HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-14 - Orange Coast PilotBy TEIUIY COYIUE Of ................. Dandy Don Merodllll ._ _ the loeot of'lllo 0nnae Colft~l IOL •He VWI$ more IJen, lliabl 1111 ,..llea on a Monday night ·ilwl any dozen Hol· lywood stars. And lbe lonner Cowboy quarierbOCk always brinp alon( his ·ooddies, Howard 1.t•tbe Ht.wt" Coeell .... ealffQin( ..... irnentatcir FraDk Glt· •lard. '*' ...... Don,lloward...i'Fronl<:-.a·. n!Slalnllll loYt you. llonday nllh• ,.... ball hu "'°""" • --• beer .... wine IUllMr -In lbe form GI. a nJahl· club crowd lhal Dell'lj< riyalt --nl1bts. • ,\ll the Orange Coosl restaurani. haven't jumped on the bandw•100. but qulte a rew have and more may try it later this aeason. Far West Service.Ill, operators of Reuben's and Plank¥nale restaurants , may be lbe -.mlluslullc. AU 211 ol Far West'a restaur•, mostly in Or'anp Oola!ty, ... boullng what they call 'fSuper Monday." SlJN ~DliY J ' . ' . ~ I •• '' ·' 11 .\ \ 'l'l.f 1.\1 . THE FOOTBAU.. 'boopla they produce Beach {The Plankhouse) wanted some. Involves ~ loot-Ieng hot dogs; J10P' lhinl spcdaJ lo. Monday nlghts, a nor- COnJ_i usually two color te1evlslons In tbe mall.Y slow Ume 'lllyw&y," Ben Cagle, a cocktall · lounge; cocktail waltre...s @l«oman lo. Far West. dressed in bot pants and football jeneyl; '1It went over eo well -business and lots ol beer, .._ other drinks. jumped two tu three times es mbch as a uwe started last year witb Just foar r normal cocttail mur -we spread it to restauranb. The manager in l!Unllngtm all our dlnllli bouaes tbll year. .. -· • ·' Bars a l(ick .. "Most of the people like the atmoe- phen, the cl'O'Nd. lt feels like • football game. A JUY comes ln after .,'Ork, people around bun are happy. 'Ibey all want lo see football . l.t'a the mood.· "AND ABOUT t o'clock the ·wife COITif'S in the door, and after the game they have dinner right there. The wile doesn 't have to put up with the TV at home and she often geta a dinner out ol it.'' • Cagle'• viewpoint was evident Wt week at the Newport Reuben's. As the behemothl tmn DaJJu and Washington prepared to lanlf•, one young wife look· ed across the small table at another cot.I· pie aod exclaimed "I decided what the heck, I might as welt watch the thine anyway." Another wife joined her husbMd in the Reuben11 bar, but caretully made sure she didn't obscure hia view of the grunt. Cagle says the Newport Beach restaurMts have niore of a lyplcal cocktail atmosphere, whJlf' the Plankhouse in HWllingtbn Beach Is the real hotspot !0< !ootball !Wl>l. AlOST OF THE !olks in Reuben's ad- m.!tted they came to the bar to watch (Seo FOOTBA!L, Pqe A4) ( • ~, •• oi .1. I r • "\'-:~ • _., ~>t" I' • ••' r I 1 .VOL 66, NO. 287 , 8 SECTIONS, 1,16 PAGES ORA~E .COUNTY, c:..tlfOtillll,.; . ,iJ :stil®AY;, ·ooTQBe~J,J,'4~:·i97), . . ~ .. \~ ·~ .. ,.111iii...;..._.;..._.;..._._..,;;..;.;,.;......, ___________________ ........ littiiiii ............ _ .... ___ 2 Men Hurt In Trabuco Grass Blaze Egypt Attacks Suez Front As Jordan Enters Fighting ... By CANDACE PEARSON Of .. ~,. .. ......, Two men were injured and about, 15 acres were bumed Saturday in a TrabUco canyon blaze which brought 80 fire fighters, 12 engines and Ove airplanes to the scene. ''It was more of a war than a th," an Oranp COunty Fire Deporlmf"1 oUiclal said late Saturday. He added although it wasn't a mijor fire, it was difficuJt to fight because of the billy t.pain In E..cape Country, a motorcycle recreation park, The fire apparently started at attout 2:30 p.m, when a motorcyclist crashed. 'Ille machine Upped over, and Its , gasoline tplllod out and llnlted lbe 11.,., l!nD)tl1 Aid .. A !lr.mon ln>m the '!'nlbuC:o lllaUoa, Charles Van Der Hauvel, tuffered a baart attack while "" tho llro line ..,. --to -Cammlmftr llolpltal In Mllllon Vl<Jo.' . Hoopltal oll!clah aald Van Der llauvel .... admitted lo the coronary -unit whore his coodltloo 1$ guarded. Also taken to Mission Community was Terry McGrath, %9, an Escape Coimtry bulldozer operator who was burned when the dozer he was riding got caught in the fire. He was treated and releued. Two inmate crews from the California Conaervatlon Corps, a county medical unit, women from the Trabtl<o Canyon fire department auxiliary, two bulldozen and a water tanker truck joined the county flJ'e forces on the ground as airplanes from Ryan Field in San Diego dropped fire retardant from the air. 'lbe fire wail: contained at about 4:15 p.m. f;. Agnew Phories Congratulations WASHINGTON (AP) -Having con- gratulated his proposed succeuor in a pbi)ne call, former Vice President Spiro T. Agnew returned to his office on Saturday to continue work on a speech to the nalion. Agnew, who resigned last Wednesday and pleaded no contest to a felony charge of evading federal income ta1.es, has dedicated the last two days lo the speoch which he will IP"" Monday night. It 'f'lill be carried live Or) NBC at 4:30 p.m. Network IOUJ'Ce!I said on Fti· day lhat it also would be carried by CBS and ABC but spokesmen for those two networks said later tbey had not been asked for free time and would make no decision before being asked. Diiiy ,, ......... "' ...... ~ STRICKEN FIRE ~OHTER AIRLIFTED FRoM TRABUCO BLAZE Ch.lrles Van ·o.r Hauvel Suffered He1rt Attack on Fire Line Floods Leave Thousands Homeless Across Plains ·!17Tlie~Pn. ' I " ' The stilt ·-oo-llood-strickell se<> lions o( Okl8bmna, Kansas, Missouri, Nebl"'Sia and lgwa as the batile qalnst high walei: shifted oo Saturday from creek! aod tributaries lo the main stem rivers. Enid .fn DOl'llHlentral ·Oldahoma was lbe ~est bi~ .wl\h •eight dead. six• Wl~ for: and· a preliminary d&Jfl'g~ estinµite .of SlO mJl llon ,, Thousands were left homeless. A ninth 'Cleath' was recorded· neer· Win- field In sout!Hleotral ·Kanlu. President Nixon declared Oklaboma a disaster· area making federal help available . for temporfl')'. b o u s I n g , removal or 'debris and tbe mtoratiOa di roldl, hfidces' and ~tilllf atlterm. ' ' Gov. J.,./_ Exon plarmed to 8'k !or a similar· ·deSigfta"tton for southeast Nebraska. ' By late Saturday the lower reaches Of lhe KanSaa Ri~ ·,,e,;, falling and the Missouri Wver was recedirig between ·Nebraska City, Neb., and Kansas City, Mo. The Missouri's crest· was expected at Waverly -some 70 miles east of Kansas City -on Sunday. The level was forecast to reach nearly 12 feet over the 13-foot flood stage. The Missouri's flood waters were receding south of St. Joseph, Mo., where NaUonal Guardsmen and volunteer• sandbagged levees earlier ·in the day. Backwaters ware still several feet deep 111 some sections, and at .one polnt the river had spread two miles acrou ill low-lying flood plain. Hundreda of homes were l!ooded larther IOUth · in the Sugar Lake and Bea11 Lake llreas. In Platte oxintY, th& 'sheriff's department ·said it ritlgnt be a week be!ore residents of Tracy, wliere evacua- tion began Wednesday, wouJd return to their homes. By THE ASSOCIATED P~ The Israeli military command said today that Egyptian armored units launched a "general attack" all ak>og the eastern line of the Suez Canal at dawn, but lhat lheir offensive has been blocked in all sectors. Meanwhile, the command said that its forces in Syria have smashed through Arab fortifications and moved closer to the capital of Damascus. Officers at the front claim that fonvu;d elements are within 11 miles of the city. ''The Egyptian forces in Sinai launched a genenl attack all along · the suez Canal just after 6 a.m .... Armored duels developed and 30 eoemy taoks ,..... destroyed. The Egypti>n altempt to advance was blocked qn all sectors," tbe Israeli rommand aa1d. ll·llld'tbe 'tiottle oo die lltiatr-a!ch bad-been devold ol """ allnlll<aot l'OUod actton in recent qays, "continued to be waf'd." 'I.be attack, the Israelit aaJd, Wll preceded by £optiaa artillery bombardment.I and "a number ol. air altacks." The IaraeliJ reported that Its loog- range artillery on the Syrian front was shelling the Damascus region. The Syrians reported an Israeli helicopter attack near the city. but has said nothing of an artillery shelling. These reports came hours after Jordan announced its entrance into the week-old war to help in a Syrian and Iraqi attempt to halt the Israelis' march toward Damascus. There was no official indication of the size of the forces Involved, but lnformaUon Ministry spokesman Peter Salah said they were "already engaged In fighting on the southern !root." Some Jordanian observers said up to 10,000 troops may have been moved into the battle. But foreign diplomats In Amman speculated it might be a much smaller "symbolic commitment" from Jordan's 70,000 regular troops and 20,000 reservists. A co11munlque issued in Tel Aviv did not identify the targets of the Dama~ cus shelling and gave no report oo its effectiveness. But a command spokes- man said after the communique was is- sued that the targets "were on the out· Conditions Right For Clamming Good clamming conditions wit} exist today along Orange Coa!t beaches during low tide at 5:50 p.m., Huntington Beach Cily lifeguards report. Lawmaker• Polled Almost all clammen out Saturday reached lhe limit of' IO rnoUusks. lifeguards said. Clams must be at least 4.5 inches wide to be kept. A fishing Ucense is also required. Ford Alread Has Votes Temperatures will reach the low 70s today. according to National Weather Service forecasters. The ooly break from fair and SWlny skies will be night and morning patchy fog. WASHINGTON (AP) -One. day Alli<r I I 1' I!.-•i -r: hi.s nominaUun u vlce 0prealdent, Gera1d R. Ford had enough volel piedled to blm for confirmallou by both the Hou9e and Senat.. An Associated """' IUl'\'tl' Saturday thrned up vtrtually no Ol>POll~ ~ Ford's nomlntlloo IO.•rtPl""6 _ Splro,:;r~ Agnew u the naUon's No. "2 &overnmenC omclal. The Poll !!towed m House members expressed an lnt.ntlon to vote !or Fo.d when bl! nomlnatkm comes to the floor. A simple maJorlty of 211 ls oteded for conlinnatlon. IN THE SENATE the Houae mlnorlt~ leader had 50 vot~. five ·more than needed. M°" of t-1Uppotllng F0<d'a noml· nation conditioned thelr auppott only • I I ' . Gil ~ !hilt <Ollli'..ionel · hearlfll• tilm uP 'notlilllg 'damaging abou_t.him. Only four Rouae ·members and no senators spoke against the nomination. The-le!' opponenla Included Rep. Bellt A!mlg (D-N.Y.) and another-represen- tative who asked not to be named. ~ In eddi\foll,' both 8el>s. Patr!c1~ . ~ :(l).CQlo.) 'ana Johr\ Moaklet (llld.·MR.) aald the~ oppOeed con- flml8tton until the eontrowny lnwlvlng President Nixon over the Wblte House tapes in the Watergate caJe Is resolved. DESPITE 11IE lack of any marked oppoeitlon, a relaUvely large number ol the· lawlnakers who eoukl he reached over thO weekend aald Ibey preferred to remaln • uncommitted untl! after the eonfll'tl1allon hearin&•· In the lk>uae 33 memben answered the poll with either no comment or t Surf will be low, about one to two feel .. a wish to remain uncommitted. Eleven senators gave tbe same response. Nixon nominated-; Ford, a Michigan Republican and 25-year veteran in Congress, on Friday night, two days after Ajplew resigned and.~aded ·iio · · ·' CO!lleot to a federar lai'evaslbn Cluu'rle. ACUPUNCTUl\E ,aJNtG>-..1. -.i · A Whit. House aean:e· close to U!e gro11p has OlJel1id ae aeupuiidure clini< • Prnsldent iatd 'fbe nve finali!U Pc;i N"11.· in Orange county aDd busilie9s is brisk. on's list of vice preskfentiaJ ~ even though the Orange COunt.y Medical .... were, besides Ford, former "'?Wasury Association ls withholding its . en- Secretary John B. Connally, Gov. Nebon dorsement ol lheo troatmeot Offered. The A. Rockefeller of New York , Gov. Ronald1 story by Staff Wriler Tom Barley iJ• on Reagan of California, former seetetlrJ Page BL Of Slate Wllllam P.· Rogers and Senote SPORTS REPORTS -Clol~en West, GOP Leader Hugh Scott. Orange (:oMt and Saddleback College Salurday Ford flew to Grand Ra.plds, football teams roUl'd to victories Slitur• Mloh. for his annual pilgrimage to Cedaµ day night. Golden Wesl knocked off LA Sprlngs, 30 miles to the north, for ~ Southwest, 24--7: OCC trimmed ~1enlo, tradlUonal "red nannel parade." The \4-7; 1100 Saddleback edged Grossmont. town of 1,800 calls Itself the red flannel 21)..13. Coomplet& details ar& on -pages underwear capital or the world. C 4-5. skirts" of the city of more than 800,000 Israelis launched their drive down lhe people. road lo Damascus, were retreating in The Israeli forces have U.S -made the face of ground and air attacks. 175mm ·howitzers which have a · range Earlier in the day, the Israelis c~ of up to 20 rniles to have smashed an Iraqi force fighlin!J . . · with the Syrians along the Damascus Syrian. military co~unlques made road. The Israelis encountered the Iraqi no men~1on of an art~Uery attack n~ar unit for the first time Friday. !~e capital , b~t a radio broadcast said: King Hussein's orders for troops from Three Jsraeh helicopters sneaked into his Jordanian army to join the fight an area south of Damascus and dropped were de.scribed by the State Department a number of bombs as part of the in Washington as a matter of "serious unsuccessful . methods the enemy bas regret that can serve to enlarge arid been emp~ymg to affect ~ morale prolong" the war. of our. people. and,, cover up 1t.s failure The United States also e1.pressed COO· on tbe front lines. . cern over the ;;very substantial" amount The Syrian corrunuruques &lso made of military aid it said the Soviet Union no mention Of tsraell troops being so was sending to Egypt and. Syria. U.S. close to Oamascus. They 5'-id the hraelis in the Golan Heights, from which the (See ~llDEAST, Page A!) 'Spy Planes, Viet Vets' Syria, Egypt Claiming ·U.S. Involved in Fray CAffiO (AP) -Egypt said two recon- naissance planes of a type "possessed only by the United Stattes" fiew over its territory Saturday. An authoritative Cairo newspaper said the government issued a protest to Washington. In Washington, the U.S. St.ate Depart. ment acknowledged that the acting U.S. mission chief in Calro had been called into the Egyptian foreign ministry, but the State Department declined further comment. The Defense Department declined to issue any comment on the report. An Egyptian military communique said the violation of Egypt's air space lasted 25 minutes. It identified the aircraft as SR71A.!I, which the U.S. Air Force uses for reconnaissance purposes, ac- cording to "All the World's Aircraft ," the authoritative British journal on planes. SR71As fly at three times the speed of' sound, have an operational Cili.Ung of 80,000 feet and carry bat~(e 1 d surveillance equipment. Egypt's acting foreign minister, I all Fahmy, warned o! the 1'dangero con- sequences that may result from such aggressions," the semiof!icial newspaper Al Ahram said. Fahmy called in acting U.S. mission chief Richard W. Smith to deliver the protest and asked him to relay it to Washington immediately, the newspaper added. Syria also charged Saturday that American veterans of the Vietnam war were flying missk>ns on behalf of Israel in the rurrent Middle East fighting. A U.S. Embassy spokesman In Tel Aviv denied the charge, calling It 11an outrageous and mischlevom Ile." The acru-sation was made by a com- mittee of Arab ambassadors in Paris. Later, a spokesman for the Syrian 'Embassy In Lond9n~,told ·nefttnen that U.S. pilots Oy!ng planes wit~t Israeli COl'LEGE CllEDJT<<:OVRllE -This week bring> the· thlrll ..,.Y In the ·~rSes for Newspaper" lmies "Amer· lea and the Future ol MM" which the Dally Pilot ~ publl.shlng alon1 wilh 200 other newsp1pers in an experiment lo test the practicality of prlntlng education- al material In a newspaper. This week's essay Is on Page Ba. ASPEN IN FALL-Staff Writer Thom· as Palmer has )ust returned from a visi t to Aspen, Colo., and found the ski resort hiding rrom winter under a coar of gold leaf. His report Is on Page 89 . air force markings had taken part In "barbaric raids~' that cost many civilian lives. Syrian sources in Paris said the French Foreign Ministry had been told by Ambassador Ahmed Abdul Karim ot Syria that a Phantom jet piloted by a U.S. Vietnam war veteran had been shot down Friday by Syrian antiaircraft fire. A U.S. Embassy official in London dis- (See PLANES, Page A!) Israelis Seeking Conference-Meir TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) -Premier Golda hofeir said Saturday night Israel would go to the conference table as soon as anyone proposes a cta!e·fire ln the new Middle East war. But she contended the Arabs are not ready to stop fighting. Speaking al a new conference she also said in response to a question on whether the superpo~·ers were becom· ing involved: "I Jmcm· of one superpower that has sen1 more than 120 planes carrying am· munition -rockets -both to Syria and Egypt. That's rather some kind of involvement. I would say." She was clearly referring to the Sovi et Union, which has been supplying arms to Egypt and Syria since the 1967 war. Of Arabs and Israelis in general, she said : "These are the t\\"O peoples whose sona meet in battle over and over again • . • The governments or these two peoples must meet at the negotiating table." Inside Sonday .. " IE""' ........ IU Allll LIMtni It L. M • ...,, A1 CNrtitt MCC•" Af C1tttl11M Dl·1f Dr1_,. ('911~ty A• Clll~ AS ~ 11• 111 .,...._ Ctvt!M AJ RMI E.,_.. Cf.Cll C,_-.1 Ill Jin Rltd ltt 0..111 Metkn At 1""1 Cl.Ct '"'~ ,..... ..... '' ""'"" 11" •n lllt.rt~ llt. I ll Tri"' It ,, ..... ,..,. '' w .. IMf' M l'lfl.l..c1 Cf WMttw1ltll Cl °'" °'" """'' 11 ·-·· ""' ... ... ,., ........... "'' DAILY l"ILOT llCTIOMI " 7 . Monday Football: It .Gives Bars a Kick . -By TEltllY OOVILl.E Of .. DlltY,.. ..... D<ody Don MmdMh ""'' -the toast of Ille 0ranae Qiu!~ oet.•He .Jloa, Howard and Frank: -.. •• reilaunnts Jove you. MOlldiir nJchl !OOl- ball bu l/rOOcb\·i boom ,... • beer and win$' l!U'hor -In Ille laMn ol a night· club et....i llull oeerly rivals -...S nl1hls. '' 'U \\ 'l'l.t 1.\1. "Most or the people like the atmoo- phere, the crowd. lt reeis like a football game. A guy .comes in after \\'Ork, people around him are happy. 'n\ty all want to Ste football. It's the mood. pie ,and exclaimed '•J decided what the heck, 1 might aJ well watch the thlni anyway." •ilits """" bon, 1111bl -.... Plillet oa a Mooday nlgbl ihan any -HoJ. lywood ...... And the former i Cowboy qual1i!llliet always brlnp lllong bit bllddiea, Howard .. tbe Hawk" c.o.ll ._..... ..... _....... traiit Glt· ·.lard. ~ • ;..:4 < · .• "1': All the Orange Coast reitaurants haven't jwnped OD the bandwagon, but quite a few have and more may try It later this aeason. Far West Semcet, operators of Reubea's and Planthoule restaurants, may he the ...... ealllualuli<. All 26 " Far West'a restaurants, l1l061]y ln oran.. Oounly, ... 00utlng wbal they call '!Super· MQQda7!' .. ' s.uN-D ,AY THE FOOTBALL boopla they produce Involves IO-cen~ foot·loog hot dogs; pop- corn; usll811y two color televlslona in the cocl<lall lounge; cocktail . nl\reSoe• dr<ssed In hot pants and football jer:aeys; and lots ol beer, """"" other drinks. "We start<d• last year' with Just foor •· restaurants. 'lbe manager In HunlJn&tco Beach (The Plankbouse) wanted some· thing spedal IC< Monday olgi,is, a ..,... malty slo'lf time JlllYWl)'t" Best OlgJe, a ~aoforF•W~ ''It went over IO wtll -busines! JWllped two. to three times as much as a nornta1 cocklatl-hour -we spread it lo all our dlnlnr -. tbls year. "AND ABOUT. o'clock the wife COITIPS in the door, and after the game they have dinner rlgti. there. 'Ibe wl!e doesn't have to put up with the TV at Mme and she often gets a dinner out~ jt.'' • Cagle'a viewpolm. was evident last week al the Newport Reuben's. As the behemoths llun Dallas and Washington pnipar<d to tangle, coe young wile look· ed. across the small table at another cou- AnotlJtr wile joined her huabend m the Reuben'• bar, but car!:tully made sure she didn't obscure his view ol the game. Cagle says the Newport Beach restaurants have more of a typlca.1 cocktall atmosphere, white the Planlthouse in Huntington 8eacb ls the real hotspot !or football !ana. MOST OF 11lE folks in Reuben's ad- mitted they came to the bar to watch (See FOOTBALL, Paie Al) ~ . ~/.. .. .;'""' ---. .,. \~ I• ,.ifj{r., r '• ~ -,,. :·-. t ',·, -·.:i ~ ~~-;{..;1 ;,'i'\.1 '..I ,i • .,, ')-.._.;v;.;0;,;1.;;.. ,;;;66;:., .;.N;;O;;.. ,;28;;,7;., 8;.;SECT;;;;.;;;ION;S·;;.';H;;;;•·,;;;eA~G;;;ES;;.· ------·O·RA~Ni;;GliiE•C·O·U;,;.N;;,TY~,:i.;C;;;A.;;L;;;,IF<:>,;'· ,;;,R;;;,;A_'."...;"S;,;;U;;.;filll;,· A;,;,·'f<····OO-TO.;;· ;;BE~IY·.'l;,;.•,~·:.•9·73··--···" -"iii'•· ... -----~iiiiliN..:T.¥9·· ··A-Vile..~ 2MenHurt In Trabuco Grass Blaze By CANDACE PEARSON Of .. Dlltr' Pfflt ...., Two men were injured and about 15 acres were burned Saturday in a Trabuco Canyon blaze whlcb brought 80 !Ire fighters, 12 engines and five airplanes to the scene. "Jt Wat mort of a war lhan a fire, 11 an Orange County Fire ~I official said late Saturday. He added although it wasn't a major fire, it was difficu!t to fight because or lbe hilly terrain In Escape Country, a motorcycle recreation park. T1'le fire apparently started at a~ 2:30 p.m. when a motorcyclist crashed. 'lbe machine tipped over, aod Its . gasoline tpilled out and lgolied the lf&ss, !irealen sald.. • A llreman llun the TrabUco station, Charles Van Der Hauvtl, tuStred a hurt attaclt while on lht Dre line .. -ruohed lo Mlulon ClomnllmJV llotpllal In Ml-Viejo. . Hoapllal officlall aald Van ll<r lliiu•el wu admitted lo the coronary cano-llnit where bis condlUoo Is guarded. Aho taken to MissSon Commmlity was Terry McGralb, 29, an Escepe Country OOlldom operator who was burned when the dozer be was riding got caught ill the fire. He was truted and released. Two inmate crews from the California Contervatton Corps, a coonty medical unit, ·women from the Trabuco Canyon fire department auxiliary, two bulldozers and a water tanker truck joined the county fire force! on the ground as airplanes from Ryan Field ln San Diego dropped fire retardant from the air. 1be fire -contained at about 4:15 p,m. ... AgneJ-V Phones Congratulntions WASHINGTON (AP) -Having '°"' gratulated his proposed successor In a pbo'ne call, former Vice President Spiro 'l'. Agnew. returned to his office on Saturday to continue work on a speech to the nattoo. Agnew, who resign«! last Wednesday aod pleaded no contest to a felony charge of evading feder~ income taxes, bas dedicated the lsst two days lo the speech which ne will give Mcoday n11ht. It will be carried live OQ NBC at 4:30 p.m. Network IOUr'Cea said on Fri- day that it also would be carried by CBS and ABC but spokesmen for those two networks said later they had not been asked for free time and would make no decision before belag asked. DMtr.,... ..... "' ...... ~ ST.RICKEN FIRE l!,IOHT.ER ~IRLIFT.ED FROM fRA'BUCO !LAZE CMrles Van 'Der Hauvel 'Suffeied Hffrt Attiick on Fire Line FlOOds Leave .Thousands Homeless Across Plains ' !Ii' ""Allld-.._ •• _:;· .. 1· __ .... _ . The s1ln .illooe oo..Oood·slrlcken sec- tions o( ·Okllboma, KaoSas, Missouri, Nel>J;asia ani:I Iowa as the batOe against high waler. ahi!ted oo Saturday from creeks aod tributarlea lo the mtln stem riven. Enid ·In ·norli><entral ·Oklahoma was the i>arlletl ·hi~ ,Wi\11 •eight d~, six· UIUICCOUllted for: and· a pr:elimlnary damn&. estima~ : of SH> mJ 11 I on . Thousands were left homeles~ A ninth -death' was recotded· neer Win- field Ill oouJb.cenlraJ Kadau. Prooldenl Nixon deolal'fd Oklahoma a . disaster' area · -maldng federal help available for t:empor•ry . ho u s I n g , remo¥al 0( 'debrii and the mtoratioo of roads, brklltr and aunt; ,Yitems. Go~ •. ~ .. #. Efi>n . ilianned to ask for a slmllar 'desigba:tlon for southeaat NebrasKa. By late Saturday lhe lower reaches or ,Ille KaniaJ River} were• !ailing and the Missouri River was receding behreen Nebraska City, Neb., and Kansas City, A1o. The Missouri's crest was expected at Waverly -some 70 miles east of Kansas City -on Sunday. The level was forecast to reach nearly 12 feet over the JS.foot Oood stage. The Missouri 's flood waters were receding sooth of St. Joseph, Mo., where Nations! Guardsmen and volunteers sandbagged. levees . earlier ·in the day. Backwaters ware still several feet deep In some sections, and at .one point the river had spre8d two miles acroiii its low-lying Oood plain. Hwdreds of homes were flooded farther l!Ou(b · in the Sugar Lake and Bea.n Lake dreaS. In Platte Counly, thC sheriff's department ·said it might be a week before residents of Tracy, where evacua-· lion began Wednesday, would return lo thelr homes. Lawmakers Polled WA~GTON (AP) -One, d8f after his ho"'1natloa u vice preildeo~ Gerald R. Ford had e!IOl!gh '°"" pledged lo }\Im for conflrn1atioo by both the Houae and Senate. An AJloclated Pr.a ourvl)' Sattaday turned up vlrlually no .oppoolllon tQ Ford's nomlnJUOO ,Iii ... JllOce Spiro ·T\ Agnew as lbe nation's NO:~ government o(flclal. The poll showed m Hou,. members expmoed an Intention IO vote for Ford when hll nominadon comet to the floor. A ~mpl• maJority ol %11 Is needed for conflnnatlon. m TUE SENATE the Houae mlnorll~ leader had 56 votes, five more than needed. Most ol those oupporting Ford's noml· nation conditioned lheir support only • Has Votes on ~ \hal coogi;wlcoaH1e'1lilgs furn ui> ooCW\g dame(inR ahout.hbit. OnJy four House . meniber! and no senators spoke against the nominaUon. The·!ew O!IPClnC!lta Included Rep. ilella Ablug cl>-N.Y.) aod another-repro,.n- laUve who asked l}O! lo he osmed. In · addi!ton. boll) Reits. Pairlcl, ~ (D-0!10.) an<f .l'oJn\ Moakley (!nd.·MI•.) said they oppooed COO· finnallon until the controrul)' lnvolV!ng Pmident Nixon over the Wlllle ""°" tapes In the Watergate csae 11 reoolved. DESPITE THE laclr or any marted oppoelllon, a relBUvely large number or tho lawlnllken who could he .. ached over lhO weekend "Id they · profemd to 1'CTDlin mobmmltted until 1fter the confirmation hear1n&•· In the Houle S3 members anawen!d the poll with either no comment or a wish to remain uncommitted. Eleven senaton gave the same response . ffixon nominated F-0rd, a Mlcltigan Republican and 25-year veteran in Congress, on Friday night, two days alter Aanew resign«! aod ,pleaded no COlllOSt to a !edetal tat' evaslbn Charge. · ~ White House .. iln% close lo the Prelideat ·aafd the live finalists on N"u:· on's list of vice prHidenllal Pf6'.Spects were, besides Ford, forrneri ~asury Secretary Jolm B. Connally, Gov. Nelton A. Rock,feller of New York, Gov. Ronald Reagan of Callfornia, former secretary ol. State William P. Rogers and Senate GOP Le<der Hugh Soott. . Saturday Ford flew lo Grand Rapids, Mich. for tlls annual pilgrimage to Cedar SilrlnJt, Ill miles lo tho north. !or Its traditional "red OBMe.1 parade." The town or 1,11111 calls lt..U the red fi•nnel lDlderwear c;ipital of tho world. .. f Egypt Attacks ·Suez Front As Jordan Enters Fighting By TUE ASSOCIATED PRESS 'lbe lsraeli military command said today that ·Egyptian armored units launched a "general attack." all along the eastern line of the Suez Canal at dawn, but that their offensive has been blocked in all sectors. Meanwhile, the command said that its forces in Syria have smashed through Arab fortifications and moved closer to the capital of Damascus. Officers at the froot claim that fof)¥ard tlemenls are within 16 miles of the city. ' "The Egyptian forces in Sinai launched a general attack aJI aJong · the SUez canal just after 6 a.m .... Armored duels developed and 30 enemy tanks were destroyed.· The Egyptian altempt to advance was blocked on all sectors," the 1'Qell COlllD1l,lld said. • !'t said 'lite Nttle oo tlie .srnaJ; wblcb had been devold ol aoy ~gnlficanl ground acUoo in rtceDl $ya. ' "a'Dl;in•if!d to be waged." Tbe attack, the lsraelia said, waa preceded by Egyptian artillery bombardments and "a number ot. alr attacks." The lmells r.ported tbtt Its Jong. range artillery on the Syrian front was she!Jing the Damascus region. The Syrians rePo~ an Israeli helicopter attack near the city, but has said nothing of an artillery shelling. These reporb came houn after Jordan announced it3 entrance into the week-old war to help in a Syrian and Iraqi attempt to halt the Israelis' march toward Damascus. There was no offiCial indication of the size of the forces Involved, but lnformalion Ministry spokesman Peter Salah said they were "already engaged In fighting Oil the southern hoot." Some Jordanian observers said up to 10,000 troops may have been moved into the battle. But foreign diplomats in Amman speculated it might be a much smaller "symbolic commitment" from Jordan's 70,000 regular troops and 20,000 reservists. A COllltnunique issued in Tel Aviv did not Identify the targets cl the Damas. rus shelling and gave no report on its effectiveness. But a command spokes- man said after the communique was is- sued that the targets "were on the out- Conditions Right For Clamming Good clamming conditions will exist today along Orange Coast-beaches during low tide at 5:50 p.m., Huntington Beacb Cily lifeguards report. Almost all clammers out Saturday reached the limit of JO mollusks, lifeguards said. Clams must be at least 4.5 inches wide to be kept. A fishin,g license is also required. Temperatures wUJ reach the low 70s today, according to NatiOllal Weather Service forecasters. The ooly break frcm fair and sunny skies will be rllght and morning patchy fog. Surf will be low, about one to two feet. · ·• · •·· . I ' Aa.JPUNCl'UllE ,a.ood-.\. me\!Ical group has open<\d an acupooi¢ture clinic. In Orange Counfy and busi..S. is btjsk, even though the Orange County Medical Association Is withholding Us • en- donsen1'nl or the-lnlltmcnl ollered. Tbe story by Staff Writer Tom Barley is· on Page 81. SPORTS REPORTS -Golden West, Orange Coast ard Saddlcback College football teams rolled to victories Satu"" day nlghL Golcl<n West knocked ()ff LA Soutb•'t!lt, 2-4-7; 0CC trlmmtd AJtnlo, t .. 7; and Saddleback edged Crosmont. 20-IS. Complete detailt are on pages CH . skirts" of the city of more than B00,000 Israe lis launched their dr ive down the people. ·The Israeli forces have U.S.-made 175mm howitzers which have a range of up to 20 miles. Syrian military communiques made no mention of an artillery attack near the capital, but a radio broadcast said: "Three Israell helicopters sneaked inlo an area south of DamallCUS and dropped a number of bombs as part of the unsuccessful methods the enemy bas been employing to affect the morale of our people and cover up its failure on the-front lines." The Syrian communiques also made no mentk>n cif Israeli troops being so close to Damascus. They said the Israelis in the Golan Heights, from which the road to Damascus, were retreating in lhe face of ground and air attacks. Earlier in the day, the Israelis Claimed to have smashed an Iraqi force figbtin' with the Syrians along the Damasctlll road. The Israelis encountered the Iraqi unit for the first time Friday. King Hussein's orders for troops from his Jordanian army to join the fight were described by the State Department in Washington as a matter or "serious regret that can serve to enlarge and prolong" the war. The United States also expressed con· cern over the "very substantial" amount of military aid it said the Soviet Unioa was sending to Egypt and. Syria U.S. (See ~UDEAST, Page A!) 'Spy Planes, Viet Vets' ' J .4 I Syria, Egypt Claiming U.S. Involved in Fray CAIRO (AP ) -Egypt said two reoon- nais.sance planes of a type "possessed only by the Urllted Stattes" flew over its territory Saturday. An authoritative Cairo newspaper said tbe government issued a protest to Washington. In Washington, the U.S. State Departi ment acknowledged that lhe acting U.S. mission chief in Cairo had been caJled into the Egyptian foreign ministry, but the State Department declined further comment. The Defense Department declined to issue any comment on the report. An Egyptian military communique said the violation of Egypt's air space lasted 25 minutes. It identif'ied the aircraft as SR71As, which the U.S. Air Force uses for reconnaissance purposes, ac- cording to "All the World's AJrcraft." the authoritative British journal on planes. SR71As fly at three times the speed of sound, have an operational ceiling of 80,000 feet and carry battlefield surveillance equipment. Egypt's acting foreign minister, Ismail Fahmy, warned or the "dangerous con- sequences that may result fro m such aggressions," the semiofficial newspaper AJ Abram said . Fabmy called in acting U.S. miss.ion chief Richard W. Smith to deliver the protest and asked hlm to relay It to Washington inunediately, the newspaper added. Syria also charged Saturday that American veterans of the Vietnam war were flying missions on behalr or Israel in the current Middle East lig hting. A U.S. Embassy spokesman in Tel Aviv denied the charge, calling it 11an outrageous and mischievous Ile." The accusation was made by a com- mittee of Arab amba.uador! in Paria. Later, a spokesman for the Syrian ·Embassy In 1.ood9n~J0Jd .newsmen that U.S. pilots flying planes w:it~t Israeli <XIU.EGE cit'EJ>00'1R8E -This week beings llle thlril ..,.Y In tho ''Courses for Newspaper" teries "Amer- ica and the Futur& of Man" which the Daliy Pilot Is publishing along wilh 200 other newspapers In an experiment lo test the practicality of printing education- al malertal In a newspaper. This week's es!l&y Is on Page 68. ASPEN rN FAU-Staff Writer Thom· as Palmer has just returned from a visit to Aspen, Colo., and found the ski rtllOl't hiding from winter undc.>r a coat of gold leaf. Hl.s report is on Page 89. air force markings bad taken part In "barbaric raids" that cost many dvilian lives. Syrian sources in Paris said the French Foreign Ministry had been told by Ambassador Ahmed Abdul Karim ot Syria that a Phantom jet. piloted by a U.S. Vietnam war veteran had been shot down Friday by Syrian antiaircraft fire. . A U.S. Embassy official in London dis· (See PLANES, Page A%) Isra elis Seeking Conference-Meir TEL AVIV, Israel (APJ -Premier Golda Meir said Saturday night Israel would go to the conference table as !IOOn as anyone proposes a cea!'ioe-Ore In the: new MJddJe East war. But she conterfded the Arabs are not ready to Stop fighting. Speaking at a new conference she also said in response to a ques1i.on on whether the SUpertlO'A'ers y,·ere becom- ing involved : "I kncrA· of one superpower that has sen! more than 120 planes carrying am· munition -rockets -both to Syria and Egypt. That's rather some kind of involvement. I would say." She was clearly referring to the Soviet Union, which has been supplying arms IO Egypt and Syria since the 1967 war. Of Arabs and Israelis in general, she said: "'Mlese are C.. -l\\1\ peoples whose sons meet in battle over and over .again . . • The governments or these. two peOples must meel at the negotiating table ." Inside Snnday JllCll A..,._ A• S, I. M..,lt:_ "' "' y-"""'le" •1 14ent<-., •'1'11• •-llM• aJ A11n UllM" 14 L. M • ..,_. Al Cll.trln MtC:111t "' C'llUIHH 01 It 0rl"'9 C:-ty At Clll+fnlll "' Meo¥tK 11• an ""-CWllM Al 11: .. 1 ltt... CP<la c;,..._,. t 11 lln llM tra Dfflfll Nllfk.-Af ,...... Cl-U •fllltP'ltl "'"' ..... ,.,, Tl!Mtt" 11 .. 111 •1t.r11111-1 ait, t u Ttlwtl I f l•-MI•• Al w .. IMI' M F~ Ct WNlwwnll C1 ._. o..i "'"" •1 w-·· "..., ... IWf'll o.ww11., .t.1 OAIL 't 1'1lOT SICTIONS ·--TY WM!U , A ;t OAJLV PILOT SuN>f, °'""" JC. 197l Coast l_tound up state -II needed to -'-t that 1""'I i-1e -a """ -llnogb JtG. -1114 ~ .:.":4~·=~ Ntwpotl -Chy c.-flmta turned to the o.ance County TraNlt DiJtrld ~ the OCl'D might btlp bail the d out ol .amt °' ht tra.f- flc woes. t transit offkllls Wd '"no," Newport ba1 fu better thaD ........,. bus ""'1« now ond all plan- nr.d.tuodl. wlU be 1pent la areas. like Saddlebaek Valley , where rtsldtnts ha,·e no service at all. That ltft New- port oounctlmen with the unhappy di· lemma of ijllnk.ing about constructing new road! l.o relie,·e Congestion. nv. boad elections, the money from wbk:h would hive been used to re-IJ'.e\.-e the oven:rowded condlUoos of the diltrkt'1 Ovt hip schools. a-.1 Ital< Jtglslalloo now makes It poulble fO<' lH ovmide money to ht UMd Oil ---Ion . ~ Deue.1y-90PG1aied Newport Btacb is gJvlng serioul conslderalJon to re- zoning the entire city to curb popula· Uon growth. The flrtt casualties have been a few parcels of 11.partment land -which were rolled back to alngle tamlly home den.sity -llnd the plan· nlna commJulon aerved notlce la1t Wttk that it W8JllS to take a hard loOk at density cut.s for the rest of I.be city as "'ell. There was even some talk that all popuiatlon growth should be !topJled in older sections cl the dty, In-- eluding the BaJboa Peninsula and old· er Corona del ?.tar. dateol•~­,,, A ....,. -_, -made I LqD 111Ua -~ --·-... --Pf! bolDod -°""' ._.. .. _ ond ~in her-. Ju Mn. Andtnon'• buaband., Paul, looked on aiuloully, fireman Hugh ~!>dloM. . b"""hl,.... pound, four ounce OW. Una Lodise iato the world. ~ t..pa1 Btaa'1 evrtlt telpet ttm- pe1t ll 1 flap about the towni1 armual Patriots' Day Parade. While noo one 11 against the dllplay-of p1trtotlam, 10me members of the downtown mer· chant comnumity were peeved by the Saturday parade dll<!. 'llley claimed it would ~ better fQr the parade to be beld OD a Sunday wqen blocked through-streets wouldn't hamper nor- m1I business. Parade backers mai.D- Wned, however, that the cburcbeo aod choud>tolnl pande ..iaotees-1 woaJd nol laltt kindly lo the S\mcfay dai.. In a eonlllct beiw.ea Ille chmdlts ond the downtown twi m...,.mea, parade baclletr said they'd side wtlb the' ~ ~ t'lunclally troubled Uwatlnrton &:1cti UDioa HIV School Dtstrk:t has decided to hire a prtvate consultant to ht.Ip piss a tax O\'trride tiledion. The fl.nn of Stone and Yoongberg 9itll dctl&n the election procedure for the dilllrlct and will be poiid -up to $15,- 000 -only if the tax override passes. District officials have not decided how rnuch of a tax o\'errlde they will re- quest, or ~·hen the election will be. The money .,.,.Ill probably be used to buUd at leut one new high school cam· pw. District voters have turned down 'nte ln1ne Ulllfled Scbool District passed a l;Q mlllloo bond election lwr than a year ago. Dlttrict tdminiltra- ton announced last ,...k a 195 JT!lllion -. Police Pay Will Go Up If Crime Rate Goes Down Divers Find Crewmen Alive In Dredger By TOM BARLEY Of ,._ DallY !"lief llaff ~·s 115 patrolmen ere cutting the crime rate and boosting their bank accounla In a lllllque boous plan that bu IDlll)' other c.Jlfornia police • agmdts lookfng oo tn mvy. If they have cut the 197%-73 reported cririle tally for rape. robbery, OOrglarly and auto theft by 3 perceit next March, they get a l percent pay raise. ,.-._.It they cut it by I percent-and at ·s point it aecms certain that !hey 1'111 -that pay hike goe1 up to 2 per- Fron1 Pagel PLANES •.• miued the accuaatkm. He added: "We are being vtty caretul not to get involved ln any way. 1 c1on•1 tmw the nm lhlDg .-lhl• claim. There ii cer&alnly no one out ftwft at the dlroctioo er requell of the American eovemment." In Washington. the United Slala 11id ii will start re~g aome of Israel'• severe battle In planes. !ants '3nd olher military equipment In 1 few days, U .S. government !IOUrete aald Saturday. But Nl100 administraUon 10urces Aki lbt ba&Jc dectalon ha1 been msde and !hat movements of major U.S. military gear to Israel would begin soon. Sourcts said dctaU1 on numbers and quantities stlll are under discussion. There were indications that the United States would draw from its Air Force and Army resources in the United States, possibly Europe end olher regions of the world. A wide variety of military equipment was said to be on the list. 1be action, much more significant than an am- mtm.iUon rtaipply airlift alrtady under way, comes agaln!t a background of mounting Israeli combat losses, a grow- ing Soviet supply airlift to Egypt and Syria and a widening o( the l\tiddle East war. People Press Secretary Rooald Ziegler has been removed trom the day-to-day White House media briefing appar- ently to save him from Watergate inquiries, so '>'ilcn he mounted the po- dium after an absence of more than l'>'·o mooths. ooe reporter's reaction "·as "\Viii >w please identify your· !!C'lf"" ~ ·1 don'l think I in\'ented it." said r;op campa ign spy John 6ucklty. The .. 11" rf'fcrretl 10 \\'{l.'I hi'il polltical es- p1011agr acti\'il)'. ''I think il's nonnal !ran1111c!ion for on ell•ctlon !'tar." he adrled , claiminfl hr 511"' nothing Im- moral or illc1tal In ii. But Frunk 1'11Anklt.,.·ICI didn't see it :1uite thnt 1~·:iy. 1'hc political dirtctor of the 1972 !\.1diovrrn presldt-nti:il oimpaign. summed up the ''dirty tr1ck.~" lhu.'i: "!n shor1, what was ce- al ed by tt\e !labotage effort was an un- parallclt.'<I atmosphere of rancor and discord within the Democratic Party." "" "Nobody can tell me that God ls a ~fet." said Clnclnntitl Pete Role af· tt'r clouting a hornr run .111111 gave the RC'd'I a 2·1 '1ctory and'flJ2·2 ~plit in 1hrir hc!!l-Of·rit·r /iil'riMi \\'ilh the New York ~let!! tor 11\e ~:itlon1l U!aguc p"nn:int Till' ri1111l i:ri me. hov•e,-er, nu1 ~· huvr 1nadC' hnn a bC'lle\·er. 7·2. ~ A "JrcrcuJl'an efforl" i' needed to rcs\rJrl' confidence 1n the fedtral government. Oregon r.ov. Tom rtfcCIU 1;iJfJ Friday "' the Radio And Tel•·Vi-¥10n News Olrtcl.()rs ~latkm Qlrifrrflnct In Seattle. Then the fonnrr U>le:\'l.sion report. 31Jd the ' cent. And that ~·ould mean at least $20 a month for every clficer. "We're very optimistic," Police Capt. John McEJwee le.id. "And we're espe- cially glad to ,.. the guys here get it because we bad uie of the lowest crime rates ln Southem califomJa before the city council approved this bonus plan." DIRECl'ED BY PoUce 01.ief 1'fenill Duncan, formerly assi!lt.ant police chle.f at Newport Beach, the plan aims at cut- ting the tot.al of 1,875 ri!ported crimes of rape. robbery, burglary and aUto theft logged in the city oC Orange durlng the 1m13 fiscal year. Dlmcan's platf is a S1.Jccess at this point with a reduction of more than a percent in the books. "But we still have a few more months to go," ?.tcElwee warned, "and I wouldn't want to say at this point that we've done the trick." "Sure, it's an tnceottve," McEl- wee said. "But I prerer to loot at the plan as a reward. Our guys here got a 5.5 )>er<etll psy bike last 111I1UDer IOd lbJa will be I furtheT mrud f<>< whit bu always been great police wort in thiJ area." McELWEE AGREED that !Ome police chiefs l!ld city coundJs are hesitant about the plan In the belief that It mlght '6ad their police o£ftcen to con- ceal reportable crimes. "I can't 1peak for Jhem "'11 ,l ~n ilpeat for us," the vetelan JaW!niri> laid. "And I can te.n you right now that It couldn't happen bere -every reported crime is carefully checked at higher lev- els but, in any event, we have the type of patrolmen in this city who are well above that kind of thing ." "The key to the whole thing is vlg· ilance," McElwee said. "Our plan re- wards our police because they are out there on the job for every mfnule of 1he shift deterring crime by their very presence -it pa ys off." If it continues to pay off at its pre- sent rate, Orange City go~rnment ls g~ Ing to have to find an extra $2,500 for its police payroll next Marth. A city council that unanimously voted tbe plan presumably will be glad to foot the bill . \._ Quotes CALAIS, France (AP) -Divers en- tered a capmed dredger where cmnnen haV< been trapped In an air packet for n... days and . found .....-al the men alive, officiab reported Satur- day night. Sil: men were beJieved to have been trapped when the dredger c:apW.ed in the English Charmel during a storm early Thunday. It was not immediately known how many of the men were still alive. Officials said French ftavy divers were able to talk with survivors Saturday night but were unable to free them before dangerous currents and a storm tide forced the divers to retreat. The rescue operation was to resume Sunday with the outgoing tide. The ~. the Cap de la Hague, capsiud in rnlkhanntl with 15 crewmen aboard. Two· men were remied, two drowned, and the fate of the others ii DOt kmwn. On Friday,,...... worten·towed the wreck to abaDow water two miles off the French cout. It Jaler l3lllt to the 5hallow sandy bottom where tt wu cm- linuously batter.cl by rough ..... Before the divers entered the wreck, offlclala .W the men were tapping slgnall on the steel wall of the dredger's -P chamber, bttl the signals were beginning to weaken . Rescuers blasted a small hole In lbt hull and attempted to float food and hot drtnks to the survivor•, but rould not tell if the packages reached the men. Senate OKs Spending WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate Saturday paS9ed and sent to President Nixon a bill appropriating tit.OS billion for the · Department of Bottling ond Urban Development and other agencies. The key element in the dispute between lbe Senate and House had been a Senai. amendment to deny 16 government limousines to officials in lline agencies. ty admitted to being nervous about his father's nomination. Asked if he thought Ford will nm for President in 1976, he said, "I don't think so. Mom will probably k .. p hint In line on that." v Millionaire publisher a-1 a I c o m Forbel landed his $25,000 blue and yellow bot air ballooo In !dab> Satur· day, after missing the state once on his cross country trip. Winds took him Into the northern pan of Neve.da earlier this week after Forbes took off fry>m Coo.s Bay, Oregon. After re-rooting and ~ing doYm 20 miles soulh of Twin FaJls, Jdabo Forbes said, "It was a great landin,. Now 1o1·e arc in position to cross the llockies." ~ An WJusual 1 method of slowing growth W1I! suggested by Verlyu tifarth or Costa Mesa at the Orange Coonly Planning Comml"'1on'a first hearing on a proposed growth rlicy last wtel<. "The coonly 1houl buy TOM McCALL . every open parcel of land In Oranrie County over five acres," Marth said. He went on to describe the county now as a "maze ol quick food outlets, gutter1ud rivers, garbag<i>OUuted --ell bJi)lways -tbrot.lf!b belutillll open speoe ... preq must &loo beltle qalnot ~ cl 1.._.lblllfy, ·~n the Waqale and Agnew coses." he said, "Marp- mioded rtporten met the test. They v.'trc correct. There "'3S, after all, criminal conduct. They advised th<! public it 1o1•11 people In !he govenunent -not people in the ranks of the media -"ho had bttn lying." ~ Jomina the i)clndw1gon of people· approvin g Prtsldent Nixon's choice of Ger&ld Ford as vfc, pr~ldent Ls none ocher Uu1n P'ord's tl·ytar<Gld IGlt, Jolin Oard..,. t'ord. The Junior fO<tllt)I major al Utah Staie Unlve11i- ~ G. Dominic Shelton. Three Arch Bay's Ollmboyant mining magnate. t~riday w11s round guilty of only three of 31 viol11Uons ol tbt .county leash lnw flied agalnat him by the distr1ct attorne!y'1 office . When the jury fin.ally rca hed Its decision Friday afternoon, Shelton turned to the panel to than k thr:m for the.ir interf!St. In hi• t:a•. •·Tr;1i by jury is the ll"Olffl thing any man can be gtvtn.," he u.kl. "Wllhoul this right 1hame -Id be lll'lhamed to 11it on the bn>w of justice." --Flllllly, the -" -..,. a 1'!'111H lhould lie ........ -dUmpod In the lop" the c:!V ...... clJ -bol ,.. lo ...U 111-. ,,, Pllll De.v.b, ..... ftll•ll .... -of the U.S. EnYlr<lnmtolal~ --.-JnAoabelmlalt ..-thlf am.,.,....,., CClllllB"&la tM: EPA are tbl ta:rpit ti a .. ,._.. -mmpolp lo .... -for the currt11t •Miil' crllla from the big polluten to the flllit lo ~ the ecology." He aili Am...,_ will have to glve up ..me-cjoeri.iied "'YI of life to clean up the ...u-i..1 but lhll the cost wm ht irorth the .,,. suits. DeFalco spoke at a ptberlng cl OrlllgO County b(JSI-•lttnlf. ln1 the annual Eoooomlc Development Conf.....,.. ~ ........... ta ~ ea,i.-Uolllecl Scbool Dtatricl lhrou'1i tbe~-have · geared up for a major dilemma faciag them .... -the ~of a llngle hamburger stand lurlnf l,!00 high lchooJ _,. at hg>Cb time. &an °""""'" 11)111 -· • doled qm-pus 'llilon -an forWdeO to leave at middlf', will have a Mcl)m.. ald'1 u a neiPbor ID lix weeb. n-. -Monday wlD ,,... .....illng with a request trvm ltUIJents who want a I. - .- ----......... • ..... .... .• . ·'* •• .,• ~~:~~~. .,,,,, c a ... _ • • UPI...._ ·' fl#-,.,_, SENDS TROOPS TO AID SYRIA AS DAMASCUS THREATENED lwiilll Claim Egyptf1n Atta ck Rebufftd On Sinai Peninsula ..~ . • ·-. . J P(JSsage De eat,s Ragtime ' ' In .. ~alifornia Cup, Race B1 ALMON LOCKABEY Of ffle ~ ..... .,.,, Goliath &1ew n.ma Saturday. Ii( yadlllng ~ tbal .....,. thel the IJ.foot ketdl Windward Passage, the giant !if the 1adillng world, ooundly trounced Rqtlme, the C.foot ultra-lii!bl dispiacmettl 1Joqp In the second race cl the Calilomla Otp match race series otf Marina del Rey. The ierles .... billed by the !(>OllSOling Call!om!a Yacht' Olub u ·i rematch between Ragtime and wt n d w a rd Passage after Ragtime's unexpected 4Y.ii minute elapsed time victory over the record holder In this year's Transpac race from Los Angeles to Honolulu. Ragtime repeated the narrow victory in the first race of the Cal Cup series Friday after Windward Passage's crew * * * North Remains Star Favorite made a pair of mistakes that placed her hopelessly beh1nd over a 16-mlle course. The margin was U te<mds. In Saturday's race, Wlrr:lward P1888ge defeated the upstart Ragtime by 12 minutes and 50 seconds over a breezy 20-mile course on Santa Moolca Bay. It was Passage's race from the start wlten Ragtime's •kipper Stan Miller ct.ose to play matcMaee pre-start games with her larger and faster com- petito< behind the line llDlil Passage's titark JohMon chose to break It off and flead for the line. W l th a full head of steam, she crossed the Une 32 seconds ahead ol Ragtime and con- tinued footing until she was far enough ahead to tack and croM RagUme on port tack. From Uiere on tt was Passage all the way. Grabblng a frothy bone ln her teeth, she beat Ragtime to the weather mark by 3 rnlnulel and 60 seconds. At the readtlng mart It ...., Passage by 4o41, aided by a 1plnnaker foul-up as Ragtime's crew Jost a halyard round- ing the marl< which coot her all ~ 60 seconds. SAN DIEGO (AP) -Bill Buchan Passage gained another 13 seconds or Seattle won his second straight race on the leeward leg to make lt 4:st Saturday to become the only compeUtor at the end of the triangle. "''ilh a chance to challenge 141well North 'lben as the breez.e freshened to about for the championship in the Slat Star 15 knots on the second weather leg, \Vorld sa iling regatta. Passage put her longer waterline and North. of San Diego, is seeking his superior salt area lo "'Ork lo widen fourth title in the six-race series scored the time split to 13:50 at the second on the best five l'inishes. weather mark. Buchan has two firsts, a fourth. fifth The margin or victory might have and 18th place fin ishes as the only been even greater had not the wind skippe r to win more than one race died hall way down the leeward leg whlle North has: two seconds, a fll'!lt, to the fmWl, leavina Passage with her lhlnf and 11Jth going Into Sunday's flnaP;• oplnnaker drooping wlt1le llqtlme car. race. North needl a third or better rieil ~ dwindling lreer.e from utem. Stmday to ljlsure victory regardlt11 of Ragtime picked up a lull minute on Buchan, the final leg, but It proved lo be too Uttle and too late. Pwago drU1ed ....., Boy, 6, Hurt In Mesa Crash A si x-year-old boy is in the intensive care unit at Costa ~1esa Memorial llo.pltal today with head lnjurles receiv· ed when be reportedly darted lnlo lite path of a plck·upTrili'k-siliiii!1y, poll"" said. The accldent took place al about I p.rn. at llH.h Street •nd Anaheim Avenue. A truck driven by Bull Lyon , 42. or W 19th St.. was we1tbound on ltth Street when the dlild left the curl>. Police WOllld ·!IOI rt1eue the bey's name al tho ~ ol h1a poretltL • die ftnllb line with II minutes and 60 BIJCOll<fs to spare. Phantom Down; 4 Die RAl>ISTEJN, Gtmw1y (UPI) -A U. S. Air F-F4 Phlntom )el fipter crashed Satw"'day into' an American armored Pf!noMel ~arrier dlZfina an Allied w~emse. ldlliD&J.taJ.wlLpilola_ and ti,ro r U.S. ICl'Vlc:emen. Art Air Force spokesman said the Phantom cra.<hed duritti a grnund 1Upport miSlioo for American tlOOPI Jn the North Allantlc Trt&ty Orpnlzatlon "rtforgtt" mMeU•er. About :17,000 United Stllel, WMt German and Cl.Dldlan t1'00PI 11ire partlclp1tlng In the -In the Bavarian '"P""- , FromP .. eJ MIDEAST .•• government SOW'ces in Washington aaid the United States would !tart reJ>lacln& I.sraell planes, tanks and other equipment lost in the first wee.k of the war. Hussein gave no immediate lndjcatJoa that bis army of 75,000 me~ l!ld 400 tanks would open a third froot alon& Jordan 'a border wllh larael. Ao EcYPtlan cnmmmlquo Saturda;r night said Egypt'• forces oo the Sinai front strengt.bened and r e l n for c • d "recaptured areaa." It added t.bat EQp- tian planes attacked Israeli ll'lllcr in the northern and southern sectors ot. the Sinai front. It claimed the Israelis suffered heavy losses. In Tel Aviv, Premier Golda Meir, refraining from previous predictions by the military of a quick victory, said: ''We are accustomed to short wars. How many more days I wouldn't dare prophesy." Robert J, McCloskey, a State Depart- ment spokesman, said in Wuhingtoo on Saturday that Jordan's e.ntry into the war is a matter of "serious regret that can serve to enlarge and prolong" the war. SUNDAY DAILY PILOT TM~ C.0.1 DAILY l"ILOT, wtlll ~ Iii ~ lfMI N-l"rm., II PU!lll.._ W' tilt or-. C01st l"llbtltlllr4 c-,,.,. s.,.. 1'91e Mlll ioM •1'9 llllblltMd, Mond1y lttrM;tQll Frldl'f', ttr C0.11 Ma.I, N"'911 9Mct1, H1111tk>gto11 ltKl11''111,.,"1" v1t1ey, latun• ... cit, lrv\n.tl $•ddltlll<-_, S.n c""""'" $.ti! JIH!'t C111lt1r-. A •lt111lt rt1loflal Mlltloft " JIU(ltltfriMI s.~ Ml ........ .,.., Tiii ll'flMl ... I ""11tllir4 1111~1 II II nt Wwlt lay llr•tl, Cotll MtH, Ctl!fomlt, nut. f10~1rt N. Wild '"""""' 111111 Plilllli.ri.r Juk l. ~~l:r Ykit ,,...,., Md MIMtW T110M1t K11¥lf ..,,,, ThoMot A. Mu~fl• _ .... Cl!erln H. lfft RJc1i..4 P. Nell ~,,,........ ...... Af11'1 J. Dltlrl• .............. -Cost.II Met.I! ,. w.:..:r l"'-1 NfWllOrl ltedll USJ N -...1n1'4 ......... lofctt1-m l"W#t AVMM Ht1ntl"'IWI ltK'J!; 1"11 IMdl ..,...,_,.. "" ,.....,.,...! -Jlfflf'fll ., """"" .... 1 T ...... 1714l Ml-4111' C~ Aft.nt .. Ul""7t ,..,_ '""II ... ,... Jltllll .. i..,.. ..... n :M11 '""'Ntrtll °""'11 C._., C1n • 1Mw ...,,,n ~!. 1Jt2. °""" (lltl ,.,,.., ... c__.,.y, M~ ,.,_. ,,...... "'-''"""""' •lfwlll '"'""' tr """""......... ...... _., .. j.... ........ Wl"*'f "'9Ctal ,.. m!UIM .. Qllrrr1'Jlt .._.. ...... dllll ..., ... NW .. C... ..... Cll~ ~lloll _., .,,..., • M -"""' "" """ a.11 "*""Ir' ..... ......... SUI IMftfllP'f'. • • • , • \I _J E ( S; Chr ::'l alio ~ \Vill I eta 11 ~ () ~ AF thiJ in lab Ni~ L inO w~ m~ do1 E on de1 lea in ! !hi on' th• j fet un joi '" co "i 13 Ii< pli "' th wl nl . elr "' w SI ' 01 ao •• pl •ii • 0 VI Energy Crisis Will Dim Clemente's Yule Lights San Clemente streets this coming Christmas season "'ill be darker than usual, city officials admitted Friday - in deference to the energy crisb. For the first time in years, the decor· at.k>nJ which go up alooa the major business bouleVa'rds ifi "Ole"l'i coastal city will not be hool<ed ~ to clectrial out· let!. -" Instead, only a display at city hall AFL-CIO Meeting Opens This .week MIAMI BEACH, Fla .. (UPI) -The AFUIO opens its biennial coovention this V.'ei!k in the same hotel where in 1971 the \Vhite J!ouse claimed the labor delegates were rude to President Nixon . This time. Nixon was not in\•ited. Labor 's unhappiness with the economy . inOation. what it rega rds as inequitable wage and price controls and other ad· mini stration policies were expected lo dominate the sessions. Particular streSs will al so be placed on the detennination of AFL-CIO Pre&· dent George h-1eany and other labor leaders to elect a "veto proof" Congress in the 1974 elections -a Congress that could override such things as Nix~ on's recent veto of a bill to increase the minimum wage. About t,000 delegates from the labor federation 's more than 100 member unions will ronvene TbW'sday. and lv•o downtown lrees wiU sparklt at night. The plan. which brt,ved early in the .,\·eek. was described as the city's ges- ture toward easing the oonsumption of electrical power. Cb amber ol Con'ltnerce directors stri>Dgly endOrscd the idea. despite the direct effect of tbe decision on the down· town shopping district. Generally the city hall decorations prove to be the prize ~ and focal point of munidpally finlneed Yu1e d& cor. "We plan to light it as usual this Otristmas unles• , the city council de- cides Pretty eoon to cut dud CM.$, too," said aty·Mioager Kenneth Carr. What do the utilities have to say about the idea? William Webb, area manager for San Diego Gas and Electric Company, !aid Friday that the finn quietly endorses the elimination or the lighted decora· lions and has followed a distinct policy in recent ·months of advertising energy ~atioo. "We haven't actively told people tu cut cut the Otristmas lights. however.'' he said. "It's up to 'them. U they feel like it is a good commitment to the cause. then we feel good a~t it, too," he added . There ts no_)fay of telling exactl y how much energy would be saved by the unusual move in San OJ!.mente. "It's a given fact that.consumption in· creases markedly during the Christmas season. but there is no way. to isolate Christmas ligbti.Jig and measure how much CUITent il uses," Webb said. ' Dete1•111i:ned to Fitaislt The 2nd annual Orange Crate Derby sponsored by r~ountain Valley Jaycees Saturday bad its share of humor and suspense. Dean Nelson, 12, or Fountain Valley ran into some <iifficully. and into Tim Botto- roff's crate during one heat, which made. the 12-year-old Huntington Beach boy rather angry (above, left). In the next heat. Dean crashed again. with anoilter driver. but managed to keep going with hand· power, left, and made it to the finish Line a winner. above. Despite the comeback, Dean later had to withdraw when a tire on his entry fell apart. .. • S11ndq, Oclober 14, 1913 VCI Speaker DAILY PILOT • .... • • Higher Prices • . • Power Solution By FREDERICK SCllOEMt:lil. 01 lflt DIUr ltU•t St•lf ' Decorative gas lamps that bum around the clock are common fixturrs on the front lawns of residence!! in m a n y American communities. They stand as a perfeet exa mple of the lavish manner in, whick Americans use energy. according to a UC Sant a Barbara economics professor wbo has been studying the energy crisis for the past year. Dr. Y.'alter Mead. head of the Ford Foundations' Energy Policy Project. said the only reason those lamps continue to burn is because the red.era! govern· ment has maintained artificial low prices · on natural gas. Dr. Mead \\'as 1he first spea ker Satur- day at a day-Jong conference at UC lnine entitled ''The Energy Crunch and Public Po hey." TllE ECONO~flST a s s c r t e d that government pnce controls and rationing of natural gas have resulted in a situa· tion in which some gas users ca n gC't all they want whtlC' others ca n't Get any. ·'The solution is to knock off al l these regulation s on gaff. The price v.•i ll go up, but p e op I e v.'ill stop using it so lavishly. Those gas lights \\'ill go out ," f\·lead told the ronference. Natural gas today a>sts the ho1neow11cr about $1.50 per 1.000 cubi c feet. If gas v.·ere all-Owed to find its own pri~ un~er the laws of supply and demand, ~lead said, consumers v.'()Uld pay $1.75 to $1.80 for the same 1,000 cubic foot. ~1ead also tackled the so-called gasoline shortage that has hit motorists in practically every major city. ''IT'S NOT SO mud? of a gasoline shortage as 4t is a re!inery shortage." Mead said. Every major refinery in the United St<Hos i.~ oper-..tti ng at !M; percent capacity Few refincriei; a~. being expanded and no new ones arf" lX'i ng buj]I. ' And as long as pril"e controls rema in, in effect on gasoline. he said. oil com- panies aren 't going to do anything aboul the situation. The economist said the rirsl thing the govcn1n1ent should do is remove the pri ce controls and. as in the case of natural gas, let gasoline find its own price on the market place. ·· 1 r the price or gasoline hits 11 • gallon -\rhich it y.·itl -then people \\'ill s la r t thinking abou t mass Iran!' portation," ~lead said. A RELIANCE on mass tran spo rtation. he exptainrd . "'ill then lessen the demand for gasoline for cars. f\1C':id also stres sed the need for Mep- pcd up research and development tO fi nd \\'rtys of usin~ coa l and oil shall· :is C'nergy sources. "But we've got to s o I\. e the en· vi roninental proh!en1s associate(! v:lth those sources. And ""'t' had !.X'ller ge1 on \\'ilh it quick,'' said ~lead. Another spea ker at the confereoCX". Assemblyman Ken ~Icade 10-Berke\ey 1. ~aid the only answer to the ener1:)• l"risis would be more -not less - govemmen1 rontro t over the energy pro- ducers. f\fEADE ACCUSED Go\". Reagan of blocking progress in solving the energy crisis by vetoing SB 233. a bill to create- a statewide energy and power com- mission. . ~1eade. who hairs the A ss e m b I y transportation committee. blasted the oil rompanies for refusing to turn over figur es relating to fuel production. "They say they can't tell us because their rompetitors might find out," Meade claimed. Better Insulation U·rged A Loose Fit Sandee Tolton, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Tolton of Ir· vine, Lries on a turnout outfit at the University Fire Station Saturday with help from Fire- n1an Chuck Robles. Most coun· ty fire stations had open houses Saturday in celebration of fire prevention week. If past trends continue. Californians in lhe year 2000 \viii be using seven times the an1oun t of electricity used today -an increase that can be met only by ronstructing 130 new power plants throughout the stale. The predic1ion wa.s made Saturday by ll Rand Corporation ·analyst speaking al a day-long conference on the "energy c:risls" at UC lrvine. , The only way to av._oid the deri\aod for electricity, s8id Dr. Rona1d Doctor, is an intensive power conservation ~ gram. SUCll A PROGRA!'lf, he said, 1nust include insulation of homes, use of the sun'i energy ror heating, less w;e of electric lights and more efficieot air conditioning and healing systems. If 1he electricity conservation program were successful, Dr. Doctor said. the nee.cl for new power plants within the slate could be 1rimmed to 15 new units. "\\le rould actually reduce the energy need by the year 2000 by about 50 to 60 percent with a conservation pro- gram.'' Doctor told more than HID persons attending the conferenct, en- titled '"The Energy Crunch and Public Policy.'' Much f'l ectric:ity is wasted today becaUie of highly inefficient home heatin~ and air condi fionin~ systen1s, he sal.d. HEAT JS LOST rro1n bome:s and o(lice buildi~gs alike because of poor in· sulatlon. "Our studies show that • lor a single family home, the cost of in· sutation runs between $300 and $1,400 -a coi:t that could be recovered in four to seven years due to lower electric bills for heating and air conditinning," said Doctor. Any electricity conservation program, , said the analyst, should include a massive ronsumer education progra1n. taxes for users who waste power and the addition or n1andalory insulat ion standards to building codes to assure full compliance. · A conservation program outlined in a recent study by the Rand Corporation claimed that the conse rvation program "·ould not bring :.men1ployment, displa~ indus lry or lower prrsonal incomes. Doc· tor noted. _ 'fuming lo the recent natural 11•.· _c:asolinr and fuel oil shortage. Doctor said studies sho\\'ed residential and In- dustrial t'Orlsumption could be trimmed "'by 30 to 50 percent" if the fDllowin: Slf95 were taken : -Repla~ment of gas pikt lights \\'ith electric ignition devices. Pilot lights, on the average, account for eight to 15 percent of natural gas usage, Doctor said . 1 -Application of standard! requiring that all vehicles get at least 22 miles per gallon or fuel. The current average, said Doctor, is about 14 miles pe.r gallon. -Installation of more efricient equip- 1nent in industrial plants, particularY those engaged in production of steel and iron, oil and paper . "There are many things that ex.1st tod:iy that ha ve not been implemented to cut do"'" on energy used. and it's not clear \vhy," he said. Japan Has Yen for C9unty 13 Firms Opening Factories in lrv in,e Cornple x By GEORGE LETDAL Of lllt 0-llY 1'1191 1!1K A centuries-old practice of making jobs so attractive lo an employe that he never qulU ls about to be- com e a custom or Industry in Or- ange County. l 'his custo1n will be introduced by 13 firms co mmitted to factory loca- tions in the Irvine lnduslrial Com· plex. Americans who on the average can expect to work for at least three different Oma ln a lifetime will be employed by the.e compa· nies that make products ranging from electronic cunponents to automobUes. "And. their employers htpe to make the jobs so attractive they11 w11nt to work there for life." 'JC Sales !\tanager Dick Cannon said. Th e flnns are U.S.·based, most r:re Coll rornia Incorporated. and an are 1ubsidlarie1 of important Japa· nese firms. TO DATE cannon·, atlllf has com· pleted $5.~ n1illion worth of trnns1u: .. rions with 13 J1panese firms. SOme are outright sales of h1.nd or ltawi of tend •nd bulldinGS· 'T'he isles represent a Jap:1ne11e in· vt.'llmcnt In the 0 r a n K e County economy tot a 11 n g $14 million ror buildings opened or under constru<:· ti on. Most of the .Japanese interest in the area has come within the past 18 months, Cannon said. Prior to April, 1972. only 13 acres \Ve re sold or leased to Japanese firms. To date this year, the com· pany has .,id 60 acres to Japanese investors for a total of 88 acres. The total includes IS acres fr om deals consummated in the 1972·73 fiscal year. "\Ve're eipectlllg the pace to con· tmue If not tncrem," Cannon said. The rta.son? DEVALUATION OF lbe dollar makes the yen more valuable. But more Important. Cannon be- lieves, t h e µnf11vorable bala~ of trade between Japan and lhe. U.S. led to import restrict.ions. 'T'he political climate, the increased value of Japanese currency co mbine to m a k c Investment In assembly plants In the U.S. n1ore attractive now than ever before. Th e surge to O ran g e Co1mty ii caused. Cannon f«1l1. by the dr· ~Ire of lhe Japanese lo project ;in i1nage or Qll:tiit}. "Si n c ti few f1nns are i1nporting goods flnymorc, there is no reason to locate U.S. headquarters ne ar shipping port s." Cannon notes. "LIKE U.S. investors. they ar r looking for lhe best protection of their investment in land and build· ings," Cannon said. "P.1oncy is no object. We've closed deals in which the price "'as never a concern." Among those establishing lndustrial beachheads ln Irvine are Canon Op- tics and Business P.fachines. Horiba Ltd... Kawasaki ttfotors Corporation, 1.tud1 Mot.ore or An1erica and h-1ai· da T1ehnlcal Center. NTN Bearing Corporat!On of America. R i co h of America , R-Ohm Corporation. Subaru. U.S. Sunlkl h-folors Cor~ratlon ind TDK CaHfornia. ' Others are on the v.·ay 111ost htte or soon to open will employ 1,100. '~ -~ ~n extra large slab top trestle base table, 42"x84" surrounded by 6 high back, leather strapped, handmade chairs. Created in the style of the old Spanish --- Open Sunday 12 to 6 -- Only ext..-cu1 ivcs and managers are brought from Japan to run the new I ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~============~~~:§:~~~~~::!_I <.'Ompe.ni11s. The rest of lhe emp oycs llrf' Amr.rican. Cl'lnnon 11otes. • DANA HARBOR -14 PROJECT$ WOULD HELP RECREATION BUT HURT FUTURE ENVIRONMENT Orange County Pl1nning Oeptrtment Suggests Ways to L•ssen lm,,.~t of Growth Harbor's Impact Studied County Seeks Revieiv of 14 Dana Projects By CANDACE PEARSON OI 11te DlllJ ~1111 llllf Fourtetn ~Jects in Dana Harbor's future wut b.lrt the environment. but will abo ~t recreatkmll opportunities. An Orange County PI an n in g Department report suggettJ mearures to decrease the environmental impact caused by oonstruction, increased traffic, geologic hazards, grading. b o a t dischar1es and heavy metal accumulation. The review ot the environmental impact report (Effi) on remaining harbor area develor>ments was requested by the Orange County H.arbon1, Beaches and Parks Department. When the Em and projects are approved harbor olflcia!J will tiandle leases on: dock boats there on busy days and be taken to the fishing • pier by Harlxr patrolman. ?ttyers saJd. -?t!otel expansion of the exi.\ting Dana Harbor Marina Inn in the Ea.1t Basin run by Greil Western Hotels Jnc. onto·an adjacmt parcel. No specific date for expransioo has been set. -Existing retail shopping complex will be expanded to include a Red Onion restaurant, to .apen Jn April , 1974, and Portuguese Joe's restaur3!1t opening in spring, 1975. -1be $.1 million Maline studies lnstib.tte is being planned by the Orange County Department cl Education, which is now .sttking foundation fWlding of the facility. The department has a two-year option. Until jt is ezercised and marine biology labs and classrocms are built, the harbor department will continue to run an overnight camping ground on the site. -Blue Lantem and ~den Lantern Park, both view sites, are being planned on the cliffs overlooking the harbor. Blue Lantern, which will be advertised for bids this month or in November, is only 150 feet by 80 feet. Golden Lantern is larger at about 1.5 acres and v.·ill have room for picnicking. Its completion is farther off. -Harbor officials are soliciting ideas for a development at the li!bing pier itself. Myers'admits he flivors 'ltie-fdea of a classic vessel coocessioo Of both historical and tourist value. "An oversized replica of the Pilgrim, the ship sailed on by Richard Henry Dana," said Myers, "would be very germane." -Two boa t berthing areas in the: West Basin. one on a concession baJis and I.he second as guest slips run by the HarbOr Department - A re..taurant also in the West Basin. -A boat equipment rental parcel 111cluding a rast-rood shop ~and ~ concession stands. Darrell P.tyers. in the h a r b o r department's lease division, said he hopes those three projects will be oo tlic 1narket for bids in January. 1974., lollov•ing county board o{ supervisors approval. Haldeman Lawyer Calls ·· Subpoenas 'Oppressive' Bids "'·outd then be opened in March, a"'·arded in April or A1ay on a one-year option basis and construction begun in the spring of 1975, Aiyers said. -E:ristlng pier modifications, "''hich Atyers said is "up in the air." but could include tour boats and concession stands. -Youth and Group Activities Center adjacent 10 the boat rental parcel. This is also in the talking stages. Di.9CUSSions are ongoing "'ith the Y~1CA. Olympic Sa1lin~ Club. Sea Scouts and other groups on setting up a clubhouse and bo.11 tie-up area for day u.se of 1he harbor by you th groups. -Bay berth! or floating moorings are being planned by the Harbor Departincnt. 1n the \\'est Ba~in. lfBrbor gues ts could WAS!llNGTON (UPI) -Whljjo Presi· dent Nixon's attorneys plotted tKeir next step in the Watergate tapes battle, a lawyer for fonner presidential aide JI. R. Haldeman said Saturday he will seek to keep his client from testifying again before fede ral grand juries probing 1972 campaign tactics. Frank H. strickler said he and John J. \\1ilson. Ha\deman's other attorney, Yiou \d ask U.S. District Court Judge John J. Sirica to quash the grand jury subpoenas requested by special pros- ('CIJ!Or Archibald Cox. He s a i d Ure go\·crnment's requests for Haldeman'!i 1cstin1ony 1vere becoming slightly "o~ pressive ... White House lawyers meanwhile v.·ere reported studying Ure legal question \l'hich was almost ccriain to result in a Supreme Court showdcnm-on whether President NIJ:on can be compelled to give up tapes of hi< Watergat .. related oonveraations. A presidential spokesman .said Saturday there was no indication what action the attorneys would take. The U. S. Court of Appeal1 ruled Friday tb&t NWm could oot use the claim of u ecutive privilege to keep !he tapes from Cox. Haldeman, former White House. chief or staff who resigned under pressure last April 30, has been subpoenaed to testify before tv.·o grand juries, one which <:onve ned after the break-in and bugging of the Democratic National Committee headquarters. and a new grand jury that has been formed lo investigate chargts of irregularities in campaign financing and political 0 dirty tricks." " Ohio Suffers Cold, Rain A rkansas, Louisiana and Texas Also Get Soakirig IJ.S. S 11t11tt1ary II•" ron'ln""' !tom Tiii! •••ltrn f .. r-~• l••o:i so"'" !l>routll 11.it•fl l•• ., '"O"'" • ..., '""""'"howr" •rt OC· <u,.•n9 In lflt wAtm ~1U!ll>l1 '" ~,,. •1 ol I Cole lrllflt 11111 11•11<,,.J ''°"' """'''"' Otrlo lflltl ...,,,._," ft•· • ,. ,..,,.,., ot 1.11 I'll-ol '~"' • ~· ·~••vt<I l•om Ll~f (lllrlt 1 LW•\I~"• !or A \t> l>OU!' IMl•fod F1r!llt • M '"' n<rll\. A•ron, Qf>lo l>.cl SI •~<"•~ ,.,. '"' ·~"'' 110 "°"" >t••••I •'•"""' 111 A r~ •n S l 1 L u• ·••• '"" I•••• •tpOrlfd mo•r ' •n G"• ]<1{11 "' ...... In 2• llllUfl. '"• ,,, •• ,.._, 11 •' lllllt ltoc• "'''"'"~ "'''" \It IO'IC;"tl A •e • •n~ '•' • tllO occurrtd 0~1t • "'"t'" fl<"I>• •"11 I" li.t P1<i!I< N'"'"'' ., ~•ot\ Q••r "'VCfl o/ !flt (111 (Gall ""• ••••Iv ""'"~' Sl!~rd,.y lfltf!IOOfl "''" CIOY<I~ 1•11-1 In IM Ap1>1!1tl\l1n1. Cnlifflrnia ~A~I Fll"~CTSCO B"Y Alllf:.A ~·o~rly '•" t1'rou(lll •od•• tlw! wl!ll '"' llO<Og 11'( toe•• ~r" !(!(tit~ l"!•tld ""0'"'"05 High lompo•1•11••• !Od•v I" ll>e 601 n••r !ht <nt!I ~'Ill f•om Ill !O IO l"!tnd. LO•• lo<'l9hl '" Ul>M' '°1 IO mid ~ Nor!flWtll "''lld !O !O XI mpn •"lf"OO'"· tlOllT><f:PN ""'0 CCNTlll"t fAl!FOlllt1!4 -MM"Y II" t11rwo11 b~""•v F"" 1111nq • ..,,, nogt.I IM -"l"G' 1r.d ! .... ,,,, Ct,,lrtl Vlllt" """''t l"O•n·!l(I\ \"(Pl<Alt,.TO V"lLEY -Fo,. ,._,,.,qi> l\ll'tl•o t<1Q11 •~mout•u•t• """'°"' 1,, """'" 10s to ..,la IOI Lowt • .-~·· " m•d •D• Jo Jr,. }01 Lill"! ... u • X)AQUl'< V~LLf:Y -Ftlf' ....... ,,,,. -..~ ,,... wl!h ~·!(fltl -~· ... ';A H.7n, I,, "'~ .. J>Otf le, ... -.. .. 1...... .....OM In Ul)Jlfr ~ ' -~ l'~"' ... ..., . ("allft1r11h1 ._ ... ,1"1.;:;;" -''"'"' '""•II "-""" .......... ~ .. "'"""''· .0!1'14' 'lltl' .•. ~.,,...-·•t ... g !llt t~ ...,., ..._ "' .. ..,.,, -··-,. . ..,.., -., .... ~~ -.... _ .... ,_., ....... _ " .. ., ....... ._, 111• .. _ ... .,. ... ., .....,_ ............. , .. ,_41..,,, ••• ,... .,, .... ti ..... . tllAtlOMAl WIATMlt $111Yt(I POllCAlt Ho 7ta ISi .... • 1JI 30.00. 2'.n . •I Si n 9trn1rdlM PM-'4 11 t J, "1lm 5Prl"91 tJ, 81ktral!tld ti, lo• .lo~lt, tO. LOllV l~M It t nd .51111, 11•~•1 IS. I l!Ht (lll"'lt 111 r.mDt•lf\Wta Wll r•~ll!<J IOlllY l OS AHGEl.ES -511n11v tfld • 11•1 """""' 'llO'lll V &tit -Ufl'V ""°'"' 1...., •oa ,,,. lo"' t1ov10 ,,...,, 1he ,.,.,, Hl91'1 In 111id IOI, l.QWt Mnltl'! 1 .... -·>Gt ~ANT" MONIC" 9"Y A lll EA, OllANCO E COUNTY MEfllOPOLHAll AllEA -Stl~y -'f bu! lomtt tt•ly lftOI'""" tot ,,, 1ew clavft •llWIO lllt co.•I. Mlfh1 '"'fllllt fror!'I ~ to. 11..,. "-•cl'l91 lo -• ... lnl110d ...... LDWI tonlfllli I S to "· ANTELOf'E VAL.LEY ANO MOJAVI OESEllT-Sllf'"'" tMI ,...,_ .....,, HIQl\t Ill '°'· Lowa tontoht '° lo u . lMPEltlAL COACMF.l.LA AN 0 LOWEii COl..OllAOO llllVEll VAL.LEV~ s.,....., •fld w1......, lodey. Hlel'I• '" t0 ... lorw. '91\1tl>I JO •• "· C:OAlTAL VAl.LIVS -$Wl!IY 9fld "'•'""'' •OO~v. Mltfl• 111 Mi. L.9Wt 10"•0M In )Oi.. INTEllM•OtATI VALl•YS -SIJA. ~y tl'ld .. rlMI" lod•v. Hlllll ., .. '2. LCIW'1 ... IOM 111k1 ._ N mid "' MOUNTAIN AllEAS -Slln"'f 1fld ... ,.,.,.r 1o01r, till~ .,.,.,., 60o It m!d 1h. I.Pol ton~ :u to 30. IN f Elt!Ollt At.10 DE,EllT lt!OIOHS 511""¥ ..,d ..,.,..., .. IOllrt. Hlt hl ln Us 1111111• d1Hr!\ •lld 111 tOt lctMr t1Utrl1, lowt IOlllOM lt1 fOt ,. "°"' ID& u"'*' ...,,.. "f'd .-. 19 mid ta. i.w.r .... rt-. OWINI VALLEY -fll'lflr tlld ..,.,...,., lodtv. Hltlll mid J'Ot M mid IOlll. LOW. IOftl9M In 30t IO """' ... Te111perat11re• AIM..., " ., AIM-fllVt H ., ..... , .... 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Jllfl/lllll " • ,._ .. n Tl!tNT't•I .. .. Wtll!l"llOll " .. I I '·" ,,, ... ., .n -~ ... ·" ... FOOTBALL. • • ( ..... Pip Al) • ... I~ boc:o"'8 they Uke the crowd - and the doubla oervM UD t p.m. "W• lbooclit 11 Wllllld be iun to oome In ana ea joy the almolpbere, '' ll&k1 a couple from Und.t IJle. · "I had an ._t with my wile ond I came in here to cet ·away. J didn't even rulize it was Mordoy lligl>t fool6oll " erumhltd ooe ipectator. ' ' ; • A male fan reckoned it ns a goOd crowd J.or the Dallu-WUbrngtoo game, but added, "Yoo llhould bo•e -hero fa< the Plllie Jean King-Bobby RliP match. Jt was really packed, and mostly women. We couldn1 say aDYthin(." TUE COCKTAIL . waitresses lite it, ""'· By balltime Judy Myen, No. G , hod -~ bol clop, wilb -"Dne Monday I made 11 ID tlpL 'lllot'a DOI bod for bol clop," lbe lauped. ''ll'I more ~ !« m becaWie we set to wear tbele cniy oatflts," ebtp. pod ,. Carole E8leo, No. lJ. . Tiie lmpoct of Monday nlPt !-hasn 't been Umited to jull -......... SOME CITY recruu.o deportments heatd the anguished cry from liiitboll widows and rushed in to .fill the sap. Aloog the Orange Cout, both Weolmin- ster and Fountain Valley offered Monday night classes that explained tbe •fme points of the game to the wives while husbandJ watched at home. ' "It waa tremendously successful last year when 58 women immediately signed up," said a Westminster spokesman. "But this year it was a bust. Only three signed up so we dropped the program. You never know what will work. I think the publicity helped us last year." Fountain Valley suffered the same doldrum.s and didn't even ,attempt to kick~ the program-thiJ teaDL At least me set of Orange Coast movie houses is offering the lonely ladles an op- tloG. 1be llnited Artiats S...tb Olost Qne-m. IJllllP> South •Olost Pina ID Costa llfC$8.. is offering a $1 admission price to the' three theaten M Monday nighl PERHAPS THE fiashl'5t . break· through for Monday nlght football is at the Playboy Cub tn Im Angeles, where cardholders can crowd into one room and watch the game on a S3,cm television with a life-size 8-by-10- foot screen. Sportscaster Tom Kelly is on hand for play-by-play descriptions as well as halftime chatter with the club guests. Hot clop, chill and pretr.ets are served duriofl die game. It bas all the atm&- 'l>bm Of being there, says a Playboy II.· Dcill It -. howevet-, lack the white. clothed vendors scramllljng up ond down tbe,c.olileum steps shouting "Peanuts!" Popcorn is delivered by tcanlily dad bumiel instead, but no one hu com- pllliled "' far. . '. JUST LIKE LA-COLISEUM, HOT DOGS AND BEER • ' Judy Myora, 0,.-In No. 43, Enters Spirit of Mond1y Night Football . " Burns Sees New Control.s .. HOT SPRING.S. Va. (UP!) -The cbainnan ol the Federal Raerve Board told leading corporatlc.i executives Sat- urday that theli: ..... ond pr1al lbould be 0011trolled penmnently If •. the In- dustries in which they operate are hlghly concentrated . In a speec h to the bwllness council, a semiofficial advisory group ol about 150 executives of ,Jeadlill corporations, Arthur F. Bumi propojed~I, pennlnent government bOar&-for la'rge corporitiOM when the Economic Stabilization Act- authority for the current system of economic cootrols -expires· April SO. Estimating that prices would rise next rear by an average of 4 to 5 percent, Burns said government economic policies "have not deall vigorously enough with : our underlying infiat1onary problem." If the infiation rate f~ O:tober-1 December equall that-of the. first nine , mooths II. 1973, Burlll •oa!d; the 11173 j lnflation rate will be about 7.5 percent , -an improvement over 1973 but .still • far above the average of· the past 20 years. The Federal Reserve Board also should have tightened the ·....,.y supply early last year to help curtail the eeooomie boom. Burns said. · The usefulness pf wage-price controls, Bums told re~rters, ''tends to erode with the passa1e of time"' and the present stabilization program no longer has an effective bite. .:dRAND WIN • H.U.D.D.LE. • ... ' " " . . ' . ' ' ' • t • , l l R oald saU last sue dyn me! to I F1 had the alt< yea tioo .~ , stio autl P"" ., .. doo des tole sup lclll d)'l! r ... F L Tw .. ~ ed 165 ""' oal• , M1 Fri .... l ' l • 1 '1 < ,, • . ' I S'od•1. O<IObtr 14, 1973 D&JLY Pl~DT !\,l No More Congress 'Elects' Dynamite F d .8 h S F d or , ay ays Not So Well Fed LOS ANGELES tAPI - In the National Federation of Republican \Vomen's book. the food at the Los Angetcs Convention Center did not get four stars. Ford Pleases B7TH.w.dalodPru1 Rep. G1tald Ford'1 nomin1- Um ror tho vice lft!ldeocy came as a surprise to Gov. Ronald Reagan, bot Reagan and moat otber Califomla poll~cal leaderS Judged the House Republican leader a popular and "'{>O"led ngure. Qf a relief to California RepubUcau Staie Chainnaa Gordo\O Wee, who explained : st .~~ers i . WOllldll'lbo made a serious attempt _to. win tjlo 1971 ·presidential nonllnatlon. "Although C o !'! 1 r e-r 1 .> man Ford is a man of em. sive legblatlve experience. his selection was a ~P'" polnlln<llt to me." • 1 Id Brown. "He Yt'al an ardent supporter of the Vie~ War." oun 1'1 think many Californians would like to. see him able to accomplls.b the important ()ie poUUcal leader who said progratna he has proposed In he wa s DOt pleased v.·lth the his state before he leaves of· selection \\'I." Secretary of REDDING {AP) -PoU.. uld Saturday they were saUsfled that the destruction last week or a cache or 175 sUclts or aged, cry~tallzed dynamite by local and govern· ment agentit marks an ~nd to the CllSC. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The roll of Congress is to elect Gerald Ford at vice president nod not merely ratify him as a routine. prMidential ap- paintce, Sen. Birch Bayh (I). Ind.) said Saturday. The appolntment process Bayh lnlUated after t he assa-1natlon ol John F. Ken. nedy shollld. lie uaOd to Ii•• the people confidence In Ford, not just as vice president. •·tr. God forbid; he has to be president Sometime, then the people will rest more easi· ly with the choice," he said. In fact , they said, some delegates to a recent con· \'enlion here felt com· pelled to "cover their plates with their napkins in preference to looking at the unpalatable food." "l 'f"OUl4 assume him to be'\Very popular. from the appearance <A> the people In the room," Rtaigan said Fri· day. He was referring to a standing ovation etven Ford by Democratic and Republi· can leaden when h.ls nomina· tion was announced. nee . SI.a lt! EdmWld G. 8ro14•n Jr., Luce said. "!lie President ------::;:;;;;iiii•iiiiio;;~~--,,,-.-, -- 1 has chosen a strong man of! prove~ abiUly On Ford l. We support him in his decision .'' U . Cov. l!:d Heinecke also commented that he tbollght Ford was a good choice. "I am sure he will be confirmed unanimously by the Con· gress ... " WELCOME!! To th• GRAND OPENING cnEBRATION For a short v.1llle police had been guarding a shed on the Jack J . Davis property after Davis' nephew, a 17- y..,...ld boy said to be educa· tionally bandlaopped told th<ln a ahecl on the land was booby- Bayh is the author of the 21th Amendment ~· I® U.S. Constitution under w h i ch President Nixon chOS!! Ford u the successor lo Spiro T. Agnew. "We are actin& as the SW" rogate for 210 million Americans," Bayb said durtpg an appearance at the WCileQt States DemocraUc Confer~ ence. A r o r m a 1 complaint, asking reimbursement and a written apology, was 1ent by the GOP group to Mayor Tom Bradley. Bayh aaki he hopes Ford, as vice president, will help bride• the bllttt l•P belween Nixon and the Democratlc ~-------~ majority In Coagreas. But "I think lhtJ will establish a Uailon with the Congress." Reagan continueld. "A. the Prosldenl baa polnlod out, he RENIE.t:'KE' ALSO said he of Our Newest Equestrian Facility . . •' has .•• an executive branch W d • Agnew 'Hurt that's ooc1er one party and an erini!!' •~-•y FORD -.id a Congress under the other u u.i.nn can v•v~• e and that's caused some prob-~· 1: :::t :':'~ 0!::11: Greek Pride' lems." Boy F Oltnd than that demanded by the The governor said he had Prealdenl of the Un 11 e d SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -had 8 buod> that he (Reagan) BAKERSFIELD (AP J ~ A Statet," he told delegates A lea~inlil sp:>kesman for the v•ould not be picked for the 12·year-bld Los Angeles Coon· from the 13 v.·estem 1tates Greek-American community vice preskiency. But Ford was ty boy was found by a hunter he nd I .i:. not the man he would have h h and Guam. says t sea a surrounwug Saturday after t c )'OUl that's up to Nixon, be 111\d· Set1Ney lltld i•ll4-y, Oct. I Jtlt I 14tll ,.,.. ............. 1\meJ;ican ~RI(II~g . Gilild ~ ~· the boy broulhl. five sticks· of d)'namlle to lldlool, autbarlties diJC>Vered t w o pu<lOb ol dynamlle thlt later were removed .from the lite, doU5ed with dle!el oll and deatroyod. But the boy then told a 11tory about a shed supposedly equipped with a killing ~chanlsm and more dynamite. The story was found to l:)e false, officers said. Fire Kills 2 Bayh also suggested that Nixon reaffirm his own oath to uphold the ConsUtution at the same time Ford, the House Republican Leader, is aworn in. THROUGH hearings and debate, CongreM should put forth wider "the . white-bot glare" of publicity hts· voting record in Congress. b i • personal finances and cam· palgn contribuUons, llayb said. Bayh, a potential pres\den-former Vice President Agnew guessed, Reagan said. emerged fron1 a <;abln ,\·here tial candldate in 197&, accused d;',.!,·tbyl.~~ to-"our pride and WOULD REAGAN run he took refuge in the near , Nlion of undercuU11l& the Con· ".. against Ford In lhe 1976 freezing night stltutlooa! ifnaratlon of pow· G~rge Christopher. former primaries If that altuatlon Kem County S h c r i r r ' !I Lake Forest Saddle Club 25201 Trabuco Road ers by impo~g, funds ap-San Francisco mayor. sai d .in should arise. "Thls I think deputies said Glenn Joseph of Propriated ""-• Consress. an interview Friday that is speculation," rep Ii e d Laverne was in good eon- LOS ANGELES (AP) Two persona were killed and sev~ injuredo-when fire rac- ed through two levels of a 165 unit m o t e 1 apartment complex Saturday, officials said. IQ AgneY."s public disgrRce In. Reagan. "That's far too dition. He had been the object premature." of a massive search in the is willing ·to reconfirm his on the t11t·o million U.S citizen:i: '111e fact that Reagan was French Pi1eedo\v area n r oath of office at the same of Greek descent. bypassed Came as somewhat Paiute Mountain. "I want the people of this country to know Gerry Ford on an intimate basis, just the same as if he was cam· paigning precinct·to-precind around the country for that office," Bayh said. time he is etvlng Gerry Ford ~------------------------ his'. and Is willing lo live up lo hil responsibility to enforce the Bill of Rights, then we're going to have one of tbe best three years this country has ever e1perienced." ne dead were identified as Mark T. Cochran, 57, and Frank Foster. 45, b o t h resldtnt.s of the complex. Meet Buzz Aldrin, forn1er astronaut for NASA~'rii) I'lerson at May P, He'll autograph his new book 'Relurn·to E•rth' One of the first mlln on the moon, Colonel Edwin E. 'Buzz ' Ali:lrin , wi ll be at May Co. He'll auto\!ra ph ond injr."!l~ce his book! a candid 'insi de' look al th8 , · human side of the space program. 7.95 Mnt Bun Aldrin: · . • South Coast Plazo , Monday, October 15, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. book 68 • South Coos! Plozo • . . • . ~ " ~ SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND MONDAY OCTO BER 13th, 14th & 15th ~ ill> I 11G Pita CUT! I 2 ·0·3~ ~~ PoPULAR 8-TRACK TAPES• J~ a track t1pes by lamou1 1lnger1 and groups. . ...... -........ , .... 111111 , . ~!/Jfj/l'Jfflf/DIJJJ/J NEW! SUPER DRY SURE ANfl.PfRSPIRANT Gotl on dry lo keep you dry. S.fe i nd y11 11rof'l9. Choou reg u11r or un· scented. ~ 32~........ I 'QUICK CURL' BARBIE' ~ 11 ~i" Barbie· with special Quick ~ Curl hair that holds easy·to·do ~ hlirslyles. All you need lo be a ~ hair stylist is included. ~ rflfll/lldlffflJl/Jj/!fl/rl/'IJ.l.//.l.///J~ . I I , ' HABITRAIL SET The ideal home for your Ham· sler or Gerbil ... a na1urol habitat with surprise tunnels, secre t passages and pl11ces 10 climb. El Toro, Callfornla 92630 (714) 837·0701 . .. . . ' ~ lf.~~~~;~;C WORSlED YARN ., 84' 10-ROLL PKG. BATHROOM TISSUE ~25 '""''· l itly. ' ~ $ $ ~ ~ ~ a4~.-.. I MAALOX" SUSPENSION ~ 'l/fffl!/!liflil!/!/!ff!fl.fllfflf/JJ.fj'j'J, MOST ITEMS AVAi LA Bl!: AT MOST GRANT CITY STOft • , .. MA.VCO •• ....... the more for your moneysworth store ' -----· ANAHEIM HUNTINGTON BEACH u..tli. ........... Celltp lr.-llhlH'lt ...... ,,..,,,, SAN CLEMENTE hi\ DI ... lwy. "c-llM 41 f1tt1Ue . SANTA ANA, 201 I. 41h St. HUNTINGTON llACH, 11601 Ma l" St. GA•DtN G•OV , 11119 Vallty Vltw .. . ,. . .. .. I ' • ( '• • • . -AC " /I DA.RY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Irreparable Damage President Nixon hu made a safe if unimaginatiYe selection In nominating Gerald fo·ord to replace Spiro T. Agnew as vice president of the United States. Even if the sturdy and honest personality of Coo· gressman 1i~ord adds much needed stablUty to the ad· 1ninistntion, it Is doubt ful the battered Nixon forces can muster any widespread sUpport In the wake of the Agnew di sgrace. 1t1r. Agnew Joes on television tomorrow night Jn what is pre~ume to be an addl'ess so mehow defending his parti ci pation In the !tfaryiand kickback scheme. ft may be wr9ng to ofter ~reJudgment of that address, but obvio usly ~tr. Agnew s audience can't help but be skeptic al of a n1an wbo: -On Aug. 8 said the kickback report was "false, scu.rrUous and malicious" and full or "outright lies." -On Aug. JS said, ''I have done nothing wrorfg. l have nothing to. hide." -On Aug. 21 said, "I will fight to prove my inno- cence." -And as late as SepL. 29, told a group of cheer· ing Los Angeles GO!? women, ·:1 am innocent of the charges against me •.. I have not used my office nor abused my public trust as county executive, as governor or as vice president." -Then, last week saw all the cards in Attorney General .Richardson's hands, acknowledged he had in· deed received ki ckbacks, hadn't reported them as in· come and resigned,in disgrace. Even that admission was only a tip of the case the attorney general's office had built against Mr. Agnew. The evidence makes it clear that he had followed a long pattern of cheap payof.fs and shakedowns -reach· Ing its final depths In literally using the office of the vie~ president of the United States to receive curbside payola of unmarked bills in plain envelopes. There are those, of course, who feel sorrow that Mr. Agnew wove himself inta,, this web or deceit. Others shrug off the incident as a typical perform- ance by a politician ..;:.... only this tiril.e the' crook was caught. SW! others feel betrt.Yed that tbls sleek smooth and articulate man manipulated bis office for 'personal gain while repres~ting tl)e Jaw-and-order. image o! a person dedicated lo Justice, morality and palrlotiBm. It ls difficult to find satisfaction Jn the disgraceful e.'lt o! Air. Agnew. It Is far too tragic an eplBode tor , us to find triumph In-unmaskln~ a liar and crook. It Is equally dillicult to .find compassion for an individual who displayed such. 1ITOgance of• power to hide a shoddy ncoro o! political crookedness. \Vbat can Mr. Agnew tell us tomorrow night? That he wants his $10,000 bac" because it 's tough for a crook to find a job -even in Maryland! Getald Ford may well work for and receive per· sonal trust from American cltpens. But Spiro Agnew's disservice to the vice presidency did lrreparable dam- age to the office and to honorable public servants every- where. Y o>mg B11sinessmen Saluted Today is ''.Newsppper Cagi~ Day," offitjally .d~ l~nated as the day 19, ~09oi' -!Iii.ii pation's ~ million'. ' 1 liverers of n~"'S.P4Pf~· most'oli~?Dl:~under 1a·111 . operating their l1!SI bUilnesse~f ~r ~ , .~.t Ppblisbers,. '.W.ClUati~ ma ~ ~ 4 DO.' '~df:ed, ~ Am!\!"<an public 'ci)> ~ju"itly d. 1o.e.~otrlbu1)9)1' of Uiese ·young ·~10.to..fhe y ftP\!i,,d,"fteO·e~~· prise system that operat8s1m -,Mlkll!'.I bUsiness 'co' • munlty ,,;, .• ·,>1.-) ;i. "'··~ ... ' l·· I ·•·•·•' J-~ ot The system :rea11l works and ts. re pO'nll!ve to' !ff clientele and the climafe in wblCh it operates. Proof fs " found in the fact that this year the Daily Pilot's salute to its carrier force of 1,000, ypung business people ip· eludes a special salute to 67 girl carriers of the Orange Coast area. As Vleir numbers grow in the ranks of this and other newspapers' carriers,. girls now, too, can possibly . more fully appreciate the thought: "Today's Newspa~r¥ Carner-Tomorrow's Leader." • ·• • • • • • " COMMAND POST Single Law Cou'ld Cover. U.N. Should Be .. , ·Gi~ell : Peace-'kfbejJillg ., •... r:- Power "All Offenses ' ,,1 l don 't want you folk to go aw~k· , , Ing I'm slightly daft after 'fou finish ,., reading· this CQfumn, if indeed you do flniSh it. I'm "{riling about ah idea that is blindingly simple, and ideas like that are ofcen staggeringly difflrult to absorb. I'm writing about a single statute to cover all ol the legal and statutory needs of the State of California, or any place else for that matter. As you perhaps . . (CHARLES McCAB~ 111 know . it ls my view that 'ont of the ills of our societ y, by now amounting to • somethlng like a plague, 1s the uncon· scionable surplus f>sith of law and of lawyers. The law. as it now stands and as It is practiced by most lawyers, is ,· more nearly a system of sanctioned in· justice than of justice. A MAN WHO agrees "'·ith me is '-tiles Payne of ~1onterey. He told me recently about his own proposition: a single statute, to be submitted to the State voters as a ronsti tut iooal initiative. Here is the preliminary wording of his in- 1 itialve : All laws i'n t/le California Code are l1ert.b11 declared to be ir1operalive and to be st1pe rseded by the fo/101vi'11g /u 1D: To wi t. IT SIIALL BE UN LA\\l. f'UL FOR ONE CITIZEN OR CITI- ZENS TO HURT OR S\VI NDLE 1\ f'EL.LO\V CITIZEN OR CITIZENS. Upon a sl1owi11g ill a court that a s1ui11d le has taken place. d.efe11da11t ,. sl1all poy triplt. da111ages to plaintiff. l ll poii a showing In court that bodily injury /10s occarred as a result of 1nalice or 11egligence. defendant shall be assigned to work u11ril a reJXlratio" to be deter1ni11ed by court officers 011d/or a jury is paid in f ull. Tile pres· r.nt arra'1geme11t of cou rts . co1irt of· fictrs, 011rl trial by juru if desired, in occordanct. wl!h. tlle U.S. Coustilution, Is to remain unimpaired." AS A ~ON·LA\l1\'ER. J\·e read that sta tute through a good n1any ti1nes. and I fa il to scie how it \\'OUld not fill the bill if executed into Ja1v. Th(' la\\·vcrs \\'ill roll lhclr eyes. shake their hcadS. and mutter l\lCkcd things aho!11 s im p Ii st i c bonrheads. I'd like thc1n to shO\\' me 'ft'hy a st•ilute so dra\\TI, or dra\\TI even more tighlly. would not fill our total criminal ll'r,islati\'e needs. The only activities '1·orthy of police at- tention as crimina l, I've always held, are assault and theft. ThcS(' afc the crimes to 11'hich Payne's ingen ious amendment addresses it~lf. ,Crimes of personal beha\·lor \\'hich do not hlll't others \\ithin th<' purviev1 of thi! n1easure 1,1·ould or cou rse cease to txist. 11·hich is enough 10; win from me a high rcg8rd. For insttincc. H a guy should be rolled by a 11horf', the litdy \\'OUld be pickM up as a thief. not as one "''ho sold her body. A guy who SC'lll out an enfoN:cr to l"llllt-<:t a gambling debt would be chnrged \\Uh assault. not gambling. SUCll A I.AW would have lhe virtue of being uodentandablt: to all citiiens. It is c\·cn a possibility in· a mte lik' Cnlifomia. Any st.ale "'hich rould use Its rl!l'hls of ini!latlve, pc1ition and reca ll to 1)ut on th<' books a !ll'ft' so clearl y just and sensi ble a~ Proposition 20. to pro1cc1 the environml't1t of the shoreline. ts clearly capable of passing itlmost :my law that fits the fc<1cNl1 Co11stl!u1ion. I th ink ii t'nhrtl)' llkf'I)' that there is some immen c na"'' in Payne's thinking lhnt !ht' legal profe.(slon wlll duly apprise me of: but I h11\'en'l caught II }'cl. l'1n not afraid of blindingly simple ideas. Are you? The moment fighting erupted in the Middle East, everyone looked to the United Nations to produce a mJ.rac:le. The reason they turned to the United Nations was simple: There was oo other place to ·turn. Thi!, then, is the central truth about lhe United Nations . It doesn't have authority to preve!1t "''ar, but people ex- pect it to order an end to the war after it starts. The t\1-"0 functions cannot be separated. The authority lo stop a war is directly tied to lbe authority to prevent it by dealing with basic cau!es. E\·ery &j.me the questio9 ol ejiSetltial • ai..:thority ror the United Nations comes up, two nations can be COWlted upon to , squelch the discussion-..'..1.he U.S . .fi.. and the USSij. Whatever the differences bttween the two major powers may bei op other world Issues, ~ countries Qave no difficiilty in agreelol fhey do not want a lforid organlz.aiUon with a eapability to deal with basic causes of \\'&r. THE REASONS ARE not obscure. 'I1le world 's t'ft'O largest natl~ see the U(!!ttd Nations as an adjunct to their foreign policies. Neither is willing to ac· cept any restraints on its own freedom of agricu1tural quotas or to provide quate houslng for its ~pie. ade-( ) NORMAN ' COUSINS TIUS SITUAnON has led to SALT meetings bet'ft-een the two rountries, the main purpose being to keep their respec- aclion In tbe\,'Orld arina. Yet both coun·, tlve •military budgets from going sky· tries pay a prodigious price !or their op. high. po!ilion to a fully functioning world But the rallacy oC the 'SALT meetings is -u --u "led State h •-that tt:iey don't deal with basic tensions orgaruza on. '1ic ru s as a... In the world that infla*ie and accelerate !empted to act as \\'Orld policeman In the arms race. Berlin, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and various other plaa!S since the ehd of. H' we are serious aboul:wanting to ?Ut World War 11. The. cost to us in lives, ' aD eod to the anns rice: if we are natural resources and money is almost serlous about increasiti:g,ttie chance! for beyond calc:utatton. ,.. ·· ---~-·· dflli-able ·world ·pe&Ce}r U-&irt· are Eious ' For example, !he princtpe.J reason for aboW ·attacking basic tauses of intlation, inflati'on in ~ United 8_t:&tes.is traceabli: l\o"e· win adci:r'eM ourselves to lbe real is- less to national economic eyc!es th an tO sue;l That Issue ls tb441tbt3i 1world's major the expe:Mil~ pf bundteth of billioos ot ,,inatipns are UD)liilling tlQ ~te ~flepive • dollan for '<ltA'. worl5f 119licing Opfratioos. iutruments of wOrld law In ocder to The United .States maintains military r maintaia world~. · , bases around the globe. The effect has The detente between the United State:i beeD a staga:ering ,tollar drWq:· The and the Soviet Union, and between th~ diversion of industrial JH:9ductlve capaci-United States and Olina, is not an end in ty away from oons\l'ller g~ ha:S not Itself. If It ls used for purposes of ac- helped (lUT economy or the quality of llfe , commodatioo among ihe bi~ Powers, or inside America. as part 'of a world balance-of·pc>1'er cor.- f..feanwhile, becaw;e or its mammoth figuration, it will succumb to tOe tension.~ military budget, the Soviet Union has · produced by situatkm •in which they been unable to mee,t it8 industrial and have a large stake but over which they Boxcar Manipulation Charged • Barons Sque-eze Farme.r .s \V ASHJNGTON -A confidential con· greMiooal memo accuses the giant grain companies of using their power over trans~tation to squeeze small farmers oot of fheir profits. The memo. prepared for the House Agriculture Commitlte by Rep. John ~lelcher (0-~1ont.), char ge s that "farmers are being fleeted by big grain ccmpanies gouging them for use of hop- per caMJ needed to get their grain to market ." Here 's how 1he squeeze play ~'Orks: The agribusiness barons have p;ained a strang lehold on boxcars. The grain elevators are full . so 1he fanners can't store their grain. 'I'he only boxcars a~·ailable are con trolled by the grain companies. which offer !he farmers as little ror their grain as $1 a bushel less thnn !he market price. "THE SPREAD bet\\1een prices paid farmers for grain at in terior points in America and value at port ol final destination has increased two and thrctrold ... " declares the memo. "On· ly a very fortunate lew farmers whose marketing organizallon is able to move grain are rea lly getting the prices we see In the paper." Tiie dlfference is going Into the fat bank nccounts of the agribusinm b8J"Ons "·t.J are profiting by controlling the rails like the robber barons or old. NIXON TllE la1vycr: \Vhen fair-hair~ John °'an \\'<\! sUll President Nixon's lt>gal counsel, we reported Dean Md been !fired from his first Jaw job for 8 lf'ieVOl,19 a.nnict of interest. This stirred rumors that ~ PrtS.ident himself had been cited for unelhlca\ conduct on his first law job, \Ve M1·e now dug back 35 years lo find out "'i\m kind ol la\\')'Cr young Richard Nixon was. Af'TER GRADUATI NG third In his cl3S acholM tlcally Crom Duke Law Sdlool. Nl'""1 join<d the pmtl&iM. old ~ ., (JACK ANDE~o~), WhHtier, law firm of Wingert "1d Bewley, in 1937. He was the same orderly, studious, fastidious Nix90, dri\'Cn by ambitiro, that his subordinates \\'Ould recognize to- day. One of his first acts, for example, was to clean out the law firm 's musty library, 'clean the shel ves and rearrange the book>. He buried himself in work and rapidly bi..<:ame the firin 's chief trial lawyer. He was also a specialist on estates and tax·. es. There is one reference in the early court records to his professional conduct. His law firm obta1ned a court order compelling a land sale lo pay damages that had been awarded to a client. Nixon showed up at the sale on June 29, 1938, and purchased the property ror the client, without aulhorizalion. Nixoo paid tt.e full amount ol the unpaid portion of tha damages. ' The client , charging that ~lion Quotes Cecil A. Whlttboat, S.F. -"If v.-e do not develoP every effort to be in- dcpmdent ol any forelgn sourte other than the soureot· of the .Western Hf!migphere for our oil supplies, we l'lrt leaving ourM!IVtS open as i defenseless America . . . I am for the en- vtronmentallst up to a pOlnt , but not \\'hen our nation I! at stake/' "In lhe twentieth century, American dramalist.s beg~n to t~ off tilt: shackles of convenUoo. Sometimes a dramitlst thrtw a shackle too far and It hit a t.htattrgocr in the third row ct!). ter.'' tFrom "It All Started With frtshman Enl:lislf' by Richard Armour. McGnow-HiU.) I purchased the land without h e r knowledge, asked the court to set aside ' the sale. While the old Canoo of Ethics then in force was 1"ague, it had been establi1ibed :Practic,e that ap attorney shou1dn 'l make; purchases for a client withoot•the c1ieril's Opress authority. FOOTNOTE: The White Hou s e responded to our questions by saying it was "absurd" to comment on a case. 35 years old. SECRET SACKING: At secret U.S. in- sl!tence, the South Vietnamese govern- ment has sac:ked Us corrupt Customs persormel director. A message classilied "secret sensitive" from U .$. Customs Service's Saigon fi,eld office to Washington urged Amerl<:an pressure to fire Nguyen Huy Xuong. The message warned that Xuong was· involved in the narcotics traffic and, worse, that his sensitive position pennit· ttd him to place corrupt underlings In key South Vietnatnese seaports and alrporu. "We ask tbal you request your sources to obtain the removal CJ( this Jodividual {Xuq)," appealed the secret dispatch to Wuhinltoo. "If "'e can place an honesti decent min in ~s position. he legally can keep the d lques or groups of persoos ln separate areas so lhey cannot bend togeth<r. (Thi> -.Id) assist the United Stales in the sel.zure or large quanUties of narcotics." U.S. prtsillNl was applied and resulted in Xuong's dlsmisuJ. But our federal n...COUct sources tell us 11oomily that his d..p.,;ure didn't have the clelil'ed mult. South Vietnam's customs "IC!llYlce re- n•alns-riddled with oorrup(lon. NADER HA'l'E)t: Some pooplo thlnk Rolpll Nadtr Is all wet. ,The other night at the Kennedy Center t be was. Nader bad a glass full ol Ice. wa ter di\Shed In hi• '""' by Nick Zill, the h•• band of a di.Biruntled ei·N~raldcr. Seethin& with aqer ahd dripping with water, Nader d<manded an apology rrcm Im~ Stewart. Mott,_ lhe Genet'al Motors heir and N..ter ...mii..r. Mou complled. 1, have little pr no control-as ln the hliddle everything else. uoder an avalanche or East and Indochina. 1'.ttile if ~ peace sh>uld (ail. NOTlllNG ~ more shortsighte.d in our HenrY 'J(isa:inger has r ~Id that the foreign policy than' the failure to see that United Stales cannot indefinite:ly perform our .security depeods to a large extent on the hioctiom ol a world pOliceman. Re is a United Nations aapahle of enacting, en-right. Wbo, then.. f!hould do the job if not forcing: and lnJ,~lnc world law. The the United Naliora? Policing the world present world anarchy makes violence has, to. )>e a collective enterprise. And ii inevitable. cannOt ~ septrated. .from the full It also ca rries with It the danger that machi.nefY. ol. la~lf it ill ~ work . violence, even in a· minor situation, could Th&-at~pt to upgiade the United Na· set off a chain reaction beyond the last· tiQns' ~ ~"ve it l'e.Sponsible auth>rlty to minute restrai$li efforts ol. the worid's dearwi~ &.sic causes' of war may~ the statesmen, inside or oul!ide the United '!lOSt~· . , and ~llenging task of lhe Nations. , . , Y.~1 . But there is no other :. The United t!!ttions does a goo,l job as cllli !Uher is \here a turni!'l( back. ~ clea~ ~ as a world !Orum. Tbe 9000er we face up to this dWlenge, &ti this IS 00\ ~~ '!;be \lnlted thtt 1better OW' tt'' foe,~ "'"-"' J!~•lons w)ll 'hO -~ro. .. 'with , ._,.. timl'" ' ' " .,,----~ •• ., '.h'Tj 1· •1r P. 'J ~I ' r~Pllr "l".N qnAA . ' .... I'· '1 ;i, 'l'L :>•,b;, ~1 • ,l ! . .,_. 1:,,., •I ·> 1"f •· ·• '·1 , ~ A~!·Password w Fq,ty,r.e "Growth,tj~ ifie, little boy 'iyho • 1'.: ' ~ ~~ ~ ~l•act".11) .. the ' '"'EDITORIAL GNP. Wrong, she said, but It< 'was JllO<O·'> RE-SEARCH rjght ~f!te ~w,. ' -' ~-- The gross natlona~p<o1h1Ct, or G~. is '----------' growth's bU&Je caIJ •• As ~.ma~I value of all the ilOQds and services pro9uced in 9f!rvices, TeSOOrees and energy, How the UnJte4$tate& annually, It baa topped would thls 'be achieved! St trilliooiin the IriOs alter. rea(,bing the · Three steps : $500-bi.IUon mark barely • decide ago, (1) license each individual to have only And 5001e prettiot the: total will double 1.1 children {the figure Which represents again in aootherr 10 yean. ZPG > and a now these licenses to be Is such uplosive growt~ possible? buught and sold on the open market; (2) Moreover, is it desirable? Economist set quotas on resource deplelion based on reserve estimates and technology, and Kenneth E, Boulding orx:e said that have the government auction olf annual anyone. •'ho believes eJ.J)Onential growth depletion rights; (.l) set maximutzi and can go on forever in a finite world is minlmum. limits on wealth and inoome. _ either ,a madman or an eco~ Economists alwaya have been the ~ ONE MAIN dang~ or no-growth Is tha t of growth but many have begun to doubt the poor might be trapped in place, and the faith. the society "'OUld be tom by conflict3 over distribution. "II whatever the Pl()r would gain, the nonpoor would lose, could tile standard of livil!( of the poor In· crease?" econOmist Mancur o!sOn asks. "NO GROwnt'' 18 today's shibboleth for forces favoring a"n end to'ynlimJtiCf , expanslm at all levels of sociefy. 'ltme who support zero populaUon growth and zero economic growth hove beert joined by advocates of what might be called ~ro W'ban, growth. The inDuentlal Urban Land Institute, a nonprofit organization 0£ developers, planners. architects and real estate of· ficials, planned to debate the growth- versus-r»growth l"llntroversy at its faU meeting in San Franelsco. Even many developers have conceded that unreslJ'icted urban growth hu drawbacks, although some saw the light reluctantly. Communities and states are clamping tight controls on building and development. The 93rd Congress almost certainly will pass a federal land use bill to help statE;S plan and control thelr gro"1h. The measure 1 t re 1 s t: s coordinated planning for areas or criUcal envtronmental concern and piaces ot more than 1ocal interest. BUT 11IE PRESSURES or urban growth are awesomt. 11Evtntlf we att.aln zero papula.tion growth, we will continue to sprtad out aCrosl OW' open land llke a tidal wive," 18)'1 ~phe:r 1J,oben 8. Simpoon. "Our dtmand tor land per caplto Is in<reaslnc even more rapidly than our populaOon." Amer\can growttHNnia will llOt die easily, Mwever, If tt doer at 111. Economist Rennan E. 0.lY, ooe al the moM enlhU!iutlc D!"Ononeatl of oo- growth, ur~ in a rtew bcdt, "Toward a Stf!ady-State Economy/' that c:ooswit stocks of population lltld phy1lc:al wealth be tnalnUlned at a t:hooen level' with a low rate ot "lhroughp.lt" '-l'(JOdt, L II But at present rates of growth in population, pollution and reSOW't"e ex- haustioo, and stimultaneou.s scarcities or energy, food suppi,y ~-.and geoirapbic space,. no one's st.andlid Qt llvin& can in-crease indefinitely. Jf all> this seems radica!, coNlder the statement that "the ~ •tale or capital and -.i!aJth ... , would be. c-n the "1lole, a very COll.\lderable improvement ln our present condltlol\." The writer: JoM Stuart Milt In 1857. OIAMe1 COAST DAI LY PILOT v made WU ( in a I F1 &ti 11 l'r ... the 0 on~ bad• oCfioe' flood I aboul how 11 name Calif< was: Pres\ the ... this Calif< 'I) state: live 1 Vice-: - ( E • _I A . grad1 " fount rrom turne but I lot.s sear< • pt'( alrlsl Dr. San pa tie caSe, shak1 ·~ the''' "" mom "I 1 ,, 'i>allii in th bis I ~ to ' ~ ~ r ·~ Al1 reco! any ' \ "Bin emit the I the I a, ' b&bll ••lei f!Sh. •ma/ I -· rv1 .. ,, w, " rep( ,. tab -. fund '• pre< ,,, mw; by denl T< rec< r-seer: tnn cc. vlet Sovl lrtli rts~ j In go~ plac 6 P< 1tu< :;.m feru aga u.s ovo the R tad m~ tlc T pre' rro1 "Sc -di~ • ' • •• 2-5th Amendment ' ' f ·--~ By DR. GEORGE M. UENEGHAN , be an inhabitant of tbt same state ~ith thtm- Vlce presidenllal and America.A hlstor w· • ,,selvc:s." Th!s slatement bas been interprtted ,to made Wednesday when Spiro AP.8W reS:llo~t~ ~ that 1( both members of the national tt~ was convicted in 35 minute• of·Crhnlnal _...1 )\it Should be from tf!e aame state, eieeton who in a packed federal courtroom.in 'BalUD:t«e. Ma .. ~meet after the pres1dentlal election wowd be . J • · '\'-""1-ed from casting !heir ballolJ for mono than For Agnew, 1t ended his .rapla ~e tO power~\ one member ~f the ticket. But ~t began a new chapter tn the hi.story or the: Analysi.s and .-..-ts 00 tbe r-.. tltution do P.reetdeney, the vice preside~, Congress aod .. ,.. · •ii.~ 'i""t-•• • i .. 1 .. .......,... • • the ·toosUlutlon. Even as lhe "dOOt. slammed.al\µt ..' ! ...... agree on "iv apswer ·to ~..., ,Q?e,slion as it on ..\P.w's career is the S9th vict ,pr:esl.dent who rel&les to the 1~3 ·lltuatton.. ~ ~·~ had no had set;Yed ilndtir the !'ltH Preaident; Ii opened the precedent The original ldea iJI, Uili -sectioo ol the omce as nevet bifore. "itls re~tion loosed a I~ ~.t was to discourage: pol.i~1eal ~- nood ol quesuOns; ambitions arid speculations hes .from ~1ng a presidential and vice presi· about who wotild step J.nt0 the offlCe and exactly d.enttal CIQdida*'! ft;Qln the same state. how It would take pla~. 1 ~ ..... But.t~ G:lnsti~on deals only •with a Presl· Because Rep. Gerald 'Ford (R·Mi ch.) "'as d~n\ja1 a~ ytce .Pfesidentlat el~Uon and not named, mady quesfion• w~re avoided. But for ~lth t~e President!al nomination to fill a vacancy Cal.ifornlahs, one ol the m~.questions raised 1!1:;9ffice. ' • • ; . was: Would the-Conslitulion have Permitt~~ S~pP!'"lng ~ broa~~ interpretation o( the President Nixon · to nom,lnate Gov. Reaga& for 1 Constitution,~ .authOrities argue that.~ 12th the vice presidency? There wa;, a <lebat~. over r~ '!\ :'ly 1~~1"~~· and th.i~ ques_tioa' because Ntx·t>14~ .aga~ tntriJ;te:-, .µ~~°"i ~ ve '/'.°:...-tJ· _. ir--an. Calilornlll hls legal res)~ J~ voling~~ ',' i oPPOSING TIDS. ~ '"e nlany others, Jn. THE Ulla AMENl>MD!'l'Jt6 the COnstltutlon clljdin, mj'aelf, who ~;\hlk ll'iloe• not apply. slates: ;•lrhe Electors .shall'~ in their respeo.. My view Is that thereiis nothing to bar the Presi· live ttiteS aiid vote by ballOt for President ahd dent, in ~galof f:10rfs'titutional. terms,· froirt nOml· V1ce-President, one of whom, al :ast, shall ~-_, ~.1;.:wapti ... ~ggest burdlel are t • PoUliell--i•ttlni hJJ nomlnee-eon!lrm<d by 1 maj(lrl1y ol both HOUJeS ol Congreso -and not coostllutiooal , Ad!fial lb tho-Or«lan dnma ol ,\pew's ,... '8Ntlllil Is tbe 'uocutainty "over cooflrming a ~. thou&h It seems to have been mint- mhtd with the cbolce or Ford. No gutdellnes or rule! tlist on what should be dooe or bow lO do it. The 25th Arnmdlnent, ratified on Ftb. 10, 1967, explalnl wba( Is ralni to happen In the next wee~ or ·so. ~ !IUf" It waj pasted -tho lssl time the vi .. -~ be<om~ vll:ant. ·on Nov. ti. !Ml, when President John F. Ktnned)' was ass...tnat- ed and Lyndon B. Jobnsoo moved up. This trage- dy .left the nation without a No. 2 man for I' ~ths aod wu ooe ol. the major factors that 1CO tQ passage of the tstb. THE VICE i>)u:smENCV bu been vacant 16 limes previCIU.'ly. Seven vtce prtsidenta 'have died in office, eight have become President after the death ol a President tn office and ooe, ~obn c . Calhowt, noslrned In 1831,ln order to advan<t hl.s political career by clalming a Senate seat he had \\'00 in South Carolina. Throughout mo.!t of our history, as Calhoun's resl~tioo shows, the otfi~ has been ,a job with- out real political po"·er or recognition. But in- Chinese Poor Man~s Diet -.,,-14,1973 OAIL V PILOT A ?'. . -. creasln,ly Ii> tho lut :IO ,..,., It bu gained Jm. porWICe opd power-U ooly the morbid reality that ll la Giil>' a llwtbut away !!om the Prul- dency. , Tq no pt clooe the l•P ID Ibo CoostJtuUOlt, Sen. Birch Bayb (0.lnd.) and otben pr_.i the %5th AJllendmeftt to the U.S. COnitltullon. The lint section deals with replacing a President. The aeoond aectlon 1tate1: "Whtnevtr \here Is a vacancy to the office ol the Vice Prt$ident. the 1 Dr. Gcorut M. HtntQhan. p~0Je11or of polittcol science cl Cal State Dom lngf,er Hill.r, ttccheS O'll e:rtenriot1 cour1e ai UC lrvh1e Oil '1The PT'e.tlde11ey, Ma..ta 'Aiedla attd Public Opi11· lon:'' He 1'41 covered Presidential cam.paigu.s GI a f'tporter end ltold& dtgrces from Co/11m· ' bio and Sta11JOf'd. t.nliwrsities. President shall nominate a Vice President wbo stu\Jl take office upon con!innaUon by a majority vote ol both ~ses of Congress.'' TVPICAU. Y, TIDS section Is written in broad and general languaje to perm.it OexibtUty as to bOw the actual process wiU be carried out. There are, bowev~, two definite and specific points to •bis llffllonj Fir&t, the Pr~sldt?nt has lhe power to "nomJ. nate" and secondly, lx>th Houses of Congress have the power t;o "eonfinn" by a majQrlty vote. In practical tenns, this means that 51 Senators. or a ma,jority of the full 100, and 218 Con,llressmen, a majority of the total or C35 in the Holise. must approve a nominee. {This assumes. of course. that all Senators and members of the House of Representatives actually \'ote on the confirma- tion.) How will Congro8.i handle the confirmation'/ Bayh said Friday that there are tY.'"D commillees ln· Congress that are likely to play a major role In the c:onllnnaUon pn>ctSS, the S.oale Rlllot Comm.itt~ and the House Judidary Commlttee. "Tbe• two committees ot Congrtss m17. 11 tboy can agree, form a joint coolereoce c:munlt- tet to recommend approval ol the ooollrmallon ol a vlcci president. • OBVIOUSLY, SECTION I or tile 2Stb Aroend· ment does not resolve the polilical cootroversy ind compclllioo lbat Nixon had to "dSh in hfa choice. Nixon bad to consider end balance the1e. con- flicting ~wures and dilt.nuna•: Would the mt1n bf \roman whom he nominated be connnned or rejected ~Y a ffi!i;orily \'ote or both Houses pr Congress? Did he want. or could he risk. another fight ~1th Conrress over <.'Ollfinning a choice! lo his tlrsl. term In otn~. the Senate rejected tv•o of hls pominees for the SUprtme Court aod lhls hurt his political prestige, which was lnfi· n.itely hiaher than now. Would the person he nominated be capable of becoming a . stroog President? How atroog Is stl'1Jllg? There 1s a vast range betv.·een • candi· date \Vho "·oi.:kl merely be a "earetaker" vice president, who Is an echo and shadow of lhe Presl· dent, and a dominant aDd dynamic viee president who might partially ecUpse Nixon's next three years in office. Ford's role ls wteertain, but he may lean to the former. Would his nominee have political potential or a pG\l'er base lo be a leading Republican candl· date in 1976"! Finally, President Nii: on had to eonslder the effect or lmpaet that his new vice president \l'lll ha\•e on pubUc oplnion aod his Administration . \\"hich has been wracked by the . most scandals of any In American history. The new vice president "111 also be the first to set in motion, activate and give political life to the 25t h Amendment. It Takes a Lot of Work . K~eps H~: \ljc.l.i . inc1f ~a1th A Chinese-American physician, a claim that this sJ>t:ci.al diet is a "cure" Apple a Day Does Keep Colds Away . ~ The more educated the wife, the more likely she'll cite physical cruelty as grounds for .divorce. In fact, f}O perC1?nt of the ~g v.--omen who are co!Je'!!e graduates complain of physical cntP.]ty . Only Sa · ·percent ot the high sehool graduates do so in divorce. And just 31 percent of the· grade school graduates name that cause. How do you explidn this peculiarity? To P1·ofit From Welfare By ST AN DELAPLANE In the new life style (no wars. no poverty. no money) v.·e reactt for han- r>in~o:. <Sald ()::;car Wilde: "Pleasure is the only thing to live for. Nothing ages like hr.o}liness. "\. for belnit u11emoloyable. Like if you have a scruffy beard and hair. J¥)body wants yoU• for a stockbroker, right'! • graduate of StanCord Medical School. for arthriUs. "Diet alone will not rure , found himself at the age or. 35 suffering from severe arthritb and dermatitis. He turned to his medical colleagues for help, S. I. HAYAKAWA ' but got none, except the 3dvice""to take arthritis nor any other: disease," says Dr. Dong. "I cfo,not ntle out medication. But medic:ation alone will not rure diseases ·eitKer." lots of aspirin. After three years of searching and reading be was advised by As an experiment he went back to MJtS. BANKS SAYS· simply, "Jt works a proniinent consult.ant to see a -psydU---the Chinese "poot man1s diet" oo whieh for me." atrlst. he had been brougflt up. He finally settled 1be reader is warned that l.be A(thritls Dr. Collin ~ of on seafood, vegetables and rice as best Foundation has declared that "There is San ~~iscO. the no special diet far arthritis. No specific patient ln t'h i s for·~hi.m. food has anythina to do v.itb causing It, That "apple a day" line has some merit, evidently. It has !'ecn proved the case, was profundly ''To my utter a1naiement." be writes. and no specific diet will cure It," , shakenandcou.ldnot ,;in al fpw short \\-"eeks there was a [ J sleep that ajgbt. rpetamorphosis ... I was able to shave · CertainJy 1 am not able tq adjudleate ci ''When I looked in again, fu,. the skin he<:ame soft and dlspul.e between Dr. Dong. and the L M. BOYD ,_, the" mirror iii the pliable and did not '"·een. · I wa1 agile Arthritis FoljD(iatioo. However, I believe I . , .. I . r I 95 Ibo . 150 " . the Dong,Banks ~ •mP.~,.idw . ... _________ __,. mormng.'.' ht:~ ~i . , .aia1n: ror ~t ro"! 1 ' · 10' · that are important to everybo(ly. '' , 1~'! ~ a!w ... , an .W: . 1 ., •• ~ • • .Alt tru~ h.~P~ 1n9,re than ·~~ years First. does not .the almost universal cltiien who eats numeroo:s apples catches p«llirlt, repulstve ~00\ioh . ., . ~~ne man .. ,, ag~. P,r. QOD..g is· now 1J 1 adtl. J~ nq, . -mebdation rl "a "ftll·bllanced· far 'fewer eolds. than' netage. The cpectin In tills reflecl.ed ttn1.g;,''Hilfl'!Ost ~tor mot~ than 50. He pt\iys 9 or'l!·holt s ol , ~(meat d . • prOct cts ·vegetables i.. 'c:redlte4. "" '" "<110 hi"s black .. curty: hair ... The smooth golf each day besides making his hospital· .. hiiit, ,_ere:): ·;~ l J:e 'hmumuahl~ i. • A.h:W t.a:W)rer ·ot some rtnown says he slqn or ~Ws face was inllarnedi rounds and taking care of a busy prac-e'"'"" bas Jilscovertd an Wlfaiiing clue to in. ~~ed Ind cak~ .wlthlJiweep. lil J allergies that differ from individual'to in-dic:ate perJ·....... When a . man 00 the '"" ~ •• , , y.,· s1 ~~l.... · • ..,...., , ~.-, f, '"\ , ) .. ".. dividual? Many ol us must be: eating ... ~ .. 16 11!\1~1" ~~) · wtthou witness' stand puts bis band to his moolh pu{ff . • e Coult! bare1Y un IUS h8rids . fONG'~. 'Dong' patients was J_~e foods to which · we are allergic t suddenly, avers be, you can be almosl to Wash hiJ face due to the excruciating · Banks, a vtctim of such severe arO}Ji.Us, knowing ii. certain 'be'a' teacbed a· ·Point in his story pain and stiflness in ¥,!!: shoulders. · that she was no longer able to open ·her Geo" N°DLY, MANY of our. roods are when he .feels he must ·tte. This attorney -1. l · 1 'J ·~· • . , • swolleo, )cnottv hand's . no loflger able to · · ,. ·11e bas ob-~ th 1 hand-I • 'i.W.M ~t A physi ~ bact { swtm:, trza~?iI)r. Oong'i' reg)men, she laden with chenllcal preservatives and WIS ' x=1 '"~ a o-been riloed m modem c~e and round berseU gradually freed of pain and dubkius additives, What are we putting mouth gesture repeatedly and not once in ·-~been~ t~ care of. ps most swellings. She has now ~turned to an ac-into .our mouths that we dO not know 25 ~bas It failed to be significant. , ~t ~gtles. live Ille ol gardenin«; hiking, swimming abo~zf? . CERTAINLY THE world's first voting ! f At ~ 'i41nt :qf desperation Dr. Dong and ~iq-cling w\Ui her husband. Finally, when we are young and active machine looked like a bank vault. It was recaDed::..birhiS rather ltSed to say when From lh1S resolve came •.•Th e and able to eal anything, mos t ol us are pot together by Jacob H. Myers, a any ~ct( '"'¥a •nine dllldren became ill: Arthritic's COOkboOl"' ·by Dong and poor, and we eat simple .foods. When ft saf'emaker •. In ll92. ~t Lockport, N.Y. \ "Bing chtiDk bow ·yup, WO chung how Banks (Crowell),'an·~remety inPttlous are oldf r, Jess active ·and ~,lie aft: ~;i lf the pbCket gopher didn't grind down chyt," meaning "Si~ enters-through lx>Ok. with exp;lanatori rore \\tiriiS 6y the able to afford luxury roods, OOt by that Us four froot teeth by chewing, they'd the~ and catastrophe eorqes out of t'41 authors and recipe!' for appetizers, time our bodies are less able to ablorb grow to be about six times the length of lbe mouth." soups,. salads, fish kebitil, -stuffed sea them. :' 1 his body tn just one year, say the zoology He began lo ·review his cnvn. eating hass, fish casseroles, Indian. fried riee. ..SbOuJd ..-e-not aD eal more'~alety bQ~·· ', ~-· ,.. v habits. In cbildhodd and youth he had llawailati and Chinese dishes as well as and ca'Tefully as we •croW older? 1 ~ C\.ti w6'it lt ii{lUOies I don't kJ\Ow, eatep a relatively simple Chioese -diet ol dis~~ from famous American restaurants "·orry about this as J .gee huge dinners bi.it e steep specialiSts say their stu<lies fish, yegetabl~ and rice, whh meat in · · .i... all within the d\l!t. ~ · ' being ordered by well.fed, middle-aged ~how little boys dream far more Ire. small quantities. · Neither Dr. Dong nor ~irs. Banks gentlemen in resta.urants. "1ently about animals than do little girls. " Off ,to the Trident in Sausalito. Marin County, Calif. Home of rock bands and organic living. (No bras.) Astrology and se1 symbols. Yachts and welfare. The girl al the table sakt: "\Ve're mak· ing It pretty well, my old man and I. We both paint, but you have to have some in· come. So you study the welfare pn> grams." I said : "I wouldn 't mind getting on a poverty program. Heav~n knows. rm poor enough "·hat with taxes and braces on chiklren·s teeth." SHE SAID: "To -prove you are v.·orthy of . welfare, you shouldn't have a steady job.~" you have a. )ob, the welfare. peot>\e thin\-yori 'are careless about handling _tr~"• I ;n., .. ,. Saus811to is 1 an · Alice-ln-"'Ohderland town by the Bay. A wbOle blD'lch of peo- ple are on welfare. It takes expertise and they exchange infonnaUoo freely. The Trident is favored by these people -even though the prtees are high. The Trident is purely organic: The juices are natural as God made them. The sugar is 80 wtrtfioed it oouldn't get into a straight arrow restaurant without a lie. The gulls swooped by the windows open to the sale breeze, and we ate baked organic apples with organic raisins and honey. ' She said: "Once you have established that you can't make money, you apply for food stamps. For $4 you get $38 ~'Orth. ~ ''YOV AJ..So GET ~fedi~I stamps. That glves you-lfee doctors. "There's something else men can get -General Asslstance. That's $25 a week "But that's temporary. They want you to get your halr cut and sha_ve. ~till you can make it last a couple of weeks." , She tald! "The best thing is Aid for the Temporarily Disabled, which pays $195 a month. The best way to beoome disabled ls mentally. Uke my old man wanted to be a schizophrenie. Only he may want to go to law school. A lawyer who was crazy couldn't make k in politics. Like being vice pres;ident. 0 BUT IF YOU don't care you can go before three psychiatrists." I said : "How do you prove you're a lunatic?" She said: "\Veil. you stay up and don't get much sleep. And when you see the shrinks you cry a lot. U they certify you. you gel the 1195." ' She isc,11id :._ "Ypu couldn't do it, but if a girl .geb pregnant, she gets $135 a month for ,Aid for Dependent Children. She car.. get this for a month and then get ari abortion on her ~tedi-cal coupons." She said : "Now if you are gettinf treated for mental disturbance, the doe· ton give you free pills. Like a friend o! mine was on uppers -on speed. Only tht doctor put her on downers -Librium. "So she met a c:at in the office who likei: Librium but his doctor put him ot Ritalin. So they met after the session anc:· traded." l said: "ll 90Unds like you"ve got i' made." "Well," she said, it really is a Jot o work ,'' Son Francisco-based travel colum11 is t Stan Delap/.nue liact to jountt~ onl. across tile Bay recently to collec 1ome opb1ions on and get a. look o tlie worki11g.1 of the controvtrsio welfare syste"'· Is Jingoism Showillg Through • ID the USSR? ·: ~ o--Sov iet Leaders A re Not 'Sava.ges' Y es,--Listen to Russian Intellectuals ' ., WASHINGTON - A quickly_ spreading. , ( .r report from London that; "savages" have "' taken over the Soviet high eomma.nd in a '" fundiimenta• ' "shll1, lhreal<;Oln, a .,, preemptive nuclear strike ag~inlt COm· ,, munlst Chin•, is not only umubstanliated EVANS ·NOVAK ) -. by knoWP fads but 11 afio absolutely denied by U.S. government elj>ertS. Sc:viel high command over by ''savages." Partly because of Conqueat's repula· tion, that charge has been repeated by ~sponslble figures in ~ and To these close students of ~ Kremlin, 1 re.:ent changes in the military hieran::hy r seem routine rather I.ban exoth::, modest' In numbtµ-, without dJscernible slgnifican· • Washington, in joumallsm and p01itics ce. ~ently, ~ ~es 'are ool and even in the U.S. Senate. One pollli· vie\\--ed 'as fDb1jleS1ng lbt' prospect or a clan, renowned as an amateur Kremlin- Sovtet ~~~liainst.-Chlna that would .1 .watcher' with htJrd·llne credentials, now tr::hsloi'ni world poiVet' JletaUoosllipo and ... puts the odds ol a,Soviet •5"1ull at one in I risk nuclear holocaust. lour, ln large part boeause Ol lbe Soviet lndeed. 1 computerized study by command duptge. government er-perts juM completed But bow much change has there really plllees the JIOlslblllty ol an attack at ooly been! O.tw .. o SeJl(ember 1971 and 6 percent -aboot one chance ln 17. Such February 197S there have been nine· studies 1re rat from precise, '?Ill tlley do blllettng changes In top levels ol the com- ttfiect the espert oonsensus here. n1and structure,· lncludlq Gener&.1 ol the Altboogh some high policymakers deeply .Atmy V.G. Ku!Jkoy u 'l[1JIY c!Uel ol fear that the danger of a Soviet strike staff -oot muc:h dlffmllt from the two- against China could rapidly escalll)e .lf ·yeor•tu1Nyer •. 1a, the U.S. military. '1l1e U.S . ..SOviet detente coUapsta (ptrh1'ps older oUlctra they replaced were retlro!d. ovtt the ls5ttt of U.S. trade cooceuions), Uttle ls knowa about U-ba.11..ao:&en the experts do not acetpt even that. offictrs, aside from tbt lad ~t thtly RATHER, they see chances ol an at· tack dlmlnllhing as Ume passes wlthout much relation to International and dome> tic devtlopments. ' 'l'hc lattst Western Jitters ov~r a Sovlt!l preeroptJve strike 1ppear• to ortglnate r~m a London-based newsletter called "SOviet Analysl'' (edited by the distinguished historian, Robert Con- quest). Its astonishing cootentloo: The a~ ln their ruid-$09 and therefore younier ihan r~ it•ior Soviet of- ficers. But ~rt b no 8hred of cvldcnee ti) lndlc.,_te ._they are "savages'' or pro-mot~ JI. a' pree.mptlve'" strike agaJnst China . On the contrery. the Soviet military Is belie \'ed l9 feel the optimum Ume for preempt.iv~ 'ttrlke bas now pasaed. wit h Chinese detefrent power having renehed the point where Peking's rapidly multl· plying array of missiles simply could not be knocked out .in a first counter· force strike. Moreover, such a ctiUling adventure grows riskier ever day. Nor is tlM!r'e convincing evidence of So\iie\ prePara«on for an attack. The fre- quentfy-cited figu~ al nearly 1 million SIM•r troopl ''poised on the Ollnese bOrder" may be illusory. JOirOWLEDGEADLE U.S. e1yerts IJe. • lieve m.hny of those troops are in Siberia far from t.be fronller and the border divisions ano under strength. They ealculate actual Soviet. effecUves on tbe l.,,.Uer 'between 400,000 and 500,000, scarcely ove~lmlng considering that they are outnumbered two-tc><lne by Ollnese 10.,,.,. American Intellectuals who spent most of· the cold war urging U.S. appeasement of the Soviet Union are now learning the faets of life frorQ their counterparts in Russia. , • OYer the p9.1t several seeks some of the most. tele6rated men ol letters in ltuMia have been·sendlng us messages rJ great lfl"\POrtaoce. And much to the dismay of some Rhodes scholar types in America,•lhose messagct read Uke something out of the rePQrtS o/ the Senate lnlemal security subcomnilttee and the old House Uo- Aritcrican Activities Committee. They warn of dlne:er to the United States in pursuit of policies aimed at detente with the KremJln, at di sa rmam en\ agreements, at appeasement of Soviet leaden 8fH1 at~ oeber approaches near and dear to the heart of tbe intellectual lelt in America. The real explanation of ~lion about a preemptive strike ls not l!I· &Q•rated reporU or chanr<s In the Soviet lligh command and not Sovie! troops massiJl& on the border. Almoet WRA. T'S ~IORE. the S o v I e t in- certa.lnly, It Is Incessant -.•amings from . tell~al1 are far from mild in their Cbmmunlst·aana. • , "estlmatt ot the oonsequencea If tbe Whether it beiPr\me h-tinlsler Chou En· United States govemmeflt fails to heed ta.I' iectur1ng 1 foreign head of 1tate or lln their warnings. embauy thlrd 8eCretary ponUflcaLlng at Tbc Nb:oo Admini!lr.11tion ha! been a reoept.'°'1 in some distant African warned bluntly from inside Russia that u_pital, the messa,e ls tile llJTl<: The th~ nation and the caW!e ol freedom are Wily Kremlin, undtr protection of U.S.· ICl6t If appeasement of the SOviet Union SOvlet detente, Is plotting to destroy conUnues. Included in the \\'Dmlngs Is a Oblna'I ftuclear arm s. message which says we must not be That message ls embraced by fooled by the Krtmlin lnto engaging in Westero critics of det~te, w ho a hasty pulltmck of our defense. system Justlfh1bl)' fear U.S. disarmament con-or a reduction of our mil itary strength. cession; ~·hlle the Kremlln continues it.s 11le 1''1mings from inside Russia come frit10ralHe arms buildup. But 1h.at at an Important time -v"hen America's ,buildup, worrl.SOO'le Indeed to the West anUdefen1e lobby Is -pressing harder than ovtr the long Mul. Is ~reely proof of ever lot lsrge reductloo5 ln Amtrtcan Intent IO attack Qilna. Ln11ilary expenditures. The climate of BARRY GOLDWATER dete-nte, honestly pron10tcd by !he Nixon AdministratiO'I in an effort to reduce tensions between the F..ast nnd \Vest . is being seized upon t>y ndvoeales of unilateral d~rmament as an addrd reason for culling do"11 on our "·ea~1s systems, our troop eommitmenlil and our military research and development. THERE CAN BE Jitlle doubt that re· cent years have seen a lull in the So\.iet· Amerlc:an mil itary confrontation. But the Russian intellectuals confirmed what many ad\1)cales ol an adequate defense system ha\'e been suggesting for se\·eral years -lhal \l·e are beln& fooled about true Soviet#ltentiom. \\'here the Communists are concerned. ~·e cannot afford to base our decisions on an>'thin1t but their actions. Conciliatory \\'ord1. such as talk of detente and "peecefu1 coexistence," art merely a strategic tactte lo the bard-bit· ten bosses of the Krtmlln. And when the Russians tnlk of better WKlcrstanding and the possibility of llmlting the anns race and of n new era In Sovlel·Amcrl can relations, their "·ords must be "'eighcd earetuUy against Soviet 8ctlons in the military sphere. DURING THE whole period ol the '°" called detente. Including thnt covertd by the-Straltglc Arms Umitatlon Talks "ith this country. the SO\·i~ts have been ln- • creasing their expenditures for militar weaoons, enlarging their stockpile r nuclear bombs. increasing the number 1 thf!ir nuclear deli very systems an building perhaps lht' largest navy !ti Y.'orld hes seen since the Spanis Armada. The evidence is hen! and indisputabl of an all-out reach by the Soviet Unic tor nuclear slrprriorlly And for ettendln th,..ir military might into all the maj< v.·atrru•ays in the \Vorld. Yet the Ne· Left in America rliscoonts all of this 811 keeps arguing Uiat impro\'ed rel.atior bet"·een the t~-o eotmtries justify hu~ r~uctions in our defense spending. It is doubtful if e\·cn the argumcm and v.·arnings of intellectual! wi.tbin th Soviet Union will ha ve much e.ffect on th dlsannament group in America. BUT IT IS IRONICAL lhat lbe In: libertarians in the Soviet t.Jnioo are tt ones \\'ho finally &re debunking Lhe ro tentlon of the Fulbrights and It PttcCove:ms \vho for years have blam( the "'orld arms race on Americii military strength. They have al"'ars Insist ed lh:it ti Russians reallv '''ant lo ~uce the nrmaments as ·~·ell as tension!, but th: they hin•e harl to keep building the mJlltnry strength becau~ of their rear ' the United States. Ni matters now 11tan.- the So\'\rt Unio11 lw:i1 equaled nn surpassed this coontr)1 In many areas 1 military ~trt.ngth but they Rre pushln ahe•d nt\'tMhelc~s Thi!! Soviet obj~ti\•e IJI now and nlwa~ hos been oot millla.ry pari.1y but con pl cte superiorily over the United St11l and every other country in the worll..,-, , A, • DAILY PILOT ~llOa)', Oc\Obtr 14, 11173 • Cl1ilean Vi sito1·· Delaye d by Revolt By TERRY S. CO\'ILLE " Of tlllt IHllJ' Plltl ll•H O\'erthrown by the armed forces and Allende died. Patricio Valenzuela, a 16- year.old hl,gh school student frorq ~pcion, Qdle, "'•1,a 1ate ~·10 Fountaln Valley thl1 1-.11 . A militari revolution de.laY,ed his trip. Tb.! day Patricio v.·al!l to board • paaaen&"" J•I lo. San· tiagoJ hll'natlon'• OIDM.al, the regime ol Marmt' Prti\dent Salvadore A I le ird e w,a The 1tree1s were filled with anned · · trooJll. so Pitril•il) :r.~~~':1~ nortbJrom Coicepcl°'· to San-~·'•· . ~ . ~ ' L J If this 10t1nd1 lm,oufbll ••• eaM today far th• •Y•.fl!Nnl1111torJ af titNlt M1morlal Holpll1l'1 "rour Flt1lbl1 Pl1n1 ror GIYtnl''. You will be In for 1 pl1111n11urprlset T1l191hoM: . "tr '1fAS' OKA$', for w in Coqe~ tjlal ) ·pn;Uy fJr from !lxi-capllaj,' he _,.. plained. "Bil! 11\ere wo1 f )!!I a:olng on in SanUago.'' ... , STAY,)N(i IN, VAl,.lEY Patricio V1ler11uel1 Patricio doesn't ·say rouch about the military overthrow, e1.cept that most Ouleans tx· · "Iii cleaner be.rt. More pected It. modem and very pretty," he He flnaJly atrivtd I n 11a)'ll. "In-Chile, politic• an: California Sept. 21. Patricio's wriuen on''the walls but th! American family, h1r. and .1. ha Id le ' .... A " htra. William Frank, of 18•12 mi itary s sa c an uicm. Santa Alberta Circle, Fountain He can understand some Valley, wu alert~ two days English, but doesn't speak before his arriv~l through 11 much yet. h\os t com· short-wave radio telephone munlcation goes U1rough Mrs. message. The youth's father. a F k dalry farmer, is also a ham ran · radio operator and he radioed "That's the beauty ~f three ano ther ham in California who semesters In Spanish a t tied Q:lncepclon to Fountain C:olden \\'est College,'' she Valley by telephone. quips. Patricio now enrolled as a The Franks have t w o senior ai Fountain Valley daughters, Laur~. 13 i:a.nd High hasn't had much time to Leslie, lt. In Chile, Patricio coll~t hls thoughts on the U.S. h.as four brothei:s and thrtt His i mpre~ions of Orange sisters. ranging 1n age frotn County are still sketchy. 9 to 19. Murder Acquittal Assailed by Judge SAN FRANCISCO !AP ) -A Superior Court judge has cri· ticlzed a jury's acquittal or a man charged with tnurder, saying he is convinced the de-- fendant is "a menaei! and a danger to society." of the defendant, I am oonvin· ced he is_a menace and a dan- ger to society. '"11\ls is a verdict that the Jury will have to live with," he said. (71•) 645·8600 The jury of nine women and three nien deliberated eight hours before rinding Ray Head- speU1 innocent or murder In the shooting death of grocer Jon 'farilntino. Afterwards, one juror told newsmen: "Wt! definitely felt the prosecution didn't show us anything. I think we did the only thing we could do ." -106 A•k for TIMtm•• s1.c111111.,. HOAG MEMORIA L HOSPITAL N•wporl l tfth, CA ~1611J 3011 Newport loult v••d "I an1 sure the jury belle\'es it did the right thing." Judge Oonalci B. Constine told !he panel Thursd ay. •'Bui based on !he <'Vidence and background Tarantino. 30. a \\'Orld cham· pion Oycaster and member of an old Sau Franc isco family. was found dcnd outside his of- nce last June IL He had been shot once in the forehc11d. ' • • • r ' ' • COMPLETE DINNERS INCLUDE • SOUP or SALAD • POTATOES and VEGETABLE ICE CREAM or SHERBET • COFFEE , TEA or MI LK SUNDAY & MONDAY FISH and CHIPS SAUTEED CORBINA MEUNIERE SEAFOOD CREPES MORNAY Rice THURSDAY SEAFOOD NEWBURG Rice SAUTEED RED SNAPPER Tartar Sauce LINGUINI White Clam Sauce TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY SEAFOOD CREOLE wilh RICE GRILLED OCEAN CATFISH Tartar Sauce SPAGHETTI MARINARA with BAY SHRIMP BAY SHRIMP COCKTAIL 111 DOZ. CHERRYSTONE CLAMS 01 11~ DOZ. OYSTERS on !he HALF SHELL JUST $1.00 THE COCKTAIL HOUR 4 to 7 P.M. MONDA Y thru FRIDAY DOUBLE SIZE Sl .00 (House Drar.ds only) YOUR CHOICE S31!!L!'S PORTION $2.25 hungry tiger RESTAURANT ANO SAN TA ANA 1141 WEST SUNFLOW ER 1714 ) 979·1111 S EA F OOD DYITlA BA A NEWPO RT BEACH 353 E. PACIFIC COAST HWY. 1714) 673 ·5534 . ' .. '• " ' ' Chaking on Steak Frequent Cause of Death ,·- Rbll up 20%savings on rolls, and rolls of shags and plushes. One weel<only. • Sale 7~~. Reg. 1.99 sq. yd. Virgin nylon sh ag pile wi!h tulled constructlon and heat set pit• in sure long wear. Many colors to ch006t fron1. 12' width. Style 6150. Sale 7.~~- Reg. 8.99 sq. yd. V1191n nylon sculplured in a tracery design. 11 solid colors lo choose from. Style i500 • • • ' . Sale ar~d. Reg. 10.99 sci . yd. DuPont't nylon shag has heat 1et pile so your rug reslst!i pilling or fuzzing. Style 7000. Sale 72~. A11g. 9.99. This DuPont• nylon broad- loom has the density ol 1 plu1h but looke and feels like a tow pile shag. Styli 7200. Sale ar~ .. - Reg. 10.99. Sculptured nylon broadlO'O"' has heat twisted pile !or long wi1r. Choose from 15 different colors. S\yle 7330. Sale pricff etfecllve through Seturday. s2l .. 9. R90m-size shags from our Remriant Room. Gr1at buys on broadloom shegs. We're giving you the opportunity to inexpensively cover any room In your hom~ with luxurious shag pile carpeting, cut to three different sizes. Yards and yards of carpeting have been 1old to b1ing you these choice remnants. 9' x 12', $55. 12' )( 15', $99. JCPenney ' 1 We know what .you're looking for. 'I. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at the following sto'res: FASHION ISLAND , Newport BHch (7 14) 6+1-2313, HUNTINGTON CENTER, Hunti ng ton Beoch (71 4) 892-7771 . ' - + • , I . 'I J I I ' ' I ' ! , 'l l I ! ~ ' '• ' ' ' l t ' ' I ' • • • ' ~ l f; I I Dl~ Of 1 I wu11 .. 1u MCltOOI Hodlltl. Sllllt5. J HurtaOo. Lt•tl'I. I Tllltm .. Gedwln. Chrl1I Debl'ldl ICnl~hl, "'""' JOMI•\ , ... _ """''el' 111111¥, t Wiii•.., l i.tM•ll'I' -Srt lllH Mal'llNI P'ln!ltl', ... rlM ...... D'SU .. .-itli.• ··~ •• Gull J .... . , ·~' Slrtf THI. ·-~' ' For the Record . Dissolutln• .. Of Marria ge Sund<!, Oct• 14. 1'17~ DAILY PILOT A 9 ' • Fant1r11 ClrC!Ua "• Bii Ke ... e "You must eat o lot of peanut butter and jeUy Grandma, 'cause you always hove plenty of it whtn we come." Regional Park Passes. '-'V.J"°,, \.Go oil Sale·for $10 ... •• .. SANTA iNA -Day use'. ;.--------.. County Gets $3_.35 Millwn in Federal Paets ... 0. c. lllJITINQS -)f ...... "" lttfl Federol ..-Ies h I Te awarded .,..,,11 and cootrletl . -the ~ nam• of the meat.I. In dtrt 1bove cues, tbat would be "rib eye 1tcak," "flank 1teU•· and ''heel of round.,, ....._ (Jl..Randlo Santa Fe) bu OHuthorld a bill that W04lld give Calilomla whot be cal!J Ill "~r 1 llrtW aays be'• ho9il\ll be ca win endonement of 1 mofe io require markets to dtop the con!Uo~ ....... which are ouljp'Owths o/ tnde • l<>talllni '3.3$ million to .._, and replace them with various Clranle .CGWlty firms • CONGna.t.N Clair W . rt lodenl ~way trust Burgener 11ys Cltlro poy more than *l mllllon lnto the ftmd tteh yeJr ln their taxes and only gel back ft-00 million to use oo aolu· Uons ot transportation aM highway pollution problems. and orpnhallolll; accordln& 1<> ~ Aoomr Hinshaw (R·Newport Beach ). 'Jbe; lara:qst slnale contract WU l\Vlrded to Steve R.adOI Inc, of Santa Ana for con· struclion of a $3 million sanitary and industrial w1.ste installation at the Marine Corps supply center Barstow. The Oilldren's Men ta 1 Health Center of the People'• clinic in Santa Ana received $160.000 from the Mental Health Administration and McGahey Co. ol Orange got 69,000 from the Department ol the Interior for wwt ao Pueblo Dam In Colorodo. General Automation Corp. Anlbtlnt bu been given a ltl9,llOO pact from tile Federal Aviation AdminLstraUon design a data proceSllDf ·111~ tern 1 • ~ • *' .. . ABSEMllLYMAN Jobn. V. IAWl·l·IAT'I fllDUS "HUNSK EEPH CARE PROIRAI '" _ ..... _ _ ... I WflllOOIJCl'OllT Of",111 ·:.'T.:'-:=--:~"::.-·~ . ., $24§ •Po•0<A0<olit11 3~c ·~ .. ·:::..-.. __ ·=-. .-... miu1i. ·==· . .-.. -·--+~--' .... ---·=·-·r:...-::=. . :r: •hollMifl ... !2: ... ·--·:::::e--.. • • ,,_ l0111"11 -·--. ••------·-·.--••u....,.. .. ,1'111.f-... -....- PROVEN ON OVER A MIUION LAWNS COAST TO COAST COl''f'•leNT (C) lt71. UIWN·A-MAT CHEMICAL a IQUIPMINT C:O•P, tawn·a·mariid&\ ~eeper fot Amlrlca'1M1Mowrw.• Fo•. FREE LAWN ANALYSIS wiffloul otoUg1!ko<\ c1ll your ntlthborlloOd "~•-A-Mii Man" ACT NOW! parking ~· lot Orange Col:!nty rec.iOnat parts. a r e' now on sale {Of!' $10, Su-· pervisor Ronald W. Caspers bas announced. Briggs (RZFu11ertoil) hU,me{lt on his mind and says he'll J<ldteu ljle ... uer o1 the c<in- \ Mang meat namC! In his legislative packa'ge for 1974. • The armual ""'°' offir a •vjlll for freqtient u 'J' u • <Wrt Ibo dally SO.Ce. t cllari• al Inland JllrU arid $1 at 1*'bot and b e a c b faclllUM. \. 1 The.""""' ... ~ al the ~· f:u;~l'eet!>' erly In lllnla OAna .~ • Irvine, I.agwia Niguel, Ma· son, Mlle Square and O'Neill. The pas&eS -are also honored at Dana Point Har- bor and Niiuel B e a c h Park. Cupe111 said parl<ing ,.., are charged because the su- pervisors believe that users ot the faeilllies should pay a greater share of lhelr ope.rating co.st than tupay- ero. The passes are for the ·• .. ORANGE COUNTY frequent visitor, often people close by who visit for only a few minutes at a llme. Passes can be ordered by oontacUng the H arbo r s, Beaches and Parks District, 1901 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. R eitano Loses P lea For Bail R educt jon Names like "beauty steak," "jiffy steak" and "horseshow roast" will be .._., the tarpts of the Orange County legislator'• efforts in the .IJlembly Committee Agriculturt. .. CALL, ANYTIME 556-1424 Our semi-annual clearance. ~Today's biggest fabrics ! are our best buys., . . , •• Now 66:.. Ori9. sa· t• 1.31. o r,. weigh! fabrict in cotton blends. Just ti11ht fall colors to get y0411oing""on v~r1•11.&•w1ng. • .. ' --.. - ' 8<1,NTA ANA -A plea by .be'.ii ileltano. 60, of Costa . 11le!; for a reduction ol 1he '~,oop b!ll,thtl ia hold!"!! him In <Xange ' County Jail on charges of child.moiestlng has beett ~ d;eoied in Superior version, : ~ and, leW~ l acts with children .,pnder t•. He pleaded illqociof to 18 !el· ony coontl. Now 88 ~ •.. Orig, 1 ;29 to 1.98. Spprtawe•r fabrics in cotton~ cotton tltlnda. Gr••t loo\ine t•btie. for flll MWIOG .• court.< •• ' f Judge James Turner re- jecled Reltanos' motion but agreed to order special med- ical attention fer an undis- closed allmenl The judge also scheduled a trial date of Nov. 19. Reitano ·was indicted by the Grand Jury after being accus- ed or multiple acts of sex pct· Lagunan Edits lt is alleged that Reitano, 1845 Anaheim Aft., ""'°""" ted sexUal · offenses f qajMt four Costa Mesa C;blfdren. They are identified as two 11· year-old girls, 1 10.year-old girl and her 8-year-old broth· er. Data qtanges Cost $65,000 SA.NT A ANA -The expend· iture of $65.000 to mate mod· Jficalions for th e installation of Univac ccm p11ter equipment in the Orange Counly Data Service Department has been ANAHEIM -Law student approved. by the Board of om Greet\ of Laguna Beach Supervisors. has been QB.med editor of The fundJ will come from "Law Review," an annual pul:r the county's reserve funds and llcallon of the Western State from the Hall of Adrninistra· Now 2 ~l . Orll· 3.18 to I .II . Polyester b1'tl in plein IOlid colorl ar f1ncy Plft•rnl. Assorted fan oolon to brighten your wardroti. from top to bottom. Fashion fabric specials. . Special 55e yd. Cotton flannel prints. 35-36" wid•. Machine washable. Po pular fall 1abric. Flannel Shi rts are in style. Special 222 yd. ,1 Univeratty College of Lew tlon acoount. here. •-~~~~~~~-I Ttx!U~-polyetler-lmltL Choose from solld color crepes. jacquards and pltln atrtches. All &rl'. Good Deed Holding note and comment ~Ignments under Greee ate David l!Atfleld ol Ba-15' land and Macy Fay of Ir- vine. Bustnw Manager Ray PltLs and his assistant, Keva· leen Briatow, are both from Huntlnit<e Beach. :.;.-......... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ................... 1 . . . ' ... - BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEON 95c, $1.25, $1.65 FRI. SPECIAL: Homemade T aoo, Boe! Enohilada, Rice, Beans. Plus Plus CUNl'S SUPll MAGGI E $1.19 • • HAPPY HQURS • W ~.M. WILL DRI Nl(S SO• • • Specl1l1 To Clubs & • Parties B1nquett/C1t1rln9 " •• • And a sale on ' sewing machines to put them together. Save 11 95 A. Rtg. 139.15. Sale $128. The 6'00 model. Everylhing you need to make sewing easr. bu 1\t·in button holer, 3-position neec;lle control. push button reverse, decorative and stretch stitches. Foot control and carrying case included. Sa ve 41 '5 e. Atg. 209.15. SIM $1h. Penneys n'lodel 3"400. 11 stretch, 11 decorative stitches I •t your finger tips. Push bunon reverse 1nd bulll·ln Dutton hollf lore1sy hand ling. Foot contrOI and carry\ng ;Me lnclud&d. JCPenney ,.'<<~· .-··•. ·:·" .. . . -We know what you're looking for, FASHION ISLAND, Ntwport Buch IJ1 4) 644-2313 . HUNTINGTON CENTER , Huntington Beach (714) 892-7771. HARBOR CENTER, Colla Mesa (714) '646·502 1. • • . ' • • • • • • • -.. ' I • . _, •• :I ' -:- -· . • : ,. I t ' A JO DAILY PILOT Sunday, Octobtr 14, 197) • • $tarts today.Our· prices will floor you. 19·~99 Reg. 24.97 Hoover snmnne canister vacuum The all-purPose ~-::~.~\.. lightweight with aelf-·'t.-''t"~. storing tools. (#2017). ~l. i. \ ~~ ·7 ' '\,.·,. ·~ ';;.~f ) ,·-t~ • ; ,"";...' ·~ • • I ·. F i l 19.97 Hoover Handlv1ci!I cleaner for quick pick-ups on bare floors and rugs. Light- weig ht. (::t 2910). 119.97 49.97 99.50 Eureka Eureka Hoover ''power.laam'', "Prlnces1" Olal-A·Matic. as powe rful as ciinister with Converts to an upright, as lift-out tool canister. versatile as a carrier. light· Canister tools canister. Two weight. com · optional, extra. motors. ('!:'~2~0). p~r.1. l.t760A). I: 1136) • City Dr . et Garden Grove Blvd. Open 10·9 p.m. D••IY Sunday 10 to I Beach at Orangethorpe Open 01ily 9:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sund1y 10 lo 7 ORANGE BUENA PARK ~ ,, • ·49.97 Eureka . upright cleaner. 2·posllion dlal-a-nap• rug adjustment. ( # t450A). • 113 '51 789 0 9 ·wontlltf,:..J~~---·-·· ... ··..; ....... _ CH~RGEIJ with your JCPenriey Charge Card~ !f you .don't have a charge, JUSI tee how fps! w,e c'a11 open.lip yqur new account • SANTAANA 3900 So, Bristol · No . ot So:co .. 1 Pllza Open 10·9 p.m. 'Dolly Sllndoy 10 to 1 . • . ' • ' . . ' • • .... • 20% OFF! Full slie, double control. Reg. 21.49 Queen slie, double control. Reg. 26.99 King siie, double control. Reg. 37.99 c.e fll •••• , .aechlne ........ pof).·1111r In 111 D rted prlllta. . 4.79 Twlll.-........ 6.39 Melalllg.7M THIRllAL IUl'ICETI 3 Jiit PotJ1•1r11t111llllll ,.,....,.,..uq•• ...,. I!'• ....... ~ .. --. " ' ~ .• " . .. ' ' r ·- . .. ~:- r-""" -·---· CHARGE IT wilh '°"' JCl'onney Cllll'g1 Cini. tt IOI' dOn 1 have a C:horgO; just ... how fas' we can open upyqurnew ICQ>unt I , 20°k OFF! POLYESTER PILLOWS CHECKED SHEET SALE COnllcl -Ucklng. 2/S4.80~ • ....: 2/$6.40 ::··~ 21sa.oo ~·:·· No-iron potyeater/cotton muslin. Gold, blue. G'""' lilac. Twin ftlt M filled. Rag. 2.98.,., •• 2.38 FuM 1111 °' ifttod. Rag. 3.91 .... ., • 3.18 QulonftltM-Rog.8.48 ..... 5.18 Klng ftlt M lltlld. Rag, 8..48 •••••• 6.78 ·Pin-, llandord. Rag . 2/2.48 , 1.98 Plllowcuo, king size. Rog . 2/3,18 2.54 '• # ... , I ~ ~ . • BUENA PARK -llOl'a1igolllorpo Open Dally 9'311 10 9:30 P'!\ Sinll¥ 10 I0 7 . . . . -ORANGE Cl!y or. II Gonion a-BIYd. oi-n 1~ PA Diiiy Sundays 10 lo I l " • ' Suflda1, Octobtr 14, IW:l DAILY PILOT A J J 1 ' •• Sale prices effective 4 days only. 20%·0FF! PRINTED SHEET SALE N~ron pofyn:ttr/coHon muslin. Twin flit°' titted. Rag. 3.49 •• , , •• 2. 79 Full ftll or ftttod. Rag. 4.49 ....... 3.59 a.-> flit or titted. Rog. 7.49 ..... 5.99 ·iang ftll M flttod. Rog. 9.49 ...... 7 .59 8tond1rd plllowcun.Rog. 2/2.99 2.39 King llzo plllowc11os.Reg. 2/3.79 3.03 SANTA ANA ·3900 So.'BrlSIOI ·No. of So. Coast Plaza 0pon !().9 p.m. Diiiy ~ay 10 10 8 . . . . . . .. .... . .... ' ·. 1 ' ' Alf DAILY PILOT s~ ... October 1•. 1q73 , • l ' ' ' ' ' ' .. , We're topS on · savings. Tops on hous&.&autifi.il ]S YS.. . '°OFF . draperies · and panels Fully lined antique satin draperies. Decorator prints and solids in rayon/ acetate blend. 2" bottom hems. 1" side hems. Comoletelv lined for custom-!ailored look 54 or 84" hlngthl Woven-look draperies. Hand-loomed look is strong, prevents sagging. Blend of cotton! rayon/acetate/polyester. 3" bottom hems. j 8.71 Reg.10.25 50" x 54" Batiste panels. Machin?. washable, no-iron blend of polyester/rayon 3.13 40" x 81 " Reg. 3:69 2.71 40"x54" Reg. S.19 28" to 48• traverse rod s 2.54 Reg 2.99 28" to48" curtain rods 41~ Reg . 49' 123 458 189,.i O ----CHARGE IT at The Treaswy with your JCPen~ Charge Caret . tf you don't have·a charge. justseehowtastwetln " open up YQur nfHI .ccQul)t., ORANGE • City Or. •t Garden Grove Blvd. ·O,.• 10.f , .... Dolly .. ....,.. 10 ... \ • . ( .. ' l r 1. ' .'· •, ., ; •· i 20%0FF table lam,ps · , A..W•90l! whool lomp-32" tall.Antique Olli finish.· Tan shai:ie. " ' 8. Hexagbnil column lamp.35" tall.· Spanish oak fini h. White shade. 16.99 Rag.21~7 Lots of other great traditional-style httnpt in ourselectlo'n. C. Modern 1able l1mp. 36" high. Ch•cker wood design with f ane shade. .'• 14.99 Rag.1&97 Matching accent lamp. 23" high tAt Roa "'" UL listed. SalH 'pricH elftctl•• 4 d1y1 only • • SANTA .·ANA 3900 so. Bristo/ • No. of so. Coast Plate Open '°"' , .... Dolly._,. 10 ... . ' '. . . . • • •• \ '· ... ' •, ' gc ' fr th Ki hl re ju re be tu st or re • W) ck SC .. .;; ar 't st di yt p, •• or re A' ti• ol I • " ' ~ .r Dally ,l"l'!f "IMf W •le~ I(...., TREATMENT f FFE!lED A~ NEW c,tiNIC IN COUNTY ,J,-f! l '; ·, . fr .. . Be~os, e.-.y : .. :,o,.,.I ... ., .~-..., < • ... • ... ~ j . · . ... . ·-. County Doctors Still ·Divided . As Acupunctllre ·Clinic Opens I By .. ,ARLEY , o )reatmenll In tM.~ that tWy can ob. ot -. ~~P•• """ taln aom.e relief · l'iit \~ constant, Acupuncture's critics, comments Dr. debllllaUllj paln or arthritis. Mortoo W. Batte, remind him of those .. Jn mani casq, lt'aJmposslble to give YOU w~ direct~ abuse ~•t Pasteur, Lister relief ot any kind with ~ju.at one or two aild' Salk btfore thale inedJcal pioneers tretitments," GOodmao said. "Some peo.- achieved breakthrough$ tbat have saved pie are so far gone that It takes several mlllimw of lives. sessions with the acupuncturist before we "We make no such claims (Qr this new and they reallr.e that we are indeed form of treatment," be said. ''But we do elimlnallng a Jot ot pain and giving the claim thal we have ·brought relief t.o .. patient much more )>Ower of movement." treatm~nt has .. to be thoroughly in· many thousands of suffertrs to wbom acupuncture reprete.nted their very laR chance.'' Barb and bis staff handle a cumnt dally flow of 25 IUCll 1111tients at bis West Cout Medical Gr<qi's newly <peoed cUnic in Santa Ana. Mid admlnbtrator Hal Goodman beliem that the clinic mey soon be bandlirig 70 a day on the ~s of the. brisk demand achieved in -one week of operati0;0. . , "~Y .Of 1lf~1.new patients told . · ""'all« jJJll one trea~nt that they w.ere upe~peing. i,rie kind. of relier they had_,..been praying for for years,"• Good· man said. "And It should be noted that sqme of them·were sent here by pbysi- cfans .who, frankly, reg'arded us u· a last ~." . · That relief, Coodmah ,said, was ob- tained by the insertion of the fine, care!ully ·placed acupunctw"c needles in the area of lbe .body that the atteoding physician believes might best resJJOnd tO treatment. Many <1f, the patients who fiock to Barke's__ clWc are artbri.Jlcs who are beyond normal medical aid and wbo gladly eilro}.1 for the $$-a-session ·Quad ' BUT TllERE ARE those, Goodman vesUgated and this can best be done in ~. who have reached the point medical schools and universities." wbefe &be centuriff..old Oriental treat-ment ii unable.'° alleviate a deep seated Goodman believes the response of ~· "We can only try," be said. organized medicine to be "y,·hat you Barke and his atatf believe that a might well expect" and believes that a groWlnrnumber or Americari physicians change·in climate is on the y,·ay . are tevi6.1pg their pr'evious hestile at-"Look at China." he said. '"Ch•er there lltude toWard acupuncture and that it they are perfornling open heart surgery may not i6e long be£0re the treatment v.·ith acupuncture as the principal fonn practiced by the Chin~ for more than or anesthesia and the patient actually J,000 yea.nits as familJN" In a doctor's of· views his own surgery for much or the lice ~.a a~ge and stetbOJcqpe .... ~ oper.allon.'' ~ \JJ'l\4t belier Is not ~hiye4 by . ~y . . B.arke believes part or orgnnized Orapge , County phys~~ . and . th~ medicine's antipatby IO\Vard acupunctu re Orange County Medical ~ation has stems f.rom the fact th&J. •·we don 't really not gl.~en ~ approval· to 'B8rke's Santa know why we achieve the resulls we tire Ana clinic. , • ) obtaining right here in Orange County. "Our association would prefer to see "We do know that imertions of the nee· any· development or this treatment car· die. into several key portions of the body ried oot in tJ:ainlng and teaching facilities spark electrical impplses that flow and not in a doctor's office," commented through the body in much the same way Dr. Norman Arnett or Laguna Beach, as blood is pumped through the vessels ," "The California Medical Association he said. shares this view. 0 TBJS ooEs NOT inean t ha t acupuncture might not have some poten- tial," Dr. Arnett said. "But any form of "WE DON'T REALLY knoy,· exactly why relief follows this treatment. apart from the electrical flow, but "·e do know that v.·e have seen patients brought in our • DAILY PILOT SECTION 8 Sunday, October 14, 2q13 clinic in a v.·heelchair walk out on their own 1..-·o feet in \\'hat they fi nnly believed was a miracle." "Insertion oC the needles is perfectly painless." Goodn1an said . "Some people lie on the consulting room table k>oldni; like a pincushion before the treatment is through but they honestly don 't feel a thing," he said. Most or Barke's Santa Ana patients nre seeking re:lief fro1n sonic form o! arthrit is but acupuncture as a treatmen~ is not limited to that disease. he said. "Back and leg problems of all types. nligrainc headaches nnd nervous af· flictions ln general ha\"e responded to lh6 needle treatn1en1," he said. ''And as our knowledge of the treatment gro~·s se sh<ill we extend it to other diseases." BARKE CLAli\IS he obtained "po5itive results" in 86 percent of patients treated at his ~verly Hills and Riverside clinics before tie opened his Santa Ana facility and is •·only too y,•illing" to di!CUSS those results with any skeptical physician. He repeatedly stresses that he wants lo \11ork ,.,.ith Orange County physicians ir. any study or use of acupuncture. S'· -E,scapes· Pqralysis, but She Was Lucky ' " ). ' ENGLE\VOOD, Colo. (AP) -It was a valving automobil,es, mot o.r cy c I es, steel instrument shaped like blunt lee good party. Laughter, good muslc;j good consf.r,l,K!tiOJl work, diving and sport! ac-tongs jnto the boles. From a .rope at.- friends, good Ume&. A few gu)'i w.ere in tivitles and gunshot .wounds. t.aCbed to the top of the tongs, be at-~ Yant do~' back Oips. Prudence The latest statistics on p'aralysis, com· Kunbc\.Jey Rag$1e decided to .try .one. piled in 1971, show that almost 1.5 mi.Won tached a five-pound weight that kept her She ~ on the gra.5! barefoot. Her people in the United States are at least head pulled up ttraigbt, immobile. husba~~i;:cidy, stood on one' side of her, partially paralyzed. T~en he began to relocate the ready to, fiip her 1',nees back when she ... vertebrae in her neck by 'haod .. He gave jumpe:GJP. lbe .jir~ "All you. .hav~ 1o 'n1E REPORT, written by the N.alioruil . . . .. reme~ ~ (8 ~w ymJr he~~ bac~." ~ tenter ~for ~th Statistics 'wit.bin '!he .her. ao _ lllJeCtion tO' relax tbe muscles, he salQ.(!. ~t.. .. . . .... "&e.~t l<!l. Jle'!jlti..fol!t#.Uon lotl 'AL~ genUf,.C\'~Ol!I'~ undet·ber But P-.'~ Sb umned ;nii!,, W.li!!t!ll ~ D<ll'tlff . tM~'*1 ~il~ .:.:f"'•''end pulled her beilf ilack. Tiie tuck!'f baLI>!ail~ HS ilar.P~lc•« people wftli no feehng or •ertebra< snapped il)to place: ~. stralll}L up in~a . She r~1 . . , ~~a.ii\kol' ~,_!fJI ~ Prudeoce was awake, bq\ sH.,,~:it ;~th:r~ :~~~:~ • : · ~~~~·OC:O~~-~.,r~ : frightened, "I was ·too ~.~t to 1 • ~ ' 1 It \ · qua4tjP)litcs. • .,... !!· ' ~' know w,hat was hap~g, 'lhe pld. HEij ·'fti~. lhought sbe..had>U>eJ 01Elhe ·ev1niJl(«>f • 26,,a?rue ay, When the ambulance brought Prudence ~ ~keel oul of her. But ~;~a · J>rUden(:~ ~aptale a "(l\lad." · to the hospital, Dr.· Ca!le salt! ttieJgave I ' ,. ·1 ,.~ ...... p I doctor, knew 'bet\er. And t lae st8rted t The ,aml>Ulipce arrl\'ed-.at the hospftal 999-1 odds she woi.dd,~Ver walk again. s~~· '1Whit have 1 d~· to my t arouni' 9:30 p.m. Te~'"~tarted Joo~ing Thirty ~inutes later, the JnCedure wife1 }Vhllt have lt~e to my'•wlfe?"', rof someorie be kiiew;,,H~ bad 'been in· fin ished, the odds were less. LECl'.'IXIRCISES HELP PUT PARALYSIS VICTIM BACK ON HER FEET " 1 Fl,Ud9,,ce JUgadile Assisted by Ther• plst 1t Color1do Rehabilitation Hospit1I . -~·t:.~ 1 .J • ', • t.erviewed ·there th~moming for an Outside the emergency room. her ,A,.1'TE1t .~lµNG'.fcir someone to cal orthopedic residency. \tithin 15 minute!, friends~trom the W!Y gathered. Teddy ... an ambulance'. he er.uni~ hir. 11tsaid, the doctor who inter\.iewed him ap-pra,yed:· "Dear God, 1 koow you haven't 'Do you feel thl1? Do yoti fetl lflls?. And ~&(I · heard from me in a Jong time, but please going to be paralyzed?" AU he could oMwer honestly was, "We· don't know, I don't think so, but we'll.haveito wait and see." she said yes. But when I plnched bet, she X·tay1 showed Prudf;nce had sevet:ely help." didn't ~ay ouch." . di!Joiattd her neck. All the ligaments Prudence Kin1berley Ragsdale, a 27· that 1tioJd tbe neck vertebrae together year-old medical secretary f r o m were torn. Portland. Ore., was paralyzed from the But the doctor realized her spinal cord neck dow~ , W&S "¥' s,wered. Prudence had alight lier doctor. Terry V. Carle, says she is movement in her right leg. . one of almost .10.000 ~cans .who. sur-1 • -:1._,__ ,,.·', fer spinal ccrd injW1.es -~ch year. • .... JIE _Dai.pED,nol ti\ operate. Afte_r,.J~ Almost 60 rperctnt o(~.l~!!4' cord f>S· Jccting a l~I anesthetic into her ~. tients he sees are n1en'Q!W~n the agfs "he drilled a.,\hole:one.quarter of an tnch of 20 and 30, •victims o? 'aceidenti ·in-deep-above each ear. Then he placed a '• .,. ' ! At··Your Ser;vi:ce I Got a problem? T.htn write Pat Dun1'l. Pat u>IU cut 1td tape, get the an1wers and llCtfon UO" need to soloe ineqii:iiies iu government and busineis .. Mau VoW ' I fl~l«ons to Pat Dfnti(At xour Service, 01an11e c;Ocuf ' ~ 'DO:ily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa life.!a, Ca. 92626. l1'-'""' elude your tcLeplio!le number. The cohtmfl appeari O"JI Sundai;a, \Vednesc:Oi.u1 .and Fridaus. I ~ ' DEAR PAT : .1 heard about a Van Nu,ys. group called Neili'otics Anony· mous. It works along ~same lines a.s AJcobolicS Anonymous, with first.ha.me- only members admitting they have'neuroses,.talking about their problems and group members trying to belp one anOUrer. I'd be Interested In learning If there is such a group in~ County. T. S., La .... Beach You can coataet tbe ora.age O>tlnty Neurotlca Ailoaymoua erganllation by pboninl IS3-!Nt or U1J•11. Meetb:lp are beld at I p.m. Moaclay and 'J'bunda)'1 at tbf! Hart Park Clubbob1e; 100 s: Glas&eU SL, Oruie. " ' Depo•lt Paid, But No ()JICho1 _' · _ • > . ,,. ,. .. ... . DEAR PAT: After agreeing to an '83 t!timate J~ reupho1'tering a'"abtif from E & E Upholsterers In C..ID Mesi..I lirote a check fl>r the reqlltsted l50 deposit . Thfs was on Sept. 7 and the clll& was sup~ to be.returned ta)ne in a week, according to tenna writteo oo the l>a~·.or tbl llrmt11btlsioess card. After calling many Umcs and not ~irrl ~. m1son ,went to lhd"IMp and II appears to be deserted. It's <lil!i<plt fer mo I• get arOwld. on my own. Afy theck h3s: beeo cashed and I'd ~e IO kHOw what 10 do nel\. • K. C., Costa Mesa, I couldn't contact tbe ftrm tltber. lltlpCM$lr Jobi Stone~ posta Met• Pollce Department, advtsn yeo to call tsu.I aid re~ ,&Ilk 1llulloft. 1r 1,0Q wt1h to flle u tffkl•I complaftl,>peltct otncer wD1 ieome to yoar-b0me1 eb- tall lhe aect111ry lnformatioD 1ad'"lnlll1te aa lavestlptlon. TIM!11 Are ReprlftU OEAR PAT: Could )'OU ftnd oot where the Franciscan Room Re11aur1nt obtalnod all the old photoSl'llpiul ahd documents that decorate the walls? The PRUDENCE WAS placed on a Stryker frame, a steel and canvas stretcher Jhaped like an ironing board with seat belts that can be fiipped upside doWn to keep the patient from dcvelQping bed sores. Sh~ lay on a ~·hlte sheepskin wtth '.pillows P..f'Opped under Ifie wessup.: 'points-.Jl~. knee!; hlP,S. sholil~er~: But by the second day, Prudence could move her right leg and one toe of her left foot. But before they could get excited, the movement in her foot stopped. Her left l)and seemed to get worse. \Vhat lit· Ue pain and temperature seNaliol,l sbe .jlad In her ,rjg~( side ~appeared. • Nothing In her body .seemed to work. Tli'1dy stay,.! with her all U... first night. 'Prudel\ce kept.asking him, "Am' I She had tubes in her DO!e, arms" and bladder. She kept throwing up. .. olctures o( the Mission and early .. San Juan Capistr~ streets and residents IQ9k authentic. Are tbey the original! or reprints? P. B., Saa Jua Capistrano Tbe pholos and docume1ts ~e sepia-toned npr:lnta of orlginall, accord.lag to ,owaer-mana1er Joan Gerhardt. They were m1de wltb pennlstlion of tbe Su ~11an Historical Society. Wa9on•. Roll for Vacatlo11er• pEAR PAT: One of our kids as.ked if it was poSsible lo take a covered wagon tJip ~ a,, vatation. Now lbe Vlhole family is turned on by the idea. Are ·there ~-\rips available? · .•, W. L., Costa ~tesa , Two oulfllloh m 1tlll ~!lag ID America. Wq;on Ho, • B. Main SL, Q,~Dkr, Kan. tisst, takes lta . 111'1111 of Wse .,. nude-drawn pr1lr}e tdllo1ten over .UU vlllWe vehkle nts ail tbe old Smtty IDU ·Trd'ierOla KaUM for four days ud lbr,. alp& for 'Ill ,.,. adalls, 1111 for -.,..,, IUI for Ille lint cbUd -· U · ud flt ........ addl&aat clllld. W-W-. AllOn, Wyo. 13111, offe,. tlm8lt Qpeclltiou beadbag eut of ...) Cffar CitJ. ir, Evalnte:, UtU, pd Riv· 7 ertoa or Jatbotl, Wye. The cost of a 11 • ...sa,y, ,_ algbl trtp Is ltli for od•ll• end '™for "'11......, oder II. Whit MintUa Envelope1? D~ PAT: he 1i3ed the tenn "manila en•elo~" for rears. Suddenly ,• I ,WQndered, wbtfe the tenn umanila'' ~e from and why it is used in con .. JuncUO. \vilh enV<lopes. P. 0.1 Costa ~ftll ne strong fllllll: used lo ma.le Mwnil_.__envelOI* and Wrlpplla paper la ~tuna llemp, wtrlcll comes tr.ID tile Ju.~ of a nlHpplle banana plul. Tbe bea1na pint's prOper 1111111 11 "_., .. , bot H1 'fiber pndlld, alse used to produce repe and fabric, Is always mJltd M1..11U1 bemp. It"''' aamed after tbe PlaWppbte bl&Dcb' largnt clt1. ; Ski f'abrlU on Orier • DEAR PAT: t would like to make aome ski tlothtt but hove been un- succeuful In locating any wa:tel'}W'OOf fabric. I've taUed almost all tilt stores Jn Orange C.W.ly and need aome. help st t~1' point. l\t. D., Laguna Nlptl 811)' the Y1rd l1brlc lbop la El Toro will bave 1kl ck11be1 material In two • On the fourth day of the hospital stay, Prudesace and Teddy celebrated lheir wedding anniversary -four years. "We tried ~to make a joke of it," Teddy said. "That 111adc it easier." After six. days. Prudence was moved to the Craig Rehabilitation Hospital in Englewood, Colo., a suburb of Denver. In the distance, the snow·patched Rocky ?\1ountains stretched as far as the eye oould .... Blfr PRUDENCE couldn't see them . Her vie\v was limited to a small squnre or white plaster ceiling when she was Of\ her back -the speckled linoleum floor when she was on her stomach. Every two hou rs she was turned. ''I learned to recognize the doctors by their pants and shoes." she said. "the nurses by their voices.'' •·Lots of limes I told Teddy. I'd just as soon be dead. I \\'SS scared all the tin1e - of the Stryker. that they'd drop me when I \l'aS being turned. of being alone. of being helpless. or being paralyzed {See PRUDEI'iCE, Page 83) weeks. QuUted or plain water...epellent nylon fabric is being ordered. Call Jean Olson al l»to5% H yo11 wish to order particular colors. • Tlie Ml11ln9 Lh1e DEAR PAT: Ever since "AU in the Family" began, I've tried to under· Stand what the next to the last line or the song is that Archie and Edith sing at tbe begirming ol each show. I've asked everyone I know and they can,'t understand it either. It's driving me mad. i\I . O .• San Clemente Relnx.. This Is the llae, "Gte, our old LaSalle ran great ... those were lht days." l 'or So1aerf~ro11t Lovers DEAl-t PAT: i\ly \'Cgetable garden 's cabbage is so bountirol that l'\'C run out of ne'v \l'ays to prepare it for my family. I do ren1cmber 00,,. good my j(randmolhcr's homemade sauerkraut "'as, and l\•e looked erelj•\rhere for a recipe, but can't find one . Cnn yoo·~ G. R., Fountnla. Valley You'll need 2.i cups (5 pounds of finely shredded cabbage and J\1 teaspoons of pickling salt to make 7 plnU of sauerkraut. Sprinkle sail O\'tr cabbage; mix thoroughly and iet stand 30 to 60 minutes lo ~·llt slightly. Pack firmly Into pint canning jars, leaving llh to 2 Inches beadspace. Fill ..-1th cold water, eoYerlng cabbage and leaving ~ Inch hesdspace. Put lld oa tightly. Place jars on a pan as the brine may overnow during fermentation . Keep cabbage cov· ered with brine made by dissolving J 1,z tablespoons pickling salt ln 1 quart water. Sautrkraut is cured and ready to use ln 8 to 8 \\'eeks, wltb tbe flavor sharpened by longer fermentaUoa. Separate canning Instructions are being malled to )'tU. Hotel Refund So119ht DEAH PAT. A friend ol mine in llhodesia made. and ~id for. a reser- \'ation at Disneyland llotel, Anaheim, last ri.larch for ri.lay 10. \\'hen \\'e invited her and her busband lo stay "'ilh us, \\'C phoned U1c hotel filr in advance and cancelled the reservation, asking that the refund check be nlailcd to my friend at our addrt'S'.3. The clerk agreed to Ibis. No"" 1non1hs later. my friend \\Tole that she never received 1 refund from her travel agent in Hhodesia and 1 know it \\'asn 't malled here. Unrortunately. lhe ·\\·oman 1\TOIC to lhc hotel and sent her receipt. instead ol a copy, so she has no furth er proof. Perhaps rou: can belp her. ~I. K .. llunUngton Beacb Disneyland llotel "·11ols )llUr frlt nd to mall 'R copy of !ht fron t and back of the chetk "'Ith which sht paid for tb, t:anctlltd re.str''"lkln. ll ca1b ,. .• , in,~lved, )'OU should pbone Vlr1lnla Jone1 ($34..1171 ), advanced dtposllJ man· 1tger. at tbe hotel and 1be "'Ill help. The error may have occurred y,:lth the tra,·el age.nt In Rhode1l1 because all refunds on cancelled re.1tr\'Alion1 1ri aulomatlcally sent back to the tra\'el agent in,·olved, accordln1 to the holel. DAILY PILOT • . FATTENING CALVES IS A GAMBLE: HOOF TO HOME COSTS KEEP RISING . :Food 'Prices Won't Go Do.wn· By JOHN BARBOUR (AP) -The American farmer is grin- ning over record crops and record pro- fits. The American housewife ts groaning under the burden or high food prices. In the last yeu the nation has endured both gross and subtle changes in the way it reaps and selll Ila harvest. The price ol basic foods that reach the American table will never be the sa~. y.·e've been in a depression and we've Jost money," a Georgia egg producer say:11. "I've lost a haU-million dollars in !he last three years. People out there can't set>m to reali!e that lhey've been buyi~ eggs for less than production costs." He's making money now. head « beef a week. During the price freeze the number fell to S00,000. That meant there was a stockpile of bee! m the hoof back in the bill& and prairies. "When the range dries up this fall, they've gotta come to town," says me feeder who pays to fatten cattle for market. "Most fellows 'o11bo nm a cow herd aren't equipped to keep them after caU weight·" Gone forever. say the farmers . are the day'S of 2!k:ents-a-pound tilickoo , ~ cents-a-dozen eggs and G9-cents-a-pound hambw'1er. A large chidttn producer, his product flowing across the nation, says: "We lost S9 million two years ago. But we made lt back this year." O\'erlaylng this year's market ha\'e been government policies that both farmer and housewife have found un- equal. and~r ineffective. Poultry tanners cut nocks and cat- Uemen kept thelr herds f.rcrn market. SURE ENOUGH, y.•hen the price freeze ended, chicken and egg producers began rebuilding their flocks : beef poured to the market. Prices went down, at least somewhat. But only temporarily. GONE WITH STEADILY rising de- mand for U.S. feed and food grains abroad. Gone with farm subsidies that some experts contend realty !Ubsldlzed the COil.Rimer, not the farmer. Gooe with the devaluation Of the dollar which makes U.S. fann products cheaper and, in some cases, a bargain for other COlttltries. IN 1171 mE United States had the large!t laying nock Jn lts history. over 307 millioo hens. But by August 1973, the flock had been cut to about 281 mlllioo birds, simply by not replacing herll taken out of productloo. 11 was the smallest noc:1: since i111. Most experts say that as the market evens out, as short-term 1,oversupply clears up, prices will go back ap again. Higher prices. lnevitably. Calves ln the feed lots now will come out ot the pack- ing houses o>sting at least 90 cent,, a pound, bcne and all. Tbe curreM glut of beef l'lampeding to market has to force the price of other meat animals -ho(s, calves and ctUcken -down as wen, but only tem- porarily. Jn the ebb and flow ol supply and de- mand, it ls a seller's market. And the farmtT is detennlned to ketp it that way. Floc:l:s were cut by 2 million birds in the fint seven months of th1I year I and that means an aMual deficit ot over 4YI billion eggs. "We've had t b re e years that Normally the nation slaughlen IMI0,000 'Ibe high cost of feed grains m u s t Good Deed She Helps School Get Media Center 'Mlere is a well -Y.'Om path between Rena Bruneau's Costa 1'1esa home and College Park Elementary School . For the past eight years she has been going to the school every day lo help the school organize Its first media center and library, spending up to 40 hours a \ree k wilhout pay. "She often ~·ould take \\'Ork home v:ith her .'' said Larry Alford, principal. The \vork began \vhen ~!rs. Bruneau had children at the school and was Ubrary chairman for the PTA. She and others had dreamed of a media center and they "just started working," Mrs. Bruneau said. "No one ffillly knew what v.·as happening." \\'hat v.·as happening was the building of a fine media center. to be opened in a few week.<11 for use by all the students and teachers at the school. Vohmteers are needed at each shoot, ~!rs. Brueau strl'Ssed. RENA BRUNEAU HELPS DeDe BOYD IN MEDIA CENTER Hel11 fo1· \'011 Hiccups'? Try Sugar Hiccups hex almost every bod y at some time or o!her. Drink ing or eating roo much or too fast can trigge r them. So con exctssi\'c smoking. Or just l<l ughin g or sv;allowing air. Hiccups are actua lly spasms in the diaphragm. tha center of ~athing. that cause the \\indpipe 10 shut tight. A fev,r hiccups are funny. A: lot can be scary. A medlc1ll researcher in San Francisco, OOwever. has tested one folk remedy -swallowing a leaspoon of ~ugar -and fou nd It highly effective in stopping hiccups immediately. In controlled studies. Or, Edgar G. Englemnn at the University ot California School of flleC.icine found thn l most persons in good health , y.•ho had not bren hiCTuping more than several hours. got ,1rrin1pr l'l'lirf fron1 one spoonful of sugar -taken ~1ralghr. Dr . Englrn1an also stud ied pa1ients \\'ho had suffered rrom peM1s1ent hiccups for perklds ranging from 18 hour!'I to six \\'N!kS A !ii7.eable number of these persons responded only to rcpt'fllC'd treatmenl!: about a third did not respond at nll ()( this group, m05t were suffering rrnm condlllon'i lhat can s1imulate hiCC\ijl!, such as rneumonia. diabcte5. end !ilroke. ff hiccups persisl for more lhan si~ hours 11t a stretch or keep cropping up, thi!i! cnn be a sign o1 trouble :ind should be checked oul y,·ith a doctor. To rind out more about other probltms rel ated lo breathi n:.t tha t persist and rause trouble, contact the L.1ng A!tSOC.iatioo o( Oranre Cowity. The number is 835-3837. • Yo11 Cata Help Give Patient a Ride Do you have spare time on your hands ? Do you want to do ~omething \~'Orthy,•hile •ith it? Then cRll the Volunteer Bureau of West Orange County at 510-2370. Someone y.·ill noo an appropriate volunteer opportunity for you . The office, located at 11412 Stanlcnt Ave., Garden Gro\·e is open from 10 a.m.. to 3 p.m. "'cekdsys. Some of lhe opportunities include: A stroke petlent in tbe Fountain Valley area could get back to doing some of lhe small things we take for granted if she y.·ere able to keep therapy appointments at the Medical Center. A driver is needed to take her to and from appointments al. JO a.m. every Mooday, Wednesday and Friday. If you are an executive type but cannot give your fu ll!ime to employmenl, the role or \.'OlW!teer ad· n1lnistratlve aide Lo coordinate volunteers in the West Orange County area is available. The position is challenging 11 yoo would be working with the Com- munl!y Re80urces Coordinator and aoclal workers placlni voluntt'!i!rs In many programs nJn by the department. A well baby clinic in downtown Santa Ana at the lleallh Department needs volunteers every Tuesday from 12;30 to 4:30 p.m. Du1ies include checking. weighing. measuri ng, greeting clients and a....,;isting doctors and nurses. The Heart Msoclation ih Santa Ana Is looking for an ac- curate typist lo operate 1he embossing machine one r1l0111lng a \1·eck . Accura cy and an eyen touch are the eu:cntlnls here for a stencil cutting assignment . send the price up again. Fanners are more sophisticated today,. and the ones who survived the last decade are bigger. Smaller, less efficient farm,., have been forced out ol. business. And today's tanner is a keen student fl. the mark.et. Underneath it all there are some sharp economic facts of life, all of them tied to the lU&her carts or grain. Con,tjder: ' A baby chick .costs almost nine cents to hatch. It eats 7 cents •·orth or feed in nine Yo-eeks and dresses out to a broiler weighing 2~~ pounds on the supe.nnarket shelf. Total cost: $1.09. But the price tag at '19 cenls a poond II II.ii. At that price he fanner make.! a healthy profit. rr CosTS $1.95 to raise a laying hen 'Yl'hich will produce 230 eggs in 12 months of sittJng. Pronted, it costs almost 60 cents to produce a dozen top.quality eggs. The supermarket price tag is more than $1 a dozen. The farmer makes a healthy profit. It might cost abOut $70 to raise an acre of wheal At $4 a bushel, assuming a 60- busbel yield Pt" acre, a tanner would gross '240 an acre. The bigger the farm. the bealtble.-the pro/it. Which Shaves . Closer? ChTLstian ~cfence Monitor Service NEW YORK -Which electric lhaver really takes off more beard, a Schick or a Remington? The question already ba.s given rise to a $12 mHllon legal battle, with each o>m- pany a~ng the other of "deceptive" advertising practices. The mullimillion-dollar dispute o•,.er w!me product "sh.aves closest'' also has- focused a sharp spollight on the ad- vertising industry's little-kn0y..n watch- dog group, the National Advertising Re- view Board. Before the end of the month, an NARB panel ls expected to e:ii:amlne the validity of closeness claims set forth in Schick's Fleximatic electric shaver advertising. II Schick cannot substantiate its advertising claims by ·Independent tests It probably will be asked to modify Its ads. The Schick case, which cr:lginated from mmpfalnts filed by several competitors, is a "hot potato," admits the NARB's new chairman , Edwin (Ted) Etherington. "But our job la to examine complatnfs in- volving truth and accuracy ln national advertising and render a judgment. And you don't gain credibility with the public ' . I BEEF MARKET llCOMES A SILLER'$ MARKET •• RALPH GROSS is a Kansai farmer who ra1see wheat and corn aM1takes an occasknal gamble on fattenlrv beef for matket· ln short, he buys ibe calves when they come to the feed lot, and pays their feed bill, then selb them foe slaughter. Consider these figures from Gross' gamble in 1972, and his gamble today. Jn im. 203 calves cost him just under $61 ,000. ln 1973, 201 bead COlit him over SS&,OOI). In lm, the feed lot bill came to about $19,000. In 1973, his feed bill ran almost $23,000. His i~ease in costs from 1972 to .1973 for aboost the same number of cattle ran something over $9,000, not counting in· terest on the money. His break-even cost was (8 cents a pound on the booC, and that \fas the market price ' a.s the freeze ended and more catUe began moving to market. EXPERTS IN the livestock end of by ducking the controvenial ones.'' 'lboUgh the review board tw no legal power to force advertisers to withdraw questionable ads, the record shovt-11 a high degree of compltance with I'-' findings. Etherington says that, of 13 "final determinatioos" made by the NARB since the self-regulalOry program began tv.·o years 11;go. "all have been conformed with by advertlsters·" A far larger number « misleading ads ha\'e been quietly withdrawn or cor- rected as a result of informal negotia- tions with advertisen. Theie are ~ ducted by the board's investigative ann, the Council of Better Busineis Bureaus, under a $1.2 mlllioo grant from lhe advertising industry. The fonner president ot the American Stock Exchange aurlbutea the IUOOl!l8 of. the prof!l'3I!\ to "peer group" ""'91l!'e within the advertising industry as well as the board's pollcy of lull public disclosure of its findlnp, "no matter how embarrassing they may be to a particular advertiser." So far, the NARB has not had to refer ' ' . !': things deciy government contrW. ~ i "We h&ven't had the least idea ot what'• been going on the iq eliht months," Gross says. And Don Fender o1. the Farmland Industries paskln' plant in Garden City, Kan., agrees. "ll s been a very trying year. If I took the end of March witil now, J'd say we've faoed more uncertainties than I've seen in 20 years in the business." There were other influences tendina to push prices up. The government ordered farmers to stop feeding calves d1ethyl stilbesterol, or 0&5, a hormone which helped Ulem fatten sooner. So at the same time that feed grain prices ~ rising, tanners found that they had to add another mooth or feeding time to get catUe to slaughter weight. Alternative hormone treat men l ! haven't worked. During the freeie, some farmers hit It big. One made $9,000 jll!t fauenlng less than 100 head o( cattle. any case to the Federal Trade Com· mission. a last resort In the event a com· pany refuses to withdraw a deceptive ad. In some recent rebukes to advertisers. the board has: e Made Volkswagen withdraw a misleading y.·arra:.ty ad that faUed to in- dicate that other manufacturers' 'Yl'ar· ranties also might have features . that were desirable for consumers. e Got Thomas J. Upton, Inc., to stop saying that its Tabby Tasty dinner! have "72 percent more" of the lw.sic food energy than ill competitors. e Ruled that Block Drug Company, ln promoting a sl~inducing drog, made false and deceptive use of medical study. e Persuaded Ralston-Purina t o eliminate a potentially mialeading dog- food ad in which a soybean product strongly resembled juicy chunks ol red meat. By the same token , the NARB has~ ' ported advertisers oo numerous oc- casloos. but only After carefully checking , into the substantiation behi.lld a con- trover!ial ad. special blow cut and lamp cut with fermodyl conditioner OUR (/UICK SERVICE BLOW CUT, RECULARL y 12.00, IS NOW a.so. OUR FAMOUS L.AMP CUT, A MUST FOR NATURALLY CURLY HAIR, AND A 10.00 VALUE, IS ONLY 6.SO. BOTH CUTS ARE COMPLETE WITH SHAMPOO AND FINE FERMODYL CONDITIONI NG TREATMENt. OUR FULL SEIMCE SALONS ALSO FEATURE THESE SERVIClS: FACIALS, MANICURES, Pt.OICURES lLlrnOl YSIS INOIVIOVA&. EYELASHES FACE ANO &OOY W~ING 8!AU1Y STUDIO, All sra.n IXCll'T MARINA NEWPORT • •1PASHION ISLAND •NEWPORT CENTER, 'OPEN Sunday •LAGUNA HILLS MALL, dosed Sun. Kelley ita Spotlight Liberals W atcl1in·g Revflnping of FBI Cllrt•"'" ldtweel """'ter S.nlkl WASHINGTO -How do you r,eplace i ooo-man in-- stitution? Clarence M. K ey, director of the Feder. I Bureau l)f fnvestigation onl~since July 9, Is finding out. ore him. J, Edgar 1HQOver d ed the FBI with an independence that has become a minor historJcal wonder. In a recent interview Kelley said: "For 40 years the FBI had excellent management based on tbe strengths of one man. Mr. Hoover. f could try to assume his role, but 1 couldn't nu his s~s -the strength 1 will bring, "111 be put into effect through good, fresh managerial and general operalional procedures to sup.. plant the void created by his loss." thi., should be told more wtde- Jy." e Kelley takes essentially the same moral position tn regard to a citizen's responsibility to his com· munlty tbat Mr. Hoover did, although he expre!RS, it less fi•mboyantly. Oo the subject of so-called victimless crime, for example, l<ll"Uey says: "Jn the areas of ., • .JStitu!lon, nareotlcs, gambl· Ing, and pomngraphy, unless continuing attention ·ls given them, based on laws, they could go Into the hands of hoodlums and we would be in real bad shape. Why? Because tPe more sources they have for revenue, the m or e powerful they bc'come. There is no ""ay to bridle activities in these areas without laws. "Nor-do I see.any_social a.d:_ vantage to pornography -it's junk. If I as a citizen don't want people using narcotics or it I don 't' want my children subject to obscenity, I have a right to object. .., S11nday, Octobtr 14, 1973 DAJLV PILOT SAN FRANCISC<> (AP\ He "1d otllet coolers~ Eight o e w neighborhood be at the. Nation.al ~ cultural ~; should be Armory in the Mtllioii' created tn ~ Francisco at a Straight Theatet o0 cost of tl mllllon to $2.5 Street, the Shrlnes:st million, an Art Commission on Geary Boulev~ ~ committee suggested I as t building on Fulton ~~ we<k. Western Addlllonl and tliO d 'Mle proposals, which call for opera house at Th rd and • renovating oJd b u i t d i n g 11 • dell streets ln Ul6 S. ~ theaters, piers and other district. structure&, must be approved •• -----~-"at>: by the . Art Commlssioo and U Ff ELL' clt,y ofl1ciab. Ray Tuliaferro, who headed UPHOLSTER the cultural center committee. -.. '" W• said one or the proposed sites n.. ... Is the old piers at f'ort Mason. 1 t22 H9rlw SW. where thousands of Gls em· C:-t• .... -141""21 barked for Pacific wars. AR E YOU TIRED OR MOODY? UNDER STRESS AND STRAIN? THE RADISON SOUND CENTER hos he lped thousonds of pe,ople to and enjoy life again! Call 548-2452 for Appointment Me1a >· .. . . .... ·. Because Watergate cast a shado\v or suggested PQlitical abuse over the F'BI, kelley won 't be doing !he restruc- turing alone. Looking over his shoulder will be C-OngreSs - both the Senate and the House have set up committees , recently to give oversight to . "TH ERE IS a link between morality and lawlessness. Over 90 percent of the people abide by the laws. l have observed that if a person shows no compunction about breaking one law, it is easy to break others. This may reflect a lawless spirit. People feel bound in today. But if we are going to live together in masses, there must be pro-- cedures to live together." • " D•llY Pilot 51•ff l'llOIO STATE BANNERS HELD HIGH AS YOUNGSTERS STAGE NOMINATING CONVENTION 1770 Orange Ave-Suite B-Costa Open Mon.· Wed.· Fri. the FBI. Thi5 ls How They Pick Student Officers a t Wardlow School, HuntinJ;g~t~o~n~Be~a~c~h:_::_ ___ ~~~~::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ StudentsShow They Can Go The Justice Department. eespecially Deputy Attorney Genera l \Vil l iam D. Ruckleshaus, \Vho h i m s e I f temporarily headed the FBI for 75 days, will be watching . The media, scholars, and civil- liberties groups will keep close tabs on the agency, too. e Despite Watergate. and the negative impression it has given to wiretapping, and allegations that the FBI has been used politically f o r decades by presidents. Kelley says: "I can·t See any relax· ation in the area of national security. In fact. relaxation would be fatal, because there is a continuing challenge here, and information on foreign ac· tivities in this country must be available." Wild Over Politics, Too WHAT THEY SEE over Kelley's shoulders could well be the traditional law-en· forcement goals of the Hoover era sought with freshened managerial methods. For example Kelley lists some of his basic goals: • "I intend to develop the public inuige of the FBI ... The FBI has solved many b.1nk·robbery. extortion, kid· napping, and other cases, and Lawn Grow s Unspoiled, But It's Also Unused By HILARY KA YE Of IM 0.111 Piiot Sl•ll Students frorr. grades four through eight at Wardlow Colorful posters bearing School were getting an honest· states· names bounced up and to.goodness lesson in govern· down on tall sticks. People ment, as their multipurpose cheert'd, whistled and ap-room was transformed into a plauded as their candidates political arena. were nominated. St at cs ' BOB KlSNEf\, eighth grade governors gave long-winded , teacher, or g b n i zed the sugary speeches prefacing political exercise. "It gives the their nominations. kids a chance to . yell and Sound like a political con· ~~~~:m:~ ... sti~ l~~ ;~~~ vention in Miami? \Veil , it was plained. "I've tried to pattern a 1>9\itical convention, but it the convention and election took place ln Huntington afler national government." Beach 's Wardlow School, not Each or the classes chose a Miami. And it was for name lor itself. iri 8ddition to Girl Scoot and CUb Scout uniforms were visi ble among tbe delegations. And one girl in the front row clung to a basketball during the entire convention. Even the press \Vas there. wearing dirty·whitc sun visors clearly marked "PRESS." Perched in one front corner of the convention hall. two eighth \ grade youths, Phil Conte and Mark. Plotkin, shot pictures and observed who w a s nominated. State names reflected the convention a tmos ph ere: Burkartz Bratz, Fuzz. Hippie Doodle Island, McDowell's Mafia. a governor and two delegates. nominating student council Kisner's class is called the BY £RM4 OOMBECK represehtatives. not presidents State of Animals. "I guess it's THE GOVERNOR ()f the r. "" ' AT nd · · ·d ts •· h th 1 ts St.ate Lorldon Sri~ches, a When Mil<e was three he·_ . ' .. a vice pres1 en . ......cause w en e c ass ge Wanted • sariclbox and "· w·/f'S'\ noi>y I tell them, $hat up you yoUllg s111b grade·gU:1. had ap--, ·~ · '" · I " "h 'd I h' · paiently . learned ' well Crom father said. "There goes the aruma s. , e sa1 1 aug mg. ~ P d watclWtg the Miami spec· yard. We'll have kids over END nI ' ence . Each slate sat together at tacles. here day and night and they'll • • the convention, waving state throw sand into the flower banners, bantering good· "The great state of London beds and cats will make a (From Page Bl ) natured1y with neighboring Britches, home ot the famous mess in It and it'll kill the swef," be said. "I know what For" the first two 'veeks~ l states and caucusing like mad Superstars, wishes to cast its grass for Sure " over who to nominate. votes foi; . . . " tHe young · you're g•;•• to say, 'It'll come 'ed te d"I " •·11 d • I d -en s a I y. The atmosphere ,·n the room gove111or ue owe s1~w y an And Mike's mother said, back.'" "It'll come back." For hours, Prudence would resembled a real political con· loudly. The other stales, im· The basketball hoop on the lie on the Stryker and relive vent ion v.rith the noise level patiently awaiting their turn \\1hen Mike was five, he side of the garage attracted · r · t "· bl to to nominate, groaned at the her life. rang111g rom JUS ut:"ara e wanted a jungle gym set with more crowds than the Winter near pandainonium. How ever. theatrics. swings that would take bis Olympics. And a small patch But slowly, one day and one subtle differences could be "The kids may think ifs fun breath away and bars to take of lawn that started out with a muscle at a time, she began noticed between these politi-and games. but they really are him lo the su inmit and his barren spot the size of a to recover. After 2'ii weeks. a cians and the kind that hang learning something for the father said, "Good grief. I've garbage ca11 lid soon grew to 1 · t · M·an · d h laces future" K1'sner sa1'd. therapi'st put an e ectric. -°"--'"--' _u_a_n_su_c _ _:P __ · ____ . _____ . __ _ seen ·those things in back encompass the entire side .. · yards and do you know what yard. Just when it looked like muscle stimulator on the calf they look like? Mud holes in a the new seed might take root, of her left leg. It twitche<I. pasture. Kids digging their the winter came and the sled Within five minutes. she could gym shoes in the ground. It'll runners beat it into ridges and move all but three muscles b:?· kill the grass." Mike's father shook his head And Mike"s mother said, and said, "I never as ked for tween her knee and root. "It'll come back." much in this life ... only a And at that point she began Between breaths when Dad-patch of grass." thinking about recovery. dy was blowing up the plastic And his wife smiled and Then, after almost five swimming pool he warned. said, "It'll come.back." weeks, Prudence began to "You know what they're going The lawn this fall was walk -slowly at first. with to do to this place? They're beautiful. It was green and help, one step at a timel · going to condemn it and use it alive and rolled out 11·ke a ' r · ·1 't I hope you between parallel bars. lt ex·1 or a m1ss1 e s1 e. spot\ge carpet along the drive know what yov.'re doing. \vhere gym shoes had trod hausted her. And every few 1 Wear hair with a sunny disposition. Have a frosting. They'll track water 1 th he steps,shehadtositdown. everywhere and you'll have a · · · 8 ong e garage w re bl·eyeles used to fall and """tors say that although million water fights and you · · · .......... won't be able lo take ()Ut the around the flower beds where she has about 50 percent of garbage without stepping in illtle boys used to dig with her strength back since th!!. ud t k nd h iced tea spoons. . accident occurred. she wiO m up 0 your nee a w en But Mike's father never saw recover almost completely. we take this down we'll have it. He anxiously looked bi!yond She races surgery in the fall, a ~~:C~~y brown lawn on th~ the yard . and asked with a spinal fusion to .insure that the iled catch in '1is voice, "He will vertebrae in her neck worr't1' ,:•ttit come baclt," snf come badt, wofl't he?" slip out again. 1 fl.tike's mother. ,----~·-----------------·When Mike was 12. he 'volunteered hi s yard for a camp-out. As they hoisted the tents and drove in the spikes his father stood at the window and observed, "Why don 't l just put the grass seed out in cereal bowls for the birds and save myself the trouble of spreading it around. . "You know for a fact that those tents and all those big feet are going lo trample down every single blade of grass. don't you? Don't bother to an· JACK &11lt Children's Hoirstyl;ng Solon ~ ... f '.1rr111· ·t. l·1·1·(1. IOtve your . • , , •• str1nn1ng ]Jr< )I }I er11 ! • l•Ytcl COIJlfAllT !Nt, 'ttet lAeUMA CAMT ... 10&1 \jlieUJtA llAClt , O•IJt .... A ......... MOii •• ,Miii • IAf, WE CUSTOM STRIP EACH PllCI TO SUIT YOUR R!P IHISHING HIEDI. ~w1,u11 HO HOT OR.COLD ALKALI, ACID, CAUSTIC DIP TAltKS, NO HUT, LIVI $~1Mt$ OR ABRASIV ES. Ours is special, only 14.88 Reg. 22.50. Letourcolormagic 11dd sunshine to your own pretty color. Con1plele with shampoo and set. all lh1S week, at this special pnce Helene Curtis 'Springhme' Penn including style cut, shampoo, set . '1 0 Sorry, beauty Salons •re eJos~ Sund•y. No appointment necessary. Charge IL JC.Penney HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huolinglon Bea ch 17 14 1 992 .7771 FASHION ISLAND, Ntwpod 8H<h 17141 644 -llll. Sale 20°/o off Diamonds are forever. Our pr.ices are for now 1 Sales 296 Reg . $370 9 diamond en· gagement ring and match· Ing 14K wedding ring. Sales 44 Reg. $55 Men's matching ~ 4K pebble·finlsh wedding band. Sale 5 261 60 Reg. $34517 diamond star· burst cocktail ring In a 14K mounting. Sale 531360 Reg.$395 112 ct. solitaire in a 14K setting. Sale 5 6272 0 Reg . $850. 33 diamond cockta il In a 14K setting, Sale' 100 Reg. $1251 /5 ct. total weight diam ond earrings In 14K s etting. Sales 196 Reg. $245 Men's diamond ring In a 14K mounting. Sales 268 Reg. $33510 diamond wed- ding ring. 112 ct. total weight. Sale '192 Rtg. S240 114 ct. total weight O\ler1ay set in a 14K mounting. JCPenney We know what you're looking for. Sh op Sunday noon to s P.M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beoch 1714) 644-23 I J. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach (714) 892-7771. . " ' ' • • • • I I .. " . .. .. .. .. • ' . PKU:. Rare But Menacing M~Ia.dy I I 81 JO OLSON Of .. o.llY ~I ... 5Ntt chi.Id ls blonde and beautifu l, but ilr appearance i1 deceptive. She appears ln e\"er)' respect. but she is ly mentally rotanled. b ~tall•• of yootho and fts afteded by a cbetnlcal birth a' dellolt in the body's chemical sstt which. cannot be detected by rd appearances. gJrl LI a victim of ~lketoouria, or PKU, and un· tottunately was born too late to be acreened at blrth under lbe 1966 California law which makes such testing i.tory. arch into PKU wu the topic or L. Nelson, 1-fO, professor ol cs at UCI P.Iedical SChool., \Yho during the Much of DI,... com- ~ty leadership conference in the Gife'lhl'ler Inn. Garden Grove. --l:KU wu discovered ln Norway in 1934, 1*i· Nelson said. The sillier oC a chemist, ... . ... •. -· ~· • . .. . . ' . • ~· .; who was the mother ol two retarded chlldrtn. mmtJoned to her brother one ~iii.at her c.t.ildren had a peculiar odor. PECUUAR ACID He found thl1 1 challenge, did anu.lyses oo the dilldten's urine aod found th8t they ~'ere excreting a peculiar acid, which now has been Identified as phenylpyruVic acid. Or. Ntlson P.:MSOO a small nask con· tainlng crystals Qf the acid through the room and the smell was penetraUng even tbroogh the lid. "We u5eCI to det«t Uti! disease by odor, but we seldom see this today." he commented. In the chemical test , acetie acid and rerrie chloride are added to the urine. If the d.i$ease is preaent, the urine turns a deep coloc. 'MM!: Norwegian j:beml!t went \hrougb his country testing children In hospitals for the menially retarded. Dr. Nelson said, and found that many O{ them were victims ol PKU . The next major discovery wu made by a New York doctor. who found lh•t phenylalanine. a -aln part ol the natural proteins, was abnormally high in PKU victims, SPECIAL DIET In. the I~ and 50!, mOll. physicians believed that this blgh level ol protein automatically meant retardation, but this was changed in 1953 when a German ~ tor developed a special dJet defident in phenylalanille for PKU chUdreo: "Of thele test children, development progressed normally," Dr. Nelaon sakl, "Then this artificial diet became available commercially at good prices.•;. The diel. he explained, b an artlllolal protein substitute which is au.ezneoted by 1ow1'C'Olein vegelables aod very lltUe bn!ad. If a child begins it at birth, be can usually go oil it by the age of I . All this while, research bad been done in the testl.ng methods, and Jn the nert major advance was ~ discovery by a N"" y-~. ol a simple '""'quick and ~blood acreeoing test. "Urine S<:nenln.g WU not satisfactory in the first few day1 ol llte," Dr. Ne1900 said. "It showed up at fiYe weeks t0meUme. but thlt was lop late. There was some risk." TESr MANDATORY Now, the new blood test ii mandatory In Calllom!a aod maey other statee. Dr. Nelaoo said tbe te.i. bave lowid, In Calllom!a since 1986~ that one 1n 11,000 babies will have a positive test and one in 21.1,000 will bave "true PKU, the type to produce mental retardation." (Some people have the protein im· balance but 1lo not become retarded, Dr. Nelscio explained.) "The -ol tbe teet ii well justified /' be oald," b&cauoe tbe sa.q,·u ~ a montb which Is Lbe cast al lifetime care. ol a rotarded penoo." PKU victims, be added, can ·uve to be 60 or 70 Y,ean old. lf this disease Is so rare that only one out ci 11,000 Infants bu a positiVe test, why la Jt eo Important to dlscowr? "1'1.1.s ls a recessive type ot mental retardation," Dr. Nelson aaid. ''One per-. ooo In 63 ls a cafTler of PKU. One person In tblJ room Is probably a carrier," Gl\EAT RISK And, tile rill <or PKU mothers Ii great, Dr. Ne1son cautioned. They are in danger ol having a teverely deformed and/or retarded dUI~. "Thia is the problem In counseling. What do we tell these glrls we've treated! The oldest One I've seen i.s now 18 and"bas been oft her diet since the age t:i IZ." Or. Nelson said ll ls very Important !or a PKU victim cooi<mplaUng pregnancy to go back on the diet before ooooeption occun, then stay oo h tbrougb the wbole preglWIC)'. He believes the disease, which is not related to sex or race, originated in the Ncnemen and was spread by them tllrou&b tbe world. The lmlnSWered question, and ooe that ' ' I March o( OQnel fund.I will help ansv.'tr, la why some individuals with !tlgh levels oC phenylalanine do ~ bave ,PKU and Uws do DOI become menlally retarded. AJso speaking was actress Jane Wyatt , the first woman to tie el&oled t<> lhe Na· tiooal Foundation Me.reh ol Dimes board of t.f'U.9tees. I She 881d "It would be wonderlUl to !Ind just one cure for a1 bb'lh defect and all· nounce it during the nation's 1976 an· nlversary celebraUon. '' ·Miss Wyatt alsq. advocated taking prenatal clinics out of hoepitals and plac· 1 ing them in the commtmltles where they will be used, and setUng, up "preeon· • ceptual clinics" where youog girb can learn to eat ~ly and take care of themselves for tDe day when they will conceive and bear children. She also belieres nurses a n d paramedics s~d pl&y a bigger role in the medical piofess!oo and that the Cl?inese philosophy . that a baby is ~nine months or a year old when born should be a &UideJin& for mothers-to-be. Benefits Dress Up Cal~ndar Tuesday, Oct. 30, will be a double-bamled day. The film Jonathan Livingston Seagull "'ll be pre· miered in the Westwood Village Theater;.~at even- ing and the event will be a benefit for lrit.tmational Orphans, Inc., as sponsored by Newport jleach and Los Angeles chapters. Following the 8 p.m. black-tie event, a champagne dinner will be given to the Bev· erly Hilton Hotel. Among celebrities att~nding will be Cary Grant, hferle Oberon and Robi.rt Young, Looking for Jonathan Livingston seagull· are (at left, left to right) the Mmes. ArtbUl' AgaJanian, Wll- liam G. Thrash and Walter Cruttenden. ~low (left to right) Mrs. George Caraway and A1rs. Jeanne Cag· ne)' prepare for Orange County American Cancer Society's Golden Sword Inaugural Ball to take place Saturday, Oct. 27, in the Balboa Bay Club. Honored during the evening will be John \Vayne. for his .. many contributions to the cause of finding a cure for cancer." Dr. Bruce Rhinehart and th~ Society for the Preservation of Big Bands will provide music, A silent auction will be in progress through· out the evening, termin:tting with the intermission. ti A caravan of La gu na Ebell Club members and guests will wend its way along the coast Friday. Nov. 2, to the Balboa Bay Club for the club's 40th annual Ci nderella Ball. Dinner will be served at 8:30 p.m., accord· ing to l\·lrs. R. T. Boswell. chairman. Ball proceeds will enable the club to continue acting as "fairy godmother" to many groups along the coast and throughout the county. Ready for the trek are (below, left to right) ~!rs. Tony PereUj.l\1inetti and ~trs. \Villiam Wittman . Former Wives' Tales Told b EAR ANN LANDERS : Anyone '''ho relds your column can tell you arc still 1~h your orig inal hushand . \\'het you don 't kno1v about second miil'riages. t!X· ;,;:IR\I S. 1on11er \l'i\'CS And stepchildren would fill a library. The advice you gave !hat \\'Ontan \f~sc husband is SL-cing his ex·wife in 1ttt hospital e\.·ery night "'es ridiculous. Jtt5t because lhcir child is sick is no rrpson for her lo gel churnmy, Falling inlo his arms in !he emergency rctim \\'&S an at1en1pt to start things uµ aga in. \\'hy didn 't you tell him so? ~1ost n}fn are pretty dumb about such thin~s. fi1 y hu11band is di\'orced and his ex kefps trying llio.se li11 lc tricks to get hlfll back. Every time there'& a funeral i11: his family she shOws up. dressed in tSla ck. like she's the widow. She cries JQ!,der than anybody and cozies up to my t~band as If they were atlll married. I slick at his side like a 1nusta rd plaster. IJlocft budge an inch. fl •m not sa~·in!!'. ynu are no good al your ~. Ann. \\1ha1 f am saying Is lhJI you dWl 't know an )1lung about rertain prob- 1Ws because you haven't h\·ed lh1'00Ah ~m. -1'\0 lt1\llD f!::ELINl~~ :,, EARN. II, f".: 11 I h11d Uvt.'CS throu~b )IR rht pmhlems 1 tti''e Ad\•I« on I ~\iuld•'\ be In nay "h"~ to \\rilr_ J!?1b1ng. Hut than ks 'or )'ttur lttter. j' EAR ANN LA.'\Dl::RS: ~I) folk..'! h.1~e ii good n1Arrlwgr . hu1 i!'s hl':1d1nl{ lor ~ ouble on llC\."OUnl of whal 1~ happening t door. ty mo1n is o cl~ fr iend 10 oor ghbor. The \\'0tn1Jn '1 husb{1nd is run· ning around \1·tth his lady bookkC<'IX'r and slic is O\'Cr h{'rc brnvlin~ al ll•a:.I l\11cc a d;iy. \\'e art' all sick of the sight of her. Sh~ walks in RI any hour of the day ur nigh!. her eyes like 111·0 burned-out coals. i\lon1 ha s to quiet her do"·n. Ton ighl she can1e ove, in the midd!r of supper. i\!01n got up fron1 lhc 1abte anr! started to take her in the other rooin. Dad suid. "Please havt> your supper and ask Ellen to come bat'k in an hour." !\10111 ans11;cred . ··she needs to lal k to 111c ~0\\1." Dad shouted. ··rm tellint: you to sit do1\'n :ind cat ~·our suw r'." \\'e ll. ~!om go1 up and left the house \\llh [-;lien. lJ;.id was plenty sore. \\fhat should bi' done about this'.' - TllOUBLED WATERS DEAR T.W. ''our n1other 'hnuld tell Elltn lo gl'1 prolr.sslo~I oounscllng uud wtltt<h'1w from the sitauthm. 11'1 adi:nlr11ble t'8t ahe Is 1rytn1 lo help :i frltnd. but BP!l!H't nH~· she Is d11n11.•11.lng hl'r o\.\11 m11rrlage. It's u big ifrtce to pay ror rrtenasnlp. D l~i\R A~N LA~Dl::RS: \Vhy do you ;il\.\ays 111ke the man's s1dr e,iJalnst 1hc \10t1wn! The Hindu phlJQ!OPher i\IP.nu said. "'Mle fRU1er prolects \.\'on1 nn in her <'h11dhood as so1nethlng pr~1ous :ind delicate. ea~ily injured. l'he husband pro. lcC'IS her :1ner 111arriage. The son pro- tet't~ her i11 old a~c. "'oman shou ld not l:e left alont! lo t;i kc care of hersell." Yet yuu 1nuli~hly insist that \~1uite\·er happens lo a girl is her O\.\TI fault. \Vhat about all tho.sc rnen <A'ho are supposed to take care or her? 1r woman received the protcctioo she is entitled to, life would be beautiful. -DRF~AMER DEAR DREAJ\lER: Wake up, hone~·. i\l:Jnu 's c."Onceµt or woman is based on the \VOrltl as It w111s io ltoo BC. U Man11 came back and got a load of some of lhe \\'omen's Llbbers, he'd revise bis lext. CONFIDE~'TIAL ro NEEDI NG HELP FOR A YOUTH \\'HO JS ONLY CRIP· PLED PHYSICALLY : \I/rite to Closer Lo ;:ik, Box 1492, \llashingt.on, D.C. 20013. This splendid organitaUon will send Mftle superb llt~rsturc. They do a Q:rt:at job. Planning a \Yt'lldlng! What's rl&ht! What'~ v.•ron~? Ann l..ander'1 co1npletely ne\\' "The Br id{''s Gui<lc'' \\iU rtlieve your anx1t:·1~ To l'cC\'h•e a copy, ,send a doll:ir l ill. plu3 11 long. self-addrCSlfCd. 11amped cnvclcp! flli c~nts posla£e ! to AM ~ndrrs. P. 0. Box 3348, 222 W, Bank Drive. Chicago, Ill. li00.54. • Sufldiy, October 14, 1973 DAILY PILDT S $ R alities Overtake '60s Revolutionaries ' Seale, once a Dery rebel and built up broad-based sup- with a black bettl and a cold, pct1 groups. \Act vists Noiv Parents , Politicians defiant manner, is subdued, 'Ille Panthers, which have amiable, and carppa.igns Uke shrunk in size to perhaps a Edltor'& te: Lucinda what the revolution falled to atr>t dead by police. system from wilhin instead of an Irish pc.lltlcian. He and hi! few hundred members. are. Franks toOI\ a itter Prize do. For all the metamorphases trying to chip away at it from Black Panther party still community-oriented and nm in 1911 for r report, in Jerry Rubin. co-founder of wxlergooe by the revolu-without. Others have been be I I eve In revolutionary }: ~~:it !:gr::~~ e.ttociation h Tlwma! Abbie Hoffman's youth tlonaries and rad icals of the change, but now .they feel it . lln Power•. on t life and lnternationat Party (Yippie) late 1960s few have given up Ronald Dellums, a young can be achieved only through &nenlla C ics. dtath of "We htrwofn(m" but more serious and polilical their dreams of a new society. black militant who won a con: the ballot box, not from the "We're on the right track Dfana Oughto ! Here, &he thanHoffmaneverwas,lsinto It's 'only the methods that gresslonal electkln in the gWl barrel. Scale made the now," Seale said in an in- rtf)Orts on the rrent actttr bloenergetics. For Rubin , who have chanl:ed, the visions Berkeley-Oakland district in rounds of the smoky barrooms ·lerview. "I don't believe in the ftit1 of aome the young often lies 00 a bed and kicks slightly altered. California in 1970 and was and !lhopPing .plazas, and concept or dropping out of the revolutiu11af1es f the 1960s. furiously to release blocked re-elected in 197'l, and Paul traveled about in a motorcade system. If people ~-ant change I BOBBY SEALE is among So g I i n , a twice-arrested during his campaign f o r via the electoral process, we·n By WCINDA FRANKS energy, revolutionary ..socia the scattered but growing radical at the University of Oakland mayor. Although he be there. If geople want more politics is secondary to body nwnber ol r&dlcals who bave Wtsoonsln who was elected lost lbe race, he put himsel f concrete programs, t h a t ' s RAN FOR MA YO NEW YORK (U l) -There politics; be feels now that an undertaken to change the mayor of Madison last year. squarely in the political arena where v;e'll be." Tom Hiiyden Bobby Sule was a Ume , • loog ago, integration of body and mind., _____________ 7 ____________________________________________ """,,__ when America's y th was in-is the first step to changlng1 toDcated with spirit ol societal att~tudes. molutlon. 'Ibey lo the Tom Hay<len and David streets in the , con--Dellinger, the more seasoo.ed ver,ed on the na~' 1 capital, New Left partisans of the planted bombs, an cheered Chicago trial, are living quiet the country's s in the lives. Hayden is married to belief that radical ge was Jane Fonda and they are rals- just around the ·r. ing a new baby in a big old Today, the cries of the California house overlooking outraged have been almost the Pacific. Dellinger, after a silenced., Visions f a n bout of bad health, is on the apocalyptic new Ame a have mend and working on a book dimmed and a 1.azy rri has a~ the antiwar movemenf. settled over the c! puses. Both Hayden ·and Dellinger over the years, 'the on who • are working! in quiet ways tc have undergone the most revive and irebt.tlld the radical upheaval ar~thc withered movement. radicals themselves. THERE WERE T H E ONCE, THERE was bbie others; those who died for the Hoffman, the wUd· ired illusion of revolution, those young prophet of the ew who became fugitives. Diana youth culture, woo tried to Oughtoq; Weatherwoman, is bring a "festival of life" to the dead, bbwn to bits in a New 19S8 Democratic Convention, York to house by a bomb of danced Jn the park, and threw her · making. Other mem· kisses to the jury when he was hers the t e r r o r l s t tried far his part in the group are in jail, Chicago disturbances. · on the lam in the United Several weeks ago, Hoffman States, r reported in hiding in was arrested In a run-0£-lhe-Cana Cuba, and points mill New York hotel, allegedly beyond Nothing has been trying lo push three pounds of heanl l1'om some ol the key cocaine on a narcotics agent. figures in the group .such as He 1 f.acel,, if convicted, l:>l Bill ers apd Bernadine years lo Ille l~metll.• J Dohm. J. ' ' .' '"'°"" was.J!obby Seale, thtj · . uy, lane Alpert,. a • •lll<l' Black P~ who w..,, s"l' , graduate who .be- -and !Mieif l1Y Judge! catle i"'!'fllber ol a radical ·'Julius Hbl!iMii •l;!)i< Oilca.1101 ~ ~.~it1 :r·= , '' llillW ·lllol 'f«l,;jliS out bunt -~li!jt~t·; · -··....;;~ ~{ ;~t ;:a ~~ 1ystem in, ].t, .. 1 ~ ~ ·1ilfc~ Wblcli \¥ Ii!!! his people had oo .,., ~ Pe<! bail'"lllree years ~' Seale wu full of rage and i. ·•1!9' pl!!lldiQg guilty w bittemeU ud felt the time • ~~· · ~ charges. was rfpe to smash the white • She k.s,Ol &conversion insli!llllolls that had robbed . i rQm ' II\~ politics jo blacks of their rightt. i radical· · -~ks w Having been tried and ac-'her ' with quitted twice -once.for con-Weathe ' , )\ark R d, also splracy and once for · murder a fugiti~~~she views as -Seale h2'S become a syst~m the em eDt Of the sexual man. He wears tweed Qts, oppressi 't ,'U. 1the left. Once talk! of peareful reform, Ind urging a ~ socialism where this year ran for mayor!' ol men ~ could work Oakland. together fttedooi, Alpert now · y advocates a RENNIE DAVIS, a founder matiarchial :etr -~ 1 of students for a Democratic ed. In the e ol v.'OOltn. Society, wu one of. the There we the ones like most down.to-earth a n d !\lark Frechette, the budding careful thinkers a m o n g young star 1{ho became a the Ollcago defendants. Not symbol ci u.! jouth culture. A long ago, Davis boarded a jet JJ¥!mber ol . a Boston com· for Paris to talk to North Viet-mune, Frechettestarred in the namese officials, met some 1970 An to n ~o n l movie followers o! the Indian guru "Zabriskie Poiil'" Which pit- Mahara}-ji, and never got o!f ted the new etlture against Since . reCeiving • • t h e film within t,he vement. the flight. the old and ~e a favorite knowledge," Davis has been Last month. was arrested what he calls "blissed out" holding up 1' BQj1on bank and and he believes the lS-year~ld charged with armed robbery. guru will do !or the W9fld One of his acoornpli,ees was Going through anothe~ phase with your investments~ Before you get imased out take a look at this RIAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CONFERENtE I A 1trit1 of 4 lectures-Oct. 91 16, 23 and 30 Tuesday, Oct. 16, 7:31)/9:30 p.m. David Ma9ll, R'eattor, ''THE MAf;•c OF LEVERAGE ' IN REAL ESTATE INVESTING" N""'8rt HDr High School, 15th & Irvine, Newport ·eeach Otwt• C Mowpert i c • ..,..-.c1 ~ , _ ! ,Da11y l'llot c-i ~11y c ..... --Costa M--ef ll- HllhW•lltM, ...... ,c ............. •l•di ,.ct:tt. Mllltl Clllr pl1ltls. . -s.11· $1 :5oci & '1600 • < ....,.,,. • HIW•lttM ,, w..et."'8eil·hats _..:. W/.Wl~.JIMbt, ..... tNf, "f•, M'Tt,""*'""lf\Slm 1-lS. . ·:t'17". ' r: ' .,.., .. HIW•lltM CenlureyP_.. W/Cufh. Nl'Y, IJPt•ltff, lureundy, lrtWL '14" Lewi' .. ...... sylltllsyHIWalst. Hopsackl'nb Whitt, U,ht II", N1yY, Sb:u J·lJ. •12" leYI' .. HI Waisted Gabanlh1e Cuffetl Pallfl W/Tu111ttl lift Loe,. Whitt, lltck, lro•n. N1" Shu 3·1S '14" :r:~ I '::!.•\ ,,.i. '•ii . ,~(.I· .; ' . 1';!,: ; ,. . l,j,.:,t .If .. . ·, ,~ r:-" . ..·;:f.: ' The best selectlon of men's dress pl•lils & solld cuffed pants you've ever seenl In Gabardine, cotton.twlll, brushed d•lni & ·double knlr. All Sizes from ..... Cenl hll ........... .. All colon & ~"' l ight for tny1!1111J ~ .,.,,.,. c.-1 Cirffl Giiiert,., ~ . In Sutftd sai-, •1100 I 500~·. Cardvroy & Hopstdil • • , fHm . . ' ............ ,. r-..... ,.; .. , •. Th• 111111 4urtblt paot for boys ,-!Uo. tW "lluts" from lflH 6-14 $62' • 700 .. , .. c.n1 .... , hll .. ,,,, • All colon & um. $650 700 Mnt can be mttch.. • wtth lackttsl lell lotttlll i.vl JM• •' ::-i:.~; . /~t"' .:,·~" -.f: .·f . ' ; ; t \ l'rHhnmk an4 mdy for ""· l loys' sl1•1 6-14 Just l \ Ilg lell• $9.SD l I --.-·- i lltaYy Denim 50 Is l19ular Denim .. ,,,., ' htryHdy'• f .. or11a •1111 only. . . . . s311 Lav1•1• Shim ••.•. $7.5D·$U.OO The Grant Boys are th• Levi Capital af th• we11 for men, women and children. s3.oo HOLDS ANY JACKET Tll NOV. 15, 1973 WUTHER WATCHER IOYS' . . '""'........., """ ~tt ... (I ... ................ ,.,..,... ..... .,,....... .,....... ....,,, ......,.. ................. ' SCH On BROS. MEN'S PRt cen1r I tl111tl eewhl .. "bMIMr" Jttktf. NI. 115, .,_ u .............. , ~ aM ht...,. '5999 N 1 SCH On IROS. MEN'S PRo cell1r, ,.cktt 1M lllli111 cowhide ~It, Iliff H t. 46. colon: iwtP 11111 ti.MY, Nti 110. '6999 PACIFIC TRAIL MEN'S L-'lt( kuHr. SuHt s1r.n J1clctt w1~lt ...... $St.4t L..4lt1' l•'ri, Polpsttr Knit J1111 Styli JKktt .... $15.00 l141t1' Livi, l lu1 J1111 J1t\1t ..........•... $12.00 loys' l'tclfk Trill, Nylon "foot91ll" J1ck1t . S-7 .. $1S.OO 1-12 .. $15.00 14·20 • $17.00 . lop ' 1'.c:IRc: Tr1n, "Trill Htwlt" 100% Nylon Jtclttt,2-7 ............................ $12.00 hp' Wt1thtr W1tch1r, 100% Wtttrproof ' WHttm Styft Jtclttt, Sittl 4 ft 20 .. , _, ... $11.00 V\1"".B'.lll\o41'f Mtn'• Ctmttus. vnc11t Corduroy Coit w1hlth pllo ,. c1ll1r 11111 1!11ln1. Sltt1 36 t1 46 •.... _ .. ,. $34.tS :. j. Mon's Lt\'4, lffllhttd •lu1 J1111 i•c•et, Sht1 3•SO $10.S! ·\ 1• I Min'• Sllt111 Coriuroy "llttl. John" JKktt ... , $3!.00 "Pl..ttr" 1et•tt IM. mt, _.i;. Mt11'1 Mr. Lttt•. tlft«lt corduroy b11tblll j1ck1t. •-·· ,, Slrt1 S, M, L. XL •................ ··--· .• $2S.ff ...-..WO, •11• ""1,_, •.., .,. Mtt1'1Mr.1 .... ,,. pit!~ b11ktlb1U J1cktt •. , •• 12J.ff ,.., 1t'% ..,,_, '°"" •TM "' ""' -• ..,.,11c ....,, a;"' -... .. i.., ""' Mell'• kully. 1ltt1rll11t lhttd & trim R1nchtr . _.,. 1111111 Cott, Sla:H 31-46 . , .. , ..... , , .•• , . $220.00 10X. 100% hwtt Cemovfl111 Jacket for th• ttu111or. s. M. L. XL , .. . .. . .......... ps.oo a.Aet4. Hlk1 M11ttr iown fiUt d J1c•1t, ftr Hu11tlftf, S, M. L. n . , HAl&OR llVll. r • N 1 .-,_ B 8 DAILY PILOT Sunday, Oct(lbtr 14, 1973 ;' ' ' :i:~-1~ Balsam Set • 010 f 2 ' Confidets JOHNSON & JOHNSON ''S ff'' Q COSMmC PUFF$ Lavoris SITTING GEL Canditioninc F11m1la! Re11lar 11 S1per Ckoue frtm 260 Recular Size tr 100 Triple Size. MOUTHWASH & GARGLE! 1.59· LADIES' PANT COAT ~U~ll i#SSALE TREMENDOUS Selection Available CANNON No-Iron WHITE Pll lOW CASE :::=:;:;~~A~-~· 1 ·Place. To Shop! Cotton corduroy with lashionable imitation 13 97 fur hood and trim. lip fra11t and pockets. treat autumn colors. Sizes J0-18. • BOYS' & GIRLS' JACKETS Quilted nylon with zip frorit Jaunty styles for boys and fake fur trim fo( tte moppets. Sizes 4.7 in rich colors. "M•1ticell1" ••• Blended polyester and cotton for • J smooth and eve11 2:1.59 textured weave. tlOUBlE ~;;~---~~osHm2 69 :Mru 3 29 ~. DR FLAT ea. o OR FLATla. o PlllOWCISE ''M111ticell1" ••• Oauling_ 2 : 2 49 print of tropical I Jowers I • in exciting hues. DOUBLE n'J~iHEEl 2 99 :Mru 3 69 OR FL.II H. o 01 fl.II .II. o No-Iron "STATE FAIR" ''M1nticell1" ... Polyester and cotton 1n the Americari "SO"IE" "M11ticello" ••• Co tton velura sheared terry in PIUOll CASE "ALOHA" "M11tic1111• ••• Delightful prints in marvelous colors 2~1.00 Demure· 9 OZ. SIZE ALBERTO --·-i __., V0 5 8 OZ. SIZE ALBERTO V0 5 LACTONA Efferdent TOOTHBRUSH COOose from !:1~ff°"dium 2 ~ 1 00 textures. · 1. • SAm-GRIP Bath Mat Soctioll cup base for ~ure looting. Decoralor 99C colors or white ••• 14x22Y.z" 3ize. "ABC' " MOK.SKID s DENTURE CLEANSER TABLETS Removes stubborn s1ains 119 1n minutes! BOX OF IO o STUART HALL o:-n• Stationery "Letters Cal1r1" ••• Florals, gingham checks, decorated pastels! 18 2 ' 1 00 Sheets & 14 ; Envelopes. I • KODAK Pocket lnstamatic 30 ,,, INfANTS' . .JACKETS Ouiled nylon witb atl3ched hoo4s and '1Jplique trim. 4 88 New Fall colors in sizes 12· rrr:inths. • ea. GIRLS' APPLIQUES Ready-tHhoot .. mt ineluiO! electric eye and eJectronic . shutter. Easy GIRLS' DIAPER SET Dresses Dainty and femirrine for tile infant girl. Delightlul pastels enchantingly be- decked with lace, ruffle s and embroidery. "t1u rsery. Bright C 1or 11! ball or · 59 cololful lotters. Bright Side the Shine .SHAMPOO shiny hair. C for bealllly, 88 11 If, BAYER ASPIRIN for CHILDREN cartridge ~· . loading. 34.97 PACK OF 5 77c GILLETTE Platinum-Plus For clo se, smooth, even shaves. PICK OF 10 1.39 9 OZ. Sl1E ,LONG LASTING Super Dry . Pris\y little . outfits for Ille babJ gir1 ill part a~ colors. 2.97 .. ! ' 2.97.~ 1 'Creeper''. Sets Ribbed knit with snap sh(lulders and crotch. Choose from assorted styles and colors. Sizes 9-18 months. 'j ·,J ~ 32 OZ. SIZE Palmolive ' §' MIRAL PLUS " SUPER CONCENTRATED Orange flavor wit h 29C double lock cop. 80TTLE OF 36 ''Sure'' LIQUID Hair Spray " Choose ye11r t1wtrit1 ~ formul~! .... I :__( ~29 98~ .. ~ Hair Spray Crystal (lt1r ••• t1r t•e ~tld t•at lists and lasts! DRUG STORES NIWl"OltT al.t.Clf.-lO"JO 11'\'1,,_, WMftl!'f Pl•11 MUNTIN•TOM llACM-Au"°" & Broa~l\urft NVNTIN9TON llACM-Sl)rl!'Odfll• & Eot1111er I\. TOfl0-t.G1l ltock1ltlcl Roed OPEN 9 AM to 10 PM-7 DAYS A WEEK Anti-Penpirant and D,aclorant Re1ul1r or Uasc!nted! 1.19 FOR ' DISHWASHING •··• 59c tvtll'lll' DOc lOW ftKt g;i· ' • ; " ' - ( ( Wh< conde1 Gemb embel Sagitt touch, For drean goes t view, to A1 origiri For Taun; resea: Vlrgo budge the p1 Seo: and mate1 Each a cor writir All. Cheel Be. met ~ point. sboul1 who• know adhei TAl You : than Thos~ are 1 Kno• cordi: hlincl gaps. be de GE Lega'. forts, der ~ Don't way. quiri1 whol1 curio expla CA One 1 what -no fran~ sen ti other Mess crea1 LE Rom snag real. inste coulc grow c '~ w. Aero spra, tor's era II be • tativ said T l Letti Vie\11 lecti the so . en ts prod s he r \ r I I I I I I I I I L Sundiy, Octobtr 14, 1~7) ·DAILY PILOT B z 1 Cap~corn: Get Now Tru e To Motto Educating a Doctor Can Cost Vp to $104,000 1 \ CU>UCESTER. Eng· land (AP) -A mattnos "capitation" 1JTangement. Student$ themselves p I J about $2,mll a year lD tulUon. On High Horse • MONQA'(\j OCTOBER Is By SYDNEY OMARR yourself. Your appetite will not be affected, world will L'Ontinue to spin. company that -IJes .. _, but • good night's o1 .. p," canceled Ule night shift at Its fac- tory because ~ noise of making restful mattresaes kept t h e neighborhood awake. WASKJNGTON (APl -'lbe first survey of it.s kind sug· gest.s that It cost.s anywhere from $11,900 '° ne.c-:io • year for the medical education of an American doctor. And that adds up to between $64,000 and $104,000 for a !OIJll- year course, dependine upon such differing thina:s a• wtUch school he attends, dlfferln& in- J wem. career 1rpiraUom and educ•ti-1 and llOCW btl<:i· 111ounds " Ibo -Ud-be med· la. 1bil WU roported by I lpe- cla1 committee of the Alsocl•· tion ol American Medlcat Col· 'leges (MMC\, the profea- ak>nal organiiaUon that repre- sents the naUon 'a Ut priva1e and public nledlcal schools. '!be commlti.. said the !Ind· !nil• -sugeostinc a wide range ot cotts -may be per· Unent to retolving CWTeDt ar- guments cooctmi.nC bow mtd· lc.al education of the 1111 .... should be financed. The coznmittte surveyed 12 "selected" medical schools. A AAMC IPokeslllM told a re- porter the schools decUned to be ldeatilled publicly. But be said they represent a broad spectrum of prlvaLe and pub- lic lnatltu11ons. The 1pokesman 111ild that un- der the comprehensive Heallh l\tanpm•;er Tralnlng Acl of 1971, the federal go\·ernmenl cummlly furnlshts $1.700 a year per 1tudent for medical educallon under a so~alled Thus, be sald. those two r& sources add up to o n t y $3,900 per student out ol th e v a r y i n g $16,000 to S27 ,000 which it costs a given medi- cal school each )'ear to cdu· cate a would-be doctor. When seeking quick rt\ports, condens!d versions, look up Gemini. For a story1 with embellishments, leave It to Sagittarius. For the !1ramaUc touch, call oo Leo. 1 .., ' For sensitivity and a dreamlike quality, the task goes to Pisces. For a futuristic view, the assignment belongs to Aquarius. For s b tlr p, original strokes, it Ls Aries. For a compilation of data, Taurus is the person. To get research files ln order, rely on Virgo. cancer can project a budget and Libra can .balance the pros and coos. Scorpio can lnject passion and Capricorn can provide material of la.sting value. -Each of the zodiacal signs has a contribution to make to a writing project -and to life. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)' You have backing from "quiet" sources. Your op- position lacks s u. b s t a n c e . There Ls channel for your et· fortll, creatlve endeavors. tf diplomatic. you · get bearing and ,green light. One al top wtio seems indifferent ia merely being cautious. UBl\A . (Sept. 13-0ct. 22)o Study Vlrp mmage. Nothlnil now is apt to be cut-and4rted. There are complications but don't blow them up out of pro- portion. Ideas could Dounder. You need time to develop, test aod analyze. Don't rusb, especially in traffic.· SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2llo Your rmancial bounce will be higher than suspected. What you have, can offer, Ls marketable: Know it and cefuse to be 'l'W'.:\-frightened, lntimldate'df Partner, ARIES (March 21· . .\prll 19): associate may try to "buy you Check appointment schedule. cheap." A bit of laughter is Be sure. your own need! are \ best weapon. m~t -don't bend to breaking SAGITl'ARCUS (Nov. 22- point. Your own . viewpoint Dec. 21 ): Unorthodox pro- sbould !K't be buried. Some cedures are most likely to auc- who claun ~ know best may ceed. You cannot force, push know very htUe. ~w ~t and or cajole. Let ~others show adhere to personal pnnciples. their bands. You do best now TAURUS (April 20-May 20): as an overall observer. Aries, You hav~ more on your. side Ubra persons could play kei than might be 1mag1ned. roles. Finish rather than in· Those who oppose or naysay iliate project. Maintain low are testing -and bluffing. profile. Kno~ it and respond ac-CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. i.; cordtngly. Follow throu~ ~n 19 ): Rhythm qt action is sub-- hunch. Collect da~. Fill in dued. In efforts to brtak gaps. Money promises should through to new project, suspi· be double-checked. cion blocks prolP'ess. 'I'bose DAILY 10 . 10 SUN. 10· 7 CASSETTE RECORDER _ 17.88 GE:\o11NI (May 21-Jun~ 20): who clalm toTbe doing much Legal matters, cooperative ef· for you may be tying down 00 for ts, partnerships may be un-job. Face reality. Get on high der .strain. Find a~ternatives. horse _ assett independence. Don t feel there 19 but o~e You have right to No. 1 treat· way . Look around. h1ake 1n· ment 8ottery-operated recorder features Sln:it·o-motic T-bor 1 funct ion control play/record, fast forward and ,ewil\d on one col\trol. Batteries, not included . quiries. Someone is not telling · whole truth. Give Juli rein to AQUA~S (Jan. 20-Feb. curiosity. Reject superficial 18 ): Emohonal responses , explanations. coqld 1 lead to proverb l a,1 CANCE R (June 21-July 22): lov,rs qua~el. Mearui don t One who cries "wolf" deserves tak~ others. or yo~rseU, 1o:o what you feel should be given seriously. You don t know U -no more. no less. Means be all but . you ~w enough. frank in your appraisal. False Means bide yo~ time. Yo~ ~et . sentimentality is no favor for "'.hat you .,.,:ant if you don t 1n· others or for y our s e I r . sist. You wall understand. ~1esgage will become in-PIS~ (Feb .. 19-March 20): creasingly clear. Examine potential. You can ~ LEO (July 1'-Aug. 22): spread emotional wings.1'.her"e Romantic interests could hit is no need to be confined. snag. You perceive what is Obstacles come from within. real what is illusion. Truth, Shake off foolish doubts and inst~ad of making you free, start ellmbing. Goal is could merely annoy. Be ava.llable. Know it and act like grown-up, willing to laugh at you know it. Cough , Cold Sprays 'May Be Dangerous' WASKJNGTON IAP) Aerosol cough and c o I d sprays sold without a doc- tor's prescription are •1gen- erally ineffective and may be dangerous," an authori· tatlve medical publication said Friday. T he nonprofit Medical symptoms of a respiratory infection. 1 The inacti ve •ihgredients, however, "may be lethal" in high concentrations, it ( said. T h e article s a i d that most of the 21 deaths as-• sodated with cough sprays ~ have resulted from in· tional or accidental abuse ' ' I . 'I ' ' CONIFER SALE! '' JUNIPERS· PINES· CYPRESS Gr••n up your y•rd Just s•y ch ar9• it! CONFIDETS for 1.11. 68' 1 .. , •. i ,,, I ,·, -. lune"-•.~~ napklns ..,:.t,'.1 .,.. . . --:!R ......... .':>.....)..' . "". .·~·· 60 CT. SCOTT PAPER NAPKINS • • ~ Letter, which regularly re- views the safety and ef· fectivcness of drugs a n d therapeutic s, said the so * called active ingredi- ents in such spray c a n products were unlikely to s hort e n or relieve the but added that sprays in-40's scon ~~i~a~ d u ~: ~:1ethc a~: ~· 1 17 ' been implicated in chemi-I t• calloy i n d u c e d pneumonia. • I' 3/29' ~ 1 0 0 0 § '! Luncheon.siz:e, strong •b- Sox of 40'1. ~ sorbent, 'ji;.,.....,,_.r.-..,.."""' • .. __ ,__,....,, .. ,,,....., .. ~-~~ ,_ ... ..... SUNDAY & ----...... . ...... .. ... j ..... .. ... 1--· -·--· ~ """"'" ~ . 8 LIGHT BULBS MONDAY ONLY! "JC S;a,, ,';J I ALUMINUM COOKWARE. 1.92 Value 2 Daya Only Greot io hovtt on hand! Inside frosted bulbs. ~our l OOW, 2 eoch 60 W, 75 W. Ji Women's Suede Leat'her C'ASUALS REG. 10.97 57.91 i , Ovr R"l. 1.37 - 2 Doys Only L<>OM-bottom, tubed eek• pan, 7~p coffee P«cola· tor, 3-piK• rangit Mt, or J.piee. llUCtpln set. :IS'!: MENS PANT SALE 3.44 Poly•1t1r cotton pents in •ssor+•d colors and 1tyl•1. Cuff •nd fle r• bottom. Si1•1 29.]6. 't t1 .. ,... Crepe sol•, l•c• - in fall s•nd colors. Si111 5-10. Ch•r9• itl_ . ~ IElLO / . -·-··--··· • ,1 HUNT SNACK PACK 4 PAK5 $100 -4 re ady to e•t servings of ra sp-I berry g•I. ide•I for snecks or lunches. • REE SES PEANUT aumR CUPS ~ 2/99' Q ~ -iO bit• sii:e, milk choco- ~· let• p••nut butt•r cups. . ' I .1 • • 7-PIECE BLUE ENAMEL COOKWARE .I ORDER ,.eautiful Stick-on • .• r· lilt!'.' t, .... ~ ~' '"'!.s!'"W...,:t .. ~U'l.m•~ <· YQURS ·,\ LABELS _... TODAY! Personalized • Stylish • Efficient Order Fol" You rulf ol" • Friend· Mey be usad on env•lopes ., r•turn addr•ss 11.,els. Also 'Very hat1dy ., id•ntifica~ion la ~els for marlr:in9 p1r1onal ite~s such 11 b~k1 , records, photo1, •tc. Libels stick on 9l4ss ind may be us•d for rn.tkln9 hom• c1hn1d focd items. All l•b•ls It• print•d with 1tyli1h Vo9ue iyp• on fine qualify whit .. 9ummed piper. ------~--------~-------, r ,LN lo! lllll c•1.;;., cll11 Ml4 l'flllil wllfl tl.U It: I Pit.tr PrW!tfllt L•MI DI• .. ,,o. 101 \WI I I t"'' M"•· (llil. '1616 I I t I I I I t I I I I L ____ PIL~!-~~!~I!~~--~J ' ~ 40-GALLON WATER HEATER SINGLE TRAY TABLE ZDeyl 53~7 , ' ) lnst•nt fold -slides open & 2;s300 O.pendoble quality go' woter heater. Gloss·lined, fully in~ulat· ' . clo11d on 9lide ber. Wood look ~top -Br•1s.ton1 legs. ·~·-.. -1• '· ~ All PURPOSE I STEP STOOL HOWARD JOHNSON CLAM CHOWDER ., I S·ot. can of N•w En9 l1nd styl• cl•m $ ckowd•r-b u y s1v1r•I I I\;., ~i:h3 ?l•ble.J ;· 2.t thlo /lo6w Kmer11prie; Gr••n in color. ~ t.. ................. ""' .......... : .. .. -. . . • > • SUPER Kem· Tone WASHABLE LA TEX WALL PAINT Reg.5.44 6.94 Gol. 2 Doya Special price! Deluxe wosh· H oble lolex wall po int In while ~ end decorator colors . .. . ' . ' . ' . . . . ' 1 • ' • DAIL V PILOT Rigl;lts of I n dividual and Society Preserved • Ill Drive to Pro~es~ Editor'a Nott: Tlais is llu: third of 20 e11ay1 by lead. t11g n1e11 ill tlie 1uor/d's acadt"1ic co1n n11u1i1u. The writer of lliis e$.fOI/ is Pforz· hei111e r U11ive rsl t11 proft!ssor a11d di rector, Clinrle1 \Vur- rtn Center for Sttulies i11 Ameriettll History, 1larvard Universitu. Herein lie dis· CU!.!es llOUJ th« world ca'll -pTofit from a study of the Amerle4f'~ e~rit1u:t. BY OSCAR HANDLIN For centuriet, in many parts of the world. people who themselves oever bebe1d the foresta, plaiM, or cities of America felt that the human experience there had a relevance to their own fate . Evrn before Columbu s, E u r o p e a n s envisioned somewhere in the distance a New World where they could correct the failings of their familiar Old \Vorld. so that the strange continent when its outlines at la st became clear seemed to be that land of their dreams. ll remained so for generation a f t er gcoera· tloa>-lor thousands drawn by ambition to search for fortune or driven by raith to seek freedom. For millions in want It olfered hope ol d a i I y bread. And as the 20th Cen· tury approaches its I a s t quarter, the American ex- perience can still have mean- ing in every part of the globe ; for everywhere men and women still struggle either to preserve the liberty and plenty they have already gained or else to reach wistfully toward !hose priza. IN mE BEGINNING, Am- erica seemed the New World because it was open, making AME :RICA Courses by AND THE FUTURE DF MAN Newspaper . welfare ol others, or toward a ... 1oui •vanaell.sm delennioed to ' make aalata of an whether they wished ll or not. But ln the past, at least_. the wW·, • ~ to bel .. pn>l!tll ,..._ !he balaoct. bttw ... You can get tollege credit ror rtading lbe aceontpaayillg article, provkled of coarse, tUt yoa pay Ille ree. enroU In UCJ Eneulo1, and saccasfUUy compkte tile coane. for utlonwlde dblrlbulloe by c.,llJ N<wa Service. lnd·lvldoallly and....,_ --· btlween lbe cla1rnl ol ont and'lbe ri&llll ol all,.belore too much dama8e WU done. (Succeuful completlon btchtcles attendln1 two oa-eampus evenllli lectures, oae oa 'httday, Ott. 4, tnd one on Tltesday, Feb. IZ, tt wblcla mid-year and flDal Ulllll wUI be admiAlstutd. For illformailon or regls- tratiiQ.D at UCI EJ:tenslon, phone t:SWf14.) This Is, tbe tbW tt$ay ii I.be ze.weei series in a ••Colll'Set by Newspaper" pro- it:ram "fonded by the Nar1onal Endowme nt Tbe Dolly P8ol b -of .. .._,... porilclpollq ID tbe _.... '1'1111 -.ma, "America nd dte FIA:re " MM." ii praented to DallfiPIW reMen a a t.. '"'61 coane ID conjuclloo wllll UCI Ex· 1...io.. Al wltlt. any ttlatr conece coarse, tile les- IOI material txpreutt the· penou.I views of the lnstreetor (the btdlvidaal writer of each 11ep1ent). 'l'he8e views are not neee1- arlly tbo:Re of lbe Dally Pilot, C.Opley News Service, UCI, UCSD or the National En· dowment for the Humanities. mE DJSl'06JT!oN TO LOOK ahead abo lmparied a balance to !ht American undentandlng ol -freedom. Sell·reliance was a virtue and each penm could seek Ilia own goal. But the frontier, no less than the industrial en· vironment, taught also the necessity 'for cooperation. . , for lbe Humanities and developed by Uni· verslty or Calllornlu Sa n Diego Extension might see months of toil put to naught by a tum in the weather or a fluctuation in a distant market. Not t h e businessm en, the ptomoters, the salesmen, endlessly striv· ing for the succtS& few would gain. No, ease was rarely among the New World 's prom- ises. Neverthele s s, Americans were optimists, often without illusions about the odds in any specifi c in· stance, but certain that eacb year would be a n im· provement upon its predettSSOr. Their w h o I e hlstory was evidence: a tiny handful bad grown in numbers to subdue a continent : from small . beginnings they had become great in power and wealth. Many families past reached the present in order to be tramformed for the futur e. It followed that Americans were no great respecters of age. Youth was ever the cherish- ed season-for adventurous thoughts, for imaginaUve set· tings.forth. Though the o1d- tlmers might resent being edged out, they could not deny the right of their juniors to push forward .as they themselves had once done. The lndivldual, alone in the wilderness or the city, was naws in the e f I or t to weak and vulnerable put t b a t belief into prac-scarcely fl'ee. tioe: epimes of tragic The government that pro- prejudice and discrimination, teeted him increased hi.a outbursts of violence by group power and therefore, up t.o a agaiMt g r o up, as some point, lncreued Iii freedom. Americans cbaltenged th e premise of diversity and h!d Much in the political blstoey beneath the Klanish sheets of or the United States was an racism. Still the natJonal experiment to d.lsoover where. achievement was impress; .. , !hat polnl lay 1l>e state bad MIGRANTS FROM OLD WORLD LONGEQ FOR EXPERIENCE OF N~WORL how tmpress!ve J)erhaps can be to act, but onl~ by the consent They J1mmed Steer1gn of V1tsel1 Cro1slng __ A_1_11_n_1i_• _____ ~ understood better in the 1970s -J than earlier. Foi-a decade of those It governed and only ,I, which, 1n many parls o1 !he 1n !he 1n1eres1 or !heir general Car Serves world sees reJigious, tribal, welfare; aod latge areas of I nd t. I loyalti pl 111 To Enroll in "Courses by NewsoaHn" .. a na1ona es unge. · e-rellgi on , for in-' into bitter confiict people JVho stance-were ouUkl.e its Com· for credit d ip and mail these coupons, with As Home , have liyed side by skle ror appropriate fees, as soon 11 possible : ~ ~~'f:;:~;~ ~z:seri~8:i pe=ltutiooal agreements r-------------..... ----------,1 F M 6~· relevance. Here the hopes for a d the t t of pol" I Leaming Kit for Of QJI,, a common future. however 8 ,r 8 c s t· I "America and the Future of ~n" I tical lheorisl• supplied !ht> I I ~ slowlyandimperfectl y, rd d 1 I NE\VLONDON,Conn. (A) Ease was rarely among the New World's promises . .. Amer icans were optimists, often without il- lusions about the odds in any specific instance, but certain that each year wou ld be an improvement upon its predecessor ... IN rnE ZO'l1I century, as in the 18th, this society loosened all personal ties. Family obligaiiOn's were not to fence the next generation in. nor was loyalty to the particular place of one 's birth. The old Kentucky horn~ was a subject for nostalgia, but not a reason for staying put. The advance upon the frontier was a suc- cession or abandonments, for the pull of the goiden West emptied many a hearthside in the old East. The urban fron- tier had the same effect; you could not keep them down· on the farm once they glimpsed the lures of town. Americans became a restless people, ever in motion, determined to let no s e n timenlal considerations hind er the pursuit of op- portunity. persuaded. those divided by WO 8 lo escribe the ar· For your personal copy of The.'Future File !includes ra"ng Is !hat ed lh I I -Albert Htrman Is 62 a6d race, by religion, an<j by . emen present e introductory record, book of essays, learningguide,10 bal Bu I I lives in a station wagon~. I ethnic origin th at they all bad · ance. t erperience ·sup-I self tests and ''The Future Game''J for use In studying I more to Jose by battling than plied the p r a c i i ca 1 Wl· I the course, ''America and the Future of 1"1an, ·· send I He eats unheated c by accepting one another. Op-dentandlng that us u a J I y I $10 by check or money order to; • I foods in the front' seat partunity was the gr e at enabled Americans to make : 1 1· I sleeps in the back. ~ persuader. 1bere were im· those arrangements. TheU America and the FUlure or ~tan I "This is my home," portant es:ceptioal-.staves, ID· _,.. I o 0 Box F I dians held la rlilervatioos, and were dismal failures, as well 1 c.. · 1 declared in a husky voi . available to all an abundance of space and confining none ~ithin the baunds ol inherited institutions. It pointed toward the future rather than toward the past. Later, when the United States became an Independent republic and when its spaces filled up, It developed in- stitu tions which left open the possibilities for change, which indeed stressed the values of transience and improvement ind rewarded people wining to move into the tmknown. Such values are more than ever im· portanl in a world torn by doubts about the future, no longer certain about the ~ evitabllity ol progress, and in· clined toward pessimism about the nature ol man. Ex- perience taught Americans a different lesson. Few enjoyed lives of ease and comfort. Not the early immigran ts v:ho crossed the rough a n d uncharted Atlantic b e I o r e coming ashore in a hostile wilderness. Nor their suc· cessors, jammt'd in t h e steerages of vessels that brought them to lives ol i~ ces3ant labor in factory or construction gang. Not the rarnler s who • repealed on an individual scale the national pattern of rise from hwnble origins. To laclt faith was foolish in a world in which opportunity aboonded . Caut ion , com- fortable hahits, and tradition were impediments from the past which stood in lhe wa'{ of the future. OVER AND OVER M IERl- CANS learned the necessity for taking risks; for surrender· ing what might be tolerable on the chance of gaining what might be better. They were plungers and speculators by temperament -not only the frontiersmen or those who built extensive enterprises, but also the tinkering inventors who puzzled over better ways of doing a job and the long line of reformers willing to upset the existing social order out or !he certainty tha t improvement was possible. They v.·ere calculating observers. no! con· tent to accept nature as given, ready 10 reshape it 10 I.heir own purposes. \Vhere a forest stood. th ey sa w clearings, fields of grain, and the timber to build ships and homes: rivers were for bridging and great distances for crossing. What had developed out or lhe UPI '"""""' SAN FRAN CISCO'S NORTH BEACH SELLS SEX • The world of the 1970s, which increasingly v a 1 u e s stability and tradition, and shuns change, might well reflect upon what would be lost with the extinction of that optimistic willingness to bet on the future once charac- teristic of the Americans. 'The abillty of a heterogeneous population to live together in tolerable harmony, the ideal of equal opportunity, and the commitment to freedom in significant ways all hinged upon the confidence in man's capacity for improvement and In society's capacity for prog· ress. Diversity of origins was always characteristic of the popula"on of the U n i t e d States. Never could the myth of common ancestry bind these people together. Na· lional senti1nent sprang from another source-not from a view of the pas t but from an expectation about the futur e, from the belief or its people that <>ut of many they were becoming one. THERE WERE NUMEROUS • other victims of prejudice. as heartening·~. But a , 1 ·V.'ayne, N.J. 07<&7tl 1 "~d it's an expensive ho .. world aWI prone to violence 1 I "I'm just boiling away g'9 NEVERTHELESS 1UE UN· aod irrationality, a world I Name· I for nothing. Just driving. (1 DERLYING thrust at Amer· w~Veel(s from1iht v.erge ol ·, I stop here and there." ( ican society has alway~ ~y to total dicfatorshJp, I A~ I The state took Herma~1 been toward a widening of op-can profit from remlnders ol • I I New London house rour yeap portunity to. tenable all men the relevance o( t b a t I I ago to build an access rold and women. to ma~ wbat they American experience. · I City I to Interstate 95. T li:e oould ol thernse!vts. A 11 N•xl: Dr. John R. Plall, M..,. I 1 I Tramporlallon Departmen~s a s p i r a t i o n s t o w a rd ta1 HeaJtla !\elearcb_ lnatltute, ~ I State Zip (.ode · I rigbts-of·way dlvi!ion says 'it aristocraCy, all efforts at in· UnJvenJtyof Mlcblgan. L-'..------------------~-----' paid him $17,500 in com· clllSion and exclusion were .-------------------------, pensatlon. pitiful failures; status in the ' After working at odd w.. U 'ted sia•·-d pended Hormone uc1 E1te,..1on enrollm•nt 1 f'l'l<J n1 ~ e noton I and living with f riend 1, rank or parentage but upon Please enroll me in (checkone1 H II achievemenL That did not · I erman set ed. into h ts mean that everyone had an Aid G wth O XCal 101 !For Upper Pi vision credits applicable 11 present habitat. equal chance to attain riches, s ro toward degree) The du.Uy dashboanl 1• but an Increasing percenlage • I strewn " i t h well-thumbed o XCal 427 (''Industrial" course rorsel~-ell • f=v'!:'en~0f! r~:rd:!i1!} ~p~~v:i~ N~. WorU improvemen\orcommcrcialcredits1 ~Pens~':e g~ !:'J; position. 'The consciousness Carolina medical s ch 0 0 I a patterned tie stuffed inside. that careers of every sort researcher last ~-eek an-Name'---------------He rested his right aqn were open to all gave meaning nounced isolation or a growth· against the dashboard atid to the restless strivings or peo-promoting hormone that could leaned back. ' pie in motion. A future or ex· help dwarfed children. Address--------------"Haven't been able to f~d panding horizons made room Dr. Judgn J. Van Wyk said a home with the kind of mor¥-y for all. At a time when com· isolation ot a newly purified Oty, ______ ZiP'--------I got from the state," e petilive tensions tempt some lx>rmone from the blood called said. ''And being an old m to reach for privileged quotas, "somatomedln" is a ma jor -Daytime Phone-~----------is useless. You can't find a it is important to recall the milestone i n researching job. I need a little y, Soc.Security No.____________ b 1 lh h. k extent to which equality of op-human gi:owth. u ey t 111 I'm a bum. portunity gave Americans a He said It has great poten-SendS2S in check or money order to: I ask for work, they 1hilik stake in the liberties or their tial as a stimulator of growth UCI Exten!liOn Room 1325 I'm crazy." -: country. in dwarfed children. CrawfOrd Hall Irvi ne, Ca. 926&1 Herman has been a cOn- From time to time, the "We may be onto something L------------------------....1 structim 'Mlfker, an .a~ijdn- delicate balance tipped either here which could open doors eer'9 as9lstant, scrap metal toward a self~ntered in-never befOl"e dreamed of," dealer and painter of nuclear dividualism disregardful or the Van Wyk said. submarines. Sex Ill 1970s: Sold Over the Counter By United Pres1 International ''The most respectable people in town" \Yait in line at an X·rated cinema in the Pacific North"·est. In Los Angeles, body parlors, bars and "wrestle-a-li ve nakt'd girl'' shops jam a four-mile, nt'Ofl-gio,ving stretch ol Sa nla A1onica Boulevard. And in Times Square, a squalid sprawl oC massage parlors, pornographic m o v i e houses and dirty bookstores, seemingly im· pervious to "cleanups " and refonn, presses in around the tiny section of Broadway, which is the heart of the American legitimate theater. This ls the selling or sex, a billion-dollar-a· year business that extends from the nation's biggest cities to the crossroads of middle America. SEX HAS BEEN a commodity in all clvillzatiora, but the sale is different in the 1970s. lts fi lm stars, unlike the anonymous actors of 1920s stag films, have their names on the marquee and their pictures in the mus<irculation magazines:. lts purveyors are not. mlddleaged smut kings but young modlshly dreMed men, "cool entrepreneurs." And most of Its patrons -in the opinion of those inside and outside the industry -come from the while rniddJe class, many of lhem middleagcd and respectable. But the en lire il'ldustry, "'hlch the President'• Commission on obscenity in 1969 estimated was grossing-up to $2.$ billion a )'tar, may be facing a long-predicted moral backlash arter a d~adc of almost continuing diminution of antlobscenity laws. Last June 21 , the U.S. Supreme Court han- ded down what may become a landmark rul- ing on pornography, the key provision of which abandoned a national "ronununity standard" in defining obscenity in favor of local standards -even if they vary from community to community and even if they are in conflict. LAW ENFORCEMENT officers, judicial authorities and even those who make their living by the selling of sex agree that the court will have t.o refine its decision before it becomes clear whether pornography gad back to the cellar. But ln the meantime, crackdowns have begun In some localllfea around the'nalion. "Deep 1broa.b '' the "Gone With the Wind," ol ponlOll'apliic movies, grossed $100,000 a week throuab the oummer on Loo Angeles' Santa Monica Bou le var d . Elsewhere ll was bMned or cleared with bewildering lnconslltency -ruled .. ,. ceptable In JactsonvWe, Fla., and tos Angeles bul oboc<:it In Ullle Rock, Art., 1'anned In some boroughs ol New York City but not In others. "It ts cltar ...• lhat lhere shouJd he neitbtr masslve IC!l:wrea Oil RI.ms, or books nor warrantless sc~ where: films are 8Cbeduled for uhiblUon In a .commercial lhealr< .... 1" Florlda Ally. Geo. Raymond L. Marky u d in a memorandwn to Ftorkta police In July. BUI In ·Massachutells. U.S. Attomty James N. Gabriel and 1epneentaUves or 1 federal and local pollce officials slarted a coordinated drive soon after the decision. aimed at "abolishing the traffic in hard core pornography." IN OREGON, ONE of two state1, along with Hawaii, where ha1*ore poroography was legal until this year, the state Senate has passed a bill to outlaw lt again. In San Francisco's North Beam, where a bronze plaque on the Condor Club reads: "Where it all began, the birthplace of topless and bottomless entertainment," the topless dancm have doMed pasties and the ·barkers say business fs way down. ; Film makers, botil pornographic and eslabllshed, are fighting back. A new groop called Medla OJallllon In New Yorlt and a cam~ by the Motloo Plellll'I! Asooc. ol Aiiierlca would lobby with lfaTt lejrslalOi'i and cily councib end al90 insa appesla ol "arbitrary" decisions again.It film&, THE AMERICAN Ubnry Trustees As90C. passed a resolution asking the Court to re<onsider the ruling and citing possible emotionally charged vigilantes" overseeing librarians and banning or burning books. Similar arguments were used when Ai. bany, N. Y., District Attorney Arnold W. Proskln oubpooaned a print <>I "Last Tango.'' ProsklJtgOl """811\1 cl mail/' much of it critical . ' Prosk in says be replied !hat "moet people in Albany County d<n1 have !he "artlsllc undtratandlng" ~ to loolt upoo lhal aort of c.bine· u art. "The average community standard,'' he says, "is not the eggheads and not the ultra· conservative. It's the guy in tbe middle." (Firit in a Stri.e1) Police Dogs Ready For Protesters • SAO PAULO, Brau! CAP) -A military truck arrives carrying 10 11°11cemcn, each holding a Gei=p shep/{ero llibUy by a leash. 'Ibey get qi! !he truck and, linJng up aide by side, start marching toward a group ol. protesters. ' '!be protest.rs jeer-and yell. threlltnlng the policemen and throwinl ports ol ~ branches at them. ' Almost dragged by the eager dl'.lp, the poUctmen advance l'hHe the protesters back up and tlnaJJ.y run in retreat. Police- men and dogJ line up again and go Meli to the truck. . , The demonstration 11 over. This: was part ot an extdblUon given by 5ao Paulo Military POllce KeMel olficlals for vtslung au1hort1Jes , of tha Brazlltall Navy, Army and Air Force. It was also meant to show that the k~· net wlll continue to train police dogs fer crowd control dcspi.ttl the current ablmel of °"'" demooslralloos agalnsl !be ioup, mllllary-run govemmtnt. re "' u~ oc an .... )"! 181 :·. be·~ . •, , I I f ye II< A1 an ' ,_ hii l " sb di· SU .... C< . ' N• ' di ' Sil "' • hi1 ' 11 to ec . " th ' w, ,, to ' .. g• • Al i~ " m .. lei " lli . /'.' tt ., " ' " Cl ' •• ci '• ., ' bl ,, ' al I " . w >;.• F ! l ~ J .. ... 31 ol ; ;, .•.•· ., " " M MO~ Monte playgri ~kln1 round presUf Th• barltec! meet111 and bu ryi111 ca1loo "Url are op ··i .I ' ·•:. "' MO~ 1ieel ol ~ Ob th< )IOt In ,, ni., mlnut• iloltb j di~ The ~·~ ~'~A ,, Sam11 !19mr~ ... • niel .ftOfl, .,. organl •, ',.( ' I ( {Aspeif Hides /~om ~Win~r . 'Under i.Coat z;. J ·• • ' Ji • ~QI Go · ·-LOO:.f " • ">·' • •?.The w9r!4't .~• see~ of . • cl>O!!Pes .. •:if t0 re • " ~·· r~t1;1ttu~'l1in Na}iirc to.!re; m. .t, . ' £ ,. • • . j: \ ~ •• • l ...\, " ~ . 11eo1i!f4UJI, , '. • • .., A•~. Mll<im ~W:~~ . · •(NolliJllg~® ~!WI c~cir.ge. .. -H ocliWs, From_ •• .,:. ,.. 1 otulu.(, Pla to '; . {'co 500 B.C.J By TllOMAS PALMER ·)! Of .. DlllY 1'11• "•" • Sund.I" OdoW 14, 197' DAILY ,!LOT • f PUBLIC NOT!CE PVBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE •.amov• •in••••• ''CT"IOUt l llSUfbS tUHIUOlt COU•T o• TM. ltAMI nA1'9MIJfT •AMI JTATIMlllT JTATI CM!" CALIPO«•IA l'CNt Tiie ... ._.Ill "9"-ere oolllf TM ......... Ill ...,_ ere ""'9 TMI CCWNTY OP O.A•t tw.lllMM el; !;IWI-e1: ... A-.111 .. TEXIEL ... Tt per on ..... Su l ltKk. L.IJ. A s s 0 c '' ~, Htll. lllOTICll OP" HIAlllHO °" PITITIO• C1Hklrflll f01.0 Wfft ........ tfr, Ctllf. '2td ,0. P•OllATI! 0,-WILL -.•D flO• I~, 11111:. t1 Ctlll9'ftla c••" ..IOM A. l e.II 9' .• tin Meyff Pl., LITTlllS TISTA.MINTAlt't '°'''*'!,MO Tew Ortv.. h el ttetll.. c .. 11 ~. Celll, tUJ:1 E.iett ot PAUL WILLIAM l"IUGGE. C.IHorftl• 'llOl'C Jtil'lrl A, 1111 Jr,, Ull tttlL ek1 PAUt. W. PltlGGf. ·~ PAUL tlllt tull-. II condu(t.11 b¥' , ""' w .. 1...i1111.,, c1111, 1'1t1ooe:. O...Ofd., jllOJitto.. L.""'41 I . H1rY9y, tS. Mtlr-A~t . NOTICI IS HIEltEIY GIV£M n..1 lllfllnnldl•. Inc. COlll ,,,,..., Ctllt. tHU (lrpM )NII K•Hy 1'111 Hied IMAh• ... u. H•""-I . Celrflt. Prt1ldtt1! Thll Ml-11 c~llllll -~ 1 llflll<ll !loll lor P<ofl.itt OI Wiil tNll fl;lr ~· Thh 111~ Wll fHtoG with ttle COVh-sYrfMl'MI... TttltrMt1!11y, ,.,.,ffK. to Wlll(ll ll ll'llCk IY (I.,., oil Ortllttc ,_,., "' Cklobff lf, L""• I!. M•rvn tor furtNor rwr11c.,11t1, .i"ll tl'llt INI 1irn. 1tn. ,~. •l•ttilMfll Wll filed with llM cov ... •Old pl~• of N11rl11Q '"' WIOM ,,., """ ...... tJI Clitr*-ti C)rt"f' COllll.t\< en ~titmblr .-t tw !kl.., 30, lt7l, 11 tiOO ""'·• 111 hbllthtd Ori• CDMI O•llY PUof, t1. ltn. • ttM cOllrtr-of °"'''',...,.' NO. ' cl 0cl9Mf' 14 21. 11. Mil ..... tmbtf' 4. J'tMtl u ld CO!lf1, 11 7tlO Clvk Ctfll"" Dr!.,. 1t'1. 1110-1;1 1'\11111•'*' °'"'" c .. ,, 0.1 .... Piiot. w111. 111 -City OI """Alla. C.1Hfor11l1 ~~ )0. •11111 Odlhf 1, 1,. ,,, 011.a Oc•Clbe• .. 197' lfn XIQ~IJ WILLIAM £, Sl. JOHM, Covntv Cltrk • PVBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE KllNI, OIOH, MAOS£N, •tCTITIOUS IUtlMStl Jl!NNIMIS & Mel>ONALD .. ...,,.,. ITATIMllllT P .. m.1 ... 1 CorlH"•ll ... lM toltOlfrllnt pertoru ,,, 4olno PICTITIOUI IUSUlllS AVCO fllllRdll T-. fltlll f'l-IMrJlfltlS tll ' HAMI ITATIMINT 121 NIWNl'I Ctllltr 0'1¥9 TAltTAN J'UILISHING COMl"ANY, llle follNnt ptrllfll 1.rt OolllQ N"""""' ltKll. Ctll'9n'lole '2 ... "°'' C1fldl1llOhl Clrdt , P.O. It~ tJOI 1111'\lllU 111 Alltrff\'I fcir1 "•llllMlr Hl,Jtllillftofl 1--h ""' COAST MAlt lNI! TANK, JO SVptrlOf P11bl11M'd ()r1ng.1 C11111t 0.l .... f'ilof, c-1 .. E. C1..-JI, 7031 Ct ndllotlt lll ....... Ntw ..... 1 llltll •1'60 Ckl'QOll' 1), 1•. '°· ltn lld-73 (Jr., H1111tl11QI011 •••ctl mo ~ Dur!IOl'I 111. ,,H Flttllck. Kl..,. M. C1""l)belt. 7031 C111<11Mltlll lr~ll1t, CA t11DS t.lf., H""llllQIOfl 1-.dl t?W WH L, Hl111t Jr., 'lltl Cot..-u. TMI llvlltlttl II cltlllucted by '" lfl· L .. 11111 Hiii .. CA '2W dl'ildlMll Tlllt blllln111 It c-...Clllll 111 I 1-1! ILP•UI Cl'lffltl 'E. Cltn!Mtll MrtMnhlp •ICTITIOUS •US INlll T1111 lt•l-f ••1 nltd with ttle c-(l.tOr9f °""'lofl 111 NAMe ITATeMIHT t't Cl ... of Orl"'lt C-IY Oii Octoblt 10, Tlllt Slllt""'"' "led \0'!111 TIM C.,n,.... Tiit fel1owl"O Pf"-llt ttolfll PVBLIC NOTICE lf1l C"'11 fil Or1111e C-ry on $otCllMUltf 21, DUil-11' f'UIU 1m .. ICK 1t•NCHES (I G . n I r . I l'vbll"'411t Ore11ge Co.st Deity Piiot, ,,tMll l"trl1ltn/llcll. 1w s. st1•• con..-~ 14. ll, 21, i ncl NWltr!llM' 4. l'ulltllhed 0<'1fl8t Co.II Dilly Piiot, l t\ICI ........ llelm. Ce. tll06 Im JIJl·P) s.¢t mbor :llO Ind 0c-1, ·~ 21. Ellwln E. Alllwtll,. Geft«•I ,.,,.,...., ,,,, '"s.n Mii Clltnnlng W•~· LOI AlllnlrO&, Tt'S.·A>J>en because the'"""'· :i; '!'he Aspen ,trees. l Quaking , , CHUV f'lllt Stiff Pl!llfl ~. 'nley are ~de for .cattle Once a quiet mining town, Aspen, Colo.1 at t~e foot of Ctllloml• to120 PUBUC NOTICE M. ••...:• Asllwlll. I Gtl>tr•• Pitt ...... ,.ICTITIOllS IUSIMnl ll'Q5 CJ'fltvlirw. SUI •tech. C1Ufornl1 . PVBUC NOTICE -~·Colorado lOWll.l.S first in- NUii ITAT•MIMT ••C1'1T10US IUSINlll '°~"?1u1m •. 'lu•~·· I GIM<t l ... t1 .... ,, T"" tollowlno Pf"SOll II dolnt Ml .... 11 NAM• STATIMINT 11: Tiit f0!1owtno ,.....,,,, 1,1 clolno 1 Cir~ 8•~ Orlvt. Cllfonl HI Mar. SONSHtNI!! ELECTlllC COMPANY, t111l,,..1 11: C1Utorn11 '1625 ..4nd coWbo)'S. 'Ibey ai'e camouDage Rtd'.Mountain, is expanding even as it.awaits its first snow, lot bo!J.><t·ln ~ bllls, awai from • habitants,. nigqed sett~n. named it. If they arrived in ~' the !P,ipdly.· trees that thriYe at high alfilUck's ·~ ~-bly hat they ~ commoiloo a r<sorl town pro-(wil h"'buildfngs creeping up the foot of the slopes. Pastoral ,,......, albel~iJt·~·\tlf.seasoo.; : .. 's~e.ie (below) is off Highway 82, t he heavily used route 132 8r-•1¥ E Cotll Mt11 '2627 POCO JO'S. l.!17 Htll Av t . . Tl>lt bt"IM$t 11 C-IKled D'li' I ,_,,1 """'°"Y OHi\ Melton, 1n arotc1w1y WfflmlMtw c1111 .,,.., p1r1,....snlp.. IE Cotlll MtN tu27 JelMI K·...,,...; Whlnlt,flofl tS2• Wiiii•"" a. 8urkt ... •·-' I -" I .,_... • A Glllll'll "1rt11<1• ·iaw·first. vvnenever t arrived, .l.'1;.,. · "'L1'"' _.. , ~-1,nto-the· resort area. i-rr·"~ . ~ ~ . .,u~ 1 1 c.. 'ftia-ways are ,,..,,, r ~ t • ~ • "'' _.,_ I 1n II' ..,.nllOM• •-t1ln V1tley, C1lll. ...,1 ''' , , ,,1_ •I• '" , __ dlvldutl. '"'~ DI•-Wflltllngffln, .~,. I I • -WI ... Ant/lolw D. Mffton MerlOOtf, Pounlllln vinn, ciHf. '1' Cl11k ol Or•no-C111,1nry on Cktober 4, Tfllt 1!ol..,._I Wit !!ltd with tM (111,1,,. Thlt llull-11 conclu(t.I W 1 IMlffll ltn P-llUJ t~ri.'-"" oil Ortnet Covnty on Odol:ltr lO. llfirlnffj=. t(lflnlth WhHtt110:001 Publltlled Or1no-Cot1t Dilly Pllol , that ftnit autumti ·inust &ve been unlprgettable. Jo the ·, dlyance, pa of brightnes1 are stuck on tbe moun- .tain Ii.def.' \ lt1' go)d leaf. 0 YeUow ribbons, rows or treetops, l!ngle with the scarred \\'hile sletider trunks or Aspen trees whose visual personality 'already has fallen to the ground. J ~. TRE GOLDEN flora appear in relief from the reds. oranges, browns, tans of neighboring life, upon which fall has also fallen. An occasional grove of bright green. an average and noncompetitive shade in the spring and summer, leaps out from the more spec- tacular colors, Is recognizable beca1.1.1e it is delinquent in this •. ~ staee ot ti,, yearly cycle. .. ,. " .. The life thrives on the brown or yellow or reddish rocky planes or Red Mountain, Aspen Mountain, Aspen Highlands, Bu ttermilk, ard an lnfinfty of unnamed natural high-rise structures. At closer vantage, the leaves do shudder, collectively glittering, in- dividual mirrors relaying the pure sunlight They art the hue of the sun. ex- cept the older ones. on which ~fom Nature has Inflicted da rk spots of death, But they go out in such glory. Steady Rocky :Pifountain breezes maintain lhe fluttering flow from highest branch to earth below. Three Isolated leaves clutch a t~rin1 twig rJ an otherwise nak- as JM ~i~ all as tbey used t~ . -~ .. ~. 'it , , . ' Atpen ts growing oot to them, a!llj~up. · · . ._ ...,..; populatilln figure of the a,ll»{oot-bigh -n llli$S l,000, •but eveD m 'the city limits that figure is ~ly obsolete. .. And in the cabba oL the " ," there are mare. An ac- curate count ii impossible. ; with transiency rampant. The ipode:m "•ettl~" property-owning part· time ~residents and bangers-on alike, motor or hike or hitchhike in aloog Highway 82. aouth from 1·70, or across Independence Pass from the other s14e. HlihwaY 82 to Aspen and Snowmass three years ago was two.lane with barely a shoulder. Today it ia well-paved with broad shoulders. Up the road near Glenwood Springs, .north and west, portions of fOUl"'lane are being inst.alled. Cumks of the mountains, once right outside your car window, are being chewed out to make way for right of way. Work fast, because the season is nearing. TllANKSGIVlNG traffic from Denver will be thick. And even before that, snow will be thick, the ground v.ill be hard, and roe.d graders will have to yield to snowplows witil spring, Then prog· ress can be restaned. <4-___ ... , . ...., Ttll• 1111-t Wll flltd wltll lllt (OU,.. Oclobe• 7, U, 21. 21. ltll )1)11.7' l'ubllthld Or1no-COltt Del.... Pllot, 1y Clfflt o1 Ortfllllt CounN on Octtllff 10, <ktlltltr' 1.., 21, 21. tnd HOVl!Tlbl• 4. 1m PUBLIC NOTICE 1m 11._n P.ttMl•I------·------1'111111"'" 0r•ftf41 Co.1! 01l1y l"llot. IL,.·15' PUBUC NOTICE OctoDor 14, 21. a •nd NovwnllM' ~. nn NOTICI' TO c•EDITOltl 11---;;;;,c;;;;;;;:;;-~;;;;:;;c;-----l -----------=':"~··~n IUPlltlOlt COUllT OP TKI •ttT'ITIOUS •ut1N•1s PVBUC NOTICE STAT• o' CALl,.OltNIA •o• NAMI 11'.t.T•M•NT THa COUNTY 0,-OltAHGI lht foMowl llQ ,..._, h Ung IM1ntll Ne. A-J7Mt I I: ,,CTmovs •UllNllS E•lll• ot BRUCE w. McCOMB. SYOHIEY, Ud Vie Oporto. HIWllO'f NAMI ITATIMINT Deculld. l ucft. CA n..o Tiie to1h1wl111 llf'IOtll 1r1 Oolnt MOl lCE IS ME1t£8'f' GIVEN to 111t Jtrr'f' F. Mtn11'f. t')t £ut l'l1ml• 11ut1M11 11: crl(lltor1 ot 111t e!Kl\!1 1111,,.... ••n1 ltd. No. '11W, LU VtOet• Nw, ffUlf TILWILL STltUClUllAL SYSTEMS, IMI 1H llf'IOlll ruivlng clel""' lt!'ll'lll 1"4 Thlt DUtlntll II ~ "Y 1n I,.. »11 a..-St .. Coll• Mtll. C1lll. "'2• Mid lllKldtftt ltt r1q11lr..S hi Ille !IWm. dl~I Jll!MI A.Mn Tll..._ »II Lll'l'IO St .. w1111 "" 1'11( .. lll"I' YOUellff1, Ill IN offk• '""' ,, MIM!k eo.te """' (ellt. fW' oil 1t1t cltrlt o1 IM 1bow tntitltd ~. or Thlt 11•"'"*" Wll lllM w1111 ~ C-J-f.Htrd WHllllllMtl. 219.I N-to ~I """""-w!tll lflt _..,y fY Olrt oil ~ C-tJI M Slplll!!'IW wt 11¥11 •• Celt• MIM. (1111, t'MJ7 _,... .. hi !IW ""'"'•II/MCI 11 THE l.JiW V , ltn Thlt blnll'llll It COflfucttd 11Y e ~ OFflCE OF WALTElt It. llAllANGER. ,..., ••I Mrtn1nfll11. UOI WESTCLIFF Dlt., STE. ni. PublllllM Orentt Coat Ollf'f' Piiot, ''"'" A. l llloltcift NIEWPOllT BEACH, CALIF., Wllkh It INI Stp1111n ..... lit. end Oci ..... 7, u, n. Tiii• Jiii_. ...... ntN ....... !tit c_.. Plett ol bWlntll ol""' Vfldff'l/gined lfl 1U 1m 3011.n 1y c1...i.. o1 o.1,... Caunf'f' wi Sep1111111M' tNtttn port•lltllll to 111t •"" ot 1110 27, 1m d«"""'' within tour mOfltl'lt 1t1.r ""' ,."511 flnt putlolleellon ot n.11 ...,.,ct. PVBUC NOTICE P11bllthtd DRflM (Olll Dilly Pll•'· Otltd Ck!. a. un. ••CTmous IUSIMISS ~pt.niblr JO, •lld Oc;t-7. 14. "· SUtAHNI! JEAN MASON NAMI STATIM•NT 1m 3015-n ' IE•Kultb oil !!It Wiii ol L.. ltHll 1tiov. n1med Oec..st~I 11:-follow1111 ~It dol1111 ll\/Slnet1 PUBUC NOTICE w.-,LT•1t It. ••1tAHOt1t HOT!!: INVESTMENT CO !5M ----IMt W•ITCLI .... Dlt., ST•. Jll Monico Dr., LllUIM 8HCh. c,;,ilforftt1 ''CT"JDUS IUllMlll r~~IACN, CALIP, twe ~. NA.Ml ITATIMINT AltorMY for •nc<l'11• Pacific Tl .. a. ltlm Inc .• tW Molll<AI Thi ftllhrWlllQ ptl'tol'I II a~"" bvtllllll P11bllJtwd °"'"°' (Nit 0111v ,.11111 Dr .. L1;un1 ltech, C•ll1tml1 n.n 11 OC:t-7 1 ... 21 n 1m .,,_n Thia bullneu 11 coMuci•d bY 1 cor· 0.1.TICO, 1111 L1ngl.y Ave., lrYll'll r ' • ' POr•llon nl'Oj Pte1flc Tlr1 a. Ill"" lr>c. JoenM McC.oy AMllrl• 1112 Slltlth1ll PUBUC NOTJCE DIA Hotll Enttr,rtMt Ttrr., INllM, '2"4 1-------------Y, Ditlm.nlco •renk Alhby, Jflt Soull\111 Ttrr., SLP·1J4 SK•l'lt'Y·TrNtl.lrtr lrvl1>t. C1llf. '26'4 lllOTICI TO CltlDITOIS T~lt lltltfllffll Wit ff,.. Wllt'I 11\1 Tllll tlUllMU 11 CO!!CNclld -, I Gt,,. SUPlltlOlt COUltT Of THI County Clerk ol Ortllff Cot1nty on Ck· trel P'•rfftfflhl,._ STATI: o,-CALl,-OllNIA •Oii tobtr 11, 191:J Jiii-M. AthbY THE COUNlY Of' OltANOI ••u 1'1'111 ,,.~ Wll flllld wllh !tit Coun. N .. A 17M l"\lblllhed °''"'' Co.st 011tv Piiat, ly Cltrk OI 0r .... , .. CCIU'flly Oii leflltmOI• E1t1!t at THOMAS E 0 w" II 0 ~ 14. 21, 21 1od Hovemblr •. 21, \tP. J'FElFElt , O.CeMl'd. 1tn JU1·7l --tun NOTICE IS HEllESY GI l!'.lt lo llMI PVBLIC NOTICE f'l!Olls/lld Ort~ Co.ti 01f1Y Piiot credllors ot !he 1tiove n1mt0 Otc.0.11! ~ 2J,. lO 11111 Oct-1, 14, ttMll ell penont hl'illlll.Clllml eg1j111t IM ttn 2tu.n ukl o.c-1 1r1 rirqulrtd to mi """"· •ICTITIOUS IUSINl!SS with Ille MCHlll'Y VOUCIMI .... In INI atlk1 •AMI STATIMltn' PUBUC NOTICE al' IM dirk ot !he •-1nlllled court. or TtHll followlng Pfl'IOll II dolnt llullMU lo prlJMftf tllfm. with lllt ,MC.IHS.l'Y It: 'tcT"IOUS •UllMlll .-ollehlr .. lo 1111 ""'"'II~ el Miii.,, THI! COVEll·U" Dltl!U SHOI'. :ioo'4 •AM• ITATIMINT NI-• Kollol•. AtttfltlOfl re. A"'""' 5lnl1 A1W1 A..._, S.1111 AM, (1111. '2101 lNI fol"""'1 ......-II -llulllltlt H!llOfl, Attomt'YI If L1W, 2014 North JVOltll AIMI TllorMI. ltoll WOOd-4 Ill ,.... -· 1.-w1y, S.nll Allll, C1lforflle '11D6. • H•->1--o---<oll> It: wl\kll II lht ""Kl cl ...... 111111 of lht T~· ...,;i'~"i~ ~ltd b., •fl Ill' 8LUIE CAlll'l!T MOl lLE HOME UftGl!'ll(l!'ltd I,. ";,11 ""'Mrl ptl'!alnlt19 lo dlYklllll ltlSA.l.IS. 11110 llldl •ovleVlrd. 1111 nttfl al' 1tlcl de<:IOl<ll. wltlll,. fovr Judith AM Tiw.11 5'r'i;~,ee=• H-. Inc.. 11110 =~ •fler 1ht 11 ... 1 po11111c111on "' 11111 1y l~/:,;,·~~' w•c n1~ wlltl OCl":!.°'fo' ltKh aov1-n1. 11•-· ce11ttir111• o.~ OClober ,, un im '"" oun OJI • Tiii• 111111...... 11 cnuc..a 1l't' • 8,ny p11111, • .... ,. C1Hfoml1 Corllorltlon Actrfll"lstr1lrlJ< ot tM E1t1I• of ·"· ed tree, but Inevitable erratic goos that interrupt the 'breeres' constant whlstle will free them. Today er tomorTOW. CLOSE UP, the Aspens' leaves ol gold snow down on it all, nature's and man's productions. In a manicured cemetery, the piles of leaves roll over, rusUing and wtds- Ulng, competing with the wind through the rows of trees. And the town. That modest population figure will increase -many fold. The Snowmasa. West Village area, el~t miles out ol town. ii home 1or a few lodge managen In olf·SWOll-filld about 10,000 winter enthusiasts at its height. No telling how many will tax the resourcea of Aspen proper. Campers and climbers and other summer inhabitants are still in evideoce. In fact, cross-coontry travel by foot is most comfortable now. Seventy-five degrees in the day. Forty-:five at night for oozy sleeping. And most beautiful. Soowy peaks protrude across all horizons, separating shreds ol clouds and Ektachrome sky from rail's ubiquitous psychedelic col· early October.'For the first time. a limited number of season ski passes will be aold. Scalpers, m eet Aspen. More ski lifts are being slrung across new clearings, in· eluding the area's first three-chair lift. Waiting lines will be longer. One radio station, KSNO, for years lonesome, now has an FM CQmpetitor. The cable has iritported television signals. A few . seasons ago viewing W"dS limited to a bar and a pair of lodge lobbies. Severa• streets have been closed off. turned into pedestrian malls. Perlmeter parking lots are to replace street parking-tha t's the v.·ay the m e tropolises deal '!'1th crowds. hbllslltd ()nMe Citit De11Y 'llot, It~ ... Klllt lleri. f'rnldt11! !!It ll;>OW: f'ltned Clleldt!ll Ottoblr 14 :n, a, efld N_..,. 4, 1t7J Thtl 1111-' Wll fll<td with tht c ...... Mlllff', NIU. a. K .. Mr . Sl.»'1 IY C11r1t o1 or1ntt COllntY en Stptemoor •14 ....,.. .,..._,, ------o----.,-----1 t7. ltn Jhll AM, C1IOornlt t21M PUBUC NOTICE 1.00-0C P2IMI A"-11 ttir Alll111l11lt1nlt1K l l---==c'=c7"'===c---I ubll Nod Or c If D 1,... f'llll'I Publllhed 0••"111 COA•t 0 1Uv ,.llot PIC'TITIOUS •UStN•St s.:..m:..r :llO, •::: Ck~ ~. 14. 21'. October 7, 1 ... 21, 21, ltn 3071.n MAMI STATIMl"llT ltn 3010.1l Tht tollowlno ptl'IOll 11 llkllnt tlvllnet1 '"VILLA. ltOMA. U110 ll'OOltrlvnt. PUIUC NOTICE Plt·7M PVBUC NOTICE ,. They rebound off hikers, vehicles, cabins, the town of Aspen. 'lltey engulf hikers' boots, cars' wbeels, houses' doorsteps and the city's sidewalks. "'· Lower slopes are actually being torn up to make way for more buildings. Not without oontroversy. though. Political battles have been won a nd lost. Feelings are strong still, and con- struction compan ies keep on night watchmen. There have been some mysterious fires. Fovnllln V~i.y, C1. ,ICTITIOUI IUSIN•SS SUP•lllOll COUltT O• TMI M1r!1n Noll , 7$.i MOrt•n St .• Ofl fl(ll NAMI nATIMIJIT STATI Of CALl•O«llllA l'Olt C1 t26'7 lollowl I lllol DU I TN• COUNTY Of' Oa•NGI Tlll1 1Mnl11t11 It COl'lclucled llY' .,. In-11T_tie ... P«tclll 1 fll 1 ""1 HO, A-711'1 cllvlduet. 'COUHlltY CLU• CONVALl!SCENT NOTIC• 01" HEAlllNG OP PITITIOM Mtrl•n Nol• HOME 21)36) sent ""' A SI II PO« ,.llOIATE Of WILL AND ,-011 Thll 1!1~! wll flied WI!~ tht COUii-NII ,;107 1 1 VI., n Lln'EltS TESTAMINTAlt'f' l l OND ly Cltrk OI Ore1111 COU!IN Ofl Oc!obff 10. s;, l11bll c . KlrMfldll. n m So. WAIVlDI 1913. p_..is Avt .. WllltHer, CIJll. 9060<f. ..·. llelt ol WANOA E. 8UltW:E, 0.CHI· '*11 Pt1b1itlltcl O••no• COii! 0111¥ Pllot. Thi• buitn111 11 cOllductfd by • gM-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ,,,., ()c:tDblr 1~ 11 , 2t, 1..o MOY1tnbet 4, lrll p1rtn1rllll p, 8A18ARA ANN JENKS Nil l'lled llertln 1 1913 :nss-n 1 .. 11e1 C. Hffn1ni1e1 Ptlltlon 111r IM'Obate c1 w111 •nd for h, They defy the currents of creeks. braving any rapids and staying adrilt. The leaves rain oo the clear water ol th(! ~oaring Fork, the Frying Pan rivers. •· Out!ide civiliuition, the Aspens and their brothers, the Ashes a nd others, are parasol! over dusty J EEPS CAN be sighted on the slopes, instead of snowmobiles. A daredevil with a hang glider puts the ski runs to use until-white icy layers are covered with powder. 11fE MINING community turned mountain town turned chic ski resort fighta c hange but it changes. The first fasl·food shop found a place-more importantly a pennit-to operate in town. To en!or<:e that, new 15-minute parking limit, there are now eight police cars. And meter maids. Three years ago there .,.,·ere two cars. Certainly no meter maids. Il should be a big season. more revenue than ever. All a blue-jean· ed outdoor girl b itching through tov.11 to work early in the morning observed, "You can just ignore the people." PVBLIC NOTICE lh!t tlt ttn'letn wu n1e<:1 wlth '"" CGUfl-ltM.lolnct ot Lent ... Tnt1mtflllry to ,.,11. N Clerk ol Ortno• COllnlY on Sepleml>ff tlonl!' UIOl'IO Wei'°">, r....,911« lo wnlcn U, ltP2. ll mtoe tor h,Jrllltr p1rth;11ltr1. ind 11111 P·Utn "" """ 1na 1111ce o1 ,_rlno "" 11me f'I CTITIOUS IUllN•ss. ,.\lbllllltd °''""' Co.11 0•1.... Pllol hll bffn HI for Oclobtr tJ. ltn. •t t :OO NAM.I ITATIMl HT S.,ttmblr ll. JO, t nd Oc:!otlflr 7, 14, 1.m .. 111 tilt co<irlr-.i o1 Oepirt"""t No · T~ la'-1119 Ptf'SOM 1rt dolllO ltr.I lf60·11 l cl Uld ~otlrl. It 100 Civic CtfllV Ori wt tiw1fn111 111 Wes1. In llM CIN of S1n11 An1, C1lllornl1. ISLAND 81kE SHOPPE, llO Ag1I• PUBLIC NOTICE 01'-d Octoeer I, 1Jll ,,_;_ ... ' The crowds are larger, the con- dominiums more numerous, even in AV'I., l!ltlboa l1l1nd, Clllf. 92Ul WILLIAM E. St JOHl'I. Wlllltm C. Htrdts!y, S03 Pt •k Avt.. PICTITIOUt IUllNt:SS Cot1nlv Cle•lt 1!11lbo1 l1l1nd. CtlU. '2'61 HAMI ITATI MINT lltWIN O. CX)LDltlMG. t:M . M•rv N. H1ra~1v. SOl P•rk •ve., Tiit follOwlllf ptfllOll 11 dolng bU'lintll HM Wl ltlllrt •ov11v11'11, Btlbol l1t1nd, C•hl. t2W1 11, Sllllt Hirm_. SN Tlll1 b11SIMll I• cor•llKled by 1n ,... 'KESSLl!lt MAllNIE. UIU Spldrl ltVfft'I' HUii, C•llPor!I!• ""' cl!vldull.;..,111 < d LIO'll, Ml ulOfl Vlelo. tt'7J Tl'h {211) t12·MO/Ul.ftM i m ' Htr nty Ktnntlh E knlltr 2476' Spl(lrt Allffllty f0r1 Pttltttntr Monte Carlo Seeks. Ricl1, Prestigious Too Tlll1 11tt.ni1nf wit fllld with !ht COU!'I· LI Ml•tlon 'vt I t2i7' Publl1ntd Or1t191 Coe1t D1Uy Pllol, ;i; 1~~;t of 011ngt Counly on $1p\'tmblr ~~,11,.. AIMI 'w:~ultr. ·2,11, Sllffr• Cc!-''• 1J, 21. nil :mt-n ' ,..... l e,,., MIHIDfl Vltlo. n flJ. P1ibl!infd 0r111111 co.;t Dilly p11o1. Thi• b111ln111 11 cona...:ttcl bY 111 1,.. 1 __ ccP0V 7 BcLclcC=N00Tl=-C0E=--se11•1mDff :». end Oct-r 1 14. ti dlwlcllMll. 1f7l ' Xl\1·7) kt,,,,.,.., l . K-l1r NOTICE INVITING llDI MONTE ~U) (V Pf ) Monte Carlo, I o n g a playground of the rich , is ~klng to become a year- round convention center for prestige professionals. The prlnclpallty bas e:m- barked on a drive to attract meetlngs of doctors, lawyers and buslnessmen that will help np lta hotets ... lrcstaurani,, and culnoi throughout lhe year, "UnUke most resorts, 're 3re open 11U year,·• Monaco's director of towism, 'i:.ouJ. Bianchi, iaid in an intet\ilew. "What we are seeking is tourism of quality to help maintain the occupancy rate." A ne'v convention center is lUlde r construction and will be ready in May J975. It will be able to handle 1,500 person! for meetings and conferences. The pruent centet can ac- 'commodate 1,100. "We ha•1e no rental fee for the center and the only charge a gn;iup pays Is for the labor lo git the faCilitles ready," Bianchi said. SPECIAL RATES are g iven for convention groups in hotels and dlacount.s are oUered in some stores and restaurants . By the time the n e .,.,. convention center is ready, the prlncipallty will increase its four-star hotel capac ity by 134 percent, Bianc hi said. A new Holktlly Inn opened last year with 320 rooms. the ~11rabeau tussR 'Traps' Its Tourists J ' !-'-'--------------Tllll 1111.,1,..11 w .. flied with Ille Cot1t1-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN !hit 111t· J:lotel is scheduled to open In th6 past year, l\fonte PUBUC NOTICE ~.1~·;,~ ot 0••nM counl'!' 1111 s.pre""btr : ~!.:'1~1111rt!.c::i~i~ !;' ,: ~l~ shortly with 100 rooms and the Carlo ha s hosted an lnterna-1----~~-·------1 f ·Hm ct.,t •' "" c11y H111, n F11r D•!vt. I · J Ba •~~ SUPl:ltolt COUIT Of' THI P\lbt/11'11d Or1nge (1111! O&ll y Piii!• C111ll Mtw. C1lllornl1, 111'1111 tlW !\Gu• GI new Loew! Hole will be ready l1ona r n:..:ioclation meeting sTAT• of CALl,OIHIA PO., Jttt.1111Nr n. » •ncl OCtObl• 1, u, 11:00 1.m. on Ck•obe• 16, 1tn, ,1 wr.1cn in the spring of 1975. wltb 660 and a large medical con-THI COUNTY o• 01tAN01 1t11 ns1.n 11,,,. 111tY w111 bt -'" fltltlllc!Y •nd r MO ....... ,1 r1td t loud 1,,. ttM COUllCH (lllll'lltrl tor rooms. The Loews Hotel will feren~. nus all It will be the WOTIC! o..-HfAlllNO OJI' •11tsT PU8L1C NOTICE f\lr11lllllng •ll ··-· m1tffllll. eQ\11-1. be adjacent to the new eon-site of meetings of the ANO FINAL ACCOUNT AMO ltEl"OltT tr•n'l'Orl•llon •rod IUCh olMI ltcJUllH II OF e XECUTOlli AND PETITION ,-OR •KT1TIOUI IUflNllSS mey tit required IM !'le f1nd.K""ng DI vention center i'ust below the International Air Transport ALLOWANCE Of s rATuT01tv AND N•-'1 aw11 .... c1 '""" 1na1111n.1 w1v .x···o••'"'v eo····,,s10HS TO NA.Ml ITATIMINT casino Association and a convention • " ....., T111 1o11-i 001 to 1"" s"'"' 1nc1 s...,,,_ ..__ ''""' . EI( E cu T 0 It ANO TO l"A'f' llullMtl ••. no PfflOl\I ,,. Ill 8d1lol SltHI to •••• '""'· In addition. renovations of of specialists In acupuncture. SlA7UlOltY ANO EXTlt.AOltD!NARY ,. ll 0 .. I! s 11 0 N A L It u ltSING A st! of lll•n1, SP1C1flcllletrt1 •nil O!Mr' On I. 1 d is "TTORNEY'S FEES ANO fOR Af'· e conl•tcl lllOC111ftt1111 m1y bt atilll!Mll 1t the luxurious Hotel de Paris. e conven ion area y .. OINTMENT OF TR USTlE UNOElll. Sl!ltVIC s. dS H. N1..,iol't llvtl., •111t• Ille olflc1 of llMI Clry Engl••· '' Fl" "e Hermi'tage HO!Cl and ••e booked for 1981, Tl!STAMIENTAJlY TRUST. ANO POlt A-!; H-rn ..... ·~cll,... ""°.,. ,. II A Orfve. COii• Ml!W, C1llfontlll, ~pan 1 non "'I "'' FIN-'L DISTRll!IUTIDN ...,,.., 1 ' '111 ft w ., tl'lllfl<llblt PIW..,...I GI MOD Metropole also are scheduled Government tourist offices E•t•i. o1 DAVID ROTHMAN. 0t<111ed. N:•H9~1~'1~'o"':°w E c , E1c11 bid .... u 111,,,_·~1111 ,,_.1 I ed I I , N y k d '-•d NOTICE lS HElll.El!IY GIVEN Ille! 1 · " · 1111 l&r"" •nd In ,,..., "''""" •roYIOtd In II•• to be comp el near y 1975. ID cw or an lAJ,11 on AHMANSON tANK ANO TltU ~T co. II&• Hwy, Cd#. CA '1615 (Ofll•ICI CIGCu~nllo, •na t/1111 bf I t· A'ked how SOme Or ••e spread the word of the at-mtd htrrtn , pe1111"" 111r F1r11 1no Fln•l TN• 111.m1 ... 1s 11 conauctlCI llY' • llmlled co-nltd "" • ct•llflN "' ulfller, UI ·; ' . 1· if<Ctotlrtf •tld r~I •I e•KUIOI'; Ind ptll-Plllllfflhlp chick or . bid band tor 1111! ltn thin 10 ..... older, long.tl'Tne visitors to tractions of the pr1ncipa 1ty, 11on '°' •llow•nce o1 111111tory •od ex Thi ;:.~Y L. YittsH wl c 111 t1>e •"'°""'t ol lfM 1>1a, mi'd• p1y1n11 10 ln.lud.n" ·is 8 f t •· trlOl'dln1rv "'"'ml11lon1 to exec11tlt0' 1nd I fllefll w11 led !fl ll'WI eun• thol CIN ol Cott• Mes• "'Jonte carlo might react to the I " I n e I ree...,. 111 PIV 1!1!11IOl'Y •Nl tXlr~-1~.,~ ll· ty CIP•k .. Or•no• COU<lly on StOlt!T\b!r NOTICE IS FUll:THE'• GIVl!N "''' lh• 1n odernization and convention "Sare ty is most important 111rnn'• ""'' ind for •PGOl~1""•nt et 11• ltra ''"' cir. councn o1 111d City h•• Nir••o'o" • l•Ullte 11ndW '"""'"''''Y Tt\IU, •nil ~r 7 ttllbll11>td • prev,11r119 •1!11 Ind K•I• ~· business drive. BI a n ch i here, ' Bianchi said. "\Vomcn Fln11 0111r1t11111on r1tt,.M• to wt.ich 11 P\ltlllrMcl 0••1'19• ca.11 011rv Piiot, w~'"' 1n KU1tcla1K• w1t11 iiw. 10 11t peld repll.cd , "f '"Ink they will ,..... can co out a t night and '"'I m.11a• +or IV•"*' D••llc~I•••· •nd th1t "" ,.,..,.,w ». lflcl OCI06ff 7, u, 21, itn in •M cGll$!n.M:!len ol ~ •be.,. enr111"' UI .. -uv 11m. tnd pllcl ot 1M1rlnt lht 11m• l't11 :JOG.1-IJ lmprov•m•nlt, lllt! ukl r1!1 tlld •<•le cept it. It's the onJy way we have to worry about their bteft ..-tor MO\lfffllW •· 1t13. •t •:co PVBLIC NOTICE "''' ~ttct tiw 111e cu" coyncH "~ . ,, . Is ,. 1.m., In 1NI [Ol,l•l!'oom ti D1P1rt11Mnt No. A;tto1v1fon 1).1 en flle ™ cl•~ o1 J1nu1rv can surv1vt. Jewe . J. o1 u ld court. 11 X10 c1~1c c.,,,., or1.,. 1•n . 11'\d 11 on""' In'"' ofnc1 01 111t Chv ----------------------Wt11, 111 h CffY of S1nt1 An1, Ctlllar"11. IU'·1M (ltrt; al' t1ld (tty, T~tl t•la r111 i nd MOSCOW -Olleken Kiev. titer stroa:anoff find caviar are 'bh the restaurant's m enu but 1)01 ln 11$ kitchen. tourism in the Soviet Union. Tl says it's trying to overcome "l11rge and small shortcom· lng11 ln 1ervtce." of the tourist season we have •------------------:..--.. to say 'no' to m any forelgncni Dtllld OC'tolltr 11, ltn tUf'lltlOll (0Ultt 0, TH• ·cll<t Ii Mrtln tt1-tre.:1 to 1nd •OOP!t<I In WILLIAM f , lT JOHN. ITATa Oft CALl•ottHI• •Oil lhlJ noflc1 11 lflolloh hA lw t nd c-ltlll~ , __ .... c1 .. ~ THI COUNTT OP Ot.ANO• ~ forth ..... n. Ind '"~' wld 1c.tlo ••• The w alter who took 30 minutes to approach the table 1'>!1b the menu lhrui• off the discrepancy. The hotel reservation! dMk :~Y• it never heard of you. ;';A sid e trip to Leningrad, Samarkand. Siberia ! Sorry. Qpmtade tourist no hotel ..... l ' These l'fptated tourist an· .f\oyancc1 have not ~11pcd the eye of lntou rlst1 the 1tate organization that b • n d I e s ~rgel Nikltin, the head of lntourist, V.TOte rece11tly ln the Communist party newspeper Pravda that ••At present we cannot yet fully satisfy the fast-growln& demandi o f tourlsta ln OW' country." NJKJTtN SAID tourists' lnl- pres!lons 11 r e "!IOITletlme!I lowered by Inattentive service In hotels. rCitaurant.s and tr1n1Port facillllea." The Sovie! Union hosted 2.1 mllllon tourist! In 1972. "But every year at tho peak who want to visit because 1here Is shoftage ot hotel •c· commodatlons." He &aid the shortage Is "acutely'' fell In P.1oscow: Leningrad and Kiev. Nlkltln bl:uned slow pJn· s tructlon In part for lhe hotel short11ge. He said on lnlourlftt hotel ln Yalta has bcon under c:on- 1tucllon 1ilnce 196.s, "t)ot liven now we canflOt ilve the dale when It wlll open." NiklUn did not mention two lntburlst hotels In~ ~foscow that h a ve been under COJl!itn1c- tlon for lit least thl'Ce yellrs. VACATION n 0 CHAUFFEURED MOTOR HOME Col I or W rite ~ll9{1°6UI'seaseru.~ 3$"13 Ct11• Zotrt. Stn Ctam1nte, Cthl, 92tl72 (114) "491 .. 14S J.t.Mlt W, ICSTltATTIH tie. A-77111 t4Gpllcl ov t1ld RttOlwllon. 11 fl\1a1 1 At!...,..., •1 UIV MOTIClf 0, NIAAIMG o,-'ITITIOM WI bf tt'il1-1'10l'ICI bY rl!'ltftnte. .HI kwl• SIM1• ttreet ,otl f'AOl•ll 0' WILL AMO POI Tile Contr1ctor s h 1 I 1. 111 !ht L• ........... Cell ..... MOii l8tNltl O p AOMIMll'TllATlotll 11t<IMm111Ct of lllt _.le efld Im· T•h lt1J) Ul-1* WITM WILL Al'IMlll:IO · Pf'(l""me1111, cOlllOr"" •o tllt UlllOr COOi ...... , ,.L!!: !.-.-, ' ... -,,,. f1i.tt eit HILD4 IEMtLT AD"""'· t11• .,/ tllt Stele ot Cell!ornt1 •rta °'"'' ''"'' 11111..._ ..,.,,.,_ Olt •• • HILDA I . AOAMS o.c...... of 1'flt Sl11t ot (tlltvnl• 1..,rl~e •""i='-=="::"="=·="=n===:.:;="="='';JI NOTICI! '' Hi!"''"' G•VEN 11'111 ,_tlO. wllh "" .-.clCl't~ OlllY ct •Ut:h lo ---WAL Tlll Cl INS Clt:\llLANO l'IM fifed v1r!11i-IS ll'ltY bt ._lrtd ondtr IN For w·eekender Advertising Phone 642-4321 'Mrtlh I Hlllteti for "'*It ol Wlll Mid lllKlll tlllllfl'n lltlr M .. fll kl ""'4Ch llfllo ... lllMltl'l(I ti' \..ltttrt .. Aclml.,j\lflllon ctlllllfl91 11trlllln0..-,,. l.i!tfl •!Id which '111111 IN Witt A-Jo.Id le 1111 P11111-r, !llvt l'IOt IMt<t ___. .., 1111 "° ~t II wtllch 11 ~ kll" tur1'ltr Yltlorlt of •1'4 L.W Colle. "'etw.nct lo Pl'rl\Cll1M'I. 11111 Witt lhl tlmt Ind ple[t llbllf 1"'1111 tit t i""' IWll'f' In !ht '°""""' tt llM""9 11'11 Mfl'lt ,,., ..., 11'1 IOI' Ott. ll'ovlcllcl tv lew. :io. ltrl." t ;OI) 1.111 .. In tht c....,1,_.. ot No bid 111111 toe (l)fltlal!"lt1 uni.ti It ts ~lnllfll ... I .. lthl toufl, 1t 100 "'"cit ""' • llll"k '°'"' """"11"'4 In' 1rw 'lvlc C-lf' O!'lvt Wtll, 111 1111 City o1 CilY ol COii• li'eN, tflcl !\ """'' lft ~! lent~,.~· C..106',,i•. cora1nc:1 with 1llt p.-ovhlon• Of !NI P•o-011'1111 Oct. t , ,,,, ..... ~. •1<1\ll•-l1. WILLIAM l . ST. JOllN, Etch bld4tf m11,t bt llC•fl'lld t no '"' C-ty C*k ~•-•1111.0 '' •Mlllrto ..., 1,..... N, J.\Ck MAU. T"" C:ttv '°""'H 1111 11M C!!Y el Collt tit I , St"""-"' It. ._..r.a l'M.,.._ tllt •IOhl 11 '•lm:r If!\' "' C•ll Mft&, C1llt. f1U1 •II llld1. 'f1'1 ino 14,.1... (UY Of COilA Ml!SA. CALI,., A~ iWt f>tlttt.tr 01•td1 hl>lt""'*' 21, 1tn. 1"\111>11~ Ore,,.. CH1I Oe!lv f'l!OT, Pllllllllld Or_. GOl1t D•ll'f 1'119', OC:'*' 1). If., -. 1t1l )1 ... n OCIOl>lt 11, "· 1t11 11»-n ' ' 8 J.'0 OAll Y PILOT Birthday Tributes to Gershwin Abound in NY • ·! The George Gershwin birth· day era~ ls In fun 8Wing in Nev.· Yo1·k . To hooor his 7Jth year as • deity. ther\• is 3 beau!Hul eight.cent (;t;>rShw1n stamp. prelly 11~ <1nything in the National G1d\{'ry . Frances Gersh.,..·in. hi~ sister. threw :l lovely party Ill "21" vdth player pianos <ind hot-and- o;ild·runnlng Ziegficld girls. NF.W GERSll\\rlN book~ called "Tiie Gersti.v.·ins," is 1>ublished by Athene um . Beautiful book. with thousands of photos, correspondence. ane-cdotcs, song lyrics, and complete chronology of his shows. Did you knO\\.' the Gershwins used to run a Turkish bath and George v.·as allergic to champagne~ Just folks, really. In the raw Rex Reed swee1er and softer than sist<'r Liza. and Dustin Hoffman an d EU1el ?i.1erman clapped a Jot. There's a spot in her sho'\v when she sits on a stool, catches her brea th , and half· Vt'hispers: her mot her's old ar· rangemrnt of Gershwin's "Do Jt Again." ll snade Tony Bennett cry. A man came up to me after the show and offered me $5.000 to interview his wile as a Ch ristmas present NC-A' \'or"k's most stylish singers, Boony Whyte and Travis Hudson. "\Ve Like A Gershwin Tune" (fi.1onnl0uth· Evergreen Records ) is a tas te th rill. If you like obscure Gershwin show tunes, this one is a must. Ronny has a col· legiatc, scrubbed, Haro Id Teen • with·whitc--tie-and-tails upproach. 'rravis gives her songs a soft, vulnerabl e. "I've been around but l'n1 still unspoiled, boys" treatment. Togelher, they 've assembled a rich and versatile tribute to Gershwin, including waltz.es. tap dancts, lullabies . Charlestons, rags, blues, I've betn doY.on songs, J'ni feelin~· up songs. I'm in my t'\.111.S !'.Qngs. fl.~y. favorite ii a lost Uin,v called. "The R e a I American_ lfolk Song.." Wrjft!t' , Barbara Ooldsmlth gave 8 dlnner ror Frank Per· ry. Good group. Sue Kau(trian. v.·ho wrote •!Diary of A Mad Housewife." c 9 mp lain s because she cen't grow raclishes on a rooftop because of the fallout. Richard Befl< jamin laments the demise of MGM. Everyone agrees James Aubrey bas leveled the greatest movie studio In the world (and a symbol of perfection that made most of the people jn moVies go into the business in the first placel to a rubbish heap in record time. ny races acroJS the room. Lar- ry Peerce te1tl 'tabulous stories about dir ec ting Elizabeth Taylor In Rome In "Ash Wednesday.'' He says it's the first movie she's mado in years in which she doesn't look like a drag queen . This J gotta see. Dan ("How To Be A Jewish Mother'') G~burg says he just returned [rom Scotland where he followed t h e Japanese research t ea m around looking for the Loch Ness Monster. He says be has pholos ol Jhe Loch Ness Monster. Looks something like Elizabeth Ta y Io t . (My remark, not his.) I went to the opening of "A Streetcar Named Des.ire" on Broadway. Faye Dunaway was a disaster in Los Angeles, Rosemary Harris was a sorry disappointment at L i n c o I n Center. Now they've taken Ellls Rabb'• ..is· from tbe Llnooln •.tenter production, moved II to the Big Time and employed Lois Nettleton as Blanche · DuBois. l approach with trepidallon. What unfolds is s he e r magic. Except for E 11 a Kaian's movie with Brando and Leigh, 1 've never seen a first·rate production of this greatest. of Tenn essee WUU..ms plays, but the new Broadway production comes d<Ugbllully close. Lois Nettleton is a shat· teringly brilllant actrm and her Blanche made me cry. We have stars without talent com· ing out ol our ears, but· l.<111 Nettleton is that r ate discovery -a magnificent ac- tress with star qu&lity ·WM turns the dwindling !heater m. to a shrine. The standlng ova· ,tlon wu truly deserved. Mads for Jlenry Kissinger's .'lbll ii a trlum~hant party for himself, the other "Streetcar" thBl anyone plan· half beads for a party lhrown ning a vi1il to "New YOrk csn· by Fran cesco Scavullo, the not .afford to Jillss. lt ~vives photographer who pOOtograph· my faith ln'Broadway. ed Burt Heynolds nude for the At 11 ,p.Jn. I tuih to lhe Cosmopolitan cente rfold. I ~ ~t amblance of choose the latter, where boys S1'e Cooli~til Bath& ,t0 see in jock straps serve chan1· Eleanor Ste~J cmcer\. The pagne to everybody you ever invhaUon sa.YS •1sJack. Tie or saw on the cover of Vogue and . Blick Towtl. .. Some people a naked cowboy falls into a -0- wear a btaCk tie and nothing pound cake. else. M~ Steber appears New York is beginning to Crom the steam in a lemon look like Berlin before the fall chiffon g<iwn. and all Jhe girls look like Sally At midni1ht,; hallliiiilbe-gjirooiljp iiiiiBojiwijjljjjesii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ ~' •• " FOR THE FINEST IN ' ~'J: •MEXICAN FOOD •p o STEAK & LOBSTER · -HENRY'S AEROPUERTO .. SPECIA L ~1ore Gershv.·in O\'Cr :ll Lorna l.uft's night-('lub act at the St. llegis. She sings W~y Allen ruakes fun· ~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~__c_~ ll E ARO ANOTHER Gershwin tri bute by l\VO ·of l"' FRIDAY & SATVRDA Y Cotn1t111nity Co11eert \.' 'An Autumn Serenade' will be performed by the Huntington Beach Community Concert Band on Sunday at 3 p.m. in lhe 'fheater Building at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. The band, composed of community residents of all apes, is directed by John }.1ason, music in· structor at Marina Hjgh Sc hool. The prOgram for the concert includes: The Star Spangled Banner, J. S. Smith: Autumn in New \'ork, Vernon Duke/arr. J., Krance; Selections from Oliver. Lionel Bart/arr. N. Ley· den; Portrait of a Trumpet -Soloist Gary Halopoff, Sa1niny Nestico: C~orale and Capri ccio, Caesar Giovanni/arr. \V. Robinson; Trumpets \V~ld/arr. I Polster: Begui ne for Band, Glenn Osse; Pride of the 'Volv· erLnes March, John Phillip Sousa/Ed. F. Fennell. TODAY'S CIDSS\VOKD PUZZLE ACflOSS 73 Galley !IWeep 132 Cape 19 Po11pon1 ' 95 c .... ~ 7~ Concede \34 Aqu1tic bl1d 20 The 1mpofo 96 Gfeell letter 1 loci!>ive 76 Aware: elano 136 Hewn: Latin 27 full ot pep 97 Cl\enen111 6 ~~111.1n1:1e 77 Took lunch 137 En!lrav• 29 Snare 98 UnWlnd 11 Atlhei1ive 78 Fewer 14 ! lnitale 33 Hall an 11n1 99 1n that plat• 16 N"ance 79 Salt 50h;lion 142 StorehoU$11 35 Wheel co,,,.r• 10 1 flood 71 CMYll!lQem 81 Month: ebbf. J44 f~cited 38 A1tr11cting 103 Palm lily ?2 c1,,1s1mas 82 Stronged 146 Chrostn18& 39 l1qu1d mea1ur11 104 Unlawful V<~•tOr .r1~u..,men1 148 Lodeload 41 o;scu~s 11\&tk ~J eedeck 83 Pnm;ile~ 149 French article 43 Wa\I D•111ti11g 107 Give food 14 T ounst abode 85 Cort1dor lW Jumbled type 4!":> 811wl 108 Son ol Seth 1~ G1ac1al fldge 86 D19emb~•k 1!:.l Photograµher 47 Canme toy 110 Bow 11'> Lath 88 '"$h.11d1g .. 154 M it1ol.ie 49 l~1m.nate 111 Door pivot ]8 011mohsh.., 89 Goll mounds 156 S11uare mtiasure ~ G'eek goddess 113 Nimble 30 C•v ol oa1n 90 Contradicl 157 One remainmg 51 Opiate 114 Ma•e1 lat• 31 Scale •101e 9 1 D>smou1>ted 159 Auempled SA Sund la1111ce 116 Boo1 part 32 We•te"1 92 Tuhp pla•1I 100 Make ashamed 55 Water vaoo• 117 Chi» piece lndoan 93 Oeduce 162 An1llerv !i6 Lvuc rn~•Sll 1 l9 F<lar 3t Norweg1a'1 95 Poker item d•1charge 57 l11d>9na11t 171 Recomoen~ei. sa1'1t 96 Engendered 164 Tantahte !":>9 ln>p1:cun1ouslv 123 Apoella1•on 36 Saucv 97 W ot113 165 Aucuonsoll 61 Wande11ng 175 Responds 37 Posot1ve 100 Speech put Hi6 Freight Jtation 63 Obviou~ 127 Indian . l ermifl"al 101 Summer 167 Cornered 64 B•tir>g compositi<Jn 39 Vol1ane's ··so .. ~ernr"' 66 lmpuderit Htlk 179 Zero '"weapo1'1'' 102 AuMe•e DOWN 67 M~tll\ Sl)ICule 130 Na~1ga1or 40 B1vouec shelter 104 Smash In 69 T elegraohic 131 Harangue 4~ Account antrv 105 Colleue thee• 1 Rt(.onno'1er 1peed unit 133 Auto ··extra'" 44 Beas!"sderi 106 Peruvian r.o•n 2 Quickness 72 low oslands 13!":> Bedou.n 46 J1.1ne beetle 107 Active powe1 3 Staie of beirig 74 Doctor"s 138 As !aras 47 Av•illY 109 Follower ot 4 legal maner ass•stant 139 Covet ras•dent 110 Concerri 5 Ho11eback game 76 Sheltenflg 140 Biblical 48 Income 111 Busv plBr<t 6 lafldtd pro~rty 78 51fl1ster glanc• ktng !•l Reml.lneiated 112. Plu•al 11n<l1flg 7 Sun 11od 79 "Combos" 147 hel11nd !i3 C!~w 113 S1111ka 8 Con/unction 80 G•rl"s name 143 Allthot !i~ Un•ulfled 1 l!i Sayacoou' 9 Dance movement 82 Sentry order Ludwig !).8 Le1 fall 11 7 Clemant•ne"t 1(1 Canva! prop 84 Sharp 145 Ta10 bO W•sdom taH1e• 11 Not con,pte1e 8!":> That gofl 141 Fo1mer &1 Mahc10ui; 118 State of mind 12 hacas Bl AssoSI l!iO Foo!11ka part 6~ Tramole 17\J Zoo greellrig 13 Valuab!e been 88 Shove 152 Larnprey li6 Year d•v•~"'" 1?;> C•vo!w•ong 14 GBne<al 90 "'Hoole<'" 15J Soesia fi8 Rotary rnolo< !2J S•1arl tendencv 91 Chet~ 1$$ D<sf111yre 70 Romari s'" 124 Comm~nd 15 Implant deeply 92 Sw•sS Alris 158 la1,ghte1sot1nd /I Or.e111 1:'6 No1.1n end•f10 Hi Fool covering w•r1d 161 Thus 72 Comn1u11•sl 1 ;is N•t1hrla11 17 In wha1 menner1 !!3 {ju ss~t 163 frenr.h Mar~ lJO Small llonit 18 A1tendon11 94 L~sso 1rt•tle ... . ' " " " " • " ""'· " " • " • • " ~""' !iii " " " • • • '" " ,. '" .. "' '" '" " SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FDR ANSWERS Greco to 'Educate,' Da11ce in Santa Ana Entertainer Jose Greco has techniques and characteristics been-electrifying audience$Jpr .. of dances lrom the regions of years with his mastery of ' Aragon, Basque, Valencia. Castile and Andalusia. Also Spanish Dance but there is performing on the program another side to this will be Greco's maestro at the multitalented performer which piano, and lead Flamenco he Will present in a special Guitar. lecture • demonstration • red· The lecture~monstralion· ONLY OC.'TOBER 13 & 14th COMPLETE STEAK $425 DINNER REGULAR PRICE S6.50-S6.25 & $5.95 SERV ED FROM 4 PM -II PM SPECIAL MEXICAN DINNERS 52.95 El\TERTAINMENT D.4NCJNG Phone 545--5579 2122 BRISTOL (PALISADES) NEAR ORANGE COU1VTY AIRPORT AT TllE CORNER OF BIRCH tal to be staged in Phillips recital formula h a s en· Hall Theatre at Santa Ana Col· tertained and i n s t r u c t e d lege Friday, Oct. 26, at 8 p.m. students and the public at ro l· -""'= Jose Greco the "educator" lege campuses across the will take the stage at s·Ac country· along with Flamenco Dance The program is sponsored Star Nana J..orca. Although as a commt,1nity service or the billed as an e d u c 8 t I 0 n 8 l Rancho Santiago Community presentation, the evening, will College District. Further in- feature plenty of Greco-Lorca formatioo can be obtained by dance artistry. "There is no calling 83:'>-3000. reason why an educatiooal ex· ------1 perience cannot be lively, stim. ulating and certainly enter-- taining." notes Greco. Open to tile public free o( charge, the program will feature discu ssi on and demonstration of v a r io u s '1H! STONE klllll" .... "DILLINGER" CRJ ffiliii~ll f .W.rt 71)0.f:M '\ kit I '"11»14:»4:~ : 7:20-f:lO I . t . ENTERT"IHMCHT FOR TH£ ~ WHQl[ FAMILY I!::!] "" "World Premiere" low Sbowinc I ORANGE COUllT' IRO. I !RDOkllll~T . ~l\W1<11 . 122-64·16 BUENA ,ARK OR-Ill · Bno Pk 8/94010 CtNUrlA WEST· Wtm.nsl~r · 59? 4J9J CIT' CINEMA · Or~n~' · ~32 6771 fOllNTllN YALLEY D:~·lfll 96?·2~il ORAll'E MAll · V>lli P1rl 6ll ~:;.:o lltlO ll911110fl8e.ch ·6138J50 Ill Clll(MI 1 • CG!tl M!H · S-:00~9·1 • Ill TWiii II -Cer1itos • 92~·1019 *********** ~?1411 - D"IYK·IN SUPER SWAP MEETS NAR•OR aL¥D.DrlH·ln s.i.• 51111.-••"' to •pm ORANG I Drl.,.·ln 1 & 2 Sit I Su11.-••"' to •pm , ... ~"'~•i_ ....... $11111 .... F•mllr Fun! ~rof1tal 8•r1•lns Galore! ""'-'""'-'-"SOUND OF MUSIC" ... V1U0 M>5sion \lieja · 830-6~ MllMAR . S.n Cltmen1e. 192·0056 CtNFODM! l/ ,': "CHAILOnl'S Wll" CG) '-~-~· ""<!:..~ "fHI Gl!TAWAY" !l'GI ... "Lll"E I TIMES 01" JUDGE ROY llEAN IJ"G) "YOUR THREE MINUTES ARE UP'' .... ,., "WHl!RE DOES IT HU RT7" "LAST TANGO IN J"Alll1$" 00 .... "WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A 'NAl(IED LADY?" IXI "HEAVY Tt'.AFFIC" IXI ... "MYRA IREC KI NRIDGf'' lXI '~ •• easily the best movie so far this Year'' -SteDhen farber • NEW YORK TIM ES ~' ~'1 -·....,.you ;,,21 . ·~ HARBOR 0.1. STARTS AT DUSK 11,. "PlAY IT AGAIN SAM" • · EXCLUSIVE ORl!IGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT , '" ,1•~.··~•o; 1n • U.A. CIT'I' AND SOUTH COAST CINEMAS-TUESDAY lOC (LADIES AHO l)()LOEN ACOERSl-OJ"EH 'TIL J:to J".M, "SEVIN s~m,,,...., '71 WONDERS Tl!• OIY""'1cl 0' THE "VISIONS 01" WEST" + EIGHT" Nf NUet IH" ltkl!W!Clmllflr: II •Jt<lll '""""'"'" or LHlei LEGENDS o.,, f'C, DIE" (GI 111 tolort IOI lfll! Ill Ctllfl ,., M•rlor! 1••11110 "LAST TANGO IN PAllll" Alleit Fvnf'i "HAKID LAD'I'" Ctlt• CX) Rolltrt s11~w "Jt.ll"LECTION 01" l"EAll" "CJl!l,ING Fll!IH" llHI I~ '911H"I fl'GI /• l ...... lftff ''YOUR 1HREli MINUTES Altl UP" ...... ~ ,.,, •• $ttl•f"I ''WHl"lt1!: DOES IT MURTt" (Ill ~-. } .. ...... ,. 7:00, ·~ $91., ""'· , :JI, l:OJ, 4:40 6:0J, 7:40, t:u RO!BY I ENSON GLYNNI S O'CON NEii "JEREMY" (PG) It's about the first time you fall in love. I [ LOllC auc111~M Ko•o .UEA I .. wrwooo DR·IM . A2'·'9ll 'LJ.lA · lont BtM:h. 4?9.J0l2 STATl · lOllg ~e~h · 431·2121 STRlllD. s~~ Pt1TO. gv.1211 Dl<;[Ql/111 COUFO"S OMl ¥ COOi! It WALK IN l~(Alf R~· MO ORW( IN'> e '· ,, ! \'I Elliolt Kutner p.-nt• "JeNtny" Writto:n 1rid Oiie<1ed hy Arthur &rron Stu~ Roliib, BcnlOD inhodU(ina: Clynnl1 O'Connor ~111lit by lee Holdridge Produced byCeorie Pappu A Ken.tMI Film pioducliort j ~ llOTIO!I nt'Tl.*I k:Olll AUVW • Tiit HIT .-:l-' J u-~ .... ll ~·A~AUll.l (Ill UNll'lO Al1ll1' l ((Ull:M UlllH9U Arla IPGIW.:•~ ~ Hl·WAY 39 • SllRTS SOUTII COISI ! I CINEMILINO IT OUSI • ILSO -wmom l IXD 8:11 "IPRIL fOOlS" P.C. Sil. I SU!. 1:30 • l:OS • 1:40 -US · 1:10· !:IS ••• .. ~~"'' ..... 1 i;u .. 1 t.•···~-·b•~ ,,,.., .- l Cll ... )94 yo' I led I Ho rn; cul 1 fan: ~thE ~enl ~lia: ~Jh· :i,ni ~:~ ~th! ~do: ~lh< ~ny. i?'"' ?. inE ~in ~ "G ~ ~· (l,! ~ha· i~:: ~·"' $~ ~~.Ul "lo . ' ·;.; '1en: ,:·.-;wi· .: mt ~ b e ~ •hi ,.. ,Wt r. .. Ca ~ · ·cr1 •, " -. 1 • Ro Br SI< ~ WI Co 1 · 1n p.I ml As .. mi I lei ; ta! ·J: be • Ti.Ii t. i I: Pl' ~.ca: .:OM-time Music~'-s .. <;an Be 1: · An Audience's Best Friend '" By GEORGE LEIDAL Of ... DlllY 'lhf ••• ,, Did. ~ m~s th,e frothy· • CAIT)'UlP on ot the Broti.d· y,,•ay musical theater of the 1940s because you were too young (or not yet born )? A r e you war Id weary, fed up with relevance? Would· a vision of t b e Hope Diamond set in the midst of thousands square cut baubles tum you on? If you answer yes to $any of these, or remember ~the enlertalnment • !or • ,Sentertainm"ent'a • sate brll· ~Hance of the '40s musicals ~then a trip to the Sbuberi ;; Theater in Century City is i!a must. ~ Carol Channing in a ~ flllshback reprise cl the role '-that rocketed her to ·star-v ~ dom is Lorelei. bright ns Z lhe Hope dian1ond, as fWl· ~ny, as beautiful.-as glori· *°°s as this reviewer i!nag· I': ines she must have been ~in the original version of ~"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." ? NOT ALL OF the Anita i~Loos a n d Joseph Fields . book charms as it m us t s have in 1949. Attempts to 'LORELEl''PLAYS AT SHUBERT THROUGH NOV. 24 lupdate cloy somewhat. per-Carol Channing Peter Palmer Star in Premier Tour haps because we've bee ti' ' ' spoiled by more plausible plots in !dlo\Vs of interven-Tamara Long are the from the original "Blondes"' ing years. show's unquestioned JI' red show and of coW'!e the tt; With Mis,, Channing on-and Ginger. Miss Long's closing "Diamonds Are A i atage plausibility is' blown singing voice is first rate, Girl's Best Friend" is the :.to Jhe wlndl. though her portable micro-fillale supreme. Audiences that can relax and phone blUITtd dic~ion: After all, as Lorelei tells ·.~{enjoy ·• bad pun 1erved Reams' dancing aklll is us diamonds · don 't wear /.'..with Jove and like it u m a t ch e d by a pleasing out. t: much as the tartly trite voice and the talents com~ A trip to the Shubert Siberian Dancers To Debut 'Mle Krasnayarsk O o. n c e Company of Siberia, one of the youngest dance companies in the Soviet Union, is making its United States debut tour, playing in Los Angeles at the Murie Center Pavilion on. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. ASJistance Le a g u e of So\J,tbem California sponsors tJ\e first performance, with tiCkets being available only through t b a t organization. Tickets for the s econ d performance are available at the Music Center and most agencies. Founded in 1960, t h e Krasn ayarsk's first program was based on the folk dances "of slberla and its peculiar style . .'.fht_da11cers' average age U 2%. Many are graduates of dance schools and studios , and many are dra\vn from amateur groups. Since its in- ception the company has won prizes throughout Russia and has appeared in K or e a , Algeria, Syria, Yugoslavia, Ctechoslovakia, Po 1 Rn d , Gennany, Hungary , Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Panama, Cost Rica, Co lumb ia, Guatemala, Mexico a n d France. In the fall of 1972 the com- pany appeared as part of a twG month Soviet Dance Spectacular in Paris. l n Europe in 1967. it represented the Soviet Union at the International Folk Dance ~ b on moi.. eold by t h e bined m a k e il easy to proyes it. C,• "b a Ir, 11 p s, · legs, arms, overlook lirst-act 1Uffnesa1,,;~~========;l-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;-J .-: ,wris ts and lxxly of one in the role-of the wealthy (.:: Carol Ctianning -tho s 'e Ohjet d'amour. YE NEPOI t•NfMA !:Dl'IPUAATION :...; · crowd! will love "Lorelei.'' Peter Palmer's voice is ~ . While the show enroute fine, his movements a bit ~ to New York is definitely too stiff and this critic FAMIL Y TWIN CINEMA < "" • "" " 1, Ii .,. ' ' ''"" .. , , • , ' c "'::. • '""n~ '" [ an apt vehicle for the tal· would not bave cast him -:; mta of Miu Channing, as the button manufactur- i her's are suitably matched ing magnate "daddy'1 to CINEMA I 1 _by others in the company. Lorelei Lee. He looks like 1 "CAMILor IGI 0 ~OUNTAIN VAl l fY Q)Ql,!:"~l ....,ft;,;o;;;;:;;;;,-.;1101.<c.1• ··one Urrie l11dl•11" (GI ' 1:41 -(:U -11(5 . IG:4S "'Lffy AH TH Tr-. (•I Jt2fl • ,,29. t :11 Jal/SOM . 12115 ---' !OUNTA!N llAlll ~ &'Mn. ---on a horse or on a foot-"LOST HORIZON .. IGI ""-!.Of~-·,~, i graphy recaptures with pro-ball fi .. 1t1, ' CIN~~ 11 _, ·-r-• r . ERNIE -'TI'S cbor""-he'd be more comfortable ..,. feuionallsm ·the 'toe ·, tap-....., "THI GODflATHll" lltl . ?;~..;.·;: ~H'i. ,,., ping, hand-clapping dance AS FOR THE concept of And 2:00 • t :1s • 1••• rhythqll seldom , returre; resurrecting a decades~ld "LOVI: .STOllr' I .PG.:::,>,,!!~~~~~~~~~~ ' . 'ccuvithuon'u. ch perfection of -musical a n d u~ating it, I!==== "' the jury remains out..- i,(': Lee Roy · Reams and About half the tunes, ar! , r The man who ~ayed Will ;~ Rogers St. in a 1951 Warner Brothers movie titled · "The t ~ Story of Wlll Eagers" will ~ insent his lecture on tbe > "Humor and Pbilooophy of ~ Wlll Rogers" at Santa Ana t :;, O:Jllege. + ·-. Will Rogers Jr. will appear ,. tn the college cafeteria at 7:30 · t .-"' p.m. Thursday. Gene ral ad-r: · mlulon for ·the lec.twe ls fi, " Associllltd Student B o d y ~ members at SAC will be ad- ~ milted free. Filling the footsteps of his legendary father is no easy ; task but \Viii Rogen Jr. hn1 , ', ~ become a legend in bis own ~.. right. -. Further information on the :; pro&ram can be obtained by ': calllni 83WOOO. TO DISCUSS JlATHER HELD OVER I "PAPER MOON" wit> lly11t O'Necil ••• "FRIENDS OF EDDIE COYlE" with Robert Mltcl111111 ........ ., .. Will Rogers' Jr. SUrfllHJ Fiim Fettl..i I This WHk ' ''SEADREAMS" " By Curl Mastalka i Ph11 z amY IOOP CARTOONS c.1111,1• s• ... 71JO • t:io l~ch hffltt • FS5.~\I ~,.~f.! ~ COtlOMA' OIL r"" MAlLON IU.NDO 7' 10114 ALLIN PUNT'S "WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A NAKED LADY?" . . (1) •:11• r·•· -._.... S111def Motl- C:•ll n..tt. fof Scltlcl1le SAT, I JUN. KIDS l ttOW 11 .00 EYlft SEAT IYllY •ODY ·······-EVE RY SEAT EVERYBODY SHOW STARTS ~A' hiimble raillailt terrific • ---........ ... ... ,,,..,.. E.8. VHl's Charlotte~s Web EACH 2 P.M. DAY • "~lLLY 'ioNt(e-. ""f. Cl\O<?Oi.Are fl\~ 115 scrumdidi~umptiousl PAVILION PERFORMER Krasnay1.r1k Dancer Sund11, Octobff 14, iq73 ' • • DAILY PILOT 8 J J ergman Series Opens Tonight on KCE~ "llnlles ol a Summer Nl&hl," at tO," at to P·"1· tonlllhl oo dramaUo -0, ''111Pile1 ol a the film •hicb flnL won In· Oiannot 28. The Olm wflf'be sumnier Night" ts a romanUc' tematJonal TfC'Oitlltlon f or broadc.at tn Its entirety comedy. Swedish di.rector l n a m a r without lnterruptJon. KCET Is presenting Ove an. Bergman, will lead 0 f f TtmtJgh Bergman b be! t cut, uninterrupted Berpnan KCET'• new series '"Beraman knov.n tor hla s er Io us films In the sen.es. PERIENCE--- ?ASHION ISLAND' • NEWPORT CENTE~ ••• • •• 40 YEARS AHEAD OF ITS TIME! "Fantasia" is an un - paralleled masterpiece, and stands as one of the all-time great classics; it blends fantastic anl· mation and truly mapnl- flcentmusic into a realm of expression of total involvement, Orlglnally released in 1940, "Fan- tasia" took over 4 years and 1000 people to make. More than 60 anima tors were used, under the guidance of 30 artlSts,. and a mlllion separate drawings were used In "Fantasia". ''Fan- lasia" is al Edwards Newport Cinem a Theatre one week only,' and in its original and uncut version. It is the ulti mate in visual en- chantment and I islenlng pleasure! · Festival. where it \vas a\.vard- ed the First Pri1.e Gold Medal. In 1970 (the Lenin Jubilee year) lbe ensemble wa!! awarded the Lenin Komsonlol Prize for popularizing the art of dance and for Its high s\IJld. ard~professiooal~is:m~. __ i__~~~~~~====================~==~:;;;:;:;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;~L. IBllAY1 IA•IAY I lllAYI 1111118 161115 181 . Come to th• spookl111, gho1111 .. 1 pl•c• In Southern C1lltornta when Knott'• It complelety tranlfomtld to cl'elte the most h1uftted ot Hellowten• th1t yeu wlll ever e11:p1rl1ncel Su ••. Th• Ph1ntom ol the Oper1 In the C.Hco S1loonl Th• blurre, spooky 1ntlc1 In th• H1unted Shick! Spookl1cul1r Flreworkt and LIVE MONSTERS througft. out the enllre tog ... hrouded farm! Ride ••. Th• Ghostway !•pr111 Into th• dirk depth• of the e•rthl T•k• • tun-llngllng plunge through the Devil's work1hop in S111n'1 Sewmllll Plus ! Speclal Trick oi' Treat •nd fun 'n g•me1 for. youn91t.ert from 3 to 11 ye1rs! Super Spooky Special 6 Big Hours on Fri. & Sat.! 6 p.m . to Midn ight! Enjoy UNLIMITED use ol 111 Knoll's tlc:keted atlr1etlon1 throughout ehllllng Ghost Town, eerie Fl.,11 Vlll1g1 1nd b1wltchlng Gypsy Cemp! hteludlng .•• Seymour In the John Wayne "H1unt1d" Th11tr1! St:ary fun In the H1unl1d Sh1ckt Dunk the Mon1t1r 1xc1t1mentl Plu1 ••• Witches cackling, 8111 "Spooky" ~-h1ng and COtp'" 11119hlng1, KIDTT'S BERRY FARM Olut WA .... OATIS -"MUINOlr' ....... -......... . ' . . . . ' . ' . ' • SHOP AT WHITE FRONT AND SAVE MORE •• . NOT JUSTA FEW( SAMPLES . BUTl0,783· SETS IN THIS BIG BOYi I IF YOU'RE LBlfl· FOR A TOP= i:::,-.Wvl IS• AVWllf Al WllTEFIMT .. WBE YDI ALWAYS SAVE 118% ·saia STATE WllllfHll ''"U.lllC.1111 Alltbmatit•f1rw: t1111in1 sysl!IT\ lot~s in perlect p.ct~e &. ~s it cllinnel aU er tbaRneJ. , Cusp, det111ed coltr Gii \llt blu est sc1een 1:00% SOLID STATE EniOy brilliant color consistently {rom ! lhe biggest, sc1een made. Rich waloot g~ainid finish cabinet, concel\ted' with ~ elegance & grace in mind. Fut1:fealllf~ model. .-'. '' I YR,.IN HOME S(IYICE Gorgeous Old World pecan finishes add a distinctive touch to any decor. Vivid. life-like color; all channel reception. Precision engineered. 90 DAYS PARTS l LABOR SERVICE ' . MAG•VDX 11" ::~.i I• POITABlf I STAND . OlllUIMLY.fAll TIADI 1st.ts 8129 •A line quality TV w(th a. walnut grain finished cabinet •Built-in diPole antenna •Deluxe pedestal cart • • . .. • • ' 1· • ' ' MAGNAVOX 1!" ~;:::, PURTAllf TV I~ .. Ms74~·:'. ~; • The ideal extra set for your bed- room,. den or office • Ughtweilht ·high impact cabinet::.. With det xe 'SIJOShield · . mad!. [a1ly ~iun tJbiaet. ' T Yl PUTS I LAIDI SEIVICf 1 Tl. lllNG·IN PAITS & LAIOI SEIVl(E 1 n . l .llNG·IN PAITS I lAIOI SllVICI GAFFERS & SATTLER EYE lEVll .GAS RANGE ~~~~~~SE 83.78 I ri>e standing gas range features programmed cooking • Blac~ gla~s door wfoven lights •Roll out broiler wfpan & )(r1He • Illuminated surface light •Drip proof remOvatlle cook top & appliance autlet. Price s cood thr11 MondaJ, Detober 15 GAFFERS I SATTLER I YOU'LL.NEVER CLEAN AN OVEN AGAiN WHEN . Y• BUY A IWIE WITH A .CONTl•S CLEAN· ING FEATllE -IT CLEANS ITIB.F Al. IT ClllSI COME TO WHITE FRONT WHERE SB.ECTIN IS llC I PRICES L8W 30 INCH GAS RANGE WITH BROILER Move up to the utmost in quality and convenience with thi s deluxe full feature gas range. Features .the time-slashing Continuous Cleaning oven with glass window on the door. Also: Drip proof cook top, hi-per· formance top burners, roll out 2 piece smokeless . ·-broiler & a burl-Walnut-back panel with-~lectric clock & timer. Don't miss this best buy. .. ' .. . !Ii FIEE DELIYEIY WllHIN AIEI 11 ••ior '''""'" SHOP WITH COl\IFIDEl\ICE AT WHITE FROl\IT ••• !iATl!iFACTIOl\I 6UARAl\ITEED QR \'DlJR MO\IEY BACK STOH HOURS: MON.-SAT. 10 A.M. t. t P.M. •SUN. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. • TV &APPUANCE MART HOURS: MON • .fll. NOON T09 P.M. (WISTCHISTEI & LA.~1 -t)SAT. & SUll. 10A.M. to 7 P.M.' COSTA MESA . 3088 BRISTOL ST. • S.n· Dlt90 FrHWIY ti lrl1tol -. . . . ' . • • #. • •••• • • • ' 1 ,, a tll "' ,. l'1 w 1 !ti th Iii ~ th 4' . .) 81 '11 cl hi p j • l l I 1 ' 1 : 1 • I ' I < Suoday, °'""'' 14, 197) DAILY PIL01 (( l POWder1,pnff :Hop Help~'. . akland Top Mets, 2-1 v t .~ ~ . , ' I ·~ ~\.,.! • • 10AXLAND .(~J I'-Pilcher Keo a,Met«ypogamo,lalnglulladvantose "I just wanted ,to .Jll!I. the bat"!'' ~.ol N~w York ,and •Vl<!a Bl.ue JerryOrote .andGreenlfiedlwteCObd. Jloll"'1lan, bat'"'" 1,..pnty \be aec:ood m 111, bre&ks to boat New York. Alld lhel bOll.;' be~ '~<Ill!"'' care...... !\I;~ i~ Groll!' recovond quickly and thrtw lhe U.:. all y~. deli~~ kel' double the biggest br•'"lr was the error by ,i w.eot/, .. . . Holtun&n, a 21-game winner during runner out. and New York's Fe)ix Millan made~ a · "";r .,._J, M.V qbv1oufly .mi'5ed one of the regular season, pitched only five fatal error, helping th& ~~J'• Mil~ the ~Ily smooth·fieldlng sec--their most potent batle~ ~usty-Staub. innings but earned the victory with That looked like the end Of Oakl~d's 10 a 1-1 ~ &tu:rda)' m, '•, ~·~~ ~ . F 1 • shutout relief from Oakland bu11~ aces r•llY \¥1th the 1;Jt.thtt, rt \al -but Werl<I Serieil• opener lbat seemed to "!I "'fitnt through my legs ," sold O"'Tl' l'~ll , Rollie Fingers and Darryl Knowles. ll lu'rned out to be l!llly tbO beeJMlng. ~some of the m8gic from tbe~Mets. . Millan. "I just missed the ball. It was . , , 1 .. ~ ... · 1""•:1r The A's, chan1pions o( tbc American Deprived oC his bat all atllllOn loog lk>th Oakland rWlS were unearned an easy out. lt's too bad it happened .. '<Jf(~I 4 Iii l:;.1.,.-~ •\. i":'~· ~pe"' scored boih their un~arned r:uns b;y the A1neriean League's des.ignated following Millan's thifd...inning error and now." · ' , ... · • wtllj~wn P,St,£1 .~ )ltjrd •inning a1runst hltter ruJe thaf provided a pennanent lb< Cinderalllt Mets, ~hn o!Jlhil ~ Millan'• shorlslop Ertner, Bud Har· ,'\lll!ll\I Maya '1Arted in place of Staub,: Mets' ~~er.\t<!! M'Jlllacl<! whlJ ajowed batter !or the season, Holtzman took ~S\7 .... (;--.W~;,.at f18ttuJ.,!l};',.otilncts ~ .... '"$8lled it a 'powder-puff hOp.,'(', 'ijm :1 frQ&Wled ~y th!!. brUised ~ ~y 'three l'lils -811 Of t!tero 'in..,~at• ad1{antag~ of bis , first official swing o!IU \hilt ·Id 'ii lujile altenlpt.10 ovirlm buflt wea enough to beat the M• "'\ "llMJo!der, ;lje sallered "! tl\e'. N~I · inning. . · . .-all year 1o QOl!ble mto left field. the defending world champions. Holzman's hit was no powder f#! ~~"Wiyo(fs. · • · With one out in the lhird, l'.>lck'(ireen ~o~tzmln ha come to the plate only With a lees-li>ll><a~ity . ~ of. though. ll was a sharply hit t\illl ~';\' AA\;11.·ls ,espected bac.k lrir •l<idll1'i walked. With Holtzman trylng 'to bunt, once 1111 ' r the end of the seascn 46,021 cbeeiing theni oo,ithe \A.,-pllyed :third base. ' ' .!.·: · Se~ ··~'when left-han!;terS, .~ a pitch got away rrom NeW York catcheyand wn a walk in that at bat. / • NIW T~I( • OMLMID .. ,.,.. .. ,.,,. w'°'""' at • e 1 o C•~"' 1 1~ 111!11•"211 4010ftud11f 1111 fMV•d 4110 .. ndO. 1111 c . .iorw. ir , 1 t o tt.Jldl-ct > • • 1 1111'-lb' t1 2 1t.,..t1!b 1100 G ... t • 4110 .J..Aloutf 1000 H~ rl t •I 0 0 D•MllllO ct I 0 0 0 KfinlflOOI ~ I 0 I 0 F°"' ( It O ~O H•rrtll«i M 2 O 0 O D.G...,. )b t 0 I 0 Holl ... 1111 0 0 0 0 Mol!l.ITI.., • 1 1 I ·O T.MarllMI ,., 0 0 0 0 M1110U•I pl'I I I 0 0 M•tt.0. p 0 0 0 0 fl-• p "1 I I 0 l~Wl11 pl'! 1 0 I 0 KllOWlff p t t I 0 McG,.wP ooto St•WPlt 0000 Bt1\ldlP pll 1 0 I 0 Tol•l• n I 1 1 ToUll "Kw V'O!'ll O'"JO 10(! ..... O.llltlld 002 Oot OOW-2 E-Mll11f'I. Min. -O~klnd t. LOl-Ntw YOI~ •, O.lll•nd 5. ~ltmtn, c. Jllllll. --.Miit•"· ;e,....c1JnHrwl1. s.-M1ti.dr., lllldl. ;· P.o w~r.f ul i .. 1 I · ~ ,'• ... .,, •. · ...... ~ ' . ~ Br.uins " Roll, 59-13 r.. ..J! t '\ ' --sT~RO; (Ai>) -Fullback, ... Janies Pasadena High School days, set the Less tb31l . three minutes later, he '4~ ~ UCLA11 first three ._ tone ol the game before 55,tlOO tans scored bis thlrd one on a 50-yard run -~ ~·he ~ qie ga'~ when he ~ .. over right guard fo~ through the Cards' left side. l't(lllii a 'bruised knee early in the.. 8'COOd . •:Sl yards on the first UCLA offensi.ve A few plays later. after being pushed back on a draw play on the UCLA 1, qUarter; bQt: tble' Jlrulns kept..$bl on play. 21. McA)lllter was inJured and left the ~}\;~,~-~Stanford ·$9i-IS tlrl ~., 1 ' Johnson, voled .the gaf\1e's ,putstanding game for good.' :,~~~ openet'Si~l':·-. . opensive player, ~'as stopped on his He had.gained 117 yards on 14 carries, • · T.rie r """""Wf~ _gave 15tb-ranJted<: UCLA. second .c.arry but broke up the middle .the fouttl) straighj game in which he ·: •t 4:-1~ Stanford, which fn,tered fqr 54 . yards on his third effort to has gone over 100. llis replacement. UM ' game ·• Ji-point •underdog, ,if 24. the Stanlont nine. McAllster carried the Charlie Schubin.aM took over and scored 'Ibe ,POWerflll Bruins have averaged· 45 ~ll over for the first Bruin touchdown. from a yard out to cap an M-yard points a game and nearly · 400 yards . McAlfster went over frorp three yards drive tM;t put UCLA in front 31-3. a~ ruShing. out for UCLA's second t~wn · aft~ Marie Hannon pbSsed 17 yards to Kermit Johnaog, who te~ With an eight plaf, ~8-yai'd march early in Charles Burks and ran a keeper for McAlister as tbe "Blair Pair'~. from the second period.· 12 y'ards in key plays of the drive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~....:....:.....:__~~~~ Sweeney Tabs ~::;~rojans Over -~·'Ohio-' State .-,' :, By GLENN WHITE 0. ._ D•ltr '"" Stiff .. LOS ANGELES -USC's slumbering offense awakened with an explosion Saturday afternoon al the Colisenin and ·it . couldn't have come at a ~ ·op- portune occaSion for c o a c 11 ' John 'McKay's hosts as they ra:Uied to outscore surprising Washington State, 46-35 in a. Pacific-8 football battle. A sun-drenched crowd of 50,975 watch- ed the 1972 national champions rally from a 21·17 halftime deficit to gain the victory which was maITed by fre- ~: quent penalties and a l:)rawl in tfla,. NEW Yc.tRK'S?jO t: , ~ r~~olbtti closing moments of the fourth quarter.. ·~' GJlt.s>y, ·ulljoi; qua1t~iiack. P.A(Haif!n -; ; 1; 1f •:r ' ll· '• -rc.' ·';f.t::. t0Qljj 'tlji .trlul11Jl~1 ·Tfomit•1hr~ ' · ' 1 1 ' ·' .. , \-A~ "r.• the' <iirlanes"with 'pefrectiOn'"'.!i.S 'he tied Out of War Zone .. ;, · · . , . a school tecon1 by throwing toilr • ' -... · i , ', touchdown strikes. Ex •. a· Jrea' A·t. h'··l'ete' s··a·, .fe He compleied .his ,firsl nine throws with nifty t yruf Swann bagging se\'eJl of them. And in the · second half when , USC went to a ground attack, Anthony • Davis and Allen Carter picked up .the i In Israeli Kibbutz . :. ·: , . :~r ~;d~r~~, 1:run;at~ ::: ~~ ,, and that action brought both benches '-• onto the playing field and resulted in a Rocon1 lflepbone iMJrmatloo , lf<!lll . lenc!ed; lbe Palestioo RU!!l'Ulaa who kid· . 1-lnglng light Ior about two Jaraet Ux:Uc8tes 'Mike Sok>mon m . wen napped ' . a,n1d . .nwrdered members minutes. 8f;ay· from the areas where Arab and of the Israeli Olympic team at !\-Iunich Losing coach Jim Sweeney sought out Isiaeli forces were Jn combat. last year. Swann afterward to apologize and he He is ln a kibbutz between Tel Aviv "They 9five Jost mothe{s, brothers, repeated his regrets lo the press. saying and Haifa, well away from~ Qgb\ing. 'chil{b:en~~mes, .. 'Jebools ~· t:tielr J~ •he l:IOes not teach or condone late hits. The fonner Califomla sttite ,meet mue : bec;1i~ "o£9'.sra~"bio'mbinb._)l_~-.~rP. fl1! .. And fiel went "on to say that he feels champion from Westminster: telephoned ·ot.·their ·~· ~y bave·Mtrniiat ·to liVe -uso wbuld beat Ohio State, the latter his parents and told lhem.~~d hear t;"tor. exi;:et>l ,'lvenge,." .. Fat~.~ . ;. · the Cu!-rent l~der in nationa) ratings. pl~nes flying Over but work was going on And so it seemed ·that most Egyptian \Vashington State Jost at Ohio State as usual. · people I .ran int!) werQ dedicated to the 27-3. • ' Soloilion pt8.ns on remaining overseas thought of eYcntual "':if with Israerbeing HoweVer, Sweeney maµe his predicti9n until l..after ~ rtc>yember trek to the as aut~~tic !15 ·<:1'anberry sauce for with one qualification _ that SC iron Orlen"'-'3'~ he'll be cotilp?ting for Thank.!giVl.Qg <linnet· out its problems jn its offensive line . _What I saw also reflected that observa-and gets· it (lhe line 'play) together. tiThe magnificent Egyptian M~ "USC has ~re way~ to get the big . ~ , was, under armed guard and pUu of play t~n .Ohio,, State , ~eeney told WHITE sandbags were' strategically located. the Daily Piiot. OSU has no ~ as ' Israel ln various. t,rack m~ts.«ibe.[\ l;le'll Ile bock ill the u.s .. possibly;li>~rve as .!jl i!ssistannxiacll al'l~ U.nlft/'lllf ol ~eXM. El Paso. ' ' .. t'The latest Ara~I~aeli armed ho6t.illty b<iogs lo mind my Vlill' Id C.lro' la•l ~ember when at the time I noted bow t.M, Egyptiab.s were resolute tbs$· tbere would .be war. 1 .) Cooversatlon with ciVilians re\fealed ~ leeliilg they all seemed to.shar!>i War With lsraet ·was not an IF, but a WHEN ~= >.bcie\ 'Faitas ~e.! t°' biist ~t the atll~ I ~~my viait IO Ell'jll.'He 'felt war Wllb 'lst:ael was iO~'wbicli MUST hif>paa•U<! de-' ' ) .•• Many of the nation's cultural prizes in· a. passer and no Swann as a receiver. eluding King. 'I\lt's treasure, bad been .. ,SC can kilt you with the punt retu:n. remov'4:1 fOf. safe keeplng in the event of the bomb, the sweep, or by breaking bi>mbl,f)g r&Ws. , · one of thOse , fast backs. ,Ohio State SidEMilki'tn•downtown Cairo; bad eOn-grinds....U. Ol!l more and is more con- crete walls generously placed in front of sisten(. build!ngs. I learned that these were for "We played well at Ohio State. We use ill~ fight.ing.). had1 ~ope d~ve, die at their one' and · A ViP down :the r{i.Je 'Rivet ended in , had 'a, touch.dol\'.n pass ru!;<J as being Lux(J'. instead t of going a ·few miles caught ,_ou,t·ol the end zone. • further to •the mighty Aswan ·dam. t SWCtney said -,be does not feel SC wasq;idvfsed agaj.pst such a trek becaus~ is .Bf strong as it was last season the 4am ·was· closely gu8.rded ,and tourists· beeause <if tbe '72 team's big, Ca s t supposedly could only see It from a very offensive line, holding the edge 'over great distance. .lhis year's forward wall. I CICar!f. ,the ~ll\f\3 were· n~ •1But J. thought they were very goOd about ttie ~dfr,a' et a iapoteur blowing !1 "toq,.J," he _adJfed. . t up. ~ , The Triijllls wrapped ltb1ngs up early It was hard to believe that a culture in the fourth quarter when they scored I ""-hi.ch once led the world had slipped two '-touchdowns in the first 2:0$ or away to thtfPf'tsent status. ' the ptµiod. ' j .pbt in viey.r. Of. mr experi~s the Carter a sophomore who starred eit t 1atest anned conflict m the Middle East ' , ;l.ai inevitilble. (See TRO.JANS, Page ti) ,, ' ' . "''' ........ ! .• • CKLES THE COUGARS' CHARLES ANDERSON, ' " Buffalo Defea~d West, Goodricl1 Sparkle .lnLakers' 125-122 Win BUFFALO CAP) -Jerry W"est scored 35 points and Gail Goodrich added 30 SatUrilily night as the Los Angeles Laker~ roared from behind for a W-122 Natlona.L plsktitball Associat}on victory ovef.\~ Burial~ Braves; Goodric:h , scored the winning basket ' ~-r ' > ' '. ' ' • • with i1' secon~ remahilng after w:nn1ng a scramble for the loose ball and throw· + -·. • ing ih JI: 10-foot jump shot. The ·ara-qes'. Garfield Heard fired in a 25--£ooter with eight seconds to go, but the shot was off and the ball bounded out of bounds. \Vest added the fina l points with a pair of free throws with two seconds to go. Buffalo 'led most of the way, building a 12-point lead in the Seco(ld period at 57-45. 'Center Bob. McAdcio sCorcd 22 of his :m points in the first half. Tbe Lakers came back to take a 1fottr•point lead with 3:1$ to go but Buf- ;f~o r,?.n off seven straight points to go · on top with 1:12 left. 'nie Braves didn 't score the rest of the way. Ex·Laker Jim ~icMillan added 24 points for the Braves and ex-Brave Elmore Smith had 22 points. Los Angeles trailed the entire first half and into the third quarter. The Lakers !inally knotted the score 9S-95, only the second time in the game the score was tied, and less than a minute later Los Angeles went on top 97-95 to lead for the first time with IO minutes left to play. Buffalo's Ernie DiGrcgorio helped keep the Braves with the Lakers as the two battled back and forth . The Braves caught Los Angeles at 101-101 then went ahead by margin of two or three points. The Lake~ "'ent back on top briefly until the Braves \vent ahead again . Player. In Dramatic /Win· OV:e·i;· Aussi~ • • The score continued to see·saw and Bulfalo still led by three Points wi.lh leas than a minute to play until Goodrich put Los Angeles ahead to stay at 123·122. The vic tory \\'as the second of the young season tor the ·Lakcrs. now 2-1. Los Angeles ls idle until Friday night ,men it opens the home season against Seattle . ~-. ' .... _. . '.:vntGINIA WATER;.Ehglaild (~Pi G.atY Rlayer of South, Afflca won tpc P)ccadilly World Match Play goll 'crown for the fifth tbne Saturday with 1 dramatic victory at the 40lh hole over :A.ustrallan Graham Marsh. •Jt was the longest final or the 10.year old tournament, which carried prize n\oney of l?S,000. Player, the dominating player In this event, teetered on the brink of defeat Jnd appeared exhlluated as the drama neared JLS clln1ax . At the tut acbaduled '· • • I ·~t-.~· I ~·f~1• ·' ' .,. • hoki, lh<• !8!b, he •layl!d •al\ve wilh • a putt~ which 'hungi on the lip of t~e cup before 'dropp)ng in. He finally cracked his opponent afler more than eight hours on ,Wentworth's formldable &,997-yard, par-74 "Burma Road'' layout. The Ultle South African, 36, was two holes down after the first three holes of the afternoon round and Marsh was . putting ateadlly. But Player, who ~crwent m a J o r surgery on his stomac~ earlier this year, ., bi rd~ 0lbd i.tth mid 25th with putt!! pf fi ve and seven feeL He reached the last turn tied with the relatively lnexperienced Aussie. Player took the 28th when ~larsb two- putted for a bogey four, and at-lhe next holo Player sank a 2G-footer for a birdie three and Went two-up. DuL the 29-year-old Australlan1 with virtually no match play experience, was still playing well. His patience WM rewarded at the 33rd where Player was In a bunker and n\lsSOO a six-foot putt " wh'ich wOllld have given him a half: Marsh · had a birdie three aod wo s now · onl y one down. Player bogeyed the par-four 34lh and b!S lead disappeared again. ~fnrsh was rortunate at ~he 351h when his b81J went out ,pf bounds, hit a tree anrt bounced back onto the fairWay. lfc wl'nt one-up with a bogey (our. Player's putt At the 38th. which almost mltsed1 put him even again, and forced the .Uadcn-d"th play. • • '-" AMII .. OUJ 11111111 t12U . ' ' H1lr~1on 6 >-• 1~ H•~•d lldd11ff 1 l·S 4 McMU!1111 Sm!lll I 1·11 n McAdoO Wdt 11 11·11 l$ $m!I~ c;_,1cn 11 1-10 .10 wont l.O_.. t 0.0 11 DtGtffO!'iO Prl(• J ,., t Ctt•rl•• Rlt•v 0 11-(1 0 K""t C:&wnll 0 0..0 o M1<tso Tot•ls 46 ll"" lU Tol11i l.OI """les 34 911!1alo '' P:w!f'CI Ill~ ~ . ' ' I f·C )0 . ,., ,. 16 l=l Jj l 1-J 1 1 1·2 , ' 0-0 u ' '~ 14 ' .. . I \.l ) S1 ll·r.t U7 75 1' J&-US n 74 n-1n Tot,lt foul..--L!!1 ·~•,Its*'· Bvll•lo ll T"9tllnlul lw~1n1 A-1' . .!45 SCOltl aT QU.t.ltTlltl S!lnfllrd IG 20 1 14-.tt 3301-13 -. " t•116 '" .. ·~·1 ,.~, ,., ..., Rams Face Big Challenge Froio Dallas LOS ANGELES (AP I -The Los Angeles Rams, surprise team of the National Football League on t It e ~ ol John Hadl and bard-nln- nil;ig backs, today face the toughest test so fa r -the Dallas Cowboyi and their "Doomsday Defense." The Ranis, ~ and! only one of three undefeated-teams tit the NFL, also expect a severe test for their young but impressive defenders against the t\>wboys' Roger Staubach, calvin Hill· and Co. ) The nationally .televised game is rat· ed even. Even if all 79·,231 ticltets are sold.. the :1 p.m. Coliseum con· , On Radio l'odtlfl .KitlP~ (710) at 1 test will be blacked out locally ~ c.a,use 4,884 ducats were unsold 12 hours ·before ga~ time. "They don't have any weaknesses/' Los ·Angeles rookie head coach Chuck Knox said of the Dallas club that ranks No. 1 .fn both offense and de- fense in the NaUonaJ 'Football Con- ference. ~be Rama are 3eamd in boCh cetegwies. D8Jlaa Jost !or the first time lo lour S1Drts last Mlntay ni ght, 14-7, at Washington, and coach Tom Lan· dry said. "We don't have time to w~ m~h about what happened MMday nlgbl·We've got to try to regroup to play a team that's as hot as any team in the league and maybe even better than the one we played Monday night." • Knox called the C:W•boys too ex· perienced lo allow the short praC- tice v;•eek ta hurt them and he added: "Dallas has a lot of pride and losing that game gives them more incentive." The Rams. getting good yard· age from backs Jim Bertel"sen a n d Lawrence McCutcheon, have establish- ed running games in surprisingly routin e victories over Kansas City, Atlanta. San Francisco a n d Houston. Th e rushing has opened up the defenses for timely -and accurate -pas,s. ing by Hadl, pro football's leading passer. Hadl h a s completed 38 .of 52 passes - a phenomenal 73 percent.- and even more significant is t h a t he's yet 'to throw an interception. Half of his eight touchdo,,n passes have gone to Harold Jackson, Wide receiver acqu.ired in the off-season deal that sent quarterback Roman Ga- briel to Philadelphia. "The trade for Hadl paid off." Landry said of the Rains' de.al with the San Diego Chargers, where Had! played 11 seasons: "It gave them a new look." Top Collegiate Football Scores Wesl Oregon State 31. Washington 7 Oregon 41 . California 10 (See Details Page C2) ~tldwest fl.iissouri 13. Nebraska 12 ~!ichigan 31. Michigan State 0 Ohio State 2-1 , \Visconsin 0 lSee Details Page C3 J Soutbw~t Oklahoma 52. Texas 13 Notre Dame 28, Rice o (Sec Details Page C3J South L.5U 20; Auburn 6 Al abama 35, Florida 14 Tennc!lsee 20. Georgia Tech 14 IS.. Details Page C31 (Complete cellege scorts. l'age t1) .. OAJLY ,ILOT !ulldl1, Oetobor I•. 1m FORMER BASKETBALL GREAT GEORGE MIKAN. ' . ' . . ' Mikan~s Dynasty Lakers' Giants First NBA Sta r • J Editor' a ~Note: The modern era sports vUta i.s providing e11tertatn. ment, quality and occa&ionally con. ~ troversy on a scale never before at· t.ai'ned in the world of atli~tics. 'Yet 1port1 of day1 pone bl/ al10 had great momtnU and star per. formers. Today our look back ot those days focuses on George Afikan. George Afikan. big number 99 of the fl.tinneapolls Lakers. was lht dom inant player of his time in pro- fessional basketball. With an elastic ~holding his thick ·eyeglasses in place , big George !I lumbered downcourt and planted himself in tho pivot. Grabbing the ball with his huge hand!, the g..{oot . ' Going Back IN SPORTS 10•.1 inch, m.pound Mlkan lben used his elbaws and bulk to good ad· vanta1e as he moved toward the basket be.fore splrmlng and scoring v.ith ht, book shot. Once too awkward to obtain a basketba11 scholarship at NO(re Dame. P.flkan developed into a skillful. coordlnated athlete at De Pa u I Univeniity in Olicago, where he 'von all·American honors in 19~4. 1945 and 1946 and led the school to the national championship In' 1945. From 1947 through 1954. when Mikan Willi the central attraction in t h e National Basketbell Associ atioo, the • Lakers were the best team In the game. He became the NBA 's first big gate attraction and gave the sport Impetus that carried it to popularity in the tv;o decades rollowing hi.!1 retirement. When he Jett the NOA after the 1953-54 season. !\1ikan had &COred 11,376 points -about 5.000 more than any other player had compiled at that time. \\'hile pacing the Lakers to five league tilles in six seasons. he \\'Oil three scoring championships, finished second l\\'ice and third once. He ll'BS tall "'·ell before he pu1 his n a m e in the record books. Howe\·er, in J9~2. after !he coach of a c.atholic Youth Organization team arrang~ 10 get him a tryoot al Notre Dame. George Keogan. head coach of the Irish. told Mikan. "You r height is a fine asset and you've got the spirit, but you're hopelessly clu~y. ·• However, Ray fl.1eyer. Notre Dame's assistant coach, suggested that George try another college. He decided on DePaul and was accepted. When he arrived at th@ scboo~ be was pleasanUy surprised. Meyer bad left Notre Dame and had become the head coach at the Chicago COll'1!e. The coach practiced for ·Jong periods with George and In a short time, lifikan developed an effective 'hook shot. In 1945, he led all college basket· ball players in scoricg with a 23.9· point-pe.-.game average. He topped the nation again in 1&48 with 23.l. At the time ~llkan graduated from DePaul in 1~, there were two. pro leagues, the National Basketball League ,and the new Basketball AMoctallDn ol America. Mlkan jolntd the. Chicago Gean ol lhe NBL, signing a five.year contract at $12,000 a year. He came to the Gear• in rnidaea.!IOn and averaged 18.~ pointa for 25 games. When lhe Gean folded alter Ill< seatlOn, Mikan became a member of Lhe U.kers. In his f I r s t full se.a· son as a pro, 1947..fl, Mlkan led Min· neapoUs to the NBL champloruihlp, wiMi ng the !COring crov!n \\:ith a 21.3 average and g a i n i n g unanimous recognition as the league's JI.lost Valuable Player. The follo\lo·ing season the NBL and BAA merged and became the National B a s k e t b a I I Association. lilikan ~d the loop in scoring. Interest in professional basketball increased. Fans \\'anted to see this massive giant ll'ho was breaking records. When the Lakers played in J\tad.ison Square Carden that year, the marquee outside the storied .arena read: "Geo. Mlkan vs. Knicks." In that first NBA season Mikan established a slngle·game scoring record of 48 points. In 1940. he went on a sensational spree. He h.lt for 48 points against the Kn1cks: four days later he tallied S.l against Baltimore; t\lo'O weeks later he got 51 agalnst New York and. the ne1t week. he poured In 46 against Rochest er. With additional solid support from big. rugged forwards Jin1 Pollard and \:ern ~1ikkelsrn and speedy guards Slater ~-fartin and Whitey Skoog. the Lakers built the league ·s flrst dynasty. In six years they finished first Jn !heir dh•islon four times and won five play-<1ff !Illes. 0-itics of the lumbering center's playing ability maintain that ~11kan "'OU.Id not have been a star had h< played during lhe 1960s and 1970S beeaU5e the introductlon of the'2"·sec· ond clock placed a premium oo speed and agillly. ~, White Spark~. BeaY~rs, SEATlt.E -Former Newport Harber 1D1b and Or1n1e Cou1 C.U.1• 11Udout Alvin WN!t •parted er.eon &alt to a 31·7 victory over Wllhl.naton in a Paclnc-a football came here Saturday. \\'hlte, the Beaven' quarterback. scored from one-yard out to etve OSU a 14·7 lead In the 1ecood quarter. The 6-3, %2()..pounder completed tllht ol l~ paasee for tOt yards and bacl two In· 1erceptions. The game featured nine rumbles and six intereeplions. The Beavers got Ill the Points they Ducks Bag 41-10 Win From Bears ~ EUGENE, Ore. (AP) -Quarterback Herb Singleton fired three touchdown. passes and tailback Donnie Reynolds scored thr<!e times and rushed for 119 yards Saturday As OreRon bombed Cali£ornia, 41.10. in a Pacific-a Con· ference football game. Singleton, a junior college transfer making his first start, tossed scoring passes covering 20, 25 and SO yarcb as Oregon woo !ta Pac-I opener. Ol'egon. now 1-4 ov~ aJao be1d In check an explosive CllJfomla - that ranks ninth in the naUoo. Cal, now M In the Pl<>I, dldn'I ICOl'O WI.Iii tbe third quarter when Steve Bartkowski replaced Vince Fmapmo at quarterback and directed !he Golden Bears 90 yards for the.tr only touchdown. Baynolds, who leads the conleronco in ru!hlng, caught a short pass from Singleton and JCOred er.go.•, flnt louehd""11 !alt In lhe first ball. Tbo play covered 20 yardl. He also scored on rons ot two and six yards in the second half. calllomia earned a 7~7 tie when freshman wide receiver Wesley ·Walker recovered a Bears fumble 1n the end Z011e afltr Cal had reachtd the Oregon 4 early in the third period. Jt was mosUy Oregon from there" " Singletoo hit sophomore Pat McNally with a ZS.yard ICOring pass in lhe third period and later found Ugh! end Russ Francis all..!l@e in the Bears' aecondary for a acortng0ss covertni SO yards. · Ferragamo had been •waling 154 yards in lhe air, complelJni 56 -t of his passes. He was f-14 for 57 yards in lhe first haU1and coa>;b MIU Whtie lhen called in Bertkowul. Ferragamo re-entered the pmt later but wound up the day ontY 1J..SS for 133 yards. He lhtew lour inlorcepUom. "We came In with llartkcnntl In lhe third quarter ~.. ha'• our "'lief pitcher," Whlte sald." We were flat In 1be fint hall and we llloqbl the change would do UI Sood• Bart 1ave w the lift we needed and VI.nee came back In lo lry to keep ua going. · TROJANS •.• {ConUnved From Pa1e Cl) Bonita High, went two yards on the second play or the frame to make it 31·21, culminating a 72·yard blitz. Then Washington State fumbled on the first play after the ensuing kickoff and the Trojans recovered at the WSU 10. Three plays later Haden found Swann in the end zone for the second time and that upped the count to M-21 with 12:55 remaining. "That fumble was the play that hurt us the most," SWeeney said. lladen wound up completefng 15 of 24 passes for 245 ya rds and h:Jd two intercepted. Davis rushed for 103 yards In 21 carries and Carter had 93 Jn 9 attempts -all in the last half. In all. USC chalked . up 417 in total offe111e "1ille the widerdog Coogan roll- rd up 337. wsu .:, .. ~, " " 10-1W ':I ... llledoci In tho 11111 period Iller apOttiDC on their """ • Two ·p11ya law Ray Wublqtoo an earl)l toucbdown. TaroU broke loooe on '• »7vd Wublqtoo t!cbd oU and lhe ban IOll<hcfoon nm. bowlced oU fullboct Dick Maurer. . On lhe next ..,.1,. w~ lddttr Washington'• HUI Wold9'12> recovered. .Sk1J> Boyd rot I bad pall &ad bad ac the Beaven eltbt·ytrd lio&. But. _ to run. The Beavers cauaht blm On 11 IOok the HUl!dff n .. pl111. in<iuding I~ W11blngton .JOi. Five pla)'I laler a flnger·llP caieb by Rt~ .~wn! 1ibl1' !Ill llod ,....raen 10< ZS yards ~ote quarterblck au1s R 0 'iY I ~PO then carried thf !fell in from the tttree sneaked across for tbe so:ire. , · on a ™'1r of ~rterbactt sneaks. 'l1le Beavers Oien marebed from tbeir We8k safttY Dennis Downey m. II to the Wa.!1h1n1ton 27 whert White's tercepted il Rowland pa ss Ind went pan to Ron Stewart wu intercepted 66 yarf!J to acore ear.J.y In. the third by Bob Boustead. period, and the Beavera.added a 83-yard 'll>e Hust!., fwnbled lhe ball back field goal i,y Rlck·Kulaas. . ' .. I I -. Boa-' lnt.....,,iJon' by Gerald McEJclowney led lo the 111111 touchdown wllh GervalJ covtrlng tile Jut •Ix yards untoud>ed. Washlngtop scored wtlh 'Juat over lwo mlnu1t1 to play ,me.i Rowfand hit Glenll Bonner in the end zone with a 22·yard pass. But. the play was nulllfied by an offensive interference call. The Beavers, wiMlng their first 1ame of the season, were led offensively by Maurer and Taroli. )taurer carried the ball 15 times for 79 ~•rds and caught three passes. TiroU picked up '2 yard! on 16 triee and caughi a pair of passes. OREGON'S BOBBY GREEN (43) FORCES CAL'S RANDY SCHMIOT TO FUMILE THE llALL. ----- Sports In Brief Toronto Downs ,Kings; Herrera Retains Crown TORONTO -Inge Hammarstrom, a fonner member of the Swedish national team, scored hls first National Hockey League goal and another Swedish import, Borje Salming auilted on the tally in helping the Toronto Maple Leafs to a 6-3 victory over the Los Angeles Kings Saturday night. Five olher Toronto players scored on l.A>s Angeles goal tender Gary Edwards. 8u1ch Goring had given the Kings a 1..0 lead at 11:43 of the opening period after taking passes from Vic Venasky and Bob Berry, but Darryl Sittler arr swered with his second goal of the sea· son at 14:39. Berry and Toronto rookie Bob Neely traded second petiod goal.!I before Paul Henderson scored and Hammarstrom deflected Salmlng's shot from the blue llne to pul lhe Loaf1 in front 4-2. e Herrera WI ... INGLEWOOD -Rafael Herrera of Mexico City, boOi eyes virtually battered shut through the final five rounds, bung on to win a split Clecision over Thailand's Venice Borkonior and retain his World Boxing Council bantamweight title Satur· day night. Herrera, 27 and weighing In at the 118·pound llmtt, won the fight when he knocked Borkorsor, 117~, to tbe canvas in the seventh round with a crashing left hook. Without t h a t knockdown the Thai undoubtedly would have won the fl&bt before 12.200 in the Forum. A left.hander. the U.year<1ld from Bangkok befudled the Mexican champion in the early rounds. ~lerrera was cut over the right eye in the third and a brU1se began swelling. e 't' aneev Lelldlttf INZAJ, Japan -American Bert Yancey, playing lhroul!h stroog winds, rorged a twe>over-par 73 Saturday and he1d a one-stroke lead alter three rounds of the $300,000 PaclOc Cub Mast.en gol f tournament. Yancey bogeyed the sixth, 13lh and 15tb holes and birdied the 14th for a 54-hole tota l or 208 on the demanding 7,187·yard. par 71 Sobu O>untry Club layout easl ol Tokyo. e Au11 le1 Ad tlaue TOKYO -Veteran Australians John Newcombe and Ken RosewaJI rtgi.stered straight-set victories Saturday and mov. ed illlo lhe finals al th< !60,000 Tokyo Open tennis tournament. The top-seeded Newcombe overwhelm- ed umeeded Hans.Jurgen Pohmann, a \\'est German Davis OJpper, S-0, &.!, while the secondoSeeded Rosewall beat sixth-seeded Cllff Drysdale of South Afrka 11-4, 7·5. e Nastase Wins BARCELONA, Spain -llie Nastase of Romania aod Manuel Orantes of Spain advanced Saturday to the men's singles finals al the Spanish IntemaUonal tennis championships. Nastase beat Jan Kodes o r Czechoslovakia 6-1 . 4.fl. s..o, 6-3. and Orantes defeated B}om 8of'J of Sweden !hl. 6-2. 6-3. TV Sports 10 a.m. (4) -PRO FOOTBALL -'ll>e Pi lt.<lburl!h Sleeiero m.,t the Cincinnati Bengals 1n Riverfront S!adlum. Redman Teams With Scheckter In Grand Prix It hasn't always been this way but veteran English driver Brian Redman and Sooth African Jody Sctrecltter will drive as teammates in the 16lb aMual 'nmes Gnnd Prix at Rlverslde Intenia· tional Raceway Oct. 27·28. The Grand Prix is combined with a unique International Race ol Cham· pions, fe aturing 12 o{ the world's greatest drivers aga1nst each other in three ad- ditional races . This unique competition will fmd the 12 hopefuls driving identlcally·prepared Porsche Carrera racing can. Three drivers each from racing's four major branches will include: Formula One-Jackie St r wart , Emerson Fittlpaldi and Denis Hulme. USAC Olampionshlp-Bobby Unaer, Gordoo Jobnoock and Roser McCluskey. NASCAR Grand National-Richard Petty, David Pearson nnd Bobby All190!1. SCX::A Road Racing-Mark Donohue,· Peter Revaon and George Follmer. 'Ibe tint three event.a will be atqed at Riverside with two races Saturday and the third Sunday. The fow1h and final race wUI be held in Daytona Beach, Forida. Birt what about Redman a n d Scheckter? The two dominated the L&M Fonnula 5,CKX> series this year \Yilh Scheci.ter taking the championship and Redman rinlshlng second. Redman had lhe better percentage ol victories. winning five of the 1even races he entered and taking second twice. Scheckter had four vie. tori es. Al Riverside they'll be driving for Vasek Polak In the ~Am race. Scheckter was in thlrd place in the standings behind Donohue and Fol!mer before the seventh race of the scrtes al Laguna Seca. Redman is new to the t~ Porsche cars and Riverside wU1 be "his second race in one ol lhe hlilllY cOm• petlllve machlnes. · Sputtering Chargers~ Raiders C~a~h I p.m. (2) -PRO FOOTBALL -The "lifinnesota Vlk.Inga meet the 49ers at San Francisco's CamllestlCk Park. 1:15 p.m. (41 -WORU> SERIES -The New York Mets meet the Oakland A's In the ucood game of the 1973 World Serles In Oak.land. Considered a sure bel for •llPtr stardom in auto racing, Scheck:ttr. the 24-year-old South African. has captivated fans everywhere with hJs daring style. "I lry to be resdy to raco rlgbl from the O•i·" be says. "When It come• time to go. J go as hard as 1 caa right from the start." SAN OlEGO (AP) -TI1e Oakland Rniders· replacement or quarterblt'k IJaryl Lamonica with Kt:n Stabler is considered a good amen to the San Diego Charge.rs even though Stabler is riding A hot 'trcnk. The reason: Lamonica destroys the Olargers "'ilh regularity. lie passed Oakland lo 11 virtoncs In the Inst 12 divisional duels "'ilh San Diego, starting witb n.~l ·Point rffor t ln 1967. Jn !he ncKt, Lamonica put ~ r points on the scorciboard agalnsi. t h c Chargcni. In the l111t J:.in1e it was • ' ' . ' . 21 points. l{e has betn apparently relieved for a rest. Rookie Dan Fouls "''ill sh1.rt today·s game lnsteod or lhe \'l!:leron Johnny Unila~ for San Diego, 1amblillg lO tum 111·ou.nd Its sputtering offen!C. A lingering outside chance (Of" IUC· ceSll In the NaUonal football League this ~e11SM wUI evapor4te for th" Chsrgen I! they lose. They Art 1·3 while tht' Raiders. at 2·2, trail onl y the Kansas City Chlrft in the NFL's American Qinference \Vest. The lefl·throwing Stabler rolled up ~·16 ya rds in tot11 f oUe.nse in I a 11 t Sund11y's 17·16 victory Al !'it. Loui ~. . . . .. the most yardage for Oakland since their 34-20 triumph ever the \\'QI\. lngton R<dlkinJ In 1970. "Unltas needs a reat," say1 San Diego coach. Harland S v a r e, In ex· plalnlna why the 40-year<1ld pereMlal all.pro won't start. Illa $1$0,000 coo-' lract \\1th the B1TUmore Colts w 1 a sold lo SM Diego th!J y .. r. Svare said the man whom he de. scribes as the greatest 11JU11l-caller of all time will play Jf FOuts falt - ers. A now offensive coach al» will be ln charge when !he Chargers t.'.lke tho field. veteran backrteld tiide Ge.orge DlckStln replaces Bob SChncl· ker, who quit arter lhc near rout at Plltlbur&h. Although the cti.raer• are physical· ly In top shape for the year, there ii en.imbling, Cid Edwards and Clint Jonea expected 10 cany lhe bnmi of the n1nnin1 11mt Mlllt Mike Gmett aays ol his 1idellno duty: "1 think this 11 por- mament." T h e RAlder1. almlnc for their ellzhth etralgbt d e c 1 s I o n ove.r San orego, are heavy ravorites with at le8$1. 45.CKX> fans expected for the 1 p.m, kickoff. 4 p.m. (5) -COLI.EGE FOO'f· BALI. -'ll>e w .. bln(ton Stale Cougan meet the USC Trojans in a gam< played Saturday nlihl In Loo Angelea. 17) -COLLEGE TO()T. &LI. 1'11-H!ihllihlJ of LSU vs. Aubllm, Alabama VI. Florido and Michigan vs. Mlchlaan State. 11 :30 p.m. (I) -GRAMBLING FOOTBALi. -Hlahllghll ol lhe J\UalMIPf)l V11Uey State-OrambUn1 came pl8yed Saturday in Loullia· na. ln Can-Am races, be has been ablt to a\'old mechanical problems and bee.I able to challenge Donohue and foUmfl to !he check.,.ed flag. He flnl5hed ......M at Road Ameri ca and third at RoM Atlanta and Wilkins Glen. While ~heckler and Redmon will bl two ol the atrongeat challengen t~ Donohue, the seMes leader, U\eY won1 ~ the only one!!: Follmer,· Ensland's David H~ lt1arlo AndretU, BratU's Carlot Pa~ and England's Jackie OllVt!r will a!M be on hand for lbe Grand Prix. ' ' ,• . l ·I J I ( .1 ,I ' l _, .-.· •· . ' : ' • : ' •• 1 •• ' i ( ( ~ ) l r ' J ' Q t £ l b ·~ ii e a b • • v It F • p c c • /, a s ~ ( ~ p e • ~ I: a fl • I ] l p . I • J v ( b • f• • • p ' Fi t• l b • 0 E c 1 r1 ,. r -~1su, Vols~ 'Barna ~'h1 ht So utl1 Ath1URN, Ala. (AP) -Scrambler Mike Miley blt tailback Brad Davis with a 28--yard touchdo'fm pass and threw a 51-yard bomb that set up another six-pointer Saturday as undefeated, lOl.h- rani:ed Louisiana State whipped Auburn, 20-6, in a Southeastern Conference foot- ball game. The victory, before ere cord Auburn ctowd of 64,s.tl, preserved LSU'a ,..dominaUOn over the 'Ali>um ngers. 'l1le No temm have played fcur times in the past 31 years and Louisiana State bas woo all four. Auburn acored first when tailback ~ck NeaJ. the sophomore hero of the previous Saturday's lf.7 victory oVer Ole Miss, drove acrou from the two. Roger Pruett, ,who had kJcked seven ei::tra points in .,.even attempts in the lirst four games of the season, missed the extra point . aUempt. ::vob 'Erip Tech :; KNOXVILUE, T•M. -Quarterba<k : ~ge Hollaway ran 20 yards for -one touchdown and passed for another : as eighth-ranked Tennessee beat Georgia ·Tech 20-14 Siturday for Its 11th straight lootball victory. Goorgla Tech jumped off to an early -Jead, marching BO yard.! after the open- . ing kickoll with Rick Hill plunging from 'tile ODe for the touchdown, C&m Bonifay • .niad;e good the first of two extra p:>ints. ' Midway in the second period, Holloway drove the ball 62 yards for the tying •aeon!, pUl!ing 11 y>rds to fullback Bill Rudder 1n the end :wne for the si1·pointer. '•ToU l9nites Tille GAINESVILLE, Fla. -Sophomore quarterback Richard Todd eame olf tlio bench to Ignite Alabama's slugglAb of. fenae Saturday as the third-ranked Crimson Ne rolled to a 3 5 • 1 4 Soutbeaslern Qiolmnce f-ll victory over Florida. Four Alabama touchdown drives were t ed by Todd, who replaced Gary Rutledge in the game and picked up 94 yards rushlllg. Freshman running back Calvin Culliver ICOr«f twice and Todd and Wilbur Jackson tallied for one score each. 'lbe defense got a sluggish Crhmon Tide on the scoreboard first. David McMakin blocked a Florida punt and Tyrone King on the ball in the end wne for a wn late in the first quarter. T1t~ane Rallies DUIWAM, N.C. -The passing oom- binaUon of Steve Foley to his brother ·Mike carried Tulane dovmf'\eld Saturday iQ a I.St-minute touchdown drive· lha:t earned lbe Green Wave I 2f.17 victory over Duke. Mike leaped high in the air and made a fingertip catch of a pau from his brother in the far comer of the Duke end zone with nine seconds left to play to give 18th-ranked Tulane its fourth victory in as many games. 1 Jn the fmal Tulane drive; started with }es.! than two minutes left, the Foley·to- Foley combination clicked four con- secutive times for the Green Wave and picked up all but rour or the se yards covered in .the march. G"°r9la R0111ps, %0-0 ' ATHENS, Ga. -Andy Jolmlon fired a 54-yard touchdown pass to Rkbard Appleby and Glynn Harrison set up another score with a 3.'.l·yard punt return Saturday as Georgia blanked the Missls.sippi Rebels 20-0 in a Southeast.em Conference game. 'n>e Bulldogs defense shackled Ole Miss, Intercepting three passes, one stop- ping the only Rebels threat of the day early in the game and the other two setting up a touchdown and a field goal for Georgia. 1be Rebels, facing an Intense rush, fa iled to complete their firBt 12 passes and finally connected when Paul Lyons fired -a 1&-yarder to Ricky Klmbroogh with slilthtly more than five minutes left ln the game. ARKANSAS' DICKIE MORTQN RUNS 64 YARDS FOR A TD. Southwest Football Sooners Riddle· Texas; Notre Dame Tops Rice . .DALLAS (AP) -Oklahoma sopbom~re quartert>ack Steve Davis riddled Texas with tv;o long touchdown bombs anU scored twice on dazzling runs Saturday, leading the si1th-ranked · Soone.rs to a 52·13 rout of the Longhorns -the v;orst defeat in coach Darrell Royal's 17 years at Texas. Davis, a licensed 84ptist minister from Salli<>w,·Oila.. co.....,..ed on pus..00- run Ji0ol;hg1 .i.r1ai;~-6a ·and 47 yards and dished 15 and two yards for touchdowns in the nationally-televised rivalry. Oklahoma ambushed the 13th ranked Looghorns on the Soooers' first Possession and never looked back. Joe Wasbiogton, another of Oklahoma coach Barry Switze's corps ol ialented sophomores, comp~ted bis first ool· legiate pass, a 40-yarder to sophomore Tini.er Owens and the Sooners led 7-0. Tei:as rallied on field goals of 36 aod, 44 yards by Billy Schott and the sellout crowd of 72,21M fans in the Cotton Bowl began to stir. Irish 'Tltump Rice HOUSTON -Ninth-ranked Notre Dame overcame four fumbles with the help of two one-yard touchdown runs by Wayne Bullock and a 21-yard touchdovm paa from Tom Clements to Dave Casper and the Fighting Irish 8COted a 28--0 victory over the Rice OWis Saturday night. Notre Dame gave the ball up on fumbles on its first two series in the fint quarter, but took advantage of two Rice fumbles to take a' 14--0 halftime lead. Rice freshman quarterback Tommy Kramer, starting his first game, fum- bled midway in the first quarter to set up Bullock's tlfSt touchdown run. A 21-yard run by Clements, who rushed for 99 yards in the g<ime, kept the drive moving. ltfort o11 Pace s Hog• WA C 0, Tex. -Arkansas' Dickie l\,fortoo raced for t\\·O loog d,islance touchdowns and piled up 271 yards rushing as lhc Razorbacks defeated Baylor 13-7 in Southwest Conference foot- ball Saturday night. The rushing total by lhe 1 ?>-pound Dallas senior was the second best in Southwest Conference history, trailing the 297 yards gained .by Texas A£!M 's Bob Smith against Southern Methodist in 1950. Two late interceptions by Arkansas' Rol!en Smith, in the end zone, and ~ Busby, near midfield. rulned a spec- tacular passing performance by Baylor's Neal JCffrey. Jeffrey completed 23 of 36 passes for 342 yards, including 15 or 17 in the first half when Baylor compiled an am azing 353 yards in total offense \>ut got only seven points. Te ch T rims A&H LUBBOCK, Tex. -Quarterback J oe Barnes threw ,three touchdown passes and ran for a fourth score Saturday night to lead Texas Tech past Texas A&M. 28-16. Barnes, caplitalizing oo A g g i e s mi9takes, threw scoring aerials or 28 and ' 12 yards to flanker Lawrence Williams and seven yards to fullback John Gamer. He then carried the final yard in a fourth-period drive to kill Ag- gie hopes for an upset. Don Gri added a 49·yard field goo! for T Sun Devils Romp , 28-3; PacificDefeats49ers, 10-6 TEMPE (AP) -Ariwni $(ate Univenlty, tacking the poise and IOOl"l:ng punch which helped It attain the No. 11 ranking, bobbled its way to a 28-3 · · non-conference football viotory over San Jose State Saturday night. The nmnng of All-America halfback Woody Green, a· senior from Portland, Ore., proved to be one of the few bright spots for the ASU Sun Devils. He rolled up 160 yards on 24 carries and set a new Western Athletic eon. ference career rwblng record, and scored one touchdown. Oreen now has am..sed 3.024 y•rdl, surpauing the • previous WAC mark set by New Meli· co's Ferd Henry. Henry baa 2,931 yards. Green reached pay dirt on a obit-yard pasa play trom quarterback Danny White in the closin& minutes of the game to cap ASU'• scortna:. Long' Be a ch Falls stocKTON -A 48-yard kickoff return bl WIUard Hamil helped !He Unlvenlly • o Paclfi c outtast Cll Stale (Long Beach), UMI, Saturday night for UOP's eighlh atralght home vtctory. Both team• were ptnaued by costly mistakes. ritory, but the Long Beach 49ers could not capitalize. Vtah Buries W"ondtlf SALT LAKE CITY -Utah's Steve Odom charged 78 yards on a punt return to clinch Utah's 50-16 victory over Wyo- ming in Western AthleUc Conference football Saturday nlght. Early in the second quarter Odom scored on a 41-yard pap play from quarterback Don Van Calder. • Odom's Jong punt return marked the 21st touchdown of his career and broke the Utah seoring record bdd by Larry Wll!OO. Aggie• Rout FOfl FORT COWNS, Colo. -Jerry Cox awakei'icd a slumbering offense with three touchdown runs and the Utah State defense lntercepted four passes and recovered three fumbles ai the Aggies defeated Colorado State 34-18 in a nonconfcttnC6 football game Satur· day. s~.u. Octobff 14, 1'73 DAILY PILOT Michigan Belts MSU; Griff in· Leads Buckeye EAST I.ANSING, Mich. (AP) - Dave Brown raced 53 yards to score with a punt retum and Gil Otapman dashed the same distance off lackle Saturday, leading undefeated and fifth- ranked Mlch!gan to a Sl--0 victory over butterfingered Midtlgan State. The arch-rivals pJaytd three quarters in a steady downpour, with Michigan tunllng three of the Spartans' nine fumbles into other scores. 'Tbe shutout was the third straight for Michigan. One fumble set up a first quarter field goal by M1ke Lantry, while another on a punt snap led to a fourth quarter TD pass from Derulis Franklin to Paul Seal, Yet another, moments later. set up a fourth down touchdown plunge by Ed SbutUeswort.h. · . An jnabi.llty to hold onto the ball . coupled with a tough Michigan defense, kept Michigan State backed deep into its ~wn territory the entire game. Ths Spartans ne ver mounted a dri ve and didn't threaten to .score until Mike Jones caught a 40-yard pass at lhe Michigan 20 in the final period·and promptly fumbled it away. Buc keye• Roll, 24·0 MADISON, Wis. -Archie Griffin rush· ed for 169 yards on 29 carries and Ohio State's defense smothered Wisconsin's vaunted rushing attack as the ~ranked Buckeyes rolled to a 24-0 victory Saturday, their fourth win in as many starts. Griffin, last year's freshman sensation , injured a leg in the fourth quarter but earlier rllll for a total or 82 yards to spark a pair c:l long Buckeye's scoring drives in the first and third periods. Bruce Elia and Cornelius Greene scored the touchdowns on respective runs of one and two yards. The Buckeyes wrapped up their second Big 10 victory on a 36-yard field goal by Blair Conway and a one-yard touchdown run by Ella, both in the fourth quarter. The Badgers, who entered the game ranked eighth nationally in rushing, could penetrate no further than the Ohio State J9 yard line imtil midway lhroogh the loortb quarter. Wi9coosin marched to a first down Oii: the Buckeyes 34 in the final period behind passes ol 14 and 13 yards from Gregg Bohlig to Jack Novak. But J..ine. backer Rick Middleton inlercepted a Bohlig pass at the Ohio state 22 oo the next play, and the Buckeyes drove 18 yards in 10 plays to Elia's second touchdown. Gophers Glide, 24·3 MINNEAPOLIS -Fullback John King ran for 179 yards and a toucbdown and speedste Rick Upcburdi added 76 yards and one TD u the Minnesota Gophers frustrated Indiana, 24-31 Satur- day. King, a 218 pound senior, carried 3'l ti.zr.es, blasting into the end zone with an ll·yard run that lifted the Gophers to a 9-0 halftime lead. Upchurch, a lM pound junior, shot 12 yards for his fourth-quarter touchdown that insured Minnesota's second victory in five starts. Freshman quarterback Tony Dungy scrambled 10 yards for the final lwlin- nesota touchdown with 24 seconds left in the game after Doug Beaudoin in· terceptcd his second pass and streaked 73 yards to the Indiana 10. Minnesota 's defense held the Hoosiers to a 3J.yard field goal by Frank Stavroff ln the third quarter. B ea ver ·Sparks Illini CHA1'1PAIGN, fll.-Little Dan Beaver's Big Ten record-breaking fifth field goal of 32 yards with 29 seconds left gave Illinois a thrilling 15-13 oonference foot· ball vi ctory over Purdue Saturday. Beaver, 159-pound son of a form er African missionary, booted the game- deciding field goal after Purdue had moved Into a 1,:1! le.act' on q1111rterback Bo Bobrowski's 37.yard touchdown run early in the third period. Beaver, earlier ldcklng field goals <lf 52, 4<1, 35 and 3f yardit, singlehandedly kept the Jll~aten in the Big Ten race wit~ record and left Purdue with a l-1 conference n1ark. Beaver's five fleld _goa ls broke the previour single came record of four shared last scasoo by Indiana 's Chris Gartner and A·lichlgan State 's Kirk Krljt. The NCAA record is six field goals, . first set by Princeton's Charlie Gogolak in 1965 and tied by Frank Neste r of Wesl Vlrgin.ia in 1972. North11,e1ter11 Rolls EVANSTON, 111. -Mitch ~nderson completed tlis first elght passes and then 1hrew a clinching 29-ya rd touchdo\\'n sttlke to Pat McNamara Saturday leud Northwestern to a 31-lS BIC n vlc1ory over winless Iowa . The victory was the second In ~ many conference games for the Wilde nod helped soap a three-game los" g streak, while the Hawkeyes atumb to their fifth defeat, Anderson. in completing his nnt ella: passes. helped the Wildcats build lP a quick 2+-0 lead. but NortbwesUfn didn't put the game beyond reach ~! late in the lhird qua rter when lte Wildcats recovered an Iowa fumble afC:. moved 37 yards for a touchdown r the Anderson-t.tcNamara pasa, Northwestem scored the first ~' times it had posseUon with J _ Trim.hie, Greg µ@ykin and Stan Y. running for touchdowns and J i n Blazevich booting a 21-yard field goal.. l Big-8 Roundup • • . . • M• • U I 1ssour1 psets i I Nebraska, 13-12 1 COLUMBIA. Mo. (AP ) -Safety Tony Gillick intercepted Dave liwnm's pass on a two-point conversion try wilh one minute left and underdog Missouri preserved a 13-12 upset victory over second-ranked Nebraska Saturday. A stadium record crowd watched the viSiting Combuskers knock furiously at the Missouri touchdown doors three times ~lier and the Tigers turn them away. Missouri, ranked 12th, '-'Cnt into the lead with 2:01 left when Tom Mulkey scored on a one-yard run after the Tigers were given their opportunity seoonds earlier when Scott Anderson recovered Randy Borg's fumbled punt at tbe Nebraska four-yard line. Mulkey took it the rest or the way and Greg Hill converted to boost the Tigers into a 13-6 advantage. Nebraska wasn't through, hw·ever, Humm passed the Comhuskers 72 yards od four plays with Humm hitting Rich Bahe for the 22 yards and bringing up the two--polnt convenion try in a last-ditch effort to win the game. Ric;h Sanger and Hlll each kicked two field goals In the first hall, leaving the teams tied M at the rest break and unW Mui.key's one-yard touchdown dive in the closing mJnutes. Ka111a1 Tops Wiidc ats LAWRENCE, Kan. -Kansas swept 40 yards after recovering a fumble with less than three minutes remaining Sa1ur· day and nipped Kansas State 25-18 in their Big Eight opener. David Jaynes plunged the final few inches to score with just over a minute left. rallying the Jayhawks from an 18-17 deficit. Jaynes then ran over a two-point con- versi<ln. The swift Kansas move to the winning touchdown capped a dramal ic second· half tum-around. The \\'ildcats stormed back after trailing 17·3 and grabbed !heir one-point lead with 5:42 remaining on Keith Brumley's 32-yard fi eld goal. Buffs Roll, :18·17 BOULDER, Colo. -Sophomore Dave Logan returned a punt 52 yards for a touchdown early in the third quarter, sparking Colorado to a 38-17 victory over Air Force io a college football rivalry Saturday. Logan, a 6-foot-5. 2tl·pound \vingba ck V~I TtlHMlt v.·~ l\'3S running back punts for i first time in his college career, tfe up the middle of the field behind sodle timely . blocks to put Colorado «1 tlJp 14-3 with 13:26 left in Lhe third peric4 The Buffaloes added a louchdown alld field goal on their next tv.'"O possessi.!ls to take contr<ll of the game. i Oyde Crutchmer, who was not • pected to play because of a badly bru· d right elbow, started for the Buffs t could direct the• team to only touchdown in quarterbacking the t hall. ; lo"'a State Wiiu j PROVO, Utah -Junior kicker T Goedjen booted field goals tol 19, 50 and 24 yards !o give Iowa a ~24 lnterseclional football vl over Brigham Young Univ er s i 7 Saturday, Goedjen's ~)•ard placement half y through the third quarter broke e Cyclone record ol 49 yards set by Re 'e Shoemake against the University of U h In 1970. Goedjen scored a total ol 14 poJ wi!b his kicks, includinj: two extra poi ' Iowa State took advantage of B fumbles and pass tnterceptioos building up a 2G-7 haUtime lead. ~ ' Nittany Lions ~ • In 54-3 Victor j ; Pitt Breezes UN IVERSITY PARK. Pa . tAP) - Unbeaten Penn State exploded for four quick touchdowns midv.·ay through Ute first hal f, one on a 66-yard pass play and two on runs by reserve £ullb4ck Tom Donchez. <'!nd rolled to a 54.3 victory Saturday over winless Army. It was the fifth consec ulive triumph for the Nittany Lions, the n&tiql's scv.enth·ranked college football lelJll , ~tnle Army suffered its fourth setf>4ck in a row. . Although Penn Slate had the ball lor ooly five minutes of the opening quarir the Lions bu ilt a l!Hl lead after scor•ig their second and third touchdowns f 13 seconds ap art thanks lo an interceptifin. 1Uo11ntnh1eer s Fall l I . to.10RGA NTOWN . \V. VA. - Qua rterback Bill Daniels rolled in tor t14-'0 first half touchdov.ns and fr eshrrfln tail back Tony Dorse tt added three scor· ing runs in the second half Saturday as underdog Pitt drubbed archrival \Vist Virginia, J:..-7. 1 Daniels directed penalt~·-aidcd scoring dri vt's or 52 and 80 yards to give the Panlhers. 2·2·1. a 14·7 ha lfti me l~d and the n101ncntum !hey need~ to ch~ck an explosive \\'e st \"ir ginia offense. lh1 clima xed the first drive "'ith a JO.yard S\\ing around the left side, and trotk'd in from lhree yards out to end tho second one. Nnv11 Srr 11g9l.es ANNAPOLIS, to.·ld. -T\avy. \\~lh C\e,·eland Cooper s c o r i n g twC touchdO\l'ns. grrased 11p its creaky of· rcnsc ::ind struggled 10 a 23-14 \'lctor; o\·cr \l'inless Syracuse Saturday. The J\fid~hi prnl'n opened the scoril~ fl\'e ntinu1C's in10 lh(' ri rst 9uarter o:i an \\.yard srarnpcr by Cooper, but then muffed l\\'O S1Jbwq11cnt scorin't op. portunilies and a c:hanee lo blow ope.1 1he game. P e 1111 Rafli~s HANOVER , Jli II. -\Vorkhou!C Adolp'1 Bt'lllu.>are @aint'd \2() yn rds nnd !ICOl'e1 two touchd()"·n!J Salurdny R~ Penn'1 rclenttcs.~ Quaker~ fought b.1ck from an early t~o·tourhrlo'>''n drfjc11 to de.ftR! Dfl rlnlouth. d('fend1nj1, 11")' League foot• hall champions. 22·16. Paclfi~, 3-1·1, fumbled twice In the fourlh quarter deep In their OWD ttr· The victory. which Uftcd Ulah State's record to 4·1. marked the flrst lime this season the A&iics scored more than U points. Colorado State's record Is now" MICHIGAN'S DON COLEMAN 139) GRABS TYRONE WILSON , CAUSING HIM TO FUMBLE. 111c v1ctorv ~·as ller1n's first al I lanovcr sinCt !9~7 nnd av{'nged. 1 ~eason-endini:-loss hist ~·cur in the gamt v.·hich decided the l\y lltle . • I • . . ' . DAJLY PILO r • .. Mustangs In 40-14 NEWPORT'S PETE BROWN (46) BARRELS THROUGH WESTMINSTER LINE FOR PART OF HIS 99 YARDS. Area Prep II: ~X-cou11trv • Res ults !See X<mi ntry. Page CSI Gauchos Rally, 20-13 Spring man ~parks Com eback By HANK 'V ESCll 01 11!'9 Dtltr ~lltl Sltll SAN DIEGO -QuarterbaC'k John Springman can1e off the beoch in the fourth quarter 10 engineer an 80-ya rd dr ive for the winning score as Sad· dleback College edged Gross· mont, 2~1~. at San Diego State Saturday night. A 19·ya rd pass from Spring· man to flanker Bi ll Grumley \Vas the decider. and it came with just 6:08 to play. The Gau!'hos dri\'e for the v.'inning sC'Ore began with 9:35 to play in the final quarter and It took just eight plays. Springman hit 59 yards v.·orth of passes in the drive and runni ng backs Sam Peek and Aundre Holmes had In· dividual runs of 12 and IS yards to spark the march. The touchdown gave Sad· dlcback its third win ia four ~lis~ion COnference R:ames, but the Gauchos had to come from behind after be I a g outplayed most of the game. i\lart r T\1ikkelsen took over Springfnan's starting job at quarterback and moved the Gauchos 90 yards for a quick "core after the o p e n i n g J.:ickofr. Bui Saddleback wilted after the initial march, and fell behinc; 13-6 and had to rally lO win. Water Polo sco•• IY QUART••• lJ(I 1 1 • 11-11 LO"'O llt11;h 111'9 I 1 t 3-f U(I KOl'l119: 1(11•1'9 J. l1rft1r• 1, l!tc~ 1. Pl'lllPOt ), 1111 I • ... .,,,,, sc-l'f 0.."9n CCl9!1 Mflt 0 1 0 1-f LI•._ Jl11-1 (""'!• M..... Ktr!!'tl "'°"rot. J, 1, Ji it• l J...r. Vlf"lllY k•l"I .., o .. ,,.,, (Oii• ..-.1. • l • ' 1-10 L•••-11t'-"t c,.,, "'t•• t(orl119; W1rd t. W1110 J. M&r>•oe, C. I. k ...,.11 i . ,,...,,.."" '(IA ff Q111rt1.-. (Mi. Iii~•• I t f ,_. L1-1~ac;d ' J 2 1 !O to1" Me'• KOl'lllti LYtll'ICI 1. !lo" • l'<~lt ....... 1 * -tr * eAMI l'fATllTICI .. Flrlf .,.,.,,.. ru.ii1119 " Fl~! ftwM ptUl"9 ' f lrsl ~· Pfl'ltllllt • Tf111! "'" dOwtlt " Y1nh '"'"r"' on Y1r•1 pt•slftl ,. Y1r•1 !051 " N.t ,..._ 11ll!ff "' ~ ..... b /1Y9r1ft dllll!ICI •D '"'11tln1V11"d1 Jlltfltll1M f/O 1'11mbltJ1~• '"' ,,, St_. lilr O••rt«I S16dNIN(ll. . . ' Gr1M!Mnl 0 ' • aUJM!MG S.Mr ... c• "' .. • ...,_ • '" • , ... " " • Sll'l"-"'f" ' " 0 MlktllMll ' • " ,_, ' ' • Tot1l1 " '" • l"ASl1MG S1fflff1CI .. " "'' r. M1lolo flU~ " • • $11!"!"11"'•~ ' ' • " Toi.it • " • .. ...... l'l'ltfll .. , " • ' '" • • • " I " "' "' " ., 114 "" '" >-M ..... .. . •• u n.1 ••• • •• .. "' ~1 . ... "' JOIN US S•turd•y •nd SUNl•y October 13th and 14111, 1973 •t our GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION Plll llPlUHMINTS e •an HOUI l lDIS. 1\me~n -'-Rl(llDQ -PGwld~ Lllke Forest Saddle Club 25201 Trabuco Ro1d El Toro, Celllomle 92830 (714) 8~7-0701 .. . . . ' ... .. . . . Newpor.t ·.Giides-''Past . . ;"; . ' . W estmins , 34-22 . •1 ROGER CARLSON yard draw play and a two. a one-yatd smash by Dennis ot • D111Y ,.., MMr yard TD run Ntwport Harbor H I a h ' s But Am•ndO's a n ti c s Bosw.ell and 8 tttree-yard run undefeated Sailon swept to weren't M&rly enough to by<1uarterback Mari. Stewart. their secot:Jd straight Sunset oHset the N~-,.port. Ude. Larry Waltrip added two kicks League football con q u e 5 t Bukich simply has too many and a nm for. the four extra Saturday nipt, lllovlng aside ·aerial target.I and Saturday point.I. visiting Westminster, 34-D, in there were four dU!erent Newport's. nifty secondary convincing 1.-recelvell Oil the end of bis -klod again, inlen:eptlng It was a typical Newport scoring dam. tine lbnes in the first baU victory u quarterback Steve Vinnie Mulroy hauled iD an -with Gavin Hedrick.' !:rtt Bllklch again 11,curod ill eveey II-yard TDll!!"I and Bvdick Eicher and Tom Brown at lou!:hdo-Ray caught a •11-yardet for. tbe rliht apol!. He puaed (or f o u r the t'WO ftnt half !ICOrteS. Newport's ooly , punt:-was touchdowns and ran for the Bllklch ·went over !root thr~ • ball way UnlJlll ~ f90!1b other .u Newport'• Bl• Judi out 1n the third P':rlod, quarter. jaclleU llfli>bod the lead at . tbon be w.nl lo ll'otk qain And II the nmnlng Q( Brown the outset, were Ued briefly in the alt lanes, cllckln1 on is ll)Y lnctieaUon It ·'"'8rs at seYen, then splrted a•ay. a four·y~ to Tom Buacas the· -Sa1lon have corDe ·into Coach Don Lent's Sailon and an ,ii.,-, to tackle an ~yep bett" attack to go dlspl<yod a tough runz>lq at-Bucio> lhw. ·Bob Unvert CIXl-alon1fwlfl> Buklob's ~· ond tact with fUllback P e t e veMI loot U-. nm threll!, the ~of Brian Brown, a :uo-pounder, leading ' W~1 other two Theriot and Baucil anti the the way wttb bia wlHllce _... wve llaoWI the ground corps ol 011L!landin1 receivers. ·rushes through the middle lllld • . · • occasionally around the ends. · I And the Tars bad exceDent B T M l ~ -> l receiving and an adequate ,~ . ucs op en o· . :;r-:,:cli a1\\"'ui'gb s!!u LI~ •• , ' manage to strike for three touchdowns. Three TDI, however, isn't ·a ~ when It'• Westmi.cster's explotlve outfit that ia doing It. The Lloos' Magner .Injured premier ruMiog back, Tony Accomando. kept the Lions in the 1ame IQrfDewhat with 117 net yarcla including a 60- * * '" " • '" •• ll•own " •• ' .., llultlcl'I • " ' "' '""'" " " ' .. S.019 ' n • 1' lltl.ICll ' ' • ... w•u ' ' • u T .llrvwt! ' ' • ,, ·-• • • ••• TClllls ~ n o " .., Of'IH DAILY 10-10; JUN. 1 .,.,. lleg. 19,94 -6.50;"13 ' ,,,,,, r.7J foc·1t MountedFrH No Trade·ln Required Whitewalls 2 . .U more AllTlr• .. P~l.T. ledl ~" BRIKl SERVIJC' • ...... H··•llort· AltOI •1•14CMI ., ....... ........ ...... -·-•lllii ..... ... _c;.n 1._,_.c.n• .. ...,~ ' llLL JOllTS, ILllllEll' ........ H-• oJ,. ~eploce uppet' ot !owe< boll joint .. olifn front end. Charge It, 3211 '~9.88 All four•wheel broke work ~rfotmed by 'troli-.ed1 m ... chonics. f.ormost U.S. cars .. · '• 4 DELUXE ·1:1. SIOCIS : 8•1ntllll A1L ... A1 Y11 DwaY•C. • .,. 4 r.76-lnstallff-4 Days Shock• for moat U.S. cora. •2• 1~6' piston, )Ii" atloft. • • 3-Ways to Charge It at IC mart ® . 2200 HARBOR BLVD. w~~. COSTA MESA • ·. . ·= :· -.. . . ., '• ;. ·: •• := ' ' ·. .•. -. • • . . . • • Sund~. Octobtr 14, 1973 FOQtball I . Standings ·Rustlers Throttlf. Southwest, 2·4-7 ~ilot Pigskin: , LOS ANGELES -Golden w"' eou.ce rolled to I" tovntn 11 CM.rt•••;::• aecon.d strf.iabt Southtm WdM w..i 'J o n "~ Callfomla Coafertnce victory , ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ e Ind tts rourtb win ln five u. H•t11or 1 1 11 • games Saturday n I g b t , t!.'==~c : : ~ ~ defeating LA Southwe s t E•• LA • • ' " 10 College, a..7. at Rancho s.ilt• Molllte G I H M Ci St d. • s1twt1•~·· lf;ef11t enega a 1um. Gold"' W•• i.. LA klvt11we11 1 'lbe wiMlng Rustlers were ~c~ £2~~1 t:,1~9~1t1 u held to only a s-<l margin ~rid.r• ...... at the half, thanks to a 27·yard u. Sou1~::.:,1,~" .:!= field goal by Bfet White. c,PI' ... '' Go1c1en w"' But Golden West's running E11t U. 11 ltlo HONIO LACC " '-""· Monk• game really got going in the MIS•tOM CON~llltllKI second half as the Rustlers WLT"P 'A SM Olego ' o o 10. '6 a.ddltbKk 3 , 0 "' " Cltnll 2 1 0 ~7 S3 P'llam.,. 2 I t 6'" SO '°'" ltrrilrillno I ~ I 121 97 G-1 111 76 U .lovltwiltlfff'fl t I t 3' ~ Ill_.... 02l•ff ~ 04051UID Sa!WMY'I ktrM :::i=11212?s...~Ji! • l'l ltMtr 37, Cl\tlfwr 14 SouthwftlWfl " RlwrsllM & ("•I Cltrvl It. ,._._ O l~ol ,...,..,.. ·-SOlrltllW'nltrrl ,, s.ddltblck Ot•-1 11 Ctwtley S.11 OlteO 11 Cltrvl Rlv.,..lde •I P .. omar , U5C JV •I Sin hn11rdlna limn<Oft-ftrtne:1l • IUNSIT L•AOUI! Nnpeorl Hll'tlor ...... Mar1n1 W11tmln1t.r A,..llllm S1nta A.._ HU('llll!l!Otl l .. th W11t1rn w .. ' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' s ......... ., .• ·~ pp PA 4 ,. ~ " " " " ~ ~ " V M . " ' " El Toro Posts 21-0 Tri11mph By ROY ENGLEBRECHT Of .. Diii'/ Pitt Jltfl' El Toro High School kept its four·game unbeaten foot· ball string alive with a 21--0 win over a scrappy El Dorado JV squad .Saturday night at Mission Viejo Higb. Chuck Van--Llew gave El Newport H1•bor Joi, Wnlmlnstw u , IR'lllNI LEAOU. Toro's Chargers the only ~ '.~ touchdown I.bey needed, with u 21 a 65-yard romp tbrougb the !: : line on the game's first play ~ : from sq'immage. w .. COl'-ff!Mlr 2 o l• At1m1m -2 o S.nt1 A"" V1l1ey 2 0 E.;tsan l 1 F-ltln V1llt'I l 1 COStl #11\il'MI t 2 1 '' What . then looked like the Estmncl• • 1 A\oltl'IOlll 0 2 , --SA Vtllrt '°· Collhl ~ 14 :w 41 beginning of a rout, turned hr to a defemive standoff with El Dorado playing the more es:- perlenc:ecl Chargers on nearly even terms. CRIS1'VIQ Lb OUI W L T ~ f'A Vlll1 P1rttOOS-16 Foo:ithllf I 0 I '4 17 1'1111'111 ' 0 I :19 • 1C1tell1 110Jct21 1~11110'53$ 0r...,. 0111• EIModeM I 1 1 I ti Mllllon Vl1!1 0 I 0 IS .U , ......... ·-1'u1ttn 17, Footllllt 17 f"•l GAR DIN OROVI LIAllUI! W L "" PA l• Qutnt1 2 O 46 1 Santt1111 2 0 Jl 10 P•clflc• l 1 ~5 n Rtncllo Al1mllo$ I I 11 70 ~rdell Grov1 0 I I 11 Lot "'1'11006 0 I 1S U llolw Grarlde' O 1 o 11 Stlvnll'f't I~ Lt 0Utnt1 21, llolw Graride o .. RIEWAY LI AGUI '"' SWl"V Hltls l!IUlfll P1rt ·-Lt Hlbf'I .._,, --flllltdoll W L "" PA 203720 2 0 St I 1 1 11 14 I 1 I 1S ' 1 1f 17 1 1 21 It 02ftSJ • t 13 ~1 Sa.....,,.. Sewn 1't"O'f 17, LI Hibnl ' llwly HIU1 11. St~•-I MESA ••. Continued From Pace C4 the final Falooos score with re9erve quarterback Sylvester. Turner taking It in from five yards out. A short El Dorado punt gave the Chargers gooc\ field posi- tion on the Eagles 43-yard line and 10 plays tater Clyde Birchard scored from the seven to !Jive El Toro a ~ point halftime lead. A poroul'i El Toro pass defense '111owed H a w ks quarterback Kip Wlnsell 90 yards through the air, and it could have been 190 if his receivers had done p better job of hanging on to the baD. With Van Liew finding tough running everywhere he went and quarterback Gary Key scrambling for his life from a fierce El Dorado ruSb. El Toro never showed a balanced offensive attack all t'Yel1inJI:. 1be inability of ti Toro to bang on!D lbe football dimmed several proinislnir Qivgen drives. as El TDirO fumbled lbreetlmes a!ld lost ill>thrte. 1be sen1or1ess El Tonr·' squad in ...,g;,tering the foorlb win of. the sea1011 and insuring itself of. at least a .500 season, never gave El Dorado good field position as Keyra booming punts kept the Hawks deep in their own end of the field. NM• I TATlnlCI Costa . Mesa marched 73 yards for Its final score with Sharp hitting Steve Teregls for 21 yards and a toacbdowD with six aeconds left to play. Gaudry again converted and : lbe~ ·enctecl"wtlb the ensu- ing klckoll .-.tum. .,. · l"lrst ...,. """""' I Flrtt dowrtf ,....... I Flrtf dowlW Plllllllft. 2 .. • •• • ' " " ~ Toti! flrtl clowm 11 MM• nATnTICI v Yards nnlllne 10J '""' ._.,.....,. er ,, .,v...w ~ -.. ;: '!flt *"'""' ,....,,. 1 a' ::';.:' M!ntd 10t '• '1rst ..-nt JllNIT!ff ,' 111 PUfth/IWl'19t dt"'9nc90 sm •.TdllAm .... J ~~rtd J/15 "' .,. 1'U V> ~. y.,.. rys11111111 • Jn "~ lad an Y1rd1 fllulno 13' t2 sc.. 11y ~ • . . • • . • • ' y.,.. Iott n l l!I 1'ore • 7 • •-n IM( yarU 111Md !25 U.2 El OOrldo JV'1 I 0 t 0 -I Plilh/t....,... lfflllftttl 5111 f/3' RUINtNO ,INl!lft/yll'lll Pltllllnd 11'1 14110 El TM F.,,,.blft/fllmblft, loll llO fl\ ldl n klr'I .., 01 .. mrs "'" s u Co.ft MIM I I I 1'-1' Vin Utn 1' H6 SA V1lt.y 12 1' 1 1-ffl C1rt1 I I M.lrllMZ s. Sha•' """" SIU• Wt'llt•ktr ,.,.,. · •USHING llrt:r..hl 1' !1 Ct6ll IMlil Uf'QUhlr1 I S "" " "' ... 1'0111l1 J7 20t I lS I l.J El OWMe 'V°' 1 lJ II '4.7 Wli\tl\I J 4 11 U A '·' Ar1mbllle 2 t I 12 0 11.0 Mtn11 1$ "6 Jf02.So.ctu 27 2'' 1.. 11 2.t Mlef'lffl • 1 S SA Vitti'/ 1'11111 'l'l 71 11, m 0 U.l ~.USING " " ' • ' • " n • ' • • " ... ... ••• • •• u • •• '·' •• ... '·' •• ••• u '""'" l+ltllfl -M ,_ A 15 0 l.1 •ITtn AJA •O l.3 ,.lllCfill!YlfCJ 3 n O 7.3 ICl'f 10 4 1 II AOO ..... W""'I D1,.11r , .... 7 # 0 J.S 11 DwMI JV'• 1 0 1 •l.0 Wl111.tl 2t S I " .t!IO !1001.0 " 171 I t.I PAlllN9 , .... _ ,.lllC,...Y9PCf s. Slllrp 2) 11 2 12' .47' IA VIAlf Volleyball M ' 0 I a I 11 • • " .... ..... " .... • we 1Hll a 1p1•1r fer "• falHllMt S!_I0.000 ·w111t 400 Mil• off....e4 -•· sp••-!oJ Doi 1 W.W.'t Ml•t Hotal. i..a Y-_. lite -IOO -c-" '°"•or for oee.Y .. -...,.. Nltll. I'-" a MW $10,000 ...... S.0.-...... -~ -by ... .... s ........ <",l!.rtli ~.,,,,.., .... ,.., -_ ................. __ ......,_ .. -........... soo, tile ....... , .. .. -...c --... lttdMlot ... -lllqOJ flloMP'" Delco lecrWla•.. VtWde Sp1ct• l ' --ot l lnnldo Octahr 5, 6, 1 wltlt lat & JM pla<• ....... win. Writ• Te: MARK STEELE 203'2 GNJ-oi...o " .. " ..... -· e.llf. '2644 or c:..t 17141 tU4l20 &lldod to • 17-0 lcad llld then bad< lland1 Rduv need 17 ol the ....... n11hina ror 114 coasted borne. yl1$ with I -tnl<r<:opdoa yOrda t0 II ooh'IOI. Coach Ray Shac.k.leford'a 1nk> the ind IODe. ~ Golden West ~turns to ' ac-' c.om grabbed the H<OOd ti.II Tittl came with jtllt I:» · lloo Saturday nliltt. hooUl\I ldckolf l!ld marched St yards ""'4lnlng In lite pme. ~"· ln seven play1 wltb Bob Fer-Gokkm Wett'• d. e f e: n s e NM• n•T1111cs raro going the final u with played aoe ol Its best pmes'' ,1 1 __ """Inf ,:• •• 12:10 remaining. · o( the te850ll. Inter 5( five ~1::!1 -· ~.. 1 ~· Rustliira quart.erback Dan Coqara passes. ·,.~~ ~ =1111 ,: t, Acoomando added a six· The Rustlet:s• 1J9 ......... •'*"llll :i.1 "' pointer a few minutes later, dCfenslve tackle Jim tler, ~·~ ::111111 ~ !; running 16 ·yards on a keeper. an' All-Southern California N~ .,'•rd• ;11"" 3111 tu After Southwest went 84 Conlet"eDCt first team choice Pun111aw•..,, dl•lllK• PfU ',,~'•- , ' Pff1lt111/yd1 -·'· f/12(1 , -yards for its lone touchdown, la.Oft year, led the Golden West 1<umD1111t11mbl•1 ID•' '" 11i Golden West added its Unal defensive unit. 1c. .... .., o.1rt.r1 . • Golden w.,, l 0 u ' -:. six·pomter when defensive Ferraro had his best game LA '°"""-t o o 1 • -, For Colleges , Junior Colle ges Football Scores College . West UCLA S9, Slanlord 13 USC 48, Washington St. 35 Oregm St. 3J, Washington 7 Oregon 41, California 10 Paclfic 10, Cal State (LB) 6 San Diego St. 27, New ~fexico St. 0 Cll Poly (SLO) ~1. Ctl Potv CPOfTI.) D (flt Stall IF~lll11onl ll, HOl'lllrl~I St. 11 ' • San fr1ntlK• 51. 14. 1s1. MlrV'I 14 1111) C1I Lutller1" IG, Cl11'11'1'10nl./o\udd It Cll Stet. IH1-,w1rd) ~1 , Humboldt St. 11 Cal $1111 fl.A) 15, AzllM.PKlflc 16 CM Ol'M Jl, Cllk1 St. 10 Whlttlw U, USIU f S1nl1 ,ci.r1 fl, Nnlda IR-l 14 0r-oon TKll If, Wnt W11htngton .. Roclde1 c.olorado 38, Air Force 17 Iowa State 26, BYU 24 Mootana J9·, Idaho SL 14 Montana St. 33, Weber St. 0 Utah SI. 34, Colorado St. U. 18 Utah 50, Wyoming 6 Arizona 22, New Mexico 14 Arizona St. 28, San Jose St. 3 Hf'lld• ILV) U, ealM 511!1 It Llnlltld •1, ldtho 2 Midwest Missouri 13. Nebrilska 12 Ohio State 24, Wisconsin 0 Michigan 31, Michigan state 0 Miami (0) JO, Ohio 6 Illlnois 15, Pw'due 13 Kansas 25, Kansas State 18 Minnesota 24, Indiana 3 Northwestern 31, Iowa 15 Western Pwtichigan 24, Toledo 22· Wichita SI. J6, Fresno St. 13 Kent. St. 21, Bowling Green 7 A11111nd 4 , Ct11lr1I 51. Ohio I Slllff'lorl 7, Ancllr-1 e Hliltdall Col. :M. Ohio N°""""' 0 MvtklrlfVl'tl 16, f lndlay ' Nllrl!llJn IOWI ,S1, Or1ke l NW Col. low• 50. Wntmer I Ohl11 Wllllt'l"ln t, DtnlMlft 7 Akron SI, Nortll Mlch!111n 1 Dlvton is, e1n :n1tt 1t HITllTI f, efttllny, W. Ill. 0 Mll'lll" Col. 11, otterbltn 10 Woolllr 1S, Mount Union 1' k1l•rn1-•• Otl'HI 1 Pem 12, Dartmouth 15 .. Navy 23, Syracuse 14 Delaware 35, C.Onnecticut 7 Brown SS, Yale 25 O>tgate 22, Holy Cross 21 Harvard 57, COiumbia 0 Rutgers 3$, Lafayette 6 Cornell. 37, Princeton t Massachusetts 20, Boston U. 6 attflOOI St1t1 17, ~rv ·17 E Slrolldsbur;,.IJ; Clll'lnf'/ Sl•tl 1 Hohtr1 »,_..Fordt\lm 0 SI. Jolln!l'NV 14. Minhttt1n' Worc1u.r $1, A6. Btte. 14 Mii,.. M1rltlm1 t. COit!¥ ' can1r11 Conn St. 2'. Monlt1tlr lO DllMll,. VII 1.C. l ycornl1111 1 Fr1nklln I. NM 31. OldtllltOll 16 Hoblrt u. Hiltftltton o Rhode l .. and IS, V~ 14 *"' C"'1tw "'· lllo«nttouri1 1' N-H"""""r• 13. Mii"" o ~ univ. :io. 'Tufls 14 wn~ l:l. UPll• 1 AmlW'tl 23. llowdoln I Junl1t1 1.C. ~, Lll'llgll a. Blldawll u MlllenvlM It. 6. MllMfleld St. 0 Mulllll'lblf9 31, Ursl-14. $111~'11 !1, lock HIWll I' SHPJ*'Y Rodr. «I. CaHf Stile, PL • Sprtngfltfd 11. lftllc:• ,. 1'rwnlon Sllf1 U, Nicholl Colllte l Soatli Alabama 35, Florida 14 LSU :I>, AubW'D 6 . Tennessee 00, Georgia JI . Tulane 24, Duke 17 Clemson 32, Virginia 27 North Carolina St. Maryland 22 Tech 24, North <:aroilna J!, Kentucky JO Georgia 20, Mississippi 0 North Texas St. 7, Louisville 6 Memphis State 28, Tulsa 16 South Carolina 28, Wake Forest 12 Vanderbilt 2D, William & Mary 7 C1!1wbl 17. Gwdnll'-Wlbll t Lfvlng11on Stile f, Sa'Y'ford I R1nd0t~ 34 Wallington " Lea " S•lllTI Cotleoe 21, W11t VI. WHllY • Wnl l ll>lrtY D. Slllc*lrd 10 Wnt Vt TKll 7.!, Cottcofd It Wnt Kllltuc:ky 11, 1'_,,11911M• Te<:ll • Alcorn ~ 21, Ll!lalln Univ. I Cllld9! 11, (Mitt-.. 10 Flwkll MM .... Mciffl1 l!I,._., U Gl'emalltng 17, Mllll11IPl)I Vel e Enl ·c1ro11"" .n, v1rott11& MllltMy ' funnln :.. O.'l'lcllon 7 f lllk 2'. ~ Aa.M 24 MorlhNd St1!1 n. F1l.-.-t 7 Rldi!Nnd 42. SOI.Ill\ Mlulu!P!ll 20 , __ $11!1 ~. P1t.nburt SI. • Eut T-.n Sl1!1 lt, Alllle1idlltn SI~ " GllnvllM S!1!1 3', llluefl•ld Sl1l1 ' Junior College or-Col1t 14. Menlo 1 laklrl!Mld as, cw,1111:1 n W•lvll Sltll COll"- Hanc:ock 17, MoorPlrlt 14 C1nY-34. Wnl LA ?6 Santa 1!11rbflra 23, Compton 11 VlnkH'1 37. GllM1l1 20 C1111n COllffft!KI Mlrl Cotlt )9, l!llrllOW 20 DIMrt 27, P•la V1rd1 I Ml. $1n J1elnto 27, Vlttof)I .. PIRATES WIN • • • Continued From Page C4 on the ground in the second baJf when Menlo was socked with a net of minus four yards. 'lbe Oaks managed to move in the air as the clock wound down with Wb quarterback Greg Sancier at the bebn. hands, played a spirited game, recovering a f u m b I e , in- tercepting a pass and con- tinually thwarting the Pirates' ground game. GAMI $TA1'1S1'1CS O« Flm dcllfwn1 l'tllhllllll 1 Flrtf ctowM ~1111 f Ftrsl~...... t Tot1I f!rtt dli«ll 1• Ymli ivll'llno 11' v1r111 peulno lM Y1rdt loll 51 N.i y11'(11 011rwd 24li Punll/IVlrlge dlhlncti' S/3' P1n1ltlnly1rd1 penlllild ~10 fumllllllfllmtlln IOI! ill ~lly Cll ........ • ' • ' " >M >n " "' '"' 5/55 ., Orl!llll Coesl 0 1 1 D-U Menlo eor11111 o • • 1-7 RUSH1HG lllU11tlNG --,..._ ... r. • ';'] " • .... , .. , " •• ' ,,. ~~ " M • ., " " ' .. ..-• ~ " •• Whitfleld ' • • ••• lt'oll ll .. ,., .. .. LA $iilill"-ll ........ " " • '·' . ... , -~ ' . ::: ·:::=:· • • • " . • " • )3.1 ,.,,,,.., • " • '·' TOlfllS » '" " .. PA$SINO Oildtt1 Wt1I N " •• " '" Acc-ando • I • • .1•1 F1•r1ro ' ' • .. .... 1'1111$ ' ' • ~ .... • X-COUNTRY ll) t :ll1 6l. R...-(LI t :5'1 1t. N.tsoft Cl} IO:lJJ 1'. PllMHV RJ 11:1D.. ~ 9"c.ll P'IOld 111. ,...., Venity 17. J*'-'-D. Ill ll:ISI '1. ~ ton. M. IL) 11:•1; 21. MIMC• lll 11:•1 2t, Llr1 tll 12:<n1 4 ..,.,_., R. Ill 12:•1! IL Dtlvll tLI IS:ftt .,,, l!lrv-, R. (L~ 1•:D1. "5. Siie. tL) lS:OO. Y1rllty ~ 0-' llf) {2tl 11r¥"9 I. DIJwlll!ll IM) 10:10; !. St. Joll<I lMI 10:3J; 1. G1rd1 4SJ 10: ... 1 4. AIWI !Ml 10:"1 5. k11t11111 (M) 10:!IO/ 6. euc:khOlt {$) 11 :061 7. Ser.ml! !Ml 11:11: a. Plttm•n. CMI 11 :101 '·\Ver fSJ 11 :33; 10. G1l•llOI !Ml ll:(SJ 11. Rome! ($) U:IS1 U. Strede (S) U:S1 1 13, 'W~ llril U;)J; U. "•l11tr1 1$1 1S:OS. MlwV~ty Mltlf' 09' (If) ll:UI $1n'lll 1. aim. (Ml 11 :101 t. 11or1and <Ml 11:1'; 3. Cotman CMl 11:201 1. Norr1'1 !Ml 11 :14; s. 81k1.,r1m1 {Ml 11:2,l 1. ourst (Ml 1l:'1r 7. Hlron (Ml 11:"4; I. Beech !Ml 11: ... : t . Piii......, IM) 11 :50; 10. 01~ CM) 11:51. Fretll·S•h c-. ... Mer llJJ IM) ld111elt 1. Day, J (Cl 12:11: 2. C1rdt.N1 !CJ 1 .1 ; . lier er. 12:35; 6. Go.er ·r·>j; t la:'"<<> 'l;U; '· """~'{~! 1 :16; , (CJ !:ll1 I . J°"" IJ:OJ: t. Ks!rld 4Cl 13:111 Wt. CrocH IC lll:n. • S II ••• S.11 Ci-fl CU) (11) IAl-oll#ll Ytl_..,u-1 l. Wlkeott 1$1 ll::19; 2. ow.y !e l 10:4.71 3. J;01v1M1 (\t) ll:OS.71 '· HUll-111.• (l!I) 11 :07; 5. a. H\odd!Hlan (SJ 11:12; " Edw•rd• tSl 11 :22; 1. e11111 (V) 11 :21.7; I. F1«11 !VJ 11 :'7; t , 5'-mellw 15) 11 :$51 10. Kid< (I) '"""°" Venlly c..i1 Mftl: n n ,.,, '"'' •111 v.u,, 1. St\lt$ll>ilft (Ml 10;15: 1. Miii (Ml 10:31/ J. Goth' CM! 10::16; '-F1rretl IMI 111::16: S. Wrlehl (Ml 10:371 I. H1r- rl1 (Ml 10:.Ui 7. LIUllck CSl 10:451 I. Lay tM) 10:11; f , Roll1 (Ml 10:1'; 10. c1v1nag11, J IMI 11:29. • ,111\lor Y1rllty MM'lna 1421 llfl L01r1 1, 1iel1'1rm1n {L) IO:SO; 2. 81rl'lett fll lO:U t 1 H\11111 (L) 11 :051 4. J..lam11 (LI 11:071 $. ShOl1r (Ml 11:08; '· J1nkln1 (LJ 11 :\J; 7. MorllMld IMl U:IS; I. ,.llcher (Ml 11:17: f. WOGl:IY (LI 11 :1t1 10. VlMfl'lt IMI lt;:W. ,...., V1rllt'f ••-1211 cm ....... v1111T I, JtfVll11t11 (El 11:011 2. Gt,:llll'rll {El 11:02; J. Muc.ar .. 11 {El \1 :061 •· F11nk {Fiil 11 :11 1 S. lltchoff (FVI 11:16; .6 V111111 (El 11:25: 1. Sir· fnllfllO IFVl 11:2'; L Hl4'nltl (PV} U:!1j '· 5mylhl 11111~1 10. Flflclllk (FV) ll:J:L ,_ """' H~ lk:lcl: lltl Ill/ S•"'a A111 \, Trllnor IHI l:Ot; • llobitrtlOl'I fH 111:14; l. EIOon f I 11 :1~ " M-s (Sl ll;lf; 5. J-fl~ Ill '11~sa. ·~~'°fst' 1f:~:"'•. ~' H! n,~1: 10. !lr~~J 12:11. H""llMflfl a~i\Jii;:· Sll'ltl AN 1,_5!eoheM \111 ll :Jt~ lllfTV IHI 11:•:). Hoot,. IS) l '-CalV.M l""/~1'.1: 1..1.o"•f"" IS :~7• 1 H1lv l l 1:60; r llllf!! (HI 11:$1: L e .. sbv I'' lt:\ji-t . CW.rm: !Hl 12:M; 10 ,,..rt n ISJ 1:23. fNM·SIDll LM:r:i .. Kii l/S~ l7tl OJ~a NUii 1e!t~c~t°'l1:~\>3.11~"~•l ~~i lldf· 1~'°'' w•,!d Lv~~1 irii-1'112:'1•1 •i:. G1rlTl$hl~Yn,.!1!] {t:.'"· Klftyon 31, Cay W11ttrn 0 Hlldelblrt lO. C1ptlll 7 Wlttlnber; U, e1ldW\n·W1i11ct1 D Clnclll!llll 17, SW Loul1lan1 0 HOii' Cal/eoe '7, Adrl1n 1 Sancier hit Randy Jackson for 24 and then eight yards to bring lbe tiall ID the OCC 15 with just six seconds to play. Sancier rolled out and oonnected with Jackson one more time but the gun sound- ed midway through the play and the score was mean- ingless. Orlnot Clltl tell .,, ~ ' I '-"I-ll~Ul amt' Oa111 HUii .1 OHi 1. I). JDrlnlOl'I flll 11 :'31 !· !CHI; (, M. Jotmsno Ile 11:11: . Mlakt (Lill 1\:1'; 6. U.r1 Ll!I 11,·20; 1v1 7. Lum (Ll!IJ 2:211 I. R. llrVIC!n Ill 11:•7. L1kt FOl'ttl 1', Clllc.tgo 0 tto O.kolt SI. J, AugU1l.n1, l .D. ' Wllllllo!I Call..,_ 20, Norlll C«llral " WI-Stttt U, Mlclll!iln TICll 21 Huron 21. Dlkot1 w111..,. 6 HlbnsU, O!fl&M IS, N~ Colo ' SIOllll fllll 2'. Carw:Clf'dl1, 51. P. • sW Olt~llornl 10. E'ltl ,....,, """" ' SouthtrTI llllnolt n. X1vi1r 1 v.,.,..,_,, n, &•stern 1111/IOll 14 s.outll Oatot1 '°' Moml1111sld1 1 ::: :t e~~r!~:1..,'• Nortll Daito!• 21, So. 011tol1 511!1 m Tl!Ylor 17, E•rlhlm 11 Walfl,,....lon. Mo. :io, W1bnh 7 WtH/1m. JIWll 17, Oll•w1 U, 1(11\i. • 'lbe game had little emotion but Menlo's Mark Speckman, the young linebacker with no Pro Scores ... Los "f19ftlfi 12$. ll11tt1lo 1H MJIWllfkH fl, Gddf~ $1111 lS IClnM' Cttv..0.....1\e 117, Alla1111 102 lastan 111. Pl>lli'del(llll1 10. HCM!on U. H-York IS Clllc~ 101. O.troll ·~ Porll1nd 13%, c .. ,1111 17 . .. Pr!neeotta Dixon M .. -N1nko ,.,_ ,~, 1'11t1l1 5al!Chll "~ Ml, 51mmon1 MtDon11d S111Cler M1. Slmman1 To411s . " ' " " " . " ' ' ' " ~ ·~ M .... M " . " . " ' . . " ' . a '~ PA§S1HG " • • ' ~ ' ' li ' " • " Or~1191 CHI! Pl I'< pl1I Y'I 1'12 115~ l ' l 10 71 1J 2 14' •• ... •• ... -1.0 ••• ' ' UCI {Ul Cftl CA Derrllllllutl (l•l ClllPITll• 1, K ... flP !!l 2t:tl; 2. A""n (11 16:.51: l. leld1 Ill 21:011 4. 1t1\lfl Ct) V :11; 5. Campllelt 10 21 :.0: 6. H~ln (11 21:•; 7. ConMllY (I\ 27:591 I. SlcU'-1 Ill 11:12: f. 2.7 511sl (ll 21:31 J 10. Shfitter Ill 21:3'1 2.0 11. M<;M.ihiln Ill 29:CM: U. O'Do!IMU .1.1 Ill 29:13; ll. IC)etn (I) 2t:U : U. a.l l!ltooltlf' !OJ 29:~71 11. eroctl\W tll ····.,"-;"··---------ill J.01~ '·' '"' .m .m ·"' ... COSTA MESA DATSUN ... Sain. S.rYke & 1.eeslMJ l S45 H"'rbor l hll., C.M. 540-6410 So.lbw .. ' N-York 111, Caroll,.. ID7 Otnver 12.1, V1111!nl1 100 SlmlYIGl>S S..l!Cltr 1'0!111 ··~ " . • • 11 ID • u ' " ' on ~~~i~~r~~ i3 ~::.:1~~;1,~1.0 .. Texas Tech 28, Texas A&M • Phltldelptil• " N-vor1e ••••nd•• GIVE POOR MILEAGE? CAN HELP i.!ar 11, Texas (El Paso) 27 1 :,~:~: v::: :· """""" THE CARBURETOR SHOP u..:. . ..-..... ~' V'~"' T-~ 27 T11n111h> '' lot ArlptlH ! 1'411 MARH lt •LVO., COSTA M!:SA 6C2oaM ::~1:"i:'Ar1i: ~k!ro i'~ l ;;:;~;:;~;l;· "';";.:...,.;~;';';'•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;';';' w; .. ;;;-~·~~-~•;M~";· ;w;""~;M;'"'~;;;;~;;;;~11 S1m HCM.11111! SI. 7, 1'1i111e11 11111 • 6ut PeM State 54, Army 3 Pin 35, West Yqinia 7 Pacesetter Homes Announces Castlehill ... Where our prime rate has been lowered to 8%* AIJ011-..,dao .......... ~ormoce. We hon made a long term C01Dml•••wat to cWiftl' bomet at K •• , hat yoa mmt act now. 3 and 4 &/mom Homa From $34,750 ~~~IIL~\\ --_,.._ ---......... NI' .. ............. ....... ,. ..... , ..... ,.... .. ...... _ --------- In rht /a/Ir abovt thl La Paz IJlmojf oj tht San Ditgo Frttwoy. u :::.;.a (714) lro-1840 cm&mi i I ' ' PICKEROO Spon50recl ly DAILY PILOT $100 A WEEK IN PRIZES ! sso TOP WEEKLY PRIZE ' For W•ekly Second Place Winner Each for Third, Fourth and Fihh Place Winners H1re's how you c•n be a pigskin proph•t for pro W•ekly cash pri:r.•s •re offered to winners of t Pilot Pigskin Piclc•roo game. Top winner each wp gets •so in caJh. Second plac1 wi nner g•f• $20 cash a nd thi rd, fou rth end fifth piece winners e1dt git $1.0 In c•sh. All "cash" actually is deliver.d hi winners in the f~rm ·of checks to be picked up b winners at one of th• 10 particip•tin<J members . the H•rbor Boulevard of Cars association. Ch1cD for this w•ek's cont•1t will b• prep•r•d by: Dave Ross Pontiac 2840 Harbor Blvd.; Costa Maa The I 0 r,•rtici pating 1uto de1fer1hip1 i1lon9 Cost• Mes a's 'H1rbor· Boulevard of C.rs" •r•: Atli11 Chrysler-Plymo uth, B•uer Buie~. Connell Chevrol• CoJta M•sa D•tsun, Oi1ve Rois P'ontiac, Johnson Son lincoln-M•rcury, Mira cl• M•zd.a, Ni1bers Ci1dillac Theodore Robins Ford end University Oldsmobile. - Watch for this pl•y•r's form ••ch week in the DAii: PILOT Sport1 S•ction. Circl1 th1 t1•m you think w win in ••ch peiring in the fist of 30 9eme1 and 1HCI the play•r's form entry blank or • ree1oni1bl• f11 •i mile. Then w•tch the DAILY PI LOT sports ,..9e1 f ••ch w•ek's lis t of five winn1rs. RULES .._I, llllillllt 1M ................ II' 1 ~ llCllmllt If It .. ltli CNMlt. '\1l_..... *-iflliW' II ........ .,. "IOCt ~ lbtrlll ........... "' .. , ..... ..,. .. t.dlll ............. ~ ..... ..,. ........... ,.u •. a. SW It ... PM.OT PIGSIC IN PICKet oo CON'TllT, ''""' ·--"! PA In lNt, C11t.1 Mal, CA. fMX, I. °""' -..,"" ,.,. ,.,._ ~ Mell Mtk. c~ .,. llllt .,..., tffldlls _, ~ ll'Mllli,i. ......... ,,... • ..,,... .. ....... ........... .. """ "-llf'I ..., "ftetl ..... ... '"" '"'" ·~. OKfllM " ........ 11111 ,...., ...... Cltlflll 11 111111 II'/ Ill hlilt9tll11ll, 4. t:Mrln mt111 .. ,..._rtlf 111t liter lllH '""""""' 11..M. 1t Mitt i:YI Mllv~ 19 1119 DAILY PILOT lfflce lrf ' ,.M. ,.... ..... .,. - I. f'lr1k1Pltfllt .,..._,. ... lflelr ~IM DAILY PILOT .... ~ .. 111111 lflelr lml!Wllllte fMllLln 1r1 111f llllt-.......... I. Tl• IR'l:AICIR ILANI( MUST IE PILLID IN ot: INTRY 1$ votD. r---------., ENTRY BLANK I Circle him• you think will win thle w.k'• 1•-I (home ttam le MCond eM lleted ) I Green Bay vs Los Angeles I I NY Giants vs Dallas I Baltimore vs Detroit I St. Louis vs Wastiington I Tennessee vs Alabama I UCLA vs Washington State I I Oregan vs USC ·• Stanford vs Washington I Wisconsin vs Michigan · 1 I Oregon State vs Cal •• Y ole vs Columbia I Auburn vs Georgia Tech • I Missinippi vs Florida I North Carolina vs Tulane I Colorado YS Oklahoma I Dartmouth vs Brown I Kansas vs Nebraska I I Southwestern vs Soddleback I Cypress vs Golden West I Orange Coast vs Fullerton I I Huntington Beach vs Western Los Alamitos vs Corona del Mar .I I Anaheim vs Westminster I Mater Dei vs St. ,Paul I Urilverslty vs Dana HUis I I Casto Mesa vs Edison I Fountain Valley vs Estancia I San Clemente vs Laguna Beach I Marina vs Newport I Saddleback vs Mission Viejo I I Tll •• ~. -MY ........ "" 11111 MlllllMr ........ -"" I ltt th • tllftft lllMll 11111,.. 11 ---------~ •N•m• I I I I I I Cll ::.:.<...~~~~~~~~".L...~,. ... --------.ii I \ I (; •• OAIL V •!LOT • ,., jt, ...... i • Daily Vo1wnu ~ ........ ~~ T.Uty ........ 1t,44l;N W.WS:Uy ••..• 11,tff, ... Tlt\ll'.O.r ••••.• 1',1:M,Jll1 ,, ... , ......... U,nf.fll ,..... . .......... ... Weekly Salea • GAINI RS G~N~•S t Colon,. KllCllll 41•+ 1\'i 1 Arctl' IErito IV.+ '" Up t Uftlon COrp 11\.li+ 3l.11 Up · J BaYKllL .ff i:~•+1•~ Up Yearly Comparison u• "·' "" .... St.1 •••• ... 2 01nk•r WO/Ilk 3'·~+ 1 ~ 3 S.Mln Rot>Dln 10'4+ 1Vt Up 54.t Up ''·'' UP 11.j UP 16. Up• U.• UP 15.f UP 14.I Up 14.3 Up 12.t UP U,1 UP U ,• Up n .G UP 10.t UP 10.0 UP 10.G Up 10.0 UP 10.0. Up t.I UP t.I Up t ... Wll. E~llM Oct. n. 1t7J OU. I lt1J Oct. b, 1'7! Oct. IS, lt71 Gas Shortage Makes Nation Ripe for New Black Market When oil supplies dwindle, blackmarket operations are inev itable. authorities her.eve. Allocations will help, some be- lieve, but not solve the prob- blem. H1111 ~ u-o.c um ,,. 15 1oi4 "" 21J n• 11 , ... "" 1• K 1112 •u 1• :u1 llll UO Stl 1111 Ht 'qNoCtn Ry 11':1-t-2 Up s Mo!Til( Mil! 11"• '~ Up ' A'"'Mll Co ~+ th Uo I '!At"'"" C. l~o+ ~' UP I IO\Olt• G•s IP•+ 2'1'j, Up ' Pl.u. Atlll<1'1 31'1+ "41 UP IG Aucktr Co 1~+ 2 Up 11 HMW lndwt Sh+ 1\.11 Up U A J llldllltrs 2\t+ \It Up U A.mm Corp r~+ ll't Up u Intl Mlnlno 11:\'o+ 2.,.. Up IS Kl...Ck .to 1J•11+ 2\• Up ,, c1u1111111 l.11 11:i.+ 2 U9 11 Olris 0'111 5 + "'9 Up If lpco H&$p 21 7\4+ 1\c. Up It q8"cft Cnr. 3 + l'I Up 20 5£DCO .OI 5'fl+ ~ Up 21 HasplHAI •k 16 + 2\11 Up 22 Sul>itmd .to ~· Sllo H! 2l Bat.s Ml .lO I~+ 2'ill ~,. 2• Hori-Cp 1i:1-.+ l\fi Up 2SHll!llOI ,II 1~+IMI Up t Atr! IE.-t LOSI~~ .. Ort ,Z Mobile H .H 111>-3 Oii J Vornado 111 1 -2 Off • llH Corortn 30 -1"'1 .Off 5 Contlnvst 21 .t -"9 Off 6 GAC COrP ••,,._ ~ Off 7 Mlrro Al ·"' 1• -21'1 Off . • Chtlte• .JO • -1-. Off t Z,f'fff: COrp 10'4-1'111 Off !It Un FIO.t/ty 3~-,... Off 11 Trepk-21•1...-''°' Off 1t OlytOllH .54 UV.-tV. Off 13 A MedkDrp ~,._ .. Off It ~ Ub ,..,_ tW. Off 15 S.v A St .t4 ~ ¥. Off 1, IP!tfl\ht .06b ,,,.._ ... E o ••mOr .m ~ IV. II ~t!..t .G2l'I ~ 'Ir. •It LVnt:h~V .tO 10'h-I~ Olf 10 &IJlow.W .70 11 -2'dl Off 21 Utd 11111$ .10 10 -1111 Off 12 Ell•lr lfld •'4-Vi OH tJ Wntg l!L ,., ~ -4 Oft 2t DonLllfJ .12 1'-l't Off U. W•llt.AG ·'° 12 -I* Off Christian Sci~ce Monitor Service BOSTON -In a city almost paralyzed by a gasoline shortage that perils police and fire protection, someone walks into the city manager's office and says: "I can get you thousands of gallons of gasoline, if you don't tell anyone where you got it.'' A far-fetched scenario? , .. "·' 25.0 14 .• 1•.G '"' 13.1 "" n.> ,,. ,,. 21.3 21.t .... ~-· lt,7 19,, 1•.s ''·' 1•.2 tJ.t 31.t ,.., !2.2 20.0 U.t 15.4 OU U.> u.• ... ,., ,,. 13.5 12.7 ,,, 11.t nx u .• U,6 11.t U .t t31 ~ 42,1 •1:• JJ,J "·' ~S.t '"' 3S.O "·' .... [~ "" ,,, 31.6 .. .. "·' ,., ,,, ,.., "·' 27.J "" ,,, '"' .,. ,,, , ... 1 •.• 11.l 11.t 16,J 16.1 16.7 ,., 16.7 ~" ... u.t u.t H.J "" .... "" ,,,1 ,,,t 1t.1 If.~ ' Sunl!lt Oll L1d 5'4+ '\lo s eerkl! Bio En 1\lt+ 1 6 H U Corp A '61't+ 3'h 1 HI Teth ln(l\1$ 3h+ .... I lmmwno SClen 1 + t t Tym)ll.tre IM. 131.11+ 1i.-, 10 S!Of'Y C......,kl 6\\+ '• t1 SJiot'ldel "'f .3' 12W.+ H• n eon.nie ntff' u~+ l\lo U Nl>tl .. r 5erv•, 16'4+ II'> 1• N.i 01lComm I\~+ ~~ 1S Nl\llllold (Hp 'l'o+ ~. 16 'r"flS0(11n 01 U\.11 + '"' 17 WD .0 Co .3Stt :n + 1 18 Erwr9y Cv ull 14 + 1"' 1' Zions Ut111 .IO 21 + 2\\ lO Gt Eiaull' 1"111 20 .. 1~~ 21 Mldw$nDl1l A 1\~+ ·"' :n ~ ll'l(orp '""• ~ 2J COll\d!K6 tl'IC W+ ~ 2• Survlv•I TCllll Tno+ 11'> UP '·' UP '·' UP '·' Up t .Z U EntrQW COnvt '°"'+ fo UO t .1 ....... f SClfl Dita C,. 31/o-•;, Olf 2 lftltrtOll EPHIY 101·,._ t\, Oft 3 M a AUod•l• 3'9--~-Oii 'tn'lpfl' Grp ltd s•-I'> Off 5 CHA L pf l .10 ~I'• Off 'WrlotrtWm .II S\0-\'> Ofr 1 0.n'lsonOll Co • -.... Off t Sc:ot1 llllis Am 9 -¥• Off t Sl!kO!liit 111ep 121• .... I Of! 10 erowi>lllO. .2Sll '''-Vt on 11 Lla11 Cly"\ll'MI l"'-'4 OH n VlltElv I.Ott 1l -1 Off IJ 5wedlow 1nep 10M1-'Iii Off H Jut.I Mt9 16wl s1:.-~~ OH IS L1dtron Corp I~ ),lo Off 16 Mobll6 Am (p 7'4-l't Off 17 HynronPK LI S'·>-~ Off II Kell,. krv .. l 15 -1 Off 19 CoMt C..I•~ ' -l'o gr,°" 20 W~ Sc:I Inell 619-"- 71 FOOO'fll•"1 Hit 12•,\o-~-12 D1t1 Tt<PlflOllY n.-.... Oii l3 f'lr$t Wttt Fifi """-.,._ Ofl 2• ANrtft Mt~to 2\11--\Ii Off ' 1l,, 10.• to.a "' u ••• '" I.I '" ... ... "' ••• '·'· ••• ... ••• u ... ... u ... i:t is still much pressure for a mandatory alJOC?tiOO program. "WHY WAIT tJNTlL schooll thi> winter to declare a crisis? Why don't we put a mandatory allocation plan in effect now!" Kane and others ask. . , Llgnoo, who directs the govenuDflllt's oil-import and present voluntary fuekl· 1~tipo program, told city ofGcia1s con- ferring here that neither the . Ni1on The situation is not fictional. SomMne made the proposition to Walter C. Kane, city admini~tor in Lakewood, Colo., during a severe shortage of gasoline in the Denver suburb. ..-Administration nor Congresa want1 to -a .,.ndatory luel·allocatiol\,1\11' -rrZ-gtam because lieitber wanu ,. ~- 't stbility for the ·clliappoililmeot u-.iijay Kane told fellow city officials about his community 's beatlng W and gasoline shortages at an international city manage"s conference in Boston. He made the purchase. Black-market activity as a side effect of alloca.Uon programs is a little-discuss- ed upect of tile fuel shortage problem. THE FACT THAT many peopl• try lo take advantage o( tbe government's cur- rent votuntazy fuel-allocation program is one reason why a proposed mandatory allocation system lhou1d be partly man- aged at the state level by state govern- ments, says Duke Lignon, director of tb.e U. S. Office of Oil and Gas. "It is foolish to assume that all prob- lems can be solved in Washington," be said. Ligon told a conference workshop on Ule community impact of fuel shortages last week that the Cost of Living C'.ouncil is investigating black marketing of petroleum products under the voluntary allocation program. He said alter the worbhop that the Interior Department has enlisted the aid of U.S. Customs officiaJs in it8 in- vestigatioo ot reports that some domestic oil companjea have exported large quan- tities ol. distillate fuel oil in recent weeks tCJ take advantage of high internaticoal create. 'J • .FiWICE . Too !IJa!IY people upeCt I mandatory l!llocatioq program ki IOlve llio f11el· , .: lbortage 'bi.sis, he said. · ' ' ''The pi:oblem Is lhal the situation Is .. . oil prices at a time wben prices are bei"i controlled in the, U.S. on; INDUSTllY SOUtteS ba•e told lnlerlor officials that t,,......th ~ companies are tnvolved in the acUvtty.- "but as yet we have not turned np any conclusive evidence of these exports," Ligon said .. If such actlvity hail: taken place, 1t "in- vites'' federal legislation to prevent any recurrence, be added. Ligoo referred to an Interior Depart- ment report issued last week.Which con-- cluded that U.S. distillate fuel supplies would have to be supplemented by im- ports of about 6.50,000 ban'els a day, i( normal 'conditions are e1perienced this winter. · Last winter1 tmport$ averaged about 530,000 barrels a day1 a record high level, he said. Even though the municipal officials gathered bere this week are concemflCI about illegal marketing activities, there dilllcult and such a polillcal lootbOll tbet for two months there baa boon a~ lo ... wl!ether eon,..... er the ~t will Implement the _.,,,,.. Up said. lie did not l8Y that tbere-..... • mandatory luel.aflocatMn J>l'Ol'llD, however. "MANDATORY All.OCA'l'ION will.not <lld lhol.'lages, but It moy IOJve· -of yoor problems," he told tho dty managers. "It is time to forget the political chlcanery and get on with the show, because we have serious propaoe and heating-oil problems," he added. Tbe current voluntary system also bas two basic legaJ problems, Ligon says: • The program tends to encourage "markeVsharing," which is probibitied by anti-trust legislation, e Fuel companies face "contractual problems" In breaking cootracls In on!er lo nu priority needs. Aslred about pcaible varlaneet from foderal air-quality llandards, Ligon said the U.S.'En\Oiromnelltal Protection Aaen- cy would grant variances ''where tiien ls no alternaUve, oo a local basis after local public bearinp." ;way Opened for More Closed PVC Meeti1igs 'Tn a recent week when SOuthcrn Californians were in- ldt1ncd their utility bills \vould be going up a total or al most SIOO million a month, they v.tlre deprived of a po!'sible cbance lo redU<'e t.he likeli hood or at least the amount ol siJnilar increases in the Mure. ~he dent in the Southland's cOJlective pocketOOok -which uill r.o!'t the average con- sqrncr about $12 per year - <'fme y.·hen the California Ppb(ic Utilitirs Commlssk>n oltayOO a 9.8 percent rate In· CPellse for the Sout hern f:f!!forni a Edi$0n Co. •· piwt dttision followed only dfYS <ifter Gov. R.o n ald Reagan's velo or a bill which \~ ufd have fore~ the~,PUC to Id publ!e mce.ll11gt whcne:ver I Is deciding \\'hethc r to grant tt Increase and how much t rale hike will be. i t wa~ higher taxes, lower es volume and higher o rating e:tpcnscs that tho 11JC !laid were the moving f~rs in its latest rate in· ctase decision, ~'T SINCE 1be ave com- missioners n1et in secret to consider the issues which had been raised in n10re than 50 d~ys of public hea rings it had held on the Edison rate in· cnase request, no on e can be sure that the factors listed publicly ~·ere an I h a t motivated tht! commi ssioners. Th ill is the key issue that might have been resolved if Gov. Reagan had okayed the bill by Sen. Alfred Alquist ( D- San Jose), which \VOnld have compelled the PUC to meet O()('Oly, That, bill wall SJl'!Tlced by the series of whopping rate in- rreases the commissioners ha\·e awarded such giant firms as Pacific Telephone, General Telephone, Southern California Edison. Southern ('alllornin Gas and San Diego Gas & Electric over the last live yea rs. Those lne-rc;a~s bad given thr tompanics more than $500 milli<1n e year (J f the •publicts money even bclorn the latest Edison boos!. ··11·s AL;.\fOST l'Hi i{ they'vf' hung otU a '0:11ne and get it' sign," one former commission staffer said rccentlv. Today's atmosPhere i n \\'hich lavish rate increases are awarded quJte frequently is in marked contrast lo the air that prevailed in PUC pro- ceedin gs before 1970. For dec<1des before then, the California commission was regarded as the toughest in the nation for utilities to ex- tr:lct money from . General Telephone, for In- stance, got no rate boosts ~tween 1958 and 1967. while Pacific Telephone didn't even ask for any increases from 1958 to 1966 because company officials were fairly certain they couldn't get any more money from the commission . BUT WHEN this feeling changed as a result or the. re- cent gpate of hefty rate hlkes. the Lcgtslature began to look at. the PUC's operations. Alquist's bill was the result of n ~eries of hea rings a special Senafe committee held Jn 11>e summer ot 1972. ft would not have rorced open PUC meetings on ru1y otbu ls!>11e~ besides rale In· creases and it passed the Assembly and Senate in its final fonn by 53-10 and 22-0 margins. The·govemo r said he vetoed the measure because h e "questioned" wbether it would .. produce any real publie benefit." Reagan said he believed public declsion-mnk- ing sessions on rate cases could be "detrimental to the public interest" because ··they might prevent "rational, thorough a n d expeditious decision-making .•.. " IF BY THAT the governor meant th e commis.'i'ioners might be swayod by public opinion if they held open meetings, theo his veto was aimed at defeating the precise goal of Alqu.tJt's bill. "Opening their meetings on rate increases would have an extremel y salutory effect on the commission and would restore publlc confidence In it," Alqulst said. But In the end, It W1l3 prob- ably the quasl·judicial tradi- tion of lhc commisSion - whim decistou can only be appealed 10 the state SUpreme Court -thol led lo the Rea- gan veto. "The PUC or a court may well have some dissension while-deliberating," said one top utilities lawyer who prac· tices o(ten before the PUC. "But they still n:iay want to arrive at a unanimous decision. "AND TREV legally have to give their reasons for any deeision. Probably in some cases the reasons they list aren't the real reasons, but tI they were forced to hold public meetings, they'd pro- bably Just do their real decision-making lnformally Jn private anyway." So the public will continue to be lor<ed to pay higher 1\11(1 higber utility bill~ perhaps without l<nowlng the real reuons for them. But il's not Ukely tho AlquiBt prol)OS81 will simply die. It will probably be back on the governor's desk neiryear ariCt the year after until It is finally signtd and the consumers Rre given a chance et least to watch while the PUC decides ho\v much ot their money to spend. Highest Rate• Shortest Term . . ~ ' ............. ... on Certificates of $10,000 held for _ 90 to 180 day1 or more (For UmlleG Tim• Only) ·, --bytllo 11111o11,,_""'"""111o nm. J THfltl'r AHO lOAH ASIOCIAtlON Hltfttt lntlMt Plfd cone1tttnt1y-1mc.1m IMll.Y·ll/UJ, .... CllltJL Dr,, ....... m~m.7tn ll TOllO, ..... II Tift M ............ (114) ·- Mii l'OIWD>, 1111 ri. tt., t1MI ....... , (IU) 1'Wl41 IA Al.A, 770 ..., ,.,, Br ............ (1tf) 46+o04M WTAAM. mz11. •-.,flfm ....... (rt4)11r.... t:acot101110, m bit._.-.. -..... {7141747"711 WftlDOI. 4111..,.. ..,, tMOI ,,., ••••• (211)Ctl411 ll'rff'Olilf IWll.11111'9ttllll Or., .. , •• 11141 '*'211 CAl.l,OflHI" M8IOINTI Ofift.Y . . . . . ... " J ~ ,., vol IM CO( ad< Oil "" I "" tee ag1 del WO th< 'Y( A. la hi 1l c( [; •l w gi "' 11 m ll lb ~ d1 .. "' S11nda7, Octobtr 14, l'J7l OAJLV PILOT (.' l I ~ 10..Y!U' ..... ' Home Warranty Sysrem Adopted NEW ORLEANS -A coo· sumer assurance plan in- volving a voluntary system or bl!ured warranties on ne\vly COMtructed homes 'w a s adopted today by the Board of Directors of the NaUooal As!Odatlon of Home Builders. WhHe details remain to be warted out1 the plan con- templates a IO.year warranty against loss due to structural defects, with coverage ol wortmansbip and materials in \he fltst year and various systems In the llnt two year•. G«qe C. P.lartin, president of the 72,00().member NAHB. called the vote of the 1,000. member board a "great event in tte history of NAHB." "AN EXTREMELY large and complex industry com- posed of srnall buslnessmen ia de~rating Ulat tt has the will and the capability to poliot ltBelf. improve ill prod· uct, and otter superior pr~ t«llon to the public -all without creating addiUonal governmental bureaucracl.es or adding to taxpaym• n;. penses." Valley General Plan Eyed:< tn a unique: approach to In the meantime, the otbtr planning, the Orqe Comity team members prepired baH PlannlJlg Department and • data from t e c h n I c a I , tn· private architectW'll ind plan-vironme.ntal and pllMlng fac- nlng firm hf,ve teamed to tors. A plan lhar reflects the dtvelop a 1entral plan for the goals and objectlvts of the Capiltraoo Valley area - a community will derive from plan that will re.Oect the goals all these influences. and object!ves or I o c a l "Good plaM!ng required the disclpllnt1 early in the: game to determine their rel•Uonshlps to the project," Moon said. "The pursuant dialog cr~ates !he fertile soil needed for new ideas and fresh approach~!i. put through the u.te of 'opett ended' quesUoonaltts and..• VOIW\teer" tasi forte lroupj for processinc data Is wtlq• , In the planning process. - "Of course," he added, • "citizen Input Is but one in· flutnce that will be l?'Jllhe- slied into a general plan for residents. The Board or Supervisors' 1_coo_r<1 __ in_a_lion:.;__o1 __ v_a_r;.y_l_n:;g __ _ t ined Newport Beacb·based nlellan ?doon Sampieri & ; architects and. planners, for the study. DMSJ developed a team of planners. arcbJtects, geo-technical con- sultants, an ecologist and community facilitators for the project. _.::._ _____ Ca_p:..l_strano Valley. , "Usuatty, in the past, county land use plazu have been the mull of •"Jl"ftl deciding 1 ? • • So Move Tlie Hole The new program will be admlnl.stered by a wboUy~ ed subsidiary <lt'g8Jl!iatlon ol NAHB called the Home War- ranty Councll which will develop further elements of the basic plan adopted today. 'ROOM TO RELAX' AT VERSAILLES · what would be. good for a large number of people who have had little or no voice in developing the plan," ac- cording to Tom J.loon, Dt.1SJ principal. The council ts allihorized to arrange for insurance .backing for the warranties issued by the council. It would franchise or license loca1 warranty councils throughout the cotm- try. IAcal affiliated associa- tions ol the NABB which desire to participate must &J>- ply to the Council and agree to administer lhe program in ac- cordance with its guidelines. 'Informal Room' Built LONDON ( A P.) Robert Ault, a 3$.year..old La,wyer, ooudln't move his home out of the line of tile 12th hole of the public golf COUf'le at 11-ioor Park, near London. Into Versailles Units So the local oouncl.1 have agreed to close the hole until it is realigned so that golfers tee off in the -'le dlroctloo. ·smce Auld, his wife and l'fO young children moved into the house a year ago they've ·been in tbe front line. When t\\'O windows were shattered in five daya, Auld threatened to seet an inJuncUon in the courta. THE COUNCIL will MW begin organizing for operations with fmal details to be .. uked out in time for a ,.port to the NABB Con· venUoo-Exposition in January, 1974. A major goal oC t h e program is to insure that reuonable buyer complaints are bandied justly, quickly, and lmpartlally. An "informal room " has been designed into Deane Development C.Ompany's t!il'O- story Versaille5 residence at Big Canyon to provkie a blend of casual living and elegance. Designed for bolated relax- ation, the "get-away" room features a fireplace, and wa!l- ~wall window span overlook- ing a formal gatden courtyard spacious enough t o ac- commodate a full fkrwerinJt tree and tasteful touches of architectuhll landscaping. The entry of the home opens onto a windini;t staircase which The Carefree life That$aw$you Thou$Qnd$ Come ,.. the ,_ life that awaits you at Manono T ownho""", fi,,.,, advk new-home value in Orange. You get carefree living because exterior chores ore done for you •.• and you get o big bonus tpo: ~or a limited time, w1 can offer low 7.9 . .,_ Jong.tenn financing! <Exompf1i Solo Price $27,995. Down Payment $5,595, Oosing Costs $100 plv1 1 '19 loan fee. Payments of $164 per month for 354 months, including principal 1 and interest at 7.9%. Approximofo Annual Porcontogo Rote, 8.25'!9.I And ask about our other plans with down payments OS low as s-; •. You save thousands of dolkJrs over the years, and you get an unbeatable home value with large rooms ••• master bedrooms up to 18 fHt longl Each townhouse 'is complete with everything needed for gracious living. Cus- tom-quality draperies are hung, nylon shag cdrpet is installed throughout. Your new home is air conditioned, your living room hos a cozy gas fireplace, and you con reloi1 in a swirlpool bathtub. Eoch residence hos a private patio, and wine cellars and electronic garage door openers ore all included in the price. Your recreation area Includes a .JpOCioYS dwbho..-, huge ..5().foot swimming pool, sauna ond blllard room. ' ' All this ivst a few minutes from lrHWOY~ For· tho beil of your Me, you owe u to yovrwlf to -Monona T ownhoUMS todoyl fWY 61 - " . 7. 9% Interest (1.25~ A.P.R.) 2 & 3 Bedrooms 2 & 2112 Baths s27,995 to s35,995 Soutkbound Sonto /vfO fwv. to Chapmon Ave. Eost, then eo• to flower, IOUth 3 blocks. Gorden Grov• fwy. or northbound Satita Atio IO W.Oin St .. rtOf1h to Polfftyro, .,.... 4 bloc.ks. " . forms a spectacular suspended bridge overlooking the foyer on one side, and spacious liv- ing room on the other. The circular garden kitchen features an island range and counter. and pass-through win· dows leading to the patio. Casual dining take:o1 place comfortably in the spacious kitchen nook. The master suite is l~ted for privacy, and features sliding glass doors leading outside. Innovations have been designed into the master bath with a Roman tub and a circular basin snsemble free- standing in the center of the room. The upper level of the Veraailles is distinguished by a gallery at the top of the staircMe which commands a sweeping panorama of' the liv· ing room and. entry below. Big Canyon, encompassing 386 acres adjacent to Newport Center Financia1 Plaza and Fashion Island shopping center in Newport Beach, features a Jrlvate, member- owned la.hole golf course and clubhluse with swim and ten- nis amenities. Deane Develop- ment OJmpany, under the presidency or Larry Deane. has constructed 260 luxury condominium! as part of the total $6 million Irvine Com- pany project. Med-Dental Center Set For Irvine The leasing program has started and customize d designing of individual suites is in progress at the $1 million Moulton Parkway Medical- Dental Center at 4902 fl.1oulton Parkway in Irvine, according to the owners, a limited partnership formed by Patri- cian-Butler Development or Tustin. Approximately 40 percent of the 20.00IHquare-foot cente r bas already been leased, reports general partner David V. Melilli. Tbe mu1ti-leve1, mediJ=al- dental facility offers 16 suites, four of which are especially designed for dentists. One 3,- flOO-equare-foot section of the development will house a self- oontained veterinary unit. • 'Contemporary California architecture, highlighted by battered stucco walls and con- crete tile roofs, has employed throughout the structure and each suite opens onto a lushly landscaped. interior garden for a tranquil effect," Melilll said. Arehitects for the project are Ken Hhnes & Associates of Anaheim. "A unique feature o! the leasing program now un· derway is that each tenant has the opportunity of custonlizing his suite to suit his individual needs," Melilli noted. "We are abo providing design con· sultaUon with our architect and interior decorator at no extra cost." he said. Requests for special cabinets, extra outlets, 1ead- sbield walls and vacuwn lines for dental equipment are belJlg accommodated by Patrician· Butler. In addition, ~1 o u I to n Parkway tenants may invest In the limited par1nership which owns the building and leasehold righta to lb~ land. ~1oulton Parkway ~tedical· Dental Center Is the M!<.'OC'ld such facility to be constructed by Patrlclan·.Putler Develop- ment. The firm's fll'St project of this type Wll!I Univ~rsity Park l\1edlc;il-Denlal Center, also in Jrvine. DOWN INTEREST "THE EXPERTS' plan then often is modilled at required public hearings where special interests lnnuence the plan in their own ravor. In1 this proc· ess, the individual citizen is lert voiceless and po\\'Crless in planning the future · ol his O\vn community. NO SECONDS-NO CLOSING COSTS "With this approach for Capistrano Valley, the county is trying to create a general plan that citizens not only agree with but helped to create." DMSI, ~rking on an 18- week schedule, began the planning proces.s late in July by distributing a questionnaire through the valley's weekly newspaper. The questionnaire, prepared by the oommunity facilitators Come to Villa Santa Ana in beauliful South Santa Ana. You can !ielect from a number of award-winning home- styles in both 3 and 4 bedroom designs. Some homes include ~ndscap'ing and . sprinklers, and are fenced and draped. All homes are carpeted and many choice· corner lots are available. and a social anthropologist. in- cluded such items as : "What do you thlnk attracts people lo this area?"; "If you could develop this community to fit your own Ideal, what would it FROM $29,540 (714) 541-9372 be llie?"; "What physical characteristics of your com· munlty do you most like and dislike?". PRIOR TO THE .ques· tionnaire distribution, DMSI and the county sponsored a public meeting, attended by nearly 200 reskients, where goals of the program were ex- plained. Immediately· following .the questionnaire distribution a volunteer citizens tasi for~ was lonned to process the return. The task for c e reported \o a second ,com- mun it y meeting o n September 1%. Villa Santa . Ana ON EDINGER. JUST WEST Of Gf¥tl> A.VEN.£ Going through ru1other with your investments? Before you get a look at this phase REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CONFERENCE A series of 4 lectures • Oc:t. 9, 16, 23 and 30 Tuesday, Oct. 9, 7:30 • 9:30 p.m. Thom•• Keevil, Orange Coast Daily Pilot Editor , "WELCOME TO THE CONFERENCE." Dr. Thom•• A. Blakely, District Director, "ORANGE COA ST COMMUN ITY EVENING COLLEGE REPORT." Jack Lincoln, Altorney-•t-l1w, "PLANNING YOUR ESTATE THROUGH REAL PROPERTY INVEST. MENTS." , Newport Harbor High School, 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach Tic/.'.e t lnfor111nt ion No edmis1ion, but tkkets ere required. Th•y can be pickitd UP, in advance at th• Orange Coa1t CoU-e• and Goklen West College campuses and at the Dally Pilot offices in Costa Mesa, Newport Buch, Huntington S.ach, L1gun1 Beach and San Clemente and from the Newport Harbor-Costa Mtsa Board of Realtors. Co-1ponsored by NEWPORT HARBOR-COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT v COAST COMMUNITY COUEGE • • • ·: ' •. l I . . . . .. ·-' C 8 OAIL Y PILOT Sl.lllday, Octobtt 14, 197l ~:Joint Home Owning: Zee .Fadlitf Medical Product · ·:·Bene(it or Liability? • Firm in Irvine By SYLVIA PORTER ~io.st of the couples we koow who OY.'O houses ov.·n the1n jointly-and most or them also are befuddled about the ' ·lax aspects or their jointly o"·ned property and are in doubt about how to hanlde tbooe assets. "What do you do?" is a question v•e are often asked, and when we &DIWtr we 01vn our house as "tenants by the entirety," we have aocurate records about our purchases and our lawyer says it's okay, a typical response ls a quick change or subject. HO\V 00 YOU own your house or other assets? If you own property join Uy, are YfMI doing the right thing? It i! vitally Important that you determine. v.ith the help of your lawyer, whether the iroperty you 0>,\'11 jointly is held aa: (I ) "Tenants by the en- tirety": (2f "Tenants Jn common": (3) "Joint tenanUI" with only ll IUellme interest in the prop- erty and survivor taking all : (4) "Joint lCflants with right of survivorshlp"; {51 "Community property" (in certain states). TO Il..Ll.ISTRATE, if the names ol both the husband and the wife appear on the deed lo their house, they are said to own the house as tenants by the entirely. When one spouse dies, the other becomes the sole awner. Only real estate can be held this way and it can be held this way ooly by a husband and wife. REAL ESTATE the balance going into the estate of the tenant in com- mon who died, to be distrib- uted according to the tenns of his will . OTllER ASSETS -E.G., joint bank· accoun ts, stocks and hood~ be held in joint tenancy and passed along out.side the will. In this type of arrangement, two or more persons own a given property as joint tenants. If on'! of them dies, his interest in the property passes outside his v.'ill directly to the other tenant or tenants (survivor or survivors). When a husband and wife together own assets v."Orth not more than $60,000, it is generally wise for them to hold title to all their assets as joint tenants with right of survivorship. This assures that all such assets v.ill pass directly to the survivor when one spouse dies. There w\Jl"be no complicated probate pro- New Architect But let's say the husband and a friend of his purchase a piece of property with the idea of building vacation cottages on U. Title to the property is held in both namei. In most states. this constitutes a Gary L. Begin, 18, of C.Osta tenancy in common. Mesa has joined the staff or In this case, each man owns · Signai Landmark Properties, an Wldlvided one-half interest Inc., as the firm's landscape in the property, aod tither architect may sell his interest or Begin has extensive design dispose or It in whatever ma.n-experience in residential, com- oer he chooses when he dies. mercial. indiiatrial and parks The other partner keeps only landscaping. He bas worked on his shatt of the property-in projects in C a I i for ft I a . this example. one-half -with Ylasb.ington and Colorado. ~~ ~lru m~m an adult community al 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Townhomes from s25,900 Come check the value you get for your dollar ... • Paneled Fireplaces ·• Jacuzzis • Wallpaper • Private Patios or Decks • Individual Enclosed Garages • Continuous Cleaning Ovens • Dishwashers • Shag Carpeting Throughout • Spacious Master Bedrooms • Sound-Insulated Ceilings and Walls • PLUS Pool, Recreation Building and Barbecues SANTA ANA Vi THE MAIN ATTRACTION :; ·' • Ntwpotl fwr NEWPORT BEACH Near shopping, three freeways. beaches. Corner of Main Street and MacArthur Blvd. In Santa Ana. Sales Office Open Dally from 10:00 AM to Dusk. Call 556·1580 or 645·1260 A Turner development. quallly builder In Southern Callfomla for 11 Y••rt -...... ," --Excellent Conventional Financing ceedlngs and no death taxes, exl'epl, perhaps, 1n states that hnpose a state inheritance tax . But when the value of your property ei:ceeds S 6 0 , 0 0 0 , holidng all usets in joint ownersh1p could actually rore:e you to pay far grealet death taxes than any amount you could save in probate costs. DO NOT FALL into the widespread misconception that this type Of ownership always frees property from estate Wes. It doe! no IUCh thing. Zee Medica1 Products, a leading manufacturer a n d distributor or home, school and lndll.'llrial emergency first aid kits and a wide variety cf other medical equipment and supplies, has purchased a 1.8- acre site at 16641 Hale Ave. south of Barranca Road in Irvine Industrial Complex and Is comfructing • 29,000 SQ"'11! foot facility to house pro- ductioo acUvities and cor- porate offices. Woodrulf Ave. in Downey. Zapra said the new 1IC facDlty will more than triple Zee's present noor space. Zee Medical Products manufactures and distributes more than ZS dlrtcrent types and mes of emergency first aid t.its along with its other products. The new IIC plant will employ 25 persons in ad- dition to a national sales force of more than 50 employes. Oeligned by the Newport Beach archltectural and plan- ning firm of Ware Malcomb Gardner-Associatlod, the new Zee plant will contain 3'.1,000 For eu.mple, Wider federal Htate tax law, It ls assumed that all property held in joint names belongs to the owner who dies first, and the burden is on lhe estate to prove otherwise. LIVING ROQM OF NEW BARCELONA HOME IN MISSION VIEJO Gary E. Smllh of Coldwell, Banker ' Company'• Tor-rance office and Jerrold R. Cole of the finn's Newport Beach office represented an parties in site selectioo and acqui!d.Uon. • . ~~~;:ce~~~bl~~: I f~t of corporate omces, and 4',500 sqUare feet al. mezzanine storage area. The concrete tilt-up structure will feature a sandblasted finish pa'lnted ln wann earth tones. Accents wUI be 'J)rovlded by panels of brzone solar glass, trimmed . with a matching aluminum: Say a husband buys some property and names his wife s al as )oint owner wlth him. If he es should die, the full property ·Booming • ID Viejo Zee's new facility w i 11 represent a capital investment of. more than $250,000, ac- oording to Thomas Zapara, Zee president, who a I s o pointed out that his firm 's new location includes additional land for expansion. -not half-will be' included in his taxable estate. Or, if the wife dies first. the treaSury could take the position that the wife wai the original owtlt"r and that the property should be fully taxable In her estate. AS A FURTHER illustration of the pitfalls of jointly held property, aay the wife dies first and the property coo,,ists of securities which were bought many years ago and were put in .)oint names. • 25 ,000 Now Living in 7,000 Homes The MiSsion Viejo Company, maintainiJ18 its position as a leader in new homes sales, had a total of 1,151 purchase agreements in the first eight months or 1973. Representing more·than '44- milUon in home sales, the figure includes p u r c h a s e agreements re a c bed in MWW,n Viejo developments in Aritooa aDd Colorado. Tbes'e &reels acccnmted tor 275·of the total, or $11 million. Sales in Orange Coonty alone represent a sales pace of nearly four homes. a day since January ·1, 1973. surpassed 1,000 p u r c h a s e agreements in just over two years and continues to receive outstanding buyer acceptance. New Madrid homes range in price from $41,950 to $57,750. NEW tASTllJ.E s I n g I e Remodeling Project Set fam11y homes, priced from $34,200 to $43,150, are 1.llsslon Viejo's newest. They opened in February, 1973. New Barcelona single family homes, priced from $26,995 to $34. 750, are designed to pro- vide moderate cost homes for y...,g families. Aliso Vlll~. Misslan Viejo's townhome e:onununity, offers the equivalent of a borne with a pool for prices ranging Crom $23,995 to '28,995. 1bc 18-year-old specialty finn is now located at 11800 Alex Robertson C.Ompany of Irvine lndwtrla1 Complex ls the project general contractor. * * * * * * Wood Light Fixt~res Firm Now in Irvine CASTA DEL Sol, 1'.tission Wood Lighting future Com-2o,ooo square foot operation at A $225,000 e:ontract has been Viejo 's retirement community, pany, mal'IUfacturer al. com-4alO Campus Drjve since 1962. ff • b • d f ho merclal, residential an d According tQ Ron Wood. awarded to the J. Ray o ers a roa range o us--· ... A-d-•..M..1 i;.m,;.,.,, fi••. . If the husband Is unable to prove that be contributed the money with which to buy the securities, he might have to pay a sizeable tax on the value of the securit.ies: which belong- ed to him ln the first place. This problem ol having to prove who paJd for what - sOmetimes many years after a jo.int tenancy is created -is often sound rea50ll not to create a }oint tenancy in the first 'f>lace. ing and separate recreational ,,,._...,.u icm~ M&"-~ .... company president, t h e THE. ORANGE County plan· CollStrUCUon Company o r facilities for active retirees. lures, ba1 ~ a 4.3-decision to expand and remain nt'{d community, ;which had its Costa Mesa tor completion of Prices range from $30,995 to acre sit~· on ii:ilri. Street east within Irvine I n du J l r i a I 966 h lhe seco. nd phase of extensive 118 -of MacArthur BouleVard in the Complex waa beseld ·,on his first move-lns in 1 , oow a.• .~. • more than 25,000 residents llv-remodcling at the SeacUff Mission Ridge, an area Industrial Compei: and is firm's suceessful ,~ce Therefore, if you have jointly owned prqpeMy: ing in over 7,000 homes. This Restaurant, Hu n tington above the Mission Vle)o Golf buikµng etpended' production within the Orange County growth, in only seven years, is Beach. Club, is developing custom fac1Uties. ' complex 8ni:I a. desire t0 re- aJmost Wlprecedented, even in The early CaJiromia-style homes on select lots. J8rrold R. Cole of Ooldwell, main in the inunedlate area. burgeoo.ing Southern Cal-restaurant will remain o_pen Schools from pre-school to Banker and Comp a n Y ' s The new businell location • Keep ·accurate records showing hOw the property was acquired, who put up bow much ol. the money, and have proof; ifornia. during the construction stage. junior college, c h u r c h e s , Newpoft Beach of f ice represent.I a tOtal lnvestment s i 1: neighborhoods con-now under way. Completion is parks, a county Ii bra r y, repreaeot.ed all p;rties in site of $1 m.llliOJL tributed to the Orange C.ounty scheduled for March, 1974. theatre and hospital are ex-selection and acquisition ac-1be new Wood Lighting total for l973. 1bese are New Remodeling plans call for isling community features. tJvttles. facility contains 40,000 square e Go the Joint ownership route only on the advice cf a competent estate lawyer' - especially if your estate is a large ane. , · Madrid, New B 8 r c e I 0 n a, doubling the restaurant's ban-Mission Viejo offers more Wood J..cihtinl was the first feet of which about two thirds Castille. Mission Ridge, Aliso quet facilities, en1arging the than $6 million In reereaUonal manufacturini 'tll'Dl to locate is devoted to pr o c e s 1 l n g Villas, and Casta Del Sol kitchen, and a bridge leading facllitjes for m e m b e r in the Irvine I n du.st r I a l cperatton! and the ba.Jaoce in retirement commWlity. _to_t_h_e _ne_w_m_a_in_e_n_tran_ce_: --""'~·-idell_ts::"~.,-------Co_m_c_pl_er_._l_t _1i>s __ ma1n-.-_1a_ined __ a __ o_m_·.,.._. ------- New Madrid bomes re<:<ntly HTBeac~ninga ~foryour~ Half gone in half a year and the rest will not last long. Hurry to see this distinctive Newport Beach development of condominium homes, built·i'n clusters around handsome courtyards. Eight superb models. each a masterpiece of luxury, comfort, convenience and quality construction. Sundecks, fireplace, wet-bar, elegant Master Suite. Sun·Liteo kitchen, private enclosed double garage. Recreational fa cilities include heated swimming pool, lighted tennis courts. sauna, therapy pool. A1J exterior building and grounds maintenance pfovided. Satisfy your curiosity-see Newport Cresl 1odayl Two. Thtte. and Four B~droom Condominium Home• f'om $62,995 ' .. "'"' "'""''""·" ............. From P11<tflt Coast Highway µiu.,~o'-1 and Superior Avenue (Bait>o. ' Blvd.), dl1ve up Supmor to nconcteroga. and dlrl•clly 10 N{'Wpou Cre~I lnfo1mat100 CcntO?r Telephone jn4J 645-6141 S111M Olf1(e open dailv Jtl 111 m 10 J.llT\Sf'I ~~!!~~ ~ C-tot•"""""' Ill PoctfkN.C., IM t:i>.--lll~H <"••C--•-.<o.-.ic..t.----=• ,._.,_. ......... -....... ,... .......................... ,._..._, ... _ .. _. ,........, •. ,... ..... ....-.... --·-·"""'""""''""-r""·••c.., ............ _ ...... _ ......... --................. _ .. __ ._ .... _ I, - BCach? Blah-h-h! Oh, you can still have Newport Beach if you want to tackle a couple of freeways, weekend traffic jams, out-of-sight prices. big interest rates, etc. But if you think livin' is easy at the beaches, you'd better take off your rose colored glasses and hide your wallet We can show you an altemalive that's more fun, less expen sive, uncrowded, and just two hours away on a sing1e freeway. (It can take you tbal long 10 get 10 a home in Newport on a busy Salurday). Mi ssion Bay! 4600 acres of fabulous $100 million aquatic park. Sporlfishing, sailing, water skiing, great restaurants, and a barrel o~ sunshine. Crisp, clean air. . Now you can buy a luxurious Mission Bay. condominium at Costa Viva from just $30,000 at astonishing new low . interest rates! , Tak~a spin down today for a picnic on Mission .I INTEREST RATES PLUMMET! * NO LOAN FEES! * Until recently interest rafes have skyrocketed, making this last-of-a-kind water oriented property virtually inaccessible to a n st majority of potential buyers. We've done something about ill We're lowering our interest rates to: 7\i% with 20% down 7'A% with 10% down AND NO WAN FEES Tbese are full JO.year loans. No refinancing .necessary! (And we've pared our Association dues to just $32 a month and up, incJwlbrg fire and Habillty Insurance, and actually /o••.,td prices on some of our models!) Bay, or send for our brochure. Cosla Viva, 2540 Clairemont Drive, San Diego, California 92 1 IO, or phone (714) 276-9734. Don't miss this last-of· o-life1ime oppor1uni1y before the housing crunch gets out of hand. MISSION "' Go~t~ lnrt1 Two hours away on Mmion Bay ' '. I f \ • p c b d c b ( ~ n ~ ( ~ ' ' ' f c I l t ( I ( ' 1 l l ( I c t ' ( ( ( I ! ( ( I ( ' I t I I ' • 1 i l '• ' ' • Sund•Y. OttoOtr 14, 197.3 DAIL V PILOT (; 9 Mobile Rome _Dwe~lers lStage ' • ID San Cle111ente · • • . A rt~ """11IUdll pro-J>U11' opedallat tW'lltd &11Uque Clock collector aad h1I t:1· buberant, dune bu 11 y - dartdevll wUe are lbe !Int covple lo 1tt up housekeepln1 In lbe midst of on "elghl·rln& cltcul" ln San Clemente. Tbe Villale a kiJld_ol ""1· 1111 !belt Olllhbortlood aod like the ae<urlty ol knowing aoether r<uoo the J\lorlollS '" need, exorpl maybe 1 Sprinp u 1 wlnltl' home. for the -· oJon& w1111 ..... ttooous mobile borne show, ls aett.lna tbe lalide ltory on tbe that "'e caa leave at any lime say they favor mobllt home special parting zone for oui about the cost of one con-coatbes, each wtth 1 dlffertot the only ilnown "'mplez of 111 ,.... r<m1lnlnl coacheo on aod Olll' home aod property living. dune buggies." vaulolll) resld.nce." MorloP exl<rlor and wliquo ftocr klod ln tbe weatem 1tattt. ac-dllp\ly, wilt bt ablolutely 11.fe for as "Sborecllffl provldtl a more coocludt11. pWI," 1aya the r a le 1 cording to Lloyd Lowry, "'nlil ~ new •Brett-'Iona u we're gone/' abe wt.nt relued ~ of Ufe.'' uys •!IT MAI.ES good eoooomlc The n .s million. 201-space, manaaer. 'lbe ao-called c.lrrua, better known. 11 the mobile home model comple1 at Shoreellffs Mobile Country Club, 3000 Calle Noevo, San Clemente, has put George and Jeannette Morton on stage for vl1ltora who tour the model vlllag:e daily. And they ea1erly look forward to the ptrformancea. general sat• maneaer ror wood' model coach Is our ie-on. "We coUtct anllquel aod Jeanette. "lt la an UuJt #IJ'k. sense for us to live bere,'' ocean-v1ew park is nestled on Shorecltrfs MobDe Oiuntry SboreclUf1, i development of cond mobile home," Morton bave aome very valuable an-where wt wUI make ~w comments George. "It means 48 acres ol hllllOp property Club may be reacbecl vla the the Del Prado Mobile Home noted' tlque clocks, art plalee tpd frieodl wbo share ol.U' lnteretl no property taxes, no upkeep overlooklna the 1 a -h o I e San Diego Freeway to San Park Co. ••we plin to UM the unit at TU'fany 11mpe w.hieh are If'-and (90t·looM and faoey-lree to speak or and a low monthly Shorecllff1 Golf Course. A tar Clemente. Exit at Camino de ShoreclUfi u our iwnmer replaceable. lt's 'good feeling , attilui::le. Jt ailo bu al'' the space rental ree or $140 to $180 cry from the by-golle "trailer Estrella, pau San Cemtate THE ~10RTONS, whose new borne/' llld hla wife, Jeall"' to know. that you/µn go away ltnenitiel anyoae could want," per monUt." court," it.~~ y id es a General fbpllal and follow mtddle of the comple1, are lltlury mobile bin\e Hying: Jt you Uke and_ that when you clubhouse. awimmlng pool, spans from $16,600 to fS0,000 a:et-away :&7""1 bllW And don 't forget to aay hello VJ.king coach la 1mark in tbe eUa. "We are really aold on and leave. them fOr aa long as she goes on; "a f250,000 Total investment in a coach permanent ~« ~·~ the dlrectional si8,ns. Uk'ly to be puUtna In otten man.r ad~ea over return, e.vet'Ythin& wdl be Just .UrtU, fireplace lounge, q-notes Lowry. couple3, a~in£1o ' ·.1 to the '-torlom. Who knows, larxllcaplng, taking out tbe apar~me~,tt 1 and con. thewayyopleftit,"addedthe. ttclse rooms, billiard room. ··eest of all, we cnn ha\'e ' i --1; , .. ' you may get a once-1.n-a- truh and watering their dom.lniwpr.'" 1 • ' tnthuslntlc Mrs. Morton.· , kitchen aod special boat and our Viking mobile home at '"OIE MqDEL 1 omn~ls lifetime chance to see tome pwlcs wblle w o u 1 d -be \. · A teeUng o( Dtlgb1)(,rllbess, camper 1tor41e. I c 1 n' t ShoreeUffs as a summer home. open d11ll1 ahd featurei that priceless antiques or ride a Sboreclllf1 residents are tour·· ."OSOIGE ANO J t.Specially yet a MOR of prtv11.cy, is hooettly tbJnk of anything elle and our unit at Borrego intrepkl, couple-in-residence. dune buggy into the atnel. I--'---~~_;__:.......:...~~~--'-..,.....;"--~~"--~_:.--'~~~~~~~-'-~~~......:...~~~~~~~~~~ San Joa• Traet Sunhollnw Units To Open Today Sunhollow, a new community cd with ample use of texture, of 178 tingle-family detached deep shadow lines and rough· homes Oil 25.S-acres b y sawn wood. PriV'Bcy between Leadership Housing, o,pens tG-.homes ls maintained by "win· day in San Juan Capistrano on dowless" Walls on adjacent Ortega Highway and Granada units in Individual clusters. Road. Since sales opened, more The $f million community or than 30 of the 52 homes in the fin! plwe have been IOld cluster homu 11 localed lll lhe even belort the model> were verdant Caplsltono Valley, reedy, Doney said. eon. bordered by thriving oran.. ventlonll !lnanclJig wilb 5 per- O"Qvel on either al.de. The San cent down is ivanable for p~ Diego Frttway ls less than a specUve buyes oJ one and two half-mile distant to the east. story homes. SUnhollow is "SUnbollow is a unique con· reached via the San Diego cept in land planning, cOm-· Freeway to the Ortega off. blnlng the privacy and appeal ramp, and east one-half mile of the single-family home with to the ~ite. the convenience, economicsl----.~ .. -,-,.-.--~---1 and ma.Jnten!llce-ftee lifestyle p;-.4 -·» ot tQwntiouse Uving," ae-~--~ !'-': cording to Barry B .r I e f , • divisltn manager. ' "At Sunhollow, Leadership · paid particular attention to the surrounding rural en'/lronment of historic San J ua n capistranQ. Working with land ~ planners and architects, we 't concluded that the cluster ccvi· cept ol a 'contemporary Euro- pean' village was besl Suited to the development of this beautiful valley property," Brief said. '1SUNHOUJJW homes are ' arranged In clust•n of from QUINN SETS four tG ten unit! around secluded parking c o u r t s . Thero are no common waUs SALES RECORD between-houses. el'Clept at the ~-- garag!!," noted Tom Dorsey. AT FOREST l OLSON director of aales a n d marketing for the Santa Ana· baS<d division of nationwide REALTORS INC. Leadership. ' 0 Thl!I: permits detac h ed Jim Quin": h11 been clt· Sunhollow homes to front onto eel by Forest e·. Olson, IM., a land!Caped gree nbe lt area. r••ltors for setting • 1•le1 The greenbelta form a can· record after tt. made six tinuous open space, linking all resid1ntf1I 1al11 in his first housing clusters together· 30 days after grHuatlng ~y also le~ to Sunhollow'1 from the flrm's n•tlon•lly ma)Or recreation faeUltles and rtc-nlad · ''fest st•rt'' allow pedestrlan traffic to. ... . ~ move from 81\Y point io any 11111 tralnfnt program, •c· other point wlthJn th• com· cordl."I to Phil Stiles, Vice mwiity. 1'iU1'Qt· cr6ultia: a Pr111.dant-s•I!•· • street. The ettwt Is like hav· Quinn, who 1s a11oc1ated ing a park fof 1 front yard," with For11t Ol11n11 w11t Dorsey said. Huntington Be•ch office at ''Consideration ot 6491 Edinger, l11 ·1pl1ndld automotive and pedestrian ••ample of how · quickly trafftc now was an important new 11ltlPMPI• become factor in plannl"l! 9unhollow. hllltly productive ·a ft• r Our dellll! crtl>ri• wat 10 oomplotlng tho comp•")''• limit vehicle traffic, hide In depth salts traln1n9 vehicles !ram view, pro\ide Sti111 point.cl out. adequate resident and l\M!St Prior to tnttring rtll ts• parking, and al!IO provide tilt, Qufnn w11 a purch• .. special facilities for recrea· Ing rtpreHntetiv1 with Mc.. tional vehlcle storage. Don1lc:t .Douglas Alrcr1ft. Ho ottondod El Camino Col. "THE CLUSTER concept •• and w11 awardtd hit was the Idell 1oluUon. Here. Bachelor of Science dearH the clusters are served by a from Callfornf• Stitt Uni· meandering perimeter road vtf1lty at San JOH which encLtcles SUnhollow and After Jim obtalft.cl his furnishes access to fl v e real estate ltcenst the bit private lanes: which. In tum question loomed,, "Which serve the 1ndIv1 du a I, company do I choott/'' landscaped.parking co.urts. Witt man that ht It ht "Guest parking is provided chost forest E. 011on at special point.a alon~ t~ where he h11 everythfnt fO" drives and resident pa.rk1ng is Ing for him , • nationally accommndated by both on 11'.0d 1' I enclosed carport and a garage recapn tra " "' • · • for each home in the parking dominant aclvtrtl11ng • • • court of each cluster" Do.rsey •nd • prestige ntnM. dded ' Bored with your fob? a C' •• -~;.ll , ext tn s i ve Chained to • 9 to S cltsk .:)WU.., ow s . . routine? Now is the time recreational facU!t1es include t d methl-tbout lt1 three major park areu and 0 0 10 ... two centrally located poola If you hav~ • .real ••f•t• and a cabana. One of the llctntt you rt 1n ~uc~~ for parks is a large area with an fort1t E. ot1on s f11t open play fleJd at the northern start'' training 1tart1 Octo- end of the property. Another bor 15. Call Jack La Monti, Sn'laller more lntlmate park ts Director of Personnel, for at the ' southern end or the dttall1. · community. Unllc1n1ed? You're 1tlll In Sunbollow honles, Gflered ln luck, btc1use Forest E. 01· five floor plans ol ~·o, three son h~lps you through Lum. and four bedrooms, ere priced bleau 1 famed Ileen•• from $28 450 for the two-course conducted evtnfng1. bedroom. 11 •~·balh home. to If you are undKided '3•,500 for the four-bedroom. about the urwr switch, Z\1-bath plan. · hove • chat with Jack Li • Monte, who h1-1 eouftMfed SJ>ECIAL FEATlJRES In all hundreds and ca~ tell you homes Include wood-burning If you art suited to this pro- fireplacea . dlshwa.shc r1, coo-fe11 lon. tlnuous stlf-<=leanlng ovens, Why 1ettl1 for le11 than shag carpeting. e ncl Olf d FOREST &, OLSON, INC., garages, and large private, 1 Coldwell Banker Com· willed pallos. Architectural pany? Call Jack at 541·2641 exteriors of "village con-or 551-0942. teml)Orary" design 11re 1chlev·---------- Anaheim ·Hills Anaheim Hills is a decla- ration of independence against crowded, harried ur-"""'""" ban living. There's no need to drive miles through heavy weekend tramc to get away from it all in the country when you live at Anaheim Hills. You're there! Every day! It's easy to recog- ._,,i~ nize the dollars·and· cents value of the variety of .home s being built in this a..~ master-planned ••:::I.• "country in the city." tfow let's talk about Intangibles that can't be meuured In money. Like ·acres of parkland. Trees. Colorful native flora. Splrlt·llftlng Vll!W• of rolling hllls and gen- tle valleys clothed In na- ture's greens and golds. Trails to explore on '.1, foot, b i cycle, or horseback. A chal· lenglng 18-hole- golf course and El PIOPOHCI Riding and Hiking Trails Syalem m Park SI toe, Park Service Area One 1. Planned Anaheim Hill• Racquet Club 2. Planned Anaheim Hilla Saddle Club 3. Anaheim Hills Municipal Golf Course 4. Walnut Canyon Reservoir A. W11lrtd .. I. Oik Knoll c. Broadmoor Hom .. D. Woodcreet 11 E. Parkvlow F. Th• Qalerie • 1s more than value • 1n anew home ... spacious clubhouse. Sleep until 7:30 foryoura:oo tee-time! Soon, a racquet club with night-lighted courts; an equestrian center where horse lovers will board, ride and· show their animals; a village shopping plaza. Of para- mount importance in the PllJPnipg of Ana· heim Hills was the quality of the resi- dences placed In the superb environ- ment. The cornmu- ;\ nitles of Anaheim Hills bear signatures of such re· spect9!1 hp111eb!Jild,ers as Grant Company of Callfomla, whose Westrldge Homes were the first to be completed. Parkviow, a town home development is under con- slruction. And Oak Knoll is • • • •• •• ' ... ••• ······~ • • • • ~ next. Westfield Devel- opment Company's Wood- ~ crest II and The ~ Galerie, by Amer- . ican Housing Guild, are rising on view lots. Broad moor Homes, a :-.,.... Richard B. Smijh, Inc. • •· development begins soon. And there's more to come. Visit Anaheim Hills today for a new definition of ''home value.'' INFoiiMATI"o'NTou;o;--l Want to know more about what I• m l!•ble In I I At11helm Hlll11 Piii out thl• coupon and YoUt rwn. 1 I wlll be aiv.n to the n1tlona11y known bulldtrl who are COJIWuctlno ham" In .. the country In the eRy." You wltl rec.lvt.•dvance notlot dlrtctty ftom th«n. Com• vf1lt lll. too, •n4 )OU'n ... wrw the good 1111 it •JI abqyt. AIW<llM Hft. .. , INC, 3&0 AMhllm Hill• Ro.t: •Anaheim, cauroml• 92809 !/•~------------- .A.ddres9 ___________ _ Plhte Ml'ld information on D Slngta Fam.fly Hornes D Townhoutts L--------------------~ ~·· . ,... . ····· l •••• • ••• •• ••••• .... -•• ... • • •• • • •• • • •• ••• • •••• ••••••••••••••••••• Anaheim HIUs l&i development cl Al'llhe•m Hil!r., \f\o;., and re~•to Vonlur•, Ilic. ~·· .. 'J I • C J 0 OAIL Y PILOT S11nday, Octobtt 14, 1q73 • Heating Ec.onomy aecomes _;vital ·Real Estate Questions/Comment NEW YOlllC (UPI! -Sav-" R £ N p A I NT I NG .... tr... 10 (o 34 ~--( • pre-wul<!d. tue!. a.; oil •. -Insulation can I I v • h1g on he a t l n K ~ tw Tadiitan, u1e enamel paint 'ibe armu:11 heltlng bUJ: 8to('r'Q filters annually. t · mbney. Recommended.; are at become rnore vital than '!"ff, for lnqoued e ! f I c 1 ency . ll'jndows will cut In ,blilf '"--<:heck stem rad I at~ r least six incbea ol ~ In· now thlc f~ rtgUlat1ons lifetaW"' or nat ... 1 .. ts reduce 'T" valves for p,,_,. hulctit¥l .. IUlalion over the top Door oeil· Br Re11tor Randall Mccardle on allocalln& CfN1n 111e)\ are efflctepcy by 1a";;,;;ch 18 u be.at lost tlltougb wtnd9~,', Jleplace nonadi~ble va\ves 1ng: JJ you're going to Install a fact of life. per cent -1 wllh adjUJtable enes. Drain •ooo youraeU, .lletadvice Wt.At makH "'value?" Why is Jt that '°'"'' proper· N? sooner had the Nixon ad· 'lbln coatnlgs or du 1 t °'1 -U' YOU DAVE M 911 Air or water, if presOOt, Jl'om firlt Crom the local bafdware tlet are mo,. walu.ble thin other 1,>ropertiet thlt •r• mJnistration stepped ln IQ eon-radiators 4'-baseb"Oard units fumaoe, burners tftould be if!--steam radiators 'to rel"Pve ~ or building S 1U PP I Y very si".11111~?· Wbat IJ the criteria ttilt melcts up value? b'6l tht Glstributl6n of prop1ne act aa Insulation and '"'6tt;,r'~·u.otod~.~·•~Je~aa~"i;;ioniie~ .. ~·'~· E~lo~ledi~iii·m;;'";;'§· ;;;;;;;~-·~~·~·,.'~d~e~;~1e~r.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~-; What shoukl be, talten Into consld•r'ltlori1 Jhank ¥OU. 1 • .and, home heating GU thtn heat1 I0,4'Jli or :vacuum ~"E ·' Jt.~.ic~~ .. ,.Me.. REAL m•r r ',,. ~'.'.'." ... ·•g1• ... ~ .... ~ ,iUl!aft' h'equently. ~ AL IJl• ou40t ii 111"1' be eon~e&tlia! tyr au prac· II ii; ....... ., ... " ..... -~D .. ,,... Bild ~i,r. frnll\• .. -· tical p411>0ses, a,wod\lCL <i r serilce bas'.iil!lue only be-...._ __ , __ , .;1,.· __ ._ ~(Ung ireliilft~, t<wts 'and' wh~'thef~rli!latmtor cal.ijie people want I~· Location is one of the major fac-keeping ~ortable W'he·n re~s. . ... 1ors in the increl$Cd value o~ one propertY over a like win~~~-· ' 'ri>ese other tips come from property lo anotbe~ l<ication. . ·~t . Landmark Jrutial ttp: Keep an ejle on the'O'ctober coltaumer report Value is an "Ol!lrlosic" quality whfCll ls created in the ho" 8•h.o1 d IMnnOstat <>I Ibo )lew YO!ic »oWeey-Sav· the m inds or people which sliould not-be conceived as when the temperatures drop. ings llant, as C:ompilied from "intrinsic" or the property itself. It's people -not stone, A lVarded Set the th~at. no hij(her the 1.1oblli OU Corporation, wood or n1ortar -that make value. , lhan .n degrees, ~ once YOU the Gas Appliane& Manufac- 1 h , pass this point, your heet!ng .turen As soc i a t i on and Contrary t o common belie . t e pnncipal forces G Jd K t;>Sts ~.energy consumption i Consolidated Edi8on. The that contribute to making Or breaking Of property vaJues 0 ey nse Significantly, says the report Sf1S they aP\){y equally 1nust be found in the environment or setting of the report. . to gas, electriC' and oil-heated property rather than in fhe property itself. It is for this sig n a 1 L a n d m a r k reason that in valuation of property, efforts must be Properties. Inc .. builder or LOWER.THE thermostat at homes. rn ade to see the ''woods beyond the trees.'' llun1ington Landmark in Hun-night. Setting tt back 10 -LET mE SUN help save It is the social, economic and political forces that tington Beach, has received a degrees for eight hours will money. During winter dayllght operate in a neighborhood . community, city, ·region or Gold Key builder award for save IO percent or more on hours, leave windows which nalion that we must d irect our attention fo r observation that project Croll} the General heating costs. When you are face south or west umhaded ur the influences that make or break propel"ty valueS. Electric Company. going awa y for 8 day or and let the free heat cf the What does it t1kt to succeed in the real esta.te The award waS made al longer. lower the thermostat sunshine In. business today? What are some of the narsonal qu11itl1s ceremonies held at the to 55 dewees. .-In case o.f gas heatina, ,..-Turn off heat in rooms beinl? ....., necessary to succHd? What are som. of the factors in· General Electric Carousel of ventilated er whlch are not in shut off the pilot light when -volved in the success of a real estate salesman? Progress at Disneyland. the heating season ends. The J. W. P., Newport Beach The General Electric Gold usCiose doors promptly to keep pilot light can consume as A successful real eslate salesman must have the Key Award program was the children from running in much as 1,440 cubic feet of gas knowledge of the real estate business and the des ire to established 10 years a~o to and out UMecessarily. per month. serve. IJ a realtor is properly grounded educationally provlde recogpition to1xu1ders If you have de~ative -A humidifier is a wise i~ ~nowing t he rudiments of sales, leases and escrows and whose projeces-reflect· si1111ifi-heating covers, make sure vestment because ii will keep has knowledge or the current market conditions in hjs cant achievement in design they're not traping heat. If moi sture in the l!k . making speci!!ll zed area .he is a better real estate salesman and and canstructiwi. radiators are near cold walls, the house more comfortable renders a inore professional service. Although the award is made a sheet cf aluminum or with a lQwer thermosl•t set- But the real estate salesman today, must know more on a national basis, fewer than aluminum foil between the Ung. • r ,,. .. • . Why not join the "IN GROUP" o nd enjoy: life. ' PICTURED THE 2-STOIY "E" PLAN • • In this r.opular "E" model you enjoy -privacy -safety and freedom fer. today's eisura,orianted living . • · ' "' Popular •nd in growing ,demand ere the~• condominium homes, the choice df those who prefer recreation to yerd werk en'd homa·meintenanct. .(. With countless deluxe features a'"nd..loc1~H '.On,tha )'l'ide,Jt Gra.n ·~ this "'if! Model, the larger 2-story pl•n withl2200 sq. ft., p~d a,._ ample room siaes throughout -featuriig 3 bedroorrii.'Plus family room.;-,-with 2 '11 · convenient bathrooms, everything 1n absolute movt·in condition. ~ ' .. " . . It will bt litld op•n tod•v bthlt•n tilt liou's of I :00 ind 5':00 P.M. fot your pttso"•I in1ptcfion. Loc•ttd •f Scff Vi1f1 Flor• I off Vi1t• dtl Ori • aluff1 l. c;tUICK SALE Pl lCID fOl ACTION DON'T MISS SEllN6 !f. ,_ Plea• Call Please Coll' 675-3000' 615.3000 h h SO building ftrrns have been wall and lbe radiator will -U h e weather stripping to ~ an l e market and the general ~nditions which effect h()ll()red since the award was reflect back into the room heat seal o(f cracks and openings 1 t. He also shou Id work closely with attorneys and ac-..'i':"'~'i".'tu~ted~------~t~ha~l'_'O".'.the~rw>Se'.'.·~w~oullJl<lld'_'he~los~t.--'a":rou~o~d .".w".'indo~w'.'.s'_'and~~doo~rs:;a":nd~!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'~Offlu~,!""'Oo~,.~·~··~.,~·~·~·~··~·~11~1 ~10~A.!"""•~· "!"""'~'~· ·~·!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'~ C?~ntants meelipg the le~al requirements and tax con· . · d1t1ons that effect the client. The desire to serve. to-·: gether with the experience and capabilities of the sales· man and the compa ny he represents are major reasons fo r t he increased confidence accorded to the realtor by his cli ent. Editor'11 f\.'ote: Ru11rlall R. fo1 cCardle is a1i i11vestment analust, cnllt{}c lecturer. and author of "Real Estate in Coli· fnrnia." Se11rl yorir comn1erits and questions to Randall R. 11cCardle, clo the Daily f ilot, Boz 1560, Costa 1'1esa 92626. East Nine Models Also Sold in Nig uel The comple tely furnished madels built for the East Nine. a 172-unit dcvelopmtnt of coo- dom.iniums, at Laguna Niguel by Avcd Co mmun i ty Developers, Inc., have been sold along with the majori!y or lhc han1es. although the models \\·ere sti ll needed foe display units for the balance of the development. TheSt! were mastly t"·o- bcdroom homes. i d e a I 1 y situated on th e edge of the fairway of the championship El Niguel Country Club golf course. To supplement t h e s e ;: Architects C iven Awards Three Oran~e C o u n t y architectural firms "'e r e honored recently at the an- nual banquet or the American rnstitute of Architects. Honor awards \\'ent I o \\'illian1 Blumck and Partners of Ne~·port Beach for design of lh<' Alle r gan Pharmaceutical building in lr\'ine. Allen and ~Uller for the Orange County L a 1v Library and Bisscll·August Assockites of NeY.'port Beach for residences in I r vi n e , Rh'crside and Arizona. models, Laguna Niguel has opened up a new site nea rby \.\'ilh new models which have Wlique interior design ·work, achieving special effecl.5. Be s id es the homes themselves, the attractions are many. ~tost or the Ea5t -Nine ron&mi niums 0 f( er "front yards" featuring lakes. trees, and manicured goU greens of the private E Niguel Country Club. in which membership is available to te~ldei\ts. Also nearby is· the tournament lighted private LagW1a Niguel Tennis Club and Niguel Beach is only 3Y.i miles away. Leisure lifestyle is the key to the de5ign of the East Nine. From the balCQfly, th e residents can view the lovely s urrounding s. Th e homeowners have time to ava il themselves of the many recreational fac ilities since upkeep of the grounds is pro.. vi d ed t h rou g h th e Homoo\••ners Association for a manthly fee of $38. The in· teriors ;..re also designed for step-saving. "'ilh U·shaped hile hens and self-cleaning ovens, among other ,vife-sav· ing equipment. These air-condi tioned homes feature t"·o bedrooms, two barhs and are in the price range from $34.600 to $42,700. GardenllOmeS ona · breeze cooled hll In a Fres11 g"E.-en Valet bV ttKl sea From $30.500 incl udes home and lot. open area1, lavish landscaping, long views down the San Juan Capislrano Valtey·to the sea. a long list of price Included features, and all In a garden wor1d of serenity, security and value. The N~111rtl Wl)rld or • ....... ,, .. ~ "''' 'IMl.C~ • The Sea Terrace. has different homes '., • to enhance ocean-close living in d·ifferent ·ways .. There's no set pattem oi iiving at The Sea Terrace-California's newest coast town. Some people Jive foimally and quite elegantly, and some do it in a rather casual, carefree manner. 'Th accommodata the many vari· ous approaches, The Sea Terrace has different homes for different living styles. The Sea Terrace Garden Home is for those who enjoy bringing the outdoors-indoors. Large expanses of glass are used every-H l::il where, and graceful ''gardenwall" :fencing and Walkways • border your beautiful patio area. or oourre all of the extm interior and exterior luxury touches are included in these 2, 3 & 4 bedlOOlll IJ!88terpieces. Your Sea Terrace Home is inal>il'- ing in its elegant simplicity. a & 4 bedrooms with up to 3 baths, <a1p0ting (in major living aniu), Sea Terrie~ Homes: From 158,000 to 187, 300 fireplaces, .sunken living rooms, axailable .. Memberships in the built-ins, and much more. country-club and tennis club are Everyresident oftbeSeaTerrace voluntary and are controlled by has their own Reereation Center Avco Community Developers, with pool Inc., which is the management and and operations agent ol the lounge club facilities.) For sailors, the through Dana Point Harbor, "home -. ' · oo8st town -The Sea 'll!rrace. See how beautifully webaVP. anticipated and member-port" for Laguna Niguel, is 212 , ship in the Homeowners .A&.ocia· miles south and it awaits you '~coommodaU!dyourstyleofliviD(, tion-for a monthly fee of $35. with moorings for 2,200 crllfj;, less than a mile from the"'"'· GolfersenjoytbeprivateEINigueJ Come drive through the private Directioos: From Loo Angeler, go Country Club. The courts of the guard gate of California's newest l!OllthontbeSanDiego/SantaAna Laguna Niguel Tennis Club are for-. Freeway to Crown Valley Parkway tennis buffs. (Memberships are exft~Right (approx. 6 miles) to Se. Tcn1cc Garden Homct: From 154,400 to 162,)00 • ' ... ~,, I Pa~c.Coast Highway. Left 1 mile to Niguel Road. Left on Niguel Roed to models. " . • • ,• • ---ml'l'DI,.tl'mlr.-btNow'lbwnahr A~Canmunl'J'n...1-"loc.1l 1'1'i')"9--' ACllY•C.tneW.U.-W..t.20A,f, L.lf.C.o-t~tlfl• t.it...a)t .. k~ f , 1 -; . • • 1 ' ' • • s..i.,, Octd><r 14, 1973 DAILY l'fLOT Jt J THEY ·ARE HERE NOW! :::0 '73 FORD COURIER '1974 MUSTA NG II 1!o 10N PICKU• wmt A NIW ~ SMRL COMPLm PACICAGI Ol DH TOUU NOW ~·$ ....__ ,...,, ..... ..., ,. ....... tli4Hlf ......................... ,. ....... ,, II (>THW IN INVENTORY ORDER YOURS TODAY ............ '73 LTD 2 DOOR HARDTOP 6 OTHERS IN INYENToRY ~Ei ·1973 ·DEMONSTRATORS MOST MODELS AND COLORS 1173 RANCHERO SQUIRE Y ... auto. trans., factory air CDftdltlonlng, pDMr steering. radio. tlutef'. 3AY9H1S4142 MANY MORE AT SIMILAR PRICES! ~:0·'73 FORDVANC::ONVER • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY v,,, M/IO. ,,,,.,., ptlWtf' ••1tJt, IKNIH (dlKJ bre/l.n, J:fow, 1/nk, ACIOC r•frl1•r .. to/let, ate, E.uGHR"'10 DISCOUllT ~:="° FOR YOUR ,CONVENIENCE SERVICE DEPT. OPEN 7 AM -10 PM MON THRU FRIDAY -:~~~~!~.t~.!~~!~. $1 0 8 8 1'4510. • . .,.., '71 Pl Y. Spt. Wg. -" " v.a, •""'· ....... ,....,., ... conc11t1on1no. $1 9 8 8 ~ stterlng. ~brakes. r.ctlo. Malter. wtdtewall tires, tinted glass. Llc:enM -No. 92<.IA :~.~9..~~.~P!:m,,,. $·12 88 GUY) · _ - ~! ... ~~!!,, S~!R!, ... -$1 2 8 8 steering, f'9dio, ~·LI~ No. 221AFV •I.~ t , ' :r~ .. P..~!~~"~r~~, .. ~.e~-,$2 ~4 8 8 · steering, Pl)Wer brakes. radio, heater, Wtlifewall tires. vinyl roof, tinted glass. License No. 737GNJ :?.~.!2,!~!~,, ~ltlonl"O, rad~,$1 3 8 8\ heater. License No. 062BIM . :?.~,.~ ~,~.~~~~~'-"'°"'""· $ 2 2 8 8' ·. ~80· T.~9.'!~ .!:~~t~.J..a.~. $1 3 88 power steering, power brakes, radio, heater 07"' whiteall t ires. License No. 661 CLO :r.~£~~Y:o... v~. -....... $1 4 8 8 fKtory air condltonlng. power steerlno, rNlo, hMter, hltewNll tires. 3'2CIH. ' '69 BUICK WILDCAT. V-8, auto. trans., air, pWT. steering, pwr. brakes, radio, w-w tires, vlnyl roof. Lli;:tnse No. XTK802 :~?.!<?!~ !'~P..~a~O "°"~' -$ 8 8 8 I steering, radio, heater. Lk:ense No. 912ACQ 7 ··'I . . . . v-a. auto. trans., factory air conditioning, ~ , 0 .... MP.Al.A $ .. -·-__ !_7_, THUNDlRBIRD---..e 298.8. Wl!itewalltl•n.vlnytrool.LlcenMNo.022AZD 1 6 8 8 W-.. pow., ,..,,, radio, ""'•" vinyl va. auto. fraru.. power 1teerlng, radio, PQWef" steering, poMr (disc) brakes, power -roof, tinted glass. wtieel coven. landau top, 191BTP. ~~0 173 .fORD WAGONS .. ~~0 ~ '73 FORD Pl KU P . l.J.D.'s •SQUIRES ·· TORINO'S ~~;;,~. ~.~-· ~' FACTORY • 31 IN STOCK. ~ ALL COLORS AIR CONDITIONI NG DIS.OOU-NTS-DIS COUNTS-· DI SCOUN TS o ' I 4 ' NO EXT RA CHAR GE • • ·. ,. ; ' ' ·' .. .. . , ·, " ' •• 1 .. llOl SUftd<Y, -14. 1973 The Bluest Marketplace on the Oranp COa~ Al.lfor1~ •••••••• 9SO • 990 ... & Hot~ let 'p ··-990 . 9M Lc4'°r"""", ; • , •• , • 700 • m DAILY Pl•OI ·CLASSIFIED ADS '-" :' ...... ' .. m.,.., "" ""' ..__ •..... ao-"' ~.-~ ... ' ·"°''" ,....... • • • • • • • • • 200 • 299 ...... for 5dl •••••• tOO • ,,. Lo1t I ,__.. , • , , • , , S.SO • SJ4 You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want /vJ (642-5678) One Cal I Service Fast ~it ·Ap~ ................. 300-499 Sdloolf ... ~ ••• 51S • 999 ~ .............. 600·699 ....... tariOI ......... 9IS • 949 G•nenl G 1n tral NO RNANCING PROBLEM Traditionally slyled Back Bay home. Shake roof, lots or paneling; 4 big bedrooms, a large famUy room with Y.1et bar, plus a den or office, separate from the main house. Even a beautiful pool, all for $66,500 & lhe owner will finance. INVESTMENT BEGINNER Cozy cottage on R·2 lot. just 2 blocks to major shopping center in Fullerton. Excellent rent· al record. room for ad ditional unit. $20,950. HARIOR VIEW HOME FOR REN'I'. 2 Bedrooms plus den, large nicely landscaped comer lot. Immaculate thruout. O\vner trans· ferred out of state. $525 Per month. COMPANY REALTORS 2141 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar ... S.lling RMI Estata in Newport Harbor Since 1944" 67l·lf400 ****** Heritage Colledion VACANT.COSTA MESA 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, block wall fence, hardwood floors, nice big yard. New vacant, ready for quick move in. Asking $29,000. CALL -1151 NO DOWN VA SUPER SHARP 4 Bedroom , 2 bath Costa A1esa home. Great features like brick fire- place, kitchen/dinette area1 new paint inside & out, large double g~~ge & beautiful land- scaping. Just listed. pticed only $30,000. - \Von't last a week! CALL 546.5880 COLLEGE l'ARK DELIGHTFUt 4 BR & Family room. En- trance tor boat or trailer. Close to all schools & shopl:f. OUtstandlng value at $33,500. CALL 151 9UALITY BUILT CHARMING J BR, 2 BA Costa Mesa home. Featuring real plarter walls, hardwood floors , ovenized double garage, shingle roof & brick fireplace. Beautiful covered patio opening onto large rear yard. Priced only $30,900. Call for complete details. CALL S415llO MESA VERDE NORTH DOLLHOUSE 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, firepl ace, huge family room/country kitchen combina- tion. In new section. See this one for sure! Asking $39,900. CALL 540-llll General General --MAKE OFFER YOU ARE MISSING EVER STOLEN A ALREADY THE BEST VALUE in Mesa A 0000 TMINO DUPLEX? Verde, but owner still invites offers on this u )QI doo't ask to !Mle this Try tlrls : N'O 2 bl'drnom lll>O sq. ft. 4 Bedroom home. Beautlful de. older 2 bedroom home on units • dou ble garage in· cor, wood paneling, wallpaper & good car- b&ck or 1arp k>t. Room to come of $37'50 per year. AM· pet.a. Elegant setting on spacious lot. Room bulld3,nrnunltsnenwltp iJ:ltc S31.9!_ try uourtt• ~ for boat or trailer. CALL 546-SllO a ~. Tbll b' the low price. "'""'""' says se . '-'illl ....,. "'U>.tm. Ca11""' ""' ea-. Re~110 " TOWNHOUSE Carpet R.Mlton 546-8)40 fi.t5...8080 (OJ!!! evemngs), ~--'1 ~-I EXCELLENT COSTA MESA location. Big -r• ..,.n.r• 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, shag carpets, near clubhouse, s~Js & shopping. Bargain priced at $24,500. Hnrry! CALL 540-llll liilt~-......... llT'S BIG ~ IN TUR1;LE ROCK-Private yard, spacious cuJ..de-sac home. 4 Bed.rooms, 211.i baths, for- mal dining and family room Massive fire- place, kit.Chen is a culmary's delight. Estate size 3 car garage. Ottered at $61,25o. Vacant and ready for your inspection. ~ALL 546-.SUO I I * * * * * * * TAYLOt.-·co~ '* ; .. . -. t' .. JllG CANYON-VIEW-$119,500 '· ImpreHlve approach to this elegant 6 monlh . , New 4 BR home. Prettier lhWJ a model home. Palos Verdes stone front; .beam ceil- inJ in Jiving rm, beautiful & cololiful pf(>f. d,ecorating. Warm, cozy fr"rm &Jottpa.l DR. 1 CHERRY HILLS I.NE SATJSUN 1-5:30 WATERFRONT WITH PIER-$140,000 Fee' land too! Even the neighbors think it's a great buy. 4 Bdrrns, formal DR & 3 baths. Lge living rm w/fireplace, wet bar. Sunny patio w/BBQ. Ocean & sunset view. Private area. Mov.e-in condition. Ample parking. 6 BALBOA COVES OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5:30 NEW-IN "OLD" CORONA-$149,500 Real pride of Ownership in this new duplex. Builder's own 3 B~ home, an architectural trendsetter. Z.Story beam ceiling In L.R. Mez- zanine library. Mstr suite w/frplc & bal- cony overlooks Spanish courtyd. All this + a 2 BR rental umL Really dilterent! 608 MARGUERITE OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5:30 SPYGLASS HILL-$11',SOO Sweeping view of city lights and ocean! . Spacious I-story ·4 bdrm NEW hprne w /lam rm, formal dining rm & 2¥.z baths. Wet bar, lovely carpeting, tile roof & kar garage. Pool-sized yard. Includes land. JS POINT SUR DR. OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 :30 DOV!;R SHORES-$225,000 This elegant 5 BR, 4¥.z bath home of top qua!. construction has amenities seldom found. Luxury cptng & drapes, marble frpl , marble halls, huge mstr suite w/jacuzzi pool & steam shwr, Storage galore. On FEE land. 13.17 GALAXY DR. OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5:30 BRAND NEWI FANTASTIC! $125,000 Many extra features In this Jge 2-story 4 BR home on large corner site. Great kitchen, lam rm + plat!::' (could be 2 more bdrm1) & formal DR. dscaped & cptd . SUNSPLASHED ELEGANCE-$235,0GO Dove~ .Shores' most captivating charmer! Magnificent view & location. Spacious 5 bdrins lam rm, formal din. area, wet bar, beauii1ui pool, patio & Jush Jandscp. Superb! BAYCREST~,500 Custom-bu!Jt 3 BR, 2¥.z bath spacious home with 2 separate bonus rooms. Built-In range/ oven, d/washer, refrig. Call today! Office Open Saturday & ~unday 1'0ur 28th Y tar'' CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEXES Duplex Cdft.r -Front JX)US(' has all new carpet.II & wall coverings. 2 Bedrooms , Patio for your entert.a.ining. Large l Bedroom upper unit May we ahow you throughTT1' $19,500. o.rieral Gonor•I * · BALBOA ISLAND * e Ol'EN HOUSE ' Sal & SUn. ·l P.l>t to 6 P.M. ',New Duplex with bay view. Extra pllkjng. 22tl· Gamet e LEASE OPTION CHARMING 3 BR. I HOME : 1 DUPLEX e BAYFRONTS Duplex $275,000 Condo $175,000 Lot $125,000 ,I HARDESTY REALTORS 503 PARK AVE., BALBOA ISLAND 675-2866 --- 1 Sharp from '2 BR freshly painted with beam ceilings, fireplace &: new carpets. (hzy rear 1 BR unit JUSI' REMODELED with paneled Gener•I I General wall&, builtinL G a r a. g e .o..;.------,,--1 ,..,_,tor • ..,......,."" 11 ··ASSUME 6-J/4 6~ "'rear unit. !77,500. 3 YEARS NEW .. LOAN SPACIOUS an. o1 ~dot .. .,.,:~.~~-= MEDITERRANEAN ~ I inside & out. "Decorator" St down •-~ • n\OSI: '-"I•Bnll ng properties. kl.tchen A bo.tM. 'i-hted, ,~!.n.. -.::..'.'° • ~. ..... ~ New upper unit has open ~ ... ,.....,. .......... u..u w bet1.m ceilings, 2 Bedrooms, covered patio. Ready ~ beamed cathedral eel.ling. 'vlth oversized ma..11ter 11u!te. move lntol! Hurey on tins Wann to either ol two fan. Jo'ront house has just been a.ln'!Ob1·new home at only tastlc fireplaces. G 1 ant J'\.'lnOCleled with new carpets $34,950. master suite. To ta I I y & \ValJpaper. Paneled living ~ CQ•TS upgraded. Ever y 00!1-room, brick fireplace, 3 "' ven.ience. A Ca 11 for n 1 a Bcilrooms. On a pleasant & clasi;\c near the ocean. Dial tree.lined street & close to • WALLACE ~. everything. $127.500. REAL TORS OPEN1n. •. rrs FUN rolf N1C£1 0~'~~~·~~ 1~4~~~~h;j [llliil'll ~t elk,:; e:i~ Wo1lk to Saddleback HT 3 BR, 3 Ba lracioul aplit beamed ceil.ing:s, sunken !iv. 4 BR, 2 story $44,000 •Open level bluffs coodo, troat row Irv room with conversation Sat/SI.In. 2922 Spruce, water view. B&rpln flt~. brick ftreplace, 4 Bedrooms, Cantrell RenJty 833-2224 Semple R.E. 815--2101 2% Baths, bulltin kitchen, specious dining area. Back ~•Mral General unit Is .... i..tory, ' Bedrooms, 2~ Baths, and has a buittln kttchen too! How about thla f« a good buy!! SUO,O'.XI. 644-7270 • MACNAB IRVINE RNER HOMES WIDE-OPEN VIEW OF HARBOR BASIN Spacious, 6 bedroom (fireplace in master suite) 5 baths, family room & formal dining room. Enclosed patio. Pier & slip for large boa( $295,000. Owner will lease. .------------.,1WESLEY N. TAYLOR co .. Realtors 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road ''Overlooking Big Canyon Country Club'' CAMEO HIGHLANDS SUPER VIEW Lovely le warm 3BR/FR home. Open beam ceilings, Java rock & slate. $73,SOO. OPEN SUN, 1-5 P.M. 4733 CORTLAND. (P31) AWARD WINNING CONDO ·3 BR, 2¥.z Ba spanking new. Gractously In· formal & stylishly modern. Near te~is courts, pool. Conv. Newport Beach locaUoni $'12,500. TOUCH THE STARS Top of Spyf!lais Hill, ocean view elegant 4 Br, home, llunily room & bonus room, pool. ,189,500 HVH + SPYGLASS 2 STORY HOMES Georgeous 4 Bed. borne in HVH with panc>o ramie view of ocean. Highly upgraded. Well _Jandscaped .• l!2?,:\®_f~e. _l'ie\l'. _4_BR_ & !'.am + bonus room home in Spyglass. Poof sized lot, very private. $132,000 Fee. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY l·l-$97,lOO Corona del ~lar 2722 \VINDOVER, a Broad- moor 4 Bedroom, formal dining and large family roorn home. View from master bal- cony. Stunning home. 3 SANDCASTLE BEAUTIES View, 3Bdrrn + family. Reduced $88,500. Glamorous 4 Bdrm. 4fge yard. $86,000 Pool Home, 3 Bdrm + family. $79,500. Call Today To See QUIET HIDE·A-WAY Overlooking ocean. jetty & bay in Corona del Al ar. Upside do\vn home "'ith lovely deck & patios. 2 Lrge Bdrm, rrll to add. '130,000. l\·lary Ha rvey. DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT Very large hotne \\1ith 6 bedrooms plus den plus billiard roon1 . Large living room. For- mal dining rm. r>1er & slip. \Vater view from 1nany roon1s. This is an unu sual prop- erty. $190,000. SPACE-VIEW-COMFORT Beautiful green bel l vie\\'s from this spa- clou! SBR, home with large !iv. nn. w/wet bar localed adj. to pool. $79,900. Gary Knox. "OPEN" BLUFFS TOWNHOUSE Make an appointment to see this outstand- ing, profess1onally decorated 2Bd. & den home, terrazzo entry & kitchen , lovely wall .. papers, a gem! 426 VISTA SUERTE. '55,927 Open Sun . 1-5 • . OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY l TO 6 2lll8 SANTIAGO DR .. Dover Shores. 3900 Sq. Ft. 5BR-4 baths. Separate master suite & livlng rm, den & din. rn1 . ~Iaxin1um privacy $125,000 . _........ 644-1766 Coldwell, Banker ~ 2161 San Joaqvln Hilla Rd., N.B. ERITAGE General READ THIS LA CUESTA VILLAS $30,490 Close to the ocean in Huntington Beach! Credit rejections at first unit pricel These have carpet, floor tile, and drapes included. 3 BR., 2 BA., HUGE farm kit· chen, detached garage. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY NO PAYMENTS UNTIL JANUARY Model One Block West of 8-h Blvd. off Adams In Huntington Beach AYRES SINCE 1905 Gen.ral H-ymoon Cottage RelNmonl Villa 536-1445 G tnaral NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 General ' Otntl'al ~~BOYD l~ ""'I'' '1"!\ltr!• General General * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * CLOSE CLOSE TO HARBOR HIGH We have money available for this 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath home. R·2 lot. Room for another uniL New carpets & paint. Vacant. Owner will help finance. Open Daily 1-5. 1584 Redlands, oil 16th St., C.M. Lachenmyer e CALL ANYTIME e 646-3921 or Ew. 545-5817 1860 Newport Blvd., CM . . .. ' •I • ; Uvt tn the B!uHa ii be close to everything • pool, tennis, shopping &: achoo l1 . O!mpletely .......... -carpels &: wallpaper, Z..tory. 4 Bedroom, 3 Baths, brick firepla c e , homey large kitchen, on the greenbelt. See to appreciate $51,950. ---------Be on the greenbelt In this lovely condo. 3 BR, ~ BA, ~ Spanish tile entry plu1 new drapes &: carpeting. Charming k:l.tche'n. One of tlle nicest 1n lhe Bluffs. $67,500. 644-7270 -OPEN HOUSE- Duplexes -(2 BR &: 3 BR) «» Juminl!, O:rona del ~far. $119,SOJ. Open Sat & Sun 1-5. (2 BR. A-1 BRJ 719 Marigold, Corona. !kl Mar, $19,500. Open Sat & Su.n 1--5. Condo C 4 BR) 443 Vista Roma, Newport Be a ch $54.!f.Al. Open Sun 1-5. •• When you ·1111 with UI, YOUR HOMI 1. advertltedln- fo< Llvfnt m-zlno In ,...,. than too a ................ tom.rs er. tent to y 0 u .. ,..,.,,,,. from our ovtr 770 effillate1 of NMLS. ' . \ . ''SO RARE" Sparkling like new 4BR/FR home w /two fireplaces & built-in vacuum. Designed. around Inner courtyard. $74,500. Seller might consider lease/option. OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. 2200 Francisco. (P32) RARE BIRD: OCEANFRONT 4-PLEX! No Dodo, but an irreplaceable, honest RA, immaculate 1- units smack dab on the sand! Best beach· front location. $194,000. Jack Howell -~.c.lP,1,lJ._, ___ ._,_ STOP THE MERRY-GO-ROUND This ls where you want off lf·you are loot- ing for big value, small price, bay view & unusual charm. 2BR/FR. $64,900. Lois Mil- ler 642-8235. (P34) CAMEO SHORES Magullicent Ocean View. Custom 4BR, 3 batli & d~n ediate occupancy. $119.500. Jack wter 642-8235. (P35) SE NG IS BELIEVING 3000 sq. It. of family living In Dover Shorea, Elegant 4BR, 3 balh & powder room, FR. '98,500. OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. 1319 SANTI- AGO. (P36) EXCITING VIEW-VERSAILLES HOME One offilg Canyon's finest 4BR/FR modetii. Space for 40 ' pool. All the amenities for LUXURY LIVING. $175,000. OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. 121) RUE GRAND DUCAL. (PS7) STEPS TO THE OCEAN Private beach. Exclusive Shoreclills. Gorg- eous 4BR +. OPEN SUN. 1·5 P.M. 186 SHORECLIFF RD. (P38) CAMEO HIGHLANDS-$73,950 Secluded 4BR In immaculate condlUonl Partial Ocean View. Beautllully landscap- ed. Jack CUster 642-8235. (P311J BIG CANYON LIVING Brand new 3BR, 3 b~minlum. Int- medlate occupancy! BuY-Jease or 1-1 opUon. $110,000. OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. •42 RUE FOUNTAINBLEAU. (P40) LIDO ISLE-BAVFRONT LOTS 3 contiguous , unimproved Jots on Via Lido Nord. R-1 7.<>ned: 90xl12. Gloden Fay 642-8235. (P41) [Lrvlnel -.--,,cc-., •••• .. . IOtDowr-14l•Ull , ...................... ' ' . . . . . ' ' I -[ -G~ - 11 ,,,, cl' To "" '" .. ,, dil R-s:r. c. ~ '"' .. ~ ~· Pi! -I _,... .... DIRECTORY ll••P thb h•11dr dltll(fOry wit• Y•ll tllll WHllH4 OI yo11 ,. ho111M--h11ttl.. All .... t.cotllM 11'"1d Ml d Kribed h1 troot9r d1toll·1t., odNftblitt .tMwhe,. h1 rCJClof't DAILl r tLOT .WANT ADS. PotroJtS 1'"'wh1 :w no~~..:; for 1011 or to tO'lt o ro 11r9111d ta 11,, 111cli l11fon11otlo11 111 th 11 coh1m11 ffCh f rldor, 5.t1trda¥ oH Siido~. ,. . HOUSES FOR SALE 4 BEDRDD ..... 2 BEDROOM • • 3608 ~·larcus. Newport Bcac:h 675-2445 $97,500 (Sun 12·41 444 l\l orning Canyon. Co rona de! 1ifar 644-7211 $56,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 386 E. 15th St., Costa Mesa 675-7225 $39 ,900 (Sun 1-51 1574 E. Ocean Blvd ., Balboa Peninsula 546-2313 $65,000 Sat & Sun 1-5) 280 Costa Pifesa St., Costa a.tesa 645-0303 $29,900 (Sun 1·5 ) 2702 Vista del Oro (Bluffs) NB 644-2181 $59,500 (Sun 10-5) 2 BR. & FAMILY RM. OR DEN 426 Vista Suerle (HVuHiU.J CdM 644-1766 $55,927 (Sun 1·51 #10 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Canyon) CdM 644-6200 $85,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 338 Holmwood (Newport Heights) NB 675-5930 (Sun 1-5) 2781 Bayshore Dr .. (Bayshore) NB 642-5200 $65,000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 321 Kings Rd. (CliffhavenJ NB 642-5200 $82,000 Sat & Sun 1-5\ 1947 Port Cardiff (H.V.H) Newport Beach 644-9060 $65.900 (Sun afternoon ) 213 Fernleaf. Corona de! Mar 645-6500 $108.500 (Sat & Sun 1·51 1824 Por! Barmouth 111.V.H.) NB 640-0020 !Sun 1·5) J BEDROOM 2006 Vista Caudal (The Bluffs) NB 675-3535 $ttl,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5 1590 Del Mar, Laguna Beach 499-3977 $47,500 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 243 6lsl St. (Newport Shores) NB 646-7767 $45,000 !Sun 1-5) 4831 Bruce Crescent (Lido Sands) NB 673-6210 $48, 750 (Sal & Sun 1-5) #42 Rue Fountainbleau (Big Canyon) CdM 642-8235 $110,000 (Sun 1-51 713 Larkspur, Corona del itar 673-6642 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2030 Holiday, (Baycrest) NB 675-6000 $89.500 /Sat & Sun 1-5) 10237 Pheasant Ave .. Fountain Valley 968-4405 $33.900 (Sat & Sun J-5) 26681 Calle del Saul!al. San Juan Cap. 494-8558 $32,500 !Sun 1-5) 543 Santa Ana Ave .. Ne\\•port Beach 646-0555 844.500 !Sun 1·5) • 5062 Cheryl Dr., Hu ntington Beach 962-4454 S30 .500 (Sun 1·51 2001 Seadrift (Irvine Temce) CdM 642-8235 $79.500 (Sun 1-5) 3228 Nebraska, Costa Pilesa 645-8080 rsundayJ 500 ~Iorningstar <Dover Shores) NB 675·6900 $159,500 !Sun 1-5) 338 Evening Canyon fShorecliffs) Cdl\1 645-6500 $99,500 (Sun 1·5) 426 Vista Parada (The Bluffs) NB 675-6000 S71 ,500 (Sun 1-5) .19322 Cindy Lane. 1-luntington Beach 546-2313 $25.950 • (Sun 1-5) 50~ Plava (The Bluffs) NB 640-0020 $79,500 ' (Sun 1·5) 3 BR. FAMILY RM. OR OEN • •962 Sandcastle (HVuHills) Cd!>! 644-1766 $88,500 1Sun 1·5) 2865 ?11onterey, Costa ~1esa 640-1679 $36,900 471 Broadway, Cosla fitesa (Sun 1-5) 646-3255 $42.950 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 1740 Plaza del Norte (Bal Penin) NB 646-7767 $88,500 (Sun !·51 357 Catalina (Npl Heights) NB 673-6210 $81,000 (Sal & Sun 1-51 • • #65 Linda Isle (Linda Isle) NB 642·8235 (Sal & Sun 1-51 4733 Cortland (Cameo Highlands) NB 642-8235 $73,500 (Sun 1·51 1101 Highland (WestcUH) NB 642-8235 (S un 1·51 * 1023 Dolphin Terr (Irvine Terr) Irvine 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-51 • #41 Royal St. George (Big ctnyon) CdM 642-8285 $169 500 (Sun I-ii) 1717 Jn•lne Ave., Newport Beach • 642-5200 $64,500 (Sal & Sun 2-5 :30) 612 St. James Place (Clillhaven) NB 548·6310 $68,SOO (Su n 1·5) 468 Abbie Way, Costa Mesa 646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1·51 * 1218 Parnell Place, Costa fitesa 645-8080 (Sat & Sun 1-51 301 Vi sta Trueba !The Bluffs) NB 675-7225 $60.000 (Sun 1-41 509 Vista Flora IThe Bluffs) NB 675-3000 $76,iiOO (Sun 1·51 1821 Tahuna Orv lne Terr) NB 675-3000 $127,000 (Sun 1-5) 2963 B•ker (Mesa Verdel CM 645-0303 $4~.500 (Sun J-5) S9tn C'nlle Andillul'ia. San Clen1ente 675-6000 $85,000 (Sun 1-51 344 Otern 1B1um NB 640-0020 . . . 2722 \Vindover 111Vul-lills) CUli'I 644·1766 (Sun 1·5) 3619 Surfviev.' !I-IVuHill s) Cdi\t 644-1766 $129 .500 /Sun 1-5) 41 Beacon Bay. Newport Beach 642-4155 $69 .500 !Sat & Sun 1·51 32256 Stonington (3 Arch Bay) S. Laguna 494·8558 $79.500 !Sal & Sun 1·5) 4615 Cortland (Cameo Highlands) NB 642·8235 $74,950 (Su n 1·51 1014 Sea Lane, Corona del ~tar 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·5) •*6 Balboa Co\.·es. Newport Beach 644-4910 $140,000 (Sal & Sun 1-5:30) 2087 \Vestminster, Costa ?.1esa 646-3928 (bet 21st & Sherwood) (Sun 1-51 4 BR. & FAMILY RM. OR OEN 2922 Spruce, Santa Ana 833·2224 $44,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1584 Redland s foff 16th. St.) Costa Mesa 646-3928 545-5887 !Fri/Sat/Sun 1·5) 310 Via Lido Sourl, Lido Isle 673-7300 Sl22,500 (Sat & Sun 11:30-4) 18691 Portofino Dr. (Turtle Rock) lrvine 644-1766 889,950 !Sun 1·5 ) 7 Twin Lakes Cir (Spyglass Hill) NB 6444910 $125.000 (Daily 1-5:30 ) I Cherry liills Lane (Big Can. C.C.) NB 644-4910 8129.500 !Sat & Sun 1-5:30) 15 Point Sur Dr. (Spyglass Hill) NB 644-4910 $119,500 (Daily 1-5:301 2053 Flan1ingo Dr. (Pi1esa Verde) CM 545-8424 864.950 (Sat & Sun 1·51 204 Via Lido Nord , Lido Isle 673-7300 !Sun 1-5) 20L Wake!orest (College Park) CM 540-8083 $33,500 (Sal & Sun 1-51 1939 Sanderling (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5880 (Sun 1-5) 42 Mission Bay Dr. (Spyglass Hill) CdM 640-8684 (Daily 1-51 1806 Port Westbourne (HV Homes) NB 644-6200 $85,000 (Sal & Sun 1-51 1933 S.ntiago (Baycrest) NB -.. 644-6200 $110,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1036 Concord. Costa Mesa 5464141 $34.950 /Sun 12-41 1726 Ocean Blvd. IBalboa Penin Pt) NB 675-4060 $79.950 (Sat & Sun 1-51 18253 Bayberry (Univenity Pk) Irvine 552-7500 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 5782 Sierra Casa (Turtle Rock ) Irvine 552-7500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1801 Santiago Dr. (Baycresl) NB 645·7221 (Sat & Sun 2-61 23 Half Moon Bay (Spyglass Hill) NB 644-6926; 644-1152 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 19431 Sierra Santo. Irvine 833-3380 $57 ,500 (Sal & Sun 1-5) *3801 Inlet Isle. Harbor View Hills 673-8550 $125,000 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 1209 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 842-8235 $98.500 (Sun 1-5) 2200 Francisco. Newport Beach 642-8235 $74.500 /Sal & Sun 1-5) *101 Kings Place (Newport Heights) NB 642·8235 (Sa t & Sun 1-51 111120 Rue Grand Ducal (Big Canyon) CdM 642-8235 (Sun 1·51 186 Shorecliff Rd. (Shorecliffsl NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun 1-51 4545 Fairfield <Cameo Shores) NB 642-8235 $119,500 !Sat & Sun 1-51 1742 Port Manleigh Cir (H.V. Homes) NB 675-8068 !Sat & Sun 1-5\ 2915 Setting Sun Dr (Harb Vu Hills) CdM 875-2373 . ISat & Sun 12-51 2021 Aliso St.. Co!>fa l\1csa 646-0555 $58.700 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 12812 Barrett Lane. No Tu11tin Tills 645-6646: 832-5141 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 915 Tiller (H. V. Hills) CdM 675-000 $g6.500 ISat & Sun 1·5) 2326 Tust in (BAck Bay) NB a 645-6500 $66.500 IS•t & Sun 1-5) 1412 SeacrestlH.V. Hills) CdM 67~-6000 $04.500 (S•t & Sun 1-5) 17 T•buron Bav fSnv~Jass Hill) Cd'Pif 675-7225 $130.500 l~al & Sun 1-5) *3R16 Kev Bav. Corona del Afar 675-7225 $98.000 (S•l & Sun 1-51 2912 Alla Vi,la IF.astbluff\ NB 675-3000 $50.500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 44P Prn~nect fl\i{'w Shores) NB ij73-~66~; 642-225~ <Sun 1·51 28"' 1 ('f11hhoU<:" fli1,.c~ Vercle) C~r fl45-03M $59.000 !Sun 1·51 312l'i ~fcK\nle.". rni:ta titesa r ((41;.QSO!l $43 50n IStm l·i'i) ••lAl\Al f'arl"0 t:rf ffl l1nL }farbnur) HR !<~6-~777 $127.•00 !Sun 10-5\ 1941 C:"lm!Ylodcn·"· NP.\Vport Beach r:>48.Fll2!\ S7Q,!i0() <Snn 1·5) 4~i:l 1'r"l'l'IOTII f('11mGf'I Sho res) f"'rtA·f ff44.l)()Ao ~1 l!i.OOf'I rsun 2·~) 51° ''''""'~ell. C:•nt" Ana ~57-U704 ~4Q.OOO r~·1n 12-71 St? """""3 Drive. Corona dE'l 1-'J!lr A7~-'t:il\fl (~nn 1·5) 191'1 R"'""' 1.n (~larhor Highland•\ NB 640-0020 ISn~ 1-Sl . . 1 • 2°'*5 Goldeneye (l\lesa \'erde) C~t 546-5990 $61,500 1Sun 1·5) 2701 Canary (Me1a Verde) CM 546-2313 $64,900 (Sun 1-51 2817 Ellesnere (?rlesa Verde) Cl\t 546-2313 $59.900 (Sun 1-5) S BEDROOMS 2018 Santiago Dr. (Dover S~ores) .NB 644-1766 $125,000 (Sun 2·61 * 1315 Santiago Dr (B aycrestl NB 645-7221 (Sat 2-5 Sun 1·51 2615 Ligh1house Lane, Cct~·T ' 644-2369 $199,000 (Sat & Sun 1·51 110 Via Trieste. Lido Isle 675-4630 5115.000 /Sat & Su n t-51 S BR & FAM RM #4Royal St. George (Big Canyo n) NB 673-22.22 $195,000 (Sun 1·51 1337 Galaxy Dr (Dover Shores) NB 6444910 $225,000 (Sat & Sun 1,5:301 1938 Port Trinity !HV J1omes) NB 644·6200 $87.200 !Sun 1·51 3728 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 673-8550 (Sal & Sun 1-51 •1368 Galaxy Dr (Dover Shores) f\'B . 642-8235 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 503 Hazel. Corona del l\tar 675-6900 !Sat & Sun 1-5) **500 Via Lido Nord (Lido lslel NB 675-6161 rsun 1·5) 1839 Port Tiffin (Harbor Vu Homes) NB 640-0020 (Sun l ·5) 6 BR & FAM RM OR OEN 32 Mission Bay /Spyglass Hill) CdM 675-7225 $134,995 ISat & Sun 1-5) 1607 Baydilf Circle !Spyglass #ll CdM 675-7225 5129,000 (Sun 1-51 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BR. 3121 \\I. Coast J.lwy. !Unit 88 N'pl. 'l\vrs.) 646-8811 $79.500 !Sat & Sun 1·51 327 Dahlia, Corona clel ?i1ar 673-7769 \Sun 1·51 J BEDROOM 663 Vista Bonita (Bluffs) NB 644-6200 $68,500 (Sal & Sun 1·5 ) 110 "A" Carriage, Santa Ana 645-8080 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 402 Trusha (Bluffs) NB 640-0020 3005 Clubhouse Circle, 540-6726 (Sat & Sun 1·5) Costa Pi1esa (Sun 10·5) 4 BEDROOM 443 Vista Roma, Newport Beach 644-7270 $54,950 (Sun 1·5) HOUSES FOR LEASE 247 Colton, Ne.\\'port Beach 646-3255 J425 mo. (Sun 1·51 31 Beaco.n Bay {Beacon Bay) NB 675-6000 $525 mo. ISuu 1·5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 706 Narcissus. Corona de! Pi1ar 548-9346 $122,500 1Sal & Sun 1·5) ~ & 2 BR. 118 Garnet Balboa Island 673-6918 8140 .000 (Sat & Sun 12-6) 294 \Vave St, Laguna Beach 674-7662 !Sat & Sun 1-51 1982 Port Albans Pl (Hrbr Vu Homes) l'iB 674-7662 (Sal & Sun 1-51 2 BR & l BR 719 J\o1arigold, Corona dcl !\tar 644-7270 $79 ,500 (Sat & Sun 1-51 • 2 BR Each 281 1 4th Ave .. Corona del l\lar 644:7392 $74.500 (Sat & Sun l·SI 608 Marguerite, Corona del l\1ar 644-4910 $149,500 (Daily 1-5:30) 703 -703;1 Carnation, Corona de! l\1ar 642-5200 $85,000 !Sal & Sun 1-5) 3 BR & l BR Corner Sbort &· 35th St., Newport Beach 642;3871 $69.500 ISat & Sun 1-4) J BR & 2 BR 400 Jasmine. Corona del h1ar 644-7270 $119 ,500 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 431 Carnation, Corona de\ i\-lar &73-8550 (Sat & Sun 1·51 3 BR each 5010 Neptune, \Vest Newp ort 642-5200 8100.000 !Sat & Sun 1-51 1541 Wintergreen (J\olesa \'erde) C~I 645-0303 $59.900 !Sat & Sun I ·5) 3 BR & FAM RM e"h 615 Marigold, Corona de! !\far 644-4848 $112,000 /Sal & Sun 1·51 518 Fernloar. Corona del ~tar 645-6500 $125.000 (Sal & Sun 1·51 S BR & 4 BR 2508 Ocean Bl\'d., Corona de! Alar 873-6642 1Sun 1-5) 618 1\caciai. Coro11a dcl ~tar 675-6000 $139,000 (Sal & Sun 1·51 INCOME UNITS FOR SALE 112 44th Sl, Ne\\1port Beach 646-0555 $82,500 · (Sal & Sun 1-5) HOUSES FOR RENT J BEDROOM 219 Narrli;sus. Coro na del l\h~r 675-7225 $425 mo. 1Sat & Sun 1·51 . , ... .. '* Wllff'rfro11f * • * W.tetff•llt & PHI -' Barrell 11re:1en lJ PENINSULA POINT NEW LISTING!!! DUPLEX -3 Bedroon1s up. 3 Bedrooms & den do\1•n. ''ou O\\'ll th<' land. Super location ·DUPLEX· -l block to beach. Call Liz Beazley for de- ta ils. EASTSIDE SOtO Neptune W., Newport. Open Sit & Sun l·S ' COSTA MESA llom• ""'' '™~""" """' Tuo CUSTOM CALIFORNIA DESIGN 2 B t> d r o o rn" 1~11nf'. NEWLY COMPLETED -Jloady £or vou Ex1·<•l\1•nt ~'OJH1111c111. \\'alk l•I 0 i..... • ti 1 3 B d h · . ~h·ippin:.:. ll•·:it<'d a 11 11 pen •R#an~s 1ruo~1 our e room on1e. filt.·n~I pool. 1,h,ntv uf tn···~ \\ell appo inted k1tc:hcn & roo1ny pantry. 11.111\ ~111·11bs. ror 1i11· Pl ,\'.'\. SG4.500. :->J·:E!Nt; IS A '.\!UST: Offered 101· $"tJ,500. C.11! 17 17 Irvine Ave., N.8 . Open Sat & Sun 2·5:30 I COl.\\El.I. G•·VOC•C• KINGS ROAD • VIEW A VERY SPECIAL HOME -\\"ith custom q11al it.v design. Spaciou~ li\·ing \\il h large & gra ciou'i roo n1s. 321 Ki ngs Road, N.p. Open S.at & Sun l ·S ' CHARMING BA-fiHORE COTTAGE LIGHT & BRl.GHT -Open be:Hn ceilings & rozy fireplace. Vie\V of enclosed patio through Dutch doors & pic ture \vindov•s. Loads of closets. Custon1 construction -beautifully Outstandinb Ne"·1xn1 B<'ath maintained. $G5,000. OuplC'X. 0 \\' n" r nr,ible. i\tay 1·a11-y 2nd. T.D. or 2781 Bayshore Or., N.B. Open Sit & Sun 1·5 ex(·hange or •· One 4 ""'""'m '"" .,,, ' &droom DUPLEX • OLD CORONA DEL MAR Offered !or Slf.!.500. Call COLWELL ....-. WOOD SHAKE EXTERIOR -All the charm & privacy oae could \vish. Brand new 2 Bed· room upper unit · light & bright · and hand· sonte remodeled lov•er unit \\•ith large brick patio. tush landscaping. :\II just $65.000. 703 Carnation, CdM. Ope n Sat & Sun 1-5 Office Open Saturdays & Sundays EASTSIDE £ PETE BARRETT REALTY COSTA MESA ' t60S Westcl1ff o r., N.B. A!>..~Ull\I.' 71~·r, Jrn111 n( .ipp:.... ~""' 642-5200 s~1.:ioo.-E:...(C'llcn1 lnc11r1011-1 1nmvrr -~ --...----Y-•AA B1:-dz·oon1s-Fnrn1!\' ltoon1-" 'WI -~ZWWFV..L • r; a 1 h" -F 1 n·i1J ~1l·1~!'11Rk1:1Gener al -Gentrll- Rn(lf-.'\I'll IJ u :1 I I 1 ,. ' --------i·arpclin~-C!liildn:on 111 ;i; '1 LIVE IN IRVINE IMMACULATE 11·alk to s:'lionl . Offer('{! for 1 !~!·~_,c,.n COL WELL $31,250 EXECUTIVE HOME """""........, I This home has jusl recently Sharp ..I:· llrighl • pnccd 0C..'n 1't"derorated and is riji;ht~ '1 BR & I }r oltl. 10 I loca1C'<i in i\tesa \1erde. It 1n1nulC." /rom Cniv. oC Cati!. I has 3 kin; sh:e bedtmtn5 at Irvine. and a huge family room. 2 I n1assh·c h1ick llttplaces add a special "'-annth. 01\·ners ar-e "'locating and Walker & Lee I "'"'.' o;cll. O"IY >U,:;oo. I Don t d1:lay call today Red •l'l ••T,r1. Carpet, Realton; St>-8080 TRIPLEX for 546--002'1 j 1open eveningsl TRADE The fastest rlr11w 1n !he \Vesl. \Vhlt e Elephant Dime·A·Ll;pe , .. a Dai ly Piln1 Clas~irtec'I call todu.y 642-5618. • Do you own up to 20 ur1its G11nera l I, G1neral anrl 1vL<;h ro t rad " rirown? l~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~;;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-This 1nay he' your :in~wer: II Top La~tsidc Costa Mesa " Arca. L:ll}:t' Arar1n1e11,s, 3 B1'1]1'U(:n1 and l\IO 2 Bl'droon1~. ~:yC'itl'" new, ~l'f'a1 1"'ln(!it1r111. F:x1·,.llt•n1 Rf'n1s. Crill C 0 L \\'~L L &JG-w;.; I COZY COTTAGE I On 11111111 L'Ul-rlr>·snc strC<"t ln l F.;i~\ Side Co1'1a i\le~n ·"'"'\ JC'ncing. nC"11· µnJ111 in ;inr!I out. 11('11' r\rnpri;, PPrfc1•\ krr outdoor Ji\'ing. \\'i1h lnrgcl pool, l '\J\'('l1'd p fl Ii\) ·I "'lK'h 1k'l·kinc. noo111 rnr lll'l<it 111· 11·.1ik·r nr1 p;n·"rt I al\r•y. G\lf'."I f'Oll!l!?t' i11 !'<'Ill' 111tli h;11h. Close If• ~dv"'I~ 111111 1'hoppi11i;i, OH•·r'l.'ll r111·1 S.".ii,;,."ll. Cull l'nL\\'(:;Ll. 6-M>--O:l~ LtX(• frC~h f1•u117 1\p1)lc<1. (ll'(lllf:!'I'~. l'h•, ('(•111(' t:1k•• )Uur r1c:.; & 11·hil<' 11w1'f'. ,\t>U'll 111"'1 llki•lv f•j('J.: Thi' ~harp :: l~c!lHlf•/ll, 2 U111h hllPl<' [HI' )''''"'l\\rl T1ll I·:-:. 1·1~EI':~ r1n-:1:~: :-:(·1vl)•' p11Ulll'il ..;1!1'\: '''11'Jll'l lil~·. If(•. f11ll 1'i l1( $.111.~. COATS & WALLACE REALTORS -546-4141- (0pen Evening1) . . FOREST E. OLSON :NC MESA VERDE DUPLEX RED TILE ROOF SPANISH. Prime loca·. tion in prestigious t..·Iesa Verde. Private• \Vinding street to large corner ground s, room-· for boat. COURTYARD ENTRANCE to de-. luxe 0\\1ner 's unit. 5 bedroon1 s. 4 baths. Only: 21tc..i years old. BRAND NE \V LISTING. Call~ 645-0303 • PRIVATE ESTATE ~ -: .. .. 5 + GUEST $57,500 ~ EX C LUSl\iJ~ private street in prestigiou~ back bay estate area. To\\•ering trees an~ \vinding brick pathway leading to magnifi~ cent 2 story colonial 5 bedroon1s inc luding~ Vil'\\' lllaSter SUite \\'ilh dressin g rOOITI, 81\il;:o s.cparate guest. fa cility \\'ith 3rd bath . Large-: living roon1 \11th Door to ceiling fireplace.~ l~lcgunt forn1a l dining. 30' country kitchen."". rind brerikfast roon1. 22' run1pus roon1. Fain-·· il y roon1 O\'<'rlooking ~ecl uded pa rk-like·· grounds and 2 palio5. 13ETTEn JI URRY !• Call 645-0303 . TENNIS COURT ESTA TE ROLI .. IN G GRl.::E1\ \a\rns and historic trees 0!1 '1 4 ac re grounds. J1ic:turcsquc main home. r or1nal entry to old \1·orld chttrn1 and archj- ~ecturc. i\'la ster ~ant e 1vith sitt ing room and <>th bnth. J)cn \1·i!h rugged bean1s. t\1aid's quar1 cr~ .. 2.3' T1\ v·1~R N KTT<:;I IEN. Banquet forn1:il dnung , l)JtlCl' pavilh on overlooking :1 gues t cott ages and sparkling pool. Roon1 for tcn11i.~ co11 r1. \\'():'\'1' l .. \ST. Call 645-0303. "LIDO ISLANO"-SACRIFICE fo~N Tl~Jl'f:\1 1\'ERS 11 ·\B •\DISf·: in prirne lcr callon. C'QLIJ~T,-.\nl) entrance to inagn ifi~ cf'n t Spanish. t blo ck tn beach . SbO\\·~ like a n1octcl. Secluded 11111~ter sullc. GUEST ~00 :\1 . LarRe living roon1 \\ ith crackling firepl ace. Garcten vici\,. kitthen. O\\·ner bought. n1usL ~ell. T \Kl·: ,\U\',\:'JT1\GE! call 645-0303. FOREST E. OLSON INC RE ALTORS 2199 HARB OR BLVD 645-0303 I OAILV PI LOl i; _.__ )~[ ~-1 I . AUTUMN LEAVES So do ownen;. Nearly n~w t\\O story tradi· tional ho1ne av1i11ble due to transfer. Bright country kitchen "'ith C'heery hearth. FlRST FLOOR ~!!\STER !)lll'f~:. plus three n1ore bedroon1s on the second floor. Upg raded landscapi n,!:: and patio deC'ks in. country liv· in.I! at it s b~1<>l. t\<'rn!-s rrun1 park and pool. S50,000. OWNER MUST SELL his beautifully decora ted 4 bedroom, 3 bath home located Jn the Ranch. Upgraded Car· petlng throughout. ext·ra mirrors, Elec. gar. opener, Sprinklers r&R, Patio cover and much more. Price reduced to $50,950. PERFECT ENTERTAINMl!NT HOME Pool and patio parties in the Summer and for- mal Dinner panies In the \Vinter. 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on premiun1 view lot in Harbor \'ieu• Homes Park-side location. Room to park m1all boal or trailer, fenced in dog run and H&F pool "·ith Jt\CUZZI. The O\\'ller has thought of alJ the extras. Atust see to appreci- ate. $97 .500. THE BEST AND THE BEAUTIFUL all 1·0111bine1! to giv e this 4 bedroom. 3 bath hon1e in'=tant ap.pcJI. Nolic:c the attractive Jandccnpi n~. spac1ou~ :~ Ci'lr (!arage and FOR· E\,.ER \'IE\V. Locat ed high on a hill in presli· gious ·rurllc Roc k Tcrrate. Let us shO\\' it to you today ~ VISleN red hill realty 18124 Culver Drive Un iversity Park Shopping C.enter Irvi ne 552·7500 Gener el MESA VERDE GOLF COURSE $86,000 1/• + ACRE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-l 3194 CAPE VERDE PL . A 207' panora1nic vie\v with a 300' Southern elevation at the 11th green. Breathtaking setting suns vie"·ed thru a custom 2600 sq. tt. privacy home surrounded in glass. Four bedrooms include a master bedroom suite with atriu1n & private covered patio. Formal dining room. Gla ss 'vrapped & sun drenched living room 'vit h fireplace. A lanai separates the main house rronl the 30' x 16' lanai en- tertainment house. featuring a sunke n lounge, fireplace and 'vet bar. Other gra- cious amenities are included. Owner's other in terests places thi s flomc \\'ell under market for quick sale. MESA DEL MAR $46,990 Drive by and check out 9:i4 Junipero Dr. ,<\ 22'xl4' pool house overlooks free form pool in Ha"·aiian setting. 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths. dining roon1. Ji,·ing room . breakfast bar, fine shag & oak floors. MESA VERDE 1653 PALAU Drive by and check out this 1800 sq. ft. 4 Bedroo m. 2 Bath. Red clay tile floor in large gourmet kitchen, living room with fireplace. Patio, sprinklers, electric garage door. 10% ,down. .. COSTA MESA REALTY SINCE 1958 548-7711 Alie• 6 P.M. Coll 547-4617 General * . * OPEN HOUSES * * 243 6ht ST., NEWPORT SHORES OPEN SUNDAY l ·5. BeaC'h ll..'lllSC. 3 Br .. ne \V bu ilt·in kitchen. 0\rner ,,·ill finance $45.000. 1740 PLAZA DEL NORTE OPEN SUNDA Y 1-5. Fan1ily Orieuted penin- sula point. 3 Br., dinin_g rn1 .. den & kitchen. patio, SBB.500. 119 VIA LIDO SCUD 211 38th ST. OPEN SUNDAY 2·5. * OPEN SUN. l·l * 449 PROSPECT Newpo rt Shore& I nl: ~·. h, pi n• I:• d1·n lllrt111 ..: ;1rl•;1 [qih . hl111~. ni'11h •I•·'"' u1•11lr .\-uul. nr11 r;11·1~'I• \\'11lk rn tM ,.·h. lr nnl ~ .. !"'···· ()•1 r 1 11 ('"II~ I Ii l" I IP.l~r/llpl111n '·"'·~.:rJ C11!1 6':".-'11~~ f.l:l-1'.!~,.1 E1·r• * 6 UNITS* ~ •. 1!1)-ru'\1 2 Ill? .. 2 ha., '''"11\t-un 11~ 11·1 oc-1·.1nfmnl Ul B .Jl .. n: I 11'>' {J•n]r"'I., 111·;•1) •1111,.: •'II• P.. hl111~: "' n,1,..·, ••r h11: ..... ,_'.' 1• ""i:h l<!\I. 'j (.i\ 'rl. 1·, f1•lrt~ plUl! I ['l:or•idnt ,,,;i, \. ·•.1•111. 1·.i, 1o:.: .,.,_. •d~' .'.'t: f-:\'1'S. associated l~I _..,..,: ·1~1 _;. .. ·1~ -..... • Oeneral l·S THIS o\FTERNOON IN Bo\YCREST-3 bdrm or 2 with paneled den. 2,500 sq. rt.. owner anxious, $89,500. Rita Boland Will be th ere. 2030 HOLl~AY R04D, NEWPORT BEACH " IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS-incredible cabi- netu·ork , 4 bdr1n. vic\v, jge lot, $96,500. Vodie Nelllon \viii be th ere. 915 TILLER WAY , CORONA DEL MAR IN THE BACK BAY-Fa1n ily area, 4 bdrms, vie\v at nigh t. neat, SUG,500 . Bert Reedy v,i ill be there. 2326 TUSTIN , NEWPORT BEACH IN HARBOR VIEW HILL S-Lusk, 4 bdrm. ne,ver listing, clean in/out. $94,500. Marian Reedy will be there. 1412 SEACREST, CORONA DEL MAR IN CORONA DEL MAR-Remodel 2 bdrm, den, 45' R-2 lot, good fin a vail. $108,500. Mar- jorie lifahon wilf be there. 213 FERNLEAF AVE , CORONA DEL MAR IN CORONA DEL MAR-New duplex, each unit 3 bdrms, 3 baths, $125,000. Sharon Wohl "'ill be there. Sl8 FERNLEAF AVE, CORONA DEL MAR IN SHORECLIFFS -Channing 3 bdrm, shake shingles. board 'n batten, lots of trees, $99,500. Jerry Lumbert wil l be there. 331 EVENING CANYON, CORONA DEL MAR IN SAN CLEMENTE -View of views 3 bdrm, builder's hon1e, bea1n ceilings, aiue Pacific, $85,000. Donna Godshall will be t here. 391 0 CALLE ANDALUCIA, SAN CLEMENTE IN CORONA DEL Mo\R--So. ol Hwy. huge duplex, exciting features . 5 bdrm unit and 4 bdrm unit, $139.000. v·ergile ne Hull will be there. 618 ACACIA , CORONA DEL MAR IN MESA VERDE-Squeaky clean. 4 Bdrm big fa1nily ho1ne, neat .vard s, good value: ~1.500. l\·lartha Beynon will be there. 204S GOLDENEYE DR ., COSTA MESA IN THE BLUFFS-Unique views walli)ap- ers, Trina model, 3 Bclnns. 1900 sq'. ft., value at $71 ,500. Kily Glavas wi.11 be there. 426 VISTA PARAbA, NEWPORT BEACH IN BEACON BAY-Year lease, $525/mo., 4 Bdrm, 3 BA home, large enclosed yard, J?ri· vale, family-oriented community. A1arilyn Hodges \VUl be there. 31 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT BEACH U~l()Uf: ti()Mf:S ON TOI' OF lltE REAL ESTATE MARKET WITH lltE NICEST l'EOPLE SELLING THE NEATEST HOMES CORONA DEL MAR, 675·6000 • MESA VERDE, 546·5~ • NEWPORT !EACH. 6'15-6500 • CALL US ~~ <.:.E Colc•1111rth~· & Co.-He1ulors DISTINCTIVE HOMES CUSTOM POOL HOME-N.B. Anxious owner must sell spacious 3 Br, 2 Ba, family home. Completely fenced 20 x 40 pqol, covered paUo, built in gas BBQ, and easy care landJicapi.Qg. $52,500. Ready for a quick sale. ·, HARBOR VIEW-SUMMERsET MDllll ~ . . . . ' . ' OCE.\N VIEW Coron• del Ma r Att1'a. ,hr :1 B•. ~ U. hontt designed 10 take• Ct:ll tHtvan· l~1.' ol ijX.'\.'1acu.11.1r hl"'· E:xt1·n "oidf' lot for bcn J13.rk· ing. SS9,SOO, PLl!ASE CALL 675-3000 fJll \\ ,\ 111 11 II Ill II 1 \ I \I . r ' ,. ' j Open :)Jowe6 BALBOA ISLAHO 114 PEARL SUNDAY 12,5 t ' t' - St•P• to South Bay from this 2 story 3 Br, 2 Ba home. exuding Island charm with 2 gard- en palios large family rm, dinlng 1'111 " bealJUful ltitchen recently remodeled. Offer- ed 41 $98,500. 213 TOPAZ SUNDAY 1·5 Illness forte• saje. Reducea '79,500:, not le11e hold 6 Br, 3 Ba. Large famlly.rm.witll . fireplace & wet bar . Formal din rm & iltep · · ~!!!!!!~~~~= down living rm with firepla~e. An unusual FOR Cl!D SALE • Channing 6 Br, home + bachelor •vt-Largo beamed celling• 1!'1ng room, & private roof deck. Home ii In lmnillctilate coodJUon thru out. NEWPORT BEAC~ BA YFRONT 415 BAYSIDE DR. opportunity. 8-lfl•/0 LOAN DOVER SHORES VIEW NEW POOL • Bay view &: twinkling nigh t lights. 4 Br, tlen family rm with "'et bay Iorroal dining, breakfast nooks & healed pool $137,500. BLUFFS VIEW CONDO Elegant. vacant, & reduced to $72,500. 3 Br, 21h Ba, large dining area. Custom carpets, drapes & shi:i.~ers & a forever view o( the wide open spaces is delightful • C. F. COLESWORTHY 640-0020 WE HAVE RENTALS Gener•I General CdM OCEAN SIDE OF HWY. Income unit in rear Unusual offering, ocean side of Hwy. 2 Nice houses on l·lot. Live in one, have income from the other. REDUCED $10,000 TO $79,900 TWO NEW DUPLEXES Expect real Mexican tile entries, the lavish use of No rthern redwood, large balconies to enjoy the ocean view. These duplexes are one of a kind, custom built & designed for tho!e who want to be different ... ocean view available. Call our office for full details! OPEN SAT & SUN 1-S, 294 WAVE ST., L.B. NEW USTING-CdM Nice 3 bdrm. home with bachelor unit to help pay the costs of ownership. Offered at only 873 ,500. HARBOR VIEW HOMES Carmel model, with valley view. 3 Bdrms., dinin g rm .• family rm . P..1any extras built into this adult occupied home ; it is better than new ! Cati tor app'l. to vie'"· $69,950 OPEN SAT & SUN 1-S, 1982 PORT ALBANS PL., HVH, NEWPORT BEACH OPEN SAT/SUN. 1·5 1223 GOLDENROD CORBIN -MARTIN REALTORS Coll Anytime 644-7662 General NEW PAINT ~ELLER TRANSFERRED . rorceri to ael\! New SG.000 pool -load1; of de.eking? New paint in & out? Sweepina: curved drivt'Yo'l\y. Covert'd entrv. Glanl living roon1 overloolUng pool. Co z y formal · rlreplact'. Ii u g e kitchen • Jots of cupboard!!. Queen si1.e bedrooms. \Valk 10 schools and shoppinl!. ~1UST SELL! Take ad· vantage. NO QUALIFYING to as!Ume V.A. loan. Full price just $38,500. Call now • &-17~10. Ol'lfNTll I• ITT Fl.M70 8E NICE/ !,. llilll1tl Open Hou111 Sun. 1·5 28 Roy•! St. Ge.,ge, NB Custon1 built, 1pacioul! !I BR, I on Big Canyou F'airwa;v. 1827 Po•I Tiffin, NB Somerset 5 BR & !11111. 1m . upirrad<'d. 500 MORNINGSTAR Dover Shores home w/poo\ & pogh lndl!Cp, Juat listed at 1 $159,500 - Open Ho11se1 I Sat/Sun. 1-S 503 HAZEL , CdM DceM Vic"'• brand ne\I.': j I BR . custom built. 411 HAZEL, CdM J BR, 01·~rlookln.g ocean 111 l old Conma dci i\f&r. BIG HOME- NEEDS FAMILY If )'OU appreciate top grade cuatom . construction, ex- SAT & SUN 1-5 • Beautiful 4 Br. 4 I> Ba. bayfron1 home, offer- ing pier to accommodate 50' boat cozy den large sauna&· beautiful garden en try. very accessible 'location. BAYSHORES 2722 CIRCLE DR. SUNDAY 1·5 'Spacious 3 Br home with large fam~Y.. rm. Great locatiiin near beacp. Offered ,t flli,000. Wlllklm Wl11to1 R•I latate 229 Mo\RINE, BALBOA ISLAND 6754»1 . Gener•I . .. HARBOR VIEW HOMES ... LAST CH.\NCE FOR A NEW HOME IN HARBOR VIEW We still have a few hon1es available in our final unil & we are selling our beautiful models! Homes priced from $55,990. 112' POllT StjEFFIELD PLACE NEWPORT BEACH OFF FORD ltD. & 'MACARTHUR l~VD. 17141 133-07IO. r:Villagaby __ ... lHllAVM ~" I tremely flexible floor plan, ResQles & rel.)lals available ih au Jt}odels- ..., "'· tt. °' ""°"' ""'m· Monaco $61,500-Montego $74,500-Pi!Iermo ~':1io~OC: $76,&oO. See us for information on Harbor view, private access to View Homes. · beaches, and below market tenm v.1th only J:>% 00\.\'11. 133-0JfO ANO l 'l'"'"~~""'""'"'" ..... ~!!!!!"'!_,,_,.,...,,..., Desire 4. &, 6 or 7 bedrooms I IJtMr•I Gmer•I f'AIJ , f;4.j."1'1 --------~155,000 FEE DANDY DUPLEXES $25,500 *******************j *OWNER TRANSFER ! MUST SACRIFICE! i !!!!l!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lll.~!!lll"c --11!!11!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!11 5 BR. 3 BA. Ba yc resl special. Swim & B-B-Q. Gener.11 General -------Delightful pool custon1ized for gracious en- ~NIGEL llAILL Y ~ A551J(IAT E~ 2 Bedroom units on lal'xe lots. lll'r. dm\·n. Only : $36,lOO HACIENDA f\•011'? A real old Ume -----~ ------· 1 IEACH DUPLEX Spanish h11.clenda On 1 BEACH AREA DUPLEX -590,000 1\,·o blocks Crom the surf. Bot h 3 bedroom, 2 bath wilh blt·in kitche n . huge rfoor to ceiling stone fireplqce in O\rners suite. Plush carpets & custom dra pes th ruout. $9,000 cash "'iii move you in. See it no\v. 646·77 11 WATERFRONT • $220,000 Ne\v on the market, this spacious custom fam- ily home offers the eplton1e of gracious liv- ing. Beautiful view of the Bay. Our exclusive, Appl. only 646-7711. BA YSHORES • $112,000 over 3.000 sq. Ct: of -con1rort and luxury a\'ailable in this 5 bedroon1. 5 bath seaside nla nsion with private be ach provided. One or the favorite resldcnl ial areas of screen stars and entertainers. 'iou 1ni_ght like it too! 646-7711 Newpo rt 811cll ·Irvi ne office · Open tvts. tertaining. & the Very Best. $135.000 . * l BR-3 BA Portofina Castle in the Sky: Panoramic vie\v of ocean from every room. Divorce prompts sacrifice. $135,000 . * 3 BR-2 BA Breathtaking \liew of beautiful Pacific. Sur- rounded by charming homes. $74,.950. * 4 BR-3 BA Baycrest new. Relaxing vJew. Large living room with fireplane. Huge family room with fireplace & wet bar. Spacious. $127,750. ()ntu. Days 64S-7221 ft/' Eves. S4M5M ~'211733 WE STCLIFF DR. ~ 11 NEWPORT BEACH PRIVATE BEACH LIKE NEW ,,_.,..,,.., tot near . .,,. AND BOAT ~ Broroo1n & 1 Bedroom beach! fllaul\~ ·•RED 11nit1, I block 10 lhl' tx>ach. TILE" root, old fuhloned RAMP SUPER I Com plctely redecorated. front porch, coved ce:llinp TERMS ~-=~:.carpet1, drapcg. 10';~ &: arehed doorway1, CAN· """" Tl.NA kitchen with authentic Just 8 min-.talk b'Orn this $76,500 "ICE BOX", Perfect for d ,,_. 1 p · I Po' pant.ry! Form. din. rm., cul!i""u cnirnru a int LAGUNA BEACH. LOT king size BRs, aparklina tile Cottage & TREE shaded baths. PLUS rental wdt New England atmol!pherc • OM.lice R-1 lot In Are'h Seach wl immaculate condition _ Heights. SUbmit down. A lh income ot lTh _per mo. Quality cam.ts, drapes. •tell.I at: Owncr'1 retirlna:. Prop tn ·~ •• 500 A·t cond. ~fuch, much Enormous Muter suite ha1 .,.. l'QOre! ! NO GIMMICKS! dressing area wllh variety. ff I B'-96• u " 8'14 % tnterett aVRilabte al 7 INCOME UNITS ~-::~~~~··~~~~:;;;;.1 $65,0:x>. CaJI 546-2313. Triplex, 2 Hrusea &: BactH!lor • Duplex. 1610 mo lncom<. * 5"x2!0' LOT * terms. 0.1 ZONE'. $5,,500 042-1m 1797 Orange A\·e., C.~I. 132,lOO E·Z TEl\MS * ~mna de.I Mar DUPLEX • $68,500 WHERE WOODCOCKS *****************-*-*~ PLAY PEEKABOO 9=f21 * EastblufM B e d ro om hQJne. 2\i balh1, choice cor-O..neref I General A~lutely secure & ju~1 I========:. :;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; I right on thi'I 113 new I• • panulise, located In 011t' of J CITY Costa Mesa'• best area. * 16 BALBOA COVES* fMidC lhi> """'""" ·I HIDEAWAY! h1.>Jr,"'On1 tw:i:ne l\us ltif' ronch OPEii SAT/SIJH. 1_5 lint1§U1\I, d!~tincl i\'e retrcal o( old Cnllfomla. Vaulted n 111 ll\t! he11 rl of Cosla i\h':"a. hf'31TI N"iltn~ 1:t1 the d lnillJ.l 2 Hemes en I lot F-AS'fStDE on Brood\\·11..r. NC'llr shopping. One . J Bit 2 8A + One -2BR.1 BA, " 1arage1. TOP RENT Al~ AIU·:,\, No ''11<'11'1'"V, ner location. $69,500. ' * -4 Bedroom hOme !hi.wt muter BRl +,family ~ + den. 3 bath•, many ex· trllS. Quiet 11reet. $59,900. * C·l Pmperty -Newport Blvd. "'irh 30' x 30' bulldlnc. ~'lB,000. associated W I k & L :1 Bl·droon1 "u" t 0 n1 i 1. i• rl roo1n, livina; roon1. And I er e e 8 Y>"RD T ho1nc. &clu1lcd p 11 t 1 0 famUy room \\•Ith a .n111M;ivc &st. bl~ ho~~;1i~r ~~:pex~ ,·cget;i.hle garden & lruli I brick rlreplA~e anrl ph1.ntcr, ( trcell? Jr you· are bored \\'ith The finger t1p kitchen hn1 ~rive, l Bdnn!I.. 2 Ba. routine, sec this. $3T,OOO. aDsolutcly r ve r y th I n K. IROKEAS-REALTOAS 10.15 W lolboa 671 l"tl e CALL ANYTIME e 6464928 or E vi. 646-4543 Roy McCor~lo R•olter 1810 il!.,.~d., C.N. BROKERS-REAL TOA5 ?Cl\ W •11tb111l 61J·l6foJ I ----R EA L ES T AT E OJ't."fl bwn l'l'il's., heaM Decor aJore de t / I GARDEN GROVE ._ """"°" pane.Ji""", Jge. dual loan. ASSUi\IABLE 7'/i VA j; • I\ tona or .... · LOAN Ifucrlmlnatlng-buyers Call '"'"'""'""'""'""'""'""'"'"' SHOWPLACE Gener•I 1General lrplc. In family & livlnK · Red Carpet, Realt or• I nn., blt·in kitchen wllh • COATS 643-8080 (open evenfnp) BRICK, TREES, 11 S111.,,..r !lhtirp tir,n1t'. ~ft1gnifi· NOW. BUILDING Kltch!n-Alde dl1hwshr.; & BUILDER'S LOC ATION ""' ""'"'" lol. ""''' rov· PALERMO loadt OI "'-""· M>fl Wo\LLACE TREMENDOUS Whfl! lnllre t'an \TIU a~k~ e1-e.J !)Alic). n 1r pool. En'<'T'· I Th N fl YOUR DUPLEX water •)'item. Extra lgc. , WHAT IS7 . Lachenmyer Rt' dlcor Thi~ :\Ir~ \'('I'll(' ilflu).(' hu~ 1;1111 (ti ho1ll!! \\ llh Plide. s e am• . C110tl..e your own d!OOrl dbl. aaraae v.·/clec. ope:ne.r. . REAL TORS TRl1LEX CLOSI OUT Iii 4 ~lroon1, fan1lly r'l'IQni, !'po_llt'SS, Only J.19.000.00. • l'op \11.lue 11 the 1ame! Call Crt>at 3 bedroom unit pl~ a ~~ant':~alltJ~~:~ 962-44.54 lluge. 3 BR, 2 BA unit.. BeM Awi~D :~A).~:~!Kt UJ,IXIO Fl1tJ.. PRICE hru.,,.1-palntM lih· In lhr ltu!ih. u11 quick 11bou'I tt\11 t-xu·ll 2 lk>dl'OOm unit. Ne11.r park. $139 500 rem al area. Walle 1o tchoolt. and uz, ';.i,ra.1 with owr .,, SlllO move tn. All adult buit1-1n k 111. h" n. 11u CALL 963-6767 ~arp. highly upgradtd hon1" s1~·ps to 111e bt'ach. TrH 1iC;' TH-"'•AS shops & church~. Uve ln acne o1 ...... -lhM .__, ,,_,"' ~,11., Rent tor J dt't'Or11.1t'd h,1· ~n 11 r l oPf.N rrt 9, 1rs ,~ ro BE NICE' :¥o~~b~e ~~ar~[ "B'\.v lined 8ll"'t('t, \\~e'll fhUSl'I II \IM one allnOll rent free. Hurry, hl\vtt to "m;;;, Clv'9U'p'f it•i roonws.. Jt ' fOltl'S. S2IS tr11t'hf'r~ 1''11nlru<ll(' vari!. [ lei. · • ., .. 1 · In your tA.~lt Call ~ R Ito OLD WORLD won't hlSt $48,!kW!! Submit ,-., ... m n --~. 1~1 'rni -mo. '""'udet all. hU.Re !ltlfldf" !lnrf frull .lrM'~ ~ r fHn11Jy room, formlll rltn1n". • ea f on ~clUUlf,C. call 645-11«)(). ...u IHU:\ ... ,...,_ ....... '"ITOWV1 '"' '''" ""'" ~ I """':"""' """""" ""'" Off.,.,."' if il_, ,.. w. """" n .. ,.. "'s·•"' '" ""'""<:iH!~! .. ""' WlU!!MIJ!!ILl!l1!!!"'1-I ta.ONLY tSirs001. If ;;r~~,,\~~::.'.1'.~ .. ~~!~~~'.~~ I' :;,;;~Lt ~~l;·;·E~"~ f ~ lhtrii1~11 ~7", .. o\ST,_;:,_ampllooy~;..,..""': .'. ~:"e~~:i~rin';~~u~~~: '~.;:=:=!!Co. CALL '44-7211 ''5'll!'1-.. s~·~·~c:o ... ~''11!5l!'l"'·-~I Rl"ll c~lrJ'I.'!. lt1 •• 1t0 r ~ * $64 950 ."t)()rl E&erow ~h'l ll l ~ ---="--!!!!~I! Lo>< --~ 2-~lory 5 Bedroom • 1· ···y Wl..ol You._, ... llfh~ i\lln, f»·-· llr•t Trmii ¥.ill\ m 1111 s I ve llf'll'k llbrary . true ant'll 'a ~tutlio. -11 """ ... L·1nda Isle I , M.B'44 7 211 EWPORT HEIGHTS ~~ ~:;"';.';.'iy~'~; ~:,.,,,,;..,..;~:. ~~·~~ N~~~~c::n.-' ~ c!" ~ .. "'!:: yz., w::_ l::r.r,'a.r 4 >~1n J ~>tne $60,950 privacy plu1 1 21 x 20 polntmenl only. A·Frnmc. Ocean atde. of ,.;:::::;::;:::=::::=== Mesa lot. Now lllal'l<ttQs a I Coe.st Hwy. 5009 Bruce NEWPORT CREST CONDO ~"-t ~... •~-"-By Owner/Builder I \I' •h lorninl dinin~. ru.rnlly I ~ i Htlnn. 21 ~ h11rh. \\~rkroom. Ov.'N'r rnun at•IJ . .llAAL1'° 1 ~nt. OPEN SAT A SAcrlrtce Pinnt lllu..,.-..,.."',~"vutc. """""" 5250 OOO mmt .t r!f.n (h·.-r 211/Xl ioct. , (IPF;;'l. •. l\,\T & .c.n.·:-: 1·5 $li,950. C:nll Rt'1:1 Corpct. 'IW I . SUN 2-6 lO build throe additional • fl ''' Ju,u1 1011.; II\ 111~ 1111·il. li:?I ~lic·h?i/'>I Pl, :\pi, Hgt~. H.e:dron ~. C,I · Pool1ldc. CholCt' \CIC. Sil~ unlts. 8\lt bulld them with~ 1-;,,·•·U1•n1 T•·rn1< Com" ·~ 'f'!'. ~··r ~1!1•11111. Arty dt.Y 18 lhe 'BEST UAY lo Pattis on Investment Co. An>' d:t,¥ 18 lbt BEST DAY lo • V1u:anc1t1 COil ntt>n&yl rumt $3,&IO. }'uJI price $39.~. View, tor the k>w price of 'l.i.1 f.-.i...-11p11011 n1"11! (111! 1l.>lU21 :-;.-Jlllhr'O, run M &d! Don't dtla)'. · j 642•1011 nin •n ad! Don'l delay. your houle, a~t., •tore VacAnl. lmmcd. occupy, $30,0l'J. Call Red ~ ,,;:: ~..:'! • l'i';"': ii'1 Hr1111nr" celt todllY 64~8. call today ~I. bid;., el~. thru • Oally Pilot Xlnt tnl. It. I er m 11 . Rt"-\'°" filW080 {o pt n ctwlfled Ad. , Owntr/Acent, 64:;...3230. £vM np) I I I I • -[ -0. I 1 i J , I I i I I .. ! 1 ( I -' .... , De ba \\'ii tio Fu. ins ly rel of Po; & $3! D $4. ro1 dr: en' "" Sb \VJ Op cei &: ... Go - ... Go v Bril •n "" . .,. '" Tr L( "' c. Lal O• G, wl c 5UM&Y, O<tObtt 14. 147) iJAll.-PILOT I ·'~! _,,, .. -.. w. I~ I _,,, .. I~['-=--;;; .. ;;; .. ;;;l~;;ie 11 1===-ii;m'•; ... ;;l~;;;~ I' ._ ... ~ I~! l-. -~ .... ;;;]~~~l~-~ .. ""~;;i 1·0 .... _ .. _ • .i ___ .....__..~'"'"'· ""'-'··~1 ................. __ ,-.. 1 I~~;;; C.,. tiol ...., ~. MHa Huntl,,.ton llMch =lnftoft llMch L-._ -------1---......-----,1.\ *NEW* EXECUTIV( DUPLEX SEE IT-LIKE IT N~'W ' Br. 3 &. F&m rm, EMERALD IAV CALL COLWELL P ro perties in c FIR J Realtor-; · OPEN HOUSES 1·5 P.M. TODAY 32 MISSION BAY Beautifully detailed six be<froom Spyglass HUI Colonial ho1ne. Soft green carpeting and profes siona lly selected Wes and vinyls. Ask- ing $134,950-lease/option at $850 also avaU- ab1e. -17 TIBURON BAY Lovely spacious fqur bedroom Spyglass Hill resale with the BEST VIEW OF ANY HOME FOR SALE IN C.D.M. This home is f,..e of indebtedness-submit any reasonable plan. Asking $139,500. 386 E. 15TH ST. Adorable two bedroom "cutie" on t}le most magnificent 168' lot, zoned R-2. you have ever seen. Large trees andJ;brubs-room for perhaps TWO ADDITIONAL UNITS. '39.900. 3816 KEY.' BAY Cho ice four bedroom Lus k home with sparkl- ing pool, on cul de sac near park in the heart of Harbor View. A motivated owner indicates his price is VER.Y SOFT. We urge ~you to SUBMIT. Perhaps you could buy a nC\V Cadillac AND this fine hotne for a total of $98.500. CALL 675·7225 &%0/o LOAN AN\Unab!e by ANY O NE rect.tdlnJ ol aae, coklr. cl'tt'd or )>b ttatta, Thi• f~n1 Home 1pcclal hai; ll brlck Jftphice l t.'OVfl'ed •nclolied J>&tk>. E>clstlng !st TD it tUl,OCil, PllJ:'llble $164 nio. P.T.T.T FUU. PRIC1'~ $25,500 Haw port at Palrvlow 644-Hll l•nrllmal SP'ANISH AIANDONED ESTA Tl $3~,500 Loo1t prl\'llll" drlvi lo 1na11> nltk-ent Sp;Lnl.sh estale oi1 larve park·tUte crountls. " be<l1"00n11, 3 l.lo1Uu. Sunkc11 (llU't)' 1w111 . J\lamnMh "'*!I length Ml"C'.'pla<X.'. Banquet fon11a l dlnhli. C'a.11Uun !ch· cl\(!n y.·lt11 buUt·ll'lll. Oaken 00.nl,fer i;1aln,.·11.11C. HidL .. ll.· 1va.y n1astcr 11Ul\e with' l (fn. tl(.'t"k end baJcooy. R<!oa 'tile 1'001. NEAR BEACH. Cal l &15-o:IOO. I 01!1 \I L Ol\O\ " ' 'f ' .. ' ,., • ml SQ. Jo'T. EAC'l l UNIT Hi\S 3 BOR.\1 1 R<\.TitS. f'N>HLY nOO~I rnPt.C .~ -~rAN\' ~\S. FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART ~1·9930 •round lhl11 nd, ~au~ )'OU won 't .v.1:1nl to min aeeina thl11 11hArp l bdrn1 homf 1n OlstM ~11:111: for just $M,500. CIOM.to school1. alllO ft need lJtick )'ft.I'd, nt!w Ouv't ~ proVriun that E'ver}'onf' qlu'lllll!'!i ru1· -wlt11 $1200 dov.11 payntc-n1 .. Call for nppoin1111Pnl. 54;;..84.91 0IX'I\ -°"'OP"°EN-HOu"sE--- SA T. SUN. l ·l Brand new 3 Bed1'00m home ll'iU\ bean~ cellln a:1, ~11&rate dlnln&" 1'00111, stone l'l'l.'S. Walker &Lee ••AL,,, .. ,. li~plu<X'. cu61om cabinets & 1 l\'O 00\\'N VA huge nlaater bedroom-PLUS 1 $29 COO 2 Bectroon_i f\:nt hou110 ren-1202 So. DoU&iU in So. Sftnta 1al urrlt ~1th large S1¥1dttk. Ana Pride or · O\\nttsttip Full . .PtiCe l\23.~. 706 aa"l!a~ Jnunac. 3 Bdrm, :l $27,000 4 BR 2 liA""""' Nare1s.iius. Cd~I. Loi&: Vogel. BA. 2 rn1lc, plush shag on Bull•"r'• Closeout! Mana.'1 gct-a-v.'R)'. SWU1hine ~·93.i&. oak n001'1. lttust aetl. f.takc -. clean &: 1-e11dy I o r o::':· BROADMOOR ofler. ' ------· L.oo:dng for a clistom home, cu~U'll.'f, j1u;\ ri1h1 for FM'TAST IC p anor a ni le Costa ~esa Rtelty with a vte-.v, ln exclu1Jvc you rentPr5 to get started. ()('\Ian \'if'"'. 2 ovl•rh&.n1 \11g Since 19S8 * 548-7111 l'()mmunlty, on a ~ acre Carpels .l drapel thruoot. .. __ .. _ 4 e :\I Ba de · th.I .I'-••• ho--•. Tho-1-ll kl "-1 ....,.. .... -., r, • 1i • n, Ar1rr 6P ~1 Cull 557-4617 iv.~ ...... " ·~ uge tcncn "'th gas din'•• &paolous llvi .. ... all n1-stop b0 '. 0"'"'' 1 C "-.. ,. rm., ... JBR. newlu ·decora!Ni, nire E , c~ ·~ f range. ountry atn"10sp11.:1-e, ""-·· SepBrate gue1t house 1 ' hool 1 • ilOllls left! 11.ch nonie O· totalpe.yn1ent1areless th11.11 fOi-"•ntakl or off ice, prlee area,c0&e tosc 1,sg feri; 4 B)t, 21ri BA. ~ IX'nt. ' · dbl a:nrage~. "·Ith sundeek. Nk.ut 5 &•:Ol'I lhe markrt c/d, $42,000 11a'Ai 3 Br, + ma1dl quuttta. 2•A ru • ~·132.1 • bUliard room • dtft lNfl. today. Exira •harp. ,. \, H I I H bou kre combined v.1th ocean family rocrn, 1-story tri· unt ng on •r r vlrw vii a\'allabM! tor k've l, on l'W·de-aae 1trfft. ClcJtiC' to 11(.•hool. ll\1f!K &l'ttl 50 t .. r . \\1AT£RJ'RONT Sl7-t.OOO. galort, nncl 01lly $.i2,7QJ. llUNTING1UN llARBOUR MONARCH BAY Call ~-3:3n. B)' Owntt. <llXIO ~-tt. ~It'd· Unique 4 Br + pl us t•nµly i1l'l'l'l'UlCllll l•llllr 11t/6x44' roon1, home! ot many tex· ACROSS FROM do..:k acc"'111>1c fron1 tilh<'r 1um built around pool, th\1 SCHOOL aldfo. ~ BR. h'f muter 1uitt warm contemPoMU')' built R<>auHful C1Jrntr lot, J large v.·111·11.tcr vlev.• &: frplc. 3 li)' a.n architect r.or bJ1 o"'" un11, ttxlra llU"Kf lJvlng htith11 den J frok'1 tot·u'lal honw. Hall an ocean view In roo111, 2 BA,, move tn liht rOOn1,' lri famlly room thla private oceanfront com- ~'{lndlllon. 'l\1% FllA loan w/.,,,·~ b,1r ~·nie room, lllUllll)'. SIM,500. • 11s11um11.1>te. llcavy 11hake roun)'IU"ll, back deddn1 v.·' OPEN SUNDAY 1-S roof, neiv' paint In &. out. fire plt In Mexican tilt & ~161:? Oet-1111 Vista, South l'lfiO ill· ft. $·11 :150. Cttll bn~·k, ~~tltully land· UguM. 3 Br. & •Paclou~ 81'1-~I. ~aped. ~1>an11;b lilt l.n all gardE'n nn a11pmxlmatel>: 1,., hath1, knelk.•n Jc wet bar. acre, wi lh wblte waler VICW BIG & BEAUTIFUL ln1t'l'C('ln1 '" I Am·f'm $84,500. 2'100 sq. ri. 2-1tory, •I BR, 2 throughoot. 2 blk~ tron1 H l'.r MONARCH BAY BA. lonnal dining or r.amllv ande a ·hl.01. Parle .,,,./tenn11 TERRACE lu •~ h •-1"1 c'1Un1. $152.500. By Appoint· room, •"""' caa .., a '" merit. Tl-'!8~1551 Spectacul11r ocean v\ew lot tn FHA Joan. S296 pt"r mo. · U T In P.1.T.I. A-"'-·· .... ~. Call c1 ~.--------1 tht Tl('\\' p~r r?Tace, • 963-5S21. ...... 16 .,..., .,..... rv1ne cludE-1 5UJ'U\Y conteatporaey -P-R-IC_E_D_B_ELO_W_>_l,-\RK_ET_:I an:hltects plan. $41,:!0IJ. By O\\'l"M!'r Im mac 3 br, 2 be. In PL AN NED 00~1- ~tUNITY. lAvtly yards. ftl&.ll)' E'Xll"IU. SUper buy at 134.990. ,,,,...... l.~L..;,=<--J " • 1 1. . $119.oo:>. 1615 l..J.&:hthOUSt! Ln. !··• -~ I sq. "-· 0 IVlfli a r e a' Cd~1. &W·2369. 011Cn houge enc·""' rear y ... u, gen en THE MOSS ST. BEACH 700 ""· II. ol wood decking S.l & Suo Vi hvl>~· & lool ruom. Owon I" · on vie"' side ol hon1c, 3 car "·ill carry Isl Trust deed, no ,HH., BIG STEAL Ju&t lleps to 3 beaut covE-1. gm· .. 1000 sq. tt. of storag(.' Walker" Lee IRVINE TERRACE flna11cifli or hlah int. rates. ._.. Ne\\' sh.IU&:. &. shack . unde r house, rolsetl wood U New listing. Fabulous \"iC\v &12-7680. -V.A. No Down Pymt. Quality 3 Br. don, fai11, noors, Spn11!sh . ~tlsslon 1110 •••~ 11 '•' 1 or bay &. ocean. 4 Br. ran1 2621 STRA,VBERRY Lane. Harbour View Nl'StlOO ln the hl~ll!.:_~ ~N . ~ D.R .. Pool 4: Gtt. cabana. ln ~·nt1·y and kitchen. Open Open eves M~ 1 i. 1' nn 41~ Ba, 3 frplr·11, pool. :1 f'l:rer, Painter. Yarder & L 0 T S OVERUJUKING Owner y,·il! fln'll"\Cf! $159.t'Ol. beam (.'<'lilng11, E>xlnt lil' • s -z:F7-car I;:at·a~I!. Approx 4200 g l the-v.·hole bnll or wax. 7 Boot a«!iotl view h\ln1 your TllE. OCE,\~ BE_LO \V · VICTORIA BEACH niasler 11ulte 1\•/fnn tastlc PRIME OCEAN VIEW ft $179,300. Cull f o r roo ms runibling v"llh used \iv. r111. & din. rrn. deck. De.tail~. n.islll' 8.l\.ilttec-lul'f', Spectacular Coast VU. Dana both. l'()pper prlumbinu. Cltt· 1 PROPERTIES appolntn1cnt. hrid: front. Hu¥<! lot. Uudrr ONLY $33,000 I :~~~~~:f 0~ .. ~~· :/1i~\~ · l-'1. to P.V. Path to sant1y orn1or han:l11·11.1~ thruout. FOR SALE DAVID 0 . CARLSON $21,cnl. 5''i% loan. Asls for roofllnt"ll LGE SUN DEC!.\ cove, 2 Br. + run1P1J& RM F'arn ily mo111 \1'1 lh wrt bnr, REAL TOR 833-9293 Peg, Quintnrd -R e a It y, ENC i. Q s Eb \\'IT It for 11.dd, $97,500. and many quality l":Xtra,. B\' S''fATE OF CALIF. MOTHER NATUR_E_ 6,12-2991. \\'OODE..°' RA ll.S, TI IAT NEW WOOD & GLAS~ Sec tht>m at 12812 Barrett ,\sk for ~tr. \Vest HUNTINGTON HARBOUR :\FF'ORDS A s CE NI C Xlnt Ocp. Vu, 4 Br, Jam. nn. Lane, N. Tustin l~illl. Ci.!I IZlll Gal-3'703 Li\'l'S hel'I!! Gardm·lypc 0 1norr Po1n1 RfALlY OCEAN v1E\\'. 21.00 sq ft. Beams, tri>J, BKR a! pi'Operty, &12·5141 . honie 3 bdnns. 2 baths, \V l d · nffi 3 BDR;\I & 2nd TD ~=~:'!!!!!~ or 6-15-6&16. Open House Back Bay Uencf than n~v. Lo\·ely ! B\' Q\1·ner, clO&e to ~tarina. 1714/~i~'i8;2l~~v~2.:z.i6 I J~N e&g DINING Mti:A =~e. '~~-' ' 1.:.WJfi~y;_u:f.libl ~EAREi~[~FF s:~~B~; .. :r;~~ 57~~~:·~~;::: E~~~ff{.&i~~r~;z; ·~!!~! L~-~~~.~y ~?#.~~~~ !:~\~~::~:r· ~,,·-bl• ea•t•!•-•--ai•-.. entttt. ""·inn & comfort.able OPEN 12-5 Sat &: Sun, 291 5 ' "ONm!S N ~' -c·,0-..... dt.'11 ls 11. OOZY RETRE.j\T, shopll $71 900 """ ... "" ""'" ""' .... WHERE ELSE j>L ....... IC.I\ ... H.'1 ALL WOOD PANEL REM. OD. ELED Gener•f • Generel on quiet cul-de-sac st., with family hvlnii. 5 Bedl'O<!ms ~tting· Sun Dr. Harbor Vu dream oomc upgraded In ED WAL~ VAULTED 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.13 bdrms. 2 baths, beautiful or U5e one as a converuble Hills, Serenity &: Meeluslon! ev('ry detail. Owner dcsprr-OPEN BEAM CEILINGS, COTTAGE 1 1 family room with beam den or ~tudy. 3 8!1ths. An outstanding 24 hour IN NEWPORT BEACH ate. ~take offer. MASSIVE & ll>IPOSING Shi.ngie &. pitdled mot, beams w ..... ..... *"..., ... , eeillUP 1o1'00d Pe 11 e d fo1·ma.I dining room, Irie~· Hariirr Ocean Vu. 4 Br, SI'ONE rJREPLACE, from _ frpl. Quiet area 2 Br-d•n. floors ~ brick fireplace ly wet bar ln warm family · !amily rm, air condiUonin,a-I' floor to ceil~ v.·alk to buch il lOll.,, and ' -bar I ....... ......:, l"OOm. Fl'Onl and back patio pool LUFFS ~., .. " 1.: n ... __ ALL "7 - with 'w1t.Jo · BAQc ff,~, wllh •wimmlog Poo l , RACHELLE ROBERS EXCEPT THE 8 "Z·447l ( :;::) 546.flOJ BUILT IN RANGE • 19'1:i'7\'i L.,una lloocll lot with alley accea for boat therapeutic pool. water soft, REALTOR S'TS-2373 OVEN, DISHWASHER. G.E. . gas Bar-B-Q. For Sale at 4 B 3 full ,.,..,..,..,.,.. ... ..,.,..1 DISP ~ •'! blend~ or trailer. &l&ml . Open Bank A-'sal. S0.399-1 fm: SIP )'001' Seashore Soups In Cun >i:iu buy r. ·· £>•-.. .. 111 o:u eves .... ,.... ""ut Ca"" Cod Cottaae. baths, 2300 sq ft of luxury t~ther In matching color · appointment. By O\vner. JV Ti9 Ma.rtgold town honic in a presti~ ~ • tones. ~ciou11. levttl l"f!ar Bi1lbe• Island Duplex 2+1, ren1odeled &I (.1)ffin1u11itynearlynew .\\·ith ,HH,,, ~~-rNGID~L. F~~ "lit!llll~Ptl'1-w lh D L -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; r e d c c o r Rt e d. $79,500. 1."0stly lmprowmffi\8 . In a ~ property ls VA CA,._"1' & IN TARIELI ZTWllA a er D ee • 673--1658 Open house Sat & pre1nl um !Ol..'&tkm • all for NEED A A·l c 0 N DI TI 0 N .. w/ .... , vu DUPLEX Crescent Bay n.. "' Sun under Eighty thousand, "'ell, DO YOU carpeling: & custoin drapes area, sharp 2 Br, l Ba each. I 111 AL ' 1 '"'' 1 3 BRL!~~.EAIO"'P"T'"~OduNp!ex. Costi Mes. v.·e have a beauty! Please GOOD BROKER? H""IO'". D"'""'I'~ t"" ,.111v. Large hll;h celllncs. un· < TWO BEDROOM nu1.nt: '""" call for SPE"CillC'I. "'e need l!Or'e homciil to 8(>1] I $49,950 FULL PRICE dM·elopcid area, plumbed for NEWPORT BEACH I eeAVTv UNLIMITED -.0 .. P._ENHoUSE ROOM FOR LETTUCE, EASTBLUFF outside the Harbour. Call: NO DOWN PYMT. 11d1it~nal roomA ' Bia. Deluxe 2 bedroom' 2 Beautllully decorated 4 DELIGHT REAL TY 644-1133 ro ELIGIBLt: VE'fEJ<ANS. Bu1h-1n kitchens. laundry b h O 1-3 PM Sa.I k SUn TOMATOES, 'OKRA 2414 Vista dct Oro N.B. HUNTil\KJTONHARBOUR Er.tire lo..'1.n balant.-e P3Yllble areM, copper plumbinr, 13 b a 1 h "towne house" bedroo n1, 3 at execu· NO D WN New duplex, bay l>iew, Z11l AND YOU F . V 11 · I REALlY '38i. 1~r mo. incl. int. at )'c-ara old. $75.000. firm. tlve home with 2200 sq. y A Garnet. So buy your fru:1ily lhis ountiin a •l' H'};_ <;;_, annunJ ',. rate !01· DARLING CONDO/POOL \Vith central air condi~ ft.•. Excellent floor plan • • • ,,,.,1...,. ...... ,5 4 bdini hl'8ie on · !l-16-1~ j:n::1 592-28W 29,. 00 SELECTIONS "u ,....,...,. ' t""n c 11 JJB -·-r~. pa.~toral w. 2 Br, 1 Ba tioning. Plush carpeting. ~ith dilldi_ngh rooshm, bw8·~t-A~~:Oll~~:reh~e tt~';!'e; W 0 OF D BAYFRONTS ~~;;ier s:=1.'f!s~·ith A I~~ I MMllTNll Hp°",,·c'.• • I 1 -1 oasi .... y ., MISSION REAL TY rou;:ii '3,y,·n PME'iinf. San f'ull dining room, built-ins .& 1s 'va . er. 1g --m ~.-,-. ~.·,-. 1..•. 2 1 · "·th SP'ECTACU' AR 98:> So. Cult'"' H11~ I <>·-•rm Juan CapiJtrano. $2-4,so:I. ·-"'-" "" "~' " me~>; """"''"" ~ '· M he • ide kl! h 'th ..,. Ph no 1714) 494-0731 ins & dishwasher. Fami· family room, fll'eplace. added a lovely patio. The DUPLEX $79,SOO Alt this in Costa Mesa where 01 .r 5 pi c:. E>n wi __ 0 _ _ _ . -· COZ'' BAY \\Ir N 0 o \\' ly room fireplace & Luxurious carpeting & landsca~lng ill ftllperb .• The HARDESTY j livin~ is free and f!flsy. FHA bu~ltins & large eaung are~· 1 OR BARGAIN OUTSTANDING VIEW !rames the ooean w from .. ' drapes. \Valk·in closets. go.mg!' 1s a handyman 1 de-and V~ terrn' avallnble 11.l!IO ;nus 3 ~room ~rne~ric~ HUNTERS WANTED or ocean auf'iilli on rocks this 2 Br, den 2 ea sharp rear hvtng room. Loads Gorgeono: master suite. llgbt.-'DteY hate to &iv!;_~ REAL TORS I'" 5lt0 ~'" prOgram. 'Von't r=ace u~r family 11<ill Approxi~a1e1y 1500 eq , It. below. 1'hree Arch Bay home zoned tor 2nd unit. f "bo ' d ' """ .., \IP ~Y 1nave ttlffr E')ltiL!t 67S.2166 last long for $2'1,000 Call love u w·inter approaches. containing .4 ~ll, .2 home, Liv nn w/trple, 4 $69,SCXl. o cup ar s & closets . Cul·de-sac home near ~ mmti kmd tn Georw\8.. 1 ~ block 10 elementary Ba_ths, wuuns. \ou ~ t BR, 3 ba"s. paUo. Designed . Pool, patio, shuffleboa~ park, pool & tennis. Priced tu.st rig'ht at S:li.950. * REDUCED * school In pride of ownentiip build It for the askin. prl~. Jor enlertalnmept. S'l'.$,5®. 1158 ~Price reduced & putting green. $51 !50. 540-1720 All terins · rt> do\1-n to V.A. NOW $U9,900 n eig h b orhood. Vacant o! $:lS,filil. QUI ET, SPACIOUS to $41,!klO. Oi>tn &mdiy 1-4 135 000 54().1720 ·r: bu.yen BeUer hurr:v v d ' ' ' Walker P.. Lee _,.' ~, .. ,. 3 sn. ' "·lh ·--n···· Charming a er, w " I 'YOU'LL LOVE IT CALL 142 .. 253i :,~~ s:t:e~ r!!a1~5-"''l •• ,Yr. ~~~ $3~~900 c ~i' t1h ll'A111m~n•n111•1111111111111'1ll .-TCJ¥.•nhouM! wllh ";.p1cl nlce beams. 494-1S51 Including the price ,oPE.fl nL' •"'AM roe; NICEr boat mooring; furnished. 545--0465 Open eveii attractive terms. ---·----P811t~. Ain"t.u~~mol~M~~ um N. O:laM: Hwy., L8g\JM ~:.~~ox~r~~UEg~~T~:. ~:2~9,;;~! ~p~~;o~~~.~ ~ ltQ!:l~:J1111 ~;~.f,~~~;·: BETTER THAN NEW '~~In ... i~;;c:;,., Hl-4471 (B;::'IG~Jl46-ll ~~~:oficrL.tresilt room, 3 bath home with bath hon1e with forced· ~. -~~!!t~JJ Agt. 6'5--01"4 645--lJll Lease-<it-1aue/option on tt1b1 EquAI I-lousing Oppty. REAL ESTATE dramatic double-door air heating. Full 'd.in~g NEW DUPLEX. :or sale by 6 month young custom 1:1;::;;;;;:~;;;:::1 WHITE 618 S. Coaat Hwy. entry. S un ken Living room. Homemaker's kit· 10¢ BUYS owner. s1.io,ooo. ~.~~~ ~,~~et~~~~ 0 ~ CHEAPER THAN Laguna Beach 4.!M-$581---------1 room, gourmet kitchen. cben '"ith dishwasher & A HOME 673-6918 ~ • or 982-4946 Btdroomii, fo!'Vlal dlnlna RENI.~---i MANSI.ON * • YEAR OI..D BEAUTY • Laaun• NII!* Shag carpeting thruout. built-ins. Patio. Shag f "-ri 1 hon 11 "-Ibo• Peninlul• room with chanclcllen . we! $237 per 100. ls aH you pay 1-1· x 22' polished v.·ood fnmi-In lovt1y uppm-~fy5tlc Hllls, TRANSFER SALE· 4 BR ' " ' N '"" p ce o t1. p e ea 119 ha h ._ 1J t.. I h · I 1~ bl kl . I J 3 Br, Den. 2~ Bn . large hl!l · \Vrought iron stairway. carpeting thruout. U· (and a pa int hrullhl buys r, uge ... m Y roorn "' l tht~ o1\• "'a.\.'!uma e ly roo1n v.•/crac ing rp e. aide k:A v.'ith vi,.,,..s. 174,900. ~ach h.sf. vaullcd t,-elllnp. Open balcony & vaulted merous rose bush~ & thl.s 12t 00'.I home in ex· IS IT POSSIBLE to buy on self-cleaning o\·en. Under . VA loan. Used brick patio ,·,·obra!t1!,·or,1d,'.' i~ia~~~r ccu"',,",""m • OlJT'STANDING HO~tE * 1ile1floo"ni' plush! cplt a: • .!."!'' _, C d t• d k virt'( ual 11 1~~-hood NO lh!!ocea.nfron1 ro1·lesstha.n priced at $48,:.00 "'ith lead!ltolhi11popular 1'iburou ·~· "~ '-M II llll l '-··1-• ··1h enc ga en, enn a '""'• ceiling/), overe pa 10 g ar en ma e a ('(' ent ne 11;,,.,.,. . • attractive 'terms. Balboo Cow.lo. FPatures 3 pool & slzzlhi;-1o.cuzzl. 3 "' · ys c s, ""'a= 11.1 s.,,,·im pool beach club. & spri.nk1ers. 540-1720 paradise! 540·1720 NO 00~ TO THE Gt. SIOO,OOO! YESI larwin realty inc. Bedl"Xlms. 21!1 Baths. famll)' levels of huihin cmton~ e~1 .. , ''°3 Br'. 3•~ .·.,~· security ga'te. 1 >T ntw. 96$-4405 (24 h ) roo:11. b..-Ueony. UP£:1<tded feature~. NEAR TH l:: I t."vo. n l"al"), ....,.. ~s. · t M Ex I flnancln£" 2955. HARBOR BLVD,. Rcnden'OUs condon1inlun1 2 Equal HOUlling Opply~s 11·aflp.1pei· &: 11·n1er softener. BEA C H . One-of-a-kind. S\\1mmtna: ~I 11-ith ix'">flutl· ~mJ'°Bk~ 49~3611 , BR + tlcn, 2 BA. W lloor. =======:::::: Call 10 .i;ce. Bkr. 962-5.111. ful su1TOUnd1n~s. can only ' ' . COSTA MESA 540 1720 Walker 8 Lee ~~~~l~~~-lr~~~~n~l~~~~i~~ 968~~;n realty(~~chr1) OWNER DESPERATE l ~95WJ~ia ted by s .ing. ~9e~~a~hc,1. 4~ • , "••~ ,,, .. ,, tercom. ,. I e v 11. tor, etc. OPEN HOUSE !·Story lri-ple:"<. 1\s.o;wne GI SHIELDS $48,500. LagufLa N I II: u e I $i!1.500. call Haul Joflt's. BRAND NE\Y Equal llousin3 Oppty, lo:in with normal dawn. 495-5636 I General 54V-«J22 ~~~t~~~ R.E. 573.siro 01· Ea1t1ide Location ·1Mi\fE-D. PriS.SESS. As~~o~l:sEr:'LTY REAL ~ESTAT~ Lake Forest j rG;;'"';;;;'";;I;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SUPER s & s ...... ~~ .............. 4 BR, 2 BA . l!IOO sq. ft. Cptg, 3 BR, 2 ti.a. Comp. redeeor., • 5.16-1533 . (f'om1erly Englund R.E.I • NO .SHARING • I I• A quRlity built S l S home. ::BAYVIEW drps, fenCt', landscaped, ne11· carpets. Fireplace. -- -ill!! Thntla 494-8093 1 GOOD NEWS-Sunken living room. Fom1al sprinklers. Open Snt lSw1 1·5. Shady ynrrl SURFSIDE CONDO SLEEPING BEAUTY A real oew home or your own E DOWN dining at"P.8. Large central Spnciou~ 5 beclroonis with 2"8 E, 22nd St., Cf\1. 64i>-6177 $35,TJO . 10~ DQ\\'N Going! Going! Deluxe l BR, tor only $28,450 ·not a Condo. INTEREST RATES AR ramity room "ith parquet dining room, loech of stor· & 642-5290. BALBOA BAY PROP. 1~r,, Ba newly decor. Has New decor. m~rble !rpl, Big yard • big home valu!! See our two 3 Br, 3 Ba & family room du· noor. 3 family-sized be<!· nge, built-Ins, flreplace. ~~!'.!'!'!"'~~"'!!!!!"!'!"' eYerytlilng! nuns, \\'ID, re-bea ms, 11e"l, patio & yaiO. in the Lake Forest planned plex just completed. Move in & rent other roo1ns. Home m \'ac:an-t . O>nsidet' any trade or 811b-cusrori-1 BUILT HOME !lleia Verd~t Harbor frig, 1vood burning fr'plc w/ nlC1! vu. 2 Br., 2 Ba ?tt11.ny community. Only 5% oov.11. unit for $475 per mo. Built like 2 separate so you can n10YC In quick, nilt at $75,000. Good .financ· On corner lot. 01 Back Bny * SS * gas logs, Only $27,500. Call extra.'! \ncl. 11>'1~ dowTI poss. . .• YTlOYe In r\rflt &Vt"8Y-OOO Priced to sell at $44.900. Ing. area, 4 BR & 2 Ba upslalrs, Huntington Be1ch Deni!IOJl Auoc. tl73·731.I. $3!1,!!00. FHA/VA financing. 6hlo:nMesa$rll~id, .Cd'! Open Sat & Sun 1·5 CALL 842-153.5 PACJFJC PROPERTIES .. ..., Hv rn1., dln, rm., kitchen, --------'"""'"""'ilii"!"~~--·1 497·1711 L•gun• Be•ch tryslde ln Lake Foreat. • e-" 6M712 °' 67'l-lw• Fam. d'" A BR dow.,1Rh·•· ,.. • * FREE LIST • Buil..,_ 714 "" COR()DA DEL MAR CHARMER ,OPEN 1/(.t·:;:ryz jf~ Lol"S ofdo!et spAce. Lrg dblc PRlr-.fE Lakefront )ocatlon, " I It~~ '!l'~l l!T offeril\i of a Spae. 1 BR car gl'l.1'., 2 patio covers. ~ lg BR's, u P 1 rad e' i to be sold completely furnished. 2 Br + ·) 1 Baytrom Condo "'/Spec· Citrus trees. \Voodland S(.'hl ~ Gov't re~ hometl'. c:pts/drps. cent air. patio ~uest, 2 Large xatios, lovely trees. Front _1 '1 • · tacular Vu of NPll.-port Bay! district. $81,500 O \\' n e r !001e have pools. !!Onl• no . nl •o• 500 • · Pool · &I 4: I f 531-0060 YOU DESERVE dcmn pymt, various areas pn\·8.te ya · ...,.., · ouse done with eco taste, great So. of Hwy . pnl'. P. · ux. ea· 548-4732 OJ' .. ~·=~,-, N ~., . -- -----LAKE FOREST REALTY•] tures M>ldo~ av,u ebe. OME TO LIVE lN &.r,.;:m. 1 0 ...... 1:a.lion. COLONIAL 4 BR ~""-·•27-, , 831 .. 161 location. Call office for information. $72,500 F IX-ER UPPER o * BUILD INC * G ON Eq •1 · ,. o~u,111;,, ~ -\l'h61't'. sn.ooo. ..... n.e r. HUNTIN T u r OUSll & 2 story, ~ bcciroom In one of Lid I I ' SOUTH OF 17TH~ MS-9695.' Older 2 B~ hOu~ on HARBOUR HERBERT HA' INS Laguna's fine st &ec11on~. o I e '· Q.• '· EASTSIDE WALK TO larga K-2 lot REALTORS * 963·~1 LEASE/PPTION Good E~•tsidr.Jocallotl Buy !his lovE>ly I~ ol Bed· i ""'""'""'!:"!::~'"""'"""" ~ill: f11mily room. 1118!18!\·e Eight Brdroom,, l\w Baths. SHOPPING & PARK ~ Sevill e SU,5m roon1 home. STI.IXXI. AhnOf!t GOVT t1replai 3 ?aU1!i.1.D1n1~ Thlll' fantastic residence This house need~ a l!Hle $1500. 001111-$400. month RIVIERA REAL TY l'Vtrything ne111 & roon1 fol' REPOSSESSIONS roorn. ·er l1ze pa io 11·1 ('f)Jn prirN 4500 SSJ n of t.'115- Orange Coast 2600 E. Co1st Hwy., ~oNna del Mil,. loving {'are-2 bed room plus Act No"·! · 149 B ct\: r ri1 !lOOI . BBQ. P r 0 fr ll s 1 0 •11 It 11 )' rflm built Beauiv. On a 1 REAL ESTATE ,4,, '"' dining room plus ·bnby's Cout Prop. s13-j4J0 LA~ 7 ~ .. ~·a5609'· . E. !l«>-l:lS4 IZ\31 i."12-28.&5 3 " 4 8R5 l~ndscnpt.'<I. /'.tO\'I" Ill COii· ilouhlc lot llt'lli' ll'rinis courts I !"!:;!~;;~!:;.....,..,"."'"""""""'".::;::~~.:.,1 nursery -hanJ \\·ood floorr; & Coll•-Park in£•700 '".r Yel. 17Z14 Coai;t llwy., l"I.ll. For Juli Information, Call: d1tlon. $59.500 494-8003 ix'a~s 110 Via Tr'ifftc J! big kiiche~xcell('nt for ... COZY COTT.AGE-SCOTT REAL TY TARBELL, Realtors Open Sat i.: sun 1.~. $li5,ooo: Gener•I Ganeral honic or rental. $27,lllO or 2 BR. covl.'red patio, double HUNTl~HAR.BCX.JR * 546-7SJ3 * 1920 S. c.,1. H~·y. L.1:1. ()mu ~:::~~~::;~;;;::~~[~"~'"~k~o~offer. Call Red 4 BR., n£>11· carp., pnint & work 00 ,.. lt 112,JVI VETS No DOWN I "-·o .• ,.,.,.,. w111 """"'" '"'"""· · ' •· "' REAl.lY REPO cs·css10NS · ·""" ~ • · Cnl1)CT, teallors 54U'"llO't " trees. R-2 Jot. Bkr. 548-9121 .OJ 1m ~harp 2 Dr. Sou1h Ll11;t11111 21 OPEN HOUSE SUN 1·5 GOOD THINGS COME 2587 Columbia Dr. PXi-3200 or 644-4610 $l0,900 :--nr inlol'1n"'lion nTKI location $45.cnl. FIXER-$31,900 21)37 "'ESTMlN~"Tli:R, C.J\'1. IN SMALL PACKAGES 1C_o_r_o_•_•_dl_l_Ma_r ___ CUSTO~t llomr. E-sidc cul GI BUYERS o/ 11.C!S~ 1''11/\ ~ "J;\ homc1, &oach aide ho1nc', curncr Jot (IX'hll'et'n 21st & Shenl'ood) · ll ill 2 dE' SllC. 4 BR, 2BA. f nmlly l-OU:111•t • $6'2,;,ocl ~ B!l 2 BA Hv!nit dinlni.: Thu• sinn paclmge a ANXIOUS OWNER rni, dining rm, utility rni. A C'IHlll<.'r cl n lifetin1{'. Pay KASABIAN Duple:< \1•Uh -I garages & HUllR \\'HITE REALTOR. 01-e1,.' rlhl •'nr, blq;~nnt bedroom tov.·nhousc for only Owner ... .,11 he wflnts an or. 8 Ow N ~ h 11 \·!osi1111: 1·os1:. only. 3 BR . .2 vlc11• BCtl Le.rJt. executl\-e 11 111 I 'a t o . O"'Tlflr n10Vlng A n1u1t K'll! Gl"f!al Mme lor lnrge lan1lly with 18 lret' orchard. I I Walker Slee ..... l ,., .. ,, -··-•), $21 0Cl0 \Vniher d r ye r ........ v ner. r. o...tl . sc i . 1. ,.1.1v R IE 1 962.1.1•• • 2901 Nl:.l''PO!lT, N'PT Rt~ o( finn11rJ'W ~\'I. · · ' · rcr, on h!z ll('v.'ly dcooroted 646-2946. ~ r-.tarion \Vay_. B,\. BRAN J "·. cA.rpets, •• 1ti1 • ~ $81,jOO 6.,,, "'"" I e C4LL 'ANYTIM e rerrlgcrntoi· lnchttled. Hurry 3 Br, 2 Bn horne. On nrw 1mint lrrsid~· & out. Va. Bc11ch slde 2 houSt!& + e\Utl •::>--..... .1•.1 •t1111a OR ,,, ,,.3 Call Red Ca rp t> t, dealrablc R-2 lot. Tllkc a ~11ARP 4 BR, TO\VNHOUSE t•Pnt. P I L 0 T 1rans1e11'Nl. Sub-('O!"!l("l' ll)l. A FAMIL y HOME "'"'""•" "°""'" Realtors 5-16-a&IO lookkm11kc otff'l'. 1 yr nc"'· pool. dhl gnrrii:I'. BRASHEAR REALTY urbia Park S HR, lri·lll\·el. PUCE REALTY ~ Ur 3 a,, $270,00l, \\'ill 1 SALE Swi&a Chrtlet in i;cenlc MORGAN REAL TY rk·llr Sotuh Conllt Plaza & * 9611-1178 * xlnl nt•ig1ihoi1lood, nr 4!»-9i!>I 4!»-97:':1 p111lr;, \Tia ' Lido so ud ·1 Jdylhvilrl. Sleeps IG, 3 bft. 67""459 sch. $29,500. 5 percent down. "'ii\liiii"'"~""iiii;;;;;"'""'"' I schools, parks. t e n n i • _ . -_ • _ 1\ &erea. Either sing\(' 673-6642 5.51..s261. -, ATTN FHA courts. blkll !rnll, Rs!!uine **°'EAN VIEWtt $122,;,ooPl.ER & SLIP CDM BEACH CON-co-221 02 B'uvERS 6'A· VA !nan. by 011oncr. No l-1JIJ,ontv.'1'.lkk!1.2 Btdroo1ns, ',,_ 1110000 "'Ill dwell ill.li[ or duplex. Idelll for MESA Verde Country Club agts. OOZ-0186. JI.I.I Illlth~ ftNplnC"C. 4 Ur, • Uil, • • " I '"'"'":::::~'::'~:::':'""'""I l;~~~41'7 ' .... ,. ~,(0)2233. O"m r A.Jp lnt 2"''ellng,2Cl~~a Colli ·e, vUls. 3 Ur, 21, ba. 3005 4 ~. 1"11 Sarti Huntln11t:· f'OR Sa.le bv 011·ner; Jfo111e T"ria-d Ill $42.000. lra!W "·\th flm1 ol lion Lachenmyer' Rc ~lt or ,,..~ "' 11'>.r-7 .,.= new r, on, rpc, Clubhoul!c etrclt::. 5-40-672& 1 •• , eo,,,•--n••l ·r-•-"'"•e. , 8 n--• LIDO REA TY -·,. bal "tto ~ "'"""""" "' ""-' "' '""'"" on "'llf rourse in lhn1lln,..nn l:IU)'I"!' Aa!UmNI .,,..... ... s. WOULD YOU ASSUME GOV'T LOW .. COIU'1 1· .... f ' c6.!!.' o,m -"'~---~--·~-~-~ P'.mtrFUU.. Prt!CB &AC.urt. 2 itol")', 4 Bn.•:z •• ~llSSJO:-.' ftEALT"i 4.q4.0731 33;; Via Lido, N'pt Beach St'licve thla lovt>ly 4BR INTEREST LOAN vrp! i"· v wner •->--BY owner. Prinic Easl.<;ide Wll"'~ f'!Dq"~ Ba. F"or tnfonnlll!o11 A: l BR Bch hit w/\'ir11•, nr * 673-7300 * C\lSlom home In el!Cluslve $25 900 4 IR 2 BA SPYl.it..ASS 4 BR &:UOFIR location 4 br, 2't hM. lrJil7c. I FULLER REALTY appL, en!! :,w;...o«)TS or brac.h le •bop ('(lntr $47.!ilXl BEST i•••lde house on Lido bellt:h & boat ~IP. for only little doll llOUR, r nntaatlc 23 Half Moon Bay FOREO.OSURE _ 1 r y &ES± == ~~==-..,,..,---n 11 P, 136° ooO I~e, !t RR, ~ ha, lrr pat.lo l3ell<.'Otl Bay with ~vfltf' All po' 1111i'll.'d .t 111\!IW'd Sile or lease op n, iv11v crpl, $36,500, 5-13-:.11 ~14 AJ.'4'i • ..Ml:. ~7982 Oct-a kl North nd 2 Blt l $69,!IOO.,ond owner wll11 help ,.~ h,1,~ ~, ~.-. Pion!)' '* 6M-«l2J or 614-11S2 * $30,000 on 3 Br, 2 Ba nx1rr I * PARL' VU HO~fE • \lATERfRONT bu YI! r · ,.ownBR >""1!~_ov.n. · s-nn dbl lot, I'll.a" I.Itta, Ja:m · TnH' II 8kr 'C'.• "' "'"I" '"" "' Go11'•'0\lill H u n t i II JI' ton · "' ""'"" ·" ·' "• •· .uJ. rm, fl'lrml din nn. lrg llv Ollflnct. · ICT)I. · of land here 10 l{t'O\I' your DUPLEX corntr. rharmnlg, uppt'r. Droker~7739 3 Ult, &th l", S3t.SOO Hn rroui· '\'atl'rfronl 4 nr Nor!MIWI I BR ....... S2il'i mt, 11""· ll't't har. nlany 6Co41'6. own V•~lablea and fruit. by owner. ~ Poinsettia, TAKE O\'t'r old VA loan \\Uh 11 2'1~ 114-968-3005 w/dOl"k. $12'7,500. Call tor lirol<t>t, 493.J611 hlt\n<r1. rtuimiln(, b)I a"oner. fEACi'i JN(()M& P&)' jui;:t .$182 pe1· mo. on Open 1·5 dally, 81.i'"-int. ~20l. 3 Br, 2 811. $29.0CKJ. By ~_i:___-<le1ails. C 0AS1' LI N E. FOR SAL.E B\' O\\'Jli'ER. Sl'n,noo p0011E' 6;s..19i9. rurnl~ duplex-1!• block this VA l'l'IAl.le. Call :J.Ca-Oei PRrME Vlew ~ w/Cl"'fl.t Ow'lirlA~ M&-1739 A SUME 7% LOAN &36-Jm . l.t1vtl~· Oct>11n Vu Jf<>mf'. Ill: LIDO NORD 1(1 ~n. \o"'tr unit ha111 Open r w•. lnc:on1e on l"ffl', Oil Ocean LOVEt.\" 4 BR llOlllt' llt'Rr $3!1,!JOO 3 Hit La t'lil"st14• \\'11lk BY OWNER 3 HR. 1i. AA lol, 111'10"' n111rkrl \'AhK', f!rcplnce t hullt Ira. $1$.000. --~ Btvrl. SIM.~. 6~4M8. ~\1'., ghOp'Ai & pr11·.' 1·\ub. h'• ll'l'l'U:h. Pri\'111(' pnrt\'. pa~li-d him . rni ,1/bttn11• plus S!I\"\' rtnhon1 11111rkup, BY OWNER BALBOA BAY PROP. ---, 2·2 BR <1uplexe11. f'rple, fii:fi dn. By Q\\11c-r. j.10-9542. 96.~·-;;5n. Pvt. Jtudy, !rg. k11rhen, di'-2 lr,,t Hit, 111 Uii, hii: dN:k. SO' Con1••r. UJ1uwa.I 3 b1'5, • 556-1100 • Walker D Lee ~llMlgtA. •T•,!tOO. ~It 41h The! IA&tr•t dtl\IV In ihe \Vrst. "e"EA"'UT=1"ru=t-oc=·oa'",-, "'v1" .. "·>:1o1 hixe CJ)tll, NNr Nt'hls, !d1pp'a rrp1(.'. $1:l.OOO. 499·4:!51. Af1. 6. OPl'll rrv!c. $115.000. 5~11ml. Tit..: "Ychow Paet!!:" of lt Avf'. 6t4-~92 . .a Olllv Pilot C111s1Uled [ ONLY $12.900. A bellt'h, $."16.T:iO. 536-4!£.Z •.• I\ D11 ilv Piiot Claa lrlcd Need 11 "Pad"~ Plaet fU'I ad! cl1t~in['{f. . .612-561'!1. •••'-1''1 '' r,11.."L~ln~ P\dt., . , , 8-G-5GT$ Aa. 642-5618, Ot't"11nvlew Real ty 61~~i00 PrinMJ>ll)s only. Ad.~-,C.=lt-'6"12'--"lrn=.·----~ ·~ • J.... ' _j L •' .t.' , , , , , • , • o • ' , , , 1 I•' I , ' .. , I • • , , • ! , ~ . ' ' •, • ~ f' •I "'W UAllV Ptl.,Dl ' ~. Oc1*r 141 lfll !:~~~~~~~~~·-~~~~=''.·~~~ ...... ~~11~!!11!!!!!!! ~1I --.. 1~1 _.... 1~,.__( -_-.. __,1~1 1 ~·· Hil~ -~-·-~'~ 1f -1~1,~r~-~ .. -~1~~11~~-~ .. ~-a ............ --, rn dnfun\, I ,...,..,.. IMc.h Newport 811ch N•wport Heights Commtrcl•I Comm•rclal ButiNM pl~l~tl~N="~F~um=l~11!!'-'~,2300~1~0oo~-.~r~ol~===== ·-, THE BLUffS.:.tON DO OPEN SUN. 2·5 l ::.!::;;'!!'!=:;~;;;::=;;:151:=;:P•::;ope:;rty===1;;;,51 1 vu:::-.-'-"-...:.;200~1l'a.u-Iliana Uni um. Corona d.r Mar • ' ' ... CATALINA DR. BUILDING e A CANDY t tm hDllM avail now '"' 9 l~e cuitoin built 00.ne, 12 1'bree story µrofe~onal office building. SUPPLY ROUTE n)O, leaa. Loll 01 room. 2 BR 1 BA modeled "''"'"•' ,• BR, 2 bft1.111h"'•e Finest quality on prime comer. Asking "/MturtltiiJ· ~E~· &U-'0ENl~ meeOrated. 'ca~ Cod '. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5 2657 VISTA ORNADA ""'· am. rm., " ,, CERTS"PRO CTS. -~ ,_,,, ___ , -~~o lnndry mis, & oftlct or d~n. $675,000. Assumable 6% loan. Gross 239-8366. If .no answtt leave .., .... ,,,,,, ~1uu.i viri- 4«1 , ~1ng1 n~n. v.·/c111kM11· $120,000. >l"'e or 1_A, .,.. .... ...._ rne.igea (%13) 582-$219. W ,,.-Allt•• CHARMI~~~ 1 ~ untumAdul . 3 Bdrms., family room, 21h baths; 2 frplcs. ng uvC'. • ktchf'n ., 0<0uicue, .,.e..,.. ....,. S450YEARLY.Owner'1love-.1 _,,,, -Beaulg ... ....,n . .-.. ta, Walk into a world or Olde England·, beauti· "''/nil bttllt-1ns. t11n» rn.'l.ny LAND e rler, can be worked f\1.11 or ly, 3 Br. 2 Ba. Qu1et, $85. BACll Apt, fl.Im. All util no,pet1; No child. 673-tl69 exl\11&. Mklna: SGS.500 or pa.rt dme. QuQlifi.ed 1 1'l90fl responsible person, tl o pd. C.l\f., 1ngl perf!On. 3 ijR, 2 BA. patio, Rnraae, ful wood panellng;. bookcases & oak stairway will te1u1c--0ptlon. C·2 tone. 1 acre plus. Newport Blvd. comer, will become dllttib!Jtw tor gt'Ollps. 321 Ame thy 1 t. $120 . 1 BR hse rum. C.bot. clean &: spilc1ou1, $42;>ti:iio. ... even the k.1tchen has that olde world CA.LL 0 '''·l•t4 near Hoag llospilal. lffi& nationally a<lvertl.ired 7141675--241'5, 213119&-4856. Sngl penson only. y.ny J<Me. 644-00lt, charm! Plush carpels & tile compliment the 91\iil' ,I product. You m~ keep your 4 BR. 2 DA. No. BayLront. $15Q • 2 BR~ wiruru, cnr &. rRVINE Ten' vu large, s Br, interio r decor. Private encl. patio with raised ..... PACIFIC REAL EST.A TE l::"'~i.i.1~ ~ Avall 0<.1. i;.Ja•. I>th. yard. C.M. 3 Ba ava Oct !5th. i.e ... "'ood deck for sun1mer entertainment. lb lEA t.TY 54L5828 lshed by our company. Very '375J1no. Daya f.ti;.1$70, $225 • 2 BR bse unr, big yard mo s:;oo. 831·2738 cated on greenbelt v.•ith view of bay_ from Nt•r New,•rt P••t orr1c1 ..,,..,...,.~,...,...,.,""..,~,,..,..~..,--,..!'!'!I hip income potential. You eves 548-8647 for chldm I pets, C.Ptt. • upper & lo'l\-'er decks. A new Nfering '84,500. Charming Cepe Cod-~ 166 must ba\•e J..8 hrs. per "''edt l BR yearly, Ul). Cupet & ~NDbO!f.~DS .. F~E!_ ~u:e 8:Arn~tr!'!' = r Balboa Penin. steps trom Dupl1x11/Unlt1 ,!nc,;;;;;°"';;;;";;;p;;';'';;';rty;;;;;;;;;;; I lpllf'e ttme. Catt be v.uired dmpec, ga.rap 613-BMO. 227 $ LANDLORDS $ includes gantenef. 833'-.89'J(. SCENIC PROPERTIES 67S.Sn6 beech A boy, paneled It tal• 162 • daJ.'I or eft!S. "11 lhe Jdaes Diamond. Coraetot l,Jalhoa Let us t't'nt UR propertie&. Mes. Vercl9 W£HAVE FOUN-0-beamed ltv nn. 2BR, ba, FOURPLEX )'Olil.Ollet, Yr":U1. llbe, kiu )'OU REDECORATED I Br. den. We~ all the Drach [~lrtJEX.] A TRUE CALIF. den, brid< oourtyard.179,500 24 UNITS o;alt, Be CftUlri wi1h 2 blL Bllnl trple, l'"'f•· dtt" •Inland Orange Co. open ...,,. S.t • SUn ).,\ ASSUME FH a CER,..," Xlnt loo 615.ms att 6 pm. FEE FR>'.E~ ,,., Tim• & 1$. , WXURY 2·STORY HOME or appt. 2100 's.vill• Avo'. POOL-SPANISH .. $1'50. REQUIRED Blllboe. POl!intul• $ALA KENTAL~ $ . . ES Rich in \\'OOds, cool \\1th 714-073-16('8 Gori:cous Sp:uu.,!1 t11u1U. 2-1 AT 7°/o Inve.bnent lleC\lt'ed, interest M A VERDE hand tnAde tile, Md * NEWPOR_T_H-el-gh_l_o_V_lew-profitt1.ble lnco1nt' unil$, '.! Deanioma ea.ch. Shows tree ~ available for BAYFRONI' :i ~. 4 $UO -Sm. ha-U P8Y gas. 5 BR. NEAR carpeted In. luxury formal bi:>me. Just reduced $400). A G~n1 t*lltral CO.,,ta Mc-sit lll?'le net spendable. Ex· npe.nsion, . Batha, pier, float. Winter or Wal.Ir: to beach -furn. dlnt":K rtry. ;>Br, cozy ·v.'OOd must to aee. Open house kx.'1ltloo. $11,00) JX'l' unit. celle:nt conditMln. For mof'e Information write: yrty. 973-3)39 $150 -2 Br, 4plex, m HB. COUNTRY CLUB burning. f~pla~ & best of Sn.t!Sun, 1~ 409 Catalina Only 7 1:1nf'5 ~-Pool & 1, NA'MON\VlDE MARKETING PENIN. SULA ~-Int $400 Srn pet&: child OK. PCX>L. all fn mily rm w11h v.'el bar Dr 540-17Jl A&ent 1:u .. rny111•' r~1· -'J\v, SYsrEMS , ro • mo. $210 - 3 Br, 5 mi to bch. nwn~· from formal Jiving ' ==~·---546-1600 Ot-pat'lment M tll Ju~ 15, 1974;6 BR. den, Fncd :yd kids & pets 2 car nrra All lhi!I overlooking1Newport Shore• INVESTMENT I t•z.4471 ( -1 ... "IOJ P. o. Box 5612, lge yard, view, 645-1410. sm _ 4 Br '2 ba. Goodie w/ laiJ"\\"ays. Open Sun 1-S No.J , _._ __.. &in Mateo, Ca. 94402 Corona del Mar gar, frplc, 'bring pet I: tam. ~J~'.1)111 s:. Geor;e, Big Can-1" ~~OC~ TO -~,E~~ DIVISION I . P1eMe include phone number -. . ALA R.ent1ls 642-8383 . -·=-'•). A-~17!.n1r ... JJ l .. _ bn. .nclustrial Property 1_61 N.r · S ts not asaoctated wittt t VERY choice location three --R"E--- --- ..... Xe11ly llel'Ot. in & out. Incl. w~tr-tambert ():).,owners bedroom, three bath, two F E RENTAL BOOK ¥ n~ carpets & drnpcs. I. 11~' ~ 2500-375G--5000 s .f, of "CERTS" trademark. rireplacepart~!ie .. Steps •. ..!° DROP IN & BROWSE • ~llilmllimilijlio• $4!'l,:'\OO. · Santa Ana FOR SALE .. ocean, view. ~· For exampJe: 3 Bdrm home, CAYWOOD REAL TY P~tIT. CANDY-:1r GUf.f Bkr. 675-7225. 2 bath, dbl garage, fenced * 541-1290 * Oftic~. 3 phase, immed VENDING BUSINESS in Irvine Terr•Ce y1n'li, bu 11 t ·I n·s • $250 · 8--occpy. McFatiden Ave. ')o... Costa Mesa GOOD.INCOME per/mo. New carpets. San Juen Clplstra no Newport each cation, 3 bllar to Newport 6 'to 8 hours weekly. Total '""•n• Di k I 11 238 00 Walk ID golf club or beach · , ............. ][e ) M-.. "" ~le ..... , ........ Mt MMw!lr/~Wll Minon .... Uf Mt11111 ,._ .,... .. i. . . • . • . ns "' ........................ 1• ..... l'llftllltl .................. 15' 1111.,_. 1''"'""1' ............ 1M ("""""' L•h /Cryph •..•. ,,, 1.N C-rd411 P',.,..-fy ........ 1M (.....,,. ..... _""" l.llt ........ 1" Dll•"'Ulllh w lo. , ....... HI 1to11wt It '9 _... .............. 1M 1-,.,.,.rty .............. '" lrWllllrl•I P'rtptny ...... ,.,, 1 .. Lab .... , .................... '" Mtttli. Meme/Traliltr r11111 .• 1n M-'•ln, o.wt, 11-.rl .... 114 Ora1111 CO. f"roPlrlY .......... 11' Ollf ....... P'"'""1' ........ 111 lt•lldlll, ... ,_, OrlYff , ..... , .. 1t11I •111M ··~ ........ lt:I lt11I 111111 W111M11 ......... ,. I~ D A R L I N G condo/Pool, pastoral vu, 2 Br, I Ba 1 •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiol rough sav.'11 pofK'Hng. San Juan capl.~trano. S2·1.500. Hillle McConnack, Realtor "FROST ON TRE PUMPKIN" Duplex • .. ;,. ·c Duntley, W. H. pr ce . , . ca&\. Yltite 3 Br, 2 u .. lowly Irvine Dawn & Stuff. m.2674 or TEXAS KANDY KOfif. ~ Super Terms 541hill17. PANY, Inc, 1327 Ba". I!,,~u~·,.'::,,"" ""' Walker & Lee 11 •1 JIO\v about 90% financing at CORNER IS-El Euclkl It ~ncld .. dSan Antonhoio, Te.-..~ BAY & BEACH ~••~ ••t•tr flnllflCbil 8% on a 3 BR 2 BA dov.'11-Talbert FV, \Viii sell $SAi u e )'Ollt P ne num..,.... 2T90 H1uiior Blvd. at Adams I ~--~----' 494-1""'1 stairs and 2 BR 1 B1\ up. bet.av.· Tall appraisal. C. J. M.ney to LHn 240 REA1L TY 675-3000 Bilboi lslfind 11111Mt1 0~1 .......... • Only 6 doors to beac.~. An :t.fcCormlck 645-43&3 • ~ ... ~. ""~"""""""""""I ::::;:;::;:...~:::,::;:...____ l lllS/MU w • .....-... · · ......... in I , ;-.~ Mission Viejo Cou11try style • bedroom. 2 ---~-----­bath charnll'r! "Mllst see" VJF.\VPOU-.'T tract. IO\'<'ly 4 featw'l's include hUge family BR, 3 BA home. lite yd, 3 room, 2 fireplaces, time car illr. $69,000. ~~ or Ideal summer-Y.inter rental. lots tor Sale 170 $I OOO to J3 GOO le.,,...-a..d\ LEASE~OPTION ::= ::.~ . .'.'.'.'.'.". = Qrtly $84,500 FA! $10,ooO 0A~ MoitE rn·~~c n.... VI..... Ne"o\' 3 BR Home =: = ... ~ .:::::::::::::::: CALL 644-7211 R W A y lot. f\Jll tu\.< .. ..., ...... .....,, ~.. or Ltke-ncw OuDlex. Mo,...... Trvilt o.-. ....... * membership 1 n c Id 1n Remember Avco Thrift tor home. sa. Laguna. Spack>u1 HARDESTY Chantlclaltt, Deane ' Bdr • 3 bath .,. $46,0::0 • SJ()-3738 M\'l'r kltcben, trff' shaded see at 34026 Calle De lot pl\J!'l multi-purpose bonus Bonanl.a. SJC. room. Priet'd by motivated Santa Ana a ,1~ Miasion Lake Country Club. a Real Estate Loan. Upon grounds, lovely llfta &: REAL TORS rE~lr' kE;:':~~~·;~{~? ~,;."'"."".u~:~ ~lbi~~r~~~ ~Pm :1i2~tq 1~800 .__ ... _ .... ~!~ ' ... ' . ' '· ' .. I . seliCT l\t 157.500. f"lon"I lvail! . ..CCO:..;c;'""------ GRUBB & ELLIS WANT to r a Is e a Realtors gardrn-Sl8b!e a horse! ----· ---~ ,,.,.,-.:.o<W ,,..,.," """' Mn Meyers at ~ ..._.. ,...,..., .............. • "'·...:iA.. $325. & $350. mo New 3 & 2 ..._. ..,-. .. "' ............ • 11 ACRE neiu-Huntington "'1111/&_;,. T1HR• 1 """IUG,J'· Br, homes Beaut If u 11 y tt.-"'"'· " '""""'-...... J1t GRAND OP~NING Pffwport Bay Towers ~M E r. H Cd't Ready lo mo..-e I n , -.... · · ~ · "v._ " redecotflted, 1mmac. • er. 6 Units • 7°/o 675-7080 home. mn s. w. O...hkl. $74,500 • Beach Will finance, 11ee Sun 10-t or' Harno RI 1 35 ooo _....., OCEANFRONT ~ mo. 2 •--1~. c"~"""....,., .......... 115 ur, · , , . _,., U<01.V•o .,... Cla'lflll..,.... •'"'· . . • .. . .. JM Fortin C:O., Rea llor, 1110 :\.:!Wpo1t Center Dr. BR., 2ba. Furn. -winter PLACE REALTY CM*. 11 ..... w _,...., ........ m 1 & 2 BF.DROOP.I . CON00?.1L'lilTh1 110?11ES Ba7front Homes DUPLEX $6f,500 call 641H58'7 Prime beach town location. 6 642-5000. Suite 101 OCEANFRONT furn. $275 494-9104 . 494-9729 1,....,.._. fllra.. .............. "' LACUNA Beach Lot $1.00l Nl?\vl'JOl"t Beach mo. l-.BR &: loft&. deck · Bilbo.I PenlnsUla ;::,.n:::::. ="··~~·:: : Bott SlJps Full Secµrlty HIJ:hr lsc 1 Bl~ In heul'n, Pl'• r.A)ftop BY owner 4 PDRM, bonuii units. Assumable 7% -1st sun•.c<.'k, ('Or11er .kl~. \Valk to room. pool. All extras. Nr. loan. Earns 13 % on down 1-tstaurantJ & L1c'.o Sl10ps. 2 So Cbalt Plaza $'19 000 pnyment. Corner Int. Creen- ••. (6 Lo"). Nol buildoblo 833-3440 Agt. 494-97(}1 494-9729 o.,Mx" '"'· ................ >tS ._,. ""'°* ......... . ..... ' . . .. . . . . lSt at this time, fabuloUfl view 1st TD Lo EMERALD Bay home $450 LEASE option 2 BR. 2BA, _.,._ 1111"11 •• , .. -. •• '. w Steel • concnte construcilon Private Balcont~ Br, 1 Ba . lge crptd sleep-557-9194 · ' · belt. Hurry. Call 54&-1600 lore '" ... _ or ~"·~ w·· I I INVESTMENT & future .Investment. Lee an. S mo. for 6 months.. fplc. cpl.I, drps, appliances, ,,,,._,....,. ..................... *" Hughe•, Re&.ltor 0~3-1~ Agt, 4!M-97G4 49-1-9729 1 block from beach & bav. Allf, llftf...,. .................... * ~ ~· I~':-'=,:.;::.:::....---"''-":= I ., """·· ....._ "' _,.,,.. . . . . . . . . m 2 p.rap apace1 per unit Roor top sundeck use. 2nd uni.: I Br, 1 Ba, estm ns er patio, 2 gaca..,, Comh. LAS'!' C1IANCE TO BUY DIVISION 499-1731 UP TO 90% Lido Isle On the Point. 67H846 11: .. ""' ........................ ... 8., % INTEREST 11:-• ... 111 ................ .., Mount1in, 0.S.rt .,.._. . . Cenlstreno Beach .......,. _., .................... •11 UnUS\laJ Oppor1unHy to Put· chaae Bayfront Property in Newport Beach. garage I playhouse. & DIRECT ffiOM 'ER -• garage I potting shed. O)VN · I Carriens & vegetable llN'a. Open hou~ th!s \\"keod. THE REAL 2 TD L ' LIVE ON LIDO c: . °"" ..._, ................... 411 , , c uv c. . v~ "-''" .............. ..u CABIN, Big Bear Area. 1 gar., wtiihr/dryr. Winter Ba with Pool facilities 1te111111 .. JM>r• .............. 41' ~ Resort 174 nd . oans 2 BR 2 BA bt1 k •~1 dbl $3iO a month neY.'Pr 3 BR 2 .__.. •••" ............... 421 310 FetnAnM Rd., N.B. 67l-1551 -*~L~IDO-SANDST Best buy! 3 Hd:t111~.. 2 baths: 1k'w paint Frpll'., beamed Ci?il's., shal( taJ'llPl: dbL Q:Arajl:e. 2 Bl!:s. 1'"1 beach. Communily pool & rec. areB. '48,750. 011·1ll'r anxious -lol\' as 10',~ clo\\n~ Corner Short & 35th St Lo\'cly 3 Br. 2 Ba, S & S ._ · Open ~t·Sun l-1 Ol\'rl<!;· Goldrn \\'est, niovc In--l' room. 15x26, + sleep;.,,, lowtst rat•s Orang• Co. rent&.l. $&ii). 673--2227, 213: $4QJ a month Beach side new 119,.... "' lttld .............. us u... 2 Br 1 "bl le Offl<• aentai .................. .._ loft. Priced fj,500. Terms. Sattler Mt9. Co. 79J.....0427. lOl1'te poSSl e ase llldll•trt11 1t111111 .............. .,. Private Party. 842-201-S aft 642 2171 .. , ~11 WINTER I be I So option ltttltt ........................ w 6 • ~ . ease, au. . A.gt Gl-970-I <t!»-9T29 1t•1111 W•R*' ................ • pm. Serving !Iarbor area 24 yrs, Bayfront hon1c: 4 Br, 5 Ba, · M1tct1•-1ta11• ....•.•. ..., 642-3871 · ' -clean, lmmcd. o cc up , , _ ~~-· -~ sunken liv.. frplc, fornial Income Property 166 LEASE WITH OPTION din., huge Fan1 \\'IParquPt 1-----''---'--- Lovely ~ Bi-, & Yamily 11n, floors, dsh/\11'h, ga r. $2000. dm1:n $500. nlOnth. 11•!Geni<', \\"a.lk to L.:lnd Ele111. $-12.9JO. 67>-&ljG or ~~e~e 6-~I:lM R d C rpet 50X100 LEVEL Jo1 , Quail --·-·----Beaut furn, sandy beach. 3 Br 2 Ba, 1'~am n11, de11, • a Valley cc, Nr. Terminal DON'T BORROW Pier & noat. Sl,650. 1'Ionth. vie\I', fell(.'('d yrd, bui.ltins .. , II ~) Exclus;ves Reservoir. Fca1her Rl\•er 'TIL YOU CALL US! Bill Orundy Rltr 675-6161 beaut. carpet & drapes $.'l!!l.-, Arnounc8'Nfttl $33.0C.O. Two 2 Bdrm I Ba on Project. 536-8-142 Borrow on )"OUr home ~ulti BAYFRONT • Pier 3 Br, 3 <196-42:10 or 879-0025 ~------' JONES REALTY INC. f~(~»CI I~ a Jot. JO<., Dov.'11, Inron1e Orange Co. Prop. 176 e~ ~ goodA t""'"°"'eo • ~~ Ba. \Vlnter or Yr I Y • ~:-J-;:"".!,;iii ·,i,it;;.i;.;i.ilt" : $3-~ y t1 __ ... M.., .....,,. ngc es unty N£ 7'4/~-1""16""' n~...,, 0 , I'"" .., .. ~-rJ:ini. '"'Gre~"' k>1:1'$ HO USE.S INSPECTED Full o;::ng~ l,,~1y;ux1 NO\V in m1iii-~., ,......,._. CLASSIFIED I'' ..,·· ..... ······· .. ·· .. ,·~···· 11 ' (714)673·6210 first lime Investor starter v.Titten report on physlcal SIGNAL :t.fORTGAGE CO. Nftport Be_1ch_____ HOUR.$ ~ 2001 w &.Jlboa BNC. units. conrl. or house by qualltied 1n4) 556-0lOG NtWp0r1.Dt1Qi·C.il1IQCr111llJ&tcl Commercial $52,!t..'iO fourplex. Buy l, 2, or professional insptctor. Be A""" $1lS _ Groovy UACHELOR Advertisers mey ~lace iiiiii_.., __ _,iiiiiii•I lSI 3 of lhese 2 Brm I ba. sure of (.'Ond. before you "WUl! Campos Drive, N.B. PAD. GREAT AREA! their ads by telephOne WATERFRONT _P_rope..:..._r_t~v-___ ..;... fourplexes. llYft. do"'·n. \Vil! buy,_ Ca.II 557-MSl otn' 54<>48441on Mortpges, Calil~s LrJeirt Rental Agcy 8:!J01 a.m. 1tho 5Frl:30d p.m. ~:.!~':'5~~.:::::::::::: f~ ISLAND HOME NEWPORT BEACH !!ell on <.'Onu·act or Nat10nal Home spect Trust Deeds 260 Homeflnder1 547-9641 "onday ru ay s.ci.1 ci.s .................... Sit COll\.'enlional. Rents on way Service ~::;:-u;::-:;:::;-;;o; I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 8 to noon SatW'day Tr""' · ·· ... · · · · · · · · .. · · · .. "" (714) 67 ·8210 BAY CREST NEWPORT BEACH 3 Bdrm, Family Room, 1-'nme Bayfront She to $600 per month. R c: W ~• 14 WALK to Water I Br hse, -l lr-------, 8'' 0/ loan • 'I For boat repairs & Mies $59.850 fo111"'niex. 2 Bm1 1 ba. a•I E1t1te •n~ I PUT YOUR MONEY • kW~. ta. uw pd. Aleo cosrA MESA OmcE I I~ 74 10 vat · BiU Grundy, Rltr. fila-6161 -r CM $lro H B S120 330 W Bay I BROKER 833-0780 Condominiums ~~~~lli~~~ur:~ EAXE,,cur,1BVRE I '"""old' EarnTO WORK FOR YOl:'I ~ ~ach 'iioo. Al:I 642-~78 111'--... _'_· ... _·_-__ J nge ca p an. 10% -0r more on well· hoWles. Agt. Fee. 919-8430 •";;::-;:;:;";"\)i:.:;"1~:;;;""'1-~f~o~•-•~a~l~o ___ . _ _!160~ I or conventional. East blurt only. pre r e r s:ecured 2nd Trost Deeds on ,.:;:=:::..::i~=o.:c:.=.= NEWPORT BEACH ,,~_. "'" "'' · ........... lM Harbor View Homes $6.1,000. Four 2 Bnn. 1 ba. greenbelt. Will pay ca.sh. Orange County real estate. ~VMS Unturn. 305 3333 Newport Blvd. Lid .......................... · w Great famlly home -4 bed-fC.d.r-.l.I Palermo ST4,400 BRADFORD PLACE houses on a lot blg enough Call 8$-2016 SJGNAL MORTGAGE co. • 642·5678 ~ room -2~ baths • V('ry 8~,. Ol\iicr. 1'·ee Lot _ 4 BR $2,000 SAVINGS for one 1non> house or 2 1 ~~~~~~~~~~ tn 41 55&-0lOO General IMtructlon , I'm functional fJoorplan -many niore units. Eastside. Will .:;;"";;,;:;;...______ HUNTINGTON BEAOI L ______ ...,J 1~ lm.-elv featurcs ...... q ",. 't Next lo pool & green belt, 2 In1mediate OC'cupancy, 3 h'8de for 12 or more units or ~ 4500 Campus DI., N.B. Pl H I I 1787" •-h Bl cl. ., "" .. frplc"s, cpl , famiJu rm. bac, "-I~ •IR plan •"lh ·~. I ~~"!"'"""""""""""""' ease • p .. D"l'ac v kMoll .. I ' ,... n street -.!!f'l!rr '\"ill help ti-" "'"' '-""'" ., ,..,..,.., conventional or contrac1 . Flnancill • ;:; • 540-1220 Ill nK ........ 1 nance • $75.000. Submit e>» drapes, l1111dscaped. patio in1pmven1cnt for 10',"<·151* Dcn\'n, Rents are I ;iiliiiliiiliiililiiiliiiliii~:.-Wl1.J., Buy lst and 2nd TD's WE NEED T11Mtrk1t ................. ill chaJlFl'ir, 673-7133 * 673-9212 $17,~1. FiMn<'in1,11 availRble klw at $663. per month. up to $100,!XX). Call bet\\'11 5 2 BEDROOM HOUSE LAGUNA BEACH I l~ CALL 64&-7171 l\"E\\ PORT Crl'St n~· Con· at <.><: o1o.· p1'CVfl ng rn!e.~. $85,850. r-.1es.a Vl'rde Pride ol ~ •.• 9"'-"lpl~f or 7 to 9 .V.f wit1i large fenced yard for 2 m Forest Ave. S... and....., no. Ch\·OC'r lnins, nius' sell! Call Red Carper, Realtors Ov.-nership 4-plex. 3 br, 2 ba Business ............., mi;dlum sized dogs, {v.·ell 494-9466 · · OPfN TIL 11 . rr"S FUN ro Bl NICEI Sa\·c J:inl. + r>n plan Ko. t 6~ {open e~·eningsl OV.'l\ets unit. Only Jl)l:'k Opportunity 200 1 tn!.lned & vecy obedient! I ~.,· 1 THE REAL ESTATERS :J R~ + Juuned. Pos~. Xlnl NE:\VPORT RIV IERA dov.11. \VIII sell on oonlract I--'"----'----11 ~ l 2 i\f1ture \Vorldng Adull!l SAN CLEl\lENTE Jntl·rr.<:t. will eonsidf'rGracious 3 Br, 2~~ Ba, fpl, or <.'Onventional. PRIDE OF Hau&HlwRMrt VERY RESPONSIBLE! 3o.3N.~~noReal ! l.t>A'>l' O\l!io:1. O 11· n er, f1>111 rn1, 2 car gar. ln1n1ed. Sll!:i,850. Buy all 3 of these OWNERSHIP Will take extreme!)' &'O(X1 6t:·1-l11l. Poss. SJ2.{XK). F inancing $32,950 fou rplexes. •sEl...f' SERVICE ~of~! NORTH COUNTY » . . ,,..., 'DIVORCE ! ! ! ,\n."ious O\\'TlCI' S:\YS brin~ nu! an offe-r! Great SUll'tt>r I llomf' in best Xl"wport l leights location, Lo11• cki11•n or 1ubrnlt on e:..!"h11ngC', S.15.500. Call 64.>&KlO. I oP(.V TIL V. E. Ho.uni & Co. ... [-. ........... -*-OCEANFRONT-* ~!·2~\!.:...2.To lns'pect call For detailed information on RESTAURANT H F • h~• OO Pleue roll eves. MS-78Sl dial free 540-1220 "" "'"' lhcse and oUier units call Best locae1on In 9tanlon, Te.r-ou~ um1s ..u 3 CS1Tl niaxl Opcon Sun. 1-5, -114 Oce.anfl\\n1. NF:WPORT CreRt rl Don Bernian. Broker and r1rtc potential for 011-ner/ LANDLORDS! CLASSIFIEd N1~11· ck>lu:.:" Triple..,. Choi"e · c 0 11 0 • units i;pecialist, Red Carpet Prl General loc~tion. -I t"<U' parking! E.1.:-JBR, 2•v ba, plan 3, nev.· ..t Ri>nl!ors 64~. zn E. manin1er. ced rlf't at D_.ADLINES .. ·-~,, ... ,.. 1 '\~·Ptl vac. Tennis, pool. sa.w1a, JTth S C 1 M $65, . Austlrr &ni1 Cot-$12.)..Utll pd. Nke bach, \\'e Specialize In Newpor1 DeatlllM>(or copy-' killl BALBOA BAY PROP ~flw:lk """', o~:..:c!nt,fi!.·:,•,.ail, --,01.N._E"'w~u· N ... l_T._S s"E''",:::':a..1~. 644-~~~-n gara.a-e apt. Yard. Lagwia. .~~.! .. 0.°'°o.:"', n"!!1a1Ma~~ Is 5:30·p.m. the day be· * 67 5- 7060 • a co r, ..-• ..:r, ,..,....., u • i .,...on; ~ ...... a $l~Util pd. lrg It nice 1 Br. .._.u,_ .. "'' ..,... tore publJcatiDn, except _ _ *--Duplexes/Units \VU\ Comiider Contract Beach for sale. Xlnt opp, for over garage. Corona del vice 111 FREE to You! Try for Sunday & ~1onday M\'CREST. by O\\-ner, 2800 s ale 162 Costa Mesa. Unusual riepre-rurther info ca.II 979--0718 aft ~far Nu-View! -EdiUons when deadline sq. f'.., 4. BR, r:un nn, foim f'"iatlon oppty. &hed. incom<' 8PM $'89-1 Br. near beach. View. NU .. VIEW RENTALS is Saturday, 12 noon .. ctin nn, 2 frplt..~. 2 ha. Jrg 4 NEW $5-1,000. Price $.185,000. 157., GIFTS & Honie AC!Ce990rles Frplc, pool. Laguna. 673-4030 (It 49t-3248 CLASSIFIED slnl<' foyer, kitchen _ down. 100'?~ rented now. Shop. Fabulous location. 5 S22.'>-2 Br, frplc, patio, pet $150-Hones OK. 2 Br, l Ba. 1 v:fbltins, dbl oven, $79,500. TRIPLEXES CJ For dctL•ll< SC'"All yr, lease. 552-1341 atl. SPM. ok. Bfllboa. Winter. acre for kids/pet, • REGULATIONS Call for appt. 5-i8-6125, open S "" II . S REA E TATE F"ast rewlts are ,,, .. 1 a phone NU~VIEW RENTALS Callfs =st Rental ~ ERRORS: Adverttsen \VATERFRONT house 1-5 Sun. PA•rulng 3 ne~· unil, one 548-1168 or eve ""7·6244 •-Hom-'I rs "7· 1 should cheek their ads SPANISI' t'ol-" ,. 1 0 three bedroon1s and tv.·o "" ,';;''~"=';';"'~':;' "'::;;i.~5'711?;;;=·===.:,'~n.<OJll:;;;~==•=•==-'-=3248~:;.::;;;,:~;;;;~;:.;=_;~~~~ll tlao·ly •~ -po-e--. , ,_,, pa lO 0 your pen House Sat & sun 1-5 8 2 BR flOUS • '" •• ••u ... · • II S · 2 ~\'fl berlroon1s. all v.· l th * · ES* lmm-•o'a!etf,a THE 01\-n pier "' s p. pacious 10'~ On or lease/oot. 1-· 300' lot ~ B' 2 Ba _,,1 " 1_... fireplaces and 1% bath. '"" x · DAILY P T as•wnH • '"-Y u('('Ora ,_,, Pti'TH"' bav, \11 8l11ffs Conrlo. I · 114 JY. ~~ [£ 2f / I h td • h Ch\-ner \\111 carcy llO'il-111 year Y ,m,oo'O.mr~~ • -.J. $© v.. " "B s· llabilltv for the •-t In· \\" Pu~ go lTpl g t ru-3 Br, 1 Ba, 2006 Vista 81 2•} v.•ith 2(Y,} down. Ask· • -" •u,. out, incl. Ar n.1 s ! r o n,1~ I Caudal. inf? $82,500 -hut will dis-RIVIERA REALTY correct Insertion only. ~::°::! 1!1~~1 ~~~,~~ y;: 1Can:'y Realton; GT:>-3.\1."i. rount on more lhan one l-t'l iro . That Intriguing Wotcl Game wilb a Chuckle CANCEl.LATIONS: high & beaut. floor l(I l.'l'il. ~_e1rpo11 _Crcs1 Condo tripll'x. C.all 65-7225 642-7007 645-5609 Eves. lt:it.4•' ct4Y a. POUAN When killing an.ad be trJilc. R-2 i.11. $97.500. Ownrr. Pl11n .1. n;11. 1mn1t'd. acc. Sac· OFFICE ,t,, lndustriaT bldgs~ sure to make a record 6;~?-H,; S\IOOO d11<C0un1. 4 br, 3 ha. IOO'A full. Locat-' at Q lt.orronQt th• 6 scrombled of the IOU.. NU:t.mER • fan1 rn1. pool. 1ennis. 0Y.11t'r ""' word' b.low to ma~• 6 given yoil by your ad BAY \'IE\\' 011 Hl.Uf"t' 6-12-i796. Orangl' County airport lOC-lf> till'lple wordi. Print le"ers of taker as receipt of your KP\\' tri-levf>I CTlndo 2 Br. , _ . SJ>Pn<lablc llfter \'Seaney & eoi:h in its liM of l(luorm. cancellation. This kill rkn. 2,~ b.i. Irr. nia~ll'r . f\\POR_T Ci'l'~I R~Sli!l'· n1~rnent. Bkr. 960-12-m. number must be ,_._ &ui(r, frplr. \\'l'lhllr, Ian· I Pkin 1·_ 2 Br. 2 Ra. S.>1.9.iO. !51 1 BR units. HB. Nr. I H E L N A D I sented by the adverti;r ta..-.'111' ld1L'hl'n, pool. Oren S~ •11.i-ro1111• O\·C'e: curi:ent beach. Good income. Low · In cue of a dlspUte. Son 1-4. 29$1 Qut_•dada. IBlk I "'o le p1~~;~~n1 hnan<'tni:. int. l0&n. $55,000. $10.000 : j , , I j j \\", ol Vista rlf>I Ot~I ,~ _ ~ner 1tt-rvu~<>. ON, COASTLINE, ~m _ _ _ _ . _ CANCElLATION 0 R Ea!!tbluff.l 1)-11-1133 or BAY FRONT $165,000 DUPLEX by ov:ncr, Ne"'poi't -I PLEX nr ace J br 2 b..'\; CORRECTION OF NEW ..,,_ 161)' rt,.._•p 11t1.IC'r f\'Onlll.~. J Beach. Assun1able 11,<.i or;;.1 Inc SiGO 1no: 7 ~· pC'rcenl I T E G N E l I ~BEFORE RONNING: * CONVENIENT * Br, .:i Ba + 1n1E'!l1 quarters. 1?'tn, Open hotll!e $.-lt. & inl. $69,500. Flc.'(. dn. Ownr j j j j jl kivu~ ~~!c~s amna~ ~~ l-0 BeAch, ahop!I, rl'~taurflnl . Pf-n1o;on i-\.'l>"O('"., 6i3-1311. Sun. 223 Prospect, Ne\vpon 551--0350. h h - fishing &. surfing I his BlUF'FS X Pl.<tn. $60.000. 3 Shores. 83!--0rn7. A S."IU~lE 7"'c lnterC'st 2 Br ~u~t we 81 m1:t ~:rr::: clv1rndng. 3 Rr. rott.1._11·c Bil. 21 ~ Bn. 1 yr old. 301 l\rES,\ \1f'rd<' ~ Gr 3 b!lrm , 3 house + 4' units. R00m for tee to do •o until the ad ?Ompll'trly nin100clcd. Ask-Vi.;ta Truchfl. O \\' n er car go rage, n1ln. upketp. n1ore. ~7.200 income $65,000. I T A P E A L I has apPt"ated In the IJll:! S:-,7,500. &10-HY.!O. Sal<' by ov.·ner $59,400 Ownt't MS-4562. j j j I j! · paper. BALBOA BAY PROP. !':PT CN"~I. :1 Br. 21, na. J-19--050-1. TRIPI.EX by owner. Asaume * 673-7420 * S3,000 belnl\' n1nrket. View. DUPLEX • Sharp Santa Ana S.12,000 .. T<"k GI 108n, $376. OD\1E-A·UNE' ADS: * S BEDROOMS-* T\1'~ Int , °"""'r, 640-0008. lleigti1s. Pr_ inc lpal1 only. n10. Inrome $.)25. nm. I T E E M O L I These adl are strictly T $37"""' s•n ~-I"~ cL~h 111 advance by mall Den. dining nrt'!l. l 13<1, LUXUR\' 4 hr, 21..i ba. _lg ernui, ,.JVV, ~'"" ...,,tm . .549-0U3. Prin, only. ~-,.;-.;;..;:..,;..;,,.;:.,.;-ml A clergyman, filling In a or nt any one or our of· clr11n, 5paclous 1-s 1 0 r y, fain 1m. huge ma!!ter suite. [ ~ j j j j' j baptismal certificate, hod for.. rtcet. NO ph(lne orders. CIH'rh11vt'n. Ai:.enl /ov.'TM'r. 6-K\--0166 1 L...J... -~--~--~--~-...J. gotten the dole, ond asked the ~line: 3 p.m. Frld&y, -IS9G.E!i00" lr~~~1hcn;:,,;:c~.oceMi11~ Mobt"le Homes E:m:I mother of 0 Jorge family: = ~t:rrb~~I~ 011'. i~r T 1 m 1 ~ir«tn J{tllllt>r. fi~1. ~ I ~ Y G N I T "Now this is the 30fh, Isn't lt?H fices. ..r uiit n AVt'., N.B. 11 A!)E N 9 h I I I IS I Molhen "Certainly not! It's REALTORS s~-t!\Z'.1 ,C ewport e11(' . _ . . _ only the-!.. ,~~'" ntE DAil..Y Pll..01' te· WESTCITFF --I mfl. f o r Out 01-Tov.·n Mobile Homes Mobile Homes scrws the rtght to clb· VILLA I l'l"'fl B':r_ 7141673-205~ For Salt l1S For Sile 125 I i I slb', edit, cemor or re-BY owncr-hv.:. xtra RJ)llC. ft,\l\llOR \'u Cinnel 3 brlnn. ----T U V E L 0 fuse an.v adVM.lttment, li?:B~n condo 2 BR. 2 BA. !'~~1\000; no 8i!t'nts plea~r. PRIVATE pttllo & gt1.rd<'n, l NEW 2 BR, 1 BA llvin,,. nn. ~ I j" Ii j 0 Compt.11 ltt• ClhKitl• q11oted end to change ltl rates l&'.SOO. 646--1914· '\ 1 "\'. Avail. :-Jnv. 644-4.140 hdrm. lOX.~. "'·11\nut pnl"l(!J-Adult park .,., P"Mvate _ . . . . . by fi!ltny In thli ll'lllllnl word • ~atlt\ns without JlARBOR Vfcw • 3 OR. +-BLl'FTS By OIO."llet lo 'ti Ing. Xlnt coiwl. $-ID>. firm. Mach • $16;500 Sf0..3672 Y<MI d9wlop rOfll ttip No. Mlow. prior ooticf. fam . "'!· Catrntil, ri!Vlt"r Upjlrn.rl~ 2 br & de~ f1~1% ~ Mt's&. 642-6689 11"40 ~IOBTLE hornt w/8x20 A PRINT N\JMIEltfD j' I' j; ··,7-~1 -1'""17 I' J CLASSIFIED roMtruct:on. c:'''111 '1""'-1 1 fre l11nd . s:l.l.~ 644-2·1~1 ''72 SILVERCRE.Sr, 2tc57 2 J!lllll(>ll(' roon1, C.1\1, Adil V lEnERS IN SQUARES ualLING ADDRESS ~'M__!•oul. $66,500 fH~ <ll1!10_ -br, 2 ba, furn .. 11nfurn., Jo'or · ~. CLEAN & PRETTY I HILJ:SIDF. l\'/\'U. 3 UR. f .R. OOtilll!I • nppnt, 5.'il-2579 prk, pets ok. W.00. ~7. A u,ON•SCtRN•Mswt"E,tEfTlRS j j j I j j j I I P. O. Box 1.560, II V II 4 HI 2 "\I $6.'it .• iOO. Optn l'nn 1-··· 6121~ 0 • . '10BILE Hon•• 1~ .. ~ ...... n• V CotlA :t.fcsa · u. 001e <. n, . Sr Ja tll'! Pl • i -G:llO "'" M 131L1'. Jlornf', Zls60 •• ~~ ~ 1712 Pnrl :\l11nlf'ifh l'lr4•J•'. · 1 · ·' -Air cond. Adult Pk: Con he c11.bena, 1~· l'!ll, \'acanl. 92626 o .. .., 6•Ho;1 "" ""ll '""· 1 "°""' n11<1 '' m n'"'""' mwe<1. :.11~m. . ,,._.921 SCRAM·LETS ANSW ERS IN CLASSIFICATION 900 • s.r.k1 ow.r.wy .............. ... IM WMl'll, MM ,.,,,, ...... 1tO M WMltd, l'lftNte ... ,, , . .. . 111 Ms W""ffl, M&I' . . .. . .. . . • 7'4 Htif W.llllffl, Mal' .......... tit '--.... _· .... _-~!~ ""'""'" ........ , ............ -....,ii...c" ..• " .......... ' . . . . . ., ................................. •11IN.lllt M11eri11t •..... , .. , . • IN ~ .... ...,_, .......... ... "'"'ll'VN ., ................. .,. Ill .. , ..... It .................. tit ...........~ .............. Ill , ..... ry ......................... flJ M.it!Rltf"'I "'"""""""""""''"'"' 11' MllCM..._. .................. Ill Ml-'-W•lllM .•.•.... Mtllkal-llil""'""''' , .. ,, . .. .. t:tt Oltk• ,llffllhlNl •wi,. ..... ,. . U4 .. ......,o,.... ................ in• ~ Mlclllllt9 .......... ' . • . .,. ....... -................. . si.r.. ln...,lllt, .. r ........ UJ ... ,,. ..... ,. .. . . . . .... . .... . . f)I TV, llMlt, Hf.,I, St«tot ...... U1 I ....... _ I~ P'tls, 0-11 .................. IH tat. •... ""' ............... w 0.,. ........................... 11-4 'hll" ...... , .. , .................. us "'-'ta ........... ;,.,. ......... IH LlfttlMCll ... ,, . , .•. , . , ...... , .. 151 o-........................ ,.. ... ,,, ~.~In ........ "" l .. h/Mer1M ........ ,..\.,,. '" ...... ....., .................. ... ••.ttt.'11..t/CIMI"" ,,,,,,,,,, .. ...,., ........ : ............... ,, ... ...... tU"'Dedll """"""" tM ...... s..... ......... ; ...... "' •••ft. lto11199 "." .... " ... " tlt" .__I· -_-__,JfiJ Atr.:r.rt .......... , ............. tH C•"""'1. h"1•"" .......... nl C't'<ltl. 1•11, SClllltln .. , ..... tu lltc'lrlc ca... .................. ,. Ml9lfe """"' ................ ,. ---........................ "' fr•lltrt."""' ............... ,tu .,,. ....... Vttllty ................ , -.i. ""kt a ,._.,. .. ,.. .. "' ·~--""_ .. ~]§J ._.., ........................ -ARI~ "'""""""" ff.' O• 'T."' ,,,,, ........ ,,, .. ttf ,........, IC'lro ............ "' Tfll(IU ""' .............. ,, •• Ht VMll: ,,.,,,,,,.,,., .......... Ml • A•ri LM~ ~ ................. ... .,,,. ~lt<j ' '""' ........ ... """ ·~ ................ "' Au" .. ''""""""' .............. "' ................................... ...,,..., u ....................... ... ' 7tllllfe Roon1 Fur Dtid<b"' • . • clet.n out the ran.p •.. tum that Junk Into cuh ...... Dolly Piiot 0 ... 111.J ad. CaJI 64.t-5671. I I •v • II! ,H -c 11 n 13 h 13 sX n d I " Pf No t "' I ' 3 3 ' ' ' R• ' t t e SI I c I f u ( I I , ' • i ' S1 c I Si ' • I q w ' I w c I! ' 11 ) ' 11 ' " ( ,, -~ '!' 3' i ( l I • • ., ..I ~ ' l -, I J " t E l 0 ( t ' I ( 2 • I ' II I t H ~ I I T 8 !. .. I I;, ~, • • ' I 3 I f l 3 ' ~ J L I -c J I I ~ I cl I l j I ' , Sunday, Octobtr 14, 1q73 . ~I -.. -Jte L -~--J ;miiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiii,•.-.s~ ~ . 1 Houte1 Yl'tfv"'1 . J0$ ~· Unfutft. ~ H oute•..,Unturn, 30J Ho "'UMom. XIS TciWnhouM Unfvrn. 335 Ar:iitL Furn. 360 Apt. Unfvrn. ' -'-~~-~-~.1 -~~~..:-~~--~~~~~~- Coron• del M i r Fountlln Villey. Lagun• Beac.h N~wporr Shofft Costa Me.. Cotta ,,..;. Co1t1 Mesa $160 . 1 Br. ~b' palntl \J;w,2;ir::;.~~:;r,r~~ S11S-...C\inllll ootta&e 0.11 rear 8£A0Vp0Qlftennls 3 BR &M ·-oNT_f_CE-'U.0---T ... --;;;:;,1--C-a_s_a_d_e_O_r_o_ l-*-G_R_E-ENTREE * DELUXE new Crs>t•. sml yud, h."t. Kids ok. 828-$7l or· ur hl Joi. p"' Qk •k-n, ~ 'JiA:t11tllll, cpt1t, drps, adult s«:Uon, S Br. 2 &, Xl•w 1r1pll'x unlll v. llh APARTMENTS $300 -2 Br. trplc, &lone 011 828·~. -I fJI~ .. br O('OttU \•\cw 11pt, lrg fplc S375 yr!y ·~ &12•3368 buil!·lns, C~. ftrai>H, ALI, llJ'll..ITIF.S PAii) patlol, l;&rages, laundry . hup lot. lkon11 il cham1! j Boru.t, den, 1,. b"·'1. deck. sntl ~t ok. S .Cl t pool, rec tac. SU'.l. ConL'.1<:1 Compatt bcfut·e you rt'nl 10001, 2 BJt. 2 BA. tron1 ,\tr Cond • frplc'• • 3 Swim· lllOtlo' LR<h!Gld3/Dr 1 , 0 hiktll1. yard,! blt-lns, dll}IO&al, dah•>I:;: $295-2 br, (rplc, it'll. dlnlnp: ~ •men r ?-.tr. Queen 54.9-2132 Custoru dt'sli:J'l('d, (~atwing; $200. 2637 Eldt!n Ave., CM. mlna PMll · lltellh Spa • P"1 • N P' · lo <rpi.. d-~ta. Av .. ll nn, }fg fcnctd yard. rledec NE;Vi{)'"oEci>M.TED 3 BR '.:e~w~po~~·:·~~-~~~c~o::==== • ~cioU:i ldtct1en "ith in· 64&411~. Tennis CQUrta • Gyn1 and s:m -ew .\ excep1 11ally •., 3 1·.:;• .,...., • ¥' " & "'''·' d -.1 "ghtl g --Uilllnrd Room. 1 3 n, 3 a-,.ov """ ol\)~ 2 BA, ocfan view, prlv bch IL ... u n Back Bay I BR. From 11~ n ce ""'· D<ll, , lrplc, 3 · · ' '"""' · :t:l.'i<hl Bl', 2 lla. trplc, dbl ~lub ShoNX'llUs. $325., yr BRA.ND MEW • St'pa1"&tc dtn·~ an:a -1 BR • 0 r ~1190 ""Nu"'v!iE"w"' "'"Re""' 3 BR, 28~.: ti:~c,l'.~11n•, 2 car i;ttr, Atrium. Uwrly c11,·can tse. '1'14-532-4746. l.A'ase Wl lh oprlon 10 11ur. • llon,e·llke fl!Qrai.;c DELUXI': 2 Br, 2 Ba Optx. 2 • 't" ~~O . • NTALS gur, patw, iuu .. OK. $'~ vu! I ~ all • Pt\\'lllU '"'lioii; 1210. \V/\\' Ct·pt•. !1 .. Jr. BR ron1 #• Vll.l.'A 1YORBA f • 11.,-912.'622 1. 2 I 3 Hr. Untuni. $123, $14'1, $15'1 A .'i.1o. 510\'f. rtreria, utll 1ni.;I, l\lodct'*lt lncome • Applic,oitlons We~ com<'. (MO'S FREE RENT 6't'I A,..,,.. .. ,I 10 mo No fee ~n.t 8'11--4~2l. •• ~, 3 B f I 4 BR !an1 nu, Sboreclttts, c llUie! ,,vp q\I tyl • c1-~ ~ I t'' 2 HR. 1\\'Tlh~e>• t'T'om S2.'i0 ,,,..._,., or ---~2~ · ' •ow-r r. rp t'. a'11r, Yt•td, 1,rrlv bell w/club prfyl, conv, e 2 &: 3 B<!droonu: ,,,_,.,,. &llJ'lli:C W i:tol'agc D/\\', DUI aar. Co.nipJete MEDITERRANEAN Ss>ac:IQu., New 1 Br. Aptt. PRESTIGE rental1 Huntington 8uCh PlltiO. tl(t'tplional n Ice $37:> tij 194-J~ e 2 Car Garqes e ~larble pulln1an prlv. Adulta, no pct~. Avn.il Prtv. balcony, crpt1 l drp~. New 3 Br, 3 Ba home. near fanulil)'1"(1mc. s .Jtno. c' I ~. ,. $4'ra. • Klng·U Bdml$ NO\', ~5i"JO, ( 2 l 3 ) VILLAGE CIQ!lf' to beach .le ahoti'a. bla: COrona Dench. $400 _Pl••se' He'p'. N -V EW RENTALS a n uan •P ttr1no NEW'PORT l'RE:!-."l' •Pool -Barbequtt -su1·-797-406li. Quiet atmosphe~. Z20 1701 * * * * -rt G7;'...40.1(l or ~1-~8-PHONE '45-6141 rounded "'·lrh plush land 2400 Jlarbor Blvd., C.M:. St tl.B. or call v.nytln11" New, no care 2 Br, 2 Ba Con-• WI. NIED VERY <"'rml"" 2 Br, 2 "·, 3 BR. l 1 ~ ba, 2 card gar. LD=--,1~-~-''-'--'~-scaplfli' Balboa ls lend 1714 ~ ~7·ft020 536-789?-. ~ do 'fA'k '"" '"" ..... fr,, I e ' cl' pt a. r p" up Hft Fum. ••s Adu!'' No P--OP'"" E"ER\'O \Y -• vac now r w. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE -w<'athc.red :shln"l(l'1 white -"'· ~ c...~ ·" ' •* NE\V l'\E\V NE\V ** * * * * . .,. Jaod&c11ped & fenctd )'I'd. 2 Bdrm. S:21$ 2 BOR?o.iS., !rplc. rrlvate llourJ: Jl'f'i-Tuci lG-6 I •-· 2 J3T, sundeek ........... wllh tara;e ftootd )'a1'd IGI' 2 water vu, frplc, b11ck ler-aft 5, tlfrr.1592. aalboe Peninsul• J6:i \V \\'llton G42 l9n t11nsd. All elN'. buHt-ln.~. \\.td & Th 11).7 Deluxe I & 2 BR aPt~.1 ,......,.,Y --~ 1nedlum sized do(:s, ~well race, tree• & n1uCh privacy, -· ~ Ga1·agc. Broker 675-6700 ' un. Frplt.,, dswh.r, cl08e lo I: patio only $250. ' trained & ~I')' Obedif!Ot~ I $400. mo/Hiiiie ~1cCormlck, Santa An• Hef9ht1 OCEANFR.ONT; r 0 rm" r l Br. fuml&hed apt In lnplt:X . s· V'll ' Shopping " beaC'ht>J. /t!htll•I 'tJN1VPJRSITY REALTY 2 Ma•·-wo~-\~·It Rltr '" .. ~'! -.,~ ... , U 2 crnt'd-xlnl Elu;t11d<' loc. 2 An. A11t. 'f'at•ly. Quiet l•rra I GCJe ... 11~. --t• 117'' to 1210. •~1. E. Cst. """'· 6...,. "~10 ·~·v~" RESPO'"'N·~5.;,~E,11 ' .... '"" 3 BR d o \\' c:>v.·...,.. 8 ..... i. pper Br. •· ! hbo hood Ll I &Ibo.a vo " , ..... ~ I JO#J ~., 1,,...,., ""'"" ~u._. S250 loci util. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Cot: , crpll., rps, new I .• Fumlah«I.. Winter S250llno. Quiet area Util incl'd sin. ""R r _ · ti c SmaJI Adult Complex In Lush 828'1 Alla.n1a Ave. 53&-J341. ONE OF' A KIND: l Bearooms, 2 full baths. \Valle to beach le all slK>J>- plng. Walt'r A. gardener paid,. }'early Lease, ~ Junlln<- 11•;11 t''"• --,• .. good fncd . Sngll/""i.5 ok. Avail \ Cnll ~~ Call 1168-<!950. l&lenrl 61.,...131 4 f'Ot'\.$1 Still"" I..oca!('d 5 I 8 ,,~ I "" '"""""' Y tagt>, frlllc & pa1ki. N<'v.•ly r-~ ~=------.... 3 Bocks to P99i0fl car~ of horue! remodeled. Near beach & Nov 1. $290. lsl, la&t + $100. N=.,,...,,..7'"Bo:-""----D p NE\\'. cu.,1nm z BR. 2 BA. :\!In. hY1n1 Beach & 1-h')" Plea&c! call eve~. f>IB-7881 srores. No ""!ti• or clUkh'en. Bkr. 5.18-9721. 6#4670 1 • ewport e_ach 1n1 olnt adult!!. UJO. ''ell.riy. 2'l.l 2 BR. 2 BA , .....••.. , , .$21C.. I ~G. 3 BR, 7 cu ,::::art~e. 1$175 maxJ ~11 7 I ' ,~, 9 • -6 4 5 i or HouHt Furn. or --Abalo!K'. tiW/l.1::6 , lll i::. Wth St., C."t. t-lt'1•,.ly puinted, nC'w crpt•. ~ '-'" .. ACT FAST~ l BR. I Bi\. Lrvt-: ln lhto all new Dana --51S·Ol.!7 or 6~~ dl'fls. 2 RA F'rplc. D/\\ Jl\fl\1ACULATE 2 Bedroom 213/ 162.._"',.t9! weekdays. Unfurn. JlO 5140. Kkls ok. Point tlarhnr al 1 h c SUNNY l br apl. Lit llv1n~ & $251 & Up. No pets. 'r>o =go+ 9C'tee~ f~1lly 3 BR, 2 ba, ABH , lldult~.G _ _;;:.;:,.:;,;l e:..----= CaliJ's l.rJest Rental ,\~cv beautiful "IARll'>A JN:'-! din in1g r6!!,!· ~1.:¥ \'le"" $223 1,T1 IRED OF NOISE? 1ingles. CAii 536-tTi t. ' close' 10 rg:;,1'lo.tng. ""APd'""", •. : $375. ipo. + utU!tles. ~ or ~·;;•;;e;;•;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;; II Hofrt8fln~er1 547~9641 t.lotel. 3'1902 Del Ohl<tpo St. year y. ,.;,-;i~...,. \ lllOn Gank!n Apta. 2 Br, HUl\llNGTON Bay Adull ' '" "' monthly. AM-3661. • Duolexei Unfurn. 350 1 l9&-233J L Kit ch <'n, Et-Balbo• Pe nlnsuli1 11, Ba, t.'ll>L~, drps. Pool. 1 C~ld 1 BR. Pool slngl only. $285 per mo. including H . 2s flcienci{"ll' " Apiu1nlt'Onl$. :\lature adults, 11() pell!. J iron~ OJ' mature' t.1J\e R00?.1Yone bedroom ctup}ex gardener. Credit report ~ L19uni1 ills i ~I~;~ =.~~ttr ri7'5 Co ....... a 'del Mar ll<'aled pool, ~lln.-<:t dial 2 BR, near bC'ach J.: boy $2j() ~N.LY S\~2.~1 ~10; SIOO. lnchidlng assn. ,~: unit across tron1 park and quired. Call VillRPe RMI , __ ·--·'""-'"'-_,.;;;.___ phone11, l('levlsion. !t.1Unll 1110. )'f'arly. 2283 1'ounta111 \\11y 1'.t•usr &\.\'t.r \\'/D c1;r. Crul Lennis -comer ~parate en-, Estate, 8843 Adam.!I at Leisure World, New 3 BR, 2 N~wpott Beach, 3 BR, 2 ba, bath, I a u n d r .v facilities. 67:\·21 ·15 (\\'. or l111rho1· on \\fil110n ~ -."" ·.-. •r 96."16 . ' ' tnuice : garage. $22S/n10.. Magnolia, 962-2~. car clqsed gar. $650 prl pty. Unfurrf.,.·Yl'i,y. $300~' NEAR Beach. View 3 BR, 1 lose 1 &i c II ~2846 ....r""""" -644-ml Aaf. 3 BR, 2\' BA. Own•-'• ""'.1 TI4-83G-9187 2~'1 ba, ov.•nr'• unit, CU!tt tneel ng ~n, t• . non . n BAYFRO!l:T priv. bt'ach. lrg a . 1 BR Wag nip dihl~'Jn • ..... " duplex, bearn clng, paliOB.' CJero('nlc.,._Lai:una"""nch. deluxc2,t ~:BR.lun1orun· *GREENTREE* 1 ~ f 1 t1o' 11".,: SPYGLASS HllL --i BR ln fourplex. 2 bUts beach. Laguna Niguel r k · $J 75 Con1t play in our n-6&10 . <'~~,, l'On Pl\ • ""' lnd11cpd prot. dee. Te1Tlft~ O,bl garage. Frplc .. Forced Pc, nr shops, 9:>, 6 5-6900 1ipo1·lfi~hlne. 11hopplng & lutn. 6 . . N~w tripll'x, 3 BR, 2 B!<· 1 deposit, 5JG..7827. ' ocean & nlte lite vu 8.U' heat. D/W. Patio. Avail THE 'SHORES SPAC. nev.·er 3 Br, 2 Ba, restaurarits. Wl 1~:eek .& Up~ Corona del M•r 1fu-epl8..;;7· E!d"'iAe., p!l.C ','"1· Laguna 8Hd'I $.}75/mo. Evei 1c; wknd~ ocr 14.. $29S/mo. 31t 16th Attractive "Oeefln view deck. serv, norcti. \Valk ~hooa. 516 Bring thls ad & receive $J 285. ~"" en \ e.. · · ----------~ St. H.B. 9riµ;279, 4 Bd1m, easy main1enancc. "!'~'"""!'!!!""""""'""-J ,:'~r~i•~· ~$.1~25~/I~"~·~-"!!~~· _ olf on first v.-eek's renl. 646-l4l4. . SP •mv"NG" CLEAN Beamed c:cll!ngs. Self-clean ~ Costa "-· • h I Bdrm. carnnrL P" P'tiO, I F'~\V step11 !mm Laguha 1 ehec. eye garage. Adults o~ huge fam rm. newty potd, oven. Security gate. Near :.,_;.;_;;,:._...;.,...;., ____ 1----------/ v . ,, '°'" lpecllll very deluxe bMncl LOVELY 2 BR home, frplc, ft'n.ru..1 3 Br., Balbol lslend ~ Huntington uUC re .... ...,. new crpt•.· ~d-s, all <I-. f1nc11.t Cn1'C Beach. Very I c.....,d & d...,.....,. """"' ~ach. $450 lnclude1 use of LI-LE l•land home. 3 BR, VACANT &: Waltln&: $185. 2 LOW WEEKLY RATES '[I Ro.~p. 1tdult1 only, No ""W 2 ',1,.,..., •~--....... :~ .. pt y, no pet&. Y early . ·t'· • ...,.. ..... ..,.,,. -· tt>nnUI c11s. 23682 Sid-'' Br 188 r need • " '.l.~r~~ rhil~n or pet1. Waterbeds ,.... ''.'J ..,.., .. ...,.. .... 11 • $300/mo, 434 Goldenrod RED CARPET REALTORS 3 ba & den. lovely patio, ' · e y11.rd for E xecutive Su1te1 11-s•o,1 ~,,,. All the privacy of a hon~. 2 A\'e CdM 67:J.-8289 Arlene 893-135l ney Bay, call 493-5769. furn. yrly. $600 l\to. kids/pets. d ·~· "' .-.. BP. 2 BA & t d cJtS ff ., ' evei.OCEANV ,~-=,~E~W~2~B~R~.=,,-,-.. -. 126 OPAL. Nev.• 2 BR, 2 ba. Calits Uvest P.ent11I APC:\• !'!!. hYBolr~tow, ~,0~11~ .' TOWNHOUSE LG. ntower 3 br. 2 ba fron1 both Door~. Ad~t1 :n1y: ~o 2 BR, 1 Ba. trplc, crpts, l\IODERN house 2 Bl'. 1 Ba. n_ II' G Homellnders 547 9641 uo.· .. c '"' II ~ .... ..,,in 2 B ti I I . d N .. N hlldl I ca-ted 1,.. f ---' ... folc, backylll"d W/sundcck, apt. O\'.'aJn. t'e. s. arage. -· r. rep ace, PoO . pnvate u,,.e:x. Nr. bch. bllins. pets. 01\'nM'. S400 lease. ove. 0 c pelJ, Avai ·~ ' en .. -,,.., ya.u. patio, tennis, pool, yearly Unfum. W5 ~10. yrly. 536-0411 patios. con!lncnlal brt'a.k-trplc, g11r, lnclry. $315. 491-1617 or tioll-fi636. immed. Pref cple. S235. very clean, petii ~ & 1 i;ml E ~ 333 BEAtrnFtJL, brand new, STUDIOS I. I BR' ~ 0 , ~ 675-0657. • chUd, adjoining lf<ll', Call lease, $375. 493-5969 Winton R. . u1J-l Eas!Wlt 0.1, nr Ralph's s. fast. Simcious grounds, near u">-0.>1 7. 603 Begonia. · 963-5144 or Sandy 962-4471 Linda Isle Costa Mt:sa i\larket and all shoppg. lg 2 e t'ull kitchen st.iopping & line ~ach. f'ur. • EXTRA trg 1 Br. Heated CHOICE SHARP, clean, 3 BR, per1eel cond. Ready for move In, No pets. S225 mo. M0-1151, Her· ltaee Realtors. NEW 3 BR, 2 aa home. Fnrd BR, 2 BA, cpts, dt'pl!, bllns, e Heated pool ni~t.'CI or unfurnished. from pool. From $14j, l\latun-OCEANFRONT yard, dbl gar. Peta &: 1 OR 2 YR. lease. Pier & slip 2 BR mobile home tum or OW, gar., $263 mo. 642-1:1>4. • Laundry fllCUitieti $250. Coruna de! l\1ar, adulll;, no pets. 18 8 7 2 BR. 2 BA, 1 yr IM. ti.f$1'@ children ftlcome. N r 6 Br. 41~ Ba., alr-eond. 7,!XXI unfum. ?o.fature adults. No EASTSTDE-• Free utllltleg &W-2511. ~1onrovia . 645-<mi adults, no pc?ts. Laauna beach. 1!11~ A I s u n a, SQ. ft . $3,000 nlO. pets. ~323 2 BR, liv rm, din nn, kitch, ~ ~1~ llinehs.d avall SUNNY 2 BR, Up.!ltairs apl, Udo, 31TJ5 C.O.st liv.'Y .. SHARP 3 BR, tam nn, view, nlct yard. leAse, a'-a tm- med. Don V, Franklin, Rtaltor 673-2222. $200/per mo. 6Q.-3216. Bill Grundy, Rltr 67:Hil61 [La guna Beach pri fenced yrd, attached • B~:B-~;ai sen·. · * NE~hl 2 ~ To~~se crpt1, drapery, laund mi. South Laguna. BRA..~D nu delux. 2 br,N .~e~w~po'-'-r~t...;:Sc•~·~•hc,.,___ gar, Sl!IO, 644-6034. e Phone service near na e. n10. gar, old{lr adlts pref. No C'.rpta, drps & gar. Pool, ten--LAGUNA IJ. Br. Quiet beach 3 BR, 7 BA, rear yd, childl'en • 1 !\iill' to occ11n ~~;Udryer. Can fun1 . pets. Call 11.ft 4 pm, ~ nl1, aauna &: l"lllbhse. Sch & S225-b""2bc8t•':h2NB•'·po.'1,"'1 5•1g<'. 2 cot''"1"1 •• " 00Sl65....,1• Sa !~,t81i ~ ok, no dogs. $270 mo. lsc. 1m 11~ NT 1 bl 2 BR, cptfdrp, bltins, refr, shopping. $285. 968-3473' """" ,_ • w 10res. ..,, .... ~. ..""'.-"' 18th & CN>stmont. 518-52-14 ....,.. u;i * Pt..EASA , con1 orta c, pool. Adulls, no pct. S150. NEW 5 bedroom,,.J bath, $.125-New. 3 Br. 2 Ba. frplc c'~';"~---~~-.,,,_,,,~ BACH.EL.OR.& l BR., patios, clean 2 or 3 br. crpt, drps, lJi Monte Vista l\tgr No. 5, Pl H I, I Flrepl•••, 3 ••• g•~·e duplex. 11 hlk beach. Gar. SEE &: hear the surt, 2 hr CENTRALLY located. 2 BR. frplt' s pr1v. gara._~eli -pa!io i:ar 422 Larkspur &1~ ease • P• ....... ~.... ~-Patio ho ' ti! pd Small yard. No doj1. SJj(), Divided bath & lots of 673-3687 . . ==-'-------- WE NEED S400/month. No le as e $42!>-3 · + farn rm, all Cali~tt 6p~ 5f~ · + $75 deposit. 979-9849 closets. Rec. hall. pool & · 2 * E/slde 2 Br. l \.1 Ba. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE required. Broker ~1248. features. llarbor v 1 e yJ H -b h pool tables, sauna baths, BRAND new U~pt:r BR apt, Bltn1, refrii, c r pt /d r p, PRIVATE, fenced , comer. 4 Home~. Nliwport Beactl _u_nt_•n~g~t_o_n_~--SC'c for yourself. 17301 op('n bea111 ce1llngms. $350 iwr Pool. No pets. S 165 . with large fenced yard f()r 2 BR I'"' ba f I bl · NU VIEW RENTA S -Kt'elson Ln. 11 blk \V . of mo. Realtor, 644-O. &16-047'1. emum s4zed dop < ll ' " ' P c. llns. -L New Jacuni & Htd Pool * 3 BR. 2 BA, cpts, drps, f SI ~ned .\: VttY obedienl~;e coo"-''.'.-.-*"'1,,' ,,,, c.!~!~283per( 673-4040 or 494-3248 I'. V" 4 BR, '•"'•ast''" kit~-. dishwasher & range, Nr. Beach, 1 blk N. o ater). 3 Br .. 21Ai &. duplex, hull! UPPER 1 BR, Jo~·er 1 BR. nu .,,.,., ~ <Yf'!T'V -. .. _. . ... ...,,..,, !JChools & bch. Children OK. 8~2-7848 lns, carpet1, drape1, Jots of both un fu m. No ch.lldrcn, no 2VE"a''"v"'REWSPOot1dNog!ADLEdul~. ALONE on Jot pt'!v. lncd Bach SllO-walk fmni l)&Y. ; "15.• Sff.+t10. 64t4'f.11. No pets. $300 per n'Kl. BY oceanfront. beach, sundk storage, 607 Iri!!. 833-2334. pets, heated pool, S150 + S utll pd, Sngls or rtudcnrw. • . • · .. "" .. * d i<.10 a~•s Will take extrmlely good house, $150, dbl pr. Also 3 West.cliff-Neat 1 Br, S225. Condom1n1umt 536-6133 new{lr 2 1\1' elt"gant furn nu 3 BR. 2 BA house, So. of ...., . .::occ. ('p. _,...,,....._,.. care of home! · Br, SI85. Sngls or families. Furn, lllil, f11>l. ~ml pet. furn, 315 L•guna '&each crpt1, drpG, lndt)',. patj~· H"'Y, !pie. patio" $.125. AU. elec. 2 BR. 1 Ba, 1 child Pleaae all\ eves. a.18-7881 Alt. Fee. 979-~30 Nr Oc-ean, 2 br S200 wntr, gar, nr ahops & pier $2.15. Agent 675-6900 Daily 1-5 ok, no peta. Sl75/mo. 120 <S175 max) ~IODERN 2 Br. Near beach. nice cpts, drps, stv/rerr Laguna Nituel CHEERFUL redec. 1 Br. ~2lll Adlts, baby 0 k · 3 BR, 2 ba, 2 story, Ol't!llll & Albert No 7, C.l\f. 64&-5996. $85-ptt bach writ_ furn., Adult couple. 1 child, 1 pet 2 patios. 3 br, 2 ba $300. Ocean skle of Hv.')', virw, ' bay vu. $325. mo. Ava.JI. VERY Nice 2Br apt, priv utU pd.~ ltUd9L ok. S2'l5. mo. lsl & lasL Im-f11>lc, fro:! w/gar-N01v. RENT .or lease 2 Br, 2 Ba. frplc, $250. lnc, utlla no pets 2 BR, $169. Pool, bit-ins Nov. 1st. ST.>-7498. patio, trplc, 00 dop S170 Co1t1 M.sa OCE'..\NFRONT Studio : in Spanish villa, many ti;ee1. 8Ccluded, pri\• beach. Pre! male adult. $XJO. mo 'incl Utils, Yr. lease. 491-2'19\ LOVELY 2 bdnn apt,' v.· ocean view. Newly de<.'Or. $2".lS. 1no. l bdrm w/ocean view S185. Ulll. pd. Nov. 1. fi4oH0.11 WINTER ra1e, I BR. full y crp!td, I blk to main beech. $175. Studio apt. Sl.65. 644-8478 or 4!M-4 791. t BR, 1tove, relrla, Qu iet empl. ntature ~ntleman only. College &rf.d, no pet• S135. 494-DX!. mo -2 Br, duplex-praee, med. p;ia.. 96U954. ALA Rentals 642-8383 Coh&. compl. furn. On 497-UlS. c:rpts, drps,·etc. 8't2--3546 or C u,,. per mo. 645--0739. > to help 1.~ Laguna Niguel golf course. 847 7786 Oita ,,. now, man w ""wor1t LEASE wf optkln nr bch., BRAND new H.V.H. ~fMlego !resident member 5 h Ip New,.rt Beec"n -2 BR. pl, patJo, !ncd )'I'd, $17:5 -2 Br. Me In E. 01. 1 patio, 3 br, fam. di n, decor'd model. avail Nov. 3 BR, ;t.Vail) Drps, bit-in kitchen !\fEN, amall beach hotel. 11hag. No pets. S1 75i mo. BRAND new, ocean vl t'W 2 BR. 2 bas., aJI deluxr featmu. Lease, $300. Mary Boardman, Re•ltor 414-241~ Nioe Yan:I wl pr. No ~. shag. Immac. 968-TI50. den, 28. country kit/~iun. appll's Incl. dshwhr & LRG. Luxurious, u PP er. Rooms $21 .50 PE'1" wk. Apts EASTSIDE. 531-<J'l""a.'i. ~ -~r~! ~~-lltefl. 4 Bdrm. l ba. b'plc. ,bltns. rm v.•/xtru. Form. dn. r111. re.frig. Air cond. Washer lr. Oce:an Front, acro5J St. $$per month. ~'7006. ... "' .,'"' 1<11.-""" .......-~ ~ N dow from Bay S4.50 mo. yearly ~ ·•LA Rentals 64l tifll d1 . ./ .:. o, Jee. step n Uv. rm. 110/frph:. dryer. 2 car garage \11/lrg 673--S1'29 Leguna Beech rl f' ., ""_ Or 28-5200. • 2 tllA, cpl.I/oust~ tlrp!I storage area. ~/mo--Less '3 '?ORMS., 7 BA, bltn stove, lfOUSE for rent-3 br, 1% ba, thruQut. 2·car gar., icnnis for 1l rnas's. Av&il Nov. 1. NEAR new 3 BR. 2 BA, cl0&-BACH apt at D eacent Bay 1155. up. $50. up wk. C.Olor TV. 1435 N. Coast, 494-M. LRG 3 BR, 2 BA. Fresh pain!. ~nc;I. patio. Nr. OCC. $185. 5..57-o350 3 BR. 11;1 Ba. 1paclous a.pt. Child OK. $170. mo. 757 Shalimar. New 2 br, 2ba ~ uP.(s. lrpJc, pr, $3%i. Call ~l OCEAN \1ew baetielor col- lage. Full kitchen. Yard, DO pets. $125. 673-4JS6 L ·. . • ,, ... • " ,, ' " ,1 1 ,, ... ' (;, ' ' ,, • ' • diaposal, dshWShr, w/w iltg yd, R cblld, pet oil. $191 club &. pool prlvl., lndscpd, Call 493--05a'i. ed garaJi'.. Yearly. 642-3188 crpta: & ·itrpa lbruout, lrplc. mo MPr-242.6 • $5.50 mo. 644-5686 Eves Condominiums ' or 642-14• l1e fenced yd, dbl prage. 3 8 · d 1 LOVELY , new H\H for Unfurn. 320 VIF:W ·apt. Nearly Kids It peta ok. $715. mo. R, crpts, rps, e ect. lease/s.al{I. 2 BR, den . I __ ;:;cc;::.:;;c.,. ___ = GaJ'a&'l'. Single adult o<w. only. t BR, ocean front, t'.ltan& ready $225. Incl Utlls. 729 PINECREEK 2 Dr. 2 ba, bltin11, $185. 3 br, 2 ha, blUnB, frplc, $2.85. 546-1458 eves & wkends Laguna ~l9uel Avail now. 67>1896 or i bltina, ~:Useiw~l P.1onaco mod(.11, avail in Coste Mesa $195. 64~. f13-o3825 • 1 Nov. ]1.J,,nv extras. P-f. I Gavlota, 494-1TI9 LIVES UP 2 BR Condo on golf coune. Deluxe shag, b lt-l n1, v.'8.Sber, dryer.~.S26.i. Prefer lea.o;e •• 831-1298 or 6l;HXXl8. NEW 2 Bdrm di! _K.. ~.... .,, DuP exes, Lease: w/ Option SlOO/mo, . a · ~vuuO, Jndi;cpd tennis club & pool l\fi;-SA . Verde 2 bdr. blt-ins, Uni toward purcba..sl?. Oe&n 3 poola, tenn11• etc. ,.$275. privileges, gardener lncl. t>~lsd yrrt, pfitio, din rm, 1 __ F_u~·~·~·-·~·---"-'-"-· _3.;.;55 lido Isle TO ITS NAME , •• 2 BR, crpta, drps, ran2e. \VATCH lhe txmts go by~ Over 500 I.all treefl oven, retri2. No pet•. $150. Br. Towmome. Avail now. Agent. 5f8..1290$.1c~25~m~•~·~-~~"'~"~---1 · gar .. pool ~· $22.) 549-2882 h SU9. No 1ngl1. 82814496 NEW 2 .l 3 BR. adk. condo., MOST beau!. ni.>w 3 ~1.~ El Toro Newport Beac LIDO BAYFRONT 2 Br apt. and 10 strl'am1 "1th Aft 5 pm. 968-1455. Avail now. 40ljlft Via Udo watci-ralls cl-eate a ROOMY nev.•ly dee. 2 br, l~ M e'sa Vir~: a9'lnn. pools, lenni.&. ere. $175. & outstanding bay view, 3 Br. LRG 2 BR, 2 BA. Ne1vport # SHARP 4 BR, 3 BA $295. Agent !ws--I290. 3 Ba, huge 8Ulldcck. in· B~O new ·3 Br, f~2 Ba, 2 Stiorea. Nu. crpt'g. SZT.ifmo, Nord. Open SAT 1-5. rel/Uing setting for ba. crpt._, dfllll, ranae &: 213/449-4466. your spacious new l.. or O\'l"n. 1170. &IS-6818 DWC 2 & 3 BR, 2 Ba, ;encl gar. $170 up. Renlal Ofc., n10. Jj)'lj r.tace Ave. 546-1034, 21st Newport Beach Townhoule Back Bay. Pool. NEW 5 BR, 3-Bat11. tercom. wet bar, bltnll, 2 car i:arage, encl yard, yrly: $m w\nter. 543-4R02 f'rpl, self clean oven, dbl C&rpeta I: drape11. $450. tar·: g.ar, elec. opener. carpet, Qrapes, lrplc, pool & Newport Be•ch 2-bedroom apartment. Small FURN bachelor. Sl30. O'-.;...:-'--------lpe.sok. From SliO. Fumiture utilities pd. 337C E. iar.. S37a/lae. 83l-8974 or per month. 644-1323. 1485/mo, Balboa. IH&-2725'. recrcatlofial f a c i Ii t I e ~, 833-1653. 1 . $3SO-Get·s You a J Br, 2 Ba 5.i7-T027 OAKWOOD available. Office open 9:00 Can 543-8945. GARDEN to 6:00. 2:!.oo Yahview Rd., I ON 11-fE SAND NEW rv1ne . . N ~ I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=!;;;; ttome 1n , ewport .,,l(}l'('S .,,., NEW Spac. 2 BR, condo, 1\i. TOWNHOUSE community pool .l tcnnili. be, heated pool, attchd gar, Apartment• fgr Rent APARTMENTS eos1a flfesa. Phone: 545-2300. Dena Point GRAND HlLLTO .• P_V_l,-w-, -,-rl-,.,-.,-by Cute 2 BR 11o·/stm1t l: N>lrig. Fabulous Vie"''. $2."iO. ''early. 4901'1 Seashore Dr. 6427 3229 2"" l'I ~ ,,,., ~i 3 BR. 2 baths .......... S27S Frplc, bllns, dbl tt:ar, MtiOI. pUi.ns,, ·,u~ .. cr p t, .... ..., · _ ua, """ • ~·r '· 3 BR 2 bl. tum .• ,, .•• $JOO crpt/drp. 6TM722. · ~Tm' at{ 2 ·• ...... Apts. Furn. 360 Sl million in facilities In New- port Beach, Anaheim & Gar- d{'fl Gro\'e. See our large ad undt>r llllfl1m1shPd. Ol'ENING ok. 2 Br, gar. 1195. Lt. drpt, QiS, 673--#99 3 BR. + bonus, 2% ba. $425 BLUFFS .FOR LEASFJ •-· h "'-·takie l """R II' n-H untington -c C4ll • !'i ,... • ,, on, 3 Br 2 Baths ........ }. $450 Best location Greenbelt n1gment d u t I e s opt. 64-1-6863. HA.llIDSOME Split le\'cl apt. BRAND 2 BR 2 BA 3 Br. b'plc, pool, ilbl prkng, Belboa lslend tep. dln rm. Huge den. Lrg 3 Br' 2 Baths ......... S4SO Bay View, end unit, 3 BR, yard. $285 Santa Iaebel. 4 mi 21iS ba + l(tew , S495 2 NEW Huntington Landmark Ex!Mf. Condot. Campi rec facll. Incl am & crafts. guarded tnll'. Adult& only. S280fmo. 96S-254.9. ·. \\fJNTER -124~ Gamet, Lg. ·OCEAN & BAY VI EW ne~· · romp redet. MOVE-I~ 2 Br d'" 2 ,, g•r ........, Cnts, drp!'I, h'Clc, ocean NOW m< mo • •••• om 1J42..3;39; ~?M;. • · 'k BA, util rm. $475 'mo. &M-12'" c-'I) I ' I ' · • .,.., · ., .. ,.,. Steps to Sch; Huge 3 Br, 2 \•Jew. $250 lse. 831-2600 _,.,. · u:oa=. _ .. per mo. Av1il now. 673-3245. Ba, Upper/Lower. Sunrle~k. I ~673--c::,~T.100=""~' =~~~~= OPEN Houae Sat & &ln Lrg 4 br, trplc, Woodland Jehl Dist. Leaae S275. 673-0i1Ai. 325 Elltber, CM 2 Bedrooms, 2 b a t h • Townboule. Heated twlm-&:fstf.°'· $215/m<J, ~ll 2 BR. ~. Very ' clean. Cl0&e 10: Cara.gt. Walk lo Harbor .. Plaza,. 347 W . l.11J I l'llil , ·-·--''ll.1'11il11r "SINCE 1916" l1't Westeni Bank Stdg. Uniwnil:V P#ltk, Irvine Days 552-7000 Nights * SHARP .l.4 BR, 3 BA Townhouse tsaCk Bay. Pool. F11>I, self cleail oven, dbl gar, S3i5/lse. 833-8974 or s:r:l-1653. HA RBOR View Homes - Cannel NEW 3 Br; family rm; pool, l~nis pdvll . Lease/Option/Sell ·Equity. 644-1759 81lbo1 Penln.ule bltlns, like new. $350 tum; N & d Ht1ntln-.ton 8each EAS'ffiLUIT lovely lrg 2 ~R $35 WEEK " Up SJOO unlurn. 675-j204 or -·w ee-. ' . tov.-nhouse, 2 ba, huge pt'l\', &'6-6077 V1 UNFURN 2 br, 2ba, bnght & patio, end unit, pool. Adults, • Sleeplna: Rooms !Unify, drps, hot & cold no pets. $280. ~298 TI7 RENT or Lease 3 Br. 2 Ba e HousekttPina Room.a OPEN HOUSE Sat Sun. water furn. closet ~aee Domingo Dr. CQndo unfurn. On Laguna • ocean View Apu 4831~ P.1ver. Furnished 3 Quiet & Con\·.enient 11:alore. I ch!ld, no pets.. ''-"EA~ST=B~L~U~,.,~.:--.-,7,~h'L'Jx.-2'1 NigUel gall course: (resident BALBOA INN BR, 2 BA, fti:iic, sundeck. Adult Living 51 55. 842-1689 ity, 2 Br, 2'ri< Be. Quality membership avalll. Comp! 105 Main Street blt-lrui, SJ25/n10 \V1nter or Bachelor & I BR w /loft1 * WALK m BEACH * cpts, drps, bHln11: (rplc, blt-ln ldtchen· appl's incl mB740 yearly. 645-1949. From $160 2 BR. crpts. ~. cl~ closed gar. $ 3 2 5 Im 0 . dsbwhr & refrig, drps, IM OCEANFRONT. Beam cell, Patios. Pool. .rzarage. Priv. Pat Io. Adults·. &14-&Hl'l. ' alr/cond, 2 car garage $225 0. Lux. 2 Br. Dup!tll:. . 1175/n,0 Laguna Ni9u.I Wilson. 2J.3-793-90.18 , ' 3 BR., 2~ ba ••••••. $4001450 YEARLY 2 Bt. Ne'lv\y re-1v/lf'V storage area. $500 lrlng size bed11. Wln!("I'. U4 DELUXE 393 Hamilton St., C .M. 2'll ~it. 968-ft179 OF.LUXE nc~· 3 Br. 2 Ba: 4 d~, Nu crpts, drps, Stv .. ·per 'mo. -Less for 12 mos. F.. Salboa, l-879-5991. 3 Br, 2 Ba, b!tns, trplr. Yrly 645-4411 Br., 2 Ba. StC'p!ii 1o ott"an· $145 -SHARP 1 'Pr. Gareiie. 2 BR, 2 b&, den, AJC .,, $275 Famfly w/kld ok. 4 BR., 3 ba .•. ,,,,,,, .. $425 Calif's Lrgest RenlaJ A_;ey 14 BR., 2 bath1 .......... $;1!15 frig. Adul, ta. m pets. $225., i\vail Nov. 1. Call 493--0j()5. jBALBOA 1 Br. apt. Fu J.150 838-1491 675 2949 SJ~•., ml. N. of Hntg Bch. 2 front. Crpl, drp11, fri:ilc, 675-6tl63 rn. · ; > · JOO VierDRTA. Spacious BR, bltns. crpts, drps, pool, bltns. F'ron1 SJ:lj/nlO. Yrly, · J Newport Be1ch Yearly. $100 11111 Pd· S35 PER \\"I< & up . 1 Br, 2 Br New Apl.8. 2 Br. w/beloony, play yard, carport & lndry Bkr. 67~l9ll. BLUFFS Llnda·slngle l~J 3 673-7219 or~ & Bachelors. Color TV. S:.M/mo . .3 BR, 2 Ba, 2 facll. Cpl & 1 11ml child ok. br, 2 be., cov. patkl, Atrln'l'\ BLUFFS: RE,.TAL Corona d•I Mar n1aid serv. pool. The r.tesa, patios, S23.i/n10. Ohl gar'!!, :-.lo pct'!. 842-4664 11rt 5:30. 1 BR. CrptJ. drps, itv, "''· Homeflnd•rs 547-9641 2 BR, 2 bath• ........ $325 5 BR, 3 ba N'pt Bc:h .. $575 PRIVATE horn• !'''" snals, CALL 552-7500 eoUplet. AllD 2 BR, fhcd, ~~lf N~'.'~7-;,-~~e $1~. ~150 VlS,a Ooraoo ··0eMs''. sruo10, ltll'gt'. ctuumlJ>g ~1 Ncv•port Bl., NB. ~~il~49 or sn1 1 pet ok. BRAND nu 6 unit bldg .. 2. Br :~~t. g~~~ 1;:~. f;-al~~! -DOVER-SHO"E's-End uni t, 3 Br. 71 1 Ba, fresh · .r 1 • studio. ocean vle1\·, patio & Bch $200 615-02S5 ~ld•/pet•. ""'· Ftt. VISION K & 1 S47& · decorator typco, bed alrovt', 3 BR. Ste~ to beach. Nf'\\' 2 BR, 1 Ba slngle story lrg balcony, plu~h Ol'Ml:'t' · · · Beaut. vicy,• homC'. 4 Btltms.. .l°fs· A G~NDE ne11o'ly decorattd. Shul1<":rs. drapes, cplJI. Garage sn; J!'ardcn un11. shKJ: ('rJllS, r'"-f1)1. No (Jel!I, sm ·mo. 116 '3 BR, 2 BA. bltns, frplc. 2 3 BR, 2 BA Jktuac on Tustin Ave. $250/nio. No pet!. 5'8-1238 or 542-3379 BEAUT. 4 Br. + Fam rm nr ICh, lrplc, S325 *'' M&-0071 * L.RG. 2 Br home, arpll, Atove, retri1. fnCd .vrd, gar. Adults $185. 615-182"1. 613-6267. 3 Br, fam rm. avail Oct 10th. $2-15 ~to, lit A la1t. Call 846-7459. 2 BR House. AduJt1, n> pet1. f11'/mo. 522-BBemard St, CM. "'2-073fl, • 3 hr. 2 ba, newly palntl!d, new landscape, ex:ceptlOnaJ rental. $775. 646.&222. 3 BR. 1% n. ltomc, cart>et• Ir. drapes, no pet.I. S250. month Owner/Agt, &121~ LRG 2 BR. SJX), 1 BR, $175, no Agl1, yard•. &<HS73 3 BR. 2 BA, lmmacultlte. Mliennefllt ·ocean vtrw. Ovttaiztrl :a.ell.I' 1ar~ Qblf't rttl~n!l1tl street. ~ mo. Adult• pref'd. 496-mt Sitt. RUS'T'TC" S15Ml1tl II o me , Ocffn front. 3 BJ\. ~· )"&rd, tree.a. ~ m o. 4Ba .Sl .100.~fo,Lcn.sl'. VI T P'lipatio.Oc:eansideH\\-y. thru Jw1e, SID Y rly. rlr""', dsh111hr, fl\CTI 1~•lo. 7thSt.98Z-.W:!l,X~:..J·t. blks to bi.'h. SJXI I"'" Bill Giiindy Rltr. 6';'5-6161 E-Plan 3 Br, tan1t1y nu, y,ide l\f®J~ adults. S210. 67l-mJ. 6T>3926 be';, coll frp1c gar . . I mo. U>asc. 838-9343 'grl.'("n belt $600. month. a.. I Adult SI°"''""'" El:. N · PLUSH. ~\\' Span lnp1ex, 2 sn.531~. REALTY REALTQRS OCEAN front 2 Br. 2 Ba fun1 ?lll Vista 1-fun1a. 1.ml·C'St l · · apt. 1 ' bk to beach. ON Tt-fE BEAQt 1· ""· Lu.J<J ~ uen o. BR 2 BA !lltn.~ Sha!<: ~·pt 1 .C=oi'~~-.'°'.,-..,'"°',-- Unlv. Perk Center, Irvine S.100. \Vln~r renlal11. 11~1'~ pnced furnished 3 Br in the $]}.} & tip. Ulll pr!. No pet•. \1'inter SZ75/mo. 2 BR, A. 53?.J12S aft l ll!lr'. pa.!lo: ~ mi. lo ~ach. t-.'E\V duP!e:o:, 3 Br, 2 Bft. on other call or ron1e In to seP Bluhs. SJSj. p<'r rnonlh. 2500 Sca,·iev.·, Cd'.'11. lrpl. patio, nicely furn. 4901 sno mo. 968-n48 I ?caut, Npt. I~. f'rl>lc, ~n<>d . rro~rty HouSe 612 "IOoil & BEAC Cost• Me.. •,.·ho-Dr '"2-~""" k1tc+w-n ,,. dshw'l'i:h'r. Bal ' NEW Fri2nd1 Awail In Univ. --·---.>(I.JV .. A y H ~ .. ,, "· · ,,., .u«:r LRG 3 BR. 2 DA + Pa1l•1. 116.>-1 TIR. nC'1v ~haa crrits, I !"llTldeck S350 ~-- Parle W/pools, t e n n i 11 , BLUFFS furn or unf. lovr-\y R•E "LTV 67,3000 \Vll\'TER. 3 Br llPflE'r, S2T.i 2 Crpts, drp!l. bH-ins. ln1n1cd. {fll)C', 4 hlk11 to beach. G11l1 · · · • comm. artairts. Channing 2 2 br ·"den. lrplc, prlv. patio "' ~ $30 WE Ek & UP Br 16"'Cr. sm. No pets. ()('("(J prulcy. l"r, Rt\ker & pal•\. 41j Llth St .. Hunt. I LU!\1JRIUOS 4 Br. apt, br, 2 ba, dln 1111 on l levt>l, w/fountaln. Sj(X). 644-21&1 • ~111<110 l 1 BR Apts. Adults. \Valk to Bay & Brl~lol. $1!>5 .• \igr. 9~-/1119. Bench. yearly $400 n10. Ball-100 •hag, aoar\ng beam ceiling, unf. SUPER delu..xe 2 Bedrpon1, e TV I P.1aid Service Avail. 0<~1t11. Call 847--61!.SO Ov.•rlflr. Sl60 1 BR N 1 Blvd., Npt Beach. Call frplc, sm. prdcnts, A1•11i\ PRESTIGE oommunit" 2 hr l\~ &th. Quiet ~dmt:ial • Phoni Serv!ioe -I-ltd. Pool • ' ew crp ng, i;:ar, 6'{,-,.-0342 I ed 17747 0 k ~ , • t?: , Ill! Cl t ~ In e ,..,_lldttn & Pel Section 0~ tne beach thru June. 31. :I 2 BR 1 & & 3 Br 11, Ba 3 b1k11 to to<1,,, .) b]k<: to =·~~·--,.-77-,=-..,-I mm · a '"'"' or 2 ba, lg. fl\)Tl rm, all elcd-. d if · oi;e o 1·~P g, 23'"1: Newpoct Blvd., C'! Br. 2 Ba . $.U l/tt1n. Ut1I p<l . hltn 'run•~ drps t''"''ll' ~ pooi lx>tt<'h. 51:> 7th St., Hunt. COZ'' 2 hr + d~l. % be . Porch Tcl 400·3815; $325 lease. kit, V.'fd, priv. ix'h. $390 lse, ; I (electric bu 11 l l n •, •:~0 """~ o· '4~". 967 " g\'l-835() or 54S-47j7 1 b ' . rt ,., i 21 2 Bt'h. Ol'f'I' gar. 3 blk5 ocean. TURTI.EROCK 4 Br., 2nt SU-3-173orS.18-5517 ,1n<"lpdl11g retrlg., U'Bsher & ~·;1i) • "" cu rm, C&JflO ~. -S285/mo 67 j-0098 01· b, 3 .... ,.,, '"d~". \\'al.ltd patio, pool & (AdgoodfllrSSnnrent) 3 BDR?-1. 2 BA, yearly. 2 Colll'ge Ave .. 646-6032 . WALK TO BEACH 892-5842. °"'• car ~!ll' r nlany .... u-as1 4 BR. r 2 Ba, unfurn yearly ~ "lubho"-· ,~,.~ """'· rlcpr1t from ocean Nice Und<'r nc1Y n1gn1tnt l • 2 BR "--·· I 1~7""-'~· =,.-,,-..,.,,,..,.,,,--1 l~/rarden!nf, no pell, $49,; S33(), steps fro1noce"" •tJ'NtQUE~l!~O~MES""' "-·""~'.JV\ ~SE 'to OCC & Harbor 12&" 673-2825· 778-0709 , . ' ""'';.....,.,...Sis, ~La~.,· SHARP 2 BR . .91,'edish fri•I•· .,.O<J Ci630 H .... ~"' ahopplna cent er. C I,. a n, :.. ' ' Sl !O - 1 RR duplex. PrC'I hlln!I. !!""' 16th 't. ;NU·~ shag, open bcarn cirll. b\\l n~. SPAC • BR 3 BA kid Property OU)'e 6!2-3800 BLUFFS attrac. 2 Ur. v.·alk In clMCtll, OCEANF'RONT -ljlO \\I, nu1n·ied cpl. Adult!!. !'ion· nr 847-. 007. ...1k 10 •-,~. 1, ••• 01. nto I" • • • S BAY Vu Blutf1 ConrltJ. Prime Oce r I L lean 2 b + k I N I R .. IA'. .-,, ......-'-' park. Pool. Peta. $395/nio. Joeat\on on Vl1ta Caudal. 3 For ll'a!ll{'. Sparkling new 'pac. rms v.•/hc'am C<"ll!ng11. ahn~n g. £r.>-4688 r sn~iMrs~n >.,97lo,r~7 h ;· DOG RUN -"-'~o._._>_1"'83 __ 7~'-~---t Drive py 3661 Batet. call br2hn.SB00.67'.NS35. Condo, l(l'Mt unol.ll!ltrut.1ed No tla'&s. Sl59.j(), 536-Sl\4. JlOl'C' • erage. · l'I': , · ep. ' ' t · 2 BR, Sl59. Pool. G11r. 01il<l NF.\V cvst. ()a)'fronl ~·/pri 8284493 or 897-um. , 111CW upeer Newport 8u.,v. * '*STUNNING t ,\ 2 Br. 2 2 & 3 Br. Dix Apt.!. Nr O«'lln. !»IHl358. ok. R4Z..\~. s.47-77R6. b<'h & 11irr, ~ hr/2 b&, lr111 l BR, 2 Bl ts A dra PO!:'iH . f:x('lC Townho111M:IO:m-~poMJd ber1Jns ln 11\i rm & Ba. Garden Ap!Jt. Pool . A!r. furn or l1n(. Xe~· cl'JJ!S, SPACl~US 1 Br :\I! t . • * :1 BR 1 BA ~·pr.o; drp~ BBQ. srr., )Tly. 97S--0631, bullt lni, ·f= yard a~i do. 3 Br, 2\S ba , frpl c, poot. ~n rm. + eJtlre. Jrg lam nn. rec nn. $165 A Up. 710 \V. _!!!.lint, From $2'20. 833-1288.: ~.o:t~1dt'. .C''I. nr I irh. R & 0 si lj A.~k lor' Dnle' 644-4.ilO. N 2 .,~ 'Pho $.125/mo. 6'1&-1231 , 6e-M30 All ek-c. kltcilrn, 3 SR, 18th St. Cfl1. ll llOUSE 10 bt-ach, Bachclot $1:JO/mo \\pter pd, ,j\llllUl'f' 9fi2-t17i . . ~~--~~---~I s::7~9115~...., per mo. ne NEW BhlU$ Condo. 4 Br. + 3 BA. ss;:b. Z13 ./.81-ISOO. -L F-llF-2 B--' Ir 2 BR ROOl"OOnted FUn1 <'mplO)~d uuo1an No pets 2 BR .t· ~unrrC'k. 1l<'11· cp111. ! bonus room 2 Bath!!. lm· ge U Y Urn rl f , 6•3-f..6.M) ' lilz..692', 2 HR . I BA . h11-in•. r1·n1~. rirpv .. Clt1'n. )Tly. S250 nKl 3 BDRM 2\S bft.lh h .. ., BRANO new 3 BR. 21, Ba, 8l1na, w 11', br-1tm r-c11, pool. "'° 1111 ui n. 1 • ---~ rlri~. 1 blk ti\ t.r.<'h. $17S Ad1tht Jn1mM. Oceuµ·~ dotached' family rrn.''ne~; med. occtiJlllncy. 6tt-m. d~hllC'<': condo. N t ,,... po r 1 Adib. no pets s1sa. 6~2-!1::.20. BAYVTE\r· 12'>0 ~ f1 . 2 Br. 2 f.· 3 n_n . DI( i~nt.o; ; r mu . ~>:l05.'.. ~·-'lO-ll~.s. A11;1 f>.l~ t)r W81RJ. ctpt'd, SQ>fnlO. 5S2~79. BRIG CA0NY01 S HO~r E Cre!ltt. _ _,J>dOI, 1 tenni.s 1 l\fOTF:L \pts Ju monthly 2 Rn . 2 B1il. ~I. ffips. $:;.)!) ~~~ .. n. ~~1~ orfr!;~1:· ~1 1 2 811<~ ~h 2 e r.11 r·rAr1i1·r 1700 WESTCLI FF-DR~ CI 0 US r 4 B . l A. l\m rm. s~. coortyaiu aetl ng • sing t'S • I I " ' &1'--61 11 67J-7XIO. . . . I. .. , ' ' s :.0 SPA aml1 y Lse.~!97or54UT3S or t11.mlly S.5{)0fnlQ, unr. rates. UOn10.& up. ?376 --· S.tl-1~ •l'llt 11'1,. rl(Y, Cfl.J-pt'I l . :.!H1.11 lur'l HA.llltnoap- Townhoua.e, all amenltlcs. NR. BeAch 4 Br. l11.m rm,3 $600/n'Kl luni. 644-7211, •\gt. Nt\\pon Blvd. f>lS·!ll.i.\. S11n Clem•nt• 3~nH. 2 Bto . lllltiNii:CA!lM!t• ... \ti-111~11; ~~.£._____ nl\;t11C'C~. Pool. !"~· _ S425/mo. By Appt., 552.(14()4. Bit. f'rplc, comb. f'ool, l<'n· 3 BR 2 Rn . all rtf'CI. Cnntk>. A1!RAC1'1\'E Bnrh<'IOr un it ~-, 'I~-, .,r·• , .•• ••""I I d1111, likt' !)1'11. qulct1.21~111~1 •,19: l':l.r,l,OR. ~I ?A ST11 "f'l111n flF.Ll'XF.'.1• 2 Br. J.'rplc, hlu111, Lagun• a.e01· nls, s.:m mo. &&.ISl.~. 1'11."Wt)o a'trl~o1.t«I, $J.iO mo Wr•t'S eflt'l"lllf'fl pnllo. Sl~~. \ $79 SO PER MONTH 11.1 ,,u •. n<> p<•I• ,, ~· • ·" • . " •1r-' ·1 '\ ,· r"Jl)ll. 1 rpa, 1tcPt 10 oc~an-rcnt-leDJ ~ Incl ut\l. 842-1334. · n • 11311, Pl11('('. ~~t'nt. 61&-1114 1\\1111 !Yl•\ .~12-0:\'-0, 1ront. Yrl~. Bkr. m-4911. N•wport Shores -"'"'-==· ~ " 11• • N-·urt> - - e red hill OIAf\AffNG 2 Br, rrt fum, I--'--'-'--'-;,.;;.-"'---San Juan CapJJtrano $139. 1 BR. 1-"ur, Ut\1. J'ld ~·um 11111 ~';\lk~nll rt1s:tnnt\' nrl.t'XI. 2 llr 11~•1 f'lltlo l~F\\° '2 RP., 1 B.\ In DuplM ".: BOR;\I i\fll , Nt\\1IOl'1 ,,,,,~, prage. 11 " last, ~!OD, cuatom 3 Br, 3 Bft, ---Near 110N'!!. Quit'!. Arll•J1.. lll CVt'r'>'lhlnw I l>lll.l\11'(' 1Y1uµ1r Nt1 !Jt!L' $210/nlll ~n J'W'lll :\t.'1 :'hOl't'!I. 1 ~r llj('. sin OCT.AN V\f!w, cuJ1 4 JlR. 3 $2M. 494-1941. tam rm, clbhM!/pclOI privl, N£W t BR, Condo, cpl,, 1® l'>omonn, C11f ~18-07'28 e 114 nEI. ~11\R. ~ C e $16."•. Z'JIJ l~11l~l'!t S1. J'W;1i,•1,"'1 A\t> H B . .\~l\~12 Call 548-'TMO BA. fam nn, fplc. witl l,tr,,, QR, G~. ~. tclrlg. Open Sun 1·:'1. 26.1 \Valnut St. drps, lr\dry, pl)OI, clote/bch I The' lule1t draw In the: \V~11. BACH EWR O\'l'rlOOk~ bch tilO-.\qZ1 l~llAC I l\R l'flf~. dr~. ;-.1r. T\\'O llugr rooms. nrcplttCf", \\'Ilk 10 m11.rlnt, S J $3 doae to blech. 229 ~ or ph 211'fllO.<iM2 aft Ir. lolJOflC, bo, ;alj. b).43!).I •• _. D~~ Pilot CiRL'llned wfprlv stalrca.M' t() t)l.:h 111~ ftu1tt~I dm1• In the \\'est Ill(<'. nr Hun! 111\l'b. S15S rno I jl'11r•gr~ bllchf'lor. Ont adull ·~2ll8 58&-Cm .fM.6!72. $395, · •/wke!f!si '"'l:!,.i ~ , ~ / • t l\d, 642~. Utll loci, $16;1 .. ·192 2111. . , .II. Onlly Pilot 0.1111stlled 16:iCI\ l.;f'£"rlHlfl: liT.l-50.~. only. $\T?i, 642-688L I p Ii D~llY •llDI ~-Octobtt 14, 11173 ['....;-... -1[!]11 ..... -,,,~,.,. I~\[ Apott-•'"'*" 1~!1 0Mt.. 1~1 1 -........ I~ [ ~·---••••• I Apt. Unfurn. .... 5 I.. OH itt Rtn1•) 440 j C , C •-U Iv 365 1 _ -P''·· P•r"10n111 530 Los:I SSS .ment, oncrete Remodel &. 11.,.ir ~ "-' l ~t. " m . N Furn. or Unfurn. 370 -~ 1 I CUS'IOM ~-"' 1........,.." tf•• ---,...._________ twDOrt 811ch PRESTIGE )-'lJU.Y UCl::N~£D ALASKAN ?.luJ1unu1e. mo.fe: ........ -, .... tr , nrk. llon.e Rcpala'S fl R.t•Jnur~~, 1N1wpor1 BtKh H l n OFF.ICES • srlllITUALI~ 1't 1\., ytlU'I. 90 It>*. Perfect f'.('fllO\'t' lliph'\H drl'_t'W)'i'. Patio l.'OYCN, feoclne ;\n s j)lll By Appolnlment PARK NEWPORT I unt ngtun eacn __ 1 SplrlruaJ 1-eadl"'·• 10 aJUwJO I mQJlk, Lotll 1011 vk:. R&.111 Replace' '"'/ooorn:tt" II.~ fl. Elte, l: plumb, &U-60i Exec. Sfq'cla-J')' t $700+ Fou1u1tn Vllllt'y, Jlcaurt· ·~ No dtlaya Free ei1 Wt1lk1 Si>fretJr lec lo $i00 AP T D•·•ux·E ,,1,,11 1, ,, "1 , •. , • 1 r 1 h .111 1 pin. Advli,.'tl on all 1i'l1Lllf!r1 .It Md'a.tden, S.A. CBI! •. " 1 · Roof' o-'y/MW•• ~-· •~+ I 1:11rdL'n txu1w11low, rir 01'1.•!t11, floor, 3.lnl )Qoare r~'C'!. small 638-:t.n:i 1 -~--.:..-------AccountlnstEDI' lo $600 THE BEST AR MENTS "'"' ,.,. u new uii "i>· a;rouoc :.11:?N.EIC1un~110neal,Sa11 1 )IT-!'.l'J2S br ~118-9897 . slabi, P&1101,,. Nu,}, 100 ing <JC>,; ............... ......., I 0 th• ba frpl, lry 1>5llo. 6 puol11o,1 will dlvhlc• 11110 tirnllltt•r Clc•in1,iiitc, "9"..-91.31i ~-lt.L"'W.,,RDI CEM~ \V · t~ ROOJo'lNCi j.: Guttcrinr. Lo"'-AtP Plt)'l'OU ro $57'So BUY IN TOWN. . . n v Y bUun11. 1enn1~. 8lG--ll'n9. nflir<':.. Slk: pt"r 11tiuare ARE >'00 11oingle ~A want REWARD for tttum of red ork, pu us· low p1·lee1. f'ree est. Call Payt'Oll C!l'r1t to $M0 I I.usury ap11.r1rnent lh•in;: AlliO ! Br. t'ron1 Sllj. fon•, llM·lurl('S Cll.flll.'I,, 11 datt• \Vrllc. Claaslfi(.'(i Ad I CUii £1'0wn male cat drlveways, &lde\\•alks, brick 897--0'.!05 trQm l~ PM & 3-10 lnvtn Contrl Clc:1·k $M!l la lhc ticuuliful furnbh"ll O\'t>rlOl'll.'\111< tht• 11•1tlr-r. F.;11. ~1 Ill·~ ltJl•~""71sh 1\;ii, dr•ipr•, 1'11 u1il!rll'11, Jani· No. .>13, 1:/0 Dally Pilot, w/wh!tc-~belt. Lost 10/6 in planters. Reas. s.6-2!MJ. PM Order Cll'ic/An1theln1 to S500 lliJ\ilc 11 par1n11·n11 at Oak· .IOY ii50.CXXl hftaHh ~11:•. 7 h"Pll'. :l bl0i.·ks ltoni l>l'l•Ch, t.•r llt'l"\'h'<'. ('all rtlarUrn P.O. Box l:itiO Coi;ta Mcu, Pres t lg!ei tract nr. Contr•ctor Sewinn/Alter•tlon• AITUll{ Clerk to $500 ,,·ood . ~;a{·h ll!ll. i·unit'li with 1111 hun1h1~ JXl()ls. 1 11;-:htNl I :i.'lt)....()71~ S1uv11U l7 1•1 • IS.':2-5440. Calif, 112&26. CLUB. ' Go1de00'\'tlt It ii: d i n g er . • "' Recft~ to $000 cnrpcthii;:. drap('ricll, /Ill· I .ti'nult 1.~wrl1, ph111 1111le~ ol 1----------Pll.ORLEM Pn!'RnnrW::)'. Con· 847-3.9116 or 613-'8800 PAL0¥00 ConstrootiQrt Co. ' • -45 Clerk 'fyot,,i. $47-1 t.J ·1dt· a1111llan1·1·:<' Pfl!IO ur ,,Jr·y~ll' rr111ls. 11111tin~. ~hul· Newoort Beiu:h I id e n l , II Y rn pa thetlc. LOST nro11nd noon Oct, 71h. S~. Lie. no. 81-19!891. AU Alter•tlona.-642·58 G. Ot~. Lile l)'pc $400 bi;ilt'Ony nnd µai.~~·thruu;ih flf'hr1uri.l. f'J'OQU~t • .Junlr·i· r~ .. 1 UH U[l!l!n•rll SllU vrly prei;nanc)' l..'Ounselln~. Abor· Vic. ot J~litn'g N8 ftesl. 1)-pes ren1od .. al!e1., nddlt. Nent, ACCUMlf'. W years rxp. CAU. 'rRISll HOPKINS t'l)On!t;r \ l:l'l..'ill t1uv rroni $19l :.0 n1onthly: alliO I I 11' II . "" "" ·' tlon & ;ldoptlons ref. Unusual' nw1n'1 wri!llli'fltch. Qual. work. 962-1961. T_etev11ron R-•il'I, I J Efl.Rl \\'H l'ITEf.10R.£ • . ' -"' · &1kl " "~rt 'OOn> I I Hll' "' u:;; 111 · . ...,.\ ,\Ji.... t I d G SON •• Q ~lllrllni:: at tl~ 111 lleaul!fu! ~·.,., 1 Pun~ .111< ltTJ-.6"'>l APCARE 612-<i·l:IG Subt;tau ia 1'<'"-'l'lt , 1..all E RWICK & • fR\/INE PERS NNEL Nl'o,1port 2·~!.lry 10\\n hott!ll"ll. El"I' »-______ P.10VING! llclp nit: get 675'-1863. Bldg Contr. Addlt A: Rcmod COLOR rrV Repair. l!XPf"l1,I Irk: kitehrnt, private patio• OCF:AN :1h· Ir;: 2 ll H ·[ furniture 10 Mas5. Room in RE'WAR.0, LOit aml black Stele Uc. Bl·ll"321 reaeouii.ble. rnogt ill lloo1e. 'iE.RY1(£Sl'•AGEN(Y nr h;olcon1l'! <"Srpc41n • Lira· l'('aeot1alll<'. l'.,11 r ,. ,. 11, vourtruck or? Wiil II&)'.! nlale poodle, Vic Villa 673-60-tl 549-2170 r~ ektfmatc._J{.8 . N.B. & I ~,J: 1''.. 1.,. •,'it. (al lr••'"'• .. l ('1.1 Plus SI m1lhon 111 r('('l'f'atlOM : I swin1n1111s. tnlh!'nl~. h!!allh club!. !IJIUl18~. trnnl~. i;nl/ dri\'U~ 1Hll5!<'. /).1111.\' rClflln. lf'nn1• pro, lrt••· tennis It~ J)('r1r~. Subi<"1T1Jnear/"p."lrk 1_Gl(i....4()l!ort;l~~a ~-15-3725 I Pacific. P1Mllf' call Rick JACK T11.ulane, repair , C.M .• Bert GallC'morr . Suite 224 £C'!-1470 li!J: with rlC'v.11tors. 011rional I' 963-§878 uod dd U 8-1 26911 963-2783 1 n11'ltl ~rrvk·•-. .Ju.~t "or1h ol '~ -., s.\l •f.f, Ol•'"'fr,~.·Ru-~-1 f'l~EGNANr Th Ink Ing \Vy se!--. _ · . rei • a · c 12· · '1 ~..___..~._ " r ~ JV nL--'"'""· Know •lithe ''""· S!'11Al.L I""'' bro\\-'tl .v. .. _ ?ofy Way Co. 541-0I!ti. Cal-Tronlcs. Zenith-RCA -v--v----w-ra~hion l..ilnnJ al Jamhurf'i' •••lo'-~ Ou oht N'"''i~J•'I Bl\'J. """'-'" ,.,..,, '""' " • '!!''.. """" ""9 "' ~·h St ~t ...... -.-..iiiiii~ii"~ii--iiiiiil . . . .. ,,,. '·' n-··· c.11 I.IF~ Lf''E -.. , o .... n<>c !..'Ollar w rflines!ns. El•Ct•"•c•! "' '""" . .....,. I , ton~ and S1111d1t.) hrurl(•h . 10111 Siii! J OOIJu1n 11111<1 lil\.'l!I. 1n11111•ly ,'llJJ ~· ~·1. ;: 0(11ces '~ ·"' " vo ··->to ;_;..;_;..;_;.;;;________ * &16--0412 * ARTISTS 1"rll"'1thon1 r':l h &ll·l'll'IU S· i·~·l·roti•i 11_,1 ,ir;•a. hrs, ;i.11-j522. I Vic. Sanla Ana & 2lrd, CM. "'Ir n·n•11I 1nfor111~tk'lr· r .. r ,. ' ~ . ,, , ..... ·~~~ -.-1 C-1 ·-s I ~20'1. 2?9li \Va1errnan Wy. ELECTRICIAN·Llcense No. Tile 0 .... 1 , , --~ R " Soc1• Uin SJ nr.u 'ARD, 1_1 ruby & 2l310S_ . Smnll .;oN;, n1alnt t ;_;...:.., _______ _ Iii' ... ~ 1-0....r.1 "' -·hf'flniu1n• Uf.\UT. 11·11terfron1 :: Bit . 2 Rooms 400 IGHT REAL TY I ,...,.... "" g 5203 CERAJo.tlC TILE NE\\' & Al'"'.l ,.,·111lublt'. furn1~hC'd nr 1 BA" frplr ~lip avail Sfill 1 --:~ .-. --* INTRADATA * dlnn1ond lndlC's rt~. San rcpai~. 54=-~·=~·---- 1u1furr>11!ol1C'tl l\!fl(fr1"S OPf.'O 1noiv~·ly. 673--2828 . . 2 U.:'fllU'Jn\S \\I •'Olllbil rlo•n & I 0,1 ... 1, . :-;,rflCF. 1•rlJ. o.r,. C1en1cnte High s c h 0 0 I Gardening wre•modl-me~. ~~~,.~,.'\.·Sm· 5.jobs dBU.v ID rn • Sorrv no PL'IS ---=--i:ai> lu'"' I 11 o> k 1 ·h· '11 111111 · .\u·ptirh•r !Iott•· QUAl.ITY m1tl<'hc1 831-an9 .. ~ ... .-r" or childrt'fl " ·' * * (l("f:.\.~1'"RONT. nf'1\', :\ rlf'!<lrffi "~h»rr bli 1,'1 '.~ Slill l'1•r 11111. Full st.'<'l'y I \\•/P1-IOTO ~ PROFESSIONAL barde~r. Top Soil . Hit 2 " \ fph' ""' t • . . n1.1 ur ,. Pl" ' se . . ~:;_:_:_c;_ _____ _ ' : ~ ..• ,..:~._c i1>S, "•.rkln~ lntllf's $70 & SSj ~"11 • 1'1•\IV, ·rv., rn'."' ''l.llrgC~tinCtd if.'' .1 11·cc Wl')rk, prunini;. - OAKWOOD OCE.\~ view, yrly, 2 Br I --• . . . c!1n1-c:t". H 1'-'11·. _ 11. DuPont . pll• riufil1l 00 I 111-ospt'Cti,•e lnstn.ictlon ~I I :.i n d s c a fl I n g . Goor~c. * f.1ULCH & TOP SOfL 1t SCULPTURERS • Am•teur or Prof•ssion•I FREELANCE !)\\. yr!y l~l'. GT.r-1£!, _, Ciill aft j P""I .·>4,l.-'.'llil}'.I 11'~(, C't<". ai.nlt~h!;:, at a<ldnl I Call NO\\' foi· F'REF.: uni·· 1 1~11 sprinklrrs. cleanup jobs, 1 • QUALITY * R.t dupfr·"· S2T.>. 61 !--0780 H?0~1s.s~~ 1111 1~;· ~1/k11 S:ll N11.11. 1rvi111. .. R.l.~32Zl __ niati:h. . . &16-5.393. 586-6930 GARDEN ' di!)!< 01' ti~Z...:16:;9 i '\'t•<:, I \I 1.: •• ,!,,'", ",1•,',', .. s1i1.,lr"t.·r,",',1 1<, 1 ll~:,\UT (llfll't• II Ith SOlllf' I I il~I ti.~·afl20 2~ hours \\le nl"ed dcsigncn l\'hO t:an _ ___ i;ot( 1. ,,~c1\r ... 1 .,1 1 ILA\V'N f.fainlenan cc, carvC' in \\'IL". S~ifil' APARTMENTS Uf:LUXE 2 hr, 2 hn, i:i'<:•ri1 Ci\!. ;..tS-!)::i.3. 1·~-~:{')67. " ~::~;11;.~ ~,~:· ,.71~~~~([(• ","· GOLF -I \~'uni to ~uy !Schools &. Canlening, Yard Clenn·ups. 1 !It"••]) brce<.l!< or anln~Js. ,Little 111'1•11. JK'l~ ok. S2."i0. Torn fL ·---. --, -. ' · · ·. ' g .• ('[Is. n1i'o1hl•rsh1p 111 rhe Irvine • 575 F!x(X'r., neat, rlepcndablc. chilc!rcn. Decorative s a1ucs. s·~11 13 . -~~-3.llral l:J::AN. f111n Nr. OCC. U1·p11 .~ urll uH:ld. $7.J N'l' Coast Country Cl ub. Ca ll I tnstructlons. &12--0287 or &.12-96-10. E,..toyment Cnndlc holde1's. OU11:1· JteuJµ. J'\eii·poit Ueni:h . ,\ot•\h _'..:.__~_·•-·-•· [Kirchen. ll't'l~hl•r/drvl•r nto. 2:1:1:1 E. Coust H11·y i;i;;....i'."m· • -----=:;...~-1 ;·-----~~~I ture~ IrviJll' & IGlh DttPLEX 3 Rr. 2 Ua. A!I Reth't·d OJ.:. sr., nl 0 . Cornn a d c I !\f 11 r .,.. ~"" * Crea~ive Gardening .. · til:i·Oli() bll-ln"' Blk to lx•11..c h. Xu·n 97~02JG ~ 7\~:Sl.'l-;116:1 ' 'LAD IES want lo 1n<!CI men I WANT TO \\inter Cleanup & Pruning. t'ont!l.r' Phil Hausrr l'ic" por1 13ea.l'h . SuuU1 16lh at ·h'\1nl' In:. Y1•1u· l'Olttwl. 1-827-23$2 * * NICI·: rooni, privatl' 1 MO. 1'~REE RENT for cump11nion!hlp & nittt· WORK IN Rye G!'ass & !\'fain!. Sprnklrs Job W•nted. M•le 700 Ambrite Ind. Ltd \'WW. ll't'p ;ice pool. S26:">. li-tr2349 & Janitor paid. Air 1..'0n· · 1 AGENCY? EUROPEAN Garde o c r. club \VOt'k. Call John er Bill, Visalia, C•lif. B~Uf'F's,. arC' 1 11 2 R1-. 2 B·1. hon1e, SHJO ~no. Costa i\lcs11.IE:t:e<>uti\'e Offi1·e Sui:e. Ulil ~:'.1~1~~~artner" 836-l27l A TRAVEL Insl & Scrv. 6·&1072. * P..1USIClA.i~S. Duoliesires 1 702 S. Bridgt St nionlh. 6~4-Ulll ROOl\f for ·rcnt.~kii dilionc.\!. Cr!)I:>, patio. Xervx. I Ma1nlenanl.'f' . Landscnp1ng. 5J7-81Sl. (209) 734-1153 G12·81TO I ~ Clemente I pnvll. Non-sniokrr C·1JJ I 9Tl6 K111c1Ja, An ah ~· i n1 I Ja]IWllY not consider o_~r /1('W 'i'rcc Ren1oval Very l'ellSOIJ· I J b w t-..1 F m.1. 702 ===========! l<iiiiiiiiii""iiiiiiii;i..iiiiiiiiii --:ij7..oo:il ' :J39-lti61 lost and Found shon course taught by! uble &12-3329 eves. 1 O •n 19U, e ADULTS ONLY I SPACIOt;s 2 Bft "'/sh~ ROO:\t Jn nk~ h 0 nl e OCEAN V1c1v Off1toe Spat·e, I Ortnu;:c Coi.iitt)' 1 r av l' I CO?o.1PLETE Gard c n in i; NEED help at rt0n1e? \\'e ASSEMBLERS DELUXE 2 BR l BA I epl11:. drps, slo\·e/i"t.•frig. 11·tkit1·hen prh·ll ~lalW'C'I for Jel\se h11n1t'CI ocl'upancy I N~1~, & N Cl Services. l.a.v.'TI and Gartlen hnvl' 1udes. nor s rs, Sl90 ' C.10!il..>tl ~u r on beaul1ful sl., l.Hdy. 2913 Andre» cii H B. & Coust H1gl1\\·uy, Call I Found (free ids) SSD I 3 °~-~ . 11: N ~~I Care. Reasonable rates ti o u s ckp1·11, oom~ions. MACH I NERY [)11.'au \'irw. See ii, )<MJ'll -----·-·--David 962-TISi • nll'!> 11 \\CC • c.1: c ass 536-5139. Jlomemakers U p John , Di..tnva~hl!r. urvpl1<1ct"', s1111n likl' it. 131 De La Gnilla. Vacation Rentals 42S -· -· -· 1 . Oct. 23. -~ ~~1 "'01 pool. 5.'.ii-217$. Kt•y at A1it·C, i\lri>. Lcnno.1:. Busin~ss Rental 445 F'OU~D gray fluffy maic. kit. ,14 "-"eeks to graduation. GREEN TREE c ... m . Coin/ ...,_ c:=~·~---~~ ASSEMBLERS Z03-tl !".an·1\ Ann ""'· ·ICl2-3872 \\',\J!\lh'.1 _ lllkai 1~3n tens. About 4 nlQS. \\'earing res. fn t/E."t. Free es!. Nl!\v ASST. Bkkpr gen oil 2-3 i:::::;::===, NF-\\" 2 Br. 13. R 1 . 1•iewl lux Condo, '} SH, 2 * TOP * 1vhhe flea 1·ohar .. Vic. ot Call S43-6S96 l.al\'tlS'Free gard, 673-5322. day! a ""-eek. lt\lioe, Sanla i' 1 : " ~ ' · oc-ean I SA, fully fun1 a I I ,\nita & \Vil.son SL, Laguna For Qualification JU-QUALITY, LOW S Ana area. ;;51-\232 before IO '*LA .PARISI ENNE* I \'h'\\', Top 8rt':. su~r dc· 1 an1C'nit1es. A\·nil oer I~· -* LOCATION * Bcat'h. 494-5130. Intervil'W State Lie. No. 280644 Ai\t. _______ _ A.<;S{'n1bl.1J intricate mechani· cal assen1blie11 tmachineryJ inl'ludit;g tilling, ndjusting .t. al~en!. '\'ork fl'On1 blue· p11nts. sketches & \'erbal In· structions. Requires 3 year11 t'"Jlt'r lettce in assembly of J)J'CCision mat hinl'I)'. Own hand tools. 1 it: ! HK.. u11r .• \Ji .. 1 .. -c. t U'<'· !U.\(', ~dulls, $250. 49.-2264. Jan. : •. S:iOO. IK'f ll'k., •·a r L'QU'.' 0 ·-·-·· ·"--l•aJ-·' ••• .>1::.1101 ••• REF'INED lad)' l\'ith car I hi I -1 \d I I S C Ir "~ '"'' " ,....,,, ,.._.., 1 ;...,:,~-• t::r--IJ,.,,.,~· P8L"-'., ~ """· ' u :~. . an Juan clpfstrano ;n·111J. D. C. HallH~n . Jj77 Suet:t>ssful I'\'la1l or SC'l'\l<'l' lo. 111;.ll• i·at. Abour 9 lllO!i. 1 PACIFIC TRAVEL f.10 \V & ~'OGE wants "-'Ork as dtiver &: SIKi.&SlSl. 91!}.1163 . . I Ala l>l~nn Bh•d. No. lYll. l'a11un on Easl 171h SI. in unusual p;111-. Vic. Aiiila &" SCHOOL CLEAN UPS companion,351·1.S6.l,531·32S4 1 .\~ross. f1-on1 goH t.'Ulll'l\l· Sl9:1 ·2 Br. 1 BA, ("l'PIS, drps. 4SO!l.i,9.}.).7l2'7l Cos1u /l.!es<1 \Vilson SI Laguna lkach e »J..-06j7 e DAY 11'0f'k, ciu'£' of sil'k, gcni.1 21}132 ~'lr.!a .\111 ,\v~. ~!O\'f', r1•ftii,:. in CofM'lo. Re ntals to Share 430 • 1820 Sq. ~'t. 49..\_5130. ·· • ' 61() E. 17th St, Snnta Ana G I S . cleaning, housekeeping. Rl•l. I 1lt•\'PI. 21'4~~ Pasoo Car mel., * Tll'u .,1110 bay" tAt'Creditcd by Nalls' enera erv1ce __ , __ _ tnVl!:l.Y 1 OH. 'J Ra I ¥_1~l-'ll);i8. _I GF.:~l'LEi\1A:-J, 4~. will sh;u'(' * On siic parkin~ I t'ND: LiUll' bl'O\vn mule dog. Estnblishcd 1$3 . :').13-7005, !>H·!t~. __ Bayfront Condo. In Juxu_ry 2 BDHJ\J.. 1 E.1 condo. Bltns, delu,xl' F'cn. Pr. apl. iv/al· * Exef'll<'nl exp(lsurc iv/fif'a collar : brown oolhu-, -•.. ------ALL types home l'l'flll ir11. Help Wanted, M & F 710 adult bldg. on ~11!h1.H1 1~r11111. I c1·p1s, 1lbl garage, pool. $'100.1 h·a<· .1ntclll~o>n!, unarrai·hl'd, * Lat'gc sign area B"',"~";~0·,·~. ""ii'vicy'~'·V -.i('2.f~.,'!; !\IUSIC Lessons, your. horn<' Actunl lime &. nialerinl. [ ;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; U1.11>f'li1'1'.a?lc l'.Xll';is: . ponl, ruo. ·1!1 1-2918 alt J. st.'lhlc cniployed iiunutn. """" '" ""' ;11> •~ or nly sturlio. \\'ell-known ~al!t St'rv. No .t0b too sm. shp pr11·!1 .. P!C' .. ~115/!)l'r w-1-. I $100 nionth!v RC'pl\('S ton· Pl rlL"<' i:a ll 2 CATS 111/ne11 collars_ 1 l1:achr r, in 0.C. area. f ,t,B Home Reµnlr.1 A FUN PLACE lntcrvic1vs By Appointn1enl Only t n41 994.471 t nm 61.';.4200 or 518·!l"!n. es minster fiilentinl. P'. · o . Box ~51. ~1(11n1l·s, Hki· 67:-i-6700 crearn J "-'hi l.Hg Bch 64&-1813. • &12-1403· TO WORK :\'.erd a "~ad"· Plac<> an a<I! ~ Hrtrni. 2 hath. Kei\•h· Balboa Cl\lif. 92f.>6l. F'OR lrasc T111.'1 Tio stand, Presbyter ian _ OiurC'h 415 1 HANG Gliding Introduction, * * 1~Al~ ,G~ttcr.~ ln11ta1\ed, MACHIN~ TOOL DIVISION f'ell GJ~-.'1673. rmu1ted--Drnpcs &. cat·pc>tini: J\IATUHE responsible work· o,1·ill rt!model to sul!e for F'Ol'<'!ll. ·l!l.i-7555 · Consh·ucl.ion & lnstru<"tion. iua i!y .~or • S::..~ ilc,' Newoort Beach clcanf'd $160 in~~:l-5617_ I it12 person 10 sh.'ll·e l:,:. a1 · hl~~ food scrvicr. Busy j t-,ND -2 black rlog:; -I Poo-' C~tt anylln1c, ask for Anker. rec estimatl's. · I C8J/ //} / 1----------I Sl liO. 2 R1·. 2 Ba. IK'ar Bolsa ' 1r11etivc ho1nl'. Non s1nuker l'O~r~r; ;,97 \V. ~9th ~t. Days rile. I P~akapoo -Vic. 49:>.1Si8. H•ullng I J/ie /'<.euben I & Brookhu1..,1 1 & non drinker. Hnlh. fkh. fi46-.503.l l'vcs 646--0681. Master, Garden Grove CLASSICAL Guitar by slu· . , , · 1 Conrac Corporation :..i.W .dolllti ,\venue \\'es1 minster Equal 0ptJOr. l:niploycr QUIET. SPACIOUS. PRIVATE. ADU.T 2 BEDROOM. 2 BATH APARTMENT S H< A BEAUTIFl.ll OUTOOOR SETTING. S280 INCLUDES GAS UTILITIES. WES OFFK:E; OPEN 10:00A.M. TO 6:30 PM. ~LL. 644-~555 * ·-2-8:21 * 962-1228. STORACE-S'IOP 1260 f 5l)..7788 ' dent o( U1e Ron1ero'11 & C .'12 FT. FURNITURJ::; Va for JJ l . . r sq t p k . 497 ,,.,.,, · local furn hauls & en'\ Apts i L.AGUN,\ Br h _ 11. an t ed 10 t.'ell. Nr. NR Pos1 Ofc. FND: shaggy JJ?Odlc -Silver • -~~ ~n1ng~ _·-_,_Bob._ hauling 54&-IS62 557_2736 F U I 370 1 re,;ponslble n111le 10 stirtre ~~V._ OJI doors. 12c fl. -rey. fml Vic Slater & · . • · urn. or n urn:__ custoni ot-ean \'U honie 111 ~l..-9J20. Eurlld at Cox School F .V. 1 '~ LOCAL moving & hauling b)' <J"l0 'I ''"' appro" 11·• 110 "Tff" f ·1 .. h I I ,.._27311 •--·•---.,.. _ student. Large truck. Reas. 6alboa Pen1nsul• . .'.!. ~",... ... ""·' · ~ ac.ol')' as a rg --· __,.. Ba 534-18''6 673-0047 I -----------1 ti15-6£.l!. shop 1H':lli. S185fmo. In I SJ\TALL dog, female, long ITy. or . I.GE 2 BR. 1~ Ba, bl1ns, util I GIRJ, lo share i't'nl \\'ith 2 Cannery Village 425 30lh St., I hair. all black, 1vhite on CLE~·up, Hauling, light I pd , ir.trn~. Adults. nO pets. of same. In brnnd ne\\· NB. 67J.-9606 or 642-8520. t·hesl . part Po o d J e nKl\'lng. Reas. Dependable. I Yri)' $"..JO. 1UO. $8-J.IGS or Ne1,·port Hsc. ~ br, 1~ blk LIDO Loe, 400 Sq. Ft. SJ9-4205 Fountain Valley Babysitting Fast. 64&-5534. 6T"a--7023 frnm beach. SIOO. 6'~2180, suilable srnl retail or olficc, p,\RAKEET. Vic \Varner & TRASH HAULING I:. [ t BR, Ba y Vic"" sleflS 10 67:r2191 ask for SlJsan. U;iquh~ Coftee ~ll, 3355 Graham. 11.8. 1 BABYSITTING Garage Clean-Of) $10 load Now Hiring FULL TIME Nite Dishwashers store~. be1tches & Jslttnd. MALE i'OOni oielc nt'l'llf'ft. \Ila Lido or cull, 6.a-6141. l!46'6222 1 My Home, C. Mes• • 54&-0101 • $19~ incl ulil. &12-l)I!) Share bnyfJ-onl house. Priv. RENT 5 pa cc l\tartiniquC' FOUND prescription glasses. Xlnt c;.re. Good lwx:h.:'s, SKIPLOADER It dun1 p lruck Corona dtl Mar beach, pll•r, etc. !\lust be Bfoau1y Snl<?n, t o l' n1 er I y Vic of Bristol in Santa Ana !~need P_lel yard. Call any. \\'Ork. Concrete, asphalt, Apply 3-5 daily t'l~r 21 & responsible. Buds: ;1v111I. Contact l\ls Heights. Call :.i5-4627. I l1n1e, 646-4514. sa"'ing , breaking. 846-7110 I AE:D!,ti\I. fun1 or unf111·n. 6i.r1386. ~rtui 67?.-l.900 FE?o.tALE English Collie Vic Cabinetm•king Housecle•ning lSI E. Coast Hwy. blks to bC'ach. 536--0711. I pc-rli OC('Ull view. Fil'l'ple, SZ'l:i/nio. Also :;oo 1Sq. rt. Of· \Vt'~1mlnster. 11!)4-4293. CABINETS & Furniture HOUSE OF CLEAN Eq1111J Uppo!'. t:n1ployer ASSEMBLERS lmmed. requirementg oc1 Isl shirt for sma.11 parts mc- dianicAI as.:mtbty. ~re hipscnool grad \\'/nl'in. l yr 1..'0ntinuowi: lOcal lndu. nial c,,'J)t!r, Co. paid med le life i~. nlOd:!rn a.1cond ra. ~iHty. Duncan Electronics 2865 Faitview Rd, CM I Eq1Jal Oppor. Empioyf!r mff ASSEMBLERS 1 1\pl. ~H't'plc. F'r<'e laund. 2 S\l,\R.E 01ucle111 furn apt. ~U· 1r..oo SQ. It. Tndnslr1al shon, of r.tagnolia & P..lcF11.dden in Newport Beach Cost• Me~ I shag O/\\' 11111nv extrns at fief! $9.1 Ci\!. 616-21JO. FOUND 1 . h Sett . 1 1 Rc1nodell11g & Boah\'Ol'k Prof. care for hon1c or ofr. · ' 1 a ~ 11rlC'r. 673-&-'22. Industrial Rental 4SD c .,· ~11s c '11r v~:_boblly Patios. &\6-5'1\!) Ca~s. upholstery & floors. S MA L L M E T A L THV F.XCrrrNG 1 os n ,..esa. a U\: c C ~'" 1 • * ACCOUNTIN --· • \\'ANTF.D fC'111a!r to sh.11·e fC!l-OO:lO. ,. arpenter .....,.5 -l;i. G PARTS. NO E X p PALM MESA APTS . li::c J Bil, 2BA apt, bloe~ 10 . C0i\1PLETE CLI::ANING CLE"K * REQ'D GRAVEYARD j\fl::UTJ::S TO NP1'. BCH. lit•a1·h. )'l'11rl~" Only, ~10~. NOW LEASING f'OUNO n1ale Afghan pupp)'. CUST0~1 \VOOD\\·ORI_< 'VINDOWS, t'LOOR:i. RUGS ~ • Bach, I I.· 2 BR. from $\jg 673-j!IJJ * tiT.>-1-191 Huntington Beach Vil· o! Brookhursl & Gar· Cnbh1ets, paneling, pt1t10s. FREE ESTll\IATES 645.3716 SHIFT. XLNT WORK Adults, No Pfots. SllARE /\pt. or-lfo"~" NEW M·l rirld. Call ~·235.'>. Duk(' Dadurka Gl&759!1 ,-ADY . h d k Do You Like CONO &. BENEFITS. l""I 'I D "~ FOl lND 1-'la ·-p--Jl\Ck Bergn1an s.m-n•g•,... \\'JS cs a)' \\'Or . WAGE REVIEW 30 '"' "e~n r. SAVE $SSS ~1-IO ~I-i·'!. ·" Ul' 1 c ,...... " y.,., 'u' --""" ' Good and r c 1 i ab 1 c. Working With (j blks fJ'Onl N°l'irool'l Blvd.) Jlon1r-P1111orr, S ~ 6-119 •\, llt~nullo" "· "" la;id ~1. Poo<lle Blk, fein, Vic * All_ lyp.:s ~ Rt'feren1..-e!. 5-11-81~ Numbers? DAYS. ===546-9860 Sl8-l•l79 9~1970 -~lboo. fiT.rl::Gl Gnra.2't' cahinets. floc.r to Ba1ry L. Miller Eng Inc. PREVIE-W OPENING RP.TIRED hidv!,,--;i1•11'{' 2 _ _ rND Turtl.e !'ic Avocado in Ceiling OOokcase. etc. L d · You may be the one "'c art' 17200 Redhill A~•e. Jn·lnf.' /\w;11'1 111nn1ng 1, l & :: br bt>droon1 2 txuh To1111t>1JU1'C. 4001 BIRCH, NB I ~d_.,16r;,-271 i S36-.!_548 an scaping lookin~ ror if rou Ill{'('\ the I equal oppartunity 'f'mplOycr HJll! 11 larnily t'tlls. No Pool. S12:-i/n10. 61:J.-i~i10. .X.00 S<I. 11. I.Ji· per s<i fl loi;t SSS CARPE.i'l"TRY: E x P er I I y . followin;; requiremenrs: ASSEJ\ffiLERS . electronic. 1,•aw. Mrr), no pcL~. Fl'l1n1 - - ----.-·-h<'lo 1 It r j clollE' at reasonable rates LANDSCAP ING, spnnklt'T!I, I 1 _ . 1 JU!il Sli:'i. OL'R TO\\"N ~!IARf: 111,1 r·h1111n1"1:? Ra!ho'l '' r:u1n;:: r 1 e, . n1 '.?. l.OST 1 . Id f I Lah 9G8-i914 . . \\'aterfalls & fish ponds *Minimum l year n1n1n1 ~pernng or pro. Fiunil,y ,\pts, 1~:)0 ,\dan1" l"!:1nd B·1~front hor11.\ rn1J, ~\·h~~'··~ ~l ri.::. liau1ni.:arcl11er .:n I); o& t!~'aJa1 10:• -. Reas. rates Ace Landsca~ office experience lotype wtrer. ?o.fust have ?.fl.5(l. $~)fl0 1110• 67~. J ll-M'0 .. 2_. _ 6 111 1Tr 10 .. erkl p :, c' •1 CUSTOM \\'ooch\'Ork, remod. & Sprinkle~ Co. Lie. ••o. stroug b ac k gr 0 u nd In A\l'. •A1l::1111" 111 F;rit·,·1rw1, -.-. c -. ---r:oo ....,,... . ee"tn c a1 , .... & repair. Vinre Lenhoff 27 .16 0_,2 """" •~ *Operate a 10 rt'ading schematics &: wlr· Cosra 1\11·~:1 Phnne ."~i601Gli \\ORKl~r. j;!irl will "IHll'f' ·,,.11.:,~,, FT. J\J.J Sfl;ll'l'l .).lG-009 1 6~1851afl6 o,o_o.~0. ' la-• ""-=>•ou. k dd · I E · --~--,~---nit•r Ht>I "-'/~ani" 590/uio. •v nfflf't'. l!!r r<':1r --.-1-1 ,.,... ....,.,...,..,,~ ey ~ tr , Ing ~n1 ~me. )l;per .. m * CAS.\ \ ICTORIA "* I Uhl pd can 8'16-~ rtnor. Sl~J 1110 17!J.1,\'h1111,.,r. I TA:'\ ~ Gl'rn1an Sh~phl'rd, 11 C•rpet Servlc:e Masonry *Fam1ll•r with Alpha soldering point 10 polnl wir· 1. 'J & 3 BP.. FUl'll .t Unf. --· (':\!. GIG-.JO;I:: da}s: 616--06.'ll I Gr'f'at Danl' l\lale. Vie. • 1 & Numeric Flllnn Ing, harnessing of elcetronic ('11qlr't ~. dt',rflt'"· O/\\', TV F'F::\11, ron1nM1tlf' t•1 ~·1r f'\'CS FAlrvll'.'W & N c iv po 1· I J OlfN'S Carpet & Upholsll'ry \\11.LLIAl\fS & SON l\faso~ry. 1 • assen1bllcs le PC boards. nnt. l .. 111>1, •'h:. :1'.!:i ViC'lori.1 :IP.H, apt. 1 hlk fr"On1 twach, -&16-923~ Dri ShanlUOO fr('{' &'Otch-Lie. No. ~"_Brick, *Desire to learn Only exper, nred appl,y, N . . "ii. ,\! l!orbnr. C\I. 642-89<0 11.:~. r"1\l nft 6. 61.'r-tiitl. 1300 SQ, fl , n1·l sp;u.:r ---, • gard (Soil Ret.a.rdantsl. block k 51onc. 586--6.1 11. H. Research, LJIO S. L)'On I '·k I ' r . .. I ,,, .. 1 -, -. --- -.-II /fl'l)Jll 11ffl•'t'. lgl' ['('111' SAJ\1SONI rE Owmlfe ca.w, p -• & If )'OU ntt'el these quall!ica-s Sa A 0•0 1616 ;s . ;•1:1'.1 0.111 specta 1 1\c· •\N0THF.Tl 1.'11·1 11·anrrd. u1dnor,$J~n,110.17\l'.\'\'hhlil'l',I t~1ntnlt1s pC'ar!s tkcep!ake Degreasers & nll l'OlQr a1nt1ng lions Wld are tnQ'\'C'Slcd in _i._nta !111~ __ !!. .\_i Hnl_<_. ____ -1 10.~ !•' s!1r apt $!)O 1110, 1nel Ci\1. &!lj..j{Tj:J t!ays· 6 113-0"~I girt (1um parents I. Re"·ard. brlghterwrs & . lO minutt' P•perh1nglng joining a gi'Olving Oi'rulgc ASSEMBLERS 2 fir. Un f util pd, $100, ntll. Re~ponslhle. ;..i~11;~3 ri"'~. ' J 673--7141. bleach for \\'hlle Cl\lj.IC'ls. µ>uniy l.'Onlpuler cornpan)' J\ll'{'hanictill)' Inclined 1 0 I f11.l'ni~h!'tl a\~1il. r,~1, rq1~'·1 VF~f-r;1n~-;;ha1'C-bch Ren tals Wanted 460 l.l)ST -RE\\!ARD. sn1111l Sove ~our inoney b;-r s·1v1~ *CUSTOM PAINTING that offers: lrarn a variety of usen\bly d111~. 11111;~. No pcl:<. ,\rlt1J~s fronT apt. 1i·\1h S'tln<'. Qw11 fcniale cut. blaek, white 111~ extra tl'tp:~-. \\/ill dc1111 lnter/Extcr. rrce Color t'O!I· ' & lite niachlne shop ·' 1 oVl'I' \,i l'lk. A\'al\ Nov .1. BPdroon1. fjij..6i!.lfl Please Help' 1 r·i1..'t' and pow,; \'ic· 12th & • 111v1•1°•11•~ni .. ,dining rn::.: •0& suiting .t l:'llt. \Von 'l be un· *Modern .Facilities operations, C.M. 642--8080. ~! A1·0carlo S1, <.:~I ------•• J ~ -111 '" ny 11!1· .'1·;i • derbid. SI. Llc, no 25'1931. *Competitive Pay -ASSEM.BL·Y-MEN-\illj..\201. Garages for kent 43S ~~boa, N.B. 67:M:ii64 couch .SlO. Chnlr $5. 15 yrs. Ins. 642.6005. · WE NEED l.D~T: Old fun1ilv pictuf'l', exp. 1s "-'hat coun•s. oot . *Excellent Benefits Apt s., Apts., [ MINI WAREHOUSES 2 BEDROOM HOUSE fl\';11 l~ ;"t !I. Vic. ~1ay Co. or nH•lhod. I <lo v.'Qr:i: 1nyseU. PROF. wallcovenng slate Furn. or Unfvrn. 370 J:urn.orUnfurn. 370 STORAGE \\Iii~·"·' .. ·11"'"1~.1·11 1 .. 1·2 l:Jullocki;, So. Coast Pll\ZI\. Goodrer.s:n--OlOL lie. No. 2i!li14, insur .. all PleaseApplyin Hunt'n.' "n •eoch 1 ~f> ,1 \! 111• du.111 '> .,,,! C'H~~, 111·r11 1 Rl"'''·err! !)6'J.7312. -C --1-CI -·-1 l)'f)(!S or paper. 7 I 4 : Person Or Conta1..1 : ' Exper. only;sailboal manu· facturer. $2.56-$.1.05 hr 1tai·1. ing pay, Apply In pcr.8011, !MCI \V. 17th St., C.M. ---~---------"------''---1·hHri,:1•s. l•1"1')n1 S• .. lO 11,,1· ~ .\l:llni" \\'nl'!dn~: .\dill!~ R!!\VARD._ l_,(}!11 valu11.ble Fl~r ~•re~ Wl~~!'!S PAINTI~N~G-,-in-,;-,1,-.-,~-0-,-1t. B. Kr1fka " .., H•1nt in9ton tseacn · "''C·I•~ ,,,. ~ :'''t!~1"1 11-.11tli'1l & \'• .,,. oh,:<li(sr•· 1 ,---·-,--lrpe ean "9 8424386. Q n1on1h. \'1"J'\' l'l"o\l•u\:<;;J!""•-nru: W/~/rJ u1 So111h Coast J)ul.,1 :i.1 ,11111. ::K'IV, J.Ji-1.lO~ Sn1all """"' too. l.0 1'Hi 1 lanulto•• ,t· ;..: " I;"• ' SI., J JH \\"Ill·· iii lit•' :.~l!'t"!th'l.~v"-;.,~.,.1 _!'h1:r~1. Ple11..~ Cllll :i.tS-8.i29 I""" ALLSPA CE ,.. Cem•nt, Concrete rcfer.ences. Call -~2-(IJJj ~ 1·n1·1· o~ ho•n;1•1 B~.h: \\'ht. ll11s~1· 11'1hh1<>1 ~'---'-----'---aftcr5 p.in . '-_ 96G-1970 Pl<' 1~" •·.·IJ_i·ve~. ~i-1.'l·'i~SI I t>yt'~. Y,oung feni~I~. Vic. CEP.1ENT \\"ork Any_ Kind. FIR ST c I a,, VDM -Cl ,. \" II I' 11 ,---•C:.1 r ' Illa.\ I Bai· ,{, Nl!\Vl)lr!. 6-1:>56.lll. Con1n1crci:.il & Reside II I p II I n- 1 'lfarbour 'LighU •"-·" "'" 1Jr1"' J::IU"a""· ---· ------' n :"I ri~/paperhane:ing. E x 1. V•rian Data Mach ines $2i. ;1 nuonlh Cnll lil.'1-i016 \\'ANTED: :\nit houSf'. rnusl '>rll i11le llPtn" •i'l:l·~i6;t; Call ~-Int. Airless 111ra)'. )'ree EsL c .:'11. ;in .. ·u !~· n1l't' ,1;, 1.·h·an :ind 11111\' 1 -979-.52!M 2721 Michelson Or. ----S:~tll or It·"~· For thr<"t: ---=--~~--=-Irvine, Calif. 92664 IF YOU'RE NOT LIVING Office Rental 4401 "11111l"Yl~1 .1 •)u11~ n1 •·J1. 'PAINTER high:r quulified, l714) tlJ..2400 I AT HARBOUR LIGHTS 1 I ,,,,.1,.,. '1',;"' ""'"· ,,.;ii Trader's Parad1·se ~"d'"I. •"""' Hk• .)'O,"' , · " r11k <• :u1v1l11ug 1111.<t•. ti4'J--02·l1 .... is1nPss. ea 1 on a <'. nn equal·opportiinhy You're missirig out on the only NOi\' LJ·:ASL\1; tM·r"''' 'l pin "·1·1·kt.1ayi:. 642-3158. em~r ni r rental aparlrrlen11 In exclusive Slr>rr 111' or!~·~· sp;iec-. tlro!'hoi·i r.:!:;En 11~n"Ptl.l11•iV f111·n 111"· i EMYVIEWP".\r..:T1~c; -::::::::::z:: Huntington Airbour. llt Rlikri: ~.f\I. T • • ury apl or houi;i nrrir ;1·nter I 11· nes DISCOUNT. CUSTOl\1. • INQ,U ll.f. fl,\~1'-0 1' 11/hHrOor \'\I", J\lnn1h "fl 67l-9:t52 Af!C'r 5 Pf.I A limited number ol spacious apartments CO:-iJ.:.\ il1t-"A. :\11v. IDr r('tirt'd t·pl. Ualhoa • PAINTING & STAINING are now availa ble at ljarbour Lights. ==_.:;.*~9~·~!H~20J * lsla11tl ur Cd~t. on I y. • t ,·mes 1.N'T/EX"T. TRll\f. ACCOUS In adc:l1t ion lo lush landscaping with DESI\ .~pai·l"' :;\'111t:0hlr. s~,o li7:\-tili:iO. I FRF:E EST. Jim 9'Jl)..8186 ACCOUNTlNC THE IRVINE CO. Is M!t!klng candida.tes in the lol10\1'ing categories: A~ISTANT ?.tanager. trainees, counter gtrls, fry roo~. Doy1, N I t e s , Gra\'tyard shift11 op:n. run & p/tln1e. Apply Jack In The Uo;( 385 E. 17th SI, 0.1. ATTRACTIVE girl 21 or over, hill or part lin1e. Nights. 49'l-9011, 492--3386. AITRACTIVE OUlce Girl w~th pletlsant per1011ality & good \'&ice call fi40.8484. AVON MAKES CHRl:i,'f..1AS THE SEASON TO BE JOLJ..Y Earn extra money tor gifts as an AVON ,Repreaentlltlve in your spare thne. Call: 5'10.7041. ~!r eams, waterfal ls, quiet ponds, flowe r-1'•10· .. "'ill provl£1l' furnih!rc \\'i\NT~n: 2 Br unrurn hnu~e ~1 p ,-tined pathways, gazebos and spacious open nt $.I 1111" A~\S\~r.ring scr\'IC" ir1 co~r11 ill""11· 11'/pet. dollars a-:.ter, •tctt, .. !!..!:. Cash Receipts BABYsrrTER, llve in, with areas, you get an aparlment with a private avnll~bl.:. l ·~7.l Uea•·h B!vrl. l'.<•10111 s1;..o, 9~'t96 aft 6 * PATCH PLASTERING * Clerk it~c~P~!'"s~25~ llun1111)Clon Bench. &12--4 •• 2~ J)lll. All •~ ~-11 • balcony, lhick shag carpets, large masler ..,.,.....1i ......... .,.cs mall's Expcr. In th~prcp&.ratkm of Girls 2 & <I. ,_tnture' llldy, b d 'I :'175 SQ. Ft. 2 OHIN'll, 1 Ath, \\'\l\Tr.n houw In rri•<. '-------------------1 1--~C.~U!....'!S~lfHSZ;~~--bflnk de"""i & In.,,_..,. ... E••ll .. .,,.aklng. •~ "'-. e room su1 e, walk·in closets, lireplaces n ·nl n 1 pn u " ,...... '''"•~· . .., uw-vocw in large' m odels . a complele GE bulfel k'•I· ne"," "11·111" r ild "1"11n~"n: ll,111' ilo:::/,1·f\\1ld likl' p!a•'1! JAGU.\R XKL TRADE S:5SO!) Se--ond 'J'ruj(f Plumbi ng lng delinquency notiees, BABYSITTER .. ~j"" •;P · . ~v. ~uic 'N* · .-.~1 fnr hnr~,. if P n ~ s i h le . blal'k beftnty xlnt 1-ond. '\'ill 1lt«I 1~0 Interest 5 )'ear Proliclency on 10 key ad· Th"-. mo-1,s 10·.J•1 ,30 Chen. and air conditioning. :s.i~r1nr ,.,·e.. 'C"'JltJrl. -,1 1-~''"'· .•• ,.,/"o7-•010 ,_ 1 I do BING dl•o · b ' 1 -· '" ~ Th , :'ti'\-'~~-.. , · £,...,. -~ '" · Inn"' or l11tc PU truck or note or 1vn payme nt on L.R. OTIS PLUM " n1ac ine.a m1u1 • • tor Women'• tucly Croup . . ere s a la rge sw1mm1ng pool. rec-........ ,. "' 1 ·1 t R --" 1 • o . 1 '" 1 • :-:--. Pl~Ot' l11r!v 1~rinrrl1 dt:""irr~ v11 n, rry rt'l\IOUllV<t'. lOU5C, llnl s. f! c, cn ..... ,e s "" '"'pa rs. n n t!r NCR -s Ope I Call Oui&t Olun;ti, By The reahon grounds. huge lully·equipped club ;-,,\::-.; CIPn1r11tr. Sm11ll nH1f'I' n11. Kir. ;,1.1,, \\'100-.i ·s 1,,,.f'. !l'Ji.5,i..",9 SJG-ll:iO Pi\f ~ate.rs, dispcl8fll,, tumaee~. ...,1 ra or Seo. liB-3805. house w1lh poo1 and game rooms. 2 saunas. s~nlrs 11' nil: ~<'1'' ""n!<T. h· h<lmr Nh .t-l'":\1 ar~. '69 DODGE Chllrgcr HT.· * li' GI..ASPAR BOAT fl: r'!5ll"-'a.Shrs. St2-6263 ~f/C It I Poflitk>ln ln\"Oh'es he a. v "! eABYsmm Over 16 $I health c_lub, kitchen, fireside tounges and [ 1 ·"~1 SliXI ·SJ.JO. 1 hlk Of'f''.111 $100 n1,,.· ;i;;.:Jlj(j, 1970 . lU hp. Evlnnwl(' BIA. Complete Plumlllng m&.(.i'! ne bkkp11g. S 0 n1 c • ' · I ~ <0.1~1 lt"~ Call 4:n-w.is --St:.110 ~lo.a. n10tor. Tr11l'k' "-rv~ 1 ·1, -1 fonnlll education lt1 11c-hr 4-7 pm ""'k(l11,y + 110ml'.' grea neighbors to share ii with. The beach. Trade fur n"Utk or ?! ill.' n.., .... • "'""" · ........ ,,,,. de-'Nlblo . Abil'<'" 1 e\"'•, ''''' -·• ''' .... live '\{'~. I>.~ pt\1. I f1.1r JC'1•1l <>f t'lllllll \'8.lue-''-" '"""" 11-1 v _. vn v• salling an d fenn 1s are all nearby. --VVVll oondi!ion PLU~tBING REPAIR to l)'i>C 30 •v.p.m,,. "5C 10 In Green VAiley OJn<IM Apartmenl1 From $170.00 ~:~,~ ~~7~~T~~'~1F-;N_~. [ Per1onats JfG;l1 r,'."°', .. :~ ~1&-111""· h OOUB': .. i><'IK-396r. Y7o•o •Ro ~o* ~28-m;~ ~~fC\11~:'!' m·~*clrlnc or ~~evsm~:n"'----7 am f'W"r -.. tr. ,\n1 plt 11rk'iz l't!l -~ · "'~ ·"' ni c Rli..1t ~m R11· a..r " ...,.... i:w. r:. , .. .,,..~ ' J i<; M I H b l ' •t Uaullu~""'nrr ;.11.:-•112 1,ilar. t'nn1plc1c, in t'.i1·ton5, \VURUTZER 0 R GAN . Pool S•rvlce & E II _, Id _1 , to S 111'0. Yoor nomt. ove 0 ar our ig.,' 1 · ---1 +Trnde fflT ij(,1<1\on \\'htilcr w Tll..ADE FO H 10" ~IETAL. lnst•ll•tlon .)I;~ ""' wor rfg C'Onu honis G11rfleld/Hunllnu:ton 11.rea '. '\. In b eautlful ~\II. t'l'ri,'f' "" C1~1·1d,.,i1~ nr Personals S30 11111•ur & lr:illrr. $.~:00. vn l. L.A111E". ' 00• bcocllla. 900-14(} -li Hunlinglon Hlrbour. 1'r11 r11r: fll,,! ('"''11 \l••'\o1,I 1 !'16?-I !'S:l (•1· • &· 111clll'I * 540-!)71!) * POOL service per l'tillt. THE IRVINE CO. -B.O\'Sl'"1"1~E~R,-~N""'c~-.,,-.~..,-.I • ~ J.;i} 1110 1'11' !r,ti:(' 1:j;'i-~ill1 '' \/\E l\IO'"f')' •'lL·~ 'II h11n1r -= ...:.___. . . s ltl lo \ " ~·(.'.I 16700 Saybrook Lane (714) 848·334! ~\\~.. Fl .-11.n\ nw Nf1 l'Ji/l \\'rltr ""'" •\40llrLr. hon1t" IOI 1n P11lr" '6i l't.Yl\IOUTH 4 Dr Pun· ·pee cntlnn compctc7 n 644·l389 !\Inn ., Thur.., & })1, Youl' nit{'' , f'Ol1':::ir~ ~ "\l't· .»' T•1Ji'lin Cu ff1t'!il:l D."'•·rl Crt'f'n~. 1411· on 11nlf \VRJ:OO !l~rf{t'il1 ror rcnl pool 1111\ ten11 n1~. fl 11 hon1e. Call M&-114!>, rur1111n1: ~u11r uw. 1 urn · . mt1r<I(' hx-l mh!hlp pii)'Oft tritll ·r. sailboat,' cartorii>cr, 548-48' 111t 5 Pl\r Thnnk )'OU E:qur1l ()ppor. Emplo)'tr I BACK Otitet Girl rcqull'ed thein inlh "C:ish'" · ~f'll Al/'(11101.JCS 1\r1<•riyn100~. S.li!l00.°Fq S7100 ior \'t'ty ~r 1\hAIC"\'.,r. In wMlr or Th<'fl1ste~tdrnw~nthc\Ve1I. _ _ _ ~ • for OB/GYN o(flct. ~ 1)1~n1 thn1 11 O:iUy l'•lot Phc•n•" .i-12-i217 r.r 1\r11i: I~ i.ut~ or."~ s.io.1030 tin par .. 11.B. SJ6.7181. • .. A 0811)' ~lot Clasalllcrl I An,:1d113111 the BEST DAY ro N:!SUIUC' 10 P .O. Box l'l1u1.~Hif.'1I nrl! _ I' n, I~\ 1T.!:':. rn:rn ~'''"'' q _· · _ · ' Ad 612-5673 n d' Do 'I I I Lon( RNiorh 9(9): I! _ £ · . t'Ull II ll . n (Ca)', , , J, I • ' I ' I• I -.. • ·-· Ck-1 .. 197) I 1~m 1··· ' .. -~------lITT][ ![II] I' . IITTl ! · ,,,..., .. -lll!l I E¥J11161\t lllr ! L 111•1n•ll ][Ill :;.! _., .... _ ..... ~\(lll~l ~[;;-iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-.,;:lllll~•i t Help W•nttcli, M &. F 710 Help Wanted, M I, F 710 Help Wanted, M &. F 710 IH91p Wan1td, M & F 710 Help W1ntitd, M & F 71 0 H•lp Wini~, M&F 7 10 CLERJCAL DESIGNE!t, ?i1ectu&111cal tor FL'EXoWRIT ER OPR l 110 U S)o~Kr:EPlNG &:KEYPUNCH !>t96 or 9&18 ' H•IP W•nt.d. M&F 710Helo W1nt.d, M&F 710H•lo \'l•nt.d, M&F 7 10 Attention , Mechanics and Repairmen. Immediate Openings in the Los Angeles, Openin gs for Medical Personnel. ~LL P~TIONS I * ENGINEERING · 1 C"!illdt.':u •' .\LI hon c • t exp. Pl·n11 p/hme oil~-~·'* Medical lruttrunH•nt 11111'"'111"1! ·" vnril I pm. I rchahll' 11111tUN ll'Ollll\11 IOI: S)'S :! Qpt•r. CAP pref. f:',:.c,va~~t & 00 wo~r'8~:1~; LIAISON ~.!'ri::::11 F7Jri·r·11:!j·~~1~"C.C: µart 111;\(• live . in, ~·~I _fu,. _:>Mi--033~':::.' ~------ ntb1in1un1 supervlalon. Send !(ll;u't1~ -.·1lt1rv. J r 1• Io,. P...:a._~1.al~t'\"~;)-6\lllO 11.ITJo; hkkpr, 3 r c o u ~ t r"eilUJllC to Blo-Dynantll·l l GI VE us YOUR fndus. art'U. cti.11 r.io..7630. J llUUSEK~EPl:;H 10 11 v c· [ pll)lll.Hf'. ~'roll, terttlJlr\81 In<!. 17~12 Am1~1ronic Ave. BEST & fo:qua.l Opvor. E111plo)'er "Uh el<!<'t'IY lady, l.J1..:1uu1 11kill.11. ant .• a:rowil1i,: rirn1. .lrvlne. Cta.. 9'1705 __ WE'LL GIVE l"OilKLl•'T S.\L~:s l H<'1t~ Sa.1111')..:_ op;.•n 4\)..1-13."J , ,t'ull time, $1JO. mo tu ttar't. 100% DISPLAY u d v I' rt I .11 i 11 ~ YOU OURS S$.)(I ·~ 1~ln1m IQ ~t111't llOUSEKJ.""'.l-~l '};!t, 1-:xp. ~2. 1 .i.11)...)l ll - i;nle1un11n 1~tantt.'<1. Sahu•y fol' L.A. Coun1y lt•rritnry, ('n. 1 i\l , T. \\'. ~', R~·f:1 1'\.'(j. hVl' L.JQLiOH ~101-e t·lcrk. 6 night!\ 11lu1 libt'rnl bonu1. &·rid I Vui·l;ui On tu t.hiliill~!t hat1 lll'l.'fl a t'C'«I ~Q-MC"llC'I\ t!""'.xp. l oot, rn"t:li ciu', ti73-U!l).; I :i ll"l..1:k. Clt-1u1 <..11!, nu1t11rc . resunie to.: Dally Sun PoMt. nn hnnit.'<linte O'Pt."fllnt; lor r.n tn thls l1l•ld nol nN'. PMJ1t C11ll Olck, 119+-_2_.tt~J--~ P.O. Bo:i.: <167! Sun Clenle1Ut> ! \nd\Wklnl 1n tlUr ~i.m4111 l'.'I'· wnh 1--ontructort1 1'cry HUNT ING, TON BSACH I 1.rVF. In llow;1·kH'1:ier, he . FREE 92612 Or en l .John Croa~. 1,'0nl!'l)I ch.•~ent. You twlplul, Gn •a t 11p1x111un1ty. HIGH SCHOOL purl uf thC' ln1nlly. any ll~e T14-492-5121. 11 1u br.· N..'#po..ona:lbl~ for i'(l(li· J·:C"'lt(I .JOB _ACil::Nt:\' DISTRICT 1 t't1nJ1KJ;•l'1..-d "' lung a!I you DIETARY Aid -10 work hi plllr.,; I'll UOc'..1.ll'llOOh!,tion for .\p11ty ii! l'lth1•r 11 u r lun·C"' 1ht• potiun1"C"' & i•oerg,v S CASH S 11 t tr acllv1;1 Convlilt!~ll 11hiJ>11IC:nt~. (.."(l0tdfnat4' litl lp-\\'('1tn1instl'r offic."' Ii t> l 1 I llllll An OJ't'ni nr Jo"(•!' 10 11ut up 11•ith l lovabht. bul hospital. ~,i"xlblc hOtll'll ol n1enti1'ofdocitmt'n1Jtl'~1.,vit1i \\'1•stn1lns1~·1· 1\Vl'., o ~·t BUSINESS AUDrT I tt<'ll\'t' 1•hildn•n. __ r.1us1 ht' a full or pu11 tin1e e111plO)'t't', prod1.11·11un cun11bl. quail!)• Huntington lkat·h offk-o 31.11 nun ·t'llKlk('I', 00:~-00U "'' Personnel A9ency Jkoelits i~·lude paid vacii· 1 ~1trol wld 1~1cl1\.1 <'II· ::t'l"I ~··· suhc ?'13. 11untln$Ctoo 1 INSPECTOR 3:00 ~-__ . ___ _ . Medical Specialists 1 ion.'I. I:. income rt.>Vlllt"t'-J.:"lll('1•rll1~. Th(' a.b1flfy tu f'Ou-_!!t-Ht h. i "lfi·1<t9 t"lr ifl3-~.!_!· I l.fl'f rn1111 1triv1•r. ut1r1 11n1r. 833-9770 lllt'!ll pl;in. Apply 144;. \'l'l'i<' \\'Ith klgi(' am !'Im-t.:.\RDE:"F.n . rn rt fl11u·. :\.. S1.u 1in:,: S..<1.IUI")' SS7!t lil'I' Ill\). lllUSI hRVf' ~·IOO rh1vin; Power Generation Equipmenl Mechahics lotol '""'Y •••••ve ""'" needl Su11t•rlor, Nt'wµort Bc1tr h OI" ~cnlu!lty ui. nlOSl irnpc11111nt. dayli a 111~·k, S:I. hr. Cun1111·1 + 11:ln"1 h"rn.•(its. 1n1er'-'!ih'C! r ... cord .I: ti.• ""M" 1-~ yr"ll old. A L L BEAUTIFUL call &12-2-110 _ ,\ 1nlnl11111n1 or I )'•'RI' 1"\11.· Tittl Fol•·.v. 111 Su1·f .It S:1111I 11pp1H·iuu~ rt.'1iw'f tvr •he ::O.li-0."121"1 l1'1:l" nC'\'t-:t.o;ary. Hor1•1, I~ S. Con"' ll11'y., "1ill•'" r1 •!!t Ot·"nbc·r 1.~!h. -L VN CO'S ORANGE, NWPT D ishwa shers N eeded · . l.:1t,'U n11. I :::JO r>ill Rc"IC'/111 111 llunll!ll.:· •h.· •kill~ el "'~" o~~ '"'0"'•M Operating Room Specialists ••lh 01 w1/hou1 P'"" ••hl<lty 1•r•· "' 1°' 16 ho"" 0 -nih, 1-Trained LVNs S C H & FASHIO,N ISL. ANC IENT MARINER u . you nil~ lh .. >Sl· qu11ht1~':1-G ARMENT C UTTE R-ton lku~1l Jl'r•h :-:.:hocil. l!'.0.:1 Cut1va1!·"4·rn1 llun1<', f11!l &: hnn~ and arc lnte1'l""stl.'tl in \I 1 ., " 11 8 r 1 1...,11 11n11•. 1·:&1\ 1142-D591i wee~• o '""'"'''· A•"'Y ••••r•hh .O•" 1,0.., Sl.56 le ~ • .SO on heur Y/heel ATrack _Vehicle Medlanics -lo 11<1fl. Plu• poo.,01;011 ond ••· li•e.,enl lient~h. It VO" do1t'I Air Defense Radar Repa irmen "0~· anv el •h• .~;11c t•111d. w• II 1..,,i. you one end poy you EEG Specialists EKG -BMR Specialists ALL FEES PAID BY EMPLOY~RS Uay & ~"tun1 2007 \\". t:ua:.1 lh>'y. Nt.•11"!.llll'I [kuch G-k.i·O~'O! Apf'lv ::i 1n11-:. 11111 ~Ion-Fri J0in1ng 11 i.:T'01\il\; Ot~tnt:i' E-.;11cr. pr"1'f'rl or \\"ill 1rnin · •1 11 ~J\..'(·f. · ".IJll.'.I Cow:ty •'fl!llplill'r <'(lnl(JUfl)' riic~t M.ppll~11~11 :; l~y wk . Onr-.ir. ~111;.l~C'r . I MACHINIST th'lt offer:1 7: I.,. I: 1.1, S •. 50 hr . to 51111·1 . • . Apply <IJ "· I"" ; ... C.M. * INSPECTORS * Data Processing Repa irmen whil• Y'"' t•o•n. Field Radio Repairmen Medical fquipment Repairmen X-Ray Specialists ' Dental Specialists *Exce lle nt Benefits illon thru ~r1. !l·:::O ;1.1n-noo11 El ING) UISH\.\'ASllEH. plli1ne r\·cs *Modern F acilities on1). CREC V ~-Sa1 & Sun. A1>11!y betwn 9 1 *Comnatit ive Pay G9 neral nlc--t;--$600 , • M v I ''·· ,.w -\ \"·1ri1;n 0;1la r.1n1·h!rlf'!I, 1h•• $800 ,.., ·•·. .:i;.·p. l!l"f{' ._..nv. Sn111•p 1nd1\. II' HI'S: l)J)lt\~ & II I I ""! C< > > SI C'I 1'1 \ I I hi" 1'0n11~".v in sruaJ! ronl· $750 ospl a U<I 'II l'.. • ; ._ l'U .. '«.' • /Ill )' n SCllH' t'\"f)(>I". lll~lt>tl H~ dght " P 0 -, 1 l)llLt·l'll hu.; inun• dla1<' O'."'"' DISHWASHER \\!an1cd 11-l . I t•rson I" o..un 11'. : h11.1d 111 ::.1i-;.11 ho~-:(!nl ad- ,\lujo1· hearin~ nu1,nub11:turrr 0011 hlring on l11t !..· 2nd ~hif111. TURRET LATHE Teletypewriter "Repairmen Topoerap~ic lnstiument Repairmen Translators/language Speclatists ' PBX Operators Telephone/Teletype Operators . '• Physical/Occupational . Thi!rapi\ts lnsu ranc ! _Age ncy COmmt tciai Desk F /C Bookke•per Office Manager ,Receptionis t • Sec'y-Land Sec'y-Future $900 1n~ llll 1 ls: & 2nd Shirl~) in Gouc.l \IOl"kln:; lXlll<IS C:iU e. K,afka vnncernt'nl p11lt•rUit1I ,,. !'<!. . . $500 6-12-0598. • · llfn.~ri1s. Sh h<.'lplul, b111 NC>"!' 1'\ll' N...:t•ivi'lll: insJk.'l'lion Mill MACHINIST $7SOfooMESTIC 11"1\> G .. o ,. '' VDM u n1us:. F<"C Nc:::o .\lsn f1·~ ~1"<'a , Exr~1_-ll'11c"r in r:c,·f'iv- Coll 21J·•30-lt210 Of 71 •-121- 6990, 9 AM lo 9 PM w1ekdoy1. Put Your Military Experience ' ' . lo'.Work at Rome. Optical Lab Specialists' Draftsmen Powermen Surveyors Communications Analysts l Aircraft & Helicopter Rep.air ! Parts Specialists Jein '°"' lecol """'1 ••••••• .,,.;, Off I Pl I k /P I end tow"U ''°'' o1 )Olll p1..,;0.,1 ~ Se a ema ers ressmen I Phont 2J).4J0-lt110 o< ll~·lll · 6990, 9 AM to '1 PM "'ee•doy" Wom en : We'll Treat You to a Ca reer. r•nk. Then )eu"ll 110•! bw1ldin1 Clerk/Typists 1Yowt le<ol A•m) le1e"• un •I of. pro..,oloon 011d ••''''"''"' be nt• ''" you "'ony dill1ttnl 1eb- llh. All loo I"'' llt howt1 o "'onrh t•oonin9 progr0,..1. • Job> wo!h 0 end !wo "'•••• o 1u111.., ... 111-Instructors lulute. JOJM w.i~ (~ell1119t Job• l~t•1led? f•en of yeu• 1\ill ;,,.•11 l"";lh re•pt(t. 'incl owl if we ho•t h11td, cell lll-•J0-6210 o< 71•· lnt•••U•d? Coll 11•·S,7•JOJ1 et o job you won! .. Colt 11l·•l0· 121 -lt990, 9 AA lo 9 ,M wt1l· 7!4·111 -6990, 9 AM lo 9 PM 6210 or 71 ~-ll l -6990 9 AA 10 do.,.. j "•1iday1. 9 PM wttldoy1. ' "Th• ••O<I """'lier el lob-lroln..,9 p•o9<om1 clep111d1·wpon I~• o~lll re11uitem•nlt ol th• local 11.,,e,.e ""''· If yow"•• hod 110 pr••iO•• 111ll1lo•y ••P••i•M• ye~ 9er •Om• •11l!•ol <Hh•• !lu!y ""'"'"9· ,-------------------------------, I THE ARMY RESERVE. I i IT PAYS TO GO TO MEETINGS. G.81 Fri, 60 wpm I Typist-Train Typist, 40wpm A/Rec, Train A /Pay Clerk I Fire R a ter ! Casualty Rater Sales E 1crow Keypunch (3) Co mercia l Fire G a l Industrial R/N A/Pa yl'lbl<11s Recep'tionist '" ~ 111:: lll!Sl~~ 1un o r;,>s1~ •1r·, ssso 1 Allen Byland Ai;:cnc)', 11)).B J~~~on Bes t Anency I ~·a pa c itors. transistor:;, $500 E. \6tl't St., S.A. 5-17--039~1. • sh~1 n1c1i1l, circuit bOards. $4001--0-RAFTSMEN---li .oo Bi'OO.i.uii·,,, · r·. \ 1·1 i.!tc. 1i.'<1uirt'd. S'll l' 2Ll 95.lfi77.i $l75 MECHANICAL Varian Data Machines --GENE-RAL 11 >·ou niret ttle-s<' requii,·· $375 Detail k ~·touliy Enlo":inecrtng n1f>'1~s ;u1d nrp tntl're"ila.I ln $4SOI Drn11·ings, \Vo111 \\'/Chru1;::(' 1721 Michelson Or. MACHINIST joinln~ a ~1vin; Om ll!!e 5450 Nori<'CS, Bills or t.1nterial. Ir v ine, Calif . 92664 Diven:ifierl work 1 o :~ d. Coonty <'Om1);1ny 1/~<fi offrrs: I M Deg11!e in Draltir:g or (714) 833-1400 n1anuf. e I e ct r o n I c lll· $450 . Equivalent E.'CpcnC'ncc. p strumC'nlnlk>n. t.todcrn \\'0111 1 *Modern Facilities $600 1in1e or F 1i n1P. I llil 1.'Quat op1x111w1i1y shop. • . *Basic & Major $625 U.S. El•ctric;al en1ployer 1n1 f .\DVA:-.:a;.D K~NETICS. 1:-0:C. Med ical & l ife & $525 Moto. rs 1231 '1ctona ~-. CM L T D Cnll &M>-716:1 • • • IQJ"l!t uw" St. ENUMERATORS An Equal Oppty Ernplover *Stock Purchase rs~ F.q!f"d~p0,~;1i1y I $llO h -GENERAL-OFFICE-l *Pro(itSharin9 Ern ifli.O)rr · per our \\111 tt-a tn in (>1:11n;. l~i!l' 1yp-*11 Days P•r Year $600 DRAF'TS:0.1AN, Piping 10 Thl' City or llunnngton 1n~ Great Mlan~ to •t'01':i: Paid Vacation $475 I""" •r 1 I BeRch ha~ !l'mporary O""n-11.·, boats. l1v1nt• Co.rnp. lr•ll.. 1 *'Days Per Year llUU. • .. 1n. yr cxper. .--s ••-;:; c I! A c i I Pl Grmo,·th potential. Jrvirw in!!s for a r1pruxi n1a icly :.IQO -~~!-~ ;). :. nn ,u·ii;, ,.., P a id Sick Time 4019 Wester y ace Indus. Cotnplex. Call \~i IX'Ul>ll' 10 C'OllrllK'I a s!X'{'tal ;i.">.J-~1. Control C11rf'C'r *IO" lnd Sh'ft tM"1•ArtJ""" & Birch • l"t:nsus ti..."inning on Nov. E1nployn1cnt A:;rney , '.'.100 .1 1• • 1 Suite 101 Newport Bch ~~Y S79-8860. -:tnd s, cndinq No1._ 20111, l:Ji::. llvine Blvd .. N.B. D1 ferent1al ENGtNE LATHE TRACER LATHE PRODUCTION MACHINE OPERATORS GENERAL ASSEMBLERS 'HONE OPERATOR GRINDER MACHINIST DRAPERY opc:r111.ors S: 1'~ach position wlll be f1'0n1 -GENERAL-OFFfCE- 1 tal.ill'r. Classie J)raperif's I -10 I " · \ " -HI • NB ""'14"1 ., .10 r 11ys .,urii!1_0.~ .. p-S:1 Jary Uf'l'.r. Go.xi 1Ylll'1. .,<;.,;\ rr~1 :) .. . . ....u· ·• ' I , 1 "' , I• 1 or 640--0133 eves. J1 ican s n1us .,,_. 11', ng . o Varictl duth.'~. Sharp. F , 11't1rk 5 to 6 hrs per day 111-1in1e. f'or inrervtew l'llll CLERICAL You n1ay be thl' OOC' WI' 91"C I lt1okux; for . pl1•asr apply in 1~·rson or ron1acl: GENERAL FABRICATOR SHIPPING & RECEIVING CLERK DT{APER·y;mrkroon1 help <'lOOin),( t•vcnin~ hours ·"-1714 1 !Mi-l229. · needed Costn Mesa areu. !-'.'1 turc!ays.. R1 ·quir('lnents: GIRLS OR BOYS- ExJX'r. t.1TSTfSC operator ~1671 _ __ t.1u st be 18 yr!> of age orl 11Cerlt·d for IBl\I typesetting --EARN BIG$ olc!l'r & p!i~sii·;11:y able 1o tio \10-13 ye11rs old ro1· D,\!L\' sys1cn1 & t'<ln1pose1. Re-r estensiVC' walki'n<.; & clin1b-Pll..01' paper routes in Sou1h quire xlnt f)'pln"' skills & Ful . or Pl•1 • 111"~· 110 ~x-i"Z. Tc--rin" "-·1es are ~Ion. San!a A."'· b<.111·c:c 11 t.1-.un . " . per1enee Jw.?Cessary, no In-"·· " u" . 'MTST/SC 8. Krafka VDM Paid mC'dk·at & life in!tUI' an1'<'. fl<"lSion 11'lan, pair! holidays & vac11tlon11. I I I I .. l f I Army Rucrv• Oppc11un•h•• I.en Alami1"' \;SAK Ccni.·, Buildln~ 17 Let Al1mi10.., CA 907:U ability __ 10 v.--ork ,v/m!u. vesl:merll , ...... uired. Eslab-0 11. ~)lh & T Ul'S., {)('f. 3(},h. ,e,, f altv1e11·, \\arn1•r & San V . D M h ' I supen.•1s1.on. Expcr. 1 n lish & servic~" acctB. 6-15-852.i Application forms avail. to Dll'go Fv:y. 1 •2'7'2•2nM. •h1•1 acD •nes pn.•paration of fo1ms &: ht-filled out immed. at 642-4321. 1c e ion r . Apply Personnel Dept. documents or nc1vspaper ELDERLY couple, Harbor PC'rsottn<'I {)cpl. lluntin:;ton Lynn Coogan I Irvine, C•lif. 91664 • Tclt mc.•U.thc re;uon1..-hv 11 p•Y• lo ~11 to ~tu1111, ~nd ~"~me""''~ 1nf.""'~''''" ""ti•~ Reser~ un11 near mf communuy. 11·ork helpful. To11·nOOusc Apts. ~f need" Be;ach City H'an, 5th & Dilll rict i'll_nnal{cr (714) 133-24oo pa.11 time lady for con1-J\lain Sts. H.B. Final filing Equ~I Opporiunu~ Emp!ov!!:_ E.xCt"llcnt ro. benefits pnnion to disabled 11·ifC'. rli,(' is F'i-i., Oct. 25th. Equal GEN'L OFC TRNE I an equal opportuni ty P Call Good wages. 642-0039 __ 'Oppor Employer cmployt>r mil lease --E -LECTRONIC · · No exper. !IC(..'<!fl.~. Av11: l)"llUl& 1: 1-.·illingnc~s 10 learn 1vill do I ll<•m<---------------------·\{r ___ -· I ~ Add re,~-----------------------~ I ~~:rent Ocl~p•ti<m ·,, I '. .Si~t<-.-.-~~; -.. ~;.~..,-.. -1-.-,,.-:_-:_-=:~'===~----_-I , It I I Phen• \re• of lntcreot ___________ ·- ' I I :0.lilil.lty B•ck1round (If .. n•· i: lc.ank "':\IO:i --I I S~IOS U11e •1' ."i:J1.1r~1ion. ----I ~--------,----------------------~ THE IRVINE" CO. ORGAN SALES ,0 1~, , it. Xln"t star'1n5 sal. & 1--0. L1111 11•1& E>.:ec Sec·y ""' .., ~ Fantastic opportunity for ex-A/P Clerk <Constrl to $7001 bc•1"111 ·. Equal Oppor. i'_jnl)lo)'C'r 1icrienced individual 11·ith a MkLng Secretary 10 S67'5 Jason Bt1t Ag•ncy _ _ proven sales track rC't.'Ord. Gal J-'riday sr.oo l ,40o th'IAl:(l1ur,, •. t , , .v POLICE CLERK I -CITY OF - NEWPORT BEACH BusY mall ION1tion -pros-Tax SC'cI'l't;iry $650 Suite 2l3 , !!63-677~ ~~~~:1=:~i~s~ibe~l ~~~~?f~~~k ;:~\ GIRL FRIDAY all brands. Opportunities fo1· Insurance CIC'rk S!OO Rapi<.11)' expand ln:: llospilal advancement to manage-Deslgn Engr t nicel't) to S14K SUpp1y Jo'imi seek~ indivld-1 n1en1. [)()n't 1\·ait -Call im-St>cretary s:;so nal to handle 1yping & <·lcr1. I Help Wanted, M & F 7)0•J Help Want_td, ~& F 710 Help W1nted, M&F 710 $577 to $701 Per Mo 1ncdia!cly. All inquiriP~ hel<l Acc1ni:-, Gal Fri !o ~730 1·111 duties. FOR INTER-I in confidence. Mr. Rogers G. Ofc (_R.E.\ 10 S550 VIE\V CALL !l79-77G:i. ..-----BOOKKEEPER ~ CAR Radio ln!1!nll<'r. Exiier. Requires 1 yr. recent typin~ 586-7300. GIRL Frid11y 11·an1ed .. Great BANKING Beautiful" modem·· oUlce Jn neceu. Up 10 Sl60 wk to & general_ oUicP_ Wl'.>rk. 50 ELEC.IRONIC TECHNICIAN Call Jeanni<' SiJ>CO opportuni'" for shnro gal. UNION B AUK .. 2 "'°"' "' o n1 min '""I'"" S""cd ,t .. ~id Hnrfmn n -.J "I'" ll'Vine Conh»e>l Mwt have irtw1 .,.. ..,;,.,.., · · · · VI!".... r · · Semi-<.'Undudor knowlC"dge Salary open. Hrs. 8:30-:i:7.0 Has Oocniro ror slrong background io AIR CA R De11.ler!hip t'XP<'r only A_115litn_ment . may . be day, essential, la boratory using NEWPORT t.1orirlny-f)i•lay. CHll 979.5G80 INSPECTOR - Alert. aggressive person wi!h cxvcrlence In c h c c k i n g 11111tcri11l In standards l 11 in process !2' package goo<ls 13• cuslon1cr i;hlpn1cnts. Exttllent benefit p.'l.ckage. AVERY PRODUCTS 2620 S. Su.<:.an Santa Ana Calif., Ncur llarDor anrl \\'nml'*' AVC' .. 4714) 54()..\020 TELLER & • 'P S'"~ .~ C ni le 0,1 m_ommg sl'tift. Ap.ply al' l"'""'s of 0 ""1.is1icated Personnel Agency ,., · ...... , ~·-o. m-ed apply, Sl'rv1N'.! cashict' by Oc1 "~th 1973 ro p 3 r-.,......, HATR -LIST I r Ir I E • I bl s 1· F A'-F J b · · ..., · Pt'SOn-""Uip!. }~antastic chance ror 833 D D NB .... , ' \\. 0 011' n~ ('(1ual oppor . en1ployer mff Please Apply In Person Sal1" Hart. '""""'5. """1al Bl d N n _ "" ...... ... ~J .. u 642 3870 I di '·-. -- LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS 3131 W . Se91r1trom ;..;nta Ano ( 7141 546-3131 Equal Opportunity Employer !\1/F f\1AClllNIST TOOL MAKER ~xpeo.r. ues ra c P rts ee. .., ee o s. & telephones, &"6·-~J'.:32_.__ lll'I l)('p!, :coo New·port :~v•••-m•ot. Sal·--m-over r ., • · 1vantcd im1ncdialC'lv for l:i:::=:i::::::::= 1 "TUI Smith Pe~nnel Agency, 2190 CARPET HELPER $3. HR v ., eo.vport ocach, Ca. ntensurate 11,/expe.r. Apply • Pn ni:: .....-:1u1y !!.a lon. XlnT • 610 N~·port C.cnter Dr Harbor Blvd, Oil Must he 11·cll grooinl•tl. \Viii 9'166.'.l. 6iJ-66ll in person 1244 S. Lions St.. . I Ne11·por1 loration. PIKltlC INSURANCE SALES I :L\fa.10r hl>t1r111i; manufacturer tK-1rained to c I ea n .. .--------.!!! Santa Ana. FACTORY HELP e1•es, &44--8762. I 1101\' h1ri nJ.C for 1~1 .. t 2nd Nev.·port Beach BOOKKEEPER. general of-carpeting. t.fust be hil!h CL~RK TYPIST Et.1PLO\'P.1ENT OFFERED for 1111 shifts._ Ju<:.t II P."l~I HARD\\',\RE Salrs nerk shift!! Paid mf'<11C11I ancl llfC' Equal Oppor. Employer f ice, co n strue 11 on scl'tool grad. Lots of Enl'l'gt'llC. pcrsona~IC' \\'Oman P.fale, sinall lite nilg t.'O. 11·ork rt!L'Onl ts all 1hat is Should h(' kno\\·leds:cablc in No e-.;p lk'C., earn 11·hilc )Oil 1n..~ura.rn.:e. f)l'rtsion plan, BA~S nclpcr or donut background e ! sen Ii a I. overtime. Co. 11' ant s for general ofllC't> \\'Ork. needs reliable ff 1 i m e net'<.'~'la11• fo1· you lo go fools, plumbin1ot or cl<'!!· t let1rn, part tune. ('\"CS 1 I paid holidays and vac-ation. man Lo wnrk one n1on shop. payroll, accounts payable, 11.'Spon!iilblc, mRturt> /l('~n ~tne rxp. 111'.cessary _ Ac-eniplO)'l'<'. Oppor. 10 groii· right 10 work. tiiral. ~lust h11,·e s:ood ap. 11·knds ruU Un1e 11'ilen quol1-Con\e in•o !ht' Pcr5onncl Balboa area. Permanent, typing, non-timoker. J\ton ll'ho is interested in Jon.i:: cur11cy. moreo 1mpo1}an~ than w/co. J\1in. ex""'r. rcq'd. ECHO .JOB _AGl::~C\"" pear & pPrsona111~· for 1 ncc.t. • l OC'J)RrtrTW'nt br'l.l\'('('IJ ~ A \I nS-5740. thru t'ri, 8 hrs day, &~l4ll tenn employment. Short s/l("C'll. Send QUalif1caf10ns: . ,,,.. c . Apply . at e ttl:ier ~ u r nlecting puh/I('. 1\pply in ;•iim1l•rs lnsun1nce Group I i'lnd j Pi\1 Ill' l('lr[lhorw afler BANK operation aectttary, Boo K KEE p ER public hair prett"rn'd. \\"rite. Classified 1\c! #965 979-~. Jini 1 1 n c' \\('stn1u1s1cr orflC'e 6 :i 3 1 ~n:t:ln, H. \\'. "'right Co,\ Ed Lani * 541).1834 6 P~I and ask for thf' P la nr experienced ~ry. Con-accpunting exper nee. }i'ull ECHO JOB AGENCY Daily PiloL P.O. Box 1560 iveekday!ii. \res1n1\n~ter Ave... or l2lJ Rochester, C1'1 &1pcr;n1cntlcn1. tact Mr. Walsli, Bnnk of time only. Q.C. Airport Apply it! e; th" r out· Cosla i\fe'<U, Calif. !l2626 ENTERTAINi\fENT l\1Ulted lluntington Beac_h otl1ce '.l15 JANITORIAL Costa ft,1esa. 979-4200 area. fTl4)833-3443 \\testmlnster offi<'(' 65 3 1 \Vr will c111J )'OU !or inter-2 or 3 pc rnu.~ical rgJ'OUP :lrrl ST., Swte --20:\, l :\l I . f I LEAR , ..... , ~rt I"• E ~ r 11r ,_ • vlc11·. &'6-2823. Huntin"1on Beach. 536-1439 I ' 11 url,. '•'uina1~·,'1 ~•1X'1 r_ P'."'h·1· ._;.,....., "'""" un ~ ml"oye BOYS OR GIRLS .. estmu1ster .. ve.. or f'l93-50l l HELP' .~IP1u y 1v 1a c ot n1g BARTENDERS '!fllli part&: IO-t3 ""'&rs old for DAILY 3H~ntln¢5on Be5ac.h ofrl('2e03J3 CLEl!K TYPIST ENTERTAlNER ,;in gl e or 0 • ll"ork. Office bldg, Nc-.1"po1·t 1 SIEGLER but not nee. Prefer 21 to 30 PILOT paper routes ui uth ~luntlnJottOn Beach. 536-1439 l\'Ot"k C)(pc'r. Reis. Reply Barca Lair Newport Bench. area 11· A L'011d + f i\1 n1usic. I rflts. Phone &W-0606. · full time, expci' preferred 3 '" ,_So •u t., u1te ·'. LllC' dicfation. Coustn1ction performer, male or ~~ern, f 1\Cl'OP.Y 1•·ork in earpetcrl I Beach. 40 hl'S. 11•k. C.ood bcnJ years of age, clean cut. ~~::,,a. ~~':-n ~ain s! or 893-5011 Clussl!i~ ud ., no. 966 ~to E"'XPER. inature wom11n or Produein~ n1iniatu1·e prc>ci· Volt lnSlaO! I J EWELRY-SALESMAN Established dinner house, DI "'"· CARPET LAYERS Dully Ptlot. f .0. Box 1560 couple lo care for 2 girl~ 4 & sion 1)!111S undC"r n1icn)S(.'Opeo. TRANSPORT DYNAMICS prefer coDcgc s t u d en t . egt1 ""'!;,. .~.,1 E.XPERIENCED ONL y ! CO!lta McS«, Ca 9~26___ 6 yrs. some \\'k eves & Rci.,-en! 11.,,rk t•xpcr required. 21 Yrs of age or older. Expc•r. I •-l • 4 p•f ,......"""" ,,,., ""~"' • C I 1· E 1· k 111 I l"I & ~·1 •hifL 1'"r1 wao"•'S p I m l 11(.'{'('SS. NC'ut in uppear•. 3 W S Apply uo::lwcen 1• . L)'nn C'>'ogo!l e .,.,,.._,,,., on1 rue IOn $ 1mator 11·kl:'nd eve w 1 e mon1 an< " ,.,n v ersonne . I ancc. Salarv optlrnial. 31 I . eg e rstrom Cask &: Cleaver, 16525 Di.ttrlct P.tanager . $1100 l\olo. ree Paid. Exper. darl go out. Irvine. Rr.fs. • Cn .. benr.fi1 s. I 2'JOO H"arbor Blvd.. I S a nta Ana Brookhurst, i;·v. Equal Opportunity Employer CARPENTERS ;ts con~tr. supt. Cnr furn. Please. 83.>-8958. GAISER TOOL CO. C0:<;\a ~tf'S:i (714) 546-3131 BODY man, Prolluclion v.'Ork BRIGHT -at>'v. Ms ....... -.... n--F' I~ C T I Also Fee Pnsilions. Call fal'll results ON JU51 a 11none 1701 E. Carrwgie Ave .. Santa NEEDS I Jl•.'\l~'ER. s-"•al o-•,,·, shop. 50% 2030 HarborBlvd .... 1 to.,,'";:, film prod~~. DU!ll-10 ~11 an>t'lllcr5 -00 -Elly Ellis, jj&-SJ05, Control call a11,•ay 642-56111. ""~':::'":::·~-==~·-~~~~ ·i.;,i.;. .~... •u Equnl OpjlOrlunily E1n11loyt•r inti "-ta P.1esa. 66-5520 ~6 1•-. _·,• .. -k. ~-••"""" l11t exper. helpful. \\'r PllY Career Em1>loyment Agcn-M & F 710 H I W I M & F 710 • Secre.taries Tofl \Ya.i;:cs """" ,,. ... .,.. .. ~~ .....,....~ top ll"Rges. \\Ir "'ant f)('r-cy, ::.WO livine, Blvd., N.B. Help W•nled, e P an ed, I Polisher. Irvine Area. BUSBOYS n1anent carpenters for !a."1 COUNTER GIRL. ,,., ... tinie • TypistS '7 c:::'·~·•.::m~--~~~-:::::::::::::! *Bkkpr/F/C • $800 AlJirtty to tunction inde- pcndmtly. TI1n1 P &: L. KJ'I0\\.1edgt of pegboard ltelp- lul. E I Sh'f gro1vingoo. kno11T1 for IJuild-.,.... J JUNIOR SALESMAN \ MACHINE ven ng • I• ;~ >h• ,;..,,~ """"" "°""· or lull Hm<. si.oo h,. lo EXECUTIVE~ UANAGERS • Keypunch : Apply In Perlson All l P~I 'f K l stRr1. 21 or over. Call : .,)--"'ffl I I Earn S20·5-IO p...·1· \\"l'Ck work-Paci ica By · pper I • PBX O See &lr. Cartrr Yacht s !l62-oo?7 <IT' 536-0796. prs \ ini,:: af1Pr 5ehool and Sa1ur- FIVE CROWNS COOl\S-full time cooks. Part 15K, 25K, 7SK ih~~-s ~r.llin.i;: new ~ubs.:'MP· OPERATORS 3801 E. Ct>Rst Hwy .. Cdl\f m \\'. 61;~~~-· C.:O.I. titll(' Utility nll'll. Lunch & I SALARIES. NEGOTIAILE I T1•n1110t':i:-y S(•n •u·r lions ror I.he DAILY PJU)T. *Sec'y·Bilingual Oppor. w/local firm n1anuf. in P.texlco customer lier\/. & lite bkkpng. Short hn.•11 de- 11lred. *Exec. Sec'y $700 Top lddll~/ndm bnckgrnd It !IO!lle ccl1ege. t.fln. 5 ~ t!lfec, see'y "Xl>M'· *Recepl/ Bk pr $500 1.1te A/P, good typiw,o. *Sec'y Recept. $500 ~ jQI' req 's aet..'ltrale t)'plst wlklx"M·1cdge of Gen'I Ofc~""~­ *Gener•I Ofc $600 Dlve.r!lfied pN.l!ion w/R.E. nnn. Cbmrnute 50 n11"1 for1 """ *Rec.ptionist to $520 Type C$ P, A Gfln' I Clerico.I duties. *Recept/S.c'y $550 A«Uf· typ6ll -gOod w1"fie· ...... 1tELEN SOIAJoTER- PERSONNEL ACt~CY -1262 Campus Dr., B-4, N.R. 551.zn1 I • 1Hnncr .. \\"ill 1r11.in. ?.lust he Are You Unemployed Now-Are You Seeking 38-lil Campus l...rr., Sui!r 106 I 1111s •r< 001 R (laJlC'I' n.t1111• Cal cu atlon o,.-er JS. Apply al Ground A Chi nge _ Worried About Your Age _ Ne11'Jlllrt lkaC'h j l6-471l 111 nd d()('S no1t illl:ludc0 de· CHEF • $1000 per 1•10. The Rnunrl Rest., 27j() Harbor d d d 1 F',qual Oppor. ErnplO)L r h·erie1 in· co lt.>t'liu}:. pen. S . , . t Blue Beet. Call bcf. 10::1> Rlvd, c.t.t. Tired of Bro~en Promi5 e1-Un eci • Al T 0 I 11\jl:S 1n Cml;J t.les.1, t'ounta1n Pec1a IS a.m. 642:a.1_!:1_:_ ---COOK, MATURE-A Proper Course of Action -I \'allt•y and South ll un1inr.:tnr1 CHOOSE YOUR OWN Exrv•ricnt.'L'll &: De~able ARE YOU UNDER PAID? llEU' •v 1ntcd c x pr 1· H~ach. Apply no" hy 0·11 Uin~ HOURS ··~ Y'"... sect'l'tnry tQ 11-ork full lin11· 1 :1·\~3(.)ll. REQUIRE AN W . 1 1 I Apply in person. Surf & If You Ca11 Ans•H The Followin9 Cat~orles in h•:H hrr r>oo•ts rnf11;. nrt i,·t•. 1 C:i1 u11 ! 011p11r. h111plo~·"r INDIVIDUAL onian. part tune. nven ory Sirloin. 5930 \V. Coast Hwy, In The Affirmative, W e'd Like An Interview Soml' shorthAnrl h1•lpful. nc-,..o;:;..,ii;iiii;i.,,;::;;;:.;;;;;.;_ manngement com 11 11ny N.B. With You 1,iunt~ pn_vabll' c•;1:p1•r , KEYPUNCH WHO tiAS Sl!l"')'icing locnl fllore~. Cur COOi\. Jo~1rin1e l'lllf1](1yment. Snlnry ls1scd on l"DC'T .~ 1 nt'CC"'Bllry. Retail PXf>C'ricn("f.' A 1 1 r :ictive t"Onvnlct'K'ent IF-YOUR ANSWERS ARE TRUTHFUL i;kill!i. Pleo!>c call S3Jo.OO:i.-1 I OPERATOR, SR. e A Math~Bact.""round hcll)flil. PlY>ne 213/!126-0015. I 1 1 T I WE c•N HELP YOU r · · I"" re? Los l()!Jp ta . op sn & benefit!\. -"' ~~-11'11· 11 pp11t. I'· Yc11 r:i cxp1•rj.1•11(•r on JB :'-1 Throug (fl culu1 \Vi'lle P.O. Bo" 4· 71• I n s lltulionnl background A. Do you ~ .... '''0~13 •OC•lie11•I drl .. •11 J-IOUSF:KEF:PER _ In 11'Ilrk 19 & OC/9 n11tclunetr.. -e Pr•ctlcel Or &.~·Calif. OOCM!.l. pre!'d. &U-2410 or a pply I. Do you h••• 13ood n1ti•• inlelli91nc:1 7 ln 11111•111·11\•f' ('Oni·i1lc.~cen1 Actdemlc Exp In CLERICAL 144~ Superior AvC'., N.B. C. Do you f1•I 1ulficl•ntly me•i••l1d le •Chie•1 7 hospit11I. ~·ll·'<ib1 ... houri; for 1 BABCOCK Eltctranlc1. An A.A COOK • Brrakfaiit neei_!c(t D, Oo vou 11 .... the •bllitv te m•k• d1c i1io111? full or pnr1 tin1e C'nip1oyc~. ELECTRONICS De..;.rM O.sireble. KEYPUNCH immed. l\lusl bl' exper. for E. Are you 111dy lo 11• • 11•tl1tic c:•r••r ebi1tli••' Xlnt i1'0rkir111; l""lnd. & poirl Uni1 of Ei;terhnl' • I fAst Opet'jllion. 646-5301. F. If you wire ce11 .. !11c1cf th•t help w11 •••il•bl1, weuld 1·aca1it>n, Apply a~ J .14~' I ~ Corporu!ion e An Understand "I ECO TO 0 yeu •c:c•pl it without d11•v1 Supe.rior A1•e .. N cw p o rt ,,.-Of Circuitry S\\'lNG Sl ftrf D RA RtSJI PPER YOU SHOULD KNOW Beat·h. nr t.'flll 6124110 I ;irie:u illlrhor ~!\'d • A B•slc Tes t 6 nlOI CUrrt..'flt Work Exp. Needed f 0 r Rciaaurant • The bitter job• ••• not 1d•1rti1ed I' llOUSEJ\F.F:P r.n Ill·•· In for Co~l a ~~;;· (.;iHf. Covering The TYPIST De11\&n Con1plltly. M6-4234 e Third p11ty prolen ie111I influent• i1 1emetime• home on Linda Isle 11•lt h :i 1 · · A-llcatk>n of DENT • 1 . . 111ce1111ry c-hllrlr('n, Somr Eni,:li11h 1~ Jo:q1111I C>ppor. Employer 111ff ""' un · " ' r t c t•ptiont!I. e G1ttint th1 rit hl dee" op•~. •I 1h1 ri~t 11•11 11-(Jllh't'ff. Rclt'l'('nct'S nle!IM Ohms Ltw '"''II N('\\'JIOrt Orlhorlonic oUice. li1 ,. B. G '•v•n 50+ \\t.P.~1. Top suln.-u f'rin.,.. hencftts '11i111 t1eh11iqlu~! 1·11 d ,. • ,. . I T.l"'"Ml l K E YPUNCH-T RAIN EE • • 3 • · -..~ • e c••cuti•i poi 1.0111 .,. ' • 111ou1311 •••tu ••• '"' 1-0 u5T:-r.•1.·l:-peR---Dental «!.""fl lT'<J Ortho exp. ~ r~""'·''• r, , m n t u r r l.A'.K'lll flnn \\'11\ 11;lin 11\\ll\ STAT CLERK i11•iew1 Duncan . pref. .\iC ~M'I. G-1~2626. «t M•u '•'""'• ,....;i;"•· ;, 11111 1 lelil •"''"''' ,\,..man l:i hr" r-·r 11 k ()1111 ! 11 f~)m(' rypins,: skill tn 1i1n Sl1111•r ,f: C:011lcr l\1achine. 1 \\'i ll tra11t on our n1al'hllll'1'. bu! n1t•('hnniral aplitu1l4' JM'1.'\'1'"8ry. P :t.lrl 1nsu1·:u1<·1•, 1•\t"l•llcot ~fit..; 1\pplyl !l-11 A.~l . ut' 2-4P 1\1 AVERY PRODUCTS Consum er D ivision 26)"1 S. S11~au ~nnta ,\na, C'ulif, !IT<Ol ~:q111\I Oppor. E111 plU}'l'1" ~11r 1 illachin1st I Pn·\f::"'~-~i1"i' n111n11f11c1unnt: C'llllJJ.llf\\', Jilnt II' 0 I' k I 11 ~ ('f'nrlifionii. r nrtt:t h1'rll'!h11. !11111l("(ti11ll' 01X'nl~ FOt' AUTOMATIC SCREW M AC H IN E OPERATOR f>ENTA L Chni("lli(lt• Ani8• INC 1 tran!<f.iortatiQfl :l\S......:)201 11ft kP)l)UIK'h. ~nit' n\"f'rtUU(' Electronics WI tl!.nl , klr f>Molkl•llic-prnr EXECUTIVE SERVICES, • fipnl Sinn S:l~i ~·lrnpld r11.i~I'~ t'n111t• ~··t11p & •111r1~1lf'. C_B,100,,kk.,•1•1~rs°""A1,~t , .. , ~ t'lt!.rv\ew Rd. CM COLl..f:GE t~LCEDR.A tlce In Ne"'J)'lrt Ccntrr, .,. H • • ~ y 1 --Houseketping <:au l\:i) \rhii.:. !rilkw.l.". i -_' ... "". • ,. .. Is-...;, I .. Equal ()ppor. Employt!r rn lt ~l11s1 l11tve exper. Bili11JtUal may ave""" ... nswer rvr OY & K"t h • (•'1"•~1111 f'l'1-,.onl'l('I A~\'11<'1. µcarp. indtv. w n.:1 .. ~. or I ~Apply Mon~t"rt 9.-""Nmn pno~n·ed. &IG-00)3. I s ..... R·1~"'· 0. c .. u Te4.. I I c tn nro 11.irlior Ul\·tl .• ()I. . Ille bkkpnJ l'lCIW'T'. Cn. ivl!l lCAPi\CITOR. ~ffar n C"ed s PERSONNEL --,. -Fer-1RclJ1·f. ~ll •+!'-:lllb\ -Keypunch On.rat0;-'"'° train. Avv; typlrr.: It JO kc)' rem11.IE" electronic. f'\rPAn+~·•F'l\rl' DP.NT"L Alllli81nnt. f''CJlCr . NO CO f EXECUftVI tNTt:l\V1EW -QUICK CASH ,.. ht!lnful. 1 .. ut.~emhlrrw. No c~p, net. PACIFIC MUTUAL I ~~f; 0~1ni~~1~1A ~~~1 f1~~~ EXECUTIVE SERVICES INC ORPORATED THROUGH ,.. ·~~1;"~1i:0.t~•h11~~;11.~~:~~.1 )c.ir J e son 8 e1t Agency F'11ll time dn)'l. :start •I 100 , ... ,_, .. "-•i•· '"· 1 ~· ,,.. !C'M! Of,IC t -St.NTA AHA Con! ol D•I• Co p 11400 Urookhursl ••.• \u~' $1.90. j.~~1 . , .. ,.,,' ....... ~· ..... ' ~a My. llOr".. j 5ecuri t• ·~~~ 1ij;ld i11q L o· . r r . 5HUR·LOK CORP Appl) Al Rohe Scientific 926 So. Lyon St. Santa Ana SU\!1'! 213 !IG3~7T.1 1 Any dllY 11 lh('' BEST DAY to Nrivtytr! BeRch I DENTAL ehah~lde llStr.ist11.n•. s ... ,~ 701 DAI y PIL T :il()...1$21) ,\\,\IJ) \\nn!t'il • St11cllU A lOO't wanl Ad 15 a 1191)d \n. ~n an ad? Don't dell.)'. . £<iu111 Oiiiior. r,111pl{J_?'rr f::rpericnt't.'11. 31IRy11 11 11·eekj PHONE: 17141 547·9625 WANT AD I Eqini l OJ>Pf'I'. Eniplo)•'r i\lotrl. \Ml ~ l'oo~t H"'), ~-"""'rmtrit. call today &U-5673..._.. i... ..................... >!o..... rn. Wiill'lrr til'Hlj(JI J M.A~Tnl'".TI lli11 hMI 11' -! ~111111 ~·'ti. 494--4892.....:.__ ' I ' • ., I I ~fJo ltJ DAILY "LDT I ~~~,~~~~~~ - £u•r111e11l ![III " .... , ..... llIIJl'I ___ "'"'-'"*"~![fl] I -•"*" ![j] I """"""" ![j] I' L :I ;oowl l[JJ] I • et s ffiJ I I st I tit l[t1] ~[ --~]~[§] Help W onlocf, MI f 710Help Wenfod, M 11' 7U 14olp Wenlocf, MI F 710 PRINTER TRAINEES Holp Wentocf, MI I' 710 Help Wenled, MI F 710 Help W•nt9'1, M 11' Jfl Holp w.......-, MI I' 710 Anti~--IOO -1$440. mo. lo IUlrt. v;w be c n~"~c TY·1sT •URRIC'N INDIAN ~[ 1~ tnlnNI II) Opttalf' Harris SALES ~ -• SHIPPJN ~ ~~ll'U~ • ... • • ~c; ,.., * MAINTENANCE MANAGER * N""" .,, + m"l>Uilh • 1 ""·' E ..... Se)n $5 to $7.lD ,., h r D>:PT. r .. Paid .... utifal mo<J<'m AUCTION FOR PklVATE SCHOOL LVN-R•llel (l-11) m,,iu1,.ph. Ropld lncc<ues NEW OFFICE PAID D "IL y Man tor., hr. we<k. I' hr lo otc In N.B. Gr • at wrn. Ocl. 1711> 7:30 Piil All .stuf11. ~&n~'I ~-o1umen-In Pll.Y , " 1tar1. Small Pitta. Co. ro--v.wken I Rood benefit.I. HoUday Inn. Oranct Co. .'-\ \1EBY SP~;CIAL man. ?.1USl be energellc, .uni.lo w f'Xl>CT' Park Udo f..Ctl0 JOB AGENCY OwcrrunJry lor ll\'CI Uccnaed Pan tttne or r uu time GOLDEN'S htAGIC \VANO Start "4l. Aho Fee Jobs. ~ AJW. Jo'r'.'J)I at pos1livc, mechanically inclined, senerally Ht."9lth Clll't', .iai f'ta.aalup Apply at either 0 u r 1~al c5ltit(' IJ\-'IJPIC I~ thll hi· Auni.cdvt m ar ke t l n 1 9-16 \V. 11th St. C.M. Ca"-Kl,)' Wire, ~ ~ handy, fond of chHdr,en, practJcal, and of Rd .. N.D. &$2..M.W. \\'e1llnln1tcr oUlee 6 l J t ~i>!dmf'nl otne.:!. CL:J tor In-rept11tnt&tlwt ovtr 21 Apply ~ to U .Ut. COUtal Ptr!ionnel Agency, f ettlurin& mUUon S coll. of hi h I I h h \l't'i;trn ltwte r Ave.. 0 r "rvl"'\\', i wanU!d $0 ~ oo 1n111ll 2790 lJarlxw' Bh·d., Cl\I jewlry, NM~· basket• Ii s 1norl c iaracter. T e ours ire some-DJSllWASHEJtS, trlllnoc• "'!'· ll untlnaton Beach u!Jlce 31s w. E . L"CH!NMYER n1flr. &: :eiail..rihnl. t.1W1t be Shop A.round UNION' Hot ·nooteni _ artifacts. linlC'i Ion.it nnd the pay, while fair , ls not cepted . Bay \•lt >A' Con· :1rd s• .. Suite 20l. v-..r:r_,..,,,r t.,;,.JoW 11ggre1111w, 1nt~l!ge11t and to-•>•••----·• inn". Nal'l Indian Center, R. bl I I b h r t i \•o.leacent llo.:pltal, 2 0 ~1 ;, bl u -~· h Is '" ... "\.V<J..I .... • 213 ••«~•1 te-rr1 y tn pr ess vc. ut t e se nse o sa S· Tl rl c M ., ~""~ 11 un1ina1on fkat·h. 5:1&-14:,:9 a e to se a ~muuct t at Earn top waF,e• if ,·ou e11.n fl.rilam, auctr. :"'"",..""' r tl I I I tl 1u 11 Ave, ... 6\-..:.U... I S TE M le ~ In . Ao:a n•R• U<.'lion 1:11~ apprec a t on rece ve I~ great! or 893·51:111. REAL !! TA 1·n~y -.. \' . · _ .... 7 hu1t1e. Building oow creivs 1 _;~:::..:::;•~:;;,· ==~.,.,,c---( ':1r provid ed. Character ref. requlred. A NURSERY Anendan! '"' SALESMEN 11 0 u se "'' t v e ~ · 1'or Startfnq to Wur1t. for e1tAblllhed company. XNTJQUE SALE perfc tt job for son1conc v.·ho ls r eUred and ~: ~:,~~f.nia~':'s ar11~i PRODUCTION \Yhy not \1·1.1rk In· 1ht> honesl incervlew call e 9193' Returning to work? ~~~ •,~:i,, Bob Drrd ~nl~::!~nerA~:~~ ~~'. rc11 l!y do~sn 't \\'ant to be ! 613-1011 ai't'a . lluntlnl{ton Beach -SALESMAN Must make roorn selllnK CA LL FOR APPT 64• 1n3 NUR'"S oo'd••· .. 11 ·"o'f•-. r ountui11 V11.llry. Let us EXP NECE"-'SAR'I' Why gr•b th• 1st --(fNUSUAL ... 1. ~-ii 1 .. I ; 01 ... ' I • .1• eon::iescent Hos~l1a1""' .. TECHNICIAN lrain )'OU. <;all Phil :\le. HE. T .NDE~R BOX job you find? ENTERTAtNE:Ji(S) pre8C!:rlt· Stoclll •. ui-.. c 1 Dur ing School houri I to 4:30 "* 642-059ll * ~~·~e;E, ~~E RE.AL T I OPPORTUNrTY ~f:~~os~·m'iN~w~o~i ' !Help Wante d M & F 710 1 Help Wanted, M & F 710 l\'t'RSES Aide~. expt>r. 7-3 _ South Coast Plaza Be a T .Girl or • T·Man Salary, vh13 O\'ctrkl<> Blvd., VM. 642-2523. ' ' ihlft. Hunlln£ton s ca c b f>l'rlomu e1t'ci.1'00Jc checkout 3333 S. Bristol St. & try m1ny d ifferent Call ~tr, Brown, 00.'1·"581 I02 : ; ~l b'TAL fobricanoo helper Conv. Hoap. 847-3517. ol n1lcrcr.1·11.1'e p1'0Clum & RECEJVING Cos ta Me11, S4o..8262 _ a11ignments In v1rled AurlitlnnR requh'Nt .Appliance• ' j \f,\J;\TF;\ \'-C~: . 1·11111)• z>:ll South llroad.,.1ay, San~ NURSES Aides-Daya l."l'.lnlponent.i: Tccti.nleal or l -field1 be>fore you d9clde iv,,1 •«•s~ f · 'I'""'"•• 1 -'1~t~>:-IG-HT--D-A-,-IA-G_E_SA_LE_ J,, 11111 11 '"'•'h 1n1·)t n e d . AM LYN 11.7 A~I 1 k~\00\ training in elrctron-INSPECTOR SALES CLERKS wnn tert, what you want. eBLUE DOLPHIN• New Hotpoinl refrl r '•. 1 C ·~11111 ·f'lunor c·!trpenlt-y & • • , Call !rls.-3061 it'll & n1in!mum 1 year re· n1ale or ft'malr, in gtm\•ini:t l:~ VI L'do NB . • j)lu111l1111;! & i-lt<~·. CA.II r-.lon· ~1~.X ICA/'oi Rewa.urant. c_:ap.. ---ht1ed exp.or, romno.nv, Store hours 1(1 """"',.,,.R IT'"' · " 1 · ' · · d!sh'A'll.!ilen: &: r II. n a:·e I, I ,t,11 -t rul.1), 1111 rn -3 p tll , I !!ttrrt.no t.aklng applicatlOl11 . I l\?.!-'9P~t. Permanent. full ""' v,,. A ~"-\llAITRESSES-Junch I:. din· 11•ashers &: dryen. factory , 11 k l--1·0.'ill~ lur ~a.itresaes. °""lllt~N. OFFICE. 1 call f"or Appt. lte<.'t"i\'l..'!I & inspects \'1..'fKlor Lime. Compooy benefits in· N"r. Food & c o c k ta i 1 warranty. (•1· . -l'IX'k1ail ~'altre85£>a. cooks, Industrial Relalitlns materiallO, ma.chine pe11 s. elude \rururance & Vlll'al!on. servtce. Exp e r . not BEACH CITY APPLIANCE 1 \I\\.~ 111 1· '"11:" nun·h1M' bu~hoys &: d1sh11•aohf'l'5. CaJI GO AHEAD ('!('('tronlc pnr11. pril'"ll:l'fl dr-ti necessary. l mmed openings. 3623 \\r. \Varner, SA ~1*) • ,, ''l)\.'l'·1t!•r~. "'111 !ruin, ~-11 A.\I 49J.2'l.?7. (714) 49~9401 t'Ul\ boord!, ut.111zing prints, E.~perlence helpful, but we .r ..:J Apply at Ground Round 2002 N. Tustin, Orange , 1 1 197'."~ ~llNIAT\JRE fl.IACHlNJS1' BE CHOOSEY 11pedtiC'lltion.<;, san1plc l: 't1g:ra~~O;~~ ~v~";~ ':Jlil 11Qhr.tDr. Re~t. ZT".tl Harbor Blvd.. ~ • TRAINEE \\'anted ·Call for TELONIC Prot"f'S~. Interpret blue. s Co '' 'LJ .,...._. m.11W C.M, H0,1E LA UNDRY WEEK ' MANAGER W• Are Tool p1·1nts &. schernatlc ctia· t., sta. l'sa lf . • Appl., >18-5'1!. INDUSTRIES ]llllJI WANTED SALE ' ' 'ln DE" "•!ODE' 0 '!ODE'"-' grams. 1 Yr expcr 8 1 t'I'-EN -----------~ "Id Konmore wnsllers as low as 1 • ' ·~ ·~i. ~" ~ Bring your skill& & personal-celving clC'rk or l~spector SALES \VOti1 Boys or girls 1~13 years o • TRAINEE . 1,IODELS 1 ity to O.O. for local tempo.-Laguna Beach ·Housewives, here's an oppty for' DAILY PILOT pnJ)f.'r Sl49. Kenmore dryers as • \\nml'n -r.1en cau ror AW(. Jo work ttexij>ll! f!Ours, part rottleA In South Santa Ana, lo\\' as $99. •" \\'Anted for !all aI¥i "'Inter r'lll"Y Wt'rll: .• Joln the 11ell'<..1 F,qual Oppor. Employer Industrial Relations or full time in ladles STENO CLERK II between Main&: Farview, Sean, Roe buck I Co. ' ' No Exper. Necess. fu hiom. Call appL O.O. GIRLS, -apec\alty rtores. Apply lo.ton-\Varner & San Dlttio fl\'Y· Adams at l.1agnolla, H.B. • Earn As You Le~rn American Beauties Office & Lit1 Assembly PURCHASING (714) 494-.9401 day, Oct. 15lti. S -CITY OF, -.&\2-43:{1 . 962-1181 J\toders Academy JUDY' NEWPORT BEACH Lynn O:x>gon ti.fAYTAG auto. w11.aher & I -ft ~HU Ar1• 11111h!1 1oas, t'llret'r 3700 Newport Blvd., N.B. NO FEES * BUYER * TELONIC So. Coast Plaza, C.M. District Manager gas dryer $175. Kenmott :: 1111n~!~·J S: 1\:ir1 rctal lnvol1·('-* 1)75..8442 "* INDUSTRIES -$626. $762 P•r Mo Equal Opportw'llty Emplorer auto. washer $75. Whirlpool n1••n1 ~ p..•opl<' IVC con de-~10TEL t.1aid - 5 hrs work In • office SECRETAftY' \VANTED ReaJ E $ta te eieelric dryer $85. Jo""ree ! •.. -·1·<''.0J1 ')ll'l11r L''111nrn1:<'mrn1 r xchange for apL or salary. YOU'VE HEARD IT La guna Bea ch EX'ECUT.IYE Requires 2 yn 1tenogn.phlc Broker or Salesman. Self delivery, Guar. 54&-8672, ab!11'11•' ru-.1 our tr:u 11111i; E."p'd. Zs'76 Ne~·port Blvd, • OVerload exper. Preferably in a starter, p o' it iv e' elC-"Mc.7~-Sll=~'------- .Ct riro;rr11m CJ\l. ~ST.ii Equal Oppor. ~ployer municipal plannlng dept. perienctd only need apply. MOVING mil!! sell, -wafer l~i~1 Job Stob11ity ~ll~~;aln~1:~~y ~~~~~~ Nl~~~~~c~;~H ALL BEFORE... c G SE.CRETARY ~~!it~1~fait~ a~:·~~:: Dan M&-ZZll. 1~~~~ b::tirv; w~fer)~ t;<• Group Insurance co~ta ?.tesa Inn. 557.0061 RE EIVIN Apply by Oct. 25th. um ro WEEK-ENDS 2 nu automatic w at e r ',_",. P a .td Vacation * MUSICIANS Looklnlil: for -!E!!l !L2fil But how often have all those CLERK The JIVine Co. seeks a card!· ~ .• ~: S::: Key punch operator, 9-5 Sat ~i;:~ at cost. Ca l I copable managt'r. Refs. 2 OFFICI:. U.IRLS otrers ron1e through, does Oa 9mJ 6'""""'• & Sun. Al.!io telephone & =:;.-,,;=,-,--,,,.,,.-=-I ~ ~~ A u tomatic Salarly Call John or BUI 5.51-8151. the compan)' li\·e up to Minimum of 1 ye a r s date "'/rrubstantial eX}:>eT. as · · ,,,._, een sec ~-on-. GE Electric Clot.hes Dl')'tt, . NEEDED promlsea beyond you r 'A'ild· · · -L[ · an ext'<'. ~. Typing ....,.. "'PHONE/ 11!11 perfect rood. $50, White !1.,. Increases t<iEED Good men to deliver Ra::llo telephone dlspotch ..___,VARIAN DATA expenence in a N1 pp1ng 70 sh 90 Individual must •r...L<C< I l II ru , ... _a, "A-.. le rst u • .,..,... an d /o r re c ei vi ng be' 11 · R"~~oN!ST klllet.l't'Orlc!$25.0dd tema . ., , qua 1Y rn '"""' '""'"' \ft!I~ be 25, able to drive l>tAC!IlNES, the big com· "''ii ng to accept resi>m-""-""'. '' Mon. Alt1 only. 501 Avenlda j .• j Advancement 1 people. Ra.pkt advanceni:,nt Apply In Peraon pi..ny tn small computers, gr1~:.&e:~ieF:~J;j~ albUlty & ~-or1c independent-An exciting part t1me Job. Largo (Blutts otf Laredo). •C' I °"pio·~,rttlo",,,nlU..lak>•'nail~~~~Frlp.. YELLOW CAB CO. IM't h--•1 g -· a !in ly. Excellent bl!netits & We ntfll a sharp pl tD Oppor .. l'fWI.>-••uu n >'""' e. company. Paid Insurance rki nd'tk>na 8.113~'er our bu•y phones \V ASH E R S, dr ye r , '1 •·· 1 • ' t0-2 pm only. 1638 Babrock, 186 E. J6th, r.oc ta Mru. The promises R.re real and and be nt':fil1. Lots o f l't'O ng co i , 8 ~1 30 d·'I &1• '""" dishwasher Reblt ...,,A,. I the otters 1nean a re,vard-· I i :.,.,. : 11.1 y, · ~J.OO'U. REALTORS · ' •-· ' (714) 135-7417 Costa Meu. OFFICE GIRL lng, challefWing cl!..reer for ~~ptc~~~p~pa;t~~n Call 644-3319 TELEPHONE Opr. Apply to STNCE 1944 Ot'll vered. 83$-1~ o r i.'r:· Tic Toe Systems, Inc. )'" ! 1·(111nl Orioor. 1-:Mnlo\•'r -%1 Yn or age or older. Exper you In our Purchasing De-, VER ' Auditor, 1-lotel Laauna, 425 '7J..4400 ,O.,._.C"-'Om=".~~~.,.,---1 NEVER A FEE ~~~!~~~'flp!~~ppear-partrn<"nt. A Y Equal Oppor. Empk1yer s. Coa.iit I-fwy, Lag. Bch 40" GE Elect double oven, ",_.;.... ____ _ ~3 PRODUCTS (Steady Yr Around Empll ORAN1'1ENTAL gd oond, self cleanlna, m Harbor Blvd. RequJremen!s include prior SECRETARY TELEVISION I:. appllan~ WEmOLDNEEXPR, . LAGUNA Harvest gold, $ml 0 r j•" -MANAGEMENT Secretary CootP. Mlt!a, Calif. e.~perlence in purchasing of CONSUfl.iER DIVISION nearest ortr. 673-2861. electronic l'Om ponents in the 2620 S. SUs8n \Ve are looking tor a top salesman wanted for good 494--&76 DARK brown W h I r) p o o I . ! . I • 1 f.l'ndiftJ!.TR~n~~;;s t111an~·e Asst. Secretary t1,mi,w111y lntcr\'lewin~ ror Penonnel Clerk rnrM'r n1n nr1 .i;::r n1c n 1 Clerk T I flf'%'1'am. \Y(' SN'k ~~II'~ JP St tyflt'q 1vlin 1•11•1 IT'l'I'! puhlli'. Payroll nt-cr111 N'qpnn~lhili1y Md be • career 111 indc11. , Insurance I Clerk • Ex~llcnl c mp l o y cl' benefits. "* AHractivt' salary 'A"hilc D•rtnell Personnel Service Agency PART·TIME HEY, MOM! SCHOOL HOURS POSITION 9:30 Afl.1-3 PM DAILY (Sat. Optional! Experience desirable i n church or Swi<lay school wo.-k:, PTA, Scouting or community ~'Ork etc. !roiuina:. 500 Newport Center Dr. FOR INTERVIEW (-otnputer or peripheral re. Santa Ana, Calif. notch secretDrv to learn the one ma~ floor. Good hn, i WI-10 'WANTS TO WORK? '"&s"-r lB lb ho•vy d"ty. I ~ fi I \N !' bo & \V ) ~3 salary, lnS, 110 ni&:hts or 0 • •~ !I.IL" ·e d. \Ve otter : 1 ear ~ar r arner ad biz. Jr you take Sw'ldays. All 1nqu 1 r le• DRIVE A CAB. Practically new $ 6 5 . * Modern Facilities * B111lc 11nd Major Mocflcal +Lio * L.T .D. * Stock Purch11e * Profit Sharing * Paid Vacation * Paid S ick Le11ve shorthand, type fast & ac-confidential. 0ew.-..·1 TV CHOOSE your holU'I, work 64f>.7016 an t'C(Ual oppor emplorer m/I curately & ll'OUld I.ii«> a 496--5748 492·3457. ~~ far yourself, be your own WANTED: Nice 28" or 30" -challenge. Reply Classified bola. Men or women. Can RECEPTIONIST Ad no. 964 c/o Daily Pilot, be sll&'htly handicapped. gu range. Have 2·36" gas No exper. neceu. P leasant P.O. Box 1560, Costa ~1csa, TEMPO'S Nea t-Clean Appearance. S:~or sale $25 & $75. peNiOl'l&lity, sharp. al'lpear· Ca 92626. ~ta, retired. Age 25 to 70. ~ 11~1hav~i!>1:~':t ~ SECRETARY D'1al-A' -Job.' ' r>r't~~e'~!~ 6~ ori~c::~t~ ~.~. ~~e~;': oo. ~nt stRrti.ng sal & co. Fee Paid. If you like variety, <lay. Apply In pel'IOn, oven and Kenmore elec benefit!. Fee Nego/Atso Fer activity & unlimited oppcir-YellJW Cab Co., i86 E. 16th dryer Ph. 557-99215, Joh~. !unity this is the job for you. NO\V O~e County's most St .. Co61a 1'.ie&&. MAYTAG ' You may be the on'-' "·e are Jason Best Agency Terrine fu ture far sharp progressive & Innovative WOMEN to do light clerical EI..l!rnUC DRYER looking fot. Please apply 17.ffil.i Bl'OOh.11un;, t'.Viy lncliv. iv/avg. typing & lite Temporary Help Service & light rMl\Ufacturlng work. $30 545-8031 bef~ .(' ,p.m. In person or cont:tcl: I Suire 21:1 963-67T.i C'"<:pcr, Sh helpful. Also Fl'e 'dOl'S it again.' TEPtfPO of. Call for appt. 5.S7-1444 anytime weekends RF.C'EPTJONtST full time Joh<;. fer.; a truly unique & time Intervtew1 Mon & Tuel Bet. B. Kr11fka \Vantecl for Southem Cnllf. J1son Best Agency 1 i; av I ng opportunity for 11).i pm, Rent W11shers/D,ryer1 it·" ~nt~:~.1;(.~lowancc plus lull New,ort 8Hch 640-8470 APPOIIJT?.fENT ONLY r'T "* VA ;ippn)ved for Vet:.. I =~~:;:==:=:;:;;::1.~C~A~L~L~(;.7~14~);54~2-1;10:1~ ! , APP!.Y m · I NEVER A FEE PART-TIME f '~,1; Benefici•I Fin ance Co. MAINTEN.ANCE COUNTER GIRL " 714·<~1626 "1 1·"7 'l~·J ~ O..-er21.Apply 1n ~rsononly • •rl'. . .......-' ··"'.., "J MECHANIC to $550 alter 2:00 PM, Dell SheI ; -MANAGER TRAl~EE fl.tulti Nnt'I Firm Located 111 Dellc11tc1sen, Brookhant ti 1' ;" OUllllf\ndln~ lillflOl'lun1!y to New Irvine Pi<J"nt. Outstand-.~am.8, Hg . near Savon. . ' ~~~;in;~· t~l(\~~nnft~~~~l rg:i;·1 '.~1\':~~J~~·t.Co-\"'orkers & PERSONNEL ' 1·un·r11t n;11na i,:i·1~ t' 11 r n , Sl OOO·Sl~~KJ 1110. :\lu~t hnvc Dartnall Personnel ... 1:00~· tu do..11· 1·,1n11:i.s:.l11~ l'X· Service Agtncy CLERK '"' pcr1ent.:c. I I r..:!!. )IL·. :\1•1\ 1~t0ffi-.:i22'..i 500 Newport Center Dr , .. 1 ti!:\N,,Gf.P.. l.l~·n~ •·lothin~. I Newport Beach 640-8470 PROPOSITION• • '· ('Xp<·r. to op..•r:.i~· h:11."'·d • ; , dc11L \n hlit;h V••lunw rlibo NO EXPERIE.NCE ALL JOBS ARE NOT •'011nt :-1t1r1· 1 ·,1~ 1nr lri·1~1· I CREATED EQUAL 1 , !Jl'11, ·cn11!:1t'~~i\!r \~'llkC'~ 1.i 1 NECESSARY fl your pl'esent pos.i1ion ' _I"cn•lto.c sro.,,,\i _ _ _ ron1(<1 out on !he !ihOrt. end MANUFACTURING TRAINEE POSITION ot Mi.· s•.:ale. n1a,\•be it's tin1to NOW OPEN you thought of ll'veling out .. Production As1emblers GB l i1u<;trlcs ot &J. C"allf. your ct1 reer. , i ~fin i . >, .... 'i"'r. PC Lioa1'tl 1 hn• in <'<iialt! openings for VARIAN DATA soldt•1 .. •1i.: .~ t11ucl11111. I tr;1lnt·rs n ti i 11. p I ;i. y, QA Inspector rnnr~l'ti ~ di!t~hut lon !-MACHINES :?ro I Shi fr "I I ~ r l''"IX'I'. 111· ''"~11 mt'l't'haurtising: 6 nc~· ho s an imrnedi111t> o[)l•ning in .. VD. M I ~7.:ii call l.fr. Lewis, St;i~:0011~roo11.:1urs1 , ,.·r..J_~Y775 sldlled · . . . TYPISTS \=F'./{;akewtl~~e":,~ &fu~~ ' $% ~~m!lnt. H.EC'EiYrCON'fST i 1y p 1sr. -S.C'y1, G1r 1-F tlday1 1 BOOKKEEPERS resume a.nd salary re:q'd. '73 O 'K EEF'E/Merrttt . Intmed opl'n\ng. Call for In-Bkkprs ~$1000 KEYPUNCH \Vrlte C'l~sslfied nd No, !11 4, Never used self cln, elec Vari•n Dat11 Machines 2722 Michelson Dr. Irvine, Calif. 92664 (714) 83:1-2400 ru1 1.vi11:•! op;xircunily l !!!!!!!!9°9°9"9"19°'9'~'9m!!!!f!!!!!!!!~ terview. 847-1129 SECRETARIES Dall)'1P1MI. P.O. Box 1560, value $329 best offer white *RENTAL AG&NT * FR~E ~REE FREE \\lio \\'ant di.;nitied & Costa ~teaa, ca. 9:1l&O. 30" 64l'.J.-ll33( • 1:n:::t i:rmvillf,'. t•col t•stolt' Llz Reinders Agency sllmularingo long or short FREE Pick-up. Rel. AP- rompany In Lngunn BeaC'h , 4121 Westerly Place term assi~ments • fl'W 1 ll~J pliances, Sr.rap met a I . n~d~ !'l"nlal ag:cn! for ils in Suite 115, NB l!U-8190 days, cou ple 1veek9 or fe\V ............ · 675-S258, call anylime. cl\?as1ngl y tiu~y rcntnl dep1: ____!.stabllshed 1965 -months . you decide! Now . REFRIGERATOR, bottom titust have s n I<' s n1 n n · .~ Sec'y Bkkpr $750 vo11 •·1111 • • • • • i' 1 free1.er, 14 cu ft., Excellent license. Fee Paid/AIRO Fee Jobs APPLY BY PHONE . 800 condition, $25. 6~1738. Liieuna Rl'ar h !"l'oi.ldent Sh 80. T. Bal. Bkkpng APPLY BY PHONE Antf9~, HOTPOINT refrlg, Harveat Nolan ReaJ Estate WESTCLIFF APPLY BY PHONE op 1 Gold 11•0new 17' &16-llro * 494-9'73 * Per90nnel Agency Call TL.i'fPO'S o rnee at a&o 'fAG1 SALi: CO~A'L 0:,b4e oven RESTAURANT_____ 1651 E. Edinger, S.A. 540-4450 & Let us kno1v Our buyers have ;{u st b;v Wolf. Xlnt cond, Call SANDWICH & (Mar:.!loo~nter) what your skllls are. No returned from E urb p e 968-'12:16 aft 4 &: wkends. ~ need to come in per9:ln11lly · buytnc lltYeraJ C011 talner HUNTlNGTONHARBOUR SALAD MAKER .SECRETARY for brokerage unn t we have lhe 'just rliht' loads .ot Old Wor l d REAl.JY I Full or p/tlme P erso n ofc. good typing & gen'rl olc spot for you! Ttea.aurn. These will be FREEZER 750 lb. capacity . * $50 * I 1vanted to wo~ at sandwich ab i 11 t y req'd. S/H i'our 1in1e is 1·aluablc. Don't atrlvful' 3h0rtly. To make Expands Off.Shore bo.1.rd preparina-salads & desirable, call 494-9781 \\'&Stf' it. Jnvesl it 11·lR!y 11)0m Tt't ate conducting J sand111ches. 40 Hrs. or le:\'-. "·Uh Tempo al hi hour!y dll)' Clearance S a I e , T1\0 restll' olfices oprn111,: i~·r \l'r ek. No Sat. nlte or SERVICE Station Sa_lesma~. rat<'!; SS ~EVER ,\ f'EE A'I Sat/Sun/Mon. ?i.fany, many no11: t;ro11nrl noor oppo1·11;n-Su n. work. No split shifts. Able to wo!* day &hilt. Paid IT. PO It)' for an1bi1lous sales fl. f). I Unilorm !uru. ?>1~1. & tmp vac. M~_. l!Ullu:ance. On the Te;:po 'Temporary Help llena. Prices II.I low a.s: * 97S--0216 * !uildlng M1111r1als I06 ~1,.•i-111111 nf l'l11·tnin1c •W 11 .... ·auuns to Oj)('n in In~· il s busv PCJ'lilJ!IHt'I office fur ,.1, .·flTl rni•, han1,·;i! a~"l'nl n1Pdlat~ future. ~Ian)' ~I· 11 rero'°rd~ rlcrk . \'ou mu~I •1 1 " • I· 1nuli;1r 1\ n1ir1nn1c· Lk»o!i 11011' open fnr full tnnc lik r a 1•arirty of du ties. type I •·.1!1p .. 1~ .1: l)h!"nrint.~. fll'~m~Jl('lll JX"OP'.~· ~ at least 50 wpm and enjoy a I Test Tech Aid I * ;.,:1.;-.;T TRAINING PRO· hPa\'\" 11'llrk 1oorl If you 111~ I I . r.rt.\:\I · 00 • ' ·t-' · · -·1 : [ile .. ln1mcrl1atr-~oor tln1r beneli!s. Apply Lindberg job t~n1ng. Time & 11' for tArmo!ret $69, Hall Trees a,·rulablr. hn m('(hate etll n-NtJ!riliun in rear of the Toy overt1n1c. 1\pply 8 am-5 pm. _ s«. Che1!11 $69, Butfeta S69, in~s l'f'ss1 lill·. Y.'c have F11!iri \rorlrl s~re on loiver level 15922 Pacific Coast """'Y·· TIRES Dressers $49, Ch8.1rt SU, refen·nls fron1 11+'11' hom(' So C.'oost Pl!lla Shopping lf.B. 592-9104. Bookca11e1 $49, Occ Tables sub·di\·isions nr the c.i1rbtl· f'ri·., in Cosia )IL'l><l. Ask SERVICE Sta. Salesman &. Jones T ire Service ~:_:!Q., Ex• ",111~~ .. t s~e:!1°,,~~! • Surplus. Building MA.TERIAL -1000'• of NEW ITEMS! Doors, lumber, ply- 1\wd, arum 1Jieetilla. mold· Ing, windows, etc.' ,. BUILDERS SURP1 us l400 So. Main St., S.A. n~c 1111111~ ltY hll c1i111 JoU,1· ,.. ~U:'>l:\!E R .r~ P/Tl~IE .\t e re~"" in .}01n nr.-~ i;ro11. 11.in. , • !\\'()f!K AL.Sll AVAIL FUR 11g Orange Count} t'Om· Test Techn1c1an I 111 c:11 _ S C H 0 0 L .Ir putt-r co n1pany that orters: j\I)\ 'll!.l•: SH{l()T "" !•'(t I l'O LLF.C~: ITTUDEr-1~ * M d Fa ·1· 1'1·:1101 'nl('lllQl'y lll'l(flllo'~ ... CO!\I P:\J~Y BEi\'El''ITS 0 ern Cl I• I! "111: ,o;, eonl(l!I il~"l 'llllil 1<·~ • SO~I E PART T I !\f E ties ,, :·q1,~ l.-:u1111\:1111y 11 P OS !TlONS ALSO •l1i.i1.J <',:•u111y 11.·,·r ... ~. I ,\\'\lt.ABLF. * Basic and •ll•!'k1111:: !"l >fl<I<. Lil" 1·.11 FOR PERSONAL M I M d" I 'n. '•':'! .r..-c•Jn1il<·t11 i1 ,. r11•·< INTE RVIEW eALL: a or e 1ca 11fi:1•11•·1nc r n 111 fl \I r l' r 536-2591 + Ufe Hf\o.•n1f'r! hrn1 Srnd r"~!llll•' Monday Only 9.5 * Stock Purchase • .i;Jpt ~111 nd:1 rd \1•'111 I ·---------iii•[ or·,.~. ,\ s u1-,...11 h•1rv n1 Ar NOTE I * Profit Shart'n9 p11o .i \l1c:n1 ti,·~ r''lrp. !..".'1 .; \nno~ SI., S;1nra 1\1\il , r.dif. Real Estate Sale1m1n * 12 days a u.111~1. If )~•U hav(' a license nr wanl ! one. 11~ Pep; Boltnger for year paid I Mktn g Sec'y rnoHdm oiol int•"'"'" Red , 11111 f1rrlriral J ~1111p1 W'd Co, EXPANDING NEEDS carfll"t. ~97·1761. vacation NURSE-LYN, t>:cclting pos\-* 6 days a year tlon for quallfll'd person to poid sick leave I 11.'0rk in progressive con· \·al~scent hosplt31. Pstient You m11.y llf' the Olll' w~ art' care orlvnted operation. looking for. Plt>a~c apply In I .\'.J,, ... ,1-a~s & fringe bf'ne!ilJi . per50n or ront11C't: 1\pply or send rcrnme to 1445 Supt!r\or Avt'. Ne'A'POrt Personnt-1 Department 38 Beach or c11t1 &42·'l410 TRAIN EES I -NURSES-AlDc=ES~I E'l:pe.1·. AJl shlhs. F11ime, p tl111" 9-1. 5-9 & relief. ~"'till VDM $100 -$150 T•1 .<.:t.111 ,\, 1~,.r \\ rit11 11 \i.;rt •n\1 111 )l•rr 1l.11 ,,. 1 10.j J'~I . .'i:tl 7,,0 1 \lf.:l •IC1\ I. ,r,·1~'ln~, n•i't'J'' I .'f>"r nnlv lror bu~\' offwf' I 111 111•111 ;t.of\ Ii. .u·h ,H\•a (111! '"' M ASSAGE-T E CH.- TRAINEE ' 11· loFI~ 1JJ'i..Z..1 ll'iln:{'r! r, h·i.:111111.tlr' lull th1 11 • pt1~i- l 11o1r, ''~ "'P nrr. \\Ir ~·nd 111 tl•,.f, •'Rf!\ 11/Jli1• i('DfJl /\pply 1n J>f'rt<1n 11ny 11fr or ~~~~,fWJ~:~:Pl~~·I) t'"!ol. i f11~., 1une benefits include 2 wk vnc, 7 paid hol, ~P ins .. Varian 0111 Mechlnes !Itek leave. Parle Udo Hralth I Cart-, 44S n agstiip ltd .. N.B. 2722 M ichelson Dr. 64:Z-S044. Irvine, C1llf1 92664 ! XURSES Alde, 7-3 p.m., 11·7 C714J 13:1-2400 11,m. \\'r ~;n tnln 1W!~'Aa equa l opp or t u ni ty prrMnr,..I. Xlnl be nerttt f"mplTr ml ! 11hk1·h fnclu~~ 2 I~-~ o m t z __ . ·~ rrp ll("('mc nl "' 11.·..,. vac_a: Pl1nt Lo:;i::r Wanted t1011 11fnr 1 1T . Aiiply at 1'"5 . &lpenor ,\Ye., Ne..,,. p o rt Bout]que 6~.....:_ ~11<1'1, or rail &12-2.1\0 PLATFORM STENO :\'l'R"=l;\'G ral't' for elrf('rly woma n ln~turtirui: he'r room .llnrl hnth. f'rnm i1.9: 15 11..m., 1 d"l ~ a. W('cl(. m. 001 ... ~. \re 11.re presenlly acrtritlnc '\si nta Ana l11>ifcht! BN'a. appllcatk'ln.• lo'\f' pl;itform OwJ! tl"llm. R~n. Jteno. Nf!11tnen .l 11ccur11<11 ----~"'----·! tll't a n111~1. Sll()uld ha1-.. NUR.SES Alfie•, rxper. only iOOd l)•plna & 11h r;kllls. _0 .. 1_,..,._,_• .. •_• .. •"~'•" .. r_d_. ___ 1 PletUC t'OflTRrt Ann Gun. "\Vttd II & tttap'' thrr. t71 H lt'l&-.\505. Fm m ttta•ure1 to tn!h Bink Of Amerlc11 Turn tJMom tnto ca~h Nev.'J)Ot1 Ce nter Offltt CA.LL DallY Piiot Equal Oppctr. Emplo'.)ler ""' Co · I "-Ex I'd Heq 's Jrn mert. E:xner. 1:1uu ,.._ '-'u • .,....,. , 1n1m111es. f•ir ,\J Casb111'h. u....: man. per. pre . • Tl S I M ~tbi. Many fix 'tml. up and CA LL Of f.L COTllSTOC-K n ... ~iaur"'knt F\111 & p/tlme avail. Top re er:v ce en SAVE itenu. !71 1l 846-1334 & 12131 592-28-lO• COUNTER HELP pe.)'. Hos pi!Rllzat\on. Pro!. • Retail Salesmen Antiques of the World REAL E~'TA l'l-. S;\LES sharing, etc. Apply ~hell e Brake Mechanics SUCCESS CAREF.R Pcrinanent, p.:u'\ lln1e days, Station. 11lh Ir Irvine, N.B. Sal & Comn1, '~pd benc tl1s * 22 Rooms of Antiques 1ual1• I.· ft>n1nl0 .. <\onl y ot * From~ Countries Ne1v or expcrll"nrrd. Join 1he BURGER KING SERVICE station attendant- Apply In Penon 1951 Newport Ave. \\'orld's large~! anrl fastest :.>.Ol5 Ha.i·Llor illvd. salary + commission. Ap-IDI) }!arbor Blvd. Coat.a Mesa 548-9033 growlni; resnle orR"11 nizalion ply 2983 Harbor Blvd., Cosla Collfa Mt'IR wl!h a nchvork of over 300 Cosl a Tit~ MeP.a. 551--0757. oUlces and become a · me1nber of our Millionaire ROBINSONS SERVICE station, &-U shift, TRAINEES. Club. MulU-milllon dollar FASHION ISLAND ~Rgcr.s. 1~ust & be Ne~X.:~ \ViU train dependable 11.'0l"tlen 11.dvt-rHslng prov-am. Free Blvd CM to become Injection molding ruanntecd licensing schOOI. !las Openings l :o;=~· =· ~· =-""'== operat<ln. Must have own l.'xcellent Mies trainln.v. SERVICE Sta. Attendant car, be able to stand entire What is your license "'·ort11 For Non-Sales: f'u.11 time, eve shift. Exper. shill & be able to woric to you! Check onr monthly POsitions Jn Neat appear. Apply, 2.l90 ivl'<'kendl'I ll ntteliUcy. bonus program l\'hich me11ns S k Newport Blvd, Cfl.1 s"i ng Qiih ($2.!M to ltartl & $$$ 10 you! Please call -toe SERVICE Station Help. Full graveyard shift (S2.Z\ to .!J'jTlQUP: CLOCKS SOLD & REPAIRED CLOCK-WATCH CLINIC Upstaln at 1957 Newport, CM • 54H480 . fl.10VlNG must sell beautiful lmpoeing siiSe board. Circa 1890, burled walnut w/mllT- ble tap. Other piece• too. 6T ...... Virginia Jone! 8J5.4Stl. _ Maintenance or p/time. 990 E. Coast s1art1. RaiM-tn 30 days. R.I::AL ESTATE SALES H"''Y· Ne11'JlOl1 Sch. Apply 1 am-4 pm VANITY dressing !bl ~·/llf $49 -Wrap Pack SHARP gai with good at· * ~ COM1 P!astlc1 * ~~ d~~· wz.1r~~~~~ LrCE~SING SCl fOOt. Clerical & tltude for one girl Elec-ll'50 \\'est 18fh St. ,-, •••• $49 lncludl"li books. matl'riols -Ironic ~ile office ne11r Costa Meta, Calif. ·~ and all classroo1n scssiQns. -Security Or-ange County Airport, No NEWSPAPERS. Printed 1881 No 1..'0SI to you.i i you join a Shorthnnd. Call ( 7 14 ) A gocxl want ad 11 11 aood Li-&: 1&113. 8 mos. edltlons. Call Tarbell office nrtcr p:i.ssing 1 \pply in P<'l"!lm l().5 \;""'-.:;"';7;S =l~ili!l"'i'~'mion~l~. i~~~~§~6<[>-4§28ll§~~~~== )'O\lr stlrte "'°am &: your ft'f' No. 2 t'ashloo Isl., NB of $49 "''ill be N!funded ii F.qual Oppor. Empioy,:r ~ .. ~ '£ ; E 1 . "I ; n1 ,. 1 '2'.s:;Q~li!y. C1ll Al Sloon, c A M 'iErrOr.1r-:i'S N ~n.:~JH O £ TARBELL, Reollors ROBINSONS 0 E S ii-E R """'''~ • "°"ing FASHION ISLAND J £ 0 L 1A F P E R N 0 0 REALESTATE-SALES T E N I E M Llc:-l'n~in~ School For F / tfme ~ o R No ro1t to you If you qunllf)' a O N T~U and joln a Tarlx>ll oflice Stylist & " aft~r p1Mlng the state E A S ' H 549 I-las Openinp .E t.~arn. ~r11.ny ma.n~mrnt Manicurist A T s a R I N E --A~U+.,G H R OJllltll'fUnilicg d\k' to th(' ex· R~m:PDl pa11!Kln ol our 10 llC'W of. Apply In Jll'l':WI 1().S prn H K Y S H A L L A N D P R Y flN"~. r1111 Al Sl,....n, 11:12-5440 So. :? f ashion t~L. t<ill E E S D N TARBELL, Realtors r.:qw.1 Oppnr. Employn tlli""N:t_-::Fr.ir.R C R a O O REA-l-ESTATE-SAL-ES-Room Serv. Waiter S R j I 67 Offl~:c & Gl'0\1'hM:: I . •. ' (l llli!C. s...1n.· ™1¥1UPI "',.,r1t. tw~Hi~Ff+io R c E , E 1 v E E""''r St>r n1"1~-"l ~1~r. ~r11· olfi<'t In Lerruna Btacti. B•lboa Bay Club ~l ust bf. JiCf'n.;('d, bu! l\1JI 1211 \\'. (Olt,;.t d11 ~ .• ~ ~'1n~i~r t'eoit'l', 11('\i &akfi. nt·HHl::ll \\orl::er 1n 1,.arn M'lr-'t ~ra .... ~<iv;"-m---. 'i nnn1nhlc hoa1 r to p a Ir . Cont.ict: Dorie Smith . Sl'Ui.'\/tl ~l:i.rl nc. 1g ;,1 1 A G o Ci E Ame rlcanHomeRealtor ~le-Gaw. Irvine. !li§..6161l , :-:;;, N. C.41.. tlwy .. Litg:,uitl SAl.F:S~IAN &i ~Tanager. I D S • il.1-t-lllO! • n1111r & fc1n1. S82:1 & 11p T A S E S E L L s ror.,T.n:l'-;t-,-;l REAL Ea.tote SAIM: prople n1onthly gu11m . U qualltlt'd, El P1 UI ni ~ E>f)l'r ROOd b"l ""' nee. No "I"'· '"''"'· 111'· Loe CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS Ditnl\ Point Ofc 496-4,.'WO. 121l 1 770·&'Hl. --------~-----~-~~~~~-- Mon thru Sat 10-5 _ n4: ~1032 PRE-FINISHED k It c h en cabinets, vanities, counter tops, partil!le b o a r d , formlca, conl4ct ce~nl , sink rings. '642-2842, Harden Ent. 815 W. Uth, Costa Mt!Sa . Furniture ,. 110 LOWREY Holiday Qrean, 4 yrs new, $900. Maana.vox console color TV, 1'1edlt. style, needs 80tne \1/'0t'k, $2.00 or best offer. Extra tlnn s,ngl box spring I: mattress (Rt-stapedlc) lCfnt cond., $1(). -SPANISH 801.a, ?YW'· coffee table, end lable1, $185 or bOEit offer. CablN"t lo. fl/radio $25. F'nl.med pr1 n11 $1Q..S20. Gold ext. lamp. $85. Unused kill&' water mattreu S25. Irvine, 55J.-d171 CUSTOM made r Couch &: ovl'rslzed ehalr, both oyen:tutted with broWl1 lthr like vinyl, 10lld oak trame &: 1lde1. S4&-65.l6 noon to 5 pm, wknds. 2 COUQlES. m•pl' cottH tab\t'!, walnut drtaar & cheat of drawers, clothes llne, 968-1497. '1 SOFA &: LOVESEAT * l>C\o-tr usedi .Sl.55, Delk, $35. Uaualty ttome. t68--T910 FURNrruRE. modern llvtn11: nn tet, red, uted 6 mo1. Xlnt. cond Sl75. 6'4-95U SOLtD bln:h IJvini' raom, bdnn 1: dlninr room. Uke new t'Onet . ~. OCCASIONAL chalr, mo. ~&:, w lvet, now, $35, DINING room ch•1rs painted IOft antique yellow. 2 urn'- 6 1lde chain. &10-iS&O ru:ntlG lid!' by tide, .l as11011nMnt ol f'Um. n"IOvina: mU1t .en. 968-$).)0 ROARING 20'• S l n &"I e bedroom .et, ornate, 1"'!11.l in 11rt'f roorri. ~· ~t - ' DAil V 1'11.0 ~' ~·~· ·~l~~l ~·~d·~· ~N~1 ~1 ··;;";;·· ~![§]~·1. ~t iiiiiiiiii .. ,_ ••• _. ;:.;1~~1-· ...... -;;;;!l~~·I I ·d--J~ ......... fl:I ..==... ~--•t. II""' ~;~;;;~;1~J~L~lno::•~·~1~TI~...,=,..;·:12~.=· loa ~~--900 ,,.,_ -~-11•-Ill Gor'fO .. ,. 112 Ml1colhl,_,1 Ill Ml,..11•,_.• • .. ,. ~11Cal ln1trvment1m ts, ..-...,.i Boan, Sall SHOWROOM CARPET CLEARANCE ' Fi nt11tlc NVi"" .,. ""radad SHAG C.f\RPETINGI Priced Low For Immediate Sale Canvas Specialties 7134 Bandin!, Loo ,Anotl•• off the Santi Ane FrMway (Garfield off ramp-left to Bandinll 714: 523-1032 or 213: 723 .. 311 ------------- Furrilture1 810 FurnituN 810 1-------* GARAGE SALE * ~ women's & ' teens' e l otbln1 shes S-10. PantlWts. dresses. skirts, sllOeS, etc.! Encyclopedias, Nat'I Geograph!.ce, dishes, gu.ltar plus much more! Sat. & Sun. only :1>10 Paric Newport Ne. 214, N~'PL Bch. 644-8338. DOVER Shores sale of fine tumlture, 80me antiques, Incl French Annal.re, 4 1',r. Prov. chail'! by Eric Bol ine, tables, desk, BR furn. A19:i many small Items at small prices. Sat. Sun. 10 to 4 1363 Galaxy Dr, Newport Beach. KING sz. S1mmons Beautyrert mattl-ess, lirm. Cu&lem hdbrd & bedsprd. Ital. Prov. dresse.r, 2 com· modes &: lamps. 2 Gold Alan Keltlt chairs. Ital Prov. Jn-Ing rm table, 2 lr:l\ve!I. Tv.in beds, finn, mattr. 6#-2726. WALNUT dlnette table \\'/4 chain, dO!,;lble bed, green couch, matching love;eat. Reaaonable. Olli 548-7840 nNE tum, Anooire $450. din rm tlxture, $45. sola ;250. white chest ;so. pme tbl $45. s.;&-1571 OlNING table and buffet $100. High chair SS. Bed trame and bead board ,......., MEOrr 1~te dinlilg rm 1Ct, will scat 10. !\lust sa.crif! Orig. ~. now ;350. Please call 675-158.5. LO~Y 89" l"reoch Prov. sofa with tufted back. beautiful beige uphols, xlnt cond .• $1 00. 960-1528. 8 ·FT brown & gold couch. Omtemporary styllng. Like new, $50 or trade for fl'ff'zer. 531-2304 eve1. Salt Fri/S.t/Sun STOCK TO ntE CEILING W/BE'ITER FURNTl'\JRE! 9 Dra\Vet' Drelser, do\T-falled S49. Dreuer/min"Or It bed $1'J. Sofas S59 &: Up. Chairs $29. Bdrm. seu, complete with box springs & mattress $79. Sofa & Love Seat ;139. King me bdrm . .!let $139. Dinette table &; 4 chairs $39. Sofa. ,chair, 3 table&, 2 la.mps, alJ $149. Sofa and lovefA!at, 3 tables, 2 lamp&, $199. Special savings en ho~fuls! ! ! Cash & Finan<:· ing, BoiA available. RBPOSSE.5SION CENTER 619 E. 4th St., Santa Ana Daily 10 to 7 *Sunday 11-5 CONSTRUCTION ~· has all new Afedit. turnitw'I! 10 clear out of wiu;ehouse. Ex- ample; Minlsof&. S 3 9 . 9 5 worth $150. Velvet Uerculon naugahyde .sofas & mlnisofa.~. Ameri!:=an. of Martinville fonnal dlning room sets, bdrm set , Spanish game sets, coflee & end tbls. 12) stereoe, chaini, piettll'eS, lamps, etc. You pick up or delivt!Ty can be arranged.Natio n al Construction Co. 997-4490 LOVELY old large 06k desk ;ss. Large, 'white brocade )couch $1o0. 2 n.e t.· J y ·upholstered crushed '"Velvet chairs ll20 ea. N e w Mediterranean style roUee table ~. Cane top cotfee table $17.SIJ_ Sp an Is h chandelier $7.51.1. Many other household items! 900-1701 all day Sat-sun aft. 4 Pl\1. SW'l Boothbay Circle, l{B. ?i-lEDITERRANEAN c h I n a cabinet. 6' glass shelves + door, lt mahogany, oak & tl!ak ttim, custom. $~. !'>48-51.16 For that item und~ $50, "") the Peni.y Pill('her. Need a "Pad"? Pl:..ce Mad! trrIT.l:P n:a-.a7.A.1tCST A1LTJCCO For •n ad lo Wofnln's World'1 ' C•fl Mary Beth 442·5671, ext. 330 S.w cind Crochet! Cozy Crl>Chet! TO IOOd hmm lf'l¥'kltteo.12 • .._,°"A CI b 1---------1 GARAGE-SIDEWALK >'ENDER l'tin«ton ""''"' """ old. At<rl&IC ., mt. --y..,hl " LIDO 14 IJ5S4 SALE ampllfler, Sl40. Crown SG m-2937 :-::=:nl ~~~ 2 "'• Mil¥. Ulhnai1 Schodr, St.L, Oct. 13 * PUBLIC NOTICE * w::nbc~':rr.~lat \~Y .s~Lal heaJU\Y, ~-A1lo t~l_pper w/brand new ~Uen! cood, yard~ 11:00 a.m. to &:00 p.m. O'fl F .,16 ... ..,.., )'Ill male ca~ l&il. $29S. 6#-U22. · b~ days. 6~ OOR.NER or r ce urnlture/ mature homt-, ~1846 1 ,.evec;f'-:==-=-~,,-,--I l6'l'H & ORANGE CARPET AUCTION E ul 124 Boats/Mar l"" SAIL BOAT 13 rr tone • COSTA M!;SA q P· P .. l[~_2: 01?_ E 1n0&: 11 'k h Equip. 90C Star by Chtylter with trlr. BARGAINS GALORE I ONE doJlar to C.)8 h\Uldred ~'"'ma Rh.11.. w '· Movtnr. M'ijlf .tell. Ml~ •'1mhv.re. Ootbtng_; dollat't. De-81<5. credentas, *1-8 32 MILE RADAR _ ' ' ppl1Mct8, Books. T*, file cab 1 n ct .s, tnlsc. GRATEFUL Sl\'et!'I wlced Brnrw:t ~· ~still ln Cll.l"tOIUI) 8Nta, Slipl/ WC.Kl flt SVOrrtng Goods Uqufdation to satisfy creditors! m~2· ~:~ n~ 4 IOll. R.aytJ)l'Ofl ~I 2900 Radar. j bOtl •Up rrom ~"°" YOU NA~1.E I~ 1. COPY. tnacJUne.Eleetrogtntic · Colwide!' cUh or ca.di + ~\'Cf bolt. J\:t1, N,..,..,pw1 Procee<'Js '10 JtaJ'bOr Area (ugt, continllOUS feOO . '·• DACHSIIUND Ir Tenier lrade for Bolton Whaler. or Dana l?-J:n1 MCR. Callec.1 Youlfl and Conln11.mH.v We have bMn appointed to Mii at PUS.. Paper/supplies incl. $225, puppy. 3 -n1oa. Hu shots. "'200. value. Set11q below 2l3-S71-.lm alk for Da\•t Activity Projects LIC AUCTION the following: 83.5-3437 d.Y1. Ne«11 loving home. 67$-7007 deak!r ooct. 962-4283. Contino. ~~TA M""EslhAf' EXEC flWVI chn $15/25 Sec • DE:SPER.ATE! Bffuttful VARIENT wlnchel, new "suc=r""'r•'"•"""'>I~-,,=· -.~, ... --.. ~II' 1000's of YARDS OF NEW chn S8/24 Desks S20/90 Qlder poodle 1w:eds tood iuar, <ll No. 32 (21 No. 22. l'lolt soo. n"IO. Head • ROTARY CLUB SHAGS / HIGH LO'S / PLUSH / INDOOR-Ple.i'Ce 861 w. 19. cr.t 642·34-08 hon1c w:trh yanl. 64-1-mEI:.! Boat ~ Jnc. 114 : showt:r. Main Bay New Ga-• Sale OUTl>OOR and KITCHEN CARPETS EL E c TR I c ''''""'"" BL.ACK LAB 54&-7172 • .,,...,,. • -.. Royal 660. XJnt condition. ""'" chlldnm .. 11 tl'alned. BOHZER ·RADAR -D-OC~K~F~O~R~R~E-N_T_ ~~!"'::ttm,,'?."h'.!~i .... th Sunday October 14111 at 1 P.M. can 87lH'l5tl • CoJl 968->;0I 11."6. oomp1•1 •• MILLER Up'°,.. .,._,.,0 .,..,..., •-... ,,.. Y AATAHA Grand J • t ' • 1'~REE, 5 Shep/mi~ Adol'B~e A-fAR.INE SAl..£S 646--051 ~i:,"8t&ctti::n~·~ Bulldtr• & Apartment Owners \\'l.llt.J.1, 3 ~ old, $1600 fir'· need good homes. • 12 Volt Bait, Bilge 4e Cam· Bo.ts, Sf)MCI & Ski 911 7~ triple A, and J(J(s more and you THE PUBLIC dl>llvered t' funed 67>7500. 1ti80 3rd Ave., So. l..q\lna. per Pumps, fJ 4.f6 Call BO~N Whaler u ni· inducting refrigerator. ete. are Invited to attend this AUCTION Pl1no1/0rgaris 826 FREE, clean ruidirt, &48--(1.15.1. Brand new A-fcrcury eng, «I Come and St.>e on Sat. and Arth Beach Heights area, 19' MlERJCAN Boal traJ!er Hp, xtnt COO<f, w/or w/out Sun .. Oct. ll. 14 !rom 9 AM All carpeting TO be sold TO the highest Free n-.n lessons Laguna • .,..,.., lleelcd "•· ..... ,. '"''· Gd b'aller 673--0139 ''"'"ll 4 ~f. bidders-s~bring your friends! Inspection viga · FREE to 1ed home 1 yr cond. 64-1-1.833.. FAMILY Ski Boat, 17 rt. 2834 Catalpa St., N.B. will be from FRIDAY until SALE TIME -A L •-y Llk I Wcimaraner. 1''em, lovt>S sw1~1 step tor boat 25-40 11 O"C 88 KP in"-· Xlnt E •• tbl . ..u. · S ong .-u OU t chll>ittn, 11.-atch .t..... 552--0319 w/5 ... , b-""" b,.-'--•~ '" ' UCJ". • ===="~ vrr so. br~F your roo1n sizes an d buy at your Non-players & playen ~-el· ""I!; -1· $50. ~3813 •u,_.. ~~ oond. $1800. 507....5658 ESTATE SALE: prices .. , come to a.ttend Tuesday [El '72 19' CHEETAH Jet, loaded Sat & Sun J(}.5. Entire night ar 7:30 PM. We want [ ~11 Md I "L.,, 6 CYt... GRA_Y hfARINE 300 O!ds. 5 colon xlnt, mu.a household l'.lf fwii . & ap-MASTERS AUCTION everyone to learn to play . 5upplilt . ~ ·111/U-an». Running. $150. sell, S3G50 842-810. pllances. l?in rm 11et, 4 the organ! 'All muterials . • 642-3412 • CLASSIC 16' Mahogany JIB bdrm..,Bultee:. 3 sofas, 3 cor-fumi~. -· Bo1ts, Power 906 runabout. ~'/trlr. !\lust sell. fee .tbls, end Ibis, chairs, Come Browse Around-20751/J Newport Blvd. Toni 'ch . ln charge. Pets, General 850 ---best offer 64G-8752 ~::r/d~e~ coi~:rv. Behind Tony's Bldg. Material• Phon 2·2851 SWEET TALKING ~yrmh 17 FT Boston -.vhaler w/55 books 1 &: ~uc~esiOOre. M~~i Cotti Mesi * 646 8686 COAST USIC bird. Cai;e lncludetl. UJ(). t::n 4 1~1.h~omJ~· :::i II•) sell all. 2015 commodore Nc\vport Blvd. at Harbor &12-7021. nJOtor. ln!llde bait tank. T,..,.,utlon Rd. Npt Bch. (Nr. hvlne & Co.st&. l\Iesa Cits 852 Ca.nvaa top & tarp. Pvt . ~O GA!RAGE SALE * Mlscell•neous .. 818-M.liC:ell;n;ous 811 PIANOS -ORGANS PERSIAN kittelUI CFA rer party. 714/644-Titi.1 Sharp women's Jc teens' elo-CARPET BROKER G S I New & Used. Gre~! selection. top qwiJUy, s75 & Up. " BEAtrrY -Zl ' &>II Boy cab. Campers, Sale/Rent f2G thing. SiU'!I ~10. Pantsuits, D---'"'y ... ,•---· -v-• arage a. Competetlve pr1tts. Open • 892-2970 •. en;, 100 h.j). IiO l\lcrcbt .. \cnv A---_,.. .4........ 1 ''"""'""'ru ,._ ·~ '"'" cnu Ch rl DI I 'th Eves I: Sundays The best hrs. Trlr, gal., SIS. tnk, w..,,..,.,.., _.ns, "'~ etc. 100'.l yds plush le shag car-eap P Cf>S • • • 5 lt'S """ · · PERSIAN 8 weeO pick of heod, tnllfl)' cxtru. Top 70 MPH CruiAe Camper-Bus. ~k1pedi_aa. Nat I Geo-pet, All col(ll'S. BekN.· ,,1Jo1e. "apple partenl:i" chairs, deals ~re al1A·ays ~t: , litter, b!ue femilte, Reg. rond. $5000. s-lll-11;13. Set up to IO emu oount gT'll.pbics, dishel, guitar. + sak". lnsta!lalion avail. Con-pots, pa.11.11, lan1ps, adding Wal11chs Music City S.125. 613-3626. 24• Sea Ray ·n. Cut• .. cabin, v•/7 people. 400 cu In Jo'ord much mo1>e! Sat&: Sun only •~-D·1.:.. , --• .... , •=S7•". machine, ladies 81\CX'S -size ......... Coa 1:•n ....,.,n """-ir..i ~ •·/a"to --, ... --· 2 3010 Park Newport •21'1, ~,·01_ , ...... __ .. ~'":~·,, -5 ~ 71~ triple A. and k>l's n\Ore ......,..u, st Pl.ara. .......,.=->11 _....s ''" 1/0. 235hp O~tC. coven, pd ·-• ..,· •-d· •1-· .:._1 .,., " ....... dll • ,_,.,,,, CG _,,.,, VHF ,.d. s rear e , ua ,...., Nwpt Bch. 644-8338. · U'K'luding t'elrlgcrator, etc. "" ~.. -~ 1 8 MPG 1..RG Upright Colds pot Come and see ()11 Sat. and HAA1l\10ND organ speakers. e PUPPY WORLD• $6600. Da~ 586-16l0 ems . ..._. ga , + · • 1\-tOVING, type~Ti~er &: Relrig, ;150, 14' C.Olrispot Sun., Oct. 13 & 14 froni 9 AM ~lodel PR-20. ~fahogany. EChln g I Is h Bu 11 Dog'. Eves/wknds 5"4-3074. ~et; ~~·di~!! ~:'.c'Sur: lab!e, adding machlne, TV, f)'ostfree Refrig $125, Port. until 4 PM. ,, 3I~li" wide. 36" high, 18" huahuas. Tln,v Poodles, 16' HYOR05WIFT. 100 hp tove I box lnlt :.. t11!:~Ae~item~~!~ cnR~~.~-•• ~tc&r. ,'!d'·. 112015.. 2834 Catalpa St., N.B. deep/;175. 673-3539 ArneDoL~ EskP't 1 8S P,_11 Bui•1 •1 Mere, trailer, elect be.it ru!h 1 tollei e:. Nm' p:.ettf ._... vud fol...,.~ .. E tbl·~ \VALN•~ S . P . ,,.,.,. .. ,an. I uu:., tank, """· fllrllO; Ca I I ..... I t19~e guns, Jong & short, }feal lamp $5. 850 Center as VlT .., ' p1/"ll"f. la no , Terrier, Cockapoo, Irish ..,.,.,. ""l 1 sure \.\'Olb £'0Qd. dining table, books, Sal/Sun 81 ApL 4 CM * AO-C-~T~IO=N~*~ I excellent $700, I a r g e Seuer. 100 MIXED PUPS!! 673-1019. 56--3169 1561 Indu.s st, Santa Ana ., , . . ~~~~~1~1fooes~$4~?.1etal Stud Serv!ce Most Breed.I. 24· Ouis Craft Express. Ne~· -,73-KINO..O.JfOAO Helghta. EASTERlJNG China r!'Um Fine furniture & apptiant:es "',.," x · "'7 Open Eves: 531-5077 canvas, xlnt cond., slPfi 2, 8' "Compact" ca b -o v e r • Bavaria, Gennany. 6 piece CASI! 1 1 nod 1 "-a,tilul' •-11 t"'-•·ee'·•nd THIS Is It. 3 Family Garage 'set includes gravy boot, but-· or 11.tc 1 e PLAYER PIANOS&. roUs, D. AKC White Standard Poodl.e S'ieoo. sri-5i'B5 .,.,,,. "' · Camper, like new. carpeted, SaJe. Unusual ~lassware. ter dishes, 1 lai'ge and 1 appliancn & lurniture, etc. Dupret> 2940 p ~ra~ Ln puppies, 6 weekl 0 1 d. lleepe 4. 'ntru·boot fitted for jl>\.\-elry and batiks. 'l\vin medium Rized n1cal platter, Auctions fo'rld11.y, 7:30 p.m. Costa Mesa 545-4650 Cha m pion bacicground, 23' Ryan F/G. radio &: lath. Courier. Curta!ns. stl'.lve, Ice bdrm st;t, dresser:, ml~, $100 or best ofJer. 64H958 MASTERS AUCTION MAGNIF. Austrian ebony priced ior pet and ahow. sips 5, tandum trailer, xlnt ~.z 14 p .I. water. Aakln& fum, \\elg'1ts, 19 W'll'e alt. 5P~1. 2075~~ Newport, CAf 640.8686 antique Baby Gra.nd. Xlnl ~7523 cood. COllt $8400. Asking $;;11,1, ~. wheels, records, clothes & PING bi $5 . 2 &>hind Tony's Bldg. f.rta!'I. d Sa $695 1:.•n •'UV! $S5QO 61J...344& '69 • T Camper Spe ••· more. Sat. a!l·Sunday. 23'2'Ai pong ta el'! •• ea, con · c. · .,...,....,wu, OLD English Sheepdog pups, -~ · e. ""'' 2'2nd St. 645-2977 orange bal'rel chatz:s, $35. Moved to Mobile Home 11M1~fOND Spinet Organ Ah:C Champ 1 ired. SKIP J ACK al Open cruiser. R/H. Lo. ml, PIS, P/8 . ••. coflee table •• ,. long M 11 "-• Call , .. ,,, ·~ '656. 3113 Parents O.F.A. Shots, qu.al. 210 HP 110. All covers, Slp!I 4 loaded $3-100 646--5632 EASTBLU Jo,F Sa le · ' ~· ust lie· .,..._,room set. ~ ........-. V trall ;4500 ~-ltu 11 · lan1p commode 7lx51, $65.: n1B.tching nHe stnd highboy Klngs Rd, Ne~'port Beal'h pup.os w/xlnt. t e m p . ".':,11~ er· · OfE'V. '69. PIS. P/B A.C. 11 ... "'" re a P P a n c es grind $135 oil . . , • 962-4860 ... JO""'ll •• u . u• •-11 T ~-~-d k udo 14 misc Sat i,_ er · pam.tings. dresser w/mirror S 15 0, \VEVER Cherry \V 0 0 d · · " ...,.,, cont. ape ...,..,,,, s~. 80ct 13 & •14. 2'li2 Vista 493-1025. Kenmore washer & . elect upright Plano, xlnt cond: IRlSH setter, fem, AKC 46' TWN DSL GM6Tu. ?.fake Ex. cond. Loaded! 546-21.15. Dorado, Newport Beach. At.rrQMATIC GAR AG E dryer, Ne.w May thts yr, $3.'10. 64&-20» champion. S mo, spayed, terrific C.Omm sword ti.sh ALVMJNUM camper door 5' 6+1-6114 DOOR OPENER. Finest $Zia, Stereo. Bogen PIANO WANTED shots. obedience trained, ~14.,500. 548-2592 or 8" $25. Call i;r~ or kOO\\'TI brand. Reg. $200. AM/Fl\f, Gerrard turn ,.7141 """,,_,.. Meds lov. e, $75. 492.-ti537. · ~. GARAGE sale Sat &: Sun. 331 Spccia:I s 1 3 9 . 9 5 ins:talled table, 6' beaul cabinet, coat .... __ =~ __ AKC Jnsh setters, top quall-16' OPEN bow inboaid Jet ~==------- CAlllll. SI., Ni;wport Beach. w/5 yr guar. 893-3577 or Sl!XWJ, saertf. $175, 67>-7481. PIANO WANTED Qi show Pups. champion drlve, ski or fish, new lrg. Cycles, Blk~ ~~~~ oo:!&;1d d~';j~~ 5»-14Li . Q(JAIJTY Merchandise • Te-111-11 99'l.Q259 ~d. shou $1%>.·SD>. (TI4l ~l tr&iler S2'l75 Anxious. Scooten f25 furniture quality clothes &: HENDREDON din set, 6 big, 16 cu !t, l27 lb freezer, Sewing Machines 121 ~1502 64&-3213 Wes 640-&63 -1958-.--BS-A--Goldt>--ta-,.-lO"""'ot misc. ' uphol . chrs, \\'/cane backs SllK>; Port. dtshwasJ;ier $60; GREAT Dane pups. ''Giant" '73 CALIFORNIA 17%' tri cond Rebuilt N $450. Bo}'! Schwinn bike $50. lull li!ngtb nu1Cti mink coat NEW Singer se1\ing mach, AKC, Gold & fawn " . hull 155 OPifC. Must· sell, h Lots f ct!"'·· .... ~-~ AN'l'lQUES, Hall tree, press !Gog W.c red velvet spread. $900; New needle point fcr zig-zag, in cabinet. $'15. 72-1 ri.ndle, 'velvet black. Reas. ~ Dir. 0 me. _.. .. bra?'" chni, ook tbl, de!lks, SZi M8-7S57. din. rm. chain, S35 ea: an-1 _" C •·-) .. ~ "'°" 1 -,'C:""'-"ii'c~=-==" perfect. $500. 962""'526 a1V1vel chr!I. gum, Hall seal tique phones S5 & STS· 1« . ¥. ~1. .M. (tear'"""" JJ7-1'f00 NE \V 18' lV R I ED T ·n YAMAHA. l '15. total dtrt mlbh°"'tnon.'. 901nc nK>dem, CUMS lugg or !>Id rack for Polaroid camera ss5· i_ S110r!ll~Go0ds 830 SffiKY Teniers·2 fcmale1. STINGER JET. MU S T bike, l'Omplntly .et up, 30! Kings Rd. Nil 646--4656 911 or 912 Porsche ¥'0· i&c eves &t2-4lll· • ~-:.l.~ No ~a!Oll!l~ ctfer refulE!d: SELL. 6t;-6269 DLR. ;sso best Ue c.ll ==~~~-----1 Stereo combo SZl. Folding m · GOLF Clubit, McGregor !\-n's can 832-9422 or 644-6178 50• Diesel Cruiser, llft '6or ~ r • . ORIENTAL ~. urn s • golf cans S5 ea. 11,.fetal BLONDE student de 1 k . ;c 'OOds g iro 2 t Sacrlfi er pm. • ooUectors fant."I~. needlf'-bookshelf $5. 644...alS1 Upholslered "accent chair. ...,, • ns, pu ters, MINI Doxlet AKC puppy . ce $39,500 MAJOO •n tlOcc, fl'OO. Not point arm chairs, Grand-Tall table lam n-~ 1 bl Ba&. 'eaJ1tl ll)ce riew, Beat sboU, 6 weeks old. ' J * 646-l.J88 * ractd. Pvt. pty. Wi'k (213) 1nas junk 543 Victoria 9-6. MINK -Am 1~turning to p. t,...<UU a e ofr. 9\t>-149~ 1• ~. &14'-0073 v MUST aen 36' ea.bin cruiser 390-3461, ext 580 E ve ' Hawaii. Wen'! need my king 4 2 folding thaira. Drartl~ ""° rut;;tt;;; 1i•ml w 1<Aa ,,,,.o SAT & Sun. 9-5, bedrm & beaut. stole. Only 3 yrs ofd table, lamp & tools. 2 short .-~ ;-~ ngton 01.:D Ehg:Uah Shetp q , 16 $5500. or best. l'.lffer . ........._..., 644-6361. P!l-tlo tum, old radio, can-& lovely. How about $l50; bar !Jlool.s. 3 night •tancb. Rlfle, Mth we~vet variable nm l'.lld, Champ Jon ah Ip or 9'ltM449 'BMW"'==.~a""75=15~.-=.,....,.,~-. -0=--cl n1ng j8.l'S, muelt ml&C. 512 cost ;goo, 832-95l4. Elcc, manicure set, Elec. ~rJ'. case like new Sl.25 .. ~· AKC 49lJl673 ''12 SEA nay 26', lo3dc..-d, 2-M> TOtlrlng, ,a1-olutely · new Center St. CM. , ' FURS f HOLIDAYS make-up mirror. o th c r SKIS Kneiasl Racing Team Irish Setter •Pupp\es Weekend"'1', new $13,000, sell cond .. 1600 mi. S1895 ~. DINING set, ant wht, tbls, or . niisc. • ltenll!I. S57-0909 Purebred t'o papen $1500. ~$-6595J9ro-o855'. 645-6600 eves, &16-1997. lamps. rocking chr, pie Beautiful mink coat \VON ON QUIZ SHO\Y Red Stan 1YK'M, Brand Call 536-7652 1969 U·N·l·f -L-1-T-E 31• · tb 11 KAWASAKI Mach Ill. Lo rtms, yd equ.lp, 493-7327. Mattcns. ?o.1ink col l ars. N!!w GE dishwasher, new, olferltra.de 673-7700. GOLDEN "-trl I 7 fv.-c lw 225 di"'"' & ob k>U mll .. •u•e, 6" ext. ft-ant end, 6ia--4648 J . ""'-1 I o·~-TV R d " """ ever, em,. , .. ~.~--SO'fE It l Di A •=-· acuw wrur poo, 1..,,..,n , I to, Hiia-i, •'-. ·~ """ ohow/"-Jd, extras 6--G-.WW. '"1--· bar extra chrome •t~·y 'mom!.," ,..,,,,m,~-, •. ; ..... "~ SOFA "-• & 2 ndd ...__,_" air cond.J.t Jetzon G?0.15 '"' "" .,., _,..,. ' · ..... , .... ll'N> .,..,. oJiN IXU "' ...... "' SterlO 836 AKC. OFA, shots, ~7799 J:I' GLASPAR Sptnsber FB Perfect shape. 83.1-2834. Vista. Flora, NB. In Bluffs. Book.case, 2 dressers. 1 steel rad\ s, Compton TS 390 S Loaded Be 1 "''="""""'7=-"0=c=~1 w/m1rror. 2 childs bikes. En c y c 1 oped i as &: RCA. Zenith, s y Iv 8 n i a ; SHEL TIE PUPS. 7 wks, ; • · au >'· 1961 CLAS.r.;rc Honda 300 GARAGE Sale, tools, turn., 962-M83 pre eye k>pedias. Belo\v Largest selection c l'.l I 0 r, Emerald Bay, SSO $14,000. 673-8271 Scram bier. Completely household itcn1s, clothes, · retail price1'. 536-9971 bl.ack &: \\'hile TV & stereos 497-1260, 494-6202 16' GI.ASPAR, trailer, 40 hp ttbuilt. Sharp! $25(1 or Be5l niisc. 1053 W. WlllOtl, CM. CARPETS 12'"14 red shag ; In So. Calif. Priced less SAVE A l{O~IELESS PE1' JGhnson. SiOO or best o'tfcr. Offer. 61.:>-008 Alt 6 pm. -J-aw-e-lr-y----~-11-S-t ~g ~ t1~;::: ~al!~~~~ 8C:;Jen~~~ & sr:i~~~~~ than tbe discounters v.'/3 yr Peke X, Lab X. Cock.&.poos.1 ,;Ca::c;H~Emre::.:;~':-i;..,_~-~3716":::~· c;;;;;;; BULTACO AlUna·~. Good --~~------1 ,_1IVV'I ne1\'. "~ or 1nuk for picture tube. l yr parts & Doicle X. 534-3228, 494-4853. Bo1ts Renl/Ch•rf'r 90I as ne11'. many extras! EX Q UISITELY beautiful ....,.... IJU"J lreezer.'531-2304 eves. service. !\lost '74 models in SILKY Terrier Bitch to gocxt ' 64'l-a.w6 Diamond Cocktail Ring, ilAYTAG wa.~her, green, COUC1l l'.lr plaUonn rocker stock. '1.3 model!! priced to home for lease, &12-9422 or 103' Ltr.\'1iRY SAil..BOAT SET or 11·cightM. Bell Stir Have certlllcalt! of value. $60. KEN~fORE gas dryer, SIS ea. 9xl2 rug & pad SlO. clear. Ca.sh 90 plan or terms ~78. 5 pvt stnteroon1s. Reduced Helmet. Olher hel~t. ne~" $400. 493-9798 while, $SO. Green-t~'ft!d to 36 ntl'.I. ABC Color 1V. . . rates (213! 821-8246 e 557-{JOO!I • • mod t"l!('liner Sla. &la.-523;). 138 E 19th St CM 54~485 9021 Atlanta, or 19o 4 6 COLLIE pups. 4 nm, l rrr. l 1 -....,36~·""sro""~R~T'""Fl~SHER:,=-~chlnery 816 FOR· Sale: Llire ne\\' \Vorld * Combinatkin TV -s1creo Br 0 0 khttnit. lluntington sable, ntalc. PR Per s , Marlln S rdfu; \\lllITNEY 637 A-NC & Book Ern.:yclopedia'>. Son1e & n1aple huleh. * Beach, 968-3329 or 962-5559. Housebroken. $75. 64f>-8998. Day or ~k ~~) h~ 1',riden tape \vriter. lapping vol. ~\'er open~. $'.DI. 962-7312 or 962-7296 RENT-$5.oO MONTH-!RISH S;cttcr, mnle, 1 )Told. Bo.tts, S1il 909 attachmenl. punchet & 548-9895 aft 4pm or 54S-9-t82. SCOTT FM tuner & 30 watt B net T 1 . . AXC, $SU. amplifier. $40. ra tlC\\' e cvis10ns Call 536-7300 dyes, Used 250 hrs, will 2 NOJU.fAN Rock w e 11 Option to buy Free Delivery ' HOBIE 14-No. 185. Nu tu1s, denlOruJtrRte. 714-548-34]4. Lithographs, u n fr a m e d 546-4478 & Service. 547-7925. REG. Gennan short hair tram Extr 9trciud5, CLARK Forklift 4000 pounds Artist Proof. Jerry, 557-3975 NORDIC sauna bath , AIRl.JNE A~f/FM stereo in Po2411nAtcr. Mdonlest, bornCM AS/191573. :r, wi:di. s.s:· Alm J6' $950 <ll" trade.' 673-2828 or y,i<nd:f./ria.ys. f fibcrglas. $150. .,..•aJnut cabinet. Original · voca · P ' · Cal. wood/glass, nu tramn, '71 RlCKl\tAN 12:>, ask tor !ITEVE • 642-4347 Dir. • TRJUifPH Bonnevil le C\lstom a~k fer Kansas, * 642-4317 Dir. * ~10 Speed man'' bike, l year old. never used, $55. • 846-3222 • 5S8-042.4 DIN. sci, ·coUee & end tbls., * 644-8542 * owner. xlnt cond: $50. Horses 856 5ai111, n('t!d finlshi~ $300. AIR IMPACI' wn.ENC'H $65 elec. type, mens sample Miscellaneous ~2314. ~1&-3901. NE\Y, full <.'Overage helmets, Cost M. ~ &: Jackets, 38-40. W•nfed 820 Scott F"M lu~i: ~1~~R o.p~~~·16 ~~~~ 19' JR fl'.llk Boat, 1959. isi9s~u 1S2>~::~hm~~ 548-Tm SUn. Oct. 14 ORIENTAL RUGS $40 & 30 watt am~h~1f"r. ' for l'Xper. riders. (daughters ~~afy la_pst~ke hi~· HONDA 90, recent 1 Y MIKellaneous 118 ~E:~Y ~fPPlihea~ress~~cg 5:16-1 .?8 interests have chang~l s~lbe~[ P~;r~r. ~l:Jg overhauled. ST.i or best of-_ ---------·I a · s ing · · PRIVATE PARTY NEEDS NEW !!lt>.feO speaker. Small Stall 92, Irvine Equestrian tt • .l~'~"c..._'°'. ='.,;°'=.==~---I ~'I by appt. SEVERAL USED RUGS, black lite. Ctr. 675--4ro9, ,,•"""=-"·,,_..,,-.,,..-,,.-== 1-l~:> ~ =~ ': 1!!i;. GOLF Clubs, 3 Top Flight 644-5326 *** 675-8773 557--0900 REGISTERED Anglo Arab, '69 CAL 21 11·/trnller, S2500 Xln't <.~~~s:G~. Ca.IJ conditioning $25 Canoe woods, $35. <41 8·25 x 15 CHILDREN'S play ho u 1 e Atrl'O 8 Track stereo tape da1>11le gray, 6 yr ~!ding, or SIOOO & take over 61a-6683 ~le, ;2.si>. oai-s. ;3. Ph. tires. Sta. 847-5425. \\'tlnted , plell&e p hone, player. ~ith n.1 cartridge, good Engli11h pleasure, pr(). :fj~;~'.8• 673-~ or =-=--~~~--1 Win Ad~ g1 an e es 84$.5137. \\'}lEEL CHAIR $35. 544--&74. ;30. 8.15-6184 64H149 spt'(·tive jumper. Call Kattn 'iO HO~DA. Trall 00. lo pl · "'849'11 aJr 5 pm 493-9790 CAI. 25. xlnt cond. \\ith boat mileagt'. Xlnt cond. Call ~1\en YoU go aces m roJ.Y 2 BLUE Bl llD uniforms. &:. ,,.., n...':'1 ·Pl ~i GIRL'S ice &kales wanted UTE model coll'.lr TV. 25" · · b< ,, r.i' Call d 968-0179 ca.peal 6x & 7. 1 ()Jb scout, I! 10, _.......,.age "'-'' size 4-41fr. P.IUllt be in goot1 Light cabinet. $1.95. or best HORSES BOARDED: 1 acre 211~·16to ~2 64 u . ~'! ='-"=-------t 9410 10·20, 10~.lOY.a 'i\\1.n capebia tar nd "filri'" Coslwru?S, a.reel le prineeu, Sh.'1 equip!. Hi-t~i. captains condlllon. 979--8123 offer. 963-296.l. ranch N.B. Back Bay. 213/M-3&.14, week e nri 5 "72 CZ 125, fir5t aold 4nl. 30 L . ..rr,.,·..., ..,,,.,·~-d~~ht~ ~ ........ t-·!Uta .. -1-~ sz. 7 A 8. S4 ea. 536-<MS. chni, lamp~. P~~~ !,,!',.f es' \\THEELS and Ure!! 8:00X16.5 TEAC Tape Deck 0010 eo,,,..."~ l stall's. Ridiard 71·!/67~W. ~-~ ~73~~· ~700. "'f ,,,..... • •• """......... i:'::!u "'~lilcti'· fi.an.;,-;heu SEAR'S rotary pQ\\'tt mowtr rocking chairs.:-,...,......,.,." N' 101'16.5 for CIM!"V. \.\1th 8 $500. Xlnt Cond ....... -... BALBOA 26'. w/traller. l "'; YAM.&li . .\ 12:.t.'\: l\tx Doubly greu~! ~E\\r pleat· with 2nd rolor' Patl\?n\ 7086: w/catche:r, $20. if drawer \Vant ad resulltt ..::.:.:'... ~ lug axle. 548--6842. &'ll-2326 GEl..DING, dapple gray. 8 m<lfi old, n\aJly extras. Cost Good shape $3?:i prelty 1 h\r1dre111 chtldlJ' 2-12: misses· lo.21) ~teel file cabinet, ;15. Irvine -~~1~0Iri.nR~~ 'si2S~ LNT $10.900. S999a. See Dana CaJI a..16-0tlll, !IGO-l-192 CROCHEil' f&shlo11'1 f)(.'11-e.st Incl. 83:r2634. 546--l22ol Polnl, Slip C-1, l'.l\~'ner, or '72 HON[;A 350 CL. 2400 n1i, ._..to match or contnlltt• •EVr.~"rY·l'"d Cf;add"1,! BOX troll•r. •lee! "'1: -~.,· STAR GA:~E."11>"~ ._, · 98&-:WU" 982-<EOO. l'k ooM Call .~7 -J>rlnted Pal'tttn 9't10:. Hl\lf Jor ueh pattt m -., Devftblla airleM spray gun, )t,~{ A\ ~ -~ ~ r ·~1 SACR !FfCE! Rti1 . ha I f COL. ?J ·oo. galley, he:ul. ~r~sr;;.:· ..,,.,.a. JJ -o;><>" Size• 10"', 121,~, ~~~~. 16~-i cents fO!' each pattern for S75.· 6" Rockwell goinper .a..CLAYR.POLLAN Arabian, Oleslnul. Stud, 6hp OB. preset"\•f'rs. oom. 181.4} :l)J,1. Mll1ae11' S\1.c°' 10. Air ital! andrSpecial HMdl· Sl!iO'. 646--2311. ' Al lts ~, LlllA C.Olt. $500. or offer 96.l-2137. · rd I • .,~,..... ;\!UST !>ell 19TI T-500 CC 12, ,u, 16. 18, ~. Pl.£.4.Sf~ t::ir·, othel".Wiac, thinklu1 _,.., ~..-i. u M Y-Oollr J.dl•ilr C..idtr M ,t,r. JJ~ l>fU:I, g • tack e, etc, ..,.,,.,.,., Su z u k I . Take over llT .. T•. 1,0 •• , o11••s SIZE. d 1' ..;;;11 take three TENT traller. Xlnt cond ., :A .,.i. tt V Acro1ding 10 11t. Slitn. V ocr'. '' 8 Yr. Thoroughbrro 49'2-8880 ru1vmento. ,..._,1 1:.o"Ol'4. "" vn. '"" e ''llrY ..... it'JIVI 01~ cl.,.icnl It .. Gelding. llunter--Jumper .... .., ......., O""IJ"" "-"eeks Of' mote. Send 1 to _..,: """"' gu ar To develop m1ssoge f~ Monday, 1•21• ,, ...... 1 or,,., 1781 SAJLBOAT. 12' hanil'hnift AE~·~·~~ OE~ Alice Brooks. \he-DAD...'Y $150, Schwinn 111ingrny, ;25; reodwtirdscomspondlng torunbets ,. 7. .,..,.......,, .,..,... beauty. Hull, r ud de r . 'T.\ l{ONDA l:il, M-ml chop, for f!ach J)Bflem -add 25 PILOT. 105. Needlectaft Calt 548--1044. cfycurlocf~~rth slgn, SHO\V pony \\ith tack. 9 yr. oomplclcd , nC\\· trier, $400, ~~ paint. lkfil orre.r. cents for ea.Ch t>&~.\ern11 ..,'0f Dept., Boxl63, Old Chetlea BEAUTY Salon Equlpn1ent, ~~:ir 32 M., :~~ old ..,,bay JTW'e. $100 . &lf-5177 aft 3pm. Air Mail and Spet:llLI a ' Stat\On, New Ybtk, N,Y, good condil!l'.ln, realonable, J ~tol Jl~ t.JAifo,,. S46-1u13.. VENTURE. 2•24 Sailboat 'TO YAi\1AHA 25lk'c Enduro. PD.PI' 4-42, Pattem Dtpt., 10011. Print•N......, 4..,_., 54l-.W89 before 10 pm.. •Wa1ch l'f'oc:• 6' ~IV \Y/lnllcr. i\ta nv e ;o.: tr 8 s l.'OOd coOO. reblt eng. S4~ ~ Otherwise thlrd-clAss Zlp.EPEa~ ~· ''r2! ~·7•1 Surfboard, ltlnt cond. ~~':;d :U~ !: ~:,lino'! , II• Jf I $3.iOO or best offer. !l68-\i.I~ 646-74·1! y;eer:'or·~~~nd""': c!~t. knit. elc. Frff Air Brush. BestoCftt. ~~ 3:~ ~$::!:;..g 1'. t'ORONAOO n , i.:ln l ('00(1,f"j'J \"A1'fAllA IT.i. Piee. "')(- Marl&n Martin, the DAILY directions, 50c. ~ * 6#--0668 * 'Feel 39 T"rill""° "~ E...,,,. , xtras. make ofter. pri\'alt" ll'afi, ~ niilcs. s-io;:i. Call 232 West JSth SL, New IMtaat !'lb.mime Book. wtpU.ITZER piano. WiO. lOAc.11'111111 40 T...-d> 10Dot>~ plv. 213-847-1540 I ~96~'--=o,,~~~-~~-I York N.Y. 10011. Prtnt n .. stc, fancy knot!. pal· DOughl:kiy t)"J)e Jl(d, 4Xl5, 1121 !!'~ ",,1 ~ 71 Todaf Bo1ts, General 900 • -CZ '72 250 \Vheels, -RN'd - " • .l. Aoo•-• L!Ut ~ 1100 C 11 '4°"!"" .....,, ... 71 vi..1et LIDO 14. trlr &: doll y. Xlnt ,.,,,.._ AJI ~· ""'""'· rra''" 1~ JW'...., "' lenc. SLOO. · a "'"".u ll M "3 &,-7lPlww cond. $97:>. ::,•~ .,~ 9S2-60"J6 UJ ZIP, alZt and 8TYLE IMtut Ori>C'.t.et Bool .. Olive Tre!: s..1., 2'5r;cr oU CANCll 141 .. ng ... "I.:~ 1• "'°"' SCRAM-LETS 673-5.1TI "' ~rc. N<N· • NU!\mEK. Leani ~ ptC:tuttsl Pa"-Sayles. Tretos ~JU~f u IS Mud• •5lu1 75 n...,. 30S HONDA needs work ....,E ~tORE Q u I c k 11 JUlr 11 16 A 46 Mo~• 76 * U DO 14, 111..te model, i(lO:I ~ .. tor. pd chooll: one tems, ' ' 714(8'1S-2534 17Nl!..........e •7M 11c.-t.t-ANSWERS condlUon. make offer. S75. Call 6"1-illS ""'iiern tree btJra1 our -~~OI~ 2 Sing.le kdt W/lrame1 $.!5, 26-37-311 ::gr:,: ~:~c°"1i!lthed~~ Tl4 -~76lTZ * "73 JtONOA I~. a:..~ &mmft' C.taloc. All S1 111 ixU nip; A~ tlO. 138 t' ·7'.Ml 20 n... !IO ot ao 11 SAIL don't ball !ti xlnt Lido miles. Like new. ?i-tuJ11t IK'll. Onbt SOc. ~plele .tfifad ltOefl lsih St 01 54$-<1485 . A!'1 ~t,r ,, ij_ ~ ~~ ~~.. =~ ~ Handle -Gm~ -Palate -14, Incl. canvu oowr A: Sl-!00. $.16-8919. INSTANT Sl:WING DOOK $1.00. ·SUN 1 LAMP, like M"?r, a:.t .s_,.11._ 11 2l Yau'•• 53 P.__ 13 r-OmlM -T')'plng -Volult -trailer. $650. 6'r.>-3Dl GIRLS bike s.;, 3 spd Siie': teW todQ, ft&f tomonow. 11 .llff'y 811f ~· • 50c. $170. Sc.-:11 $50 or best otftt. --.i-..... ~ 2AMDI-• Sot~~~~ l4C-. Q.EVD."rll iU BALBO 2J 1 4 trt Otk k Sch1o.'lnn Stingray, SI.IN. ST.:: ~ASH ION Book el IJ fthlie A.la 963-2813_ r• ~ 1$$1of't ~ 15F~ A c~en fWlng In• '1 A . s ps ' r, xln1 conri. 61.r'i'0-18 IU"' f 26n-.. "6Ar.! 66'-t.:plblrmlJ Cl'rt1btf hlld fcf'. heed, 12V, Qf8. $f.quli, BOOK -I~~~-ot SOc. \JSED K·2 Hol~ 200 Sid& 27~ 51 r-11v ''"""""-' PISCIS -~ -~ ~ ..... .J· m1dn $3150 '.Exlrtl$. 646--5632 '\""r\1\fAff,\ 90 MX nu•-Qltllt nodll 1 -:16 119tterne. $15. and l<orllliCh Boot 11 M 2fl~ ~KMP 8'0-~ll' ''"·" ~ gonm u 1C u1t-lll', "''" -~ . fashion flct$. • 50c $20 n-•1 &•LI ...... "~ )'" 89 "~™" l the mothtr Cit a I~ famil)': "'White Eh.>phant&" O\'tr-OOOd ~~.l ... !!.,ust te41. Lib (0 trade? OtJr Trader'11 M~_,. QqJlt• Sook t " """' e\lf! ,,,_."" JOGaod 60 0r 90 """" Mio "" "Now th It fhe 30th, \IJi't runrdrut your hou$(!? Tum '".....,,.,.. -A'-Nl)UmA ''for )'Olli :ion. 38" LAMaERT lawn l'Yttp-,().,Good. '°",\Jyttx l\N~~ '-12.:n..a t It!'" tlltm fnto "CR~b" ' •• sell "197",""2 "'"H"O~N"'D"'A~~"'"'"'•".ooo=-m~I. Jii;, s di.vs ror 5 b11rk,. Quill& lot T~• Lktl• • er, new, m. ..,..,\.$?,/ \Bl U '1 -71. · i\Tothn'· "CM1Rlnly not! lt't thttn thru a Dally Pllf)t Tunf'fl e;(hausl. Xlnt amct. \••••••••••••••••"•'•••• 64.'i·IO.iS only tht' F:LEVEN111!" -'~''='='cifi=ed"-"•=•=•-----5-18-1.~2. • J r I 1 , J DAil Y PllDT Su"'11r Octobtr-14, 1Q7' r _a v - i~ ........... _ .. _ 1§1 I 1§11 J[i] I r-... ... ~ J[i] I .:. ....... 4§J 1· --l§J 1!~! ~-~ .. -~,~~-1~! ~ ..... ~ ..... ~.~I~~, 925 rr~r:.:•:.:ll.:.°"':.::....:.':..:'"':.:..:."':...._:945:.;:IT __ •uc_k_• _______ ,_4'-2] _v_""°------"'~ l :A~--~~;.~1~"'..;_;;.;."~-""~t~~~f~7D~il iA~uNt;;, ~ .... ;.,;.~.; ... ~~·~.f~10~1 -- .c-. Imported f 970 Autos, l111pa-970Auto1, lmpci rttd 1974 DATSUN B-210 No, tht +', not com- pe tition for our z.Car. It's Oe t sun's n • w economy • champion 8-210. St• lh1 new Datsun 8-21 Os IHatc:hback,'2-Door Sed an and 4-0oor Sedan) soon. Three fine 1xempl11 of the great thin9s to c:om1 from D•t1un '7'4. • Used Car Specials ECONOMY NEVER LOOKED SO GOOD IMMIOIATI OELIVEllY ONLY 112·~0. M Mt. O.t:.L. -1 .. ... le(. o. •. Ee.,i-~1: f ''"'"'' aJr, ,._,, AN./FM rod10, r!c. '64 CHEVROLET PICKUP '71 VW BUG "1 •lilul. 5795 .. ,. nn. 51795 llU In. • .. IMlll Tlrn. .!!~"--"~''~~~~·~"'-----.......... ·"~·~·~,,~,~~~~.=-=-=-=- '12 CHEVROLET VEGA "Ill~" C..,.. lflct .•• 11111. llet CM. (IOI EPC) -S1695 '71 PINTO RUNABOUT =·~'r· ::i~1~1,. s2095 ' '13 FORD 3/.i T. PICKUP aw, ••11. Ln Miits. (IU5tl) 53095 '69 CHEVEUE SS '"" u '"'" ""· Sharp• ... 1/dnml 1llllfl, • , .. , --.... (fWI IOI) DOT DATSUN 970 CydH, Slk•t Scoot en TRAILER wl<h ""l•••d "IQ IN)'EHNATIONAL !IT '72 ' FORD VAN. Bill MAXEY IMW cabl1n11. Prl\•ate B c ii c h C.b l Chatala. Model 1D * BICYCLES * Nl'Wl.IClrt Bay , Botti ~lips 0. y.g (ln~lne,,. cu. In, 180 w.-have a van here tlia:t has N1•1·: !lallan 10 ~µ. , ~~-!N L11llth'l'11 oK S :.! 6 0 0 . HP, lll' whfi!I hue, 4 all the a;oodles and i. rtaUy TOYOTA • O"ANOI! COUNTY'S ~1nlour Eq S: C:Ollv S:i!l.!13 6 12-4?'.J. ' 1pe<.'<1 transmi.uioo, HD rlean. IL'• a bri/llant blue OLDIST r-;'l~i ikl ID•¥ .... lr'Oill S99.9J ----Sprlna:1 wl•leJpers, 750xl6 1 & u -·f'ci hiln:)i • fl 'Olll Sl5.00 LET llli ~-11 )'Ol.Jr travrl y,~\~. 6192 Sydney Dr.. II lh t.'UA1.0lll lnlfrlor, nnall '73 MAZDA RX WAGON Bik1•s ••l1•1u1<•d fll l!"d $t50 I truller ut uo t.Vlit to )'OU. HWllil\¥lOrl Beach 892-1573. V-8, Autornatl e, Radio, Orange, Auto Trani, Air l\'A~l'ED USED BICYCLES ~111~,~~r~h!i~.r ~·p.1!':. 'TJ CHEV Che)Tni'..r 1~ Ton !id~:~1:::!:ie~e;~:: Cond. Vil\)'I Root, Roof lkach Ulcyl'leti, ~ E. Balbo.'"1 ti"6-4002 PU Nf'w lllt S500(l. Hea vy heavy duty 1UApenslot1 and Rack, AM/FM, Rad I a I Blvd., &Jtoo. 67~7'~2 -· duty h1c1 ~usp ' 1in•s. All 11de pipe&. If you've bt-e.n 'rires. P.lag Wh eels, ~·on ~·1tc ·r.: 11 a r It' y AutO Service, Pilrtl 949 a(x:css inrl td1·, Ull \\'hi etc., looking for a stuu'P van k>ok (286HR\V / Excellent selection of pr!> prke re-e11alwation n1odels. Duv1\l:..011 Supo.•r Clldc f"X, Liltll' UllC, n1ust IM!U $3700. no furthel' \$7<&KI $3995 ............ .,,.,. ,, I 2.'l:l <..li EVY ~n~ine. ~bll ~ J k 1 ,96 6,3 -OI G J:..,,.,,;c, ~ & lllr\C O\·er hf'atl~. 11t•11• tw•nri rig~. good ~.kd~s"~~. -'1 : I LO~ ,-RE P'1>~.1115• f>36-.38.i9. <-ond. $H.IO. 2 US l ndvl -=·~~=~----1 DEMO $ALE SALES.S.ERVICJ:;.Ll!:ASING OVE11.S£A8 DE.LIV~RY ROY CARVER, Inc. .. e .ir t-::..a e) Sprints. L 00x15 tlrl's, wiil '72 1-"0IW Courier w/Gcn1 MAZDA Sale/ Rent 940 ) fit R1unco ~·ord Tr\lck g, lop. Camper 8hcll, 1tcp 200'2 J:o:. li>t St. Santa Anfl -----·----1 Jrcps. soo.' 847-8091. bomber, n1lm>fll " nt.dio. 1 55&-7871 e SAL~S e ~~~~~~~~~I ~ xtnt <.vntl. S2'J7j · "12 rnnD Cl.atf'au Club s e SERVICE e ·;[ I~ ---· pllM. V-8. aulo, air, pwr. All Aulos lor~i. ,-;:.,_ \VANTED by private ?W1.Y -»tloru + n1ng ll>'hb. xtras. • RENTALS • . 'P"P •, ., % Too P"k"p lo mL "''· ply. ,......,,,_ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiim~.;1 1~1912. Chevy or Ford, • . I 1 I GP.fC, V-8. auto, nil", ca.vi A.utos Wanttd 961 EXPLOR!:R", HUNTINSION OfACH 1111101 ~I II~ H hi VI, ~.)) flkO I 11,,,._.1,r,, 1\JN l!A!t+ 'T.l LANDAU. Brancl fl('W 25' 111 o to rhon1 e. Beautifully P.q1dpped. Close out sule. Rl'dlll'ed over $400). ?dust M"ll. See at Jonnson & Son Lincoln P.lercury. 2 6 2 6 lfnrbor Bh·d .• Costa l\1esa. 5-W·56:C'l0"-. ~~-~-­ B•lbo• Motor Home Le11 th•n 1 yr old Low Mllea~e l demo units $8300 540.5103 KINGS Hlgh"-·ny, t9n. 2S It. llbc!~IM!! luxUI')'. :>K gen, /\Mll-"'M 8 tr:1t·k. a11•nlng dunl Rir, dual tnnks, 1011· n1itrs..E1 ... ·. prt.\', 9!i~9617. '7~ PRIDf'_; .Ii: Ju). 20· n101ur l1vn1c:. :;.:1r~ ,, 1•'-' .... ratot·, roof n11· L· .. 1... (lr!:. over lll.000. $6900. !H2-3152. '70 LANDAU. 23', loaded, I \\•Ill sell. ror lo"' hook or best I reasonable offer. 968-5237 a l! 4 pn1. ,..,nhqU•I c ••• cs 953 today, ti45.-8315 I 83>-9469 1953 t-IFnCEDES Be JOOS FORD 1968 V-8. auto.pro: 'fOP • • IU: pa.ne pn\l•ered \23c gill) 55 con11e11l.ble ~hltc w/rl'd g!\L cap. Nl?W power b~ks. DOLLAR l!"nthf'r int. Pi Iv. ply, S·l700,. ninny extras. SI 6 0 0 ·I . PAID <196-9236• '193--0t'i(i. 5'13-3153. - 0,1,1naJ ·~0,';/,~~~-Y. 1400 *72cH·-"E~v~. ~B~LA7Z~E~R~*~ IMMEDIATELY C.d ,.,H72!1 IMMA,CULATE. FOR ALL ·:<5 PLYMOUTH 4 doo' LOADED. '""'REIGN ,• sedan, $800 $4100 Fl RM •. 549·2367 rv • 646-2055 . -7J S.PTS-CUSTOM-CARS Recr•atlonal 112· TON, Mt NT COND. WE ARE IN Vehicles 956 BEST OFFER 192·1832 DESPERATE NEED BAJA SAAB 1910 EL CAMINO. PIS. OF GOOD, CLEAN P/B, Hlr, vinyl roor. Under FOREIGN CARS S11nb piuresslonally prepart!d 30,00J miles, ttc\\' lites. Xlnt TOP DOLLAR-PAID to Inc. tc~nl llpecs. com· cond. $2593. 673-1658. FOR OR NOTI pletcly c_qu1ppcd, race ready ~~~--~---1 for t>le1ClcRn 1000. See nt 1973 CHEVY ~!t T~n Pickup. Call or COlllP. In to gee UL BrlllAA P,{otor Service 1855 ExC'Cllenl condll1on $3195. L!lgt;na Canyon Rd, ~gulUl _645--00:·, ~~"~·-------1 8eR{'h or call TI4-494-~910. '71 FORD % Ton Rang~r. or: ~t45--Si71 Can1pc'r Spceial l..oadl'd. lo NE\\' l(a1\·a~akl '1-10 cc 3j hp n1ilcs. Xlnt cond. 493--0277. t"·in Sno11mobile eng., fan Vilns 963 tooled, 1rork Dune Buggy,---------586-6399. . 1- NEWPORT IMPORTS 31«' W. Cow Hwy •• N.B. '42-940S '6!) f'OHD VAN TOP ASH T•ucks 962 CONVERSION C Jo"OR S,\Lf'.:· l900 FORD 1 G i:y l, H.D. Shock1. 1 Tori for clean late model cll1'9 . · '~ Chassis, Camp. Paneled, and trucl<s• Ton Pickup. $300. Phone La rge Tit'E'o: r.a:i.tHEUJ. H d. Ch I • 846-0T.» • $2419 · owar evro et ·39 FORD pick up, 1 1~ Ton GUSTAFSON 1'.lac,\r1.l1ur and Jan1botee du a I whee Is S 5 00, Llrn..'Oln-Mct'cury Nf'Wport Beach 21:'1/592-5750 168XI Bee.ch at Warnel' 833--0555 '71 DATSUN pickup, good H~n Beach \VE P AY l'OP OOll..AR '70 OPEL 'GT Gold. 4 Sh1i9'' '71 MAZOA RX 4 Dr, 4 Spd, Silver, Radio, VUzyl T•s2i99 ' '72 TOYOTA CELICA Tw'quoble, 4 Spd, Air Cond, C977EIJJ Vinyl Top, S2799 '71 Toyota Mark JI Cpe Auto Trans, Air C.Ond, Ll&'ht Blllf', 1860FIT) .S2399 234 E. 17111 St. Cosra l\leu. 546-44« CREVIER BMW Sales • Servkr • l.A!uing 208 \!J. 111., S.A. 853-3171 USED BMW'S '73 BAVARIA (DEMO) '71 BAVARIA ·n Tll '72 2002 '69 2002 '6' 2002 Bob Mclaren, BMW Inc. Sales • Service -Leasina: l!ISO North Beach ~lvd .. La Habra 1n4) 879-5624 '69 TOYOTA CORONA 1 ___ C_A_P_R_l __ 1 ' D,. ~ """· <LRV85li '71 CAPRI . $1275 R. H, A/T, Foo. A/C '69 Toyot• Corolla 1200 4 Spd, t.ilht Yellow (ZSF221l S1275 fOH.DDVJ $2395 Jim Slemons Imports l.101 Q"8ll llLL MAXEY Newport a..ch 833-9300 TOYOTA ENTER rnoM MocARnlUR 18881 BEACH BL. 847-8555 '72 CAPRI. V6, 4 Rpeed, fully HUNTINGTON BEAOI equlpt, 10,(0) mi. AUDI 1972 ME~= C:pri. Very '72 AUDI 1 DOLS :j;' ..:;".,~ ~~ ... ' la BEACH BLVD., HUllTINGTOll BEACH e Da!l•'f; ~oror Humr Rentals ·73 ZJ.26' l\1.1!, & Minis F~ mlles 9 Iii 9, 8.l8-0!MXl RECREATIONAL VEHICLE RENTAL BUREAU • 714: 842-9922. * lires. paint, engine. 31.000 842-8844 * (2131 59'2-5644 FOR TOP USED CARS nii. $1650. ~1-4n4 "Horne of the Vikillj'." If your cat 11 extra clean, •~DR SEDAN DATSUN R. H, A/T, Fae A/C U,COO ----------1 actual mlle1 540.0442 842-7781 Motor Hom•• Motor Homes ..--------9.co ___ s_a_!•_i_R_o_n_t ___ 940..; Sale / Rent NEW 20' ROADLINER MOTORHOME FULLY SELF-CONTAINED $ • 4 11.W. Gl!NUATOl ANO lOOf All CONDmONING • t.ICIO.WAYI OVIN by llDMAN FREE \\'EEKEND Recreational Vehicle Rental Bureau. tTI41 842-9922. C:,lassltled Ads ...... 642-~78. Motor Home~ Sale/Rent 9.CO Fat Profit Is aha.ined when '69 FORD Van (lho~yl see u1 tint. you sell through result-gel· cu1to[" paint, tnte,.rtor, trick ~U:!t!r~~. ting Daily Pilot Classified 11·hee .!I, susP'!ns n. Used Ad!. 642-5678 ' ~= drl11e 111s. Sac. $2'160 Coata Mt!il m2500 Motor Hom•s \VE HUY ·72 DODGE Sporti;man Van. l~fPORTED AUTOS Sele/Rent 940 318 cu. in. Radio, heater, & BEST PRrCES PAIDI stereo. Ba.ck !eo.t, carpeted, D•an Lewis Imports ,Vfndol'l'S a/I ltl'OUnd. $3,00'.J. "''"' 894--0820 L'7W Harbor, C.M. 64&-000:: '66 Chevy Van. Good engine. Good tlret. Need.!i body \\'Ork. S800 or best offer, 979-9b'21 '73 Q-IE\I)' Van. $3100 or assume lease, S 7 7 I n1 o . Days 832--0242, E v e s 494-JU4. JP.IPORTS WAl\'TEO Ornn.,~ County's TOP S BUYER BILL ~fAXJ';Y TOYOTA 18881 Bt>ac:ti 8111 ·. ff, Br'\ch Ph. '147..Jl555 Autos, Imported 970 l473EYZ) $4595 Jim Slemons Imports 1301 Quall Ne"-1XJr1 Bea.ch 1133-9300 ENTER Flt.Ollf 1'.laMRTHUR '70 AUDI, 4 dr, 4 s pd, beige am/fm ale, immac cond. pri ply. ~. $2595 IMW 1965 BMW, V-8, black. Cla111ic. Good conrl. $3000. ·13 DODGE MW<i v.,. ALFA ROMEO ••be" oU". 54&-3"9'.I '70 DATSUN 240% Here 11 a hard to find 240Z that ls super Marp. A ~II 1wtllle yellow with ebony interior, Equip- ped wllh 4 s peed Lransmhalon, radio, ai r cond, 1.nd n1ag wheel.I. tow mileaal" 11nd a tun car to drh't' (a>98ZJI ' IOI LONGPRE MAZDA .. 2l)a1 E. lat St. silnla Al-. 553-1871 ' 1973 DAfSUNS ALL MODELS IN STOCK PO\\·cr equip!, a.Ir, $4800, '71) B1.fW am. 22,00l mi. ~77 "':;;,,,!~.~ 16 o · * ALFA ROMEO Llk• """'· 12975 1BHS<t, BARWICK IMPORTS Best deal always! Berllnu !J86.m)4. J.1375 Ct.mlno Caplstrabo '70 DODGE Van. V·S, mags, from $3795 !Ser. •0'2881. TIME FOR '.'," Snn Juan capUr!ranO SDXI. or best offl'r. 979-4688 '12's &: '73's. O:tmplete se-. " 483-3375 or S31·1375 or '1'7S-5106 ask Doug. lection now. Buy or lease '71 GMC Rally STX Van. H., from t;lUICK CASH '72 DATSUN 2'11Z. lmnw: .. windows &: seats. $2400. Jim Parkinson's =11ilver/il'f'AMY.J'C"l.•mags, aJ r 1 5'&-9969all4pm. THROUGH 4, '"n ....... ·-ilh-.irh Jl11q11111!'1 +~ '-· '"' . .. . ' ,, . . . · 1971 DODGE 'A TON PICKUP ~':':.'::.~".:::. ... ..:.::.: 52488 140 Allt MU.rt• 11Mll•I ~lE\,JRl,<T .•.. DATSUN DEMONSTRATOR ' SALE! • . , Buy Demo #028490 NEW '73 ALL STAR MAXI VAN _. ·Do,r Sedort; rodfo, haater, die....._ CONVllllOM .... ' Y·I, etlt'l!Mtk, ,._ "9erint, pewtr bfaltM, .. _M ·~:i:~:i' lillllble top, bvt9flt ... 1'1,tlM,.....yl'llOl"I. #II· _________ .;;;;.;;;; ___ ;;;;.._.;;;.._.;;;.._.;;;....1111J1111t446. Price -•2775 IUND NIW 20' FLING MOTORHOME by llDNAN GAS and PROPANE POWER by COURTESY $ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW 20' ROADLINER MOTORHOME ,, , .. M•• DODGI YI IHGINI: •AUTOMATIC TIANSMISSION • POWEi STllllNO • l'OWll ll:Alll!S • LOADID WTTH COM· fOIT HATUlllS. l •l101~U 1 BUY TODAY $ IMMEDIATE DELIVEIY Phone for FREE CREDIT CHECK: 645-8321 • • $ 1969 FORD VAN: LOADED! e AIR CONDITIONING e AUTOMATIC o Y8 INOINI llU•UI '1588 1972 WILLIAMS 21 f.OOT Autom1lit , power 1!01rint, )'° 1/.1 1119int1 0 11111 91n111lor, 4.0 l(W, r90f oir, 1l.1p1 6, hilly 11Tf con- t1ln1d, ,,,,,. 1y1t•"'· 1•47ELW I • •• ' ' ....... 0 ............. ... .. ,. ........ .... .,.. .. ..,. _.... .. .,~ .... u..,.. .. ..., ~·"::. NOW IN STOCK , At Newport Qataun When You PurchaM a New Datsun You Get a flll S Tl./ 50,000 MIU IUAaunlt NEW:,,4 1210:., • Good. Color SeloctlOir • • CHECK THESE PRICES ON THESE IMMACULATE RE SAL ES! '70 l.r. Pick U, I(, TON 4 ~ HID c-pv ... hlil ..... 11.,...4olo1o tr.c\. l'lStff) •1699 '6t PIJMtvtli ··-' '"'"'lllW, 1¥1909• rte•. IJ• ''"'"' cto141titl!. 11cco191 '1199 '72~ ..... llWIAIOWI'. .... lll• -. lltW ...... C1''''" •1799 'itCltn ...... ...... -··· , ... •"*Pl !SM. #11,V) •1399 '71 YW -...... ·"·™'"--.... ~ .., lffODOlt •1499 '67~ ....... "'T'°" '''· !Mlt, ,,,_,, ITIJ 270I WMl'I .............. ftr •1099 ~lE\,JRl~T OUll -LOCAnON 888 DOVE ST. DATSUN -"""""' .. .lafttlle- NIWPOIT llACH ''Where we toke pride .in JtrYice" 133-1300 I • I '69 llulnt lfl · • .. ,_.._ ...._,. -•1499 · '72 Chy. Y• IT .. .._... ' .,. .. t lf -4 ...... .,..... .. It. IJ71fltll) SAVI . . . . . . • • I I J . . ' I S11nday, OctObtr 14, 1973 DAILY PILOT DI 'I DATSUN Wl'RE l1ERE l«i'*"' P.t¥ARTHlJR • J.UIBOREE BJCl SAYINGS ON '7l PetnoA s10·1 Pickups 610'1 MERCED&$ IENZ JAGUA[l , , '70 MERCEDES '70 MGU GT, ereen, · AM/FM, ,;,. whlo. prl'6to IENZ .,...,, s""'· n•, ~ Full power, t11'-10¥'Y air (,'On· 210IL C R d '67 MG"OT $1000 dltioning, A~1&1'~~1 stt-reo O&lf)e H 5ter u-o ru dlo . ttutoniatlc It. IL i\1T, 1''ac t11r nc11 1 ____ 5J6._1029 ___ _ 1t11..nsml81lio11, lull lt'athcr engine OPCL Interior. Only ;.\):XI ooo (185 8NN 1 llt '73 JAGUAR ·xis 970 Autos, Imported 970 Auto1, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 97 TOYOTA TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN TOYOTA ·10 Londcruls•r I ·11 v.w. VW Closeout '73 1 1:~:=~~T~fl~R:~at11r, \\'arn 411 WAGON i *'" VW SUNROOf CLOSEOUT $2477 Auton.u1 l i~·. INOUiUl~~lon air !\.lelal!c red, radk>, hentl'C' .-1nd1t1v1u111t. rnrtlo. asto. \\'\\'S-0111 011·ncr 1nile1. Ab~lutely in1-$7900 ·~~ rnaculate. 103'IJPf") ' A~ ·uN« r SAVE!! Jim S!tmoris SONETI 1 •"'•*;~~,.,C.o~~~LA"'"· ,;toll Le.mi& $2977 L $999 '11 OPE!. GT, LOW thy, low mil" No. 044'60 TOYQJA "••• •u~l 1 *'61 VW . t.tlLEAGE. llUIO racli:i & F"ully E'QUipped Including i\l\I/ $1995 I -· """'T vo""'° I C111101· ~now. rll_dlO, t1·1111 • Imports 888 0o" BAUER BUICK 1l111 Q ... u Newport Bch 29'!5 Harbor Blvd. N~ach lm-1300 Open SUnday, Co1Jh1. ~tea 97S-2500 ENl'ER FROM MacARTHUR 240-Z 1971 Yellalit' with blk Interior, radio, factory air oon- dttb'll:ng, ma&'. w h e e I s ('21EJE) $4295 MASERATI JIM SLEMONS 3500 G.T. ltlODEL 1965 SUPER LEG(iERI. hlul bad loving care, lo mi, xl!:t cond, I'll trade for Larrer car or boat of approx. $4000 v1lue. Don Llrhtne!' eve1 675-1047 days ~1 IMl'ORTS MERCEDES BENZ Aui'HOR!ZED SALES A SERVICE Jim Slemons IK!utrr. xlnl cond, S?.Z:Y.I Ffi.1 1·11dio, factory alr l."Oll· · O TA 1 •·lng11. t\\'IH8861 642-1:10-I dltioltlrtfl, 111as ~11ccis, du111 *'Jl MK I I WAGON I t~~'.i thu:bor, C.1\1. 616.1\:-:0.'.l I ~ 1 $999 flANTERA ~~k~r!e~~~w~th ~~mW'~~ Auto Iran~ .. radio. Ukr nc"'· I TRIUMPH 111116 Harbor, (.;.!\.1, MO-Ull [ supportll, and only t,f.00 (26$-E'fY1 Vince Automotive *'68 FASTBACK ·:2 PANTERA Air cond, 36al nliles NEWPORT .IMPORTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-MOS mUet! 15.58.JSJ). • $2595 1959 TR 3. O>n1ple1ely l't>bullt ~alizltv;: in VW. Pot1ehe, 4 511(1. See 10 appreciate .. drl\'e train. Need& paint. Da11un, Toyota. Celebn.tina txoz.1011 A SAVINGS or S35Q or Beat OUer. 67S-al18 3rd Annlllttll&l')'. Part• $1895 $6GO *'70 CORONA MK 11. an 6 PM. ("'w & """' -'""""'· Auto. tr&.n1., air co nd, .60 Trluniph TR-3, l'l'bll engine rebldg.. Md Dunc $4295 61XiCCK. e•"•ine. Good cond ition. Call Buggie&. 1366-K L;lgan Ave, $1495 . .., 0.1. PHONE ~177 Dick Miiier Motors """"°· 7fVw __ _ lll \V.,.,'!}1~· S.A. TR 13·1~~~. rp SQUARE BACK ~ ·~ *'70 CORONA 4 DR. ~ ~1:u6 Less than 24,tm n1Uc1 " spd. l'll.dio, 1213-880} $2400 *'61 POP TOP CAMPER All th1· comforts of bome, 1\rJz .. 191, S1495 " • I•«• .~:ie,;, ...,, PORSCHE __ s_u_a_A_R_u __ wte\. \1tn:edl'I &!U./ 1---------Jll Quail '6--1 PORSCl-rE SC Cabrioll"t. MAZDA Dick Miiier Motors 120 W. Wamer, S.A. , ~7-2L12 * Mazda '73 ~otary * Drive A S1295 VOLKSWAGEN •_r.:.<1_ .. _. • '6.l V\V Bug. 2j + 1111~. (',ood H b Vw *WANTED * ('11(:in<•. ti1x-s. s-1.;o or lx-'st :\f\('t' 6 *'61 KARMANN GHIA ' Hn~al Blur. IVST-70-ll ! O~A~T~S~UN~.~,~,O~Z~.~,,~. ~,,~.,-,-,,-w, $66 MONTH 4 1pd, uji·, ll1ilf.:~. 1s,:ico 36 t-.tONTHS C?EN LEASE miles. Pli. Pty. S1\9j. \VIII 1tccepl trad~lnll TI4-530-8192 or !IGS·::"l2'l CALL l\1R, h'RY M1·666G '69 DATSUN 510, 4 dr st>r\1111, stock, 39,000 1nUc~. $950. Private po.rty, 675-31~ "73 DAT~UN aIO. hnmac. oond. fl.fap, rndlals, air cond. Call; 6'7S-f,680. FIAT '72 SPIDER Hunt. Beuch MAZDA 173.11. Beach Bl. 842-00:;6 -BOB-LONOPRE-;- l'4 1Jo. '\each rcblt l"tlg, ch1001e \l'hls. Con· "· •tifiJ -la<"l Jc1Ty 5.'"ii·:'.975 "·knds/ ,o;-.. ..,.:.~·. ARTllUR1~""'~·~··------- EN -1!168 PORSCHE 912, Orange, , NOW OP 11'-'IV tirt.•s, 33,<kXl ml,. for snk• Mission Vltlo Imports by 011·1~1·. 67~17I4/64a-T.MS fMt1•l'hn{ •GJ PORSCHE 3. blk w/grt•y MERCEDES BENZ int. new tires. ahocks, super & clean. 897-5632. FIAT •;-;a Porsche must sell, good 'Comolele SalU: & Scrvlce t.'Ond, $900 Visit U1 Soon At * 6-l.J-4902 * 2Si'Ol ~~arite Parkway '70 PORSCHE 914 SUBARU ar our 1 ·:?0.~1.·111 ~~~l'&~\:;r ·n1~,~~111! I :-~-Ho_1·.-~45-:8r_,. ___ _ '"111 B>.\Cll "'\'IJ <1·•.1n·, l~i-1 !0i . Ii \1\ (0111~·111110 l"<llltpl'r .., u , .,... • • • ""' _ • I HulJillc tuµ. S:l~J(IO. l\t HUNTINGTON BEAG1~ j ·70 \'\\' Pop To11 Can1pet. 675-4386 Dick Miller Motors 1911 TOYOTA Corollfl \\'agon I Nr11• L•nginc, tr:uu•. cluh·h, i 'lt V-W-B -$400--b- Sale!f & :0-:<·1·vi~e for 1111.le. Call 847-m2 nftf'l' brak•·~. Ii~~. r·r.1 ste1w. u1. or est Visit Us Soon Al 2:00 p.ni. $150CL or best of-I Sharp. 960-150.1 I offer, Call 642·3309. l~'t.I \\'. \\ urni•1•, S.i\. f('r. I '66 ."'" Van, $119:). Nu cri;; ,(: '65 SQBK, xln! ni.nnilli c'Ond. 5:17-2132 * '73 CF.LI(,\ ·I ~rd. via) I paint. I n<"W clutch, SISkitY,:: S6C\I. Ask TOYOTA lop. Xl'!I ('fl"J, f>W.t?.46 rur Jhn Gl2-17i9. ~3000 • r-::7-3711 . '68 VW poptop c1unper, xlnl '6S VI\' Bug $9Z"l. Gd. n\e'Ch. '68 TOYOTA Like to fnlrie! Our Trader's con d, n e \V en I( i n e. 54,500 r.liles. 1631 Seal \Vay, Pnrrriisc cnlurnn is for yoo! $1995/otter 6"6-8486 E>\'C Apt. D. Seal Bench. 51395 Harbour VW '64 VW, new t>nline clu1ch. Xlnt cond .• ....."' 850 \\'bile with !)lack interior, radial tlree, radio, low mileqe t682FKS! MAZDA -SERVICE FIRST- EXCLUSIVE ~Us1ion Viejo 493-1700 Lovingly cared for by 1 llnl'E <AVERY P\VY. E:xI'J') middle a.ged lady O"'ner. .61 MB 23:1 SEb. Enaine & Only 33,000 mi. 673-6372 body perlect. C&JI alter 3 'f-6 PORSl"HE 'lll. ~ CORONA Aotoo, Imported 970 Auto1, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 4 Door, auromartc transmis· l -rii:iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~!!!!!!~!!~~----~-~~~~~~imji sion, radio. heater. (\\111"· 11 "''· $2395 MAZOALEASE Dick Miller Motors Demon:;tre!!lr Sale 120 W. Warner, S.A. Now In Pto!P'f!ss Ml-2132 1st S1. at the S.A. Frwy. ·n FIAT, U.t SPIDER m E, Ut St., S.A. 558-7871 ~m'f'~rl''T'~' MERCEOES BENZ "' f"IAT 124 Wagon. R/H. '73 ME1lCEDES Runs IOQd, looks great! 1625. c.11 o;o.1151. IENZ JAGUAR I 450 SLC COUPE --------R. H. Arr, P/S, P/\V, Fae '73 XKE CONY. Ale 1 .. lhor 1"""'°' 1 ... than 6,800 mfles Not a Den10. Aclual 1900 INo. IJ.)80) mile automobile al terrific $ 15,900 aavlnaa with full factot)' '9t'UTl.Jlty, maroon w i I h J1'm Sltmons natural In terior, chrome ... ,. AMffM Imports NEWru111 IMPORTS 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 '71 -XKE ~O\JPE 'A .. ,. 6 9 ·1, 4 speed, 1'1/f n1 radlo, factory air con· dttlonlng, win v.• he e I ~ , maroon •1th beige leather interior A: low mileage (589 DJO) ONLY $5295 Dick Miller Motor1 120 W. Warner, S.A. 551-2132 1301 Quail Newport Beach 833-3300 ESTER FRO~f lofac.\P.TllUR 50 USED MERCEDES ON DISPLAY Sbarp New Car Trade-ins Coming In E,yer)'. Day Ask Abotlt IHI' 'Unique U...! Merc'!fff LHH rr-Plans · · House of l~s 6862 Manchester, Bue~ Park "'" the Slnta Alia rtfr/ '23·'12511 pm 644-5U9 oond .. nu U1 "!q needs cni;1ne ' "'Ork. Best oJ~ei· l).t.::.-3178. MG RENAULT M.G.B.'s '71 RENAULT *'6t M.0.11.-G.T. . R-116 . . AM-FM RADIO, Clu'ome Gray With SI ver 1n_tenor. ,,... over drive fZU0-417) 12.000 . actual 1n 1_ I t; s , ire-. *'61 MGB, automat~c transrnwoon, CONVE. RT rndlo, this car R~ust be seen • lo be appreciated. (516 .. ·Ith Hardtop. IY.'TU-4371 1"NAI Harbour VW ONLY s199s Dick Miller Motors 18ID BEACH BLVD. 8-12-4435 120 \V. Wat'llCr, S. A. Huntlnglon Beach 557-2132 -*"·"'"11"M"'G-M1DGET* ~R=E~N'"'A'="U~L-=T=--""•10. Brome ,,.now, low, low miles No. 1014 Harbour VW lBnl BEACt-1' BLVD. 842-4435 NEW R-12 4 DOOR Autoniatic TrRnsrnission SALE $977 DtoA Le.mi& -TOYOTA 1966 HiU'bor, C.~1. 640-9303 '67 TOYOTA Stick, radio, heater, tires, and BUPf'r clean! $599 (TE!\.1 5291 new la::J 28402 A1af1Uerite Parkway 1iliS11kln Viejo 831-:114(1 49a-4!M9 USE A VERY PWY. EXIT HUNTTNGTON BEAOi '56 MGA. Reblt engine, $500 or best offer. Call 493-0065 or 49-l-2.154 $2499 '74 TOYOTA'S Dick Miller Motors liere !IOOfl -New 5 speeds • J.2Q \V. \Varner, S.A. GT Models • Corona ~R. · MGA 1---r-557.,..·2U27=·--·1 c...p.. -----SAAi , '73 DEMO'S '56 MGA. tt-blt erig. Xlntj--------- ...-1 """'' w .1 s oo . * SAAB ~:. ~ .. 'O"Af'="'~,."!_· 64-ZIM or 493-0065. 1 · • • -=-""i~~-,---Beal deal always. COn1p ete ,,. • MGI .. 1 .. Uon MW. 9"" "' ,.... w L '72 MGI GT "Jim Porkinson's !1~. f.11. f.UJi& COUPE " TDJOTA BIUl" wlth belp cloth Interior ~·Herbor, C.M. 6415-mOJ AM/rM· ""•"· w I .. "'72 TOYOTA w:heel&, exceptionally low lilu,..., thb car .,Id new...-°' ..,..... ;COROLLA ·n J•i· "E" type. V-12, LATE 'T.l 351} SL Coupe, 4'Ai tor $4400. (629EKYI . Qrllllge Count}''• "Newest fully equlp'd, air, 1teteo, 111.re, full pw.r\ lo mileage Buy It Today For &Mii COUPE ' very Sow mi, 1 owner. GOT-Royal blu, llke nu. $10,250 ONLY 4 Speed 11,000 actual nliles TA SELL nowt Pr\ prty, ,71 ol -6 3 T-_9 1. J d a Y l..1 ~ • $3296 _ L764G1Vi 1 !113-6823 714--998-0196 eve. Pvt 'PtY $1 5 Dick "Iller Motors o..ior · 99 ( See Us First! I '?2 JAG XJ6, full pwr, 280 ~E-4.5. leather, SWl1'00f1• •..-, ,·.ien!O, 10 m.1, $~. orig new Michelina, met. palnt, 120 '"·M9{~'l:f· s.A. ,73 ~~T~1cf.Ar Jim Slemons ownr. ~ ~'"'"""'"'-"""""'"'""='"™'=·,,_. ~=L7...,..---,c.'°~~--.:;;;; I READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~-m-~ *--m ~ ~ up lo 24 miles per pllon 1301 Qtu~il DATSUN B-210 . 1973 LINCOLN CONTINENTAl TOWN COUPE Milly F•ctory Equipped, Executive Demo, I Stk. # 1324 1 5 6989~~~~E ... ' ' Dick Miller Motors Nev.'J)Ort Bench Ji'O \V. \\'arner, S.A. 8.13-9:'..00 557·2132 ENTER !o'ROi\1 i\lacAR'TltU~ l--"•7""0 S-AA-~1...,...-·13 TOYOTA Comll• Coope, 99E 2 door l!Cdan. 4 speed. radial tirl'f.i. & reclining seats. t593 CCN' air, 5 spd traru;., 9,000 1 miles. Ar.I F"r<.1 11 1 r r co. $27!li. Pri prly. 968-585.3. 1970 TO)"Ola Coron11. 4 dr, auto1114tlc. Like new Sl.3~. - ' 4-DR. $2574 50 Pl111 D & M, T1x, l lMI Ll(t~MI ONLY $1695 Dick Miiier ~tors 120 W. Wa1'ner, S.A. 557-7132 1910 TOYOTA Wagon. $600. Good econoniical car. Call '"6-4293. Econonty Neve r Looked So Good lCLOSEO SUNDAY! Class!lled J.-1,. .• , 64~ Sell ldle Items ...... MZ-5678 Autos, Imported ·970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, lmponed 970Antos, lm!'.>or1ed 970 Autos, Imported 970Autos, Imported • • YOUR NEWLY APPOINTED SEN HEALEY DEALER IN ,, NEWPORT BEACH FEATURING THE FULL LINE OF JENSEN HEAlEl. & JENSEN INTERCEPTOR . ' Lal'C)e Selection of Colors Come l.n & Test • Immediate Drive Today Delivery Full Seriice Department * Import Dealer For 25 Years MG -Lotus -Ferrari -Jensen· -Triumph 3100 West Coast Hwy. e Newport Beach • 642·9405 or 540°1764 ' 970 I , I I 1 I D l.f OAILV '1l0T - 910 990 1§1 .:ml __ .. _ ... iiiil~iii. ;.I ___ ...... ~1~;;1~1.-_ .. _ .. ;;;;l~~~r _ ... ;;;; .... ;; ... ;;:;I~~! -..... .. j Autos, Imported ·~: f _,.... 11 ... , VOLVO ,:· 1 ~--;;;;m;,:-'73 1§1 '73 CENTURY ~ Autol, tmported 970 '71 VOLVO !l~:£v:.1~cu%~a~t.~~~:~:: '?O BUICK 1970 BUICK Autos. UMd 990 Auto., usec1 990Autos, Ui.«I 990 CLOSE OUT l44-S """· ,..,;.,'""'"'·po.-,,. •DR ESTATE WAGON II . RIVIERA --------VOLKSWAGEN l~ \l\V BUG, xtrt1 rh•.111. ' • xln1 t'Unnln~ Cl'lr, \lnl t1rt·~ $]3,j(), jj7..,l!Jjl. .. ! 1 rlonr. :..uto111nt\1: 1<1t-c1h11-:. JlU\1'1•r brukt-s.,.. SPECIALS \\111ic l~·y la.<1 ll'Mnfnll1<!110ll, l111·tory ulr 11hu1.vn1urn t:Ulldilion . (~t. H. II, Aff, P/S, Fae A/C, t l 1:1pestry hil~rior, full. /ll)l\'l°I', HUGE SAVINGS I.· · 1 18 I n 4• 000 ,., ... 1 m•·I-la1·tory a1r 1.'0ndit10n11~. t'l•llt ltiOlltt~. on )I ,\,()(.1 I .\I •. ... .. ... , ·~ ii h I I 111il1•s, rnu~taM >'1'11011.• 1t.lth $2999 1Jj4BL1t,1 I \\Iii\', t 1 11' /'f' ,\~f 1'',\l OF THE 'II U.·nw,,; ,-li.~<nlutr lnfl•nnr. 1160 $2495 I slC'l'\O. (!'1;92E.'l:CI . B•al Th,• P110 'l' ll1k••. ~VY• Thi,; cur niu~I Iii' • (2444 '73 EL DORADO'S ~ :: • :· •' .. ' ' .. ,. ~ ~ :· "'••• Lewi& .,.,, '" ,,5 ... 3,.4,,~9 •. 5 .. ,"~· BAUER BUICK Jim Slemons 1 ~ WEEK • ...,. "" ""''~' "'"' Imports Nabers Codilloc VOLVO Dick Miller Motors Custa .'.il·sa !ITIJ.:r;i00 •#.• PLYMOUTH VOLVO ·ro \rOLVO. 1•11. ·1 1!r <;1•rl11n 3 TO CHOOSE FROM liuto, radio, 111•1,r ,t· illl' 42,ZlO n11. <.:n.•ti . $21!~1 :t<!t'r~74 1301 Qu1ul 1\l!TllOHIZED DEALCI~ uo Autos. lmparted 121) \V \\'11t1M'r, SA I Likr> to trRllt''.' Qtu Trader°J 1 Nc~'po1·t lk•n('li • 1600 lti\RBOR BLVD. 1:-..1•:\\.,llLJ 1 ~ Hto1 ~.o)l'. C.:\I ii4li·'1.W:\ I ----5."17-21 'l2__ -p,,rorll!IC colurnn is ror '!_)t~ I 83~.-9:100 j cusr.\ i\IE&\ S1299 970 1 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autoi Imported 970 E:\TElt Fr.()1\1 illat•.\l~T!IUH :110-9100 · Open Sunch1) . All full factory equi~ped. conditiuning & (O\V 1niles. Priced From raclory air -. I . I BARWICK DATSUN '61 CAMARO (X}(P.5(111 S1899 '61 BUICK RIVIERA !VEJ-641 I $7595 ALLEN OLDSMOBILE & CADILLAC The small car expert haJ something $1899 Sin Diego Fwy. ilt Avery Pky. 495-0800 831-0800 ll·210 HATCHBACK JUST ONE OF THE MANY NEW CAR DATSUN TRADE-INS: 72 VEGA GT STATIONWAGON AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All CONDITIONING- & JUST OYll 10.000 MILES! NEW THE ALL NEW 197 4 B-210 B·210 2 DR. HATCHBACK 4-Speed , Bucket Se•+s & White Sidew •ll (Ser. #00925 1 Tirei. B·210 2 DR. SEDAN 4-Speed, Bucket Seats & White Sidewell Tires. !Ser. •03031 ) • B·210 4 DR. SEDAN 4-Speed, Bucket Seats & White Sidewall Tires. (Ser. #04]Jq ) '72 CAPRICE CPE tSSl -EOOl '73 OLDS $3099 OMEGA '71 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON (754-BOKJ 2·Doors & 4 cond itioning, I\1iles. Doors. Like Ne\'''. r~actory air lour, lO\\' 1niles. 2,000 to 6,000 Priced From S259~ $2995 '64 CHEVROLET Y2 TON PICKUP ALLEN OLDSMOBILE & CADILLAC S•n Diego FWy. at Avery Pky. 495·0800 83 I ·0800 Autos, Used 990 I Autos, UMCf -------BUICK 18211 BEACH BLVD. CADILLAC U7~7 M9-3"1 i -~~~~~~­ HUNTINGTON BEACH 1972 ELDORADO 64 Ford Convt, ~ 2nd car. . . S150, 'tiO El CanUno 348 VlnYl top, leather 1~en°:r· n~or. 2-spd, "rebit needJS [u)I powe1', factory a.ir, Uh plates $350, or best offer. Ph wheel, A.1\t /FP.f stereo \\"/ 646-8447 or ~ at 2236 "B" tape player , po1ver rloor Placentia C.i\1, "Sunday IGCks, twilight sentinel, only" cn1ille ~-<680ELT ). $5777 BUICK Absolutely loaded luxury Padded vinyl ,iop .. l<lJ>l'slry auton1obile. 60/40 ~at t 11 nrKI leather lntff"IOr, dual JlO'A'Cr, fac1ory air ~itio~-comlort .sea!s, full power, Ult ing, Al\1-fo-,.f stm.'O multi-& tl!lelK'Op'IC v.1\rel. stc.rro. plex. \.;nyt roof. An Ullbr.· doo1· _locks, very lo\\i n11\es. lievable 11.CXX) mi l~. Im· (IT.55.1 ). mal'ulatf'. tiJSFENJ. $5555 $3999 • BAUER BUICK 1969 CADILLAC ELDORADO 215 Harbor Blvrl . Vinyl top. leather intt•rior. Cos1a A'fesa 979-2500 factory air condiUonin;, full '69 BUICK El ectra, full pwr, loaded, k>lv n1i, Vt'l"y cle&11! $1900. Contact Bill Head, \~·kdys 7 am to 5 pm, 639-7600. power, tilt k ft-tescopic v.'het-1. stereo, door locks. (SAV3GC). $2999 •62 BUICK ELECTRA 1970 SEDAN Rblt trans. 28,!XXI nil, on rblt. DE VILLE engine. Reliable transpona- tion. Needs body work $200. Vinyl top, k>ather ln1etior. full 548-1711 eves. power, factory air rondi· 'SS RIV1ERA. Full power tloning. tilt \\11eel. flO\l•er Belo\v \.\'holenale. Good con-door Jocks, A?tf!Fr.1 stt-rro CHEVROLET ·69 CHEV 11\lPALA CUSTOM 2 Dour Hardtop. 350 VS, nu 1 o m a t i c tran.sn1ission. pcm·er steering, tinted glass comp.lelc. Strato bu c ket seats, \1nyl top. Facl0l1' air cond. \Viii K>ll for Kelly blue book who l esale , ......,..., -Ki.~ng'-,-w-ood~~E~s7to-,tc-o-I Wagon "i i CllEV. t"uJI po\.\·er, vinyl lop, ~'AC AIC. Al\1/t'l\1 · Slerro & tape, tUt \\•hi., nu llrcs. Must sell, r ec., ('Qn1pany ca r! 1!:.13-8293 '70 EL CAfi.1lNO 396, air, PIS, P/B, P/"'1ndo\11s, An1-1'"m, lock top, new tires, cat'b. Suspension. Best of- fcl'. All!O liberglas~ camper shell. ;.;j7-7788. \VANT to buy. '61 or '65 CheVelle or Olevelle Malibu Station \Va~n. Body mw;I be in good shape . Reuonable. 968-4971 . 'GS MALIBU. Very &'(l(>d 1.."0nd. thru-oo t, p/s, p/b, air rood. vinyl top. MU.!t sell. $800: 558-1782 or 839-2399. ---·~~----'65 CHEVY P.talibu, SS Hardtop Coupe. V-8, eut.o, pis. p/b, ate. bkt seaLs, console, nu lires, 443 \'V. Bay St., 6~4. ·69 Caprice. Air, pis, good cond. Priced to sell. $1450. 833-2539 LIJ63 CHEV. Impala. 283 V-8, air,_trans. Good condition. • Call 546-3367 • -Lecnl•I Dally Rt11tal1- -St"ic.,_port1 Mon.-Sot. t a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundoys 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. MDti.-Frl. 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ·So..,~,7:30.to N ... CALL 493-3375 OR 831-1375 . , ditlon 96S-80&1 1nultip!ex. (JJ-iAGBJ. Have some thing you wanl to sell? Cliwilled adR do it ,,·ell -call NO\V 642-5678. $2999 '69 CHEVY ln1pala, p/b, p/s, aulo, air. Needs body \\·ork. Best offer 642-1828. CHRYSLER Autos, Imported 970 for '73 SEE • DICK MILL·ER MOTORS FOR ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST SELECTION OF 1973 SAAB'S AT YEAR END '73 SONETT Fwllly e:iw•p11ed .~dwd;119 AM FM r•dio. ftclo•v ~i• ton. ,j;t,on n9, 1"'49 .. ~t•h, dwtl .. c'P tport "'i1tor1, tonlourtd butlt1 •••h ,.j!lo lumbe• 1wppo•h, •"d 011 ly 1,1100 mil111 A SAVINGS OF $600 54295 I SSI JSJI OPEN 7 DAYS A WEE.K SAVINGS ' . \_ ~--,._, BRAND NEW '73 94: COUPE FULLY E9UIPPED, 4 SPEED. 5 2995 , .,,, )) 120 W. WARNER SANTA ANA ' • BRAND NEW '73 99E FULLY E9UIPPEO, 4 5'EEO. 53695 557-2132 Nabers Codilloc AIJTHORV.ED DEALER nlO HAR.HOR BLVD. COSTA i\IESA S.W-9100 Open SUnday '69 ELDORADO '70 !\'PT. air, xlnt cond., p;, & Pi ll. new tires ,f,, snodts 40.000 1ni. Sl!GO. 6i.>-509ll. '71 CHRYSLER 4 dr sedan. Xl nt cond. Belo\11 blue book. $2100. 54S-2614. '66 CHRYSLER Nt'\vport 4 dr irr. Air, runs good. Call f'ull J>O\ll<'r. raclory air con-Ml)..i8i8. dltioning, priced far below -~~=~----1 1" "'" ,.,..,. 1vCJ«11. CONTINENTAL '2!9~ '70 Continental BAUER BUrCK · 4-DR H.T. SEDAN a.IS Harllor Blyd.. ·• Full po\ver fac A/C Coria J.fesa 9'/'9-2500 176MECI ~.;c=~. _,....:;c:..::::_ $2195 '72 5tDAN Jim Slemons " DE VILLE · Green with white vinyl top & Imports , fully equipped jlld factory 1301 Quall • \, air conchtlonl~ Newport Beach $4795 • ~-~-Allen 1 l'j' Oldsmobile '~-Cadillac 833-9300 1 1::.NTER FROJ\f ~IacAR111UR '70 LINCOLN Contlncntal •I dr, full pciyo'cr & air, 52,000 mL ~tu.st eel!. s 2 4 7 5. 548-9447 U no &I'll call 645-&H. '72 CONTINENTAL Marlt San Dltg0 Frwy at Avery IV, xlnt cond, extra.11. Blue Pkwy, Laguna Niguel. & l\i1H.e, $6000. 673-Q7o 495-0IOO 131-0800 after 6 pm, 6T.r$l;O day& LATE '71 El Dorado, P/B. CORVAIR ~..,.Ing, wh"""'•· se•t. Tilt -----....---1 "'"'heel. AM/FM stereo, near * 'GS Corvatr ·new tire11, blk leather int. Whltr w/,blk top. A perfect Xlnt. shape. US Me.gs, 3i,OOC -· "~ '"7475 mi. $800. 53&--3487 ...... ~· ......--_________ , '73 CAD sov. like ""· .,., CORVETTE ml, fully c.qulp, Pvt pty -------- S6850f'or ofr. &14·7311 eve, CORVE'ITE '73. Like new. 673-1010. 1-5. Auto. Ail' cond. All extrlta. '73 sov Ju.lft., broken In, 6700 U::>w miles. Eve. M&--n7l.\ ml. Loadod, <mt 18400 Fl.,. COUGAR ~flsl Gold, $6700 64+-0343 ." Cnd SdV. ''"' cond. '70 COUGAR $1i95 or ni alre offer. Prlv party 64~248 '11 CAD CJH' DeVll1e, in1- mac. Saertflce lo best offer. 847-7227. CAO '72. CdV, full pWT, f9J)OO ml. $5500 or bes1 of- fer. Prlv pty 499-J294 CA MARO Coupe-. V8, au1om11tic trans- mission, l'adio, heater, Jll)\\'t'r stttrlng, pow~ r brakes, faclot')' alr cond1- 1ionlng, ,;nyl roof. tdult aee and drive. tl52AGW J. $2333 I e ·m CAMARO. air. ''""'"• BAUER BUICK p/~. p/b, aut.n, SZ?SO. Call 2925 Harbor Blvd. :;;Sa;-1-,· Tu;-;"'=,,'94-366~""1._,...--.,. Costa ~ff.'Sll -979-2500 'Sii CA.\IARO. r.ood cond. Belt oner. CAii art 3 pni '70 Coug11 r. New ~llow ll62--0014 paint, w/b & w vinyl top, ~1AIChlng t111cr, lape, p/1, CHEVROLET ~'"'°· 11ct1 o<i.r. '67 CHEV J.rnpala, 2 dr, '67 COUGAR, 2 dr. All EXt'CllCnt condlllon $750. power. New brakes, tires. 494--0585" E.". oond. U::> ml. Sl)'J). '&t CHEVY SS. needs wiirk _,6,_73-8196=:-.' -,--,--.,,.--=-,.I sm. or be1'1t offt>r. 3 llncs. S d11)'11 for $5. Call 968-6719 today ••. 612-."i678 • '&a FALCON 289. I SPEED.-BU~ VERY CLEAN! $'Im. l7J...ai6 MORN-EVES. FORD Su~, Octo6tr 14, 1q73 DATLY--PllOr ~~ Allen I Old smobile Cadillac San Dieao Frw)> a~ Avuy '72 FORD RA NC HERO Pkwy., Lal\lna """"L " 49s.:GIOO 131 .... II V-8, A/T, R, 1-1. (77431Kl $2695 Jim Slemons 1971 OLDS TORONADO Vinyl .... f\jl ........ -Imports ... condi-.·tift, """"°· dual front ..t, ~ AMI nn Quall m llel'eO 1Jl1~ cm. ~ --CXI>). $32"" -~ llilcAR'nruR u. '70 MAVERICK Naben 'Caclllac Ecommy -l42!EDJJ Alm<OIUZED DEALER $1577 llllO HARBOR BLVD, OO!n'AMESA ltADi& 540-9100 . °""' - TOYOTA '70 OLDSMOBILE • VISTA CRUISER 1900 H&l'bor, C.M. 646.9.100 ~~tb low miles. air '70 MAVERICK $2895 Automatic transmission, vinyl top, 28,000 one OWl1ff' mUes. Sp:idess. 137.lBEPl. $1699 8.,.. Allen Oldsmobile Cadillac • IAUER BUICK %;'."t:'.,,.. ~;_ Avur --Blvd. 49~ ' 131 .... °""" M-919.:IOOO '73 OLDS DELTA "12 FORD ~. AM/FM. ....... us,._ 17,llOJ ml. ROYAL COUPE 1 ....... EL cood. 511 R, II, AIT, PIS, P/W, :r.c AU.rt, Newpmt Heiahta. A/C. LeA thm 9,000 actual 16.om 7:30-9:30 AM. I:~ miles JD PM. or weebnds all ~. (SUllDC) __ ... , $4195 . "12 LTD -I Dr. Jim Sll-H.T. I.ell than 34,000 miles. VI, auto., ....... """""'· ... lm-"1 conct.. rtt1lnlna pea 1tat. r-· '""" ......... ..u -· 1301 Quail Phooe64+-0468 Newpor!Beooh 833-9300 '66 MUSI'ANG R.T. 2!19 VB, ENTER FROM MacARTHUR automatic, radio, bel.trr,r-==~~~~-.,._ -· '"'° -. 1973 OLDS 98 = "'"· 1195, Phone i' DR. HARDTOP "l'2 FORD LTD, air cond, Factory air' c.ur:llbdug, lull PIS. Pl'!, 27,llQJ ml, "all ,.,,.,., ~ 1np, """1 ID- red A an riefrt''. e'J..9700, terior v.ith dual comfort: ~. uk for Ray. .-ts. tilt v.'hee{ poup, '61 FALCON Rancbm>, ad ·*'"-""· door k>cks. fNf!t7 de- uIWt,, --$uo. lw<e -(010GIN). .. (i0(8. $4333 "12 OOU!m!Y 8'don -:l;: rlf~~.f:!i. "" Nabers CalRai: JEEP Alm!ORIZID DEALER axl HARBOR m.VD, OO!n'AMESA '10 SOOl1r. --30I 540-9100 °""' -:.!......"".""" ..... bi:~ '69 curuss COll'E ttnw, Wam huhl, rnll bar, · •UK. ... tank. skid pla~ . ~ar 1eat. carpeted very Factory a!r """"'""di-llmlm, clean. JEiO. Sll\-&ffo aft vlnyt top, 8till under factory 61'1( ........... (~). '63. ~YS J,.p, 4 whI $1899 drive, PU with camper, new • ca1n -. ..,.,. -.. BAUER BUICK OYel'bead cam q ., CB n Hmfxr Blvd. cb1vina: IJ;bta, many D'IOft I xtru. lee: lo a p p r e c , OJsta Mesa 919-2500 962-8595 Salet A:. &:vice '68 c.r.s v~, I"""' wind>, OLDSMOBILE over dri,., hUbo, roll ban. GMC TRUCKS .... "'""" xtru, 645-8271. HONDA CARS *x!..~. '""'~' ,:::; UNIVERSITY OLDS ._ -· ,......,.... 2!00 --. 163 TOYOTA Lanclo'ulmr, a.ta Mea 51>-M bis" Urn. lob: af chrm. New $150 uphol. a11 ... flH22'I ... ._.._ ' -. pd LINCOLN ~: 1971 Continental Mark m, cbocolat• brown '71 PINTO w/matchbv leather int. · X1nl ..... 1oaded, _,,, RUNABOUT 4ft3...91'118. '6uat 8ff t 0 4 speetl t:narm:nt.i:m mq •PpttCla!e. wbeela, vinyl top. ('10'ln.JA). '~Marled~· '::'~1~ai1f:: $1777 OuU!andlng -· lo ml. ~::·-m.91131. -·~ laiN '71 O'.JNT. I dr. Fa""'°"' -IM cond.·lmmac . M1t1t tat• aecrtnee. Prtttd b e t o w l9fl6 Harbor c.M 6£9300 -...i. bl .. book. -. 73 STATiON °WAOON -· • • I • ' • ,I. --\~ -_ ....... ""'iii ___ ,. '· . "\. -. \ ' 'ALL SERVICED AND READY TO GO TODAY A Few Rernaini.ng '73's Now • countecl ' .. To I ear! BRAND '73 CAPRICE 4 DOOR FINAL 1973 DEMONSTRATOR SAU! NEW ii"~·~~~ •4693'1 ~ . J • ' . . ~ ABSOLUTIL Y. LOADIDI (21717•) Mil. COHf\IEL 'S CA.It . . couHfEJJL •t 250 ' VEGA G.T. S25C)900 •• • loaded. (202) (118619) NOVA S.S. 1299500 DJS OFF FACT. WINDOW mcm PllCI (223) (111327) . ~ '70 TOYOTA USED CAR SPECIALS 4 door. R•dlo •nd h.•ter. A little J•w•I. I PJIJ) $1499 '67 PONTIAC GTO C.•pe. VI, 4 1pMCf, 'f'inyl roof, IM,000 11111•1, new color. IVCJlOll $999 '70 DODGE DART S..,;llfl' •o•P'· VI, •ir co11ef., ri....,t roe1f, •.to., l'.S .. 21,000 111il•J, Mewtif•I. Ct7JOLHI $2199 '72 DATSUN PICKUP Air 1ofHllHonint• 4 ""4, retire.. ttlh .. w), 1270DLHI • $2599 '68 CADILLAC SED. DE YIW 19,605 mll••, IN,ed, ••• eolor. IWQY506l OUT ILUDOOI PllCI SUH $1999 . '73 CHEVY ft NOYA c,.. 6,<4'40 ... u •• , .... 111lt11 f•d. ••"••ty. ' cyt .. ••t.., l'.S .. •IKolvtlfv M•lltKiil. t2MIHUMJ $2699 '73 MONTE CA.IU.O SwiMI IMicht M•tt, •inyl ro•f, •Ir, l'.S., l'.I ., VI, tilt whl., r•41•1 tir.1, t,156 mllo1, fNWff wiit· dow1, r.11•ll'llt11 f•ctory w•,,•lliT• I lllHOEJ WILL TRADE '72 CORVETTE STINGRAY JSO VI, •ir, P.S., P. window1, tilt wll••I, mint con· dition. l417EIWI WILL TRADE '72 VEGA PANEL T ..... h•l'l1., 1lc1, 21,000 ll'lll••· C661fNNI $1999 '72 CHEV. MAUBU Cpe. JSO Cu. in. VI, 1p1cl•I wh~l1, wide ov1I +1,..1, •ir, l'.S., l'.I ., •ir 1hoek•. Thi1 i1 • tuperi or c•r. ll59DCKI ,$3099 CHEVELLE 2' Dr .. s349512 (322) (409576) IMPALA CUSTOM S367JIO (112) (1036~1) CAPRICE 2 DR. $40998' (TIS) (184956) · 171 CHEV. WAGON Kln91wood 6 p•11. •uio., r•9. g11. VI, P.S., l'.I ., •ir co!ld. I01 70fAI KELUY ILUDOOI (WHOLISAUI S215D OUR PllCE $2499 '70 EL CAMINO $1499 '72 CHEV. >/4 TON plckup. J 4,611 rnil11. Stick 1hift, oM c•ref1I IW11• 1r, r1dfo. 1441Jlll $2799 '71 GMC CAMPER 1p•ti•1 c.1111 t. C•b. H.D. re•t l••f 1prin91, H.0. (.°'"''"· tir11, •wto., VI, l'.5., P.I ., ne1r n•w TR.AV· ETIE l l/1' (.111'1ptt, .lee. r1f.. g•• 1tov1, 1ide 'in-•tt•, i•tk1, 1ink1 , w•ter purnp. 176471H) $3999 ' I , • I • ( I ,. I - Sunday, Octobtt 14, 1973 8~~0 · '74·.DODGE ~100 VAN . • • • • • • • • . • • . . • · ~ IMM .EDIA TE •• ~ .......... ~--- . TAKE YOUR ?CHOICE SEE OUR SELECTION OF NEW VANS by Courtesy FULL PRICE DELIVERY '71 VEGA Aufo1T11tic, r•dio, h11t1r, b11e~1t 11afl. . l7191MDI '70 MA¥EJllCK '71 TOYOTA W~GON A11tom1tie, r1dio, h11ter. IZRS079l ORDER YOURS TODAY " ~ ' . . F.Ul.L ' PftlCE 1 $866 , 69 ~~;· $7 '66 fl68 T·BIRD : , ... ,._, ,;, '""!""'" ~ llltl, tilt wt!HI, AMJP'M , rNle. (JOIMJnJ I 10 CHEV. NOYA c:..,a. .. VI, ....... .. *" ,..,, tnsDflY) FULL PRICE FULL PRICE • $466 FULL PRICE '69:=~$1066 '70~~ $866 FULL PRICE -·l!"'Y'\' · FULL PRICE . '71 ~;:.: $1FU·L1L.66 '67~!~ $66 '69~~'= $1166 · FULl PRICE . I 69 IMPERIAL $ 4 DOOR Pu11 ,.._ ... , IKl9ry l lr ctndlllenl,... T,... L1•urr. (Vl'YUt) '71 ,.. rl -- PLYM. WAGON $1 c .. IM<! ........... ,..,.. m1flc, ,...... 1""1.,, fir en., lllR. r.c~, Ct'7"1 PULL PRICE A ~ FULL PRICE 6 • I ---- I • • 1 IRVINE WEEK OF OCT. 14 ·OCT. 20 AMERICAN MOTORS w_.r-d S. Lee Inc. 1234 S. Main St., Santa Ana 547-5826 Roy Carver Inc. 234 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 546-#44 Crevier Motors 20S W. 1st St., Santa Ana 83£-3171 BUICK Bauer Buick -2925 Harbor Costa Mew 979-2500 CADILLAC Nebers Cadmac 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 CHEVROLET Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-1200 DATSUN Dot Datsun 18835 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 8-il-7781 DODGE Courtesy Doclge 2888 Harbor Blvd., Costa 557-9220 FORD Dunton Ford 22..0 So. Main St., Santa Ana 54'6-7070 Theodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd., Coste Mesa 642-0010 Wilson Ford 18255 Beech Blvd., Huntington Beech M2-661 I I University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd., Coste Mesa 540-9640 JAGUAR Bauer Buick -2925 Harbor Coste Mesa 979-2500 LINCOLN -MERCURY Gustafson Linc/Mere 16800 Beach Blvd., Huntington Bea.ch 842-8844 Santa Ana Lincoln-Mercury 130 I No. Tustin, Santa An• 547-0511 Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd.. Costa Mesa 5'46-1200 OLDSMOBILE niversity Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd.. Coste Mesa 540-9640 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 1973 OPEL Bauer Buick-2925 Harbor Costa Mesa 979-2500 PONTIAC Dive Ross Pontiac 2"480 Harbor Blvd., Coste Mesa 5'46-8017 PO RSC HE · AUDI • Chick lverwn Porsche-Audi 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport B.1ch 673-0900 - ROLLS -ROYCE Roy C1rver Inc. 234 E. 17th St. Cnst• Mew 546~ TOYOTA Dean lewis Imports 1966 H•rbor 8'vd., Cost• Mesa 6-46-9101 VOLKSWAGEN C'hicl lverlOft V°'swagen 445 E. Coast Hwy. N B 673-0900 VOLVO DHn Lewis lmP«tl 1966 HMl>or llvcl., Coste MeM 646-tlOJ 73 TV !PORT! HIOHl/11/IT! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 9:30AM tit) Cl) Pro.Football Chicago vs. Atlanta. 10:00 B ID 00 ®l World Series Baseball/Pro Football The second game of the World Serles Is scheduled today, as is a Pro Foot· ball game. Specific time and teams not announced at press time. 12:30 (j) Pro Football Minnesota vs. San Francisco. 12:oomi Notre 0ame Football 4:00 SC Football USC vs. Washington State. 12:00 GrambUn1 Collete Football MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 6:00PM 0 (l1J C3) Monday Nl&ht Pro Football Miami Dolphins vs. Cleveland Browns. ·9:00 ID Notre Dame Football TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 !5:00PM ~ t1CSI Major League Baseball World Serles 8:00 B · li"Wlnnln1 the Name of the Game? A KNBC docu· mentary a· ut organized amateur youth sports. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 !5:00PM B Q) (1)@) Major League Baseball World Series THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 !5:00PM B til Ci) @) Baseball World Series If a fifth game is neces· sary, N~ will air It at this time. 8:00 Ii) BoxJn1 From the Olympic SATURDAY, OCTOB!R 20 l l :OOAM O ~ (1) ®) BHeball World Serles If a sixth game is neces· sary NBC will air It at this time. 11:3011 ~ NBA Basketball Atlanta vs. Phoenix. 12:30 NCAA Football Tennessee vs. Alabama. !5:00 ABC's Wide World of Sports 7:00 • ems Hllhlllhts 7:30 Boxln1 From the Olympic 11:00 UCLA Football UCLA vs. Washington. Tony Kubek (left) and Curt Gowdy, network baseball's premier broedcestln1 teem, once •&•In will share the commentary for World Series covera1e on the NBC Televlslon Network which starts In l'he ball perk of the Americen Lee1ue champions S.tur· dey, Oct. 13. The Tuesday, Wednesday 1nd (If necesury) Thurs· dey 1•mes (Oct. 16, 17, 18) will be colorcest In prime time end wlll emanate from the perk of the Netlon•I Lee1ue chemplona. The best·of·seven clesslc started on 1V back In 1947 when NBC beamed on • llmlted network the victory of the New York Yen· kees over the Brooklyn Dodgers. This wlll be the 27th Worfd Serles on NBC·lV. . * * * Dustin Hoffman and Mia Farrow cautiously explore pain and plHsure of the contempor•ry sln1te llfe in "John and Mary," • very modern love story, on the ABC Sunday Night Movie at 8:30PM. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 1973 Homeowners: if there's anything advertised on TY tlis week you'd like to own, remember who •help you buy it. ,. Avco. ,. You may convert the built-up equity In your house Into cash in your hands. Cash to do whatever you want to do, and pay back conveniently over a period of years. HOMEOWNER LOANS TO $25,000. ~oans over $5,000 on a combination of Real Estate and Personal Property. .ti/AVCO FINANCIAL BER~ES 2706-D H.trt.or Blvd., Colt• Meu 500 N. Auheim Blvd., An•heim 250 5. Euclid St., ~m 17119 Brooldtur1t, Fountein V•ll•y Brookhurst PfH• 12ff1 Brookhurst St., <Mrden Grove 17422 Be.ch Blvd., Huntington Buch 2017 S. Malin St., S.nt• AN 513 W. 17th St., S.nt• AN 11 W ini1ter Ave. We1tmini1ter Ont •f the Oldest Established Roem Addition Contractors SINCI 1957 556-1000 535-211' 776-5250 9'3·5602 530-4300 147-6071 S4f·3361 547-4431 1n-sooe QUALITY AND PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT! Completion Bonds Available Terms •FAMILY ROOM S • KITCHEN REMODELIN G • BEDR OOMS • 7-STORY ADDITIONS Tailored to •BATHS •SWIMM ING POOLS Your N eed s A ll labor & Matu1ol1 Guaron1,. .. d -------- CALL 24 HOURS -7 DAYS ORANGE COUNTY 673-4010 STATE llC NO 179226 , ..... ,,.,. r~1 I ~.~J le•••ell .. (e•tera OFFICE t 406 32nd ST., NEWPORT BEACH Pare 3 I 6:00 • • • • 6:30 • • ( c • c • E 6:45' 7:00 • • r • .. I ' e 7:30 . ( I I I I 8:00 I I ( I ( I I I ' ' ' ~ 8:30 I ( I I I ( t I I 8:50 ( 9:00 I ( I I ( I I ' . t 9:301 ' ' ' I I I 10:00 I ( 10:15 10:30 . ,. 6:00 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:30 1:00 1:30 1:50 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 141, 197J AEGULAA DAYTIME PAOGAAMS MORN I NG Stock EJW. .. l lllat llrt aty Kich News/Baell & Ina. Rtport/Tht Cl) siarlse Se11uttr fi004I urtll • KnoWJldit (f) Ntws/P1ndor11111 del Valle .... tu... ft'I Unlvtilffy of Ult Air 10:45 gf M1rbt Update OdJsMJ 10:50 @ @ Joe laraU. Health Show Not fOf Wfflta Only 11 :00 fJ Ci!J Ci) n. fOUftf 111d tht Rest· Oaybrtak ltu Eduution1I ftaturtS · ~ (j) a m Jtopafd1 The World Tomorrow 6 The Fuaffive Gamer Ttd A1111stron1 • llluce Brown Talks To •.. New Zoo Revue 1111 FlyinJ Nun • F1rm Report/Executive Features Futures CommocliRtport l (3) llvinc UIJ Im News : fhe Electric Compan, I . m Today Show . Ntws/Probe/Mlflltt Update 6 C1rtoon1 • Uars' Club at. Consumtr Contest Mon., 11:30 II ~ (i) Seard! for Tomorrow ed., Fri,. Ttle·Scopo Tues .. Thurs. ~@ l1J) mW II o, W II a I, Market Openlnr Where Ciame : Sesa!M Street I Ciene AutrI • Mlflltt/lusintss/ Jack Anderson @ @ aJ Tiit lrldy lunch The Gallery let's Rip Bozo'• Bir Top Show Futures News : Mister Rorers' Nei(hbomood m Cartoena • Sports/WHIJler Siip 'n Woofer • News/Dow 30 RtV!e1f/Weather 9 Ci) C1ptain KtnC!rOO Jld 1i llllnr - lent It to 8ftvtr Ralph Stofy's AM Sunup Mel Knoepp llrab Bar Jim Alllft hosts. Dtnnia ttlt Mtuee Stock Exchanp Bolo's 811 ToP Show : Eduutional fHlUIH TIM Motivat.ra/Buslneas News Futures Ozzie and Harritt Plunne Yocl and Friends CumbJ CJ) New Zoo Revue ftle Bible lt1son : Yo11 for Hulth · Ntws/Wuthtr/Tht Wise luJtr News . I (I) TIM Joker's Wild ' , Sts11111 Strttt Cl) (lg) m Dll!ah's Pim f11tun1 Run for Your life News I Love l»q TtHtSSff Tuxedo (1) Mowte: Set Daytime Movies. • fitn/Tmwl & ltlaurt I Tht $10,000 ryramld 6 @) m Baffle owle: See Daytime Movies. • PbHMn l Co. ''""Au•• Romper Roo111 Obstivatlen/Monetary Rtport I (I) C1mblt lrowte: Set Daytime Movies. (I) ltDl m Tltt Wiz1rd of Odds len Caaty Andy 8riffitfl Show Bozo'• 811 Top Show 100 Ch1b . Ec111t1tion11 Pro111111mm1 Ntw1/Tht Rttatlen ' AFTERNOON 12:00 NOOflti11te _ ~-' m Three on I Match Movies: ~e Daytime Movies. 6 Hutl •• I (3) EJl Password mm~oo ...., · ftetu,. TtnttHMe T111tdo 9 (I) Aa11 CiutdMr SIMlw m lltws1ea111EWSTtUY1saoN 1z:so II a oo A..._ ..... ,.,.. ~tt@ (j) @) m D I , I t f 0 If l i~~=-=-M:: Ste Daytime Movlu. Di1lin1 for Dtilan Not for Wo11tt11 0..IJ 1:00 ~Ci) Tltt 8uWhl1 Uattt . Cl> ®l m • DtdM1 ln1 You Ca1t De CJ) m An .., a.11c1 .... • Movie: See Daytime Movlu. Phil Donahue Show · : [duaUonal "°fran1111l1t1 1:30 t.jj Ci)~ of Nipt · @ Cl) ~ m Altottlet Wtttd ·• Mike Dou&tas Sllow (ill~ al let' a Malit a O.al Q1llopin1 Gourmet Commodity Report • News/Up Front l Bacllstase 2:00 11 ia (i) The New Price Is Rlsflt · QI (I) Qj l1j m Rttum to Place (ij) CI) Cif) Newtywtd tii1mt Ptttic:oat Junction : featuru • ,,. • News/lee Unt/Buslntss Ntwa Z:JO Im Matdl lam• '73 6 9 (fiij m Somel'ltt GI) 1'lil Qlrt In My Ute Features 1 EducatloHI ProlJ"""''"' Sports/Prom. on luaintu Cl) l.tvt of Uft 2:40 81111 Dtnn, Show . 00 9 m " • " ' w o o d l :oo ltn Hunter lnttmtwi 9 Cl) The Secret Storm urts · flie Ntw Beat Ult Clock; Mille Dou1tas Sltow Tues., Wed., Thurs. ~I ay Pltrol . • ~ Cartooes (f) Cit11tral Hospital ovie: See Daytime Movi es. nclt Waldo Ci) Three on a Match lullWinkle : Mr. Wizard . Count Marco 3:30 The D1tln1 Ci1mt Miii• Douatas Show Mon., Fri. Oztie ind Harriet Dtnnlt tht Men1et I i (£) One life to Uve Qi1 Ci) Cartoons ovit: See Daytime Movies. Green Acres : Features · La Comunldad 11 Di1; C1lend1rio T urs. • Cinema 36 Fellx the Cat 4:00 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Tiit Rifleman Get Smart @ Cl) al Love American Style l 11p and His Buddies FHtllftS Los Torres ltwtrfy Hlllbllllts : Sesame Stteet m T1le Munsters I \'tlo dt Novla Underdo1 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies: ept Mon. 1J flUttr Knows Best 6 The Flyina Nun News Flipper Yo1l 1nd Friends 81tm1n 1 (]) Butch's Bae• Alley I love Lucy ~ 00 Movie: see Daytime Movies rn Wild Wild West mKimbl 4:50 m Fuhions In Sewlna 5:00 0 (21 @ o m News; Baseball World Series Tues., Wed., Thurs. News 6 Q) Gllll11n's lsl1nd Conunt11tion L111ve It to Beaver The Flintstones 1 Cil Green Acres N1bch1 Star Tre• : Mister Ro1ers' Neifhborhood · El Amor. Tlene C1r1 de Mujer • Western Stir Theatre Mon., Fri. · • Features Three stooies 5:30 3 News Mon. TIWilicbt Zone 6 Mayberry Rn> 00 al News Beverly Hillbillies Bewitdtecl I Dr11m of Jeannie @ The World Today : The Electric CompaltJ • Don Wilson's Town Talk Mon , rl. m Speed R1etr The Small Car Experts Factory Authorized Sales -Service -Parts Good Selection of Used Cars Personalized Lease Plan DOT DATSUN 5 min. S. of the San Diego Frwy. 18835 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842. 7781 540. 0442 Page 5 SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 MORNING (dra) '30-Neil Hamilton, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Qj Deaf Hear Bl Musica J Pal1bras CV m The Osmonds Reverend Ike 1 (j) Sprin1 Street USA Mideast Analysis 10:30 I Face the Nation • Esta Ea la Vida -6:15 m The Cllristoplters/Tlle Bible An· ll:OO ! Newsmakers I \ swtrs Church Yfrth a Vision 6:30 I The Christophe rs 6 Movie: "lost Battalion" (dra) No-lose '62 -Leopold Salcedo, Diane Jer· I sflcil~ I Mormon World Con· gens. ference 0 @ 00 m H.R. Pufnstuf 6:45 Ci) Christopher Close-Up Cl) Movie: (C) "Town Tamer'' (wes) 7:00 The Hair Bear Bunch 'm64-MDa~~ ~'nR~rewRt·" (m s) '42-. This Is the Life ovie. 10 ... , .. u 6 Daktari Abbott and Costello, Kathryn Gray. 8 Ru Humbard ~son. Church in the Home o Inch Hl&h, Private Eye First Baptist Church 00 Thia la the Life I Gr1mbllnr Collete football Pantati. Domin CAii 7:JO I Amuln& Chan 11:30 8 Medal of Valor Awards I @CID ~ Make a Wish . GO Chi dren's action series. • Movie: (C) "Rocue's Reelment" Chaplain of Bourbon Street (adv) •48-Dick Powell, Marta Toren. • Biiiy J. Harels · o The Addams Family Q) Sacred Heart/The Christophers @ Cil Rea Humbard 7:45 @ CV Sacred Heart 8:00 00 l"' Up and Uve The Jetsons Cathed11I of Tomorrow @ CD It Is Written Her1ld of Truth o @ Old Time Gospel Hour Revival Fires 8:30 I Lamp Unto Mr feet · Serendipity Campus Profile let There Be LI&ht O Mutin' Tlme at Calv1ry m Wonderama ID KATHRYN KUHLMAN * (IN COLOR) I fit (j) Klthrrn lluhlmaK' Cil Rev. lke/JoJ ol llv1ne Ci) Town Hill Meetln& 9:00 C.mera Three Cllalltnre Mr Sermon Ci!} CJ) Dar of Discovery Re~I Estate Open House The Good D11 Show Mormon Conference fi) (6) Oral Roberts It ts Written I V~lce of Calvary CID Revival Aru Bob Wells Hour 9:15 Problemas f1mllares 9:30 Tod11'1 Rtll&Jon Acclon de la Com11unldad • NFL Game of the Week Or1I Roberts Domin co Amazln1 Prophecies o Mut the Press I @ [3) Old Tlme Gospel Hour (6) flnt Baptist Church The Govemor and tl'lt Students 9 ()) Pro football Chleaeo vs. At· lanta. 10:00 IJ Steps to leamlna O 123 Ci)~m World ser1u 8ueliill7'ro Football The second game of the World Series Is sched- uled todar. as is a Pro Football Game. Specific time and teams were not announced at press time. I Hour of Power Home Bu,ers' Gulde [3) Kid Power Movie: "fll&tlt Commander" AFTERNOON 12:00 Beller 3 Colle&e Football '73 The Pacesetters Vision On Your Government Todar 1 CV Notre Dame f'ootb1ll Sunday Celebration m lnsieht 12:30 IJ ~ (j) Pro Football Minnesota vs San Francisco. i Ctr & T11ck m Directions News 1:00 (l) (i7) (])Directions D Movie: (C) "The Great Race" (com) '65 -Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood. Jack Lemmon. II Roller Games tJl Issues and Answers iOvle: (C) "Fancy Pints" (com) '50-Bob Hope, Lucille Ball. I Daktlrl Here Come the Brides Revival Fires Trlbuna Publlca 1:30 (I)@CV Issues and Answers 0 Movie: (C) "It H1ppened at the World's Fair" (mus) '63 -Elvis Presley, Joan O'Brien. ~ Billy J. Harcis Q) Water World 2:001Forum 6 The Adventurer Outer Limits Movie: "Ma and Pa Kettle on •cation" (com) '53 -Marjorie Mai~ercy Kilbride. I w. Roller liames Faith for T od1y Toros Movie: "Dear Heart" 2:30 (}) It's Your World @ Movie.: "Tarun and the Hunt· ress" (adv) '47-Johnny Welismul· ler. 9 Fires of Evaneelism m I sfic•Ab I Introduction to In&· mar Ber1m1n The Swedish film di· rector is interviewed by American TV producer Lewis Freedman. 3:00 00 Youth 0 Movie: (C) "The Story ot Will Roiers'' (bio) '52-Will Rocers Jr • Jane Wyman. DChlller Blue Rldce Quartet Kippy Cosas THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 1973 ~ (j) let Me Talk to the Man11er a) Roller liames 3:30 i University Dlalocue Head On The Vlrpnlan Rellclous Town Hall m lnslcht 3:45 EE Cireetloes From Germanr 4:00 0 Medi• "What Do You Know About Diabetes?" Doctors explain what diabetes is, what •t means to be a diabetic and shed some light on the causes and controls or the disease. ii Real Estate Report . John Mcllay Show USC football USC vs. Washing· ton State. , @ Movie: "little Caesar" (dra) '31-Edward G. Robinson. Vlctory at Sea "Magnetic North" o Hee Haw (i)Forum : Consultation ~ Safari to Adventure • Festini Almlco • This Is the life • • Panor1ma Latino · Collef e Football Campus Profile 4:15 {I) Movie: "The Blue Ancel" (dra) '59-Curt Jureens. May Britt. 4:30 tJ Ciulbr Workshop Clarence White euests O Sunday CJ) Face Utt Nation m Movie: ''An1 Number Can PlaJ" Cdra) '49 -Clark Gable, Ale•is Smith. ! Korean VarietJ Hour MHt the Press AmazJnr Prophecies m Black Elperlence ~ 00 Tiie Challentin& Sea a;, Movie: "Tiit Plunderers" a) Corona Now 5:00 ft World of Survival "The Giants Dr Ruwenzori" Cameras capture a "head count" ot the hippo popu. talion in Uganda's Queen Elizabeth ~iil&~~:med World (:i ~~rid at War "France Falls" (May-June 1940) The Germaos go around Iha Maginot Line and con- quer Paris in five weeks. I!) D1nlel Boone @ Movie: "lntricue In Paris" (mys '43-lola lance, Noel Madi· son. Qj@ Pusport to T11vel ~Hour ol Deliverance I Wall Street Week Desert Theatre Three Stoores 5:30 IJ Amtri~n Ult Strle "Franklin D. Roosevelt's Hyde Park'' @ The Aven1ers 0 SEE A HAPPY ENDING! * "A LITTLE PRINCESS" ON "RAINBOW SUNDAE" O R1lnbow Sund11 "A Little Prin· cess" Part 111 Sara leaves lhe sem· lnary to live with Cerrlslord, and Becky becomes Sara's personal maid. ~News Movie: (C) "Wel~me lo Hard mes" (wes) '67 -Henry Fonda, Janice Rule. I Pleasant famlly Ci) li1rner T td Armstrona Cliirism1 EVENING 6:001J I SJICiM I If You Tum On (R) A repeat of the proaram · on drua abuse, with personal testimonies from former teena&e addicts. rn The ViralnJ1n 0 m Meet the Press 0 A GIANT OF THE SEAi * "NAMU" THE KILLER WHALE 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Namu, the Mier Whale'' (adv) '66 -Robert unsing, Lee Meriwether, 00 Tribes of Defeat 0 Movie: (C) (90) "The 4-D Min" (sci·fi) '59 -Robert Lansing, le~ Meriwether. I Nlallt Gallery Allllo-Chan's Secret (i) Diatoeue Caser Santos Show ai) Storefront "Black Middle ClaS5" ~ 00 A Better World Em News a;) Italian Television Hour 6:30 ~ The Thrillseekera 6 World of Suntival Ozzie's Girls "A Weddlna to Re- member" Ollie and Harriet suspect that wedding bells ere about to ring for Susie and do their best to slow down the marrlaae plans. m Movie: (C) (211r) "Northwest Passace" (adv) '40-Spencer Tracy. Robert Young, Ruth Hussey. EE) The Sunset ~ 00 AmeriCAin West W The frenc.h Chef I(!) Jim Thomas Outdoors Mundo Submarlno Wines to Adventure The Rookies 7:001) News O Wiid llinedom ''Okavango" Mar· fin and Jim explore a vast swamp area in Africa. 00 Movie: (2hr) "All the Brothers Were Valiant" (dra) '53 -Robert Taylor, Ann Blyth. I ~t%:m•bod1 Passport to T 11vel CV Golden Vor•a• 01ikon No Hana @ a;, Wiid IUncdom Voice of VictOI} Eil)Zoom! ti9' (I) St.and Up, and Cheer g:) I slicllL I ' Peret Spedal # l,'' "Los Yorsls," "LI Morucha" a:> Teatro def Domlneo 7:30 IJ Q! (j) The New Perry Mason ·'The Case of the Telllale Trunk" When the body of a missinr mll· llonaire. dead more than fou r years, turns up in Hona Kona. Mason is called in lo defend the man who admits planning the murder. Keenan Wynn. Richard Anderson and Mary Ann Mob.'.!t guest. D @w~mwortd of Olmr "Mustang'' Concl. Pechudo, the wild mustang stallion, ls pu~ued to the edge of a high clifl and leaps to whal Is believed 1 fatal fall. 0 THE FBI-NEW SEASON * NEW TIME-NEW CASES o cm rn m The F11 "t h• P11· orr' T dock worker, witness to the shootlna of an lmmlaratlon lnvestl- 3 e rt II world to IHve town, and Is pursued Alttmatfvn 11tor, likes a bribt from the under· I Gamer Ted AnllabOll& by both Inspector Erskine and the TIM Ii& QuestlH mobsters. 10·00 I i of Discovery I TIM Luer S.... ' Tllm Passports to Adventure NClewsb uu• u : Portrait of a Gentle Man A film : DEBUT ler1m1n at 10 A five· nrofile of singer Glenn Yarborouah. part series of lnamar Btr1man films. !". Ho "Smiles of a Summer Nlahr' stirs E!> Italian TY ur Herriet Anderson and Ulla Jacobson. 1:00 IJ AmtrlCI "A Flreball In the ~us Pul111 Niaht" Alistair Cooke beains a study Lou Cordon Show of the causes of the Civil War. fil• Future 0 MM· (C) (2%11r) "Sliver Ci"allce" Cdra) '5S--Paul Newman lO:l5 (}) Fiim future · · ' fl KAIC News Documentary "Graf· Vlr11n11 Mayo. · fit1" Proaram content not 1Vailable I Safari to Adventure •. Nippon No Uta/News at press time. Paul lowlMn Show fB liolf Folk/Rodi 1970 An informal 10:308 The Prot.don "Wam" Concl. A look at pop music at the bealnnlna party of tourists Is held for ran· of this decade. som in a mountain fortress. @El Noelle de liala I New Dimensions EID Armenian TY Hour • The Time B1ln1 1:30 II ~ ~ ~annlx "The Gang's All ~I =~~J:udl ''The Obituary" Here A vicious youth street 1an1 Leslie Nielsen stars with John Mor· plans to kill Mannli to prove to a ris, June Thody and Rei Evans in rival 1an1 just how tou1h they are. the story of 1 pilot, haunted by 1 ID (1) McCLOUD RIDES newsman. who shows him the story * TONIGHT ON KERO-TV of his own obituary. a At luue a ID (l)(fQ) m ~Be Sund.ay II> 9@ 9 Cil Men flfystlr,..::M~loUi Butch Cassidy Sin Diteo Pa"onma Rides Aa•in" Emberressment results Mission· Impossible when Marshal McCloud holds up a (])TH ·E. Cat bank in a mock r~b~ery, steaed to • w.~~ Stir Theatre demonstrate soph1shcated security, Nasltvllle Music and-in tum-McCloud Is held up by four bandits in 1890 frontier IP· 10:45 fl) J.!fa11ese un1u111 Pro1ram p1rel. Stefanie Powers, Linde Evens, 9 CJ) Your AssemblytHn Sptab Lloyd'Nolen, Pat O'Brien and Roaer 11:00 CJ) 0 9 (I) News Davis cuest In this two·hour episode. Revtrend Ike D @ m a> AIC s-i., Mtvle: ~"'°"' Presents (C) Tbri5•1 ....... IM Mary" (l'j News (rom) '69 -Dustin Hoffmen, Mi• rtoct Holmet Theatre Farrow, Mlcheel Tolin, Cleavon Kathry11 Kutllman Little. A contemporary love story (!)A DhcnalOll Witll ... that tak8S a look at the anxious • efiristop!Mr Cloae·Up unmarrieds of Manhattan's swing· • ft Is Wrltttn ing sln1les set. 11· 5 li:iill Cil p lie 1 dt M 1--m J lfl~~L! A,polntment Wltll .l "" 1 u 11 H""' Des ~n,• ortez and Montezuma" 11:30 II Name of tit• ..... Lorne Greene narrates this dramatic 0 Movfe: ''The Mpterlana'' (sci- reconstruction of Montezuma's ap· fi) '.59-4<enjl Sahara. polntment with destiny. B ll'Me11 Arrow OJ I lflcllC r Stroflin' W1t11 Al Hirt . M~le: (C) "!'M lilau $tlhin1" Music, comedy and iuest stm ac· (mys) 67 -Anita Ekber1. Robert company trumpeter Al Hirt on • ~· or. stroll throuah New Orleans' French Telepulae Quarter. m lurt Reynolds late Show 'I) Mewie: (90) "Castle on the Hud· "Burt Reynolds at Leavenworth Pen- Mn" (dra) '40-John Garfield Ann itentlary" Reynolds is fointd by Sheridan. ' 1uests Dinah Shore, Jonathan Win· ters and Merle Haarard and his 9:00 0 The Ham W1nde~ars band, the Stranaers, who entertain Cl) Movie: (C) (2ht) 'l.otll Aio To· the inmates monow" (dra) .'71 -Malcolm MC· m Movie: ;'Callln& Nortllalcle n7" Dowell. (mys) '47-James Stewart. Lee J. I W111derln1 Samurai Cobb. TIM One Way Q) Movie· (C) "The Blue u1oon" Masterpiece Tlleatre "Clouds of (adv) '4s'.-Jean Simmons Donald nes.s" Part II Wl!'tstJ and In· Houston. ' sptctor Parker eum1ne. the scene @(})Movie: "ClamoroU1 Nipf' of the murder and be11n to probe (dra) '37-Mary Ellis, Otto Kruaer. the chamter of the dead man. tlE) Movie EID Gtrlftan Vatftty Hour 12:00 O liramblln1 Collea• football 9:JO 0 Ri(llt On II BUDDY EBSEN STARS 12:30@ New Dlrectlona * AS BARNABY JONES! 1:00 I Ci) (ill m News IJ 9 (f) BarnabJ JOflts "Trial • Speakln1-rrHly Run Tor l>eath" Clu Gul11er auests One Step Beyond as a race car champion who mur· M~: "Murdtt Without Jurs" dars his brother-in·law rather then (mys) 53 -Craia Stevens. Jotce let him reveal his affair. Maraot Holden. Kidder plays the alrlfriend Lori, who 1:10 II Movie: ''Voice In the Minot"' witnessed the murder and beains to (dra) '58 -Richard Ea•n. Walter blackmail her lover. M1tth1u. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. OCTOBER 14, 1973 Order Yours NOW {8 1000 ~)t . ;'~ :;..,, __ ...: 1T '1 • PERSONAUZlD •srYUSH •EASY TO USE • • • •ORDER FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND SHAPE AND SIZE OF LABEL Mrs. John Doe 123 Mein SlrHt Anytown. Anyat•t• 1234'5 Labela Do Not Hne A Print ed Border. Styli,h Vogue •ype on fine quality whi•e gummed paper. r ---------------------, t Fill in this coupon, clip and mail with $1 .25 to: Pilot Pripting Label Div., Poat Off Ice Box 1560 Coat• Men, California 92626 •• SUN to UM your z1, C-4• I ''''·''''''''1---L -------- -- -- - - --- - ---J , ... 1 Sears introduces TRU·EAR Hearing designed to focus on desired conversations and soften unwanted noise. II you have a problem hearing. come in for a demonstration of the Sears Page 8 I-aka~• Nortilr14t• Pua4ne ~1tlUmpae l'om ... Sooith Cout Plat.I TOffHtt Varity SPECIALS GALORE The Seventh Annual Country Musk Associadon Awards Cer- series of ftve major specials, fea- series of six major specials, fea- turing comedy, music, drama and documentary, to be presented on CBS during the 1973-74 season. The Country Music Associa- tion Awards honoring outstand- ing achievement in that industry JOHNNY CASH will be presented as a special broadcast from the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, Tenn., Monday at lOPM. Top names in the country-music field will be featured either as performers or presenters. Joe Cates will be the producer. The Como Holi- day Spedal with guest stars Sally Struthers of the Network's All in the Family, the Establishment, and Burns and Schreiber, will provide a musical salute to the winter season and Christmas. Produced by Bob Finkel, the show will be broadcast Monday, Dec. 10 at..9PM . "One More Time/' a fast- paced comedy hour featuring a number of prominent show- business stars, will provide a series of vignettes--live, filmed and taped-reprising great past moments in the entertainment world. George Schlatter, one of the inventive minds behind the creation of Laugh-In will be the producer of Ute hroadcast, to be presented Thursday, Jan. I 0 al 9PM. On Monday, Feb. 4 al 9PM, Mitzi Gaynor and gu~ts will pay a special tribute in song and comedy to the American housewife. Jack Bean will be the Executive Producer. "Llvln1 with Elepbanls," a five-year filmed e.1tperience woven around 1he adventures of a family dwell- ing among 500 elephants on the Manyra in the Rift Valley, will be pr~enled Wednesday, March 13 at SPM. The Special will be produced by Survival Anglia, Ltd. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 1973 MONDAY OCTOBER 15 For momlns end 1ftemoon lt.tJnp. plhse see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your conveni.nca, • the dey's movtn. DAmME MOVIES 9:00 <rn (j) "Talk of 1 'Mllliotl" (eom) ·ST-JKk Warner, Berbara Mullen. 9:30 O "Wives ind LAvtri" (com) '63 -Janel Lelah. Van Johnson. 10:00 (I) "Posse From Hell" (wes) '61- Audie Murphy, John Suon. U "WMre The,.•, Uft" (com) '47 -8ob Hope, William Bendix. 12:00 D "Thi Dtspel'ldo'' (wes) '54- Wlyne Mortis. "luetet of Blood" (com) '59-Dick Miller. 12:30 m "Mrs. Mille" (dra) '49-0ick Powell, Evelyn Keyes. 1:00 O (C) "Moz1m~u11• (dra) '65- Steve Cochran, Hlldeaarde Neff. 3:00 Cl) ''Th• Furlts" (wes) 'SG-Bar- bara Slanwyck, Willer Huston. ®)"Dead R111pr'' (dra) '64-Bette Davis, Karl Malden. 3:30 ~ Cl) (C) "Madame l" (dra) '66 -Lena Turner, John Forsythe. 4:00 II (C) "Good Mo"'ln1 Miu Dove" (c:ira) "SS-Jennifer Jones. 4:30 9 (I) "7t11 Canlry" (wes) 'SS-- Randolph Scott, Barbara Halt, EVrNING 6:00 Io mm m News loftuu Courtslllp of Eddie'• F1ther GlJ (}) aJ MOltdty NIPt Pro ootblll Miami Dolphins vs. Cleve- land Browns. I ~ ~cyd'CiJ News file Flintstones St.r Trek Si111pltmtnt. Merla Movie: (2hr) 0 four Clowns" m) L1urel & Hardy tD Hodcepod1e Loda• EE ThrH Stooces 6:30 Hoian't Heroes fiJ 00 9 Cl) "'"' • eoMintrition Merv Crlffln Show Andy Crlffitti 1 H lttory of Art • Uvlnf Easy • • Trnel Loa Uttlt R1mls 7:00 I B m Ntwa BoW1lil1 for Doll1t1 Movie: (211t) "The Bad ind the Bt111ffur (dra) '52-Lana Turner, Kirk Ooualas. Wild World of Anlmela What's My Lint? I Love Lucy Mod Sciuld Esmerelda m Dt•cn•t : trrin1 Un• (]) lobby Soklsboro Show , llf Primer Amor Speed Rar 7:30 II Wady World of Jonath1n Wiil· tin Chuck Connors. Jo Anne Ptlua. Maureen McGovern and Dawn 1ues1. Q '911ce S.rl"fl Willilm Windom auests as an tlltortlonlst 11tho uses an attack on his sister to bladlmail 1 sychotic killer. Htlp n.y Ntlthbor The ThrillMektrs Titt Lucy Stlow Wild Klnrdo• Bewitched @ The Prlct Is Ri&11t Cl) Nashville Mulic • Jimmy Dean Show • Hollywood Sllow The Cllout C.nt 1:00 R Ci?J Cl) !Jifl<llL t You're N~t Ertded, Chi It Brown (R) Charlie Brown hits the campaign trall for sludent body president and bites lhe dust_e_o. lltica!J.t on t shaky pl1tform. B /21 CJ)~ m Lotsa Ludl "Do Me a Favor" Stanley's old school chum returns to the nelahborhood as a larnous sinainr star and Stan· ley uses him to impress a beautlful co·worker. 0 MURDER & MYSTERY * INHABIT THE .,HOUSE ON GREENAPPlE ROAD" 1J Movie: (C) (2tlr) '1touae on Qrun11>plt Rold" (mys) '7G-Janet Leiah. Christopher Georae. 0 GABLE/LANCASTER * RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP O Miiiion $ Movie: (2hr) "Run Siitnt, Run Dttp" (dra) '58-Clark Gable, Burt Lancaster. ~Tiit Ghost ind Mrs. Mult The Bold Ottts La Senora Joven M4me: (C) (2flr) 0 Randto No• Ill" (wes~ '52-Mel Ferrer. EJl) I IPmlt Mystery of Ntftrtltl A SBC documentary showina how a computer is helpln& to rt·tssemble the 3000·year-old temple built in honor of E&YPti•n phartoh Ahbn· aton and his queen, Nefertiti. I El Com1ndlt Mlcuellto Vai.s Show Movie: (2hr) "four Oauchten'' ( 1) '3S--Cl1ude Rains. 1:30 11 9 Cl) I Vlc!l&. ! Dr. Seuss on tht Loose Hans Conreld is the story· teller for this trilo&Y of alleaorical classics -"The Sneetches," ''The Zax" and "Green Eus and Ham." Q NEW COMEDY HIT! * STARRING DIANA RIGG Q @ @@) m Diana Diana's demand for a r1ise results in an U · slanment to put toaether Butley's Christmas cataloaue in lour days. m Merv Critfln Show mlNovel1 9:00 II tit) (j) Here's Lucy Guest Eddie Albert unintentionally becomes the star attraction ol Lucy's annual Girl Friday Follies. ID Cil Doris Day, Brian Keith * TONIGHT on KERO-TV 0 @ Ci) m "BC Monday Movie: (C) (~hr) •'WJ"tti Sia You Cet £u· roll" (R) (com) '68 -Doris Day, Brian Keith, Pat Carroll, Barbara Hershey. An attractive widow with three children linds her life com- pllcaled when she marries a w1d· ower with e teenaae dauahter. CJ) The Bold Ones O l]) The Roollles "Cry Wolf" Terry and Wlllle fell to respond to a call for help from a widow who often calls the police when she is lonely-but this time she is robbed. lfO) Movie: (C) (2hf) ''Thi Pink Jun· ii'' (com) '68-J1mes Gerner. ti) Notre D1mt Footblll @ (I) Movie: (C) (211r) ''WMte • Lovt Hu Qone" (dra) '64-Bette Davis, Mlch11I Connors. tE Roller Games m I s•lclAC I Birth and Duth Of I Star A KCET production In which TUESDAY solar photo1r1phy and animation are OCTOBER 16 used lo trace the life cycle of a star. g) LI Criada lltn Crl1d1 For morning and afternoon listings, a) Movie: ''G,psy'' . pfe.se see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. 9:15 a!) News/Sports Below, for. your convenience, are 9:30 IJ Qi CI> The New Dick Van Dyke the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES Show Dick reschedules a frequently cancelled dentist appointment to prove he's unselfish with his time. fl!) Acclon Chicano Sptdal "When ihe People Awake" A look at Chilean 9:00 G1l @"Tenth Man" (mys) '36- society. John Lod1e. Antoinette Collier. 611 Muchacha lt1llan1 9:3Q O "Heller in Pink TI1hts" (dra) '60 a!) Variety -Sophia Loren, Anthony Quinn. 10:00 10:00 @ "Kisses tor M' Pruldent" Part 1J JOHNNY CASH HOSTS 1 (com> '64-Fred MacMurray, Polly *THE COUNTRY MUSIC =~~b t f Ch .. < ) '42 AWARDS SHOW TONITE Burgess 'r:er:dith,a~f:1re fr~or. - £1 eij Cj) I lflCiAt I Country Mu· 12:00 0 "forest Ranprs" (adv) '42 -ale Assoaation Awards Johnny Cash Fred MacMurray, Susan Hayward. hosts as the country music industry "Sa, It In French" (com) 'JS-Ray honors outstandin1 achievement Milland, Irene Harvey. with the seventh annual ceremonies 12:30 m (C) ''The Black Knlpt'' (adv) from the Grand Ole Opry House. ~Ian Ladd Patricia Medina I Hoaan's Heroes 1:00 O (C) "Resunectlon of Zachary ~ m &l @ News WhHltr" (dra) '71-Leslle Nielsen, N1f11t liaHery Bradford Dillman. Department S Kin1 •nd Sullivan 3:00 CJ) (C) "five Pennies" (bio) '59- uncover a stran1e spy story when a Danny Kaye, Tuesday Weld. surgeon is Interrupted during a ®) (C) ''Tiie Movie Murderer" (mys) brain operation and • mystery man '70-Arthur Kennedy, Warren Oates. takes over. 3:30 Ii) Ci) (C) "Head of a Tyrant" (dra) ' • lnttrnatlon11 Variety '60-Musimo Girottl, Isabelle Corey. 10:30 Drapet 4:001J (C) "My Six loves" (com) '63- T alll lac11 Debbie Reynolds. David Janssen. • Twillaht Zone 4:30 ~Same as lOAM llstina Government Scene 00 "Count Three and Pray" Christian found1tlon ( ra) '55-Van Heflin, Joanne Wood· • Wiseman film Festini "Essene" ward. • TV Musical ••Va~ Hour 11:00 1~11~~=:: Twl111ht ~' 6 Perry M11on • Dick Van Dyltt To Tell the Truth ht Smut (!)The Medic Alfred Hltchcoclt Presents ~Trails West ll :30 (I) CBS Late Movie: (C) "M in Paris" (com) '66-Ann· Mar1ret, Louis Jourdan. (]) Movit: "R1mp11e" (adv) '63- Rober1 Mitchum, Elsa Martinelli. 0 <ft Ci) @) m Johnny Cmon Joey Bishop is 1uest host. 9 Movie: "Ball of fire" (com) '42 -Barbara Stanwyck. D Movie; ''Woman ol the Town" (Ora) '43-Clalre Trevor. 0 Movie: "Marty" (dr1) '55-Er· nest Borgn1ne, Betsy Blair. m Alfred Hitchcock Preatnb Gl Movie: "Tanafer" (dra) '46 - Maria Montez. Sabu. @ Movie: "Thunderln1 Gun· slln11r'' (wes) '52-Buster Crabbe. 12:00 (I) One Step hyond m Movie: "Whlstlina In Dixie" (mus1'43--Red Skelton. 1:00 0 ®) m DEBUT Tomorrow Late· Oliht talk show hosted by Tom Sny· der. •:JOgu"'" Hlahway P•trol h4S Movie: "Htlllirt" ewes) '4S- Willlam Elliott. Forrest Tucker. 3:10 II Movie: (C) "The Rose Bowl Story" (dra) '52-Mershall Thomp· son. EVE N ING 6:00~~~1~== @ Ci) WORLD SERIES IS ON *NOW ON KERO-TV 0 fil 6 @) er;, Major lt11u1 Baseball orld Serles Cont'd from SPM. Iona nu Courtship of Eddie's Father • The Lucy Show Tiie Flintstones Stir Trek Slmpltmente Marla Movie: (2hr) "Desperate Hours" (dra) 'S5-Humphre7 Bogart, Fred· rte Match. ID Hod1epodae lodae EE Three Stoo1es 6:30 00 @ CI) Ho1an's Heroes 0 Movie: (C) (90) "Cooran'1 Bluff" (dra) '68-Clint Eastwood, Lee J. Cobb. l tB)({)News Conctt1tration Andy Griffith Human Rel1tlont 1nd School Dis· i ine Novel a Desert Theatre EE little R1sc1l1 lowlln1 for Doll111 7:00 I (]) News Movie: (2hr) "Captain or the ouds" (dra) '43-James C..gney, Dennis Moreen. (i) Salerl to Adventure 0 Wllars M, Uni? THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEE'K, OCTOBER 14, 1973 I Love Lucy g) Noelle T1patl11 Mod Squad (3) I Dru1111 of Jeannie 9:30119 Ci) C8S Tllttday Mn: (C) llmeralda (90) "'Viva Mn" (com) 'Si-Peter : feast of Lanau•a• Ustinov, Jonathan Winters, John ~- (1) Hu Haw tin. Pamela Tiffin. A modem·dq . Mf Prlmtr Amor Mexican general, flanked by his • , Drama trusted sereeent and his bind of Spted R1eet 'warriors,' crosses the U.S. border Trtasutt Hunt to appear in the annual Washina· ton's Birtti!!::iv parade In Laredo, Hopn's Heroes . Texas. This nei&hborly visit turns Help Thy Ntlfhbor into a minor Invasion when the Dustr'1 Trail general and his army march on the The LUCJ Show Alamo, makinJ hostages of the 11te· lkwitcllH keeper, a souvenir clerk and one Cil To Tell die Truth stral tourist. : The Silent Drum A look at deaf· 0 Sfl$1AI Maybe 1rs Alf In MJ ness. Mind This KNBC ethnic special is m Comed, an orljlnal muskal drama pre.sent· fE Th• Ghoul Gina in1 a slice of Ille in the ghetto 8:00 II eij Cl) Maude Is it fair for a where 11 people share their iriner woman to admit being attracted to dreams, pains, needs and struutes a man other than her husband? in a fi1ht lor survival. The pity, Maude and Carol say yes; but Flor· adapted from a reper1ory produc· ida isn't sure, and that's where the lion, features a cas~ that Is entirely trouble starts. · composed of members of the black 0 Is Winnln1 Ult Jh1me of the community. Game? A KNBC documentary about ~ Ci) Let'a Mike a Dtal organized amateur youth sports. Nar· @!) Muchacha lllll1n1 rated by Charlie Jones, the proeram ~ festival Mexicano olfm an in·depth look at youn1 • 1,.,. people involved in hockey football 10.00 -. m m Ne.rt · 11 ' i · ' 6 ?uJI t G1llery gy~nasttcs., wrest n1. SW mming, 00 m Marcus WtlbJ M.D boxing, skat1n1. soccer, baseball, and .. a ·t' f F It" Th • basketball. " ues ion ~ au e eme~· II Movie: (C) (2hr) "House on gency amputation of a youn1 boJ s lfreenapple Road" (mys) '70-Janet a!m ca~~s unexpe~ed repercus· Leiih. Christopher George. s1ons within the lads own family 0 (ll) (I) (E) New Telnperatures and !nvolv~s Dr: Welby In 1 maf. liilna "A Classic case'' or. Mercy practice suit 11ainst another doctor. fears a malpractice suit a11lnst the 1 1H ~A Man Called Lombardi hospital when a misread X-r1y puts @ ews a health patient in traction tor eJ&h 10:30 News weeks. Talk Baell 0 Miiiion $ Movle: (2hr) "Twelve Twlllpt Zone Angry Mtn" (dra) '57-4ienry Fonda, Com111unity feedback Lee J. Cobb. 1111 Cosby 11,jj Ci) News Vidas 1n Confllcte That Qlrl • Los Dias fellces Tht lold Ones • • News/Sports ~o~~0(c)JC;~r) "Rancho No· ll:OO 0 ~ m (E) Ntws torlous" (wes) '52-Marlene Diel· 3 t!tu~ ~~ 00 News rich. Mel Ferrer. 6 Perry Masen I Black ~e.rformen Dkt Van Dyle El Edlfic10 de Enfrtnte To Tell the Truth Comedy Roller Games Get Smart (3)The Medk 8:308 Cit) (JJ Kawall five.() "Tricks Kifred Hltch'41di Prese11tl Are Not Treats" The assassination 00 Tr1ils West of one of Honolulu's mosl active • -! ~ . flesh peddlers threatens an all out 11.30 ~ ~CBS La~ Movie: (C) war between two competin1 vice Pent ope (com) 66 -Natalie empires. Woodelan Bannen. 0 li1l m m ABC Tuesday Movie· R 00@) m Johnny Canon (C) (90)"l"''Thlnl Girl f rom the Left'; ovle: "Stella Dallas" (dra) '37 (dra) '73-Kim Novak, Tony Curtis, -Barbm St.anwyek. Alan Hale. Michael Brandon. Kim Novak stars P. (i7J ~ ~ Jack Paar Tonlte ,. as a dancer who finds herself falling e ir"~. Bedtime for lonro ln love with a youn& colleie dropout (com) 51-Ronald Rea11n, Diana and must choose between him and Li n. . the man she has loved for 13 years. Alfred. Httch~.ck f'rtMnts I Mery Griffin Show Movie. (C) Kina of the Wltd (!) News Stalllona" (wes) '59--{;eori• Mont· Nowla gomeiy, Edgar Buchanan. 9:00 Holl,wood Squares 12:00 Q) Movie: "Slln Dtmttrle, londW' Tht Bold OnH (dra) '43-Walter Fluaerald. Movie: (C) (2hr) "Tiit Ritt 1:00 ffi 0 00@ (j) News Breed" (adv) '66-James Stewart, 0 Ilg) m Tomorrow Tom Snyder Maureen O'Hara. hosts I Tht Untouchablts 1:30 0 Hl1hw1y Patrol C1rmlna • t 1:45 £1 Mew1t: "The Crooked W.,.' (wes) Biii Cosb' on Prtl· '49-John Payne, Ellen Drew. udict ( ) CH-produced impro· 2:00 m All·Niaht Show: "Wildcats on Ult visatlonal satire with comedian Bill Beach," .. Jubar' Cosby assuming lhe role ol super· J:lO B Movie: "Hotel Reserve" (dra) '45 bigot. -James Mason, Lucie Manheim. ..... ' WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 17 Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 @ (]) ''Wherever She Goes" (bio) 'Sl -Muriel Steinbeck, Suzanne Parrett. 9:30 O (C) "A Distant Trumper' (dra) '64-Troy Donahue, Suzanne Plesh· ette. 10:00 (1) "Kisses for My Presldenr• Coner. (com) '64-Fred MacMurray, Polly Bergen. O "The Princess Comes Across" (com) '36-Carole Lombard, Fred MacMurray. 12:00 O "Billion Dollar Sc1nd1I" (mys) '33 -James Gleason, Constance Cummings. "The Bia Chase" (mys) '54-{;lenn Langan, Lon Chaney. 12:30 m "B1m1elt Bill" (com) '41 - Wallace Beery, Leo Carrillo. 1:00 O "Better 1 Widow" (com) '69- Vima Lisi, Peter McEnery. 3:00 (j) (C) "The R1lnm1ker" Part I (rom) '56-Burt Lancaster, Kathar· ine Hepburn. ®)"Holiday" (com) '37 -Cary Grant. Katharine Hepburn. Don:t delay! Try one today In \•Our own neigborhood ! 3:30 Ill Ci) (C) "Ni&ht Creaturis" (mys) '62-Peter Cushing, Yvonne Romain. 4:00 i) "The Two Mrs. C1rroll1" (mys) ·47 -Humphrey Bogart, Barbera Stanwyck. 4:30 (1) Sime as lOAM listing Qi (j) "Salome" (dra) ·53 -Rita Hayworth, Stewart Granger. EVENING 6:00 I) 0 eI) ml-&) News 00 (ll) 00 ~ (j) News @ @ WORLD SERIES IS ON * NOW ON KERO· TV B Q) 00 ®l m B1seb1ll World Serles Cont'd from SPM. Bona nu 6 Courtship of Eddie's Father The Lucy Show The Flinbtones Star Trell Slmplemente Maria American Life Style : Hodgepodae Loda• The Three Stoo,es 6:30 Ci) @ @ Ho11n'1 Heroes O Movie: (C) (90) "Seraeanl Rut· tedce" Part I (dra) '60 -Jeffrey IHun~ ~s~:~e Towers. concentration Andy Griffith USA vs. USSR Jr. Track l Field 1mpionships I History of Art Novel• Desert Thutre little R1suts 7:00 1J (1) 9 News For an appointment TIDAN, INC. ALPHA DIVISION Oloic. of~• Sha,.. Tot11I kfvlce lnc:ludl"t De<klnt Pase 10 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 1973 ~ Bowlin( for Dolllra Movie: (2hr) "Border Incident" ( a) ·so -Ricardo Montalban, George Murphy. Journey Whirs My Line? I love Lucy Mod Squad (]) I Dream orJeannle ESmerald1 : The f rench Chef (i) World of Sur1lv1I · Mf Primer Amor • • Aficionados de la Comunldad Speed Racer 7:30 11 The New D1tin1 Game Jim Lange hosts. 3 Hogan's Heroes Help Thy Neighbor Bobby Goldsboro Show The Lucy Show Bewitched 1 @ To Tell the Truth : Storefront (!) Police Surgeon The Ghoul Gang ton. A famous psycholoaist conducts a scientific $Ill survey on the mari· tat lives of a group of 'typical' Amer· lean women. ~ The Bold Ones Movie: (C) (2hr) "Mld1m1 l" ( a) '6&--l.an1 Turner, Joh11 For· sythe. ! TIM Untoudlables P1pa Coruon @ Drapet 9:30 ~@ Hotrywood Squares ~ Woman '1he Older Woman" Discrimination faced by older wom en In our society is discussed. eI) Mudl1ch1 lt11ian1 al) El Cafe Deportivo 10:00 IJ 9 Cl) Dan Aucust Monte Mark· ham guests as Santa Luisa assls· tan! district attorney Frank Devlin, who becomes the chief suspect in the murder of his wife. I OmQ>Newa f!!lht Gallery (11) CI) tiE) Owen Marshall "N Is for Niahtmare" When a pretty teen· 8:00 i) Qt) Cil Sonny and Cher Dennis age gir1 is found raped and mur· Weaver and The Jackson Five guest. dered, the mother's flanc:e is the 0. I sJlcllt I Liberace A KNBC spe-prime suspect. Vera Miles and her c1al that highlights Liberace's llfe daughter Kelley Miies guest. style. personal philosophy and musi-I £scenario cal talent. Featured are excerJ)ts Ci) The Glenn ford Spedal from his famous night club perfor· Ber1m1n at 10 (R) mance u well as a tour of his home. Oral Roberta O Movie: (C) (2hr) "House on Green1pple Ro1d" (mys) 'l~Janet 10:30 ITelll Baell · Ch i t h G 6 Twllltht Zone Let&h. r s ~ er eorge. Co itv Fe ..... b II 0 @ (}) · lob l Clrol l Ted l · . mmun ., '"" •< Ali<e "I'm ot Jealous-Only Cur· 8111 Cosby 1ous" Carol thinks she's above jeal· · Entr1 Aftllcos ousy until Bob goes off to a business • ' Newt/$tl0rts lunch with actress Adele Philhps, a 11:00; m I! mm News racy lady. 3 Q) (j) News O Miiiion $ Movie: (C) (2hr) wlllc one 11Jraver Say Goodbye" (dra) '56-6 ii'-< in Rock Hudson, Cornell Borthers. I 1 ONI Roberta I ID Ci) NeW1 To ell Truth Green Acres Get Smart The told Ones (]) The Medic LI Senora Joven. Cil Trell• West kee.811kltb1ll Wamors vs. Mllwau· U:lS g) Cinema 34 ·m I s"clAt I Wisem1n film Festi· 11:301J ti9) (j) CBS Lite Movie: (C) val "Hospital" Life in a New York ''Crooks and Coroneb" (com) '69- City hospital Is viewed from emer· Telly Savalu Edith Evans Warren gency ward to psychia tric clinic. Oates. • ' g) Championship Wrestllnc Q Q) Ci) {to) m Johnny Canon a) Japanese llncuage Proar1m 0 fl'ovlt: ''Callfomla" (adv) '46- S:30 0 @ (3)Q) ABC W1dnead11 Barbara Stanwyck, Ray Milland. Movie: CC> (90) "The Man Who 0 (i1) (]) t;!) J1dr Paar Tonite Could Talk to Kids" (dra) '73 -Peggy Cass 1n Jack Paa(s sidekick Peter Boyle, Scott Jacoby, Robert for this week. Tonight's auests are Reed. Collin Wilcox-Horne, Tyne opera tenor Luciano Pavarotti and Daly. A troubled boy, Isolated from Pat Buchanan. the 34-year-old his heartbroken parents in his own speech writer and special consultant sohtary \Jlorld, allows one special to Presllent Nixon man to penetrate his lonely fortress ID Alfred Hitchcock l'fesenb and brlna the family back together. Q) Movie: "Unchained" (dra) 'SS- 1 Merv Grfffln Show Elroy Hirsch, Barbara Hale. Ci) News 9 Alfred Hltthcoct Presents Novel• 12:00 @ One Step 8tyond Japanese Langu1ge Program Q Movie: (C) "T1n11nyib" (adv) 9:00 '54-Van Heflin . B WM. CONRAD-CANNON m Movie: "Crisis" (mys) '50 - * TV'S TOP PVT EYE' Cary Grant, Jose Ferrer. • • 1:00 (}) 0 Cl) 9 Ci) NIWS 1J 9 Cl) C1nnon David Hedison 0 ®) m Tomorrow Tom Snyder guests as an FM inspector who hosts. helps track a missing alrllner con· 1·30 R News tainlng 3 million dollars in secu-• . Hlchwiy Patrol rities. when Cannon Is hired by an l:4S R Movie: (C) "Desert Sands" (dra) ~~~cli~ce company to conduct the 'SS-Ralph Meeker, Marla Enallsh. 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "The Chapman 2:00 m All·Nicht Show: "Tht Quiet Gun.'' 11i"port" (dra) '62-Efrem Zlmbalist ~10,, at Su," "SmltMrlnu" Jr.. Shelley Winters, Jane Fonda, 3:10 i) Movie: "CaMblina HouM" (dra) Claire Bloom, Glynis Johns. Ray Dan· ·s~Victor Mature, Wllllam Bendix. I' n s I~ THURSDAY OCTOBER 18 For morning •nd afternoon nstl,,p, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 @ @ "Whom the Gods love" (mus) 'JS-John Loden, Liane Haid, 9:30 O (C) "Birds Do It" (com) '66- Soupy Sales, Tab Hunter. 10:00 Cil "The Gill in the Kremlin" (dra) '57-Zsa Zsa Gabor, Lex Barker. 0 "Night Club Scandal" (mys) '37 -John Barrymore, Charles Bickford. 12:00 g "Hell Squd" (dra) 'SS-Wally Campo, Brandon Carroll. "Lost Bat· talion" (dra) '62-Leopold Salcedo. 12:30 m "Dream Wile" (com) '53-Cary Grant. Deborah Kerr. 1:00 fJ "You Muat Be Jokina" (com) '65 -Michael Callan, Lionel Jeffries. 3:00 Cl) (C) "The Rainmaker'' Concl. (dra) '56-Burt Lancaster, Katharine Hepburn. laurel l H•rdY featurette. (!§) "SOidiers Three" (adv) '5l - Stewart Granger, Walter Pidgeon, David Niven. J:30 (U 00 (C) "That funny feelini'' (com) '65 -Sandra Dee, Bobby Darin. 4:00 fJ "Teacher's Pet" (rom) '58 - Doris Day, Clark Gable. 4:30 00 Same as lOAM llatlnc ~ 00 "Middle of the lillaht" Part I (dra) '59 -Kim Novak, Fredric March. EVENING If a fifth rame Is netesSlry for the World Serles, NBC Network proiram· mlna will be pre-empted for local pro· animmina. 6:00 · tNoo,,~I~ ~::: Bon1nza ;.__ Courtship of Eddie's Father The Lucy Show The Flintstones Stir Trek Simplemente Maria Movie: ''Naked and the Dead" ra) '58-Aldo Ray. EE) Hodgepodfe l odge m Three Stooges 6:30 00 @ 00 Hogan's Heroes O Movie: (C) (90) "Sergeant Rut· ledge" Concl. (dra) '61 -Jeffrey Hunter, Constance Towers. I ~ 00 !i9l Cl) News Concentration Merv Griffin Show Andy Griffith Portrait of • Gentle Man (R) Film profile of singer Glenn Yarber· ough. I Living Eur Novel• Desert Theatre Ei) Little Rascals 7:00 tJ @ CJ m News · O Bowllna for DollarJ THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 1973 FRIDAY (j) Movie: (2hr) "Task Force" (dra) habit of cheating the innocent, runs '49-Gary Cooper, Jane Wyatt. into formidable opposition when Whit's My Line? a lesson. ~ lnnerspace Chief Ironside decides to teach him t Lnve Lucy ~ l'he Bold Ones Mod Squad @ (!) tii) I SPWAL I Close·Up OCTOBER 19 (1) I Dream of Jeannie fe, liberty and the Pursuit of Esmeralda Coal" An examinalion of the eco· For morning and afternoon listings, @ Dragnet nomic and power politics of the coal pleHe see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. : Erica a Theonle industry and how they pervade the Below, for your convenience, are (j) lassie state ol West Virginia. ABC News the day's movies. . Mr Primer Amor Correspondent is Jim Kincaid. • • Tele-Revilla Musical I Historias de Mama Y Papa DAYTIME MOVIES Speed Racer : Folk/Rock 1970 7:30 8 Orson Welles' Great Mysterlet ' El Show de Alejandro Suirez 9:00 cm 00 "Queen of Broadway" (dra) "Batlle of Wits'' Contemporary d.ra· 9:30 @I) Much1cha ltallana '42-Rochelle Hudson. ma about a game of ll!e and death a!) Roller DerbJ 9:30 0 (C) "Stran&ers When we Meet" played between a brilliant head· 10·00,... ~ '6' lift\ C'ft NBC f 111 (dra) '60-Kirk Douglas Kim Novak. master and a vengeful actor. • -~ l.!!.J .IUtl l'~ • o e s • I Hoian'' Heroes Sammy Davis Jr. 1s Jomed by guests 10:00 CV "Wild and Wonderful'' (com) '64 The New Price Is Riaht Mickey Rooney, Elke Sommer. Jack -Tony Curtis. Christine Kaufmann. Help Thy Nelrhbor Carter and Ray Charles. &J "The forty-Niners" (wes) '54- You Asked for It ~fJ m tE News Wild Bill Elliott, Virginia Grey. The Lucy Show 6 Nlaflt Gallery 12:00 O "Outh Takes a Holid•J" (dra) Let's Mike a Deal 0 T E STREETS OF SAN '34 -Fredric March, Kent Taylor. Bewitched * FRANCISCO-BIG HIT! "Undercover Doctor" (mys) '39 - @ (3) To Tell the Truth 0 cm CIJ tii) The Streets of San Lloyd Nolan, Broderick Crawford. (i) @ The Thrlllseekers frlnClito "The Stamp of Death" A 12:30 m "The October M1n" (mys) '47 EE) Acdon Chicano ''Conference on multi-millionalre philatelist is mur--John Mills, Joan Greenwood. Mexican Studies" From Santa Monl· dered and it's possible the world's l •00 0 "Sword in the Desert'' {dra) '49 ca's Miramar Hotel, coverage or the most valuable postage stamp hes · -Dana Andrews. Marta Toren. Fou~h International Congress of b~en stolen. Earl Holliman and Jes· 3:00 00 "The Youn& Doctors" (dra) '61 Mexican Studies. s1ca Waller guest. -Fredric March Ben Gazzara · ~ 00 Jimmy Dean Show @ News @) (C) "Betn ye'd" (dra) '~lark m Jon1than Wlntm Show lO·JO Talk Back Gable, Lana Turner, Victor Mature. ~ The Ghoul Gana · Twilight Zone 3:30 ~ Ci) (C) "The Relucta"t Altro· 8:00 • Youth and the Issues naut" (com) '67-Don Knotts. fJ THE WAL TONS, WINNER Bill Cosby 4:00 fJ (C) "The Jayhawkers" (wes) '59 * OF SIX EMMY AWARDS! Vidas en Confllcto -Jeff Chandler. Fe~ Parker. fJ Qj (j) The Waltons "The Chick-: Yop for Health 4:30 00 Sam~ •.s lOAM hstln~ , en Thief" John-Boy's conscience Acomp1name ~CI] Middle ~f the N1aflt' Cone.I. troubles him when he catches Yancy . ' News/Sports (dra) 59 -Kim Novak, Fredric Tucker stealing Charlie Potter's 11·00 CJ 0 @I) m (1) 6 NNeewwss March. chickens and he can't decide wheth· • 00 ®l EE Qj @ er to report it. T ·11 t.t z ,... ~ '6' ""' "l';' flip Wiison Show wi 1" one ~ ~ LVJ Wt.I ~ 6 Perry Mason Leonard Nimoy, Ed McMahon, Char· Dick Van Dyke lie Callas and Ronald Mingo guest. To Tell the Truth O Movie: (C) (2hr) "House on Get Smart Greenappte Road'' (mys) '70-Janet 00 The Medic Leigh. Christ~her George. Allred Hitchcock Presents O @CI) W Toma "Crime With· Cl) Trails West out Victim" Despite the protests of the victim's wealthy, neurotic moth· 11:15 @I) Cinema 34 er, Toma investigates the kidnap!ng 11:30 8 Q!J 00 CBS ute Movie: ''Cat· of an ~8·year-old boy. Alex Dreier, tie King" (wes) '63-Robert Taylor. Madeleine Sherwood, Scott Jacoby Joan Caulfield. and Bre!t Halsey guest 0 Q1 @ ®) m Johnny Carson 0 ~lllron $ ~ovle: (C) (2hr) "Holl· O Movje: ''Double Indemnity" min (susp) 71 -Peter Sellers, (mys) '44-Barbara Stanwyck. Fred David Lodge. . MacMur~. I Allred Hitchcock Pftsen~ 0 U1J ~ tii) Jock Paar lonlte Boxing From the· Olympic Peggy Cass guests. la S.enora Joven ,, fJ Movie: (C) ''Seminole" (wes) Movie: (C) (2hr) Rancho No-'53-Rock Hudson Barbara Hale t~rlous" (wes) '52-Marlene Dlet m Alfred Hitchcoek Presents . nch, Mel Ferrer. .. 0) Movie: "Then There Were Three" @.il The Advoc1tes ~o _Lower Food (dra) '62 -Frank Latimore, Alex Prices. Should We L1m1t Food U· Nicol. ports7" @I) Espectaculu 12:00 00 One Step, Beyond Sf) Cmvana Musical m Movie: 'Miss Grant Takes Rich· EE Movie: (2hr) "Navy Blues" (mus) mond" (com) '4!l -Lucille Ball, ·41-Martha Raye, Jack Oakie William Holden. 8:30 m Merv Griffin Show 1:00 00 0 (i) @ (6) News a!) Novela Q ®) m Tomorrow Tom Snyder 9:00 fJ fn) 00 CBS Thursday Movie: (C) hosts. (2hr) "Joy in the. Morning" (dra) '65 1:30 I Newa -Richard Chamberlain, Yvette Ml-Highway Patrol mieux, Arthur Kennedy. The story of All·Nleht Show: "Run. Psycho, a struggling law student In the late Run" "Inside Detroit.'' Bia Attack 1920s and his fragile, Inexperienced ' , bride, who lace a first-year of sapa· l:.S i) Mo~le: 'Double Dynamite" ration, overwork and semi.starvation. (com) 51 -Frank Sinatra, Jane 0 Q1 Ci)®) m Ir o n s I d e "A Russell. Game of Showdown'' An unscrupu· 3:10 ft Movie: "That Night" (dra) '57- lous professional gambler, with a JOTin Beal, Rosemary Murphy. EVENING 6 : 00 INcfQ)~lfE :::: Bona nu 6 Courtship of Eddie's fltJler • The Lucy Show The Flintstones Stu Trek Simplemente Maria Movie: (C) (2hr) "Pony Expreu" (wes) '53-Charlton Heston, Rhonda Fleming. m Hodgepodge Lodge al Three Stooges 6:30 ~ @(I) Hogan's Heroes Movie: (C) (90) "Hell and Hl&h ater'' (dra) '54-Richard Widmark. i @OO ®l 00 News ConcentratiolJ I Merv Griffin Show Andy Griffith History ol Art living us1 Novela Desert Theatrt EE little Rasuls 7:00 I CID 0 m "ews Bowling for Dollars 6 Movie: (2hr) "Darll PUS1rt" {dra) '47-Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall. Animal World What's MJ line? I Love Lucy The Mod Squad (3) I Dream of Jeannie E.Smeralda (6) Dragnet 1 Ughts in the AbJss "Bottom's Dream" Part I of 3 par1s. {Continued) Page 11 'ROLL OUT!' DOES THE JOB lt took 20th Century-Fox Television's hit series M• A •s•H to get the oew comedy spatial Roll Out! off producers Gene Reynolds and Larry Gelbart's drawin~ board to make its maiden ftight this season on CBS. Roll Out! which was earlier wartime comedy creation of these M•A•S•H co-producers is unreeled with World War 11 as its back¥round. Its principals, as they were in real life, are mostly Black soldiers manning the famed Red Ball Express, whose truclts supplied General George S. Patton and bis army in its dash across France in pursuit of the Germans. Their improvised 700-mile-long highway was referred to in that conftict as "the world's longest one way street." Despite the fact that M• A •s•H was tailored for a sophisticated adult audience in a late time slot, ir made its way up the popularity poll to enjoy a berth among the top series programs in an earlier hour where it competed with long-proven series and childrens' shows. (This sea.son CBS has moved M •A 0 s •H to the 8:30 to 9 PM time slot on Saturdays). Heading the list of stars in the new Roll Out! series, which airs 8:30 to 9 PM on Fridays, is ventriloquist and popular nightclub entertainer Stu Gilliam. He plays Corporal "Sweet" Williams, a slick, sophisticated and highly devious product of Chicago. His "foil" is Hilly Hicks in the character of Jed Brooks, Williams' assistant driver who is a deeply religious country lad from Louisiana possessing infte.xible moral standards. • In real life, Gilliam never finished high school, but was expert enough pool player to beat legendary Minnesota Fats one time. In contra.st, Hicks started his Ba ptist ministry in his father's Los Angeles church at the age of seven; holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Occidental College, and his wife is a pre-medical student. Mel Stewart. a$ Staff Sergeant 8 . J. Bryant, is a "book'' soldier very much aware (If the short-comings of the men serving under him, but is not always able to cope with them. • The company commander, Caplain Rocco Calvelli Jr., played by Val Bisoglio, is while, as is Ed Begley Jr., his adjutant, Lieutenant Robert Chapman. The captain would like to be a first rate officer but appears not to be endowed with all the needed qualities. while the lieutenant believes the army moves on its paper work. Begley is the son of the late Academy Award actor Ed Begley. As many things seem to go in p3lrs io the Roll Out! series. Gene Reynolds and associate producer James Lydon were motion picture stars together as children. The former was known as the one most often to f>ortray the movie star as a child in flashback sequences. such as Robert Taylor as a boy in ''The Crowd Rbars," Don Ameche in "Sins of Man" and Tyrone Power in "In Old Chicago." Lydon, who appeared in five Broadway plays, 2000 radio shows, 480 television presentations and I 00 movies, was the star of the "Henry Aldrich" motion picture series which became a family affair pnor to World War II. Compounding the dupliciries in Roll Out! Hilly Hicks (May 4) and Val Bisoglio lMay 7) have birthdays three days apan, as do Mel Stewart (September 19) and Ed Begley Jr. (September 16). Only Penny Santon s tands uniquely alone in the star roster. She is the only female regular-who runs a road house in Prance. Although. as noted, the Red Ball Express forms only a back· ~round for Roll Out! it deserves some further mention. It wa im· provised rhrough necessity following General Patton's breakthrough at St. Lo. The general moved so swiftly in pursuit of the enemy that he outran his own supplies. Red Ball, which ultimately consisted of 25,000 men, was thrown together to meet these needs. Many of the men were not trained in handling the vehicles or the problems of 1ervicing them: they came under fire and there were casualties from the continuous train on men and machines. But they did the job. Page 12 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 1973 FRIDAY (Continued) tense, and Is GPPOsed by Adam-In I (i) Merica court and at home. Madeline Kahn Mr Primer Amor and Arthur O'Connell aunt. Evtntos latiftos 11\ls Week le Pro feotlMlll Speed RKtt Cine CoMO Ill Cine 7:30 B Dusty's Trail By monkeying Masterp&tee T1Matr. around, Dusty saves Betsy from the Super Siio• · dutches or an escaped circus gorilla. Ja1>1nt1• V1rltty Sllow Hoe•n's Heroes 9:15 a;) News/Spotts ~ @ lfQJ Hollrwood Squires 9:30 0 @ Cl) ®) O':' 8rt1n Keith Show Help Thy Nelahbor "Inflation" Or Sean loses his office Elephant loJ nurse to the battle of inflation when The L.ucy Show she moonlights at a golf range. ltWitchtd @!) Mudm:lla lt1ll1n1 00 To Tell the Truth a;) Premier dtl 40 : Will Strttt Wetl 10:00 I)~ Cl) CIS lttports "The Cor· • Untamed World poration" An in-depth look at the • • Escenulo phenomenon known as the American The Ghoul G1111 corporatio~ow it thinks, how it l :C>q I)~ (j) Caluccl's Dept. No iofor· work.$, and how it influences the malion avallable from the network people who work for it. at press time. l'l IH (iJ ~ O':' De111 M a rt I n @@ Laugh with SANFORD & STlowVlncenl Price, Howud Cosell, * SON on KERO-TV Henry Fonda, Nipsey Russell and 0 @@ ~ g, Sanford and Son Barbara Heller auest. Tonlahl's ''Lamont. Is That You?" L.amont and 'roastee' Is Bette Davis. Fred alternat1vely have dou~ts about ~ L°laf'Y9 News each other after • miX·UP at a bar. w@ (I) m l..o¥t Amtriun Style f! Movie: (C) (2hr) "House on Love and the: "Hoodwinked Honey," . enapp~ Road" (mys) '70-Janel "Secret Spouse," "Flunky," "Cozy Leigh, Chnst~her Geor1e. C mr des" fJ @ m w The Brad, Bunch ~ a I , __ "Getting Greg's Goat" Grea and his u:1 flrln&'"""' football teammates kidnap a rival 10:30 Talk lack school's mascot, a goat, and he Twlllpt Zone hides it in his attic room. • Consumtt Profile 0 ROGE'R MOORE 1111 CosbJ * ALIAS 007 TONIGHT . ' Gultarrtt 0 Miiiion $ Movie: (C) (2"r) "The ll.OO ~ R was~.~ .. , Min Who H1unttd Himself" (susp) Twill~ lt.1 '71-Roier Moore. Peny MHOfl I Bobby Goldsboro Sltow Didi V111 oytt ~ Bold Ones To T1H tM Trvtll u S.no11 Jown Qtt Scnlft Movie: (C) (2hr) "lt111cho No-(])TIM Medic tortoul" (wn) '52-Martene Diet-u RnllU Maren• rich, Mel Ferrer. Rodi Concart I Washlneton Week In Review m Trails West Chespirito 11:15 . ClieMa 34 Japanese Lan1ua1e Proaram ll:lO 9 Cl) CIS Late Movie: (C) 1:30 R ~ (I) Roll Out Pfc. Jed Brooks "Mlnliidrt Mob" (dr1) '68-Dlane feels that he must contribute more McBain, Jeremy Slete, Sherry Jack· directly to the war effort, an attitude son. that almost costs him his life. I~ Cll (IQ) m '°"""' Cal'IOfl 0 9 (I) tfQ) O':' The Clrf Wittl ~mour Prtstnb Somethlnc litre No Information @(I) E!) Jadl P11r Tonitt available from the network at press •ID Cass auests. time. ~The Ptnulden D @ CI) tll The Odd c 0 II p I e • I lflc1lt I ht Klnlln1r'1 Rodi ''The New Cir" Helped by Fell•. Os-nur1 Sly and the family Stone. car wins a car in a r1010 qulz show, Black Oak Ark1nsas. and Mott the which leads to CO•Ownershlp differ. Hoople auest. ences. John Byner and Dick Clark I Alfred Hitchcock Pments guest Movie: "Tomb of Torture'' (dra) I Merv Griffin Show • 5-Annie Albert. Mark Marian. Citywatcher1 12:00 LI) One Step Beyond Novela m Movie: "Rl&ht Crou" (dra) '50 9:00 9 (j) I IJtclA~ I The Shape of -Dick Powell, June Allyson. Thlnp The lirst comedy special ever 12:30 rt Su$Pfnst Theatre produced by, with and about women Tiie Prlaoner with a comical look at the changina 1:00 · QQl er;, Mldnlpt $tladll War role of women In our MlCiety, as hosts. Guests Include The New York seen through feminine eyes. Cast Dulls, Mott the Hoople, Danny Includes: Phyllis Diller, L.ee Grant, O'Keele, Cllmu Blues Band, Piper Valerie Harper, f.ltnn Redgrave, Joan and Bachman-Turner Overdrive. Rivers and Brenda Vaccaro. 0 Movie: (C) "Morrin tlle Pirate" 0 til (i)@) er;, Ne e d I es and (idv) '61-Steve Reeves. Pins Nathan's Lorelei Fashions is hit '00 Ci) IH (j) NtW1 by a strike when a small incident • Movie: "f'nltect Moonbasa" (sci· snowballs into a crisis compounded fi '53-Hayden Rourke. ~stubbornness on both sides. 1:45 fJ Movie: (C) "Mpttry Island" The Bold Ones !dv) '68-Stevt Forrest, Sue Uoyd. @CI) E!) Adam's Rib "The Un· 2:00 All·NIJ,ht Show: ''Slatt.ry'a Hur· written Law" (lhr) Amanda comes ne," "Ote Come On," "Wecky to the defense of a wife who shoots Wttttrnen" her unlalthful husband, usina the 3:10 IJ Movie: "Noctume" (mys) 'C6- "unwrltten law" as her client's d•· Georae Raft, Lynn Bari. INSIDE ~ the tube ~ OUTSIDE I hollywood By BILL MAHAN The arti1tic end of film making always suffers from the mechanical. This is something the viewer is totally unaware of when he sits down to view a TV show. There Is no way he could know of all the ghastly mechanical errors that accom- pany the film he Is watching. This series of columns follows a movie titled MESSAGE TO MY DAUGHTER, to be released by Metromedia Producers Corpora- tion and the American Broad· casting Company, airing (hope-. fully) sometime near the end of the year. Durinc the actual shootinc of the fllm the majority of prob- lems f~ll on Bob Lewis, the di· rector, and John Link, the ed· itor. These two men are directly linked (no pun intended) be· cause after the director has shot BONNIE BEDELIA his film, he is very anxious to work with the editor while it's being cut together. The usual procedure is that the film dailies are viewed as early as possible the next day after shooting. This is done for a multitude of reasons, i.e. to see that the color is up to par, checking synchronization with the magnetic sound track (occasionally a camera will go wild and there will be virtually no way the film can be synchronized with the sound), observing performances, and seeing that enough film has been shot so that everything is covered for the editor. What is happening to A MESSAGE TO MY DAUGH· TER is enough to make the most seasoned film maker want to toss in the towel. Consolidated Film Industries is one of the major film labs in the world, and is the lab Metromedia is using for development of their film. The third day's dailies didn't get out of the lab until late at night instead of early in the morning as they were supposed to because the lab broke down. This meant that the director, editor and producers d id not get to see their film in time for the following day's work. If anything had gone wrong there was no way they could have known it and therefore they couldn't re-shoot it while on the same location site. The next day's dailies had three important scenes burn up in the development S(ijlP because of another breakdown. They will have to be re-shot at another time. This can be a problem because the actors have commitments which are, in many cases, back to back and they don't have the time to go back for the retakes. All in all, however. the 29 reels of dailies shot so far are superior looking. The first edited reel is ex~ellent , has pace and poignancy as It is meant to. So far, even with the lab foulups it looks very much like another successful Movie of the Week for Metromedia. (More next week) * * * Blythe Danner, H Amenct. Bonner, •ddrHses the jury on beti.tf of her client, • women eccuHd of shootlna her husblnd, In ''TI\• Unwrttt.n Llw" on ABC's Ad•m's Rlb. In the one-hour epl· IOd• which •lrs Frld•y et 9PM, Amend• pluds "not 1ullty" on the 1round1 th•t • client wH wronced by her husblnd, who wn unflilthful. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 197i_ ~ THIS WEEK ON CHANNEL 50 KOCE-TV ORANGE COUNTY TELEVISION SATURDAY: OCTOBER 13th (,.M.) 3:00 History or Art (C) Lesson 7 (R) (l 1 Consortium) 3:30 History of Art (C) Lesson 8 (R) (L• Consortium} 4:00 History of Art (C) l esson 9 (R) (l• Consortium) 4:30 Science and Art of Football (C) "Offensive Line Play'' 5:00 To Be Youne, Gifted, and Black (C) (PBS) 6:30 As Man Behaves (C) "Operant Conditionina" 7:00 Orane• County Review (C) 7:30 Jau Set (C) (R) (PBS) 8:00 American Vision (C) Special (PBS) 9:00 Muterplece Tht1tre (C) (PBS) "The Golden Bowl" SUNDAY: OCTOBER 14th (P.M.) 3:00 Seume Street (C) (CTW) To· day's show features the letters Z and X and the number 6. 4:00 Mister Ro1ers' Neighborhood (C) (PBS) 4:30 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) To· day's show features the letters D and Z and the number 7. 5:30 Zoom! (C) (PBS) 6:00 Omnibus 50 (C) 6:30 As Man Behaves (C) "Behavior Modification" 7:00 Frtlldl Chef (C) (PBS) 7:30 The Fred Wiseman Film festival (C) (PBS) "Basic Tralnln1" 9:00 Station Music (C) (PBS) "Arthur Prysock" 9:30 Focus Oran'e County (C) "The Battered Child" MONDAY: OCTOBER 15th (P.M.) 3:00 History of Art (C) (la Consorti um) "Egypt: New Kingdom I" 3:30 Making Things Grow (C) (PBS) 4:00 As Min Behaves (C) "Control- ling Human Behavior'' 4:30 Ettttric Comp1ny (C) (CTW) 5:00 Seume Street (C) (CTW) To· day's show features the letters W and 0 and the number 8. 6:00 The Great Consumer Contest (C) CKABC) "Advertising: Show and Tell" 6:30 Focus 011nge County "Grand Jury" 7:00 The 'rut Consumer Contest (C) (KABC) "Advertising: Show and Tell" 7:30 Omnibus 50 (C) 8:00 To h Younr. Gifted, ind Blick (C) (PBS) 9:30 As Man Beh1ves (C) (KOCE) "Controlling Human Behavior" TUESDAY: OCTOBER 16tlt (P.M.) ~:00 As Man hh1v.s (C) "Control llna Humtn Behavior" 3:30 Chan·EM Way (C) (PBS) 4:00 C1tmcoftndH (t) (PBS) 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) 5:00 Seslme Street (C) (CTW) To· day's show features the letters E and W and the number 9. 6:00 Or1nee County Review (C) 6:30 Hlatory of Art (C) (la tonsorti· um) 7:00 The Crut Consumer Conteat (C) (KABC) 7:30 Al Mn ltham (C) "Control · llna Human 8eh1vior" 1:00 Special of Ult Week (C) (PBS) "American Ballet Theatre" 9:30 Booll Beat (C) (PBS) "Marilyn" by Norman Mailer WEDNESDAY: OCTOBER 17th (P.M.) 3:00 History of Art (C) (la Consorti um) 3:30 The Art of Bunt1ku (C) (PBS) 4:00 As Man Beh1ves (C) "Control· ling Human Behavior'' 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame stmt (C) (CTW) To· day's show features the letters G and E and the number 10. 6:00 The Great Consumer Contest (C) KABC) "Advertising. Games Peo· pie Play" 6:30 History of Art (C) (La Consorti· um) 7:00 The Cre1t Consumer Contest (C) (KABC) "Callina All Resources" 7:30 The Science and Art of Football (C) "Passing i nd Pass Recelv· ing" 8:00 Masterpiece Theatre (C) (PBS) "Clouds of Witnesg" 9:00 The Session (C) (PBS) 9:30 Ai Man Behaves (C) THURSDAY: OCTOBER 18th (P.M.) 3:00 Ai M111 Behaves (C) "Control· lin1 Human Behavior" 3:30 French Cher (C) (PBS) 4:00 Making Thlnes Grow (C) (PBS) 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame Stmt (C) (CTW) To· day's show features the letters I and G and the number 11 6:00 Omnibus 50 (C) 6:30 Hiatory of Art (C) Lesson 7:op Orane• County Review (C) 7:30 As Min Bel\aves (C) "Control llng Human Behavior" 8:00 Focus Oninge County (C) "Grand Jury'' 8:30 Woman (C) (PBS) "Women and the Law" 9:00 Firing line (C) (PBS) FRIDAY: OCTOBER 19th (P.M.) 3:00 History of Art (C) (La Consorti- um) 3:30 Woman (C) (PBS) "Women and the Law" 4:00 Can1scolendas (C) (PBS) 4:30 E1ectric Company (C) (PBS) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) Fea· tured on today's show are the number 12 and the letters I< and I. 6:00 The Great Consumer Contest (C) (KABC) "Calling All Resources" 6:30 Zoom! (C) (PBS) 7:00 Ch1n•Ese Way (C) (PBS) 7:30 The Art of Bunraku (C) (PBS) 8:00 The Advoutes (C) (PBS) 9:00 folk/Rock 1970 {PBS) SATURDAY: OCTOBER 20th (P.M.) 3:00 History of Art (C) (La Consorti· um) 3:30 History of Art (C) (la Consorti· um) 4:00 History of Art (C) (La Consorti· um) 4:30 The Science and Art of Football (C) "Passing and Pass Receiv· Ing" 5:00 The llldl ComPostr (C) Special (PBS) 6:30 As Man Behaves (C) "Control· ling Human Behavior" 7:00 011n11 County Revltw (C) 7:30 Tiit Olt111n1 lrall (C) (PBS) 8:00 W1Shlniton Debates for the Sev· entlei (t) (PBS) • !:00 Masterpiece Thtatlt (C) (P8SJ "Clouds ol Witness" Page 13 SATURDAY Ultra Man (i7J CI) TIM lrady Kida • il"""owie: (C) "Fury of tllt Sabers" lO:OO I IJ ~ ~·~=und OCTOBER 20 adv) '64-Lex Bart.er. MORNING I Cosptl Slnitna Jubilee Kids for Christ Cine en SU Cua 6:00 00 SUnrise Sememr • Ci) @ l10l El:' Ph11l Panther 10:3019 Ci) Josie and the l'ussycab 6:30 SUnrise Semester Movie: HMptery Se1 1t11def' TV a C!1uroom mys) '4~enry Wiicoxon. Lera Rap i ~·1!.. to Bottom of Sea 7:00 ~Ci) TM Fllntstonts C11l (JJ al Mlulofl Malle . (j)@) m Llclsvflle i The Sctne • enneuee Tuaedo : Mister Ro11rs Nelpbortlood (i7J (3) Buis lunny ' • Sportscope '73 • Double feature: ''The Hippy 11:0019 (j) Emytllln(s Archie lens" (dra) '62-Rex Harrison, · @@ t10l m Baseball Wortd Rita Hayworth. "Tiie Stron1 Room" rttJ If a 6fh aame ls necessary, (dra) '61-0erren Nesbitt. NBC wlll air it at this time. II Brottler Buzz 0 (fij Cl) a> A I C S u p e r 1 t 1 r 7;30 II iJ tlj Bailey's Comets Movie: No Information available at . ~=:-:~::.~~:.,:..... ir~ :... . @ 00 Yoef'• G1n1 11:30 I ~ m NIA lesketball Atlanta o World of Wonder vs. Phoeiili. Elementary News i Tijuana: Window to the Soutfl eoum Musk Ad ub 1:00 I Scooby·Doo Movie: "Fr1nces Goes to tlle · 6 m The Add1ms flmily Races" (com) '51 -Donald O'Con· o n W1yne Tllutre nor, Piper Laurie. 6 Rocq_and Friends (i7J CI) Super Friends ilsion On 1'\FTfRNOON Movie: "Showdown at l oot Hiii" (wes) 'SS-Charles Bronson. 12;00 IJ Movie: "lit 'Eln H.we If' (1dv) ~Voice of Tokyo '35-Bruce Cabot, Virginia Bruce. ff:) Seume Str~et Cl) Movie: ''Two Guys From T111s" I ~rtKOf!. 73 (wes) '48 -Dennis Morgan, Jack 1:30 @ 00 ~ m Emercenq + 4 Carson, Dorothy Malone. Underdoa 8 (i7J Cl) (iE American 81nd1tand , Mo~e: "HIRh••Y D111net" (dra) • lrovlt: (C) "Relentless Four" 54-Richard Conte, Joan Bennett. (wes) '65-Adam West. a!) All-Pro Bre1kf1st Guest Sflow I Lancer 9:00 I! 00 Favorite Marti•ns : Mister Roaers' Nelfhborhood • (iJ ®I m Bvtth Cassld1 • CM"-2.ionJlllp Wrtstllna ovit: "The Min From Vester· 12:30 (ii) (1J tlE NCAA Foott»all Ten· 1" (dra) '42 -Charles Boyer, nessee vs. Allfiama. Claudette Colbert. 1· Sesame Sttttt I Samson 1:00 Soul Train (i7J CV lassie's Rescue R1n1ers Land of the Ciiants Cirtoon Camlvel Roller Games : Mister Ro1er1' Neiahborhood 1:30 Movie: "storm Rider'' (wes) '57 9:301100 Jeannie -Scott Brady, Mala Powers. · · @@) m Star Trek 0 Movie: (C) "Copper Canyon" Jo n!!l_ Ques1 (wes) '50 -Ray Miiiand, Hedy 01J (V Soober l Hit Gho Lamarr. uers 1· Mister Ror.rs• Nelfhbortlood m Movie: "Autumn La1ves" (rom) I F•nfama 1lcon '56-Joan Crawford, Cliff Robertson. 2:00 Cifl CJ) I sgs'fe Wllars the EJl) Sesame Street era Cffsls I ut? A special Page 14 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 14, 1973 pro1ram for ,ouna people on what's happenin1 to our fuel supplies. Re· porters le$1ie Stahl and Bernard Shaw explore current end future sources of •n•r&Y· D °" C.11pus 0 Days of Verdu10 Pat1dt Mll'th· ln1 bands, floats and equntrian units make up the 26th annual p1t- 1de in Glendale. Tape delay. I lntemlffon1I HoUf Sports Action Pro-File Co•blt Comedy Cl•ulcs Repeat of 11 :30AM movie. I @ ltkerlfleld CivJc Th11tr1 Stu•• Strtet Futbol·Sotcer Tr.vtlure 2:'° tJ 9 (I) CBS Children's F'llm fts· tiv•I O lntllmatlonal Zotie "Ravi Shan· kar and Yehudi Menuhin in Con· cert" The rehear5al and performance by the two famous musicians of • new "raga" specially composed by Shankar. I NFt G1me of the Week Futbol-So«•r Cl) Voice of Acriculture AarlcultuJe USA 3:00 ~ulture USA John Stearns is host for a look at meat prices and the consumer. ~ Wild Wiid West Movfe: "Tiie Wom1n In Green" ys) '45-Basil Rathbone. O Movie:· ''The Furies" (wes) '50 -Walter Huston, Barbara Stanwyck. ®) Sd·FI Thutre m Movie; (C) "Green Grus of Wy- omln(' (wes) '4S-Charles Coburn. Pe1i1._ Cumminas. (13 Firm Show Wrtstlin1 : Mb1er Roaers' Nel,tlbomood • U.S. N1vy 3:30 Dusty's Tmhouse • focus "Orthopedic Hospital" Seymour Presents The Vlr&fnl1n 00 9 Cl) Fiim F11ture · First Adventures In lmprovislna • Movie 4:00 Blenvenldos ~ Cl) Tiiis Weell In Pro Foot· ball O lmpacto "Reapportionment" Part fCo·hosts David Ochoa and Yolan· da Nava eomlne city reapportion· ment with Supervisor Ruben Ayala, San Bernardino county; 1ttorney Rudy Montejano of the Santa Ana area; and Richard Martinez, mem· ber of the Chicano Coalition for Fair Reapportionment. 6 Outer Umlb CelebritJ Bowtlna ~ Daniel Boone Fiim ftatvrt lburn lrotflers : Mr. Waud • Dr1m1 • • P1nor.m1 Latino · American 81ndlt1nd I Voice of Aariculture 4:30 Just N1tur.I Inquiry "Money Relief for Senior Citizens" Maury Green eumines thls Issue with Slate Senator George Moscone (D), the author of leaisla· tlon to prevent a reduction In Call· lornia senior citizen pensions and relief after Janu1ry 1, 1974. 0 PREMIERE Sports Chlllenet DlCk Enberg fs host as two panels of sports celebrities compete via their knowledge of all sports. High Chaparul Ci) ltT••··. Thief I It Pays to It lpor11t Pllt11u Contlnuada ITii Andenon Sllow Next lllllen Yun (R) ConlOI .... 5:00 IJ Anlmal World "Darwin's Mys· terious Islands" Bill Burrud narrates the story of the G!lapaaos Islands, Its animals and heritage which In· spired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. • Whlfs Qoln& On Plnbu1t.r1 ~wiour Preselttl (17) Cf) G) AIC's Wide World of rts @ NesJlvflle Music Ntw1 Movie: (C) "Tiie Loves of Car- men" (dra) '48 -Rita H1,worth, Glenn Ford. I The Persuaders (j) NFL Q1me of tilt w ... Roller Games 5:30 tJ Johnny Mann's stand Up end Ctleer The Letterm en ruest. I Ci)~ Ci) a (j) News UnbmedWotld Movie; (C) ''The List Hunt" (adv) '56 -Robert Taylor, Stewart Granier. I Porter W11oner Sllow Atdon Ctllcano (R) Speed Racer EVfNING 6:<1CJ D (]) fl) m News Hee Haw Tiii Real Don S1eel1 Shott ~t Gellery (l)N1tlen1I Qeo1f11phlt Jim"'J Dun Show : The Advocatls Ci) Anlm1I Wor1d · • Teitro del Sabldo TllrH Stoopa 6:30 Nen Sports Wlttt Bertta KNBC News Conference Twillpt Zone Reasoner Report $tar1ost (3) Top Ten lasuu 'llteau Contlnu1C11 Bobby &oldsboro Show Cl) Jonatfl1n Wlnten • C.pulin1 • Lissie Uttle ltlsuls 7:00 tJ Other reople, OU.er Plues Pe· ter Graves narrates. "Ghosts 1t the End of the Earth" A look at lemurs, a primate related lo man, whose numbers are shrinking and can only be found on the Island of Madaaas· car. i Wild Klnedom The Startost "And Only Man Is " Devon, Rachel and Garth en· counter a quaint, bucolic villaae that is deserted except for one youn1 girl, who Is physically unharmed but so traumatized by shock that she cannot talk. lowllnf for Ooll1n 6 Other hople, Other Places Newt • Raata Hliflll&fltl Qj (J) m Llwnnct Wei• SMw It Takes I Thief (J) Tiit RooklH (j) Wild World of Anlm1l1 Het Haw : Wlsem1n fltm Festini (R) e· e s, w ED Police Sur&ffn Younger, Jesse James and the olh· Ef) Speed lttcer ers of Cole's gang decide to rob the 7:30 6 Wild Wor1d ol Animals "Tracks 'biaaest bank west of the Mlsslsslp· &Trtces" Wllllam Conrad n1rrates pi' at Northfield, Minnesota. • tooh 11 man's attempts to track II Movie: (90) "I Was a Tten11e animals, a skill essentl1I to survival frinkensteln" (hor) '57-Whlt Bis· for earliest min. sell, Phyllis Coates. lwla "Dream Builder" 9:30 IJ 1291 Ci) Bob Newhart Show Mari· loxina From lite OfyMplc ette Hartley guests es Marilyn Dietz, m L1rs Maki a Deal I very attractive divorcee who's en· f6t New Datfna Game joying her newfound freedom to such The Lucy Show an extent that she creates a small 01.tll's Qlrts feud between Jerry and Howard (I) Ottltr hoplt , Otlltr Pla«s when she starts dating the two of Loco Y11dez them. lobby Q11daboro Show i Alfred H~lleock Preunts a> Tiit Ghoul Qan1 MlnoritJ Community 1:00 IJ Cifl (I) All In ui1 F1mlly Henry : 1111 CosbJ on Prejudice (R) jetrerson's st1tlon In lift Is takin& 10:00 IJ ~ Ci) Carol lurn1tt Show Ken a alant step upward and Archie Is Berry and Jack Weston guest. filled with mixed emotions about 0 @CV m Griff "Don't Call Us. the situation. We'll Call You" Grill and Mike work 0 ~ (I) dj a;, £ m t r It n e , desperately to learn the Identity of "Heavywelaht" Paramedics Gage and an unknown psychotic who Is ter- OeSoto are trapped between bat· rorizing their secretary Gracie New- tling neighbors and Or. Brackett combe. Joan Darlin& guests. tries to persuade a mother to keep I News her deformed baby : Mystery of Nefertiti (R) 0 superstars of Rodi David · Box de Mexico ~yton· Thomas, The Everly Brothers · • Chinese Vufety Hour and the Fifth Dimension star. Lou Gordon Show 0 @ (]) m The P•rtridl• F•m· lO:SO I Pepper Rod11n Sllow ily "Double Trouble'' Keith is tauaht 6 Dr. Irene Kauor1a 8 lesson when he invites two airls ' m EE News to the same party, Elaln_e Glftos, 10:40 EE J1pa.nese Lan1_p1e Proaram ~:1jry~95:tppclmoore 1nd Cindy Cas· ll:OO Mm OfJCI Hi.Q)@@ Newt a CA~Y GRANT'S ADVICE Utt.A Football Delayed broadcast * WALK DON'T RUNI o the UCLA/Washington aame. , . I Marshal Diflon 0 Million $ Movie: (C) (21/zlu) • Frilflt Nllfrt •1W11~ Don't Run" (com) '66-Cary Mission: l111pouiblt • Gran.1, samantha Euu. Jim Hutton. Rev. Leroy Jenkins m Movie: (C) (211r) "Tht Lovt1 of @ Movie: (C) "The lpuus eifmen" (dra) '48 -Rita HaYVtorth, le" (dra) '65 -Michael Caine. Glenn Ford. 1700 Club I Qiampionshlp Wrtstlln& : 111111 and Death of a Star (R) Double Shock Theatre (i) Movie: "Middle of the l'rtmler &hf' (dra) '59.-t<lm Novak. Ttalfo dtl Slbado m It Is Written Movie: (Zllr) ''One tor the look" 11:15 CV Movie: "Black Ciohl" (adv) '63 (com) '47 -Ron1ld Reagan, Eve -Phlllp Corey, Diane McBain. Arden. 11:30 IJ F1bulou1 521 (C) "Father Goose" 1:30 IJ Cit) (I) M•A•s•H Another to"id (com) '64-Cary Grant, Leslie Ca· love affair blossoms In the 4077th ron, Trevor Howard. compound but this time a displaced 0 90 Tonlaht Cleavon Little hosts. 5-year-old 1 l<orean boy Is the object Guests include Arte Johnson, Clau· of the affection u the war·hardened dine Longet and Ken Norton. combat suraeons fall over their Ci) Mov~: "Patterns" (dra) '5&- stethoscopes vying for his attention. Van Hell!"· Evere~ Sloan. Z Jimmy Dian Sllow D Movt1: (C) 'The Dute et the Tiii• Week In Pro roott>all fOp of the Stairs" (dra) '60-Robert @ CI) lE) The Six Miiiion Doi· Preston, Dorothy McGuire. 111 Min "Wine Womet and War" ~ Star Trek Steve Austin, 1° special aaent with , Movie: (C) "lu1t f~r Lift" (bio) superhuman abilities Is workina 6-Anthony Quinn, Kirk Ooualas. with the OSO (Office of Stratealc ID Movie: "~•r or Die" (dra) '60- 0peratlons) to discover the source Ernest Bora111ne. of a blackm1rtlet oper1tlon In nucle· @ CV Movie: "Queen of Broldwar' ar weapons. Britt Ekland, David Mc· (dra) _'42-Rochelle Hudson, Callum and Ear1 Holliman guest. I Cine.ma 34 fl) Pl1t11u Contlnu•d• MOV1e EI1) Black P1rform1rs 12:00 Movie: ''first Man Into Space" 9:00 IJ ti9J Ci) M•ry Trier Moore Show • ( ra) ·s~Mars,hall Thompson. ,, A pl\One call from his lone·lost fa. 12.30 CJ) M~vte. (C) 'S1va1e l~nocenls ther ho had abandoned hlm as a Bra) 59 -Anthony Quinn. • w 1:00 • News baby, throws unflappable anchor· Movie: "The Passionate Thier man Ted Suter Into an emotional (com) 'S2-Ben Gazzar•. Anna Maa· turmoil. nani 9 Cl) CLIFF ROBERTSON m Movie: "Stcurity 1tlsll" (dra) •54 * TONIGHT ON KERO· TV -John Ireland. Dorothy Malone •. D 9 Cl) dO) ~ NIC Slturd•J 1:2511 Movie: (C) "8tach 8111" (mus) Movfi! (Cf (2fir) 'Thi Gr11t Nor1h· 'SS-Edd Byrnes, Chrii Noel. fltld Minntsol.I ltalcl" (Wes) '72-1:30 m All·Nlaht Show: "Young llld Cliff Robert.son, Robert Duvall, Luke Danaerous," "Ride the Hl&h Iron," Askew, R. G. Armstrong. Faillng to "Action in Arabia" secure amnesty from the Senate of 2:40 O Movie: "Code of Scotl1nd Yud" the Missouri Leaislature, Cole (dra) '48-0scar Homolka. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. OCTOBER 14, 1973 ~~j{: ""~;,, ~'»··:%\f;,,:;"~ m L~~T Evening Movie s 6:00 6:30 a:oo 1:30 11:30 1:00 9:00 11130 6:30 1:00 1:30 9130 11:30 6:30 a:oo 1:30 9:00 11:30 6:30 a:OO 9:00 11:30 6:30 1:00 11:30 1:00 !1100 11100 11115 11:30 SUNDAY, OCTOBEll 14 5 (C) "N1mu, the Kiiier Wh•I•" (adv) '66-Robert Lanslna. 9 (C) "The 4·D Man" (scl·fll '59-Robert Lansina. Lee Meriwether. 11 (C) "Northwest ,.HUC_., (edv) '40---Spencer l recy. Robert Youna 9 (C) "Sliver Chalice" (dra) '55-Paul Newm•f'I. Vtratn•• M1yo. 7 l? 3 (C) "John and Mary" (rom) '69-Dustln Hoffman, Mt• Farrow. 4 ''The Mysterlans" (sc1·f•) '59--Kenll Sahara 7 iC> "The Olan $phiru1" (mys) '67-Anita Ekbera, Robert Taylor 11 1Callln1 Northslde 777" (mys) '47-James Stewart, Lee J. Cobb 13 (C) ''The llue L.aaoon'' (adv) '49-Jean Simmons, Donald Houston 17 3 "Glamorous Night" (dra) '37-Marv Eiits, Otto Kruaer. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 5 !Cl "Houu on Green•pRI• Road" (mys) '70--Janet Le11h 9 'Run Siient, Run Deep (dra) '58--Clark Gable, Burt Lancaster. 4 2J 6 (C) "With Six You Get Earoll" (com) '68-Doris Day, Brian Keith, 17 3 (C) "Where Love Has Gone" (dral '&*-Bette Devis, Mlchul Con· ners. 2 29 I (C.J "Made In ,.aria" (com) '66-Ann·Mareret, Loul& Jourdan 3 "Ramp•&•" (adv) '63-Robert Mitchum, Elsa Martlnelll. 5 "Bell of fire" (com) '42-Barbara Stanwyck. 7 "Woman of th• Town" (dra) '43-Clalre Trevor, Albert Dekker 9 "M•"Y" (dra) 'SS-Ernest Borgn1ne, Betsy Blair. 13 "T1naler'' (dra) '46-Marla Montez, Sabu, 17 3 "TI1underlnc Gunslln&•r'' (wes) '52-Buster Crabt>e. TUtsOAY, OCTOBER 16 7 ~Cl ''Coocan's Bluff" (dra) '68--Cllnt Eastwood, Lee J. Cobb. 5 (C> "HOUH on GrHnapple Road" (m ys) '70--Janet Lelah. 9 ''Twelve Anary Men" (dra) '57-Henry f"onda, Lee J Cobb. 7 17 3 (C) "Third Girt f'rom the Left" (dra) '73-Kim Novak, Tony Curtis Mlchael B1andon 2 29 I (C) "Viva Mu" (com) '69-Peter Ustinov, Jonathan Winte1s. 2 29 I (C) "P'enelope" (com) '66--Natalie Wood. Ian Bannen. 5 "Stella Dallas" (dra) '37-Barbata Stanwyck. Alan Hale. 9 "Bedtime for BonllO" (com) '51-Ronald Reaaen, Diana Lynn. 13 (C) "Kine of th• Wiid Stallions" (wes> '59'-Georae Montaomery WEONESOAY, OCTOBER 17 1 (C) "SeraHnt Rull.clge" Part I (dra) '69-Jefhey Huntet. 5 (C) "HouH on GreenapP.I• Road" (mys) '70--Janet Lelah. 9 (C) "Never Say Goodbye • (dra) '56-Rock Hudson, Cornell Borchers 7 11 3 (C) ''The Man Who Could Talk to Kids" (dra) '73-Peter Boyle, Scott Jacoby. 4 (C) "The Chapman Report" (dral '62 - Etrem Zlmbalist. Shelley Winters. 2 29 I (Cl "Crooks and Coronets" (com) '69-0ame Edit h Evins, Telly Sava las. 5 "Callfornl1" (adv) '46-Barbara Slanwyck. Ray Miiiand. U "Unchained" (dra) 'SS-Elroy H1rS'Ch, Barbara Hale. THURSDAY OCTOBER 18 1 (C) "5.,&Hnt l'tutl.clc•" Concl. (dra) '61-Jeffrey Hunter. 5 (C) "House on QrHna~ple Road" (mys) '70--Janet Lel&h. 9 <C) "Hoffman" (susp) 71-Peter Sellers, David Lodi•· 2 29 I (C) "Joy In the Morning" (dra) '65 -Richard Ch1mberla1n. Yvette Mlmleux. 2 29 I "Cattle Klnr' (wes) '63-Robert Taylor 5 "Double lndemnfty" (mys) '44-Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray. 9 (CJ "Seminole" (wesl '53-Rock Hudson, Barbara t'iale 13 ''Than There Were Three" (dra) '62-Ftenk Latimore. Alea Nicol. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 7 (Cl "Hell and Hlah Water" (dra) '54-Richard Widmark. 5 (C) "House on CfrMtlapple Road" (mys) '70--Janel l•illh1 9 (C) "The Man Who Haunted Hlmself" (susp) '71 -Roger Moore. 2 29 I (C) "Miniskirt Mob" (dra) '68-Diane McBain, Jeremy Slate 13 "Tomb of Torture" (dra) '65-Annie Albert. Mark ~arlan. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 9 ~C) "Walk. Don't Run" (com) '66-Cary Grant, Samantha Eggar. 11 C) ''T'he loves of Carmen" (dra) '48-Rlta Hayworth, Glenn f"ord. 4 2 6 10 (Cl ''The Grtat Northfield Minnesota Raid" (was) '72-Cliff Robertson, Robert Ouvall. 5 "I Was a Teenace Frankenstein" (hor) '57-Whll Blsselt. 2J 6 fCl ''Tha lpcress Fiie" (dra) '65-Michael Celne 29 I •Middle of th• N1"1t" (dra) '59-Klm Novak, Fredtlc March. 3 "Black Gold" (adv). '63-Philip Corey. Diane McBain. 2 (C) "father GooH ' (com> '64-Cary Grant, Leslie Caron. 7 (C) "The Dani at the Top of th• Stairs" (dra) '60--Robert Preston, Dorot hy McGuire. 13 ""•>' or DI•" (dra) '60--Ernest Bo11n1ne 17 3 "Queen of 8ro1dway" (dra> '42-Rochelle Hudson. Buster Crat>be. * * * CHRISTOPHER QLENN, CBS TlllD OF News Reporter, e..plalns the ef· fects the energy crisis has on tfte average home. Such mod· ern conveniences as an electric mixer, • waffle Iron, 1n electric coffee pot •nd a toaster require various forms of energy to op· erate. ''We use energy, heat en· •'IY In this c•se, to make toast. Or to boll W•ter," Glenn says In the CBS News special for sc:hool·•ge chlldren, 11Wh•t's the Entr&Y Crts1s All About?", a tlJ11elY examination of this problem, airing on CBS, Satur· day (Oct. 20) at 2PM. * * * CAR ,AYMlNTS? LEASE! OltDH YOURS NOW 1974 MODELS ALL MAKES CA1l OI UI •GEORGE J O I NER e DON C ROS BY Page 1!5 STEREO PRICES ROLLED BACK TO 1972! While they last -take advantage of these outstanding values atlantic is offering at pre-cl~valued 1972 prices. ·-------· -- Sony Model TC-16 1SD _.. ·- ...... ,1 ' ~ ~ z 0 u: 1 ceuette deck with Dolby. • (jb 6066 0 0 .-·Q 0 0 ~ 0 ~-~ Me;enn 2220 AM/FM stereo receiver conH rvetively r•ted et £C 0 u m. 40 w•th RMS. LIJ ~~.:;·~~-· ........................ ····················· . . ... s299t5 :;:;.:;Ice (I ... -~~>... .. ... . .. S269ts m c(· IE • ltlG. PltlCI Slst.ts .. c llOll•STDP CAR STEREO Sony TC-l O Delwae C•r l t•r•o Cu ,ette ~= . . . . :r-=- Pl•yer with continuous M•rentl 2270 AM/FM Stereo receiver •ccl•lmed es "the best" •utom•tic-reverse with 140 w•tt1 RMS. ........................ ...... s 149'5 :S1t:::·~~·-·~··-~ .. ~~~! ........................................ s54995 T C-353D Economy 3-Head STEREO TAPE DECK .... Price 524t.t5 .. •229ts Sony HST· 11 9 A A'-'/FM C•nette Receiver. Record directly from AM/FM or pluq in turnt•ble •nd record from records. :.-:;.:s"~~ . .. . ....... .. ............... s 14900 ~ Sony SQP-400 4-c:h•nnel systtm; FM Ou•drep~o11ic/Stereo, ftl FM/ AM Rt c:eiver; Record Pl•ver. 4 spHkers . ~ WHILE THEY l:.AST! :;:;.:S''~~ ......... ........... ........ ....................... '275°' ~ ~-------------------------------~ i '· n-•· T .• w .. TH. 1Z-6: QT. 10-5: SUN. 12-5: -445 I. 1nH, COSTA MISA ~ ftl .&: @PIONEER DKOSS c z ~ An American Cowboy Finds Open Hearts In Lonely Russia -. DAILY PILOT Sophia Loren In the Kitchen- "''My Pizza Is Me!" ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Special Cookbook: Man-Sized Barbecue For Football Fans sk Them Yourself W•nt to uk • 1'1!10118 person • que.tlon? Send the que1tlon on • po1lc.rd, to "Aak," F•mlty WHkly, 841 Le1dng1on A11e., Hew Yortc, N. Y. 10022. We'll P•Y SS tor publllhed queetlone. Sony, we c.n'I •Mw•r othert. FOR GEORGE HAMILTON How do you feel about all the trouble Burt Heyn~ olda got into during the folming of "The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing in Gila BendP-A. Peter•, ~Ala. · • The furor would never have happened in a big city. A FOR POSTMASTER GENERAL E. T. KLASSEN Does the U.S. Postal Service plan to eliminate residential mail service on Saturdays?-Mrs. Laurel Aldridge, Hobart, Ind. • No, but people are accusing us of it all the time. They may be confusing residential delivery with business delivery.. Many offices and office buildings are closed on Saturday and such 6nns have requested that we do not deliver mail to them on Saturday, so we do not. Residential mail service as well as delivery to businesses that desire it will continue on Saturday. FOR BARBARA EDEN Do you like your new role as a nightclub entertainer?-K. B., Green Bay, Wis. • WeJJ, yes, but. ... On TV I was protected by the char- acter I played. In njghtclubs you are vulnerable because you are yourself-you aren't playing a role. And your audi- ence is right there deciding 1f they like you or not. That's a terrific challenge. I had to get used to it-but I like it. FOR. DR. BILLY GRAHAM, evangelist I can't 6nd anything in the Bible that says suicide is wrong. Why are you against it?-Donald Davidson, Durham, N.C. • The Bible says Positively that CoJ has a plan for each of us. He alone knows when we have served~ur time. Inter- ference on our part is presumptuous. The uestion is not when do we reach the end of our rope, ut when do we reach the end of His rope. FOR. CLARENCE M. KELLY, director of tlie Federal Bureau of Inves«gation How are criminals named to the FBfs "Ten Most Wanted" list?-Mark w'aldlcirch, DePere, Wis. • In addition to current serious crime charges, l op Ten" fugitives usuaDy have a long history of violent criminal be- havior and are considered an acute menace to society. Be- fore it's published, the list gets its final personal approval from the director of the FBI. FOR GRAHAM KERR, "Tlie Galloping Gourmet" What's the mo$t luscious di,h you've ever prepared?- Susan Williams, Snnta Ana, Calif. • "'Eden Sur Croute." named in honor of Adam and Eve. I am convinced that the apple was not "the tempting fruit.w ( 1) Take one fresh banana and slice into four chunlcs. (2) Place one slice of whole wheat bread into a toaster until lightly browned. ( 3) Butter heavily and smash banana chunks over the oozing toast. ( 4 ) Sprinkle with freshly ground parsley and top with ground black Telicheri pepper- corns. (5) Now sink your teeth softly into i t. and lo, Adam (or Eve) beckonethl Cover Ptlolo by Heniy S1ndb1n1t small place lilce Cila Bend isn't used to having a film com- pany there, so everything got out of proportion with the excitement The man who lciJJed himself was obviously a depressed and very .unfortunate person. But the whole thing gave Hollywood a bad name, and actors a bad name. Being the star of the film, Burt was the obvious focal point. In my opinion be was not to blame. However, I think all the pub- licity will help sell the film . FOR. CHUCK CONNORS, actor What was the funny comment you made after Soviet leader Leonid l. Brezhnev hugged you and you lilted him off the ground in a friendJy embrace?-John Lang, Green Bay, Wu. •'The thought that went through my mind as I lifted Brezhnev in farewell was ''He's b ead oE state-I'm sur- rounded by security men-I MUST be careful." And after the hugging incident, a TV interviewer kidded me: "So you're a Card:eanying Communist, eh"? and I told him: "No, f m a Conununist-canying card." FOR SUSAN DEY, Laurie on "The Partridge Family" Was there any resentment on the set of ""The Partridge Family" when J>\vid Cassidy made it so big and the rest of you dido't?-.M. H., Battle Creek, Mich. • Yes, there was for a while. We resented the totem-Pole status. But mainly the resentment that was felt for a time was not because David had become an overnight superstar, but because he was so busy and so very much with it. That was greatl We all wanted that. I think it was a sign of ma- turity that we outgrew it. FOR. KAR.EN BL.ACK, actreu Would you rather be a leading lady or a character a~? -F. I., Visalia, Calif. · • 1 am a character actress. I always have been. ln the old days you got to be a character actress when you were 47 or something like that. To me, you are always a character. Even people my age have so many diJierent personalities: outgoing, vain, malicious, sweet-there are millions of ways to portray someooe. AU different. All characters. FOR DENNIS HOPPER There is a scene in "Kid Blue" in which you try to lcill a chicken, and whack away at it with an ax. Wu that for real? -R. G., Sarasota, Fla. • It sure wasl I told them before we started, "Cet me a really sbazp ax because I'm only going to do this once!" I guess they didn't listen to me. As a kid I wns raised on a farm and I had to kill an awful lot of chickens. J -don't enjoy eating chicken because I remember them as a dirty Jot. I keep smelling those chicken houses I had to clean. Octoti.r t•. m s /ianlfY ~ The Newspaper Magazine M<MtTON A\ANK. PNlldHl md ~ PATIHctC II. UNIKIY,.V.P.-Ad Dlr.etor Sid U,efeQ, Mamtlng Dir; Oermld a. Wroe, Eastern Mgt.; Rotleft 0. Giie*, Assoclete E.a1tern Mgr.; Joe Fnlllt, .If., Chicago Mgr.; fUdtard T. "'1tft. O.lrolt Mgr. LEONARD S. DAVIDOW, CMilnMn MORT PERSKY, V.P.-Edltor·ln-Chlef R.,noldl DodMn, Managing Editor Richard V•ldllt. Art Olrwetor Rout,n Aawew.,a, Women's Editor Mertt,n H-..n, Food Editor Hetttt Hlilftlltoft, Asst. Art Dlreotor l'UllllMUll "!1.ATIOtN: "ORAT D. CARNEY end LEE EWS. V.P.1 and Co-Director.; R H ......... u R Joan HenrtdtMn and Hat Lllftdoft,, A11oclate obert • -nott. ... gr.: CICMft J. Cfut9'1eft, E 0 , ...... Publl1her Service•:._ G. Annatrong, dltor.; ,__ lltter, Pk:ture1. Asal. lo Publilher. Contrib\ltlno Edltora: Peer J. 0.,...nMIMer, New1paper Services: "obert .....,, Promotion: Hollywood: Leny .........., Sport9. Catyt Iller, Merchandl1lng: Lout. LM8'a, f'ftOOUCTION : •lboume ZJppncll, Director: Olatrlbutlon. Richard WetMM, Mgr.:"~ ColllM. Malleup Headquartm: 841 Lexington Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022 e 1973 FAMILY WEEKLY, INC. All rlgf\ta teMrved. A ~IM ef De-C-lcMklM, lno. Edwlrd It, 0.-., M., Clt'-1 E..CUINe Ofl/c., ,..... Medic.,,.,, Ch•lrm.,, ol t"-Bo•rd "91-4 a. T,....., p~ ~to: CAMEL Poster-Ofer P.O. Box 9141, St Paul, Minnesota 55191 Please send me c.AK1. Posl!r' Sec(sl I endose fLOO (no stamps) and 2 emp1y CAKL REG.IAR pack an fer acft CAKL Poster Set cxdnd.· I certff that I am 21 )ll!'alS d aae or older. ~'---~----PhoneNo. __ The first thing I liked about Rus- sia was their word for "cowboy." The word is "cowboy," ex.cept that they usually say it more like ·•cowf-poy:· For a part-time cowboy o n Russian soil for the first time, that was a good start. My wife Norma-I caU her .. Big Red·'-and I had just arrived by boat in Nakodka. Nakodka is a port on the southeast tip of the USSR, not too far from Japan. We were about to travel across Russia to research a novel I had in mind about cowboys and Cos- sacks. I intended to put those two unique, tough brands of horsemen to- gether in terms of fiction. But I had to deal in te rms of truth-to pick up a handful of Russian earth and get the feel of it. And most important, to find out as best I could what the grass- roots Russian people were really like. So far, they were smili ng and happy at the sight of Big Red and me, par- ticularly since I was dressed in my usual cowboy hat, boots and leather jacket. At the train station we ma n- aged to order two cups of coffee, and the young waitress grinned all over. "Cowf-poy?" she asked. "Amerikan- sky?" I nodded and said in my fluent one word of Russian, "Dab." She gig- gled with infectious good humor as she left. Soon we were OD an elegant red- velvet-draped train OD our way north to Khabarovs k, the major city of East- ern Siberia, where we were to spend our first several days. The people on the train were a lmost overwhelmingly friendly. At dinner time we made our way to the dining car, where we were met by a small sea of smiling, nod- ding faces. One evening in Khabarovsk, we got into a line al a bakery to buy some sweet rolls. There were about 30 peo- ABOUT THE AUTHOR A native of Utah, Clalr Huffaker sur- vived years of writing and editing In New York before he decided that fietlon- wrltlng-and writing about the West, In partlcular-was his true love. He Is the author of many novels and more than 200publlshed short stories. Motion pic- tures from his novels or screenplays in- clude "The Deserter," "100 Rifles" and "Rio Conchos." The book Mr. Huffaker tells of re- searching In this article, "The Cowboy and The Cossack," was published by Trident Press In June ($7.95) and is soon to be a major motion picture. 4 • FAMILY WEEKLY, October 14, 11173 "The RUMl•ns were smfNng •nd hlippy at the tight of Big Red (mr w1fe Nonna) and me, partlcul•rtr alnce I w .. dl'HMCI In mr usu .. cowboy hat, boots and IHlher Jacket." An Ameriean Cowboy (and His Wife) Fi11d Ope11 Hearts 111 [A)Jlely R11ssia pie in front of us. A handsome young man near the front of the line turned and saw us. He came back to where we were and somehow made it clear in Russian, .. You are guests of ours here, and you should go to the front of the line." We t ried to refuse, but everyone agreed with him, nodding aod smiLing as he led the two embarrassed Ameri- cans to the head of the line. (It's hard to argue, I found, when all you can say is "Dah.") Uncomfortable, yet deeply moved, l pointed at the sweet rolls and held up two fingers to indi- cate two of them, then quickly dug into my pocket for some kopecks. The middle-aged man behind che counter put two sweet rolls into a bag and haMcd 11 to me. J tried to pay him- but he shook his head. So there we were at the hend of the line with free rolls, and nothing we could say. All I could do was what Big Red was already doing-smile. Smile and mean it from the hottom of my heart. As we started from the bak- ery, the people in the line not only smiled back, but, suddenly and spon- taneoullly, they applauded! By Clair Huffaker Author of "The Cowboy and The Cossack" Two days later, we walked far off into the rolling mountains surround- ing Khabarovsk, so I could pick up a handful of earth and see how it felt. Red thought it was silly, but I thought it was important. "Well, how does it feel?" she asked, "There Is a forest there called the Siberian Taiga. The Taiga, by Itself, ls bigger than the entire U.S." as we stood together on a high moun- tain slope. "About the same as back home in Utah." She smiled, shrugging her shoul- ders. "I could have told you thnt 1.200 miles ago." "I doubt it. Becnusc I'm very good at judging the feel of dirt." She looked at the mountains around us, with the sun about to set. "How good nre you at finding your way home?" "Terrific." I insist to this day that we were never lost when it got dark,.but it was nice to find a small farmhouse. The old man, his wife and their middlc- aged son knew instantly that we were Americans, and that we were some- how off the track. They gave us strong coffee and delicious pieces of meat. And then the father and his son led us back through the night to where we could finally sec the lights of Khabarovsk. Before we could thank them, they disappeared in the darkness. One evening, as Red and I were headed back to our hotel, we were ap- proached by n tall young man with a couple of friends who'd all had a few drinks. The young man said some- thing to us in a happy, good-natured way. We didn't understand, but we stopped to try a few words of con- versation, and a crowd soon gathered around us. Fountain pens nnd pieces of paper apl>'!ared. and it hccame np· p;irenl that they w:inted us to auto- graph on anything they had-match- books, pads of cigarettes, even photographs from their wallets. Red and J signed our names. l:111ghing nnd spenkin~ in English and fractured Russian. Cn111l1111r1l 011 f>"!I" 7 EACH TWO FOR ONLY 16.95 I' YOUR NAME "BRANDED" ON LEATHER PATCH FREE! . • RUGGED, PRACTICAL- REAL BLUE DENIM • ROOMY-PACKS IN ALL YOUR CARGO • CAMPY-AUTHENTIC .. JEANS" DETAILING • COMFY TO CARRY WITH ADJUSTABLE SHOULDER STRAP The Go·EveryWhere,Do·Everything Sidekick Tow A GYM BAG A BOOK BAG A BIKE BAG A HIKE BAG A SWAG BAG A TOWN BAG A TRAVEL BAG A PICNIC BAG A COUNTRY BAG A WEEKEND BAG A STADIUM BAG A SHOPPING BAG A NEVER-ANY-LAG BAG THAT NEVER QUITS " SPENCER GIFTS,1170 Spencer BldiJ. Atl•ntlc City, New .ieraey 09411 Here's a "today" tote that's so versatlle, so groovy & carefree ... it's bound to get carried away mo·re than any other. A awingalong jean-styled number made of heavy blue denim, the real thing. That's the one that • thrives on abuse, refuses to wear out! Spacious tote has plenty of room to stow all your stuff. Huge zippered center section ... plus a big outside compartment that looks pantastic, with authentic stitching, belt loops, 2 back pockets for quick-change and tuck-ins. 10"x13"x3Y2"-will hold your main cargo plua purse or wallet, personal things, lunch, portable radio, all the odds & ends ... and still have room for more! Has comfortable, fully adjustable carry strap. Just sling it over your shoulder-and you're off! THE BUSY BAG YOU'LL TAKE EVERYWHERE Your "everything" bag! Totes your books & supplies to school. Shops downtown: treks crosstown. Carries records & magazines to a friend's house. Takes your skates to the rink. Totes your gym gear. Goes weekending. loves get-togethers. Turns out at all sorts of fun-Ins and fun-outings from pajama. parties to picnics. A good sport-fun to swing along to athletic events. Easy to carry with you when you're bike riding, motorcycling, hiking, traveling by bus or train. In summer, a great beach-goer & pool pal. On vacations, a swag bag for souvenirs & new- found treasures. The thing to swing for everything! PERSONALIZED! IT'S YOUR BAG Truly a handy carry-all, "now" styled to click with the modern pace . , . and it lasts & lasls thru all the rough-&-tumble. And to make it yours alone, we'll even "brand" the traditional leather "patch" with the first name you specify! A fabulous buy at a mere $3.99 or two for just $6.95! MONEY ·BACK GUARANTEE ' MAIL NO RISK COUPON NOW' SPENCER GIFTS.87<' Spencer Bldg. At11nlic City, New Jersey 09•11 ---, Please rush me __ Denim Jean Tote(s) (P-77289) @ S3 99 each or two toles for only $6 95, plus 50¢ per order for postage & handling I understand that, 1f not completely delighted. I may return my order within tO days for prompt refund of purchase price. Please Personalize my Jean T ote(sl with First Name __________ _ First Name ---------- I enclose O Check or O Money Order for total. S -- (N.J. residents add 5% sales tax) Name --------------please print Address Coty ---------------- Stat..__ _____________ _ Zip -------------- -1973, Spencer Gifts, Inc L ----------------------~ MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OUR MOLYBDENUM VANADIUM KNIVES ARE unconditionally guaranteed to be your sharpest, toughest, longest, lasting knives. Designed to last FOREVER. Guar· anteed against manufacturer's defect, rusting, pitting, bending, staining. This will be the finest set of knives you've ever owned or return them and we will prompt- ly replace or refund your full purchase price, postage and handling excluded, no questions asked. AMERICAN CONSUMER, INC. Dept. VM·29 74f Main Slrfft Stamford, ConnKllcut 06904 Pleue rulh me the aet of 4 molybdenum steel knives @ $9.98. {Please edd $1.00 to partially cover postage and handling.) If I 1m not com· pletaly satisfied I m1y return them for money back. (No C.0 .0.'s). I enclose O check O money order for $-- Nam• AddrHS Apt. City State Zip 0 Specl1I Gift Offer-Save $1. Order 2 sets of knives for only $18.96. "The Gift of the Year." Add $~tage. Conn. ~Add S.... Tax AnAmerlean Cowboy Co11t/nu~d /rom page 4 Then the tall young man, who was wearing a white shirt, turned his back to me and made it clear he wanted me to boldly sign the back of rus shirt. As I finished, the laugh- ter and fun were stopped by a few snarled words in Russian. A husky young man stepped into the center of the crowd and angrily shoved the tall young man off-balance. His vicious tone of voice told us pretty much what he was say· ing. ''How dare you cheapen yourself by letting an Ameri- can write on your shirt!" There was a moment of hard silence as they faced each other. Suddenly, I got an idea. G rinning, I took off my jacket and handed the tall young man the pen. Then I swung my shoulder around so that he could sign his name on the back of my shirt, too. He ••A husky young man stepped Into the center of the crowd and angrily shoved the tall young man off-balance. Hit vlcloua tone of voice told ua pretty much what he waa aaylng. 'How dare you cheapen yourself by letting an American wri te on your ahlrt1' " laughed a nd signed my shirt. As the husky troublemaker stalked off, the relieved crowd started to talk and laugh again. But it had been a spooky few seconds. It came time to leave Kha- barovsk. Red and I bad brought a number of bolo ties and other American lrinkets with us. We gave one, a black Apache tear, to the head wait- ress who had watched over us like a tnotffcr hen. She was almost overcome by the small gift. We always gave ~arves or small pieces of jewelry when leaving the friends that we made. And our Russian friends_ would always give us something, no matter how small it might. be, or how dis- tressed they were not to have more. A tiny Rask of perfume for Red, a pack of cigarettes or a postcard for me. Compared with the elegant train that had brought us from Nakodka, the Trans-Siberian Express that was to take us some 7 ,000 miles to Moscow looked like a catlle car. O ur small, dingy companment was shared with another couple, an elderly Russian man and wi(e who were at first terrified of me aad the way I dressed. Later, when we became friends, it turned out that they, like most Russians, knew about "cowf-poys" from Am erican Western films, and they were concerned that I might be a ''bad guy" instead of a "good guy." To give an idea of the vast- ness of that huge country we were crossing, there is a forest there called the Siberian Taiga. The Taiga, by itself, is bigger than the entire U.S. And the silences are equally huge. One night in Siberia the train stopped for some reawn and Red and I were standing at a window looking off at an endless dark plain leading to the far-off immensity of star- studded sky. We could hear each other breathing. But there was another sound that 1 couldn't quite place. Finally I realized it was the sound of the burning tip of my cigar- ette. In our final stop, Leningrad, a four-year-old boy named Ivan fell io love with my cow- boy hat in the elevator at the Hotel Europa. This led to our meeting his handsome young puents, Igor and lrcnia. Igor spoke workable, self-taught Engli h. and. they wound up showing us their city. On our last night in Lenin- grad, Igor nnd lre nin took us to dinner at a small family-run restaurant on the bank of the Niva River. Three big Russian men deep in their cups stag- gered over to sit, uninvited, nt our Cable and pfy us with loud, suspicious questions about America. T hey weren't really too bnd, but they were noisy and out of line. More and more embar· FAMILY WEEKLY. October 14. 11173 a 1 rassed and confused, Igor tried to translate back and forth. But they felt that the louder they spoke, the more we would understand. And finally 1 leaned toward lhem and in u low, but very tough cowboy voice recited Lewis Carroll's nonsense poem "Jabber- wocky." When I bellowecJ out the last rumbling line-"And the momeraths outgrabe!"- they didn't want to push their luck any more. They got up and left. Two young Russian couples were sitting at a nearby table. Witrun a few minutes, they left, too. But one of the young men passed by our table and silently put a note in front of me that was written on a paper napkin. It read, exactly, "Ex- cuse those three man for their behavior. Don't think that all Russian man are as those man. Don't mind it. Aod excuse al- so us. Goodbye." That night Igor and Jrenia took us to their small apart- ment. and they insisted on giving us two precious paint- ings of Jrenia's that we had admired. Big Red gave Jrenia her last necklace from around her neck. And I gave Igor my cowboy belt aod buckle, so that my pants would be in danger off ailing down all the way back to America. We all Russian-hugged each other, and Jgor s:iid, "Did you like your t rip away from home?'' I gave him an American bone-crunching hug and said, "We never left home." urJ . Are you washing your face like a six year old? Soap and water was all you neede.d when you were a kid. But you 're not a kid anymore. That's why you need DuBarry s Penetrating Cleanser. DuBarry 's Fmerrating Cleanser is a soft, creamy lotion that thor-.--- while it 's cleaning it. So, when you rinse it off with water (or tissue it off), your face is dewy , clean. Not greasy. Or oily. ~ lust plain clean and creamy-soft . And, theres some· thing else that's very important- Penetrating Cleanser oughly cleans your face. Not just' super- ficial milk bathed, but thoroughly clean. (That's why we call it Penetrating Cleanser.) , . , is hypo-allergenic. ~ DuBarry's And, at the same time, it also moisturizes your skin n. D /f .' Penetrating Cleanser. lJllD , / Because washing your p ENETRATINQ iJJ f ac.e. like an adult ci.£AHSER . he ,.~ is t way to keep ""'° ... ,..,,. ~ your f ac.e. looking like a kid's. ·~ Penetrating Cleanser Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette ·smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ' ' : Speetrum/7:J ,6jpt>rts )ifh1i-Pn>flle , FRANCO HARRIS: Pittsburgh Hu• New Hero "Franco's Army" doesn't carry guns or fight wars. It Is an army of Pitts- burgh football fans who pro- claim their rabid worship of Franco Harris, star running back who last winter sparked the Steelers to their first pro football championship In their 40-ysar history. Harris won Rookie of the Year honors In the AFC by ruahtng over 100 yud9 in alx conaecutlve games to tie a league record. He also grabbed • deflected C9fhe Diet \\8feh Mini-Exercises That Melt Off Pounds Most people gain weight gradually, by taking in 100 to 200 calories a day more than they should-that is, more .than they exercise off. Dr. Frederick Stare, professor of nutrition at Harvard, points out that any little pa11 to race for a winning touch· down In the last five seconds of the division conference championship game against Oakland .... Franco Is one of nine children born to a black GI who landed on the Anzio beach- head in Italy during World War II and married an Italian war bride. A pow- erful 230-pounder, Franco was a tower of backfield strength both in high school play and for Penn State, the No. 1 Eastern college football team. The Steelers made him their No. 1 draft choice, and converted him to a runner .... The owner of an Italian-American bakery organized Steeler fans into "Franco'• Italian Anny." The "Anny" wore helmet liners, waved Italian flags and made Frank Sinatra an honorary general. Soon, all other ethnic groups were clamoring to join the "Army" (Irish fans referred to the local hero· aa. "Frank O'Harris"). -By Barry Abramson extra exercise beyond our normal everyday actlvllie1 can knock off those 100 to 200 calories and keep weight from accumulating. But how to find time for that "extra" exer- cise? One excellent way is to get up and jog occasionally during TV commercials, for a Ion of 15 cal· orie1 a minute. Or Invest in a jump rope and do the same thing. Get into the habit of walking briskly up a flight of stairs instead of taking an elevator. If ~u own any exercise equipment, use it while you're doing something else. One woman keeps her exercise bicycle In front of the TV set. Riding It, she loses about 150 calories during a half-hour show she Is watching. Wherever you go, walk fa~t. A fast half-hour's walk uses up 60 more calories than walk- ing at a leisurely pace. -By Harriet La Barre I C9fhe Doefor Lets \Ou In Venereal Disease: Don't Ignore It! Many people think venereal disease is something that should be stifled or ignored, like a burp. Despite the success of penicillin and other drugs In curing gonorrhea and syphlll1, both have again become epidemic. Millions of dollars are needed for research that would develop a gonorrheal blood test and a vaccine for bo'th syphilis and gonorrhea. And people need to realize that venereal disease is not a punishment but a cold, hard fact, just like any other illness .... Sex Is coincidental to venereal diseases: the same germs can be transmitted non-sexually. If you have a sore or discharge or itch- ing on your genital parts, see a doc- tor at once. These diseases never go away by themselves. And remember, the only way you can betray some- one you've loved is by not helping them get proper medical care. Otherwise, the disease will surely get ba~k to you in time. It's a prob- lem all must work against. -By John J. Secondl, M.D. FAMILY WEEKL v. Oclober 14, 1973 •• We'll take it off your hands. (; I I t~ '//' ~:;f, • ..ow;;/' ,,. .... /', ~ . lfl',(/ No matter what your hands get into, BORAxo• Powdered Hand Soap will help you come clean. After all, BORAXO is the largest selling, m ost widely used industrial hand cleaner. BORAXO Powdered Hand Soap with its deep-cleaning grime fighters have been helping industry clean up for over 70 years. And with BORAxo•creme - Hand Cleaner you can wash up without water anywhere. Come clean with BORAXO The deaners the pros use. THE MOST AMAZING AND SUCCESSFUL BODY SHAPER EVER CREATED Millie and Jim write to tell us ... CASE #1221 -CASE #2994 ''\Ou Better Believe lt! ... MILLIE and JIM · lost 13~4 inches off their waistlines_514 inches off their lliPJiries ... 26 DQllllds of excess wejgllt ... ana shaped up ... injust 14 daY-s t" ONE 5 MINUTE EXERCISE , lWICE DAILY, LYING ON THEIR BACKS, WITHOUT GIVING UP THE FOODS THEY LOVE -DID /Tl Y1//1e when she s11111ed the olan. BEFORE JUNt 14 ONLY 7DAYS IATER IUN£21 Wmt21~ Weight tU Rips .3'14 Only 7 Days Lara' -Slimmed. feels 1001(, bellef. t4DAYS LATER JUNE 28 WU.I l'N Wetght lU Rips .3'V, M1lfle 14 Days Leier -Reshaped, feborn. WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Me&coJ Doc10111, Chlroproc10111, Os1eopolh1. Alhletlc Coache• •.• ogree 111 che mo1t 1uccen· ful WolatJ/ne·WelJht Reducer ond ShopJn1 Up Pion ever lnnnted I "Doctors have •lways known. exercise done while lying on Ille bllclt vlnoally eliminates 11111lm while 1llmm1n& •nd reshaping lhe body. Youn h Ille finest Body Shaper Program on the martet." RICHARD TYLER, D.C. "Beau loUlna and wortJna out ln IVJlll -IJld much safer. I lost 4'h Inches oil my waJ11 Ln 14 days " -llM HANLEY, lamou1 atb.lettc coedl. "Mlraculousl Wel&hs less 11\an 1 pound, It almple to use and beats worlttna out In a gym wllh 31> dJI· ferent exercftersl" -TOM MINOCHELLO. faJDOllf IYlll owner. "hsed on IOllnd phytlolCllkal ind medical kJIGWI. odge. It bums fal and sl\apet the body without straJn to the heart °' 01ber Ofl&ns. I lost 12 I.bl. of excess welghl llttng It." Olt. ANITA D, SANTANCEW, Chlropracllc Orthopedics WHAT COMES OFF IN 14 DAYS?_ .J/\ Millie, age 69, and son Jim, age 50, saw and felt amazing results in just 3 days ... "5" Minute Body Shaper Plan in the privacy of their home while watching TV -Did It/ lndlviduel mu111 very, bul durtna an"IVef1111 14-<lay period you can expec:I to lote up to 4 lnches from your wal11llne and up to 10 p0ullds from your present weight. It st?engthent your hean and lunp, lncrusa 11emlna and endurance. Improves your dJ&esllve lunctton and seneral beallll. 11 lllo sh1pes you up -lrom he.cl to toes. For a "$ .. Minute Exerciser -u sure does a lot. •EXPOSING Em>llTLESS EXEllCISEaS Roeder·s Dlgetl ISept., 19711, N-York Times and Good Houseteeplng, amens othen. U1IOMd sauna wraps, Lnfiated belts, wel&hted beltt and eflortless exarctten 11 muds. sctentlllc rellftCll· ers. medlCll a.nd flt-expens ell 11191 ••• there Is only one way to firm, shape 1nd trim up your body ... '" •• wwt till lllCMI om ' Jimmy IS he looked when he stifled BEfORI JUNt 12 Waist .. 44 Weight 211 Hips .4$1f. JOO Woidcr, tllneu expert and tr111ne1 ol cham· ptons since 1936 savs, "Ctve "'" s mlute11 twtce 411ly IOf Oftlt 7 uyw ''"' yow·u IOlle •P 10 l lllCMI l11M11 '"' w.lslllM, 1111 to I pound• of uw1nled welJhl. •nd 'lll•pe •P' -or I wlll retarn every penny:· LET'S FACE THE FACTS WHY YOU'RE OUT OF SHAPE You ear lhc wrong comb1na11on of foods. you do 11nr ACI r.nou11h oxctc1)e 10 thorou11hly wort your musculM, melabollc and rosptrato~ svsrcms dBi· ty llt."tausc or lhl~. lar 11ccumulftlcs around your wolsrllnc. heart and 01her body 0111ans. slowing you down. 11111113 your body alld dcs1roylng vour 11llnll1y, virility and vouth. Thero 1$ only one way 10 flnn up and shape up· rha1 IS 1hrougJ1 proper 1••crcisc 1md proper nulrillon. r.llor11ess exer- ctseno. rcducinR pills. sauna shorrs. welgh1ed bells. dangerous Rnd 1>n1oful dlcls and olhcr gimmicks c1rs111ne<1 10 o111pcal 10 your lnzlneu will nol work • md hove brcn C1'Po)ed by Ille medical profession u~ frauds, lncllecllvc and In some c;ascs danger. nus Tiley can only rcduoc your packclboo~ r11cc 1111 lo II II you wanl In sliJn down, firm 11nc1 sho)lll up, vuu must worll. o!f 1hc Inches, nnd thcrr, Is no salcr. lnler and more cnJoyablo way P•1t111 Pend1110 0 Copy119ht Jot Wt•der, 1973 Onlv 7 DI Y$ u tet Am111ng Results - pot elmoJI gone ONLY 7DAYS LATER JUNE 19 WaJst •Ya Welaht 1111 Hips .U\la 21 DAYS LATER JULY 3 Waist •. SI Waight lit Hips .41 .... Alte1 21 D1ys -Slimmed, resh11~. looking rouflfl(tt. 1ee11ng better. Because you m1y have been fooleel In the put by "Effortless berdtert," we &n1 If~ you out ao- nonsensie free Trtal oner a lhown In tbe CXIQpOn below. We w1nt to prove to you -at our rttt - what tll.IJ couple, an4 lbousandl of othen, haw accompllthed, You can 1001 Safely .•• comrortallly .•. tn tbe privacy of your own home. Proven results are already verified by the thou· S1nds. The 11uar1n1ee ts In wrtttna. Now, can you rhlnt of a reason for not ordertng VOUt "S" Mlnu11 Tolal Body Shaper and start looting and leellna lllce a mllllon ... In fosl 3 days? '&)'MINUTE BODY SHAPER We Care About The Shape You're In-Don't You# ~-----n---------------HOW OOESTIOSINCENK>US lfREE TRIAL :~:peo~wp~.;\juat 14 Daya! ---., 10 do It lhlln With {.\I{ pele.nted, INIV tal!K111ou "5 .. Mlnure Boely Sl'laper Flin. ~~~~~ &'r:N SUM, f1RM ANli I OFFER!! lls miraculous sllmmlna action 11 i.led on dollll I #It ._...t • C :•t~ •I one simple "5" Minute C:Ontlnuout ll!Vftun CD-I ..., ._. -Ofhrl ordlnalod exercise, lying on your blcltl n.t'• d ..... It Oft'•" -_. • -~ .................. ,.... yoa dol Tha1·s all your body neodJ 10 Mlp mate I .. ._..,..,.... ... up lor 11\e lack of actlvlly II doesn"t llt mo&I of ..._._•Ml 100~ lhe day. The acllon Is deslgneel 10 supply your I ,.._.I,.,_ rawlts ar• wals111no and hlplln11 fwh11ro fit ac.cumlllales alrlHy -med. TIM 1urant" quickest. "IVI"" your body a 11•"""'• wealt end I it f11 writin1. """1 can'°" " '"' ......., llllnl of a •ta-or Mt distorted loott wllh lhe acllvlly It needs to t llm I orderlna JGllf "S·Minut• Talll you and keep you sllm II also bums oll excess l!ledJ SIUll'lf?" 1111 fAST by speedlllJI up your metalloll•m and re- sptra1ory svs1em, usinR up slored calories. carflo. I COMPLETE KIT hydra1es anO falS 11nd relenslng excess water, I ONLY Sl.95 rhereby shapinll and firming up your tolaJ bodyl JOSEPH WEIDER om.DC -J· Traine, ol Cllamo1ons w1lh Ow11 2 750000 Successlul Studams "5" MINUTE BODY SHAPER PUN 21100 fltWIN STltEET, WOODLAND HILU, CA. 11364 I want to Sl\ajle Up fastl ,.,_ It to Mt al ,.,,r -rhl that lt1 in1 3 dt~ I CM see ltul f .. I sli111111ln1 iuulbl lt111ll lllt ,...., ln1111lollt "5" Minwto 8ody Sita"' Md $111111111111 C..ne llltt 4-It -111 .C.111 ""'"'· 0 I ...cllM $9.95 fOf tM abew, Ill• .SI 00 fw slllPf'lll ~ .... dllns, o SAvtl Order TWO f« •Ir $17.95, phn $1,00 fw sJ11"'1na •lld 11a11dt111c. ( ... C.0 .0."1 oi .. se.) Endosed 11 0 tMck 0t 0 _., ~ er O Clftll lat $ Call!. residents ldd 6% 11les lax. N1mt . AQt • 11 ·s safer lhan slrenuous gym workouls, beats I the 11me consumpllon and da11gers of gym work· nuts. or any 01her vtgorollt spon. ~ Addreu . • • • . .. , The unll weighs aboul 16 OllllC8$ and Ills any C•ly • .. -• · · · · · ·.. . . . . ............ . wallel·Slte CllSC. You can carrv It wllh you and ••'911• .lvat Slate . . • • , •••••.• , .............••.•...... Z•P •. , . . . . . . . • . . I u~c It -any II me -wherever I hare's floor space '' 01• (Plt1H Pfint cl•ul~) lor your body. Ev~n whllo walchlng"'televlalon. I ______ ,....,.. __ - _ -..,. ---_ ..,.._ --~ _ _ I IN CANADA· "S'' Minute llOCll/ :maper nan. 2'75 Nies l084, Montreal. 0u• llMt , ... "'' ...__,,..,... ..., ___ _.. ,_ ....... llWttt.al ,,... __ et,.. ................ c ~ 0 " &. <J ~ 0 !"" c : ;:; • ::!! • • " .. c 0 • " • ~ c !! • 1 0.. October is kickoff month for that great American pastime: Football! After the game, why not invite the crowd over for this zesty, flavor-packed Barbecue Buffet? Aft1er the Ganie: A Man-Tailored Barbee11e (\\'ifh ( ,hk-ke11. I libs nncl l~nns!) In form•tlon for HSY enfoym.nt: B•rbecued Chicken and Rib• Hickory, TexH Ranch Beans, pewter tankards of cold beer, •nd Or•nge-Cherry Booster for the young ML ' By MarU)'ll Haase• Food FAlltor MARILYN'S MENU Hot Chedd•r-C~se B•ll• • Light 'n' Oniony Dip with Vegetables• Smoked Salted Almonds Stuffed Green Olives Assorted Beverages Barbecued Chicken Hickory• Barbecued Ribs Hickory• Barbecued Beef-on-a-Bun• Double-Triple Hickory Barbecue Sauce• Texas Ranch Beans• Creamy Cabbage-and-Apple Slaw• Buttermilk Sesame Pan Rolls• Beer Orange-Cherry Booster• Marshmallow Swirl Fudge Cake* MolaSM• Pecan Pie* Bowl of Fresh Autumn Fruit Coffee "'Recipe given Tea Miik DOUBLE-TRIPLE HICKORY BARBECUE SAUCE (For spareribs, chicken and barbecued beef) 14 cup butter, margarine or vegetable oil ~ cup finely chopped onion 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 c•n (1 lb. 12 ozs.) tomatoes, broken up 1 can (6 oz.a.) tomato paste 1 cup water y, cup cider vinegar \.'.i cup ketchup y, cup dark molaHes 1:-lablespoon chill powder 1 tablespoon hickory-smoked salt \.'.i teaspoon charcoal se.soning, optional 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 \.'.i teaspoons Worcestershire sauce v, teaspoon ground black pepper 1 bay leaf 3 drops hot-pepper sauce 1. Jn large saucepan heat butter until bot. Add onion and garlic, Jnd saute 5 minutes, s1irring occasionally. 2. S1ir in remaining ingredients . 3. Bring mixture to boil. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered 30 minutes. Stir occasion- ally. Strain. 4. If not using immediately, store sauce in covered jar in rel rigcrator. It will keep well for:! or 3 weeks. Makrs about 4 c11ps Make-ahead note : Sauce may be frozen. Cont""'"'' FAMILY WEEKLY. October 14, 1973 • 11 "°'" io Bal'heene Cl1i(~ke11-And Ribs, Tt)O BARBECUED CHICKEN HICKORY 12-11 drumsticks (2~-S Iba.) 2 e.blespoona butter or m•rg•rtne, melted Double-Triple Hickory BM'becueS•~ To broil chicken: 1. Preheat broiler if necessary. Place drumsticks in shaUow foil-lined pan, brush with butter. 2. Place drumsticks 5 ioches below source of beat. For gas range, set 1bermostat at 450°F.; leave door slightly open. Broil for 20-25 minutes. For elecLric range, broil 20-25 minutes. 3. Tum drumsticks; broil 15- 20 minutes. Brush with barbe· cue sauce; broil 5 minutes; turn and brush again. Contin- ue broiling about 5 minutes, or until chicken is browned. 1'o grill claicken: 1. Preheat grill or prepare and light charcoal grill. Brush drumsticks with melted butter. 2. Place drumsticks on grill 5 inches above source of heat. Grill for 20-25 minutes. Tum drumsticks: grill t 5-20 min- utes. Brush with barbecue suucc; grill 5 minutes; tum and brush again. Continue grill ing about 5 minutes, or until chicken is browned. Makes 6-8 servings, 2 drumsticks per serving BARBECUED RIBS HICKORY 41h-5 lbs. sp•rerlb• (1h-~ lb. . per per90n) Double-Triple Hickory a.,becue Stuce To roost spareribs: 1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Place spareribs in shallow foil- lined pan. 2. Roast spareribs 30 minutes. Pour off excess drippings. Re- duce temperature to 350°F. and continue roasting 45 min- utes. 3. Brush spareribs with i.auce 12 • FAMILY WEEKLY. October 14, 1973 and roast 10-15 minutes, or until browned. Cut into strips to serve. Tq grill spareribs: 1. Preheat grill or prepare and light charcoal grill. Cut most of excess fat ofI the ribs. 2. Place ribs on grill about 5 inches from source of beat and grill slowly for about 45 minutes. basting ribs with lightly sailed water and tum· ing frequently. 3. Brush with sauce and grill slowly 20-30 minutes longer, until glaz.ed and tender. (This method keeps the sauce from burning excessively. It also al- lows more smoke flavor to penetrate through the ribs.) 4. Heat Double-Triple Hick- ory Barbecue Sauce and serve as a dip for ribs. Makes6-8 servings TEXAS RANCH BEANS 1 ¥J cups dried pink or pf nto be•n• 5 cupsw•ter s.tt 2 a.blespoona butter, marg•rtne ot vegehlble oil ~ cup chopped onion ¥J cup diced green pepper 2 cloves gartlc, CtUshed 2 cane (I-oz. a.In) tOCMIO NUce 1 ~n (8 ou.) tomatoes •nd ,.,..,.fto pepper 2 teupoona chlll powder ~ teupoon around blllCk pepper 1 teHpoon Worcestershire .. uce 1" cup d•rk molnses 1 can (12 on.) whole kernel com, drained 1 ~n (1 lb.) chfck-p .. s, dr•lned 2 C.-(I OIL) culled Monterer JllCk c:he ... 1. Wash and sort beans. Place in 3-qt. saucepan with 3 cups water. Bring to boiJing; cover and remove from beat. Let stand 1 hour. 2. Add remaining 2 cups water to beans. Bring to boil; reduce beat. Simmer covered 30 min- utes. Add I teaspoon salt; simmer covered 30 minutes, A quartet of .,.tlnn: UOht 'n' Oftionr Dip wfth V.....,._, Hot Chedd•r·CheeM Bells, Stuffed Green OUvee •nd Smoked Salt.cl Almonds. until just tender, drain. 3. Meanwhile, prepare sauce: In medium skillet, in hot but- ter, saut~ onion, green pepper and garlic 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 4. Add tomato sauce, toma- toes and jalapeno pepper, chili powder, l teaspoon salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and molasses. Bring mixture to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes. 5. In 3-qL casserole place beans, com and chick-peas. Add sauce and mix well. (May be made ahead up to thls point: cover and refrigerate.) 6. When ready to bake, pre~ heat oven to 350°F. Bake cov- ered for I hour, or until bub- bly throughout. Remove cover and stir in cheese. Serve im- mediately. Makes 6-8 servillgs ORANGE-CHERRY BOOSTER 1 ~n ((I on.) sunshine or•nge H .. •H•n punch, chilled 2 a.blespoons M•r•.chlno cherry lulce 2 ens (12-oL size) ginger •le, cflllled le.cubes M•r•.chlno cherries for e-mlsh 1. In large pitcher, combine punch and cherry juice. Slow- ly stir in ginger ale. 2. Fill I 0-oz. glasses with ice cubes. FiU with punch. Gar- nish each glass with a Mara- schino cherry. Makes about 2~ qlS., or 8 ( 10 ou.) servings LIGHT 'N' ONIONY DIP WITH VEGETABLES 1 lb. (2 cups) tightly creemed cotUge cflMM V4 cup skim mllk 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 1 tablespoon e»Non powder 2 enwelopes lntlartt vegee.ble bouillon Aaorted vevet•bla: celery, c.rrot, cucumber, end green-pepper attcks, c.ull· llowenb, redlahee end mu9hrooms 1. lo electric blender contain- er, or wit~lectric mixer in medium I, beat cottage cheese, skim · k, lemon juice and onion powder until smooth. 2. Add instant vegetable bouil- lon, blend 30 seconds longer. Refrigerate covered, if not serving immediately. 3. Spoon inlo auractive serv- ing bowl. Surround with vege- table selection of your choice. Makes 2 cups dip, 6-8 servings HOT CHEDDAR- CHEESE BALLS c t.bfelPOOM butter or rMrG•rine ~ cup unsifted ell-purpoM ti out 1 ~shredded .... rp Cheddarc:heeM 1h te•spoon dry mu.a.rd ~ teespoon .. n 1. ln medium bowl work all ingredients together with fin- gers uotil mixture is well- blended and no patches of cheese show. Knead mixture with hands until it is a smooth, even dough. 2. Pinch oll small portions of dough and roll ioto 1-inch- round balls. Place oo uo- grcased bakiog sheets. 3. Preheat oven to 400°F. and Con1in11ed on page J 4 From Marilyn'• Deak: "A H•ndy New Book OnWlnee" ''A great little pocket-size book oo wines has recently come to my attention," says Marilyn. "The book is called 'Wines,' wriueo and illustrated by Henri Flucbere. [Golden Press, Sl .95]. It is an excel- lent, colorful book that will be of invaluable help to those in· terested in learning bow to buy, store and serve wines, as well as matching wines with food." : 0 JI:. j • !! iii ... S> • 0 0 JI:. A. por am am.· (It's the 15-minute stuffing mix you make in a pan) Now all you need to make areat stuffing is a pan, fifteen minutes, and Kellogg's Stuf Stuffing Mix. Which means now your stuffin' lovin' family can have stuff- ing any day of the week, any week of the year, with any kind of meal. Two flavors to go with everything. Try Kellogg's Stuf ... with w}J.atever you 're cooking up this week. I , • (•.ftftl( RAAIL -.,, ,,.~"'~ Co111ioued Tasty Rolls \Ou Make with BuUerlllilk bake 20-25 nunutes, until light golden brown.• Makes about 20 balls •Make-ahead note: You may make Cheddar-Cheese Balls ahead, refrigerate them and bake just before servi ng. They may also be frozen and baked just before serving for 25-30 minutes. Do not thaw. Whipping gives Miracle Brand Margarine six sticks instead of four. So a pound produces 36 extra pats. Whipping means smoother. easier spreading, too. And whipping sacrifices none of that good, fres Kraft margarine flavor. With all these advan- tages, you'd think all margarines would be whipped, wouldn't you? They aren't.~ _ .. -~ BUTTERMILK SESAME PAN ROLLS 5~ .e~ cups unsifted en- purpue "°"' or enriched unbl•eched whl .. flour 3 teblelpOOM euger 2~ teapoons salt lil teapoon bekJng eode 1 pkg. ectJYe dry , .... , 1 cup buttermilk 1 c..,weter ~ c.., mergartne or butter 1999JC)lk 2 table9P00"8 weter a t8blnpoons....,... ...- 1. lo large bowl, ma 2 cups flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and undissolved active dry yeast. 2. Combine buttermilk, water and margarine in a saucepan. Heat over low heat Until liq- uids are very warm (120"- 1300 F.). Margarine does not need to melt. Milk wiU appear curdled. 3. Gradually add to dry in- gredients and beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occa- sionally. Add 1 cup flour, or enough to make a thick batter. Be8t at high speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in enough additional ftour to make a soft dough. You will want to use your own well- scrubbed bands here to work in the ftour. 4. Tum out dough onto light- ly floured board. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 8- 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover; Jet rise in warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. 5. Punch· down dough; tum out onto lightly floured board. Divide dough in half. Form each half into a roll 12 inches long; cut into 12 equal pieces. 8. To make Pan Rolls: Form pieces of dough into smooth balls. Place in 2 gteased 9-ioch round cake pans or on cookie sheets. Beat egg yollc with water. Brush surface of rolls with egg-yolk mixture; sprin- kle with sesame seeds. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk. about 1 hour. 7. Just before rising time is up, preheat oven to 375°F. Bake for 25 minutes, or until done. Remove. from pans and place on wire racks to cool. Mak~s 2 dot.en rolls Cllbbege, epple, oftlon, ,...,,., """ pepper end honer .,. • few of the Ingredients In CrMmJ C.bbege-end-Apple Slew. CREAMY CABBAG~ AND-APPLE SLAW I cupe flnelr lhredded gr .. n cabbege ~ cup ftnelr lhreddff onion 1 grffn or red pepper, 9"ded end cut Into thin 1trtpe 1 lerge red eppfe, Corff end diced ~ cup clerk or light rei9'na 3 tebleepoone a.mon Jule• ~ cup meronnelM ~ cup eour cre11m 1 tebleepoon honer 2 t•npoon• muaterd 1 .. elpOOll .... Duh pepper Green pepper rtng1 for garnleh, optional 1. In large salad bowl, com- bine cabbage, onion and pep- per strips. Toss apple and raisins with lemon juice, add to cabbage. 2. In small bowl combine may- onnaise, sour cream, hooey, mustard, salt and pepper. Pour over cabbage. Toss until evenly coated. 3. Cover slaw with plastic film and refrigerate until serving time. 4. Stir with fork just before serving. Garnish with pepper rings if desired. Makes 6.S suvings Co11tin11t!d 011 page 16 14 • FA"41LV WEEKL V, October 14. 1973 See Johnny ride bis bike. SeeJobliny ride his bike with Safety Reftectlve lilpe. A kid oo a bike at~ hm t> be seen to be 5*. So Del~~ yot.-boy a girl to~ a 3/tf'Scotdillte Cyde Safety Kit ($1.29 vakJe). "JWeny-IM! pieces cl~ reflective tzipe. For his bike.And eYefl for his clothes. Send for your KJt todlPJ ---------------········--------·-------·-······························ DELMOnTE wants JOU to bale a Cycle s..fety Kit.Send !JOCwl ane pulMabfnm • Pndt Cup• Pudding Cup Der1 mt carton. Del"°*~ SaRty Kit Ofler P. 0 BOKE~ Am\ Mint.escta 55359 Pteme send me ( ) Cycle Saty Kits. I hrNe es dosed 5()< and one pUJ-tab foreech ki<>1deed. Name, ______________ ~ Addn-«~--~----~----~~ Cly _______ s.., _____ z., __ z., Code nut be lncbled In address. Please"""'. to 6 weeb far delMr)' Oli!r' 'ft"icl where pdibled or 1estrlc~ bi.I st.-or loc:B laws or ~ I ··········-··················-~---······································ In 1905. Mrs. Potter's rules for boarders forbade smoking in the house. There were no rules about smoking in the tree. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. b.l've come a long way,~ Slimmer than the fat cigarettes men smoke . .. 17 mg'. 'tar;' 1.2 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report .Feb'.73 Co11tinued Made Our Pan Rons•? Now on to the Beef! • -----~ BMMc:ued Beef-on+Bun le a dellctoue wey to coolc beef brtellet. BARBECUED BEEF-ON-A-BUN 1 (M k) freeh beef brleket ...... 1 •apoonNlt 4 whole bl8Ck peppercome 1 onion e1uclc with 2 dowe 1beJ .... 1 cerrot Double-Triple Htcllory a..becue 8-..ce 24 a..-Barbecue Bune or autt.nnltk See1me hn Rolle 1. Place brisk.et in large kettle or covered roast.er. Add 2 qts. water, salt, peppercorns, onion, bay leaf and carrot. Bring to boil. Reduce beat and simmer covered 2-2~ hours, or until fork-tender. Drain, discard herbs and vegetables. 2. To oven-glaze brisket: P~ beat oven to 37S0 P. Trim ex- cess fat from brisket. Place in ahallow foil-lined baking pan. Brush brisket with Hickory Barbecue Sauce. 3. Bake for 20.-30 minutes, basting occasionally with sauce until glazed. 4. To grill brisket: Preheat grill or prepare and light char- coal griU. Trim excess fat from brisk.eL Place brisket on grill. Brush with Hickory Bar- becue Sauce. 5. Grill about 10.-IS minutes per side, basting occasionally with sauce until glazed. e. To serve: Place briaket on a wooden cutting board. Cut across grain into ~-inch­ thick slices . 7. Place slice of meat on split buns. Pour a little extra warm Hickory Barbecue Sauce on meat. Malcu 24 buns MOLASSES PECAN PIE P89try for I-Inch pie ehett, your own or • mix ~ cup butt9r or margarine 1~ cupetupf ~ cup light mo1a .... 3 egge, eltghtty beaten 1 •apoon pure vanilla •xtrect v. teupoon .. " 1 cup CMnely chopped pecane ~ cup heavy creem, whipped and .... tened 1. Line 9-incb pie pan with pastry, flute or crimp edge. Preheat oven to 37S°F . 2. Io saucepan, beat butter till melted. Add sugar and mo- lasses; stir until mixture sim- mers. 3. Slowly add bot syrup to eggs, stirring vigorously. Add vanilla, salt, pecans; mix well. 4. Pour filling into pie shell. Place on lowest oven rack. Bake 40-45 minutes, until just firm. Cool. Serve with sweet- ened whipped cream. Malc~s 8 suvings £ • ii .!:! w FAMILY WEEKLY, October 14, 1873 • 17 vaSenne INTENSIVE CARE" OR l LOTION! BRAND OlfllWC-41 a. pa. ame ._, hwo lhwll1L Buy our ''special offer" sugar bag! It has a bright sunburst on the front, and an INTENSIVE CARE• Lotion or Bath Beads coupon on the back. Each coupon is worth 20¢ on VASELINE• fNTENSIVE CARE• Lotion, the greaseless lc\tion that helps soften and smooth all your skin ... OR ... a box of VASELINE• INTENSIVE CARE• Bath Beads, to tum every tub into a luxurious, skin-softening experience. To be sure it's pure Hawaiian cane sugar always buy C and H ! ---- . -- Sophl•-whoM cookbook, "In the Kitchen with Love," 11 published by Doubled•y-to11ea pizza batter In the kitchen of her lt•ll•n home. !think food is important. Jt is a symbol of security, especially to those who have suf- fered hunger. As a child I was hungry six days a week and ate on the seventh. The idea of food as a festivity and a physical ela- tion has become deeply rooted in my think- ing. So now af I really like someone, l always associate him with one of my favorite dishes. I call my husband ''lnvoltini" [veal birds], because this is my favorite dish and he is m y favorite man. Sometimes I've been known lo call him "Eggplant Parmesan"! I call our son Chipi [Carlo, Jr.] "Spaghetti" because he loves it so. Sometimes I even think of myself in terms of food-like a pizza, which J happen to like very much. Being Neapolitan, I see myself as the classic piaa made with tomato and mozzarella. Why pizza'! Because pizza is common, and 1 think J'm a very common housewife. Every woman should have a hus- band to love, babies to hold and meals to cook! I like to entertain only close friends, peo- ple I know and am very comfortable with. I do not like to go out. I am really such a home- body. A hou!>C needs to be looked nfter. I like to keep flowers in the room. I'm very re- sponsive to color, and I use white, red and yellow roses. My grandmother Luisa taught me how to cook. She also taught me the most indispensa- ble ingredient o( all good home cooking : love for those you arc cooking for. It's not sur- prising my most successful meals have been for my family. 18 • FAMILY WEE Kl Y, October 14, 1973 A CelebrityCoo~ ht the Kitehen with Sophia Loren: By Sophia Loren In conversation with Helen Dorsey Gerber helps surround -- .. Pizza Is Me!" 11 I even think of myself in terms of food-like a pizza, which I happen to like very much. Being Neapolitan, I see myself as the classic pizza made with tomato and mozzarella. Why pizza? Because pizza 11 common, and I think I'm a very common housewife." SOPHIA'S PIZZA ALLA NAPOLETANA For the dough: 1 envelope yeeat 1-1 V4 cups lukewarm water 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt For the topping: Tomato aauce or marinara sauce or peeled, chopped tomatoes Mozzarella cheese Freshly grated Parmesan cheese Fresh or dried beail Freshly ground black pepper 2-3 tablespoons olive oil 1. Dissolve yeast in water. 2. Sift Hour and sail onto board. M ake a well and add dissolved yeast. Knead dough thoroughly until it 1s smooth and elastic. 3. Place dough in lightly greased bowl; cover <Jilli allow to rise until doubled in bulk. 4. Roll dough into a I 0-ioch disk about Y.. - inch thick. 5. Spread surface with tom:.ato sauce, mo1- z:irella cheese, Parmesan cheese, basil and pepper. 6. Heal olive oil in large cru.t-iron skillet. When oil is sizzling, add pizza. Cook over medium heat about I 0 minutes, or until pizza is golden :.ind toppinB is bubbly. Makes 4 scn•ings VERMICELLI WITH CLAMS 1 Yi lbs. clams, shrimp or fresh mus.el• Water Handful fresh Italian parsley, chopped VJ cup olive oil 2 small cloves garlic, peeled, crushed 1 Yi lbs. llallan plum tomatoes, peeled and chopped 1 lb. vermlcelll, cooked 1. Scrub uml rinse clams under cold running water. Place in deep saucepan with sm:.all :imount of \\atcr. When clams begin to open, rcmo\e clams and strain water through a fine sieve into a cup. 2. Remove clams from shells: di!>carc.J shell!>. Adc.J chopped fresh parsley to clam<;; sci aside. 3. Heat olive oil in small pan with garlic and chopped llalian plum tomatoes. Cook 4ntil thick, about 15 minutes, then add clam juke. Cook again over low heat until sauce is re- duced in volume by one-third. 4. Add clam'I. I lent just long enough to inciurc clam., Jre heated through. Serve al once over cookl•d vcrm1ccll1. Makes 4 servings FAMILY WEEKLY. October 14. 1973 • 19 One of America's simple pleasures: saving money. Save $4 on this G. E. Picture Radio.* Hear your favorites. See your favorites. With this General Electric AM Picture Radio. Change pictures as easily a~ you change stations. Just slide out, slip In. Because It's only 3Y." square, this solid-state dependable pushbutton portable fits In anywhere. And It comes complete with top-fired dynamic speaker and 9-Yolt battery. Start collecting those Pork and Bean labels now. With two dependable names like Van Camp's Pork and Beans and General Electrtc how can you go wrong? "Manufacturer's suggested retall price Is $9.95. No\v~$5.95withSYanCamp's~wlBean.slabek __., ------------------------------------------------G.E. Picture Radio-Van Camp's Radio Offer P.O. Box 9150, St. Paul, Mlnneeota 55191 Ptease send me G.E. Picture Radlo(s). Enclosed are 3 labels from Van Camp's Por1c and Seana and $5.95 (check or money order) for each radio. AddrHe City Stete ZJp Pl .... llllow M WMk9 for dell\tefY. Ofter eiqi1,.. Merdl 31, 1974. Vold .tie,.. l"fftrlcted or prohibited by •-· Ohl good only In U.S.A. One of America's ere.at simple pleasures. r!?'.-!!•!t!r!~~~-------------------------------------------· ~~ Co11tinued A Great Fudge Cake M8f'lhmellow Swirl Fudge Cake and MoleeMe PecM Pie reedy to Mne. MARSHMAUOW SWIRL FUDGE CAKE Yl cup Ul•H•nect cocoa Yl cup boHlng .... , W. cup butter or Mlltoarlne w. cup lhortenlng 2cupeaugar \41 .. MpOOft .... 2egga l leatpOOn pure vanHla utract 1 ¥l tenpoona baking eoda 1 cup buttermilk 1 Y. cups unsifted all-purpoee flour CoCCNI Fudge Froatlng, 19Clpe below ¥l Jar (7 oza.) mar9hmellow Cterne ¥l cup coanely c:Mpped walnuta 1. Grease, then line bolLOllU of two 9-inch layer pans or one l 3x9x2-inch oblong pan with waxed paper. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Make a smooth paste of the cocoa and boiling water; cool slightly. 3. In large bowl with electric mixer at high speed, beat but- ter and shortening together. Add sugar gradually, then salt, beating until ftutry. 4. Beat in eggs one at a time, beating well after each addi- tion. Add vanilla extract. Clean side of bowl and beaters. 5. Stir baking soda into butter- milk. Add in thirds to beaten mixture, alternately with ftour. Beat at low speed, beginning and coding with ftour. I. Add cocoa-water mixture and blend thoroughly. 7. Pour batter into prepared 20 • FAMILY WEEKLY, October 14, 1973 pans. Bake layers for 30-3.S minutes (oblong cake for 40- 4.S minutes), or until cake tester poked in center comes out clean. Cool in pan I 0 min- utes. Invert onto cake rack and cool compJeteJy. 8. Fill and frost layen with Cocoa Fudge Frosting. Frost top and sides of oblong. Dot top with several t.ablespoons of marshmaJlow creme and lightly swirl into frosting with back of spoon. Sprinkle with walnuts. Mok~s I (9 inch) layer cake, 8-10 servings, or I (/Jx9x2 inch) oblong cake, 16 servings COCOA FUDGE FROSTING ¥l cup uneweetenect cocoa 4 cupe alfted confectione,.• sugar 5 tablupoons milk ¥l cup butter or margarine 1 teaepoon pure v.nilla extract 1. Combine cocoa. 1 cup of confectioners' sugar, milk and butter io saucepan. Stir over medium heat just to boiling point. Remove from heat. Pour into mixing bowl. 2. GraduaJly add remaining confectioners' sugar, beating at medium-low speed of elec- tric mixer. Blend io vanilla. Continue beating until frost- ing is of spreading consistency. Makes enough to fill and frost 2 (8 or 9 inch) layers or frost top and sides of I ( J Jx9x2 inch) oblong cake • • CJ s: i 4 ~ iii • • 0 ~ • .a • ~ iii Two Easy --skillet" Meals: Hamb11rg Stew and Potato Omelet <+'amlly~ Food shelf FAMILY We0<Lv'a Foodshell presents dishes you can make quickly, with a minimum of fuss, using common Ingredi- ents found In most kitchen cupboards. SKILLET HAMBURG STEW In large skillet stir-cook I lb. ground beef, thawed or frozen, until it loses its red color. Add 1 pkg. {I 0 ozs.) frozen mixed vegetables, or I can ( 1 lb.) mixed vegetables, drained, 2 cans (I O~ ozs.) con- densed tomato aoup, I tablespoon Instant minced onion, 1 tablespoon Worces- tershire and ~ cup dry red wtne. Stir wcU. Bring to boiling, cover. Reduce heat and cook 8 minutes. Make up 4 serv- ings Instant mHhed potatoes. Spoon large spoonfuls of mashed potatoes on top of meat mixture. Sprinkle with 4 table- spoons grated cheese. Heat covered or brown lightly under broiler until cheese melts. Serve in deep soup bowls. Malces 4 servings WE DISCOVERED CONSUMERISM 34 YEARS AGO POTATO OMELET lo a 10-J 2-ioch heavy skillet heat 113 cup vegetable oll over high heat until bot. Add 3 cups peeled, diced potatoes, turn- ing until well coated with oil. Continue cooking for 8 minutes, turning frequently. Reduce beat to medium. Stir in I cup fine- ly chopped onion and cook for 10 min- utes, stirring frequently, until potatoes are tender. Beat 6 eggs with 1 'h teaspoons ult and ~ teaspoon pepper. Pour over potatoes and onions. Cook covered 2-3 minutes, until firm but not dry. Cut into wedges to serve. A green or yellow vege- table, stewed tomatoes, bread and butter or margarine make a nice go-with. Moir.es 4-6 servings FAMILY WEEKLY, October 1•. 1973 • 21 July, 1939. ~ first Albertson Super Market opened Iba doors. It was a big store for Its time. (Too big according to skeptical com- petitors.) It offered customer services never before available. (Too many according to the critics.) lrHtore bakery. More sparkling fruits TODAY Tru-Valu unit pricing provides Instant cost comparison by ounces, pounds, quarts or other unlbl of measure. BlMRS Cta:E FRESHNESS CODE DATING Most perishables In our store are marked with a freshness code date. Department signs explain the oodea. BUYERS CHOICE GROUND BEEF Labels showing the fat content now ap- pear on our ground beef packages. An .. other label shows the date ground. ~ and vegetables than were ever displayed under one roof. Quality meats. A whole row of check stands. Paved, lighted pat1clng. A store ahead of Its time. Now there are 254 Albertson Super Markets throughout the west . . • all ahead of their time. TOMORROW The creation of new and useful customer services Is a continuing eroject at Albertson's. -Informs-_ tlonal signs in our produce departments show the nutritional values of fr~sh fruits and vegetables. We calf It 11Talking Produce." Soon nutritional In- formation will appear on the packages and labels of Janet Lee and Albertson's food products. We really care about our customers. We wouldn't say so If we weren't doing something about it. ALBERTSONS THE FOOD PEOPLE WHO CARE I ..._ Rath hickory smoking. n brings home the bacon.flavor. At Rath we still cure our bacon the slow old way over smoldering hickory. Because there 's just nothing like rea l hickory smoke to put the finishi ng touches on that nut-sweet bacon flavor. So the very next time you want to treat your taste- buds to so mething sort of special-just send them a smoke signal from Rath. Rath Cold Cuts. Fresh out of the cold. We season our luncheon meats in the cold, slice them in th e cold, and ship them in the cold. So the flavor and freshness stay in right up till th e time you serve them. You just can't beat Rath Cold Cuts for flavor. We've got that down cold. TN lltalh ,._tlllO c-_,, w .... 100.1- A Fre11ehwoman's By Geaevieve Antelfle-Darlam.x French author and fashion expert Genevieve Antolne-Dartaux "Alh the American woman needs now to become the world's greatest cook is one small touch of witchcraft-or Frenchcraft, if you prefer." Each time l come back from the States having gained a few pounds on ice cream, apple pies, cheese c~e or Idaho potatoes, my French compatriots stare at me in astonishment and say: "1 thought one could not eat a decent meal in the States." In my opinion, it is easier to produce a marvelous meal in the U.S. than it is in France. This is because of all the frozen foods you can find in American supermarkets. Even in a French three-star restaurant (and we ha vc only 16 left), I never got spinach as delicious as some of the frozen brands in America. Froun buttered mushrooms in the U.S. are better than any canned brand you can find in France, and I think I could launch the most s uccessful ''patisserie'' on the Champs-Elysees using American frozen fudge, cheese cake and lemon chiffon pies. All the frozen croissants, buns, etc., are as delicious as the ones we get baked freshly every morning-and what a luxury to get them hot from the oven! All the American woman needs now to be- come the world's greatest cook is one small touch of witchcraft~or Frenchcraft, ir you prefer. For example: • Half a glass of dry Vermouth adds glam- our to any frozen fiah or scallops. As u. matter of fact, dry Vermouth is the best white wine to use in sauca. • Put one package of frozen mushrooms and one package of frozen .callops into a covered saucepan, on low heat. Add minced gartlc or onion, fresh parsley, salt, pepper, and two or three spoons of Vermouth. Let it boil for 15 minutes, remove from heat, and add a little sour cream. Serve in the middle of a crown of rice. • A can of lob1ter bisque or crab soup, which you can find on any gourmet counter, gives you the key to haute cuisine. Mix the soup with Vermouth instead of water, then 22 8 FAMILY WEEKLY, Oct~r 14, 1973 ,. Trieks to Make Good Ameriea11 Food Even Better! add ..some dissolved arrowroot or a white uuce to thicken it Pour over crab, filets of white filh, 801e, muM8l1 or big prawn1. Cover with grated cheese and put in low oven to melt cheese. The same mixture also works in a pie crust. • A spoon of cognac in any froz.en Beef Stroganoff or prepared frozen meat works miracles. • A wonderful ftaining dessert can be made out of bananH sli<:Cd lengthwise, covered with butter and sugar. Put into a. hot oven for 20 minutes. When ready, add a glass of rwn and put a match to it at the table. • A fruit cake left over from Christmas can enjoy a new life, even as late as Easter, with a few drops of cognac or rum. • Here's a good dish for leftover chopped meaL Mix meat with saut6ed onion, add some pepper and salt. In a soume dish, put one layer of Instant malhed potatoes, one layer of meat. and one of mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese, add a few balls of butter and put in very hot oven until it gets nicely browned (about 20 minutes to get the inside very hot). This is called a "Par- mentier" (Monsieur Parmentier was the man who brought the first potatoes to France). If you ever invite some French people to dinner, here are some tips: -First, don't serve them "French dressing" on their salad! (Heaven knows how that mix- ture got called "French"-it was never served in France!) This is how we do our salad dressing: one dessert spoon of hot mustard, two of wine vinegar, a good sprinkle of ground pepper, four spoons of oll (prefer- ably olive oil). Use these ingredients in that order if you want a smooth sauce. Add any fresh herbs you can find-dill, chlve1 or tar- r.agon. Notice that there is no salt, as the mustard is already salted. -All French people will love American mixed salads, but they don't care for fruit in them, and they usually don't appreciate fruit gelatin served as a first course. -Most Frenchmen appreciate American clam chowder, American roast beef, good Idaho potatoe1 and a salad. Never begin the meal with a salad. Serve it with the meat and don't give any with fish. (We get good beef very rarely in France, so it is sure to be a treat. A Maine lobster served hot with melt- ed butter is also aure to be a success.) -For dessert, serve your aundae1 (cara- mel pecan, butterscotch sauce, hot chocolate, etc.). -With your meal, serve a good red Call- fomla wine. This will interest Frenchmen much more than the wine they get every day on their tables. -Remember, too, that Jewish delicate• sen food1 are quite a treat for French peo- ple, who must shop in certain areas to find that kind of special cuisine. They are likely 10 rave about simple corned beef or hot pastrami served with colealaw. On the other hand, artichokes, which are considered such FAMILY WEEKLY, October 14, 11173 • 23 a delicacy in the States, are quite ordinary and inexpensive in France. -Finally, if you offer French ~pie some chocolates, never give them mint chocolates, but they will love all your fudgy sorts. Good chocolate costs twice as much in France, so it always makes a very presentable gift. Free recipe leaflets: write California Apricot Advisory Board, 1295 Boulevard ~ .. ,. .. CollectotS • Classic Hot and ·Hearty Freneh Onion Soup Our Computer \Viii Write A Story . Starring Your Childl v ..... •Ill llClu .. ly write • book about your child, hie home, hla frlenda and hla peta all mentioned br namel Imagine your child's delight In becoming the leading character In a story! Whether you read this charming ME-BOOK to your child or he reads It himself, think of his surprise as his name appears over and over again In a story that's filled with people and places he knoft. Never before. has there been a book like "My Friendly Giraffe." It's a true product of the Computer Age. The story Is a delightful one. Your child wlll atep Into a ma"'8loua fantasy wor1d as he meets the friendly giraffe In front of his own home, then rides away on the giraffe's back (together with a friend whose name you'll aend us) to a magical jungle adventure. lt'a all completety be- lievable because the names of your child and his friends are repeated thro~hout. Builds Leaming Sklllt For Children Ate• 3 To t Educators welcome personalized reading aa a major breakthrough In learning. Thi• ME-BOOK completely lnvolvet t e chlld and holds hla attention as no ord._ nary book can. Aa a result, hit Interest and enjoyment In reading grow at a rapid pace. Your chlld or grandchlld, niece or nephew deserves this book-not jutt for the fun it provldet, but for the learning stlmulatlon too. It's for chlldren too young to read to themselves. as well u for youngsters just teaming to read. Even older children will enjoy It, because no child ever outgrows hla Interest In hlmaetf. Give this wonderful gift to a child you love. Or for an extra·apeclal treat, give two ME-BOOKS: just check the box on the order form to receive "My Birthday Book" too. Fill out the coupon below and mall It to us with yoor check today/ MY FAIENDL Y GIRAFFE Mail to: HAMIL TON HOUSE, Dept. FYI 1014, tt1£ast45ttl StrMt, N.Y., H.Y. 10011 • FULL-COLOR IUUSTRATIONS THROUGHOUT • 9 PERSONAL NAMES YOUR CHILO RECOGNIZES • OVER 70 PERSONALIZATIONS IN ALLI • STURDY, SOIL-RESISTANT COVERS TO STAND UP TO HEAVY USE I tMloM dllc• Of ~ .... I« $3.ts (111119 5°' '-llOll•lt alld apeclal han411al) f9r --lll·llOOK I 1111 .,.,. ln1 ........ 1tM tllt dlll4 ,._,. Ml.w Ille ,.,_.11n4 "Illy fri-lly Glrlrte.'' "'1NT ClEAltl't, -tM1edw -"*" (Eullllllt: - -- -->· 1r lltt _,.. ..,.ct, ...,,....... 0 CMdl llef9 H ,_ 11to wltll "lib ~ llooll" fof 111 lddltlOllll $3.ts"" ~ ,_..,. _. ~. POtOMUID ITOrt DATA. tr cert.I" l._tlo!t Mlow la llot _l .. lllt tr Mt e,.tlcelllt WY£ llAMIC. Tllla chenllllll-, wlll lilt wrltt.11 wllhMt It, MUNT CWltlY. -d!Mactw ,.., tl*e an4 -..,.ct lie._. -*· CHILD'S mm IWil( I.AST 0. "NICIUIAMl" --------NAiii( ____ _ 8 BOY Gllll CHILD'S ADOllCSS ""· --- CITY---------------STAT£ ____ l" COO(----- CHILD'S llllTH OATt: _ I --I -- lhftttl o., 't•r ---------B~~ •LOW. LIST UP TO l AtfO.S, amJMUS Oil Stsl'UI: BIOY '110't Clltl ________ tj Clltl DOC'S NAIU -------CAT'S NAM(--------- _,.. W"I -TO MftM Oii PUIOMUID 10011 P\ATt: ("Auttt JIM, llnM• . .._ 10141,"*·> C:M>Wlf·Ul''S NAME (,.._ lwJlq .... , 0 Mr. 0 ... 0 .. ,.. n11sr INITIAL -1.ASY ftAM( ----l UOW'N·IW'S M>OlllS$ An. --- CITY STATt ----Zll' COOl --- ~~~.:~::-_~~~:~ ._ ..._,_. ___ _ When the weather gets blustery, one recalls the delicious aroma authentic French Onion Soup. I like to serve it "grat/nfi'-with melted cheese, ladling it out to guests in front of a glowing fire. FRENCH ONION SOUP (Soupe a l'Olgnon) 2 tablltpOOW• butter or.........,_ 2 Ubleep OOM vegetable oll 1-7 cupe (2 Iba.) lhlnlJ altc.d ,.11ow onlOM ~teupooneugar 2 tabl11poona flour 5 cw (10~-oz. tlze) condenMd beet bouillon 3aoupc:-. ...... 11....,oonult Several twlsta fl'ffhly ground black pepper ~ cup butgunctr 0t dtJ red wine "' cup Madeira or port wt• ... 10 lllcff toeeted French brffd 2 c:upe grated natwal Gruytre. SwfM 0t Panneean cheeee 1. Jn 4-6-qt. Dutch oven or kettle beat butter and oil until bot. Add onions and sugar. Cook over medium heat for 2()..30 minutes, stirring frequently, until onions are lightly browned and bottom of pan is lightly glazed. 2. Scrape glaze from bottom of pan and blend in with oniorui. Stir in ftourilnd cook 1 min- ute. 3. Stir in beef bouillon, water, salt and pepper. Bring to boiling. Reduce beat and simmer covered for 30 minutea. 4. Stir i11 burgundy and Madcira. Taste for seasoning. Pour into tureen or ladle into soup bowb • over rounds of bread. Pass grated cheese separately. Makes 2"4 qts., 8-10 servings 'Traditionally served in brown earthenware bowls with covers. To serve gratini : Preheat oven to 4S0°F. Pour hot soup into oven-proof tureen or cas- serole. Place 8-I 0 slices toasted French bread on surface of soup and sprinkle thickly with l lh-2 cups grated Gruyere or Swiss cheese. Bake for 1 S minutes, then place under broiler for a few minutes to brown top lightly. Ladle ieto soup bowls in front of guest3, serving a slice of bread and melted cheese in each bowl. Or you may prepare individual oven-proof soup bowls as directed above. HINTS FOR SUCCESSFUL ONION SOUP , 1. Cook onions slowly in butter and oil for even browning. 2. Extra wine and seasonings may be added at end of cooking to suit taste. 3. As with all soups, serve steaming botl 2•• FAMILY.wEEl<LY, Ocile>Oer 14, 1973 r. J' r p h r e a f First in a series off our superbly sculptured heirloom plates to be struck in honor of our nation's 200th anniversary in Solid Pewter and 24Kt Gold on Pewter T HE year WU 1773 ... and ia colonial America small baods of patriots ptbered IOtcther co discuss their desire for complete "freedom" from the domination of British rule. Ju the appeals co the Crown became more and more isnored, our youna counll)', with its raged bands of farmers, businessmen, students ... almost everyone w6o locqed for a feelina of independence, joined totcther in what was to become America's Colonial Anny of Independence. With the first shot "heard around the world" from the dopes of Bunker Hill, America bepn its most dramatic moment in history. ... The American Revolutionary War. And now, lo commemoration of America's lOOth Annivcnary, The Hamilton Mint tw cre1ted a special series of proof~uality Pewter P11ta that depict the most sianific1nt eveocs of this im· portant period in our n•tion's history. And, if you act promptly, you may become 1 participant in thia uniq~ truly worthy otrerina. OUl'ST ANDING PLATE COILECTION To ftttlosly record and commemorate the major events and in· dividua.ls in the foundina of our counll)', The H1milton Mint bas commisaiooed master sculptor Alfred Brunettin to create the four most lianificant evenll in our lona struule for independelKlC: ''The Spirit of 76 ... America'1 atcle61 symbol for the fiahlin' men of this w1r aod Ill other wus since; "Poul Revere's kide' ... 1n exprellion of the individual's willinaneu to risk life or limb for the caute of independence; "1Ut11 Rou Creote1 Tlte Finl Flo1" •.. America'• banner of freedom and liberty that h11 survived, ahnolt in itl Ofiainal form, for over 200 yell'I; and finllly, "Wa.slt- l111t01t At Vol/flt For~" ... a 11aphic dedication to the bravery and sufterina of America's ftnt army. Each plate in this seria measures a full 9" in diameter and is struck in hiah bu rdief to brina out Ill of the s.culpWred detai1 and dram.a of these important sc:met. Created by 'The H1milton Mint,_ America's Fine Art Mint, your platea will represent an out· sta.ndiq collection of meaninsfut aianiflcance that you will be proud to display in ao hooorecf place in~ home or ollic:e. Your first plate, "The Spirit of 76", will be 1ent to you as soon u f!IUT order is received. Tben, every three months you will be noufied by mail of the tvailability of the nut plate in the series. It is important to remember however, that only those individuals who ordu "The Spirit of '76" Bicentennial Plate now will be a;iven the opportunJt:r to order the remainina plates in this historic Kries. .PEwrER-111E TRADmONAL METAL OF AMERICA Bcc:ause Pewter hu traditionally been the metal of America'a finest craltmeo for ovet 200 yun, it tw been selected as the ap- propriate metal for tbit plate collection. Pewtet was not only UICd to a lts9C extent in the households of Colonial America, but our fint American Continental Dollar wa actually fashioned from Pewter. Today, Pewter has pined 1n enormous revival of interest amon1 artists and collectors because of the metal's abili1y to retlcct the finest det.aill of the desians that are struck into its surface 1nd because its brilliance resembles fine silver 10 much. AVAILABLE IN SOLID PEWfER AND 24 KT GOLD ON PEWTER The Hamilton Mint's Bicentennial Plate Collection is available in yow choice of Solid Pewter for just $15.00 per pl~ aod 24 Kt Gold on Solid Pnmr for oolr $25.® per plat'e. If you_prder, JOU may order and pay for Ill Cow-of' the 81centennill Plat.es now. The Four SoUd Pewter plates, .,.id io full DOW, are just sn.oo compleie (JOU save f5.00), or the few 24 Kt Gold oo Solid Pe-ww pl-. are iua $90.00 romplete (you save $10.00). STRICTLY LIMITED EDmONS A strict limit has been established by The Hamilton Mint on the quantity of Bioentennill Platea that will ever be i.uued in this edition. Only individulls who subecribe to the firlt plate in the seriea-''The Spirit of '76"-wiU be entitled to ords the remainioa three plates. · 1*:b plate in the series will be individullly minted by The Hamilton Mint aod each subscriber will receive a registered Cet'tifi· cate of Authenticity atteatioa to his status u a collector of this limited edition seria. REMARKABLE INVFSI'MENT OPPORTUNITY Even though prices in the International Metals Market hive soared areatly durina the past few ye.ars (1od leadina economists feel they will continue to climb) The Hamilton Mint has already commi11ed for a sufficient quanlity of Pewter 1nd Gold to fully cover each subscription in this series. lllerefore, you are auaran· toed that these pnces will nol be increased for any plate in this series ... no matter bow hiah the price of Pewter and Gold r~ in the months ahead. In addition, collector pla1es have tndilionllly represen1ed a fine investment opportunity. Certain limited edition collector pl1tcs, durina the past sevtraJ years, htve soared in value from their oria· in al issue prioe. To insure yourself of this opporfunity to own these finely sculp- tured Biccn1ennial Plates, we urae you to send in your order tod1y. It can only be ~led if it is received in lime to be included within the edition limits. Deloe Version:.24 Kt GOid on Solid Pewter The beauty or these Bicen1ennJal Pewitt Plates has bttn made nen more uqujalte and valuable with the additioo or 24 Kt Gold richly layrnd on SoUd Pewter. A limlled quan1i1y of thele plates 1s a•a.llable for ~ $15.00 ea.ch. Strictly Limited Editions-Order Promptly , -----OFFICIAL ORDEll FORM-----, r "THE SPIRIT OF '76" -iw 1t.16X THE HAMILTON MINT 4e ~ U•ITtntCJ Dlhe, ArllaltOll BdiMI. ...... '9M4 P1eue ncer my order for t.hlt hktorlc llrnlted-ccUtion' mlntlna or the proor~uallty Bicentennial Plate, •"fbe Spirit or '76" to be struck In (please c:hec:.k) a Solid Pewter al $15.00 o 24 Kt Gold oo Solld "cW1cr at $25.00 I undentand that my plate(s) will be IU'lldt expreuly for me and acxompanled by a rc&htcrcd Certlficate of Authenticity at· testlna .to Its Umilcckditlon status. I rurther unden1111d that by orderlna ""Ille Spirit or '76" Bicentennial Plate I wiU be eti&il>le to obtain the o!Mr three plates ln this ICrles., oo a pre-payment buis. lo addition to my first plate, you will include ot 1to ~1,0 C'Oll a custom deslped euel to properly display my plate. ~7811 .... ~ 0 I am orderina an four Solid Pewter Plates now for SS5.00 0 I am orderinc Ill four lA Kt. Gold on Pewter Plates now for S90.00. My dieck or IDOMf cwdcr for ..,.....,.-.,..----ftKJo.ed pl11.1 add u .)0 pu ordu for thippina aod haodlu11. Or, dlatee my plate(a) to: 0 Muter Cbarp• a Blllk.Amerlcud Account No·----------------- •lf uatoa Muter Cbu11t Ibo Indicate the four numben above you1 01me bere _____ _ NAM~E-------------------ADDRESS ________________ __ CJTY _______ _.S'fATB ____ ~lP __ _ fl SIONA TUR.c__.,....,..-.,.__,,........,..-...,...__,,....,.------Must be alsncd to be vllld I lllinola raldents add 59' Illa tu L------------------------~ .... f I $I Introductory Offer Homeward HouSE, 623 S. WabMb An., Cblcap, JU. 60605 O Ber•'• my '. l.00. Pleue emoU me aacl recel.e iDlona&tioD OD completiq mr Mt Mad postpaid mr lrst full 1-flece place Mttlaa llOOMr with additional 1&Tinp. plua boDu by Ooeida ill tile pettma f laa.e checked. I often for matchlDa 1emq pieces. I may cao- -dentud ta.at I wW ncetYe--Oll ••pron!-eel at ur tbae. &D icl1Dtlcal place Mttiq aboDt ODCa a moath. llauat PATl'&aN DEllJt&Di n wbida I 1DaJ lrMp few die low B-.nl Houe price of jut $5.98 plu1 98c! llllippiq and ll&D-3 4 dli.DI (and applicable ulet tu). Alto, I .W 0 U.boD 0 Ma.uioa Park 0 Mn. 0 11------------------==-=-----------------~-:-=-----------IPU'.AK .... , • ,..,, LAil Cl~---------------------------------------------- Stat•----------------------------------Zlp ___ _ Umlt-one lneroduc:tor)' plMe .ttlllc per 1-01. 1921 .................................................................................................................... EXOTIC "KIMI" Slip into this super-soft slipper shoe to feel and look aa pretty as an East- ern princess! For "in" and "out" wear. Gold, black, or silver leather. % " heel. 4-12, N, M, W. $10.95 plus 75' hdlg. Sizes over 10, add $1. Sofwear Shoes, FW-3, 1711 Main, Houston, TX 77002. LOOK AGAIN! "Wonder- Wrap" does double fashion- duty-wcar up as shift, down as a long skirt. In red and white gingham, drawstring top, matching belt. Velvety, easy-wash acetate. P, S, M. $9.95 plus $1 hdlg. House of Fashion, FW, 534 S. Ma.in St., Burlington, NC 27215. Weekend Shopper By Lynn Headley AUl'O BUFF oz;-adventurer, you'll relish read- mg a first-hand account of Prince Bor- ghese's journey from "Peking to Paris," the famed, mad motor race of all time. This 1907 "dune buggy" extravaganza across two con- tinents, written by the winning "back-seat driver," Luigi Barzini, bas a touching intro by bis son. Treasure the pictures, tool Hardcover book. $8.95. Open Court, Dept. FWE, 1058 Eighth St., La Salle, IL 61301. 1HERE'S nothing finer than this Dinah Shore Pattern #72600 (sizes 8-18) that you receive as a gift if you join the Pattern-of-the-Month Club for $3.25 for 2 years. Club members get a 16-pg. brochure bi-monthly with a bonus certificate worth S 1 toward the purchase of one pattern J.. per issue. Alone: club, $3; pattern, $2 plus ~r~\ 25' bdlg. Both, $3.25. Send your order to _\ P.O.M., Dept. FW, Milford, NJ 08848. SPARKLING and stunning for him and her! c,&pra Gems cost far less and dazzle nu>re than the "real thing." 1-<:arat can be purchased for a mere $37. For free illus- trated booklet of rinp for men and women: Capra Gem, Dept. FW-9E, Box 3148, Philadelphia. PA 19150. PROJECT any picture up to 15 times the original si.Ut Place Pro- ject-0-Scope over picture, coin, even a postage stamp and project on flat surface in color or black and white. With 40 watt hi-inten- sity bulb. $7.95 plus 75/ hdlg. A,rthur Mechanic, Dept FWS, 345 Park Ave., New York, NY 10022. NO mistake! Checkbook Banker tells balance instantly. Dials like a tele- phone. Adds deposits on one side, de- ducts on the other-your new balance is always in sight and correct! Fits in your checkbook. $2.98. Checkbook Banker, Dept. P. 9801 Everest St., Downey. CA 90242. CHUBBY CHAP? Heaviest man on record weighed ' a breathtak.ing 1,069 lbs.I Just one fantastic ex- ample of fascinating records in the new Guinness 1 Book of World Records. Over 3,000 records of • ICience, sports, etc. 600-pg. Hardcover. Over 350 • photos. $5.9S plus ~ bdlg. Book of World Records, Dept E020, l966 Broadway, New York, NY l Wuk~nd Slroppttr ltttm1 are NOT odvertiJing. If productJ Jhown art not avol/ah/e at Jtores, order /rom sources UttM. 18 years of university research PROVE that VIOBIN WHEAT GERM OIL INCREASES STAMINA, Vl&OR, ENDURANCE I Accept no substitute. Insist on the orlglnal, provftn VloBln Wheat Germ 011, rich In Vitamin E and much more. r-F-R_E_E_l_Ni::rn::i-;,::-1 I and reNuCh re-I ports. There i• no I • ol>ll;etlon. I I :~~ .... ··························I I AddreH .....•..............••....• I I City .......... Sl•I• ....... Zip ....... I I Mall to: YIOBIN I I Dept. 5AWI I I MONTICELLO, ILLINOIS 61856 I L:_..()4 ______ _. _____ ., In the tiltte tt takes tq read thts,ora·jeJ.can start relieving a toqtlaache. TULIPS ••• 50 for s1 so Rainbow mix of hardy medium size bulbs (2 v • .J.. circ.l for fall pla11ting. plus 6 Dutch Muscari blue bulbs FREE. Guaranteed to bloom tor 5 ye.rt or free replacement. Send today, 50 for only $1.50 plus 40c posta8f and handling (100 for $2.75l. Mlclllp1 B•I•, DtJl MC-14&0, liraad aa,lds, Miclllpt 4t550. When You Order By Mail From Family Weekly ..• ,..... 1llow .. to tow Wffls fer delivery, Tiit Ids .,.. ~ ., ~.. com- ""'"· Tiie ltMa Md ctPY lf't dltchd bJ f.-lly w.-1, flDr r1111.illtJ, IDo. Ytl wlttl llOlllllldt of °'*" C0111l111 l11 1SS111ltr to ow MwtnlM", MMMtlMtS wilnttn-Uollal del111 OCCllr. Altlloull audl del1ys happen OlllJ lnfreque11tly, Wflt11 tlleJ-do, r1t11UJ W.eklr w111t1 fO a1l1t JOU 11 mlldl II ponllllt If rou'va INIJ qutlUOn lbovl 111111 order, luit writs: lJ'lll lfudley, ft111ll1 Wffkly, ·641 lHln1lon Avenue, "9w YM, ... Y. 10022. 111 Styles • U It EEUU • Sins S.13 VALUABLE COLLECTOR'S ITEM! Otfociel CeMlliall hi 01¥ 1-of t11e 0- Eliulletll 1973 Royll Vltit P~ $1M1p -1111d °" C-__.lwt EllWlope 11w1,. ti.utiful POf1rait of Hef fll"'5tv. ~Id w1t11 h'tllly·pruld lim d-v CMIClllWOAI ALSO INCLUDED to l11troduc:a you to tht World's Most R-dong H~: 110 Brititll E11111n Stnps, pkl1 Col!lllkte Set of 42 E .. itll KW. • 0-.,ll'd llhnlflted Album. K_, Ill tl11• • lntroduft0ty 8-1 if YCHI IM!y 11 -11' ffOfll our Ajlpl'O'lll Selec:riOll of ottler fine mmpi for yout FNe Eumlnation-0< mum with 111tc1ion lllCI Prf nodllllf. Canul l«'fict 11t1Y time. Elllltt ...,, tile 0-'1 Roy .. Vielt Finl Dey Enwiope h youn to k111111 FREEi S.lld ICM for POii.aii and lllndllllf. KENMORE QV-469, Milf0<d N.H., 03055 CROCUS ••• 20 for s11s Cheery, 1oblet shaped flowers, early bloomers. Rainbow mix of blooming size bulbs (2~ w circ.). Satisfaction euaran- teed or free replacement. Send today. only $1.75 for 20 140 for $3.251. Add 40c handlin& and postage. 11.idipl B•"· DtJl CS.1480, liraltd aa,ws, Mlcllip 49550. LOMBARDY POPLARS ... -5 fir 11ty s1cs Hardy, tast-growine. nursery grown from hardwood cuttings, never tran$planted. Very service.able, ornamental. A tre· mendous bargain at this price. Satisfac- tion or replacement free. Mic911&• 1111, o.,t LP-1480, limd aa,lds, Mlclllpl 49550. MONOGRAMMED "Wet look" Vinyl Draw- string Purse with 2 Golden Olde English Initials! ONLY $69& looks lllle e111tnslve dteorator ort1ln11. Hlah fashion outside, room 111ore Inside. Ooullle stitched and rully llned. Amazlnc low price- only $6.9S plus 1se 1>0$l & handl. Sand check or m.o. Print 2 lnltlals. Order ~Pl3966-Red or #Pl3967-Black. S1tist1ctlo11 eueranteed. PALM CO., O.pt. 4527 4500 N.W. 135th St .. Miami. Fla. 33059 IYllY WEEK there's good reading in FAMILY WEEKLY EAT ANYTHING WITH DENTURES ~& Do your loose dentures slip or c.use sore gums? BRIMM'S Pl.AST1-LINER retlnes dentures snuctY without powder, paste« pads. Gives tlcftt, comfort.ble flt for months. YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING. Simply lay soft strip of PLASTt-l.INER on denture. Jllte and ft molds per· fectty. Usiy to uM, harmless to dentures and iiuma. Money·beck guarantee from mf1. At all dn.tc counters. Her family has a lovely house, balanced meals, stylish clothes- and Pin-Worms! It's a medical fact that Pin-Worms can a11ack any family-rich or poor, )'oung or old. Medical au· thorHies say that at least I out ol 3 persons examined are infected by the lroublesome paras1te- wirhou1 knowing ii. Even worse, Pin-Worms are highly contagious, so they can spread through the whole family. Pin-Worms can happen lo any- one. How can you tell if Pin-Worms have infiltrated your family? The most obvious signs will come from;. children-nose-picking, fidgeting and scratching to over- come the tormenting rectal itch. What can you do about it? For- tunately there Is an easy-to-take medication that gets rid of Pin- Worma. It's called Jayne·s~ P-W«i tablets.Ask your pharmacist. He'll tell you that Jayne's P-W tablets are specially formulated with an effeclive medical ingredient lhat gets Pin-Worm1 out ol your sys- tem. A.sk lor Jayne's P-W tablets at your drug store. DENTURE PAIN ? SORE GUMS TOOTHACHE.• New triple 1ttion Numzident, the all-purpose dental pain reliever, aives you fast relief. N11111zident is lntSlhetic, anal&esic, 1ntiset)(lc and really works. At druptores. Monty-back tufrantee. NEW LEMON PROTON BALSAM Safely Curls, ... : WAVES HAIR Wltltoflf Permortffl Wavino Ho natl« how Nt.icflt MJ ~ N lwd to rurl )'CIUI' hair ii. ;.-tJ .. .Ur IWO lpOOftrub ... di.-c-~ eovny RINSA RAM A LEM· lft ON PROTEIN BAU!At.l 111a 0.-o1 wal«. CMlb llw-ouch ha!r. 1Nt 11p OD rflular airs-.. pi11S. Onmchl hair labs OD aolt I_,_ -1 W&Jft Mid null U )only U Ulunl WU)' hair. Safr r°' all lypn hair,"°" d)·td hair. ADC! no -Lkr h- Jamp °' ra.iny llir w~UM-r. your hair ~ .. -'&lid ftY)' lk 7U. day .. ~""' c-d\. "'-dry bit. lt'1 &ftl&Sinc. Ouata111tt •tllfloC'- 1* er ~ t.di. tltfMI oel1 n.oo '°' •DOU1h RINSA R.,MA -.tn~ lo ID'\kt "" (\Ill qwirt. S~ J bac.t1e1 e111ly 15.00. H C.O. D. ~ Wltle,., lltlNSA RAMA• lt•ndolptl :.c&"I!:: 1~7 w. • .. People Qui:t How Mueh Do Yo11 Know About What htteIUgenee Means to Us? r, B y .Joh• E. Glllso• TRUE OR FALSE? 1. People judge your intelli- gence more by what you do for a living than by your face, dress, or general appearance. 2. There's a lot more to inteJJi- gence than just thinking. 3. You can learn a lot about a person's general intellectual ability in just a few seconds. 4. If your mother had a higher IQ than your father, you're more likely to be smarter than if it was the other way around. 5. People with high IQ's tend to have a1,1thoritarian personalities -opinionated, dictatorial. seek- ing to dominate others. 6. If your job involves frequent stresses and pressures. this is likely to interfere with your ca- pacity to think, reason and per- form various mental tasks. ANSWERS 1. True-according to studies at Southern Illinois Univer.;ity, where men and women were asked "to rate the personality characteristics of others who had been identified only by name and occupation." Find- ings: The degree of intelligence -as well as assertiveness and responsibility-was found to be highly related to the prestige of the person's occupation. Con- clusion of the investigators: How intelligent people credit you with being depends far more on your occupation than the way you look. 2. True. As ooe authority ob- serves, intell igence is an incred- ibly complex set of interrelated aptitudes and abilities, which arc also affected by our moods, emotions and general outlook. • ) Moreover. it is pointed out, a great deal of our thinking and problem-solving is done without w• realizing how we do it-by what psychologists term "intui- tive cognition." T hat's why, in many cases, people are at a loss to explain how they arrived at some of their best decisions. 21 . FAMILY WEEKLY, October 14, 11173 3. True. Here is a test, based on findings of a British psychologi- cal study, that will provide al- most instant insight into a per- son's intellectual capacities. Simply give a person a sheet or paper on which 20 different numbers-ranging from 10 to 99-are written. Allow him five seconds to estimate the mean, or average, value. On the basis of experiments, this number-aver- aging ability is believed to be a "function o f general intellectual capacity.'' It's pointed out that the ability to process such infor- mation quickly, efficiently and in a meaningful way is an im- True or False: People judge your intelligence more by what you do for a living than by your face, dress, or general appearance. (See number 1) -portant intellectual skill, and one related to achievement. 4. True-as evidenced by a Uni· verslty of Texas study of 104 families and their teenage chil- dren. in which both parents and offspring were subjected to a bat~£ry of intelligence tests. Findings: "Low-scoring chil- dren were found to have mothers scodng higher than fathers only 23 percent of the , time. while high-scoring chil- dren had mothers exceeding their husbands 44 percent of the time." Thew r.WU s uggest that ,there is a very strong maternal effect on children's intellectual functioning. 5. False_. Sociological st1Jdies conducted at the University of Illinois have shown the opposite to be true-that a person with these authoritarian characteris- tics tends to make low scores on intelligence tests. He's not near- ly as smart as he likes to make people think he is. Interestingly enough, people with this type of personality tended to rnte them- selves as feeling powerless and lacking in inner strength. 8. Falre-according to the find- ings of two university investi- gators who made a study of the effect~ of sires on menial abil- ity. It was found that subjects turned in S(iperior perform- ances after being subjected to slTessful situations. It has been susgcslcd that rc:'lction lo stress may manifest itself in increaud drivr in Inter niill pcrform:incc. liU.I nd ni· 04 il- nd a Is. il- ve an he ii· ng e at al al es of te th is- n r- I· 0 n s d TMH ... ARDCT HANGING MU.. TtRRARtUM • Space All.• Pl•ntlnc • Cmtal Cl .. r PIH· tic. It •dds •Kcltlnc color whether you •wine It ln•lde or out: porchl, kitchen. p•tlo, etc ... utrlent •oll, seeds dec:o,..tlons to dotthelnslde,•nd th• sltvery ch•ln •re •II Included. Follow th• pl•ntlne ln1truc. tlons then hana where th• sun wlll ffnd It -now w•tch It erowl 5'.4 • di•. 7• tall. 13944-••ll fen"8rlum ..... S4.M ~w . Numtlera Animals .. Thlnp e """' • 811l1d • Cf'Nte • l!dllQtloft. .. ... ..,..._ Brl&htly col· ored, flexlble 1 % • sq. MCtlons: Heh locb secvr•IY Into every other Hctlon. Soon tots 1 .. m to add, subtr•ct end spell white pl•ylne and bulldine with blocb. The alph•bet, numbers 0 to 9 •nd •nlmal•. DI.cut teeth hold fHt yet •re soft to the touch vinyl. 1 llOO-•lodl Set ' ' . . . . $1.00, 2/$1.79 A hue• •HOrtment of •cryUcs, 20 tubes, lncludlna 18 different colors. Pelnt on paper, canvH, board, cloth, enythlnc with brush, knlft, even flneers. Acclalmed by prvfeulon•l•I lncllldft 2 tvbee of ~IUm fOt mhilnc a. Httlna. 11494-~I AcMlc c.tor ~ ..... $1.91 Al.SO AYAILAal.£: 11411-Larp tai2• AtUib' 0-W.. ..... . ...... Z/11.00. 51$2..00 l1481-larp hl2 .. HNvJ An....,., .... of ZS SMets . $1.00 per ped. 3 ptcls for $2.DO CoPied from 19th century po~tmast· er's plaeonhole clasic. Perfect to keep all th~ los· Ible items in 011e place -bills, rnu· sacu letters, even recipes! There's even 1 little drawer with ceramic pull f« stamps, clips, etc. 71/1" x 10" x 41/1. dllP, mounts easily on will. stands on t1ble. Never hunt aroun~ fOf scattered itllTIS aaain . . . . . . .. . $4.tl ····· .... 41 OlD FASHIONED GREETING CARDS! Genuine fulk:olor reproductions of Christmas and New Year's cards from the early 1900's. Complete with themes, Illustrations and wordln1 of the "aooc:t old days." No bothersome envelopes, they mail at Post Card rates. Set of 48 Carda. 9'55-0kl Fashioned CMd Set ... ,$1.98, 2/3.M WITH ANY ORDER OF $8. OR MORE BEAUTIFUL CARBY-ALL CLUTCH A BONA FIDE $2.98 V ALUEl ..,-anNAJJZED" _ .r~ " "Tree Twinkles . Amber &lass "cones" and plutlc "let cr11m domes" 11e salt 1nd pepper sh1kers! You even hlYe 1 flllln1 chOlce: chocolate for pepper, ind v1nlll1 for salt. They're held a·tllt ln whlrls ot white metal rudy tor 1n Instants shake. Your table becomes unique the moment this p1lr appears. 3 pcs. 4~" tall. 13314-Sllllltr Set ......................• 1.N Personalized Christmas Key A huge 1otden replica of an old-fashioned key to hang at your door. Santa areets guests seated upon the key waving Merry Chrit;t. .-. mu. Yule bells tied ~-"':"'"'-' in bri&ht red velvet add further charm to this be11utiful om•· ment. Your name gives It the added warmth of personah· z•tlon. 14 'h • long . .1> ' ,,..,.. ~ Print name, up to 8 ~-. letters. ,,. ~ ., ~ ·'\,;j PU193-Key $1.98 A tun-color rose fantHy In hammered metal dec- o,..tes • four foot width of wall area. Hot pink, baby blue, can•ry yellow ro1ea-polsed In fo~er aplendor on eraceful, leafy stems. The hendcrefted nnes ascend from • anowwhite baaket. l3x20· OYe'811. £a. $2.91 11171-AoM Wall Decoretlens '"•Ir $5.49 DRY CLEAN YOUR CAR~ IN ONE HOUR WITH- OUT MESSY WATER OR SHAMPOO! TWln brush ap- plicator massages dry cleaning powder deep Into carpet pile. Developed by famous Bissell•, It soaks up dirt. After Just one hour, vaccum up. Carpets are •perklin1 clean, soil resistant tool Awflc.tor Is 8lC6 Inches. 2 bit padls of duner \nd. • 1~ a..-....................... : ....... $9.tl ... .. YOU MAY CHARGE EVERYTHING TO MASTER CHARGE, BANKAMERICARD, ~~::1~Ac;~~p~~ss I ,I •• Check and Double Check These Prices -Then Buv Bv Mail and Save! - VINYL TARPAULIN ~ -6 ~ ... - 81AHT 9X12 VINYL TAlt .. AULINI Pro. wet your car, bo9t. outdoor furniture, mechlnery, ferm equipment. Greet for home1 office, ferm ena c•mp. Stem to stem pn> tectlon ~Inst eny. thlnaMot rNeture cen dish : rein, anow, aelt •Ir, dirt. dust end blulna sun. Won't rot or mild-. The perfect pelntlna dropcloth. AND • • • It's the ONLY tsrp thet can be used es an •II· -th•r tent! Tl• down arommets. 10571-Tarp .. $3.M . . . . . . . . . S/$9.tl Bettery operet.cl flx- t u re Install• any-where! For herd to llsht, llttle-used arees: 1telr·-lls, et· tics, closets. 1heds, etc. Wireless ao this 11 en ucellent ti.ck-up aefety llsht durina Interruptions In re1· ular electrical serv-ice. No wlrina.. no costly lnstell•tlon -Just • screw-driver puts It In the -11 or cellln1. Pull.ch•ln switch. Use• st•nd-•rd ti.tteries. PfHtlc, 5x3•~·. 121H-Ut. ... $1.tl 11990-Dllt Ute P.tl Now You Can Enioy A New-Way to Slim Your Waistline At Once The Amazing WAIST BELT Tit'IMS ANO '11tMS W11r th• new waist· trim belt next to your skin wllll• 1CMI sit. walk .•. Normal body llt1t ind the 1tntle mas· 1111 1ctlon of Ill• belt ll•IPI trim end """ midriff bulf •· Get 11111zln1 mu ts even If wom white s!Hpln1t Soft compasltlon rvb- ber with 1dlust1bl1 velcro closures • . . Comfortable trlmmlnc '11111111 you 10 about llOf'lllll 1cttvltt11 ... C1rdentn1~touln1 ••• tvtn WltCn nl TV. nts slm 24 In. to 46 In. IMS-Wllst "'-''" '8-• MAGNETIC GRIP WINDSHIELD COVER! Triple strength maanets hOld this cover snugly, without ties or tape. The windshield stays clean, even In the worst weather! No chipping snow or lee. Just clip the cover acrosg the windshield; powerful nibbef magnets grip the hood and roof wlthOut merrina the finish. 48x30 Inch size fits all cars. 4!555-Wlndshleld Cowr ...... $1.98 ........ 2/$3.79 n a lottLUI Do 1CMI have 1 llalllt· etllll to be In 1119 men 1 Do 1CM1 ftrte tllat a.cret '"'' to be wtld llld car.-frH't Sllp on ttll1 WOfldtrfvl, fllll· size, Dftr·tht.flead mull and look 111 th• mirror. ltullstlcl Unkempt Nlr, forblddlnc tMtti. Mad• of fine 1e11lp. turtd l1to l\lbbef. Wiii ll'fen 1117 pertyt ,...._.., .... llllA ......... $UI STITCHER SEWS LEATHER, SHOES. CANVAS, ETC. llnOST llPllHUTOl Ht MllUTDI Ellmln1tt1 harmM Ice scrapln11 -1 llot Wll9f, drippy pansl Just plu1 In lnfnrtd defroster~ place It In frMzer comp111trn1t1t 1111-iround radiant ll11t reaches every comer In mlnutft, 1-.M le. ICC-lltlon, melts 1111111 frost before frwen foods tlllwl fl cont Snes food end time. 1111 I•,... .......... :,P·• STITCllO snn WTialt lllOU, MAMlTIC 1111 UUH. Slve tlloae CAllVAS1 lTC. Mends ttllc~ fabrics blcyclH from rain Ind 1ny bid protu11on.lly and with use! lt•Plfn w11ther. Powerful bullt..f11 llll&Mts cuts In bueblll 1toves, ltloes, halld-hold Ult bike p,..e 111 place • blp, belts, Slddlts, 1wnlnp, salts, curtly without atrln1 or trea. lltl1t- c1nv11 lnfl1t11blu, upholstery. sews forced pt11tlc to flt 111 sins: most an Instant permanent lock stitch. motorcycles tool Fold1 Into 1111111 # ... -Stitcher OftlJ $1.91 wlltl space when 11ot In 1111. [11COU11,._ waxed t11r11d ind needles. •--:roun11ters to protect belonJ!np_ •• 25 yd1. of extra thread only &ge. Mn-llh 8lrlll .. $1.lt, Z/l2·• alD YOUll MOMl OF ltOAC•l-lHr TMUt OUT ur "' 5 TUISI ""'" Sff 1 dud roach 111 In, never Ht 1 live one elttlerl Tiiis excltln1 new product completely ellmln1tt1 roaches ind w1terbu1s. Hon·toxlc, odort11.~1 no 0.0. T.1 no-Wiste eppllcator. "orb slllftt11 141 to s )'!'$. to PRWnt relr.- tutatlon. 5 OlS., enou&fl for I 5 room house. 1•1-a.s tff ...... $2 .. , 21$1.41 ENGRAVING PENCIL Only $2.98 ( ... .,... rDCll WlllTEI 01 IUIS, CHAMIC1.. METAL1 f'UITIC. l'trmanem tuncstttt-e1rtllde tip worts Just llkl a \ pencil but · never nHdS stllrpentn1. Protect all valua· ~ b~=,r=~'~:: ' reo tapesi sport· \1~fm':.~~ carbide tip •tcllH euc:tly • llkt I dll• mond and • .. ., lasts forever. ,-, • 1nc11e11onc. 11J,.._ ~ ,..., .$2 .. f'UY CNOaD PIMO II 10 IAYI. Thtst fabulous new Instructions un-lock tllt secrets of rich pleno soullds. In 1 few days you'll be "cllordll\I" !Ike 1 professlonal. Plly "pop" bin" with your rlcllt lllnd wtllle yo11r left 11 creatln1 th• lrreslstlblt r111t11m of major, minor end 7th chords. An Illustrated chord dictionary Included. t~llerf Ltueu ....... p.• AT WYI A TV AITOlllA YOU ft.U• lie! J11St 1ttach to set, ptu1 ltlto electric socket. Pow11-Plu1 pe1ks lY to better reception, brln11 In brl&llt. clt1r picture even In frln1e ert11I Banlsltt1 curnt>trsome, unsl1ht1y IM-blt t1ra. 1111kes ouldQor 1nttnn11 i& neces11ry. Allows ne'w TV's to use full power. 11ves boost to okl sets. ~ •• .,.,... Alltwal .. $1 .. 1 rAJll or rAITI • o• Mdll•t Hans mon dotllea In closet wltll tlltst 5-fod 11H1tra. Eacll It perf9ct fOI nt1rly a complete W11rdrobe of men's trousersi.l•dles' sl1cb, neck· ties, belts, surtl; all without 1 wrinkle. ltul!Mr-rad to pr~ sllppln1. OeeHncl pl11tlc capped rods mike for usy pl1cemtt1t. r.- moval. Metal, lV wide . 7111-lllllttl .................. $1M llW'-UAIT UllW.I lrlU Tiii• IUV£11 Sil domeatlct fir"' Ind ocun 1nl1111ls 111 brl&llt Sf\llMPlrt. unbrnuble plastic. The aecu- wllen 1n1pped to1eU1er, "'911 Girt the neme of each 111111111. A ducll, doc. tOW, fish, Cit llld IOOlter. TNclles letter ISIOdltlOft and color. E.dUcltlonal SNp 'n Spell Ml fof th• 1~::.;.•t. 20 pieces. 11117 '"" ...... let .. $1 CAST laoet VICTOllAI WlU IUCl- U 11 IOW A ruNTHI The klrMlne lamp bracket that was pert of every Vlctort1n household returns 11 1 pl1nter. It's bliss for blossoms and twlnln1 vines. An lnsplretlofl In '111111 clamour 11 the decorative arm tx· ttnds outward 9~" end the ornate cut Iron bowl 11 4" acrosa. Pl1nb are not Included. 1~ .... .,.... .......• $2.tl TALKING TOILET GUESTS LEAP FOR LAUGHS when they hear your toilet talking. "Hey, I'm working down here!" and several other surpriHS await slight pressure on the tollet seat. Unit Is hidden when not in UM. Ope~tes on a penllte battery, not Included. 13368-Taltdnc ToHst . $!5.98 \ IHR ·\ Tl\:L BEl T HH PS \OU l 0 0 t\ & f U l \ l .\ H <\ \ 0 U ~CE R NOW CHARGE YOUR ORDER TO: MASTER CHARGE • BANKAMERICARD • DINERS CLUB • AMERICAN EXPRESS ALL ITEMS SOLD ON AN UNCONDITIONAL 10-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. USE HANDY ORDER FORM • a· Chef's Knit. • 7• Utility Knife • 4• Parinc Knife • 4 • Chef's Knife s-YI. uN<OMDITIOMAl GUAUMlll , .............. "'S.:: ...... dllr19 ".., ...,... wttlll• "" ,.,.. COMPLETE 5-PIECE . VANADl'UM $998 STAINLESS STEEL KNIFE SET ONLY Each knife Is lndivlduelly herdened, then honed to e ruor edtle end stemped with th• proud hellme~ "VANADIUM STAINLESS STEEL." your UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE thet you own the fln .. t knife set made end they'll remeln so FOREVERI Ruor sherpon the upper sc.le of the "Rockwell HerdnH• Test." Oe•lcned to perform kitchen mlreclKI There Isn't • cervlns. sliclnS. dldna, mlnclnc, or chop pine tHt you cen't now perform with expertise end minimum effort. Bl1de1 so toueh. 10 dureble, you'll wonder how you ever did without thew knlvHIYour 4·plece knife set lncludH • fifth member: • hendsom• wood reek. 13170-Knlf•Reck Set $9.91 lllft A Ur._ Cllrll .... er-t .......... , Ltt JOUr doc PllY Santa end watch klddl" eyes llatrt11p with merrim111tl He'll loot cvtt a S.lnt llicll In Illa Santi llet, wtllte burd, warm red•ncl· wlllte coat. Otslaned tor comfort of eajy<lten vinyl. Elcll outfit llh 1n Id· Jllttlble strap th1t fits under do1'1 atomldl. Reuse this outfit 191r 1ffer ~. Every dot will love btln1 the ctn· ter ot ettentlon. 3 piece ut. IM4 a.ti ... o.tllt ........... St TOPAZ GLASS OWL IS A UNIQUE DECANTER Gem like, topaz eolor9d flus ..• this woodland friend Is truly wise; his held re- moves for easy pourfria. He' 1 bli enouah to hold a 5th of your favontd bever- age, end even empty he's •charmer standlna on the ~r. dld'1 desk -an ele-~ piece of alass sculp-ture. o.t.lled ~. hooked noA and deeply feathef9d body. THE at- tention aetter. 10 Inches. 13751 -Decant $2.98 12722-Amerlcan E11I• decant« emerald ~ .,... . . $2.98 SPECAL BONUS OFFER ••• 1111111-fin&·R&l'"f. .... ,. '524 Greenland Buildinc. Miami, Florid• 33059 ; :BBB ~ Please send me ttema listed below. I understen:I If I'm not satisfied \.. I with any Item. I c:jn return It wlthio 10 days for a full and comolete l'efund. .,..,_ .......... How Meny Item Number Neme of Item POSTAIE AMO HAlfOLlllC CHAIT To tl1ure: total order, ind use chut. Include correct ch1nre to ..old del1y. Thia Is 1 s111111 pert ot the cost ... We p1y the rest. Sorry no atemc>s. .,...,. B '' P• .. .. ei onlert E·°' '' ...... ·t'-'• tNtrt .ot ft PM . . .,..... 11.01 Te •12.00 . 1.11 °""'9 t.Ot ft $7.M .• $1 °"'" tr $'2.00 ..... t.11 TO CHAllE-PlWE CHECI OME & SHOW feUMBEI Price Ee ch , .... ,~ - '•l'A I •,r 0\1, .. 0 DIMEIS ClUB } 0 MASTEi CHAltCE 0 U1EllCAH EXPIESS Good Thrv --0 BAMUMEllCAltD I ACC. MO. TOTAL I AC.C. MO. I INTERBANK NO. DD DD GOOD THRU NAME-------------------.....------ADORESS------------------------L CITY _________ STATE ____ _...IP ____ _ MONEY 8,,CK ON ANY ARTICLE RETURNED WITHIN 10 DAYS ,. SHOP 'N SAVE THE EASY WAV ... BV MAIL FROM GREENLAND STUDIOS. USE HANDY COUPON ON PRECEDING PAGE .. LITTLE DRUMMER BOY" BISQUE MUSIC BOX. Th is heart -warming Christmas story lives again! The appeal· tng hand-painted fig· urine stands in the snow. his clothing patched and worn. But love lights up his face as he plays his drum in celebra. tion. Portrayed in bisque-finished ce· ramie, the charming music box revolves while It plays the unforgettable "Pa. rum·pum-pum." 7- inches. 12888-Drummer Boy Music Box $4.98 These professional dustless pastels cen be mixed end blended. They 1re es convenient as pastels yet have the brilliance and color depth of oil paints. Sticks will not crumble or break easily and can be used on paper 1 board, cloth stone plaster. Completed oil pastels paintings do not require . "fixing" and can be frerped like a water color painting. Non·toxic composition. 9760-011 Pastels ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·12.98 11487-Twe 9112" CaltYIS Inns ... 2/$1.00 • 5/ 2.00 11411-Drawill T•ltt. 24-9112" Sll1ttl $1.00, 3/ 2.00 TALKING ANIMAL BOOK. This book of farm animals sounds like it's alive. Squeeze each bright naturally colored page and hear the dog bark, the cat "meow," the horse neigh 'and the pigs grunt. Squeeze the whole book at once and you're down on the farm! Beauti· ful bright colors, wipe clean! Fascinating edu· cational enchantment for toddlers! 4013-Anlmal Book . . . . . . . . $1 POT BELLY STOVE IS AN ELECTRIC LAMP! A beautifully detailed visitor from the past comes to shed a little light! Grandma's stove has been given a whole new ceramic personality. It's been wired to radiate a soft. warm light, and has a white china hurricane lampshade decorated with a grand American eagle. This decorative charmer 1s a f ine n1ghthght or an extra lamp for any room at all. The bulb and cord are inclucled. 11" 12591-Lamp $5.98 SHAG RUG ATIACHMENT Fn'S All VACUUMS! It gets deep down Into the thickest shags and luxury pile carpets. Specially deslaned to flt all vacuums. Instead of Just sklmmlna off surface dirt and dust you can now really aet down deep. Shaas and pile carpets will last longer and look better1 HI-Impact molded plas- tic:. 11 • long. 11708-Shat Rue An.dwnent ........................... $118 FUN MUG HAS A FROG IN ITI There's a bit of the practical )oker In each of usl This lnnocent-lookln1 white c• ramie mua hH • w" l1"n froa l'fftlna on the bottom! He's concealed by the beveraae until the cup la emptied .•. wetch the expression of the drinker es the fros becomH visible! Sure to satisfy every funster. una-r,.. Mc .. $1..29, .. 21$2..29 NEW BONNET FITS ANY HAIR DRY· ER. Replace wo11H>ut hood and make your hair dryer like new again: Re-Nu Hoods frts any hose on all dryers and blowers. Extra-large ven- tilated cap puffs out to cover and dry any style set, even over curlers. Quality plastic in attractive floral oattem. 7499-Dryer Hood .. . ........... $1.91 PERSONALl!EO FIREMAN'S COFF'£E MUG A h&nd screened, lull·color. horsedrawn enliline decor11tes this handsome white mUlil· Firemen In every old time firehouse had his own personalized colh~e cup. Your own guy will enJo;i: upholdlnlil this time· honored trndotlon. Man·Sired, stout h1rndle. lustrous ctrramlc. PRINT NAME to 8 letttrrs. • Pl2660-F1,..men's Mua $'1.59 ..,_ ...,_ COOK'S BEST FRIE.ND REVERSIBLE GRILL - GRIDDLE FUPS OVER FOR FRYING! ALL ITEMS SOLD ON AN UNCONDITIONAL 10-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. . NEVER, NEVER LOSE THEIR SHAPE ~ Beautiful All-Occasion Pantsuit Ensembles .. taahlon•bl• •lf•n,..tlc .. "'""•' SlYLE 40410-S-PIECf: DOUBLE KNJT "ENGLISH'" lWUD ENSIEMBLL 100% bonded wlnter-welaht acrylic and wash .. be•utlfullyt Semi-fitted dOubl• breasted JacUt hH 2 roomy pockets. Teams wtth ... y.flowfnc pants to make 2 aeperat• outfits. Comfortable elastk: waistbands. Colors: Grey tweed or Purple tweed. saa: a to 1a, only $11.18; 14% to 24%. onty $12.• ITYlE 40400-40l.D£H CHAIN DOU- ll.E KNIT PANTSUJT. For excltl"i riew fashion •t loW cost. Vest Is held snu1 by 3 &Olden metal chains, 6 aolden metal buttons. Pants hes comfort elas- tic waistband. All In 100% washable bonded acrylic knit. Keeps Its 1rMt shape always. Colors: royal bl~ or red. SizM: 10 to 18. only $8.M; 14% to 22%, Ol"1 .... r -,,fa ?!,...' 2 WAYS 10 ORDER: PREPAID • US£ YOUR t HARG£ CARD!., (188nla'ld fosNoos o.pt. 4525 I 4500 N.W. 1l5ttt 9trMt. Mlem&. FlerW• 33054 0 PllPAID: I enclose tllt fUll prtce I (SIM followlnc, on llHllY l!IOMJ-0.dl p1rantee) Pt.US e~ postace for etdl at:Ylt . I Style No. Silt 1st Color 2llcl Color l'tlce - Add 8~ • ~st.ce per style. -TOTAL - ...... "-----------~ "'llAY c..-,........ I 0 llNIKAMEIUCARO I Acct"°· I Good Tllru ------- 0 MASltR CHARCE Acct. Mo.-------IN]UIAHI< No. ____ _ (Fltld lbOYe YoUr Nmt\ I I I I I ~~---~--~-----~--'°°.!~~------J A PAINTED PATTERN --------------------Send to: . FAMILY WEEKLY PATTERNS, Dept. 3933. 4500 N.W. 135th St .. Miami, Fla. 33054. PLEASE PRINT Be sure to give ZIP Code NAM"----------- STREET--~------ CITV~--------- STATo;.E------'ZIP-- Send $1.00 plus 25 cents for Post- age and handling: cash. check or money order. Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 (ne.w sizing). F-1675 I Slate Size .__ __ _, By Rosalyn Abrevaya Shlrtdress With a Differenee How to update a classic? D on't change the shirt- dress' comfort- able fit or its easy front-button clos- \ ~ ing, but do give it smashing detail. like this smart silhou- ette with unusual "Bassett-ear" collar, lots or top-stitching. a back yoke and mock pockets. f;abric suggestions: gabardine, wool jersey or blends. Size 12 takes approximately 3 IA yards of 44-inch fabric. Standard body measurements for size 12 are: Bust 34, Waist 25V2, H ips 36. 33•FAMILY WEEKLY, October 14, 1973 What am I? I cannot be seen. Many times 1 go completely unrecognized-particula rly in the very young. Because of me, children fail to learn a nd their speech will never be normal. They are labeled stubborn. Deficient. Or even retarded. Yet they are none of these. I make the elderly suffer. When I strike, they often cut themselves off from family a nd friends. They feet misunderstood. And they know the heartbreak or lo neliness. In all, l rob more than 15 million Americans of much that is good in life. l undermine their confidence and eat away a t their social life. l am equally hard on the rich and poor. I cause trouble on the job and in the home. Yet, in spite of Lhis, few of those I attack do anything to fi ght me, because no one wants to ad mit I exist. I am a hearing pro blem. Early detection is important. See your authorized Belt one Dealer now for a Free Electronic Hearing Test. I $d1JZ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~r-TE~# ®utftt '.lnur mon if Utt &fitn m1au5 r ' This Christmas {1nd :nany mor;r. let your dot play Sanb f and watch your klddlu' eyes II t up wltll mlr1fl and mer· rlmtnt! He'll looll cute as old . Hick himself dressed up In Ills rid Slnta h•l floppy white beard, warm red 1nd White coal Cleverly deslaned In soft. comfy vlnyl. Ont size fits 111 does. AdJusllble strao on coat nts under doe's stOllllCll. 3 oc. set. Sl. Send check or m.o. Order Santa DOI Outflts!l6344)@$l plus 3SCpost.&h•nd1.~IU.OO ppll. co .• DtJt, 452', 4500 M.W. US111 St, Mlllll, na. UOlt Look who's in our 50 stamps-for-10¢. 5 foreign coln1, 10¢ ,, Wo'llM11dpou.for ICW,fflclotn ... ncoln•of S p•ln. F'lnl•nd. SWrn ~ .... Ta:rk.,, a nd Cwchoalo- valtla. Pl,.. a <Olorllil foreltrl\ t..nltnoi.. J"al IO iret your name for our malllne ll•t. W•'ll lnclud<t our fra caLaloc of rolna. P•P<t• monQ , colltt· I tor'• ouppll•. Send IOI • .,..,.. •• add•"•· •IP to . t.ITTLg1'0N COIN CO .. 0.pt. MB-3 Lilli.ton. N.w Hamp1hlrt> OISCI •• l% < ' Healthier Thicker More Beautiful Hair Longer ••• in iust a few short weeks I natures <9wn Cformula Long Hair llair and scalp • Eliminates split ends, breaka11 • Hair becomes thicker, healthier, easier to 11anase • Ends need for fake wi1s, falls LONG HAIR thickens hair, prevents dandruff, conditions. • Instant action •.. Noticeable results within days 14-DAYFREE TRIAL OFFER! We invite you to try LONGHAIR for 14 days. If you are not 100% satisfied ... if your new Iona hair Is not the talk of oll your friends .•. then return the bottle to us (even If It's empty) and we'll refund your purchase priQe in full . . . no ques· lions askedl What Satisfied Users Say: " ... I am happy to report that my hair has grown an average of one full inch in the past two weeks since I started using your terrific Long Hair." Mrs. l . 0., New York ''. . . so helpful to my hair and scalp ... Long Hair formula has indeed stopped a terrible itching scalp ... '' B. 0. N., Georgia ". . . . seems to be working very well ... I need 20 to 25 (bottles) for me and my friends ... " B. E., New York Your dre11111 come truel Now 111 abundance of silky, luxurious tresses down to your shoulders ••. u lone IS you wlshl And, It's ALL YOURS NATURALLY! Astoundln& new lormua by Ctrrnan cosmeto101lsb, made completely of nature', O"Wft in1red;ents (••· trtcts of 21 different pl.tnls, vit1111lns and mineral ults -H Unll cllMllal1 9f MJ ~'>. actually con· dltlons hair as It stll!MllatH htaltlller, fuller body. YOU'LL Tlllll l TO Tiii IEMUTIOllAl HSUlTS YOU SEE Ill JUST A flW WHIUI Apply dally Ind SH your hair crow htalthler, thlcller day by d1y with new life, new shffn, a bollncy rnai1111.0lt softnen It never had before. In just I few WHllS, 1rs NOTICEABLY LONCERI No more upenstve, 11ncornfortable falls and wlss (always detectable at their best) to create that 1t1rnorous lon&halred natural took you've elways wented. For J11st 0tnnlts a day, you can crow a Iona, ftowln& healthier man• of your nry own! ZIH31C ••••••••• Lollltialr, lottlo .. $8.50 r: - - -,,,.U ltartdy COllpon --- LONG HAIR, Consu!Mf Products Div. Z·466 I Westminster, Meryland 21157 Gentlemen: Yes, I want my own hair to bl hulthlerl I lllOrt 111tural tonier. Kindly rvsll _ bottll{a) o LOflC HAlll (Z69131C) for Jult $1.50 plus 50t to co¥tr I posta11 and handlln&. I vncltrttancl tht If I am not completely ullafttd, I may retvm for 1 fllll rtfuncl of I PllrchlSI ll'IC.. 0 IAVll a... TM) ......... ""' 11'.N ...... 1W .......... I .......,.s-_, ... ...,_ [O(oOlff ·~ ------Pa. & MO. reitlclenh I •dd .. , .. ,... I ,..,.,. ____________ _ I I I I co, ____________ _ Slfft LONG HAIR. Consumer Products Div. _J ._. __ Wlttminst9r, Mlryland 21157 --· ----e)LONG HAIA,1973 - - - I ~ 1n the \\Orld! I • ~ • CL • 'C 0 u a: EVONNE OOOLAGONG Let UM "*' WNr telltale gray •••• In thne days of Women'• Lib, one of the world's best-paid tennis cham- pions hasn't been liberated from wash- ing her own clothes. The problem is that Evonne Coolagoog plays just about every day. Says Evonne, "'I can't wear the same outfit twice without washing it. And tennis is ll gn.ieling oc- cupation." So every morning (at least when she's home) tennis takes second place as Evonne bangs out a freshly washed white outfit for her day on the court. (See, Bobby Riggs? No ring around the collar I) Marriage three decadM from now: "By the year 2000 it will be f easib1e to insure that there will be no children in a union. By one of the sever~} means currently under study, each individual will be assured of lasting infertility iD early adolescence. It will taJce positive action, permissible only after a thought- ful decision, to reestablish fertility ..•. Also, computerized matching of p~ spective partners will be far more so- phisticated .... It's becoming increas- ingly clear that a man-woman relation- ship will have permanence only to the degree to which it satisfies the emotion- al, psychological, intellectual and phy- sical needs of the partners.'' From "~ coming Partners: Marriage and ltS Alternatives," by Carl Rogers, Ph.D. (Delacorte, $7.95). SEN. BARRY GOLDWAT£R Turning off the S..ka QUOTE: Sen. Barry Coldwater (R- Ariz.) on running a government in pub- lic: "It is impossible to conduct the af- fairs of government in the window of Macy's department store. And it is a 34 • FAMILY WEEKLY, October 14, 1073 frightening thing to attend, as I did on one occasion, a meeting of top oJB- cials in the White House and read all about it in the morning paper the next day. I am not talld.ng about just any meeting. 1 am talking about a meeting that I felt was so confidential that I did not even discuss it with my staff. Yet, the next day I found a completely accurate account in the newspaper. It was so accurate that even the words I spoke were correctly attributed. You ahnost have to have it happen to you to understand the feeling such an ex- perience gives you. I called the Presi- dent and suggested that ·something would have to be done to seal oil the leaks of information from the executive branch." UNQUOTE. Can • woman of 70, the mother 9f three grown sons and grandmother of nine, make it as a movie starlet? "Of course she can," says Terry Blake, "if she really wants to.,. This is DO idle l onging. Terry spends haH of each waking day at cal- isthenics, the other hours in voice, Terry lleb dancing and acting lessons. She explains, "All my life I've wanted to be in show business, but I never got the chance. Now I have the time and the money. 1 bill myself as 'the world's most glamorous grand- mother.'" Her objective, she modestly declares, is to match Marlene Dietrich. In fact, she's challenged the German songstress to a contest-in bikinis! ANNIVERSARIES: Jacqueline Ken- nedy married Aristotle Onassis five years ago Saturdey. BIRTHDAYS (all Libra): Sunday- Lillian Gish 7 4; Roger Moore 46. Mon- d•y-Mario Pu7.0 52. TuHClay-David Ben Gurion 87; William 0 . Douglas 75. Wednesda y-Arthur Miller 58; Jean Arthur 65. Thursday-Pierre Elliott Trudeau 54; George C. Scott 46; Melina Mercouri 48. Friday-Jack An- derson 51. S•turday-Arlene Francis 65; Art Buchwald 48; Dr. Joyce Brothers 45; Mickey Mantle 42; Joan Marichal 36. BIRTHDAY PEOPLI!: Dr.Joyce Brother1&George C. lcott I Quips & Quotes u u i- g e e f f s e y h g e ARMOUR'S ARMOURY By RlcMrd Armour SPEED READER, TOO f m thinking of the meter reader Who at our meter looks. He reads our meter as, I guess, Most readen must read books. In (act, our meta reader may Find this a lot more fun. He know1 the water or the gu We've used, before he's done. Or il not water, then it's watts Be reach without restriction. No cbaracten, no plot (I hope)- My bill, though, seems lib 6ction. I Social SecurittJ is when you get paid wealcly once a morn/,. -Robert Orben A rather prudish woman was stroll- ing along the beach one day when she spotted a. young girl clad in a very bric£ bikini. She was appalled and sni<l to the girl in horrified tones, "Really, young lady, you should be ashamed of yourself. Wh:it would your mother say if she saw you in that suitr' "She'd he plenty mad," the girl ad- mitted. "It's her suit." -Thorruu LaMancc A man, boasting that his .t0n had a wide range of interem, said. °'You name it, he watche1 itr -Henry E. Leabo A problem student was becoming too well acquainted with the principal's office. Tho frustrtttcd p~cipal finally showed his annoyance. 'This makes the fifth time I've had to punish you this week. What have you to say for yourself?" The problem youngster glumly an- swered, "I'm glad it's Friday." -Lucille J. Goodyear Car manufacturers n1114'f be taking one of tllose new memory co11rse1. LMt year they had almost total recall. -Dorothea Ke11t I THROU~H A CHILD'S EYE!; Kld• ... Ille dlffenmttv. Send or1gln1I contrlbutJon1 to "Child," Famlly Weekly, 841 Lexington Ave .• N.Y., N.Y. 10022. $10 If uMd-none returMd. My sister was helping out little brother make a ~phone call. With her guidance, be dialed the number and awaited an answer. After several rings it was evident no one was home. He was told to hang up. ln a desperate attempt to gain a tittle more time be piped up, .. Waitl I think I can hear someone coming!" -Mra. Martee John10n Yuma, Am. SUBURBIA: Where det>eloper1 dig up treu and name meet& a/fer them. -Conrad Fiorello Father irupecting a teenager'• room: *Well, me can·e haoe been gone Ott'} long. Tlie phone is still wann." -Funny Funny World By Fr•nk Baginald LITTLE EMILY "The ume 1tupld IChoof. The NIM atupld fenea. The aeme 1tupld booka. The Mme 1tupld walk with the NIM etupld girt. laft't eutunm nottalglc?'' FAMILY WEEt<LY, October t4, tm • u LaReDO looks like the 40¢ to 50¢ filter brands LaReDO smokes like the 40¢ to 50¢ filter brands LaReDO tastes like the 40¢ to 50¢ filter brands (maybe better) LaReDO Make them yourself for less than 20¢ a pack.• With a Laredo cigarette-making machine, you can make your own regular or menthol filter cigarettes. 5-Padc Refill Kits cost less than S1 . •That's less than~ a pack.• FILT0R BLeND Regular •In mott areu of the country -bated on manufaelurer'• auggeatad retell price. Cl'"' -• --~ COIOO' • , Read how to get it plus 5 more In case after case, Perry Muon trape liars, cheats and murderers into giving themselves away oo the witness stand. The courtroom bas all the sights, soUod. and special drama of real court- rooms. The law Perry artfully manipulates is real law. The moment of truth is dazzling and always believable. . And no wonder since Erle Stanley Gardner. who created Perry Mason, had been a fonnidable criminal lawyer himself. 'Jlult's why Mason's secrets of cross.- examination, which Gardner lets him reveal for the ooe-aod-ooly time in The Case of~ Rettlaa Redhead. are a model for ~ la~en. As well as fascinating inside inf~tioo for almost anyone (you oe"Vtt know when it might oome in handy). We'd like to send you The Rest.less Redhe!cl pl .. five more of Perry Mason's greatest cues-so you can• how Gudner med a trial lawyer's knowledge of nales of evidence, autopsy, balliatica •.• to create the beet«lling mysteries ever written. Plus The Case of the Velvet Claws (the very first Perry Mason mystery) and TheCases of the Waylaid Wolf. The Fugitive Nurse and The Bigamous Spouse. These six full-length thrillers are handsomely bound into these three doubJe- volumes. We'll send you all six for $1, as your introduction to The Gardner Mystery Library. Becauee we think they'll make you want to read others by Erle Stanley Gardner. And. ... member, JOU get your choice of other Perry Muon dasaics. Plus Donald Lam-Bertha Cool stories, which Gardner wrote under the pen-name A.A. Fair. As well as cotartroom dramas from bia famous District Attorney Mriea. But you take only the boob you . ...Uy want. And far .... hardbound double- volume JOU decide to keep, JOU pay only ~.89, which is less than a single nm-of-the- mill mystery costs these days. · We urge you to take up this offer today. U you're a mystery fan, it would be a crime not to. The Gardner Mystery Library, Walter). Black, Inc., Roslyn, N.Y. 11576. r-------------------------~--- The Gardner Mystery Library Walter J. Bblck, Inc., Roslyn, N. Y. 11576 Pleue send me my 6 Perry Muon tbriUera. I endoee no money. U I don't want to Qq, the9e introdudory volumes. 111 tttum them within a week and owe nothing. Otherwile, 111 pay just $1 for all three, plus a small mailing cbatge. Al90 resaw for me additional volmnea in Tbe Gerdner MJ*rY Ubnry, which I'll be entitled to receiw u they come from the pruea. . 111 set Ml·vance descriptions of an future volumes. l tmy reject any books ~fore or after I Nerive them. For thoee I do keep, l pay just $3.89 eecb plus a small mailing ctmp. And I imy cmcel my raervation at any time. MR.IMS. (PLEASE PRJNT PLAJNLY) 3-MV QTY SfATE :UP The Gardner Mystery Library i'iel::t ~ Myttay La~<J(Cwda, ~ ... HouH Ltd.. t St.. Toronto M~V 'lY1, o.t.rio. LO( HE ( .. I • • • ~FINAL SPORTS [· I LOCAL WANTA SUNDAY, OCTOlll 14, 1973 --Z ~ wae --;w 6ET ~EAi>'(, C~Uc:~! HE«E I COME AGAIN! •· . »r EYER'lll·UN6 All-1'l 6HI 8ACI< 11-lERE ? --ii' Z m ' NANCY I AH, THERE HE IS v ·I'VE -BEEN LOOKING FOR HIM ALL DAY YES, THEY LOOK· KINDA BLURRY---MAYBE Y OU ,_,,,,_~, NEED GLASSES FUMBLE! By Ernie Bushmilter . --.. HI, SLUGGO---HOW ARE BECAUSE YOUR EYE S YOU FEELING? LOOK STRANGE TODAY FJNE--- WHY DO YOU ASK? 'Tm. 1'1f U, ~ '•!. Cll!.-A.~ ""'" m-4 ~ 19r I\ / vn<ttd F .. ture S1ndJu tt Int. COME TO MY HOUSE---I'LL GlVE YOU AN EYE TEST . .. . .. • • . ' 0 I 0 OWE NANCY FIFTY CENTS F"OR IHREE' .,.,E"E t< S READ I T OUT LOUD -' I j I l • serNG AQ lA ATtc, iHi! WHA l-E L. Vi~ IN iHe ~eA. 'DENNIS THE MENACE I HON COME you NFVER C-0 lo WORK1 MR . WILSON ? 1HAPPEN TO Fe RE: TIRED J I [> t> [> J OKAY! LET '5 GO OYER THE MATER IAL YOU GAYE M E! WE HAYE TO M AKE SOME DECISION S! WHA1" Al(! YO(.,\ L.OOKING FOIC1 A~THU~? ~OMETHING-A80lAi iH! W~AL.f. l'P L..lt<i iO L..EAtN ABO UT iH£ WHAL.e f .A"iHU~ I t CAN ilACH 'IOU. A90~1 iHi WHAL.&! FINAL.I..~ NOT Sf.ING AN AC. TtAAL. ~l'J,H1 -r,_u~. WHAL.6 'l!S. '"f)-fl Wl-IALE IS ). MAMMAL.. 1"J.1i WHAL.e IS 114E WO"t..D'S 1-A~G-s~-r MAMMAL... NOW -r&ACM M! ASOUT iHE WHAL.E EAT, F/~J.f / PL.AN I< TON I AND ~TUFI= L.IK!! THAT. s~~ATH!~ A1~, 1MA1 WA~ ANOTHa~ WHAL.~. 1-11'& wi DO. FA~C.INATING'. 1. W'.JRKED HARD FOR YEARS 50 J: COULD /AKE rT E/>Gi 90ME DAYl YOU KNOW THAT IF WHAT )'OU TOLD ME 15 MADE KNOWN, YOU 'LL NEYER PLAY ANOTHER PROFESS IONAL FOOT- BALL GAME, DON'T YOU? • I THINK THAT YOU AND I SHOULD GO .SEE THE Dl6TRICT ATTORNEY Flf~5T THING IN THE MORNING,,, AND GIVE HIM THE WHOLE 5TORY! '\ l) I "",,. ,,, . . .,,; .. -..... . . "' . ' ' v ' M£'2-l. ~~ NO! CALL POOLE FOR ME! TELL HIM I'LL. PAY 8ACK THE $75,000 BUT THAT I'LL NEEQ ..... :, ... _, TIME TO RAIGE IJ! ., . ' . ; .. MUTT find JEFF~ I'VE GOT A GREAT IDEA l-IOW WE CAN INCi<>EASE' VOUR BUSINeSS --- REAL PEARLS ARE FOUND IN OYSTERS! NOT WITH ME. I iS'l-L. y;,., I DoNIT KNOW - HOW I C,AN MANNar._ .. We~L,You Gor A BL>SIN~ss ..• PASS !Hf ':-.:~ costs ALOH<f. · "SALLY BANANAS " eve~veoov KNOWS THAT! IHEN---w~eN YOU HAVE; SEA FOOD ON THE MENU, PUT THE PEARLS IN THE NOW, GO TO T~E FIVE: .. AND TEN CENT STORE ~ AND BUY SOME , IMITATION PEAf<L.~J .OVST STEW! "TEDDY, '/OU GOT ON~ OF T~E: <&RE,ATEST ECONOMIC MINDS IN tf;.P ~TIRE PREMISES~ -·1t .. i u • e\JeRY T/Mf; l CSET A LE:TTSR IT1 S~OT A WINDOW IN IT ... I H,At> 10 UP MY ~,ATes, PJ.:usH15'·· 111m1u you -ea~ NO tDE',A-- HOW Mt.JC/.1 IT CoSTSTO RUN A~/48 ... ·- IALK ABOUT LIVING SXPENS~S ! 1'Ve NeVe.R Dol\fe. aNY cHeeRLeap1N<a ... STaRT Nice aND easy 'VITH a TRaoiT\oNa<.. £.0CoMoT1Ve. BeFo.Re,, /'M NeRvous. t-..--~ I B II • • By Al Smith WJ.4EN WORD GETS AROUND THAT CUSTOMERS FOUND PEAJ<LS fN YOUR OV5TSR STEW, THEY'LL ~ COME IN , FLOCK51 "--. ISN'T THf:RE SUPPOSE[) -ro BS: A DIFFSRENCS B~TWt:S:N LIVING EXP5NSES ,AND L.IVING·IT~~' ~XPE:NS~S? C/'~·~· ~ . ( ~( .:........_~ by Charles Barsotti , ' WILL '10C..J VVr21TE CONN T\-41C3 NLJMBEQ. AND ~VE 'OJ~ DADDY PHCNE t6 SO':lN ~ HE C'Ov\ES \N '? lT'S VER¥ IMP(RTj!l.NT. . . . \ ·. \ \ . l ' .. ' . ... "ri:.JAl.t:SL::E::~::E:::e:::DS by Tom K. Ryan WELL, VOU CAN'I~ SO 10U6H iOENAILS, RUNi! (heh-heh-heh!) IF IT ISN'T MY FAVORllE GNOME! SllLL RUB~IN6 E:LBOWS WllH I HE G'RASSHOPPERS I I SEE! ... HAW-HAW-HAWl HOW'S 1"HIN6'S JN Kll7PHSL.ANO ?! . HAW! UAW!' HAWl HAW!! . OH I WOUL.V 1HA f I COLll..D S'P£AK. fOR, If I coµ~iv -rALK, l'D -ae Aa~i:; -ro ~~ YPU WHAf'/t '&ROS.S ;. , IN!:, CRUPPY1 1NSL1fff~ L~~LOW­ t+ARP 11HINK You· AR~ •. 'I ><><>LE~'~ HOW COM'° l'VE: NEVER SEEN ANY OF THGM? • WEl..t .. , THAT'S ONE OF IHEM, 0001-E:Y -f3ECAU5E" ITS R~QUIR~D BY ·LAW 1HAT TH~V BE INS-r'ALLED UNDE:RGROUND SO PEOPL~ WON'T THI/.! OVER TH~M I . AC(LJAL.L.Y, IHE WORLD JS COJ/e~fi'P W11'"H HoRIZO N UN~5--'--~­ JUSI AS A FOCl'"eAll.. FlEL-1? IS COVER~D WITJ.1 YA~DAGi: STRIPES DO YOU E~R HAVE: ... fH~ FE~LING '{our< SAN 1rf IS SUPPINu AWAY? AS A MA"ftER OF FAcr, MIN~ uUsr DISAPPE'AREO OVER . ON~ OF Tt-lE HORIZON J,.IN£6 • I ,_ • - . ' ' Ila/ Kaufman i> f)R • ----BULLETIN BOARD --- ewHAT'S IN A NAME? In rtsponr.e to our quM- tion, The.tere Youn1, of Toledo, Wash., submitted the followl"I name-based pun.words: Anne Tenna, Arthur IDs, Bury Cade, Ben E. Fit, Dan Druff, Deb· ble Nair, and a b01t of oµien, more of which we'll print next week. 0 CA"'· .. piu TRUST YOUR. EYES? Thtre are at least 1ix diCfcr- ences m dn.wlna det1ib: between top and bottom panel!. How qllickly can You find them'!' Check answers with those bclov.·. °11M!'Oti'llOlfN 'I' \CM:l.f '9 •\u-.ttlJJ1> 91 '9UUflUY '9 'ltaTlf)'ID et q»IMoS 't 'PltaRW" ms ., ·rae•nw" 'fJOS 't 'lll)t'tflU" i-o 't ; .. ;iUUllJJkl • ARCIHllE X-RAY l:.'YES~ J land son1eone one din1e and one p.-nny \\'Jlh in· ~truclions to p!a1..e !'\lie coin in each hand behind his b;i~k .. .\sk him 10 count four for th e dime and tlnee for the penn~, and to triple the right-hand numhcr and to dou ble lhc Jcft- hand number; al~o to (i add the tv.·o totals and togi,cyouthefinalre· l.:l'><I suit. Nov.·, ask him to ex· tend his hands forward so that y<1u ~an make your prediction. e Reverse tt\is number, tum It upside down and di· vlde by nine. The result ii 21. What Is tne number? eWhat worrits the POSTMAN? Answer by anarram. That Is to u y, use letters in. POSTMAN to form an· ''"" e A doctor uses 1 sphygmOmanometer ( a mouth· ful} to test re fi l'Xts, blood .count, blood pressure. Whl ch'! If the fin al nun1ber he !tives you is e\en, the dime is in his ii1;;h t hand. If the number he gil·es you is odd, the dime is in his left hand. ON TARGET'? Which one of five paths does the football take to reach the outstretched arms of the player shown at upper ri&ht? (e 1973 Kine Ftatur• S7ndieate, 111e.) JO~l'f I - AT LEAST THIS IS A WARM RAIN! -\\ .. ~ \ -,'.\ 1•1 .·-•\\ ' ' \ ' THERE GotS THE SHACK, AMBLER' \ I IO·J!I- ARCHIE, • WOUl.D '<OU LIKE to SEE ·DADDY'S NO/ THESE ARE BONES THAT DADDY HAS EXCAVATED WITH THE ARCHAE0L06Y BONES? /. J • SOCIETY.' I KNOW .MOST OF THE ARCHAEOLOGISTS ! WHERE'S HE FROM? I \ UP BEAT! Add these colon for a aurprise picture abo,·e: 1-Red. 2-Lt. blue. 3-\"elloll·. 4.-Lt. brown. ~-Flesh tones. 6-Lt. rreen, 7-Dk. brown. 8-Dk. rreen. 9-Purple. 10-Lt. gray. 11-B\ack. SPEllBINOER! ACOU 10 point• for uain1 all the letters in the word below to form two ·complete words: ' INTERVAL ' -... -....... THEN ICOre 2 point. each for all 1 words of four lettu. or more found amon1 the letten:. TrT to seore at Jeut 5t polnlt. i -IT'!: ·~11•..\ :m•.rtrn •1qf"Od •UO NE.VER MIND THE SHACK ... CONCENTRATE ON GETTING TO THAT BOXCAR! LET'S HOPE THEY 'RE STILL ALIVE' ' ~ ~ ' ARCHIE, DON'T Y---... YOU KNOW DID ANYT/f/N6 SOMEBO ABOUT THE MENTION ROLE OF AN Rq1'LS '? ARCHAEOL09IST'? J>:,,,..,.....:;-1 ' ' - ARCH, WHAT'S AN "ARCHIE- OLOGIST'1? HE DUG THIS UP T HIS MORNING! • I AM INNOCENT 0~ ANV AA:SON ATTEMPTS. SOM!ONI! .IS TRVING 'TO RUI M!. -.:::-\ -)) "I• . Mrs. Bloop isn't so bad, Walt. 1'11 be t she has . chanqed his mind. l ·~ :r 1. GORDO NOW, Zif... JU.ST .SA~,< OUT MDWAll !=01<. -rm= l<IG/.IT VIBt=Sf t . NOW MV INSUl:tANCE .MAS aeeN CAHC.!1.Ll!D , MV T!NANTS A•E LfAV1HG~M~·JT.- TMESE MANDLES UN5Cl'IEW. Wl-lAT? IS TMIS ONe -·-HOLLOW? • Wallet I want you to know tve chanqed mv mind about your son s ,.-~['! NOT .E'1<AC. IL 'r PI.AIN1 CJGDAY/ camper. Ohl • IPAOMISS YOU'LL Gl!T You see, Wallet, my son has a camper, mean- too, and Im makin g Yep. Its qoing to be, lively around here with your qrandchildren- and all of mine! -·.-. roo m for it. .--..-- .. I STALi<. PERI0/:1 P IECi:S1 TODAl./f • , Hm ! Thats the first kind •. word Ive ever had from that quy ! · · Im afraid '!es, one Bloop Corkv has family has · got us into ·'·been more a mess, than enouqh! Phyllis. ,, ,. ';\r,:;~' ' • • , By Gus Arriola RAIS/ Z 51fOULDJJI; HAV!E 5u11.:r SO NE.Ale THIE. AJRPORTf 7 • I ·' ' .,,, ;