as v.onrl1·rin ~ v.h it·h n1an1n1al ha-. lht• n1ost ba bic~ at on r tin11" l)t'ar l.:1rr1 ()n th« !:-l and nf t\1 adaga:-<'.1r t h1·r1· 1 .. (';1!111~ l'rea1ur1• 1·;d l1-<I ;1 lt·nr1·1· l.ik e lhc hcdgt>hog, 1\ ha ., :• ~p1 11_1· j·oat ;ind l ·an roll 1nl11 a hall fnr pr11· lel'lio n v.·hl'n danJ,!,·r t hrt·a t t.·n" T hC rL· 1s ;1no\h('r :-pt·1·1 1·., n f ll'nrE.·t· '1h1c h \(10~" h l-.P ;1 :-h t«'" :ind :-t il l .1nnth c r "h11·h f('"1 •n1 bl1·~ ;1 n11 1l t·. 'l'he l1·nr1·1· r1·~11l.ir\,· pr·cul\1{'{'~ 1rll•f(' \i•llll).: Ill :1 l1 1!t·r lh,111 oi lll • 11 ht•r 111 :i1n 111 :ii. l"o r up I!• :! 1 h,d111'" 1·,ir1 h1 · l1t•1"1\ .it l•Jlt· 111!1•' Uf'ar t-:lli1'. l.arry ti. I ha1•r bt•t•n thruugh !ht· 1lt·:-1•rt rnany t in1t.·~ ;i nd ha1't· !-1•1•n .a lot of p la nt ... I \1;1111 111 1."1u1n· h o v.· th1 ·\' li11· " ithou t rain ti u ri n ~ th1• Inn ~ rl r_\' s t• a son.,, 1i .. 1:r . lJC':i r I\ J ·r l'l:1nt s rn u<:t rt·.,ort !n C'lf'\'t'r dc\"if'C''> t o 1·x1st :11 :11 11n lht> hno;ti\c r hn1:1lc of l ht· d ('sert \\.'atf.•r 1::. t·~s1·nl1 a l tr1 plant li f t'. :ind lho .-.1· pl ;inls v.'hi ch ~urvi\t' i n th1· <l cs1·1·1 ;1 re t·L t h1• r cl roug h t t·v ad 1 ng or cl roug ht -res isl in J.! '!'hose v.'hlC'h 11re drt1u):!h!-(•1·ad1ng m<Jy li e dor m a nt as Sl'l'ds for yC'a r:-.. t hen ~utlcl<·nly spring tu life aft1·r .1 rain ~ll f'h pla nts <Ir<.' very f;i:-.t J..:ro~·ing .a nd eom pl('IC' lhri r "hole lift• t·_,1·ll.' in only a f('V.' v.·cl'ks . Th('lf rool :-.~st('n1s are q11111· shallo\~-. and !he plants develop no n1c:1 ns of storing v.·ater . l·su a ll y . they bcilr largt•. /Jr ig hll:-· 1·olor('r! fl111,1,·c1·.;. lo :1t tr a t l 1n<;cr ts for pollin:1 t1tin since l h t•ir nnly purpose 1s to qu11·kl y µr•Kiuce .1 t ' r11 p 11f SC't·ds v.· h 1 <' h \\"i ! l g rov.· a ft Pr som e f u llJ re r ~1 1 n 1 'ypic:..il droug ht rt·~i~t 1ng pl~111 !.-. h :11 e ti ny ll'<i \'f':-so lh:tl no m ois!urc 11111 ht• lost. th rough evaporatiou. 11'ht·rt· are so1ne plants, li ke the c:1<'l1 . V.'hlrh h .:1vc 110 l t'aVC':> al al! ) 1'hc s kin or t•over1n g on !h(' su.•m s 1s u s u:il \v thi c k ~ind \\•aterproof. Most nf these pl ants h:1\"t' 1:l;.1horat1• syst1 ·rn s for storing v.•a tc r : some s tnrt- 1! in tht· roo ts. s o m t.· 111 tht•lhic k st e rns <.1nd others in tht· rubhl'r.v leti vcs C:i1·t 1. for ex arn plt'. (''1 11 store grc;11 f!Uant1t ies of 1,1,•a tcr a nd cictu:tll.v provide moisture for .. nm1· dt·s.:rt <1 n1n1 :.tls. ('a cti roots g row almost .at th« sur f;H't' :1n<I :1 r r ahle to ;1hsorh even s mall amo unts of ,,,..., MN11 .o ce"'111tff 19·••1-Mt .i ttw ,.r•I ,......,.., ••l(•C ..... 41.o I•..: • ..-5'1,..r, a.,. lJ, et WMIMI,,.....,, ~•-, f9r "'r '1...,1 ..... : WHY DON'T PINE TREES LOSE Tiit: JR l.£1\ \.'J.-:S'? Right now the northern woods arc knee-deep in C'runchy snow. It drifts around the tr unks of s tale ly p ill ('S a nd som e t imes piles heavy white cushions on lheir boug h s . Sparkling icicles often hang from the tips of their furry gr een e r y. Y ct somehow the stur dy pin('s 01 nna~e to keep their leafy ncrd\es throu~h all the hardships of v.1intc r !>Urfatt' 11101st1..1r1..· So n1t• pl ant~. l1k1· tht· ('f ('u:-ult• hu ~h . h ;i1·1· <1 11 ~ ~urf;1c1·~ 11l11l'h tend lo pr1·vcnl lo~:-of mn1 !'>tur1· l hrough 1 ·v a 1 1<1 r~1t 1on . l'l;.i nt-. 1,1,h1 th ~ur11 1 1· 111 r\(·:-f·rl., hav1· ;1d;,i pt1•d to t hc1 r t'll\ 1 ronn11•11t Dear t-:llit . ('a n you lr ll m r ho"' all lhe animals "'A'er1· put into <'laSSl'S anrl g roups and how they "e re namf'd'~ ltich ard ll. [Jp:1r J(11·h :1rd l 'h e n1od C"rn :-.1"ll·111 of 1 ·J.a:-~1r1t£t l1 un 11.1 !'> \111rk C'd 1nll hy :1 S11·1·rl ish n:1 tur:1 \ist. Kti rk \.'(Jn I .!llO•· ( ! iO>I :!l'i I I r l' J,!:1 I I' ,'t ! .;~(lll 11 :1nlt' lo ('\ t·ry 1-.nov.n pl:1nt a nd :1nirn:il :ind :11"l"ord1ng l11 th1·1r ph,1s11·al :1pp1·;1r :1 11c1•s. groupt·tl tht·n1 into (!i f (t·rt·nt cl.1 .. -.1·:-and :-.11h c·L1.<.:-.l's t/\t t h ;it !1rnt·. Lal 111 "·a s t ht• 1nt1·r·n:11 ion ;.rl !ung u ~rgc CJ f sclcnt·c· ! l.111 11t··.., 1,·o rk 11·:1 .. 1nd e1·d imprc.<.:-1\'t.'. a nd l hl' J.!c•n1·r;.~I p r1 11 (·1p!1·:-dt·,·1s1·d in the JAt h ('\'nlury art' :-till ll ~l'd ~('i1·n !1 f1<· C'l:1 ss1f1c;1t1on of <.1n1 r11als 111 101,·ed 11\'t:r 20 t·;it1·g1H'l\'S. hut onl1· :.i fe w a rc used to 1d('1lt1f y '/n O ;1n1 n 1:i1 :-'rhe f0irov.·1ng !i~t gi\'eS a f1·11 1''\:1 n1plt.·s' ('!.,\SS n1;1111m:1I. bird. r1·ptdt·. 11 R nt-:1t 1·;1rnt\ort• 1n(•sh -e;1ltni:!1. hf'rh t\Ofl' 1 pl;1nt-t•at1ng i l··,\;\111 .,. (',1n11!at• tdug~f l{t1\1d;i1 • \C'a l ll t ·~ Fclulal' 1 c:it ~1 SP1':Cl1·:S r:r1 ·\ \\"olf. l~ulf;ilo. t11·t·lot '\"n\H'C' h n 1\ 1•;11.·h ."l t•p .t.:nt·:-111 CJ ... n1:1lli ·r t•\,J',.., .ind n1 :i].. t • ... \ h 1· 1iit•n11 f ll' ;1 t 111n n 1urt · .., pt·1· 1f1 l' 1\:'\'.S\.\'t-:R T(l l .:\ST \\'EJ·:K 'S <~t ·1.:STl(I'.\· 1\1 1• tht rt· ;.i ny sn:1k1·<> \,·h 1eh c;it pl:in t-." '\"o A ll sn~ikt•s arc fl esh e~1 !1 ·r :; 'll't-:STl<l;>.;: \\'h :ll i.., t ht> r:i ~IP.,t :1111n1;d 1n l l\1· 11or1ct·• lti•;ifl cr ... : Send a nim:d quC"~t1on!'> 111 l<l.I .11·-1· 11 1 h1 · !)ally i>i lo!. J> ( J l"\nx \!'iliO. ('n~ta i\ll·~.1. l ",11 •121;26 \\'r l e nd to think of t·vc r grt·cn~ as the piney conife r s of o ur no rthern forest . But rn ;i ny ('\'('r g reens also li ve in the lropi c:-_ Usuallv. thev h ave l<.1 rg1• widt"' lcaves'v.·ith thick skins and w;.i xy su rfaces that retard eva poratio n. A few of t hese tropic.al lea ves ;1rt• shed C\•ery year. But a spiky lit - tle pine needle may stay o n its trcE.' throu gh s ix or seven years . ....,,.., wnd' .o 1-wohim~ .I.fl ol lhl' Olrwoltl'~ ol N.ornla 10 Sharll yn HoOb,, f~ 11, ol Ott~""°'"""• low1, 10< Mr Q!Wlllon: II 0 W C A N W E TE I~ I. POISONO US MUS II ROOMS? Every part of a handsome pine t ree is designed lo ('Ope with win- try weather. Its protections in· el ude w <i tc rp roof w~1:ic es and gummy r esins . plus speciully s haped leaves nnd bra nches These sam e protections a lso help to withs tand droughlc; and sum· mer's heat. serio us wounds a nd g reedy insects . Surely the ever - green conifer is .a tree for an seasons. , M aples and othe r d eciduous trees. must sh ed their leaves in the fall because they are not de- signed to coye with the winter . Their wide, papery leaves h ave thin skins u.nd numerous pores ihroygh w h i c h gall o ns o f mois ture e vapo rate Into the s um- mer air. tn winter, this moisture cannot be re.placed from the rrozen ground . Frost would s ha t- ter their fragile cell walls with tiny daggers o r ice. Back· breaking sn ows w ou ld plle up and break off their widespread· ingarms. e ve rgr('<'n ('O nife rs are bui lt lo cope '"ith these proble m s. Their skinny n e edle s have thic k s kins 'and w axy ('Oats to sea l oul the fros t. Thes e s n1alle r leaves h a\lc a small e r s urfa ce a nd rcwe r pores, so as to r e tard evapor a- tion. All the conifer cells ar c rc- c nforced with t a ngy r esins . These t acky gums ooze out to seal wounds from broken branch- es a nd also discourage attacking l .ct"s race it . s ometimes the unsv.·er to o ur h o pe s h; :1 definitf· no-no. f~or cxan1plE'. the plant v.•orld is run by Molher Nature, :ind her rules are \'Cry strict. ll so happens that m ost members of t h e nlu s hroom f ami l y are toadstools whic h arc unsafe to eat. Som e a re d eadly dangcro~s. Only an expert ('an tell wlu ch is which -and a sensible expert re· ruses to sa mpl e any wi ld mushroom . Even some oC the safe ones may be poisonous when they are young or old. So, lcl's for get about the w hole thi ng and get our mus hrooms from ex- perienced grov.'crs. They pro- duce safe varieties, free from the bugs and h a rmful bacteria that infest b oth sa f e a nd unsafe mus hr.ooms o f the wilds THE PINE TREE and olher · insect s. The stat ely tree t apers to the top a nd fan s out toward the ground. Its s pringy boughs s lope downward. Blizzar ds may lond them with piles or snow. But the heavy loads soon slide down the s lopes v.•ith out breaking ·the branches. ) _ COl'I E SUMMER, t he !'la m e s kinny pine n eedles ar e lel'ls like - ly to wilt during a hot dry s pell. So the all-season pine tree can ke e p i t s 1'urry areenery throughout the year. · I <Do you have a question to /'\SK ANDY? Send it-on a post card wfth your nam e, age and com - plete address lo !\SK ANUY ln ~are or tbb newspaper. Entrie!'ll .open to girls and boys 7to17.) · ' Sport Show Open Today In Anahe im 'l'h(· S1Jnr1 ... \ a1·:1 t i1p1 ;.i nd fl t·1·1'1·;1t lnn ;1J \'1•b1t·lt·Sho11 OPl'llS i od ay at the 1\ 11.1h1·1 r I\ {"on\ t ·n \lon (\•fl i t•/' Seht·dull'd l h 1'41lJgh .I.in l l. 1111· :-.IH1\t "'ill f£·:d ur1· t hnu:-<.i nd~ of 1\t•111s, t'U\ t•r1n g ;1 11 id,· ~Pl'l"tr u n\ vf t'<ltripn11·nL for !(\•·.,_ o ff r11ad 11·hit lcs. b oat..,, f1 ~h 1n g, t;1ckl1·. b:1 e k pack ('r:-. c-a n i p.: rs, "1 !HI ll:11ll\.' ll <In d \\ l''ll !Jl' :-hO\.\ltlg I{," "<•.I!'> \Verner But· I-.. pr1~l ue'-·r 'l'hc shov.•'s hackpa('k 1ng :1n!I <·a in ping :-t·c·l1nn 11 111 rt'.'>Cmhle .1 d 1·p:1rt1nl'lll :-ltirl' 11 !!h kn1\1.·~ !Jacks. f1r -.t :1ul l-.11 -,, c:IL111h1n g rupt' ... gl111 ""· (',q•'>. ~\\1 •.d1•r .. p :1n1 -. 1.1t·l-.1·1-. rf11r 1·11•r1 rrlt'tnbt·r uf t!u• \;1rndy fro111 f, ll·.tr" ~dd oil 1111 1 cnn1p:i-."t'" f1;1:-hl1ght., .ind d1·h1dr:ilt·d f1111d:- •1f1 •1'1•r) l-.1nd 11 j., ;d -.1) .1 liutl,11)1 :1 fn1 f1 ~ h~·1'tl1t•n. 11 1th .di l-.1ncl s uf l't•t..1 -.. !ur1·:-., rt•t·I~ ;111d !.i('kli• oil d1 ., 11la1 , plu.., 111lil1t·1· lii111t.., :111d t a1·).. ll' box1•s. l lu 11r :-11 p 1·1i .it r111t111 1111 111 •1·k t•n rf ., ,1 11 d ~ p rn on "'"l·kcl ;1ys I ,,. Boy Solves Yule Ricldle I.I),..; 1\:'\(;l<l.l•:,o.; 1 \/1 1 '\11H· ll',!I tdtl .J11h11 l.,l lil1·1 ll:L:-!l'l Ill r111 1·d but 1l;. 1.·.-.c u 1ng l1r{'11 1('11 li 1•lpt•d ih1• h•I) ;lltJld :1 11;11"]'1!\\' 11r1 t~h 1t· i I h <I i~t I I 11:-.1011 n1ent. ' Ready To Go .h1h11 l .;1 11 ll',\ h'-·C':11nt· ~tuck i n :1 t1l'1gld101·':-ch11n1H'.\' during :tn t •I lor1 111 l'l'l'rt·:1t1· tht· 1<1ll_,. old :-.11t1l ·s jnu1·n t•Y uf ;1 f,.,, ni g ht!'> •·:1rl1t"r. V11·1·n1l'tl pull l·d John out 111th 1 11 1]~ ;1 Jt•\1• ~l"r;qu.:s :111 r! lol -; ••! .,,nit to sh o11· f'o i· h 1~ .1ournL'y. Hut .Jo hn \\':1s 1·u r1ou:-.. If .1 l1L1I • h<11 1·:1 n g1.·I. .-,L11ck in ;1 l'h1n11 11'_1'. 110 11 dot's :1 r ulund Sa11ta n1 .1k1 · 11 tLP ,ind (\1~11 n ltic chi n1nvy. h:ristof1·r l\1·1ncl l'r . Iii nui11\ll -11l d !'l\Hl tif l hl' ski s ('h o<>I i 11- ~1ru ct or .and dir1·1·t11r ~II f\'n rrhsl~t r . 1 .~ik1· 'l';ihot..>, re~ili zc., he h ;1 s S()Ol t ' bi g llt)u ts to f ill 1f Il e 1s go ing to gel oul of "'~llO\\fl hf\\ ing " ;ind inlo p :1r;i lll·I ~k11ng . 1-\r i ~ t·:1n 'L r1·;1 d !he si gn IH .. •h111 d h 11n. l 11tt lu·'s oh\ 1ous l \· r1•:1dy f11r lt·ssol\!'> f t '!'> n1:1gl1·. t.'X pl ai n l·tf !ht· t 1rt•n1t•n . ,\nd 11 11nl~ 1\11rk!'> on 1 ·1ir1~t n1a s RIDDLES and JOKES Birth R ecord Set \\'l l\'S'I'()'\. ()re t ,1\P; ,\ * l"llt•t•l;1 h h;i-.; i:11·1·n h1rlh !o :-1~ 4·uh ... :it \\'ntltl \\lldlil\' :-i:d,tri 1a Sot!llle1·n <Jr<·J.!On. and off1t·1;t1~ ~.•.\ 1\ 's :1 1'1•c11rd fur ('lit•cl;.d 1 li1r1h..; 111 1"apt111t.1·. '!'ht· t'llh:-, ol Prize Winner 1. .. pr1n).! uf n1otht•J" ·r r1;1n :111el {.1lht.!I h:l"ll).!('I" \\'t'l'I' f)q1 11 l "hr1:-.trn:i:-. l·:1l· world scope (10 poi11t1 fOJ uch quntion answer9d ConwcilJ) 1 Richard M Ni-on becarne the l1r st U.S President !u 1t·~1gn hon1 o111ce True or false> 2 \\'t1"11 ht> r.io... ulr1C<', President f ord dt-1l.:trt:'d 1n1Ja1111n 1/1(' ndt1on·s too do1nes!1c probk·n1 Liu! 111 Noven1he1 he ac l...nowledged r~1~· u ~ 1.,<1 r11ov111g 11110 0 3 P1p'>1d1•nl f 11rd ( t l(l' ·l' N1'ison Rocl-.e t.>111'' I .l l •l'' (\ )1 I T1\11 ll<t!l.il1 <, •• V11.P Pi.i ,.,j,.,11 d JJrd ti 4 l ' as111 4 1111' llvrt1tit.r<1tr, Prirly::, nlti/Ord y 1n 1.0111 11011-,e-. 11t Con1:ie~" Wil" (CHOOSt !)NE 1l1•Cr1·0·,l·d. lrlLrf'dO.C'dl 1n Hit• Novem l•l'r t•l1•1.l1nn., S Although th1· Plll w<i~ t'11dors ... d by I\· ab nr111ons ,1nd granted Un1!ed Nation:. nbservPr o,!,1rus. ISrJe! refused to nego 11~te with 11 ove, cl1sputec1 border lerr 1 !Ory Whcl! do th<> 1n111als 'PLO' <.!and 101' newsname (10 points ii you can identifJ this 1>9r1on in lhtr new1) I he<1d an i111ern.1t1on,1I orgiin1 lat1on whu..11. 1n 1974. st ationed peace· i..c>eµ1ng forces 1n the M1C1(>.'IS! and on Cypru::. Mv 0rR.1n11;it1 on al so <,~unsor~d ,1 wodrl r rin tt>r('nre 011 thp 1:row1ng nrn!1lt'1n u1 tond -,hor 1 I f('~ Wt 10 ,till 11 matchwords (4 polntl for uc:h COfTeci mllCh) I . eternal .a b11ef, 1nomentary 2 <1nnudl b every lwo years 3 sen11<1nnual c yearly • r>pll~rrier tt! d twice a year 5 b1~11n1<1 f e IJ!t!1ng, t1n1eless 1\()1~: \\ ll:H 1 ~ .1 1·a tt..·r1)illar' 1\11 .1.: I <1 1111 ·1 k1101\. \\'hat " l\<•l\: /\n 11 phul:-.lt·r1·d \1or n1 . 111 :utditio11 lo l11·i11 ;.: a f:11nil.1 fun fo'al11 r1" ·r1 11·: (ll'IZ i.., au it1l1 ·:.:ral p;1rt of thP i11-1·l ;1~ .. r1111111 111·\\:-pru~ra1n prt•s ent1•d ju t)r:in ).!.f' l 'ua .. t :..1rP;1 ~1·1!0111.., :1., ·a puhlic· s1·r1·i(·1· h.1 thl' l)aily l'ilol. 11,.,, .... ,, ;opp~"' !up"oe <1nwnl belD"' <I"" • news picture ( 10 paint' i' you answer rtlic queclion conec1!yl \•J11111\n·1 1i•I l ,r l 1 .. · .1tl •t' tl1•' n,i!1·1••, JSth Pre<,•clcnt on I 1,.: 11., by sportlight (2 po1nt1 tor each question answered correctly) M11t1 11r y1 It• 11.111«!t•v1I lvt>I Kn+evel succeeded 1n an 1'\•"l'J11 t11 .. ,, h1·, 'Skyryrlt' X 2" across Ida ho's .11,1 lq• H1v•'' ( .111 {1!1' !rut' or F<1l se' 2 8 .1 .. •1,,111 "llP1'1 1.11 Hank Aaron broke the long- .. t,11 1d1111: 11· n1r l ""I Iii/ 13..ibe Ruth tor 1110::.t (CHOOSE i JN[ :~l 1Jit '11 l1.1 .1·" h11111•• run'.>) on d c;irei'r. 3 Wl 1t'1• 11, 1•1,,'-1111,·, .. 11 111 bf' IQ75 l1el d manager of the ( 1t•v,~l.11ii! l11d1,p1, hr-r.11ne !h•~ first black rnanager 111 1'1,1101 11 '<)/'llt ' l1i1~•·t• 1ll l11 <trirv +fr.ink Rnhu)'•"I !' ~Villi" r.l.11 hilu1 Hrp, ~.111;to11 4 . t(•gf!1ni;>d 1111:' wr,irld heavywetght bo•1ng title wl1{"11 lit' d1·thrunt'd Gt•Or~e Foreman 1n <1 bout 1n Zaire. 5 Pio ch.1mp1on 131!11(' Je<1n King was a 'Star tor !he Phdi1dptph1a fr t~rdom<. 1n the newly formed WTT league. Wh,1t do \he lertl'r" ·w11· "'.itand tor 1 roundtable family dl1eu1sion (no Kort) Wl1r.:1n wnu1c! vou n.11111' '!vl,111 ru Wom1tn nl !he Year" for 1r'l!'1 .. ind w)iy1 YOUR SCORE: 91to100 poinll -TOP SCORE! 81to90 point1 -E1cell"nt. 71 lo BO po1n11 -Good 6J to 70 po1nll -r • ., 1230 74 • VEC, Inc., Madison, Wi1eoo1in .. Q·S '.l?·io '.p -t '.-:>-l :a-l :soHOMH'.:>.lYW s1uuai. weai. PIJOM-S : !IV pewwv4nw w1a4p1 eM IJO)I 1eJau.:J9-AJe1aJ'l."JS N n : 3 WYNSM3N : SU nJ awo4-i : as1e.;:1 -1 : .1.H!> ,,.1.ltOdS UO!IE'7 !UPfiJQ 00!\PJaQ!, <IU!\'i;)1 ed-S '. paseilJ:>U! J~Jn9 ·3uaJJf!M =~lt n.1.'.:>ldSM3 N -t 'Q t 'UOl'i<;<t ::Hl J ·l :anJ _l -l '3d 0 '.:>SQ,110M ,- -· ., • l ' • • • • • ! I ' .1 ' ;,,, 1)1 !)All V PILOT TUMBLEWEEDS WHA'f'S well\ HURRY, Pl!!CIOUS? Satu1d•y. January"· 1975' YOU'RE NOT "t!IN6 V!iRY 6EN11.EMANLY! ~-::·:·---=-=--::··..:-:.·:..~::==::~::1 -:t"X"~.,-;-6 FUNKY WINKERBEAN by Tom K. Ryon THIS IS NO WAY TO 1llEAT THE 61RL You'RE 601N6' TO llE PRA66f!P 'lt>1l!f: >---~ ALTAR IW! by Tom Batiuck • --- DOOLEY'S WORLD DR. SMOCK GORDO DAD 1001( lt.::i -ro ;.. R! ~1 ,\Ui..'.AN I "1(1fo.Jl (.,H l OH, J 'M N C'"f" A PAl1eN-r 1i-H::£t: WAS SON\£ CHE£Sf. l1:FI OVER SO r 0f.::OU6~rr '(Dtl A COUl'L[ OF rtcCES >.-, • By Rodger Bradfield A 1·..:uc f llll:.NO ALWAVS ~1N6S HOM! A MOU51 l t-\1\G by George Lemont "$.'M. A CHOR US BOY F ~OM A ROADSl-1 0 W COMPANY OF / -fH IS H OSP11'Al.- ( ~A S M O R (3. YO-YOS l HA t-J A 1'0V Si"OR ES .1 '•PAJAMA G A Mf::".' ~-. .$""--...: " \ J J ' by Gus Arriola 1tlrll¥<, WILD WORlD OF &PORT& 1l\KE5 YOIJ TO 1\1E NATIONAL TRUCK R IE.HT NOW WE'RE l>l 1\1E &EMl·FINAlS I llll fj K Ae.0UT IT, KlLKo I oH, WME: ON+ INOU::NCIA ! DRl~ER5 ' l<DDEO /· ..... ... . ···. .. .-.":·-: :-:, ·.• •'; . FIGMENTS NANCY REMOVE YOUR CAP BEFORE COMIN G INTO MY f;1 0 USE BECAUSE IT 5 POLITE TO TAK E OFF YOUR CAP BEFORE COMING INTO I A HOUSE? TODAY'S CBDSSWDRD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Foremo$fs partne< ti Reduc1r"s concar11 10 Pre1ud1ct 14 0 1 a 8111i~h Isle SO Foo1balle1 StJ" 52 Unc•v•1 53 New Yo1I. 111eatcr 'la•m,·nt "il · 01e· mtll" US • h() H•11h Sp•t11~ fi} U11.ir 15 8$ke•v worke• 16 Pay UP 17 Love1 of 50hr.1dr 18 Lega!m~" 4'.-'I Shade of ~olo1 fi!> 'I (".UU>UI !•di ~'9;,tt-trn- 20 Goal \1(, f rn,<h~ft ~ [ N 1 :>I lmpetuor.ol'f' t,ol Yil'f11tlo •c•lv ( " ' s p ( ! 23 A1.1toadO•f1 68 \:hcti ·,.,, men! ln!orma! grow1f1 2• County o• 69 So1.1a1·<1 .s1ate even1 DO'.VN 25 Ci1hto<n1a 11ver ! Hand !ool 2ti H1.1nte• 2 Metat JO Lar>d m11s J 01.11c• J.t H•v•og lea)! covc11 no pollulton ' Con•oa•~ 19 Bnv ~ n•1 •ndmr ?7 "'"tin! riow :4 l\1110 '(1"1 )'> Uo Ol'l'fll~wl'l!I :~ We.1ron ; ' .n91e!l•C'n1' ,~7 f'Pll oft 4'J (("11J<nPI\. 'ii 5,1oplyl'o11h new WC'''"" '13 Ve!~ JS 01.1otat1ons oo•f11 J1 ''Rah''1n <; Men•c•no 17 Tt11nr. o<ot>lem statem!'<il$ 18 Sa11.•ti.1e p~lh S4 loos1oe11 Spa on 38 German 1+ve• 39 Q.,e,acl "I Budapest 11re.t -'Z •• --w~~ $av\rlg .. •l Foorb!ln field .. Ribber 46 Apply new , paving 48 Motion •PPJOV8t5' 6 Re!lcve o t Z9 Owell1n11 :0:0 Hoqh·N~V ~1111' weapon~ J1 B•l•n11 •nsf>rl ~ Cl1p w1thou>e1 7 Image 32 l ee siroo.e~ 8 Fish Negro 11011 siar ">7 Conl'v 15 t•P.lt g A momen! JJ Eve sl'c•etonns ~ Maoe It'll' ll•Q 10 Stotch Y0Uf1<;j 36 H1yhwav S1Qf1 Sl'fVf! 'un~ 40 Mur~v 5!I l\r TrP~~ 11 Pr11oosi11on atmosohere l~marr 1<> f'art1dl' •1 Commantl"d Iii leachernl 13 Bccomr. •3 f..1onaco Sam .. el l . , 6 . " 7 ' 9 0 11) II 11 1~ " ,, 2& 21 11 " JI •• ., • '' 1:> " I " 21 12 t " - .. )I " " J! !-1 ll " J1 I, by Dale Hole ; ' TH~ HOUSE: '"' $POl1-~'=>5~ WP.,L.K ,.0 ,.HE Pl...At.A Wl!H ME:f AFiE'I<!' • A ce ... a--.J '"' MOON MULLINS WHA"T'S THAT COMMOTION IN "THE kl TC HEON? ,..----..__ .. ~-~RD N~~4 ANIMAL CRACKERS by Ernie Bushmiller THERE' I'VE FINISHED T>4E LA'Of P,C TURE IN I ~COLORING BOOK. SI.SH ... THIS BOOK REPRESENTS A LOT OF HAPP1NESS AND ENuo<.'tiiEl<T r , - ~-- PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH !ltA, Yo.A wrz1re: A COLLAMN FOJt THE' PAPE.Ir .. DICK TRACY WHILE WE0RE WA/TIN<:; FOR TAACY. TELL ME.TOOTS. DO YOU KNOW DANNY THE INFORMER? -DO YOU GET LE.TT!R'~ F~OM YOU.(' -'~DER'S? 0 0 by Charles M. Schult ,---=,.-co---~ g,~1§;(/).~ iS'l':l©&:JiP tr~ '\ -J --.:::i- YE~, ! DO. T~E. EJfSf . K!N0-5-OF LETTfft'-S A-'E 1~E LONG, &LOWING KIND, mt Ti.1f ~HOlt:'T, 51MPLE, ''YOtA 'lfE. Tl-If GtfATE,T" T'IPE ... OH, l'M SO FRIGHTENED? BRAIN WONT REST" UNT"I L l'M DEAD. Q£fu:it,, ~0~¢«s <I ~ ~- t tiKrn::'EOZ l..(.\.J -E :)) ':"k.l.~. -) . I ' _! I - by Harold Le Doux by Mell ! OON •r &ET E ITMER' KIND. by Chester Gould l'LL GIVE 'YOU A TIP, HE ISN'T" GOIN(; TO L.IVE THJn' LONG! 'COURSE , T~ERE Wl?RE TlMES WHEN I BECAME Ml6R<,I A!ID WE~T Q)T&IDE OF' T,<E. Ul-IE5 ··· ' 4 i\t, by Rodger Ballen I euE S S WE. Uo<e TC ONL<i i<E'MEMBER T><EGCOD Dl>6ES IN CVR COL01<1'1G BOO:S 0 0 ~ .__ _____ _, THE GIRLS , .. "0 1d I C\rf m;il..c a v.onc1crful dl\covrry loday-withoul my i;:la,,c, 1hc number' on m} hathroom 'calc arc a comp lete blur!" • ' f ' .. I l ' J DENNIS THE MENACE . I '11 I 'I '\, : ! ' 111 '\ ' 'THERE~ !IO PUAS1N· sa.'t PEm.E ... I OOT MY HANDS N ICf All' CLE.4N .. ~ IC'lW SHE'S '(EU.JN' ,l(;()IJT "!HE TGJ/El , • ( " ' h ( ti " " ' g I' I ,. " I (" I ,, ,. ,., .. .. " I. I" ,, " A " ,., " I• " " I< ,. I ' ' ,, /1 ti I I I • Plants H u n ger Als o Plants, like people, get hungry and need to be ft·d. H owever, they can 't lt·ll you of their hunger ;u1d by the tim e they s how you, ~Y yellowing ;1nd droo pinJ( foli age they have los t a loL 0 f val u ab l _e J:rowl n g (•nergy. With the µroper f{'cding, )'our plants will show ~he Yrorld what a ~ood. gardener you otre . rh_e 1r h ea lthy. lush foliage w ill bra.I-! (•f vour ALL AM E R ICAN S 1-:arden in g talents . · 'l'ht• IH75 1\ll-/\n1L'ri <::1 Like humans, p lants l ~osc Sclel'tions \\'ill ha\'e ba~i<· f ood groups flt• r s a I' l' ~I\' ;11 l ;i h I<.• fro n1 voh 1ch lhl·y deti\c tl(1\\' during lht• li:ir1 · !hi.! nutrients n£>eded for r 11 o I s c ;i :-, t) 11 , i.:ood growth. 'l'he th ree ''()rt•gn l d '', tl\\':irtl-. 111;-icronutrients most, . ..,_ · I' I · ., ,,·1nn1ng ,.~, 1r1d 'J't·;1 ~l~~~~~ r~~e~~/I~'r~~~~~ :.{1:ci.~.~: I ~ IJ i'· tu l't..·tl phos phr ous, and potassium -chcn1ic<tl\v ----------- ~frrred ·~ "' N . P , """ Weeke11d S. Coast Gar dening G arde n e r s Ch eck list To M eet 'J'h e So uth (~11ast t;arden Club "'ill rr1eet at t hl.' Thr<'e /\rrh f~ay ('J11bhousc <.it J ·JCJ p.rn . \\'etlncsdav. Featurc_r{! s pcakt·r \\•ill he !\Jinnic S urlt:s. p :1rk!-. ,. om m is s i on L' r ;1 n d rnember o f th i' San .Juan l 'H pistri.l nO lli s turiral !)o('iety. Sht• Viii! Sp (•ak o n •·1··1\t' f>ione(•r \\'omen '' rl'latinJ.! s loriC's from H; •. I ;1 ;1 ti o u l S p a n i s h 1t·1·1tHgl' ;ind ! he llC'('d for prc:-.l'r\'1nJ.! this his toric lrt.':ISlll'l' · · !\I l' n1 Ii t' r s "' 1 l I 1·1·lt·hrat1· ··1•011ndt'r .. s 1\11nt\t•r :-.;ir_\ ·· f r n n1 1~33 "'hf'/1 lhc• 1·lt1h \\'""start· 1·d l /nnored )..!tH '!-.I." 1.1.tll inelullt..· l>r l'lnr1dt• l·'ro:-.t l•f l .ns (ls o.-.. pr1·..,11h·11l 1n 1!1-IH, l\1r·s l{1 f'h :1 r<l l ~tt•" l•f '.\l c·,11·u . and i\lr-. f{11h1·rt c:r1ig;1n fr11n1 S:in !'/t•IJlt'll!<'. Jlf"t':>il ill•fll 111 I !.HiO ·•i ! . r-.1 r :-. It obcrl ~r11 1th , t·urrt•n1 prPSt dl·n t. "~'~ ~d:-o Pl'l'~idi·nt (n 1952 5:1 !·'or <1dd1t1 11n;1I 1n forn1ation , <·:i ll l\-1r :- i\ldt·n !{us ... , 49'.J 424.1 e W :1t er l av.•n s i f .J :1 nuar v r:.i in s ;1rc <Jb~C'nl . 1\1.o w reg ularl.v; appl \ PT"l'·ent £'rgc nt.>c.· t·ontro ls fnr t·r;1hJ.!ra ... ~ and ot ht·r \\ ccd s 1111w . e i'lanl :1rti<:h1ikt•s , 1·ant• IJ1·rr 1l·~. a s p t1r:1gu ..... rhuhoir b :1n<l s t r;1wh1·1· rit·s now. l\'ur ser it·s h tt\(' a l11i.:. selection to c lioo!-.e from . e Don't forget lo wate r J:ift plants rt'ccivf'rl :it Ch ristmastim e ~ -kC'ep rnoist, hut nol s tanding in "·~t cr e l\'ot too latc f o r pl ;111t 1n;.: :1 nn11.:1I:-. for 1n jf1 .,,·intt·r color Top l'hoict•S 1n<·ll1dc pansit•s , 11 1ol;1-.. 1•;i!t·11d11!;1 s pr1n1ul:1-.. ;ind 11·1·l.11HI pOpp)1'S • ,J.1 1111 .11 .\ !>1~11.tl-.. tl~i' ~l .1 rl of t h<' bart..• rufil s t•a sou . '' hi c·ll n1c·an!':, 11urs er1('~ v.·ill h:.ivc lhC'1r l<irgC>:-.l selection of the St"<ir of rost·s. f r uit t rec.s. flu"'·t•r i n g :ind :-.h a<l c tr1·1..•s S hop 1·:1rly to oh· t:u n th(' var1l'l \t·s you d e· SIT(' A Yiew fl Olll If you're Jikr !lit< 111(· re-.\ o r u s. ,\1111'r • 11rr1bably 1n lt1t• 11\l d:-l or ;1 poSl·hnluJ;1y c·lt•;111 up :ind rct·ovrr:--'!'ht' r:.un-.. ;1nd \o,lll d S o( l'l't'l'll\ tl <t\~ • h:1ve ll'fl :1 rt•.11 1111•-.-.. 111 )nur J.!.1 r<1.·11 ur p .1l111 .111(1 ..., rlh !he ('old v. •·.tlht•r yuu n1c1\ :llri-.1d\ \Jo • for).!<'11111 ~ !ht• rl':-.t•l11 l1on-. .... .-rn .icl•' la.st ...,l't'I; '-''••!I . I 1111r of 111Jr g11,\l!> 111 ttu.-. \o,e·c~I) 1•11ltnn11 1..; \11 kt'l'll rt·n11 od11\J.! \011 of \1111r I rt·:-0 1\11 Hin:. · .111.t I f'l llng )OU .. hou! lhr· p/;1111 s, proch1(•ts l-11111 ~H·oplc ut HOJ.!er '.s (;;1rdcns lh;11 1·:1n h{'lp ynu kl'C-P tht·n1 Plo•ts -l'an s 11•s and \'rOli!S ar e Oor;1I cnus1n:- th;i t r ank amoni,: the fa\·or ill'f; of j.!;1r1l1'fl1•r :-. 1•\·1·r y v.•h(•rt• 1':1n ~11·:­ l1lnon\ 1n l'itht•r ..;olid 11r n11>.l'(I f ulrir . .,, hur ;1/'1' hl's l kdowll f11r I h1·1r <'O m h i n 1111on..; of ('olnr ~hat fl'8' uri· :1 t•:tl '.s. rael' 10 thr 1·cnl.cr . Violas Ji:t•nerall • show :i s1nJ{IC t•nl or ye ll o "'· blu l'. apri c t . rub~· :11111 "''hit<'-nd h;1vc .o;m ullcr 00W('fS ()fft•rin l( CV('I\ smalll'r n o wc rs, hul in 1<rt•alc r profusion, ;irt' th(' K i j! llr n r y and .J11hnny ump l ip viol;is. Both s pcr.ies p refer· more t an holf ;1 d11~··s su n. rir ;incl \011m y soil that rlr in!( well and a slrndv d il'l or Ho,1!1•r '.s Fl oV.• r l"hO d . I f prol cl'l d rron1 aphids a nd s ai ls and k e pt .,..·ell ·~r omed, pans ies a nd vi'?1a s w lll bloom form n o w until th e weath e r turns consistent ly hot. Whe n pan15i c s and violas are fir.st planted, they are 11 usccptlble to "damping of(," a fungus condJUon. Thl11 problem ca o gen e ral l y b e pr evented hy addinP: a r un!'i c id e -w e recommend Me tro w\lh De•on -lo th e Nnil at planting time. 24741 Chrisanla J)r. Mih lon Viejo, CA. 92675 714 837·7tl11 1';1n~t1·..; :nHt 11ola:-. ;ire i·x1·1·ll 1•11t ,·nnt:11n 1·r pl:.inl!> lhal ...,Ill thri1\· 1n p (1 I :-. ;1 H d h ;1 !I j' L t\ g ha.,k1•I :-. \I,,. ;1 t Uu.:1•1 .., l ;.1rde ns pl:1nt pan -..1t· ... .1111! \IOJ<t' Ill 111;111\ uJ PIH p••I -. ;ond l1,1~kt•l .., ;111d tlto·v 1·a11 h1' ,.,,.,.!\ Hl rull hloon1 ;it tt11 s t1nH' Proditcli (1111' nr !<i"I "'t'rk ~.r1·:-r.h1!ir111-.. 11 ,1., !•1 :-.pr:1\ our ).!;1r1ten 11n1·1· .t rnon!h 1n u r d1•r t o pr1·\1·nl 111f1·-.t 111 .. 11s 11f un .... .111!1 •d 111 ·.1·1 '"'· "Ul"h ;is ;q 1h11J ,, ...,/111'h n 1;1 _v alre;HI) lie h<"g1nn1n i,! 111 ;1pr(';1r S11r :1y1ni,! j'lHI l1t· a II u I\ fl I 1· ;1 ·" .'I n I c horL'-unl1·:-s ~tlll 11:-i· a c;11 n111ur Air l• ,\1 :1!1 « Spray{'r \\11th a <:dn1our thl'rt· 1-.. nn prP m1x1 ng. 1111 "'HS \(•, no f1n i,.:('r 0\·1·r ·<1 -holc·m ess :tnd 11 0 fl1 l!-d irl'('f inn or spray. Spr:1}1ng i5 nf'al, t'ilSY ;1nd lH'('Urate. \Vt• ~l'OC'rally d cmnnslr<t lt• the u.sr of " (;iln1our at ou r d ;1i l y h;1 ~kt'I 1·011strul'l1o n 1·Jass . .!>O if you 'v{' h:1d ii '4'ilh your presf'nt (°(jlJipm enl . CU/l1f' on in ~ind :-el' u Gilm(>Ur in ac1io 11 ;11111 f1ud Piil how cu.sy pr1·vPtl1a1 1ve mainlt>nant.:(· l ';Jn he Pttipll' · l)l'Jnnn.-.;Jr;ifing th1• 1;dm o ur S pra y er tncla y will hi' !h t• a:-sistanl m:in:ig t•r of our t\lt>!'i:t de l 1\1 ar :-tort· nn F;11rv icw H 0;1d. i\1 11rshall ·rtin111p.s un \\'h en wt• open !ht'· nc "'· stor c-in Ncwporl l\f'ath. ~1arshall v.·ill ('ontinut" on at h1esn dC'I fl.1ar and he promises a continuation of RoRcr's pcrsonali1ed service. Ma rsh all w<int.c; you t o know that his f a voril<' planl is a n Ar alia Sicboldi\, and ir you want to knnw whul that is, you 'll have lo ask him. 1'1'ol\lo ~ '°' OJl"n'1l~1 11'i-llm• "'"" .... !I'll& •••II o"CI ,., l><>IH' )'!>U'll k .. 11 IOI' '" •1oln n••I -..eo~ ~ h•n "'"II .. I~ 1bno1l •n1111lro1an•. Th•t ~ ll ond Jolvl OIC'•••••e 2221 Fa1rv1ew Hcl . Costa ~fesa , CA 92f>Z7 71-t 842·8686 Sa1urday. January 4, 197!» DAILY PILOT A 9' Brighten Home Fuchsia Society To Meet On Winter Day ..,o..o, .ca o•••i«:: ~°""'°n' -ta I"• ,,..,.·-10 l!•~~••e lo• pl•t\t•f'\I ti>• I"• ..,<><Id• O••I ao.I _l,..Rl'ttlYOfl"'" C..Oon ""'""" ,..,. W-.•an~ BU)' ""' -..,, _.. ~ .. ""' t>el'llt< ~"""''" •• ~ .. ·-"" ..... aio•• .... -• "' .... "'-"' io.<>-l'I 00 • ··~· ail) 00 a tu'1 W• ~... l lw> t.0•"1 . .-..I U o IOllO<\g --'l'-... ""• ol 1anr..,.,., • ..,.,., !on1.:,t CV..,,.,."', .....-..111,.. "'""' lu0.•"9'" C:O.:.<\I~ • °"'" '"°'m 1..,,,. ..-~1 ~1..., - in~s v. JI/ bt..• _;1ppl'1'l.'.l<tll'd by lht..• pl ;111I . C~ff1 ('t•r -..11( t lH· ("11'>1 ~1 J\l \•s,1 flay C'1t1t·s l·\1t·h ..,1.1 Sut'1t'f\ 11111h1·10 :-.talll•<I .1;111 JJ .~1 · \·1·tl·r,1n ':- :\l1·n1uri.d ILdl !,i;;, \\' lklh SI ("11-.ta '.\J ,-..... 1 •• ,, ... .._.... ••trT• ..... ..... ,, ... ,,J 0,.0•, ... l.>o-W_ ........ Tht•re's n ol h ing like: a no"'f'T · ing rJ;1nl In t1ri g hlt..•fl Uj) iruJoul' l'OH ll1 !; Ull .. V.'111\L'l .. S d ay, <.in<l the f'h 0 11·e 11f hl oo min).: p l;.inl m:i!l'ri<d ;1t th is lt/ll(' ur y1•:11· .... 1..·x1·l'pt ion.a I. (Int• of !he nios l t..•x t•ilini.: a r . ri \ ;ds u n lhL· pl .1nl !)l..'t..•nc J!i t he H11 ·i.:1·1· l\l•gon ia . It p11rfnrn1s a d - nnr.dil\ 1nd1111r-. anti r;1n bt• lr1·a1 t•d :1:-. r1 hou!)c: pl;1nt. r"\llr;1tll\'1· fuliagl;' is th."t"11ralt'd h.\ :.lightly 1·upp1·tl , s 1l vcr d 6 ll <•r :-.11.,• fli1uer~. this prnn1is1 11g pl;111t hl1111n1s n10.-..t profu:-.t•\y in tin· \\ 111tl·r n1onth ..... 1~10.,::,0111 1"0\n1 " r;1ngt· l'ro11"1 1·ed , s;dn11111 ;ind pink l 111·r1·;1n1. ('Jl\'R S/\:'1Tllt:~1l l,'t1 S ~re <il\\;1vs ;1\·;iil~1b l1 · in bl()o n1 111 t:;1li f()f!l1a ;11HI \.\Ith !>lll:h ;,1 \\ldt: r arig o• of 1•ol1 •r s. 111 ;,1t l'h111g ,\11ur dl"<'or I" .1 .P•V lll"lll'~HI or ;1 <·hor'l' \ 1 ,I r L! •• r I' t '['.I ~ l 11 r . "\ • .t I 0 II ;II '=========================~ t··u('h-..1.1 :-;01·11 •!\' l+ffH't'I'. \\ill in.II '!'hough fr nst ·ll'nd1·r . lti('i,.:1·1 .. ., H1·go111.:i 1·;111 hl' 1.\ant<\I 111 lhl' su1r11n1·r -.tladr• g;ir<if·n, \\hf'rt· jr.., {'Olor s ht1\\ \\ 111 ;1 dd 1..·llL·t•r In thi· ~1 1r1ou 1111d1n i.:-... l1 ul11or-.., pr11\·ic!1.· pJ1•11t \ of 111-:hl :1 :-IS ;1 l'l'(jUlrt.•· n11·n 1 f11r ,i lly i11d1u1r foll;.1i.:o.: pl:1nr t\1'l'I) 1nni-,t.. h ul nnt stand· 1ng 111 '' :it(:r . Lig hl tnflnlhl.\· feed '/'/11· th rill\ J.!al'dl'llt•r \\ill ll"-t' ltu· f1 \1· pl,1111 ... 111 1111· '.\!11111 put to p l'fl\ 1dt• ('11lor in llil' fall i.:.~rd1·n ;1ff l'r' th•· fl o\\ 1·r ~ ;1r•· ~pt•r1I in d f)l)f"-... l 't1I h<Ll'k 1'.H'h p);111! Iii .i bu11t "t\ ltl\'!11·.., :ttld p!;111\ t1·1\·tn Lll -..llllll\' l l1t·~1 !Jll/l " \V1n tl'r d.1\S c·;1 11 111 • hlt•ssl·d h v thr hr1 !.!hl fin\\ 1•1.., of l 'vt•\;u111•;1 ,1v;n l:.td,· 111 \ .1r111u~ Sli'L'" (If lllll''i 1'r\· ('C)tll:111ll'I''>, !\J ;11l \ 11 t1r-..1·r1 1·.., \\ill 1\:1,t· pot :. ,;r 1·y1·!;in11·11 :dr1.,1d\ 111 llO\\'t·r th1• hl1101n -> r1·~··nll1l1· h11l\1·rflic.;, r1 :-.111g :11111\t' 1h1· 11jil11·a1JI,· ro11n<lL•1 I l o •,1\'1'~ 'l'lh·\ 1)1·0\11lt• ;, "lll'l'l'SSJOll 11f 1·11),,r 1or \1 t'!'k". Jn !ht• proli·<•lt·d ~h ;u!v 1;;1 rth·11 th1·v ;1r1• :1 {'onl "l';1-..011 s 1·11 ... :11 in11 . · .-..t.dl I h t• folln1\·J11 i.: 1·!\·1·tl·d o f 11 l t'r' l li ,1111• i'.ul..1·rr11:1n, pr1·..,11h·nt . J1.111! /\1'.t·,ll'r \It'(' J'l-l'"ldt•fll l .v 11"11· l • .iur. 11·1•o rd1n ~: 'l'('l<'t ;1r\, St11 • l-.:1•1·l 111g , t'OI ll·-..r 11111dir1e· "t•1·r1·lar\ ·. \\'llli.1111 lt lH1to11. r1 ,1t 1un.1l 1t·prl"'-<"nl:1l1\1·: ll<1h 1·1 r H ;1 l-.1·r , ;1l1t·r11 ;1\1· 1·1·pr1·-.. .. nt .1 l1\'t" .iritl Sl·Ot\ l.t·rnnn-.. p .1~1 pr'o·..;u lt·nt .\pp!Jll\tl'd ,I ., \'Ulll!!1lll1 •(• l'h;111·n1.111 :1 1·,. lt 11 l11 •r! ll.d,1·r. l10•·tt1· l\ro11 -..t,111. l !1·h•1 1 (·,i..;I.,"\ Bto;i1 r 11 · ( • [ )t' u ( ..,t' h rn .111, I 'h ;i rlt :..,· l .111dv11h•·r :.:•·r . S111:1 r1 t'11r··· l.u ... <•11.i l\hnl1111 . 1;l;id\" l .. 1111 h·n hl·r l'I' l ,;111r,1 'l'r.11111•1 . \J ,11 \ \\,II'\\ H·I.. I·'.\ .1 \\ 11·!-.-. -.,\ 111:1 \\uod . \\'ill1:1111 \\'.1 l '>1ltl, .<111d .\l.11 •·1 11:1 \·,111 Ii 1p1•r . January Sale ALL FALL CLOTHES l/3 to OFF 341 b Via Oporto ( 71·1) ()75-032 1 l\tonday lhru Snturd:1y ~JO until ~1.JOo'clo..·k This is one of the three times each year that you can purchase famous Danica contemporary classics at greatly reduced prices. ~" 'I. ' . . ' :• \, • ' 'J 1 .. I l ~/ j Everything o solo i.hovld be Shown in o whe~11 1 olor t'londwoven Indian COiio n (<.Jlso ovoiloble 111 u ""1dc: selection of fobr, c;) J 'Jt..·ol-Regu\01 5699. Sole $399 ? ~ ... •o !-Regular SS56. Sole $329 --.. --=----..,-~--:...,.;....~ -= I ,\ ~ ---J L:-=.~~.,~~~ :j ---~--,~-'· r;:--~--~-=-. L -· · -r · __... Ii r----.. ------ Comforl in Corduroy .. George Kol;Ocs Floor lamp The ult1mote 1n clo5s1col ::.1mpl1•1ty. 57" high ond rn ~•ock 1n chrome and in o variety o f colors Sole $29 er two for $55 Limo.11 Choir A per lrc! plo{'C ro ~ludy Ava1lobl'° 111 teak •l7"1io:'24"d x78"h Regular S 149 00 Sale $99.00 A beautiful place tG snuggle Cnntrn1porory design w11h !hi:> warmth r,t hond !11 115hed wood . rro in Denmark. Hr·odboord -Teok King S1ze -Sl 19 O uccn S11c -$ 99 Nigh! Stand-SI 19 Double Dresser -$299 Armoirc-$399 Also ovoiloblc in Rosewood al h igher pri ces. Dinne r with the parson (' 1 .. l\Njj ,.,, !hi' Jl.'11 J I f'Ol/1cr ..,f1ng orn1o;. chromo • Exciting Donish Rya Rugs l1k•' th" o ne shown ore olsu on sole-. Ava.Jobie in o vo:;! vor1cly o l colors. sizes ond price:;. W11rrl", WV<Xly ond \ l11•.•.1rol f'nr <;nn <, l 1hl 0 4J'':w:A l''p :w!rnds 11' hi" Avodab\c 1n Teak $249 S1dccho1r { lcnk) S 34 Nn• 1 .. Nll'•d !rnn10 · w o!h • ush .. -in·, A•«11lnl -l1• 111llrt1wn1 •t B•irnl Uton')c> ( 0rrlu1 ny S 159 Ii nrne ond Brc-wn or Burnt Orongc- Corduroy cushions. $79. Also ovn1k1bl..' 1r1 I• ·o!her a l o h!!]hr"• pr1<:e. ~,olr•-.. rl•iy~ tho 5t h ti rouqh Feb. 2nd Give your books a good home Bookco~e 35"wx ll"dx76"h Everything Is on sale Hundreds of Items reduced 20% to 50% ! Jpr>p dn1(y 10 f, I n(triy tdl ri '•vnd.ir 17 ' I Teolt-S t 09 Wolnut-$11 9 • Even special orders reduced 10% Don1co's lurnilure is w ha t furniture should be.· Worm and livable . exciting to today's tastes and yet it hos t he time lessness of class ical des ig n and craftsmanship. Design Services Available. M oslerchorge and Bonkamericord welcom e . Hurry, limited quo nti l 1es on some items. Danica Con~ary Clo.ssics ON·THE·OOCKS /SAN PEDRO 260 East 22nd Street BEVERLY H I LLS 9244 Wilshire Blvd '" !\ J Q DAIL V PILOT Saturday, January 4, 1075 Horos .. ope Taurus -Keep SUN DA\", JANUARY S BySYDNE\' Ol'tARR ARIES IM a rt·h 2 1 A pril 19 ) /\C('t'tll b:.dance . Wc i~h \ ;11·111us f actors. 'rak e :-.p1·1·1;il care in ·conne t·lion v.1th c:ontrac:t s, l(•g a l .a ffair~. ba s i c s ecuri t v . i\l <1k t• <1mends t o o'ldc•r 111 - d i vid u al for r <•('(.•111 :-.h g hl. r c;:1! or i m ag int•i l TAURUS l/\pr1I 211- ~t ay 20 J: (;rl•att·r Ot•)o._. ibility is indil'a le<l :is \OU n1ect P l'op lc •1 nd 0 g n p l a ces . /\ct·t·n t is nn thos e v.·ho !'>hare \\'Ork ;ind olhl'r inlt.'r l•s ts . f..t't'P dil•t . hc;tlt h r 1•--.o lut 1ons GE,11:\'l 1 i\I a y 21-.Jtuu· 20 ): 'i"11ur :-.1·11 SL' of lht' u r ge n t :-.ur fat'l.'" 'i'o u "L'~rn <.1 blt· n ov.' In l..no\V \1 h t1t i s go ing lo ~1t·t·11r. 1'h1'r t• ;11'(' t•h ;tllJ.:l'-" ;i nd _.,·uu :1r1· afft•l"l•·d . ('i\J\'.('l·:lt !.l u11 1• :!1 .Jul y ~2) lt u 1Jd1n J! h l o c k s. hr i d J.:c'i •)f g o o d "' i I I , f u t 11 r' 1· (_'hance~. ;1ssC'ss n1cnt:-. 11f pot c nl i:il -th c.--.c :di f i~ur <' i n i n1port ;1111 \lo.':l_\'S. l te :-.ll/"C s l /"U l"llll"C is solid l.f:f) f.l ul.\" 23-/\ug. 22 1. · l-'a n1i ly a ffa irs. n10\"(•S. 1"·J11t i1·(_•s and d on1(.•stic QUEENIE -":. r .• ·'"'~:<' ad 1u s t m c·nt s tht•:-.C' nre l1kelv to I.!(' fc>aturL'd . r\\oid l rv11fg too mut•h :-.1multanl•uus l\" Bl' fl t·x1 blf' 14·ith11 ut sc~llcr1n g cf r ort :-. \'lttr.O (A11 g :!:I S...·pt. :?2 1 ,\voi d cart•lc·-;:-.11c ss \\ it h po -.:-.1•ss1on:-.. Ht_•fu!'.e l o g 1Vl' up -;ornl•lhini:.: for n o th ing See per . ..,o n .... :-.1t ua t ion s in r t·a li:-,t1 t' lig ht . llt· :1nalvt1 t« .. d a nd 'l'l l'i.:11 \'t' • l.ll~R 1\ iSl'pt 23 CK·t. :..>'-' 1 ·rtus 1s p 1·ndut_·\ion · ;11"t1on lin1e . J'1e1.:c-. f:dl 1nl n pl a ce . ('nntaet s u1:1dt· payoff y uu gt'l r1 •-,11 1!' V it·\\'S ;i re· vin- d1 t·~1 l l'd . \I U\'l' ~t h {·:ul \\1th c·onf irl enti• \lur'h·v p1•op l1· fl'lll fl\ t' ln g1an1..,. ~{'t•Hl'I() f (J1·t :!:t '\o\ :?I l -(Int• \\·hn \\tlhhf'ld 1nfnrn1 :1l itH1 ,.., .. nr r.\ .i rid lril'" tn n1 :1k t• :1 n1l'ttd ..,. Ht• co11 Si dt•r ;1t~· . IJ11\ r L·n1 e n1ht:r t h ;1 t \'ou \\'l•r 1· u s t~d . pn ~~1 i.t v a hu .... 1·d . l.l'l others 111·•1\-l' thPir 1nte n1 inns . S,\{;JTT,\HltTS (:'\u\. 22·1ll'l". 2 1); /\('l'l'tllJSUll t"l't'<i l1\1t .v. m :uf love ;:inti ;1 htl11 v to r c•lt1lt• tn young pc r:-.n ns. ()hvinus l\' this I'> ;:i h usy. l'\"l'nlfu l-1in u·' Son1t• of you r fan l :l'-.JC's ('an bP l r:1n s forn11·d inlo By Phil lntc r loncl1 11--_1/ _._, -::r;; "'14 J._,,._...L,' 0 1.:.,r.,,.,.,...,~, .... ,~ 1••;,,.,,,,\,.1,,,,. __ , I '( ··11c·s one nf thrv-;r exccut1v f's ""'hn ll"•'d -.. !n hl• pu m JH'd up once 1n aY.)Hl1·'" So1t1e Co11flict Reagan Says Press 'Fair' SACRAMENTO (API -Gov. l?o n a ld R ea~an said some of 11 is m ost contro\·crsi ~l s t;:1tem e nts as i:ovcrnor '''l'rc n1i sin· t e rp reted an<! th at hl' n c\"cr called f11r a blood halh :.i n1on g {;111\·e rsitv ufL'a liforn1a s tud('nls. · R eag a n to ld ;_1bn ut f,O rPpo r t1·r s al hi .s 1:1.s t Capito l n(.•v.·s co11rt'f'('ll('1' that he ha s g cn<1raltv bee n lrett ted fa i rly b~· the press dur111 g e1 J,!hl years in o ffic<'. Bl"T Tllf.: fi n;tl fi ve m inutcs or his p ress con- f)t-01#1 "'''';,.,,._.,. IALTZ-IERGEROH FUt<4ERAL HOME ,, ·' r r"~' I j,.I /.' • (,,,' f/,_\., '·'' •''· -·- IELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 &c.od .. ov. l "''' '-'' M]~!~J -·-McCORMICk MORTUARY I 011•••"1 p, . • 4 ,4 .4 ! ... -,.. ,.,,.. { '" ' ., " 4«, I //h -·- PACIFIC VIEW MfMORIAL PARK -·- fc r c nce t urned i nto :1 n1il d dispute \\•ith r·c po rtC'rs over v.·hat he r(' ally s aid f1,·<' .1·ears a1-:o al :1 l 'C mt·cl 1ng l,ookin g a h e ad . R e;ig an :;aid hC' \1 ~H1l d no t <tl lt•n cl J\l o nd:1.\ ·s 111 :111guratinn nf h 1:-. StH' t·t·ssor . Dcn1 n1·r a 1 F:d muncl G . Br o \\"11 .J r lnst e:u1 , he s a id hc v.·nu!d bt• a guC'St lh:1 ! 1n11 rn 111 g on d:111g hl<'r J\l :1u r1 ·('n·.., r .n~ 1\n,E:<'les r :1dio s lHl"'· THE EARL'S --.."·-.... ,_ '"" u ... ,~ .. 1 •Ou•-~~ lfCOVEIT STMnOMS IA'h f'ncvt•r a pt'rson 1s su·k ;ind hei::in :-. . _ rt·t'l>\f'rin,c:. tl1<• ~Ji/ syn1pto_m s h 1• -_T ha s had ch:ini.:1· j' t o conrorm to the body's rt>cove ry cffnrt. f'or in:-;tance. let 'i-; assume you meet a friend dribblinJ! from the n ost' with the gt'neral :-;ym1•toms marked by a cold. You f'xclaim · "Wh y. Mr s. Jones. ynu have a cold ~" Hut rc:..ll y she does not. She is :1lrr:.idy rCC'OVerinJ? bccaust' sht• 1s drainin)!. It is the J)l•oplf' who do not dr:tin thal J!l'l the flu . pn eu monia . etc. Thu:-;, it is never "'isc to treat r ecov<'ry syn1ptoms with s cd;il iv('.s. etc , because you may rct:1rd the body's efforts il l rf'covery and prolon l! f <'<'O V<'r y, inviting compli<:at1 ons. The sc ie nce o( (~hi ro prnctic recocni zes this important differe1'Ce of s ym ptom~ when car in ~ fo r si c k pt-ople. This h e lps our profci:>:o1ion to c;ir•· fpr you within the f r:.1111• o f nalurf''s laws, a uh n ~ your hod v tr1 a chieve a q1111·k1·r rf'cOvt'ry and bettt•r l11·allh Dr . Partain, D.C. Moffit .. Offk:es In TM Eostbluff Vlffoge Center HEWrOIT HACH 649-6410 ,, Diet r r a lities ('1\PHICORN <l)er ~2.J u n l!.1 1: Sc rinu :-. ~-ur\ ..,if1l·r a tio n is i,!i vt.•n !11 t·niµloy.n1 e n1 . h\1 :-.1111 '"'· :1ddcd rcs pons 1bility . lrl •1·sl in your o v.·n 1dt•:1..,, iil·ll ('rs. t :.d1·nts . I f vo11 v.•ait f o r 01h c r :-.. Yo u, l"Otdd v.·;11t ;1 lo ng tllTI<' A Q l J 1\ I( I 1 · S 1 .I ;1 n . 20· f<'C'h. I HJ f\.1 nv1•n1E•nt tr<.1vc l, <·un1n1u11 11·:.it 1011S :ind l1·:1rn1ng p ro('v:-.s these ~1r t.· t·n1 p h a :-.111'll. <:ivL' full rl·1 n to 111\<'l h'f· tu:Jl t.·ur111:-.1t,. f\..,i.. q tH"" tiqn s 111 hurnorou..,. ~l"!»i~lL'lll 111<.llllll-'I' :tlld th('v II di hr· ,1 1\S\I 1·r1·rl r•1scf-:s i 1··t·h 1:1 r>·t :1 r <·h ~0 1 ."l,"11\1 ti 1 .... t11 1u: 111 !1t· pr <t<'l tt-.d . tu ~1 ·l flit·.., Ltl ordt•i . to r 1• \It '\\ :->{"l'ljtl "'. ;1g r t•t• 111 1•111 ..,_ f1 11;1111 ·1ul ;1!" r·;111 g t·rn 1·n1 s. '.\l :1t1·. p:1r!1 H·r \1;1nt~ 111 kn••\1 .it.out p r 1 ,.r1 1 1 1·~ :111d !->l '(" 11 1'11 LI ", 11•' '1'()1)1\ \. IS \"f)t 'I{ l\IR 'l'lfl)1\V \(HJ di'" 1·h ;1 rn11n g IP ·oppn ..,11l' "l'X. run d o1 1·l'ad11q_~ \\"ril ing, travC'I. )·n11 :1 rt· ;1 t e:.11"h1:r :ind 11n e \\ho t•xp 1·r i 111c·n t ..,_ :1..,ks. "h ak1·.., u p t-:..,t;1t d1..,h lll!'n l 'i'11 u ..,l;1rl1•d ~Ol'n P!h1 ng 111 ·-;I .ind 11 111 ;1\ h1•:11· fl"lll 1 111 1 .... \1•:11". \\Jth .Jun(' your rn.,..,l I!•• porl;1 n l n1 1•n! b --- APP1'oto • LEAD PLAINTIFF Jane Fonda LAWSUIT TARGET Former President llNISROOK HARDWAll 1975 ouL-u" " ' ' --~- s fl. 01 . I .. -~ Nixon F~cing Action ACLU Acts on Behalf of Jane Fonda l\y T ll()MAS 0 ... :1.IAS \\'hdt• c iti zen lli(·ha rd Nixon 1s f r1 ·1· lo l"l'C'Uv cr rron1 su rg'{"ry u1 S an ('lt•111 cnlt.• v.•1thout worry 1n )o! o vt·r Ins 1·oll' 111 the \V ~tll'r ~att• 1r1a l •lf n1an y 1.:lo:-.e assoC'ialt'.'>. ;111111 h1·r l1·g;.tl ;:1('! io n.\\•tul'h t'Utdd !urn o ut 10 bl' cvt·n n101·L' in1por- t a 11I to bo th N ixon and the nation 1.., hr1•wJ11g c l::.l'>V h t•rc· in Southe rn l ';d ifornia . It 1s a (·iv il s 111t as ki n ~ S2 .X n 1dlton 111 d <t n1:1gL'S f1·om t he fo rn1t•1· prt.•..,1dent ;.1nd numProus dl·fc11cl ;111t s \\ hun1 thl' /\meric«1n ('ivil l.ihl·rtu·s l "nron 1·11nll'nds -.1.1 ~'.t'ol .t 1-.1 111p.ll )..'ll ot h,1 r ;1,..,s · 1111·nt and 1nt1 1n 11l.111o n'' against ;1et1v1..,I ;11.·fl't·:-.:-. J ane l•'nnda. ·r 11 1-: 1\{'l ,t · r 1·1 ·og-n •~<'.s !hat u'>- tng ,/;1111· l•'1111 d ;1 ;1:-. 11 :-. lt·ad pl:.11 n- !1ff 11 1 ;1 pnl1·n11 .dlv l;_1ndn1ark ' ;1:-.1· 1:-. no! ,, go11d pulllii· r 1·l;1t1ons 111 11 \'t· 1\l t o r 111._1 r\l ;1rl\ i{o s t•n - li.111111 ;1<'kno\\ lt•d gcs I hat the :1(" t f'l'SS r•· rn ;1 in s · · 1"ontrovcrs i<:1 I '' t.1•1-;111..,i· t>f h1·1· .u it t \"1ctn:u11 \\<ll' • I l'I I \' 11 i I':-. . Host•nhau rn . ;1 h<i filt1d the c:1s1· ill ll'1h ·r;d lli ... t ri<·l Court in I.os 1\rl J.!('!t·"· ~a .\~ In s 01·g:11 1iza\il)n :.i g rt •1•d In \;1kt· l•'11nda"!-< t":t'il' ht•l·:1u:-.t• ··v. t' hav t' l'vidc nec hl'rt· t h ;J! \\t' \I OUld11 'l h :.t\"l' \.11 \h ;1fl\"O llt " l"ISt' '' "l"h ;1 t t'\ 1dl'n1:t• cons is ls nr c·11p11·:-. of l'Xll'll 'i l\'l' 1''1 ~1 flll'S Oil lht• aclrt•ss' :11111 -\\ar :1ctiv1111•'i. file:-> \I h1t•h s ho\1' t hat hl'r h:1nk :1t·1·n1111 \.., \1 ("l"i.' t·:i..;11 n n11·d . son11• of ht·!" lllll l·h ook " t•nnfi:-.(';1\1·d h) S.11 p,;,., "--' Thnv,h s ... , k11. S < CtfA r( Shopmole 5 Inch I SOUTHER N ~ALIFORN IA f'OCUS (.'u s torn s a ge nt s, h e r phone ta pped and h c r l'a r broken into, :i ll without any k ind of t•otJrt or- de r. TllF. l~AWSUJT <'laims the :i in1 y,•;1 s t o ''des tro v her uubli c 1·r1·d ihil ity , \1'1•:1kt•r1 h ~·r pol1l1l·;d s i,cn ifl canet' ... ancl punish hl·r for critic1s rn of the Nixon :.id - 1n :n is t r:1tio n .'' •·(t "s not j us t f o r J a 111.· that \\l''rc d o inJ.?. this,·· 11ost·nhaun1 :-.a td in >I ll in lt•r\•ic,v. '"Sht."11 d on ;1l (' ;.1 11 .\" n1o n 1·y 1\•t•'r c ;1 .... ·a r detl tn lhl' /\('l.U :111d other ::1111 q)-.. ..,IJl· l•l·l1111J,!:-. l11 l ~tl\ \\!'0 11" 111.i11• 1nl •'l"l'"1"d 111 1·..,1,dfi1..,l1111 i.: ! 11.d I ht· I•' HI ;1111! '11ll1·r ..... 1·.111 tit'\ 1·r .(~.I ll\ d o1 ,.._•Hill" \)j lilt• lhlllJ.!:-. \hi".\ d1d [!I h<'I "l'ht• 1\( 'Ll f ()hvinus ly hclil'vcs otht•rs o n the Nison "l'lll'rn n·s 1 1~1 '' ,,·1·1·e s uhjc<·lt·d to lht• !oia 111t• kinjl 11r r rl':11 n1t'11\, t'V l'rl t houg h lht'>' d11n 't ha\·1· the <·On l'fl'll' t '\ 1;ll'llt:t' l•'o nd ;1 dot.•s. T ll5': OR<;ANIZATION seeks lo pill :1 :-,\np l u llSt' Of gnvt1rnml'lll ;1 g Pn c-i cs ;1ga 111 s t po liti ca l 1·nt•n1ies. l'Olllt'nding th at 1\'hal h;qlp<'n t'd \q f<~nnd a "'as s\;1nd ard 11p;•r ;tl1 ng p r (1l't>d u r l' for lht• J·'l!I ;1 nd oth1·r fc d Pr :1 l ;ig1·nc:ics 1'hat's why Rosenba um s ays he thinks "'Our tria l ~oes way llt·yond W a t e r i:atl". With the pardon of !\-t r . Nixon and the de - sire o f the prl"SCnl :.idministra- t ion lo 'put \Vatcrg all' behind us.' it ~ec m s o b v ious that no ne w fact s in thc c:as e v:ill be d e · Vt·lo ped by the i;!ovcrnment. "It is only through civil su.its lh<.1t "'L' ca n find o ut w h at the l'llt•m ies li st r l•ally was." S in ce N ixo n h as been p:1rdoned , no separat e criminal tr1;il can bt~ he ld to invest igate his \\'a l e r µ:1t 1··e onncct ed a c · t1vitics. l!ut t he fo rmer presid ent 1s :.1s np(•n t o (·ivil a ctions a s !tll}'Olll' t•l st". INTl-:R F.STIJ\'.G f,Y, in its 1n - 1!1 <.1 I fl'S POllSI' t u thP t\C'l .U ac- lt011, t he govt•rn111('nt has ad- n11ttt•d lh:1t t hl' fa cts a tl('gL'd in thC' l;i \\'."uit ;ir C' s uhst :intially COi" rl·l"l . 'J'h is \\'ntdd indit·alt' th;i t the 1·op ies l>'o nda h :1s of 1·'111 fih·s arc gcnuin t'. \Vhat is sti ll al issue . of rourse . is \\'hL'the r the: go vc1·nn1l'nt had till' ri ght t n 1·nga g L' in these :i<.:· I i vi ties _ "Ultim :1 t1·lv ." s ays Ros e n· haum, "the suit seeks.to lin1it the 1l egrcC' to \\·hieh the gnve rnn1cnl m ay go. in method ;ind l'Ontenl. to inform it s elf or its citizens' ac- ti,·iti('s. '"II is ou r ho pt• :.i nd l'Xpcctat ion tha t this c-aSl' ... \\•ill educate the pu blic to lhC' need to stop thc.,,1.· pr<.1ct iecs " Du Pon!® STAINS & VARNISHES • "A Woodwotker's Dteam Come Ttue/" A TTENTIONI HOMEOWNERS , DEALERS, CABINETMAKERS , CARPENTERS! • Stock up now on these first quality DuPont products: Spor Yornish Wood Sealer Interior Yornish S Sltades of Yornish S!oin 6 Shades of Sotin Sheen Oil Slain • Varnishes & stoins for interior & ezttriOf uses. • ~i1es for every job -quarts, pints, 1/2 pints. • Shop early for the best sele<tion. ANAHEIM & FOUNTAIN YAlllY STORE\ ONl Y OFF! REGULAR PRICE BENCH GRINDER • wt.eels ,r•trwM bey""' -t•r I• ellew 1ri.... e1reJ1 7 hi•.•1. • iy1 1hieltl1 •• .wi ... 11,, e4j1t1t.bl• t..i res!, w•l•r .. ..... • lif11i111• lubricet.4 beorift1S, bt1rMt1I Jr•l•lled -l•r. #7601 RIG. '71.ff l j ! • ; 'I . ' Poor Boy Bypassed Rose Bowl Gallle • l By HOWARD L . llAND'I' Oftl'l•O..llW PilMs.t." Price C h enault, a dis tant cousin or Flying Tigers head m~•n, the late Claire Chenault. once passed up ;.1n op1)()rtunity to play in the Rose Bowl \1.'ith room- mate J ohnnv l\1a ck Bro.,..·n 1n fa vor of <t hi-gh school coaching j ob . The d1:cbdon \\.'as n1ade a l the beginning of th e football sca~on ond not .... ,h e n the Al;.1ban1a ~rim son Tide "'"1s 1n .. ·itcd to play In the 1926 Pasadena encounter it won over \Vashington. 20· 19. Cht·nault is vis iting in l rvi11l' with his daui,:hte r and s on-in-la\\', llctty and tiL'Ol'J..:l' l.ciJa[. aftt>r rl'tirement <1 s llirC'<.'tOr of educ a-- ! ion for the d1•pa rt n1(_•1Jt of cor rct- t ions in New \'ork st all' Raised in the hill country or AJ ~1 ba1na . Chcnt1ult \\·as ~evl·r;d years olde r th:.i n his classmatC's ;ti! through school. lie \\•on a ]Pt· ter as a center ;ind gua1·d for f1lur year s in hij..(h s<:h o~ll He rec<dls the l<ltt· n1ovil' a<:tur. Bro .... ·n : "Johnny fl.lack \\'US a poor boy j ust like I \\'3S but he was a year •1hcad of n1 c in s chool. ··.J\t Alaban1a. "'L' \Ve re both nn football ~c hola rs h ips anrl roon1cd logulhl'r in the tlo1·1111101·il·s ;1lop lhc mcn ·s gyn1 ··11c \\'3S a handsonlL' guy and they ai'.'':.tys :-aid ht· \\·as the best looking pl<tyt·r . lllnJ.! ht•fort· tht• Hose llo\\'I tri p "()ur '-'O:J.l'h . \\'all :.it_·c \\"~1de . said .Johnny \\~t s the b(•st op1..•n rit•ld runnt_·r he t·\·c r ('O at'ht•d and J ha\ l' tu ... a.' h1· ,,·as tht• bc:-.t I l'\l'I pl:L.\l'd\\"l\h "" 11\lt li t• \\ ;t~ ;t gl'llllllll' l'O\llll r.\' IH1.' <ind hl' used lus :-;par(' tinii· to \\Ork sellin g c lothes in ~1 slnrl' in ·ru ~e;iloos a li e had no idea or go 1n.i.; inlo mo,·ini.: p1l'lurl' ,,·ork . ··\\'hilt· th l' t(•;1n1 ''a:-in ll,1 :-.a d1 ·n ;1. ho\1t'\'1·r, hl' \\:LS ap proal'ht'c1 liy the pcrqil{· in ll oll~·\\11od anti ;1sk1'd \nt·nt(·r thl" lll{l\"llll! p it'turt• proft•:-.sio n lh it ht• 1\·;11!1·d and !hv1 fnl!o1\t'd lnn1 tn \l;1 h<11na . l<1t(·r l"nn1·inc111 g h1n11os1;1r Lil p1 (·\ur1·.., .. l"ht·n.L11l! pla\1•d 1\\1 1 11·ar:-. al 1h1· 1·n11•1•r:-.1ty u f ,\lah:1n1:1 h ul 111 :1k1 nc t·ncl s n11·1·!, 1·1en 111t h :1 t411~th.1ll ~1·hid .ir:-.lup, 11.i~ tough 111 lhnsi• <1 :11 -. li t· thc·n <l1•t·1d1·d 111 t ;1kt• :1 ·Jnh 1·n :1<·hing ;1 nc;1rh\ hi i.:h ..,c·h11nt t c·a n1 fnr SXOO ;1 PRICE CHENAULT sC'a :.on and b.r·passl'd the 1952 sea son '''hen Alabama \~·e nt to the Hose Bu .... ·J_ "'It 1·eally didn"t get to n1e until the team returned. Thc>rc "·ere no radios in those da~·s a nd televis io n "'as n 't C\'C'n a drt.•;1111 ··\Vh e n lht· tc:.in1 r l'turnt:d home. the \I.· hole to1\"ll \.\"C'n l tu thl' st:1 tion tu greet thC'n1 ·rhc ~!11 dl•nt body <·o n1 pletet~ lost it:-.i·lf ;111d thnt v. as th e th ing th;i1 rn:ull' nie fee l had :1houl n11ssi11J.! lh1· ,,·h1 ))t· thing ·· \\'hen ht' de('ided to takt· t ht· ("O:J.l"hing job . he> h:1d tn forft•ll h1.., ftHJlball schol;irship ;ind n101·1: out oft he dor·m itnr1 t·:-. II<' mO\'('c\ in \\"Ith ;1 fOrlTil'r high s1·h o11 t cl;issmate. John Sp~1rkrn ;1n . n o ''' a l ' S Senator a nrl !ht:' h<'i r ·a pparc nt to fh(' 1·h;drn1an.'o hip o f the Ways and !\lt'ans r·nn1n1ittet· \"~1cal1._•d bv ,\.il hur :\tills. - (·oming frn1n ;i pnu1· 1':1 n1i ly. hp\1 did ('IH'n:tu!t g1..·t l11:. :-tar! .ti lht• Lilli\ 1·1·:--11.1··· ··~tv fatht•r J.:;1\l" llll' an ;1ert• or land ~t nd :-aid I could ha\'t' th<' n1on•·.1 I n1;id<' fron1 11. t plantt·d 1·otton hut that rtuln"I do too \\"t•ll Ru! ht• :ilso ga 1'1· n1t· ;1 so i~· ;ind 1! had st•\"(•n pigs.·· tu• s;1 ~·s '"I r.i 1st'd tht• pi i.:~ .ind .... old lht•n1 fnr S70 a nd lh;I!·~ ;ill llH · Ch("ekin,: llot Lint.• Rams QB Draws Readers' Defense f)1·.1r \\ h11o · \\ .1.-.li 111 11'1.!.H d 1,. 1our Jl1'f·rn11l1·r :io ,11111·11·. \n\ t/ It 1111· H :irn:-. . .1011 1•t!h1•r tlHl ..,f 111• k1dd111L! or ~1 lipid I. Ill \\di Ill).! lo ).:L \"t' \<Ill I ht• h••lll't 1t 11f 1!11• du11hl 't 11U p r 11 b.1hl\ dl(lfl \ llllLlt' \.!t'l ~lllll h1·,ul on .... 1r.1112ht l>1 •f1111 • \\l"lll ll ;! ... tl\11" '"dll!l11'll!-. 'to111 !1r ... 1 11111 · :LT it '.1'-1 II ,I.., ;l!"t"llJ',L1 l" "'Jht•I \" ll\,11 11~· ..,nnit· c·1111f11..,1nn tcicl:il ·· (fb \l'lll,J\ ,\1\ll \l•"I•" 't 11111' 'l.1-...,I\" ("<\11\p;ll'l-.IHl pl ,! 1111111 l'I•' I" ll,1111-. I.., 111111'.ii ]:•If \••\Ir 111101·1n;d1011\. lht· i..:••1•il v;11 ·1l1 1tit·ar .... !1 111d it l1·r!1l11t·d 11nd '-..1';1..,1\n1·d p 1~·1 •1 rl1 .111d ).!111•11 ii-. d11+• lllll•' !•I :..C Jl1\\ Ill•• J1,i!lJ1"1• \\!' .11) 1 ·1 111~\ \1 !i.1 .. 11\,d li.1 ... 1(' t.il('ll1 111 lhv .~.illlt• \\.!_\ th.ii Televised Sports Today fl 11 a tn 1:!RI l"R() Tf':N. NIS Sc111irinal n1atches 111 the Spaulding intc>rn;iliontd mixed d oubles cl a ssic fro m Dallas \\"1th n purse or S65.00U. Ip 111 . !7J -llULA 80\Vl~ 1\ myriarl or stars including USC's passing duo of Pal I laden and John J\clcKu y, ,,·ill play in the 29th llula l.\owl at ilonolulu. (5) -COLLEGE IJAS Kl•:TB;\l,I .. -'!'he F':i g ht- ing Iris h of Notre Dan1e vs, lhe Maryl;ind "J'crrapins. 2 p .n1 . (2) -WOl\otEN'S l'RO IJO\Vl ... ING -l-,inal round action in the $85.000 Hrun sv.·ick c lass i ('. th e richest evPnt on the P\VBJ\ \.\'ith Sl 2 .500 to lhc 1\·i nner. ;t 1>.m . (5) -COLLF.GE B . .\S K t:TBAl ... I~ 1'h e Provide nce t~riars m eet the Oregon Ducks .a l Eugene, o~. . 4 p .m . !7) -·fRO BOWLERS TOUR -~ Th'e $60,000 A ll C Alameda open, laped at -Oakland, opens the l4lh TV s euson. JO p .m . (5) -UCLA 8 1\SK ET BALI. -1'he Bruins of UCLJ\ ral·e the University of ()klahoma. 1'aped earlier st [':1ulcv 1,avlHon. ll :~io 1l.n1. (5) -TROJANS BA SK E Ui\l,L --the use :rrojnns meet Furman in the Sparts Atcna in a game taped earlier in the eycning. l\.1rr1-. a.., ;1 1.1 lt'T1t th.it -.1·.i~nn1n~ ll\1111;111. h.t ... !r111· d·,,·~ h.t ... 1(' lll't.:d \\'h .\· no! ).!!It' 111111 ;i l"h;uic1··· .J11-.t t',ifl"\ Ill!.! lltl' h,l[I th;1 \ Ullt' t1nll' ··11k; .• 1 h1,t pla.1111 1! 111 l11s l1r:-.! -.;i11d111l g;i1111 •". t· .. rl.11111\ ..,1J,,1lld11 I d1:-qll,ilil.\ 111111 for .1 llt1· t1n1~· 11011 111.tn' ..,,.;i .... in•·•I' pl.1\1·1 -. h.11t· \11· :-.1·t•r"J duing 1ht> ..,,Jlllt" 1hll1J.: Ill (i Hl\h;tll "' l'lt•!lt\ :--.. , •Ill "11ulil -.1._•111,· f1)r 1; .t11r1l'!. rL1ill i•1c · 't "n11 .1pp.1rvn1l1 r.1n 't 11·1·11gn111• \\hv11 11.., 11rn•· 1u 1h.ingt•111·1', ·r 111 •r1· .irt• 111.111.' .11t1tlt·:-1)f !.!•\1;d ;.111111d ! l'llt1·1 .. n1 \l!"Lll1•11 \'nt1r·.-. 11 a.., 111 )\ • 1n1· •.rt ht•rn [ .-.u;.:g~,..,1 ;il..,P, .\"ll 1'(·,1d ll n h 11.11t·' 111r .1\ ·r 1111t':-.11! tlu..,,\ :'11 . l}1•f1·.il !)irln"t llJ111 H :11n~ Su1..·· I , • ..,.., \"l'.\l t 1n11' .1uu h.111,.: out .1 11ul' \\'hit e \\",1:-.h··, pJ1·,1~t· ll';Jlt.: .\Olli" "d1rl \" 11111'11 '" in 111urt·l•1't't · ~ir :-. lfnh1·rl Bruns \"1•\\ 1ic1r l J\(•,Le h l)t•;i r ~lr \\'hit1· lll'g a rd 111g .1n11r :--1.nn ol .1'!'11111·~ llal"rts in ·.11u1·r\'l'f•nl :1rt1t·lt· {'Un t·crnin g I.he llains d\l\\'nfa ll in :\l1lltll'l'iuta tlnl"l' a ~;i in you plt1('t• l oo n1uch 1n11JOrt;int'l' Lil \ht• 'qunrte rba c k . Sure the F{an1 s bl';_il then1s elv1..•s \Vilh fun1hlC's. in - tc>r cept1ons ;ind kl'.Y I though some questionable ) pcnaltil's, hut lhl' \\'~1y you 1cll lhc s \01·,v .Jan1Ps llarris is the \\·ors t thi ng to hap- pen lo the H:in1s silll'l' thl'"fan1nu:-; dl ·f:.~ted Ollie i'.lat:.on trade. 'l'ht.: Vikini::::s have a quarterba<·k loo and you don ·1 m e ntion J1i s fu1n blt•s or 1nlcrceptions. "t'ou llo n "I me ntion 1\I Clark·s poor pla~· o n lhe firs t :\linneshta tuuchdu\\111 vass. 'i"ou don·1 1n cn t 10 11 Lu'v 1·cn<:e .\lcCutcheon 's e<.1r · I ~· fu1nblc in i\"linnesota te rritor.1 You do concede tha l llarris 11;.i s ··good e n ou~h tn qu :.1rtcrb;.i c ~ l.ht•1n to l ht' di vision tit le.·· llowe vcr. you slate this i ~ becuuse the llams divis io n is composed of lucklus ter. l canis ( \vhich it is ). 1 lowcver fl.1r. \Vh it{', the Ran1s Jlso pluyed and defeat· ed the play·orr bound Burf;.110 Bills and lh('SC same J\1innesoln Vik· inR;s. And 1\•ho 1\';.1::; quart.erhul·k· i1l ~'. i\'l!'. \.\'h1t1•, hut. th(' :•a1n1<' '"27 .\"(HU' old (lt'Od lH.:t of (;t"i.llllhl1ng Coll eg1'." 'l"h e "f'o\i:-.h Hir1c·· in· thl' ru1ure, hut thc R a ms h<1\'' the ir quarterback llO\\', F'or gc 1 j\;~1mDth , fo 1'g('I. lladl -Jan1cs I la rris is the man~ R. I •. l':1ul Costa ~1e st1 ' . money I h:.1d in lll Y.Jll~-kcl wl1t ·n 1 arrived 3l the un1v1cl"'¢'iil y." \Vhy did he l t·~·v~ }\lc1b<1n1;1 for New York "' · "l went to Colum·.bl:1 l 'ni\ers1 tv to studv ffi{'di <"in~." ht· rt·ealls Or the day·s in lhl· l':.trl.1 :10:. du ring the deprt•ssion Did he continue an :.1<·til'r 1n te res t in s p(1r1 s ·• "'On(·c athl ct11·s J.:l·\s 1n vnur blood, you l'a11 ·t gel lt oul i'wa .... in ch:.irgc o f lit kl't t;ikl·r-, .it Baker· F'it"lcl 3nd I .,..orht•d "'ilh the boys club in t he fkJ\\ l'r\' :.ire :1 at the F'i vt• l lcnnts ~li:-sion ··Thi s \\:is :111 a rl·:1 11f un derpri vi\c>g('d chitdrl'll \1ho h;1(! :1 ht1rd tin1 c in life ' N'' "''rsi11g Ar••••••d .. I s pent thr1·t· ~·t·ar:-tr1 inµ. 111 <irrangt· ga n1l~:-. "1th yt111ng;-.tt'r:-. from the Riv t•r s1dl' l>r1\(' :1r 1·a '!'hat \\'<.is a soph1slit·:t1l'd arl':1 :ind th<' par1·11t :-. d idn't \\;1 11l lht·1r kids ;1ssnci<.1 t1n ).! '''1!h 11111..,1· f1·01n the 130 \\'l'I".\ ··Wht·n 11n:1ll' g;ilnt•d µl'rmiss1nn uf the P<lren!s 11r lh1· Hi\·(•r!-i idC' f>r111..· llo.'s l'luh to [1·, their boy..., p!:i~ ~q . .::nns t ours. 1t wa s on1· of thC' richc!st c·x p{'rien <·l'~ l-1 f n1v life> ~P\!!lls.h n1 ;i1 ;1dor of l ~ ~1·~tl"S. 1\nrlres. \";1:- qu1.·1 . dt'!"1th .. •d to hang u p h i ~ :->\\Ord ~n1d !1 111 :-1!1·d Olll !11 :-. C,11~'(•1 h\ b tlll. ... ITI his fati..'\\t'll l 'U/'1'111:1° Jq .. .:1111111..: "'' I [ ~' I\ i fl] 1; 0 ··'fht'.\" fou!ld. out th:..it the bo.1 s o n the Jo \\·l'r t•a st s id.1• \\l'l"l'll .I nearly as bad a :. they 1\·cre pie· lured .\nd ou r boys found out the n t hl·r -.. \\C·rt·n 'f n 1·.1rl y :1:-. s11phi ~I 1l':1tt·d as they" t:rt• n1adt· nut tn hl• · In :uld1\1on tu d <1ui..:htC'r BL•tt.1 . t h1 · (0 hl'n;1u 1t .... h~1\0 l" l \10 son:-. hoth o f \~hon1 playpd ror l ~J"{)\\'1 1 1 ·111vc rs ity and ~•rt· no\\' St'rl"ing internships in nlcdir'JI ~('honl ·rhcrl' a rt• fl.,,. things P1·1cl' l"hen:1ull \1·ntdli c h:ingf' in his l1f~· hut •llH" \\"ould n1osl t't•rt;dnly lit• lhc 192~ footh;il! sC':1 ~on ;+nd ;1 n opportunity 1ii pl;1v 1n lhl' Hn~i · l~O\\"I ~<trnt• nut hi~ '' ork ;1s h t•:.1d uf 1·d11 r;1 lion ror ;1 re form:.it11r~·. (i:-.si~1;1nt director o f pro~ran1~ in 1\lli;111.' and ;is d irt•etnr Of ('dU(';\1il!ll f<1r lhC' Ne\1' 'i"ork s tatt· pt-nal ins tit u lions frnn1 I!J•1S through 1!17n rn a rk~ hin1 ~1s a n1 ;1 n 1nlL'rc,,11·d 1n fc·llu1\ t·1 ti1.t'n:-o llc h:1 . .., rl'tur 111 ·d l o tht· ·rt·n 111·s:-.t•f' \":dlt·y :1rt·a of ,\l:1ha1na tn rt·fll'l'I on h 1:-. bu:-_, life t h;11 tou t•ht•d ..,orn!• of !ht• L!rt•;ll.., uf h1 .... t1n1" .. I h ;+\"t' hat\ ;1 lt'r\ ill'h/.!htfu1 ,ind l"h:1ll l'n g1n~ <·:1rt·1..·t h1 ·sa \s rnodl':-.ll.v Bruins, USC Belt Cage Foes LOS 1\:'l/(i F::LF.S IJ;.i1·p !\Ii'.\ l'rs ~(·ort·d 2:1 point:-ll'adini.: u11bt•:1l t·n . lhird·r ;1 nkl'd l ;C LJ\ tv ;i !J l ·6·1 b as kt1th;ill victorv ovl'r l):t\"1dson r·r1d<-.\' night . :'ll e:tn\\"hill' cL'nl!•r .John l.an1 IH·rt ~l·orl'd 2 1 poi111 s. 20 in the S\'C-<1 nd 1i ,i1 r . ;ind fiflh·r:Mlked Sou!hc·rn l';1lifqr111~1 \\hipped \"illanov;.1 lJ11 ·7 1. ·ronig ht l.i('l.J\ ho.~ts Oklahom;.i :..ind CSC c nt1·rt:1i n:-. F'u rn1:1n. !\'l l'~'l'r:-. had nnl.1· JOpoi nls;.i t lh<·' h;t\f. bUt :-.t"IJl'l'd !ht• rirst !lint' Oru1ns· point:-: 1n tht' (JfJl'ning 1hrt·c• n1inutl·~ 11f thl' scc-ond half. J.: i ,.1 ni.: l · ( · 1 ,J\ :1 5:1.:1:1 lt•a<I 'l'ht• \(•:1rn.., 1·:1c-h s1·or{'d lllrf•1• h,1:-.kt•l .., 111 lhl· Opl·11Ln g f our 111 1 nu! l':-. t,f t h t• g :1111 l' b~·for~· l"t" I,/\ n1l'1 hnt1 1t·;il l ' -.;hrl'dcJi·d 1h(• ,,.11<1c~t ... <11 ·r1..·r1 ..... { "('J.1\ J1·d \ \ 2i ,it h;dft HTit ' I'll routl' lr) ll:-. n inth \'l(·lnr\• th1 ~ :-.l";ISOll lla\"1d ... cHl .... 11 p ped ,.,·~ 1; L·sc . n o.,.., ~) 1. "'t·111 11110 1h1· i.:a rn t' fo 1111\v 1 ng :1 n l'i:l·Hll 11ps l'1. Ins" lo unranked 1··11rdh;1n1 l\londt1 \' ni ght ltt.:Sl'I"\"(' ror1\';t rd 1:rt·~ \\'hilP had lti :u1d i.:uard (:us \\"1111;1111 :-. ~tdded IS for I h l' ·r roj :i n:-. L:.i rry ll l'rro n . ~1 sophon11irC' for\.\·ard h <td 19 points for \1 ill~tno\·a . !{egg1t' llohins<1n h :1d 12 ;ind Kt'i th llt•rr11n. Larr~•'..., l11·n1hl'r. h ;ut 10. ·rhe 11 l•rr<111 h rol h1•r s cl 1d rno.-;t or lh1·1r s t·o1·1 n.I! af\c·r SoulhC'r11 l ':i l \\ ;i.., f ;1 r ah l':HI i II I he "t't"1111d half \.ill;1 nn1 :.1 ht_·g:1 n ''ilh ;1 t nu .(!h n1;in.fnr.n1 :1n :1nd 11·11 l "S(' HI K .1flf'r t·ighl n1inul<'~ of !ht· ftr..,l half But L"Sl ' ,:!r ;1h t>1·(11ts f1r~l l<·:1d 11f thl' ~;1n1t• ;ii 111 I:! ;1 fll'I" 1·1 ~h1 n1i nutC's V.'l'l"i' ~111u • lh1•n r :1c·vd 1<1 ;1 ·18·:lG h:tlft i m 1' l'il g1· 'J'hc 'J"rn.1:1 ns took ;utv;111tagl' of thrt.·1· Villano1·a !11rnuvl'rs plu:- hn1 :-hn(1\111 J.,! h,\ l,;1n1 t1l'rt in Ill(• fir:-.! r1v(• 1ninu1l'' uf 1h1· °"l'Cond h :1 lf VI L.L•NOVll ti•! S..tw,t111n 1O1 •. Roh•n•on S 1·1 11. Ohvt' 1 7 7 •, RoQO"• I 0 1·11. RoQ,l>Y l O·O 1. Co• 1 T J }, M.""''"Q l 17•,Me.1<noonn1177 •.L H1• .. nn8Jll'f." HI•• '"" l •·• 10. s .... anQ. O·O 8 l Otdl' 78 18·77 SO\JTHERN CAL OOO L,.,,..~,, 10 •·• 1•. Tt n.,..b••d<I'' ll·• ~. Ch,.pm .. n 1 O..O •.V.1ll1.Jm11171j.llu•rt'llllt S..t!otd /0 0 "· [••n1 I 0·0 1. f',.ln•er 1 00 • J~,,·tcr 1 0!17, w~.t .. 1 7-• 16 Tot•ll •I Tl 11 ..... 111,,,..e SouUw•n Co•hlo •n<,. 08. Vnl~llO•a 31> Tol;1l lou11 v111,.nov;1 70, USC 7• A S.~ DAVIOSON llA! Dunn I llO I<, •<o<Ow<ll ~ 1 •II "•"'>I Oil I. f>u,. .. 11 J 0..ll I>. Pa•~e• 1 SS•. Oor.t•h I> O·O ll • L,,...<wO • ••.Po_,, 1007.l•,....ly 1001. "101,.11 7617·16. UCL• "II w ....... lQton l I t J . M .. ,,,.,, q I I 7J O<OllUW1r• ) l·• !l, T•qti••<n 11 . b. M<Ca•lr• 700•. '>11•U8t1" I 0.1 7. John1on 80..0 lb. SmHn 1 007. lo-"\Pnd 1 O 0 1. ()lo<>de 7 11·0 •. VrOmlln 0 I 1 1 (Ofl•I' 1 I~ I, "lhom .. 170·0 • lot.Jiil~ 1171 "'"l!t•fT'r U(LI\ •• 011••<1""' )I l ntd+ '"'''' 0..Y1d\conll>,U(I II •Q A 17,0J1 • Wolfpack Havlicek, Celts Top Lakers l'.\l r.l.f:\\1()IJIJ 11\l'i J ohn 11 :1vli<·l'k Sl'nr11d ::!:.! po1nl:-. ''' ht'l."llm<' I ht· fi(! h le;1d111 g :-.c•111·t•r 1n N at lon;d 1l:1 .... kP\h;1ll J\~.,oei;t t1nn h istorv ;ind lt•:1 d !h\• l~o:-.ton (.'\·ltil'S to · .. l ~i 10fi \'i1·tor.\' 01·('r lhP Lns 1\11 g t>t{'s l .;1).;t·r~ Friday 11 ight 'f"h1· vi<·t nr1 11·:1., 1h(' lfi!h in l !J ,:!an1c>s 1111 til t· rn;ul !hi ~ St'a ~on for f~ost nn . '' hit·h 1110\·c·d inlo first pl:icc in thC' 1\11 :1nlll' f)i,·ision .Jo Ju \\'hilL• 1oppt·d t hl' ('l'llit•s' scorin g 1\·ith 28 11oints. r onn(·l'I · ing on 11 o f h is first J ~ Irie·-; frnrn th1• fl1tt1r ;1s /~n..,tun huJ11 an R3·!'i7 l<·;ul rn1d\\:1v thrt111i.:h tht· third peri11d llavlit·f'k ".., 11\!I f1·1·e thr0\\'5 \\'tlh 5 ·;{!1 lt·fl 111 lhe lti1rd quarll'I" pus ht·d hin1 aht•;1d of rl'll rl•tl ll ~1l (; l"l't'r. l'ht• 11 :-.t•:1:-.011 \'t•lcran . !ht· N l~1\"s j(•;1 rl in;.: :u·1ivc· s1·ort·1·. t" less than '.! OOU p111n1 .., hcti1 nll 1nurth p\;u•1._• t-:IJ.!ltl lt1\ lur n11 the ~dl ·1ilnl· .... l"ori ng 11 ... 1 (\•ntf'r t-:\n1nrt• ;-..m 1th :-.t"urvfl ,I St':LSOn ·h ig h :io point-; for lh<· L:tkt•rs. "'ho drnppl'd th1 ·1 r third J.!:irn<' 1n a r011\ ;ind ~llp pt·d nine J.!<t lllt·s into !ht• ('t'll:•r 111 tht" l';icifiC' ()1\·1:-:Hlfl Lurius i\llen ..,t·nrl'rl 1 ~1 poi nts for J,o s i\11µ,i•l1..·~ :ind <::11 1 (;(IOdril"h got 1•1,.::h! h1>f11r1· eon1 in.c! 0 11! or !ht• lint•u p :!ltt•r rt•r n n1r1 ni..: his Ir-ft ankle l a!•· in tll1· third riu:i rt <'r 'l"h\' 111110·~· \1 ""' nnl h1·licvcd s<·riou.., BOSTO N 1111) 1-4i!•li(ek • •-• 21. Nelwn l S 6 I Co~1 1 l·•11. , ....... y J o··o •, Wini• 14 O·O JI; Ard JOfl.O •.Clyde t J.4 11, l"lnll•I 0 l·J Mc Don.aid 1 lBI 6, Sii"> 4 1·7 •. sue .... 1 Ml. W••tpn..I• J.110. Toi•!• !JJ, n . LOS ANGELES 0 0.l ....;,,,.,., 4 •·6 11. ~m•1n 116 I )I'), •n~" 8 l J 1•, (.ood1ocl\ J 1 J 8. Oe"t> 1 ll 0 • ...... ""''"' 0 I 1 I. l,,anll • 1 l 10, Love \ • ~ I• Wi.1'1l"•Qlon I 0-0 1. W+n. "''10-06 101,.11 •272 76 Bo•ton JJ J~ }I> 76-111 L.o,AnQf."I~' J' II IQ JI ti)& ~ouled ou• Non• Tolill •0~1 · Oo't°" J\. Lo.. A~!e1 7\ A 16 qs~ Hula Upset; 1,oday Bowl ,,,..·,~ llefty H alibt1t \JPI TelePn<0lo r1Jcnly of fi s h and t'llips loon1 for J)al t..• l'a r kt·1· ( lr·ft ) f>f Snohomish , \.Va sh . aflt•r h1• ca u g hl this \(i5·JJound halil·111I near Port 1\ngclcs. \\las h . rt·t·ent ly . r.RF.F:'.\'S l1(}1?(). N (' ·r op r;1nk ed Norlh (.':1 rolin.1 ~late :i nd (•i ghth ·ratt'd N o rl h t ";1 r11lln ;1 ""t· f"l' ha nded s tunnin g upst.·ts 1n the ll1g f'our h::is kt.•t ha ll tournament l•'r1 d ;.1~·ni g ht _ \\'a kl' l•'ort"'.'ol d1·alt NC' St at<· it s firs t loss in 37 gan1I':-., R:l 78. \.\"IHll• Duke topp~cl ,\Jortli ('arol1n:i . ~l9·96. i II 1l\'l'l"Ij111 l' !\"o rth C~1rolin:1 St:itt·':-. ll:1vid 'fhon1ps on ":is hl·ld In Jll :--1 1:-. points bcfor<.' foulin g out \\'ilh :i;i seconds to go ,..h•ley l,oses ()AKI.AN!) -()wncr C harl1's 0 . f<~inley lo s t f•'rid.-iy in a cnur\ hill lo ovcrlurn the baseba ll arhitratinn rulin g whif•h dcPlarc·d pit l·ht~I' Catfish Jlunt1·1· a free :.tgl'nt :.nid allowed hin1 to UCI Tackles Sioux Falls Anteaters Seeking 8th Victory Tonight UC Irvine. possessinp: an im · posing 7-2 record , returns from a two·week holiday brcak to battle Sioux F~lls Coll ege tonight 18 o'clo{'k 1 in collc>~e ba.skelball :1ction nt Crav.rord llall. Coach 1·rrn Tirt ·s UC I An · lealers, solidly in the running for an NCAA cOlle~e division playorf berth , figur<' l o h a ndle the s mall South Dttkota sc hool wilhotit too much .\rouble. Jn fact, \]Cl figures to get past il!I; next four oppanent.s tall at Cr Awford lla11) before ftacing a lough Cal State tLong Beach) olitfi lJan. 18 in t ... ong Beach. Sioux Falls (enrollme nt 700) is led by 6-8 senioJ:' Tim Dykstra and guard Larry Dall. UC ! cou.rltcrs with its hot- shooting quint.ct of guards Kevin D11vis and Rich M r~ule, center Dave Baker and forwardc:; Jerry Muras·and Steve Cle\·tl3nd, Despite quill' ri re"' inj uries. the J\nleat<'rS :ll'l' orf !() lheir best s tart In history. A h al ftim e fr et? throw ~h ootin_R contest ro r ticket holders ¥1ill be held tonight. Ten tickets will be drawn "·ith those 10 people gett ing a chunce to make a free throw. Jr thry make it they'll relum Feb. 26 for th e ch ampionship. winn{'r be ing awarded a new Datsun, O.vi. M•••~ Mr Ml I• ... ~ ci.wi- '""-Nell Tl ........ ............ ...... .,._ ".. . BMKocll. lot•I~ UC lrvl ... IJ·tl . .. . " . " . " • • • ' " . " . " . " . " • • ' . > > . "' " .. .. .. .. " " ' , ' • • • ·~ I .. -·· "' l},6 ·~ 1~ .• .. , n .t ... n.1 " 10.1 " .. " .. " ,. " " " " , .. ·.,\ .~t 1urnp f·:om tht· ():1hl :1nd ,\·s tot he l\"(•v.• V11rf.; 'i";1nkc•t•s f1ir !ht· most lu{'rati' t' tont:11·1 1n s po1·ls h1s- 1t1r1 . Sport" Sho1r o,...ns ·rh1· 10th annu:tl Sport:-. \1 ;11.:~1 - tio n :inti Hc1·reatu111;1t \l('h1t·lc S ilo\.\· opens ;1t noon tud;1,\ fo r ;1 nine ·day run ~•l i\11J ht·in1 Con- \"t'ntinn. Ce nt{'r . 'l"hr-show opens ;it noun holh "'cek1·ncJti. 2 p.nl. daily through J :1n 12. It"s hi g hlighted by the bi.c:gesl· disp lay of nc\v u1od{'I recrc:1- 1 ion;1 l Vl'hi<·lc s all on unc fl qor un- der roof !'>ooner" No. I The <lk l[lhoma Sooner~. the na· lion 's onl v 11nht'aten and unticcl tean1 . ;1r1: ('Olte~e rootball ".c;: na- tion;tl rhan1pinns for 1974 . Oc>s p lte :1 two.year prohat ion ror recruiting violations ;ind a postsea son ho\\·I han. lht'Y were named best t{'am in the nation in lhf' annual A ssoc1atC'd T1rcss final . poll Frid<iy. Vie Tonight Sacldleb:1ek Collegt' couldn't have picked a better tin1c to slart conf{'rence ba s ketb:lll action . The Gauchos . wiuner.> of five of t heir la st s ix g<i m es . ho ~t Palomar t onight in the rt1i!l~ion c ircuit opl"ncr al Mi ssion Vicio lli ~h f8 o'cloc k 1. And in a nQn ·l'nnfc>rt'nl'C :1rr::1ir. Orang{' C.oast CollC'gc bnltlc>s in- vading Long Beach CC at 1 :30 . Saddleback has notched a 9-6 r ecord thus far . its he$l ·ever s tart. • 1 • ' \ I llZ DAILY PILOT ·Cook's Heroics Win It By GLF.NN WlllTE: Ofl:ll• 0.Uy ~i.t il•H r.1a1t Cook hHriked a 14 -fo o t s hot of f lhe ~lu ss l:lnrkboard and Lhrough the b .1skct "''ith nu tinl(' !t·ft in tht• ~amc tn .':ivc M arina f.li gh's \'1k1n,::s a 5·1-5:! basket- ball triumph over host L o s /\n1igu~ .. ~riday nighl . i'ine SC('Onds t•arl1t'r Kevin l.and g r af had in· t erceptcd a 4 5 -foot pass. leapin ~ hi~h to gl·t the pr ecious bait . Marina h;i<I no timeo ut s l eft but tht· poised "H<:in gs of l'Oach Jin1 St('phcns n1anu evcred the ball do"''" court tu he! up (~ook·:-. knl·•· i.h;iking s hnt WW~' . ·~ . -.; -l'iiWh . -·. ·¥¥·¥ ...,...;;..,,:· ,.,. ""',..,...; ....... __ _ 'Barons _Gain Finals J\y l >A VF: ROM ANO CH .... D•lly Plt.1 Sl•H John l~odestein ttnd Oa\'C Rohde converted onl·-on-onc rrcc throv..: situati ons in I he last 1111nute In lead fo'ountain V:i ll cy llig h into the fin<1ls of the Santiago ll n1ida_v b<Jsketball 1ournan1l·nt with a :>4-52 v..111 01•l'r 1·us tin lli~h l·'r1d:1y 111ghl ;1l S.1nti:.igo lligh "l'ht· victorious Barons fat'l' \Vt·~trnin ~ll'r llJgh tonight :1l X .JO :1! San- ti <1 g n in the 1·h:.in1 - P I u II s h i p g :. m l ' \\'f'~lm1n s ter g;11nC"d LI herth 1n lhf' finals l\'it h :l 62 51 triun1ph ov1·r KL"n· nt~cly ll igh ~l :1rin;1 h:u\ 111 •\t:'r 11·<1. la~i::ing by 11.:1 ;i nd :n 17 in the first half and du"'" 40-28 w ith 1 : 19 to go 1n !ht· third r1u :1rtcr . 'rht• C'l:i s:-.:-I.ohos. carry in.[! a 10-1 rcc11 rd in to the dut•I. h;id brt·n rel~,.ing on 6-11 Tom Schncid('r john ;·ind fo rnll·r l\1~1rina JV player Brian Jenkins for most or their offense. ESTANCIA'S RAY ORGILL(12)LOOK SFOR HE L P. \V ith l··uunl;iin \l <l1Jl'\' lt-:Jding .'lO ·18 :ind 3"3 St•1·011ds l1·ft in the g a rn1·. L11de<;\1•in hit. \11·0 frt·t· throws n1:1k1ng it !'12-·IB. but 'l'u ~t 1n fl\Jll'kl~ c:1n1p back, 1·1i1s1ng thC' g:1p to 52 !10. With t·ighl sl·c-onds r-C'n1<-lining. llohdc hit both t•nds of a nnf' nn-nnp to ice the g<1 mc fur lht· J~arons. Schneiderjohn wound ·up •·••ilh :13 points. hil- ling 13 of 19 from the field . bl ock in~ three sho ts an d hitlin~ ;di St·vcn frt'l' throw al· tempts . Tars 59-58, Laguna Downed On Win , Cooke 's Shot f'°'o unl :1in Vallt•v was lucky to escape With .a v.•in ;1s it played ~1 s lug . gi.;h offt•nsivc g:1me. 1'he J ~ar·ons had VC'ry littlt• movcmL'Q..~ when lhC':">' had the· b<dl and forl'L'cl nlore shots thPn they JL·nkins contrihuletl 11, including a free throw v.•ith 1:12 lo play v.·hich gave the l_,obns a S(•t•m- ingly secu re 53-·18 Jco.id. Rut Marina, p\~1ying v.it h patience <-1nd dc- tcrn1inalio11. rode the talent:1 of Rich Br<tnning ;11ul Cook to pull it out. lirannin~ canned a 10- foolcr 'A'ith a nrinutc to go antJ the n arched in a 12-fool('r "''ith 16 seconds remctining. That cul ii lo 5:1-52. Rut the Lobo~ s till had lh1· b;ill. 1' h e n I h c \' i k t' s cmpl1Jyccl o.i tactie that has \11orkcd so v.. ell against them in the past . Tht.'~ lricll lht• alll·our1. prl·~~ S t ep hen s _s aid af lerwarc1 that l .<1ndgr;1f was a little slow getting position for the i11terc1•p - tio n and perhaps that "';is the kcv to its SU('· Ct'SS. "They's;iw lhl·Opt.'n rnan and t hrew lo hin1 . probably figuring Kevin "'·as too far ;1 "•av tn he any danger.·· slephl'ns said t .;.1ndg r:1f "'·orked ti pcrfcct\.v . lc;.1v1ng Cook to compl£'lc his hcru·s rol(' l.O\!W< LAN:l9••' .... ~rh•., CS41 I• II ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,, ' • ' • • ' , " ' • n f'r;ink \\'righ t came up v•ith 33 point s ;ind h1..., fou1·th ~\r;1ight douhlf' figurl'S produ(·tlon l·'ri day night for l.:1gun:1 lkal'h lli gh 's h ;.1skctball t eam hu l il w;;i sn't t·nough :is the i\rtisls dropped their s ixth de- cision in nine starts. 1.;:spt'r<1111.~1 ·s /l.zlecs broke into the lead e~rlv :a nd r<JcPd In an &i 7.4 non-lo.,;;i gue triun1ph on lhe "'innc·r·s fl oor. \\'right hit 1·1 of 20 s hols frn n1 the f1f'ld , n1nstl.v nn l hC' fast break /\n<l M ike Koenig c.~an1t• up "'·i th :1 nice floor ganlt'. hut for lhf' r1·st nf th<• /\r11 s t'> 1l ":isn't !h1·1 r rug ht Sl'olt 'l'hort•:1u :-.tartt·d for th1• 1\rt1sts for lhC' first t1n1t• <tnfl C'flll:llf'd t11s ~t'<l'>Ull sc.·ori n ~ \\\lh si.-: point:-. i\ n 1t \\i•!l l ~;l('O!l l'hippt•d 111 V.'1lh ]~J ('f\lHl tl·r ~. J.agun:1 ltl•;1<·h ~huot ing \\·a sn'\ lh:1t f;tr off the /\rlists 1 ·~inl1l'<'lPd 11n Hi !If 22 free· th ro''" But thl' o\ l'r;dl 1·nns1" lent flioor pla~ \\ ;1:-.n't lht•rc ;1nrl co;1('h .ll·l'I'\' 1-'air \\<IS 11nh:q1p\ \.\1t.h l11 s !l'am 'slot ... ~ R.tlh°"" lho•O'.tu Wrl91'1 1( .... ., '<l !,oor••OO Tot .. 1, L•9<>n• Be •<~ (/4 1 '<l .. " ' ' ' ' ' 78 •• $<0< • lly Q<w rte" l•9un.P..."<1' II ?I 11 El{>O'r anrd l~ 1'1 ?O • , • , ' , " " " • " • • " 7• I• " .. 1\.\ 1)():-\/\1.0k'.1-:,· Ot 11>e o .. u, P11ot ~1 .. u h.1m (.'nuk1•, th1.· playl'J l\l'\\'POrt llarh<>r ll1 gh ·~ ha:-.kl'thall t t":1n1 ll'>U<dl\ goes In \Vh C'n things g1:t l<111gh , 1·<1n1c• 1hrougt1 ,,·ith :1 12-fo(il 1u1nper \\ ilh l!l ~(·<·or1d .'> t11 gn l·'ri- d av night to p rn\ id(• his rn~1 t"e s lhe "inning n1ar~in in a ~~l 58 11011- leag uL~ tri11n1ph Ovt.'1· 1-;stanl'i<1 :1t J[u1it1ngt1u1 BeaC'h ll1gh 1· on i g h t 1-: ~I a 11t'1 ii n1Pt•l :o; hn-;t l·:d1 '>11n at R 10 :i nd ll unl1n ~t 11n Be;11·h ;i nd '\1·11 purl ll a rhnr <·la s h :it 7 :11 F.d1~1111 ·r1ie v..1nn1n g ~ho! v..:1s t 'o<1kl"'>IO\h field )!tJ;d of the nig ht and 1! n1:1d1 · 1'n<11·h ll ;1lf' 11:.i.:L·.v·, '>l r<itei.:~· ln11k J.!11nd alll·r '.'\t·v.·p or l "L'llt tnlu ;1 ~l'Ol • :-.l:dl \\ith 11\'l'I' four 111u1u1e,..; !H i,!u 111 an :1t· lt'1npl t n 11ur..,,· ;1 ~,!) :~1 ;u1 I ;till ;1g1• ,\l :1rh I.till\ 1vr• 1nok .1 p;t"S 11·1•111 IJ ;111· ltf'C'k(•I' :u1d hit :1n 1·:1 s ~ l ~J\'llP 11> pad lht• r11 ;1r g1n. but c·na1·h lla\·t· (0 :1 rl1sl(''s 1-:~t :Hll'lit qu1nl1•t 1·;trn1· hack 111 t:.i kl' t h1· I t':HI on a 1 ~ fnn t '>hot h\· .John '\1:-.h1'f .111rl :1 l;1vup h~ r;, !t· l \i..,1·hoff off .hn1 .\l1•{'l11'>kl'" ~~te:11. ('on k t' a n d ri.t a I t Spanl!lt•r got °\;('\\f!Ort /i,11·h. 111 t·n n!Pnltflll , h n \\.l'\'t'r. and l ,011\if'r put '.'\P\\ pin·t tn frnnt ~.~,~··I" 1th \ :!:l t1 ·ft tq ~t·I \lP 11 a).!l'" '" 1ng us ually do. 1'hc l~a rons 11lav(•d their us u r1I t ough ·d(-'· fc·n s ivP l!~•m e. k eeping 1'us t 111 outside. Both c l uhs had S L•vcral 0 •• 1, Piiot Pl'<>toby P•lf•<• 0 ·0o-n ERIC J AN SSEN (50) SCOTT COWAN (33)V IE FOR REEl OUNO. '\'f'\\'port h :1d dom1n~1t ­ L'd th1· first half. hit!ini.: 17 of 2fi from the· fi eld . hut cnuldn 't put J·'.st ancia ;1\\':1y '!'he Jo:aglcs \\•c1·c· eold fron1 the field. but n1 ;u1:1gt"d 12 of 11; free· thro\\'S ln lhc first h:df :1gainst Nt·\\·port ·s zont· to stay \1 ithin r ;1 nge. turnove rs ::ind didn't ------------ h<l\'l.' 1nuc h success run· Ll l d Ed• ninganypta.vs . v· t oy-e zson 0,~';";':~'.'.'\~,~,~~;v ,'~",~,'. IC Ory :\'either tt•an1 pene tr:i!- cd the ins ide anrt hoth c·o:icht•..; t'xp«ri m f'ntl'd :-.nm~·\\'h;it \I.Ith thC'ir lint•up F:stan1·1;_1 \\'Pill \\'1th fur\\;tr{l s l'>rt t· ,'\ t'\1 n1 ;1 n n I sop ho n1or1• I ;ind Bri an ()'l'1)11r1or 111 lhC' 1·arl~ going N(·\\·rx11·1 '>l:1rt1·d fl ~ Spangl1·r ;it !ht· po..;t >ccond half wh;ch m•clc MD R;pS HB, 66-52 the rt ifferen cc in the Fo "< garne The ll;irons con-r \-"("rtf'd onlv thrf'C' of JP N•.,..OOtl H•r-(,•l a.,, ••• ,,...,.,._,. Coe•• P111ft( > ~ lotJY!f • !.oovmou• ~1'191•• 101111\ !l""Sf''1 M<C•o~••v Ort;i•I! N•5.be! Bi""°"'" ""'""'Cl" Mllt!h O'C0<100< IQ II ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' '" C\tan<i• I~•> '" It ' " ' , • ' , ' ' ' ' ' $(0tf by Qu~rl•<• ""''"Por1Xl1~11 ,, ~9 f"\l~t>(•A 11\811 IG-~ • ' ' " ' ' , ' ' " • ' .. • • ~ • ' " , • " C"h:i rit~· t osScs in t ht• first h:df "'hen ·rust in held thf' l1•:1d 1nos t nf !ht· v.>;1y. Rohde l ed 1--ountain \l;tllL''."'0S attack v.. ith 12 poinls and plavl'd nnt• of hi ~ 111·~1 d i..·ren si\·e f.!.1n1t·~ 111• t·:inll' up y,·ith :1 k1·y blnck v..·ith 1 ·i12 1ert 111 lhC' g'-ln1c· and 1'ustin dn'A'n hy lv..n point s. i\1ike Z11n1hn :ind 1.0de.st C'in 1·11nt r 1tiutt"d JO L'a ch and R iek Valbucna had CJ s t ron g g:1n11· on lh e hoards . 1\l :i tt•r f)('1 lli ,t?h 's !\T nnarc·h s r.:·hnunclt•fl fron1 I h rt·1· ~I r .11:,.:hl lnSS i'S 111 1111st ill1 t•:1..;\" jl).;,1; 111111 ll'<ll.!11(' h;1 ..,k1·i hall lr111n1ph O\'f•r th1· hos t \\'1•..,tf•r 11 l'111np1·r.., Frid~1 \' nigh! It '' :1..,11 '\ niul'h nf ;1 t'Otlt(•Sl a..; lhl' l\lonarelts nf M :1\t•r I h•i !'11:1<"h .l1·rr11 1·ardi f' ~p1·d 10 .1 211 1·n lead n11d I'·'' thrnu i..:h the fir:-.1 p•·r1od :ind ... 101\· ly expand\'d lhl·1r ;1d\:111 I a~t· lhl' l't'"' nf I hi· I\ :1\ , • ...,, ... ., V•lley fl-41 tp '• n • • /\gain it ";1 ~ !ht· ia:-.! '! brt"<1k lh,11 p;1\t·d tht• •O W<•Y fqr 1 hl· 'l r•n:irl'hs. " 10 Mlllff ' 4 II Zumbo \ 0 " • ' ' , l -sl•ln J 4 v .. 111ue-n.o • o Mltcl>ell ! • Ro-~ 7 lol•i. 70 ~"'"by q ... ,,.,, Fouril•lri v.,11ev Tu.ion u " " " " " • ' ' , , , " " " i 1\h11 po..,t1·d 1h1·1r· n111th 1; \\'111 in 1·11111l1n g:-. ~ .J.it•k [)1·:1 11 lh l' " " lSy R OGER (' . .\R I.SO ' Ol I~• Daily P1Jot Sl~ll ·ron1 l.l11v lt•d :1 latt·:-.ur gt• Ill l hl• . .:l_•('fltid q11:1rl1 'f ;1 ~ I-: d i.:-. o n 11 1 g b . s l'h;1rg1•r '> :-.lnrn1cd p ;1~! th1· ho :-.l llunt1n gt n 11 Bl·at•h ()1lt•r<; l·'r1d;1v ni ght. •iG -52, 1n 11011 ll.':1g,u( has kl·tb;1ll ·r on 1ght ·-. a <t11Jt1 ~1 t r:111..,nn find ~ th1· l'hargl'r " pl :i.11 11}.! 1.,: ... 1;111 1·1;1 ;11 H .11) f1dlO\\ 1ng_ :t 7 1 "c.·l!i('I... ! 1 ff h1 ·t v.•1•1•11 11 uril 1nµtfl11 H 1·;1(·h .111d i\1·1•por1 l!.1rli11r !Joy hit'" 1('1• in :1s p:.ie1· of :10 S f'f'f111d ~ t!I p:.ir1· ;1 !lun\1nµto11 B1·:11·h h·:ul 111 21; :!!l. 1 IH•n St•nl\ ( ·,." :1n J,.!:1\·1· t'1Ja<·h ll.1\ t' 1\lnh-.' r:rli -;nn qu1nl1•t lht• l(';1d for I h4 • fi r~t I 1 n11· ! :11111 fn r g!111d I \\ 1th I /f'i l(•f\ 111 lhl' li.tlf \\1t h :t 20-fontl'r El Toro Clobbers l\lonarC"h~ · fl ·2 pn ... 1 lt•d all StOr (•r s with 22 poin!s :i nd o\hl·r:-; 1n d1111blL' f1gurt''> ft1r th(' Wllllll'f''> 1nt.:ll1<h·d '' .irh ftr1·ilfu:-.s t1 2 ) . .11 n1 S1·htilt1. (1 2~ :1nrl P;il 1·:1·t'l1·:-. 1 in ' f..:1rk 1\n1b1·0 1.11·h t.1n1r: up" 1th .1 10-fnnt h :1'>f'iin1· shot n101n ent ~ J,11,'·r and ~l•r!Ho l1•l ('(1!1l hll11·d \\ llh '>('\'l 'I :11 &•"'"~) '~ •; ~ ;~ 11 u n t 1 n g t o n n 1· :1" h Fl•I~~· 0 ? I h Oeari 10 7 o l urnn\'l'fS. t t' 1•nd 1~ :i:-. 111 l"auh••.tri 1 o ~ 7! ~i g htfor lhl'fl1l1 ·1'' Mustangs, 56-42 ~<~: .... ~•· ; ~ ~ ,~ (.'oach 1-:11n l'r (_'111n1i..,· ~temmtt n ? 1 l hli'T'°' hun t.' 111 fn l" a\\ h1I•• hrf'ak :1'> lhv ('h:1r~C'rS bf('t'7t'd horn1• II ll ha nu1d ;1t\:1eh. in thi "l'l'•1nd h;df llunt111 1•t11n H<·.ich n•·lt•·d nnl_\ :!:I iif ~11; ,11 lC'llll•'" riorn !ll1 · f1t·l1I :1.., "PP""''d lo l·:lf1 ..,,,11 ·.., :n 11! t~J ,\nd tin (ldvr " \\•·r ~ .cutlt~ 11f IJ IU1'1)(1\1·r-. ;1g;1H1St !ht• l·:d 1 ~11n J!l"t· "" \\hH'il I\.!" 1'"111 ·1·1,dl; .. ff1·cl 1\1· \\li••r1 lh1• t 'li :ll).!l'l'S '>lllll!lr'd 111tu !lit• li·:1d '!'hi· I 11 h ·r-. \1 ··r1· 1tn.1lol·· rn 111·r11·1r:lll' !111· I·:d1..,.,11 7(,111' ;u1d h ;1d t 11 '>«!lli · r•·r pf'r1n1f'!f'r :->h1 ~1 .., 111!1111 11<>rh 1•d f1111 • 1111 t • lllllllll•·.., ht·f111·1· 1h1· "'"'1 1.111•d111 l""'"' W1!'°" "~ lull ~ c.o ... , I " • ., . ' ' ' " ' I'll~·~·~ " ~ ll"'b'O"fh fl co .. ,... ' f) I· p,.~,lon 0 C I l<>I"" J I • 1J t<-inglon e..ac ~ !Ill I• I! rt H.orll•n c...,,,.,.,,., cao1r • " .. " " " • " " ' • ~ " ' ' • ""~' tw•""'!'>O <.-..... ' ' ' ' '5.co•rllyOuartr•\ ,,.. ..... l °'l<m•QO\ " .. " " " ' ' " ' Race Re.suits I\;\' CRAIG SJl l-:F'I•' CHt"e Daily Pilot !>lall ;,flvant<ige.., h c f11rc the ('harger s !ook eonlrnl Hil! -.....,,......, ~ ; ; :111d ... 1111 \\t•r-.· 1\1!h1n l·:I Torn l!1 gh o ut -Ell•••!~\ x~uiu 1 1 11 1 :1n )..!t •.1111 ~~\\1\h!:.111., Tot .. I• ll 10 ll /~ "<01"l'd('ost:1 ri.l1 ·s:1 lllgh, C••t.. 1~ 11 -" .. 5.<or•llYO..a••••• i.:r1ir1th!'tturdqu.1J'l!·I' o. .... ,~,,.. ...... F lri<ll~mu N. di • ''" .. 1 Sin·~ Id••~ " " " " ' • ' •• Coron a 70-63 Victor llY f:D BU Rl:A RT OI "'-O..Ur ~tt.I ~l.,ff The Corona de! ~f ar Sea Kings overcame a third quarter lavsc <:t llfl defea1ed the Dana llills Dolphins. 70-63. in a non· league baskelh<-111 garnc Friday ni ~hl at Coron;:i dt>I M <1r ll ig h. Tctnd y Gi l lis' Sea Kin~s only led 43-41 a t the end or t he thi r d qu<irtC'r nftcr leading:, 30·20. at halrtime. l\ut 6-6' :! sophomore rente r i\l('x Black hit ;i bank shot to start the fourth quarter and re- serve' ,t?uard Gary Guis- nf'sS ;o::a nk a 12-(ooler to put c;orona de l ~l;ir ahead. 47 .4 T. LOS ALAMl lOS JI f SUL I~ Fo• """ar C.le••. Tr.oc• F.ts1 FlllST lll<CE •00 •"'"' J '"''r 01'1\8 ~p (.'i>•"'•"'l Pv<'~ \1'\00 "'"'"1<1h1 ~"""'o ((.,\t001a1 ''IO 6!>CI ~"1 Tr.o<•S-'!T•,.~\U•~I 1000 ~"'1 .. o..-... o~•••O!Ct P,\Q~•) '"'' I om.to 70 "° 111!-0 '"" r~y , J e 0, 1...., p,. <1<>~•1 lol!O" fli>< 01•1 A l>t"•••I P,\ll"<>~ e~r. ou,,tt•r e""°"'· 1 ... 1 Re""'"· Dt•P 1 0<>\o !>tralth..t C.r~w Oev••. C.ou~ll'I M•<• Chd1n•d Roc••1. Sm<>0lr> 11 °"'' U l:Ji:ACTll ._M id"lt;ihl $Pff'd & 2· TrK• sa.es,,..lcl"41 .... Sl:CONO RACE 110 '"'d\ ) we;oor olds I. uc. c1~1m11>9 Pu•,• 1.J.CO llttl,.Go Fl~"I !N lc-mu•J ll 00 A,.,.,.c.,ri Go!rit t noa•, 1 Ro1•I P.t~• 1 T•,.a•u••l Tl,.. ~5.ll AIM> r•ri Mand~lt•. 8•o'*n <;1,;p Mr. liQtr RO(~fl. NOO• MoQl'I, e~; F• ...... ~r.,t<:IK'd -Oyriag01Ae Tl41 RO RACE -~49 '"'d~ 3 ¥''"' old\&. llP. Sl,.•l•r• Allow""C~ Pu•-.e '""' Holslv v .. ., 8•• U:••dot• I / 1.o J . .-0 MySlr.t._, !l_iph.,ml J.iO ~quest'°"RO<:~e! ( 1 te•,11••1 Tlm.-11.<14. ,. >.ro '-~ ... IKI ,.,n • Alotl" 81•, k.lPlttCO, L11· tit! All.., C•I. 0 1• Col-I. St••lched-Tend1•W.tr•l0t. FOURTl>f R ... CE -.00 , .. ,m.) rt•r olds ""'"'e l5000. Tr.. El P•lfNlfO O.I A'1o T<lat• IFlr~I Division ~ S{.OOJ>S0.11Qhl IH•rH 6.6<1 W....c»Wllth (0tf ¥'e• I 1.,lklnv Pl<. lure IC•rd-Ot.,J ll~-20.1• J.IO 1 Kl •1'0 1.oll '-~ Al.or--Co.N!C..-,, Go ZlpPoc•ri. Cerds •rid ltlt<l!r\, 5.<••t<....,-Th<I! l fn•. The Dolph ins nrvitr came c loser th;in four ~u•TH RACE -400 ,.,r.,,. 1 vM• , h S , '*'•· P\lrwSSOOO. again as t c ea K 1n~s r,,. E1 Prlrne•o 0.1 Ario r.1 .. 1i k I 'n 'th f5Ke1"1110Jyj._ion) ('p . comt ~ up WI E•svo.te 1Kril9f'llJ 1.60 2.10 170 .. t'lutch baskets . E ither ni..A.mties-'-ITre•s..,.e)J.90 2.1D · BJ ark would score from ~.::!~io'.~coo.mvs• "'° ' J nside or guards Chris •••• ,.,., -Wtilrl••o· e1•cl 11 k d P I A Thouqfll, Dl•l•n.t M ls1, 11!'.I .J•lo, • a e r a n au n-Ar>otNr,.,PC:<e•I. ·jleflon w o u ld p op 15· Nll K r •tcrw.1. 1,,,,,..,,.5 SIXTH R ACE -.ioo Y•fcb. l.,...... =-:r•b . S r ' ,...,.._,_ ,. e c :1 n. Ing s l~. El p,1....e.o Del Al'IO Trt•IJ -doibift•l~ the rlr51 half, ITl>iirdOlvhloril .! 'Mi.'' Of 1• >hOt"' l.l1°R1tqunt(W11rdl 10.fO 1SKI 6.IO ~· O • .~ V!v•Vlll•((•<dol.tl f .«I ).611 '"" e l)o~hi n s v.·e rc outiUc•'• O•••m (H••ll ),XI 1> --ti ~ Tlmt • XI 17 ev1d, con111•r n g on 7 or •"o .... -... t1d1c .. 1.a, ~l•y , 5111t ll,., Olvll'll Rlt;ihl, C.lg.,..l\lt, ft . . C•lc""i'' UL .uana l-l1lls h it NoK ••tci...\. ie¥1;tt of It.I fi rst eight µ1:••ct A •t.~1•11~~a•v1 .... _. ....... third quarte r VMt,....-sr-.M. 4 I Mlle (fliroci& dt l M ar eosnmlt-ttt·d r our tumoven ln the first mlllu'1 SIVIMTH RloCll •" "°° ,.., •. J , .. r .... p"''" $SOOO' T"" Et P•l,..,..ro 0.1 Alt4I lrt.,h (F-111 Dh,,,lofl\ ._,., C"-•00'• lfrt •lur .. ! . " U•v<1 r 11p•ol\1PtilH••' l'-.t"" l'wll IW.O•Uo 11"•· I" ~! l\lo,() ""' I ,HI•·•~<!!' J;i, > l).o••o '"'"'•I•<• hi 1<1'"'"n 111'>(/f'I IJH •Py \I <" "'" Ill; '1 ri>ll n'" £1G!o<lH RACE olO' & UP (Mom"'<! ~ .... ~ ..... ootl H.•n• 'Nril1•lll.orl > <.Mt PI ulu JAU.t" • •OO .,.,~, l yr,,. F.io.~, & """P' "' I" I( I PU ()uoo•n !Kii"" I T1""' ?C " ,,.,,., 1.ln 01a1e \ {,,,. Cu1~" (l~vt.•, l<u• Moori, Orr o.:~ """· Colo< MP P1ri•. 1 8.,r No1', R0<;>•n' '"' S<r,.ltMd l v.,,te, fl•••"'· M"' fl• .. 11r d 811•. Ru""'" Ro"" lolhQO lfi 1;. 1n !ht• !'losing fnur M C•1>•~1 r11n ~ ~ 1: """1•·~· 11 11 1' 1' 1• Hui j; 1 ·r11rtd Z1rh•·I n11nnt•·s t11 <::1rn 11 5fi -42 ~~~~v 0 ~ ,: ,,.,..,~.n H A lij i... "' \\!i!I l(•d .:ill <:1'tH'•'I"' \''11h ~'.('!~ry 1 1n non le ;q.,:uet:.,~0•" ; ~ ~ n B,·i~k i•l l >"l l !0.(';1n11•up1>.\lli,11•:11 1"nf 1 •1''••11!t!I .:1c.·t1on at <.u11 .... n 1 0 0 ; ... h11 l·h1•I ~ :ind L!n l' ('ot'nna d('I ri.I Hr lligh s;•1>1•1••n o o l 1 A,,,...,,.61.1 .. ,,,,1,....11 ,,,0 ,, r:1rnnii·d1n:1 ,hn1tnn1•11fl I • I · ool•I\ 2? 17 II .,., ·r11 :I\' night 1-«>.utori1os,., .... ,.,,,,., .111 nffl'll'>I\ r• 11•h111111d lQl~I\ } I r, \co••ll•Ol.o•r1r•' f~l·.t;<n H,,,.,t,riqlnl'I l\<o"' ~ 11 1, }fl '" " Pro Scurf's I Co•l.,Mef•!•JJ Wa~ero•••tll.No C••ohn.tSI 11> 11 :1 gan1c don1in:ttf'd ~..... 1 0 Ou1<e"'9,Nor1r.c ... 011n .. %1 0 11 14ht•n :tn /•'.d1 '>un pl:1\1•r Ir\ turnovers. F:l ·roro·s H•"""' o 0 7 ~ o..i .. ,.,.,,....s1 19.n1"""11 n11s!';l•d :1 fr1·1· thru11 1•• Ha11 ....... 111~•t•tb•"""0.,.,.1a .. (_'I I I Miiie• 0 I J ~r<1uet1e61,Dto P•u!MI t.1ro•l1 11,flul1alt.•'1 I' ,1.ri 1 '.·g1 1 '1 1 ·s bl~' d "''h.:1l ~LP·°""'"" 11 , 1 ~ ~~[':':,~~~.1~~,;io~s• 10 g1_11<1· l·:d 1~nn :1 ,11 11 J!l lt •:11I ci .... ,,,,..,~1 """''0t•1>! t.1 l.l o ea C"on1manrl Ri<M"'"""' i t o } usc 1a1.vui..onov•l4 "'1 1 onl' pcr101 r1 ·n1:1111-Ct.•(•<1D l16.Prioen .. •r1 • 10 30 I H•Hi...,n l 0 0 6 Phil,.Ot·lptio,\10/.IC ( Om1>ti~9 1ng '.". c~gt•1 with •1:•16 ~n~ 01 o o 1, ~~~~~~ .. ~:~°.::';';:~:6, Ill.I! 8of1onlll,Lo•l<riQOO l,.,tllf> ft'lll <11n1ni::ir1l1eJ,!aml'. w•"'il o 1 o uCRive•slde ... A,ui.oP•ti!l<M ll untin j'.!t on l~t·:1 t·h s.aui..'l>S.~•1111"0•1 H I II ~ 8yrr\ 1 1 0 ~ (: 1<,t t IN · Amltfil.tftllaskelWllAllOC•"'-tJ 1(' 1>JUS l<ings' Tot.i~ 1/ I I? •1 .: a• orlhroOQ~)l7.S>0.,..r111t~ ..,lrtu·\..ll<Jf')..\\lth ;1pairof M•ri1ucky1 1J,V"O•ni,•l'I (;:1ry Spink hit a 12-fuot '5.c••lrfO.O.,rt•••c •"1Po1~1p.......,.,.1 ,11.c .. 1~1.,1~11 ,.,1 f11•ld ~o;il ~ hul 1-:dison ,...,..vor•1l11,s1 Lou••ll J o.riw• no. 1no1aria 111 lllOlper <llld added a flToto 14 IQ • 23 S6 US1U ll,Clar•m<>MMudi;l6'1 ;inS ..... 'c-rCrl it V.i!h llOC"On k•llwlalHac ,ewL•~- " ' ., I ) EJl:l<CtA •·t<•n• .. Nole ... !ol'wrp l_UIM, p .. ~d II• l.Q. OllN"IH PaC E ·•, •10 v~rd• J YNf o!dl. ,t up Claunint;i p.,,,~ ll.00 la.\·Up afte r a s lf';li JO c011•Mew 10 10 • 1~ -'' T .. • .. ~A&.M IO.N ..... •d.>!l. .. ~Vl!Q~l11 11.'slcd layups o f f thC' fasl &111~101.c .... 10 ...... 11"~' ~ t' c 0 n rt s 1 a t c r l 0 P 11 t 1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiilliiliiliiliiliilii1ii1iiliiliiliiliiliilii~iiiiiil J\fe~a b<;i rk h y s ix . A1ut / ~ J~W•llVO'I (W••dl 71 10 b •O • ~O v.•hen lt>arnn1ate ~lark Hirh<1rdson a dded ;1 huck('I afl.Pr another F:I Toro steal. thf' C har~crs· lea d had dwindl ed to R<>y~I lnp 6•• IP8Qoel J 00 7 90 Tt>l•d 1mat;1 .. (M~le~• J OCI Ti"" ?1 •S lS EJi:l<CTA l-Mr. •of W••-A "R•w•ltap•.,r,p.old\ : . .o. '10 -3fi. Pre p Boxes p..,1,,.,., Rilll>lt M l-lewl<I Wiiiette Hotlrn•n .... 11\l..t ··-Tol•li o .. ,...Hilll tll) •• 11 . ' ' . ' , ' , , ' ' ' , ' 1~ 13 c..--.WIMar !1fl MO.r10f'I • 1 Nellb 7 1 81.tt ~ 111 I B•••• ~ t R,,_11 O 1 rra.,, 0 1 GulY>e~1 1 1 -bb 0 (I c"'"' o 1 lol.,h 1, II k••llyO..~n 09...., HU" 10 10 71 COr-0.IMa• If 12 ll • • ' ' ' ' ' ' " • ' ' • • " " " l\l l's;1 !hl'n h :1cl tv.•o l11nrc shots ut. f'u1ting 1n · to thC' lead. but turnt·d thf' ball ovf'r both timC's. I Jo:I Toro lhf'n hit sevC'n p<Jinls in a row lo put it .. " " s av..:a.v . 1~ 1-'irst Jon .Ja c kso n , bagged ::in o ffensive re -J bound and hit a n easy ba s ket Then th e 1: ChargC'rs' 6·8 cenlf'r Jo~d '' MC"F'adrl en :>C"ored l14'0 " 1 free thro"'·s . added a tip-! 1n and another charity o toss and El T o ro had a ~ 17-36lead\\'ith 1:47togo . ll Mesa saw the lead only 10. twice. taking 2·0 a nd 4-2 gamn SAVE ~~'J~-,.s52910 AUT6~4..TIC $2999 + T & L DICK MILL!ER MOTORS 12ow.w..-at~s.toAtoa ~7-2132 ROSIE BLACK, THE WORLD'S · -0) GRfA ffSTFEMALE sonBAll PITCHER . $25 TO ANYONE GEITINGA HIT. I SEETHE QUEEN ANO HER MAIDS' UNIQUE 4-GIRl son BALL TEAM PURI IC Nt)TI« I PUBLIC NOTICE •IMll.Wt lotl ..o .. , •ISOl..YTMHl llO .. •tlOl.VTIOM OP MIA•D Of' Dlll•C •flOLVTMMll OP tOAIO GI' CHl•C- T'Olllt OP ,.CMn.Totl lltlO\lll •Al l toll1 OP "'°""'" Ml9UIL WATll DllT•IC:t AP,llDVllltG ltw1$t DISTll CT l.PPllO\llMI llVISID lt"OWT SITTllltG POll N (JIAMVI 11....,. l•TTIMS f'OITM ClfA-011 •110 IVPl'LlMl llTt TO PL•N O AMO tlil""Ll,.l•TI TO "UIM OP 1111o •nt1 ••D •IVlllMG f NE rt11-.11 .... AllO 11\llMlltO THI UTIMATI 0 ' COITI T M ll l l.o r •o • I M 0' (OITI TM•ltOP '01 I M ••O\llMlllf OllTllCr 111 0 ,10\'IMIMT 01Slll(T lltO IA nl .. l t AllOOl(lAllM(; INTINT !NWlll AllD DIQ.A•IMO IWTIMTIC)jll TO CMAltGll ANO IWPPLllMllltT IA! TO CNAN•I ANO M.IPPUMIWT SAID PlAllt OP •0•11• AMD ilt E w1t ! PLAN OP •D••s AND 111¥111 llTl-TI CW COS Tl llTIMA Tl OP COSTS -ElllEA\, &.ylt EnOlntt ng, •I mOI WHfiltEA\ .. ,It f "tl-.... t ll<m ol <ont ... \lf>O Ntin..•l. P't• 0"'11 pocP,..•d C-ull"'O ..,,._. P<• .. IOt,o\lJ 1Wiopott.O -11111 ...,, _,.,,o • o 111.,.1 p1.,, 01 -IN• ao.t•d •w• .. o .., .,llllMJ...,. ol _,,, '°' tf!lpl_,,.,.nt D \II <I l'tO I• _,, tor lft'\IM'O .. flW"I Ottbl(I '-l A ~["[ 1111 1114 •II f \Umtl< vi "'h l ...... el1>1 (l>fWf R I 1f>c1 IOI ltUm t le OI <<Moh -- •t ...,_._u, '""llllrd b r t'11t llO~ d •• Mil-""'"' ,..,.noho ~' 11'1" &oerd ..., .. lo(~l•...-tlnl'*ttno...,,tMlol lOJ OOO •hlc ~ t ol h •••• n lh• •movn• ol ..,..., '11 1«I (1(111 tnO WH(RfAS t t ff 110,. (n~ ... ··n~ WHf ilt EA\ t t ld llo fle En~MH ng .... ,_,. t. 1111' dli'M h<"' of ti•" l\o••d 14\ --· 10 ""' OJrflCl lO<> ti Ill!\ (tGMd N \ P'-td t lf'llCHI """<h '""""I (N....,\ -eel t flpotl •h Ch -· <"-'9> -\...,pHfN"h wl<I Plt n o• """"''61 In -..,...1.,...1111 t•iO pl•n o• ..,.., Cll ..,. p<o ......... Oltl"<I Ho ~· !Sf WI R -0<-• 0 1 1 t No lA l\EWf R!....., ,..,...,, ..... ,... .. oltll••""""~"'".,....' ""n ' •< ,.,.,._, "'_.. .. ,.,.,011,11 ..., 0 p1.,,. OI "'° "" tt•IM1 tr. cl• mt ll ol lM 1mo.in1 ol """"' ,..,,....,...._,ua.Mmtllte<J '*'"'-'lo l ttompl!th w • plMO ot _,., HOW l HE AEfOflE IM &.tdol n. "' l l C""""""en.d t"""'lt""nl<O 10t1 o1 -•-ftlt.,..t W•te• i;." _, HOW THEiltE FORE tM !iw<d at d rt ""'°' ""°'" •tum ...... .o "'Uo' O\ '°'' Of ""6ullon NI-I Wtl•• 0.ll•'<t -. toil-\ '-'KIO I UOI .. OlletmlN tnll OO<lt< '"' !wt Hon I T""I t u d R<p0tl u1 lk>f • 1o1-. [n11-•lfot IMllkd f "'I ,..,. 'IQ I ..., !.t<tlOll I Tiit! t i Cl R•poot ot lkifl< ..,.. ffepgrl wi ... ""d Pl•n '" "'°'"' 00 £11111....,, "II •titlll•d En111,.."mg P+"" ~-ColleUlon lr••l"'"'nt.or.O Oi_..,. -111•""'1 on RtYl""d Pit " ot -·~•"' fat I Utt lmptDW IT'orfl1 o ... "' '"' 1 .. Stw191 C.o!lt-(dO.. ,, •• , .... n,_O._ !~CWCIU ~~tl-/1 -l w .... , O"I ~1 f ..:1111-. lmpooye ,.,.t1I Oo\lf<t f'to I• °"'""'"" ttlt <M nQ nv•nit -•n• ISEWER t ""'un"' Nlt;!W! W•lt• °'"'"' WlljllMP1•t1ol-•t tot lmpoo ... 1t-.10.t O.tc-• ttl• <lllnt;1l"11 -~n1 ,, t "' IA l\(W[ II I •Ill> ••• "II ,.. .. 1ht P11n ol Wor•• to• tmi:wo ......... °'' t 1 """" ot <0\1 11htr1t11t k •"" '"' ,. "' ' !•<I f'to .. IS(Wf II) •nd •t•' nQ tr.. ,. H>y tpptD••CI •• 11 .... 10 of to•h ,,. ool "" .. ..i I"" w ..... ' ...... on 1 '"'' •• • 11\f nltnt "" o• t.. ~ .. I PO•O ... CI f!Ot•dkl<llt"VO'M'Otuppt• .... t !ll<pMUI Sf<llO<ll y,._, I \lh< n trfl on ol1h\I -••I '°' lmpro ... fN'nl 0\! <I.-..., \ .. fto• .. dlO t hl "V<"lnd •"(lp efl .. n tnopl .. QI lS£wE ll l nw1tottl'l ~>•ld "'l.Oftotl\o •" .....,k, IOf 11npoOwo,....n1 0 1\l o<t NO 1A £"11 ""'"110.IH 0.<t mtoo 91• """" SEWE:Rl tt .. tlo•thln wd •!Xl'IO!~•"'. ,,_., • 'tt ,,,1,.., the •<'" • r u• '"" E"ll ""'no dtll<I O..combe !91"~ wn '" ..,,._tot,.,,,.,..,"'''''' • ID"" Ompl '" ''"° t • •O ••• ,., 11\c e•! molt ol ["" ,,,. l>I•" of -·•• •• o h~n<jftl tnU 'I ,,._.,, ol "'°"">' t1et•••••~ lo ot<C0<1!pl 'lh "'""""'" 11W Ol•n ol ....,, .. , 01 t h•"IJC'd -\"I' ~"on l Trw.t tht o• Q 11.ol JIU !XI.,,. t pltment.O "'"<II 11 d lmll'O••m•"• 0 t l ""' ._(JJon l 1.,.1 th• o• Q n. p..,""""" t<>< """'""' .... IOlklW\ lo ··-... ..., on .... l(h •• " lftlPIO••ment I). I .... , \I vtl ....,,,, -tee l Uot I<><'*"""' I"•' !Of ....., , •• lollo•t !o t<qu re ..,., <on Mtnt ..no d!tP0\11 Mid rflotoo '"' 1 n tt•..c:I ....,,,, tlld tt< I lie' to .,.. .. _ 1 ••* tlu<I f'9 lfttonepl"' l•l It•• t ~"""~M ..-1 -Cl •oo••' •"" ei.!•<I '"" 1-. n ~ •nt l•<llhl•• •"a •lllu•n1 a ,.,.,, .. 1 cl..O nv ftl•rct ptor t•< 1 t '"' 1 c.01rne11t toe I t ., ..... «'111 ...... '~"'"lo '"'' ton Pl•nt It( llllt \ ond '""'"'""' d IPO••I t tclw l tomnUlmtnh to l• ~""~I,.. IO(lllllt~....,_..Qu rlnt;i lund•10 t..i! l <Dll _,, -W •POWI ol !llt D>>t ct '"" 1 ••lwl '""'"'""'"'n" to <• , out llH' I• nl'<I "'CDlll••<h iflt uCI "II '""' .Cl ,. II> ~rtMO;t puri10,,.., of Ohl rt cont• ,..., n ... ,.... -fl<!e\ C•J>tt1,e\ of lllo 0. 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CIOPSNO• f A £•AN0 f l>tl0 W ! l Pl ... .... l ••IA y MDUl l ON N (, w•lf PO ~I ll Cl •""O I"' BO• d .... o ~10""'"' ST•TEOf t •l r Q PN • COL HI YOf QP.t,N(;f ,, I ( ><A<>1 Dl I ( '"0"'A~ A'"''""' S.....•••• ~•llO•G Q•O too IM)VL ION N (.UEI .,.._ 1 f PO STPlfl flf """"' • ! '•~•t "'•"""' '""'°'r<;r:> nq •tu l I """"Cl(M •I "fl••fll<...,ll!oonNO IJ'Ot \t CIS... <I '""lh• ,..,,.,..,.,.. ""' _... ........... d 0t •t1>••l~d O.tte111•"1JN ,o•O..<•mlw 1•1• CH•AlOl l[ l t'O,,. .. !i An •l•n!Stt ,.,. • "'O\Jl TO N NIC.UI l WITE R Ol~l l>i(l •/'ldof!01•8ot •Ool D "''"'\IN <ot ....... \Md O onvt Co.a•! 0 • !• P.iol Cl<'< 71 111• .. Jen • i.11 PUBLICNOTICt. fllflt .... ,,.11 ...... lunday• In Ille P l!BLIC NOTICE ·-NOTICf TOCllOllOfl'\ IUPl"llOIC:OUllTOl'fljf •TATI 0' CAI.I ~1111& POI llll COUNTY OP OIMtefl ......... u 1 '4 ... ol (l Al l( ,[,t,11 (( OK..,..a NOl l(I! I~ Nflltfl!IY GtV(N hi'"" u ft11iot1 ol tl'f ...... rneo 111c.-..i - all --1 ll•lli"ll U •Hll l ..,._,IN salCI Ille-•.,, ,...,1•'11 It !lit""""-""'" ... -(1-J •-M •I. lfl ,,.. t flK•OI' h ( .. 0 <II .,,. -... 11tiw (-1 "" .. --..... wllfl .... _.....,, _,_.'-le IN PUBLIC NOTICF. I •'4l-UTION 1110 ... •fM>l.UTION 0' IQl.ID ()fl 0111( TO•\ D, MOU l TOlllllOllll W&Tll 0 1\TllCT "''10 \l tlfO l('tltl D llPOlf \l:TTING l'OllfM CMAMGl \ ANO \M,,l .M(lllf \ TO Pl AN 0 1' W04llllllNC l fVl\tlitG TNl llflM.llff 01' (Q\T I TN ( l(O f 1"0 111 t M ,.OV lM l N T 0 !\l l l(l NO tA ) t\lWI Ill ... D Df (l.&llN(; INTl:lllTtON TO (MAN(;I llNO W ,l'!.f 1¥1fNI ~10 •I.AN 01 WOllll l ANO lt lYt ~( l \TtM• ft 0 1 CO l!I • PUBLIC NOTIC~ l lE\OLUJIOMMO U. .,,OlUflDIOI o• IOollll O o• 0 1•1< fO•\ DI' MOUl.fOMlltlGUI L w,t,fl ilt 0 1\f •l(f A"l'IOVI NG lfWI SEO IEf'O•f tf l llli(; l'QllTM CM•IOI(;(\ AMO S\IP,.ll fliltlMl\ TO P LAN 0 ~ Mliltlt\ ANO iltf. 'Vl\l lt(, 1tirf. lSllM• Tf Of C O\f\ ftirl l E O f •o• !Ill ,.iltOY lflilt f N f 01\l .l(f NO '"' f\lWl ilt 1 .lloN D Dl CUll lMG 1111 T lN llOtf T() CMANGl ,t,"O \UPl'LfMtNI i"'IO P l l" O f WOllO!\ AMO ll fVl~f £\T Miff Of COSTS C.W.w t 'IQ""~"'""' "'''""" f l"•..-•d ..,11 0 •llU• ~ .. ~p ~•~II _,. "<l<n.o ""'vi -•>to mf>O~•~ ,.. I °'" o No •Al -.,1QM41 91 lflt ollKt ol hi• tltOr,.J lHOMAS l LOlllO !i'f1 Pt-• Vt ....,_ <I&, W tltf!J Lttun• Nlll1 (1Hton.l1ttt,j,) _.,left 11 lht pl.:t •I buollllnl of tt. "" ~fMd If' •H l'ltl .. •1 ,.r1.i..;.,., le IN '"' ~ •r."'11 bf ""' 1 .... d n ,,. ,. .,.,,, u v ~ I lllll WHE llf AS 8'1111 Eng IW•• "'I, •I "" OI t-..t•i.. •"'4111Htl 11••• h0\11 "'-"" -11111 llMtd -•oveCI '" ot+(I tW pl.., 61 "'°'•• tur tmpro••n',.nt O '" 1 Hll IA 1iEWfRI -t ft•l t mo•• Of("'" ,,. •'°' n we_....,1, 0,....no.11 "' "'" K<>o a ""'l<"tMh w• •"' ... •" ""ll<OI \) l!ill llOO ftl .. t ot t.llCI dlK•111 •llfllfl """ ~ .. n O' ,o, 91'19! lllt llrl II• 1t pUl;Hlttl ~vi 11'111 nolk • 0.1.0 0.<tmo.• 1• nit JOll PH W tl-IOWA L TEii E ottulOt ot 1PW w1 I Ol tllt-... 111meCI Ot1"°""+ TMOIMlLLQilll() mnP1J.M .. V11t11<1a '"""Ju U .... Nllll Ct •HU '"" 11141 •1-* .. ' . ~ ' ' ti.l ( "" -WH f ll[A ~ •• 1 Ho,• lnQ""' nQ q ....,...,.,u tot~• dteO Otl o u '11.l.o<l tw Pl•,..,Ml <IPO'' '"" h cjM)f!C ...... 11<'•'"" ,_1...,.nl•.,. d pl•n 01 .. o '' '°' I"""" .. _,...Ont ltl No l A l~f W[ll -••"' •M ••I .... 1, ol I"• •n o .. n1 ct ,.,..,,,,. -IUlfJIO.C<omP \ll >•Op.,..0)0 -1.> •tCn.llQt'O •nd vpplo •"''" l'<!lW ll<i !l<I • fl RI I( 'OTll f -------c--=--ilttSOt..l,ll l()llt NID Ult RIM:ll.l.lflOll o• IOAtO o• OliltlCTOttl OP ¥01,1LlC)jllllt1CiUl l ••tll Otl TllHCl '"""'°"l"G ll Vl llD iltll'O•' l l f UlltCi l'OtlM '"MOit ANO tl,l ,.l'LIEMINT' TO Pl.AM or WOt•l ANO ••"'''""" !NI llTI-TJ 0 11 (OlTl TMttt Or '°. tlllPIO\'letl(Nl ~l1 11 Cf IOO t A l !'EWI 1 1 AllO 0 1 "'lllMC. INI f NI !Oto TO CMAll(;I tNO llPL l"'tNf \> 0 11\.AN O• WOl ll\ Alll D llf 'll\l lltl-.f l O•CDST\ Wl!fflf A\ l\O r •I Qt••-.!'" MOI Ut>\vt"Q'"ll""r •P ""'''""""'•' ""'"''""'"'"""••U• "'""""''" ~ _,, fOI tJ I I h<l •A I .,n "'°'' -• ~ WHffl'l•'> ..-.;oo,"" •"• , .. " "" ., "' n• 9' o .ono 'w"" NO,., '"' 111 t Olit , _ ., " '" Saturday January 4 1975 OAIL Y PILOT B.'J __ •_l H~: NOTI CE--/ __ v_1 RI U 'OTIC • iltllOlllTION NO Ill 1 1\°"VTIONIOO UI ll'°'-WllON o r IOAIO o• llM:M.W!t(llO 0 11 toA•o 011 IMll(TO•f. or etlO\IL '°" IOl(;U(I,/ O!• I CTOlll O• 1110 \IL to.. lltll~!,l· l w.\Tll Dllfl l(T Al'l'l(Nl .. d W,t.1 1 1 Ot\1 11 Cf """llOY!llt(. 11¥1110 ••POi l l lllllllG F(lilt TM •r WlllO •tl'Oll l \llllll(; ~•TM 0-AlltOI ~ •ND \U,llLl M(NTS TO (HAIOC.t\ •otO ~Ul'Pl f ... (NT\ TO PLf.llt Of' WOlla l AMO lllWISING TIOf llUIO (),•DR•\ I NU 11,Wl\IN(; TIU l l Tl-ll. 011 COlf ' TNt•lOll Hiit l \H ..... l f 0 11 (Oll) f lO (lll D' Hll IMPiltOVIMl lo l I) ,I.I(! N() •• 1 OlllPI OWl MfNT 01\l•ICf 1oO 4A (\(WI ilt l Alll O Ol(t I •INC. Ill fl NT QNj l\f W( l I AN D Ot (l '""INC. INT I NI l()lo lO Cl'IANGf AM O \U P P t (M(Ml UHlj 10 (NAloC.f •110 \IJ l'"ll"'INI '>AtO "'-"'" 0 11 W0 11•S •NO lfYISE "L.A N I)' ,.OllJ\ AloD l l Wl\l l lli-11. 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C'nt.l · 1n~ Jan. 11. :1 s lfit·y 1q1pt•<1r in n1,:xl \l'f'C'k ·~ i ~~uc or Hillho:1rd 1 1nug;11.111t·. 11 OT SJS(;l.l·:S 1 l.l'l '\' I:\ ·r 11 t-: SK\' \\'1'1'11 Jll.-\i\lll:\"US l".llun .lohn. l\ll ',.\ :!. 'f(ll ''H I·: ·r1tt-: l·"ll<S'I'. '!'Ill: 1 .. 1\ST. !\1 \' t-:\1t-:ll't''J'll l :\"(; 1Barr.1· \V h1lt·. :..'ttth l"t·n!ury J .Jl"'\Hl l?'S /·'.\l{!\1 -S,\J .t,'t' (; -l'aut !\l l·t:;.irll1t•1 & \V1ng.'.>, 1\p· 'pit• -1 1..\1 ·r;1rr1·:11 IN ·r1 11·: J{J\I.' 1· .:-.=t•il ~t.·dah.a, !\ll'.\ 5 .• \1 .-\:'\ I)\' l~:1rr.' M :1111ll•\\, lJl·l I [ fi. l )\'.I.\' \0 U l ' H 111g,11 . ,\ pp le '· 1\(1(1(.i li". ti:\ Il l·:(;(;_, .. : 1\\"(.l !\1 !\ "\ Sl l '\"l' \\"nndt•r J\JU(ll\I 11 1 X. J.>I.1-:·\S I·: \II~. l'(IS'r\1,\!\ (;1rp~nll."r ~. J\&.\I ! ~I. h.l';\"(.; f·'l' Flt:1rrI\'.l; l:arl !JouJ.:l a s. 20lh l\•11\111·\' 10. flNJ-: J\.t.t\.'.'J \\'f):\J,\·'.'l·<'Jt'\I;; l \VO :v1 A~ !\l .i\!\ -1':.ul Anka \11th Odia (.'0~1\c~. L·nilt.>d 1\rl1 s ts ! ·ro1• 1.1•s 1. El~TON JOllN -Grcalt'Sl ,]lits, NC"1\ ::! .• 11-:·r1 IJ{(') ·rL·l.L Child. \\'arner l1rL1s :1. llll!tl l'J,1\\'l·'.ltS Firl'. ~11..•rr ur ~ -t. JO\'.! ~1 rrc111·:1 .L :\tile~ Of Ai sles .. t\.s_,·lun1 S. ,Jfll l '.'-1 l)J·'.;\;\"ER Bat·k , Home Again . RCA t>. ll ARH \' (~11 ,\1.,1:'\ \'t•rlie:. & Balderdash, E le ktra · i. KEIL 1)1 :\'.\JO~IJ • ~Scr·t'.'nadP . Cul11n1bia Gleason Hosts l·IOLLYWOOD (LJ !=>J) - Jackie Gleaspn ''•ill play h ost f or C l3S-TV"s fifth annua l "AG VA t.:nterta incr (If the ,. {';n· ,\ '' <1 rds" s hO\\ n Ja n 18 M. Rl'.'\C.()S'!',\ltl1 -(;v<)tlni~hl \'ienn<.i . Apf'll· !I . B A C 11 !\1 J\ '.'J -'f' L! ll N I·: I{ (l\'t:RD!tl\'f : 1\/1-il 1:rugllt· ~l('ft"llr.\ 10. 1.1'\J),\ H(l '.\'S'l"i\Jl"I" l!t·arl L1kt· ,\ \\·"hl·t·l (';qJ1t11I Appll· 2 !\I ,\:\!)'!' H:1 rr.\· :\1;111111111 . Bl·ll :1 !'I.I-'. \S I-~ \Ill ['t)S'l'~J ,\:'\ 'l'h<' ('a rpvnt1•1·~. ,\,\ti.I 4 . !\t(IJ{.'\'l\'.1; S ll•I·: (\j.' '1'111-: J\t OUNTAIN Donny & Martt.' Osmond. "1G~1 5. Blll'K ·.'\ l{tll.J , c;,,,,. 1·1111 'J'h1..· lt1..·-.t \"l•:1r~ (If \I \ J,111· l\I al' k J) :11 1-.. l 'ol 11 rn li1 :i " :\\\' 1-:,·1-::s .t\.1l<111 1·:11 \'tlt l·'r;1nk1l'' \";dli. l'r1v.1t1· S1111·I- ; \\"1·11-:\'. ,\l'l\lJ .I) IS l\tlll\' \!1ch;1('\ llv lnl, \I L·r1·ur~ X" ()\'.I~ J\J ,\~ \\'11\1,\\ l l'\F \\"l)\1 1\S \l ,\'.\" l ':1ul .\11!-<1 . l fnitect ,1\ri1 ~1 s 9. L'J \{ 1·: /\ ;\1 l' N ·1· h,. 111ghlP1H1 ~ Broth1 ·r~. I la\ 1·11 10. 111·:s·r 01·· i\1\· 1,C)\"I·: ·'l'h1 · Eag les. t\.-.~·lu1 n COU'.'/TR'\' Sl:\(:1.1·::-; 1 . Rtl l ~'\' l:i .1\ll\" 11111 ' "('i·ash"" ('raddol'k . l~\11 2. J.i.t-'.K'rlll'I-\\. (;t\\11!1.l-'.H f.terle llag~ard. C'apitol 3. 1·0 BE/\ l,EG l-.:N D IN J\1\' T l!\.1E -Ronnie i\l islap. MC/\ 1. 1.1..:1-: 01.1J ·r1:\11~s ,\(i 1\I'\ ll;.i\" l't'l<'U. '.\\\·r h :-1. 01\l'\' \VO~\,\!\""S ;\!1\'\ FrL·ddie Jl :11·t .(';1pitol 6. RLJCK 0'.\" !!.\It\.· llrc11d,1 l.l·t>. !\1L';\ 1. ou·r 01·· 11 1\'.\IJ 1;,11 ,. Sl<'\\·:1rt. !{('A ~-c 1·r,· LJ(;1rr:-; t\11 L·kt·\ (;il\cy. l'la.1·J)o,,· '.l. 1 ·r ·s \JlllN\(;11 ·r J)j{()'.\l !SJ~~I ) \,.\:\"!) El\ 1·· P rC'!>lt·1'. 11l'1\ J O. ;r111-.: l)(l(>ll \;l·titJ-:1 ' .Jvnl'S. C.'t1l111nh1 :1 ,.,,\l.,\t sr•RTK .s (1\P 1 1\ :. ear a ,go, the poll r t· 10 lh1 s plush desert resort <"ity tll.'c1ded to lotk out burglars . It's v.•orking ,\ta tin1ewl1en 1n flation is driving t.'Vl.'ry thing llJJ . lht• c rime r:itt.· ht·rc 1s ~0111,.: (IO\'. n l';dn1 Spr in g:; 1 ~ ;.1 1111)llll'rl n1t•l' ea !h<tl altr;icts h11ri.:l:1r-. :ind hotel !hH·1 c·~ l 'f 'S ,\ l-"t\\1C1Rrr1-: \\;1\L'l'lllg hol1· fo r !lul l.' \\ood t'f'l1•ln·1111·~ Sul'h !-t a r!-"" l·'r•ank S1nutra :ind r\flb llOpt' h:J\'I• hOlll('S hl'l't'. 1 1 '~ 1h(• pla~·gr1 1u r1d fo1 !ht• r11·h and fam•lllS. l )\\1J.!ht I). 1-;i-.1·nhov.l·1· pla.,1·11 ~:nlf ht•r1· '' h1•11 ht• 11 a s prc·-.1d1·nt Sti did for n1t·f" \'l{'l' l'rt•-.1dt·r11 Spiro 'I' 1\.i.;nt·~. F 1n:inet•d i., ;t S:l~.000 f1·1lt·r:d g 1·;1 nt. l'a lrn Spr1n:,.:-.· l'rir111· pt•' 11·ntu111 pr11g ran1 • .., d1 •1·1·1•ll\1·l1 :-.11nplt· "I t ·-. no\hnll! !h :d -.. 1111•rl \ 111•\\, · -.:11d l'11 l1 <·t• {'1i11•f Hnh1·r1 \\'hil t• "l.:1-..! ,J;1 n11 :1r1 \11· -.1:1rl•·d 1!1 "!11'('11ll).! h1llllt..'-; -.n 1h;t\ \II' 1·n11!d r1•t•ornn11•11d h1·tt1·r !-1·t·ur111 ;1,,:.;uns t bur}.!Lu·s." 111 ).\1 1·:1)\\ !\l·:l{S 1\f{I·: -.h11v.11 h11\\ tn k1·1·p hurgl:irs uu\. h;. :>tlt"h n1('an.~ ;i-. c!E·ad bolt. ]o(•ks ;out \\'1ndo\\ g uar1ts. In ~nrnc· <tfl';1 !-> blnt·k 1·;1p1<1i11s \\orl.; \\ilh thL· po lie<' to k1·t•p P<'Opl(• 1nform<'d. I n ordt·r l o 1t'-.t tht• progr ;111l ·.., 1ni.:1ni.: d t~\\11 1 j ·~•·h·11!1;.1I ;u1d 1·001 1n1•r1·1.il l1u1 J.!IJI ll'" 1-. .1lt1 -l('t1ni.: attt·r1l!1Hl l·l-.1•1\ t11•ft' 111 \ a !->l !{11 l'' -.11!1 · (.'ount \ 'f'ht• -.hf'riff'~ dl·1>a1·1rnt•n1 ;111d 0 p o ll t'l' 1n fl:1n - n1 nj! :1nrl Indio a1·t• l'n11-.1d1·r111 g :ul11p11ng I ht· prt•J:!1·;i n1 ('on1plt·le f1;..:u 1'L'!-for 1'~74 ""'''!" ll(lt ;1vail:d·it1·. hut di•tt•t•l1\•· Hu h •\[\I" -.;1Jd IJ ;. (}!'{OIJl'r ('!lJll n11·r1·1,1I 1111rJ,!l:1r1t·-. 1nr!11d1ng li.11 1•] !ht·ft -. . \lt 'l't• d0\\11 22 Pl'I' 1·1•n! :111d h11n\1· ln1rgl:tl"lL'" \\O•t't• d1fl\l1 41 ~1 IH'l't"t'!ll ('••!!1p;11'1•d 111 \h•· "l !l )ll.11' p1•f'lqd 1!1 ]'17:! .\J .\'IS S .\11) d<>nl tu d11u1 Ill "Pl't'llf)IJ " ;1r(• !Ill\\ lit•11Jg n1:1d1· Ill nth•·r· ll1"1j!hlio1 huod-. "\\,• -.1.11·1 .it th•· fro11t clili11' · ...,,,u l ,\111 -.. \\'ho ;d-.o \I r ill'" •1 \1 L·t·l-l1 1•r1rlll' p11•\'1•n!1nn 1•11 .... ht•t•! jur' nt'\\"papt·t·-., r:ullu ;111d 11•!1•\ l"lt!ll .. , .111011 ~ \\·,. 11·1·111111111·11.i .1 d1•;ul hid! \\ 1tt1 a 0 111· 1nl'h thro.,.. a nd 3 to.ipt•rt.·d 1111! port1011 that cannot he pulh·d off . \V1· (·heC'k the '"'1n - th1\\·s ~ind l'l'C'fllll n1t•nd variou."i lt•l·king dl'\ 1ees f ur \\1nd o"·s and !-l 1d1n g gla:-;o;; doors . \\'1• re<·om- 111t.·nd a ,g rill f t)f' IOU\t.'l"l'd \\'Ill· d!l\\''i .. Al11.s ~:11d L'VL'l'~l lung in a !H'l'!->n11 ·~ hon1l' ~huuld b1..· n1::1rkecl 111th th l· u\\11 1..·r ·~ ('aliforni;1 dl'!\l'I' s lll'i'll ~t· nurnhcr. 'fhc p111i<·1· :ll.,o r1·1·ou1n11·11d photo g r.11•h1n g, t'\t·r,\' 1"1111111 ;1t1d :111 p.1.r1t uig-. ;.nid jl'\\'1•lr.1 l•'l,,,\1.1.\', l,l)l.l f'I·: give out .,, ll'kl'l'S fn1· \\'llHIU\\'S that r1..·:1d \ll llt·rns uf \';tllH' ('unt ~i in(•d \\llh1n h;1\·t• bt•t•n 1n:1rketl fo1· r1·- ·•d' 11ll·nt1f1 c atinn h~ la11 t'll f111•1•t•1n(•nt a gt'nci<·-. ·· \l\'1s s:lid . ··in an:.· b11rg l:1ry lh1•r1· :1r1• Olll\" t \\ 11 \\ ;t\'S In ~OI\ l ' 11 'l'h1· :-.u s pt"~'l 1" r·:u·t·iv s1·1·11 . .,u $60,000 Allocated f\'\\ltf·:l .'\1 ,\f1'l"Ol'd $5.00(1 lo h1· kno\\ n a s tilt· ~peci;i l judgt·s· av.·;1rd!- VOll h a1'f' to );!O h\ lhl' ph)Sll'fil CvidCMl'C' tht• liur ~lar ll'a':c s. s uC'h ;1 s pry n1urks, fingerp~1nt s or tools /\ 1011\ l1 ·ft bt•h1nd 1s as ('JSi\y traceahll· ;1s :.ti fingcrpr1n\. "'fhe second ":1y is tn tr~l'e llu· 1ten1s tak1·11 fronl th<' borne. \\'e f<'€'rl a!I tht• s1olt'n itt.'rns \\"1111 their 111ark1n g 11urnh(•rs inlo " t•ornput('1· \\ 1\ h ;.1 ~1ate·Y.'1de h(XlkUp ., ·r111·:1-·1· I:'\' 1•,i1 n1 S p nng:-.· U.tt<)() ho lt·l rooni :. j.., al -.o dil l\ II "\\"('keep 1:lo'i1' t ;.i ii:. on lhc pro fL·.-.~ional hot1·t 1hit:\l''> \\'hutravt·l lht• l·ircuil ."" s:1 1d Al\'is . "\\'t' h a1 c n1e;1n :-. of f111d1n).: uut ;1s soor1 ;t-. th1 ·~ i_:1·t 111!0 !1111 II ;u1tl "'' kl'l'I' 1·lnsP 1:1hs o n th1 ·n1 .. lie -..aid th1· pr11f1•o;s ion;,d:-. l:1kl' onlv f11 rs :111d ll'\\;•lr\' .:Ont\· a n ;1111;111 ·111: "·01 1ld lakt• ;i hutl·I tl'll'' i-.itin ~l'I . ··Ill· ~.11d *"'***** SliO .il<l\I h;1 -. h1 ·t•t1 .d i(•t'<lt t•d f or 1 h1· 1 ~17 1 IJ1 -. 111·1la11 d t'11n1 111un11, St·rv1('t' 1\\\;1rd s tht· ;11 nu~t·n1l•til 1•;11·k ha~ ;1n ll!Ulllt'l'tt 1\pplit.·a ! ions for lht• ;.1v.arrls rnu:-.t ht• (i lL·d hy rnidni g ht .J•1n 10 \\'in· ll('l'S \\'JI[ hl' ;ttll11J\Hll:cd ;11 a lunehron in J\-1 ;u·t'ti . ,\rnonJ.! lhl' j ud g<'S ;1ft' H uber t \\'. Clifford of L"orn11 :1 rl 1..·I :'.!;tr ;.11u\ l\lrs. 1-:dv.1r. U. Ettinger of San ('lt•!lll'lll1· "CALIFORNIA SPLIT" 'fh t•rt• \\ 111 flt • l )llL' SI0 .000 ;1\1 ;1rd , fo rt .1· Sl.000 t·:1tc'gnry .11,;1rtlo;; plu ~ l\\11 Ill'\\ gr~1 nt s of IRI OOlSSA fill !Ill! SOYLINT GlllN "" ----ltMll ... 11- 1·!f1 •('li\'t•nt·:-.s. poli rP :-.l'I up 111 0 lf'!"iil"lpiii""ji AMI "THE LAST DETAIL" IRI PAClfl"IC THa&TRa& D"IY•·IM SUHR SWAP M•nl HAlll•Ot11 ILVD.Drlw.·lt1 ~-P #Met I A.Ito 5- nl1tldlt•-c·l ;1"" a r f'as ft Jr l'Onl· p.1 1'\~0ll ln th1· \\'hill' \\':t1l'f l "o11ntr\ f'l11h arc•l1. t•1cr.\ ho1lll' \\;.1s ill ' -.pt'<'ll'd persorl;dl~ h~· :1 lllt'lllht·r nf th(• l'rin11• Pl'l'\'l'lltion l~u1·t·:n1 In lht• \{<it'<!ll('t l'luh ~1rc:a , tilt~ h11n1C'.., \\ ert' nut 1ns pP{'ll'd. Hurg laric:-; in t hl· \\'h1tC' \~":1t 1·r :11·t·:1 -\\ h iC"h 11·a s in-..pe{'lt'd drop p1·d f;9 p c>r t t'n\ 111 1~17.1 11\•'I' l ~J7:1 Bre;ik -1n -. \11·n! from z:i 1t1 JllSI !-l'\'f'll. I'.\ Tiii-: R:\\()t·1::1· t'tuh :1r(•.1. • TMI TRUE STOllY Of A MAfll WMCl81t AMI A l!GINO YOU ll N!VIR f!llCll Challenge to be -" free @J NOW SHOWING ONE WEEK ONLY MESA 548-1552 FAMILYTWIH 962·105P h11rgl:1ri(':' .i11n1pt>d JOO jll'!"l't'lll 'IVF EKDAY S 5 00 7 00 9 00 ·rhf' art·:1 h ;ut .').1 hurg l;1r1t' ... 1<1:-.I SA! R. SUN 1 00 J 00 ~OU 7 00 <) 00 \"l':tr. t'O!ll p;1 rl'rl to 27 in 1 !l7:l ,.. ________ _.,o~"~",;'."~0,;•;:·~'~'•'•-------..1111 Pa!n1 Springs· s11c·ct•ss in lir· r • I ' A.I Pocit10 in "GODFATHER II" Ill .... t SUl:ftHG ALM FIESTIYAL • "ACAPULCO GOLD" Pt caolorn-of ttiis Hot - 0-Mory . W.Mc: by Santcmo • Tiotttic • lwrito lro.._ 119y lokLf' Ir '"OJl'f' o"-' -..,., _ 1 Hot OIWtcy Clo1s.ic:1 &- Orcrwi.p for lohcrl A~ dt • 1 Slloows 7:30 Ir 9:30 s.1 a s ..... ,.,.. •o 1,... OtllAllllCI: Drlwe -111 t & 2 fu .S•1 a s ...... aa ... 10 ~,... ,,,~1.,,s...4-•1 "'°-$tM- Famil'f' F .. n! "rolil•! ••re•l,..tO•l•r•! M•"· thrw ,..l 0,... .,,,,.... Set. & s.,,,... 6 • ~ 9t6:U Chi..,.., 6 thno n ·.M>C Oilkt,. ... u...r. ,, .. , TWO TIMES BARBRA 1an¥IJarbra. "YOUNG FIANkEHSTEIH" ly Mel Brooks r-lwa Streisand ~w.--~~e"J Sake-! •-.. cou-o.:1...,~._,.1"111\.,. P ·AND- STREISAND &REDFORD .TOGETHERI "' THE WAY WE WERE ............. , ....... ,. MtOWN NKiHTI. Y 6:45 Ir 10:00 P.M. SHOWING NO • 1 t • Burt Reynolds ··THE LONGEST YARD" (A) THE LAUGHING POLICEMAN'" . ~Ut4DEllOLT a LJG.KTFOOr "'THIE LONGEST l ..V Ill ?KANTOM OF THE PAUDfSF' lKI "laby MokLf'" -t-"Alic:t'1 Rttt_._ .. ,UUTlfUL rtOftf" IGI "CAHlll: U.S. MAISHAU.'" IP'Gol SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRES SAN DI EGO fWV. AT BRISTOL SO. COAST '· --~:'.:.~::.~~~·~. \O~ ~.·/·,: PLAZA I ~-W:~!.1™ IH£.~l~I _.c. 11'1L~llJJl "0 .:""' l $411-2711 t .... U.'tlf.M(Jlo\JJ'I f(J\11 .. ~\\UL\\'TI ~·411-t·OO :=======] PAI~ _ _:..:c:~ .. -.& ,..,,, I QO So COAST IHE W .4. T Wf Wfl:E" -.... , .......... .. PLAZA II -·-~'."'·-~. ,.,.,. .... 04( 1·11 ...... .,., 549-1351 .. _., .. ,_ 1 ... f · l•>t CINEMALAND THREE 1414 So. H1rbor Anaheim 63~7601 "THl ODESSA RUM ....... l-LJt -1111 .. _.,_ .. ). "DAY OFTHEJAC.:El" ...... -.... ·~'''"' w-1 1 .... 1·11 ''THI WAT WI WHE" ,..,, 1:•1-l:M · 1- .._, ,_ ll:)t ''FOi rlTIS SAllM "THE NIGHT l'ORTBI" Dtily: l:lO -l :JO-kJ0-7:30-t:JO w ... & T_.. 7:)0 & t:JO "DR.ZHIVAGO" l :SO~:IOl:JS ... 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111r/' CNlMAS BARGAIN MATINEl •1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 \ f Vll Y OAT "Tll 2 JOP.M AU \lATS U.2~ "ODESSA FILE" 4:)0 -9:10 "DAY OF THE JACKAL" lilllllll .. llll!'l ...... "'~"!11~2.1-os .6:4S l:tlo-1.Jl-t:JI "CIHDEIELLA lllflTT" 111-1·11 I ·I: I 11-l :Jt-J:)Cl-f: .. "lfG-EMD Of SL.EEPT HOLLOW" 1:1-..:•~=''"t:ll " . ..the fun .s uspens e and nostalgia of 'THE STING ' ... a lusty, zesty entertainment:' (PG) ""' L--• OM! M..,._lo "THE ODD COUPLE" "THE STING" w .. IOIT. IEDfOID "AUL NEWMAN ALSO "THE PRODUCERS" w .. ZfJ:O MOSTEL EVES FIOM 7 C ONT. SUN. FROM 2 LIDO NEWPORT 673-8350 "T H A T' s The HAPPY way to start tt'te ne w ve<tr" E N T E R T A I IT SURE IS! & THE lONGlST YA.ID ,. -·-u..o CINDElflU. lllllTY !fl .... _ .... "'"' I .... ,, ... ~I I I} 11 ..... 11 -·-·' MAN WITH THI GOlDEN GUN ,,..;, ill n«mOlllOlf I LIGNTKIOl ·-••"•' ..... ........ .......... , "'"" ... . ,,,_., .. . ~ .. ,. t""• .. ~~· 10/J •.. "'··· .M. c ....... ... ott ..... . .. )·•Ill toa111 t i:Uf"NiWiiU.H THI STING"' •1us • 'MJOOT at.UN PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM"' The Great est wildlife and chase story in the history of the North -you'll never fo r get this true st ory! For all th e familyl "CHALLENGE TO II FREE" ltll-J:J0.5:)0 71J .. f:JO t ,SEE IT NOW BEFORE S~HOOL STARTS -DAILY I, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m . CHALLI ·GE TO Bl FRIE , -.... Newport llvd. Ct.LL 541-1552 FOR INFO. at Harbor, Cos.ta Meia , r ' f The ball gan1t' is OVl'r I. ON R 1\0IC)'~ "Amos :ind to no on~·s ?1'\1rprisc. ~ .. Andy." wha t "H" lh+· Mas Fraley is tht' king or K1ni::r1s h 's \\ 1rv c·:Ll lt·d" the lriviaddicts for 1974 ., R 1 ,.k 11 . B h . _ · w l'( ..... "{' on ~ n1ov1t• ut l e biggest grins this '"l 'he Clo"·n " w ·is a t ut ·tl· week are on the f 1 ,..,,, "f ' ' • l~s " ly a rt'm<tkc o f a n olhl'r Ed Schmerler <i nd Tr:..ry quite wt•ll known ftlm Godrrey. f\" • .an1e tht' or1g u1al Ed pulled a ··use 3. \V hat t·:.irl:oi-S ixtil's finish"' and nippt·d rival singer n1;1e l1 • '"P :1t eh('s" Larry Klrschlf'nbaun1 at .:1 bit hit " the wire in the ir h eated 4 . T\\'O s1·qt1l'ls w1·r1· battle for serond µlact·. madt• to t ht• 11111\ 1c· s ro ring 11 p u1nls 1o""llc<-1r H 11t li · N.llHl" l .. arry·s nint· 1·r :1l'_v, both mt•anv.·hile, lu i nt•d 1n ;1 ;, Jnh n n\ l':.ir-,11n '-.. perf ect s cor1·l·;1rd tu "(_';11·11;1c "' skit 1-.; a e t u~1ll\ Fto+A l ltl•STAo+Dl o+GS ,_ ""'-• ,. .... ., !ltl.,., •14lJ) 1. Edkll.,..rler IS~.,_,,11!ol) J. Urry Klncll ... b•""' !lU O'I *> • ... tty Newcomb t~h~•M > '· .........., ....... 11,., llJtOf-! •· Tr..;y Ooclltrty t•Jt~, el 15'1 1 • ._, ...... , & ltlll s--h•n tJlt ol 4ltl .. M1laHCetl•Cll~•C IJ0\'1 alJ..0 1 t . _...,, lllw•Mll (Sii.,., ot U 4) 1t.. Tri...w111111m1 !111v,0111-4) ~t. IUMy ,. .... l•le\'iol "'! ll. Siloll-LIJH11 !IJl\'i •ten) 11. 111.,.r0dll 11M'n•! Jet) d ominal r th C' 1\ 1·1.•klv f iel d f o r th e lhi r;I str a ight week . !Ir ;dso solved the tOlll?h bo nus question, the on ly player ;1 d irj•l"I ~l1 •:1J anothe1· cr(•;1l1·d h\ /\l l ('n Whal Slt'Verino cal! his" "' ,., "' "' ·~ m "' ( 1"0 Ill St1•1t• dtd lo do so. 6. I~ 1·111-: n1ovit• "'!'ht• For the r l'eOrd . !hi ~ C h;;ipn1an H epurt ." \Ibo w ee k 's scort"S \\"l'r<· playrd tht> till<' rolt·"' Tracy 13. Ed 11 . :\'anc'' I · l lov.-a bout J);.11s .v Prior and lle rh J•crt>Z-l\.t ;tt•'s n1 a id{·n n<1n1 e 111 Bill Samuf'lso n -RPtt,· th~ t_i·r 1\bn1·r 1·nn11 l' Newcomb ,,;ith JO 1.·:1c li . st r ip '' !\1ax ;.in d l ;i r r' rlllll" R :\l n:-.1 1110\·11· huff-.. apiece, Trina \\."illiarns k.no>A· th:it ··supt·r1n:111 :i nd Shawn l,a _\drn 1.·i.!.'.hl l 0enrgl'_,l{ct'\'t•s \\;1,..; ''nf• (•ach, and Johll lfuS.'it'll ~'.( lhl' I :~:]1•!(111 l\l.~11.., I!~ tied with n e ,,.,·coni1.•r John l.011r \\1th tl1i: \\ 11HI. c·awley at si" bu t w h o played 1hl· oth1.·r" 9. Name. th<' 1·r1 fll (" Wflll.F. Mi\X is king of flick lh;1t i nt rncl11t·•·d the percent;igc pl:t.\'{"1·s. both R o na ld ('nln1:1 n ;ind T racy (who's +:·nt1•rt"'<I all Jo<1n llt•nnetl 1n l ht•rr 63 contes ts lo ilatc) has tall\ie cl <'hut s . more correct ·ans>A·crs ul 6291·:? than a n\-·buclv. ,,·ith 10 . Al·"TJ<:R ROD S1·rl Ed second ai 59·1·1,:_o and 1ng suckt·d it lo big busi J o hn third v.·ith 5261 .•. nt•ss in "PatlC'rns." hl' 1'his is v.·h at \\'il l count \1·rnll' another tt•lt•pl:1 .\ fro m now nn. h (•gi nn in ~ .c;l1 t"l\1ng 11 111 h1g loihur v.·ith today's tri\"iathon N:1111c· it The question n1 :1_,. 1\s1n1pl<'nun1hcr1stlH· orisc,"\V hnlifl '1nnut11fan s v.t•r \n t o d ;1 ~··:-.. to v.·n and con"l l'nl+:>r ''" If l 1l'hrC'11kl'r H 1·1·:lllin J.! you 're a rcRular con-··<.;ont· \\'1th lht• \V ind ."' tributor you 'll r\·<·l'i\·~· ;1 th1· 1"J"("d1ts v.·t•r 1· di1·H\1·d token fiv e point:-;, so :•:-.into sl'g n11•nt" s1.·paralt•d n ot to pl ac{' you 10 hy loroit1on fi n\\' n1a11\ behind i n the st anflings s1•gn11·nls "'rrt• t h{·r1· in Rut . o b viously . 1t "s ht·! .-ill " tcr to s ubm it ('1·1·ry \'"t•t·~ Jf possibl<'. T onight's ··n1·(•" l r1\ 1;1 :showc\ov.'n j., ;it 'l"ra <"' .... "/\ !\Ill u f l)ivnrt't' 259 HOSC' t .::i nt·. ("o!-t.1 lll("nl " f llephurn dehut 1 M esa (S.18-607f.l \Varni 2 l\t•a .... lt·y (f\hindu.· ,I\ up for it by biting intn 1\r('h1e) this first round of !ht• :1 . "1'hf' Barklf>~·s ur 1975 f<'S li vities. for v.·h1l·h l\roadv. a_v·· I 1\:-.ta1r1· numbe r 10 \\'ill ht• v.·n1ih 11ugt•rs f1n :1le ! a tv.·o -point h on u s 111 1 Piano l llt1t'.\ Sn111Ji s those v.·ith :-;harp t•nouj;!h n1 ("kn:in1l"I n1en1orics. :. ··'1"h1· I • • • By T.T. CSpillant• nnvPI \ ti ""i'lrt>ball F'(ir\\urtJ J'l'V ITIOVlt') 7 "Cun1" to lhl' S1a hJt·" (llHJ\'lt' 0.,<l fl).\) 8 lJub "'(";i nnn nhal J"" '1';1_\lor !>A t·s lcrn a<·l••rl 9 "'l\rokt•n .'\r!"U\\'" ("'Coch1 :-{''' rnovu·I 10. "I 11 Nt•Vt'I" F'nrgl'I )'1111" frnu1·1t• rem:1k1•J !I . "'.\l<.'.J11qut'" l!>IJ).!t' vc· rs ion of .. rJ 1.i h o li q ue" i 12 ··'f'h C' ('ourt Jt''ilt•r ' f 1110\'lt' 1111111 I." I '1'11·brt·.1h1·r ~JI i\\i•\· llo\~·ard . L .1rr y f'1nt· ;111d l 'url .v Ho,,.,;.1r1!, 11t1 Sh\·rn p ll11 \Y<1rd, .lot• Bi··""l'!', .l o t' Jli.• Hita l'l"hrC't' Stuogt·:-> .~.·rid 11 11ri1 011 .\ri ,·r , / .. /'H/\"/,\. c 11 t/11· f1 rJ1/11 l'1/1.t Hor/ 1'il1. (' .. ~Ill /\f•''tl '/'/_1;~11 1\ll ,•,1trit'~ ,,111 ~1 I"· ir1 rl1.· 11H11l l111 .">l •111tlc1q 111 r1u11/1 l11 Tops of 1974 Critics Give KLtdos N I~\\' ·..-1>Hh: (;\!') -'!'h t· ;\'t •W 'i'ork t''ilm ("rL!l<'.., ("1r('lt• li :1'i 11.1111vd .l :1!'k :\1!'1iulson h··:-.l ;1c·t11r !of !~17 ·1 . 1,1\" l 'll111,t1111 h1 •sl .1L'tr1·..,~ :tnd l'l'dt•rl(·i1 l-'t·ll 1111 .., 1\ Ill.It 1'11rd '. I ht· /Jl':-.l riJ rn ".\r11.11t"•Hd " ;tl:-0!1 \\'On Ji p(l1111 thv tiv ... 1 d1r1·1·111r ,1,,.,al'd .J;.H·f-.'\ 1c·ll•ol' <!!I \\ .1l h1·d ;1\\.1\ \\ 1tl1 lh1· ht•"! "' 1111 ,l\1;1rd gvl t111 ~ :12 \•111 •.., 1-.11·h lu1· 111·r1,,rn1<1nl'I'" 111 '·r ht· I ;1-.;t lJ1·!:1i1 ·· ;u1d "('ll1ri;ito\\11 :\]1 -,.., t 11111.111 ''011 fo r ht•t 10!1· 111 ln L:1t1.1 1 B1·r i-.:111 ;111 ·s ·scl•!l l·:-frorn .1 ~l:tr"1'1 ;q .. ~l' · ;ind llt·1·gn1.111 ··. -,c·r11>I f11r 1h.t1 11l rn ,,·0 11 1h1· ;1\\·arll fnr !11':-;l :-1·rl·1·r1 '~ r1t u1g l'h ~1rl l·-.; i{O\{_•r "un till' ;1\\·;11 d for h1·:-.t support1ni.: ;1ctor fnl' h1.., 1n·rfo rm;11 1t'l' in lhc l.-r 1.·n<:h f1ln1 ··St:1\ 1 sk~." ;u1d \"al1·r·1 nc l11·rr1n1· for li t•r portr;1\ .d c1f l .t•11n~ ll1'tH 'l'·.., 1\1f1 · 11ppu.-.Jll' l)us\111 lloff111 ;111 in f ,t"l\rl \ .. Above all ... lt's a love story. .I -\,':3: James Ca an Freebie and the Bean ... and look who's playing Consuelo. OratN:Jf' 1 C o-Hit "THE GANG THAT COULDN'T SHOOT STRAIGHT" ENTERTAINMENT Snlu •d~J~nu~4 1975 __ OAIL Y PIL01 H7 ~~~ CBS Urging Changes \\ \Slll\:f;'r():'\' i l 'l 'l 1 ("/~S h,1 .., 1 l·t·11111 fllt>ru h.-d ln th1• N ;1!1ti11 1d /\s~ot"1at1011 \tf l!ru:1d 1·;1!>\t'f" 1h;1t ~111 d1·lin1· ... for r11•l\\ !11 k t1•l1•\ i:-.1011 pr 11 i-: 1 a 111 111 1 n i.: Ii l' .1rr.1·nrl.-rl to requ1r1• th;1 t the rirsl h<0llf" of "pnrllf" I 11n 1•" 'rt•\1 111..: lit· I 1n11t1·d \rtl111r ·ra , h•t 1111·~1 lll•TLI nf ("(!~, ,d..,., ur J.!t•d '!"hat ,1 ""r\+>!H •' lu· hroad<·;1-,1 ""h•'r\t'\ 1•r .t "'sp1·t·1;.il "" pt'n~:1 .1n 1 1.., l':1rr1('d clur1n~ !h.· (ir :-1 !10111' h(•ll'• t 't'll H p ni ilf1•\ tl p 111 t IL.il dut"" not fi t 1ntu t h'' l.11nil) 1•11 1t·r·1.11n111 1•11t <"ill1')'i1ry .1rlr\\1llll\'t·111t•rd .... dur10,i.: otht•r \ ,, ..... lllK hn11ro., ""1,1,l1t·n rn .d1·11;11 1,1,h11"!1 1n1ght lil· d1..,tu1 li111i-: It• .1 s1gn1f11·11111 p111111111 nf tiH' ;1l\u(t .tlltll<'ll! I' 1-, ht•llll~ pr1•sl'nlt'd '·. l u :-h11\1 -.; ··..,u 1t .1bl1· (111 '=====--:===~:_~r'."'~• nu l.v v 1 t•" in g ' · "l'h;d prior 11011t'l" hP 1·1,1•11 111t"lu d111 g 1111 ;11r <\11 '\\I\ ... !.•l••rn t'fl1 s;11d that 11 ... 111d1· I"' 11·\\ ho ;1rd \\J ll !tll't'l 111 •p1·1·1,tl ..,, . ..,..,JHIL .J .HI 7 !t"t 1·11n ... 1di·r 1l't' 1d;111 BURT REYNOLDS "THE LONGEST YARD'' .... ,, ..•.. , . .... .lT EDWARDS CINEMA ON LY -~ -. ~ ~ - ..-.. LINCOLN -ORIVEIN '.1 ..... ,,,1-... •' ---"-~ ""' -,,, PG1 ''""'"~V•U"'''"""'"IP -;::. • Sho wn Nightly 7:00·9:45 r:Ql 1.''.'P t, :-w· • ·~ COl.U'.lB'A ~ ·~· t .''I()•: f)i" LPG1 :ki I'/(" •:!d!-!.1 .... "MY NAME IS NOBODY" •:ltWAICltS (;INl·:~IAS • DU5TIH HOFFMAH "'UMMlM Ill • "'TWI GIOO'fl TUlf-II ! '"POITHOYS COMP'LAIJ(f" ' 3 AlAGES l00Sl " IHI LA ST Of THE 110 HOT lO'fflSM '" ....... ''"·' ... ..... ..... t... . .. THE CITY SHQPPING CE NT A[ ORANGE '531-671 1 •FU.SH GOIOOM"' Ill "'IAIOOl'" 111 A ·GROOYl lUl f."' Ill ~ "POllltOl'S COMP'LAIH'T~ /Ji. "IUUTlfUl P'IOP'll" ,.,. -J W....., of..__ Wnt"' so WHATS NEW WITH YOU ? OntJ the O.itr Piiot re•lty t .. la ,_.whet" naow Ml ,our local ,_...., .. -.,o.y l1MlijQll1i1 -.... , .. .... . .... ,. .. ,. .. •, '.' --~. ,,. • . . ,.::,, ·.I.' • • • •. ' ! •• ,, ' EDWARDS I 1\11111 f\llR TllE F1UJNT PAGE P LU~ JA(IC. l!MMON • WAL l £11 MAnHAU "THE ODD COUPLE " (D EDWARDS HUNTINGTON CINEMA fl·'<~ fl""'~-... ~.,' 11,, -.JAMES BOND 1r ~·L1"·, oor f '• (PG} HARLTOf/~ HES TO VA GARON 114 EOAGE KENNEOVi ,. ,." ... ,. ....... ,,••" ti'"8 JOO:l '•,,• •••O• •• •<>• .. ~ ,_,,,,. _., '' ···-······· .. ~ .......... . An ell NEW l1lm tn~rO'd bv tho: -~:·a1Rl'Ql:IT"" • h-f 11.rtl>ur H"'le>f ! { .__ ~ W1 ~c::.:;~:;~::;~:.:~ •• • ---··· ·~ (PG) "THE MAN WITHTHE GOUJEN AIR GUN" 1975;;; '· ,,', ·~ 11A M8f)P AT .(1 .... \ (Q\T.lo "'1'.lo • '-1J')e111 ... . . .. ·~ ., t ·-;i :::i ........ , ........ ,, .. ,, H lllll!l •llffl .. Cltllt:llll Bll!T llEYllllllS "THE LONGEST YARD'' It .... ...,., "'~ Aho JAMl~ CAAN BRISTOl CIN£MA 1\' BRISTOL at MacARTHUR COSTA MISA 2"'4 AT CINtMA WIST "fHl TUtN IOlll,S" 1...! AT wtSnl()OI( ''THI fMt(' WHO CA.II« TO DINNll"' BllSTOl CINEMA IV ·.' ~. :~ PG Pt.ui BRISTOL CIN(MA IV ~'l~10WL lllSTOL AT Moc.llTHUI l .. ~.:~::~·;.::::;;:::. j 'USST C.fif'" COSTA M(SA S40.7444 THE MOST CO\TROVERSIAI. l'l<TURE OF Ol'R TIME "THE NIGHT PORTEil" &JI; IR I W"'""""., C•n•., • 892 44!13 4 ___ __. ____ _ l'lu' "11'1.\.\IE .Tiii: POOll & r11;1n·: TOO" (' « . -· " •• B• DAILY PILOT Se!urday, January <4 197~ r · Whirlpools Pose Risks? II) F . "· sc11ot:t1-1F.llL Ot tM O•ll, PllM sc .. 11 \ r'•·-.1 Ill .1 h· •t II t11rl 1x"1<1I mlly -.f)I •!ti•· .1 nd :-;1 r 1 ... r 1 I I :1 [..,o 111 ;.1 1 prnd11t'l' 11 .._ti t h1 ·;tdl'dn1•-.-,, d111.1n1 ·:-.:-.. r1:111 ..,1·.1 <i rHI f :11n!1nµ, :1t·c·o1·dinJ.: 10 ;_in ~:1 ·r,.1 "t h1r .. 11r,u·tor. ·\rid if t lit• l\Pl 1•·t-.. qf 11 atl'r Jl"l" 1ol :11 I«[ !Ill ;1 "l'J JO!l" "J/I ill fl 11\t•\ 111:11 1 .111"'' !ll<H ,, d1 -.c·()n1iur! 1h;111 1l•H n i.1 !11 !''11''1 lf'llt'Pil ".tld l)i (;1·r;dd \\ t\lt·111 p~r1en red h ~ '':-.ix to <:ight ··or hi ... p:.ith•111 .., 1111hin the la~t \'{'rtr l1 ·d t o hi-. 11 ;1rni11 l! 11bout the 1K>ol s Thl' 11 h1tlpn•1I .... 111l C(' found 1111 ly ;..it r1 ·..,nrl ., :Jnd '1t·<lllh -;p:.1 ~. :1r1· l)t:l'OIHlllJ.! I (•llllTl ll/I 1'1xt11r1·s .lt n~·1v <11>•1rl1 nl·11 l c:<•mpl1·xL·s ;111d h u rll f'" •·'l'h1· 1n :1i11 «ulpril i~ lh1· t1 ·n1 · ri•·r .. 11 ur1· -.ctl 1ng. ··~aid Kl1 ·1n 'fht• hun1:1n 1,.1dy. hl•t•xpl ~11nl•(I , "hou1d ll••I h1• ... ub11·etl'd lo 11;1!1•1' tt•ntper;t!url'" g rt·<d1•r t h;111 101 1lt·i.:rt•t·s. '.\l :1n.\ pools. ho11cvt·r. ;11·t· mainl<nned ;1t lt•rnp1·r;1t ur1·~ r.1/ll!l fl ~ fruni 108 l(1 I IU dci::rt•t·:-.. t\h·in -.;iid 1\:1 .t-:IN ~A IO lhl' hlood nf a 1~·1 '-o fl r1(';1rlv f11ll1 ~uhrn1 ·ri..:t.•d 111 '' 11!1J1 lpo•JI If; dri111n t H tht• CC\ t1 l·n11 t i1·"· l1·;iv111 g lt· ... s liluod . 11 :11l.1h](• tn ~ht• lir;.1111 ''In"~ 11f h!11(1d to tlii· hr;:iin m.1 1 (·.1 11 s 1· d1111n1·s~ ;n1d f.11n1!n i;:. 1»11·t1<·ularl v in 1•ld(>f'I \' p1·r::.on.., :drc•:11t1 h1·...,t•I 11 ii h lilood c·1r1·uL1 ' 1n11 d I 'o<l l'd l' r~ Klt 'll) ... ;11d 011 rl l'f~ of 11hirlpool.., ... hn1dd nn1 rt·l.1 on t1·1npt·r;,1ture :-.Ptl1ni..:-. on the water hc:1ting 1·q u1µnil'lll l-~\'t.:r,\ !Jool :-.ho.uld be outfittc<l ,1lt h ;1 11 immcr ~ib l C' tht·rmon1elcr. Klein s:iid. and '''al"r t cmpcraturt•s should b<• 1l1 ·ld tQ IOI lo 102 dt>grccs . 111-:C!\US J-: Tiii·: hot pools ... 11n1ulatf• 1·irt·ulation, t h1·y C':.111 :11d thl' ht·<il111i..: pro<"c~:--in -.:pr:ii n~ ;_11111 other n'usculo-skell't~ll ui 1u ries . Refineries Set Strike .... Ul(;lll\1()Nl)llf l 'l l-A ~t rike 1s llkt•l y .1ga1nst 111111• oil refining cun,µa111t·:. nC'x l \l.'t.'t'k, according tn :.i lot·al nt'l'1<'Hd ,Jf the Oil. (.'ht·1111 c;.il ~nd A.to n1ic Workers l inion . ... l'lil' t·h:1nr·1·~ :n·l· 90 pcrl'cn1 that \IP \\'Lii :--lrikt•.'' J ~tkl' .J ;.u::() h~. ri '-'Id t'l'Jl!"l'SL'lltl.lti VC \\'ii h Lo«al I hc>rt'. :-,.aid 'l'hursday. The union's f'011tracts expire .1 ;111. 7 /\hvut :i.oou t •111p1u.~es or Stan· d;_1rc1 IHI . S!11 •ll (~1l ;ind l'hill1ps ( 11 t ( 'n ;11 t' 1·u11·r1·d 111· I he l lnu111 s 111 lht• San 1:1 ;u1r1._t·o .B:1y Are a .!\ lnl:tl of ,d 11111t liO (l(IU \IOl'kt•l'S \l illlld h,• lll l"h (.'ti ii ,111al1Ull\VJdt: ._,I 11..t• \\t'l'l' t ':dll'd. STYLE r 960Z. DOWNY 1 FAMILYSIZE BOX OF 200 KLEENEX / 13oz:s1zE TONIGHT'S TV i I HAIR SPRAY r avor1tc r ormu!as1 NOW ! DISHWASHING EASIER. FASTER ''F t 0 " With auce -ueen SPRAYS OR STEAMS Staiuless steel li!s mo<>t .~'" IU '>! '>1111 •! on1 ~ ONLY "'CENTURY" J Pos111ve heats. WiJlerproof con ~t ruc\1on. ONE YEAR GUARANTH ' "1111 3.29 CUSHIONED WARMTH for Your FEET •·*I• Sheep Wool Fleece r - & late1 foam Rubb er Insoles i;reat lor win\1'1 :.ports! lor MEN & WOMEN 99 ~R DRIP DRY Hangers Colodul v1nyl 1 44 ro,tled Wiii' • SHOF B MULTIPLE Skirt Rack LADIES' Shoe Rack 9 PJllS ol 'h•ll; 1 99 nre held n!'illl~ olt !he 11001 • ' 21 oz. V GIANT SIZE COMET / r Fabric Softener! ~ "' '""'""''"""' ' -~ iEl '---;;;:,..__ -:=---._------... ''COLORFUL'' HOUSEHOLD Facial Tissues Popular Colors or Wh ile' w '11 ' Vitamins Vitamin C '.'50 mg 90 TABL£TS Vitamin E 700 Ill 90 CAPSUlf S 2.49 SEARLE 14 OZ. Metamucil - A 6 Place To Shop! A ni1turJI V!:'f'Cla~fr "Ubs\.rn1 r tr·r 1ri'Jlmcnl nl 'l ! (l'j t1on . ,, 2.59 I . . ~1 FESCO -At 11ll1•t_!11Jn <ii i!rn1, 111 tJr•n,~ fw,1uly, 1 ulfir ,,no run~tn1t:n1t :n!11 your ~rl,!1!'n 1l11corat1vr bo! 01,wtir:JI ' ·HANOI CARR IER 15•10•6 ' ," • LAUNORY BASKET • WASTE BA SK[! 14 OT • OISH PAN 11 OT. • POUR PAIL 11 y, 01 ~l11rdy. ti.1rrl wr 1•111 h11r.hrn n1otP 1 '. ·~ . .,, ;·, .:; ~ .. I .. t( ,.. ... J \._ ' NORTHERN ELECTRIC 1 GALLON Vaporizer ~~~~ Sr.1· !lirOUI '~ t.onL11nrr r ,., 1 ,, .. -t1p111il\r,l'. IOhour. '·'-' ~1 ... , -\ . --~ ,·~i,.., '"' "-L.: '.,,~~./ <1U !flmal1c '>hot ott • ~-~ _::r, ~ • \ I ., ,, '-~1 #1301 ~~~~-~-~~9~--,,,. ~'-.';1/~,:\~7 !=3=.9=5=' ===~=::.=-j:*:"d= DECORATIVE Bath or Boudoir COSMETIC ORGANIZER by ALIEN With COMB & BRUSH C11lnrlul .ir1 J'\' •1ry Ii.I your I" ,1ul y 1'1'1TI' 2.19 UTILITY Mirrors r,111!1 01 \il>i:r li1nr t1J1 thr +'IP i'dfl! )•H;I f;) ]()" COMMON COLD /HAY FEVER? TRY TRIAMINICIN TABLETS ' DECONGESTANT congestion and ASSORTED HAIR TIES $ohd ro!nr. 1wo tnnr or "'ff·!rh !.l y!e" ASST 'O. f COUNT ~ PER PACK "LADY ELLEN" ELASTIC Q. " PONIES Crild1nnr ti,1lls 1n rr~r:ul,ir. m1n1 or ldr11e ~1tr~. ASST'O. COUNT PER PAK / BOXOF36 DESITIN ' l!,¥.?w~~I ~\~!~.i ('ll·opat1·;1 · 't'ht• l{n1 :il Sh~ikcs p carc· ("on111:11 1,:..:·s 11rod1tt'\1on 1d' lltt· histc>ric::il dr;1n1 a ~lL1rr 1n :..'. ll tl·t1 ;1rd .J11 hnso11 atlll .l:111 c\ S111.111a11. :-.·1J<' t (J1 ~1 ·011 ''l'hl' l .o~ ()r tl1c l ~\;1('1\. 1-'l'arl " Sunkvn I l'l«l:iUl'l' Js 1 hl· lhl'rl l t' 11! th1 -. 11('\\· '!'\. llltl\']t· \\till ]{LtiJ)h l ~t·ll;1n11· l<\il'I \l;1rt1n :11111 c;\l'nn Corl)clt. ('J\S t f)1 I I .JU •· \ ",\[~1tl c r ()f ll un1anilil'' .. '!'hi .... pJ!ut rt1n1 Jo r th~· !\'l :.tl'('U S \V e lh,:.: ~cl'lt':-> s lars llobcrl \'nun g . .J ;1 n1t•s l{rolin an<I i\t111t.· li axit'r. .. TV DAILY LOG Saturday Evening m MAC WISEMAN CRACKS *WISE ON HEE HAW!! ~ ~ehc1 lor nilsal 1 49 headaches ! 24's • ~r oabaways ' Pre·Moi stened ~ WASHCLOTHS -~ i~?1• Protein 21 i ' SHAMPOO Beal the friz1ies w11h Ri:gul "r. Oily or Ory formuras1 .a _ __j, l . ---. J . ..,..;;;;i -----=--·· "FESTIVAL" ---.. ·~-._ v 27 GALLON .PLASTIC \ Trash Can· Avo codo or Gold! A !filinl Ploce lo Sllopl I --SH-OP 10 ,00 AM to 1,00 PM SUHOAY, 9,30 AM It 9,30 PM MONOAY thra SATURDAY Regular 01 With Baby lo!ion ! -· _.-.. -i -6 OZ. CANS ~, Kitty Queen Meaty T real, Kidney Chicken, Giblets. Chrcken Liver or Chicken! CM~ _ _, ~"'V ~·-=-:_. .... · CAT F9()D Ml:Wl'OaT llACK-1020 .,_,..,, W ............ SA"1'• AHA-Jtl I So.tit lriJfof St. \ • 1 \ KOCE TELEVISION ' J:to DIM~NSIONS IN CUL TURES ICl "M•O!t" J:M DIMI N ~ION!i IN CUL TUR ES ICI "Art" 4:01 CONNIE 'S CLOTHIMG COiltN&ilt ICI "Bodi(11 11n<1 ~-.. r At111r•llOft~" 4:ll CONNI E '!i CLO TH ING COANl ll 1(1 "V••>Oll~W.ov••oS..•w" o~"" J :W A TIMI TO GltOW; HUMAN DIYELOf'MI NT ICI "E:OIK<llk>rl /Of Olver~ty" J;Jt A TIMI TO OJIOW: HUMAN OIVI LO,.MENT IC! "Oe~loprnen-1•1 01,luti'l"ll<f'" •:•A TIME TO OltQllll': HUMAN I DEVELOPMENT tCl "Cro ... !n11 f ow,.•<J A<h•llhood" •:lO BIG •LUE MARBLE !Cl 1,00 TH E WAY IT WA S !CJ "T""' Ynn~1e,10o(loe•\ Wo•l<I 54""\ "' I~~" 1:)0 ORANGE COUNTY llEVIEW '" 1:00/0NHIE TlolTT AND ~AUL BUTT RFll!LD !Cf !6() m1n1 A -.pottu11 p.ov•ilm lor ~•-·no. CMnoclfllil, OI' ;ust ll"•nlnfl. •:IO MA91i:L Ml!llCEll, BO••V •Utn•T. &Nn ""'""'°''Cl CMmtnl A notl•lltlc: Pfl9• ..... lfl< lo.od ..... Cot• f'Ort•t, lr• Gt•»iwln, And°""' Ell• 1nvron !IOflO\ 1 • . ' . . ' .. _, 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c ·L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 , Ja nua 4.1975 DAIL y PILOT c: I ~!.':':'..~~ .............. ~.~~ ...... :1~~~~!:.'f:..~"!:. ...... . •••••••••••••••••!~~ ~-1 002G,..1al I 00 Li .. ," ... ~~.~~.-···;o;,·i t:;:;~.~~.~ .. i;,c;· P UBLIC NOTICE ~:.~.~~~~ ....... I!:':~.~-~~-~ ....... · ·-MOTtc• Of' S.AL.E o,-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••&l ""Of' l lllT Y AT f'•IVATI SALi. -... ~"J·Lt.,.c.1ifenu ... ~'"'« .... COZY Fantastic View -$350,000 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GftM'rol I OO:lG•ncrol I 002' I" lfWNol._r .. -El1•l•Ol A.11t• L ~.Wi< .. C.t••-· Nol;~. ,, ....... ~ ,, .... ,,, •• U>iP .... -~~11 .. U•IJ>f"ht•l•wioo onor .n.r U. IJl11 "'"' 01 J.,,_,,_ 1t11, •I IJ-. olfk • Of F•-<lCt w ._.,.,, • Prol•••lon•f Corpor•l1on, •10 No •••1>11 l!llwa , (;l•nG•I•, C•lll0tn1• t1l03, C.unt, Of l.CK A.1>1;1e l•~. St•!• at C.Ufoml•, to tl'I• hlQ111tu •na bltt! bMJ. Otr. -IUOloKt to cont+•m•IK>rl 01 Wld SuPt•lo• COUtl, 611 1r.1 o\jlflt, 10!1~ """ 'n l•nnt ul ~6•d °"' ••-4' llW! 11,....,o1..., "'" -,n l"<e "11"1, !•lie dn<l onloer•~1 tho11111e ••1<11~ ot '"'"Oil<•"""",,_.~ .. c qu11•<1111 c.p..r "loon Ol li'i"' or otl..._., .. ,.,.., (tln,,r '""" O• >n <1<k1+1'°" 10 '""!"' "''" """flh.,d, ~I 11,., I >rn" ot<k.,lll, ,., "n<l !<> ;iii!\"" 0,.1,,on •~fl! P<<>Perty >•1tJal" .. t 13<!0 M""'"''" W1t>1 l 0 , 1.-1"\I""'" >l+lh, Count, 01 o,~nQ.,, St""' u1 c .. 1ol0tn1~. ~drU(ul<1r1, <.I'-">< "tll'<I "' t,;llo-..>. lO ... "•llCEl. 1· o -11ing Uno! :J.O 1 .. S..Udl1>9 No. 1J90, ••••Id Uno I;,,,,,._ on llW1 <ttl•ln Con<1omin1>,1rn PIMO •t· t•CIWd IO eno .... '"' .. Pfltl "' tnel <••· t•ln 0.ct•••llon 01 Cov1tn<111t•. Condi· IK>rl• •Ml R••l"<loOn\ t"{OHtl'<I (k. lot...r 1, l'kt, In Boot -.. f'•~ -· ol Otl1<l•1 R•cord• 1n ll'>lf Olll<t ol uw (.....,ly Rt"tOfOt< 01 \do<I (<>Uni,, -;o 1119'1"<1 un<11w1a"' 1ft1t rt"U 1n .. nil 10 Lon 1, Jena A 01 1,..,, No. 101•. ••"""" m•p ••cor~a I" Boot 261, P•..,.• 41 10 ... •n<l"•lvt o1 M 1M:"'ll'""""'"'1111.1 (>0.. 1n ITW Ottlc• ol ••ia Counl1 Re<;Oodt-<, ""'wn encl t)ftonf'<I .I> .. Comm<>n Art•" on lt"e •OOvt ••l•fft"<I to Conllo<nln1um ~~ E~<"'llr>Q •n,-pc>rl!On Ol lot A OI f•ecl NO . •'~1 .. , "'" m<10 ''tOf<led In Boot< J!ool, P•irt• 14 ""d JS o1 Mi•- <•11..,,Kiu\ Mf,p\ 1n !hit 0 11 .... ol '"" co .. nl1 Rtcoroer 01 .. ld co .. n\y_ ... l'>O • •C •Pli"'U '°"" r If \ff wing unlO '"" Gt•nto•, 11• •<><<•••••• <1nd ••»Qn>, from Wid l/19'1nG "11<1lwi<1r<11nt1:r••I ~n ,..Kl Lon I, J •nCI A"""''"•' 1\1\1"" .,,.,,,. ,...,.,,, ..,,d non·••<lu•lw• <iOf>h ot ,..,.~ ow er, ......,.,, and upon lh1>'e port....,,, ot Mold Lol• 1, ~ •nG A. vpon .. i.icr. not>u110- log or ollW• ~1r .. c1"'" ""~been ••rOt"<I !w hlft<'•Mory 0< de>1tllbl .. U>a< .. >> Ot 1t9r•>> l•l1t\'!>i0fl <ilbtlf•, "ndero........, ..,1,,, '•nd tond,,.lt> lor '"'"t triclly, litl•phonc\ •n<f Olf>c,t p ... rpo,,... dn<I •( toul••n>enh 1"-•eto. '""'''~• dtein•, .... tt•. g•> .ona Ut•m pl""'· -;o(· (oul•emenh IM••to. <1nd lo• we" roof ow•l'l.eng• 11nd ot""' t n<ro•tllrrenl\ ot • Ii'' or Ol•1lmll•• ~ln<I. ""° •"W· tnlfnh °" .Oj•cent Lo11 Jn •ai<f Traci "" rool owr,..ng• •Ml 011',.r tn<fC>«f>.. rrenb ol • h tf or dh\lmi!ar ••nd, t091"trWr wllt• \hit rlQ"I to conwJ ••ld "'"'...,.""lo •nr ""''°"· hrrn, Pl>bl•c ullhl~, or QO.,.,,n....,nt,i OoGy E •t•Pll"9 lrom ••Id LOI• I, 1 ""'° A ,.u 99,, o.i. r.yd1ot••OOn•, mi,...•al• •nCI olhit• •ub'1en1•• !y+nq below • O!Olf> ol SOD 001 .. et, bvl ,..llhc)"t Ir.. "O"' to1tnter ""°" I"' lUrldt f llr •uO\u•lat<• ol I"" pn>P,.rly abo.,.. " oep0'1 ol ~.000 IHI COTTAGE Unsur passed quality and e lcg•nC'e in At only $27.!.0<J , th1" this c ustom mansion. 5 b<.."<irooms, 5 ttt.•aul1lullv fl••llL'h'<I 1111fl b h · I d ' 'I t n·d¥.'oud ~11J 111g 1':;1.st:.idt' · ut ~ 11\l' u 1ng ma1< s qu itr ers . 111Jm1· 1:. .i ht_'ht buy 1or Bcaut1ruJ POOL area with Jacuzzi >'uur11r:..l h o1nt.'or111v~.s1 Stim ulating p a noran11 c VIEW from 1n'-·nt. house a nd ga rdener acr(,ss lhc bi:1y and Tax Sheller 1974 l'hl•rl' 11' ~1111 11 (fie to La kl' ;ul\'tlllt,i ge ()f I/us 1·u111 111l•rc1.tl l:JX blio.~ller. lUUO " hl1IJ.! Jur btn:.ill hu:-1ncb:) µlub 2 Bil apt OVt·r :J l"JI" g111·a gt•, t-·or llcla11~ t·all Kl7 t~llfl i\j.!l. NEWPORT LOCATION l 'r;·!>lL!:C loc<illon J u.~t ;1 ldoi·k 1ro1n lht• hlt1t.' l'ar111c. Be;1m l'e1hngs, IJr1v:.tlL• lronl t·ourtyard. 1\l l'.~ll'au 1111• floor~. S:•l ,!1~.u 1~ ;1 l1;11·g..i1n ! L".111 1·Mi ·W!Oto ... 1:e. Al!I BACK BAY DOLL HOUSE t '11t1c r $'.JU ,!"'Ml lh!.111 l"Ul{', :1 llr, l1ur..,1·shoc s trcl·l & 1n H\UVt' II\ \"0/Hh\.1011 , Jh:l· tcr hurr.v tlll tlu :o-011 1.: WALKER & LEE It EJ\J. l-:S'l'J\'J't: 545-9491 EXECUTIVE HOME ocean. On The Water -$1 30,000 St art the n ew year right IJy giving your ramily the deli ght of living a l the h eaeh in t hi s s pac ious 3 be droom. ramily r0<1m hon1 c with r>icr & s lip in 11rc · ::;ti ~ious Ncw1>ort Beach t:ommunity. Pure Ele9ance -$1 00,000 Is ,,rovid ecl 1n this l:!ayc:rest '-lrea ex· ecutivt• r esidence. Exquis it e dct·or lhruout . 3 bdrms., 3 baths plus guest house and g arden across the bay anct <>l'can Presidents Home-$79, 950 In ~ou g ht "fl c r 'l'urtl e lt oek area. f{caut1ful upg raded 3 bedroorn . ramily . roon1 home with view. Ju!il inlrodu\:ccl to"th e m <ir kl'l . Y<>u own thl' Ian<!. Walker &Lee G....,.ol R E AL .E ST AT E Newport Beach -Irvine-Office 646-7711 I002G....,.ol I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IA ~.SLE Y N TAYLOR CO. H~;ALTORS s•n~e 1!146 llG C YM . CU STOM HOME -$325,000 Superb :\J 1·;w :-.pltl ·lcvc l r..in1bl1n g hl·aul\ \\'llh l'ountrv l 'J uli '->:.: t·tl\" J1 g h1 :-. '\1iL'\\'. 's1 1~1 n1 :-.h dl':-.Jg n .. ) J~I(, d L'il. huge 1't'l' rn1 . forn1 ;il l)J{.('01·11t•1 ·~11 l· S(J,.\K ,\1(J,\."l'l.!\.\'J·; S ,\'f',SLl.\J I .1 BEST MEW HOME BUY ' S73.500 < )n bc<-1 u t1 I ol (·orn1.•r :-.1te : ,\I ov1.· r1 ~ht 1 n 1.andSl.'ilpl·d, 1·1>L1.l, drapl'd ~ !-'.\\' I :.tor\' ;_s lilt ,~ l>~1th J.1n<la 111111h·I 111 lll1 • lilu1'1s . l)r1v;1ll' palU)S. g r1..'l 'llht·lt :!701 \.'JS 'J'_,\ li :\'lli l ~l>S ,\ ."\ \·r SI J.'-: I .1 BIG CAM YON OME STOR Y -5265,000 (; re:1t l'lo:-.L· up Vll'\V i>f goll l.'i 1u 1·~1· frorn ;\.'t·:W qu:1lHy h!L :1 l~I{ ,\'. l·'I{ h(>lllt'. J'anc·li ng, stonl'. unu:-.uul fl'<.•lurt•:-.. .)l{tl)'i\l .S'f (il·:t)l{(;I·: S.\J' ~l '.:'-J I .-, CORONA DEL MAR INCOME ;\l':•r 11l '\\' Ju .\or.\' clupll'\ :-.nuth (1f h1 g h\V:.I)' I .I{ \\;ili'J' \'11'\V! :: l ~lt. ~ l1:1, <lt·n . J'i·p l l',1 u111l J~t·;11n v1 f i.'t•1 l111 g, huge :-.uii<lcl'k (}u;_d1t,;-built . ~11:),UOO BAY FROMT HOME-FOR LEASE J·:nJlJ)" t hl' (JlJll'I !-.l.'l"l'tll!y ol qu:1111l l~:Ly l :-.l;111cl. !·'urn. :.i Iii{ ,'\.'. tn~11r1 ·s l'•Ji)/lJ hnn1c f<>1· ll':t.!-.l'. 'l'l'nn1s i ·ourt. p1t•r & fl oJl. ~2.00011111nlh. 13 ..... ;1ppo111L111 1.:11l . 2 1 I I San Joaquin Hills Road HEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-49 10 /"1 wporl REALTORS 67S-55 i I Representing fine properties in the Coastal Communities OPEM HOUSE SAT. & SUM. (I PMto SPMI 2112 S J•;,\\\' J\ It f): Short•<"Li !!:-; the r11c1:-.L ('hoil·l• lc1t:at1<>rl. ('ustorn, 011(··of ;1 k..in1!. l ~caml·cl el•il1ngs. poll -;lil'tl '''0(1<! tloor~. Im 111l'(t1 ~le tH · t' U J); 1 nt )'. St 27 , ~100 . WE HAVE SEVERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS TO M A.KE: '"l'hl' \\'1nnt•f ": l'rt'll\, pt·rt 1,,dh v S1111rl \\ho Ii\('"> 11p (111 S;1111le~1 :-.1h · I Ir 111 ( 'or/11);1 d!·I \I di' \\(Ill OUI' dr:I'\ lllL0 for 1111 • (i l :\'(;JO:/\l~ltl<.\ll )[(Jl 'S I·: .• ind 1·11 If(·\ hl·r h1 :..: brollit·r l(1 l'ky ''di ht·lp hl·1· t:1l 1L to<1 '. AD DITIO NAL HOMES WHICH A RE A VAILABL E: CA~H:o Sl l Ol(ES : !."'"'" lht'<'<' ht·<lroo111. l ~11n1Jv rt1n1r1 h(1rTii.· \\1 1th (}l' t·:,\ ;\' V I I·:\\'. (.:hn1('t..' l'Of'lll'f lot, t(.•n · n1s t·nurt :-;i1.t·. In ''Sp:1rkllng" ('ondi· lion. l11cff1or. t1t1l (ln.1r (';iliforni:1 living :it it 's hl':-il . S l ~7. :iOlJ. '°' ... , ""'po'' .... 11.1 ......... "' .... i.1tr ...,<1 l"<iffd• '3'I ritcora. I 1 1aru11y roorn. 1-'luor tu 1·c·1llng 1'1rt"pl:1c1• Sua r. 111 g v ;iulll'll 1•<•!1111 )!~. l'r1\'0:1le pa110 off rnastt·r ~u 1 t1•. 1·nlcr1a111er ':o.. drl'.1Jn }':1rtl /\;1-. bi g ~p ;1 r kl1n i.: 1,001 i\1ul·h 1nor1•. S1•c• 11u w c.111 Ml 7 l>illl! J\1-:1. OPEN HOMES SUN . 1-5 ........ I 002Gene-rol 1002 J.:,\S1' l\1\l'l•'J{fJt\:'1'· "l ,111ll · !:-.land " /r1t(•l't'!-.lin g . unu~u:d fl\l' ht·clr<1on1 h()n11..• 11n l ht· f{;1y l 'ltl\'A1'J-<: 1111'.:ll : 11r ho111 1· t·:111 bt• l'l .. {'i)ll\l'rlccl to du11lex. Plt'a!iP call for <lctails. $250.00o. P •llCEL J : Non·e•tlu••w ea••· ""'"" IO< 1n<1< ~'' """' '-'<}f~''· OUllll\ u11l ltoe1 • ....,_,, end lor 1111 ll"fll~' 11>1:.a.,,,t•l 1h1'1t10. 1nc1u<1lno bu! ""t lim.INI to lt.e ton\lfu( lion, m•l•ll•lo.,.,, ••Pl•<oemitnl, '""'"". rn•lnltn•n<e, -•toon •""' \!\.If o! •U ""'"'<;ary or •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ot->h•Ole •o•o .. •v>, ••Oew•lk• dnG 1-'-----<0flOu•I> ow1t r tr.e land ooeocribe<I on Perce 11 01 t"at t .. 11.1n °""" re<or<led PU Bl.JC NOTICE Septer"~' 1•, 1%~. on Boo• 'l(MJ. 11•<7 "''Of Olll<i•• l'i<'<O•d• In !he Office ol f-------------,,,. Counlv l'i<'COr<ler ol >••<I county. a si.cn f'A.ftCEL I : A. non·••<lu\i"" ,,...,.. "°TICE OF l•L.£ OF •EAL ""'"! lor ""I'~~, ,,nd ~<I'"'~· oubl•t P AOPE llTY AT P ll lVAT£SALE "'"""'" , ....... , •na •o• •!I PU'"°""' Ill· ....... t tU 7 t 1a.n111 '"•••t o. inc ludlno bul no1 In tr.. Wperlor Cou1t ol the !tl11t ol llml!t"G to lhe <on'9rucllon. tt•J!•ll•l•on. C•!1lo•n1•, !or thit Covnty ol 0.M"ll' •e11l•t"'""'"'· rep~or . m•i"l•noence , In tf>lf M•tlet OI tf>• £>11l1t ot °""''"llon•ndv>f"o!.ll!n•<t•,o,4ryor AUDREY WEYR1Ct1 !tV M E':>. °""'"ti'• •o•d,.. .. ,,. ''d""'"r~, '""" DI-<••-. cQO\dvl1,owe• L01 BO! Tr.ot l No ~1111,in NoliCit Is hit•etiy 9lw1tn l f>~t lhe.., '"" Counl y ol O••n oe. SI.ii• ot dtt"r\!Qn..., .... 111 ••fl •I p.,~•lt ~••, 10 C•hlo•"••, •• I><'• m•i> ••<0t<flf"d '" 11'1<' hlQhnl '""" Of>I llldder, iu1>1t<I lo ~ 111<1, ll•go-> 1• to 19 •n<I""'°'" ol <onllrrn,n!on Of w la s-tlor Co!.wl. on Miw:tll•nlf<lu~ M•p1, 1n thtOlto(oeOl I"" or alt•• 1/>lf IJtt. d.ly OI J•n ... ty 1'1S, 411 C.....n!v R•<oroer ol >Ila Co.."h nw olllt1t ol JOHN N. Ml TCHE lL. A.I· PYo.,1-lf>lll 1"•1 CIHd I\ M<~ed tot-,.,, '°' u ..... •10 Nf•po,, Cc-c>lf"I ....., m-•vt11•t1 to""' 11•.rll'lib enc Oriwt , !tulllf 111 ~. N1t..,por1 D••<f>, bu•G•n• 1m11011td "l>On 1f>• l<1nd C..htorn.l;o t1t.tO, 111 '"" r1gll!, !lt11t...., Glf'-Ctlbe<I •" wla P••<•I 1 •bow lo-tl>lf , ........ "'Mold ...... ,..., •• '"" tlfnlf ol. m .. 1 ... 1 Ofn•lol ol tr.. own••~ OI ""• llO< lh .tfld •II tr.e r'9f>I , Ull• •nG 1nl1tr1t\t ,,.,.... 1""'""' oy tll•t <••'''" O.tl••• lfw.t llW ••l•L• ol •••d oece•....tt rw~.ot · ••on or C<>••n•nl,, Conao!lon\ •nc rtd o1 OCW••llon ol "''"or Oil"',....lw Rt>l•o<l•Oft!. r1t (Ordoed 0<100•" 1, 1'"'11, ""'th.on or in •Odll•on lg '"'"' '3'I Y td '" Boo• ~'•· P•g• ao~ 01 Of!•tl•I ,,....,,,•tlhitl•meoldoe•tll,•n •ndto Re<:0td> "' lhit Ollot• of \6•0 C.0....1, 11 IN <trl .. ln t••I P•OPlfrlJ sll...,lod 1n '°1•<o•CHt "" Co.,ntw 0 1 Or a nq•. !t••t• ot SIJ•JfCT 10: All <Ovtn.,nh, (""1(1+ elltornl•. ~rlot vlarl J °""""bta -" hon1, r1t1tr+c l•<>n\, ~ .. ••••<ll•on>. ••<f'P· -·· lo-•lt: 204 FBtMLEAF Ot'C'Lln vi e w duplex : 3 bdrms., 2 baths each unit. 13rand n ew! Irvine b<-1lhs ;· land. ll 1 8 SAHT AMELLA T e rr;1cc; 3 lgc. bd r m s., 2 ('Jo::;e lO b;.iy. $83,500 includes 2441 VISTA MCllLEZA The Hl u ff s (of f D e l Oro). J-<:xteJltion a l l;.' well t1pgra d cd condo in bc ~i utiru l ::;etting :'SB!J,950. • YEA R BAY ANO BEACH 675-3000 ._•407 E COAST HWY COAONA DEL MAR hon\. t •-nU, "llf>I> •nd riQt>ll-ol f'•~•l 1. 0 -111 .. Unll JH •n Bu•IO #!.---.. wit rJI reot:"'d "9 No. Jlaol 11 W•cf .. Unll Ii,,,,,_, -V'""'9'f"" T1t•m>olwl•~••n >n l•*tu1..-wot I....., Of> llWI <lfrldin (Of\OOfni nj"m ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 100 '"" Un•l•d Sl•le• on contlrmehOfl ot eftkll..Olo•nd rn•a.:•pe'1otlfwl >Ill~ l,.,, ~•tent "' •mount ti.a lo llf «l•ift Ol"c 1 .. r•llon <>I cowtn'"""'t"«•>dl· °"'Po11ll"<l,..11"0'G ions., .ond re\ldcflon1 •t<Of"dld O.:· ll•a~o-01!1tr1 to ti<' on w1l!1ng ...,wlll r J, 1"• in Boo~ '90%, -.... ol ""' • ..._ .. o ... d ,,, '"" •IOttW•G """" •t ici•t •• ,..,,,,In ""' olllct ot ,,,..Co..n1y ..,,, Un.,. e!t1t r lf>t 11,,, l>\!Olk•hon ,.,,..,In Ol'el<Qlf (o.,nl1, C.Olllornl• ""'""' •na ti<' lore O•te 01 \111e . <>d..,, ,_,.,.;dot<f 11191 l"I''"''1n «Id to D•llfd O.cemblfr JO, 1•1• 11 !Nol poo-1lon of Loh 1. J ana A 01 Fashion Josoe11r.O EG •••d•. •Mt No 1014 •••-non #,.....,''" &414te @ 190 Newport Cenrer Dr. E•ec.,10>rot 11>eWo11 or-•n eoo.. 111, 11•0t> •1 •n:l "8 0I Island ot ••lO a.:cf'<lf:n1 ><•ll•IWW> """"' re<:O«h ol o.-,,,_ "•-kl< w. .......... -'·· (•li+o•nl• ....... n •na <lrl•n«l HIGH OM A HILL ...-..... ,._.., c..-.,.,.11.., >common ••e• on 1hit •OOw• rtten1•a ~i:,::-1:,~ .. ~~~1~0;;:~· 103 0~':'::':1:;'~';1 11~·;1 l•«• No 19s1 '" 3 l~ fl . 2fi00 sq . ft . sensationa l I lurl)or Att.t-M ylfor E ••<"'"' on . rnep ... corcl .. d In Boo• JSS. View llome. Popula r Porl<>rino Model P"°li\.t>M o. .. nQO' CO••I O•oly P\lot, •Joi el>ll J) ol mo set II •~ mllll\ Jen ... •vJ.•.10,1111) n .7, nt .... otl1c1tol!""Counly AKO<de•ot On f ('(.' Jo l featuring S('f}, g u est h OUSC, ~.~:U:':,·.~r•:·1~CJ;~~~~~~~~!.~· lus h ('Ustom upgrading thruout . Be ••Oon •. m•n~••!i •nd "'""' \\lb s ure lo see this 00('. llln<e• u ... o below • deP1f> or XIO IO'oel wllllou1 ,,.., rloh• IO <'n l•• -,..., MEW PORT BEA.CH Line: 64~ 1120 -----~ ·---- l'l HI.I(' .\ftTlC t: UNIVERSITY PARK n cduC'ed lo $47 ,500. l'crfe(·t starte r hon1c; 2 s pa<·ious bd r m s .. 2 baths. Lge. living rm . y,rith frplc. ~Xlnt sec urity & vl'ry JJr1vutc patio. COUNTRY FRENCH l1r estigc Vt.'estc lifr ne ighborhood l.argc t:<J rnf'r Jot y;ith e;:isy m;:iintcn~1ncc lancl.sc api11g . Shovvs lik t' ~l n1odc l : just 18 mos. nt•\\. (>rofes.sion<.dly cfceoraterJ in ex quisit e ta:-;tr-. 3 Farnily bdrms. + s«p .. SJlu(·ious n1str. swte: living r n1. Wt lO rt. t·cil., form•il dining rm . + ric h ly panelecl run1ily rm. Sl39,500. Jlc ld open toc1a y 1 Lil dark . 1255 Somcr:-;et l~a n c. PANORAMIC YIEW Best in the Bluffs. Unus ual 0µ1K1rtunity to ov.'n this I :'-'<::i r n('v." eustomi zed 3 bdrm., 2 1:._o buth home. A buy c.1t $99.500. hecuuse :-·uu ov.·n the l;-1nd ! C. F. COLESWORTHY 640-0020 ~1,ll(M£HT0, .lll HOCIH"'-fNf OF v~r or Mt Of SUtlturl•Clf •bow<'• ~h ol • '""' +o-•nr ""'°°'"' ,..,,.., .., _., SA.MT A. A.HA Une-: IJJ.J 158 Gene-ral I 002 General I 00 .. -or-d tio '"'' W•U1t•n 11.eN. & • •••••• •••• o •••••••1 .. ·~ . .. . ······················· F 1(71 1 IOVS •U\IN( SS N•"'E '"'t Comp•ny. • (o<Po••1'°"" '" ,,,. Gene•ol I 002 G ...... ol 0 rK<>•llf<I 0.<itmmr 1. ttt.1 +,,_., • I 02 Spanish '"" 1°''°"'"""''"'"'h••• ri'""""""'11 "" _.:.,.. ...... "',.~m~•'",,',",~,.~, 1~~: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mans1'on ...... DI I~ I" hl•Ou\ tlu• '"''" """" ~-""' ......,._ J•Nl \ 1 ,,.,,.,,1 1 v, 11,~ t .,. ..... 1 1,.-. ll"Qoe 13ol af olllt l•I rf t0tm_,.,_. HOME OF r"'1A-.... c. ,~,. "'"" '" "'" Gt" .. a ''""' Ao~~..._. NC ME A ssume $39,000 '"°'"'•'•nu• fl""""'',..,...'""'""""' O<DOr•llon. ••<o•Gt"d Solfotf"mm1 '"· I 0 THE WEEK •llll•• ... , ••1r11.nr>•.n11rc°""'' "")-· 10, ':~~" ~ ft»O IMGO" 11 1 0' otti<••1 r<'· PoolpBeach !tl)l"""'•'P """"'"' 1/!0(_...,1(,, f'•rc:el l.Non ... •<lu".,..,.•........,.n•> PROPERTY H.1rl1<1 r \'1~'\\' ~p c l·1 al o\l ,tlll !Ut'cd .\.i rol" "'Q''''"""IPV'•~•PUbl•tlllJlillf'•. ll1•l1"11llllll,\ tll"t"Ol":i\l•tl L'I I 'I I ' '"''·-··~•I •l•I~ ''· •nd '°'•II 1>urpow~ in<klo-nt"I Flll 'It I I :". Ir~ i.: ..... 1 ... 11\~: ... ,-, f•\ at1·1 \'!'.'o I •11" ·" "1° ,..,.,...,,p 1.,,.~ 1••l •••1 C1o•••U H" '11frlftt)ln<h>cl•"Obut••<t1!1r•"teellol,.., I A1\1 ·!~ 2 h\•dro~1111 lilU" doiu.n lt\lllg Jli••lll . , , "" O•O •)~I• on•ttu<"~· on>t•l!•hon, rto••<e ('11~1.1 \Jt .. .,J :J \·p;1r..,old I ol o I "01\~,;,,,,," .. ~''~"""''"ui,..<I' . .,.,~, ,....nt, ••oal•, m•;nloen•"'"· 00,,..,,,°" I.ti\\. ,1,,14 11 1h ·11 in 111t' \.\"I l J.!l"l".1 Vor111;1I d1n111j!'o•'1"\t'I ll.\ '",,,.."'''' ~na "'" ol .. 11 ..,..Ct••'"'' or 00!\"..t>le poll'nt1;1I h>r t''l•:JJ1,.,1on 1~· ,.:.1((\'\ l<11•1t 111<11L" ..... " d or0u 1 o1 !\:o....,u1111 • 1' · , 11•.in. 1 l<>~""'P w1.,,,,., r:::-::~:·~~';;";:.!,1~~~,c~lll~~""I l<.\pl'll :-1\-1" ~·;1 rpt•" u."0 <1d\·d ll\"'l .1 i••Plll I 1"'1 '1"""'"1 "''1"'0 "'"'1~'""rn""1 1 (trl•in.,..1t<1<>10•~1onQHo,...1,1nc ,• ,\].~/) ("ll.'>!10 .-n dr.1pt•:-. l ''-'") l\\-'111 L1111l1llf~ -.l:1111 ,1·.1· fl•n Qt O••hQ•· (ow"I ' on l•••'""'"' '' 1 <11!<1 ,_ J.Allt;I•: 1 1\l.H.I·: lol l'l'l•I I I 'I' '" I ,19,. C.1+lorn1<1 cor1>1><•1 on. roecor ~ .1111 ·"' .1p11t,.:. l'l •· .I i '1rt'Ul :Jl' 11;111·0>11~ .o 1\1~~· ri-t•mr»•l~.l~l<nboo~o""'~",se1 01 111111 .-. 11110( r't1t•r11 t1or l¥.\I IJ.tri.:..iirl ;i t $1\:1,.>1111 \'.d i "''t•.ir.o\t" :-..l••i•1 ,111 ~ ol+ot••• •~•••di 01 '"nll" ounty, tTI••rl· \)\' 1\i·f "Ill (":orry '"u!•"•~•<! O•~~or f<>~·.+ 11.,.0, 1"'"'• C...••lornl• t_;j;J K[J.)0 quarlt 'I'' hilll--'.' 1n.o 'o!1·r f!ov 1•11,?~!tl• .... tJ,..,,,.,, ·~111, f'•rc:el J.Anon.,.•<lu1lw<"oe•11tnwn! M', r Q I N l "f<JN"I' l'Ull~' 1 ; 11 1 , 1 ,. 1 , .ilolllld 1~1ngr••••nooe9••~111ubllcvtl!lli<'~. ,\J .S<) ll\r .. ,· qi \\rt· t•J Ol'fN '1 '1 '11.J u ~ PU BLIC NOTICE NOTICE HEREBY 15 (..IVEN tn;iit • Put>ll< Hit•ri<>a .... 111 tie l>lflG I>'! I"" O h• C<><>ntll ol tr.. City af Irvine "" 1~"'"'· Jen"'"'Y 14 , 1'1S, •t I JO p.m , « •• _, lhitrf•ll•• •• POl~lbloe, in I"" l•vl,.... Cl!,-Cq.,ncll C"1mmr~. 41\lt C..,..ocn O•l'<f. Sullt 100. Irv;,.... y,,_, C..nl•r, lrw1nlf, C•liloo"I•. IO con~idlfr en ._.1 of Ille O..ct.,on ot the Zon•no Adm4nhlr•lor In hit•C11tnlt1 ol V•rlenc:• HO. 1'·VM·OO?l to perm!! .. n eaislino 11 ... tool !S"I hlQt. wro..of>l Iron t.ntlf to ,.,...In In tl>e Icon! i~t()a,cl< ..-.. 1 ot 1s1n Tour•!,... W•y, !rwl..,.., C•lllorni•. es filf"CI tiy Lou ~run on b<'NU of 11'1<' •PPll(•"'· Ant,,.,ny Svent 1. Foo f\lrllWr P••1ltul••S.. p1,._ (""lac! IM Jrw1noe Pl.,.,,ing O.p.1~1 .... n1 .. 1 11l•J tJJ.JeofO. '''C•rol J . Flytln 'llf-•\ •n<I for 1 11 purpo•,.~ inc:•denl•I ~··t~~ Ii ~1 il;111('1• jlll \'lli•n1 \..,,.,Hill<' !hirrf"IO lnc:ludlr>Q Ou l no! lim1tfd I• tr.. ('/j\Jt,.~,, f l'\ofl\ : ~· 7', \' ,\ ~.J;,O j\4'1' t11'lOI h <<>n•l•ut llon. ln•l•H•Hon, reulacr I,"\ V l•:!-.·I' \\'1~1·'.L ~ I ~"'· rtpeu, m•lnten .. n(f, -•lion I • •, ' ' p.1.\._ ;di ~)\\lll 'f llllJ,,I ~'" i ';\ ,J. 1J.1.'". lil;.11; -"'"of •II nK••••rJ or dlt\it•l>I• t.ik1· ;1!1 1.iut.1µ<' i_·,11 1 , ... ,,...,,,,.,,. .... 1 ~,.ndtondultsov~· ~ P""'IT IG"' :_o:_e,:!..!~t .~"8~~91!! ~~ :=,; j Pi ~HOM,-.'°\ BEAUTIFUL K<I:! ::.o;:1.1 .. _ ~ .-~ Ol>i NUIO•lr ~•ll"l "'"'"'''l -lnc:1.,i.1 ~ ol"'IK ell•nto"i ""'<I'< In 1r.. EA S TSIOE ofllt• ol thit (o.,nty Rittorck• at 1-1110 ~-I ~;L~f.i:'.!$~";:.~~1~.:;:..-H1~~, I •••••••••111!!!1!!1111\ 1,1)·rs or· ·rR ~:r:s ll~ft!JJE l<'r"''"' w ltt .. •I> in l••lvl moneyol BEST BUY L()/\ l)S (}}''(;I 11\Hi\I . .;:s:::--~··-·-~ '"" Unlln Sl•lt• on cor\llr,....Uon ot Wle. Ten"'" t •nl ol •mounl bkl lo blP ~pO'lltf'd whf> Ole!. Bids or oUen lo be In •tllif>Q llntl will o. •eoc•i.,..d •I t ... •lorit ... ld ollk• 111 .,,, ti,... •flt • lhlf llrtl P"blk •llon her"°" •rd bth:>rt d•I• ol s1l1t. Publk •llon ol 11>111 nollt • Nos tie.<> ..,,.,,.,._ t11 c.,..rt Of"ct.• O.tt"<I 11th 3td a...y of J •n..,.ry, "JS RUSSE\.LF.SYM ES E ••<WfOf of tn. Wiii of wkf O.c•dtnl JOMM H. MIT(M•L L 111:. pr1 v a1l' .irt·.1 w1pr1 vi11t• b~·;u·h. 4 J{B , 2'"+' BA , r;1n\r1n "'/t:h:1r broiler. :o..1•1·ludl'tl p;1110, SfK'c lucu tar ocean v11-w, bc~l s ur11ng:. Owner wnl <'arry 2nd ., or lcas<'/Ol)· lion . $11S.OOO. GilUBB & r:LLIS lte11 I ~.:sta te, ·rh1s hcauliful ho1nc 1s loaclecl with churrn. •I l!r, huJ.!e l ;1n11ly rourn . IX.'<in11·d cc1 hn_g, t_·ovcred J)il t 10 & on a I rce s haded strc('t. o rrer1..-d at only 541 .500. with 'GI terrn:;. i:tV3 d . Assume GI Loan • 1 Rl·1l r rn , 2 b;1 nou:-C' 111 "fu:-lq1. !:i l .!,;lUO dnu.·n $);i5 p {·r 1no . (I/ 49;j [11!2,'1111' ~4 Xt1!J . OPEN HOUSE Sat & 5.., l ~S PLUSH POOL HOME tluL..,l;1 nd1n i.: •~ tlH· "'•ll'll lu <il'S!'I Jiit' \111 -, 111 .. h :! IH•d l't)Pll1. [;llJld~ !'00111 ptNl l nuine t 'u11lPni11.(•(! 1n~1dl' to tll•llghi. Ill(' l;ul.' 01 t h1• h<1U ~L·. l·:a~\ 111a1n 11 '11~1111•1• 1n:-.11h: .ind •ult l'o \ IL'W e.<11 11'1\\ :~.J f;/t(i . nl~ N Jil Q • IJ \ lllN l!)H/ •ii• I' [•1t~&HJI VIEW fo:111~•Y :-<'<'111 g 1111· ''l't·:111 . t ll t' 1,\,1 v. L ;1t :1I111a . (_',1ro11a tit•/ \1 :11·. L.1~1111.1 . Jl,1n.1 l ',,1111 , tro111 1h1 ;-, llr.111d rh''o\. •'U:o..t•1n1 hu1l1 l\<1rl\1· "I :J."1011 ~q IL , plu:-. ... u 1r:ii.:t.' r111 1n1~ ,\<. "'1111..· t'l•ll:11· l l(MJ l\1ni.:s HO!ltl. N .Jt., Ojlt'U S;1t1!':iun, I 5 . HESTER-BROWN & Associates, Inc . R•ottors 1401 Dove St. Stc220 B33-97BI CI TY CLERK OF THE CllY OF IRVINE P11bU\h<'CI Or•noe Co•st OllUr Piiot, J11r11•••~•. 1'1~ l 4·15 M ... ..,....W C..• .. r Ori,.., S...1 .. 11,1 ... ..._, .. K., C.lit.nil• flMI TH: (714) ...... )'71 ~Y-••Kwt• ti75 -7080 _____ _ WALKER&LEE R t_;AI_, ES1'J\'r Jo: 545-9491 235 Maqnotio, C.M. '1o.iiii.•ii.••mmJ Hcsl buy 111m111·h1h·s 1rl·d l' 1!:<1s ls1de Co:-.la 1\ll'S<L <! & We're 'in a T'1zzy conv1•rl. •h·r1. ::.tt.·1>dn la111 rm w / n101ss1vc hn<·k frpl and"'<' tlun 'I 111,1.y t'a:-.11.v Pultll!.hed Or•noe CNsl D•l'r Pllol, J11n .•. ltJS M--1S I I.AUii F:l,W()<_>ll $4!1,000. ----------- llA HHOH VIE\\' Jiii.LS -Coron" dC'I !\1;1r : l .<)vt·J ~·. l':\p:111 :,i\'l' S I X BEDl(00J\1S an(I 1.>00/, Jacuzzi. ~tn(l pulling g reen inl'.ltuJcd. /\ll lor Sl-19,500. /\flC ll BF./\CJI llEICllTS: L:tgu n"· adj <1C'ent l o Pr1rtot'inn ill'l'<L 'l'\Vt> s icl t• bv s id e lc>ts (50 l't . of fro11t:1gc) with <ic~:AN VIEW . Total St!l,.t(l(I , A S r'J·:(.'li\J, I ~ r:s·ri\t'JtAi\'I'; l'rin1c l\t•\\'po r·t l ~('at·h lt>C'ati()ll . Smal l . c·h :1 rn1in g. rustit~. Indoor & outdoor p~1 tio cl1 n ing. Arn pie p:.irk1ng : l>rer und \\'int• licens e . $5!l,OOO. /\'.\ll ONf: l'H l ~ll·: llE!\"Ti\I " Throe beclroom &· pla:.,.room. pr1v;1tl' p<.1lio, <:los(' l(l l5e<ich. SSOO. mth. C OLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 25 1 S E. Coast Hwy., C-chi M• 675--5511 Gf!tll!'ral R.E. 1002G~ral R.E. 1002 ···················~·························· &414te@ . 190 Newport Center Dr. Fasl1ion Island BIG CANYON-$295,000 Golr cours e \'icw from luxurious 5 Brt custom hon1 c w /frpl.. din r rn & 5 BR's. lush crptg. /\/(". lrg t'ourlya rd. "49 Royal St . (~eo rgc'' NEWPORT BEACH Wno: 640.1 120 SANTA AMA 1Jno:833-315B Ge-nl!'f"al I 002 ....... 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• If I Had A Hammer I'd Buy iT hi s Fixer Upper \',,u 1,111 ~'l1J•l.I I.Ju:-. ,1111 ', /.)< .i!\"d 11".1 I" 171 h :.11 •'l'f Wo• ... lt'!itl -.h,,pp1n1' • Hil IH1 I! t· II loo! /'t11., .! l11 •1l ro .. 1.n;.: b.1111h1irr1"1-. .i -.10 .. 11 ,it ~;_:11 .~·-~~. l.l'l -. cu, ! ':dt1 .. \•1 -i !7 L 0 ''1Nlll 'I• •t' /pt• •Ult .... '' [II THE REiil ESTllTERS NEWPORT HEIGHTS I' I I' I l! r" \\ ! 11 d !1 \I , IU'cpl.11•t•, ht"lll\ l'<'ilU IJ.!' le nd t·l1:11 ru 111 th1 ~ :! IJ<'dr(H11n hotllt'. t 'h ui.•1· rt1r11t•r lot"at111n. ~n1;1!1 Vlll"(l l!IL1t 111( ~lrt'{'t p .. rli- ;,lg ,LI"<',\ 1\,.,kJlll-: $15.~I. l'OJJI ti·lti 115fl5. '••, ~• •nQ • '"" '" .,.,. o• •><UI \'\IJ,f.:'\· HE.\1:1 '\ A BERG ENTERPRISES CO SPACIOUS SUPERLATIVE I ti +~ l·l •·'".111 L t1 l1d11n (l<ol)I•' h.1-. .di 1h1· l.11 l..,fi t'\l l'.1 :0.. !1 Hill -.h.i~o• J"Okl1 1\1 lu1 1t1:1 I <11n111 i-:,n"11t1 l\1d" notnp 111I111 • h i pc11ol 'ol.'1111<' ,11]11!(-. !'11 IP I (1"11' l•i\"11/fl ,ind 1\1111! ill 11,q l>qlh.' Ill•· l"l!rf! ,t11d !IH'j•I."'' 1011 li 1'1'p1 11g, \\.1r111 l•>O . '-.JK ~JllH l!""IQuail ~ ltiit IPlac• . Prap.,-ti•• 752-1920 1•00 OUAll 'l NfWf'Olf l llACH GINO DOWN $200 TOTAL MOVES YOU IN!! J'r(·~11 g t• .1 r't'.1 N }';/\It Hl-:1\t;11 . l.u:-..h ltj11dsc;1p- 1n1-:. St·<"lu d~·d '-'ntrv. .\l.1:-..:0-1\'1• br11·k r1rcpl;1e'e . 1'01111lr\' k1tehe11 . 7 ;o-;1l:\J1l·: 'i'B t:l·:S. r·anul,v 11111 1/li-:, J l'.(t.'rll'rfl US t'lll"lf<JlllS. l IU).!t.' l"t"l\/t'l'('\J patio. 1 1wn1~r must ,i.:o, l;1kc a dv;1nt<1 ,i.:c l'Hll K'I::! 2;-;:J:), Pll Bl.IC NftTICf: P UllUC NOTICE Mew-Never Lived In *Costa Mesa Cnnll><n e the flavor of l1V · 1ng on Custa Mes a 's t_•;is t side with lhc wonder of a hranll n ew h o m e . ov r.:ns1z El) cc>uN1·11v CiOURMET'S KIT · C l l l-:N , com l'ortablc s1e.sta roon1 a nd .1 de · liJthtful bedrooms, on lot big e nough t o lllDE DAD 'S tru ck, boat o what have you, Ownc says sell r1uic k a t $47,950. Let's go call 64&7171. New vu1:ant <t br, :::•.• .. ha . rrn1 din. ('Otn j)t"IOL J\.-.: :-urn . Joan , s n1I 1J11 . 556·K59H . ()wnr 111 p ;111 Id d1·n, sh:t ~ <-'rpt <)Vl'r 1his 0111• y1•<1r new VACAMT O"~IJ r11 Q." \ IUN IO ~f /IJlo I ' l•1Blll1N """ '"lll(I TO C•lOITO•S l lJ ,I 1 101 COVllT OF Tiil 'lAll OF CAl.i ,OllNIA FOii 1111 COVHfY O,OllAftGE ............ ! ol fAIC llNDflOf!-1. LW'EN II! 9 •II S 'LIN 1081 /<#(f' · llJIUil1ltl EASTSIDE CHARMER :1 Br d n llhot1sl· + 2 rcntul units. t/ 111f't s1.r1>c t . Wt.·11 kept 1Jroperly. i\1onthly 1nrnmc, $5!JO. l'r1 nr1plcs only S P A U LI N(; f{ t; A J, E:frA·r r: 833 3548· • t h r-u nul . Vl l in k1leh, he;1ul1lul g:rl'dPr1 \"ll'IV 1\1US'J' S /·;1.1.• l.1k~· t1t·11· 1•nv d pat11•, tc·necd lrlr k1tchen/t..in11iv rm .+ :1 1n&n111 .!1111 .:!B.\, l'IL\ s p ;i •' t" S I I , ~l:1u l" tt I J l:.ir~~ IJC•tl roo1ns. J 'LlJS a 1JJH';11."1·1J ~!J .111~1 J.•111· GETTl""G t~12 7KtiliS<1l . &Sun. I ~-a ssum1• i •,·. lu;111, l'l.lrs dov.·n Pa.\ n1~·nt 1''l l1\t V1\ .....,. I i\1 ,\·I 1·: I.) I ,\ 1' I': () l ' · l crn1s !!~.~f~~~~~~~~~~;~~o ~'"!a~i-~~ C~~;,•' N c '~o:~~y SCs~!T R7~~~TY bedrooms. bcamt."<I rc1I-LIOOOUA!l \f. NI Wl'Ol:JSIACH WALLAC A 1975 in g hvin ~ room. Cozy -N t-:EOASTUOIO? . REALTOR SPECIAL.I k1lC'hen. central <11 r con-. , d1tion1ng. All yours 1or <)pcn:s:i l&:-iun J,-S ·-546-4141-Suhurh1tt 1111rk '1 llH for $26 ,000. Cull 673-85 ?\Ht;oldcnrod. COpe" E••npl $5G.9o<J. Wht'l•' , . ._,n you and congrlilulal1on.i;. Country <'h arm -bea ml'!!'!!!ll!!!i!!!ll!!!l!!ll!!!ll!!!ll!!!!!!ll!!~ l1nd a C'h.11·n1u11.:. C'utn • Ol"fN1u<;1°11·s1ui.iro111N"ICf•' ceillni;. pine paneling, forlablt· hnnlt' \lo'llh I Ill I fr e nc h l.l oors, s unny bcdro.im.-. lanii1y rnon1 lt~~j11·~ .brick pi1tio. Nt•\lo' k1lchcn. : ----· ... ~--111 I 1 "ESA VERDE aud 111rn1.1I duunJ: 111 an 'I , _.I _f , 3 11 . ~7.500. ,... I fl ti I S 1 ,o n C I Jl /.! \!!!!!!~~!il~!!!l!!!!ili~ 1.UX U H 'I' 'l'tJWNIHlUSt.: VIEW HOME 11t·1 ~hl101 ll11111l t•lo:-t· lo 111~· Assume 7°/o Loan Dt•11ut1 ful pool homt• hu.-. been newly dcc·urat<•d 1!1' t ra lur_i!e roo1n !!.. P111·1,v roo1n off kitc he n has pool ;11:e1:ss. Full price 1s just $47,500. Call ni.:I lo .!lee ('llll 8"7·6010._o•g~t'----I on Park S1nh·, 1mm<tl'. 'f'h1 .... ht.'au111'11l .\l t•:-;1 IH• .i ,. ll . ~·I •' 111l'11l ,11 ~· v(•r.v h11-:hly up)!radt•d , V1 •1'd t· honi1· 1S Ju~t 'ol.<111 :-1·11.,,.i , p.1rk . !1·11111 :- l"U:il 1tce~or , 21~•1 fl, •I hr, Ill.I! 11~r s onll' lu1'k ,v 1.ollll 1 '1"111 ~ • .i11ol h 1kt> tr;1d ' l'·• b<i. t.11n rn1, tr in I ly 4 h11 ~1· lulr1n~. t1nnd,\ l'h11111· ,, Ito 2:J l:J .111J 1.Hn1n,.:, 2 frpl~. hltn bi.tr. l'OOlll . View & 111;111~ •llht•r 'ol.1 '011 ~1101\ }'<Ill' ~ourrn~t k 1t,·n . o"·nr xlra s l)fle'ri•dat $7!l,!'llM). Ol'1Nr•iv ·t1 \1uN IOM1 N"1 • 552·050·1, :156 ·~ <)pen W A.LkER & LEE Ill I S1:tl /S u11 . 1.4 , 1801 2 JlEJ\Ll-:Sl'1\'fE lll.J!j:1:f:JJ ~u~~e wood W~y. Univ. 54 ~_-9491 = ' fiQ Jjt • SPANISH SWEETHEART l'h 1s char m1!lJ! Z ht•d1 o•)lh S p ttrus h hi1111 c ha.s a sp;1rk ling nl'w co~1t of ptnnt und nc\\' c a rjM!l· In ~ thr oug h o ut . ll ardwuod lloors 0 1 1·01u·-~1· f':..t~L-.:1<11: t...'n.sta .\lt•:ia l'lo,.,l' lo :.hopping . l'r11·c 1111" qu1c•k sule a t fJlll )' S:l2 .500. I !""IQuail l liit I Plac• . ·Prap....tl•s · 752-1,20 t•OO OUAll)T. hlfW"Olf 1 1,.CH Huntington Harbour .1 1111 " :1 11 1\ l 'ownhousl'." i o lou;1l -.lip 'rt•n 111'(1.. puul \\'alk Lu hC'a c n. Sti-\,5\)IJ i"1Ll.Jl11.'.lng i.IV[Hl. ti40-·579 L , • Hcttll Foe-Sale ' IHoan: Fors• HoeHs For Sale !that" Fors• Honn For sea. ~For SaN Saturday. January 4, 1915 DAIL v PILOT c IA. G1M: ~ I 002CHMral I 002 G«Mral R.E. I 002JG1Mr• · I 002 GeMral . I OOZG1111rd · I 002 •••••···'='-·~=••••••• .. =.!.77. •... ~ ..•.... ~:.':::'.~~·~·•••••·: -······'!································································································································· ~H ~so1 I .............................................. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ............................................... 100 02 ••••••••••••••••••••••• G..nttral I 0 Grnerat I 002 ' ~le Barrell Rea ft'! H*e' r*1·tag*e c*o11e*ct1"o*n i .ln-,.~,H-m~.-~E;-.~~':-. ~"-i'•'' ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• /-' 4 t.'ll:.lon1 J hd1·111 ~llh ;1 l,HJl(jUt' Ul'Cl<ll "'ICW. II\ /1"4tut Sfftid~ pre:Jenf:J ~:~~~:.1.•;·,~~.';J;;u"'"' REALTOR BETTER THAM GOLD BLUFFS CUSTOM 0 W N A H 0 M F: 0 N BAL B 0 A 1•ro1c:.s1uually dc:.1~net1 E HARBOR HIGHLAMDS _PENI NSUL A PO I NT -open for view· ,, deeorn ted homcwoth" VISIT THES OWHERS ARE MOYIHG-from tht's fresh mg. 1"''" '"m. rm. 0 """" 1 Sal/Sun L2 lo 4 at Si!7,50lJ. Shown h) SPYGLASS & h<lppy h o n1 C'. Newly de('or~1l ed in 444 SEVILl .E _ 2 BR + den. $7S,000 ~p11 '1 only. Using the contract of sale melhod y1)U .:-.unny co lor ~. thifl 3 bedroom hon1c has 421 SEVI LLE -5 BT<, f an1 rm, billinrd CORBIN-MARTIM CHn buy with appr1>x 15<1; down, lh l' ;1 pool ;1s w e ll , ()f fcrcd ;it SG9.000. lb S l09 600 Realton owner IA-'ill c·;1rry lhl' r('st. 4 lledroon1s, 1935 Hiqhland, M.B. e>pe-n Sat/Sun 1-5 ~~rl~A~~·R -Pius. 304 L STREET, .. 64 4-7662 * 2'' b aths. Sp; g lass 11111 with a view. HIGH OM A HILL large Cape Cod m"nsion plus 2 bed rm SlK0 .000. AND CLOSE TO BEACH. Delightful & <.:<1lt;:1ge. on 2 corner lol s. Own both for '' Mowtecito, Spyglass Open Sat/S.n 1-5 :-.p:.ieious 3 bt.<drt><>m tov,inhouse-:.ind 5195,000 total. Call 540-1151 . C Eo R :-·ou ()\\·n the l and~ Steps to 11111.•AME YOUR TERMS I AM SHO ES pool-pnvale patio. 1n park like ,... • Spend countless sunny days on t he s(:tt 1ng. i•'inanc inga\'ililabl e.675-4060 . VA HO DOWt-1 -FHA OR SUB -~ccludcd private bcathcs in CAME:C> 435 1olttoWaytMParkUdolHB MIT YOUR IDE.A. l)espcratc owner .SllQl{ES. \\1 3tc h t he colorful ocean OpeftSun l-S luav1ng a nd rnusl sell ! Beautiful 3 s unsets fro m you r four bedroom BALBOA ISLA"''D DUPLEX locdroom. 2 h;oth M.,a V••de home. garden hom C". l .ocatecl on a c hoice 1"'111 {>pen , s pac..:h1us l"l tH)r plan \Vith <.ti! the corne r lo t. Q,,·ner <inxious! Submit! WHAT A JEWEL! It's a real home v.·ith 3 ;1mc11it1cs. l'r1cccl only $44,750. Call ~501 Hampd~n.CameoShoresSat/SunlZ-5 hC'<irooms, ;incl jus t !!Or geou s -546-5880 :-.p<1l·i<1us . s unshine Vl'tlO\V. Also in- BAYCREST l'ludl'd is a 2 1>0<1r0om "partment. LIVE IM MEWPORT 1 .. argc rustom htti ll 3 bedrm. fami ly Si'.l0.000. CHARMIMG 3 BEDROOM and dining r oon1 . 2 firL•pl a<·f·s. '.l bat h h ome . 308 Collins, Balboa Island Open Sat. 1·5 r oom. F'ircpl acC'. bltns. beam l•d ceili ng Oversizt'<I lot. l·:1H·lo"'" ""rd with GREATEST VALUE IM '75 living room . Jl ugc l ot. Trees and be autiful l\L'\\ ptiol & <ll'ck in g , ()Ult'l, OMLY $45,500 _Anet ocean just steps shrubs ga lor e! PSus worilshop, JJa tio. S£>C'IUd('<I street. o n one of l hL., b1·t t<•r ;1,,·ay. ·~cc th is :i bedrooni. 2 bath f{BQ. Wt• invite your ins pection _ Ask- s trcl'ts in Ne'''l)Ort 1-'.eat·h. Low int€.:J'c,')t nitnimt1nl upkt•t•p llonit•'. ing $59,500. Call 540..1151. avail able . A r e:ol buy at S84,950. 2 1S 62nd St Hewparl Shores NB Sun, 1·4 IRVl"''E TOW""HOUSE 1717T..,.ap;n.N.B. Sol/Sunl ·S ,... ,... S U OF IGHWAY SUPER IMVESTMEMT largc ·3 b('rlroom. 2 0 TH H ' orr ·,, Opon S•t d & s d 1,,·1Lh + l>o 11us· r oom. A"Po.111tecl '''lllt PET,E BARRE"'rr''' RE"A"l'T'_'y , • Duplex Y.'ilh best income in Corona del cathedral c.eilinc:p, furm<ll dlning, J;Jrgt: M <ir f<)r it ~ price. Lot a ncl a hair below l1r1l'k f1rc•i1J:1cc, a nd p ri vate atriun1 t'll - highy,oay v.·ith large S\\•i mming pool. tran e('. 'J'hrLlW a\vay Lht~ l:1w 11 n1owt"r Submit rontrac·t of sale. S84 ,500. ~~ 1605 W•!oTc:liff Dr. N.B. M2-s200 714 E . Balbo a Blvd., Balbo.i 675-4060 .and cnj(>_V l'arcf1-ce li ving 111 L'OJnfurl CALL 644-7270 2128 E. Coast Hi9hway, Corona Ml Mar You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad GPneoral I 002 G~nPral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I002G....,.al 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• and st•<:u 1·it y. (.';ill for full details. S46-SB80. SPACIOUS TOWMHOUSE BEAUTIFULLY UPGRADED -2 lied r oom , 2 h :ith . l .. ik C' nC'w. <1dult otcupi('d . Spacious Rooms. Perf('cl lot.·ation ne:.ir Olyn1pic 1)001, j ::1c u zzi, g ame room <i nd te nnis ('O urt. Ask ing only $5 1,500. Call 540-llSI. I OCEAM VIEW DUPLEX Corner Duplex 2 l~i:droom hou~c w /fpl1· & 1thl,. !!••rage + la1 J.!t· n111· b1·r1r•1•1rn rcnl.11 ll"'nt·r will 1111 .1111·1· I 'r•rL•ll al S-16 ,~J. ••• Gary Lindott 883 Capital St. Costa Mesa ~ •1U :1rl' I hl· winru•r 111" ::111·kt·l~luth1· Sporls, Vacation & Recreational Vehicle Show al I ht• f\NAMt-:J.\.1 Convt·nti<1n Cl'lllt·r Jan. o\ 1hru 12 Cal l 1;1 2 ~1ti711, l·.xt J;1;i b1·tw1•t·n :.I ,"<,:. I prn 11 1 1·l a1rn vuur l11·k1•1 .. 1 '-ot'lh l:otHHY t.•I! Ir···· IHllTlht•r I., ... 1v !::..~·' • • • * BA YSHORES * 1\ltr, •·xtr:1 l..1r gl'. l"U~toni lou•ll :1 hdrni . J 11:.Ch hnnn". 1:11·~1·, 1r rt·t~ul.ir 1·ur11cr l"l t 'h .1rrn 1n ~ 11\1111 ).! r1n tnrrn11t d1111n ).! rnl : !;:1· 1.111111.v rm . •·••!lh "'Cl h,11·. ~1 nra i.:1• r11orn fur m••tor t'":u·n ,,r hoat -l'Hll'E IJ 1\ ·r S~ll'C.500 HO HEWS IS GOOD HEWS 'l'hc Un1qu1,.: • ..;;d 1.,· • ..; :-.t..1tf :-.lill 1:-.11 L l'l,'acl - ing t1 l!\\'S J);q10i-.... ;ind hu s 111 1 ·~~ :-.till 1s g 11od ! So 110 Jll'W..., 1 .... ~ru><l lll'\V ..... ' .J;.1<:k1c IL1ndl L'lll ;111 ...,,1Jd :1 lti; . .: <·.in von rl'· :-,liJcnct' for ~1:1;>,000 .J1n1 \':1h·niu1t' a nd (';-1r11 I \V llk1n:-.on IJ1i1h hcid ~.11 1 •:-. 1111 i >ort 1..:.1n1lic·rt.v J>r . 111 ll.1rt11 1r Vt1 ·\V ll11n1t•s ;111<1 l\1 ~11·1!~11 lludgo•-. .... ol(I .1 h1 •aut1Jul 1><)(>1 hum 1..· HI \.\'L'!:'>ltl1/I .Ill 111 Lile la:-.L da_ys uf !!Ji-I. .i\n<I 1 ~J7:'i IS Sl;trl.illJ.! flUl "''h t•f't' '74 ldt 11ff. U111<1uP 1:-. l.lu:-,,\' \\'llh 111 .1 11y t·x tl'llcnt nc·\v l1:-.t1ags C:dl u ..... ON TOP OF THE REAL [':TAT( MARK(T Wllft THl NIC:lS r l'EOl'L E Sfl llNG TH E NE 4ffSr !!OMfS CORONA 0£L MAR. 61~ 6000 MESA VERO£, '>465990 • CAl l US ~~~ .......... ~?~~1 ~~~~ .......... !?.~~ Bt•:111l 1l1 dl\ dt·1·or .1 1~·d ;, )(II. ·I''·· h:1., p:1111 1 l111 ~. :1 rrpl•· .. H.nn p ..,Jip ...,:!Ii" 000 ('11 ... torn .-. 1 ~11 I 11.1. \11 111 XII 11 .. r Vlt'\V ln1n1;1).!•· "" l.1 ~ion11 lla1np 1111.ll S2~ 1:·1 , OOH 70 Lindo I sl~ Ori,.l' J1r11nc-i;f 11 . t ;1i.:_,111n J.u r -:) 1.iO. UOO 1:nr i111'nr 1n;1 !H1n on ;di h1ir11f'S ,I{: tnt -; l':ill BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside Drive, N .B. 675·6161 macnab I Irvine realty 90 FEET BA YFRONT, LIDO ISLE Spe('t ac ul a r Mccli tcrranean Vill a. on 3 lots: 7 bdrms .. 7 b<:1ths. Private sand y beac h . sunny side stucly with J)rofess. bar. OJ>e n s onto pc1tio & 13RQ a r ea. Pool ...,·it.h jacuzzi. Formal baysirlc dining rm. G y mnas ium with adjoining sauna; \\lin e cell a r . Sho'A-·n hy app't . only $895.000. ENJOY FIRST OWNER BENEFITS \\'Ith t his ne\V Nc>wp<H·t Rc;1ch dupl<'X ~ h1..•drnon1. ~ halh n\V ll l'r ·s unit. ()t1t :-,t:1nd1ng \\I01)cl t·x ter1or \\'llh rp1a l1t y <·11nstru<.:t 1nn thruout. l'ark1nf!. Jltl pro· hlein here \\'ilh 3 c;ir g;.ira,t.!t' anti \~:idc :-;trl'l'I. l)riced ri ght \\'On·t last . call 546-S880. OCEANFROMT Ji,\l.B(J,\ lJUPJ.J·:.'\ X \ n l t•on1h 1 1 011 : :! hd r 111 . [.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;,,;:':.t I hath l':11·l1 , liltns. FIMER HOMES FROM $74,950 lo $775,000 JUST LISTED. Jn \Vcstc-l iff. 5 bedrooms & pool . Wa lk to 1\tarin('r s :-.chool_ $82,900. J ane Frazee 642·8235. ( r'20J CAMEO SHORES. 4 hedroOm s, 2 1 :! bath.c;;, J)()()I & pa tio - a dcli g-htful f:.im ily hon1 L" J ohn \\'alts 644 ·fi200. I F21 I PERFECT FOR TWO. J,ovf'ly Sp~t ni s h :-;ty lC'd cust om :i f)crlroon1 on qui Pt street nea r b:tv - Ir vine ·r l'rra <·c. U ltra m oct'ern kil c h en. S!J.l .!JUO . Ken I lartlc)' 642·82.15. i F 22) EASTBLUFF -SPLIT-LEVEL-VIEW. Spacious 3 bedroom hom e v.•/view of mountains & Upper l\ay. f<'ormal din· ing room . l ivin~ room & lg. rumpus r oom . $89,950. l...arry Dyer 642-8235. (F2~) llG CANYON -A PRIYATE COM· MUHITY. This cleg;1 n t 3 !1(·dro(lm Deane hom l' offer s µri \"<.1 <.:~. ;1 view & many. up- g r ades . l~X<'('pti<1n:dly pri C'C'd ;1 1 S12fl.500. 1'nn1 Quct·n (;.14 1)200 . ( f<~2·l ) CUSTOM HOME + INCOME 2 :'>C!)i.tralt' horn <'s 1n Cnr1)na (\cl !\·ta r w 1pool. IJolh h :ivc hl':.tulifu l viey,..·s of O<'C'an & t";1 t ~tlin '1. $l5!J,750, llorrict P er r.v (142-82:35 . ( 1''25) BRAHD HEW YEAR. IJcgin it in this d elightful Big Canvon h ome -'1 l>cdrooms, 3 baths.·faniily room. form<JI clini ng. 2 fireplaces - o n a lmos t 1,.1 acrC'_ $17 2.500. Pollv .Johnston 642-8235. ( V26) • I RESOLVE< To O\\'n t hC' fi n('st l'ondominium in ' 'Th e I~ I u r f s ! ' ' C ll m p I e t e I y cus ton1i zcd & exception ally beautiful decor. Great location. $87,500. l..ois Miller 642·8235. ( F 27) THAT HEW FffUHG. New 4 bedroom Weslcliff home. Lux- urious carpeting, solid ast1 cabinet s, lavis h use of brick & glass. Ultra mod e rn kit c h e n . $125,500. Ken H artley 642-8235. ( F'28) "'HAPPY HEW CHEER". FiJls 3 bedroom s. quaint dining room . s pac i ous family r oom . p eaceful garden & pool. $112,500. Jack Custer ' 642-8235. c r'29) SHORECUFFS. Marvelous Ocean VIEW -a J bedroom h ome w /g uest or m other-in· Jaw suite. Joyce Edlund 642·8235. (FJO) llEW VIEW FOR THE HEW YEAR. Newl y listed 3 bedroom, 2'' bath Bluffs condominium w /vic'v o f Newport Bay . $74,950 . J ean n e Newman 642·8235. ( r Jl) . -------- tf><l<I MacAllt>\a' 6<14 6100 l WHITE WATER VIEW f{e:iutifu l d uplex in Dana l>oin t : both units 2 bdrm s .. I bet th : $66.500. S16 .500 y,·j!I han<lle . l~oa n assumahle. (;ross ap1>r ox. Sfi ,000. Only I 1 '.! Ye.:1rs nev.•. J\ good buy in a growing ~1 r('a . SPYGLASS HILL F'or sell (' o r lease: magn ificent . ncarlv nev.' 4 bdrm .. 3 bath~. form al dinin~ , rm. 180 de!!r ce v ic w of ocean & harbor li ghts. Sl 75.00fl -Or S8.50 a month lease. HARBOR COMPANY REALTORS 2865 E.. Coast Hwy .. Coronadft Mar "'Soffi"'l R•at Estate ht~ H..t.a. Since 1944" 673-4400 Ge-neral 1002 ··········· .... .. ....... . .................... .. Congratulations to Ellen Marchesang ... S:1lc s l;1cl y fnr I·:S'l'r\'l'I·: ltJ•:,\l,'l'Y, who h ;1 (I I ht> h<111or of rcc1.:i' in;..: the trophy tc1r I.Ill' n1n~t 11....,L1ngs sold 111 N<1rth flr:1ng t• t..:<1unt y l ~11:1rcl c1f .• Jlc<.1ltors for 1 ~17•1 . IO:llen I!-. llt)\V ""·orking out of our Nev.·p1)rt l!c•:trh office. I lcr J);ist record prO\"C'S hc·r lo be ;.i J)r ofessional. s pC'c ia\11.ing in listing and se lli n ~ .Your properly. Call Ellen a n:rtime, she wi ll g ive you her pron1pt, ;1ppreciative at- te ntion . 640·1120 SSl-6140 ERITAGE REALTORS G.-al 1002G....,.al 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -~START THE . NEW YEAR INC RIGHT SAIL INTO 1975 ... fron1 _your 1lv.·n pier. 4 Bdrms .. studio & S('p . office. 103 Bayside Pl ace ~ open Sun.1-4 WINTER WATERLAND DIRE. 13alboa lllwl. 2-Slor y 4 bdrm., s<.1 ndy b eac h , pi('r & s li p. Sh own by app't . YIEW THE HEW YEAR ... and t he beautiful P:1c ific from 446 llillcdge Dr .. l ,a g un:L 3 13clrms .. extra l <t r ge p:1 rt ,y r oom. $!>5.000. Open Sun l·o. JASMINE CREEK !\'1ar i:!ucrilt• ~i t San .lo:1quin !fills Rd. ~lod<'I~ 011rn from IO I (1 !:-UllSl't, daily. We're oil fte.rp to ser•P you HUG HOMES, REALTORS 56 7 San Micolos Drive, Suite I 02 Newporl CPnter 640-4050 General I 002 Gpneral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Owner's Bought Another V 1· r \' h l' a 11 t 1 r u I :1 b<vJrnOm pool honlC' °"''1!h lvw :l !"i~umahll' j ': v ,\ loan. Pay ments~ per month. ll urry 11 woo'l l<.1 sl. Call %3-6767. {Jt,N /I) 9. ll'S ,.UN 10 ~r Nl(r'' Oriqinal Bluffs Spa1:1ous & open 2 /I I{, 2 ha, forml dtn. lrgs t . J,!rccnht'll , puu.1ni: grl'l'O, ll ac-k H<.1y vu . All 1""11<;tnm 11.<'d . ('al l lor s how1 nJ.!. ~°"'·ner. 644·00'J6 HEWCOZY3BR ~~:;~;.;~~;~~!?.~~ S h '~~D3~1 ~t~~EB ol h l••£~~H1N l-101n1:. Blt-1ns. (rpl(', lots -__ --~ 2 ba, 1250 s q rt. llomc in .S an C IC"m e nle, Urps, cpts, fr1Jlc. dishwasher . s tovl'. O cean View. Walk to S ho p s. 107 L'<i d1z. 4~12-6tl51 or 49:J-2Hl0. RANCH or )!Oodics! Prir("d fnr ----------',---~~=~:::.-~ /\lmns t a l ull :1c r c quil'ks111e$k2.500.Fnr in· C,.(r\j-0 X\ .... .4 r>i::::::: ~C..tt lan 1 l.-.1·~1p1•tt \11 rh g iant forn1<1 l 1nn ('all Prcstq.:c ~~ l.'-'1?..l ~~-(!a P<J"V s h:td1· trt•1·~. \V,1tl'rfa ll l·hnnt•s, j;4 ;, -!;!.>IH. That lnl1iguing Wo1cl Game with o C huckle l'lllry -11•11IP t rlfnt 1:ic1rch . l;ounl ry hr1C'k !111·plal'l' I ;1 r 111 I' r ~ k I I (' h l' 11 ' S1•p:1 ra11· gul'.~l fal'll!l)' l•'IV I-; ('/\I! l;AHAti l-:. lloorrl lur f'\'lli•ns 1on . t;stalc liqutdal101L At•I fast. L'<tll 6•15--0303 FOREST OLSON ~ .. ""•ulf,,, A_~ lltl_ltE! COll'H MEARLYMEW 4 t-f;unlly roc)m , Cov· er,:d p :1l111 '>''Ith h r1t·k llBfJ. <Jpl'n .-:11;1(·1011~took flnor pl.1 11 . 1-:11·~H n d1· tor . pr1rnt l1)('Ul1Pn. < l,v 54 5,000 ! t::i ll n w 847 6010. A g~. ---· ('l:1i::i::i ricd-Call 642·5r.7R. IRVIME·AlL 0 ~'"'"""O• '-"•" "' 1i.. lour K<o.,.bled word• boo· to.. •o '"'"' fou• .,1'1fli., ... ord,. TERMS /\ ss II mo 7 'h •t.-loon or buy ~'1 .,.;C..c.,A~R°'T-R-'--iOc--N ~..< VA-f'l-IA. 3 year old J j1 j• j I Bedroom, 2 bath, den. - --· fr11J t, bll·ins. S243 per I G A E 0 A I month, Ful l pri ce •---~~-,.....< 1 S<t2.500. Call P r'esligc I I I' Is l llomes. 645-6646. . . _ . . } 34 BALBOA COYES OPEN SUM. 1 ·4 4 Udrm.c;., 21/:i baths: .2 large p alios ; waterfront. w11h boat s lip; oversized lot. fC'e s imple . 61:1 3603 67:!-tl&IH t:vci; associated 8POK[PS 11flll t (11o1<; JO l' W (l,,tt · I • , • . . The gr•s• Is elw1ys greener I Pl8D E I·' I J I' I' on 1he other side of The fence. ~=·==· ==· =·='.._~ That's bec1use mv neighbor is ~-c'W-TH -'R,-A._.,TTT~-"i ' -. , , ·• I I I 11 I O COto111le11 1'he c~u<•l11 Q..Ot•d . . . . . _ . '7>t 1.11"" !ft ,..., "''Ui"lJ wo<d <-..L...L-'---'-...L-' ''"' d•••lop lro"' ··~ No. 3 below. 8 P~INI NUM8~~[0 llllllS !N ~OUA~(S ' ' ' • • SCRAM-1.ETS AMwOM In DI-A.UM 1 I I 002GPnttol 1002 tor1·1·d ;11r Ill i<•Wt'f lUHl l'!.--al PHICl-:O ,\'!' {J:-O"J,Y ~ $!01:1,:iOll. ()\<.8H•r 1-1•11 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·.1rry \st Lru-.l dt·t•d COSTA MESA BLll L IJEI< s ,\·rr·~ Grt'at opportunlly fbr hu11d,·r 1 111vl'~tor -\\'ILL 'l'H:\/)1-:, :.! !Jdrm . 1111 li.1X2i"ll l•-.t, :1ppro1t1I h~ l'llY ('OUll\'il /or II unit~ pl!tns .1v:11J.1l>le • UNL\' s:J~.51.Ml "C"THOMAS REALTOR 22·1 W. tu.:t!:>l llwy. N'pt. lh:.•al"I\ : .. ttt-5527 t-:\"t:!"i : s-1:..;.rA:l Mesa Verde Norlh BC'ltC'r·than new :1 l\H, ~ B ,\, w rl'tllllltt"V !.;1t 1•l1. I<.. !-t'<'!1111!·,I ,1\rio111 e•~111·1 \Jwn1·r h ;1~ l.H)u i.:,h1 anoth1•r nnd 1s :1nx 1nu~ I•, ~··ll th1$ S1•h•(·1 l'rnpt•rt~ A.-.k1n g &12.~JoO. «;::.SELECT I PROPERTIES Dreams Can Come True ... ! Fr~·s h n' l.'le:1n! :Ol 1•c;,1 \',·rd1• lo1c :1t111n "'"'r ;.:nll ('Q t1r c;1• •• I !'Jl ;i1•11 1u -. llt'dr!H1ttl<;. r\ f.111111 ~ I unro.;1n1 nppo~111• 1·on1 ,. n1t·i11t• i..11 tl11·n ~1 ~11.Hk h ;1r. i.ltll b:t<'k . :1 n1:1~-.l\t ' hn<'k 1\111> (11-1·11,·r nt·"d " quu•k -.,,ii,• s.1:1,:.1:10 (":di ;,,11; 2:!1 :i Ol'!N ///</•I)\ I U"' !(\ill /../~I' [Bli~~1tm ENGLISH TUDOR 'I• ACRE ESTATE 2· -:t orv J! 1ant 1111 SWt'l'Pllll! l·orn1;r ~ro11111I" Spl111 ;111 1cnCt'. fru1l & !'hail•• tro •('-. <;nurlll<'l loi1t1•hcn, ran•llt:'l1tc cl1n1n1.:. I [uJ.!l· 211 X 20 honu~ room . A ~ ~urnt• ~1 '•'• :1 1111u;i l pcrc1•nt:-1J!C r ;1!1• V,\ tu.111 .lu"I rrd111·rd lo s-1:1.~t Si•llL•r anx ious. 'l';•kl' ;id· 1·a ntagc C<.111 ti-15-0:IO:J A Clll.OWELL IAllKER COMPH Counlry Ch1b hvin,I? udja· cent t,o the golf t.'Oursc. P rest1g1o us 4 hedroom, 2 bath ho me with sunken living room , 2 n1 ass1ve rr plc 's, wet bHr, fo rmal dining and country ~1r,cd kitc he n . MaA1cured ror ner loc11t1o n and rool i::1zl! lnl. Hy apponl,lmenl nn- 1 v -$HS,OOU . Ci1ll !)-15 ~·124 . m Aslo<iated l..J::!ISOUIH ~T 111~1101.' -·Brokers Sfo~L I. irlle ill'ri'H1 ""'Ith :t llaily Pilot Clas.<>ificd ad. 642-5678 SENSATIONAL LAGUNA ESTATE 1 1 ~ ;.icrC' prim(' hillcrt•st \'1t'\V s1t e. U n - believalll(• c·ust<1n1 C'onstrut·t1o n . 3 bedroon1 + l:1rge S<'J>:trat<' J.!Uest house. !{Ca ul i fu I grounds St.i.-1(1,000. FAMILY HOME IN BLUFFS Q('Jightful. colorful 4 bcdroon1 home :>n b eauti ful g r ccnlx~t t \\'Ith pal in, air con <lit loning :1nrl n1:1nv 1·xtra amt·111ties. i\J 11 ~t :-,f'1' t11 ·h~:lit·vc-. 57~.5'1<). BIG CANYON VIEW LOT !{1gh t flrl the 1!()]f ('(\U!":o;(' IU~l \V:1itin g for :1 l'U l">lOm ho1 11l' $7~).;t()(l S40,000 BA YFROMT REDUCTION 1-'abul<ius v11•\v of ha\ :inti 111ountJins fron1 lt)\'<'l.V •I h t•dro()·rn ho111f· !-.1tu;:1te~I on t ,,.o :10· lots. (; :1 rd1·n. p tt·r ;1 n(I no:1t , s;.i nd ~· be ath t)ll <.1d<l1t1011 a l lots. S:!95.000. HARBOR YIEW HOMES To1) of I he "''Jr1d vu __ •\v <..":1 rn1v l 1nocff'l 3 bcdr<101n s, f11rt11:1l dining r1u1n1. be;1ul1fu ll .v d1•1·<1r;1t1·d . upg r:tdl'<i ra r11~·1 ~ arid hi)..!h p1lt'h1·d bi·:1rn1·rl l'l'd - i11g, 111101 ~111• v;1r'CI ln11111·d1.l1t> \l('- cup;i111'_\. $8~>.~l:io . NEWPORT WATERFRONT \..\'('JI lol"a!t•d '"'11 !i1•drnnn1. '._!l, b:llh co-ClJ)(•rat1v 1• ;1p:1rl n11•11t l\111! l'it'I' ,i.;,. ;;Ji11 :1\ :1d.ildv l .<l\\' n1onthl\ 1·0!-.I :-, SI 10.0llO UHIYERSITY PARK AND A POOLJ lj nu ~t1 :tl ~ hr•droom. t:1n1ilv room p3rk hon1e ...,·ith ~ f)()()I. '1'111 ~111." n1od<'I v.·it h s pcct:.it·ul ;1 r lll':tn1 1·1·1hngs. lnclu<lcs thl' Janel .<tl$75.0ou. BIG CANYON AT ITS BEST l~eau t ifu lly ke pt. like nf'w. largc, light and airy 4 bc<lroom f:.in1il.v roon1 ho n1c. 'f ...,•o fireplaces, '''t•I bar. huge lot. Jlriccd bC'hl '-"' n1arket ;.1t S 1 ~2 .!WJ(). BIG-BEAUTIRJL-BLUFFS \V~rn1 3 bedroon1 home w it h fa mily r oon1 , forn1al dinin g r oo m , 2 fire places, view of park :tncJ f)ay. l9 tS of missi<)ll til e :ind niuC'h n1o re: $11 7,000. CLOSE TO SPYGLASS Supe r San clpiJler on Pop11 J<.1r Spygl ass 11.idgc. J"lrofessionall .v cl(•cor~1t c<l with Vanl,uit wa ll pape r . c;rf'at pa tio with viewing d eck . f<'our lleclroon1s. family room, 2 baths. $124 ,000. THAT ELEGANT FEELIHG Dover Shores cusl om home. Exciting view, sp aci ous rooms, 4 llcdrooms, den, open family r oom. and kitche n . Beautiful pool and terrace. $2 15.000 . IDEAL BIG CANYON CONDO ' A treasure of a 2 bed room plus ra mily roo m f)ovcr m odPI. J·:x qyisitl·ly <lc - cor;1t ccl ;1nd l ;i11clsca1>c<I. F.n d unit. \'ou m 11st see 1 his. s 1:19.500 . DIAL 644-1766 2161 San Joaquin Hills Rel. N.1. A COLDWELL BANKER CO. ~~~~~!'! .......... !?.~~-!:~~~! .......... !?~~ ~-~~ ....... ,~-~~"!:. ...... . Balboa Boy Properties * Happy Mew Year SpecioJ l\'"pt l !-i l ;1nd Sl·ll 11r 1-.t· <1pl 11111 I ( '1 11'1!('(" ~ Isl<. hon1t· ~150 1-'er f\!1) (}utt·k l..IQ:i.."t ·:--!--.. li7 :1-70CU * LUSE/OPTION Glen J\lnr .r1rf'~i 1 llunt l~eal'h !{t•i.JU\ 3 kl{, 2 b ~I . lenc(.·<I vd . trees. !'\ f· rt r · .s t h o £)I . s-1:s,54J0. ( J.easl' SJUO n1unth). 556-8800 Op.n Sof/S..n. l·S 20!J .J o/\11n(., l ,id{1 r---------- S:1nd s. l><"l i gh1 rul ho111t· in ·"l·1·!udt1<I ••rt1.1. :J fllt . ~ IJa .. li kf' Ill'\\'' \\'Ill ('(JJl s i d l' r 1 r ;1 d t' s , (;7;,./0GO . DUPLEX :t & 2 J1clr111 . units. C:c)<KI t't'rl l a l ar(';t, ('os l.:i !Vl C'Sa. Got:wl fi11~111t·1n g. S·19.JOO. 6·10·8·184 REALTORS G••,.111 R.E. I 002 GMffol I .E. 1002 ....................... ••··•··•••·••·•········ Absolut•ly f...tastlc: O..l•x SomP n1on('v 111 ;1ker at only $72 ,000. Shilrp, nL·w l.Y LteC"oralt'd 2 brlrn1 . units w /firC'placC's, b ltns, cpts. garages, and get th is~ \\'ith just a nor maJ <.Jo~·n , sellt•r will fin :111t'e the tJalant:e at ii low int('res t ratl'. S t e 1>s lfJ l3ay ~ SMALL DUPLEX 011 the \\'ATl':lt w /pi c r & s litl . 1::asy rnonC'y h ere. $83,500. ()NCF: J\ l)LJ J->J_.J-o"".X, no\\' a ~-story fixer· upper ho me. l3a y \\' /1>icr & ~lip. $93,500. JACOBS REAL TY 6 75-6670 2919 ... ewpori Bfvd. corner )Oft. DIRECTORY Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you qo house-hunting. All the loc.1 tions listed below are described in greater detail by advertising e lsewhe re in today's DAILY PILOT WANT ADS . Patrons showing open ho11 ses tor sale or rent ar~ urged lo list such information in thi s column each Friday, Saturda y and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 1.11 ;.il-i c:id1l1 ·n < ;h·11. Irvin,· 1;7;s.x'.».-,o S:!li.1100 Sa! ·:-:;un I ;', •Id ~ I I 1·Jic,I rt 1p{' t( l id ( 'nron ~1) ( 'd :\1 1 ~7.-1 f:.!:!.-1 ;:;ti/.:,uo Sat 1.;, :!:.!O .\!:1 ;.:110!1.1 . ('1f:-.t;.1 ;\Je.,.1 7,-1:! 1 l!:!ll Sal Sun I ,-, l!il I In\\ .1 .. \p1 I) ,\lt·:--:1 \"t•r(li· :'\11rlh .(' .\! 2 BR & FAMILY ROOM or DE~ l!Uil 1 '1St•:1lti1lll"tl1'~1!\"ll ~1'1< 1;7:1 ~2:!~ S:11 Sun 1 .) 11S l )rt1,,,p1 ·r·! r.'\t•\\po!'! Sllnrt•:-.) :-.; !{ 1:1:! 1;:i.1 ! 1,7 :1X I\\ S1111 . 1 ;, \:1:ili l'i l!"] ("IJ1 •l "l'.I . \'.1 •\\jllli'\ J~t •;1t •h hll IU.i7 :--..11 Sunl .i l!J Ii lll' t·'nnt .11111 ·h!t•if11 I )!1 g \;111~ 011 I ,'\ I ~ 1~1·1 -17fili ::;1:1!1 .::ioo Sat :::! :l: Sun . 1.:, :t:J.''i 1\l ;1J.:110 !1a . ('o!--!;1 1\J(':-;;1 7.i:! J ~J:!ll S;tt St111 .I • I! It ;:1 I '11 rt I )u 11 l1·1 ~ h . 11 \ · 11 .. '\ It "'" 1,111111 ;..., , .,u11 Sun .1 :i 1<111• !1 1·;111,dt~· l{1g (".1n .1n11 .. '\' I{ 1:111;11;,1; ."1~1 .-100 Suii 1 1 .:~o • l ~X l '1d\!H1 :--it '\1·\\JHJrt Sh 1H·1 ·~ ~ 1: & L 11 1.u.-1 /, '!I, 'IO!I :-.u11 I I :iu :i:!I t'r·11'-l"'t 'I '\l'\lpnl'I J\1•;1ch 1; It. 77 1 \ ~-1.-1.1111i1 ,'-.;1\ Sun ,1 ~1;:+1 ( ·r ~·-.1\1~·1\, '\1 ·\\ pnrt l\1 '.1l·h +•II• 711 1 :-:·1:.: . .-1P/l S.1[ :-:un ,) \I l S•·1.1lll'. l:.dl1n.1 l'l"llf11.,llLI l'<11t)I .• \!111 .•I ,...;-;:1,lMHI ~,it St 111 l:! I J BEDROOMS ~\.ol i:.!lld ~1 t :\1'\\JH•l'1 S h\Jrt·:-.) '\I~ 1. 1 ~ .• ~011 ;....i.-).:,nu S11n I 1 :~1:-: ~:1n\,1t11·ll.1 1 l l'\ lrll' '1'1 ·rr 1 ("d\I 1.i.1 :;0011 S1u1 . I :1 :! l1o \\',1111111 ! 'P1 S llnr ..... 1 :\ I\ .11.-; l:!'•H :...:1:1.11t11 1 Sun :, •:!•1J'.2 ll 1\1·r..,1 d1 • llt I\\". !~;)t•k l \;t~. (' \I t , l" 1.;.1.: :-.i:~.!l.10 \!Ml, 1 1·11 1!1 :--0.11·1..111< ti l.1 ,:;.... :-.\:.! uuo 11 ;;11.'< l 1,11r1<·1· lid 1 l '.11 ~ I , 1 :~ \.::_'; l.t :r•1 ,\l·•r 11 111 ~ l '.1n,n11 l 'd \I Sun I :1 1 lli:! :!HI I S.i\ 1Sun I .ttli I l ,"\ It S,11 S11n 1 1 1 :--.t111rv\·l!ff..,) .'i; I! t. !:.! ,"\:.!,:., ~~!1(!1 1 1 l ,1•)\\11·h I: I I 1 1 : {;! I 111·1 I I :" 11. :.!i i 11 .'\ I: \ I "I , I 1.11 l'lllf :-;7.i,:11111 :.!'.:'••'' j "nl111nl11.1 llr 1\1· I . \I S:ll . Sun 1-:1 ('f'l11· l ~l11ft -; l !'->:1\ Sun 1 ~1 < 'tdl\•i..:\' f '.1 rk . I , lfi ;1'l:.!X I•:\ t ''-.-~.~,1; H1;1 1 I 1:1!1 ,\ :!:Ju ~ht'I"\\ n nd I 'I , l 'n ..,t:1 i\!1•:-.;t 1;11; o.-,.-h-, :'•i l,!t;,n S;d Su n I 5 l ~~I \"1 ... t .1 :-:11!'!1• t'l'h1· f<lillf., I,,. f{. 1;1:1 x.°':,n S7:!.~,on S:rt Sun .'> l'll'\1 l'nr1 ('l.1r1 d t.:t' i ll\'ll l \I! 111:1 x.~ • .-.u ::-;1i~l .f'.t1t 1 S;it Sun 1-:1 :lfl,"\ l '1~lll'-t'll1 :1 . ("nro11 ;1 (h•! ;\J ;1 r 1 ;1:~ :J I :>~ SltHi.UtJO Sun. 1·5 1:1 101 ;\l1l<1n. \V1·~t n11n st1 ·r H-17 H111u ~-1~1 .11 :111 Sat ·Sun J .;, 2(J~l.l<l /\11111 · (f,11 l<1S;1111!s) 1'\l I{. 1;7.'")./0tin Sa t /Sun -S 1 \tl\ S;i11\;1nt·lla. lr1·1nl·'l\.•rr .. ('d;\l ti7.~> !iOou ~fiH.OCH! Sal /Sun 1-'.l -1:30 \/1:-.l ;1 l1:1r;1d;1. l{h1f!:-;, N .I{. f,7."1 li!\00 :)~IH . .iOO Sal /Sun 1 .'l 6071\1;11· V 1:...l ;1, Nt•\\'J111r1 l'l':H'h li·l(i-7711 :-i7 1,00tl Sat .1 ,, J BR & FAM RM or DEM •I H:i;> ll1 ~hl:ind 1Jl ;1r b1)1" ll g ln(l ) N.11 . 6·12-5200 Sli!l .~~111 Sn t /Sun t -5 11 f)f; Sand piJiC'r (I fVI I) Cc! i\t l ~l ·l -ti200 S!l7.000 Sal /Sun 1-:> •2:l:l2 ('olg';1 tc 1\vP .. <;<>llcgc 1>u rk . C.M . fi·ll i->lH I I $112.!JSO 1 1:h~ N t'\" I l:1n1ps hirc Vcrcl<'. l ' l\'1. ~nt /S u11 1-4 l>r .. i\l es~ fiilti·HH l l $.'i t ,900 S~tl /S un 1-5 •2007 11 <1liclr1 .v l~d .. i'IJewJJOl't Ucach 646-7219 $97.00Q Sal/Sun 1-5 52:1AVl'n1d a L'a tTIJ)(). l~l uffs. N . I ~. 1;7;,.1;000 !Xll.!lfKI S un. !-!'"> 1 X'.lX7 l'.o I v 111 C', t·'o un I :1111 \1 :ti J <' .v !ltiX-:t:,!1·1 :-;;:i~J.:lt)O S al IS un 1-!i 11:1s 1 l 'h a pp 11 r:il J.n . lluntin g l<)ll l ~rac h H-lli· 1 :17 I Sl·l.!J50 Sat/Sun I .;, JU:l l .;1./011:1 , !\t•1\·pnrt tli..;h!:--. '.'\.ll h\2.:,~110 s7;,_oou Sun. l .-, IO~fi \\lh1ll' S;11J..; \\':1 .\. l'<l:'i.I ti llJ-!711 S.'i l.IMHJ S;1t Sun I~;) Io~~· s~111d (·:•~th· ! 11 \'I [ ) l "d ,\1 1;.\.\-171'it; S~l·l .OOU Sun 1·1 :!07 l'rlil('L'ltHl. ('o:--t ;1 .\lt•~.t ,-,.10 11 .-11 S.11 .!IUU S;1l 'Sun l .J • J'.l:t-, S:d1r 111 ;1 'J'err (I r1 n11· ·rcrr ! (_"d :\\ +i7.~1 .:\.~,:t.'1 S IX·l .:JU{t • l~JtJI S:1hr1n;1 't'('rr_ S,11 Sun 1 s {I r\'tr1t' '/"er- r;ic ·t • f '.\ .11 !i7:! H:'J.;o S\X!l ,:100 S:1t ~1111 1-."l ;!:1 1x ( 'ol)..::1\l'. l 'o:-.t ;1 \ll·:-.;1 ,cJ 1.'i ·~l 1 ~1 1 S I 1.f/uO S:ll :--Oun 1 ,) •l!l;{'.l l 'or1 i{r1 ..;\iil !ll\"11 1 '.\.I ~. j;j'.')./:!:!.-1 :-;.'-'.-i.lll)\J S;1\ Sun i .:J l!!.-11 .\1 1.,n. 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J t :d i\1 fM4 ·1766 S 1 7~).500 Sn!. 2-5: Sun. 1 -~ 2!1!'"11 Catal1)<1 ( f:asl))\l1ff) !':.!~. <i·l·l-J7jili s.'<·l ,500 Sun_ I s •2707 l\l11l '\\';1tt'r. l'd\1 644 -0055 $175.000 S:ot. 1-5 ; Sun . 1-4 1505 1 Clark <:r .. lr,·inc 545-!/4!)1 Sat tSun 1-5 •:1007 .)<t \'a Rd .. l'us ta i\1l':-oa tVt5-0:JO:l Slji!l ,!lSn Sat/Sun 1-;> 5 i{u(' Du l1 a rc ( J{ig Canyon ) N . U. 640-.504N S2 15.000 Sat /Sun l ·:l •1824 (;;i l;1xy (()11\·l·rSh orL'S) N.B . &14 -17611 $1 7!1.500 Sun . 1-5 2l1.J l'carl . llalboa Is land (;1~5 -722 1 $15!),()(M} Sat/Sun 1-5 125SS0111erst'l l .n . l\V 0:-.t('liffl N .\~. 6110-0020 S;it/!')un 1-5 • 13RH (;;i 1w;1y , (;;1\c('res t . C11:-.l :1 i\Irsa 546·<11 4 1 ~1 ~.!J:>11 Snt/Sun 1-.t 132 Is abell a l "c>rr. ('or ona Jtic hlands 675-6000 Sl 39.500 Su11 . 1-5 2B:t.1.J ~1 v;1 , Nl t'S<I Vf'r<ll'. (' i\1 S40-~7 14 $76.:.'4)() S;1t /Sun 1 .'"> Ge•1ol I 002Goe .. ral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BEST IN BLUFFS IUILOER'S HEW FURN. MODEL ()nt•ol a k111d ~111,.·t·l .11.·ul.i r' i5UUS<1 tl . 2 Hit lain r n1 .! · /1.1 l)\t•1 li1olo..111.,: 11.1nur.1111a 11t 11p111·r h,1\ 111 1.:h 1·.1thL·<.l r;1I ht•.i 111t·d l'Cil!-i '· 1.11J 11h1u·, ''' 1 Ua r . I~ It 11 rl'<:t·:-.-.,1.·d :-.nl 11 :-. a ri Jund 1 r I> J SI 10,0UU I n <·! l:111d OPEi:' 1 ·S 2921 9UEOAOA EXCEPTIONAL BUYS!! l Nt,_•;1rl y I'l l''"' l ~KJu :-.q ft .•• 1 1\I{., :..!: · 11.1 h11111t·:-.: h1 ~h\y u pg r;ul t·d, IH·:11H tlul lv :-.1 tualL·d . Undl'r~7:i,uoo HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR. IHC. MLS 644-0 I 34 ~CJ 7 3 Top Lister & Top Salesman Newport Costa Mesa Boord of Realtors • •4HK 1;~nd SI ~I'\\ pnrl Shor1·:-;_ !'\ I{ 1;1.-1-l i!IOO ~/~f.~1!111 ~.II S t111 I 1 1:~ IH 1 ...... 1\ 1111 ,t!t I ... ( "n \' . 1··1 n. \";!Ill·,\ !°):!ti HH~l :-;:1~1 .. '100 S:tl Suri I :, 11:..!:l \l:11n St l lu11t1ng \qll Hc •,i!'h ;,:lli HX~J Si'.l.:--1UO l >,1d\ ;) ()~J ;\l<lll1(.•t "l!O. Sp\g l ;1:--..... ;"\ I~ ~i·l 1 7~7 0 :->lK0.000 S;it Still ·'."1 11:-i u 1 11 :1111 pdt ·n . ( ':1 n11 'o S hn r1 ·~ .. < "d ;\ 1 ~i·l·I 1:!7U :->J;)H.11110 ~;cl Sun 1 ~ ;, • !~1'.\!"J2 .\1tHilin ('i 1·c·l1 ". 'l'l11· l{.1n\'ll , lr\1t1e XJ'.I l.i'.lii ~i'.~.~~HU :11u 1)r1·h1d . •l!d l 'd\I ,\! ;1 r S\111 ( 0(1!'tltl.1 1 .-. d(" t ti/:l-110(1() •'.!X:I:! 1 ~0;1 l ' \I :S I ;~!!,.)110 \ '1:-i l ;1 I Ir ~\1 11 1 .-. I \I t• ... ;1 \ t 'l't h· ! ~'\Ii :.!:! 1 :1 S ER & FAM RM or DEN :t~1 In\ l'l'llt'.""' I .n . I l~1g l ';111.' on 1 :...; J{. li·12 ·82:s:> S:1l . \-.1 !1,')X j{('J-:Olllil (;1'l't·nht'nDk . l 't) ... 1:1 .\ 1 t •.., ;i .-i-11! I J.rJ J ., S1111 1 -.~> • :11;21 l";it :t n 1;1rr:111 ! I I\'\ r ) l 'd \1 1 ;7:1 -22:t~ St!n 1-11 .i l{n\:tl St (;t"o!';.:t• !l ~I J~ l ';1tl _\1111) ."\ II . 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Sun I :i 3 BEDROOM ~ 11 I \ 1:-.I ;1 ,'\'11hll•1;1 ("/"ht· Ill 11ff..,) ,\; I{ 4 BEDROOM •l!l4 'i'nrkl 0\\"11 r.n . (~lnntil·C-lln)(.';\1 li ltl-fi \li l ~:!~J.!J.lH .'i;d ~IHI I .) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 1 BR & I BR ;::11 2:1 11 · \l ;1g nql1:1, l'n..,t.1 \l1'"d /:'i2 \~l:.!U S;1I Sun 2 BR & FAMILY RM. or OEN EA. :..!:~~)/ J·:J d<'tl . ('u~f ;I \J1 •:-.;1 1i\l 17t it: :->i:'l.000 S.11 S1111~ 3 BR & I BR 11 'f :{01 h ·"t .. ·'t'\\ /1111'1 :1 l•i ,"1XXI) 1{1•;1r·h :--,,d :-:.1111 • • :r;117 lt(';t('h 3 BR & 1 BR S 1·:1 ,IJ111·c 11 1 '1'1\ p or1 1;7,-, Hf;no :!OH ( '1111111 " f\1·1· . /::tl lln;t lil 2-.-,200 :-.1:10.fllli) ~;11 Sun I:-. I: 111<1 S.tl J BEDROOMS EACH :iO.'i 1\e ;1" 1 ;1, ( 'orf111;1 <l('I .\I ;1 r .. fj7:J-85SO Sll\J.OOU S;1 l Su n 1-5 fi2 \ I ~:.I ;1 ~1n lllt'. l 'nron:1 1lc· I :\1 ;1 r 1;1 :1-K:;so · :-;111 .u1H1 S:·11 Sun ;, :!O l l'er11ll';1f. ("prc111 ;1 rl<·I .\1 :11· 1;7,,.:~uoo Sun 4 BR & 3 BR I !~11 St h St .. l\t•\1·po1·1 ll<•;1<·h 1;1 ~) u:10:1 s 1 :1 1 .~1'.'io S:l! 1S11n 5 BR & 2 BR :!111)0 i\l 1rH111<1r. lt;1llJ11a /lt•n1n~uJ;1 I 1< 11 tl I 5 HJ· 1151 TOWUHOUSES FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM •·1'.l5 flnll'r<,\\'~1v (Jl;irk J,ido> i\ H. fi7:i -4tHlO . S11 n . I 14 !l5·1 ()\·a t l~c l.. \\"alnutSq ., Jrvine ;,;ft .()~UO S.10.!150 S;1l /So11 11 HOME & INCOME 2 BR & I BR 1110 l\P g (1111:1 , ()ld ('d;\l in l '()rona tl l·I :\I '-I I' • • • ••• Pool Waterfront Watf!'rlront & Poof S;JI Sun I :, Saturday. Ja.nuary 4. 1975 DAILY PILOT CI B ~~.~.~~-~·-····· ~=-~.~~-· ........ 1 ~-~-~~-" ....... . Grnerol I 002 Corona del Mer I 022 COf'ona del Mer I 022 ··········•·••····••••• AMAZING!! t h1 · 111 ·11 1·1·1 -.11111 1111·1 f +'lt l.d 1, " 111.111 111 111 .. lr•.r11 i.·111111 l>t·.uh !l\I( ,\ ..: Hit unu-. (111!1, ;'.>·1,;:i11t1 H u1 r;1 A PAIR OF TWO'S \\"tit 1•0•1 \i o1l\1·t~ t.11 111 1 P•1i..v1 \:.1 1th· bul U11 ... I'·"' "' l•1 .1111 ! ,,, ..... 1 ••.• 1111 dllj>J••\•' > \.\Ill jlll\ \IOU"!! 111" r1 :•t11 r ... ,d 1 .. ,111 ,., I t•1i1•1H IHI t'"l ltf••1\l l'I" j.!. I .r HI \I .1 I 111• ... n Id l11 ... 1·i11< I •11 ,q•.o! I lo11i11 h.1•1· ~ 11111 ,. Iii..: /1.1 Ju\ 11r~ 111111 , 111 1 • .i,i.· l·>r 11\1111'1 ,.,.,Ill"""' PLUS I ! I I I I\\ 11• ! f ! t' f' I "' I -' 111 •11 Only $85,000 Eo. Coll 64 4-7211 ·······················•······················ VALLEY REAL TY P'RESEHTS Moderate Priced Duplexes 1. ('oll\'l'n1t•nt ('o~la ~ll•s:i loc:dion. as- !'i t1111:1hll• V 1\ loan at 8',, ;1 ;11111 2 h<·<lroon1 units . ()nly $1:J .~J 2 ()Id ('(lf'tJOa lll'SI bu\' ·r\\O doll houst•:--\\llh 11r1vat<· patii)-.,, ,;.y IO '• <101,o,·n ;1:-;k1n).! $t-i~.fl(I() :l . 1\ttr;1ctJ\'t• ('J)i\J dupl1·x \\ tlh .• r11·"1:1- hll" floor pl ;111 .. Ju s t li ~l t'fl :111<1pr11·1·d111 :-.l'll quil'klv' SRS,CXIO. Call 6 75-7225 CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OF VALUE VALLEY REALTY A BERG ENTERPRISES CO. Corona del Mor I 022 ICosto Mesa 1024 .•..••.•••..................•••............... 111 l'I t· \ ·• ( Idol! \I -1111 ''" 1111 ·1• 1.-.111 '"'' ,.j h\,,, •I' l•~ld •lO\ .I ft.ill" l\l\l) l\1 ·1:u1>1,1 l!p•'I! .">IHI I• I lf11ll !10 •' \ llHl.1lol,o :-.·, ' ,<i<I .. \. 'I I I p t.i.111 I .1, "'1'1, .H;I I ""--~=""'""'"' I .o I I I '!'I' I i • 1 111 "Id\ GIGANTIC DUPLEX ! llH ""ll"I ' 111111 \\i!ll 1111 1··111 .. 1 ..... ,,1 11 .. 1 ( 1,,,, \<'.II IH ''>'o , ~ l I \:.:I Horse Ranch .! \i I< I.:-. :'..>1~1 :-.q 11 \11 1·.,11 •l!11"r"·•l J1 .. rt~•·" "'" I,·' I _ ,1 Ill,. f '"' 111 Estate Builder s Inte rnational I .., I 'I o ·., \ I it I \ I , I h 1111 • I ' I · !" \ • ti t" II "11 I /,. H I i' \\ 1 l•!Hl"1'11111!1111 ,, l ,1111«'1 t I 1 ,1 I·,~ l.o I• I••\ ,,j ,,, I +I I I I • ' • " I !I • ! 1 ii l ', 1 • I I II \ I • • I I [) I I I I' ,\ 11 • II \1 ·'' \ 1 1 h 11 1 HI 1 d 1 n 1 ·n11111:1 d••I \1.11 ,t.111111" ·' I '-• .i , . : "' I 11 I ' II t ' '\. I-. •+Ill '' hiH ~lb,500 -VA or FHA Tenns \i••I d 0 olll1""' \,I old•· II"''' pl.HI \\1111 i IHI p I! I , " I" Ji 111 ,\ d1 11 11, l"1·I~ h,01d1''""( 11""' Hod\ 111 I II\ •' ,\ "\•'II l\1' It.I!~ \,1rd 1'1!11 I' 11,., \\1111111 'l.l !l.111 " ,11-.t.U«•' I<' .df ho(•, 1 ,111 ,, 111 I , "' 111u ·", d 1·11 .11111 1•11111.11 OPEN SUN. 1--4 TARBEU.. i REAa'ORS J d 1 11 111~ '"''"' 11 .... 1111 111! 3621 Cotornorron "'l'I• ... 1r1,111 pro1 .. ·r11 H L·:nn11ul ll.1ri .. ,r \'11·1.1 1·,,rr11•l 1 11.<11111111. l••c1<1•d 1111 1 ~.:; HH 1.11n 1111 \•11!1 I'( -.1,dl-. .1 11.\ G 1~,, 1!111 r 111 . ""'th 111!-. 111 -.I.oil°' l,u•I, !'<~1111 , .1l1!(1 ~"'"111•-.' I.:!~' ltJI I 1L .o \••r1 ·r~ ,\ :.! ,1<1l<1 1,-,.,1 li1 •.1u1111t!l1 l ri.l .... 1111 .1~"o1 ~11+r.1i.:•· 11111-. 1 1"1·111 ·L·d ...,111 1 11•1· 11,.,.1-, .11···.1 ... p,i:-,l 111 1 . ., .H1 I•' "Pl u1I. ii ·r-. .111 ... 1 r 1 ·du•., ·d '" .~ 17'> ol" 1 Mesa Del Mor Area ! 111 l<J\ 1•1 \ :1 l•dl 111 2 h.oih 111"1"' 1 1.-.id1 lur I 111 11 It " I l . ol ' · ' " 1 JI p , 1 t I' I ' I L•~ • ""11 .ii .11: 1·1111d1 !inll"•~· l ',111111• 1 111 . IH"l<'I>. ll l•'Pl.11• 1 .. 111,.111 I'" i-1t1 ·l1•'ll \\ >111 ln11ll 111~ I • <I I o· I " d I',< I I II , •Pl 111hl .. 1·,, 11111\ .-..!:.: '~10 ,\· l"'L' ··h1•·i-1·n h•ill ~v Open Sot/Sun. 1-5 l'h.111• 11•\\\ 1 .. 1· :ip1k11nr ICJ61 Pt. Seabourne 1111•111 1\i..:,•111 t•l•i :1.!.1.·1. 1::::::::::::1 ~ HI!. !'Hlll•'l"I il•·n ,\J,111.11 ·" 111"d"I r•·.1<1• 1 .. 1 \IHI lo\ l+t'l'lll'\ ,\• :-,ldl'I \l+t' ".. •-.1r r1 ,:l1t · ,...,11\1t'r 1•;111,' ,1· Do Your Thin gl! \ .1 1 ,,,11 :ind ol 11\• hHt !.""d \,1!111· 111 \;,qlll I '11,l .1 \1,·-..1 Sl1.ol..•· I •~>I ).'!Hod l>.l ~H t·l•ll,1!(1< flqll .111 ... 1 ti<'<"" 1•11 · '" t "11tl• · r 1 .. 1 111 • 1•.1r,. ll1 'd 1111•1 11 -. · l•.irl1-.. 1·•1t11 1"1r.dd·· 'l•-.•ll 11 .. 1111·-. :-.1·11111 :.: l11r ,.,(11 .~~' I \.,~11 111.1ldt' 1.1.111 11 ~1 (111 C COATS ~WAL~ACE REALTORS --546-4141-- 1 Ope n E•eni sl PRIZE JS ACRE RANCH '\ , •• 1 I" .'> ,! 11 .) II ;, II I .1 p1 ,11 ,11111 L'nrnpl vl 1 \.I 1\JI f ll l"ll l'.tll1·h f]\IU'>•" bunlo. h•111 -.1'. h ,1 r11 .. ""'"''"· 1 Hl1 11 t.: r 1n 1~ f>.1-.I tit ' . .., :-;_:,)I f.1 •M I J 'f tr •t \\olh \l 11ttl'l'lll ... f\111 i ;run1f1.. f(l\1 ..... ) td•.J . Balboa Peninsuto I 007 ....................... 1'1<.'\.!.'\.:-04 I.\ 1'1 11'\'f'. 1·h .1rr11111g :1 lie1l1 n1 hnn11· \\ d1 ·11 ,\· d1111111.: ro~un 1>!1 1 ol"Jlt•f' l"I .\J.!I 1;\,-, 1:!2 1 f'l·'\l'\.SI J.\JJl l'l.1-,\ f .1 1-.t• (H'I< :-,1 ,:1 'l.~I (II.I. t11·r ,;; .. 1, o 1 ~ .1111 h :-.I I li"'tl I f• •11 ''' :-01H1 J .o '•"I<' l!t'l••I ll\Vd 11 ,. •' h ~ l •1 I 'I ,1 ll d I fl 1' 1 :111<1~1-p l! :-.II .. ~~' Vision for '75 1.1 :-.1' \:'\II ;o,l•:l.L \Iii Ii I·.,\: r '"111· h11tr1 " 111111 u1 .. 1a-.t.•,1 ::r .. \\\11).! !'•1111 1•·111 ' 1tll·111"o q1.1d1•\ .\1.oo 675-8600 anytime •VISION• REALTY ::-, l:l /•; l ·,1 /I \.I I 1 ·.,,·,.11.1 d<'I ,\l.<r Costa Mes a 1024 S2SO /Mo. Rent Til Yours (',oil .1111 I ,:_:11 TARBEU.. REAlTORS :.::+:,:i H .1rl~•r Hl\rl HAPPY HOURS !· 1r ... 1 -.h .. 1' 1111• .. 1 th1 -. I>·" l••U'-\J ...... I 1·1·d,• I f ,. •t l ! ' " 'll I . I . ' r 11 I 11 l . 11' 'o l t o•d!"'"I .l ltpl1 put111(' IH 'J !1•• I l,1111111 h111111· ,,:,H .·11111 l'11 ... .,1til1· F\11\ "·1 (11-. 675-8600 Anytimc.- •Vl SI ON• REALTY ·~1.1 I·: \",1 lh•• ( ~ 11 "I I ,I do ·i \I, I I" Not Foreclosed.,. Enclosed!!! 1,-, . ._ ,1 ~t.11ll111<·11U!:. 111 1 1.~ .... 11""1 h 1i'lll!).'h1 -. 1111<; 111•"" I 1 I 11 ! 1-. \:-0'1':-. l (I I•: , ..... 1.1 11 •''·' llilfll•' ll11t 1h:1 t ... iu-.1 th1 • h1·c+11 II 111 !.' d .i l-.u /1.1 -. ,j rtl<>\1· Ill, . .,.,[, (";1\l1<•tlr,1I ho·,1;; -.h:1l.1· 1••"1 .1 !u-.h l <'illlh! lt11t·I. ht'\'pi.Jt'"-d1 1•!11111dr,1 l.t l\!I \<llh .t 111"1"· .11111•"pt1.·r1 -. -,ur I "Pl 1nlo.l 1•1 '.1 '!\·111 ll•r p r 1-.,. h1•t11t" n -11 11 tn ••r "·'"' 11),1111!1 •11.1111 ··· p!u ... \:,11 ,ll!•" \\ot\ t' II) \1,.l.1,\ '' 111 ., "'I .t <j!!l•'I 1 111 th• \',dl1,1 .. tl!til '·'~ \\h1 l lll•ll• t .. 11111 '"'' .... ~ .. 1.... 111 '1." 1 11111 :-.V:-.l ·'-l'\'°\, ~111:-.11 .. 1 l\•~·l l'! 1•" .. 1 .-.di t. 1 .. 0.>.1.• l•JJ' .in I .1ppo111t n11 nl CA« '10 •O• o ••tt f l"'""'I I"'""'' 111 ! 111-;111.I 1 !11· I i.,p1 •. ., A COl.DWEll BANKER COfllPllllY \ · .. \ (,(,f=)· HEAI:f'Y ., f·"p ' 11,. 111 ·r .,1,, ... 11/l 11111 .111 1ill1 ·i ~ 1\i.;1 MESAVERDE 0.1.1 1·•,•1 {0.i111/.r1d:..:1· 1-'. ... [.(ll'l\<•!!l(' A BERG ENTERPRISES <:O Corona d e l Mor I 022 ....................... JI~ ti\\ '\.l·;1i l l1.\!"llllll1! ( 11 111•·11'1lll•lll' .'H1 !I"' 11 .... 1 11 11 .. 1,,, I :~ t< 1 I ,nt 1-"1!t"jd .1! ,. hd\.\d 11T· ... did )!,I!' ,..,h,,1111 />1 .<l'j'I 11/i)\ i,i:l ; 111i; Charm & location :! l\1 ·d1111 ~ h.11h 11 .. 11 JJ+>11-.~· ,\~,Ufr),f11lo • )i i• , 111:111 H ;! t•1tlllll! ,\IJ 1111-. lt1r11nJ; si ;£,.'io4 ~J 675-8600 anytime •VISION• REALTY .!J 1:1 I·: l ·..,1 11 ..... v t '11r1H1a 1h•I :\tar ('!l/{l,;\'1\ l/l(;f/1.1\:'lo'tlS " F!)H Sl\LI·: ,\ni~ '>'o'\' ha1.1· p;n'! ri1 1!. (lp1•11 S 11r\ I~ ;io I :in 121'! :\)1•1"111!\J.! I ·~n Sf ~1 .. ·.1~1 \~I t ':thri lln 'l"l'lr ~;:1,1~~1 Uni•e rsity R~olty :it!4! I /<'. t ·-.1 I l 1\ .\ 1;7;1 1:;; 111 Chll,l;1nd111J.: 111·1•,111 II:!,\ \'11 . ll:1rb<1r \"11 lhll". :!hr. ~· ·h;1. h! 1n.11n1 fr\'<' 1·d 1•;:-.t:1l1' -.H It• 1n1n11•1l 1.,·f.11 ~-1 ,IMMlol\\'tH 'rt~\t) 17\•\ llv t}wn('r .!hr.~'i h:ilh r:ui-k 11.V l hll::..ll·cl:111d l lp1·n S ;tl & Sun 1 !. :U;()li('al:imaran t.>111-1002 (Jl't-::...i houi-1• hy o .... ·n1 •r Sun 1·5 . SIOG,IM)O. llr;iut ;1 Br. 2 Ila . 1 ':o lot. 1hlk1 hl':il'h & .,hnp.; Jc) 1· .. 1n ,1·t!1.1. h J:I :11;;~. h 7~ <!~tlO LUXURY + PRIVACY Jf;1rhrir V1t•1y lln 1a1t111111or ll\11, '1t'\'.ill ~ 11:1:> \'It'\.\. JM'HI! t l·lf l!l/.I, 1!11\)l'l"('a Ille • d1'1·01 1\ J.:I 1;.11; 7,114 ]HJi\i I'(;,,,. 11 11 thi• Sl11p 1 l,1 ,I ' It Ill c•l,1.,-.lll"(j ~hip Lo ~hot1• lh•:-.11lt,• li·l2 .'lfii'~ ,I (,1g >11l111 lidrrn ... ~ tl1 ·11 j l.llllol\ !"Ill $1+: ;,.Ml OPEH I ·S SAT. Charles M. Ferquson Realtors 8 33-3821 \:-.:-.l · \11< \ \ "-;!:'.• inn. l.01\1•11 )H•lllO' .l l!t ,' J\.i I ·,,I 111"1' I"\ Ill ~" I .,,, :-Ol1o qo p111" tl\1111 \:'I_ .,)'I X,('t.'l MESA VERDE NO. I \11 ..... \ \ 1-: it 111 . '\.1 Herl! 1\11 \ tr,,1n<J .... n1•r ll.·:-..11t· 4'1 "'" ll"ll'I' Vr1 :-..11.:...1111 :i:!.'>IJ .q II :~ ,i.;1.,r.1 . >Hr, I ·' ),.\i-'''" ll.11111 1-.h!!l! .u •. 1 -.~·11 Ire I· H . i.,,,, h1•n 111 1i .. ,1i1, 1·•1 ti. ,,1 'Jhl 1.1 •-.111nc ,1r•·.i Frnd 1\i.:f 1.i1: HX ll 11 H \' \ f lH.lll $."1~l .~~I :1;1:>.1 '\.1·1 a•la \)1 11·0 .~!',\~' tl>'I t!f. d r p-.. I\ \.I t'l J'I ' . .! Br 011 si;,,. 1;,> eur 11 ••r l'rH 1•d rPdu1·,.11 :-...!11111! l ~o., ·ru-.l111 217 Total Payments ,\:-. ... urnP i ' ··,. !"II,\ Ln 1 H Ii . L il.\ \\\·~l .. ~1 dt· I ',\I. :-..1 1.1.,11 t 111·11 llrkr. ... -,I :.!U:!l HEAR SA HT A AHA COUNTRY CLUB ;'\1·11r Jt,,.•k /t,1v l!<1r~1· ,1rc-;1 111111 .1 l\H '.,; plu.-. r.1n11I\ r HT p lu.~ d1u111i.: r111 'l't11 ·. Ill \t'aruld l\\il' 1·o l;i h1 11111· ·h ;1 ~ 111;11 1' 111 th'\.\ Id" .1111t 1\.111 p.111 .. !· 1o c .. ind ,, :1 rt·al 1111·a :-.11rt• f1• :-.lu•"" O.J. FEENSTRA l'l-."11 l [i!{,~J.:. --:i l(' by ll\\tl•·f. ,-.,1( 1-"tttl I I :12·1 l 1\l1n11<'-.Ul.t, \I\' or 1·;111 ;).l(l t.ft.J l·11t ,l~Ml :1 Ill{, 2 B,\ Pnol &· n1.111~ l'~tr:1 <, l '<1l.L t·;1;1-; 1',\lll-\ 3 llt·ilrrn + t.1111 rn1 +- P•'Mol llt·'1 h\I\ of ,Xl'\\ \"1•:11· :ii S.1.1.!•.~• 1-:11 Hid rlh · Hl1r1;1t; >iMll LOW OOWH 4 llH , l ;1 r111!y 111n111 . i-h.1kt• rnnl t l1t ... 1' lo l-\"hnol:-N1•:n' 1-'.11!'1 II'\\ !.· l'.111!11r1111• l'flt••·•! .11 F iii\ ,q 1pr.11i.c1l ;,il111•n! S4 I ,OOO Sl 'N .'iY (",\J. lll-'.1\l,'1'' 1;.u; :r;i.o . l'\ , .... ~11.-i 7 lf h 111 ... t·rt r 1 rule 4 BEDROOMS $29,950 l.e1:-.ur1· l1 11na.: 1·an l>t!' )•lur-. ,n th1.-. -.h.1rp .\10l\;- 'l'll't•:1.1.11 t•ondo. l t1 •s1r a · h l<: ,.nd un11 (hll)' ;.lCllS (O pool :ind e lubh•1U:-.l'. Opf!'n Sat /Sun 1-5 1:1·\ \"orklO\l"ll L;1 C J\·I ~ co:1s ~WALLAC E REALTORS 640-6161 \1 I·::-.,\ \.'I·: ll ll 1·:, H.v l'""!l•'r I llll . llt'W l'fjlL !hr11 !•tit \1 11,f 'l"•' ln ap- p 1'••t·1 ;1!1• l 'nd1 •r pr11·c d .11 ~bl,;otltl '.•l~I J.120 Oona Point 1026 ······················· Nt-:~•i l >t'l't.1<::\1<:s. 1Jan:1 1'1 l'ronl ~»1.:1:.0 J:t"1:11 :\1:dai,: .. ,\:,:t 1!4!; -3.t.!I El Toro 1032 ...................••.. Open ior Vision 2.'.111;;, ll 1 \'1•!1d1"ll l\d Sl '"\i lJ 1\Y 1 ~. Ltr>r:ur1011-. .'I h1'llrn1. ,'?ha, 1an1 r111 111 l11~h w{)f)(IC-d l-"11111 1! {\11 1) $...i~I !•Ill 675-8600 anyti~ •VISION• REALTY 21 1:11<: l"-.111\\v ( '<1t'ona 111'1 i\l ar J. \ I ' I I · .... .,.... . . ' ' . . . . ! ,,..... OAl~V PILOT .. ~:::::;~;:'i;:O:"".:_--:--_____ _;,S~at~"~'d~•~Y~·:!:J.:inuary 4. 1975 Hw1 For Sal• ........ ':".~~ ........ 1~=-~-~~~ ....... . lncom• Property 2000 Income-,roptrly 2000 Hou1•1 fu,.nished ' •••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• • •••••••• •• •••••••••• •• tton... for Sale tto.MI For Sole Hollse.-For Sale ••••••• •• •• •• • • • • • ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• L • H"' M port•-h 1069U-........ h 1 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCJUllG ~' I 050 e-w -oc ,_ ... r-. leac "9uateht Volley tOl4 ~igton leach 1040 ••••••••••;•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laquno Bea ch I 048 ASSUME 70;0 Loc:m l ~...,....-ra. 1~.~; VA LOAN $1.500. to • OPEN HOUSE * ••••••••••••••••••••••• br, 2 ba Condo.. View, .,.,.,untt', Sl .. !.:' pyml J br, 1123 Ma1n -Sir•·t'1 SEE MAO $192 per "'°'+ malnt. z~; bu, fuul. r n1. Eves. (J l't-:1~ lJAIJ.Y 1 .'i l'.\1 -MU 5 t I e • - 96<! -455•1 Nt-.:W 1·us 1n1 hit ·111H ,'\ l)ul/I~ hi -. l':\l'r1,_•1:-<' tron1 Sl4.,900. o~ 1-4 . O "E lain rm. :1 1.:01•',u11(1.111 1t11s .\l 1 ~11r 11 111 .. horue 234 7 Via J a cint o , • ' M HOUSE• " · 830 7942 w / lrg .. pa1,.·1: lor t1 l1 01 t h1•1 lo"k1J\1' th1• fl<'l'Ull & • SA,T & SU 1~ l ·S 1'1'" I 'I -ho.ii 1\l l dlx h •:11ur•'" ··1!v•1I ,:i~u11 .. "1nl •·11n M' 1 1052 l i:l>l~LosA inigu.,l·irc-. 'l'v.11hlk.,tul .. 1k1•l',11!,.,'\, •l ll l••11 .l lldr1n .,,, OCJUttO •9ue n ·ully 2 4 14 v1 ... tadel (Jro Newport lleu<.. h 6 44-1133 22 UNITS EASTBLUFf ••• larb¥o Lokken 17712-SleiMt'Clr . Huntington leach )'ou <trt: the wil"lJll•f uf l 1 lckels to th1· S ports, Vocation & R ecl"t"otional Ve h icle Show :II the J\NA lll<J~1 Cun\'Cnl1011 Center Coronad•I Mer 3122 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Ult churnHniit eoll ~•~l· SJ()() mo 10 6 /13 H.ef :12 1u Se:1'>'1cw. Hhrti4l 2:.!22 C osta M ~•o 3 124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :1 llll, bltn val' $'.J.'lll 31:1.S E l~th St llpt•n t•n & :-;,,1 l',\1. ur l'iill !°)'IU 70X6 ::it• 11 ll lk N of Slater /I Blk Y.'od k1111.: d i'>\ 1 .. l1<,H'!I f/t'.Hl1dulll' l:1011 ... 1 .. 1pt•d . ••••••••••••••••••••••• \\I ()J t-:utild ). 'l'v.·o -.l()l'I ;);j1j MXi I ... 1 r •'l'L lO :-t !'l't't h)l, ltl x l11t 1J ,, ~ ·lllH&d\·n111bl'.~Utt'onci (;t'r.ddS ·r111n 11,.., H!1 1 11 r1.:hllurho•11t Ju-.l l't.' _..Ht,fc.n,/r?. BEAUTIFUL ILUFf'S HOME '1 l~<trn1., 21:. bath . comlJ<.1 J·'lt-kil cht:>n , 'J'a~tc fu lly & art1stical1 _1,; ctel·or~ill'd , s h o w s lik e a new h<)ml'. No C'om pa rablc a t this pri ('t': $h2 ,0<)Q <..'a ll for ;q>p't. Prulc ol .. wrltlr::.h111: 2l 14orgt.'0U::. c.pa1trn<..•nt I.In il'> 1~r1n1c· 111.:1'>' toc·a t h~n (.,;un1 1 .. dl·lt· t1.:na111 pr1v.1<')' S 111•1n1nurii.: pool <Jv.nt•r v.•111 <'••~h out tu f<$ll th:·lt'fr•·d t!:>.Lh.iUj.!C 1u 11'i 1111.1111111g .11u1la l>ll'. Crt'.i t t.i ..: ..,hl'lll'f H 2 h1·druorn & Jt, I ht.'(.iruurn I.ow L u " 1.1c;1 r1 ey Hurr ~ · t 71·1!1:i2 1100. lt!llil J ;1n •1 thru l.! M~wpart B~och 3 169 t '.dl ti ll .:Jti7K, \')(\ 33<J ••••••••••••••••••••••• •\1 :111y t"Xlr~1 s 'l'r\' Fi i ,,_, dU t'f'll to~t)7.~ S l'l-'.-'I \l.!Zll'il; l.\l <>I'\!,\, "''ill L;1ke ~111~llvt ' 1,,,,, .... ''' ,.,,,,,i,, ''' ,... I <>\'I I 1 , 11 1.,\1,ll.\.\.'-lliUJ·:J. .. ~ .... , '· <~ •!!1111.;1'-ll< 11''\V 11( 1 ,. ·1·1 · · ,.. ,.;,..,._. 1·;1 1,111 .1pp1'l1·1.1tl·\tl<"•1'1" ll uLJ..:::lu.o.::...> lll•lv.t••ll '.J & I fHll 10 l'!:1 1111 vo ur \1 L·k"t " (i\11rtt1 l 'ounty loll·Jrl·e JIU!ldll'l' L:, 5·10 1220). ••• LIDO ISLE LIMDA ISLE fUHN & l lNt"llliN \V J\'f r·: HF II ON'r 111 J:\I .. ~:-> ""'o 1)~21 •1!1!·1·~·d 111th1 ... ,11.n 11111•1! ~IDD."G....-? SEA TERRACE ' ·)>.>>>"<'. l'I ii I B """"A..-T>........,..,. r. I' ) '.H l'.:S (. i l c ·1·h Ill i <!/ l'111,1h•t1u.1rdL"l 1\r,·:1 •l'l'OI I .~. 01na::.. tr . l:un IUltlt', l\JI L"lU::.<..' Lo 499-2600 ~ Meadow Home '>('hJ '>. '>hlll> j.!, 11"11 I :'o hr! )<JUI l"lll<'Ull'I"'' \oo<o y,•dl l'!IJll,I (!II' l•lll" l'oH only ~.1 :1 01111 Vil,\ \ \ hu y i· r " .,.,. ,. IL urn" S ll ,\HI' Jl1 ;1IK-1i.:C!77 J111 JI I•: f< I"() ll \l ANC I" 111 'oY, 11• !' I '11.t l'llll l\J.! ( '011 I<'~"'>\ I((' l\O!l)l' :1 h•l ru1 ~ tith N11r 1 1t 1•11d 1'17 !II/.:;' Enjoy The Good Life Call 49 3-251 l IT'S MEW IM HARBOR VIEW J_,ove ly Monaco: fu ll)' lncl scpd.: t)n Jgt•. lol with pat io & fire pi t . F'1K1l & tennis pri v i leges . Ow n er will con sider lease/optio n. ! ·11 .\ I<,\\ J .\J ( i d t1 pl1·~. r1t'Y.' t v 11•111•1ll •·l"d, So 111 111,\. L1l\l 1.1;, J'jJt.f.\1u:,1 '<I'll l'Hl l'l.l·:X uc;ir Soul!\ ll1lll>rundy,Hllr ('o,,,.,\ l'J:jlil on l.1rgl' <·Or l o!!!!!!!!!"''o'7!;l!;·,j''l'~'~1.,,.,.. IH'I' lot lit Hdrnl~. 1 1 i,J !J() ISJ.t-: Allral'llll' :1 !itlrni. 1'1 p!t«'i • ~~·•:, bll hr.:! tJ:.t, 1lPn .hl1n~. frplr, S l'/\N I S H llE AU 'f'Y t 'lo-.t.' lo 1-'reew:iys JBH, :!1 "·ha. l a rn r nl, d in rn1 lr pl ... la und r~ rn1. tilt•d 1,,1lk & \.'nt1·y. v.1•uu1-:ht 1rnn en el arehl-:-; S.'°".5ou 'lhS 55:.l·L Huntington B~och I 040 ······················· TWO FOROME Ouple•-Owner s YCI U LL ~.\\'I-'. ,\[()r>;t·:V Y.'hl'1l ) !Ill ;i-.-.(Htlt' ,I i•lll 11ll1 l't·.~T !H,i!l' I .~ J H1 " Ill ,111 lt!l'•'" :di It \.1kl'" d ~ \•! 1:, lll OJU-..J11d !01 I" !!Ill p.111111 ... ,I,:. 1111 \,q q \I ,1 ! I I ) I 11 ).' j· < • I l'l·:l!t '1l H ,\l ,\,\('J•. 1.dl K l•i ;\,!70 11 11 I l ;J II l '' h ,1 I h 1.1rnil~r111 \\dl1 lol111p1or 11h lldrn1 ••I' pl:1,\r<10111 I·-----------' :.!11d t1n11 .!Jl<I I '1 h.11 h p.1t111s.t.1•'· \1\l•>.U1 Nu .. 11 ... i.; cpt.-.. .1gl. ::>:1~• :11141 l"\'I,! 8:-1:J.J ('I t N \)t) 11 u n t 3 BEDROOM POOL & J ACUZZI S36,500 C EMTURY 2 1 l!o11 n•·s. l llr. 2 ba L1r1n)..! 642·1 77 1 «; r1·1·11ltt·lt . \\';;h /dr~ ~:r·.1~-----------11•l 11g , rt•llt't"·d . pt!OI. nr I' llu111. tl h r ~:l::!,5011 XII. :1'.J IHorXlli :it~l."i ~~IJ {ltl LiN D l•:H 1\I' l'HA ISA .. L •S \•1,;,00 • lltr. ~h .1 17x2·1 1:1111 rrn h!d & !IL!' d ptM>I (lpt'll l ;-; S.it Sun ltlKll ( !1 t ' -. ,1 JI ~· :.1 Ii•· 11 II '.1t1S \'.J·l·l 3 +DEM + POOL Spa<·iou s hn n1 c o !ters l111ill ·1n-. & 1-. <1<!::.C lv :.lliool.'> & ::.hopping. Sub 1t·1 t tu ;1,,su m.1hh· 1;•,·. (; J tu.1 n . or purch:1:,c 1v1 Lh 1)cv.• veter;1ns Qr F llA 11 r m ... t..:all bl'forc 1t ·::. ~11 111'. 556· 7(tJ5 or !.163·5ti7 1 WALKER& LEE REAL ES'J'A'rt-: It's All Here! H1 g t..:ondu \\'Ith :1 IHHlll" rOtJnl t hal h ,1s hc.1l and h :rt h . t :r{'a t loeatn111 ' 1;r1·;1t tcrrn-.' S:~l.50U lflllf!MJjNOltifttVl 962·44n (i:>:l 546-8103 Year End Sale! lmmaculat {' (;[en t\l ar hnmc n e-.tll'.ci .nnnn.c:: \:1 11 1rce :. t)nlv ~t:l .5 1)0 :-.hny,.·n h.1 01 p(lt. t :all now on this unus u ;1I ol lt.•r1ri g. ~COATS ~WAL~ACE REALTORS 962 -4454 I Yr old+ Pool LA CUESTA SAMTA CRUZ MODEL HOME MEW Hr .ind 110 ·1' 11p g 1.1d!·d (•;1 rp•·\ ,11111 1lr:o11•'" p.d "' p;1IH• 1•><<1 l,111\J.,t•,0!>11\g , spr111klo ·1 ~ ''·di (l•I,.! Ill ).!-.. ~·\ \' jlt( l1H!<'d l Ill rn<'d1 1 1t ~· p11 :.-..L'""H'I\ :Si l ,LIO!I t,,\ l'l'ESJ':\ S.lle;; (Jft11·c·. •11,1:1 :!!1Z!1 HOME W /A FUTURE •I 1lt·d1001n , !1.· J\ath. T!' mndt·lt'd ~ :,lu!.I'. ll1 ).!1t111 111 g 1·111 . (:1rp1•Cs .\: 1l rJJ)l'S i\llt•Y t•lllf,lll(l" l!lr i.;rarg.<1..' \I' ho,d g;1lt' t"h11Jrt·n ·-. pl;1yl\(•\l"L'. :.! t :n11-. r :111 1!~ l111ilt !1!1 b:tl'k ot Joi \\a lk I!• h":11'h, p.11k.,, "''huol ' t)ur l11·st llu.v ;11 S.!7.HtlU 1{1·d l '.1rpt·\ Hv.o1 1 .. r-.., ;,:11, KX.\i, Low Interest fl l f\ a s-,u1nc (;·, 1.1:1n :1 l>cdro"n1 ::: h.1th ~ '>11•1'\ $.'(tHl(I do11'1l N1·11 !':II pt·t-.. lJl".!)ll'S, l\'.t :-O hll .'i.· ilf~!"I uu·l11<h·d. ·ro!:1I p1111 . 1-.. :-::!Ii pl.'r mnn!h Irvine Hacienda Re al Estate 963--83 16 1044 ··················•···· r ll ltTL~:Jt <ICK . lil•aul Il l'\.' :iBlt . ::H1\ S.'lli.'l.:10 Pb 1;•\~, X!li2 11r 5.->l'I 1;7:1(1 TEH l!,\t~'I". Ou\t.'r '°'1111!•·\ >I'• ' A-.-.un1ahll· lo.111 l>rp" ,'I,, upg r.odl'.d l 'rp1 -. ,)!"1:! 1. ,: I' I 8AYSHORES CONDO EMERALD BAY ll11ild1111: '>!!•· Nt•v.' ~l'I' 11011 (',l'>il\ l1111ld :1hlt.• :"-.t·.0111 !1•\'t>I, \\Ith 11,!l"H.>lllll 0!'\'(111 Ill"\\' ... -; ! 1101! MO RTH LAGUMA Lake Fore !ot 1054 ••···•················· I i\1 i\1l·,l1 1 A'I' I·: t)C( '\ 1 l'AN ., . .,. l',\I.'(', i)l'.lllt.• ll••llh' 1n 111•· Wood.., 11•:111111ng '-1•·'' IOU " <!Pt'llJl t.'l'<' 11 h!ii..;t• ht·.1 1n-.. lv.i;J,, ul g la~::. ~'\· P:i!h1 ·dr01I t't•d ':- ,111! \!'l•(llt"lldtHI'< l.itJI l lll 11 "<..l 11,1 1'. •••11lr.1I ,11 r. 1!11 1:1· r11.,l 1i" d«r·k ..... j "" :-1·[1 :l f .'1t'. pjd1·1 lu•:111l 11•1•>d L"<t gi'o •lllloL~ , l1.<r1111 11 g l1•1n1t'" F10J1I l\i>ll-.t' II ,!'> :;! lnll'fll-. I I h1111·1.., p :o•'h.< ii ,/:.:,'l."111 h,itli n .. ir hiiu..,,· h.i-, 1 l'lll.1 .1·: tt1·;,\1 ,tc1li:-:O I I I I II I II' Ii ::!.!~J.>.I f(1ii ).'.l' Ill <' 1l1 H l!Tl , 1.1 l, )<1 Y.I o I, ,1 k • jo' 11 I I •~ 1 ( .1 11"1•1'::-,..;,.\·ltull"d ~i:tl1ng ,',I"\!>. 1'i ,,.11 11.!l' ll'<'t'S & rn :i tur(• l.111d'<t·;ip111g. \\l.olk I ll •\VA i IO:ltl'f(():\I :1 ll li 1t .. 1-.lv1· l'<.1rk •"'-bl'l•t.•h f,1111 1111 :! :-l•il',I, ti11 g•· ~7·• ,,110 111:.J'ill'r '>Ullo· II 11,dt'U ll l SEA T ERRACE ,11,: upL11 h<·,1r11-. l'1t. dtl'k '1'<1111d1"ll"'I'. 2 hdl'lll '> ,'\, d11t 'h., ,;1:~1 'I'll) , • Jgc· 111,,rl i•rn ktt<'ht 11 I \JI.I.I'. I( 1·:.\Ll'Clll:-. •)J'i•;111 \ lt'W, ()\,•l'..,l/!·d J~:1 '1:l l\1d gt• l(to· ])! 1,11'11 , 1•u,,n1r,,r1~"il ,\II ! .. 1kt.' l·'ul t.':-.I .11'4: K:'IUll r11'r L·,111 11 11.il !;1 v il1tH::,o.~· • v· · 10 67 1'1th1t1 v.',ilkiug (li ~!;inlt" ,.,1s!o1on 1e10 ······················· OPF.N S/\T /SUN l ·:i 2200 P T . L~;HWI CK Newport Beach I 069 Mewporf Beach 1069 ·············•··•····· ··•··················•· F()li :-:11 1' Ii} U\\ll\"I l-'.h·~.1 nl . l1r .1n•! 11t·1v ·I 111 t .1r11 1"111 v./1\cl h.~r . 1111·111 ;11 d111 rn1. :.!.-..t<lr~· 111· r rn 111 H.+)'t'J'•·"l 1•1/:1 (',11 g a r a g l' L' u ::. t u n1 land::.1.:.1p1·d w llgt• p11ol .'I,, J.1 c1r11 i, 1·:.:1..-11.,11c pij\l•i ~I,:. u11:rh .1nµ.~ & front l'll lr.v rl•llt't'tlnJ! pn1il )'.olii:!.500 . li·1:0 s 1;1ti tJ r ABANDONED Newport Estate urvt11t 1lr1\'t' l<".1LI:. tu «u:-tn 111 h r 1\'k .'i.'. -.1.1bt' !o)Yt'I" 1•11 ll ~. 1:1 .1n<l J!l .111'\ '>l/,{·d l1v1n g t'<101n . 10;1·111:.I d 1 n l n g \1 1 I 11 .! 11 d ltft•p l ,o~'•' '!'!"!"' .11 l,t11d~··.ip1111: F"\•'( utl'' \I .111 -..! \'I -.,1 1 l ii I !'I .J ti"I !<'dUt't"d l.1h.!" :odl.111 t .1)..'.• ·' t · ,1 ll 1,.1.. 1no:1 ~·,1 .'J,>!! CHARMIMG FAMTASTIC VIEW l.11xur1ou:-·I lk!rrn. ~ H.1, ho!!H' \\' ... p:H l"ll:. l.<111 r111 !JI Jl :irhor \'1t·W. Jll 11 llll! /"Ill . p :1t!1•, I·: Z t ! 1' I·:~ II l ! l S I·: I·: I 1na111t . 11.1l11 r:il -.iu n>1111 l)or:1il" \l!)11d 1 ,, ; l\li :.: .~111:t1 1 1 .. 1i.:L111,1 11un1t.· 111 dlllJ.!" (lpt.'n S.it ,1,:. :...iui •COLDWELLB'"KE'COMP'Nl l\.1 l '.1111 1·111 \ 1·. l1 h.< " '"' n " l\l•l l ,·-,\:ihli -.ht•d 1ndl 111 "ill I\' <•1111<'1" \;) $1-(·l.!J~'11 11t·1i.:hli<11'hou1 I I Bdrnl . ·,"• I'.>,"'' I< (' 'l\1,1 lur l"" i5:! HI"\! "" " Son Cle m e nte il<"tl. 1l111111g r rn \.\:ilk11tl-! l ~-----------1 107 6 d1..,t ti !lt'l' I u I 1c•;u·h, Ul'L';1 n l l \V N I' II . , lld 1 tt1. .11 l', 1' • • •B•l•G • "o" •C• •E•A• :: ~·l•E•W• • 0 0 'I(•\\'. w .... 11 liu1IL ,\. l;ond ... 1 ·•Pl'•I . :-p1·nh.lr... Sh H rb ~ 1,1 .. lt'llJl]I' dv rn r ;111•d llpJ.:t.tdi·d, IH'I\ ::>1.>.(Jlkl arp a or 1'11!!/ ,'>Ill' iol , \\' \\ Ill 11 t·.i rn l'c1 ct·111n gs . »x1>.:J11 ,~ View Home ,-..i,·11 111r. :.:• 11 .•. :1 ,,11· Ile•,, 11l1 I I!! p,1l 111, I 1"t1 1! ,'..II" ( \11 I I so·1.:1.~I :;,lU,1"11.' ·--M tB h 1069 ll1 ·n1od1•l .. d 1\lt ):"i ,\('ll 1 1 ·" -11 !rt·•·~ ~,x,:1 .• 0 e wpor eae ( 11. ! 1, n1 1,.:, , 1 &!1~ .. ~~·· 1105 N .Coo~r Hwy.,Logvno 494-1177 MISSIOM REALTY 'l'\\111 (II·' J-:\'FHY 1'11!,\J(; :·I h ;1l .., !lit· :.IPt'' un 1111 -. 11!11< r .I l1drn1 I<: d"n :!' · h.ith llutnl' B11il1 1111 :: l•il ". I !ilk ,1ho\'\' tho • { 'o.i-.1 II \I 1 ~ l\dr II\ ,'\, dt•n 1111 11ppt·r l t•\t'I \\' <1l'1-'.,\:-.J \J1·:\v ·ri,,. 1011\l'I" 1!•1 1·1. li,v ..,,.p,n ;llt.' 1·r1!1.1 1H'I', 11.1 ... k11cllt•n l1dr11I ,'\. h;1i11 ,I,:. I" l'l'll1«d 1or ~11"\i tlln 1\ ll 10:1\I llll lr /\'I' ;-.Eo7 .. ~~I Il l· "srr r1 ;-.. \Ji'\ rr>J> ·r il l·: W()[lLlJ: l11L 1!\l \g <' p ool:-.11.t·t\ lnl . llt'l.1ilt.'d ru:,11L· .1rth1t1·1· lllrl'. l l':1\Ull''i :1 BIJH.\1. "" V.\\1 ll\l . l l l 1l l' 1.1 ... 1111111 0"1 p:1rl11 1t'f'"111 1111 111\S \V ,\Ll.<ll"lil-'.ll ll H l ("k \V l lll,\j l'I Ii EI' l,i\\'l·: ,1,:. 1\ 'l'El·:K ·1\ B(I ()' {Jl.J·::\.\l \"Li , \)Ill' IJ( 1>\ll l1l'-.l 111 1'1•r1 11 !!" 1 .. r t!lll.1 ~,.\.'Kiil l'LLL l'll lt ·1·;. ······················· MEWPORT HEIGHTS Hll . Ill·'.", llH ll't\: Fl'l.t ', l.\Hf:I·'. l.C)I' ( hot(l' -.;,.,1 p•ll'I II t .1vl1 Ive.II 1"11 ,\,1•t•ds -.~1111 \· '! l.l'. l l,l!lt'I' ;11l ~l<>\I '> .\1,tk t.• 11! I l'I" Spar ling Real E!ototc 8 33-3544 MEWPORT HEIGHTS I Hr 11"1 1. lHi«k !jill' l ,!I"~• I"! l"h.,!•"L' :-,;t"\.\fl<>l I lh· .... 111111 ,111111) ,\,l'Ld"i '>"111'' l'I.(' ()l\tl('I ,lllXH •ll" \1,1k1 •1>!ll•r Spar linq Re ol Estate 9 33.3544 O C EAMFROMT Bargain!! S I 12,000 l "tit,. t,,•.ich 1·olt.1 ~e ~I , /\ .. -.ulll.i lJlt· l~•.111 LIDO REALTY :t:\77 \iu l.itlu, ~.II. *673-7300* BIG CANYON n\tult•I. l ,111·~1L~'<I on h11).:.t" '"ll l (!" ~ ;1 t' I ot •1 He d ruofll ..,, .J Ii .1th ., l11r 111;d 1li11111f.(. l1rl'Pl.1t •.. ()OUIJl t.' dt•1.i1·ht·d )!:1r;11-!t", 1•1orrl IOI' !u1:<l or tr:11 lt't .. 1ur;1g!•. J'10Jt·:-.s 1011 .~ll~ l.1nd"•'.1P1·1I 1100111 tor pool. N o•v.· l1.,l1ng. ~l.(l\.KI Open Sat /Sun I ·5 ~Uil J',,rl n n .. t11I L1r ;>.:B ~COATS ~WAltAC E REALTORS · :--1·'.A ' V411il•:\'t·:lt tlp•'I\ !t'' :0-1111 I:! .1!'\I •1:._:;, l'ro·...,1d1p .IHI' ..:I•.> lrg !iii, !!1 .. it l1l r .110 .1 $.J 1,11111! ,\\l<l.1 1\S Mobile H o m e !. For Sale 1100 .....•••••......••..... 1'17:: .! I ,,,11 \\/"'~I\\ I' \J l•1 \dun:..: .1111111 !\'" -.h." 1 1o g-. 1i••l oli1·'> l.1nrl':,.1·;1p1•d \II..,, !\II' Ill IH'.111111111 S,HI .J11.i11 I ',q .. ' .1d11lt (1,11 h. l'l,) X~X!I 1 __ ..;6;,4;.0;;,·,;6oiloi6;;1,_ __ 1 ,1 t ~ r s1-.1.1. 1:r• 1 :.-1 w \ .1li.111 .1 . :\illd1 l>""h. It 11 Ope n for Vi sion :!707 :0-1'.1 ,,hn1 l' !Jr. S.1t /~u11 ! I J.r! \\' I\ 1 I (•\I :0-p It 1' ~·1 ,, 11; '.I ~ \t< Hf h l' ,J.!'.tl'i \I\ lo ltl' '>t't' \1 ~I -..,I, '' 1'.1 b ul•1u '> 01 l';111fronl, .I \I''!' S1 \!0 1111•' I l•n11" lll h1·d rn1. :.! :.\01Y nwno,•rs \du!l l'.11\.,0111111·1'·" Ullll l'IH ... L 1)1.'tlrnl , :.:! -.tx,7:.il!. ..111 !tl"i::! h,t lh rt•11!.1 I und1·r ~(H) j~lO · A c r e age for scrle-I 200 67 5-8600 onytinir ••••••••••••••••••••••• \V\ll'·\ fl4 1 1. \;..;11 •VISION• REALTY ::!7 1:1 1-:. l'-.t fly,' I '01 q 11.1 del .\l ,1r ~]"1 1111 ,\o 111 l!.11" IHI \ ·.1l11iu 111.1 11111 ·1 \''>I u11l1 I lt:hl 1!1111H'\ l0>l"1 I'' .'>,ill" Condo m iniums For !oole 17 00 ....................... 6 NEW UNITS \\1 ,t I J... I IL g •I 1-. t ,1 IH o• I •1 \\,•-.\! l1IJ :-.llPpjll!lg, llio •"'' p n d+· oil "'1 ll<'l "!11p u111\s ,di h .i\I' p r11,d < p;1\IO>"i . 11\1111 It\" ,111d l1l'«pl:.tet:S · t 11::.to111 di ,q)l'" t·.1rp••t Ing :111d 'lll'll!h.lt'I" ll/4) l".\t•h,•lli-!t'. t'olll f,I('\, nr • •Hll t•!l l Ht!1,1J 1 Hl,l!lt'l!I).! 5 UNITS I"" ;do 'd II\ ()f"lll'.<'. IJ1t;; 111pl1•x,11 n<! 1lupl«" '""1 h1· l>t/U)..!hT In!' Orll\ s,-,J,l~~l s .. 111·1 v.1111·\o •h;111g<' ••. 1,1 'rl 1 '" .1 ,.,"utn:ilil« "'" ' o•llt•nt ... l.•t (t'I' 111111 ~ ·rr ) \ti • d1111 II , 12 UNITS \I 111ldvr ~ llK~) P<..'f utHl l!I('\ I'\' ob1101l1-.l1 IUl':.t!<·d Iii l.1 111 1.: l\t',JLh. L11 1\ do1111 \\'111 V\(")I l!li.:!" 20 UNITS s I I 11•1(1 111 I' (11111 ' .1 I I'" 1 •'•I .1 11 ii ! ' I ur'bl:-11«01 .\1•:11 1·:1 'I ••I '' .llHI llldt1 -..111.!1 )',o h. \\111 ..... 11 \0/1111 :111 l Ol ll\•11 I 11111,d !II"('\! 11,Hlj.'.!' 42·54-96 UNITS l,11j .tf l'd Ill l'01-.\.1 \Jt•:..1 11•",\I 1111• 1>1 ·;" 11 "1'111•:.1· 111111 .._ \\Ill r u \Ulltf,((•1 \'H 11 I l 111 111 ll .+I, <d" I'\ 1·h.•lll.'l' Mobile Home Park Site 16 Ac Business Industrial Park I " H u 1Id1 n g .. ()1 I'!' ~.111.IKl(l '>q ti u l u111l<" .Hid 111du .,111 .il ~p.11·0• \',111 '>ll'\11 '\1111• l\•I .1!1 MI<' lo 'l'•'1nl.• 11 11 Pyramid Fight Inflation l.o '1 •+Ill HI\ o'-..1 llh !1[ ,.,l,111 .. 1.d11.ol1· \lllll' P!l'.,l'tll l'l'upo•rl\ 10>1 1.d\!<' .<l><l Id"\ d1•I «! I .-,f o'\< t1.11l l.;P 11• '"':-01t1l1 i I I I<'~ I 'o "ll l!I I o ·~f 111 .. nt ~f<'< 1 ;111~1 -. t•1 h«lp \O"I , .._ll\>\H>f\t•d !J\ ,] l .1 1';.'.~' ,,.,ld•'llll.tl '\.di l)pt !\ l\l'•·kvnd.., 1\...,h. lnrtJ1,• ln ,,.,11110 11111111..,1,,n OPEN HOUSE S at & S un 1-5 111 ... (·.1rpl'\". dr:ipt:-.. 1· I • • v.·u1 t t·r s,11,:.. 1 y .,.1:1 .•. l.u1ndr.v roo111-.. i.;;1r<q.!~·s 1;75 •l'J.!.J <\I'< 1 1 1;::1-i\1~1 1:01•>11 11·nt.1l <•!\'''· Xlnt 1·11n1l 1t1 on, l n l·o ml' s.1~11 1 r11nnlhl .1'. Xlnl 111· '""t1111,11t 11pp-ortu11ll.Y .11 ~l.!/5() Houws Unfurnished ••••••••••••••••••••••• ener al 3202 DAVID D. CARLSOM REALTOR 833-9293 ..•.................... I 3 UMITS In \ 'u-.ta ~1 t·~a v.·/pool. 1;10..,., $2:1.700 )L•arl v. Xlut 11n aut"1ng Sl7!.l.:>UO St•:is li11rc l\l'.Hl J·:~t;ilt'. 1:;·, ~•/'llH~ BALBOA PEHIM 7 11111ls un :! lot.s Step-. ln h1'.1t'h. Greal s urnrnrr 1 1·11F.11-.. S J79 .·,uo . So·.1-.!1111 t' H1 ·al t :-.L.1lt' 4;;;, !))'(1)0 Lot!. for s ol" 2 200 ······················· Commercial lots BEACH BLVD. l'r1n11·<" \co1n .. rl11111·1th J:\, tl l1u11l.1ic•·. •1111~ '.: 11111•· -.. .. utt\ •>( S.111 l)H•i.;n F 1•v.1. l"\ l'llt l \l l·:N \H t·:\. t-:;1'>\' t<·1 r11 .., ,11; pl'H't•d for 11u11 k s ,dl'. •COSTA MESA 1;u1 t-1 l r11 n1 .t).!c 1ll1 hus ) '>(l<'o'I U• ,\( l•• ..,ho1)plnl! ( t • II I (' I' , (; II 0 d 1\[·1 ~hhorhood :J.](Jll ~q. re • .. 1·111·r . '-'ulin11l ~uu1 ••·rrn .., ( )\\ n1 ·r :111 .~n·11·, .. R.C . TAYLOR CO. 752·0460 OME Of A KIMD l '11,,b-.tru1·lvd 11 1·•·.111 \'it'll'. Frnt IAJt. i ii v.1dt'. Iii 1 .. 1/-!Ull,l S/1 .. 1'!·~ ~"1:°1 {l(~I .l.:j ·1)'(/'IM Mobile Hom~. Trail~r Parks 2300 ....................... l"nr ,,,],• nr rt'nl IS,>;.1:0, 11111\ t 'o~t.1 i\l l''<:I p.1rk (>1 1t·r I«\•'' \~"hnd ~ ,, 11. "j1.,lb Re al E stat~ Ex chanq~ 2 800 ....................... l'H\llt-;~l()iKKI l-:qul\Yl!I ll.111,111 l 'n11d•1. for ioH ''-'I llu ~ or HJ·; 1;.11. ~>'!.')', Real E!otate Wanted 2 900 ······················· I)\\\ l'r11pt'l'1 \ Ill IH L:i•'l\'llod, J[,,1,1t1,,r110• 111 ·"'9· IL111 Art".•' WILL PAY ALL CASH Ph. T o m 0 'Ale!o!oandro T .D . P r operfie!o LANDLORDS! WP Sµt.'r'lal1t.l' 111 Ncwporl Ut'ttl h • Coro11.1 <le i 1\l ;1r • & Lag u11.1. tJu1 fll·nt:t! S t•r\1l'.l' 1;;; FftE~: lo \'011! "l'ry Nu·V1 ... v.•' MU.VIEW RENTALS 6 7 3 .40 30or494-3248 *LANDLORDS* Hom~finders • 642-9900 (·,,I 1 fnrrH ;1 · s [ ,.!f)~•·s t • H1·11t:d Si·r\·11 "' • ·1 Hit hou:.•·. l '.\1 ~1 :-otl .! Bil SHl5.2 HB llB S l7U:u1d:! llr h .. r-.1· k'. ul'>1 pt•1.., !\7'1 11 l:JU I ,1n 1·h f1h J\ j.'.I VIEW POOL. TENNIS ::.l 25. J· ce. 1'h1 · 111•w 1::. bre,1tht:ik- 111g. S1111 w e.•f'IJ('d 1nnun· t.1111" by d")· t1~1nkliri,e. ]1 g hC :. ti y n1J!hl 'l"h 1• pr11 :111· pool ,'\: ten111s ruu1·t l!ll!' JU"t :.l<'1'::. l1 om lh1.s :i b1 ·d ro <1lll ur ::! +-dL•n l1 ;1rbur V11·v.· 11 0011• 'J"h1£ lll'~lf" 11''"" (U ,\llf'!/ h(lt11C h:o-. l',U pt'\-.., 111',•lfl'"• d1 -.· hv..'l ,.,h•·l" 1·\c :-.,·,,-1\I per rnonlt• i\1.iil:dilt.· tor ~01 1!" IJl .. l'Llll<lll 11\)\.\, ,\1,u l;rh\t• lllHlC 10 .i!)()Ul fo',.11 I :1111 f'ho nc ALA 11.ENTALS ft tfit ~~·:· NIW,-OIT •MT, ( M •4:2-aJaJ s 'rt '[)t-'.:\ rs. ti ,u·h & J llr " Sl:!., -.1;,, l 'l d pd, 1\ I .1 1 I 1 'l rt-: 1 !tr 'l ..:~1. m•l'l' 1ri l"u1 n.'i. o·l"''"\t1tX '1' ..:1:1 i..-1 h~U7 an\"llmf· Ll"l"J 1.1·: ~ l~r h<)il"t' El".\1 l-1•·• :0-:11 ro·I 1~·1 &·:.:.•r Sl\1;[.1«,..; ,,)., '.! 1\1 IH!U'<(' s ixo \ ~1 r d v. :.:,,11 :-n11:i<.:t ·"l l'·•l!ll ,! 1\1 .:: 11.1 5.1.!U F1 ph '. !J.1r h.1t. :.! i .<r t '.\l ;\l1 'E 1 tl r h1111"· s:J.?.J. Frplr I" \, IH).!,11 1 ,\,ow l'tl<!L ;, llr. f<' H . .! Ha 4 HK. L;ind m .1r k plu" ,1 SIU.000 s wim e ntert.nn •nenl center inl·ldg :JMx 1:1 t;rec1,1n pool & Jal'11zz1 ! ::!2x l5 t-'atn & gan1e rrn, hriek f ptc, ;111k lc d eep (•r pt . C u stom d rp s ~58 .500 . w ith lc r ms to suit ! Bkr ~t.il-551 1 . S h.ir1) 2 Hr. ,ill 111111-. ()Wilt'! !llUSI ".ll'rll lt't' ht'::.l h\I\ 111 ,JJ"t•.t. 1 111 :1 b:1, 1'.1 Ill I !!I , F"' 1111 1111\ l'tn. IH•,ot1l1l11lh l11d:-.1·pd l'<1ul ~II•• 111\ \\\I\'\\, \1 ~!1\,1 I'"> 11 .t'> 1,1;, 1: 1 o, l l:lo:.t' to po11 I hliil .~· · 1'tlJ·: Ill\; Sl"E1\L" .. ! l'l ubhnu'<l'. Crpts ,'\:. drp;; HI J ll \1 . 1·usto111 h <1111 .. , Me w port S ho r e s VACAMT l'nrnf'r : :1 l\lt 111 '\\I\ 11• 1h•n1•, ,\1 .1r1n1•r:-:-.1 ·hnnl I.I!" 1,.1 , l'tl,\/V 1\ ._;i i IK!ll ~ !i.1 S-l'J 'o!fl l 0>1 I•: , I " ! I 1 I 11 I I I )!~ 151.1 "'\ l< I 111' 1 p I .i 1" 2 3 I ·2 J 1 1/i ""4aqnolio Rental!. :o.,');111 ~Ira .... \\/ !" /1 ,I\'{' \lo h.i t YOI! Ill 't•d Lotsof pri v.1e~. str\'lt'\'d b,v .l 111\l'llS ('o nt•·ni por•,t1 ,. Hl'.l('h S P i\lt t.I N (; H t-::\[ l in1r11 11' :! s ·r1lHY I.JV Hnusc \i ,ilk 1,, CH •·,li 1, r:s'1'1\TI·: l!:\l ,\V ,'lll'!·:N lll-'.,\:\ll':ll p•HJl:-.lv11111 .. \:1<.11!1 .! I •------.;;;;;:~·· 1 ...... .;'~3~3;.~:l'>:-~IH;. ••• ll '. I·: I J, I ,"\j (; ~ ' I g t' . d<•n 1\..,k 111 g :...1;,,:~~1 l' ii! .prl.deof ... 1u1y1p-.t<11H· r11 \·plttt··· i,.12.J•.r1 \l 11dv l'n hlt-1 ri I; 1l 1·h··n ! rir.f.f:irmr:'lr.n':T':'l'I': Ownership llc;111\1f11I :i b1:.•(lroonl I h;ith hotnc# 1\l ul'h pancll- 111 ;.:. u11µr;1d1•d thrunul . CO\'Cred patio. Walcrf<.11l 111 Uae k y a r d wit h f1:;h pond . P1 ol . Landsc pd . \Von "t la s t. Jong ;.it lht;; p rice. $32,900. l!~2-IE.4m~a"~~·z:, 546-81Q BERKELEY MODEL l'u!legl' I' ark '1 bd1111 :!' • hath. l':lvganl J1v1n g & rl11ung r0on1. Sl'<'ludC'd l",1rn 1l y roorn \.\'1th hr l'Pla..:C, liU J.!C m:i!<ll'I ;;Ul!t.• II II h y,.•;dk 111 C'io'°'t'f If 1t 's ruom vo1 1 lll'l'll. d11n "l 01l·1 l11uk lh1 ... ~p :n·111u " lu..:11rv ni!lch I .11 $113.:Jl lU 5 5 2 -7500 11p1•11" to\ d1ru11 g rn1 w .111 "\!l:.l,1H1l111g \'l' ()I.' I'll!< 11 t • t' J{ !\ I I'. I\ 1: [) ("\:-,;Yil;..; "' (!l't:,\:"-. 11 1>'.l.41\\/, l'lllCl-'.ll 1\ I ~7 .'>.!Hf\I V\tl~ l/i li 'h ;-.,\j,J·: ~1·:1·: '1'1111\\'' l; ( lN I·: ·r t ) ill (j H !{I I\\" MISSIOM REAL T Y :1.'1 .", s. Co :1 :-l 1[1~·.,, l..1 gun.1 PHOME 494--0731 •VISION• H-EWPO-RT -REAL TY Monarch Bay WEST 1\ 11 .. 11 11 11 11. ~11npHny 1·:.,qu1s1l1· g.Jldt·n.., -.pr.1~ I I II k I '">" f".>ck'"">>I">' ,d 'f<\;-..'> the h11).!l' l"V.JI' 1 ,.,.,. lome JU!:i 1 O{' ·:; " • ...,, ~ lrom the b1•,1('h. Fc:itur · lrv1lll' ,\.11'd , •H't.•.111 ,"..· \ll 1>1<·11 :-. inA i:I g;irlh:n )utr hc n.l•••••iiiiii••••1!t11r"1 1·n1 r1 \.1u lt1·d h1·:1rn'. \I ,or in .... p.1l'1<l\1~ '-tinnv . op en hc.1111 t:in1 11n :i B ll ,l·'•h•i.Uo.il & ••,IBH.hc:1ll'dpool.l '• & lrt'sh . It ':; hrt•:1tht'-1k ir ~till'r :,lor:1gc. llpcn ba. hlt11 s. e r'pl .... drps 1ng : Sl>l:J.5Vil frpl .::.S'l !l.'iO 5,-,1 >'f~il"I hous e S 11nd.1y 12 4 :10 _ ~J:J52 La J o l!a C1 rtlt•. llU. fU I{ S 1\L E H1· (l1\'nPr :;- o r t<dl for appt. br , tov.•11ho11 "l' 111 \V;il nut JADE REALTY Square. s:to.!1511 . ()pt'n _B~~-12 •. 3~1:____ Jln us(' S :1l /Sun 11 4 1455'1 -O val Rd 551 (}}11)0 COT'rAG E UYTl lE:S t:A ----- Sere ne h v1n g: 1s l hc kl'.Y la9una Be a c h I 048 no lc of t.h 1s cha rmu1g ••••••••••••••••••••••• ho1n c frum the trup1e:1I 1;Lf\J\10 HCJUSt..:(JN JJ(I a tr1 un1 ent r y l hru thr 3 l~li . 2'" ha., clcn : d1 11 rozy 1n tC'r1o r t o t h C' r1n.: 2 f r p l ; Y.':-hr ldr.Vl'I', seclude d pool w /loads o l frq . .:. l'r111 patio , ~~1.5ull d 1·ek1nA. If you h ke a Ut..:J·:,\Nt-'HllN'r hom e lha l 1s warm & North end : lge IC'1cl lot : ~r;i e1ous & a ple11s 11r<· ll 4 HI! , :I Lf.t .. frpl. + l live & e ntc r l;u n 111 you BR • 1l('n , J..!\l{'Sl hnuse "111 w a nt to sec th is o ne S:!75,00U. (1wncr 11ss1:.I t Jpe n h ou se Sat & Su n l1n;i!l('Hl K I 51lm . 2:.!051 1\la hbt1 l lC EA 1\lFRON'I' La ne , hkr 962-!Jl:IOO o r San t:ternl'nle. 111 1'h\' tl98-2636 Hivier H. sea IC'/(•I, CXl'll· -----~ in~ 3 BR, 2 h.1.. s pac1ou:; A GREAT Cahf. Classic.· w indow w a ll li v., h1 ~h BR . 2 B a. b ea ut il'u hca m c l'il . huge f r pl patios, ror \.'ntert:u ning 1''anl:ist1c ru u r l y ard. lus h la n d scap ing . N Sl64.50tl Sch ools . Park. Shopping l:l-fO IC f~ NO. l·:ND & Be aches. $4'1.950. Big view ; 3 L~R .. 2 ba Open Sat . &Sun. l -5. den /din. rm .. bt>a m ccil 17351 C ha ppara l Ln~ 2 frpL S I 10,000. Owner a s TOllM REAi. TY IMC. s is t nnanc1ng . 146-1371 i'~:\1 1=:RALDHAY -----· Brt·a t htakinA v1cv.', d\.'· OPEN H OUSE, S ul/Sun. eor a tor 'li d r li ghtful ·I br, 2 b a . '$42,000. A gl BH .. 3 ha ., d e n . b a r : 1 007 2 Ctitty Sa r k h uge n1str . Sl.lllC. 2 1.'rp l. 962-2074 /&1~7J6S Sl li5,000, u .... ner ca r r .v lou n l'J-:(; ALL E1~ HEALTO H '194 -7578 1095 N . Coasl.} u.1g u n a .A6lan REAL ESTATE 900 Gll'nnt.'y~<' St .i9.o 9.i1) ~ol'I ('J1(> SO.LAGUNA ()N I·: f/F T l l E nt--:s ·r l\UYS IN S<} LAGUNA. .! Bl' . 2 h:1 t l"l•l.. O('l';111 I' 1 l' w. l 1 ;i r /.! ,, r . , I .;1n i.;1vnr1 h y d•·:.igr\, ;1sk Ill~ Sij:.! .. )0!) l)lt 1\:\l A·r1 c \VOl ll J s_., c; l,1\SS. p ,111or.11n11 ('•~<•sl !1 I \IC\.'I, -.1l11~1tcd 111 d1·-.1r:1hh· ('011-.t H11.v.ill', olfl'r c d .1l $1()5.t)(~J SAM JUAM CAP. CJ V t-: H I. ()()I\. I N (; <:ll1'.:ENHl·:L1',:J b<lrn1s, r~m d v h on1c. :issu n1 c V ,i\. '1,):111 , uflert.'•l al $45.000 LEASE 3 Bdrms .• 2 baths. un fur n N i<'c fa m ily ho m e, $35(). ~~ .. YILLAGE FAIR REALTY 494·751 I 1160 S... C N at Hwy, l.,..• l•Mll ··w eedlt&Reap·· Prom trea5Ul"ft to tresh T urn I.hem into c•&h CALL !>A~ILO'f SELi, idle ilem.o; with a J iii{, l 'h ba , f~p lc ,' 11 11 · D a lly P ilot C lassified ad s.'>8.000 . F'1n aoc1ng a vail. 64l -5618 I I~ La Mirada. Owner. J 494 -3661 ! I . .l HH "' 1 .• 111 t'tn '.! lo,1 ''"P d1111T1 J.: t 111 d 111 l1 pl• 1.,.,. ),1\!'IH!t .... rl I n I II ~! ,1 t ,. :1 11 u il t ' n1slr lo.Ir 111 •I •H '•'.l!l \ ll'Y.. \h 0 ,.oll(I OCEAN VU :ipl'~·[.11 ill.ti "' 1'.H\ "" l>,i\ I It'\\' 11 t>l!l •"\ • I".\ I\ l!H1i1Y., Br1J111I ll"" I J\I< , Lolll 1'111 , ol 11l 111 g I Ill ;J• · 11 .• 111 .. 1.i ... 11 lil111 k.11t·h1'l l Y. 011< l'l• \\,II!' .\. l'il'\" lllt'rl " l·tl'il' Y. '"ll \!'r:-;:1111111 p11 l•1\t•I ,\ 1·.1rp••l1 111· I ttnioul I lhl do<1r t'1lt11 . 1·•·(1:11· s 1dl11 i..: & s h:Jk" roo( :-.l.!t;.f~J(J Oce onfront Lot ·11ut ·· 1'1·111nsul:i lo..-n t1on ; 1.0111•cl f11r d 11p l1,_•!(, (lnt•ot Lhe las1 ll.'tl ! Cute dupl<':>.. i! BH l".•i'h. e ln s 1• t" 1h+· h ... :i1..·l1. Sfi!t.51Jo JONES REAi.TY.iNC. LST N4t> I (714) 6 73-6 210 I 2001 W, S.111<>11 BM:I. N•wport BeltCh·C..Nlorm.92880 BLUFFS COMDO I STOHY :!Rll $77.000 FAN'l'AS'r1coc1--:AN v u M O l>l'~I. CONL11TtON MA NY XT!lAS •UNl'rJ<.:u 8J{()K L·:Bs• }~~iirey __ .,.11.i 1<1 14 llA R B<)lt V /E \V . l lp - ~radi·d Sumt'fSl'l rnQ(i el. 5 Bcd ronn1"'. :i h11t h, rom· plC't{·ly r<.·ilcr<u'ah·d in· tcr1or, turf,.\t' IJ,11·kyard dt:tk ,, ...... 1 bt·.1111\' $89,~IOO t :.iJl fnr i!ppl 1;.10 ~i5!17 ll ARH()H V II-:\V 11\JMt-:. Port1>fin o. 4h r', :11111 . nr pur ks. schools. & c•omm pool, $95,000 fiil<l -'1866 o r 540-541J CM •' •• • •' "'' '• •• ••••••••• ·GEM-1 ~u-~"ru s11n A~t· .1\/.n. ~~~~~~!.r.~~;~ .. ~?.o.~ ~ 11111111d11.+1 h"m''' :.! Ill< I l>.1111 .\ I Ii!!. l l1.ilt1 I' 11 lo•t ll11 ·111,1·h1·., I·\ l•·11•H 11,.,1 I\ p;11 rllt·d \\.olk li• 111.o J<ir :.h•1Jlp!lll.! 1<'11!•"1 \loi..,\ rl•-d tt•d l'..l ·-1 id•· ,.,, ...... , \11•.,.1 1 ... ,1[11111 !;o lh :11111 i..'.oll i.1~ ;;.;1 ••• s.11 .\·~u 111 \10:\HI.) l•r,1nd flC'Y.. hrllnl'" v.1th 1.1n1;1:,l11· u1·. \11 -4 Hr ALA RENTALS 6 4 2--8383 ll bAl.'/'l )J!S b-12 .. Jt:i:!"I MEWPORT SHORES l 11 ll 1\ Fr .1111" likt• lll'll . :! p.1llllS, ~1;1 ,(Nli) ln1rnae . '1 llH. on eh.111 llt•I. $h!J.!l\.)1) \V l· l!a11• H1 •nt.d-. CA YWOOD REAL TY • 548-1 Z'90 * IH\J N~: ·rvrr :l llr 1 f :11n. ;J Hr. :i frpl r -. S111 4 ,5V U. (lw 11 1/\i.:t i,7:; :15:1;) 2 FIXER UP PERS 1\ l! BH &: !)"ll. :.! -,t1111 ho1n1· 111 ~1·v.·p1o1t :-.11 .. r1·.., ni·o·d , Oll lY p.11111 ,'<,, I ,II p l'l 1!11~ S-1/ ·~~I 1\ :! BH , I 1<11u11l &• IL1 h111i-t' .! ti .1th l;,,,.,\ llolll 't.' 1111 1'1 •11 111-.111 .• ['1111\I , ::.1;;\_;,11(1, I IY.'IH"r 11'1111111.tlll'o' lh1'<"11'' 11,11!1s \Vvod He.111111• 40,1:! ti:,,i 1or675 Xol·l•I BAL/l(l,\ l..'l lVl·:S. :1 11 1l 2 Ha. p r 111at<' dor'k ~"-11o.;\.\' ~1 :1~J.5ll(} ti73 -5::::98 EASTBLUFF ACT QUICK !!! Owne r 'l'r :1n s. 2 !-ltnry, ;, Hrm, 3 l.Ja. 1/1 J\cTt' + 1';1nor. V1l'W Nr. Shop. Sl'hl ~. S!l~1.UO\I ~1 1'1\~; I) f F I·: fl . () w 11 1· r . 1; \(l 600ti 2.i1(1\I SCJ F 'r 1-:a :-lllluft h(•ml'. :i>X4 .~11)0, Jhr. :!1):1 l.1111 rnl . lurml cJ111rn1 .11·1 lt•\'1•1 ~1CY.', OY.IH 'r ,1~1 . b<-1'1 7!">50 2 HH &· lll·n . 1\l un,)111 I lon1c. t 93ti. l'ort Chels<'.•. N B i'l'lllt'IJ);il s U n l.Y Priced fur q uick sale. ~-•-_1 05~7~·~----- BA YCREST BEAUTY J HH . F /H., g a m e roo1n , pool. CJpc n Snl & S un J -5. 1822 Duttonsh e l I Lane. NB. Owncr /Ar!:ent. 1;.12 ii.15·1 or 675 K4'14. U11! c .. uyon Broadmoor. l"r n1I. ,I IJ \I , ~·an 1, Bm , t..:entral Alr1urn 'l"hl'm 1· l}u11:k Oeeu 11. &14-6249 XL,\IT. VA LUJ•: II,\ Y(' B ~:.'t'J' .! t•\•1·r-.11t'fl hd rrn s. fam rn1. •lt·n & h rkf:1s t 11r1•;1, 2 12 h;~. pool. :! f r plt•s, $97 ,0110 . B y own l•r . &16-7219 20o7 llo hday J_td. NB:..?:.t /Sun 1·5. GREAT IMVESTMEMT :111 Hl'lll~ ,\(I:: Hr. 1 ',Ii,, 11'\•lo• lG ~1 ., 111!1 . It"' I ,1(',1/11'1 \\'iii ..,I'll "II' "II 11,,.\ l'l'l!l<'iJ>l•'" "iii\ ~1111 !llJll Sp arlin q Re al E~tatc ,'{L! ! .\ 1 \, 1' \\ l1(•,1t h unot ,: ht"! j.., 1n (;J\',ol l1t1\ l.'"•HI 1.1 \ .... t 1 I•· • of I I 11 t " rr l ' \\.111\ -.11 I\\ I I , 11ntt ,,11! l•l•!t: "" d1·1 ' 01 11-.! 1 111 I uor1 1 .. r ~ ,i .. t ""' 1., 111 ,,1••r ... 11.,1·1•1111• !O 'l!lt'I 1..,1 II' llTlll'<Jll '>l !\I 1'.•l l ,.,,,_:.,,, "' ,'1:,0 ,",11111 Five -4 Plexes Covinqton \\vi i ln<",•1<'d 111.111.ii;.r·•I 101~ l1 .. :ool,1eh•''> 111 pn>tll' \.P'>~ lh,111 J \•'.II' ••l<I ''"''"r 111 11 r•,or t1 X·'•'• t1n:1 n1•1n ~. lit'n!;d.., 1n1111 ~1;;, m n SXKl l 111!1 11nl1 .i ~k1ng Sl"\'l,'l.-,11 r.111 tf){t.1:1 I! I·\) 7;,1.-l i\IO. • F IXIO:H l ll'l'l·.ll • · Ac· re w 11 h :1 hnu.,1•-. r ,\lrcrl s h•'.1vy v..•ork ~:ti ,!15!1 jj <\~ :11 :(11 \)/ DANA POINT Home W ith Income I Il l I' Lr:x t-:s F Jl( ),\1 Si>H .!lf.tl I .!"'IQuail ~ liilPlac• . Prop•rti•• 7Sl·l'12 0 "00 OUAllSl "41 Wf'Ollf 114(M TR IPL.EX l'11d1 ,,i .. v.111·r -.h 1p "' ! 00110 l)IH ' \<'.If Ill •I \\111 t'>:•·l1.11l l.!t' fur s"ll 1·11rH1 .l<'I 1•!' !'••111'1'11\lllll.ll illllll.11 LJl .i[<'il l>l'ol\lllflll 111111 ... 1dl'.ol 1 .. r o\\111·r ,,,. ,.jJdl ·~~~~, .... ~,: Prap•rti•• · 752~1920 1•00 OV41l )f. NIWf'Olll llACM Tax Advantages! SL;.1rl nov.· lor 11 l'Xl y1•:4r ·s 1:1..: r1·1urn. ('11v1n1!tn 11 l'ourpll'X, $00,'"!fl. ()111• ,l'\'<11' uhl. l' mrn .... : :1..,j-m ... l"'f!-m-. rn-· 962·44n (~~) 546·8103 ALFALFA RAMCH l UMf Ai re'>. high prcxh11· t11111 i\l :111agen1f'nl ,'I,/ n1 :1rk1•11n g 1·r.11 t r<1t'1 ,1,·:i 1 l.1 Ii It• 1·::-.1' ll1·11l ]ll\l'"itl11<'111 Bill Grundy. Rltr •675-6161 * IMDUST.PARK l'rimt•. lll'W AnahC'inl 1ri · d us. park <1f IO buil<li nAs . J61i.OOOSqua rc 1',eel Excelle nt 1'crms .u1 d d •'I' <.;\'1!1 :1 llr :: t\t .._Ill\ I 1·1; '..::r111 •··•··•········•······· Genera l 3 102 ............•.......... :-.1.'\~;1 Jo::-. •n ~011plt•-. I H1 IHlll 'I". i. \1 /\I "" :-1·p H,t( ho ·l"r 1111 11 . 1\11. =:-tl:l L.1 1:1111:1 11<'.H'h :-.11.; H l1 -.1111 1\g l F>"•' 'Ii'! 1'.1.\H ""'·' 10 $1 -,11:-,I·~\·1·:H .\ L 111e1 hd• h ;q11-. L.1g1111.1 <'d,\\ ~1x;, l ' I'll. pd 1 hdr, p.1110 :-;m pC't ok. 1 ·it \I S!2:1 l 'T ll . pd, 1•11:.1nfn1n1 I lld r, ht•.1\ll . '"'" L:1g u11 ;1 HU· VIEW RENTALS 1l 111111 L! r.1n n1 \\.Jilk I n l,.·,u·h /\ L.• C.::111•-..1 ,1 hv tho· s• .1 h o rn ... :-.,,,,,\ p (·r l'IH!lllli ~ lh·ltr11n1n !><~ii. 111,ur v 11\ 11H~ 111 ,\l(·,,1 \'o•rdr. \I \'\.\ "1 ('<JIHlll") ! lu fi ,,.,;11 ;, P•"I' 11 11111111 l'h"nc .i11: :.:n .i l albo o P e nin!oUla 320 7 ................•...•.. \'l·'.,\HL'l'. ! llH , :.:! ha No•;1r IH •:1< h $.1:1!> ~1 0 :-1 1:1 l.!~.! ~1;1.., v.1•l'krnd.' l'll 1\1!.\1l.\J~; <·1r1-r1\("i ~: l.1\.,1• 1H·v._ \ rly. 2 J\r, 1 11.i. l"t'1" r•·q d l •t1I Hl t"ltl )'.ol:1;, n1n. 1>1.1 O!r.'.11 I \·t•S r;1:i .. 111:io or <1~"' :1<!48 -• --------·-----Cap1!otrano Beoch 3218 Balboa Penin!oula 31 07 ••••• •• •••••••••••••••• •••• .. •••••••••••••••••• (JCE1\N Vll'Y..', 11{'1111 ;1 Br ~JI H . ()up I ex , fr l' f' con1lq, lK:lO :-.q fl. l'ool, w;isher/d ryrr . ~10 n1n l cn111 s t'l. 1'.'luhh ous c . tuJun•• \5. ll•l 1':. H:tlbo a $..'""10U. t..:<ill ;itlcr 6 pm, Xj!I-r1:1~1 49:J :l.'"1°11 ---------~"I ------ ts for sale 22001.oh for sol~ 2200 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• macnab / Irvine realty THE SETTIMG IS BEAUTIFUL! Custom buildi ng s ite in Big Ca nyo n overlookin g placid po nds. golf course, clubhouse & dist ant hills. $95.500. Tom Que_cn 644·6200. (F32 1 IUILD IY THE SEA. Ll't u" s how how :'<"Ou t·:1n llvl' 111 :'I s pacious? n1· ;i Br hrHll{' w /licu ul. OC'{•an v1C'W v.·hile your te11anl 11a~·~ over 'h "or the l'Ost.~. Heat 1nfl a t1on. h v1• in d e l ux~ s u r r11urid111g~ & l)('l'Om e 11 n investor in an area tha t is r;.qndl:"< a r · prC'e 1;1 t in).; in vHlu(', l'rom S9500. dow n. fJa na llarho r Income llnn1<'S. A~cnt , :!3!131 illul11 ¢a J)r, [)I' ,.4\l6·:l·l:l1 Bill Grund y. ll llr . ___ •_G15 ·Gcl'~l_•c..... __ 1 Vi ew beach. j etty & Catalina from this huge 60x330 lot in exclusive Shorecli ffs -Corona del Mar . Ken Ha rtley 642-8235. ( F33l CORMER 12 UMITS TWIM 6 -U BLDGS. All 2 Bil. som e w /bea m rcll. Mas s 1ve <;lone fllC · 1ng llr :1u !. muint 111nl•ft. l\loch•r ;1tc renL'1. $184 ,!J-IO WESTIAY I We1ley M. Taylor Co. I B t :A 1.'J'() HS f~14 ·4!110 IMCOME HOMES N J·; w ·r H I Pl.Ex t<:s ! BEACH SR5.ti50 Hc;1u11r11t .1 Hr, 2' MONEY MAKER lit•. o~·n t·r ·s ur11t . Jrpli·. :1 tJn11 <> \\la lk to o<'ran. p vl y11r1t 2 2 llr .qH:>. 1\lwa1•<; f<.'l'll l•d . 540.000 . 2G15 I-:ldcn. /\ve. !nl·ar I'l l'. 'r :d l Jack Conwa y. l\1csa Dr l. Cos•:~ \11 ·-.:1. United llrok('rs, H46·741·1 ' BARGAIM IAYFROl'T LOT. On fabulous Promontory Bay where ~·ou c a n build your dream hom e w/pier & •li p for the ful fillment of your ya chting pleasures. $11 2.500. Cha rl e• Arnold 642·8235. ( t-34) $ ·I :j I 'I .. • ' I I I 1! I I cl I I ·1 ·I ~!!!.~~!!'!~••• ~!!!.~~!!~~ .... !!"!'!'!:=!.~~!:!'!!~~~ .. ~~:.~=.!~~•••• ?."!.1:.x.~s.~.~~ •• !~.~~ ~:::.=~~~~.. crimfttts ~~,s~a:c,Janu~;.: 11r~:5nts Unt urn. Corona del Mar 3222 Hwt'-tot1 laoc.h 3240·H..nti11nton Beoc:h 3240 Hewpori leach l269 2 BR . nl'w crpt , drp!'i & Costa Mesa 3724••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ·••••••• DAILY PI LOT C3 Apartments l.Jrrfurn. ••••••••••••••• "WOJ •• ,. M ' I $190 ' ( •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• :stov e arru:u l'P i.. ••••••••• •••••••••••• N"wport Beach 3769 Costa Me'o 1r:,~.E!~~u~!,~~=b,·.·::_~"1,' llAf<H()f{ VIEWllOMt-:s rno ti42 :l lltl Casa de Oro ···················•··· .................. ~~.2.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 01.ta M•t.o .... ........ ,,... Brand ... a~ Fourpl as ('Jrlnl·I Jbr. 2lla. fam I>' \.A \l lt' !r~u(.'\'Jlllrunl Fur. Avu1I S JZ~ " """" eX"°" rni,c .. mrn...,...-J&teru>>•.3 ttH. 2 ha, 2 c11or •ttr 1\l.LL1'1Lll'li::.:>1'1\I U •'7S JJI I " t"'..... . :Jt1r ~h.1 \ r1, $1uu n10 . ' > , 2 & J BR.'s from $200 Lt·.i:.l' .,_,75n10.is:JJ&il~ Uhns S275 Mo 847 7046 Lurnp:1r1·h•·f"r"'"url11l ~ I d.1, bit. 71UJ, 111,.:ht -Nr J.:ut ltd & Mct·addl.!n t·u..,1111n < , • .,11.!ll•li 1 lllr Ooll Jl s $250 •J)1shwashcrs •Open lll'i.llll Cc1h ng:-, s11t:t"l'Al'llL1\H ''~w J Fl·J tunn.,: v 1 ?:•1 '"• ~ArJ KA oew $3.."il) •Shag c:ar PL·t1n g thrll«Jlll •('i11n 1dl'lt:l,\ Hdrm , 2 Btt hou:ic with U l'l' .. ;K 4 Br dh11luplt:K, 1 ·Spat'IOU~ l.lll'ht•ll ""11/1 HI I HH :! li ,1 ... 111 .. h .... 1 .. ho•r :,Hill t'n1 ltm 1•1101 •1"' ,. I ·' •1••1 "'k I h N .• s·1 • I 11 I .,,.,, l>rapc ct •Pr1 v:.tll' i'·,1[1<1• •l•'.111·ln•t·tl tllct ;..iru "'"' n1•J .. 1t•111·, '". iu.t.'!'I i1rt·1· ii;111u~ •1" 1•1!1•• \rl\ h 1\1.i1•M , 4Brv1cwtt•nn1:-.jji<!5 G ... -·• ti-l.:!~14U I t ~ .. 11 ~ !>4ti IUJ..I •S.•p.1r.1tt·d1nj.!.ilt.1 'l'll ll "' \1 ,11111 ,1 4HRqu1t'tlui.:urv$15() ar<.igcs. Sorry No J lct~. 1 i\111•' tu •11 uml' llkt•t-olu1,.g, .J HrPoo!Furn $1.!00 Ocean. !"l'Yl;t.ASS l l1tl \11l'V.' •l'r1\.1li•pjjt1u:. $:!'.J'1r,\\I'\ I l l' lll•t1 .!111 3 Hr p .... ,, .,. <"' /tun><' I•" l•·"~t.' ••"JIJ '''"· Aportm~nts Furn , 1 . "" 1•nn1!'>., .. :1,,..., .. ., ""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Clu:.t"ll ~a r .1g.._..,..,:.lurJ~'l ,\: II.it h 1 1i!or 'I V 111 out t.'.1 I Uro,lu·r1>75 7l:!'i 20 I 219 Os A H l ~t & l<.1t-ol -~ de po:. ti •,\f;irblc pullrn.11 1 "rv, poul 'J Ill' l\>I J·.:-i-,\ -------• we-go ve-., .8 . 1,7!}-!.1774 •K1n.1:ilt:e Udr nt." 111 N i\1 v.•11u1t IH , N il (;J blks \V or B'-•ach Ulvd 'l IJlk !)o UI 1\d,1111:-. j lolboo Island 3 706 •l'oul -Bai bl •J Ut.'" -.. u1 1~11. ~hHI 549 -9501or557.7010or536~8989 VIEW ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1uund'-d w /plu .. hlnd:-.lpg EXCJ'l'lt'il; 'l'ri Lcvt•I CASA VICTORIA \1lu l1" ! • i Hll 11 11,1llt1., .,.,,111 $111~ ~.o '\,, l'tl., l1u11I It• 1111 lll.'\JtUl!'t ._, l ).;,•l• 4 "'' """I 1"1 ,_:'\lo 1.,1 hi t \\ l~I~ H'(j1 • \lt1,1 .I Hr ..! ll,1 , JU"I 11•l•·1• t '1p,, <hi,.. l1 ltn,. ~1 < !'o I d t• I :0,\ ,11 /I It .1 l \iilll lll .. 11111\ 11" !Ill" 1•l•··1"'\. ~..!.!!• n10 1.,) ,1'(1"1 111.t !\,., ]•,' PIHECREEk LIVES UP TO ITS HAME .; JJr, 2 Ba. 40•\ t~crrilc;.il _o75j~7_5 1~1r~q1111, I BH , '" hlk frotn v.•ater, /\4tul!~ i\:\lpt•l:-. \\l \:'l' .. 'H l(0•11l.1I ,•H.1 POOL \llil 11111 '11 . Sl 75 n 10 I Hl)l{,\1 Furn S!l"i b,1 ,.,,."..,1r .. 111h1h ~!.•HICF 1,I...! Ill! $lto1.1 Sii">.• TE.., .. 'IS K.ll 1:!15l•V1 'i :!Hl 1H r.1 l·iun S!I~ oh1 t.d1;,11~ 'il.H.! ,',,",i ~ 1 .. ~11 .. 1.,.: 1~~·1 "" (l\l'f :ll.XJ t ioll tr•·t•s .and 10 -;tr1'.1n1s with w .1lerfall~ 1 rt ,1 \ t' ,1 rt•l ,1.ll1111-! "'t-'I t1111-: f"r \<1ur ~p.ot 11111:-. 111 w I 11 r '.:! h ,. 11 r 11 11 111 1)175 U'f l /, pd n H c I lkll dplx. p ut10 , .1v,11I nnw )luO U'l'l I, 1!41, bug1.: bat.II ! ull k1tch , lrJ>ll', 4 111 uk !>-lllll :! J~l )H , :! J ~.1 . Vt r) 1n l rl".1r 1lpJx, g,1r. lg1 p.illo Huntin9ton B~h 3240 Irvine-3244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ Y" .. 11 '' I ,, I :11 ,',\V W1l :..01)l•l:!l•17\ , l11lil \1011ro11.1 ··-"{ • .! 1r •• 1uut -.. OCEAN &BA'Y'VU •IK'1,1 1 'l'hl! "'c w t:-. bre<itht ak 1nJ.: Snow < appt'CI rnnun· 1.11ns h y d,1)', 1w1nkhng .ip;,irtu1c•11t I rnni $1'10 ~ 1trri 1tu rt· ,11 .11 l :thle. l.ff1t 1 "I'! ti •j ()() In 1: IMI, .!.IOU I· ,ur\ 1e11> ltd , ('o~t.1 ,\l!·:-." !'hon<' 'il!i :1JOIJ HU-VIEW REHTALS lo7:J IO:JO nr l't\ J~l li BH, J<'1 1111 t l luu-.1· "" I rplt• & n1t1· ) d, $!M5 ino, C,d l • G7.'i .!!J:!1 I US'l'lll\1 2 HIJ, :! Ill\ All Lux-. Sp.1c. l.11• l'U•·.1!'> l\1lult 11r t:pl•', No l'l'l!'t ~I I:) I ,:..1· <1'1! :!lt.J Uf !!>i~> U7t.OI BHAN!) nt·w del uxe Con J u. .1 Bt•d 1 uor11 t-o.111na p<1<1l, Cl1:-l o1n ~hag t .1rpcl:., & dr apl'fll·~ Vl'I')' dc!:>lrJIJll' all',1 ,!1 , (·.11 g;_1rag l' '.! Vt•ry pr I\ :Ill' 1.·111 losed 11.itiu::. H-16-5137 ;.ill ti l'J\l I '11( I·: I'/ ,I\(· t<:-.1 h<'drin, :! l>,1t/i. 1 rplJ-! & dr.1pe~. l lW, bllu:.., 1 01t•rt.•d p,1l10, lllll' ],1IHl'>jJI-!, ~\;; 11\0 ! l!H, l'nl d• n , :! b 1 • loltn N u lcl'"-'JUJ 45h7 'Jt..i-!7li!i l-.11 d1 .. t1w :..hr ,frpl,1·pts 11:..kfor lll1'orUJh' 1l 1p:..,p .1t10,gJ1 S.:l.'>O . ~,l !\)f{( 11 11) +.7., ·172j, ,! Bl! f r pie, ~l5 S1nJ!k·" ,11,:. l'I " jJK 1111 111111 ~,._,. 3224 B ti h«r.1 •u, I t.7 J I ····················•·· Eastside l qe 3 Br. Ill \V l'S l C'l1fr/17 lh . l'1.>0l /rt•t . J.~c ~•J. AJ.:t ldh .12;.::. tti\11•:-.1 tlt·I 1\1.1r, :J h1, 2 1,,, Nr.:-hopp1ng,'\/!>•'llls ::-. \llU 1110 Hr nl.d 1111ly i.ll Hf!:>l J\l l·S,\ •lei ~l.1 r :J IJr, IJ.: .,, p r .1nnly r rn, s:I.![> \'.ic• l:tn \.,l ,5-lf,-'~127 H l .N I' l.Sl'/Upllun , t'otl·~.1 Vcrd l' ,! Hr, 2 ll.1, hrand r11·w plu.-.h 1•rpl g frt."'!'.ihly p .11n lt•d 1n1n-\,1c• t hrunut llug1• trees ,'I; frp](' SJ:K.1 1n" 1 • .'C"nlu r v 21 ~>11 • •t;,.,!J . I UH , I !IC lo"C'll h :1 t h l..1rge, v.ird i\lon1ov1:1 "I r11·.1r l'Jlh l 'rt'lt'r 1 vr 11•.1 .,,• S.!75/n tt' ,rlJl•lll 271h .J.111 ·; .. '"•..! I' l lH .1 \',II I I 'Iii "ll' ~ l\H, I h .t , f.1111 rnl II' \d !l l'W C'pl 41Jp 110 1h1l dr.n /p ,1 ... 5:t:,u t>ll· '\hr, d ( ll I t1 ll J.! l0 1 ,, Ill r 1)1 .,. l•o·I h.11 !ltd pnol I 1\-\ ll ,'\. I""" 111.11111 ~\l,,1rtlli l'l°i ,,:;·~. 'I \\'1 I I [():0.I F S, .'. lrJll!'-, Ith \ 4'1 th .11 l ,1 I l\r. ~ ll,1 'i I 1\11·~ •• ,1 l\r I ' · B .1 1•nc·I \d E - .,1<).• ~ •• 1·1 ~.l:ll'l· .>IX 1~11 Bl·:A 1J'r NI' \V .! hr,<! b.1, i\l 1J l hnn)c , Custun1 ill· lO/", rully ept d hlll k fr11I(', w 1a d v,tn\.1ge:-.. 1 ;J ..,{ p hu1111• + ('ornplelt• ! 11nllu 1n.11nl lclt•Jl fo1 wnrk 'g p 1 oft:-...,1u11;ll~ !-'>h .1 r p• s3 r,u 1nu , 'l41l -(~15/i 1<:v1•s /w knds I B H , 2 b.1, frph'. av•ul J,111 Ill 1"r. c \l0l \lh1ng l 'rof :-1 n~ll':-., c hiltlrln Uk'. ~J.!5 1 .. 1' !}f}M -t.ill'l DAHAPOINT Hom~ With lncome- IJl 11' Lr:x r.s .,.H<>:-.1 St.Ii ~50 I .1·t U"< s h tl""' ho.,.· '''ll l .10 ll\l' 1n "sp,11111u:-. 2 or .I llr h o rl\l' \11'/ht.'.IUL <ll !'.ltl 11t"w w hilt• yii11r h n.ul\ p.t \ .., OV\ r ' ~ ot t hl' 1 o~t,. lll•,1\ 1nll.1!1n11 II\! Ill 1lt._• I U\l' SUll t)IJ llLl lng-. & 1,. t o rne ,11\ ltl\'1 ~tor iu ,111 olll'.I lh,11 1:-r.1p1dly ,Ip prt•c 1.1 t 1ni.,: 111 \ !111•• 1'1 <•fll 51·,1111 d o .,.11 l).1r. 1 ll 1rl1•1r l n rnn11· llnm1·., \t:••nl 'l:i'lll r.1 .d.1 ~.1 lir Jjj• l'h J .1 131 !-'Cl!( '' nt 11nft11n tl<'W 1·l1 •i.:.1nt ·• ll r, :~ J!.1 h•~ 11h11u~f' f'h1,.h C',orp1·t IHJ.' pr1 \ .tlt• \.trd. tlnuhlt· g.1J,1 t'1' 1-ront un1l l .u ... ti l,1111!.,( ,1 1•11!~ ,, l>lu~·h -. 111 1 ...... h ~1.r, '" r 111" t 111 ·'l'l'I l o :-.11• l,tll c"i1 L1 1'!-17 '• 1·11 , Ii I I J"1:_it; 1-l.! ~ • cor 4.!l.11~.!4; -11117 •:'oi l'.W ·I llr. 2 B.1 CollPJ.:t' J'.JI~ lil•·100!,l\/l ',$.:i:J5 i ~r 1., ,1sc 1ipl K:~l K'17 I TUI< J'l.1.Jt(JCK, lll'olUI rtf'1' J ii i<, l UA $-liJ:'i 11111 (':111 I.I ~ l'lh7~ur[.,'i.H h7'IO Li':i\SF (Jpt 111 11, tn ii \'Hit• ,!111, ~h.1, 1l·nt1;.d .111 11 .1~s\•1n1· p.1l111, 2 ..,,.,,., (Htd (Ill f.1m 1111 \\'/W11 1i.1r, 1111:-. .. r 11.ip{'1 war1lrnh• n11rnu:;:, \'Ht' ::>IUU l~•·r 11\11 . l".111 '>5 l ! l'.:!'I ~o .q.,:t" pk'.l ~l' WE HAVE RENTALS 1\.., \\ t• I! ,I:-. .I fl Ill' .. t•lt•t t lt111 ul l"•<1t1Lll t1I h11111c·s I '! JI< S1\l.J-:' I ••1 u.,-.,~lvP \4Hll lll lll-.1 1n: fl•< d .... \V1 'rt ht I<' l•> ~I'! \!l' )'1>tl 1 l.luvd -. B.111k Hldg l '111\'l'1~1 t\ l'.nk l!\1111• Day~ 552·7000 Eve~ U\'tr ~;, Lt11ly, nu \io•t.., r1·t ':.. re11 'd . ~l5U lights h y nig ht '!'ht• 1•70' 11"'1 ___ _ p r111.1\t-' p ool & len111~ S\1.\LL ti,u hltOI, uttl f)(\ l'OUtl i,nc JU<;l :-.lcp::, ln•fTI ()pt II ~<1r.1i:l· p ,1rl.111g th1s:Jl1ldrnun1orl+1lcn 51:>'•\rl\/ h7:> .t7'17 ll.1rlJQr \le"" lluinc /'h1:-. 111'.1r Ht Yi lu\u1y home Balboa Pe-ninsula 3707 li.1!'1 l'i.ll P\.'l.., dr,q-...•:-d1 :-. •6••••••••••6••••••o0a •• hw .1~h t:'r l'll' 5.'>511 jJl'roc·~:ANFHON 'I' ,, Br , 1nunth /\v.1 Jl .1hll' t or S.IX'iu lll 1n1·I w11n1.:1 rlu \Olli •T1 1:i 1ll't'l11;n now t al A\ .11l,1lolt' 1111/Vl' Ill .1lJoU[ 1-'t !J I :>lh. l 'hou, lr l I '1f;x7. ·11 1\V N l !OU.S r·: ~ BH, ..! h.r l1pl,1 p1 -.drp~ llllll.,, 11 /1\ 11o )•ol $:.!Ho N 1 Ho.1g , lil1r t;.I.:! ;,1.;11 Jt i\HllOH ll1 g hlt111d "' 1·!0-.e t•• .l\ll,1r111l'rs Slh •"'- l ';_nk, J,11 s1g11 M1ddll'St'h .\: IJ hr H igh 1 11 ~1 .:1h1,:! h,1, p vt p <1l10 !)'100 ll lO ',<II">-7H l:! Sl'YG J.A :-.S Oc.:Vu '1 Br 1-'I H, 11/H & poullbl. Sl\95 11111 l 'h.hll17~1 /ti421Q,):J llAHB{)}{, f)<' &:. l'.1l,1l111.1 Vu J Hr. 2 ha $1'15 rno Ilk r t.•I.! .::2 11 --- 17.!1 BA LBOA IHH ll r .1pt., <'IPHJllll"I l.tt( ht•11 -. 11n1qu" 111•' \\<1rrlo ! I 111•, Jo\ "I< Ill' m" 1,7r, !'17 10 \lt.'l<;AN \'1<•.,.•, utrl 1111 I ~';I) W !!l\tl' /)f\1']1-'.!l\r . h7 '11'1,'!1 i\\.iol! I'' l\f{ I \~ ,11 1\1\, l1pl<, -.1n1:J , 1d\t 1111lv ~1 •,11 rno/\!(\, 11111 ~pd 1.i ! l l7K Oce-anfront Yrly ~ ll r + .! b.1, l1pl . l1l\ns p.11!0 K• g,ir ilurn t•Pl J ~100 n1" t.i'• 7~1 '1 Corona del Mol" 3722 ·················•·•··· I 1\1{ '· h lk tri 11tt·.111 $:!l5, ~Hr r1·dl'I' t '111 pd l'ool. A1 t1111 ~. ~•rrv, no Ill'!~ "Louk Yuu'll L 1ho I['' IK!JO \\',111.H'l' S3 0 WEEk & UP •"'• l!U ,\i1i.:hl & l 'I> •..,1ud11 1K· l HH 1\pt., "'J'\l ,'I,: !\l .1111N.•rv1\v.1 d •l'hn nt• :it'r\Hl' 111•1 1111t1l •l'h1ldro II~'(.: p, l S1·1 (1nn •::.,, t>lf l\t•1·k:-.11•11t \\ .ul :!.lft.i\1 \\p<>rl l\l\d <.',\I "IH 11>.>'i "t i.1, ~"'7 Ste-ps fl"om beach, de-· lux 3 Br . 2 Ba, new in- terior & fumishinqs l o cate-d I I bloc k ~ from Hew porf Pie-r at 9 1 3 W. Balboa Blvd . 675-520 4. 5300. mo. ii" t'lt \:\:\I I. ~Hr ,\• 1111 ~·,,·, 1,;,1 ..!I'•! \14 JJ\ll .F h•11111·. 1 J,.,111 /tr \(!(Ill ::-JI> !1\H o, I ' Ii 1, lHll t l'l 'l 'I< \11'1 I loll-. t I !H!I !1,1 \ to. 'I " . "' <I( I ',II I I .! 111 !P • • •GARDEH APTS •••POOL !o!il 1'15' ' l•11r11 , I&.! llr .qic:-ul .1d11l t :-1•i t1on i\" I"''" :$11~1 !'VI! \111 (\11 llt.illl l·:lr11 (:.1 1il1 fl /\pl:-., {ltil 11d h11oh ,\ 111111 1.1.! ·11,1•, 1.11 l ..!11"11 .. , ,uix •Trop icolPool• ~ llH .1pt Hr, 4']11 ..,, drp ... hlln~. l11.•1h :-o.!LU p.tlffl (,,,~. & \\,1(11 p11d ,,,, 1 lo I h. 111<1 (),'I ,I{ Ir dill r~IH 111.H l lllJll:-;J: I""'' 1n .' llr :! ]Iii l){T]'l.I·\ .... 1~h:1g !'· H.1, furn (.,11 ,1>• •JJll "' ,t;,. dip ., \\'lH•d ~:;nv.1r11t•r 1•71 .:H1I p.111 If! A d l1 .. 1111!\ llll , pi'l!'t. s 1xr1 1, 1:-J!·;\\ j 111 11 l /'I'/ H :! llH trpl< ct. 1 k '1:!1 li<•tr1.1rd :...1. t'h ~,+! \\1 -.~1 7!~rt.111'.1 Sub r~IH hl'IQH 11 .1~c o ,, l [>lill o r •ol.' .11~ /\C HI: hor-.<· ne:tr B.t• k J ~.111 llt·.1ll1 vu. Iii .ll'l'.I h<'.ITil ~ lJ\•:-1 $11") s.11·111\-1 0 lltil pd No . p1L., 2'"100St·<1 \'ll'""'·i.'d~1 Dana Po int 3726 \\\11 .H l·l<()\IJ'•J Ill\ 0t'llll l'l. I: Hfl{ k'. .! Ill.:.! h,1, I .1 111 trl·I 1rn lt1\lz1 urt1 S-11 5 .I.! \11,,,. 1'12 Ji'1.1 4 I u g:-., fr pl c -I h1JU:-.1· •"'-t orr.11:-. rno S ii 'II.II '!Bit :!' I\ 1 Lirr..!P l>unu., 1\l ~.\V l'(ll{'l :iho11·~ .! Bi ' d1•n , .... , not1l ,'I,: ll'nn1-. 1011111 \.1 • u1ttn1tu1H\ I N J j ~I l""ol "IHI! ~, Hi/'! ' 111 V , l I •{ I .. 10 J -.!\I 7:11 1.1•,:1 la9una Be ac h ••••oaa•••••••••••••••• s J>l·.('I',\< 1'1./\H \ll'.,. :1 lld r 11 1 ..! ll,1 h1•ll"' 111Lli f1 •t1t1d ,\.ild :->l\l'V 111(1 h1 .! '1111] l fJ\\'\J ll<IL :i l·;, r--t•\.\po1! I ~·11'. :! hi :!"~ h.1 nu <'I v dt•enr'1I ~l\UO 1110 71 1 52'f U'l<IH HARBOR VIEW !BH l'Jrn 1111 nr1'l<lot1I& I ;\l I·. I! \ I. IJ I! :t' .! ~ll't'11bt·lt l 11un.1c cnnll l\AClll·:l.(>H . n1111 1:in111kl·r. "'lll>lll·:-.!'I, qu11t, J.!,1r,1gt• :S145 t.7 J 227H :-t1\1 ALI. H:tt'ht·lor !'itud111 .q1t SlliO C.lll ti75 H45'1 , ;,,11. 271>'1 Casto Mesa 3724 ••••••••••••••••••••••a ···········6··········· I r fl It , d•1t ... I' 11 '-llrldt•( k, Ir!'(' IM1,ll ''• .1r!v or \\·111\Pr t.7f>-h1t.~ 1 IK I 0 I ltACll. .tp\ (O:l~l<ll V\1 N1gu t·I ,tl l .I 1llx ll<lllt. .1d lt.. l( .. t .. ll'f! d ~J:)'j• ;7.1 11 11! 1;12 ,J(11'\.!, 1:_11, l ol'li, 4'J 1 1.Koo Apartment Unfurnishe-d l•l J HN . l,i.i chl•l<11 u11 ! l11h'!I" fl·l11).!, ::\ll.:i. 1nu •l:M, l 'l()O ....................... Balbo a Island 3 806 •••a••••••••••••••••••• ! \ l I• urn l Bil J· tu n ~11 .-, Huntinqton Beach 3740 flli \:\!) t\1•1' 1 lor , :1 hri lip!•, IH' jJ t•[)O,.lt A\,111 lllllll•'d ,.71 !1'\\h 0 1 blS H.l.JH L'-'l"' (\l hlt11., !~JUI , l•1 ~h opp1 1 1g '• l1t·.11h 'Ill\\ 1•11h:-.t ~IW •• •••• • • •• • ••••• ••••••• \\.Ilk H l-.1\l l'l' I Hr ft1r11 ,1pls Ill I ~lh5 & :S I 7!J Sp:.1 111:-h Sl \ ll' Balboa Pe-ninsuta 3807 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IH I I Ill .., .! 11 ,I , 11( l'oi ll l'.1-17;1 Jill• J< 11 r i-1~l>l!~I -.11 !··· l '.1111.ill~ llllll ;,\~ 01'1.'.! :-..'lr,1\1\111 . 1t,1rh IJ l I (!ti\ 1411{ I\ Hr, J B.i,i-•••••·•••••• hu1ld111g, 111\ tlHlu-.td g,11 • IJO"l :<.lllll I l.1 1JJ1 d1\, :1dlt ~ 17.ttfl Kl'l'l:-011 J .. 1111" I t.lk \~t·:-.t n ! fll'Ll<'h o tf Sl,1\4•r Hll ( "' .d 4•11 p1 •1 .. to i .l fl\ r1l1\I' S..!t~1. rn" •1;,· 11 1:\11-'H\l IJ ll.11 .• ! :-unkl'n LH. l <J1 11 r111 , lodt n1 .. + l.111111' 11n ::! 11111, lt•n11 1-.. pool SllJO lt.111 1 ~ 0\ 1,1!\ ,1ilt• ~()\\ l_i-1.:! 1[/h 1111111 lun" I .1h ~~~1 \l " \1 11:\,\li\"l l l\,t\' ,J 7B LIHDA ISLE lull !II .. ,11"1 "1'11111 \I I 1!1111 II/ Utlllllll Si~"I •\111 \\tHIJI:-. ( 1111' :! 1"1rtn-. ~ b.1 11111•1\ 111rn V1l\\' tl1•1t-. 111>1•· l\11w 1111111 :;,J!1q .. q l l, Ii h .i th:-, .J lirt·pl.111,::-, l o.id,. of 111111., 1)01 k l!lr 5!°1 l"'1,1l, ;'l;ll'I· llr d plx. l}llll'I :-;, 11 It\ g.1! ,l l-'.l':-O E nq1ll1\1d 1dull .. v,r J,", :'\11p•·1~ ~,1 H IULI jX 11'1 ,\I~ ~ . -.1n .-.11 !)(·:1l'h hnH•I l<to111n.., ~I r~1.,..4·,·k Ape" :S~l5 rn11 •,'\4, ill0..c, .,l'll" .tt•t:-. Ii:• 1 Brsu.:; lll\".11 !or h.Hhc·lo1., 1\tllt ~. 1'1'1.1 l'hur t t1 l'1\HlL\ flll'lll .. h1•d .1p.1rlnll'lll 1 01· 2 t•ld4•r(1 S>\41 & S'kl '• 14, lili <!!Ir,:! lt .1, 1-!,ll, lil)lt , (;It ,il \ It II ~ 1()\1 11!" ••7,'j :.'.K:11,11r ••i.I •11K7 \\'\[ ).;'tt1/\,\\ ,'1,,IM•.rth . Ill' I ' IJ,I J'.!I !rUI!\ 1111 ~.I• 'fl' 11t., l!li ll.1111 Pal"k·l ike- S urround1nqs I>!· l.l \ ... I ,!_,\ i llt ,\p\.., \l;,o I 11111 ll,_1l)u lu1 1'11 l',1[10"' 11\d l'<M.J :\1 -..!111p I' i\1llt .,tl11I~ Mart inique Apts 17"i7!->111t .1 \11,!o\\t',l"\l \I L!r 1\pt II.I 1.lh •• 1~ "l'\I 1111.., '"~'I hr .q11 IJ\ , 11111 1 hid!' I' ill", .11.11:1-. .1 ,1111> .. hr. 11111, 111-1il.t1td \dult,u\•! I • 1111 pol ~ "-1 '~1"-ltK) \1° I ol 1< ,, t 1• "' I" • .' 1•~1 1 ldt 11 ' II 1,\_~ 1111 11nf11rn t, t1d••u \pl ., Frplt', IJ '\V, p\t 1•.llH• ".17, 1 .. ._•1 "' I h 11•\ <11., ;'\. I l ! I I I" l 11< 11, It 1,1 I .•I • I '• " .'1-i 11 Off The Beaten Poth "\11 I" I • I ,H\Hl l"\l" ~11 .. ~·' ' •flit 111 11i. I 111..,ln•" i "·l 11. ! •I ,1 I I '"ol ,\_I .. t' 111\1) 'i .'l!H"l'IH IHl!lf•;:.l,H t;,I, ,\ \\',1!0'! pd 1;,11 q.:t LA MANCHA APTS 7~X s, ult 1 'l..t• ,. l . 'I hi' '11117 '11 to], t.,\IH 1111 .l'l.\t'I, ' ',1l h1·1t1 .ii'' Ill th' + l 1\1 1,\' ' ,\ ,I I i>\ 111\ I I• p >Ii",\ 111,,1 1· "I·• 1 •1 ,1111 .. 111.011\< HH \I•' ""111•1••11., J >1 !'' [ ',1( 1•1 ! l1dd :\ro I'' I ., ;:o \l~I ,.; ::,IS.I I.' II ' '' ' C ASA VICTORIA \ilo.11 · I ' I J\i(" 1'·•1!<1~ I 1"11\ "ih'I 111 ,:\,. 1"1 •, l '<ud 1•1' lrll 1!t\,lli>l " ..... , *"~1·· 1 •• ~ ('.• ~ •• r .. r ,.-, \111,,r11, t.1\I , :-.I'\• 'H II .., 111'" ap\,., .!hr, .'11 ' hi! 111 -. •t .... ( 11.i ~. 'I I I• ., ! I I) I t , 11 .1 t I •\, 1: 11 .l>!t'"· I l<l~l' 1•1 .,11111/llJ..:, "'i.1 !I.I ~; .. .,l ]KC h !">I 1.11 ,II"' ~ il.1 I' If l"t11•• '-'.'.'•.• i\" .!. l\lt .1pl ru~:-. d1p"< 1111 ._t<ll•' '-11.11 1110 71:1~ J,.:.1r . p,1110 ,...,,, ,,ud ~.:!5 NopC'I.., hit, •!Il l • * •G ARDEN APT S •••POOL l fnlur11 ..! H r ,qot 111 I •ttll I' ,..,, ct 1011 , -.:" pvt;. 1.1.! !l.i.. l·:x·l'll \ lr)' :! llr :.! ll,1 (fpt,., 111 1•,. lolln-. 11 11 po I "' !-\,JI) {'I'll I(' I ;...! ldt• 1 IKl :! ll H , :! I \\ .,11kt'll II\" ! Ill g.1r S.:!I~ 1,7,! \\' '\\' i·pt. \ rpl, p,d Ill >l•l'I l)l 'l'J.t:.'\, .! hr hl!11 k11 11 111. 11ri1 .... ., .. d rti-.. n• .... 1, ,j, t•nr d 51H0, tilt> 1\•t11H -. 1t11!v IHI fl l'lS Jn11111 <I IJltp\ l.4h h,",.'(,\ ]'\I p.11111, frpl 1,n1u11ld 2-1 BDRM !LOFT OHL YI 1'11 p.1llU, frµl.t.1nuold Sh,111111.11 !lr l•l:i l'I ~llllJl ':O,I·: (.!1)"fllown , I ux :! 1111. n1·w crpt ~.111111! p.111C'l1ni-:-•• ti t b1L11.,, l1g t•>\'ddei:k /\II ultl 11ic I d I''\\ 'l h ,. l t. \.! _>4,1,K ~~·1:1 ,/n1n . l(1·.1ll<1r. 1,'i:.! l\IC c•!1dd1t•t111k 1111 1. p.•1d ·""I'll•' :\\c:..1 «1 .<111 n-. ·,ix ;1,1·1 1 '!( 1\1 \\ '1\t , .! I I 11.1 "· :-.h,11.: (I pl d 1,. .ill\ <<'II ln1,·I\ kil t h \11 1hltt1 ll II d!"l"l'•d .'i.-: l) \\I, I' \ t ;!.•I 11\tl p.t l 111 ..,, ' t'lll l11-.1•d \1.t1J .J.111 .ith s:.!!J f'l<J.l "'t' ( :tll '!LOX \'I 1!! I llJIH \1 un1l i\ pl I I!., dupl1'', t11·~h ,\ t'i(',IU 1 \\ilk 1•1 -.t•'ll '< 1\du ll"< "I I '• \1n hlll ..! 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J•,.,.,j 1J ,~t 11, .... cr111li l '.1r1 turn l\.<J !•C'\,.1~ll ti:!i"O'j 1 t1li F JH 1\ v ,! 11 :! llo•f ., t f•q '.:'. 111\ 1 't I[\; I! I S,\;,011111 ), , I or r1·nt \11 1n,1r111•d • ••Uldl' .! l\ll , I II\ l1n11-.1• :-..!l\J, J-.l [,, l.1,1 inn :-. rt•nl ,..;, hr ca I.; ,1 r ,. 1 • i: '11'( :~.)•ill .: HI!,:? lio\ ·ro11nht1n11•.,.. 1"1'11, 1 !ul1h11U"'l ~I K f p1 I 1110 .\dull., 11111} Jill 111 .. 1111 =:!V (.' :-..._, ;\1j.!r i.•2 l'·I'.:!.! JlllJH .\1 ::11.1 f1rltl·d~d . Jr1•lt'. 1•lnld1tll lJh. nr guod :-1 IHH•I .. hlh 1<1;,~ !->l'Al lll!J:-. !)•·.,.., hnu"'" ll•r .?b,1 frplt p1t1n • • p1-.. d1 I'" d \\/,l 1ns , ni·ld 1•.ir, 1 I"~·· t1• .. 11p pn K ~~.;o .. '1 :.•• '..:l•r s:..:··~ \I I I .1 -. L J 1-il 11 ._, t .~HH ~n.1 clhl~ •• •r,1:11<1 <'•>I p.itlo' f!UI• I "Ill 11 o;;;1c10 1110 '> 1H 1!71'11, ,., 1 ' Dona Point 322 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1.1-.:1sUH F: ilv1nJ!, rnr ls1• nu 21\r 20a londo I''\ 1 nmm, tc-nn1:-. rl-., l"'l<•l J.1ru1l1 pul gret•n, '-"' ll JJ I W , 1on1ptr. ('llC j.!.H .... 111p11r. \U ~·1:;:. I'll 1'1.11 l•;;H u r 1'1:11 ..!11 ~1 i\• 1r nt•V.' :'l htlrrn h111 -. flrt• pl.it<' h1ul1 1r1 ... t .11 pet1 n g, p.tt10, dldc J.!,1r .1 g 1', 1 01111n pool sz;:; 4:1·1 111:..:: 2 bclr nl , 2 h l h 'r1rl' pl.1c l', w.i ... tu·r :ind dr)'er. $:JOO pt•l s 4 ~~!)!) .l7~1 __ _ , lb Hi l 'J \.'1\t',\N I' :-tc11v pr1•:-.t1i.:< L\\ll•lo, ~Bil 11•·'~ t p t-. ,'I. p,11n! .! l'Jr l'n1 Id i.:.1r:11'"· \lnl f'ond ~1,, P• 1 n1n 'hi.! ~Iii ! .1-.h 11!1 kl'l1h HUGE POOL lll'il!'OtJ/11 l .. , h.1lh \Ill\ ltH',111011 llH'ld.., ( 11•11.'. ilrp .. , Int., llf do•( kinl..' .n 11u11d 110111 \ .i•·nt ~r;-, P<'I 1110 /\:-.!.; lul l'\t'llh '111.! ·1171 f>i\~111.'' 1!()111\t \1-'llh fpl1· 'I hr .! h.1 . hltn-. dlJlt· g,11 • 1-).1\ll) ..... J\lll1 ~rill i'\11'l' .n1•,1 ~.!!.) 111<1 ,\-.!.; tor llt 1 11r I >:d1 • 'II • I ll"vinc 3244 ••••••••••••••••a a••••• • RENTALS• l •llll• r-.1L} l'.t1f.. l llH ,.!1 ~ !l.1 :,..~'.).1 1 1'.l,J /'ho J 1.:r1 .ic r• 2 HH.~B.1 µ;o l'i• JJ\lt,.:!B.1 ~.!'J.>1 1.!" l>c.inc llom•::. .IBl!,2 H.t \V.1Jnur .')qu;irc 2 Ill!, F 1m Hin I 111 lh· ltiX·k r ...._.:,,, J H H. :! H.1 ~l.t'i 1.'141 to1'1•c11lrt•1· [i,,1n1., ,; Bil ,J H.1 ;:.l~Kl CUL V ~.H I Jr\LI-: I II IC , l h .1 !>JUO IJE l.:HFll::Ll> • !Bii 2 1 ~b,1 S l lU CALL 5S2-7SOO •VISION• REALTY 1 lu:-.i: 'tr1 hl'.11 h S5uO ( r1Jls Urps, b!tn1:i S:l.!.'"i \111 /yl'.11'11 Ill•• -.1 ~~2[.t1J \l'l :i 1\\,111 llluc·b1n1 ---- 1',n11nn. l 1 .. ti rn, I h,1 l,1 1 r ni w 1trp1t' [\;11e San Clemente p•1T< ht·~ l lp.,1.111 -. $::'7'' •••••••••••a••••••••••• 327 6 ,\11• 1t·.1rl\ liH r\[\;]l 111 w l\b r 2ll00 ~q ,'\/111!h I 11•u11 ,1 '.! 1 ~1 rn1 fl "'•H• .111 \II f111n1 s (' ;.' 11,1 :\HI •illHl S,!71 I'll! \<I [JI' h ,1flllll J,.,!' \1 11 'fl~ ~·l~I 1110 711 l'•.-527:1 1 l I\,'\!· I! 1\..,..,(fl S HI \l.'l (IHS 1·11 J17i anJua_n Cap1st1"ono 327B \J:\I \ l t,F!"I', :\1•" _!,._ 1 •••••••••••••••••,.••••• II t d ~·Ill\•' (' 11 11 i HI! ~ fl,\ fl'!>ll'. pri\111 d111 111n111n1-. !">IM'('\,1ttt1.1 1 IM11olS:l1JO )>\t 1'1' !0,\t' .. "'I 111 \It'\\-., 111.11 \11 (It v.l.111!, H'li 17\11 lcotl,I ll•.•lh, 11111 S,!.!"1 \'•\ !~'I' ~1.'l:l \f'l ll. pd 1111 <" I 11111 .,.1g,1t :\n 1•11d ~'II ;! fldr dt 1 lo., O('l':lll I I"\\, Ill ,n l1t ,!(Ii $;•;.,"; ..! t«tr, .! I\ 1 I>•• 111! I I• "' \ JiiJ,j !" ! ~ 111•1 t llrl1 :-;T1·p., 1,. 011.0!1 \1!l11!1 .tl\1•11h Condominiums Unfurnished 3425 ........................ \Vl-'.S'I N1•""'f\1lrl New .! ~t''· l llH 2 llA lrpl!· <t-.hwhr. p.11111, g.1r.1gc• l'r11 p.1rk & ponl s..11t1 n1 .. ,,,,, ,,;io , \1 2 1 ~1 "I toll• 'il H)I 11.1\.,, hi l 1•/1,1, ' '' .... P"U -VIEW RENTAL S I•, j ll! It\ ••! •1'l ! l.! IX .'II I! I h ''I ( t' I <l< 1 I 111 II I 1 1 11t•' .. und··• I. !""ol 11 i.; I I""' I ., t lH Id C.1t 111 :\o'llh •11d \.,w .! ll ll c II·~· I Hlh.111 11·11 I lolh 1 .. "·•I• 11 11 s:'11• :\, I" 1 • I·' ld• 1 I' ('pl ,;::-; (,,,.1111\11,,:-.1 Lit La9una Hill s 3250 •••••••••••••••••••a••• l"B Fs/ l I.\. p.1111lt'ti .l J\11 2 lt 1, \It'\\, q1111•1, i 1p\< l r1>\-. ,II,: tl 1 ii" ::-,\4~! t fpt'll llnll'l' I I pin. SJl & !">!Ill :!'.!.if,( (,,'.1!,l!ll ,1 ;, >1 \,l'Hl I• ,,,:1 \1 l..._._,11 )N \ ll I" ~PI! l-;11 11 j.' 111 11 ..!l>r t••ntloi, .011, c r1p-., olrp .... pu1il, 1 ~. S.!i(J !'Ill> :-;·, .. 1 S \'\/ fl l,\,..; ]l,n111'l $:!•)', ['I., w .:! hr. 2-.t\ condo 21 n11 i\t .1r111.1 ,'<.• H(h('"< I m1 :-.I) 1~v l'lu,.h l'fl\, rull\ 1ti1ul, J!,JI, ldl ), ,\: ]l<"ol 111~1 1 lt.:-1 l 71 I I · 32 S2 I>\~ A I 11 )I N°1' Brand new laquna ~iqucl ••• ••• • • •• • • •••••• ••• •• I·;,,.,. \ \ p•· :! 111 '.! lo.1 . IAA .! Il l{,~ 1\1\ 101nlu on lhl' i.:111r 1•1111r:-.1• 11,·erl•~•k1ni: l.1kt· 5.!i-, L.tll 111•1\111• :1 dt·Crt't' ••t C':1n \ "'"'' rr pl r:111 J!1', J)/\\I 1 r.1~h 101n \"1( tnr drp..;, S("· liute ponl J.14 11111 S.1un 1 tc•n IHS rrt-. l•Ull j.! J!!C'Cll, 11 11.Ll'l lP V1i•w, ;-i llr, i l't1rl d g.1r + l<lrpurt H,1, Ir.: \.1 n1dy k111 h en S15U per rno~;c~ l',du1 ~150 1:-l' li7:i ;,<JH~ Townhouse-/ c.·v1•s _ Unfurn 3525 J U I{, 1 ~1 B:i, l•'a nl·I rn w /frplc , b llns, d hl J.!:.ir $335. m o. 581-14811 or J\ Hc d 111 !1 Coinpa ny Missian Viejo 3267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 542-5640'-------Univ. p ,1rk Ccntl'r ••••••••• • ••••••••••••• Eastside-Lqe 3 Br. ~T_o_r_o l r~u1c N E W ON ·r 11 1·: c;OL I' n r W t•s l c l 1f f/1 7lh K:T 32321·----------l;t)U Hs F I n r IL'.11:iC. 3 P ool /r ec. Lsc $.100 A ~I ·•••••••••••••••••••••• ----11u . .! u.1, 1:,1111.rm , 1~11i .1255 l l\t a-1A(' 3 bth 111 . 2 ltth Exe-cutiveTawnhouse l"ipll', \V \•t h.1r.l '.lll 1.VC!" . Ne""': 1!r .1pt·" l h t uoul All N T Sl IB ::!' &v.kntl :-. Xll ll71 L AI .UNA N1~ucl. ll.1 11.1 t-orhool:-. J,1•J :-1• or 11•11t. t•w wo . orv' 1' " -''' 1'n1nt .1re.1, nr l\l,1r1n.1 &10 !1251• ~::uu~'.~rct•~I~~~ foe~;,:~~·~· Hewpart Beach 3269 Split level Iii, on ~ull . ] 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.h1lcw,1Lt"rYu 2 Br,2 w fountain Yalle-y 3234 t a 1nmcnt c cg,in cc lal' Ff)!{ I F ASI" 'l I I ~ b b,n " 2 fr plr s, pool l{t'fs ••••••••••••••••••••••• g.1r, full 1n.1111t('/l,1Titl' , '; · ,',' ir, 4 . ~ rct d A d i l s $.')Ii!) rno C hoice l)cc1f1eld 101·,1 N.,,\V I ()I{ I :il l(l ll .. ~S , .' , · , ·I BR , 3 n .1, li.:t· )'ard. ,. 1 walk lo Keh 5-lh-G771> 64l 30~2. 4.16 -6595, -1,()\1 ... 1., 2 Hr 2 H.1 + \\.i .. t11·1 ld11<r.ull1 ...,1111IY 6 4 5-0143 '.!Bil 111 .1r -.hrlppin~ El Puerto Mesa I BEDROOM 1l vn Co1n11l•H•.,..ld1sh•·"' S'.!'j."i hi! :!..:i-t.!or liij Ill..!( ••'Ill<'! oll .,lf\1l p.1rk-l1nl'n~, t·t• l'u111!• 1l1Jlk. 1 ,4shkr ll'l'll .S I'l l. l lir, lt\tn,. 111 g ::,\1'11 ll'IP Hoc·t11:-.tlr, (\;" t hd<lrt"n nnpl l" l'ool &· Ht c r1·.1llon \t,11:-lt·.1,.1: i.lption lo ----J n·l11g. ::.11,0 /\,,u\ I Jl (_ \1 hi :O t\'",~7 buy 1f v. :.inll'd :;.H ~I 1111>, Capistl"ano Be-och 3818 Ntf If• t:-.!O l l Lh .. rll' SI ----- 1959 Maple Ave, CM iJ·l i ll."o!'ii:!Vto[1,H;iJ715lJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l;.11 . \1ll.! ________ 1 .ilt ii. Dana Point 3826 l'i\0.cinA .\ll(' Clc t•.tn E-SIDEHR.OCC V 1<'W (',1p1 -;1r ,t nn ........................ I\ II I' n• ol :O.l i.:t' (11 rn ::;1icl ,I pl 1\ I\ IC k B.r I ivi:, l1\11ll ;,l\K j 171i 1\l>L'l.·r-.. .,111\ 1;01 .:1·1111, l\ 111111 j.!:.141\n ,qll "lrt',l tl1, fl11 Y,\'I" I i i.; r1M>111 pt1ll1uggr1•11\,t••1 t•tt•1I i•.1 r.1 i-:1· $1\llJ inn ::!4~"11· .. 1 .. 1111 -. r.1.! x..i11 ••• Wayne Laniberl I 077 San Pablo Circle Costa~sa Ynu ;1 fl' lht• Wlllll!'f or .! 111. kl·t ~ tu lht· Sports. Vocation & Recl"e-ationm Vehicle Show .•l thl' ANA l l~.1 '1 la9una Beach 3748 •••••••••••••••••••a••• Sl '•5 Ill' S.15 .,...k ti.1th k11 :\'1 b1h 11111 pd rol C\, ·I~\ :!5f1H 11 !"1 :-,,; l n.1.,1 s JI lllll) ulll \JC! J\\ .iii no" ,\Ju11 .. IH> pt!-. Sllill •\'I \ SJ\ti ~11·, 1 l'urn ... in.di 1<11\ b.H h nt·.1r ht h l 'l1I 1ul 1 r1•<;.pons .idult l nip 4!11 4211(1 l 'harnunµ, I 1,..1rn1 .• 1pt fut· plaC'c, palhl, l'kl1:i•' tu, llld, s:iuu ... mpl t pie Ii, l .\'-li <t:iH7 I' 1 11 :-..ul•·~ :'>.t '' 2 IHI 11 II ,\ lllp. 1rptd,lol L1n-. :-.l:,o 111<1 .!·I ll :!\ 1.0 (1 rl 111 I \'1,! .!l'l!I 1'1! 1>1[11 .! HH, 'l~.1 . blln,.,•t~ll.,..•hi v..1 .. hr•r tlr,1•1 4h,·,1n I I\'\\ :-.:.!"i I * h \,:! Col"ona del Mar 3822 ••••••••••a•••••••••••• •.!Ill( I ll.1. n('.1r IK'.1rh, ( 010 L1 dn, ~\~1.Atlult .., n" p •' l ,.., . I"> L1 11,r, t II .1 l l ' o 11 ·' . :.: I\ II 'll \ ( ll!llPI' l 11lf l \ .. .i l1 nru-. t11tu!, 1u·.rr In • ,. !1 ( ,111 1,; I ' '11; h ~ii l"f'' 1'111• St111l1n ,,~,1 t.11oul ,1•11 ~1111.:11-. "t'I""" 11.,111 ,,.1,111 :-,,; !--1·,h Iii Bl 111.\ I. ,i.'Ull 1 $1'1c, Ill\ utll ~ht I lo I ~,!711 "-.'''1 1 111• l'-1ulSlildl\fl / 'II.!..,,., 1\lir• .. 11!1110' ~011 \en t 1 unl'{•l\\er l'11 t.1,!.1 11• •••I •I• •I ,, \\ L!,IJ.1 '• 1:1 n .lthr11l.! l..!.:'l 1rh ~pt11 ,1.111 ,K1~111r 1,_',l]I h~.! ',1,'/X,, ,1 ,JJ.l L~!\\'I H llpl \ :• b1 , lull\ +>117,1•1, ho t~·t•1•11 'I $.. 1 pin 111 i P' 41 I' .11r h• 11 I'll 2 llr d11plt.X, p\t patio & (K I 1\.\1 \It'""· 1 llr, !ol!n ... !!·11 ::-1•11f H ~·r:--.s.::-tt:J..13 r1·fr1g, g,11,1).!•' l r.i:.11 .'i.: w.1t t•r p<I Ad1111 .., no 7 !H it :1pt. (l('V.'IV ( rpt1·d pt·I' ::,Jh'1 m11 •l:JI .!."i\7 r 1• f I I )..! I :-l "I' l', 7 () l O! ,\ 1 l!olJI !->li.d1111.trSI HI ~lh~ H'1'J.1> --- S ]',\t' .! Hr .•pt w ~un Huntin9ton 8each 3840 ti• t k 2nd rl1"I/', p\l & •••••••••••••a•a••••••a icoo1J1u l h lklrv111••i\\1' F Ii 1: ~; H i-;,\l 'f,\ t. i\u 1 h1ld1tll l P•'l"' !-'>~.ltVtl E . J:\l'W ,1pt:-. .1\.111 In II B \Valk .t hlko; \!l "'"an klc1 17th I.CC' br St 11 II l'h . 5;11; 42.)1 1 HI'! I ]'HI ,\1 FSo\ \11•1 1IC' :!.. l r1ph·\ l '-b.1. dr11., l1.1hv ''"· ~.:!5 'li'I .l•l.J:! IHI cpl , lh• !'-''"' Marina Pacific VILLAS llt 11111 .._," I u-.lt\111 \pt • H\t II 11\il J Hl i I 11 1 I 1 I JI 1 ! 111 \ 11 I "I • ' 'ltH••~I lo !l1111L111iclon l\t .I I II •lll11.'\:-0 \l"Sl:V • ' I ' •. r.-i IHI! (tupl<•>i: w .1 .. he r d r\t•r t1k.up dhl J'.11 d /w, l.11J s .. 1-; ~1;111:1!11'1 hl l t I,,\ l<t• I· l llH nr l lun1 - I ll j.! ( ••n • r 11 t i'\_'.1'( 'l I j i' ,. 1111• r d I !'" ( i ,I I', II t 1,, \!•\\ !1111h1J•1 ~·· l)H•il ·•' ' 111· I 11,1 l"'rl 11'"'1. Ill 11111 ·' d '111 ... 1• ~I .~:1 l'I I 1<1 It ., ! • I o • < ' S.!'i 5 '•10 ',1,10 \II Id '\ 1 4•l.t1n1 \'•111r t 11 ko •1., p,1t111 i.:.11 11r ht'.11•h '.:!Ill< fr1d1 (N,.rth t 'o11n1 v t1•ll l1't • Nn r t h ''nil $:!/S. \\di ~ 11 ·1!'t.' lllJllllH•/'l"~i lO 1.!..:!'J) h,t-.l' '1 ~•1 :1'1"'11 ,,It •Ill~•~ I Iii 11 . J < •f rt I' :0.'J 1, Ill!' '•••••••••••••l'f.\\' lh•llJ,\t I' I 'i pl1 1\ll .: llr 111111:-. 1..:1 •)jj() ,:; II I s;.: .• 11 l~'J ••• 111\('ll l-'l.<lH i\p! {!Ill pil l.11111d1y, P't p.11111 , 111 "''"'PPllll.: ~1 .!I 111v H.i'I\\' l'UhSI h·1 2 \!\"'::! I Iii< 11nfurn f\dul1 .. 11111\ ;..,, 1111., S l.L'l u1rl 'olH :1111.01 ~1 IX '"'(,\ l llH l·'urn, 1·1·· 111. <p u t•I :ulult~. n o pt•t,. $1711 l!t1I pd t .a ral!"· :1x:i \V . \Vlls on bchnul r. ~l.1 rl 541'1-76tl9 SEEK & FIND' 4)i'J l3t•~1t.:h , Sp.I! IOH:-0 .! hr .:! b.1. lrpl• ;.il-',1d 1111 l1uu 1:, s:.J(M/ 1110 1~•1 :!~I! Hewporf Be ach 3769 ··•···•················ STl-:Ps 'l'C)C)('l-:1\N i lldr Il l :! ll;J, ::.,t:L'> mo1 \\ 1111 l'r l<"a<;<' ,;7', 111.1,\H /\1(1\:'\IJ 11•'\\' .! l\r,,: ll,1 Sl1 t ~ ('11>1 "·th I'"· 111111 "II pin ~ ~11111 11111 '1!1'1 I .tr i,.,.pur [l,1 ~., 1>j',J (~1111 . \'1 l ._, ,,;·, I !Ii i, 1.1(,ll I' ,\: ltl•'trlul .I 1\1 .1pl t 1•t ' 1lrp ... 11Jtn., It'll JJ.! ·"""pl f, ...z;·,11 ,\lt1 l ',ii I ,,,,q 1"1'11.o l.1\S BH IS ASAl'0l'S , c,,j l5111verAvl 1~122.''i(d,so u! JI\\\', (111~~ 111 ,dl El1•v 11nr hid:.: 11i\ ht',I< h . !-hopping , :ih.1111-llr 1111 1&.! B r. p1I 11,1J,on1 •. ..,, 111.14• Ni•""' p.11.111 ,'\! •l•I g hl•l 111101 S\l'Uflll 1\d ult ~ throt1 )!h 1>11\, l•rpk· '-Ull d,•c k , I" C nn rt•:1r ' o t lut O \'t'f ,:,1 1 ,if.:(' l )I S · 1•r11n1n.1l1n).! adults onlv 5.22.'i 1-Sl ~O rll'p hi5 ();,J I TN E ll AR GDLA Wll G I FW Wll A 2 HH w / frpl1 ~ J.!,l r. S?llt) :J H, ,J.tsn11 nc /\ve l \IM hl·I O'l2!.,1fl'l ,1n1 , W F. I. I) M A N f, W A K E R EN M W A W A A t; !) to; W It V W IJ W T (; A (' K N A I) I f. A ~ H ~ T I I R l l U A s F 11 T s RW t-:H ll~N )I II T II "' {; "' l. s t: u K O AW ~W NG O PL PTt-:ll A ~T N 1-:i\ I! l. \' 1•ar.1 ~•· ~I ''"I 11111 Ni•\11' :~hr, :! l ':i 1 l'"lll'<• !1 1.1 S I K.1 ! .!._'!II. C osta Me-sa 3824 ........................ [ 1 • IJ,1 , J'•l t If I J.! .1 r ,11 ~' '. :i' 1 '' i ( .di 1<1 "1 N l.,\V HHl".I' ll 1\l"l:i L ;!l 1, 14 Ii, ,1pl'l11-., uttl l1u11 1.,111 I J!,1rJ J.!1' l 1tM1I, J.IC Ill /I 1 :11t11ll 1 ~1:. Ill] •'\•., hi/ 1•u,f11l.1\'< !ll!,\'\ilf '\il•.\V I· "'tdt d 1~1li•\ ,\i1·v. ,11, .:! llr , ~ I\ I -..h,1j.! fl pl< h<• ltl\-., lillll,. l .~:l' p.tll!t\ /'111 rno All old or Hit, 4 l'IH 3 BLOCKS BEACH 2 Hr -.h 1g l'rpt..,, d rp". J~t· kllt'ht'll w ~! .. \'(' l,01 .. o 1 .. 1 .. r.1 ~1· 1;.1r:+J.!r 1'-11 Jlt'I" Ill c h1 htr1 II •I~> 1\ \Ill 1.:!lh SI 1Hr. :!h.i i.:,11 .1i.:1· p;1t111, 1)\\1 ~:1 1 ~1 llHI (.ill 'iH5 f.'")J or 5.W. \HUI:! tlltl g,11 S1J;, ii.t 17("J l BH un furn SIJ.'"1 + ut1I l li•rlonr t .c·.. I hlk hl··••h P<1o l t-.o I l)t fll !-i l•'.1\S()NS Al'l~ s p.n 11 111.,, .!. .,lnr~. 2 /Ir 1' · I\ 1, pvt p.1lln. pool , t t'll\\/, ll\1 , no )tt._•1.:-. $11">5 7.1'1.lo.111n SL 1.11 O.! \..! .~ ll UC I· t1t•d roo1n" Sup<'l lot'.1[111!1 I\" tlll 1 I !hl\J.! /'<.'( 1.1,111 DELUXE TOWHHOUSE .! 111! . l ' 11. I lot h :.:.ti' ;\1 .. 111 I •I ••I-! ft-I,, p)j I I '" I'"'"'· ( pl• $I 'J -, 1luldr<'n/p vl.,!lf-iO 27,lf> I ll L Ol 'K fro n1 hc.~c h, I Br , $1HU ITill Wkd.1y~ <::!1:11,Hih· 7557 ur \\knd:-. 12111HH I -h;\•~\ 2 r>Fl.IJX I ' l\IW 2 11n ,q)\.., ::;;!r;c).~7r, .! hlks 1co l11 •1tf'h ,'(. Jll•'I .!l!i "i(h :il HH 5U, '1!XI J \11 1,1" 1·1111,\1 11 1.;1\l 11 · llt•lt1 ~1 1 & '! Hll 1\p1-. JI,, 11 ,'(, (',1111111·r p .1r k111i.;! -.. .. nu t rpl't.., S17~~1'1:l 1'11 0111• Hlh 4;J,t'I I 1111, .,~ mo t 1 o n . ~om m un 1 v AhJ ''"~ econ .a l ns . .....,... f ac i l i t ies i n c·I p nol to '1 1'M l\1un thru Wed :__•_,_~ ___ _ o n lsc. 1:193-1351 o r 64 ~ !JIOH I 1s•--0~1· ------I w/ca Oa na /Jacu1.z1, tol -;,-4 1, • -. ·• "' Duplexes Furn lSSO NWAOLAO G NAUO O l.O G U GU ll l W EC DD R ArAWAP~NS I N WA DKTTN M YT N t MD L~W tW O W E O PO G RAD NI A W NY N K t M ANG KIAWWl,WHA K C AT C ll R W A T ~R MA OK C A ll WOWF.W O I I 1\(' 11· I ... I),\ IJE 1\1 1-::-./\ hill\\' \.\'11 .... 11. (:.:-.1. !IC!tllllftJI (;1 11ur11l!;1 Adule,. Nnl'('I " I Jiii.cpl d1p"."'''"'' & 10 n1111ul1•s 10 or1'.1n rP1r11:. i\'11 1tt:1-.. """ & l-~X l'H 1\ l,i.:1·:! llr.2 11.1.cllx pouls 1d r .1pt n r lwa1·11, .1111t s Sorry no l)('l!> $\ti";, 5.11• x 1i.z 847-539R lo l & p ark s 55ti_15u :•fl J\1 & !)al /S u ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'OR LEASE, lovely 4 br days,83J-1809 eves. a nvllmr-. Pup pe t shows for 81rth- hn m c N e ver been rent-LA llGE 3 h r 2 ha Un iv ON 'f l l E W AT E R , Jg2sly, d ;.iy pa rtie s. Ma noneltes ed . C los e t o schools, i:•ark. x lnt.' cond , nr 4 b r, J ba, din. r m , a ndha ndpuppcl'i Pen ny s h op p g, publi c t r ans. community r ec. center master suite w /fr pt & :-.l:l l-f.SOO. Duple-ae-s Unfum 3600 $400. mo_:_~·!>tl80 $<125 nlo 547-7044 or ha lcon y, lg pal10 f>ool & -: , - 005.'i ll'n n 1s p r iv l 'gs. $·ltlf• 1-.AS T S~l)E C ,roof f C'd Huntin9ton leoch 3240 eves ~'i2--:__· &l5 -UH311 v.1rd , u RR , $225 n10 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'11f. HANC ll :-t lln . 2 h.1 1.C'a sc , R efs. adults o n ly. OCEAt'4SETilt-IG f,1n1 rmw /frplt·,i\/l ' 111 Yl-~Afl l .Y ~ br, 3 h;_1, ti42 HJMG,1ft l pm JA'l\l l'lY <I hr h m . Seclud ed l':irk lo;c 5175 8:1:1 -Ul1'1 i"111 c..,l l"c:il ures $4!)5 t1lr 1u rn e ntry Uca ut . --!115 -Olt.1'l l.1ndsc pd Is l '1'1n1e 1 en-$41:15 Hen! or lca-;e i\vuil t ill. $.1~KI 581 117!1 Fe b t Li,.:e <I lw lr. 2', h.1 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----s u1glt' s t o 1 y h11me l"c 111 Jlavc some t h 1n 1? you wanl T111 tll'rock c.111 l>o u A tosell ?Clnss1f1e<l:tds do .l o n cs , 552-0 tl27 or l nn t\1{'1"'"' TM 1'1ddt n ,......,, 1 .. 1..i 111!'1«"' tpp&&f l<,....•11' 1:>"' ~ ..... d "~· do'"'"• o• d•.,,,n•ll~ '" tilt P""" ••nd ••t1' l'ud•ltn """'• ofld bn• h 111 •• J\.Q"'" II \(. 1'\ I 'A',\ll'l \I \\\l ~I\ Y,'\l\llnl)• V.\1 1111(\\I 'A\" \HI \\11 1 11\IA" ... ~ l "'<;4. \I ,,.,1 " ' \\ I I>• I "' It t I' • I I l\l lll'H "I .... , .. ,, h 1.tngt•l &2 1lr 1 1111 ~175 l'lf':111 d••p rC''I d 706 2 R H 5 1'kl-w11h P 11t10 .l.111111~ •• !.'>L, ,\pt . "IJ" $n1s. 1::1s & W11ter 111{' . •it>H-5.'.!XO 1 1)'8lperiC's, lra rpl•ts.: i,.:.i:-. lll'l-:N ltn11,1· II to 5 P .\1, lf'a , g.1s s ovl!, .111 eon 155.1 I' t r l\T('s rl111 o n1n g, ... w1n1n11nl-! ··• 11111 1' o:-..i '. •1 lfiol rel' rMm w.is hC'I'" Vt•rdt•. 11n rn.11· • ond . .t hr ~ I ' ' 1-!11•11 , l•\111'-, 1 pt -., l rpl "''1 rv.-r... rnrl 1l 11,1t1" 1\d11!1 ~, 11n MEDITERRAHEAH VILLAGE !it'd! 4111 Ill :~ll1d11•111n & l)•n :! lh•druo)lll.., 2 Hethontll '\'f\Wnh-.<' 21111\ I l.11 hnr Ill\ d 1 ·n~1.1 ,\11'.,,I (7l I I '\'1i H();.>l !"'\" :S1'1H ,\ 11p !'.I l :\,\,I.'\~: I In 1,,,roj••n 1\ pl '7111 \\ I '"' d 1 , ' I ~I h :-01 1111 .... 1: •• ! II II I '· lo +I lo l'l!\\llhl!ll .. t' :-0\ I l 111" 2 11'• I '.ldt•n 111 ! GOING FAST! Ne"" Luxur:-:1 br, tnplex ,q il'< 11r 01't'.1n p,1rk.!>, :-,1 his $, "llof)'~ $:!7 '> llHI \\-';,i ~hcr ci r' 4•r.. 111 <·.u·h tHlll (I pen •••I" lll"IX'CllOll S.il &:-.u11 2<11 • f)i•l.tl\lll"<' 1111 (',111 ' 1171 4 H 'I;\~ .?. lll1n k., :t hr :>+ h,1lh l1pl1 . h l111::.. •h• H7 1·1111 5 11, Hl l2 l' l.i\SS I r·1 F 11 \\111 ~C'l l 1t ' 1t well. P honc 642-5671:1 752-1920 for appt. 1\1 ,C)C I\ f r orn 111.:ll< h, :Jhr :!1),1, !)Onl, tcn111S JHll I, np1•n 10 4 1l a1 l v :toe W :.11111 1, ti7 5 -~11 7!) N11 pels Two he tl r m , unfurn lg ll PJl('f ()u p ll'X , Vlt"W ()ne blk In bch , N C"lld Nn t•ln ld . or P<'IS $2~5 4!15 03';2,<195-lGl\3 ____ , 'I•• ut<l~·r nr" ur 1<11 o! th• "'111111<1•<1 "'i•k & ~1n I '""'k' n11111l,..l'>!.lhPn1i:h" ~r,,d1:11,,.,1,f1r 1 ,,h m 1~1•1.;1 h••~• 1~1 v•loll!'!" '-.oo~& t Hul S11u l •l•·~tarn"••o lio 11• \dt"•• lfllrr. HI {'!If! ,.f lh•~ "''''"l'IAI ~·· • ' J 1· t • ir;l_fl DAILVPILOT OIO t~L ·-··· .......... ••• .-i...: ••••••••••••••••••• '1 1zt•""9t-&Hd ltf •••••••••••••••••••••••• J 8~ W/~elitn view. New. }o 1250. m o . U11t. p1:1id -OC831"-...-.:. .... =---,,~ NEW t ,2&.3 8 r1<pt:. 1 .~ 2'h 80t , rrplti., gJr palios. $17~/$350 1no. .. * * ..... NEW delu~e 2 Br. 11 /2 b:i stud io. Utll pd ~. 1no. ! 423 ?Olh SI No l''f.'i• Tobin J)roiwrty l\l)!1nt ' H46-IJ I I. Nu FPc l BR w /ocean \'lt'V. New $200 . m o . Ulll , IJliHI :1~~JW '1 J . 2, & :i Hi':IJH<w.1,\li'! .\'I I•• 1·1-1 !-.: BEA<.:. Pt·t~ :111d · j child ren iU:l"cplt.'11. 511-1..'i ~ .' a month and up. No Fet· <.'all .1. The Real E,tate Foi,. ·-'' As k for Cap·n K1<lll , ' • 839-6133 CASA do LINDA SSO.off \111th ·rh1s Ai l 4 17 Yorklo~n.ll H ".I B RAN LI !"1'.:\V ,\\,111 {I Now . :! IJH l 'n1urn .i') Frorn ~05. An1plt· p.u k •;! 1n~. t'll CI. i::ar . 1)Ut ~1d.­ ~ ),l1BQ_ 5J6-8l:!:J . I ~' cl I '''• --=,;J.,-- Cl lEZ OH()A l''fS H2J-1,\t lanl,1 1.2&3 BH. PrL\' ~ar , poul. •1 : \\';tsher . dryer. l'ln~l· to beach. 536 o:01; . .,l.,\ RG E J Hr. 2 Ua s1ud10, ,.,,, encl. ga r . Children unth·r .t>l 6 a llowed . No pcL .... 52;10. .:t . nlO. 8·17 ~~ - •Sl!l9 mo-2 Br. 2 na .-.•S205 1no-:1 Br. :1 11;1 ~ .,J•ool. bltns . r1 •tn.c.,t•tc t1tc~ K1ds ok 5:11; .. 11~'l:J: 1~lti ~16t>IJ .. '.......__ ____ _ ,., J ~· ' •,lt•I Ii j " , ... ,, ,, '· ,,, ,, ' - ·~·') " ' ... , ·' .. ' . $100 BONUS (f ua ranl ce~ no rt:'nt inc rease in l!Ji5 ON BEACH Bat·helo r from $175 2'Br . J&'l li;1 rru1n S:?.:15 I Br .1 1 ~ Ba \'lt_'w~l5 •W1nt rr al the IK·at·h IS ht..'ilU (lltll . - -.,.,.,,, .... .,., .. 1015 -· 40000fflc••...... 44001 ••lriol ...... 4500 t&Fo-4 5300 orpo!Senlu 601,6 .... , • .,.... 6077 ' L ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••··~··•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••~··••"•r••••t·•••. ·•~t •-""'-A__._ntsfwlli""d <..:.!. •=-•••••••••••••-· ";..·u;f'"""'thedltO C IRL only, !urn stud io Desk space av<1ilable SSO 1024 FT 11\itde, M-1 J 0 II N 'S C o r p e t & PAT I PL~~rERI NG rm/bi, COM, pvt e n t, m o . W 1 11 prov 1 d e Eocte, 12" fl . .storage, elC'. ~: Lara e dark pre Upholster y, Dti Sha m· AIJ l...-. Ffr.flUm11t~· ......... ~ 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l' IP s u ng lasses J r-'"' wr"". e_...n p&UO, Jlue c~1ng . No turn1 l ure 11t S~. "m o Newport B eac h . 5 r · · poo \Soll Retard11nts.) CaJ1S4 ...(1825 ' •••••••••••••••••••••• 'r l-IE t::X CJTING i;'moke r ~. p e l s, $110. A n s w c rln H 1e r vlce 6"-1'3ltl,askforWh1tey _Rewa~d .Call 552-3ll6. 0t:iC're:isers &. it ll t'Olor l;;;;;;6~:·"~~~6cji71 OC IA Nl'llONT 2 BR,! ba , wntr $400 Z BR . 2 ba .. winter $J()IJ IAYFRONT J .Ull, 2 ba •• upf. $47!lyrly STEPS TO IEACH '.!Jill, a ha , $000 yrly uni :1 HJl , 2 lln , SJ25 unr. yrl~· CHANNELFRONT :? Ji it. dt:1\. 2'~ b:1. 11~·:1rl } new_ :! 1''r pl , all t.111 11~. 11111 )!;11•;,1~e . bu~1t :-ltl' ~i'ij Ill !>. yrly CORONA DEL MAR L li H . unf. houst•. fa rn rn1 . :! h:1lhs. S5>l.AJ Ll';1~1· or ll·.1:-l' upt1on. 2 U B , J lia. un r. $-z7:-iyrl ,1- NEWPORT CREST ::! k it . 2 ba (·ondo S.:.25 COMMERCIAL (lfri cl:! suite. Npt. 52[ill associated BROK( AS -AEA LTOA S l01~ W Bcllboa (>I< J66l PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS on the bay 1.11 ,111 .\ ;11•:1rt111,_.n1 l1\·1n ~: ••\~·J'l\u1!.11l ).: lht' \\.llt'I 1·:11Jo .1• s 1:,11.11110 hl·:1111o ~pa, 7 . ..;1'> 1111 rnu1 g pools, 7 l1g htt•d t"n111 ..; 1·uur1 .... pl u:-. /'t)iJt·.., o1 h1t ',\<'l1 • 1r ;1!1 .... pull 111 ,i.: .... 1iu1 fl t·buard, t'nH11u·t . ,Jt11110•1' 1 ·~ fr•urll ::;:!:!I ~~•llH•lllhlj . ••l ~o J a n1I ~! l11·tlt •1u1n plau .... ;1 11tl '!. "''"'~ lU\\fl h " u .~ 1· :. • I•'. I ,. t' I 1· i c• 1:1L1•h«11 ,, pr1 ,,1ll· p.1110~ 111· b;oh·o•llH'."• 1·.1rµ1•t1n g. 1Jr a 1)t·l'll'~ Suh11·rr:111l.'.tll parking I'> 1th Pll.'\'alor ..... ()j)t1t u1;1I 111 ;1 ul .~•'f'\ll•t• Ju::.t north ut F;.i:-.luon PALM MESA UTS. 673-1039 ;1va11Able .. 111115 Beach LG Of"t'Jc •· ,~ Stud•'o LOST. Ma l• •hrth• ''' brtg hleners '10 minule l lftt 6071 '"f"U 1'1'~ST0N "T Hld H M _ ... h L~ ' bl hi wht •••••••••••••••••••••• '" ,. .-v . unlrn""'"'"' ~illc furn or unlum , IOU oi cat. Vtt . t~.Ln. lfmi;. ear or our 'e Hl'll RooM&a.wct 4050 64Z-43:Zt . part 'g.'90.NHG46 6300 befo r e Xina s. Cal l 1·MrP~ts . S a"• you r L .R O'J'LSPLUMBING l\Jt h . I & 2 UI<. from $17:'.:I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----493 _98 14 111oney by ~avln11 me c:x· Ite m o de la & Repairs. 1\1Jult:..NoP1:ts ll ET IH ~D /A b 1 1 OF:LU X E2roomolh~ tra lrips . Will clean liv· Wa l e r h eal e rs. d l b · 1561 Mt:iil Dr m u a ory, Co<ona d el Mar 1125 Mo s•·--4550 FOUND. • min ", ov• d n ng •m • ·~sa l•, ru rnances. d1s-t.Jks Jrom Nt:~port homelike. atmos. xlnt Heii lono mies. Bkrs """-..,.-"' inc r rn ., 1 1 . "' .-~ !5 meci ls 3 pf'rsons or man ••••••••••••••••••••••• crt mera , t'U ll ;i(l 6 p m , hall Sl 5. Any rm. $7 .50, hwas"ers. 642·626a M/C lllvd.J · · 67~-fi700 L ... I( 640-5372 rouch $10. Ch;nr S5. 15' & BIA Comqlele l'lumli· 546-~ _& wi re_;_~~-4464 yrs exp. 1~ , 11.•hat counts. 1ngServ1 ce. LLl'. 27ll:~1 ---------PVT IJt'll !tome, re tLretJ OFFICE SPACEM.I . STORAGEU ... rrS l"OUN J>: P UPPY. I.ilk & l thod 1 do w k -----~ ..:~,;:;' {'~~ Westclirr Dr;. One n1an Pt>rsonal bu::.l ness or l 'n, vie. Clearwater Cir, "m0 ,,": •• "11, G. 00 ., ,~'1 . Remodel/Re....Ur 6081 -'"?:ltt'JM-' _:uue.):J o r An1hula to r y. xl nt . .. ., u .. F"-" VI.'\ _ . rnt>ul~&::i tnlo!i.:l !J\>r1>vn~ ofrit·eS6!i /1n o.Cal!Cen recr ea t iona l s torag(' n e ar n e w 1>n rk O rf SJi ·OlOI •••••••••••••••••··~··· 11cn111Cll(WCOMCIPI ! orno •• n/..·~ift· :-~ ~·lti-1 il1 ll.li42-0200 1-·rorn 5.8. J ;jmborcc A 1-:dw a rds, 1-18. Calt ---QUALITY Worlt', n e t, l5 AOUU lAlllSIDI lHllC S an 0 1 e go t ' w y . S.17-9984. C.....ent/Concrett6019 yrs ex p. Lge & Sill JOb~. i~ 1 .. •uP1is.w:c1,110 G•stHom~ 4150 LOW COST !179-0150 ----••••••••••••••••••••••• Free l'st. ,..A IR P RJ C t-: •loc:helor~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Off1cf' & l'ommer c1al ----~ fOUNO · Ne wport llar bor CUS'rOM Cement Work Ln:. ti42 177U Call Ken. J •I BR , 281 PRIVATE ROOM ~1n1 l'l' 111 /\-t i:-.s1on Viejo & Ritntals Want.cl '4600 l-f 1gh School nni;. call to H;c kh oe. lira dini.: & r:.i rt•. L<i••una N1,,ucl <•rcas. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1dcntify ti7S -1573. •2 BR• n.0 lu• ·•m '·••l·•t•••·>· 1 •. ,,1,0 o • -=c::_---i 'l'ren1.:h in g. 64 2-851 •1 R, f ' 6082 I .,.,.. '' u ' ..:., · C:i l l own e r . P <iulYOUNli t:Xt:C w/family _____ ·-l'•n. 001nq From Sl7S -SA8S (;OUIJ lf)l'i.ilS. Nu·e ~ur· llrazf'<iu,1:131 1400 i.ccks unlurnrental 2 BH "~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• MeJO Verd. Eo•I & Adami 540 ·1800 ruunJ ing~ t.:a~t~1<Jt•. \.";\l & den o r equiv. ho me w/2 CALI F. ANI M i\L Child Care-6020 Jt;Hl)()f-' l<l!J--IO(jlj lnl'a t 111n . A\ .. d no w. SS' PER SQFT t:(JN'J'llOI 54, o l·I'' b:i. il v & tJ1n , tJrps, t'µl. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hoofing 0 "' 1617 Wt-:s·r t:LIF'i-'-NB Loe 1n or a round N.H. Jlunt. Beach Shellcr AN 'r' !IOU HS, my hOml'. J.iet•nst_•tl&lnst)rt."Cl Vacat;on Re-ntals 42SO 1\GT. 541 ·!iru2 Bus 752-0 IGO ltes 1213) ~2 1 l::di~n Way ''''' 0 , 1,·•r\-tHllt.', 011 a 1-'rt't! Estunatt'" :-. .. n1.1 An,1 Sil."> lO SIJ5. '":.16 G55 l ,, · 1 · 1 \ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6ti.J 045•t " stt_·;.iJv bas •"· t~xpcr .. -. ,-. --R :-.p1·1·1.• :...1 n i.:t:• ,pc.~ 1501 WestCliffDr.---·---O:ick of llun1aneSocicty ml.'ai s ·ii.:C'~ 1 ,., 5 H1'.!/\J l!:-.,allt~·r11.·s . t_':JS 1 ;.1r.1 .i.:1·~ 1111·1 ii ,...,, ... hop Palm Desert Condo NC WJJ(Jr t r'ina ncial Ct r r~UNC.: <..:hr1~tl!H1 u (.'I ANl l\t 1\I. ,,,, 4Hlil • . !-'rec l'"'· J\e 'tJ. o~k lor pin:.: & lr:1n:.por\;1l1on Spa1:1uu:-. J b ... 'tlrm u1ut. Sl dent dt !:>1re m a ll /\SSIS'l',\NC1'; <>'I W.u lt 8JO 5U2Uanylln1t · f>~·· 1 41 1 h Leasinn Office Space-· u · :-. !:. • i.•'At,·uc-. -··• . poo . J~11•u z~.1 . :. opp111g ~ coltai:c or will :.h;:irc L. r:. DraftitHJ 6026 T-I .-.-R-. .. rl'il 1\\'.1il Wt."t•kl y in C;dlon S1tef\.1a nager h ou s e . !'lea s e rcp c Ad oplion,Sil:1y1ng ••••••••••••••••••••••• e-t•1s1on •po1r 60'0 J.1n l\l u n lhly 111 1-'eb ~714)fi42-3 111 ext 2-t6 ly,ti-16 43_19C1'1naJ &Neu ter1n~1nfnrmatron ( ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·:~-""·•'·"''l t·.>.Ji7 1 ~ '·'>!" ·-··"" l)HA !-.. rl N ;. L>l's ign ing 1tu 1i 1··..: ·rv s•·11v11·1·· • ..,_ v •I MO. r·1t t-'.E HE:N·r • ••v ~\·r v . llo:rnod . adtht1on:.. . · _, 'r. · R.nt.I' to Shor. 4300 No tca~e rcq. Di x. offi ces • An1 m;; I!> I in pounded• 1 n' 'If :.\ SK'IO 1' or l'er~on;1 l111·d ~t·r\ 11·1• YOU'LL8EGLAD lusine's( J.:ill.blk /wht.fcn1 \i ll •:.,' · • oo t 'olor or Jilk& \\'ht Youw •ITEDI •••••••a••••••••••••••• :1111 . A1r po rter l lotl.'I lnves /FincMCe-• 6027 , A . /\ /( •. rull !:ol'r \'H:cs. F rorn Sht·r p1111, blk /ltrn, fen1 Draper1e-' t;al[ 1, u; :.1 .. 0 lr1lr1ulu1·t1 ni.: nt•w haeh \\' i\ r-;·r i-; ll S t udent t'.i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sht:Jl m1.'t . blk /hrn, 1nall• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 60 .iilll 1 1)1l r111 ;o pts \1·1•IJ :.h<•fl' ·I Br hou:-.c WJ .! S l~~;11<;>u l'nn !,l!oom S Shep.blk tbr n.ma lc IJH AP l-:l<I ES. \\'hoh·~;.il e ~!1.e--••••••••••••••••'•~ "'o r·I h -,1•1•111g. H1·linl·d utht•r :.Lutlc n.l:, on ll;1l J .... 1 • H:,1:1 :1:!2:1 "fLI noon• lu,in•ss Tl·rricr, l;ill/lllk, m:ilc lillg'c 1, :111 vrs C':ip, ~I'•'!' • • . • . . , 11.1 alf"r"d.dilt· •(;rt_·at Sl:iH.IJll 1110 inc ut1 lll 1t_·S. Opporhtnity SOOS Samoyed .white.male l'sl. !-or 111 hon'e ll ppl Cl-.HAl\1H I ll.I.. r-;"" ~~ ·11 1•:,\('ll t_•1111ro111111erl t .1ul'n1 s h1_•d .li75 2:.l"i l. S AN J ua n Ca p is .••••••••••••••••••••••• (;\•rm S he p , hlk /wht, t ~if;·4!J!'IO lt••u1 ud c·I F 1'1•1 l urn1 ~h1·d :ind un 4~-~i \5. 400 -l :l,l;()(I, 1 \U'l'Urt!Ol.l\'1':1st orrcr-n1alc --------t·:.t1 1nlllt·:. :-0 1n J 1Jl1:. ,\1:1lc. :.tri.:'t \1·1!1 :.hare lg · I 6032 o "I • lurn1-.h1·d 1 s tnrv, nf'w, •nd,. A IC-Ill" 1-:a::.tc•rn 111f". Y,,'c ll Shc11. blk /t a n, !t•n1 Electr1ca wt·ll·n1_n1•. ,,;11; ~· :!h pl t he· 1 apt tn pvt 1·om n1 • .. "' $185 t $215 W I(~. '1Uc . Xlnl Jlrkn•0, on ra ted now c:.tall!ishing Wc un, br111d le.l~1n ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 6093 • o w l rl•S p 1u·sn. 49!'J-IU2!'1 " Tre-e-Se-r•tc e .t ll .ti i.:r pt wknds. prin1ary_r_o:u1 t:."tl1 f. 11>«1r1.:hi.coppor. for ·r c rri er pup.hlk /whl, 1'~L l-:C 'l'H I C l i\N .-li e ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646 8453 ----11ual1 r1 1"1l in d1 v , t o fcn1 F2;\:J IOH, srn;ill Jobs , . ,. • . • VJ·:i\·I ALI-.'. Hrn matt! ~·:int· UF1''H.:t-: S PACE for r('nt hc(·o1nc tJ 1s t n hutor su1>-'l't'rr1 er , blond.rem n1a1nt. & rl.'p;urs. 22 yrs \\'OUDt ~ l'T~.fl ·l /'t't'" rt'• . t•d Ill Ir\' . :-tt1<ll'n l or <..:ost;i ~1 l'Sa, llarhor :it p I y I n i..: f a c l o r y 'l'errier. blk, male exp. 5·H:l--.'i2u:J ~O.\'t't.L al!:oo ... n1 all J,,b-.. ~·nrk i ni.: girl. ;,:>1 31 ~'1 Adarns. l:l t•;1ut.rlass"i\" t_•s !:1l1l1 s he c.I ;11.•<·o unts Shep pu p.tri.l'e1n:i le ~1.:1·~.1~1~d t:llt ~ :-pl11 .~1s ht•f. 5P i\I_ Wa lk e r & Li·c Hlrl g . w/hi ghly rc).!~1rdC'd pro· Shep /Oanc. blk. m:.ill' Gardeninq 6045 t>-1-12.1;) e ',,.~~ Eleva tor. air, c lec .. dut'I.' line. In vestment OltJ t:ll g. Shrdg, blk /b1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• f H~1': l 'rininuni.: 'l'i.•P · 0 ... ~ W1\N'I' ll'1nalc roonunatc mus1e, J:t n1ton:o1l. ;unpJ1• $·1000 Sct·ured . Hcpe<il rem Paradisr·Garde-ni_, ~ ,.,.,.. I I I .. .,. p in g . '1'r1111111 1n g. o \l\.' l1) ~ 1arc l"l' Ill Lagupa , parking , ~ccu nt y ~<llro ~:tics ~·/very xlnt l'arn· 1'<'rrier . b1k/br11, m;1lc Spl.'t'l;i ll.l(' H c~tura t 1nn I< ... a .. 0 II :1 h It' 1-: :0. p . pi.: ••)!l·l:·1.Jo. :s1:1:.. 1110 t.:.11 1 C1\LI .. \1.H . S l t•vcr . i11g;1~ote nt1 al.Wll lt ra 1n . Gt·rm Shep , t ;1 n /•0ry. &l .. ·1 n·'~<'a 1><'.l\lunthly I 33 s . ., u ., ,\11~·11 n1f'. ,11\I Vli~I 4 upe-ruw A ••nue Carol 1!;1 y~. •\~rJ :!2:?1 [">57-0 I :11; • •r ti-hi K3'J6 I nlerv1c11o·s 11.·111 h•.! hl.'ld in n1.1 lc ,\I a 111\ C'll<• n l't' & Spnnk l<'r N•wpoJ Boach DELUXE OFFICES 11t:W LA wari·hi;t• l.Jy co. U'f ll EHS It" 1, ;1 1 r 6 ~ :! -1:1 1; .i ~ Tl! I·)!-: 'l'Hl i\l .\11.\.t:. t>l:111t '' ;\l;d(' Hoorn.1ll' to :-h:1re ~ pr1nl'1pals. l :~1 ll t:ullect ------,;;3 J~Hfi ut ;ill ki nd~ Sin.di JOll~. •NEW• 1:-.la ntl aL J :1n1hOf't_'t.' andl·----------1 S..n J o;1q u111 lhll:. Hn~11L 'l'e I «P ht 11\l' ! 71 ·I I 1;.1.1. I !JI HJ for r l'nta l 111formall"n 2 h t f u r n ;1 Pl · AJHPlJH'fI.IX:1\TI CJN !213)82:! '19-t;,, !-'()UN I>. fo'c nla l<' d ug. ---Frt·C'fo.:s11111 a1v.,:.1;) ~J<l:l \\'•''-t m 1n1 :-ter. Pool & P a tio suite lr£m $1 25. ----\'le. La n~in g l.1n1c. (;)I Saun;i. 8:19 -!K.ll ·I t d 3 n10 . f n(:I. i\/C. <'r pls. Lctll'rpre,5s &l >fl~1·tprint i\t us t 1dl'nt1fy:-,.1:; 2:50 1-:Ull t )Pf:1\N Tutorinq 60'4 CASA VICTORIA ;,111 1<1uf1cxt 111. :tfl 3 pn1 . ltrps, :tll util & Jan1tonal ::.hf>p tor ~.Ii(' Located in - . . (i ,\Hl)1':.'11':H. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1\dults 1.2.J Ul t IA'/ patios 1\~k for l);u i. scrv. • NQ Le:1:.l! ltt.'(1. • NorthC'rn Orange Coun L<>S r S ihC'r ia n ll u sk~·. L ;1 n (I ~ t' ;11J 111 )! . I rt't' \'Ull 'E. l'iano. l iu11 a r Al l 1"r11n1 S lti~l.!lU No l't•ls --l J\1 o nthFrl.'('HC'nl. t y . 1\i1 ~ht co11 s 1tJ e r wh tl(' y.·/hl ack .& ,::ray ~t_·r \'11·1·. lte;1S . ;ig e s . Jl,1 1·. !\C\\rt1.in ",''i t1t (.;l·:1"..,'1,~t"dfnl.I :! b;i , 1'011l.rc('l'lll .,l·lc\';1tor .. W A N 1'l'1': 1)1 ni :•t hu r c 20H:!S.i:':.ll r1stol,N B p a r t n ers h i p . C all n1ark 1n J!s . t:nn t <it t 6'1:?·!'l329 li8!',.l ·I~ .,.,., 2J2tJ • n:.. · 't'nl' g:ir · S(·t·.i.:atl' 1;;i~/~';1L~·r p1I :-t r·uigit niae lu:. arl' 557 -7010 H7tJ-i 564 or 524-671:.I. 12:1-·lllSLN.ll .-..... a dul1 -.. ~:!:!;•. 111\I ;,~f>Vi r h>ri :i ,C .\l .ti·l:!li1 1IU l;.:1· h n 1n C' JIB. $1:.15 . ---------------(iarc.l n'g /l\1a in!/l.nd~ep. JobWanted.Male7025 li-12 ·1:!117 • -~}Ii:! Htil:H a fl ti C.1).1'!1 . 2.41\t sq rt $625. Lt)S1'; S rn ;lll l!r~y fiO~. So..J, ::.prnkl r:.. t·h:-:.i nups. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M ESA , ----:; 1no.2·l ll l'.L'.ll.&Mc /2nd lusinrssWanted SOI 1na le,l ung h:u r.V11:l ~lh So i l t•niJ _ ti ·l :!·J:IJ I . LtNF l f.l!N 1\pt:-, :! 1J 1·. :!I ,\1 1\.'1.~l lJl~tiuyrs tn_~h are_~ f i r. ·rr ail c r ent !'o r ?·•~··••••••••••••••••• &fl_rani.:t·.l'.J\t .&1;._ ·15~12 . ti-Iii H;.is . 1\:1. \\ (•,.tl'l111 ;u·l·a. :.n1:1ll GARDEILr..I llr , ff B,1 ;1pl. ~I :;(). mo. 557 JtMil 2.1 hr p1•t lH-\. l';.a ll t;.12 :!1 52: '""' NL' w p u r t u c a e h . -----Ll (.,IUOlt Storc·Off Sale. LOS'r : Loi d u·:-/.:t'•ld ~·at<·h . --. -l~l.'i ·!llJtil! APTS ~!.) :Jltil , 1 1 ,, 2 ll c a t•h ;irca . Wr 1l t' ;it t :nrda Lil. Hc~t ur:1n1 .Gene-ralS•r•tce-s 6046 •" }';\\' pl u!-. I n tu·i• hlui!, Cl:i ·1f1cd Ad No 228 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·1,, I; U rn s ull l'"· t 'on· '.~s · . · · 1 .1 .1!1 ·~·;1 rd 1;7;, ·I02tt <>C 1':AN FH41 ~'1' rH'\"' ;1 BH. :t Ua Upp1.:r . 2 1•;11' g ar . s j;(Jo 1rl u yrl ,\ 1;.1'!. 70:·,.1 J, 2 & :1 B1lr rn ...... erpls. L H(i rm w /p vt l'rtl & IJa tJr p ~. 11t1 l 1 \11·~ 11.11J .\111' l'tl.\t ,::;1:6--1 . 1Jlt 1n..;.1,1u111l 1·y l ;11·d1!lt'~. 1;7;, Ul•IUl:':\'t'S H1•t' r1111n1 \l'/IKw>I t;dlil'. . • . i.:v rn rot•rn . ~;,1111;1 , p•Hll Y.'ANrl:.ll · .1·_t·m;1ll' r1n · \> l JI Ill\' no .1 2Xlll 11):lll'. Iii lO ~-" l•ll B:dho:1 ' 1 LI -~ n · · l lt :-1 I J· <I t·--:,J''I llr1 stol. l .o:-\;1 1\l1 •._,,_ :. ,trl ,,;, • ~ 751-1415 l<t Jl):\1f!I A'l'1':S \\':lnlPd tu '-•••••••••-I sh;trl' luxur1ou:. J,;1g un.1 I' lil·ach :1 hr hon1c ~1\h .'\H. hlk _ !•) h1•h . .,.,.,,,•k'g 1,•111.ill'. 11·111 1·011~111~·r I l 1•r1•111•(· 1<111 . X1•r1<\ •·upll'r . 1\lc.1r ''·t.: ,\1rp1•rt 1:1:.1:1 :_11;.10 fl~ttl v P d o t , P ,U. J\ox ---· 1:,f;u: Cu~t a 1\tc:-.c1. C;1 1.(lS·r '. Nr . llbr. H11!h , ~2fJ2t; \\'1r1 .'halr Jtac hs hui1t1 :\1;il r . b rown . 2,j ltic; ln•e-st~nt · 1 Cl1''1''lC 1':s F<lltl.1':,\S1': !";in1t ~ •f'l-\l'n · Oppo,.tunity 5015 1;.15 :!21·1 P r n nl' N<•wport 111\'d ••••••••••••••••••••••• _ h:1·:1t11,n., Sl·let·!uin ~Jl.Jl.ltu J N \'ESl'IJ H n!'ed t>d 1.1 1s·r · Llr1·y II.· \\'hi i\l.do· 1:..0U sq It ldr;d l(•r S I O S l j.UO\J )!.t in .~ 'f ;otlh y, 4 y.•hl. h·1·1. p1nk tnany 11urp n .. c· ... (;o,ut p;ir ln rr ~hip in llt_'IA no:.\', lo~! \:!· i71·1 nr Lr;df1<· 1. .. 1 ~ 111 park111i.,: "fll>r L ~ f r;i n /·hi ~in ,I! Etl~.i r\I;. & 'l'a lh••r't. llB. l ';1ll W .t-: 1.aeht·nrny<·r 5.J:!-l!l lO Ht :Y,,0!\1(1)8-12 K.1ti:! H1 •:il\(•r, ti•lli :tJVI or t_·~·1·'s Mortqaqts, Trust Pe-rsonals 535 Deeds 5035 •••••••• •••••••••••••• ••• Michae-1 Jones 1812 Dover ~ewport Beach You a rt• th{' 11o·1nn1·r of 2 lit·k l' l~ to thr Sport,, Vocation & Re-c,.e-ational Vehicle Show a l thl' /\N/\11 1':1 ~1 <'nn vc nl 11111 t «·nt •'!' ,Jnn 4 lhru 12 DECKHAND 1;0 ;111 \'~h1·rl· l.1'.1\1• ~111 \l1 n1t; 1:t11w! \1nrkvr 11~:;1l th~' l'llrl).!l'lll,11 ll··~t r 1• 1 !' r e 11 "1· ~. I I ,, \ c !.](Hlll '1'r•rl-1·r 11c·<·d ... Jnll. E\J••·r 011 ·r \'.\U'11 .•llll 'l'J·;;..:.-.,;,\.'\'T ""1·•·11t·1 "· :11 ... ,. 1·un .. 1d1·r .. thl'1' "' f1·r , ,\-.\., 1,,1· H1 il>11'1 \\';111t.•d '-l't'llfll\ 1··h1J ;1 \::., I '·· }r~ •''I' :-t.1\\· 111. I 2 I.I I . 1~ •:! l"' j·I Job Wante d / ff!' male 70SO ... , • \.'it~\l.'S •if llt'l':lll. (..;;_ile1 l1n a & l'a los Verde~ ...... ~ ... --I ' · t I k -,, I' .. ,,,,;L,/ ,.,,.,. ... ,.,, I 11~ M •• <.1 r i:;cprl \it l'L l't'•:-, "'' " 1' ('(IHCI'.\ \ l>P:l..\1 \It \'H J.: 1· h I I 11 (; ,, 1 I 1ij;, 1 lllt• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOANS up to 80 % t..::J ll t>I:.! 5ti7~. t·xt ;J:l:1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• h1·l~'t"t·n ~ & I prn I r l'HA("f'l 1'1\1, 11111 ..,1· 1·J.11rn ynur l 1(·kcl :. 111,1\11/'1'. ro·I . li.r·;1I '''!. i.'\orlh L'._.unl y loll lr~e A\ ;id ~11 ;>< :111:-11, •24 llour Secu rity \ !\d•111 I"·•" S1':Ju _ ltr ·r 1111 nho u;-.1·. frp11•, •ll cal t.'Lt l'ool:-. Sauu:.1;, 'll i1m Jr,,,n '!.?JO friini $2~H 1 Br fr •\lll Sl!l:l :•·1 I , , •A;,;,1gnc1 t 1·1·"1·rcJ park 1691 Mesa Drive Pool. ll'n111s , 1·111i11n1·11l:•I ing , ,111 ., • 1 54 5·4855 hr<·nk f;i s l S•ul11· 11tt·:1n & fo•rn :1I<· 1'0•.rl1a11• 111 ~h ;11·e 2 HI> H ou ~•· Ball\(•~ 1 ... 1 .1nd ,\\,1 11 .!~111 1;7;J l~,}l l'llHUNA d('I f>IAH ol•· "I"' ;1\·.11! for ltlllll OCl' ·h.tO lv !:!•tu ~q I! .-~, "fl It Al l :.1.·r\':. 1111· ll.1rl,.,,,r 1n- \ 1.·~t 1n1 ·11l L:" Hltr:-. !i7;1 1 ·1\~I 1 't TD loaM· 91/2°/o 2nd TD Loons Lowe:-.l r <il t'S Orange Cu Sattle-r Mhj. Ca. 6·1'!.2171 51:>·0611 S(•r \'lng l larl>o r ;1 re:1 2,1 ~l 'l lt l'l'UA I. Jt l::AU1':1l <)p1•11 Ill :\.\! to !Ol'i\l ,\<l\'lrt• oo 111 1 n1;1ttt•rs. :J \2 l'i. E l Car111 no He:d s 1111 Clt•mt."n!t•, For Appt. ~·;111 4 ~~ :Ml:.11 4'.I:.; !•!'.It nurnbt•r 1~~.1 11 l:!:.'11\. Help Wanted 7100 " , .. • •i\dd il1t)nal t rc1..· p;1rk1n g l~==========cl (';1t alina v it•11·:>. s .. par:1tL· •i\ta 1d :-.c r11c1·avad ·1 · 'I " Open M·>' llH> WATERFRONT S:tt . 10 5. Sun 12 :i VIEWS IN '.""'°"Wed. . ' NEWPORT. Huntm11ton Pacific '"'""• o'ei1on '"" .~ · 711 e,ct>an A\'i: elega nt. excit ing wav to ( 7 1'1 15:~· l·IX7 live. Choo5e io:tts. oav Mngd by Wn1 Waltt"rs t ·o windows. s1ev11gnts._flre· ~~----places. Vour own pnvate W 'LK TO BE 'CH patlO or oalconv. A friendly A A milllon.dolla r rec center. l . 2 & 3 J\r . crpl:.. drps , ' bltns. gar. 217 llith St. or .r J IU 151 h ~I ._I I B !'1<17.:r.157 Tennis courts. too. fatn 1 Y :-.l·1·t 1nn. ~ •1:-.1• 111 :! Hoornrna\1·:-,'..:t•t•(h·J l,... :-hopp ing & f1111• hj•:!t'h :-h:1f1· hHlLC.O' llll' .. \I ,\l t1:-t tYl4 -2til \ 111•:1\ lJ'I' J I" I ' I. 01·1'.•nt ronl i·ond!I 2 llr.2 1\:1. lrpli', i.:.1r;1g••. l'unl. p11t!111 i.: i..:re••n . S\;111·:. lo Ot·.u·h l"u rn "r 1111tur11 ~·t.io Yt·.i r 1:-.c \1!1111 ~ ii21 1 7 1 0.~·\··~!l."lli .. :~1x H<>(J ,\1;\\A 'l'I< ~hr :! hr. ;! 1111 ;q 1t , {'d ,\1 . S \l~I + 'I ulii. \,'(·l'dt•d 11\' I !0 I-:\··~ 1;1:. 4 ti~!I . Vt-:\1 1\I F (•\•·r:.1o shr111t·e ~br ;i pl nr :'\<'~'JKirt lll\•d (',\l ,$70-+ tltll !~\f, 1;567 l Hlf. ~/u u•t . pt"•I . nr :-011011 1: I BI, I•' S hr p111 g & li11~ 1\1h1ll :-.. n" \\',1tl·r tr.,111 Jll'l!>. l\Jil l'"rt\\Ul.1 l ' .\\ t;7~> 2 hr apt. on ,\l,l'.r . t.il2 :1.',:!7 OFFICES 400 SQ FT &UP MISSION VIEJO BEST PRICE I .'I 1\ ll 1':A l'rpt ~. drps. ~·cl li;tr x:11 !!~~• ~ r,.,. We-luy 2nd TD'' li45 · 1:..'tiO --- . .4.nnouncem~nh/ 8us1ne-s s Rental '4'450 Pe-rsonals/ •••• ••• • •• ••••••••••••• lo't & FCHMMI Ce-nt•r San Clemente ••••••••••••••••••••••• !'ti E<;NAi-.;·r·; t'ari n ::. t•)n f 1tl ~·nt ia 1'ou nscl1n g &. rl·fcr roil. Ahurl1()1l, ;1 dort1o n & kt•e p1n g /\I 'C 1\ H Jo: &i~ -443!; DIVORCE ONLY S6S. (.'omplt·lely J!u;•ran1C'cd ti7J-57~l ••• . .,. -----······················· llE l'Al ll ~ to thf' JJ,,n1e ~ Or).,., ;1 II , :r~ou:-.l1c eeil1nµ ,\rl·Ount.1111-. i.1 Sl:!I\ ~pr) d. p;1\<'h pl ati tt·r Pr1o~r;1n1r '1 11r l<• ~~"1 t~Hi tj1~17 , ____ S1·1·1l'\;1r\ tn'lil ',1"1, Houlinq 60SI ........................ LllC1\I, nH1vn1j.! & hauhn ~ lo~· .~1ud1•nt Lr~ truc·k. r,.. :J :.. H.1rry H'.i:J 2u12, IRVIN E PERSONNEL SERVICES"' AGENCY ·IHX f:. l7 t h {1\t lr\1110·1 Su11 1·:!~I (:01:-ta ,\1 1· ... a Call 642-1470 ;,:11 12:1:, 1---... ---... _ _._.., ___ ..., ______ __ 1(14)0 ~q fl Store-o,. Offic• nn 1<:1 (';11111110 f{t_•;ll ~:xt·l.'lll'nl parking --:\1 0 \'l ~G . J/.1ul1ni.:. & .\cc·rc; <·l··rk. ·1111!'1 . .'1d.1 \ Lo.·1 & Found S300 ,\f)(Jf•·r1 {J,f';S. llf'put:iblt• •·;.ir:i"l.' Clean up. Ht·l1 ;1 \ t lt v e-~'l't'k (;uud I u11q1.111v ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ri:e n inc ii o r n l'Y bl•. 1 ·,,-., ,,,.,,,1,. .. b f 1 I ' "' ~-. t'IH' 11 ~ !'11111' ,!ll',j , ~1>t·c1.1 11.t_•:. in prot•uro• ~J(,:I Gl5t n11•11t ~ a dnpl1nn ol 1n -----~fl~f :~011. t"<I ,;,, 1!'2 !.17ti·I •l~Yl-733.1 J BR. 2 B a. :11 1 IJltns. lrplc·, crpls, d rp~. li.:c r1..:11u ' $210. lllO, ll~J:I l:J51 OJ 1 ............ -1(11(!\l \1 A'l'I-: lll'l'(h·d lo II .. hr :i hr.:! h:• hvu:.t• in f-----------1 S l',\('Jl>US 1,\:2 B•lr111 {'.\1 ~1 27 yr nld :.lr;nt.:ht 1..os-r: G ray <'oc ka r('l'I. \'ll', 18th & 1'u::.lln, t.:~I. !1-IH-fi.859. Bcw;1rd. ___ , !,1nts or y,;f'::.l fo:urOp(•a n l{,\l'l.l:"l; &·II nlO\lllJ:! .f.,,~l /l l 'f ll >l !:-.. i·.i r•·+'r stot·k. P run1pt ~('r\·1c<•. l mn11•d , d1•p•·n11 ,+tJ I ~· m1ndl•rl g irl 1 .... ~ ... , ... , ----__ Luxury adult rentals from ,op1 ... S h .i;.! iTpl . 11, .. ,1 . Ht1:-rn ;111 ;;;,,; 1:11x ~OO Ft F ron1;1g,(' I.OST: Dlack do):!, white W k · 5350 monthly l•Uld•"•I totup. 1-:111,i~ 1lu on Harbor 81•d. ~rot on chest. Fem . Part 847-539/i 01 ;, xn.-;7 Sl'I'\ Ll'f' . SIO l lo:_nl up m~1na~1 ·r 111 111 1.'.h 1,1,hu•n • • • J.111 2XW\ ::>IX't't.1lt) :.l"J ,. !->,d1'" l''ll 2 er 'fre.t'Rent · 100 Promontorvor west L:o,,,d 1.,11111111 ,,;,1111,. 1•v·r l!.\1 "h.1th, nr l'.•\t·d ln1 huili1 rng :ip l,ah1l)otx'·rm;1n V1r llt••I WALi( TO BEACH Just north of Jamooree WEST BAY IS 1 ... ;1 c· ti . ·r ,o J ~ a ho u I J'ru". 1.1un :-ii tt. Li-.i::.(· & Bol:.a C h1<·;1 Hd. 11 n . Roy Jolwtson 417 Yorktown Huntinqton Beach Yo11 a rc I hi'~ innrr ••I 11,\lt t.I NLl -F l a thi;:d nt•rdt·d :-,,.,. H1.111.i g1·r (ruc·k. :\lo\·in):!. t·h·.1 nuii. 1\p ropo' l~t 1··a ,h1 "n r I on Pacific coast Hignwav fl eaut 1 u ne\~' I un it Telepnone 17140 675_8000 1 ,.,h.ir ~. 1 ~ \t·gctar1an s;.:1100 p1•r n1onth fi.lfi 01;1:1 I 1.,.1. 1:11 I·: li'lt i . t·n ... 1.1 \l ,...,;1 I I SI to wn ho u~vs < •,. t•r owned and managed by \1•u"· "''" ··•J.!. · tJO t Roy Mc Cardle 1,1:1nrl. nr r:•ll 1.11 :,:1;;,:! 1n11 ... 1 a11\lh1nJ!. ~I l k<',.,, _________ _ 1; l.'i 'i lli~I . I' HUY. F 1rc pl:te·t_·s. hl111.~. r ne 1rv1ne companv. uul•, 1!1•1 :1~1'17 l~<1s1·. L'oc ka·lC'rr1.poo. ki tchen . 2 ei•r ;.:;ir;i )!e~ 1-----------R 4000 Re altor 1810 Newpori 12 :!2. n1:i!t' ~hal!l!Y Ve11!~' ,\\1)Vl 1\,'(; 11 1\L'Ll.\.1; :1n1! l 'LEANLi l' 2 ll :1rd~11rk Ill!! -.\11 <tt•n ! ~ ii4\J -17•1:-I AptM~r 2&3 Bcd ruoins . ooms ,\f''I' !<) :.h.tl'l' h;1v1• 1111.n ('1>~\:1 ~1 ('s :-.~l>I 1'1:!:1 ~· drk C>ar .... !'(·d ('Ol lar ;,:iti 15711 11, . ..,11,,11~,i,1,. h •1 n:ili· s l11 •••••••••.•••••••••••••• li!'1lro)11111. 11 \\'ll hath ----------•I \.·11• l .1d r1 1 ~1,-. fi<:l-l:!l ~I 2 {l (•ke\~ ln tllC' Spo,.fs . Vacation & Recreational Vehicle Show 1·,,upl1· !1) 1-,,, 111;111:11•..: h•vl·ly \l'l'I! 111 .11n1a1n.·d HI 111 70 unit ;td111i "l'' 1 ,.,n. d 1·nL !'<'lo ·r . t1 ·•1\111·,._ ... l Jl 4 HJ~\:-, :l'Gll \\'k lip \\'llh l'•llol II I\. X\2 111 111 B l!, 11.01 h :-.;1 . .,.,11 ,,rt k11l'l1 ~·11 ;:,JO.\\k1q1a1•t I'.! li•rn1 ' ' ' .' " Laguna Brach 3B48 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT 2 Rr . 2 li;1 yea rly lt!ase Scru r1l )'. P r1 vatc ll<':u·h P oo l. ·Lo unJ.:I'. (ian1C' room. Mature ;.idults. 1111 l\r·.1rli .ti'•'·'· ri·.i •. .-11H !17;1:1 1>r1'\~"> :t~11;7 pt•ts . 317SS C oas t l lwy, LaJ!un;1 1'1''.1\1 1\J.t-:. Sfl\1 1110 N11·t· 1 f;1m1l y .. rv1 hath. l ';1ll aft tiprn <J:Ki 2057. So N l-:\1/ lnnld1ng vn l'>,1\1•r Jl r. l B;1. ~ balc11n1l'" C;111 !'R I V. 1-:ntr:Jll<'C & b<.ilh. "!1!!!!!!11111111!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!•• 1 r11 rn. s;!:1.-•. 1;7;, 11:1:1 ,·.~ S I 15. 1110 , ('l o~(' In <1:17 2."126 bt"·n 9 am -H·:w pul WESTCLIFF BLDG . NEWPORT BEACH !;oH>e Netttl•fl O"•e Jnd •• n~ "•~ •••1l•~le ftO• .. 0.lw•• ••K,.h•• Oflic• __ •11 ·-11111•• ........ 0c ••• Call Mr Howard 645-6101 '•t•, D ELUX fo: .2 Story Unfurn ;_1 _HH , 2 Un. I blk lo lx·~1:h . '' Apt in dupt~x . 2Blt, Gha ll'IJ!\'. b(';1n1 {'ln~s. ~':JO ' · U p s t ai r s. Ac ross S l . m?..:J~Y.: ti45-7o54_· __ from beau cove l_x:a<:h. LG . 1 UH w /pulio. kini: Q U J ~:l· ft oum ~/k itr ht:n MEWPORTCEMTER Xtra lrg d eck off Liv rm. bed. chcsts. i·pls, d rp:-. pr1v. $7U 1n11. Share ul1 1. GROUND FlOOR "-'.,.# ~rg frplc. cathedral cc1I · bltns. ·~ blk lo wa ll•r. 5'1R -OS!f.f'vt_·n1n gs. San .Jnaqu111 llills Hoad. :3j..i ,Jbn1c_.s; •. Y'N 0oldp 0~ot .~1t.•m,, 10> ..,_5 ~ ~71'1 _ LIV J·: A·r I\ 1-:At'll< ·u 1-:A I' 2.:it>1 n . <.:a rpf'ts, drapes , ••~ ., atr·eond . janitor. pkng. 1 h 'I·' Ml 1 ll J);11 1yo r~·kly li73 1~1<10 T_._C . c 1urc n . a .url' at u s SonCle-m•nte-3876 l'lNl<:t\i\t(J'l'J.l t)'J't-:1 . We-sleyt-1 ... ,"""' o. Ire:.. only. Refs . $425 yrly lsc . ••••••••••••••••••••••• -HEAl.l'()HS &t·l ---49\0 -·i 497-lti l7or 642-00JG. J!()(),\1 rnr rcnl. klt('hen __ _ ~r · -------l B ll . (•lose lo l'lf>.'l{'h & ••• L ~· .. ~ 38S2 h • <1'1" n P"'''S. s~.'.i \l'K. Cv,.,la --INJUl'G ""'91'"" ·" .O l)IJl ll J,: .•..•. I u ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• <1!12 Hfi.lol2 o r ii~ 7932 ~,, ... , •. fi,15 :l!lltl p r \·i.,:s. N ~1ud1•nl tll ·!J i NEW 3 B r. 2't2 IJ:1 l'On(.k1. S PA('. ~·pl J ciip 'd 2lir21.Ja . FIJ HN. ki t '"·Ocean vie w , 2 Crplcs, "'cl Cll'l' F t·rn ~'LJ. fpl, I l '"', "·1k to bch & bar.5SO(l.m o.orLscopt . shops i\dults. no µcl:. 1•11rk1nJ.! g ir l $7 ~101l -GA 6"0-iW 95 d ays. 4!J2.:47;w .-.. 111 2~7.:! Jq· . -~·'1 1 ,......part leodt ll69 NEW hu ~e I hr. lrpll'. • \l/fo:LI. to d o. working .\.!:::•••••••••••••••••••••• pool. ext·lus i\'e ar<'<i ru 1>t!r son. no n-s m o ker '(1-..:l' BR. s unde ck, locked h l'h . S220 in cl util . Beaut II H. ho1n e nr liO ga,.age. m at ure adults. 496--0016. O<'C<•n. $100. 968 -1910 J -i .,, No pet&. S200. 548--4922 ow, Santa Ana 3880 $100, prlv ba. k1lchc n d~u'J BR, C lose to beach,••••••••••••••••••••••• pri v l. was ht>r. dryer , • ~dults onl~ f2Syrs). $225. CHlt lSTIAN Livi nJ! Apts. poo l . ~:i blk lo bc h . --mo. yrly . 073-7506 I br. I ha, s t:U 1110 111(·1 .~-;,U>{l Z<:l .. t~AN i or 2 IJr $150 $175. --Adult~. nn peL~. <M2J ~- • -Jb'th N IJ , 64&-JHOI ·---- utilir. 10 ~l i n_ to Calv;i ry 1.,-,-. -, ~k 18 k ll•t)' Ch;_i p1•L No eh ll rl tJ>t>I ~ l~rr) "1 f' ac ' 12 10 & 12 1,1 S Pat:1llt' IGC h o ni,t• "'1 1l 0,~.1 · A .. >' \ 11 121,t Ail Ku ch e n , St udcnt /~11 1 Marqaret LeGe-ffe 234SA- Mrwporl Beoch • Y uu ;1 re the win ner of 2 ticke ts t.o the Sports. Yoc:otion & Recr-e-ationol Vehicle Show a l lhl' AN1\JI E l !\1 Co nvention Center J a n. 4thru 12 Ca11 6<t 2 -5678. ext 333 b1>twe<'n 9 & I pm to c l ai m yo llr t 1e k e ts . <North <.:ounly toll ·Cri.,-e nutnh('r is 5·l0-1220J . ••• BR. 2 bii . 2 doors rrorn • -ocean . Y1•a rly. $300 mo. '73-282~·-?~709_. __ I I,,/ 'J.1,r. ' ) '5 'J' 5f07 7,ti7:l ti4!>-I. ~ 1>' Ii-• 1 H I'. Zoru ni;.:. So L".[!una. "~l n kc ll o1J n1 For U:id· :11~·14 Vi r~i 11 ln Way . 1000 • We-stmJnster 3898 d y '·. .el l'i•n vu!. thf' :-l(j,l.$:150 •100 (J~);>('ve. ••••••••••••••••••••••• i'l{IMI·: rl·L;1il 1 ·,~rnn:1 d~·t ~1 ;1 r. l l lHJ ~'I rl , ~round floor frunla J!I', ;1 •1·. p;1rk.· 1ng. :,1, :\T a ~t er~. \)IA'IH:r Jtc·u ltor. 1;7J 41:.'11 cu·r..: adobe hnll ~I' fnr Sl!!rr or .,1f1 re. H•JO sq fl 6'15 lU20 or (t.12·6.'i(i(I How Leasin9 Offices & 1.os·r Small bl k m ;d" York1P{Silk1t•. \'1e 'l'ur· l it' l!o1·k. 1\n:.10 · i"l ax '' !<••IA',\ r1J . !jJ::! 11.';'.I\ & F ()\i 1 .... ll . ,\!1n 1atu r C' G<'rm;•n Schn:1u1.cr, pup· py, Vil·· lrv1nf',S5:!-UM1il Hous e-cle-aninq 6054 Plt·'I . t lr ;1 n i.:1• ,.,,. I. \. ;,t lh•· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ('n1111!11·~ Xl11! t•·n .. 111 1\N 1\1!1'~1 1\1 Sa l.1r"' -1 1 101111 ~ 1'.dl ('qnvt• n t 1011 l '(•!ltf'r 1 ltll f:-.1':<..: L E '~ ,\,I I ~(; 1·" \>l~r ~ 21 :J l \12fi ·4407 .,., , ·1·\.,~ta 1 ... ,I an. '1 thru I Z hu~rnt•:.s. Ca ll ,_.~;1 0~~·~ ~ .. •••••••••• C<il l i-;.i2~atilH, '--''t 3;1:i l!a,g ~t·dy A~nns ti1:.~-r hC'l~'t'l"n 9 & I pm (I) S Pll'&S PAN Al'l'. ,\!AN1\<:1-:11s :\l.1r- t:•la1n1 y1111r t1 1·k et ~ llUUS 1':CLEA:>;IN<; t 11.:d <:1>1 . hu ... 11.tnfl <Nnr1h County toll (rl'C' (.;;il l Gl3 -80.'ll 11o·1 m;11nl ;duhly l!'1 unll.!1 F()UNI> W r1~twatc h on nurnht•r is 51\l -1221')), ~1 7 -i J27 i\l1ramar l)r .. Baltioa. • • • Income Tax 6058 --- t:al l to 11le nufy 61!'1·~>t25 ---••••••••••••••••••••••• Stores . . . ---ra•el 5'450 SAVI-: lhis a1L Fnrnirr 1'(>U,'>;I): ~m;.i ll fC'm a lC'••••••••••••••••••••••• lllS MokeExtr-aSu AVON 3 36 ft & I , I , h · I.JI· k II . ·<ti:?:t prC'pare 1ncomC' ,.,. up < o~., oni-: air, •. <ic ~·1 1 NEEll so~eon('. to hC'll' tnx retur ns. hooks, 2S yr~ Reprl.'Sf'ntinµ lhl" ~·nrld '~ nrand new ('Qmn1crci:tl hro" ~ 1n :irk1n_gs. red col-dr1vc to E scotKhdo. prcr. exp. Call :'>H I -IKIJ I a r i.:e s t l'!lsn1t•l 11·~ .~ con1plex' !'>pan1s h ~ty lc . l;i r, 1'Pllf'ra l SL bcl11o'ct_·n Ive F r 1 /wkend,cxchan~c -----to1lelricse111nJJ;zny.Show Ple nty o f l'arkini:. rrnrn \'1l'tor 1;• & l!•th. C.i\1. refs , 6•1fl-·170J landscapinq &066 & S('JI bt:':ui titul i.:irt~. co.~· :l:tn s11 rt. !o l<tOO sq. ft. or G46·4 51 <1_aftc r.~pn1 __ --. ,.,r-, ••••••••••••••••••••••• mc Ues. jt•wo ·lry et t'. 111 m o re . F ull faci l it i e~ FAWN f 1 p t B IJ Ser•ice-Di,.e-ctory ynur spare time. l\lt:_1et Urop ('Cil!ngs. Recessed , · ema c ~ u ••••••••••••••••••••••• people. ha ve fun too! IL~htin~. Airc•otKlitioned . l e~r i e r . I-la~ licen se LANDSCAPING CalJ .'140 llHI. Prime loc:alion -just on OO'l64. Vi c. ~lsl&Santa f!OU S E PAI N TING . ----rreC'~'a)' ! Good visillilltv. Ana. 5'1tl ·l362 Res p. and dep. '19-1-RJ77. ~eor~o nai1 Ii ~e~ i ~t ~I~ i~ Bi~HYSl'rT..: 1l Pe~ STOllES & (Jf-'FJC f.'!-'OUN O : A F C l-IA N . L.c av~ m essa ge. Kim . s -~ir i s X & 5 wkd ys 5 r . II ,. I Lan.ds.cap111g ... rJ,r1nklers I ·. J0-7 · .. ·io & we""·,· F RU,\1 .3. sq t. Ca t Male. Vu·: L'.-..:ta I9lh & ~~1_s_. • ,. t j) c • V" .,. ... us 0 111 es1gn. on· 10 . 30 _ 7 .10 r . 1 . 1•1=m=1*1752~;i'.:~001.·· ::1~J:~1\if~·. i.i~~~~· cau -~~~i!!i.".~ ••••••• ~?~~ ta GJREENHAveH :~ ~~..i~·.· scoh i ('~~~e~: ! 4 LOS T : CM /\rea. pure BABYSITT ING m y ho rnc, GARDENS . white 1-lus k y/Shepherd. n.ur s in g:_.~x r . N_,ea r d 1--::i::::::==•-••-rcmale, mc d·s•zed. ver y Gra ham/E,d1ngcr. t.ood 2123 Nc~fu1-~t3~~· . l'.M. B 1\ n Y S I T . ----timitJ.842-3264 ca re.840 1530. _ -----'f t:lt /lllJ US F.KE J·:P E l't Industrial Rental 4500 . ---te-r 6015 Masonry 6070 Ma ture ,pt.time.regula; •••••••••••••••••••••••Los t M o nday . \·1c . ot Ol°pet' ••••••••••••••••••••••• basis . a pprox. \Odays :-t Safe way a nd Boat Can.••••••••••••••••••••••• . . • . m o nt h . 7A~t tn '1 P/\-1, • COST • •••5• * t'in•er r i n g s nake 2 Ri'::MO D EL, ADD·ON . B lt lC KWU ltK . pav ing. Ad ams & Uu/'ihard. l~lt ""l"'ftl;: "" · ' ' & plan ters & c nl rywa }'S 1300 S"' ft. pvt ofc. diamond eyes. Reward. gar con v. cu.s t ne w ron· 531 •97, L' ,227 •. _ D· 962 -1562 ·• 494-7608. st. 25 y rs exp, free e st ··• ic """" av ---·-------I I0 -220 pwr, plenty ol 645_3439 BABYS ITTER ror t wa pa rking. Wll..L the J o kers in CdM ai~/l'aperillg607l school·a ge girls. I:JO 10 1 7SO sqrt-20fcs.2re5~ returnmy /\ialea Trec &BU ILD . R e m ode l o r••••••••••••••••••••••• 5:30Ph :833-1857 rms. J phazc pwr. nr SD Planter , to fi03 Jasmi~. Repair Qual. tradesma n * lO'k DISCOUNT• ------ fwy. No quest ionsasked! in all p hase s con.'il. Bill Wa llpa perin~&Painting BABYSITTER. n1y home 11 ,SOO.sq rt s pnnklerro. -979 5289 Free est , Call 642-6315 or yours, eves & wknds , C Rober t Natlrt.~. Rltr. Ta ken fro m 284 E . 18th St. Co rona del Ma r Hrea. Costa l\1 esa 979~1 1 C./\-f . 1/l /7S. Blac k & CARPENTRY P ROF P a inte r . Honest 673-2115, call a fter ti ----------w hit e f e ma l e c at. Ca hinc l Work. General work, re a s, lnt /Ext.rree 1~Pcm=·--------- ISOOS9FT&UP Heward. -+-&t5-2,Sg<I Re pairs . Drywall Work. es t , ref s , 548-2759. T E"f MISSIOM VIEJO S ma ll Ad d ition..1;, 642·39 13. B~BYSl.T " or 6 Yr old LOST: LAB /Slf l-:P. i\tix. 6112.8223. Boh ------l(lrl 2 a ttnoons a wk, Cd~1 Jndust,.lal Unfft fcinale. red rollar. \'it ..---·--I' A I NT I NC · Int.· Ext. & urea . 67'.!-1498 2799 2Can1in0Caristrano Ka 1 s er Jr . JI 1 g h . ''OUNG CAR P t;NT1'~R Acoust ics . Ex. ~a lit y . ur;i\UTY 0(,'-,-11-,-,.-.. -0-11 at San D1t!,1tO fo·~·y 54li-<t3ti2 Quality Work/I.ow ltlll\'i:I Reas. !ta les. 1''r ~st. SP AC E for l.cllliC. l.ar"o Avery turnoff 1:1.11 -1600 ----613-36:'>8 J OJTN !:1!19-2957 "' Los·r · Blk long· ha ir --------new sa lon . Coasl llwy, P ROP£H'f Y forrent.SI S<. nia le ·,·at w'Jsome ti.ccr MINORITOMi':llE PAIR •Wnllpaperl-fanging • Dana Pt. Xlnt 1mrking & per mo. fo r further in· ma rk ·gs. Vic. Lemon St. Pl u mbin~-Carpenlry Dy ror m e r instructor. w o r k i 11 JI i.· n c i Ii l 1e 11 . l't ~ BR z ea wJd i!ihwas her. 2BH ''''l Sllj5 ,\\·1u l.1 hl1· 1?1'1 L ii~ paliO, Yrl y . nnw.:->•11 11 1·Ju rn1turt· (:11 1 Jt1 f1J -6606 . 28th S t . loc nr 1-·rt't.'Way & IJch _al "l M•rlaa. !itiJ J7!15 \o 1ns1x•<·t.. J,!1t r l1Ul' ... t ul'n llh•t Jurik . -· --- 11110' t:'~Sh \\'Ith ;1 IJl.llly OF'FIC.1-:, :u r ('Oll•I . reali l'ilot t:lassifit.'ll Ad. 4.:t11l rent. 2400 W._ Cst 1-~wy 642-567!1 . lltt !"MS from stllll Shirt) 5.f(.~1tl. forn1a tion call 548 -19..17 FV, 968 -2676 Cer amic Tile . 540--~ Carl Rebko . &16-2-149. 493--6900. - f 1, I ' J .. ~~."!'~ ..... !!.~~ • . 'W-d 7100 Holp W...t.d 7100 Help Waol•d 710o Help Wowt..S 7 100 Allficl'tH • • •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1005 DAILY PILOT 1010 BAXTER'S STREET Now lhnn,:: HOSTESSES Full & Part TIO}(• Apply In Pc""oo l)cl wee Jpnl & .aµn1 4647 Mac ArthurBl•d Newport Be-och F:qual Oppor. E1f1µl uyt'I' C•EDIT CHECKER Coola<'l <:r\·~ Nl·11.·la.nd 714/836-3505 fo1 .iu i1µpu1ntmcnt BANK OF AMEllll;A 5ou N1·v.·port Center !)1 Newport fk•;:ic•h 1\n_.,;~~ (Jppl~ t-:rn pl De-ntol Assistant F l l~mc .,;)o.pl·1· d only Exp<inded du111•-; Gnnd bcncllls & workHll'l cou ti:. II II /o!.11; 1•~17 l 1\:t:CJ~1 t: TA.'< l'rep1trer tt:mp. £0 hr:, wlc ~d dlt>huck Vullt')' al'.:• No •·~p ne<' 5H I 1~11 .1 1\l 'K 1n The txoic, •nnnt-tl u1~n1 n~:, \f l' .\1 rnuJ1ul1:. .',P'-f n11 dn11 e Al!.o llA :\1 HA ,\l l:.'OS fiakl·r Sl, Co.,l.1 ~1 1·~a ----- JUNIOR SALESMEN Ag t• 10 15 . t:aru ~>0-S.l\l pt.·r 111.•1.•k ~t·ll111.1: 11c11· c•u s to m er" for tb ~ !IA /LY 1'11.()T alter ,.,,·11uo! and Suturday5. )'uu mu~l ht· uu! <if school tiy 3 OO 'p in .. nJ be :ihlc tn w!irk ;11 ll•a:.l J da )~ Restaurant Personnel T t-: I. t: P II l> N t: Sl)l,l (;l 'flOll, L x µc r , "ork 1nyourhon k" 1;100 J>i-1 ) l.>-IS_ !>JSO lmmcdH1t1· '''"'·n1ng~ ror lm••••••••••••i t·~11crjrn 1·.-·t1 ..,,alters . 11•a1lr""""~ .. nJ dis .,..,, J "l\1•1 . ~t-<it ap l"'aro1n1·1.· requ1r£'d .\1.ilt.r" .1ppl1canls prt' h ·l'rl·Li t\Jlp} lO, Thir Ori91nal Houlll' of Pi•s 3lJ fJ Ne .... ·port BJ,ll :0..:ev.·port lk·:it'tl IO:t.rn . 5p.nl. f:ljual Opty En1plO\l'I' ' ----- *TEMPO * Meeds You Mow! RHeptlOnlsh Ty p ists Se cretarie s A ccount Cllts Re pros PUBLIC AUCTION MA ... \' rrt:\1 Sl lF r'INE i<~~T1\l'~; Jr;\.\'l:;l.HY . Al<"f' U l:!J~t:·rs . f\N T IQ UE S. f'INE F1J RN, •••••••••••••••••••••• S ll~llKY "S K9 AL BREEDS fl11:.t rd1n• &t Groom 1nf( t'1t.•kup & ~l1vtor)I Poo dle Puppv Sa l ~ij.~ t-:TC. l'llONr: 1-'0H I •~ l>OG Obed1.:111·e 1·1.a~i. t FU & UllU<.:lf U /l~. slarl 'A't>d Jan tlth, 1 04~ 2200 P .\t , NB /Irvine area . ~6 4928 tOLLl-:C1'01tS<.:hes:> St.·t. ---------1 l uf a kind. Antiqu1~. 1n l(,\RF. Gordon Setter All tr1('1.1tely carved. 1\ul'y shols. ltl'f'OSc~. I yr male. S{'t purc h:JSl'd 111 ln<lia 1n 1 s;io 5:1ti 24!17 l!f70 fur $10t.Nl \\'ill Sf'll ---- lor $7:.0 5.-.H Ml Wkdys ·11 t:::L'l'l I•. dt>.1:, ll•111alc . or 5 Hli S<?!J!J n1 te~ & ,..._,year:. old S.:JU ..,,i..11<t~ -------_ -~ ~al~54~-·- ............................................. \ ... GIANT ESTATE JEWELRY AHO FIHE ARTS SALE O••r 1 111 l lll on dollar ln•e ntory o f llMr'Clt-.ifM COii i i pl Id fT'Gfll .......,.klH. c-l qoldalloos, nlaln, of<.. s-,. Sottoday. -.say ....i T .. ..say J ..... 4, 5. 6 &. 7 N"°" 'Ill 5:00 P.M. ooly IY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT AND AUTHORITY D~"11 Galleries West , Inc. JIOO KK .. -:t :l'IO:ll . loea l CPA fir111 h.t ~ 1mnll'il need (or l·:x 1~1·:HJ r;N<.:ED l.Jkkpr for "Till· up work . Goo<I 11p 1ll .v Ca l l Mr . Kr:.tn1 .. 1 Kll-32HI I) t: N 'I' ,\ J. A S S 1' ClrthuUonll(.; ehr::.rdv S.:i ~a p1·r hr. 1.h:p••nd1n g on l"\'.µ1·1 & ah1l.tt .Y .\ JJ;i~ "I. \\'r 1lt· Cl<i~:-111\'d .ul 110 :.::~G .1:1 0 ,f)a d\ l'11'JI, I' !I lloX 15tiO , 1·.,..,1a .\1t·~a. t ';1 '.12h~6 per "'l:'l'k ,\;u fl1.•l1ver1 ei.l•••••••••••- o r l' " I I t• C' I I II g ·r r;1n ,p1>rla t1 \n1 pro '1J1•1L {;all ~if~ <IHl2 l•:qu:1l (l(ll>••t lun1I ) t 'hoosf' your 0"'n hours. 1'11t \·l1n1e-a i.s 1.:,:nrnl•nt. ... :.1l':i 1lahle . Ci11l ~0--1-150. t\'t-:\'E ll.1\ 1''t-:t-: ,\·r ·rr:M 1·0 l't•111µu 'l'eIT1_1>0ro11·y lle lp AppUonc.~s 8010 e-~loYou 8045 has been a uthoriz('(I l t1 1n <1k.;.• priv~1 tc s alt·s of one of the l arge~t 1f not the largC'st ~sel ect ion in th1• ~nuth land of fine estatl' a nti c·ontC'm\Xlr ;u·~· Jl'wclry. ladies and g t•nt ~ cliamtind sn lit;nr~s and fash ion r ings, gold hrac('Jcts , necklaces, J>in ~. ch;1 in~. finl' \;1<li~' and gents \\':.tt<:hC's ti~· II.oil':>., l",1agt·l . Omega, Hu ct•hc -(;1r1~<1 . l':1tck J>hili11pe. Au<lctnar:-.. l-.1quf't, t•lt'. bron1es. porcelains, l'Ul c1yst:d . s1 l,·er servicl's, etc. l lOOKKt-:t.:1•1-:u , time. Y f\.1<..:J\, C:tll612 :"~·•• --~ I' , 1 I I II 0 0 K K t-: J.: I ' I N c; Cl.F:RK p:.t t'l t11Y11 '. tu wurk in :.t tax at't.'OUl1 t1r1 ,:: uffi cc. ('all H~l:-! 5SOJ l)l!JVl·:Hs , <'ro 'I " l'11U11try ,\.o "l)('l'l:.tl llr rt·q J\ppl1 ·r111·~ Jnn. 7 \II 2 l' \I 1\1.,Jt•(ir•·l!"I' \'a ch1... ltiJI l'l.H:t:Ht l ... C •. \I l·:1l'lplo,1 .. 1· I\ I' & t)JH.'f,t\llfll" .·~1'.u, S,\.., J E\111·r l'tt1111l',l'\e~ au. (11: 1 u 111111 o.l:ll REUBEMS Mow Hiring HOSTESSES COOKS BUSBOYS 1.1\'t-: I n ll t>H~l·l<pl' 1t1r 1\p11l' 1n 11t·r~un 1J1.·l\\1·1·11 l·:NEHl.;J<;'l'll ' Jl ;n'd"otk 1111•:1 ... a ut 1•ltl1•111 I.i d \ 111 :1 ~ f'1\!. ~5 1 f.'. ("ua't 111 J.! 111.111 \\1lh l'i ••n11· ,\\•ih1l1· hnll" , I\,-: \\I. 1111 • \:1•11port lll"11·h USED CAR SALESPERSON 1-'or one o f lhP rastl.'"l g,r.,w 1ng f\.1 ('l't'c.'ll t•1t-Bt·n1 dl';1lt·r~h1JJ~ 1n th(• l'OUll 1r ) .\t u s t h .1vc t'X · prr!t'll l'l' l:illl Bob Bo ll£•r .1 \ H.l:t 9'.IUO ................................................... f. .. H E IG llT FREE F1•m:.dt• ra t "'hilt' Of\,\! {\ t; 1': S:\L t-: .... Ith lll.L(' k . Vt.'I")' LJ n\e. :-l l' W fl 0 t p 0 I n l'l!Jl-~2 _ - Ut•1 r1it('rators. \\'a s hers, 1. "'L' '" 1. ,, .,1 He l rH~' l'r f)rv1·rs. u1~h~·;1 ~hc rs. ' "' " '" Ne~' ..,,arr;Hity t:'rrtlit. B Pup:., "·e ancct,. ri'~t~Y fllr of ,\, Jl,il3 \V Warn<'r . g11o<I homt•:.. IOJ _1,3 Sanl:1 Afi;t , u1•ar ilarbor.111)\Al.i\YAN n1 .1le 1'.:tl . !Ji!I 2921 1 1 _.~1.'.tr" nld \\'1111<1.l'()()J. J Spd ·~·:111 5·\li li!IK8 • IH IYS Clll (;I HI ft'\ /\gl' 10 l" l nr ll1\IL\ 1•11 .trr routt·~ 111 S:1111:i 1\11:1 IJ1'l wt·cn S..·i.!1·r~l r11n'I & SunfJu"'t·r ;111d :\l i>Lll ~- 1-'lowt.•r. t':ill ;\Ii' :-.11yd1•1 :ll 1;.t:!-·1:1:.!1 l..11owl1·d 1.:.-111 Uu1ld1n J.! _,,,,1,11111kt·r ,,,,1 :.!i.i.l t11 l<11t1Jlllp p 1':11 1plr. WAMTED 1·,.11 ~1 r u 1·11 .. u lt1r d i ~· t>-11, Hl :!:1 ioo••••••••••!"•I l)i•l u .\f' Y.le<' ltr_,·er 4 (; t-: H ~I AN S ht·11h l•rd . 1llj1~1i1t1 S il;;) :'i.IU ~1 :~1~1 il'Olalt•.1',K("..,,.,p.1 r1t·r~. I 11 1:1nt1111i.! .i111 1·1·:-1\1 111,11 :1 1·:x 1·1·:u1 t ::....t ·i-:1; :ind t.•:1rp1·n!1\, ll'IJ t 1:r1 .i1L\'\j :1 II .... ~ .• p1•r ~hdt H\: ~•'I!\( l''\j!t,11l'IH'l'd I n 1::1.J·:t "l'n IL' rangl'. 'l'ap p.1n l·';1huli"1" •H)(l. 111 0\l'tl . i,.:011d !.• .-·lt',Jl1 ~\\)It 5·11i 02 1•1 ~r otd 1;11 11 ,1·hldrn l\lerchandi s e u s u:ill)' sc1ld only l1 y aul'lion ca n l>c µurc h:1s('d 11r1,·:1t1·l y hy special arr:ingcment ,,·11h t·11n:-.ig 11t1r s during this o nt'C' in ~• ti1\·tin11• s nit.' prior to S::iturcl ay ;11111 Sun1!~1~ nights :iuct ion. H47 :1~1 ;1; tr1 0,·1 1r~:. 1·!,•:inup 1-t1' 1',.r11 .1l•·,t·1·111 11 ..... p11:il C HARGE HURS E <11tt1\· 'l'.1\ ptt·p.11 •'1" I•• .Sl·V1•1';1 I "1·1·k~ "urk 1':'11.1, ll :1.,11,, s 111-g H·.11 1 loor, 7 ;111 ~h d1 """rk par I 1111 \t' \\!lh 1"1•.il t'ou!d 1,,. l>l'!'manl·11t !11r ~ltJ ~\ h .ive ~ha rgc e~p .. r .\1 .1 n a i.: 1.• 111 l' ti l t ·" r'•J.!lll nl:ul ;\pp!) t;:ii! \\' MANICURIST Xh1 I \\orking c·.,1ul11lo11:-. 5·1'.I ;11o1 S l•:AHS l'11r1 •. 1bl1· \\'J,,h1ni:: l'l!l'J'l l-'.S, \\'1 r1.·h ,11r 1 Ualn1 rn1 .>;, 7 \1'ks. to j.!OtHI hO!lll"'l 5.'{li llH~l:I J·:q u :1I , ~lpp nr 171h:-.1 c ·,1~[.1 i'llt· ... 11 l·'...:11"1 ii , ~1;,lilo•, ••I ii ,'(,. bt·11 vl 1\~ L'1111U1('l ;\·\1·~ 1------------·1 i\l :t\'!11'1•' II\ xlnl t'tUHl , • 11•111 >l).(i.!r•·~~l\'t' pl·r·:-u11 ll1':ALi'fll-'l'I. l n.~h S1.•l\1•1· 1nal1'. \'('l"Y l r1t•11•lly & ohcd1<'11!, l L't'l' to g d I·: 11l p I 111/t' r J\u s 1!11~·. 1L1 .v ..... t·x pt·r11•1H'f'<I wa1ll'l'."" "t'•' ,\I ISS 1\1 (' I .l'O<t ·1!/H lfili:I lllJS Y <.:tu rnpr:.u·I 11· i 1fl H'l' \\' a n l t' d 1 nl n1 1· d 'l'h1•r ap1 .... t "l'r;1111•·l'. In· n o t req 'ti . c;oo1t pers onality. 111." ~1 1, J -7. Or. L: t 'o11lU l'l', :.!ol:J \.\'l•s tcll1r l>r . Su11.· 101. N n. &15 -!'>:1f1t1 l\USY l\f(l'l'll f.'.llS l'lll"' 1-:la rnnrou ~. t•>;1 ·111r1i.:. tuil o r p /l11n 1· car1•t•r w /;1bovc a\·1·rai:1· t'.1rn 1n j!s a s ;i Ht•t•l1n1· Fa~tiruns f.1:-111"11 :-l\·l1:-t t ' a I I 1\1 r :-. , S 11 " ..,, , :~u1 -~14 3~1 . E XEC .SECRETARY 111·1 ·d ··~t ,\Iii (• 111 d11 l'l•'.1 ~:11\l N<:"'IJ0r1 1,.1·~1 l'"'""·l;11n & .111111·! 11 a1b \1 011 c:,•nl'r(ius !i1·n1·111 ~ t·'11 11)l" ('urH :n·l l'.1ul.1, J(,.q·~ br ig ht ;1 ggr··~ ... i\•· ~11il ii11:1.,r•11::.! 771~; p t' /' ~ o ti \I' I \ I 11 1 ! J, , , ,,.1·rl'lari:d ~kil l." t' II ''. ·.L IJ .\:'\J('S \\,11H1·il. 1;.1 1 i1;uo ,1"1 111;1111 '1 \11th ll:1!,uu,'(·'1'11\.1•la1•\ GIRLS 118-281 'l'r:1 111 fnr t1·~ll1r11 ~1t•• full llllll' l''l~l\1 1111 Ill rna~ . ..,;1.1:1• t·:.irn 1\h1h• 1•111 lt•urn 1'\lu 1·'\p !lt't' \\,. ~t·iul 1 .. ..,t·hool. 1\ppl1 .iu.' ;1f\1·r11 01111 ••r 1·11•11111 :..: £l ll ll ;11-luir B!1d ('\I Hf\11< :o-'l''.'1.I S 'I" ,.;,, L\l.1n11•11r1 ,1 11·;1111<'d 1111 """' S:1 l1111 Ill Ht'.IUI 1)1' .... l ~ll l'l.11.1 J\ l' ..... h 1 ... 1.111d l•'1 1l lo"'111~ pl'•• l1·rr .. 1I hl\f 100:.!:t p1 •r11•11t ,. ll''IUll t'd !" l.11 I ' I 11' (' 11 "t '!1i;! -~~}II \l 1-'. ]) J ("\I. ~1·:1· 111·: l'.\H\' 'l'H .\.-..;S('l(lll l·:I< ,\:1·1·cl1·•l l1ntr11.•t.t1.1t1.·I\ f.,1 11 ... 11ul1•c~ 1111111· •1t:1l1 •1t Ill ·' II 10:\p 11!'1' l ';tll -,, 1:.! +, 11. I I 1•r .11>111 MEDICAL I{;,, I ltH'\tl!" ( 11111'\', \I I ... -. .• 11 1 d ,11 \\k :"..1.· .... 111 1rt t '1•11t 1•r I0:111pl"11111•111 l \111 -.111 1.1111 ... ,\g1•11!'I ,,.,; :-..111 \:q ·,,l.1~ l>r :"i 11 tollf hl .10 .ll'!\"•·11 . ('0~1:1 .\!t•:-.:1 WE'VEMOVED ~s.1:01 1; H\.",;; :'111 •11111r1 :1I ll•1~p1tal. :Jul V11·to!'1,1 , l ':'11 i;.I:! :!7:\.1 r1ri\"atc s ales \Viii IH' mad(' durin g inspection hours J1(J()ll 'ti\ ::i .00 l'.1\.1 . Saturd :~y and Sund ay and ;1\l <L1y !\loncla y only. Nnthi11g so ld privately clurin g 7 :00 r1 .l\l . lo s ·oo l '.I\,, ins pection for Si.lt.urd:1y and Sl1nclay nig hts ~urt ion . RH :'ll l•:ll· S l 'H(; U:"-1'1' 1! 7 :i111\.\1 Sl11ft /•\111 ur 11 11111'" l>1t H·rl'nlla l pa~ l·'.>;o'i'll1•11! bt•r11•t1t.~ (;ul\ l.10 I ,\Jr,., .1<'11:-1.•11, ('••:-l :• '.\1 t' " ,1 ,\J ,. n1 or 1 a I llu ... p1l.1I , ,IUI \'11·11111.1 . \' \1 1.1 2 :!7'.11 RH 's /CCU/ICU So1111• 1·111.11111:,: ~htl l s Slaud 111 llllll'. 11if11.·r+·n· \L,11 1>.J\ 1"11\I Pr p.t1m1• l~\i't'll1·111 lit·nelll~ l'1ul!;11·l ,\fr, Jl'ns~·n COSTA MESA M e morial Hospital 30 1 Victoria, CM 642-2734 EOE NEWPORT Pe r sonnel Aqenc y ;: I ~(! '.\! ;1!'I1 n. Sit• :!.j;, Ir\ 111" l.":1 ~llti6·1 l)ougl;1-. l'la1;1 I] Hlk ~II Ul C.unpu~ ()It \1:11;,\rlhur) 7 52-033 1 II \ l'l 'Y Fll l1;1 1),\1H t·: dlx l'le1· 111.11 r h1n t-: 1\';1 ~hl•r ,<; ho rn<'. !"1:11 1\!·l!I d,1r<"r,11r. U•·W. ~\IJ(j l':I 1-'lil.I. B l.OIJl)l•'.I) 1;er111 :1118 tJ\1 ;:1, !'lhl'IJ, F c ru , Blk ·ran . :.. ·;1 l'HJ1;11),\IH1': cus1on1 \!'-". old. h"l'brkr1, . ..:lnl lrn p ., poppy rt d "'011d ;....:.:_l·h1ld ',.Hi:! 1~11: h.1nrlle" 5 )r. 1~·arr . $350. Furnitur~ 805 !"l-IK :11iHll • •• • •,. • • • • • • • • •• •,. • • •• • \\'I·: U (; 1': \\'CJ()I) Stu\'" ~.io 1·<-111 ;111yt1mt'546-8lti8 • . . MATTRESSES C}ul't'n . Full & ·rw111 St:t~ J'ill t:t:O 'l'U MUVI:: N<)\\'~! Bicy c les X~3·!l!i25 & fo46·8t'86 8020 ---........................... COMPUTER GOOF Ex cessivt• ~h1pm l'nt Cash. p ersona l check s . 13ankAm e ri ca rd . l\lasterl'ha r gc ;:incl deposi ts ,.._·ill be act·t•pt1.·cl . 2542 West Coast Hwy., corMr of Tustin A•e-. and Pacific Coast Hwy.. 2 blocks south of The Arch~s in Newport leach. 645-2200. lrorn J.::1s t l'annol bl'Fu "t 8050 s hipped ha1·k . :1 "'a) rnr ure Miscellane ous 8080 . .. ..................... . ......................... t.:Ll-:llK 'l'Yl 'IS'I'. 1.\P Ill.I:. !ill' 1!011kk1·1•p111i• Will lr:nn. {'.111 l1w ;ip IK)lnlmPnt. ~;1 :! 11lr t 'u11l .v. \l(;,\1 '1' ll'!ll' :!l \11 ~i.-111 """ IH)I !-)JO:k lO:l<l 'l-'.11 fl,d1) 1 :\I Ii t I ..; \ l. 1-; ;-.. f' 1-: 11 l' I, I': '''''., .. l·",.,,,,,1, ....•. ·,o.,,·,•., .. , i~u.1111 " , r 1"1;1rt ., ' I I I " "< V\\' Yt-:.-\H ~:V t-:HYI 1:-l t·: 1\11 t•l1.•ctr1f y 1n ~ t'X - \Jl'fll'llt.'t'! l'U\'l'rt ~(1tir hike t() a l\1.·;1rt:•l r:it'l' trll'Yi'lr• l'nv.·1·r "·h1·n ~q11 "·;111t -p1•1l;1I "'hen .111u do11 '1 1:i .\11'11. 15 1111 l)t'I' 1·har).!1'. llu.1· t;11•1or) 1ll re(·\ Lin11tl'tl !1n11• nnly s 1:t\I 51). Su1H'!' Lo l'!'I!'(' 1.;121; Wt·~t.,t:.ilt' S(, \ltl'"\f11LTI~ll'I' K:H ~'.111. l'on1lJ1) ganlc t<-1bl1.•s. JJ1n ing. l'okl'r & l'nQI, \.\'d i UI Vl)lll:~: lort'l'S .-::di• n( ht· s;1c rific1.·d 1mn11~il i;1tl: plu~h :l vc 111111.1: r111 ~('\. S .\1(' t ':1r t1•1d ,c.v 71\01 1 l ".1r ho11 l ~p••11r1l1 ·r ('11~! :::.;1;>il l '~··d :.! 111"·"· s;1h· s 1:1:1 N•·1~· N11 r1'nld ll l'.!OV Ht'fng fr1·1·11·r !11r 1·an11i1·r •)r 1111;11 l:!I!"<: l"i :..l l)) l 't)~I ::'llKI, !'>t•ll ::.11., !,..", H11:io._it,,1 i7:1.>i".R I. l,.u11 .. 1· ll r11 ... !1 "11, !"· 1.,., •'\ 1 .. 1 :-,1.11·1 I 11• .-.1 •11 11.11 "\\. I,,,. 'll 111 !rlll \1.,,r 1' a !,11·1· h!l l ':il! t 'L 1': ll K /'l'V I' !S'I' Full t im \·. hrl~. ""'-n''"I I H'l' l•xp . 5·11i ·7l 7~ "''I) •1 U <1 !'! "r" h\·l l71l7i>f'!,!l·Hl~t!i H t'I " \:\'HS l-.S 11<111 101· l<1Ut ,q1110111t \\'l!t) \V .\'.\''I'S 'l't 1 \\1(lH K ' ill! I VI·: ,\l',\11 '. <'lHHJSI•: )!0111· ho1Jr ~ 11n1·k for 1t111r~.-IJ . l1t 1 0\J I' "\\II l0f•J!'>.;, \1o•n <II ~.1111(·11 t '.111 t~· ... 1 q.:li1I~ h :111 ~t1 1·;1pp1 ·tl ,\.l'.ll t 'l•·.111 1\illh',11";1 111"' \'\". r1·l1rt·d \g t<~.11ni11 Sup )'1"1111'11\ I l>lll' llll'Ulllt' Jl111 , . .i t".1111: hr~ 11r ou1r1 ,1 ll,11 \p pl~ 111 p1·r..,n11. Y1•ll••11 1 ·.111 t "'. ll'tli E ly \II :;,;t(IS f~· l"rt..'lh lor" ,'I,, "']'l)ll g ht 11"<!1\ l\<l~Hl :-t'l 8:1:J '.l~i'.!!"1 n r1>16-HtilIB v.•/g la~:-. lhl-t11p!-.. 1\l 1 ~l' hs hl1I !lt•n1" H1·"t olf•·r l\1• \r··· Ill! r1·;1,1111'. 11H·11!, .1•1u ll 11•·\•·!' n-~~n·\ llf\SSJ.:T'I" Forn1al !)1n111 c Htn Sl·t~. King. ()ucen.; h1lr111 ~i·l s. ll l'r(·11lor nHu i.:a h ytll' Sof;1s & l,or e:-.t-;1l~. Coflec 'l'IJI Sl·ls w 1 rn o1l ('h IHH1k1·:1s1•s l.a1nps ,,. tll irrur:-.. u~e1 1 l nr d1 s 1>la y 111 1no1h•I 1101111·" w J.:s·r <..:<•f\S 'I t' () N ~'I" H UC 1' I (JN lllll .~l·'.1\1·:1·'.l'J•:H :! d.1 1 .. l•I... I lit ~ jl,11 ~.~I tu It 11 I\ I I) ,1 ! l111r .1 T 1·" Kl« /'1}!1) l!itl -~1.i t I 1n 1• 11.1 111•1 11" <I 1>·1 ~ '.!1> I.! on ;di 7.)1 COOK, EXPER 'D 1:11()(1 s:tl;1r~ ,'\; h1:r11·!1l" .S1•1.: !\l r:-ll ah-. ll1·11·rh L\l;1n11r l'un v H""l•lt.11 l t·I[>~ V1.1 }-;,,1r.11t.1. l..1 u lldl:-;. l' 0 U I' I. E 1': " JI ,. r jJ manai.:ers tur :!.:.! .u lull, ru p1·l unit. .... I lllk lo r11aJ<11 :-h11pp1n,.:, t 'o ... t.• 1'1t'"·' 1'1ultllc a j.!1•11 111 r1·\1r1·it lite n1a1n11·na111" "'"'' I"' 1·ly :! h r ,q>I pl11 ' Hui :~Jlli lu •t,1 111/<,.1 . Ii \ I' .... t I ii~ Ill 1111 i I 1 ·1'111!1 ' 111 1<1 '.ti' l11d ... 1nl 11 :->fkl'I! !111·111 J 11 <' h "I'\\ I h '-.,1 I I 1lt 11 ,1 l'1l \I 11 •. I 111.11 I ··~··' 11~1\l 'H l•1r 111•tl·r \\nl"I i "11ll.-l-!1' 1•1t111· Ill p/11 ~ l.1\t' •II l'1l ti.1 l'•>"l 1111 I\ ,1 \ I< /. I\ I• T f. /'Ill>, l VN '5 1·11 \l!iil< l'(1.-..1T1c1.\.:'. l ull 1 1111~· ~-11·l1t·1 , .ill l'.ill 1111 1•111>1' .. 1 '111 "111 :'. ~t' 1 I l \'t '" ,,.\.' t.)'; 11'1 /· "!1!1l.11!1 I 11!1 ' .11• ..,, ""I I I• "'i >1l .1 I 1 :-.l1 I ,.1 \ I' I .I \ I I . I I~ 'IJ l:'' OPENING SOON M,-. Munchil"~ R c ~taurant COOKS W AITRESSES BUS BOYS l '.dl 1.I , l11d11111,n 11! I .Ill \,I., I •!I \!I '··~·i!'I 1·11t 11•1.J.-: f11 r l\1·~1.111r.1111 .J :in1 t or1 ;•I S1·111'" l.ai.:un.1 ll1·l1 .1t u.t lir.1\'l').1rd :-11111 . <ltfPl•1\ :!ti hr "'k \\'1-11•· 1 l.•~~tl1t•il ,1d ~:in:t n .111, 1•11,,1 l't l l\oA 1.-l!;O ('11~t.1 ,\1,·,,o HSJ-.:1 1[( l.1,1· 111 u11t 1 I' \I>; r 111· l'tl! 'I~!' II hoy a ).!!' •+ J.!ll J1il1 lo!' dt• p1 •11 ni.111 or 1•01n.011 \ ',11 .1\':111 . 11'1 ~111 ul..v :\'II ,;.\~ .1·1 ~ 1 l 'k l '( 1.\1 1\1111 .! 11•11' t . {\ !!21>:.!1' 11111 1 •'\111'1 ,\. t,r1 .. 11il"l 1: .. 111 ll)l ,1 I p1'11t"1·d111·t', \\i1l1\1'd I ii!' l'.plt\I \dh1' ... l\I'" 1\' jll,illl!l' \II'' 111 ~''"1 ~11! H1 ·.t!h \V ,111\ \d-. <.".di 1;1:! ,.1;';K 1------------1-l•d! 1ri111·1111.il 1111 1 1 ~t1t 111 .I 11 I .... " " I f. I ti 1"<1r1 •111.111 .-...1 !.1r 1 ••111·11 \ '. i1 I , l" . • I '.' Sl'WING CUtO{ roR IH{ ~l ON TH( GO for an Ad in Wonwn's Worid Coll Su• 642-5678, Ext. 33 0 Shapely Ch emise I Doll Plus Cloth es ··.;o --0 -:o .i <J -+-o ·-- 9079 3A-A8 ,,,, 11f,,..;~ 11f.,. .. _ 74 11 . . . -:.: · ... :m·· /~, . . l • "'1 CJ ' -' ~Ae ... i3-.ll. Th!11 frh·nclh 1111\P •11 I 1torh1·• "Ith 11 .. ,.,,,,n d.11111 t" !1~1k "•1'<l<C1bf-. 1-\in lo m11kr ' \'nvr fM>rwll~ rh!l1\ 1-111 •!"'•HI li•Pl•Y ho.,ra <ln•••ln~ 1hl• .. J.1,. .. ,,.,1 doll "Ith " II 111"0<' ,.·ardroboo , l'a!, 1(J: hMn Kl"t'. rLo!hr• 1•&11•1'QP. Qn-PY,.rY•hrir rn~hll "••. Sentl $\ 00 for <re.Ch Pllllf!m. \<rlrH"d f'attr1·n ~0111 : Add :?S' for ••ch P•tt""" for WOll'l•tl'•Sl•<'••rl!34 c~-1t>rh fir1t -cl•'• m1i1 •nd .. pecl•I (tu•l""11h tO-tnrh hip). nc 111• h•n dlin11 . S1!nd to Allee W•I. tt hip): J-(12 bUl\h 11 Brooll.1, I~. lhll Daily PikJt, hlpJ ; 40 (tt bl.Pl . t• hip): II NMdlttraO ~ .. 9oJI 1'3, (41 ~ull, l~ lll p); 41 (I~ bu•1. Old Cllel•e• Sl1tion, Ntw r.tJ 111p); 11 t'° b"•t. 61 hlt1 1: \York, N Y. 10011. Print ~-t5t lll!M t. 64 hip). N•mll, AddrHI, Zip. Pallttfi &ond 11.00 kif e.ch pallern. Number. Add 2f ttnll for each p1t1rrn S1 Yt dollar•! Cre1t1 1« f\fl(-cl1N mail and 1pecl1l lteautlf'lll Ullt111. Se!ld tor New handll11: olherwi1a Jhird· 117~Nffdlec"raftCltalof:! P BX A nswerirNJ Se rv \!l-..h111 ' l·'11!lorpt S11111" "l-.11d ... 1•:111' .1 h l P.B.X. A nswerinq Se,-..-c e Operator "\0 ·1 ·d in.ti 1111· I'• r .. 1111 111r .l p11l 11!•111 ... t.111 \lll--1 11 ,. .1 11 I " I 0 \\ II ! " I\•, l.,1 •1H!" l'lt•.1"" .1ppl1 Ill I'''' "'Ill 1 '' 11 1.; h1· ... 11·1 "'I i •hi.I \J ,,._,! Pur Secty to $550 r , II\' ;,;. 1:11 1111r• h.1 ... ll\L' "'I' h1 •l p111 I '" :->II ,\;1 ·1·d 'llll "•'lt'lll l• •ll .. 1"1 (I I 11Hll\ 1d11.il \• 11 l"lld ), 1'l'l ~Pl1 .. ll\I !It ld111 pi 1' 1111 •111 111 j l!'I' ... t.d I AAMES I 00°0 FREE l'.111p i!I\ 1111'1l! :\i!+'ll< \ ::7111; ll,1 rh111 111 ~t•·.:ni l""'la i\Jt•'<.,I ~ .. ~,I [I~ RA DIOLOGY TRANSCRIBER I' .1rt 11111e Xlnt 11·nrklni.: 1•.,nd1t1011 :-('1111\at·t .\11·~­ lln"jl<'I". C OSTA MESA M e morial Hosp ital 30 I Vic toria , CM 642-27 34 EOE Real Estate SALESPEOPLE ' ,J()IN o ur profl'S!-.1on ;d st11ff 1:re;1t oppor\11111t y tor :1 l1c1•nst•d assoc1al('.'I. l'r1v.ot 1· d C'sk :ind phonl'. S;u n c lot•;1 Uon lk yt•Hr~ tl1l'd111rn s11.c ofl1re. Ex Cl·llcnl com m 1ss1011 s pl iL Ca ll U11l La c hcnn1yer. 646-3928 F.ves :673-4577 Lachenmye Realtor Restaurant Personnel dMf ltelil'ef'Y will t••e tlw·•• 3M1lft11 prlated Wide •... l&' ~a•more.!ltl!M10 Mul1n N•wl Nifty F'tl\y QWtta St.00 I mmediate f u l l tim S \I . l<S I' I<'. II !'-ll.'. 11.1 rl I I 111 t' l' !1 1• I ;..! "I 1 I' I'•' t :ti I !lt'r""11.1 1!1~ ,dth• lt1 \\t11t. , ,, . .., "' \\k111t .... s .. 1J1 11 i-.: llutlH'll-. "h111•~ :-,,d,Jl',I "1"'11, u .. ''"ll<'I' lh'(' \pp 11 1n p4 ·r,,111. I.\'.\'/., I:• l·".1-./111•1\ J .. l.111<1. \: H SAND WIC H MAKER SHO RT ORDER S \\••l!l,1 !1 \\,1111,,o·tl I•• \<HI L ,,I 111111 11 o •1Ulltl'r pl• I'·" !I \~ ,,111d"11'h1·:-. ,'(,. ,;il.1•1 .. 111 ll!'l\k \:nSal Iii\<' !If :...111! \llt!f. ('lt'ol!I 1 t1 I 11 I 1 'I !l I u 1 \' I 1 ' • )ll 11 I '' !' \11 .. !1• .•l ,~ !1":-p1t.1I 11!'!1''111 .., 1\ppl\ l,111dlM'r')! ·' ul I 11H111 111 l'l"il' 111 111<' '1'"1 \\tot Id !'>t.,1·1· • •n In\\ i•r 11·11·1 ~" \ · .... ~-1 J'l.11,1 Sh .. 1•tHl l).! 1'1·1111·1', (".,...1,1 \I 1• ~ .1 \ !'>I.. I • 1 !' \ I \',1 .. 11 .. 1·.1 SECRETARY ,L \\11\1 ~:\. 11nn11·tl 11·1111111• lll'lldlU'(" p 1 I 1 r I ,,. 1 1 >111; El Robe rlo 111 d1 ... V11ll -, 1;.-. H eed s COUNTER GIRLS I' 111111 ·.!11 :.:.-,llq111" If,,,.,,\· \\ •·t·j,,1.·11d" :111.!0 M t>r c handise llH 'Yl"L~:. E x. 1'011<! Uluc :-.11n.:r.1y S.\~• . l 'S t-:D Ht·li~11lt B11·~C'lt'" 11,l.:t• n1.·" .\pprox 1-_. Urit. f'ru··· 111.:1.:! S1M•1•1ts & St 111 1-:r.1,., !\l 11!11t·r 11 ~:­ "'l111pin1·nl ~"-l\e ;1l·h l'ru1,1.·r-. RECYCLED CYCLES •i l~I \\' t'11;1:-.l h1~ :'\ll lo 1 .. I .l I\ t-: 1u'""' Sl·h..,, tnn n1cn ·~ :1,1it.'l'd s:1u. r.111 :.!I ~'j!f ,);j1; !'111/ :11~:1 :-.!'ll\\'I N .~ V;1r -.11y Yt·tl""'· :\Int l'"nd .11i1; I Cameras & • •• •• ••• •• ••••••••••••• Equipme nt B030 ....................... 7~111 MUST SELL H1·.1ul Ki n g Si H1.•droon1 JJ ,\Vt-:'.\'PlJl!"I' !u •'u:-.ton1 n1 ;1dt' r ru ~hr·d \"el v1·1 1·11r1't•d. fll<J!'>S ~l't'l'll , "'111 :-.t•ll $1 ,)0, l'O~l ~~IO . J)hl Lit·rl S.I!'>. Huun1t {J;,k 1·111 le•· t h! S l ~>U, 1;;;1 .1:,ll11 li-l2 ~ii 12 1 > J.:c.·o H ,, ·ru H 1·n11t·h r11r ~;II,•. ifs6" long 1 ,.;1ra 1n.111·r1 :1I. :1s k111 g ::;27.l ~. IH ·1·1·1f! Su1(1· .... n1.1 . 1·ha1r~. 1•ud &·; l'l i':C t-: hlut!/"hl .. ml·t;1l <'t11·kta1l tlJ!,, Ol'IJ! .,1) ,iy "oo d . U eul hd r n1 . p:11n11ni-::-.. ~1 1_, .. r ~1·r\·u1 J! turn . xl11 t. 1·o11d, :-:1.-~1 11 t "1· l' ., . :-it •' rt' u & iO.l<I 57:.!i 1 .-lt•11~11111 1'rl {'~·d hl•ltl" ---- 1 ·• nf r1•p!;11·1•1r11•nl co:O.I, 1;.12 1;1x;, ur ti<11i '.!.'J:",:I J\i\SS l·:·r .. r lr1plt• dr1·~:-<'1 11 rn 1r rnr. rn~'ililt'rra rH•;.1n . g1-. $6.l. !:lpa111sh din s1•! $:t:1. i11;;1 54!40 N I·:\\':! 1"·1n ll1•d ~el s. C(l~I S275 . 1'<trh, S1•l l $1 ~1u. 1•.n·h 805S .......................... PUBLIC AUCTION 1\\f\NY 11·r:1\lS Of" FI NE J.:ST /\'l'J.: .IJ.:"°'F:L RY. ,,H·r <JUJr:c 1·s. A'N'r l lJU ES. f.'INt: FU B:--:. 1':·r l·. Plll)N f<.: t"OH l.\: \\",'.S ii l·:H 1\· lll'yr, S7.'L ,•:1 11 •·11·1.:. l1k1· nu ~on. -l 1n1:-.1·l·ll lurn l'h. \\ k \' nd <>J' .dt hJl lll, iil IH S INt:t-'.U 't'clt't'll &· S•'""" llt'I U\.t' ,, I ,ol1 ' tlAK 1 lrt·s~ .. r 11 lh•11•lt'<I 1111r- ror :1118 :1~7.-1 l"onsnlC" ('(11.tlll '!'\.' .\:lul fond $200_ \\"t•t ~1111 , u~etl l\\ 11·1• S:ICI li·I:: Xl)7:.! lll l.\;K llt•tl ~. ll (',.11t·h, So \1 d \\' \L;-.;tr·r r.· 1)rt·S~··r . l!t•ll'h, l)t•I lll O l>•I fr.11111 · t\11 >:l ut 1·1111<1. 5 111 t',11 11 ;),"i7 1;iili; 1-: I P C . 1y 111·"·r1ll'r add 111;11·h . J\1.•ll yhnt IJ1k1·. gulf 1·lul1s t•ncy t·t t• •l!M l!'ICl.'I ••• r, 11 111 1.' 111111).!. ht~· lik k I'"" ~.1 2 .. '" ... 1.11 I j .oku1 :1 '1ur ,1·r1 "Kil A ntiques 8005 (JI . I) ·r1 111 !'.' l'ulogra IJhy St·! up, 1n e ld:-l'l'l'l')'lh1ng you no ·,.d. 1•..:.-<'pl ('tl!'>!Ofll<'I',, ~i\J.-> '."18·:);1:JJ, Hi\11 :-\pan \\'.dnut. ~la.~~ ~h1•l\1•s & (toor~. llu11r('" Vt).&.· BHIJ C ll U fl r~. ti45 2200 Patricio Ke lly 26 2 7 Vi sta Omada Hew port Be-och l~.1 f.1 I l '\1 i\11 plltJll<' ••••••••••••••••••••••• '' r 1~,\I\ l·'11rn1tt1rl-. 1·t·nt l1le~. ,, hl·•1uly 1 A1.1.r_;v B e h ind 336 '' t111 a rt· l he "'111nl·r o f ~~.I l/ 1-. I' \I(\. lillUl).!. 'lll).!]1•, ;1\jr;11·t1 lt' \'.Int l11·111•t 11 ~ S. :-..1lar\ '" SECRETARIES 121 I )11,• !or ;1 d .t'" & 11111• tor 2 d,11.., \1 .ittll"'· d"!'"IHI '"•.'. I I.ii'! • S ec'y s, Bookkeepers ! ii l(1•111dt'l " \Ct'l1<"\ 1t1.~11 l11r1·t1 :-.1 . :-.lt' l1 '1 :"..1·11 p1111 1\1·.t• h !{'(( 1'11 :111 No C harq~ To You v ... 1.1ti11 ... 111 ·d 1:11:;, :->l':ll\ l\'I·: St.1 ,-:.1\··,n1:tn !· 1111 & l'.11I 'I1n11 • '!'Ill V l r1"'1 ll1•1 'II SE WING MACH OPR 111"" I 1lt1t ,1 l•'a1ht•r ""11 I ll i,! t> 11 ! •l I' k " t I l \' h 1rl11l h ill•' LEA THE R 1'PPREH- TICE 1•;,111·r1f'l1l'l'd nr "di 11.1111 l.'Jll &15 2>1:iOn1 .1p1•1\ 7Xl' :'\1•"1un \\'.1.1 . ( 'i .... 1,1 ,\\ t'lo,i · :-i 1·r ·r 1-:11 · tra\·1·1in.1: l.111111 ,1· n1·1·ds rcspon ~1 hll', lll\1'U11·umhf'rl'rt 1:1t·r:-011 to e;1re for llon1l'. 11lan1s & Pl!l. on mnml•nts nol1t.'l'. I lo 5 we1·ks. so•\.l't'.d tlml:'s per ~"(·;tr l'lca s c 1ncludt' r~' f1·ren<·es in your res ponse to Classified ad nti. :lU2. r /n Daily l'ilol. I' 0 . Box 1560, CoSlll :'11t'S<• Ca 9262ti ----- T l·:J.El'llONE C1\LLl'.:ns I': ,\ H N C h r is t m a ~ 1u un1l :-.rt11.t r 1• 1h l". dr1"""1'r". Br.1-..., b+:d , l'\t· \\"h11l1 •..,;i 11 · •i l:l .t2~l :'. \:'l'l <J l ' I·: I; 101'" .S,\ I.~: ,\·S ii!)\\" .Ian llh&.-~1t h ( ·0 ... 11111· i\.1:1· 1 .. 111.l:l'. 1717 :-.o ll.1rh1 1r \n;1h1 •11n f ~1·\ r 111 I 11:0.llt'\ l.uvl 1 Dogs 8040 ........................ •PET WORLD• 1.1 :1.,11 ''II""· C'hiht1~d111 ;1 , 1'1n v l'ool\11•..,, l't•k1n:..:1.'~<'. i'1l-llu1l:-.. llull l 'l'ff1t•rs. (·or k .•II""· 1'0111 , York11 ·~. l.:•ll". ~; Sh1·p F11r ~:.i le V.'hitP Form1ra l.::11 r·hp11 lahh• tour sw1\'el 1•h :11rs . <:oocl <'1)nd S.1:1 UX8:.! f)1 •p11 '""l<lll , l·'.,,jp11.1 1·.1111hr1d g1· 11 1•1 ~1·\ l'r•'"""d n111r1•' \ii n1 1 ~ ... 11111 ~I '.!., 1•1!1\ 1t11 , ' .. 1 1\n11•r 1-.,k1111 11, 111 0S1·:t-: \£1 :1pµrl·C'1,ttl·' :1 l'l' \fl~l·:11 l'l 1·:... S1111I ~"l1 •I u.1k heo1 t11dull ~ :-.,d 111 :1 .'-.11n I.:! 1 1-'H l·:t-: l'.\llkl\.l: .,,.11 II'•' 111,.~1 hn•1 •rt~ 25;!.) \\1·~1 1111\ ;it F :11r\1t'"- :-, \ ! >1,.·n I·:\·"~ .'l:ll :~127 l ill.1.1•;\··r(1I / 11'1':'.\1 :.:l:i-.ll:';IA .~ S t)l•pht·rd :0-\1 I•'. \I.I. 1·'11!:-.I )11~'"· kl ', '\l11tqual PUii SlllO 10:1)ll'ltl;o,, !h1111n11 ·I ,\ l'h 1 1 1~1:1.! i+i~! e ~1 r\'l'd lh111n )! llm :-i .. t A ~k1ni.: appr:11~('d pn1·1· 1;.11 ·11 ·t l ·~<>FA & LClVl•:.<;EA'r •1":-t111 m.1dt· n1'1l'r U"'l·ll u ~u .ill~ ho1n1·:lf.ii 7~1111 Lu go n ia S t . 1'\lwpl Shor('S, 5-HI -740:J. Sal. H tu fl. t11J r , J\pphcanccs, palln furn . furn, S('uba i.!C'~1 r. h1kt·~ & mu c h lllOrl' s ,\1'tr HnAY ONLY ' 1\l ,1n y i.:nnd1f':-i, i\nl1qu1• H111·k('r , J.1t)rary 'J'hl . llrnp fro nt l><•:-k, an11 q!!C'd ll1n1·u 1· "' <1 ('hr~. 1'!111111·:.. Junk ,\Jl n1u ~t 1~0· 1;1;1 l 'rl'"tnu1n1 !'I l" ... t.1 ~11 ... ;1 l lll'kt.·l ~tolhe Sports, Vocation & Recreational Ve hicle Show at tht· 1\ N f\ 11 r:l .\I Cnn \'t•nt 11111 { '1•11l1•r ,J :in I lhru ll (.;;tll li·ll ,"jh7K. l':\l 3:1.1 hel1l'l'•'l1 •1 ,'\· 1 pll'1 lo 1'1 :1101 \nil! 111 f.t'l " (.'\Jorll1 i ".,u1111· toll Ir~··· nun1h1•1· '"·'II! J:?:..~1 1 Pl..'..,·r :-iA L I·: l'r11'\'" :-.,1t l lnl l' l,'•1nlt'r ;\1:11·1\rlhur .~ ll<•ll1t.1 l 'a - 11~ 1)11 ll11n1n1••I .ind l>1 •1H •1 ) llHJ-.:S l\J II t-: "l"t'rrtt:r, Ul:\:l·'.l'f'I·: tahl1.·.li ch.11 r~. (;.11 .1gt• {;ood11 ~' \V.1-.J11 •i', :\lll VJ ,~(; i 'l1 r1 ... 11n :1 ~ Cl111.1111t'J!I " «l•I dr\1·r. long Hll h1 •1 J, Ch1Jt>l)lll" hlo1•t. ... ol11t .1~· f\kl' rl'~L~ll·r •·d l ".tll "' -.. "'.' 1; -., ,, ,, I> 1" 111· .• • .~1 "'"n;·n ·~ r iot he~ !-.1, 20 2l. llo ti• ·111 I>> <,1 ,,.,,, ,, ,,, .. l ·l1r1:-.t n1.1 ~ l'l.1t1•, S1>.-, i;·i~ \llO!i Rolf, '-'-"' llll.'11 '~ ~r.42·4.\, mi!>t' good 1 n ,t ·,. ;1 ,;'111• (,, h 'r .~: l'••.1nu1 :-!S1111op ,\ 1,\t i\LE Cut·kl'f S panil'I lllll 'Cll 11 .. m s fi7 5J 1\lorn1n).!·r1d1· h ar .... 111u l ~. 1 .d 1l1·" & t 'hr1.<..l111 :1-. l'lal•'. s;r. ;.u ,\Kt.' 7 itins. ('h :i mil dark 0:1k s t:i 1n . \'1·r1 tNr t;old<'n W1·sl l5: rha1r!'t'l•" 1i !1 :!11'..!I Kt1h\ 1·10 l ' kr.tllllJll 1111111 lJ I 0 0 d I Int' s I. 0 \'cs bc •• ul. SI SO . r .. 16 -38A2 !':!Im J II u. Sf\T only. h•·r~-.t \\'on1t1•n 111'11 . t•hlldren. All shoL'> corn-ROCK~· (;l'ITl t.·olll'ctur-;, ''"• t •11 1 , , t 11 , !CTll A,N Al.LEN llOUSE llOLD (urn. gun~. <>em c1u.tl ,\lal.11·h1\"' k ,-<-,, • 11 ar . " i.: pl.962_-5224. -" '" :-.l•l'('l,ll" \\".int tn lluy ------blu£' an11que l(';i l':1rt & lool s. OVC"r S IOOIJ o f t:'hry~nco ll :1 $15 pt.·r Ill. l'.111 1;u ,•IH•I ll u rnllll•IL'Ol'K/\PO<J. 3 ~l o. nld d esk . T ea c art $1;,o , C:ood1es.264;>7 i'aseo San ~JI!! 4:1011 l•t t l'I """ l'''"J t •m,lc h "d2•h t• ~· l'•d•,.tal d c'k S210 Xlnt Gal>riel San Ju;1n Capo. • il' i.,,,.,,·.:::o-t; .·." "0 "·""""'· '"'" ll USt/V 1\ll N ,\S('w1n " •19·1-5007 <'O nd. f>•lf.-3AA2 496-1908. " --------------m achine S25U. l\ohn .<'<>n - •ESTATE SALE• S ii r: LT 1 r:s i\K CSO FA $75, ar1n chr s is .Horses 8060 ,,.,. ralt· s15u . n 11t. l'hrys t:1 I c handelier, f<E (;!ST t-:Hr:Di;hots eye chr w1ottom;1n $35. 3 t"·n ••••••••••••••••••••••• rrc1•1er S75 1\nl1q uc ean<l c l a bra ~. lus tres. chrt·k l 'harnpion Sired box s pr matt & frames U J\RT~-:n l lo r !.e, 16 Sl'hool d t."Sk $1 5 . tll1•ns e hc,..\-(\11 t·hcsl , :.ctry 586--(Jl!IM S2Q st•l. tlrC'~~cr & ches l hands tall. biJo: & s locky. valet Sia . i'lh~e. l>tiwcr desk. s ilver tea services ---~ d ra'.'.'C"rs. both for $25, lg RopinJ,! & trail,J\-l,9yrs. tools . 64l -~~M.itl. tra .,·~. ~la ss, Je"'·c lry.G ENTLE ;1n d \Vi se . ~'1 old hand car ved Victor old . /\t us t sc ll lh1s wknd. -------'---- nurrors. etc. Starts Mon-Shepherd '' m;ilanultt• r;utio$150. 673-7651. $350 11r b es t o f fer H da\ 11 Atll . Bf\CK DOOR pups. Lovelv colori ng . ----536 3079 a.-e a heolthy Mew 1:\IPCJHTS. IH~.16 llarbor. $15.00586·698il COUCH . 8 ' ~old hrocadc. -- ---Year with SHAKLEE (',\1 (P':1rk 1nrear ). -----woo den rramc, c a ne T B ·r ype 4 y r Bay <:cJd. F 0 0 D 5 up . ---WI RE FOX Terrier pup-side s. Gd t'ond $100 . 11:-;I. o fr . 642-222 1 o r 9 !l K 1-: y n1 :.i n u ;i I pies. ti wks. old, J\KC. !:WG-515'4 5.'ii---1410. PLEMEMTS. Just call calculator. $10 !leas. ---------BO'S us-Jean & Georqe 640--016.1 H2j!-Q22-t BEf\UTI FUIJ heavy wood Hous•hold Goods v Parke. 646-8314. go ld di n i n g tabl e <!••••••••••••••••••••••• _____ ---- Q "-''; 1nc111f'y . H ousew ives- S tudents-Re-t1red. Work '1' .. 11u .... " 111 v11r o ffi ce or your =----~·· .. hon1c m ornirlgs-evenings :..:i , ... n . or both. Call 893-6305 or 1~=<>~1>~"'=1 come lo our o rfice at 7908 Westmins t er Blvd . Wcslminster . orfice "8 " STAR GAZER•!<.,. r ... 0..1, .. ,.:.i., w.,,,. At<otcloA, IO!~• S10.,, padded ctuu rs. new eond, 7' SOFA, m od . xlnl. rond. BONSAI 1':nt1rc 14 pol t:OI· $90. 551 -2182 Sl75. R nd . corree tbl. SSS. lecl inm. S400 o r best ol'- /\f APLE dining set, largl' C hri s ~ m as I i le s . ft'r 1;,10 -1038 ___ _ table , 6 l adderbac k 9G3-JS~-RE:\IOOELINGS;_1 le! ~\p- h1·1 ween 9am & noon or 5pm & 8pm_ .. _ ---- To dt .. •lop me11oge lo• Sundoy, .-oil _.-ci1 rotr'ftPO"d•ng IO""""'°''~ ol VoU" Lodloc b<••h •'9"l ch111rs. h utch. S35 0 . ewitlry 8070 pro" 20:oi25. gd . t·pt , ~758 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• needs c lean"!?· $15, 8:oi 11 1 :i SIMM ONS H ide -a -bed WAMTED Perfect upholste ry S75. T OP C AS H O O IJ t AR ~73-79_4_9._. ____ 1 p A I D F O R ,, OU R •"SOFA J E WELR Y , WATCH ES. ART OBJECTS. GOLD, braid e d r u g $25 . Os hws ht"!r . Sl.5. 96" nc~1\y uphol 'd . sora SSO . Oil pa i nl 'g s. Newpor1 Chrys ler . I owner $250. 25" cQlor TV $75 & m uch Marti-.: .u. U1t Dilly P11ot , N1w! RippleCr«Mt .... t t.oo .open ing ro r experienced Pattera Dlpt., 232 W•1t Ullh Stw • Ktilt &cM! . .. . . It ZS b b<I I · I T •l•ph Sollclton S2 .25·S' per.1 h r. Eas_y vleasant ·eve work. Hrs ·I ~11 m ~f on lhru Fri. k.1.5--07 44 or Apply 1505 E . 17th St. S .1\ .. Sulte•lll . lnlcr\'ieW_!. 'fhurs ~Fri . Good condition,$50 S I LVE R SE RVI CE. ---968"9008 FI NE F U Ri~ & AN· m ore. 557_~•~17~6 ___ _ St .. "" Yort . N.Y, 1001\. Netdle1>9lnl Boot: ' . ' Sl,00 us y jl!tr . Prinl NAM E, ADDR..ilS, ZIP, nower"Cr(l(htl 8cd .•. $1.08 Apply lo: NiE and STYLE NUMRY.R Valrpln Crot"htt ~-. Sl.00 QNl:Fl\E! P An ERNnry1M.1r ln•ttnt Crochtt Booli: ... 11.00 Th• Ori-'na choi«i le.Mnd For ,otlf lrr'I' pal· 11-tanl Macra1ne Book •. $1.00 "r tt1n t11Uc1a NEW srRING · 1n111nt Jdot1eyDoolit .... s:t.oo HouseofPle1 SU_MM Eft PA T TE R N Compl.ttOlft Bodt., 11.00 I CATALOO. 10011yl11, all 1he1. Comp\~1 Af1h1n11 J 1t . 11 oo 97!.l 1 A< rtrns f'rM p11ttem ~pon. Stnd 7~ 11Prlr.eArMh•n~•12 ~ llunt1 n,qlon il{!11ch ..,...,aEW + J(!'fTT""'*•llh BooktiF UIQullt.11." ~ 10:1.m .. ~11.m . bla\cU.tM:pauern II" flh1 .. um Quilt Bool •2 ~ r. lo t Emplovl?r 1nn1nt.F1•hlonDl'!ok Sl.00 11 Qut1i.ror Today l),,. ~ ~~a _PP Y " 119\llltlkl•lnl Booil . , 11.00 Boot of 1• ~Iffy RllP .. ~ l ..... ll!l .... llll .......................... jC la ss1f1ed Ad ~ .Pho n l' 642-5678 tod ay! ------- 'furn your golf clubs 'into a i;le rl•o. ~II the m with a Dntly Pifot (;has.-;ified Ad and use-.the money for a i;te rco! CaU•642 ·567tl To day. O RANGE F loral his &.:~ c h airs, green couch . Ir glass cofree t able, 2 y old, s.12~ 751 -1618. T IQU ES. ~5-2200 INDl l\N Jewelry . rini:::o: Ir. $6, bracelets fr. $8, 44f\ 4 wkdys /1:111 day wknds 1-ll OE A Bed. ~ood cond, 963-3612 ____ _ "'I s h e phe rd cas ters.---- Loo s e ba c k p i ll ows . tl•IOlft 1010 $92.50. 64 2-8171. • •••••••••••••••••••••• TWlN BEDS (2 sets) Ma l .. AYDU lcn ecboard, 5 fcet pie , lk nl"W, complete . long , blue. rides great. s 11 s.&s1211.9f.8 1 ~ _}oodcond..:...$55.536-7~7 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Ra ncor -Ad11 e - Biped -T h wart - G ARDENER The g r.ass Is a lw•Y• g r eene r on the o ther side o r the rence. Tha t'a be<:ause m y ne iRh bor is a GARDENER . I ' . . • ... .._ __ .. "f·-~·. ·~· ........ ··-----.. --~~---... ·-"""~ ....... ~1 .... ,. ' ........ . \ ·!l~~i;;;;;ii0;A;11.~Yi;;i;P~IL~Oiii;Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~S~a~lu~•~da~yi.~J~a~ou~a~ry;i;;;;•~··'9m7m5 ............................ "\ · . · I ~ p 9040 Motor Ho,...,Sales/ ·. M11cellmteon 8010 P1ono1 & Organs 1090 OU"f .. , ower R t 91 &O ........................ ······················· ....................... ..':". .................. . 26' 0WH1 A·I C ond. ••• WANTED YEAR ENO MOTORHOME RENT.US ' ' • our famous DIME -A-LINES 'J'C)J> CASH DOLi.A H PAJO t 'O H YO U R Jt--:wf:l.RY, WAT('llt-:s . All'!' CJKJLL""fS, 1._;t1 LU, S ll,\'IO:lt St.llVl<:I-~. F'INI<: fo'UKN & AN TIQU t;s 645 i;.))11 _ t..:l.€ARANCE SAl .. fl: ON Hebll en.:. t:lt.·c rel & :11 \' A LL ORG,u.IS ~tern rm, i tr<J:-. (\lake Conn, Gulbransen , urr . 213 /7:?1 -77 11 ur 714 1640-1449 Thontas& Ya maha. 1 ~1.1 l'\("t-: l\lll!~1\\1 , :!I' C OAST MUStC 8oots, Sail 9060 :--11,, 1. ,, r J!{'ll"' :1t.1r. Costw M"~' 642~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •I 10 .. ni,:111\' i\1.Jn\· \Ir.,.,. ]'" o u n I ,. In Va 11 c )' 18 It • c:.ibi n t.11."t.'I):; 4, U!'H'•t 1f1 ,.11lv 111 1·0. l lH.!'"11111 DALE'S 838-0900 !MiJ-6733 0111, 4 limt':o;, .. )·1-e 1.1>10 ,l!tl l\·IJH C A R A G t-; D 0 0 H ---0 --_ l ~lc nluur1nq Ill Jurh' -1 T •d 01>t•11cr:. f111e ::.t qual. FIELD 'S Warehouse 67 r. .,432 . &l5 ir.o..1 Trar e-rs, ro 9170 r I '.i lll'. tic i.:. $2I!l. on Sale. 400 pianos & or· a_~ '..._ ..:._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• GO~ .... ('Ju bs anct t'art Wl!Et:l~S & t irr ~ .S1:;.r l1on :u1u~rium "'ithl)JNETTE t able $15. 6.G.E.Rtrrigerator$23,:f S!'lcl'IUI uow,$149.50in· gans, new & used11on1t: 14 w /trlr. &'74 !'it h\Vlil +i~'~·l,.ortf $16, <: _c·ast iron hath lavi; lmoont(~11 16 . .sx IO", fits. "t ;111t1 , filtt·r ;ind <H' Makhin1: ch ains $5. ea. drawt"r desk with p.ad ~1 6 11 .. d 54 1 :J38(l Spinets. 8rands, player.I. sLoragu box . 91,'JO. l'u•l-,up. '/'rlr ll""'I uui· ... ~ l';1t·h. N1 t•e ~all pie· ChPv or <;r.1c ~u·kup.'1. x 1· f's s o r • ,. s , $IO . kaby t·rib $25. Baby $20. 645--1689 · Going ouL ror bu.sincS1;. 548 Ml1~ $-t:M)l11 .. lr<.11:i1\ t.:~11 ._ ur_e ~'.·50, l'lc~·I r11· boKe:-., lui:s . l..ol~ or n,111.,.. i.·ft Ty pc w r 1 t e r SI z ite m:>s $1 . to$10. 5-45-42166 -;~7 t'll>'.VY p ·ic k utt gn.ll PUBLIC Rent.al w /option to buy, rt>.:;ps & CO\'cr pl<ilcs 'l'ch·v1sionrecord1Jh1 yl"r. J .-Kuwai. S t cinw(1y,l.IL>U I ~. x lnt<--ond.N1·w ~ , ,· yet on rubb<'r, nl·\•('r r 1• • • -s10. «7 ('he•y p1·ckup. S1·$5 h.111.,1n° l11m1)~ .,., . 1 J; 1 1 ... ., r lork r;ict10 l f'l1•v1s1on 1 " AUCTIO~ na·ldwi·n. Ch1t'k<!r 1ng, rnaht. 'l'r.111t·r . :,,1:16-t..14 J --· ', e. " · ,;o.;., <'ii!ppe<, ut 1 cir "~·1 • ' • PORTAl\LE ·rv works. bun1pc r $7, '57 C hevy " S!J. 2 :-.q·pt :-.hovels $1 642-023R Jll'l;.'d.'I work , $12. Smull I f\.TANY rrt-:.\1 S0f.' FINE Yamaha, Kimball. Wur., !IY75./best~o!rc .. _,. __ _ "'itt'h. 5-18 7011 __ _ Ill)\' :.ii r l'ond1tioner SIS. flnt !25. 646-1525 ptckup s lt't'ring box $10, ,.,, ~ · C f l·:s·fA 'fl·: JEWELltY , •'J'"LO'S (7 J<l631l zn7lCAJ,_:-.· Mu,..t s.·t·ll,fullv. 'l'll\.\'11\'r'\ S l1n1•r 11 ) S111<1ll 11tr t•o m1JrC'>:-.or -. --'57 hc\'Y lt•ft ront ,. "' _ .:;v n ,\lf\' bike c:;1 rr1 ('r SJ. xj d $!5 H!J7 7082 HLUI<, dinette $15. Yellow fender $.5 , 8-25·20 tire for 1\ H'f () UJ l~C1'S, AN · 1207, B•ookhursl .Sl t.'<IUll)pt'd. xlnl 1 0111!, :-hp. \'Wre;1rhum1}{'rS7,bt>t·r :rC:~1~5 ;;·;ys~1~}1 i·un 1· ---d1nettl' SIO., both good ('hevy truck s10 1100·20 'J'lt;JU~;s, l<'INE 1-·u Jt N. ... 'GG · ti73 -604!5 /556--fi:!91 'kr.g 15 gal $4, t•ur top _ _ ____ tr<i<'k auto t;1pc 1h.•ck $15 t'ondillon. Hec1intr $10.• truc-k tire SIO , 548-8109 !·~·re. l'llONE 1-'0H. JN . · J ohn. r uc:k$8,port;1 1Jlctv:-.t<1ndHALEY ('ar St'at, lealhl•r Autornoblll'C';1:-.sl'ttct;ir><· S.15·6244 I-Fl'J . & UltOCJ!Ultt:. C lll l 'Kl<:HIN G quarter !l ,646 36RO lll"ol SlO lH•:-t offer• rt-t'ordf'r S25. AM I Fl\1 _ . Ht:NAULTn1iscp:irts:R8 1 15 "'WO c_· t J• I A l•l 'ClasS 1l·~loop.en i;1nl', WASll m;.ich1ne ancJ b d t .. ----=..:.__ ,r;in( ianu w mpll'l c·on11•1 <l"IY•'4"'1'1"1, •><4~• Mli,.., IJ ••r11t radio "1 2 . o Y rans. cng1r11', I I l'l •y1y ._ ,.._, (',A'"L'v,J<S & S','lll••r.,..., ,.,., ,-~ ''-" "' dryPr work1ngcond *I~ D hi · & · V"•.pr<· ,.,···o ~1orv<d , l1k" e ec. I.I ayer. ' · .,........, •••· " ,, l':.ina s oni c Al\l /Fl\l • ·"'": auµ neeng1ne n11sc '-'·' ....... '' .~ 't·J :i ~s ical roll ~ w /cs · ____ •l!lol.,,.,,,.,'---- • :-.•.-.yc "6'.' & 20 Porla/1le HEllS ,.~ ·Sl0 .. ,...,,5. Dish1 "'• fo ,.,_.,.11,. ,,.,.0 ,d•·r ~o e. a . or both_ for $25. Sk parts Sl·* .. S, VW mur new. SJSO . (lid oak t."nd 1 ,.... ..., .,.._ •M.>·• • • .....,. k I d -prl':-.:,1u n or popu ar . '6'.1 ISLANDt:B. :.?7' INBIJ ''•ash<'r $15. ll ;1d10 S2. 1ue lo S2 ('loth"" ... 11, .. 1 ,.,., ••.• ,d,n .,..,., Jae: <'t, it 1es s z. small. ners $5, Gun rac k 52, t:ibll'. $J5. t.rl:!·/~; .i:l"i f , ~ ,.,.1 ~ r 1 '"' " • • .;:o.:.u b d $I 0 G :r.;l(il,111/o r . t•·1.<:-41...,. .-..a1on m.issai.:cr $JR ll t()('25f·Sl . V.tiS('S SI . An Stt•rt-o ht·:i d phone v.·ith .ra,n new . Steamt'lte S4 , M o r o 1·,111 onNll ______ 1 ---- <:old r1n ,.:: t:lasst':-. S5 t llquc drl·o;s $20 Lin1•n:-. individual \'ll]uint• ad· lo •. I Ori llb~~ r eco rd !\.l olorcyclf' r ack $2 . FALL Firev.·ood SJll". SpoMinq G oods 8 0 9 4 S mall li'nlc rn 50<' llllt·h 25c.• to SI. Bahv 1lt•n1s 101.' ius tnlPnl!> si2. ~}t7 71Ml. pl:iyc-r SIO. tt1rls Cloth Radial 1 ires t'H 70 (5 t.:n ~ !'>L I'S !'>. ro1np C'<IUlpl. SX.500. l~lli .":>t~~ SA JJ .. HOA'I' /\U.'<11.AH.Y 73 O PEM ROAD 18' Travel Tf"Oilff" f"td ly ,'I' lf·t'(>nl :I 1 lll'(j 'I d H~j \'!TI WhC'C'l'I NEYER USED! (';111 ll:J l ·:.1'Hlldlr_· -· Auto StrYice-& I Parts '1400 ........................... I S )'(l l ! H J),\'~, ... tJN ·r()Ytl'l'A ·FIA'J' :-11·1." If,.,,,_ l'l'l'-IJr~f;l1 ; 1~1~.t A ntiq urs/ C lassics 9520 ......................... !".lO. Control:-. SIO. f-46 rn12 to '6. APl)l1anct's s.1 :-J() to 100 14 s~. 25c·$1. 545.:1839 lug l $15 "a, 1121 L'oronu l)i i.:. Eu<·. dt'1 ii5 .:on! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... S4 .I ':• cor1L 581 tl 22 \\'/\N1'EU : 2tlJ.! Skeet :.!Johosuns. I ,-,::;:------ -,s..s.J t·v.•1•lry50t·loSI P<>J.AH(JJll rn odt•l 210 ,.N1'JQUL:•el"w fool tu La ne.C!\.1 ,S-19 1636 I Ill I h fl Nr'.A I! ('la..;s1('l'hry:-.i·r nr.D cou1·h ht"·1v y 9 fl " ,-_ .. 1·11.1sl t'1r1•woo1. S upply S ht1l ••un, Aulo or 0\'t'r &· ~1i ·, ' .oni.:s ;i · · 11 , . • 5'12·2419 541 ·9371 2091\'o autn1nat11· t'afllt•ra Sl5 S25 . NC'w fir e plac ., 2ll lll•X tralunl!sh;ift. W1ud ... ur.~~lnt1·•01111 11.'''.' ~~~ n1!'1S, i-:l 1_:,h11,,,· .1f .ult"tl ltt'!'>j><'rt:1n Sa nla Ana (\rl':uS s upe r 8 a u\01n_at1c scr een, co:-.t S.'J5.·sell Sl2 IM M Clf'iS r rib 111 :ii t 1 rt':'i7,5· · 111 IX 1·rcl';-"·, -,-cr-,-. -,-,-. '.~'" .. 1 d ,1'.;._,._·, JI • .Uc n ii c r · $354J t'<Jt·h 1;75 ___ 11; IX ~· •c :it ~I to l>.1hl1.1 '' ·' , """•· J:ur ""· I · g;1 s rnov1el'iHl1eri.I w1thhght ,., t I' ht ft . new Sl2, car Sl'!ill I. , aso n;ihl c p ru_:i._•s. C~lll _.,, __ ..:::'._ ll11·on:11h •lf\.1 :1r __ po~·t·r :-Ol l'l'rtni.: I real '.S KI Boot:-. 7n1 Bue kh· Sllf .,,0,1, .. ,,.,. ~.·. ,,.1•1 m<>·'••' oresccn 1g ix ur~ t.funst"y t abll:' lop brolll'r-,,-_,,., x.·i.·i.·. <· , . 2 1 AS''I( N 11.,,.1 fi 010 rn r: ., ........ ol• " " $..') t SlO w t t . .~ !-'OH -'ALI-: Jk>y ~ SIZl' ' I;. • '.'· •• • ,,., ' ) • ' Recrieational/ t>n l 25c p e r 4':ln61 ~Narrowilut'k!c fur 11 roJ\'4'1r ir $1 5 .o •. , ... -es~·ovt'n$1 2,6s11l'cdblcndcr ---lt·cSk<il.:s,as ncw.s;!O o l~l .• it t:l:->!>. t.,1 g , Vhiclt\ 9530 Hl"('har~ablt• baller).l hnt'll Sl5. W:t~hC"r J!nod (.'h c-1•k-.-•r1tcr $2.'i . v.·onians, s mall SS._Ne" !o6,646-K45~ N I<. NE\\' Th1tk. plu:.h .;.i4 ,)7'27 i\la1 11~hcc l l'lc;tl. uiu~t •••••e•••••••.,•••••••••• t:ldscarS4 646-~H49 condnon S!5 End labll". m'7 7M2. ll ~n~ .t e n llaw 1a1.1n ------1 ,. (' 111 1 L 75 - ----- -L·imp· beige $7 I awn ____ -----shirts, !-; & M S5. Mt'ns 'II £1! fl-1/\1}0 H cleclril' !>~;i i-; t'l) 1!38 irll. 1 ( s~ .. Stol"e , Re-staurant, S,~~O-Y~1517i:·:i.!~:/.11'~~:~:· C 111 N c II) i.;. 'J'iJ ~'c 1'1'/\S Pl.A..,'l'l<~N ~ S t1r<1il ll'r rn"uwe r·Pus hS5 548.o:'i71. RADIO Sha1.·k mPl:d de eords & jeans Sl. caeh cooklop with \'t'nt Sl2, ·\1"· \~c. :-.flj Yl::. .. l l Bar 8095 ji,15 IJIK l)on. 1·uu i1dt1·1p111·r 11,,1vtn 1~11 ., f';'.lrs(";it SS. GM n ::int i -----'"•'lnr •.17. '"11".·nn •olf Nl'W rnens s weaters *". doubll.' s ink with f:.iucct i,rn :i s q . :Jo::. .. x nl. I It I" I , •. ·' .... ~ .. ~ 4•1111d . fi40-1177 ......................... ".1\' • • . ~·:11 ·' " <•ar s r;1t '57. {.\ir hl'd ~ ~:nt:t"l'I NC (':trd ra<·k iron~. 2 lhru !I, ~5 . 1.3 <•a<'hfi75-490!1 S15, Ailrb:1gc dispos<d $7, ----CaS{ Boats , Slipf/ ~.,v:ill"ll !rip:-. •.• lluv ~·t ro l k l' s I ro ll 1~ r S5. SIS. ~u1 ll·1n stov(•. · like anrt 4 J!Qlf wood ~ $10. KJNC ' SIZ1'' .. lt , . . . 1 &16 -8451'1 Aq u:1r1urn s, :i.:1g.d .. l:!J!;d . !S~/~l~~;'.,,scs~$i:.~'~;.ry Doc k s '90 70 11,,"' 1 • _ • 111 ... pi·~·t ,on d \'acu uni t'l i~allt'r (less nt'"'Si.S.M6·H21iR 1'rumpl't S25 t:lcl'lfl C' '' _, ',n .i rl'sS .in< .. .,. ,. 1, 14 lull.V ''.•.1u1J)· al ~o w1lh ..,.,.,_,,-, .. 1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• tl rii·i·oi1l .• , l\1•du1·1-.l1o r ilo ~c·) $5. ll1d ("<t ·bt'CI ----• · . . soxspnngs /,!OOd eond1-LA!Jlf' .. -.,s 1pants .. 1. y · • .,., .. '' t $8 S 1 1 Klboots &!-ikisSHt P:ur scr1·wdr1v£'r$8.·'-•lnt h lion s2.s S t'a 5 C hef $7:'l()tl<I fskih '\Otss'f. '>1.llHL~:.11.,51 Sl'.11. ==---Is l.II' f\vail !1hil il 11·s $f1·l :J:1 ,1( Hdl f\L1'\P\ ~-~'1172 . a turt a y on y of <"rutcht•s SS. Caml'r,1 H.odae air dr~ll S2'!, Th~Jr riu ;.llilv ;.0~1 k ~.r~rc t'X> 71,.;: ~·~ ~1~·111;c ska;l'S '5'1,; Ncv.·r~ort Hc:11•h . :..'U' 30· 'J'o~ o1 a -I HS1'i I ll1-.11 ·h S4 . fl-1 al':a 7.1ncs IOc vv.; iJl' Ir scrt•w drivl t•r ~121 · 'h ct·llc11t. S!5. Childs roc·k· S5 dr~sst·s nl'w $10, f'al'h . I BUY!! TY,HR.1aFdi,ioS,ler-8098 _l_'ow1!'._c_·,._11 ~~-' _,_,2."1~-· _ 111 1,1 _.',',.•1 1, · :1.,11 ','.' •. ! .. ~ .. ' n f.' 1011 l)JNE1'1·~ 1 bl0 & r-r (' ·r kA $6 C · on cnmt• 11 on~ vpe · h SIO Ch.Id S' I SS ·h l ' I ' f I & ._ " •· •· " .-· .... 1 .a s :.in. . _,1r ·h . h .. 1 ~0 0 ,,7_7,..:;., 1n g ors.e . 1 s. w e:.i cr s eat , .oCH.. USL'u urn1 urc · 1 1 20 .,~. chujrs S20. 54M·3619 radios $.4 . 64 Chevy PH·k· _( ain ois ....,. · ": ""-"· clotht"s . size 10 75t' ca. 2 645----3191 a1>pl1:1n(·t>s or >,1•1!1 sell for ••••••••••••••••••••••• S .II' ~pa ce avai ' -,;.J ' • O 11 arruw bc:.in1 :,;ul IJoal:-. 4 Whet"I Drrte~ 955 up t:iil ~ate new Sl2. Nev.· AH parts. J.'ial parts $10. BBQ ulc-n s il F: sets Sol. -------· • h a by chC'Sl )UU . STEREO unly. 2Hth St. .1\1 :.ir iiia. ••••••••••••••••••.••••• l'l ~mouth C;1 rburetor Opal<'en«r;ilororstarter c:u·h 2 l'S. ft-fag rims 4 l)H/\\\'f.H . . MAST ERS AUCTIOM ·~ ,.,, · 1 I ' ·1 I'l l TIR !-'S t·h ·1i11s 1..:now) r b k 5 0 -f>elu•e t'la1rol ins 'J FIS'l",'I( X"60C 2Q" _1•7_3 -l_il;(Hi ___ ---· .1 " I ' '(I • ' • • ·• ' · · S71\. aper ar s _2.t' ~.Shnpm ··n••"l$5.'·ew Sl5. each New Reily=•· .·" ... ·: ''•·l"·H"'""'or",..·'·"'"'"" -,-., • \I k '(:I SH 646G530 ...... .. .. " h ti SI ~ I """" ........, "-U...O k It · 1· ' Utilil\' i_,.,,t\', ,'I I .1:-;111 ll.'.t onee __ ___.: ·-__ Good books t·la ssJt'S, nv•rh··ul g:H;kel Si•t $8. Crock('r outdoors cook lnnt a1rse. er •·. H fl · s I o .. ,.0971 s pea ers -ea 1s t1 c B(JA'r s l1p -NL'V.'l>Or t .. · ,. ,·11 . , .,,r Chld 1 & lh • book SJ h vw f roldd""rsd1fferrnt s17.CS ;i 1>or, uni a~~~ A'1 1>'M <lereo r•0c··1,·e•· , · .• ,.,-l.nnl"1·' l1tJv.i r , · • tSATUBDAY only(( 1 rcn s or1cs o crs H:in1blcr and !\.1etr s .cac ronl .,..,. · ·· . ..__ lov.•!'rlHl:1troJll,~.~ ·iuto S'i+; ·i·•KH ~d tiny flowers 2Sc <;;. Slk Sl.75 TV Antenn: m<inuals SS. l!J4!:1 lludson t'TlCI S20. VW c_;as lank S.S. good ro~ shelfs SI e11~·h, IJOfllt S. two shd111g v.·/ v.·1th BsR lumablc Wtlh per fl. ti75 -1453 , .. _:_ -- (';it·h 6 Salad bowls IOc $7. Kite ht'n ware 25c-i .'X' clock $8. !962 Chevy Jlond;1 Motor l'y ele rronl 3046 K1llybrook £' (i\1 uv crhl'ad coneca ll·d dus tt ovcr :ind C'iiSSt:'tll' --Truclr:s 9560 i•;i&h t.1 exil·an stalucs 35<' Toaster $3. lO·Spce d bike Nova ga~cs $8, Corvair end r: 10. 2·15 " 6 lug 540-9179 track. :,1·1.c •I' by 1i'. SJ(). plU Yl'r /rceordc r. 1'11ust Baats/ Spe~d/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• «:-~Si •e lOF'ureoal!IS. $2".!. Record f'l;iyers S9 Sp,·d e r ":J"CS $20. Ch('\'Y tru1·k rims S2 . d 5JO lilfl5 scl11n1mt•<halcly!S200or S lr:1 9080 .0 7 Jl ,\'l'SLI >.;. l.:'lrJ:•• "" ... 6~ ' ' h KE N t.1 0RE gas rycr be:;\ uff(•r, l"lt'ase •·;ill ••••••••••••••••••••••• •.·n"e Su•de hoots,,., .. 7 .....,.-~~ Triumph parts SL Car cal' f-46 ·1280 ....," 557 4158 l "1n1 111·r S l11·1l ('lt•;111 ''" ~ " ---1_·.,,_,· -~-BHJ(;\,S&Slr;11tnn:!1".!hp fi42-4tl90 ·-,3 -10' MINI l 'ruiscr. •. . . I S6 llardly wo rn .Glass BABYcribS25 Car bed -ra,dio SJ_ T:.ipc deck S7.CASSt:l'l 'F::i'apes : s1~1-••r tradl' for Lale lop rnd tab\f's -no Car •.e ,·•l-b•by tender *12·784_1. Ch•·e-.. •o,'foll, f".IP.T--f· BRA NlJ new C ross m:in l'O ~. rl•btnlt, runs~lronj! U.blk& hlronsole1'\' B;1t ·,t ,'-t. IJJuprntt.I t•ng, V\\l.5;ci; 0!10·1 ,, -.... • .. 760 Dll Gun S25 . N.:-w :QJ.orH/l).642----liti."ll>;ift ,1 h w b 1· Jowhrs ~1 l't;1lflkf1n .. \I ---c·racks, ~oocl ('Ond . SIO. Sfi. Ji0 sa w 18'' Throate1.FCNDEI! •.J. New h 'nd fil', S ;1nla11 ;1, Deep l?ur· (' 4 15Seon,.,... ~pm :i Oj!i..lny ca in c · h ·,·75 •17 ,,,.,., •· I> IJ ('L' '-'I 11 I •. b 1 •2 SI · 1 .. _ " ._. rossman x ,,~.,·· .) --· _ ,., k . , 1 S"U :-. ape .. _u.... ,_,..,. l~a~ ti ,,-, .-.1 11 •1 . ,;ir ec "· • ;nn css s;!O. 16 " B & W Port. ·rv ('r ank il'<' l'rtan1 fre<'zer Pl<', Who, IJoors & muc h t-:xtra BB's 1500 ·SI. 3rn , nu! s goo < -" · ----11"-'""' 11rt•..;, 110·1v ltuH'UI" ~lecl turkey pJ;i lter SI. S25 .• (;l:.1ss bathll!b S.1 .8'12·78-11 . moreS2.each .644 ·1836 a nd /\valon JI il l UBl~I NA I , Carrol c:ikt' ."i·H(.,\.18. M~:·r 1\Ll.I<' hllu• ·rah1t1 run~ ).!.d . SPc 1,. ,11,. 611-kinds of monkey pod enclosure·nl'w·Still tn --Hookcase ~amcs w. ('a rec1p" J.!rt·~•t fo~.~o;prc1;1I ·rv B & W-Z t'NITll 21.. :-.k1 llo;1t . 100 hp ,\11·rc·u r~· prt·e i;111., 1;1'..'.-0:1oG llT 76<' Pal'h El('t'. clrycr SlO r a rtonS!5. 962-1562 BIRL) c;:iJ?e stanrl $2. l<'is-BUCKF:T st'als S5 .cach b75-0..l89Afler 10:001'1\1 oet'a!'<1un:-. .itf'. liC>-2 /\I t':..· . .-. ·I b · , motor, 1nalch1n~ l '.J7J :;.11; '.!1~'' Royssi1e (islir:i p;111ls 50t· hing polc·s . li ke new, SI ____ a rHl ri:i.11 JI ~.cw .t.ubl·~· sw1vc asc l!anl'hl'rn510 ·l l:~i <"al'h hoys Sl :I.£' H 1'-CJ!l<.:VY Pov.•crglidc $25. eitch.Hu slit·planterhox· l'IF.CE :;eetional $25.J DRAFTING li~hl S7 50 , ..• -.-S:l5~'!._l=~'o.J7~----I ·01 11/\'f':-.\iN l'lt 'hl 'l'l.n Sturts 2!ie c;•rh l\aby Rl:'cket ~eats SIO . ~r. es SJ.50citc·h.32inchslab Wal11 ul c:offt'I' la blcs C k lSfl 1-'isl'herAlu \VAN l !-.J l : (,rt•:i t Bonk::;-11Ll!t-_:\\.'/\'l'EH17.11(1.11 11 inilt'!>, idi·al t"r ~'· t'lolhc-s ror 1 )'('<if s1,ek ,,·h•fl bcllhous1n" <loor> .,5 e.,01,_ 20 .• , L··kc· S25. I OC'casional C h<i1r r°': pok . .,· G b' .Sc-t. and /or llr11 ;1nn1 c:.i 1.nr. l'ort .. C"nlor tv. Work· Ill'. •l"ef' v. A•>>e<•"··•n • · " "'" ..... .. S054R785J J90cms is 5 .• cz£' Jn· I ll k . ood in"well'Ue!><lnfferov!'r '" , !r;ult·~111.1n l'ht.11;1,:i;. ii Lon g s lcpve SlO. t<:xhaust manifold-; 5trl'et.5:{(i·020fi. 1 . · dings525.I>oles$5.(good v.•nrr lo<i .or.in.vg :--· ?··f 'l'raill'r . ('hrom(' '''hi..; a d d h .t •• It k ·f I"· () bl ,,.,.,."' .. ,,,.Y"ln11ed,a . Sl25 .M-12 ·'19-5,1 t.fi XI I ,...uri:: n Y ~in w 1 e .,..,. l'a. n a c man1 ous -.--. .nt:/\T N Gu;igC' train (•ondl. ou e ma~tress " -~ ~ w /!>p ;1rt' .. · ttl cont 1>~e Lop , -.-·hitc short SIO . t':.J. Chevy 1-.W .ba}hr~om s 1!'1 ks.,bo<1rdSJ 5.1.;n£:ines,cars, S12.50 Box s prings $15. a.l·I ~1'.UiO. S l7 ~1.5{'1::!-7'2.1-lli ~feev f' top. blu e loni:: ht>ads {1._1!'!~1I) $10 .. ea. II dr op-in s ink:-; $6. 4 s11.cs, ot her ac (·c~soril'S $25. Frame~. Studio cout·h 8aats & MariM ----i.;ov.n. lon).: or:.in).!c pants, econd1t1oncd < hevy molded l'Ounter t o1>s. fi.14.1.,.,,, SIO. Mens ice s ka tt's, sizt' •I PEl('F. Cn rner 1lrf'so:;er Equipmie nt Tr ansportation nd I 25c c·1ch 2207 h l 525 Che ad· 'th 'nk · $8 to $1 1 "'-"'-'· st·t . Ant. \\'h1te v.·1hl11t' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1 oys. . , t'at.s . vy r 1os Wl s 1 ·s. · \0 S,5. 228 9th St. Jlunl-l••nl. ,.9 hlut• ru". hi /\\'illon SLL'.M.5411·7522 S.5. t•a. Allt'rnators Sil. 842·3.">45. 01.1) touch in fairly 1ngtonBt"ach ' " .. '72 COURIER PICMUP 4 ~llt'f'1t . r:uho. (IJ:!;,;i1~! 5 1877 ---Starters Sl2. C h evy -~oo d cond iti on ~IO . + ---------spd h1~"· :111 'Int. i·ond. G m~ral 9 0IOMobile H o mes 9140 RRANO !\.1il"r ophonc. r:.idi;1tors10.rowerstt't'f· '~\\' pu ll m _:•n t y 11e l Sk b t 91 MA''TAG i·lnth eo:; ~..io -<)t-;7~ ••••••••••••••••••••••·••••••··•···_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·11.w1LSON I ~hurl' hr:ind. v.·orth S.85. kt h b >l $18 .an,;:l'. • 00 s,s11.t". ", inJ! pun1p S5. ("ht'VY rnur· 1 <' en ca 111 " · perf('tt cond ition S25. dryt'r, u s t'd \'Cry litt1 c -· :ii;· fl. ('o mm 'I Swordfish !i'.\JJ Ft'HNISlllO:I> t1·;ul<'r rl'ta1 I. \\'L' ~ill sell it in r1 v 1 !1423545 11 •2 •0-s2s M ' II r>r S4 o ta f!c re· · ·· \'<'ry o ld ;1ntiqut' oak ca u-1 .,, .:;v. . 1sce onieaus h o:il . J>ncumcntcc1 . 111 artull. 110 11t·t. JJ.il'k pcrff'etion condition ~'Ith rulators SI. ca. Oi l pans l A 11 y L 1 ,., F. c. r ib. eh;nr-need:o; v.•ork S5. W a ntied 8 08 1 H i•lri•~. 7 ton hold. ·fi l l)lr 1,\5 !i ll . •h• A!\.1 P hooku1• for S20 ..... ,., 350 Che•· · t " 'G · b d r " -..,,... • · · .··pis ons av:ic:ido, )'t'llO"'· :i iul \\'afrl<· iron & Grill. l\lf'i s11.c r . ram£•••••••••••••••••••••••• (;,\1 ('. 5'l<l )!<1l .tul'I 1·:1p .• MolorC c l•s/ A'~u. L~ Lady S{'hick SS. ca. 283 Cht·vy 1>istons f 57 50 ,. M bo SJ n" mattress T, f .''"n"•' •1• "lr"ll"e ,1 .. per el't , x in ... · · · USED O R I E~RUGS h>dra ul1c str" .st;111""' Scoo ••• 91 50 h<11r clry1·r1nper cctcon· S4 . r.a. Chevy rim s .. "· -' J , ·~ "~ ~-I ' · · S25. )';°('Yo' s h ef'lS 510 ...,, -" ,fition for 55 _ S rna ll V.'/lirf's $4. <'<I. Chevy luxeslro!lerlike nf·v.·Sl5. ll;1 b~·s l'atS8.50646 -!l249 ('hl'\"ytruckJS l'l)trans Kno"' v.•h a t you own. ~5 ft. p lank . l n~·ludt·:-•••••••••••••••••••• lX:!~;, lll'.ith HI II uni. Ho •a 1 11 "'-'Onlan s Je;1lh t'r vest Crai;:erl'l1agsw/t ircs $25. Ye llo.,..•rockinr,?chairSl5. \.\'ltlTt: round l:1hlc-iron S2.'i .54fl ·6719 h;t\I' rl'pul.ihlc pcr:.on J{1·nmar OF. dlll'n\ml.1.,1 If · It 1, p · l rn1,· nu r s er•· 1·•n1p --------I .1,11,···•-." ,"<iu• r••"·"· "'•II "h!lr l•n<' r1·1·ur er, · w, nn~r--worn onet>. r . ont1ac r:1diator $15. · " ' base 52:1.4 \\.'rou ghl Iron ... " -·~ ~ ' ,.. .. " 55 6-1070 842-6611 sO!d ror S25 . .,..,e'll lc-t it i:io J>ontiac st<1rler $12. Pon· Yt'llov.·. $1 . 536-2235. rlininJ! l'hairs s15. t>ach . CON SO Lt-: color ·rv . pa~cas h . ~l~~J7'1 r ;iil•"· Skiff. Ht·<1 d l l Slo S I ' I ·ther t d . S5 S . b I ,,-.. 1,· ·.w,·l ch ~s . Po-·•. .Showl'r. 4 IJunk.s. r.11.,.c. '72 C O URIER & 1.6 • • 1H ·i " i•;,i 1<il' ra 10 . caller I O O \I 1<: n. up r;..: ht King .s 11.C' he:i d -nar(. h"l• •• TV,SIO s.·e·'.", •. e le•t"n"•· Musical !>"'ortlrish g(',tr.6-15·77'14 . 1'11141 Skirt . nlt·d . :-11(' $10. shield ror 390 Ford ~«>. vat'uum S20. Nf'w f;u•ia l \A/hi lt' vinyl padded SW. ._, " I lru I 8 083 --"I I 26 S h · r :.idd1n• rn ;1c h in(' 520 ns m en s B • CAMP ER (i P:ik <';oh o\1·r 1·an1pr•r. 4 :-.p1•1•d , r ;1d1fl, h1·.11 .. r. !'>111\ '' II'\' lJO/'.\, .-1 o' "c;;1sc eomc o !>p:11·C' ·nowt· a 1ns or piC'k-up saun;.i S.'i. f,ncly Sthii•k M aple hook cas e S25. •*••••••••••••••••••••• oats, Martne :t.U ltit ySt.l'o.sl~f\1l's:i_ S20. Lifl off t:.i mpe r dry mi ~t h;iir dryer, Shov.'l'r door t·lear j'.!lnss Jlui\t-in oven & Broiler. EPIPllON,.-: Stt.'<.'I SlrinJ'. Equipmie nt 9030 L'"''CYCJ .()p•·.01A ·.el ~", Jat·k sS25.ca .8.J9-J90~, ""'luc "".1, s·e ll fo r !10. S71 Ill)':· d rill .,.,5, Skill j;!KKI ('Ond . $25. St•;1rs-. (' l h I e ....................... . ,_...... -,-" ......, ~... .,.., -l:tll'll rnam double m :it-1 u1 ;1r v.·/ arc c:a s e ••• _ Junior set $20, 'fhrcad . 536·2215. snw S2..'i. Pirlurt· rramC<; r rn u .s ic book:; S200. I C''L. 1.l S,'l'EH t-:NG .. 11:-.o.t1it!L l S~SB f I f){)UBI Eb d S25 I SI to Sli. <1 'x6' f\1etal & lrC'S" . , !20. on1C'r-\IRC<)OI r [) ~>(() rl<:s1gn pirture ramC't • • e . sc Fl Af'il'ISC/\N l\l I' f. . NIJ.!er llC'ed.s tune up Sl.'i. fi4·l·72J2 1 ~ • · • • S20, ol h£'rs $1<1 each. f\1etal frame S7. used { · . ac 1cr.a j.!lass of ll'C p:.i rt1l1ons ---.,.1;.12 2!'..11-1::!• heituliful un:ibridj'.!ed very little Two interi or l.''.Jrlhen ware. d1 sh t'~, all szs. t':ich Larp:c p11intinJ.! l t6lh 111' t-:\e(·trit• rno\ur I·' J·:i"J IJ 1-: ll 1 2 S tr ing ---1 d ictionary lates t Sl8. doors v.'ithhardv.·areSJO. p1t'ces pcrfeCt. 4 1:1nncr $25. Ar,ti11ue while silk s.5. 11 llP double shall /l•ou:,t ir· (~u ilar. Xlnl JB'l'ANV,\S(;()VJ·:lt llOr\J)f\CL l 2:'>.',l!ri<lw1\h M4-9360 ('<1C'h ,cxcellent968·6073 plal<'S$1.25t•:ich.l•CUJ)S dr:1pes 84 " X 96" $25. mot o r $10. 30 (;al i·uiirl . :\1artin !>trinJ.:~ L:1r:-.unTr111ull.$45. :'00 1nlll•:-., S.illU l1rrn Sl.2.'i C';1c h. !i saU('('fS 75<' each '. & many si1.cs SS. Jlori1.ontal ;.11r Hl"ce1vt'r ~l'J "J r .. 48 -~-!)4fi ~IXJ:.! 4:J4·3XX I. FORD \ ' ' ' Sell I , ' '· 'Do you-" to t.,w.,t !ht •• ;,, rour goroir- 't .. hf t •t•TCJ·llNC l•·•n bed.,, t'a<·h. 2 salad pl ;it es SI to S15. 4 Orange & ~rcPn S20. lladiator ror ·1: • -·' 0 r .J ..:.!.._'·------1 -------1 "" bl C $20 C h I · 11 · · N · !'Alli 1:1" JIR ,\S....;l'Hi>PS ·74 SUi'.ll t-.:1 ·r,\1:!5U. 111\£• 1,0 • ,.·µr,·n •>.·, ,1.,.k s,t!<ll'h l larJ!t' vc~eta l'p;1neldrapf's:'>llx~ISY. h evy . as on y1._, !S ll 1 2 String " • ' bo 1-II I · 5'20372 • 1 ·1 2 Blades IJl-\Ul ror 'f.4 ne w ;'l.!11:-.l:-.<'llth1:-.-.-·k11d. rlresser !20. {'a . 1.arj.!e v.· ~-..<.I :;m :1 \'Cj(C a· each. Antique' s quare · ,.co u s 1c J.!U 1 ;1r . dre • .. •e r . •n,·rror . hie bowl Sl 75. I 111c;1l ~ocket s<'l S25. !\.lans 1"15 221!0 f\fr>r1· S2.'i.!>o1x__:~l2-('all ·r1·rr y. d;1~s. JX<:'[.,'j l.h•ach HI. llt1rlt Be;n·h 556-1070 842-6611 '' • MAYT•c· w 0•her two•y -------'-lti-8H l!l l•v1·s.1><11; x:,411 ' >lalll'rSJ. 25.536·2235 . 1•oek•l w atc h , (,oJn "' "'-~ • .. --~ -rcfri i:eralor . comfort:.i· I ~· 673 24••5 l 'I 1 · th lflt:ALLON llAl'fTANK l~----------1 F.lgin·a.S is S!S. 645·4R32 c e.-.,,. -o. ·.cc r1c ~u1t<1 r w1 near blc " s· c~uch ,S25. each.10 extrit l:1 r,t:e plastic de· --ne w am1>lt(1er by fender l<!V ,\fotor. SJS. '71 t\/\W 1\SAKI 500. f\tac:h 111. t,;d 1·ond. 705 Begonia, Corona <lei corator fern~ $2 e ;1ch. 11 0 Ra e~ car set , 49 DIS/lolASTER $22. Tank l)nly$115callK.17 -GJ98 54X -~1'l 1\>1 ar 536•2235. . . va('uum $12. 10 x 13' wool CC'-::C::-::-:----:--::---~1-""'.:'."'='.:'.o. ______ I pi('('cs. track. 3 cars, :JC· braided rug $12. lle<:ord O fficie Furni~ & Boats, P ower 9040 _S38."1 642 KOO:! ;:l C(IL"BJE H 11111, 1. l'ac Camp(•r.11:1 10.'n'>JIS'L.l!l'.t SUMSETFORD ~40 c; a r1l('n (;r01·1· Ill\, t \\\'.,lllllll!'<ll'T 1,;li; 141111 _2 . REIG 1<: uphol~tercd BSR Turntable 7 m onth Ct'S:>oncs $l5. 644.1836 play<'r $10. L awn c<h!t"r Equipment 8085 l1v1n,e: room ('hairs & old $25. Garrard turnt.a 2 FOl.OJN(; rn('tal cOl-" S6 . 3910 Y:o Channel Pl ,••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 73 \'A\1 ,\llA 175 f\1X. t•X . C Li\SSI(' Iii\)' BOAT 1·u n1I. S.'iOll. 04 Yamaha walnut end t able 525. for hl1• 9 Years u ld S8 s,s t•a . 2 Tv.·in m allre.s N B.673-1603 s t-;C \-' Chrs SH/2•1. C"\Ct: 2~·. ·;;~ Ch r1 :-. l'.r:1ft :!:10 ,\fX. ruhl•·n :'I l l!TH':. TAKE OVER LEASE AT PRE-INFLATION PRICE! all3962·9824 t.1 a rkcr-llotomath1nd1n~ s:t. cit t'<irnt'r t:.1hlt> s::.. SuRFBoA uo 1 , ~ s wv l i._•hr:-. SI S/25. dft DOlJRl,E \\.'nt f'r h<'d (lOI.•& hr·t·I• S20. 5 t:nllo l.<1mri b:.i~(' $-1 . J)csk $1. · . J.tr~e • m.1 ~'h YiS, P11Tt't' ,-w;7 W 11l:isl1 <' .J('rrv. J4". bou~h J)n<1 hl<' 1trC'"s1·r dark Chil<l'I reeord player S!O 1'.JCi'lo1 "'45 7'111 ~1 3Jlh , xlnt. oriJ.(. cc1nd :.:u; 1011 In Ua y ~hor e !'<lip w /pad & fr:1n1c S25 . " B lt b d ~· " for S8 . SC'll for $'1. u:-.cd I s25 l\l SlO , :.i e ry, ran new .;,c..1 \.l.'ood-b t'ndinJ! hr;ilpr woof • , . irror 9fi.R 7001 :\l I !'-i (. (l F VI <.: I" f.lt; IJXX~1 f>rH-lf;-3fl~1 I I I' Wll/\l.EI! -Nf'v.' i\1;•r( ~.l~.10 -.;!!; 11;.i.;.1 tuscct in boat ·buildin~) on<'" V\\' Ski r:t(·k. hnlds 545.:>.01.1 . ------I /·: (/ l l I I' 1\1 I< N ·r 1·· ()ti Sl5 ,,.2 7003 "B 1702 4 P <11 r ~1. t.:onv1•rlcr c·nn· --, --FRF .. 'Cll l'r<>>·•n"•••l ,J-, ·"' -''"' -\'i·rt" 1:!0 _ \·nu s to 1· fi1/\PL,.. cofft'I' t;1blt" SIS. I l»b"cd d hed '0 • d'" SALi·: Slli':l.1"'" I 12..'il'S t'l\J.:, c.;u .,h1 nns. p rt• ·;i S('f\l'l'S, l'\11',Lrlr. 51275 n11 gd l'"nd s,"J,'111 "r IH''' 74 Cht"• El Camino IV .Ill M. 1 , t ·t le Sl5 f 2 ll' :in ~prea nn 1. II'•" ,1• i\1AN & \\'om ans bike Volts s1;1 you 1·.111 u.~l' (';•r .1p C' rn .. •1 1 · 1 $20 "92 t 'J ;1 ,, ·' N,,, S25. ('H<'h J St1n gr ;1y tnkt' t ;ipr (]('ck in hiiU'>C' szo Pair drapes (Pink and _n1a tr~<; -. "· . tit J -p· & 0 8090 U.I J-:J;!llO. ------l ullt'r li 4H -J 7 ~.x PT 74 ford BJOO Van -h I " ~ II I SB If ( hluel ror 3x6 window $1 5 5 . hl t d SS h ionas rgcwts :1 1'1)\\'l·:\IS(;JtUl!-i J·:H .>111 :'~!ll ___ _ • ...,o ra<' .:1v.·n cu,E?t'r ,,., new. SC' .or • n , _OH ,.,1, · n1,E? :c; an s •. e ac ••••••••••••••••••••••• (;,1-;. EIPrlr1t h yd r :1uhl' ;.~nsw~r. ~n Sa~~rd ;1y, call .It ·•~ ·' Corn('r cout·h. S15 . Nev.• 'l'lllJ:'\-1A!'> l)r)-!;in. 1 ,r ,.ill \' t! pv w4 •f , !'>ll UJldc r .• i 3 2 .-. 0 II() \I II A t11·:1<1. 'I I ! ,. .. ,, ,. II 74 Plymouth Voyaqer WI :-.1l·11•o l:+I"' r('S5('r (for c lolht•s) SZ'>. ~ind .i} 642·f>42 1 ___ Q I.I) d c-sk $25. /\I bums 50c day bed $20 . 2 hcdroom l<h yni. ~eel ion. S.'l!IO 01 1( . , 1 k . I " " nr:<.por , ~-'-·'· ;i UllS <'L 00 S):!flOC'. .di li pn). ALL LO W MILES ! (;as U.1 oven & sl<11nless (' S2 Book <'aS<' s 4 l\I any Crys_lal lam1):c; S~5. C':1c~. hc:-.l ofr 6,11; ;,745 ~tee l ran ,E?e S20. 9x l2 'l ,l-'.C .. rHll' .uit;ir • ."i. c lt'lth·~s SI. Trunk !.3. _Ad· Vanity sto(•I s.,. 1 ':'"'1n -----·----$1100 675-•tfi!~ r,:ir, .i<O't " I b d d Am1•l•phier S25 , /\c ~ ti •· h ~.rccn ova ra1 t' rup: ding Mach inc $5_ Junk 5c ma ress .,. nx s pnn..: Sl2. fi' x JO' light hlue Cl'Ssoncs fo~ gu i.t :•~-$lO. 10 SI. Sat. . onlv 1773 Sl5. l)ouhl(' mattrPss & Armstrong, noor C'over· lh1 rlhoar~ $.2, Tr .. :1s1:,tor C r t's lmont Pl. ('o~ta box spri ng $20. 9' drawer inf!. Carlon $10. Truck !adin$10.!'J4!'--932.i __ Mr~·• dresst'r $20. bookcase 1irc 11 -~x20"~15.Ba t h ,JnL:-:; bikf• s 15 . Ir<· ~· 1 • _ • SI0.6dra v.•erdresserS20 1u.b, -.-·h1tc-<'ast 1r,on S12 sk :tlt'" .s1. !i S25. l>i rl lllkl' Wt. _ST I N{, II I) USE Refrii:;l·rator S25 . Silk ll1 sh washrr $25. t:amprr ", h('l ml'\ Sl5. 54r, 2962 rl·fn,.:rr;.ito r top freezer cou;:-h $10. Wool courh toilet ~25 Roa t hc;.rd , -----S2.'i .. Sylv:in1a color TV. S2.';. Lamp!'; $10. & !2() hr;iss & port'(' I in Sl2. Fl,l'OH 1-:sr t-:NT fiKlurc" S-.-•ive l cabinet(:.1s is) S?S. Paintings Sl. to $20. 5 end r a n:i l ltay ht•;,ter ~1 2. R root . •1 tube $25 t'a('h, ('ouch , chairbcrl Sl7. t,>•:i. tahlt's S.'i. t'a<'h. l.;1rgf' 14 '' Chrysler's v.·hccls & foot 2 lubc•S121•ac h,<1r :>44 -7667.nexl"'·cek drink-bar 25. 6 s helved tir<'s S!.50 eac:h fi42 ·1Z72 2 lub<' $6.50 eat·h . 4 root.. 4 ------- ---iron flowe r stand S20. tu b<' v.·ith h nnt'yromt Al;1T0!\.1ATI C washer_,szs. f'ur stole S20. Ad d in~ BI .. U 1<: co rd u ro Y !!rill $25 c;ieh , B:i uu~•·h & t.J_cctn c dryer Sl5. E.lf'C· marhinc $20. TV $25. 315 bi•dspread-2· $5. T"·in Lomb 35!\.1!\.1 slide t r<iys lr1l' r ;inJ,!C S25. Power t-:. Balboa Blvd UallX>a bed and cornrr l able.1' x for B:il ·O·m<1lic Sl .2'" mowcr S25 . t:lcclric 67$.Z8JJ ' 3' $25. J Sht'lf bookcase eath 8.J.3-964!1 mower $25 . II and mower - $.'i. 6'Windowbox in--0r ' · · S.5. Yard swccpt"r StO. 11;-ALUr.tTN U M C haise & outs ide S5. Porcela in-·onvETTt.: tires F-101 ~ MowC'r $3 . Electric ro c king chair $10. lamp SS. Thir k v.·ood $10, Rraidrd rug $10, . motor $5. 769.,_:-W. 20lh 646-0R.19 shc-1,·cs 4 $10. C.hron1c I.amps $.5----$10. TH 4A St.C.M.64fi·5M8 l-ru·s·n--tu_rn_l_a_l_>l_c __ -e-,-e-cl-l-en-· hath fixlurt's SI. all Del Tonnf'au $15, 54f>--8Jf,Z .... ----· d r i:-.o ltl t> 25 t: ('ach -------1GARAc:F. doQr opener, S25. lla1r rycr with hoot Bl anket holder for foot of f.'on1plel e S25. Sat. -" S7. f>73·62fi6 a fter !i P.M all day Su11. -AllT ----,-. --l>t'd 2 $5. Dried no~·t·r tir· llav1· !>n01_l'lh111 1r you w,_1nt fi.'i7-44M II 205 cm s 1_s $2..'). ranµ, s . S 2. !i 1,_; a I to ~t·n ·• t.J.1s i;1f1cd <id ~ do ___ Womens buc kle shr boots Aqu:1 num SS. F1 avi:i pie. 1t """II t•.:111 Nl)\\' SKATF.S , white Heidel! 51/1 ,!23. Wom ens ski on v.ood rnr ~iri s room 5 r.1(! ~.111ic siJ.e 4 ~,, Barely worn , ex· booLci 7'..,. $1-1. M('ns ski rors.t fi' x 19" \\'ood s hut·, ______ ;::;:; _____ 1 celle nl cond ition New boots 10112 $15. 1178xl5 te n. $10. fi ' x 3' lull mov-1• 542_50 Will o:;ell ror S20. Ti r<' S 14 . .I I : 30 to 6. cable >hullee> $15. Real· DIME-A-LINES 5 ... 4151 3072 Count<> 675-JOJJI ~'r~~~a~~e;1 rcb:~~ ~ 1-'c~lu_b_D_r_. _F. __ -,-___ ,1_R_A_B_R_IT_h_u_n_l_i_n.-2-2_ri_fl-,·.I 'I fi'C ·ornice board $2, l\gr6 An For WO doll ar bills. un· new c-onditlon $25 , girls toys, dolls lOc $1. circulated series 1953 S6, _67_5-_2093 ________ 1 Pri•at. P.+ln 1· Age 8 boys toys, RAm~ ~LY e ach, S49-9707 cash only MENS Leisure s uits 39/ 50c $1. 8' Decorative rod, ...,...... never wu se d Sl7. t.1F.N 'S s uits 40 & 42 r eg, riegular, brand new, Nostl'lll!iC f:mpire f~n1 Alb M'Offt a.M.ws~ high qu~lity, easily sales sam ples. Only S22. (with 59un boW) wed· A.dclr"Hwi Mot altered, JikC' ne w S\0, Skiswilhbindin~s.chllds din'g ,;:own , Chapel t rain short coats S.'i, sweaters $ 4 · 0 Id 5 l l) n d a rd Pd. $100. Rohinson Sell Acc.,+*4:1 S4 , s la t'ks S2 .50 size typt"wril("r , r ecently re· 525. Underskirt $10 !·lat • 34x31 , new 20 " Y.1 oor ran conditioned $20, 110 lb SIO. 1.ry on 6 1 rQli.n<l Ad••rtlt•r s •lolatln9 $9, C'<1sh only 5o19 9707 Rar Be lls set SIO. Ml"sion I l h tt.w rfl)ldatlons nioy --Vicjo586-8718 Rolstf'r t'O\•eret wi be Wt ~ o f Stat. MEO I T ER HAN 1': AN dotted :=i w is~ $8. 24'' Fronch ls• loar d & l'Llylecoffeel<1bl c $2~.cndSU RFROAROS7 •h $10.& round ''llnp!Jy f;)<'f' ''f\(•y lable S20sct, 642-2.1 13 .. S15. 2 drC"SS('rs $15 . I: .S2<1. holde r S~i 2138 Gannel. kKal b111slMs• lle•ns• -----< 2 drawer filing cabinet Co8l ll M es:1 5 46·04f.9 "911ation. Y.'lllRLPOOJ~washerund S2S. Nautical block ~l urday o nly to <1.:._~ dr)'er szocach 557-8140 lamps S20. 6'l5·66~ Find Your Name Win Tickets Worth $4.50 Itel~"\ llnbeht>Mlle f.,hint 811ds "TH[ CDINOl.ANTS" I 1 at"fd !o ~tell I ISh on Comma>ll(I! PIJllOlVR. MHt~t t.MOT"l- Dl'f•n11 40 ftel Into 161t1tlltt o! Wit'' lt'I easy. Look for your name In today 's classified section. II you find your name, call 642·5678, ex- ten1lon 333 between 9 a .m. and 1 p.m . We'll arrange for you to pick up your tickets at the neare1t olllce of the DAILY PILOT ••• Bar bar a Kinq 9972 Petunia Fount a in Valley Yo u ;1r1• the winner 1}{ 2 ltckcls tolhP S ports, Vocation & Re creationat Veh icle Show ill th(' AN/\llt:JM Convention Center ~ CORT FOX LEASI NG 1516 N[Wl'ORT tlLVO COS TA MESA fi4~-)661 ('he\·v 't:J, '1 l1u1 r1•h11tlt \' IC. 1\ U 1 o , ,1 I r , ll l' \I hr;1kcs,:-.;14J<l lc 1.1nk ... :10 10 <'<1n1p~·r \1 11 11 hn11t, J l :l~l -l'ri l't.v .1•17 2.IX.'I . .J:in.41hrul2 t..::i ll 642-5671'1 ext J..13 5G 1''0HIJ l'I CKll\'. 1\1,..<:;U h~lween !) & '1 prn to S l'OJ{'J'S'l't:H .J,1k<'11c w. t•1:11n1 your t1ckcl s. _x:1!1 7.!1:i7 ______ _ 1117:? FQR I> 1(;:111gcr . :ill {North Cnunty toll.free number is 540-l220J . ., • • '.\tra:-., Sr'l' lt• ap11r('1 ·1.d<'! 1------------1 $:!.K•1 (1 . ,1 ~11;-1iiC1u or :1.l!I llHl!i 'li9 llOND/\ 350 :=iL, good '67 FOlllJ 1r,'I' (Jvl'rlrls, cond. $400 /Best Offer. (;all !Hi2·!Y4<14 nfl 5 1'~1 . VH . !'il11:k , t: t:i\1 lop, IK)OL -------70i\1. ~~.~J:J-OZ.IM.,_ '?2 YAMA llA :l60 E~duro. 1!>12G.!\.1 .C. 1.i.!1'.PU f>t.:yl. JOOO miles. $495. J /:! I-IP :l'l,000 mi. Cab. Shell 2043 ~:J:,.~8~ 0 we r • S 4 5 · _w~~'!!~·~ Cosl<i Mesa ;----CZ 'dd J . ·1:1 FORD 'Y1 T. fl t:yl, :t 7Jlh 250 ~ r1 en limes !>pd . Only 1<1 .000 nii. XI S700or best ofr. Must sell end. Must sell, Best of· 548-5189 546-~ fer. fl45-t1998 . Motor Hom•s.Sale¥i ·~~ T-o-v0T_A_P_k_u_p_, Rent 160 c:liromc rims, "'1d1' tires, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 000 mi $2,<IOO . R ENT the 111-::sr '7:1 F.X · 6'\."i -1 35~ <'C 1.1tlv e. 25' '. all lu x . Vc;1 --9570 xtras. Free nH . !!7\J-0056 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~'i.!£.M~-·n:1 J"()RI), IJ('W t ir e:s. Cl1t ssi rled :ictf> sell big hrk:i. palnt, run11 ~ood . items. l'lmllll item s or ri4 2 -29 49 a ft 6 :JO, o ny ite m .642-S678 anytitnt wknds, , 1964 fo'O R !l H l'.1'" 1o1•1ndow Vlil n . P1:tnt'lc•tt II. Jn~ulut ed. r. 1·yl, .n1t11 ~·•· ,11 :t6525 \'111 S.11·r 11111t•rHo (;ap1~tran ll Hl':Jt'h . ~J-~:>t . '73 1-·on I> ('Juh V:1n . :t sea l er. \'x t·ng1n1·. :lulnm<.1tu· 1r.1n,n11:,,1on (13741 ) S:l!l:f~j SUNSET FO!lD 54·10 G ardt•n (jro\'t• Blvd W('stmi n ~lt·r 1;;11i ·11110 "ti9 f'OB lJV:.in .3!12 t·n~ up r ron t . l.ut , td ,,,. t'('~~or1t''· :)J:u111 ,,ll1 •r • 495· 1)!'11;:! 'll7 <.:hevv \ un I i~ '"'ht·t•I hast', 2X:.i \'1'! t·n~1111• SXUO f 1rn1.(':lll!,Hi ·l.\OK ;d l.1i <IOI! Wl't•k1•11d:-, Autos Wante-d 9S90 • Tii'a • l .O CSA • Borarios ,\II available al '74 Pr1Ct.'S Crevier BMW 2U8 \Y . I ~t St reel Snnta 1\na t!J'.'i Jl71 ORANGE COUHTY"S OLDEST $ Sa lt:s·Sl'r \' 1ce·l..e:ts in1.: Roy Carver, Inc. lh;Jls HO)'t't' li!\1 W 2)·1 t-: 17th St. ( 'os t a !\1 t·~a :,.16·444 1 llON!li\ t 'l.125-..197<1 wtth !JtlO rlllil·~ SSOO fi rm. •IH•I :lkx I 73 HONDA CIVIC Only S 160 po.-""'· ()p1:11 t-ntl leai.l' 2•10 I) ll'l'>t-1 or 23\l S.'11a n ( II OllX:17 4 I Jim Slemons Imports !JOI t}uail il.1·wpnrt l1e:11·h 833-9300 ' F:nlf'r from "'1a<·Arthur SI ,051:1 Opel 9 746 ·······················J Y t-:L l.C)W '7:1 11111.·I <;T, 4 :..p•d . nl.'W rad1.il~ l ire~, ~~uuo ~·1·l t 111.11nta1u('d 1nd1·~ .. l .1kc n•·w i:on1I l'11v, Pt yS2!t~1 K.llil ~IHll 7u OPEi. S 1;du111 \\',1.:011 -!5U00 ITI I , Y•·1y 1•l t•<1 11 Sii~~ .. l'r1 pl v ~11•1 iti'l;i '7 1 tt1t-:1t ('E OES 2.'lo7 :1 111•t-:1. 11/\1.l.\t-; 4 S1·1l.1n t-'ull 1.0.,..'l'f, air "l'l·•·d. ni·w r;11t1.1I ~. ,\ ;11n l JH1 , 1.!,UOO ITII '1 ~l 'l'J·:Hl l' K:!I .!HIOdlr l) .... n1·1 l .1kt• Ill'.,.. 97!1 4 ,)4 i.">ur~:,; 1:1;17 71 111'1'~1. l :JIJO St:i \\'J.:11 frnl 1!1~l' lir.11.c,, ;11r 'li21\1t•r l'<:d 1•-. llt'nl .. 1'.l()SJ, :iuti1 ~11;~11 !i·12 ;!:!5."1 w h 1ll' <_'ou11,. H11ad:.l l'I' !Ilk. h ard lop t'Oll\t'fll Lill' ,Porsche 111 \\,\Iii\ I I. 1t·.1I !>t·.1111\ ln11n,1 1. ~·I>•• put 11\ •'h <! 11n1 I t1 1p , .111 i.:d t1r1 .... 1•11 !'t/,jl~I ,,h, l'll7+, Triumph 9767 THINK ........................ olltswoqe-n 9770 Cadillac 991 5 adilloc 99:f 5 .....•.........•.•..•.. . ...................•.. ....................... GG \'\IJ ll ui.; s:d n1t·r h rvn•t 1,1 $/•l ! 1.11..1· .. l',1 \11\ 4 ~1/ol :•71JL ;-.,+fl (·ll'f'tll'!H1• CADILLAC (~r.u1.1• !'011111\ .. l:1ri.:1·"t "''"I !11111 1'11.X'' !'17.\' I lp1•n I· 1 !'t' ll.11 9772 1 ,.-~~~~~~--.. ······················· VOLVO Exe-c uti we Ccr Sole .. 1 .. ,1 r.t 1•(1(•! ... ti. ( ·,,j, ,, ... I ! tu l'h 1111~{' 1r .. n1 ,ol TREMENDOUS SAYl~GS l•.\'.a!npl1·. I l.!:\ul•1111.1!11· \4 .HJ !'"\\•'I '\1'!'111)1-; & -.\,•l't'<> ( '>11 :.' I \ )Ill~ $5 249 ]'+,' .~. ,., \'(l! ,., .... !II '>l"t'f. I •".;th l"t IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BUY o r LEA SE Habtt-1 Codillllc: 2Ho-·-. l ':'."'·--- '63 COUPE DE VILLE 1\ ss99Lwrl6 r.JiM \J VOLVO ~r,1,1i,,o1 .... f ,,, l.tt ·~1·1 CAO. '72 CPE. · DE VILLE r ,•11·:1 .lll~lf\1111 \\I f '.I -.I• II'" \Jll .... !11·••1 I ltti•• '••fill••• lh0 \\ 1111 lOl •1\ ' 111111 .\ -.1. t' •I I 1 "\11 11/.I I ll~h1r to. •.4 •.11 1, I I \ ! 111 I \ ( ' l"l'l"I + "'''''llJ'. ''""I .:.ol.J'I 1.1.. ' l'•'I O·I I '\ ll /·Iii• •t .td" '""I 111111 l10,1d1d pl' 1.1. . ~··' Camcir o 99 17 ....................•.. , I ! ''" 11" H• ,111iilu l 11 1111 \1•1111 <1 !h o Iii 11td•·r pl.1111 1!11 H.dl1 1\IH" I. I ,111"•1\ r. 11·" I· \I (,q .. I 11 I I I•" " • , • I+ t • • . • I •11,:-. :-., 11 'i920 ······················· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'f.9 U!\1W l002 4 :-.p, ;n r . WJ•'.P /\\''J'tll'l>t)l,l,1\H /\M IF M, A· n, . .,... rad1;1I" }''(II! '1'111· \IS l-:1)1',\llS 5.\tl 7 1K:.'. ;ift1·r ti 111n Pl }'0 11 1·;11 ;1'11 , IH1i\1t:s·1·1c c·:1rly a n i. /\utornat1c, i\.\1/F l\1, & ·7 ~ f\1 t-:HC l•:l )~'.S I) 11·,•·I, ,,n[v li,2fi7 111111·:..! 'fobal'· l \ory, Stan tr au,.,, 1·."< ('O lln•wn tr.1-.. r.1rl' l1k1· ll•'" eond ,\I l l ~'!' .SELL' 't.:! ('!•U IH' ·s ··. Jl \•W p.unt tr.lo \'1•ry i,:d I'll,!! , t'll' s;!t;(~/ •I ~17 J ;,1:1; Triumph _ SfEHfAB "FRIEDLANDER " 9625 G .G . Blwd .. G .G. 1 '" "1 1 11<1111 n ... i1 1·r 1-'.X('l.l 'S I\ l<l.Y \'t)L\'() f!'t91W~~ \ dl_\I l"I'. I, .1!lu 1 ,11 ! tull P"t l.141 .•11 1111 \\hl -.1. 11·11,1 1t1 !111 I"'' tl""I I"' I, l\\illi'!ll "II I Iii'' I I »l .I I I • 'l"'i '!" d I J l''i'.I I ' CO NNELL C HEVRO LET '.'-\l l '-·'-~l·ll\IC t 2828 H arbor Bl wd. ~ I 1-. I \ \I I :-. \ 546-120 0 llr 1...'1./\:-.."H 'S 1f ~·our 1·,1r 1' t''lr:1 ;·Jt·;u1 Sl'l' ll" t Ir-.( BAUER BUICK ~~12~ llarhor lthd co,1:1 1\1 ...... , ··•~· :!:'·1"1 TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS JIOll \\',i,.'~•:t .-.! lh11 ,;:-.; JI 1;.1~ '.lltl,, WE BUY IMPORTS 'l'op l 1<dl:1r l"i•f 1\11; 1\1;1 !;1• <H ' .\lodt•l · JIM PANOS MAZDA 200 1 S . i\l :t111·h1•..,tf'r '73 BMW 2002 COUPE 1 ... pt•1·d ti ,111..,nu .-. ... 1nn. :11r 1«111d1 1 10111n g, /\i\1/1-'!\1 r.ul1t> IH78J l.S! MUST SEE DMLUDi6 e VOLVO · lQf.J., t~ndll" ( M !>Ah 'o'30"! lt,\1\: X Int •·111111 i\1.il.•• tit 11·1· •••. 1;. Capri 971S ........................ 11 1'\l'lll 'Pd . 111•" l1r:11.1·.., ti.· 1·lull'h, )!d nll & 1·,·un. •·.•r. :.:n t tJ.J A n:1 h1·1n1 1;.11; •~~~1 Datsun 9720 'J'l ll' l )l1ll :1r p.11d l11r 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• l\:'11\.\1 , .ind :11101h1·r l!n WILL BUY YOUR port··1t , .01 Crevie r BMW Sa111.1 .\n.1 Auto !., Imported .••...•.........••••••• DATSUN, TOYOTA OR VOLKSWAGEN J',\111 l_.t llt OH r.;1 1·r \\' I I. I. I' .\ Y 'I' t I I' Jltll.l. \H t':\LI. ht-:,\.'.'I' \ 1,1.1 .. ' ;, ;11 (~1 1:· Only $1895 NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Coas t Hwy. N.B. 642-9405 72 Fiat128 ·I l )r !'-i1:d.u1. 11111} z.l ooo ai·tu:d 1111 11·.., 1;72 <;J~l I\ r.·.d i.;.1<-.:1\1·r ' Sl69S G eneral 9701 ······················· I. I) 'I' IJ S !·: l ' I( ( ~ I' ;\ -.. ·-ll\'rS l 'N }:!1111 ju l'l.i-...,11· .'1K .I .q:11.11· :1 <1 v.·1r1 "111···1 .. l·,•1111 t•ond ;::.l1'.1U 1 'u11 -. ·r 1 .ul1 • l'r1 1•11· x:11 .•1.-.•1 111111·-. 1,'I"'· .;no" 111"'· 1•r,.,1I J.!·'' n11l1·,q.:1• !'I''"' . .i·• :no~• Alfa Romeo 9705 ·70 l'.ll. llun:-. J!tl .• O{ot·d~ l11:wly w nrk. !.l;ok c o lfl·!' ....................... !".4i;-147.1 'fi!l 81''\'l )J·:I<. ,\If:, --- Hon11·~" s.:!7.'>t>, :\lnl t'11t 1tl., I l>A'f'S l JN ~IOZ. ;1uto. 'IOfi."• Audi 9 707 ······················· i:! l•WJ (.S I !Ill H I I '\I 111 1·.111d /\u\o J!•·1 i.:·· $-1 ~:1., I ' I I !ol \ .>,II; '~~l'.1 ~u!oti n-H e aley 9709 ....................... ;11r, 111:tJ.!,.,, & \,,.,..._ In.,.. nul1·'' >l:n ~nlodlr ·r~-i I' JI 't-., I ' I' v. 'f'11..,11n11 1·:1 n1p\·r . 1v•w 1no!or :,\l ;!l~f Iii~ ·15!~:.dt 1: 7.' I l.\ I ;>;\ 'N !:~~•.lo 1111 .., .\Jul . 11111 ,I ~,.,. St4:r:, 1•111 .. trt~ x:1~ •i!·~·O GOTO- JAGUAR NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. NA 642 -9405 '1;1 \l1S'l'l:'I. H1·:llt<.\ • 972 S 0:! , ,. I ' ._ tat S1•rilt• :~•·t''.., 1•11r ..,l.~J ••••••••••••••••••••••• :11r. 1n' r "'"I ''" lo n11lt•-.. t ';111 .J.,hll . li7.\ 1>111.! S.t•' :;..'> '+~1~, '.11 ~~ ~ ~:!'!! .............. ~?.'.~ gamn ~::.!o.e: ..••......•• !?.~~ ORANGE COUNTY'S GO TO - NEWEST & LARGEST JENSEN LOOK! BMW 74 3.0 CSA Su nr•1of. '11•r1·u. lt'.11111 r 111l1·r111r SAYE S IBOO 73 BAVARIAS 4 "f"''''I ,11r .... l•·r1·•• 2 to Choo!oe- 7 1 2002 4' :-.p1•1·1t . ;11r XLNT! '$ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1\ll l\1 l'l<'lf'I ~ ~\:. l'u1nr.., Dick Miller Motors 1.:11 \\' \\',1rl1Pr :ti ·"" \ 1.1 Ill ~·1 ,\'1' -;-~ l ''I SJ•'d••r. ,\,\1 f\1 ' 111.q:~. ,111l 1 nnd ~.1.1)1~1 x:n ::1u .• .di ;,i• ;\1 '70 FIAT 124 ROADSTER ~. ~p··1·d 1 r;1n:-,nl1..,~11111. r ;1d10 :1ud h•·:ttt·1 I 1 :10 I I I·: .I ~ E 1efa!it: • &l l ·<'t ~1n ·1~1~·<1949 l ·,.,c• /\ \'('!''.\"._ 1'!1_!'\(__'Nay_ 19b6 Horbof, ( M. 646 9JO:l Autos. He-w 9800 utos. Me-w 9800 HEALEY & JENSEN HEALEY INTERCEPTER NEWPORT IMPORTS 1· 3100 W.Co~st Hwy. NA 642-9405 9738 ······················· ,:! :'11 1\/.J)t\ HX :!, t "'' d .. nr. ,111· l'1>nd,1·\1·vlh'11 I I 011d .\1 u.-.1 "I'll <t'.M; ;_o:\:.'i'I 7.! HX '.I l 'o11p1• 1\11[1) .. lo" nl1l1·"· '~" ,1111 . \\'Ill 1r:11h• ll:IJ '.~0 111 •111· 0:1 i\,,.\Zll1\ ll XJ, Ho!:1r.~ \\'gn, ;11r 1·0111 !. ·1 spd n1 :1g .... hJ -.. \·111.\'l 1"P lut:t:.. ra c k. s~.u~ .. ~):JI; ·1~:!1 ---- 9BOO ......................................................................... BARGAIN '62CHEYY (P0E624} '67MAUIU (UVG675J SPECtALS '64 POtl'TIAC (KJF424) '68CAMARO (1'48GIM) 1975 LUVS St•o · l<.• n·111kt· c1l(\•I', l 'vl l'ty. 11 :1:; 't,~• \1 B ~:.:'.II S , 1-!i ~•d 1·01111 ~u11rr .i1t!L1 .• 111. ~l :.!'.",o i,\,. 1:.'0.!, :!~1 ! 111.111i.:t· /\\<' l ',\1 Mercedes Benx WE BUY & SELL LEASE & SERVICE Call Us for o quote! House of lmporls S2 3-72SO LOOK! MERCEDES BENZ 66 230 Sedan 1\ 11to .• 1;.. :11r PRICED TO SELL 69 20S :11r . I' S. I '.\\' RARE 7 2 250 Sedan 1\ut o !..· ;11r WILL TRADE ;.!1-lJ•f:! \I :!!').!Uf'!'l!t' l':11·i..11.11 ,\1 1 ... ~io1n\'1i>in x:n :>11111 ,1~1:. l'.•.1~1 ( ~l' 1\l<'!'Y 1':1J'J.'1 :11 MG 9742 MG NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W.Coast Hwy. H.B. 642-9405 ••• A rt Kleppinger 1789 "8 " Anahei m Sf. C osta Mesa ' •IH ·' !'1' I II•·" 111111·r nf .: I 11 I-.('!" I" 1111' Sport!., Vocation & Recreat;onal Vehicle Show ;,l lh1• ,,. \llt·:l \1 I '111111•11111111 ( ·,·11t1 ·r .l.111. 11h1u1.: I '.111 1: l:! .-.1,";~. 1•\! :1:1:1 h1·I 1•'<'•·11 !I l<. I l'Tll tu , l.111n \nllt 11('!,1•1-. ''~•t'lh t 'nu11t .v lorl 11·1•1• 1111t11lo1•r I'> .• 111 12:..•u1 ••• ';1!1 f\1 ~; \, llPW p ,q n{, 1·h rornc'. "1r1• v.·hl ~. ~d 1111 ·1•, $~10!1 ~·1K 'IX!~! 'j;! 1\1 t; :\1 J l)t;t-:·r . (;d rnnd , 1Y1r1· v.·ht~. an1 1rni, ~fltlfl n r11(r ~~• 11111':1 l'!~H!':)l'll E 'ti!• ~JI 1 I !\1.t ~~. L t·,1\ht.·1 . /\ \\ F,\1 si.,uu 1 ·n~· 1>11 '1!1.nd 1 rtHo ;1~·11 \\ 'I] I .... «! ,1111, l,,11 •11 t 11l1J -.I ''·II 1!11 .!Ill.I :!:'t~MI Ill! 11'1 llldl' ~ .• J!~I 111'1!1·s1u1r1 ·1 :1-l•• 2 111 ·~·· :!j1; H :-.up1,.·r ~d1·•·1 Bl.oupunkt ,\,\l ,l·.\1 ~O(! •1'11 l'.••u ~111 t'. ·I ~pd . t •r,111 1.;" 1:1.0110 ni1 , 1\\l l'.\l ,.,if •)O(IOf(>il•'t' li+I Ol•·:! '63 Porsc he !'I! !•'' '!I:! t \ t:•' \ l.11\\ 11111<'.+:' 1,. ... 1 •d 11•1 +, 111 !"•••I ._, ,I " ~ I ti I ,111 7 I I' cl I\:-. 1' II I: '!I \.II 1·'\I ..,11 •1·,·q ':1-.-.t·lh". 1·h11t' hi"" ll ll!llll:H' 1·ar l .1kl' nc ..... :i-11:1 1;1xo 6l l'lJH:-.Cllt·: ;i;,1; t ' ;1rnllrn 1·hro111•· \1h1·•·I ... .... 1,1tc "-J tdl. 111t ::.J:1uo !07 ,'t \'.:'~!'.! Saab 9760 ·······•·•············· S ,\L l:-~:-. &SEH\ If I' Dick Mille-r Motor!. 120 ~·. \\'arnt<r :11 Su 1\1:11n Santa Ana 557-2132 976S ·;4 l'l lYl)'f't\ (.:l'l1f'a l;'I', ~. sprt , A /I..'. Vinyl t op. S:l.",()(l_ P r • 11 ~.x~:.: 2 1_!".'~ NOW OPEN Morquis Motors •TOYOTA• •S . .\Ll·:s •SE!!\'ICI·: •I .l<ASI :'-(, •.'\L,\J'I' l 'S l·:IJ('\l/'i ZkMO~ i\l ;1r..:u1·r111· l'k~·~ . \11~:-.11111 \'11•Jd K'.!1 2>!.'lo '72 Corolla-$ I I 00 '73 CORONA WAGON /\qln111.il11 11.11111-.-.1(111 , ,Ill" \ <111d1tHttllll l r.11·k (fi.!li.L'\1 \ I I ohll $2599 DMLwM GI TOYOTA _ 19M Hoo-boo ( M /,,If, '1101 :i.111s·r SELi. .• o \I.i rk. ll ·I dr "'1 :11r :it "h"l•· .. al•· I"\\ hnol, :-.l l:! ... 11 l1t•-.t ,,( l •·r .J;1rk ,'i('••ll .o.11. 7~1:1:1 I lnn ·1 J.! I I I' Y" II ' [ [ c1a,.,:-.1(1l'" Ujl th1• "hip ' I 11111 I I l fl Sl2·7777 l'+,<t I ;·1 1, p111-. .!•~~I 111 •' ,.,_, (•l,.n l h.qo, I.HI\ GOTO· NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W Coast Hw~ H.B. 642 -9405 1.0, 11\ l \, l ll" llkt' n•·1\• ''.'·'" 1.,11.1 p.i1t-. ,\lu-.l ... •!! ,,jt. l'.• !:! I", ' t \ I' Ii 11 2025 S Manchester $ 4 5 9 5 ,,. Anaheim 750-2011 1,..---------.1 '''i' I 1 1>!, I I I to \ d: II .i d hlli II ,\ 11 I 11'•'!'11 id. ,\I I '70 VOLVO 4 DOOR I H II d I I I 1 HI ll Nabers Cadillac 2600 Harbor ll"d. Costo MMO S40 9100 I ,.,'I\/,/ 1 '7 4 EL DO C ABRIOLET SUNROOF $1799 IH'll\1 I 1•.11t11 1• .11!1• ! , 111 ! u I 1 I " •" , · I , , , I " 1\ L . d11.1 I '"llllP 1 •' .t 1Ue.M UVt6 ·•fl1 1111 t• ,,.,, \\ 't HI ,• - I ' II' \\ !JI I f\ I ',, '72 CHEVY NOVA t • t •IL, I(, 11 I\,,! \111•II+.1H' !! ii! trll"""'n, l'""'I ·,!1•1 111 1 .1d1•I 111 I • d' ! I"", I "v lii>l•. 1.:1 ·1·,'1' I • I••' 1 • 11 I , I• \I I• t t I (_~ •IHlo'O•>lilll•I \Hl!l,ilil 52199 ·" VOLVO ""' """'""""'" '"·' (I'" ,,,,1 .. , .. 1 ... 1t·/1 1\ L· .. ~, ,;,:~:.':';·:;.':'.·i:;:,::'.','I:~,',',·,, 'Habers __ S_a_l_e_~_ra_i_~-~-ld_lac-,1 ~~YOr;A"' -.11•rl'", ~ 1111ul .-..q _ 2600 H9ttor-•'-d. V 1111' .,,, Ca6ta Mesa 540 9100 Volk!o waqen 9770 Autos, Used ······················· ······················· '74 CAD CPE. 1906 Hnrbu• l /,\ 6·16 9)0~ CHEY.'73 MALIBU 'i'i"' \T\\' t '"rl\ t•r!. \'t•J y eond1Ctnn $111•1_ ' ,I ~J~ I :17 1.l 1'11 AMC 990S OE VILLE l';1)H!••l1·I l••I' llhr. 1111 fl ' V,\4 ' .1 111 1111 :-.1,111·11 inult1pl1•\, 111! tl'lt·,.,1·r1p1· "hl .d1J11rl111·k,., 1 !:!'.!.1!!11 I 1111 \ [I) ,Ull 1111 I '.1IJ1 U>h•l 1"1' l.11 I ,,,:· .. 1111u P"r. -.t1·1•r1 11 r f.r.1f..1 ·, 111! 11ht. l.ook'> l1kl' ,, n•·.,.. 1".1r. 11<14;.ll EI'! 1,7 \'\\' Ill '(;. Xlnt ~h ;1p•· Xl!.\l S:f."io. h·l l 2 \:!j '"•ir k ) .'>-Iii x:ioo •iX \ \1,1 1\u!f> S!k, l'\lr;o 1·11',ti1. S'.l!HJ 117.1 l:!X'.1 t\fl \,'.,~,n 7;1 \ \\' Bl '1;,.1.ltl(Ju11 ,hkt· 111'" .\lu-.t '"II 1ht.~ \\'k11d I 1:11 ". ·'", X!~\IJ. J·:vt· .... 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"111 ... \\/\\. un1 trn, ~i /1, \·1n.1I tr11J, t ull 1111•r . r;J1'1 J111 111111 :-1 1--p . a i r . Jll'. lilt \\hi S\l'l'•'fl ~111•l'h ..... all \tr.1-. l 'l•rlu1·l ;11n 1fm . 1loor ltw·k.<.. 1·tc 1·•111d .111tJU 1111. ~111,.,1 ,,ell. Look-. ;uul run~ l1k,· rll'll' IP;1\inJ.! :Jrl.'a S l5(MJ 1·a :-.I\ 11<17:icx y.,· 1 u r SIMlK1 tin. a,.,:.ur'lll c lo.an. ,---$3195 -~1 '"' 4.10\ "'-L.--Cad:U--'7'1 N(>VA SSJ.'lO en)! r 1s, ~S ''""' !' Ii.st· br;1ke s. ;11r. hl·..,L 2600 H...,_. at.cl.' 11t1t•r. K'.lk :!0:~1 1 ·1·1 l'l.'- Costa Mesa S40 9IOO ·----Buick 't;i \'\l,I ('i\,\l l'f":J(. l\d:-, . 9910 7 2 CAD. 1:: 1.\11',\L.\ 1·..,1111 :-.p t \ '11up1•, \ i'l, .tll1<1 l r:111~ .... 1,1d1 0>, '>ll'l'l'O, 1.1p•• •\'(.', 11ht \\,dl,,'.,7'1 lt111 •·nr: "'"rk t ',di 1•1:1 1 ;~~' 1.K \ \\' Hu.; runs i::n.011 '\t'•'d' 11 "rk S.~~I F 1rn1 t "I 11 · l ! 1:i 1i j ~l'.I 'i:~ \'\\' 1-'.\S'J'H/\t 'ti:. 4 "I" 1n.1 .t.:". ~· l<l\\ n1ilt·-. x:1 1 :!0•101tlr . j ),•l u '" n1 d1 ·s ,\· ·'I nl. dlr 1111<>. 11111 8:11 ~~111u ••••••••••••••••••••••• ELDORADO 73 BUICK 22S c ABRIOLET ELECTRA l.i•:ill11·r r1111 P"r. f:1rt I·'< 1 II .., ,, ! , •. \;ll\,, 0111· 111\tll'f', ,.,_ '1•111·111 \'1J1ld1t11111. ;,•11·· l '11..,l!1111 l.111111 .. d hrd1n1• :1 11 . 1111 .1 1·11 ' 11h(·•·! 1·pe, \ 1nyl 101•. l a p• .. ·:-.tr.\ H111 ln1 ~l1·1'l'" 11111l llpl•·x 011, lull Jt"111•r. J,tt·\ ;11r. p11r. lk•or j,,,.1;.~ l'l<', 1•11· du:t! ('ltlllf<•rl "l':l l-.. :1111 11~1.Hl'I • i.L 11 1 .,\Z~; I(. 1\1110. ,11r. IS 1111 '>ll'l'l'!I"'1 ~ lr.u·k 1all't' $5395 tr k 1.1p" roll lnor. 111,11.?:".& 111111111·1 ·1.1·r111.,1· l·•irlln>l 1, ___ =..o..=...o..=. ___ ,, 1 Xln1 \\'ill tr.11t.·1.:n ;:o-U> r .. ta!I ~ t ·•1u111Pl'd .. I• tllr "''"'w"' Nabers CctdlRac $3995 --.. d. 7 I V \\' I l !'I u x e l\(•e t Ip t;;i:&:::::-,:;:::;;;:::i11...c..~~ho~~M~,.~-~--~'.'..:91~oo~j \\'/.\;\1 F .\1 . rarl1.ils. & Nabers Caclllac j l l·;I. l ':1111111,1 E~tal•'. \ll\tl, u1r 111 ;q . .:~. til t 11·h1 •\•l. ln1\' 11111<·-.. Y.,.'111 1r.1dl'li.11 20-lt11!lr :-.Int x:11 -z~~1odJr. 2600 ...._ ae.d, Fiol 972S Fiol 972S 191'1 Sup1·r Sun HuJ:. g()l1I. Cmto Me. 540 9'00 J.:OOt'I di•al, ll':t1JOJ.! :-.l:t\l' ~----------~1••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~;M :!OOH 11; '.\1 J·'.\l'l-11t 11 l! '01 1\polh r;1 \'W l\ll(;, \\'hn]\• nr p ~1 r !.., 1.iu.,, l :1p\'dL·1k • 1~.-, \'\\'. 1n:1t: "f1I-' \11!!1• 11r"'· 111""'' -:tr:1-. ~;·1, •1~-i \'\\', 41r1;:, l'llll'> '-'~1 ''l'I, I, l 'i It. l:,O t,,, \'\\' Hil )..'.. xl11! tl ll't'l\.1Hll'll l 1'\ll\ff. ~~(IH ·" 1~. .i .'ll l'Hi 'i \!ll.h S \\'1\l!l•i'> 11111!1 I' :0-1.>ll ~>•L I; .!I I!•, 1\~t-.. VtH! II,\\ II) 11 \'lll.l\S\1i/\{;~:.'I: •111 :I Jtr A1n 1'111 , I : \\ !'> I :, •·1 " ··1:11 . •'>:' xln! \'\\IHI 01;0:.; ,, r :n 1 tlnh1 · 1·1 llui.:. llf'V.' l1r('s. 1·lul('h \\1 /1·':'11 X tr;1t'k r1u1., J.!rl ~·,1:, f>lr lil!i .';!'iii :,•1 \'\\' \'1\N, 'll•I 1 llll" i.;d . S.">.JO. !;;, 7 mo:. 1:.1 V\\I Il l T(;, r uns 1:on1t 1·n 1Ht :iili75. Ii 1 ~1 !)l~IO cng , l l ;1I('h1 ••• l 1.' \\'h 1il'. ,\u1<> J',:-., l'1li. 1\ <'. 1:1d1<1 \' M 1111 11hl, 11 II II '"!\ 1•r-. ~(/\, .. 8 1:! Cadillac: iln ".1rr.1111 _, '1,11, 9 91S .... , ................. . !'10.L ~f<ll.\' JIF \!!.l.F '1111 I \!IHI , I" 1111, 11<'1\ 111•·.., .ii! \tr.,, !11111 1, ;11 h"r 1111 l '\l l't \ ''·'''l1 •·I I 1<1 1 \II 1.n11d!r.1n'1~u1 .1 11111• '.1! 111t -. ..... tit'/ p111 1q• "11111 :+,:1 ;,1.:u l"'i:'. t·:ldor:1dn c·11111 t•rt1 Id••. :1J I \ 11 ,,,.,, n111.-.t ;.•·I I. ~1:11"! pvt 1•l~'.1;0:, .-~1:-.u ( '1\ f} ·-;:1 1•:1. l>tlll/\IJI) Jiu .ti ••11n1fn1L '>t·.ol ~. «ahr1nh·l top, !ult 11.,..r .. l.ul .1ir.111t"hl ,,.,!t•r1·n. i;11r d1,,1r l111 ·k~. t·r1 11~1' 1·,,1 11 rol. to\all.\ ~1rt11pp1.:<l t 7!"11i.! J-'X ) ~1,:!•t:f · ;\ .dh·1·~ \ ':u!ill:tt· :!1itw1 l l.1r1~1r l\l1<l The biggest selling cor in Europe a as a 124 AUTOMATIC F1111 ••otOl'\I ~·l~'I> """ •·.,~,.~I rti<r '"""'" "'" ~ .... ~:' •8<!•~·~ '"'"!""''""'' A<.,. ''"'n•I l·•of ••'! '•"'" SAVE s52910 l_ /;l.). ,_ J\ DICK MILLER MOTORS 120 W. WCIJ'Mrat Main, Santa Ana SS7-2132 ('11-.l.1 ~'""·l :.<$11 !llfMll'···········"············ 9800 Autos, He-w 9800 Autos, He-w 9800 Autos, Ne-w 9BOO JANUARY Lease Special s123 PER MOHTH 1975 MONTE CARLO LOW MILEAGE 1974 DEMOMSTRA TORS PRICED FOR 9\llCK SALE' 1975 VEGAS >1~-•ule>rNl.C OO--••r •!ee>nfll~ 00:-bf ........ hr>lf!d QI .... _ '"""°· & fll(hlll '"" ••/,T•~ .t speed, rad io . tinled glass, dlx. bum pers. whitewalls. VEGA 1'1251 DON'T UNDER ST AND LEASING PHONE: 847-6087 • 549-333 I • RMt.W. r .u. lox ·•~ ..... •&....-k•6c,t. s197 SC/7 '74 CAPRICE CPE. '""" ..•..... S4099 "74 IMPALA CUST. CPE. ,_.., •.. -$3799 '74 CAPRICE 4 DR. 1~11 11 .••••• -• $4399 '74 CAPRICE 2 DR. 101n1 •••••••• $4599 '74 SPORT COUPE ,.,,., ••• -..•• $4099 '74 CUSTOM CPE. 1,..11 •••• ---••• 53899 '74 IMPA.LA WGH. t,tlUJI ••• -•••• $4099 74 CAPRICE 4 D•. IOHll •••••••• $3999 '74 IMPALA CUST. ••n"· .•..... $3899 '74 CAPRICE 4 DR . IOINI --•••••• $4099·· '68CHEVY (WFU102) '69HOVA (Z0P304) 5 899 s197 POWH l :Ml1() S~ ti I"-lol1I CM.I> n<>el tno':I \&> I 1111! ~ le!tf. n.ot-~ ~,. 1'8~ 00 -l tu, 117! --I .. o;at•)"''I Cf\lr'Oel lor <'9 ""'" on ..._..,111 o1....,.gwo:1" ANNUAl"ERCCNTAOC AATf_ 1~.-. I I l6 MOMnt Ofl'IH .. LIASI OIDH YOUIS TODAY MO DOWH PA YMIMT llqUllllD WI Will IU1' l'OUI ... ISENTCAI Olntua: AU. CllDfT MUST II .......OYED PLUS T.U: -. .._ ., ·~ ~ -.. DO-... "°""' ~ 5, lo! -Iola! Cl "" fl<oC"• ll)Cf t .. I 1111~ I~ ... o.~ ""'"'! Otoe: ... •"853.00 Incl 1 ... 117! ...,..,.., ' .tl• coftv1no c"arl1"• lof "8 '"" <"' """"°"..c you< ~~ A~Al PERCl:NTAGE RAf£ ,,_ ·• ~ ,~ r ~ ,.-, -· • ···~ 1\ "74 IMPALA CUS T. 1"''" . --...... $3899 '74 IMPALA. CUST. i•n1.. -••.•... Sl899 '74 MONTE CARLO '""" •.• -•••• $4699 ) I ' • J 1 DAILY PILOT Salurdaf, January 4, 197~ Avto1, Used ~s. Used Autos, UsM Awtoa, Uaed •...f •• • •• • • • • ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• •••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• Oldsntobilit ••••••••••••••••••••••• cfo .. o1.1 9920 ford 9940 Ford 994 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... [f!M._~~1 '7i:1"U \\'.\: \'{){ l 'E . l ulh 1•ti,u1pp'd , 1fl••I I.! l ,qu· Vl-r v ln 1·n1. p1·rlvt·1 ~litJ 4'·11 O\:!i '7~l\1h'. I\'. lo;u!«tt, 11•11 1·ll!'a n! s1 .• 1~J 111111 1>1 -., :!i 3 --'.12 :1 1;)111. \'\t'' 7~ fi-l I ~1'.n;;, . --71 '' \I .t 1·i.. .! £«1 r.1 11•11 ~.-.u l'l!I -- F u ll 1~'"' r ll I ii I ll'I\ l 11 ~·-. IJ;t1 ~:15tl Sp.11· '.!ltr. H ~u•·-.l It . "1d1· ,,, \ u (lldl'f ll•lllSl' \,trtl ;\[l'ill \l 1rg 1111 .1 \\'.1 1. :-,,, l. d ::t .I~ ·l!l ~I ::!O ~i.> 1·11• ·19C l l~~·;) C~vette 9932 •...................... i~ H ;1r dlnp I 'un11·1·t i1olt·. >I s plL A \1 l·"\1. I' \\' .'i: l '/H . :-:H1111 1 .. \I I . 1, \!ti \ ct·s·r il.\1 '.\'.t:"' pai nt . :u r ""11d ,'(, ftlll pn11•1:r ~St>.'io. 1'1 I pty . (';Ill 111;1 1i:!~J:1 11 1 673 ·16!1 I. Dodge 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·1;~1 CflHl)[\;J-:'I'. ll.1 1n.•l!\·tl frut. •:111t . Hun s \11·11 \Vorlh chl•ck111 g 5."l!l-Ut-ili I. '73 L.1\Z'I' JJ:i1t· lk>tlgl' lo 1ni Sl\1110. Flfl ,\1. :\tr:1-. Xlnl c11nd. 7!'.t 17:.!'i l'n rt .I' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Set les 1tnd 54:rv11·t· 71 F'IJHIJ 1.ld, A l\·, p fb, ,,, "· >.Int con<! &ut:ht Ill'" , .• r i\I 11"11'4'111111 11·1. 11 llt -.1 ofr 84.G 3217 7'.l Fnrd l 'llL',\l 'l'HY St_;J)A N \~1 Al:ON l :t l'I ;ur, /IUll!, f>O""'l'I -.11•1•r111 ,i.: .111d hr.1k 1·" l .i•lh•, h1·,1tt·l, ":-.'" t1 r1·~ 11!:!1:\!{}! ;-.; .1 hl'J ... ( ';1d1 ll.11· :.!1;00 IL1 r ho1 lll\d l 'o,..,1;1 i\1t·.-.;I ,>·1(1 ~l[{lf\ '70 TORIMO BROUGMAM ;;11 tn rn a111·. l::.i1·l••r) ... , .• [)Il l\('!' ~fl'l'l"tll g. r;1<t 10. h•·.1 1, 1. 11nvl nx1I . 111 11 .. 11 ).!la -.-. 1 :!.'i~J\li) SI 388 WILSON • FORD I It" !1 1 556-1070 llt•.i('h 842-66 1 I 1973 F'Olll) l\tAVt-:RJl'K ~ l>C>ClK S t :UAN SI/ li I') l1Ud \'f. :!5(/ 1·1d Cfl!o:lll\' 1\\t 1!1111111 (.' r U I :> t• U :\1 16 l I (' 1'ra n!>m 1ss1v11 t :nlor · Wh1lt• l\l 1 lt»J.ge 6:!.5t•I l.U'i..'fl">l' 07tilllll) r\.la\ hi..' ">c cn at l>A:l.Y I'll.II'!' t'lll plo~t·,., p o11·k ins lot . j'.lO Y1'1•s t H<iy :-.tr1.:1•1. Co:.la l\o-ll·.,a , i\lon d :1v 1t1ruu gh Friit :i~ 1\s k 1 .. r hu ::.in t:::.!> o !l1t't' t ~I~ 1:12 1 •I\\ \1 A l · '7.1 t ;ran 'I' on no \.\';1).!0 11 . A !\1 'F l\1 1\ l', r;1d 1.1I :. (11111r !'i52 )(HI Lincoln s11·11·n. (Ir I )! 9945 OLOSMOllLE GMCTRUCKS HOHOACARS University Olds 2850 1-farbor Blvd. Cost.a Mesa 54(}.96Au ·7;i 'fORONAOO, full pwr, totally equip. t'ru1.se l'On· tro.I. Xlnt cond. S39llO By nv.•ner. al'l .'l 1!3.'.I Kl~7 74 OLDS C UTLASS SUPREME :! d r . h l . S;1lu11 1·p1•, 1•.1br1 .. 11·L Lo p . 111,,1 I lnu·k1•t -.t•;o r .,, t ,1!'! .1 u t o • py, 1· .,, t'l'!'l 11~ lu·ak1_•.,, s p1Jr t y,'hPt·I., \'(t', luw mile!-> & 'oUJ)i..•r l'le;in tl lJ!Jl!.11 I P ·, d ···•·················•· l 't 1:-.; ·r :-. i-: 1 ). , '.\' I r-~"'""-'-.J,LL)<l<:>L, t 111J1 ·l :!.lf\./11 1111 . 11n yl ~ Cadillac 1u11 . 11 ·.ollH·r 1n11•no1·. t ldl J 600 ,, .. M ...... p11r . !;11·1 .11r". lil t v.hl. Colto .._ 540 9t00 s l1•1 c o . I'" r door lo•·k:..I'-----------' ~Htl\\'l!llC),\\ F H ES ll ~I>.);!,\ .\111 I 1°\;.it.t·rs L';ul1ll,u· :!l>!Hl 11 :1 rbor HI 1 d ·,;7 l l l.IJ ,...; !I H 11 '•'\'t·r~ t h 111i.:. 11111:. :;'.l.)(l i; 11 111:11 ('0-.1:1 ,\11·,.,;1 .do :!ltH) -;u 1 .• F\l.l 'C>" \\;,i.:~Hl . .t, 1,~1 Ill·:!;]'\ :-.K 11111 hd r d \11l n m ;111 c· 11 :111-.1111 -.-.1<1n M0Yer1c:k 994( lop I' ,..., r .1d10. Jn•v. ("f -.t l••·r1n g, ••••••••••••••••••••••• h1·,1tc •r I .11 r t·•1nd111on1n v '71 MAVERICK .• IM lliS1; t:,:i:!ISIUll ~ 5,EllT:r.F• ORO \ 1 ·K .. 1lHon1 al ,,., .11 1 r 1· .. n d1 Pinto "" l"Jlllll.!. 1•0111:r '•·•·ring, ol 111 t ;,11d o·11 l ol fllt' 1$11<1 \\ ••-.l m1n-.t•·r 1;:11: 11110 1 .1d l•J, h \·,1to •r l(",7 1lt 'II J ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl688 7 1 l'J ;\/'1'11 \\'.1c "n 1:1 Ft I ll I I :! [}u11r I l.1 rd l"ll . \lll<•rt1:il1 1· !1 .111 ~1111.,,,11111 1·.1tl 1u. h \·,ol1·r . po111·1 ~h·•·r1 n ;•. ;111· '"'11<11111111 Ill\.!, I 1111 I IHp c 1:r1(;t,;,\ I ~KC1:1 5UMSET FORD .• 1111(;;1rtlt·n {;1,,\•· l!h1l \\··-.I 1Tl([l.,ll'! ... !I! 111111 Hunt 556-1 070 ll··;1c-h 842-661 I l'I :'1,!'l'I) Hun:1h,,ut . M "950 ercury ., ,\ ut• 1111 ~11 I« 1r;1 11,..1111ss1on . • • • • • •• •. • ••• • ••••••••• r .t d 1 o a ud l1 t·:1 \ •· r l•ll-ltil.1'1''1 s2 1~~.• SUMSETFORO ;,.1.111 ! ; :o rth· n ( ;n n ·(• HI vd \\'t,.,\ 111I!!.-.1 l 'T' •d l·",\Lc '~1:"\, l dr. \'I'. H II . " 1 1 I t•ng. l ;n111! 11ork c·;ir. ,\.,,k 1 11~ SJ:)ll l'.dl :1ft :1 :\u a-.k 1ur '70 M A RQUIS WAGOM \'Ii. :1uto rn:iu1·. l ;H·lt1r ~ ai r, po.,.,v r sil•t•r111g. p u 11e r hr;1k«;... po"·1·r v.•1ndov.•s & Sl'01t..,,, r ;utio. h (';il v r , l lnll·d gl.1ss. (Xiii Iii lj\1 I s 1288 A ul1>1ll~1 t1e t!',ltl..,ll11,..,11•11 I ;1 1J 10 :1 11 d 11 <•,1 I C ! tilO.IEX 1 :S~1>:rJ SUMS ET FORD \\",•-.;tm1nsl1.·r '7 2 PINTO RUMABOUT A 111"111 ;1 t 11·. ht•.1\t·r . ~lt'l'l•r (tlX \lll}K 1 ! , I 11 I " , )!!'1111 11 s 1588 WILSON • FORD !Kl~;, llt·;1"h 1\1 I I llnll l\t";1r h 556-1 070 842 -661 I For d 9940 ;1 H.i ni·h1 •ro ,;·r. :J.:il I.it• 1.; LSON I (ii\:-: r ;l1111111 11 i.:·· 1:17:.! !'11110 1 'I"! ,I I I :::I !i 111 !'I' ~l i7:, K il. XU,\!, ······················· '73 FOROLTO ;1utu1n.1!1,·. J i f. p1111•·1· "1<'<'11 11 ;:, µ<1111 ·r· l•r.i1 .... .,, 1·:1d11• h •·,il <"r . 1111 1 .. d .c.J.•.,., 111:11t;()\' ~ $2677 IXlS.") ll1•a1"h BL llun1 . Uv:tt·h 556-1070 842-6611 '72 COUMTRY SEDAM VB, ;1u!nnL1\1l'. la i'\or1 ;dr. P\\'t•r Sll'l'rllll.!. f,Hll1•. ti•«l\l•f, t 111 l1·d j.!l,1 -.;.. IGOOKI l S2 I 77 1X2;l!J 111'.ll'h Ill. 1111111.1\t'Oll'h 556-1070 842-6611 '71 TORIMO SPORTSROOF \'X .• 1uton1.11 11·. 1 ~H·l ol 1 a i r. pn v.1·r -.1t•1·r1 11 0:. r a•ho. l11·a \1•r , 1111\l'd j!J ;1.-.~ (ll~lf,[J\'1\ I ,Lii' )..'1'111 t op, n l;l j.! 11 h ,. ,. l s. 11 1· I·•• 1 1 r 1•.,. ··ll.,[•)111 p .11 111, :-.11 1\l<J' J:J I l:!o:i 0:1 l.'l'I! ,\1r. l'''r 11·u1 doJ \\.,;, l.il1l ,1s ll l' ('torld s~:ino :!!IX \"1.1 .\ll'l.!ft'. :-..hur1• l 'llf 1., :-.; t · I:.! l ;fl 1\.'\; 'l'l)llli\'I). r :u l1a l 11r1•., :11.t MM l llt'I'>' m• FORD US'.:!!'>5 lle;1el1 HJ !!uni. Bt»tl'l1 556-107 0 842-6611 1\ir l'on d arn /ln1. ::!f•11t11·1· t•ng. slntl trans. tl t·r g rp. S::!OP!I 1;1:) 21 7·1. 1:1n;, ]"(JH IJ 1:r1). b lu1• Muston9 Sl'"' (inod runn 1n~ t·on ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9952 d1t 1on. &lti lil'il."I. 'li~I FJ\l.CON WGN xlnl :1ul111n;1L1c l r.1 11~1111.-.~u1n ]!II:! Y J-:l.l.11\\ -.11111·,..,1 .Il l' 1·01u l. !II'\\ !11·1· h.oi\ Plymouth 9960 ............•.•........ ATL AS Chrysler /Plymouth ()p1·1l 11 ,lll \ ,\ ..,IJll Til !(I I ' \1 ..''•.!:•ll.11 h11t 111,<1 \ ·1 ,,1,, \[,.,,, 546-1934 eond. Make offer . p11wrr s l1>t·n111!. ;11r t'Oll 54H -0995 d1t 1,,n1 n i.:. '\\\ l '-":1 ~, ,,7 1'11 m .. u1h ~.11, Iii ·· ----1 SI l :1:J 1·'1111 1'"1' .. r S!IM-1 l11·~t "I ;\1t,;S TANG , 69, 35 c i SUMSETfORD 1_ •. 1 . 1-;, I <t!->lback , p /s p /b. ma~s. ~ 1111 l; ;1 rih · n I; ri 11 c· Ill 1 d «X('C't cond . $1325. offer. \.\'l'sl n11 n st 1•r 1;:11. ,\l)!t t. I '• H<IU 1215 ••• ARK...t.s 17662 lronBarkWcry Irvine )'OU ;1r(• I h(• "Ulllt-1' t of 2 lit kt·ls l!J l ht· Sports, Vacation & Recreational Ve hicle Show ;11 tl11· t\:'\1\l/t-:t .\, 01f!\Vt't11 ll•11 l 0t'll1l·t .J ;i n 1 tlu u l:.! ('.'II I lj I:! ."ft.'ii'I, l',\\ :1:!:! ,\J l 'S'1'1\N <: A ut' nn :111<· 1 r;1 n.-.11;1.,,.,,11 in r~1<110 . h c;1lL·r. po "•"! s 1 1·1·r1 11 g Ln;11 l1·d r 7X~l.I S(. ) s:i \~r.· SUMS ET FORD :-1 l·lil I; ;1 r •h· n (; !'O\'I' 1\1 I rt 'iJ ,\1 1\l 'll I a 11l o 1\ t ' I':-. 1\l t11!" l'h :.H 5 :111 ;t"k 1t1r \l 1k1· li·l ~ til>.'\<! •iii \' H :i ~l)tl run . ., .cuo(l f'-1~!.'>. S!'t' ;1\ 1£0 7 Dt·\1111 l.;1110" \l.'1•s\(·J1ll :-.. 1>1 t:~.tx 1,..111'l 'l'll '.' .~ 1 p n1 ln Oldsmobile 9955 1·!;11111 \"(•Ur' l 1 ~·h ,.I ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,'\,1)1'\h t 'ou1111 !1tll lrt:t' t.\lli.i)S F K.1 \ H, 11d~ "'orl\. :\'I'. I'S, • • • Pontioc 9965 , .. , i"IHl·:BrH !l :•11 w~1 1 111 I':-;, I' II !' \\ \ 1· 1\ :i.1 I-' \1 ( ,(> 111111• 11 :.. 72 S \F\H l \\ \1,11'\, f' .-:. I' J\ ,\ I' \\111d .. 11-. Sl1•1•I h vl !•'d F1r1· ... 1nrH· I I 1 t ' ' I 11 d t' 1 H IH l'h H nl.. " I . '' 11 ' l 11(1 •• [+, I ::' ,10 lh .('\1 1.x·r E.\ll'E!->"I \111 •1 1J)r \'To)' :01 r.l '=-'.l'lt Jl,\·11 ~'t,"10 1; 11; :.1,:1~· \!h ·'.' \ln1 x:n I. I·. t'••nd (jj •1·; \l\'\,.-.1 .. n 11 "l.l.~1 "r "''"' • 197 4 MAZDA RX3 WA GON s199 s92 1s ON. MO. ~-~· 52977 ,~:P~~~­~~--.Yl.~ ~~~· -<' ....... ~~ .... ~;;;;~!"';"'.:""~~~ ,-,..,,... ' ~ • ; ?-LJ-@~ ~· ~~-,.:;¥; .. '" ii -~-L ((~] $2977 lull price plus tax & lie. $92 15 total mo pml inc ! 1a" " r--~ lie & all carrying c harges lor only 42 mos Deferred payment \~.'., • • once $4070 14 A nnllal Percentage Raio 14 60%. Lie No :;:.-'. {9 72Lll}. l ow miles. S3 177 lull nr 1te olu<; !d11 & !1c. S97 93 1otal mo pm! incl tax Bi lie & all cJrrvu1q ti• ,rqt''• ltir only 48 rno'. Oe!erre cl p,1vo1r>nr p11Cf' S4 800 64. A nnual P(•rcentagc R,1te ! 7 flj", l •c. Nu {83 4KLJ) Low milt '<; INSTANT CREDIT CALL US NOW 750-2141 • If you are new in California • If you owe mOne y on your ca r • If you ere ""w on your job • If you have little or Ho Credit • Let me try to "'ran<Je the credit and tenns you need so that you may drive home today in the ccr of your choice! '72 FORD Pl(l(UP (364 ?8 M ) 5 2177 $ 199 DH . 581°9 MO. 1~11 '""W"~'"·'•e •&'" '"'(\'l!<>l•!l<..- IW•I •n• < '·'• ~I·• ~ oil'"'"''"'!'' •'lfV'" h' c-n•v 36 """ o~r .... ~" r••"~"'' ,,,,,,. 13118 ~• "'"""al Prrccnl~q~ Ra!! , '•~'J:. '73 VOLKSWAGEN '2 door bug. ('255HPN) 52277 S 199 DH. '8541 MO. 1;;;;11 1.,111"<"<''~''·''.I '• I~' •11<•••..., t r'I onrl lo o~ I<' A aUf~'"'"'~'~"""' I<· ,,,.,, .lt> ....-(' ,, ., .. ~ ,.,.,,,.. "' ,,,, ~ 11; 7] fl "' •1',AI l'•·«""'·''I' "·'''.'I •c '72 DATSUN Coup e. (334CXJ) 5 1477 '199 DH. S52'1'1MO . 11•!1 lull r•"tP P''" I•• 8 •>< 1'·~'19 toll!I ..... Jf""'""ll~,5 1, AaHt"r;.'""''"""',. °'' 0"IY :Ill "'°' r 'lr><rH! <••>"'"" ,..,, ~ l }l(,h!\<I '""'Udl P•rC~<ll.CJ" H~" ~I·~~ .• '74 DATSUN 260Z ? <1 r CoupC' !39(ilPt t) s5577 $ 199 DH. S l 79 36MO. 1'"11 '""Pt'!~'""'" A I \1. •~IT ~ ,... ' ..... , ........ '" ... ... ". .... , .•. 1,. '"' ·~" [, •• ,, .. , ......... ''"' "'''~ Annu•l''"'·•T.•O• "•''' ~<>'14 70 FORD WAGON (990G MX) s977 s 199 DH. 537 78MO. 1917 '""1'1'<"'°'"''•'• ,\lo<''' >I .I •"n p~I '""' •9 • I l•<-A ~II '"""'' •1 • '"'''' • 1 '"''Y 30 "<JS OP"'"'"' \ ''"' ·•' 1" I IJ.:I' 40 "'""'"I""''-""'''"" I·~'"' I r "· '73 FORD LTD WAGON (960JHS) 53377 $ 199 DH. S l 3064 MO . 11Zllhllt•""<''·•.t••A•" I Wt!•! ..., I.'"' ,,.. , '•• .1 1, A •• r "'"'' :er~ ... ''' fH·~ 3f ff .. ~ '"•0••••••1 !•'•'''" 10<!();; oo A nn1,~1 !'•'""I"·" i.,.,, • •' $1477 1,•1j ; \l .1\.\tf-;,1 ~1 I llr. l'""''r \1r s:r;;, .l l.i '71 Olds Toronodo Vullv 1·11u1p11•·d 1·1t·.111 J.11· 110 \\'(; \ 1 S!:~~i<ll' h1 •xt nfr 1'11•;1 -.1• l ';dl :\ l ...... '[ 'I' t 111 I' I' "l1!•l11l;1l 11 1111 ,,.II '' "' ·----------+-----------+----------1 ' , , ,, I .... ,, .,. t ".ii I 1d 1 Xl l.l;1 1.; LSON I h.,.t; \l.,\X lt·:.-~"i l'o 1111'!' /\Ir ~'ii."1 ( ·.1 I I Id 1 KU;t,, x:!,! x:1)ol I or ~.;,1 n1:11; Thunderbird 9970 1 ·······················! l i'i255 Rf•a1·h BJ //uni B1·aeh 556-1 070 842-6611 l;ti F\IHJ .,\-..:1-" ;1·~1 ~·n ~ i,!d. r 11ntt1t1"n ~1.· .. 1 :; IX •17 1:.! 1'.•il !)lds rn til11!.• ,1·• 711 V :--. 1• 11 1! 111 1·. a u l nm ;1 t L c , ... 11 1•r :-l•·•·r1 n.c. :,.1 1;, lr,11lc• f.'1 .~ ~n rr.1 Autos Used 9900,Autos Used 9900 Avtos Used 9900 ·······················!······················· ••·············•······· l . , , ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY ON THE BEST VALU E ANYWHERE? Late Model Quality Domestic & Forei Cjl'.I Cars '70 DUNE BUGGY Street Runner with Top, Curtains. Roll Bar; less than 7000 miles. (868BHEJ '71 JAGUAR XJ-6 4-Dr. Sedan. Beige w. beige leather interior. (Ser. #993221 AM/FM Stereo. s5995 air. aut., '73 MERCEDES 450 SLC Beaut. gold w. brown leather int.; fully equipped; low mileage. (Lie. ~332KLO) s 14, 950 '72 MERCEDES 280 SE 4.5 Fully equipped; exceptionally clean. (Lie. # 11 2FFJ) 56500 ' TIM ..... c9' c.,.,. "-.AM !II 1t•1 fUll GUA•AHTIE ' I '72 THUMDERBIRO .1 11 I"'" ,.i· ·.tt·1•1 11 1J.'. 1.r;1I.."" -'' 1ndo111 .,, ..,,.,,,.,, r :11l 10. h o•,111 ·1. l i!ll o•d 1.1 l,i., .... \1 h•·•'I , . .,, "' • l,111 • l.•ll top c :!""I·' \I I ' $3388 11l2.">5 J\{';H·h Ill I runt H1·;11·h 556-1070 842-6611 ·1;s ·r -Bl ll/), \lod .r ,\ 1111 l·lc;in, Jusl 0 11•rh:111l1•d . 1\lu;..t st •ll lh1s "'k nd $12.l ur hes t ulfc r . ;,;11; 307:1 ·1;x ·r .11JH[) W I lull l'Ol\('1', ;11r. /(.· 1'X('t·lh·nt 1·o ntl . i\lust :.•·II ' l ll'il\'l!lL! l'Ollll tr.v J Slfl!:lf'1l:all1i7:l·•:Xl'.I Vega 9974 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 7 2 w /\ (; () 1'J . EXCl'~LLl·:N 'f' i\1n s1 S:icr1f1L'C. SJ7511, ~:.? :!7H2 '72 Vl-:G 1\ c..;·r \\'ugon. Automalic: transmission, r adio, h eat er, powe r stccrinJi:: air t·onditlon· ing. {IOIGWN) S l8!~ SUHSETFORO 5440 Garden Grove Blvd . Wcstmin ~lcr 6.16-4010 ·73 GT, iA'I C. 'with hlk. strlp('s. Anson y,·hccls. 4 :ripcetl, ,\,\II , F'i\1 . Lnls l\lofe. s2000. l<.\1. :114 4!M -9'.43ti. 73 EGA l.T 11ul.o. a ir. & Xlnl. (510J f'V ! dlr $2)~1.'l ortra-de! R3 1-2040 ·72 JfATC ll B/\CK ··II\ Doaler io.~tld enJ!. Xlnt cond. Must sell.644-1&14 or 175-6808. • • '67 TOYOTA Corona ~SK 0 76RJ 5 577 1199 DH. '2835MO. 1 "11 1i"'"'"P•'"'·l~o ~ ... 1?~1,,,,..,.,... ()'"'! •n<;I I» ~ ''' A a•o ' f'r,.nQ • ""'"' '" f)n .. 1~ ....,~ {lt'lo f''"' <l•V""'"' 'f.'" P 1 /(l<> <(> "'""''al Pf'fCf'P1;><" "•',. ~' }ll"lo '67 OPEL Kadrille '2 d o or (UPYS79) s577 $ 199 DH. 52835MO. 1 ~'17 "'" tot1 Cf' ~''"I~• A «c l~~ )0•1n•·"'"" Pf'\! '"'" , •• a ••< & ~II Cl""''"" r.t>.uQr' IN ootv •8 ,...,~ O"'"''"°<'•V""'"'<'"'"''("'.lO """"•' f>f:fCl'n!eQf'l<"'"'l ~" ... '69 VOLKSWAGEN Bug. (XUV318) 5977 $ 199 DH. s44 JJMO. 1P1/ 1,,11 l)nCP l)lu$ IA> & loc 14• :lJ '"''"""' ""'' on<' IA• & hC ,\ All C .. f)'!"Q ~II"~ l()t uoto 2• ....,s o.,1.,,,ec1 fHI~"""" po(;(! ~•::>412 9' """'-••! P.,c.,.,1~, ll•lliP• IWl'll. '71 TOYOTA Corona CoupP !4 13DT P) s I I 77 $ 199 DH. 14670MO. ,,, ·1,.11p.,~, .. 1~.&· l•t.1!····,..,., '"' •Pel II• & 1, A u < ,,..,., 'l •··•'<• r ' no, I( ~no. I •"'''""' r••""·•• (" • 1\N•• '"'""'',.."'""n''<I' ''~"~'I '73 FORD PINTO Runabo ut I 14 7G XT I s ' 777 '199 DH. '6531 MO. 11 I II h•ll '"'<." Olu• '"' 8 l1C 16~ 31 '"'•I"'' r><> 1 u>(I T .. A '''· 4 dll r.111~•nQ c.h11"'''' ""° ,.,.,1, JI\ "'!'.o• ! "''"""' ,,~,.,....,, ('n<e •?~·.., 11. Annu<OI p,.., "M•".I" R•!,.}1 .,.,.. '71 MAZDA R-100 2dr Coupe.!BB2DTKJ s I 077 5 199 DH. 542 18MO. ' I 0 1 I 1"11 P''<" pllJI I&• • he 14 ~ II\ 1,.1.i ....,_ r....., >"(:I IA• 6 he; & Oil t l tt)'"'ll Cl-I(>' onl<; '.lO """' 0.,1.,,.,e ~ymor~ ""°" 11•~ "II l".nflu•I Per<::efll"l!f' Ralf' 71 73'1. '71 FORD PINTO {75 1fBV 1 s 1577 1199 D" 15674..,, 1 1•1•1.,.,,~ ... .,,,,., •• ~ 1 ' ,., om•'"'''"' A 1., 8 .,,. , .• ,.,., '~'~'' ""'> "' ""' fl•'"''""' ! .<,"> •I 1~ 17 ,'4 \ f,4 Ann<M< r<·•rl>t•1 ·~·· I "'' T •• '69 FORD MU STANG C oupp (VXC546 1 5 1277 $ 199 DH. '6093MO. $1}1/luU r>t>G'!<llU'l~,~lt' \,;( ~11o•.•I•..., ~. tn<:I IJI> ~ h<. 4 ~II "''•"·'! rl oM'I"' ''• O<"'r }O fffi1 O"t"""'' , .• ,,....,w ,.,.. 11ffil :n l"n...,stP-~"n'it"l' l>n"'"''"""' 71 FORD VAN Au!o .. R&H. High bac:k h11r'l<<.'I seats. lu_ll cust. s urlc r 1nlf'r1or, mags& lires. etc. (360 441 ~I $267 7 $ 199 DH. 599'1'1 MO. •2'! 11 lull P<•C" n•u• "" 4 '" • 9g 11\l '' d•' ,..., prnl Inc! 19• & lie a 3" cury1n11 'h•'"'" f • crnry ~ """' ~Ir""<! <IA<~.,"' '""" ~ ~ "'""u91 Pcf(@NAll" '1A11' 19 'Ii .... FRONTING THE SANTA AN~ FWY., SALES·SERVICE-LEA$1HG 750-2141 I