HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-. . ' • • ruce e Ill rus ar ............................. ., ......... !.'"'"" ......................................... ~~·~~"' ,,,.. ··---'J DAI LY Pl LOT . Ex-adviser Ehrlichnaan * * * 1oc *. * * . Claini8 Double J eoptirdy FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 16, 1974 VOL •I, NO, 111, 4 ~ECllOHS. tl p,t,GES L ........................................... ,. ..... .., ... .,. ..... .,.., ... ...,.,,....,.,.,,.,.,..,..,_..,~s.,_..bft»•• ~ ~ ;Ji;:Ji -ZjWW;;wo.:J ( Bush, Rocke£ ell~r Reported Favored /- oc 1'l111·1ler lfffJJ? Deat~ of Fetus Prompts Charges H1 I\ \Tl!\' Cl. \\.'CY Cn tn• D••I, P1111 ~1111 Fo1ul!a111 \',.!Ii·\' l'ul1i,. :111• prf'.;_,,1nt: murdrr ch:1rg1·.~ ai.::1111"1! n {;,,rd~·n l;rn\1· nt.111fur1h1· 1dl1·g1·d ~l.1\1ng nf !11s 11nb,)rn f'•·li•'<' ... :11tl 1h" ,,J!,.i!l'tl rnuni, r fl\'\'lllTt·tl .1 111~· 10 \\ht'tl 1.0l"f'11JO \"i)\:lri'.tl I)!' l.;1 Hn-.a 2J p1uu·h(•1t ht ~ r~tr,1J)L'.1·<l l'0111111011 L111 111f1· 111 th·· ~ron1:u·h ,,., th1' 1·1u1ph· ,u·g 11t•cl .ti lht' 1·uu111.1111 \',1111•\ h1n1u· nf h1 r p.1r1•nts 1'1111.,1u•io H,·111t·1 . 211 . tli•·!I ;..:.11,• \,,1111 C"I''";" to 'Try' fo(f .~I. C11"rils11H'll For Pot .~111ol•i11~ '\!f'.\\' 0111.f.\\I\ 1\"l'l 1 ('l'f1\I 11H'll1h•'r~ of lilt'! r.;1~t i;u;1rrl t•11!11·r llur:1hl•· 1,,p h1· hr .. ul.!h! h··ti1r•• :1 (':ipt.1111\ 111:1~! for 11 •• n 1 u d 1 1· 1 :1 1 punr<:htllt'lll h1 ·•·;u1.s1• nf :1llr•gt·d rn·1r1Jllat1<1 srn(lking hoard lhc' ship Th t· 1·11 .. ~! 1;1111r11 ·.s Rth J11s1rirl hf'<1rl<111ar1Prs ('onf1nn('(I Thur~hiy th!' 17 \\OUlcl ht· ~u l>i<'('I In 1ht' cl1Sl'1plilH' nf lhi' ship's t:lpt:un <iftc·r ht· ht·:lr~ both s1cl1's of rnrh 1nnn s <;'l"I' The l1ur;ible . ba sl'd in Bro11·11svil1('. Tex .. is cornn1antlt'<l h~' t'nulr \\', .I Brn,1?dcn and h;is a crt'11• of ('il!h1 offierrs and fiO cnlis!ccl . Cn1dr. Fred Burgt's~;, 1hc 1li s1r1ct's legal offici-r. said ;ts he under.~1nnd !he s1t11;ition. "There 1vns a sprinkling nf this rmnrijuana sniokingl off tile ship ancl on 1he ~hip." Huri;css said spt'cific cirr1n11stnnces \'Ari~ frn1n one case to another. lie snid caplflin's mas! is provid!'d for under the Unifor1TI fO<I<' of ~lili!<1ry Justice and is lhi' l!'ast serious of tour types of n1ilitary trial,. After hea.rin~ holh stdi•i;; of 1·:h'h 1n:1n's ·ca.sf'. Rurg<'ss s:iid. the shir'~ <':'lptnin has atr!hol'it y lo 1orfc1t up In h;1l l of a inonths p:i~· fnr !1vn 1nonths. to rt•fhl<"•' a tnao to Jhr next lo11'<'r pily ~r;1dt'. to give t11(1 hours extra duty for nnt more than 4:1 d.1ys and to restrict a inan for not more than 60 clays. to n stillborn .son July 22. police s..1id, :1ud a post-moncm !'XiHllination by the {)r;ing(' f;oun!y r.oroner 's Offire showed th(' 111f;1nl died of a h<'ad injury. 1¥ 1 ~1 Ho~a 11·;1s <l!Tt>"'t!Cd Tucsd:iy h~· Vnun\<1111 Villley polit~. l!e v.as ~cht"<lull'd for ;1 rrn1 gn n1en1 on f\K' n1urdt.•r l'hargl' tod<iy in \\'<'SI ()rcingc County .!11d1l'1;:il l>ic:tri <'t ('ouH ll\'!t•t'!t\ 1' ~\aH~· Engqui:"t satd ~ls. llt·rll\·r had bt·i.:n se1);1r:it€'d (ro1n 1 )(• L.1 Hn•;L ;111<1 was c:1iiy1ng "'i!h her p,111·11!· ,,! 11~1tt2 \\',1n1l'r ,\\<' Sh.._· had l'IC'cn fl"f'<'i1 ing pr1·-n;11:i! r-:irt• f111111 :1 lol'.il ph.1s1c1;1n. E11aqu1 st said. .111d hiid 1:11.·l·n told !ht• cl11Jd SC'l'mcd h1.,dtl1y ;ind v.ould be lJOrn <ihout July 22. \rl•T 'lilt' :1llPgt'dl~· 11as st ruck by IK> l .. 1 lio~:i. rol1 l'r s.11rt. ~he bcr:nne di ! pon 1''\<11111nn!1i111 Ill the do..:lor, .~111• 11.1~ 1f•lt'l !h<'rt• 11·;1~· no lnnf!!'r a f1·t;1I h~·:11'1h1':11. and the h~11Jy 11·ns bon1 d1'.1d .!ul\' 22 !'Ohl·l' ·~.1ul the eoronrr's off1c<' 11;1s 11011ried nf lh<' case by ~1rs U('rhcr·!' 11,•lt,11't· c·;1-.1· 11ork<'r. :incl the coroner 1u1r1l1Pd Fou111ai11 \'allry police (lt•;111i;t' t·ounL.1· l)('puty ()1st r i c I A11orn<'1· finrv H1·an said the murder C'h;1r~l's. 11·l'n? fiied undC'r a re<:cnl addition to the state pen;1l code. "·hich 1>t·r1111!s eh;irgcs to he fded in connection 11·11h the <lt:'iith of unborn children as 11 ell a~ 1i1·ing person~ Ryan s;1id the cluld 11'outd tui1·e been ahlr to liv!' ou!sidt• th(' 111nther's womh. Th<' nc1r !X'n;-il section \1-as .1ddcd 111 !970 <"lil r r a 5-2 Suprcn1e Court decision freed a Northern California 1111111 fron1 prosecu!ion in connection with a sirnilar death. .. - In that case, Kel'ler vs. S11pcrior Court. (Sec UNBORN, PH2e 2) Fire Kills Six Ju Rest llo111 e BHOOKl \1\\IEN. ~1iss. f,\l')l - S1\: patients died today 11•hcn a fir<! 1lo!"lro~·ed a nursing home ca.st t)f Brookhaven. 1\\·o persons ""ere i n j u r c d . includinJ:? l'I nur!>e's Aide credited "'ilh heroic efforts in saving sever- al patients. Eight persons escaped unhurt . 2 Stowaways l<ille1I _ hl' bla'lC' raced through ~foore's Ci\HACAS (U Pl l _ Thr nun\lx'r-.,f:--l--'<est llo1ne, burning the ll\'()..S!ory fnttillti".'I fron1 \\'l'rlne·sd:iy's er;·ish of frn1n ~· s1 n1clure lo the 1:ro11n<I a \l{'llC'7a!ll'IHn IU l'bOpr!!IJ ;11 r]i nt•r ro~i· Fire1111•n got thr alarnl ;1bout 2 to 4!1 tOclav 1111h 1hc disi·ovi·ri· 111:11 n n1 hut \\('l'C u11ahlr to s:n·c the two l8-yr11r.-f}!d g11 ls h11rht·d ;i i·l(lt• 111 l>l11lclin~ 1tic 1·r'Cl\''s q11ar11•rs. Thi· t110, t'l;u;i .\11lhnriti11s ~;ii<! n11rSt' 0 S :iicli' f[;1(•h11("I ;ind l)1:1nH lll'('IH'l', \\('t'P [!'l('!l(I~ ('hns (·:1rnll'V ll'ih<'rt"d !Hll ll10S\ or one of thr-sl r11•:1rd<'""''~ ,., lhl' L1111':1 tlf 1hosc II ho rirct the hla1c Aeropost:il Vr11('lolan:1 Viscoun1 'I . . . ~------------------_..--~\ lligh But Not Dry • *"' M•~ ,.~ ~ ... ' . . ; ~ -. • I -' -' . ,, ~. '. l • ' I 11 seen1ed like a good idea <1t the tin1e. but Jeep driver John Everett. 19. San l)iego (right). and hi s buddies. Don Nc1vpafk 1Jeft) anrl Sean Elliott. /cen- ter). both of Gardf'n Grove, ra n into trouble early this 1norning \vhcn !hey tried to clr11·c ;1rni111d .'-iant:t 1\na H1ver JCt\1cs tro111 :-..·c,vport F:c;1l'l1 11~ 1111111111 ~ 1011 Reach .11. lo\v tide. 'l'he vchtl'IL• !.!tit ~llH k 111 \l'C\ sand. 'J'he pi(·f11re IPll..;, !he re-:\ of 1l1t' ~t1J 1 _, Neiv Cypriis Cease-fire After Nicosict Abctndo11ed Ry The Associated Press Turkish forcf'S reported clos ing the l::ist ,gap in thei r ass::i.ult line t oday, putting one-third or G'y prus undC'r Turkish control as both sides declared <1 cease-fire at dusk to end ::i. three-day war. The government of Cyprus PrcsidC'nt Glafcos Clerides, v.·hich abandoned the battered c::i.pital Qf Nicosia as Turkish planes and n10Ft.:lrs pounded th e ouL~kirts. announcrd that C.rcck Cypriot forces 11·outd quit fighting at 6 p.rn. !Cyprus time) F'ro1n Ankara. PrC'micr Hulen! f.CC'l'it declared his forces v.·ould ha!t thC'ir offensive at the same deadline. For five or six minutes after the cease-fire deadline, sporadic f i r i n g continued in the capital. But lhe fighting appeared to have ended at least temporarily. Turkish forces already ca pt u r ed famagusta. :JS miles east of the capita l of Nicosia, and had hcen driving on Lcfka. 30 miles v:est of the capik1l. Al the same tirne. Turkish ai r and Rrtillr.ry attacks forced the rrrrus governn1r.nl to abandon the c:ipital and nee lo the por1 of J,i n1assol. ('ypn1s P,r!'sidrnt <:lal cns Cll'ridcs 11nd his 1ninist<'rs f!NI so hurriedly that the doors of !he drsrrh:<I pr<'sid<'n'f· ·11 offices v.·rrc left bangins in the 1\·ind. There 1r:ls no e1·idcnre tha1 any attempt had been made to re1nove filC'S or other P<l\'lers. The building \111:' completely deserted. Even the a r n1 e d ()C)lice guard surrounding: it until earlier in the clay w<is nowhere to be seen. A portable radio in lhe office of !he pre~idcnl's secretary \1·as still blaring iSee CYPRUS. Page 21 Prostitution La,v llOi\OLliLU ft;Pl) -The American Bar 1\ssociation over.vhClmingly hI1.~ rejected a resolutioa calling for repc-al of state \a\vs classifying prostitlllCs as criminals. Robert Kul ak, chairman-elect of the section of individual righl and responsi- bilities commitlee v.·hich drafted the n1casure. said Thursday the r esolution "d0t'~ not rail for legali zing prnstitution. II sh11ply proposes l''C slop policing privult' 1nora!lt~·.·· Kut ;1J.; 110\t'd 1h;11 laws ;'lg :ii n s I proslitutinn "h:l\'t" hncl 1it11t• suce1•ss" nnd sa11J rt1ey :irr r-xpi•nsi\'C' lo <'nfnrN', 11io;rr1111in;1 t.1 again"t 11on1<'n. 11ol:1tr dlh' prO<'C'!'~ and lh1• l'Qil.11 prolCl.'tion l:l\vs. Double Jeop ard~· Citcll by Ex-aide John Eltrli(·hnutn By .\TITl!lilt H. \'J:\'SEL 01 !ht OfllY '"IOI St•!I I.OS A\'f;ELF:S 0 11 ~· t t 111 t' j)residenli<il :1 cl v i s £' r John l ! Ehrlichmann n1adc ;:1 n ~ r "on :t 1 appe<1rance in Sup<'rior ! '11un lu·n· 1'hursday to en\£'r !lflW ph'<lS 10 (T1n1111:1l charges gl'Ol\'111).: out Qf ;1ct1~illC:-, 111111111 the Nixon a1h11 i111str:1lio11 F:hrli<'hn1:1nn. 4!l . 11 liri tr:: ht•.11·111' suntann<'d. :1pp1·a1·c1 I 111lh h1:; :111(11·11°·1 IJoug!as 0.1!1(111 brfOr(' .Jurl,t:C' ( :nn-!on Hing('r nn 11hat 11j1s to h.111' hr1'n his 1n:1I d:1!1' 011 ron~p1r.-i1·v :111d J1t•rJ11ry ('haq:.:c~ lie spoke 1'1111\' 111·0 \1·ord~ n1 It•:> ''l'L'l1 cour1r1H1111 , 11i11t·l1 11a~ (·\'j1111h·1I 111111 sp,•etators. ··Th1·1• art• Vhrli('1un:inn ~:111! 11·hrn J11ctg1• 1!1n).:l'r usk<'l1 if h1~ dual pl Pas subrn itr1'd hi' attorn•~\ l);illnn \\hrre those 1h(' 011rt1n1t' Nixon aide 11 ishcd 1<1 t'Plrr. lie is pll•11d1ng that 1! 11·ou!d const1111tr doublf' jrop:i nll if ht' l!> tn1'CI on prr111r~ chnre:Mi ll<l~d on 11ll1'~ecl ll"!i to :1 Ln' Angf'lf'S ('011rll~' c;r;ind .l11r:: 11ht'!1 ht' s:ii<l h(' knt•11 !l(l1luni.: lX'fll!'l''h;111d nh1111t the buri:l:1r1· (1t \1r ll:11111'I Fll~h1·1·1: ~ p~t·h1 :11.l't't;~ ~1f111·1· durinf! ;1 '\i~oo arl1nin1K1!':1111111 \)l'iilu' 11t i\H• f;1q1111h P<'n1 :1}!1)11 1·a111·1·, !!'I.ii rl1•ft'11iL1111 f,hrl1 t'hr11;11111 l\.1~ r1•ill H'1i·d l;1 -I uln11•11 ill \\':1~h1111,:1n11 11 (. ;1!fl!l!! \l'llh 11\IHT ~~1· 1<111 \1.ll'JI\\ \ \, 1'ag1• !1 ' \ 011 Cl1oice ( .\ I' I Th1· \\';i<..IJ1 ngtn11 !'HS! :ind !lu· (1,~1 roi l Fl't '•· r'!'1•<;>'. (~lnll' i!j) II i!h \';l]'l'll\;! !'!']JOI'!,_ tr .I.,~ on 11 lio has 1lic 111.~ic!t · tr;i1•k tor lh1• l'IC!' ]ll'i'~id('lll'y , Tl11· Fn•t• l 1 res~ c1uo!('d ndvi.~Pr.~ 1o l'r1·sHl('lll Ford ilS s.1y1nt.; fnrn1er ~<'\\ York 1;01 \,•]son 1\. lln<'kCfl'llt·r ha~ the 111s1d1· lr;u·I.. !11 th1 • \'H'I' pr1·sid1•nt·1 !11 .1 111~p11tlh fron1 !ls \\;1sh111~to11 l·t1rt":111 tli·· Frf'c l'rt·~s ,!:aid 1110 FORD OUSTS BUZHARDT IN TAPE FLAP -Page A4 (••11!!nrl1·r-• 1,111' .:\.1111111.i! 1 h:11rn1a11 4 ,, 11f1..• gii•ll ;1Hd St·1i, 111111 .i rd 11. fl;d,1 r .Jr 1!\·T1·11n '· clrnpp"<! rt\ l.1\i11r l!n\11·1• r . rl1(' !'o .. t 1p1o!!'<l ";i sourre •·lu~·· 1•1 l'l•'"1rl1·n1 !·1,rd ' a:. ~a.\1ng llu~h lid ' 1111• "111~1d(' lrat.:k" 1i1 !he vice 1111·.1d1•111·1 1h~ f'ost ~:1ld q,.; so111t.1· p1r,011:dly !:111111 d Hockc·tvll1•r 1:11lh II• >l'!"i!""' .~(lhi lhr I 'lllll('!'~ 111,L,·•d•·d 1··,11 d l1:1s nor 111.idi· .1 !111111 d•'t l'-11·11 \, 111 \1,,, lo·,1\llH! 111" .111Jur!;.111 \1 .. ,:111!11 1.1 \ 1 l1•o111t• 1 .. d.11 I ord l'.d~ .t•kt•d 11h1·1lH I h\' h;ul r1·;1( t1•·(I ;1 1h•('l;.1011 "Ii rho 1 I<'• pr1•_•1rl1 ·n!1:1I ru1111111;1f 11 11 .. I ~1;i11·11i ~ ht·c·11 tl1111~111g about it." hP r1 p!11 d 111!h a ~n11lt• Th" !· r• '" 1'11 '"' "aid 1:11~h·s <'h;nu·l.'s dr"J11J1•1! t-<(·(·:1us1• 01 · :t hu.:h·pr1•ssur" ,·,11n1•:11g11 1n11un1t·d 011 his t:i.:half by fPrlTit'r eotl1';1gut's 111 Congress :111d oth!'r-s ·11.-p;1111· ~lruerun· · llu:-h and B:1k•·r ,1,, lo:-l 1:11111., het·:111.,1• Ill 1hl'lr rrla!!lt' 1~1·1· llllC'I\''· l'agr ?f Orange Coast Weatht'r L:i1 1' niglil :111d n1or111ng \ov,. t·ln11d., 111th sunn.1· :iflr.rnoons Sal · 11rd.1\ L11tl1· l'h;111gt• in 1crnpcr:1 1111'1' 1111.!h<: Ill !hi' 1011· 71)5 i:l\ 1he ht•:i('h1·' t11 f\11 111land. l:\Sllll·: 1"011.\ Y {/11· /:111/rr .\lrr1·~·co. p11Qcr111t • .,,,, 1, l:r1·/!111 • 1i1·1111p/1/~ 01ul ,.,.,j, 1/1 I'• I ,\/of/I'll~ 1\fJc•/ ,,,,,. 11•1 •rr1 ~ cil 1111• tu<JUl/fl Fr 11 "'' "' ,\r l., u111/ /'a{1c<11it or Ii ,. \J11sr1·r.~ -11rr 11rr1/11·d /111 S111rr \I r1/r1· .IC1ck ('/111pprll. (J,1 l'•l!I'' I ,"f lollnu's \l't11•kclld\7"· •• Yn11r StfVttt ., Movi•' t· llo1l<tt• " Ml t"1! F11n's . " ' M llOY<I " N1ll0<>1! Ntw\ .. . (, "''""'. ., O••~•t CMllllY ... r ·~'''"td 0 1 ,, P.oplt '" Comoc• " l;i:t<1•ur1nt' c J .• f•0""0'~ " ,'vi~·~ Porler .. 0~41~ Nul•<•• .. ~··~•!\ "' E~•'O''''I P••• " 511tk Mlr\t!t ,,., r'""''" 9J·J f•l"'"'o" ... '" '"" R•to•d " '~'"'" ". h ••GHDo•' " W•Mll .. .. '"' l ""~'" " ....... +<! ~ .. " ''""~". " W•·r~~na11 " " "'''""" ,,_ " • • . I •> 1.1Al11 ftt " - Ford Urged to Impose Wage-price Freeze II\ llt:l.I"'-" TIUl,1\S "'AS!IJ'.;ltTll\ 1ll'l 1 Pr1's1dt·nt l'or<f ( "nlo·l'r 1~J l'-11 11 'I' 1• .t 111 " 1 l' r ' j 'fl\'Ld.:11! I r:111J.. I . I 1t1,111llll01!1.• l1Al;1\ -h1~ ....,,·011d 1i1 .... 1111.: rln .. 11i·•·h 11ith ii tup ilj.'.tll" 111 01 ~,111111·d. l .i\~11 ,u)<! 11a ... ur· ,.,1 10 inlJl"""' a 11ngl'-prH ·c fn·1•1f• "to ~11,, .. ~ lhl' A1ntir1t'.Hl pt·11)le hai:I.. )1110 n •.tlll\" ·• Ford's ·:ud("' h.11·1· n1 :1d1· cl1·:1r 111 N'Onorn1l' h1•;1n1q.; .. 111 C1111i.:r~· .. , 1h1<; \\'1•t'J.. that ht' ha ~ no 11Hvl\ll•\ll vf r1·111rr11ni.: to mdnda!orv 1·..in trol!> of the ktnd th.it go1'c-rn11"1ent · off1e1:1ls 11011· ~1~ 11·t'f~ a • > ' ..... - Kee1•i11g Cool 1111<.t.11.•· Hut I· 1r1~11nrn11n .• 1nl1t 11·1111rt•·r.; .tl\•'I ,I l.1•!1111LU\t• l!lt't'!l!I~ \1 Jlh 1•1)1"1! Ill 1ln· I II.,/ ( 111 11 ! "'J')1tt1• ~lhltlid i!O.' .I l,>l!!jl!o·!!• fr•·t·\' u11 :111 p1 li't·s ;111d w;1:;1·~ tl,· :,ll,h d. "Sr.unr:i:1n;.: tl:1 ~ tu Iii' r!on« 111 :.-l11}ck th~· 1\11]l•r1t·•u1 pcupll' hack 111tu r,·:i l11.\ " Tho' lo·;1d•·r· uf 1lio• '1. :~ n1ill111n '1'1•:1111~!1'1"'1 •.11d 111 .1 1111·1·!111'1 11n 11111 \\'hit1· Jll)u~1· 1;111 II 111111 tl('\\ 'ill t'I\ tli,t! l•'/>rtl lllll•. li-!1·1u•t1 :111d did !1(1! ro·.11 'l lo hi°s !>ll!'J.!t"!11111 Uui )I,. 1111011·11 1:,1rd as ~av1 ng he h.id n1 mind ";1 progr;1111 tll.3t. he • It may not be a spectacular wave, n1uch !il\e the nc>x! one tha1 1\·11 1 roll in. 'fhe gi rl. too. n1ay be no n1ore eye-ca1 ching than hundred..;; of other bik ini clad v,:on1en jun1ping in and out of the !'Urf or stretch- lng 'their tans on the sa nds along the Orange l'oasl. But som~ho~. the con1bined effect and lines of \'.'ave, back anti bosom n1akc 1t dif- ficult to !ilay blase. You sorta wa nt her to turn around. 'Majo1· Defects' i11 Mesa Apru·t1n e11t P1·ompt Suit Dama,ges totalling more lhan""""1 mill ion are being demanded by a Costa ~lesa roup le y:ho clain1 that a group of defendanls conspired to ludc scriou" structural defects in a recent Iv purchased aparlment building on Coriander Drive. Emin I. and Dorothy r:. Ar,.an na1nr Land Evolulion. Inc .. T\igel Bailey and Associates and the Real F.sta1c F:11r . Tnc .. among real esta!e firn1s allegedly in\'Ol\"cd in the allegrd conspiracy. lr1d1v1du:1ls .«11•nlified iJl 1he Oranµ" ('ounly S111'1erior rourt ar1ion include Dr. f'h:irles Ronn•'!! and tus \rift•. Palri t•1;.1 Annr. f<l!'lnrr n>Vner~ of U11· huild111g. rt•al (•~t;1t1· t>alf'S\\Olnl'n Cl:11rr Bond and (;:111 Ht·flrn .1nd apar11ne111 house rn:inagf'r S.irnh ll nll '!"hf' Arsan s st:1te thf'y hough! !h t· b.uldin~ at 1558 Coriand1•r Dr iv e for ~ll.'i .0011 ;1rtrr hr1nt! u.~~11~d lh:1t the follr· un1l aµ<irtn lcnt con1plex 1\·as free of defect ~. TIJe suit states that llunlini;tton J·:scro1,· SerYice, Int., alSo.J 11an1cd 1n the list of defendants, had closed the esc rov• DAILY PILOT l"O 0 ••"'0" C<:o•! 0.·« P, ·I ., ·" •P•"" ,, "'"" l>'"N W• N~.-. P••U •o !><>II'"'-!~; I'·~ 0.<"Q• c.;.. ' f"e>I,•· ·"'"~ c.o ....... " ............. """'!>"' , .• ~ul ·•""" "'nnl'.Ll't '"'~" t , ,,., o, ,, r ·"• ...... Ne'""°" l:leoon """1•"9fn" "'""''''f , ••'~.no-, l•~u"• bot<J' '"'''•''« i~••I "• • o ;,.., ci ... .,..,,.,s.n J""" r .. ,..,,.., " "'''" •-.i•""" ...-!·""" •• "''~,,......, l>O!IJ·~···· , .• , ·~,, "'"" , ,,. <>'"'"""'' "''"'""'"0 D""' •> •' )..0 'ho,! 8n Sir-. C.0010 ........ U l1!0fn>0 ~'''~ l\uf;-o M W..-1 t"r-"'on<!Py!JO,t- h-\ R \ ,.t..v Vot• ,.,., ... "' onn vo...-o •lor •~•· JM....., ~ I.' rt' Uo""'ll•"<I! I'"' ~H l..,...., • °'..-Ji' r~I "'"''"''"'"''~"11l•"'"'· OffiotrJ (" 10 ........ ~")O t.0 ,180.'·•-1 ,. _ _, ...... Jl.l3 .. ., ........ t• ~ .... .,, l •'N"• fl•..-~ ~1, < • • 'Ov• J• ''""""'""'" S.•r' 1 1~1·. r ..... " •• , '·"~ '.,~ .. ,.,""'' ~··l'l"l>L.o~""'~ ... 1 • ._, .. _ 17 I 4164l-4ll I Ci.111fie4 Adf..-titlflq •41·16 71 '""'"l.<IH'"'"' .. ,V.r• • ''" ,llo..,n 4fl·44l0 I'""' ~•o<t~o. .............. ., .. _.,., 1., 140.1 llO CN',."l~' 101• n.o~ C,,t•' r>,,, ••••o r.,,. """'•In .,..,_,,,.,,,·'"'''•' ""''""'"-""' N ·~"'""""" 'I ' • ""· "' '"""<'l•.O:'"'l "''"o'.lo.i! .. •· '" ............ .,..,,.,,' {'·~"' ,,.. ... --.....,,,. .. ,.,..1••.,.r->.,,,,.,,.u•.o r .. ' ........ ~ '"'. v ' ' '4 •.•• , , ' ~ ~" • l '' •. ... oo-............ ~-.,,..,.,, '~ ,. { • • on lhe transact1on \1hen the Arsans discovered th at they had been defrauded. lt fur1her allf'~es that a serious soil ~ubsidf'nce condition ht1d caust.-d Y•alls lo crack and doors 10 sv.·ing out of <dignn1ent and !hat many such cracks h<Jd been painted O\ l'r. 1'he Ar.sans cl:11n1 !hflt the dan1age reduces the \:lhh' of th~ building by ~~0.000. Tt(ey dt<rnanrl cancellation of lhe !>,1lt.: ;11\J fl'~l0!'<.1\1011 Of (!i('ir \':t,'•ll1l11L _ \ \'cr!S T uJd FBI • Of llara!S:"n1cnl , Got No Action l.CJS A~(:ELF:S -Go1nrlJ ints 10 rhc F'Bl of ~·ons!ant haras~n1r11t hy Eloise Poi>eil's l'~l r.ing""l hus!Jand. v•hon1 he is charge<l 1rith plotting to k11!, brought no at lion . 111urdcr ronsJlira('y rl('f('ndant lJan 1\~ers lc:=:!ified 111ursday His eh:irgcs of non-c~1 ration hy lh1• f~d1•r;1J agenry t.·ont·ludr lri;il ;Jroceedings in Su1x·rior Co11r.V e until r.1onday. v•hen th l'y v.ill t'Oll\'en{' ag;u11 with cont.1n11ed cross-ex a rri in ation. A)crs. :l7. of 22.17 S. S!lt'Hon St .. Sanl;i Ana. and ~!rs Popcil. 49. fonncrly of 519 J~i:rrbor Island Drive. Nf'v;port licach are accused of plot tin~ to sl;iy Popcil. They have pleaded innocent lo <;tiarges nf conspiracy <1nd sohcit:111on to commit n1urder in the rasf' bn1k<'n Inst January by Loni:: Be;ich pol ice. •Popeil. who had in1l1arccl divorce prCM:eeclin£s again<;L his 'iO''inlite "wiff'. ··••as ne\t•r harn1cd :ind 111 f;u:t rontactl'rl police \1hen he 11as tipped off by ~ man posing as a hirf>fl kilter. For<l Ve tol's 2n<l Bill \\'1\Sl!INr.TON tAl'l Pr~idcnt Ford's scoond 1·e10 Thurc;dav killed a hid to l~f up !hf' rj•Sf';1r1'h ha!llf' ar.;:n1nst <tii;e11~t"' t1nd '111·sl.<; 11hu:h ann11nllv rh •..,!rcJ\' ~·I hil1H1n \\nrth 11f nli•a1 and S11tr\· "n,·r1111~·· 111 1~ Lill 11ol1Jtd :1f!rl lh•·r 10 th1· fr>dt·r·al J;.n.:p;i1f'1~· h11nlrn s 1 )1ou1 !'111.r11lu .1n11v 1!1''t·11ng u;111011nl n('('<IS an<I v:ould jJJl!I' ;!dU !O inflal1ou11rv 'f I• ''llf•' 11 I hon 1 11 1·ffJJ1t111ll I h" I 111;1! J niu.,t 1111/lliold 111v apnrn1 .ii" Fn 1·d 11.!d Ill•' ll•nl~• 111h1 .. 11\11 r'lh ,,11 1· • 1' .1.:1 11ng to ('f111u· out i,1 1th'' -1 ~lt· .,., r>l'hti.l out l>y 1-urd and h!s e<.-'Ono1nh.: .uli> "l'f" \ll';11111J11lt• V"rrl. in Ills f 11·~1 111t•c!111g \1.11! .i (·•f'•'ll'n h,.;irl nf sr at.• :-.1nN' .1 ~~u 1ning orfi('t·, t;ilked wiU1 Jordan·s 1\111;.; I lu s.~t>in ro<lay tn 1~·hal \\'hltr llouS<· off1t 1;ils <·;ill<'t'.l "ongoin.~ c:o11sultal1011" !;1:1111·1·11 t!h· t11u t'(llllllrl•'S \ Jf11•tJ:1111;111 11ff11·111I .~:dtl !li!.'>.Sl'll! 11;1Tlt••il !11 :-oLtnd olLI ·Vorel un ;1 c!1seng,1~t'lllt'lll (Jr Jordan i;1n -l :-.r~1clt t.ruops along 1he1r border sunilt1r to C'l1nuges lfndi<•nl j•nr~ 11.,r\..1·11 vul h1•!\\t•1•Jl [,1,1t'I .. uld ~) n a :111d Ei;ypt ' I(~ I <'!'I [ll!'C .:..;11d Ford ;l( llil' J!ou1~r llll~l·lUIL! 1 {I :-1•1• 1011 ;1).(a1n " lht'it" \\l111t• \l.~llle \ lCt' prl'Sldrn•., rord h;1d hi•o•ll host tu /lu~sc.·in during un o.: uf hi~ 1~'1 lud1t· t111•~ !11 111•· l'n1t1·d StnJt•..; '!'111· 111e1•!11l'1 11:1" 1111(' of 1nanv )[11~ ... 1·111 "''l1t•<hd1•(I v.11h LIS nffi!'t:lls' 01·,·r :1 1111~11 p1,r1•1d !lo• \1ill Ix-th e gu•·"l :1t 'nr1\'s fi rst d1p!o111at1c du111t·r at !It•· \\'Jute llou.'M.' tonight. \'1t·nd u1~ !lh· \IJ11t" lluu~· 1111·1!111,: l"di1) 111111 I 11rd <tJHI 1111~._, 111 111•n' '>1·vrf'lary of Sl,1(1• 1!1•ury A t\1s.~1ngt'r , .I(" cla n's l'r11nl' illin1!'>ll'r i'.1.1d H11)la :11j(l l :-. A1nlxi~;..1dor t1i .lu1 ti .in 1't1011i." 1 •1,.l-1·r111i,: \\'1r h !Ill' ('.l'pr11 ~ t'!ll1·rl.(1•1 \'I' :op1.:111•111l1 , ...... 111g, 1h .. l 'r~·,11!1·11! t1111c,.l1tn1l\d :11-t:1111 1111 1\'h;11 hl' l1:1s d•'"1·11h1:d '" tlh· 11 :1111~11\ \,, I prulJlt•1 11. inflilllUll. a111l :1~i-1•1I j,,r· l·'1t;:~1nuuon~· 1·u·\1s ;t!t. h1• thtl T111·~<lav fr111 11 1\FL-<'f() l 'rt·~id1'!1 t {;f'org•· .\1l'ilrlY 1:11z.,i1111nuris tuld rl'portt•rs hl' 11ut ofll~ ~,1_1..,,1 ,.i 1.11.r11 t11 11,1~1·-rwu· .. ,-,,1111,.1~ l1L1! ,il,11 h1ld l"ord lh,11 11.· .,huuld 1'1)1\'•1d•·r rolhn>.: h,u ·i-pt ll'•'~ in ~·11!1~' "'\'\Ill'' of 11\1• t't'1•IUl1ll\' I· 111,11111111111~ ,,11d .1 Ill pc.•r\'t·nt 1ir1t·t· \II< /'l•,\·-t' ,!llli<Hlll•'• d ,,,. (;, 1l1'Lll \1,•!oor\ f(11' )!I, .. ;111\(•~ <Ill lh~· ":11111! rl~LV F'o11I 11 ,1• '<ll•lf'll ill 11,1" ',I ~I.qi Ill \/It' L u·1· of tilt' I 'rr,1do·111 " "\!lt'r [!10' o,J1u1 ~ (n tllr A1111•r11·:1n I• •hl1!' t'(lfil•''" /1<•111 :1 11.igt' pl'k'f• rt1•1•1•· J·d1,1111111i.11~ ";11~1 . ··1tiJ•!l 11'(' )1<111· lo th·~·1d1' 11/1<'lli1·1 ,1 1ullt1ac \.. ~ti.1uld l'Oll\t' .. 1·'1·•1111 1"11~1•· l I Undercover Unit El I B LI< :11~Li\1\ ' . rrinri11:11.~ 111 1!1•• '.'• 1•! :I l·l~I hur~I •1 1•f Pr J., .11s I I• ld111~·~ 11ffi1·•· 11 1 H1•11·1 llil) ... Facing Revamp 11,. J., J1,1s1n :: hi~ 1!ou1hl1' J•'op:1nll p\1·.1 1111 [lit• l,t<·I lh o• i, .. lo·r>+I 1•h:1rL'.''' ll•T• ~uh~t:u111;dll' r1-l;1lt'd lu 1!111 ( '.d1f11rnl:i p1•rjur,1· J'ii,1r)).•' .111d !1•· L1r1•-.: 2U 111on1h , lo Ill!' 1v;1r~ II\ pr1-.111l ftfl' lh<11 i"OllVH'!IPI) \J r:inge County Super1 isor ll:1lph Oicdn1.:h has unvellrd de t :11 Is 01 .1 r:id1c;il rcorgani1.:ition of the county's pol1c1• tll!L·llig1 ·nL'1' unit ·n1e lll:1n l>11•11rith outlined is ;.un1cd ;it ans"·er111~ conc{'rns over possible use or the intelligeneC' agency in collecting data 011 innocent private citizens. J)iedrich s.11d past agreement ill the trnns of the ne1\· p!an has been obtained fron1 the d is.-.:id1•nt county l'olice Chiefs Associatiun but 1l1a t group·s pre~idcnt said no for1na1 vote v.·i!\ be taken on the p:it:kage until next \l'Cl'k. l>iedrit h s;1i{! the pm1>t 1sal ll'JS dr:if!t·d by sheriff.elect Br:idley G:Jlf'S \1ho ultirna1ely 11·ould be i11\·t·i;tt'd 1\1!h sok• aurl1ority o\·er Ilic u111t ;111U 1 ! .'i 1n!i'lligt·nce gathering Opc'rntions. 0 1her n1aj or fact'!s of I he rrorganiz;ition plan inl'ludc: -Provisions for an annual Grand Jurv audit of procedures and mi:>!hods Or rile un it, falling short of an a<.1ua! inspection of !he 5.400 filf'S 1he unit kei•ps 011 knov.-n crinun:1ls and their n:.soc1ates. -r\ namt> <"h:inge from the Ora n~c Coun1y Intelligence Unit (0C1U) to ttre ! lr;u1µe County t.'riininal Acti \'ity S)·stcn1 tOCCASl. ~A complete tnkeover bv the count~· nl f1111dini:! for the tmit <1.t an arunia\ 1·0,;;t of only $.1~,000 <.-Om)l<lrf'd to lht• current $1 08,oo.l. The cut means the unit's permanent staff \\1!1 be trin1mcd from si x to t\\'O. The unit's CUITCfll exect1t1ve director, Stuart Duncan . .,.,·1JI be fired. ~Creation or sirirt cri!eria and pr0t."Cdures 1vherebv information \\•i11 be given to tlie systern and ren101·ecl from it. Diedrich s..1id Ciates h.:is reached agreen1c11t 11·ith the Police ChiPfs Association ov er the new propos;il but La Palma Police Chief Orbrv Duke s<1id in a telephone intcrl'i('\\' that no such agreement has heen ratified by his group's men1bership. "I can·t say \\'e are for it but 1 can't say l\e ar~ against it ei th('r because it Y:on 't el'{'ll conic up for a vote until our m~ting n e ~ t \\'edne.sday." Duke said. Under lerms of !he proposa.J G;itt'S and one representative of the police ch1ef3 v.·ould be empo\\·erM to r('vif'\\' an~· inforn1ation alread;.• in the fi le!! and any nc1r information corning in !o dctcrinlne if it meets \he criteria l:i id do,,.,·n in the pla n. Among other things the file ,,·ill not. hf' Jlf'rn1ittrd to l'onlain da!a on cr1n1inal.~ Ol!H>r !111111 tt1n.~·· :1ctt\"I• Ill /IHI(!' lh:11; 0111· 1:111 t'llforc<'n11·111 Jllrt "'!lf·!i on lJi c:drich Sill•\ II will !).> C.'l tr-' r,.51ionsibility to dt ·!f'rn1inr 11· h 1 t' Ii rc<iuest s for information fron1 lhc files :1rf' 1 aild <ind \\h1 0.:h :lr1• irnµnJpt.'r 1·rott1 Pt•11 e ,, I UN BOR N. • • the defendant had bo..'i'!I charged v.·it h 1nurdcr for allegedly kicking h i,.; pregnant wife. A few days t:itcr. R\•;1tl said. she gave birth to a dead il1fant v:ith a skuJI fracture. After tlie court's decision. Bya n said, the Legislature amended the \av.'. This is 1h•· first case slnl'e in Oran ~e 0.10n1y . he added, and one or only a few throughout the state. DI· La Rosa. 11·ho also hris ix'en charged with assault v.·ith intent tn commit great bodily injury to !\ls. H<'rhet, is being held in Orange Coun1y .!ail l'\o b<1it has been set. Tlyan .~aid . The couple have tv.·o other children. t'rom Pnge A I JlOCKY. • • youth and p<>ssible pre s i d c n l ; a I amhilions, the story ~aid . The story said Rockefeller, at 66, pro!Jtibly v.1ll.1ld be too old to run for !ht' presidency in 19llO. I/is a[!e nnd rxpcril.'flcc would add administrative ('Xpcrlisc and economic know-how to Ford's fledgling pr1!sidency, !he story said. Ford probnhly v,·on'! annoonrt> hi~ choiC'e until Tues<lny or Wcdrresday, his sp(lke"1n:11\ ~:iirl IO(Lny \\lh ilC' llonst> l're.i;." Secretary ,ltrnlr! F trr!lorst !lllkt'<l of the probab)f' tir11111~ of th,~ :innounr'f'm1·n! at a brl.'akf:1.<>t ~~'\fOf! v,·ith rf''pof1f'r~ l!t> r{'pr-a!e<l th.11 Vord h:ul not 111.'ldt~ Hj) t11~ q_HrHI r1r if hr ha<! l\iJS ~f't'j)Ul/.( h :~ 011n t'o11n~'I ' '\\'i !h c:o111plC'te 1·011trnl 111 111c h:inds 01 !h1· Sltt·nll. ill\ t'l!'l'l!'d nHiL'l:tl :111d \111h· thC' r1·:,!ul:1 1· audit h~ thl· (;r,111d .Ju r;.·. I bt·li1·1t· llh· right~ of lilt> 1111!111clu:1\ ;1rt• ,. ... \i,·~u;11·dt'd 11 it h 0 ll l rcdu1·1ng thl· i"·ifil·t11·enl'SS 01 '.h1: u1111 as an aid to poli ce urg:111i Lal1ons." llit'clrich said. "Slrirl criteri:1 11·il! govern the 1iev.· organiz.1ti on, ·• IJ1rdnch said. (:o untiau Pleads Guiltv i11 Atta(·k . On 1\·Iail <.:arrit'r 1\ 1n:lll :tlT\l'lCd 011 ;irrt''-1 of :i.~~:il!lt II 1th lll lf'lll lo l'O!lllll if t';1pt• l\'hl'n h.· ;illt'gf'dl .1· :111nckc·d ;i l-/u1111n.i::nnn Be:lL'h po~tal c:1rrirr :ind ri pp('d (1ff son1r i>f ll~,r <"lnthing h:is pleaded guilly tn lc:;St'r 1·l1:1 rgcs in Orange Coun1y Super10!' l 1'1 111 . .Jucl~t> El l'!'1'll \\" 1)11"!-.t·: :11·1 !'IJ(t1\ !ht• pl1·a 11f gud1: 1o ~1111pl,· ;1~~;1lil! fill'd by fl 111:ild Eu~1·nl' l\lh'-t'll. ',!:I of !Jucna !'ark. an<l ~t'l :\u~ ',!:~ a:-; the. dafl' he .,., 11\ ~·utl·tu..._, !ht• dt'[,.ndant ll u~sell fal'('S a co11u1I\' 1all 1t·n11 11f up to si x 1nonths on thl' 1;0111 tl'\11111 Ht· 1\';tS arrest('d !:l.•\ F1·lt '.!ll ~h111 t l~ ;1ft,·r ht· 1tru1 l' at lugh ~!It t"d fr111n all 11p;1rl1l1L'lll !Ju1ld1ng on Sc1t•111h Stl't'l't in llunttng!on Ut>a ch "here he ndn11L1rd a\!<1ckir1i: .1n A1ncrican Po s t a l L'ur~1ra tion 1rorker. CITES DOUBLE JEOPARDY Ex-.'l dvi!.er Ehrlichn1an n1:1rti;d 11111,i1· Frnrn r.1 j}TU 'i r;1d11J. 1'ht' Iii'"" nf 1!11• pro1s1d1·111 11,1-.: ()1'd1 rll' ;111d ui !ht' 11111\dl•' 11·:1~ .:1 1:11').!t' 111.1nll.1 , ll\•·i"fli' 11 1:h 1111• .\llll'l'll'.111 ! 111li:1 '~~ ,l,111l p O!l I! Tiit' 1•u11•lup1• 11,1~ 1·111111.1 ·r,•1t•;1hnl\t·<; l\1T1· na~111L: \ d1plo1n:1 t Fn1u1 \\t·•l <;,·1·111:111 l·.11:tl;1'"' .11'1'"~ lb•· .. ,,. •. , 1 \\ .t. 11,1111!1·111'1: .1nu 1nd lht· 1·:npr1· ,·urrullu:; Ill !-•'<l!"l'il of .I ~111;,!1• J;U\1·:ll!llt'lll ofrlt d 111 I.ilk to \\ hl'f't ' I~ l'\'{'T~ l>r1dy . \\'h1·r·· !S tti .. ~••l•·rtu111·ni ···· l1t· ,1.,\..rd Vetera11 S,\N FR.o\1\('[SCO lr\PI -".\tH!dt.'11iy. I ~<11\1 h1n1 :-.t:i nd111).! :i i.:a1n .. ! the wall. '\'011 knnv.·. !oOl'l of s1zn1g 11p tile l·rn1 .. ·c1 .. ";ud p!Jlll't' 111 .. p1·1 t11r ~like 'l'ruetnan. \.\·ho st: JOb is t.at~·h1ng p11 kp111kcts 111 the ell~·~ l11u1·· ist spots. 1'he person '[rtfernan ~a .... · \.\'3" ;111 l \·_l't'a r-old lloy n:;inu.·d .l11111n~· y,•ho police say 1s"a ~·eteran p1ckpt1tkc-t 'l'rueman fell in behind the 1i1111 h a' ;i c·rr1 v.•cl nf '.!00 per""ll" t ried to board a._cable car. lie :-;i\v .1 1111111~·\ h:inr1 da11 11110 a pur~c dangllni..: fron1 a \\'On1an "s ann rind pull 0111 .'.I \vatlrt 1'ruen1an 1n1n1etl1alelv t:ollarcd Ila· hid ;uni 11·lu1t11•d !lot· 11.d!(·I to it,<; nv.•n er. · "!'in !iO c n1 harrJsse<l .'' l.u:111n:i Lu ct hin;.:. ·11. 1•f :'11 :1.,!'n111h, 111 told 1·n.1e1nan She declined to explain .. rlt\ ~1 1c !.1rl'1l~t1 t•i;.:111 ~JOO hill-.. "!111t I'll nrver do it again." I I•' ;1t1d Ill' .i\IHl I\!'\ :il~r. ;1,kf'd ./1111.:• r/111;:1 1 111 411 1111'' ( 111l,jlll':1•'\' 1·!i.1r;:1" h;1~··d 011 11" l,n ! !Ii•' h·d\'l'.il l'll\Hl ;1o·q111ll• 11 111111 ••II !ll<••l' II\•) !'\!Ullt.-.: l.!'T 111~ 1111 h Ehrl11·!11n<111u h.1fl t•n :.:1 11.lll~· J)!l':1<1·~I i11th>\'1'11t !Li tl1t• tour ~t:.rlt· i h.1q.:r s, 11h1!·ti ('t)\Jld h(' d 1~1111,,1•1I ~·11h1•r by .ll1d~r Hu1gl'r 11r h~ .1 JUr~ tf on•· 1 .. l'l'l·ntu;ill\ c.:1 111 ·rl · A ./:111 f\ 11.111' 11;1' Sl'I f,11· !he forr111•r hip \\ hli 1' fltllhl' d1;111•· .. 111· ;1ff;11r, ;<1!11~·,r'~ :11 ton1t'Y 111 :ir1x·.1r so .Judi!•' li1n:' r \'.II\ '''! ,( !r1;1I ll.Ll(' Oil th1• 1>1 '1\~!111).! 1'1!111!11.d (•h.11'.;• ~ !lo• !•!Id l·:l11 l11·h111.,11n \I II•• 11 urf.• •I H11' '] l!llf•d,JI ' •!• !'l,IO•ll' Ill 111<' j)I !I :h , Hf :r\t' Jiiii ,, '< 11. 11\li, r·" 11r-.t .dnnt: 11 1111 41.,~ '"": ; '1 • ·•:•!' I. • ._i;J • l,iiJ '".'I:\ It \I 1_; ,! ~1:.J 'l!J~ 1)1~·1·1• I \l\"rll•'} :-.11 11l1t Ii TtH!l -th,'lt h1• ll•'l'd lid\ l}t· 1:1 ( •lll l I 1 .. 1 lit•' .l .11111.11\ .. ,.,,l<Jll Ehd1eh111.11111 LH'\'" 111:i l :O-o·pt '.I 111 \' . .1,h111~:1•ll :il1llli.! \'>l\h ~I\ Olht•r (1ll'll1•'r \l.h1I•' Hou,1• ,!Jd•'~ ('ILtfk"d 11 1·h t~1\•'l"ll 1111 1n ll)rt1 1,ot101l .1bo1J! 1ht• \\ :1ll'r~.1 l1: hr~o;t~ Ill ·1:/i11tl1'1r /)rir1'r f'ace.~ (,'011 rl f)o tr \ll.\\T\ •l l'l• \1··!111r f;l!1I.. J..noun ;1~ /,(11\...1 tile \l.1gu .in · t .11~"! 11\, ,,1:\ .. J ol1,)l.1r ... 011·r 111' •'\I''· \1r.IPI"'" :o h!.,." l1l111dfold ,.\pr Ill" li1.,1d. L!"1 1· ·, " , , •• 11 •! ,\ 111 •• t d1·111 1 . .: rhrnu.:11 J Tl 11 ~II .t I l'"f "l'';HI: ,. ·1 I' ·1.: .• '1i:ir '\ ~111111· J'w lh• Hl11:d··· )'r• •'ll~J,,:1 "" l!'I \1l;1nt.1 f'on,111u•1on 11 1• 11· ~ •11 :i n l":·,,fio I Ir,., ,\:l1•li 111111 ;"·o·n11~p.11111 ·tl h11 11 11111r"'l:11', ... 11ol /1)r\...1 11 ,i<: drn11 ~~ ~ill rii:lot 111 h•.,1\\ 11',illl· .i' 111 1111\t ;in hn11r 111''11 i•d1' ,. ,11"1 • l··rl )1(11\ \•II .J ft·l klt·~~ 1111.1•1 , 1 •• 1ri..:• z,.~, 1 ..... nn ~1 11(\(l l•1r1•t .... 1111 hi' 11'1< ~ !1.1•t' I 1• •!,,r, • ,,. 111 1 1 .if ~u · l'••!lr t Sep1 ~on tu • cl;111n 1!1:1L Ill\ i1r1·~ t•p\1()ri J)(111• r-; ;~n· 11n11s•1.il f'tll<Tl.\\ll !!ro· !\I ', \ Cf'nli- 'flt( k ri~ 11~t><I Ill f:l:111n:: :t l••lt•\ i'i1n11 ·h•111 1 •U;.:ht <fu1· J'lnn~1l.1\ 1n c1.111nto11n J•,,•·1 1 nut 1 • r•·" I\•·"' 1111rk1nk r.11 tJ,, \1u1,11· t in , r1• th.11 rl<'hur " rh1 'I l,i1' 'l'IH· 11u,J.. ("11t·1111•d,, l.1rg1• ••110·1".ili1r u"'·d 10 •Up\•\ ,.1 .. o·tric11y t •• r l~HI\ Ill;' l'!illl\1111• 111 O<ll JI • d )i\' th1• I 'Ill•'· '.10•\11],. ff\111 t1f \u'l'th . 111>11 \\.\'i~lo.I . ' Summer Sale WING CHAIRS S·ALE s235 SOFAS FROM s399 LARGE S ELECTION N OW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Another Ted von Hemert Exclusive DREXEL-HE A IT AGE-HEN A E DON-WOODM AR K-KAAAST AN-BAKE~ • NEWPORT BEACH , 17:.!7 \\'f':ST(iLIFf DI!, t'40! ;ro~,o WEEKDAYS & SllTUROllYS 9:00 to 5:30 , ' . LAGUNA BEACH . J4~ N(IJ«'/'11 C<J.,\ST 11 \\'\ , 4:~1 ti:i!ll TORRANCE . 2:1649 llAWl'l!Olt:"'E IU.vn !i)pt•11 r ri ld ~•.Sun 12 !i :IO! J~li 10!7:1 ( " '" h· II c< ,, 11 " " " • " ' s !Ji\ll l l'l(Q) ' :1 Ziggurat Won~t Be Growth Boom 1;1 1011 '\ \ \I r l HI\ I 1n· -.1 l1•~il 111 .. 11 H \ ,ul1111111-.11 ,,1,,r' lllHIVlllJ.: ,11~1111 l1ull.:llll'. l11d111I i"'p1Jl;tll"ll' .11"1 t I 0\'1"11•·11! t>I \1111 '<1'.( !1HU'-l!I~: 11'1 !111 ~1\11!1 111,1111•.• \ 11.1,[ rho ~ IH'\\\; 'l'l111t"-d<1y .dl•'l'TltMlll II,!' {'/I ~·uur;1g111i..; \1111 11 11· 11'.1llu1 '• 1111d 11tltl'l l•\J ~lll•''~lllt'll t,:111f.1ru~ llll !h<111 .. :111i1 •·I !h'I\ !II 101111 "" llh· 1111 ~';1g1 11.1">, do11 l l'~1 w1·t !t•o llll lj'h • 11 11;1-. ! :1·11•·1,11 \1·r \"11 ,., \!1111111~1 1.1111111 1 :11~u111.1\ l11r11lul' '11111111.1' !I 11111011 11li11 111;11Je !ht• i•l 1'dltlH1ll th.ii 11/lt I' Ill' ,1.;1·111·1 At Your Service \ :-.u 111L1 1 , '1 11 111!.11 . \\1·d rn·.-.tl .11 .111d I I l•L• 1 I 1·,11111,. l it lh•· 11 .1111 l'd11I ·I fl /' r "I I, /11• · I' l " '•fl'• /'ril i" • 11' • , I '•r(! ,/ l•"I I l'i'O//•i 1.t .,. l/1 " • ''l"'I 'I'd' '" \/ ,,J ol I/" ,.. /., J• /1.oi.' \I "I! 1 o' j I ( Hlo " , I' ·1 /"In!, I' I I 1. J ,r,11, ( J•' l•I \/, 1 1 '' ·•, /•:i .wit· :, .• ,, r /, 'I ,1•' l'ti1·tit1I IC1•f11111f ll\·:1\H l '.\1' 1 ir•oh ""11\1' 11 1 11 1\" ::.·1111111 ~l1d1•-.; 111 ]""I" \J 1' Ill i'-•llL1h J.;1::u;1,1 \II lHl\t' ~1: [ll'IJJ' !11.nl.-\\11, II th·· prinl" 1'1·r1· f1111~lud 1111·1 110·1 ·· 1·1i: 1111 1,n1n' ;,nd tll•' 11;1;d:l1 11··1 1" 1·11 !111• pfll\l" ut l!i•• :o.,lrll• ~l1 dt' II t Ii•\ I''"'!' l'd1•i 1d1'1! 1,1 )"••l\11 ll .di ul !Ii• 111 .111d ,1'-k l11r ,, ,'1"!11!!•: lt{·• «M't"tll•~ll<ll(•' 111ili 1 Ii I' I I t'\[o•ll• 11 ,. I .111111 .1 ~111 I' h.fl.' ,oJ,11 l•'I\ 1 q.;h\ 11'1 Ill\' \111"1111'"'· II ill I IL 1' S!;i11' \ [1111 !"<'i lllld I~ \11•1 .111 ;:"I 1 !1!1\ph·l1 11 ~it l hfll'd 11 1111 \11111' pr11!1 :0. " \\h1•11 I ;1>.:k•·ll l•>I 1•11 1 .. ·.1\ •.\I ~ill r1·t1111d 1 \l,1S 1111.i 1,1 J111il !•! ~!ft5 l)'l'k \\1 ,,111!1-.~ \\•!•" 111111·' 111!1\ 1.1ur1u·d l'.I\• 11 1 I• Ill:-• d ·h·· 11.1• Ii.ii 1··l1 1nd 1\·· t.1•1·11 un;ohh· ' • • ,,,,. ,.., i!o• 111.'1J.1 .. 1•r lof !)11' !•111 a.\J.!I "llfl1! !Ii 'jll'.I !J1 I •"1" .1!•·d ;11!.·:n: .•' I I 1 . I ~1 :,'.111!.t l~·;t1 h J'. \\ l'arh•·r. 111.111.ti.:rr ul tho· :O.u11!h I :1g11na Futn·\lat up01·r:1!iHll . ';11~ hi' \\di , un l:trl IHU :11111 ",. lot 11 lh.11 1·1!h1•t ~1111r 11ril,\I~ .1 11· 1•111'1•11·,"·11 tu ~·1111· ,:1ti ,f;u·tio11. 1or lh.11 l••U n·11·11t' :i full r1•fu1u1 . \,, 1·1 p!an:111 .. n ":1' g11f'11 Tnr !ht• "p;u•1i:tl " n •11111d ,.![,•r, ,;11•·•· l'.1rk1·1 (']:1i1n' tha! I' 0111 h1' 1111111 1;1111 ·, polu·~. 7f1;, 11 1,,.,. ·1·,,.,, ·'''''s ]ll·:.\I : l'\'I \I'" 1!, I,. .ill". f1;"l 1"1• f•·l\1n~ ]:,.11 1\1 I• 11 .1 1·.<>rh ,,_. ',i' , 1'·1n11ng" /1 .1 ,. I 1···11 r1-.!·11·1 d Iii" 1uli,1t1,111 '1•h111 •l•·· 1 I . \' ,, I ii 11•11 Iii>" 1 .. \.no11 1111.ll ;w11 11\, iii \\"l'f,111. 111• 11 111 •h1~ i n1111 1 1 1·.u 11 l\1• ... pl1 ·!1• lu ],.,., ' 1)1, If l!11·•l'll> .; I'"\ \1 I! 11 I ,.·'ii I•' ··n111!,,11 11' 111 : ·!'("1\ll<l 1·1'1 I.· ']lo ,I·,, ' ~ I L\111 ·\i, !' I•. H \\ \,•11 port ll1•;te·h l"rfllll \l.11 1 •1;·~ 1 .. '1:11 1•1;1. .. ,,,.,,1 •r1·111L1 b!1· 1·.1111111::,·· .. 1 ,, 111a"r11·d \\01 k•·f 111th thr•·•· 1l1·111·nd1·11!' 1tr"Jllk"il -•. i. po.•n·1•nl. :u·ru1 d •1 ·~ \H :.: "I ,. r n rn I' 11 I .... t!tli,111 '· Ir 11 .1" ,,1,,, 111•!1·11 1h:1\ 111·:1rh !lt\·r n pt•r,·1·111 nf :ill crnrll•~t·it 111('11 1·1 \1111•ri4·,t hnlrl t11 u ul 1111111· i1•h' Thi· 1· ..... l\llrt".111 nf 1 .. 111 .. r '11111•li1·, r1·1•url • that l:1r111•·r ... h.11•· lh•· hich"'t n111!!1ph· \nh-h11lil 1ll:! r.l l•'. 101111111·11 hi ""PT"ll'lltlt' ~«r111T 11 11rk1111•11 ," ... u, II ;1, poli tl'n11•11 . fh't·1111·11 :tnd ,1·111r11 .1 ~u .1rrl' ,,,,,,,,, ......... ,,, ... ,.;,,,. i•\"\lt l"\'l 1 .. 1,..,i.;. I' I•') •I,,,, I 11 1 I I , ol I 1 I I ~ 1' 1 I ' T I " • l 1 ll I • ' !\ ' 1 I 1 I 111, I 1.1 l'I• l'l"ll'I'• I' 11 1' . I 1 111 I r I, \•11 ,jl,0111 t.I '!1• t'ldll1I' "'I " 110 Ip 'II'' I I \\Iii k Ilg I! I: l ,.,1 :1 \I•''·' \ 011 r 'fl\ 111:.: Ill:!\ 111111 I' :1 J;q1aUf''I' 11111.,11·1. I uro1•.1 t!t I \l.ir '<0·11111 :.:, 'l.t• h.111· and \'11<'1111111 t 'r11rrr. :::in1 E. l'oa .... 1 /1 11 ~ .• h:1• a l:1ri:1· 'lil'l'h 01 1t·n,ih11 'rrin~' :1n1I ullh·r p:tfl' lur l'ri111 ,.,, 111:u·h1111''· ,, .. ,.,,.,.,,.,., .. ,.~ ,,,,,.,.,, 11t-:AH l'AT 1 11rnl•' lu 1111• f'"u"1tl111• 1 ~·-r1 i1·(' dr1•:trt1111·r11 01 ll .11n1 1ton H1·:uh {·o_ 1n Ha c1111•, \\"1', 111 hutl uut 1>.h• t• I cnn rurch<1.'l1' rl'plac·1·n11·111 1•1n~·ry d1"''" for nly m;111u ·11r1· :0.1·1 ~11• 1 l' t I t' r v. .1 . returned ··1no1••cl -1101 !nr11:1rd;1blt· (';111 V()(I f111cl oul 1h 1 ~ 1'111np;in,1 ":-1·ur1·1·11t ;1ddrf.•ss. or ii !l\l•r1· I" :111 ;u·,.,1 f111t1 11·hcrc I can n1nkv "1 1" 1n1n·ha ... 1'' .I.I I., l.:11!1111:1 lli•;1rh r' II a rn l 11 n 11 l\1'a1·h n11111·d it ~ he:1dqunrtrl'!'I to \\'nshington, ,,{;, 2i!lll~l ~ r .11. l\ox 1 IJll l ahnu! 1·l1:h1 yt·urs ago. nl the 11pproxini:1tr lltnc yonr manicur1· sr t ~·ns 11111·ehn,1·rl. llan1 ilto11 Hl'nt'h lln1ull appl111n1·t' J11u·t~ i111·lurling lhe ont" \"1tn n1•cd, are availnhll' ul California f JleC'tric Ser\•IC'c, 117 S. Hri~lol, Sanla Ann , or by p hon r 1111111 orrl1·r, 121::1 lllH-3'.lli4 frnn1 lluff·s in :\nr11;1l k. 11p111•ttisul 1\'c••••l••1I Dl~All l'AT I h.111· .1 1rr.1 0111 1terot:i1ir1· plat1' think 11 111:1y lw hflnd·psi111!rd Havnri:rn tn111;1 lh1" 1111 I go ::about t"hOO"i i11J.: .ui appra1S1'r~ i\.B .. Nf'11port Hrarh \"nur insuru111•1;-:ti,:1·111 1•:111 n·1·1unnlf'1uf a rt')>l)()lllllhle ll llprnisl'r ln ~our a rl:':1. or \Olt <'Hll r1•f1·r tu an1 i11~11· tlt·alt·r'~ lis1t•fl in lhf' \'f'll1111 t'a'.!1'" :\11 li1·rn"" i~ re11u ir1·d f11r 11p1111ls:i l 11nrt.., hu1 1ho?-l' \1hn hrloni: !11 lh•· ,\111111111· 1\111nai,f'r' .\~~oc inlfon ttf ,\IHtl"i1·a ha\'f' 1111' l1t•111•tit :1rhit(" 11•111 11 :111t i1p1o· •' ~ 114' r I ' •1111),(houl 1\1111•1 i1'a 1111!1 ( :1n:ul a. \I'll •1 r111r1·t tu p.11 a n itlo'r:ttt•· ~"!·1 p1·1 L<"TI' f1 •f• lnr .111tiq 111· 1IL'lli1ll(. 11 i1h :1ddlti1111:11 l'fl't l"I 1•11.1 ,uth•'tll!1'111 l l'~t'nn·h ;in1I nr(·on1p11n~ini.: i11for'u1 :1!1u11 ";qlt'I' I.If, ll11·-llld!1"1I •q11.111· lt•\·I fl lh" 1011111 1 \.,1!h ,\1111•111 .i11 !,11('kY<o ll 111.iJH 111 t ,1f'l111.1 "\1g111 I 1111 · u 1.1\111 1u111 uun1I~ r c•f f1..-h ·r:1I 11 t11·f..11" 1111·n· \\ill t~: 1111 11111r1· l11<1t1;.: !H•J ll<tll!IOfl :o..i l(j !I~' 1'\jl('l"l • l1:tl! lli.Jl lill!ILIJ.t•I' I\) Ii" 1~·:.;ul;ir ll':O.llh Ill~ u1 tli1· :•I" .1 tili'• d :1tH·r ;.:r1\"1•1"TI1n1·1tt :1;•i·u1·11·• il•·c1d1· iu 1111111• 111tu 1h1· 111,ii.1111'•' 11~).!lll':lt lt ;uu11•n J->tr.--:~ciJ 1l1:1t !1t1lll 1 ;1~1 111-..·k n11 1·\:11 l 1'li1l1S or :-.1·l1t,duli·~ (,Jill•I l~· ,1llrlUIUH 't"(i. t~'f":lll'-l' lhl" f 1' d I" r 111 l1u 11 ;11i4 r;u·1 look JI'> !1r 1u· !11 gl\1• tll\" i ;:-,,\ 11 _.. ulf111u l l:111dlo1d i,\.1t11 • \\)pll 111·\\• l111lo,1· t11<'1\ 11••1t1lh' ,1·'11 ,1l ~ul! tl1t i.;"11·111111•,' !.1h• ·\, t 1.t 1111 111111!1 1u.H11111 ol1ilo.11 l·!l1:o1111~· 1•h11 ti II•\• I li.t• t1:nJ ;1 h•l!,o!l l ~l)l.'L"Ul;t lll)ll !.Ill lllgll 1h:1t t1111t1~111\o.JS u! , uq•lu11 ·, \\1>11ltl t.,• "!11tt1·d 1u 1l11 ,1r1.1 "11111" 11111f..1·r" 11ou!d 11~1\t• lt"q1111 •·•I l•n1 c1 ~1 )111d•lll;..: Ill 1\li(\t /!;1J!!l'"Ti 1!""'1 !!"·•! '\ 11111 ,d,1y '" ,Ii\ 1 ht.- ;1ro •;1 '!'/~,. 1:11p~1•·t vi •1h li ;1 .... ork fort•·. 111· s:ud. ''111ul ld 11,o\t• d("\'H lli!Hd 1111" 11• ·.1ut1ful ;1 rra ." 111 ... 11 •,ul of •'l\i'(l\H:1g1 11g ~l'I''''" IJI f.•dt•f;d Oi•p,H'lllH"ll \' ,ii..I (ll""ll I•·~ (11 '>Ultllll 11•1j11t•t'> h11 !i11.~li111l jd11:•· ll"''' ' ' /. I ( I ' ~* J ' I ' r , -'• ' ' WHAT DD YOU SAY TO KNOTTY LADY? J udee Dubourdieu With Creation 'Pygmalio n' W 0111<i11 11 tl'd i11 J(11ots A1tctio1J.ed cit Art Fete 11.1 Sltl·.H ll,. A.Xr. .. :L 01 I~• D•t!y Polct ~!>!! \ I.id•: :i" l.;1L:11n;i H1·.1··h·!-,\1 t-•\·F.111· J" 111~ ,1111 ll•·tl~d oil 1\1 lh·· li11~h"'' 11i.ld, r ·'h•·, !1o 1'!1 111od,.l•11:: 1111 \1 I \ 1-.ut i.:1-..11111!" rur pn1·1 ~·1·t11 L' h11:t·r, '>1111·1· lh(" ,. 't· 1 h 1 I opo.·11t'd .lul\" I.! Hut 'tl• II•" r ,'.1·1..: 111 1•d of ,r.111d1lll! ·1·11.11"., h1'l'.H!:o.1•' 1·~·g1n:il1un . 1111• 1-\no:i·. l.1.!1 ' 1~ rn:tdt• 111 111u1 1• 1·nd11r.1hl1• :-lulf · )1.1:1 inn,· hL1;1l.1tl~ S)i.· has 111·1·11 11·1111·;\ 1 •.:1·tt11·r 1111h J1111· r11p1· h\ :1rt1,1s .l 11d1•(· l )Ufouun!11 \J .Hid I }(11111.i !'>Jlt·1·!1t \,,\\ Ill l1"t 't"!lllld 11,·1·h 1111 Thi• 11 1.1rk"' i.111~ l<•r lh1' \11111\li.il l.idy h:11•· 11·.u h1·il '1 /1" ,1r11-.1" d, • 1d··d t•i .1111·111111 nfl tl1 .. 1r 0 I"! 1111111 I 1~1 II',,)., "\J! <ii I illi\\,il\' IO '" • 11 :111\,til" 11 .. 1ilol 1\,0111 1., 1>1111 1: I I· I Ill~ H 10:1 r I it 1 ;11d ,"":lo• •,:11d '''I • :·.d i"•"lljll•' ]1:111• ~]IL>',1 ~1 1 !l t' · 1 1 -1 111 t.11! 111q I '1 i..t 111 . .I 11 •II · I 't•u 1.i, • ··ll'h·r· l1h·· <>I lt.1!1 11, r Tli1·n ·, nu 111 !~'!11°·1 ·11 ·· \11 ~ 1111l'll 111nl1l'.11 :1dd1'1l "!Ju• .1111 '1' 11hu !1;1\1' J•1l l1'f 11011'1\ 1h·"H.'.f1" n11 d1 ,pl.11 ,1, Wt•IJ, ~Lii l1•d 111.1).,1111: 1111• l1f•• ~17«d !:1rh .JI lht· h··;.:uuun~ ur lh!' h· ... 111.11 !'-t•:1~111 'J"hr,1 ;irt' su ll 11·orking 011 h"r :Jt Ill• \ri .. \.F:nr g round.'l \\"hl'rr 1 isnors e;111 11,1tch tht·ir progr1•:0.<:. '"\1:111.1 )W'<"•p!1· ha1,, c'irnr Ji;11·k :o f.1·•· li1111 she":-doing," \I r.~ lllil)l.>llrd1t·u .... 111! Tho·\ :11 •· 11011 11o:·k1n~ l"'Hl :1 p;nch1\1" Ii ,f..111 11~111g ,1 1 ant•1y o: 1\e;1\ 111;..: h ·• hlllfTllt'' .u1d l'(lh r~ . \I()> J.l\1bo1.rch1·u hht'S 10 f'".ill h1·r 11orli 11!f-!oon1 ti1·~1~ru11., r;ilhl·r ! h J 11 n1o1cr.111h". · \\l· ll"t' <ill 11r•;11111c l1'1.·lln1qtlt'" not )II'! 111.il'fd!llt" \\1• !'1!'11 l1l,1~•· lll! ,J 1111 .111 •ur 11111i.' ~he l'Xpl:11n1•r! Sill· f.;i 11t ~ht' .in1t h··r p.1rtnrr n1:1d1· tli•· l,1dl' .1;; ;111 1'\P•'r lln• nl !n )>Vt' .... 11.11 ll,t'\ <"Olild dn 111111 fn)'l' 'J he'\ 11.itn•·d tii•·11· 1 r 1• d I 1 n 11 J'1r;111:1l11111·· nftt·r 111 .. cl1;1r;H·l1·r 111 1111· p:.11 ;1d;i11t>d ;1: .> 111\l·H';i] in '"~1 . l·.111 l .. 1d,i.· 11 1111 \\~)~ ··1q;1d1" !11.111 .111 u111 ullt1r•·il llu111·r ;;1rl 111111 ;i l,11rll ."·I •o I ' ·' \. I\ HJ Jl: I /1 li11b 1 .. r l'.1 ·111:1111111 11d! 1~· 111 .. ,,.,j \1:1.! 21. 111" f1.11 i),.l!l1·1· 1h1' l.al.!lll1:1 1:1.11 i1 ;11t f,·,111:1 1~ 1111-..,, Tl11' l11gh1''t h1ddt·1· 11111 1h11l 111.• J1otir1t·d. \Ir~ l)uhourd1C'u -;;url i\n 1·1111•!0\'l!' for '>''rl!ll'll bid~ 1:-; <1U:1rht•d Ill thl' v.·111 l"ll Lid~ 1Vlissio11 Cit)r's Re<l Ligl1t Day~ Cl11·011icle<l S1111cla)r l'rt•11r111ng 1h1• l1111•11p rof lt•;11u1 r~ jpr 11 t't•ke11d n :11h 1'11111 r1'1td4'1"?-. cd1101 .:: 1od:i.v rri'tl 1~1p1! ~l111rl:1\'·~ 111,~1" 111ll 1ucludr lhl'sr· l\,\\\'I)\" SAN .ll:AN S11-.1llo11s :1r!'J1°l tilt• only k111d of '"h1rds" Sau .luau C<ip1,1ran1) h.1~ b1·c11 f.11111lus fnr 1to\1'n lll!'ouµh 1hr yr':trs -1-. .. 111·citdlv linrk 11ht·n the old 1011 n 11 ;1s the onl~· ( Sunday's Best) 111:10' \\·ith ""hriRhl J ~gh l .'l" h!·t11 1'1.'l1 Snnl:t ,\na :111d San llit•gn Si.ttf .... nlt'r l':1n1r!.1 lln!l.111 til1S th1 • 1·<•11 011 111(' 11ll'<~lhll l'ily's h1ri1I pasr . 'l'f)lJ SN:lton 11().'\1'~ IT :\LL -/\1 74. ,)tin l\n:q)p h:1s d1111e pli•n1y tn lnnk li:i1·k un T/11· :-.:1L"l"at111·1'1to n ;i I 1 \' t' sh;11t•il tea 111 1'11 I' hi .'l I\!.: l\<11·~ii(•k 111 l.,'h111:1. \ISl11'(1 l<1~··nho11t•r fl! 1;.,111sln11K. t;il kl'd 11n1 111tl1 Ernt·sl ll1'111i11Lt11;11 \11 l';H'1s ;111d thal"s n<il ;111 '\111\ ;i rr.~Hl1"11I 11\ 1!11· tl1 .111i.:4· ('u.1"t lu s t\11· ,111>11'• I 11f 111 •l!·plh •ll !••r 11• 11 11\ ~l afl 11r1!1•r l\:tlh' 1 1;\!l!"\' lhal 1i•ll<,, 1iv1rt, .'>1 h1 ·dul1·d f11r ,\ S1'<1too. \rllEP,E i\H I·: Tllf:\" .'\'tl\\''.' -All 111" l'rt':-11h •n1 's 111en, that i.~. 1\ft,·r pn11111.-;1ni~ ;l !:111· :111d o r ii •' r ;1dn1i11i~1r~1!11111 of !11gh 111nrnl ch;11:ic1rr Hi1·hn1·d ~I. i'>i.xon h<ls v.·:.1 !t·!1ccl 1n;ln~ 11r hi!' top st;llf n1t'1nh1-'r" rrt.:ri1··· con1·1ctions and jail sentences for ,·ario11." e1·i111cs. Tiir s1:iti.1srs of J8 of lhcrn nti.: ourlin1'd 011 the F:<inonat Page. "l'IBITS I\ \;E\\'POl!T Th,. ~,114• f'"f lnhril rh1l'f~ nf .\('iv (:u111f':\ a r1· nn ;o..e1\1)('1rt Ht·arh a~ a r11 ... [ llolliu V1•lkt'1 I ~ h:JS hroughl :1rt lnr chspl:i~· .111d ~nlt' tn 1he l"o:1s1 ;1n •;1 'rh1' 1\u:.1r:ilin11 ~11·11 ~1 4Klv.~ ;1u rh1• n tr i.: prim11 11'(' :irt ,11xt d1•rnon~1 rn1cs h1·r r.1l1•nts 1!1 t>a11k p:ri11 t1ngs lrs ll i-·11• t11r l'i1>11u1g :11 lh•· t't·l1'hriry Cl'11ter. 21:i Bil"rrsi1l1• /I.vi· Sr:ifr \\"ri1rr Jn.:k11· lf~·1n:~11 111!•"1'\'11•1\f'd tl11· ;1r11st :incl .~11f\1'\t•1I :1rt Stor~ 1u1il 111rll!!"\'S :1r1· in th(: Y( HJ St.0l'tiu11 , \\,\Sll l\L'l(f\ 1 ·\l't ll u.:h oil <·11~1 " ht>l f)('d forrf' 1hr, ft'l'.!1·ro1l h 11Ia11 c· •' tfl lfil~lllt'tll'I ltllO :t •h ;\ htlli11!1 d•·lh'I\ l<fl 1111• 11 111•4· 1lll11lth'\ 1'IHl1•tl .ltllh.> :lll lht ' J!lll'i't~p n11·nl r1·p·o1·1,~l T h u'r ~ r! .1 ~ I 1•1 'l'•"'t' .11 llu l.111!'111'\ 1,,, L;..,.\ 1·111· 111 .ltll1;: 1111· ''' l~'~lt• \\t• 11 Ill' J!I•{ Uil( l!~41l•""I" lt>I .q1~ 1Lt·a11on~ IU 1tlht•r .1g1'1i! II~ "I"'' )II HI~ th.tl 11 h;1\ Ill" 1 •l,01i~t \\Iii f,,. <•l!!l" l.\f '" 11 ';,•.; n1.1 I lt''lllllt" 1.11·· •' \i.11'1 ,u\d 11•l;d]\'1•ly ft•\\ 1·111pltf;.•·' lit: ~did i)r1e ,~,.,·1"1t11· u ... · a h1;1dv ti," 1,.,·11 ;1pp!'ul't•d for or1•· i11 1:11l1·r 11! lli1• 11111111 llit'I l1ulld111g ll!"\·up~111.: ;1 1.11!1·~ fin· r I\< al" ]11 f';u H11 ,1d Jtf 'l'h•· 111· ... lt·n~ ~t.i11·~· ft'17l1'r.il ,(r~h1\1 ' 1•.111 ti.: r111111•d l111t11 1 ~,;,1 l1u11.,u1·~ l!i B1·ll !U !ll1• l1!d ]l,,,i.;11.·ll •11\IJ'llJH: •.ill', 111 ·.\1 1~·,11 'J 1.-d(a·:o. • .r id t) I 11 < I lliki11 u: R1111t1i1. ' , 15, A rr1•sl.l'tf 1:HA!\J 1 S,\LI ... !' i,, 11 l'I• pOll('l" h:11"1' ;1rr1'•lt·d .1 1:1 I• ill uld l<t•} 11·110 tht·v S.<Ud rnb!:fl·d ;1 d111t• 111 ~n 11:l"ry .,f . ~11-1 .ind 1J!.·d:•lt·1! -; ' llllll'S Oil :1 bllYI It• 1oTl!lj.! :1 sh .. lgu11 Thi· boy ht!d up :1 gro1 vi'' \\'1·d11t-sd;1y in l,n11i,:111,11 . T1·x , )1;, hnl11l' io1111 11 lu·r1· 111 · 11 ;~.; t:tk\'n Lu laec l.'hiirg1 -.~ 1\rrt•-.;1111g 11ll11·1·1:-111 1;1·:111d S:1l1n" sn1d Thursday 1h(' J,1d 11:1~ 1.11d.dln h tr1r !):111~1•, 1::·, 1111h·~ 111•.,I uf l.uJ1g1 11·11 Burglar 90 Da ys Dra \\l'i • JaiJ 111 r\ lransif>fl! arrested b~· Or;111gc Counr1· sheriff"~ officers June I shon!y <ifrer hl· broke into a Laguna :\igue! pla111 . h:.1 ... been sentenced to 90 days 111 the coun1.1· Jail. Su perior Court .Judgr E\"1•1"1•l! \\. l)1f'"kry urdcrt"(I 1he Jilli tenn and 1hr .. 1· yt·ars proh•ition for l\'arn1·r ll<"t11 ·r(·drick. 25. :iflPr thf' d1'fendu:1nt pll'achJ guilty l0 burglnry eh:1q.:,\'S. 'l\'{lri ck 1rri-; booked h:· deputil·s 11ho 11t·rt• r;:dlcd TO the Hilborn i11:t11ufnc1unng \'ornpa11y plant nt 2:Jll!Jl Cro1111 \'•illl'1· l".1rk11:1:i · In lllll"~\1g;!\l" r1•ii.1n ~ ul ;:J1 1nlrt1d1•r on lhl' pr•·ni1se:;. 'l'ht·y ~aid Tednch :.uru:n<IL·rrd 1111buul ,I !-.!!llf!1-;ll" ~o,ieb 'J'col Hlaol \\. ASI l\,\"{;T(J.\" ( l'Pl 1 i\n11'1'lC\lll 111nn1\1)f.'1 1'hur,tJny d1·t1'1.·ted an apparf'11! 11l·11· undrrground nuclear test bv !ht• SQ\ IC'l l'Olflll -!hC fourth this • yf';\r. L.•••1·r, ,r " II' d1 \ .11111·111 ,If, ' I \\, 11111 ·1•1' .... 1 1,, l~•11•tl 1111111•,11111, 1>! I •·\ •ii f •'· -In 11 ,., dll ,!IJ'lill.t) t1·11 t.·r l<,I !h\· }>llt.li1 Ii·· ,, ! llJI .. 1;1.t th.it i1111t:d lllfl\•' \1111 J• d li111 !ll •J'ili(ll l"ll lll!p:i' ·1 1111 .!\ '" ~\lrl'lllTHll!IJ..: f ~lll\ltl\ll\111 il -11\1" 11 ~;111 1 'l'h1 · 111111!1 · ;orl'h111· •11!. 1, · ,,1,,1 111 • 1lr1n1• 111 :!~ 1•1 npli,1r ~ .11111 .1!1• Ii.ii( !l1t· gro11p ,1[ \1•11 lo; 111 1:,.11 ' Ill id\ 1 l1tk'-'"I\ 1111! !11 !1l.1k,• lh,• 111.i\1 ' lt'l•l.11 •"llU II!' 11dl lu· 1111"• .j "' ,d , 1, ~" ll.111111 ll ,,lid !II.II ltw l!"-1 tr! Iii• 'I' LL 1 1 .. ul(l !11· 1.1~. l up 1,1· d.11.1 Jlt <M, ,, ai.,:1·tlt'il'' of l!Je ~Ul'l'JtHllt"11 1111•) 1tr .1 he IS ent"Ol1ra g1 11i; 1· .. 11gll'"•llirl 11 .11•p!H\. id .i pLtt.4 1,J.1( 11 11 .. ulrl , ·' '' 1. r.11;_! t"~1r.1 •"11 11,111 II•·', , r ll.1 I ·~ .!Jl·l ! )• llJ.: \l11111111-.11 ,!fil•ll . 11d j\ )"ti\ I!• ·111 lt'flf :i] I '1 !•It t'I ;Oii \ .' ' •"lllrl hi •TU,•111.l"t' do·\1·•11111• •1 1• r•·:_:11>11od l.d101 .1111 I 1' •l!•: ~1 •·11" ,. it\• 11·111a1Hlllh 'P·ll t u! 1:11· 111,1 -i· !1•·r1 •l tuu l1l1n;.: \l<11l' ch•fu11t111 ' d.1t.1 011 u + 1 ..ind tl1•· 1111111h1·r of '"lltpl\J11 .. , 1~ , \I,., 1, 11dh111 .1 1("11 111-..·h ..... Ml• ul111·1.1I ~11d • ' • ... - I \ ' ' EXPLAINS ZIGGURAT US E GSA'~ Thornas H annon ViJI,1~c Still ()ll L .J\ t1<·tio11 LOS A:":r.Et.F.S l.\Jl l -A11vo111· 11;111:1:• a ... k1·cl l1u11 it h1· ~·;1rt'd to n1ake a highrr bul' a city'.' · bid 1·11:11 ·.s sllll th1· qu1·~1inn 1od:11" :1rt"r Thi· an ~11("r t·;u111.: bat k f1r1n :ind tlr.ir .t ptihlH' auction f;1iled 10 l!nd ,1 t:ll..•·r "-~111;1.IMJO, !11.'rtrod." fnr tht' !n11n of Jdn;1 . 1110 rn1!.:<; 111·-1 Thrn 1•1111fu'\1011 l,1Jln \\'l'd 11hl·n :i !h1rrl or Frt'sno. ·ni<"y r1.::1!1y lril"d 10 ~4 ll hiddt'r nlf1·r1•d ~1111.000: 11k't1 relrac!<'rl !111· pl<i cf' loo. h1~ ofr,·r \\"1·r~!u.11· a.'lk1·1I for :i n f'rornptly :it 2: 15 ll rn. 11iursd;i~· :il t""µL111:1t11111 nnd lhl' llHlll roin!rd Jn lilt· Univcr.'lMl llo!t•l. rc;1! l'~t:de t•xecu111,. 111£' 11·01nan :-i 1t1n)! nl'XI lo hitn. !':t1d \1i1ton J . \\'rr.~liow intoned: ""\\"ho l\Ould ;i 11nn1a11 li;i<; ;1 rig-ht tn chance ht'r likr> to ni:ike !ht• fir~t bid """ Sil•'ll!'\ 1ni11d :ind sa11l. "She's got thf' rnnnl'y.· The ~pi't:l i!IOr~ shitti·d 111 Tht'lr S• .ii ~ Tht· <'11u1l1r1 ·._ lar:.,:i•st n11•rL·ur.v !llltk· :ind gltttH·rd surreptl1iot1sly ;1\ 1·;u·:i once operated in Tdria, t'>io1v the pltll·e n!ht•r. t'i :1 1·1rt11;,j .1o,'hr. ... 1 !11ITT1 \\•ith fi1·r· rr~idi·nt'i 1111111.; oil :1.il~I ;l('f""" 11hic·h h:is .\fl hnuses. F1n;ill.v a g r:1~··h<11r1•d 111;111 111 1lu• frnnr :1 churl"h . ;1 school. gnrngc:; and shop.'l r1111· lt'lll:tti1·clv sa ut . ''(ln11-!111ntl1!·1I lhun.i;.:-ind clolln~s. c;isl1." 1•111, 11.11~1111 1 ,\II J->t:1nd sllt•11lly 1orgott1:11 :iro11nd th1• ·ild 111111\'. grt·\I' and \Versho"' ciill1•d f<1r ;1 111!.:il•·r · Thi· :"ltt'11· ld1·1:1 .\\111i11 g and Cl1rn1H «1I li1d. H1'•1I t S!;111• ngcnls 1'1r1·1i1:1:•·d l\1. ~hut duwn 1hc rninc in 197'.! af1Pr 1hn11:i:;h til l' ;1ud11·11r-1•, 11h1Spl·!'l11g I•• 1nc rtur~· prier!<. d r o r pr rt and pcitrnt 1;11 biddt:rs. ThC'11 npotht·r 1 01c·e l'lll'ir~nnlt'llt;i\i st~ coinrlninrd n b ro 11 1 11·as heard. this tin1e fro111 .t .voun~ nla11 II 1·r r · · n1crc1 r.v po 11t1on. · 1 ty-11·c 111111111:..: in the b;1ek ru11 . 1·!a1n1.'l 1•.t·n· inrludcd in the i;a lc ol "011e·hu11drl'd and ft\t' 1 ho u .., ;1 n cl n1~. 10111i. dfll!tlrs.·· Thr :1ueth111 . ho"·cvcr. 11·nc:; 11 hu~L "Lr!"s ki>t·fl thr g111nt' 11111•n•s1u1;•. \\'rrshOI\' t•rill<'d for higher bid'> for S('lrnt· :-aid .1 slirhtly nn11 01·t"cf \\·,·r.i;hh11 ti1ne :1fter !he confusinf! non-bid. H·· H1· ;1skt<tl for :it ll'<'l<.I "l:!;'iJH10 :1111! t<1ld the· :1ud1cnrl'" that the area 11"11s 1lhl•n 110 one rtspondrd lht· :llh 111111t·1·r 1dt·:d fnr n c::i n1pgrouod or other turnt•d b<t ek lo !h(' young 111:111 ;uul r1·t'!'t'<1t1on:d facilit.1'. f\1ore silrncc. ~~~~~~---'-~~~~~- "'""' .. ~ . ~ 1 ~~:'. , \( I 'J· " I, I I .. ./ ·~· DEANE HOMES AT BIG CANYON MODEL FURNITURE SALE r~· ' J. l, <" -.., n r -_, ("- ! I l1 1!1 :rior l )1 :~ign1 :r lllrni,h in g' lliat ha\'<' r:arru:d n.di11111d .u.1:l:ti111 .111: 110\\1 av a i1;1hlr: .11 lh 1ildcr '-.1,0 ~1 ~ \\.he re '! 1\t l)1:a111 : I ltu1lCS ll ig (;;111yo11 r'l.loclc l Ctu11plc-.: KR Hut! G r ;111d V;illc ~t:\vporl IJ1:ac.h \\'h r.n ·~ 10:00 1\r'l.110 5:011 Pl\1 Salurclay. 1\11gu s l 17 S 11nda .\". 1\11~11s l 11\ 1!11\•'t' lt< ;Jrf.111).:1' f7u 1lu·1r <!\\II p i• l·llJI .uul 1t .. li1 i•r\ ol ii.·111.., pun h,1,cd' ~ · fOU •\ HOUSING ~ OPPO RTU NITl!S' oea ne 1 H o 111 es ~~ ... . a i!-.... . J T t : IB3il;Ri C(~;~u1t:\;"\1J!llll n ew PO RT sea c ~1·-···~~~i. . .. . • . • • • I I r•-l1.1v Auqust l b 19711 Just ~ Coasting,~~ J Ford Blocl(s Return of Tapes to Nixon ,....... ~(( ,., .~ '~~\\ ~ ,-with Presitll'1it , /111~r·:v <tl Erro11eous A1111oii1ice11ie1it , Forces Bu.zl1urdt Lo Qiiit Tom ~!urphine W I • • F ll a1l1110· j or r- I. \1\1-: p.\('JFlr l)El"f. -Thi~ is lht· lllll•' nf ~1·Hr :1l•u1i,: our 1·ix 1 ... 1 lh.'lt !h1• 1 n1u1~ ;1111! 1h1• hr:1l1· 1.._ho r1d1· upon ~L1rn>t1<1rtls :111,111 •«•~·rl\ l! 1':i thf' tit 111 · qi tht· {;un.-. of Augu:-.1 r\u11 1!11· b1 ~ :-.urr <'Or1H·~ !n our :-.hfirvl1uc· This I'• !ht• 111111• ol .1••;1r for tht' uld nnd rl;1hh1 . l hL' f;11n1 n! hi•:irt. thr •1qu;1!i1· n11 ~r11 ~. (O s1ay rh·· h1·lt 011! ol th1· :.urflilh'. Frurn Sl':il Bc·:1t'h i.1 ~;111 C!t•rnrn!(•. th;ll roar ;ind hou1n .11ut1 ill')1r isn't \\'(!rhl \\'ar Ill JI t·orne-; frorn the gi:int hre:1J.;ers lno1ning up on 1111• horilon. !'lllt1shing shorr ll':1rd in a 11· es om e <:hurn111g fro!h of 111iill' And th<' young and the br:i1·e 'rill be ou! in 1t. prop1.'ll~g then1selvcs ;ilong by foot nio,·c1nc11ts :u1d balance upon skinny little fo:1111 boards covered \\'ith pl;1stic. i\11 this 1nakes a picture.~que \\"Ord story except for onc little problen1 . ll ERE IT IS mid-/\ugust :ind !hf' big surf \\'hich ls supposc.d.J.o he ~oing-o{f likr a t·;u1non is rnorc like a eork popgun. '"l'herf' h:1 sn·1 bcrn onf'. !'"in~le. solita ry 1rr11·e all 1nonth."' Elder Son lamen!cd todn~· a~ hr sur\·c1·cd till' plat'id Pat'ifie. fl e"s ri ght 1 IL1\"C nc1·('r seen the ncc:H1 flaller !hnn it 1\·ns this 1norning. It 11·as so quit:"t that horse people fro1n the Jr1·i11c horse raru·h ouisidc of Corona df'l ~lar 11 ere r iding on the Crys1al Co1 e bt.'arh in tht' surfiint'. Surfers arr gl'ITing rdgy. Summer i<> running out. Thev c;in be Sf'f'n roaming around in their vnns and buses . sur£board s still l:ish('(! th~ the roof~. 11 ith vacant exprt•S!'1ons in their eyes. This flat occ:u1 ron<lir ion has drivf'n :\liddl£' Son and hi.<; httddi r~ nt'ar buggy They arc mtunb!ing 10 thcrnselvcs. They al so rnurnhle to 1·<1 ch o!hcr. ~L:HF ER ~. nv 1hC'i r naturr. are filled TI"ith till kinds of lore' and supersti1ions. 1rhf>r!'in !hl'\" <"fl fl 1·at h o!hl'r on 11·hat the Of'l'<Ul is ·i::oing to do next. .Just lel a l't'rt :ii11 kind ·of sunsf'f h~1ppl'll . for f>Xa111pl!'. ;:i11d surfers 11·ill :-'prct:d lht• 1;ilf' a1non gsl !llernscl1·C's th.'lf 1h1 s n1rans ;i hug•· ~outh-s11 ell • 11·il! drrelop l'arl~· lhr· next d.:1y. 'T'hi~ !hrorv 11111 gt•! passro nround h:1nd·I0·1nouth ~t•Xt thing you kno11'. 4011 of th1 •n1 111 11 ~ho11· up along 1he h1•achfro111 tht' nl·Xt day at the crack ol da1rn . :\ILddlP ~on h;1~ lx<<•n ;1dvancing the thi ·Or\' tl\;1 ! ln r !he last five 1·C'ars, the ;urf ha<; rrst·n !o SUpC'rior h~ighrs eaeh Aug11s1 on the \Gth. I/th. <ind 18th. \\'h1•n F:lc!1•r ~011 suggcst1-tl 10 hirn h1• f'111tlrl ri'I rr>1111•111h"r 11 h;1t hr> h;1d for hl'f'akta._1 11·~1 1•rd<11". 111u ch !t"•S 11h:it !h1, sun 11:is do1nl! fi\'l' 1·l•ars ago. he 1ln•11 l1 t1it' r1111r t' rr.;;p(111 ~P than ;1 ~1de11:1\''> J!L111''•' ;i nd ;111 cxp!e11\'e d1·h·l1·1J flll 'Xrrr THY In ~h:1 k " s11 rfrrs fron1 l~H 1r b11l1•'fs. 1·1·1•r1 1f 1hcv n1adc th f'lll up 1lw1n..,t·h(•<; Tli1·1· /i;i\'t• faith, just l1kr 1 t1o~t· n:ikt'rl n:divcs rou've scE'n Ill fll("f111·1·•. cl.1fl!"ltl g around a rnin god ·nH1" 1! 1" pr0b:1blc 1h;1! illidd1e Son :ind 111" l11uld1r~ 11 e r,. up ;t! 4 <1 .111 lod.11 . rl n11n 011 thl' sur flinc to gTf'f't 1111· ni1~1 .1" ct.1:-,1n~rh1• fl at Pacifi c. And 11 i<; iust ;1, prol>ohll' !hat SC'\"er:il o!hl'r ~urfl'rs 111.•r f' :1!rtt1dy on the bc:1ch .;u1<! g rt't'l ~·d 1llf·n1 thus '•(;1'(' ~cn.J i.!ll\'S should h:l\"C been here h.il lf :1n l1o ur ago. .lh\' surf \\•as really great." Storms • :1 !1 ~ r .1 \\'ASH I 'if:Tn'i (!'!'I 1 -•\n l'n·sident F'nrcl ;1nd Sj)l•t'L'll l'(VSl'l'U\!1r (,\"(;11 .J:111orski h:ivc blo1·~1·tl u 11i.n 1· by lt1l·h:1rtl .\1. !\1.'<:on's Ja11'yt•r . .; to tu rn (1\1.1r tht' \\ hite lt-OUS(' !,!JK'S to !Jlt• f,,rl l\1·1 pr1·.s1d1·11t \\'h1tf' llouso> offici :1 I~. 11 ho d('("li111·d ro hi· 1<!cnllfil'\! for pubhtlllll.ltl. 1nd1r ;1tL'<I lhat Ford ht•ca111t' upsf•I 11)1en h1· IP:1n11•il tlr..1! 011· la11yf'rs, 11J1hout J<111111·-.~1 \ ;qiµr0\;1J, had n1l1-d the tapC'S h1·lung1'l l to .\ixon 111e offit•i;i ls !'>~iJ Ford fr•·th·1I 1h,d j,,, .ld!HI O"lr,1111 111 "11:1' 111• f' o Ill I 11 1•, !.1n 11sh1~l " h;. the t;qx·'\ issue :i nd "u .. Ii,• put !11" foot do1111 ;111cl s1111I '1'111 nvt g111ng \(1 h;.i1·1· 1l · " 'l'll l,":-i , I\ tll rl"K s u l " c t'" s 1 u n Thur1-d:t.I" l'rt•s-. S1·1 ·rl'!ar~· .J F l 1· r JI or ~ t ;11HlOUlll·1-<l th:H \1"\0!('\ \\'hill• fh1Ust• 1·•n1n1-1·I .J l•'r\'d 1Ju1h;irdt, 11ho h.id p,11 11cip.ilt•d 1n !hP 1nf•1r111al rul ing th.II 1lu · 1.11A·s bi ·lnug~·d tn '.\:1.-.:on , h.id ti·ndi•rt'll hi~ r1·~1g11:1tion .ind 1:orJ :u {'t'Jl{l'(!, -J,111.ur~~k i '~ <1ff11•t• s:.iid 111 ;1 !~·r~e .J UPI Telephoto JAPANESE POLICE ARREST HOUSEWIFE IN KOREAN SHOOTING Mrs. Kimiko Yoshii Accused of Helping Gunman Moo n Sae Kwang lt'on1a11 Al.so llel1l l{o1·ea11s B1·a11cl Assas si11 ""-A Declicatecl Co1111111111i st From \\"ire Ser,·ictli SEOL'L -Korean officials today broke !heir silence 011 lh<' identity of the assailant of South Korean President Park Chung lli::e and l<tbC'led the :1ssass1n ;i dcdiratcd Comrnun ist frorn the days of his youth. Park es c a p e d !he as~:1ssinatio11 atlen1pl l'hursday. but hi s \1 ire ;ind a 17-yt•<i r-o ld girl 11·erc kil\rd by stray bullets in the cro11·drd ~alionnl Theat':'r 11·here tht• prcsidrnt delivered a !CIC't·iscd SpC't'Ch commemorating the l1bcrnt1011 (If Korea fron1 Japan. The gunn1an. J\toon Sar l\11·:ing , 2.1, was ~·ounded in the thiAh by security ;1grnts befort· hls capture. Ki1n JI Doo , head of the Seoul tl1:-itrict prosC'culor 's offic<' i11,·rstignti11g thr ~hooting, dt.!scribcd :\loon as a dt·d1en!Pd ('11111rnun1s1 ., .\loon, he~inning in his high sc·ho<1I da.I'.~. r1·ad thi> Coinrnunist rnan1 fc:-10 and 1\r1t1ngs by Chinrsc Con1n1u111s1 Part.v 01airman Mao 'fs-11111:;: :1nd :\urth hurca·s Kini 11 Sun~ <1nrl c;1111 \.! to cherish Co1nn111nlsl idcoloi::~·." tir s:ud In Osaka .• Japan. polite toda~ il l'l"l'1-!t•d a J;;p;uiesc house\1 ift! on eharg1·s of ht•!ping ;\loon. l'olict' s;1id the 11·on1 :in, 2:)-\ l':l r-nl d l\i1111ko l 'oshii. g;1,·c the birrh c1;rl1f1c11te of hc-r husband. Vu~10, lf1 ,\loo.on ~ he could gel <t Japanese pns!iport 111 The liusband "s nJmt'. ;\loon 1.-; :i l\orea11 11·ho has bet:n l1\·1ng in ()sa.ka. U.S. Skipper l111priso11ecl 111 Reco1·d Hashish H£tul r-.'ASSAl·. P.:d1:1m;1~ (,\1'1 A Haha1n1a11 judg·· li as ~i·nlt.!tl t'f'fl ~111 A111erican ship c~1pt ;1111 and a 11lt'nlh1'r of his err1v in fuur \t·<irs 111 prison in tile sn1ugg!ing of .1 ,71)'1 p11unds Of h.1sh- i'\h. the l<lrgc~t ;nnount 11f tl11.' dri1g t>i·rr SCJ7.l'd. C:1pt. Trrry D:1ni1·I". :!1i. of St.1JC'n Island, N,Y , :u1<I C'ng111ee r Lou 1 s Ton1isc!li. '.!4, 11f Hr()l)k l\n. i\'.'i· .. 11crr sentfficed 111urst.l:1y and "ordered to pay S:i.000 each in flnt'S r1r ~l"r\"C 18 months in addition to the four \"t•ars. Four codefend:in!s :_ ,1]:-0 crewmen of lhe freighter Sea Tr:1dcr -re1naincd • 111 Fo.~ ll il l r ri~011 11h1lr-.1~1!h11ril11 " d1·c1rl1• l\'hf'fh('r to rt'inrlh'l tlll'n1 ,\II six 11t·rt• 1 ·harg~·d 11 ith 1 .. 1~...,·~~111n ,,f thC' drug. 11"h1eh J>r1 1g E11111 rl'('f1ll'll f Adn11n1s1 ralton off1('1:11 ~ .<1..1111 11;1 ~ 1111rll1 Sl.l :i rni!J ion :ind 11;is !ht· l;1r!,!t··t ti.111! 1•1·er mad(· Tht• Jury th:i1 rnri\ 1rh·rl !);i 111rls :ind Tf11111 scll1 1111 Tu t:-«L11 11;1'\ un;1l1!1' 111 reat·h a l"l'rdit·t on · R11·hard Bennet. 29. of .J;ickson. 1'.: If . ';\rnold Zur~t·rrnun 32, of Qurrns. \ Y .John Kub.1tz , "!R: of St. ThOlll.1 ~. \" r Hild l;:d11 :ird Edv.ards. 35. of \c11· (}rlr<lll~ Linger Ill South Col£l Fro11t Stretclies Fro11 ·i Te t~ w· · .\:<IS ·o lSCOllSUI 'l'P111per11t •rrr~ "lbUOVP'l!Vt 6t\t r\llela eos!C)n B•n;.1nivlllt 8 <1l!l1lO t.~ftrlOll~ (f>oc&oo r"'"""ftH (l•v~lft"" HIQ~ l ow ., " •!i 61 " " 0) ,~ 19 11 f ' n I~ 11 ~ . 16 II 1(11 11 ~ • • Tn .. tmal 1"'1 11 \llftlhinoton 83 10 S. C111ifor11in S01,1tl>ern t a1 :1o,,,1.., m olQfO<I< •Mould lino 11tea,..,T temo,.r~t"'"'· hohl '""O<I !!1>d pl .. <'ly ol oa•Qllne If\< '"e~1 r><1 tra·,~I""' 11];! l!J~I !oli DELIVERY SERVIC E , ..... 11 ... c.~c.o Th• high In Ltr1 Jln9el ·\ 1, ~•l>f:cle<! 10 reach 10 !ocldY ~"" ~~tu•d4• ftlO,.r <t.tchh"jl 71 Tl'>u•:nt4y. 1ne "'"''n"" (dJ!lo" ·• A1tl11moolte Club '"""'" 99 II""""' of lhe m"t<<'ol><>llt4n ft '" r.11t!Ym<1 1roa •ta!if>r>• ol~n lo be Ol>tl> tor bu!.ine'~ 5~•u•lll• At>-.. I ~9 <>e•c~nl DI m~l•ooohMn ~•t,l •!Alo<"' .... 11 rem1in ooen Sund•v i nn "•1 ~'c•n! wolt .ell ""' In OUl'V•Nl "'""' O, .: ·y 1J If\\' Daly Puot 1 .. t1arfl'1 J lilnl~ /1101 " fill M ntt •1•1 /OVI J.1111!1tiSM1111 '" 1tt11 , .. flll" 11• at llrtvt:•t It !M C~I Ill lak• 1•1~ 1 JO 1 .. ~roii,,. ,,. s~, 11 '"' •• 1111 1,u1n ''"' CtpT I')" ' Im S1!i1111 01 I Im S.,Jlll! LID illld 1 Ctp)' •\II It t.'Ollf~! II 1111 tjfl1 111 !.11>!~ ~"ti ID 1111 Ii,. ~1hJ~t, ~11 Or1nt:1 C..~tt la11 ~orl~•nl Nll•fl"Elo1 h«l 641'311 '~ •rlln'll!tt a•o 1110 SJn Cir.tnlt CJj1111!1111 k1(l ~ Im tlp'1trn Dll'J f1111L 1no:r 111~111 1".,." •1r~ •91 4410 l I ow'Y----f--',--.1 "· ' ~06 A•«HI f S ,0' ' "' \1'1 WI .. hi! I i(.11! •( • \1 ® (\""""" °"' '"~'""' D•T10ol I I '"'"0 l !O"~'Ulu J•' ... ~ • .. ~·'"'•' f ' l • Uh• rl• f.'o•m• ''''""V'H , ·i~••t><olll '··~ l11l·.~1 °'~" Vo-• •• 11 •? " ~\ )\ .. "' VI I! ., 11 ,~. '~ i: 6~ ~ ., Iii •·I A1 t• " n ,, , s .,.,,. [3]\.,Clw f7T'7l .,,.., ,,, ILL..'..J~HOwt r \ l l(OW l"l•l~~omt tl•v Omt~~ r M"• ~•P''"ll' Pf>ll~d•lflf>ll r~""n'' PtU•~'"ll~ PQ<!l"M r.-•~ lo'.rf>mMI! ....... 5~1 ••.,,,.ntn ~' lo~11 \~II l4•P (U~ ~_,, ''~n(°'•I ~ ~-~"'' 9• I• 1<'1 ~· ' " Tl11/ •• ~l \1 --,, " " w P9 \1 89 1•1 P• • 7 ,. " S-nO<I ts ••~<!M !O "" moae"''" In lhe Sin Gdt><lfl ""' r..,,.nn~ •.•.",11nu1 •~·l•vs. bu! ll11hl el•cwl'>•"• '" '"" S"1.11Mand. Ii .. f\. ."'i tr111111 fl r11 II ••w 111111•""0 !hvnllf•\IP•m• 1m1>1e<1 nc"I•• '"" Sou!h ""ll Min-.••' ••riv !"Cl•v, hut <1~"' ••I•• 1••11nert v•\I o• lhn Roc:•v '°'ounTn•n• ll•mp~•'>Q rnur><l~"TO""' 1 "• t t"DQ•'-0 •I l•ol,!1 one 1r.t ,,7i<ln rnu1 "·•V ll•n1on,.~<'11 To·1~v A r·'·"'"' nMI 111•.•I! !l'>'llCIQh • lvn •l'Gr<I <n ~'•II·•·~ rn10 I! 1weo1 VO '"V•1~1 ......... I <•" ~"II O'•~Pl'>l'l1 '"""' '"'' ll't\"'""bor:nu h 'OftN•'f Ne •~I'"••< '••• f, ',.,.~ A IP" m ... ,, .• ,11 •. ,,. .. ,.,,,, ., •r""""~ r.,.,,,.,r~ •·•n ~nv•n '~ ... 1,.,~ ,1n,1 M•'\C • •ol!! frori '''""'"''!> 1r11·0 l,.;., IP 'N1 ltl\r.&1~ H,~ 1>l1t·.l t •v w~•'''"' '"""""• n nk! 1~•1 I "'•I'"' "' ,,..,, '" 1>11 ,1n,o ·~ .. 1· """' """'" '''"~ ,.,. l"f " "' •01" '" ""'~ r~I!· A •\ r('o11.~/11/ 11•r 111 /1r r i1J (11r- 1n 1!1Jr11r 11;11/ hr (n11ur/ 1111/flJI 11 ! /'rlfli' llR./ I .111f1•lll11i'•'l\IP111 !hilt lhP \\"h1!1• fl(11L~f' h:l<I .1pr1•t-d to hold the rt•111<1i1ung !'."ixon 1:i1A·s a111l dt.11.:u1nent s in 1ls \ aul!<i 1rl1ilt.! t]H • ISS IL1' \\:L S r1.;l'il'll't:·d . ()H \\'('d11 usd:iv, r\i.xon's l ' hi PI \\"atcq.:µt1: auon1t·y. J :1n11·~ St. Clair. 1• Iii.>. r1.·.signt-d th1.1l da:., :uid \luihardt r u I,. cl 1h,1l !he. Nixon 1natt·r1al.~ n .. t .11·1 ~uhp1)f'llllt'tl anrl or 111arle publ!c 1'.1'rf' tu ... 11w11 prop ... rt 1, presu1nably to <l1:-1~'-c of a.s ;-\1).0n 11 ished . T!1.1t a11n1\Ul1C1·n1('nt , <·h~1nnelt-d throu~h lhe \\'h1tc l\ouS(' prt•ss offit·c. erroneously ~·Id th~ i,!_eci-.ii!I\ had the endorsen1ent 1107> }lllllltiCll .4 ille Escapes ~1 itrller Try \ll,\.\\I , F1 :1 1AP1 -'rhe Jan111ir.1n \\1n1S!\'r uf i'\at1onal ~curit~· and .Just i<·1~ )l;i~ h«•'ll placi .. I und1•r special S('('urity l1ir th1· r1·.~l of his vacation stay in . \lla1ni nfh'r th t' fnilure of nn apparent a~sas~i nation :11tt·rnp!. federal officers s;11 l'ol 1c1· ~n.v the nunister, Eli :\f<1talo11 , l'~r;11x d 11ljury Thursday 11hen a 1i1·e (~_IN_S_H_O_R_T._ .. __,) h;111d grl'n<id l' 1']i1 C"C'd in his rf'11tal car f<ulcd to oxplO<lt' t~c:iu)ie 1111as11r:1p1x-d 100 ligh!l.1• lll IK'\l"Sl)<ll)C'rS. e lmm1111if!1 OpposPd HO\OLLLC IA!'t -The An1cr1r.:1n Bar 1\ss11c1atlon h;is rt'~h·(·rl 1hat forn1er l>rl'S tdl•nt H1chard ,\\. \1xon shou ld not I,(' unrnune f1·on1 proserution for any 11 ro11gdoing 111 co1ir1c1·tion 11 i t h \\'<i terj?<ltC' Tht' tt's0!1111on approl'{'!I hr th~, nat11111 "s 1.1rg1·.;;1 it'l.!!11 org:11111.1ti11n Thu00 :1~· sa iJ tht• l.111 .1ohuulrt h1.• rnforct•d rcgardlt·~s of rh,. po1-tll•)11 or st;itus <if ru1y 111di1·1d11<1! ., ThOugh it llt'\'1·r m.:·nt1onNt h11n h\" n;1n1•·. th1· c:;ircfull~ 11nn.ltxl resolution unquestioningly a~lil'd to .\:xcn. 1!s sponsors s.1~ e (Jrdi1U1lio11 llil !~!llt .\r;f) 1L·1•11 -Tht' ord1n:ir 1vn ., f 11 llf'llll'rl :\~ ~:p1~L·1)p,1I pn('~ts 11 :1.' u11;1l1d11tvd 'll1u1·sd~1~ b~ tht· t"hUr<"n·s I louse of I~1 ~hops. 1\•hich ~ de:'•1 c·d tlu· <1t\1ons of th1· h1.-;hups \1 ho p.irt1e q'<1lt·l1 111 1hc trad1t10n-brri1k 111g ord11 1:111un :\ rc:.ulution. p;1ss<"<i 126-lfl. by th1• llousc of Bishops said house rnen1bers · dl'' r~ lhi·Jr 1tht.! bishops in111ll1'fl 111 th•· orti111ation I <1ctu1g in \·iolallon uf Ilic c:ullegiahty of the House of B1!'hops as 11cll as tll~· !eg1s!ati\·e pn:..:c:.s of tht' 1\ holr churl'h." e 'f'i1r1e Cl1ttll!/Cd ,lgoi11 \\',\Slll.\GT0'.'11 1l "Pl 1 -The Scn:-1\1• ha.~ \Ot•·d lo i·nd _l'l'.1r·r011nd J)ayhght S.111ni.; T11nr ;<lld !o auihon z(' a ~~ltl I 1;l1uu. J1l-1 t·.11 . 1 t" 't• <t r 1· h ,111•! rJ,•1 •·lormrnl · proh r;1111 for 1•n1'rgy ~··If· s11ff1l'1cnrv 111 thf' t'nit('d States Th(' r1 ·1~0,1I of 111111rr J):iy!i~ht Sa\i n~ 1'11t lt' p.1 ·~~·d 111\ .~ \lli\1' IOI~· as :Hl :llll•"ll(hllo'll! tu a L1 1"1!•'f t'lh:rj(I hill n:1..:~f'd 7R 10 fl 'T11ur~d:1y. Thr change 1,,1( k 10 St:i11d:1r1! T1111r \\:ls spon<;nrf•l In S1 ·n 1\1111\"rl J)of(· •H-r\;111 I. lt 11 01ilrl ('.~('111P1 :\01 Pn1!}i•r. f)('t:embcr. ,Janu .'.1 1 f ~111(! 1-'1 ·liru,1 r~ fr(1tll ~L11n111t•r lin1i> e l ,t•t11l1Jr ."i ('("11~11re1l ("l!JC",\(;\) 1L l'l 1 -111f' Chic;igo-•irt·il r <·unc1J of lhC' Ho1· :X-011t s h<is censurt>d 1!.; 1 .. 10 !Op ;·uhn inistrators and plael'd rhrrn on O!lt' yr:1r·s proh:ition 0Cr<1u~1~ lh•·ir trll ·tnl)('r~hip rolls llt're p.1ddt'd Th<' :icuon \1 .1s t:ikerr a~ainst Jo.<;cph n '1:11·111, &"Out 1•xrrutive and h~·•td of the council's professi(}llal staff, and John 1:i1,!1•l ln, a<;.~tstanr 1•\"1'f'U!i\'t' :inrl field st·r1·icc d1rcc!or for the area. accordin,e: ro .lohn i\f'h!.'I , t1 spokr.sn1a11 for the Hoy S1'0Uls. USO Club Ransacked 11 0 1.1.Y\\"()()[) tl.;PI ) Ourgl.'.i rs hrokc in!o the Bob Hope USO t'lub ht'rt•. stroiling a 171h-ccn!u['}· gold ch.11icf'. sc!l in~ fire to a Bible a nd ran.~ckinu: officl'~. polic(' •rl'portcd Th u r s d a .v . (lffi('l•rs ~aid the thie1·es ripped pic1llrf's fr'1n1 \Vall s, broke open vcnd.ing 11u1chi nes and also nindf• oif 11'i1.h SlOO in cash. Steak of Qog That Bit You? BANGKOK (l1Pl l -T11al polle(' 'J'hur.<>day raided an i 11 c g 11 I sJ;111i.;h!erhot1~c 1\·hirh they snid h11d l}('rn supplying ri~ me;it. to ho1Pls :inrl r('~!:i11rn111 s for the past t11·0 1 (':•rs • .-;J'l<lkf'~rtlrn s;1!1! !h<' carc:i~t'.'l of f~l do~S \\l"fl' f11u11 d Oil !he pn'lllJ S~'S :is 11'('11 :1s t1ro l11r~f' haskf'I:> nf 111e.11 . 1'11e,V saifl !h(' rl1f'Jt 11·;1s pa ,s!'d off t() rt'!:1auranl r11ston1f'r-'< a~ ~ll'ilk nr nu•at 00115 ~rvt-d with noodl('S <1r th1• sp<·tiid proscc:utor and !tit· J us\I('•' I h.'pa rt 1n1•n t. J,111or ski"s Tf~d rsd;1y :11111ounl·1 ·1lh•lll indie;.itet! 11us 1r;1~ not tht• c:i~t·. :u1d \\'hit1, /lousf' offic\;.)\s !oluggested p1·11";t1•.ir that ~·ul'd l1<1d \)('en :111g\'rt'd by ··;ill th h re111·a! Of !ht• 1~1pc~ l:->.'>Ut' .. FO il!) 11'\STHVCTEO <"hll'f or s1~1ff Alexan<l1'r t\I. lla1~:, h111l<;1•1f a ho\<IU\t•r, to gel l1111hardt"-; rc~iJ.!!Ul11fin, !ht• sour(·1· . .; ."<i!d , bt•f.iu~ Fol'd o"Ould no longer ri·ly for leg:1I i1d1 II."(' 011 \\';1!1·rg.1ll.' hllldu1·t·r.<; 11 ho are JU~t not bt:hev<i bl<' ;u1y rnore." ' UPI T<l1pl\o!o ENVOY TO GHANA Shirley Tem ple Blac k ShirJc~· l 'c111 jJlc J{cportcd Ci,cn U.S. Ghana lJo~I 1\CCRA. C.h:ina 1.\1'1 T 11 ,. go1·ernn1t•n1 of <:t1.1n;1 h;1<: anno11n<·o·1! that Sh1rlry Temple Black hil~ lll't'll ap1Nintt'd Un ited S1:11~s anlb<t'>sador ti• the African n;i !ion. ,\Jth<>u~h !ht•re h.1s hcl'!l n o nnno1u1c(•tll('nt fro.rn !fl,. \\"h111• f11•ll 'I'. lh1.· S1 :11<-lkp;irt1111.·11t in \\",1<:l11ng!v11 s:11d !h(·r1· 11a~ no rca•a'1n 111 di.-pute tlil' Gh,u1:1 r••port Tho C.h.1na E1nnounc1·111t·n! s:1i1J \lrsc l\k1~·k Stl<.:l't'f'I.!~ Fl"elt lf:i<l ~\'I. ,1 <·.1 r(•1•r dlplo11 1;11 11ho rei·rntll' l"L'lllr11P1l tn tlw l"111!t·d :-it:ttes · .\!rs Black . thf' rornit•r r'hi!1I st;ir . hrgnn her go1·1•r111111'nt (";1n·f"r by runnin i.: 11nc;111·r·1·s..~full~· .1~ :i. Hr puhl1l':lll c;.ind1d:i t .. lur C2ngrt'SS. SIJ'/11l1HEH S Cl J'EV 1\'ESSIE CO Vt 'Jl ACE FOl!T \\"11..LIA .\1, S<·otland 1l iPr1 - Thr 1\1nphib1ous Anc11·nt B ;i t h-Mi &.. A'iFOrin!ion h;1s lnsurei! SI"\ .~1.11\llllf'r ' C1kn1i.; p:in 1n ii l 4-n11le r:icc 011 1,"·h \'1 ·~~ ai.:a1nst :i t1.11·k h~ th•• J..1x·h \1·~~ lll1~11Sl••r E:if•h ,,11 in1111<•r 1." ro1 1·red fo r S'.l l:lO 1f thC' 111on~tt'r ;1tt:u ·k ~ ~~ud ~"'<11 11 1'1 ~1 ( Ji l.>t•n11 1~ S1ill1~·t1n "\\'1' c~1n"t !"-' t<~l e:1r1.ful. .. hi' :i;ud lh• <11,u u1dvr1'll lht' ll'IJ1t,• lluu~c IO t·onstdt 11 1tll J:1 11•11 ,~1 :1nrl 1l1f• 1:11..,11111,:; ~ld!t'!ll l'!ll , i':.ue1t tiy ,)<11111rsk1 's orr1t1' . ~.:.ul · "'Hi·prc ~1•11t11 11'e<1 of !ht• \\'hitc lli 1u-..· ;uid !tit• 'fh 'l'l,il pr1)s1 ·1~i!ur uit•! !111!:11· {(I 1!i.<:1'\l \S th~· ST :tl u~ of 1hi• IUJ~'.<; arid d t1r1u111·11t " ol 1h1• ad1uuustra1lo11 of fn rinvr l 'r1·~ult•nl Ni-.;(111 ~ · It h:h h1·1·11 ;1gn·1·d 1 h;1! 111 l' ,,t lhl' f1!(·~ 11ill Ix· 1nov1·d l":nthn~ rth1•r disl11''11Jr1 !lll(l rh1• 1-J.1t....:1al pro:.t·l·t1t111·'~ otl11·1· i~ 1-.111._fll'tl 11i(h I h 1• !o t' a n';111i.:1·11u·1 1~' ·• Fe111<1Le BreltSI ·" JJ<Jtli ~·litecl 111 l\111tle Flc111 ('(X'(1\ HE..\('JI, Fl:i 1L:PJ1 1 .. ~ue 11f t.1p!t·-.s ~u11hathi11g b1·ar h1·s 11! lhl' 11;11a111·s 1110011 -1111· f)Jl thf' port h:1 ~ f0<·u~1·d <•fl tilt' f!llt''llOll of 11·l1t·th•·r ~I f,.1nal1, hrl':J:<I is a 'l'X org:itl . 'l'h(' 1·1r,1 c1 •nun1~ .... 1on Th11rsd ·1~1 111i:ht tlt·lt•rrt•(I :tl"(lo11 •)ll ii prupo:-1.'d ordin:1!\• ,, rh;11 \1 ,,11!d h,:111 nude 1-Ut1b.1rhint.: tt fh ·r 1:1Lv :11 1.11111·1· \\"1ll1a1 u E ll'eller :-;,11d ~tali' l.'11\" doc.·, not pn1htlnt h:1re-brc~,,!l·lf ~un bnthu1g Til t• r1111un1,,1o1n -.;ud 11 11oultl rah<· up 1h·· in>il lt-r a t II ~ :-it:jll J 111t'1'!111~ lt i11..,1ru1 lt·d \\1.·llrr t11 :i~k (11r an 1•µH\1•u1 11n !ht• 1'11hJ1'1 ! lrun1 Flvnda A 1torn1.~ ( ;,•l\t•r.il Hob1•1 1 ~lio•\ 111 l>L'Bi\'G A llE1\TF:ll arg111!!1'n1 fro111 ;u1 011·rflu11· 1·nJ11d. g1·111·r:illy ~plit :il ong ;1g~· 11111''· .\l r~ L1·1· 1;:1g111111, )>,lld , ·A· L1 1· :1~ 1-1·'> h (·11!H 1•r111•d I r1•st·nt rl1i·11, 1 r~1 11i:: to 1·11111111(l' 11-. ;1 hrt•:i.s! 1s !ht" ~:l lllt• :I.~ ,Hl ;lt'lll ;111•! ii lt·g A hrt'.l'I IS :ill or~:1n lh;il )l,,, 111101u1n:1l f('('lillg'> "'l 1lt'f\ .11!) rn:u1 !u ti·l l !llt' ht• 1 1;1~11 · u-...·d a 11 .. 111 ,11 1, f,11 ,1,r '" lry 1.1 .. 1111111h1h· lit•!' . \!:11•1r IA:1· 1·:1r11n :1 fr11 ni.·r nigh• 1·11111 ( <!tllll', 11 h" h11' ,ti 'Ct'~!l'd ft'l1<'1t1.,: 11lf ;1 p;1rt i·f lh1· !it ,11 h for tho~c 11 h .. 11<1!1! lu J.!" n.1k1'1.I. rt'j•l11•1! ··r ct r.11 /11•r not g1•! 1nro 11h:it s!1mulalr~ 11.)!llln I 11n.1g1nf' t1 >1 +11n:11 1's {'ars ha 1t· 1••'111 11•1·rl :d~1. :1t1d !111·~· dnn't l1..ll t'i' !111 "" 11 p ' . \\1·11\·r ... 1111. ··1 1!1 not t11.·l1f'1 t' 111r !'••1ir1, 11111 vo11 ,1n1t• 1ht' hrt•a:-it ;1~ .1 1-l \ UI ;,:o1t l I \ \ l.l<T'l"l-:H \11 !lit' t'lll111n i-.,1011 l'1 ·i.;~1 s11.1111 11. :111 :1111 .. ,·:111 · .. r i .. 1111· .... ,'-!Ill lo.1111111)!. 11r1 '" 'l 41 .. 11 tor J'.ii"NULt n •l.1 \\1!h•l1 I <lo 11 •! u ... · 111y body fO( .1 b;11! l"r•pl•·'·' !01.• .\l:1r~· l't'!t'I'. u1.rrat1lr ,,f d ~·(lt·h n1ut\·I. !~11npl:11ru ·d lh;ll na~t··! 1 outl1~ h;1 11· h1••'!1 1a1ort1nl! 1n fron! nf !u·r !ll(•lt l .11111 •'l t l\ 1,u1ng' to tl11· hathrnorn"' 111 puhl1c S1r:1h ll<1\~·r .. ~'.). n rnn;ht•r of thrl'l'. i.;u!l ~h.~ h1•l11•1t·<; !Ii.it IP1111•fi11 ti. nud1,1 1• Hll !h1• ltt.•.t(h 1\(11 '!t'.1\J 111 rl/) I•'\'~ 111 1h1· .;J•il •'' 1l 11111 l(':ul lo 1nor.1I d1 ' ;1; ',f th·· .111 <I • ll1Jt 1~· ... 1•·r H<•1k 1.f n• .. 1rh1· C0t,,.1 :-.;11rl '! l11r gr.111cl11111!1u·t ~ , 1111\1111·1 ~111111 tl1•·1r :111~1 •. ._ :-1t1d •1ur rnotl1•·r~ rvul d11 • ~tl.,1\ ti11r·r knN·.., \\h.1t 11('"r(' t.1011 1 · 111·11• lllll iJ.!I\\ IS l11·i111.( ii li1111 1·1J 11/ l<'d ll t·1 ~~. .i 1•11111. ii hf ilppn· ... so.ir... ;1111t d1·prt·.-.~11 ' " Cryi11g Over l\lilk FTC l 'lrarp.cs Ca1111)ai~11 De ce 1>tivc \\',\Slllr\GTO~ 1l"Pl I -TI1e Federal 'frade ('01n1111ssiu11 !.aid todny a 1naior milk advertlsin,g cam1)aign was decei\in~ 1·011s11n11·r~ 1111h 1·l;11rn ~ !hat C'\'ery•1ne nct'ds lo 1lrink niilk and th<Jt it 1>rc1ents o)lrl.~ or art hrit1.~ The c:l zn1lBig11 fcalur('d s11·in1111er ~l ark Spitz. l,;1 seb.1!1 ~t.1r \"id:i Blue. ;1ctor Hny Bolge r and o!h«rs all plugging niilk for the C:ilifon1 in l\lilk Produtcrs Advisory Boiird. 111c case has implications for the dairy l11dus1ry's 11ntionnl pron1o!l11nal efforts. TI1c nc1ion 11as origin:1Jly propo.~e1l by U1c Fl '(' on A11ril 10 and 111ade furn1.1] lodny. The 1\\'0 ~ides 1verc unable lo rc:ich ll scl!lt"TTIC'nl <'lld a judici:il procC'sS wi ll hegin 11•it hin !he F'fC. Besides the star t'ndorsen1ents. thr. rommerrl:ils included an announct•r sayin g that every body needs milk." Tnc carnpaigu ~id 1111lk consun1ptioo is bencfi cinl for all i n d i v i rl u a I s, regardless of their stale or health, and the FTC said in fact that is not true. lnsl£'Rd. it said n1ilk drinking can t>c. 1lctrimcntRl to individuals 11•ith "hC't1 ith prob!en1s such ;is ('Crta in allergies and sympto1natic I a c to s e intolerance.'" ~1ilk drinkin~ .. 11·111 net prevC'nl fin d will not lessen lhc pruh<1hi!ilie.~ of t:onlracling colds 11r arthriti.o:;," it addo~d. The ad c<1 r11p11i~n. the rf(' con1pl:ilnrd , ll"US 1111fnir, false, 111islf':ldi11~ an<l drccptive. ('011111uss innrr i\lnro .J Thon1pson f1t!·<I <J srrongl.r 11·orrlf'd 1hss<'11t. s:iyini.: thrrr 11q ~ 110 C\1d1·ncc fron1 o1hl'r i;overt)n1enr ilUf'll('if'S nY a :rul1·spr1·;id pr4lhl<'lll with 1111lk drinking :ind i! :tppe:1rf'd !hf' FTC / MILK DRINKER Mark Spit:r. 1r:is "pr;icticing 1nt"diclnc • 11•ith ou1 a 11C1'llS•'" '"For n1n!I! A!llf'ricnns rn llk 1s. ( 11n1tt·r~!and . a lu.11hly bt'!1f'fic111I foocl." Thornp.«on i::aid "l"11til tlli 'I'(• l,.., <lr !1u11 b,Y !1111~t' 11•!10 ;irt' n1•1r1• k11owlt·dg1•:i bls hi' re th:1n us. I wu11!d h:11 ,. 11s i.liiv our hand in .~(l eon1plt1s 11 fu'ld a~ 11hclh1•r 1nilk. 111:111\ pr11 n:il fi"ll l 1, 111 f:i('t 1111ur101 1.~ lo ~1 nr s1n111J 1'rr1·rnt a~e 11f us " 1.1>S \'e111on /11't'Olllt P11rori.:t 'J\·:uu .. ') lly fl'lllll'~tl , :dfili;.i t ·r1·ci u1s 1 l u\1 { tur 1h1 1\1'~...:i d (!l'S I ;11"•. ~;l 'l"J 11·1r 11nt 1I J .. II 1• • 10 h1n ht1rg,11 ., S:\); T11·0 ;:1 Liht•r. mu~1 :111d 11 ht•r( 111urd ;ind 1 ·011 r1 Jv• H 11 .. ~< 1 ·h .1 n~· :.:ro1111 l1n k111 SL.\ :• f;1 ('ou1 n ., 1.0. I ~ 1· n 1 !'I! : 1 lf'I t.:dk11 l\l ii ( '.11Lf at!on All 1 •'1l" l;, 1'hur 111 l on I !ht' ('(IQ"' suits f1-rl<'r ronsi J ri l!i Jllfp;1 • S,.\ r on1 \11\1 f),1'g Hr•in 1111 l• ' I i"t1l \" (. Jt,. '! h 11t drlt' tt'·· (',di (".1h • < ·r ... 1 I ht> I tl(lll rt'JC i1t'OJ \I ,....., .. 11111 nn-c ""' Hoe (_ J s I pol T~ sho 1.6 mo \Vi. •• 0' \\'(I slo slo i1 a "' '" hu m< nn p ml • • Pt>lice111e11 Tca111ste1·s Ll>S A.\(:r:LES 1Al'1 -Th~· \\·111011 µ,ilir.:c for'C'r h a s bt'i·urllt' th<' ;o,1<ite':s flrSt Inv.· ., e11fun .. ·(•11\C1~t grf)trp lo join H'M.! T1 .. 111\.-;t('f"S l 'n101L B~· :1 \•IU' nf 44 t.o 16 , frhur~lay. tilt· p,11!1i' \'1111'<1 to • aff!half• \'."I th IAA'ill 9!ki uf the ·r1. 11 n.o;;t.. r-; I l••ll nrd Sl11l.1H. l->pokt";m;1n for 1hr \'ernf)!t l'ol11·l· (Jf!Jrers ( S tale J • Bus Fir111 (){ f t>ri 11 o· r- l{t>'LVlll"(l ~.\"\ Fl<r\\('JSCU f l 'PI • ( ;r1·~·h.,und Luh ·s, 1!11·, l1i1S j1fl•·r•«1 ,1 $».00.1 rt·\.\oird for 11tfuru1.1t1un !e:ulin~ to th(' lhn·t· lll<'ll who h1jackt>d :1 bu:-,, roht11.-<l pas-s1'nAers and rap1·d O!lt y01.1ng ritl!•r '111•· hit<:: \\-;1s h i j a ck e d ·"' II <t /,· (' /\ Al/0 1retl ' El. {',\JI)\ ~h.1r1<;:-,p t\ruh11 ~11a k1·~ 4 ,111 d,111l"" 1n I"'"<" .on!! h••t f n 1;1 I I\' A tlllllll{'!p;l l ('lfll~t llH I !.••re rul·~I 'J1111r"'!.1 y 1h;1t the snakes U<;i'iJ h·,. the~-. \'1.:ar-0ld (·XOlJ(' !1:'1111·1·1 111 iirr nightl'lllb <11·t 111·r .. 11111 d,111gcrou<;. Sht> ]1.~d 1 ... ,.11 eharged 1r1!h I... 1• ,. p 1 n ~ '' f (' r 0 \'I o US t,.· 1'1'' t"nlrJry to l.i11 S11n11;11· r11•;1r Tho1~111d l)al...~ ~----------~ by lhrt:l' <1rn1l'<l m('n v•h() rot l'M·d tlh· J.'J pa<>s..·n~l'rs of ~;1 ((JU 111 l'd"h ;ind v;dL1:.ilil1·~. '!'h1· 1H1·n 111 .. n >.l11 pp1'1l tl11· loll s ;u1d fll.'d l!l a 11·:111111~ (·:1r l)ale Scl for l,air l ' 1'rjaJ "\t 'Hr\~11·:\'f'() 1 l 1'1 I 1 ll,!14' l."•JllH!llll• \ I 11 1 t' II I ln11 ,,J ,\ !<f ll"d"l'H ,, I' r" ~ r .• lh I' ;1 11 111 :· r" l 1t1\!:1ll:i11un of '.r1 .111r1 -J1 •! do•\ !\'1':0-!~I "oilllol' 4 lllllh<ltL l'H,1, ·;u 1-.1r-.c ()1l1· t.111 ( .1llu\~ f 1t r i•hnll!1'11i"I\ pf !II•' ll'ljll1fl1I 11i.~ta!!:111••11 uf llij' "'''·tliod "llLI.\" 1Ji•1 II'•·~ Ill ;ill hut !lilt'•· of llH' '1:111··s 1110\l p11pul;1h·d r ! 1; 1'1!1<11 • !I 1 •1 l ,II'"'' \\,I, :11 •1•t '' 1'4\ 111, ol ij•:\ 11 .. 01,,:111 l11 !ho• ~ 1.,1!• I 1n.1r11·1 I \llUll•il lt'I 't I '. loll I 1, ' ..;, I I I U•l111d,1lil 1 l I 11 ,.,,,11.,J II ol' -'!I t'f! ,.,ii !II o j, or\• • · I 'I I I •<•~''!.:'' 'I' 11 !1 ti 1 I! 1! uf 1111)1\H 1."I'> r.t1-•' .i d••,od1i111' 111•,t ITH•Jllti 111 '"'gl!I ,ii! n'I l!I" Jn" lh'\ II l~ [q lli•'ll~ .11 'I Ii.· n1'd,·r d(·\··1·111111• d Ill llh1 dl.i•,011 1~ I,\ lit•· I .1 :-t OAll t Pll 01 1 .'j 11t111.1 .. -r lfr h•·t·n~· 1,1 •'• ~ \ 11d1'r Th•· 11.,111od,1nl !HUI• n~t' !II tJ11• ~lll'h ll).I' 1 '\,111 1111·).!u .1fH\ B.1~ \r,·.i ,.,r l1 .. ~1H· II< uhl bt" !1Jrl'••d l<I llt°'l,111 !ht 1h·\ II, .• '\l111uld 1ti1· 111 .. 11~111··· p;1~ •! ~•'1i.1ti· 1!u· :1:-.."'·1ulil)' 111 il l I•"''. ,rrfr 11p11o.1<>Jtinu 1 II·· ;1•'<·1· ,,, I 1.1rL'l"'n.1t11111 C:u111 r11i!I••• ii,1, kd li'{\ ~11111.1r pn1p1"1.-.d' l\1'11"' !hi-. '>1'SSJ l•!l BUY BIG-SAVE BIG ON Y2 GALLON SALE 1\.~~1a11011. ~.11<! tlic <HI.Jon l tlu<·~ not 111•lu·;1!e 1h<' pohl·c ;11··· gt'anng 1111 for a :-.1r1k1·. '1'!1 .. 1r 1·urr1 •nl 1'f111tr;11t run-. ThC' rt·11·ard \1 as annn11nl'cd 111ur~!:1y by Fr:i nk I. . \11g1l\'lle. prl'<::idcnl of 1h1· :-..111 Fr;int'lSt.'o·h;1:-ccl l1 1v1~1nn of t:rl'yh(JU!ld, 11·ho s:11d : In Drug Sale! LOS A~(;F,I.E~ jA\l 1 -Al Scr>t. 16 trial dale ha:' htx·n1 Sl·t f~:r n 1n;1n ;11\lt \1·0111a11 111 ho p!l'<1<lf'd llO l'•illli'S l !1) 0111_· ctllUll uf pral.'!J('ln;.; !llt'd 11·1nv j \\llhout a licl'll''' 111 :t 1·as1· HJ\'ol l'1ng all!'~"·l s:llt·'> 111' 1!1cgal d111gs for th1' !n';111nf'nl 1 of cancrr. Mix or Mc;1tch 6 or Mor" ~rt---t~ Sav• An Additional I oiP; From Singl• Botti• Pric: ' .,..., 1,.99 Cutty Sark Sco tc h 12.18 Kinq Ge-orqe Scotch 11.98 Sc°"~Y S cotch ~ lotK<t ,.ritt: 18.49 f oc:k: "' ' • '.'' '1 " " 16.64 9.89 I 0.48 12.59 I 0.b I 9.89 8 .00 8.00 8.09 I 3.90 8.09 '9.00 I 1.4'9 I 0.30 9.85 11n!d Julv HJ7:1 ;111d S!<1l;111 ~Alilt. "\\,. -.1111ply 1 .. t4·tL 111 eff1·1·t , i .. h1 n.' !h<' ·rt·;in1-.1 1•r,, ;1-. v 111· • , ........... (,'lttllltJf"f' S1\\ FHA\'CISC\l 1AP1 ·r11·0 all1•ged Sy 111 b 1 on<' s e l,il ~·r.1t1n11 Anni 1neml:i.:rs m11~1 h..-tr1N! outS1de At1n11·da ;uid ('ontra Costn (\J1H1\1t·>. 11 hl'J't' t!l<'y <1rt• ;1ccu~ ,,f nnlrdf•r, at!cinptcd n1UTdl'r ;ind o1hcr crinlf'<; thr 1-.\:l lv ('o11rt or .\pp1.,1\ .. l1i1s ral1·tL Jo~·ph 11 .. 1111ro. :!7. ;111jl H11-. .. l'll 1.111!1·. ~I \1 ,,n rl~· 1·h;1 ng1· of \••!1111' ·11111r,d:1\ 1111 ;.:ro11111b. 1/1,,1 pr •·!r1;il p11!1l1• 1'1 l1nk1ng 1h1"11 1" 1lu· 1.·n or1 1 SL.\ r•'illl("~l 1!1l'll' l'fi;Hh'L' o1 :i fa ir !n;il 111 1\l.11111•1!.1 ('nu111'1 e f,n1r•11il •'ilf>d !,OS /\t\r.ELES (1\l'l -'l'lt·· l' ~ ,: .. 1»rn111t'n! rnu ... t f1l•· :in ,. 11 1 1 r n n rn v 11 l ,, \ nnp;1!'t ~t ;1tl'n1•'11I l"•forf• ~t·r1•11Jsl~· v1 ll...111g ahout drrlh1lo! !or uil 111 ;u·e,,.. ..t1 tl11· ·"''11tli«r.1 C'al1fornia l'li:l~I . 1h ' :..; I .1 le :i\!nrnl·~ g1·111•r:1l ~.1 1, Att 1·. <:1·n F11·!1•· \'011nr.:"r b:1•·k;'(1 up !11" n r 1 n 1 u 11 1'hur!>'l.1v hi' 111 111~ ;1 1;1·.1 _,:111 in l'.S . f )1 ~l riet I 'vur1 h1•n• 1\n ))l'h;d f uf h 1~ ,,ffu•,. :ind l!lt' (_',+!1f1 •l1l1:1 {'0:1 ... t:i\ 7>•1\1' U"I Tt lt pholl lln1•1•Y ·\l l1 -.1J11 l.t.!e f\lu!la1·c'.\'. lJo(tl 1\!11nd:1y 1rc>1 ~bing G \b s .. r:i 111 , rl'l'eivc .~ a 1 iil'il'l} uf r1'<1L·t1011s lru1n falhf'r 1.rtg. g r;1nd 111othi:r. a1.:lrl"'s Shl'1la .:\lacltac. and tilt• 111L111t's n1othcr. at'1l'l'~' ;o.Jcricl ith f\.l acl t.ae . \\'ho hnlds her. '!'he g roup i;; !-.hU\\11 a s they left Cedar~ uf l.A.'hanon ll o~pilnl in [,us 1\Jl ~e.l cs 'fhursday . "\\\' :d n•ady hJI'" ta kt' n 1r!i:1tt·1 1·r pr1:1:·au!ions llll' l '!l!l 111 pr1":ent a r1·l·url't'11r <' "' th1' 11:1turv \\ h:it 1•:c .:rP 111to:n ~1 1·•..! 1n hen· ·I:. ~·ci ni.; !111·,.,t• 1-r11111:i:.ils l';1ugh! anU prust',,'Uh·d to the fullest 1·\tl·nt tJf the la ... -.·· Ma11 T11reate1is to Destroy w l l.S. C<tJJitol Witli Gas L ·l'hilip Carlson. W. of \'an .'\uys, and Phyhs Oisne~. 5!.I. of !\orth l-lolly1roocL plt•adrd no coote:.t \\'ednesday to charges of practicing mcdici11c \.\'ithvu l a li<'i!nse b c ( o re Co in mi ss ion c r :\lt·yer Xc111nan. l.(1.'i A\GELES (Al' I - :\JISS l>I S'.'l E\' :1\so f;H.:t•s 1 charges of lrc.111n q (.lnt.:cr 1 11"ilnou1 a license. S"!lln~ uaappro1cd drugs 11ithout a ltct·n~c and advt•rtis1n~ a drug r1•['M•:uedly rult'd that an ;rl1 t'n "\\L' clon·1 knn11· 11 h<1 t is 111 10 have an cffl'cl 111 trl.'atin;; ',\' i<t for airport. 11·:1 r11~ ,1 1-. ni.r ;1 hu1nan bci1n;." lhC' t!1r bon1ber's n1ind -if thi: cancer. 111.1n 11·ho ~;iys h,• is th1· lt•,Jd<'r 101i't· S.ll•l. si·ndt:r of the lllf'SSagC's i~ in 1\ spokl'sman for the State II I. 1-" ti I !act the bon1ber.'' f h · pf ;t group that bonlht'd !hi' l'lll(ll'il L'\J lP gTnu pc inse Dep .. 1rtn1ent o l tl.'al1 tn tilt" airport IX.caul-.(' it l>eg1ns. 1'he Herald-Examiner l1a<: S ;1 c r a n1 en t o said tv.·o 16.18 Old rond-Ood Bowrbo n 13.40 Bloc Ve l•tt Conadion I 3.48 Block Ytl•tt C onodion 9.98 Rf'lsko Vodko 9.50 Scltenliry Vo dka 9.96 WoH~c.hmidt Vodko 17.00 lloM>oy Gin 10.78 IOOl"d', Gin 11.50 Seoqrom', Gin 17.00 Tanquirroy G in 1 l.98 loc:Ol"di R11m , ··:-! 12.58 Ron Rico Rum If'~ 1 o .•• I 1.65 1 3.99 I 1. 79 I 0.99 8.118 8.88 8.99 15.'4 5 a .99 9.9t 14.9• I l.'45 I 0.95 !..vs Augrlt'S a1rpor1 ;111d 11rll ,,,11, .. _,_ .. ,".< ,1,,,,_. Al•"•_,,, _, I h d I I " ,,.. ·' '· ""' <Il!io rcceivcrl te ep onf' ('alls 1111 £•rcr11·pr <:1gents pure iase( II rift' thl'll' !l:lllll' -:\hi·ns 1\n11·rie:1. 1'hrP1• 11f'rSnr>;;; llf'rf' fron1 a n ian bl'lie\'('<l to ,~ <I bout ~1:l5 '\'Orth of l;1etr ile at the \\. (;:.., "f!Il0 1711,J]Q Do 0'I 1nr'i'l mil'\ (Ci) ]'i\l lLno ~TI TI lffi Jl' ~ uf .\111vrh«t -"1 11 !flood ' 011 hrllt'd :nxl :r, Olhfr:<: 111'rl' lh" ,,;une <-tS on th" tape. ,\n Hnd ine<lic.'ll :-,uppl 11's frun1 thc l '\!/\!/ ilill.lli c.9..lillJ.ilililil\SJJil W UJ.J ~ 1h1• f.1r•· of rhr l 'nitcd S!:tll's Jnj 1;rect 1n 111.-airport bla~l FB! -.~ke~n1an. said 1~ rnrin 1110 in April. 111 a l;ifl(> r•·i·or"dint!. a 111.u 1 ~ \II' 11,11·t· no ide 1 1\·hetli<'r -11ho It.ls a \lidd!e r~ast .. 111 It >1·a:-not kno\1n ho11· 1113111 1 3537 E. Coast Hwy.• Corona del Mar• 673-7530 ' • I ti 'I I ' I "II "'"<~>>! ,,. t~·,.. '">>"l't c.-,,,,.,,, ~,,-,,,,_, .. ,,·,-, h.,1:,,I 1-----------------------------------J \!lil t' !hri•;i!•'ll"d lo "it.•<>1roy .. r Ill') l{' llt'X :tr j.;t' \II •"-·" -·' "'"n .-.,,." ..... ,... '' :.;11 n l ~·'.!111 \111h !hr t,"!!f'r 'I.' l;_.·~·au~' ")1(' definitely knul\S been \'ll'IHHS O( 1hc :1 1lcgcd rl·t' \'ll lll'l' P1:ni1•1111"1v!1 1P11 •1 !'!<11d l'ol1.:l' ('.q>T .\li·rvin !\in~. \.\/1c1t he's !all...1ng :1!X>ut." fraud. thespokcSlnnn said. \ J!l\I" Ill \\,1'>1111Lt!'H11 \'lid lh '\f' ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.:'l'i 1111!11n thn·l' rno.i!il,, 1'111• 1.1])1'' \\:\.:, f('CPilrd T h11rsd;1y by lho.: Los i\ngt.'lcs lllh't' 1dt•1111f1l•d lurn.sl·lf it~ ("nnsr r.·:ltion ('nn1!111.~'-1op ·111.. . . . ,.;i1i!s Sl'CkS tn nrf'\·cnl Inc 1 ~:i:1e H,1.,1111, l'ill"f n oil11.11~ fl'flera l ~111·er111nt•nt fro r11 ~.off1<~·r uf Allo:ns of :\n1l·rica . ronsidering or appro11:-i...: '11 clrillin;.: lo •:L'-t' <;\1•·-: until .in llllp;1L·t Si.i'l'lll•'!ll I' f1h·d e R1•itu•1'/"• "'"' S,\t'nA'.IF:\'rr1 1_\]'I -Th.• ('nn11111 '<.:il')11 nf t!1f C :I fflr n .. 1~ 11 111 111{'<·1 /\II/,! 22-21 Ill S:1 '1 ll;o'gn 11 1111 l.! 1;,,\ I•:,\ Hf"1ni'<'I..•· :1" hn-1. li1•1n<'•·I..· ·• uffl•'.. <.:.n" If. 11lr1·I..." I\ .i ('flll\ 11'\.-"! prr111r•·1 1:1•1/J•'< \...1'0<.: <•fftt'" <.. :1 I I[ ·1h1u-~11;11· 1h;1t 111 .. r•· !l1111 !l ~I d"il',:!;ll<"" fro·11 ( ';1\lf.,1\li:1 :ni<! 11.,, \f,~,1t·:1n St :dl' 'f lt .lJ.1 (';iliforn1a :ind Tt·r··i:1•"\' Ir (';t11fnn11.1 ,.....,1r 11ill :1Tl •'Tl't • D1·i1•f'l"S .f\11·il.··· 1'\'\ 111Ft :<1 11\]'1 T ... 11 11-.lt·r rrur·k rll'l'•t'I~ fn·· th•· r,-w·I.... !'.1nd ;i nd J,.:ra1. l lfl(]l!:<l!"\' Ill S.on ])1,•;;H ('11111111 l)('~:t11 · $lr 1l..111~ tocla1 .ift>'r rt•iC'C11nt! a r11:111;1t;rnto •nt p:n 1irflf¥)""1 I \1 r 111 h I' r ~ rif ·r,,1r1 t•·r !.1Jo"1l ~r\ 111t1•d :l 7 R • 1; I Th11r~<l 1~· r~11:J1t 111 r•'l1'' 1 :n1 nn-r(·n1~-:1n·l11111r \l ,1;"· in• I'• .~ •• propo~r.-1 h1 th•· S:u1 l_lu•f'•l Ho<"k Pr0<t111·"r~ ,\ ,.,v·i~1t in11 G.1.n1c Rises ' As Police Slo'v Dow11 LONG BE,\Cil 1AP ) -The police dep.1rtn1cnt s a i cl 1'hur!day that crime has sho1~·n ::in :lf"tu;il i111·reaSL' of 1.6 pcrccnl during the l\10- moftth police slo\1'clo1vn. Depuly Chir f ~l a u r i c e \Vishon s.1id 1hl'rr has ~n ::i 4.6 pcrcC'nt incrt'<ISC in cr inoc over lasl yl'ar but the ri~ 11·as 3 percent before the slov.·dov.11 bega n. 1'4H.JCE Ci\Lt E O t he slo11·do1\'TI in a dispute O\'er \1agf"S and fringr hl:>nr(it.o;. \\'ishon sairt c::iseo; of l:lrt·rr1\' 11·('re up 15 prrccnt nnd ;iggravatccl as.o;aul l ll!l 1:1 pcrce11l. b11l th:it n1 ur<ll'rs \\'ere do\Vn 26 pe r cent. robberies clo \1'11 20 perccnl, r:ipes dow n nine percen t :ind burglaries down two J)('fC<'nL lie Mid the city has lo~t more than $270.00l irt fines nnd forfeilurrs due to a 60 p<'r c e n t d rc r case in n1l!\demcanor nrrcslo;, Kids Like 1'o ,i\sk Anclv • Tll E 'IA1\' ,,..1111 lhl' group hu1n])l·1l J.o., ,\I\;.: t• I 1' ~ li1t1·rn:111~1n:d Atrporl /\11~ r. :111il 1111u ld 11 rl' \\1u J<ln;. u! S.1n111· 111•1\1' ~:1. .. on Caµ11ul 11 111 1111lt•'s th" 1· ~. :--uprrn:i· l'•111rt rl•·1·l:11·1·s 11n1111;..:r:111 ••ll ;ind 11:1!11r:il 11.:11 1011 l .1 11·;. uru·nn~1 11u11on.11 l!t• s:ud the l!':l;; \\Ollie! /'M-. 1:1\...•·11 frorn St J,.11J 1<; to \\ .1~h1t1J.!lo!l aru! f1rr-ci ltl Olll" <111;1r1 .. r ·1011 sht·lls fro1n eight ~u1r~1, .. ~11u1 r:;r11i.1n li;_1rrrl ~ ·'!'lit• Si1prl'll1(' 1.A.n1r·1 h.1~ ]{a pc 1'riaJ ']' . e~hn1ony < :11 rh OK 'd S\!'HA\,l·:'.\TCl ! \l'I -1 f\,1dh i) llt"\I' liit'lL'.C: 011 trliil !t•<.fllll!lll\' ;il,11J\ :1 I' ii p I' \ll'illll ". ~··\ l1f<· h.1 1{' !)\.'('!] 111 t'fll h1•l n11ngl1 <lP ilJ',)\ l'(l h~ 1h1· t·.1IJ!orn1a ,\s.<>t'tnl'Jly. TI11• hill ;11111" 1n 11ar1 10 hint;;. 1 011 r1111on1 <1u1'"t101111:i: th.11 1n1gh! lunn1t1.lle r'1f)t' r1ct1111!' 1lur111 ~ the trial of ;in :ltl'!l'i!'d r:i ln'I )(<<;prte tasl-n1inute pll'a<; fr<in1 ,~pposing !egis;larors \.\'ho ,,;11d !hl' lllC:l!iUJ'C \V:lS ~Jl Q\'cr- rL'il\'ll11n 1h :1! could Jf'llp:1rt.iile ~i dl·f1'nda111 ·s <·l1;1nt·e /or a fair trial, thr ln\l'f'f hnu.<:;1• p11sscd tht' IHll hy a 65-7 tr1ll1· Thf' hill 11011· rf'lun1<; lo !h(' 5cn:11c· for concurrcr11.:e u1 QthC'r ;in11'nd1ncnls. ' Jail Ter111 A u11ulletl ~1\1'\ n1 r.r.o (APl -Th(' j:ul 1rnn ~it·en financier (". Arntl(llt S1nith for conlcn1p1 nf tYJurt in .J un!' h;i~ hct>n ~1n11ulll'<I h\' lh<" 4th lllsl rict Court nf A1~pral. Stq~'ril')r f'our! .Juctµr l'<tul E. ( l\ crto11 iss11NI a rontcn1pt f'itr111011 June 14 rigains1 Snii!h. f11nncr ch<tirman of lJ.S. l\';1!ional Ban k and \Vestgate- ('~1tlfomi:1 Corp.. after hr rt·fU ~l'<I to nns1\·rr qu('Slion~ 111 the t ri~I of Hotx>rt O:igJ.::f'll, 4!1. lla,gi.;ctt l\':l" .. 11.1rged \l'\l.h n1tr111pllni:! 10 l'X!ort n1onr~· frorn S1nith. \\'ho plradl'<l 1!ll.' f."ifth 1\nH·11drl\rtll. a Ra 1 n !' t p n ~ ,i:; i h I<' srlf·111rri111\u:i1io11 l)t1i.:i:t·t1 \ trial 11:1s 1lC'l'l <t1'f'd ;-i 1111:-irl;.il :ind ~1 111·11· triol d.111• 11;1-\ '<'t. Sn11th did not ~''* 11' :1111· !111lf' in jail a~ hr II ;i, ~rin1\('d <l S\;:tl' 0 f f'Xcrutinn j)('nding llJ'l[lf':il. WILD JrEST BAYS Contests, Square Dancing, Free Wagon Rides, Country Music, Super WILD WEST Sales, Special Drawings with Prizes from · each Store-Come In And Sign Up ~~lgL1st'197/~'''' Th""'1 "'; s,,,,; CALEND.JIB ---i --- !>un day -~ ~--=-~-l--1 ~---1 :--1 !--1-:--1-,--: ~ ~ OF ~ ~ ~---->.~~~ EJ!9ENTS SUN,, AUG, 18th MON .. AUG, 19th TUES,, AUG. 20th WED,, AUG 21st THURS., AUG, 22nd FRI., AUG, 23rd SAT,, AUG. 24th 8 am -12 noon 12 noon-5 pm 2 pm -6 pm All day 6:30 pm 7 pm-10 pm 6:30 pm 12 noon -5 pm 2:30 pm Charity Pancake Breakfas t Free Surrey Rides Roy Dee & the Country People Pioneer Artifacts Display Start of· WILD WEST DAYS Sales Judging for Settlers Bake-Off Contest Square Dance Night Exhib.ition & Community Dance "Sign-up for Frid ay Frontier Fashion Show F'ontier Fashion phow Judging and Promenade ' . WILD WEST DAYS Wind-up •, Free Conestoga Wagon Rides WILD WEST DAYS Drawings • iiuy ticki~ ! "'} ;>:; :.frf;.1 1f.1u I.fl t/:,•, k(;{.;_1 , &. ~1 ~t:u, Fu ·:cl' Ellir:r.: &. /r~l_, Cf:tclt uh.uc/:1 d7V t'i'wn, M' (if Cufi..iw. W),)L-_ . Si-.J:p N[)tr_ 11::1: sP1:r, · (.tfild,c /1 Ver~l: ~ ' " ,:1' l i~tu :<[(d11~rll 1t, ,/l;L(l.'V (i. (1 r'ti'f cu/;f.:,c ' 'j),a_,~( 1"' ,, tm: ,at ow what; ~a.!ruc .c IJ.f ddiid,~ If .JJ(ur~. cri gwu; :bli.lr.9, f 'l/J( ... carrJ.:'.(lj f0t d-J UY df,, .dOij ,f :1u ng-.t1:.t fu:lv (:1_1/J-l so ·{~:t~il•}.J LA PAZ Off-RAMP SAN DIEGO FREEWAV, WEST TO MclNTYR E ' I > ' t I ! i ' ' i I • t • " • ' • ' ,, ' 1; lt.i\11,\ ( l.;1 :.:t111 .1~t":h 11 l:o. l11r1k1ng :11 lilt· p11:.~1D1IJt\' 111 l·h:in :..:· 111 :_: :!• Joi"!!~<•! ~·•\t'l'!!ll!t"J!!, ]111111 !11;11 •ii ,t g•'ll•'li\J l,i \V I 11 .1 I 11 :I I I ! " I t 11 \ ·r 11t· d tflt'l L'nf'L· I .. 1111:'- \ :_:c11l•r:.il 1:1\\ i.:1 1y 11p1.:1":1 t e~ uJ1tlcr 1:1\1 ... :.l'I up J;1 tlJl· ~l.ilt' 'Ila· f1ii111 llf ~111 1 ·r111111·111 1(11 t:l·ncr:il la11' l"i11t':-1" lilt• -.,11111• hl· lhc,\ l.a.:un;1 l ~l'a1lt l 'u.,1,1 j\Jc~.1 (;'1 rdl'I \ (,r· .. 1c Ol l·;11ttlCJ'SVtlh: In .t 'h;11'!{·1 1·11.1 th(' 11enple Ill !he 1 r1111111un11.1 r~111 1.11!or lltl:'1r ;.:1 •11·111r111·nt 1uore c!nsl'ly tc1 !he spct·1f11· 11 e l'd:-. iii tilt• 1nu11111p;1li t ~. \ t l1;1r11·r 1\1111111 o ff ct' Laguna He;Hll ~·on1r1•I 111 \h(· !1<h·l.111d~ ntJ d r1ll 111 ·~ 10 1he -l hree-1111ll' li1nil. gre;Jll'I' l:1nd ti"e lc1·erugc 11\Ulud111g :l nl i·h igh fJS(' p r111·i~11111,, :ind :it!· dtt ional rcv<'n11e ~nuree,_ 'l'ht•r1• ;1r1• 11111t"L' 1nn ... 1dc1:1!1l1n.~. ~on1 e 111 1he111 ;1rl' !v.O·cd~t:d .\rld1 11onal rc11.:nue fnr 1 11s !~1 ntc 1:i11 \1at1:-.l.1tr H1 llltl'C.'\:'.ll'fi t;l\{'S .\ L'llatl ~L' 111 l·h:u 1cr 1·11 ~1 :-:tatus 1,vould bt' a rn:11or Olll' 111 lh<: ll!t· nl I :1!_!1111:1 Hl'ai·h .. \ study ot :-ur!i ;1 s!t•p lll U.""\ IJl' 111;1dt• \\J\lt lulll''I f1U~~1hll· pu blir lll\lll \ClllCll1 ,It I cl I ; 11'1' 'I' . 0 11r :~1 'l'lle. an11u;d d1:-p1!1 C over the \\'isr!on1 of tllf· e1 ty of San <·lcn1cll!.l' t·<111 t rat!lllJ:: \\'1th !he l 'h~un bCJ' 11 ( t 'oil'l· 11ierl·e {J \.t:r tourist pron1ution h;is t11 t the city tut111c1J Ullt'C :t;.;;1111 . llu\ !hi '\ !llllt'. Ilic t:lll('OI' SCt'tJl ... \\"Ol"Sl' tha n (:!\'Cr bl:tau~c ot Ill'\\' l·unl'l1<:t·Of·lntt•re:-t ru le:. \\'lltt ll :1 ppc:1 r 111 torLid t·h.1111 t)cr 111e111 bc r:-on ;i <·Hy rounrll fruin ap· pro,·1ng :.ut·ll p;11.:l :.. 'l'hc ~pl11 i11 ~;in t'lcn1cn 1.r 1.s 2·2 PropQsal \\'1!h 'l'ony IJ1l;nJva nn1 holdi ng th e pl\'(!tal \Ole li ur tie 1:1 a lo n).!·t in1 e t:llan1ber n1c111 1Jc r 'l'J1c arg11n1l'nts are clcar·clll. 'l'llt' ch:un bcr 1n ... 1s1s 11 \\'111 pr111,'1dc a ne eded .... erv1ec 1,11J t li the rnure th;tn ;.;111.000 in fu11d s sought 111 1" \'Car. 'l'wo 10P1n bc rs of the ru1 11u·1I a~:.crt t hat tlte nlu 11e~·· v.•utdd he helter s pt!11t ll• upgr:1 dc tn 11r1 s!·rl'lated f:11·1 ll1 1cs 111 !lie <'1t v. J11 dg11 1g frn1n the hittcrncss c xpres ... ed 111 rcrrn! <it·IJatc:-. O\l'!' the i .... sue. 11 1s appari •nt 111 :11 eal·h stdl.' ~l1ou!d rcne i-'.o\1atc :it the 1·nnunittcc lcvl·! ;incl t rv 111 a~rt•e on !-.pcci f it proit'l'!S \1·l11t'h rould llt· spo11.,<1fl'it hv !hl• t'han1be r and perhaps part1all.\' f1n:Ull'C'd by !ht~ l"ll~ l 1n,rt·lconlt· \1 i ~ilor ... i::,·r rybod.1· kno11,1s t h:!I l,us 1\ngeles is that plal't' ,,·here t hey have sn1og. s1nog that :.!1ngs t he e.''c s, OI· rends tl 1e nose and perils hrallll But 1s l l ra n~e ('ounty's ;u r pu re" J\:111 a t all In .June. ,\i r Pollution ('onl_rnl !)1.,1r1t·1 1111111t! lh:11 111 L~tg una lle:ith, 11,·llrre the \n1,vest le1·pl of pol l1111011 \\'il" found. stale air qu:il11y s1a11d;1rds "·ere ex!·ccdcd half the n1011th: in El '1'01·0 tht•re 1\·c re lY d:tr:-. and 1n S<t n .l uan ('a pistrano the re \Ve re 17 d:ly~ 1n \l'h ich pul· Jution cxceedrc\ accc•pt ::i ble stand <trds. P'ron1 La guna Beach. the sickl y Lro\rn hJLe can he see n s1retching ac ross the uce:ln to the llo rL'.'.on. 1'hcre are n1 a nr days the Saddlcbat·k \'alley :.ce1n~ to be a bowl rilled \l"ilh the a ir.borne j unk. Sn1og is a prodtu.:t. of d ivc r~e so11 r<:es. but one thi ng Is su re. it is a people producl. Future dc\·elop· rnent of the South Count\· 1n u:-t ton~i de r the cl a n••cr of further degrading air qu;iiity. "" ' s "DON 'T IJ.ull.RY-l'M STILL H E~E _, Six-year Term Pro11osnl lor tl1<• 1:ic.·e111c.•1111iul Has Some Merit J)e a1 · Gloo111 v {;us Time to Wipe Slate Clean \\AS lll \f;T().\ .. ,s,11111111).! lh:•I l 'n·sident ~·urd «n111plt·t1"' his l1·n11 tl1t· l ni!1il S!:11t•s 11111 l\;1\1· l1;HI lour presidents 111 l!i _1L•:lr.'. ;iii <Hl'r,1gl' of luur \"(\11":> 1•:1l'h. .\0111· 111 111•·:.1· prcsidf'nlf' 0 11lll h:11·1• St'f\'{'d th•' tradi1io11;1l t110 rour·y1·:ir 11T111s In 1:1l·l 11 1, 1touhtful 1h.11 11 111 n11l(ll'rn !1n1~·<; thc•1'1' !'••;di\ I' ~Ill h a tr:ith\11111 Of the I~ prl'SlderH ... 111 tt11s Ct'tllur1 . (llll.1 11111 h.t\t• 111lr1Jlt·d t!u· 111o·l1·nn lradit1011 "si:1b~1._h,,d by (;l'Ort:•' \',·;1,h111g Io n. Frank'•n l~ori~· 'cit 11 ;1" clc1:1.:;J !!• four 1t•ri\1'>~ 'r(i ·rry"f \\'ilso11 .111<i t:1~1·n· ho11·rr ~cr 1·1'd 1 v.' n 11111 t1•r;1 1-. ... Ex·Pr•'<>1rlr n1 \11'« on's rt· .. 1i-:1"01 1<J11 JS bo und Jo r1·1 •1· .. in· ierest 11f :11nt•11,\1·H.: ' till' ('(ln!'l i!lll!11!1 1c1 pro11clo' l"T" .1 "'111!!1•· ~1 x·.vt•,1 r 11·rt11 lor pn·~1d,•n1s. \1xo11'<> l'XJX'r ll'tl('C,I II idh 1rnpl1•ll\••1ltl'd lh\' chn·f 3rg11r11('11t ol propon1•11ts of :i 1'111i::lt• si\· \ear !l'rtn _ t\ l'r1·,1d1 ·11t \•d' .~o ohsr1'1.;e1I \\'ilh his 01111 rt•t•!1•tlJon 1n;1ri:111 that h .. t·n).!;11.!1·d ul 11n111·:11·h.1hl1· L~ndut'1 to !h1· nrrl{l_s1 ni: :1r:.:111n1·1H 1h~1! ;1 ~1ri~·h .. 11•rm prt·~"t.·n l 11••1tld h" • 1,1n1·-·d11··k 1ro1n th~· h•·c111111n". 1111·1hlo 111 111 rshat tl11' pulit11 ·:1I t11n···" h,n 1111! .l I 1'Slt•d 1nrr•r1·s1 111 111.; 1·1111111111;1•1<•' 111 ollu1· II 1-; jJl<'1 lst·I• !hi • :r'l)\'J'I <11 1'r't'.'Hk•nl1.d \'O!ldU1 I Ill 11h11 I\ 1111· p11hi11 h.is 111~! laith T!11 1·ot1111r1 lit111;.:"r" 1nr :1 pr1•.;1rl,,n1 11r1: :1 11,.11111 1;111 lo .nk111~: lri !II" 111111 fll l'f •1'111.1111111 Ill 1Jitl1 '<' .111(! lll.11 111 l\1' ~IH!"l '~'<>I"~ 111 '\1\llll" 111.1 1<'1"111 111~· \\<1l vl'l!•tll' t(l\1·n1p ill•' 1111lk ~""111d.d lht• 11/lt•a t <l!·;d 11 1!h lllh ~l.l :111{! !ht• t11111ng or 1h11 Pt·h1 11t: ;111d \l11-.C'n11 11~11o;; all I.Jure ;1 d1r1·c1 relu!ion~h1p 111 his rt.•1 lccl1\111 [RICHARD WILSO~ 1111r()(h1t·ell ;i c11ns111u11on:il ;1n1t'n1l1nen1 111 1h:1t 1·tf1·<·t 1111 h 1h1· -;u pport o1 1ht· 1:,•puhln·;111 1·!dt•r. St'!l (;,•org<' Aikrn. 11 hu h:1d h1'1•11 :uh ·ot:a!ing thl' ~ix·~ t'.1r tcrn1 tnr a lv111! ti1nr . At lrast fi1·r pn:~i(h•111.;; h•'fort' \'i'i"Oll ;1re nn record !or the six·~t'ar !1•rn1 Si nce lillR Ot•arl~· 11\11 :on{'ncl n1<'11ts ha\•' been offr r1 ·d tnr t'l1angjng 10 th1• six-yl·;1r tem1 . tibin e think !hat a si11gk' l1J111··r1•:1r 'feri11 is enough a nd this vie11 dr:11rs !"L'Pl)(lft frnn1 the simple faC'f 1h;i1 hot h Nixon and Eisr11hri\\'1~r had probnbly :icm rnplished nho ut ;is much :is !ht·v <·n11ld in Lhl·ir li rs1 tcrins. <.:ons1d('rin ::: tli:il <'011gr1·s~ \1:1s controll rd by !he orr 1"'~1!1011 pa1·11 :incl lhl' 1non1cn111n1 nf \I li.1! thcv were Irving lo do had di1ni11· \shed. · - i\ SIX·YE.\11 Tr:H\I 1 ... ('C'rt.11nh Ill) ('Ufl'·<Jll anti 1n1i11·-. :1h11~•'" nf pt~11rr b1·till1~1· !h1·1'1• 1-; tlt\ 1 Ill Ill I 11 \' t1 I :1l'roun1;1 l-11 lit.1 ;ii lh,• 111111 ~. 1:u1 l\t' !1.111• l"t'l'l'lltll ~l'l'll h,,11 ~111'101h!_,. 1 h ,. 1·••n:-111uti1111al prlk1·1lurr on r1·Jnrl\,1! ol "\\'ht'n a country is in chaos. it 1" n -.ha1ne to be ri ch and an offici:1:.·· Vrorn the Analects ,\µhor i~1 n,; ot (:J)\rt ·c.·1t" G•H mv Gu~ (omrn~"'~ 1•t "'b''"lttd b1 •t~<lt,. ilnd .,. no! nece1s;orily r•fl~I 11>1 vo~WI of t,. neW!Pi Ptr. S1nd yeur ~ti Pt tVI to Gloomv GU>. O•llT ,.u.1. a presiden\ot ean OjJ('f;Jte JI 1l111r1• 1..; proba bl e cause. It C'c rt;unll· l'ould 11"1 npf·rate that 1\·a~-if public sen111nt•tlt 11ns cl1'arly ;i~;1i11s1 1t. :ind !he purpo~·· 1rils rncrcly to rr pcal the results of lhf' election. A ney,'. bu! stil l trndirional , vi('I\' n! the presidenl'" 1ncr.1· ht.' C'Qn1in::: afl('r so n1any years 111 \1·h1l'h all po1\·rr tc ndi'<t to flov.· to the so1,·crf'ign. \\'hat has hr1ppencd in thc pas!. 40 yf'ars c<1 1111nt hr· undone qui ck\v bec<itlS(' so 11111t'h of it JS 11-ritten fu!o 1:11r lor ll'l' lJ1· I )<'lll(l("r <Ilic prf'sidcnt s. · THE PRESE!\'T cl1 m;11r. h111\;·11•r. C':ills for rest raint ln the use 111 JJO\'.l'r. d1re<·1 or 1n1plicd: fn r a Pr<'~ic\C'nt \rho prr~1des rather !ha n d1<'!;1h·~ n r 1·\lrt•111t•!y L1lnsln1('S hi s rnns111ut 1on;~t a uthority : and this is th" kind or prf':-iden1 a si'(·.vr:tr tf'rn1 1n1plir1'. L.111don John.~nn !houcht hi~ prt ~id1'n1 ·r 111rao1 ronsensus. and it <Hrl for a I\ hilt' '\o pr1·sidcnt e1·er hact a gr(•:11i:-r n1f'~15111'•' nf ii. except Fr:lnklin HoosC\f'l1 for ri 11hilc. ,\ singlC' lf'rn1. si.~·.lf'.lr prc!-i dcnt 1,1·011lcl h:n" bi·h111d h1n1 ,1 1•r1•:1t 1nor;d fnrcc for rnn-..~11:-us Atnrinr:. otli• r t)l1ng!', hf' •.rould no1 IC'1'1 1hC' 11<'•'(1 to r;11.~P ~f.o r11ill1011 )<11' )11, u•.111 r•'1'I' •·Ti11ll A \1\'.·~e:1r l'fotll1n111n• 111 1~ .1 ]111 1ic '•II•' Jur !ht• 1\11H•r1t·an •·lr!'l11r:ill' 1•1 1u ,1k<' II 11oul1I tf'nd to hr111g uiln lh\' P"l1TH•;1 I n1a 1nstre:in1 leader:-; \11111 111on· to tilt 1r <·rt'<l1t than servi ng in ('ong.rt•ss. 11 h11·lt has too Jon~ been the nHI IO'.' cri1crion fo r prcsu1cutial cand1cl:11cs. :'\11 doubt NIXll;\ ll E:Al.IZl:'.11 :1lh'r h1-; r<•1·lel'!i<1n people 11 ould li re o f ;i prf'~1de11t 111 1h11t th<'r•· 1111.:ht lit• n1(lrC' tri 1hr-s1x·yt·3r six years; they usually h;i ve. 1crn1 idl'il 1h.111 ht• h;1d thought. On .. 1\n :1n1cnd1nent for a s1x·yt>:1r l<'r111 .\!:1\' 15. j97:; hl ~uc~1·slt·d :11 a \\lhl tf' need not apply to thl' in1·u1nbt:•nt J!oLi se Jlll'Clin!: of 1 ·ont.:rl'~:.iun;1 l leadrrs l'rf'1i kl<'nt. H 1·nuld tak(' 1•ffrrt in th•• !hat s<•nou~ l~)ll:-11ll'r<1!11111 b1· gl\'1•11 ro tern1 beginning in 19:11 Thi· f'UhJl't'I the propog1,!lo11. The fol101~in;.: da~ the i'i 11orth 1nnre ~f'rio\1~ 1't11<ly 1ha11 it To 1 h!-' l::dttor : ·\~ ;i 11:11io11 , 11c face :1 uo1qtu· d1h·1n111.1 1n conno1...·ction 11i!h ou r r 1· s i ;.: 111· d l'res1de111 .\l;1n~ or u<: trul~ h .. l1t·11· tt1;1t res1g11:i!ion fron1 41!t1<:c l'Ull~11tull'• "Ull1ci .. nt pun1~htnl'n t for \lr ,\1\•111 \\ , •• 11:.u 11 oul d 111·k:on1r a l'•)U!i11u:1t11111 u! !hi' lc;.;;11 procl'"" lo II:-l'"n1·1t1 ... 11111 11hich 1101111! n1ost likely find ~lr. 1'\ix1111 ,c111lt.1· 11f arts 11h1C'h i:o11!d c111l(·•·1\,1hl1 ro '!/\llfl' llll'ilrter.i!llH!. FllH \IE, !hi' diil'llllllil lll·~111<; .d !!11~ IKJL!lt J h1·l11•\(' th:11 :1n 1111·;i1't'• r;.!111 pa~! l'r1•sJd1·n! v.ould "t'r1 1· l1r1le p11n~·~·· f•1r 1·11hl·r 1us!1c1· or lh1s n;i tiun·:-n101 ,d1 Yt'I !O {;11\ 111 11a·;1n·•·r:11t· ~1 1" \1-..:011 11 Iulo~ ~n 111.111.1 nf hi1' :nd··~ :\I"•' "vp:11·:111'rl from f:-111111.v, 1ncon1e. :111d r1·p11111t1u11 I' lll;c11·is1•. l behe1 L'. 1111C'o11-.c111n:1ill• :\1101\' !1\1' In Slll.l;.:l'Sl :1 Ulll!lll'' sol111 l"ll lo thi s unique <lilem1 na :1! 1h:c; Ulll'!ll" juncturl' 111 uur nallo11 ':. h1:slory. \\'i' 111!1 "f'M•!l hf' ('1•lt•br:t1i n!! qut IJ1r,.1111·11111;1l ;1" ;1 n1ac;11 ifi1·1·nt d1'Tll•)t'1".1'!•" ,.,~µ(·1111 1•nl 111· l1.11l' prr>1 1·n 011r~t·l1,, !O h·l' .i n;1!11u1 rult~d b1' L111 ! h11 t r~·(h·1111,1ls .is ;i t·o1 nrJ;t~'l1111:1h • p••11ph 1, also 11 ithoul rqual. I lo\Vl·\ 1·r nur lt•:1d1 ng li'l!HI 1111ruJ.-h.11,· r:11~1·d ~1·ritiu .. 11 tH•SlhHlS :ibout th1• ·Out11101!t·1I ·'"lh'l'I'\ <•f 1111r li·i.;;it "~"!l'lll 11 h1 rh r•"!tllr•· in1nl«hti!c 01c rhau1. ,\1 Ilk· ~.11111· 11111,._ 11i;1n_1· or nur rcsrll'C'l •·~t 1111~r.d 11111 .... hait· con1r r1·ft•ntJ~· lri q11•·,11ou1our1·!;11111 1•1 111• .1 c·o111p;1,..;~1on:H1· pt oipl•' 1 lll:.J .IE \'E <,1ncerrly 1!111 \I" !1.n , ho·en µro1·u1t•d 111th a n1u~1 1111ue.11:11 ,,.I of cirC'1nnstrrnccs bv v.·h1rl1 1,1 h<'~+.1 1,1 '0]1,·e dran1;1tic<1 lly 1hO:.C p1 •1 j)'f'\•ll·: pt ul· lCJl\S. 1111·1·1,.br.1 !111111.t1111r 2111111! \111111• r ... 11· .•. ~ .1 Ir• .. ~ t'Ol1111r_\. ',.uld \\t• ll•il ol •'I ! •I'• <t Jllolhflt'd .J11hd1•t.: Y1 .Ir .i ,\1·,11· Ill 11 llll Ii ,\Ian/· :-01<1ilbox rcadl'rs ha\·:· r1·~1~111d('d lo ,1 rl'quf'SI on 1a"t Sa\urd;11 \ l)~ul l' l'1lut ConHnf'nt p<H!l' for vie\\S on !ht' hisloric events th<tl !ed U!l to th·· n·:-l~Jl;1llOtl or l'rl'StdCnl j\;j>;Qll ;:111d 11\e lnau1!11r;1t ion of J 'rt!1'1d1·-ul F·ird. Th1•11· \1·11,..rs 11111 ;1pp1 ·ar nn lh<" t...~11111111·111 nage ton1orro1r. F .. d11or Oc n1ocra1ie lc.1dl"r St:n ,\l1h(· .\l<•nsfi~·lcl. has yet been giv~n. Reagan: Another Inno~e:qt Victim ~:xct•l)ll ll J.: lo1r tl11· 1i1111111,.;h1·d t r1111111:il prosl'l'tll1un ' ;:11·1.~111:.: 0111 of 1!1;11 :.ord1d ('hap1t'r ol Arn1•f1r:111 llislorv. 1111· \\':t1<'rg:t11· ;itfa1r Ii:•' 1 •nd~·<I I! lt•;1\'"" In It' \\:lkl' :i list of \ll1irll'-, f;illcn trotn high. 1m1>rl'CCd(·nted 111 lh1· n:111on',;; 1:11; 11•.ir.-_ .l\ln.'11 of lhl'lll 11t•t'c l'lllp:ibll' But th1•rt.• \\t'rt• "<)1'1"11' 11·ho sc h"('l p t• s ,incl dre<11ns i1a1·" 111·1·11 ::.h<itte~d ll\ ti 1ur11 n1 e1-f'01s 111 \\l11 rl1 ihcv pi..1~·.'d 110 0:1rt Th1 ·1r c.1r1·1·r~ lHHI their l u1t1rcs na1.1· been 3\1r n·1t nr •·n<I NJ hv ~1r•·11 111.:-.1:1n1·1·. bevollrt th r 1 r ··on I r1:1L 1\i,l! 011.' le:1<..! 'JI 111noc1·111 1·11·1i111s U10::.c v.ho~ pohti1·;1I fortun"-" ti.1vC' li<'t'l1 1td1·crSC'l1• affe1·11.-cr ls f'alitnrn1:1·s n1111 Co1 cr110 1 Hn11:dd Hea~:in Con1µlt·1rl ,\' uni11\(ll\'l'd 1111h \\,t l •T~:111' or :inv ot !l ie· 197:.! t\1~011 1·01111111111·1· tr;111sL:i-1 ~:.1011". Rl•,1g.111 :-. 1~11 111(".11 l11!t11"<' \Ill' n1•1rrthc! .. ~:'.I 1111·\lnl'.dil\ 111·11 111 1ht· ~ucc.~·s~ ot .,_,,..on :. s1·1·1111d tl'rin t .. r l11s a•nb1t111n ... tu lii·1·11n11· thr l!liti R· 1111hl1t:in 11r~·,.11 lo·111i.1I 111111111111 1\1 1 t \ ( EARL WATERS J f)l'rff'c!I~· cl1•:ir. Th1'.1· had not ehangrd !>llll'l' ht~ S1•tb:l<'k :11 thl' h~1 111j~ of :'\IX'Oll 1n !!1611 11·hcn he OJ)Cnh . hut l"11.:la1t•dly, .;01 1;.:ht the nom111:111ot ;11 7'1i nn11. lit• hrt<l ('Olll<' 1·lnscr to 1\1n n 1n i:: lh:u nominnuno th:-111 n1nnl" ri·nh11~ anrl, h1· !11ndsight. r11lcht Y.C'll . h:l\'l' t:iplurf'd 11 h;.id hC' 1101 beC'n pl:11 JJlf.! f'oy 111 tht· 1·:1rl~· months nf 1hat c n nip a ii.: n l 'ndoub1rdly hi1' ron~tnn\ rlc~ni:i11' of hf'in::: :i pn·:;::.iti('nti:1I l«tt1d1datr ('n:i bl('d Nixo n 111 n;ul 1hn111 ill·ll•Call' vt1fe1' pr1ur to lht• i\linn11 ~·on1 rnll(1tl 11hll·h B ta ~<Hl 01l11·r111..;1• 1111ght h:n t' h.1d \\'1'1"11 Nl:\0,'l'S c;11bscqu\~n1 v1c!ory ~11 1·r ll un1ph1t •1 He:1gtlri'!li hnnds \\erf' t11'fl for Ilic· 111 '\! 1'1<!111 )'+·:1 rs. ()111• t::nlr111! 1u11 .q.!01111•1 111 . u11n oo r1 y·s i11(·11111ht·nt p11·,11J.111 ,11 h1 11:1\ pr1·clud1'rl fr(l1n .1111 ,. 11,11 i11 )'Ii~ Th:•I lll<!df' 19t ri ! ht' 1.1 r;.:1 •1 \ 1·;i r :111rl. h1•c:u1st' ll r;i g:lrl 11 di ht h~ .11 tli.11 11111(' his la~t r ha nCl· ,11 th(• ~r;111tl 11111(· (1f IM•lllu ·c; This. of cou rse. cxpl;11ns h i" ll!lS\\'CfV in g support or Nixon rhiring the p;ist l \\'O years. He l'":tnl~ desp;iral(·ly ln r !\ixon to fi nish out his secnncl t1·r111. Tha t 1vould have left thr Hepuh!ic:1n ronvcntion 11'ide OpC'n in J97ti. And llca~;i n "'as running 1\·ell ;i hc:id of rhe fi eld in the polls after Spiro Agncv•"s di1'cracc. E1'en before Ai.:nc.\\' \1ai; brought to heel. Reagan \l«ls hu ihhng solid su pptlrt throughout th<' count ry. \Vit h Nixon 's do11·ntall and (:cr:ilrl Fnrd'1i :icccssion 1-leaE?an·s hopes f(lr lfli f\ h<l\'C all but disappeared . r·ord need rlQt be a great pr€'s ident. lie nc('(I only restore a modicurn of <·onfidc111·f' 111 the hcnrts of America lo us~ure hi111sctf tl1<• Hcpublican non1 ina!ion 1\\'(1 Yt'•1rs hcn<:e. And . if in th:it ti rnc ht• <':tll h;;lt inflation and get 1h(' un<'n1pto~·crl hark to wor k. rhc f>t•1not-rills 11 ill als4 bt• l'lC'fJlll!i of Nixon's f:1ihJrf'. For thr v "rrf' looki nr. 11hcad 10 an 1•;111,1· l!lifi 1 lftory :is a htlnu~ of \\';ll•'l').::111' '111C'rc 1\ ill he olh1'r in!l()('t'111 1 ir!i111 <> :i111n11g e.!IH' B ~·publ1enns 11!10 11 111 hr unable to wf';;\hf'r puhl11· ,rt•<H:11on to !h(' pf rfidv of th(' lr 1ulf'r1'hi p rit ttu,1r µar1y c\t•n lhtiugh th1·y 1hf'll1Sl'l\'+'.~ l\rrC' • not rcniolt'!Y connected . Bui 1hr '.oil ;1n'1ong 1hc R{•puhhc<u1s \1d\ 1101 11011 bt' ;1nything nt·:1 r 11·h:11 it n1igllt h:1\'1· hC'C'n !1ad Nixon no1 n·.~igncd. IT IS IH0 1\!IC th<i t l!c.1g:1n 11hn h;1:- ma int:iined th l· ··~Tr. Clea n" ini:1g~ throu.(.(houl hi!' t\1·0 h'rn1:-; si<: co\-1'1'1\nr should h <11·p tus fu!11rf' rl<'stroyed h~ !hosi' not so C'll':in . Anrt. for ;1 .voun{!('r rnan, thrrt• ~rnulfl h~v~ hf'l'n options. 1..-·al'i11g !h<' go\'ernor·~ olf1rl' :irtrr 1110 suct·esslu1 trrrns. ht· clluld well h:ivr SPf'lll his titne huildin~ up for :1 run Hgalnst Sf'nat.or .John Tunney 1n IJifi . This woold have rrcfOt.1hlishNt a polit ical base tor ant'llhcr :1ft l·n1p1 n! the pr1>sidcne~· Jn lrll\ll or 1!184. Hu1 his a ge is agninst 1h:l1 Htul it 1s unl1k1•ly l"lc;1gan "'ou!cl now <'nnsidf'r :inv f11rl ht•r \'cn!urrs into the poliiiCJlll ~""~ >'~ ;1 Cil O(J!d;1 tl'. Si ill. IH' nrrd not f,,1•1 h:1dl.1 F1·11 h;1v1' l'ISl'tl a~ hi1:h 111 "'" hr1t'! ;1 pol11u·:11 c:1r('C'r. l li• 11 ill l1•:11t• nffici• \1i!h ho1lor :t11fl 11ilh<111t !h1· hurd1't1. 1111· ;~11t(u1sl\ r111rt 11·orril'!I anrl h:1rd 1~nrk :1h1·;1rl 11•h1t•h 11·riulfl h:i1•c ho·1~n h1.~ falf' h:1rt Ni>.nn 1101 f:-tlh'n (~_'_L_\ 1_1 _.B_( )_X_~) 1 .•. \" '"' " ·,' ''""•' I I 'I '' ' . '11 Ill t ,, I ' ' r r • • I" 1 " t , ,, I I" ''1 "" j, P• '~ ' ' 1 "''" " ''' I 'I I ' I ' " /'Ho ' ' 11" " '' lo•l11·,.in'i! 'r 1111• . " " ,. ' I ./ "' . '' 'l;I'" (I· •'I .Juliil•·t• ~ 1•.1r '" -1~:.:·'•·'I \\ !' 1 "l\~"lo•· •1·:111!111!! :111111• 1' I' 11 dllll .. 11ii I' '"' ·• .lo ,111 " l)1, loliHll Ill ~ \!1· Hu h.11cl '\~\ 111 ·i \II 11111"' 1'••11111·•·:1•1 11.1th \\'.il1 r·~.ilo· '11 ti:"··· 111!1111d 1.1'· l\1\•f hl" -•"' I ,•,,,,,ll 1!11 1t!l•/J llul !•1 r1:!1i! \II 111.- \II 111.111\ I 0ill!li1 ! I \II 1!11"1' 1111pr1,111itd f..i· 111111 r 1h:11\ t I 11)lt·~ "' I 1"1"11'"" I•· 1·1'"tlll!lllt' ''lllH• • :-1u·h .1.~ l.1\ 1·1,1 .. l<1ll. lr:111d :·lo 1·11 r1 1\('~1\11r.\\T v1111 nu .. 1.1._,,, t 1U!tl 11·, 111 .1 ~· 11 .. u n • 1 .iu.111 .. 11 .111•1 !<' 111111.111, "I IHI! 11 jd' I i!l!I' ii 1•! IL•'~" 1 •. 11111••11•-d ,1•p~' · 111, q '1" 111• ' ,~ .,l. < I• II I 1'. ( I th I I u ,11< ' \\ •I I ' 11 I 1 •.,11 ~·1 ' \, I 1111 11.,1 (I 'I' 1 '\!" r'I'" .1• ' 'I" ,, 11 ·.ii '" 11r! 111' .i 1•11l1l10·1r11• 11,,11;,\ l'"i" 111.iT ,.1/1•1• llJ'l''' •1ll,ol1 lpd \111 1lil I 10 ; ii ii" Ir I \\ 1)1 I, <Jill :1 11 ll'O lo 1111' Ill I• •I r,•·;il1•.111 .lllv 11111 •h•111••11t 111:' (111 r>• I <1 ·' 1 u ,11li I II" ii•" Ill I In I 1" \I rifl l\11. 11110• I '' 111.1111 '1111111" 'd !h.il .i 1 l1.,1n 1 11. I• do ,,,, 1·.i\1 ·I\ Ill 111!1 ii• 11 l•I 1111' lllli<('lo- 11111< l11rt• IP <>l!t" lllllllL: 11:diHll·s 111~11.r" I 1,1,ll li! l1f,. 11; 111 • .1111.il' In 111•1_,. II •t "' 11!'1,illlill ,1. ·l!lll!'I< 11111' 111:0.\' 1<1 h '"1TIJ1• ,i 111 0·.111\ 'II 111 ~Ii ;11r 11111'! IJl lt' "'11 1!1 1.1.!•· .1~ .i !flll!p.1~...iri11.1T1· p1·nplo• 1!• 11••· 1!• d I" 1:111 111 1!t•r :ind Jll .. IH'•' fi.r .dl :-.u1 h .1 h11·1·nh•n111.il r1•l1 hr.11l•1n 1•.nuld ;.;o t.11 !011<1r1I" lirinc111:.: 11, ;1!1 10:.:i'lhrr lll 1'11111• ,11 ]11111)! Ill .l l:111d lug ,.11,.lli=:h I • 1 .. rr•·•1 .11111 f,11't:11r HAllHI 111·.ll '\ \!:I> I' 1\1\t. ,,, •• , ,,, (_• ·' t ,, ,, ,, ,, ,.,, 'l•1 lit•· Editor · II 1111uld l1k1• lu ~·~prr.~~ in~· tor.ti .1:!i'i ·('11u·11I 111tll 1111· .. 1tH'I" l.;111 1ll:ik<'1·s 1 '1 11~)1 )'1'1l~lfl!l ',. :il·1.111 1/1;11 II :1pp1,arcd 111 your AllJ!U.'>l ~' 1·dlluJ11 I'\ lll{i<'l:{l lt1l'l'i"d1hlt• . , I Sl'l·:\T appro\1n1,11"h 1~, ,11";1r:;: 111 1\1'1'(1 ~p:H'" 11 ork1n ~: lll\ ,\[ t ll II I I' 11111 11. • l1ol:1n .. ;u1rl ,\p·dli1 pt'O)!r:1n1~ Thi· only 1!11nt: I t·;i 1111· :tl\.1.1· 11 11h wa~ lh1 • 1 111·:111111~ of tih· l\Hl'd ·g1·1111f'id~· ·· ! hH1'v lo ;irlrni t !IH1111.;h . th,1t 1 ll'il.'i lur k1t•r lh;1n ~:11111· 11r 1111· fn1·1111.~ "ho d11·d of hc:1rt a!1;1el.s. ~t 1 nk1·s, t'I !' I ;1111 ;1l.'\\1 a \•·lt'l'.ltl ol \\'ol'ld l\:1r 11 ;111<1 l\on·;i ~ 1 I <l•Jll't th1nl.. a111onc ha~ don•· 1non· lur this counlr'' !h~o1 I. l'>:ec pt . of course, for the · nu111.v I\ ho 111·v1·r ( anl!' h;11'k II •1't•r11s tl1erc v.1 11 ah1:i\c; ht• ,1 double st;1ndard. I'. 1. i\lcr-.IULL E1\l \'let l'ri<'IHI• T11 lh1· Vd1lor . '\'h1o111k yo11 1111' ,1'0111' 11.11·1u io1'LJ 111·Jl \11'111 1'!1 ~torv 1~hH ·l1 nrp1•;1rrd on Sn nd !I' .1 u1 ~ 2U. J l'~<1rd11 1,.: llll' li\10 11 li1n11I}' ;11111 1h"11· IJ1·:iu111 1il \ 11 '1 11:1111•,1· d:1urt11r':' Tu11 •I ,\11 husl11l111l ,111\I I 1· ... ll k1u 1 lilt' ilfl\I\'!\ lho \' \\1•tll !h t,111 *• dll fl ll~ thrir IWo-\'C:l!' \\1111, U!I \\'(• h;111 · hl'l'Jl \\di!l!I•' \Ji 1<1' I, ,, • I, 1,, 1·11.·1 .. • .1• 1il11111h 11;ut l)('forl' our ' .. o11,:l1:' r .ol 11 I I • II ' 'Ill \)I tn;Hn. l ' 11 11 t• ,11'!11'' 111 h 1\I'. )<line<l ;;.·•h·' 11 111 111!1,-r t:11n1 !11·' 11,11!in& for \ , i11 1111'.. , 111111·11 .1 .. 111 II as ju-t I""•"' 1•11•'' ,d ;11,,11 tlh' phght Of q,, ,. 111,ill 1 •\•'I !'h.1n,1:::•'" 10 \'1t1!nan1. 1! 11 11 .i•··d 'I••' \ll;.!t It•' Chaptrr ~1 1!\·I .11j;iJ.l•o11flf\11·1n;1n\ \\'r • f•d 111 I 11·• •.11·11 .t~ 1·h1!hin::: (Of'"\\ 011d ..... 111,,11111 r11r ri1 r 1'nc . 1, •I I\" 1 pLt•ll' l1.1h~· l)")\!Jt'~. 1 .• ,!, • '• .1! :111tl n11lk .1<> 11·<'1! as , 11:1 11 ,d\·,·.•. ~ !!11·111 to huy the '",, ,, " 1 q>I•. :-.11• h :1.~ r1<'e :ind fre!fl ' t \1' \\, ,, -. •11 ,di 1nl11nl •·f'r groop !:o all 1 .. I• Ip !lie 1·l11lllrf"11 'I 11' o '• !1 d l'l ht'li inL! l!J RSk('<l I· -.. 11 •• 1• ,1~. ;1•\I nr B<1 rb.:-1 r,\ .~ 1,, .1 11·:1 eo<lc 21J 1. Or 1, I 1 \ • I\ ',. .. 1 H11ll Ur , Studio I I f. lil !'I'. )'resident II r('<• r !I 1 " I !11 l<1 ll:111 :-.• u1d 111 1 r•1rn1 r l~.irry C.oldv:ater , .111! -!1111 Ill,' 111, lid 11,.1 ~111 1· to i:o and put !hu~c •II 1·<1r1· 11111nt•n ~ llbhers oo th~ 1'1111. J,A ~'SDALE ,,,.,,,,. J 'lf•lf'f.'r"'4 !" q,, 1110" \\ 111 •I•\/\. 111..• d 111 r:11sc a gardC'n. 1•11 Ii 1•r11\T ,,.,,,, \lh,1t 11·ith tv.o 1111" , ii ·11111•· .;,11·.1:;,. ;111d :i \,'ide 01 1 !•-1'}1' f Ii lllt111' I~ 110 loni;:1•t 1 .. ,.,11 1.,1 " .ori\1 n I 11.id .ih\;JY" joked •' 111 I«• ~l•,1i Ii· .1i .. 111i! pl;u1 I \'•·14ct.1blr~ 11: 111• 11111'.• 1 l11·d 11 1111 !;, thr .fapanest' 1•1 1 \\,.1ld \l.11 I\ 11h11 1•1en r;:iiscd • •., •.!1 11• 111 1' 111d1111 boxes a n d 11.111..11 ,. 1'111 :-. YE \II ,)10• look me seriously ;.11d 111.111!1•d I 1·;.:1·t.1t'<I!•'\ in the flOW('f'" l~:tl~ \\ ,. h.111· 1•.111·n ton1atncs. onions .11id 'q11.".11 .u11t111~ 11!l11'r t hin~s. She h.id .1l r1 .1lh pl:u11 .. 11 fruit and nut trees. TIJ" 1 ~!d rr .. 111 11ur vard Y.·a!l not • •11\!1 11·1c¥.i1 lull ~upposr 0 1h:i l tOOusand~ d:d 1111· ~.llllP If th1· Jll'Ql>h~ of An1erlca pl.1111,·d .i f,•11 11•!.!1'!;i1J\1·s 1n their nowrr 1,vd'> th1• .1 u·ll! 11·uuld lt:ed many sn1all • n1111tnt's 111 1h1· 11 urld . Espccia!ly in !hie; 1i111t• of drought and innation, this \l(•Uiil n1,1k•· ,1 "ln:ill tliflcrcnce thal 1·1111ld h .. dt·l'1<>1\1 • 111 h11!ding prices and, su1111g 111011ey for the planlf'r. ,/IM BOLDING • QlAHC.l COAST DAILY PILOT ff o!>Cr t N .. \Vl'ed, Publis4tr Thoma~ KecuU, EdiloT .llarbarn KT~iblth .' E<fitor1al Pngc. Ectimr\ ' Tht" · f'di!ori al ,paj e of .'Ille'' Da ily l '1iot st.'f'ks fti inronn "i.nil'i&nulate l'l·il<lf'n: by prer;l'nting on thtl p;q::-e 1hve!'M' ~ommentary·M !of)~ of in. tert'st hy gyndlcated 1:o1Umntl'l11 and l.'llrtoon1.c;~, by pl'b'Vldlnj?' fl forOm for readers· Yirwa W by p~lnlr this ne1\'Sp.aprr'x oplnior\111;11,tKI i,dla..~ on currt>nt tapil'll. The rdll.ortaJ opin~ ol the !)a1\y Pi lnt AJ'f""Ar only in the cdllortal CQ1umn at the t'01) of the pas;r. Optnions e;1.p~5~ by t'e ro1. UfllTil5t9 llnd fl\l1COl'lf~lt •nd leltn> "r1tera are lhclr own •nii·no ""°'lo1':-I~ mrnt 'lf thrir virW'll tiy 1hl! 1)11.ilY P1lot shou~! ht 1nfl'.r1'€'d. • .. I•'rld~1y. 1\u~nst 10, l.D74 ' __________ _, E D ' Orang i:ot • TI><> •• boWll ball A F'ra Ii. CTO ska ti Orie A Chri •rri :1. A the int~ Al "" high host said c E "' -E~cl ic1 r1 ge Duo Nee1l '~~~l~~l~n~!~ 17-) r ear.old from [)('11n1ark. has ( arrived for a ytar as au exdlanie student on the Orange Coast-but he hasn't tot a family to stay \ll'ith. niomas, \\'ho came ~s 1)art of the Youth f o ~ Ll n<ler- s tan di n;! (Yf<'Lli µ1 0- ,g ram, is stavin_g \1•ilh ... "'i, a IPn\pora r;: 7. .. ran1;1r u11til ~·· he c":i n lx• ,.._:.·~... pla<·e<!. ac- 1o1o•t. .. -t1.il111l corc!in:{ lo loc:il YFU plac.-eJn('nt «hnir- nlan Pat Krone. ~ HE Lru:s TENN IS. Jailing a-nd swimming and hopes !o bceome a physician. "A fainily \\'ho \1·ants lo hc,:,i an exchang:c stud1'nl '·" e:o..-pccled to acc-e1>t h1n1 1~r h<'r as JXJrt of th('ir fatnil v." .Mrs. Krone exp! a in f'.<l . "They're expected lo pro1·ide room aDd board, but the tmsic thing is !hat you be intcn:>Sted in opening your home and your mind to another <:ultt..re." ~!rs. J(rooe, ~m has ho5ted several :studen1s herself. saict families with tcen-at;c cliildrrn .are preferred hu t that :iny family i5 welcome lo apply. Three other e xch a nge !ffildoots who "ill arrive in 1he ne:zt fe11• ~·ttks 11i ll also nct'd hon1cs. 1\lr~. Kro.nc ~ud . r·atrie'; .De Leon. lF., nf the l'l11lir- p1neo:. 11 ill arri1·e A u~. 2U. lit' pl:l\".i I he .:ri.1itar and I i k e s ba.!>kt·!· ARRJVISG AUG. z. (r t} 1n F'rinct> will be Philippe? Cl alx', 17. lfe pla~'"S the gui tar, likes CTOSS<'O\Jn1ry running an<! i<.'t' sk.aUn:::, and is interrsl~ tn Oriental cui!ures. A JS.year-Old from f'h1lc. l~.itl. Boy1l If l 11t·x1J(_'1'il·1 1t_·t·(I ChL·nt ;:i...,ks 1! bru.lt·s <Hl' :-t1tl !ur ,.dt• 111 1111 :-.1111!11 Pil1·1fic. Jn /\'cw Uu111t•<"t 1111·1 .irt· At 11 .. i-1 111 111·· l'l"li1!1ler hi i.;hland:;. !'rice v;1r1L'.'l. 1IL·11t·nd111g ~1r1 111,. bndt·" 1'\JI• 1 1ent't' or lack of san11·. A11 111t•\p1·n1·111·1·1! hn(t1 · 1' ,;ud tu s~:ll for :ihout $2.10. five 1>ig., ;111d ont• 1-.1~!'011 :1rr l11 1d ll111 a britlc niarrit'd onec 1•:1rl 11·r i~ 0111.1 l"<1h1L-d al $.'lj and 011t•· i ·:1~'1J11 :1r1 . '/'hat ·s apµrox.11n <1t•·. t 111tlt'rs1;111d ;1 lur of dl<.'k1:riug guc:. ou in !11~·s.,• ti .111.,,u·· tiuus. l 'IH>SE <:H1\l'lllll.lH:1sTs 1•1:11111 Ill<' hanth1 rit111g tl1;1 t lt·:111.., f.11 · lo tli1: right Hl ('nt1firs Iii•· l11glil\ '>lll'1:111·1111t'11 11h11 l1 k1'S plt"IHt'';_ p;11Ju·\, p1•<1plc fo.1 ayh·· su . d•)n 'I !,11011 II\ 1·L111t1t ·tl a rr t<1Jor1t,1· ul rile pul111(·1an., '>111>1\ !11:11 1'~!11·111(' sl;int 111 their i..:-·nn1:t11~IJ11•. HOSES ll-··s;1 ~· I j 't'e<•!1· ;1 11.,11· 11\"' u! r•1 'l' tl1;11 ... wi11tl1 111;1rkl'!i11 i.:. And p;1l1•11I 11 l!ull' llllJ<"h 1111111t·1 c:111 I 1•\ilt't"t"' A Standarrl r(iyHlty ]).(1~1n .. u! hc•rt·:ll..11uu, run ... 1:1 i11 ·r <·1·11t 11 f r1·tnil for tlu· f1r~t :irul ~1·( 1>11d 11•,11 '> 011 11!1· 1n:1l'h•·I HI pt'rct·nt fnr .1111• thin! _re;1r. :111tl /ii•' 11t<1 t·i>11t lrnn1 !!11·11 011 out. Soin~· 111·11· 1:1rict1l'S h:11·c 111.'en k111111n H~ ~1·11 ,1 11111 lion plants 01 yt"o1r, !oo. You cu11lU gro11 old grat1:f11il.1 11n that sort of 1:1t:ns1011, ;1hal"' <lUf<~STION AR ISES as to 1rhv bhntl horst•s '>fl ufll'll \\-Cre used on ll'w old 0 11orse-dra\\'fl ferry hoat'> :'\ul h1·( :n1,c they were less likt·ly to shy as <·on11nonl\ bt·l 1t•\ed 'l'!H »I' 11·c·rf' cheapo.·r. that's all. and 11ot good fur n1ut:h rlSl' <1ny1\:ty. SOFT \\"ATEB CoS\OTnl'l' s<1ys it's hard \o fiL:llJ"C OUI 11 hv 1\t•11 f·:ngl:rlld \.\"Ounll: up as a hig ll·xt1le Ct:'nll"r~ t•on~1d rr 1111! n111.-.1 :111 !tu· «Ol!Oll 1>1'as J:ro11n 111 rhc Sou !h. l'hl' soU v.:1ter 'lip rhcrt· r·xplains tha1. Su("h be high ly dcs1r<1 blt· 1111' lh•' n101k111g ut fancy fabries. I ·111 ll1ld T if t: FR~l"CIJ \\'Ono "brlj.!lll'" rllCilll' . <;111•ll111g .. TI1;tt's "'"h<'r1• 11" J:C l our ll"Ord ""hu n" ftJr :1 r:ir,•·<l br1'.1d roll. <;ood !t1·~1ts <':til111i.: 1t ;; "'s11ell1ng."' 11 1\:11 • T\\'O A.\O A 11.\l.F llOUB:'i . tlio1t'' .il)tull !11111 J,,11~ ;t 1vonu1n can pl:t~· 1!ie ~lot nl<u·l111u •\ :11 !hf' 1\•·1 .1d:1 t'lllll:. "''ho.'Jl she's 111 hi gh hf'i•ls. 1:111 1f shv "hr11r.; 11p 111 IL11 .,_ she c<1n pc'rch ll~·r1• 11 1t h th{' t·l11·k ;ind c·l;tJ11•r lor ;1!' l1111g as fr~r OOur.~. So :;;11·s :1 ~;unhl1n]-! 1·~111 ·rt 11ho 1n<1tll' ,1 study of that s1~nifi(·:11i! rn~itt l'f . Sorn{' nlt'<lie:.il rt·S(·:irth1·rs 11011• ';11 l t>lJ 1nh1•n1 the gripping po\.\t'r Hl .\·uu r h;1nd\_ 1\nd \uu (·,,11·1 LtlllJl'O»t· it s1;:.::n ificantlr h.v 1•Xl'rt·i~· '.\lQSI lk'u)llt". tlh",I s,n. t;r10 1nrir1• ~lrongll' in tilt' rln1111n:1111 h;tnd 1hrtll ill tht' l~·\~-u .i·d ht1n1J b.v about JO J>«rt1·n1. i\1t•r:1i.:r n1:.in·., gr1pp111 g jlU\11'1' h<'l\\N.'ll fiO :in d 1:10 pou11lls. 1\ll'l';tgt' 1111111;11i"s. lit·t111,:1 11 ao :u1d !fl pounds. 11111/r,·~~ 11u11/ 111 I .. J!. IJ11 11tf_ /'.<I .. 111 l~'i ,, .\'•'•I - I'"' r /!1·11cll !J:l66U l •'1>r (.'11 ... f • 1 \Ii \1-..;1\1, \1 H ,1 I I I' I ' II I t I ' • •l.ll! I I ii• " ' 1 ',I' ii d· -Ii I 11-I" IHI\ I!• t ~I! I ,q1n1!1 II ' ,1 '·' 11,1 ' I •I " ii I .1 1,,1, II 11 • I " I ' I ' 111 rl 'I I ' I 'I 111.. \I 1 I 'I ( ''" 1! I I j,,,i) d .. 1 ( di!, 111 I I:• l .... '"" !'\IJlltlil:· ~ Jii i. l'lll tl't l,\1 I )11.; 111•••k ;1t I' lh1.1!'.] 1111 1" d ' I "I 1 I d.l" \\ : 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 ·• 1 r i; .. 11 I • 1 ~ ll'l"'-t'/111 I] •I lull lu,-... 1:;;; 1111 ': ii II• I, ~lh I dLJI Ill: .11111,• ,pd .11111 11 l.11\ 111.,1111,,,., 1!11• 1<1 q, fl II "II' h• pill.' I '1! .I 1 »" ll'H' I' I 11,111 St•\ \'II d;11 l!11\\ Ii l•.lld '°! .1 < i.11 f!•I ' \, 1 I I · .1 I i ! I ~"" II 1d ' : II I' I II -,, ""' " 111'.L:O.l'.i. -.,\II• 1li 1.11 :-. ,111<•1 11 1\ 1111 ,) , 11' I ' ) • • p 11' I 1111•'1 <' ~ t.i 1,,., p 11 >II 1, 1:1,111 ti c1i11 .d !Ii< .'-<"11•< '1 if,,•j' 1)1"•"1111).! J le · :ud Jr<1111 1·1 ·.1.,uld :.!l'l :1 l l"' <"If I li11 1·,11·!1 l',11 \\,•It' 1-to! 111 kvvp !h<''L' '"\\ht n 11\· J!t'L 011r !i1Jo),, ;1ud1b·tl 111• \1' gull,1 'h•111 lllH 11' 1h1• 111(111•",I ·~ J.,:0111 II! \11 l ! \'\I f ! \" I \f' I ' I .ii.d , I p1•11 '-lt•·d f1111·~1l r ... 1 I• 11 11! t" ,!\ 1· 11" li I<• 1 I I JI Ii• I~ 1 1tl lh· r ' .i 1.io11n1111.111 :.! 1' 11 1 l' ·1 1 " I ti l< l\1 "11.I !J 1·1 111 \or'J lit I JI \ ,,liJ"I 111.I \lu1r \\', ,,j~ L :l'>I \l l!llt'I !li1<1d 11;11•'1" I 1 11111 'I r II•' 11 111 I r ~' \' h. il!l•l"! 1111111 d llu· s h 111011 11~1! I I \ 111 110 I 10! ll I ,. .ill.I ll !•iljll'.111 d i.,pi l111g "' "I Tiii". 1::·~ t ' 111 1. IJ HI·:\. I :111 !! 11\.'~ 11 I :1 •~(' f I Pl I I ~I I 1) \~I. 111•1 •JI t'I ··d 1111· t\ir 1·,11 \I! I lit· 11·d\l(M1d_ 11J111h lll<'.l,l!l"t'~ 211 lt••t HI l'lll llllll1•l1 '11!1' \l)lil•· 1•1! ;111 Pll[ltl~ flulil !\lil J \;+lit·\ ~ I lilh1 ... ~1 \1·;ult•11111· ~l!ll o' I lll'll, !11,·I !1;11 <' \)\'I'll ;1 Il l'('!, l ~1111: .11111 11 11111!~ .,)iol'l 1·11•·d '" 1111 II l!·!lglll. 1lir IJ ll ll' llPPrl 1111 Ji!"~! fl'~l<ll!'d flll' 1•11 \\;1 ... !11 d :111;11 l:!\I 1111 1t1 •r \I}\\ Tlll·'.V 1\HE tnuldu1i.: fotu· St!i!lt· darn' 111l 1111· '!'1•t•I, 11h1th \\'ill di1l·1t ihr .~t 1'1 ·~11n ll\'111 11·0111 thl' !1 1'\' Tr11-.v abo h"J!" 1111· d;uns 11111 a!J .. 11· ~oil 1·:1 n h·d hv 1l1c 1·r1•t'k to hu1lc! lip .11111 ln.1111 ;1 n;11ur;1I h:1rnvl' 1 111111:.:" ~l 1:11gl11 hi' ~:nd Ne£1,1·ly E,,;e1·yo 1ie • • • u ...... v 1--11..or l --_J !-·~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ SKIN DISEASES -'NO TUMORS • -'CNE • ALURG'f HAIR TRAN SPLANTATION -OERM-'llR-'SION 1";11p~l fill Ill I' I 1"11 -11111 , ( I ii<' !!M•I ;1r1•.; j I 1 11~ Ii t· 11 "' '" .-n I h I' h:11•p1 l/llHl\1·1\. '>:II' .\\,Ii"\ 1t1r'"! hlr .11 lldh111111l it II d 1.1111";1 s.. h••ll I 111·1 , ;1JI rlu 111 ,. 1'.irt 11· JliHll11 ·J ' 'f'q tht'!il !hi~ I.' .I jJI ll)t 1'1 l•I ~:ti"\• ;1 I 1 i1·11d ' \\ !It"ll I OU ;i,j.. [h1 l!l II 111 llh'I 'to· h1·Jp111 ' l. 1 1 I It' l'•l'Hllh•I'• lh\'1 'II 1><1:111'1' lit' " ;1 II\ Ill!..: !h111;.: ;111d II ,lfltS '" lt11· llt..1• 111· 11.1111 111 '1'!11•\ '>.11 11\1·1· 11;1111 10 l1r111 , th·•1r g1".111tl<·liildl'\'ll h1·rc s .. 11i.· d:11·I I<• '!1(1\I h ull lilt·\ h1•l1M·d ,,II •' 111111 . TllE .\/IE\ \\"llEHF'. ""1.1111t.I Ht~ltllt 'r"' I~ i:ri111111g h:1'' ... ") ;11!1l1d !1• ,\\t11r \\, .. o<Js ~n111.111:it l \10111111\t'll ! Iii I 0(11\i.!l"t"'>~. h11t I 1! 11111 llu! h1.• o tl 1r1 1" llHd"r "•>l •·n1111 .. 1ll 1111!lt'r\hip tl'l1 i1 L11t· t.dl. j)f"l"ll'rl!tllj.! ! h C'I I >1•p:1r!1111·11l n1 l111rrior fr(•fll ,1vpp11 1;.: 111 I<! l11·lp s:111· lh<'I !t ••t• lllll11 thal 11'\I•' ,\!1, L 1hr:1 ,;1111 th1· ·"·ho11! ;1~h •·d f.11· ;11ul 1"•'\'<'ll"1·d ,1 ~1i..J4l g1"i>lll lru11\ tilt' H:111k 11t .\1111·ru·:1 tu purcha:-1' tlif· :.1011~'" 11~1·d tor !h•· d ;1n1'>. !\liur l\'oi:;tls is ;1 n :1t l1111:d l~ rt•t og11i1t'd st<nld of hui.:I' old r.1]11(!.Jd lr1'i'S 111Jft h ul ,U1c t ;.,!dru (;,11e Bndgc. ;:-1 RABBITT . .'' -'°'\/TO-HOMEOWNERf ( \"" INSURANCE -~, .-· 11-.1 914 Hcorbor l o11le.,cord '°·~ • COSTA MESA JO. 548-5554 (__~,\ .:..-·-·-~· f DWAID I . FIA.Milli., M.D .. DllMATOl.OlilST 847 -8544 176 12 Beac h Blvd ., Ste. S GAu~..1st SPECIAL '!:'•~-- . $299 Now You Know Where To Put Them .,-.... (' •fr.~ " r1· :1 11.111' ,, 1 • r· • -.,, ' .. 1' pc r1"'blo re~v1:>.on ... ,,11,rc ·, ., cJn put them. T r.~ : "'1 " 1 nnf'!'. t"!l'· r' , ! r· .~nl •,t.nlor d 1••, 1.~ or h;inrJ 1 l : <11'"11 I! 11.!:u.,b 1n 1. nqth tram .:·1 t i ::r;:, 11.:.h":. .ind i:-1~1,.!..; I ! '1lQ'...l dtlV ,p, ;:c '.() 1! .".111 !,! )U~t ~L'Out · .:'Oy·:.' ere 11 1l 'r·11i.J n •~P "(~''-' nt1:;;:iy r J d .. hr_u1J 1 ·~· ".i e· l' (1[(; 1ca .. ', .1. ri;h.1r~:· e. t:i .r:, r\·11,>1 ~ lf(j Dan QpcnL ,,, lG u1~7,r:.;1 119,£unday 12·:.) BEVERLY HILLS 92•4 Wiishire ON-THE-DOCKS/SAN f'EDRO 260 EH1 22nd Street ' Christ.Ian E:scll<lt'ro. 11 i 1 I .arrive in ~ Anl=:rlcs ~pt. :t A ~udeflt of judo, he plays rhe ~tar ai):f pia110 and JS intere:lted in arrheolo p:y_ '-,..._..._..,..._..,.. __ ..,.._,...._.._,...._..._..,..._,.... ___ ._. All of the studt'n!s "''ill sr:iv . ., tor a year and study in the !"righ school nt>:1r ..,,·here thf'1r ~t f~mily li\'<:S, :'llrs. Krone r.iid. A...''YOfl.'E 11'\TERF.STF.O in providing a ho~ for one of the student.;;; !hould call r-.lrs Krcne at S43-i630 or at hC)1ne. ~131. ' YFU. a non ·profit orfalrlia.tion sponsored by th<' U.S. State Orepartm<'nt, brings about. 10 foreign students 111 the Orange COOst each year Ji)~·elave already OOtn pla~d tlri.'!I year, according to ~!rs Krone. Coast Srudeu ls Earn 11 on ors Tu o Orange Coa~l rfl!idenL<; I achieved academ ic honors for the spring quarter a I California Slate Collrge. San Bernandino. Both Wil!iam R. Hale. ;i juh ior administrat1v<' major from. <m.ia 1>!<'5a, and Bob D. Dlauert. "' ~c11ior social sc ien ces n1ajor fr on1 ''1estminster. were I i s t e d m the honor roll. They earn- ed a 3.66 grade point a\·erage-. lfFO~E • YOUR NEWSPAPER CARRIER IS A CREDIT MANAGER ~ ftw "p-iet'" ir1•ol•'d dor1"I 1•'1"fl'I impoMo"t lo yo11 . wh'" Y-~ oH poyi11o9 -or II'•'" fONjt l lo pay -Ht. fl'l>011lh ly bill for -..eory ot 1-r r1ew1po~r. 111! Doily l'ilol c orrit r1 or ' i11 b111i11,11 fer ftwrMe!Yirt. They lrutl yot.1 to poy 1tiem ond ttley ho •t lo poy fw ~ 11ew1poper1 they deli•'r to yo11. c.,;.n ore ad•iied lo 1!orl cott,clif>CJ on lh,ir rDUlt1 01 early 01 tt. 15th of each '"°""'· or certainly by th, 20th, 10 lhll'y con be ••~ at bll'llMJ paid by "'' '"d of th, month whll'n th'y ~·' lo ,...., MMW-bill1. If you'll pay yot.1r "'onthly bill ll'orly ii flOI Oflly will II.Hp y-.. corT"iirr happy. bvt ii w+ll ASSURE PROMP T COURTEOUS SERVI CE DAILY PILOT CIRCULATIOM DEPARTMEMT YOU AR E UNDER THE DOCTOR'S CAR E AFTER Sl\DD c1a1n1c o DICl\l.a onTROl.a \ , J y •h .·1 1:, nri 111oug 1rnt1on day a1 Orange C ::iun ty Transit ",! 1·1v1, •' \-•CljW' r , :·1 t,ocr ir-·) SunJtiy, 11 wos o bu:-.y Sunday. And once every· 1 t , 1111· Su1luoy c;c/\edule (1!':. the same os Saturday's), it'll get (;"I. 1/ r , ,,~. ~, ... n1 lr1y bus servit f' 1-. wr11ten u1to th(' record and I• p, i ·y· :r f.:11,r 1~ th1 1 11 \• 'II I! 111 }. !h• · t t1t-c:H d1 :tro hir the sun1 mrr rrinl 15 September 29th. ' •\,~r1y ~ 11 .1~r•1 ,, 1: 111·,! onp o f 1h~+mrirovPmP.nl:, !hot hos taken t• , , ~iv It 1 1'11~..-.r I ru h~S cirid l>usc~ doul>led. ~l ·rviL e now run~ ·.i 1' ' ·111 I r t t I '· ,\ t t t! • I , 1+r•' I t•J 11•>' citf t I. t r 11 1 1 tl 11 1t hn'.n't r.hl1ngod is the q1Jarter fore and ! I ' • Ir 1 " • t l ! • r ~:1 .. 1 .. 1 )' rr 11 ! 11·!v· .tf ,r·rt• j<, !(!1··.Vinylh11(ltt ~ .... 11 N11...v[q1•• ! 1 , 1i•·r1 ~ ,.:1••r l(ll'• .11J1t1 (r1111. I I 1y,p1(l•'11 (' '":•J, ·~-'': 1,• h.-u .. O RANGE C OUNT Y TRANS IT DISTR ICT -----------1 fur ir.formation on bus schedule s, £:end this coupon to OCTD, Post Oll ice Bo~ 688, Sonia Ano, Colifornic J 1 Y2702. or coil !71415•17-6004. J f',,\M1 ---------------I rt _________ z,p ___ _ --,...,--- • f ,, ,. .\ 8 DAILY Pll f1T rr1day Aur111sl lb. JQ7'1 ----- Fo1· tl1 c llirtl1s HOAG M£MOIHAl. .. OSl'ITAl. Jul< 14, \fll ,,.. ft "' , ••• 1;1 .. ,,i,, ~le-·•. 1olj'l1 !•"'''"~ ~" f'I l '·'· l><V Ml n • ".'.•\ l)~.n,,1.1 "'"'''"· "qi\ '·'llPI A>•. lr•1n• r>,,y "'' ··'•<\ '.'" '~'"' ( "' , • .,, ~1.111 ~,1.,.., "". '-·"'" /'e•_,, I•, 1.·· ""~ .,.,, r ... ~1,t 1-. •.• • "'·'II 1>1•11.0 (" ""'"''""i. ... • t Julf 11 ltr< ·~· ''"1 /." ,,,. ·~ ""''"· 1)•1\ Av~"'' (' ~.or <eo I fC ' ' I II end '.'r\ "'' ·-1 ~~ ,·;•, b~ '• , <•Pl (O"o '·'•"·' oo1I •'• .,"<\ l.'rl Pon"'' y,,.,,. •. •j• I!'·" ll •n Y• ••· ""'~"'''' ''''' I' ~/'I~ 1,•1 >( •.,•· ! n·•··• ~ 111.nn ri~ 11 .. 1,1.,.,, o" /' ~/'Id I,'• ''din ""'l!All, ll·•J'J t S•OQl>.o~• 5•. ''""' t)OV f," "''" /.'r• S!~nl<v (;&n,h(l·..,, J/11 Tr•~v<o J;1<1 , 5.M1•d /lno tx>v r:r on,i Mr< D•nO•• A~•"'" IOI•' \'l~>INl<l()• l.n. "vn1,n9!on lleoc~. 00< Deatli s El.~e H171 <'re 1rF:ST l!A.\1P'J'!)'\ Jl!·: \C!I . ;\'.\·. lt\1'1 I. Hobert l\ricndlrr, f.fl. a print·1 11;d 0\111cr of th<' fan1c<l "21 Club" in ~1-'1\· York Ci11. d1C'd Th11rsd;,i1-. The cluh g;1lned it:; r1•putatiOn during _,..,the Prohibition era. SI10RT HILLS. N.J . (l!Pl l -"'llliam Pelen Con\.\·ay. !l:l. 1\'ho hc::idcd Guaranty 1'rust Co. of i\c11· \'ork bcforP he retired in 19-18. died l1e rc 1'hu rsday at hi.~ hon11'. 11\c !)(Ink 1i-011• ls the ~torgnn L;u:.ir:1111;. 'I'ru ~t c.1. CAJ;llll(K • r 80 J'od 11 !I t;eorgc 11'1l·:1ll.\' n1:1rk !-. !us HOth btrtlld~v 1ocla\' but it's just Jnothe.r \vorking day for hi11 1 as president of the :\Fl.- l'IO. lie sees no ueed for h1n1 10 retire. .By lloaxer \\'ASl lI~C;TO;,i t L"P I I -A hoaxrr ~lippt·d :;c1·er;1I phon,\ ilerns ineluding a r{'('Oll\fll('nd.JJ ion 10 rc insl:itt• Rich:ird .\L !\"ix0n into !hf' i ·on g r es s i o n a I !{{'Cord. pron1µ1ing {](1uble !:1ke.,;. ;1ngr~ di.->t•)::Jillll'fS ;ind ;i fl>!'lll:d /'l'{jlll'Sf fur pl'\l ~L'('llllOJl. Ol••e s. (B"•CI<-'•<l" ~6. 0;;1r of tl•~Tll ! ..... •."l'J!.l•)<l.'pt" ;i!.J..drCl4f.:" fV<WOJ>IU>,.Of-'(I• • Horne. Re"tli!nl ot !\.,-\4u~a. -B~11cr,, Service; will t... held Monn~v 11,.:;io AM. l.61!Uflit Seacn Chooel. En!1>rnl!rno<"'' Melto~ Abt>eV. directed by S~efler u· guna Oe<lch MorrTuary. KOPPl. HOLL<>e Spe-akl~r C:ir! Albc rl !1aiU ThtirR!~iy 11i: 1!1cant' tu "!ict' to the botton1 of this matter." Rep. 'Vayn-e Hnys !D-Ohiol asKed the Jus1ilX' Departinent to investiga1e r1rui prosecute. But -the angriest ~ongress1nan of all 1v a s prob.ably Rep. Earl Landgrebe 1rl-lnc!1. J)t>rhaps !\'ixon'.; n1J5t l:ilthfu l backer in C-On~rt·:-~. Fr~nl< Koool. iHI Crie11nut. Sir~!. l~nq fleacn, CA. Survlvc-:t <>v fl<• w<te Ah(e Koool; !wo son1, Harland Slater "·"d Ch•rles Slater; lwo ;is1er~. M~r,na Yo•! a<><! Cl~ri(e Yo11 : ~ bromer. l"° Koool: '"v•n 1>cM•<1chlldrPI' ar>d !•.-;e> '"'"~1 -<lt"noc~i\d,en Si:rv;ceo /,\nnd:v • .A'-"'u•T 19-th, 10 JO Al.I. Pee~ Fit.,Ul'I Colonel Fun...-al Homt. '1~,1 n.n,tcr. HANSEN i;!ot>i"·t 1'MmJI Hor••n. o,•1~ o• 'J~~!I> "'"-"l"'' 1J, 1~14 v; .. , ,, '~''"""' y1 Kir>e"1on. /\r;:on~ ~U"" « ~I ~.-. \\•1<' M~c1· J,1,,e H~n•en. ' l-0<\ 0~0~" L•e !--1:.r ~n o! Sa~la " ·• ton• ~"!•<, G. W luM ,1 l<>"J ~~""<•• ,,,11 "" held "" /..'nn<I<••· >"u•ll><I 1910 \1 00 A M. ll•ll J'lrooo,,.;y f'l!(JDel ln'e'"" 't H~rl>Or ~f <I f.'.<'ni~r.~I P,)r ~. <lir.,Cl~<l b·; !!ell Bro•a· ... ~v •.'u•lu~r v NO.ACM; TilE 110:\XER f n I SC' 1 \' C"ntc•red :"Ill i!en1 in 111(' ~t:ii(! n·cord -the J;ii!y di:-iry of 1·0ng'fl'.~"ion:1I b1 1:-;i1u ·~,<; unt!t·r L.'.lndgrebc.'s n nm e. ROIEll:TS SOltr f'r~nce-\ P, Rooer1._ 101 W. Coll•n•, e11d. lhllt .'liaii119 I ICHUld Qr~no~. CA Oa!e ol ~~Th AIJ<WI! 13. et•ell 191• S1ir,ivw b~ her <en, 0~,,Vf' J. RoMrt• ol S•MB llarllar&, CA.; ,,~... I • •'••~· ano "'" t>ro!he". lnter'!'ent Paci"•,c be S IOf 11•iif1 f1ftll If C•e~I "''oemorlal l'or'r<;. dorecled by Baltr-Bercen>n fC~':.ti'E: Mortuarv. 11ece.'lsary. 1'1 a •• ,, Edna IC S<h~efer e>f L~<lunn Hills 0.11~ <]f de<•lh A"""'' is. 191~. Su•vi••..-J 1t•tt·r1rlt•rf11f pf'nJllf' bv h•r <latJQhtec Snlrlev J <.che>''~r cf L~oun~ t.llouel: one oon. cn,irl~s P, ~ch,1ef••, 11.'.~t ViJ!a hro!hec, Albo'r! ll•t0IJf P JllP rt~,.,,,,,. fl1i .io C , l(ac1•Pn> cf l!lir-G<\: I h • e ~ cr~n<!ch1•11ren G'~'"-""~ '" • v • c P' Ill e JI ti i ti fJ Sa1urdav. Au11u<t '11. ,1 7·00 Pl~ "I'" . r.~., flrU(<' A. Kurrl• dir<;arl Poci)t< ' Vlb" f.'.c••ua•v 11•""..io" f'flUrSt• ... SMIT .. ldl /,' Sm•tn O•I~ o< ~""" "-"''"•' i · 19 10 ., n"' "~" o• n R •"d~nt o! ""nltr>OI~ f\~nch. (A ~u"Jiv"d l• rn~ n·,~~. ~-~,; K·•"-~'ine 8'""' er ~nil ~USl>nn!l GP•~1!l Bl~n-~-~••vi:•" \<··di t• l.'c;n[!~. 1 N P•ll al !t>e V~l~1lld Cl>opel in Nor!'> Ho11v woOO. CA Of!;r;a~t '. •II ,,... P"v Donald I". llv'''" !n1~,~ ~n• Vn'"'I '~ /Jemod~I Pde!, N c' 1 I• ~~~;';"':,1,til~:~~" 1.\Gt!Uo'V, Hu~lio!'t~~ ARBUCKLE & SON , WESTCLIFF MORTUARY .(27 E. 17th SI .. Co~a Mew 646-4883 -·-BLATZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona d~J Mor 673 Q-1.'.0 (~,ta /llestJ 6i6· "·L'•I -•-I BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 3road ... oy, C<'11to /IJ.e:.a .. 642-9\'j) -·-DILDAY UO'IHERS MORTUARY 1791 I &!och Blvd: li<Jfllington Beoc h 842-7771 244 11edondo Ave. lo11g Beat·, (') 13) 438-1145 • -·-McCORMICK lAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 11?5 Log ~n·1 C.nnyon 11d. 494.94 I.) -·-McCORMICK MISSION MORTUARY :iaaJ? Con"~" Cor"~•rrino San Ju''" ('1f'•>lr'.lnO t.?'.r 17/6 -·-PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C:emeter1' /,,' .• r•L<'!f { Chon•:l 3500 Poc1t1c \f,f'!W Ur1v• N"wpor! 8eoch, CJl1fo1m:i 64·1 :>700 -·-PllK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 1601 Bol>n Av~ .. Wc:;!mln"!~f 89J.J.)25 -·-SMITHS ' MORTUARY 617 Moo n St. H~~··~q1on S..oc.h ~36-6~39 --WISTMIHSTEll MEMOtllAL PARK ..... ·'"'""-'" ( .. 1 •' <I If, , 11 hit'h lU'f!('d Prt'sidcnt Ford to pick Nixon as his 1·ic(· president ;111d !lien rt.'."li;:li . rr1u rnin~ lh1· prt's idl'Tlt',1' 111 Nixon. "n·. tli 1~ :let."' the phon1 Pnfry .s!:J!<'d. "our 3 8 I h prrsident 11·111 lea1•r offi(·(• 1r1!h a spotless N'COr<l :-ind ~·i ll h,11'(' f'OllT.1gf'1'lU<;;]V \;Jkf'll ririr· rcn1ar k.1hlf' aMion for 1rhi<'h hf' sh;dJ 111•vcr be forgo!trn " Thi~ p,1r!iC'ul:1r 110:1 -.: i(Pm I i.1 J()l!<:I\' l\':1f; .1ill'f·d :-t t (j1_,rid11ig lil th \"1xo11 :ind J.:ir.dgr,,.lx'. for hi.~ st,111n<'h <l(n1·n-thr-linc ~11ppor1 ~,f !h1' President. ''AS ''OU Ki\'Oll'," the hoax entry said. "T u·as a faithful supporter of our e1nbaUIP<l Prf".siri('nt to the bitter, ~our end . st:iling "''et1 that I 11·oul<l bt>·shQt with him if ~.s:irv. i\fan y 11·onderlul people ~·:-1~<' n1c r{'('Ommending l h i s course • J .. 1nd~relyi v.·n~ !hf' first !<1 f'Q1npl:i1n 'T'hur~d;1y th;it :i hoax hod bC'f'n Dl'r))f'fralcd ;:it h!S expense. bu t was not the last. TI.ep. John Ash!irook fH· Ohio) said ::inoth<'r it<'m, supoort ing the mi!itarv n'gime in Chile and niiacking th<' ·•ni11k ff'!IO\V lr.1\'f'lcrs and ld:ll•r al <h10f's" \\'ho op!:ire;f' ii, h<irl cil.~o he-en fa!st'ly ente r~ in his na1n<' T1rQ ~·eek!' cil!Q, f/~n. (Hl11 l'as~ni:in (D--La 1 said .1 nhon1 irrq1 hnd benn <'fll91-,.d in l11r .Juh· 29 record 11nd<'t hi~ Jl.'.1 11'('. loo, Al.RP.RT, TI -\'',~ Ar\0 !hi' r1hrrs 111•rf' ni1! :imu~1·1! AJll(·r·1 ~a al il nmountf"(l lo a hrP.1ch of th<-old "honor ~vst,.n1" tha! pf' r rn i I Ir cl Pntries to he m.1d" sirnol't \'\' h:p1-tin ~ 11),...,1 un~iariPd ·fo ll ('ll'rk or rlr(\nqina th"rr\ '"'" !'> '"·\'' :p1d (1,.,1,,,."'! tli:i! '"'"""'",..." "''1"l' ,,..,,~:,..., ..-.••st \,,. .,:,..,,,.i 1, .. !ho ,.,,.,, .. ~J.11tor J f~·. t>h .1i....,,:l11 l'lf 11,,, I' n "" "" ; I ! {l <> fl\'11 h '><; ; " .. i. ,1 i c t 1 ,., ,, """-"<'" ihf' ,, ...... ,"l',. ..... 'lt f'r;,,Jinu o rr;("' ~:till th it \1'"'11rl-i'1 "Inn fnr,.erY II<> \\'fHl '("f :irt<.,:i ;i1vl :1-:J,;rr! fnr !h•• .!11~ri1·" f)r'par! nv•nt wol:it, S11iayi11g Protested L v1 tt I e I 1 it, ~ t:(ll/I'/, U\T ,..;cu rt' 111~·1> I I! 1: I ,1 11 d \ 'p' ~I) S \.\ f lL\\( !Sf'\l 1,\I " - '('ht• l.~!t".~.t_.. :!dd1::•H: lo !ht' J.'IJ!'s li ~t of !O lllil'! \1,tnh·d fug1JJ \'t'S IS ;± •• p:t tin {' h ~ <ll't'U.':i1'd ·"~·x dt"\ ial<'" Sl•u gl1t fur 1111l:1v.ful f1 1gli l, r.1p1•, robt ~·r 1 :u1d f..1dD:11J11\~ l!I :\J1,111vrt',I'. :1~t'l1t' ft'iXJrT llv 11 ;1-. 11!t>11ld1,·d :1-; J,.li11 ~:d1111rrJ t '1,1-w·land . .11· :111. ;1 11;11111• of r\1•111 )(11 1 .\1·11,'(, \'.i Th~· Fiii :-;1~s ('<it.M:l:111d 111lh • (II , jl '( '" 111 pl H '1' : I I I I • ~: (' ti I \ 1'·!!'111·111.il1•d in 1n1ilr11 t~· r;q 1·'i n.1lilJl.'flt'.'-> and k1dn:1p1ng-.; d11r- 1n1-: rnid ·l~73 'J'hl' FBI :-;:iid !111· 11:1rrar\I i111·ulves ,'(\<Jl•• e h :-i r g 1· , :-le111111ing fro111 an !lll'1den1 in 11·hich t'11p1~l;1nd •~ 11 d ;1s~1•1.:iat1•s pic:f..1 •d up ;1 fl'rll:il1• l111chhiker :ind hl'r n1 :1l1' fnend (IJld r•trl<:·d I ii\' II I) ill :1 ll rt·rw:1tt·UI: 'l l1c J-'Hl s:ud :1u :.t'( u1i.1,li1 11:1s ;1p1u'l'hl'11tled lll Tr\:1:-1111" ~ l':1r '1 llL\\.\l hJ./-.. \\ 1' l \/'1 · i\11111\;il li•l•'I" >111 llp Ill ;irtll :d~>ll ! lf!llJlll' ';II;!\ IJ1~~ ;.p. r;itil.t\._, ' 1 [1·111.dt' 11 .. g.... ;i t t Ji ,. \\'1,j•1irt~1rr ~late F:11r liut 11ff1r1;1!~ nf 1111· 'it;1[1• 1111111:1111· ~~·11•\1' h1·r1· 111111 ;in• s11ppll u1J'. l!u· f1•111:il1• ll\!;!S li1r ti11• f I' I' t' 1•\l11h1t 1,t1\, 11•f11."" I II iii\ V'-\1!',.llt' I lit' t'llllq>!.1111!•, "\\E 111\\1 · \I0\11.\ 1-.ill ;ind t'o111:d:1111 • .1 i .\r1l111r <;111·!1ln11 of 1lu· I !u111.111t• ScK'h I 1. ' · Ii u I 111·0ft' 1101 g11111g lo dli ;1!1\IJiing :1h1>Ut 11 " l!111uin'<ls of pt'•11pl,• :ir1· ;111t>11di11g 1•;1rh of !ht' (ou r· tunes <laiJy 1H)(·r. 11011~ t•ll rlll• jlogs iit tit(.' :-it;llt' f-';1ir· l1911!h :o<!)()JJsurL'd U;.• tli1· \I Is,. 0 11' I 11 \'1•tt·1111~n·1 1\l1 dlL';I] ,\~~·l >ti;1[HJ I\. 'l/1<• II'(~ ;111• pe1l•11·1111 11·· I h1· • •11•·r;it 1•111~ l11 pulJl11 ·11L· !1°1·11· 1·lf<)rt" 111 ('lllil/!il I\• ll">!>ld,111111\' Ill t 111• I 1111. d S r:1l1•-; of r;ils, d<J~s 11·d <>!l1•·r !!\'!~ '1'11 1': ASS(H'I \TltJ"\ e'i• l1111;11t•s tl1:1t ·11nr1· t11:111 JU 1111J!ion str:1;. dogs and i;1l~ \\';111dt•r 1ht• 11 :11IOJ\, .,, .. ,,,,,.,. lltf!tl ,.,,,, ,. ,, ''' ,, I ,, i II ,,,,, ,,.,,_ ,,,,,, !l'';''!I t11 tl•1 t11111· 1J1i1t!I t1l11,111 i 1• ...-..-- ;111d :111 :idd1\l(Jll:J! 70,00fl dug~ :111•1 c~11 , :l !'l' horn I'\ C'I',\ ht>ill' l l r 1!:11 l';il\IL'. 1h1· I I' l"llll<ll'E11l I iii• ]ll'llll'l'I, HI l'l'~<'l'lll): S.1 id h l' ---------- Sears . .-:;.,---.. >.11.,,.,; ... 'I hron~h !'unda~­ Au,c.u•l llJ: ' Eager-I l•Wll' "'0"'" II • .-.:/arl .'> (11 .~f • 111111·1·r f o ·"fl0/1·// • ,·f.i r1·r1 .~1.~11111/ fi ,,11 :-i1111 ,,,,/i111111f l//°11':' 1·11/,./11 /" <'Ill 11/ ii .~ 1 o .~1!11 . 11 I I ru•/i, , !us ( ~.:: ~ ' \ \ t',\IH'i't1•d "''JIH' :id\,'J'~(' 1·1 .. 11·11011, hut :-;1y-. 11\1 • j~"llllt' :1.~pt·L'!S uf lh·· llt"Jlt•f trl!.! .. \l11b1l1••ll !ciJ Ull l\ .. l'lgh lh1• SljUC''-lllll'ih <p1aln1s it tniG!it tausc s11n11· people . Ho· S.'lid !he Opt_'rations :1r1• r"..:pt·nSi\C huL 1011er rlu• ani111;1l's ehall('t' of 1"1111ratting cancC'r '1'\u' d11!.(~ are r<'tunied 10 !llr 1!11111;i11t Sot·1t•1y :1f!1 •r !hr 11 1J.t·r:itinns. "TllE'i''JJ , ALI. HE l d 11 µLed rt~lil :111.1v,' l'11hlt' snid. '·Th r 1 r 1· ha n L' e s a e t u a 11 y i11cn':1se .'' "TI1{'rc's nothing wrong \\Ith \l'h:1f the \'1•1-.; ill"\' du1n;.;,'' said <;111•t1lu11 . "'!'h,-~· arr pr•nf1•s"1011:d 1·1'lf•rinrin:1ns 11 fl r I\ 111 g u1Hl1•r srinit;1r.v 1·n11diti1\ll::' llHl('h :}'\ t'h\',\' \l"fllild Ill 1i1v1r <J\1·n t rlu'L's ." l'!.fil{\'~JI( l\f; l>hlll < \l'I i 'u11\1•d1:1n P:111! I 1H1I" 111~ pl,.:1dt·d JIU \Vlllt'-,( I ii l'cn)sb11rg ~t u111t·1p;tl ( '1111J'l [1 • :1 ('h:1r~·" ul p 11 Ii l 1 \' 111!0.\ic;111<in ! .J11di:c ,l11d."'.111 ~11<111· 111 11 ·•1 1 Lyruk· ~Jfkl, plih .~111 , itUI I \l1Ji'•' 1)1:111 ](~I 1>1il1w•f..1 I'' \',U I ~ lfli-: ;11 1tograpJ1 ( Uli!'l l'o()lll l' ;1 I\! •' I" :1 _, :111d boo~-;, 1:1n •1n• ii I 111• \l'cd11t<.,d:1.1 L\lld•·. ·!a 11:1s :u·1·l'~1 .. d 1·;1rf1· T111·~d;11 h1' Hn·.,,fu1d polii·~· II! lt1<'' p:1rki11~; h'l iif ;111 :1p:1l'llllL'llf h 1111dl11 j.! 1\11\lt• •l'l(l!'S s.1111 I .1 ltd\' 1i:1i1 .11•llt·d nh~<«flllu·.~ .ii 1x .J1~}'1ll,l!1 l.111dt• \lol h<'I"~ I" ;1pp1•:11 I IH~ !·:11~;:1)'( ·ii .it \J.1~•1111\' ,\iidl(<>i'lllill Ill ll1',ll'i11 ·1 uh•do _ I ) Ii I '' I 1 !i I l'I • '-I< 11li.o!1" I 'I " I· ~ ; ~ 11 I I 2'1'! 11'11.~li I I< •Id• 1., Ii. , 1. .. 1 11 , 11d I I 111 11111).: l1l'h1!11'IH~ \Li 1~'.'.ll d1 11H _,,.d tli1' \I •11•1\ II" 1d ·011< .it1d I '.ii ii 1 ·.-.1h h •I 11.111·h1·d Iii~ 1!1•·11 I di .1,.1 I ',\"I I 1·11 ~;ig1•(j 1.i ) 11' It I.JI 1n-d SALE! SAVE 2 5°/o • 5 OC\10 & MORE On M~rc~o,.di1t M-om 0.,.,. Rtqul11r Stoel< J 4b 7 Y•d Lid e> N~wporl B ede ~ t-7J-4SIO "~••lo """ ....... J ' "' • ....... r '""" ....... , . ., .. ---------------- SAVE ·"40! ( :1·afl,;111a11 20-i.111 ·li Ea;,!t ·r·-1 ,: 1'11,li -I .\ pt · ,, 1' '· •• •·I p ''·"' : ,, ! SAVE ·"40! 1/111111 ·°"''""" <:11111't'lli1•111 ( 'n ·rlit /'/1111 .s 11.;•1.•1•1 H11i:_,_..,,1 :!II-in. lloh1r_v 1\l11\<1•r- s •vr l•<t' 49'" 7.75 c u. in . engine. 4 -cutting heights. 09070 \ \ ' ~111 .'l'I (:r:1ft,u1 ;011 j •ll••JHl ......... 1 E1lj.!<'I" . s •vE 11'0! 91.'"' Pow erful 177cc en- q 1nf' CurtJ·hopp1ng. w heel. !0709 ., ... ' ' ' '"" . ' • ~"''·'''' llu::::,.•I :!U-in•·l1 ltutar• S AV( 1 11)1 59'1'1 7 75 cu. in .. engine. Top recoil s!arter. ~ •0020 ~'I l.'J'I I n ol l •tll;Jfl t-:01,11: .. r-'f'ri111111•·r 89'"' 1 ?7c.c gas f'nq1ne. With 9·1 nch blades 1'8708 Pr1w1•r rr>fl l mov1f>r '.'J tlll rr;il!<;1n<111 7 · <J•nr· S <i t"('I bldt1('~ At1pJ•.1:-1hlf, ~pnr•r1 rtl" Cr101LI' ot :1 tu!1 1nfl !1~·1qn1" •1)1~' ' ' \-, '\ ' '/ ,-711.•111 ( ""'p ;111i .. 11 2•~-i n··h l'11•l1-t1p" St.Yl S!O' 90cu1n -, s lart engine. reco 1 I "9072 :"'ln roh· I l1·i111·h lland·H .. t·l 1\lo,.,.r ,., S·bladc tor 16-i n. cut Steel shf ub bar. '9160 -· 1'11'1.'I'!. I ,., :!O-i11•·l1 l·.n/.'<'r-1 • \j,,,. 1·r 79'''' Ro1a1y pull-up s1ar- ter 9.0 cu . 1n. en- g1n<? 0 9073 t' 1•1.•19 f:r:.ri ,, .. , ... Ill-in. ltu111I -'''''"''I° SAVE I~ 5 sleel blades An1 1· snag upper handLr. "9166 , s/· . . . 11,..,' 1 • \I.,. \ 1 .1.l.d,j,. ,11 "• ,., • '•"ii·• \ "'' \jf I IJll I\ • ,, I ri:" I un 1 ,,.1 :t I 1•''-'''I, I 1-. I H-iu•·h 11 .... 1 '" ,,. .... ''"'" •' ,. SAVE l:IO• I :19•111 7 7 cu 1n Eager-1 engine. 6 blades •fl 17,\ • l"]'t.'1'1 1;, . .,,,,,11 .... 1 ll·in. llantl .\lot"'r Adj . cul. Stee l shr ub bar , shielded ball hearings. 19164 f rafl-.111 :111 I '>·i111·h ''··;11·-IJ;i;.:~1 ·1· 'I"""'" Ir. !.' •• 1. .. 139'1'1 J1P.'H-rno11ntrrl r:r .1<,•, ~.i• 1 os f>ilS'{ 111 h;1nrl11' ,\nd I·• Ii 1n m ;1ne11••f'11nri nir)W• • I • CU. 1n. l.ir11•r-I 1.;11q1n•• lrd l ast star!s, IJ~l f1n1>;ht::..' •91).1/ 11 \ l ( :rafl.,11:111 :!0-i """ 1'11 ,;li-l~ pt · Bolar' I( • !.' II I. II' :.:1 1.•1.•1•1 139'1'1 1ht'l m 11 111 0r h i!<: l"ul - l 1nq p owr•r 1n ~,p .ir r> Wll h i1 tlill, <1 ,J'.y-~l.<rt­ lnq 1? <lit Hr: 1nr!1 "n- g1 nC Gr.1•;<, 1 ,ll(;hPr 1ri. eluded. ''!11 !O ' . ALHAMBRA ~PARK ~t£APARK CARSON CERRITOS COMPTON · LYNWOOD ---.-.------ HOLLYWOOD INGLEWOOD LONG BEACH NORTHRIOGE COVINA El MONTE GLENOAtE tAGUNA HILL S O LY MPIC & SOTO ·-·--· POMONA PUEN TE HI LLS SANT A MONICA SO UTH COAST PLAZA ORANGE PA SADENA PICO SANTA FE SPRIN GS T 08~ANCE . '~ -----·-· • VA llEY VERMO NT WE) IM INITER I " " ' g I ' p I n " u I r 0 " r I <' " g " d 0 ,I ' u h y ,, " s " " e s g ,, " s h " " " s r ( I I ' r s 1 UCI T e:o;t1' ·r1i •. pot1•1111.1! r,w .. rl1111!-.111g nv.:1y" 1 ·~(·l·s.~i\·1· s 1 11111 •1 j' li ;1t·1d11y antl duUilt•n;d 1ilc1·rs is b<-ing l'Xplo1·l·d liy l !t' Jr1 u1t• rcsf':irchrr<; 11!ldt•1 ' $7;1 nll•I grnnt fro1n til1· _\/ ;1 t inn ~1 I ln<;Ututt· or .\k·11t;11 H1•:il1!1 l'rrlin1inary ,. v 1 ti 1· n 1· ,, !'u:.;gl'-;ts th.it utanv 11l1·1·r pa111·11!.~ l';iu lt<;u·n l•.1 rl'lu·1 1· lht•ir rn :1lady 1hrou).!h po..;111\t' nl<'llt:1I rontrol 4'1li.!t'lld1•rc'fl in :1 l!'l'hll1qll« l-.t1U\I ll a S htOfl'1•1lh:lc·J... ,;11d llr J't h·r \\"·lg.111, dS'!~l.111! 1· I I II I\' ;1 I prof1·ss<1r 1n th1• 1h·p:1 rt1111·n1 ol ~Y«h1:1trv :111d l10.1 1L·11 l.1t•h:n inr ;11 the l 'C'I t '11!h·1:r of ~lt'(lll'lfll' 1'111': 'fl':l 'll'.\'ll~l 'E 111\111\1•<; llK· lL~I~ of lll!'l'h:111i('.d d1.ds an(I g:n1g('" lu ~ho1v p:i!11·11I -> 1·x:11·tly 11hoit 1~ gouu.: n11 111~1fl,. tll1·1r 01111 1~1<111·~ ll v (" o II C I' 11 t r ;1 l i 11 g 01\ 111(' 111fur1u:1!io11 pr11\ 11h·d 11~ 1111· g:1ug1•s. rn;ui.v p:11Jl'!11~ rn:1.1 h1• :1l•lc tu :1\'hit•\t' 1,1r_i111g llrgrccs o! t'<lnsc1ous <·on!rul 0\'4'r th1' ;unount of a<"id S('(Ti'tt'd in to lhl' stoinal'h, l.lr \r elgan t•xpla1111·d. ''The ga11g•• pr'l•:ide, ;1 QUEENIE By Ph il lnlerlandi 1'Therc's a duel personality here to see you. And I don't mean 'dual.' '1 E.r-cu11s Plan. lo Build I !~ '1'110 \1.\S 11. ELI \~ \ 11\:1/< r t'tHll't'l'n 1 u \\'<i!'>hlllJ.!lHJI hd,~ bi l"tl !h:1t lht• \\'.tt1•r;..:;!l,· turrno1I r11;1v 11;111• p.ira l.1 11·<1 i.:111 1·1·r11111·11t. f 11Jltl 111;..: u1• 1rr11"1rt:u1L ;11·11011~ H::: 1n .~11Thcrn t':i.liforn~;• thert·\ lx·1·11 l11tlt· ti 1d1•11\'1' 1;! ;uiy parla.1 sis. <•::. f1·dvr;d (1fl1{'i;1Js ill't• .pln11n1g ;1ht':ul 11 11h 111·11 prcn;r;1111-; ('It'll i.1 !ht• f:tl'l' or 1n;lJOI' 11jlf)J:-1t11111 :uid 1T1lle1 ~111 '/'h1• d\'h•rn1i11.1t l(Hl to grin <:n /1;1~ tx ... ·n l'Sp<·c·iall\' v1,rJil\• on t1\o fron!s 111 t/J(• Sr1111hl;111d th~· !<isl lllOll!h Al .'fll<lUCll Tll I·: T \\ (I ;ir1·;1~ 111111111' hl\;1lh· 1!ifivr1·11t h,!1•fl('I"~ ;111<! pt'OpJc•. !111· (o·d4•r,1l 01t•1hfl(] of Ulle1':lt111n has 1)1•1·11 :-11111),u· ill both '"''t'' ·rht· l'X1renit•lv u11n·1'111·d :tl't•:1' :11 l· thl' prop11.s;1! 1111· 111.1,•1' 1' 1·ff~l101·1· 1111 dnll111g 01lon~ !ht• Sou tliPrn t'alHor111:1 c·u;1,t :ind tht• prop us t' cl ~u1dt ·l1nt·~ ain1l·<I at forh1ddu1 •1 s1·x d1 scri1n1n;ition .1t :di lt·\'t·L.; or l'dU{';J\Hlll Top officinls of t h 1• dl•p:irtn11·nr ... of lntt'rinr :ind llr.dth, J·:duC":1t1on :1114f \\"rlf:u•· ha\'c 1·isil('d lhe Southl;ind 1n lhl' J)<i~t r~·\I' \\('t'kS 10 prCSl'!lt !hl·ir itll':!S in the fil'ld3 - id1~as l~'hich <:ot1!d aff._..::t l hc quality or lif1· in' the region rur decadt>s to conic. l)ql\ .1111 r -1 i.• 1.-1'1 .1!11« Hli .l~ rfij.'.:_' Pl l'-••1111 d .111• <ip[W\J\l'd~ llu ( .1!i11h•I !1·1• I 11111 ht'. Ill Ill.!' 111· h· 'd ,dll! 111111111• 111p11! ..,,1u;•!1! ;d1v1 lh 1d1•t•: n :.1• llt·!I !~· !o"!.••d :n :1!li! llll' lil':ll 111 ~ !'HUid IJ1• llU lll!WI' th.in ;1n •'111pl1' l~l'!'>\Ul"t• "'l h:11':-1!1t· \1 :1y 1!it• \i~l!ll SOIJTllEHN CALIFOH:'\IA FOCUS ;ulrn1n1,1r.i11"11 upi r.11• d :ill lit .1 II I h\· lill<' " '<lid '1"11111 Sull11.1n :1 1"1' ;11d1• tu L•" 1\n:,:1•lt<.' \l.1\r•r Tu111 l\r:ull1·1 11 ho 1, 1,.,1d111;1 th·· luft·,· r1!--:l1t1;1g th1· 111·11 "ii lh 1!1111~ "\I.I. ,\1.0\1;. TllE h•p p1.•11pll' t!l.idt· tivt <'1!111' Ir\ 11;ol:it111n Abol1t th•' 1uilv 1l1111i; [l\;1[ t"Ollid tl(lll' ~l111V d11\lll !'>111n1·1h1ng l1k4· 1h11 oil drillil\i! d1'i'ISillll II OIJld IH· 1f !Ii•· l';i1)1111·t f'•''lt-:ll•'d 4'11 111;1.•'·' :111d this k111d r1f ll•1l 11·1 111•11• t"\'-1·1:1JL1:1H·d IJ.I 111·11 111·0111•• 1!111 11oll1u1t.: l1k\' 1Ji:11 lr1..; h<ipp1·th d lllldl'!' lh!· IH'\<. pn·~1d(·n1 . l~Ht! lllllfl" u1l ~11dl' l11i1 d,., lh.11 lh•· till I'll l 11·;111\ 1t1•1·1h·d on tl11· \\"1 ·~t co~1~1 ••p\('fl'J(' (' 11 \ " T ri·q1 111 "tn\•111 , 1111• .1d1l1l 1r>111I ••ti t':IJl 1)1• 1111 ! ll"\1111 l)i>• \Hf lh -.J,1p1· 11 11 \l,1 ,l.,.11 ";1!1" 111 ... 1111li -1li11·k ,1 11il ~ .... 11cl I It d I «.I ! I 1\ !l ' di I' 11\.il p11~!t11 ·11 .. 11 fn1111 th•·r··· .111d 111 .. ! ;u 1r of .\l;i~k.1 II ·II I'\( !'l"d 111;1' J'1·~1011 ' ll!'1'd' S111( i ' 11 '' 1011 1 'I""' I'" lo h'P .\Li~l .. '1 1 tll' \\l'~l I '"'t oil To J-:;1.,1\•rn 111.1rk1.·I,, tbtrl' v .•• ujd I~· fl•> du1111•,r11· 11,t• f,,! pni-·ti ,,r 111\' 111·11 .. 11.!u11•·111' 1\111 trh• lntt·ruir J ,.,.u.1rt111• n1 h.1,11·1 1·1•·n ,l\ J..1111\1). ii"•·d th;it 11·1~1rr " tt111!1nl.!. J1HJH'd!1·1I l'!>Ul"l'("ll II I t' r 11rP••'"111u 1 ('0.1,1:111•· ,\I !Ill llt'\ ll"IJlll lh1• .. 1 •t·· f(!ltlllll,,,1111 ,j ll d 1;,•nr•1.1I !\10:11• .J \I I! J \ f111 11I111<1· \I t'1 t ti.id•·'· 1·e.i1 1d11,,.. 1., ' ll.llli t•llt I ( !1,.r· I« \ "lllll \;11d ·Tt· !rt111·r,111· ~1 11111~·h ,q1))(11. ' '" 111• r• ·t.:11li1I1• •11 'J'l\1· I .us \11~ iii·~ ( 1' ~~ 1 I J1,I I h I !1111! J 11 • I 1t1 'I" 0.111011 !-'1111!' \/\,! 11 ,i11,· 1111 l:.i-. r•il1·, .ind p I' 1 I I I ! fo1 l11dd11a,! ,, 1 II! •: 1•111!1.1' "' But 1+·111111 1· I .11 •' r 11 il1·1, ii tl.1l;J ~l\o\I II; l IJt I'll• "1 l\t)! !"'111)'. 'llldl'ol'd ')~,I .1'" llu!t• '"\.11'.kil"'" 11 II' ji)'l!l~h•·I! ltlt'l ,d l• :111.lf,, 1, l-'01! f"\~l'\\t'I . \ l\ I )"~,1111/.<I \II 11 ill• ··111 ' \' I II l'lo "' '!1t• I o! '.,11 I' • ·11 'I I 'tlil.i::1 t't'l I< ·1 ·r!T !' " ! ' " ' I' "11 'I• " '" " .. rt.11 , P'l or t 1t ANTIQUE UNLOADIN,G SA~ al SANTA ANA . ANTIQUES .26~0 r-1. Mo•" SI . Sonia Ano If\,·~···•'" ! .. 11 11.1 /,1,.i & '·l•llnn l~f1,•i1 ! f('l 'o'/,l/u <Jn M.11rl .,t -~i4t1110.lH) COMPLETE tO•D OF .A.ll·.A.MERIC.A. OAK AH"TIQUES FR O M VIAG.IHI• l/1 I 11"' r. •, '. , ,II, ,\I~· f ~ •111 ... ' .1 "" lo ' ! " ,, ., q, <I' ,, io" 1 & '"11• i!• I I •r : HI t'ld II :i.,.tti• J,11111• ! • 1 "T ' ' I> • I f ' I I • I I• 111, starts SAT., AUG . 17th I 0:00 A.M. \ 111111~1·r \1·1th1 I' did 111<\\' nl!1t'1;il \ ~----------------------, SHORT NOTICE-URGENT! p.11 1nu<·l1 Ji:·•·d 1,) s,,11:1i1.n1d · r·r1l11"..,0f 1t11•1r !ll'll 1r1:111.11111p I L.1n:1111:' S:''\tl;:I rl1-..1·1·111• ":•t .'11: ii\ :ii I ~~·!1' .,1... I .\Hl.'iT OF Tiii·: <·r1•11·1-..•1 !'0111ii •.; fr1 111 [1•1111111-..1 ~~ii ,up· 1 ,'iiltl 11• I l t"fllll (""ll1•i.:1•' (11 \('/11)()] d1slr1\'1s, d\'"Jllt1· 111 .. pL'hl!l'i!1 _gili.'ll lo :1thl1,t11· ;1,pfTT'i rf t!l\' Jl I 11p(I~1• d l"l').!Ul;!tlOll~ I __ , AUCT ION of PERSIAN RUGS TUES., AUG. 20 at 8 P.M. Inspection from 7 p .m. con1inuou s flu11· o! physiological r.lul'c; 1 h ;i t usually II'<' just don'1 no11cr." he s;iid. \11,\\11 lt:l'l ~ -~l i;nni htuldrr John l'rie.~1·.'i. frl',h fro1n :i s1x-rn()nlh prison tl'rn1 fur bnb1·r~. and I h r £" £" l"lHl\"lt1t·d \\';1 lrrga!c burglars plan to build a housing Brnd!e~ '!< lup e111ironh1t•r11:d ;11l\'1sl'r. \"orn1:111 l<1n1·r,;;i11. pn1ntl'd out lh:H 1111l'r111r'~ oil 1tr11l i11g Jll8!1~ :H'l' g n in gp-- " c ,11 r 3 1 for11·:11·d d1·sp1!e ii pre;j11t1'1l!i;ll ,P' 1lrrelo1l1ncnl in ... 1 i>:inl·I'~ findino" th;i! thl' o:I . .._ THE ' RuQ v 1r111q Jr, ,m 1 • 1 hi t·,,q·,,·r-, :>4 I'. l ;1 , ann \ d11Jhlf' ..in- li•Jut• .1nucollector ::; 01•·<.o_•,, '.v•ll lle v11ereo lor • ... ill.' .it lne NEWPORTER INN In the eoursc of the 11111- yl'ar siudy 6 p;1ti1·nls 1.\"ilh duodf'nat ulc<'rS 1ri!l hr !rairn:d in hiof{'('(lb.al'k eonlrnl of ston1nch :1l'id Sl'C'l'P.tioil 11i!h :.111 1·lectrodc and g:n1gc to n1011itor !h1· ('fl!H'f'r11r:it,on nf ;H·id in 1!1c ~10111:.ich 'l'llc l'iL·ctrod•' 1vill h1· fl'd 111t<J !ht· ston1;1ch !ht·ough 1h1· n:1.~:1I and .i.;:1stric p:1s.~agt•1rays and 111rf·d to the g.1ugi· Florida to be called BUT L~ BOTll cases. r 1(' I "\\'a\crgal<' llills." offici:ils \rf'rcn't looking l0t· is unnC'cdccl. l'riestes \\'<"IS coni·ictcd of inf()rn1.-ition, input or thr Ile cited the A1>ril lR re1)')rt P!·Jm,:,;."~o~~''"' off<;ring bribes !o an aide of opinions of anyon<' in the (,f the Pres1dc11t's C11uu1·1\ on I Time st;irts EARl.'S1 t I 01 Jom~e li':d.......fo(ewporl Beach TERMS: Co•h, check o"d mojOt' credit cord' AUCOR IHTERHATIOHAL-12131 990-2910 U.S. Sen . Erlv•ard Gunicy. !!is Sou1hlanrl. Instead. they htld En\1ronrnt:ntal C}uaht\. I 'I ;i1 tour door associates :'lrC" Jkrnnrd Bark-"briefings" at wh1~h !ht'y l"f:O{'llictcd not only lh<tl ··1ht•r(' L•11un;i-Siddleback .. 11 0111ers r.• · •t · d v· l'<lUltl pl'C!il'lll their id!'O.S. 1:-; no \\"Orki1111 1cchnology for __ 4'15·0401 642.17 §3 i,.-;.i.,1 -o;....... w! --..t On."'" ...... i.. ..... , '-----... ~ ........... , .. d PriC'c 'fakes er. r,ugC"n10 1• an:n1·:~ an lr-1_~~~~2!'.~!C'.~-"'~--~...!!:C...::::!~~"'-'~'.'.::o"""-""--"=~"'--===~-=='-'-------------------------~1tio r.on1.a!c'l, all lll{'tllhers or "\\'E \\'JI.I. I)(' :ll11•n1pt111g lo f'Onfirrn 1hf' e:irlit•r f111d1ngs ;ind also dt·!1~rn111tt• if ult.·1·r sufft'rf'rs c-.111 Jj•;irn !n 1'1"1111rnl h~dro1.•hlor1(' :tcHl ~1·t•r,·t1un 111 thf'1r c1igrs!hr· 1r:ic·t~ without !ht· hc·lt1 "f tllJ1'!11nery ·• !'>aid J)r \\"1·lc.:1n 11ho 1-. c·, .. 1n11·-.11g:1tnr 111 !h•· l"CI prl)11·i·\ 1111!1 llr 1:onl"11 1;Jnh1i-. a!'> ... "1("1:11" pro11.·~ ... nr !l1"dro1 hlorit· nc1.l 1s 11r:d ru thi· d1g1•'l!1011 of foo4J hu1 11 h1·n too tnurh 1s ~·rr••lt'fl or It 1<; not 1f'utr,1l 111'ft -.uff1f'1t·n1\1 b~· f,fhl'r <l i~•'"lil'i' j11ir1•s. it :II"" ron:.111111•.., !hf' l111111J.! 11f thr 1lq:\l'SIJ\(' 1r:i1·f .ind 1-.Hl~t·~ iill·t·rs. '•\rt·: \\'.\ \'T T\IE\1 t, !1·.11·11 lo u._,~ !h1,ir n\111 ho<li<'s :is a hiof•'l·dh:i.C'k npp.1r:1t1.1<;. Jl:111d r.. l'ric ... · is Or:1nt.:1' Cu:1s1 Co I J t' gr' s 11c1~· 1·11<lrd111n1ur of C'OOJ)('rJl11 t' l'<l1H·:11 ion. lie r1·pl;11·1•~ (']yd<' JJ Rl"~f'<; 1\ho 1s 11•111 1ht• d1rl'ctor 41f i (){'11t'ra111 t' t•th11«1l1on :it \\"t•.,t \':11lt·1· ('oll«gt' 111 S;1r;i1nga l'ru·c 11:1<: horn in \\"hill ier :111d 1..; ;J gradu;de of \\'hillier !11i,:h S.-hi.o.Jl lie rl'cf'11·~! h1' fl\ :Hl•I .\!,\ dC"grt'CS <It ('.1ld1Jn1i;1 St;1tl', Long Rl':ith l'nnr to ;i<;sunung the OC<' !~·~! l'ru·t' \.\as !hi'.' ch:ti rn1an of tht· 1·:irecr I'd u c at ion il•·1>.1r1 n1ent at ('nrona dl'I ~tir High &:hooL lie ll'il.~ on 1h1· I 'un111a del \tar st<1ff for 12 11·;ir~ ['nee 1\·;1s ;1Jsn !hi· r·1~1rd1 nntor nf s pet· i a I !'dlJ('ollllH1 ;111d \\'Ork !'>1Ud;.' r.-.r 11h• '.\e11l)Ot 1-~ll•sa Sc ho o I J )1~1r1c1. Lile \\';1 t1.·rgatc burg!c1r~· tt•:in1 l'R IESTES S.\lll he will 4J11·e1·l construc1ion and the ulh1·1·s \1"il\ hand!(' s:iles. Asked 1\•hv the narne \\':1s eho.~t'tl fo1· · 1l1e 57 n1illion proj~'cl near L:1kc \\'all•s. Fla .. i'rit•S!CS tolc1 ;i ll e \\' .s conft•rr,,c·c \Y c d n I's d n y . ··Th•·rr is :i lot of \\"atrr ;ind ;1 lot of hills th<.'rr." Pri1'Sh'S. ~1art inP7. a n d r;u111.alt•s l>l'cnnll' fr i('nds \1·h1Jr in ft•der:il Jlfl'.:-011 :it J·:glin Air ForCl' B:i!>C. Barker \\as rl'l .. :1~l'd f.i;111n thr f.1cilit~· on !hr s:imc d;1~· Pricstc.s arri1·cd fa .. t .J:inu:iry, but he and l'r1rc;tcs h:id business dealings l/fC\"IOUS!y. "I 11:\\"E TO n1akr <i living,'" said B:i rker. "! have a lu!. of altornl'y bills and I e;in't !hink of any ~1 cr way to rlo 1! than through lht• s1rf':1! of ruur bro\\'. ··1'h i ).: i s perfect rC'h:lh1l11a11011." hi' add('(!. s;ii d l)r. \\'f'lg:illl, :.i rlini(';tl -;:::=====================::::::~! r"yrr.o1oi;1$1 11 11h tht' {)r:i11J,:1·I """"''' "''P''"""' "' ol ·"''""' J~st like the Old Days Hl·:tl!h, 11ho Ii.is b 1· 1' n t.:ondul·ting b io ft' t•d h :1 ck "-" 3 7-rl~c.,1reh r11r ... 1·1·f·r;11 ~t·nrs ' PRII\IE RIB· J11 st .-. In olher .. 111du:•s 111· h:l''I reporlt'<I progrt'~S LI S I Jl J.: 01,-r £?:::. 0 0 r' r.; > biofe<'dbark ll"'""PY n i I h (l.\·L Y ,t T ~ I \::J""' .:J e s suffer er« .-f n11gr;11111· Or i tension ht':u1::ach1·s ;111d high \ J(l·:t:l·I. \I( J>l'\"\t-:rt STILT ... 2 6 ' bh.,."lC\ pr('ssurt•. Fl 'l.I . ('.t)l "lt~E )11·'._\I_'; .. 25 s ~\LADS~ nr \\'rh.:;111 [('.1f'h('~ thrnt1 Jl1 l'11i1crSity 1-:xirn~1n:1 .1 cou1-,. 1 ~~llJ ~-J ~ri.-,tul -1 ..\liil' V. of South Coast Pl az~1 C'nti!lt"rl ··currt'n t ·:-:·1·1•4J, 111 ;1,'li · ltf.!I Riorrrdh,1rJ.. ll r·<:e:ir1·h ·· Public ~-~-AUCTION FRIDAY. SAnfRDAV, SUNDAY •t J P.M. 13orgoins nn Fine Crystol. Sterling S ilver. Porcelains. Oriental ()lljrrts d"Art. Pointing . .-.. Jt·tvclry, Antiques, Bronzes, 1·11r11i111r1'. St·lt·ct Indian ·rurquoisr.,. 51.000.000 INVENTORY From 1:s1dtPs. Couns. Out-Of-Pawn. Cusloms Seizures. etc. VISITORS I Com~andsee what fun an AUCTION can b et FREE l\OllllSSIONI • . . ocro.~s t lie str1 ·1·t f rrun !'t'l'l'll nf the S11u t 11 lnnd '.~ 1nost 1·/1 ·9t111t u •Oh'rfro11f r1·!;ta11ru11t.~! ·~ 8 r;:> ' ' \ ... ':,Jl \ :--·_:.;. ~· . .:.'~ \.;·>.111~, ': • "'• 'i\ '/' I\:·~; /' .\:.· (1\1v'."c:~,.'\~-l 1 1. l\_ . .._ t '\/ ~', r (\I • '1) 1 • •, ... .,:. ' I ' ·l'.1 . ·1· 1~---"f ,., \, ·<1l'•i \ • : ' i· • -5.1.-. I . . ~ ?~-:¥~~: ... ±J· ' ,~_ ... ·_. ~'.. i. --......... -. " ----~ HOURS Inspection & Pri vate Soles 2-4 PM. & 7-8 P.M. Daily Closed Wednesday & Thursday Monday 12·5. Tuesday By Appointment Only 12-5 AUC110NS HELD EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY. SUNDAY •t 8 P.M. llSI. YOllH BANKAMER ICARD. MM> lCR GlARGE. l'I H~ONAL CHECK OR CASll 2542 W"61 C~•et Highw•y Newport Be•ch. · Califomi• 926.60 (714) 645-2200 WE BUY FOR c.AsH OR SEll. ON COMMISSION WJIOI..£ ESTATES OR SINGLE rrEMS up la 40% Off Oft PATIO DISPLAY FURNITURE 30°/o OFF ON IN STOCK PATIO FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES Dirt-etor'• Cllair•, Ch•lt• Pad1, '1ace Mah. G4cn ... .d Ciift ~ ....... 20% OFF FUCHSIA BASKETS and SELECTED PORTABLE GARDENS THE FIRST TIME ROGER'S GARDENS HAS EVER REDUCED PRICES ON OUR COLORFUL POR- TABLE GARDEl:I S. A BEAUTIFUL SELEC- TION OF Cj)UALITY BASKETS AND POT- TED ARRANGE· MENTS OF BLOOM- 1 NG , MATURE FLOWERS AND SHRUBS. "We Or'"e r'"enovating our Costa Mesa Garden & building m adclitional Garden in Newport Beach lscheduled to open this winter). Our prices have been reduced up to 40°10 on several selected items to clear areas for our renovation. Poi;table gardens, patio furniture and ac- cesories, indoor plonts, pottery, 9arden supplies ... in a cistinctive settin9 for your shoppin9 pleasure. • ' ., "::::::-:-::·:.. '· . .. • .• -. •• I 1 ' ,! \ From the moment you arriYe you will walk throuqh color-be surrounded by color-rest- ful brilliance growing in portable gardens that hang from trees, patio . eaYes, on wall s and fences, or set on garden paths, terraces and slet-s. Plan a Yenhre in tiYin9 color during our orly sale of the yeJr. I \ /fl !!All 1 111c.1 llLLl".)(I(!\ .. 1111. .. r.i i..111•11," 111• 1·J1.1n,·<'~ .1 !!, , ;,,1,i1111~ ~· ,u1d,1rJ l""J11 · 11.11 ~! .dv11,; !lw \.111!;1 ,\11.1 1!11.·r. ;111 1\11 ny Cco rps l•f 1'4 !\l.:lllt!'f<: (•f\ll'i,I\ ~d)~ jr ~ ;ill proh:1h1 l1!;. \vt1 1," r f..n .. 11 ;11\111.it .. d t 'ol. .J"l"l i: .. h 1 .ii ;i 1 ~·l'L·111 p1 ~~s 'i•lll•'l\'l l•"' h1·n· Tl11 l.1~1 lo.11111111 ,t:111d;ir·J I'• 1/11, I il•~•(I ,f,•t'll:~ II ht1•h •ll !ll'.l< ''' 11\1 l"'L'\lf ;ti ;I II • illl('lll'\' 11 f l ~i) l<l '.'<\\I \'"II \\ I' Ill 1 1:1:~ f·'ol1•\ ~.11d ·11\1• ( >tl'J!" I~ Tl''. Ill' lo d1 Ulll 11p i''JI >111· 111 \1·11 '! 111 ;1 11\,f\\'· \ •·.11· ':11d\ 111~1 I l'il '.'l~l•d 1'1 1' 1!··· \1111,· \1h1ch t:i l1~ th1 · :-; ~i\1.1 J\11:1 li l\C'r !Ii • -'1'1 :1 1<'~1 flo.)d !hl\\1! tn l.li· ~1 11d 111'"1'•'1'11 in ll w :-11t1!h 11r~t ,\ p1d1!ic hc:1rini:r on 111•' fl,1od i'Oll1fn\ ;,l1r>r11:11i1'f'' l\lllltn('fl h1 th1• ("11·ri~ 11·ill 1al;1• pl.1c11 ;11 ; :Jll 11 111 '!'IH ''Jay :1! l\.'11·IL1 11 ,~ll Sr·h0f\1. 1 ~11 \\ ill!lll'I' \\I' \1111J!'llll. l·\i lt ·~ t J:11 n1••d ilt, ,\nn\' ••I' •illl'I''"' h:11 f•n '1 j) I(' j( r d 11h11·h o! ninr ti•P ;1i11 ·r11;11 "" Iii•.'\' p1·C'f••r'. .il thnurli hi" ::11~\'.f'J'S t11 f) U 1• $I I <I fl , ( uncen1r:1 t1·d <J!'l t;ll" ;ilrr.'ldy Mesa Girl J?aces Trial In floltl11p S.\l\TA A.\.\ -A 11<1 111:111 accused Qf tilkln~ s10:1 :1t gunpoint froln ;1 :\'c<1•port Beach n1arkrl h<is h c c n ordered to f11ce trial Oct. 4 in Orange Coun ty Superior Court. Judge Everett \\'. Dickey set the trial date for Joni (;ayle Talbott. 18. of 2210 Cnn~·on Orive. Costa i\1esa. lie ordt'red lll'r returned tu his courtrooin :\ui:;. 23 for a pr('tri:ll l11•;1rin~. >1is~ T:1lb1,)t[ \1·,1s t11rnpd 01t'r h'1 1\••1rpor1 polirr July l!l h\' Cost:l :\h•f>:1 ott1r 1.:1·.; \11111 s:iid ' ~lit• ll'lt'<I to purcl1;1~i· (·]othing in a locnl store w1tl 1 s!Oll'n crt'<!ii C'ards. .'il'\1'por1 1x11ice clai1n /'\·1 1~s. Talbott '" !he gu111101n:1n 11 h11 entered the Tic Toc rn<1rkr·1. 20CM2 lr\-ill(' A\·1• ... 1111·,r 5 ;1nd ned on foot after l<lki11f! $10'\ at gunpoint ' • --- • ·1d111'"~d In H1I' 0 r fl n ;::-,.. ( '1,1111: 1 B11:1rd of .'i1111~·r\ l"or ... 'l'h . .r .ill•·r11.t1•• \Y r1 u Id 11H'(•·:1~, !ht< he11:h t of Pr;idu 11;1111 n1·ar l'o ro11.1 Ill :I I fl'•'t. 1•r•n•l1ll•'! ,1 rl•'\I ~l t•Jll1)nt' da1 11 11 .. :·r ll(•dl ;uul" Al!'!1'•rt ;1nd :1ftil 11{) ;11'!'1'$ r.f !V\Ot'rf'!(' tO d••I\ 1!~11'"~ n1 fll'\f'.ll'I (' o 11 t r v I • h.111111•1..; 111 f)r :u1gt· ( 'ou111\'. 1t 11·01110 rf~pl~r'f• a t<il;il ~1r '.HMI h· •n'1·-: onl\ :111 nf 1\·h it·h ll'o•ltld !~·Ill ()1·;111t.:•' ('n1ir1!y. 'I he :'C~t \l'OUld bt:o l ll J/,1 ,•1.;;id1· :.nd s.111 J\1•n1.1r1l11111 '01 1n ti1". th•· ·:ti~ of 11, · d:H n!'; Tl11' 10):\J 1'0$! ll'l"llild {'l!rl !11 <.;,-1Ul 1n 1\110:1 ~~,(; 111iJ li10ll rf th.1! loJ(':ll 1n(lnC')' ·'II 11·rn1l d l\i· pr··n11ti1rr• nf 11t" 1n c;rl«~ 1 Oil•' .1!1rn1:"1r i1 r I r1•:,Jl 1 11 :u i: ; ) h1 ·;11· 11 h.1! 1111' public hris fr, ~~1v ," I,'(•l1·v s;1id. · · 111 hi ,. nr,..n:irf'rl r('m:1rk<:, l·\1l t';.' ~n1d !il·' P-f;,<l.1 !)·11 n pr••\ •·tlt•·r! ~·1 lfJ 1••illi1"1 ••1 d;<1l\~"1 ·~ 1:1 Jh•· l!ll:l(I nqNJ•. ! 111 • !• 1·11· 1r(' \..'t'l\I' l'r;1do 1!;1111 11nd r1·~rrYoi r :irr tnn ... 111,1!]" 'l'h,~ c:11;.'lt'lt 1· nf t 11 , .. ORANGE COUNTY ll 11nli11gto11 ~lan lleld S1\.\T.\ 1\ \A A ll1H1li11gtn11 H 1· .1 t' h rn;n1 1·h:1rgr<I 11 i1h i1 ,,•alt\t with a d1•;1dly \.\t'i+li}I\ ;ifter h 1• ullrg('flly r a rn 111 ,. d ;111 /llllhlll<lJll't' 1111•1 fl·ll('1"1'( :11 \Ill) loc;d .<:t•lH~1!~ ;ind th t• n :illt•l!f'dly 1rli'<I lq rLUI d(l\l'!l :i po:ilier111:u1 1111$ ])('en ordt•n"I to f;1cc trl"I ~:p! 2.1 in ()r:u1 g" <'o\Hl1Y Suµ.·rior Court. J111h:·· E\'!'l't'Tl \\' [)11•h1 ·1 so·: !Ii•• lri:l l <ld!t' .f11I' ,):11111 ·~ H1c·li;1rd \\'11<;1111 .. ':9, il '-l!l:'.i t i-:~1u;1ry l.~HH'. ;ind f11r1Ji.·1· onlrn·d th1· <l•'ftnd:i111 \11 return S<:1)t. fj fur :1 1.cetri:il he;11ing. lleuli.11 Co1111cil Board Eyes Change U) \\'ll.I~I A~1 Sl'Jll'lEID EH 01 •r.. Oally l'ilol Sl •ll S.\1'\'TA ANA-Orangr f",,11ri- 1 \' St11:icr1·1sors 11 di 11<' n~k··d 11r\t 1\·f..:k to t:'ndrir:-<! rr1<JJn r rt·1·1~ivns 1n tlit• ti~ la1\'S of tl1r cu1lll'0\'1•rs1<1l rouuty lll•:l\th 1 'l:uuung Cnunl'H . '!11c 1)rimar~· change~ 11••1t1lt! h·· 1n rhe panel's 1111•1111'.l(·r~!up . 111\1t·lt 11ould shr111k 111 s11•' o1111t 1:on1position. 'f ht' >.U)-!gt'Sl!'d !! It 1•r:ti ifl!1 ~ "1r1 1' <lrawn up h~· a li1'i1l :h 1 (•l ll\1·il s11lx·onon1irtrr 1'111". ('(IL":\CIL n:\I\' h;\'i i i lllt'llll)(•r•', 11f 11!1\t'h l:l Olf<~ i1J1po111tt><I dirC'r\ly by th•• l'l!1:1r(! ol' st11x•r1·isors. All hut "ighl ol the r ,. in :i i n i n : !lll'tllbcrs are " p po i n t l' d r•'prr ~e11 l ativcs nl org11niz:11ions rC'hlled to hc;i\th t'/lrl'. '!"hC' key byla\\' thang1·.-. 1\!11dd trirn tl\1· size of the J)ilnel dr.1111 to 27. 1)nly sr\ 1•11 r f 1hc~P 111l11ld be :ippoinl r·d 'l'lu· other 211 "'Ou~! be rl1·('\l'd IJ\' :111 ;11111u;i! nsseniblv of drl -f'g;;te~ 111 a eounl \' he;llt11 p!a11 - n 1 11·~ ('011ft'l'f'!1CI', • '"i'lit•-;,,• ~ind ulhi•r el1:111gt'.~ :1n· hi'ing subn1itt~~d in r{'ll•!!)/1\t'l\J;1[1Qf\,<;, rrv1n Uli l frdt·r nl pr u gr a rn HUlli\01;:, ~u~go'..,,1 1'•1!S by !'illll\l' l'!lU1lll stip.:r\·isr.r s. ;111d PPl\'1$10tlS pf Jll'llt h!lg h11<ii lil lt·gi.~!al1u1t ." :;;1ul Perr.1 l'Hrk t•r, chuinnall uf !lie b~·luw~ l'!J111nutlet'. '!'ht• eutUK'il has dr:11\·11 !1:11·sJ1 r'ritiri.~111 frn111 :;1·v1·r.il l'llfX•r\ i-.;(•rS bC('/lll~>;(• .if JI,>; Slit' 11nd nllrg1.~I 111:ibili!y 111 l'•llll l'1d 1nt•'n1nl hickcrin :~ S:q ~·rl'isor._ ha\t' fro11'11 ,, \,'1~,l ~~I l'"llUty eontribt1!l1Jl1 tu Ila:. yr:ir's u~'!':ll.ln g hud i.,:1·1 (1[ till' tw·;ilth p.1111•!, 11'1u1·l1 1• !"l'Spon ~ibl!• lnr r1'1 ll'I': 11'lol ;1ppn1vi11~ ;uld1\a)J1" toi 1!11· \'Oun!~",~ bc:1JH1 e<1r1· t;1c1\11 11·., "1'11 F: Ctlti:\'CI L h:1s 11<'1 11 c·r1til·11.f'd by !h(' fr r! l' r:. I go1·l'rnn1rnt for Ji;n llll! to'> lnrg(' a board ;1111! for ha\ 111~ on\y ..,;;:ht 1•lf'<'til'I' positi1)!l~ .1v:1il;.ib!t to ,·ol11n1.1ry heal1h ;i;_;l"lll'il'S a11\I 1 11 l t· r f' S l l' d cons111111·r.~ ;l! l;u·g, .... 1';1rk o·r said. ;11 1d l'\l'l'1lllll' d1f'!'t_'l11r \ti ~· :-1 1(.•ll<'\l out 111 ).lf'l'<llll' d1·l:1tl t!i:11l ])ip l'llf'l't·ttl lJ _I ) :_1 II :; vf1<·1·." h·· ~;11c! "l'f!ll'l•dor;1l g:1ps 11 n d loopholl·~ Ill l!l!l' Jlft'VlOUS h)l:111-·~ h;J\'t' lx·t·rl filh'<I 111 ;111d r11or1' SJK'C.'ifit guidchni'S f111· U1e d('\'l'lopllll:llt ti l 1 ,, ni 111 1 t 1 ,. l's hnvc lll'en 1·sl al1lJ~ht>rl" SE\ EH ·\L SU l'F:!t\'IStlllS.I 1101:dil) f(.dp!t ('l1uk .111d l li11 b•:rl fl.111111 Ii.Il l' 'illgf.:V'li.d ill !ht' p;1:;l lh:11 lh1• p.llll'l l 1., t111111ntd lo i:i 111~·n1b1 •f'i ... d orht'!' 1 h:1ng1·-; !~· !llad•· 11• [IJ.'!kl' llJl' p:lfl(') )l\Hft' • 'I t It' I( •Jll ( Hllllt'il uffi1·inls \l1·n· 111tl 1 111·l'rly :darint·d \1'!h·11 th1· ('nllll!\' fn>YP 1hf'1r $~0 .l)j~I hud~t·! rt'qtu>.~t Siil\'~' II l'i 011)\' ;il'\Olll :1 1<•11111 uf ll1e pant·I ·~ 11p1 •1 :d11 L'. ln11l._:1 ·t \1 P ,.; I J fdll•lilll: l'IJllll'S )r<llll l<\h'l':ii1 ;..:r:llll " H1.r 11 1 11 "~"' 1111 , "1111vil , :111 ('Ull\ 11\l'l' I 111• I 111:11·•1 11 I 111ak1ni-: progrl'~S. rhc !'i•tlnl\ I 1·011ld 1111l1dra111 :ill i11 -kin;I ~1111t111Jt1l111n ~ s11t·l1 ;1~ 11ll1<'l 1 '-\);1{'1.' :111d l'qllljJlll<'ll[ / / VJ llflGE:J Ctf7TER . . ~•O.~\I~-_ ,\eurl ,. f•;rt'l'Yt>lle l .ist e 11s lu /,1111d11rs / 1·,-.~rrn11r h:1 ~ drt':·p~~ed ;dio111 1 ! pen· .. nt l,lf'<';'lll~,, () r sC>ditnf'n T:Hio11 . I~·· $;lid. \\1Jlsu11 11·;i5 :irrested April I. a c: c: or d a n c e 11·i1h tlh'! ··,\II otht·r 111C'!ll\lf'r.<. 111' 1111· ('lll'ri'!ll hl);1 rd <trl' ;1ppoul!1•d 11) g\"\1·crn1nl'nt t:i.M:lll'.~ or pl'(•fl'"Sit\l\;1! <1~sucia1 1011s." lit• added. ,-~~~~~-~--~~--~~~~~-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newpo1·t B each Sued_ F 01· $.500 ,000 Damages lle;1!1 h council offici C1l::> s~id the p:i ncl rnay grt so1ne st:illl' fron1 supervisors ll'ho \vould be left 11·i1h only f o u r nppoi nU'C's. 'l'hC'y 1r u u I d include one supervisor, tht• cDunt.v henlth offiec r. the countv 1ncn!:!l ht·:ilth Gffic1·r ;111d 1i1,• tl)tlJllY ~ll'Jical Ct..'lllL·r l dircch>r. 1'ht• ntht•r 1hrr\' ;ip1'tt 11til!'1'S 11·c1uld be frorn t!1"t.' (t111111y >l('(Jical Assoclat.1on. t h ,. county chapter or the South('rn California l lospit.'11 Co1u1c1I WATCH FOR THE OPEMIMG OF OUR NEW WALLICHS MUSIC CITY STORE llfCOROS •PIANOS• ORGANS• SHEET MUSIC • LllERTl' TICICET AG~P<ICT AT THE SADDLEBACK SHOPPING CENTER AC ROSS FROM THE THEATRE ..... IH EL TOR O ON OR ABOUT SEPTEMBER 6th :-\A'.\'TA A:'\.\ -Damage,; of .~s-00.r~·1n :ire bein~ demnndcd from Ne1•tp0rt Beach in t\l'Q Oran~e County Superior ('ourt raise nrrest Ja\\'Suits that char11e ofriN!rs "ith brutality 11·hich inj~ the plaintiffs. ll;1\·e been c!eured of drunken driving charges in Harbor municipal court 11·ant $150.000 in damages for alleged beatings that left them unable to work. and the cowlly League .11 ··· ------------------- Robert Stice, 19, of Santa Ana, claims through his lav.·yer ·that he was assaulted. "battered and nearly killed" last April 9 1\·hen he \1·as grabbed on 15th StrN>t nC'<tr lhe beach by Officer Crrgory r.1a11so11. Officer L11\Te11cc cind "Oocs O!H! thl'Oll~l1 !0." S1ire s t;11 t•s ht• 11·ns h:i ndcuffC'd , lX':'l!C'n. clr:iqgt•d 20 to 30 feet by 1hc offict'rs- :1nrl rhokrd until he_.11·<1 s unconscious. Attorney Rich;ird J\o-lurphy st.1les lhal .~IH'l' 11as held in lbe l'ity jail tor scvt·r;il hours :ind then rcle.ast'd l\'ithou1 l'h:irgcs tx·ing-fill'd. lit· fu rther :illeges in lus S350.000 la1\·suit 1hat the inju ries alleged!~· 1nflirtcd b.v ;i nu1nber of offi~rs h11v1· c<iusi.."<i pcrn1uncnt injury 10 his right Sharone l\1arie En1slck and Lorraine c;ajJ f>Jetier, both of 8081 llolland Drive, Huntington Beach. nRme Police Officer D. Hartzell and "Does one through 10" as defendants in their false arrest :iction. Roth \\'Otnen claiin they \\'ere 11ssaulted, cut :'Ind bruised, shouted at and sla1nn1rd :1gains-t :'I \\·all during their nrrest lasl ~t:ly 2. \1 iss F.n1:>it·k altl'g-l'.S tha t hC"r arm 11.is bt•nl and that she \1:1S throv:n into a car by officers and late:-thro1•TI 10 the floor \1·hi!e being booked for c!runkPn dri ving a! th e intcrS<'ction of 21st Street :'Ind \\'est Rnlhoa Boulevard Cities. TIIE B\'LA"'S con1mittre said th<A. any of the remaining I cle<-'te<l n1cn11x'rs c_'(lu[d a\s11 represent special he ::i I t h intert~! of citiC's in 1h" ('111111!;> f Br.sides rcorgnniz111g !l1<· eouncil's mernl}('rship , P:1rkt·r1 -:ai<l some p!'!JCf'<!ur:!l t·hanges 1 h:11'1' bet•n SU~C'SIL'd. "1'hi:: po11·t'rS. r<Jlr•s :1nrl duties of tlw directo rs. office1.~1 It is further alleged tll.'lt one of tht• (Good Deed People) I 11 o \romrn 11·as handcuffC'd ;ind th~•l her legs \V C're "hog tied" durin~ booking-. make the -scene .\liss En1s1ek 11·as fow1d innocent of Sundays ·drunken driving chargC"s in Harbor court. I ~ ONE DAY ONLY! Sunday. Auq. 18! I l a.m. to S p.m. 225 E. 17th St. IN MESA CENTER Costa Mt ~a -548-2778 < L"yc. Drunk in auto charges against ~liss in the l1lJl 'J~l {lll Stl 11 tel Atl311 1 ____ T_"_·o_1_1u_n_J_in_g_tn_n __ Be_a_c_h_'_'·o_r_n_01_' _w_h_o __ ,_·e_h_e_c_w_e_c_e_d_i_'"-'_issc<J_· --''-' ~p_re_r_ci_a_t _a_cr_io_'_' __ _:. ____________ 11 Faces Trial 111 Burglary ' SA\T.\ ,\\,\ -UnC' ol !\l'O nien bnokr·d on hurglary chargrs 1a~1 .[:1 0_ 2 b\' Co.sta :'11esa pol1C(' 11·ho s.1id thry fl>lmd !hr p;-iir rnnsacking thr offices of an lr\·inr firm has !X'Cn orderr><l to f;1t·t· trial Aug. 23 \n Orangr County Supertt'r Court. ,Jurh?e F.verr1t \\'. Dicker ~l't lh(• trial dale for .Jnhn Quin!t•ros .Ir .. :11. S:1nt:1 .\nn. \\'hO"l' l'O--drft'ndanl. B1'm;irrl Jan1cs \~'p;iJhr11«1.x. !fl. Tustin. ;ilr1•nrl.1· lla:' pl••:lfh·•l guilt~ to 1dr111ic:i l c h:1r.Q1·~. . Judg.• .1:1111»~ I\ Tun1er sent \\"e<1thc·n1·;1-.; to ~t;dt• prl.~on for not lt·'s 1ti;1 n 11 1·{· 1 ••:1r.~ :1f1rr the Tuslln 111nn adr11itt('rl hrr.aking n110 !hi' prr111i!'•·s of !'1. John f\nit s. !l'.:1 2 E;ist111Jtl St .. lrvinc. OCC _,\rtist 111 Reci tal OR.Ao'\(;f, -(Jrant.:c Coa~t l'ollci;1r Co1nn1uni!1· Symptx1n\' f>r<"h<"s1r;1 n1e1Tihl·r ~I a r 1 Schrnit'rer "'ii! pcrforn1 11·ork.s bv Bac·h. l\lo7art .ind Bt•r!- hor"n Aug. 21 in ;1 p1;1no rrci1a1 set for R p.111 . 1n \hf' :tuditornu11 nf .\fcrnorial Hall ht·ri.:-. A sr'<'Ond pl;icr \\'inner in the :1ri;1"('()!1tt"rto con11x-r i1ion Sponf;On'rl h1· the 11 (J S i C Tl'flch L·fs A$5'.x-intion of l.o~ Angclr~. l\1i.s~ Sthn1icri>r h:is a!~ • lw"n ~ 11;11n..,(t 11111~it';d :1r ti s! of t·hr yrnr h~' 1hr Tu:;t1n Ar{'11 \\'orn.1-1 n's (1uh. Shl' i!< a SC'nior at Ch.1p1nnn rol!cgc. 32-1 N. N E WPORT BlfD. NEWPORT BEACH 642-3766 2l Vt.:lr\ Same LO<:lflor'I • 5ALE5 • SERVICE ' SLOW MONTH SALE ,1 BRAND OPENINI SALE ~, 2309 WILSHIRE BLVD SANTA MGMCA We're proud of the change ••. moving up to serve you better! I U Jv.i~rtir op ·- MUSIC LOVERS!. • ,,. f or rtco1d c•rt 'nd pl.lyb.-ck Qu•-'i'>\~ ...!:..--· '· tily ll1t Pt1illp1 GA 212 [lt'C!ronic lur'lt,.blt ;, lUprtmt., .ft1!htr 1ouLl1 tnnCrols, hydr1ulic1lly d1m p· t'd cufinR ind "'"'"· .. <irmtd ..,.;o, a Pic kfrin~ \11 5· ~~ di1mond c1rCr id~t wurrli i.so ... {G A 211 t 199 . .SO) ' ' • INFLATION STOPPER \\.'ln1h ror SA 10) 20 W,!f\j R,\lS Ai\-1/Fi\1 S!<'r'o RecriYr r is f11ll of ft·.'\turr~: \lirlr controli, visu.i l b 1l.ancr indic ato r. tunlni.: m<'tl"r Jnd <'X Ira~ ustJd lly fuu nd on the most e xpen· ,ivr unit~ .. ~drt B"aR'~ 260 A X turnt.lble with c:ueln~. b~.;r, d111tc<J~<·r dnd d 11rnond c:n1ridgc ... dnd .l pumpini; pdir nf i\\l«L1ll1on JO ~ .. 2.\\',i v Sre.il.er1 ,~·item .ll ptorlc:'s pr1c,~' List: $410.70 $199. SALEBRATION VALUE Toshiba's SA·300 Af.,1/FM Sterro RC'crivrr h~s stnsitivl' h1nin~. 2-' Ri\IS \1.1.lttS 1,f powe1, low·nvi~<' cjrcuitry ;ind n1ore ... • hlowl'.'r th.it'll rt.illy mo\'c the hot and 1,Jucy r.1ir of f.,1td•llion J O 8" 2-\\'.l y Spe.1l.e1~ .. _ .i.dd th e USK 260AX turnt o1b!e complete with b.tSt, dustcove r. cueing ,10() di~mond c.J.rtridxc for sound ~~1St<'n1 sdving~! (51\300 s 199.95) $249. MORE SAVINGS! A lUPf( q11 •1ity 2-Sptrd CD-4 Rr~d y Turntlbl t, lhf JVC VL-5 fei111rt1 ~dY1nrtd bflt llri~e 'yuem wlth 'vncluonou' motor, ••• e(l11)pp t d with Pic~eri ng's V-l'·'E dl1mond rir!tl <t.I~. l -$30 v1luc:., , (Vl·' $129.9.Sf List: "249.00 " Li•t:"l 79.50 5 209.50 PHILIP JVC •t39.95 r •••••••~••••••••••••••COUpoR•••••••••••••••••••••••illllir. 25' Curled Headphone Exten•ion Li•t: •6!" ea. I : TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE : ll WITH THIS COUPON · o • • ~ ..................................................... ...., _._ OP EN MON THAU FRI. •SAT . ind SUN. - _...., 11 .30 AM fo 9:30 PM 10:00 10 6:30 PM f \1 ~ Bi.<A•r11wo COSTA MESA LOH~ IEACH i \\1 QIM ,,,,... I ~\, -·-~r_z •'"'1 ll•tl 2711 reclftt c .. ,, H..,.. , c NIVERSI Y s·TERE~ maste1 charge •wo '""""'"' ''"' I ( ' '· Values ta S2 2.9S • All Sales Final SUNDAY, AUG. 18 ONLY! -11 a.m. lo 5 p.m. LEON'S MEN'S SHOP and BIG 'N TALL All SUMMER MERCHANDISE REDUCED 40°/o -50°/o SUNDAY ONLY! •SUNDAY ONLY• STOREWIDE SALE 25% to 40 % OFF . SUITS -SPORTCO A TS -SL ACK S-ACCE S IO Rt El l27 E. 17th--M•ia C•ftltt--Colla MtlO A '" 3 RING SWIM POOL " '-•· ,, A '"'• ··~ $4.99 ··~ $4.95 , . SLIP 'N SLIDE SAVE 54.00 Regular · s9 .88 Ju;! 11<• ,,, • nnr! '>•"' !:.onH• !"" 1., , p "' ,i 1lidc lol l •Ii. "'''V ''" 11·• ~lo<~ o•dt I pr>• 'V ,i;r fvc,,_. ;'i !• i<>n<J. ~o 1ncl1< , ...,,.J, BlACK KNIGHT \KA TE BOARD ~,.:!" JUST ss.88 MURRAY TRICYCLE I 0 lnc:h ~Sll.88 ' SU NOA Y ONLY! GIA.NT DOLL LAYAWAY SALE! W•rle S el11c:t1on To CtioosP. Frrim Save Now For The HOl!d1'V!". 223 E. 17th SI., MESA CENTER •. COSTA MESA ,. · , , 9-6 Daily Fri. 9-9 Sun. 11 ·4 LI B-5454 - ' r 'I (j, •-'I" ,I ll I it'. "' ,. • • ff/ Ollltl 11 ·"''""·" '/'t>I Fro111 /,it)ll S.\\ .H•.'-E ~.\!'1 \, 1l·.11 u ld 1·l11ld 11 .1..; 111.1uli·,I !.1 ,11 1 \f1 ll",lll i."111"'" ·' ,l 11.1'11 /••• ltill I\ ;1.\ ";i I 1 •ti 111 .1 II 11111,111 11lk1 h·.1pi•1I 011·r :1 f1•1 1ct• ;1n1! h1•Jt 1111• ;IJl lJl).11 Ull lhl' Jil',ld 11·1111 ht•r l./10,· 'J'J1 t• 1·fi i)d l\1.111d"11 I 1,11• 11:1;.. I th]1t·d IH ·" •ll ).,~, l!11 ... p1 1 ,1 t 11111 ··•l.11 1 •. , ~JI(•' ~111"'.!l'l"I !(1• \\,!''> !('•'•·fl1 I Il l i::~l t·u11cl t111n io•L1~· ' ll!llj Iii ,111()1 •11 II 1..; I'. :1 1 •• 11,.11 111t1. 111 ~ r, .. 11 ·1,,. I· lt·ltl ·1.:.1• I :-,, /,,,.,, Ii.·•· ,\'' ho· ~!ipj ot .I 11\ • ' " :1 , 1 \1,1!1-.t·d : •• q r.,h·1 \\ ,, t, ... S,Hl .!1 1..,,• !,.,101 ,'.,,, I.,', I ':id, 1 It .l"I• .I ,!II !i0·1'\11 Jt 11 I 1, '11 11 .1 , d 1 lh• 1-fi ,l if \l1•·i,i, IJ 11'• I i ' II llllt ' ' lid :-.1~1;1 \\1 ~.111•1«111 :·1 ,,\ "<11 ,)1)."', ,,I\\ l /11 .... Id II 11 ... -..•n1 ;.;:.;l111: 1•1 111'1 lh•· , II .I d .uu! t .. ·.:1 rh• .1'1 ·11:11 "11 t ~" l1t·;1d 11 !!!1 li1 ·1 li.11 lu 11 1·•· 1<>1111.i:: llr:1nt!t111. THE FAMILY ORCL S By Bil Keane ''------~ "That ) o ,r-ry p c' t•· cari i ·1h !,1 \l,·:.-1 1!.gll ~ h·~il \•'lllHJ" l/(1IJiJ\ i\11,!1·~![) li,j-, I 1 1·n ~·r.inl•·d .i /11: tlK'l.ol .111.lrii ;11 L"n11p1·-.1ty ,.f 111•' l'.1<'llll' lur the 191~-/;:, ~.ch0til I 1»11' \11 -..., .\nd•'l"~n ha~ ;1lso 1,·,·i·1 1<·d l'n·-.:dent"s ll<Jnors ;ll •·111 i.1nvl· ;111 !iCH1or given ti) fr1,,hr11~·11 11hn~ f.,'Tnde point ;l \t•[;lf.:•' h 3 :, Hr h1ghl·f . ~)I(' 11 ill rl"t'l'l\1' ;111 llUn11rs ;iy,;.ird 1•f SIOO Entries Fn1ri.·:. ;irl' 111111 !11 ·111~ 1,1i..c11 for thl' 197~ Surnn1rr Su rfing Chan1pionships &:pL 7 ant.I II. ~ponsorl"·d b~ the llu11\ln~to1i Ht•;ich Ht0 L·rea t1 on [le1>a rl1ncn! A 11\· t1••>1dl'11t Jlw111nglon Heach f)f ! he l "n1on l !11~h School District can comJ>f!f'. Sub1n1! entries to the city r1·c-reat100 dt·parltnt·nl at 17th :-.tr•·•·! and (lri!ngt· :\1enue .\ll 1·11tr11·s 11111-.1 he ,ut.Jn1111ed Ji~ ,-, p Ill .\U~ ~. Th•' surf111~ co111 est 11 ill be htld at the sLilr beach nrur 16\h Street. Trophies v.·iH be ay,·ard1'i.l to tht' top f11 r finist1rrs in six diffe rent age brackets. Entry fom1s c;1n be picked up frorn the rec re a ! 1 on dl'paruncnt or at n1ost surf shops. 1'he Pntry fee i" S.1.25. . lf : 1 : 'fl[L Y PILIJ T ' I I Os~ar for Po1·110 Fli~k? Ry \ .. .It \t1\ St t 1Tr lfOLLY\\"(>011 l "l'I • d1r1·1·tor lff r fo ·1•p Tnrn,ll h.1, 1 •t11111I, ···ri ,1 nc11 jJt)rno fli1 k !11 11J.i l1f~ 1111 ()-.1-.11 ru11n111.11 1ur1 .. Jlt''\1 11 .1r l;,.r;ird !i.11u1.111•• 11h11 .1 ,,, ,j,,, ,-1 "Thi' IJl•1·1[ If\ :-.11 ~!: Ju111•s. I'-.1·1 •'\ h;:iirdre!IS('r tin<! fnn1il \' n1:1n 11 h!) operflf('S •1tJt of \e11 'i'ork Il l· ~"l''< l1tll<' h0f>" for his 1H·11 f!l111 . "'.\l•'n11•rio ·, \\J!Ji1n .\11·'-\L!~;l•' 1'!11111 I ll~' ll < .•-.1uund1ng b.:1\ ut!lt L' .'-UC'tL·..,, 11 i · Jl,·,·p Thr11:11 !!e ~1~~ 1n I.ill . <li..i~ jJ<1r:1·~ i•.. 1!J,.·:· run its t•our-.t' '"Ot:t:P TllHO,\T0 ' {L·t ;1 ll1·l ll11 •o<l 00'( of11tC' rf't"Orrl :ii lh•· Hull~ 11 .. ~i f ·u ~~yc;ll The.dt r 111\h ~J ~7:! ;:Jo, l!l 6:! 111 '( k<= "IK'ep 111r1).'1\" 11 ,1>< n r•!J' 1r>1.11 "1•11 s;11d J):u11J.1ll1• !\111 1:.1t 11.1 _, ;, 011 p.i-.(. \l)\llll\' 11 h" 111-.:1 • ~··· 'i1 J!ll""llff' ltl d;:i\1• 1<; 1! •I !.1 '1 1.. -(' ,1 llO\\ It's old-f;:ish11111r1I "'\\'e\·e n1ovt..-t on to 1)'l1er 1h1ru:<: no11 1 !>alV '!)ePp T11ront ' sJ\' rn o11rh,. ;H."1 :ind 1~hile r t•njoyt1d m'1k1n~ 11 I 11;1<.; d1:-a ppoint('{l 111 11 l hail· r1 "h"d ;1.; ;i film rnnkt•r rind till' public h~i-('1nht·d 011 cxpl1cit ~'·' " DA~llAl\()'S .\IAI' ))l'lllt S1'C'!nL'l'.i 111 be th;il so-1·;1ll(•d ~lr:t1t!h! ft!111 ~ <Jr•· including su 1n:H11 sunulJtt•d 'I' ·" l, and near-explicit S<'X that audience-.·"'' ihl i!ldl1 11,' 1••1" •Ii. I"•! •I• •'11'1 \Udl!'IH •'• 1r1 I •1J• 'li~t '-' 1 I I 11111. I " I 111 II I , ~ "I\! J 1 ' Tl1r(l,1!,....d 1-1 .. \\,·If)••" ' -'\ ,, <I • ~ ' \ d11111•! ·•:' 1" 'I •~I ... 'I ~T 11'1•!1',J)' \·I i < I I ·.o> t• '' ' j ll\ '\Jf1' ;111.j 11 il<'I I I'll ,J ~· ii!", 11 1;111 11···' ••\\/·. 11\\1 \'\ .. 1111·1.ii \ j" \ I I , I ' " " ' I ' 'I ' ~ ~ 1 1• I l" I" I • • • • ' I • "" t •' 11' I, • , , d !t 1\ ),. 1' \I I , \l : 'I I'• 'iii: :1 i1 1d1 ,•1 \\ "1 I "-•1"1 l)l(I Id ' .,,. I ·~ . ' !11 •••.. 11 i' . ------------...... -----------.. ,,,,,i,~ •• ,.,._,.,,,.,. ,,,,, .. ,. SfJµl1i<oilit •11 11•1I ,.,,,,,,, ... I,,,,,,,,, if ''''~I filtrt ••·ill!/'''''''"''''' 1/11 · l1~l -'''''·i t1 ·111•1•11 ·1·111·11r11 · tlirl" ti;, \IPL•\~\ r \ ·••h"l 1' "!1 11 \, 11!···1l• \ •' .I I " 1:.·111t··nli· r I .. ;,nd '\l1dn1.ct:! c.1111~·1 · \\t"' \ : )It I 111 ' I '" "!l 'I "I· 'I • \11• 1l l11•r r.-1••11: 111' 1•. , • i r t"lll C: I· I Ii. ! 11• \'. •;I ' [-l~t' ,Id-. fl'i>\'I I\ I • \\ill I<• I 1,1111 .o!I•' !'\.1l,1 ' I" ' 11.-..,t'dl.1 1 1''~ lll•' !\•'\','fl·'i" I I••'' l'(;.r:l11·1! 1 1\:11 ~ :1 :·hi-.' 1,:I-;··· !, 1111 l'!illflH-t ··1 Tlll\K ~EX )1,1-. ~11llC' ,1, 1.1r ;t~ " l tl l '\\l l HI <11 · h·· ~.11 ",, .1 j( ' ·'I ,I \• . I ". 'l ,d·. ' ',,.,1 "' '• ,,. Ill•' ' ',1\1 ,..,I "h I\ ••I' ·;,i ' { :111 !I•' ,I• 1 j ~lrJ'.• , · • : •, ' -; : J t • "! 11, 1: t. '\ ~ i [ 111 ~ .1:1ii1 ·--"1•ut;d .ind rxipul.11 11.t ·-· 1\'111 Prices Effective Aug . 17 I Aug . 18 1974 SAVE 1.00 Travel Organizer Handbag . '" - .4 leporO!(' comp o rlmenl~. Sul 1d color ~. 6.00 Reg . 7.00 SAVE 15% off of every football in stock • HAVE A COFFEE BREAK l 11 1o y r1eomy chf'r•y t hee\e coke f.,e Colete,.o. d!:.\1c 1ous ond col- SAVE 1.00 Men'~ Screen Pri nt Polo Men's ~i re~. /,\any pattern• l. color~ !o ch oo~e from. Save $1 Women's turtleneck 100°,~ acrylic, Great colors. Sizes S, M. l. 4.00 ,'C> 6.00 ,;;~, Reg. 7.00 • SAVE 2.68 110 LB. WEIGHT SET q Vinyl co11ercd. \riclude~ borbell ~ and dumbbells, both w ith sleeve~. Monuol. 19.99 Reg. 23.97 (\ I ). \ . 1' \ SAVE 3.99 Metal Footlocker A"o1loble in blue . green a. oronge . 12.99 Reg. 16.98 BUEMA PARK: Beach a t Oronqethorpe • Q-...,,n wec~(..l1 1ys 10 10 Cf.JO. Sund.:iv o, ORA""'GE: (ity Dr. r")1 G11rrlen (:r0vc filv • L • l' of'n WP\'~ lo\', \ ,l t,1 ) · 11r j : , SA ..... TA A ..... A: 300.1 ~>(\. Br 1,ft;,\-IJ0 ... 0 f ~)('I, (11,1<,I rk~l(J • l i.' ,, .. ' I .' I". \ I \) I.) Q. I I ' .. I SAVE 99c Booster Seat Give your tot his own co n1far1oblf' chciir. Cala1fvl print vinyl. 3.99 Reg. 4.98 SAVE 2.89 6 Digit Calculator Battery opera ted , fits 1n palm or pocket. (MM6) Reg . 19.88 JCPemey 11 J I \o ·' d9 0 ; ltfOc't ·~ :, .. ,,,,. ·-· ·-·-· ·--,._ ... (HA.AGE IT al T'1f' Treasury .,.. tn 1 ·'.',.' JCPennC'v Cnc1rge Card II 1 .:;.., J, n ·I Jvl' J ('1a• 1e. .,<;!St"'.., ,,., 'l~! v.e c c1ri •'' •' .,~' ,..,,.,· n,·w dC~Oun l ,• I • '" . -.. ., •' "· . ' ' . ' ' -' • I I ' ' . ' ..... -. .. •" . ·~·· . ,... \ .. . .i . ' ·. 1. ! . \ ·~ ( -. ·. ··., • '"•\~·'•I • FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH Orange County Headquarters For • ~ • WOMEN'S 1 JEANS ... Feel t " ., FOR THE LARGEST SELECTION ·--· of DITTOS YOU'VE EVER SEEN . VISIT OUR Jr. DEPT. MAIN FLOOR SADDLE PANTS ........ 15.00 HI -RISE BAGGIES ........ 14.00 SUPE R LOWS . . . . ..... l l .00 QUICK DRAWERS . . . . . . . . ] .50 ,, BANANA PAN TS ........ 13.00 JACK ETS _ ............. 15.00 Feel the fit! USE YOUR JC Penney Charge ., ${i~fftsfor Little People WE HAVE DIT OS Slim Fit for Sly YOUNG THINGS FOR GIRLS RHD THEM IN THE GIRLS DEPT 2nd FLOOR ' SIZES3 -6x800 7to 1411 OO \ fit! ' • 1 I· ·-~. ·!..--• .. ~~. ~ DE "-Otllt' 1·lohht. probk 1h:.c1p I I nunt~ 1111der ll) rn "PIH'() 1 lll'S~: pilu·h pinch \\')\( ,•nd I U1ey 1!1 • I 1 ; "11 l11s1 ·~ • Practicing one of th eir many routines are Ki1n Walker (le ft) and Patricia Lynne Hatfield. i ;/ . . . ... " .. BEA ANDERSON, Ed itor Sunshine Girls, songleaders for the Southern Californ ia Sun professional foo t ball team, generate enthusiasm among fans . e SQUAD SHINES FOR SUN 111 .H~ fll.='fl.~ Ot ll>t D~il• Ptlct S1•H 111 H't' \ou\-1< lic1·11 ;i tu1:h ·'~ lio<1l or <'<1il•·g~· . songlf':t<h·r . nuth:nt: q u 1 t 1• 11·11 l:1t'1·S !ht• color und l'\('1l1•1111•nt !Jf 1•1 1·11111n1ng 111 tror:! •·! :H1 1•111hu~1:i ~1 1(' I 11lh·ill l'l!Jlld 1!111 :11'11·1· ~thi>ol d:11". 1:1,•11• 1, 1111 01 11•1,11,11111 _1·. 1111· ~nngl(•:1d•·t'" 1,1 (';JIT\ \!II tl11"1r lun . so 1no ... 1 g11'1 , pill n11;1,v tht•1 r 01 11l 1!s :ind t11n1 lo oth1·r !li11.1g~. :...1u II 11 :1~ 1111 1·:1..,1· 111111 f..:.1n ·11 S1rn1uk 111 ..;l-,1 ;1 j.!1 .1d11:11~· ul ( '.il1l•1rn1,1 ~1:111· l !1\\•'l ... i11 i. .. ~ 1\11 i·1·l· ', 1•h11 h;1d !J, «II ;1 \11!1).!h'.1d1·r· 1:u·ft· :u1d 11! ;..vr1l1vrn \r111111,1 l ni1• 1· .... 111 :...h1• gul n1.1t1'1 ;'(], .-...:1111·d t!tJllJI :ind 11t•tl1 lo 1111rl.. tor ;1 1·c.n1p:1111 11hah 111.1!..• , 1·h· 1·rl••;1d•-r ;111U ~on g l ~' a d 1· r 011t11rs and ~t1ppl1l'S I [1•1 l111 ~h:1nti ! ~;11 l' ,1 •.1 td1· l'l'C1·11 •'I 11<1 llh· lh•11 ~-1Blfl,.111 t ,1l1l ur111;1 :-:1ul p111 h ~11b.ilt lt;1111. to!d h1•r !lh· Tl' 1111 11,1-. 1h111k111i.: <1 l)IJ11t r ,. t r 11 1 t 1 n i.: ~uric lo·:id'"r" .. -.q '-h1• qun·kl~ .11lu1111°,n~I •• C.\LLEI) S('Jf(JOl.S ~!IHI' :-li.' 1•.t"' t_:I \ l'I\ f/J(' uk<J\' to rl'CJ"llll llli' i..:11 I~ ··1\1· 11111111·(hi1I~ l,1 co11t;1r lN.I ;ill th<' high !'!Chool~ 111 Ur<lllgf' County to or collf'ge songleadcr squads because ;1n11<>lltH'l' lr~-011! datt•S. of possible conflicts v.ith rehearsals and "\\'t~ had to piek !h('in 111 a hurr~:· ga1ncs. s!1~· :;;1id :\lost of 1he currPn1 S11n:;h1ne C:irl~. \l'!!h (lilly II\'~ 11:1~·~· nnt1t:C'. ~i5 girls 11 ho range 111 height lron1 ·f l\" to 5'1\" \l1011·1'd up. ·111c pa!lt'I of jud~e~ 111•.:illdC'd .• ~ ;iu<l"IJ) '1.o'"rt, 1.i.'ilnm-: .. ,. ;,; c -\.v;~.-,..et~ .... il'!nt'~ ~ :\!r:-. SL~Jnaku l'..ski. her husb:ind. for-and 11·ork p._1rt-tin1c. n1Pr L"t 'LA !'iOngle<ider Nona Gibbs and \\'hile the songll'aders dun'! lead an y a 111t•111tx•r of tllt' Sun staff. chf'l'rS, they fM:rforn1 ~l.*cial dance.<; 111 ;u ld1!11J 11 lo do1ug ruu11nes IX>for1· chort'Ographed hy either \lilly S1nith. rh•· 1 11dJ!•'~. 1lu· l'and1d;1le'i h;1/I 1o 11nl\' ;1 J'l~1 ya del 1-tey rcsi<lent v;/w produCl'S hu~!.:rapilu·~. :\lrs. S1y1n:1ko11·5k ] s;1i•I Las \"rgas shovts. or Toni Colen1~11 , lhl'\,(' 111rnt•(l up ~u 11n· in1 er~1s11ng iaet~ ;in r:dison ffig"h Schoql t,rra<lulitc 11·ho ;i\M111t lilt• girl<;. l\ar-la l.is ln1a11 . for rna\ort:.'<l in dance a'!-. (folden \\'est 1•\a111pl1• 111;_uJ1· a 1:1<uityhosc cornn1erc1;1l Collegt,_ during h1·r supho1norc ~·~1ar. and Donna \\"hat arr lht• rcv.'ards for being a ·\dr1an v.a.~ ;1 .\1 1-.s Anahei1n Sunshine li irt·~ A!1l'I' a 1110-tla.v :u11ht1on . 20 girls ;ind fli ght nov.'. ~l rs . Szym.akov.-~k1 ~;i id . f11 1• alll'nl;lft•S 111·n· -.clc1·tt"L Sr1· .. r;il the~· arc a sniall p.1yt:heck . a pai r of .,f Ilk· alt~·rn.11c ... ha11· sinc1, had 10 t1l·kets 10 each gamr, and being on lt'<ll.f' th1' squ111!, !'O till' rl'tnaining one!' 1he field v.·hcrc !hf' excitcnicni 1s. h;i11• lX'l'll n1ad.r n •g"ulaf nll'tnhcrs ··1r:-n1orr rxciting than high s<-hool," ,\11 ar1· lonnrr sou~leaders and 11H1:-t ('Omn1cnted Robin Coker, .a fonner :1rL' <lan l'l'f~. \lrs S1~n1ako11sk1 .-,a1cl !><1ddlcback lligh School songleader. 'l'hf' gi rl<;, hild to IX' al least Ii. and "You only ha\·e one sport lo ;1or~· ;11 1r;i t \1\·C' ;ibout and the players act lik~ the.1' :\'O CO:\l:\llT:\1 i:'.\IS '!'ht' rnn ior qu;ilific<1t 1on was that th<'y 1'0111<1 111.11 be 1nl·n10Crs of tug:h school re;illy appreciate you." LOT OF FUN :\liss Llstn1an, alM a for rn t r Saddleback squad member, said, "It'• a lot of fun . · I wa~ a soogleadtt in high school and I "·anttd to do it qain." She said the main differenC\" in high school and pro gam~ is that thtre "n.re fnuc"n 1 iarger-CTuwu~ W wrirk 1rith at the pro gan1es. Also, conlpetit ion <1rnong girls is keener at the high schoot Irv el "It's r:isicr to get excitPCI about a 1can1 playing on TV," she added. The players appreciate them but -.re so busy during the game that they <lon't not ic~ thP Sunshine t i i r Is, Szymako\l·ski said. ""'e h0i1·e • job to do bu t \\'<' li kp to sri: then1 w-orl.:i ni after the gan1e." \llill there bf' any nialr song leader.t on the larger 40-persoo squad nttt }-e<ir·• ~Its . Sz~1n<1klJl.l"ski did11't rule out thr P')Ssibility but S.'lid 11·~ "high.ly unlike\y1' that a man 11'0utd u·ant to don tht orange and '.lhitt' Sunshine ootfit. If a malr did try out, though, he 11·ould ha ,·e to meet the saine standards as the \\umen. Tf he's attractil'e, al least 17 and can dance. he just miiht be a Sunshine man. Julie Belleh demon1tretes her egility by doing the splits. DAILY PILOT PHOTOS IY RICHARD KOEHL!lt Hostess Airs Relatives' Dirty Laundry DEAR A~N 1.1\Nl)J·:H~ 111'("! o;;(11nt• hl·lp h•·lot't' I hlo11 111y top ;i,ul 1·lohh1·r 111.1 hu-.11111111 p11hl1t'h 111t· prohh·rn l\l' ;1f1' ha1 111r.: 1·1uu·1·1·1, th1· di~l'1plln1n~ ur our 1:hilt!11•11 I hrllt·\'1' 111 f1 r111 ).!111d1·l11n·-. .111d nuniioh tn('nl 1<h1r \'t~11ng ... 11·r-. ;111 :111 11ndtr 1•1ght ~1·.i1 ~ l!f Ii.it' 1 11 S<'l't11~ 10 rnl' ;1 '-\\al 011 lh•· "'.it ,11 lht• :1ppropr1:1t1• n11111H·11t 1 ·un11·.1~ th ,. 1111 ·s.~aj.i!'. llul 1111· h11-.lf.+11d 11• 111·1 I'\ 111 pi1u ·l1111g ,11ut 1 nu·.1n 1111· h11.tl Hf pin('h lt1:d 11·:111•-. hl.1t •I-. ind bh11 · tn;1rk.; \\'h1·11 11ur 1·hildr1•11 1111..,h1·h·n·i· 111 1•1il1 'u· .•nd th1•11· l.11h~·r 111111"" l••11:1rd l~11· '· they cl1n~ 111 nu·. 111i,:!it1·111·i1.iri.I11.1111.i II •· lh1 ·11 )'I! .... lll.111 .11 WI' .11111 ... !\~ 1 :1111 u11d 1·t 1111111111,: 111 -. :iul ~!PI I!\ TtJ..~ !;1st t1n1r hi• p11l1·111 d ull•' id !111• kul~ • 11:l~1 n l'hllrl'h Thi· scrca 1n1t~I' dl"l'llplcd !he S.l•r111·1•s .11111 I 11 as r111h;1:·r:1''''1t t•• t!1•;1th s;11· lu.:: hcli:I\ lur 1... ·,1•·1. '0111 ('1tllHlll'll(;, \\f1Uld 1)1• ,1ppr.•t•t:l!C'tl. I l '~l·;·r f'\ ~Hll .\ F,\1.1 .S DEAit t:P: l'i1u·hi11g '"a prriulolr:-.1•(•111 rt'"J>i.111s1• to angt•r. l 'hal hu~h:-i111I 11f ~our" ... u111ul-. Jikr :. l':isr or :1 r r 1· " r r fl cl 1·1 1·ln111uen1 . I :1.i::r1·r thut · a ~11 at nn llh' hat·~ pnrl'h '<huulll 1to lh1• juh I hut nnl in 1·hur1·h rl1·a~('I -:11111 th1· pin1·h111 j.! ha, i.:ut lo r.,:u. 11 1·; \I\ A\.\ 1 .. \ ~1 )f-:li!'i ~111111•u •r 1111 'I" I ;iC",1[ l,11\ 111 11 11'-I lh'l\[•11• 1111[ '• 1t!1•1·r' ii 111•'.111.., 1111< !'li1111p nl 1"t'l;1l\\1''- .il!! 1· .111n1lu·1 lllt•I" 1101k .111d lu gl11·r 11~od 1111!.., [It' :-Ot't'll pllil!)' o( ll'l\l't''I. •ll 11\lf 1 Hililllll ,d1t1ll,I p U ll j.i \I! 1: \,Jt;l11 llllt'I'~. 1)11! I'll' n'•\'t•r "l'Cll ~1\' p1ohl ,'1 11 \\ill ,\'Oil pl1•:1:o<I'' !!·II Ill<' hOI\ Slllllt' 11('n1>!c hn1·r the ner1 c tu 1·n1n e "for ;1 f, 11 d:11 '·· .iflt'r h:i\ 111i.: '1s1t1·<I oth1·r lr1•·r1tl" ;11pl r1·ln111·<·.., ;111d lh1 • fir~! !h111g 1111•.1 d11 ,1 l\1'1' lh1· 111i1i.d htll! :lllll ht•llu 1:-0 111 :1-.!. \\ 111'!'1'" 1111• 11.1 ... IHT .1 nd 'It I I 'I ., •• ·r111 ~ li.1pp•'!\" lo 11\t' r1·1w.1 l••dl,1 .ind I 1·:1111 1111d•·r .. 1:111d ii (h11· 1·1111ph· h.id lu•••11 l1;111·i111 g lt1r Ill d;11s ;1n<! 1111•1 11,·1·e l1l·;1d111i.; hn1nr :if11•r :1 11·r1'kt·1HI 111111 ll~ Th,·1 hr<>11i.:hl ll1H'C ... u1lt•.i.;1· .. full of dirl~· laundry. ~1rs. Cl<'<l n 11ash('d ;111d ironed c1·1•ry so1!t'<l 1te1n l)t!fOrC' Sht' lcfl 1 l',1!l s111~ wh.1· ii 111 rill.~•· out a r·:\'1".11).TI ri~c; ·· 1night f1•\\' be llt'tCl;S:lf\' thing:-, bi;t A111 I llrtHll! In llullk l h1~ IS rud•' :111d 1111 ·011s1d1•r;1(1•'' I >011'! thf'\' knn11 dl't• 1'1~"111, 1111•:11·)1 :111d 1•lt•t·\rir ·1 1~· <tl'l'n't fi·1·f' nnl lo 111l•n111111 lhl' fi,n1· 1:ihen liollll \1.,1lu1c,' I loll' 1·11rnp:1n,v . hul r t1ti11 1111.: ,+ lr1•f' l,1u1ulror11111 1 ~11 '! 1111' hai.: Tell ·~n . An11 ."l'hl'v 111 11>!111 l1slt•t1 1., 1011 \IA!->llf·Jl tH T !)EAR \\'ASll E'U: Slnct no jtutstt ha\'e rvcr dont their laundr~· at my bou st. I don'I nud to ··1ell 'e1n." \'ou bo1re,·er. should spt>ak up tht n1loute aomeont asks. ""'hrre·s the "'ashtr and dr)er':'" Ju~! sa~. "This Is a \·acation. dear. llo ~our "'orJ.: 1\hen ~·ou gt'l home." An<! make it sti rk. !)r:An A\'\' J.,\:'\l)~:Rs. 1 \l'<.t!' an1azed ((• rl'ttd .1our r1·1narks 1·h11i::t1~1ng thr pt•rson \\ho 11..;1·!1 thr <'X!Jrl'S..~1on '\l('af a11d (ht1l\h .. You !llll:'!J.!l'Slt'CI 1nsle;id, '1lt':1f ;111(! tll\l!t• .. "l'h1.~ 1..; to :1•!1 .\'ou 11·t• don'! 1·;i~t t.Hh'h f0r dr af anci mult:· 1'1tht'r 1\i'\U:1l\.1 11·r1 !c-1>. ,\,.;1 1 pr .. rlt· ;1r·· nH1 r So11 1t• 111 u-. ~pt•.1 k 11dh d1rfll'UI!~ :ind :l'·e no1 ('a:;ih u11tlf'r1a1".cl. hut 11 !10111 99 ·1·1 IOOlh~ of .the deaf peopl<' e~ui 1.1nJ do) aa y "ouch" \\'hen they are pinched. So. please tell your re.ad'NI 1ha! 11·e may b~ deaf, sometimes silent , oftl'n quiet. but practically never mul~. -F.S. (l\'AT'L ASSN. OF TflE DEAF, SILVER SPR\:--;GS, ?-.fD.1 DEAR F.S.: i'iow I'm aaylng: "ouc::b" ind l ofltr my bumble 1poloitles. One tliln1 b certain. Dtaf peoplt ml1~ not bear, bul they certainly do rt•' -11.nd bo}·. do they write! Planning a \\'eddin~? \l,·hat'" ri&ht ~ \Vh;tl's wrong'! Ann Landers' completely r.('w "Thf' Hrlde's Guide" \\ill relieve your anxiety. To rective a copy, (ltnd ;i dollar hill. plu$ a lonj;!, :"Clf-kddresaed, ~::1m1M"d cn1·1•lopc . 1 to t·enfs post.age ) '" Ann L11ndl'f<1. P {I Ho"t 3346, 22;1 \\'. Bank Dr . ()1ir;igo. Ill . f;!)e'~ • -f B 2 DAi l y l'llO I Horoscope: Scorpio Reaches Agreement : -RUFFELL'S- 1 UPHOLSTERY WM• Y•• W••I '"• .... I •22 H•rlll•t II•'· Co"• M••• -541.ozst Artist Draws Praise Cnrtoonis1s <.'an rn;1kr l un ot anyth1ni; -t'\'rn lu!>111g out c111 .1 ~un11nrr JOb. .\1;irk H:nru•r, I~. nt Fouut:un \':ill<'V Ji.id apphl'd 1l• ht· :i c.1rir.11urist ~t Disneyland sint'C' he had d(ln•· ;i (_~)urle of recordin gs for [)1Snl'Y studiu"i He \1·;ii; 11u11l·d do11n t)j.'rHu~r or agt' But hi..; prf/fr~~io11:1I dr11111ngs \Vt'rr a hit at thr ~lo1 olil .School PTA c:1 rnival t1nd at tr:ictr·d th1~ a?trn tion of a shopke<'Per fro111 The Faetor~· in Nc11 !X)rt Beach 11 ho ;irrangcd for h11n to \!.'Ork Jhcrc during vac;Hion. SATURDAY AUGUST lb By SYDPll E\' O~tAR.k Al\IES (~f11rrh 21 -April 19): (A)llt'\:I. De\·tlop hobby into payinj: proposition. Gain ally of one v.·ho k.nuy,·~ ins and outs ol S(M!Cial enterpri st . TA URUS (April »~fay 20 ): DivcrFJfy . Trust h u n c h , judgrntnl. Social aff<1ir ran lead to \•aluable contacts. )'ou are given chanct to choosi'. 10 be versatile. to r xpand. lo realize potential. (;E~tll'\I t~l11y 2\·June 20): l!ighlight "''hat octurs behind the scenes. 1~re is a digging. a sounding, a coming out lro111 under . '''s, do look over your shoulder, Son1cthing is gairuni:: <111cl it is good. CASCER (Jlll' ~I -July 22 1: Ernph!tsls. is on rt1rard fron1 unc 1rhu ;ippre1 iat's r't.:cnt suggf'stions. effort.') and ac1luns. A friend acl\OC<i.tes As he entertains children 11·ith his skE.'tchcs and n1agi c !ricks. parents are amaz.ed by ,\lark's sv•iftness and neatness. No ink get s on his long-sleeved shins. CARICATURIST MARK RATNER November He dra\\·s the hrad of lus subject and then inquires aOOut a11 ()o.'.cupalion. sport, hobby or "son1ething you like to do ... that's clean." business 1ror!d. !\tark accepts the con1pl1111cnrs ahno:-;t nonchalant!v. "i\·c bt•cn dr;i11·ing for IH ~·r:1rs. r1·rr since I could hold a \ll'n{'il. C:1ri<·atur•·s seem to be 1\'0rking bes! for ni .: the last four n1onths." \\'ith anoth er nourish of the pen. the young artist personali·Les the picture and signs the subject's n;une in 7.ig1.ag block leU,rs. His vcr.!-duns or cclrbritics decorate his circular stall. His pol ite. professional manner also is praised as an exan1ple for youngsters \.\'ho 1~·ant to kno1\' ""·hat to do for the summer or ho1\' to fit into the .. Adul ts ;ire rasic r lo dra11• \)ccausc thei r physical features Cite niorc dcfinl'd and easier to exagb~r:•le'.'. he added. CASH PAID ON THE SPOT GOLD PLATINU M SILVER GOLDP.A.RTIAL DENTURES GOLD CROWNS & FILLINGS INDUSTRIAL SCRAP OLD JEWELRY ANY TYPE -CALL ANY TIME 646-414 8 Woulcl You Uk• To Use More Of Your Mind? A New Line On Overtime or:s ?110TNES. Jo1•/.1 (L'Pf l -t:nder nrw fcdi ,r<ll Fair Labor "Standards a state government clerical employc cnn collect o\·crtimc if he or she <lOS\\'f'rs the lelcphQne during a lunch bri·ak. .P..tcause the !1h(l11.-. n1igl1t ring. so1nc state officials are telling c1nployes not to cat lunch at their desks. Officials say they don't ha\'(' enough money in their budi.:l'ts to pay that kind of l!n1e and a half Ol'Crtilnc. But (·hi!dren ;1ft' mor1· frt·q1u·nt l'Ustornt-rs he.cause they arc fascinated :111d li!;r tn show off th\! resu\1 s. ~lark ad1nircs the ceriraturist~ ill Or;.in gt' f()ul1t\· toL1r1st attr3ction.;; but r;i\cs liis ('()Untc.t parts at Unil'crs:1l ~tudios only S1 .. so. Tht',\' h;id all better 1l·atrl1 out. though. \!is busines..<; i~ branrhin(! out to privatr par11e:-;. n1ore school l'arnlvals ;ind prob;i bly Tl1c factory on weekend~ \\'tll'!l .'iehool sWrls. ··n· -···'} , . ' r, . • ,' ' ~. ;' ,, .. I ' f .. -. ..1 l • /!,, .-~.. I ' ~J, . ! . r,~il .. .·~ . ,,~.lf .t~ ~ ... . . Date Set Fo11nl.1i11 railer 1-Iigh ScOOol grri<lualC'S Jackie Hirun .. 1n an<l IV-1th Kisgen h;1\·C' announced plans tu b..· inarr1cd Jn /\O\'('!llll('r. Sile is tJ ,c cl:iughtcr of ~lr. :ind ~lrs. ltohcrt B. Hinma11 of Foun t.a in \'alley. Ile is the son or ~!rs. ~lary Kisg:en of Voun t.i in \'all'v and Bill 1\isgcn of LancaStcr. Votes Cast (. LAST WEEK' Final Reductions! • ~r"' ·~, ;. . ; "· ·. I j t,· League of \\.omen \'ot- crs of the Capistrano Bay Arca will sponso r a fund-ra ising theater dinner party Tuesday, Aug. 20, at Sebastian's, San Clemente. Festi\·i· tics will begin wiUl cocktails at 6 p.m .. fol· lowed by dinner at 7 an<I the p<'rforn1ance 0f "1\'orman Is 111at ,-ou~" at 8:40. Reser. rations are being taken hv Sandra l·lollowav il'eft 1 and rilary Caf· hart. • 25°/o -50°/o & MORE LKhr•• _. C..V1 i fer lritff C...,,.. O•H' 0.. ~n;lw11.di1~ FrOftl Our ll:"'J'llor !.lo'k . -·~­...... ....., .... . Cc<'""'~'(~, • V•o~•• • "'""t.C"• ,,. .... ~·· . """"l"' ·~""' . (),.,, • si-n • ,.,.~,....,1,.,., • '""""'<"""' ' ,, ' " ]4' 1 Ylo Udo, w •• ,.,.. leec:lll ,,].4510 ·-1ou.n..-.1 '"'A.-... ci-.. 11 .... ,.c-.,. bea11tif11/ clothes /nr /Jcu11ti111/ 01r/,, -~~ I /1 ~· ... , (!' ,{~~,~ •;'). fJ,. " (' 'l.2.."-" I - I ~ 9Clrde'\" Lid o V ilbge ,., .,.. ... ' ,,.,,, '/l/•11 \ •1 ... 1.111 "~g.:1'''' • -s;:,."t"'' ·•·.l•/l.••l l,.,j L.,.·:.. •. ~ .. -~· Qpcn1n'g ttic door ro all tf1e p/acas you wilnt to gn t11·~ I.ill 1n L hn1 .« Blac k Corduroy ensemble. pants. vest. 1acket and (./1,lfC().J/ ,ind white /lower print s11ir1 We rS happy to a111io11ncc tile opening of our HD11 Dcsr an .r1a/on with Teri . Foa111r1ng the ba.1ut1l11f. and ne~v look 1n l1J1r (.111~ t111(/ styling. Using Hedken P1 oduc1s. Call tor appointment If ~ ~,, 'I ( :i.. .• '!' .__. t:'~· ~A.; . ~ I""• ' . ~ I.· .. "" ;Not for J1e11 011/y! ,Cifesl!fle '85 .A pnH1r11/i119 livl: q/ i11tt'riiJr lif.'~q11 1'1dit; •ud • flt'tl1iiJ' f!1'6f l1l1U'! ,.4 di.(lorg111:,·ltt1f p1111tl.· il/1'/11d1i1g J11111ts i:'o/11111 t if1/i1r t'/ }{t'111t ,1ll1Jf!ll...·iJ1r q111( li1ttr1;,, dt.(fl/Htr.~ l;/rrrrl.11 r rorp lllfd /111Jriri11 rjrt~q. u·if/ /1//fliJll tl't'r!fllri1(t1 !IJ'll 'rr 11/U'llfS UYllfltJ lo 1·1111u·. bu/ u·trr q/rqitf 111 11.~, .• afi,,HI 11p11rf111t11I i11/trit1ri. ,'/u111 u.-· ~J1111f,1.11. ~ ~11r1u.,-1 :!'. 111 10.~·1.J ii.Mt. f.1r t1111/111r11111/ /irral.fu."I. J.'iff,-:/ftlr '$_, 1111d f/Dllf frr.-:t'ltill l1 1ur '1/ fi1/'u/i'U." l'r4,,t11•11/1'f.t/ Pu111/ .. ~p11rt111t11t.•. .. .f if ult.·· 11H~J/. , l,t/r111laurr h; rt.ftrr11/1u11. llSl'P (~,./)(!,:;-sot"\). r ' I Promontory Point .\ \l rr.•111,111/('f!I :.."lr11 ·r fl't:'f ;!111111,•r/k ••f .fotwlVff't A',wl j•11 l'o1.·tfir ':•J.tt }(/11:0'1,I/. . \fM'f'l'lrl J."r;1//i. i.'.J/1f"n::1: changi! and h<LS rt i,:!11 Hl1•.1 !it·n~e !li;1L \'1!.1hty 111:1 \..1·~ ii t·u111ch:.u ·I\. uuc who ~h;1rt· ... }Hlll' 1111 1.'fl'.'il!i ;1l~11 h11S ~<Jiii•' Cvn struell\'l' :-ul,!~t'Stt(lll~. Ul' 1.t:t) 1July ~Au~ L:.1.1 L-Onsick'r co:.!s. Lucl~et before ln\•esting in prOJC.l:t 11•Juch aflects hornc, lifcsl)'IC \ 11u do OCst nuv.· br U..·111g .1 comparl~011 shopp1·r \'IRW tAug. 2.lSrpt ?"!1 \'uur phi!o.<..0phy is put lo tl'~l ,.ou find that tht•rc ha" l""'tl elen1ent of ... elf-<IC1..·1·p1111n \u11 you art abJie 10 f:H I! 1111·\.-. LIBRA 1Sept 2:!·1h:I 2:!• Get do1l-n to lJus1tl<'.'i!\ l'lt-;1r away 'n1o!tonal d1'hns. IJ1·.1I '¥11th reaht~·. ~l•)lll'Y. a~ 11 affects partnrr or 1Hate, 1 ~ spotli gh tr-d IJ1:; fu r infon11a!1on SCORl'IO 1Ckt 2J-.\u1 21 1 Special aJi:rC't'rne111 t' rc;u.:hrd u·ith 11g;,rres<>11·e 111dl\·1dual You cuinc 1<1 lt'rtl1S 111th 11 hat \1'aS a dilc1111na . iliu11 }Oll 11rc rid of burden. SAG ITTAH IL'S 1 ."io1 2:.!· Dec. 21 ): llealth i111prul'CS 111 happiness 1s . saleswoman needed Bdboo 1 slond Rtolty "Cap" llackbun1 67l·l700 , 1111li11g 1111·l1:..i11g1· t'•lll'ScS. FINE WINE & ('A l'lll(UH!\ llJcc 21-JHll "" '"'" fnnl 11,,, u .. · '""l'"I FINE CHEESES 1:s 11ut t-.:ild _ )O'J urr !oi t•d SOUTH COAST PLAZA \uu h;111· n"1su11 !n ,~1·1<•1•1·;111· Pl.EASE CALL 557·2907 1!1· ready fur !'hallj..(i•. 1r:ii.:l. l "M'' I ••vPI n(><tf Bul!oci. s f Of"l::f4 SUNDAYS 12 I• S a 1·a ril·1y u c>.pt'rt1 •1h·1·~,l I--------.,, .~l'l\!-o!ll lllJ\S. I . .\l.ll'ARll)S 1 J,u1 z1~Fcb . 1'()sS1·:->s11.>11s 181 · You 11111~ find holllt' bas1>1 ""u1111•\1 h.1l vhl!ll'rt:d \'1"1turs.1 r11rss.1g1·S , r·:11I~ ur1' fe:it url·d 1 Tt\(l .... c }ou •·ll!l'r1:i1n 1n:1y h1· 1·:1rl'!l's," 11Jth \' u u rl l'ISCES 1 ~\·h. l~i-,\larrh ~1!1 • 1 Y\111 1na1· lt•o·l "tl11scd u1" ln'I 11un11•ro>u.'i t:i,ks. r1'(I l ~IP'-' l\1·y 1~ \11 rror<h·r pri .... rrtif'.•, II<' R 89 ~SL 1(1\l!t' lllllil•llt IM•111g .-...·II· dt'.<>! r11et i \'t'. 49 lb IF 'l'OllAY IS )'lll;H J ib.l imit HIHTlll)A \' 1·ot1 J t t' ~i.'!1Stt11,.,11-,:_,:_,:_ ____ 7 .1rt1-.t11' :111d 1ntnisp .. c1i1·1· e o~ H..UIOR REFORM TEMP'LE ; ... it~• y~ to, FA.MILT ,ICMIC *'*"'· ...... 21-4 , ... -·~ ... .._. ..... Cm& '75-7210 o~~,*~'c., " ~., " o~~,., ~ ., 49 ....---------~' I ..--------. R~ Sl.551 3 lb. l imit lb. A I SPORTS\\'EA R I SUMMER :1---:---"7. CLE ARAN CE Star1s AUGUST 16th Persimmon Tree Balboa Island I M Sffilff Pl..lZA ~Bc'.l..,1 545-.fl /1 ' I I BAL£0A l'.,L A•,'.J ,. 1IOM .. r-,•A,l I /)/') IVO.f I Mon !!1ru Fri., 10 to 9 Sa! & Sun , I 0 !o 6 673-4280 R~ Sl.591 79 lb. I Mesa Vc1d P Ceri1 or F-2 Harbo1 & Adams .. " , ~· ,. • ., IC. C°'aO• I Cost;i '-1esa !')5 7. 7206 l ues thr,1 Sal 1 (.J I ii t' Fr• trl 9 3 lb. Jimil ... , .~ 111 l \I "" ~·9:.~ lr I 1t'., '1 .i11111 .. 1""' FINE WINE & FINE CHEESES T,rust us with the love of your life Let us look after your children fl.lanv of the c.h1\.J1, 11 1·1·,.,11 11• ql t· borhooo.:i v .. iil b" qr11n•1 t•• ,'.\1111 .... "'"'I 11•1" I all, 1n:.t .'11d •JI th, ...., 111 111 1'1, .,..., '""'i Ccnt.:or. ~<\n1" p\.",' !~1.· 11.!l• ' , .. 1 .. t chongL"' ~·011 'ii <ippr, •\ ,. 111 \~'c lnok l•\•'1 1h" "'•111. 111 I 1 . ...,, 1""'' Cctit• I b"tdll'"' v .. · ~ 11 .·l~ I I,. .111 PX(••:l.•nt pr <'1_:r.ir11. l1·1t .1:.' \,,., l'I" \\•' kne1.t.· \\,• 1 r1•1i I 1111,;. it , "11 !., tt• 1 .\11·! du nn~ rh,• .. 11111111. r ·.1. 1·, .. , 11 11 I ,:;1:11! l iC\V Cfjlilprth 11t 1:1 !1 11 T• '!II• II• • :»·l'. t lnn<:J~. b r111q;n ! ti1. 1i1 ll ,l•1<'1 1'•·:1.•ir•.111 1 lip !ti (Jlll ,,, 1111.LH i~ . .Oii I 11 1 .• :\.ll•I l11o1111 r.:no1',J11till'. !iut r11 11 ... t 111111·,IJ ,1111 1\< \, nddcd th..: pr1 !~.P •"""IV• /'.1 11, "k• ,, '' 1 •1 ~i• jl, 111 1 to the ~ul\1v.,11 pruqr.111 1 /\hn i·Skun: p1,,1. J.·. 1:1.· !11 1··,1 • l1i~.I ca re auailabl..·. 1\nd t1····11 h,· 11, ili/·11'/ 1u1 Open I louse 0111\1 j ~111 ,t.l 11h ''' 1.'111 1 111 1.11Sil llS .llld lllt••I th" l\.!1111 tt11 ... 1•.i •>1ll11. p.?op[.: IA'\! ~"l..•1 ! l'l p1•1\·1d1 1\1.rl ..... 1-,,,.,! c.hild c.;:irc. Grin~i ~·nu1 ,\1 1111 •''ii,, 11 ,1n I br;ng [J,,, I ( )p.·1 •• nq, .it 111JT ;.1,111 "1~:111 ii ,ire J1n1•t,.,I .. , ]1,· or.·~,, •k<>p 111 I "111,.,·n I ,111.I .t I 111<' .i;1, l'i<·"'' '"' 1\11•!ll•l .1 1'·1 ( >1 l 1'.I ~ .... i.11o·t 11 ~···11 l·k.-.. 111 l ,,, II 1.;l\.fiU ;.,.i!"i•I[\\.: ....,..,,,.,,1!1,,,, ,I • I )111· II•''' 'fi111 ·"""'""j ;1t Ill) 1.-. :"l:il •'I' \'•'till•' "'I····-: [ '\'I!"!· ,,f j ," ' l 1•.i!I lo•'. fl!' •·,I Utl 'I l.>\11''-• ·n I., t I P"lllh'' 1111 I• . \, ' I• 'I : ' '"' ' irh >l ,,, I I' ol· !. '•I . \111 I •< 1,1 " ,, , I '1 • "~I ll ll I ., ' I . -.. ' .i I " . "I II• J 111.11•'1 ,; I '>'·I • "'' 1'1• "I • \, ~1 Ll1• ',\,, "/1 ) ">t.1tr• lir.·11 ,. , f [ J ::-ip.>1c1011,, 1n1 1• l,•111 i.1r ,; ~1~·, <l11d ' r o.><1l'Mf' pl.iV<Jt•)IJlVI 11 lot. wo.!ll l•11l.u1·, I 111< ii 99,i5 S lat1·r \y1·., Fountain Valley • 'l'l'l1·pho11I' 968-'1·4·:'i I • • • ••••• JL JL M1Nl·~kooL A CHrLD'S Pll\Cf rf ('\r111crh• .<111//11•011 I 't t ' .\( I 111nl ( 'L'l I/• ·r) j;~ s ,\ ! .ilif1 111\'lll. )1;11 Ill l.11111:!1 1···1 .... :1 lhv I li.'1·:11 11111 I ' .~ r.t r l.\ !'.llllj I •Jlll!' I 1< 'I 111 Hf I I\! Ii) c 1 llE ll<'t1j ol 111•1•d· pl l<tl' 11·h··11 .id \lll •• 1111 Toni ,,, IJ1J1I! .111d . " 111:11 •! \if ... llHI!' 1.' r. Stu'i l!Ofll 'I t1 ;1d11 1 (,. 11: ·11 ') ; 111! :--ti ( ., 111 l:r". ,. !I~ \, \\ I ht" :-:.i1 11 \lar 1"111 •l'•1\ •I I 't 111' liq I .,\ -.1 <]1 11• r ~\I It ;111d , •u~ t !' 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I I 11 11111111 I 1 11 h1 fl 1)11 I, 1 ,, I~ I .i I LI I \ ,lill'llll 11 I\ i., •1 ,,.. \ •• ~ ' Ill b I I' r•1•1lillll1d ,dlt! ,I ll\t'-111'~'" •111111110·1 1<1'"' \,.,,,11\lJ]\111,Hl NEWS ANALYSIS \j 1,, 1111.111 ' 111 "I '" (11111 \\,!' lo 111!Jo,dt1•, \I, \ ,IH, 11h1• It l\uo!ltl do•!, II' 'I' Tlllll" !tl 1110• I 111 l li.11 I' Iii .ill 11\ J!! \" li"d I I t I Ill Ill!-;. It _..:l'<l.1flll ~ ,II!< i;(o d h1 I, .1pp 11tlno111111•nt l<i lt11lti11l1 ,11' I\ "l.1!\ I t'! t'I\ 111,.: ; 'I' I I< I 1111" ! t •I IJ I ' 11 111 Ji, 'I• I 1 ! 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IH ~!,•Mt ,, 111011th H 1:-. 1oh hcl1"~d ro \,di !h1 hill 1J1 .. 1 11 .. uld •l1•!f !ht .... bt•111111,, 11t1-; 1111tr11 ('\1,Vl.ll"I"11f I ( ' r I ' 1 .s I n I 1• I I ' d \..,.,, 1nh)\ 111.111 1!11111 t}llltllhl 1 ll••1111" r 1! tr••lll 1\11111<•. \t l1•1 J1.-.1 tu.., pt11n11·1 r,H1' loir I t'· I lt•(tli'll Qt!l!lll1y ;,1 \, ! 11 !<1 ~11 1 •• 11 t•\tr,1 21 \1,11 , .. t f11ll p1 ll'H1l1 11 11\1• l.111 '! l' ~ 1111 ~)ll\1r '111/' 10!1 ~I .1111• 11<1111 11,, I ' 11 r ll.11r11l.•Tl I ! ••11 H.il\1h 'I) I ..... .\11:.:t·li s I l.!111 l '11p.111 111 l),19" 1·111 • ,111d F11n -: \l .. hlr 1 I H·Frf'"llf) I '.11ppr0! I in : AH 1·~~ ,,,..,. Jlo1l·111 P.u1 kt 1 J:.1 !11111 11' t >'1 1:1· " 1 • ,Jl \OI ll.11 lc1hl'~"ll I !<-~ lill't1 I \ 11 11 1l.1\ ~ :lt!t r Iii !~ \f1h 1111' 111ih111 10.1,, Iii' h1!1 o11· •1\~ 111111 fl,,.,r 1111 ... l«u f;iilr d h1 a "· nt .iii !<• 'l :-. .. 111• :1 • n1 hl11111•11 1\1'! • pl\"""' !l•ll \ 11h' lli \1< l,•'1111.1'1 11,1' ,1sk1n ':! th.it !hf' n1lt•s ht' :-.11-.pc111lt1I 1+1 ,)! .. 11 !l! J.1\! "' ho' l ~ ·1rd J1,1,.1•' 1h1' .. llt'!1•~1r1 :1 11 I 1l 1 •I 11 d .11 .. 1•l.1ll"t\I ·1111· 1 1\..1 ' :1 f II tl 1 lllrf!-. I ·, ! I I 1ll 1' ' ',,,, ,\itf!/ ,,.,,,.:• l.1t11t• S/11·!1c 1· l !llr~t'!> ul S:ln I .l'.llHll'fl doc.~11 l "11\1\\' Ii "Ill! ~h1n 1ld 1'11- !t•r tilt· ~I :\\ 01\1 1- 1 .. 11111 II!'11nl , ~j 'l'111~ IJi11 ..., ~ll !• 111 :.'.~'I hllll;.! l\ lip ~l'I• <lt11111 11 nitg lit I I l 'I) h l' 111 fl'i)lll fll !ht' ;\l ,\l ',~ r11e1111 , '1' -·-----Dill• l'llot Sn!! 1'~010 IJ1·on1lrt•nu (,;oiH!/ VJ• ('ol1unns 1c,1rh111.~ 3:1 fc1..l llJ tl1r 1;k1 n1.11h h.iu11 d:irH.''> 101 rH'\I. H111i1dil.t\ ~Hire go111)..! up ,1t I .1,.:1111:1 ll llls 1\\:111 '!'lie SB:) 1111ll1!11l prn1ct1 IS l'XIJl.'ll('d !ti hl' c:on1pletcd Ill All'~ll'>L 1 \J7) 'l'hlT'l' ,,101 H'S ill llll'! tha11d1z.111)..! "'ill he 1..onta111etl 111 !he 160 (100 :-.qu,ne foot bulld1ll!-! built b v (Ofltraclttr (' l, l'c<:k .\tth1- 1ec.ture is b\ \h;ux Pu1d,1k i.;1cl:<1k1 , 'l'al..cut.hi and IJ.1~~t:U u! Jl oll~\l'flOd Keep Oil Bikin" • 111 (,' ll le Ji i II p; v,, 1:~ \1I LTtl\' \lfJS ti.O\\'IT7 Tue111 v vr.ir~ .J':!O tl1 1· ~-nn1p.1n1r~ 11h1t h ni.1kc up th, l S b1l\'.ll' 111dusti-v 11(111 \1 I i:;lllllll~ l'1"l'l\h1111 ('I .1!,!lllll"t 1111po1 1~ " In I' r r ,., 1 d ' n ! tor t.ir1fl p11!,•Lll0J:l ! ale (ii '1 In l'on1p,11111·" 11,1r111'f] lh''1 1!1111 I ll\ su1111,1I 11".1• ,11 ,I I ~. ' j ) It I 111r-. -<1 1 ·I "11" tho' I '! ('•l(l, I I !'l•!t !11 • ll ."I· l t 1111" 111 , 1,1,r .. n Ill<' :11! 11! fl"l" !r,1•lt' ·· S11:1l1' ) 1 1"~ l'l !/•t' 101 Pl MOSKOWITZ o l ii+••li••( d".· 111'"" " '" i::r:1n1t·rl .. :1 i·r th•· l.1kt Ill lki'r:-<.h!o l"' I Ii' 11 l!I\\ 1)ft$. Ji,•rl llH'r f' lM'f: lhf'I' •Ii.ti<' !1f lht I ~' ll\ 1• k ·t l!P!J\ !)lh' !"M.!t 'llll IT1 J!/i:I 10 ,o .. : p1 l\,.11! 111 l"il 'f'ht' fo1e1:.;11- 1n·111,• tuk1 ~ 11 r rt' lilt n ~ell111 ~ .111111hf'1t· 110.111 .\\\ to :Jo f"'r1 f'lll 11!1lir1 !h1' p1 JlC of .\11\l"fl(.11\ n1ndrlio 111 •ll! 1 •'('fl1n;:: I t',i l ,, tl\1' l•H • 1~11 .;:;ha1 l' of I h,. l S li11.:1·1·h' 11i;1rke1 \1,1 .. lLit h,1li.. t11 :r1 1\t·1el nt \\'h,11'.._ f,1,,1:1n;111n;: '1ho11t 1111 .. hl'>ll)I\ 1< !h:H th" L s 111 n11r.u·111n"r" 11 r rl' .tl:lnnL"<I bc't'llU;-\~ ~4J f\I WI l•Jft l).!11111 ,Hh.' h1i..f'., 11 •'I l' ,cil1l hert' H\ Hl;)4 ·1,11.J:i~ !11;\t '"till• lt1d1t !'llU•. ln 111;2 ,,nd .1c ,11n 111 H•i ~ \1!\t r u .111~ 1~1ul!h! 1nnl"•' 111 1n 111t• 1nill1 ·111111 1,,1ti'fl l.11t'\(lo' 'lli.· d"n11·,11< t n111p.1n11·, .11•' h:ll iii\ II) :J f\!•Slfl(ll) !H r illl)!i llJI 'J 111 !11i..1• j-_1(11)1 Pl 11 11· 111:--! thl•• \(';1 1:--c·nu~l1t lli•tll I)~ 'llll\11'-t ~<I lllli(h <l lh ii !111 I \\1•1 ! !Ill llil• 111 1111 ' I 1110 1io Ill <IH i f '1 ud1!1 111_; ,11 11ill 1 1p.1t111 l.1 ~1 l1,11, !h1'\ -.o ld lll••f!' !h,111 lfl 11111!11111 !JlkF' 111<'1 h 1d !11\1•f 111 !!11"0' 1•r•t1hlll•l ,1 , 1n.H1_1 :i, IHlll' 111111 1011 111 0111,' \("lr \l ~o;;,), 1 llf-~ \ tll f' r 1 L .l 11 ~nr11p.itH1.~ l.Ul nn !i111;il'I' r at~l' Coa ~t l•'ir111 Gcl:s Hotel lluiJd Okav • I()$ •\.\{,E\.FS •, \l'1 I\ ~('ll f\lll'l f~t',llh illJl) \\,I" 1·11·kt'fl hv citv ofl1ll.1l.s to build " .i1)1)-ra()lll ~·\n n111l101n h1x111 \ hotrl 111 lh~· Bunke r 11 111 HT h:111 r('ll('I\ ,11 ,1J (';! <.:011 111u1111t1 ltC'd1 \t lo11111rn1 Agt 111 y off1c111\., •.11d !11c ne11 l101t·I 10 I~ built h,\ l/11lf'\1".11• lh.:1t'll•pn1\•lll Ltd 11dl 11..,f' uj:ipn«llt" !hi' l.1• ,\n~th" \\ orl1! Tr·id,• I •'ll!C"' Th" off1c1.1ls ";nrl H11l!!\I ·1y 11111 r :11 ~1 ~7 n11ll1011 fl)r 1hr :1.;r. 11crr "Ill' and !hf' f1r111 11111 h1.·g1n '"n~1n11'l1nn ol If~ h<i!t•l .1ho11t J .111 I. 1971i 1;1.•n1· Sun1n 11 ·1'S pr""1d,.11t <1f 1!1dg°"'"'', s:1ul !hr prnpo<;NI hnfl'l 11 Ill li.• O!~ 1 :111•d 11\ th<' 1'.11r1nout lln11·1' ( 11 .ind 1! 1· 111 h1· Jl.11 1"·111• I ;1f1 .. 1 ;.;,in ~·r,111t'1"-ro s r.11n1•d f';11r n1ont 11011·1 n11d l"H'a 1 11~ 11.111lt Tlif'· nc1\ hotel 11111 I~' l'U'l ,l!'11('1t'() d I d I.! (1 !\ ,i 1 \I 1111pn~111~ :~ pr o "O"l'd \ :.io-11.x11i1 I IP\ !'Ill 1<111 Ii 1tt'I ( ! !) \' { 1111..,I r111 I •d 111 1h1 111 l~.111 I< 11<'11 ,i\ di I l•I ,11 ('hll•'I I dt•\1 lv1H"r ,Jc.h11 1' or I 111 .i 11 \\<11~ 1111 l'<11 t1no111 ~ h11\t•I 1~ lo 1~·;?111 111 tt n1011ll1 !h< l'>•llt (JI !'ht .Ip fUJt'l,.(IJ l.it1ur H1.,111~ 11;_ig1' r,!\(''i n hr 11 <1 d ( •I 1. p I l' rl w 1 t 11 1l!'1:1lu.it111n .. Ht lht doll,u h,11 l II 1111·d !•111 the pnt I' ed6l' Vil!" t•lljOlt'd h1 1hC llllJ>OllS 111 ',11!, Ill UI~ ul th, llllµtJri~ t11n11:ur11po 1:1n' .1 p1r·1111111n pi I( t F11Hilll '" " 1 ll l! I I' j II lld,1111t 111 ,II 11 di !11.~l!\l!.11 1 UI ' r ' 11( ire 111r1:11-:n b1h1·~ h,1\"" pl 11'' Ii I I !1t !tl"! f' a '-'lllh lll•I.!• • .. 1 Iii•· 111 uktl th.in !h,• l i" I Hllli!,1111\'" \\ ht'fl rh1.·1 111'1 1' hl1ng ;111.itked 20 1 '"ir'i :1·~11 1"t ~\\ .un1>1n~ !hi~ n1:11 i..1·t 1111h lu\1-eo ... \ b1kf ~. !I•\' olf:.hnrt prodi.H'f'I S 1ns1s1t::d 1h:i t >1 11,1 ... n t 1t1st <J question nt ri 1L1: The1 \\Crc providing. !ht 1 ~:iid .• 1 111odct th;it the LS 1n1l11~1 ry 1hdn t n1ake-a hgh111·e1gh! bic~i.:li.: patterned .1f!rr f(i{ 111;? n1orlcls 'I !le l S 111du;o,lry f!c·1 11il p111n.1nl'! !o 1 l11!drl'll " 111.irkr l and II ti:-; th(' 1\ 11 rod1J l't'd I.ti '!l'I) 1le..1l"~ \\eight h1k1 ~ r1r h11.1 ne n1odcl~ lrkc Jh, 'lt1l!h !l~t'r.' 11'i1Kh h,1J '101\EYTllEE ,1 1>1:! 1 ,1,.!Ul' 111 1hr lflli.IJ~ \\'hi n \111cr1e.111 ndulls Jl('~:1n t;ik111;..: 111 h1kl.S thc1 opH·{J for 1hr h~l1t11 <'lghl 111ul11~f',1 r. h·111;] h1 .ikcrl c1 l'lt'" p~'lpul :ir \11Th .1r!u!ts 111 oth1r 1,011 11t1 u:-. '( lh• dirltl!'SflL I 0111p;t!lll'" h·t1 e. n! f'oti rs.e .11l.1pl!.'d \• Thi~ tlf'!ll:Jrui~ 1h,-. 11,11 [){!roil h:i~ .1d,1p!o•rl It• l hl' ~111,111 I .i! I 11: tl1,· l S h1k1' r·onip.1111r~ n111~1 1111pnr1 .ill th r i r 11 11111--p•, d :..:1·,'lr '-1 .. rt tn\ :in l'~l l(iil 111 tli t<1 r !r•'" •111d j-, I' 11 ( 11! .. ! 11 .. It ( 11 1111~ 111" 111 .. 1 .. 1_• I l:..; h1 h•' , ''Ii \1 llh ~II <!llljltl! 1111"•'!'' 4 ! '1 "1 \lilt r.11 11111111111 d I ' 11 (lh1.i ~11 ~ llrr11111 1d T1· 1111 ~, f g 1.h,1P11~hurg Ohio I ~ 11 1· r lhrtn h,111 thr blkf' ... rr1xh1er1l 111 1ht' .. 1· 11\11 {'11111pan1t•s lx"1r !hi'lt' O\lll hr<1r ul n .1 tTI<' ~ \lur r.11· l" lh1' f'htf'f :.11 ppl11•r 11 IL f f 1 ll '1 11 ,u1d o r !11 S1'i1r~ Hnt'ht11·k a 11 d !111l!1n:111 n1.1kN-i bik e~ for ~1'.lf~ .h ]'t'tlll\',\ Cllltl SS 1\1!.'~~c I:'\ T llllt ll l'I. \( f:. II 11h ,1nn11.1! 111 rxl11ttu111 11f':1r 111 i.: 111·11 rndhvn 1... ,\ \11 111<·. a (Ul'i:!lOllll,'l .It(' 1h.t! a l ~n !11.lkP" h 0 11' 11 11 ~ C (j U I p lll C 11 I . h.1!ikPth:1ll" and JI ,1 r l !! ~ - l),J\1dso11 n101 111 c-1·1:Jc, A\1F. 11lnt h liad tlt'l t'r ni.1dc ii ltght>1f'1i:.'.l1t hikr 111 1t« lustory, I ~ 1101\ selling lU ·'-PCl'd 111(){ll'1S. .. ~fot {' Lnk1·s <"lrl' S\'llil here undi'r l hl· ~t·h111n11 brand !h,111 .1111 <•lh1•r lalX'I T h rt l' s llf'1 :1 11~1· 1h1~ 1ir11 .ttt'l~-<11\t1041 l 11u ,l)!O t4Hr1pan1 111.1kt•s bihe" ltu no 011r cl!-t' and SL'l\.s thfu.igh t'Xl'hl~l \C (lf':lh I" ll\; no>1 1urn111g out 111 .. rc:: 1ha1 1 .·, 1n1lhon ,1 ,\t,1r Stelht·r l1u[11,,!rif'' \':1tl1•v "!lf'HOl, :'\ Y IS the ii'nl} t_; Si hikr niakl·r lhnl h:i s gone ,1lu .1:id hJ :u·quu t' pl:inls lt.'i 1' S f,u 1011 prl'l(lttcrd fi25.fltMl ho!~t·~ l;_i .. t ~ 1•,1r hut 11 al"-0 11111~>1\td ~u1u!her li~10.0UO . s 14•ll1o•r 111 ,1i..1•:-; bike ~ f fl ( '.1n.1~!.1 , l 'orlu~ i1 ·,u1d 1\u:o.!r1t1 ·r11, top f»I t t).!11 suppllt'r 1' IJI 1!:1111\ J::d1·11;h . 11 Shl])jlt 1J :f,-, 0(~) h1kf'~ ht•/ r 11 ... 1 \ l' t• :-:.1111(' l1 '1l"~) (If 1/11' !'l t•~,~llf l '•'Ul,(l'11t ro1t'l'l°l'< f1u111 l·'rani.:1: :1lst1 1·1111·1 1•11 !ht• tPlll11ry l a~t I I II Ollll V Pll Ill R :t '· OiJ F'i1·111~ o" .. r ·r1i .. <:ounlt'I' DiS()llll' 6-7(· Dip HAS.0 Uuffinq1 for Thw,doy, AuCJM'f I S, I '7 4 l••v 1J;l•1 l ol ' -.o b• 1t, r •• 1•~ •" "' "«>•• '"'""''•""" "' Lorc11 ! ~ "' ... 0..1." 1 ... b ~" " '"~' ••>!l o.,,,,i,. t 1~•1 .. h 1 t 1 , ·•• 1n. 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"' ' ., -• St::cic\ilr\ S11non " 1•-.t1111.t \1 111.1 t 6,1 ~ol1n1· p!ltlS 1n1g-lit t."tll 2 !" \ l' 111:-;j g,dlo11 lot I {:l•h dol11r rt'dlic!11111 111 the \lt'l).!hlt•d ,Jl{'f,lJ:!/ pll(l' f;1 .111 1 ct utlf' oil a pp1:-,u ' 1\J be b:1"c d I • l tilt: [J:.•l!lllJl!lfl!I th.it thr I !1111 t ( fUllt' { O.!it ca11 bc l ,dJsorhlcl b y Oil( pr(l(]llll ~ J ~.t .... 11IJ111:,' .1 Gulf :.p11kl "rnau 1 ,.,,11d tfl I •(fl• l\ II , P,dOMf '.,I ;O • C•t1 ,?C• \ , •"I"•' l (•!!n l l , 1l ·o;~,.,..,n ( C t1 (JtA ,, • 11 K~arn l~ (••r• 1'1 1l )•' K!ily '.>tt " • " ' " " ' t.A\0 velum~ !oa., '~~• llW "a'"'"' 1,1 a~•l"e' I?• ""'"""Q"' •AA? tot.r lt'1 (<•,•p• 11 11 ~"'"POI i.11tllf'T~ flflff l ,11C1'r • Shell and ~~xxon ~\Ylkf'~n11·11 ~.ud lh('fl' '1 fl t••1 111.in' 11111:< n.11nt1C" 1n th(' tort!1gn crude supplies and pnl't·s to! rn.1kt'.' a sohd prechct1on ull pn('c d«rt'ascs 1'raveler':s (•, lrlv ; io;•n (O"" ~" -! • 1,;Al,.~H ) (IG., L•~ I ,.;•VII E>, 11 Jo<, 1 \!~"" Mo<r~<• I 'Lt• L•ll I 11 •1••1 Oal• ; ' 1 • 1 #otlon I'• •)<I L'!IU! n ,, Ir 11 ... ~·· I b II 1 J 1 B·~""'t!" ~I <,, (....(,,{ Io I~. t~ • "> (.u't J o • • • t(I M l"•\t d ( ~·· "' t , ,,,.,, '"' n , \J . ll'L<•l< In• t "'"' ll II t1 • y <, ln<f I'• 1'• • N"'-11 ~~< ).,_, t•nl ·.~,,, ,., .1 r n~:i-\'1 • rn . I AVM (<U!ltltl" ("I r.1 v 11 1• '"""' fp b /', I l.n,pa• I ol> ~.,,.,1 1 r· 0 .11.•~""' '' 1 • ~t<•~!l'llet"" <.1> ,. (Pl• Aul'> 11 I~ K•u"<l" I , tow.,~ !.co '"" (Ill!" • I Ku>lrn r 1 I . 11 M~••d••n In~ I Conn f •I •1 \J l •<l"<I ~I ~~-LO)t~~ ~"f'~~ ~ ~; :r.~~:·' -rr: I~ j O~f''(~ • .?,i :.: Con\v A! I• I~ IUw•n '" .i '1 l t•l•n""<f C<>fl> IO Cor11~ 'D •ij ~· 1...,.., .. L " • I D s Rily "'" (Q,P•t UI • 10 'L•h ll~~ • s r .~<U!»e Joo 1 (Qu•on ~ ·iL•g~t f'I ~ 6 t,.,.non El•< I !! (.t C» Co \I' "" L•I (.hmp , • I "'"'"'"<LI <•> I (<ult~ R • • 1 L•mld Sh • Hl I Comp!r M.ot " < • (\Jrl N~n 9•, 9•,1L•o'I(. 11a,1 ? • J , 9 l><tnbar o..~lp oaol lnll II·· !9' Lot!lte 11 . 1• 10 !St8o,ton 11<1 Oon O•o " •, L""~ S'"' I o i 1• ti Slinlo.lee C!t l? "• ' " ' " "" Uo uo "' Uo lJ•' u,. u,. uo (Jr, "' '" o" '" o .. "" ,, OU 1, OH "' .. "' ' 0 " "' 01ceks vl I MUTUAL FUNDS State . Stutl y s \( HA~lr:::-.."fu IL Pl I Th, •1'ltl' rvnnoll1:1 ·.~ fllllll'I "•1·111t11n1111:! ,1 l1 .u;::--t,+11d111:.: I 1\1<.:1 11 IJLC It 1'11.'11n11s I h..: B:1nk 01 ,\ll•ll1~;1 tu dedutt large h.int.ll1n.!. 1•h,11~1·~ fro 111 Tr,11 <'ll r " ( l1i ck" t11rnt1d O\ 1 r t 1 th' "I.ill' ,1 ... unt·l:unlt'd p11 p.i.rty l. 1111 ,~ r ! n I 1 I o r 11 1 .t ,., 1111• 1.111111 d 11rorrr11 !1111 , 1 h' J:a:.k r.t \1111.:1 1c J -l11c onh t .1l1furn1a·li.1<:Ni hank 1~~t1111g 1t• r;1111 ·r1:1\1'l rr·~ l ht l'k..,._1~ l ('ljlli!•'CI tn g11~· !hf' ~1.11t' ~u1h th, 1 k~ 11 !h1 pu1 r•h,1s1•1 h·11;n'I l\l'IJt,l lliLlll l\Jlhlll J'1IL'1r:-. !)\,I lh•• I 1<" 1.1 I<' Ir~.,,! ll<' rl·,·l!rd, ~h .. 11{'.i 1111· 1·.11'1. 111 I I t 1 n 1ltd.1, ·111..: .1 .... lllll··ii ,i .... 1 11'1 pc.'11(111 lri1111 _rlit• 1•h1·rk~ I i1Jrl' t111111r ~ 1hi'!ll n11•r lo I ht' (on1r.,Jlpr', u:1{ l 111111 (! 1" [)f ll\ {!!ll'-\!111 !it•rorrl-of 11 11 <·I ;i 1 111•·1! ( ll•"l'h.s r~h1rt1'"1 '" !ht' •t,llf' .l,111 17 :-.11 ;\\ !hl' Hant.: of .\n1enc.i d('('lul1 c1I '-~'!1 10 for hnndhn~ rhar':!"t'" o 1 ('1'? ~f)O 11"'1h' • Tr'Hl'1t·r',~ fhf'c ks On 1h" I Oll:l 1·)i,•pl;io ~111 ' for th :H p·norl th(' h:1nk {l)(I\.. a "t r<11~111 ~22 :;:l foi r<H h 1U th, 1-~Jr.fl ;ind ~;)0 chf'ok" <: u h 111 1 t I e 4! S n1 a I I r ~ 1h 1l(11ll!1l,,llOtl<: .'II f' " ' Sf'i1" I r~· ~1,irr h~1·.n1~r rhf' li1.,dll!Y t ti:i1 '!I'" ;1rf' a<: !!ri•.tl or J.!Tt'.i!t•r 1h,1 n thr f.1re \,1!11c Task Force E -ycs Lo11) • Co$t lf 0111e.~ (;..\i._ n.\~JF\Tl l 1t'l'I 1 Altt .rn<·v (,t·11t·1'.1I 1·:1f'llr .I I Yotlll"t r h.1~ ;1nnnun1 r1I !h ', forn1,1t1nn ul a sl.t!1"11 1(ll· 1.1-.k1 lor('f' to f'l;.'!tlHll•' :1 gro\1111!,! <:{';irtit1 ut 101\ .111r1 1nn<lrr111t· r;nct'<l '11o11 s1ng 1n ( .1hh11111.1 \, Lin~l'r ~f'1•k1n;! n ~··t "Olld l tc r111. ~:11d thf' 1:1-k fore" 1nu!d sur.:..;r~t lrg-1c;l.1!1\P ;u1rl j11d1c1:il solution~ to · 1n..,1111'I L.il::intcd b'rO\ll h, f'n11ron1r1t'nt q11:iht1 nn<l ~<li:q11;11 r hou~1 11g" Ill t ile SI.lit' IJ.-~.11d rrp1t-1111.1111 1•:-. lt•llll thl' huu ~1n~ 11111~11 u1 !1<1n u\1h,.,1 r1 1.il r1r pl:11111t·1' "'' 1• .uJn11n1,1r:1 to1 :-. :111 ! 1111.in( 1.11 <10(1 f'll\ 1rn1Hll~ 1!1.d • Xl1' ! t ~ h,u1 'IN.'ll :1:-.\..t'd 11 ;v111 thl·I t 1sk rorc1 A ~m C.w A~rn Int #.•Im '"~ Ad•• •t AH no l ,,. '" '" '·" ' ' '" " . ". ••• ' . .. " . " -, .. "' 11-• " ' '"' '"' "' '' I • II I pAil 1 l'lliJI Big Gas-eating CfttOO!<on '' '"'' M...,otn• ''''''' I.I >!'I .\ \t: ~.I.~.!'! i 1t'n1• \\',11. .. 011 \1oulll ~Lull\ hov all those liig ;\1ncr1 t•.1n , .. ir:-. ht• ~H~!'I IJ, 14.11 1· :i11.i\ ·· t.lun11i,: th1 l'l1t'rg)' CTlSlt '\()II' t/111 (';II"~ :11'" \lf\!liJ 1nore 11 h<.l1·..,al1• IJ1:1 n t rt•!nth'tl !ht'Jn tur uf ••tl1· ,,j ,...;1,1·o,; 11i1s 111.111;11'{t•r l!tt•rall .1 do11·1~ of 1p111 11111v111, <,1111 hnked u<;ed l'llr 1111 ... 11 hi(·h ,.;\rl'h'h as f:1r .as th••<')~· <"d1l !'lt'1• 011 .1 <_;lt·nt.lall' ~II l't:t !u·f(' If \\,tk.,,•11 ttlUlrl p111 his h.Hld\ Oil nil lh1• U~l'd t'.ar.s 111• llCl'dS. h1s -;.,J)C'i \\\~Utt.! IJC up lo. II not 1.~:tll·r tJ1;111. the i!Oild 1Jld <l:1)S "1Vht'!l !ho• 1·111,rgy <'ris1s 11a~ 1101 in the J u Io r'n o 11 t I c t n dustry's 1 v;.;.al>ut.1r' " \.\'fl \\'A'l'SO:'\'S 'ltnry •S no r!1tfl•rf'nt froin lhouo;;u1d ... nf 1·:1r d1'.1!1·rs ;H'ruS:s !h1• t ;111ted :-.1.1!1',.; "ho 1hougl11 !hey h;'ld rl'ad the 1•1\l'rgy c:r1s1s signals Lilrrer l I 1 . 'J'hinhini:: !l 1111·1-<'Cl!lSCIOllS public 1\·oulc! drop 11s l.Jl_g ;1ll!O- rnohilcs ltkt> hot ~·akes. d(';der-. J(llt!6M/Y \ GOLD COll'I~ ,.._ .-,CAtlA IHTt•'81,ti ,,0. .... 1111 ~-c.,,,Ul• 111~1 ""''") u111i ... u,'O rl~ir ~i:. t.ir ::.tu,.·lv <11 ~rul' 11rii't'S, and 5'"00i:w"ll 11p an) s:.1.11l can; th<.·y t'Ould find \,,·,\ U'O!Ht'Jlly. t/'Jo.•\ <Ort' ::.IUl'k \11th ro11)> of s111!llt ..:ars !!1~11 11on·1 s.•11, 11hlle tht· public de111Jnc.ts 1111• biggt·r 1r1udcts \\'lULtl on~ dralcr ~\s ";1r\' Jl••x t to Jll\IJO&;ibte '10 !,'1.•I." \Vilh ~a s stat ion attend<int~ bonstini::. "\\'e have n1orc gas l11an 11 e net"d,'' U1e car·buy1r1i;:. µubl1l t'> uut 1n full !IJf'l~ 11 "JU'I b!OUlg t•r;17)'" SH~~ {'urt J.;11>11011·, a tall. blo1:1d, 11MJ11,1ach1vui.J c:1r ::.<ilesnian, 11 hj1 '>!•Id tl1rt"~ c;•rs that d:sy "J'1·(111lc 111'1' JU!>I fed up with s.:1,..1ni.: ynu can't buy cars br.cau.~ nf the c11cr~y tris1£ " Jo1.• Pct.:Jp1t:t'l'. <1 luxury big- 1·:1r ck·:iler. sa)'S "\Vhere .,,,.,, 11'\!re sc!l111~ 15 to 20 ri. n10111h dt1rln~ the enl·rr::y crisis. 11011· our :.<iles ar~ U\l 10 70 to 80 ii HlUn\h A11to Sale~ Rise 111 Eai·ly A11g11st DETROIT IVPJ l -BuyPrs lnnktnt: folr bargains beforr prices shoot up S500 helped push early August ne\\' car sa.!r-s to a nine·\'ear high and their bC'st yen'r ·to -y rar f:M.,'rfor1 P<1 ncr sincP: I a st Sc-ptcmbcr. TI1e four U.S. auto nu1kers rt•port Aug. 1·10 sales were up 2.2 percent from last year. the second 10-day period in a ro11· that sales ha\·c topped !he year-ago perfonnances. That's a feat the auto m.a kcrs keep increasing.·· "RecauSC" of the I a r g ~ RITl()Un!s needed to finance new t'<i rs no1v, the banks are starling to look a lol clOSl'l' RI !ht' custon1ers \\'e finan ce," c;i1n1ore s;_Lid. PACE !) BY G~t. "·h1l'h shov.·oo a 14.6 percent gain over la~'t year, the ~utu compan.ie!' so!d 207 ,624 cars. con1parl.od v.·ilh 203,172 in !he ~\ug . 1-10 period last year. ha\'en·t been able lo pull off-..-.. since last ~ummcr before the r-8·0 "';o"'"'~ p....w,!l'o• ... ,.. ~., energy crisis. '(I B k t SOME DEALERS reported • Ult rztp cy· high buyer's interest due to ~ • • ,.. ~portc;. Genera~ ~~o!ors "''ill i Bids Filed hike prices of its 7:> n1odels ·., by an average $500 and Ford ~ by $418. Auto cornp3ny sales executives said there \Vas ne11.• consumer interest in the mid- and fuU-size cars that 11.•eren 'I selling dtiring the .,.,·inter gasoline crisis. "The people we have coming in no1v are worried about the price increases." s:iid .1i1'1 Gilmore. a Cadiltac-Pootiac df'a ler in Kalama1..oo, ri.-1ich , "I'm p:>Sitive there "'ill be a custon1e r rebellion if prices. The follo'>'·ing persons ha\·e fi!t.'<i pctilions for b<.inkrupcty in Santa An<. Federal Court: OE WALL Al•n l•Dfl'<I. OPer8111c, 1'~l Ana~tlm S!, (0-,10 Me''" Li1nl1lllt • 1•,•10, ·~•th S1,0~. Re!e•ee "''•' Elliott, DE WALL Mori"• Fie, electronic~ •u emnl"'. Bii othtr "e•ell• •• onove. McaltATNEY .Joe~ 5 .. ••le1man, ?Sltl VII!• F u!>CO, El Toro. Llenihlles S"l).86S, .... ,,,. w.ns, Ret.ftt A , K, Pneto-s. MclltAT,.EY !trtMce .J, l\jJJ5eNl1t. •II ot~er ,,.11111 I i t l!Ove. OUMA5 51ei>he" Rof. nuts e ' • <1wr<1tnlng supe<v!1or. 'Xll Trnm $t., HUflllr>fllntl !110(!>. L!iO!ll!le;. 1•.e!'O. •uth \HO, Re!er•e Elllon . f'All CI' 8 U•()"11 Wlllo11m, cerl)enler, •~71 Loc,n1vt n Clttlt. I r v i ne . Llei.llltlt • IJ7.~1, t n tts S 1, • • 1 llHeroe EIUotl. ,.AllCE Rosr.i.e """'· tier~. i ll oH>ef de!tlla 11 •ttove. J\IISSION VIEJO IMPORTS -MERCEDES BENZ - .\'airs • .\·rrvice • Leasing 28701 MARG UERITE PARKWAY 495-1700 MI SSION VIEJO 831 -1740 SGll DiflJO Fwy. to A"try ,...,,, 1"1it, ript •11 M•r9"ff"l1' ••• 1000 Beautiful Stick-on Labels 1T •PERSONALIZED •STYLISH •EASY TO USE • •• • ' ,, ' ' •ORDER FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND SHAPE .t.ND SI ZE Of' LABE L Mr1 John Do• 1'23 M11n S1r 111 Anylo"""· Any1t•I• 1'23 &S • r --------------------~ Fill in thi1 coupon, clip.1nd m.1il "'1ith Sl .:ZS to: Pilot Printing L.1tNI Div .• Po't Office Box 1560 Co,t1 M•••· C.1lifornl.1 92626 i§l!·ii§;i§OifA---L _____________________ ~ I Ill'~ ,Jones, rna11a gcr of Fashion Island , has been ~ppointed to the Intemational (Oancil of Shopping Ct:nter"s ad1n1~sions a n d gol'errung c:o1nn1ittee. The ootu1cil is the only formally recognized l ra d c organization }n the shopping center induSt ry 11.ilh 6,000 rnembers nationwide. • \\'t'sley R. Smith, :lS~istant rrgional group i n s u r a n cc ni :111;1g<'r for lliorthwt'Stf'rn :\lltinnal I.He ln,ur:lnC" (' n . 11 i 1 I hf':id up a nl'"' rrg1ona! ()fficr in \f'\\porl He H·h :::11111 h 1n•n- N1 thl' t1rm :n HN;& :1~ :i 1M1TM home office J!J'OUp reprr.;C'11- 1:1l1\·e ;ind \\';tS named gron;i fi Pld representat ive ;it Los An~t!es in 1969. I-le lives in s..1nta An a. • Rnbtrt R. Arbolt h:ts b<'en n.:in1ed di\'isional personnel n1anag!'r for The I r v I n e Company, responsible for perSOlln<'I .c;rr\'ices 10 1he firm's residentilll rind multi· familv rli \'isions. fie. ·v.·as cmplo~·ed by ti.1atte1. Inc. a3 super,isor or en1ploye relation!'! and \Veslern Gear Corp. as industrial relati011s rnanagcr. • ~f i.c;sion \'iejo rt.<>idtn! Ralph E. Smith has been promoted to accounting 1n~nager at ihf' rcclangular divi~ion of ITT Cunoon Electric in Santa Ana. Smith formerly y,•as with 1\r1h11r \'011ng :ind Oln11mny Rnd Sa n Bar Corporation . • • BFC -1\ga1,~ -Ei\'GEL llarold N. Engel, v i c e president and a s s i s I a n t manager of Bank of America's Santa Ana main ortii'e. hRc; been a11- po1n1ed r>Ub· lie rel:ition11 di rertnr 0 r the 7f)o1-n1rm- lwr Or:in1!C r'ounl \' f'h~n)· ( (f'r nf 1 h (' J. 1';1!ion:1l A\· •NOEL .. sociation of Acrount·1nt!( 1~:ngeL 11 22·}'t'nr Ha11k uf A ll'K'r1ca ertrplo~·C'. has ~rvcd .. Gain • ID Popularity \\'hat "cent \fTlMlj{' According ~ Oa1·1d ~\'urm . <I snail-car dealer in l'entral I~ An g e l es : "~\'l'rybody tJlought th.at d11·i11g the t:Jlt'r~_y cr1~is peoplE 1\·ould buy up s.r11<JJI cars. B1H it didn't wnrk th .. 11 v.•av. TI1cv \\ere not huying aflytting:.;, "'r;ike the Cndlllne O\\'llt'r. The Blue·B~ gu id{' m1!!hl value hts CJ r at $4 .zoo and the dealer \\UIJ!d ofh·r h11n .. onlv $2,200 The owner figured lit' H11gt11 ltS Wt"li kttp II l"or lhal a111ou11t of loss, he j.(l'tS un a1\1'ul lot of gas ." ,\tany ear o \\' n e r S the111· ~;lie.~. !'ilit1ll\)Cdl·d by th c 1•nergy eris!'; into huyini:: su1~1tl11r 1-;1rs, h:l\'•• sin(·t-f1)rne lu rt'grt"t 11 Ont" forn1er srnall- c'.tr owner h:i11ded jn h1.s nc1v car JU~l 7 .IMXI 1nHcs after dr11·1ng It olJt of lhl' sl}()11.•N)(ln1. Iii: frlt "crunched do1\'Tl tvtth no roon1" and .,..·1th too 1nul'h \'011r <»1r·shck.t lui.:h"a) out on f:C.l SO~I E D.l::Al.f<~RS believe 1t ;:di adds up lo tJ1e taC1 that n1~1nv A1nertci1n:i are sin1pl) !IOI iea(ly for !;lllllll C/ITS. Sfiyc; \\'nt~Qn, aftl.'r an t'Stin\i:l!erl $1 .UOO JOfis in t r yiug \IJ ~crttn1ble out o ( th'"' snu11l -c11r 1narket during the energy 1,:risis, "'01e you 11 ~ e I' generation -you r..an convert thcrn to Sln;i!ler cnrs. \\'orth "HUI you cau't "''Ith tht- o[Jf'r grntr:ition 'f'h(>y thought the\' could and tht-y did during the. energy crtsi.5. "Bui now they are rc5tllln&( th~f!l .. t-:ven l.Jlough tie: sells srnall 1n1por1al c<1r~. \l.·;iyrno R. Andersen here acknlls, "H I bought a new car I "'()IJ!d bUy a big An1<'ric1tu car. I 11·ant the room. the o.'lrlliort and tht class." TIIOSE I"\ Tiil:. autnn1ob1\r lndu.,try now s.ty !hill during the t.ocrgy cr1sLS inany W'Cre "·orr1£:d -nvt so n1uch b) thr pnct-of i::n."'-'line ,!>ut 911Jy Ii}' HS 1'1\'<ill<1t)lllly . AC'L'Or1hnt; to Jalllf'!' II La\\•ren ce . <lirecto1" nf the N 1t t 1 o 11 H I A utom ob i le IJealers Ass.ociat1on fr uide Book 111 Washington, "Theorde111<1!1c1 for l?tl& is ahnQt;t intla::.tic, whal - f'\'er the pn~ Ford's Econoniic Pledges Outlined FINANCE TM Cites Reeor<l Earni11os l'.'.'.I LOS A:\GELl::S 11\P 1 -'l'he Times ri.1irror Co. has reptot1l·\I record earnings for !he lfr "·1.~k aud 28-\\l'l'k period::. ended July 14 Tht• eornpany, puhlisher of the Los A.itgl'lt's Tune:.. the Uaily Pilot <Hld u t hf' r ~\'!sp;,1pcrs and books. f':lrne<l SIB.9 1nilllr.n, or 56 cents a share. in t~t! 16 11•eeks f'nrlcll Jul~· 1-1 , con1pared Y.'L\.h $1 5.l) 1nillion. or 4i cents <1 sh;1re. <1 :;.·Nlr e;irlicr. lle\·enues rose to $225.t rr.ill1on fron1 $2012 million. For the 2t 11·erks f'n<!ed .Juli' 14 e.'t.rninf.~ tot.11cd ~28 2 mitlion. or 83 ccnrs ;i sh.'lrC', on re,·t>nu<"S or S.182 7 millioo Thi~ ro1np1red ;o.1!h S26 I n1i!lion. or 78 l'f'nl" a sh;irr. on ~\·enues of S:l;>o 4 1111111011 tn the like ptriod of 197:'!. ;1t his present past four years. [X)~I for thv Hy Sl'LVIA !'ORTEit Our ne\v Presidcr1! ll:is ;1 rf'al. rw-faking: progr;in1 to l1l'l p battle inflatlon-11.·hu.:h he hirn.o:;elf c:ills "11 l'<ltlt"-'r th<il could c·:iu•c 11 lingerln[! ole;\tli for llit' 1 11 d !J ~tn,,1- (f.C'd 11•orld ." Ford dr.es h;11·e a pro- grlHn ;111d ;i (11·1·11\•·d nnr f)Ul'i lli! t h e \\ ··e~~ 1*fr.rr PORTER Nix on stepped do1l'n. Ille 1·i<'(' president \\<IS outlini11g that 1Jll1l·print bu! fij"' w er c (JS!C'lllllg. f''1>l!l)'S Al'l'l!Q,\Cll differs 111 ~l·\ l'ral unique \\'~l)'S front 1\ixvn's. ;.\n1ong lhL' n1osl si;.:u1ftL'.tnt of tho:-f' c!1ffc1"t.:nc('.~ 1s Ford's c1nphasis on ('i.Operat1011 \\'ilh Congrt>!'iS, Oil reachtn.~ solt1\ions and his pJ(';t~-Sl:ttl·d ltl rl'('('lll ll'Pl'kS 11 ith u1l'rL·astng urgency-for "rf'(()nCiliil!1on" <111d for ··re:1sonable con1p ron1ise. ·· PC'rha1>s Nixon rnight hii\'t' slrc.Ssl"<I these :ispecis loo, but 1hc \Vah'rg;11e scandals so Jh·idcd !he: U,S. that i\'ixon l"Olildn't l'Vcn 1ry 1t1 <JJ tract thl' ;it·li\'e suppon of :111 segnit,nts 111 Congress. n1uth \\ ,\Slll.\"l.TO"\ I liPft Ch1rkc•n ;1ncJ eg-g prc<iucers h111·c· told Qtngrcss !hey favor f!Ol't·rnmcnl action •o 1nonitf1r grain 1•xports ;.ind lunit th<-111 it nt•(•d e c! !11 ;i1oid sk~r01·ke!1ng cton1f'~1lt' pr1r;r1; ,1nd food infint1fin ror l'O!l· ~Ulll('l'S ll('X! \'!':II' n111 spokl•.;111t·11 for !he· /\rncricrtn V;u·ni n ll r c ~I 11 F'rder;llion s;11d tlit.1 ~trongh l('ss ho~ to "''in il Ford has an e.-.:1raordinar1· chance to al'.hi<'ve this 'clurinc h I ~ ''honeymoon.'' A third f11ndan1en\.'ll is th;ir f'o rd is 110\,. surrounded by a !cain of tough. dcdicatl«I anti ·innatiot1 ad\'ist·r~ \1 ho havf' t'onvinccd hin1 then_' "i.~ no easy way. l)IJ!y a hard "''ay" tu curb th<' price ~pir:i l. Hf' is not an econon1i~ by :iny slrC'lch of the in1aginntion. But \\'h{'n IX' says "the rral 11,'apons ag11 inst inflation art• the old·tin1e ,·irlut-s--a sound hudgrt and a S011nd rnonclary )Xllicr.'' he sounds like he unrterstand nnd 1neans it. r\ow to the details "'hich touch each one or us : TllE 111E"' comers!one !h at Ford \l'ill attempt in the ant.i- infialion fight "·ill be a federal budget oot only in balance nl·xt Vt·ar but "rMrbe in su rplu.S." N'othing coi.1!d l>E' 1non.' important than Io nchiC'\'e that budget surplus, hf' :;;:iys. Ile p r o Ill i s e s , !h(>rcf1>rr. to ''clo budget- husling legislntion. 10 ... ask Cl:>ngre&'i to have the "political gu 1s " to d('fer progra1ns th:it arc de~irable but not really t'.<-<;cnt ial. The11 ll(' holds out to hi!' friends in ()>ngress the carrC1t : 11ere op1).)sffi tn controllng g"r<1in exports Thi.~ 11etk 's re ports that Ll.S. ft.>ed grain production 1n 1974 'A'as cul sharply hy clrou(?ht do not rll110ll!lt to an {'tllCl',,llCnCy, !he spokC'sn1en said. Tht• c·onflicting testi 111ony 11·;is prt•p.arcd for A he;iring !>efort' a SNliltt" 1\~riC\1lturf' suhc'on1n1H tre headed by Sen. \\'al1er D. l4uddlt·stnn (D"KY • a3 one of you for a qua n~r­ N?ntu ry, n1y l'deepest v.·ish 1~ U~l a 11.·av C"an be found fur IL'i 111 wor k together." Already in plaC't is the cornerstone of a t o u g h nu:metary policy which has made credit so 11car~ and push..'d lx>rro\.\ing ('QSiS to horrendou s heights. This, Ford sH}'S. hC' wi ll not oppi;.~e l)('('ausr the inflation-creating suppl y of nioney and credit 1nust be restr;iined. and ·-rhcn thf' budget ~ M'.luec<I . this "''ill mtan ''re duced go vernn1f'nt borrow I n g . reduced interest rates" and a inuch It•~ painful O\'~rall l'rcdit pol icy. TilEN. FORD PLY.OGF.S the~ action.o;; -An al!..()Ul dri\'e W ~xpand the productil'ity of industry. p;1rtl('U!arly prOOuction in industries v.·herc shortages exi:;;t-such M entgr)' aod a 1·arie1y of basic n1atenals; A reexamination o t rf',1t u!alions 1n the etn·iroo.ITlffltal aN"a to rn.ake .~ure !he!"!' is a proper l>alance bctv.·ttn the needs G! the cOOnQ1n:v ;ind our yea.ming for ~1al 11.·ell-being ; -S))t.'Ci.:i ! programs to aid industries badly 00rt by a stri~tnt monetary po Ii c y, 1ht "e!Tl(j'genc;,"' session 9.'a!. ortlcrt'<i by c o n1 m i t t e r chairn1an li e rm a n E. Tal n1ad:,:t (D-Ga. l. to e:..:plorf' the in1plic<1hons lo fanners ;ind <'OT'lSUnlf'rs of Ute .'.(hort 1974 g-rain C"Mpts. Tt1lmadge said th:lt 9.·hile 11~ did not ad\1X'a~ anv n<it ,.xrort ernbargo. it might ht n<'C<'S..<i.ary for Prcsidtnl ford h• rrcnitor exports ;,t n d pt1rhaps put a C('iling on ti~ ~ittl 11s public u 111 i t I e ~ , hou.c;,inJ(:, fln:1 ncial instilulions ; -Particular c111phasis 011 f"Xp.<1J1cling the production of nH r f:irn1s and . Sll~'s FON!, l\!I a reire~nt;,1li\'C. of a rural- oril'nted pnrt of :-.f ichis;::ui, !~ trulv recognized the 1n1 ~rt.1nL'f' of i.h1!'1 , -A rejf'l_'!ion of llrict'-w.agf' controls ;1s 111ak1 ng "only <1 marl(inal l'ontributlon. ·· but :11 the same tin'le <i "nef'd for ~]et:;(' 1nonit0ring of price and wage de\'1'lopznen1s (\\'h i(·h n1~an.c; 2 fW'\\' 11.·a~e·1:irict set.up in 'r\'t1.shing!on1, for not to do so 11ot1ld tX' "unforgivabll' nt'gligc·n« ... Repair Bid 1'o Rockwell A $2 .438 .~~ contract for repair of ships in e r t ; a 1 na\·igat1on cc,n1ponrnts h11~ been a\\·arded to Rockwell lntcmational of ()rang e County. The award \l'as made by !he Na1·y Dtopartment and supp!~mcnls a prrl'rous Nal'y con!r11 ct "''Ith a total value of more thM M.4 n1illion. 8:110\ln: 110111('h 1·~n be st11 pfll'd abroad to a1·01d ~hvrtaces at honlt. S!'n:ite !.Ourcrs. n1eanwh!lt:, ~«!1rl thr y hart heard rl'flVrls 1h.1l Trr.1surl' St c re 1 a i:.J' \l'i!11a1n 1::. Sn11et11 •1";1~ ;.iriJ11nJ.1, 1ns1d<· the ad11l1n1s!rat100 - .i~a1nst 1l1t' ~ t r f' n u o 11 _... (lf'lpo'iilion o r A~riculture St.'CTt!an'l Earl l. ll1tl 1. -fllr adopti"'1.vf son if' gr<i in export li111i1:1t1f1ns. ~1i;~~::~i1 1:;,h~i~1 "i~,,;.;:~! Complete Mid-day Ameri.can Stock List Corp.. has been n a n1 e d I ehainnan of th ebo;.ird hy rv r·li 11..-----------------------------•'-----------------• porate di rectors. lie succeeds th(' la!e [;. I E. \\'ebb. founder ol the fu·111 "ho died J11ly 4 Thl' hotl'I O\l'ller-opcrator firm r u n s m<inv re sort hotC'ls 1ncturhni:? Th<' ·\'e1\-por1er Inn in ~C\\'1Xll1 BcJ«h r • .... ,.. . ..., "l ""''ld!ltna -··-.. ~-'" !••" 10 T 4<l•Ofl l"<J .t I Aotol• 0 OX! • 6 A~q••C1>r ffl I \I S ' "~'0"<·• tnl l '" •o•,n• 1., ,_,.I l •G -...! 1.11 .... u '1 ' A!re< ~" I) J ;u(. ' n1a ' 11 """''"~ '. ~ • " ' ' , ' :'lfanufal'tutf'rs !lank of Los ~"i..~'.',1 '..,,','1 ~ Ani::rlrs h:is ()prnC'cl :;n OrH1H~" I'· •·•~r •!lu " . ·'·l·t/'·C f> "' Cnunl\' regional <iff1r•· 1111hl 1 .. 1~·1" "" Tim Prrrilla hP:trlinp up 1lh1 ~::·i~,."'.".;: 11pcr:-ition ·ind John Pr1•c.<, :i.,! '"'"'"1 tp 1 • ' .... ' ' ' '"• ' ' ' ' · "'"' Co•ro ·'' \iC'I' prr~id1•nt 111 ('h:1l't!t' nr """'~Q\ )Q. "' . ''""", .. 1, opc'1'.1t1ons. I '""•H••• .. ,, .1 . ""' ·~''""'" . ',, ' l>ougla s K1•u p 1.-. l1s .. r.q,11H "" 1" 1 • 11 • ·~ 1 , . '· \'ice presidl'.'nt of l'nn1111rr<'i:it' !'t!:,~'0" 1 ;,~ ~ '; ,. 10:1ns. at the offiC"f', 100:·.1rrct ~;.': ~::. •:; • • 111 Kel'lXlrl Beacl1 ~~;,.'.,";'"' .' •; • Lido lsll' rf'siclt>nt r;. ,., lfJnsha"'" Jr, ha~ ~n elected !'lfC'~idcnl and a dirrrlor of Tht lncnn1r f'ond of Amerie;1 :ind The Croll-lh F'llncf of America. Thr ron1binr•d A~~I'!~ Of bo!h mutual fund~ is nC'arl\' $411 r11i!lion. !Uni:het11' l1a.t · hef'•l senior vire prrsidrnt for bo!h funds sinre DN::emhrr ll~ tll a director of Capilnl n.e!'Carch and J\1 nnag~n1ent O:>n1pan~· and a vice prt\<;iclen l. of The Ca pit::1l Group, Inc. • Huntington Bf'ach resirlen ! Larr;> Hart has ht?rn appoinll'rl an. a s.~istant t·ice pre!lidcn 1 1'-ith the oe1I-' reJ?iOn<:1l corporate ban ldng grnup of Ba nk of America's (Jran~c­ Southeastern l...os An g f' I e s county regional headquarters. • Thomas I , Roh-rrtit h.'ls been named director of customer service for ,.\j r t.:a llfornia. Roberts joined the Newport Beach-based air carrier after nearly 20 years of airlinf' passenger scrvire 11·ith United Airline~. • \\'rslrtlinster rrsirtl'nt 1\fi1li.i1· Hcrs1eln1 h<i1; t>t~rn hnnorrrl ror co1nplcting J:i yeo rs nf l ~('l'\'icr \\'i!h r. enc r A I ~•iu•I~"" 11\ '' ' ~I , /\11(lG lOo ~ I II "'"'~' l ~! 1 ) ) ~.,, ... (~'!) > ' ll ""a,. LI~ ! t 10 A111r>(JICp ~ • ~ ~ • • /\•W(t<)(I I.I) j I I ' "'"''"tfd '" ~ 1l 8 • A~l'JIO .•llQ 1 ~ fl ··~· '"< • 1 • A!~lfl!• 1>d J I \ • "'"' 1nnu,1 11 11 \.;~. 1 '' /,ll(nll /()<Jll II 17 Alllotftf!I "'' 11 11 , Aun•t 1., 1S !I 11 I~ , Au,!•.ol 0•1 l(l b ~ A•.O~T'~" ;, " I I l"•~n•<O U 19 I 2 , , -· ·-6••11~~ lld I • r ... crntt .aitt -, '' , !"'"'"'c l l 11 I) I, l•~,,n~• I 01 ' ! 7 l:l••r<O (•lol J 1 }' / f!Mn•cll In . " b , • llM•vilGI•) ~ fl~"" r~1·1 ' 18 •'· -" • fl<\11 lnci OH • I taonrv\ lo ~ I "''9 Ill •ld J 1 I'•. '. 1 " I-•,. ~·. . lWrn1ofl;•I 10 I t.;, '"" v I "' ' u'"'''~" .. o ~ 1 I ·•-' ' , .. U•o o,~ .. mt s 11 1.. , ll<><!1n~J1 •fi 3 } I 1 • '• IJ.n• V~ll 10 '' H 1 ~ , ll<J"'m~· In' 1 3~ ~ , Or~d Q•q~n • l h,, '• LI••-'~" lg 1 II 1~ !\<~•·1~ (:Q•C• I O o ll•OLJ.i<I l"rj I .,,,.,,",p •.. ~ ~ Hr•l .. <>I•\ "'' I I • UIU l"ll""' , J 1 '• BY•'~' II ) I )' IJun,..,~ ln<i M I 1 • 6',orn\/nl '>O r I 6 eut•t• lnt·~I 1 6 ~·•· 1 !lull~\ {.I\ I I I 11>'• -'• --< c-- (.lldor 1~ • 1 ~ , • '" c,,.1 (ompt~ • • 1'. '" (d""t<Jlfltfl .. ) l '•-'• GtmuD tl>•b • 1 r· l ·••l·I• c..im1>1n . .O J J 111 , .. Cnn E• c..~ )8 S 111 16 • (~IP"' 108 f I 10••• '• ~:~. 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P\ 1 11 co C I ?-) ' • ' ' • 7' '.'1' 19 1~t. • • • • • 19 1 •• 1 1.1, . .. '~ u·~ . " -){Yl-7! 6•5 !f • !1 • !O 11 ' 1• lJ ?~ 11 " . ·~ ,. .. ' 1J'' >Co "' • '" ,., • • • " '" '"' ' . " . " ,, 1r•, ' " . 1S •.+ ' . -. '" " • ... '~. IS •-• " !!...._"" ll'>-~ n ' ' . . 1'"'--' " e ""'" Co111 rol l OS A'GELE<; (AJ') f1na.uc 1er Kirk Kerkon 1n Wlll att 11n ma1or11v control of \h~t1 o Goldwyn ~f l}Cr Inc .-ind increase /us bank account at rhc san1c tin1c lhe con1p u1y sa}s Kerkon;in of L<ts Vegas J\c1 1\1(,i\1 s \ice chairman and clue{ cxccut11e officer u1crc:JSC's Ins equity ullercst in the con1p;u1y fron1 48 3 • pt'rtent to 50 I pcorccnt !he stock lra~ct1011 tuinpany said SACl{\\11:::'\TO (Ul'f l wnh 1hc 11if' State I: 111 p Io y 111 en 1 l k>\ t lopn1cn1 lkµ:1rtrne111 said I( !J,Jd tlf' lrl\ 200 j)}Sllll..in~ 11 11lablc n1 1,u ou~ Cal1fcfhua lll1f's The~ 111111.'S r;ir1t::e /ron1 ~I BOU to $~u 000 a \ca1 rn. f.'ik'111011~ : n c 1 u de i.:lcl n1 .ii i..:ng1neers dt:ntal l}g1cn sts µh}).11ill thcra µ1~1.) lt :i1 lw..r~ !;o.:11 ! v.orke1'!! i:ind est ro w offJ<."t rs The depart1nent pubh5tied ( 1hfo1111a lrncntorv of 0)l\'n1ngs 1~/uch hsts Job the ro~•llons ---·--- 1l111erit•o1a llJ /llo•t ,\rtitJe Am~riran Sales • fJ (~ [\'II\ fl[ 1"11 /«r!1 fn .,L/\I lb Jqf.1 • l(new I Was Gone, • Says Sun Whiz After 66-yard Run ll\•l S"l1!\ i .\I'• II 1J1dri"t LHkr :--}ll!hl"111 l .•lilorn1;1"s lh1r1101.X.I Kt't•!(111 h"'I'. 1., :111;•h'1t• th.· "lllt1Jt111oi 'l'hurvl;i~ 1U(:hl ;1f!t1 Ji,. r1·1urru·d :111 1ni.'rrt•Ptl••n 1~; 1.11cb fn1 rl1.· d1·f"!-.1\,• l••Uc·hd•11111 t1 a•1 11:~ \\otld F1 ~1lh.d) Le.i~Ut' 1111t1r~ , '' 1 I lo11.-.1 ou f \.Jh \\ [ " 11;1.; '-."llt" 11h··n i,:vl fn1111 ti!..L1h•"na .. :1ifl ;dt,·r l·i,, t••lll"hdo11o11 run 111tl1 "I 'i\'\."l•11ds lilt 111 1l1r n:1t1or"t;ill\11011•\hc"! ""-~t 1rn ri111•1(•ll <../~111do1111 111 rne' A'i1noth•J11<· •· fl1·~'k tlh'l'l' 11 .1sl1"l .111ytll<xlr 1 l11'J t' hul 1lll " ~hortl\" 1 .. lor1· h(·• l•Jl1 ~ ~pr: J1 1 SPORTS rl'o Sl1art· LeacJ At Hartf ore) \ \\"E'fllF.H ~rri::t.11. t-Onu •.\P1 1);1\"t' Stoc·kton ;ind rt1!-h:-i red Roh tllurphy shot 11·1d1·ly ch~!'1mil;ir r.a .. - ~i;( undrr par -anrt ttt•d fnr th<' fir:-l- 1 ound l<'ad Thur<;ct:1y 111 tht' ~2041 l)IHI (;r{'<l!C'r \l;1rtf11rd flpt11 gulf tuurn:1111l•nL Sl(lf"k\on. huhhlin;! 011'1" lht· fi.;{l!l-yar<t lYclhersfield Counlr\· Club c11ur:-:" '1'ith :1 bo11.._, hrui~v ••11 h1;-; r11.:l1! f1(1[. dropp"d three 2~•-foot null~ :ind holei1 three 1n(J:"" 1n the 12-to·l~-!oot r;111cc ""J\·e bt·en s1111ni.: \·1n up :ur •11\11!:1' ... ~:.1d Stuck1r1n. 11lrL":1d~ 1hl' 11-"lll!ll.:r ol 1110 titles ti11s .1·1·:"1r ,\tt:rph.1·. 011 1h .. · 111hl'1 htind . h:11! 11 "° clc1"c 1 .. !\le holo he dilln"t h<.1\"1• ;1 h1rd1l· pun nl 11111rl' than '-1'\ tl"L•t a11d rniss£'d t11u (1thc-rs ot nbou1 111.._• .'><i1ne h·nglh I h~1cl :1 t•h:111C"t· !or ;1 rt~:tlly. i"Citlly lu1·. rollllll... .~;!lei ;i.1urph\". 011 111, comC'back fron1 a /1aud inJurv th;1t threatened to c111I hi .;;'1·<1ri.'1'r. Thu.st! l\\U sllar1'(! a nnc-slrike :1C1·;1nt:1gc hi i-r roo~1t• l·:dd1e Pt•aree :111d Aus!r<1li;in 1ett·ran Bruce [)('1lln. tied ~n fifi Hubert lirl'l"ll. a !hrt•1•-111nc lh•.'l ~.:-;i~un ;ind Ol\t" of 1h1• ht 1athll·:-I )vu11i; ... 1,,r .... C:vvrgc l)on l;ll"• ;111d ,Jt"rry .\lei ;1 ;JT (;i 11 inner g:une·s .Jt1hllS11I\. tollo111·d l.1'• Tr1•11110. 11111111'1 11f rh1' 1•1 ; \ n.1.ti11nDI rh:un111onsh1p 1<1.~t "~·)... bo~e~ed 111,, ot his l.J:-ot llllt'!' ll<ilt'" f••f ,\ 1.:0 :.nd 11a..: ti1·rt :11 th.11 fi:,:url' 11ith n1nr·· r!i.1n :1 i1011·11 .. 1'11·1, ~1uth /\tri(':1n 1;;11.1 l'l:111'r, 11h11 h.1~ 1:1f..(•11 th•· .~l:i"I • r ... ;111d 1:1111.'-h Clp··n l"fU\1ns £'<1rlp·r 1111~ 'l"l"t•ll. hu;.:c_10d ltl•· fin:il hole ;111<t 11., ... f11t11· ,fr\>k1·s b:•\":, <it 69 GirJ , 15. 011e11 s 32-111iJc S\vi111 ~ l'l1l'lll'l'l~11 ·~ .l11n f;i,\\lll<lll IJll1ll'''i•l•d :11o<1th• r I !1,u-.1 , !I p;'"" rlliil .~1 l Up " l'.t \,1r1l ! •Ii! ;!.1,d by rlc ll\111;: )1'IL'<'ll Th.1! ~a1, tli. ~u11 .t 111-i l•·.uJ. 1t~ 11r,,,1 11f th{_· 1!;11111· · l X!l•"I' 1!11·~· 11:111 to 'i!"P tl11• 1 ·l(lt'~ 11 gving dl.'t,• nr lvr th,· r11ut~ f•llt"' Kt'flon s:nd. ··n1l'V 11·e111 •u :lie 1,1,!it·:.. 1onl' ;u'r!'I I 11:111· ·1, 1·trd1t 111;a·!1. l·:I t °t•!.1 h•r 11·;11 hui;.: 111t· h1 11 !1> 1,u·~ 1« tih· (jlllt ~ 4Jllt. .. ""\\\· /1:1tl lO j.!O \\Jl)I !rlvft• pl·1~·:1t!J1lll <ind p;1·~111:.:.· ,..,1111 •01111 ··1.1111 l"o;u" S<1l1i '"0,\li.·n \I t' ~!:llt•·d IO llll\ ]J1,•!I\ up. th:it"s 11h1•fl 11, :-t:1111•d Ju 111u1~· \';illl lhf' .~'~II"•' l l<'d 7 i, !1 11-'1'1 •\:11l d('!t·Jl'ii\·e UTlll. N(). Ill !lit' \\"J-J.. ;ll•j~1•:1f1·1J 101 !1.1\1• SI• lil"."d ;, ~llll :'L"llllll,. ilrl\o' llllh :1 \11 lo II Iii (Ill" f1 11al ]H'rl•~I 1;111 S11111 li«r11 l ".1lit1:1 111;1 d•·l1•1lSll•· li;u ·k l1n1 llo'.1111:i11 1n1, l"l•"l •lLd 01 p:t•-li.1 Don ·rrull 011 the nr1;t pl:1v :i11 ! rc111rneil 1t 10 !hi.' Hou:.\, 11 :i1~y<1nJ.l111c . ,\fttr 11 2(J-y;1rd i.:t1i11 hy r11nni11,.! h;il"k J;in1es ~lcAlisier .• Jensen boo!crl l hi:! vo- nil1•:id t1l•ld t;oi:J! 111lh 2:1Jq 11 It in tho• ;;;1111e Thi• Trx:in~ got 111thin f1r!d -::oat r;ingc :i.s tiffit.' r;1n lfUI l'll'fOr'l' Kcclti1 :-l<'P\}('d i11 front of :i Trull p:i"s and r'<in 66 ~an]<; untouchL'll c~•·.1n thr IL"fl ~irtt·linc f,,r the cli11ch1ng Sl'(1rC 111Th 2-l St'tVnJ~ rn plal". Th<'· ll·xan;:;. 11 h·1 dropp.:d rn -St"l'und rl:1c1· :it 2.::..1 h1•h1nd S1·u1h1.•n1 C;11"' ~.;l reront in th•· \\"i~l. !(IOk ;i i.il h<1!l111n e lf'~d on a 'll-y!!rtl rou<·hdo1111 p;t~i-: frrnu .\!if..C' T;ili;Hl'!l"O !11 11,1(),• reti:llt'I" Jul1n ( l(\i1111. Sou1!•;-o•·11 f':1l11•1rn1a !it•d th!"' ,,f\lrer:irl\· in Lhe thirrl pcriod 1rhcn J:ick Connt':-S r1·turn.:-cl :1 1.1.1111 !~I y;11·fi'i iur <l 1ouchdo1111 10 ~el up !111· 1"is1turs' ~:a1ne-11o innin;; ~u rge. 1111: 1\·1;:ins IOJ!.. c:h:i.r'~t' 01 th1~ g::1n1c Vn !hrir first )Xl'is1•..:-.1011 1 rith the H;uchdo\1·ri bn1111J b1 T·a\i;1ftrro. 11ho left 111 the ~l'<"l;1Hl qu;i.rtc1· after con1plctin;; :-1\ of riJit p;is.'<1•<; tor Iii Y•lrds Taliat.-rro SJ.Jftt•rt'd ~t t"ll1 u11•r 111~ ci·I' that rcr1111rt"d six :-ri t cht·.~ 1-fqU:-.lou ln<;t l"urnhlf''i Ii~ llt\lh.11·k .Jori \'an,.,-.. nn it.~ 1:1'-I !1111 Jlil'i~t'""lun . .;; ol th•· first f!H .1r1 o·r. \;1111 t .-.; ~,., fll11I i1unhl1· c:nne at the Sun n1ne~\"ard-lin". Str11!ht·n1 (";1l :lt1nu.1 J.,,,1 · 1u• h1111l.lf' .inl! he1rr l\\O p;•-~1-~ 111t•·n-i·pr1•rl 1"r•\an,· 'i;11<·11 .J•oh:J .II :1 I In r \ l!lh rtl"plt'd ;1 1·;1-.;., t:1 •1u;11 t•·1l .. 1t k f iar1 \":1lb111'n:1 l:ir" 111 th<· 'i1·t1.:ul qu;ul<T :ind (.\Jl"llf'rli.h ·~ P·n r;1l·h" •!1·µpo:d ·1 fr1irlh-(111<1rti·r ~llfl d1i1r 11 11•11 1•1• int crc:cpted a TQn1· Adt1111s :1;1 .. <, at !ht• I l••t1. ... 1• .1 l"·.1 .. rd-l1n1· ., 1, ' ( t-1 '" -011~-, I •I· <II f.( )•·" .... '• n " ' 11 . '~ I ~ i 0-I ••• 1 ' ,; ' f •• , tA I"'"''·~""' '"'"'" 1· ,i,.,,., 11 (.fll "" 1 .. 01v1ov .. L t t; .. f·ER! !;'JS~t'1C -So·1'"''" r ,t rr-n•• ~-,~11>1•r /.iO ~~"On !Le~; H,,,,,, .. RHI> ·~·en 11.,1. "'·"~· " . ~!"C(l>/11.'. '•"O""" fool• ·O• ·."111 .. ,n · .. f'•''; '" ~'•I •-n. r '11. r-•· ?·'''l•I!" •on•,• •I"·'· '.n • o• ~ '"""· v~:c. ~,,,, ,.11.1, i;;l. l•c~ ion l•t•~t·"~ I 11. "; ~ '" •I ; I• I , ' . ·;r·· . "" ' • . ' ~.·~···, '· ' . • ' . RALPH NELSON OF THE SUN BREAKS OUT OF TRAFFIC ON WAY TO 39.YARO KICKOFF RETURN . Rate ~ar KO 'tl Sports in Brier • SPAHTA:--;fH_JtC. S.C. L\PI -The 19i"3 Ford dri1·t·n by Buddy Btikf'r in l;1st St1nda.1··s T,1Jl:idl';.!'1 5(11• <;tock tar rHcc' 11as thr 1i c1i1n 11! ~ahuleu rs 11ho hrnkr into thl' tr:ick"s g:1r;\.'l' arl'a ~ tl.11· bcfori•. C":cr 0111wr Ht11t ~lonrt' s:1y:;:. Ca1·di1ials Get Ostee11 Thi.' 1::1r. 1~ll1C'h k·1! !•R of !h1· IRll l::i•'-. ll'ft rh" r.iC"•' t11!h thrl.·e l:q1s r1•1n:1111111;.: ;1;1t·r 1::1kl·r rt"J">r\1•11 -n11·l!t1l..! '.:f\·::.;c hurnuH! s•·1 1:1;1l !ill'" f'arl1rr Th!' t".11" 1111i.-11<·J Sl\lll i:h·hanl P1•1r.1 11;1~ rh,• 1\i11r11·r ·· f';u t11·lt·'i nt ;..r.1 1·,·! h,td h1'1'll \Hll 111 :111 OJ! eooll•r llnr.·· .\l1)f)rt s:ud 1'hursd:iy. \\"hl'.'.n 11e took :t p :1r1 th t' oil '"'"Jll r pun11J tin !h1' li111• \,·nd1ng t•J tlio · trau~n11.,,;i;1n. \\, f1•lltld .1 l:1r.;,• •111r1ntJty of t;ra1·l·I '"Tilt' nil l"l)()it'r II '1.S :-t11ppcll \JJl rnn1pl,,tt·l1· Tht'rc 11;1s 110 oil ginno; 11l1·n11:_:h th1·r•· .ii .. 11 ·• Thill 11·,1s !!11· prohl('111 1<h1eh 1 .. rc1·d the' e;lr tron1 tl1c r<lt\'. nnd not :i h\1111n "'l~inr• ;i.;:; had bet"n pr(·1·10usl·· re·por1,•d. \luo1 c s;11ll Se11.'ral rot th· !"1' \I l"f(' n1~h1 cars 111 1nridr11t thf' r.1c1· S,11urd ll ' \'olan £l1·;in can ~t'.'I nrn rnore :;1n:.;,·"111t rr<'11rrts 11i1en lhe C:.lifoml:t .-\n'..'.l 1;; t •·• !he ~li111o·;ntket Rre1rers loni;!h1;it!l1011 01• B1:;: A . Th,• rn:1p1r lr:1~L«' ~l'.'\Wll .,:rih:f'••tt rerord holdt'r tif'd the sing-le ~.1Pl1' ru :1r ~ vi I!! .\lund.t~' ilo!:.u1-..\ Hostun. U\" :-triking nut 1 ~ or !!lur .. Joru;,:n1 . . l:1'i1n e;1n brefll \; Ilk' 1n:1jor lc.1;::ue fll•1· ~;init• n1<1rk or 3'.! he sh;1 rl·S \{ith.Bos•un·~ !.11is 1'1an1. 1f hc fans 10 or mnr(' he CQU]d sci ;i thr1·c ~<11nt' 111ark . IX'tl1'ring the to1;il ot ,II he sharc-s 11i1~1 Sandy f\0L1L1t. H1:in hact J;l ~t r if\eo111s against Chic oi:::•J 111 the last ;.:an1e hefore Boston . It.ra n -i~ s,•rking his 16th 11 io and ~oes ;i~ain\l fornil·r A nge!~ tc;ir11 r111tc Clldc \\"r1;..ht. C-li e fJ.'if.-Plt It• Curds ST. LOL1!S -The Si Loui.~ C:1rd1n;,ls h.11-'!•'rNi their p1tt·hin6 st .. ff 111ursday Ii•. nbt.1ini ng 1 <'ternn \e11-handf'd piti:hcr Claude O~tt:"n from the HQu .S11111 Astro~ 1n a leawc deal. In return for &tt'Cn. tht C:1odin:.1J,. 'it·nt rninor !eagl.lt' plich~r non ~·lak :o th;-A<;tro;" Columhu<i. Ga .. fnrnl c!ub in 1he Southern l..e3gue. Houston 11111 ;;ISi'\ ref'eit·e c:i.~h and a ph1\·cr to IX' n;1n1cd !:iter. the C'ordin::ils i.;1id TI1c Jj-1·ear-0ld Ost('f'n 1t::is 9-? m !! ~·anl(·S 111th thr 1\strns th1.i s.·~1 son and h~ii> ;i 1B'l-!T7 (·:1rccr n1ark. A '.!fl-;!:lnl<' 11u1nrr in 11\1',!) :1nrt l!ll:!. h•' 1\:0~ tra11t·d to !he .-\:>:ro~ !!1~1 ~e<Jr in the drt1! th·it Sl'nt 011tt1t·lder Jini111·. \\\ ,;;, to !!1 ~ . , ... 1.(1~ Anqt•lr.;; R:.1n -.; n11.~t",nhloo1n h1<: told 011T1cr Carroll bis tt'arn 1ha1 r•1·r ryonr h;1s lo~t i11 'hr .\"·itivn:.tl [..('·;.:11c Footb:ill Ll'3guc ph11·l'r~· strikr . ltO'if'nb\o.-,rn t;>lkc<l to t o:icl· .. ,~ a"Jd playrr.~ for '.!fl niinutes Thursday at the tc;1m"s Ful!enon St,1tc train1n~ c:unp. '"This 1\·il! not hr a 1·ict'lry for the pla.\cr<;. fur th" 111rnrr:>. or fflr an~on.:-." ht' <;.1id. "":'\o n1.1tlf·r 11hal happens lrom no•\ on. 1oer hn.,,·t all lost" Th•' 1>la:-;rr:1 fl<>~iali(Hl has told nit•inbf'r.;; !<l rf'tun1 to e:nnp lor a t111) 111•C'k ··cnolini: off" perhxl-. I ··1 .U•' '" '1"11\1•·11~ .\Ii 1n 1: t , I ~ ·1 !ru 1• I ,, ( ·1h1ll .. 11111111•.1. 1 '• I h. ll " I ... II' Pl" -"l d .·1,, (., !lh' Ill< .l.'111·,, t• I ti.~ I ··Ill· J" 111 . "lo . J :IO• .111<1 P111!111111 •II 1 I lahl·(· ' •,,I I 1 •• O \, •I "' II c:vul<l rnl'illl ·~3.1, I \H !l II ti "~Id. '"Rut 1·rn 11•·1 ·-·•'l'o..: f., ~·I !11111"(' SJ)t'<1f1c lli:in 1 ;11~ II ' 11\•T l.'111" rt.),;pl'~lsibiht~· tu 110 _,.., o111u 1Ji,_ .J ,1J•' bet_;: !i"()\l"l\t'd U[• 11 [Jl'Ur·lt •ll:tl\111~ f·•il II( pru<.·lan1:1t101:~ ;il..-0u1 thi:-· • C11t·lis1 KillPd COHO\".\ -ll1tkil' f\ ,\li111(·r. ,.1 li.11ersidr. ll:lS killed \\'l'dlll'~da1 111'.!hl v.)1en he '-'Pilled his rnotorl'ycl1'. dun11~ a t:a:e at the l'-0ron;t H.ict'v.:1y :inrl 11,1~ -•true!.. 1n the nrl"k by ,u1u1hl·r cy1·I~' e . l'11e "''"""' ("t 1J.L">ll3L"S. Oh 1.. S 11 1 r •.\ r, ro rl Ste\1;,rl r111al!r h1u111I th•' k.·y ,u1d rlt1n111<1l<"l 1 .. p-si'rdl'<l Arthur ,\,hr fr<Jtn the ~50.f.Ol l~uckcye Tcnn1; 1."J·..1n1p111n· ~!ups Tl1ur.stlay. ,)ft1<,.1t. :!.'l. h<ld lost 11irr. !.>tr:H::;ht rn . .tchf'~ .ind P1 ghl 1·nn'-·-<·11tl\•'• s•:!• !v : .~h1• liefvrc toµptn~ th\' ,[,1r j.;,_ ;.,, 111 ,, th1rtl·rvu11d lllJ!l"h 1'1ill•';:1.1te 1Ii11np1•111 .1.,11n \\ h1l lin::Lt' r,f !->t.u1f,,r•l tHJ-.;l1~l J;,,b Lul1. ui :-,.in I it'1l1• 1111'. fi-.l , h-1 ;ii d \'o IH'll!t'l.1n I lu111phrc_1 llu~c do fo-.1\rd l h" r I .. !•..t . ..t!t'i) 1.f f'll•·f!(l fl11'•1 7-fi. lo·! T·.in '•\•r,11:1n u1.111.1...;~1I 1•1 ,1101d .111 t'I'" ! .. 1,,f r11r11·1·d IUllJ tho' qu;orlo'r-1111;!1.' \\!th ,1 v.i. 11-J 11.ct1111 1,11•r En'l<111u -. Jubn Llt1yd . · " .\I o .iu· . .-111ei11.: .. I•) lh1' fjllHrtcr-(111,11~ 11 ·re Ho::.i..·VI~ ·rannt•r. ,11ho cltll•:11t·rl \\vi) l\ft 1.,s. ;.(._ ii-4: H~1u! J{,111,1rrz •11 ,\lrt1e11. .. 1111 ht•nl J1rn l lt'lan) 6-3. :1-IJ . 7-5. and \"i1uy An1ritr;1y of " India. \\iii) vu~h;d ,\l">•i<d1 <1 ~ l tjllll IJ1h!c.1'. 6-J. b-L rr 1' . ea111 e11111s Si11111ll aries '"OL"!\"GSTO\\":'>. N ,. I \I' I -·' ,-,. 1 t·ar-old girl IJ,.1'.ilfl l':•rh· 111ila1 11 h.11 ,f":r hoprs 11·111 I}(· a sucrcs;:;ful 32-nii!r -11.11 n i.ltross L:tkc IJn1 ;1rin 1n Torull!O Onr JIMM Y CONNORS UPSET, CHRIS , EVERT WI NS. Ho.;;rnhl0o1111 hilt! rc1)t1ftl'ri>. I · 1'11 1·011/idl'llt !hr H<1111s player:; 11ill nnt 11"alk 0111 <il th<' end of · !11·0 11·ee~s. ! hclicve our pl:n·l'.'.rs 11•311t to play footb;tl[. bul f C<Jn"l S))('<tk for the. others." P'ln,bu••~ 1•. C:•evol~nd lJ (;1nd_v 1\1chola.s or Sc:irh .. rough, Onl . Leg~u1 the crossln i:: a1 ~-z,1 a.in. tron1 1his nnr1h11·l·stern l'\t"·" York con1111t11111.1•. The 11<1ter tcmJK'ralure 11·as 71 deJ.("re1'.~ ;111d the .~ca was c·~dn1 v, 1111 a li~ht v.·ind blo11111g. l 'hC' nnl .1· ot h<'r prrson '''•'r !(I s11·1111 lhe JJkc 11 :1s ano1hcr C:inad111n. ~1:1rily11 Bell of Tflr0n!n. 11o·ho con1pl1•l1•d 1111• s1111n Ill 2(1 hnu rs 011 Sept. II , !~1.·11 Shi' II .• lti a t lht· 11111t·. ~!iss i'\1ehn!.1-: :tl:-o h'l[l("il 1 .. rna h<' lbe S\\"in1 111 t1lt0111 20 hours. •·uistan1·,. 1... 110 prublo•n1. · '-he· lotltl a rcporh:r bt·!nrc lk·i.!uu11ug 1111· .. 111111. I kn<111o I t:1n 1·01·t·r !ht• ::t nl 1I•"' 111 fac:t. 1·11 rir11!)ahly f•111t up :.::nng :l7 v.·hcn I i:?CI S\'"CPl off course."' 1\11"-" ,'\t~hf1l<i ,, 1~ !ollo"ing the ::i:l n1t· r•Jute U!>L'<I by ~lis.;; B~:ll 1\•ho \\'<ts r11l·1n;!. 'l\llh f-"lore!lC"e Ch:1dw1ck. the f.<1nt'cl f-.n.i§hsh (..'hannt:I ~11o1111mt'f But \li"' l "IWtd\\id gJ\e up ti'!(> LJke OnL1rio tto~i nli? ilht'r 201nr 1.) null'"- . I it ~Jv•MJ! ""'''Mi Ill ~"Alm the l<1kc Jlt• r n-~1ni:: <1ho•J.' \1c1r1 I)' n ~ .JU 'Jl.'tph.!o !T)l"'m . \I'' ".,o:-hnl.i~ '\illtl. , It l;y;" If• I'· 1 .. 1.;: .. 1n1·1· 1ht' du\ ..._ri,.d •VII!' . • , ,I 1 \lo<J~ S \'l'.1!".'l t.-d ~ a.iA. • d tirJ•'"(J tq ;n;i~(' 11'1' ditr , . .,.._~ ,,.. ;, ,.,. !lit' 1 <11ld1!1r.trl' ,..,.,.., 1r.., ' Ca11111li1111 Tenni~ • TtlHt 1\'l't I J11:111 I ;1,,!J{'rt ta 1rr1·r 1rho pl;n" ,,111~· p.1r1-11111f' t1'11n1s. Th11r!ltla,I' up~·r f1r~l·St ·•·1h'ci .Ji1n1n\' f1>nnor.s 7-r.. 6 :.!. 111 lln· 1hirrt n•und of lhC' Ca 11atli;1n r)p~·n IL•11111s <'h•11n111•1n-:!1q)s (;1!'>h1:r1 . a 1oJrlll"f f)a1·1s ('up rliJ~··r hul 11n,<·1:1l<'d for th•· 1•1llrlll'I'. took !ht firs\ st·t lieh!t'•thcr i-1 and 111' tht• S('Cond ~f't hl' hrok1· ('"n11or~· ~cr1(' 111 rhr fit·'<\ ft!<llll'' tiud 1111'n hr0kr. it a~.'un 111 thr ~'\'i'llth The~ h;indSto111 t"' IJ!"1•trl()IU!'t•!1• .{!"r.'.l,I ing . \;if.ht.·rt use<! his •'\\wr11·11t'I' of :.11-rourt ~tr;1\l'J'!~ ;ind p1r.1~·· l'il'"1nl.! shi1t .<: to con1 tiHt l"nnnor.\· f:11n1·d J•lt\'f•r go1rnr lit· fl"t'ljll•·r1lh 111;1d" !h1• ?l -1r;11· old \111f'fl(",tll lh1• r1 lj.'!1111~ \\'i1;1bl1•1lnn , I· r1·11th 1111d \11,t1' !11.111 t'h,11np1011 . appl·;1 r 111 •·r:1n\111u~ .111d ;111~11:1rrt 1;;-.t-H·r·1 1\l~1 pl"~' "I \ n1011lh.;; ul 1lw 1t·:1r ;ind proct1ces 1:1:1 la11· in U:.ire4:..lu11~1 !1;1· ntli<'r six 1ilonl hs. 11ill 111c1·! r1'!'to!cr l~~yptian l s111art F:l Shnff'i or l\te~xic;in .\l.~rcl·tlo Lar;1 In Ollit'r third f•lUtld ITI a I c: h (' s. llulchn1 :1n 'l"rin1 1H:k1·r h1•:11 .John /\lt·.xanrll)r nf ,\u!'>tr:1h:1 fi·2, f..-2 . lf:1rol1I ~ril111non ilf'fr:llrd frllo11· 1\nirric.111 Erldic Odmo:. 7-5, 6--0; 1\rg,·11tini:111 (:ui1Jrr1nri \"ilas dot1nr'fl .Jrff Huro1\i:1k. 6-:1. li-4: Spain's 1\\;1nuel Or:~nh·~ l'lf';tt Ivan i\lolin:i .if ("nlornbra . ti-1. i;.1 · and /1;1n'i .h1rge11 Pohn1ann •1f \\ 1·s1 I ;C'rrnany drfeated .J :1iro \'1 •ln ;.:r-u of (\)lo1111)ia . 7-S. 6--2. Jn 11,;111111 n"s pl;1y. f;j1ori 1e Chris Evert h:1d an f'.i~~ 111111· hilh f··llow 1\1n('nC.'1ll l,:111rlc Tl'u'll'Y· ro-3. ri·3: ~iSll'r ,!(•anl\f' 1:11 rl 1l11111i.1t l .•i ·1l'I ,, !'111111.1 P1·l ~:1<·l 111 1. &-4. fo-0 : J11l1l' 111 !<1111:11 1 dt•ff':il1·d l/:11111i·I ~ ;1~1·;iir1· !ti Ar· 1•tl!i11 1 r:.2. f>-tJ : :111d }\:11uko "':111o;1111;1l\ll <ii Jap:in tlr fe·Hl(•d \ 1r1,1111;1 ll1111!'i (If H .. 111:1111;1 . •i 2. r •. 1 e ,\·e11ers llot1ured \"T·:\\"l 'Oft1'. ft.!. -FJoh F'alkenburg, 11 inucr 1 f the l!HB \\"itnhll'Clon ~ing:Jes 1·ro11on. is one (If friur persons 1·01t'.'d into the Nalio11al L:.1\111 Tennis Hall of l'<inlt". l·'11lkl·nhur:z. F"rL-<l llol"cy. Julit:ttc .\tkin~on and l:it r!h;1 To1111scnd Toulnlin 1rill he i11fluc1,~d S:iturch1r, Aug. ~4- • l'err11 U'hu ('J.f-:\"EL.\ND -(;a) lord f'trry Jinall)' r .. llnd ~·h11t he hbs been looking for the Inst five 11·ecl..s -his 16th ~i<.1c.ry . "J\·e never h.1d ;:iny doub in my <1bitity to pilch." CIC\"t!\and's a1 ,righ1- hander l'erry' !-.aid Thursda~· nig'ht after F'r<1nk Duffy's l',1,0-run s1n~le in !he <;11th inning ga1c the Ind ians a ~-2 1·1ctory 01·f'r the :\linnf'SOla T1\ ins. ""I"ve (cl! ~rrc·i! :ii\ Along," he a<!d"<l. "['re ju.~t ~~11 In a sltin10." e H 'f 'f, E.>:pose .\-1J·:~fl 'l lrS -l hc ,\1cn1phi s So111lun'11 ha1·c J11·cr:.1gcd ruurc th.111 21),ov.J p.1id ,,•;11·~ ff aan1e for three \\'oriel F'ootb.;ill -c~"~'"'' ,,., .. ·o' t~nr··r " ' •n '"~'" •( t 1•"'1 lie l'•" '"' i Women" d AJt t• _ c, , , .,_,1 , ., t "' ,., Jn. '°"'re• •·7 1 ·~n·· <Jooilul,. (,.1,•.n•• · ,. ,,, ,, ' P.v·n"·•ll·Ger ul~ltlt IP\ 6·• "l•od .•.11c110, flAllrl« I l'l ~· ,• DuPo~! !Cl 61. r .. ~ " . "--2.16> •' rltlsDvrQ'l Hou1!00t 11. l &•l&n 11 ".'."om~n -c,,.-,ur11,v (Hl l>"U •It ' 11"" / 1 ri ,_,_ l '•n -I• lo• 'B' bf'•ll ''''(0"1br /LI\/ o \',(,.,,1n "'J>I•> ''k•b~ .. ,.;l•l,.,,o '·I l<••r.l ftte-flowr "' (H) '"* , f, ~n • lf~v~"'' N~ •o;~•"t' ~· ., R•l1 (1'1 1 1.5 lo'l1e1 <1ouhl~s -f!O'",-eY-Sttt~t~n ! ~;r .. n R,IJ Iii\&• A U•oAv<>ll .~.le ~1 II ' '"" n '11 o I '" Te•!"n!o·•ut11lo )J, D,i•O•I IT W • ., t • ,I 101 h•a! ')v~rl•" lf 8) ~ 1 /. _,, -Uk~·• llfll t··~t l>•e ""'· ,, ll)o t' ' .. llN .. ·•n' tl ..,bP•, -C.o.ol. H,,.;, {01 11~~· Rc-,,tu,.,-0 tlolll rT8J ~..J 11•~·· r!•o!,I• -O•l ••ll•I•~,.,. 1181 !1••1 !>,.... ~"•n St-~· (0\ ! •. ".'I•.., 01«ncn (I~" II !) b"ot !~""'l~"o (D) 6·1 A -• l i l •' !lui!ol~ Oe<i vtr JI. •~flomere It v1 .•.• ,,,. -o~r1 IDl b~•I ~i .... !(\I ~-j , ..... -llCYh• '0! b•e1 C~rmltnA•I 'fli l I' WOm"'1'! d!lubl•• -S1avt-f-!111n!! I e I lleU 0 .. 11. Jo .<'.on (0) i-4 .'.'•n', ~o;u~I" R o(h~P~l'll><11 (ul L ,f l "n.,lt~1~1-1.·u~•rle• (l!I) 6·1 Ml1•d dGUblt• "••lllrit1A1olln IDl 11•1! (J~!·1· Kuv•~nd•!I (l!IJ 4-3 . A -1,Jlt If (J•n,or 'V~n,en (I I\ I ~­ "~n Golfrn G1tert l,, Haw1U l"t 1-lun!. Do•n1 ((;(;) l>~ol u:. .. 1 ~·1 1•:om~•I'• dovlllt' -T•lolo lCln.l• 1CC\ I>~•! ""'V'' OO:lvomur 1 (Ht 6-I. •.\In"• <l~ubl.., -MCNllO•r B"l\'l I dJ 1(,GI ,,. •• ~,n._..i.1,eK~Y llGi '"· 1•hf'I •Jtul>lt-• ~·· ~·11 .. ~ A••J 111 bo•I f·~,K ~v ll"'l•n!u.J I" I' A -l.11t O! 0-.k "' 1 t<_, I F1·0111 Jo11 es tl\"1'AJtJI). I ';1!1t I .\1'• "'J'h:11 f'll~l!I{' i~ junk."' ~•1,1s !';1rne'll1 J•fll1'''. ":uul it's kil\in::: HUlto r;1~·i11~ .. [);111 C11rnt•1 ·~ l:1n ~~1LH.!,. 11:1~11·1 .1 .~ ""lrong bllt h1· ~:1111 111· ;1'~ri·r<f th;1l th1• ~'.!5.1'100 J lrotk1·-( lf!1·11!i·1u~er 11 1r))()( ·h:trgt'(l <'!l gine is 11h;1t .11•111-.~ 1·.111,,1 ""t:1nrer to ;1uto r:tc iug "tr 11e d1i 111•! ~r1 r11! t•f 1111· ()frv P11ginc. There v:on't bl:.' t"u 111.ul\ 111 u~ :1n1u11J 1n l·harnpion~hip r:1c1ng."" ~ai11 ,11 .. 11· •• for se1 i'r.11 1 r:1 r' ,10111•" ;11ut r .uri11•y· h~11·,, ."'.•light tit r1·111.u ·1· rhl· llr.tk<'·Offy 111th ;I t;:•r11:f..-hl(lf'k •'JJL!111'' 1h:11 1~1uld l>t.· racNI for 11n1·-!h1n! th<' 11111••1111!'111 The r s. Au lo ( 'luh IHI\\ 1-. lc·nJiuc. an , ;tr. agr<'t"1 n;:: !Ii.ti ""1neth111g n1t1"it bt' rtonr to c·u1('11~!«1f 111•· 111.1111r ~~1{1-1111!<' r 1t·~·ci ar1' i.:oir1~ 10 li,11·1· ··11011:.!lt 1•ntric:; tn .;.1:1rr tho' ctl';(,1111.111 :n-1·dr li.·l~I~ J;i r·k K11l !_!. ! SAl' 1· .. 111p•·l1!14•11 dirrc11'1r. 1·:1 n1~' 10 ()r11 :1no .\1,1!••1 Sp•·1·1h1;11 tl1 1~ ll!'l'k t•I 11;1!\'h .1•111•'"'' dr11o·r 1\1:1ri11 ,\ndr1·1 t1. run ii Voir1111i1 ;1 ;,1~1o1 . i ·11n·1·nil1'1 pOll't'r('d ()•):l (1[11\llld tlh· :!1 • lllilo• 01 ;d Th<' df·n1on,,1r;1!111n, 1111.·1"11q,11·d h1· ,1 b11n11'd pi-.;!on 1·11ur:;d:1.1 . 11:1~ 1·ont11111;·1t tnda\". Kin;! \;ud 11r .. 11;' sp:lrkpl11._.; 1·;n1s.t'd tll1• pi:-.11111 111 ht1n1 ;1ftl·!" onl.1· <1 f»11' l.1ps. Kin;,: said no 1111tni"l1:tll" 1l1·1·1~1un 11 (1111<! be n1:1dt• a11r! "'I 1·ouldn ·1 h1•f!l!l tn tlrcdil.'t"' an t'11d fur !h!"' J lr:tkl·-Off~· In Jndlan;iprili.~ 51~>·11 µ.~ r:u·ir1'.' '"Onc flf tbt' !hint:~ 111 'rt' .!1111'~ 1,0 · is :I h:ll'»linc "Lu1l1 rn ~o'•' it l! 1- 1.•:i:-i h!e."" King s:tid: '"\\,• rll"t'll 10 knlll\" ii the <'ng-inf' 1~ 1·:111;1hl1• 01 -.u<;;"1u1il1: l11:;h Spro'fl;; f,,!" ~ J,\ug !Hiit' [1'~ !no S1)(\!1 to tell. '·J"nl ;111:1r.• .. 1 11:u1·s 1h .. 11C!1ts. and ,1!ht'r-.;."' ht· ..::11<1. ''Hut "lh1·r'i ;i re' not ~urr this is tl11· ri£:h1 11:1\" tt1 ~fl \\"~· l1a1·en"t r11n ~!iwk-hl,.t.; ,111 hie.: rr:14•k-.; for <i Jon;! tin1,·. Ar.")h··~· >.,Iron;:: t'f\\lllgh !u hold llJ! .. ". Thf' ni:i n 111111 .111 11111•st1nvn1 In !hr 1Jr<lh£'-0fl_1· :-hHiJ \;J b1• l'IPll;l"lt•d. }\111:.: ,;n11L ··.\ \"try. \<·r1 iX•))lil:ir t·11111···p1 11nuld be' 1'1 f1.lJ\ tho' ~ll'l'k>., Hl1 lfllk' ll"dt'k~ ,1111! joi 11!-s:1111"·1on ro:1il ,.,,11r~i · r:"·''"· tb1•n r:ik~' another loo\.. ;1t I! ;1 1·enr l<1tt'r.·· Kin .! ,,,11,t · Tli:11" ·.,11, rl• I !l11nl 111·"re realh· h1•:orhn:.: \\",, r" pr1·r:1ri11~' rn d·• M1111.·1!11n~ o·l .. o d<o•111 ti·· lin· ;-nd 1-<>rh;111s h1 l'•~.'i u·1·"lt t .. • puttillt 11 1nlo ll~t' ·· .l o•n•-~. co-•11\11o•r ••!\,•I• l':1r•11·1l1 .lono· 1:-,c1n;.! 1 l'"•lll .111d • .iu·rh·\ n·· 11•·r " .\ll·:\1111•rt!";tn 11:1c. r·~. t~·lh ,..,111! !h• 1 11i·re ml vut to }l:kl-ni••uth tl1r .0 !1' 'q• 11!1t'r 11f the l)r.1i\c• fl[f1 I If;~~·· !-:1.~1r u · 1nu(\1.,J1·1•11<' · .l1•h!l 1 ~r.11\•• rl,•'1·11d•'fl h1~ •111r~11 .. n111:.: 1/i,. 1!11rih1ht1 .. 1 1·11hi(·lt1l"h i,11~·k l"llj.!llll" "nginr I tu .~1,. ""~l!!l<' olf ••U r 1"1\j.;"!I•·' :ff" l••UI" ;PHI t11,, y•;trs "Id .ind ,1111 r" 111:.:." llr:1h• ._;~j(j "l'h1•y 1.l'oilt'' ;1111! (illfll••\ I \"l!lild dn11' u<; out .. 1 hu~1111·_.;:-.. I gu1'"·"· h111 :1 !•A of ;lf'")lli· h.•I 1 ,, 11.: 1.: lll<11io· 1111 "~ll·<.l 1n rour 1·11gu11 ·~ :ind 11un"1 Ii~·· 1 L .. ,J .. nr~ .. •Id h·· h;1<; . :d,.1111 Iii (\I" I'! l f(!' ~ ;,nrl 11·uulil },.• 111l\1n(! 11' ';ri ,I 11 ~-l~ll(lh•I", 111\fl ~:11d lit• h.1.~ f•ighT ot th~111 .. o:;:uJ he 'd r:l!hl'r h·11 •' in, lt1n,.:·run s 1·.11 1:.:~ (•r ri111111n~ th,· ~;1111·· s!uc\.; rng111t"' 1n l'."\(" • h.1111p1un~l11,1 ro11·1n:: ;1111! 111 l"•wr1111I 1 .)IKKI r11:1d r;J~·1n..: l;ur11t•1 s.J1d h···, ;1lr1•:1<h pn11 ,.,! !h t' !];" ... 1.-x:k 1'11µ111•· can di) !tit' 1oh Fro1n1 1%7 1n l!.1!:9. Cunit•y ~ n•l h tlr111 o• ;i n1r•l1f1l'd ~!1)(·k hh11·~ 1·n~111·· IH "f'\ l'n l s \l" I II 1vr1t·<;; anrl [1111\llo'd ~c~·ond 1a the lnd 1 .111.1p"!:~ ;....w1 in 19•~: ill«.I I 9tiQ Dc)<l~t·1·~ St·c·f, L 'l 'o S11a1l ~kein .-\2ai tl!'i t Pirates '- l'ITTS!\l'J:C;H t,\I'• \1 :1 ri .1 ~ t' r \\;liter 1\\st•1n s:I\~ 1[ Thr 1~,.., .\11.!•'lt·<; l"l<vl c•'r'i rtnn ·i 11 111 1h1' \:1!11111;d l.ra;.;ut· \\ 1·~1 !11!1' lhcy dl'"l·rY1' 10 )11<;;1• Thi' l)Odl!i.'fS lllh II :1 \'' ··k<'111! s.·ru•<; 1onig11r ;ii:;;i1no.,! !ht· P1!t<>hur~h f"ir.111'\ aftf-r lo<;ing 1hrrr slr:u~hl ,11 :'>.e·w \or\.. Th(' lh<l"Jg"r" ha,·1· 11011 univ !11u :::irn1:~ 1n thcir Ja ... 1 ('1~·ht l/1<; ·\n~·'lo·o., -.1·01rf'd 0111•· 11110• run \ 1•1 Thi • ll1rl'1' !o..,,..,,.~ 1n th•~ '11,·t~ S11cl ,\)<;JOI\. "1\r St'l'll Sf":l'iOlll' brtor-· DadgPr• ,'\/nle Atl GI,_,..•~ IC-"!( HtOI 16 l,1 "''(••I•, ~1 l''!I ~' n;~ \I Lo ~r~•'••, "' r+I!·""'~" '• t• ""~•I • •t l'l!t<~H·~I\ ,,, ... r• '•' "" I" "!' • n 111\t•n 1t ;;een1C'd no on(' 11"a11\t'd tn ·11i ~- 1h,• thing. All I c:111 5•n· i~ 1h:1t ir 'I•: dun·1 11iu this 1i111e. 11 L' clon·1 d1'.~('f\'C 11. .. Al:-.h111 :ld<lc-d. "l;u1 1H·11·r lt:111• 11r li:1d <Ht 1·:1s\" i·h:-.n1111011~l11p. f'\('t'lll in 1~1."0.-, 11!h·11 11·· 11011 Iii 1.1 i.::1n11·~ ;111rt •'\ 1·11 th:lf ~·l·:1r I didn't r1·l:-1" 11nt1t ll"e only had 12 ~;imes l<'h I() 01111·. ··1\.-lt''t'fl lnrotrgh 111ti" "'l n1 <In\" tunes." !hr Doll:.;f·r1' sklPfl<'r s.1rd . ht;! hL• add"CI, ''1"111 n111r<' 001u·f'rn1•1! ;100ut II' than 11h:1! the n('(}:' hat'(' ht'i'll du1ng \\'t• havr not been play1n;: 11·el!." Oulfi e·ld<·r \\'ill1r 1·r:1111nrd ~:11d 1oi1o· IXxJgers prohlrn1 has l)('<'n !hat lhr 1L'a1n h11s l:11·k1:d life both 011 tht' l1rl1t ;.ind 011 I.hf> bench. "\Vr\·r g11l to fi\'rt1 11 llp, ';1icl (~rav. ford. "\\'t"r t· ju~1 rtrad \he IM'tl(11 dot·~n '! ~ny anylhin~ 1-:1 ,•u Hu· .L!U\~ 11 ho hal'e been (·ht•rr!t'::tdrr:-. :tll ~<·a~on 11re fjllll't :ind )f's !1i11·n th;11 11·av f (l r !hrL't' 1rrt"k~. !lur t l11h nt·•·d!-\1 111icth1 11;: tri lM"l'll ll'i up :ni1t gc1 \I<; i.;101111• ' l>on Sullt•ll. Ill-fl. ~1.1r!-. fur Th •• J11-li:r1·, Loni;ihr :1f;.i1n .... 1 lhe l'iral•'S' 1)<11 1.; 1-:11 1 ~. P: p, a • , ( ,\ 11 \1Hil!"I '"' 1, nl I :' ,.,.il 1 , • , I t. . .I I '°'" :1]1 I l••\ I · "•Ill I d ~1! .rlJ•I 1111 ,, 111 oi1:r l'' ! I) : .. 1 I' fll II I t•!l our I , )\ i)I, '".\nd ! ''(I! .. I' • '11 ' . Tl\(' I· 111•· 11.. .d ' I , \ 1 · I•\ tH 11 .. 1 • A 0 ' South Crippled b y Mistakes; North Scores 15-12 Victory 1 !i• :-..•utl1 dul 1:10· pu,11111~: :n· .. und t.1,1 ll 1· . .1~ th•· \111 th lh.11 l•••k ll" h .. :1' ,1l!ho11·.h \.111~ ...... 1•r1,,.·h 1 1·d \L1i1•·'1 11 .1,!I ' 1, .1d. !" i·u11c1·rl1• ,11:1 'illlli.'. .,,:: .. 11111r In, I• .,111' 1.·1 ll 11p•t"t 11t lh·· 1 '1•h .. 111111.d i 11·;111.' I• ~>I lo • .I I : , 111 I• ,d ~ 11 .ltl~ • ! 111 11t~· .\11.,1 1r "·''! ( 0•lll1•;:" 1·· 1 '1'1111• I 1'•'1 Jl1o· l•·.i1n 111111 th,· h1 '>I . Iii 'I II.' \I 1 · I, ·fl I" I o'l 111 ' ) d <.,I :JI I 11111 ' .. 11d 1>111 I ~1111 h. 11\ •>Ill" h . .rd 1.111111,..: 1.1·' I•,- I 11 \ ·j1, 1 r JI I " !h••Ul..,111 \II' ', Ill th·· Iii"' \\till f11· Jf r!,, 1•JHJl:d I' ttf 11f !1111•.11<; \' 1,. n " ' foll jo11rrt1 dull!\ 1.nb!• d .. rut 11•111 ··.\nrt ! 1h11;1..:h· 11ur ! ]!,1lf !h·· 11l11r1• '" ~,·.1ri· 11)11·•1 l\1 h.1<1 ""ut 11 ul ! 1h• 'Ill 1' Ill ft•o ' '1 (".• ·•1 hl'I :111.' f.., i•i ' ' •rt\/• Ii. «t ,._• '-lll"pl ,..,. 'I Jh1 I '!11 f• 111• l'.,1~ I )1• ~ i• ~I~ II,, ;-..,u:h 1111 ,,.,i l1t.ith l'\I' 1,., it•' " .:".ii 1,·1 Ci!< "Id ,.,. fl> I' \"1 111 111 t'llo hi• 111.d• •Ii,.· 1d1 11l' I•'• Hi.I d1" 11111 d··d 1111 1,, .• -. 11: \t··.11,1.: DEMO SALE TOYOTAS '72s '73s '74s I 5 to Choo$e> From ,coROLLAS -CORONAS MKs Prices. Start at $1899 REAL SAVIHG!!! VOLVOS 144• 145• 164• 1~74 VOLVO STATIOH WAGOl>I 11r fl.M ·FM \'1 /tanr clock. air onnrl PS ( 79/K80) $5777 ' I'. 1rlM1r. S1o•11· 1:u\..1t·h :1!' a kt·.1· !:it·tor '•l f;is 1• .1111-. ln!>s I !111k 11·h did 1101 o;;111t 1·1, .. 1·, r n·11qur111::, 111~ l><H~.:: 111 .1 p1t'kup ~ .irll<' Su1ul;11 1. I tl<•n t ·":1n! fq 1:ik1· ;Jn11!11n)! ;111<1y l"nlll j)i,. \(1f'1h.'" ,;nd 11.11. "hll\ lhf• 1.·.1111 1111h !!11· h•.'l 1•tr~1111iel 11111 i 11.1r hid' ill'>! d·d n·1 rk1 t!1\' liJ lll~~ ,ii lih• J"l~hl 11111<' :..J1:,!;1kt'~. I' )1.il 1111.-. !.'.:ll!ll' )<; ;111 :1b1J\ll I\,, 111•r•· 1:in11nrd 'id.itl•·r. tiu· our Hp tilt.! t'l\111'!" fl!"'-\ 1h ft'll'<' <Jul ;111 1 •1 1"-L1111l 1'1~ 111h ~·rnrn n1~· \ii'll j1(.11!1 Toi111 \("('t1r11;i111!0 IS .1 gn• 11 f1)1,1jJ1;,1l p';11. r ti t··, "ril 1·uur.1gl' ant! 1h,· dr~1r1· ·· '! un in.: 1•iu1t-. s~·1'1nt•d nu111rri1us and ! 11\1 11 ,,:-, un.1h!,· !n p1ek out :111y on,· ]"•II\ 11 1~.1s JU!"! a!I nf thU'-l' ]\1~1 1(,11\h]( ~ \\I' p-;1\·(' !h~• h;1tl ]ll fht'tll "" .. 111"1r;.: clo"t to 11l!r ~oa1.· <.,ur1111,t•d lldL \, • >:;l.1:1d<1 ;11't'i"1U:1!1·d h>:-1 !l;; 1. 1'd• 111"r•' rh.111 1Jnublt· th.it of th1· ·1111, 10:;11 _t!r1 1111ul :1•~•1!1! \1 d 1111 1111 •• J'<>llll \!uP,·11 ,1gre1·<I 'I ll1n,l,J\I 1111r d1•f1'1l"• 11:1' 1••11 h'l•>ll ••··I'd· nn;... ll11' S0111l1 h;id Atcnt11 1nd11 '\1• l'.l'f•' f..t'll!l!,! Pll hllll :Ill 1ht• II.I\. !1•!1 \H• -.!11 1 d1d .I ).!l •ld Jilh \ 'lt:ll!CA' LEi\(il:I·.: I ~":~111 ( I• I ('l;111d Ha lt1111rir• \1·11 \ nrk .\ 1 ii\\ :111 l·d'•' l l\•1 ri Ill (1 ,,\..l.u1d h..111:-a.;; 1 ·11~ ( lllf"d:.!ll 'l't'\d\ .'·l1111h·.~u1;1 /W1g1·I:; E:t!>I \\' \\"(''l ti!l i;i :i!l till ·"' 47 I. " '" f~I ti] i"2 Thu•Sd•Y'I Cl1m11 'I , '-""' ~\"'"~\C'!n J '"' < I ''' I O..• '• ,,,..,,.' •.<+•~.lul·..,-1 l <t<lt v'1 G<>mt1 I' l"I. :1~7 :11 :l ;,•1 1 "' .1;;, _.11;1; .i311 . :i'.l~ '."1 II .. -)11!1 .~.17 ,J!lj :) I • ,, \!' ~ II .. , LI"• •"0 10.n ... c ... IGIJ ~·Id ic u .. r~ 11) ~· ~( ' , ({,.,,,. '101< ~nt ll.l•c·•· 9., I 1 " , ~·n (H"nJ·, ~ • ,.1 A~''' 1 t '." .1r1<n,.1 5-11 f > ('l,(1bV 11 11' M \ 1.,.,.~ll•<I 8~•'1 "~ 11 I ., •.. ' < i!1 {0~1 (~n'<'n 1-<I ~I fl•l!1m1>1 t , ., ;.·v lJ-10• f' 'I "ii"" 1 I••.' (1•~1,n~ O<t•~tr" 11 ;I MtlW~U~t-1' IWrigM i-17) •t (~lllorni~ (qy~n 1.).1 ,J i•IUrO•Y't GUnH i '"' ~~ "' -~!~~·'"':.~ ~ .. ' • nt ot~ ~I fl<•"'" 0< I n)' ~· Q,, .. \ 1n<l ~.·. (Uv "' 6al!l"'"''" 1;,1. ••U•I• u! (~li!0,,1'• 5YnOtY't G•m~~ ' .. '.1 ri. ~~1~"~ {l ''"·t ,>' 0Akl.ll10 ... ., "• ltv .ti f. >l•om()o ~ {I",,,.,, ;>I N•w Yn<~ r """ ":· .,. e"""'' ,\/.ol • ~u .. •• tt Ct !lh·•<ll• S. _lX '[' -111'110\'('I',; Before 6,200 u~ HtH:t·:tt ('\HL'n" Of "'~ O~•IY P1101 si.u ruur J u 111 !1 I ,, , i11tf't"C{'pl1ou-. aud ;1 costl.1 t'1;qur :1~:1in.-,L lhl' Suuth 111 tt11· t•111rth t1•.11 p1·n,1:1y qu;1r1 .. r lo p11"t ;1 C'Omt"·fr.,1n-IJ1·hinrt !.1-12 triu1nph 1"hur~da~ 1ughl ;1! ~)r;u1i::1· <"oa~t C"ullt·~1· Vor th•· lrustr:ill'{l South 11 11";1:-. lh1' !2th ln~s ill 15 dcl"isions uf lht• a1111ucil llr;ing1• f"ount .v All-~t;1r foot b ;1 I l ~a111t·~ :dt hnugh fur uurr :11 lt·as\ 1hf' gt11ne \\<IS " lTOll'd plf';1s1•r Ill lt'TlllS 11f ;1 c)11::.l". ~C'C·S:J\I' t•"dUb!(lOll !Jl.!!IJl"I" ti.2!~1. Tl1 t· !111;d IJl01r !q (·.i:11·1l IJ1c" Hill ":-. Hl'bt·ls" 1-.·1u~1' t;111H· <11 the .\11rlh ~t·\1•11 II 1111 J :111 l"l"llll1in111~. A IH1lrling JX'!l:111~· lllOl"C'd v: h ;1 1 app1•a rtd In ht· ;H\ (lpp;irl'nl TD dri1 ,. b<ick tu !ht• 22 a'fld tro1n there th(• opporlunit) fiit.ll'd. Thi• Sou!h i::11L t!11' b;ill once n1or..: 1·.ilh 1:27 lo gu but 1hrcv inco1npll'tio11s :ind a .second interct•ptiori endt·d 11. It 1\;is a surprisuig turnabout after the Hebel:, c:a n1e froin <1 7-li halflillll" lirlic.-11 tn n1:1rl'h fi4 ~·:1rds in f'tghl pla.\·s. T;11lh<1l"k Tu:1.1· .\t·etJ1nando pou11<l1•d lhrough !he left si1J.· o! !ht~ linf' 1 IX'htnd the b!t1<'k1ng uf J('!f l\1·.11 J!7. :u1d ,\l:1rh. r\11•h•)l.~1 for 1J111s1dt·r;1ble y;,rdagc. The p;1.1off 11a~ ;i 1~;111 Truup <il'rtal tu J\l1 k1· 1:!'1rt1rt1 tri1111 1!1 .\ards out. .Ji111 (;olds!onc 11as thr pr1111;ir~· 1:1r;.:Pt but !ht· b.ill hou111·f'd off ~1 dt·fendl•r"s llands :111d into l:l'nHl·I!"_.; at Ille go.ii li1h' Tl\:d :::1 1-t• 1J11· Soulh :1 l?.-7 lt·:id ;ind 1! 11;1!-. nu the n1:1rch agn111 betorc :..noth1·r fu1·11 b1·· pu! 1!1t' .\urth (lfl 1he Sou11l 2ti~~ 11111g 11µ IJob An s;1 r1·~ 22-1·;.ird ~t·1w1n,; ~trikt• tu llob B.ig:!01l. ,\ns11ri"s T11u-pn111t µ;, • .; lo L'J11p SL1rr11! g;1v.· !ht• i\onh <I l:i-!2 n1arg1u ;ind ;ill 1lu11 \\';i<; left for !he Sou!h 1vas :l n {•th r r lu"l l11111 bli·. 1h1· r•no;;tl~· fk·n.ilty and lhl' :-.l'1·n11d 11111-rc·pptinn. Th·· Suu111·~ tir .. r h:1lf s<-,.rr l\<tS 1~111 ted b1· l';u1I fl1•<;1nt'l·s 3•1 .. 1·ard run around l'lld to 111•· \ ;u1J..1·•·~ Ul l.:111·r .\eeor11:ind1 1. th1 • bar!- ;!:11111· . ..,,·nr.·tl fron1 ;i 1";1rd Oll1 11 .. -.rn1·1".• lllv<·k ;1! the gOai line. of !h1· IA·h1 11tJ Hut !h1· l'.\T 11;1« 1\1d1' :111d h>r1"1·s 11 .•ilt·d. 7-fl. 1h:i11h.s to a ~' 1 :u 1 /I ii!'~ bru!:ll G ,t.~E ST All~fl(S ,,., ·, ... Y •T .~~·• 'l 0• ''"'C' ,. .. ' ' " ! L t• ; ••, I<.<·' •< II·' "•~-~o , II··•.• ~ ., .• <1 ( .. --· •o • •· ,,. ,_ ' -' \• ... ' •1 -., "' ,, ' ' " • , ' ,, ·~ " -" '. ' " ~ 6 6 0 'o ' • ,, " , ,, , , ' " , ,. " ' .\.\TIO'\.\L I.LAGLE 1·:11~1 St 1.n~1is l 'h1l;1d1·lphi;1 l'1!r,hur:..h .\l1u11rf'nl \1•11 \ orh I "h•1·;ii.:o I N~l!!•'r~ I "111 r!llt\il11 At 1;111(;1 I lou.~1011 S;111 l.'r;nH'lg('O San ! licgu \\ I. fi2 ;.i !\II '.°h1 ,;~1 :i~I :'!:. 611 :ii r~-: 13 67 \\'r:.t 7.i 71 r,1 5~1 51 ·17 ll111•W11y"1 G1mt '-"''~"~'-"""'·IM 3 ('•IV ""'"" .< •H •l••J l od•v"• G 1mr~ l'ct. .4'.!1 .5 \(I _;.11() _•fill .44i .~17 .r~-ir. .!"1!!7 .:i'l8 . .'."~1 1 ~4.i4 .3!1.-• N ... ., , ,_ " ••• -·' ' ' . "' I'. " ,, fll: !:! 4' . II ' 1:.1 21 1 < •n Dle<P I F •el,IU>•" l-61 "' Cn'<d~I> i "'~mm~I ,,, P">IM!•li".• (~"'"'n \j II •I ,O,•lno•8 (p •:I·•·· ". 11•-w Y?•~ !"-oosm~n 11 ~> 111 C•"C·~~''"'I 11 (_~·'~Ii ·~· L,» Ano~I•> l~u11,.n 10-@l 11 P1ll>ll~'~" (Ell" '•,:,,,_,1an 01•''"' I ~ .. 1 I.Ion''" I rii:.-900. \? • ~.,, F• .• n._,,.o ((.,i(l~tu ,I]' ~I ~1-lO\lli !C:ll· on ~-10) S1t11rd••" G1m~s L'• /\~on~ ~! Pitt-f><1t~h ~ tt1 ( ,,..,, ·" (llK•llG tlr"I ""'' nl (lntl!n-11 ••• r ... "<'"" II SI. Looi~ "hi n~111"• •' "'!•n·• H•<>"I"" ,11 f on•r~•I '11nd 1Y'J Gi!Tl•O Lo• A"'J•lf < ~t Pllh!>Vl'a~ ~' o [};,.... t L"•< QD ~,,I·~"<''''~· S1. Lnul1 I' .11. ·~lrn .. , 81 llH>"'-t ',_. Yn•~ .. , C.l.,c•nn•I• ftru•!'" M /,loollttt r r1C1~, A 1111 JI, •r.~\ D·"ll v r11 OT B 7 THE SOUTH'S DAN TROUP GETS PASS OFF. JEFF KRAVITZ 1661 IS ON THE GROU ND . Women's Golf Vista ' For Coastal Area .\ fldl fit·ld ol 1 \8 pl.i~l·r ... II ill p;1rt1c1p<ill' Ill the ~l'I L'llih ,u1nunl 1111 it:1ti!,11:il luur11:11lH 111 \I, 11(1<0 :11 \ 'o_,1;1 .\ll'"d (;,Jil ;iud I ·.i.1n1r·~· t 'lllh fnr 11ll' 1111,;n11Jvrs 111 111c \lulllL't1·s ;,!t"l•Ufl. It 11 ill lw ;J ~hut::un _.;1;11' :ii 1!·30 111th 32 1 1-111111.( eluh~ ll"Ptt'"l'JJ!l·1! 111 !ht· [ i c l d 1;1:1· ... 1s 1111! t:(1tlll' lro•11 "' L1r :111:iy ;1<. 1.;1"c 11;1\;1-u Cil\ .1111! Fort t lrd ·r11<1 ~pt·i·i:tl 1·1 l'n1;; arL· :ii" 1 1nf•l11clrd 1nl'lt1t11n;.! !he [(111'..-!~''l 1J1 l\t• Ill [l\U !hl.'hl-. :11a l tflt• t l"i-L·.~t ltf lhr plll l'!Jllll~'\itiun Ann \':111 1· it' ;1 1· t" 1~ todr11;11n(·n1 ch:11 rin:1n 111\rl< 1· pn·s1d1•111 l3:1r!J:1r:i :..1or!"11 ~ 1111 11 ~11111 f11..,IPr ~1·r\ 111~ ;1, -:0,\·1:.I ·1·/ia 1rn1:111 ;111d J."r.111k1L' i 1111 ~1 :1" h;11Hli1·.1r 1·h.11r111;111 111 :t nl;llvh 1, p;1r 1·1l'lll . .ll'I"'"\' \\ :11,Ull \\"1\11 1\ 1111:111 1111!1. p\11~ u111·. lollo11·1•ci Ill ~.1011 Fo,-.1('1", 1·1t•11 . ,\1111 \.111 t 'ir:11 r. lll!llll-., 0111·. ,ind i'r:inl.t•' IJu1·1. 1n1111h 11'·•J H :li'.,h1 11:1 -. l'ilpl111t'd 111" \l.1ry 'lur111'r 11i1h plu~ 1il1 f• lJ!hc·r 1\111nl'rs uic!udt•d \"r 1'h\•i~". !llltlUS 1110 . llc:ly \\"aJlh<JJl. llllllUS lhr.•1•; :lllfl l oll1'r·n \":1ich:. 1ni11us four . \larv r:1ch·n lnilcr 11a~ t!ll· c' 1r11inc·r 111th plu~ thn' ( ·,,111 1!1' \1"<1;(' fltll~h1·d l'\ I'll .111tl a ltl' rc~ultl'd .i\ 111111"' • At ~le~a J:CJllllli' \\OlllP 111 \ 1' \I %1•:1i~l!ld II iii 1'1:1J..1 )ii~ 1117 ~ d\~hul ;11 Ille l>r.111i,:1• (",n1111 1 ]';!11"('1'011 11{!~ '-!\\'l"{l\1.1\ 111 l'n<:la '.\!('!':<"! ronigh1 to t·on!<''! th{' su1~n·•1>ou \ of :..11kc H;.~1 .ind u[>('11n1111L( forn1~·r l·.s. r·h1·11pion H11·k \\'oc1<l~. :-.1oorl' to1llt's 10 thl' :1rt··1 111111 ;1 hru·fca<::f' full 1 I c-rf'd Pn1ials inf'ludi11~ thn"' •:·0rld spt•('d1\"fl\' •·l1:1 111n11v1· ships. 1!11 ra('cc\ T11c<::d,,1 11i!!fir in ,. 'nl11t11 :1n'l hnd th.~ •o ~ .. 1- ··\\"l'll. [ "d ht'l'll 11an11'd :1h•1\ll lih• ~I/" 0[ \"!Ill!" llJ\I \1nrric..:;u1 1ra1·ks. b111 I J11<1 (1l1lltln't \'l\'1it'\I' it llht'll Ill' :1 •-r11pd at \'t·n111r 1 Thi· 1r.i('k h111kt'(I hi'! ;1ro1q1d :1s II ;J"'jf'l):l 'l;t•I . ,. ~lll'!"lill ,t\ ;1p,1'1I :'' ;1 hluod~· 111 \'rnt11r;1. hr 1r ;1" pl:1!.!11rrl h\ Sf'l('r;il prohlC'lll!-. 1\i!h hi..: .r.111·:i n1otor1•\·rh·. r n 11 p 1 "d \I i!h !fl(' f:1;·( f11• h:1tJ l\1"1 .~1r1lp<'d (>rf :1 lra11~-0c1•:111 wl 1hr. n'"ll! ht'r1n·1· :11111 nf'lt'r <:Pl fool nn :1 ~ •ulh1•rr1 C;ilifo1,1i·1 !r:H·" !)(•f'lrf' ,\! 1hnt. h{' r:11nf' clo'" t•) 111:i:<;t>1t1nl.! \\1Y·1I~ 11! lh1nl1n~t ull f:t•;J t h ill th1• ft• l!Urt' 111 l!f'il raer l .,1<:;! ll'P.-\.: '.•f Co~! 1 ~h·,;1. \\"WI" r1•t11rn1·d 10 th1' lnr111 , r old !h:it 11·011 h1•1 th1 .,. l '.S r 11lr.~ llr s1n11 1-d lh•• ('I t•ll'!l::! II •!h ;1 ~~·C<Plll pl;H t' f1ni ~h !)rl.11111 .Jan li;1\l t1r1l Pl .1 lu·:1t rarr, 11011 th•· h:indir~1n SPllli nl'\IJ -.;111111 011! 111 hi~ -.1-r:tt<·h ht•:1i \\ "rt'I• II I~ ~f'("1lllfl 1•1 ~f'Olt ~11,1(1'{' Ill 111" h :1n(!1(':1·1 111;1111 \110 1l11•r 2:!·•· 1<'1 pr11;.:r:1111 1« i!ll l;IP I lll'~hl r <'"llltlll\(' :1 t 11 l:i .T11f'l1 t' 111•,.1,, r-•11, 1111 ]•l'\1111• 11•" \1J\ 11 11i .. 11,1l r-h.1111p!i1n<:hip~ l':irk1111! ;111d p1·n·~r:•111..\ 11rr f• ··· • 1\IU Jivllll'l'!l f;,;1t• \llfl'lil'll ;111d )';I( lJl~1Ckt•TIPI' \J ,1 !"I" il l>:11li11.~ ;111d 1~1·!1.1 Z1t•g1 .. , t1111:;iil'd ;i[ Jllii)Ll~ tl11·l•' 111 .111 ()\Id hu ll".~ t'l t'l!I , :".dil (h1sl1 ·.v. ll".1!1 ,p1i~ed c I 11 11 th;1t11p1(111 IH1n1 l<:uu·h 1 ~.111 Jo.1qu111 11;1"' 1h1· .\ 1hi.:: 1 11,nul'r 1111il ;;;!_ tulln111·d h1 \fin J':1pp;1~. ::2 1 ll.1r:1.11·.1 \J,1111111 .:I. .111d t<11111y St.i,f..u. ;;.11 ~ .\,111111" r;r:1d1· 111111 I\ 1l1i.:l11 \\1t•1 ::.; lnll ... 11 :I ln ;i !!•• I , ii .ii \! i1\("lt1dlll'.! ~11 1 1;1 r·1.111.111: k1 .1.,_1·1·1· ( r· <I 11 ,, 1 1 .l.11 li1•· \,,ti. }\,,, V;1r !r1 . ;-,1 I· I.I I .i 111 i)IJ ·11. 11 11 I l I I 111111 ;~ .111il I'··~ .J,H'1.i>•1>ll 1-:1 .I 111• I• 1111I•·1 "' ,, It :1 I pu , ~ !ht 1-:1 \I II• /,.t !II• 111' <'I ' 11/ \ •ll!lll"I l [11!1 hH•\ljl f0l'tTIJ1]~ \\lltlll 11 ~ ~11!1 111111 :!'I li1·l\1t•!'ll \,11<_:),• ,\J.1\ll'1/d ;111.J 1)1:11'1 ll•t:tt•"'' Ill \ fli_il! l"oll ,·1·11 .\;11µ1t' ;Jt :n .. \J,1~~e("'1j~ch1d1 ·rl \1;1\11_1" ,\,·1: 11 •. \11·1 .·\S.111\U:-. :!1 1c :1111( (:11ul l!~('i glil :11ul l·.1111:1 l\,1bt•r .ii ::11 1 • • :111 I li.·r:. t r :1 '·f,. \\"Ii I 111:.:I1: \ l 1!111' '1 .. 1111-.Hll \\ 1-1I11' ll 11i1h 2'l 1· lulli1111•d hi \111,1 111tnr 111!11 :?1> !1111 .. 1\t'd 111 JJ1ni1'l'1111 :1~'· .\I 11·1 l.1<11 j '1H 111111· l'r;111l.l1n :11 :1:11] ;1 \1;11111·,1 .. :1 :i11d \l;i11111l 111· jtl ll \1(•111·,·r·n Dnr11tl11 J);11'1111g. ::1 1 \1d11. 1\'..::11·, (; 111111 \1.".io.I. .. , .. ~,, 11u1n•·r i11 :1 t·1·1~~·1·ru '" rn1!!"11an1t·111 lor 1n1 111l~·r'' 111' l!u· 11n11l1·11,. ,·]uh .11 \I, -..1 \1·•·if,. ("011•Pr\' 1·11111 11·~·,·111!1 \, lh llnhh,.d 1111h :1 :! . 1•11111111· I h,. Hohl11 P \\";1~1·0. :J1': 1;!on.1 Howden. 33 1 ~. ;u1d Ltu·illt• 1--'addnck, 34 lu () H1~n!, !he 11·11u1rr 11;1 .. Pal Uill 1\·1rh Ji. f(l1]011rd h~· .1 -.Jl' Ti ppin ~ 31 1 l'rud~ l'ann ·H1•·1·. :;~. .\J ;i r g l.! \\ 1ll1Jtll~ .. 11 !(I)~ 1;:11\]lll 1·;1p1l11"1'd \' 11 llll'"i ' 1!1 1-i tnl!n11. 'I hy :-1 1 1.1 t,111q~ll'll, ~·1 \\ 111.\11· \1t l1,,[·. :J, :1<1d Fr;111 tl·s 111 " 11111 .. t 1•:1r~ 1•1 1'111. I '11· !11 .~·111il1 11 ·1 ~ !111· \ 11 1111" 111.111 I :1 l11 !l<1ll •·d 111· 1:., ,,,1, \', .1 .:'ll 11. El1•;111 .. 1 \111•111 l:' l~1 , 1 l1n:1nld~un. ll, 1.11111.1 l\.l11lh·11. )~ I\·!.'. \Lqlll 111111 fl 1 1 •i.:i,~ 111·11 17 l111l1111t•d 1•.1 I, 'I II I'" liuli111,nn , .1 11'-h' Ti ·~1111,; .111 I ln•Jlt' !;f'r•k ;l! 11 Jn c niuhL, st·ien pl.i_1,·1" (. h r· I ' I 11 • I• ll J-: I ] I' • IJ S1 h1illln;11111 .111:1.1011··· ll11p1.i,1 Ill (" rli ~h! 1111· l\ll'lll'I' 1\,1~ \:.iu·1 Tl1un11,,-1111 :11 :~I 1\1n1 ! > \1.11·:1 nnd 11 •r:1 \";1111-';n•·-., 11t•d :1t .Tl II 1tl1 n11a l.1·1·h h:11l1.1 Hau111,JI! ,11Jd H.llh ll11ntt·r t11"d ;,1 :11 l\;11 \!t·Chl':>ncl' 11;1~ 1hr> I\ flighi 111nnl'r \\i1l1 ::;;. l11lln11,·,l hv ;1 l!C bCtll"('l'll 1\IH"l' !';1rkl"1. 1j:1rn1l.y Jlt>ster. ;1ud E''t'l~·n \lagl"r ;it 31 ;:ind ,ino1hl'r 111' a1 .32 bt~t11"f.'\'ll Vlli1· Sehn1i·IL \! .ud'' \\"t•idrn:1n and \l;1r.\' h1 011111;11\ l .tlffllllfl ,,,.,,,.,, II \I' I• ·' !OUI II.' l)Ll'l\l 1 .. 1 1; ' ii (' h 11·" Iii 1· II .1~ ... 11-1.111!111 till-. II 1'•'1. I .. 11..'. ~! 11.i ,.: " l t I 11 \ I JJ ·~il', '11 I', I I lll'•r II ,1..: 1·1;111 ]l\;1"1 111111 21 .\1,ll.'.kl" \I ,111•1 111.in 11111·-11 ,I ,.1·i·,in.1 ,,: ~/~ \;ii \101111n • 1111c1•e·I H 1h•,1.' \\,ti1 ~~ti · 1•.i1l1 .\11111 St1llJ'..1ll -.ti·"n I :11 1;11 \J;1r1 Lull \":1 !l'r 11<1r1 1 · fl 1L')I( II 1th ::2 .111d ll1i1IJ la! ['orh· l\llS SC'CIJ!l.I ;1( .:1 Los i\la111itos Rc1ci11" Re:jults 5 Ln• ,t,!1n"'"' '~•ul" Tnu,.d•Y· 11u1u.i 11. 1'1' c1~or. T<•<~ "·"' F IRST 'ACf! I/VJ \',1•<!; ~ v•-11 <'''I •~d-~•"' Cl.>lt,,,~,1 Puro~ \I/' llo n•A r\ 00~ II ~' 1(-""0'~1 1'\f\'!~··J KniQM 0 1 Glorv llre.,1u•e) !10 ~·O Tr /·~'IA n~••I I/I~ p..,,e ?~ t! n•,o ran Ile<! n"''~ o~r• Ou;•~ ll'1u,r. FA« l.•n 1)~·•<1v. l\Mn•• II~~. /,•n '''I"''''" J•A"' (,o N•n II • ~·~;~ G~I '"" l'"" /\ l"!I·· ll E••<M -•II~!"·"' Oa< .1. 1·11 "'a•t O' Ginty. F••d •Ill 60. ~ECOtlD FIA.CF. ••· •a1 '"~'~I<!< Cl,·•-•q Pu••• 111,,1) fl IUI''" ! R,,t•rt " -~·•·< J~·"""' ("' (I'll<"~ <!•I p • fl<-~ !I ' (I~"'·" 1,~~ n •J ' ,, .. M. "" ••• ' --~ ' ' THl'IO RllC( "' , ... 11 : •"" • ,;<l~' • ""·"~ ,,~,, (." (<~ .. " p' "' &o01•"l"' <> ,. F<V! ~" 1-<" '" N' 't<••! l(•••q"') .. , ' " JN '"-~' 10\' ~' ~"'"" FOUllfM ~A tE , •'' t.•· ,,J, & l!f' (I "l I'· •r "."' lC,•!o'< !-L.·t 1 lr"~<w•' \ l•l •) f'o< ' ,,, t "'"1~ P.~·. '"'""\'! <Q 1 '" ., " 111,, ,.0 (,,.,, ~· ' •' I ·~ 1,,~ ,.,, " ' ' ~ I"'' '' ' I" • r1FT>I f! .. (_f ~" Y"'' "' ' ·~ , .•. " \ll(TH R,0,(£ "" •••ill l "'"" ,,,.,, (I~-~' ,,, r ,1,11 ..... 1 Pv• • \llW ll~l•'r O " V~'I 11 ~·v Jov 101.,." JIOO IJlllJ l'f~ 9 'IQ A •O '" T .n1t 11 • 1 ! n 'f•~I"'"' H E••<I' • R ·l.rO" "''" I. !·""'• Joy l>•!d Hiii ~. ~£Vfi .. TM llACF. • ' .,_,,,,, • ""' ,-' nl,1 (1.1 .•,e1 •'' • "<" P""~ , . " , .. . " '"·", r , N ,, .,, f. ' ·•I ' ,,,~ )0 ~l Al ~'"'' .,,. I 1, O•·•<'• ", '' • ~ •'Y LI,..,' !.,,., 01\, ll•·'" I) R Q•~ I" I I ' , ~, ..... [t(;ltTH ~1orE ' • " I • ' . r, r I"" 1.,,, "' ,.,.-.. '. '"V <'. )"'' • I{ l' ;ol •. , 0"'1 <• •"1 ,, •• , ••• l '"' " )1 ,\I " ,, . ' ., ~ ) ~l , ' ' . I II> l ,., .• It WI• < ' f. >•• L t 1y •' •Cr•"" .... "' ~. , •• , .. ,.,.1 I' • " " . I " I" ,\I •' " " ' • •s Ei~•tl• 4 '""" c;," 4 I W••r• W• ••' p,.,n 1p110 "I"! >I I> ~CE ' '' ' ' .~ r1"'"' •, r '" ". l " ,I 'f' «•• ' ' ~ . ' " .. ' ~ ~" . • •.I ~ ''"'' r ''" '" ., ,. " -. -, Ra ... i110· ;:"' l~ntrit''i ~~' !t•m••n1 £ntfi•• !or F•l¢o~ (l~M, l•rc• F•<l. f"'' "••I /:Up .... H f. ••<I~• ••n, 11n .n<! t it• '•<f\. r ll!ST ~A(E J .~" I. , ~ ('-"~'· 'I P u .~ 111'00 ,, .. "" . ' ' .... ' '". ' ' '·• o; H '' I ' ~ <' 1 • 0 ., . " , .. ' ' '' , " ' ' ,., '. SECDNO 'l loCE •• ._. •. , . ,, I' n•·•· I Pvr<~ \JICO (l•lm•n1 (' T•· ·I> \ol I fl•· ·.e'f r• I ' fl I I '• \ ~ • • • • " ••".II·• I I .'<.o>·ll l\o f' " I> n '• I l t o· nl I) i.•• ' ~-I ,-•I ... ,.,.,,,, 1.; """ I 0 ( "Ii •: '" '" '" '" '" '"l llfl JIA(f ,., 'I <' 1 Y'·" "' " ''"' e \1,00 ~ !1 •N l 1 1~ r1-.,.,, " " fl '"'. '> · J "°' " " I I "' , " " 1q ., '' •' I I ·1• \', ltl1 ~ ''""V'"' ll• FOURTH R.\CE '' "1'<1' "" r• ,, 1•1 r , ~ ~,4rJ "' ' ~ ,. p,,,, I " il'"!o !R r. I·•·• I l\i"">•P11n ·, l•••v'"l ""•I !lat' <S '/ •. ,,,, •• Hn II' n "'' r o, re"ll' , '0 r,.., ,., ' ' '" " . "' '" "' ''"•I·~!.'"' I( ,,.-'" 1,1 F'IFTH RAC E ,r, Yd<~· ~ 1•~r I '· 1.f'. 111-e • '''" fJ, ·,• \IC{'(l t Ill' llvtl 11! Ba••• 11 • > ~10 l'I ·''IQ I "j~l£) '11 f'"~" ~ Cn«• !S. l•o.,.ur •! 113 l lf I( S"""" II (".-. I '''Hftr (<; lf;,fl' 1,, I' • r.,~ Gr'! '"-'" '" p •1 C'll'I It (J< /\ • • t' . SIXT:~ RACE .,, ,~· , • , ,\110,.>nr~ ;o, ,. I ~ ''l~, . I,.,.,... ,,, r " 11"'1 I( ,.,_ •!· 1' I <l t}•·~• 1 !l h ,-~ I ">"'VI· U l'l '""") 117 ,. P 1' ••• ~ iJ C·t~~··i 11• I '" / (\tt I< f..J,p \ 1 !O '''"' r "··~ I O'"v' II' ' ' r •<c~-110v• i 1 'I• , • , 1 • • I • '•I• L •. I> h. • 1 I" ~-,., ... ,,.,« ... '"•"' •11 -~V EtlTH ll l>Cl •l I' ~ OJI .ljlr '" • f' -' \\i'(0 '·""' ,,, ',, '" '"•'' I (n• "i l I<• . " II fl, 1., ' •\, f, .'•·~~'" 'rJ I'"~'""' ,, f • '"'' ·~· /. '"" ~' "'' ,., ·'· ''• ' ' " " ·' l'··~ .. \~···· ~ ~' .,. •~' II " . ~ " [JGHT>I llA([ ,en •.! r1 ..... ~ 1·· ~ \tlW (14 ·:••j p '(" \I/I 'lf") ' ,,,.. \•'II ,,,_ o.,,-,J., L ., r•" ~ h<lotd 119 ' '· ·~'" (•,'"(" .. +•-•• r'•,, ·I• j\f'-> < IJ 0•••~<1 "" .... I•' r· V>i ·~' tl C<~~Q••l ' r •r•I '" ru«l•·• ['>II, ~h.,a ;•I~ ''""'V<•I r.c.., ., r ·"', '"n., fl B.1~0·.1 ,.,.,l>t D~C~ •o t ,,, r1.,1 ... "" p.,, '"••no P•i'f 11ro;n '·"Qi C'l•,n~ 11 ID C.~'l1n/~\ T.• ,,._,, f,n • '' Ir~ •> '" '" ' ' , " (, .-~ .. I·,,, (l~r •l;I •'a'""' 1'~ Lr.•n· (J .. 1 1 r .. ,_., I'"'.<-'I [O~ ({ ~•noll>I 1'' r ' 1 ,.,. J ' :) R,,n,1,<hl 11' ~:,,.(e ~I"• IS Vl«l•.en 1:• P•on~' c. '' 11< r '°'"·"' ,., So•el.l Cow-! (~. 6,111l•) 11' l'vr• 1'1o" f' H • 1•• 11110 Ellq•l>I• 5V'I ,\,Ill It >""I~• 'i/ Dee1l Sea J;->i~h l{cport lltEWPORl !O••'Y" lK~~•I ~ .,1•r> • "'ndo 1~1 """· I vellow'tll. •}) r . .-. < I •I do!lt·I IAM"\ l •ntli1>"I "~ -~· i 1 '""~<tl(IA. Ill 1 1 •1 ' h.•I 1• MOR~O ll•Y (Y!<•"I ~ ..... ,,.,, -, , , 1.n., 'ti "'I re-~ 7n • ,, i•n Slmt<Wi •r<1h ,, •• l•t\O <"'1 I Jiu rot• "' SA l\t DtfGO I 'Aunl<1p1t ,., •• 1 ''' •no!"" Y•t• ._.1nl! IOI! •il•~CO-t, " •·•I"· ''" •"' •~. JI <10lo1>!". Hl r ·'h I •u'I • LOMG MElo~H l ll•lm•n1 Pl~t! ,. ,..,.~ I <• •'n ..., ... 1 1>nll""1, 1 :"-Or or 1 , • .i Ill~· ~· '"'"" J h •!itivl. '" <\o••H""'"") M nftQltft· '"' ~ L; "·"' )) ••1•j ,, ......... ' .. """' ""' ()A .. 11 V.llA~F I•'· 0''1 ~ •• 1 11"''' 111~ I; ..... ~.> nftl,.>ul, ~ ,\ I/ \.\~ ~l!D~O 1nnn i• l~n•1n~) • .,, ., ' " ' !'~I' n t•n·I ' ~'"·'U' 1'~ •"At •Jrel, 110 .,, '"'' i .~r•;;1;.,.!\0~ "''•a• tt I l>e"'1~ 10 ' n 11 nAIL v •'1Lu1 Intrepid Scores • Ill Trial Opener For the Record Gt>ld CitJJ Race Se t fo1· Harbo1· \c11purl 11.Jrlloi' \' :1 ,. ll ~ i luh'.<1 :\untll\t'r (;1i1d l'UjJ H••j.!:11!;1 Tud;11, ~1!11rd.,y ;inti ~l111d:1_1 1s no! a 1\1 •11 1\,g:111.1. i!'s ju.~! ;1 Ill'\\ ll'l'll·,·;i!;1bli::.!1t•d lur .i l,.i1r 111:111.1 ~ t•:u·s t 11 ,, 1111(l.~un11111·r re;..::111:1 11· ~1 s ~nv11 rl as B:11'l' \\'t't'k, 111 1•! Ill !lit' t'.1.[Jy (i;l_I~ ii II.IS 11h.!l lt , nnntt' i1npl11·d -;1 111•('k Ion;; 1\•g[1t1<1 ~:11li·i.I 1111 h.1y ;111d u1·v<.111 t-uar:-··~. In more rl•t't•n1 1('.11'~ 11 la;CillllC ;1 \ICl'kl'lld 1•\'rllt \)('cOHIS(• l•J !ht• f1iff1l'!li1)' Ill gC'lting (T1•11s hut 11·a~ still c<1llcd Hnee \\'eek, l"JURl~G TllE .<;an1e period !\ll\'C's f:11\ and spring c:uJd Cup reg<llla~ alsn 11· r re popular l'\'Ctl\S. This year 1h1• l'lllh dcl'tncd it 1nurc pr:.iutieal 111 thflnge the nn111e of thl' Rnl'l' \\'cl'k rC'gana to the ~un1111cr Gold Cup, I h u s crC'at1ng a trio of rt·g:.ilt:is through(IUt The ,\·c11r \1·irh the sa111e !orinal. The Gold Cup ~ot its name fron1 thC' !a,'l tha t all of the trophit·s 1>rcsentcd 11·ere goldpl;ited . A lop fen!urc of the v.·et>kcnd 11·i1I bl' the !lhodes-33 l'l:i~s­ r·ha1npio11ship in 11·hirh about !~ boa t s of thl' popul;-ir racing·cruisir-rg cl a~ s <iri' expected tu turn out to ·"eek l'ha111pionship chc1·ron:-. n n their rn:1ins']$. l~lse11 here on lhe Orangl' Co<ist. nana Point Yacl1L Club 11·i1I stage another rare of i1s PHRF Series on Sund;1y. FARTHER \\'EST on the coosL Alainitos Bay Ya cht t'l11h is ho~ting thC' Finn Gold i 'U!) t 11· or 1 d 1·han1p1onship r1•g;11!.11 \\'hl!'h wilt t:onchtde Saturda.\'. l'\c111.11.1rt I !arl)l1r Y<H'h! ('luh's ll vru·y ~pragu1· J'l'Jll;!lllS ;1 h1•a1 }' f:J.\OJ'Jl(· IO \\lrl. :\11 t!lhern \' :i c ht. i ng t";ill'ndar: ('ti l 1 fornia ,\ s s u t' 1:1t1un I J1S r\ngl'lt~~.ung llval·h l.tl\'G 81~,\('JJ \'A(._' HT ('Lt B C;1t:ll111:1 l:•lnnd ~1·1·i"' 6 und 7, lt ll{. PIJHF. \1illlF. S:11u!'d;1\', S1111d:i\ lf\'.\'Tl\'(;'fiJ:\ llAHl~()l'H Yr\C'!rr l'LL'B -Sn,all Boat Bl'g<1 tta. l.ido·l~. Sab(1! s~iturdny. Sund:i~, San1a 1\lonica Ba~· C ,\LI F 0 11 i'i I /\ YACHT Cl.L.B l'aeifie Cup. .s('hooncr~ aud kc1L"11c:s, lod<J_I'. Sa111rdn~', Sund~iy . SOl 'Tll COAST COil!\· Tl!IAl\ YAl!!'fCl ,l:!~ -l ntr~I· 1·luh racr, invi1ntion~1 :. S;1lu1·- d;1v. J> .. \C'IF!(' \1 A It ! ~!::HS Y.-\CllT CLL.B -.\lalihu and I\ ct urn. l\eclboals. 1 Chuck Stein Series! S3lurday KING l!AHBO\l \'ACllT CL'C B l)inghy lJ ;i y }i;iturilay• PAL(lS \'EHOF:.~ \'AC!!T CLl'B Peninsula Hat:l', l'llR~'. :"ui1day. SA!\TA \10.\ICA 'i'ACllT CLt.:B -.li1niur Sabot Tc:1111 Cha1npion:-.hip, \lunday ~e11 port. Balb11a \ E \\' P 0 R 1' !IAHBt)H Y:\CllT CLL'B -Su1nn1er (;old Cup. today. Sa turday. Sunday. l)A:\:\ P()l'.\"I' YA C !IT CLl'B -PHHF Series . Sunday. FAVORIT ES BATTLE JN OPENING CUP TRIALS Intrepid (top) Edges Courageous in Close One S1)r£1glie JT1 i1ts "4g·ai11 ~ Nears 1st J?i111i Title I lcnry Sprc•L!llc rl l 1ra~ on the thresl1old t "d 1 1' f'f 1rinni11g h1-: firs! 11· or 1 d tha111pionship i11 1he h1~hly 1iln1pctlti1"e Finn Cl l1'~ 11!11tl1 is heing concludl'<I uir l..<1nt.: lll'ach l l;ut~)r tud:1_v ~111d ~1turrl.'.ly . Sprague 11011 tll1· fif1h ral'e Thursda.r. ~11·uH; hi·i1 thr{'P firs1 s ;ind a srcond in th1• br,;l four of fi1c r<ll't'S. 1\flrr l'hursdur's racl' he 1r ti s r;ie<• \\l11ch had S.'.lddlcd hun 11·1th !OJ penalty pnints under lilt' Oly·1npit' s<·orin~ sy:;tern If lhe vctera11 :\1'11·por1 I l:irhor Yacht Cl uh sk11>1n·r 4·vn11nut'(l hi,; \rirtning 11".1ys in tod<i) \ s1x1h r:lce !ht'l'C 11<1~ n'1 \\'ay he could IJ~ beaten. Tl1c series is S!.:Vn:U oil thl' Ix·:-! ;.1x ol St·l-l'll fini~llf':. p<.'nniHCd to thn)1\' out a _,,)F .SPHAGt:E 11 ins torki~· disqualification in the first ·.c1'lc 11·ill h:.1·r tied the record tnr r."lccs 1vun i11 a t:old C1ip Ficl{e1· Ca1lt111· es Al1111a11so11 r~·ga\l<l. T11n1 Lundquist or S11 rrJp n 11·nn tour iii ~i, 111 1!1ji~ ( ;okl { '11p r\•g:Jll<I B1·1·rnud:1. tlir P,iJI Fiekcr·s ch:inct·s tor def1•nd111.g 1he An1eriC'.1s Cup thi s ye;ir 1~f·re rh11·;irted hy 1hc indeei~1on ot I h l' Cour:Jgrous Syndieall' !iclt.:re the first or lht· .l'(•;)r 10 complete thl' new 12-nH~l<·r \\"hich scheduled to snil. r1l11rnin111n he 11 a:-; During indecision s~11dicate. plans. the !){'flOd Of on the par1 of tht' Ficker n1:i<lc C1hl'r A~ IT 1'lill'.\EIJ oul. part Of !he plans \fCfe !O II in \hl' Ahn1an..;on Serirs ot' oflshort.' races s1XJnSOrcd by his 011n i\e11·por1 ll;irhor Yncht Club. Ficker iron o\T•rall ;ind Class C honors in the scric~ 11·itl1 his Lllorg<tn-37 sloop 'i'c!lo11· Hri('k !lo;i<I. ;1ccorrlin~ to the fin;il results L"On1pile<f by thL' ,\H'l'C race C(JJn1111Uee. At the san1e t1·nr. NH'l C re1ea!t~l H1at !l1r ('vrt.l'll Serie., for ,\lali:il•! (k·1·;1n ft.:1cin~ Fle<-!. ! ~!OHF I .1·:1(·hts 11ndcr .111 h'f'1 11 :1 1> 1vnn li~ :-.:iii I..(' \'11•, ~klJlf~'r!'fl by 1 ~fll r 111Hn.~l' 111 \'0.1 :i:;.·1;-\';H'hl t Juli. Fl \,\L ltESL'l.'f'S, hc~t !11 1• of ~IX ritt't'.5, A )1 rn <JI)~ IJ II Srnt·'· (J\'\•:B.\LI .. 1. Y1·llo11 l:lri<'k llo:id. l~dl Fll'kL·r. \llYC: 1~1 'ith Heaven. L:111gdcu l';i rril\. AHYC: r:!I Quadriga. Hre\ltT. :'11eserve nnd \Iyer, l\HYl' and BYC: 4. Drumbeat. Don AyrC's .Jr.. NHYC; 5_ Uln11nn1 io11. J\larshal! &'Ck. BYC. CLASS A~!. Dru111bcnt: 2. Raider. Ji'f: Lindcrrnan. BYC: 3. Brighl Stnr. I~i)I P;1scoe. 1'1~\'C. CLASS B-1. Su1n1ncr1\ i11cl ti. Di ck ~!cine. L/\'i'C: 2. Jlagdoll. J-l aJJ and \rilli <1111 ~. NJ·IYC; 3. Sv.·i ft, J\fallinckr<)(lt and Posl. BYC. CLASS C-1. YC'1I01\· Rri{'k Ro<id: 2. 7th I-li'aven : :i. \Vildfire. Ralph 11ack. BYC . CLAS.5 0--L Quadriga: 2. I i •. -... I I I • I \ / I / / ~' ,.,, -f·T 4 708 4 7 084 \ : . •• • -~~1 ·119''" . . -' \ Spr:i1-.'l1c (:old I '11p ( l'J('~. ilL' h;1s r1r1·1~r 11·,in :i tn f11L' prr\u111., p!acrd ~c(·ond !)1· :i n;uT011· n1argin behi nd thl' lati~ .!o(•rg 8r11d<'r 111 til t' \'h;:unpionship reg;1Ua ;i 1 f'u11u g:1L H.rud1·r 11·~1s k1!1ctl in Clfl tu tl1l' Thr n1r crr1sh on h~ t;nltl Cup re ~;Hla :\L'll'l)()I"\ skipp(•r !wk ,,1 •'!' ;1 (~in1fort<1bll' \ t'.' <i 1l ihur::.rJ;iy 11hl"11 1hr prc1 l1H1:; ll'<~ders in 1ht' 9~)·1Ylflt fll'l'\ :dl flntsl1t'd 1111; .. r th~· fir:-1 ti). Thust' f1nishin-::; in thl' lop 10 h~tl only• f;iir 1u :ncragr l111ishl':. 111 lhc pre11uu,.; r<1l'1·~ STA:\'l)Ji\GS AT 1\1e end of 1h1' fifth race 11 er1• 11(11 •·<1111p11t1 ·d 111· rl11.: r ;i l' l' l'<lll)!l11\!I''' b1•(•;JlJ~1' If II \';.~:I Iii prol1''d~. BUI :111 ll1l!)ff1r·1.1I 1·11niput11!11J11 sho111·d 1 1111 I :\pr:l~!H' h:td 011ly t 11 !'('I' j'l('Jl;iit)' J.ll'il!llS Ill hi~ ]lo:'~! !•11Jr 1·a1'1's \1l11lt• 1;uy Lilli1·gro·t1 1ra.-; sl 1H'k 11·1tl1 ~1 point~ for ,+·1•1111d pl.1l'" :ind !•:(I lh•111l!'ll 1\·;1, h•ilth11;! ~· I f11r 1ll1rd pl<11't' l·'1rs1 l"iH'" :-ip1"1~110•, 2 I l.111.I lk1\1\,~1t. J-:11gl;1nd. '.! ,J;1111•·, S:11111·01·h, l '11r1 ;dl1~. !lrL'. 1-l'lln:1r1 r;11st.1ff~on. !-:o111·1h'n. :, .J :i rn c s I L1hn. \;111:11111\l , \Id.: 6. Hun !) o l! g 11 e r· I ~· . ('onJ11~1 del ~lar : ;, l.011 ~·,'1td:-·. San Franristo: P. I\ 1· n t (';1rlson. S11·rr!cn ; 9. Tn11y .l<Jllll'S. A11~1ra li;i, 10 . S<111furd \\1lt:,1. C,1nada. Conslnl 11'••nlher ~·n•li'/ '"nn~ 1~d~v ~•<'i·I v.,.,~i,1~ •.•.iu. '"" t "1 .,,,,n ,.,n i,,,,,, II•"'"' "'I' .~"e' 1·1 10 It I~ •11 ,, on ,11\ ... n<X•n, Ti;o:J~y JtNJ ~a'"'""\I 1,;,,,. !• d:.v ,,~,,. ·~ e,.,.,,,,\I 1rn,Dt•at1ir·• •nn~· 1· '~ /, 10 'C frl,,•"' 1.nip•·rlo11>••.• ,,, .• ~Hom ~1 1,, 71 wu~r 1~"'""' •Iv•• 1 .~''''~ ltft•f)JI. Tid1.~s St<;nnd hlOI\ St<"'1d l&W !lO r m.~• 7 •O ~·'"· I~ SArUltOAY ~ ~s ~"'· ~.i • II ~ m ,\ 0 Balandra, U 11 m a n and J\lcClairc, BYC and Lll'C: 3. Co n1motioo. Corkctt Series, best r, o/ 6: OVERALL-I. Sail IR \,'i<'~ BILL FICKER IS STILL A WINNER AT HOME Yellow Brick Road Takes Ahmanson Series (~1 ... \S..<; A-1. ~lcrrydo1111 : ~. ,\tl<H·apa Yl' Fir~\ h1Q!'1 Fir'! 1n.•1 Sen,111 ''"1!'1 !>•co"d IO>V ""'' t"<'l'• r !<<I l•W• s~ro<>•I ~lu~ S"l'"(I 11,,.. s~n , ·~~~ M()()<l ''~es IUNOAY ,, ' '" I ' : 70 (l,tn I QI ·~·i~n>, '} J Tb ,, n• ·G S •O ~ I m t • ' I~ r '"' 0 I 2. f\lcrrydo\1·11. Hill Lap11·01·ih. f\'YYC : 3. 13ig i\l;:iggir. ,\lik1~ Haz!vcy, J).~YC. Serena. 1'011 KlcinS1nif! and J>o;111C'. NJ!Yl' .. 3. \\'hit l' Lightnin. Dick V c I t hoc n . SUMMER TEMMIS PROGRAM AcWt1 & J"' • litJ. ~ 11'11. • .4«1.-. COSTA MESA TENNIS CLUB ITttwinldt P'arkl 2.week Program -Aug. 19 thru 30 ('L.\SS r.::-1. S:11! LI" \'it': 2. [)1n go. !);11·1· Andt•rsu11. CBYC; :l, Big I\laggil' &·lS ""' <"" 1 '.o fl '·' •:~s ~"' :.e.•• ~·~om ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. NOW you con CALL for Rot es UFf I H~ ,\J...i\11•N L()('.,;ABt.Y '""""' ....... 'l'he \\/t:..'it Coast c·ontt·nllcr Intrepid got a leg up in th r fir st rat•e 11f tht" An1t·riL'!1 's Cup si·leetiou trials Thur~J11~· by beutu1~ th~ Ill'\\ alUJ11HHIJl\ 12-nif•IL'f Courageous tJ) 22 St·cond ~ O\L'f;; reguJ;.it1011 21 J niile course. In ;u1other rnatch race 111·cr !ht'#sa nie cour~c. the new ;dun1i11u n1 l:.!-111vll'r '.\l:1nnl'r ilCfC'atl'd hl'r tri;t l hors~· \';1li aut by <\.bl.lllt t11u nl i!HllL·.~. '!'he kt·y ract' 11:is bctw1•t·n Jn!ft"!Hd, a \\\'O \!lllC <h:ft11J1.:r of !IJC ('U p ( l!Jfi7 <1J1rl [~!70 I ;ind t '11ur:1g1 •ol!~. Uulh trnn1 tile <le:.Jbll bo;11'tl u[ lHln Slt'pht·HS. c;El!H'r' llHJSlltLI .. -!~-year· old S;tn Dit·go :) k 1 p p r r and lK1<1t builder. ;~nd Hob Bai il'r, publisher of 'i'acht;n,. :'1!;1g:11.in1·. skipik'rs of lntrl'pl <Jlld Courgaeuus. r1~S\:.Ct:t1vcly, ;ire both kJ10\\:l ,-ts aggrcs~i\L' ~kl!)l)('l'S. I lris\'.'llll pro\'t'd 111 be lht:' tnost ;1ggress1ve in Thursday's prl'·S{;1rt 111 ~. ll <' u 1· l' rs by forcing Bai ll·r to al1nost hit 1hl' co1nn111 11·c !;oa t.-lx·tor~· letting the i\c•11· Yorker oif I hf• hv::ik The st::irt. cru tial in rnatch r<il'ing. 11'i1s ;i tlL·;ir ath·an!agc l't.r l"r iscoll and he 11t'n\ 1)11 1,1 heat Bavi er to thl'-fir.st 11cathcr 111ark by :t} SL'l'<Jl\d s. I \ l'll E\'IOUS t cs ts, Cour:igl'ous h<is C'Ji.tnblished the reputation of being a faster !_io;it nff the \\·ind <1n<l :-,;('11·~rt. obserl'crs looked for :i dn:1111;1!it change on !ht: re;1thing nnd ru nu ing legs. ·111~' clian~c canil'. but in the oppos1 tP diree1ion. !n!rt'pid 11icr1'tl:>l'd hl'r \1·:1d lto Ollt' n1i11utf" and J.J sccunds on the rC'Hc h1ng leg but dropped ·_~() ~l'L"O!HI~ Oil !ht• rllll tu till.' l'IH1 ot the tri<ingle tu l(';uJ by 1: IU. Thl' le;id 1lid chan~e 011 tlh' stt"Ond 1\·ind1\·ard leg lrhen <1 '.llJld shift occurr•'\L l';}U~lni! l11l rt'p1d Iv ort'r,~1 <111'! t h~ 111;-irk. l' ou r ;1 g e o u s 1ras aruu11d first wl!h 20 Sl'i:onds tll sp;irt' BL'T OHI SfOLL :ind his C:1l1fvrnia ;Jnd \\'11shi1igt•1n t-rt·11· 11t•rc not to be denil'(I Tl1e~· kt~pt Intrepid clo:;e 1)11 Cour<igeo11s' fjU<1rtc r forcing a bir of sloppy sail handling as 1!h· Courageous crev< :ittl'11lfll1·tl 10 douse I he sp11111;Jkl'r 11hile rounding the l1·e'.1:1rd ni;1rk lJ1·1sL·oll tU1 •k adr:1n1:1~C' ,,f tht• 1ni:-CL1e and <lro\e lntrC'p1d :1 f1·111 bvr11 length~ into th1· le;i,d . Har i er 11nn11•flia tl'ly llli!o<iled <IJI e X :1 ll S l i \' C 1;iek111g duel !Joying lu !nrt ,. l11lrl'p1d·:, l"rt'll' in10 a \ital 1ni~tak(• ;is they b<'at to\1·ard th1' fini:,h. But !he l\f•S\l'fl1{'fS \\'1•f(' ilp 10 1hv 1.-.st :ui rl brn11<;11t !111repid :itross the fu11 sh line 22 ~rt.:011(]~ 10 the good . In (:111> Race Mar1·iage Licenses lA~ VE C.Alo J\'~'"4Q~ lltf•I>~~ ••lc...i ti~<• 1ndll<lt H'<'J6C P C CQ,,IPTON J..,I\ l. '-"uln~•> {• •I ""~ J\'o'O"Odtt Jo;ce. 19 ov•n ~• 11vm1~~i.,., eeo<h '"Lr '(.JJ>Cl<.~{lN July } llov l. (.<, •~d AoKlftY Lvu. :11, 11011\ • (O•,lo ~'<ft RO\'/L fY.~\l'.CllVRf'( J<1iY I, Kt~1li11\ E /I. ~t><1 V~"M· ·~· t><H'1 uf (O>lft /,·IO•~ R1 r 11ARDSON f·LOV.''fllS !vi• \, R •Ch~r<1 1 fO>. 1!. or><1 Piilr>CI~ JO"I>. >:.both of lv•'• !.le"' 50URS.THOt~PSD~I -Jvly 5, IH.()l'ct l o<I, ~~. 1>nd Gff~M:"t Mil••~, )). h· lh "' flU htin<;j!O<> B&~c~ Sl!-~R 11 I: July 'o Roy '< •l. N Cool• '·'~HI. •n(I Oo~QyW<\, )i. r ~""'" ''"" SEARS·lUtVMNN -)\•IV ~. G•o<<ie (rdton 1• ••-.! [)e()ra L>""· J), t>u1h ol (,,.,., I.I~•• 0,.EHT0·5CHOOI Julv O. Wo>vn~ Y!., &• i>nd Cl.,.i;i M •~. nom "' Hu,,T;n<uon e-.,a,n, l'llLKIN~·JOl!ANS€1i July ~. llullon. JY, u• Hunhny1on B~•(h, "'"'Held; i<.Ml11, ;1, ot Cosl~ Me•& (URLFY Hl~l~ JulV 6 J~'''~' ~l orvey, II a•><l Kerry /,\"'· ,S, b"lfl 01 ( "''" M~•• lU[IV/\t.-AOAMS Jul• e. O.H1•e A.he" 61 .~ "'""~' ~"<! y,~··e li.'<', 13 <>I HontlnQ•on 11e,1t •1 'T /\Nl! Y CLOYD July ~ 1'11111&~> Ln·,.,~,.C~ Jr, 16, an11 R&C~" '""'"· \'l llO't" .11 ilu~1 q19tun 6<'0>'• f'[\.K-A NOER~ON J~I• 6. Etn,>I L )\, or we,rm•n•ler. """ 1.1111 .. n E , \0, o! •.ltsa. Aror llR!o\"ER l.IA•ERH'Ji'C.R -Jul, 6 J,~,, P <'>Ton. JO. ot S"n JuGn C '"''11 anu nn<1 llnnnl~ (~!n0t1n•, '" Pf ~~·• Cle'11~n•r Cli'U/.(ASllllO Julv. 6 R kh~r,1 1~. <It NP.woor ! Bedch. • n <l .ud<l<l >uoe 11. o• N•I>'\'"" OPP·YON HAR! -JUI" ~. RN>t•I 1 Jr , ll o! ~M> 01e<J<> ~"<l J\\MV Jan.-. n, or l.•<1una t:1~ue1 ';,,'If OllEP.f, MENDDL•\ Julv 7, R~lpn Pel•• ~9. o• w~11n,1111le•. 0•·<1 1.1,,.,, N. ot Ln, 111~""'<» PAlTERS.ON·Pll.ESLEY July J;inle< ( ~'· ,,.1o1 JuanfM J\\~t. 1J DQ1n o• S•n Ju~" C"p;,1rono J(J~LtN RFYNOLD$ July I, Qcn~la l vnn. :o. QI Alt,ui1uer~~e. N .'t , ''"" flairu11a lll'Fern, ~:. o! (01>,,. "'""~ CR llf,'·CREE~IE lulv &. A~d,~N l . /~. ll'<>d Nil>.<; Q_, 6~. toofn QI L •9""" !<dis 'N0L0£N-C REIGHf0N Julv ?, P ug eM •<. M><l ~ rolua. l6, co111 o! Hun•lng•~n Be&<h LllNE·LUNOEEN Julv 11, Jn••nh, :o. o! C<"t" ~.'~'"· ono 1<.a1Myn J<•· I ~. OI \Ye't Covin•. (,\RD·YER HAGEN JulV \1, lt.,,li L Coil"'"' •?. ''' '1•·•"<>", dn<l Anl!11 Rll'qu~I . JI. "' We''""~•Te• l'IESlL y.~HORl > .Jufl I' ~~'TM 1.•., •7. ~"u Cl,,.~ N . )0, l><l"1 ot llu<··lrnQ IO" P,•,•<>1 JC"O: IN E N-PROVOS T :1 "~'" o' (Q_,,, I.,~ ... fl'( H o•E'.•I!\ 1,.;ow~K I rcrQ<>r~ Y/, . .,.,~. lo "' '··ldl'fi 11" ,,.n<I l<.~rtn ""fi I' r.! 1•uri1"'~'1" &•MM (,~j f.F IN .','rCl)llf J,,oy ll l'/dllA!l' 11 , ~). Q! ~.e>I•"""'"'· acd Ro>•"''''' •. '>1 c.! """"" tt> 6/\0(,ER ·OLIYER Juiv 17 Oro•• ,\·u•I ~· •'1.-J (.,,~. (l~10C )\ Dn!h u• (O>!d l,'~'rl (ONE-rH.\NA Ju» 11 (I,<'' ~ 17, ii";I P.rNlQd f·, 11. i~ "' vt ',\•""''~'''' !HIRT Wll~DN J u•v 11 ( ~l,i'l lt>fir~U. ~· "~'' J,. •.iri •,•o•I"~· J.., "~th .;.t HunHn..JTG<l 11•<1<~ RA•.•.11<r1 r,QN7/\LI'..' Ju" ·~ f•uon""""' 16 o! 5,,.,,d ,\,,,. ,,,., ,.., .. , .. , ,, /\ CCI f!,,,,,,.,,,,nn Be .. L" ; ·\RRA" YOU•,G -July ll II"'" ._ •I ~· ~"" !lr""'tl"in ft< a D .t~:»• l u(ilc, (I OI •lU"lln~•o~ F•~ r ','..A VQ()~ t;,\l'.l!Ujl) JUI~ \l, o)•J,n, (.~,•n• ! ~. 'J' ••J'~'" C.•OYt .n<J JUhll', 46 o• Wt<tn".<n'1@L =>OUll:Y rALI 0 -J,,1·· IJ. Ll'O P,iul 1~. u• ~•unll'i<Jmn Po'~. ~nu l.:"mon<\ D•rlne I• [.I Hunh!••il"" 80<1c11. srn,tn. l.-ur• L~• dnd R '"""! """'I f HlO<l, t& .. JI Al11\0 •<1<1 ~Ul!trl Jll"101 Ho•(~"' M•uu·le L •'"' (.~111,, Edw•r<I ~. !"!(~, lel"'"~ M •h(l """' I ""mmm><l, 1.11•"8•1 ~•ll<le•k~ •"<I ~u••" ! l"'tn1, S•t!Y j•"• "'"I Le<J f.eor~• la Uuao1, ""'"'""' I< •"<l c,,.,,,, ' p,,,i~e11 Clocentt 1•1 "'"' u.,1., c Gooao<d, l anv lugent A1>o1 <."tr,I Ant> S~1>en Gev11s "••I a•ld r~ll~ Jl'''Y G•o,, Jw•·"~ M •"<I e,,,..i l, Jr Bl~~kM(I. Cnor1,n1 l'•Jn(I• "'''! ~1 1 1; f U"~ne f'~ud~n. Ju'•• l~O •M ll\0•1'~> ,0 l 1opp, 1o<1,...ira J J• ~•·<I 1(<1'"' "·"<I""'" c .. 1n .... ~11 J""'"' 11 ""'\ O•hith ,, Cv<Jfl•Or•. w1111.,., T M•O P!i•tll•~ ' 1':1nl!, Lo" Yvonne""<! J"'"'~' I.••··&'" .,,,.,,.,,,, W"lt~J 8r•ln i.n<1 ll<1r Oato J ~•'I Pool (ti• ter [ 11n<1 ~i.,,i.y J Ru1u11tl0•<1. Joh" l lloll •no! PaT!ll.oO An" 111J1. w.11111111 J Jr ,·f1d 1,\4rv t "'"'""' />',,tl«H•\ Alon J• ,.fl\ Uno,, .J oli P«l•·ll~ onn f'-'rit•• M1'1 P11•11111 M p,,1m • ., 1o;,,,,,, co11,.,, .,.o J""'~' ("VIC"'' ll.l!W '1 , L~I~ P,~lle Or><l \/"'"' Euue ... Swt.>, Ct\r«""~ l rn" 3r\<l Jo••Dn Yo•u,.~elr 811•1>~1<1 G '"" flv11.1I<! '· l(n·uhl, '""'(•I ~·"'.I B•'IO" I llur<l9~. lolv••r ! '''"'" onJ NOf'<Y ( """" C•n1rmr ll. Wi ll•~ F••n,r> ""'I Jd'"~' _)"'"'''' E""'' l ••'~ S ~nd (l••e" e J\\ I '"" J'"'" J\\ ""d H'~'"'" l \'Jelc!.>n, l\11n• I .,,,o 8 1llv 1,1,.., (!,,,,,,, J\\"''')(o'r nl\d kOO<'" S H ll•o .. ~, M.ro"•ele L b'1.J OU••H"' ' "\~nln•I, """"' ""' ~~,I I.I& D~ L,l lt•t l Jll<·•~r· .. , M~•• n L ~"<! (rl'r>~ l Enrerecf July 11 Cdldonn~ L rrll• M•d Euo•n• (,111•, M~ltl~ J an<! (,,<Ii: f '"rt>••, H~:ol { ""d Hnr. •y 1,10,.,err.i.n llOD<'" W,oll~te ~•111 L•~· 1rc• 1 ~~· l.'un11, l"••n"" P ~110 Tn;;...t<>rt J L •·H•, '>•~•11 ~";' Ju••rn r,,, .. ..:~nen11~1e,,, Jt>lil'-lymi """ l'l"'(Jl'<I l•nf•t Petkov,Ct\, l •"ilY A anll \11111 J , I <"e11.ertier. rl•''"' ~"" ~1~.• Per~or. ,\.rn~lcl JI\ ~nd l.h• l ('·,mer Y"a'"'~ A. •"<1 /U,!1 n '.'I Goel11og. Te•r>a l . ""~ fl""" J 1'.'n«e, H~Tly H~"'" """ '!olU"t~ llqo•I O'Nrll, Cvnlnoa 1. ""d llondln !< OO•tn. J,•nn J ""J OvHV S F 'nn>, J\\~ry f\nn~ 11'!1<1 l/,(h~•ci l Or Younq, l<.no• f at>d Ni<ol~ Joa"oe Schul•" Juat,.I• (, &nO Cn~rle• fl \'.~rn 5,,Vl,d'" Jeon .100 Ricn~rd L•nn L~,cl•te. Oonll'l<l W ~'"' A .. c. M. Yo.., .. Q II• M. 1rn<1 [l()Odl<I i: t•o·""'"· DIM'" an<1 Ralon Go•o•n .. t>.~11~,,.,,., J,.~::;e l ou;•e •nd J oh~ 1 noo ~-F~r"I ldut" '·'LllU1'f11 d()ol )u'"''" w " f'ro•• ~•"""'" "'"'"e Ar~ Ge ·•O•~ ~'""'" l.'1•1/A•r. )L'> j ·"~I N<'• .,,~n () Be"''"'' ~rl"·.11 /, ""o Lo ro"t L Jo '' 0 h o~u •'" t lie,··'"'"'"'"' f«"•"I )•"'"' ( ulh, 11'1d•QM0~ ,lf'Q ! ••,I ' , ,•. " 1~~" r•.,,, ""' .,,,,! l nor,.ol ,,.,,.,"""I~~ L'.>U•-. •n~ ',1<•~1>'1 ~lie~ I'''" ',\,,,, ,\nn ,.nd l'lon••I l•~ •.<•·•~'"If' l ""'·' .IC.''"'' 0<'>' J ,,, "", '''''".,'~c· D ""'' ,\1'N\ ll rtn,.! ~,.,.,,. C.IMI •' l•e M:<' \'/•II'• Jr y,.1 '" •.• m .. , n "'a r '"' Hr ...,,I 1,,,,n~~•el ll. Jr M'~ ,;.,it~~·~ L•.e'""· !.'."""a J,,, r o>.,! t "'I• w.,1~, 11•11 b•eno• .,. •"ll :,-.._i,u Or Jt•l'O (.,m !.~"' ,1r·•1 i;:,,,,,, '.'••<l"I'. R ~ _ _,.., \'1• •/ ~,,, l ·1 ;,1•1J L~• Jar1'~ f M'C J.,n I •· /, '"'"'' ~ l • ~r Jyl" f lNlll DECllf;ES £~•tr..i July 1111'"'~ D•~"" "'"· •" 1 II, I• '·" '.,~ .. ,',I• , ~ I""" !/ ~"·' R •·"' ~ l ..... j, " ·" ,. ' ' \ ""'' so,,\ ·~ o-,,i .. , "' 1 ,, , , l,, •·• J\"r~·t l;•y"~ "' 1 ""'" "" ~.1~ lltMr .. ri ,..,, '.'1, ""~ soro1>v Geralo 6 M/-" l "'''"""''-M"' .. OQllQ JI f'o•' ~,.Al If"'''"'' r ~•lllHI II >"""IHI!\' .'.•.011~ "'"' J,,.,..,. W•ltor RI"''"'· lom•' '""!"""'"I~ ll•·~>•" lo,,, 1,,,. ~"'T J•ll<•• I >I'" f!.l·,,r· ;,' "'"' MHI lo•"e> p ( ••·f I.'"' I """ 1'<11 .. l UU l""""' '.<!<•'"''" ,\<111 ~",J l<•(!1••Q 1»0"'''' ""'""'"" ..,_.,., ,1 ~"..i J6rn•• '""" ""' l\••n I ,,..,! U1h• I r,, '"U" Jl'•I• r ""<I f',•VI '/,. ... ! < "'•o~t~1, letr•o ! •<"I J• • 1 • fl-"I e•(lc' Ju"e uli'I ll(,<'1~111 L {."''"~. !JccrnJ l<UUUh•" •J\O l•'™""' rduhn• ""l•ro<I Jul1 1t B~••> Y~I•• ,,. ,,,, .... ,1 Jol•n Paul G•'-' f-'•1••••< """ •O•! ~,..., r.,,,10!«•<! /'•":""' ll<><UI~ r "'"I """'' I !h• I lt~!ner, 110""1~ R ""d f,\l~f.~"I F le• '""d' ,, '" ~"" I< •v " CV""" l'dlHf,~d ·""' /11hu J•\U~ 't ~o"1l. '·'"I''"" J ·""' ~••I""'" A Sl•""I l•J·'"'"'•' J~•I" """ )<'><' ~,lh!r •l I.I«• ,,1~1. L<lW•"I :.•,nll•t ,,nu j.,dre1> 1.1 •• '" f'•ll~'" l<>~r' 1~,,,~. M1'1 0-0•~ l ov•·t ! ~n(h, """''~!~ ! •n<I "'""I '* M ~·~p61'. """'I"' .in<I ll Md<I ( (l\•ell. Ji'<hlh l .r.~ L<I"'" ,;..,& l """ l't"" •l>d Q•1n .. 1~ €~ti r.f'<ir"' !)A-'~ MHI fl""'"~" • ,~,!1.0. .. Ylllt""n L~"" ""'I IJ•(• Joi"' l ,.,,. /!M•~ .ni•I 1.••d,,. ( O •~<l•n. Joy I '''"' •/11,I~ f'•r,,~dtll• 1'1.1!101, (1~"'" ""!I Mt"'""V I'""'"'~ \'Inf••. llQO~·t• ~u'"'' ••ll\\ Ro~r! Stc•t• fl P<J•1•h, I';,!•"'•';,, . ., ,owl \'le•I•\ f E\r<J\\" D,,.,.,,., '"· 1,,.~c ,~~ fol• lln~ J•""'' Oev~r ~•<i• llrl~n• ""'I T~1 rv /.',J<f\·iel K--~. (h~rl•• \' ""·' l<•·!·" 1. !\<l'~"· II•'""\'! ""'I ~''n''" l '•";~··• r~o,...~, • ,.,,.,. C.••NJ01v" .. '"'"' ,J .• "' r "" .~ •"n D<irali1 '" ""'" (,.,,\·• ""' I I < ft"•' L>l"I•\ ll w •;I I ""'' I '''"'~ Min l(~nro~!tl n,.d•''" P ol>.•!1Ul•>n, J'"'" r "'"' ro,;,•I•• r E•"""a Julv l! f'M,.r,nn " "·"''' '" < ,,,,n to:t"""" s .,,~..,, " v \','II• P ~t"t"' Ar•!1 /"ti\ (UA>" (/'. •'"''"'' "'"''· A<tdl• Af'U rn~•!<! ,.. s,,,n,1•10" L"··" ""'I J,,.,,.. r•ve ( r,,,,lo.m )"''"II ~"" n~n'I'" ~ fl''"" l"M"! '~ (. "'"I Pel•• 1". W .,,,,,.. 'f•<I''"'" .,~1 r1,n~ '"""' ''<{~·II Jun~"'"' '""'~' 1 ll "•\•>I Iv• \. ''"I ','.'•lh'"' /.' 111110·1, L""i"'I /IA•I~ ·'"'' Ed"'" W r·~·lt-.' Pn1•1,,, (.~"""" dn~ \'<'Ill~·" '"'"h••' f\1""'" J~ci.111 l l'•n d••,! .J~r.~•v 1,, .. r .. •I"'"'·~""~'" Jf' A•la llt .• r• f r•~•l•n ""'"~rt H~len ,,.. I f«"'"' "·"~~" Ge.HQ• l'I _Jr "''d i ntO! M "\JO .. 1>,~''"'~ ~""' """ 1,,,.'I Cr•"! f'Ol""'-'''I. Wolc1 I-"'"' l'l »I"/ I 11,,n''"'" Jo~n L •"<! ~··"'"·' l ff ".1·•on /"nr. L P"tl K,·n• R l.'•11••~. Ger.it!! E1·•nl ·•"II (et "I• "'·' l1,o1'l~V. M~r v [Uol~ •n<1 J~hn t•••i)"'I Jo"n·•.. -lO"n II"''"' "'"I (,,rot ['lolo<e• c:;,1''"'1 RoU.d G,.QD•< ~nu /.\~'' '·'""'"'"' Ali>>'li"'' l ·~'""'' llv,.•11 •~II ~flO•l~<V ~ •.• ,.,.,~, (1•~•• I .n '"'T '.;,lf\~•I ~'~"'""' ''""" • \Ii'~""' ~ """ fl,w,n • P. • ... ., f'•1l'o <. ~·· • L'u ,.,n • •"• r,1.,<ooc•lli, I"~"" C .,,·J II • .. '•"• ~N>•• 0G'1'·~ "'"' •n<1 RC'«"' \\,11•0• '"' ''''""~' ~·.• , I '""' ~o•·,.11 I n.,.,,. oe"A,, .. ,. r ~"·' ~ ,.,. · .•. ,, I "11.0<J ' ''""~" '~""'"''i" !'"'"., ~·'"" 1 !. "'di• • •I l.'ot '' ,l'I ,•r.d ,' ' "'"-"' < I H.1 •·oe: "el l~f'~ '" ·"'' ,·,, ' ~ ,,.,, .. ~ \'>o''<li• '"'""' "'t'>l~·'' •on~ A• .. 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OI r,~,,.po<t Be~'" ~,.,, K1'lr~n ;, •. n., 1~ ~·• Coron~ Q•I /.'•" B(Jt;J/, t ><,\/.IBERS ;u·, '" ~·""'' , ""J 'i"'"" -..in11c~~ 7'> bo•n 01 '.'J•'·'"''"''•' JCH •;~ TO•I !·Ly J<J•• Ii, Jon<l"Y 1\11 •n, /I ·'"" (••1•1 ll~•utlle I> N...tn ,, '•un:,n<;1G·> II• "1 •.<r/OE!.ll!:."l~·~l<-1Slllll JUIV I• 5"L11 Or·,.~11 r'" '"~•'<I~·~'.· !·~• ''"' ~>'-'11.l. <.-~,J ,n>o" •~ >• -•> R ""'d D~n1llt~·, t.•"" "' ""!! f ,, '' ~n -~ ... I L'"~" '>u· A·• • '' llJQen~ l• 1, r< •I"'" A •~1 " I !I I ~N;~n, N~<1h~~~~ J~~·.-~·: ~ on:I ~• ~'"'~··~I Ru.-ell l~·· '""·1 ·"'''""' ,.,., l'""'" Jei'rt'Y H o'~"I .'). OI ~:--.1,.,nl ·-------------B•och, ~no Ne rei~~ .)/. 01 (,&rue<> C..to,t !"l ';i.J ,\fl·:J( BL.~•R Ol YO( J,1IY It J~..,~~ ,\, '""'O••D...,Dn1 10"~··b 1 l'Jl.'\J {\:\('~' M"· M ~~" L•~•"e"•• ' ,/ I • . ' IH.\!,(11 ·.~[l'•' J.,Jy I• l'>""" \'.Je nt:"·I ,'I.."' Tr.H I"' !'! .... ··1. ~~a Jar-. !l~iioo ·'"" _, • •n M "·ir• f.'rc·m1 um :'l•• • , t•.11'1 ,;,1r'11-.r11. :iOOLY ln Jiilv 1' P~·y; t J II .1or1 fle~our .; ' o~. Ix"" EXCELLENT SELECTION ul L dQU~" ""1' • I Immediate Delivery Dissolutions NABERS Of ' 1llnrriH!Je : <€ar!tfflrr E'n•t'"' Jvlv l4 I " 1..... " •" • f" ,. ' l, .... 1 " ";'!'~' " •·'"' Inti' "' 1 ?¢0•'1 I .'• 1\JU l hu tJ< ' ' I ',' ATHLETIC SHOE REPAIR nv H'l""'itf for • Ar11rla<> • T1 et0111 o ffer~ rr~ol• 11 11d rrp•ir • r'i1m.1 • T 1rJl'r • Hf'.-Jrl f .1~1 ~ .... ~« .. ·• T reds & Threads 2~0 E. I 7fll St. -Colla Mr to Mii<T-Sqooore---~41-llZl H°"": MCN!.·F-r i. IO·• Sot. 9:10-6 ~~;;~'~·~·~>~·~'f'~'~':"':·:··~,~·~·;;;;;;;;;~~::::;;::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~...:-:-::;;;;;;;;;:.::;;:-:.:;::: .\1111!11,•r ~uthC'rn (' .Jlif1rrni:i , • ,,,,,,,,,.,. ""'" '""'"' 11"' h"1"' I "WE HAVE ALL THE FUN 1\11' d l S ..\llh'l'IL'.I ~ ('11p >l•:::;::d·'i'_"'" •h»k»Hp "' lh" ea B DOVE SEASON SEPT. 1st " 1iir"•'·11 ;1 1 !11 I fo1 t 11 t' •ll'ft nd1'r ..; rull' h;i:-:, pl.a'1'd 1,,.,.,," """""'" :i2 . .,1 ''"' SHOTGUN SALE! , l!1t'l;•I ;it 1h1• h1·ln1of 1he ni•\\'' • !J WINCH 1 ·100floo•Mod~I, ) .;· . ' ;d'""'"'"'' ,,.,,,,.,,r .\l 1tril>1·r.1 SPORTING GOODS 99" ' • .. ~- ri:plHCing ·red Turlll'l', fru1n SINCE 1924 Reg. 14 !;?,~ ••• ~l•'•"!;'!,~W , .. ~a ' ,\1 l;1111;i. (;a. I (;rorgc 11111111:111, llc~td nf 1hr • ~EMINGlON 1100 \l\1ri111·i: Sy ndicatc ci11notu1ct:d I ~ BACK .• .._ .. .-_ th(' ('h;1ngf' :1 fe\\. hours befort' ...._ Rer ...,14.75 NOW 17500 U1~ sh11•1 11r lhl' final selt....:liou l dfo~ 1rnls. \\ -:--~.~· TO !li11ni:i11 .... aid 'fHrlll'r h;is 1 h('Cn s11·itchcd to the ('Oo,.'kpit •. '--· SCHOOL of \'ali:int 1\·hi ch i!( scrving1 priniarily as illa rincr".~ "trial EVERYTHING HERE AT NEAL'S h~irse.·· Gym !1(Jnk;, ~upporl1·r1, ~ox. h•nn1 ~ r i:it k t·!~. hcond boll ~. rnckr,! ball. ror quct~: speed ""''"' THE VIKING New '74 Copris ~ hi f:hooM fl'OM ...,. '3189 in""''"""'"'""' 1~14 t:•O" ~9•)1'1 "' ""'" t,M I ... ll~tot(), -I "~~ "''""i '~«:N gm .l~WO~il 'u•!•., footb0ll \hoc.,, gym ~hOP\, (Iii pvrpo•.•· ~hoe s. ATHLETES' If you hovP.. c1ny po•n' -we hove thP lnbulov' copp•'r hracele1 ~ -th .. y ~ome11n1c~ wo• ~ w\ovn o tht>r tl11ng<o foil CRESLQN Zlp Front Top •... 7 .'lS WARM-UP z ;plog Panh .... •.9 5 SPECIAL BUY I ADIDAS SPORT SHOES I WATCH FOR SKI SALE ~ Our Annual Giant Sale Sept: 8th . ) ). I \ • SHOTGUN SHELLS Alway s 15% OFF Per Box Always 20% OFF By Case • Th1n91 you'll ne!'d Dov,. •nll [)rw,. lf,.'Ql ' 1tl1r"'f '"'illy wt.o1•1 fi<""'"il G"m' V,.' l111hrwt ''"""''!1,,yo: "'I l('c'"'' ''""'""J pnnh Gnn1~ tlnfJ, i'oynt,n1,1 k,,,fe, ~'" •~·· l<o!, moi.qu•l(J lo!•on , • l,.0111nu i. ,1, qLJn (fl)", BACKPACK ( 1 SLEEP BAG ~ '/;) SALE '(,,,cr·1 MOUNTAIN PRODUCTS \_ > ,• / ;,".',~., SALE44.95 ' 'I! 1 ~I« o'. 00 o' I/ 1 U C. 6t \~ SALE48.15 SALE48.15 SPEEDO SWIM "\_, -./) SUIT SALE l , - • DISCONTINUED ~ COLORS SAVE '3' I/ 0 llMITED SIZES 0°10 FF NEWPORT BEACH Monii..-Aft_.~ l•tlti'") CICllHI leqhtrotioft A'"J. I•· I I •UTO HOMEOWNERS IUSIHESS 557-2200 AUTO FIMA,.,CE MOTOR CLUI I' liUSJAFSON · LINCOLN · MlRCURY 16800 BEACH BLVO HUNTINGTON BEACH 24 HR. SPORT PHONE 10 LESSONS -S 10 + Three New Bolls \OMPLE i E PRO Sf~QP 2326 HARBOR COSTA MESA 547-254S 842 . 884·1 " ' . -\oe I) """ " s • ,.. ' ' ' • Ballet Alfresco Labor Day Program Pres(!nts Two Works 'l'hr 111rl<ul11· lllll'-11: of 1:L111111t11)V \l'i\I !"ill JI"\ Ill<' 1:011 I, I .:tL'.ll!l,1 Ht ·.11·h '1l1•·1 r H;1 lft·! 1';1•·1!1•·.1 p1t·-.1·n1 ... ···r11•· !-.1•:!',!ill"'' ~I ... J•·lll IJI tli1· 1111\1 11 ;t1l!l1J;1 J "l!.dl1·! 1\!11,···•·o" 111·1,.·1.11 !11on S:11111 tl;1y ;111 d S1111d:iy, J\11 ;: :11 ;111d :-ii·pl. J • l'llC' \l'nrk h:1-; li1•1•n 1·1i"n"1:.!r:q1ht·d 111r 1111· l.:1p 111L1-l1.1 ..,1·d i'11t1q,,111_v ji y .i\hc·l11 ·l 1';1n:111·lf, 111!<1 r:11111· [11 1lu:-. 1·1n111t 1v ;,,.., :-.1;1r ,,r 1!11· 11 .. 11!1·1 1:u ... ~1· ~h: :\lc;rdt• l '.1rl1~. li .11111:_: 1·••11111l•·l1•d thr··•· \101!d tu11r ~ 111Th t h:1 ! rt1111 11:111 y . J lc 1.-. 111·· lo 11 1111·r :1rt 1 ... 11c· dirl·ctor nl 1 lu.: JJ:i llLI~ 'l"lh·<.1 l1·r 11 1' Orani..:e f '.v11n1\. ll;1v 1rl l':i n:'li Pff. ~o n of t he •·hnn·oj.!raplu·r, \\'ill IK' tJi,. g111·'>l ;1r · I 1-.t I ll t hl' I I'\ llH' J\q\\ I p1 •rf11r 1n:1 tl('!'. l lr \\'!II p:1 r1n•·r C',1n1ll ~1.i-.111·v, l":11 l 1l :1n<'l'r••f l\a ll1·t l ';1t1IJt ".1 J\j1tli h:1\•' tour1·d tlt1;; c·ou11!1 y :i nd ! ';in :1d,1 \I 11 h t lit• llukhtu1n-.ky ll.d l1·I ('J,1,..-.1qut·. "'t'oun).! \':111:11 1·l f \1 ;1-. 1••r11a·rl v thl' r•rin1·1p:1I d at1 {·1·r 111 111f' 1.u-. A11i.:1·l•"· ('11v l\;illl·I l\t.st1 J\rrE,\1t1 ,'1"1; in ··1·11(· ~".i . .,on.," \1•ill he 1':1111 :\1.111rc~, :1rl1"l' t cach1,,:_\;. J11 r c :-1U 1.:nl·•· 11l .IJ ;1Jl1.:t The people behind the scene s at the Festival of Art s and Pageant of the Masters bear heavy respon si bility .. for' its successes and its failures. Evelyn Reynolds, right, is pageant property manager, Mogens Abel , far right, is festival grounds manager and artist. 11:.11·tli<";1. 11 1• \111 1 p;irlnrr .Jo;in no~s. c;;,1r. /<1rn1vr :-.tol!!l::o.l 111 lh lht• l '::acifie ltil)1•l 'l 'lio·;il r•· 111l.o,-;1\11;.;o·l1·<;, 111 Ji~·1· l1 ·:1d d:1nt't·1-. ;ire '.\1:1ry ll.1111 . ('111lli1:1 '1(1 \li, h1 i-.11 S!t•ph1 ·11.,, ?llollJ l.111t·li, (':1rri1· t\11l·tdn1h l, 1,l,1t1• S:111•r-, ;!111 1 l .0111:-.t· Fr;1/('f :\1.,rt· :1 1·1· :\!;1 1 \' l ';1 !h1·rin1· l\;1111111~!-i . ll ••!'•'r F.11il1•·I. f\1111·· l'ul 11.1111 , H1.l11 ·1 t. l'('tt·I, H,•111.1111111 Sp.,_·r - IH·t' li:111d\' ll.11111 ·!1. l.11111 .. l '..i1'1l't' :iud f 'l1:11 l1 ·-, H1·)1 l".1 . H.ill1 ·! l',1( 1111·.1 is 1111· 11;1!1on:dly· knn11n {'1i111p:111v t l1.•! n·1 ·t·1\1•., p;,ir - l1:d .,1111p111! t111rn lou1h 1111• F1·.~t1\;J f l•f ,\rl s ;111d 1h1· 1·11y "I l.:q.:uua J\1•;1(·h . '''f'hL' Sr;1s on " ' 11:1 -. •·11n1po ~('rJ durin:: tlu· lt1 1.d \i·.1r,.. of !ht• ];1st 1·1·11lur1·. l! \1.1 ~ \J1v:.1·n!l·1I lur lhc 111-.! 111111· :11 Iii•· l l1·rt1111:1g1· 'l'li (';1!i·1· ttl llL•' !'111' 111.il l\,J :-, llil'rl n;11n1·d S L l 'o•\1·r~!i111 g ,\ltli11ll'..!li lhP ur1g1n ;d h:1l!1·t l1;i ~ 1,1r1·f1· 1.,·1·11 pnul11rcd 0111· -.1d1• nf 1(11 ~~1.1. 1•11r11.,11:-. ot tht· rnu~L " Ii.I\" ho ·t·n !itd111 d 1t1 "tliL'I' h;ill1,;l ~. ,\1 ~., Hi! 111<· B.1111·! 1\lf1-('S ('•) !'11•"1.1111 111 1! IJ,. ''(':1rn11n•1 l\ura11a ," tl1t· \'\r1 t111 ._: 11011.. IJ 1 (':1rl ()r!f. ~C'I. 111 ,t ~··t h'" •'1 1"11·111:. \1riltL"n Uy 1,4·;111· llcr1n c: srhol:1rs :ind \':Jgr;int monks in the J;1le 1:nh l :enlury. 'I hC'y \\'<'re f'{dlcctt·d Li itn :111 anthology 11.v :1 lllOllk in the n e111.:dict ille J\1un;i.,lt·ry nf l\('uro11 in B<.1 \':1 ria :ind th1·n kt·pt h1ddl'll li..:l':t\JSC their Cllllli·nt L'> liy 11\J 111(';111s t/1.:\'utional. ~l:\'.<;l'.\f: 11Jlh Ballet l ';11·Jt1r;\ in "(':11n1 1na" 11ill lie ;li11JUt ill \11i t·(·-; (1[ t!ic l.;t~ll !);J c:unt·..:rl l 'hor;i!i: ;Jl'· 1·ornpa111l~d by t11·11 pi:.ino., <111d ;.i JlL'I'• ru~.,1011 group. lhrt:l'\ur uf the Concrrt ('hor;1Je i:; IJr. J onah Klic11·cr, a.~snc 1•1ll' c1111 - d1u·tor of the Jr1·1nc l\l;1:-,t0r Chura[,•_ l.C'<1d Jancers \1·i!J he \'ictor i\1 11r•·no, ;1r l 1s l l l·horcographcr i n residence o( flallcl J'acifica; J nan Ho.~-; t.::iir, llo~er 1-'aubcl, :\l ;1ry ll anf, J';nl! J\laurc , :\lril!1· I.inch. lk·nJami n Sperbe r. Kristi Stephen~. 1·.iroll St;_i..,n('y, Carrie l\ncubuhl ;ind t.:1 £·1111 S1nith. (llrl :llll 11111{' is 8::.\0 p.!11 . 1'itl\P!S ;it S4i. s:;, SI and SJ art' on s;tlf' <il the Ft'sti\·:d of .\rts box nlficc. \\'indr111s .ire opt:n fro111 110011 tn 10 p.111. d:1l!y. r·ur furthe r information OUld J'C::,1.:r · \·ations. eal 1·19·1-l 1 t8. Reynolds: The Mogens Abel: 4rtist and 'Referee' ].To gcn!; J\bf'I look!t lhL' ,,.:'I ,\ ;1 ttoodcarvrr oi zg hl 10 luok--;111 11nrulv s hoc k of salt :trul pcppt'r i1;1ir ;1tnp ;1 l ca lh e r ecl f a 1·e p t1 n r t 11rv d h .v t v;ink Ii ni:: eye·~ 0.1 nd a h1 ·111·\'0l1•nt"111 i h'. llis C'Yl'S t':l!l appr;11 ,1• .t plC'i't' ot \\'fXl rl, 1n1·;i ~u rp it _ .111<lc t' \1ht'r v 1h•· J!,11;1rlL'd h :u1 d~ n111-.1 !1n11 :111d ~h :q•1· .ind !->ha \·1· In ri•l l·.1:-.~· lhi · 1,,1·111 h 11I den inside'. \1·111·1·,• 1h1· 1:r:1111 tHll 'I Ji,. r aisrd or :-.11hll111·1l 1n 1•nh:1n1·1· ll1e 111 I ri nsir ht' :i 111 ~ . So too tint:" ,\hcl ,q1pt'1l:H·h hi:-1nl• as ):.round-; n1 :111:1;.:1·r .. r th;· Lai.;un.1 &;:u·h l•'c':-.1i\ .II of Art :-. r\fl[f, ls in i·h::i rgf' 11! posi!innin).!' fhc hooth:-. 111 lh1· :1r11~1 ~. ;i 'rcnH'll· douslv 1"011tro\·1•rsi;1l l;l'li :11111 0111~ 1\'hich n1os l ;1rl1~1 s r1·1 ·I 1';1t1 r11;1kf' or h rt:•nk 1111• !'<f'.1-.011 for llu·n1. l\hcl has ~11l'\'l\'1 •d li .1 l·:1rs ;it !ht' :ioh . ll's~:rn1 1n ,1· tn h1:-. :-.l ;1tc"n 1a11 ~h•p. • "J\l v 1nh i~ 101.,111111: ll1t· :1r11 ~1.., ;11ul k<'('piOJ.! p1·:n·1· 111 111,r 111 :..: L1n11I,\· 111·1 c· am on !i 1 h <' 111 ," 1\ Ii t' I ~ <.1 1 cl . ··s,)11lf'1in1<'~. it ;1 in'l en~ . .,.. •• , he ntl· d1't! dr.n1·111!.! :l I nn~ hre:1lh. "C)11•r !hl' yf':1r.~, ynu fin•! out \Vho l':111 '! :-t:ind heing nc:-.l l l1 \l ho," he ,,:1id I :\ ,\ l)l)l'fll).\' !11 kl'cpin ~ lhl" 111- f,·1111·1·1111· 11 ;t r'> :it :i n11n in1un1. Alll•I h :1~ 111 .~1•.1!'t' 1h1· ;irti:-.1,.. 1111 a sort nr pr'1111·1t .1 li ;1:-.t·d 1n1 l h1· Sf'nres l hr·.v 1t•1·1•1\l' 1'1on1 .1 ~'round,, .1u ry \l'hich 1 .111·., .111 1 h1· a r t 1:-.! :-.. l li ~h :-.c•11r1·r:, :.:1·1 p1·c rC'rrf'fl spots Oil \lh• gro111 11d<> ;lt1d 1<1\\' Sf'CIJ'C'rS h<l\'C lo r .. ;111111 .\· Jur t he pr i vilege o f 1•\hihitlng ,d L.1 ;.:1111a·!'> bi,:: festival the ne.-.:1.l t'<ll'. Ahf'l rf'rf'r r1·, nt srp1:thblcs IJcl - \\'t't'n the :1r11 s t ~. 'J'his .1·l';1 r . he s aid 1>11,1n+·I'" h ,1, hi·rn go11d, ;1 nd the ll ap:-. h:i1·i· h1·t·n f<·11" Aht·l !111«1!1·-; lhr arti~I!'>. too. on the h ;1.,1-. nf the :-1.111· of 1ii1"1r 11ork . l ie 11;1 -. !11 -.prc:1tl tht" .11 •1l 1"lt •rc; 0111, cnn'l 11;1\1' lt10 p1111e r·s tlf'\t tu r :1ch 11thc r. 1nu!->l 1-i ccp ll1<: v :.1r1{·ty :ind :;;lyle or art in 1nind a s he allocates 1'each boolh, he said. "i\lost or the artisll) '\i ll tell yo u ,,·hen the s toc kmark<"l is up. people ,,·on't bu~·. they put their tnnney in the n1arkel, but \Vhen the n1arke t j s rlo1l·n. they \\·ill come down here:· h&.ikllCI. "S,1111 c are doin g fantastically , n1osl. arr doing better than expected," tic :-.aid. • 1\BF.t. IS an e,.hibitor, too. at ll1e festival. •re said his artistic 1·a1 - vings and his commerc ial car \·ed \1·ood cn sigfi bus iness are b alanced about fifty-filly. Son or a woodcarver, Abel r,;ii<l hf· learned his craft ar an early a gP, a nd \l·as really the product ol_.1 n ap· prenliee·ty11e insl ruclion. J\lo:-.l of his \l.'Orks are now donc i11 ~uga r pine hcc:1usc of the "-'0<1d ·~ ch:1raclcr, he said. "1.h1• ~rain doC'S just a ~ m u(·h work as I do," he said. Arts/Dining Out Entertainment . ) .J 1·.;1L YP!tf)f (/ ~rin,1;,Auc1u ! \r, 1 J/.\ Joan Ross Gair a nd Paul Maure star as th e Queen of Autum n and her cavalier in the Ballet Pa cifica production of ..The Seasons."' Pageant's Unseen Artist ~·r41n11.~ II\' .I \( t\' II \l'l'I I.I 0• T~· D~•!i p,,,,, ~'"" It .. no1 •1n l1· lih· I. tli . .t 11,, '''" 111111 I" "l'I' 11ln1 1!\J -. 11•:11· 11!11 f''' l+t<' )'.1_1 11.1 .,f 1111 • \l.1-.ll'f' i;l l .. 1_1111.1 1:, .,fl 1•ill '' I 1,1111 H1•1 n11Jd ... t .. 1·~111.11 ·'I''• 111 ><·1<111••1 ·r·tlt',I' :d.~o II Ill\ I ~· ,. 1111'' 1 l•l llll "" 111• I'·' \'1t1«I "!,;1._t :-:0111 '1 " I I 1111• 111111 11 I I• I• ~· 111lili1·d .!1 ,\"< ,IJ,. \\,I 1,. Ill 1111• I I•"' I I 1•·1111 1-. (Ip• l'.1 .111 1'1"1" 11 1:1., 1°·1 '!.1111 "I 1111• Pl"I' .111d li•·.ul•l11 11 ,,•11 I, 1 I"' I '.1.'1'.111 1 :.. I 1 I 111 • llH iii• I' I\" I 11,< h1 -..11 .. .il,11 111.1!-1 '~ '>Ill!' 1111· IJ,11 h:.1,11111'1 II ,.,i Ill 111' ~1.1 _Ill:.' ;1 I' II]• 11 t j 1.11. l,lll!t\l\C , \'I 'I Ill. pl.11 ·" "1111< , •111 11i1• l .i·I :-Oli)1jnt 1,dol• !:,,)\ti qd \1·,11 ,, "111• u -.o d !old l1,11d 10.I!, \I• ~-"t 11'"111 lh" lo, I I,• • I '. , ·~ \\1• f),,d !1 .. 11li l1· 111111111i<1', 'lbt•' \'.1>1Jfd ~·11.111 Th,. 1ulls 11'.!ld 1!it1•H-h lh•· \.11111.•ll ,' 'Ji,' ' .• 1• I l'1•·h ti .. )IJ'•lp:-i 1111 l11d. !I ;111 11111!!..1·11· :1..; .. •• 11 111··11 ' 1•1 1t<'nl .. 1,,1 .i 111\1111.11 1•1•· .. 111 L •!i"ll ,I ~t..1111. ·' 1•.11.1-. .. 1 ' I.Ill. '1••\it .Ill h.it, .oli d lh",l,j tll• '' ,1f1LI .I 1111111,.1 I.. 111-1111 t· "' 11 J11·t11 :-Ii" \',Iii tl.11111 1q ti11· 11 1 Ill 1n•1d .. I.-. .l\11 •r 111 .. 1· '11• 1111" :111 1•ind111111111 11 ;1tll1•11"1t..: !•\ 1·1·r·1 .. ,d,, ·' l.11 1 1111 1•.11111111 Htl"):,•r l\\'"ll. ,\II•'!' Jho,,: j •f•· 1·111.diolfl li.i, h1 "ii '•II 111' .. 'I,. .0 11d11 tn,. .1111 1 111,· < urt.1111 1 .. f·f,,.,t•d ,, "1,1111dl111 .. h "'!I .1 rul 11·11 11 IL tl1v J'l"I'"· I· \ l: I.\'.'\'" Ii I: (; \ '\. \I i1 h llu· p:1 !.!f':n1f :1<; r1111• n: Ibo• t1111dL·I ... J11 1d1(', ."II '' 11 ,1-. ;111 111111;111 h«l'o 111 ,, 11irt1111 rl1 )!I• lin e: fi11 l1.1d1·r!'> d1'!'-l'l'Jlil1n;... I Lo• \! i'"o11ri. -..11•· 11,.,1, 111 • t 1:t11i11:.: thr pr11p-: :ind h1·:1rl· dr· • ~ .11 iii•· li.111d .. r r:l11.il11·1h "l)1t·~' I \' 11 .. ·111 I .ill1•d .. I 111.1 -.1; !'" 11f p,IJll•'I •1 , 1. .. n,. 11 ··•·il J., 1·1·v:11•' d1dl ' !r11111 11 1 .. 1 HI 1111• I' 11 ;.!l •jil " 1111'1111 ('~ 1· "111.1L11 · 1 111 ... 111.inh·il111 1 .... 1 1 •. q t .. r IJllll il111 1i,: 111 ,11 h,1 '-!-t•11J th•• !H\111 J.!U lll'C: I! 1 I I ),, II I•' I I I 1.1 I 11 I' .1 o '"1 1111111!11 I I 111111 "ii• 111 11111" Ill.II IH· li"I' 1111.il _I( .•I . \\11 11.1 : ·r 111 : 1n1 ~h'I" irt 1111· 1,1-.1 1;111 t1.1d1• 1111· llt'..:ht-. El't'l\n 1..; 1111 d11t1 •'\1 rv 111 .:ht dur1n -! lh c :-1<·\\1·t I. r un 1,t t!l v I "H l'.,I)! · \11d, ;d't1•1' lh:i l, ~h(' l ;ik1•-: 111 1'1' .1 ~ 111" ''"" .i ... 1 ... 1 11 1 -.Lrt·~s in t lll· J .. \I L\' l'Pt (,t f.dl I •I I " I I It' I I" J I • "If Jill .111-; :-.pii nd ll lV !11 h"!t', ... Jt ... ~.t!d h"~h11: 11hrd" !-tltl11• • ,. .JI "'.l11•! ! I• l 1 \llH f',1111 ) l1,11 l,_-,[.lf-''· ·II' t11 11•· fin· !'>"!111 ·l~1d1· •·l-.1• t11 r1)"''' 1q• j , !""I' ~t 1" .11d p11lli11 1\11· l.111 <•l 11 .1 11\d \1 I") lo.11 ;it .. p !1• 1· [ql!·.l1·oJ 11.111. II l • I I t • . ' • I • ( .. . -•. I Froni Sonny and Cher to Sonny OR Cher \ ·El Prim.o • • • 'I Still Love H er ' I 11-.. \\~,I.I.I ..; ·\I ' \Lt\ Ii· ! /1 .. 111•! l',ilil ... I fdl('I: Ill ,j \I lrd , '-''di, ./10111• ';11d '" I IP I "'!Ji.ol ' l)lo• "11•'111 "I II JI ] ,, . ., 1111 ~· I \ .. 1.,1 I d j,, I li11· If•" 1.,11 . !11 (I.ii <' ,ojll" 11lh1·r 11 ·· 1 11 1~. :-j,, 111) I ~' • ii 111 t I 11 ' I 1 I 111 ' • rfMHll 11f ;1 I !'lilt d (i .. 11 • 111 1 111 • 11 •-IJ\ \\"'Id f I 1 I I ,I I 1 \\' rnil('-.. !1<1111 111~· 1 •. i1.111.il 111.111-.1<>11 1n I f,il 111 l1•. 11 111, li!'"ll\•" ... 11.1l<•l111lli l !111 I ll· 1·, pr 1· p .1; 111 '. 1 .. 1 ,1 ~fd<J ·"''111 ~. 11 ... ""'•Ill ('un11·d .v 1111111 ·11n·rnier1n:., t!1 1·.; I.di. Iii -; 111!1• l1 ·tr !11111 I•"• :'.\'(;~lf:-0 ,(J..'.O , h11! th1 I ! ••!I ll nucrl to p1·1·1 .. rn1 •\11 I!" 11 1·v :-.ho11 :-.. 'I l1v1 :-till ~ .. 11, ··r c;f•t. ''0 11. f~:il .. ·" ;.i1d ··1'he J\t·:it 1;1!f·s ! 111." '1111 1 ~ti ll Lrad«d \\ 1lt\' !"11 (IO\\'!lS ;ind ... 11~1\\<·d oil l 11H ·11' 1J;1u g h1.l·f, ('ll.1 ..,111 .\. •·1:\.\LI.\', j·:ir lv t l11..; yc-:1r, t 'll•·r r,.,ru ~•«I ln 1w1· fornt 01 n ~ n1nrl'. 'I ht· c.lin 1v V•<1S c;1nrt·lvd. In t hc·1r !ll·\"t•;o r·rn :1 r· )'ia~e, 11011 4·n111 111 eo. IH :1 11 t'•n d i n 1l1\·orr1: 1«,11r1 . ~nny r;1 n tlull;..:s. llv r:11 1 1hcir (';11·1·pr· <1 11d ll(' r«J11 1hl'ir liVl'S . It 11 .i -; 1!11· ··1·:! f'ri mn" rL'J.:1tlli'. l.111· 11;1 .., •i n ;.1 i;:r ;ind "'':ii•· l•t '.'. .ho us1·:-.. big 1.,1r-.., 111 r:-.. rl i;1 n1ond~. l·'.1 •·!1 111\(·11 ~nny \l':t~ nf':n-1,v l>1"1k!· I ll' t·:d l1·1t h11ll >t·lf "l·'.I Prin1n.'' J l1· 11-;1, tl1·· l~h,, :;;h e \\'.IS hi-; "l'r1t11 :1 l 1u11· n a." l ie h:1d lil :11·k sh i j ackets 11·ilh !Ii·· 1);11111·-; emb ruillCrt'd 4•11 1h1·111. Friends got jal'ki·I-: 111lh • • P r i 1n ;1 d :1 r 1· ' ' ,1 r ''P rin1;!dl'ttv'' ou th1·1n '1 il h h:.i sh m;1rk.'> shn11111 ~ )"C;Jt'S of St·r·1·il't" ('lu·r l'<'ll hl'1· p1'r.''"1 . .r .f r l'l' dn rn :i 1nntht' 1·, ·i I. \I :1 " son n ·" ~ .1 1 d ' r 1· m1<.lrl':1 lt·d h\·r il1d 11 111 ~t .v le . Shi·:-111 1Cuud ,,/i,q•(' ·E \·cry 11·n 111 ,1n .\hn1ild 1,.. n1istrc:i !cd in 11t .1 t 11.11 I Onn'l !hink l'ht·r 11'J1ul d ""\' l n1istrl!:1\l'd l11·r lie "·~is :1skl'd if lit· 1·1>11 s idrr cd hin1sL·l f a 111.11!: --·- SO NNY AND NEW CAR I fi, 111 \ 1111 I 111111 ( 111•1 4 .d lo •d ··\\II \·1 ··~ :1 111:11» (•l\;1t1111'1 \ ' ! d•H\ 'I k111111• 11h ;•l Ll1::t r1l1'.1li'·· I I' .\Hll 11• 11lo111 11 :: 1<i 11\1' t .. ·1 11:.: d11···1 l1•I' "r (•11 1' 4".11 I ''' I , I I 11 I I 1•'.1 d ',f 111• • fl.,u ,t•hnld, I 11.1 ..... I 1 .. lio •1 1• 111 th;it In !hi' d.11 )1 ";, I ll'> 1111! lt.il1.1111qdJ1111 :..111 I'. 111 11.· .~ .1 1 ii ti" d1 i111 ·1. ""111111.1\" \'II• I • . 'I I 10 ' 111 -' 11 /i . I • 'I 11' ' '-\ '. j " .. 1 (:!'I 1111' I' 11,1 1 Ii<' I\ .111 1 ~. I I 1,. \\ " 111 • 1 11 ) 1 • • I 1 ' I I I I> llilld. 1! \"II I"\' •"ll\1 ~111'" < l.IJll,_.11, I d• •'I I t" :t ll d" 11 1 I ti .i I 1 I•,\ 1 ·~ 11111 11 01 111\ 1•11 1 "1111 "IP ('Ii•·! ' I'"• 111 ·1 11 I I q I 11" d <JI :l I It: 1)! •d . I 11 ,I.._ '<I 111111~ 111 •<'ii 1 i 11 11 ,. I 11 1• -.. h q \', ( l 111 11 1.111 1.il d1ll1 rult 1t·-.. 11• 1·1· , ... ( • ? 1,, • '!J . , ) . i 111n~·. 1111 lnr· .1 11111,'.: l1m1~ :111d 1l llt '\l't' 1'1".111 .1' ;dlt•f"" 11·d i111r pcrforn1.111v1·. l'h<·r ;111d I h ;1 d <1 bond th:1I JU.-:.t 4«tll!l(ll be pcn1~tralt:d. ' "lf11" p1·rfnr1nt•d li1d .. 1 it, \1u1ild11'! h1• .r p1old1•111. :-.lh• :111 d 1 h ;11·t' ;1 :-;r·n:-•' 1.i· l111n111r \1 i\h 1'<1l'h 1>lhl"r· iil!1t. ~'<ll'S Oil ~11d t'\1::,\:-, 111 lh1;-> \\•J"y lllllll)l'lll " ""11111'. ;!'I, IJ:11·~·t iJ"I :1n.f 1·l.1d Ill 1•1.111 -. .111d .1 --.1111 I •l.-1 ·••l'.1l.-d 1\ll h llll,1 '!"' ,,, \111 h .. \. \l"t!""· s •·1·111-; r .. kni111• 11 h1 ·r1· !it· :-1.:oi111 ...' .:11d I 11 1 \I f <I :C \' I 1 I\ o ' I'!' '"11!11 11 .od !.111 ,•d ··-·' ""I\~ !1 111~1.:t'I'. l>(>!li11<·d "Ill ,1, .I I «l'OJl"d p1"11dlll'\'I . 1·:1 I'll II l1t'I\ ti.· /1 ;n l Jn II .ill l ,ild1 ·--. .11 1d d! l\o" .I fl 11\'k, Jil' hri.-11 1111 .d !iv 11.11\t1 •d , I ,; f"t• 'l 'l1 t•t1tt•1• , In Real Life, Cher 'Loses'? I.OS ANr.f.l.ES 11\l'I ~ In t he Sonnv ;ind C!'il'l' ll:.it · I I(' ll f L 11 I' st':-: I'' 'Ill l1•lt·vi~io 11 , Cher al11-.1y,, 111111 vvit h a l"ll'l'l'r p11l tlu11·n. al'tin g t h1· l.1rt · tu11gta.·d l!IJt'r;1t t'd 11·0111,111. But in r(';l l life, !c>hl' :-,11-;, Sonny 11·as ;i "11 .1lPrl'd · do11·n S1·enr.:d i" 11·11\1 ran l h<'ir (·;1rf'l'r s :ind li1l''- 1r1th ;111 1rur1 fi s t. 1-:xe1·i1t "11 'J'\'. tl11·rc 11·:1s nn li;ick t:1!k -and lhL· inkt'S aliout ·"'111 - n~"s hl'ing s hort u r l t.d1;111 \('l'I"(' his JdL'a. Sh(• .... .t\"S, b1•c-;n1$t' h r 1v;1111cd ht·i: toi 11<' 11·1t1 y. And lihcr;1l1·d '' I le \Vfltlldn ·1, l(·t ·her h" 1., !ht• nlfl\'ll'S nr IL•<irn lo·ru 11.-. lit",'aH.~t· it \1uuld t ;.1kt• lil•L" oll1 11f t he hollSL', she ::-.:1.1"'· {'IH·r l;tlkt.!d <·andi<ll y 111 :111 ]l\lt'r vi t.!W :1bout lifi· ;1nd ht·r 111.)1\' c;;l r an g t·d ltu.-:- 1i~111d. picl11rin1: hirn :1s P ri1fl!SS1lr lliggins to J11_·r f:liza llonl it tle. s h ;1p111).! ht'1· and 1n o!d1n;;: he1· in1u his O\\'ll i n1age o f ";\ly J•';1ir Lady." r·in:dly , s he said she'tl had enoug h and :;he l"t.!bL·l· ll•d. "I did n't object to l1inl. running: things," s he :;aid. "lie w as h cttPr ci t il th:i n I \1'as. Hut 1 lhink pcor lL·. iu" r\11 d i 11 ~ \\"0 1ne11 , sh11uh l ha1e niore freedom ;tl.J(1t1l r1111v I heir Ii fe is r un t h;1 n i u~t :-,.iyingy('S .. , '!'he ··~nn n y :tntl t 'h1·1· Cnn11·dy !l !ltir." ,1,,1p-r.1ll'd fnr thrt'C ye.1rs, fvll :1p:1rt 11·1th the IO ·Yt"<tr n1drr1.i;.:1·. 'l'l11·y e11nliiH1ed tlH• s ho11" J"r l 1\11 .\'l'<ll"~ ;iflt·r til l')' ,.,L·p;1r:i!C'tl . '"If lie hadn"l !iled for ~l"parati'ln · 1111, th.it's not l l'IJ1'. I didn 't \\'<in t 1•1 <·,,n- linllt' th,• sli1i11·. \\-t• l\l'lll t•1 lhl! ntl 1\nrk ;ind ;1 :-.h1 •(I l!• d n :t di1·urce. ;;1111\1', hut th1· 111•!1\1 rk didn't like! 1t . JI 11nul d h:11't' h1·Pn tht! s;1n11· 'll•I\\' L'\l't'PI. th;ll ii l'.1111 ld la·,1d11·011'<"1•d t-.Hlpl•· ' ~(I.\'.\\' 1711.1·: I> .-:tul 1nr '-t'p.1r:it1on F1·h. l!i, l ~fi'.1. ~)\1• 1·.,t1n!t•rl·J\ \\'ith ;"I Sll ll tnr 1 l1 s.~n l11l1011 nf the n1;1r- 1·1 <1 ;.:<'. ,\ prnpC'rt y ~c t ­ !l 1·n1Pn1. ;ind ('USl1HIV of , l\Iu ~il'a l ~ 'fop Fare • ,,., 1"'(><!'1H1' >;-• yn , •o "' •t ',, '"o '"'''m" ..f l'i~f'~ "I hu·~ ~n>l 1" '•1 '"'" "' t.<•1:e< il.'C~'-'llt n'IO•d !" c•1~~-) "UI ' "" •"e 0.,11<•1. "'""co'> I""'" I'' "'IM"d 1»our ra1~11t~. imf'""'~ vou1 ,..,11,. d• 1 ""'''·;our nlel"l\~! al>/hh(";. ,.. ;, 'fl•· ">•·•'I'··"' ·~VOHrtJ''"''~~ill>." d • ~''"•' ,j, .lu<t""J '"'"I\' !hrn »'Jh \.ln•1~<· ~••n.i.n•.11·0~< ..... 1101·11°' "'~" "''" ,., "' ,.-.,, •• "" "'~ ... "'"' m """', " ' ' ' ',.,.,. o' ' ' ....... l f••Jl •\' " •W:'jti l«.«,• ¥au r>'•1 tw•e l•••dv'•' . .., .. • JOC.®~ltOOTO~ll...-•1'1,ollll•->~n !'" '" 1i< "'~'I'•~-. . " ' \""! ... , .. .. , ""' ' . "'" ~-'~"~' ... '10 .... ( l•nl >'tl !J1'11•·•!•n4 ~n""'" ~''"''""'°'"'I•· '· ·•1 .. 1.-"a""V !n" 'FREE SEMINARS SUHDAY , AUG . 18th 2 p.m.. and 8 p.m. San Clrmrntr Inn, San Clrment • Ff-ff Doc-.tory • S pacious 3 bdrm. two-st ory hon1 es • Pool. Running Strean1. Green Belts • Gas Fireplaces. Built· in Ki1 che!1s, Plush Carpetin g • Underground Utiliti es. Forced Air Hl•;,tinq Phone 548· 7223 UNIVERSllY DRIVE. ,IUt;T OFF IRVI NI /\VEii/i it • I 1111 I 111 11 111 l" .11 .'-':t ll :->unda~..; ;1l 8 1'l'<·!oek r111th ":J p n1. Sunrl;1v n1.1linl"t'). lt e:-e r v:1 !iqns f>·lli 1:J11:1. ( l1 111H·l1 t•·.., S1·h.1 . .,11,111 '-.. \\L'-,1 r11n 111·r f'l:1 ,\lt<111·"" 1111 r------------~I \\ .. ll1 d.1 I'!('"· I• 1hl :' • "l!!"d,v :1hn111 !h•· J... 11 l1!t· .d !=i· Joi 'f"11L'.'id;1.1-; thr11ll:.!h '1'1\111· .. 1[:1_1·..,, ~1 -1:; F t·fd;1\-. ,ind ,..;,11111·d.11·-. :ind 7 :~11 · · 1·1'11111 j_.,4•-.:, I' r11111 i ... 1.," '111'" \\ , .. ,tn1111 ..,1,•1· ( o>nl l'llilhi'. i IJ1 '.l11·r 1-: .. 11 .. 1111).:. l11p 11 .. 11 ·lt ,111111111'!" I' I, i<'.d 111 111,d 01 -. Tilll\IJ •1 1 ... ,.I 11.J '~" 1111111 ,\Ii :'! ,1 1 " 11' I I 1 " 1•1111'1111 \\ • I 11111 l ,, ' .1,_1, I<'· 11 I li 1 , d l'! \ I , q ' I 1 • \ 1 ' • n1l(·h .11111 r4 '1iJ!l(l!l ~h1 ll 11il lv ;t1 SOJ11th • Cat hedral Ceilings, Secluded pri vate Gard en Patios • Pri\'ale Deck (pla n "3) off 111il ster bdrn1 • Halcr ny Oen (plan "2) <lVPrlc)c>ki ;1g li \/i ngroon1 • Wood a nti Bri ck Exteriors' ' ' Tom Titus ' INTERMISSION Column is on Page 8 of Today's WEEKENDER , •hl.'if' S·y~;ir .nl d hlondP ttau i;h l l·r, t 'h ;1 ~t 11y , 1s t.l(!tng n c goliate cl ir} tl1vo1'('1' t'U11J'l. .''>"!Ill~ ''"Ur1t'\'1J !1;u·k \\'il h ~1 llt'\I' 1\/1(: \.l lil'IY :.ho1\f Pl'l'1n1o ·rit11: 1Ji1.'> !:ill. ('lit•r will do ;.r solo .special f ut f'l~S. :-.1t t 111 i-: 1·rt1-;~ li'.l!t.:t·d 111 l1l :1 1·h l1•<1t ;rt'd ~1riil -..{ol'kt11g-: t•ll ;1 t'!llll'h in 1h•· ::~ 1"4Hl!ll llnln1l1v 11111 -; 111,Cll '-llfll ..,11,, ll)ll"I' :-,l\:1l"1•tf \\lllJ :-;llll!ll , ('/it"! !-!l'l'l'd ,I )'l :1 ~' •ii 10•1•d ll".J. 'J'ho· Ill" 11.11 .. 11 11:111 1•l1·d 1'110111, •l«ro1,1t 1·d 111tl1 "Id 1•1<1h 'i , !111111111 I.; pl,1•11..; :11id d .trk p.1111t1 11~:s. r-.·1l1 •1·t:. ~11111.1 -, lourh ~111d j, o.;n!l•'rl"d 0111 1· Ji 1· ;1 :')!t":I\' 1•f tl •)\\1"f'.-:. i ·1i .. ,1 11 \" 1•l ,1\ t•d <>111 ,idt• \1 1th 11<'1 l111·1i·I·· (111 Iii• \1 ,t!h·d·HI :..'11 •1 111\J~ J:",1 r 111('11' /1r/I\. 1/1111/ II /•'!I' '/IHHI//!~ ll l/d i/ !1 ll\' ,\1"Hll/ 11111/ ( 'h<'r · 1!"11 '. i/ •, ."i11 •111 f/ I J/ ,' ( '/'o'I '" f/i,· J•lli~ .1111•/1· //11 · l!tl!/ /11,· ,/i1r ' //1.-rr1,.,•/1-.·~ '1'111 1111 I /, I 1" .J,' I I I/ I; II•' I . ,, ·''"' ,;ur' 1 / /'ff >~ U'll/t'I'. /•'/IS .'\"I/Ill/ <1r1d ('//r·r\· l'"r·~"lllll /loilll« (<r 1/1" Se re.~, Jrinn l lH 'r1 ''"'f ~·rru" .~11 !1'.'L l 'hcr's hnyfrit·11d. Ua\'iil (;rffl'll, \1':1ndl'rt'd lnlo) th1• r11nn1 \\"l':•rin!--'. t.:ut -nrf jt'a11s , l1u1king \'L'l'~' h11.1 i-:h . J (t.!'s al Sll :i 1nulli rni l · liPnairC' l"L'l'Ord pr(nli1ct'r. l'hcr is rond ut' l;!'fft'll . She SC'CS h\n1 as ;1 111:111 111uc h likt• S11n11 _v h)ll 111!h ;1 111nre e11l1 :..:h11·n('d \ 1t·1v l o\\·;1rd 11· .. n1vn . Hut s li<" :;:1.1,. sht· h:ts 1111 plan" 1 .. !ll,11"1'\' h\'l":lll Sl' (ii' h\'r ll':11" <11" ill'•'<ltlllll;: •'Ol1lti111·d ;1~;1\11 . (;t·ft'o•n l1;1d 1111 cfllll • 11h·11 1 du1·111~: lho· l !llt'l'l"l!'I\. C'll FH IL\"\i n11·t S:1l1 ,11"rt· h li111! lJ.d,. Ill l .. 1 I ' 11 • I ' • fl1.11ld .. 11 •• !f,i)h ·1101od. Sh.~ \\".I S 11:. S1ir11l ,I'. !ht'll '..'X, \\;1-: ;1 <>ll \'" l)l.oT r11•1 { I\•· 1·1· d n \1'1'11. :\11<'1" a s ll\lf"t l'OUrl:-h1p. 11il',I' \\<'l"C llli.H". r icdo11!1rt .':.:7, l~iil. Sht' 11 ,1 ... 1 ... 111·. i11!r111·rr· t .. d ~1rl, .~,, 111 :.hlv ll\'d 111 :n1d1t ·J H'1", 1h .11 s .. 1111y h.1d to l'l!'-h h ··I' 1>11 ..,!;n.'.t' r .. r 1h1,11· l'i1-.,! p1·l'f,1r 1u ,uH·1·. :--11., 1·l11ri ~ l•• htt11. dt•pf'n· t!t•d 011 111111 , !11uk1·d '" h11n lo•r ;.:11td.111t1'. l'1n:llll. 1!. lk't".11!\1' s1n111hl'r111 ~. ·-~\1[111'' hr('Hl)!hl lllt' nttl Jll'l",1J1J.i\I) ," t"h<'r :-.:11d . "lh · ahl'ay:,.; \1·;1 nlL•tl Ill<" lo la' 1111!.v :11 \d a j,,;l)od 1'!llt·r· i.11tlt'!". l-\lll ht• \\ :1 !\lt•tl 1111' t,; :-[,I\ l h<' \\;(,\' I "·;1-.; '11iv11 I n11·t Jl i111 . It ':-. l1;1rd to ... 1 :1.1· Ith: \\':!,\" .1·11u \\'f'l'I' .ii 11. 11 h1·11 vnu'11· ::::· ·'SPllll ,\". 11 :1·; ,1 n1:1i1• , l1.q111111 .-1 ·r11~'1".., 11ulht11:.!, 111.,1\1~ l•t lll 111.11. Ii i·-> l'v.ill~· ;1 n1('<' p t·r,1111 "' -..]11· s.~1 d "'l l f' thi11\,.., \1 n1111•11 ;,1,• li t'.1u1 iful . lo11r s l111til d ,t,1\' I ll t h1•1 1· pJ :-t'l', \\ h• '1'1'\'t' i' 1 [ I" , t 'ht·r 11".1..., ,\list h:l ck fro n1 ;111 t''l'fl'l~l' I 1:1''· J lt•I' !1111;~ l1l.11b !i,l l(" 11,1' l).lllt•d Ill t lio• n11ddl1• ;Ind !!l·d Jrul1.111 ...11·!1·. Sht· \\'O t't• no 111.1k+·1q f, li !1L h1•1' ~1.1rt. "k111 ~h•"" p .1rt ,\r1111·111.1n. p.11! '1'11rk1,ll, l'.1rl \."ro·r1"h .ind p,11·1 t 'l1t'l'ilk1·i• lnd1.1n · )!l!,lo•111•il !l,•r 4!,11 h ,1,1 .. 1'\"' 11·llt•t lt•d r,11·.., (l'ulll I )I,. l.11 \" .d (•'1'11111111 "1111 "II I·: :O:l'flh: I·: :..11fl!I \ ;111.I Jlt'I ;1 ~,1 111 ni" 'Pl't -..l)ll.d ' CHER AND CHASTITY ' . Y . ' I I I 1 ! •t •doilll • --~-=-=-==-====;;;;===_;;-~-~=-=-=-o..=============i "I 111111 '1 1111•:111 h1 1:1rr1·l 1 11'11t·d•Hn : I 1«111ldn·1 ;_:,, !11 t ii l' ll\ ll \ I I'' II I 1 IJ ll }:1l'ltri•·nd. 'l'hi• onlv pL1t'l' I l'u1 1ld ;_!n 11 :1:. .~h11pp1nf-'.·- •· 1 II ;111tt·d In ll':ll"Jl 1t'nfli:- :11u l lh' said lit• 11 ;1 ~n·1 1 •~1 c1·;11y ;!h,,111. th;it . !1 11t1!tlll t.1k1· 111<' ;111";1,v frnn1 h11n11' 'l'h1·1·1· \\'l'l"t•n 't 1n:1 ny 11lht•r t hin ~:.-: ht•<·:1U:->' I !l•'1~·r goil :1 eh.11H"t'. I 11':1 r 11t'1 I 11> s J.:1 . Just like the Old Days l'Bl,IE HIB -Ju•l 3:-;; O\l.\',,1· $fr Geor§t's ltl-:i;IJf,\U 1)1\\EI{ ~·r11.r . .:.!1·• 1:1i1,1 . t :t1lllt-il·'. '11". \I..". :!:l ~.\L.\llS~ \1hn·li I rt•:ill_v lu\"l'. hut I 2.~!l) S. l ~rislu l _ ~lili· .\.of South Cua:.l L'l.1Zi1 ol!d11 '1 g1•1 a ••h:1nt 1' 10 (lo it :,:1T--111!J\ 11111 i! I I 1 ·ft h i rn : ' I ~=::;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1\111 •r th(' tir(•:1k up. :.hC'r p:11d Su1111.v ::'lfl0 .!1t111 f11r !ht' Ji,111~1· :Hid 11';1.; !1 1 !11<1 \I' h.u·k, i11 1111 .J 1d .v I. \\'h1•n :-:..nny 1Jidn 't 1111)\'(' ,1ul, ~h1' 11 <'!11 to :1 h11lt•l l1"lll··1l :1 ht•ll'-l' I 101 c I h1..; ;d11·;1.1·, 11·.1nl1•d liut1S 1'. 1 i1 1 f,·r·I AT tOESIGN Pl.Alt.. ~v.-??uLnon~~~~ 't'ql V THO\f\~ !.'.•"1d ht'l I'. l!. Jilli~!. flH•.•Jl Sil111t'lhltH! 111 l ilt' !h.d ! t'.ln 't t'\P/"1'""· I t•·vl JlH '<" h t'!'(" hl't":1u .... ~· I 1·<111 .ci·I :1 1\:1_1' fr111n 1·\"t•r;:.nnc ;111d 111' :1l•11h·.·· Sh" ~.1id th,·1 d 11h1 I ,1r~1 lt' 111 11, 11 · -11 \\o>\l ld h.111· h(< /) ll<".ilt h1o ·1 f!I d·1 ll1 .ir :--11· li1.1J.: .. 011 1 ~ lb:1l J dnn ·1 h.1\1· nn11•h ui" ;1 lt•n1p1'r . s,.1111 .1 . ••O 111<' i•1h1·r h ;111d. h.i'i ;1 !1•!1\]'1'1'. It '-; 1H 1L "1 1tr.1k~1 ·"11 '. 11 ·,1 Iii'! .1d1•q 11,d. ! ~~~'..,.,.,...,.,...,.,...,.,...,.,=-=-=-=-~-~--~~~=======!. I • • -~' . ' b f ' d h Heres Magpie, the do-it-yourself rock group (from felt): Lee Burress. Tom Fr ost . John Garau. Pau l WaroH and Le s M o rri son ,.,, fl If,,,., .)0 Shows Previewed 111, I .• 111 I 1 , .nil Pl ! I • -.1 1 I• • '"Ill ' \l11!-1!11>11" 111 lo,\ , • 1 " i • I 1 J " 1 • t 1 • . t I • I < , ! 1•111)..~ "I ,111 "tJI 111· • 1tur1·d HI• 1\1\f !· l'\ I l111111ht1'i ~I I " pi•" ! .1!11 "II \l.,!Ut:1.1 .11 , ,!I I' 111 o•I• I 1 ti 111l\1 I 011 ' ' 1111 111 !I 11 " 11 ii I 1.,. '' !'• . .r, d 'I t1111 .I j' 111 Llld :0-.<111 .I 1• ,d" I'"' \ I.., q 111 1. ,111 1,,, ( •<llM I II 111 I•<' i•"'I lllo.11,,j II> I!" 111 I ldl ,.,.,,1, .... ,,j11,1ltq .. 111 )' 1: 1".dl l 111 !l 1 \f., 1, I ''l'' •Io\ \•Piii• ti •,ill "\•lltl 111.1 .1. 1. 11d ·' • .11 11 ... r rt11 \\!Ill Id 1.. I •'I' I l . I I 11• I 1• I' I' ,, ! h \.' I 1 \ !.'"!II'> •II J II " ( '1111111 I \•\11\f;<'ll 1,, j,, di .111.· 1•f .. n f\T1111d.11 ,.1 t. \' 111, ,, ll.l!Ht1·I '" -v .. r 1·1 l.t , u •P'' '" •l•,111•1 '"''ill• .. 1 111~ 1 •I" 1!• •I '!It •• 11d ,p I• ' !"11111 d" Ii ·, ·" 11•11 ... \it I .• I " • ' ' ' I ,, ' I . " ! • , h. •111 11d1~ .. 1 '• 1'"11 , . ' ' Magpie Getting About Ready to Fly? ''I• \!Hit "' ' I I >11 .11,,·,·t,11 lh1"I C.,,,,, 11•ill tit• I',,, .1nr ... 11 .1 • •dnl ,11\d j,!,·1111 \,.,i,j,, 1•1•·-.11h•11t "! lh·· l·,•-..11 1.JI ••I ,,1 ... tl••.+rd•ol l•111•l"1 ~ '" 111 ! I .. 111111 '"·'I' .i1 .n11 •• : .. 'U\l I" 1 •' 11! \11 ,iJ· it1•· P••I• il..1 111111 1111 11.~J, Jl1'\1, !11 1~, ~Ill· HH' \'\I.I.I Ot I~• O,,,,, l'•lu1 \1•11 "lh1 1 ..... 1 1 .. l .11il1111. 1 ... n t • ·''\ "" ,, 1 .. 11 11 • 11.1 I l'fl>lll' IH I t•·••! 11.11111 1:-11 I ,.t11HI l>11t t,..,·,111 ..,,. 11 1-. 11 I.iii\• I' 11111.. llPI\ ll \I ,1~• j\I•' "ltt:.'I I I• 1111 I· 1" I •'\ 1d:1111 o\ 1 ! ' 11 i! " • 1 " I I I \ ! 111 I " I " , I,,. 1111, I.• ,. I \I I I >I• I I 1.111d 1 11 11 ii I .d ! 1 I \\Il l'.,, 'fll \'I' h .q'\"'"' Ill'· li!111d 1d:11, ,01111\,1\ I"' lht• pl:o< Ill'•' dJHI Iii• l•>I 1111 ·\ :•1•111<1111 !llll,I< 1 .. lh,d l .... 1.1. I 111.: I" I \\ • , 1 l II .1 I · ·' l 1 .o I 1 I' I , ' I I • ·,ol I I 1111 1\ I 1•'11 II < I I ..... 1 ' . !I ol \I "'-'!'1 ·· ti .•• l1.1d ·' 1111111 llldll• 111 11! ,, ,. I li " " I " 11 ! , "'-t1ct1<'\\'I ,1(1.J I, < ! • I i • . I I o I•'·'• 111 ,. I\ li1•f1'\PI 11 /, • . ! ' I I " II I I ' I • I 11 I f"Oifl bo •l\\O I Ii l 'll:·.1 I 1111"111 ' l h.1 1 1 ... , •dl•·ri 1'1!111•1 1· 11.,r~·l.1·, ruo11 l! p1 .. 11 ···d l<i n1•·•·t 1·'11,,·11'' \l fj!)\1 ·._ .11J•il• 111 "1"" Ji.II I f;11IPll I" 111111 to111 f11r p••r l11rn1.111• 1 11• 1 h.111 • 11 ~· d :·, • 11 I I ' 1\ ! ._ ' I 111 ., ' IT ' I " ~' 111t1111 ' I ,1' 1 J• 1 •li t II,, r I r lo • ,1· f' I .1 I • ,j I" I ,o 11 .11Hl11•t11•1· •>! '..:.l•l"I :11 !h1• ! 11· h·).i .\1 u-.u· f-", -.111 .ii '1111 •1 h.11•· ;d ~·• 1'1.•l •·d ,,, \l.11t1 1:,•,.i·li 1'.11t.. ;111<1 !o11 ... , 1 ..... 1 P1ou<fly Pr P.'.ents A DIXIELAND JUBILEE 1//i1h Tt'f" BACK BAY JAZZ BAND Fri day & Saturday Niles Af11t" S pr ..... -C....,i•tt Mt•ic • D-..... 1712 Placen tia -Costa Mesa -548.9103 • 110\Jl"ll OINNllS 1., ••• ..,, "~"'' .•.• 1 ,...,< •LUNCHEON •BREAKFAST Open 6 a.m JOIN SHANNA AN O THl BATCHLORS Friday and Sa turday Fine Dancing Music Kant'& .._,,. wor•t I tM be II "-------ifi) ~' ~ I I ill<!!~~-...., 14160 BUCH BUD, WES!USTER • T roubadoiu- RAND:AFF DIGHTON 1n !hi' J\/g & G;ivel Room \'/Pel thru S,il JOLLY HOUI 3 to 6 DAILY ~ c...;,,,.. & T1riro1t.i s1 • .., UNCH • DIHMEll: •COCKTAILS. 673-9919 1121 f .CCNllf Hiqh••v llMIWltt" JOfllbot't• I M•cAr1tnll'I Corot1•6tlM.,. ---·--·· i\"011,1 ( )pl'rating Under N EW O\VNERSHIP ~\·,.,11r111i.: ;111 Inte rnational Menu 11.\11.Y S l'l-'.l'l,\l .'- 1 ):t 11{ · 1 n~ t·:nll'l'I :n n rn rnl 11anr1· 1,, DEN VER AND WEST L1111r h \h•n thru Vn . (lp••n 11 :. ru ll11lrlf'r M11n lhru Sat • lronl :-.·:Iii p nl • ·i.1:-cct Suri<l.11· H1\,\"(~!"ET & ('A'T'F.ftl ~(; 1-"1\l"ll.IT!t:S A\",\IL,\fll< New ort Blv<I. at 17th S t. 1n Costa Mes11 "I" ••I I '.,I"'. 1111·J1t ·' I''!! Iii I" I 11·1 I J, I\\ I \ I ( II I,.., 11 I 1 11 .., I •ti• I• oi1l1b 111111:.;liltlll \\,1111lf .. .id I 111dl!! l !I!• • .,11111 lio •I 1•'1' '''!II Iii• I "'ii' " r • > 11 111!•" I" Jjp I >' 'I II ' I I ... ! . I ' I!• '' I I I I I u I ,1 I I 1 IH I, > Hd ,!1" 11 •II I, !" .. 11,.,1," ,i,d ,.h, ·I 11 111;· 111 ,.,1<1 11 1.>11 1,. I''' 1•.11111 lo.i I•' 1 1"1 111.111• • I • I I 1 I I " I 111' " (J 1111 II !••Iii• ,II' I 1,1 I nl 1 r > 1 I""' "" !1 1111 I "i "" I '"' \I HI ri "I• (, .11 ·' H I • I 1~1., 1 Hid ol1" • IH .I 'I •I l\,11 • 1u"1<-.-..1 .. io.1l.o· 111 lo1 •,,,1111 d· , 1I1 .I I ' • • I~ 11 I I ' d1 ""' , IH'.1~·1·1111 111 I· 1,.-..! • \ pl.1111< d Ill• I 111<' lt.111ol l'I" ,.,,i 'lh• ~'1"1 11• 11,1 -. 'l.+rlt·d hi 1'!11 ... i ,11111 l' .• til \\.1l"<1t l !-·1111.1 1 \d.i1 1·1· I I 1· l\1" h,1d IJI) ,111•1 !1' do\l'lllltld ·' l<•p••tl l'lll "I I I\ :-. • ' I '' '. I \ " " ... \ 11 I I ' I l llll~l•'l,111._ hJ\<" ;.I.,. \\II! 11·11 ~·11·1·11,.11 111 .. li.1t11! !1.1 11•11 h• •I T": 1 !IP r l"I ·' IHll!l)Ut •d \•,II \1111 1H . lfld .1rl .111 Ill I•!! 111'1 \1•[ h,11! 11111 1" 111 Ii "I I .. \\' li.+.J 1 .. 1 to1 ..... .1 lu .It ., 11 I' 1 \ Ii I • 11 I 1 I \' < ! >111 !till -ii •l ,1111·1•,•11!1 Real Cantonese Food eat here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 '21 !>1 Pl., New port Beach ORiole 3-9560 VIC GARCIA •' '' '' " r I '·; I • j, ' ' ' 90931 c _ . .\I.\) HUNTINGTON BEACH 96/-7911, 1unday Velvet Turt le bruncn lrnn1 S2.50 EGGS BENEDICT OME LETTE CARUSO HANGTOWNFRY FILET MIGNON OSCAR PRIME RIB OF BEEF, AU JUS EGGS ORTEGA ,,111/ Orl11•r Bri1111:h .Seler·t11111s. Cliou r ol r,,•,/t (r111 f.~ 'II CllanitJ:l!/'!C C1!1lll'd Frcsllfv So111!1'tf.!<f Or.1n_qc }1111.r. ft·1•d G.1/1;,rc/10. 8,1s11.,.1 of 11 ~sortf'f.I S1•1f',.I Rn/I.~ & Mrttf•n~. Hornr Fr1c1/ Po1<1tors & Frt:rJ1fy Br1:WP.rl Coffee Serwd v1ith cvr:1 v [ntrf'r OPEN DAILY 11 :00 AM l 11nrl1 s .. , vt'd to 5 PM 01nn1 r So'Tvrrl lrom 5 PM LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT NEWPOR T BEACH 59 F:1sf11on lsl<lnrl r nr Rl','lil._'rvation.~ Pinn."" C"// • I• ,,, "i ""I''' "" II ! .. I ,,1 , 111 I 111tl ! ''' • '" '''•lo 1 ,,•fl I " I•• ,•1' ',, '"'I .,,, ,, ' ' ' I •lllil I I I \\ ' llt I ttbil·' ti 1,,,1 I' " I I " ' " ' j ,+ • '" ,i, •I• /!H \\ • "" I• I " I !Ill.Ill "11 . .I I 1 .. 11 1d, .. ,,,.,,d 11 1.11 ""I 1 .. l11.11 d ,, 1• .. 1ld·•pl1 \1 11 !1 1•\ •"!i11d111I ll1o1 1•11! '" . ,., ' 111 d·1111d1I 11,11. ·1, 11111! Ill llp ll11l.11d \\• \1(11' • llHI 1110 i>l!OI \lo Jn Cucir1 i/,-, 111 111 .. ) \\• 1 .. j+I'\• -. .. 111,· rt11ni; -. .:.:0111 1" h-'1t )"'<l••lt>!1 \\.llPll ,I HI '1111 "' ,,HI 11 1111 1 .. " 111·' 11, l"l''" -· .11•111"" l1.d1""'''"1il1 .. d1 lrdllH• tt ' 11 , I<' 1 I " • • ! I I 1" • ' " 1,,1 ·' ... 11 ·'' "'"". I'" !ii ' 1: .. · "··1Hl1• ' " ' " .. , ,r 11 , I"' I H-i Ill I 11, '"ill• 111 I /., 111.ii,l •I 111. \\ ' I' 11,.\I 1\1 •1 I I I \ 111 """'• 11111 111· :-.!di lil,1' 11!i,1L 1" t•· 1111111··: vr ..... 1 ~:11d \\,11 .. t t :1:.:r1·1·d ... 1 1·~ n111 ~1h·. (!-. 1\h,d \I\" t •1 1t11V •l .. 111· .111d JI .., f ""'I • 111111 h ; .. , 11li·rl.11n [!•'l!l'li· ;...., 11!11 tl•11 1lu '"11\t•lhlll;.: \II \\.1111 1 .. ·l•1 ,111d 111.11..• ·' !11 Ill' ... !•,..i111n1.:: 11111 :->••11••r,1 10 •111,.·~••t uur \I tin,,,!! ;1 ,.Ill•"•· l'•.t : LUNC~--1 1 l 30 AM TO 2 PM DINNER ~ 00 PM TO 9 30 PM CAT ERING ANO FOOD TO GO RESERVATIONS 548-9207 CLOSEO SUMOAT I I 3 MONTE VISTA COST 4 MESA Cont inental Cuisine r hP E ~c•l<•H1 ·;qunr1~ n' Dorvy T railoi Trio fh!Jr<, thru S;it '.l 1 ;ci m U1nne1 • Mon ·S<.Jt • Lunch • Mon.-Fn B<inquets • Catering • Private Parties Tahitian Fun SUNDAY AFTERNOON "Drums of Tahiti" ANCIENT MARINER 2607 W . Coast Hwy., Newport Beach 646-020 I . .... .. ' "' .·. ' ' ,., 't . ... . ' . ' ' ! 'I'' • t • • f I J '/ ' I " 1 :I IA· "lh,· t''"1 r-1111 11111 -.1,,.,1 h1 111 oJ I II\ 1 f, I l•I••• I'•; ,11 ,• l•, I• do ,I lljll I ''"' 1,,. '"' .11 .. t! ···" i'' "l'I' ,11 • 111.1d1 UI' 1>' 11•11 ' . •'I ,, ' ' I II " '" 1, d ""11. ,,1 ••I J,,. iii, I' I .,,,,,,1 I 1.. • 'lo I I 11 1 ... , • 1... 1, "I ' •ll1ililp•llHll\lllll< l,.!/li1 11.1 I I I 1 , •• 11 ' I 11 111nd11< • 1.111 ... ~lnnt 11'•11111 •"' U!<l llll1-. HI 1';1 111.., 1.11.tn ·· Ld1111 h .\ .1 ,.,.,L .11111 j"ft 'll .11 .11 11111-.1. 1•1111. ,\llll0:-.1 .di .Ill" 1 11111111 1"\"l'- 'l"h,· l'.1i.;1·.1 11! l1•i1t1r1·~ 11111 111111 p ,11!)1111 ·~-11 111 .11.~ .. 11·111·111 :-..·ulpt11r•·. ··t rh1·1t ..:1:1:-.,., '111·-. ... fl)t"I) .111·1 ttlh1•1 1111·,-,.,.,1111" .HI \..1~1 11.H tli•·•1' ll o•n_•o~ '. l •'PP!lt d t":l J" • ,J'I S '" 1 11 111 :'1• ~· .. 1111!1 1•111 l111• }.'/.1 , 11tn:1I••., •h:t1 •·ul1· nru· •11 • .. 1 1•1 1•r1 111 ••I" '"11111 j ' II· 1 ~•1" • \' 11111 ,, 11" '"' ' ,1 .... t ·~•1'1' 11ill 1., 1'"" 1+1 ,111. • "'11111,I" •"JI'•< I'• d I",·., 1111 p1o>ld1 '111 I " llP •I •Ir 111 1 "'"II d<'f•l.l 1 •!I I I !1 I .>I 11 •I 111 ·1 l .,11'0111 1•· • 111qd•1•ll. 1\1•11 j•IJI I lit .11 1 ~ •""''' •l!·l1•1·1 i 1'1• '1.11!0 h:..r •: 11111 ·-.11 .~a l t•d 111.1ny 1·:q•1· • 1 •:1..,~·-..; l>r. l"r:u1I, hril!ll1.:1 '. t 11,l.1 r-,[,·-.;i 1,l l) \\hO h:t•; O"\,Jlll\tl('1f \\IH\11'11 \\:hO h ;111· lil'i'll 1·1,n1111.1lf.1· ;d· 1.11·1il·d . :111d flli '. <":trt\I~'' l.111· .i r(' 11 i . tr 1· 1·.._,,. r 1 • r1t111n:t ll \ ;;t1 ,11 l.1••1 '"" ,,. '' ' ' _\' "INN-COMPARABLE" Dining-Dancing-Entertainment Day and Hi9ht 111 41i10 C llfty o" J 11 Ob Coot! Hwy. So. L09""0 HOW Al"l"EAll:!MG TIM MORGAN THIS WEEK S:1tM't"'<llJtiont 4••·2661 '4f•-2271 MARTIN LEWIS Onr of tt.eo top magicians from Son Francisco. DINNER MA&IC SHOW TIMES ' l'l•rlar<tby l'. l huHri,\Y I .u.d 9 pm l tnlw .W.S.11111d•Y-l.9•111lll11n• lt~r•otio•n 11.,rr~d till FOR RESERVlllOHS 640 -0322 630 Nl'l'<P"'' f.roll•i"llo l•n"'' hmn f..,i1~'"" I 1,.,rll '" Nl'W!I~'' i..,.t•·• 6CbS HARBOR Ell VD . ShNTA ANA •28 l J 11h S TRll T. COST A M(SA _J ANTHONY 'S DINNERS ''••! • '" ,~ rv.,.,., •flll /•• • •' iNCLUOES -O R S A L A O /"'•" " .... V•r~~", · '''"", •~, ·•I TI!T oum CHIUlD _....so• Dl...AU6HT TOAST£0 CHEESE ROLL -OR -TOASTED CHEES£ GARLIC ROLL· Grenadine> of Bttf Ttndrrloi" f.ottstitrt ' ···-~ "' , .. ,, . ""' ., "' . '"'I "' .\MOHG 20 SELECT 011'-lt'l[R. l~TR ll~ \'l/l •~ , IAH/1.lf f !)I l~I .... WT1'M TOUll. OtMHll MOST JTD4S 0,. ou• .. ,.,._, CAH l l l AllH OUl IAH9lJETS Ol ,A.ITY\.- Sl.ATIHG. TO 70 """" ...~ /,,,.,,.., ''" ,., ••• ,. ""•"' r "'" 1 ,.,., .,.r. ,;, ..• ., ._.,,.,..,., < "••I W•ll•/;•'""'I A~,,,,. ,o /'" "'••t•/l<'"<'t~i, •''~ •, '""' ,.,,,.,.,...,J·,,,..,;,.,,,,,., ~·, f' •·'l•'""':"""'"l'-"•1' SPECl.-,l DINNER 1 ,, ·' """'•'"'''"' ..• ,.,._. '"'"·" .G OURMET DINNER "' .ftr~, ... .,.,.~· • ., 111,,r .. f''•" SPAGHETII & I MEAT BALL DINNER SP.-,GHETII & I ITAL1.-,N SAU SAGE DINNER JUMBO DI NN ER • .,., , .. SPAGHETII & 7 MtAT 8.-,LLS 01NNE1t SPAGH[nl &. I MEAT SALL&. I ITA Lt AN SAUSAG( OINN[R SPAGHET.Tt & 2 ITAL1 AN Sl US.-,GE S OINNCR l 4S.-,GNA WITH ME.-,l SAUCE I. RICOTTI CHlfSI C HILDREN'S DINNER ,. ·1 ' •• '" t ' • " t ' '" ~ .. u .. ow+ "l•O'O\I!"" " ',. ,. son OAINl(S OESSEATS ' . \f "'0 " , ... , " C C>STA MESA I I " '•' • •z• l. I 1tlo ,, _ __... .. ~I 0 70 .. .... • ' ' ' "'11 n t 1 'o IJo Arts Festival Runs Through Aug. 25 NOW APPEARING TRADEMARK Tuesday lhrv Saturday 9 P.M. to I :3 0 A .M. The fun place to eat and drink 2750 HARBOR COSTA MESA 556-1783 ON MAC ARTHUR NEAR ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT i •····~ ... ~-,. I" • '. i, ; . "-· .... "~ ~ .. ~ .. ' 171tS l•OOl(HUlllT c;,t,•OEi'I C.11 0 11( , OJITI~fl • 111u111 i.11 \l c;, :!'.i l·l. .... 1'1\'\l.411" \trrs l-'1 · ... t1\<1l uf ,\rt. .... andPa ~~:.intof th•· \J;,·,ll'I" t,,1.,, . .., 11l :1\'l111n the ~·c ... 11\,11 of Arl:-grroun\J::.. l.,1i1111.• \',1p\tt11 H11 !Jol, l .. 1i,:1111a lk'.it·h \l'f~. 16 I' \HI" ('11,('F:ll'I':-. Fr1d:1y nil-!hl tont·t·rts ul Cosl<l \h·\:1 l '.11k lil·1:1 11 :it x p.nl. 'fh1: c 1ght·l'.CL'k st•rJcS of 1'1l'•' 1'1>11rl'rl '> \\ill 1.r·r·..,··11l thl' l.!!nl! Ul·(·H·h Junior Con · ,.,.,, II.ind 1\11f! ti, ;111 d llll· :1rd ,\l arirll' Air Win1; B:intl . \u:.: ., j \\ '·· lti-17 \I t ..,I~ \I,~ ll\1 1.11\ IJu111h·V '1'l'l't1 '1'1!1·.1tr1· prl':-.c111 .., l>.1 1111\ '.olll..f" !1 1" lllll ~ll':il l'1ll1)l·dv ;dJUtd ,! \\.1 ~11111 ~11111...,,11.11•11 " 1.,1·.l'h:1 ll l1•,1111 f:u1 \\110 t•rl!~·J'.., 1n1 .. 1 , oi11\ 1 .oi I \I 1Tl1 tl11 · I 11·1 ii to lit'.t1 th\' Y ;n1i-.t't'."• .d HI' 111 l'ht1 1-.rl.1 ,1 thr•1llJ.:!I :".111 11d<1 ,\', 1\11~ 1;i 17, 1n !he l)o~·n1 •1 1,.11111111111!1 f'l11 .11,1 \II 111·kv!-. :1r\'i:l \ l C • Ito· I·" 'll .-..lt '.\l. · 1,,,,1 ...,1•1·11, 1t1v 11111~1e.il 1h.1t !1'1l" \111 · .,_l<ol')' !!I th·· (lil"l"·I ,l('l '\)l'ilu1 ~: [H :-It , l\l.1tthc\\, '11·111 lie I" 1 r1H'r111•tl ;ii l.:0::1111:1 l\o•:n•h 111 ).!h Sl·hool J•'rlrlay llll"ll~ll Su11d.11 .\u ~~ J1,1n 'I ll~, ll,1y:-1.1r 1,rc•du1·11oi11 11111 111· :'1 K 11111 . l·'11d.i 1 .11111 ~u nd .11 .;1ud i'j :;u I' 11 1, '-.ill1 rd.11 'I 1vlo.«I:-. :1! S:l lor .+dull.., ,1t1J ~:~ l11r rhildr1•11. ll\' .11 :t1l.1hl .. ;1[ ,\)!' 1: .. i:111i:l1'" \h1 •,i1 \'dl.1 ~1 ·, '):l'.! ~ (".!"I 11 11 .\ t .. 1i.111 1,1 fl«.t!'ll \I (" I 0 11'-ll \I I. t '\11·. li 111111o11 ~t ,111.J ,1\lioi l.11·!.. ll1'11 1.11d1 ,1 11., 1!".I 11p 11 11111 •~1 ilrl1 -l1 11 11'.ll• I 11i1J ,q,\11:,11· .11 \I I• 1 ~1.11 Ii ,>!\ .<IS I' 11 1 ~.+1111-i,11 ,\ll\' \~. 111 l\io • .\!1 :-~111>1 \ H'll• H1 ·1·f1',ll11111 ('1·11\11 t l111 l.11·1~.t l,11 \rl,1 lll'li 'h 11111 ;,, , 1.i111•.111\ 1".. 111,11 ol 1 l\l'~.,11,1\u111..: x:is :;1;1~1 "l'lll(fll (;11 \l'4;, 17 ··;\J,\('K i\'.\IJ 1\1:\l\l·:I," ,\lu:-1c;tl . ll:.L:-1·d nn lht· t(• inunt·c IJI ft·\;u:k .Sl'nnf.'11 , lh)!ly\.\·ood's king 01 co rned~. ;ind his star, ~1:.1bl'I !-.:orn1a11d . being prcscnlQd at thi· l)f'lro\hy Chandler Payil1011 lh rcC'lt·d by <;o~'{'r ('h:1n1 pit111, lht· show s tars H1 1bt•rl. l'r('SLOll. 'fickt!ts : s:J.9.1:1. Pcrfnrrnanct's: 8::.10 p .n1. :'.l1•ntla y through Saturday anJ :? , ;J(I p, rn. \\:Pd n C's(I:. y ;ind S<tll1 rd;i y , TEMPLE GARDENS CfHliU::S:B R estn11rn111 RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUNGE ~-'~·Jill Fr-aturing ExQ\i;· Tr"11ical !;rinks. l uncMeon & Dinner De ily ISOO ADAM ~ fot Horbarl c?:1STA MrSA . --", 540-1937 540·1'23 A11d, lit 601de,it Grove 12201 l•OOllHUllST !At Chopmoit l 611·7020 i\l 'lO. 17·18 .t\RT·CRA l"1' SllO\\' -An urt anrl rrafls showwill take plate! fl'on1 10 a in. to 5 p.rn . .Saturday and Sunday. Aul-!. 17 -18. '!' the San l.'lernentc Cornrnunity Center. Uel fil:.ir <11111Se v ille 1\1t•n11c~. AL'li. 19 J\10:'\0A '' i\'l f;11T t•Oi\'('l:1r r ~ 11i~.o llenrv Bran· dnn's l\1 ~ Bras!'. B:ind at 9:1:"1 µ.111 . J\1undJy at ·Fashion Jsland. !\'e1.,,porl <.:t·11h•r. '!'he l!'cf' 1u·ogr::tn1 includes "'f\ly F <.ur J~:.idy" St"lct·tions. "l-:.'l'.o~tu :-.'' .. B;.dlet Egyp- Lian ," "l l :1rlf'n1 Nocturnt'." .. F1ddl1•r ''" thf:I lloof" ...,1~letlion~. ~l :.trH•inL l:11·ortle..., ;,ind !1·11ng Bf'rl1n v:al11. r:ivori!t•..., Alll ;, :!I \\'l•:IJ1\.' .. :,..;rJ:\ \' Nl(;11T (;()1\('l·:l{"l'S • ,\ l'rt·t~ t;Ol!t:t:l'l ...,l·ries •.vill ht: uffl·rt·d lhr1H1"h /\ui.:o"l :11 Soulh Coa...,l \'1ll;q.~1·, S:1111;1 i\n~1 'l'ht• A~dr1·'.\' l'harltons Rrnais ~:u1''" l'l.1,10 ·1· \I l1u J!f't'l11 rn1 n11 Ht·11.11:-:-.;11H'l' :1n1 t J\ar!!•p11 · 111~tru1111·n t :-\\ill ht• 111 t•Hlt'1•r! 1\!IJ.!. :!1. J :irk Shnqp·..., 1;roup ul l ~. v.1tli 11s 1;1 ('1111 1\lilll'r :-ound 1·oup1''d 1\1th ll.1rlH11 'a1 ·li 11111~1(', \1d\ l'l·1'f()rrn a1 6 J(I :i nd H :Ill 1• n1 .\!..;11, h:1rh\'r-;!111p quar11•1, perfnrn1 'l'h11r ...,i1.i1 1•1t•n1n ,)!" ,11111.1l1 ' 11 1111 ·· el.i.,~1!'.il hr:1s:-~1 1111tlt'\ [><·1'1\•1111..., 1111 S1111d,11 .il!••r11P1111 ~ 'l'llHtlt ta! \l 'f ;. :::1 :\lt 'Slt' FLSTl\',\I. ;,1:-.t S11rn111l;r ~lu~ir<d Fc.~111.11 l ~1ke :-p!ari· :1\ H 1:1 p 111 . n1ghil .v 111 th1· Hl'll lands J\,\1\I , Sn1ily !':1l'k [(,•111:11111~. ~~11·111 -.; n1t·ludr S,\ 111 phony nper:1 Ji ~ht up1•1',1 ;111d h.111 "1 l•'r•'\' .1!11111:-:-11111 \l (,_ ·~:~ Hl)('t\ ('()i\(" .. :lt'I' l .1·.in H u~:o.\·I\ 11111 appt·o11· 111 l'"11 1·1•rt ~lt 8 1i n1. 1\ug :!:I '1'11•k1._'(' 1.1r 1111• p~:rft1rn1:111 r(' .i1 ,. .1\':!llable b~ 111 ;1!! ordo •J' .11 Sti,:)11, .· •. :;o :111d I ~1U thro11 ~!, l 'ull\'cntJon Ccnlt•r lkix l )!'!1t'I' ll1·p! n . ).;(11111 \\' }\;1!1•11., \' 1•!1ul!. ,\n~d1l! i 111. ~t'.!811~ 'l'l lltfll_,(;11 .\l 't: • .i:. ,\HT -1\-FAIH. -(Jpt'll ,<J r ;ut• s ho1\' 11f tr:ldttion:il p;1i11tings :;ind craft s \11th 11'11.,rc 1ha11 IU\I t:xhlhitpr ..... I lours: Sunday thn•UJ.!h 'l'hurstla~ fron1 10 a.in. la JU p.nl a nd Friday :i1HI Saturd:1 ~s. JU ;1 ,111 . to J l p.ni. No~ for a limited time: Straw Hat's Family-Dinner Deal! No OOUPOO$ ac<'A"Plcd co triis pr00l0(1(1ii • (Up to a S7.SO value) Ahh, what a pizza I , \ 32095 Camino Cop isf rano San Juan Capistrano 496-0051 Qf191 QOOd ;H part1c1~c1t1ng stores WT'*'U .. U ACH ' .... "°'-tA \1110\ ~ Mi4Jihtly: U"til' l'.M. tk'i. & Sot. 'till I 0 l'.M.I l..c.h Otiity: MOO! thni Ft-i.-l ri'okfo tt SuiwJcty l :JO A.M. r .. /. r 'l' ' ., .,-" .. ----- Restaurant South Coo.t Pla1a Only August 2nd thrv August 23rd Mexican Specialties Beel Enchilada Plate . . •.. 1 89 TacoP1ate .... _,_,_ ... 'ff Burri to Plate • • .. . . . ...... _. __ ... 1.29 Tomale P1ole ................ __ ..... 1.39 Tostado Plo!e .. . __ ..... _. _._ ....... 'ff T(l(Jlito Plole ........................ 1.39 All oMv• Mede°" plete1 """'-' wlttt l'l'fri•ct b••'-s,..i:.ti rh:• ...d A,....-jco" cllttw Sears South Coast Plaza 3333 lristo& Co1ta Me10 -- "Eating out" is not ~vP necessarily dining! • 01n1nq ;,t lhC Nc1·:;:-cr1r:r Inn;; tA;;r <i~ fic·~:aur .. nl is a lolally plen:;ur<ibic cxper1c.ncc . .L~ccllcnt cuisine, ranq1ng from our sup c1b Rae Ir. ol lamb 10 Salmon S1eak In Salsa Verde, pt1instakingfy prcpated by our European· t~ained chefs.A wine lisl of distinclion to complement )'O'Jr entree. And. In an atmosphere or continenlal elegance unmatched for relaxed enjoyrneni. Dining is T1'e Marine Resrauranr ar ~,w.,.s ~ 1107 Jambor,. Road, ['il Newport Beach/114•644·1700 ALSO, '!l<E l!OO LOUNGEITl<E WINE CEtlA•ITHE erSTIIOITl<E CHELSL'. BAR • \l (;, :!!"1 COUNT R\'·\\'l~STt-:1tN -ri1c1·!c Jlaggard "'ill _perror.n~ 111 concert at 8 p.m . Aug 25. Fea lurC'd pcrlormers "'111 be 1'hc Str:1ngt•r$. IJon 1~1\111<11• .ind Dolly Parton ·rickets arc $5.50. ti.50 •111•11.:,11 I J\l 't .. 23-~j TOD,\\''S \\'()~!AN -,.;xp~l~1 tio11 tar~eted ~or niodern won1an ;i ncl 11t·s1g nt"d lt1 help her w1tlt problems ;ind to sl'r\'"" her lritcre...,ts. Lcch_trcs, panel!:>, exhibits, de 1nonstratn1ns :111cl entertainment ar1.· :--chcduled. J\naht-in1 ('onv1·11t1P r1 ('entC'r, JI <t n1. to 11 p.m. on r,rid:1 .v and Sa1urday . ll. :.i 111 (•) R p n1 . on !'\unday Adn11.,;..;1011 1,; $~ p~·r pl':·~on Al;(;, :Jll . ~ .. '.l'"I'. I H1\l.l.1~1· ri\('l f l(':\ .-*' l hipht·:Jtc pnig1a1n:> pre:-;en1 1ng "'l'hi• Se:1:">ons ... ind "l'arn1i n ~~ Liura.na" \\'ill b1· prt•sented :1t tt <io p ni, 1•11 1-.11·h datt~ ;it Irvine RO\\'!. 6511 L;1gun:i L';11111111 1!1•:11 ! L:t;.:u11:1 l11•:1<'h '['1 \'\;l'I ~ :11.-~tal1'd ;1 t Sii i11 $:!. t:\u'.'1 ;irl1~r 1111! lit• IJ :1\'ld 1':.in:11t·11. pr1nciµ:d d :1 nc1·r of thr• Los An~1·!l''.'i t..'1\y U:d lcl./-- 'J'l lHOLIC;11 SE l°T. l ·'-t~JO J)LF.R <IN ·r11r·: HIH JF " -Huhl·rt ~l('rrill s lars 111 .1 r11u:-1c;il ;1l lht· 1\hn1:1n~u n '\'h('alt'J'. l.1J:-. All ~Ch.'~ ~1u s11 · ('l'1\1t•r. l'l·rrPr1n ;_in1·;·:-·r1u·sd :ti'-)1u1d~y. 8 JO p.1n. ;111d SJt11r1lal' a1td 'l'hur .... t1 :11 .:.: :\11 p 111 . 1'ivkl'ts: $2 .25·11 . ·r111l c11 '1;11 SEl'T. :.! • • "'Sl.'1,ll'IER SP'l·:("l\\f 'l'Li\lt" ·r11n f·~rnini.: r>crH•r 1n:1nt·t·~ d:iil\' t!irnugh lht• s u1nn1l'r ;d ,J,1µ:1ol'~(i.··\'illab1'. lll1t'r1a l''ark . Sl,l~C f.101.1~.\' l1·;d11ring ;1 1'.1ricty (ij "Pt·cl;il t•f!l•(·ts ; ;1dn11 ...,._n•11 1·11'll'•· 1u par!.. 1•11ullc ~ \'isil or" 111 :-Ol'•' (ht• i;hu11 . S111111111·r 11ri1"·~-~:t 1.-. tor :1dull'-51 7;, 1111' ehihlr1 ·n undl'I' ! I ·r 11110l r.11 :-.l:l•'r . 1:, 111\SElt \'1\'l"()l{Y :-;tit)\\' lrl :--1•Jrl'h u1 :\Jlt'll'lll \~lru11unH·r ....... 1, tl11· :-h11\\' .it \Ill' 1;l'1f!'!th J':irk UU:>cr 1:11nry 1n Los A11g1·l1·s. tl 11·uu).!li S1·pl . 1.·i . Sho11t1rnl!~ ar··· :i, i ,3U and !l p .1n . \\'1'd11~·~d:1 .1 lhr1111 g h F1·1d:1y and 1:;J11, J. 4::Hl p.lll. s~1turd.1.1 .111d Sund:.i~. 'J'ht• (lhSt'r\';1tory 1S loc;.iterl 111 (; ri 1'rilh p;1rk :1\ llll' north ('IHI <if \"er111ont ,\\'t!JIUt'. I nf1H·n1atiu11 . ( '.!1'.I) ~;1il ·ll!ll . 2.25 2.45 2.95 3.25 3.75 499 °262& 496·H7l LUNCH · DINNER OYSTER BAR COCKTAILS LATE SUPPER ~UNOA Y Ill.UNCH •:J0·4 HAPPY HOUR 4 lo 7 P.M. Et<TERT.t.lt<MEl<T t<IGHTL T IRANDIE IRAHDOH DUO Tut.·Sat. GEORGE FOSTER-Sun. and Mon •. OUTDOOR DINING ~ATIO 32802 COAST HIGHWAY LAGUHA MIGUEL '"'' cro•" v.11 • .,. '""••r' LUNCH .. •t !eebastia11's "vou go11a be k1:1d1ng'" THAT'S RIGHT ~ ..•. San Clen1en 1e·s Now Famous Dinner-Playhous e Serves LUNCH Oalfy (Closed ~·1ondays) /\11d Gulfs \'Jl1at? ••• Tl1e MOST Fabulous CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH., • Every Sund;:iy 10 A .M. 1113 P,r.,,,_ LUNCH BRUNCH S l • B 5 $ 2 • 9 5 ~rba~tlan's Ulrst P111nrr· 1llavlJOUSr 140 Ave. Pico -at the sea .., Sari Clemente 492-9950 R•t •fYOl iOftl Acc•pt•d ., • A11ahei111 Slates Arts S 11 o \\' I 1 ~ " 1 , , , I' 1 loul.,\ I 1111 ,111 Ill 1111 ,I ! '1 '"" 111<1 I hd,11 1 1 d I "I" • ' "I" I 1 1 I 1111 \ II· d " " ' • ' • 1 : ' , ! : I "j 1 I , , , II 111' I h.ilJ I ,,, iii 1<1 I ,111ol " l1il11I ,II<' l.111 d I" 0 1 I'll[•\ Iii' )1111 '.II" I '1il.1t' 11" 11 \,,,I 11 I '.lid ,,1 ,, •11 11 ii I \1 1..!11 1111 11 ... 111 11111 '""lilt l"ld11 .ii 11,, \11il1•1111 ('•111qd1·\ I 11 ! I i! 1111 • \,, II,, , 1 , 1>1 !<.ill•"I .1111111 •I ·11 I l"d.ll '\ .. d' ' I .11 ' d ' "" 1.i I 1 ·' .i, ''•II Ill I dl..1,1, ""I"' I ' • I• di , .. ,. I I• pj1 Ill d 1 I" \1 ,fl, tlH ~ <1111 d f Jl.1 I 111'> \\ 1:1" 1d . CH\11 " ,1·1·111 ... ," t,. i" 1•+111 II ill j,, "!I ,d• I" Jt11 i•llltl.• 11"1<1 11 1 11> lh !I/ p 111 I•" I." , 11•1 ,,,i 111 ol.1v ,q1d 11 .1 '" 1 .. '• !• t<i ..... 1111d.1'. t " 11 • r , • I , , I Pr I ' "''' ::.:1 ,11 ,11,d I l.il•I ' " ". ,., 111 I 111 l11d1 •I 111 11,, d 1-I , ;111 ,, '"''''' 1111• .,1 I ,1 I' I ii >1 111 1 I ' Io I , I I ,j, I ""I' 1Hol "l'I, I .dt •·d 111•.,I• I ! I•• I• 111 j,. 111• d• 1<1.,11 T1.i11 .. 11 I" •'l di Ill• !1 ••ti ti,, 1'"11•·1 II II· ' I 11• T ti' ·'I I .. t l.q•1d.i• •lid 111•1.d•+.dl rt• •'•11··1·.,!11! ,1ud .• lid• .... 1, .. 11 1''' '111 .1111111 "" fl 111111 111.1 I 1 • , \ I"• 1,d 1, .... 1)1 1•.111 l"H l ,1ltl di 1 • ,, l•d t I ,d I' I 1 ••Ill 1·1 1111>1+ 1111·!.11'1• I I•• , "111 t,. ""' 11 .. 111 d .,r n .. ~·t 1 II• I 11 I" 11 11 t I i 1 o ~ I 11•11 I \\ 1111 l" "''' .j "ill !" 11 .. -.. .. 11111• lit I .oill1>ll1l.i j 1·1.111111 llo.!,!.1 + r.dl \, •. ,.,·r .1,,,11 , 11,,11 ,,1,i, • , t 11" To I''' 1J'or111 . f I I iliaµ'' "Ill• \11d!1 II j h;1111'111 "I f I" II [I )'! • •t lll .I 11' o "I" II . I 1 "!\' • • l "I J1.1h 1t!1•.i I 11 !1 Ii I:, 1111.11 -\ •'I•• I II I• "II 1111 ! "'' \ '"' 1 .. 111· ·11+•1• .. 1 :--.. 11111 ( ·,. 1 I \ill 1 !II '-.111!.1 \11.1 , \\ t 11 l' p 11 1 I IH I I d · II 1 I j o I 111 I' 1-I ' 11 Ht 111 lt1!1 I I '"I oj, I ii .. I II I• I \ 111 .111111• II I 111 I 11.{ 111 ' I 1 • 111111 I -ill 11 1+11•11• 111d 111> 1.,,h1TI 11IH< h I• Oii "''' •l"I "I Iii• 11,l""""ll llP '"il••ll 11111 I" "II Tl lo I iil.1 1 I I• 111 "IP' l,j,.,.~, \\1•1 •>I 1:11•1 .. 1 '-11··1·1 "11 :-t I 1! I )1 •\I 1 I I· 111 11111111 I !111"1 111 ,d l"ll •• ,tll .. : .. '·""' "I h·' ·" I 'l 11 • I· "!I I ·' I •.11 J,,,, .. h.q> •pl,111•1. 11d! 1 .. -t ·11!••1l ,1:i1111 i.: 11-.1!.,r-. "t ;-;,.uth I H.1'1 \ iJl.1 ,, f"h111 •!.11 ;11 ,, ·;1 1 ,+II.I " .:11 p 111 "l"ht• ).:!'•>Ill' ... 11 .. 111t· l•"I• I• t" I TI\1•!1du•1 • .1 • " ;di l"ll! .u ,. .. 1 , 1 .i: rt;, ·, ! 1 111 :-.1n~in:.: ""11-~ 111 ll1t' !0,1 1 ,11)••11··-- \\ i 11 11 II~ I 1-. 11" I t I ; ' I I • J I I 111 \\ ii 1 I,. Th• II • "I I I 11 :......hl_ll \ 11 1111.I \111 I• l/.,1111d1!1' \II \, I :1d t • '1"•11-.11 ··d 1·1 !!" 1:11.' .• \ti 1.1111.! 111• 111!1<1 ii ''•Ill 11111 11111 ll"!ll !II ;1 111 I•• , I' 1:1 ' ll11tl.11 .11ld :-1ifld.1 I I I h1· I !1lllHl111· II ill "' l11·ldl Ill 1\11111!" 1•.lllll ~·J 11\1• 1111 Ill•' ''·'"'1 "1d1· "I lh ·." h, 1'••1il1•1.11d .111d I• 11p1•n !<>I !Jh 111ildl( .ol lit' I Ii II ~·1· \ •s I t •\l c1111•11 1f \. It 1111!.!t' BREA KFAST. L~NCHEON DINNER · COCKTAILS 1 1 .Jui apology for the delay 1', our Grand Opening r1ow OL:r :hake ·down" period is over. In oppre.:1o l1on for ycur pal1ence, we re off er1 g t :.•o Grand Openi11g Specials ', FRI ED CHI CKEN DINNER ' J l ;t · ·• ,\ 1tr, . lll J;ic-: _JI -' I . ; : "' ' NEW YOR K STEAK t.;· .. , : '· t j f ·· :: i .1· Gt ul'.· ' 3.50 • r : ~ SE.'f .~.j r [ ,, '~...,, .. · En1ov a l\eno·s Special Margarila .95 KENO 'S Restaurant and Lounge MICE\Sll , Ml CE\Sii 296 E. 17th STREET HILLGREN SQUA RE I 1 I 11 I I COSTA MESA. Ph one 645e7626 (J111·11 f)t1ilv (1t II :(}11 <1.111. j'/.tH ·''.'I ~II ·~I I I I I t ,, 1111· ( fllllfl'l'll \t(t Ii 1!111 h \,, .1d " I d111tlt.: .I .,, I \I '1tl 11tl l>.1111 1111"'" 1-.1•\t 'll Jll I l\\11 11 .. 111 \ -..11'!1' d111111 1!1+ 1\('I \-11,1.\ I It( l,l ,!111111111 .!1 111· \,11111111 !1 1 1.1111. 1111 "IH" J•.1il.li11 i'' I 1 •\1•11111 ~' 11111,<'I ' 1•,llt• I 1111h d1111l, ... ,.11ld ·· 11 -111· I 11·-.11"1 ... .,11 It 1111 ·1 11·>111 -.1·11. 111 ' '11iqil1 1•.11111 "I t' ! I I 11 111 " "" ! PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE OL D DAYS 1iow Me 'n [d's mob1:e o;ens ~pet U rleh~1uu~ P•P•"&·llot p 1:zas to your a 6 oo 4 , 6 m 7 , 1 ,. 3 , 6 utes ,_4;J;·:;~.·~:-~,?(. for p1ornpt ser.1~e pl:one --; ~ • • (f;e1.po1 t Be.}Ch/Cu~til /;l e1J-17!h <'I nd Tu\\111) or 847-1214 (Hunt1rig!on El ea ch-Brach ;,11d 1J1el) Get the Pizza with Pizzaz quen-fds , 'I - .. for all bamb inos (kids) Saturdays and Sundays (between 11:30 A.M. and 6 P.M .) NI ".J I 0 • " • • , ' • • u -' ' Jr r ~ .', , , ·" ' . ' ' : ,., ' I • • ; I r • : (J ; \1 d t '' I ,! 1 . ;'' !' 1! j . , ' ; h 1 jt:, .in if, I) •" J: i,"•' / Jli i , .n < 1! 11 1,1, fl:~" f'. 1 : , I·· I I! I I ,l ,111 ·1,1r,1,.r· ~/\ (.,' i·-,,, f1i111•1·,!1.JlnlJ·r•(;1• ; 1 .' ,, ·1· . :' . 1 • / r I t' ' • i ' 1· • '' • ; I 1 ·If"~ (11 • I <jl I',. y,JLI II •·111 I ii• , : J I : ! , I , I ! ' t " , I , , I , ' /. 1 ,. I ~I· ,T '' 'l"I I ' ·' "· l l / ! , ' • " "'•:I,(] • 1 I r• !, "• ,•·r / i•' Ii/ 1'1:1• ' . •' '" ' : ·/• I •' r : I' '1 Ir• ~ ,,,. ': : : ! ' ' ' 11 ' ' ' 21 O Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach • (714) 644-2601 .. 'Offf•r cnrl:; ~l"f1!r>mbc r B, 197 4 , r,,,~ .• , A119,, \ lo J(,j -I (' f, f'.','I' Pl\ (IT 'Your Hit Parade' Back for Another Spin " .. ''· IU.:st:1u r.111t Horika\.\'3 for goun1w/ Japanese dining l•• ,.,, ,,,, 1. . ' .... ''"'' " ,1 •• ' I •" "II> I 1 '" • '• . '" ( ~. ' . .,,, i, 1·1••1!•1 '"I ,,II I• '" 1 11." r<d I •I"' ( . " .. - 11 , I" '·•"' ' ' .. \II I Ill I: l \!.I It ' ' " '" , .. " " '. J3oideaux I " \. ' .I! I. ' ' . ' 11 1<>11 I I! 111• I• " ' '.', I' ·.1··:1 I' " ~ l i I• Hl I 11•! •!.ti I 11 ,,, 11•1• 11111 1 !•1 II· 'I 11111 ,,,. :111d I t u1.ld "' 111.i!I• !l!H!··! .. \,111<1 •\•'I \\\lld Pl !11" 11111 f.111 ' '·11 I ! 1 , l1n ·il 11 \\ .l •ti 1111 \1""'1 )(11" ( 4 I I' I I!\ . '° •"Q'illlflll~~ \\1•lt lh:1I' 11·h;Jt h<i!S h:ippo."nl'd tu · ~ uur Jill l';j1ad1•" :-1·11•11 111 I h ti nu111bt:r:o. arl' f1 ·11111 1h1· \•1µ 111 of that p:ir1k·11l:1r 114·eh 1 a difft·rent no:-t;1li:1r 11,•eh 1\111 I,(• 1·l11h"4'fl 1•o11·h lllHt'f . ;uHl 1111')' ;in· :-r .i ~ t' 1! i11 t•1.,Jllt'n1pur;1r1 •·11,-,!\l !llt' •1 r auth~ntic \.1t.'t'1tJ1I of 1h(' :-~t·t1·l1 . Thl' j •:-.tr:i~ 1J,1.,..r·11-1· -1110 in nun1\l'l·r ar1• 1,·r~ l'u111c111porHr~·. 11 i1h ~ u 11:::' lh•l.'-t'll {ro111 1tMJ;11 ~ 1>1p -to . 1X'rfor1111·d h)' th1• ung111al :irtl~\.~ 111 th1.., \11"'-I ~llOll h1111 ,....,,1\ 11111\\ l!n ~ j.,• \\~I:'.> . ;.i.,:1r 11 1 ii~ !11\ h;1l.i.1 "! l1•1•l lllt' J'llhlll' \" ;ig,1111 for' '"l'11~1r 1111 l'.11:1 .1 ti~· :-.;111j. ",\11ll \ 1b1ul> 11. ·11 bi;• un h'ng1·r tli;in llu ~ !11• 11l'1'k scl\t.'duil· 111;l1r;l!•·" \\•· 11:111· upl1un:' ~1 1!11 :111 lhl· .1.11 for,, .r:111u:1f.I' ('f•lltl .1\1.lllU'l 11 ,·:i"' 'I'\ ;111dl• 'IL"•'' ~n Jior il .. \\'1\1 did !ho.· n!d ..,Jg<I' dw' · ,, ·~,~J11 ;1~ r·:\11· l'r• .i.. t ;,J;\\' .1lt•IH;, ii \)l'i-: ld l•I ]11• ... , 1t11 1111·1 r;•''i.-r !Ii.in t ' 11 Jq• h pt·11p!1 fl H 1 ll · t,·•,l l••ll 1.. I 1il<'":-. \ Vll 1!•11 11,, 1 .. , 1 .. , 1111•r 011 1!11· ~h .. 11 tl1t•1r ... 11,.! 111r:1111. 1111!i11ni; "('lu , i' ',\ ~ll :-O il \I. I (I\ E STiii~'\· \\P 1.<1\·1-. tiF ,\ .\ll Sl(.\I " l-loril.:<11l'u ( .. •1nn1·r JJI~""'"' I ~ .. t l 'l.J.1 h-;\ I 1ll11t.: ,._II/ \1' \\II.II• I \. • II •1 · I 1, \ <•II '' It ~·· '·Y11ur llil l>;u·;ult'" d, ... ~11 ·1 1 ho.·.1r 10t1 dC'1:11h .. "<I ;111;1l.\.-.1~ -j ------------o ,1 t'rl1a::il l1~·k :11 1~ n11gl11 1 ! t'\ t•;1I lh(l l 11 I' 11 I lllJ.: t.1 h~· di 1h1nt~" hi ;111 oh u .111.l thu~ 1e11<1-.. l11 111111hl1• 1111t1 lh•· ::f·t11·r.1!1011 gap l1t·l.'.1•cr\ c·a11111 .11Ht 11•1\l:tli.:1:1 IL1! JIJ,.•1 ;11.!·1111 " ... " I "I Cl / I ,•J '" -' /J111111'/"} /<1!11 Ii I 'l.,~Cd !:o.111 d .lf11 I J 758 St. Clai•. Colla M~10 ;-/· r / • ..l//1r' (I' rr11111 1·y Entertainment N1qJ111y SUllDA Y BRU ... CH Jamaican S teel S,1nd Cnut.I>. BeaU\ld1~ Artis! 4 -6 p rn Mon lhru Fri 1 , . , ..,,,~ o~.1. , /1 .~'{I/ f 1 1-11/r/y ( //,-. '7141 140·3641 . ' ~ • " 1 .. ! 1•,1·t I ili.·.1lH1· lo 11111' h I 11.1.,. 11.111 h111i..: rlt" 11·11-•• .J "I ''(Ill!' fl.I f',11':1.Jl• .. it!ld I \\d" 111\ 111,..: '\t•J\ lllllHJ!1• of II It .ur~ ••'I I 'td ,. rti .. (/f l~ln;il ' l!1t I 'al :u!1'' I.• tv1I 11'1 r:•d1n l!I l't;j; "',\lll"h\'d 111 .\IJ1" Ill l!lE!, II \11 I'' l( I 1 11\.lll •I'd 11 ''\ti~" I 1 l'I .:: ,,, \\Ill• II 111111' 1t II ,I\ , 1,,1,.d H\<'I 111 ( (\...; 11\1 •11• 11 dt"d Iii" 11' ,I I 1•.'<(' \11\\ l.1 11·:11 " L111, \;11\ \\.,lnn. 11ilo 1111' l I• d 1111' odd />Iii•'•' l>tl \1:1 · l"I' 11 11 •'" I •'ill" 1 • .; \ll ''dll< ll\).: :111il illll'tllll;.., till' lh'\\' :-.hll\\' tor {'huek Harn~ 11rod1H·lnJns. ' \ • ' I 1l11nk 111 1hv 111dl1"11~ ol 1·1,•11 rrs 11110 .il't't pl I .. n11 ,·111-,· \\'t·lk 11illl<1llt ~t11·o•r or• tllurl.ll' :ind I rt·al11.l' th:11 th1~ "Ill! !'ar:1<lc" 1":!1\ rC':dh· 1·la11n ;1 l'Olllt:n1porary \ ;di;!Lt y I So. :;\l~\>i'll•I ~ l'H!I' judg111<'nt 1, f11r ;1 half h .. ur. 1t .. u1 l\;1,·k and 1"1si1 :111titl\,·r "r ;t 111 <1"1Jut•rad1n;,: ... :•.~ l(>il.1y ,\nd I h:-.\,•ll •.• h::.t .. 11 1o the f.:h'1'· ious sound s uf I~ n<·.~ .1~ 1!i•·1 11i•r!' \1•ri1tl'!l. Of 1.:our~1'. ~ou 1 111<1.1 not likl' 11hat ~·iu hc:1 r l ... but at !t·:i~1 YQ\l h1'itl" II 1 NEW FAC ES IN THE OLD FORMAT K.e lly Garrell, Chuck Woolery, Shera lee ,\~ ~oon ;1f1cr ~t·1·1n.: "\'our Hit Par:ide" .1~ 1.0.~ililt· I I r111111n1·nt tu res!a[!C .. ~2nd nrr:inge<I IP ch;11 h~· 11·ll'phnn(' r ;1111 p.1111 1•1;: S!! 1.1 .. pnxluetion nunlbl'rS. 11 ilh pnx1111 ... ·r-<11n•t1nr B1\\ MO\/lE RATINGS ffiR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE r ... ob1t<I ·• o• 1•0 '''"'~' • '" ·~'«"' p.1t1>U •l',.•l lh• '•'•I ·'•<I ..,,,.,. ,,,,...,.. tw, •••"; c, I'•',..,,,,..,., ®jj~ 1111( U~O!~ 1' aOWIJllO [~;tt..,fnlf '°-Y I '" ,.,,.1. '"") ............................ .. ~ {qi [<;>'_ ... , .. ' ., .. ' ' \ ........ ~,,,, --"''•"{GO. " .. '•• • .- ' I J J WEFKS. ONlY~ llPl 4 lHRU 5£1111 Oul 1-!~"dlj. £1t1 Tt!I. Wt•. T~drl l ~.n 11 a l~-\9.J~ 1 ~n 4.1 ~ l.Oa tits Ir•' s~11t S:Ja ~1 100 a sa s.1~ 4 0:1 511 t s~n m~tl~itl 1t l ·]Q ~DO 6.50 l.1~ 2.00 °' I '" ,. !'·I''~ . '"'"""'"'"' "" • I,• ' ,,.,, ,, • .,. • ". ,,_ .. , '"'"'" ,. 1 .. ,, '"''"'··' ........... ~ 1 ' "t '·' "·' A''"' • "' ~ • , •, .·· "',,,.It" N ;" . . • '. IH. ((' ' 1 0 5 root lY(H•HG Ill 011 \\l''il{ (!~l!~ ON IMAt'SON ti tt \I ..:I l11jllt·/'/ . .YJ1·111/ 1·,;;; ,;;;;;/· A1~U ii'.~ :.ill lh1•r1· -!hr IJ;11l J 1g!J1111~. • l11· cx;ig.t.:1'1 :1t1•d phr;1•,111.!. tlu· u 11 tr ~I gt' 11 u - dran1a!11:111u11. tht \1 01tL1· Co11"1·r-t~ pr 1 hnr.·ogro1pl1~. till· f.iol-l:JJ>pul!.; 1t·n11)11. r 11 l' h1<id l'11" 11u111hcrs. Th,, 111111 thing 1n1~sin;.:: is !h,· phOlll'~' 1'.!ui.:h clr;u ~ up l·11;inl·t·S are ht··11 do 1hen\ fi ni. ... hiHg up thl' f1ilh ant.I !:1st ~------------llohin in \.A,~ .\11;.:1•lt•s. Ill' 11 a:-1 llc•th ••• 11 "'"''' C•nlrl 111 l.lul~• ,,,, ,,, r •"''" s1 .. •n, toll s Hiii "'" •• ,n4 l•O"lf 'tr llll Ol M-TIOll ll)l •l• 111'. ~u~rc ClNll• P~l~{ltllTIOllS ' \.ll'!I.\ !he S<llllC' 1r:1y 11·ith. of 1he SCrlt.'ii th;it 1·!'r.v clay. brc;ithJ.·:-,rll·~s of 1hl' !<i11~··1, :ind doinl.'t'f" ;i' they d:1\hetl froin •1111· prudlll'llrin nu111ll•'I' !1 • :11111ti11·r 111 those 1·;11'!\ vid1.."01 .1p1··ll'"" d:1ys. · 1)1•fll.1p~. ~:ind I felt a lit!h: guilly t;1kinl! l"\tl\t' on wh1l·h r:"\ l · ,TtH'\ ---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:====:.:====-===~I 111~l.111tl.v ;is the sun 1•tn1·r,•1·, ;1! 1!11• ~·nd (Ir \1·h .. n th•· 1111!·..; Pizza Man 642-8100 FREE DELIVERY J Mil~ ...... PIIlA • CHICKEll • RIBS • SHRIMP • ETC. Daily From '1: P.M.·12:30 P.M. on Sunday SOO W. Coast Hwy. -Newport Beach/Costa Me sa r II i:c-<:1ii11~·1:11T:.;--1 I 11/?Ji' (Jrien1a1 rocktad r..ouni::(' 11 1 BAMBOO F1·alun11g i ·r<1p1La! Unnk" I nHI"! n·porr 111 11 ,.,.•.id 1lf l\11.'. 1~11 ~ll Jiii.i' L:lil'Hll. \\\' 11u11 h:11r IJ,111sh ("Ii t! I' k \\.\iil•'r~: 111 ,1<.:<H\ o! :.:1rl1~h 1111'<11!1)' \'olllll.'i, IH' li:.t \(' ;..1rl1~h :-11:1r:Jlt'·'. :ind 111stc<1d nl p1·r k1 Ci"t'lt• \l <H·l,,·1111l'. 11 i.: nn11 11"1 i.: !,N 'rk~ l\l·ll.v (;,1rrt'l!. ONEMA I Sl"ECIAL E~GAGEMEHT :1: 11 \.I l1t·, -8 11uh'" .. i "'I Ii' ·"1'111) \\;11 " -\ l'!lh•T • 1 11 '.; h:d ti 111 i1·JI \I h.1\ i'~ll l 1>1 1\i<' l'lll'I 1•11: •·"t •>II\" \ t1t 1, l';fl':id>" j, I lt:11! t .. I''" tl11• 11rnd 1;1n1p, ;1n1\ 111\11 1 pa1·1 is-I h;1tC' !11 ll~ ;11•ulll\'r \\"fll"d ll0/>1:l1g1:1. \\111 l ~IJ1>)!l'l'! :i ~:u1)d p;11"l !ti 1111'1 ~ho1r 1~ pn·U1 d:irtl .1~11\ l hn1l' to il"l' 1h 1~ 111 r.I 11 ·, :1s if \\11~b\ Sl'KIAL EWGAGEMEMT HELD OVER! I ~I !,TERRACE . FOR"' i·:Al.S 11 I 1 l'H ~:J'J\R E I) \\'ITH : ~lljit-Jj ~ ::•_:;~}'.~~'.'.~!· : I --;:~·'·~'" ~·-•"" I 1 t ( \ I E.XCtPT THURSOA '( 1·S.JO & ,:0 0 I ~. Jj.,1_· ;-~ 1• 110., 1: .... i ; 1.;.:;:;:;o 11--------'--------1 "ON ANY SUNDAY " • "Eve! Kne ivcl " "THE GREAT AMERICAN COWBOY " (G) -!'<•I 1,1 I !II (\)•] \ \1l~A I f'IOTE:THEATRESWILLllE CLEAREDAFTER EVERY PfRFORMAHCE-l'LEASE IE OM TIME - ---- - - - - -JL..-------------------------l THE PIZZA FROM THE EAST HAS COME WEST! 1 ~3Jo ~lli-~~ Italian f.omity Fwi R•stouro11t LUNCH & DINNER DAILY :;: __ ,. [,# Tuci;-Sar fr orn 11 ;:im •Sur.u.~yJr "' ,."1• ~-~6~~",';J\~:5'N 548 317 2 ~ ~. • PARTYORDrnS -l .. j_, 2574 Me...,port Bl vd., Costa Mesa ~ i11 COSTA ME~~ .... ~ .for crepes & cocktads t(;;;I •· .. ""111!. l : .... ,t l'!.11,1 :O.lu1pp1nL! l :l'nl••r )( .... .. I .~ ... ~ ' '" fllie cJlagic ~~~. Uan~ame.,ca•d • MJ;!e•t'l ~r~e • l!m"••can C:~p•~·.• ' END NIGHTLY TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:30-1 :30 AM COCKTAJLS-D1INCING .J 8700 MacARTHUR BLVD, (OPPOSITl TH( AIRPORT) NEWPORT ,R . fo j> •',l'I I<" ' I ' DINO OE l.AlJAE"TllS f·" ... ,,h CHARLES BRONSON .,,1 MKHAl:l W11"41'1ER •,1•r "DEATH WISH" ~ ,.,,,,.,>Q \ltl't(..(J'l,l COARDE1'11A WILLIAM Rf.DflELO .-v ,1 HOPC LAM:;E Kt.R&JE HAMCOC.11. '" "'1'~ ,• ·• •D[Ant WISff'" t·,Ul.A"(".ARFIC:LD ~·•·: ·r'1 W£.1"10UJ..MAVE5 "' •Ii •·Ii., HAl.l.API'.~ 1•w1 llODllY i:t06EJIT5 A f·,1• '""•lf'lll•.i..~ •· ~., ' , .. ". 7 P'.M. MIGHTL T Cootf. SAT.&. SUH. ,,._I P'.M. SP'fCIAl M4 Tit-IEE WED. I P'.M. HELD OVER o.w Fir•• w •• ~ '.'" 1 tAl lflf\,~ FILM EVER MADE i'. , · ,.'.[ SPORT GY BRUCE BROW': ;;, Ii icl: [NDLESSSU MM C;. -ALSO - "SKI AMERICA" lHB BIGGBST "WRHDRawar· ID eanKIDG HISMRY I I -' / .,. ,,...-··. +• (P(}) GIOIGrE C.SCOIT ""IBAJNIK SIHOI"" GEORGE C. SCOTT .. "'"'"''""'"'""'"' "BANK s HOT " •• JOANNA CASSIDV SORRELL BDDKE G l/JOOO 1wc>···"n,,.lll L/-'. ~··~•r.Jf!OOl1~P<ff~::; S."""''""""'°.,.,,"nr11 t.i~·I'> f,,.,, ~ '"~l"llJJ•r,~l :NJ:J>Al.01 .... L.,ilA~l IJ<e. tal~/(,l!h~H r"'1M.'?.)U Undod Arltllla IPG\-"-~ . ~. ~· ..... ,., .. _ . ..,.. PLUS "DEAF SMITH & JOHNNY EARS"' IN THE WESTMINSTER CENTER "POWERFUL! ... SPECT ACULAA!" "A WINNER~ .. "YOU DON'T WAN T IT TO ENO EVEN AFTER THE 523rd COWBOY GETS FLIPPfO AND TUMBLES IN TO A SEA OF MUD THE FINEST ACTION MOVIE YOU MAY EVER SEE'. • Tile Academv A.war d VV 1nr11~r THEGnEAT AMERidAN COWBOY Irv• ~!Or¥ <>I • •.t'"'°'"><I ""'~"'d" •<;(! r.o~ $~•.ti OJ "(! o! ,, .... {!<•" l., ~ ', .. .: • .. ~ .... t-IOW SHOWING t-blti~Ofl lt-och Ci11ema c. , .... ' ...... 1 0--w,,1 ..... '. . .. ... . '. '.,. -~ ... , .. "' . .. '' , ... LIFE ... LOVF. .. SURVIV.·\L.. G. --... " ""' . . THE CRL\TFST .\DVE~TURES OL\LL ) t r ) 1 ........... 1 •• , ... A M.ARTIN RANQDJ PRODU<llON . THE WHITE DAWN WARREN TIMOTHY LOU OATES BOTI'OMS OOHETT • ••• ••••• * COAS HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD . NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 • II " ·'' ' " I,, ,, I ' ,. ii " ,. ,,1 " " " " " ' " " ' " A .. 'Annexes' 1 Pll f1 (' 7 Irvine Theater Group Hunt~ngton Beach ' 1J ••Pll \ 'q, ·I 1t1r.1'•·r ,., ... q1 I• 11 I 11 111, >1• t1 lllH\ 11110 l .. 1,'. ii ii ti 'l'L,oil 1 '" ,!11"1111'1 I II I ,\.•111' .JJ 111111 :11r;1\' \'\lh I J,1IJ\ 11110 ~l/l ill• 1 1'1 !1 "lll•d 11,1 !\111 .. u .. , ~ 11 t' c , . .., \ f II I t•11111J\llllli1 1 lil;1\ 111,11-.1• 11111 \f/;il 11 lt;tl 1Ai11'•'t1lt?:: :11u11:.: ~H1· !Jr:.;. ( 11,1,I I Ill:. ,,1 :i"' ii! j• •II" !lw Ji'\ llll' ( (JIHl'1:1:·1I Ttu·.11• 1, 11<111 prf'L•.1 1 o11~ 1 .. 11' fiflh \1•;1;.011 111<· 11111'., I ;1 11i,1tti·r 1A :.ur1 11,il I· 11r1·1·d to I ,11 ,111· I 11 ,. ! 11111101 t:1hl1· 1111111;1111111 •\ II 11! 1•t;11h .. u:.1· .11 ( t !r11111· 11li1 ,, :111 11111 11111·1· H ·r P' '''ht1•1•11 1 11,i\f ht'l'll lll1Jtllll1•d, (,.,, HI , !lit• Ulll\1'1"'>11 \' J-. ll'<l',1!'1 II ,1r:1111.1 1•:·111•1 :itti 1,;,~ J.. r .. 1 i1 I ii< .d\'I 11!1 ll'l,t I· "' J 1 I 1 1·1111111l1Jl1J!Y tl\1•:1l •·r ,l: I "11 I• ~111·11t Iii·· 1\·,1111n1! l!\111111 lh\' 1:1',:l 1 I .(\1"'11\ :111.I \ ttl uf !Iii• .\\1 1111 111"1 :.... .r·, 111: I 1 r !S61 W SUNFLOl'lrR \\',Of llRISTOL C M ~40 ~!>Q • ".fJ.HEOO GARClit."' '1'.-.IAlU.l ... IEW 11 ( '"'Tl* GllOOYE TUlf"' 'fOOf ~fTISH"" ll l ""IL'ING Of HEAi l~'" "'-...; Mfff1 GodioK•" !UI S-101 P"r• 12 JO to 2 00"'" I ••<•r• S"" & Ho1,.11y•I '1 oo "OH AHY 5UMDAT"' IGI ...,,. GIOOVf TUi l "' -..OOT HTISH'" Il l 4... "?AA.A LLA.I YllW ' "V "?AUl AMI M!CHElll '" !I I S-•11 r .. C"O 11 lO ro i oo " ... \O•~pt Sun ~ Hohrloytl $ 1 C..O . ' . N! KT l () <;lAH': IN !Ht NIW Wf S IMIN')fl" ~·••\ l :>AN 01rcu 1111·,-,. ,. IJ!JLSA f ll 11'1 ) i~ ~' "'Tl-I! (;.l f AT G •T\I T · "°"' it. CllAI DA l ' "G.I ....... r ~ ""\OYI l 411Ell" ll"C.i "0H•)'(T\UM0Af 1(",I '11-lt: ,A.AllAl ¥1tw· .. ,A.Ul A...0 M!C M[lli !ti l>,-.,., p,.,, IO I",,., 1 (111 •·"' ('"""' s.,., & •l"'•'•>-11 ~1 •~1 Op1n 0.11 10·1S e.m.' ! Ill• "/',\Ill II \I \\ o1 '1• •ill .•11d ul11·11 t11 1,11 1l 1t1" ll'.id111~ 1q1 .1 11u1111,.•r i·I t.l1114t :1l!t"\"S 1!11 11•,111• pl.!111, •llPlll 1;d ii 11 ''ii\ 1tl 11 I I ii•• t,.1 /• •,111 1, 1!il1• oilllil ~ll 111111 "I !111d1l1t· 111 \Iii. 11 I" i""ll11n11 \I In ·1 1t I 1, I ' I II I\' • I jl j1:1 l (' 11 J f 11; ii !11< :-111 11 I 1111 ,. 11 ,,, 111 1 ... lu1111d I!"[ 11· ~1. Ill I 11 l<111t. 1 .. \ ,,111 I Ill<' It I Uh l.,,..d, !'.> 111111 h :1" 11 ,,,d 111 111+· p1111~ •if 11(!/ 111 .. ·n. 11,,J 11, 11 tlw •f• 1 ·l,'lllf' 1'1 /!,,. ro>11p, 111111· •111 ii• I "1 I 1111111.1 111·1 \l u 11 'Ii ~. Ii•• d ·11 ... f•11111• 1•11111, I·~ •h '!11• d I ' I ;1 ll I hr1 lo! I 11 I 1• l11ni. 10.•11· p.1,~•"l ii t~•11·I 1· lr11 p ~ri.,, ,111d I I I' I ' .It I" I! ;1 I pr1q1·1 I 1• •I ·111. 1 lu ·.1 '1llt·>1,1! <Pio I ;11\!I Iii• .11\ I' 111 11111< h Ii I 111' !w··11 .t~J.~·d 1•1 1 ~ I f1<l Ill 1111! !hi~ ( \<'tl!ll,rliJ\ II 11! 1!••1 111;1!! I I.di!< ,! !1 Y ii Ii • ! 111.111 1•17;· '1111• 11;1111, 111 Iii• 11111111111<1"' A aoclr.l19t Choir Theattu BALBOA l1lbo1 llvd. IU Mai .. Phon• 67J-t0Q Op•n 6.IS (;(•or gc> Segal • (ilt·nd ;1 .J ac·k :-.011 A PG1 Tuuch Of Class llte 116i!S1 "WITHORawar IR ' (!\ •. 131111RG ··.;I -,,W;1 •. ' HlllDirl' \-J~· .. n i r.l ... ·•· ~ -........... . ...,, )lf W'" !I ... ~. .: 1 · GEORGE I V-, C.5COTT ,, ..• ~.,, "8ANK SHOT '· AHIHO~'YOOl.iN ll!AliCO~RO 11£AI' SM ITll & • .11111 ~ .~Y £A~S ,., ..... \HOT'" ~.O l fOil l •I OU• \M!TH-.. I U COMl-00\ ~\l,.O•f ••0 .. 1 • .. ' , , , I .. r ... " 11 ,,,,."1 !J ' I ,\,•''' d ( •'I ' \,\ .... , ....... (. , ,., .. ' ,, • '·-G -,. · ·· 1il 11 . . ,... ~ ' ... ~' ' • ,, •. ~ ~ ' ·• ··~,. I• Wdh LILLIAN . ' ' .., CflMll&l &UDllMCI~ G ..... , ... ,,.. ~~~·· ROTH AUNIVERSAI RE -R£ll•\Sl NOW EXCLUSIVELY AT ' • \di •II I ' •111 Ji. 11 I 1:J 111!• I I• I,, I ' ' l\1 ,, lli.11 Intermission Tom Titus ! .1 , J •,, 11.1: 111 \\ I• " l l I I (, I o! ,, l) I! \1 j I I 1111 Id d 1 11 111.lH\l\!;:"11 lul11 ,.1 I J •f/11 llh f to! Sill I \ "' II • 1't'f 1.11111 II \I~ 11' I !I• \\ ·l 11 • 1,.11 1: •. 1111 l11.11 • 1 ' ' I I .11•111 " 1111 ,.,i I .1111. 11' I l'~li•hl I •1 '•'I' fl '.\I H11 >Iii 41, .. ·1 "'" ,I 1 I 11 I 111 I 1 I !I!. 1 I l'I I j 1• •"" t " lh1 111!' I I I I !I 4' I I I Ill I'•!) ' ·' " t .. 1111111111111 'I l1l·;i1t·1' :-.1!!111.11. ·;ind 1111alll 1•. :• ~ I h I ,oj!lil ••\Ill l,1\··(~ !ill [ IJ•' [ r1 Iii• ( 11 111 1 t• I II 1 I I I '' !• ' .· • ·. 1r1 Ii f•,r :1 1 1·1111 ~ ~r .u .1 11111111· 411d1••t dt (;1.id"ll \\,•:-.r i 'ull1·i..1· 111 1111111111~!1~11 Hl·<u 11 .\11•t·•· c;1\1 111·111d 11~ 111:.i·i dr.111;.1 11111..,1 1111, lll!o II Ir 11 )! I' i 111111111111111 '1'11< .Jl! r l11nn L11" h ,, 1h;111 ]l~I" .1! ,\ • l"' 1•J.1l'l••J\ the-::1n··1· '11 I h· .11• 1 11 ,II t1tHI I! •II ...... "''"·~~ '"~I.I "'" 11.1 J,. 1 11 11 1·d l>i1,o! Ja;.I·. \,(11 .l!I·.'\ II EST 111:1<·•:11" h;i1.· 1 ... r.·111111·1 111 •• 111111.· pJ·.11 l"I"'. II !<11 I' •,I I I 111 t)1,.1r Ir l':no· 1cli ·111 1f11·;1!1110 1. 11 1 ;1 II ,, \I' I •ill ,) d t hi· ~ l.1 I J 1,. I II !'• ltll !I 'l111111t· ·• jp·l,f "lt 1,11, .1••· 111•1t 1< r 11111 1 ••. 11.1111111·11·.t II 1111 l.11· 1,-,,~ f I 11 ii II c I ;1 ( ~ .-, '·rli•·.11 I , 111 I li1· I l<J1ll u1 lu11 b+·l111·1•1l 11\q 111 ,, I ~ • I ' •• fi•l•·~'' I ", oc... • ,, • •...X, \ '' • '·~· .... ··--,_,.. .. SUNDAY Fli-IA.l W££1(• llO l lO.~l O 1 10 ,•lO [;,. It It ! ,1111 p11.. l 11 I' I ' !1 111.1pp111;.; 111.t ! 1,,,,,,, I ·· @&Gifuw < 1• 11 I• " 11 " ;i I I JI ,: 1<11· I Ii•• •.11·-.1 11.11d 11\1).1' .1 1· .. ll ,,, MOW thn.i SUMO.A. Y TO~IGHT I ' 1111• 11<111 Ii• .1b11ill lt;1l l q !111..· gr 11p\ ~1·;111111.: (';1p:a111. I ii I ~ • i !I \\ 1:h 1 ·1~ I ';··1 I " 8 ;)0 P.M. Julie Andzews and Oma.r Shan.I ... together as only lovers worlds apdrt can be. LYLE WAGGONER [(· ~l l," l"ll 1t'L C,\qf''.. i):J:t';frJ 'HtlN ·~ "The Owl an.ithe Pussycat" · ·'"'''DAWN WELLS .... ' ~,. ... ,,,, •'· ' .. 1.' • ' 111 ~ "'-,. ! lo'•"• !1 a Blake Edwards film Julie Omar drews Sharif "' 9, NOW I \"••1 ••• ' .. ' •1• SI/~~ I .. ~/./•. ~ • fl • \ , r 1 • I ' <~h •' \'.olO,• I •" ',, • ••1•·1 ....... ___ PHONE (7141 5326737or12131924 7771 ____ , ,i?Q!¥ii~uqX{s~ ~--___ utv*..L~U~J ____ rxx_'tfJ 177 N GLo\~'";~ I l • ORo\NG[ • 1 l,·1 •1~ Nott~ t'I r.., 11·~ C•(••• f •'V OPENING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 THREE WEE<S ONLY ... lieing· the stor, ol IH'O bct·on-anything g u,t .\ It r.~~~~~.: •"Jho l1aµpil} tli.-;coYer !>cJmclhit1;.: c ,1 /IL'tl :1 ··" innin/t .5lrealf . ·· OlU~hl~ PICHIR!:S ~ems A ~Ill 1.1G [\00! ~; Pll(fl.r;111N ('I A R(!l[Rf N ll~m II ~ GWRGE SEGAL · ElllOTI GOULD ,11 ··CAIJFO~H~ SPUT" '1 r '.I ; . '" ' .,, ' ....... 1 p'(j -_·--.... ,. LINDA KAYE HENNING JOHN MYHERS "''"' RH DD ES REASON NIC• DE CAfllO•JDHH fDX•TOM PET!flS•IDB ROS S MIC Hf lf BERNA TH •ElAI NE Pf PP Afl OE• ROS IN RICE • P RI SC Ill A TA YlDfl ""' I JOlN BENEDICT .. "'"'"~ I JI,\~•· 01 co~ 1,.<101 lAflPIV MUlDfHADO J DllN MVllERS JACK QUIG LEY ·~"'NEIL SIMON •.. -., ,, mr m W•\l''J. , ....... \iliRJ Al lrM'i "" mm WAl9i ~·,. «·:· 1 R(~J ~1 ,·~ :1~.,'I · P1i/il\VISl(Jl'! · rr1., .• , .,.,,. rR _ -~~~1 •.1 c.~.'.D ... °:~ IN HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER THE MOST BIAUllfUL THEATRE IN TH£ WORLD flase d on thP. ~r.reenplav "T HE APARTMENT " hv BILLY WILDER anti 1.A.l . DIAMON D EDWARDS HARB 0RC;rN~1~A1 EDWARD'S MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:10 9 :20 llUllNlll D••lY ,,, ...... ,l SAT. & SU N. 11:401,SO !i:OS 7:1 S 9 :30 11 :3D -NO 11 :30 SUN, • 1 02 ·PLUS· IHTIOO -FRN(]] • ](RO DEAF SMITH S JOHNNY EARS , .. , 0 l\~u .. c by Ly.,c1 bv BURT BACHARACH HAL DAVID '"'"""'""' ""'"'; '"'' ,, DAV I 0 MER RICK HARBOR BLV D. AT WILSON ST . COSTA MESA 646·0573 • f • 1 '>'l ·•:~·1•·1•i1• II'·'/','··.''• \'/•~1··u~,1 1.1 .,~ <II'">' 1 • S1•! ""' '. '"''•' •,-r,<..no"'.~1!?1'•·•'•' ·u~•.1 1 •• 11.:., ···'•>'1•.1.· ~· .. -.1~·1'•'•'~ ·, ~"' r.-... oq 1,or·~ lo '''"' "' .• 1,, "" I~'" <.St··· l•b•rl\ "·dM"!"•IA'l" ', 2 MILES SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FWY . ROBERT SHllW f. ' .. THE s nNG' WINNER 7 ACADE MY '2nd at WfStlROOK AWARDS ~-~J-l ! _...__MAT1Nf lS 0.t.tlY ~ t .. -e;.~ ~-., "'~ ... • ,.b ~JI PIUS MATINlfS DAILY 'i Ht CiOlDIN VOYAGE 0, 51N6AO~ 89'2·4493 \(if.ii ...... ·;~·;;;·;;·~~ ... -~ .... -· ._, ~ .. ~ ... PHONE 171 41 532·6737 D• 12131924·777 1 ··---..... -_.,..,.... _...,_ • ........... - • IJLUS • • ~fl, ..... I t-:t°8::a 644-0760 . '• . N J..\\( l't>lt'f < ... . ~ MIUTOt wwr MD nt1 SUNDANCI 1uo" .!l!lr-.. , l1ll KID W llllTCH& ~ i _ ARI llACIU --IM•ot•I , .......... ...... ._ ... ,_ .. !~~' .. , .... ... ··~ e1•1t11•W PMTI•a IHU C..MW ..................... ' ' ·• -&OtSTfllOUSl Y ,UNNY OlO·HMl Fl.RC( - STllllSANO AT 1-1(1 &EST" VINCENT CANBY. N. Y. TIMES ....... ,,, ... ,, ... ........... ..... " ..• '" ... w11y ·u Sl!l·: Ill ' 1r··· '""' "l,.(11{ l'J·:Tl·:·s S.\t\I·:·· 1:.irhr:1 Sl rl'1~;1nd t ..... «•"Ii ~ ... ''°"' Dt o ·-•"•"Cl ,., .. ,,.." -"'' -··· >ond "' ,,_ .... """""lc;!D~ ........... .,. ""'··-.. <-... !""""''I"'""' ,,,_, <~'.".:·· ;--· , .. '''" ,,_, ..... [ .. .., .... "'. ' ' . ; .. ... , ... i.;~~l.'\l ULU.V IJ• tit• •• , •• , .... ' .. ~~~::';~~~ -' • ~ •~ ~6."¥-1 n •• ' ---- - l'll"- 11\1 \H'llllHI" I\ , .... -' ..• ---.. -... -•• ' • •··~ ........ 1 ' .. ,. ,..,.~, ' .• '" •• ·~· 1 ...... -... , '" 'O"' ,,,,,.~ "' ' ' ··~ "-"'•'""'...,,. .. CHARILS ;,\'!tlt«1'~ ...,.,..,_, ·-···~ ........................... -. ..-.............. .. ... .._.., _ _. .... ... _., ... ,,. ., .. ____ _.. . ' •..• ., .•. -.. r:;.:r::.. ""' .. --"~" VIGILANT! CITY 5TYL( . JUOOI, JUIY, IX!CUTIONfl .......... HARBQ R,:T"~2 .. _ ....... ...-.. ,,, ......... , ( /( I """""I/or •fWt.i , ....... -...... ......, ........ ,. ..... ,..,, ,..,._ -1/llfolc .~1•*1 • ,._M ",.,.,, • .. I In c he• fo:i I lc•rit•s Newport Shows 'Lagu11aSi x' !~!'I\( \v111101 ! l '.o·uh ) •;:1111.i .'\1\ v\J11li11 .un IJI 'I\ tlir·uu;.:11 ,J11h 1111 •lfl ,IUlli lj.; [.,l~lUl,i 1)1·,+1 Ii i dl\ll<J~J ;q1lJ• I'\ ~.ill1•11 t )'li11r11~1 .1pl1 ' 11.1 T11111 .111tl \111 h1•ll \,,11111111 ,,.1, .. 11 .. 11 ::·orn \11.r ili tr,;·,, 1 ·:;;-,.:i_ll J ;;h :; ; n1;,J: :,:;,:t,r;. ll:11;r \\•'iblt<.~tL11 11111 ._,1J!!11l.t• tn•·11t 'l'\LI S\I\'\ l'l\l \I " l,\J.J 1 ll \ IJ.lj l1h11111\P'(• :-1 l.1 "\111;1 Ht ;i• lJ l.11l10::1.11 •l1• 111 I• ,11 1 111:;• le) 'I )11·vdur, • .'\1 ;1111!•.' .11lfl ,l11;i1\ 1.1•11,.1r 1111 11111)1 .1111< ll.,111, IJ,11.~·\1 '1•pl '1111• ) d;11 11 ;1 n1 !o" 11 111 l'\LI Flll!\I\ l•/•,Ji l l:\L "\\I'd;.; :!ilHI ll.1oi)J1 111 1.d ( IJ•l.i ,\]l',,1 l.:1:1d>,j •ii" .i nol 111>1.il 1111 i•:!llltlll>.:S h1 ,\J,11'1,11 1• T1H1ll111. ll1n111~·t1 \1, 11 11«1•1' IJ•,11d.1.1 1hn111._1i l!H11 ._r1,, 'I ,l Jll I!! j p 111 I J ,~I, 'I ,I Ill !•1 h p,l!l ";.lli1'1L1\ :1 I Ill lo I p 111 ('\ILL l·'.C'llJl!':o-, ( IH/J('I· 1;1,1, \ l 11.1 ,1 11111 l,,1 '~1 111,1 1:1·:u·l1 ,\l'l'.lht'> ,,tld \'.;i11 l'('<1l111~ 11 ,\1,!ll I ,1pp li ,1 \1'.i).'o'I (,HI)• 1 .. :lo l1111\11i. ll1·rn,11d (:11f11.111 i!11'uu;.:l1 .\u:,: 111 !h1t11·~ IJ ,1111 1•.\t:t·pl .\l111aJ.1.1 )11 ,1 11 1 .J :;11 p 111 l\l-:\\1'111!T l l\Ht:1H\ .\li'I \ll ,l<l \I .'~ll \\ l:.r1IJ<>·1 Hhd .. .\1·111x111 l\r.1"11 l'.\h1hi111111 Pl .11·t 111 .\11•11d,• 1nh,• ol :-.11·11':1 l.t'"lll' \\, I .\!111 I .ltllll' l'I ll1n1ugll .Ji1h 21 !'11111 :-,;Jlurd:11 ... ;111{! :-.111111.1 '., .lul,1· 211. ~I ,11 :t p.111 llnut·._ 1·!1l''-d<1.1. !l1niugl1 .... u1 1d.11 llHi•ll IH ·l p Ill /· 1•1(!:11 lll~ht.~ lllc;h!:-ti !u H C.\LIF<)l\\l \ \ll "l·.l \I ill ~CIE\l'E .\;>.J) l\'l)C."'TllY - il ~I St;l11· 111·111·_ l<\1~··1111111 l'.1rk. Lo;; A1l)..(l'it·· "l111!·r11a- i1on;1I ,\1·1 l·:\h1b111u11 . "'' • 1111t .. 1np11r:1rv ,1r: 11nrf...., 111 ;i \:1r1t·\\ ul n\l'il1:i . 11tll lJ1· rill l\hil 11t 1ilro11g h ,\11;.: ~J. l!our~: fl,JJl.1·, Ii) :1,Jll 11) ,\ p Ill CLYIH·: ZL'LC'll tlltlCI\ \l.S 1, \LLl·:I\\' -:11100 E. Co1.1 .'! lil1y. l'un•tl.1 dvl .11 :11· l':H11!111g~ b.1 \'11K't'lll l·'<HTCll.1hrough .J ul~. l!our!'i. JI :• 111 lu ;, p 111. 'l'u1'~da~~ 1hrough Su nda~::.. E\'E·s A/iT {;,\Ll.J·:HJ LS -Soulh Cu:1st \'ill :igl'. Santa ,\11:.i. "****::. "TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT:' ' -New York Nelr'I!:. @@@@@ (S-camc ra Eyes-H 1~l hf's t R .1t1nqJ , .. STUPENDOUS" ~y ffiANN THEATRES r i•~G ~I ~ ~~f l ~(!\ I •r.~L!I \ 11<.0E ~l! L :: <l 1•1; JO ,~ , ~R ''TI-1,4. r s ft.ITERT ,4.IMMEMT CERTAINLY IS" M.Y. TIMES M Al SU,.ER STAI c .,1 MATIME~AIL Y '2:)0 ):00 S:JO 8:00 I 0:1 S the''°"'°' two ~l·(ln·atrythllft ~ ~-<.1"'1\1 ..... /uppll,"'-·--11 c.-a ~wlnnlnt .~reall." 12:1 s. 2:1 s, 4:1 S, l :IS, 1:1 s. 10:15 \\.011 ~Judu·~ ;111U tliil<lr• 11 lll r1il, h.1 l:1'Ur;,:v .\1 1l·h:u1d . lli10111-,h .Jul~ !111111'' \\ru1d.J '1 lh1·ou:.;l1 T!nu ~d.1,1 , Ii! .1 111 <i 11111 I t'1d.1~ .111d :-i;1t11rd<11 ~. Ill .1 111 -Ill p !ll :111d "tlH d,11 -; !J <1 111 -IJ p !II {'41\'C l•.lt\ l'tll \ll\TIU~ -,\!<'111~'1'$ ,Hid tn~·nd· <II'(' 111• 1it1·J 1.1 111\·rl \.J,1L'\~h .\g:1111. ''' jJr1tr1:.dt• l ~r:n•li art1~1 11!iu 111111 11 •1•:-111 !'.111:-111· 11111 llv ;.1t 111nl ':. l·:~e \tt·11 (;;tllt•r1. \v111-1:'l J:e.nh l1'1i1n ~ lu -1p n L1111 Sunt1;1.1. (lll•'·lll:ln ~h,,11 cd \;!;111t <. 111•rh 11111 11•' h1111g <ilu11g 111!11 lrn11t1·d l'd/11"11 1•1•1< 1· 111111 ll In• 1T•·:d1•1I IU1 Th1.· l'<>lll'L'l'll l'11t111d~1t1u11 \ll'!'hE~ I'll \LEH l'l';\'TE/\ -l:q>t."1111•-; Ill .Ju111· \\ :1.1111 · ! r, .. 11t1·d II 1!1 1 I II !!l:dl;. 1'('·t' ... r:1bl1.--h111g llll' ;u·t uf l1tliH~l'.olllil 1,1 111~· I 11.11·d St.ii•'" 111111 lhv (1>1111d111 1<: uf 111'!' 1 ';1111;1r111d J,11J1i,:.;f,1[;h1 i1J~[ll1i1t• iln• ll)I •l l"f>l:1 1 0!1\', CIJ~l' ;11·11-.1 l'I !IOI\ l•••ll~Jll)! 1)11 llJ1 (·J.1 -~l\',d :1 11 tJt l:q1"··\tl ;11)d l\;.i~ 11':111 ~1.ilL'd .. ,,ri11· ul h1·1 l1 tho:.;t'.1pll.1 11110 1111· lll·11 1111·U111111 (::111,•ry l 1u111·~ h1r 1 h~· \\:1111" 1•\li1b111on · 'l'Ul',,<!;1~ 1l1n111;.:l1 :-0(111d;1.1 I 111 .~1 p 1\1 :'ll1ul-.rnth.ilo'r ('1111111·;11 L'l.'li!CI' 1~ ;11 12UI \\ . \J.,l \l'l'll. I 1dll'fh1ll l 'Hl-:.\1 11:1: l lFF l-:lll\(; -1\ tlll'i't .. 11101!1 ~hOll' 11111 0)11'11 ·rhc I <H1r ll;d1'. <J lll'lr an !'\u<l10 <1[ 202 I. S1c1vns. 1n S:11n.1 :\11:1. Th\' 1hn', 11.i1ll1t•r •. ;ill li.1111en1por:1r: ;1 r!1 ~ts. :ire IJu .-1: .'ll·h.il<'r . .111<11 Tirh111in ;111d .\l:1ry t.uu ll;1rrt1n 'l'ht'y 11111 be t,11 h:11H! t"r ll :10 p 111. lu 1n1dn1ght r1'l'C'pt111n 011 Fri<l;1y. i\11~ ::.; ·1 ht• icoqr \l ,ilb '1ud111 t·an t:i., rt·:11·1lt•d 111· [;1king .\1:1l'.\l'll\11r I ;uul1·1 ;ird \'J~I I l'1J111 ~'\"11 port Fn·i'11 ;1~, !11r111ng l1•f! I 'lil!I h 1 VII ,\liil!l S!rt'l'l ;111d ;;•1111;; lllr('t: blotl\s !O ~1l'IC'll:i llh•'l't' ;1 11·11 Lurn lf'~Hl~ 111 rile +·\lnb1liu11. BUTCH & THE KID ARE BACK! Ju11 lor the fun of it! 5th WEEK AT THEATRES AHO DRIVE-INS THROUGHOUT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PAUL NEWMAN ROBERT REDFORD KATHARINE ROSS . I "BUTCH CASSIDY AND.THE SUNDANCE KID" " ,,!'••, • .,,a •,•A[,•'• ._,, ... ,. ,, .. ORANGE COU NT Y SUL SU CH ~~~N GE Ci .e In ~ /J .; . 1 J .,1 I 'l>'fS TMINSl(R B;1v 12 13: '13 1-99(1!' ORANGE I!' l ORANGE ·. ,I')\'.>,( ; ;.: i:i7.~ :'• j WSTMSIR. 8RKHRST. OrJn~e ;;;11 1,;1i,t·1,. ... i111•'l• n.: 'i~:J .. :~CI EXCLUSIVE! FIRST RUN! • ,t . First1.~--- The Harrac:I Experiment• •nd then thq ..,,,,.. rudyfor • ... ------' -~~-,. ~ v ' 'i .' ... are you'? • [nCO<l•aq+r'l9 hber ~ltd rt l•l+Or'll M lwt•r'I (Ofd it<ldf "I; ~ .... -' -r-• "" r "•' ,{'·' ·· '''""' ,,.,..,\llll"D •u.-11-• , •"'-<10.0 -· V"10<!.ol-· l -•W ... o,.. ~,,.,.." ~"""' " .... . " ... : ' .. , .. ~ . .... ,' . •· .•. ' .. ,. '. . ~· ""; , ...... <'··i1 !.' :.' .... '·' ... ,,~11 ". '" ".1(,;~---.--.-~--- ·R . '·· ,._,, .. ,_, ·-.C .:: -Al so · FIR ST RUH EHGAGEMEHT ... ,,, ~., .. THE GIRL IN BLUE " (R) E•r \; fro"' 7 P·"'· · Suri. Coritin. fro"' 2 p.m. /'i.a11 i .~l l'la11 s \ l, I \ l.;\ ·I 111 H < ' I I , I ,, . 111" I +'I 1 ·.,' I "I"'' H •Iii " <i'I'' 111 lt•I I HI·• i I .1 I t 1 1 , "1 I qj ~ • , , I . I I ! <I • ' ' I I'' Jll H I' •'!l,11 \\(' (111 j :1 'I [1·1 ! I • I ll ! \11 .1 lot 111"1 ;;;; ~ \ \ ,1:1 , ,1 II ...,, I i.· 11 11 1111 1111·li11l1· \ 1.,,;. ' l'li! 111 I' 111 1 l!t•d )q I!'. 1 •l'!I" I : '11 \\ IJI! ·I! \\ ii I '" I 1 •1' I i<ll I ! II I : .I('! I I\, .. 11!.111·11 ;i11d l\;1 1 •I \1: 11 11·.--11 .. 1 " 11·· liil' tliillglll«I \\1.; lio)l1vr1 r; lilil "t ";ll[•,•1 '11"' "1 h111i1 ·r1'r ul \I 1 111,\ ~i·l111 •11 '1·r \,\ ;1 • '\'1:-11,' \\ .1~ l'tll'lll'd 1•1 ,1111 ,011 r·ll-. :11 1111· \lu~i· :d \r1~ \11d1111~11· or 111"111::•· i '1 IPlll \ 1111'\'ldl P ' !11 ... J jJl:I' I lH I!'•' 1111p1 '1' d11 I -I.ill ")1 II ;1 ~ •'l' IHI 1il:,. 1• II 11111•" I '• 11 ( '·'"' 1il:l'i:l' I I I I>' h '\\11~\ I" U I '· I+ ,, I I •I i )1 •llgt' 'I (· " '" ,, Ill I»+' II· .'l 1 1111 , I~'.!' 11f fj\ \I '""""~ [ 111•111 \1 1,~ 111d1• .IAHH • '""" '"A.All,&.•r.1,.,A "' ""lrcoir•''"''ll' b.r4wlllt l colur :i l!!o' 111, '..'. \ 1·1 ·1 t 111 ll 'o'I 111 Pl11l I "lkat1r\ Al Sh~o Slodi11m" 1'•1i ll!il'l'l l1>I 'IHlll'I' ,., [11 ll• \111.'1" 1\';io·!wr~ ''~111 ·1 1 1 1011 ,11 SURF THEATRE I,,, \II' 1.;.,._ HUMTIHGTOM I EACH CN>~I Hwy. ot ':iih-S16·'1l'l6 .'ilw 11;1 ' 111•t'l un 111'd 1111 11 1111· L.-----'---------' '• '• I Woll Diinry'i "HERBIE RIDES AGAIN'' + ''THE WORLD'S GRUTEST ATHLETE" ft'i:~1~p,;r1u Grorqr C. Sc.ott "Boni. Shpt" -+ "Dt<rl Smith I Johnny Eor~" Justo f ew word !. 1n the r ight pla ce ... Doily Pilo t Classified Ads Dial the d irect line 6 42-5678 -"BUTC H C ASSIDY & ~.SUNDA NCE 1(10" IRI "CHIMA TOWN" •• "HERl lE RIPES AGAll'i" ·-''WORLD'S GREATEST ATHLETE" !GI "IAHK SHOT" "OH ANY SUJ>I04Y" ll'GI "DEAF SMITH & JOHHMY E411S" "THE STIMV" . .. "SLtTHlR" lPGI 'llUTCH C J\~~1:1 THE SUNOAr-!CE kl,P" ... "THE HEARTllllfAk KIO " l l'GJ 6 •" ·,~ l "1~[) ,..., 4 ' ' O< ..oo>·" PA';IF IC DRI VF.·IN SUPCR SWAP 11-•CETS o. HARB OR BLVO. o ,,.,,<-•·ln \o' A $ .. n ~."' •n •P"" •ORAN GE Drive -In 1 &. :l. r, ~.01 a s~~ ~~,., 1., •o"' f'1<0 ftoo S.od .. 1 11 Aoo ~o•m ~••d•um Fami ly Fun! Profit •! ll•r9•in• Gal ore~ OPIN l ·OQpm Silo-s !;!.lr! i i Oir.;lo C~1l<jren Under12 frer · • i I C~~\ d1 ~1·1v~·lns Play,nt '!ME CASTAW,\ l CO\YB:JY" ~ •• "b •<' •0 ,, r. •. ,, •• Ckitrl•~" 6 lkru 11 -50< "'' '°"" ""·" •o ....... !> 1•>11 1 .. 1 .. r HAAAAD SUMfl,ER GlRl IN BlU( I _,, """""' .. ,,,.,,, _, ... ..... ., C ~•IUl llOl<il'>'o ~ll\' O(ATH WISti l'llD SU N " rw o SAqG~A ~1~(1$AND MITS' 10R P£Tf 'S SAKE O N A (lEAll: DAY ;l,lo 0((01'•••1' I SillNG !\',( THE HEAD ·.i• ,, ~, Of Al~ll:EDO GAll:(IA • ;=~~~~~~~~ lVE~Y;~,l~~~-~~~~.T 5-· . ..... ,_ 1~:;;;~' :;.';" GAE AT AMERICAN COWBOY G t.~ .. ··~~ "" .. ,~~ 4llJ·A,4,\ '!IJ~ t \TIVI "'<Oull'< JUNIOR SONNE R .., f.1.MU1 IH1U IAl,.,MfH1 ON -NY SUNDAY ,~ ""'' \YI""' "" FANT ASTIC ~LASTIC MACHIN! ~ •(l()l~Y lWl•O WTNN!I' GREAT AMER ICAN COWBOY 1c; ,,UI • llfVI li'l<OIJl!N JUNIOR SONNER •"!; ROBfRT ~;1 1 -­·~ P.WL 13[ NfWM..tN RfDfORD I RO Bf RT ~H..tW .:, ,/ ' "' ., '" ' .. 1.. ' •• 1 THf ~TlNG i· . '. · 1 i « . ; ' < l ti~ I ), IJ• I ,.,j ,\~t1 .. +1;\lL1.JLJL1,\l11·11I *i WIHHER 7 ACADEMY A WARD S .a. '9WARDS· W ' llESTIROOIC I A , EDWARDS QIJCINEMACEt-ITER 2 """"'" : .. , ... ., '• I.* J ~.t'.-ORANGE MAJ.L ·' ~ • ~BROOlH'URST ' . ' ""'· ·'""' , .... In S undaJ·'N l<'amil)· l\'eekly: Fi1111il\' wcck/)1 I ••I•• l "'"'"" 11"" 'i"·-L 11 .. , I• .. 11,,1,., ,, •• 11 .... ""'"" 1 .... '"'"" ! ,,.,L ,,.._ I''~ ~ ... ,L 1"~1 Ii,,,. I .,L,·• \\,""'"' _., --- ' ., 1.,•. i' Ho w to Tell: Is Your Child a "Sec ret Genius "? 11" !)"I'~' II ,.,fd 111 l'.•·1·1 .. -1'·• 1(,.1..1 ......... , .. ,. ... ~ ..... ,.,.,..c:-_ ~ ""·~·c.-. ' //, I /1 /I • r ' ·I! 111 U/•' • , • , 1 , •· , r /!I .r I ,., ''II"' '"' .-P'•/''"'' r11o11/ ./i11/,·,.,f.,11 I I /., j 11 /i '• I ill/ {pll ,. ,)fl II ,.,,.,_oi .. 1,,,,,,,,/,1/1i/l11.·, \/, 1/,.·1 .. 11d11:'11'1 /.11/Jll 1Jh111 ,/,.,,/ ,.,,. Upsrt Q\'fr the \O\'i ;-'r •r:1'~ ,;:1(! !;,id roncluct of yo11r r:!·1lc1rln' (1i.iybf' VOlJ · h Quliln'1 be . Tl 113 v»rek, Ff-.1\111 Y WffK\ Y nlii·r" '"'llr· 11 ·1'-.1 1,iil into w hat ;-r ,.I .. , :'1 1 111 ... ·1,]11 ,1'" 11 1')1Jt hid">. You n 1«/ i '/' I' In .',\)llV dl!:'l!Jt t11 ::1 ','OU !110_\1:·111. c pf•( :.!11 ·1i j \},i 1.~,11 n 1.0:. :.1n:...1on Ci1u rcl 1ili .::ricJ r1·cn:.:i ~. [d1c,on ti;n·1\ .. :d \'1\ 1n ,e:lve:s t o the 1r .r~t.: r~·~ + I ~ ' • ' • •' (,f[AI( (.,\ l'I •'' I ' )r ' '\ ". "'"i iY ". ... :• ' " !• . ) L1F · : 't\f' ' " Ir ;r l ,.,, .... 1..-. .. , ,,, I' ,, • ,,., •'• • 1 f .,Dd Edito1 ,, ' ·en nw bulge! (. • 11''(' ' 1•, j .... '" . '' J I', "•·w .' ... , h ·· I ,• " ''" • • ' 11n"V /. ' ''Y I (' l· I HI )lJ•J i' I"· ;J.,,.1t1 '"'!'' r !•,. fl "'(' ,,1,1 I'•' ) ~r . "' .... 1,·11 1-i 1 •;.••t I t '( '''""'"•l I<' H ,. •,turJy i lriti .1L ,\II l 'o111i111' S unday w·ifb Cb.- FRoM }:ash ion :\ l'\\I port Island 8 e;.ich STER.EO SOUNDS OF T HE HARBOR • " MIXED SINGLES b:t Wm. F. Brown and Mel Casson TUMBLEWEED S -;-1 Mf.ltl 11>"1 1 J-l t u.< Hf~ ..•• • r : -·-· -# ... \~MA::P:'."~M::-,-::,'M::--.:R::-n::-u-=-~~-, 1-NG~\D-IJ-10-~-ou-~_, WfLL! ... I f'S GE'ff/N& PRn rY ~All our HCR~ WHFN A Gl~L CAN'T EVEN Of All ·rnr llfl\VE! l'fOPl f; Gfl HfRSnF CA<>rUr<EP ~y INPIANS!, MUTT AMO J EFF I'M GOING TO '6ED 1 NAMCY ' . ' ••• J.... ,. ~~' 1 ~ ~ ~ "_...-.._, . . ltl . . ii . .. c___:o. 1 YE H, I 'J.iAS TALKED INTO BLIYING T>-!IS ~ATER BED' TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE PEANUTS UNITED Fealure Synd1ca1e ACROSS I S11u(t•,1r '" S1C'A"" J~ Oolet1 40 Sta111,n 4 1 S1•on1,1 "'clmat•C'll'I 4J So non ,l., (I . , <14 l"-~~r<;S 11ti US A. Ye~t.,roay 1 f'unl., Solved / by Tom K. Ryan GOLi'. ! 110 .'I ONCIVl!.111 '.' CA~ YOU GUYS GEi!? by Al Smith JUST IN CASE IT BLOWS UP.I 00/f J()5f 5 TAND TI1ERf ! S!'f:~D AIE ! Sl'ND A\E ! SPEND ME ! by Ernie Bushmiller L:i'S S7~RT (J,t ~1:-.:6 FCIR T.-.;JSE F_l( f3.\:__':>! 1---,~ . ~-....,-1 5 Prr1;:i t unr.no r .. r d 9 fn,::l,\~Pd temt)I " C"1drt>tlt'f l<l W"l"-•"ll .,., 1 C;:in.1d•a'1 ( ,,,.. JUDGE PARKE R "" l~ 0 <1lll ,\f, P,,, ,o'f,n 1i,,1rnc,lfb•·'1 ~+J.;, ~~:;P'ti!itJ;;t±j 11 •1 1 ··~" ~r l .. > r ;: ~ l .. SU!Ol•~f' 16 Accc>oled 1u1e 17 Jot 13 Unsriri .. en Q•entino 19 lnl('•rni:C"l'" I'"<' ,.1 '" ~ ~ [ nr;· ~'l i ~ .... ., "" !-11 •'·"~ li!N ~ii "lJ ::ic> F1aq1ll' 57 ~\t"nrl'I 22 ------ol 5A Ror ~l•S" credit 59 5..,,tT'lrS'> 23 Accumula!11t1 o r action lacts ro Po11ao1e 2-l Auto ,nel1£>1 acces<>ory 61 Ohl 25 Go bacl\ \Vor!d 28 Made a comm&nl 32 ''Good N1gltt . girl .~ 33 EliPIOSIVI! weapo.,s ~ Nelghtior cl Florida dur~ DOWN 1 Marine ''"' 2 Peles! .J Chem•cal compound 4 Grescenr 5 Alert tor lh• · 36 P1st second 11me \· f.I erl :i 1 "lt1(! D1v,nr. ' " JI" I "' ['l\llSli• l 11 C:.1'.11.•qul? 12 l<,.1\.1'r(l \J llc> ~o or Cen · -- Ccmf"(IY i'luH1o r J:l S1n9cr Pal 'Vi U~" 11 fi'IZOr ~~! Colon1::.1s :1) ,\ll ·'r".'{! 40 Co 1L..(:r1 sut!1c1en11v 42 Sm<tllcoms 43 Re: urn to a lorrnrr :'1 r-Juclf'U'> cond1l1on :.'~ An rmal 45 Rnast1ng •f!Dilni.lages cl'l1cken 24 Arizona 46 P~les tor communol V 25 Arrange 2 words ::ifi J11gged 27 ran ot a 101111 28 Cut ol n1eat 29 Pn• Bela row•nQ a Doa1 47 Applaucl 48 Actor Franchot 49 Be"" equestrial't so Delail 5 1 Not any .36 Cleansinc,i agen1.<; 37 Ao late rapidly 38 Service or\j. ti VarieQaled JO English 52 Bile with 11\e 1eeth 54 Tankard chAlcedonv novel1sl l l • ' ' . J\ 12 IJ " " '· 11 ,. ll Jl ll ,.Afe l9 " ,, •l ,, I• ·-.: ,, " " oO 61 MV tO lft.L.Fll lEND . ~<AST Dl!'OPP!D ME . , i MALL 1''S IC,T'I(. EJt.A T OON''T' WO flft.Y, L.E~Tf1". YOU'LL ee BETTl!R f:Olt 1"HE • £1( F"illJENL E . I T'~ C l-I Aft.ACTESZ: 9 UILDIN6. 1 It 1 I I < ' DOOLEY'S WORLD MOM R[.AD At.J N?"fl(ll f\~llf IALKINC• 1(1 PL.ANTS (ll l) ~:1 t1 11--'.V 1 1 ·_' Dr. SMOCK ' s ~r. (O<JCON 'I" lljlNK of' ANYlHING -m SAY ... , s1tl 1~1ro RrA01 N' h.1 tlL~. rHLJUl•ll W11A1 nH' :11 l l Rl.Al> .' • lb "--:' vvE't...t.. CH6CK Wl"fH 1'HOS6 1"EES1'"S Wf3. FZAN O tJ YOU L.-AS 1' Ff<.IPAY' M ISS Ci<'e:".SS.S. Bi<'ING M.G'. M ISS AIK.S N 'S f=<AP SH6EE!" GORDO 1 VO 'IOU £:\IE: Ii!: 0'f. T 1'"0 TME:. U;.JrfE.D 6TATE:5, M~. LOP_E:Z..? 8·11. MOOM MULLINS , .. .SURE IS QUI/OT ON "THE COURSE "'TOD/IY .. !TIS OUR NEW CcUEl Poll CY ('~ {~~'1 ----.--~~"====~~~,:e:~ '>o ANIMAL CRACKERS "' .-,-~ I5 THlt.T MIS ? ~ • ,by Charles M. Schuh: r--------; i .-l!IT l!iN'T EXACTL!( Wr"l.~T I MEANT ! -~ ' c 2 .\ ' ' ('.? ' by Harold Le Doux ,,,,.---! 'I ,,, ., ,,, , ' t '!I by George Lemont A:<'.t;O '-"~ P.Av'1-..,i..._, o :::z SA,..:'C "('. roPAY" o r:< POIN 1''-"le t....l..<;T- H.:>...t...F oi-: C-='-0"-"BV • by Gus Arriola by Ferd Johnson by Roger Bollen NO, l. HEl>R HE RENTED f~/(f SHELL FOR T,<E WEEKEND · THE GIRLS "' -~:.::?~>·; :~ ,,:{.:./i;:•,.; ~. '•'~·~ /.·~·.Jtt .. ·1· II."' . " , _ .• ·.J . / "Thf' lr•)uhlf' \\'ilh :i ,:ir1l i ... ,,·h•·n"·nu fin:ill\• J:!rl :1r.-.ur11l 111 rf'l:.ix1ni: in your 1:1\\·n r l1air'. ;,·~ li111r l o pul. thr n1 "'"'a'.' 6ECA"7E l' H AV' NO CHAl<ACTEJ<'. .... by Chester Gould Vl!S, CHIEF, WE\t'E FOU ND MRS. FENCER. DENNIS THE MEMACE .. . •'You~ NOJHER WNJ\5 \Oil , OtNNIS . ' ' ' . " ; : ., . ---·" . WHY H SE \\l'.l\JlD Sil£ HAVt HAD HIM 2 • ·~ '• ~ , .. · ' ' ''Earthwood'' NEW Johns Monville REINSUL i lBl?R&i:ii5i INSULATION ·A benar answer to tuel ,, ond air condi tioning cos!s. " / Thicker to keep1he house ._, 'iTt remp the way you like it. '/'°'~ 11 C son / ~INC H THICK --'''"' ' .. - NEW HOLIDAY FOCCER . Used 1ndoo1s ~se! 11 up. go to a movie and your place is de-bugged w hen you return. -.1!i1wasa bod movie . rm sorry. 297 SIX FOOT CRAPE STAKES I never sa w a bad looking gropestake !encl'. I never hope to see o ne. I can tell you oil right now. l'd ra1her see than be one. EA. INSINKERATOR DISPOSERS A price !or eveiy power level oncf capacily . Our bes! mode to lasl. more qu1e! than the old models. 1 Hoven "t hf'ord 11 word Ji om I hen1 BADGER NO. 33 NO. 77 _ TWO BAR TURKEY This fellow like o!I ou1 doors comes complele with silent pneumolic closer. , cdiusling c honnel5. lulip Jocking latch . o nd hinges;, 9ss 1900 2900 5900 HAWK Ge1!1ng stronger. bigger k1c kplale . pushbar. grill. and slull 1wha 11s this "st ult." •she being vague again?) 1 388 \ NEW STUFF! from Masonite PANELi .NG MASONITE 1.L~PO~.ii,11011 "Driftwood" The closer you get, the better they look. ''Honeywood'' You ge~ lhe natural beauty of the for.~st and !he natural look of real wood wilh the practical qualities of 4x8 panel hardboard paneling. Easy to keep loo king good. The grain varialions ore almost endless. So you mark it by accident. it 's w ashable. fooled me and I am pretty c rit ical. SECONDS 7 PREFINISHED SHELVING ln colors and grains. Slight 1mper!ect1ons you !urn to lhe wall or tha t side down and sa ve plenty. ALL SIZES Off Sty!eand w ood choice 1s good. FORMICA COUNTER TOPS \ / 8 FT. 22°0 27°0 3300 I 0 fT. 12 FT. W 1~h the bocksplash. Iron! knuckle. one pir!:e <overed. Choice ol poll ern a nd colors. So cosy to keep clean. • SUPER SPARROW HAWK Look c lrse. Can y ou Now we gel lancy. see lhe monster Keeps the slrength kickplate, Looks and ulilily ol a hke made tor a good aluminum door <;itel3Armyboot. w ilh !he added louch ol on elegant grill. 1 7ss 19s8 DEXTER BYRON LOCKS W ell mode m o1e stylish thori l ku s p1ctu1e so y ou have something to loo\t; !or word to. Entry \'i. double keyed. PASSAGE PRIVACY ENTRY 2 " 3 " 4 " • c ,:.,,-DEXTER DEAD BOLTS SING LE DOUBLE 4'' 6 '' You don 't get past this baby. It s tough. Single is keyed onC" s1d C". knob oajhe olhr>1 =:.:L:-=- 90 LB . CONCRETE MIX 97c [very1h1ng 's 1n the sack. Just orlrl wo!r•1 stir nnd y ou hove concrete 1eady to use. Greo1 !o r <;rnoll 1o bs and repairs- COLDEN BRONZE FALCON FALCON Adding s o me anodized This anodized br onze color lo make the looks good this yea r enlry more a llractive. and lor years lo Still a tough1e. come. Complete like very line gri\L The all our doors . just kind lhe kids and looking lot a home. the da w g can"I bea1. 88 2388 --- DAILY TV LOG Friday Evening Soturdoy Mo1ning AUGUST ]5 }.UGUST 17 6:.1a ooo , mmmrn wew• 1:00 o ,.,; CU11Qi m tid1~1u• t J 10 '17 L3 l):;I •~L19..l.J)f'll...S l t l l <>ll11inkl<I () 16) 8on1n11 l.J l•.lf lf ) I)] I UJI l tinny U BtvtrlJ H1llb.l.1t 1 (D lhottiff llllr W M1u1on: lmpo111blc Ul! ( 3 1 Tcnntn .. T11J.1d11 U) Mod Squid 1 JO 0 Su111111tf St11111\u W Sp1n11h Talk Sho..-' Q ,ja (6 ] lQI ED Add1111r f f 1111ly Q~M1101 lettllt 8111b1ll CunlU r&l l tllflt littlu1tdo J1oni ~ ;o I M. G•~nl~ 11 C11d1n~ I 0 (:19 tf 1) l)l Y111'1 'In( ED loom! O Coo1um11 ,_r1f!lt ffi Spttd At<tr m Alttlnlltftl fi:JO O Q,d; ~In O)\r IJ7 l l Undt16-1 Ui) l'a1 Ch• Ch'11t n I 8 00 O 1J J )lJ ! H11r lttr l une" 11! \I ) Ot.tltr'I [ho>e• Q Jl 1..6 I \l.O a;) [mu¥fnt7 i ( W Tiit P111ntt•1 I 0 ''"' Aull) Ph1i'Hlu11 a:J lc1tro •• Mou1: "f11M1n1 Gu11d1ni111'' CD lht Advrn1u1t!• \dll.J ·4 ~ -W11i.1 ~ P11ke1. U)L1lll•lhKtl~ I 8 ()9 I 1(3 1Sup11 frltnclJ /:00 0 1 l OD 10 1l\6JE?:l<D lie•) Mov1t: "Sll•l• Hinds Wit~ Ille O Bo•hft& lor DGU1tl I t.11:t1I" (d11) '!i'3-J1me1 Ca1ne1 !6 1 Mod Squid (D Mo.it : "lht l !Jcl Ht M" (mJ>) 11 , ltuth or [linseciuen(t\' ':it! Lir1~ Krll1. l Ci oni NJ1~h. tJ Wh.tfs My l •nt ? i @ St crtd Httrl/lht Ch111toph111 m I lort l uf)' qt.a Yo1ct ol TolyD It l1ktJ A Thirt I a .JO 0 17< ( 3) I S.tbrln• S~I OAI lhe(ve llilltd ,rtJMlt nl! 0 Jl 1..•· ,1Q' m Inell H1ch, l'fi- l1ncoln ••It fyt U) £11~ci 1:d 1 ffi Mo11t: "Ct•r ol Outla•1" ("'e~) ID Av11\1on Weathu ~; M.ic~OllJld t;.or~y. Alt-•) Srn1lh. (19 ti ~ Bon•ru• g 00 (J 11 ( 3 ScO<lb' D11<1 ~Dram• 0 Jl 6 1 lQ, fl) S.rmund f .rntos l1t•n01 0 John w.i1nt Pla1hou11 lh<tt Slooi:e1 0 (,Jil ,1 ) 1..J J L11$1t '1 JIJUlf· 1.10 O l obbJ Colthbo•o Siio• R•n1t11 Q l .l [6.J JOI Kollyw90d Squ11e1 j (II l ltphl nl 801 0 Ht lp ThJ Nt11ihbo1 I 9.10 0 )l i 6 J JO m ''"k '•nlht ( 0 Wild Rdulit I l6 i Mo.it: "W1ldca1'' (•dv) '4Z - d Wold Wodd Of Anu111l1 I ll•ch"d A!lrn tlu1lf/ Cr.ibb~. 0 M11!10n $ Mow1e; (2hr) ''Tht 0 ll'I tf ')0l}J 'tlo1I C-.ut1s l'u•tr 1 !ht 'rut'' {d11J !iii -1 (I Ou1tr'1 lr.111 1!0Ut1t liJlor, Bull IVt), 1!0·00 0 17 W 11 f tvoult Mutia1s m ~!;1.~1~11h1 . 0 '~ l•1.!o m Stir Trtl ~U d w Id 0 Mor,r · Tht lt1thttllt(k1 Havt Mntime iO::' I l •nded" t~r.o) Jt>-Lt" A)ttl. t11C1n to 0 ()'I 1 ) l:jJ 8rtd1 1i1ds Wo•lcl of Sun1wtl 0 M 1 . (C) "Cob•• Wo1111n" Q.) l1ttlt RIKl ll °" t . . ' (•d•l '4) -M.on1 Mnnlrz, Jon 11111 8 00 0 17 l I four H1! r 1fldt ! m Mowir: "8!oocl Arrow" (,.ti) '~8 Q 1l 6 10 U) .~nlo•d 1 Son Snll1 BiJdJ. P111l ll1ch11d1. O Mo.it: (2hr) ltuor in !ht ID Counlf'J Muuc [f'Jpl" (hd•) 'W-Cnr111ophrr l'e 1 .,e. Alhtd H1kht1Kk 1'11unl1 I 6 8t1! or G1oucho ED Roll., G1me1 U l:;H1 1 ) 3 (DTht 8 1t d1 BuMh · J,,Ll l'tltl lo! A Pod · (Ill 10.JO 0 17 ) I I Jo annie (D Dttltr'i·Cl'w:uct U )l 6 10 U) l utch Cauidr @ s...r111 loAd•tn!ur t tl (;t! . .f) .,,l~ CD M1uion: M11• t.iJ 8ol Otidt Sin 0"£0 '' ae. Mov1t: !l hr) "8 udr of vrn-1 ,10 Mo"t (CJ "l1dl1 1111,r• !6ra) ' ' '•. Annt f i.nc•1 Oilr lloO"llon. i''"''" {d11) •• -l'aulrt!t od 1 ED 1 I (4h I Oiid. · 1'10 Summl! t nn11 Otil r ED Wa.h·n~on Wetk In lltvit# li.00 0 17 3 ,f s.£.!•d a uw aJ ll Show dt llo:w,,_ Pt111 0 Jl i) JO.. W M1 1or L1 111u ffi J1p1nt1t Comfd1 B1uball le1m1 to bt 1nnounctd. B.JO 0 17 J. I GllOCI Timti (RI 6 l11u1n1: W•n6ow t1 IM S1uth O il _O man1n 1i"1h Sho11 O !J! l)W CEl $UJf!ll11 • o M1\r DGu1l11 Sho• Mo .. r O Pop Music Special! I.El 11ut Aih1n1u11 *CHICAGO ll .lO f) 11 l ...t 1t111 1 thr r uu1· tl lt Dr Pepper Sponsors 0 Mo... "llt1u1n o1 lht Ju ••~ 0 ()9 I.) 3 CD~ Chi IA•\I ~! [l11e koLr<hon '00 c110: Mttnwh1lt 81t~1nch 6 Mo11t "''roblt m Guh~ !d11) l~t "'M mJn 1uprr;iroup (h•(•ii" ~j -Htltn W• O.t1.1!011 lll•Oll '""I '" in,. m~llCJI 1pt1ul O W11on l111n I.foe l.•C·r< A'!tn lo t rr• til1lt A Dtal (l) Merv Gntfln Shl>ll' ID Ptrf'J Mt.on tlJ Will S\ntt Wtrl CB P1no11mt Hovr l• fl:l Jt p1nt u Populu Mul•t Afternoon f) Laughs for The Fam1l1 \1100 f) 11 ,.J a r1bbl•1 ' 11111• * Ma & Pa~At It .&0 ain! 81"'111 ~ O i1'1 8 ) 3 CD A m11 1c •n 0 17 l 9 CBS fndi1 lrlo.ir . ~•nO>i.inll 1 ,\1 c A"l""!'J & lht Im (') (~nr) "Marr,1il i>mt1 fou•'" (11!1 ll•"d·I, •"ol Andi J, (,1.1,,0 .,.,,1.,,ms ~ ,~.1 m l •ntr1 1coml I~ A 1•11e$ ot t~ur nil! houri 'ldTltd,11 on(IYd•n ;i .. M1 & Pt, \'i1nn ~ M•I) .,.,1l lt!1 4nd A1H<u1 p1et ~h~ try to •.~ep '1••on d •td ~rn1 C•I'"'""¥ l~Crrl. 'Wt II Gel B¥ 11''' M.i1, fto•;: ,na l'•ul ~' ,,no 6.11n••d ftu&htl 1nO l"·'' c;n,,lr1on ~Ii! ·~ Anal~" Apr,1, l2:l0 0 17 '1 I CBS Cll1!4ien'1 1~111 f•1l1•1I (D: !1ut Ad.tnt~it ~t. G111tt1\ Sporl1 l111nd1 W V111t t1 Show , ~ tou11e ~111tr •nd Mo(hi t l ]o,•n ll•r .n Mo 1nd JI.>!' " l:OO 3 C1mpu1 ~1$l1lt 0 .ll 6 fl) HBC f11d11 Mft"t tC/ {Zhi) ""umt>tr Ont " (di•) (II) 6~Cn1rl\on Mi ~on. JtU•ti Wtl It!. I 10 M1W1t: (tJ (Zhr) ''lht Trt11urf o! Stn Gtnniro" l id~) 6S-Ht11) C. '''d•nO S•ola Bor[er ED M11ttrP"'' Tht1U1: Cloud1 ot W1tneu (II/ llp1nt lt 011m.1 I lt C111d1 litn Cnt dt ll Alm1n1ftijt 'J·JO (;l'9 l )L3 1CE)Th1 Odd I ICl>up~:i~,:~11 To11t 1 Ollae11'' (II) 1 011m1 1 o:oo m m Nt111 j 6 lht Bold Onii 0 !)9 9 ) 3 CD~B C Nt•l CIOlt·llP lnli•hon" lO .JO ffi [I l t con110 :i6 ~1n '"A Su1~H Lo1 An1e1t1 Collrct"~ l'r111e tht Lord Club 01v1d SoJ1l 1nd Sho" 8111 Co•b1 , l a [1ud1d Gutt [1!1ni:1na Rhylhmi ll)(O V1idt/ 11 :00 o om m CE> Ht•\ I 3 • 10 ra ,1 !,_Ht•! I 0 Br<t or 1iro11Cho ( b WJt ll [11p m Allr1d Hilthmcl P1c.,.nt1 (D Mowre: "'Mutmf' (1d•) 'Sl Mar~ ~le•r"1. rati<e K~o .. lt ' • 11 ( :f, Ptt11 Gunn i9 110Ct Cl>ntut W l o11 lo• llrttth ()9 1 9 ) Wa nlt d. Oi1G 01 Ahv• Ll:l~€DC1ntm1l' ll:l0 0 171l l 1CBS l ate Mov1r: (CJ "Count Yo•i•. V1mp111" \~oq '10 -Robert Quarf'J I 0 ll {6J 10 ro Johnny C1111n Q lroJ Co1J SllO• I (6] laine1 Ttltnt ShowtlK 0 !0.(f J)(1J CEl t• Conc t rl (IJ Sltr Trtl 12:00 0 Movie: "fr.1nlit" {d11) '61 - Jeanne Marr~~-M1 m•(e Ronrt m Movit : "lht R1!~·mt1 1 !ht Redhrtd" (com) 'S0-01ck Po,.rll 12:J0f81 Shoc k Th11l1r 0 C.ndid Camtrl IJC!> Tht Ch1mpilln1 1:00 D LITTLE RICHARD JS '* HOST! ED KENDRICKS 0 ;10 fl) M1dni1iht Speci1I li111t lto'h "d is l)ost to Golden l1rnn1 , Knol '"d !hr Gani. Arrow1m1lh, (d d•e Ktndnci.l 1nd 01v•d Ct•Jlon rrwm1s 0 Jim l~om11 0Ytdoo11 6 Mo•1t . "lht l1 1p" (d") ul- l/,r4 lu\h•~i h•m 01 .. er Rttd 0 Mo ... (C) "Tht ROGLi or Kt ••· t n" (dlli ~H lirol l lynn O W110" Tr11n ]ht ll!tl1n1e Ct1l1 ~lory'' m c.o111ba1 (I) Nno1 1~ Rollt1 G1mt1 (.):9 J ) tlllbrl!J r1nn1• CD Wt llJ'• ·~••h09 1:10 O J1. L.L H•rt1oul Open 'olf \ l 1 Sltk~bool 0 Nfl Action '14 f V1tlllf'J t! S•t a'.) l tnd ol ll\t G11nll ()'I I ) Wl1bnt)' Bowhnr OJ Mo•1t 1.00 ~ Yo1t1 or Aaucyllu•' lht B11•nwor11 Mo•Lt . "Ou1U•ll or 1h1 hland\" (1~•! ·~4-!it•ar Hu .. 11d 10 la lh11 Q) ~Ov>t; (C) "'!h' [ltrn1I ~fl" !~''' ~ ~·erl'ni H•1d•~ fil t..rmmun1ty ln•olvtmtnt Sh~• J_l t , Mo>11: (C) "!Halli ol 1 'U"• 11111t1i'' ( .. 11) 'li9 -Fl1ct.11d w.~ "'"~ John ",~•un (29 9 ) Animal World W Y•11ltnOO lt1 [1\1tll11 ED U.S. Htl'l KOCE, CHANNEL SO ffl",1nc1· 1·uu1111 .~ l 11~" l1•lr11,11111 ''-•lfllrl. htll'~: TV, has "' h11lul•·d I~·· tn1lo11111i.: 'l'I'! 1.11 \lr"l'l",1n1 ... tnd:l~'. l>1·~a1lrd 11 ... 1111r, 111, I h:1111H•I ~I" pr .. (!r,1111 ~ ,111· 1·.ir 111•11 1n l h(! ll,uly 1 ~1·11 :.1 \ \\'c1·k ":t<'h Su11da 1. Friday, August 16 (P .M . l 00 Dl~C.OVl.11 'LVt'-0:. l h• ("'""'~"·' M ,1nn r '"'"~ J )0 TM( ~ll[~(H C.HE~ '-.. """ ~~ j~'" •OOMl~r(llll O(,f.I>\ Nl l(,Hli01'11'<000 I XI Ell CTI'!!( (0Mf'~N f' ~00 .'>ES.t.M(~T R(fT <•0 11·•" I •$011'<~fl>E~(l'<C'1to. • "'""~ ,,., 1 ..... ' •)OI AW~ORIH ! M\ '"'"''' ... ·~·' ' \ '"'" I I 00 Ol~COVl II f l 'flt<G !1" """''""""' .On<1 r ,1,rq,• I JO IA otlNG elflll l'l(T Ul>J'\ "" f,,,,, .. "' l ·~"'"'"•Ml 1 11 •A ,t.,i !m•~!(n~lom~'"'" ""''" '"'" l•M,O\! .. ~MIM''n rnpt !• """' """'' l,,•n•• Mo,,ll>n • t.i,,. ' ''"" • I ~I> ll•!l ' ~n<I ;·;~,7:~ .. ~l n•r '"'t h•~ P''""""'• I 10 ~(~f!VAL r11..MS - to tind 're sure wont• ~u c;o\or yount you ,.,e . me t the equip d mos nt on t th e wo ton• t 0 r won · im~ s you. '74 50v1nq moin1nq d Every re t h 0 n p I y m o ~ c;\os e·out Chrysler is. · c;ed\ .. - SPECTACULAR USED CARS SAVINGS · · ·:_--::;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;I /. '71 PLYMOUTH C RICKET , whilp wall tire,,, 4 :.P!?<'d radio. hei11Pr .. [?/JOLI) boickf't :c.f'a1s. r,1d1al tues. s1095 Here's your chance lo own Am erica's best selling, best performing economy chomp. Our huge inventory of th ese popular Dusters is "on th e block" riqhl now • • · $78 dollars O•er ~~; .actual price from the factory puts you in th e drivC'r s seat. All 1975 models ore going to Cost more fugh !I. Duster 's the car and Atlas is the place to Save! Save! Save! Eve ry Brand New Du ster Scamp, Valiant 4 door in stock INoi includin9· Broughams) now 9oin~. at ,only; USED BUY OF THE WEEK ..• '73 Pl YMOUJH FURY ' .. ,i1!fllHJll/i!3h 1. '1 NEW '74 TRAVEL-A LL ( o1scouNT] $ I ,, I ~CLl\. ...... ~ ~ BRAND NEW 1974 1/2 TON PIC·K UP 52945 0All V PIL OT l'l lll,JC S uTIC't.: J'L'HL IC ."liUTICt..: r u BLIC NO'TICE PUBLIC NOTICE lolOTICI TO c ••otTO•I ' lllJ.I f lCTtftOIJI I UlfMt!SS • n1-u .. OTIC• TO C•I OITC>lt J Ul'lll lOlt C~•T Of' TMI I TAT• °" CALl•OltNIA P Oii THI COUMTY t1P OI Alolel loll A ...... fl)l't:•IO• COU•T OP 'TH I ,~,_.,.,!tun ti !ho ii A Tl Of' CAL•FO•H•t. f O.t; 11010 ., (•hf-lo t*' TMi COUlollY 0 1" Olt AlolOI! .. Nt. A.-.a11 f ht tM~t , ff O!'t ... t Ne. A"""' •• E '"' ·~·'' 11 1't.IOl<o ~o " <~I • .,·~1 t OI! l"ll O•Alf OF •llll illliO ,0 . )! [ •••• "' e .o.11s .. 11 .o. ... Pli:•:• •'•01 llOTICI! OF lllAlllMG OP ~lflfto .. •1 P• "•'" t 1 [U•!t 'If [AllL S W!(l(l!F'F. t i• llu•n~1m O••••· ,,,'ti l •nh A"•· l llO' .. n , .. E I WtCkl lt' ... eh o ong ... n l·•l'll!AqA H .. ,11~~'1 0~ •-•to• LITTfll, Tf lTA"'l loll All Y 1, t,cf I• h•<r ~v • <•' It ' • 'i!O'> I 11•!• 111 LLO<:) t .. •II L E 5 ' '''° •bO·• ,., .. r-• <1!"0~• ·• "'''' •" r LO ... Cll S, o•t·• ono.n •• lLOVO C I"'' •""I ~'"".,;a (la 'I •~4 no! "'" ttl~ FlONEli• ol•. •nO•n o• LL0¥Cl ~t ~<io•• Mo••· ~o n tH 11 E.O.•L S IJJl;f0 "1 WICo;llf'I', Dtctt •Hf Tl•• L< • '"" ll to<>dlll:l...:I bf I I\ "10 !1(( 1$ HEll l'8 Y (;!VEN lg ti.. '"""l<l~•I (tOdl'-fl OI '"' t l><Wt n•mto Oe<ecit nl r "-''"' t '• "· •N ' •Ot HW><l FLONEllS P«c•>": • "' ff>• nr.;•h •'' .,.,_,,.,, Ir II • NOTICE '• HlHl'f)V {;1\(N !n•I t o,, <>'•·•• o• ,,... ~1 .. , ' II • •·• ·~ •0' "• &• .. (t C.. f-•C••'~ "•' '''"" "''f •n t • · "" 'Ou•I or !O P''""' !!<f"r'I ... "" ,~. i>tl<I.~~ '"' P·OO•lt \)'! Wdl •N fQf ·~ ·' r'.•"•'I ,,.,.,.,,, .. ,'"In• u<»J•••:v,..J ''llJI·<>• gt l ot•••• l t !ltM•·llff• •c l!•r•·'\om 0•1•0 ' ' • •• .,,~ , ,., 1 '"'' •I ~.,>Qn1 ~•v "9 (l1\1t1' •1t ln1l ,.,,.' .. ' r••·, <A j 1•·· "' ""' 11'11 •t ld dKN<fl'\I t rt 'f!l~'l'd •o lllt ~1 r~• of!(t 01 -...erss "'l0 ll LEIFELO. '"' J.oO'"•on•• ,~ .. , ... c., '" '""''" ,, "'•6• "~ 1'.<>f Ill\ S• SV'tt tll; Loi Ar>g•lt o. tO!' '"""'' p6,1,tull\"' t t><! 11\tl "'" O<•r.t;lf <-r.~''' Ol'l tht~l .. !•~ !ftt r.IC:t llt"' YW<llt,., In , nt •ft• Qfflc~ c1 Ill• <ltr~ 11 t~• 1oov .. 0 ' J~1 ' tM!•I•~ <O~•t. o• Iii l>•C•t rol ·~ ..... ··•h ~~o ,,,.,, l'l••"ll• C~•" • • , ,o '"' f'\f(••n ,.., voucn,.,, '" ''" ~.._, AVO"'' t It. 1l . .S) 1'?• i ' 74 , l"f<l el P01t 0111<1 ka Mt, ~tnle ,O.ne, ------------Ct lllft•nit 'll'01 whk ll l1 1111 plt (t of (10lfutnl1 \IOOll ....... ;:lo (o l~O plt 'f 11Mf •"O pl.,{~ 41! l\et t>"'J '"" '"''" O! ~"""'" <'of , ...... noo•1l9ut O In t ll "•• D<tt~ ~1 !Of' AllOU•I ?I "'" •! •-•"t •> pe•lt'"•'Q IO ll>t ~\!tit GI t )0 • n• In '"" ~""rt>(>"' el PUBLIC l"OTICE b..111,.,.,. ol tht v""'ro!t ntO I" tll ,.,.n ... l>t '!tlftlna rft !l'\o "'''' o• 1t ld ~•c...,.1n!, .. t1h•n fltv• mcn•h1 •"•• t~t ll•lt 'vi> 11<111~11 c• •~•• no!I<• '•'C ... c~•M. "'''" ~ '°"' ,..,.,,t>, 1 11•• o _r,,,.,,11, No l Qi ,,,d (t'\<'1', •1 ·~~ ""! pul>l•C •""" I''"'' no• l.f /rtl (1 v•r '""'"• O• •• Nt ,. I~ '"' 01tea A<·Cv•• Ii. 1~·• Cl•Y (.! S•"'• ........ (tlllo<~l o ,IC TIT!OUI I UllN[11 D•tto JVI, /J, 19/1 "'"Ill>•! J1ill~1 .: Ou..i 1 vgu>• I. lt 7' l'•t<"" • ol Int oil " lJl'!Lll,l,M I , t i JOl'l l'I lol ..,,.I •TATIMI NT F IRST ',\E~T E'llol l!IM,o; 1<'10 Tll lJ'T C(),>,•P•'-"· • C•il•o•nl• c0t~•l 1~n. rv Loi• l 1-!ollyt ••d ,.e,...ln ,tr.tor Wllh \\,II •• 't•N ' !f\t Eo •ot~ c• ~ 1"'" ~t'(~··' (ov1 11 Cl ~"' ""EISI AlolO l lllf (LIJ 'ltAlol l( C. VO•S.o.Tt '" 1\1 W•ll t lll !I l ~Uo Oll l o. A/ltflH, Callier,.!• tlfll ~!'!<>rMYI Ill' (•OC Ulfl t '~ 0~rll1n"d °'""11' C:1'1 0• I' 10!. ·-~~·'It ·1 ,XI ~~:>"" ..,. • i.1, ,., 1"1C TITIOUI I U!l"'f1S W ....... l tTATEMl!l'lf l r"lt •011 ..... ,n11 ~tr.on ' .;; ~ llOOP LT D lll £11>•illo. C~l t ""'''· C1lhornl1 'MtJI. Eh t~,,..r~ ,,. Y.o •11 ;i.i Co•'-"'t•• Ce!ltor"'' ~Ill 1,.,, Wt•nt1~ I• co...:~(!t~ •llG IVICI Yll El"t t f!" M W<P>tl Tnit 1i.T1•J'1t rl .... ~ "ll'd """~ C"'-'n!v Cl~'~ ol Orono~ '°"""' Av9ull 13, 1911 ~ PMlU f'vl>ll•~N O•tn~o Cot\! D•ll• Pllo•. ,tug~tl U , J3, JO, .\'f)1'mM r '· l>i• )(!;1.;, PUBLIC l\OTICE Fll+~J Pu!>Usl'oed Or•~r (01!1 01lly Piiot, 1u;u11 1t . n . 30. ~ti:>ltmo•r '-lfl• JCIJ H PUBLIC r\O TICE Pu1>t11!\fd 0-1r-11e (.,.$1 Jl vou.I 2, I, 1'-l,, 1'7' ,_, 0.lly Polot 4111·74 PUBUCNOTICE ,.ICTtTIOUJ •u s1N•ss "',t,MS' STATEMENT Tl'\I loll1Wln(f porrton l 1•1 Ooln; t>u1ir.t~s .. JOL..A• CHEM ICA.L COM PA"IY, \jl'IJ} ~~YOf!~ &l>d .. SYlrt F. 11,lnl, c._, 91101. O:E'llEX E"I T Ell:PR ISE~ 11tl.1 Sio;y~1rk 81vo., Sul11 F. l"o~t . C• •• ,101. rn11 1>v1l~111 tQrro1.ilon KEBE X EMTElll'll:ISEl S. M(Ct !I. 5Krt!frf 'TMl5 l!t!emtn! "'"' 1111'!1 "'11>• c ~unl'v Cit•~ ot Ort rog t Ccvnty Jw> JC. 1~1•. PUBLI C NOTICE PIC Tl'T IOIJI l lJSIHl!SI l'IAM[ I TATIE""IEN"f Publltht d Or•noe Co;i •t ,.,.gull 2. O, U, ll. \ta FlSllol 0 1lly Pllo! l9JC·H 111' 11 C•m•t1t •••I 1..,.11,..1 ..... C t hl0t~l1 'lfll "f ol• CO J ! lfl •0 1 A""'"'V for• l"o•ll•- P~rw •rN ··~~~ (NU o .. ""' ·>1 t 10 It. 1914 !'CBI.IC l\OTIC ... ' " JCI~• ,, ""''"'" ., >.llLO: 'ALlllCE. a., ~ I'"' ~!' <.1>"• Mt u , fa ~:111 •-·d r. Toad. •'"i F •ul1 ~· No ?It, l •\1<rr Co II ¥''-IJ M•rv I) 100<!. <':'OJ F•vll ~·-· t,3 Jlt, l t•••n• t •ll• •P!~ ,,., !)\/•'"''" 11 l&l'd~ct ... ~ •• gl!'ltt •f ~•rt,.•1n•~ l!Clf\old G TOdO lfo1t..,..,. Cl•·~ o• ' \,J< .... l'dl t 1"'1! °''...,_" c,~ :~ p fth\l'\rll a..~~~· Jlv9v..t J, I'-U JO. cc~.1 191• '·MUI 011 1~ Pdo• :<tJ/·l• '''"' P 11~1•~1te-1 0'6rn" Cni l! Ptll t 1'1101 ... ,~"'' 9 ,, ~J :io 191i :Dll·l• l'UBLI G NOTICE I TAT EMl!NT 0 1' AI Al'l001'1 MEMT 0 .. Ull OF 'l(TITIOUI I Ul llol l!ll lolAMI! !h~ ot>. ,e nt m"" cr1Ce<l•"' LAW O'FIC f J ULIUS W. Fl l CIM Alol, INC. 1•1' U. An•n.,. Dtht 1 .. 1 IM<fl. Ctll .... 1111 N f<WI T1l.....,n1: n 111 0 1 1JJ1 illtttr~•Y Nor A1m1 .. 111t•"' CT.ill """I •"td O••nQe (Ot •I D•flY P llol. Julr' 1~. •P'<l l<\/llJ>I 1, t, I,, U lt 2111·11 -----------PUBLIC NOTICE P ICTl'T IOUS S UllM•SI MAM!!' tT&T•MI NT TIM /gllo-..ong ~ II CIJi!"O butlMH '" MOW ! fllMI E 1l1t1. 11•?1 trvl~t ll lvO. S111!1 I Lt. T..,.!ln, C1ll tornl1 ,,.., Lo.ll 1 S1-..•PJ'1•""· •Ul ""'""~Ill. Vl!lt P•rk, C1JllC1t11l1 ~1617 T~•· bu1ifllJI 11 <C>llOU"od by •n lt><1lvldu1I. l OYI• ~•"C!tr mtna l~I• 1t111mt nl ..,.,, 111.t wll~ '"' C"U"''f Clt fl el Ort<>ot Co~"!y on 11 '1QV\I J, 111'. PYb!l&l>ed Orf r>gl Coe~! ,l.VQull t , II , :lJ. lQ, \t i. Pi.tit Otll.. Pilot , ""' _______________ , PUBLIC NOTICE FICflt lOU~ &US1NISS MAM! 1TA TE"'lll'IY Tr,1 l:.llo,,1n9 l'.<'•'>Qn lo OOl"ll Dv1I""' .. PIZZA M AN, 1'7'0 Hel!>()f, C1•to ""~••· r, •26J1 01nltl G. LIO'\, '" Ht .,.•lle>n ... , l , Co»!~ "'-· Co '7&11 T"I> b<J1ln .. 1 II C"""U(I"" by I~ l~ot!vlcr~•I o~~lol G. l_., 1'n~ !ollowir>g 1>1•,etl\• lll Vt t t:>tnoe<\l<:I !ne u•' o! 1n. llc llllov1 bu11,.,,, ,,.,,.,, CAii; WASH PRODUCTS. 1'1) E llooe ... C>Od , Ant l>tlm. Ct ll• f?..,I 1'1\11 •h '*'"'"' ..... "If" .... 1 ... Cn~_.r Cl!rl' cl Ori,..;t c ...,nty Jvly )0, 19i, "' 01)<'1t ld B Kinne.., 1431 E , R~·~·-J "'"•"~Im Ct llf, 9)1,i 11.oce•I Lind, \t"7J W H•rvttd. ·~~·~ /\~~. C~llt '710• '"'I tV' "''' "'·t i t OftdU<:!e-d by t ,., ~rtl l'•rtnff•Mp. Dont t<I e . l(ln,.,.. T~-. •!•ltmlftl .,..B, r.1.0 ... 1.... '"" Cour1y £.I••• of Or•nc• C0tinly o<'I •"9ull J, ltll. ~ucl•~M-<l O·~n;• COilt Avo~H 1. 9, It. 7J. 1'11 Di lly PUBLIC NOTICE P ICTIT IOUI I Ul lNltS •AM I STATIMINT TM l<tllcwlno .,.,_,, ••• dolnt •u1ln<!".1 Bl: I'·\'"' F'u~lioh!'<I Or•"9" Coeal Oellr P llt1, JX ~JIOOVCTS, 17t3~ 5ky~trk llvd. n ' 5ulh F. ltvlnt C1. t'/101 PUBLIC 1'.UTICE """""'' 9· "· ?J. ]I), "'' l'l . j o<E I E.X. ENTEf:l,.IU 5EI . I ',l s -----------___ ·-S•vp1rk 8 1v<I., Sul!t '-· Irvine, Ct FIC TITIOUS ll UUMl l l l 'UBLIC NOTICE 'uo7• lolAMIE ITATl!MIMT T";t blr.llnett 1! u'ndvd .-:1 br 4 PUBLIC ~OTJCE "fne rout..,..•"'l p!!'1011 ;, d~!n1 but l""' ------t0tt):)ttll011. I t : l'ICTITIOU S S IJllNISS 1(1!8 E)( £NTEl!:l'lll!E5 STOit'!' HOVSE, 11"1M w 1 r n 1 r , NillMI SfAT•M•NT S. /,j!CeU, 5.crtll"' ,ICTITIOUJ SUSIHESI NA"'E ITAl t!Ml!NT t'Ollo"'lnq Pl""" 11 ool"I! 001lnt u LI GV,jill ll E ~E.o.R:i-1 LAI ORllTCll V, Jl c11 8 S!~n1 ltne. l•gv~a &.••<II, Ct . 'l'MSI Ht~ar1cv1 G••a•,v1 l oo•. 1~11 r.r .. plt HI!•• Or. Ll f Ulll IN<~. Ct , Ft1<,jn1tln Yt llt y. C•llf0f'<1lt '111>1 T"• lollawl"(I ,....,..,. i re <lot,.. TMo 1!1lt mt nl wot llltd wllll tl\4 J oen D. BtlltrOI. 171 ~llld $1., Nt ,.·p&rt b<Jtlne~~ 8" C...,nty Cl"-of Or t199 Ccvn1 v en 1!e1cn. Call!O'n,. f?loel) "IE·NPOll T Jl.fi ALTV ASSOCIATES, Jvl y )Q, 1J1(. l ni1 Dv1ln111 Ii condU<lto' by 1n 'OCl CtQMY Li nt. NtMpe.rl lt1cn, Cl ll!. fl)441t lnol•;dYtl. """· ,.,~11,nea Or•,.._ Coeal 0 1Uv Piiot Jo.n 8t llardl Cll•! ~1t•t . !ll' Gr1"vlll1 •<1,, AVQvlt 2, J, U, ll. 1971 1111·1• Thi• •!•••mt nl """-' lltM w ill\ lllt Wtwl)OI'! l!ttl~. Ct \lf.. flt.id --------------- CovMy (1•1~ o< Qr9nge CO!."•!y ~n AuGu&I "''"" Fe<i. l 1/t! F i Trli r.. Cir., P UBLIC NOTICE 13. "''· HuP'lll~gfon e,1ch. Ct llt .. r.u•. , ·----- "l'Jt1 l lll• butlnr.t 11 <~"""""" bV t nl CCCO-CCCCCC0.7"---""'' l'uollohl'd Ort n11t CO.ti Dtllt Pilot. vnlnt:!)"P("t!ed t u <11;lt!lon 111"-e< l~ffl I fl lCTITIOUI I UUNll5 •" t.vg11d 16. lJ. X>, 5t ollml>lt •. 101~ .x11.11 n••lntr>~lp, lolAM ! IT.O.TllMllol f • ' .. R o yal \l lew Queen Eliza beth loo ks th rough peri.,1.:opc (•f 7.5(M)..Li)n l 'o l ari .~ sub 11:\JS I Ll.'so!ut1011 dur- 111g dun1111y 1111:-.s ilc fir· 111g dcn10n::-t rn\h)l! olf 1:;1 slane. Sco t!ot nd. Gals Fi11d Proble111s \\'ASl!lXGTO'.\' • l 'Pl \ \Vonlt"n in rl1" Xa1;·~ are haBpita lized "-11h ~y.:hi :'ltr ic problems at n10re than foor tlnlCS the rate for Ka1·y n1cn and more than 440 ti111es the rate for c;i\'ilian v1on1en . ;iccordmg ro ' ' ~t i l i ! a r y . \fcdiclnf''' n1ng-J1jnc. 1'hl> ~1a ti;.ucs Said 1.000 l\a1·y men 001 or every 100 ,000 v:ere h o sp i ta l i z e d for psychiatric care v.TI.i\e for ~a\;.· v.umcn the rate v.·as 4. 000 pt'f' l 00 .000. T h e romp.arable f i g u r es for ci\1!ians aged 2tl to 35 ,\·ere listed ~ 145 for men and 90 for "umen. TIIE All'OHORS. _\fARf A. Schuckit and E K. Eric G...,dersm. said the. high ho!lpit i!iz.a.tion r att"'s in the I\avy {X'Obabl y ~flecte<l in part the greater "'1lling-?ies.s of the militarv to hosr .r:d i!e servicemen When~ ei vi li:iri~ .,..·ou\d be treated a:; out- patients. That still dld nnt f'Xpl~1 in ~·hy r\3 \')' V.'0111 <:/l ~hfi\I i'<l ;\ much higllf'r r at1· !h<in \;i·.' n1('fl, Sirl'-1" ('i\'ili:u1 '•l'OHk'll sho~ut a 101\('i r:i1c th,111 1 ci\ilian men. T JI E Al.TH 0 K sl St:GGF.STEO that \\' o n1 e 11 mav find ".<;('r\ ii:e !ifl' n1ore difficult and ~~rr:>~ful tha n men ... \r on1en <ir(' n1ore threatened by r!'gin1cnt.atio:1 group dia""ip\iJ'I<' "l'Prlration front fam!\y ;io,J l.1ck of pri\·acy They aLw said "tl/<111'. r,f Hx·~t' 11)1n11·n \·1Tun11·,·r.~ tni'l\ I ha1e Ctl!('r•~J !ill' S(·r\i<·(' 1<1 e<;(';ip.• diff icWt1es at how> neCTUit sere!'.'ning proced- ure!. pr hnaril)' est:.ibl1 .. h'i'rl for n1:ile nopulatlQfl,<;, nlll \ be less eff1 r1ent for \.\On1{·11." Pi 11 ball Lau; Nou; l1L valid SA~ FRAJ\'Ct!=CO (APl - The California Supreme Court h:ic; h<'ld ':1~11 a 193~1 Lo:; ,\ngeles city o r ti I n a r. C' f' ba nning operation o( pinba ll and other cert:iin co i n • op e r a ted amuse m en t machines is inval id. The S.2 opinion \.\Ttlten by .Ju!rl.ice ~farsha11 ~fcC-0mb said that state law preempted the field covered by the ordinance. The operator or c o i n . operated am us e1nenl ga me5, a l1•l1 t><Jtl~tn It condutlld 11¥ l"!livldut l, 1-1. G. LOOI fl•ll t!tlfrr•tnt w11 1:1-.;1 '"'It" Cwoty Clttk or Otl n11• Covnlr J y•-,' JO. 1t 14. ""' 111~<:1 • 1~ 1111 •1: bowling center 01111rr and J Or•~~! (.av~!v on AMElllC .i.u INTERNATION•L. l oi (1><!1 Ste•e ll'll tollowlno J1t rson 11 dolno bu1IM11 P.UBLIC NOTICE r~11 •'~••mer.1 !ht C ~ntv (lttk ol l'ubtl'~"" Or111111 Cr-f\I •ug"'' J. f, u, 2), Ill• •1~ ..... r., s1 111oc1. c•. 91~&1 pa trol of such est:i b!i!'hments l')J111 Jlff••v s 11le St •t>er, 1u s Al!• v 1,11 challenged the ];t\Y. 11'1/biitlll'd Or t~QI (oe11 0 411 ( P ii ot. Or,, "11wl)l)rl 8H cll, Ct lll., l"U to, v!v U t <>d AL>0.,11 1. f , U . HI~ ~11•·1• T~lt b111l"'"1 It CondlKled by t rl ---------- " ----------------· J~ly ~l. 1911. .. ICJITIOUS IUS:N!ll lolill"'ll JTATl!MINT • lollOWl!>Q Ot•.00 II <loll'IQ l>ui.11110 '" "If.Oil Dt lly P!lot ;•ll-1• •• -----ln.:llvldv~· PUBLIC NOTICE AIRPOllT EJO:ECUTIVE SITES. 11~ Jtt!rrv ll11kt ,,,_ 1---------. - PUBLIC NOTJC~ l.••cA.rt~"' 11 ~. ltv.nt . Ct lllonllt PUBLIC !'\OTJCE Tllll 1l1 t1m11tt w11 f;tr.;:r '"'"" 11'11 PICT ITlOUI I Utl,..l':I J t UJ1 Ct .. rttf l it•~. of 0 rt f10t CounlY on MAMI I TATEMl'lolT ~>rm111 H Ci•"~' l.llO Ht1!1ttl' llld . t 1ll>t J"ly JO. 1914 Tilt 1~110'*1"1 petto/I 11 aOl"I Dui lnth I 21141 l o<'O lit• n. C•ll '3rnlt "l!OI NOTICI! TO Cltt!OITOAJ FJHH 11: NOTIC • TO c a101T0 1t l Tith bt!l•net• r. (c.t\dU<t.t DY '" SUP EltlOlt COUltT OF TMI! Put>ll1~ Ort "(lt (11111 Ot lly Pilot ltOl (P T ~· SA'NV"lf .. ASS0:::1 . IUPlltlOlt COUltT OP r.... lnrJlvlo .. 11. STATI OP' C.illlFO•"'" POii Av(l ull 1. t. 1•. il. lt74 'l ll-74 ATIP!s. J(l lS P~fl Clltlu PJ•c•. Nt W· STATI! OF CALIFOlf,..tA l'Olt N0t"'t n H. G•"n TME COUNTY OF OltA,..GI POrt 1!1••<11. C.t lll. 116!>0 TNI COUMTY 0 1' OI ANll ,.~ .. 1U tt .,..1n1 .... Ill"" ~··~ "" Nt. ..... jot, P UBLIC soncE lt o.berl ,,..u,k t s1 .. ,tr. "15 Port Jolt. A•ill Cov'ITY Citro of Ort~ Covn1~ on Eihll of AJl.TH UJI. p, WOLVIN. C~IMI. N""·w t l t t c.11, Ct lll •1660 ~··.. c.• Wll LIAM $I M ,. s 0 N AV(lVll 1). 1f/l OK111td. T1>l1 Du1l11111 11 condY(tt ;j by 11'1 Y.1 '.I Elt, O<!(t t oed "' • PMJM lolOTI CE I) HEltE I V GIVE N lo In• ,ICTITtOUI t UllN•l l l1wllvh:l\l~I. NOTICE JS HEAEI Y O IYEN 11 1n1 ibtlt .. ..., O••no. c .. 11 011!r Pllet. cr.Olletl of ti!• ~bOvt rtl mlO l!t<IOt nl NAM• ITAT•MINT lt-rl M. 11 ....... t • ''"'l!or1 01 ti.. •DOve nim.n (it(tdt11I "'""~•! U . ll. )l!I. ~"''-"'!Mr t . 1f1' l0fl·1' mu 111 Ptrlo<'ll lli vJ""' clt lml 1011"11 l ll• ~lfWlno ptrt.Ol'l t 1•1 Cl'oll'\Q TM• 1lt!t mt11! w11 llltd ,,..1111 !~I ''''' 111 ~1-t11vl"f c11lmt .ttt!ftll ---------bVtln1tt 11; c..,.n,.,. Cftl'k Of Or•~Ot C""'nrv on 1 , ,.111 o1<1C1•"' •rt rf'Q111...., 10 1111 PUB'IC •·oTJCE 111' u lll ct«ICMnt 1'1 r-..itrt0 '' lilt ltl50Vlt:Cf VENTUJl.l1. 'ult• ~s. J vly :kl. Ui•. Wi m, wllll 1111 llo9Cllllr' voutl'll•i. 111 a.. n rr..m. wllll tlll fttclttl'Y vouclllll'•, In UJI l . F-111 11., St nll Ant, Ci llt. ,»*I I~ oftlct of I,,. (!tfk M 11\t l i)DVt _.,., 11 • "''''' -"' ,1-k .... '"'' 1110¥t ••• '' o .,,.., · ~ .. 11u111td Ort "!' Co-ttl 0111~ Piiot ,,. "" '"' I I' lllTINTIO N TO l!Nl>AClf t nllllld coo.or!. ot IQ !W'-1 llltm, wll1' N I F y ! )d ,.10 lt-l!t A , t ' ' ' '"' """ Coo•!, « 10 11•.•!!ffl ,,.._m. ,w!'"' IN THE , .. l . M .. lCOMOL I( llW NCI U 1rr vovcn...... lo I " I 011::. Ore'.l!Ot,°r. Ir. "'"'· . 11•1111 • • 1 •· 1• 11 '' ·----'-·-·-·-".1 "' ftK t n1rv vovc ... ,,, ro t l l VIE'IAGl!:I yn<l.,llQr'lft t i IM 1lllc1 f1',...,1ttorn1y1, Clh lll S, l ft, !Ill 0 t !I X¥ Or .. u..,,.,.,,...,, 11 •M otflct 111 M1 1ttorn1r , Avovi• 11 lfl• ,,.rTCHl!ll. s Il e ! It: 1 '-" () .A NO Ntw~t l••ci'I, c 1111, n 6fo0 PUBLIC N011CE ~ 6£11 1 w LITTLE . 1/1 Hortn l.• TO WHOM 11' Mt.Y COlo<C.E~,. kNUf>P, 1100 ,..,,u,.,. "''" £••'· Ltt Tiii• ~llMtt II C-UCllCI ••• ,.,._.,., -------- f'•tt ..,....,.~ •• 1110\t wt>Oll. Cf lllo•llll 90301. SuD!W! !O "''"~t• °' II•• '"'~" A"Oe"•· C•ll!oo•ril t t<l061 11111: Atty Pt•lllt >Jlllp, ,ICTITIOUI I Ul llollll "'""'/\ Ii !!It plt c• ol 11 .. 1111"' "' !flt 1ppllt<:I ""· "Oil~• It n•<tl Y glv.~ lh•I C~•'''' ... (Olllf', J• .. """1(1'1 It '"' Nttl F, YOl.l'lfil 1d NAMI ITATIMIMT .,,,,,,.,;,,..., In Ill m1lttr1 perlfflllt'Q 1111 "P'>dtrolQ~f'(! o•<>PM•• ,1 ••II •'rot>ofli itit 'I QI! il<lllM ll ot ll'tt u,..,.rll9"'f4 TM1 1hl1mt nl .... llltd wl!ll tl>t "f )'ot lellowlno H •aon 11 tlolng b~1lnt11 10 ,.,.. •1l~!f c• 11•lt1 OICIClt n•, w1tNn Dtvor111n •' •~• n••,.,11,1, ll~•r •l1:11<1 1" 1u ,,,."'" 11erl1lnl1t9 10 I/It tttt t• '"""1y Cl.,_ 111 ~!~ CtlUflly on 11: leY~ mo<'I•~• ''"' 11\f 11"1 ru1111<111.,, 11 1oo11cow1 "" ,.,.,,,.,_. 11~11 . i;0,,, ot 1110 ~c'Jodtn•. wttnln !Oil\/r ll'l"'t"1 Jvlv 11. 1t1,, -A"IN Dr>U(ll ,.!l, ).II! Vit Cl!11!1t11. ~· "'' 110!•1• ,......,., Ct ll torr • •""' tnt flrit PVOll(t llon ~ 1nl1 nO!IC• flUll4 No. t .... , ... _, l ••O" (ff\! 9'~ [\I.ltd J ufy 1I 1'11 ~vrtutnl It •U<~ !n••r\tl~ tlof 01!1111 Aug111t t 1111 Pul>lh~tf Ort ntt (Oo!JI Otll ~ ,.1101, ll1rt11rt ,A nn Grt,....m, 1104! Ot l ,.. • ..,.,>i •Ll •H')Wl l!TT Yl\Olflll ntd It •lllll•"' to !/\of 0.t nl•!Mtn• .\UI ETTE. WOLVIN Jul¥ 11 tnd ..... ult'· t, II. 111• )i1'·1• ~Ul!ow . l •-•wGOO, (t ill ocn2 [ ............ M ""' Ill •• o• QI! AICOM U! e ...... t ••o• '""''"' '"' 1,...,.'>(, Adml .. lo!r•!•I• ot !!It ''"'' el T"1• 111111 ... u 11 tonCIVClt (I ~r Ill ,,.,.. 11>1v• "•'°'tel at<tGtnt f1' '"' f lCOl'IQ!I( t>ev.·~;r tt('fno.t '°"' ,,,. tMYt "•"'9!1 dt<_,., K• I L'k lna1v1cru11. •Ol!l111tT w l1n t 1 ,.,. .. P,,..,.,, .. , ,... 1~11, ... ,1 , .. MllCr!IElL 11L•!1t 1 1:110 .1i1o10 ..:N IJ~P l{ S l C R~·1111'' ·1 e,, ""' '" ""'"LI •••• "~'"... \ ... l r ll EEll: .-. WI .,( lflf>i,1, 'l()l UH ''"'"'Y P•r• 1111• T ~' "A'"'"t r' "0' 111•'! '"" •r• 1,..1 ........ (A ttJOt PIJ•LIC f;Af l"I G PLACr.: Lt l A"fllft, C•lllw~lt .. t/17 (·.,~ .. c,,,, ''' 61 •'·~· t ·'r '" .an.,.,.. 1., '""r v•v• CA.ltLO$ A "''•' ·1• •• 11111 ... ,..,, '*' llClmh .. tr•lll• T A I. A ,J Jv'·' JI It!• I 1 .. ,,"..,.. ~ •1'1\1• c •·' t··. ~11 .. • ,.u,.•1v.-.i O••no•, ••• 1 .... 1 ,..,, Pvl)l11~ o •• ...,. co-o11 0 .11, •11,,, O S I\ JlUY •ii.Gs1 ' ••• ·~ ""~ ,. : ' ,, •••• l••vou•I ••• 191• .,, •••• 'IYl1 t It ,] XI ltlt J.'J\•}O ~!bllln•d 0. , ...... J~•l1 (' 01_ Jl ltO~•I j f 1, n. 1'1t 2h l 14 • 5 6 7 8 D • • The Bl11est Ma rketpl1<:e on the Orin&e Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It , Find It , Trade II With a Want Ad [642 -5678 ] One Call Service Fast Credrt Approval lttol f1tot1 ••... , .1000·2'999 R11'11ol1 ...•• , .... 3000-4699 Bu'"''''· lnw11t1Mnt & finc:l'!clol • • . • • • \. 5000.5049 ERRORS: Adverti1ert should check the ir ads d ally &. report e r ror1 Imme d iate I y. The DAILY PILOT a11umos ll •blllty for the flr•t I n c o r r e c I Insertion onlr. 7000 7199 _o_._n_e_r_a_l ~R~.E~.'---'-'1 002 THE HEIGHTS NEWPORT BEACH l'hJS UU(,ljild l!•b :l 111111: ... 111.11•' 11 ...... H.11·t .. r !11 :.; 11 1 l•l•l'kl111( ,,. I I>• •11'••1!11 IU'll!' 11 1•1•1 o! I •'flh 1, ' 1.l•!'.,•' -qp,lr ,·h ,,\, d•r<'••l!J.; \••1:1· 1or11.1! lul • ~1 \ '-~~I Ii·· !ht• ,,l ht '<'I '-hi!. 7171 • 8000-8099 Gener.:i l R.E. 1002 ------* EXCLUSIVES * BALBOA ISLAND :-;11 11,\Y\'lll)\.f ,; • n1: lh•!llo' \\ 1!h .1pt )'.:'lL•''-1 r i< '· I '1·11 j•I> r .~ 1,lip ~-''" l ~XI \ ,.•..J l1t1<t n1 lllJ.; ,_[ ___ ..,,. __ I ~ li·"'""ro~'~'·~ _G_•_n_•r_•_I_R_._E_. __ 1002 1 ~-:::~~:~-:-:--:--~-:-:-~ J \!'! IJ.l \I 1.·1111ly !i;.1111 HIJ • li"i' • J 1 I Iii• t .J.oUJ l"l I 111i-.i"I "l•l'lll'Lllllll}, JU'\il 11111•• pjlO'P•t \\\ \l\tl •111111111:~ -: II.Inn 1\.0111•· 'll!h "I'' \'11•11 ,,f \.•n'lh !1.0.1 I 1 · .. r ~,1 1•:1~•' j, .. 1'.l,.1 1•\ll',1~ NEW LISTING SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME 1. .. 11·h ~ '""1"''"1 1 1.111\ I .1i .. 111:• ,\ j.('l't';11 lil1.v 111 Jrv111e I l+'IT•IO'\' !!ill.((• 1"ll1H'r \i•I '.' '' 1111l';11,. I 'II'· I• I ••11 I 1111,, t h1~ l.11 ~···l.1111 1h l!<•lll•' I< 1!11 I •I i.; Iii 111,.: I• .. HI\: •IH\lt\.'. 11 .. 111. so•r('o•1~-.l l:u uu Jlll•lll 1'\lf.1~. ~<1-:,.~-' t •N>. L'nJ I !~"I li7:h'(;:.i~ OWN 1/8 OF AN ISLAND 1.r1 ·r1.i-: 1,11111.r. Pl)I,}· R oh1n....;in C'rufo<.)(' 111 h 11 .. 111• 111111 !i.;" '11!11"11 l\.1:llll' '••ttlnJ.;. Th1•1t' .1111 1'1·11 p.1!1,, i' "Ill\ j !il)IO'!' hPl111'~ "''I l 'lll \I l!li lqlb !11·· 1.1,,n.i. 1)\1 ~ ··i:;t,,(•· 1 .. "'s1~ I 1111 lt'o'i ,,/ h111· IJ,,11 1.il:" ,\· l l'.\I . l•<ilHI r.1 fo•tl p11·1· •j·~11· <'\qU"ll•'i l•d ~.~I, ~I ! J',•,1d1•1 11 l' h,1, I lwdl"•>111-. 1<11·111 " I• !ri n ! .!;io.!l'/•1 11~ lull REALTY ~ ~~,:·"~~~! l> 1111~. loll 1 \tl1 , , 11llH \ r.r. pl., "· l'Ont•lo·d •'l'ii1111·~. .1,\.tt~I ·"/Ll/11"' lt•o•I ,,f l1t<11-.• fill' "11 11' ~J!l 1,l l;,~1 I~\<' ll•'llt fl!t.tlH'IU~ 1'\hlJl!!JI•· ! ·,,!I U• 1<1<.li(\ fu r ;,n hJlf!IJl"t.11r1u t•I '-Ct' this f'.\('CPU"nal IJl"'"'l1 1 ·;1·, .\I,\ltll\E ,\\'!· ll \l.ltll,\ 1."1 •. \'.\1 1 * 673-6900 * DUPLEX- ASSUME LOW INTEREST VA LOAN la ke~ ol 5th ~·.111'\1.11 t \I.,,. L IC'f" ~Uil t'S, den, l\j l .\oq. (J Sll:i,000 Vogel & Babbitt y 644-6056 p I Tr ivia? It'' a reason to read the Da lly Pilot's entet'tainment page evet'y Sa t urday HEALTn Rs ~l:\C'E 1 ·1~1 673-MOO SIT DOW N VIEW! I CdM OC EAN & JETTY i)]'f \ "l·:-. .• '·:!, ;~~'' l\1·•.iN l11·~·n1·· S ::;i i>1'r n1 n , I',, n1•·1 t 't.1 J>1·r 11!<1:' • ! ·.1:! n .. \ ~I. -·' .. 1 ,\g t't\l. 1:11.1. .-.p1.1('1111J, ,\ ,:1-. .. ,.~,., 1·•··· •t••·•f<:•;·1ro H£N""'' 3 HJ,. do ·n !p 1111.1 I r ~-,...~ ~ 1h111n~ • !d111.1.-t1,· , 1.11111 I •· Jo.'l!e.~l h111.1-.1• " I n •I• · . 1 1 THE REAL ESTATERS .·it,1:1 ·1$ l<-1 -h't' I •1\1!• l :-·I • ~··!I ' .\.,l\Jn. 'tl•\:.'•'I L----~=~=====~ OPEN SAJ/SUN 1·> ----------11 ·~: i ;J .. nl".•:.:I··~ T··i 1 • ( ·, ,,1 , 1 . \!••..;, I.• •I ··!,I I" 11, .' !!I I• .ti·"· \ HI: I '·"''· • , ,,•, 11,.JLI••' ul.o" ~'" NEW LISTING OPEN DAILY 1-5 PM 1,,1' ,.i •.I HI:. 1· .~ • r111 .. 'II I•''' 0~11,, I I \ '·1! 2<1 78 Fairwa y Dr., CM 646.-3928 E ves : 548-4 008 L [=~~INDEX l ~ ,( .... 1-.. -:~-1,,-·:-::~-:-··_1 o-ol~ ~1 ~A~~ "~F ~~~,, V~" 1 ... 111~1 1,.,111 1n ,1., ''1·1· .11 th1r!l1 c-..-.·.1 'h ~, 11. Lachenmyer Realtor PHC TO BUG c L \\ ri11 ' '\11 fin\\ 11 tro ~r (..'.ol l 1)()11 J,, "''' t111:-l"'.olll< I ' '111•1 ·,I ol!1rl.: !'f'••lll lk'~I f11\ IJH'lll!: :u1ii IHI<<' 111 11, l'l••!Ult'i ;11!•1 ,__-_'_''_"'""_' _ _,)1 1 "'' i l!eal £1tate, Cent r1! C la 11 if i ca Ii on I I 00 l '.::J,J)I 1•\ •.'· II ,,, lld.,.., ... \11)\· I·• t COATS 1 11 1 1 l l"i: 1 •.• 11,.,1,- "'"11· ·'" • .i. ,1 '•:\ ··•11 ,,. lA J WALtACE ; .',:,,;'.i: ,,';.i1 11 .':;.' ;;,:i.'.:e ~·1'1;'. . R EALTORS ! l•·1 ,. "<Iii )\.,,I IUld i·1.111lJh' 1200-2999 -54~1<1- 1eptn Evt nin9 5) " fl 11'1\ ~1 1 \°i't J lo. I l·I• • A I """"'" ... Cla ss ification 3100-3699 1 1 ~:'1 ::;::::=:CL~l~F~F=H=A=V=E=N= CLIFF DRI VE $42,000 s '""m'"" 1 " ''"'J I T_ s c1 • .,;1,"t lo, 3700-399 9 I "'"'"' I~: tluo·1•1 I••,,.,. 1111 .. •• 1~ ln•i 1• lu.I h.·11lo l;u,,i11 r••• 11, 1 .. 1·111"1 1h1uug )••1;1\ 1~, "I on ;-1,;u•lou~ <'1>n1•1· j.11 1• •• t\1 Sun/E ves. 546-4871 ,~ h1•;1ul1f11l 1.111·11 al'<l ·---------.... ,,.-•! 1••1 r r1·rl 1•.111" .'J.)\lt Jll f \1 : l•.Xl'H \ -" sf'11:1r.1h .;11<" !\••nl lo l' ho•l•lo\ l'•t,11 HI I tt<·:i ll) · 11\i-. 11110 r 22-U NIT NEWPORT LOT I C la1 sific ation 40 00-4650 !Ji.,!' ,-.. II lo>'"" \i ~;'"'I •l\o·r 644-7270 . ,•I ' ,.,,, •I • Ii I ' H 'lnl 1· .. 11 .• "1,i,. ..... ,' ,. ' .• 11, '" 00 '\' L J'<'~1d('11l 1 d -:.. 'li1d,' I •'\\ I: \ ,. \.\'fl (' ' ! '. F lc__;_,,."''''__jl ~ I [ c:::::~,.~: .. " s ol)o~l 1 -·a-,o·,·,A•,T·,,·,,·~-~-,.-11~-.. -o",E",,".~",,s".-"-"-"l ~. n .,, ''"' '"' ; " '"" l 'rr,u 1,.r1 -I.!.' l\111 • l'I E .\!.;.~ J 11)1'1•r llr .. 1'1 fl THE REAL ESTATE RS BUY A WARRANTY HOME Cl a 11 i f ic ~t ion St00-5299 1 !1"1 '1 '~(· .' ·"''' :.!. I,' I• -1"' 1 •r, .... n .. \. · (J ll'H ;11~! r:1•,1Jl1 -t:l..'·'~~I] -o [ lotl and Foun:t I ~ :1 111..1_ ·~11llt\ll~~1 .. n _.1·' .~jl/,~) '-------' * 4 UNITS * Cl.,,sific1tion 5300 EASTSIOE ,__'"'_"_""_'_"' __ ] [ 1•] • ·-~Lm C la1iiflcetio n 7000. 71 99 5 6 I M-..... ][§] Cles1if i.c•tion 8000-!099 7 .__I MM_::'l:_,..";::.._m J~ c r.11ification 9000 -9099 8 .__I ,_ .. ,., .. _ .. ,, .. __,!~ ~~'-"_"_'_""_"_'·-~Jf ~l Cla,1 ific a tion 9S00-9qq9 • associated BROKFAS-AEALT!lllS 71)2'i W B<llbr111 671 1"6' 120 i'l Cl'eS Sl:.10,f~JI}, l!iO :1Cr('$ -$\.'l(),O(IJ :: lit a.('rr.!I -$'.! 111.((~1 . -GEM- 120.r ·rus1l 11 A1·1'., ~ n llf:ALTOR~ 612-162:! Four IX'd roo111~. Rill cxiuntry kltr h1·n. Jh J!,:(' 1'()r11l'r lo! f'O\"'l'/•fl J>ll:i.J J•'i.~h ll!Ul'I t\ln n l 4' u l' I' rl ~ r n t11l<I~ f ;\,·,·llrnl 4"0ndilnn l,111·rl.1· IH't'lt. Al $.\9.:Y!O 1! 11Ut1'1 \11 .. r (01111 »l7.J~IO ,\;ti Flvr hl~ beflroo111; -c~Wti='v ki1cht'll. l.ar"I'.' llll\Sh 'I' NUllt:. Lovt'lit'~t rteidc11ti11l llrtf1, \'Mell.lion. Goo<! "-~~un1Rhl!• loan. Full pr i1'" S·~i.~IJO. Cfl ll r\(JI\' ~11..fi(}lQ .\~'.!. l :or11ro1;--~;irkl lrii:)lf";;l Super flun1111i;;ton lncu!J.,11 J!nn 1f' I,.; A· 1 ("Ondl!11111 lhrouo:-hout. ::>111n1 1 h 1 • ~u111n1cr' Only S.12.:!."iO. Ca ll Agt 10 s,.r Ji.47--00111. s:iJ~!X"iO.l nv rNt-: 21~n-1A;\. 1lln r 111. f'<Jn1n1 pool & rrnn1.~ l'I' \•,ll)l'f' j l, \"\ Ill ,\_,:! 1;11i-l I .i;, r.1 ~ .. i .'.'1 Jh~ '•'1··~1 dr:111 tn •h•· \\1»! !1 11•t1I \' I'll"'! t t11~•1l n'<l ,\d I ,d! lil'' :~.~~ CHARMING LA CUEST.lt <•1111rr )o;,..; i-10.11'1'd 1)()fhint: 111 1l1""'r:t•1ni.: 1111~ ln1"t•h I lr•d r1 •rr11 h•"l1<' \\ull1wi1~ I' "11d ' I',,,, 1111·.: :.: ft I o r ,, I' 11 )((·~~1or11d l1111d~1.'11 p!11'~ H" r1n11 to cnll ·1·nu!le 11 11·1o11't 1 11~1 . Ii ltl•0.·1~·,, s11r1rt"' n e w I l~lnlCllll". f11n11l11 rvurn 111vl argl' r t-crcn 11 .. i1 t1•1 1 1~Jn1pll'l f! 11lrh P'••l lnh!r. \'11cu111 ldrnl f,.r ln1111edl1t.1c p o .!I I'~~~ Ion . CJ11n1•1' 111 111 !rude f ••t 11>in1t'lhl111: !tnutllcr or n1.11 11 .'L~t' Hpflt)tl. ' PETE BARR ETT -REALTY-64 2-5200 675-406a HUNTINGTON- HARBDUR A plntt'fl11 hurn~ltr \\1!h 1011!1 ll\'Clln 1·if'11. l\u!ld yn 11r 1·u~l•1111 11111111· nn I h 1 ~ JJ1·1·~lll(l"US 1·lrctr . 0 n 1) s:1i,i:11 C':11l fl:l.1 .Jilll. Forguson-H ester R•altor1, INC. 1401 11ol'o Si.. St<' 220 1\t·11 po r1 l)t·.1i·h !'I• ~o11 ... r1 ,11111: ... 11 .. 11 11\'ll\~ !> 1 , II I: I ' ~4 'I !,.,. .. r 1111~ .,,, . !11·111 •' Lh,:nt I !'fl c BA $9 , .. ~ '" .. dr g; i!! 11~ 0 M ' " '" l'i(' ME u c 111 1 I.; N l' I< le' p : ll pi RA B 11· " <le lo c-1 ( ·~ Fl 0 " ' "' ra in c a IH 11, • I I R~ 54 I ,.,. Io \ \ s ' ,. I . 'I" ·' •'• \]·· !:·I~ '" T ( \' , " c \ 2 ( \ I \ ( I Genera l R.E . --1002General R .E. 1002 ** ** ** Heritage Collection MAKE OFFER ' OWNER WANTS ACTION 1111 !111 ~ 11allJ11a l't·11u1 ~u!.1 l 101 11t liu111t• l'r1·:-t1g1· l1u:;111 1111 . nea r ocean, bay ;ind 1en111:-; clu h, f1 l'lcdro11111 :-. ;;i,:! ha!lis, rc1111il ,\ [l)(_J)Jl, '/'\' l'!/llnl. !JJ!li:1rd 11u11n anrl \\L"I b<1r .. \:-.king " ·: t'.lukc oiler Call 540 1151 . BAYCREST'S BEST S!2,500 -{)11;1!11 .v llttil! t '!l~\11111 pool home. l·t,l\11r111g . :1 !/\'t•r:-11i1d b1•druo11 1.-., l;ir i.:t· \10~i<I p<11!1 ·lll'<l lll'll l1t•;i1 111lol lt•rn1 ·1I d11JHJ " . . ..,, ~ fll'l'pl;11·c:-. :: li:1tl1-..:. lu,1(1 ~ t•f ... !lit ;lgL·, l;ttUI· d11 11iun1 ;dr1t1111 1·1111 .11111· ;ind u \(·r ... 111·d g:11.1g1· 1111111" 11 ·11l1·1 .. aJoU!ld l1J\'L·lv p o11I dlt·.i \];in,\ llLLJI\ l'tt,toin tc;l11trl''· .Ju:-1 1t,,1ed, l".dl f"r eo11 1plt·Lt: deldll:-546-5880 . OWNER ANXIOUS MUST SELL-11a11!:-u/f1•r-..: (HI lus ou\<;land- 111g Mesa Verde ll11111t•. :1 J:l'<lrooni ;ind f;i111- d~. p:1t1H. f1rl·pl<11·p ,\ lt1L..; ll[ ~.'i1ra". l'\L·.1r St'l11111I ,\ p;1rk. '\,f..1n g $l:!.5UO. Ca ll 540-1151 . MESA VERDE WINNER USE YOUR IMAGINATION f11r 111ur l':i.lr:i liun11 -. 1'11(1111 :l l~t·dro1(1/11 d111J11g Ill' dl'll. l.;1rgl'. faJ"111 .-.lyl l· k11cl1t·11 1\ lll'I\' c:1rpet-... !\"i.:1v ]l:t ill l i11 -.ide ;u1d Olli c;reut IO{'~Hloll cl(l,\t" Lo .-.cho(ils A low $41 ,500. 1:1c x1bl~ ll"rt11 s. l 'all ftir ;1p1)(>i nl 111cnt 546-5880. COLLEGE PARK POPULAR MESA MODEL -:l /~cdrnon1 :uu.I den. 2 b;Jlh a11d t,11nilv roon1 clblc Jirc- pl:it:c. t1u1t and :-.hatlt· trCrs. p~11°u:>llcd ;.:.ar- 11ge. Assumable 5J,4°/o FHA loan. ('le,Hl. ncotl . rl'ady tu nH1\c into. l·'nr det;uJ ... c~i ll 54().115 I. RARE FIND BEAUTlfUL 4 BEDROOM,:! h~tl1 linn1t• 111 Ir\ lllt'. l 1ricrd nil!\· ::O:ll ,!IJU. 1:;1rnil\ roorn \I I[]\ fll"l'IJl<lt'l', \;11 ;.,:l• ]:!(t' dL·~p 11)\. <)lliL•t t'lil- CIV-:-al' !"lo-.l' lo .-.('111101-.. Assumable ]1.2°0 loan 1111i1 p;i_\ r11l·11t .. IHll ». ~ti"i' :1 l!l!•tllh Iii· l'lt1cling t.'1·r.1·1)1111i..: .. J11:-1· 11:-tl'd 11i 111"l 1.1 .. t ('<Jll for l'Olllplt.'LC dcl:til \ S46-5880. FINEST KIND ON BALBOA PENINSULA POINT -nlf1 -.\ 111H1~ual. -~PL"l'!a1"u!;1r .l ht·drt1u111 IH11nl' on t·ornrr !nt 11·i1 1J ~ l1t'dr11(1111 rt·11\;d 011 srp:i- r:ill' In!. IJ1J11 't 1111.~s 1h1~ !ic:iu1!!1il home and income combination on t l1r !'cun t. Fur det;.nl:- Call 540-1151 . QUALITY BUILT. ;1 ht·t!100111 ... 2 lJ,dh \11111 hca\·1· .. 11al..1• r 111> I 11•;11 ll<irtl\\1,od llour ... u:-.ec\ lir1l'I.. 111·l·pl,u·l' d 111111c. rn,1111 ;ind :-ep.1r.11t~ lirr;il,t;1 I .1 r1 ·<1 !lu:'I' l1 1l ;ind as- sumable 5 3 4 ~0 loan. t ,di 111111 \11111 '1 l.1,,\ 546-5880. '!RETIREMENT OR STARTER HOME THIS IS W HAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR - r1>.1 ll\· r111p :.! hPilrn1q11 house Pll 111•at cornt•r li1I. .\~.-ll11i:il)lv. hi;.! \ \ !0;111 ;1t 7°'o interes~. \\';ilk 111 ... hoppin;.: .. \-.l,,111-' 11111 .1 !33 1.~iOO Call 540-1151 . c General R.E. 1002General R.E. 1002 I Ge~~I R.E.:. __ 100'1General R.E. .:..:.::.:.:.:....:::.:.::.~~~~~ 10~02Gepe r ,1 I R.E --,,. 1002 H~R BOR V!EW HOMES \ l'I I J11Lfl'JI IT \It••! "" JI \11.1 •J\',\_ l pll\t' ,, lirll !ti l\ d111JJI L( lll1..lt1llL"'> I.Old 11; 11·(1 BR~ND NEW "CAR MEL" :) J:t'd!(IOl ll ,\ \,ll:lii} JtJUill J",011!.1 ,.,11 , fl.i!LlJ/":;iJdl \"]('\\' SH".!,IJOU BEAiDTlfUL "PALER MO" l ! :,•dr(l!Hll. :!-.,IOI'\. ~1!2.500 OUR '25 1 ~ YEAR BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 2 407 E COAS T HWY COl=IONA O E L MAR General R.E. 1002 SPANI SH HIDEAWAY llrl1 :•,l1!!'11I '_! J;J! :!II\ l111,11 htllL'-,e c:n111plt·li..: ~ \\il lt "'l'l'ilH!l•d p.dlc1 .. \II')\<; \11 Jl(HJ(, J;ICUl./.l ' .111tl ](·111 11 •.. 11 1 .. t l 1~H·d ;11 S I:! 750. I NE AT NANTUC KE T '1"1111 cl1;1 1111111 1 11111~1·~ 1111 J: :! le1t J:oth h ;J \t· !1rcpl:11·\''· l.11 L l' p;1l111 -., ;11Hl super l:1nd- st·;q,111 i.:. I ~1111 ;::,;·7l!U<J.t11111e1 ;..111\1ous. ·rern1:-. .ii :1tl:dil1·. GRUBB & ELLIS Real Estate 675-7080 OPE N SAT SU N 1-5 PM 2110 PORT OU RN ESS H11rbar Viaw Spectaculi!r 180 Degree View F EE 191.500 : 1:1·tl!uo1n ~ h;11ll 11pg1.ul1·d 111 1·11 ... 111111 1.irpl'\'} CJ llii d1 .q;e11•·~ 'l\·11111 ... 1 ~HJJt .i11d puol !iJt 111111' l1't'/t·.1t11111:d lll'l·d .. 111.•<1111 l.l1\1 !llill!l\l'lldlll'l' II Ith~ p.11111 \ ['ll'tL~l" l .tll 11\J{I.\!:\ !,[\:"\.'I 10', DOWN HAR BOR V IEW l '.il l-'1'1110 >loclrl' .\1 n111i!:t111 \ 1L•11 frn111 p1 L·- llll'l':-que l'Ul'IJCr ltit. ·I J;]( , la1 ii1ly ['IH>lll \11\lt l11irr1•rt•d \1\'l h,1r. 1;;1-..: 1:l:lJ h1101h- :l1e]\'cs. \\:lll'r '-11ttne1 1uu111 it1t' p11•1I. 'i7!1.-i011 I 'll·;1 ..;c t·,1 11 I;,\ ll ! : \ J\ \ <; \ j{ 1{ \ 'l 'I A SPECTACULAR ON COAST SIDE !! {'IJ!:l)i\ \Ill .\. \I\!; :;11110 Sq 1:1 n! <.JIJ .. tdutt' t '<1pi· l 11d t h;i r 111 ~ 1:1t :; J:;1th-. dl'li;.:h1tu ll\ t'tt11· l.11 :1· 1J\ I O(llll \\ 11!1 ~ul 1:1c1·11t :-.lljll.'l'·:-l l1.'d 0 :0.l'\I Ill'.! ro11111 .:u1ct chct•rlutly _..,111111.1· hru·I, p:tl111_ .! Jueplnces :!11eth<11 :-2 .\1:-11l d:O-l4:!::i0() !"'!t>a'>c c::tll It\ I! I~\ I ( \ t . \ .\11 'l ;1·: LI. NEWPORT TENNI S VILLAS IN Tiii<'. 1:1.l T FS ,; 1:edron111 '.!1.'. h11t ti.... !t1r111;tl 1l i11111~ rnon1 a11ct grl'C1t f;111111\ l<kllll ott ('ou 1i11"\ l~itcl!C'll . \\'ell dt•sigtlt·d · 1 .trd ;ind p;11111 \\ ttf1 .idd111011;il 1>\ltdour l1 "..:lll11 1~· s::~i !JOO l 'le;1sc c;dl 11 \J:I; \J: \ ( 1L \:--,,.._ $124,500 :< I : It TWO DUPLE XES ;~ J ~.\ 1·il .\] :: !:I: $12 6,500 :l I: I J-'.\lr:1 J:irgc hedrPon 1s :ind li:1th ~ OJ'l'll Jican1s. 2 del'hs. ~ p:111t1~ {\111 · \t•.ir 11.d . I 'lc~1sP c::ll t 'lL\H 1.1·:.'i .\lcl\!.\ \ \,\ 57 FT. WATERFRONT CONDO (Jl!'J"S'l'\!\lll:'\C: :1 J:I{ !.'(lll DISC ltl~ll:\ \Tl;\l; J:L:Yu; cu id 1150,000 "Gene ral R.E. 1002 Genert;t l R.E. 1002 FANTASTIC VIEW CONDO ON WATER $69,500 I ;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:,;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:. I' H o FESS 1 o 'I A 1.1. \' D I· :c n H. 1 TE 1 ' l 'all '.\'.\J)J:'\I·: ltlc·1·: to :-.ee tltC ~c l\\U \'011do~ i\I·:\\" ('.\l ~l')l~·rs 01{:\l'ES 11.\J:\'1' --~-Balboa Bay Properties___* __ 4 PLEX FOR THE OWNER OCCUPANT ,, '''I "'' " ' .,· I ,• 'I· I I " " ' ' "' ,, ' 111 1 ' I I I " I l>ol, \~\ I ("ill ! \I ' • 1mB DUPLEXES " ' " " ' " \ ' ~ Call for .1pr:ioi11tn1e111 646-3255 * BARGAIN BllYS T ,1 ke Yot•r Pi el< I ' ' ~ l , I , 1 t I'• I ' ., .. ' \ I 'I ! I:. \I, .c ... n For DC!t ,oiil s 642-1771 ' ' [·'!! f p11i.T II General R.E 1002G~ne1ol RE. 1002 1 1•·1 ·-•:t, •.• ,,. ..... .--'!"!WI\~ 11 :::fu E 11~ VIE\V FRO M THE TERRACE I h•1 11l1111 'I l'I I .111• ill 11 II\' I 1 I I <1\ t' .itid \\ti.ii ,1 II•\\ ll1•lo' I .1 !11tjl 111\1111'•~~\1• ! 111•.I 11 It I 1111 lid ' I ( 1•'11 i ,I) d I\ lll1111111i,: l!<i!il iiJ 1111,di• t 1"1 ,\ 111 •Ill 11"11,l/!I tiJ1 1 11.IJ \\, .11 ,1 \ lo111· 11.111 .. !11.ol ·"' 1 l 1 I I " I. ii I j I I I 1.I• I'''' .II '111•.1111111.1 ,,. ,• 1 ' ' ' ,, ' I 11 ' \ I ;t' I I ,j I I Ill .i... l'ioi i"il lJN!OUE 1-iOMES Rv,1 1to1 .,, 675·6000 :-ll3 E Lo.1 ,,t Hwy ., Co1011il tlel Mar 1111 \I '' I **UNIQUE HOMES OPEN DAILY ** 410 ACACIA. CCRONA DEL MAR Victor 1.111, So . cf the Hwy in CU M. 1 Bd r1ll , b,11 :1 plus I bdrn1 1 b,dh u111t. Only $76,250. '.ii~ SEV/ARO, COR01'1A DEL MAR ~p:Jctdcu1.1r oceoin v1 ~w , 4 bdrn1. Stain gta ~!'.. :,!,: ., iols of wood ,~nd w.:1 1 n11h . $125,000. Ge11--.r.1I R.E.. 1002 General R.E. 1002 BIG CAN YON "DEAUVI LL E" -V IEW! '-11t·1 l.!<''l!:1r I l'li 1111·d t·I 11 d1.11n:11a · 1·1 11 1n• i· ill 1:" 111111.: 11n 1.11!1 111;1 rhl1.· 11r1·1il ,\· 1 .•' I, r 11.r• • 111; ll\'11 prof ld~l'p ' OPEN SAT /SUN 1-5 IJ11p\l'X p1vl' tl11;i\ :12111; \l,11 t1 1 .. ~n.-1 0011 NEWPORT BEACH ; ' !), "' '. \' • II• ' I \VESL EY N. TA YLOR CO. POOL PRIVACY ON BAYFRONT ::/ :J{. f Jin!I v 1 Ill. J.ovel ,., LUXURIOUS . C.U.S!O~ HOME 1~ruurid ~ ,,: grl•cn liou.~e.I . liO Slip & J.ur~e IJec:k . \', .il li 1n \l·linu!s ,'( shnp-1 f·;i11t:i ~11 r \_1f·.11·s . . f·;1n.t~!:.\1c l·l·51 lu1c-,' /llll'.'.. ;-(,.·1.'.fiO. t~l:.!-7~~11 . <1\\.\J·.li \\ILL r .\l ~l\\ \,().\.\ ;111d lJ1·l 11\1• li11lll\' $395,000 N EWPORT BEACH POOL HOME \ I 11. • I · I 1; ... 1 (, ,1, 1)1\•.P_,; ,\1 ),•\,,.W 2111 Sa n J oaqu in Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER , N.B. 644-4910 ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Gener.11 R.E . 1002 Generill R.E. 1002 CHARMER!! C.ORONA DEL MAR ;'jf,, 'II " n I • 1 ------ 'HALF· ACRE COSTA MESA ME SA VERDE HOME ,:;~uo .~!1 . 11. ('t1,1. lil L :~ '1;1t .. !;oil\ I'll!. dl'!l '2 I ~., -(J ·1· •. STOP .• Is DOVER SHORES I BEDROOMS l'h BATHS 5185,000 ... ;1111! see lhis hrand 1 :\ rtl~:\J , 1:1_;;,.\L'"J'\'''. 1Y•J11 11·,·ll\ .'11 .. 1;1 ,1 , .. , 1 ,,1 11e11 duplex. 1-bl k . tnl <.tnd :.i:d 1, · ·<1., ·Ii"'' 1.111 1' I 1 11 1 br:1cll . Opl'll daily 2-5 .f BALBOA PENINSULA lw.1t11.1.1 I 11·111 " 1··1111· 111 ... ! , 1 l'•i', I" i<I > 1J.,1 H"lil I 11 I • 11 , ' I, 11! I "" 11 I tl'.I• "· ' ·1•·•· .,1p·d l"r h .. 1 I 111111 ,., 111, I 11'1,Llh'I' l .11 1· 111 •'Ill• j I \I 11' \I 1 HI Iii .;• 11i1111 • I• "ii :..'.U7:JUtl1St ,:\.ltU7J-i420 5 I l••dt'""I"'· 1 .. •litd11I 1.,,, 11 ,, Ii I BEDROOMS J l/2 BATHS $250,000 ,I •I'd ,.,1 11pl11' 1·,1111 1; IJ•·I· I k I >:1. ~ ... :}\/ -(•r111:-.. .i.-,fi-:\:\uO ' . l'i l•111ld, ~ ll ,,,11, ' ITT P.t:AtTORS u~ ·r11 1.:: JILL,J:: 11 .\l'l l·'/('~'. hldiit'V -.11.01wd 1•·11 .111•1 ,, I 1 ' 1· I U:rlQ -, I l•ldl :•.1!1 1·1 ........ 1 .. h ,,1 •. ii rn " · . , , "· . ua1 Call 'J'f1L'~l.\'.'l J{lt·1-: tn sre thr.o.,e three 1.-.1 11 _. '" 1111•,1 I ''., ,,, ,, . .J 1 1 1 Place 1 ITHE TOWERS BAYFRONT ll WALKER.&LEE .... , ,,' ',, ·:,, Prap~rtill!s ~I ----------------2 BEDROOMS POOL S69,500 r: :r 1,,, •'" I i 752-1920 I (.,en•••I R,.~E:;_. __ IOG2 Gene"I R.E. 1002 ":\l'El'TI0:\.11. e.\Y & O('i-;,\:\ \'IE\\'' I 545-9491 c. F. Colesworthy LJ3 5 Local Offices To S&rve You BRA~ID NEW GREEN BROOK 111··' '' I I.• 11• BEACH Bu u·s 1 Ro.,lto•·, M0-0020 m l'Jca .. c t·,dl ('11.\J~J.J ·:s ~Jch'.l:'\i\'(),\; NEWPORT ISLE Duplex I 'I"" • 1'.lt t Pl~'r t:rul, AT HEART? $97,500 ~ I 1 H••ll~ ·'"'I ! .HJ 1111;+ ~11\''I I 111• I 11 •11 ' I ;1i.: ::1..~~· "I· 11 VISleN VISleN A Growi ng Realty F irrn EA$TSIDE / 1 -.1··~~,~~ ~r~I~•~ · l~·dr:n, ~ h;dll 111 .. 11» '' .111 l"ld1·•I d • 'I "I' 1,1< Lill I I H JCH O N A H ILL 1.1: t.111 1•r. hl11n" .1 111;1111 ·r . .._ .h' ii • •I l"I l\irh .~. ! ''"II j, !1 ,, 1" l,oll._ ~ 1.,, "1 , l.1 •" t lo·••a 11 '.! l!lh,,. 'I I ...._ ·'"" t;,1, t.1;111 .1 .. ~u111.1hh· ,, •1 t <'.111:\11 ~··11-.1•-t1• , .. I! 11,. .. uh, ,1:1;«·-. •·I '>1 :!•1 ~~1 l,j.-1/~ .• lllHI.• 111 ·"! ftl 1'1•' ~:'.'••I '!1 11'••1• /Jl'di'"H !ll l 1 ... 1,, 1·1.. . ,1,,,, , , 1 .... I , 1.11 1-.11 ... 1.1 .. ,.1 l·111u 111 I : ,11,.11· I it , 1·.,,! 1 1 1-. \ 1' ' I /', I"" I-; It' I !11~ 11 I 1 .. , I,,.,, , I· 1 1·11 "'I 1l 111i:n.:. I 1 .. " I " I ' II I'' •'I 11 ••" ' I I I \ 1 1 ";1,,1 'I" 11 11,,. 1 " \' I f,., '1• I 1111111 l< ~'Ill. 0 7 743 E. C oa !.t~hwa y Corona del Mar 6 75-8 600 l )1 1:1• 'II!'' I ,: .. I .L~·· ( ·.1 ll I\• ,\ 1 .• "' ,. ltu' 11 .. ,,,,., 1u-.1 11-1,·.J \ j'j. ,Iii I ·•:11•011111111 II I"•' I II" 1111111111'.,l"ll 11"1111' <'i"'" 1H I•~ 1 pl 111. 11•1 I :.i1 1, "), 1'1 1·1·1.l.u 1•, douhl1 · I:, I·' 1 I' -I 'l'""I .i!' 1"•'. :1\1 th(' 1•1,lrft'i. (';1.!I ,,.1.. II •II •• , . I '11• ·i1 I '"'' 11' .. , ,. I, Ii 1~1111 .\l,!I I i • r I' II' I I .. ii I" I I •Ill I 'I" d h.11,·lwt1 ·-----~~~~-~-~~--~~~'.""-! , ., , 1 1 1 I I ',1 ',l.1 I 1'"•111 p: lh fLl)I I 1\1 11 "~ I· 1. ·' • • 1 1111 i• .. i·d .. 1"••111 111111 Genernl R.E . 1002 Genernl R.E . ''• l1.1l•••,lt"•'1··~--1002 IV ALKER & LEE 545-9 49 I 1 YR WARRANTY • HOME I I ic·· 1""111' "!'I -11.i 1,-, I , H I < Io ~ 1110 ·, < II I 'I EXECUTIVE -HOME-' •. •I I ' '' I j !I It' I I II• I t". ,[ l t·I• -;:;1 • l)•11·ly .-, l•••ll'"'ill "ll 1111·•· I 1··q·11· I l••T l•'.11111'1111! llllH•tl'•I Calif. ( Ranchero $28,50'b-full Pc;cc -I '' '. "• c, ·' 1 .i; 1 1• ' ' 11"''1 1.i 111 '.! 11111 •. l 111 , I ~ \ l··•ur 1,.·d1\•11\1• ~ -1 ;1.11t 1•11.I'. f•l'lll·d !1111. \ I I'\ , , , , ._._111111 ' ' I , I 1." 11111 11'1111,, ~h:tl,1• 11••1. I , ,11-\I I' 1 , , ( n•·" 1·11111-. 111 l.•t• II ;.nil -' · '" ;.~11 "·11' I \l _,i, l°'"-11·1.i.:r. l~1···1 1 "d Ill ! \\'11\\ II ,. ,J,,11"1 :.:<'I 1 -. \;t •' I I 1"' ' '·"'" I·• II\•' '"'d!'ti•llll-11111 STHI~ SELECT 111,,,,,. 1.11·1111 .. 111 1;.,,,<1 I -'l"J~d .I,• l•.:1'1 \I ~l"-'••I PRO P E RTI ES ,,11,·11 lu'111·r ..... 11 11·•11 -----------1----------I i . •II .-.111;111(1 .\ t 1 General R.E . 1002 General R.E . 1002 Gene ral R.E. 1002 ____________________ ;:_;:,.: R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 UNIVERSITY PARK ''_----"""""""""""-~-!;.., '11" 11 11 1 1"·''.1 1 1_ 1 .. ,. I llh.1· rhi .. 1 1·1~ .. 111·11 ~ .. 111 I 1----·-----------ENTERTAINING ( , •. t. • ~. 11 l··rlr•••111~. ho,111 .. ••I Iii~)••. SMALL HOUSE IRVINE HOME 1 11111111 -111-.. douhlt• l:;1ra:._:,. ;111rt I • II II ~ PRE:ITIG E: l!ltll'll, l lHh'!l 111••1'1' \II .. [ HUGE VIEW . '·' '''''"""''. '" '1"'' I \ ,, ·I I I' I n' • · -1111" pill" .Ill l'.1·~ !Lt I ii, BAY & OCEAN I-',,,·, 11r11, 1.,1111· 111111 ~-1 "!II I HOME:\ I 1:1•/1•••• ·,,.,. f,,1 I I• 1111 I•• l\'••11 I! •t't1! . o1\1'I' fl[.\ h.:t11 ON THE BLUFFS ,., 11>· . '.. ''"'l't'd !'' I• I \ ' I'"'' .. fl11l1 \ . WALKER & LEE l 239CARNATION id ,,111 •. -. l~nr "'' i· I l••1u;.:.\-.l,u1·~·,~1 -~1· '''_' :'\•111••1_'._f:I 1. I 1• .. 11·1 J·1~I (. !I ! 1 ii · l:o·.d I .~I d• CO RO NA DEL MAR ' . ·-. ' ' ll\1 1.l\•oi• ii Pf' ·•!lit " I .11.)',. I ,\ Ji.· I·• 111 !1 1111'.11~!"1\ I { H~" .\l···:t ZONED R-3 -; 1: • II .. ·!)1 ~·· .-~! .!11·1 9 I ,, •1 .1 .. ,,,,1111 .. -; 1 ., 545-94 I $165,000 I L:rlQ ·1~ I ·1 ii l''\'I" Ill ~ .:. !1\llll'h I ---CALL 675-121 2 I --., UGI 11.1111 (,dl:-17--1<11!) CL.\"S'-l·ll ~.;:_1 .. 1!--.~:-,, nu· r·1·1 ···1 ilr."' 1n 1l11 · 11, .. , _-I ' I ' 11.11.1 I'll ii a .. -.-.,[11,11 , .. II l•ll·· 11,•111-. 111111 :1 Oail.1 p at~e ' General-R.E. --100-2 I Ge ~era l R.E .---1002 1d ( .• 11 •.1 1-·~,j~ 1 1•1111111;1.~-:11 .. ·d ;ul r1:!-:Yil.~ Proper 1es .... WANTED!! ' f\1~·ru•n•' ·I l:• ti I •l,.11 I Sd·-·1•1• I'·. l•·I' JI•\\ l '••'I • \I,--. 1 "IT I• • .'•• .,f ' ' ' lo 1",.] ]ll'I .•, '-1 1 -..11111 THE GERRIE CO. General R.E . 1002 I l.:ie nurai R.E . 1002 752-1920 I I ~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;:;;;;;;;;;.;--.;;-;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I $ l , 4 15 Down c DM-B R OADMOOR ,\\ olh l.o 1,, 11 ''"'l•P.11 · ,\ 1 i:r -.w1111n1111;.: f"""· 111.1111 macnab I irvine realty 6NJOY THE VIEW THIS SUMMER ('h;1r111in~ {';1111ro ~hnrrs ho111c \1 ith ncrnn 11c11·. 4 l lcdronn1s, fnr111nl d111111 g r41n111, s pal'inu,..:; pool s11.c ~ ;ird nnd lol'cly brick patio. ~l:iH.500. POPULAR PORTOFINO .-\111! a pool. too' \'011·11 a!:;o rind a bonus nre;l you 1n<l~ de\'clop into your kind of "thing ... 'l"he price is ri ght fnr ~u111111cr fun. $7~.fJO(l . EXCLUSIVE RETREAT Jlril'<l le 1 ~1 r1 11d seclusion in t he l1eort of NC\\· port's v.1<1 tt1rfron t corn111unil ,\'. J,.ivc bedrnon1 cu:-.10111-bui lt l!on1e. /'1er ,'«_ sl ip . ~325.000. LUSK HARBOR VIEW l"or the d iscrin1inating buye r \\·ho \\'ant s the very llc:-.t. l~x:trcn1cly \\'ell kept 3 becl roon1. ;,ii:.! hat h v ic\v ho1nc \\'i!h n1<1ny extras. $102 ,500 fee. QUIET SECLUSION Con1plen1ented by l he blue 1-'acific. Surf visible lron1 l.\rO \'ie\1' decks. n1ake a n atn1os- pllere nnl\' Shorerliffs co11ld offer. plus 4 bectroon1s.-fan ii!y ro<11n & 31 z I ths. $224.500. INSTANT LOVE AFFAIR \Vhcn vou see this 4 hedrnon1, for111al d ininj:? roon1. · U<llll'lled fEtn1il.v rC}()lll, a ll 111 gol d decor n1or colors. 111 Ne\1 port's CX('hls il'c l~i~ ('Anynn . \'nu c;111 call it "hon1c" before school sl;irts. $159.000 . 90' LOT FRONTAGE -LIDO Spnc io11s ~ hed roo111 ,..:;i!u11tecl 011 lot IHrgc ennt1gh (nr pon!. ( '0111plctcly rp111odel cd. in- cludin~ gnu rtnct kitc:tien l"r11nt. and reur courtyords, ~1 75.000 . DIAL 644-1766 2 161 San Jo11quin Hills Rd., N.B. A COLDWEL~ BANKER CO. i ' , 1 I, " ' II ~ 11 I ' 1 \ ' ' , 1 , • t ' .J I "' • 'I l I " I 111111· 1111 11 I 1·1•!11" ·•Pl•"!nti:n·.11. (1f11·1•·<I ,,i1 :'p .1i1, ·11''1 I'' I I S l)1 1"~1. 1;,,.-,1 !·''"' I '/'•·I'"!' ,lt,.( _.Ontu, ........ 11, nT 1 1lu·· .11 . •'II~ V I s:1•.1111 <'.111 11"11 .111~ .... ,,, "' r:&'.~~, 'lij'~lf 111 ~21 ll \1: , ·. CORBIN-MARTIN 1 li. ~ Realtors _.,....,, * 644 -7 662 * I Fl 11: S;i\,• liy I>\\ fll'I' i\I'\\' ---. I tripl t'x 111.,•lll'' p1••)"'fl1 . 11i.1n 1 t·11·r· 11r 111<> ~hip! I l'nnu• ('r>..,I:• :'11\·~:o j,,.·.1t1"n I ' l.1-.J" H 111 t •!:1~<>1f1••d, !'hip 1 ~ •ri ~1 • 1p:i 1, _n11~ Ii l:!-S~.~ 1 I•• Sl1r>r1'___!t•· .. ~1~t~ ! 1; 12-~iGi~ I l<Hp thl1 haridy dlrKlory wttlt yoll thl1 wHke11d n yo11 90 ho111•·h1111t\119. All tlte locorlo!K li11wd b•low are d•1trlbed h1 9reol•r d•tail by ad•ertl1lri:; els.., where 111 today'• Dolly ,.llot WANT ADS , Potro111 1howln9 op•ri ho1.11es for sole or to r,e11t ore urg~d to lltt 111ch l11farm11tla1 111 this col11m11 l!ath Friday, Sal• 11rday & Su11doy, CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 4 BR & FAM RM =~ ~111,11• ('\. 1.\1.'porl l "rcstrNI: tiL.'.-0:!88 ~71 .-MIO tStt! l\: Su11 4 PLEXES FOR SALE 2 & 3 4~;l ~\l1 h ..... 1 Blh l:li I :-i1111~. 11 I I. P ool yY a lr.rfro1'! Watorfront & 1S;1! S,· .\101 Pool FINER HOMES RESPLENDENT BEAUTY 1'hc chnrn1. eon,·en1c11ce s,. cu1nfo1'l of l11 i" nearly ncv.· 4 l.icdroon1 llntnc i11 pre.<.!igiq11s \\'est<.:liff can be thr f11lfilln1en1 of \·ou r ··11nusc f{.ea11!iful." Sec it tuda\·'."'\·hi1r!es Arnold f>4 2-l!2'15. (KI l l · HARBOR VIEW HOME S Lovely 4 b11droon1, :l balli holllC'. ,\Jany up- gr<tdf's in~1dc as 11·cll a s 111 the pri1 ,111'1\' .~ituatf!d yo re!. Sflfl.500 frl'. J\el!~ l\rrr fi·l·l-hl.00. (I\ l :! l PARK LIDO F'ace!> pool 11\: gr"crn nrca. J llcrlroo111s. 21 :.! tJat lls -largcst 111odel ~ 2-car gar;1gc 11·1 elce. opene r. JJ1icc incl. \\'<lSh cr dryer ,V, 11C\\' d iS h\vashrr. ~G.500. G!odcn Ffty; J3ob 0\\'Clls 6-12-82:15. ( K 131 "A NATURAL BEAUTY" S1\'ayin!! trees. ripp!y1n.!.! \l<l1l•rs. oprn airy ro~1111s 10 dine. lo doze. to rlc:il ~ 1.::xcltingl,v rl iflf'rcnt. ~1 29.!100 .. lal'k l 'u slcr 641-8~3.3. iKl4f MESA VE ROE POOL HOME l111111;u.:ulate 4 hedron1n hon1c -profrs ... ion. ally l:'lnd:-c;1p('(I, '.!!f ponl -21 ~ ~r . old ho111e I>\' 1;uccolc1. $89.950. '1"0111 {}ucc11 tl4--1-U200. Ii"'' SUPER SHARP I Tn\rllliousc fac111g poo l ,ff..:. grcrn ar(•\1 -:l hcdroo1ns. 2 ball!.~. tg. 111 ing ' rnon1. rirt·- p lncc. I ~ I ki tcl1c11 . lH1l. g11r<1gC" -sep. lau1Hlr.1·. $47.i:lO. c;1 udl·11 l·;1 y . lloh ()\1tn:- (}42-8:t!5. fKlli 1 901 Dorer 01l•e 642 ·8235 Nci wpo1 t flt';tch. C:ii.10.,ll/I 91663 hAGUESTA BY THE SEA •Gr and ()pe nin g 1 ! ~ f. , I I 111 1 , j If!\ I I ti 1 , l ( I :I II" '" .. 1111 'I 1 d t,h,11 :,.,, I \ •!'<\ 1' I "I; I. I"\\ Irr l l111iJ111· l.•11 1:, "lt II I .,.., .. lilut1h••••,! 1•, l..t t:uc~la 11,·1·1111S1.,1,.J.:i 1 ·11,,11•1\ h··n11~.11 1!1" 111 1111 1<1 l.11.1• ,111\ 11l!.1••1· t1f lfio· I \i I :;1•;il ) e.ir r.1111111 r 11111.1 11· I)• ""I\• d 111lh •II 1111· ·.p•·f rd hPll ,• 1,,.Jd fr·i1lt1J•·~ 11h" !•""Iii I. 111.•·· ,. •' P•" •Ii "·•I'll' 11 '""' l11'.1n1!'. \\·11.111 .11111 loro• \,, •,111111•:. ,,n1l '•!"1111l" nl()f lin1·~ ·rrub ft1ni·11un.il flr"1r pl (111 ' 11 1th I 1" .111 I it iii .11•p11iflt1111·11 I·, I 111 I 1 I oc·d 11 •!'Ill·,, ~t •Ill•' fli1nr1il.i11', 111• lu1l1· .1 ·:tud1· ·~111,,• 11.111 • ••ml1111 i ·11r I 111 I h··t 111 1. •r111.111<111 1-t -1 I qf,fl.;:•1;_'•1 pf F'ru1n $5!1.UUO Homes By A y res . . Since 1905 .. • , :J • \ \. If I l>AJlV ~ILU I !General R.E. * 1002 • f'• d~J Auqust lb 1974 General R,E. 1002 Corona del Mar 1022 Costa Mesa 1024 HvRtington Beach 1040 I Huntington Beach 1040 LIDO -WATERFRONT Room to Grow O NE DOWN "I". '" I.:••' \\ ,. J 1~1. ii l<l 11 '"'"l1>t1lLillLl.ll~~ 1 n "r I It, r ,.,i,11 no 111 ~I hr' '1 t.i ,,11111 1-. ''Ill .l\ tll 1Jtt1 l~•l !HI LOOK ls~.~~~~n~ :~.r~e1~~.'.k1 II )HUJI !•1!,1• 11' I 'I li t ·IU II -I lid I Ill Jut l 'Jl'I ~ IJ,1t/i J.J\IO :\11rd IJ,l\l !tllll &. !111.it p1 J\ il t·gl''-~:.!93 l!OO. I l t ' I h'IUll \\•It• I •'\P 1fl'll11l1 1••~-.11,111 t 1• ~ I •t• ti>< futur. 111 C'111 <111.1 ii• I \1,r, lo•lk llllil lh1-. I I I'\ I fl\>111 lt)t' !,.'ii<'h'' ()\\j\ \HUr u1v11 !L!Udto ('11ndo l'!ght AT THESE •H'l'U~s frurn 1hl: 01·1•an .. t 1;1l'g<111t 4 I ii: ,\ !~t· f.1nul\' 1ni 1·1~·1 ,\ 1111.it :~o 1·1 1111 . ;;li.J ooo • 11H1l111 l,1l d, 2 Iii: •nil I II II IJ fll 1 Jii.tt • 111•! 1"1111 It) l"nl:' !.:tq.(1' l r~11nl,OIJ-.t• Ill H '" 1n11111r1i,: p1~1t ! ftdJ Ill~ 11.<ih)., lu1111ly .5.l ,,OUJ I ~~u/,1~1~E:to~rll~~.';;~r ~~I' .~:1~:i'. • l'eli:1xu1J:.: su1111ncr 111 ti 1r1111" I 4l\L1I\:; !111 I ;ci,, J:J: 5 h,1 lll1 l'r11(· tiO ft \\ilt1•1f111tit \111d l'11q ,\ li•l,lt ltl:fi5 11{)1J I ii( Ii• 11 "II 1 'HI Ill I \hi, ~10 ( ol I Iii 1--;'~ 11 • =--~1\I: ~l:1tl'r s. nu .. hlll'•I I "rt111vus l li1•d1 '1•)111 1 l{1•d1\~•111 plu~ l'Ul11pu~ 1111 C'u11dor111n111111 11 1 I h :i 1\1 11 11~·~ .. -fl() ~·1 II ~~11.fJOO li<' tUl!lul pal!fl, t1pi.;1·11d1·d fll\!10 11 lu\ '\ld!.:llllll l'IH \ tC'll' ~2.~) 000 • ;..,J,.\f{ fl1•inh 111 J,,vi'll' 1·;J1·pcl:; nud 1hap•·~. U1ily :>:1•1>1~•tl \\1•,1 1!1 •11•lt>pnu•11i. SJ·l,jf(j, :lt)\10.J 1:1 Ltd Lido .\u1(l , 'll'll ~Hj;1.0UO -: Sl!u v, I BIL f,Jt·1n:il 1t11un:.: ,\:;k for Alyse 11r Da\·f' BILL GR UND Y , REAL TOR 341 Bays ide Dr., Suite 1, N .B. 675-6161 1 YR WARRANTY • HOME Hl'HJ: \\lllTr. Ht:.\J.H1t: ..:~q ·'''lll~llt :-..·1•'1' l:Cll • ti7.>-!t ... 11 "' ,\ M !• f,~n11ll 1'111. As~11u11' Chris-tiana Realty ~·11.\ 111.in. :S i.l '(•O G.q\6 \\'arner ;it tivlden\\t'~I • :-..V\\ 1111 rtu<rk<'I. 111':1r Jl untington i-;,.,u·l1 Sl2--i !-./,li 1:u-.11.1r•I ,\/ Ad11111 ~ ::! ~1••11. General R .E . 1001 OUR CHOICE MESA DEL MAR \••ll tJ Hl'l• o'' 'J•n l"ll'!ll''-' 1-. th·· h<.'l"'''' 1:1••1d ll\llt' 1•"'11 11.111 1•1111 •' lit" .. I U't•pl " • \\ ,111! ! ,, I • t' ll<•IJ'•••l!I" • ! lll 1•111 II< 11. l.,1!"',!' ! Hll11\ !'"'111 f••• \l1•ll'•>\t'I' 11 '-~I <II• I'''' •I i>.t\i" ,\!( Ill ' 11 " It ' '••tll• 1111 lh ,. 1,. •Tl•,., I \O lli< "11< h <!• l t1io ,I l 111.I,, •lllH S lh 'fill I' di , II ,_? .I , <iii!• ', 11 dPtll l•I ''. 11' fd/1 7,1'' r,, I [® THE REAL ESTATERS COM DUPLEX ,\ T•OO!ll~ '.\ Bl1 ::! B .\ lll\ll• •~ U!l ll 1\1111 (il'\'['l.1 (l' ,11ld lnrrn,d •hn111g :inll 111•.11 Iv l•tand 110·1\ :! hr i.:nr 1i::,;. :tpHl'lllllllt \\!Tit Ii•• .111\ 1 Plltnl:, .uul (~•\•'rr·rf J• •tlu r111ry unly S~l:.OO C.dl Gll- i211. ~ ~ SHARP CONDO 11111111\ I f••lll lljli,:1·.uti II ':11'1n 1, .~ fl!ilJll'' lit ' •1 fK)JI .illrl t'•'l l •·.ii l•ln i·, 1111•1 !J11, Iv !nrc:~· IJ.11111 ,\11 , l•lllli11Jnl• ol. Pr1Led 111 ~l·ll :11 sn.91JO 644-7270 Prime Location Corona del Mar \r1 hh't'lllt'll1I\ d P' l l! 11 l' ti· f'\Ct'pl l"ll.'tl . h~ ,1/11>11 T11" h .. us., ri.,m '" , .• n f1~111! ~f);ll'l\l\l' 1.·rt1•. •111,., •l•'t\. ll11n;;: l')(ltll "1111 n1.1rlol·· f1r,,r1.11 ,. h11d1 11n .111 1: ! l:l I<••! J .. t 1111h !••111 r1·-1· rh'll<'t' ,11111 :.: 1r .. !.!•' :-<!11•-,•'d tu ·" t Ot1t111•~lo11<' ..,,., 111\d fl1•"l' :irld1l11•n ,.f 111nll1t 1· 111111 f;..--.d IH. lll•'lfl.,: (' .1 11 r;-;::-;;;:i11. 1 V>'£f>. ·,i ~ • r~ ruN 10 fir 1, -rr [@1&1; G eneral R.E. 1002 Near Proposed M a r ina '111>1\ IH.Hll\,,!Jt't'!""l Ii>' •; )~•1 lr111 I l11n .. :<' fHll ll;l, , -,. OPE N HOUS E SA T & SUN 12-5 PM NEW LISTING I, lu11n ... ul.1I" .• l~!1n1 , '.! h.1th I 11•11110 11111! {,\ll\111 l•••n1 ,\: 1 :i.·11 ,\1 ,r h••nh·. S l7 1:.u C llf1 u·1• l{>('.1t ~"ll S : l il.l tl1)1111. e ;>.!:.\I{ \\o1 t1ll'r·,~ \1.i1.:nuh,, ·I l"h1n.,, 1 l111h-., d1ulr.1g \' ,, ,, ,, \ <<> 'II\ .11·1•.1, l.1!1·1\,•11 l11111t Ill!), f-\ I \ l'l!'ll •1!"11 •1 I l'll !,o t11<11l.1;1' ]Jl(llldt'" h111l!·UIS • , ' < , "'' l 1\' r f I , • -• I' ,,,· r !"' 11,1 1I"1,. 1 I 11 • .,.t s ..... rlJO. hi..r c.111 " " -· • ,, ( 111, • •i(i"-l 'i.3 1'1.1·\!·..; :'11·-!<'l .11 L': J'l'••("11,1 111 H·,,fil1 l•"lll!•oll ,1 d1,h11.1-.ll1·1 F.\ h1·o1I :nth -:1 ,\ 1r.1n! ·"'"'' -.· 1111<1 "1111 ,,11 11, .. ,,. •11111111 1'11·1~ 11o111" And ~.11ai.:•· ho1lh ~:17.:~il _. ---··------~~~ • JL s·r Ll:--"rr:1>. a .. ~u111·· I Irvine 1044 \' ,\ h"tn .11 S.? '· ifV!, ~.>t)l 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1111111 ltili 111111\• u1111, <h u;,ol1•1 qu.1111''"' ,,II 1l•••I' 1 pt•n11. S l!l('(l(l Tl) \\ 11., 1•• !" "h J 1111111 1n~, [,,,,. 111 !)l·I c·,.,,,11.1 ' \ 111 ,1.,11 11 C.111 .>111-17"..'0 ,tltil I'll \I•· 1:11,\ ... I;1••11 •UI" t1>11 ·~·ll•••lll .i1 .. 11h I \/ \l:IJ \ '\ "('Jl\\'1\I~']{. Hll pJ11, ,1 li.:J11 .111~ ••II• I" 1 11 1•1 ·: 11,•,tnn, 1 , I(\\ ~'l'\'\LY l"d1<~•111 •1111111111111 111•1 , TOB IN REALTY INC . 1 111·"' t11111ro11· L11t~r ur11t thtt ---• 111 I 1... I! Ill• d ~I I\ I~ Balboa Island 1006, ,,1, ,,1 OPEN 7-5 _•11<f I 'f \!:I. I :1 ind 111•11 11< l11v• l I :1', I LO •ill" \],Ill\ ••\ 11 I' BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 673-7420 ; h.i ---------- Call r.-;·,-~_._. • tAU IJS FOOi A FAil ~St•MA!l Of VAL!/! VALLEY REALTY A 8 UIQ t llf(APfllSl Alll(lllC.lill Stoc~ e•CttAllQf CONPAllV TOWNHOUSE DUO-H.\Lf{()A ISL \Nil, '• 1:1: !' 1,,., 2 Stv hu11.-P 1,n 11"l I l'.'11·111., :l 1.,1111' 1·,1, h 111111 lu1s. $(/1.!l<}fl. !i-;':..-7~1)11 1!11. k ll'jJl1 'IJl<'ll h1•dnl, l dlJll1•1l \\dill'.:' 1111111.d Balboa Penlnsula 1007 ,111111.:h ,.,,, 1 !111111.11 ul..ri•' ON THE WATER Bl':IU1 dt•luxr tn[!_I••\ <•!1 th1' h.1y \'it'11 flf -rl"I :\c•111•1r1 B<'.1lh. E·i 1u111 : bi , .! h.1. 1nd1v11!11 ti l1ut1-..•, .di hlfln!I lr!\'lt!111:_: t I' ,1 ~ l1 <'Vllll•.t• tor ,\ fl'pii· ' :\'.1·11 1,t U'•'I'. ()l\ll''l' 11i)I '<1·11 ,\,11111" Sl'.!-1 IM'l l OPEN SUN. I -~ ; 714 GOLDENROD 1·,.111·l•11 1111n.d cw ron11•a• 1 "I r:L·l~i'. \\ lll'l'E l:~:.\L1 lHt ,1Jo· i\~l.1110.: s :-1 2:1,0UO :lWl ;...,•111~<Jt i\ P'J' l~lll 'i ::'.-'llli.! ,,r t>\fr:!..'i'i\ • ~.; ... 11 .. ,u • ~ -~--1-----~~-=- Peninsula Point • Exclusive • Ch.1ri11t'1 ~ :: 1:1c den. hit:h B h I p d 1 ~· 1111 .. i1 ('•'il111:.:-. urh' 1i1h ac e or a 1 .. 'Jt·1·.i11. h 'Y ,,. 1"11111 ,, 1 i, With Pool s,•p. i.:ut·st t111 ,11·1i 1•-. "I 1 •ll!lplrlr h.i th $S2,:i!Kl LIDO REALTY 3377 \I,. l ido, '-8 A _ 11<•11 ;.:htful '1 Bf{ .? 1'1\ [~"11 11\llll•' II 1!11 l 11 l' ~I lll1\ ... t1 •1' "11111' 011 ~fl " 11~1 !I 1 .. 1, 11 :1lkln;: d1 -.t•11u ,. 1,i *673-7300* ~--pr11 .it1• ho•·u·h :1f'c1· ~..,. Peninsula Point S•ifl~~1~r. 111·. 1!111111 . i .. ,,, 'I BJ:.. do•n 1 hlk . In h·1y. 111tc1t.'~I. C,1!1 h!l-7'111. t)p•·n~.11/t-un 1:1 em 1'.!.J i~t'I\ 11•' J.11 \,.:t fj7 .. --1fi00 : B1'. dt~l,--;-,-,-1,lk t11 ,s- ~···•·.111,\ /~a1.1'1•nP! '!:7!1 . ."~ ~ \l !l'-h.tH Hlt1 '17 ~·U~"' -_ B•yshores -lOl2 1 KITCHEN DELIGHT A:\[) i\I JT \ \\1:1:-..hL!; 1:-., ;-:11;1r1 • OPEN SUN. 2·5 11:1,·..::1111 ; hd1111 h"n11" ,,,. ~;I.? l 'r'f-.[\l>'ll IJI. C••I\ 1.1rH ... ••I .1n•u111I ,, f,,11 •1) .• .i •• 1 .... li•lll1<' 1111..;h !11•.1111 111!1•·1· [\!fl" 1;, ... , 11.111-.111 o 1•1!. !t:r. 1n.~t1· ,1111». J,,, .111 .. u 111 "• '.Hl ,\· 'li"l•- 1.1: , f.111\ I Ill , ;! I• 1 J '.i! 1., I 1111~' l '1 II •' I .it \'I >,I" tjl .\<:Vr\T 1;1 1-·~~~l 'h••1111l''111,11111 I•\ University Re~lty Corona del Mar, 1022 \fl(1) L C'~l !h1y 1,j ,.1:·11f, 1'ftRB~lL. ~ .!!J )'! J[.ul-•t L:t1 t!, (\•-.t.1 \!• "·' -------==--OPEN HOUSE 307 9 Platte, C M Sul,!'1 :-;h,11 p IHI{ I 1 H.1 ill<•\ I' Ill ( 'pn•l1t11111 , ]JI\ vii l..uul't •'IJllll!. ()11 ll•·r lo·.•\ 111i.: 1'1•11!111), 11 • J' I ,( !l 'I. I " II., , S!IJ,~J!JI Suli11111 :11 1 nl l<'I'' ~21 S(JC'Tll ,\Q \;-;T ~llflJ•PJ~C :~\ll !"<>U1h 1111-.t\JI 5-lt•·li!ltll ~-~ ,\,..,tl!ll<· 7' i \' ,\. ]r~lll fu r this l>t.«11111ful 1 h,·rhnon1 t· .... 1.1 \J,.,,, Doll l\ousf'. S\~HJO 0..111 l1 stllt'r 11111 CHITY sni.tll f111.nu ·111g. C.1!1 hrokLr ~1·1--~::.11 D ana Point 1026 b •• th, s:.: . .-1(1) -ll ui·r~·· e ll''I' l.l~~Jf-IJ. :..;ort.;l'fltl~ '\ 1 .. :d1·111. ·h·n .. r 1111 lk dr11l. f,uu I 11L II I \ .I II I l "d ····illlh''< \ ..... lllllf' t,• \' \ lfl.111 11f ~_'_I !Y(I ~:,_' ~~lfl e I Hl•.llH(Wl\I i•".lll!V 11(':11' ,\.I 1111, ,\. \!.1;.:1~\l l.1 1\,,~Ulll(' II ~111.7.,x 1.1, \',\ 111.111 . pynl! ... .,1,•1 1 .. ·r· 111••11111 s.~.:~11.1 • ,rt ... r r 1'-Tl·.ll, ho .11111f11! I ( ;,.,, 11 \'11ll1•v :~ l11·d1·n1 + f1111 1111 1111.:hl~ tq•~r.1dcd . 1'1 11]11' hl1 'U lio1!l ~l/\~~I MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM let Us Tailor Your Home to Y.our Budget and Needs POOL & JACUZZI .\ ;;rt·.11 1•1111b1u .. H•111 , .11 1 h·· f(>lHld 111 1111>< l1ll\l'l''il)' l'.1\k ll•ll!l<' ·11i1' ;1 boln11,., :! l1all 1• .111d f.11t uly f•lfllll i.11 1111111>1< ul:11 ,., tin· J.11111 ._, 1pu1~. p.i!I" 1~111] ,111d dt•< kin>-: ,1\1' pt•,f1•~,1o•n.il A iiHll!!' lh:t( ]Id• t'\i'l')!lllr.>-, .)"1•1 !M~I CALL 552-7500 •VISION• " t • 1111· REALTY l'•'ll lull (o•n1pan\' P.u k ('1 nll'!', Ir\ 111<' Buyers "n1: ' Bl~ '11 BJ{ ., I' Hit • 3 H!: ............... iiOiiOOiiiiiiii l 3 Bit. Fl"! Pl S b , Off .l F:J{. ... It ease u m1t er " Bit. ,.,, <ln llu-. i'il"it r ;uul pnpul.1r I Hl~ lol.l·.:\' :'>\.\I{ h111111•, "Ur .... 1nr\ tn·~!l'I 011 (•lrtlt•r lu! [;,l\;•l\ \.fl'rl ('J1l'ill~I t l\i1h :-<pl11 · r:11l fl11\11· (h111•rl 1:1 ·11.111 11" s ... ,.,.,1 "<<)" • · , .. · " i. .. n1n...: .ll<"l .1nd illl •Sl'I 752 1800 rl111·"T I .,r ;1 kind C'ti'<lllll • <.; 11 I I I I ,. -/'., .' , II :-< l~I('\ ,-,)] .1.1,,. l'-<l I< <I built li••lll•' :;!.~l~I ·. II\ 111c: II ,.· 1 • ' 1·, I l P..1 ~~1~11(11<·111 ~•Ac-, I ·---:-:1:,~·':':'":":1:':":":" ... I~·:":'·' ,11,· 1 ._ ll ~I ~q II bo1HI:-< ••~ .,.----1•••111 {)\'•l k1nk111t:lh1•"h•<1t" __ _ __ llllt' ,\ IJ:111,1 l!.11•!1<11 l)l'•'oill 2'11.Az.TOftll--.."~· 111r:\:-,;r· dJt'llll h•IJlH' Ill ~·h 11 f1·1i111 ,,II l<1<,n1~ L.111..;•• 842-7461 pl.1111u•d con1111u111t1 ·I f~,1, \ 11'11 liiil! n111 .\ pon ll f11r I• .. -----------: 1~.1 . lux pl.111, f11rn1al !Jiit, 11\11<1<~,, 1111111.'! c·u~to1u I .II BEACH LOVERS r 1H l'••ol 'I{•' l•ll, r"Ull\[il 11•:t1nt.: tht'll"llt \\r'I hn1 !1u1 f. lol'-•'I' .\~.,lllllf' 11•'11 s,11111.1, tlll•'lc 'Ol/ll 11llllilll t1il1 544,500 h•.•t\. ~·•J<l lll!. 1.J l< Si>(,1 11,1) ]l\ol.<•\'llllh'Jf,11! .J 1o11'!.."•I'· ~111.111 d••\'1'l<1J)loll'T11 Pl T:J2-!l'l-, .•i.:" 11 /01)\'tH·1 '· .\!11 11• 11,(\1' 1 '(·lu~11 ,. Bl'C'C'OL.\ lnult j -. ------------ n11 •11 Tr.i..,h 1·0111p.u·1or E''" 11 .. 1111'-. Ii Bh k..: 1.1 ;...J-,\1 tir_ 1'\t 11 .. 111• ._.\J,1,ltr !>.1th 111 lil·d i~.,111 h· 11·h t ~ .. 01 hnck ~1110111·.-11,,t 1 1 1111.·1-111 l'.1rk I Hr. 111·,11 c .. 1111•111 d!'lll' [l11111h •'\f /h•'otl\ ~h.ik1• , l•••l fl,I l'ltll !' 1,.1 ,,, ·:11 lldlh'I' f1on1 :::.1 1,1i:• hi kt!· c;1.1 ... , k1hhf'll 11/j>lll•I P·'''" s;;ri.-11 ;:,\ ""!l•I' ... \.I;:.~-.:.._ (•fi.,11. Vull~ J:111d..,, .1pt•i l ,\ tliru ,\ l~1r j'._'11p 1•1n t .-1•:11111,· 1 I II:\'\ t: 11,11111 Pl 111 t l I ,1.ri11kl,·1-. 'f111t• d i.:1.,..... Ill•' anri Jl·! ~t' .q•pl1.uu • '. 1:1c .: \,,I' .. l :<'t' •·1·u1t·r . 1••.J thn1ul (~11.dlfU'lt hu,••'f' 1:1..: r .• 111 l'ill. !Jl'h'k Jup ,\ h'HHl .... 111 .. , Sil .. ~~t n11h. S!J>!,;-(IO, Co1·111'r of r:!u,• ! Hu..:• Bit '~ 1n1'l .1 ., :1-.\;1;1 , {)\1'n• r ],:11111 rn .~ l~'l C11'-.ld r1,1n.1 n1.11Hn111t h d,111111!(•1"\ )"r ,,l·'.\\-ll-;:;;w--101-.. -"-"'-~;~i~·r'. 1• .. 1111 tl111 ·n lluu•l' S;1! .~ !'J.1~n•11 11 n1• lt•)111:1n 'I I •· I • Ill .: :\. r,.: 11!•11 1 .. 1 ,\\,111 "llll Jll !tl1 J ~1pll1 -.u11 ~1 ·11 111 ' 111 111.hll'J', . ' " t s·t' 00) -~-·r lk•\\11 11/!crn1:. tu SUIL Bkt -•I' __!____!_c _;,.,_,_-_ •• _ .. _. __ _ I :1 ·\CJ!'! R.r-::/•1.i .:\ 1'1 tt crl (~.~-.-,)1 L j l aguna Beach 1048 l"r 1nun1·d s,dP Sli'l,ff,f) Llll/'LL:\ '.:Hl! ~l~ \ ,o;_ '.!HH lH,\ :'\r ::.11nr111111~ ('rl\1 $Si .-hl f-i1)----t,Si)!l,ll h\17 ,211 11. u BI.HT-; HE A I.TY -Authentic Spanish + I HAPPY HIGHLANDS ELEGANT SPANISH '1'1':--0'.?02 Guest House ,11•11 nf \·t111,~ 111111 hnnlC' ,1,_ [>11pl1•"( '.! l'IHJ\ h"llll'. 'i/1.i ~E~~bcl~f"f------ol~O"J"'o ll 11 I I I ast u :l.lll \ ll!j..'. II 11 t' ' \I l' { n l!llt.: It\ Pl•'!lll' Ilk•· ~u1 1\iU11d \\/,!.11·1u11 t1!1', l 11111•1.u t-., I I II 11 < \I I'\•( JI' <!1""'' ,111u111 lllg.., !'.d11,,, ·lHJ: '!h.i,•1111 ll""INI·· .,,.,.,,,. 1,,, '"'''"'' llO I h.11 , !0111 11 .11!! .!./I I~ nt-I I I < .~ , ,, . . ••·tl•''l 1 u11 1'nn,.; •11 ..:r1n o1ndn11n~ l1pg1.•d1•d 2 f~)~. '.!hath, 1!!'11, d1n-11n, )1•1lls1· lllill IJ\t'I :,.:.i t\1~1· 1•111 ,d)pl11• Sit'!>-1111 .. rh·~I" nlll,.llllti" .... s·1 1.·~~I _!..'.'..:.ii 3~1'1.~()_0-_<._'.-i'tl(l i.<:,1oi,•1=~~~--__ r1••111' 11 I r•1<'k-11 ill-., GREAT BUY Jla1f'SOl1lf'lt1ln~~·n·i11;1 11t tri 2 (ll ,\l~\11'.\l; hn11 ... r•, "11 NEED A LOAN? "!~'th 1., C:li\:'\'r lfl ()11111.1. 11111,1 ..... 11 l\H' srll ~ Cl.1~·1 f1r'(I ;1d~ do JI l:u o;1• J~-.? 101. So,--. •>I lhvy O\rNJ 'I( \\11! ('.11 1·1 1-h~O', SEE THE "C'' 11.1tt'1fnll .~· 11<'('11 !"~11,·:·• wt'll -c:111 :'\O\\' 6-tt-->G'i'8 ~·1: ·,o(t t 11\11f'r, !-i'i·~ \lt.'l f'ti,1rniur-.: rtu11 1" x •nl c ... 111·111 .. 1 k11c h•'ll. "' 11 t:11 <'-.! General R .E-:----1002 General R .E . 1002 1•:1.11.11ld:1iih' 111· l••I. t:lk hr 0111-.1.ind1n~ l•'l".1!1••n 1 F•)ur o 1 h1d ... 111 .1~. 11url.i;h•i1•. 1-------------'--------------IM ".t••h $'~·.·~-I C dl [)1•111....-111 !.,•r!r~••r"l1 ho!ll•' 11<'\I j~, 1~~,J llJ.\d~ !ll"l't'' \•,111111· l•ll\ 1,;.1-;·;11 ,111d gl'\'('nl ~ It. i\l1 1[11,1T1'd 111h•l't.'sl tl l.\ 11/ l•"•s tl1,1n The only thing overlooked at Newport Crest is the; Pacific ! Ocean , ";~ I . ·' /· I i ( -- , / _,, .·',' 1'·--~ .... --' ) ;_~---: _. j +--aq-j ~ -_d 2 ~==~-~---•••II••• '''•<<I• '''' •<ff,•< rrr1t ll\111111-. nr r1•f11l.1t1 l"' (JCE,\t' \'[E\\' c II' 1" Ill . ,, . ""'llt', 10!/!) sq ft sr~ .. ~~(j Sii,'JOO 1:1.1 ~'J--,-,11 F•'t' 1/"1 B1lr111,, F.1111 nn. Call 67Y.7:.':.'·1 ltr·1 -rn1, l'•K )J. 0 1• n er. hi·.-.~r:::.~-----~=~ Costa Me!oa 1024 HAVE YOUR CAKE & LIV E THERE TOO C•<1 1JS <-OR• FR(( lShMAr( Of •IJ.<ll VALLEY REALrY . A llERQ l llTERPRISE AlolfR1C°"" STOCK (ICHUIC( (0-AllY Fountain Valley 1034 (J\\ 'I.I~ IH •ll'•1t11. .!. 11 I l1•i1111· \•11••111111;: t._'1\1:. ~I GREENBROOK h1 111111~ ,\111. lr1d"·1•d ,\· BARCELONA ,di l"lll•'d Iii' l:o ,id~ [HJ' 1, .. \ l I'!' 11011'111 \I )~(',t\Jtlfl il. I I· ,.o' ',, '''I l'I\\\ "' \'\I I I . · I' 1•""''1110.illy I 11, '"' ,1,...d lhlt1•r .. ,,,,,,,1., 11111 .~•·II \ • """" II 1111' , ppl U\ -~'~' sq '• 0••111i·nll111l.d <•11111 111 ••f ''!'\ , FP F · I l\'Jt ·. "·ii" ••I' ' \,,..-,II\! or -·. -... 1111 .. -,\ 1 f .. 1 Iii .. l~ t .<1u l,n1, t 11riH'flr il ......'...:...:-"-' 1'1 ii111i.:~. ['.11q1p·I ~·1.-.-1r~ 7 \:-.,..,1 \I \!111. (' 1fl•l't• .~ 111.q.-'-. 11p1!1!1d•"! •1:il ~ l!l .Y! ''I:. 11 ~I ,)i,11 p \J,1u v ,\tl'.•~ Sfi",,11,llJ :-;•1u; 'hi,:! 1,,, I~·· f.1111 '11111)1•''" li11"r ,\1•'. FV 11n/1!1111n· "''·' F1·nu1 ,\ c .ill •11, ..... 11r11 '"' r.o~-.!f¥l "I• I•· 1 "111n-. ,1 /I •111 t 1..;.•11• I ( \\ i!('rl.ill .ind I.ill.!•' ll1'h "'1\f{hl.li\!. 'Lt.1\N I HH. " h.1. 1 1111nl1'v l,110 lu·n 11 I 1••r'Ml :-..p 1l11ld11•11 s ;1L1y IHkl'! l1.1r 1!!.dlllllll: ,Jl'l'.I ,\,1111 l} u 11' k ·~·1 ·up<1r1t•y s111.1'>fl ..... p. l.1u1ld1·y r n1, li.:r ('<'I\' 11:11u1, 111 ,·1~1rc1! !111 Sl:l.!.riO Costa Mes a Realty .'ll'27111 t.\·r~ 111;s111s S ince 1958 * 548-7711 i\111•1 fi Pill (',ill -,;7-11117 EASTSIDE B1•rlnio111, A 1 1•11lll<llnn L:•r;:f' 1'!·'1!' 1:1rrl ,t 11u•1• l!'1r- d1•11 lJ!,!i· ;;.ir,u.;c. 1:, .111.v hi 1111 •\ t' Hl-J\U 1111 tll I' 1111 I udi•d. ~ 10.fl()fl Roy McCardle Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., CM 548-7729 (BRASHEAR ) REALTY GREEN BROOK GRANADA jBJ\, 11~t. l.g 1-'.11ntl_v Hni. Fr111! LVH &_ nH. C:t1hf'dra l ('1•1l1ugs .~ B:1(,.11n 1 P s UJ>.;t'luli'rl Cpl .~· [)rps ,\ss111111• 'Va 7', (lJ)('ll ll01t1sf'-Sat/Sun AUi! 1i/1S. J-4i run. l:>:!f~I BPhnrl·i F'V~ ASSUMABLE 71/2°10 FHA LOAN ~Pth1nt: lf'ft out or llu!( 1 harniu11:: ·I ht:d1•JtJn1 h1111 11• 1;n.,1t flu11r pl,1n. l.irt:•· h1 •df,llllll~. 111' If 111'11 sh,Jt.: 1.•n ~·1111;.:. !.1r,.:.· rh111nl.! .11•:i ;id111·1•nt t" i 111·1~ 1lf'hghr kil·h"ll 1·nol•.-1d pa1111 O\(•llO•lk~ p11Jhl1I.•' C:lV!lJlld~ \I•--~) l.1 •h•I !) !• d1,,1p i•Htl!illl !\!' '' 111 The Real Estate F air 536-2551 or 839-6133 1.·1!1 .~ljl) 11!'1'1 ~· liq1rl 111d "h"PP111t;: All 111•· "'11 ·~ 1111h p1l1<1. b"~' t;:.Jli· and '!111111•1 k l 'pt,'l".itlr'll 1hrunu1 .: B:dh fJ(',tU1~ $~1.'.l,,'jffO. l' illage Real Estate 962-<H71 ( ;:;; ) 546·8103 Newport West 1111111111•· 11f tl11• v .. rv lit: .. l' 2 :-iT(lftY-:l Hl'•lrnl. l111n1lv n11 •l1111ni:: 11Vln1 . -: hri1 h~. hHrd11(w1d flnt•rs. tp1s ,\: 1lq~s A-1 l;n111, fn11! 11'l'l'S, l'f( .5~~21(10 Roy Mccardle Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., CM 548-7729 WOWI Sli'I 'IOr'!__>_;_s_-·~~i nr 1;i::-'l'.!ll'I ::::::::::::: \'JI .LA i\TO:'\Tr:1u·:Y (.1111.1~111 lt!lt'~11ll•'llt l!l lt.111.1 l'u1n1. : l~l: h111.::•· ! 111111,1 rr>1 ~ 1.1. l.on.:r-\ .. 1d .111 H!l ii ]{·~ Jql J :l•d111 (',] 1 .. s-.•1:,00 DONNA MONDOR REALTORS ~ori 1 ~ t·.,,,,., J111·v 1111 10'1 -------~,\Lt. UH Lf-. \SI:: Ol'TJO'\ (ll,11rr l1n.1n••i-1!, sup f' 1· h (\(_'J•:,\:'\ \·[!.,'\\ h II !11 I' !rl 1i11.1hf11'<! hu~•·I' <.;, 1 h1d,.1! I l\ll hllt::t' r.1111111 l'<•ull I\ Hh l.1\'t;•' -.l••ll•' f11'1'pl~• • 'Ill \\ 1.J,• I, •1 f,l, 111,.: Ii I• •" '"'II .-.1,l1• p,dl", l"lll t'd ,\ H•I d• • ~ lillll\1',!i d• "' '1lf1 !II• I .._, ,. I! ,>flfl 111,,),, >1!f1 I' ,\,I, 1111.,' S't .. ~111 WESTBROOK REAL TY } I I '+0\~ T11r• 111\IJI;-,' lo11 .. fr,ur ht!;-, .tl wllt' \\'()flfl" ('(l\'r'. ~~(j l "~I ~I\" l1>!j>'ll1PI \llHA\l,\J( 11<• o111 \fi·1\-., l•'\"I $1~1.f,Jtt \I•'.\\' 1i'.)P \IOl:Lt) !1JI S~111,:Jl'Kl Sr>,. l~ h . Gn1 !'I' ;...J('Jl()[H" H(':1 l .-~SI .ii(', 20~ .• .C.:0111h ('•>;t~l ff1~h11 ,1~. l,;1. ~lttl.1 B<'n!·h. ·l!ll·O'iO'I IRVINE COVE 011t~r,11Hl1n~ , •ll'tl£·r vt,,W 1 .. 1 "\>1111'hl,• Ill OtlC' ur lhl' llll'l"I !'X•'hl'<l\t', priv~•1•' 1)('•1(•!\ l•>111nnu11111•s in Sn Cal~ lit11t.1rt 1111! Oa1'<'l1Jltirl \\'t•sc Coal-ii l':H·1f1e il·l-f\.1 1-2r-.OO 673-fK'\"l f'V1'1' ----EMERALD BAY ( 0hr1u f' Vie1\ Lot:-17'l,()(\ll . By 011 n1•r .1!):i-~11lfi L•gun1 Beach 1048 Lake For e st 1054 Ney.ipo rt Beach E MERALD BAY ll't 1\\~IJ(ll'Sl . I Ml{ :.!'~ 1,,, ,\ 111·"1·1 111nt.·1111K•l,.I) li•'i!lt' l'p--l,'.l'llfl;_1t I• 11111'. 1~)(11 , "l'h \ n.trr11-. ,,,,,,,,n ,4, 11 !•J!h• 'S.J1,..l!ll J\,,i;u1nl' 1 · • , ha!h~. 101111 1! !1111111 · 1·111 -.i-&--~ci;. _______ _ H 11:h "Jl'll 111·•111 1l·1h111: .. \Lido Isle 1056 '" '""1 \ 1<•11 $1'\ l,..tXl EMERALD BAY WATERFRO NT 1\ t~ u ti htn1,;c, un O\'ean +·u~t 11rn" of!<•1f'd (1111· ol lh•· :-1<!.• l)f hlll _I l\dt'll!~, :; l!l••'l IH':tllllfUi ,\,: IJllllpl<' j•l•I j,,liJ1~, ~l!lll"••ll\ 111111•' \\,dl'I pt•J'l(I'~ !):l' 11••1!1•' I M'jl I 11''.\' \· 1udk \•J J~·ttl•h t!IJ!, 1••111 /tt\tll '"'I'' ('•\·,('~I $l .\:1,f)Or 1 OPEN SUN 1-5 395 WEYMOUTH .... LIOO -REALTY ... i l77 \la '"''" '\..R *673·7300* FnJ") !!l" lh'J1'•' ,\ "'r"ni!) 01 .u1tlu·11lh .l.l p.u11 ~ .__. Mission Viejo 1067 hH'hll•···t111·1· 'l B d I 111.. ' 1111·.t11 .. t1"11 r••1111. ~11\·1·p111i.: 10< 1•.1 /1 \'11'\\..; :l!1·111l11•1-..ll1p !II ASSUMABLE LOW INTEREST LOAN . ulJo« •'n1 ptn.1h' t 1•n111 s • -.11.trp lo ••k1n::.? lii>dr111. \<llll't 11\:J.~ I.,_, .l\'J!J,1!11(' 11, h,o!h h<U!l~' \l /l pt-., <llpS, .51 l•l,!r)/I lillns ,\ l""'I $.!."1,.il~I. MONARCH BAY (h111t•r 111ust :-•·II, ,.,,11 11011 '' BUY A WARRANTY HOME NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! MAKE AN OFFER! '!'1 01, 1101!1111t1••I ,.,·111•1 h.1;, th< i'l"'''1'1'1,1I '',!t1l1< Ul l\J..,, p.1HI ' II•' 1\1( ..;"]' Sfl h1 illl'.,·r ~t'll N"1\"s \Jiili' '11 •!11 I' 1'1 11\.ikt• "" ;,ff,•1 11!1 1111 ... 1,1111.1'"" l•>l_ll )M•tlt1 •lll l h•llilt Ill I !J \ ( lr1g1n11I !\lull~ !ilti··O-~\-, (At• LJ~•OhA !h(l n.u .. At( 01 •Al~I \ALL~~\' UE\1.1' A PlH" l h lllt""•Sl Alll~MI! '" SIOC~ 1 lt "A~c.• to"''''"' A lo 111'l.1, l1111•lv fuu:-;hl'<l l'••ll\UI'\ !lf,\ll-.,1011 f'1J1111!ry 1·111t·1·t.1u1111i.: ,\· l.1 n11lv hou1•· 1'1 . ...-11:!1 n1 l'.1\--Cl!l~ Newport Shores 11·11 h 1 1 ~ It u1, . •h·u. · r .. 1111.d i\ t ,\\' ,, 111i 1 h.1 111.H.:1111111•111 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;.I •hll!llt..: 1·01 1\!ll'tl'flV•' j)(••I \h'\\, .11r ''""t 1\/11 'pl, ill l'ol ,t IHl Ulll. \\'alk t.1 lin.uu lllJ..:. ~ I 7' : ~Ill t11 •...,,•J1. ,11,lpp111('., J<':-<t,1 ur.iut 1'1·1·11.11ut". \II ... ~! 11:·,1 .1.: th,-.1t1\· Sl l,1,())l ~!!!.'' 1105 N.Coa,r Hwy.,loguno 494-1177 -~~------1' M READY!! ARE YOU? :\Iv pl't'~•·n1 1111111~r h.I" l!'.1 1lv \\t)tk1•d llll' 11\t 'I' j [ \\:IS ;1 l1lll1• old f.1 ~h11111t•d1 1 h:l\l' 11\'I\ 11'1! 1111;, r I ' 1 U !' 11 ~ , .t1'pil.11u·1·~. C II j}t'I~, Jldlll! Newport Beach 1069 THE BLUFFS l'.\t lll!I\.'. ,J;I:. ~ll \, ,111t.:I •• '"'I I < 11!111'' ( '111!\ t>llll'll l In•• I llntl<'ll ~lltlllllll \lllh 111111\ II<'•'~ l\1 11 P·•'li,''· I• <I• I I di. ,, 111111(11•'' 1 .. F.o-111•111 l,J.i11d \ >11 lh'l' 111 .. 1 t .11 t v I,\ Tl i Si.! -~-I l'ALl. ti l0-l'lii.! ,111d HIUt'h l!lllll' I~~~~~~~~~~~ ""' Thr hard·IO·lJt.'.t l <1u:1h1y )OU _ f111tl 111 th nhh'I' fulk~ is Cape Cod 1·1'1)' 1n11ll1 111,.,.,. /'n1 ';!On ', ariv 11 11h •-Kil<'• ,1r Bl~ \111h den 1111h fllt.'p\a~· Jll'l\,11·y ,\ .1!1 I.ind .. t•f and <1 hlll<' ott•.111 \it·"· "'11'11' (;pn!J,•1n.uf, 1'~lal ('alt f..i..14-7211 1<·:i11u1·~ : l<1l1111:-; : !11th'. t.1..: d1n1IH-! l<~U!l, r.1111 th 1'•1111 .\ 11 ••• 111u111111: f1t••pl.1<!'~ Slit 1,1 ~~1 C.d! [i.11 \; ~I BAYFRONT '~l l lol<l\th·~ll' :.1 \\h~ j•I~ l>'l\t \\1\1 •!1 1••11 I Ill WALK TO OCEAN f1n1 1l 11 11:-'I' 11 1.1111•: «lt ·.1 11, h1 •ltlll .111•1 ol"ll )1••1111· !1 11:-;1' 1•'11111' I Hill I, ~II lllllllllll 1~·111-111d 11 ! t'• :11111!1 1'•»'111 I 0 >1\ I>• I' I' I I .011 ... IHI I" lft I\ 1 !1.1 I'·' i.211!1 St (\ I: $49,900 * SPECIALS * I A ~1.u111· !>t•,1111-. ,: ..... J\ 1 tk•·i ht'\\ ; !l~.! J..1 s.-~;::11..i Jl1,1111.1t h' 'tnr~·. l.t\ft "lck I ult. :: H! ~-ili.!ll~l \ r1 ··""""" ... , ... ~. ~Jklll(·~, ~I 1:1: ,-.,, d•·!l ~:1.? ~X! 11 111•• I 1:1:, ·: I•• J.,11-;::_1• 1•111•1 ,1111 <'1•t1d ~.,1 :1-~1 ]111,,1.11 : I:!~ .J, 11 :.! fq•!i · l ,., 11111, I . .., il•• 01111 ~I'! ·~~I CAYWOOD REAL TY * 548-1290 * San Juan Cpstrn. ASSUMABLE LOW INTEREST LOANS • J •,\1 h : ti.·d1111 '\'111;1. I• 11 11 I" ii IH ,\ 111 .. 11~ ,., It 1-. \_'' -.i~I "' l',,,1illlf1dl\ d11 'Hl.i11•d Ii 11!1 l•1,d•Hll f'l l\ \o11i!, f'dl11 \ii!" ! !!' <.'<' t!•K•! jJjH 11• r ' "• ... ! '•I lit r' 11'1 I'! •t•ll, 1 ,111 ll• •" ' ' l• 11tut' ~'1/\1+~'1"11 ('••1J11l r• 1"~11 'I,,, 1·1 : 0'\\l l•l-!'1 1~: ·l't-ll!Jr. hu1 !111-. 1-,,11111111 ''"l•'lt ... 1:1: 111•1!1•' 11/1•"'1 'l•••I '"11'l"ul!UU1t!" 11:1: . .'l\\1 l••I ~._'1"0 ('ll\H\11:-..1; Bf: ! 1,,,,11 . .,11 ~111, .11.11l.iltl1· !.\i •I l't 1):1.1·1...: l'I \l.lY ·I~ n. lrpl . p.111••. 1!1111111, 1, nt h 1111-$·.1.u~1 I'•: ~1:1J:" IJfll' 111'•'.I, '"'!II 'Id<' 1111) i•i:.i.,17 -1.t.,_ J,\, /11!,-,-,-,_-l-,l-U-,-,_-< ~-;':. ••) I ·•'17 ;..,,, 1· . .,,,1 l!") -.. 11 Ill , \ll '~~l ,\,~11111 \.1u•!l :-..4>11'1!! 1•11.f :: l!H 1~1 , l-•<;t111.• 1:,.,u·i1 ,:1 1~1 . d1 •11,_:f1pl,n1t .. 11\1t'\I ~ SI l '(1 ~I ,-.ulin111 ,,rf, r-.' South Laguna 1086 l :l\, .1t'11 • 1:1: ~ 1 .. 1nkr·111 L,111 11. ll'pl , d1!llllL'. 1111 . ••I,·,· l1fl ''•rth Pl\i!.Sl.,,-11~~1 {'(t\l ,\1 t:/:1 111\<'•l!ll•'ll\, ;..,,n•l ii (",,hi ][1,1 '.! STOl'1»,, : HJ: .q~t . I I :1: :opl f; l1.1 !l h. I :,o11 1-'.I '' S l 1;1l)i'~J (JI\ 111'1' \\i ll I l<I I'\ 11 .. on PEG ALLEN l:F.\Ll 1)1: 1'1 1-7 ,;~ lf~j I ' (',1,1-.t, l.,l"llll I JUST LISTED! ,\ -' 1•11 111 h1111U' "11 !:.,; lv1 . •lllh !'•••111 1"1' •'\11.111.,l••n 2 l >lk~ fJ fllll ,\1111h 1•1111111•.11 h. 111111 IH'll S.oi ~-I HARBOR VIEW HOME l'.\'llllblh' J>,qf.,f)I ,. lll••l·l ::i\I:. i;un 1111 r!101 1111 j, •111h J 111 \\/\I• \\ 1•111[ d• t• !! ,( ii!,, p)-!, Id< J•••t l•I )'.111111 n I•~ «J•f•l CALL 640.8672 .\1•11 . ...,.,. u .. 101 r.uH h"' hnnir~. ).!1 111"• 111 t'nllht'••>I-.. 1-''" \J.u11+i1117:,i,1117 1r:1 HARBOR VIEW HOMES r1\r'\~:1: fl11·· -:1llr\ 11:1:. '-\( 1:1!'11'r. _' J:I! 1\ I , "nd I'! l! JI \JI\\ 1•1 1'"'' -·- Mobile Homes for sale I:, IUI l~i 1100 I ltJ-:[)\\(J(ll• \J1>l1i11• ll"llll' I J,1 !J\llh'I' !:1•,111!1(1!] .'I ' •I '.!l~IL 'H \ l'1it-. 1lr1•~. !•I I 1n-. 'I .11, I 1~ .1tll1l11!1.1 l.111<J,1 •I" d 111 Ill••' /.111111~ p.1 11. 'l l1.1t1,1 l"Hut :\!.11 111,1 1" :.-''1 Ii <::::::; _1 : .. , ~.u111l1, Ill{ ,1,~11, __ _ ·, ··"' ll'••lll 1~;,1'k, 1_ hll. 1i1.1 \\.\1'11:1 1:11'1' \l11L1I • l11·.111t1h1I ,\ndr1-..•n ~··h•••I 11 .. 1u1• .~ i 111.111.. '.! IU :, ~7•1,!-~) l"·'"'hul1I lh1 1"1 : l\o1, 1;,,,,,,1, \tll"t.:' l'.111. 11111\ltH.'. "ill »f •I.ii•• 1-..1 1 t l'i11-. ll'••)i1•'<1 1 '!.1!• l'>t'! J;,1111 \.,11 11 1. J[\'I! ;-.,I, '1·<11 II\ l',\('1~11 { ft'!J' L •aTAT• ~!~-r·'" --___ '.\l[of'.,\L H\"\ ~l•r-71U1 / TENNIS POOL 1 1 .. \Y \ll \\ l nf 2 l~r ln1I ,.1, :-,, (""'' ! . .1t:11111 SPYGLASS, HILL A.No '1111fo 1111 ·•11,11, 1i.111.o 494-7518 .i l>C"•ll',.,111, lo.dll Zll ""1 __ ,\dl1, "'I Jll 'L' 7L_a_g_u_n_a_Hills ___ l050111r111H<,.A IR.<B·,.:.O"RI VIEW ! 1,,,: i.1 -~---------Acreage tor sale 1200 e BY OWNER e I HOMES 1:. 111111111 i 1" , 2•. 1., 1111iu·. REAL TY 833-0780 1111111n.:. 1111111.~ h 11, J, •' 11 ,1 NEWPORT-SHORES 1:on11• l'!rl 11/1 ~•11 11>1, ·: ~.1!; Bl~. lwnni •t'll fipl• \!•>I, 1'"11'1'· ,\•\Tl'"' lill11 kll•li, tlt llllll J1o1lh1 5,'1 -1".-) \.~O-:li'.l7 11ff J1\· Ill\ \\;,)k l•I i•<.'<1111 LagunlN ~el 1052 1 .. 11111~ .1,. 1~·11'' BALBOA BAY PROP . FAIRWAY FRONT ( ;1•·· 11-,.;,,,, ~ l;<llf fl~•lll '''l11lt'S "I L :'111..:111•] ll,Utllrv l'l11b :{.j B l:. I H1\, :;..1 ,.;,r ~.•r V•'l)' '''t'lll~I\ ,. t'111n1 Sl 10.0011 IT! 1 \ .1q·, ]SCI) P.kr REDUCED S495-0ll 01111c•1 ah;u1don111g 1l11 s Hedrin. 2 sl/lry i'\11-,<il('I 1~1111r• Et.:lr.1 l,1rgP pool 'i1.cd yanl, eon1 pl 11/rn11t 1r1~·s S<:e ii rln>1 and s.t\'f' x hundle nl 1111s 1011' price. Bkr l!l7-17!i 1/·11·,...m23 * 640.8484 * -------BIG CANYON fly 01\111'r , I llr.. :J h.1 .. , f,1111 rni. for 111. J 1!111-n 1. f'\1 ,.,,. ll1111 nll,1 ];11i.:e Int \I 1rh !0\1 :~ I 11'11 ,\-l.onds(':O jlllll! I '11\.t lt• 1 on111111n11v lk•st h11y tn ltl'f'.I, 1iln-11UY.1 NE WPO=R=T-S~H~Oc~R~E~S~ C)l'l·.N l·:i S,\T ,\. :-.L:'.\ :!.l!J !1!tOSl'l"l~1' !->11arp 2 Br & den :! ha hoinr. 1llnv1 ·111-f!'nrh' ~."1:! ~~~I' Balboa BaY Property 675-7060 _51 .,_\_C._SI'l·]-!_.S_-_6 12-~ib7~1 ==~-~-~--~--131:S r Buy. B1i.: C.111)\lll TIRED O F CITY LIVING? I 1 tdo· 111 .11 I•' "' I·· n-•·d .•1•11 !•I•• -.11 •'·'"' 111o1 1"1 I, I ·.1 I I 1"t' ,, I.' '~' lh, ll'l\lf .:' ~ "u1 1111111• 1.ir J 11 ol' J ..... ••!IOIHI• (.II\ I i<'l' ! I 'id!'llJI ol Pr !.111d I l 1' -.111.111 1 ( llUllU11.! " t I'"-. ' 1·11 .. d 1111d1•1 (l11h s: t :. '0 ()fl I II I" r 111 ·I 11 n J1 J • It r, s r 1 l. !'.. Cemetery Lots-/ Crypts 1500 .\ll'S!' Sl•ll f1 ',l"'lt1flhlc. 2 1 •'lll"lf'I) l11ls. 1\:11 f~,1· Hr~I .. 1 rll2j~I ~C"70~--7c-~ Commercial Prpty, 1600 * PROFESS. USE * I\ l·;t.L LOCATl·'.Jl 1-1\lJHi\I. llflUSI·: f1N l1Jl{NEl1 LllT J}(J\\NT(l\\'N 1·nst,1 r..1i·sa RIVIERA REALTY ;.., IC!·: ':!lit ::!H.\ l101nu• 1111 co1111•r lo.r 111111 l11n.:" rf'111• ,\ .. 1d r ... 1111 "1p!'l!1·<1111.1 11 .+, f111 nnlv c;1J:~111 ! Bil. 2 H,1, $60,11~ Pnn1·1pals only ;,1;,...-01.;s Huntington Beach 1040 Down by the Sea for cnly thirty three JI 11•1'\' .~ ht'dn11 h1Jnlf' 1n 1,,Jlt1 fa1111lv n1ca U11gnulj' 1·a1 1u ·1 ~. bl!n ... , :! 1·rir i;::aragt' nnd \harp la11n Pr11·,1 1" 1t•1Ul1~ n:1urt 11nd Jlfl'll tll sulJrin. Our h•''>l hu\ Ill ~t~ ~.00. lnH fnr slio1\:0 1g: $©~~1A-~Etr~· [),_, t!lf• llfllll!' . f).-1\t'J " ~. 11•, t'<'adv ltt JJIO\!' 111tu 27 Hu~· \;l' 01d [111<':•1 OpPn Fn, S.11 , Su11 1--1 $!flli.000 J\)::"('tll 6·111--~)..-ifi.J --* 642-7007 * --~--Condominiumfjl F"1om Par 1f1c Co11st H1gnw ey and Super101 Avenue 1n1ersect1on r1rrve up S uperior th Newport Cr est ento1nr e Snle~ ofl 1cr ":'12 Aoonn Courl Oren rl.11ly !OAM lnSunst'! J-.\\'l~li IU·,,\LT\' • IJ7!l•:!'l!fJ • REDUCED $2000 IWau!llul '} Stn1"\' ·I Bf{. I~, 1:.1, 1•an1tl1· l!n1. Lois .. r Tro·(•S, Cnr n••r. Shn11 ~ l1k1• i1J1.,IPI ,\~ .. 111111•."11~'• $r1,lllXJ r>11111'r ; .. 1'l 1:i1H. ~---c FL()\\ El< STRl·:l·:r. unusual, ont' ,( 111•11 nn 100" 11'1 1 .. 1. lo.ut.•d 1\11!1 rrul! tr('t'~. $·12.:ll'.IO. i\i,:f'nt 962-21)6 or ~~\!-J-.il(J HY 0\\ Nr:R oltlcr c;1l~la ;\lt'Slt \\'1 •:-;l ~1dt1 ho!llt' :i Bins, tit'll ri'11nt ,\: ctu·llf'I. C:ti. ,00 Pnn1·111.1Js un!y 1111..--lfi l:o! -. --=~~=- REPOSSESSIONS Fnr u1forn1ation anrl [(}( a llon nf 1ht•S(' FllA & VJ\ hon\('!;, conta('I - KASABIAN Real Estate 962-6644 ~~~-~­,,~~ilnh' S1 _•, ll1nn. t.'.r111 .\J1!r S.-1. Park. 1 tidT\11s 2 hnth~. f·1n11ly rn1. rrpl1". hu1l1 -111s. l\10<tr•rn Sp;11ush {'X1l'r1nr. S·l9.~ffl. Bkr C111J lo(l:l-:.!jlil Thal Intriguing Word Gome with o Chudle ftfr19tf ~y ClAl I . POllAN -------- O ~e-orronge le!!ert of rt.111 lour K•ombled WO<d! be- low to form foor s•mple words llkr a.1,;....)()l;;r, ~,.--,r.s,_,u_R~R_E~B~-.j CONCERNED . -I' I I I I Th i~ ,1111 IBH , fitnuly hon1P in rd~ ~ntnf'onr 1vh11 1~ I C E y 0 0 I 1 •01111•1 r1u ·d ,111d \\rll ~i\'P it n-~~~-~~~--< J t1 ·11di·r _ 111,·1111!' _ <·•l'f' ThC' I J' J J5 ) pt!o>f' Is $'10.275 nnd for . . _ _ . gl') ;11-1 \llll f'Jl!l i\S~l ll!1'' !his I 71/·. \'A lo:ui /)•n'I dr>lay ~--,.,.K_,E~J~R_,v_,I •' 011 tll1s 011e, l'Hll Ul\rl. r • '"-""~··· ~~~-I' I I I OPEN HOUSE Cll!olomer i!o alw<11ys t1nlo1~ hir. bill 1! -. THE BLUFFS 3 Bl-t, 2 !{a Spl1l-l1'\'PI, $--19,;_{(J l''; ln1r1·c·st 1\ 1111t<11w oppnr111n1ty !)r>rt] ll'!lh 011~ & ~!VP. 5W.-h~IO ,\fl 7, r,l+·H!lRi llAJ{Rf)T{ VIF.\r lll)i\11-'. for sale 1700 l lNl\IEH"ITY p,\HK. 3 nr-t. 2 tw. fr11lc. 11!rlu1n, bl'nut !11.'\llll. ftt'f' ,v11rd. fly 1)1\'nf'r, s.-1 I ,.)(KJ ;L-)2-77..1'!. Fltr:N(·11-Q7;°;1r1c.,-,-,c..0-,-,rlco-, I ~ -f Fan1-rn1, Assun1<1hlc FllA 10;111, ,1, •, $?.0.fil:JO Cu.~1.1 i\11·~ ••• :~·.rr-si,i I 01111rr l\Y ll\\i\hH ()(·J.,ANV11•;\\' :I BH 2 hA I .. 1~1111u i'<igut.'l, r .1k1' nf'1\' 4()1)....:'.1>16 Popular ~mf'rs('t 'iHH JB,\, !:1111 11n. din riu, h1 •a\'v sha;.:. Nr 1 luhh~1'. pool .~ pk Dcl11xr S!l7.~i00 t-:xi·I 1.-1ni,:aanl 11 F, fi.12-2'122 ---_Income Property 2000 N£\\1J()RT CREST Conrlo, r-----~--'----1 4 nn. ., "''· ''""'"'""" GARDEN APTS drcorsitrrl XrrrH1. J'ool, & Tennis !J111. dfl11n, l'l'i', 61.'J--fi7:.'S flf 61:rlil77. ,714) 645 6141 1,,\j((;f·: lllli\IT'U"' l(f)()1\1 r 11)1 ri~111:11>h· ~1~". :1 1~1. ~ I', 1 \,1 1,IH~J 1\l!I ~>II: 77 ','! 01 1.1' .. ·;:: . Hf.!1Ju11J1! 11, f:\ Bv I i 111111•1 ,\,•1111Y1hl1• ln.111. !li!i i L.i11ll.-1l,.( \I hlf1 J>.!.'2 ~~,--,~~~~~ AS.<;;IJ ,\IE VA O:'\ Sl11\IHJ1 r~ :i:l\1() ~q ft cui;\()nl t.u \l t l1on1•·. 2 story, ·IHr:. +-rh•n ,ft ()f/1,'r 111 lli.'11111 .vrrl \\'lk tn lht' l}('ttC/1, h.). Ol\'111'1' r.11;...1112 Bil; 11011'" Ffll~ 111r; t',\;\JIJ,\' ~1 11111·111'<. i hH~ . ·: IYK) "'I ft. Ji,;•• ~ .1111 1'111, d··~l~l\•'11 for fllltr!11nr ll\1tlh'. $fi.~.1J):) I h1 ll• I' ~lf-1707 l :1 S1t1 .~ Sun . Ut .NTJN!:To.~ 1111.r .. -: 1~-,1 !! ,1 111 d" 11 1..irl•• • ~(;<) iHlO S11.!< l"llS 1)0()!, I t • ]'lo 11, .>lhl IHI ,1p11 111n•·n1Sl\I•·11 ddlll11t1 11111r \h)tl11•1· 111 l.111 \\'Hllld j,,,,, ('HIJ ft,.it]lqf' )'11111 ('n11d !)I,, '" 11 r~H~A~L~S~I_V~~1 , 8.,6 I 17 I I J O Comr.ol~111 I~• c~vc~1• quoted "-"---'--'--J-...J._J bv lill.!lg "' t~e m•Ul!IQ WOid n1·:n1 'rr'.D ro SF<:1.L~,-,-,-1 .~,>00~ j\"E\\'P()HT cn 1·:ST ('(JNI)() ·I BH, :I B11. J-"1111·r111. !J;•t'(~nil"d 1 ll1·(·, f .1 ( Is n\1 111•r r, 12-02}(.'\ FOUHl1LI·.:\ · All s in¥ Ir ~rn1y :Z hi•1 ll'i">fJ111 111111~ 11•i!l1 11riv11ll" ~-111,.I-;, r:xrrllf'nt ~·.:i~·aJ 1un i111d 1011• v1u·11n1•y 1\111111 11 11" "1111· $7r~10 ·(':<1 1;1 ~l\'r ..,r,1i~~ prl1 r-:s1,-;(JN) (~1dl ~)J-,.)':1:/1 , !'1.nutl1l"" Hft.1l !r11'.~ . '" . ~ j ,~, • ., l.!!.l~--.. .. " [,, ""' L T "'II • '"-~·­--- I 1011 1.11,J l'\IH\/H11111!l"I :1 J.r•l' HI:'· ::! Ii.•", \•'t'} ~11 •f!• ! !• 'I 11<lf'tl ,1 1(,_Q;,> :•1 I 1 .. I. !1 'Ill'" UI Ill• \\'l'~I I fl,., 11 ~· 1,.1 ('j '""!f!M -~--""~llllll' 71.'' 1 .... n \IP\\' < ·.11111111,1 1.-.1.uiol I llflr111~. 'J t..11h-., frjll•". h11J1 111'. 11,.111 ... , 1 ... .i, ..... lk !•· th <' "'•"I• h' \!j.'f~I J.k~1IJ.2'•2·:~"'h- -----()uld1~1r spnrl ~ h1.,f 1 I~ 11pfll•111~ S.·ll vu11r t'fj111p1nrnt 111!h fl ln"-fVlsl l)aJtv 1'11 .. t r ·1,11~1 (1f'rl 1\d' fifl ~fi7R. yo<i de•elop !•om l!lp No J b•low BY OWNER f} rPIN I Nt1MB£ero Llllies 1 > ' • 1500 Ft to B•ach IN Hlf Sf .Sf'JUAPf ) I :inr :ll11• p,.,i ~. T1'1u11~ €) UN~I A.MBlf tEIT(IS iO I I I I I I I J ~1111 k l 'o~~ s·12.~-.no lil2 7~1i.~ (.f1 "'"'S""i" IBY 11\\'\l·r:-:I Hr, 1 Hi 1,1,11 t lo11 :r::i 1'1rn t1• 1:.1 SCRAA6-LETS Answer's in Classification 8080 l\ff 1·1111 f)1 s 111 u.;t} 1;.r ,.1;:11s , "I Fl\1' P\r 11111r;: •l·l 'h''l:lj '~ ~< ·~1· In, ll1111!1n1.:lu11 H••111 h (',111 h<· 1• u r 1 11.1 ~ ,. •1 "'ll1t.1lr>\1 .l\I, '\,-.:~1 1. 1\1,f{ llJ•:J.l ':\E 11'1 .l•.X. 11/111111•'" 1f.t :l1a. 111111 !1•1' ,11'1·.1. 1 :O:··l lo·1 \1111 J11.·J11 l1n.1ncc y, .. ,I'''" n •. ,,111 ·,·,r.J.111 ~I N I " I I " " ., " I ' r ' • ' 2 l ·I I " " " ! 12 I " L \ ; l Income P roperty 2000 11 DELUXE UNITS-SJ 100 Mo Reduc~-$10,000 N1' \\' J)••IU>.C' bi•!!! h ur11t"' !.1~1. fhJ,rt'llu111111 t ,1.·~~ $31()1 mn !f', I" 1 n ,1\1 1[1hl 1• PHI CI. IU· l)UC~IJ S10,00"J <111ly S.10!{"()0 110\1' !'r1n1" llpp('(tl,!JIH!l ,Hi ll 2:1•) du1111 li\1'1-'Jt J:ST ()'.'>iL\ fu1 : ~1·11r~· All 11p11.u1u11:. Jill ll~A ur111~ ! ~lllhh, k ~ I 'nclfl"' d "1111~hi:d g.1rui.;t i1 ('Ill 111!\Y f'i'\I\ 7:1:/-1700 a . ,_ THE REAL ESTATERS rr 11.11 A111~~1t 1Q 1174 DAJL't' PILOT D .'i Mount'n, De5ert, Houses Furnis h.d I Houses Unfurnished Hou•es Unfurnished 1 Houset. Unfurnished 1condo1 Unfurn. 3-4~~ I Apartme nt iFurn1 sk~ I _~pe rtr;ie~ts Unfur n. Resort 240011Newporl Beac h 31 69 Coron• del Me r 3222 Ir vine 3244 M1ssron V 11 10 3267 111 -;. n,. ( .. 11dll 1,,,.1 .. 1.i .. I Newport Beech 3769 Co5fll M•s• 3824 BF,\r th" SlllH~ ru1o.1n _11r,, .. 1,,,(',,1 \d111t .. ,,,,,.1~ I-I \ J Off Th _B_ I p th )• 1r :ui•unrl :.u 11-•Uli' 11 f!:\ I I \I-I'·' 1 ~ ,\ SHORECUFFS *RENTALS* j [\!. l1•1ll1• •.• u I'll••'. \\ 111.1111<' :-...•111 t ~.JI.I 1 .. ,, '')-').tr\ I Ill. l'.' I\ e ea en a l I J ! I I $~>II 1 t" 111 , 11, ,r. 1 """'" I" i. 11 '. !1 n111 • .. u I 1 I 1111\.1,.l!l \hi', l11 l:u1•n11•11 I~ I'''"'' prlo••il Pllll s h•OIJt"df\. ... mlll')l)l .. \·11 I !' I ' kl ''IOof{AJ (oil \1 •r n," mttw!i. fin Ill• I <o l!! 1•11 'l•1 U1<·~. h<'i A....,.,,.I<• ••I • ~!'I tr. 1:-•1 l\Ulltr .Ii u11 par ious ! .11;1 , 111\ iU" "' 0 ~ I .. "''"" "' \\Lill (!I Lill; n fll l11tn• .. p,p 'll I ~,-----3269 ... -~ \I 1111• I \ 'l'"'I""~ 1 •• 1 o'(! /\jol<I 1!1~: Iii •(r Uni\ '•l 111111 iri.n1 i1 u,·,!c ·,1;1 'TH OMAS i\10;11 :.i11:1' .lt-n s.; '°· " .i 1J1{ :~ ii:thi.: .... i ·; '. Newport Be•ch --J -c;; ~&ll\lW ) "''" fl"' ,, \ ,1 t \dull' ..,,, J•1 i, l•1 .111i;• C<111111y f u1111Hul1• IRVINE TERRACE l lllt,:tlzlni.th ... '• •• $Lo < 11 I•••'•~ ; • lu\tlllHh ~11•.: 'Li[,.'1'- vaci&tLOll ur re11;,. \ llH 4 !U{ ~1. hit ll;t;i 1 ... A2_7007 \\l'\fl-\' !'~'\l\l ., • 1'11\11, 11111 l11~1o11,.,h•r ~ l1.11h~ lru.:~ d~1k ,.,, REALTOR 1 ..... ·aut1ful!llr~>cbf.'drv1•l1 1 l \'illiiJ.:e!l!Uni• l'ar~ Ir; V"t l•lJ'll\. \l'H !.. d' •l1,:1•,.,1t 1.,1,\U~Qs ;(•l<ll!t \Ju,t "~II 2~\\\ C'~tJl111 -,1-;·,,~'7 li•lllC' IO\'f'IV 1 '1~d <I.JILi '' '.i liH,'.!b:1ths $.\o~J l1!l 1.'\l ~ill: t l\\J1/11>11\, ( oll'Plihl>) 111111,111 l 111 !1'111' l'd1"" ~,-.su1n11l!1 lo:in :-iot(' rn1k•1'\,111•111 H1•1J•l1 L11 -.i .-if.lj ~-11u-kllngl[»)l su, if~ J J,J{,!IJlJ.:t!hs ~I.!, ltttt!t} l"lll1•UI\ ""llli \q1~! \111 1·· ,\I •. "l'f"''' '"'hi\ ,1 'HI~' s17 -,.s-·.1) "•r 4h111•'1 , ---C.1 ] fi7>-!'El l IU,, l~. I... .~l •I 1 ,,1111,1 ,11 ,,,11 1 '\,1, 1,1, 'I I~ •1 I'',\ \\,1t1r !'r! · <,11 ,1,.;(' t1 1 1!1>-/7.'..i 714 867-!2(), .'.i:-;·ri-rt Brnlil nn w.~trr. <.irrlen 11~1n11 s HARBOR VIEW ' -' , LA MANCHA APTS. ----~ \Ht ;!Th, l)('n 2 fn,~plc"' ,\ dl1•'" 1'"'1 t. '111 '"' $,,\\h l !' ! 1 .: 1. C'llARi\IJ NG3fiH. Ul.alh11rw [l ~hiislri \\'a~h/Uiylr ":l:H.~W S11JO 01111<'1 •~l\Jlll<d ~ tJo.dt'fM'ln1 pn1 •• ~ J,1]1111l1f,.111 ~011 1 l'i\!J c,.1,,1 l \ ni 11 i7~!~"1tl'l11"<',C :\1 1'1 1011 l ~it .11 L..-i.k .. "rlHl"I ,,u l.iTHIG \·, Jl1•• l•n <i•,.. Un!v.P~rk 11 1 h"111C' 11/1• Htful p.~l1•i , 11'•>;1 •th] pilll • ;-.., 1 I \le '\ till 20ll7 I I I II I II ~l'l'\ }'" JI l ,. !!11 1\n u11IH'.\d \yr11 nl(\ Dtt·hd ---• \l!H,.!.li;\lhs,11L'\Y ,, 111 11111•t"l •le "101J/)jl1<\ 111h 1 u \uii.;11 ,S !l!U! \ 1• 1 g !I r \ '" ti, •'Jll\Jil k1Whf'Jl B t\ y s II () It I " llr!\'~h· .!. Bll ' 2 b,\l)v; nt'"' t.Al/ !j 0 $-li.,J/\lo I Kil•• s. j' 1)1'1 (h111! r ~l·· •• ~·.!. ~ ~. \.\ 1•111 l~l ------------·I iu.1111 ~1r •s $-1'1 !ti) '~01111nuin 1 ), 1 HH t b.L" , 1:H "J. h..i S!!, J o yce Edlund 642-8235 CJJ [)!\lull ~ 1 u,111 1.,11s, ,,., ''i, (•~\I NEW TRIPLEXES 1\/h.l' d11 \\1111 l,<kf' .!.ilfl ,11 •,n~·.r rint d ~\00 11\0 l'u11Jc ltOC'k,in.'111..: l).'I' t i( I A'\t 11'\ \111 2 BEOROOMS$22S ! 11 'I , I Th 11 • JI•!' drp-. ·11 1 \t :-.', tlso ('1111~dr _'-_-=...._ ·costa Mes• 3224 IBH :t b11 fan1rni. S\!'1 11l11 ~s1 !{,\\t'I! 111 J\uk .11•1111 hnn1' i11•u1h t1 1•;'1111 '~1 .. 1. I..:•' 111 111. ''llll•••olP,l-,,,111•1~. ~l111lJ.;• ''' J•t'••i• 111 11,1,<!.• J\I. "J. l\o I.uh h••U~l (,r,'C'n111't'!lo111('s P..tv a.~.i 'J,J( ),,_•iulful Ji•~•· 1,,1, 1,,1 $"..!' 11 "11 1•1• I \11 '1 · 111,(!I •li-liii"l'r ,\>;11.fi7 \\1r1 t1i 1\11<!, ~l'j1I ~.!.1 ':J:r:,!ha1h.. s i-. hull/, 11 11h (,.,If (',o\U '' 1,111~;-· I '·11·11 ~1 11 Ii 1.i 3BEDROOMSS3JS ------Out of st at;"°'P rpty 26001 ~I :1_211 >Ul i -:-.;1c1 · h,nh \\ /f)Oo! SI 1. ' Bi~ .!. h' $ 'I Ill\\ "11 "' J• 11 .. i. T ownhouse Unfrn \ ,-, II'•• ''. ~ 1 •.• I \~,."II• qrl , .' I .11h 2 llClUSIS Oil 1<•! Ul (\\ --------''------''---'--'-.-'-'! 1.H 110\h•l ~'\fl J111o Sl\/l •r ('\ll '-lllJ.;l•~ (.'\11\C'n:f,j!P ~Bl: ll••\1~• v111J,. 1 111•11 3525 tuiJ;\,, ,,[, ,,, 1~ I 1tu., til•' 11•\• I I"' l,n•.11 1 .. , itlnn SI I !\ll'J I J J 1 B l '"'1.1) • Bl' 2' h II ~l -1 l o~!r.'i ,\<;,uiu~lih· 'i',, {111 1,.t t dl r.:i .. ,117 c)r ,c,;,11't , r \•)Us('<>' ·' • 3 a is· ,,,,, 1.J Slll'l lllL"\Jll!f 1•r/Jlth 1t1°11 l .:...lll ll\I hi ~· 1111111 ,1 1 _,1 ' Jl I -i1o1 I I Ui\ ,\ f111•,1!" • HALF PRICE hi:-11 r.1 :-.1111lrld "rfl"1 1;'1sS. •>11tt>r "111wr1 f3co,11h h1•u d111· 11.,,,1_-. •t 111" 11 11•1 •!•I• 11 '" I.! l ''\l'I ~ I l"1~1dt t.. \l 6 ACRES \\l\l'"lt rt lll.'.11, •Il l Ill" It• •l Jllft' u!1I fRI M .. Jlll\\ J HI{ !1! hL lllS 11 -J q11 4l 1!1"•' p1.~1pl· I I \•I' '-••lll •ot ,11•' 1hlol1u1h" r 11.,~11111 111. II "11•11 llll"lll• llO~I'<; ~,' l l.hn 111r \J,,1 Iii. I \l I t !~ I'~) I 11 11 \\'ill tr111 h• s :-.: lO) COLORADO -1· ( \l ! Cr <lp!x ~1'6, ixt I Hit,:! IJa. Lido sc·~1 f'L ,, tlL \\1!J ,, IH t" Ill II d, Ju" .: ... 101 I ' i.r, I 1 I' ' l.1 ! •• ool \ l • '•' I ~1 'i•l •~1 IOf'ach 111 ~rl'.porl .B!l. C'<>li"'·11tY 2BrS:llG,\1 111 CALL SS2·7SOO 1"e.\!t'•U1l1le 1,r111 .,l l~Lrl lik• ... u11'•tuihu)'' '1•111i • l.J 1'111 j, L-..:1rs C1"ttil1fi" {:\I foll \\'·r~ s-•!fl(), now $2,19:. NO .!1~1 t "..A.•J•ru1n liiJ--1\...7 l'n1d 1d & '...'.·U' pt! & •hid • VISION. i,r 5Jl-'>>12 Duplexes F urn J 5SO <Ill (l.111 l'I I ,. ot!H 1===========:::1 •1u11~1 111' ,1111!11~1 i-11''• t I~()\\:-; $."l G2 P I µer nil•, -\\-IN1 "'It JtENT~BU S\\'" J iJSl f 1''f', l"t F' }( -: II LI ri .. 111, '' i111. L "''h '\l I * VILLA NINOS * !!\ 0-11 ~, '' I t 1 !II "" 1'1 I'-1,-;'' ltd .-~•1 ... ru11ll '·' '<lllipe inf'l •h \llol!i!h ,St /\dul1,,S.!i1Jnl(.1 f \rl;;_;i{)k1d~,pr11i;1111>i.;-.. r \\1~1 J.J{ l~I ~J,\L U l!Nl'l'S !J111g !1f':11h }l'•trs -u rnnnth 1001111 h.1< k 12!11 417 47'~1 "r •11,.111 ·~, Hl•/\11.)' 4 Rr 2 Ra $'..'Ti REALTY 11c·~ 1\"\I l tCJ~! San Clemenfe 37~ I r>rio" nd11r'ld llnh $81•J0 gu,1 ra11t t>C' l.;Hltl lll , 11,.11 I (:\1 k11!<; /)\'I lllld j{, HI \ ,, Hr .!. li t frJll• do1111 \\!ll 1•:..<li1ng•• p11"10runi( n1oun!.1111 vallev1 Newport Heights 3170 '" :. 11'.'tl hll! tvmpo.ny ,1"1111 111 l'•Ll" ~\:.O.~ h7 ..-'>l'!'I\ 2 BR, 2 BA APTS lt1~::i! ~ Prap•rti••~ 1 __ 752·1920 8 Units Newport Beach (']~,h~ l'Plll!l~UJ ,, !(1<'1111111 N" dl f1•11 11! l!llLl!ll• /l<.l!H~ /~1101 pl""l.1!1<.:111' pr It •' d IJm['ll'rly at S"J.l 1 lOO Call f~l&-UiYJ (A•L U~IDM <l fl<U !$1ol0~1' <d •••ul VALL~:y REALl'Y A lll!IG ("lllU'f"Sl <lltlf ll!C.U. STOCI<. I" M.OO(Gf (l)t,IP<l'I• 19 UNITS 7.6 X GROSS 11• 1r l1kl• "<trl',1111 .1r"KI-ALA Rentals 642-8383 L111\ 1~.1 rk Ct•nte r lt""\111!' 1 .... d1y lun1p.uiy .. r t.!'l_.!.-•11 _ I $89,50 MONTH ,i.~(lrltl\i ' C il! .l •c k 3 1~1 2 1lt 1, frp1. Jr,• f••111r1I ____ _ _ I l 11,1,.~.ot '·" 1,.:1'- f\lll"(•r11t 1\0'Ji~IH-OO!l "I l•l~ (Jh $.~1/\1ql l~tll'll 11 11rit•J PL'1 J,k BLUFFS \l\~l '•1Hr!:.1111-!f~ 11!1 11•\JI~' 11f111111ov ,1,11!1> 1 •\\\1t•rl•1.J ::0.1• '" '_'__ l:<~1111___!11~1111111'rfilJl.:7~_ l(-\r~lr.•rlt1ple:-.~u .fiFrl ].\l\l,\C31•1 h•m" IJo\•I\ \JC\\' t r ;1 t l -.\'\Ii IJ•l••r .! II! 111°1· l 1d1t11s J111<11" 1111 1 ~•1 \!1 r1111.d~Sl'••t.1~Jl~1 R•nc hes, Farm•. I J•I•;. "~ 1'"'111 1•111 r<io 1 1' 111ri1 \\1 111< 1 • 1 1 < Ch Id w I Newport Island 3171 J l'l'\1,/•'llHtS.'!~ ~nci l'ul111t' 1111.:1t•I Lh·~" I • .'l.11h Jh11r .. ,,1•1d"n111111111 i 1•••' 1>11 ... 111"111 1 11 ,, 1 r en e c ome Groves 2700 ~ i..:ot1 • ,r .. 1t /1t'l1l,.< 1.:••h1oo1),,11,u11,,1.,.:ol• 11/1u11 .. r "'•1•i~•l l J," ~.'.t7-'H 11 "11•-'>--•1'1 11 1111 _., 111\1,!•ol\l !r ,_!ll lin\1 e \,\.'l\O II I'\ !1 I' I• 1~• 11' I S. J•I Ill I I'\' Pll 11lls "J. H1 Sll-1 ! , "''tu •JO I./ 1 .._, µl ! \),.Ji) Lt• 1 11 1 •I ,~,'I,• 11,, 1 "'"I Duple xes Unfurn 3600 '-11 (I I 1•ut. "l t N ( r A " /\ 1:" l 1!11 ~ r:1 Ir p)o' 11/11 I I j•I, i. 1J.i.gC' h 11' l'd, n1nV<' IOdHV Ill•• ':).•.!..·/ 11•1 \ 11\ Ii 1~· -----I I I: ( t!•f,. \\,11" ! ·~ "II I noKlNLJ UP !ill ill'<, l'llfll bl I Ill ~ I Homeftnders * 642·9900 7S2-18QO i!\l'i• NEAR BEACH I . •11"1'1"11 ~I· I .I P atk·L1ke 1:1• LI rf'-. !i,,, Lit'<.! Hl JtivcrsJdf' p •tl• 1111..: 1 ltlk I 1• 01\1 ,i:, 1 .2 (0 1ht11!0 (',)~1,l i\fes I Jeanne Newman Ill\ 1 I It "J.' -I~'· 11>1 i• .r 11 ol II! 1•1' \pl Sur round1119' !ti ll lt '< .U<' pl.intf'd tu 'l 1.11 t .. ull S'•I hi \1117 I Hl'_"_l'A-I 642.8235 oil lollns ·,1 1 l\fl1 ... 1 ---u-,;-h:;;:-n-[l)'\.l'\1 '2& .1l1 i\pt~ 1r oJol \a!ellC 1a.s &40acrc~ ------~!l/\H.P I "·' ~no< {) ll<<ritui••l urtl-:.h,S li-,••; Apartments 1, 1, ll<ll' I Housel Unfurnished '.'lh·~1 \11t\i" l<x i1r"n qUJI'! 1mpson· unn " \I tl \HS ' (l\l .1r ''1"'11 for 1h1f'lopm<'11' ------I 3806 , :-\1 ~hUJ>i.;. ,\duh~ onl), Ni•xt )lArii •·Tnp !noks hki• cul1h ~,1(' r{Vu11 for ho,11 or 1 -----Bit t'..I<\\, 1 Blk t•• •)..• 111 Balboa Island .ipprnx ..' .,OOJ L.oxf's Gr"'" Gener•I 3202 111u1, 1 ,\\,ulable no\1 s-10J im;lijlr Fi\H.\I "I'\ I t IHf: 1 pt ... / ,\ h.1,, ~.rne 11r11 ~ 111 ...,... 1 Martinique Apts. ,1,0 .... ,.1,,1 ... _ ~llt>r 1,111 , uuliuhnl.! ;:1 rdl 11Pr, 5-lli~~so dq, Ill" d•~ "-1u1n) k11,h111 11intr1 s,:;,, )rl~ (IJ•'11 !\, J hr ut1I 111.l S--1 .!I 1 __ "· 1 1 1 C'I " ,. ....... ....,... ALA RENTALS 1-1 /slv & l't'fn~ tl!1l i.:,11 Ii.: N.pt I fA&-.1101 or 67~i-\tr.;-, hr :. 11, Sll• ~un11tur" '" ....... u1n'11,1; i e ~-'l ~iltllllC't! 1hls e n t1r·· ~ (){],\:\\II\\ 4 l'r s11-, n1C'J.<'Opl .. 1-1 1th ,,,.,.,. f/IC'd)d g.uoi1n<'I S~•Jlllul A I IF 'hd-11'11 \!II b(:-711~ \t(!T ,\pt\11 616-,,)C pri•1>f'1lv at !he Jo" r r 1c l" Wl \P'!C1•uu 1>1u 1Y•CI n101-.t&setunlv dep1161 lrvmch'.rlO\\' ,,_ aiailS.-p l 61 ,17hi par mens urn1s e El p M •\I $.~1Xl f1tl •11th ,,,..i<t trrni<> t,;l{·nl ui.:les Tl'nace day! 2 BR Condo .• S?l5fnio I~"" --------\I ,\1:1 'l u11fun1 "1 lu Uerto e5G ""r hu tht r u1for111.111 .. n f lfiit HOUSfl :)4"--0!3'1, c1f's & \\knds 2 fiR Condos .. S265 & SZ'i3 :->P1A1C 14 Bit 1.!1 _ 1: t r~u,1do 1 Balboa Island 3706 1:1 \\ /11 , r1•1, !ieain C'l!Jt:, 2 BR Unfurn. 1•lt-n"l.1 ll l111r1f:;ckhoff ·i~'•'!f\1 3BRCondos ••. $265 k.S273 \\ ip c, IJUO plt\gs r l ~:00 GT'..-4.!Ni I S17S.AllUtil Paid E L k h ,;; f .~ ,\:"'"" 111'. ~ ~~~!s :.! 1 B;{ ;,ast~icle "'ail ,\ug 3 BR H imes • S::OO, $325, S335 C'l tholic C 1111H h .~ ,1" 1~~.!!'"01 1 • \\.f~l ~It ,~-, -Balboa P e n in sula 3807 !\" Lhiltl1f"11 ~o p, ts ~.11 ~"1>~1 r1es ,'\ 1\eekends --1_ ,' Chl l OL. '""'""' l BH Homcs S~OO S373 S~!l..i $1 ~J/lllll ;.1lv lse 1 -... \.!. lHH,1r1111•'" g-u ·• '~·;r ·1 I NEW P'ORT l.IAY C M•42·1lOl l"-tl l"-ls 11 ""~·"" 1;;w,7c~ l1BJ~1 111\l.1\h,·!~l \:,, 1• .. ,t ,C:,lt"Lt',11l11r\ ,,,...,,, ___ :.t•J I~! & l:<'-1 + $100 41,Jt 11"111<'"" .$1'1,.,S3fl3 $13.:r ' 1959 M I A CM [t'\ll-:\\-~!Af'lt1'~~ ''"~1h l.f 1\•H 11,.hJ< S l'•l~l"l .(,1~,,11 \..:t 1,.1"1iiYJ7 f:.,\\tll /'1'.ALTY NEWPORT HEIGHTS \XI II>\ Lrt~stl'\'. Rl"',tlt•01• J l:H, Sl!J(l n1'ilh. f11"t .t ____ ap_!_ve., • • htl•' I inti J SJ!l 1\:tll'r 111111 111111~1...,1,11'"1 ----,-.. -, 1 1 * J.'".11·20Ciu • l"lo·lu:..•' 2 !~It, 2 IJ1 , unf ___ !~1...!_·;·~I\ 1 .... 1 ':id 1lr•11 1\/\1c11 ,(), "'~I.HA \'1 11.\l;~. I 11 LI•! riillC'I ~ ..! pqJ£' 11u•·-.1 :-.~,\J J l.1 t •1 ~1n •I•• II I: 111 "11 \!,! ~, BJ,, I/, '11 H .. \:\l1l l:f'ALTY ,\d11lt~ tdl hll-111~ ~·1· Iii I.I \I. l lilt 1 xlr 1 t..:,• ll 11 :-;,, •,I ll~\ to'fi 1 \!J , sn111! .l•hilt 1\'J111plrs 111 tush I >< , l•I <<<II 'l•l<I to 10 '\1t 1• l111n t.: d ,I;; .-111ld ''" l"11Ji!h•U-.l ~-J(I I '"'i 1;.ir * ~.:..>·GMlO * fltllo/l•"I !!"-.I! -,\'1,..J07i 111 r~'r, "\r1 ]'"'~ '>lll1oJ.•, t, I , llol, I•<< I , <<I<< 1,,1 '"''"<I ~·!Inn..: l<o<·nt .~t 01 1111n ·n o V1r st 11 "•'1 ' I ,,.,c, ,,-]'11\'\!1 '1 11 11 .. u,t• Sl"I l\!•/ll·l••J,!1/\\ :\hs.a\1r111' r 1 111• r.1.1rsl's ..;u;..-:-JJ. 1 I , • • -1L.:~TIN llF1\lT\' \l::\l'~LY ~::;--_-1;.,-1~ h i• ,\1111 !1/1 '1!) ~·"' "(''•I 111 .. 1, rh l id I'd 11'•111 t~ ul1 \ 1 ll'.1', 1 Br ihpr•<1 1l1•111 \'..ln11•p1111' !I<~ 1 ld\l ,\1u1.,h\ip•l ••k ~,,\1,1__ •R32 "i111 * i1lth \Jc:.i. .i•l:<\:..S -~JI\>" /\••l,!._'!.;.• .... ~:;!1.!l.!_s......!i!~r;~~" •·.iul:-.c.11t l t-'"ll'J ~'L• \:.J l ~'.'\3r S~'UJf,.ts.1:.:\\,1tt•r .,f .. 1111•1 -..l 11 p 111111 ~-lll\ltr ------l-lltl-11.L 1 U1 11 .. 11 .... • $~() ·1 1'1{ 1 ~. B:i bltllS j rpJS '~" \~f'l1..1\rlll:Nl/\J}~i)--htl \,uJ1t l luh h\('11 lj•I .! 1.ll\ ~· !•1 ... __ _'.:: -~---382-2 1.'I :\0 1 .. n.~l l ~":il'!ln'ot ' ''"1"11u,11on f•1 c1Jr1 !• d l!ll!ts~ l{ui,fi, 11• •1 • 2 11 .1 1.t 1,,1. ~•~luoh~I dri·:..' Culdc.1i<\r ::o6J 11'"<11 Corona del Mar (' r 111 s 1 ~l\.01:17 or lll(Hl!hl } )'J'1 Hs S 1 1,,fl /1ou.,.' "' 11\1!1 f1~1nl (,.~! l !'1.)(JJ ! HI $!'1) /\ 1. nnw I i1Jqr \l,t) $ .. JO l\:tf~ \ltJI ns .t tllll Sf'lf'Cll"n nl S-IOJ Glf>.13().I ~I ~~}:;~ d\:;~t"~1'11~l:•r\~·~~~ 1-~~ 1:,1','' > ~rn•l"u' 1~r11n !>t~lti .,n1 ~h..;;1 (>p .. 11 l!•Jus1 sat Sn1rn1n1>!' 1i111n l','\111','' -,1,·, ,n 1, llllJJul h••1n•·~ FOi! '1 BDrt~t V1l11 tennis .uid " 1 1;[( l'lll\/\!F \\:.ilk 1., I,"-' ""lt\I" ,,.,, •~ ,,~. 19-{ ' SAL!.' Leo!. us SCJlvc )Our "r .tfl" I '!\I t1'i .-1..-1~7 ul ,, ou ,., ...., "" .~ t .. nnl 1"-~11mn1 llflll~ ~~·~~"ll"~~I HI!, :.i ].1 h•IUS\ '$:.-~) 11 D ,, I I ' I pool S60J per n1onth ---Ill (\II ,\] ,\lli• ,\J I lit) !'M'l I II IJ " I I (.Orl..'.f'l">US pool C:<'n!rallv RealEst•teWntd. 2900 J~1r1\l1uvr g'1n ifn ~t1t 1 ,B!{ lB'.'$.,-Jtuo l<JU'<lll~ J>ef'1.~ "e re Il l\! ll AllBOH.VIDV Jl0~1F,-; Balboa Peninsula 3707 $1!•> 11\" 1-11 .. i t lt•! 1 pa •rp~ rips loll" 1 t,~! 1' 1~, fr, , 11 1 1 J.,\(,L"\i\ 111 , '.l nr S:Y:• l~l', no f)(.'!S to ~en.f' 'ou' Re,Llty !)3'.l--0780 \\ ,tt•r pAld r,7-.. -,~11 h1:'l ~110 d~hl'.lu .~ 1hspvsa l La undry ,u 1 t'~~ 1'.-;1 rllcnt a.11:1111lll'l11 ~It) 2313 ,,sk !01 111,-,d C0C1ns BOB PETIIT, P..EALTOR "\ l:.AR lV\J!ld 1 ·nla) . J..tn <'l.Y '-I II! I 10 11 Pool, < lO!!P1I g-1u,1ges C,\t;I! rn1 \'lU! Npufl ff'1ln1 drr k ~n i,igr 1.1<< 111 \II t-irst \\~ten1 Bai1k Bld~ JIACK BA\ l BR 2'z h1 h \•• !.!Ill ur "<\!)...7 17G No •I~·.· ~s .... .i_rvil C.111 !tll"l l\ l'"IJlrl\ Q111rk t""-'l'l'lllrnr 1Sl\i:!t.\J. • 1;1 • Ba 3 llJ~ 11 _ 1 .. 1 J-'1ph·, !,~(' I ... c-.11 1 Br .ip( l l·lk il)UlCoLll ! rt!!!\I 1111 11 l-\1ll1•1! I -1 -1 I •t 1 $'I U1111L'r<;1t1 f',i rk J52-700U t-':un-rn1 pou ,,r ""'-1 s 1 1,1 .. <o 1,,, 111,~ ,,,,, llnhlr('n or 1"''1 '< '• ,1 I~-"" 1 -;1,1 1ni.; \,\ or t-1 1A !o;111 I $27.>/$'.uil (11 0 1( I '1 Br 'l 1\1 k)ol i n•t~. J1ps • :i I 'IOO ( 10-0fAJ' ,... ;# I 11 ( 1 • STM••-DIVIS '"-IJ,\Y vr :\111: ~pl ... ~-·-'--11,f\\ H t!lx<> llhil •1 1 ••\•! •·l 1 :..1 lll'1<'1Htn lldtl.(ir Apt.s !NYE wuION , .. ,-11>'17 1:., '1~11~11~1 tl' L ,1, 111.1 '~~(••J 11 '\ 111 \I 1 Ui'L1l'"1 ~·" 1 • \I [ ~ I '· ---4 BR ~ Da, Cp10, !)I""" 3 Rl{, ".! 00 din .., hlk" -----11 ' 1 '1• ' ~· ' ~11 ,\1111 HQ l e , , W ted L t & A re age la1n1!1 .1.. ~u1~ f'". <!" J• iuo 2 Bit llnL ."lo!--. 11 J~ni ,11 ) ai •I , • ., lro ... 1 T : 11 I • ;i 1:->R '' I ~ 111•• 111 1<1 111 11 :.. ~,.. ',..,.-i ' r -T-S < • I an Os c 1-:..ll l,..f''o A!! Al..JA.-. 111•lo.Jg u 'riJ \\ J.-i111 SI"\..> f'el.,Of\ Ht'ntor J,.,C' in ~v<.:l ennis 6:-JX.".! \\11111r ]\rntil~ 1, B!k tu 1·1~:..~1 1CASAVICTORIAAP \l~~.~:i ALAR I "2B38J Sl 1in1<1 ::,.1i:;~Y.J! p11\ ,1,,1:.ii -l'I !"'Ill\ I t -entas V"t · ,,.,,-,1,,q" ___ -},(',,•h 1 .. ...i1HI '"llJ!!il-I \ J',!' !r· 1", P H\• ~_ •• •1p .. 10~ ~~~~~llli~~~~~~~1------------~J:!t ..!': B1 1111 i;rN'nl,.,\1 111! /\luff~ f~f'"< llH -.--• - 1 ' · 1 tJ"l!I Slf•'.J ~1 ,\d11lts 21'1{111•11111hou .. •$!.:1 \l,.n :.! LI: 1 h~ ~U <' :i r,:i 011 1 1\1 1:\ll!t 1 1,J I I\\, 11!\I 1111 11/f1pl! pr1va'" I I I 1 II \dull /'«<•I ~~10 .1•1, 11<'1• trpt" <!rp~ ti•!' 1 !' "' r1-. till f'l'\,o (ll~ -----I ~ •11!:(·,.~11 \ll...,lSl '•I :!. H1h:-i1 l1 1 ,l"1t.~.s2.:...' • 1_,1_,,1,"'<fSI'''·'·''"•·'·'' 111• 111"\1 -•1(1,,,,,,,,,..i •11•1111<•"1.'1••1•r 111•>,lr1t ._ 1 1 1 1 , 1 I I & I 'l"O • lO • ~1!tt.ii'I ..•. , •. _ .....,,. 'II\ ,1,11., 1-, 1 I 1 .o •1 1• .,,~. 11.1~ 1~ ·~ ~.,tall ,,-1:[{ J[u11l111,:l••n ~11011 ~1 J 1111•, 1,,,1,1 al~ ti -- --~----• _. __ ::.....'..'.'' • 1•1\.ti 11;_« ______ >!..• \,ILl••l1a ('\[ 6421\'QlO --REAL ESTATE \\ull\ ,,... 1111 1 1~.us1• Sl ~I _;-1,1-;---1,-1-,-.• ,,,nn 1,.,~..,1 Laguna Beach 3248 I ,)~1((1~r lu11•r dup!1'' l\J \I IJ '/' •t•wi 111 "l lt l l · \I "·· "" u , 1,1: .: 1·1 hltn, fi]>I •• lll"ll 11 J~i./l.!li ·\ •l1t'•t> _, ''10 I\ ~Hl1H:\l,1"l:.c 3 1ocnt1011s f.,!J,J:{(UtJl!l oil l U', I ,,. "lllhJI "'6 u l~!f..ll~\,u!ll!1]~l,1t /• l•·•<<<<"ol«<,>.,'<lfll[•~, " INCOME ... ,ng] ...... r 1 .. 111111·" ,\~( ~",,',·,.~ '"'.-,''•.1...:~1.~'Sll •• -~ s is-. I nr>Tt 11 /,.:1r:ll;f' Z\.o \-,..:_, \(u/1r 1~·· l,kr f,j.µ)],.J .... lh 1r "1 ~1111ung .11'1\ll Cpts. SPECIALI STS AN D TRAINEES Houses Furnished ~f'1' ·1~ ~:':n ·' "' ·' .,. tn1! nr 1~ i1h ,1:; l•o1\t1 C-1,DO --1-,---r..; n •lJl1 ~ t.krl-'~ 1 1 .. 1, 1<nn1-. 111>, utd S.!.111 •1111' l•!l n" sron1r W/Jl'"'OI 1 Hil!Jin-r~1. fried ~.t Sl lO 2 BOit 0<'1'Lll \U 11fJl ~tU!lJ<; ~luhr ~·lr-31' {~Cr~ ocr:.\~ 1-J.n~r t. •• 1!~1 \11'1 '" $1J.I IHI) ror J Br General 3102 LANDLORDS! l hllclr1 n & p<ts Oh. $.-:-..6 ' J'OOI LTrll l'A!l1 J Ill{ .1pl Su <of Jh\), 1\;;l k s u., /1)1 }, Hr No pets I ' :-.. 'J&--691 \\nlk to h-.v.ir & hf'11\h 7·,J-ll:Or.r l.\.t-1IO( SIW/:'!7, :<.to l.i1 ~i l!J ir1 /l{'ach /\rt111ts SZ41J ,.,-,1r~11nn 1 1 ... ,k, ... No fC'e I\~' SpeL1a]L;z.(' Ill N('llj)Or! ~n·_h<tl~f'n('r -'-' -'--s21 -,1 .. sturl1011rdC'11 Steps \ 'r ' ~ r '" I '" J"lll .1.:~1 ··~c11•, SS3·Sl1J llll ptlbach~ B(a,h e Cc.ronadel~tar e 31:r. 2r:1,l~u;::cl:an1n11 1,.r ... f,,u,\1~·1111 1 11.kh ;-.;~,\ !fiH .!.~tit inirni Coronade1Mar 3722 to l!'i~:lni fl'il-:'lm;:, 1H1t-C~ltC'llr.t.l Ccillng,full f'\p.'1nd111..: '"lilfl•!l} N11t °''""1"1d• nr h\\), l ... lb,'\Hll & La~-wi .. flu1 Jt1•111a.J s,.r \\llh l~lll k 1''rpl,.; $tlfl "J. B!11t fl'f1k f!1r11g-C' Pa!ro :\e1-1p.irt T~l'l'~~I' , h\I HI I.Oft ~'•! pt'I n1untli 101!1<• \lli g-ar Ideal for J~lr 1\uf•>r\ 1 .... r.-... -;U'; SlllJ ur!L pd hach \\/g,lr<Ib•' 1l•'f' \§ l'R.EE to You 1l1 $.!~3 mo :J.j(,...3(.0 \ ud •h1 ld/P•'t ,,,)(~n1e (i1nd(• ~7.::l.i 111•)~\.l-'i,i7_ ~!\llJ!O r1p1. ~111~lo 11n111 ui !I i' :\a1 <1<.~11~ \10111110 a lone Quict street fl,111\1\l N. pool (OJ I Ona d<'I i\J II ~u-\ Ir\\ zl1U, ''<Ir Inc-./ 1d 111'1\ s \' \ I Jjj)/{ ,ill blt11~ lrph Newport Heights 32701 l•I •I ~l"J...r 1~ r Ill\} (.Lil -~~ -~l~ ·~ft <'~(, _Joi n_ -111 { '1 11C ( ntT ~HS & "tr $lJ:.!.Gr hilhlullkitt:ti NU-VIEW RENTALS (rpr $.:111 1,,:1--,1J-:'.! 01 g-q,1;.:1' li.:• d~.1-, 17 -1~,;-1 ~Bi l 11111 "' lh,;1111 11 st•1C', 11" CiSti-il!":(.h LtCI Quail . s:i,i.:~~·1',~;·t.\::;.~~1; U.11 frril Ii~ \O~O ___ "r ___ I~~ ~~ J, 1)-1,177 1 . -, L S,tt1!.1 \11 1 $\(.() l ~I~L I t 11h i 1 '.'.;·\~11 ~\~t \\ n:1i:~:~1111 s~:··1~;,11f: L;!~~h ~~ 11/l•(tl!1 ~Jr ., ll'h I\! 'I )•I" ( 1 .. Oil ,1dll ~. -.-vTLLA MESA • P lac. I • 1'\11 I I ll I ]II II' 3226-fnil llM'. go;i:;:('(!Us Ill 1 ~ I 1 • ,,,,.,,.Ill 11t1l ~ 1~1 .:..., :i.1 ~r,;11tlllt no1.1<ts l ll.'l-ll'J1 ,' l'.I' 1,,l'I"<< l'>I !','!<" 11~• 1 ).!•tl 1•a t1u L-<•i;L,U ~ -, 111, un ' 1 ,r D•n• Po<nt 1,11, ''''''' s11n1 11 , ~ , u\ •l 1 ... , '" " •1 •. ·!!•II \I \'\•II [)pf'11S1! v-:un l'\1 - ---------R' c-··' Prop erties $J(~iLJ 1 1.1,,!•'1 •r1n1r0,i1tl i111r11<<1111.11i! NU-VIEWRENTALS "1-1 pt ~1 ~ 1 .~------.!.Hflll\l'•ol,i\cll.1!1 ~\,1 Pool 1·1\)111 SI:> !·r.:.c:u l•lr 11 1.1. p 1t10 '.'ir1,["111 t \J' U,h :-.1n~llS ta1111!1cs l:BH u.i1,,1111, ~·p 1 l11n~ ,\g,111 G4l ~J!IJ t,J~ ,2no Costa Mesa 3724 pl"'t~ \\:ilk (•> lw t('li ~Z.~i ;:11 a~es 'il9 \\I, \V1loo11 752·t 920 S:t\1 ! Bdi "J. ll L 1111\l' :. 1i1 ;: II 1, $.!Iii flud, g 11 ,! , .. r i.: u 1u JI 111.;. . ..i $!"" Gi~l-0::.0 or 49'1-:;.2 1.'l SJ AC 1 l ~ll "2 IM h'1nl• 1 11.~ St•111 o1d J{d l~fi t(J'I fi.JG-..12'.""il _______ _ ~ L1 11l 1 "111Jlo"1 11 •!1""1 l'C'rnn t'l1\t 1 1.1: i..; 1L 1,.1: $~1U Ht 1.l ;1 Al IH.!.1h 4 BDRM. + FAMILY l;:i' run 1111 sc,!ud•'t! g-11,h n L,\.J{(;r: ___ Hn-N (' 1-1 Jy Lnlt du1>11•\, , rpts dr1w;, F°Ourple ;-Hunt Be•ch I NU-V I EW REN~ALS 1L1L;/"<11 i .1.1111 Fountain V•lley 3234 lf ... :11"<! r111 I;.;•' IP,1•! ln1 a! .uen rlo)S(' 1111»h•••l'i S-H~! Ambassador Inn i .~11 r mr1tf'rl "ITT.'Jllar-· hlt111~. sti11 11).: rlnst>ts, F' & S ui'.-l-0..iO o r 494-1-lS Homef1nder~ * 642·9900 T»r nf 1h1' \\nrhl ~p.a C'1ous 11111 •lln "·I :.Jod~n,1 \\alk to )){'iHh S-'2'.J b7Hl~12 n•'1\ly r!N'"111te<l $\"r.:t nin IX ave j ~ 1 UJt-1 ---~ JJ.! ('1l1nll(1 {\,~t1 :\!'"" 4 1 .. 11rn, & fain nn floor ---BRANO NEW :;--11-,--,-Jki-hli r;;-f~I~ ulll~ no l">l'!s /\~,111 flU'W Li::-··~b•1 h t11 + ~2ht1ln....,ms '' 1 i•J~\c, siit.'a:i~ --,-.RENTERS!!" 2 RT!, '.?Tl \, al! h!ln,;,:? cir pl llll !.l"lng h\ rni Newport Shores 3272 S34 SO & Up ·~1-1160 •. _______ _ hl!n~. c!""d , or •\1111 "I l,1111i1t !< 1 "'' ''':111 J;ilr s iun pqoJ khis l )K /f .,. 1• Ill 111 • ~1 1 1 111111 .! l•lks t-.. h l\i(JS - 1.,,1 ''''"'''' , 11 , ,1,<111r h"u"' titrl 1•1 C\~'-1a \\,<;a Ynu G1~t ,\I! lhl' llou~f'<; \\ tre,,.a"-' .u :'. J.ifl tl o!n, 2 hi, blt 11s r•.;il SINGLE STUDIO APT 111\ S3i"3 111•1 bT.i-14-J7 '.!Bit Crrits D11>!" Dsh"~.hr, • 1 1 51 l t I $2)() rnu i\.o rec \gent kllC'hcn An cs('('llrnt tan11ly -1. " I 1 II N OnlyS59950 \\.Jk to 'l"'<1r 1 1.., •1 .1 1Li],1h!rlorr1 111 11itlliH trn•u-c;, hlk l<1 hr ,1•11 S1'1'C0L\L\\FLl\LYH.ATI!:'::i --------S-.!6:. l~•i! ng, ..... tu\c U'"S r o . . ' 1,.1 ~~'"l""n B•'01r h flupl• x HCLL",1 IN UJll),\TJ;:lJ 3 \:l:t l\_'1 horne for on.I;. Clultlren "k ,\1"11 ilJli''"'" I 2"!Ti Jl.1rbor Bhll ~:;,\{ •1 ~~~11 s -:fi1 ~I~rguC'ritc JKlS Sl70 1110 '\i:?-R931i First Pioneer Realty ,\!<;0 111 1nt hou:<C" (nmni tUllC'~ ii t•l"'k I BB ~1 i U..< pa:io f11•l1.:, .S·l::.0 .\10~'11! A•u• 2f\t n s,:;-~1 n1ll ~i·!yl Costa /\Jesa &1;-,.....1SKJ -_, "I< <<oant•il rouple B4l 4421 I ' II I "I I I I ! o I ;\1J<;;SJO'.'li l'tt.:,\LTY ~!1~0731 ..,., 111 .. 11 S.JI ,\ -.un J'\I n • ,1,, \l,..r • unui.:"11 Homef1nders*642·9900 '111" rt• tllll1t:" .pc...... l~c 64:>-f,-.:11 tl .... ':i•(I 1 _ preferred <"•11l{'t~ S1:JO -L-0-,-,-1c0-,-'-sale '2 200 l~·v h t1t1l J•! ,\gt 1'rr 112 C'ihrillu {\I \l nt"r '<Ofl•'ller S:.1.0 .no FOil l.1'.A~t:; Lri:: 3 BP. !I $30 WEEK & UP Costa Mesa 3824 %~!\flGl •11:1-, I ~\ 1 ~,s ftln.:: h, house 1,11 c n 11 ) (l 11 , San Juan -~~=~~~-I f I I !'I I C t J 278 e <;;1u<!1ll t,. I Bil. ,\pis 7 UNIT LOT -SSl.ANOLOROSS$ H ~ •·· IBH ~'i l!..'1,11alk toatl lPl ,/dri•s,s!oiP,rl'fri~. apis rano 1 •T\&~t.udSc1 11lt',\\a1! J.-lrrn~ pJ hi e l'1\1!e""'"l11tl Scrv11e e I I I " l 1!1sh\\ashPr P11\1"y e l'I S II I I 'l ! \l:4.I E •• ts1de Costa Mesa 1 ~~· 11" [('Ut ;,our pr11[1('it1 *LANDLORDS* ~. 11 ··~ Al .I! ..... 'p! <;:\ 11 /CK.1'.:A.~ \l"\V s 1 ;i o :;l)!{ j l~ !"I.( tljitS drp~. lOllt' ervit~-tr [JOO l'tll!lll l) ,..'<()Ill, llf'\.\ "'h•t:; \\• •111 lt'l1 rtul p11 bill" S ~~I l.C'.1,l + •l(·p 9Ci.:%.\:: hlU.il:-., ltonun i•.vl 1n1lt• • C!11Jdrt-n & Pet Sec•l1on , rpr lnll! 1i:-111" & 1 m! I ~1~1111,..: I l \!IH\I .,,t1:u:r 11~•uhl1 ~1~i·•1, s~•· t o Homef1nders * 642-9900 !111 •krnds ,,n\\J /\\all ll \ Cluldrt'!l ,r., lll't~ Jn l!t'ach llL!i;1 !'u1nl 2.1ili r\1'\\Pflrl Blvd, C'.1-1 \\;;lk '"all «l{l~ !;l:h•••I~ I I ''I ' '• !ti "I S II 11 I nK ·1~)l·50z<I "'" or ~ii l.:":<o.~ r~10.,·,-., o• "1--"'"'7 <""l kl pus<»\ '0 ... i.. '" 1•1•1U"'1:o 1111. n1fl1l111 •'• l f\.hforni,;s Lar;:rst l lil.\: l JlH 11111.hse ('rpt~ J\t~n111 $2T• p(•r 1110, """ ~ ''~'""" ~21 .i ,, .... , •1n 101111 HI -'\"th111g I••• l1t1le ~ill 11~ e ltl'nlkl S.rvi .. e dr ps, tlbl C't11.I i::ar. l'o.il * • * "' ,\'ll-X-1\1\ Bl•H\l ln1g(' 1rl1•nl f1•1 j7)\TL\' 2"'"1·1·1<-c&~c,,c,·,-c, ,. IQuai'I ~ A1'L"AuuR"e'nt1,"1,5 "2-8383 Ba1bo;-island 3206 ,r,'..c 11,_1,'1u unrned posq 31 ,1 ll 1~,..1~(lll~11c1~~n 1i;11-1/~l~~ Santa Ana Heights 3282 hi(J ul"r" i\rhil!<; i ii,, ,1; t.. 11pptr 1,11ns:-,,1111 dl'f•~ -, I :i-1;, l'•Hrh1u<li '>l~'•hll qua1 ,,,,n 111111 /'l u 1• 11r /l•'1"1rs, n1uc h rt1;u in, lreshl1 ~ -- -d "J Place Balboa Island 3106 1 111 : ~·~ lia~ :s,",;:; 111•i ,i,~(..,111('11 $UlJ i\lt"\ 1 ~Bl: 1 1 .. 1 •., 1•1 •' c 1n :\ICJ 11.1.dpl'-(~1n•! s,111 ~11 .. pp111(: l\lri1T1l"' 1•\11 " t --1: 111 , • 1 /ll~ rlrp~ fr r>l Ir :i~' ,\\ ul ~~pl Js1 , lllldri 11 1~1 it 1'l nr '.::0:2 "il"ir. 1,1 p f11n11 111 1111 i1., l • 'rl "I I 1 I' 11 th•, r n ip\"\• d ridu!I ~r"' P• t ~, $22 • f,~i.-i 1!_I __ Prap•r ••• ,.:1 1,ii;:r l.i1 ~\p1I ,.~., '*'2_r,.~~ ''•pl11~t1 1 1I l'•'t-.. rqil "l•I .. lh•j•t,>1\\(1] :1.1: n1\\'\llOL SJ ' Ill'\\ ---B Ibo P e nm•ula 3707 ~i!~-!?TJ 1n" 1-1.11~1 p 11.! ---1d!J, r~· il11lrh Pn nr r-t-.. 1 BR ap1. $1 2·, Oldrr l'i•UPlf" •1r !.tdy pr .. r l'.!2 1\ \111g111il1d 4'H·469"i 1 nit, Ill 11· {'J"pt. rooi. rlO p• Is 1 .u prort Sl!\5 297i "'lf'11do1~1 7i H:fiOlc _____ 1 ~ Br 11v,11l "111> Li~ht & 1111), n1<'t' opt frJr n111rleo l 1 µl rr\ 1 r 4·, St'C It' 616-J '6! i Hll !n1n1 1npl{'x 1rra1 hl tn' trpl'' S17U 1'r1ult!I 11 Liii , luldrrn h\:,-J,1 ' 3826 75Z-1920 1 •11i~~~}1: \: 11 11,J111 " ll 1~0 -\' ir h_I" _i.I_:;_'.\.\ Huntington Beach 3240 1 \'"1~1[ 21,1,1l11 ~I /.:~ •• 11°~111~f'~,: ,,; 11' ~ --!Huntington Beach-3740 I '1 pt-. di P' ir.iin~ d l'l)'llpl· --PANORAMI C fl1, I ••• h••u" lo. '.J a a ~ & r1t1" I r1\ rJ.:\"\Js I l°'<J ~ 111 ,. n I 1------------HH Z !~t 1 n11 1n11shed ' I l I ,\\f\ll ,dltr Stfll l~t l11<d '\J: ••<'lllfl'•ll1 '\ •r•• •11 '1" 11 I I ~-111° OT ,1 11 >\ I :-'ll" "~'1 l••l " < llT..: Bl-~\( 11 '! l l -I \ll< !' I !lit <, • I<'<" VIEW L I • I -' ·-'r fl'\ B\\ ,\,! 2 'h•r1 'l dr 1p1s r11ll1 1pHI fn c.! 1d ,,.,r 1d, k1r!~ ,\;. l"-1~ ok 1\1<11 :· l.1 1•l1•g 1111, 1\1 111 ~t --l '-ho •'\'" • '. ,, ' "' \1r1\ Ill c•1":111 i. l o~111"1 ____ iill i l,1-~'+. HI\, I: l\1 1 11111 ~t1J1, Bl1Hl'<,~l',11r~,11~~b•)ps ~]":'••~ •l•,--111 :-;undn·k pit io 11,11 2 ni,1 11,\~nil.'lo"!i ,.o rd•n •l 11 s,r!ip~ \•1 1lf't~ SlfiO l!.u1<h {11r~)1"11t 1lrl r,111 ('I Jl:Y l t)r!,\{,! ..: 1 ... 1, .!. SV•J tn" •~:...fi J ,', f1trd & 111r jJ<i SV'() 1110 QCf.,\;>; \1('11J 1.:111,,. B!t~ S h L 3286 ,1,1~.d rµ" lndri,g:i.r,J;B(,,I 111111 1,,11 ~llH;iip!s,dii" 111" 1r,,1U..i"'11Pl1ni11k11rb Jn1td~ l'r,..!1111 pl ans ' IJ.\ 11f'" kll•ln•n .~ 1"11 11 CoronadelMar 3222 ( 11l~'llll-17 1ftl'pn• ~~~i. 1\1 ~hf'r & <ll')er 1 out a guna ,'\, ~11n1,, p1<'1 s:.ii~, \111 /11,oJ 1111n hl'11in•i·1! fq1!(, Eastbluft 3830 appru1 :tl IJ'Ol"ll L 1!1' &. l)sh\.\ "I. 1' I pl.' Loa r . s. :\f()f)J-.H.:-W, 3 Urdrn1 2 bath yr old S31 • 4~37a:l ]Bl{ Sj]'('i ta< 11lar (!('C:\11 \" \.\ I ••1111d \I UTil'd htlll ~ IS.1 f1) ).:Ill' ,\1Jul1~ s1·~~ !.~1 11'.Jdl"'ll ::..:::.:.:.:.:_;.:._ _____ -'-'.;..;I 1'! I lllll<'<l11! •I t"O!IUUlllCC P •!l•~-....m ici S-~l..I Bl1I: llf'L 1Jngs, fa niily rnl arrl'I D". bll ns, J-Bll, 2 IV. SPA~I SJ I fronl \BR., !j.! h1 1m S-IT1 (•k \~r,.'1 ]1 1\11• l'111! 1, ('\l J\i ,ll1 e DELUXE• C:.tll IHI Oi"lfl 3 BJ) ;.i Jt,\ hoo1C' Patio fq1l1 11a !10 (11Rm1' ci pr i!rp~ pa1io, S.1GO 111,1 STYLE, Frpll', Oct-nn \11e", nin ~,.. "' £' 11 /\ssociales ;\1 1'.~ ,.111,1JI tx-.'.li h hot <'] ---;\1-.L\! C:AH.Df~"l S APTS 3 IlR, 2 B,\ Rpl fnr 1<'11~f' SAN CLEMENTE b.1lcony, garage Long or $:!?,ll t-;IC1' 'I Hdr. f1pl t , A~k f11r Bev or Dale J'at10, $-175 IC'A.SC ·199-~'366 49"1-6.~1~1 HO<"lrn, '!1 j()[lf'r 1\k ,\pit; l nfuin 2 H!t apt 111 fainil 1• lnclri s pac 111~s1cr 11ullr SLEEPER short lsc 1213J 4:z9..92&1 11~1111 h~" s1ni.;-l1~ ok ·16.~-ii7, OPEl" hou~r S.1t & Sun 4 Hses Fur n/Unfurn 3300 _S~J"l'r 111•1 ·~'J>-7f(i6 .,,~ct1nn Pool iro po;rts 117 cho t n1 & dbl g-orage Aulo "1'• ~ 1112 lot Balboa Peninsula 3107 S2"~r l.ati:<' & nlf'I' 1 Bdr "! l~R. i1 ~ bath TQl.l•nhouse, Br. ,,e11., ~·;n, D/R, patio -Hunt. Harbour 3742 F ?~nd ~t \ ;\! fl 12-?,f»C• ~~/r<'~\"':~1\C'~1 r~'11\d~~l0; Sl'.' 7'"!0 S11hrnu ,.ff,..r house frplr ,,ud 1 vr ohl ,\dults onl\, .! S-18:) LeaSt' 6 1\.-l3Lq ('01!0:\i\ Ill.,[ \!Al! \1r-.;,\ \1Pr~2 lift 10\l t'r fi h'!llli (!lin• 1 1111x1ous l!tHTV' B \) r ltO:>.:T ~ r;r • \\4 ba, S (IO ; r.1 1 11; 1/1 P1 11"' ~~~a.;~~ l'floli::, Cluhh,.f' & tf'"11111s C'M, Laguna Hi~-E-~ Fl\ Pl r X unr f,!{ ru11 Ii fl \lt,11 '\I, h" ht'l•or 11'•111 h nf'11 l1 d<< 1•tll!l.'•I I'll( I :::-•1 h !Ill 1'9'" ;;1 1'2 ~ 1 J)()~<.; JONl.S R\ ,\1 TY pH'l flflh! \\er-k' lllll.'r, 'irr ' 11 ~ Ill' 11 S '1 Hlk<i /t'lllll hf' Hh $27 1 Ol•I, p'1l1n: ,.'Tl'ILI •I• I '•"-' , 1~uid" ~ q1l1 , Sj , \·,,11,) ''..!' (1"'" ! 1 ~I"'"" 1\d1111-. ,.4'l2"lll 2 , )rly ,\v.ul ~·r1 11th NU-VIEWRENTAL it\;~,.J_l', S300.J D!t ~ba ram-rn1, !'tl':\ hnu .. ,., 2 IH "'' 1 ~.u 1 ,.1111 "1.:1 1 ,~.•11:1 0 ,1111 ,,,1,,~,~~tr-,11 1 ~;~1 )'((~,\1111i.:n~\\,1~·.;o.;1i 1----"='--'-~ f<"i • :.'O'l!l hi 10~0 "I '1~1-:12 I~ l!lt-uis , l'1 dil l<; f<lC'tl, of 111-1 1 \rhiJt ~ ~:-~1 -L -----------1 \1 1111~:· ! I•\ MESA VERDE I ">It, 2 fl \, rl>otn!!: nn I _, i"'> aguna Be•ch 3148 _, l'I, II<«<"' ol•'I\ I"" \11' \\1111\)l \1\1 fi ll" CO 3112 --TE ACE n ". :"..:6tr>~•n·~1n,1 X..1.,-'~'W ll t'1,nkl111H 11 1,. __ .1 .. , , . "'. Bayshores IRVINE RR , •1p1t-lhn1011,:'ls2::.' K UlH' __ ------1--"------ -rnn rnrd cpl 11/l rhild Stn Hunl<'n·g-ton Be•ch 3840 7islf10 lllT )n C'ul•l"s" ~'" 1 ·~1~1 H••'n11 1{11J :l Hit ,.,.,11~ ~i ·nnkler'!-: \\~lk 1ri lig~n• Nigu8 1 325-2 /,\),,11 , 1~1 1 11d "11 'onil ::! BEAUTIFUL APT i~t• k $.!1~) ,\1\ll S1pl 1 I ' II' I I ''' I'''''''• "Ill( c.,,,1 ,,.,.,--1-1 "'" ' I 'l'I' ' I ' • ,, .. ,, d"( k I " -I • "rr1 11 1 rr~u •· • •"'" ''"'"'• 'd111 rru ~ 101 ot'111J lf••I '< llf'U l h $~~1 1-1 ,f,, J:is! -•· • 01 -.. ]111no•l !nf11r11 \pl"'" l{!'fsr{'q (j.\~..,o~ ... 11 1 SWJllXI ~t\f,..T."Jlo .. ,, _____ :J.\311 'JI Ii fhru 6/15, eves h"Jll(' I\ \'(11111\ "IKlh (q1t,.: \)f.!·1~1'\ :!RR, lll,1, St-a f('IT(ICP f1p\1, '.! 1~111 .. ~ .1dl1• $\II (l ' 111 ~!111 11"1ll 1•!1 '<~nd --! ' --· r l "<70l l<y\ 213-3.19-l)Ctl I _ ---T I 1 11 1--~~ri ' ... C:J'AC "''<i\u\<'11 ~ I1 ~ 12 (;AH.D I N S1\lf' "·-,l• -!\\1 11 .. ut (:nr~••lll S pno Ill 4 BH,1 ',J.:i "'rpk,blt·\!l", \)\1!11\)lJSl',()!t'tll \lt'\\ P\ 1 .. r111••1·' \l )'! ..! 1~.rn1 2 ]Jnlh b il.riny, n11 h!111s, !Jll~ drp•, Cplc a Ji.'U11nr-n1 ~ Jnp ('o ~ta Corona def""Mar 3122 1stm1u1 CM!lln:.;1\,C'\on11ilf'1~ \.irrl s !~o1ri~·· Ai r.i i 11011 , i::ar<lcn '-JXllLO !li'al"'h Co;dos Unturn, 3425 S ~\1/1110 A111 t'..0 1 2 1)c ••111 l'r•ol t:•r ,uUts, nu p .. 1 .. 'I"''• l"'·,111011, G<ll"XI 1f'rm~ p11111<) $b:ll 11\u 1111 l~•>l <'~]I & •1 .,.,, lenrus, pool. .I.: 1;l11bhm1sc. \Jo 11 1 lh , h111,.,111 111 vilht 1.,,, \\ !\"• < " ~ '''•'<<<I .l ,. ... ,,,,,," "l<O<<O 11r ,..... is • .-.ipg r,.t1ng••r ' I d C'..'"''-""C':C,,-,--;,,--:c.:::= 11 ~' d1~n Y c n "l' r DF I UX E sn1I 2BR cntt(l~ .. ..... L• .-... ,2--Sf'C11n ty \V atrr ' 1 ues pi1.1 kii i•ly "llNlt'n $28-1;1110 ua _ l~a\1ty1", ~Mi 1'r1 " $JO) n~ ''"' J une I 3210 hy 1pp1 673--"151 \ ,c;, Spl'lni;:dale al'(';> r 1 rno by ownrr SJ,"il !)!'r 1no LlfX, ,.p.1.C 2 !~1. f11 liuln11s 11111 iii IO&:"i $1 711 r-Hl 2 BH, J I~, C'll11" 1 Seavlri\ Agt 6-12-222'2 OCEAN V IEW S l2-53JS leaM" 641-IT.i7 rec 11rt•,1 Pdrft>c t for lJll 11rp!;, HI! u1~ ::.'l~I "l<lt I\ EMERALD BAY NICE 3 BH 2 Bil., near or 2 sngl~ 1 ~ 1111 fro1n1 tx·~,,\N~'Rt lNT \\' 1 n I er '''" r 11.1 CouplC' p!'t'f nn C I M 3124 2 I I NE\1l eondo w!lh \1c11 2 Br l "O < I I " t ! 01011 r V1r.1\ Lo t $79 ():)() OS• es• 3 BR, BA. 1'«', nc1-1 Y F:Jrn1 ~hi Good ynnl l>i•uch ~1 ,ir Cov(' -• rC'n n s 11011' 11u1 .... ep n 1~ 1 .. "JI nppt 61tr5l2-> .. ,,, ::.::::::..:;c::..=-----d " ,-" 2 BR lge I fl. CluhhOUSt' I , • ,,--,, ,~ '" ,\~ \\ l ~1or} Z Bit 2 ba r 1111 Lil! s,\N JU/\N t ,\PO :, < 1r g11 fnc·d yrd 2 nu 1,, 1 ~·11rh 1\0UL1 .Sonl) $255 1!.Y."l--11;.!.2 Cll~.z OHf) Al"TS !12.1 1 Atl ,1n1u I .! & 3 Hit J>11v J.:IU', pool 1•ash1 r rlr}l'r Close to l>f'ill h 536 0.131' ByO"ncr 1•1",..,. r f' f'(Orn!e u n,.:. S!25 mo 1f'Ar lease !1611347.'llll .unc ,,)111 1.1 \ .. ..,po, 1-1 ~,LR{~ lllH irpt~.drrs 1 H.A ILEll for ient $100. + \\l\'ihPr /drye1 S:iOO 11h• I -i16-:l9::'1iafl 7 pin U'iO ino r.1:,.·i0::3 ---t n10 N('1-1Hll A~so.111 t1" Lt:VEL Jl I !J'!1 !l1111nf'oinl, util Nr ,;hopp111g Older llclh'r hurry 011 !hi~ nnc' 4 BH., 2 12 ba n<'1-1 .... ; 3 ll!t l'., b.t l-.1~tlilulf 1'1.11n~o ·!9-l..f>-f.ll bl 11t1 ... n-fr1g 1l i0 \1C'h•111 ttN Tiil-~ BFAC11 2111l 2RA, 7 •xlW, ,\.,king S1"11Kl <0r IK'l'!IDn dN<im1 SN> i\lcr, VISION REALTY 31lll 2B \ dr1vc:lhn1 g~r. \'\\ 3 car )(nr $5"0 1110 11 /frpl1 t l'llll 1111 n _ 'li'~fffl l '11ftu111 .. h•fl ~21'.J Jlf'!' nW"I oflf'r fAQ.-1 7:1 llN ,_I ,,.,. r1].lht plrntynf trlr 1,r hoat.sp.it C 191_,_,,D 1110 + $1('()~·, d•11 J{('f,,r A1·A1l 'II Br. hr11l1rd .'!'l',,,1,1-,1~,1,101,~,,., .. J:-1t•~..:"1_ t~~'-!QIO or ~332l!!O 11~,. l~111 1,l.'11 P11 1 •_.-,,• •· C•t 11••. \'ti\! ,,, !<<"I ~0 61 , '"''''' ~1onn rch Bay Terr -1 ~ I I I I • << ' H ·• c. , "· "u' "' = ... ~ (1111 •111n1r nfl h 11111 1 ''1111~ 'I'' "~' ' ~\,, ;,~ ~hihinir, ,1pt • 1 ·L''~ --------Mobile ome; Lagun• Beach 3148 f>i~ ,\N\~11:'11 F: \lh iml't' ' OdOfil• 3256 1,~·. i"2.J:.! l ~!'1\f1 1 '!tO 1~1 .1 1.1~1 j t:\,l!iu-, 1~lll! nr ~'Ill IJit·.ro f'i" -....cTc'clc'·'--P-'_ks:___~ ~. 'l c:61·f,~1-'.!1i1t 1hn f1•1, 1 1 r ,,---,-.-, .i. 11_1··~ 'i'-'--__ -. 11 c .st-(1/ I 1\f,l '.'<:,\ V11l,1 Qcf'ans11!C' a ll:i lJlk!I hl heh $!S.-, 2 Bl~ 11111 iS•' JI<~• 1, !Hilt, Pll OF IJFO:lll<\Tl•,11 I J~lt, Bf' thf' II<! o'f'll[IOUl 11:1t 11t1t s p.t ' fµ!, "ii i;lo I " .! IHIJ{~t..: lt'r1 t_o '~ unt 1nKlrU1 'nt<'r_ r.;~:Art SOL,11 CO A ST UH 1 r.A, pvt ~·h,~l!'n , l\I.\,f-·":-. f•ll'.llC'hnillf' '.Ullt L<101 Pn11•11t ''' ,,,hJ, '.?Ba hlt·ins dshii~oir,slC'ps i'f'11· ('011110 -.!Ill:, Zl\A l"'""ll S l ~O Ill" Nrii••ll 1,1111, 1111 ~ t•l'Jl:-\rJul!~ rnv -""pets f.l(i-J,~ or l't.At:A pools .f!)'}--300.) rzt .. 16-ts-7!5-1 21.11.1. 1l1n, I hlk 111 1t11•hl i;hr>pp1n1: /\\ 111 ln1n1c.! In pn\, bench 1:.NIUC'ed In An \onrl t .. tr l'u<ll No'nr ,\v<l'11;.i.lf'~ 49-\-f;,4\ Hiii • \l:ll '" $1'JO I.I I .t--··-•l.>-0.t :O ~,., GC'ne1 1l 1~11·11tr.;I u1 -4 S-".!5 i\ln: Fl)(lr, 51f,..2]13 1 OC AIJT>Ort $-.!7() .:-4-2'KJ2 --NEW BEACH APTS "s" S1'ar Ail A1t11ll P n1'k full L•gun• Niguel 3152 SlOO inn Iii\!. PINCl!IN, SUZ:i n10 :.tust e.l !>I! or G1~:~1 Newport Beach 3769 ST~·~i\!Z\.j , 2 Bl! '.? !~1 B.!'nltnr 6T.Hl'.l2 -pa;ific Sands Home fi.1:,.01121 or f.-IJ.1316 ----i::~rrlrn ,11,1 i'ool. n.'C n.rf'.1 I l•!r )l!IO/Actul!~ lc n,l!!lh (i\.\'ll!llj,... 1""""NrL'll N ICF:L\' runilshC't'I 3 ll H In ;--RR, ,,,-,, + ,,,,. '"' 1~" 3Rr. 11i ha. ('pt~. rlrpo;, flA,'\'f h.\~' \\ F.S"l'CLI~ t \l1!1 l .tdl!;:, \\ 1 ·-r •• 1 I '" 7>0 \\' L'\th ~I' ( •lSl;t 11!('S..I 1?1 Srh ~I j.ll}M-12 patio, 2 ll('Y,' !!ht<t ~ •'I\' \ d it ·' • '., \ I.A' S'l!\5 536-23-· -onl) pool, 2 B!t, .!. t-..1 \Vnlk " ""l-l'fl'll • ~ ('JtS " ----rtt ng(' f,. ovf•n, 1'1:''11..: 3 To11 Pnrll1t• l~lluwl Vil age R u yrrl \\•/pa!lO-'!"-,oi:I Surfv1"w h 11"" :I'"" i;.i IAn;,' :\BR & maid 1 nn. fq n!I shoppin~ SJOO J\ln J-.,,u h, 11:" 1 Rr n1rvff'rn 1-BT{ SI,-, A1t;lt~ 110 dog Ll,V 1 riH. 1 hlk<; fron1 Air ronrl Good !'!rtcrl k>I m 111 o1tnn!y, pocil, l'QRsllirlf' !)r , 11.1r)"(1r Vu 11 111 !I , EXECUTJVt . ·1 nr, 2 11:1, 3B/\, fpl pe.Ho ~ mo i\~en! tii:l '!2'.!2" up)'l("r $~ 011.1 \\1ntrr 673 Ct'ntt'r, ,\pl E Qu lf I, '""t'A.n l t1J pd SIO\t' & v./sprinkl1·r~111 n''1r~:irdc11 flti.·An "'"" St 5 0 lin o . jJl)..iOJO fi.ll-1J11 F'11m0n n, T-1 l('vcl, rmt10 J AC03S RLTI' 67'"..>-Gi70 fi7;:iMl4'i ne1-1 piut\t OJ)('o .if.t.-\ifi3 ~n-:__)P•~"'"!lll-~1 .0_ t1rea Aski ng S.!(()(] phone 't;~"~,l 1J\l )Jush, f{f"liltor 2 B-R-,RA. g-nr ni::" Ne.it l!C'cks, $415 uin M47-3s2i UJVEt.Y 4-Rl~lla ii.JI l*~~a ~e;~fr•~ 1~1;· !~111~11~{:; ~~~on AN FRONT SL\1,\1 t. 1 !~1. ~1liKf.rrITT 3 BDJt\1 1; Bl!-1n-.. t'T'l!i 979-1R07 or ;,2\l-377fl 3 l 56 &. ( lr·~n $Z'Y> nin 1.Fi\..-:J: Tur1lel'!'>t'k h\'llh ~r 3 r le1 kltC'h, rrplc 1'11!1t1, 2 sn~ls lkh th~ $;)i0 t'llmi)lh<'d l:>uplc:-; 3Rlt '1 ,\\1 11r11 1114 J nnt' <idull Slli• rlQ'~ rJ,,u hl1• i.:n1flg<' $!:-0 Mount'n , Desert, lido Isle n'11-t!li!"1 ntl1•r r. pn1_ Hr fAn1 rm din m1 A111H f)b\ l~ar A\ ail 9/106/IJ) 'lli.'I :ll7\ Un \\/fl "'I', \\'!ntf'r or 1.11~1c.~1 t· ..-1,·,·1 ·•~k for H·~1 -- R t 2 400 m,,,-:!\lH 111>1 lro'>ll"4 " !l/lti SU.', flri-OS'J-1 fiT.\.-1 1J.I --\1\\ 1.1i,,~;-,7 ---I :n ii !HH (,Joi •(!"O' \)11 .. /dql1< Slll(I _..c,•clc0c'---------4Hll ,I',, 1lr11 11 ~ ha, 2 frplrs '' ---O M V d 3263 ~ Hll 2 ftn f'l1 ~ l '\ 1~111 •1 --:\f:',\ I 1 lp "' Ul''I ' 1 '• \\ I' II 1 1• I .. 1111 .1ppl1;"\IH(~ ulPil for nf 1111111\l\ rrri IM'I lll•l S?.();111,l 1n1h lC'.1"" \Ullll es• er. (io)!r (',,111« l\t't1Jl \ll l(kl.AN~ltO'.'iT ~nHlll•f)('I 1!>1 ~·11 11111 11 , ,,, '"I• 1111l \lljo;•ll1 n r '.l.l/\il1\10111 /\l ln l 1rulot faitllly 1 11 \11~ Nr 1 1•11111~ ,I;, f>7 l--117111f1 bpi~-In}.; l Il l: 1l1WC' If> l)f'uh ('It"' ~!'>1 ,1,,11~ S1~" rn• ,11 :lrli1 \Inti 01 Y1h 1:1r11i,: Ao!11l1, 1"1•/<111~1111 ",\\I ••\ "!'-11!\\I _ ---1',urnl~I Bil. 2 1~1 • •1111rr 0111111•1111 1\Al!S1pt ('ll\ll\ll' I]\ ! 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I • \ 1tr11111 hl!U\hl \,,.,11 u.1 111'!~ ,~,.111>1 vflrr &12-7G30, ()v,•nl'r 67!'r 4!123 \\'I'll ca11 NO\\'£i 12--li7)1 r"r f111 $311 i;7,.3~·,1 S-t ~; ;\IQlllh "r1~--08,J ( 1 \:!rnt 1.-_:._• __ I~'-'--------- ' -• J> 6 OAI LV ~JLOT r•H1ly fHHjll~l 16 t<fi·1 & F d S300 Carpenter 6015 Apartments Un f~_rn__ 4 pts Fur'n 1Unfu r n 39ot Apts Furn/Unfu rn 3900 \ ~_!!'ta l s__!_o sha~ -~?~~1 .. Bu~ess Rental 4450 j I Le>&t oun ---- --.. ·-~---·······-~---········ . ~-~ i' \ 111 ·~ l.•1 \ildl! :\. P ain t ln9 /J.Jpero119 60fi Huntingfon Beach 3840 _. L.oit .1nd ,..,,.. 1, l {.:. .. 1, j .1" 1 • I 1 • 1111\\l\J\fl-..111 l•ol •l<l11 ..• MCORO NAOEL MA R 111 I LUS'l (!oll"l 1"1 ii lil ' 111 • nl ~Ll+~ll C U ST OM P A I N TI NG -----1 VILLA M ARSErLLES I i d I' li)l •I• I t\,I ~ l•i~• -.11 JI ,.1u1 .. fJ, !111 •!111· .. ~,_[:jiiiiiiipiiiiiiijijiiiii.ijjjj~ D•I; 1~1i1\\1: ~ '?011 ! II • I I• u •h 11 i\1 ". } 11"''"' 1 I \l I HIOll Spe.lull~I S1t111 Il l ~,, h 11nil11r ''''''''•OI•'' '''''I''~ ll~.;l un11111,. j 11•· i •h l\ ~ I I N ·• i '"l C O M APT ·• ,, "' 1\lt>u 1n1~~u1;;: h111 .;,. 1 l ' ·~ ,1..:.-11.a.-~1 " ,,, "· "' ON BEACH! SPACIOU Sl &lBEDR • \,IJ 1•( J\ d,..J11d11. ,,,,,-fjiJll.l f\l ll.r.1 1.1053 L &" d 5300 ' -• II ,,, n J l •1l1ll•l>l•. '" "' o st ~oun Llk ~liull ·k •. •·•l old u•l\ ,J ( \l(!'l ~ll ti ' , Ptl\l•• 1~ r1 ~..-Furn1shed & Unfurnished (,J, • u111 u111 I(• ~1•. \l \ll'l"tT l'ff f' •1,1-1 -1111 I ( 011 011 1 '' "• l•11 1U t!"..' '\u 'v l l.\1 I 11 !!~1111111 ·HI!"'' 1 1 (•• J! " n~ ,1; 2 Bl~ l nru111 Fl' "~ 11 Co\'c>t1•<l f'.1rk111,., L 1 r :..," Hea.tt•<I l'o.11 "iu)l11• 1111 Hef'rf'at1<Jn Hl)C"ln1 HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 7ll OC'LA'.'1: Al•' JJ f, 17\4\ 5JQ 11~7 Ole Oflt'll lfl Hl1 -fl r111 1)1111\ \\ ILLJ,\:'11 \',Al 1 1 J.s r 'I Ad u l'L' .. ,,,9 '1"111 J'lf',opl• ~·h 110" f'<\11'" 'Nl'JALC~·1n OL . •. I''" I I l '· .. r -n • l·l Yl~Jl,.l~Hl'.,l ~r111•11lf,,t '.~ 11" .v"' lili\\"\ftl){;.\J..'i.t,7 11111,h """' .,td•I ~tu11,1cs ~ .. ,_...,lJ>t:ll\I\~ I ,,( l Ill illt l Jw!lll l M.: i.li>t ~lul~ UI PU~ t'S llun11n;:1011 Beach Shel Ill --------I I I I 's I! \l \ 11 " 1 I l ,ti~) l'l !I's ti!~ tiOYJ ])1-.h\1 .l"tll'! (tilt\! lO<ll dtll.r1L'd tl p]lll.tll((•, - 1'111-.ti Slldg (d!j)i.'! !lllll !)l td \1,1 1<1 10LH tloo1 ~ 11 1du1·11llgh!i11J.!111 kllt htn -br1:~1k f;.i,,.t l),1r hu..," p i J\ i..ilc !cllll'd put io plus h l.ind)\t:dpl!l:.! ll11tk 1:.11 .J:-()11( .. -lt11gc !11!-ilcd pnol:. l\ J.qi.u \11 llJIJdtlJUll lll~ 310 1 So B risto l S t , Sa n ta Ana ( 1/2 m ile n orth of South Coast 557-8200 Plata ) II '1 ,, '" ,, l'I'-011• "''' ol 1. •. uJ1r-~1 ,. ' -\ll '' " ' ~ •' h•• .i .. 11 .. 11111 , I h:1 () J...li700 Ill.!! 1-dt~on ::it J..;~;xil _,, ·'' " ,~ ~ :\J \LI-Sf ! U!·:-:1 1.~,1.,11,• [111 f,111i \J I J[u11Hl1\t' :-.f1<ll't\I lce1du1g: ;:las~t:i. lU l)t ,l n,,~ !'I ~ll•IJ] ! ,\f)j) (I;\ \t & 1,,11 ,,,11 n, ni>!, 11 ~li•ri Indus t r ial Rental 4500 ,\);/;\l\LAS:-i!~f 11 \C:L'E hard ca,•· Utt on beruh l (•1,\li.~J1t' t'u-.to 11 ' Llf'T' -_ 1 1'1111, 1:111 i.1,,1-.1 c,11 ,;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;:;;;;;,;;;,;;;;,, Ad(>JJtl On ~llll\lll•' tnd l!l\R titilns:sSt &(_'1111 1 n•11•Hfl\l !•)I~ ''!1 h e• ffll{.S~. Pu111111.: s.., 1 • l I' ·1 1·q 1111.,,,.1/r:i;1rnor ~ 11.., '"' •11 \\1 Ii 11~· , 111 LEAS NG I n~utc 1"ln., 1nfurn1 !:JtiU-:l'.JU.I lt'ntc1 Di 11 ,• "111 '!•'I"' -}{(ftr('t1t •S J, l 111 •r1 "l ,11( 'I"" I NOW I 1\N IJ\IALS 11\fPOUNDt-~U l~J....:.TJ6r1c.' \l'~!(i\I \ 111,.1111.1 1~1 111 1' 1 ~L~1 11;-1 :~~11 J1ru lt•J ,1 ~ I 11 1 ~·~11 I Hun tington Beach X('un10~. rn.ale tn e t:""ilUr>.D G11n11<11 "liep f, l\ihi~k' l•il' 1t11111ll11• •' 1 , NEW M -1 l I II l~· ','fl(l ~I• I ... 1'111 !fll),\J\1,\1 1 11 u!o•I 1,. 1, I l'00<.1112, UtUC', Brov.n nioll' \'J{ 1:d111J::t:'I .~ llt'f\\n t 1-. 1\11'•, qu .. 11"' l '~l~lt ll \NGl-N ~.-~ ' .. 1 ll< li"USI' (JI ljo l I 1!1 1 Sq \ 1 & l p S<llllfl}•-..:1 llla le \\luh• n1ur f'\t:' l ~il lht'll">•' '"" U1 r, ,, 1,.,11 11 ,, 11 ,,111 ,1111 ;,1d ll .. u.i 1011 ~ 't 11lJ11d :,1 1 l"11/Culhe, 1t1aJ,. lt.i:Li li~ath<'r ,r <liM ln tOlliL's ](-1 \j\llil],I:\<, l'itl"' 11111!111gl!~T"i li,11l1'.J1a11, 1111 1 .,1 l1.1.!l ,,.,11a 1,111 ,,1 960-1970 1 en n111', rualt>, r.1n/\\l1t ;,;6--:?•ll 1 ~.:., 1,. .. 11 ,,ii,1,,1,. l:•f., fu 111 10 l~~-~1 \\('1t11<1i,tnf'r 111!-.: 111.il, Bni -t.1 Ii"' \I 1 ! 1-_,,JU CHILDREN Apa r t ments U nfur n -I Ap t s F~r n/Unfu rn 3900 ' 11 ' liprn -......... C-O_S_T .... A ... M~E-S~A ... * .... lr;t l 111 '>hlp lllfllc n,~ r FOL•l\Jl N"l 11µ::irt co~r j I ( il>\I~ 1' !\. !" C.7,~.7,~,~,A71~1~1~'7\~l 717l -1 -;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:, :-,1 !\I! 1p! "1 h11" i•nt'I * sti,11 n11 \ 11i,i1(' l:\J'Ullll i\h•a lTir•l sz fen1t!r dnJ.! H11•1 _ l/\ ' ~·' ( WELCOME I" rf1111• l di [[(l\11~ 1;nrio.:.i1 II 1•11\\!t SI I "'I b'l 'k '·Ii bru11n J1ert•I S. -l\ll-;-"\1.-~ J l\.J -..1!1 1:-:l. ('11\01 r-.ra,,.ter 1'11,1 l Newpor t R•ach 3869 1 l<PlllL\ €111 u .. 1'l. a.~"'" i,. 11 '11,ll\\ '"''']'I l ll·!•pll\Hth. r 1 u11illn1111 -UJ: li••rH ~li., !,:• 1!• _ ~ _______ CHOICE 1·11:1 \I Ii ~:1,.Jl1\ 127 1off1t• l'l1 11I\ or 1~uk111~ 1.}i•l.-<ipon, rnile h•g:i. l';irt Tt'1T11r !f'1tl lf'r , , • ~ ,_ 6 ., 0 r 11,!n~td I"'·'' II•' \ \I II \ 1 1 111111 llil '''I' 11 1 " I I ,. I I '''"I" 'II I"" II • ,,.,11c' 'llll l 1'1 111IJ1 <;1'.l ~ 1 hdd <; rJ1', llll [ It 11 , I PARK NEWPORT I LAKE FRONT "1 1111 ' 1 1' ' ·~ '' ' 1 ~)'.\Jf' Ill!'\ Int l', ,I oft\ l'IJ 011) --~,, r, ~ ,--~· p11>h "'"'11 , -~~--~- I LOCAT IONS \\ \:\ 1 1 ll -1--,-1 •~·'°''!I-! 111 "l)tt'\\\ (1)\liapou fen1 Blk p11p J•l'""k'dl ~n.J_io:1 \_\'~'-J ,\l'\1 !!\G & 1~p;.1\l, ,1 II • ;;-~~t'D! 1~111~::,., \1,·.:~·1 '1 ( 1/f~/ ·; 'I APARTMENT!. v E RSA IL LES lH I 1111 th' I'll Ii ~,1:11~ j i' I l !d)Lflt'1",1, .', ,','111'! 1:1: !S... Sp111\t:"/Sp.ul lf'm B&\\' r l:'\J-.;fl -<'-111'.N'l1!r\ s 'll•I 111,1 \\IJI k1n,111sl1 tp I gu:-u J •k '· f , J ,111 I 1-'•~>dle ff'rll l::!liil k , 1 1,1,. ,1,,1111_ !'t•p 111 , ' I 1d1 ,u1tugr o 111y • \11 "hnpr,ui..:&'"li'•'I" ••11'1 on the boy '(1~1 \,11-.;\ n-,nt;'iTI I ll•l ,. _, llH\-1HIQ __ --c--" ~· S uno)•d lll<l<' \1111!1' \Ince l.rnhntf ,..._, ~\~1 ~'1 .-/U.ih LPPE!t-~to1'\ ~I ,!:' h,1 11\UtJ :ip~rt1 nf'n! 111111.; (\~ !I JJ:t\1\1 \t\Ll 1(.1 "llt\l{t h.11111 --1-f\(f '-1, 1•'~J1,,I;, --.-* * * Lal rnalr Bl1u Ii Person1ft ---*Wo·lclp_a_p_•_r~Hca-n-g-e r * de lightful Dt!]il•'\ ,f(l I> c1 11l1n1k 1n !hf' 11 Jt~1 F.11 1\t :-:.011111 U•~t !'l1r1 f11111 l\t1\l1 ll11na $111 cdl l<•< ''''' n>•le, l'loi'k I 1.,1 1111•11;•\\ilb ,le ( I '\I '\\ \11 !.'OU 111 _.1'! "'1 :-ih1 fl mix, nlale BJ;B I 7 I I n SI\ sa111 1 \n 1 01 (;ost.1 " ~ -()("{'.lll & hc11h ~ .. rind l•'V ~i;ilJll(.10 lr>':-dlh sn11 ··~ii J\, 1p111" r\<Jllll 1,.1 llHI \o d1 uo'" -n1ok1u•· r r n-~ p I 5350 '•h ~ .. 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Br:."' ~·rv111 ~..!j) '.\I 1 1111 111 1.1ngf' g 1rt111 ,;• dl•r• , d 1lsh11 hi 11<.:lli;..c sl 1 l , '1 f•I .,:, !J t <l.jJ('I a·~ li.J60 J ord<in \1e Laguna Beach 3 848 ~-tor'\ l111•n )11 '1'•~ •< I 1 1"11!1 .,1 '"1 to h(~..., s,1 ti -.;1 11n•~• ::<etlnt fl1 I\ "1JC'l1d lhoc l •''t ti( our hi•• ,,,,11111 , loli• .. li 1 .. 1 1 1111 \l'\l(T\!I :\I ""1'11111~ hi •11 11'1111"1"1,111 1111 ,-'' ~ I k 1111 l,11r hr11s pr1v.1!1'pa!10~1 "•nl \,,1',1 , 1:-.11,11~1i11i. !12-•,'f7 71 JS/l l n11l1' (,ll\ t•1,;P1h~1ll11i1'1111.• ~111~1· ,,,1~1 , s,1, 1•111 )11•1\\I 1l <'<"i 11 ••t «l 1 1·,~Mirid,1 I II\ I •17'1 •ti JJ!I ~~11~ I I . n1 1>,1 , 1>1111 ~ 1 :1 1 l'• Jon, '1 1 B a che lor, I , 2 & 3 B r's, \\, ,1 17ili -.1 Lt i~1 n.: l • \lo'l11 ,\ \\ \11t(' rodl• l1fr 1n11~h !1sl11n,:; d tnt 111,:; 1,1 11 ,11 , 11 1., , ,1r 1 1111•-• 1 1 • t .!, ' • fH 'l•S S 1urr11111r>11t p11 k fro ,$175 p e r m o 1I 1111 1 I, 11111111117""-,,~ 1 1,11 ,~, ( •111Jl)111 f11n Gi,11 f. lvi:;f'lhPrn("" lf)•)ll11111( \\ll l ,li illillll~llll ]1,1111-. l'\!C..l l~l , l'i•i(,,~1,,1111 1 11 j 11•1\1tl1•J•1a1,.,1 ,up111)n1I .,.nta A na pl1•d l11k 11·_..~1 \pr~ H ------\\!l4)ltll-l:s ,,·r, .... 1r1,1 &11t't'<l!iu·~an11'(1ll&tt}1 ,.,, ,, 11 ,u._11 ""·' 111 1 .,,,, ,,,11 f'1 .-~~1 1,7 ,,.,7,1 I J II r a II I \j \\\J l !l!J!l-.!iilkJs11 ft~llul• " , l'l<il ~1r\1r-C> 11,1 •11 1 n •111 '+1 Pl• '' _,,,,,_ I' 11 1 1 kil G-!}..-,f.llii I 1-, "'·' ,,,,1,1111111111 \•" '''' 11111·'·''"' I ' I I 3700 Pl D .v <1ll1<•-.!O~: pill'«' Jllll l t v \\ ll c \ tll -~~c--~------. I . ' t •-lll••tl r~ '111 tf Ull """ aza r. ! I \l ,\J l 11x1111 111 llt 11 11111•11 llll~h ~L ! \, ,,Jut !oJ't.: 111 Sil 11 /Kl• ~ spo!s &_ IHtl V10.: -.;J'i\tl J LT \!. HI ,\/)l f, \rs !\I' l> 111 .I • ••11111 ' II I - '-'11'1 "1n lntqiiin 1111 1 ' ll'1u' 7J4-5S6·0466 I·• ~111 .:hi. 1)11 ~MJ l'l( f]\\\ tilli l!.J! \ ru1 h('~ "Ulrlll\l'rh1 Id Tldlk ·i:i71l86 llpcn 10 ,\\I Co IOl'i\! 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Set:11r11 \ Pi 1\ d!C U 1• a \ 11 11 J I r 111 u .S ~WJ \ 1 11 ADULT LAK£S!DE llVING , di, 1 li ~•1th' "iO I 1 -Ilion -:-. l llf{ \(,I OH l .. ll F !\!I-L• } i\ ll Litt!r-111;,I(' l .... :.oJle Ad illlS !-.f ~ssage SS}9 Ad:.un~ * '* lll· , U} I-• • Pest Control 6076 Pool ''-\Ill.!(' LHlll l\•lll\ BAYFRONT i SM ... ll P£11 ... CCfPHO I I I 'I 17 100 I ~·"' ,,,,,, r 11l111e 11/ap11eot !11~.{' \'1c A1e, llun!u1i.;!01" Be t~h ).J.!~~-Y! I t.AJ ~ -,•JH ' •' Jl' I ~•1 I Buel .,n utN ~q 1 c.. I l\latui e <tdults 110 J)l'l~ l'r! 1 h.i un1 ~t-i \11~ •Bachelo rs 11 l 1111!)~11 u Hd p1t\q1 <111 1< ,\'.,~"11 .J 1l -;J0;2 \lestchff l'la1.a l'> 13 .xluna ::.hoiieis 1 can IJll 6018 1 t'Tl.LI::1ern1Hr u1.:;p St \1, Litg1ll1d Lidv \pl~ STEPS TO OCEAN •I BR ,2BR \11 11 o! 11t < 111 L,11 ~ of f1t1 ,Jo-\S-Sti~I 1''1"' 1'\''0nis r>.!onFri. !\oon ;C;;•;;";';";;9;'~~;;;:;;:;;;;;;:::::~ ('-fl•111 pape1 TI4 S9".!ll111 ~1 -·· C 1 II so ] 1 .!J.IU ::iQ I l ~II• of, s, J!lll .-c,,---:-:--c-c-c-c-;-c~ lil ''lir1t 1.;ht !'Iii ' 12~1 T C 1 I ,, /;xJ 01~ II I 1 0:: 1111 2 HI{ 1 11.. (11111 ~ l~I I 1 II • 2 BR & Oen I' 11 l,111..: ,, \I lll Npl I\, Ii \! l '\I 'l'll,1 ,\11,1 $2li1 r 0 li ~ u \bJlldo11ed/l~1b DIVORCE I __!__:~t ul 1'1111Lle Otl!ri'"> -------. 1 .!!,!( l l• ~'~1!1h \h 1 •~ \1 1111 11 tluli -..11i1 1 i~tui .c..:c''c"_'_'"·c" ___ ti re nHilt• du.; !os ACOUSTICCEILINGS 1Pl•ster/Repair 6077 1 3 BR .ill 11~11 •pl ,\L \/, CORONA DEL MAR I F r om$17S -$435 1 ...'-.1n1 hl l,: 111•,l dt• 11 A!un1to.-. ttf',l l!i.s bt•tut Ul'\L~ $()1 BY CALCOUSTICS I 1"1-'l<i ,•11 10,,,,, 1•1 1'•1s11 \ J,li. u111 1.,,, f< '11' 111 Me10Ve1deEo•t&Ad om' -~-------- 1 Pl.A"T'P.l\t BE,\Cll &SIJ OP Sl7i111n I ( 111111 ()11r1 111 (\LL S torage 4SSO d1sJX>~ "ll~l1HJ \J\\SJ~ I l pJusF1h11;;~cc i \l'Plll n P \J\ft li , " .. I hli~l l'll 1 .. 1 1111•Ulll•lll•ll . f:!ll~U--Gonfle ,,ellrruncd CO,\ll'Lt.:fl:,1_\ nr.Ll\BLI:: (';j \1!\:'\ILIJI !',\[[! -. ·-· ' ~ CONDO -l :\I ~flll <d rcn1 tledof; Bk !Ill .. .i-~-I•. !-HI I, r ..:-I J\1\!t ' \ 1111(• r f'rC•lllll •' e I' .! I> 1 ~1;-11 l-1 1 l-.1 /o11.i 5 4 0 160 0 s 1t11• 11 .1 "P,\l I I 10 I 11 '' 1 1 • I l'\Ei\HL' :\u \\hilt'\\ •I• l \I! I -----------I (I/( I I 0 \ c \j \ \ f C"I ()\!I r r·t 1-1.1 [ 1·11 I' l all ,\(\..6~1' I3]k lO Jj(/J (.;'ts( HJ J.i ,2 1\1 llllfillll j\ lii!IHI\ I{\"), ]l!\11 d1~!' 1\1111 1 111< (!l rtl"l1 1\C", S =-~ , 8 , ,1.,, !ll:/J/ <·.i~• ~.:, 111• p1 ,,i1 1n_,, 1111, 11 ]1 t l2-Xi.,~ Co11[1d1nl11l 1nfu1n1tllu11 64S-9880 Plumbing 607 ..j'.}-\;i.;..s• r l~l-2" '1 m 11 •Ill' ._,Ill ' 10;;1 "l llllt'l C'1t, f<'nl -I I 1111:-. !'L L :\!Bl '.'\1, .., ·>~"' ··esA 111 '" ·11 \\I -t••U•l"-L'l111,,: ,\ rl'lt!fl~ I c--c-1-th ( \! I .i 2-) ,97, 11/hhll' pJIJ:1r \if" Sun-.('! \PC\t:v Tn turp ' l\•)JJ *\\II !_\J,1! !'tllll li>L :..;, 2 Bil 1 g\ 11 1•t •111'~ GARDEN _1,-. •• n_11_11 -------.1 \qu;J t1e Puk nr11 lf<l' Prt'llf 1'r,l;t1L~ t:i-:ll l":ti ;'l(i"•\1~111 • .I ,,!I l•J•Uf ' ~ ltnl·•l·l•& l{t'IJ:lll <; \\:tr ! r<1ngc tt'ft1;: J•1f 111 '''l'V ---lll t'!\\\f~ , di>iitl! \ _,In l ••l•r, d 1 ~1•>•1l s ftirn;i,,, pn~are L~e J\l.i1uH' .tdult~ APTS I R e nta ls Wanted 4600) -.:ii.--.Ol•i Cirln"" '~nu:lc~!i;JJ <"O•tn~el I u1•.·,;i,____ J•I"' ,,1,1~ 6J:l-<;'..'\j;J \l/C f..: no 1:it:ls sm _1•n,1 1_l llfl li I\ 1 1•1• •1•1 ,,, l-l 1l '\D ,,_ .. /i;:entlcblnt.:k~ ~,' ( I \I I c /C -··19 f,/\ ('"111p!Ptf' l'lu111\.1111, JBR, fpl t!ctk g-ai :Sil )(! ulll 1111 " 1''11 hliui' I 1<n -----~~~~~------·1 11.1111 •! rvrulo1 \\e,c (II flr1 iolku Vll Atlinta & .irlop!ion & kccpini:; Al' -c-,c.c,,,OC7.-:7." .------------1-' ' l• 1 ' 1 '· 1 1~ \\ \r\1 10 RE'.'\T' ,, lilt\' Colla.' n1Lx n1::ile 11 f in., ' rl' i'rl '' JUI iun I ement oncrete .,.,,, , 1.., 1 " l 1, :.-7'),:Jt pc1 1110 :-:E\\fLL \S"iUC ,-~---------1111 f"1l 1111 ~ 1 11 1 ~>n1 11 / NEWPORT BEACH ,,1•1 C'lu]llt 111u' 1 111 (1111 \l ilHi nii llB 9~5-lSh CAHE to121~:.:6 Cli:::if0\1 1 ~\n:.....r \11ttl\ 1 1 \\,J'Lt\IHl~(.SJR\!LL IATEs -l941>59-l Newport Beach fl<' I i Jlif, .:1111 l•"•n1 11 ttcifl1)111 .xc<..:11111, i•lf1l c-., !. • nH t .. ~!.J11 ri10 \t't1hd1----f'l{LL:\ \\ r? Jhu1k1n~ \bu1 i f'.-11,' 1,~1,,, \\ 11 ,,, 1 r••lro-InstaJlatJ(lns • NEWPORT VILLA '!l1111 r•~'1 hl"1 11 '' •11r-1111ph 11 ~1 '111 p111 .._,)11·,11ir,121lJ0:.;1fttiP'!1'A'!Cl\!D,Ptue \\ll tn1ale, riun hnoii «ll th•:"facr"I c .. 111•,,,,1:~1 1 1 _:11r •t'.1"'"1' ::i-1~»t>.~ 2Bfl gar Pl cf Jnatui" quiet adults S2i" n1u l'\e11cl\ \:;~1.itcs 19-l--6J~ 2 BR A 1 eond Bf'ilu1 Vlf\\ \dults no pets. !-'"'OOL 5:01J 49-1-00iG OCE\:-. \-!t-i\ 1 ER AduJt, ~7 :iolan<i \I .iv L;1~ I::. h 'l1'o:> 3852 e i'Ql{ H.l """'\T ,,fl.81 ,\C'JJ e s:i.w....s:;.w µer n1u ;-..,) I! \S< Ill'\\ lrg dlx 1 !<.11 -'l'>.1 bd1111 ,!l~ Ba 1 P••1I~ 11tri,:rl rur, fpl 2:~21 lldlhu1 ~1 1)1 +of( Croy,n \;i llC>1 l'k11\ 1 1 J <"htldrl'n (.-.fls)(ltrrd 17\11 4%-17ft0 off11:c. if no .u1s11t'1 4~1&17> ! ..;R .! li1 lO\lJL) 01 rrlook1n;; 111<' Ith ..,'l•• 11 !!ke 11r11, •• 11 1•11°1/ h)t:C, cpts/t!rps tt2;-11JO I l'i liUi Lido Is le 3 8S6 \ ltll1~ r .. 11\ 1in ,.o..'t-!~~1 , 1 1 IL H1th s ... Tu~t111 C' :\f ---I & R • 6081 NI':\\ Sp If IOUs X[\,1 11 l' If.lb; H11-r.11 {''I I ,\le-. 1 -.i J h~f~) 111111 0!111 -100111 >ll lk 1\Jtl1 \\ ,, I! l \ : ' Bi 11th/Id/ S/10 r Jill r:roken hC'ar1ed fuo.t c:.11! Lil-E Lli\E :t C:t: :\tJ:::'\T &. Bhot h II I~ Remode epa1r ,ill 1d11l1 ~··1 u1111 l1u1ld111:: l \1•11 •\I l"d".~ \\<1l•l 1 1.1 11 1]-. 11 1>,h H H n1 !'lf'•~e c.ill ..,lil '.'fl l6 tus :Yll::.5~ \l ,11 1~ 1•1111» •I I• 1 llf...~ \ {Hft .!H \ 111111 irnpl• BdlGrun d y,Rltr ,11111 r ~!J/Jlu .'i ,1J,)O~().[l :;IL~-OL'"U "I k, ht *l'<t!ni/CardRc.idC'r • i ~-Ll~hr •r1 1•. I • /("Kl\I \f!T>ITI0 1 ...: h!tc!Jo-11 r "1!.111..' '-l•HL" 1\ll \111111~ 675-6161 ------ir " ,_,ae "' 11 ir l II 'l"· 1 J'f C ••l l ,\ /~o tl1 l 'f'lll•,.h• :,,11r1"1<11 · i 1Jl'-l'r"'''l\C.."n1•l~:bl~ nid!.! "inin::::rr:,111111r! \ic ,\d/RP1uLt1 011 ~\., ..,..,ac i~ ontr•ctor vv ,·, ,,, ~i.il 1,,. ,1 .. 11 11 pt~ d1)'" d/11 t;1~ '-I"'' ·------------. o;; ! . ,.., ~l\Ai ,, 111 01111 t 1<1iiir11~1,1 111,J nl I h 111~ <.:2·~1 111" 1;.i1hrt1 Pl•'l !1 1~ 0f'a i;,non '-':.!..::::'_____ I I 1!1·'d !1, 1 ' 111 1·111 ,, ,,, I 111·,1 __ -·~.Cl.!_l••I•_· ___ 1 1 .. ll •r !1".-19-2./1\ l \IL!)""""!])1..11~e l e~'.'ol)ll' (,EH\\[(f\ .< Sn ''1~ \''I'\ !1J~!l ,J1 1:0·:1 ' 11"111il•1po11lp1!p 111• J • --60 __ ~ t:i ~'l)t iuz 9i·Ut\..1()r ll t.•oJntrAll1t"ll'"l sil l.~.l'l .Ull;\J -.; li~t ·ili~·I r1 1eo r l1····°"!1> l'l'I (•"ll!\1<~1 l!ojlk•I M isce ll,Rentals 45 1!(! ... I \ug ~ Glkn1,1h'Hi rl !'-:S,-fl J17P\t r.:1111:;:>1 •• ,,,-· '111n ,, i.:~ 111 101111 " ~ 11 \d •111~ t 11 1 1 1 u I · ---~-~ 1n1111 1-"K•il" J>hnrl 1n both -< '' • -t,73-{;r;.Jl ·.: 1 •1·,, R oofing 6032 1 ,1 :(,l~ 11 ,,~f.111 \11 11111 11 11'\ILl !. pii l, ~ri 11 •' f 11 ,,1,•-. "'•n1•'r fl" !ii>111r1J Social Clubs 5400 1-,1 ;;-10-DEl !'.'\\, \II•! ,llJ'· ------------Oll-f.1!-2 " I,'. "'lilli • l1,ol1 111111 lid C~tS• \ \\1lh:1 1 1 l•l1I "" l•11 ..:I nh n11 1 :-:1 (\!{1!\ ll il l i !il'11i2 ~ .. 111 11" I"'' t.•11 ~-'1 1 !, 11111 )"1-.1 , J,, J,ld : ( 111 1 .. 111 /l1 l! '1 l'rv1 l .ill l, l--1o•_ll -1-,-~ --\Ll l~l::~ f)\1 1 TO~Jl.l/T' ~1 .. 1 r~ 0111'"' h"lllf'•. 1 !' !'\11-di 110,, r.,,,. I ()ST. All~ '.! P.111~. p l hJ ( I c ~ 1•1 l'l 1\1tH1<A11 '\! 1"·•1 11111 1~ 10>11 l111111(d >>7-1Jl;i1i11l.IJ .. 1ll ~1 ____ 1 111!\I l••r l~••I• tll1l!"''l~ 'f'l!lllllent i! \,tlll<> }'disun ('JlP \P.1:'\I P.S?,6.-1271 _''~1_ _ _'.11-':.__ __ .... i,,,,tl11d ,\•t,f •1 -v·.---d IM 11• I.I ii ;i 1i111" rt1111\ Ul-..1\ "('\'" ~v11!.d 1lt l ~)l lll••l•I h •ll•• 'l.:!ll 1110 nr ·r.nni" {.'t ~ B.1•11.ird l~tt17 \In Chrtl S,d Elect r1c•i 60~2 \I d! ,.,,i.:o Hl\!1111·~ 1sta e esa --~·11n1 1 (j ..,, 111 ,l\Hf)p1n, Ill" \\ill Pl1l\ld• ltnn1!uro· II to'I 4i'~'kl 1 ,:r,-n-1'' Travel -5450 I ,11 l••>llll: S.11 1,, '\IJLIT (.\r(l'I S fllJ\(f~ r l111t I• 1°\\ f,.i1 ~G il \ \ I · Flrt1nrd C'D1,1rw1 1· 1 ' ·········•·••1 I 11 J 11\'1 fl ~ II\ r I II ..! -II ' I k I r I'• I ' r,. fl I Ir~ ,t ~ ,~.1u11I B' •"II 11!' 1 lr n l •lllll\•rtl i\ H··1lo1111.: IHl'l:\1 ,\!\If .~,\ ''l"\1!1 111tl,d1I•• lill.1 J I ~I 11111 ,,,. 1 111,1~ Of';J L(•llat COT.LE(,£ S"ILDE:\T needs ,1 1 • 1 t, .~r r,~ • .-!lQ~I .:\Pu \1\'i~lt l~ild l-t111 -----------r,, 11•11 Bl 1rl , 1 i[u1llu1;:,1:01i l( I 1 ride north tu Punlanrl lndu~1r1il -t.1 11! 17 ----TllL r :\CfTi~("; ~ •• \ h ::.>111 llll If & J'l,1ce11t1.1 ----Se w •ng 1Alter•loon• 6084 & lr1 1111· l111!u-.111,1I l '.1111 1 l•'\ PALM MESA APTS. 1 .. I 11 r F1n:1nc1al r.1,..'\ii\7 (l!f' i'llU'<t lr-.. \(' b] \u~ :io r F c_~r1:H I,, I 1 '•h• ICltSl'IO '.'!,J1.$~:fl \il\U f E f()'f'f "Cll T >F~Ll:\r. (1(llt! \ 1•1·1 '''''I" I \\111 p111 hair (')(l>('l\~r, '"-''ll"'111Lll1•l<111.11I l1ffs•\l\'"l't ·.L /I i\ ' :-:1,:h1 S<1u11l1 P .. 11t • "' " '' • -~-P1•rt Jn ·~1 o-1 l t ,I " Jlo<.11/ll l.c\ t,lol t! L1(h l ,J l.l'f1i.1 ~l-li 1"1llllhlLI •! 'i'llf'~ \\llll !,ircrllltf' liu111c:.""Please '' "~t:\e,, .ri pllr~,,,_ A ltr11111• :'1!1•11(~11111•11 \I I ., 1, 1 11 .. 11 ('l11 n1, I 1..:un' \1..'111 I B usiness. Oppor SOOS Eng1nHr1ng 6CJ~ 1 __ , _11 ro ''' •'~' 11/(,1111 Bdll11d, (Hl!ll ;(t i"> "O £:"> ~ .\J1s,H 11 \,I" .o l r I '.'\Ill( ( d! -._, 1\ 1 1 \111 hi~ ll!Jl/\lt'S t llr I' -' _,,,'.!-71i7 T l 6091 -G-1 .,, (!\\-Ill;\{[' JI». )f lll:-t!l LO'T \111'.Cd Stil\lhl~e at .,___.__,..._, Dl'l'il','ll r 1hr1t ll "n' r \1•11 '1•'1 11t1i•J11t l•di•••111 .J-l'Shv I I I Jlod fl II ii ._._ ._,, (J l'\\!l f'flll""";\l-\1 l'o1•• I I) 111v 111,~~ 81-11111 ll 1., :\i ,'¥1•'i11~y ,rquucu 1 ~~ ELl::CfHO ::\!f'< h 111 11 1.I 1 e ,,1,1 1111~111 l•lt1 ~ ~t)~t· 111t !1 uu.,. ln,111 i"t 11ru1t Bll r 1 1 1 1 1 c· I 150-IWEST C LIF F-DR. i1111 _,,1 10; n11'L t ip1 'i"'/ .1 ,,1 u •\](' f')("S n1<xl1'lb111ldul..;'•'-li,,J e 7'1•1'1'• 1.1\1. "" l-,,-,-l,11110111 111 11d !h•PJU::..!1 li11•1\\lCdl,l O! \I• AdJnis &Bu,hJrd r r.1 .. ,],1 frf'""~r111dr• LIDO ISW\\[J ! \.i ftpk, ~ •• i1 11 1.ld • ,,.-,-,-.,-,-,1 '•llJ)(HI 1,. •h (,\ l1•1n•' C..l \\P11!{I ~111111t1d {,111<1 ,ill 11i){s liuw! tool s .-.,..,.... ,J I 9'>1-6111 Gardening 604S sn \"1<;11,lrr ne 1~1 ... 21 21 S..2J 1110 1nll uiil ;-.. fXl~ ~i.ps 1 ,,r1 •H 1·11 , 1 .r 1)1" 1111111 111 111, 11•>1lil Lea s ing Office S pac e ilIL:-ir 11,-,c 6f)fl ,q f\ ~hopJ ()ST innlc ~ 11L.,,l )l">(J1e Add-A-Room 6002 T op Soil 609l ~;e~~~'!671~1z~12 f, 11 .~ ::,11 1~, .! Ji .: B .! 1d 11111111110<1 11111•"1'111!1 (\LI l>,,11! \1\,\!,!-,H ~1•t11 uul Ohnu 1 ~ 111••f'k ,1<: l\l ;;:iinllar& lla~H1-un RJ::'.'.IUUt.l~-I~ooni adchtton *LAWN SERVIC E S * ~o=C.,ccc'-"-'------h1l1111n·~ fl 1•1 11 1i1!l,, ('.,nt.111 {1111' ll1 ll1d11 11 1j Jl 1fil! 1111 \J.!h. 1 11111e<'l1111t Xl11topp fl)r 11 "" R , ' YerdCleanun' •1<1!'~•1rl.111 (n\1Pr1-.1 c I I I ·11 --------1• I f II , n u,;f } T•:::-~ t•at10 <'< Cc111ent \\ork -r 3BR2B,\nrshors l"1"11ah S: slo 11 '' '\ilv 'l:\>ll rnn {•1 .. , !.11 l ul1 1 1 J•ftl-<;.'.l!f ,J -.tJTJ, ,,i. ""! ••nl Jlil(t l (+t~,-!,9t 89.23!.'! \ln"t ,1re 1-. \\,..,\rd . 111 •ll !J1 1 * l'l-[)\\(}(l!J be<1ch Lease 111-11 11111 • )ll!I 11> "\11• ,1 i1 I •1 1"·~~1•1 )•,\! .~. :-.;l\\l'1!l{J 11 \(I! '"fl•11!l1 .~1 ~1 n11l<1r \\rite !\cl\ l:i 1111 , ~prinh:I••' I (' 1 11 ~.'6~·1 0 * fl l 7.i.l..071~. 1 lo'l P\I hj , 11·, \11! 1,11 •1 \11 , 11 (l\l sr.1 t 1111 Ill I" ul1 :\ltl! IH( ,\;_ t1npl; 'p1t k111,.: l:tl\ 11! J l!l,',-, IJ_•ulv '.'1101 found Great P}fC'llf:~ ,dl An•wering Service 6003 ll ornes/,\11t,f(on11n1J 1d ----~-~=~--- Mes• Verde 3863 \t 1 1"1r't 1: ~ \LT I IF l r I ,1,,,.1 ,111 ~ 11111 l!nl~)I I 11 /!\I><\ l~i(I (q"l<i 11111rerntle \1cnll!J(•f l!B l~e,,,Ji ,ie, ln inplr ,,, ~~~~~~~~!II";':~~~! e 1101\l~~ AT\1(lSP1 1!<.I J_ e D>•l uxc l & l BH r:rnr d r11, 309;; :'llal'l' ,\11• 1lli )1('1 Newport Beach 366 9 SEACLIFF MANOR S"J() (~{( 1.:;t !\!11 r.. I I '.: Dr, 1 1 ~ B;i S!•l"1 C1 r1 ~ drµs, bltns <idul1~ n,.. pt 1, 152S Pla centia 548-2682 2 !Jfll :-:,}AS "DI Jr \(II ~B R ..!C\ tl',\\111 '11 l \!~ Lien (p1s !)J P" J,Jin~ s-,:;o Jllti Jt,1"-e h 12 .::: j ! > HI ~,,-.. 111~ orP0SrT1 K ~11 Lid,,\ 111 1.:t .!\cat 2 BR 11, H\ [...:, dc(k frph gir ~27J c1 s1 ~ ClubhoU'<P Air * ,IX-!1 1:;(] * ---LL.\l'fOOll~ l Hr: U0 13 \ \ \lust sec iu appll< 1·,1c !II -L-A S BR IAS APT S !til,,\.ts11:,; r; 1'()(11, Lttc<11 :.1,-..C 1l1 f~~'.?6 J lfl ff,..;3oF-il6 1997 A\:-.1\LHI:\(; s.~f\Ke ~cn 534-3144 SJ.4-7187 11 '[ [Ill Ill,.( L\l'll!l\•l't C \J , ]f\lTIC 11· f ·,,, ,,,.,,, 1 \11 ,. r. 11 ''!' I l.J \ I I I ltl (,j", .... [l(V~ I •I !'1'1 '"JO!\ Pl{(l<)t r .. und 2 Sucil/Oai .J, nr C,i r ~~ -(~"-'It I I \ ---1 \I 1 /tc'1s l t.lle~ f,\_. .J)j::! P arad1se----Garden1ng ' I hlJ .!•h 111 11 ·I'"' 'u11 1-.1 ,-.1 \llllll (lflH , 1,1 l 'l'-l'l"'l'"\\J•-.;l\ll~l ;:i~h J ;ucn1 1a ,\;_\1<.;rona 6008 ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~,;;;jii~ l11111111 •fn11111u11 i\lolil 1' llltllJ"I !<"pr ),~~]\,],! -\/,'\\ lllo ll "' 1111fu111 II • I! t' 11~1 ()) rlHJ!l' lt'ILll'JI t.J.i, .. 'jii'ii B a b y sitt1n9 :'Pl;i.: .. 1i,,.-r.,,,1,,11• ,· I l1l11t t111L.l•11 /,, • 11 111 , 1, 11• /_.(lllll•"< f•llf' hr "'-.....,11r ~·1f~' \!,,111o, J bW d MI l025 f,f( ~' .... IJ/$~•1(),.1 111n11 , 1•11 .. 11oi•1 ,1 '"II 'I'!" 1-.. 1u1I K1ttl'n 1"t1t'}',\:11h11L \\f)R'"I\'' Ill 1 \I , 1 I o a n1e , ee I Ill R -----4000 i•I l•llllil1 ~II 'Ill,!:'\(, "l.i llil!C1 your lll\ll ll11l• .1 '1•!•1') •I !Jd111111~ 1~·1 ,,, ••.!: oom s \11.I 1111'1!.:ll ~1111, 111 .....,, 1-1111 nr h\l;irt B<-1111 1 f' I'll' 1 I I ~:~~1 \lin , .~11 L ;;r ll "twol 11!.;'CC"!uldorp1 t1n1f' •"1•1111 1 ,-\~-.... ' NE E D A GOOD MAN 111111~ 11• r,1... ! .i 1.,111, 1.1 1 :-.r-: Bl11I \ \fcr<idf!{'ll r..11'>1111 1 hlli t•i ('ox Sch0oA -- ' 1.\\l'l'i l ' 1 \\ --II I' I I 11 1 "'' I' ,,,, ·,,,, -,,j...41 " ·--~-=-~ E x perienc e<:I Japanese 'f , 1 1 , · 1-<·•~r I r:~~i t.rQ\<n p11pr•1, %3-.!1 ~7 , 1 ,,. 11H~' ''"'" ' l \ l \I l ~ \ \II II 1 "1 1o 11 1111 '11" 1 111 'd \I 11 1111-i--.;jf[11r 1 I! 1 .._-Bou tique & g ift s N P B I ~11.,11 tl'r1u r ~,111 c.cn1cn1<" Landscape G a rden e r I 1 11, •I r~I ~·•I;<; 1• i 111 J,1111 .. 111 1.,1 -.1111 111111>1 •'II i111 i.1 ,1• 0 J 1· 18500 B!lh}s11t1111.:;un l~Jn1C'2~1r s T\K \TA l\ll'Sl ),', 1• d1•n1 .1 ~ •P1 !n1i(•l '1 '11 l 11~11i>·-l '.11h l n •f 11•11 range u 1us 1·~1,;1 .. \1.., f!~i1S.Pols i(..1iic1 111' 11 11'11 : I 1111 " 1 11 11 11 1 11 Id ,73 S63M -•1611-_•1 ,1 • •r \1,111 1)1"'" "1 Pl' 'I" ' '·" 1 Boat B r s ne t 1-'D t 11k.,old pupp; n11x•d ... 11 .. 111i':l '" , .... 11 ..... 1,111~ _:,,,~II 11 11111..., \II 11}. Ill •l illi l'I• ~1'1!)11 h\!-'l'll,1 .. ,1. L St 168500 I I I v :\I J ,\f',\\},f \,\llll!\1 1 d •l il"t Iii 1\1h<1.1JI.;•' f•ll ( 1111 1; ..... ,,-,1 I h.111111 11 ,_-n 1,k 11p 1p! iqvo r o r e • 1~1 '1>; Olll; lair 11 'e~:i. "1lil\!111ll s11 -.111<1.J11hi!d \1} C •11111 11,1, 111111 qu111"1 ' NEWPORT T O W ERS I h -•1••01 i.1, .'~1< \II ~, H OLLAND B USINESS _IJt'l_:\l;:ir l.'llt ~}lf1-I761i h"n1e lf'nltd p<1.t1n \!0111-11 L:'\I', !lfill ;"L\1 1 11 ••1 .. 1· l\1~1 r.p1 n1i::1 & lit• ON T HE BA Y 11111\l 1 •111<1 \111 11H>llli1h I I 1111k11• I 'If " ~' "' (•ftl~J,:;,, '1l1t·" l ont r,<1 i,1,,1 -11 s \L I -.; 'i\l ll~Jl!;..:f 'IJrfllll.L, Dlkf\talr J'l.cd &12-IOlO ,','1~111~1,; -· 11 -"r j 110111 .''.\1,r•1 111 11<-~1'.f"1 '" -' - 11 ., --------C II ~ n Dn1"" \'a,_,, I • 11 0 I "' 1>·1111·1 If' 1~ -.,J ''' '' ·-11 " r • 1· 1 1 "\I >'1 1 1.L <11"'"''" ~!1 "11 1 _nri~~ 1,'7 ·~ "Bus•'n•ssSer"I'"• 6009 ·• ! 1·n 2 h. 1nJ Slq I\ <I I ' ,,, _,) •\\\I I t ]I) r-lif.! •. ~11 ( I t !)' ..... !-0---2:l • -F,UR1)J'f:A~ t..AH!ll ~,J !t I 1 ... J Ill•\ 1111• fllilltll/.: 1r I ~!ml \l•/111\ J ~, I 1 "1 ' II •~• -,1,.__ii.:''l liil •lllo 111 :\lnt (']l,~utc>•' -'~--cd~~~-c~= [,..1111lsc-~p1ng trri'<.,'111<• I 11 I!•• 11 1iuirl i\illtr I'll S "'I ---,\1 ~1 <l1r~-.11111i1nt:Lf,,f6n1ool llll<"k ,\f HC>OKKl.:.El'i:"\(;, payroll ii "'I ~lh--f.: 11 r,1•-s•11 ' ',\ 1n 11 il ~.,,., o, 11••• tllll ,,, .. n-1, ,,1 l l •-1 1 , Gold li'.if.(tll<i)P 1> .. d_' 1,..,,.11.1 " ,, <~,n."'·, " . I I I '' ~'"'· !;,, .. ;qJl1hh ;>.J; .1!3-vl.o.1 1( ll'lrfK'r"' C'llllest 11xes, t)plnJ<: h'.dhy~ """ '" Newport H e ig h ts 3870 1 '111111 1"11 11 ' /Jk lip1 ~ rlip-. \/(' pnkin::: ,.1 ti!>-1\.!l 1r r:: 8-17-:6~1 Bookkecpu1:;: &f\1ce:. 64J.. 2GLl'i~1od••1 •1ur 1-:11111 1\1 1~ 1 "'l~I ,~ ii~ >'11 ) 1li\llf•l 1,1,-11.:11 \JLS!ll > 2\j >() l'\{'14 /'IOl"t IJ, Hll "I ' !.).1b -;, 1.--, p11,JI t"U/Sllb 11u1 l)\11111/ho 111••1 --!II iL111 ltHJ\1' l(!-.;f-P1nkBr,1tt'l('t lith ro li ll-.)i 'CI j \!II! 11 1~" 1,1111 1. hlk ------Bl ,\Li TI~ l L ()l\tntr. l lr"n':'' :<.:19th :Sl'!lt l!nl'nt<l l Cabinet Making 6014 ,1-\I !'Ju ~h roffl•< !~Id.: l ~11111' \lei! 1 ~t .1llh'-llt:'LI \~Ill! 6! .. t(I ,, G•neral Services 6046 ! 1 1: !,.,• p.il 11• In<. k•"l .: I! 1,.:f 1\/1 1111-. 'lllj , IHI p1 1, S!'.J, 1(\ l'l_'~ (,I 1-'lili i\I. Ill lll--f~~-.. -., S. \11\! 1 _,1'111 Ill W ~ Slrli~ r 1q I '' l<•)k ltl p11 hllllH' l II • 111 ]11,-,f IJ il J-.1 t Id• F 1 C'tlfllldO f.7 ~ i 1.!(l 67~8 ),)] "t LO\ l Ll 11,: , I'll: I , jlrt!IP fl plo 1 ~~1] .) 1~1 •1 l1i-l()r17 YE:ARL\" 2L:ll ZU1 ·~ bJk.:; IO Ot.:Cllll 1'\!l\lj(Jll Shoi es $275 A\,1 il 1\11,..: I 1 :> 1s-.s.;-1S l'I I G~HOme 1110 ,, \fl 1111' f•1 'I" IH\I\ ~ 4150 "' r; !''I -.,,11,, ( fl ll)(')I 11t•' I C \BI . :TS Bo '· I I ' , ~ ~· rl l t11 I n111o011u111!) ~fJ L.'\[l Youll!I iuilc NL , 'a! \\!o r .... .,ni, '1 ''" '.''P 1 ' 1 '' 111 •7, .111'! Sh,...phrid \iC' Or \\al,lt'r la1f1ce, 110!.Xl L'Ovd p.1t1 os 1'111:\GS' I>) \l<JO-.r (1 111 1 1 ( \11)•111 >i,.,1\ll ,. 1 f( "IG-"'I' ca<p ("ntr i "'0 ,1,, 1111 \\II I <,{'11 1q r fl L;.il,!nl'C .~ Springd!l l~.1 11 : ~17-1i7 1 rer ('S ei .. v .>. I ! ~I ()]'I Ill ;1111 ~q fl ~·,,, :)Jl! 71_', S:27:J qll)} c_orpenter 6015 ~.\_1~~.·;,1~1,, l'• n 1nr.d1l111:: r ... i., ;-.., 11 llf'•11 ' , ~.11:;:11•h JI 11 •' •h I\ .~rs ho.: & re f~ I. I 1 1<!'.r t J'\11'..ll !-l-"\l' JN All l'l!\'il::-.. \\!LL DO OtJ lJ !tJBs ( 11! ~!9-96.'1 BA YF'RONT :\ Br !. 1{7011 main ba}, pvt ht.'h bo~I space avail 9i rJ-OG 3 1 64-1-4510 2 BR, 2 BA bltns fJ\\ ne11 cpl~. th ps 1 r'll! c AduHs no pct.:; 111 ! fnug Ho~p SZE n10 G4~-1".87 3 BR duple~ studio il)Jt, 21 .Ba Lease $ IOO n10 Sll '' Balho,. Open Sund iv ( 2131 4 7&-6 78~ LRG 3BB, 2h<1 g111 jJdt1u 1 blk 10 h(\1~ h <\~1 ;; /1!'1 0}() \Tl} 4911 Ii l \1 < r, 6t:"1--li51 OCEANf P.O NT ) 1 ly 1~, BH Ullfl('I • pts d111~ ~ JOlr per TilO fi ll ~II ;, 8~1·11 1~ OCl:'":i\NFllO'.llT 1 !Jf{ Crpt•, Drp.:; f'111I< Bii 1n~ Ye<1rh lf'a.~f' 61:;...t~l.':6 '.! BR, 11! n,1, frpl(, 1 lilk to beach. $!7,1. )fl\ (.',ill 673-245.J SPACIOUS 3 Bit 2 B~ fqll• , 1 blk lo ht:'Hh Y•a rh S~ij Call b7J.2.i;,;-, I\' AJA to Lido ~l10ps 3 BR. 2 ba, g.1r.1g-f' $37, Yrh•., li7~·l407'1 i\11)(1 ft Jlh N-;;p~rl"Shores 36 72 1 I\ Ill II IJ•\lllg C II• ;\]111 dH ! -11H l1hl I l'!'I H l 1;1 d1 l1J \• I hlli fl H) 1 /J, "ll ) d, 111<1 'J i'l 111'1: ---·'1 ------- d11pl1, Su m~er Ren t a ls 4200 l ( I 'l , l'H ! /\.i !.l<11111s1111 , ,\pl llt!I /~ul1 ,\\!iii }Lill~ ">1>'-!.'i lfi Sant'.--'A~n-.---~3=880 CHILDREN ,\NJ) ,\DLITS L•f\ I PARK PLAZA 11 !. ,~ "': ER 11p1, l'l 1~ Att' I l'nnl J 111u.1.1, \,1111111 Ji!'I o hllJh(•IJ~~ L11 t'll:il'il d 1,1 ' .u t t, 111 J'ru111 SI ~• PARK PL/IZA 11 BOS West Stevens •()ff Sunlt•11111 ,, " "•1 ( ~1 Santa Ana f'l1t1 I) Sunset Bea ch l4S-1121 3890 ll1\f'lll Lrir: Jlf!t rp!s. hplf i.:~1 $171 )1111 ill--,~12 ~f,!~ .1f! l 21 : 41'1--'!1~1 rh ps f '.dl 0 ' A.Pts-F u r n/ --u-n-lu-m--3900~ "f i\Sf/()f,J Ult Nil 11 o1< r nr ' r I 1 1111 n/ruiftH'n l 1Hf' duf'I• \1' I '111 r' t 11 1, 11 di ,11011 l>1 q1pt S111 ,;1;/ ii !I~ 1, OS\/ \J\111ll:r 1~, l!h 11111n1ci .! 1 .. i11 1•or11 r"'''11111•, ( ~1111!•1111111111111 tu111 Su1H l 11r11 /•1'11 slip p"nl 1ll111.11 ,\1 •II 11111.! .~ S1•pf J'hn11, 1J1\s ill ij.)(1-r~~1\ 111 , 711 67,70'.!2 i\lr II• 1 •I ,\\',\IL AUl,i <.;f ,\lST !t1'1 ! •ll1pl1 I< d !!(\\ hJdO: Bt ! ll 1 S'"iO I Br 1 Bo, ~2_!.-, .id ·! •!l fJ1•1ll Olf'llll < !1 1 • t. \ 1 Ii ti --,.....-,,-..,"" 11' <>11 l>!'ul1 k , r.R 1111~l)'(if'I 11<11!)\ \1 fx>Hl1 ~1 1~i 111-11 .~ llJl 'IG2-:N1l bi .... ~10 ~---~------V acat ion R e nta ls 4250 C(Jt Uf: Ill I \( l ~CLIN ~-\II L'lt.1 !.AhJd T,\JIOt llllt f1t1 n ( <>ndns l'r~1! p1 t 1~.,1 1h i.;nlf ,t t<'nni~ A1,,tl ('nil '(')II"•'! 7fl! S'l :t:tx r~ATJ-,-,-1 n(t !1H l 1on 1vn1l l:.~t 11k ,,f Aur i\1in11h .. i1tl l,tkcfron1 p\t •le< k" r1~11111g 1~111 4 131 :{ Hi $J2"J 11k ! Ll I r;1 ! 'iil -----~ ( 1)%, 1 1!>111 trir I '111 fnr I I< 1llf11! II 11•·~1 Hid run /\111•1th••11 111 'i!lr-i11!.I R e nta l$ to share 4300 llAYFRONTi 1t' 1r 111.t .. ·• Br. i 1;.,, 1'1.111• (qol, d~lll h.r ~ti I I! h 1,7' >i1'1 _ HI: 11 /p1111"1 1 11 UNF1 'I:'.'li 2 Bh .: r:,\ g:t,,., I '!•II _, 1~.,1 11 I ii.;,.;i r '\cs11 l1f1 "h"1•p111.... n .. 1h111 1 1'1~-11 1 '-0 "' -.~)tl 1' ~Ill~ 11'111 ft\1 dl1 11 ... ·i·I !1111· .. 10· );•ll 1,i..~, .. f1pnt, Call 6i2-2l..i2 I t 11 1111 111 OCEANF'~o:-.;r--,\1tr1111I 1!/'\I r 11~1 .. 1 2 111 le-.. ~. $.::.:.0 tot $i/JI I ill I "' ~l11>p1J111i-: t,, /111• 6--1:"~21&4 J\lon-rr1 l '11 n •Hn f 1'1 \rllt~ f. ll ----- \1 <\)"ii J'l~u11 !~l.'-l ~Ul /•"I I• r,1 1,1\1 I •1 11 •lk1t1 • l1irl\ I'+ 11 I !I' !i ll !If'\\ It ~I• l••H• r' Ii> 1.'I " Jt I HI, '"' 7•[11 " 1 I C 1111111<.< ., r. ~ " , s. ""'JIH ! .,,! inns Discount v .. rantle!; ro~t m'lney ' ,e'LJt ('i<111inl• _.! luil l liotlis 'll till 1'19--<l•S."3 \'Our hnu~e. Hpl c:tnr• AIL !\Jlf'~ b1~S. ~n1all Gli11s 6047 r1, 1 111 11. 1,, I p 1 • s -----r ,\l j\[)ft) COi\ !I 1 1.ild;:: etc thru a Daily 1 ol u) c,1n D -1~617WE5TCLIFF-NB C1ass1!1ed Au 5:'.&-161.8 1oh111u• 'l\"l $ 1 "1, I/ 0 0 c::===========~-"'========="°= N!.J/\I Ari"l11101 c Co 1213) ~ --ril)/1200/2\00 s/f Ai.;t -i ll )(I :1 ('11\\ Jl/,J,\':\L .111 ••1nd1l1••11 111.., n11111I• puk111-!' ,(,l() ro l ~~I ~q !I 117, f,'1()0 6i~,...hlbll C 1H C'rirl rollf'('I r-=c=-:::::-=-::--::;:::--;:::;::;;-----------1 Invest Opport'y SOil SEEK & FIND" ---------or·i:1cr. su1 11 r11r Jc:isf' fi,(\ S([ f! 1 l O<)lllS 111111 flll)l~L,'llU_i_l.'.!_!:_:01~ CU:\! 2 .)00 S<i tt/P('JI S illt I 2nd r lur11 / SilJO 1110 or 11 ,Hlt: foi" ·,,1-:002 Business Rental "l'\'GJ-11 ,111 il)lt' foll <111 ill l111~1nt~~e:-()!fu rs Sf•)I• ~ ~h'>[JS f !•ll11 ~1(1(1 fll') 111<•nl l\ H1ql;1•1 Gi i :f;(XJ S110Ps ~, .111!;1~111~ s~o 10 ~llfl "' l 11111 In• If• d In n11• \I 111 .. 11111 FA('rur:Y l!.'i ~~~h Np1 f>l 11 li7 ; ~;or, 11 ·, 800 sq rr 111 tf'lllr11l loc ,1111111 1 r1 t~ tfith ~· .. c,,, 2& <:q fl l lil-!lfill ~----~11Htl li2i\ Coa.">I 1/11,\. Iii :'-:I' Hl,1\l l)' SdHll ht,.1]1 fr1) 11111. H 1ll~111~1111<1 li7 :..ri1'1·fl II\\ i; P 111 nl fnr nu10 r!:Jsh 11 .. t ,r;;, rolrl I\ 111 r 111.:;prn~er 111u1 ;-;,r d f111anc1lll ht'lp. ;}4il-')f, IS Money Wanted 5030 ~10 (~10 O\' IJfltllt' bus L'01 nc r to_; lith St l' fl<! V.il1u \ 101 11 d ebt UncxceHcd "j'o 11lll\ ,\, hOl!Q\\f'l SLlf'<Jlt f' I} 10' r J \('~ 'IJS-6J()} M o r t, Trust-~eeds 5035 LOANS UP TO 80"/o 1st TD Loans 2nd TD Loans Lowe ~t r•tes Or•ng• Co. Settler Mtg. Co . 642-2171 545-0611 ~C'l"\'11,~ l J .. rhor flrt'a 24 ~ $i()OO :tud 11 us! d1 f'd 1111 llf'\\ h'1111P 10 1 1 111 '1~ I 7h(j(l _____ 1n1ir1•sl ~!.-1/1111•·-1 11 duo 11~0 "Q 1 ! f1111111 ! II p!1\"I" d th \\ 111 d 1 '' ~' U tl ! !1l1 I 1p1 ,\ I )f ' lilt (.o<__,.J 1'J2 .!'I ·, ln111 1 ! \t:I hl1~,~~ ((l,\t;'l 11111 '1•111 ~1111 C ar P o ol 5 150 i 1MI ~'I II f1l,iil !ii' <.1 i 1111• \f [ Jl 1<1 ~11.1 1 1 '''!~'"'"~lo 1/1111)\1 1,l..:1111 (..'., f i-.-l1l~~I J 1'11 11,1111• 1111 1 I 11 I :; ,,I \\!•CH!f Hhd q,,1, <u I 1l•pn111.:._1' d.iill •11,1-~ti_:._, •llf/t t• $1\ ""fl ldlr !rr'Jll~ 111111 !! o~il~· 1,,.,,1n11•rn11 ~ Tiki• r.r.-r,70(1 l'1l~f ('lri~~lfl1rl :id _~2-.1'i'iill Ungula tes .W A RTHA G MAONAL L RYA N L HO GM R T IA N KARAKUL E LL E CCA RYW E TALG C JV E A SX OR U MI N A N TIYN SLE M E BP E R N IH O RL L ORW Z OA O I I V I VG M SS T A NIAC ES P C M O J KM UO LAH CE T C VOIS E P I C OI L K T WO EX ll C R E N EU Y O U NN AO<A GOENE OBH C R XO N t S T XIN K G T C PR S I L I O RA H OE T EC T L O ES I VA L O K ON RAS G SBANNKD N P EE ll SC A D D BUG J IA C AAR S OK K U O O MAM F PH E AKRAP C KA E M E R R U M O RWARTYA C I Y HEIPR l n.1ru<:l 1on~ Tht hulde.n n~m~s h$1od htlow •p,.ar fnf,.Ud, barJ.;wn d, up, dnw11, cw d11gon1lly 111 the r ui..:ft, Fond u t h hod<le11 ntme ind box ii 111 1J lho" n IUf X OKA" Slll.J'P K \lot A.J\lJL P1'.CCARY \ l(UNA 11 \llA Rlll~O(~ROS WAllT tlOG Mll~J\ UX • RUMl~Al"T YAK l Om<HfOI\ Jlodgt Pl'.>dit "M" fo nlll<1 ;1111 nr 1!1 of lhr r\p.oulc.I 'Sc1•k & t tnd 'book), uurnhcr' ~ through 7, scn<I 60 l;C n!s for r!lt h, n1~k111a chC"ck' 1ia1~hlc to "Sc~I. ,r,,,_ I 11111. Star ri;k1tr11m Synd1talC' AJdrt•~ lclf1•r, 1n c~rr (If 1111, llf\lo 'l'JJ!Cr \\ 1ndov. l1nltrY,: r f'rlu· t's so·,~ sun heat Gu,u "111L1"1 I I 9'JS G6 7 o.,r~t 11, nil), lllolu1r c~p ~<f'ks l•nl ;ol1·~al a~~ 11 l'llh l 11\•'rtor l 111 !inn t.JG 2'!'t! Job Wanted, Fmale 7050 Hauling 6051 !H H sl wr Apl s, t c er ---~-----..:.:c:...: I ··h.,l,\" I 1(!y 1\/NB re rs t.IOVING & llAULIJ'\{, >ISl-7~~9 1\ iys, fi3:>-522S eves, LOCAL (lfl ~ 11 l,11<b .. 64:).1!~93 * LOC,\L n1oVJng & !Fiu!in~ u~ ~W_•_n_l_ed_,_M_&_F_7_l_OO_ s!udcnt L:irgc tn.1 c-k llf' 1~ ACCOUNTA"'T Barry, ri31-12,,5 or J.il-!J.138 ,, -~ ,\CCO Ur>.'TANT to supenriS( i\IOVING & T~G 1\l11nufa11111 1r1~ Co off1<r 3'Ztt r.1ov1ng Van ln::.url'tl slalf In Jr.inc Industrial Pk Local & long ch~t -1 OC:\l Pr1'lcr degree u1 ae<.'Ountln;; •Moving & Hauling• -111th 111 lc1;1st 2 y1s sto .r.., up 963 G4..12 a• -.~un!lni;: r-x p Cost :;:hN't 11 1 lt111g c>:-..penf'nce vc-n r.10\1Tl\G, Hauhn~ l-x1wr hrlpful Call i\1r Tondu R('hable Reasonable I 1 r.' 'li9-~~(KJ est, 832-i:>SI .-.;-:;~7'=0-:7.c=- GEN Hauh11:{i'lfo\1n;:-l ref' ACCOUNTANT & <;hruU tr1n1 nr rr>1110\al Pri,t Club ha11 lmmcdlah• E st nf!~>-54T.i 5."17-84.1!7 01>e-11 1ng tor )oung Carttr Hou'lfclei1n1ng 4054 tJn~nrrd lnd.ivldual llotel/ RPst E\Pf"T f.lelpful Full l !OUSEC L EANING by <hargC' thru P & L Stale- rehahle, efhc1cn1 ~1rl 1 1nrontk lntct"\iey,s by Appnt hour n11n1n111111 Sl ,in hour 1 .""c"~l':-cc'~"'~'c~c"'""'""'~~~=~I \reekr!uys Cnll i;.1;...1014 Al>l\l lN TSrrt A1 r v1-.: 6070 after 12 00 ASSl~ANT FINANCF. CTTY OF SAN J ti AN Masonry f"APl~TR ANO l 10G7·$1m BRIC!\: HLO('K & STON~. Tl) llS!l!~t T>ir or 1\(ln1 1111tls f, pBf1ns qual1tv Sr11 1 c p~ Hc qu11 f'.:; 1\urkn1ansh1p Ji, &. lJOtldC'd J..<r 1rlu11!l(•n froni collci;::c j.-J7--1.i~1 11/d1~1'f'r in ,\(1 !~ F1n11t\f'i \\II Ll,\~f " & SON~ ri1 Bus 1\(ln11n \l ll~I possrs~ 'l \Is ~1.n 111 f111.~11· f' adn1ln ,l,\Sf)Nff\" I'' , •. , '""~""• ' v ""''V'" nr 1 1 r 1'1'.p & i\I..,~lf'r s dt' J;r u•k hlric k .C: s ton c II ;;:1 re l• u1v. dt• 1dl1tl" An <>us1 ~·~l71 ... ----------~o 1~74 itf'f!llelif 1111plu n11fln 1her1 ~tc~I d1,111 n1 loc \~est . froni:\2400 l\uiro Ad('l~uilo a Dari} l'1l01 Clj$slf1rrl ._1_1_11~1_1~'-'~"cn.c.. ___ _ • Help AD V l"I I ' 1< ~ ' ,1 1 I I I pl\ 11 • I ] • 11 ( ~ I 11\ I l I \' < \ I • I.in ANC l -D a 1 -D• -D a I A" -D• W a -Da \1•111 1•li A P \\ 1111 JI I~ .... ' !It •I ''I Asse .._ Ii' j>H \ I \I I 11 111111. ,, ' '>I (, I .. 11 \ ..... 1 'h 1•: ( '"' 11111 11 I~ 1-~ I 111 r1 rfll I I I 111 11 I it I• 111 l 11il< I • I I I ... -.1 I• 111 . "' r1 I I \l•U I I I I I 'Ii(! •II• 1 Ii I 1.'11 * J ''Id l 1•111 ' M 49S- 1 ,, \<ii " 1111 * L r''' 'I '" 49 II ·I "' '" ' " " I. I I "' "' '" '' " b B l I nr:l.ty l1119u•t lti l "7A OA!L Y PI LOT ff -•I H-e,lp W•nted, M&F 7lOOlilH~e;iJi;;p"i_wN.,;;nt;:e::;d-. MUi&<F~7"1c;;OO=j H7e-;l-p7W°"a_n_t_e7d-, M=&~F~'fiOO _Help w~~.~&F 7100 1 Help W•nted, M&..F 7100 A~~:~-~:~,~~1~:1,~G11;~~~~: :1~ 1 , ~~,'~.,1: 1 1 :,::· ,,'::· .. '"'.' 1 Delivery_:.Sunday Only I JAN*ITOR --. Help W•n1ed, M&F 7100 , Help Wanted, M&F 7100 Help W•nted, M&F 7100 Help W•nted, M&F 71001 MATERI AL PRODUC TI ON TYP IST I ~~~~s~~!~~ ,~~,~?"ED ' \ ,\1 1t1,u11., Ir! 1 I, lllllll I " 1; I Iii ,. ' Cll•'J1\Jl.Yl'ILO'l"IO< \IlHII'.IlS JlL,·. I , !•h '" ! ].,,,.di• d \•I '" I \I ' ,. PLANN ER . IBM d SELECTRIC II I 1 ·,:: 1 ";, ',!',''.,'.: .. ,, "· ,,'.:' ~::· I·• (1111~ I'd,,! I'll 1: .. , , ..... ,"'11111' HU!! (]l 'll!l :~T llE L:Sl:fJl•'1\L \f{LC:S'J'\-' L\! I IP d I d !\ \I, lo, ! 'iJ , , ) ' \ 1i11lu•t,\11•1 l•i! ~1!1.i. 11,11 !IJ •l!!i., 11(;\J \:\(,()N()R\'\N ('01'\T\("l':\I)\ ,,,,J,.,11111111<-rh.1 \i:ly f.,r JU!" 1h •It 1 ... 11111 Xlnr l:t•f!l'flt~ ,\11pl1 111 pt. l""•Jll lo ~t'I"\ I• t' 1::\1>cr1c11\'C:t! .111.:u1 .1 \e 'l .1p1!it!i needed Jt 1 ~ 1·t J \I) 1.1 1 .. 1·111 1' 11-1 ... 1 \/, .. lit 11 •lfl!• ( \IJ\tl.ll'l'-1· "\LL... J\\I \1 \II> lt l :N'r<lN \\'ILl.l:\f\-IS 3JO \\'t..:s·r l~AY r ,,ntJ t1•.11•1• f•tlltlo '11 '11•11L"1 S'llll::I·:· ((}~'f\l\IE'SA ,'l'l'.Ll'.l'II ON';-111 • lo 11 • I "' 1 1 ~! I In) L \\ dl 1.I 111 .\. ,,h1du\c 1J1~1rnnl I• 'jllll •ti \ do hi' I) 1J,1!1 '- ['\-.\J!• II •II-. "ldo I' Ii~" h\lol) ••lil•l~ 1. 1•·1fo11111•!iu'I '·"'!\ l'l ,d !Jll •l\Jo !It 11 [•I <1111111,! n1ed1<1tcl1 L•~"11t ,,1,, \!,JI• d r\p l·u.ll '1'1111l· i1r U,1\ & l1.i1t 'I une Clpcn1n g-.. l·~\'Clllllg ~h lft s ti• ! I\ '-;f 1 h >! <:• ,f, •+11.id•• 11'"'" J,, 111} 1 u 1 •• h1r1 f111 .1 s!.111 ·i-i\'(1 ~1 ,\ 11 111111 ,., ,1 11, \ \l•··I. lH 2--l.l:ll i'OJ{ Al'l.JQIN'J'l\\l';N1 J 11 '11,lj!I'( MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS •' ~l"''lil'd ,\d :-..,,, 111 ]ltd\' I ii• • I' 1 • I>-•\ 1;,i.;u j ·.,,1,, I Io '>I ''-~•.l ANCIENT MARINER l1Hl •'llll} 'l 1;h111,., -Day Busboy I -Day Dishwash er -Day Broiler & Ass ista nt Broder -Day Cocktail Waitress -Day Lunch W aitress 11 "1" lr>,t.i \11 •1 •1• 1 <di " ' I • 1 l i\1:\1\ll! \\,!fll •d '\!1111 H!iil< I : , l\ll•,111 ,,, !, \h '••\I) I I<"" Bartenders l<""Wa1tresse!. V Busboys VHostes!.es I II< I \11ph \p1 •h In '1" 1 ... 111 , •l'\t I •111•1 • H• ''•Ill 111t An Equal Opportunity Employer i!_e~ W a nted, M&F 7100 ])],1,1\'LH\ \I 1n 11 I\ 1111 111111., '1'11 111 '\ I' ' 11' ' 11•lllo :'\o 11h { 1•1 • 'lo ' I I I \Ji1•t 111\• d• f•I !Id 1lolo • 1( 1 li • 10:-il! •n' •II, 1. 127 l!f J IVJ:rt\ \J\'.\ , 11 1 *GARDEN ER* I 1• 1•1 t' ,,1111 !Jo~,, 1'.11 1 •1r 1/1111 11 'uur • 1111 .11 1•,1 Ii lc'h l 11• u1111 • {;11 11' 11111.'*'• I t'u,1•1111i 1:. I-1111 N .. 1\ l\11 [,th r 534-7187 or 534-3144 11/1111111!1111 \Ju-.t !. , -============= 1 •• 11rl 1hl· ( ,, II 11 I~ "II •• Ill r ii \llo1 Ill DELIVERY MAN GENERA L LABORERS ..!\iu\ \l;::.1~111•n(1• l'.1rk11 ill 49.S-1700 or 83 1-1740 L -.1. \\I I:\' l'J.;:\\ \ I '.'\'11 J \\J [!l]\'\ p11!-l l!llt' j 111' I" 1 t11:.,t1I 1 nlgh1s [IO'l 1111 ! I/" n u1~~ 111 \,.1\'1)011 H~"" l1 ~ ,.,,111 , \n,• Appl\• 1117 !'~ \otll~lll<l l\' \\t ~,H\l.4 ,\11 1 )1[ hi•' IL I 'J\1 I' \I Ill 1111 dlf7d. \\Hl l\ I 1 111 " I I~~ "ll I I l 1 t ••I Jn(t J \ ll 11 PAUL DOSIER ASSOCIATES \ppl\ 111 l1e1 ~on ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330 West B11y St , Costa Me sa \sk !111 l',1ul \\ .. 1rd i~~~-:\n l::qu.il (Jppo1 tu111\~ l·:1npln1 <·1 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 Help-W•nted, M&F 7100 [']::-.; fll't l{\l'IH, .J \ '\ 1 .. 1.-1c,c1c,c1~,-1~-7I·: hi.:. ( r>·! 1 \11 .. , 111,11 , 1 nt-.r .\Ll'.l'r HI !J' \\\'\I~!) 1'111,h \,, 1• I• -.11l• SECRETARY /JR . ! l"I 111 p1111l•1~11 • .t/nr 111••lll•f<J!l '""IHo\ !01otd \1 "1111 \j" I ho l1.t11I I\ 1dl• I lll• t i. Ill~· 1\ I trl• d11l1t''. ! ''I "· ,, \!Moll c 'tilt t 'I. ------------l'i \l'> n1r1'. F/'1111;> !IU \\ 1-------------1 •••. ,.1 l h\~ :\l'\l !••ll 1~.11 \11•11 111 l\1'"" I 1 ~JI \\ ( ',.,1~1 1111 I ~\\ I "'!l' •I l ,JI d11 11 ~' \ f\ I 1: \ I-I J l t'.tdllJ.111 .lllt'll1'tl l<l SS6-707S 111i..: "•'Ill<• ''I"' l•l•ld "11" 11 ''" J.uutnn,11 , 11"11,., J I h1n1111;::1u11 111 "h , 11 .1 ~ ul! ! 1111o1l {)ppul ~-llllJ).,1 • I !1111., '"'' \ll'>l l L 'I 1111 Ill! """ ht I I II -I 1111111···1 ••l'ltl!ll •• • l IJ 1 \f• PAUL DOSIER ASSOCIATES 1,1,\11\ ·ol••u \'l •Lil"l'JiJr\f -AL APT MANAGERS ,, • I I I I Ill f• t"I t... "'!•"f __ .;. __ .;. ___ ;...;. __ I"'"~<;;~. pnf hU1 1~·1 u1111d.1\•'I> _ l'B'.\ {11~1.11•.,--1,1!1-1;-;;;\ lo ,, t l • ll ,I • I • • •· ',' , 1• tlfll '''' h"' I • ._ ' J\I rt \!I'll \! 1111 •' 111upl1 1j l 1111-. Jiii [I t \ J't\L '"•lll[,\1011 ''\•pt<!:-C,111 J.lo >hol \fl, I I"----- Assembler I Mechanical 11 •lll•d \\,.II 1-.1,.t1lhh•••I I' ~"·1· 1·.11~·· 1 ... 1.11.i I' •'<'l !lllOllJ•!/"Cll•IH\ 1 , , , 11 , 1 -dJ • I ,,.,1, rull t11.11•, 1><'.: bo 11~1 ' ''1 .J._ '1~ 1 ,\ 111~111ittl<t JI~-••\); X IU BEAUTICIAN f ' i.10~~·1~E TRAI N E£ l.•1'1 "~·,1• '\n ~"11'111111 ' l•I '\! \~J •,-;-jt•l••n-,,-,-ldi J1 1111 o1 ~.!"'.,Al Jn! !1•1llt '" ' -""11 1.u" 11 \ 11 1u11 ,. \.:11••11 ,Ji 111 ,1 I• 11\1 I' I' •t I 11 11lt \J,.11l11l..: ••I •'I'' ' ''''~' 111••1•·-·1 "" J1r•1\1d11t1• ... ~11111 -~111111 .. ffll't', tllll JI \ll'tl 'l•t1•l~Jl.ll \ 11<'111 (l,1111111;;-. 111 f'u l lt'll •111 ~J,\\\\lJ(\l)l:\Dl'-IHlf ,.; !'.or! ••I fft1111 , fl•'•.( ""111.1 ,\11.1 k 1\1111••11 i\•• >;11'.l \\ l •lh 't '\ B \\lin.!s l~lr1177tl 1 .. "h Appl~ ~t ll l'i~ "'"I I .1 Iit11 I.; 1pplu 111"11' PB -A -- '\1111 ... 11011~ Air s,1nt,11\11 1 1•11 ~1upp1111: ,\: 1'c••t\un: X nswer1ngServ1ce 1 .. 1,1trii l pn1,, :;u pin. I'll, 1l•1k 1"<11i1" 111 ,11 111u ,1 1 l),11s { .. 111" 1111h1•I 111,11.t-. ,\11-i1<\, ''!"'' holpllll ~ 1 ,(I ,\lun l u ll p/1 \~>I j jl) \'•' !11111 ~II , ...... _________ _ PRESSMA N \ll "t'll\\[l' ''fl 'I 1tl1: •1 olh I• I .111 11r 11•1•11 111 pt I Vol\ 1" \11 \I ' I , , j,,.111h1 ilk lt•~t.11!1 oil 111 '-i '"~! !h I I ' llll < h1 ' 1 11• I \ •~<\ h, ! I 1 ' II , > ii\ ol 1 \' _ .• '.'.·.".I_, ,_,._, _______ I ( ....... \\,.,,, 556-7015 "•111• ' 'I'' I ''Iii 111d ! • 11, I'• I rl :-\111.ill ,,, 111 'I' \,.pl~ '\o'lll'Hll \\11111• lllHll .pill 107 :"1!11\• I IHI \' ••22 BOAT BUILDERS , 11111 "1'1" ·' \-LI\ i\••11 11i11•)'pl1111• \••II 11111~1 1 ~ \lo~I ul Lu1p ll••d~ .11111"1 -'"1"11 '' 1111'h 1 •11 lo1 lll\I •11rl1111'lo,l1• l!L \)'·'·17 pl11nl••I .\ 1h ,l1hd.11"'"' 111.''l,\I 1 -.s 1s'1 \\I I GUARDS --- KEYPUNCH OPRS I qq,ol I 'PP"' REUBEN 'S d••l)l••ll< ii' o\/-.1111• 111 1 11~, \ppl1 .11 ;-.;.,L1l1t 1 t1 • I• n111..: f, I 111 1111111 " I ··1-' _, 111 1M,,E,, D11 11c0,-A,__L.,_, -' --\ ASSEMBLER S '•<i•lt 1111,.: ,\ 1111111' ' \I" I i di• I di I~)'' •I•• ll'•lllo •'•l'tll' f('\! d 'i1111dl , 11 !II •l1<1I• I ~1 lo I.' ,qr.I) H '" l•I 11p1dl1 •\J'lll•llfl'' P•I (i11\1s1d, '<111•'11 '" '\11110 .. f.1;1,\11 ~ i\f'l'il \~••Ii (If~ ~.l b -17hhl !1111 1 1<d ,,d 11111 S j•/11111• '"' 1111< I I I• 11 Pl,..: 11•"1 >!II II"'" I ',I ()I >II_ ( '• JI' ' I••' 1'11111111 1 C\I l dl 1.Jl,l 1.>-J.11 :-..i11 111 \I \J, 1\'"~11111 11/o'\I>, 1p11•, \l<n1 II Ill J l 1 BOOKKEEPER 1, .. 1,ul•'. io:\•111r1 p1 ••'1H• 111\ l,1111111•1 "••IHll) 111. VOLT T emporary Services \J 1)•\I :\J1'd1o ti !'I 111 i\"11 11 .. 11.1ble ,,1~ < 11111111-. JJ 1 :-;111rc llx\ _ "\< l ii I< il ' "I 11([,, I l \\I! j ! 1•1 ,\)o]d l • I 11 t TRANSCRIBER Carol Smith l !• ~1 •1t ,ol t '!"'I 1 • q .I r11 644-5800 1111•d1t1l 1 <r•!d~d1•pt 1111~\ \\1ulll•lll(l•l'"lll• h 11 e g••.111 t1p111~ -.1,11\~ l qu.il \!J1)1'JI t 1np1 .. 1. l '••II 1111\11 BUSBOYS \ I ',11 1 I 111 •• KITCHEN HELP • I''' ol De!5perate1y Ne ed •d SECRETARIES I 1" \(11111 I• I ' I AAMES 160°/o FREE '"'l \\!.I\ l 'irli,•n•: ,\ s,11,,11•1••11111 1 1•• !1i...111h i\•111~J1l l{l11h,11tlldsS1t ---t \I \I 111' Ill 1.!(l--\1 2.' ll1\>.ll\ \l \'\I•• 111uli 111 ipl '-li1pp111,..: l't'll1\ l ~"1t1nn.. 11 '' ll•l ll"1' ~11·•••! ---I 1 1111,l•'\ put 111111 ( ... 11 \l, .. 1 """ 1 ..... 11 \\/\n l-.1 ···II<! ( 1liUl<1T••I l•! ~r\I ,1-.s 1-.1 \:-.r11111l11' \1!! >1.t i ~111p1.11t Ii< 1(1\ ·,u~...Ji \1 \\o h i\L I l<lll lph!1' jll~l\,I'..!+' HI lllllJ]1,~11 • !Jl'Ht llt,.<, \\, p1) !u p 11 l ,"~ \ll off1t 1 ,\ uitlusu 1,d skills ,ur 111 <'dtJ i )u(~1 .111d 1n..: I' 111 pI <'1 r ,.,,,.._,,.._.., ______ _ l~·nrf 1l~ l Of-, (',,11t !Cl \Jr-. ,\I l\f'1To', c .. ,,a \ll'~' \lo?"lll l!,.spHal .;01 \ !i.;\l.Hld, C~l ,\ppl~ ' ! j •.Ill \ l 'H l'.\C'll'\I 1-''\1.1:-.11111:\(, 2Sl E . Coast Hwy l\UH·•ll • r \11 '1 ,,,,.,,,,, 'I l 1n11\11111u•ul I \ •'i\1'\ \ Hltlll• '.'i!l•1 "tu! '11'1~••~1 111°11111,r ·"ol•ll"!~'u (ill X111 lh 1e111I 'i,d 11p1111 ----------- ,,,_,1 11!) '\2 1111 '•i••h!, \-1; 1"1 r1 11 _, hiin!ll' 11 11 11 .. 1,.1 HARDW ARE CLERK ------_loll~ l\111 .•1l•1 ______ ,17 ~'J~ --t°lll! VI ~l/!11;1<' !\\\ \\1.1ght AS SISTANT I BOOKKEEPER 11n '\11L 1·~(1111 l \1 t1\111.i1 1 ~~-·1 -' 1"><.:111 '1"r c0~1 '1 fol 2-.!7 . I ' " -"1 111..: Newport Beach d1· 1dl1n1 s.1p1,,111l"'1 i.: Costa Mesa l'i"i l I:• (lilf"I 111(,,1111.1!1•>11 -'··~'10"0'.'.'.'."~''."-·'·'·"~1'01'0''0'0'_ 1 • ;1~1 I! 11 l•11 \;\ :\l t:o 1c \L As-.1s1,\:>.T/ f1"n1 cit) "' '·"' J11 .. 11 Anah1Jim 776-8120 1 ' 556-1100 ·"•Ill•' ),i \ 1-.qildl Orpu1 L111p101Pr MANAGER l/l 1!11•1 11 . 1•1,, 1'-P• 1\11•L 1 .. ~~1 J1•h :'llu1 ---~· Ill 111.i. '" '11unl111' •1l1 ' 'd.u I $1JlXJ B1'11<·r11, Sillll(; II \l:J )\\ \HF •n-1,1111 .~ ~.11J ----.~~---~--- '.\uri;<' n~··!~d fn1 h11>1 In· f'1[n-.n,1n<• ~'..'lfltl !'·'"""1 1:):°.1r HLl 1~\-l~t"1-pur 1(11.l '\o F1nhd 1cuu..,1 !l(t h1 t ,1"h1unl \<\ •• 1.111 1 u '··~-1~1111 11111,• 11.,1k J ,11 11111 11 1 ,1 \============= !-.l111d !'..uh (Jlf1<•' '"'1"'1 1 L 1p1-.t1"1H1 (,\ ~-'1.l•J •11 11 \J,.uihn llh" "~··:.•.:~ ri1r J,,•d \~1l k~1n l Id f<IJUll \" ,111 \'\,l'\1111 ! 111111..:11 loor tli1 ll111111n.,:h1n !I 11l~J<ll ~hJll' 1:11).;lll ,\ pl(h *" !.1111 1111<' t 11il•hrri... \',• " l 111 111 !'1 111"1,[, ~h·-·~111 \I \ \ \ ', l 1: d• -11• d ,<:.11 ")"t\ \\-,•hill ,-.,,,,-.-jl P, S lli-.::.Jlfl 1••11 Ji11JH olll•I l',o!l f\J"ll fJI.'.\ \\Olk•·]~ 1'.11-111'.'' .,<'Ill<"" L1.!--0!l:.'1 IJE'\l .\L.\~"'ilsTi\i"r, 1.,r .Ml ;1,~1 S,1nth11tht'' Ii.. ~d,ul:o; {j \\1 "\\ 1'111, •1 !'\I 1 191 ~1111 0 1 li.1.tk Cill J[rJ u:..,1 :1,~.~ p~ 1: 1.,1 -!! :-..,..,11 \lun tl11u f11 , -----1 I I \I ,\J•PI\ lU :;ll lo1 ~, \~•• 1 ~ Bookkeepe•, p /l,me _..,11,1,1,')~ 1•il••' 11•t~n1~ .ifUI• 1 l l\l(fhtll :,11. !J.11 1 ..... 1 l~lld, \1 11•11 Ill I" ''"•I\ l!ul1 \U (\ /1\ '<'!\I i\S"'1 .1nl ttl<Jll~·I \:;n·'li1!'1lll~:'t"· lllll~ I l"ll C 1-.-1 (.\I ... 111•1•11 l.11 ll il1"1 J:hd 1, 111 .. -. .,,,..1 1:,11 .. fLI~. 111 2 1 ~Ill ;,,u,::c L IOU-OR C L E_R_K __ ("I , \Jo''\ 1 _,,1111 -. ,t !t j; :-i\I, .dO I 11 l L'• ll l,lk>f ~.I It I I --l'h "'!Ill 1 ll I I I IJll ll\ •'11 t l'/1ll11l '11 11utg l1el11 (hl'r 1111>1,hlll'll', 1,111 j,,,,., IJl'\111 \'>l,l'\\I '''' I '"'' IJ ~ • , " 1 ' 'l or1 '"Ii"' """ J J .:I \pf•!) 1'11l1~trlPs L1qun1 1;111 .. 1P4L111cd u1 1 ;·,.n I 1•1:_-_11_;_1 ___ _ \JF.LLO\\ 1111aliJ 11.-e d s1 1 -Product1on W~rker~ L.11 c--111 ,11lo.:11d --l'JlllP lnuno·d Oll1.'tlllli-: (,,I l\\.•IUI•' l l,1lc u1 L\J ;,, '\10.:r l.1.siuta pr!Xl•Jllh•n 111irlif'1 ~1111(' liun1r nt l.o.'.~rh !'lt.'a~<' i:"ll f,•ctnri, rxflt'l h<'l 11ful l'l l-~J7 1 d,1\/\ll ]11 \\•Jl), \Iii ..;.,1 ,1 ~10'1 FL \l \fD'i Li1.l.,..11 d •l th''• ~900 Hcdl11ll, WI LL TRAIN c_,. .. 1·1 \!r-.1 -,1, 1 1~1 1:u1 ,r~ ~,111.-. \\ill 1 1,1111 :--.ol •L I (11111111 1,111\l!' \1\111lo' ~Utll, <111 ~'11 1iJ 1..:~1;;1Jhshlrl nu-. + lt'l'rL1 01) i\[od C..vll't<1o!l' Prl)ftt !'h,11e !trlno.: .l! .10 \H "(l lkf' >I ' ·, 1 tll \lt \1/~lquil [1\!lf1i"1~1~ l ll\ It• I ; ' 111H Secy/ R eceptionist \, 1•tlt'•I fol I 1,,111 rl I 'I • \f> •11d111 ~ lllhlll,ltl•)ll•l •"IP l\~1 b i..,ptH .1 .111"'1\ll phllll•' 11 h LI,, II< 11.111..: ful d)lhlHIU )UUn;..: 11 11" ' ' I "Iii oto I .<1 I• I 1 I , •oh.-. l o11\11HJ '1111! 111\-. 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( OJ~l .1 \I ' t'o1c1n 111 l'Xpl'I Ill .111 ],...; ~ Ill 1(1,1 ~i'lllo !11 "(hi-. p<i-.L\IH!l "111 1 ' 1111 \111 t 1 u 1111 • lt11 ,nl\'Hh•lllt!I! \'.ill 1'.,..,~(,11 .,, 11'1 J"V1'<' I ;111 ;-.t I •"I 1 \I, · , \I l f ,\l'lt ~' () ( 'lll•h i.I• hill ,(-p/11111o I •h "P•'l\lfl'~' nn idl o;h1fl, \J1pl\ 111 Jll I ..... •II l I• !-, Ill Ill• II· ' 1 'J, B,1h• r :-'t < 11. ___ _ * A uto . dlrshp 1 .. 1 \ ~Ill olffl•• l~tt.:111\,1 ~;:I y:-;l!!l!I * BOYS & GIRLS 11ii1~ :-;u 1,'lJ :-1 1·111· 11 .. 111rd 111.11111• \11\'l•IJ•ll L ,1111t'1 ~ 1\1111 ------''I'· !(\l l'CIJ \ 111 "1 d11h LOTMAN •1.'.t' lH Lid• 1 ... ll, li<ilhui D ISHWASHER S :-;1.,.1 ~111 \lu-1 11111 111111 l '•111n,111 1 l ontllt \lr '\o ('\p J1••'"'"1~ '•l ~ IK'l ll<'lli 1'u111n.1u1 ),,,1.,,11,111 11 lh• jl\JL\ ,\pph I ll ['11,,r,n \'ill•'\ t)l,":.--,:ii,\_--,~~~ Ru'ty P .l.1ca -:-;.;,•ld<'J 11111n,..,.l111.1cli• f 0 ,. 11111r u1 t"I! tiJl 1.:.:1 ,\ n 11uu-.1-i~J 'l.!'!'l( \to1h('1, R I ' 11 I •UI•' d• .t!i r~h1p :'\In l \, ~1· ,,11,11, •ttv 1 es a u ran •' p1•1 l 11J 111 v\\n 11<111,, bc nrf1\<: ,\l•Pl' 111 p..1 sou \1\1 l'}:,L n1.111Ht'll !IKC: 111,1 11 4 ph "\Sl'S uf l1h L;:!l.1 .. , \. h••ll l s p;;i d 1y 111 <.::->cha nge r 111 pI t•1 t' r 111 u1 '-'''111•'!11 tn· .1pl :J \S-97)) ~ll))"J Ill" tu 'l 111 L'\ ~.~~Jl'~ll;~~~;n~~~!p,11"~;~~ ~~l;::~ldlll<~-('1 ~L~~~~l~ I\ ~!1·'-i:I n1~ht i.;lub 6-16-1823 H1·.d I ,.1 <t' :'\\VGLE."5 P..e~t<1ura11t in II-'()l' l.lhl l'I ftl'L!. * CCU'S f'ull·l' (lllll' \II "h1t1-.. I '' o•llt Ill h • 111 .. 11 1-. l•l"'li \\<11 lilll);; t •HldlllOJI\' COSTA M E SA i Memorial Hospital I 642·2734 EOE , Sec'y , n o sh Hrarh i\1 • .1 SSS! I 11' I,, 11111!/ \I~•\ r'1 <' Job.~ WESTC L IFF ! '•'I sn1111cl \" ti• \I 1 \1.irli Ill C~nl l'1°1 \ .. ,,)}-, ~d1n14t1 :-,\ -111-~" ~' I qu ii I lPI • l I n1 µl•J\O r .'I·" \\ ( n .... , li11~ '\I\ ( !11ld to 11 ...... ' 1.: .1 1-, l'h I ll> ~··11 I< r 1n:1nagr1 - ----··-----ll!C;J!\\,\,,lll-'.lt--1 (,\llOH~ •. f_,.llJOL!7 LiJ lt..,I! MISSION VIEJO BOYS & G IR LS \' 1 1 C l ,.•1,1, \1 • 111•1 I , 111~11·n -111 vn1 _ ---- 11 ' li\!I ~ 1 H 01 !'?' l\,~l•ll rl t.1.!-lli'•: H OUSEKE EP ER IMPORTS JANITOR llH is rl01\ h11·1n.; full & \l~~'l) Llhl 't )l,; p .rt t1n1r, d;t) .\: 111i:;ht 10 ci·n-idti 1 1 '1'11 "1111 1 R N *Sec'ys, Boo1<keeper1 Pr 1 n1a11ent pc1 ;;;onnel i'\£'t'll Iii• 1" 1'11 \r ui 1' ·•1 ''1·'" -.111 ,1< ,11 111Hl 11 7 l,\ \1 ... 1111 L, 1 II><\£> iuti n1,,111 lo 11~1 ;,t.tl•h' & 111ahne proplr '<l'1li ~· "11 1'1''1"1' llu• f/!1111•' Xlnl l•l'l)Cfl l' I -.1/f'" tr1uu11• T11,:tllr•l l1r.Ht1nd~1 "''\\;£'IHV ,\p1•l) .'111Jl Cr•.JOlihlll"t, I l 01 l'"ll l.i l'! \I\,, 11"U Bui I> SL ~,1 ,1" oOI ,, ' l••I !l!lll'• ,[ .11• I) '!11' I 11 ,.., "I"!\ IJI COS\ 'I-- - ---i\11•"\ j(11.1.1,1 .1 1·11•,•·s.: UU(.)!;\f \'.'\'/~1 :-.;1•h1 Cl1 l\"•l-1'n1I' ·,,7S1;fii 11"l•l 1I .. ,\111•1\ 111 p !'-tl1• " I i ;(~;;..:n;;_.;~ 1, ..,11 ,., n1,11 , .. ; I 1 ... 1 .1 \\L-.1 <1•:.I \• 1 11-L ' H O U S E WIVE S-S$$ o r 831 -1740 \I I: (io-ur .11ul 1" II 111~>\l•u• 111 I' l !' I C • ·' ' \\l' II '!• 1 11h1•1'<' l•lU I •..!. '1 f'~I •'1"'"111 h "'1 ' ,, \' ,1Jl l l)(,l~h l'l t. ,\!!ttl :'\1"1"1'·•1•"! l .11 1 .. ,1~ )''11 ii,,, ·'1'111 lt."1111 ll· '"1 1 D ' I A J b •JJ.08S5 "·7U! \!.u·,.;u<'1 t1l' T'r1rk11 .1 495-1 700 MISSION VIEJO 111 ... 1 1.i: 1.:1 I lll'J l'l~!f'llll<l, \I Toy & Gift Parties I I..,, \\'I II' r1.,:\\'\ F.:'\11 ".r1\ lu " \" ( \J 11 ,.,-,1 1a o o B O YS &GIRLS tit l1<•''>l"l•1" '"''u11o t'<·-.i." 1ti··111 '··'' N Ch T y 10 & Old ---'\II ,, 11,1 1·.---0 arg e 0 OU I •1 11 .1 '11'1"11 I 111 P1•11 •'1_ -Electro/Mec.han1c.al-< .111-. 'n f; id,:• 1, 11dl 11.un --MAf DS:-f"/ti;;;e __ _ IMPORTS BOYS A N D GIRLS A ssembler 1110':q,. 1 l1tlU·~·11111" !·• { itn ll.11 1,.,s1tL01i... Prlfrr f'\IH't Yrs .r 111 1 .. 11 l oll If ,,. '"' ·" I I 11 I I I'" ., -.;Ill i•of f,>1•'11\!I! \1111 ',S,IJl,ltl ;/llJ DAILY PILOT """1""'"' "' "" "'1'' ,. -S E C-R ET--A-RY I •,-;-111 IL>l..,Ll<'l lT• l'Hhllol \!i•lll••"I I' l"I I n11r~\1•1,..,:H•'-'l\1 fl{' •1<'tll~111h~ '" ~·11fR1 lo\ I,,, 1-.t hu1 11111 ll'.111; n1;i\Ul• 49~1700 or 831-1740 i \I :\pl" !.d ,,di !:111 111111 Ii" 111111n•I '•J"'1u11.:-1l1•111"ll'>li1llll:.! 1,.,,ut1ful 1 do prnd.1.1" ,111111u.ullo \\,• -.1!!1' I 11-•11111111\111.: I' ,1 d I I ullo•!t"ll -\!] ! d! ~J\,u I Vl>l'll S•'Jld ll'llilH \ 1111 ~It I OffLCt' T\ 11111i,:/ hi" IJ1..,kkccp1ng .I.:. I"" 1 o l 1 \/1ph ()1 .111£:1' C1 • 'I 011 11 ,\. ! 11...: .!(X~' So Stlf>;U\ S \ ,1 .... 1 \\1 1:\ l'h\\\ l\:!ll---· .~1\••._• IH I 1'l1'1'11t>/11\•1!1 : 1i1h, •·I -..:111~ s (,~, '.'\'11 .. 111•1 ~ .. ~! r111 ,\:. l11.11r111~ -----Carpent ers ,~,··1111'•1-I \IHL i u , dt'h1,.1111:.::11 • ,r1Jl1••!11h,:-f1_,,. rr11Ju1hn.: pa1!l.hl•a!1h ,\!Ill' Has R outes O p e n T11~t111 H·1lh1ll ~ ... ~-t.1·., tu U...x 1111 ISO! O;,i,ih l'il.,1, I' 0 Bo:>. l:itJO. Costa \'II" 1 ~··Jrl ·i Hi;: fl•"''" ~r11 \1•0~1,-~ .. ..:1f1, -..;,,,11·1r 1 tll u" 1 ,i.,,1 ,.,11~ "\ li••IHI'' \]•Tl!•/''"'''''''' ·1···' I <fl ' Dana Point :\l. ~ l 9.'0.'6 'I' ''')'I lolol" ''''I I• ,,,•1n ~ ,. ' '· ,.. ! 1 "'" 1n1 ,\ ' I I . MECHANICS M II h -. " t.t'r , .. 11t.J1 t 1..-i -1nn•l I wrtg ts ll1<111d 111 11 1.d _n~~i:I ' Hlt11 2h h \t't11 so Coa~t 11u~µ1tal , :Su Capistrano Beach San Juan Capistrano Walker &lee .. \ 1.! "' ·,~·-fl 'fl i=~~~==~-- -~SE C 'Y T YPIST Cabinet Makers Dis c Instruments l.1.:11u<1 1'!9-1,1!. ~~~~ SHA RP GUYS & G A LS 'T<i l\p!ll ,. 1111 sh rcq fl l\i,li 1•n,.,: lll 1,i.:-111<1 helpful h11L ""1 1• 'I'd f111 1' ,\ ofc 111 11 1· P.1111 r111111e ur1 11'111\1 .. 1-.1i.1 111 ••. 11 ( t•i~ r 1>1k•1 f •"t,t ,i. .... 1 -I" I" I 111\\t••I -.,\ 'Ji'.J -1''.00 INSPECTOR \l \lf) ll<tll l•tl "·"''llfl \! 0 11tl I 11J61 ~ (u>1s\ Jlll\ \fll 111•!} 1•~111!: J If• l I - ~EA \. (8TA•E l1 q11 1_!11'1~••11111~) I 111plon,r i,J.\I J ,:r\'11' "\!l -,\1\,, I 1• ol, II\,! I 11 1/I1n1P I" 1 <\I 1•1'-!11• 11~ 11 1 -..ti ,' \1/rnon1 $8.00 f • l 11 d I th t Iii (•11!1 hll' 1111 11 H•' .J ll'l•h \I 111\ f1 111 1 l • 1, 111· ·''' pllutll' , ,ill· '1 I '' l 'I•' Ill 11\ 1 ' I I ,1, >\ !llh ( ht I"\, I eccc--cc--c I 'Ill ' 1'1'"1 11111 11 ' 1 [)1 •1 111.1 Bc h '''"''·""''I.",-E L-ECTRONI C -1 DETAIL ·-----·--\l \10 \\,\\JI \J 01 rt .!0 11 \1 1 !~!· "' ! 'I' 1°nh ~11' Tl!CuN A \Ii•' \lo! 1 .. u 1 I n !.i,.1111, n ICI N lull 11111<' '10 hr \1t::el1 11 ,~,, (.,,,,1 1111 ~ :;outn f 11 '<11u1::: :o;hlrt Thi• Ii f1l111 I MACHINE U1'11~11s_,._1_._910°>0'--~~- 1, 111 11-.l'-lUr 1<1h1h 1111111 1"11Jll \l\I.!~ .~/,'on 11 111!r d, l'u! ..,J '1---o~==~ 111..: f\P•~l'•I" .• 1.irl l'1•l•I ,\ f/11111\' ,\p11h, 1..:.111u1•l,1 ! /!111u P 1111111<'111 --Elect•on•-c A •·-ble.-'1 {\11 ... 1 l h1 1 C•lt•J11.1 dtl :'llu CALL Mr. Lowder 491-4420 J-.111pl••,r_,_ N EW FAC T O R Y CASHIER WANTED 1~p<·1 !ll4N>..{, I PART<' J·11•'•I llur k•n _!1~'9 J I METRO CAR WASH ......,...,, • r.1.1n•h 1u1l1•1s J11 ... 1 ••tJt'n1n,! J-~'r-..:1 ·11 11 .. 111111 Sin ill 111 \1 \,, •'I" r "r 1r.1111cc ful 111 .i tt'a ncet!" the 1vl1011u1;; '11111 In• "111 1!111.1 1'.l _l n-11 \l·~• '.'\' I ' I 11 'I T 'IS-k , ____ :_:::;c_C::C.----_ 111 H ,\pl>.1 t11 1••1 1I .!nd ,,,11111 .-ll '111110·1 !111t1n;.: 1111.1 c1 ':.,-nH inc ~ 1~1 711 I 10111 -.1 l11d11-.1rr"ll' , 1n i I l hul g'IY'l\1111\!: \Ollllllll<ld ~ 1111)'1-.ll'I,!) l)p11\!'I l ,!' f\1'11\ ,.,. .. 1,-·•11 ,rl1h ~ .!•'~111 Ill lnd•1-1 1 •• 1 , \)11•r1 • 11• <' pi r 1r1 1 ,,, I 1 ·1, "l '-." • rr1,, , !•JI ,1d1 Ill\ t 111< 111 t 11 I Hl •fl 1 ... 1 l!l• Ill \\li'-1 lo (SI~ I Ill h1..,lt I 1 \1 1<,H! Ill< I" & \ll•lllf'll' ~pt.Jl 1'11' .!I \\, .1 1t' '1l~o\ llll~!l h\\l!l~ 1011 o -..ii•' ~\<f f f<11 t.JIU s •Ill t 1 "I" 11 1nrn \ 11 ,.111• Jh lo>U1<flll•' 111 1'\!]' '\l.\\' \\ F-:.. r\111'\.;; I F.11 :'II \ I. l 1' 1!1 rnr ,1ppt '" "''1 11p 11\h'I \II TH E LOOK 644-6SOO O 1,_.1o({11l I l•Ollll ·,it)-\i'I , -.• l 1 :~J ,\!tY I Bookkecpt.1 \I HllCd lftt,.ll Hffll t' skll!-. ,\ "'Ill• kt1'1l\i.1t!i.:1• nf llt),I\• *Auto t 'I\ IJ J '\(,!'\I• ~.I~ \1111111 111 .1111 ': p1t1, ·~17 -.1111 ~:!Ii hr l~ll\t'' 1<1 !'r11111('n 1~' $".hr! I 10. -.1uf1 r11 111111111 1-.-,11(1\11 ~1rill~11'11 '-'111~·11"1' >l;.~'ti22 I I Ill ~1~111 1th111\\")' lJ1 t•L2 .... S:-lf'~llHll ()1 ~.rp LOT MAN I I \' 1! 1!1111 ""j)I 11h•1 --C~~-'"'lilt • 1 =~'='~l~l ~"=~'=::'::·:'~l:'l~l ===~l'\11 '-~,,<l'i',' ,lt'•'t i'l''llvll' '•II.., ;,~ ' '' '1 \t:l l'l·l:t.~ "••nu.unhul.llnr'\ -:1~ ,.;11111 l't•'!1lllllU u•: • l I I I J •• 1,1.111 'I :..:\1\!lc1n.111 1111h •'oil II•··~!<; 494-106.S ,), I·~ ,l lholl Hl t],.• ('ill !Of lt'liur L\l('IJll" i.1111 hhrr 1l t•llllllllS~L"!l spl1! l"hf' I l'<:h1 111a n -hou Id llJ\•' u11 1-.1.1nt.h .. ,: sal. -,1h1l1t) k 1 ... ~t11l1l-! 1!11,111•"11!h Our 1 i 1 n1 o 1 r i: 1 " , q u L 1 ) ::=~~:::~~~-=====: I rru11t1ra11Q11 111 i'u111 .. 1111 1111 1-.c<l i!('\ r lnp1llf'lll ~ -.Cn<t 1 .!ll 1 ••fflt'<' ,\pph 121 111 -1111 NPll f/'•!l Lil',l r h 111 •~1 ~~c-'c·'c'~~~~-1 'l ( H I~ r,\HY-11\..;\ H,\NCt. ,..1,1!•' t .11 n1 .1i.:1 11t f\1'1..-<ls ~•'•IV ~;i i f\111.111 I-') Ot11lv .... 11.irr op1 11 l.:-;11 p1rr \ppl) l1f'1 1 \ -, no \\ (.,.1,1 !111·~. ~LIL\•' 1, f\l.j IUl•1!1dl"ll fl'l•!l II\ "I ,, ,, II' ' -~------1 1' ,. "'UWI 11111, (<11'\l'llil"lll•••"·'k·I.: 11'1"'1 ,ull"LI" !l·lo}I'« 'll:,;..;,\11)~, 111.11u11'.fn1 ,,11 11111 "lll'l!+rl"' ,.i,11 , ,,,,,1 ,,,,. 111 1•,,.,,01 sl••'I•• t '11111.~.\ \l,11•111111 MANAGER I \II I J 1 ll1h1h L•d\ 91\lolnl-'11 ~"\H 1,~,un1I' '" l1Hlllll1{'<: ...._\LE$ f'FP.SON M ANAG E R i; I >-h liO'----~--~~ I 'ii CRf,T.\RY , 1111 \ S:J((I " <I" 1 .. 11"!11' 1111111• ,j, "' h /ljl)I!) lll 1 .. ~· 1""1 u ,. n1 111,1..:• r \I ' ]" 1-..11\ 1'" ''""" "UI 1111,, ''\'I" \I l'Hl,l1>1\lu•1)11nl«,•.f tt\1I · I I I' \ •• ,., , •• it• • ,,, I' ' I ,,,,,,, ,,,,. ,,.,. '· l!ll • 11ll"<lll!H!'l\ICI•• u '"' ' , ,, fl II I I ! '" ' ' I ' • I I ' 1 n 1 • 1 11 .. 1nrh 1'••'111 ~ ,J-l'IJO 11-.1 11 1111•11 •1•111-.t-.c• \!I TRAINEES ,1,1 .. i.;,1 hl--1)1'1 1·.\11: s...111.1 ,\n.i. C.1hf 1 I .!ol· ~.0 1tl,'jll('lo'' lll'l"'ll"il l!orlfl !'floil• ''I\ -~ ,,.,,->lil'f.' 111•1, ,,, .. 111n~ I -• ·' MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS t I\ II ! ,1,l'\l I !' I-1"" I'\ 111 • <.;111, 1;11r I. 1\l 1h ,, ·---------iiiiiiiiii , ....... 1 ... 1 ,,I 11.\I t I< I !h111 :-\1•1 Li'' r1 1 11• I I t 1•111,1!c«ct'!ll 110~1111.1 Lall ~i_,,~ldii lilln~ d••dliJio EXCEPTIONAL 1 .,,11 ~ ()iinlll,P••tl••llT,".J' Full & p /tlme G !~--0'."·'J~ I Real Estate Sales .... 1 11,.,,i, 1 1 \'17\ 1,.q1u·!I Denta l Receptionist 1,.q11111,d 1111 11·1 1. 11111..: \11\1 f1•1 ------ -!• i.1111..: 11'11111 <ff11 • 111, I p,.~,11011~ 111 ()1 111•·1' l ·o OFF ICE TRAINEE "l'''111n,: 1 .. 1 ''lJM ri1•11• •'1l .1 1or1111'1IHllllHH! l11 Hl\•1d1df111~1n•1,d11<11111-l1\ .. r ,,~,._,, I I Good Co B.n.f'I' ll!u,f )"' 'll t•t .:1 l~lllol doh , r.1111 rt! -., ' ~. 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"lld" .~ I o , h•1!-.l'1 C: fpl' •llo!I !' -o\ fl hi 11 +111<111-l'h··in r.11 ::•~1 .. 1 F /C SKKPR $700 1pµh .00 ~l'1\l"111 l'l'ntcli•\/!' \/It 1'"1"*'• ~111111 18001 V on Karman Irvine, Calif. 833·1424. ext 294 lll-~If~ l11l'L :'111,\l l r1ue 11-,0 S1:.0 •'\ Ll.•,1 11eal <:nntnJ.LIO_! 1---Recept1on1st '·'\lH L!l ,1 (11l11 ~(' jl1i'f,I i•l '·,I\.' S.1n1 Ii > l!Jlll p 't ,._ ' ---OSI ion \\1 1:1<11.u~J~. illt~1r1--.r,, Ul'l ,;.;l:"'Li.~ {vi •'l~'U'l111e11t un 1•1 l!on.ild l 'hi~lp'-sl)fr I~ ;'\I• S11llo ljOu oft r.1~.111 l~n•11\' -CLERK-TYJ'-lST-DESK GIRL SS-0-0 :'>1!1 1!1 tlh'1.h• ,ii "I' lo •<\ 111 . l!\lf'lt' .. 1111;..: ,\ 1,1ll•'d 11 ·~1••11'-I• (,,, , 1p,1hl<' tr,.n1 "l• ..: 11 E I O E I lnh111 .. t••r 11i..:h1 I"•""" T~IJ•' ~1 ll,,1.1~1 qua p p mp oyer 1 ... ~1 ~" 1'11111f.,11'1h!1• ~111.ll N E W PORT _ _ ~ _ Says •.. 1~1· r11J-. i>t,-. r ui , .. ,,, \ 111 I•\ f< H 11 \ll, St h• •!lll•• 1"111 nll!l hHUl'-lll1)..I' l.'."~I 111nnr1 11H t t 11!11'l l''l111.: !'·~~1•11 !I ull !1 11\lll'll• II IH't> \<Ill !io•rtllll'' H!I 1\\\l;-\ '1~·p11 ~··111.1 lll•' 1 ~ :tl!l 111!>1(' hy calhni.:. ~·10-i{);ll 1•1110• i\11•1•11tC.•-t • \!1·'1 p 1 A I Insurance Billing Clerk ,1,,1 t.111 ,\h 1,111l' tt1~-~·lil erso nne gency , , • -------1N ewport B ei!lch 642-3870 l.:O :'\•1•1•t11 1 C1·nh:1 Ut CLERK TYPIST 'iult• 2:I 1111 11 1)u11;h11-.111i.: ck'P 1r1n1• 111 1,_•E·x-E"c-"s"-ec"R-E·T-A·R-Y•-• 1;-.r11 ror1 i:e.u·h r~10--sr.·,o BAXTER'S STREET HOSTESSES & BUSBOYS Ar1p1 v 111 1•1 1 ... 111 Bc1,1l'1•11 'lprn .~ '11n1l 4647 M -11cA rthur B lv d New por t B each ,t Ul\lt:11h11\I !C<1 '1'll \~!!l lP, • Z?fii - t'\I• i 111 J1•i11 ,11 'i l60.l11 1'1 1's1111n1s pl.1n111ni;/rl1·~ll;n INVENlORY ------! l l'!ll II I'S\ I I'" <' \ )''' r CL\ 111..: 'l vpl'1 lllNh~nJ lll !'l!l'! ~{'( \I Joh ll'f! s Xl11 t ll\sl\ll11lft't''l!' pref<>~!'-'11 hut skills n)'nh1y !{•""\t>0tk 11 el l CONTROL 1p1! nt't 1 •s~.11 \ 4q l-2850 11 /Jll"-JPlc', ~1111' hu.,\.:ki•1 •p1ni.::: C OOKS 1;,lt11l f11n g" bt n1 fits , c ill l':itt nr r11une d;ivl' i\pply hr\\1n 1--)p111 ri11n11~1 CLERK 111 rl('1 sn11 J 11un, fl1<'s tlu ~ x ~: c l T T 1\.>r: ___ r) 111l>1, S;.1t 'itrnn,r:::.1 n~h<:l1 hrH·ki.:::rnund C ARL'S JR. \\r ~11l µa,~ r111 11un !11 v (•'>~.! \l nrw.1r, llunl B!h fi !l-"17il -Cooks & Drivers rxi·~.~,,~,~,-,~n~cc:-,-,,7"'<~.--.,,-,-"71'-,~,, II .111t.11! Pl\1 IS(' 11pp!y in ~1111 1'11110.:/l'.lll Tt1ne 01f'I f"'l"Uil, :!i 21 J~. CO,\l>I ih1y, 21 \ , ... (.'.11if 1h I\ t'l"'i 111 ('JlSf' 'j):\f -"\I F \111-.t 111 11t .1t s. IX'1-;..o11ahle ~ '/. ·1P 111 "1c'oc'-"--- r.11.-i1 \h f;XP~~l<IE.f'IOCl.D \\111t11·~~"~ .'--'---------1 1\p1J1~ Ill \)~ ..011 L'.1t l~11\ ;, ('t)l\I.,:~ 111t'll 01 1101nen H•·~t1101 .i o1I f;lf\ r1o'!1 '-:(' Hliht 1''fl· lnp 11,.~1·s, Aprlv 111 111 .1111 ('Al1Vll\ :o; Ill s1,1u1 nnt l'ICV tt1n 1 oll S.1 11 Cle 111P!l1l' t:XP'D \\'111tn.·~~ ,(; Hu'lltr-.-. Q,•er 21 )Is. Ca.II ;,t:;-7118, 11 10 2 Cxprr, r<'q1111rrl 1111n1cn101·y v"11l1'1I, 1,:11 d"x ~1 -.1ern n1111111t 11 111• I' ,\ i.:"nrr~l prn- rt11• 11r1n '1.0tll1'0l i 11'1 11•11 ! 1!11111 s ('Ol\111.< t 1 f~> o,;trftill !••v' l)1lt'l'1l"lll PAUL eoof,s. 11u'n o1 \\••n11•n Bkf~1 F"F.~TALE VO<'ALTSTl !Jh1r~1 F q11hl Oppor F111plovf'r I r I k ll 1 ... ,;...;,.;.,;. .. ___ ;._.I f'XI• Tnf) 11 .1i.;rs Apply 1n nCN!'; ,1;iu11 i> 11 01 11•1 1 I' prri<on ('lltTn11 s l?estllllr' o\sk fl'lr Shnmn filf·-2112~ DOSIER ASSOCIATES B AB Y ~I T-T I. lt/\lskkpL l\i;tntc1I 2 d11vs/'.! 1•\PS 11 k Beg-111 All!: :1 1 J:11-Jr 10 Sn111a Ann [{i\~\:Sl 1~1",-1~ 1\1 U \II I +' lllllll,Ul ( 1111l l1 /111S ( l11t hQlll•' \\ kol\S nfl '~/ l ,\l11sl !'11J•IV lhll1!;1ll li l2,ill71 !f,\ l3'"sJl'TJ.I : I\ \NTJ·.I~ f«r R 11111 n!o1 Buh~', n11 hOJnl•'. prl'f•·r 11u•IL11~· 101111i,:: l~flil\flll 11/1'<'1~. fil1-:.l~fll 1 1-la\'" ;m;i'<'th111~ you wAn1 '" '<~·II" O ns,lf\1'11 rid" •kl II 1\o•ll • ,.11NI1\\' t,L.,i1l~ .1n1 . 1'1<;: turTl off c;;:: C Food Service W orker COOK, C ONY. H OSP Tri1 v g11I. 11•l 1r f ,;h1f1 1\1 iluli' 110111111 &12-0'i'~l Rotalit\.(! sf'hrdulr :'\Int h<'nt'fll ~ !~OJ : C'1111lll<'! ~l tc; COUNTER G IRL A.a lrstrK1. Pt 1·~1111111·1 Lo,1.1 ~,x p prl'f ril f.,I 111 v r.1('s11 ,~\••111 l!"'flilHI :IH ('\,•nflln~ plu1! ,\pply fl ,\l\I \'1f'!Q1111, ( :'11 !O il ~7.11 1'1 ~ P\! '..!'t!7 r .... 111l uff 111·, \';I-;-.~ 11 Al. 111, P<'l •ll, 1,11111 1> 1 i\ T\ li11 0!l'.t2 n111tu1r {111 11 1• llli 11i u -Coui1t•r Personnel c;rn11' 1·:'1' 111• f '112·11,1"" ~ /111111 11111'' I'\ "I' n\1•r lpph u\ l'•'l'"•'ll ~ 1p1n l 11•·~ lhi u ~l1 CARL'S JR. 6S~ \\'11rncr 1!11nt U• h .. l iuv n 11c1\ 7i" ·ro1u ul 11 i 1111)flf'1 111r 1:o; 111 h 1~ d"1nnnd srll 1! fn~r 1' 1rh ti P.dly J>llol (naso;1f\1!1I ,\d' 1112 ,(',7s (101-.t,1 ;\1C•,I 556-1075 I ,1111>1•)\ l'r 111V1NE PERSONNEl SER.VICES•AGENCY SEE OUR S UNOAY LISTING 1~' I, 171h :-it Suite 224 Loi 11 I 111! I ('\J 64:t-1470 f)l111 I ).'II• ••I' 11u• ~hlpt '1.1~1 11 ht r11,~1f1rd , ~hip t" -.horr l :l'~ul!<:' t1 1l-:<Ci7S \1 \Tllf:I · 11ou11.111 f,,. J/tu11n l\J,in.H.'t'r~. l'\11 not Jrec Sh11•1hl he ihlr 1n 111• 1, I ' 6~9-£-0fl ~~-..(,1?] ' ' ' II llll!111\:."' 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Joh fo1 \nllt1" resl' 111!C1'1'11 ,~'.:12 !•1'.J lns1d• l!rr1 l fnJ " -----c'-CC.-----~t1uh•tt1s lilld! 11 3 c Pc 1 "" 11 {' x Pf' r d I 11 i\.I ,\TU n E c x p e r I\ g ::; h:ind llll)! 1.!U~!o111 -~.11 1 s or I !>"1l·2".!-~'\ 'rcs~n1<1kl'L Pru1-t11nc _ccc_::_c..c ________ .11<'•1'pt1o1n 11f\1k Nr1d ~l>- Nr>1\!)<lll lkl1 ~.111 111:!3 t•l l !Jont drop !he IJri.Jl • Get pf",11 . li!o' 1111111£:' \ 11ilhni.: •:-'cH_c3c·c1;'c.,~-------n IOb 11 11 11 a IO\\·t'O~l Daily to 11111k ll.11d I< 1 1v1111i.: fn~t Y 111 I I Cl I 111 Cl ' I 'I '.,,~]" 111•1\llll.: s,11lhr.1I lllllltlf t O fill II\( l Ill "' I IC( -~ l•I . aS'<I \f'( ' r ! 1,. ~-..... ~ ~ r111 \nn li ll·S'!til W ESTSAIL CORP. r:r Cl .I' f/ I\ l'IS r HU~\ f1,,nt t:L'~1; 1\t1 11rar" l.1~1 11 !!l"I \fl'\\ HlhC'1 duth'" l'itf"1 1 n1111nl'f')I ~ t \tl0'11t n1" S:1l•u 1 1w11;..:e t "1J"1 11l ("J@ pt'I 1!10 d<'111 •11d1•14 nu r,\p l't'l'!ll(h(' Ill\• 1! 1 f'I 1•" fn1 s.1l~r\ l(l\ ,111r1" t ',tll f,,1 •'l'l'I , ho hi 11 1 /\.:. ,J I' :I I P,1n -l'1'11\<!t'11I -. .\: fJIHj(IU l~l 1~"' j!l:i-.'J J>.; H F'.('J~PTJO;>;f>:TT1..l'n l ()f~· 11,,rk \111sl hke to be 1\ I i""'ult• 1.,: 11l'I11 l 1' rl I!: r of ho{lk k e f' p 1 n g hclpf11\ S,1\\~'f'l s Guc<:t II o n1 e, S!f;..Q71G H ~ CLM J(l)l;J ;.'T IH'••d gond ~1\11111 ~hi ,\ri~11 r!' h•'H\")' p!i'>IH'~ fl)UI)!", 1)11'\! ]'11'.I ~(• "QuAtt ul I ( ill r .. 1 np111 ,\~k 11.1 i•~ IO ...... !'!<']•h 11111' )(;:it j~ 11 Ill II ~~ -----1~ 191~ :i1r. I 1: ... 11111 •I•! 1~1 19911 ~I COOK TRAI N EES q 1'~:c_·.~ I WAITRESSES ~>I I ~.-'_ ( l\o r .'! \\di 11 1111 ;aµr~.. \11pl\ 11 2 "Jl nr .d! :1111n • • <8 -I ,1 \llllH'\ I:. •I 1111 •II! ~\! s H11•1•I •" \ r .. :'il 'Jl P£'1' \\ erl, ! 1111 .. P/fUH•' il"lll L a dies High Fashion Uniform Shop !'tt•fll Sil 11 11\t;, {.111l\11l\-.~lfll1 ,\ !t<'ll•'fl1 ' f 0111" ln (\1 l .oll NATIONAL UNIFORM SHOP \ll ·:-.r ;111~~!'J-I ~ :.; !\-l\~;l \l \1 L ---SALES GIRLS CASHIERS & A!tsl. Manager f.,p<n r111rrl i\ohhl' 11 •<1111':; ,li· "J••1 l-.11,,,1r eha111 11<111 .11-'! l·p1111,.: '11rl11 a 11011s f•ir n11r ncl\ \\ r~11111n-.t ( 1 \l,1ll ,,(,.1 1' 1\f!pJ y JU J'O.'l':>,01} IJI "1itr l\11"'-F.d11.11d-. r/(I i\"hh1 II) Tiu' l H\' ]'],11,1, Ur 111'!" ~:ll;o~ S ALES/ M K TSE CY- \\1 llt'l•I a h11..:;hl t'l\l'I~• !It 'Uh\ drpt S1'llt'f.ll'1 I\/ ~Ul~I pll•lll•' P"t!iOll,,l1I\ "' l\ p ill!:( ski!\., :-'!"!11 l llU\i.,: lit lplul but not f'~~cn Nr11 l\""1111•' nfr go->1! bc11Ph1 « 11111 11 u1ku1~ 1'1l\t11\11n1trtl ~al1111 $j5/l-S61J d1•1,,•nd111~ \J!l !'Sj)('l C.ill 8 j p111, .1~k f<11 ,I Ul<' ·ijlj....\l'iO Suh'' ADVERTIS IN G SAL ES i.'.1lltng <Jn "stab I 1 "h, d ,,, l!IUllls Ul fftang-C' Co ,u t'd s Con11n1~<:Lo11 µ 11•1 rl a1l) other hl'11f'f1 1S lu1 k• 1 pP1so11ncl \\<' 11a1n ,\ h11(' 1 0 0 1!1 ITllllll'd f<•I nu111~gl'111rnl ('all jll(l,11 l>.111 ~·.1rlJcs ~91·1~.!0 --.-SA-L E S-.-- F1"<: ()n1.: Co 1r11 S,tl t • •1 l'\ll '"111111 :\un f('I h 1 1'01r11[1,\] ~I! 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Ti"O ~11,r!' 111 l~·tll ••,1 (l\11• I' -¥11 "11 1 -;1r11;-11·1th ~ ":"1a1ly t ill r.1r..-1-;s; I _1•11"' 11 .. , ... 1rlr1I ntl t11! .~•~ \ . ' ' •I 11' l ' ' ' 1 < ' . • • D II DAILY PILOI f od.i, A.,,.u~l le, 197·1 ------~-~~---~~~===--~--,c----H•lp Wanted, M&F 7100 H•lp Wanted, M&F 7100 1 _c_._,_• __ ·::::::::-8-03°5~1-M=i-1c_•_l7l•_n_e_o_u_• ___ B_OIO=M-i-1c-ol-l1_n_oo_u_• ___ l_OIO=--,M:;':.:i-•c.:<~•-:.:11::.•:c""::.::."::':....._....;.•::Ol:.:O TV, Radio, HIF I St. 8098 ' ,Bc.;o_•_•cc••c.S;_•_l_l ____ 906_0~a I\, Sa ii l\11 I I '\-. ,\, 1 •· 11.01 ,111 * * FURNITURE AU CTION * * MOVE IT SALE t-1 .\llEI{ r•11111~1n··111 120 wu11 i·, F11 I J\Hl)A'f '\11 • 11-.1 ''1 '~1 ~ ·,iq VI C: ~1r .... p. ! tout ·I ~i!l+·11,,,i. ,, 1•111•11'. !I" * * * TON IGHT 7:3(1 P .M, * * * ~'fr , 1h~'>1101 11 \th Thi" •d l\\'l JO" ,\lt•' ~pt l•k··r ... !11 $1\JOIJ ::u ll:<J ('t'lu,,· ""~•11 11• '1' ,\ :\•••I, !Hlo.,;u\l, ' I ... ,,,,,, ,,1,,,,,, ... ,,,, .... -..t "' ,,,,1,,,,,, 1,, 1,,1 ll<·· ""'n l-'•!11111 , .!•·Ilk n l ' I II\' I'll 1T'I'() \l'l!IF" I" 1· ''l.l-:-"1 ' '11 ''' 1111 11•d lll'IS flj•' 0 J•',l'USS L:S'-'l111i\' L"l11l'' l!o\"-"L'. lilltl! ,\u~ 18 t""urrutUi''. "~ ~ " .,...IV'~ I DELIVERY-SUNDAY ONLY ''' )\ • { 1 ' .l\"i ' ',[ lo.11.,.11•1 d t 1 111111< ,,,, I\ 1~ r 1' 1'n. I (!1 1 1thll~ ri.•1-..,11rk \I"' f-1 S.J<l !~I() 11" Y.111,,., 1'11pp"I 11'1 1111 '"'1' 1•••1 'S.tl .... 1'()!{{},•l\IJ ~Sl(ll\'\'lf':.H)..J \1;l 1j..;.\j\,l(T{:J-:f, 111• I '''"•'''' , ,,,., ](ll''I'('' ,\ J.JQl'JJJ1\'J'JON S'l ()(•K l,ilfl "1'1'1 1'11k"!i>, f\"~. s.t-hv.1t\i.: •·I< 'l"""k'-'n• .!.: i."1 uf \4!,~11,\1,.1 1,\~·,,1 ;.~P .O 11111111 ~t ~~i,\i o•i y E.<11 ni 11 · ~1u1•1>. storai:e ca tnf'lb, t\fil·:A RF'()l 'Inr:::-i 1'Jll·'. t '"i l·'. t)J·' \ 1. \ltt:J : 11.;1' 1" ' ~ 1,111, I 1 ... 1111 ~ l pr1~ht f-'11·(•11;1r . !~It ~cl~. du1ettc.~. •ild v .J.. IL-€'t>..>.. 1.uuP•. h.n~~ "a1:ph•l101!'1> ,nu t•w .s:n·, '11' 1:->1Ff::\,,r1r1:i.. \L 1111 "~' ~~·1 S'f.i\1'10N\\'r\l;ONC)fl\~\,\ ('()\Ti\("J':'-.11\ •'• 1,,1,111 .. 1 /1,.11 .. 11·~·~ I.It :-.c·lS, ch111.1 calJlnrt:-, rl111 !l)IS. refrlb!'l, houk~. records, cloth~•. Cu~h ~1rni. ~-1971 af! suiU:«it ·'"''"~ .• 11, 1 1r .. 111 t '11t.l,llH \ \"1',dl'!<.lgn('ilby 11.<\ttn )· ~1·:t-~1 .,·. :tlO \\'l-':-.·r Jl\)' STR.J·:J·:·r. ,\ll 1;1.•1111 ,\ d11 1!l"1111 t• tit•'"-"· cl!~ur:-.. 'it'rv1•1:.. <:hests. dressers, t 11}5. n11~c USED l!'?i1 1r'i l''" ~-qJY.111 -...! 11 ·"'h) H.111 11"1"11" (, •• ~! "ti.i1Jt ('()ST·\ l\ll·:S •\ 'l'J·,Ll~l)IHJ\I< h4lt.-t:l:.!1 /'(Ill ::,1~.1~·1,",,'111 ... J i .11 1'1>-111;:11 llrtllrd:.., o11rro1·:. 'chool de:-.k:.., sof<1.:-.. oc1.: l l:-;AOLF:s :c.ro l'<c"'·po1·1 HC'A C"olfl• ·rv. ~1 · L~rto.:o!r ii")" :~11.i;1r1. ,;,:.i-.'.!'11 11 1\ $1 1tl1Jl .. ·~t •H!"1 i.i~-5735 I II , ff _!~1~1. Cr.f, daily 11·~ ~-1. lffil CQl'l(l1rlon 11 ~k te>r !\en__ Boats, Sllps/Oocks 9070 APPUIN'l'\ll·:~T I /II\! ii 1,Yi\t\ I\ I fT I ~' t ir11r.s IJCJ l~unp:-.. t'olor -.-.: !lv. tvs . co e-e t.!l"S.\ ~·t-,HJ)E l'(HINTJl '" t~•·t-lj88 - An Equal Opportunity Employer J•i:•'!l'l•'if :.;1.,11~,1.,, :,1 lbl~. l'IHl tbl~. c:a udy n 1,1c:h111es pal10 fun1. \l,LIH L,==~~~~~~~~j SABOT- 1·----------..,,..----•---"'"----·~·' •' d1··11 l', d ',. 1 ··, ' 1 d \', :-1\S, I\ ;)~ht·!'S, \ <l('t!tlf:l ~ dryers, loads Lif·· '\f1·111!ier..h1i• rvr .'61~ = '~ FIBER GLASS Help Wanted, M&F 7100 H elp Wanted, M&F 7100 , •1~i-'>'>!I! 11( ~1 1 -.<· 1te1n~ Tu() J11lllll'l'OU~ to !isl 1 lten1s J'\•t l't} !J.iS-f..(f.JO a.t.1M'ld • * ' I JlbrN C.-prl'lilnt 1G. _1100 '17~(1'1'1:1 1 ,\l•irir11~ 1)1(1 h 1!1r11, ~r"" ~11JJet't to 1)rC:-<de. fotld a\'aJl, Y.'C honor IJ.OA M' w t~ ~•1 Stockroom Help \\II! 1 \I A'\: 1·~ '' 1 l\flHh ~ ::-; 11 ti.~1 _ l'.ir• 111,, 111111 ,t, .\1.i.ster ('h.irgi'. •sc, •n..., ·-l;iiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;,l!i!!i! l'UI. '..!~· ,\lK II full rq1111• 10:,f'l"r l\TJnl'o!•'<I~" •lf )Y11t f>HlVI'. A l_',\U' t.".11J 67.1-11\20 \\',\;"\'11-:D _ Siht>r l'toini; General 9010 1:1l'•' i1u1:-.t> \\' ''1 11 ~! l)HI' 1'•11 r!1• 1 i 1,1 (/l(l~J-:1' Y''11r IH'>ur•;, "'"1rk \\ilr11; l'l lt:-ilAN hrlTi \ MASTERS AUCTION \\'ill pay~ ror ANY silver.:.:.;:;:.:.:.:. _______ l'<l'B nioonng rlluny ''" i11.1tu1f'. t•'"ll'·1n!'-1hl,.. I"' ..... n, 11• r .\11,1:1·M·lf, ht' '"ur u;1 i1 ~ 11 r1/u •' .i S ~· 20751,:,: ,\ic" nort l~l\-d (;o~t1.1 f\te ~a d1n1f', ~ tor anv silwr 11r1USl'.:BOA'r, :tr 1r1u!r1alil•·, tra~ ('.111 11 l·GJ.1-%i!,'1 ''' ' I'·,,,. ,,,, , ,, ,,, ,, 11 ··~' •'ti or "nnu 11 I :111 " I I I \ 11 -I '•Iii'~.,. 64~8686 * * 833-9625 l/ll.tr1'r $..) fnr ANY silvt'r ll.1t.·fl:~~s. i.ps ·. J.:11 t'), Kil b'., II<• ~!!Ii, Y.llh !1.111• OIJof'fll!l" 1· .. 11 (''Ii . I~· .'\ll.:t1tlv l1 111.tl•' IJ)l•0'•1 7 ---------,~ ____ ....:.....:..:..::.:..:... co:_:c..____ .• II "2-"'' • 6P I I I') JIJ(I ... ,.,,,, .. ,, ... , \ 1• ' -----"'' ar."" J;:l\."'I an :\1 14'.H, -.,-'"' ~ "· '!'th , 111.1~1 .\ t.u:ot •V~'"I' 6-t'-,~~.1 ' !I • l' "''" App•~.ir.t11•'1' Dogl 1040 Furniture 8050 J I 8<170 ~ \ Westsail Corp. \ 1,, 1l,.1rC'd ·'~~· .!;, tn iO ewe ry Nf-:l::D ~It> or Obie ax-le ~~ na 1;.1(~1 '"'"'I 111 1k" nfli•r lo==-----Suppl<'n11"'' ~otir 1ni'01111• e PUPPY WORLD e .\illVli\(, _ fi·t-:itr J'lll~i; trailer Awrox :?!l' long. J)A:">.\ J'flll'\1' Y.u ht t '\uh ,;-; ' \u,~i STO<"K ~1 rl , l/11111>• \~Slt'l•1!1, ll1 11• ,, ,· 1h G hr' or n1rir" .1 !~·!" 1 111 ,1 n~ (; ,, r 111 ,, 11 \!t;t:'f (;c.1 11.,Usl' 11111 ,.1 j~~°eUL~~E !'lea~• eall &\6-3001 'll,•nillt'1'~h11• $'..~J' • "H C1.Jl i":Jt;:-;-11-:-~11 ;,;.:J:;~Buy ,, !\lull 111111 ~ n \hJ ... I 1"' .d.:r .!a~· \\/,J!y 111 ~r.;nn. ·"hf' Jl ht·ri l~. Cluhu:i!1ua~. !1u1u1u11 aµ~!J.11H"t"'· .u1 • Musical Tnstrum'ts 8083 I\.~ .. ~~(> iikdyt:o l'P /\<'tl i\uln<'r, :! ~''1' "1'11'· lo '~··k s. undP,...l 1nd l 'i't•llo<\ ......... rn I"''·' ,,,,,, ·r J II p II S.170Ul.1 a .. -••• M•••'n• Eq. 9030 1•1·1·,, 1,~-i· J•• 11:1."· lii .. -1 1-.·t ••·"' v u Ill\/ 'nvi <'S, It Bu 1>, l!<f1u '· '1 h·1•!'. • lun.1 111.1 ol'-"""" Spu11,h s~ hr flUHl '•Jl. Sr (~1,r1 .\[I'~'\ (' k I I.JI\ SI.II r J I~ ILl'(J\\'J(• l)ilU<I" I'll'! r:u:-•·, " t''ifl r1t«, ,, ------•~· a1••), '10H11•n1111.111, l·••I:., l11u 11s. , !• ,.r, ~t.r / • · • .. 1m111.;i. • 1 l , . , "-'hue "-~~~~ ·" \\11",J~::"l .o r~-;)!'-11,11111111:. 1i 1~h .'\.o·tt•·r. ,\n~"rll .. 11 l·.~k1-~un. ,\11~ II/I'\ tn nu1 tv $l'f,1 ~13 \Jl 111'.!4 l..ei~ut"l' l1t'<1rl. 3 \Qnis. hass, c)11'0z111• 1~10, 100 11i• .\lerl'. 1.0"\. 111 l:-O:l.1\'\'ll!.t-:-.. -l!H hl!-lj,-; _ _ _ ~ J ,." .... f•'I 11111...,,111i.: ;;ult'\ fllQ. l'ui.:·-. JI)) '.\11:\~.Jl '> 1•111 ~):\J.Y 1·1111 Sll•'l!t.111, \\.,rlil ('\t>~. ~nar'E' .+ harrll\<tl'l' $:./JO, :iJL\i-*f l',,n1pll'll' u11•1haul. i•ng. r-;,.,1 p~iln!, • .-i111p ly STOCK CLERK l~•111 11 hll• ,,.u )!,1rn.1ft••r I 'll'~' :-i1ud St>l"\h C ~Jno.;t lr.1n,.~l-0'!*12 ---f-'\lt-J:ALJ) Hl"'ll"; j'J.i-.g.11-3.'\0C)aJ16 l'Y.T h•'!Ul&luY.ll'IUUL \\'lth t'</Ul[l •S.~ljl) 111 1.1 I"' p ,. r 11• 11, f>d 111 111 I 11111110!.•11n<.: • 1 l'I"-"<''" i\l,..1 B1f'1·d~ IJ1i.~n f-.1r•s !,JI ~il711-----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Gt-;;.;1 ·1"<l-: I SO cl $'.."!!:> ACOUSTIC Am"o"°-M-oc-1,-,1-,;o-l'Olltrols & -...1nng $l OZ-i hlr;...·,r,:i~ t"'>1111-..1•1y ' 1 n" k r n " 11\ "/••ru111.:' !1•r lu•Li't'k•'l'Pf'l'!i .~ ,\1-'C!li\N Pup' t-rnl'n:<'n(y MATTRESSES . • • .. 1, :~?\!17 • •1 /4. A l tee !.!" i;. p k rs _'*_,_,_-~1~~~""''--.:_ ___ i[;,~1~1~· ~S~Tf-!s;>.,:;1i:.l1~. C, -':i'• ll' 1-ec·11 1\'lrl~. tdl'nt 1 !~1 111~ sh• k J (1111'[1 ~ .t1.)r~ tn h<.,1llh<:1 r1> \111~1 Sf'!I, tnp shnii• 11u.ll, !~eawnahle 960-?fl':)'.l tJ N I V ~;HS Al. A!'01\11C SC'l!OONfrc, J\ux ltt•nd S. & 1ssu11l" 1i.:1r1s. ta.II .ll.\11 '<'Ill• 1..: l ",dl \\I.., tit• N.111, I I II I I MAITRESSES M hi 8078 -'0Ull II ' •· If \\'' I ... • l su"f'f •• 1 s ~"" 11'0rrll•'i • • • ac Mry, ------Bl'~D\' (1;irinet :-.Int !oiie (, r lo:·' 1') , 1n,..c• 11 l'I "( 11)' _a_1 _r,~~-1 __ 11____ ·t~.·~;:1 11r f.1~~.-,-, \»ry J C'as. &U--t2;.,-1 or 1,.ii . Q\h'<'n t-.1111 .t Tv..tn ~ts ---· sai .\!arinl' l'ngu1t' ~1nt ConJ , 1t!r J ;,;-,(~JI:. ::-.! 11· '.\'.l·.t Ill'.!) l•JI '~'l.ltUI •,:!h rn.:h111t!n•i! '"·1111111•111 I ,>;;.il!•i/11 :\1111 !'•I !1V'11!1 \\ i 1•kd111, '...-(..-2800 Fxt 175, JI•' ,t ;1t·•·l11•111!~ !rl \--G\14 WANTED II :1,\\l,11\1' ,...;1 ,11• fnr ')f:' , .. ,11 1•1· 1~11!, p1•1•f nc'1r jrUy. ••h· ."I I 11,1~ ~/'lJl'-7 \!J;, e~···· ;>.t ! 11 Siii', In' p-...•r boat I.\ i-J>t 1~1 '•1' ,,7 '., 11 .. ;.s !•I .I I\..; Jl(t(1\~t'U)A1 ~ ;o..;,•11 Ju .. to1ll.i ti"n'" Hep<11n. I '\~• 1:·:r, 12'1 I --~I t I :~ E \I !•<>•~ sllJi lor "', 1~1t1n.d II"•· 11r )1Jur l•J.Ll 71 \ ~l(,..Jzj:! --~=I ":;,1',\\ ~. A1 111luhlc Jur JS ~1ll hn·,1,, Jn11111'<1 0t•..:upanc.-y. :~1:_> • .)')fll B~ats: S-pe-•~d ~&-S~k~i~90IO= ,,, STH\.i("l'l 'HA!. SI! I.I L•.I \\()f<k fnHll .. ,-... -,,-,,-.. -,,-,,-.-,-.-1.' -,,,,-,,_·~~----~~11'l{IC't!1 ru '10\'F. NO\\''' J,\rt)nSI)~ n11lu•1: \.111n ---*-''"~'c'"'''·--~· ~·---:H'l-1·\l"• tor 546,-4(',(J~"''"-----·-"'"------' " 'I t 11 t ... ~ -SI llt Jt. I\ It\( I)'\(; -.:1\1\l 1! 11ur, S!f'• J t "n hr 11 .1I1 11 11 ,1, .ppuu1!1l\f'lll ('lf'1l;s 1\1:» ,\I~! I'.\, 1\1 ,I ITII, 1101 1,\,.•d 1.1&-86.'ifi & it:.'.\~!JG2r1 · u-...·rr, l'l ary S< s a .. rr. Ofc. Furn. &-Enulp. 1085 ~ \"/;\'!~l'llE lllhlJ fflOlo1 & t.:-.Cl'.:!.Ll':"<T (.'():">[)l!'lfl'-1111 P' 1 617-l.•~;, !1<1 IJ:i1 1l!'r if 01t'r ~'-(di 1 ,,1!1,,~I 1.,,,·,,,,,1 ,, ,,,.,,, ___________ i ll/'. t.lt~h ·l 7j(), '.!}!Sold, .,--1,,,, ·~-, C••ll ll,,ls f<11 :'i lf~~I ·~..:, ... 11.1•1 ------~ " ~ II f ~·""' ~ S.IJI i.7 :•1~1-1 ~~~~~~~i!i~~~I 1'\'.'.J ,\.'iY, l :i !II', ".il Ill' f'.:<('tl (''()f\L[ ~1'UDt-.:l'<'! s l/t l}I)\\ p/l :~'~'·~"~'~"·~· ~''~'~'~,~ .. ~·'~~~~~I ! lf'.11' J\!.1111· tn1ril11!'s .~ \\ J rr r ~: fOl'll)U:a dl!ll!\g: ~bli', 1~1 ('~·1· 11 I s •l"l'I ll'I' •7'N'J SI"(~ (hrs ~~/'.'I I ,. • .l11ln•'>)!l t•r F\ l!U U•!(' St.!. II ",,." f ·1 .\, 1.li. ~ -,1"71 1'• \Ill UI liJ f-'1111 /\t·.•! l"l'll.1, l itl' 1•11 1 11.on~,_:"1 _.,._,_l it! .11111 11 ,\111111 t111n, St'1ts •1·11 :S·lll, ----S\\"\l lllrs $1 ~/$!\ Ill's $1~ c.'.0'~::'.'..'..'.--------! ' '' llL'\". !\ll' 1.~·1 1 j!l/1\\1,...r,, ll ~l '"Wl•ll,CC Cl,C\, '" '''"' 1: """'"'"" '""'" !'"" ""' Cl1,\1' S,\\\S. 1,,, "" "'i.'.i'.\1(1' ''1 """ 1 "" T""'o'"''~ Iii •rt-:C!lt\l("I AN-t•i .is~i·i il!il• Merchandil• ...,, pl llth, \\'.;d. 1· ;.) I '\I • "h ,\>;" t\.lu1M"I 11al11ut 11 l'1~ht. 11 Ort•:;0n l~l.1d,.. l'1t•r,~i' ~.7 \\ !c+ t ·~1 f;l~·3 10~ Boats, Power 9040 I •. Jn lilf> NeV.""'ll-h'V lll<' .u .... ·~·lll'f' rnl•lr , fun111c·a 1011 1t .. llr1· llp, 2 ('\J 11Hh en~1n~ ,. L\\ 1 ----('ltl J~!:\1 .--s l~i C'L'tlrun11 •>: plpf' "ri,:.111' 1~ I "',. •~·"' ll•3 II ' ~1 -·)"'' ,,,.. ':uir<-s1u11.1I ])f'5!, ,r., k II• 1 ·.i1;....l".1.~ 1u .ri.J-:J, •b -'l!lO , .1 ~ '" 1 ... 1. '~ • I 11 /u1l'""1n1 111'11 !,,.,t1 .. u 1 11.•111! non-sn10 f'r. 111 ini.: " ---·,C.C2------I l'l't PO.la 1'1Jt1!l'111111.11 .11"\ ESTATE SALE lf'arn Ne11port O r ga11s Antique$ 8005 HI.AU '/ !r1sh S i•llerl.11)0 !I OU.SE SULll, l.1nt>1ln p n 1t Y.t>ld»l, Sl)I,~ of O.tk ,(. J..-·.,tJier -~11",.(Hl~tii\Jl l t ____ _ &r~1-~-m --~--------Pupp1«s, shots, \~T·I ll!t'<t & l\tust sc-11 like new Quall!y 1(1 11<"1 ~t!Or ~I. 140 ;'llllP-110 1'1 1 pl) .$.,(fjO 673-~:W-. Sub1' ect To Court ~--AUtlT~fur d.ty ~.ul1ug Telephone Coste Mesa Sales Area Work From Your Home Top Commissions * ~-1311 .. Equal Oppor l!:inplo;.C'r Test Tec:hnician Proj:.,.rresslv<' O C f h.:l t1,1nws finn h.1s 1!111llt'd Jl<1>.11l"H for \f'~t t!'.'C'h L1n11ted Ps1x·r l1l electronics lcs\\ng l'C'<fr! New a/c.'Onr! bldb Xln't benefits 11h Juel dt>11t al Oise Instruments 102 E Baker, Costa r-.lesa Y7~5.)00 Equal Opµor Employ<'r TOOL i\f. \ Kt-~R part t1111r {'\'I'S S:. 1\knd~ (',11! 5-10-l~i ,:: TO\V TRUCK OP.l\'Elt t'~p Full t1n1c Job 1\pply ,,t :\orrh l.1.gu11a Sh1•1t -l!l-l-'.:1'111 TP.AlNEES NOW HIRING Full & Part-Time :.?'nd shiJt v.·orkers nl'e<lcd !'lio e>cpo,~r. nf'('{':;.i;: Training pro- \1.i:led Jr HCCi:'ptN! I I I' It-. l" I'.; 1\1.\Ht1Gi\~Y "-oung , for honi~·s $10 Furn 1nl'I J:an.m HIP.., & \I, l:iJ1p, like nev. $)JO. $:.ul tuC'h 1111\ING £oom Sat, t 'rt•Jl(•I\ f .. 1&-:UJ:, L/R Sets Reds, Drunu;., 64·1--032'.J .\Z'\S.\FOi'i!'.: l\lusl s('ll Ill}' Confirmation 673-4~-.0 ,\<:k for Ron ' I I.,,, 1~1 C .. , .. ,, I Bk L a nsatone, son1e -...a1Tanl '' i-.vt.". '~ "11 '"•u,, .\1,\LESilky,Blatk&Siher , 1 C'<. nips,L'hC"SI 17')1Qs \\'i-:S"fINGllOliSt-: hravy left S:tJ..7732 " Li t.:~: hr.11ll'I nev. llu!111' lt.i l.c,11 6 Can<:' back Chr11r.; _ Id l O I'"·, "'ell Y.1ialcr Gd buus• •= ~, l SI o . S.>i·rcnun" shaped St'-r.f'r ,r,, .\ yrs o . ..,,,. ~ "' ,........,,.,.._. 1 ut) · lo ri ....... mpres~r. Pets '62-32 RERJ'R,\"°1 Tv.111 Spnn 111lh tr.11\C'r. :-;idcho..,~n! + ciun.t c.i.hinct 1raH1ed l.o\~·s cluldren \.A!\!E Set, Table & 4 Hl'y .1pprox 00 i.:als. $2.11. 1001 8087 ~lshennan. H1i.;ht>st cash h1111 ___ ~t011'n~r-716.°"l ~-- &au!iful Cond. call to sec. Sl::ll .J·l9-:ll\9 \\'rought fr on Chair s, Komiil Dr C\I IJANrk'ilS, all colors "'er $11,5/l'J fl1d s <lose 12 HOBI J-' lb 11 ftr,u!er ·.,l·-~rw::-, \llN'I \TUR" S h burgundy naUJ:.1hyde up-1 k noon 8/11/i·I See 11t· e11:1ras S\tj() '.-::I</ ' • 1 ' • c.. ' c 11 au z r hls!IJ'. $250 6.i6-2Sll davs or Miscellaneous 1080 >u.:: "· '.\1all.>rds & Pekuis, 6i!"Y-Xlll .\:\TIQUES. H 1' f.>e~k. nnr-! ups, AKC, .. ~ t-li.1mp1011s XS-ilGJ C\ • .~!.! ~lesa Dr, Bat•k !~). 1urs, clo<:"ks. t.ainps. i:t')s!.d, Shots & l\'Orn1cd, Stuc\ es ~ Sat p!'l"t'rd , h111.1 1•t• Fu1c rurn1 tun· sei•·icl'.' !'a-139.l 11 I DE·,\· BEU S 0 F' A, DOUGH BOY stl!'.'1 l\Hll lll•UM' of Stu H't.' SJ[f)\\' ~100.:: I It I s II Q~Ef:N l Sz -~1 0 f.'TCCn. POOL P ianos & Organs 8090 .;21; :\t.11n "-1 llunr111c:ton Bch SE:rrErts 3 lteaut fern 2 \e'er up isrry, l'r.idlt\Oll:tl, :-;"'" ~ ~1 ~ ·•IC{l Pa1,1 s..1100 • PIANOS Ora nge County Aotiques ~11 n1.1les SIOO ui~l!JS.-~39 1 sii'ir con<l. &l·l~I~ \\ill Sf>ll fto r S.300 o1 r<'a"' lh.•OJ St! ff of ,1111Jquc•s AKC Rlac•k f),u1c Pt11ll" S . otf('r 41 / d<'ep un N111.Ur"'"' • ORGANS ~1 1· I c s t A .... ks nld s hols ll"r>•>'"I ~-.11 !.)]\!·. ~('y, ,\nlnpl!'.' Rr.1ss 1•111!, '"" s 1lOY.rl to '7' on "~ • "" .,1' an ;i .. 11.1 ' v ~'.-NU f) j ll' Sf>t $.... Bl k .. Rental f SS !)1...,11 7 d ''" 9 to 6 d,11ly up. :i.1x....'!870 I]\' (; • •'J I['. drt'P • nd. Includt·s. larg:t'~I s r "' -----couch ,i;, C'!uur $.15, ('(lnlfy /!I I I al f1'.\lERIC'1\N Oak DresSf'r UL.AC!\ Lahr.1dor llt tr1c\l'f v inyl ('!i,ur ~. Dlnf.Ue Ml J!llllliJ i tcr. ix~• c irniir ~ l J P .. 1, 1~ 1 ,0 1 6 ,'{ all :ircf'SS1)nf'~. Ptonl 1s Op-NI ht 'Ill f 11/111111<>1 l't'fln 1n g! \~.1 · " i; "·' • at pm 6i3-4171 .... g I , S""' oi21~JV> (iiJ...,~1»3 l 'i -...1de /...r 32' in leugth S , nu, ~vu ..,. . .JV" l BLACK 6' n.1ui::ah~rk' You n1ust have 1,1.rge )ar1l at: til 5:30, Sun. 12·5 Appliances 8010 ,\KC Alaskan hl.tlu111u!c wfa, I )T old, $J5 l II' tr) accon11nol!ate. \~<' ha\'C. *Pi•nOs & Grands* l>i.ti-,s 6 Y.'l'<'kll Uhl sof,1, shp-evrd, hut gd 11 11hc11c ground , but )OU Bald\\'in . C.1ble -Chil'ke nng SAVE TIME, C.111 ;,1f,..{)JRI undc rnC'ath, Sz:i 495--1417 lOulrt ~ink 1! u1to J..'1\'lUnd • F'1scher Ka-...ru. Kimhall MONEY & ENERGY! \J.\Ll\..\lUTt:: pups, ,\KC, i\tft & i\ffiS Chairs A-.;ocado, 1r yuu \l lsh. All ln good rond -Knabe· t.ff'.011 & Jlan'''·1 . SHOP Dll!\L,\P'S for recon-Gr 11y .i.-11 l11tc, $ll'3 & up Lounge S1\1vel, ROIXI conrt 4-110 \\' ~un~"'cpl, S.anta Ana hh1ssl'tf -Sohn1"r -~teln dllr,.neJ npph<1nll'S, fre1i;ht rl;i 111agc<l & ne\v floor ~ 1n1pJ c .. IJU\L,\1-' .\PPL! \'.Cl'.; l'O \Slj l\c-...port Bl1cl, 0 1 ,.. ."i !STil!O • KENMORE WASHERS & DRYERS 1-i\4~1-2610 St1urly fahn.: $10 e!l or \l tll CaU 53-1-'iJ..1'.: -...•ay ·Storey & Oi1s". • \\'1n- LUOl\JZ'\Ll for guod hiwil ~ii singly. 6-f.l-bl3.:' ~ er -\\urhtzcr -)."an1ah 1 l.lohe1·r11,1n flUPPY 1-"liP.i\ITUHE LIQt;JJ)ATIO:\ !'>e-... Spinets I. · · · · · .. s,:19j !\.\0-lt::I ~ing to F:uropt> Vt>ry hii:::h SCRAM LETS Used from ............ $9~1 Jl'ALIA\: (Ji:EYllOL':'\lJS ifoMity items, al! like neY.. • CPla~rdrs ,'.' .......... $S'4.) C II l , · , 176 ran s .... ·~us (,111';.,:•"lli> 1\\\(' IO)S Si1u11 fl to,), ..1-1°1\-1 ...,_,~ .r.: J>f'I I 21 ~!ll-."1 \1.! Bt.At;T \\al11111 i'e<':'l ll ANSWERS *ORGANS* l1:1ld-... tn -C'.onn • Hammond -l'l·.\I l1ld 1:11;..:hsh ~h<'•'"'lnc: h1n1g rin 11\hlr~. dhl 11!•1 ,.. <> k 1 J II Kawai -l\lmhall · Lo-...Tt>> . Cif'ar;ince ol 1~3 111ode!~ \\ ·1~ JllC k of lil h:1 bi\ k.' '1 )('{ rooin "t't A ,\ 1 T:uhl1t'r -lle.:'O)' -Jt'rky -ltlxlg1"rs . lbomas • Ya niaha S.1\e S.:\0·$GO ~Jr" Jl.Ofbut•k t:ilh-Ol l~. :in 5 Gl. .. ~Sul 0°'7°0·'-c1c'~='?=, ~---~--La\'1sh -Cl\'t:llDUI'.: -\\ urhtzt'' Gullw.u!St'n • s, Con1rJa.11v .\darns u! SlllHTznPtJPP Jr: S, Sc)t-'A. .\tar.:" C.1 r .. on 11 \l' custt•n1l'r is al\lnys Al en .i\t:ignuha, II u 11 t 1n g: In n ,\dorablc blk & 1\h( ! ~lair, or1gu1al. l nJ<1{ n\d, Got•! nghr. unless hL.~ t.ill lsOVLR· o f Hcach, 962-TISl zm F: 17th 1 f,_.ni $::'1"(1 ra &t>l-lij5 ,, P.rov..n strip(' t11nf'~ J)t;t: p igan , ............... $l50 S r~ '' r '"•..-.vi [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi[ ~<·-I"' LIJl\l't')' Spinet •"" ••• $!~ t, ...usta • eaa .,...,...._..,_,,, c07·'7"-'7' ~---------"' 111 S -H.1\TT,\.i,. Furn, fu1c~t 1-'iC"k.~ nur zer p1nef, new .. Sl!)9 FH[lt;l!T DA-'\\,\GE SALi.:: •l\EAUT D1n1ng Rn' &or. b r!.f'M, 8 Pt " antique 11h11c Ha mmond A·IOO ....... ~1~ e KITE , $375. e Campers, S11le/ Rent 9120 l'H1\\'1;L\l,\ll·: !)t-.1.ll XI: Tl'.'\ l 't'J:.\11 Ell. :-.li'C'p!-i t.i 1•t11!1•1rl ;1hl) "u1k w 1 I h 11t1"r !auk,'' hu 111 er !lf11J1 1lh' ~lu\1.', U'l: 1. •. 1,, 1•li•ntv n{ :-1or11i::<' Sf>.1~r. 11111.1111~. 1.-.ly 1:-. 111 t-:•.JO~I n11 1d 1t11•11 .111ct \"111 LS 11[.,.1, -1 J " k,, ,,,..,,, "'-'II, :.tU!'.n SI l.l. ... 11 'l!.I.• --~"'C,.---I -71 SI" \'•1 11••!Ht l, !, l'f"fl'll'. J 1o·k·. ~II"' li, r.t1n! C1•1l'I ~l !'~l/HI II (,~!('-\'\, '"tll ll" 1 Sp"' 1a! n il Xi ra-.. l.i 1111, \,'],~I ~\ l-.!Jl0 111 t 11:-1111. ii 1>.\'l sl 'S l'l lo n11, lilllJ 1111, II ~:ii ).!,L~ !it Ilk , ,\1n/t'rr1, ;l.J1u1y .\. ! r ,, s 1·~1 1 1. \·,11,1 1,d>1•1er. sips ,\ J!,I <di ~1?-i:tl .' =-..,.,.-...,-1'•71 \ \\ t ".tlllllt'l ..... ,,~~ t'11 l\v·"~11"I l.1 1.:~~t> ra• k, I 111 I 111 1''" \.lill ••Jilli $:~" , I'} ,1 .,fl l'\1 /)I I_'.~,)~ !\'"')](' -.l ••fi<'I /11~ ti ' {) j \, •!. lu1<' Ill'\!, J"~ra • [I I I' J " "' l•I Ills I' (I Id • i~71 ~· j'\\11'1 I:."'"''' 'ui;,, l•t !••' .1,, !•• ., "olh J•l• ~' \.••1 " I 'ti!' -~--~ 1•7 1,\lt•, , T, air. Pl:.:, ... 11" ''. , .11• "1' r ra1nJl('r ~ ...... 1 $11 11 '•:lli\9 ----... -~-,\~11'~ I~ • .1h .. 1. r "1•n·r ~111k , I•"•' I•'' \\/j.1t'~ ,\: ,,r,. .. \'rt11 .. 11 •~u;..;:,n -.· C\B(l\I!~ 1'.in1per <I , I ~·I• '. I•, ~HJ d 1' ! • FULL-TIME $458-$640 j\('\1 Hotpo111tH.ef11~er,11vrs, c _______ _,J[I il1nnc;, o\·al t;ihl<', 2 lf'a1r<:. foiHTI ruUlX'r, )f'llr111 \11111 *WIN FREE* \\,1.,hl'!". fl!)t'l'S, D1l'h\\,~Sh· FrH lo You Hah.1n pn1\, $6:.ll IX>st ofr cU\hlon~ s,l:iO 2 tl11rt111.tn ORGAN LESSONS 34' EXPRESS CRUISER «17 ·,"i-:~ lll11 .. «ll! T11/lolll,.:-lorol 4(\\-"•"•!• PART-TIME $300-$410 SUPERVISORS $820 & UP Call 896-3541 Tfl 111.ike, 'Appon1 rm~nr \\1th Personn1>! I lLrf'f·!nr lOem-6pn1, Snrurd,1y t111Jy TRAINEE MACHINIST Sm;ill Con1p..-U1\ 1\ 1rh fl.11; Companv Bf>ncf1Ts. lmk1n,e: for 1 sharp rersr•n , !11 lt.iln a,; i\l,1ch11ust LARK ENGINEERING CO. S66 \\' lfith S1 , 1',::! 92' (, TYPIST ;l.1it.<.1 have J.:Ot:l(I Typ1 1'lf.' skill~ ((HTf'~p S. 1.1rl1•<1 J.:l'rl I oft· du1or .... \1 111 } \I"~ •''ii'• 1 r ln illl ('I R J r.r~ UlJ/fll ln!l ln1t•n•slu1i.; 11,,rk. ~ 111 I 1\'0rk111;.: 1 ,111d ~ & (',., ht•nrflt~ 1.11-l~fll l•r ~••I :->rv.-pnrt Cen1l'r IJ1. Swt. liOO N B. n·l'JST I nr:c~:M·10NJS I. l'<c-... port Cenrrr (J',\ !11111 &14-61tl.i WAITRESSES BUSBOYS&.- DISHWASHERS Exper Neal Appl' u·101("t'. Apply Sui f l!..-~1rlo1n 5930 \\' L'na\I lh•\ :\'B --. \\ AITRr:ssr:s. exro 1 ,\r>ply !TI per~1111 CIUTO\I 's Hf':-01/llll • ~n\. 6:.?fJ P1,....,, :-;C \\'ANTF:D rul! 11n1•' fll()\('I n1u1d \1111: 1!')(;l11(I 3 1 51 1-IFll'l-.;)T" Rl\1!, r)ll.h'i!71 WAREHO\JSE. MAN Fam1ht1r w11h malt<rtrils u.-.t'd by \\111re1· .t-S;"111.11ion In d11s(ry /11v<'n!tlry Cr.111 r11l expcr11•1tt:r IK'lpfu! MAINTENANCE MAN F or \\':.ti>r 1·111111, 111 .11, I constn1eu9n ('\JX'l'l!'rl( ~ llt'• .... ~EATMENT I PLANT OPR. • hfcchanlc11.t rxp<>nPncr Waler Rtf'l11n111;11on, CW.PC A Cf!rt!f!('.11<'. IRWD \\'Ol!A'.'J 11ho nccrl" s:ro • 11\t• "' S.1l1•• 1)1 11'111"'1 l\lt L)'1n1' -;111.~w..."~l'>.'1 ------Tht' IUHlf'1>! tlr.1w In lh1• \\ r~t • • " l)ft1lv Pil~ Oauilled Ad (';ii/ 6U-:i6jjl f't'li, i\t•1\ \\an n111y. cr .. •<h1 , l •••••••••••• '<v":''~·I'f"c''v-;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;::--o;r;;: 11i1rdn1Lie trunks $60 c:a .,. B 1rf ,\, 3b:t.'\ \r \l,u111•r, Qt Ill.IT\' nH 1111u1t\ SQfa, l!n111n1onrl org,1n, con1pl FULLERTON MUSIC :0-<1Jlta An.i, nc.i.i 11•11'1:-..>r, Free To You 8045 .11111011e. t'•f!l'l' tab 1 e . tonal C1l1tlrols an!ique Y.hi!r 1Sl91 l.uchd. Fount11in \"a!lc) furm1>r ('11' u f L ri n ,! 1:ra, h f:r"'lcll(' Hri.1t, 1...,«1•r<'d !.1 { 111') slcr \" 1< ,1i1r r .. r fi~hinJ.; ~.-Ji\ lll>: :,-;h,\tjl' ·r;-~··1 P11 ,.,,. I, \\' S1ni;:ll'- '1!'o.!'r!1 ------------1n111 11 r ted .hina, sih r r, :srflJ All11t Y. cond li44--0 i21 557-4836 1\11~ !'l IUJ· 181{ elf'~n~ all t-'~Ll"\E & CAN I N t~ -, ~ ... 117i i110VING (lUT OJo~ STATE. p.011rl"s lro1n \ht• ()Jr', 11p l<J FH/Jo.:'NOS .1n1111 ii a lloptin111----'--------t'un11tur1., ApplllU'IC'('~ 31 11 vi a n111 n.n ~Int !or <.'Cnl(r i::;) l\tesa Dr. C i\1 Garage Sale 8055 llo11st>ho!rl 1te111s, l~ook<>, "'-'"J>ln1t11ry pl bl• n1s $2\JJ I ~33-L191 9 30-J .;o, 'I u1•s lluu,1----''-------Tape TC'cordl'rs, Recorrls, f•lfl'r &-l!i-rn<l": S:Ll HJo.t'RtCl::H.ATI)]~. fi <' r1 s . Sports Equip, la111('ras, :\UftGE lblh elt·i t dt')l'l", 2 Ol'<I:: '.\1A t.t-: ('()CJ\,\POO T\\1n S.: King-, Co!•1r T \' S\1de ProJ., P.11nltng,, '"" old, ST..o, !'\orge H!lb PLf'P\". U1nrrrr ~I m :i r ch 1 n g Collectables, OB r-.lotor. "':\Sher 3,_-rs olrl. S 7 :-; , 1 \\'~.EKS OL/J l!phlrd 01a1r'>, ('nfrr,. Thi. anrl much 1nort> 67:~1(() 1'<"n111urf' .~a.-.her }Kl. Cua.i· * t;..i~..{rl3..~ .. ,I( l'lllsf' h-;hl•! & f'lnlhinu L11I~t:SF :O" r «cl Jacqu•r & del, ~i'lJ. ·-O~\-\'--C-0 ST s p • ~t~nis ~;ii ;,_ :-:un Nf"\I pon lazy sus11n, .SlM 2 nr an· _ • a~ frrra 1 " ('nnrl" 12 " °U~:t-nJGl':ltATOR, ,\1hn1rat 1nfor1naur.n frL--797.l 01 Slt1dfl'•l\<'1' C! t;.J l-73;,i !1que hu11111C'IP lan1ps S50 pr du.LI r'Ontrol. dbl th . fro'>\· !17()..1799 a f1 £'r 4 ~ "'ht "'h"kcr .1n11 i:h.11r~. fr(·•' 14. cu fl ,\\OCado grn t-/{ ~. i; ri.iliu.lli<1n/hish F,\l:f!!Cl:'\ Bu\er 1~ srllin~ S~J1 c·~1 2-i" <UlllfJUt' br11!.5 l.1k1 111•1• SJj(} &10--0998 ~,111 r lllll)J)I 7 \\',•r-ks (•Id f"t'!'"'•ll"! 1~.1rdf'•ht~. llt"\I I.· 11 .1v ~1 -•J lr1u1s X\' oak Rent Washers/ D•y«s _T_•_• _.,_,,_,_•l_l_io1~C' _,_,,_-:IO-l.J u:-..~I Bl.':iut < !Vtllf's I.nv.· -.e"::.c';c' _"c"o"c'c'c'c'~'o'&clc4·c''-"c9c..._ _ _ --\1J11 p11• r~ ~1 r.111 .:1~ fr·•n1 SOOO $.! \\k ~·ull n1i11nt LAI\ S<.•ttrr, to good hnrn<'. lH-1~ l ~t)l r e.it T.1r".:•'r! Pl, * 1·191-" • "I •II I I !~f'.1 111!rul, assnrt1>d 1 •"'· ,,1n <'. Y. K' \t'f) ;irge, 'f'11(l'1i1 &r«'h :1A:'11-.'iP:'-1 l'''"l•I<• ••o? '!IS 1,,11f."l'h1rf, "l•'e11 11..' 1.1rds 1.1•.L F. Pl''" t·r -r~,,f'~. ·· ......... ' Fr11..; ti " · ' ' c.,===~~~ 1; /<'ti\ t l<>P•'' ,\ .'\h .. 'l\U h lrl' ,\pf~I s ,\ :-.. 1ap tllr!a.I. L'::1ll r r. J: I AD 0 !{/\BL F. ,\jl;:TJQllF.S, l) x 1~' Orit'nl~I , .iii!~ 1ti•1,,11 .d .)9.. 1 11 .111,.11 1!\e f>i>-5.r~~ l'UPPJ~:s :-.11'(t'<l!lalnu111on 1~flC" 111_, •••k furn1h11 1• \\ill !'•·II .dl 01 10. ,.11 ~11.1 ('.•I! .~,,..:; r~\'I '~i\.:', 1•la0 ts. ,_._. • Sal. 10')1 r:1:F1tJL;r1tAT(H{, 111 c•,., .. c•• "' " 1\nrks 1,:r•I\'./ :S•l:i lil:L·.ii\Gll (l\\~l'lt l1<1nsf,.1r1>d !ll'('(l :.t»t~ F';,111"\\',t)' llr bt.'\1111 y.:r. --------- ~1 l ()~·•n.:•_,,,,.. f"\l ___ l1•1J11g l1nn1•• fri r \,\k C.:n1 S1ul1.1 ,\n;t & <1n111r.;P, (' i\1 (;l'. );!,J HIGf-f:\/"4/J: ~'II ~Jl.l\NI !l·l">·•'ti2 ! P.Jf.[0,\!f:.J : <'!<'1 r~fl [r J · 1:-.·1-: 111rn,.1 11111 ~rn•.1d $!1'! 1'111\( Pllli• •I <' 11~•P> l J(l 1'111\; rtl1rh· 1 r11r!t1111' "'·11h 1 d .1n1 ,. ''" x \Ii ' $11) Pink ri11 ll•"I l,i.h· 1..~11p Slll t tit\ ,,,., ,,, <1tto''>~ ~l fl i,\r; Ml~ 1;Clf 11J ('l),...;11\r lf•'l \\l•l'.\1.\!,\;..,J :!t. .111111 1n.1l1 1fri uOlo• n\r•n S1;'1 lf!' Sp1n1sll S .. 1. ~~~~---c'~rr ·,nr,.' 1,1,:-;i\Hin~. 11 .• ~h· r ,\ t!1 v1·r \ ,d ('(1111! ~lllkl' <111 .,tf('1 1.11-:.1 .. \\ .\~l!l•:TI ~i'i'I I !1'<"'1-.,",700"',.,-,-,, $1.V T\,•!r1i;rr.1!or $60. Sofa v;_·, !~.!·!<. .: : r ltlli!l)\11{1-: ''"' IJryl't. ~d !'O!lri Sti.J !"1~7440 l '(/l'(11, gITr n & i;ulrl \'f'llirl, •'\<>'ll,..11\ ("(JJ1d11tun SS j. 1~1'.!--'1U2".! Bicycles 8020 -------BLl'E Sch1\1nn, 10 i;pd. !,uli.·~ 1•h1r-~c h •1 1 n n . n111u.h1kr, nf'!'.'d~ 1~nrk. ·, hp :-.11111:1.1\, n1.1kc of!t·r~ "' ,. "1 lii ' -""'~~~~"" l{,\LEJGI! JO :-iJlt'•'IL Cd Cnnrl. Nt<l'dS 11~'."-,drrillC'r. 1 Ylt nl1I 6i\-:l21<1·~~-- L,\01f-S Till\E 4 S1x:I. Gd mnd. $25. 673 ZlfH Camera'I & Equip. 8030 AITENTION PHOTOGRAPHERS: I ~·11 ! nl1"" ~!Hlll IH~lf'I ~h•~·' .i nd Pel<'!' Gr.11·l1111d r.1111n••Ul Shtol\ s1 ;~DJ\Y, ~1 1~:t:-.T 1~. l·J. l '\ll!1'~;z 11111 t-:L. ~.\;\' 11JP.f:1), F11r 111!01 nu.11(111 • <•111.t<'! 1.1fc 1 :.1 1!('11•~. rit41 ZS l-09~ ... ~ PurP brrd, l•J\ 1hl1>, tq g•ftl .,,.f;i ~,.,..,.,! (•111d '1> t·,,~ J1"11" r..i1 :i·'l.·1·· d<'~I' $1 1 ~~r. i'lil..-.'1111i. t nit n r,v .. ,.117 t l'I I. l\illl'l1' rr.11!1l•l ,\ '..:..::::....:c....:.:.C....:.:.C----~ I t-.LJ :~C()PJ•: ~-reflr-r tnr, \\• •11••1, ii -...k, 101 I ,\ll :->lll·.\/]'>1e \\a~h/df}, ~1·:i r'< .t'l. <'~epir·cr 120 pl"l\11•1 , \\)1111': :i.lso CalH'O :.IG--\Z'ii II ri ('olor Ii' Ht>fn;..: ~·1)1· r l()('ri •ll'l\f', 1u11QU<' 1lcs1gn D.\l',LJ;>;'GTtteit;"V.h~.1.: null d111 ·;-i P_ly ~Lamp_:-~.-,1 f;.~.67 t1l.1ck & "'hill' inui h mnrr. S J/}.$.'\OO .t .f) ~IG'IO ED P1e1L<:<>) $ I ~ ~' 0 . Sli'-lSS.11 ':uHn JsA.hf'I "'~'----Signl'!i r.t.1;.•rl!te $ 3 1 5 l.J 1\'ABl.E 1 Yr uld ,\lh't"NI ;\lr•lt"' S1an1""" Y.tlh \\'hlf )larlnni:::s 6i:t-m1 (;,\JtAGF: SALE. (' D :\I Brandt \\'ntl"r1'0!tor $100 4'1,0lz r-oare1ss115 ron1f'r 2nd Other s. Pvt Pty 535-:l595 ~ff('Ct Sat 17, !l •1 2 Che-!)!s, Nf;\\l~RT Bew·h Trnn1s 1n1s.-1:1.n1ps, tnbll's, linens, (" h f I •-h i\ II/\ N D 0 N En re ma r ~ inul'h niore .111 run1 )' mrmu • .-rs LJl To1101se o::h<'ll kitten Shot. .... ----~-------1 $1/iOO. inl'I tran11ter fe<' lnx imrt. \\"/sp;-1,} f,l-l-fJ\3'/ S1\ll..BOAT, rt1rn, bikes: m ini t-'c'o''-;..cl'c•cl~==-~~-­-~-hl k". ski hoots. ('!oth1~ & llAr\OC!l \t-lt,lJ 1n Sa1nan 11<1\l ~t-:IJ (,!fi\P.!J [)(}(;, nlhrr £'0')!]H•!'i l!XXl Sf'ndr1rt fr,,,, In r1u.1l r.u11 /hus. Lab/ Ut' Cd~l fiT'-rqr.• .,_1 & 5,.11 -trrivrl h..1<: $XI, pnrw S."IJ. "I \\ -·1 .,.,. '" .,.., ... sh,..11 nr1kl,1f'r $'.ro R.ari' ,, 11 r .. nnx, s ' ... '.'!.",,. .. ~.1-'"~';'==--~---~ 11 prnd;'Ln! S15 !)(lR-_6_n_, __ _ * FREE PUPPIES * ,\~TTQlTT·: F11rr11h1rP & F'Ol.fJ l~t ; \)('!! Slll P..fflucin;.,: fil",.3111 ,i.., 0 12-1'.Jll ,1c1'1>S~"l'lf'S, other fun11IUl'f' \.Jf'H rnarhnir• $10 Lrf1- Furniture 80SO & inurh nust 2".0i fr,u11 !Seo Ii Hl<ll'd ;;v!C tluh~ .i~ l)r N I3 5!i1..W.t1 l:.:l'A.i\ISll c .. u<'" k r.:nd Tl,\ ~~t'fti\ITlTRJ.: (;d Ootht·s ----pe.R'--S-l_A_N_R_U_G_S __ St1/lf'l l"91~1 t J'l,u1! llrtni;111~ St. B JO f'tc No Junk 1Jan1 Lru11p, l ~"ld1rs B c n r us to 4 pm Sat/Sun r,07 W BUY·SbLI .... THAIJF:; 11•,1leh 67:).-5(1'..!8 Onv.•Ilrr lbna P eninsula z1:;.6j9-14RO, l"Ves 714-63i-6827 J>t-.:CAN <l1n1ng )tlh!C', 6 st.• & Sun. ™ Knrna! Dr Pl.ANTS, fems, -...ionn R01! "hairs \l.'/ratt111 !lacks. Fr c,~ Sporting go 0 cl s. , or ca'\11ngs Boxf's or }(XX) Prm 11h1IP 1-...1n bctlrorHns f)"Jl"-...Tlt<'r, SIC'rf>(), ~Anies , wor1ns. $;), 841-514l S\•I ml f\orn:t l Dr Of books. rlnthes, f11n1ltul"(' JlCA Color TV, UHF $45. •SOPA & Lo\'(>SC!ll ('U~IOl\l 4\S Easl 'Bay, Bal Penn Bra.'i! firl'ph1.ce SCf'ffTI $5. 111A(i!'.' • -.;cry gd q 1, n<'-.;er Sk!5, Junk. Some Antiques, &12-;jl'Jl n~'C't1, usu.lily h111 . ~ 7910 i-'ri/SatfStul 613 SHH C0R1"ER rou1·h/tble Slt>rPo, Ql"f.F:!I<' Sz C n e SC'PF.R (;.1rtt~~ Sn.le, f-"ti, auto harp, fox t.."Oll1u'i niore IOVf>'<rat & tnhll's. Pf'rf Sn!, !'un, !I 3fhn1 !11 snlrl 2262 Cnl::alt• &16-2R04, cond Ca!l f,j"',-T.l.!6 l1119 l,1n.1J?•'r. ('\1, ~i::.(i-l.l77 Gl1\:'\T 11"1-t Scen11 1•nlor S()F'A ,!\'-2. pt" S•"l"l'ril 1\/Shp Ul.~K SAt .E , pr1111, llf'~1rlv fill' F'r:inun;.: 1'flo.•11rs $.iO :117 Bo..,,llnf: Gr<'en. CL\I. $1 :)nrl. f'all ~14S-62o/.i 962·207& Sit!ur•l.1y Oniv" f'IV~: ne1v Ines, UniruyAI 1'10 lJ Dinette, 6 C'hJ1in, GARAGE &Je·.S.'l.t, Aug-17. ~·ll.;!ritk F.·7~15. t"our ply. t.x~'('lll'nl cowl., $ 6 0 . 1 O. 5 p ~t , !\f 1~lla11rou.'> SlOO a.'17·8212 :>.I llUTA (~r.1!lrx 120."il.lt "t!-;"A'A ifP.nis. 2'A1 '"'-fton, c,M TOI s N -' ~ .. -1 \l/~'.'l nonrutl lf'll'> -+ I ~=,,--,o;--,,-,.,.-,.,---;;-I C.C:::C'-',..:;°",""-"::.:;::c...:.ccc._ •,' ew, t:t11J<'Ruv11"'' 160~1~1 Tri. &!!. i'll<'k nut'l SOFA, 10 !!. Lt. Plue ,t GARA(:E SALE. Sat. Aui;: Call for P a rty delallli "!ttllll'I', 1n 111y iithi•r :.:tn.s gnlll $125. 01111r s. pr grcf'n 11, I:l..'16 Gll.h\:iy f,.111_., C.!\f 645--9564 hi /i1\<'<I , ~s(' As ne11 $i'&J vf'hrt S..10 641-2839 Nt'ar F'~lC"1 10 to 4 Sl!Af; CARPF:'T, ~ yd~. fo'\<'~ :)-1()-i023 SACTtlFICt-: n1ol<lC'd rtou bl<' lf:"·i\J\IJ/.\' c~rae:t-Sfr!t>, lX'('Orntor gretn $2 :?i yl'I \ll'fJLT,\ 1:.:nr !OJ i:r, rnn' 1"C"lnx'r, hfln•·y b1·lge fur Lnrs ,,f r!tJtl\!'\ t.· i\ntu.i iic~ i ll:i.lj!J~ ~~:l\stblufflNB. '.,) ~ l1>n~. 5·, n1m l\'ldo! Hni::I". $GO ·flJ-9601 2~11 & 2112 1\lUTI'. S A Hgt" PO<ll. TAH!.F: A•• •. ~..,11·1<·s SIOO "I' hst ofr 2 1•11d !.illl<~!, $10 en. 2 lilk Horses I060 4 x "· Corn~i11011 •:12-~472 n;iiri::.ih;.dl' <'h111111. $50 •'n Bf"ll, $:ii ~2---03&1 '1)'\11!.TA'""s~R~T=--~10~1-. -.~.~1 i hlk fln•-.rla.n1p, .S\~1. &\O-(l'l71 llORSE 8.· F'f,Ell SJIJ.:LTF.'R 1• /fln•h ,t xti-.~... $17:'1 T\\'IN 1-:if":IJ, ht\-.: ~prin~ & 2:lxlfJx!) ft, .~1'1)1lrn hlr ~.11 ~17:.1 nrr 5 n1.11t~~. 1-,'(()ll 1,J1-..J $:10 al(un '"v'd ~fll. rt16-ll~ ·"------11 )l\J.~,\ fu!lv 1111to~'l" ~7-00.ll i'ONY -Vf'ry gt>nll<' J1>1J(, l.t'1 mm F-2.8 hy Oa~ltled Ad! Call 642-$78 1 )'f'lll'!I olcl 175. \J1 r.11!1\ $Gll..lrl~t09 tod11y• 979-3796 or 675-~7 Y.'ATJo;HJJEll, l\lnr: , 1 z f', !ri11nr Llner &: 1111 rl. $:ii. ~i44() 1'11\/{,\ll, l\Tn1 •h!11c S.100 C1'mp1rff'ly \n/0111. 640-{l',0C .. l!arOOr . F ullennn 871 -1805 FREE Adult Organ Classes !'<nw a(f'f'pt1n~ res<'r.• .. cio,n" t'nr 1nforn11H1on pJt>,tS<' r..ill f.'12 21i"1l 111 Cost.1 l\IP\a, or !ll;J-fij..:J 111 F ounta111 \'allf>y (l\1r instruf'tor reques!-. th.t r t•nlv those s111cerrly 1nfcrf'~l­ <'fl 1n lt<am1ng 111 pl .1y thr ()r;.:an shoWd ta.kf> r11h ,u1 111:.;r ur !his fr('(' <Jf1er Coast Music Servic• Jo li-:Lo S warthou~ i<;'lfr, •!(fl p1:inos &-organs. nr11 N U~f.'11 !"p1nt·ts. ii:: n1n 1t s , pl.1\<'f". Goin~ frUI r"r hus1nr~~ Henta! •\/l'lp!1or1 ''' hu;., Kaw;u, Steinwav, n.1lr!w111, c 11 j (' k er in I{ \"•1111:ih.1. l\t1nb>t!J, \\'ur "" 1-'ll:J,O<;; (71 1 lli.~~-27i0 l"lfl'.! 131'Ylkhur<I C.:1, r, r; CO'IST MUSIC - Now Open Evenings .\fCl :'>i , Tl!URS t--n1 lfl.ll 01'f.\' SAT 10-6, SUN \~~' (tor '.'\O'\\prlrl ,r.., Il~rl.()r, r·1 &l6--0271 Brookhun;l Rt Talhf:>n, fV ~1'-67::3 BALDWIN ORGAN ~('Of'Rfor F'n>nch Style, \\lil/ C .nld Xlnt, S9:iO 54:>-1967 f,I!"\ 111•\l f',j' .. "-=·c"'------,\(~~ lt1tn:1\»ut (lfl li.: v..tie<-1 \'ru1si.., 1ra1!rr JllC'. !Y.1hp mrl'\ ••un.t -...111 1 unr!M' 100 hrs tt J.'\ll!y equip f•1r Sk11n~ -...1111 U.l.lt I uik I.:. pu1np Cur f1<d11~ ~!any X1r11s S21X> &\ ,...'313 191'3 '.?:.!'8" Ua) hn"r cru.~rr tin HP \'o\\O Chryslt>r 110 f'u!l 1·il n1·,t!", i::allr~, ll lllC'\I•', lu·nrl, n11l1u, '11111p;iss. [,,.,, than M lll>Ur~ Best n(h•r 01 ('r $1~-m Gij-(·107,,, ____ 1 ~-l ,-;zJS-1'.-I T 11 APl•JtF('!ATI' 1,' In Hull ."k1 l~t \Jlh!) ll<l \·•l\•1 X\1 a~ :-.!;:iki' Hr.1~ l lflrr r.121·;:;3 :!S ' t.l1 J1 Jt'\ Dl<'sel ~portfi.sh•'r, '71 . IAt•I•.,.\' ,\\.1ke l)ff1'r' 6~-i1Z1 nit fil '\1 41) C11ltl" h1 •;d1 1'~1"i !.1Ci\1, grr,.I 1 .. 1· ·,1 -:-1~ l'.I 11 ~rl\<. Slip '\7 !Gill IJ:'l1~11l<" r 11. < r!\I \\ 1,11d' 1'.li'.'. li' \\lriMlt hull X trlr l'<M"li. o•n.:, 111<>~! at •""'. m11 ,, i;t'!I $.'\'"..() '•16-:;i;''' 1;r,.g ------~-­C 1h111 Cnust'r, nu;!.lrr 21l FOOT \nl'>nnr1I "1 x -... /rrlr f.'-,1)1/nf!f'r Ne.rd i; 673--0321 i~· a 1n 1.s Cruiser $3JOO PJtlVATI:: PARTY \\'Ar-oTS T-...·n v ~·11. s!N"ps ·1 . TU BUY PIA!"O F'Olt nu•riI;~ers, S/S, Er n I t, CASI! * 547-9445 '* fr\&-~fll I · 1\1!\fOAl.L SpJnf"'t Consol1>1!r 27' O \\' 1-: N .S Sportf1~hr1 ~1;i.no in l1J\Cly <.."l'1lith11.1n, t'/R. rlunl r'Onlrol ~. equi p ri.ti-\900 eve.~ 11kcuds. 1., fi!'.h r.r l ',11:i!lnn v.·r1.k 1· LA 'Irr. It 111:o100 s 21;, i>nder. $~..:m n13-c,:::::.10sc< __ T1 rk1orkrr l'l1nC! Shop, 540. 11'-HOi\T---;fJ~nson '.!5, \\' 19th, C.:-.t f~16-4fl'.'1 Trlt. h iit 11111k , f.t anchor Sewing Machlne1 1()93 nr,,dv to KO In oce,111 ~i:i ""~":"~"~'"~·'..-,~~~---cc: Rld:ARSE\VINGt.1AC111 N I. J30i\T , F:i1rlln<'r, \I){\ ha.~ nil :.:rra.s, ln cabinet s1 ·.o. 111.in Gniy e n:;, pvt ply, !16.".-17!15 A.ft 5 30 714-il9l--,l\;"i:.!1 wk day 5. Sporting Goods 1094 64.\-1784 rvM/\\.kt'nd!I -----OIRIS Z:,' Tf$1'rf'\v, S/f1 K,,._. Board, xlnt cond. !lead & Ga.l\f'y S\lp avail $50. 5.%-621'.0 !\lust :ri<'ll i 5:l6-1D-19 S~p• ....... ___ ..:809=6 t!Y"4 CHRIS CRAIT 42', .... SlO,()X) S..13-8100 or 11' :\t't'd!enos.e Skl Boat. 40hp 8.17·6314 ~_;,·1nntcl<", tit trlr, Sro:I \al .. 14-.-80-ST-'O~NC-".\\~n~•"lo-c~TcP-, -,co ' Tratlr f{IT J:•I nt;::' V'\\' B11::: hp. trlr, ('(l\'f'r~. Prir:t"d for t'i/U!\ll \'Jl!ut> or ~ T r.11le lnsl ~.il<' 57T.i ~l~M 11~ "r dov.•n. &l!>-1\21-1 11ft 6. afl 6. 11170-2·•~ ~ARirrl ~'O' (' A n I N C Jt U I S t-: H . t\f'll' ~-.o t'ru:;; VI Ii-", Cn111p..1s.<; Sl~ \\II!! triule for \<an, ·rra 1lrr, >ctrn" 962-li0')5 truck oc campe-r .642-1390 l.IV1':AOOARO, lwc .. nL~t. • TV, R•dlo, HIFI St. IOtl ,~·""?i'.~~11~11~e~cetl GP. St ereo Con!'iQle w/A!\l/~-~1 UN IF1.ITF..: Z:\' crul~ '7'.\ $100 A1rl!n(' TV, J)OM 8/\V Ln111ll'd .10 J{N: P\1 pty. $~ %-7169. 2427 Vassar C11ll 714-492-752•1 Pl 0.f 1~· Bf:LIJJOY, Volvo i•ng, A!\1/J."!\1 StC't<'<'l, lllPE' <leek. 11k1 & lli;h, Y.'ilh trailer RSR l 'umtnhl"' Gnt11'1 $1100. f'll . 1Mfi-!'il2·f SflC'llk<'r!, s1~. xlnt L'Orll'I, f:N.JnY 1.TFF.: A-ROARn ~o· ~17-0013 ri11·1~ Tri-Cah!n Sl·:A\\ !NI). -DOLY'' C,,~ETrE OECI\ G·l',l-F.ii01 li7Hl17i Under Gu11rM IN! Boats Sail 9060 11:.l ~JO-""" :o;.=:...· ='----- U11ve r;on1l'lh1n£ you want I~ 2-1' SIJXH'. llxci! kl"<'I vii" Class!flt'd 1u:1t1 do 1t trall"'r fu!J !\Ails ~ll't'J'~ wt-I\ • C"llil NOW £.t')..5678. 4. SJ.500 49l-M80 ~~~I For en ad in Call Marcelle A Creal Trio! , 9039 8-10 i., 1lf..,,;._ 1Tf,~-r~ 111 .. , y on T'l.1' N a lh, tr dl\r In 11111 i;ofly trio :-;hltt 1n119 !111• O\~tht"u~" or tn••"I~ "" It• ov.n "Ith f!1ol1! 1~•nt~. 1'«1r nylon or \"11)P~t rr k11lt· J'rl UIP!1 l'<!IPtll itl•~'l Mlb"'~ :->1"te~1> 111 1: l t, 11,, \~ !:II 111~'" I! (hu~t .IL) outfit 3t,0 )•U•b Mtlnr h lah1l1• :-.end 51 00 fnr earh 1•~1\rrn Arid 25 l'ents ror e1u;-h p;uttrn (or f1r~t t"lass mail and '.IK'l'l><I handhni : olherwl~t th1r1 I rla~~ deh\l'tY '4111 t ~kr \htl'(' ""ttksormore ~ndto ~fan•n Martin, 442, th" llAll)' Pilot, Pattern Dept , 232 Wrst !~th St , Ntw York. N \', 10011 PrinlNAM f:, ADOH t'SS, 1..11', SIZE 11nd STYl.E NUM Bf:H ONE FRt;F: PATil'.;HNol }'Ollr cho1t'r to sen<1 for, "'"1'." fr,.~ 111tt l"rn inside Nt: .. 1: :-i PlllNG l'il/~f Mf:R PA1'T-t llN C"A"r ALOf. lOO tol}'le~. #lh;llf'~. frl'I' JUllt crn l'OUl)OO S('nd 71w now SF.\\' + !\;>.'IT /lfl"k ""•lh h!iMttl~,uepauern , s1 2~ ln~t1111t F11~h 1on f\Q.1k . $1 4Mf Jn.~l:aotS<'w1nt1 Book $1 00 Woma n's World 64 2-5678, ext. JlO Jiffy Set ()11\rk ni'K'brt' M ~l<• bAll) '• n~ ... ·brwil·•~.•lol• J•"kc-t tn , JdfJ 01"'nAntt{lflMP<! .11.11 ~tllih•·~ •11,)L'I} hat.y ynl n ~r. ~ori . P• •'I Ir -• ho~e "!111•• ... 1111 1iLnk, hllh•. "r y•'i· 1 .... 1"11 .. nO ll ~ """li•'ldt H ' llfOth 'J•f1 IHhll•" ~. j:1('\(< I, i~ t'FNTS for rat h pallflru. Add 2\ 1·1•nl« lor l'lll'h 11:.\\ern lnr nr,1 1 lass mail 11nd SfW'tlal handling , othrrwl~ti third· 1·111~' dt•hv1•r r .. 111 take thn:" "'l'C'k~ ur murf• ~nd to AllL'e llri••k s. 11)'•. lh1'." U111ly Pilot Nt"l'<.ll"~raf1 Jl"r•t , Rn• 163.0ltl l'bel~r11 :-it11tlon. Nt1w 'i'ork. N Y 1001 I Pnnt Namf. Ari · dr('!L~, Zip, Pattern Number Sew' '"lsn m nst popul:.r <1Ni11t:n., 1n our 19'14 Needlecraft t:111talnlo!' Alt crall1! TllHEE f rM:.tleslJ!n.1 1l\5lde ........ , 1~ New • ~w + Knit Book -hat ll1~1rT1s11ue f'alll'rn .. SI 2S Nr1to 1 Nt1•dlrr1olnt Book . JI oo N1! .. ' t'!ow'r Crochet Ilk· i t (10 ll1ur;11n crocht•l llnok .• 11 ~ ln<!11ot {'nwh~t l:k>nk ••• Sl.00 l n~l11nt l'>I ~• r11mt ltk •.. SI l\J ln~l11nl f.lnn1 y 1.look •• Sl M l"t)1npll'te1;1f\ llont $1 flO C11mpl<'tC "4 fiCh11 n~•12 ,,SI 00 12 rnu• Ari;:h11n11 •1 2 .50i- l\oflk<1f 1'\!Ju1 lt~ •1 !o(Jc l'>lu~rurn !Juilt t\<M:ill •2 , ... .)(1(- 1.~QuUta.(or Tnday t 3. • , , . SOr lloN:of 1KJiffyR11111 , •••• »: Carnpers, S'a le; Rent P erris Va ll ey ' <I Mo t -o-,-,-y-,~, es I Scooters 711 !..:.\\\',\,>;\hi I• I J .11d11r" 1·,,.,i \1 ,,111·. 1 I« 111 .S;j71J +; 1.0 )hll I, <1'•··· '" \lo, 1;,,1 * '73 Honda CLJ50 * \\11•1 :-,,.II \h •II ~ ',ii I :~:.' •17'1\ ~: ~l'Z l 'hl ~.•I ,1,11 11•11 ~ l"fl/lo O' ,;,i,', I •1•!, '11 (' ,7:•11 1: 11; n: .1 . ' ' . " I 'I·,\ 11 ~.\' '.'\l•ll l'1n1d!\hln 'i ,·111 ~d~ :•.11 -~~ ;11 J!p\f),\ :\:111 \\Ill~ ·.11,,n;.: l••>k~ 1•!0'1111 ,\,•o•d• ••1t•1t 1111'1 •11 \\l1rk "C.";:01 1'11 '.',•,I l"711 l!U:'\D.\, I~• ]'I~/ 11111. \ 10 ' 01)' 1\l;1k1 • ,1f11 I' ,ii ' 1 : 11; ,:..: l ti l'.\ I >,\ ( ·1. . ,u, s::~>_",_ 1,,.,1 ,,lf,·t \!11-1 ,,.11· 1il.1--l''" Ii>: i'"' ;__> \',\\J,\11.\ '""I. l"'k' ., • .,) ;\I", 11.> 1111·;d\~ '"1u1d 111,1 1-,·hll. 1$1••1nlr.1:1•; 1:1:; \l 11• I .,.,. I • .ippr,.1·1"1" 1\fl1•r I;,\ \\ i;ii.h "lih · .. :::~'I 1:1;1) Y\\11!1\ 1,,.,;1:. :::,1 •··· !'.(1,\ll !:11,J' l 1 •\\' \II •,\_' 7\' • (Ill.\\, ·l.i ['.1.111d '.\,,, 1 "1111' -"'H di \' \ \i.,11'1' 111• ,,JI ( ii' \ \ • \I'.!,, , '" h I•• 111 • 1, d i'I "•' t 'I• ,,,.d ·"till A \l>"I 1 '"11 · :>< i 171'1 I), .d,·1 I ' \). I .; l"i' HI, 11 '"I' 111 1<1' ,.,,, lllo 11li >•T-. ':1, " 11: Ge ner;.! 95 10 ·---WAN TED CASH PAI D ~"Ill ,Ji!lli\ \lilHHl<>illlo·•- \' di 1.1 ~ l'.1':11 ~ntique s & Classic 9520 \'1 1.~ l 'llL\'l\(ll.l·.T dr Jl .i~" r1 ·.r 1· -.·11, 01'1~. J 1, ,11111', 111• ··li:o11w.dlr \Int, .. l .1~~• ••ri,; 1111 ~7.olJ ,;,. 11.o•I<' 1"1 '.' , r. l'I"'\ 11 ud,, :111y .1 • .• 1· ! .11, 1111<•, •'al'i\ 1•l••rn. l :. 1 I, '\1; I.; \G - l'• ! I'll!\\ •S•'lll> ( ••1t1ph•!o• HI I ' l•dl'I, 111'•' \lill~'. ,,1\-\(Jl~ ;ill ' r,.,1.i :. 1111 J<1h11 l'+_··; l 11.,.1·~1 "'' 'J'.FJ1l:ll. :•II.,\\ • ·•I T ··d I )I •)I\ I\ ,·11 '"'I' ~I~>! 1 !(,1; 1 i\1) ,, !lll'\\I\ ,111 .,,1 ,,, ,,11 I'•.<, 1'\l)I,\'.\ \li\'l'(l]'.('Yl'l.I< '11 I/"'. 1!1111-. I ,d, \I q11 ' . _____ ,_ ' I ~ .1 G h' 111·1 '1"•1•' 1, .. 11, \I • ,·1 11.-1, -Rec Vehicles 9530 -<: ·z ·1· \ , I _ __,___ --.l .L ._l \l 1-1 .J-., 11"" l'l'\\'l··l\i\'l'I· 11·11 ·x1 H:l•" Si·"' I ' . ", ' '. I • ' . ' - 1;:1;-..-1,,1 _ 11•.\ I 11:,\ll,]·.1:, ~h·•·p-. ii ---,.,,11•1.,l'id/.11 '.tilk I\ I! ii !ff K [l \ \.I. 11' ltd \•" 11 ,1., 1.01 11;, '.! h 11 l'11<'1' ')JI .. ' ~t ;,.·, 111'' I :1111-. 'i' .r' I i•l'<•J!·""' ''''\'I', II'!' 1 .. ,_ '• !ltl l;i~Ml 1;\~ ·:"'I ' i'i-11'1 ••f -.i,'i'.• • ~1•:1, "· \lill'(1l:l'Yl'l.V J:J \T\: .. ' • 111·1:1111-.. l"d.\ 1 .... ill ·~·~-·I ·"'r•·•·t & lh11 \\',•,1, 1·n ('1o·I ·· 1·1·11<l1'.1•ll :.i1d 11 •111 1~ :ol...--i, 1,7;.",ti;,5, ;1<1.:;:1 I 1.i.i,,~. 11111' 11 .. 1\, ;1,11 ·-;T ---"i·LL -\li\I\!« l\J·'Ff·:J; i· ),\\l\ll\ ~-, :\II T ~,',,ll.I, li •I 1111 l•I >:.I, \ "• Ii I .~. j I :!''' ·-;-1 H•>\I~\ !,1,--.;l\l)l:r. ~· Jl\!T, l" 1f•·o·I 1 · .. 1\d :r ~1111 •. ~'" flrn1 ;,,,._71:•. ,,,, '"'. \1--,,~,-l~>l-(l'YI I.! );) '.l '.I. -.1n•1 I !-. I 11rl \\ •' '' l'l• ( _1 ' I•· 1:r: · 11 : , .\ , .,. .I 1.,:.\\1,\:->,\l,J ]1'1 1;111: 'h••llP•11'1 , ·•!"I ~ I ~ , \'I\ !\'.'!; \ 17 ',1,.,. C'l 11.\( 1( ll·>Tl l Y<Y!' ,\,, JUU!ld 1r11•1,.·1· 11•111 .in !l1-cpl;1~. !:'""I~ f, •J' I .11·,111••11 !l'lp' I ;1•1 11' •1\ • !n~r··•'I 1111d • 11'11 o• i >IJ' , <;,.,, !1n\\' \ '111 •'+II '"I I' d,,11.or<; ,,1 i:ili \1,,,, 1 T".''"·1. 1~"~1 T~t':1rh I :11 ti l!u11!111..;1"u H<"·,.-h '17-~~.-.~. WANTED !! 9S50 IDrar~ JJ1nµurt5 ..£6: 1200 W COOS! ~ T.J Newl>o'I Beach 645·6406 "J)in•i·tly <H'l\J -~ lrl>1!1 t!ic U,d!)l)ct H:iy Clu!1" _ "•·k ~ • sl•11''"' 1 ~1 , !·111 '1> !1<Jl1••i111v \'0111 645-6406 II 1• C.11111 " 1· ,\ lt11, ~, d• _ . • ~ ---~ ~1111•1 "i 1.,1 (Jlhl t ,d! 1 1 .J,!.l.ll\,\ hl·"·n .. 1 u1ii 1 \01, lit\ I .!I/ ()(~I 1111 p [!II ,-,JO:'~/~· ---fH!L' '1 I 1)1 l•ll j p Ill h I I 11 Ii II ,! , \'.111 I '"JI l"i' . , '"''"!'',. 11<·,,,1.,. 1 ... 1:-11 .. 1 k Audi 970 7 .11 1 '· 1.1 .• ~['~, ,-----------'-'72 AUDI 100 CL l.: \'\\' \'.\.\, l~un-. r11",t ~-'-~I L1k"'~ • l11li-.Jl l~J • '65 POS T OFFICE VAN .di ·" t. I ,_;.i:1; Autos Wanted 9S90 TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FORE IGN CARS CALL OR COM E IN TO SE E US NEWPORT IMPORTS I I I 4 DOOR \·111~1 l'>p, :>11 l••111:.t1• fl';o11- IUl••/l'!I. :11 J I t!ll1ill lllll)I' ' 1·,,,11., .. nd 11 .. ;dt·r·. 1i;~11J. '/(,, $3977 ~P.4lt LWli& W VOLVO n11•; l!11rl,.-11" c _,1. 1; 11i-•1 :11~: -----'i:: .\l'Dl Jf.OL.". \ d1'. :111tq I 11·ani-. <t/(', ~u1u·r.,f. frn . ~!Jk~l1n1, S Jj{~J . p1·1 i'I~, I Ul~-\SlH 197:! .\L .. ~07!~lc0c!lc_,c. -,-,,c,.-.. -,.->o. ;1111/frn, ;11r. l:!J~X) n11i1•-. ::100 \\'. c0:-i~1 l lll'y.,\1; Sl:'.-~J j6-lM1:;~1f; p1·! p1 ,1 642-9405 ·7;i, ,\t u1 11,-1 1 • ..:. .. \ i w . .it• . -----_____ , ~un1,~1f. drk i.:rn. S.Jlj!~1 ui CADILLACS "" ":'"'" ----~- La rgest Selection '71 Al'lJ l-:\L.'\T {'(J.\D. In Orange County \•r. ~~·~11i"~~·<l 1~1i~;''.~_11:fl \'<>llP" ti, \'ilil'" -St·d:•n !Jo~ •r,r ·•·_"1 ,.,.--J , \'1llt·s · !-:I 1 ~·r;1dn.• . C•!IJ-Austin-Healey 9709 \'l'rtihlc:--. ,,J.~d 111>111y other Sl'll·(·t f':ul:llac Tradc·in~. :'\Vt.") ('h',111 !.~11111·•1 !!' rir F"1·.·1~n l'.u~. :.-,~.n T" i:;,. ( lt01111\.!1' ('Hiii>\) 0S Ul.ll;::./\J.\Z.IJ,\ !1r.il1•r.;;lnp (·.\LL '.\( 1\\. "!~---1i!J.)!) !!no:,:•'!' J .. rd .• n !Jl',\Tl\l;Tf\." !;L.\Cll .\J.\i'.!J.\ J\.·h. 1:1\rl. Jll't ~·· ,,f \r.irn"r ~ TOP-DOLL AR-PAID- 111111 CREVIER BMW Sa I es-Se r vic e-Leasin g ;::1 · •. :1 1i1:11\t·11. 1•·11 1 !1 ;111 IMMEDIATELY :\1111 l'•n1I \l 111,1· <1rn" ...:, •' 'J'\J[' (',\~![ l••r tk·an u~1 .. 1 !•• :q•/•!'<'•'1.>I•' $~li;'.1. ~.I " <H'$ and !r'll"ks La rgest Selection of New BMW's in Orange County * I'•, !_!II'\ • j\f:<!I,\ \11'1-:_ f.o-1. SJ:'l)l. i:~::-4i•O ," ·7·; HO'.\ Ji.\ ~·-•1. ,J11t , "rrd. ],. ,nih·:n.:". \7.':, .. 1· \,,.,\ .. rr1·r. ~z-:,::~; r .. ·, 1-ffJNllA. 'Jfi, :-;l1p1 l' l/.'llk, J~"ll·h· ,\-JllJh g .... 1 5:.',ijJ ~:.,...7~'1}l ----'71 1/11,\l i.\ ('J\Jjj • 11w iJ .\Iii•·' • s:_•, ~:.!-f,:;::,J ~-~ Motor Homes, Sale/Ren t 91 60 I' e YDU 'VE TRIE D THE OTHE RS ! NOW TRY US ! DALES "' '"" ----Howard Chevrolet , I II 11.1. y·;-:, r1 •hl! <'llC::. I ;·r~ 1111· ····11d \1,1111· t?\l f.1~. \1 •1·.1 "II' +10·,.:_>10JI ---71 H1Y1f['.\ l.;111d ('n1~1«I', (,Hil", Ille! l',·,.·k, JO /111°~. 511~~). ·~•1 ..'1:12 "'"' 1·1~1 1:1, \i'.t r~ Trucks 9560 't·l LI. r\:'l!l:\Cl. ·1 ~P'L )hPI< 1' !1'11/h., :.1>,;; l'!l Pil \' ~. H\O'l' ~If) l)lp;_: l;d '\)ilJ, $f.~lj, ,, I'-71,\j/ , . <'11!:\'l:fll.1 T 1'11 l.•:;o ' f :, ,, i ,\11 11 > I 1".Lll~. l I< ·,1 \ .I I >till l •1111!•111•·111. 111 t ' l _,1 [H . 1•••1 1' nnd Qu;iil SI• '.\r :'IJ; .. .,\1'th11r. ,la111l•Wt'r .. n.! ! :1'1-11 d \•"11••n 1-; ..... h '.:~.n~,:"-' WE BUY-USED-CA-RS AND TRUCKS C1n11e u1 f11r ~1 fr1'<' .1pp•·,-,i,c1I l11 t;l{\}!'I! Cl!!·:\·T~OLET. l'<~ll Ht'< l'h Hl\d, !l11nt J;r11 .".17-fill'-7 :1;:1.::::Jl llt:BLY l;\Jl'(1J:Tl".ll .\l'TI 1.~ BEST PRICES PAID! Dea n Lewis Imports 1' 1;.; H r i •. r r \l i;i.; ~, 11' I r .\.'=!I F0P. CLOSE OUT '73's NEW&DEMOS GOOD SELECTION OF USED BMWs Crevier BMW '.!il~ \\', Santa ,\na J,! S!l'l't'I s:;:; .. ~J :1 ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST /E:I $3177 a!}Wt Lwii& W VOLVO 7:: I '.\!'!~I \'-1., .\ ~rid. .\.\l/F\f ~•,·1 ••1. \l.a.:-c, 1: .. d 11/idk \!11~! 1.,p, Xlnl 1-.11111. .,--:,: (',\PJ!I !leoHI' :,:tp \'I'd ) <_II Hrn 11/';'.11• ;\)l/F)L ' ~!.-~~i hl~-1:.:•·: (',\['El. -----111;1 f('d, d\'('Hf '-!l'IH!p, ~Ill', I <Jlld .~!11:(1 ~lf)()I "Ile' 1_;d Datsun 9720 240Zs WE DON 'T GET TOP DOLLAR THAT'S WHY WE SELL 'EM OUR CARS ARE RECONDITIONED • YOU COMPARE AND BE THE JUDGE RED-WHITE BRONZE-GREEN Al.I, \\'!TH \!,\(;~ ~1·11.~ ,, .. \t .. r<l:'IL\TJr:-; .\:'II i ~-\J NEWPORT IMPORTS :~Joo\\', c,,,,~1 H111-.. ?\.H . 642-940S. Wile BUY YOUR DATSUN, TOYOTA DR VOLKSWAGEN !'.-\!!' l'·oh: 11/t • \\'fLL rAY T<1P f}()L!. (·\LL f\l·.:\T ALLE'.\·. . !::!. '7Z U1\T.Sl'.'-' 1200, an1/fn1 -.l l'l't'n 1 r-c.11d Xl 111 I>(), G·l'.,.__1__.'.::_~ ,, r~ i_Jl-· l'1j I 1) \TSI \L,i.·l1!):o('k, :'II "' BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 11111 l•oclllhd. 947 .. SSS HUNTIN6TONll.t.CN -:;:1--1\ _\I ;[J,\'~·r:--;-\{(7, .\~1/~-:.t , \'1nyl T" I'. ('!Ji'HrJlo• 1'111', ~\7.lll, ' 17 :\:!I Fl.\T 12·!. 2 dr. hrdtp Sp(lT1'> r..-iupc. l9C9. Eng-IT!'1•ntl.1- ro>hlr. Xl·11· tlll'S. A:'ll!r':'ll OVER 35 USED MERCEDES ON DISPLAY ('all -19'-'-i~~o ~1n1·fip11_• _ House of Imports FI.\T till)" t:i • ..: X.")1.1 •·n~ . .\tr;, 523-7250 •·n;: J>d!!,., 111 :o·k •' ''Ir ___ __:::.::..:_::.::_ __ _ l;~;,:: . .,--:;.'lfi. ~il·lt:7 ''7~ ~1-U. .\,=.i:I :-;L, ru!l)- 9727 eriuip'd. \0.W1 111i., nra!. ----------nl'.tlt'I' Lr>;15,, S'.:><_.HI. nv • ,r•r Honda '72 MaJda Sport Pick Up r, •• ,, Sr<>o 1',1,..r.,, "'•a .. , ·9<>(')111 ~TA/Cll""" ~•llll AT' s1999 pay off $11,!+l:: .. 71-1--6:\B--~ er '..'11--l}f>-.'i.">!J..) "--""'-------·:,, 1!(1:-;L. ,..;,.1r /'.II H. C'a rb ,,, n1n ~t f'lll,:. c•>n1ponl'nls nt•1• .. r J 1· :i 11 , 5'C1rrifire fnr 1l111vri11. 'S:.'~1 11 ,i-!~-~ii0-1 97« Ope l D9 9746 · NEWPORT - IMPORTS \I i ---1 f1J ',-,-,--•• \ ,, 1 1.-'1 l ,,,. f· ,. I ' •! J<IUo ""~ 'C•rl-'-'"'1 • H"I! '" \\ 1111 , \I !'·~ - NEWPORT IMPORTS \)l•I \'. t 'o11-c t !I\\\' ,.1\ !) .. "" I' ti;. ' ~ 642.940S . •II •\I H1Jl1•• ~,,,,, I'• >1;-:~ ·1 11. "ii ~, •. r1-->1n:,1 ( . ,, 1; .• ,~ \1!'" '•I• S I>•· .i .. 1· SJ J.1803 ----,_: • • I ..;:·.J 'I \ ·' '1• 11 1,,~­ \ \l I \: .\p1>1 1,q, ;\11 I.I< ! ,'l'.I• ~(:•.•I .. ;~l![I•• [ 1 ) .•''< 1/1• ·1' :•, 1 I~' I 1111 NEWPORT -.· IMPORTS .:: :~!!Ju\\'. C\);1~1 111,~·. '.\ 1: 642-940S I I l•'I -~!H '' "-. $1."AJt.I Ci::-lJ::7l) 64l•4J :l'1 Dire<! or Colle<! --~--~-~ IJJ )111/:~C!JE j1,<t l ('.,l>n11lt'I .• '"~""b'" ... "'"''' .,,~, { 'l.1 •'I"_ :\JU•I '<"'. II ill 11'.HI,., il\r. X:-:J-~~1111 Autos, New 9800 I Auto~ New NEW '74 CAPRIS DOZENS TO CHOOSE FROM!! ~~3689 t,.. '""' ....... 1 •• q.o !QI< \...;r;• ""-oj •. ., ""' .... ,. ~~· Je I ~r·c~ ,-{' ~ ----------- 9800 "·""''"'"" . ..-,.,~ -. ,.,,,. ''··" , ~ __;....----~ -~ --------, ~ ,\n 1 111 I ',.I if <I\' I' 711 \J••l<>r [!L111lo' ,\ I \11111, \J, 11••··1 .. r 1-.1 i1: "' ('I 11. \ I' I 11>'\I 11 .. ·~ ; l•r i1,1 • \. '· .>, It 1 .. ,,1 ~' ,1\ 1.\ \ t ' .: l'"i~'~Jl l·\' l.111, \\Ith l'l~I Yl1!'!: r \l~ ____ ,c.5-!h--7070 I \I \\TJ-11· l"111:n r·.\1.{·1J\ J:.\'\('JIF!:11 !<I ,;, I • l: •!•. 1:1:.' 17 :11 * 1 1'\'\ l ~f \T, i '"'"l'',-"- "11 11•'•, •'~ r, I! I'll 1 r <I " (·,11 1110 •11, I\,, 11 '"' ;10; ··>''· \\ \\ll [1lll-\l11iJ:.\l.J\-t·'J Old ' 1r ... • T"i1 p1 11" ~ µ.,!. ,c,_;,1~:. 111\" 1974 BMW's ~. [•,\1--t-\ :l•lf.. 1 'P~·i 0. .. IOfl °"'"' .... a, 1-C..1.c.-.. - BILL MAXEY TOYOTA WE'RE OVERLOADED I:•·• "lll'l1 .. 11.i• d 1,1 :-..• r .id '"'" l 'h•h 11< w !".•1111 1•·1' 'h' \I ~~:'" •>I' !•·.i· ,,if,'1' 'i.!-7J;<i ; .\11· (',11 ,.J, _\1;1--'. \I 11•«1,, •J,•1'o '" '-l:l~fo-•Ill' ~:-:1 ~il !il with the NICEST USED CARS ii" :do•d 11 /:,·<1/i.li ,\ \,<fl .111.111 111 l11,l111 I 'II• 11 ..; \ \] ... 7 J '\). !·I l'Hl \' .,, IHll il..t 1 .. ·.\ :"-<'\\ l>i'<1k<''· 1 ;i, ,j l'Hi!d 1 '11 h I • '!l :11 IN STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIV ERY :-:.\l.E.'-S!<l:\·!cE ~.\-:,\,.;;1 •;1-; AUTOS IMPO_R_T_E_D_ (>\.ERSl·'..\S i)ELl\'l::!~Y 11111 l•ocll lr.<d.. 147 .. SSS HU,..TIHGTONIEACH ,, ,,_ ,,, ''"" WE 'VE EVER HAD •.... ~U i"'li>,,i1 1·,•:\-2f)l0 ~ Call 714-838-0900 '11!'1'<!1: !J•11n •', .'.-1 !,.ood.011 t." ( 11!•.\'Y l\111"1 +1/'-ll. 11•·\1 hl'ii•;. ,).,'< !\'-, Ill"'-· s:~~I ••I l"·.~I •oih'I' 1.:·, i» \0, ROY CARVER, Inc. ..,-.... -------1 St:t:J'.\G IS P.t:LlE\'l:\G IJ---------,.---------"T---------.. '70-DATSUN 240z--F:1-t'r,v car l'if•.trl~ ] ~ t7:!, 111. I 11,1 , I ' ' • '-I< • 111 ii• ' '•t.:I' )1:1/'~;ul'l :.r:11 ~ •. I· Ill G I 9701 11 /{(JlJA<.; l{l lYl'I-. B.\I\\ enera 2?.1 ~~. iith St. \11n1 ,-.. 11.i 'l~-~•.;n ----~ ·71 1).\r.-.1·'.\ 1:-r~l. ~1•-r""· 11t•1 ·d~ , l 111d1, <;:-f1 nr u/fr1·. _r ~ i;7:,._,111u :if! ."•prn ll!:-:{'OL'):T PP.IC'l·:D: C.\l.L \'011'' S!2-(l'J'J; ll C..\'T!:-.·r.TO~ 131-:.\Cll *'72 EUROPA* ~~";' ":''~ . • C·ll\-l·M·I 1 .. J,;\J\\ h ,\\ .\l:L\, ·I ~f>e•·d. !11.\Zl):\ P.('h. Bl\·<!. just so_ of \\'1r11er TEr<T THLH, !1·•· \'..,:-., :-1,.1·•'. "111k, 1111111\:-. ~IJ•:< ;, :'-i('I' f'Oncl. $!~~:.. l1rn1 f>Ui-::1:1:: Auto-Leasi~g--9580 1'110 l·'(H;IJ !'/li. SJ:J(), ;\111 1·111111in1". '\Ill! ln1· l'ullt:;clor . I'll s.11 ;-:.0~1 A~t-;-Leasi n-g--~9~S~8~0 TW IN CA MM WITH RISING INFLATION WHY TIE UP CASH? LEASE THE "CONNELLEASE''. WAY SELLING PRICE s5208 RETURM VA.LUE !estimated resale •aluel -$2625 YOUR TRUE < (QST (f)t"proc1:i!ion Fac!or) Yow -tt.ly ,,0.,..,..,.1 Ii ba•td o" tni• coif rotftff 11\oft tM .-Iii,., pric.• Would You Buy This '74 Monte Corio? ~\l'l't';J, d l r ---'ll J),\T~L·:;.; l ~>f(l. S11-rl'11. ll"•'d~ , 1111< 11. 5'\~~i ,.,r ofk•r. C1dl 1;~_-, •. >\l1\!1 l\ft .-Jpnt. :;i;,()()(J FIMAL ~! Al(', )!/I[, H'l.d1<.t Ill-CS, ~~lfl~il rir he<;! offer. \l6:: ;;.'I:?!) af1 . 7 pin. ('L,,.~if1t'•l CLOSE OUT 1974 BUICK & OPELS s2911~.u,, BRAN D NEW 1974 OPEL MODEL 5 1 (Ser !092141 1) s 1 ooo~UMT •-SH<•~ rri« BRAND NEW 1974 BUICK RIVIERA [Ser !!-H 454297) 1974 BUICK REGAL [Exec Car.Ser $!Z l 0 1265) .s 346~COUMT~-Sffili<~• BRANO NEW 1974 BUICK APOLLO (Ser. "Kl 1-4 !!0 1) BUY NOW W HILE YOU CAH .4.T THESE LOW, LOW 'llCES 75, will ti. mYC:h ti~ ol'ld the 74, wiM lOOll bt IJOM TERRY BUICK Sth & Walnut, Hunti'")ton Beach _;:_ --------- , '72 MUSTANG R&H. P S .. automatic. air, v1ny\ root. 33.744 mies. (607G MU) '73 FORD Ga\axie 500 H r . Cpe. R&H, P,S .. auto., air, V1rl'{I roof. 2 7,561 miles. (862GMSJ . 53099 70MERCURY Wagon. R&H. PS .. auto., air. roof rack. (393ASXJ '72 OLDS 98 Cpe. This car loaded w/eKlras. Must see & drive at this p r ice, (770EJX) 53299 '71 PONTIAC Grandville. R&H, PS., P 8. e!ectr1c windows. air ooOO. (365HGB) 70 CAPRICE Cpe. A&H, aulo . PS .. VlflYI roof. electnc win• doWS. (535GROJ 5 1799 '73 AUDI 4 d r . F ox Ra H, automalic. 10,600 moles. 01e owner. L1k;e new, (005.JSDI 53899 '74 MONTE CARLO R&H . P S .. auto., air. v1ny1 root. t1H wrieel, etec. windows. 1 1,2 73 mies. (205JET) '74 NOVA H~chbacK: Coe. R&f-f. at1 . PS .• air. vinyl r oe. 7,3 65 miles. (207KELJ 53499 • 73 IMPALA Cusl. Cpe. R&H. P $, au!o. air. vinyl roo f, 23,44-0miles (149GIHl 73 CAPRICE . <I dr .. HT, A&H.-P S., auto. air. V<nyl roo f, power windows & door IOCKS, sol•t seals. 34.500 mies. (628GXXJ s3499 '72 IMPAlA Co rY\'ert. R&H. P.$., auto. a+r. 31 .000 moles. St'larp car. (SS tFBJ) • \ ti • II .Ill DAIL I r1LOT Autos, Used f··•I I~ AP l\J'~ lt l<l]·1 9900 Au1os, Used 9900Autos, Used 9900 ~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------.. 1 ~•I• l ,q I. ummerClearance '; .. b 1.-.1 • ',11 ··r \ lorud I '! I ~ • ;, ~14 TOYOTA ~~~~~I~~'~·•·-·-·----." .... , .. ,_,.,,.,,., . .,: ...... $2699 :?!.~~3~.2,~ ....... --·---··-.. ~ .... ~2999 :?~,,!;,i:!l~~.£~!E _ ..... -.. · .. -···-~---... : ............... s3 399 2 ~,.~!~-~ j2!0'1J~:!: ....... ,.-... ---~··-••N• .. -•·--••"_,_,,.~ .. ~2 ., 9 9 :?! '!~~!1 ~~~.°.~~.~:.'.: ... -.. -..... -····--·-·-·--·--·s2 4 9 9 :?U~~~~,~~" lJ ................. -.... .:.. ...... --~ ... _ .. ___ ••••• ~2 599 :!~~· ~~ ... ~~~!:~ , .. u1 .. -... ~.--.. ·--·-··· ...... s2 5 9 9 ~~j~~'~"'~'~:.!:i:.!,~,,. .............. --.... ---------..... s 1699 ~~~ ~~Lt.~1~, '~~~ ....... """'-· .......... -·-.. -· ........ -......... '$ 1299 :?~-~!~~~.M.~~"~ .C:.~.~~~ ·-·--····-··-.................... s I 799 '73 LTD COUPE , • · · s3299 "''J" ..... ,.,~.~· ~~.IX)O•"•I•·' ••·'' ,(\)' ,,,,,, ... _ .. ,,, ____ , .. ,,,.,,,.,0 ,.00,,,,,,.,,,.,,., •• :.!.3, ~~ !~91~~-~-A~ .................. -.--.................. _ ........... :s2 89 9 ~~.~~~ru'?.~~~P>~~~~~2 ..... _h ................ y .............. -....... -... ~ .. s3s99, '68 BUICK RIVIERA 1-""°" ""-"• IWL'h" •.. ,,,..,,.,,.,••••••--·-.. ----·r• .. '•"• •• .. 'I 599 Z~,~Y!$7!.~.1~~·~~!.~ ,, .. ~~""" { .. ,~.-......... ---······· ........... \4499 22 !~~~~--~,~~~~1~!~-·--·---··· ...... -................ -....... 5 1899 ;?!£~~.~1~!~~~-~-... •--·.:_ .. -.......................... 5 1599. ~~ s~.~~~~l<~~.;x~) .--..... -.......... _,_, ............ : ,_ ...... s 1 IJ.'19 "2}.. !~!:!~~ifi~~T~-~ ............... _,_, ............................... ~2 6 99 :?!. ~~R~~~~.~~P.E~l_At. .... -................. , .............. '3 7 9 9 '7!~!.~~~9-£.~r~ot~-~·"-··· .. ~ ...... __ .. _. __ ,,. ................ \ 1599. :l'!~~!!~.~~~~1-'~~M~~~·-·-··-· .. ·······: ........ __ .................. _s I 3 9 9 2! I,~~.~~~1oht.!:l.~~.~-M•-·•-····· .... :: .. _._ .. _ .... _ ........... ~2 4 99 2i.~~'D"'~~y~~~HP~,-... -... -... , .. , ................ ,, ...... ,,,, ,$ 3 6 9 9 "J.t ~!~,~~1~u~1~aH>O ............ ~ .................. ,_.,, ............ _ •• s 3 5 9 9 :~~ ~.!!~~; ... ~1.!:l5~,s WOOD ., , ....................... '" ......... s2 5 9 9 . SPORT CAR SPECIALS · ~!u~~.~~o~ ~.~J~~~~~ ,.,. ..... ~ . .,-_ .... ,. ""•" , ,.. SI 4 99 z~~~!~.2~!1~~~~~.!.~.~ ................. _ ......... '. ................. .,.s2499 2,30..9,~~~,!?I~~~~~"''"" .. '"""'•'"""•''""'"""''--·-"'"'~ .. ,,,., s3 09•9 2~,.~?,~!.: !~!:'J!~~.~ .. --.. ····· ............................................ 12 2 9 9 2~~~~,~~~n ~,~~!,., ,.,,., ................... ,,_,,. .... ,.,, .. , .. .,, ........ \2599 :? ~cOO~~ ~~~!a.~u~ll;X~.~-~.~~""'·"" '"''"'"""''''''" .. '"" .. '"'''"' '''"' •'$ 2 8 9 9 ;~~~~.~!,~!7 .. ~.UPE_, ...................... ., .. ,_ ........................ ., .. _s I 9 9 9 :~" ~~~!~~o~o~1 .~.~~-~ ....... , .. , .... , ...... .,.,.,,,,,,._, .... ,., ... ., ... , S 3 9 9 9 :?.~ ~,~~-~~G. ~I ...................... -........ -, ............. ,_ .. _ ..... :3199 !?.n~~GA~<~t,~,! [/H\'.n:l1 ... ., .. -................. , ... _ ............ : ....... ~I 599 z~~.~~!.~!,~~~~~.~.!. ....................................................... 52 o 9 9 :~!iP~!0~./f>(l .,",0 1~•·1r-1 ...................... _,. ................... ,. ............ ~2 09 9 :z;.~1.~!~ ... ':':.~.~,'?.,~ ......... ,, .................. _ ....... '1299 FOREIGN CAR SPECIALS '!2_.:_~p1~t.~~~?, ........... ,_ .............. -.. N ...... _ ........................ s2 4 9 9 :~2~!"'~~~~~.· 1 •• ,, ............................ -.................................... ~2 299 :!.,~,,,~~~l<~~,~M GHl~ .......... -.. ..._ ........................ ., ............ s 2 5 9 9 ~?} A,~!c~~!,~ A~~M~.1~1(); l' .,.,.,,,,,..,,., .... ,.._ .... :__,.,.,,,,.,.,.,.,.,_.\ 5 4 9 9 :z~"~~1~~~~~~oz .... _ ........ .' .... --......... _ ....................... \5199 :roA.JT2.!2! ~,~S9 R~M~ .......................... :. ..... _ .................. \ I 199 Z!'X>"!eYA<?o!.~ i=.,g~OMA ...... : .............................................. s 1599 :?i!!_.~·~"1~.,'i'n~.~,~~·~.~.~K ......................... : .......................... \ 1899 TRUCKS•VANS•4 WHEEL DRIVES J~~!;;.,1210 PICKUP . . ................... -.................. .'1399 '72 E200 FORD PANEL YAM . s3499 Vil .... o,P :, •" 1-';)IJ •• ''""""'"""'""""'""'""" .. "•".,"'"'"""""'"""" ~~~2..i ~~£~~~ .............. R ........ -............. -:.. ................... ss 199 ' . ~ ... ~D~ ~i~~\1(,1 ...... _ ................... ___ ............................ :.s20 9 9 21?,! 1~1!fi~ .......... . ....... : .................... -.................. $ 3 99·9 :~ ~~~~~1v~!~~!.~~~~ ................... : ... _ ......................... -s I 599 '73 EIOO SHORT VAN s3 499 "4Jl:J "°""'P'l"~"oo.i""'. ,.-n•.H• ............ , ........................................ • :z.2~~.\!~.\~~ WIS.HELL ............... "" ..... _ ................ s2799 '.?l!>~J,~,P!" 1600 P IC~~'.'.-.: .................. _..... . ... '2 799 ;?l,£.~~!~!.~R~." .... -............................ -.--............. 12499 ~~C~9,~!!E~""' ............. , ___ .... : .. _ ........... _ .. ,. ........... ~2 3 99 ' •• j)_, 9760 I 3 · NEVI DEM ONSTRATORS PRICED TO SELL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ALL 1974 MODEL S 645-6407 ----2 99 SEDANS 1970 & 1972 I :"l!i I. I I'' .\1 1 t 0\\lld 645-6407 --2 · 1969 SAAB SONNET TS 645-6407 BUY or LEASE SAAB at "Dil'o'l'!ly ;1<•1·n,.,_ [1<1111 l)h' 1;:o11.1a 1; .. y l'l11li" ,,,1,., :-:1 1·1 h ,, 645-6406 :'.\,11; J '.I~ ,\11', s1. 1«''1. ~·~r,oo ~' l\~7~ !I!, Ii !.i-\·i':1, Best Deal Anywhere! LEASE DR BU Y All Models! "'11>™ LewiA I W TOYOTA i L:~;r. ll;1r1~n . ( '! 1;1i. .,.,•:! - ------I TriumpM 9767 \'\\ II / 1'"111111 1 ,1,,1,.1· /i: 11•'11 \'1111!'11 1""11 .•, 1111 ~.:1 . '~''I' '" ·Toyota 9765 I 'ygaxebta I I I •73 Toyota Corona Wagon I ,,_ --. ,,, .. ' . .... , -"''~ ···~" o ... 100 °""" .... 4 ......,c. .... c._ .... _ BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 11111 h•d1llod.,147 .. SSS HUNTING-TOM RACH •. \ \\. ( ;.i ){111111111·~ 1 ·, lld. 1 ~I ,fl '... "''' Pl I'. !17" .;1111; --------• 7 \'\\' ;-;1111!',.\I, 11"11 "11 I \1111 '"'11d: 1111 1"1 ""II. S:•'1•1/ I 1~· .. 1 .. ,r .. 1" n·~-11111 I 1'171·\· \\ :-iqu11r1·l11•,..; "'•'•·i- 1, 111 ,· .. mllll•Hl, 1 .. 11 1n1i!•,1c:'" ,_,:1~1.,r 111.d1·· 11f11r '.'•;! ~ .• ::: 1.!! \"\\' HI"\; ·1 "fl· 1 ,d,.,/ h""i,,r Xl111 t't1nd. l "" 111•r ~11.'•) "!' h1•,1 <iff,•r. f.1 ! 11~11 ·1:1: l;l '(; 11·/'1;:1 1'!'<1Jll 'lid, ;:' !'!\:.! .. Jl\C\~~. ;111· ,h,I(·)...~. 11<'11 I 11:<1n! \~1:0. ·191·!\1 Ii ----~-~c ·71 SI' I 'r.:n. Br r t I•·. hlt1" 11 11 •lk 1n1 , 1:1<!, lll'L~' .. \.\J(J-'.\1.1 Sl~.-11 !'JI. !l7~•-l7.\! --~ ·1;:1 \'\\ \',\:"-' L\l,,,.ll \lni. n ·lillj 1·n·:. ni'" lil':1k1'~ S•J.'~J .. r 1_~~1 1 n(frr. 1·:1" r,;~:.71;;; ---·01 \"\\, ::1;,1.i.11.J 1111 ~. :'\ln·11 '1H·•·l1. t'<!lhl, 3i-•'+" ('.iii ' 1;7,, ~jr;r; '7J l't11:1l.\.\ \\,,~vn A11·, '73 VW «Ill'" •ft·1·rn 1:11d•1' i.\2·1~~~1 11 ;11T;,nl,v •·nr•,1,l+·1· lra<1•'.1--~=~-7-7-. ==--~::.\1111, IJ11)., ;-.:.~ J IEJ/l·.1•.• '69 V.W. $11 00. 107::.;;';1", \\kn~,\-l·:vi ·~ 1;1~.'r:J'."i ·7 ; T!JYl!T.\ !'1111 • .. \ut'' Volvo 9772 I 1r.•IL<., ,\:1 {'"/l,j, )._.1 . .f,111 . . \1;11.; \\ Ii< ' 1-., I, •' ,L 11 I f ll I llLO'l;ilii.·. 11·11-lo \I 11 I• l.!:1. I, 11 1111 , Ii<' ·' : I '1 I !1< '74 VOLVO I ·1;7 \ l ii.••,\\ J ,,-,-.,-... ,-.--1-d· l ,\I I, "\/l, ~ ~1 •·ld " ,.1,.1 ." .1 .. l1·n~ , .. ,;.,ff,·· I , ·, I•, .'IL !11 I •r I j : ' ~., ' (1 I l ! :1:11t.I .\. ,111111 •II I I \l•il •"•II,] \, 'ol I l< <;]111~1 [11·,n Ii 1' fj '."! --------;., 1•1\l1l'.\ \\' ,,,, .\l.11. 11 l 'I\\ !I• ·I' "11" 'L I' I' ' '"' ..;1 -1'11, I>\ 1 ~ ,1;; Best Deal Anywhere! LEASE OR BUY U\ l·.1:.-i-:.\'I 1>!.1.1\'Ll:Y ~·!'!·:Cl.\! ,/STS ~mlewiA W VOLVO 1~.:~:10 ·.~.~~.~.~l~~~K~: ,\I '73 Toyota Corona 4 Dr. FllC!<"" "" <:O«l. fcl~•O. ''""" l•n~' vo~yl fbtll, I'" ''"'~ :-:'1'1\'J'fr\'.I; \\1\1;ll,'\ H li'I • THE !·.\f-r(lJ~Y S1\YS :\O ~ IT'S ,\ l"()l::S. {J11•r(!1·i\"t"I A 'llF\l ( 10\ft-~".OI NEWPORT IMPORTS s2499 CHOICE Of l 0...100~ ... -l l>vd c ... '• c-,.._ 3100 \\I. roHst !h11·., N.B. 642-940S Toyota ~~~ ---\'UL\"IJ 'li7 14·1S /lul•), It/I!, l\'11 11r'"'· L•'ayini.; 111u,;t s{1!I. --~:!.-•. ·l~li-~17.~. ~--~ !{.\IU< ···~ l~l~ll·:s \\il"""Tl. Air, n"Jf r:od;. :.tr n~l. l't'l'f ("Ulld, -~'001) 111'11\ l!lt-1-:.llil'l 976~ Toyota . YOll GET MORE FOR YOUR MO"-'EY AT 9765 SANTA ANA TOYOTA! I WE GIVE .THIS ~14995 VALUE BONUS PACKAGE WITH EVERY FREE NEW TOYOTA WE SELL 01'"10 TU N( e Al.N"M(Nt e UNOERSC Al e PERMA GlA t l • DOOlt IOOE GUARDS • l OCK r.1.s , .... , • ANO S YR. ·SOO<>OMILl WAIUN"TY. CHECK OUR SAVINGS BEFORE YOU BU Y! .. ' ' 417W:WARNER .. SANTA: 1ustOfF 540•25,.. 2 ANA .... ,N ST. I I I I '73 VOLVO STATION WAGON ,\iiliJl!I"'" I I l! 11' 1111''1"11. \:\111· \!,.;It·•"" ~1111 , .. , ... ,111• I •fl• ,q ' " I) d I J [PI( Ill>: ' , I d I\\ t • • $4777 • Buick '69 Ri vi era I Cad. '69 Sed De Ville Less. Than 40,000 rniles le~\ Than 55,000 milei. ~;10!•<1'\ .11!' ··ondll!,ulHIO.: liul In• 111,:111 •!''1111• .,1111, \\oil. 1• ,\>'I" 1 111.1 I jr.,o !,1,11 1 .i· t ( • 'Ill\ I ' 11 l11n I 11111' l'l"l ,l< •I I \I !1• o I~ !» I':• I ')•I •'I ii ll,1 ! \ I • j" I' I 1111!1 \II·.,,, '.11 1)••)1!, ••IL,!ill"Jl I' lo'i 11" )•I II i~•\•• 1 I" l''i' <11\:,!l!'.'il I "lr•Pl!d oliil'l'o•dlf'11 l ill 'NABER DILLAC 2600 Harbor llvd. C-Mel" 540-91 00 lll'I·::-.. ;-il l'.'o'fl,\\' ,\ l•·p·,, .. 111, ,1,' 111.~. lo'' 11. d .. •1 IH\ i,., ,111-1 I:. •!1Hl11I I ':: "'':• ·N~BERS CAOILlAC 1 2tc>OH-lhd., Co.to MOia 540-910Q l',.l"'I"' J' I I \11111 '"" 1.11 •" ""' I !'.I ll!tt!' 1··11·, 1 .. "" n 1 0111 I r .. p t• 1111,•1' lnl•·t i.n Hill I" 1" •H < HP•I , 1,,,1 I ·< .:11 ii ~•·••i\111 ~ 1,<•ll1• ,\ li•"I 111 o•lli< 1 di' ·.111-11,L\lJl," NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor 11Yd. costaM•$a !•0.-9100 -; l :'!· t 1 \\ I ),.v1ll1 ~·1111 l:•i.•·lil<~q· blue l i1111·k II<'" Ill'<''. ;.:1-.•t 11nh•:ol'.•' 1«11.d•I,· t1·:111,r~·l't1ot1<1n, ~'..'I Xl •'i' I"" I urf••r. S Hi--l'H l. <il'I:\' S!''.'\!l,\Y 1"11, I, 1111·1' 1111 Sl•·n·•• , .11 I Ii"". [1:l1t ·'''lll1n°·I I 11 lj.'. \ \1l';,1 1 , I .I ' Ill•· 'G.; nr J('J\ Skyl:1r1-. I'< lilt f'ft". 111;1 , '. 1' li.·l'I ', t>I" i ·~·,t "lfl'l" ·,·:1; (11) \ Cadillac 991 S -------- Cad. '69 Sed. de Vi ll e ~·a. IHI .' .oil' 'Hl\ollli, ·tli1)1_' t1ill f•ill O'I, \lHll /<d" liill\ i<nill , " 1111<'• l.•r, ·'"I'•'" d··•l I<• kl', tilt,\ i<•l""•'•>l•I < 'l•••'I 111;.: .\n ,1u1~t;or11l111~ 1;oh1• ,\ 1111 •11." 1LI,1 l•' tll'l< 11• ,\ <•!ii 1Ylll;1::·;1 $2499 NABERS CADILlAC 2600 Morbor ·l lvd. Costa Mesa !40-91 oP Cad, 70 Cpe. De Vi e 111111,, ')~1<1~1 .,;7 1.J17 1,"ll'"••(I" •'llii" I 1•'.I \\ ilh 1.1 ... ·I, 1111\I t•'l' :. "'"'' lunr I Ca nla ro 9917 11111 lo';•lh•·I loil•'I J· •11[ 1· '"' I !.11 l"I I "" ', •IHl!l l<illlr,.; I oil ,\ '''I•"" Hf'l" ,1,•, I L'I ' "' \ · 1 I '' 11 ... 'l 1, ' 1,' ,\ Ji' ,1 1 .. ,.,, 11111il <lli\1)1{• NAllERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Cotta M•ta 540 ~9100 <>l'I<\ :-;\'\.1),\l Cild. '68 Sed De Ville l!11 d 1 .. l1i.d lii.';J , .. 11 .. 1, \\lll1 j,l·H 11 I 1111 I 1":>., I :I.,. 1-. f1ili I" .11\wr 0111.·1·1,,1: l·.1.ll 1'"1"·1 f,., 1 .. 1 I .Oil , ••11d 1111 ,\ I• 11 ,, "1'\1' •1··1·1·111" '!•'!•'" d•"i i,,, , .. I' •II 11111• ,n'" ,\ ' ""' II I ii<' • lo .<II< J ' I~\ '('IJ",' NABERS CADILlAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Cost•M•ta 540·9100 -Cad. '73 Hardtop Cpe. ~'\(''1'111(\' ,\II{ r·11!'\IJl'l'Hl.\.I.\.!: ~·nll l"''.l"I'. \'111.vl h•p, 1·•1•· -~1r1 1nlt'l'J""· .-\\1/t'\I l'.1,f1 .. I ... .',, l1·d 11 iii\ '.\() "" I d\I 11111,., ,\ ,.,, ··11••111 t'i>lldill<lfL 1111 lu •lll < ,11:'11 : \'I ' $5699 NABERS CADILLAC 26® Hal'b°' llVd. Cesttt.M•M S40·9100 "• t I 'l.\ltl f, :.'~ s-.~1 Chevrolet 9920 ---·------Chev. '7 3 Nova Cpe. 1'1 -.:111\J !l.\T1"llll\('I~ ['.,·.,H•.!1il 1'1 d 11!«0 I'< ti \\Ill> ld.i• I, ,•. \' llLI•· ·lo'hl\•' 1111•'1 l"' \'.; ,•111-:" "" i '"11 • I' 'r, "I' Ji"I\• I 1,1;d""' ,!!IT» 11.111• I, If ILL, I 11 • d• ' , (I• \\ II·'" 111 '·'> \ <i'·l "111 ,. \ l"I 1»1' ,\ ,)1dl 1.;.\,llll·1 $2999 NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor llvd. Costa Mes-a 540-9100 11\'I.\. .'i\';\11.\Y .-• .' \1 •\ \. \1 111 1 ··••11<1 :.' ,[, 11\.I.\' ll•~l \11 Y lll''\"(; 1·1.;. I'll: ~:l'~I +;1,,•11,q 1,1; \I \l ,11:1' :-;.-, ~~~' !"11::. I ~1 · I . \In ;:~. ("""I I ••1111 ~ 7: .. 1 1<1 ' 1 1'..'~ ---· L • ! '111. \'Y l!:>1,·l1l•.11·I,, I·,,., 1•! 1••11"1, <>I o { '11~!· 1111 ,\ul•• T1·:•ll", dlr ;-.;:1 ~'11111 ·1:.,. ('!lJ·.l'\" J:O,IJ•.\J..\ I '"/1 'H f; I_' 'l'I~ t I !l \ Y '; "' lil•,H "· \· \• •'l•l 1 .. 11,.I, :'l,H\,( ('1i·llh1 ,\ill" 'I l ,H: .. 11· 'il ~\ill\ .~ 1'1 \1 ,,,\\111o11 l .-.:T\Ji J 'ol'l• <I ,\ I''" II. h ul, .i l', s. lo ~I ·~i'> •1•1' 1 \ --·=---- ''A PERFECT TIME' • If you've been waiting for that perfect time: WAIT NO LONGER 72 DODGE DART s .. ·"~'" r'"'"Y ,., '""1 .. ~. """I'" ""' ""''·"'~ CDOl!tll~ I s1975 73 LINCOLN CO NT . s5750 • '1• '""'" ,,, VM, L ., •-" < ""'K-1 •'" •'' '"" "''"•' ~··••l'I 71 FORD MUSTANG 31>1 ~ lw•"' V8, au•~ '""' r<'W'" •l"""~u '•~•c, n•ot~t, •Oi'1'>"'t t:o.countee1 tc 72 PONTIAC VENTURA • !)' -"'" ommoculo•~ I ,__ ~·" -w11n""'""""'"I !2•JflAI s1995 s2750 '70 PONT. CATALINA 10 r,..,..,..,,~, ... ,~n" P, ""' ''•Q• "'I t<••"'". ,,,., '.J'""; ,.,,, ,, lf!fi(., ..... s 1995 '73 MARK IV f.lo!au"'·~ ,,i,.,. h"'"'' ,.,1n r.r•nbfl•"I ,.,.. "'"" 1 >'l"ll \ I \ll s7475 73 CHRYSLER NP T. "''"'· ""'~"' '" , ,,,,~·I ,, .. ,.,,., 1,....,, ,, ·~J>llJ 73 MERCURY COUGAR A""¥•·""•" 1,..,.,.,,'" d,fi~H(•{ '73 DATSUN 240Z ~'"" '" ""''f "' ~"'""' \~ 'l'lf"• '""" 111''"""' '72 VW 422 WAGON f<>.' P.• •.l~•~C ~~•nmM«. "" ,.,,,. n''""''r<I 13,000 m•le• 1 Q"ne• I._,.,., '" s3951 s3250 $5675 $2875 YEAR-END CLOSEOUT SALE ON ALL 19'14 MODELS NEVER A BETIER TIME OR PLACE SEE US TODAY! N ( 1( I . ..~ 2626 Horbor Blvd. of Cars Costa Meso 540-5630 i I· •; " . ' ) ··".l.t • l.~1,!t ll:I :-.~, llA:L f Plll'JT DI C_h_•_•_r._ol_e_t ____ mo Otdtrnobif.---~f~-•• -.Hr,-.----,9'°"800~A-.,-,-,0-,-. °'N""'e_w ___ °"9"soo=-A:=-u-t""'o-•,"N"e-w----,9;;;8;;;00""A"u-:t-o•:-.-.N"e:-w----,9;;;8-;;00;;-A'uto \, Ne_w ____ 9_BOO_ Auto\, N e~._ __9il00 A u_t~'·-New _____ 9_800 __ _ ~1 Clll-.\"\' \I 1hhu _ •!~ -------------• • ,·po· :\1111 ••111.r :11 ,,,_, ,\!r. !'/ ... 1,1•h1o.1, "' ''"' "n 111 ,,~,,l·r $.1• 1.r 111 t1•lt L'1 l:'<H'L r:ri-. i:r.!'.\li. ' . ' . ' • . . .· ... \\11i :l~ ''n i.'."l\;1r ~ , !'tll'\.ur ilugile~. t'Vn14tt -· · ~ • ...,4 1\1 1 I '--·.-'1··~1, ;•. '':"' .... ~ _ _ r .. :_,1.1;..x-· •• 'J • o! !\II':\!.,,\, J:.i,J /hri. :..'.:r,r a•,! ... ,..,.. . • • • r·.,:.111!111,.; «t>l'\ll ln1ni" S::.() j ,._,...,. ______ ;... .. 1 • ,u .t1 i :. J:l.ti·!i!i.i.6. I ~· '.:..: ·' .... '--a r ~ ,.. Chrysler 992S j A ....... ~' ' ~" r •: : • .J i . • .•. i. -...... i I l 11l:Y ·r~; :\Y, on~ ,,,,..1,.·r I f>intO -""' ] .. rrH. f'\\. all l'"-f --------'-, .._itl1d n1u~t ,,..__~ S.:f.1 1 7. f':·.-'.", ;.,,~4ni. c..rt~ ·..i..: ,;\l-,; ",,,., -... . • ,\ , ( I Honda 9717 S..\ ·,., c....._ :.~·~ !,o,_; ~"-..l ; ll~rt,_;,){l •~!fl'"':•• t , I l..\:!l ' otJI.. t: ~· .,;• 1. • ·,' •• ,. ' . ..:~. Con ti ne111ta 1 9930 ,_ ; ! . •'.)I !lo -111 o\ I ,, •. \• '' .,lft'! i '.dJ lf!i'; ) I _\ J ' . -,. --.-: : : ' ·-,·,,.· t> • ' " . . :-. : f ' • • • '' . ' , , r ~ l .. ·,·:~(-:·:~I J '.\),'\l'\!-..;) !•.\\ I, .\I I [1J. .. \l..; \1·_;-;1 I •. , ......... ·• .: ". I :>'" -» . •' ------- )Corvette 9932 ,..; \·1··1·1 1·. I \ l i: F.\C"ri 11:Y i1\•f](•'\ nr• ' ,\ • \11 ' ··1 Sa,·, l•fft•r !~\ ,_';'";1 1 11'.' '' I• \;.-,:.:-t ~tl1 l :,t•! Cougar 993 3 --"--------... ~"-'\', r. ., :;·, .11.. •. r··rL \! "j I 1 •... i :,:,wf'.<72 --.--=-..,.---~ i;;. l '\ll 1;,\P. \' st1\'k .l:'llld'4U, ;:-•J '".'\\! j.IJ. 7 l\tl 't'_;, Ll:'-C~IL' f··n·.1.,·~:i ,; 11 p. 11 1r. Jr,tl1··r. ;.~.-.1 0 •r1'L sb._'(), .• ~~ -,, --~ ----~ Maverick 994 7 :r.n ~1 ,\\1''.P.ll'I~ /-. '1,. 1 ,,1:'1C .,1.11, ':.~. I·;· :'1,rr,fl :n I $;•,,'_,.)'i)f'.• ~ ~z. j<Ol"; . .. I': ... ~; ;_· ---------. ' : .. -:..,.· ,.,_. . ;..: j,,: .... _ :.~ Plymouth----9960 ATLAS Cli ry1 l1r/ P lymouth . .. J~-:-!; 5_.._ r:. :, ! :J .. :_. H ,r ;-: R>.!. Cn.J. :\!ho\ 546-1934 ;, 111\'.' .;~ .. ·.-: ..... : ~­ \\ ,~ .... · .. ~ '. "'·'I'''-.:~ -,-.~ :. --· !-:>:.('(']. ~·" :.d. ~1 ::.-.·. "! ; ,,i< '.'.:..:; ',\• -~;.-.. ix-~1 offf'r. 5:ii5--l.'.~l -! un11: ov.~r ~::'......W.-i ~ercury t9SO · ·,,, Pf'l'.\ "'.'L.\C : ... '\,\a·-• , \ --~-----: ov.-:ioer, 49.:£0 :----· ~ -P. :J 0,)L·r;AH XR7 . f ull P""I'. i ll ~· t:rn. ~ ,· v.-~. a.11 .. ~::1/f:n ,1.,1.,.•1 .. ~· s;r;:, 1i :~:x, 1 ~...t-\-77",_· radi.1 1• .\tr,,~~,,_.,,!".\'-;._. ru:-.71.\C :.~'.ia.:ii .1 li:?l-&~11) "'" •i~.(.,.,1 1 1 l '.on\, ~ ·~· "·'" \[1 '6i ~1 1:.P.C. t:u~;:~:\l'.:-;-. 1 fl"Url(''.'" X.n· I""'"'!":~ S'.'fl ~' r:xcelh·nl t.:t>llcl • ~) 19'.;.+'91 :; ,,:;',.;...____;'.'. -·.-~ --., . 9952 Mu1tanv o"~ :_.. • !.•o -.: •• .< .-· • STOP IN TODAY AND GET YOUR • FREE SiASON TICKET ORANGE COUNTY 'S WORLD FOOTBALL LEAGUE PR OFESS IONAL FOO TBA LL TEAM WITH THE PURCHASE OF Al'IY l'IEW OR USED CAR OR TRUCK SOLD THIS WEEKEND . OFFER EXPIRES SUNDAY, AUG . 18, 1974 BRAND NEW 197 4 OMEGA -5.f#Ji> s2877 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '74 OLDS TORONADO Pc.:.2" .·. -ccv.s 6 v1a1 se~'. -:,rJ :i e ' c:.~r lcci<.s. air C'J 'lO ·1cn1rig :11t .,.,,hee 1 s:t-·i::c :.r,:e wa lls. rruc..; r-,c ,.e 7G4G40, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 55677 OVER 40 HONDAS TO CHOOSE FROM IMME Ol.A.TE DEL IV ERY' 74 4 Whl. Drive JIMMY -.c-,.-, :_·, .. GMC 4 WHEEL DRIVE CENTEk # HONDA OVIC DEALER IN ORANGE COUNTY 1973 HONDA CIVIC $ HATCHBACK IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Ol'a RALL YE '72 $2271 '71 .. _ . -. : . : ::-:;_, .. .. ~o.. ... IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 54377 AWJ THE I! Fii;!5T F~ UHfVf.R Slfl n-tf Ail HfW TERRA-VAN "Ho""' of th• Ground Hoq" THE FIRST 4 WHEEL DRIVE GMC VAN OFFERED FOR SALE IN THEU S. : . . ·_;:.. '.: IMMED IJ. TE DELIVERY BUICK """"" s1477 HQtjDA CAR 5977 '69 .... -, .. • .. .-:> \J l ' ST,\ '\ r. \ ~ , .\utom.1 !.c. rQ fl /:l mi.J.-...; 1 •r:~:·lal o·,0,1,er. !:QO d ···n.! ........ "'7fi fo,J_"\--I,..~7 ' ... 99 70 · $ 1277 I 68 ~-·~.. ". s977 i ---------------------+--------------------+---------------------.! BUICK tu<"-' '72 -~ --. $297 7 '70 s3277 '72 ~!~~ '..~· ··:. s2277 ! . ' .... , ... 51977 '71 TOlO"ADO '71 . -· • ~ -;; !al, •• ~ OLDSMOBILE GMC TRUCKS HONDA CARS UNIVERSITY OLDS : 2l'5"1 Ifarbor Blvd . Cr.>11.a M~ ~ !Ml'l -·:~_" 11..:: ,.,_-..; a .· l'i.i L ...,.·,.~, '.:--_:.,;-~_: ~=­ < •--v· .\''1 : " ... ~--' T ·~ L,.. • ::•:-s.>:• ,..__. .-.-:. r l)i QLJ)"i 0)'n. 1111 s i.1 ,... :in 72 '."tl; \ E \ ;1_ -~.dl.t:":..; ,\uln tr1111~. pl~. f!fh. ,.,,,., [I' \!· .i.,· . · ·, ~·"-IT' rop ruf"k, l(flo"l'J l'•inr/, .\["..:~ r,r f'J>-' 1)':: J~r:..-i _ ? .• -< ft ~.,, ~.io7 'I.:;_,,.-_,· " tr . .no..-....., _ __ -~~---- 'SI OLDS STA . ":G~. I 71. ~, :-. ' ~::~~~ --·~\( ~!. (~ oowi . U11. ..:. • •··· ~.;;n __ .. r. :'\.....: ~·91 '.J I rr<{"" .: .._J~".J Auto1, New 9800 j _A_u_l .. -,~~-w---~fi)i)~ A,uto,, N•w 9tOO Av10'I, N•w 9900Aufos. New 9IOOAuto,, New -,. [~~~~------------VEG AS priced at 10% OVER INVOICE COST VEGAS I i I I BUY NOW BE FORE-'7 5 INFLA TIC tN INCREASE ' ._.I =: . ..,..t~.....,..c_: __ l ..... r ,, -_.-I L BRAND NEW J .._[ _No_G_1MM_1_c1e ; m " IM'f' OtC.t sn. • lff SJJi l.11 "1 711 J l7UI tt4 .... JM4.ll '" M J J74l.tl llM ... 24ft .71 lllJ ,,, 2,., .. , ltl l ..,, 21".H J I t it ... 111...U lat "' J.,._.. 1121 '" .. -... "''-",_ ......... .. OICfi nw... S.26,......, 1119 2741.J I IOI J6J..... 111 1 J 7•Ul t .. J JTIU4 IM4 mLU IN Jl l4.A) 1 1t66 l•....., ..... tl6f..ll 117 4 J l41J'--'"'- • -· IM'f04Cl Sl'tot II l • l.._.t' 2tt1..M l 7lt.J• l11LJ• 1 771..l• ISJ1.J7 1741 1.J I J 71t l • l• )0 ~., m.· "" ,,.,, IOU ,,.. I ')11 1 ,,... , ... "" 11 31 '1 ,1 IH,. O«: I STI. • SZ71t t • 11 0. 17701• 1L t1 J 77C.J• 11 • l l t1JO 11 " 1 11 ~..l• \i l l J77GJ• 111z 1 •1•~ ll )J JIS I 4 7 1 l )A l•J001 I l l~ J1tt JI 1114 IMTOIC-1: SJ77t3..l 4 )l)0.17 JOS l.94 J 76t I I J77t J • ) I )I t 1 177116 Jl.t l S• 2 7t •JI JllS 7J ST'C.• 11 JJ 11 11 '"' 114 1 I 14'f 11 11 l'U "" 1.t•Otel 1Jll' z•o t u J77tJ • ]l tt.10 21 ••.Jt 11•1 ,. l•_,. SI i 7 l 1 •• ....."""' .. . ............... GHtVKULET CO. HUNTINGTON 18211 BEACH BLVD. (HWY 39) 847 -6087 ' . ' FJ.CTOllY IHVOICE OH U.04 WIHl>SHllLD I ' \ ; ' .. ' It I :!. '1r'l.1( \ f I I •I 1, 4, IU .I 111 lq.',I ....... -.... ·-· ,..';>.. L -,_111.. A" j- EVERY NEW & USED CAR & TRUCK NOW AT MODEL YEAR-END SALE PRICES . • 1974 MODEL CLEANUP THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! 1974 FORDS WILL NEVER BE LOWER! , BELIEVE IT OR NOT! ~,,._..:...>, NOW THRU MONDAY, 8/19/74 ONLY! WE WILL SELL ANY '74 P.INTO IN OUR STOCK.FOR LESS THAN $100 PROFIT TO US! INCLUDES ANY PINTO IN OUR INVENTORY -2 DRS. -RUNABOUTS ~WAGONS DI~ ~~:~b::~;,;,;,•I'· NEW '74 MAVERICK NEW'74 MUSTANG II '74 FORD NEW '74 COURIER Ir.elude<> co Jar i..eved caroot1ng 250 CID V-6 f'nQ . solirl s!.ite 1gn111on ou1se-o-ma!1c irans power slf"E!11nq fron1 8 rear burTl(l('r 'll1.11C1 AJl.1 11010. 11n1e<:1 gl.s'>'> S. more 1~1~ :115651 !Se• :14K91l 196980! ONLY s313a HARDTOP NEW SUP ER CAB ! / QNL Y p.,., '''"""'"9 pwr. hrr1l..1 •\ $3098 ~-~~"::/ .. ""~.::~;:.:::· .. $4169 ~··r.:: fl0YKU6878 8. t5il... .::J?l 19) down soare lire. 1ns1de t'O:Xl rc>IPase. 1001 i..11. 60 ,ur'()Cre hour baucry. 35 ;~ all er~~rg~OJarm 'tss~~-· 11SGTAPAl4 17B! ONLY SUPER S LE SPECIALS I 00% FINANCING ON APPROVED CREDIT :.. t, . ; rt~ '• j ,~ i ~ . I ~ ' i- f; ~ \ '~i ~-i • ' " • . .. CHECK THESE PAYMENTS ' ASK ABOUT OUR USED CAR WARRANTY INSURANCE 25 TRUCKS .:._ VANS -PICKUPS -CAMPERS · STAKES -4 X 4'S FULL 12 MONTH COVERAGE WITH -'71 FORD PINTO s414s s414s NO MILEAGE LIMIT! '65 MUSTANG 5899 ,.,. ,., .. '"' Ar• ,•. '" • .• ' . " • • .• • ' •1: , .• V-8. radio & heater. auto. lrans . l ltt>/_.., .. ,,,..,, •. 1A '1" .... ·~ .. pwr steenng, new red paint. (NGF988) ,.. ,1· 1> •· • r . ' ' " • I ' "J 'l ~ 4·• •• , oowt< MO. ~EWL T REQUIRED CALIF. SMOG CONTROLS INCLUDED' i '68 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 5 1395 '63 Chev. P .U . w /Comper 5899 '71 CHEVY VEGA s4319 s4319 V-8, Ffvl rad1u & 11edh-'r <Juto l rnn.., pvvr •,1eer Radio & heater 4 speed. heavy duly equipped. '_,. ~ .... ., ' . ... ral ly wheels. 1 IJ39H MY J (6 58940) .. . .. , , .. ,, , A •''''"~~ &1•1.">.,. ... .,r,~r. DOW.. ~ ,., , .. ~ .. · .. ·~ ,,., ..•..• r ~·~ ""''''l ''"" MO. '69 TOYOTA CORONA s4ro s4ro 7m21 ~~~~o R~~~l~e~,~~ pwr. bra kes. a" $1899 '70 MAVERICK 2 DR. s1495 Jl..Jo'•'•'" ·•'' ' Radio & heater. auto. trans. ~·~· .. ,,., ........ ' ·' '.,.,{<A I· ·'•I•·•-'· I .. A, 'I• . .,, ' .. a". V-8. 1738ADN I AP~ 111~ (J.0<. IL ' ••• .. DOWN MO. cond .(6 17HIE) '70 T-BIRD 4 DR. $2488' '72 Ford Courier P.U. _s2099 '.!;?:f.9~g .~rp ~r~~H.~~.~-. s7300 s7300 Metallic blue. whit e rr;nt p1:v1 teer brai..er, wind & sears auto. rdd1i.tl s ( 162DAi Like new. Fully lactory equipped. (2 1219Ml 1'&>,.'41,0 •.1·,•1"~'"' f&! I .,,,,..,~·,,&1 i~•ll"t•"'""''°"?•,...,., l•A{' "'P". ~1 '>f, ],,,.,""I"' 1 ,. , ''~;·~r>ll,"" TM A <'""~~ ow~. DOW.. MO. '70 MERC CYCLONE $62°1 $62°1 '71 Jeep 4x4 53299 '71 Ford Cnty . Sed . Wgn . $1895 I'• I "'"''" ·•·<< .,.i,•,, O• ! ;,. I "'-I V-8. radio & heater. auto. trans .• 11 1~7 ... 14~10., "''' ~-~ ! l~I 1 0, . ' ... 'I"~ Loaded w/extras. Sharp olf road King . .o<>!-1 1' 1~ ("IA\ I r<.•• lt'I" i. ' , ; A •• \ ,.,, I OOWH MO. P'M'-steer . pwr. brakes. 6 pass. (369EAEJ ' .. ~(> '-··· l I .J; " " I P' «I ro h " jl; "' ' I • . '73 MERCURY CAPRI 52995 ~~2vf~~~eJ p~?.~eEl~~ p~r~~a kes.aor 53599 '72 CHEVY VEGA s5731 s5731 <# '. J V-6. 4 speed. rad to. heater. yellow w/black. (Ser. •796888 ) cond. 12 ft . bed. !Ser. ~2 1 081) '73 FORD PINTO Runabout $6699 $669,9 '72 International Scout s3999 AulO'Ml'L t!IO<O I ~"d'' I. ~,,., '!;)<•!•' •.~ ii>, l I >7;'~/<l-1 1n1••C<t""~" n"'' I~<•~•·•"",.., .... ,.~··~~!'"'~'"'" 4 wheel drive. V8, 4 speed, AM /FM, man y e x- APll 1 ~•6"-0 A l lolot~·I·· r·•.;·1./\1 •~ ·"'' lM '"'''Y'"~ OOWt< MO. tras. (378EOH) ~"" . . ~ ---All S .. LE PFHCl$ [fflCTIVI I~ f'QllllS .lfllll PU6UC ... fl011 -... .-""" •* -' ... ·- 1-ln••&'-"~ ·~\<>"'If>< 11"' """' •1•1r11•1 1 !3/<l<Mt,,, .. C.l~ll"<••r>el If.I 1~/3\<!<Wn& l',/J r ~~· .,. ••J0.....,..01\C AP 11 ~1 ~ TOl~l nt•lf-• r"" ~ 1 1//f\ 1•1 ""'· l &l lo '"'"''"'°! "'1:1<tl"' DOW.. MO. • '72 FORD F-250 $3688'. PI CKUP W/C AMPER. Aor cond .. 4 speed. 2 tan ks + 8 tt. cabover camper. (96 769E) ' -'¥\-...--,...,... .,.. @ii · ~-.. -.......... ,,, ___ .., .. • 1HI0001[ IOllHI JI, , IAlll DIPf. MOUll: I ..... t '"' M•"··Prl.; I ...... "" hf,; 10 • .., •• "" .... PAITS SflVl(I HOUll: 7 .,...f I'"' M•11.; 7 ...... f"'I f•1.-rrl. , .... ,. DIPl. o Mrr: ....... "'"Set. • .. 1. . . --·- San Cle1nente Today's }'inal Capistrano EDITION N.Y. Stocks VOL. 67. NO. 228, 4 SEC TI ONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, AUGUST I 6, 1974 TEN CENTS New Flap May Stop Nixon Tapes Coming West Sp1 ·rial \\'.1!1·r~;1lv l'n1~'l'Ul•fr l.e1111 .l:1\1or,t1 ;11ul th,• ''hlf •II l 'fl.'..'>1<..lcul f:t'rvlfl F111U 11.111• ,1·11f1·lh d any pus i>1b1l11:--!liar 1!1r h:11•1I '1 N1 .1;(111 'o; pcr:-.in;d pap1•rs 1~111 ,ht• 1111111·d rn n1·11 arc·hi11·s 111 l.a~un;i l\1gu1·I -;1! le:1'>t for 1J1c l11111• b1.·1nf.!. f)11 Thursd;iy 111on1111g. tl11~ \\11.1~1 f'o:i~1 head of the f:1·n1•rtil ..; ,, r 1· 1 !' 1· s 1\d1111n 1~1 ra!ion l111tlcd t h~ll lilt' Nixon 'p:i.1Jol•rs 110\dd 11·111d up :it the ru·11· <1 rchiv1·s pl:1n11cd for 1h1· fnr1I11·r Nof1h An1eru·a 11 Ho<'k11·ell ?iggurat. J Hl'l:itl'd :,tor~· I 'a~·· i\ J.<1 1 Hu t a shur:t 1nn1• lillf•r \\'{lr<I <·arnr f!'tllll lht.' nation's capi!<1I of :1 ttrat \IOrkl'd 11ut bt~t1\'ccn the \\'hitc House ;uul ,J;·Hror~ki that keeps the tapes and d•icuint•nts nf the Nixon years nght 11 he re !lu·y arc. 'f!1orn:1s llanuon, rhc GSA official. said that hC' f'Xl><'Clt"<I to l:icar frorn Nixon "\lt'rY shor11y" about 1hc lransfcr of n);i<;si\ e :irnounts of docurncnts 10 the \\1csr Coast And llannon speculated that becausl' lhc archl1•es of the South11·est region 11111 be n1ov1..>d to th e old Niguel plant i·H rly next year, the former President 1\·ould 1vant the1n in the 1nost convenienl pl:iCC. The 1.iggurat, built as an aerospace lh111k·tank but never occupied by the Hu«k11·ell firnl , is about 15 miles from the for1ner Western \Vhite •louse. No m<1lter 1~1here the> Nixon papers 1vind up for storage, HannoR stressed thal it is up to the former President, himself, as lo ~·hlch documents would he available for public pl'rusal and which \\·ould remain under lock and key. "There are tv.·o federal laws relaling to the transition of power and the rights nf former Presidents that oover the issue of documents," 11annon explained. The GSA scr\'e5 as the <'aret;i.ker of the documents until a Presidentia l library is built. Once that takes place. the docu111cnts are moved to !he new ir.stitution and the GSA could still serve as caretaker Wlder an arrangement v•ith the trustees and the fede ral go~rrnnlt'U' ll<1n11on said that he uud1•r,:ocxt rh:11 t.hc staff of th(' for1ncr Prt'SL1!t•nt 'till is "·orking in the \\'h1!e llou<..e ~1rt1ng out the reams of v.·ntt<'n data rcl,l!l~t to 1he Nixon yt·<irs. Originally, th!.! ron troversia! trip.~c; authorized b\' Ni100 11.·C'rc dt1rn1rrl hv J>rcsidcnt F0rd and his st;iff tn ht.· Xixon's pcrson~I property. The \'aluc of th<' ta~s \1:is plilt'1'rl at $2 mi\!ion. \Vire·service reports Tuesday (1uoll:tl "l·IH'• ~ 1\ 111·h _.;,11cl .Jal\'Or'kl w.i ... 1111li.1pp\ .1' 1h1• dC'!l'l'llllllillLIJ!l {If n11 11"r~h1p ,.J fh•· l ,O'ltl rt•i•ls 11f L•IM' l'h1· pr"'"1 11111r· ... s!:1lf rn<·t 1•,1rh 111 tf11· 1t:1Y 11 Hh \\'\1111· I lt1u '(' ~Hdrs and 111•' 1lt.'t l"l(lll 11 ;1.; fl'.11'!11•11 I" !!':111· 1·1, r~thui;.: 11.hl're 1t IS. "\_11:ndi n~ 11111hl·1· d1~tl1~..io11" .\'.ll l'Oil11l)t'!\t h:1S ('0111(' rro1n 111i• '.\llXOtl 1·rh'l:111• 111 ~.111 Ch•rni•n;" :1bout !ht.' ~1~,,·11l.it1uu th:tl H1c do\' ti 111 t' n ! <i !'\•'n1t1all \' 11il l wind up HI 1l1c :\1guel pla11 1 on 'Inside Track' for Veep? K11sf1 Job c:and1· dant'crs front Sante Fe rrC\\• rush l o n1ake fl'tnpl1 rary bend in 1nain line near old San .J uan ('apislrann Hailroarl Station lo nllo\\1 engine to move boxcars. l'a booscs ant! p<tir of old dirung cars to their fin:il ~lop at ll ist or1 c depot \lihirh this fall will becon1c a railroad restaurant. Crews finished job in an hou r. \Vork involved spl icing into main rail line, n1oving: cars. then rebuilding primary section of !r;:ic-k. Old rolJing stock will be refurbished as tour- ist attraction. Intelligence Unit Revised D icd r ;,('Ii Rer<'t1ls Raclical CJ1,(111ges ()1·a11~·t' lo1111t\ ~11 \)('rl •~ir H:ilph Oii•driC'h h;i~ 11nvPil,•d 1l ,. I ·1 1 I<; •H .1 r:1d 1i:.1I rrorg;H11za11011 of lhc t'llLlfl \) 's j ~illtt' H\14 '11 1~1·tH'l'~1Jnlt '01e p);1n Dh~drir h ou1\11a·U •s ;urn('d :11 ;:t11Sl\'f'l'llll! ('011\'C'rns 0\'1'1' 110<..s1l•!« ll~C 1)1 !lie 1n1rtl1,e:cnr-0 agc·ul'~' 111 ('nl1ec-11 nr d;1ta on innoeent pr1v:11c c-1ti1t·n-. ;1u<ht <•f pr(K'C'<lurt''> and n1cthods or the ur11t, falli ng short of .1n actual 111~1)t'cl1ru1 of thr 5.-tm hies 1hc. unit kcl'pS nn kno1111 c:rirninals and the ir :1"-'0Ci.'.ltt•S. -A nanH• ch:1ni:;r from thr Orange f'ount y Jntclhgrnce Unit (0''1lJ1 ~o rt1e 4)r;ini.,:t' Col1111r Cnn1 in;1l /\r1ivity Systcrn 1llCCi\S1. • in Cou1ity Force current $108.IXXJ . The cut means the unit·s permanent staff v.•ill be trimmed from six to two. The unit's currC1lt executive director, Stuart Duncan, "'iii he fired . -Creation oi strict criteria and proce<lurcs \1·hereBy inforriiation "·ill b<? j!ivcn to the system and removed from 11. Post Saying B11sl1 \Viii Get Job \\IASITTNGT'ON I AP ) The Viashington Post and thf Detroit Free ~ came up wlth Var)ing reparts taday on ...tlo hM the inside tTICk: klr the \ice presidency. The F'ree Press quoted advtsers t~ P~idcnt Ford as sayinf lmner New York Gov. Ne!SC11 A. Rockefeller has the lrtside track to the vice pre;ldency. In a dispatch from its Washingtoo bureau, the Free Pre!IS said tv.·o cootctlder.;, GOP National Oiairman GeOrge Bush and Sen. HoW'ard. H. Baker Jr. (R-Tenn.). dropped In favor. 11ov.'eVer, thf: Post quoted "a source close lo President Ford" as saying Bush has the "inside track" to the vice presidency. The P()St said its SOUITt personall1 favored Rockefeller. Both ne,1'Spapers said their sources indicak'd Ford has not made a finaJ decision. As he was: lca\·ing hl!i suOOrb.m Alexandria, Va., OOme today. Ford was asked ....,.hether he had reached a decision on the vice presidential nomination. "I haven 't bcc.n thinking about it,'' he replied with a smile. The Free Press said Bush's chances dropped because of •·a high-pressure can1paign mounted on his behalf by IStt ROCKY, Pagt Zl Nixott See111·i.ty Federal Funding 'May Be Coming' Although no conclustve rulings have yet come, San Clemente city officials today said that they believe a major chuok of fed eral funds to pay the local Fire Kills Six Iii Rest flo1ne BROOKHAVEN, ~fiss, {AP) - Six patients died today "·hen a fire destroyed f nursing home east of Brookhaven . Tu·o persons we rt i n j u r ed. including 1 nurse 's aide credited with heroic effort!' in saving sever- al patients. Eight persons escaped unhurt. The blaze raced through ~1oore's Relit Home, burning the t11.·o-story frame structure to the ground . r iren1en got the alarm about 2 a.m. but were wiable to save the buildjng. Authorities said nurse's aide Chri5 Carnley ushered ou t 111ost of those who fled the b!11ze. e:osts of security for Richard M. Nixon v.ill be forthcoming after all. ?.tayor Thon1as O'KeefC' said tod;1y that he and City ~lan<1gcr Kenneth C.1rr di.~cussed the city's problems nnd net.'<ls ~. nt lengl/1 Thursday 11·ith official.~ of !ht' California ('rin1in;1! .Justice l'l<111n ing Council in S11tr:in1ento. 'T111' city delega tes \Vfln pron1is('S nf Y1't another 1•isit by Ille council .~t:1ff for 11 fin al assrss111e11t of !he citv·s reqursl for S240.000 in f('d<'ral fu~cls to continue security operations. "\\'e !o:OL no firm con1mitr11ent, but it "·as apparent that lhe people al the offiC<' up there now have ll much better undf'rstt1nding of the situRlion and our needs," O'Keefe said. The state agency ildministcrs the federal grant. The ma.ror and Carr ('<lC'h a~ree lhat if any changes are made in the grant a111ount , they appear lo be \'f'ry n1inor ones that easily could be absorbed by the city. The fate of the grant \l'il S of prin1e roncern e\'en brfore Nixon <lnnounccd his resigna!ion fron1 the Presidency, and the local \1orrif's \Yerc cornpounded by an unexp][1inc'<l rlcl:1y in approvals of the grant re<1ul'~l v,hich \l'i.JS placed l<1st spring . r)u'd1'11•!1 <:;11d p:1-.1 :1~n'1'1111'111 111 :ht• h'rn1" .1f !il•· n,...11 plnn h:1" t)j•t•n o\i1;i1nrd !rn111 !l1•' d1!'.,1tli·n1 1'1)11111 \' l'11l!l'1· f'h11·l.~ A<>soe1;11u n 11111 1h:1t gr .. 11p·, prc~i<lrnt :-;ufl 110 f11rn1 :1I \ r1'•' 1\·ill hr 1akt•n nn 1h1· )\il('l;;1i;1· until 111·\l 111·1·k ll1t.•dr1l'h f:11 d tht' j)r(l))l •~;i l <1 j).; rlr:tftt·d bl' shrriff-c!c<"I t3r<1dlev <:<1tcs 11ho u tin111ti·ly 1\0LJ!d br..· Bl\'<'S11'd 11irh sol1• aulhonly ovtr !he 11ni1 ,;ind 1 ts in!el11gcn('(' g,1!h1•r i11g np1 •r.Jl1ons. 01her 111ajor rarr!s or !he -A <"on1plete 1akNl'l'r by the ul lunding for thl' uni! at ;in cost of only $34.000 conlparcrl county annual to the Co unty Roofers Jojn So utl1la11d J_,ocals' Strike Diedrich said Ga1es has rt><1Ched agreen1ent v.·ith the Police Chiefs Association O\'er the new propcr.;:al but La Palma: Police Chier Orbry IJuke said in a telephone interviev• 1hat no such agreement has been ratified by his group's n1embership. "1 can't say v.·e are for it but I c.1n't say \\'e are against it either because it \\'on't even come up for a \'ote until our meeting n ext Wednesday," Duke said. Murder Charges Filed In Unborn Baby Death Thf' johs of eight S;_1n Cl1't11cn!c police oHict•rs plus eonuni lnh'llts for cqu1p1l\cn1 :lnd tr;11n1ng are at st:ik\: Hl lhc. grant d1le1nn1;1. The ci ty budget. a balancPd document 11 ith tittle ll•ft 111·rr 1n the 11·ay of rcser•es. could not have absorbe<I the sudd<'n stiift in financial obligation from federal to local sources of funding. City rounci11nen held up agreement on a tax rate until lhe last minute Sf• that they could be better convinced that 1he grant was secure. rrorganizati•1n pl:1n 111l·ludt": -Prov1su)llS for :in annual Grand Jury JVi xon W elco 1n e Resolution Pos es W or£l Proble1n San Clemente city counciltricn hopr to agree next week on !heir for1n11l ,vritten v.•elcomc for Richnrd r••I. Nixon and they hope their docu1nC1ll will hRve I.he right "''on:is l,o lure the forrner ctrief executive from his compound. Initial orders for the city staff to write some sort of "'clcoming resolution v.•ere made by the council at n mectln~ Wednesday ni,ghl. hut some problems \t~th lhc suf.':gested v.·ording b y rouncihnan Arthur Tloln1 drc1v a re1v Jight·hcaned jibes frotn his fcllo1vs. Councilnu1n R. P.'llrick lH1nc. a lawyer well ve rsed in the ~lodgy rhetoric of legal resoluti ons, suggcstPd th11t lhc rough drart could stand sonic rditin~. /\f!cr poking fun :it s plit infinitivf's, J,nnc q11i1>1x:tl "if hr INixonl C'\'C't' s.it throuf,:h 0111· of our ml'ctlngs. he 'd 1no1·e to Kt>y Blsc:1yni'. •· 1'he ro1111~·i l plan." lo look :-it !11!' fin.11 draf1 .1! :1 nH'('lin ~ \Vt•rlnrsd::i y ;u\!1 i!1; tl11.:1nhcrs hope thal th(' rr~ol:i1lon 11i11 Include WTn1· w;1y 10 1•fl('Ol1r;1r.;t· th(' form- l'I' prcslden! lo b<'coinc nc-ltve 111 cn111 · 1nunity arrairs. Orange County roofers \\"alkcd o{f their jobs Thursday, joining locals in Long Beach and Los Angeles in a strike for higher \vagcs and fringe benefi!s. Roofers Local 220 secretary George ~l'\\'n1an said the union had been turned down on its initial $2.35-an hour incrc<isc rcqutst. The strike. Ncv.'n1an said. involves about 450 roofers in the Orange County local and 1.400 in thC three loca ls involved. A fl'<leral mcdialor. C.corgc Duncan, has been 1vorking "'ith the union and 11\'0 manajl:en'lenl groups, the Roofing ( ·on tractors Association of Southern Ca hfomia and the Orange County l~oofing Contractors' A~socialion. Pickcls. N!'v.man said. ha ve been l!ent only to .jobs "'here \\'Ork is continuing without union sanction. ,\ f cw contractors. he said, have signed interim agreements to pay union demands and keep v.·ork going until a new cootrac::t is signed . In 11d1lifi(l11 to \VRges and fringe benefits, Ncwmfln said. nrgoliations are hung up oo the lcnilth of the fOlllr~'ld. - 1·he union. he· salt!. v.·ants a t\\'!>'ycar ;1g rel'1nc111 ~n<l the contractors want a ihrl'C.•)'•'<ll' pact. 'Nc~(1\1;111nn!l :lrc set to rcs u1ne ~1 01ul11v. ;\(111rna11 sai<1. Thr "union hn~ ht'Cn 11·orkin~ "'ilh A 011t·-~1('ar contrRcl fc1r $i-,.15 an hour In \\'llgr:c: plus (rin~c bl"nrfit!I. • Under temls of the proposal Ciates ;ind one representative of the police chiefs v.·ould be empov.·ered to review any information already in the files and any new infonnation coming in to determine if it meets the criteria laid down in the plan. An1ong other things the rile \Viii not be r>em1itted to contain data on crimina ls other than those active in more than fS.. POLICE, Page %) Bl' KA 111Y CLANCY Of Ill• Ot ltJ ,Utt l latf 'Fountain Valley Police are pressing murdet charges against a Garden Grove man ror the alleged slaying or his unborn son . Police said the alleged murder occurred July 10 when Lorenzo Villareal De La Rosa, 23, punched hi3 estranged L'<>mmon law wile in the stomach as the couple argued at the Fountain Valley Veteran Thief Ba)· City Pickpocket 01ily 11 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -"Suddenly, I saw him standing against the wall. You know, sort of sizing up the crowd." said police inspector f\.like Trueman, whose job is catching pickpockets in. the city's: tour. ist spots. The perspn Trueman saw wa:r M 11.year·old boy named Jimmy, who police say is~ veteran pickpocket. Truernan fell ih behhtd the youth a1 a crowd of 200 persons tries'· to board a eable car. He saw Jimmy's hand dart into a purse dangling from a woman's arm and pull out a wallet. Tn1eman immediately collared the kid and returned the wallet to it.Ii owner. 1'1n so embarrassed." Luanna Luecking, 41, of ~1ascouth, ·Ill., told 'T'n1eman. She declined to explain why she carried,eight $100 bills, "but 1'11 never do It again." ~ i home Of her parents. Consuelo Berber, 20, then gave birth to a stillborn 500 July 22. police sai<l. and a post.mortem examination by the Orange County Coroner's Office showed the infant died of a head injury. De La Rosa wa!'i arrested Tuesd ay by Fou.ntaln Valley -police. lie "'as scheduled for arraignment on the murrlrr charge/ tooay in West Orange County Judicial District Court. Detective ~1arty Engquist said ~I s. Berber had been separated fmm Ue La Rosa and was staying ".-ith her parents at 10362 Wnrner Ave. She had been receiving pre-natal care from a local physician, Engquist said. and had been told the child seemed healthy and would be born about July D . Afte!' she allegedly was struck by De La Rose, police said, she became Ill. Upon examination by the doctor. she was told there "'ns no longer a fetal beartbeal, and the baby "'as bom dead July 22. Police .a.id the coroner's office u·as f)Otifled of the case by Mrs. Berber's weltare case worker, and the coroner nottned Fountain Valley police. Orange Cowity Deputy DI s l r I c t Attorney Gary Ryan said the murder chargt~ ~:ere filed under a recent ndditl()f) to the stal.8 penal code. ":h!ch permits cha r1ecs to be filed in connection with the death of unborn <'hildren ;is WC'!\ as living per$t'lns. Ryan said the child would have Ileen fl!« UNBORN, Pllfe Ii Final action on the rate is set for (Set! GRAr-..-T, Page 2) Orange C:oa~t Weather L.11f' night <1n<l morning lo\v cloud~ 11 ilh sunnv afternoons Sal· urday, Litllf' chi1nge 111 tcrnpera· r.ure. ~lighs in the lO\\' 70s ll l the bca,·hcs to 80 inland. IXSllJE TOD,\ Y 'Fite Ballet Alfrrsco. JXl{Jea11t r11/111l/Pe r Eve/y1t Rry110/ds and 1roudr.:ari:cr 1llooc11.11 Abel - tlirce a.o;pccts nf the l.a!1uua f'f~ti t'nl of A.rts a11fl Pnf1P<111t of rllr ~\tasters -arr prubf'd 1'11 Staff \\'riter Jack ('/1<1µpel/. o,, P11oc I of tndn11's \Veckcnclcr. Al v ... r i•rvict Al l••t•nt II l . "'-· •• ,. •1 C~lolll•ftlt Al Cltnlll tt DI II (tmlc1 (t (rOU*lt4 Ct Oetlh Net!tH Al l~ll(lfl" ..... .... ""."'" •i·t fot 11\t ltMOfd fJf MMtfCt•o fJ) ~r1' L"•••n IU ,,. .• ltl>t• ... ""°'""' T-II Mevltt Mdlltl i<Urtlh Mtllont l HtWt o ...... ('4/1111 "'°'" lttt!tU•IRI, \f!Ylt ,.fl'lt1' ....... 11 JN<ll MtA•lt Telot'Wh '911 l~•••«• Wttllltr Wtlhl ~I W .... elldtr , .. .. .. "" •l·J , .. .. ••• .... "' t•·• .. •• (1·11 :\ 2 DAILY PrtOl Beacl1 City Ft111cl Bill Cets 01\:av •' An AssembJ\· bdl ru provi<lc S!JIC fi n:in<"ir1l hrlr f11r <'1t1r." \.l·hirh opcr;ll(' r('gion:1l br;u·br~ rl('1!rf'd the Srn:i!r \o()vernintnt Orgn11i1:11ion Cor11nuttcc fi-3 Thursday. Thr hill. SJlOn(nrrd hy A~sr1nblymn11 T!ohert nurke ~n.1 111nlinr.totl P.i>ach\. i~ ,,.l!t'(/ulrd fnr D h•·:1r111~ l>•:f11r(' !hf' &•na!t• Fin:1nrl' ('u1111n1th t' ;1l "2 p n1 , next 1'hur~da\'. hf<1llhf'."' \\'evukf'r. Burke'.; adminis· tr.lli\"e a1dr, ·!'l:ud T hurs rl ii v !he 1L11;1ncr c<nnn1illl't' 11 di rl'prcsrnt the bill"s "'!OllS,:he~! rif::hl \'t'L" lie Mtrl son1e ~na\QrS apparrntly \l{'rrn"t '"sv1npathrt1c to th r plight or our b1:':1<"hrS·· ;in<l thought ci!ies shou ld c.:hargr pc·opl1• for usr of !he bt~ach. • /-- ' Do1v11 by lfit·e1·sitle • Ford, Teamsters President Meet ll~· 11 1-:1.E,\' T/1(1.\f.\S \\'ASH!\'(i'f'IJ:'. l l'l'Ji -l~rr~idi·nt 1-'or(I l'tll1f,•1T1•d 1111h Tc :1rnst1• r !'I l'rc:-1d1·11t Fr.tnk 1-: Fit1 s1n1111011s t11d,1y -his !lt'<lJnd Zlll'l'ting !/us 11'l't·k \11!h n tup f1gl1r1· 1n org;1niz(ltl lab11r -;111d 11as 11r~1·d 111 unpos~: a ;1 :1gi•·pn1·r fr1'l'ZC "'t•I .'-h•.o1 ·k r/11• .·\n1t•n1.,!tt ]i1.'11j!lt• b;1ck 11110 r1·;1l1!.\'" Ford \ ;u.!1·,; h111• tn.uh• 1·l1·.1r II! t'L'Olt0111ie /11".Jrtug.' rn ('011gre:;.s !Ju:-. 11et•k lh;11 h" !1;1, 1u• 11 111·1111011 of l'1•1urn1n~ to 111audalur\ 111n!ruls of the kind thilt ~01 t•n1111t·rH ·,,fft<'l;ds 11ow :..1~ 11·t'r1· a n11s1:.ike Hut F1!Ls1n1n1cu1s told rt'Jll>ftt'r., ;1f1er a 45·1ll!llu!e llll·e1111g 1~·1th For•l 111 lhC' Uv,1! Off1t:t•: l\i11g /lu5.'i'lll tnd.t y 111 11l1<1l \\'h11r llnt1.~r vff11 ·J;i/~ c-.i!lc d "11ng1J1r1~ 1·1111;:.11lr:1[11111 ' l11'lll t't'll !ht• l11u l'Oll!l!l'I •'\ ,\ Jord111uan ut/11·1<11 !'.ud ll11~~1·iu 11u111ecl 111 :-.n1111d out ~·urtl 1111 ;1 d1su11,i,:agenli'nt u f Jordn run11 1.-,ra1·J1 lroups ;1lu11g 1h1 ·1r 1,.1rd1·r '1n11lar '" 11/lt•s 111 1rl.1•1I 0!11 tl1•111lTll r~r.u•I :111.\ s.1 rl,I ol!tll 1·:~.1 /It · lt\ \1·r1 11011 -;ud ~orr1 ;1 1 th1· I !011st' n1r1·1111;.: lt1 ~\'I' \\Ill ,l;!,ltf) ~t 1rt 11f th•·ir \\ hll•' \\'hill' 1 u··· p1·1·!'1il1·i:• J fl'"ti had h1•pn lH1~t lu J h1 ~)•'ltJ d11r111g n11 .. of 111~ J)('1'iod:1 11111.., lu l)h• l 11111·d St.1lt'-' TI1f' bill \1'ould SI'\ aside S3 million in stall' n1oncy to be split an1ong various citic! a11d <'oun!irs 1~·hich operate b<><ll'ht's of il. ri•giun;il n:itt1rl'. ~ot ;111 ('(l:lS1 JI f'1!ir<: \\'OU!rl )}('nf'fi t. 1'hrough e1 t'{)n1pli('af1'{l lor1nul;1. !bl' 1110llt'V \1ould pri 1n11rily bl' us(•<! b:; citivs 11·hrr(; !hr beach upktrp 1s a signif1ct1 nt 1:;or/iou ol their annual hudgrL It Sl•en1ed like a ;.;ood 1d<'a :it !he time, but Jeep driver .J1Jhn Everett. 19. San IJ1cgo !r ight J, and his hudcli C'~. flf1 11 ~\·c l1·pa rk !left) :ind Sean J-:Jliott 1cen· tl·rl. Uot h of l;ardcn l.~ro11 C' r:in i111n !rouble earl.v t his rn orning \\!hen they trier! to dr!\'C a round San ta Ana Jl 1vt•r Jl',!ie" Jr11.i1 :\'r\\1porl. Beach lo f/unt1 rig· Ion Heat'h :1l 1011· t ide. 'J'l1e• v eh 1~·lc J.!Ol stuek 111 \'.'C'l !'and. ·r11c p H·L11re ll'll:-!he re:-.t of !lie !'!Pry. "Thi •ft' shoul<l he :1 011npll'te frt'e'lc on all pril·('s and 11 ages. I/1• added. "Sorn<'tlu ng has to be d·int: 10 i;hoc k the Arnerican pt'Op!e back Ullo realill"." 1'1it; lt'il<lt•r 11f rli1· :' 2 rnilho11 Tea111stcr.o. !-.:11d 1n ;i lllt'\'ling llll the \\'hilt' llous<> l;111n 111111 l\('11.,111r11 !h:i r Ford nnly 1i~11•111•d <111d did 110! r1•.1t·t lo his Sllf'.'(1':-!ion. Bin he quottd Furd ;1s ;;:1yu1g he had in llllnd "a µrug r:un tha t ~ i..; going to con1 (' out 11·ith" -ont' 11orkt•<l out hy Ford 11nd his eron-0n11i: ad1vs1·rs. Tli1• 11h·1•1111~: ""' uue vt tl\;u1.1 J h1~·111 '1'/,c'dii)l·d 1111/J I S. nfri!"1,1l.s UIPr 11 1"u d,1) J>l:nod 111' 11ill bt.· 1!1c j.'\ll''I ;1t Ford'~ first d1pln1nillJc 1!111111·r lll !ht· \\"llJ!e IJ 11us1· t<1nig/11 Atlend1ng lh1• I\ hite l!nusr llll:'<'tlni.; today 1vi1h J·'o:'d ;111d ll uss1·111 ll'l'I'!: Ci!i(•s along the Orangl' Coast ·st:ind !n gain the n1 ost frorn Burke 's n1eas1tre. Bi.!! cilics. such as Los Angeles and Sal1 !Ji rgo, n1ay not recei\'r any money frorn 11 hrl':iuse n1ore of their 01>'n resident" use thrlr hearhl's. POLICE ... New Cy1Jr11s Ce c1s e-fi1·e S1•('i'''l,1ry of ',..,1.11 1• I ll'lll 1 A l\1s.,111gl•r. .111rd.1n '!' l'n1111· \!1111~1~-r 7.1:1d f11p i:1 aad l ~· .\1nh;1~.,;1tli1r 10 .lurd:1n 'J"h(.1111:1,, J '11•k1·r 111i.; 1r11h rlh' r_1prt1~ \'rl!4·rg1'nC'.\' npp:1rent l\ l'<lS111g. Tile !'!'1·.~1d1•n1 l'Olh'l'!llr:lll•rl <Jg:1111 on 11-h;1\ ht• h;1 ~ d~'~•T1h1·d a~ the nn!J11n 's \'u. J proh!1·111. 111fJ.i11on. ;u1d askt>d fur V1tz'l1nrnun,· 111•11s .ts ht· did 1'ue,.d;i1 frorn Al'L·{"ll> l'r1•s1dt•nt r:('Qri:e .\l1«lll\' \\'evuker urged loC'al rt•!:idi.'nls and cit.>' govcminr nts lo ran1paign in support of AB 3iill to hel p it pass the finance con1mittee. Olll' L111· 1·111nr('1•1nent JUri:-;dit'!IOn rJirdri1·h !';ud it 1111! IJ,• (;;llf''" rl'!<pOll'>lbllHI' lo di·tl't"lrl!lll' II !1 I I' 11 reQuests for inforrnatioq frr.111 lhl' file-. :.ir1· v;tlid and 11h1th nr1· 1111µrup1·r. After Nicosi<1 A ba1i'do1ied ~lt'any,hile, Ford, in his first rnee!tng 11·11h a forr1gn hend of state sin('c ns~um1ng offil'e, talked v.·J!h Jordan·s By 'The Associatt'd l'rrss The bill had be£'n approved by the Assernbly June 20 on a 54·8 vote. The 1:1.:ach sut>.~idl' mooey "·ou!d come fro1n the s1a1e tide!<1nds revenue. '·\ri1h 1 ·0111pl~:lt· t·onlrol in the hoinds of rhc sheriff. nn t•lt:C'ted official. ;ind 11!1h the regular audit ~y lhc (;r:ind Ju~-. I bt•Jievc 1he rights of rllt' ind111dual :ire safc,i::u ardcd ...,, i I hour rt'dueing the cffic1lveness or :ht· unit as <Hl ;Jid lo polil·..: organizations." Jli1·dneh s;1id. Turkish fo rces rC"ported cloc;111g lh1· lflst ~ap in their 11ssnu t! line to d ;1 1 pulling one-thi rd of Cyprus untl1·r Turkish con!rol as bo1J1 ~itirc; r!i·1·);1n ·d ~! ('C'<ISC·fir(' at dusk 1o t'llli a tl1rt·i·-d:1\' 11 :1r. 'Bline/eel ' Driver Faces Court. Dat<' l'ITLANTA (L.;PJI -Arlh ur Glick, kno-w11 as "Zork a the r-.fa11;ician." taped two sih·e r rlo!lars over his t'yes. "'rapped a bl ark blindfold 01·er hi" h('<ld. got into a car and st.1rtt'<I dri\'ing through to"·n to sho\1' off his ' ; u n 11 s u a 1 pt>rception"' and pl ug a ch.1ri ty sho\v for the Blindness P re\'enlion Society. Atlanta ConstittJtion n e w s m a n f redertck Allen. 11·ho acrompanicd hint Thursda~', said Zorka "'3S doing all ri,eht 111 hea\'V traifi<: at 40 n1iles an hour until poiice arreslcd him on a reckless driving charge. Zorkn. fn.-e on $1.<XXI bond, said he ~·ould base his rle(cnS(: in traffic court SepL 3 on his elainl that ''my prcceplion po"·ers are unusual." From Page Al J~OCKY ... former oolleagues in Congress and others in the part)' structure." Uush and Bakt'r also loot points be-cause of their relati ve youth and ~i b!e pre si d e n t i a I ambitions, the story said . The story s:iid Hockefeller, at 66, probably v.·ould be too old to run for the pres idency in l!t80. llis age and experience v.·ould add admini&rati\'e expertise and economic know-~· 10 Ford's fledgling preiiidency, the story .said. Ford proba bly v.on't announce Iii.~ choice un !il Tuesd.JV or \\'e<lnesda\· h:s spokesman said today. ·' \\'hite Hoose Prrs,., Sccrt'!Jr ; Jerald f . l<'rHorst talked or the probabie tin1inr. of !he nnnl)tmCCml'nt at a break.last SN:sion '"~t h rcportl'r~. i!f' rc1)(·n !ed th.1t Ford h..irl not nittdr up his mind or if he had y,·as keep1n;; his own counsel. 1-lcroin Addict Di es S..\N LUTS OBISPO (U PI) -Bill Ra y Ste \'ffi.5 , 29, Ba}'Vl'OOd Park, ~·as found dead in the vacnnt home of ;i friCflrl Thunday, Rpparently the \1ct im of a heroin overdose. 01.t.NGI COAST iC DAILY PILOT n..0r1"V•Coo .•D1 ··,n~ _."-•et>it -- i.,..., In• No .... P, .... '' p,~I '"'°" b; """ 0..nq• (.()l•t Publ'''''O (-<-"'1'90; ~l>l't'• Mrt~ o•~ ru"' "•d ~O"d•' 1nro.,qo '"1•~ '~' O,;J'o .,..,. tl....,P<>f1 !Hot~ •iu"''"OI~~ S.J>Cntfo11.,. loon Yl l'91'· Llg~,,. !lotoen or .. -.1~•1tt•0<• o"'1 61~ ()~<r•o•ll&on Jwo C..o''"""" A ,,,,., .. "'9'""•1 ..iohon •t D<b"r«! ::O•'v'""'" 1r>d .s.,, ... O• .. r •• ~"""'•r·" NtA"'"'"'l O'•"'" •• llO Wut llt1Sl•1M,(;.o011 M.,.. (1hlofno1.92&~f. P t.r1 ~J We.d ,., ... OOf'll O,,,,Pl.1>'11- hd I( (.,:...,. Y'OI Pf'M OC11"' 1<><1G~I U1"9goW H• ... a>>. !~~<'le .,.,....,,.., l a,i.,, ~H l°"' 1t:·~P.Noa .-...... t'lt v....,."9 [d•!Of$ 4 s ... C ........... Offic1 Jj.) l.Jott., EJ ( 0.....--0 P,~,~ 0 ..... 0ffk •• C0$•4 '.•4" .1Y N•ol Ii°' St·-· N•·•l'Ofl lil••C~ UJ.l N-. ...... I\ J'• "'~ HuMm~1~610<n •Tt•~hl(Ofk-11........, l og""'"-"-" ii~', .... ~ ••• .,. '"Stril't critcri;1 \\ill govern the 11t'1~· orga111zt1 tio11 .·· IJiedric·h s:ttd Lnll o.:r 1er111s n( thC' prop(lsal !ht• en!irf' uni t. including files, fur11iture nnd $80.000 11orth of sophi st ica ted survf'il lrince ;:;c<1r \rill be transt'rrr('(J /o t ht~ sht'ri(f'~ olfil'l'. Dii:'<l rich s:1id it is likf'ly 11!1' rompJ.11..: changeover can be concluded by Oc t 1. Borax 1101111· Bo111b ccl RORON 11·p1' -1\ homb e.\"plo<f.-'<I outside the home of :i l S Borax t'o orti cial here Thurscl.'.ly ni~hL !\t'rn Cou nty sheriff'~ tlt•p11 rlcs rf'rJ(lrff"d lhl· cl('v ic~ (':-.:plodf'd in lht· dn11·11·;i.v or :1 hon1r OC'cupiNl 'by Earl Ho-;,~. dan1agi11·~ a U.S. Borax r<1r in lhr drt\'C \\a.v nn1J blov.1ng out a kit ehcn \11ndo11 u1 lh~c·s hoOl('. ----------- L,JTJ:; AllRI VAL COSTS Sf'EEDEU PO HT l./\llDERl)A Lf-:. Fla. 1t ·r 11 - \\'illie Blal'k paid the $25 fin<' f,or speeding, but 1hinks h i~ "·1fr prO\'l'd 111 :11 he \.\'.'.IS ri~l1l nil alollg. Black \.\'as stopp._"'CI by poliet> t"n \.l !'(·~s .1go for dri ving !)O 1n1les ttn hol1r 111 a 55 1.one. Hr told poli cl' he 11 as n1shin~ his l\'ifr Barba ra to a hos pital Ix-ca use she was about to give birth. But thp Blacks' infanl failed l<l ani\·r. and \\'ednesda.v Black did not contest the $25 fine levied by County Jurlgl' I-fort Soptor. Th ursday, ~1 rs. Black ga1·c birth to a dau~hter. • ' . " ' • Thf' go1 rrnn1c nt of C~ pruc; l'rc,1d1·n1 C!a (cos C!('rid('S, 11 hirh ri b:indonixl lh•· b:lllrred c<1piL:il of i\'icosi•1 as T11rki . .,h pl:lnf's and n1orl.'.1rs )lOL11ldl'd I h 1' outskirts. announet>d that Grt'ek (\µriot toret>:> y,•ould quit figh ting <J t 6 p 111 ll·~·prus ti1ne) Froni Ankar:i. Prl'n11er P.u ll'll! I·:t•1·111 <!c1·!;1 rrd /us forees 1o1 ould hall 1h, 1r l)ffl•n::.11·t· :it the s<1n1e deadlin e. For five or si x m1 nu1rs <lf!f"r lh1· et<1.<;e.r1re dcadlin(' . ..-por.1d1<· f 1r1 u i.: l'onlinul'd in the capital. But the t11:hti11 ~ ;ippe:ired to ha\'C cndt:d at It'll~! temporarily. Turkish for('('s already c a p I u r rd UNBORN ... <1blc t.o live outside tlir n)othcr"s ""'Ofll!J Thf' ne11-penal section 11 ;1s ;1dlf(·£l 1n 1970 <lflt•r a 5·2 Su1 >rrn11• ('.nLll'l decision freed a !\or1t1C'm C':tl1fnrnia 1na11 from prosecution in connection v.·ith .1 s11111Jar de<i th . Jn that c:isc. Ker!er ;·~. Superior Courr the defendant tk1d bt'<.'n 1.:hJrgcd \\'Ith rnurder for a!lrgt•dly kic.:kin ~ h 1 s pregnnnt \\"ifc . A fry, dnys ];11rr. Jl1·;in !<aid. she l'.!ave birth to a dead infani 111th <l skull fraciure. .>\ftcr the court's deci.~ion. Rv;1n s.11rl !h(' Legisla ture a mended the !av.·. Tl11c; i« the first r;1c;r s1ncf' in Oranl!1• Count\". he added. and one of uni\' a fe1r 1hrouf!OOu1 th e st..1tr · . •" ' .• .,,. . ~;;.. ' ,,..,......17 141 •42-4)21 Cle••JflN Ad•wth~ •42·1•71 S-C ......... Al Dt,.. t1w;11t1: T•Je~ n2.4420 Keepi11g Cool ('-\l"tM 111• 0.•"QOt Co.Ill Pu"'''~'"t Cro-t'IO"•, No,.,...,. lllln9' •~llOhfl't>"ll «1t1on•l 'N"., O• _,.._,,, ........ ~ '""' t'f •-U:.00 .... _ tj!ot(;ot l ~•1-nl°"""""V"I - .~ c•t u /16<11p N <ll tt Co.to "4Mof c.1.r,,,. "'" s.,,,.,,, r•··'t~,,-.. •JOO•••>•"~'' 171o..,.,, ••oo_.,, .. , .. ,,,1..-.<MU,<Y1 ...... ,Joo_...~,,., ll may not be a bpecta cura·r "''!l\l', n1 urh lli-e the nex1 o ne tha t will ~Ii in. ·rhe g irl. loo, rnay be 1H1 rnorc f'YC ·ra!chi ng lhan liund r<:d:-. r1f othe r bikini clad wo1ncn j unlpill,L! in and o ut of the s urf or .s tretch- ing thei r tans on th e .'i1111ds alonf! the Or:1 oi:,:c <'oast. Hut sotn('hnv." rhe combined effcr l and li ne~ 11f \l.':J VE'. back 11nd bo~otn 111:r.kc. 1t dif· f1r111! 10 .~ta.1· hlasc. '''J" .~flrt,1 \113flt her !n turn around 1. ' ,\ l· an1:igusta, 35 111ill'S £'<\St of 1he rap11;1 l cif :'\ieoc;ia. and had been rlri\'ing on J.i·fka. 30 n1il!'s 11 ··st of !hr r::ipi!al. A! th{' sarne t1n1('. Turkish 111r .'.lnd .1r1illcr~· a11'<1cks forced !he Cy prus rlee lo the port of Lim;i ssoJ. ( ·.rprus l'r1•sldrn1 Glafl'OS Clrrjd('S and l11s rninis!ers fk'<l so hurriedlv tha! the d•)(lrs or the d~·srrtt·d presidrnlial of!icl's 11erf' left ba11g1ni.: in the wind. .... 1l\·1•rnrnent 10 ah:1n aon the enpital and ThPrr 11·as r11i e1·1£lt•n1·e thDt an1· ;1111·11lp1 had hf'f'n 1nnd(· 10 remo1·e fllf;s 111· 01he1· Pil!J1'rs Tti1• bui!din~ was <'nmpletrlv des('rted Even the :i r m e d 1 rl]1r•· gu:1rd ~11rrou11<1111g !! unfil 1:•arlier . I\ !ht• ci;1:. ll'as n011here to be seen. 1\ r,.irtJbl1' r;1d10 Hl t h(~ nff1c(' of thr 1 rr~1rlt•11f", -"<'Crt·r~ir·.1· 11;1s ~till blarini; 11\<1 r!r;1J n1us1r froin C.\'pru.~ r;ldio. J"hf' desk of 1h" rr1•s1dent \1·.is orderlv ;1n<l 111 !he rnid<l!t· \1as n largf' 1nan11:i , 11\i•!t1p1' 1\1!h;lht· An1Pric;1n 1·:1nbassy •t;nnp 1111 11 Thi· rrll1'loix• l\:IS t'1npty T\·ll·phnni•c; 11·err r1ngi11i.: ·\ rliplon1;i! fr'un1 ~\·l,,I r.l'rrn.111 n1b:io:s.1· ;1tr(l<..s thr c;trt't'I 1o1 tt ~ 11,1ndt'r1ng nround the ernp1y corridors 111 ~1':1rl'h of a su1gl<' gv1't't1lllll'nl offic1<J I tu lillk to ' 11 h1•r1\ 1~ 1•1 l'l'I hod1 ' \\ hvro• 1~ 1111• i.:"'\''/"IHlll'll!"" Ju• ;1'1\1d ·r hi• fli gh t of thr t',lµru-; µ,11t•r11111 1·n t 11"' l(ilflt'd ;111 hour l<ilvr by !ht> British t1~t•h t·u1n1n1ss1uncr 011 1h1· i~l.ind. Stl·ph1·11 fll \'('r. Ulld Ill~ ~!;iff \ ('Oll\U\' 1)f ]II ((ll'S .111d l .. 111rl HOi l'!'~ 1·.1r·h on(· bn~ht 111th l 111un J;1t·~s fore .il'd ;if/ 'Pt'd tl1rou ;:t1 l~l•' d··~1·rti·d ,1 .... 1'!~ of !IJo · 1'.1p1 t;d Th·· b:1t•ks t•f tht· \'eh1rl1 ~ 11 t r•· piled tu g/\ 111th ftJr , fl/\·er dro1·e his 01111 c;1r. <l ~tll'er J:'·,11 61•doin. and 11 ri~ .'.II th,. I.ill 1•nfl uf tl1c· 1•t111\n~ Ii<' 11,11 ,'d \u :1 n1·11s1n;1n 1• hu t·h;1,1·(I .ifr1·r 1h1· 4·1,11 1n1 :is 11 ht\1d1·d du1111 rhi· r·v;1d to l,1n1;1,.~fl1. 50 1111l1·s 111 the si.itnn l·:1•1•1·i t <;,,11rl rh,-nullt:ir" ohJ1:•f't11f'~ 1Jid r •t t'\1·1·1·1! 1!1•· pol!!t!-.JI on•·s T11r~1·\ .1!'l1·1l J<i1· .11 the (;,.Ill 1;1 t'Ollfl'r1·n1'l' !. ! h ~' ' T/1•· •·h!l'tlr1r•<: ;ippttr<'n!I\' 1111·ohr 1,111 l!lg •olJt ;1 Tu! \.1~/1 '-\'{'!or Ill !ho• 11unl1~ 111 l)11nJ 1,f rl1" 1 I.ind 11h1ch \\'11uld /u· ' II 11)/ 'tplll 1!11• SHl!!h !J\ .i 111\•' l)l•r·1 ·11ng ()·p1 11s Jn11n l.1·f~.1 111.!ilr 11l•,1 lo F,oll! lj.!'il' I.I 111 !ho• , .1st ~'-y crs Told FBI Of Harassn1c11t, Cot No Action LOS A.\'GELF.S -Complaints to the FBI of constan t ha rassn1en t by Eloise Pop('1J's l'Slrang£"<1 husbttnd, \.1'1)(1111 ht• is ehnrged \l'lth plo!11ng to kill. brought no ;1ct1on. murder conspir:icy d('fcnd,ul! Dan ,\~t•rs trslified Thursday Jl1s l'h .. irgl'S of 11011-coopcration by !he fl'<lrr;i\ agenry <.'Oflcluded trta! ;>roceedings in St1pt'rior {"ourt hC'rr 1111111 :'\Jond:iy, ...,·hen !hi•y 111!1 co111·11ne ag:1Jn "ith continued cros.~-ex:irni nnt inn . A~rr~. :i7, of ~.!7 S Shf"lton St.. S.1n1a .\na. ;1n<f ,\\rs /'of)l·!I, 49. f\1m1r r!y of 5!9 i!<>rbor Island Dnve. Ne'\\'pon Ht·ac.:h ;irt> :it.'C'US.('d of plotnng to sl:iy Pope11. The~' h.'.111e plradrd innoc<'nt to 1.:h.1rg<'s 1•t r1~1,p1r.u·1· :111r! sn\1c·11:i1111n l<> f'011Hl1!1 11111rd1·r 111 !ho' f'.1'•' h1·.,~111 l.1 ~1 .1.1n11.ir1 1 •• 1 /.11111.! J!,..i( .11 pnl1t·1· )'"i"'il, 11)101 h td in1l 1;ll •·d 1)11 .. n ·,· prfM't'f'dlni:<: :li:rli n~! l11s sn('1 ·i111~· 111(1· 11•;J~ Ill'·· ··r h.'1rn1t'f! .u1d ill fn!"! c·on1.1(·t1•1l rolirt· 11 lll'n he 11 ·~ tipped off hy 11 1nan 1o0,1nJ,: :ts a h1n·d klllt,r 1111\t l\o~•·J.. Th" r.1~h f11r lnral ~1'c11r 1f\' ""l't'""<'" 111•!!.111 flu\\ Ill!! 1ritu i'll~ cuff1·rs ;1 shorl !1111•.· afti·r ,\1 ~1111 di·c1dcd to bu~· !h1· S:tn l'll'm•'nl1' t'S1<11f'. anr1 throul'h tht' )1':~rs. 1h1· funds 1 n1•· 1111/1 n .. pr1;hlc·n1~ fh•· 1·11rr1·nr ;1ppl11·:1!u111 1' b1· f.ir t/1• l.1ri.;i·~i 1k1ll.11 .11111111111 t!u1, f.tr rt"j•1t·,1 1·d !hro11 1:h th•· l .. 111 1·:n f•1f'l'•'111 .. nt \ssi~t.1 11<·1· 1\rr If 1! 1·0111<'' 1r11 .11 r 1h1· lilt •'~! rf'<!IJI',[ 111 uld foll" ltl•' IHT.d 111 fr1J,'f<1) fl!lldlll;! ':'"'I 1''"11• ,.1•.,11 ... tH .tl•11H :\,800IHMI !'1111·1• .\11110 r.i1111• to /o...,n for rhe first 111n1· 111 !hr l . .r1· ~Pl 111g of l!ltill --------- l•'i11~11111u11ns culc/ f't'J10r!1·rs he not oniv su.llizr~1t·d :1 fl'!Uru to \V:u::e·priet.• {'Olltrols. h1~1 n!so tol1I For.cl that hl' .~hould con,rd4·r roJ/inl! b;u:k prit:C!ll Hl sonic srctors of 1hl· t:t'\n101ny . Fi !zsi111 n1011s s.11d ;1 JO l>l'rr('nt price lncrea~e <uinoun1.:ed hy (;rn«rnl ~lotors for 19i5 i11i1os 1111 th£' ~;unr d.1y F'ord · \1fls s11 or11 111 11·;,~ '":1 slap 1n the f:ice of tht• Prc~id~nt ·· "',.\fll'r !Ill' tjJO!'k lo th1' A1ner lc1n pt1blic c-o n1rs" fn•n1 :1 v,'jl~t•·prit<' freeze·. Fit1s1m1nons !'•11<!, "th1·11 v.r ha 1·e tn• d('cidc 11·h~'!her ;i roJJ!Jnck ~/1uu!d c-orn<' Ca11tai11 lo 'Tr)·' l 'oast G11ar<ls1tH!lt" For Pot S 111oki11~ \'F.\~' OR!.EA:'\S It ·ri ' -S1•1·enll'l'll rrr"· n1r1nbrr.~ of !ht• ('ti<1sr I ;u.ird rullrr llurnbl 1· 11·1!1 br bmu,i.:h! hf'fore a 1·apt.1in'~ rnast for non ju d i<' in I punishmcnr hf'r!lu~c nf alJcg1'd ni<1ri1u,1n,1 ~mnk1ni;: flht1nrd !hr ~hip Th" 1·,.a-1 t;11,1r,t ~ f'th l)1~1r11' h··:1(~'Jll.l'"l1·r-1 c·1111f1nn1•d Thursdrr1· thr 17 11•11!1rl h1· "\d11•'\t t11 r!J1· d1<:1·1pl111" .. t th1· <i)11p·.~ 1-.1µt.i111 ul tt"r !11• l11•:1rs /,.,•h s1d1•f; of t-.ll·h r·1.111's 1·;1::-1• '1'111:· I >urilbl~. b;1sed in Hru11TI.~\'illr. T1•\ . IS Col1\111 .'111d1·d b~ Cn1dr \\' .I llrClJ::d(•tJ .1nd h:is ii C'tl'\\" or 1'1gh1 offl('{·r~ and 1)11 c·nl 1~t 1'd <'111dr Frt'd Hur,.!1·,~. 111" rli~tr!r·1·s 1, i:·d 11lf11·i·r '•+.it ;1,; h•· u1uh•r,ro .. r! tl1·· \l!u;1!11111. "Th«'ft' ll;i<; .1 ·'P! 1nkl1ng nf Uus 1ni:1ri1111n;i s1110~1:1_i,:J off th1· s1up and on the !-hip ·• Burgess .... 11d ~1lt'f'lf11· r1rc·11n1~r.1nr··~ l<•~JNi frrun on.· 1 a~1· !o .innlh1·r. 111· ~;11d 1.11'1 •tn·, 111;1,r 1, prn\1t!1·d for undlr rh 1' l 111forin t 'nd1' t1f ~l 1l11;1r1 .!usllcP and 1s lhr lf'l1 ~! Sl'nous vf 1 .. ur f\'!11'~ of n111lt:1r\' !ri<tt~ \lll'r h",fl !Ill, hnl!1 ~Id•'' uf •-.1~ h 111:1~1 ~ 1.1't·. Hur~,.,, ,,,n), !!h· _,hip' 1·<1pt.no l1:1s .lll:/1oril~ 1•1 1nrf1·11 11p 1•1 h;11f nr :i rnrin111~ 1):1 1 fu1 t11n rn11nrhc; \1, rP1hu·,, .1 n1.ii! 1 .. lh•· 11t·\i /1)111•r 11:1.1· .:rad•· lo i,:1\f' 11\1) hour~ l'\t r:i dut1 f11r 1111: 111111'1• tlt;u) 4:1 11.11.; ,inff tu l"\'~11"11 I <,1 rn:111 for 1101 11101'1· rh:u1 1~1 <l.1 .\·c; Summer Sale MARI MONT UPH OLSTER Y "NEW AND EXCITIN G" SPECIALLY PR ICE D DURING OUR SU M ME R SAL E .<~'if''><. ' ... ~~ ~\ . < • .. I I ~ r%~ ... , . - ' '· •,'~ f'1,~ WING CHAIRS SALE 5235 SOFAS FROM s399 LA RGE SELECTION NOW AVA ILAB LE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A nother Ted von Hemert Exclu sive DREXEL -HERI TAGE-HENREDDN-WOODMA RK-KAR ASTAN-BAKER WEEKDAYS & SATURDAYS 9:00 to 5:JU NEWPORT BEACH • 1121 "'~s·rrLl f'F nu . t.12·2{)~ I AGUNA BEACH ; :1.1;., fl.'4/lt'l"fl l"tJi\S'/' 11 \\'Y . ·ltlol li.\51 TORRANCE • 23f'49 lfAWTll<l RNP. 111.vn t(JIJl'tl f rl 11! ll. Stirl 12 5 ;101 J.H 127W I • •• • • • • • • ; ~ A ~ ~ • , • • ' • ' • ' ' , ' • • ' ' ' • • ' ' ' : : ' : • ' • • • • ' • ,, ' • ' • ' • • • ' ' • • • • • • ,_ • • • • ' • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' • I -· Nl,I/ YQIJI(, !UP ("1 I .. NtA "Y~f"­. ~ ,,,, 1'!8b&Wll f!•(~~ B• • I~ ' ' 0 I\ 1 .. ~ S• r~ l '>o• o~ ' ' " !• (. 11 n~n • ' I\• '10 " e, ~o c o:>! an• NV 11~ c ~• Vd Sii !I ~·I ~ l l ~ 1'0 o.()(i 11 ~ "((I l \\ 11• f"e ,,,,,. 1 II •• ..:. P • 10 ~ 1 ' " " " " A u ~L II• f l "' . Br• ro " 0 " . " ' !I" •n !\•{~0 •0 (\~ '"' If> 118 ~ c llt•t '" ., B"ICQ p, \ BelOOH XI<: 8•1 " !• e •m < (n B~nd • ~ Btnc < of ) eneCo 17 ~ BenC 1>! • :l!l ' " • !l"" 51 1 ~~ I ; Bt~gtB 01~ J I!• ~tv \<! l fl"" " <><l<' • " .. " . ' " ' ·~ '" , ' ' " "' ' ~ ' 0 • " ' ~ " • • • " ' • "· '" " • " " ' " .. " Today·s Closi ng Prices ' z: ' • , " , ' ' " " " '" " '"' l .. ' " ' • '" •• " -" -l ] ·-" ' -,. . «-' ' " " ' . ., l • ' ' ' " " Neav York llps and Do11·11~ """' 1'orlc l y Un!tf'O P'ren lll>NO II<>~ !QI~ Prev O! • d•~ , •• ~ ~ I> ~ ~"'n eco • 15 Mo•t Attit•f! r'' I.JAIL'!' PIL OT ff 5 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Y ear'8 Hi~h -Lo"" Appear E, Pr) Sat urday I •Cf , .. "' .-~ " " ••• • ' " '\?lo - " . " ' \J \\ '0!1K 1l l'l + -I 11 es d1111cd down Y.a rd todav on the 1\t \\ ) n1 k ;,.t \ k ~ x1 h;u1{'e I rad1ng \\a~ dull l he !)ow p1 )1 nt .., In 7 ll 'l4 J 11 f'S lilS\ 6 3~ [JCtl1nC'-10 ) [I( d 1 {\ tll\ ("' --(1 1n 171i 31111\ng the I hHl 1s1;\ll " 11 id~ •I \ + llHltl' \~ 1-. I/ -1n11!1ou shues igciin't 11!! 1111ll1in rinded lht1 t'-d:l\ \llli\sts <>all\ liit Ju~!u,lt! '(ls~11n \\a., ~111 111 d!C3!\(!1fl( lhCt n1pl1:t1.:l\ llCgltl\Cth1nl\111g \\lllch h:1s ~ll l l1t!Cd \\ I! Street fo1 'nine !1111e Pr1lr.s on t! \1n111< 111 '.'>to~ k I x1l11n ge c ised Ill lull !J 1d 111,.. ..... _ ..... _ ' • ' ' ' ' I <I _;; ' " ,, ' " ' '· ' " •• ~ j j • ' ' ' I .~ ,, ' r ' . ' :;, ' • • • <G ' ' ,, ' ' l • Pl PtP 1 . ' • • , "' " •• ... .. • ' • " . ... " . ' " ' ' ' " ' ' . (~~-\..I> ~o I\ " ' ' "' " '><>JI l ' ' • n~ i ' ' "' . '" , " " ' "' ' ,,, " r " ' I ~ ~· " . " "' ' ' " "' ' ' " " l • . ' 19'< 20 .. " ' ' " " " • • ' . ' ')A.,J ~"'· ·~ Co• w ' ""o.in u ~ ,£•g~11,o j " . " l< ') j 1 . ' • • • ' " " l< ·-,, . ' --~· ' Vt" t •ln ;'() • ' l V~ ~UC ~jd Vft!CO Oil'" 18 ve rn 1> r~ 1 V•com " • VltnCC '(I I VI !IK l II 5 V•fif.f 1>< I ' l ' '° " h ,, " " .. ' " " . ' -., ' " • ' " • " . 0 ' ' " ' ' " ' \ ,,, ' . ' ' ' u• ' "• '" ' r~ 67 b!o t'O 6~ A~ v "'•DI' 1 1? oF"1J 1 n Vo n•C~ 11" V lcnM 1 j.(I 1 11 l , r '-w'J_'_'' I' tC1' (O I• r 11 • . " ' . l'I • 1 ~ ~<"ol ' 'O W•cll !>Gd 1 \I OrH n I i .,,. kl-I ... 1 Wo Bv• 51 11'.f ,., .... u, '" J NI 1 l)f ! 10 I 'Ml I l • )t Wl ""L 0"1 t .:;:-~.;"~O 1 "'' "'"' . w.c .... n1 1 " . ' " . " ' . l n • ' ~· '" • 11•. • • •• • "' "' '" '" l ' " " ' ' W1 Lim f.I l l'•n•$170j WI•~"' I •I ~ W••1'NI '° l \I. o'I! r1f 1 W11•W , .. • • • .. . w •• , ........... , , Wo I< 1J lOd • '•"• 0 ~ I' W1y~pt 1 liO •••U " I"' W••"r>f ••c 0::b~• c'! • 0 • " " , ' • • " " ' " 11 ·-" • ' ' " " " " ,, , " J 19 ·-" , ' • H •~ ' , ' W <ePS J7 "' (. 10 \o\o • We I~ ~~ ''o ~ NJ Co 48 " W0•1 '& ... " ((> • l"A " I~< """S Ot <O . .... .. ; 1~ ofp~l ~n " ' • , ' ' • ' • • • " ' ,. " " '"' ' . • " " • • ' ' _,,, 11 ~ 0 !I . " ' • ,, ' 1 l ' ' ' '' . lv n I d ' . 11 10 " ' " ' • '" " "• , " "" • • , . • '" " . '" • ' ' ' !9 ·-... 13 ....... 1} ·-l\ -" • " -" " • • '. 11\hl \'.\O 1\r1 !'i11urn :\11v.:'l)S 111~ his a1u1ounccd 111 1grl'f'111rn! 10 inrr~r S 1t irn 11! l T 1 an~ ln\ernrit1on::il '111 nf's Int a \vholly 0\~11ed s11h<->tcl1ary ot Transamcrila (I p 1• ,_ ''I " -". I 1d('r thf' ag1Pe1YK'nl ('ach :\nt1 n1 sh'1" 1 11 hf c-on1f'r1ecl into Bl sh trc of Transan1~t1ca f'n1111nn ln<'k or ;i 101111 01 " ' "·-' • ' " \! _, ' ' '" " ' " ' l ' ,,_ " .. ' " • ·-·-\~ _, . " • ' " .. . •• ' • ·- " • a IJ o u I 1 B n1 1 I J 1 o n rr 1n<:an1crH'a shat es ~ J1d 11011 ard 1 Korth Saturn (1f rile bo1rd 'I Ins A\!( I 11 s I \Pl ~ \l!lloug h !hr softrning or th(' 01 r ti !'Con 1111 s no" tn HO<k\.\rll h1!Pmat1onal frlt the r<1 n1 nn1 IH nrs In hair rceord salps nrt f' 11T11ni::s in fiscal 1074 ori1•I Rr.li. rt AJ1derson prcsiclt nt and chit f ex1.:cut11 c I ffl('('r \ncler~on prf'<hcf"d !alM" sh~Hlld hr-Iii If' S4 hill Oil rompare<I \\1 lh $31~ btl !ton 1n f1sc 1! 1973 Hf' told !hr !..().<; \ngf'Jes Soclet:'i of F1nanclt1l Anal\ sts I h 11 1 ~ d a ' the 1ncre:isr 111\l rr.~uH from the aequ1s1t 1ons of Collins Radio Co 1n 19~3 and Admiral Corp. I tst April e I 11i1•f>11t1I Ti1·e 111 Tlll)IT t 1 1 ) tHrol ii T tt'<' f o hci~ r;i.1'<ed nrr~ <ln rrpl lN n rnl I vP" n "9'll~r! r 11~ h1 't;i tn ~6 t t' ii 11 ii I r r 11 t 1 r 1-.1 ! 10 J'li rn1 1 hC' I irg1 r J!ll n :isr~ nn l tsings ~nd t 1he!css tire" 1\crc on smaller "-!7 ~ F ~H11I bt 1011 l'nick and r~nn 1ph1clc tlrls \.\ere r 11~cd 2 5 10 10 percent '1 Amerif"on IQ llfo•t Attive C "-" Vtllow Syn!•~ c~~ _ctit, 'I'°' rtou ' ~ l'!e nmoor to , ... , "~ 10 100 .... " "' . ,., 31 • ... ' . l ... ,, ' ' " ' ' " •II •~• I"" ~,d /.,\~!~ \ 0"'b t~~~ ><•n•O 5•< ,.., 17 1(1() " ..,. ,,,., 10 ~(() " '"' ' 0 . " . .. " !--------- I 1t•n~ri<"at1 Snlrs l'olw..., ty Un ltd ,. on lnttr"lll01191 •"" ti•'"• 111)(~ o• •.OM'I ;o~ "'ye• 1110 11111~ A~~ o• I n• bond ,. '' U1tl (IO(I !"'Bend •~ltt v••• •oo \oU6000 Sytnbols "I ,. '' ~ ""4 ..,. U•I «fl n._ t t I ro 1~0 .. ~• gn1 r.,, lrl ""'ICI• • • tdt<'l n It '"'f' Iott •*' (•n1tif If DIV Ol:~OS A r '""'" unl~n l/\f Witt dM'Ollntif (I I ~Ill t•frl \bl I !I ! t > f 1>•<""~1 ,,... l ({V""V-~!~d ~ vl O-t1 IOI -!tt""3 or l\t ld 1• • yo• ti °"~I •1 ~ ti c•I• ,..., IQ •:lt1I r1!1 1'¥t tlot• 1 vld1...; (~) N ti tNo fll Ill"! dlvl •~a ""' """1 1 ~ ''"' .. 111Kt "' 4 H !~14 l ~l ,,... ( ... l lfo ,,. ... (d I• l•I o In fl.I•• wtl't• Kt YtrtMo or O'<l o•nl1.11,,.. ~•1 ¢..,i1t1 dl1l•!"""* ~•-<l•Ct"'1 t"" -I•-(Wll ~1... """ "• 1+0 fM O•...-. Of t l~l MI I~~ r>!f ol Pl'......,,, • .,...i.,..,..,,..i...,. Iii 11 ~1a1na IN 11r.11 1 """"" ..,.,....,. 1 0'1 • l"lQ t1d t•I• or!tt ·-·· ~,..... --_,.... -, • '"'' -.,..~-r ...... 1 , ... ''.! ........... If ......... ..... " ......... • :-\ 2 OAH Y Pl! OT Beacl1 Citv Fu11(l Bill • An A!S(>mbh· bill io provu.Je st<ilc finanr1a! help for t1f1(•,..; '"'hH h oper;ih· regional bt>:irht>i: clC'arl"d the Srna1C" <".overn1nrn t Orga11i1.1~ion Con1n1i11t:c fi -:l Thursday. The bill. spon-.nri·d h:-• Ac:~1·n1bl yn1nn Tl:obert nurkr (R-f111ntinc1011 Beach\. ic: ~··!l\'(lulf'<l fnr ;1 h"ann;~ t ... ·fr•r•' 1·he Senat1· Fin:1nre C'on1n1i!!c<' ,1t 2 p 111 , next Thurs.d ay. tl.lalthew \\'evuk£.-r, Burke'_;; 3tJrninis-1r~1tive aide. -~:11d Thur ~ r1 av !he finance t•o1n111illl't' 11 ill rl'prl'scnt lhC" bill's .. !oughe<;t fight V<'L" lie said son1e ~nators apparf'ntly 11·eren·1 "syn1pa th eti1' to the plight of our bl.>arhes" :ind thought cities should charge people for uSf' of the bt·ach. The bill 1vould set aside $3 million in sta~ n1oney tn be ~plit an1ong various • cities and coun ties 1~·hich operate beache& of a rPgional n:1lurl'. Not .::ill coas1al citi1·<: v7"ould brnrfit. ThrOugh a eon1p!ic;1t1·d lorinul:i, lhr n1ont\1· \\'ould pri111<1r1ly br used b~· cilil's \\'h£'rr the beach upk,·rp is a s1g 11ifi('H11l portion of thei r annu;1 l budi;cl. CitiC's along !ht' Orange Coast st:i11d to gain the niost fro1n Burke's n1east1re. Ri g cities. such as Los An geles :ind San Dici:;o. may not recei\'e any money from it because rnore of their 011·11 residents use their beaches. \\'evuker urged local residents <1nd city governm ents to can1paig11 in support of AB 3611 to help it pass the finance '"11mittee. ~e bill had been approved by the Assen1bly June 20 on a 54-8 \'Ole. The beach subsid y money \\·ould corne fro111 the state tide.lands rev!'nue. 'Blincle<l' Driver Fa ce s l 'ourt Dall' /\TLA~TA (liPll -Arthur Glick, JmowTI as "Zorka the f\-tagician." taped l\\'O sih·er rlol!ars over his eyes. \\'rapped a bl<'lck b!lndfokl O\'C'r hi~ head. got into a car and started dri1·ing through to"·n io sho1v off his ' ' u n usu a J perception" and pl ug a charity show for the BliOOness Prevention Society. Atlanta Constitution news ma n Frederick Allen. \\'ho accompanied hinl Thursday, said Zorka '>''as doing ;ill right in hea1'Y traffic: at 40 n1iles an hour until poiice arr('s\cd hitn on a reckless dri\·ing charge. Zl>rk.a, frre on $1.fO) bond. said lie Y:ould base his defense in traffic court Sept. 3 on his claim that "my prcception po1~·crs are unusual." f 'rom Page Al ROCKY ... rormer colleagues in Congress and others in the party structure." Bush and Baker also loot point s because of their relative yooth and 1X>5sible pre s id e n ti a I ambitions, the story said. The story said Rockefeller, at 66. probably \\·ot1ld be-too old tq_ run for the presidency in 1980. llis ~ge and experience Yoould add administrative e~ise and economic know-how t~ Ford's fledgling presidency, the story said Ford probably ;von't annOUTh~c hi.~ choice until Tuesday or \\'edncsclay, h!s spokesman said toda~·- \\'hilr Hm.ise Press Secrt>!arv Jc1 ah! F. trrHorst talked of the probahie tuning of the nnnouncrment at a bTeak!ast sei::sion ~·i th reportrr~. lie rcpcatro th.it Ford had not marlr- up his mind or if he had v•as keeping his ovm counsel. 1-lc roin Addict Di es SAN LUTS OBISPO (UPI) -· Bil!'Ray Stevms. 29, BaY\'<'OOd Park. "·as foond dead in the vacant home of a friend niumay, awarently the victini of a heroin overdose. ORA.MG.I COAST "- DAILY PILOT Ti. 0.l"QP CM'•' 0. ; "'"" -~ wl"C"o ii m- i!>_, I•~ Nt.,_,.p,_.. '' Wb"•-" o•· , .... Oro~ (~>a•I f'"~'''"'"g c,,.,._.,, Scp,o,.I~ Mi•.,~••'@ r.1('1"·"•d o,10,.~1~ •Mou<!" '"~"V 1c,, Co'1• ,, .... •l• .. Po" &.1<• HuN'~"'"~ 9fo<:O/Four>- 1 .. " V1llsy l11gu~1 6-«" ,,,,..,.,Sa<i~'"°"'' 1"<l :_;,,, {.l~..-•''l/$1" .......,, Ca"''""'" A ••"'l1<1 ••Q•O"•' 1~'!'0" •I .... tl'll....:I ~Ohl'"""" af'll Su.,_ <'.lO'I' I •1 D"""'~'' ""bl""'"<I oJon• '' 1• JJ0 WU! e1,s1•..i. Coo••~-e;,,,..,.,,,, e:~n. P-bert 1'1 V.'eod Pr10•00tnl 1rc1 Pu&O••- )oc~ I( ("!ev \'tUP•"oe11nr 1'1dG-rtll.l1~ T ~~'"'O< !. J..\v1-.l\••11 ,,.,,...,,.l~·lel' S•C~Offic• )v) I.Jam f_I (0""'<10 Reol OffwOMcrt C'~"' '·'"'" JY "'"'' t<•> $•·••' >!•.-~"'' "~•(" l.'1-l.1 ............ ""' .,. .... ~ Hu•hngto'I Bl"" t II" ll•t<" SeuiP•l 'll Logun1 ~•-~ ~211 ·••'~"'''"' r,,..._.,.. ,,,., ,.2.•111 Cle1Mflrd Ad,,.nl11NJ •41·5' 71 S... Ct._.. .41 DrjNrl_.1: r.i.,._, 4f1·44JO C-vnt"'. 1•1~ o.,,,,., CO.•! ""tl'"~"'O c- r-n, ,.,.,,,. ... 11,..,lt< '""'"''._-a"°"''',..""' '"on...,,......,.,, ,,.,.,~ .,., "'",__,..., _,.... -·" _... ••• -~ «olll0"10hl ,,., ... , ~n.J ~t• .. _'•ll"•'"""r.ot••""-&f C.••lor· ~" 5o,~O(.I'~" 1 f; c ....... t i 00 ~·~•;, !>,--· u 00....,..,1~1~ "'"".,,.""'"'""'"'~' t J oo -~·~·r • • ' It . , .. Do1v11 • Ford, Teamsters President Meet By llELl<.I\ ·r11c1.\lAS \\',\S!l!.\'{;T1J\' (\'l'IJ Prc ~idL't\t Ford t.:llllf1·rr1 ·d 1\Jth Tc a u1 st 1• r s l'rC'sid1:11t Fr:111k 1-:. rit1simn,011s tod:1y -his SL'l'\ltld 111eeting this week 11ith <1 tup f1Aur1' 111 org;inlzed !alJtlr -:!lid 11'<1S urgt'd tu IJ!l))ll!it' a 11·:1g•··pflt'f' fr•·e:tl' "lo :;l1l~·k lhv t\1111·r i•·:111 p1•11pll: b:1ek 111tn 1·l·cd1t\'" Fnnr.~ ":11d1·-. h:11r !Tl f'l'Ono1nic lu·;11·111gs in l'uugrt>SS \111s l'.'cck lhttl h1· )111-. 1111 i11l1•nl1i.ui of n·1urn1ng Jt) n11111(Jator;· 1'1.1ntnils llf lhl' kind that govcrnint·nt ·off1ci:t!s uow :.:1y 11·e1·1· ii nustak e. But F1t1.sin1111ons told t•eporlt'rs ;1 fler u .t5-1111nutc n1~·eting 1>.'il!1 F•)r1! 111 !he U1';l] Office: l\ini.: l!u sscirl 1uday 1n 11·!1at \\'h1!r !lou'r uffu ·i:1!s eall•·d "•111g(l111g t'11n:,11l1:1111111' lil'll\l'\'!l lhL' 111 0 l 'Ulllltr'J\'~ 1\ Jord:inian 1•!l11'J;d s:11d J!11s.~«iH II f11ll('d \\) St\Ulld Ulll ~'uni on :1 discngagl'1111·nt 11 f J111·d:i111an-lsra•·l1 rrou ps .do!IJ.! 1h1 ·1r bo.Jrtlo·r ~11n1\ar ,,, OIU'S 1111/kt'd Olli ht•l\1('<'11 J~r.a•I ;111d S_I I it1 ;111d J·:~~ pi ' II '~ I 1:J'Y tlh'•' :-;;ud Fnrd :11 lhl' I lous1• n1t•j•t 1111; lo ~t<t' ~ u•I ;1;.•:1111 'I ll'I o)f lhril \\'!1111· \\'hilt· 1·1c1• p1·1·.~io lo•1:' l·o:·d li:id i)f'C"!I ho~! lo H 11,~1·l11 d11r111g llll•' uf J1i-; 1i..·nud1'- 11·1ps lio lh<' l1111t•1d S1;1tl'~ lt sccn1ed like a good idl'a at the tin1e. but .Jeer driver .John 1-:verett. 19. San l)iego (rightl, and llis hurldic."', !)on !\e\vpark llcftJ and Scan Elliott 1cen- !cr1, bolh of (;arden (;rnrc. r:in into trouble earl.v !his tnorning \vhcn rhr.y tried :o dl'l\'P around Santa Ana lllvPr jr-ttie~ !1·0111 i\'e\vporL l'ea('h to llunt1ng- t0n Beach rit 10\1' !idr 'l'bC' vt•hiclc got stuck in ~·CL sand. '!'lie Jlh l11re tl•lls the rr~t nf tile ~t(lry . "Tht•re should bf' a C\>n1pk'lc freeze on all priees and '>''ages. llc added, "Sorne1hint; has to be done to shock the An1crican people back Into l'l'alitv. ·· 1'111: le<ldt'I' tif rl10• :.'. 2 1nillin11 Tean1.,ler~ :-;:11d 111 <• nu•1·11ng un the \\'hift· Jf(}use ];111n 11·iih 111'1\·:-n1f'n 1har r:ord onlv li .,tened :111d did uo! rt•:11 ·t to his su~•ge,<.liou But he quoted l"ord :is say111g he h;.id in rnind "a prugrarn that he is going to con'c out ll'ith" -ont· v.·orkt·d out by Ford and his e<.-ono111ie <Jdi\'SL'J'S. Tl1e 1nt·t•IJ11g 11 ;1~ 11lll' uf n11111y lh1~~l'll1 :>.l'llf'd1ill'd 11 1th l'.S offi ('1als <n'l·r u !l'.'U·da_y j)l:nud 1!1• 11ill ht• lhc g\IL'~f :i1 Furd 's first d1plo1n:1t1 t din111·r ~11 the \\'hite lluusc titnight. Altrnd1ng thr· \\'hitl' !louse 111erllng 1•K!ay with f .. rd ;ind illl~-~P1n 11'1·1-r: f'r''''' 1•11~1•• . \ l POLltE ... Ne1v Cy zJr 11s Ce c1.se -f i1·l' S1•('ft't.1 r" of St.ill' l/1·11r 1 A l\1 ~.~ing1·r. .l11rd:1n 's-l'n1nt· .\1 1u1stt"r.-7.1:·1d li 1p1a ;ind l ' . ..:. ,\1nh;1-.~:1dor lo .lord:1n ·ri1u111:1.~ l'1t•k1·ring. \\'i tl1 lhL' Cyprus 1'111vrgt'11ry appar<'nlh rasing. lhl' l'r1·s1d•'lll 1·on1·l·ntratr:d ag;!111 011 11·hat he h.-1~ dl'SC rihed ;is 1hc nation·~ !'\ti. I prohlt•nL infl<!t1011. ;lnd askrd f,.r Fit1..~11n111on~· 111•\\'S as iH· did T11r~d;iv fro111 AFL·C IO l'J'<'Sid1•111 (;('orgr :\ll'.'.Hl \'. onr 1<111· t'llt,.n·1'1nen1 juri~ict1on. Dlrdrich s:1id it 11·ill b<' ! ;;1t~·s· rr~rons1b11!1_1· to Urt .. rn1i11L' 11· 11 1 ,. !1 requests for inforrnation fro111 thl' file~ art· v:1l1d :i11d 11hich :u·t· 1111pr111,.·r. After Nicosi<1 A ba11do1ied ~leur11\'hile, Ford. ln hi.~ first 1nceti11g 11·ith a foreign hei1d of sta te since as~u1n1ng officc, talkcd '>''i lh Jordan's "\\'i1h c11111pll'lt' contrul in tht• h:111ds of the shl1riff. <1n clct tcd offirial. :111d 111th lhe regul;ir audit l\,v !ht• t;r:1nd .Jury. I hl'lieve !he righ!s nf tllL' lndJ\idu<d are safeg)iarded '>''it ho ll t rl'ducin g the effictiv('ncss or :ht• unir <i~ an :<id tu Jlt)lic1· organiz~dions," /Ji1'driL·h S<lirL "Strief cri!cri:1 11i11 go\crn U1c nc11· org;1ni1.alinn.·· JJ1edr1 el1 s:-ud . rndcr tcr111 ~ nf 1hc pro1xisal !ht• !'lltll't• tu11t. including: files. furnnure a1uJ ~0.00U 11or1h of sophisticated su rvrill:incc ~c;1r 11·iJI Ix-tran.~fl'rrcd lo thC' s/1r r1ff's olfil'l'. Di1>dr1ch said ii is likL·l.1• th,• compll'l'-' changeover can be concluded by Oct L Borax llo111 c Bo 111hc cl SORO!\' IJ "J'l 1 -A homb explodt>tl outside the homr of a l .. 5. Borax l ·o officia l here Thursday ni~h!. Kern County sheriff'.<: depi'n!es reoor1Nl till' r.cvict' r:_qJlt:xlPd in lhc Uri1l·11·;iy of a hon)<' o<·c11p1cd 'by E;irl HoSt'. d:11nag i11·.: a U.S. Borax car in the dr1vp11ay nnd hlo1>.i ng out a kitchcH 111ndo11 in Jlosc':; home. ----------------- LA TE ARRI VA L COSTS SPEED ER • By Thc. Assoeiatt·tl l'rt'SS Turkish forecs repor!ed closing !ht• l;ist ~ap in !heir assault line t o d :1 1 pulling one-third of Cyprus undvr Turkish control a~ hotll sid('<: d(•t·l:irt•d .'1 ('l'<!Sl'-firi• .'H 1Ju~k 11! \'Jld :t !iHT~··d.1y 11;1r l'h<' go1 i'rnn1L·nt of C.1 prus l '1'1's1d r· 1 c;1:1fcos Clerides. 1rhich abandoned th•' b:iltrrcd capital of Nicosin ris Turkish planrs and 111ort:ir~ pounderl 1 11 1• our~kirts. announced that (~re1·k C,1pnot lurc1:<s ll'ould quit fighting <it 6 p 111. +('_l'prus !line\ Frt)!ll r\nk<-1r:1 l'rrTTlll'l' ~iu lr-nt f.Cl'\'l! dccl:1rrd his forcrs '>'ould halt !h(·i1· offe nsiVt' ;i\ the san1e deadline. Fo1· five or six minulci: Jltf'r !ht' te.-ise-fire c!r<1dlint'. :;porridiC' f 1 r 1 n g continttC'd in the cupital. But the t1ght lng appeared to have ended nl ll'ast trm1xirarily. Tltrkish fore1:s <1lready c a p I u r c d l 'rum Page ,\ l UN BOR N ... able to live outside the n101hcr ·s 11·ornb 'l'hf' ne'>'' penal section 11·as :iddl'd FORT L:\l1DER [lALE. F'!a. !l'f'I J in 1970 ;iftcr a 5-2 Suprr111l' C'Q11rt \\'illie Black paid the $2.) finf' f1w decision frrcd a :\'orthl•rn California 111;111 speeding . but thinks his wi fe proved from prosecution in coffnection \\'!lh .l th <1! he 11,·as rigt1t nil along. s1n1ilar dea1h. Black v•as stopJA->d by poliN< {l\O '>'tt·hs · !n that case. Keeler\'~ SUJX'rior Cour1 , ngo for dril'\ng 9{) miles an hour 111 tlic defendant had bi_'(!n charged 1\·ith a 5.'l 1ooc . Ht· lold policf' he "·as rushi11g 111urder for allegedly kicking h 1 s his 11·ifr Barbara to a hospital because prc~n<int 1rife. A fl''>'' dnys l:il<'r. Hvcin she wa~ about to give birth. ~airl. she J,:ave bir!h to a <lead infant But thr Blacks' infant failed to arri\'t'. 111th a skull fracture. and \\'ednesd:.v RIAr'L.; did not contl'.~t After the court's deci.~ion, R\'an s;iid the $25 fin{• levied by County Jurlgi: 1he Legislature a1nrnde<i the iaw . Tl11 :- J~ort Soper. ic: the fir.~( c<i~c sinec Jn Or.-inl({' l'llun11 . Thursday. ~1rs. Black ga"c bir1h to he added. <ind one of un ll· a f~·w :i daughter. throughout the state · --------------------- • ' " .,, ' ·~ ' ' , •• .,,,_•#A,~'b •• :ii ~· ., • .. • ;¥ Keepi11y Cool It. may ri ot be a specta cular WB\·C, n1uch like the next one that wi!I r oll in. 'fhe girl. loo, n1ay be no n1orc cyc-r,1!rhi11g than hunflrccl~ of o!h<'r bikini clad wo111cn jurnping 111 and o ut of the surf or i;1rel.l'h· ing their tans on the s11 r11ls along the Or:in gc l'o;1s l. l ~ut ~on1rh0~·. lilt" con1b1ned effccl and line.<.: of Y.1avc. bark ;_ind bo.so 1n inakc 1t t11f. fil'ult to -.t.i y bla~c, ''ou sorla \Vanl her to turn arou nd . , ,. ... 1 ';unagllsla. :l.'i 1nllt•s cast of the capit:d j•f :'1'1t·o~i;i, rind had beC'n dril'ing on l.l·fka. 30 n1ilcs 1r•·st of !hr c:1pital. At the soll)ll' !in1r. Turkish cur rind ;1 r!iller~· att<1cks fOr('(•d t!Jc Cyprus rll.'e to the port of Lin1asso!. C_1·prus Pr('sidenl r.1:1feos C\eridC's and I.rs 1ninisters flLxl so hurr1ed!v that the doo rs of th(' dL•st·nl'd pres1d(•niial o!ficcs 11erf' left b<1n g1ng 111 lhe ll'ind. ;.!O\'l'rnn1c1\\ tn ;1bandon lht• c;ipital and Thrrr 11·;is nn l'\ 1dt>nCt' that an\· ;111cn1p! had b1•rn 111;1dr to rerno\·e filt>.s or other p<i!Jt'l"S Tht• building '>''as c'flm~ll'trlv dcS<'rtrd . E1·!'n th~ n rm e d 1·0lir1• gu;11·d .surrotu1d1ng 1t until l'Hrlier 111 th r da~ 11;1s nn11hl·rl' 10 be ~ren . :\ por1 :1bl(' radio in thl' office of !hr- 1·rr·~1rlc11!';.. St'lTt'l;11·~-11 :1~ ~till blaring 111:1rt1nl n1us1c froni Cyprus rad io. Tht· dt'sk of tht· prPsident 1r:1s ordrrlv ;ind in the n1iddlc 11a~ ;i kirgt' tn<1niiJ ('lt\'t'lopr ll'irh rh1• :\n1Prir;1n l·:rnbassv ~u1n1 p (JI) ir Th l· t'lllf'IOpl' \\'US ('ll1pty .• T l.'l1·pl1011('S 11·er1· ring111)! 1\ d1plo1n;1t fron1 \\'1•st Cern1<11t l·'.n1b;1i;s~· ;il'ro~s the SI fl't't ,,... a ~ \1';1ndcring around lhe empty corridors 111 S('ilrf'li of .-i ~u1glc guvl'nHnl·tH off1ciul tu !<llk ln. . \\'h1'J'1' I.; I'\ l't',\ i),11'1\ • \\ llL'l'L' IS lhl' ~·I \ ''l'ilrllf'!lt"' I)(' Ci'h1 d ThP fl1gh1 nr !ht• l·~pl'LIS ;l\l\t'!'lllllf•nt 11 ds Jtllnl'd an hour l;1ll'r bv lht' 8n!ish li:t;h c.:on11n1ss1oncr 011 tilt• i-.i.uut Stl'pht·n 011 L·r. <11\d his st,iff .-\ cn11\111· oi to 1·;1 1·~ ;u 1d l.:111d Ho1,·rs, 1·;1rh unl' bnght 111lh l 111011 .l.it'ks fore ;01:rl ;1fl. 'Pl'd lhl'O\l!ih l!it• d <''-<'rlt·d ,11\·l'lS of tl11· c;1 pil .1I Tht• b,u·k<: l'f lh~· vrhl\'I'·~ 11·t r~' pil~ h1,_!h 11 1th hlf'~ fllver dro1·e hi s 01111 c;ir. <1 s1l1·er 1!··.1.1 s1°{j:u1. and 1.r,1-<JI lh•· !:11 1 l'nd ul tl1t· i·,11110,1 I It• 11;11 1•d 111 :i 1H'11·~1n;111 v hn ch;1..,l'd <il!l'r llit• r·<•111·oy ;ts 1! hr.ir!1 ·d d1>11n tilt' ro;id H• L1111;i ... sol. flu n\il!'S !ll the south. J<r·o'l'it ~.;11rl th , 111il1t:1rv nh1•·1'!ll'f'~ •lld r •l •''-t'•·1·d t~1t' p<il 1tu ,ii 0n··~ Turf..1 ·1 .1 ~L1·d lo.i· ,i\ liil' (,t•n1·1;1 t:u11fcrenr.·e tu hi•· Tllo· ••li]t•ct111·-. ;1pp:1r<ntl1· in\nht' r«111111g ••111 :1 Tu1l"'h "1·r1 .. r 111 1111· 11u1·11\1 r!I lh11·d 11f 1h•· 1-l 111d 11 h1cl1 1vo11lr! 1..-I II q:f :1 .. 111 li1\' ~·1u1h by ;1 lin·· ln ~r·1·11n~ ('yp 1 >1~ lr·o tn J.rfJ..,t in the 11c 'l In l.-1n1 ll!il'l.1 111 Iii•· t•,i-.1 Fitzs1n1n1tl!ls !old rl'pOrtl'rS h!' not oni v sul{ge.~trc! :t l'L'tllm to 1\•a i:::c-prl{·C <'ontrols. h1:t :1lso told Ford 1har 11<· i:hould con~1dl'r rolling hack pric('S ui Sll!llC S('C'tors of Uil' l'f'\l!lOtnv. Fit1sl1nn1ons srud ;i 10 1icrrcnt price \ncrr:ise announced by C ;t'!lt'r;d '.'11otor!'i for 197~ Huios ()11 !he sarne d:iv Ford 1\11.s s"orn in 1r;1s "a s!;1p in the fa ce of the l'n_'s 1dcnt " .i\. ye rs Told FBI Of Harassment, Cot i~o Ac tio11 · ... ·' · ·'~ftct ;~~~~-~o,,.,:~ ii, 'ltlC' • ,\;-,-;-..:r:Ciil'i public conics" fro111 .1 w11gl··prie(• fr eeze, Fit7.simmons said, "th('n •1 r havf' to decide 1\·ht>!hcr a rollback should co111C'." LOS :\XGELES -C<implaints to the FBI of constant harassment by Eloise Pop<>il's r strangM husband, \\'hotn he is ch;1rged \\'t!h plottin~ to kill. brought no action. 1nur{lcr conspiracy d('fend11nt D1u1 t\'.>t'r s 1e:;tified Thur~day. lits rh:iq.~t·~ of non-cooperation by the federal <igl'ncy concluded trial ;x-oceerllngs i11 Superior Court herr until ~1nnday . 1rhen thl'~' 1rill eon\'t'rlt' ag<11n '>''ith continuf'<I cross-ex arn i n:it ion. Aver.~. 37. of :!:!:li S Shrlto11 St.. Sa111;1 1\n;J. ;1nrl '.'llrs _ /'op..·11. 49. f1•rn1t•r ly of 51!1 !!arbor r~!and L)ril'e. l\f'"llOrt J\.•;(l'h :1re act'l!S{'d of p!ott1n.: to s\;1_. Popt'lL Thry have plraded innoc<'nt to «h.argrc: ,,f 1··1tl~p11'.1t'\' :ind ~<1l1,·1t:i11un !11 1-011111111 1n11 r·cli·r 111 1hr· <'aS1· hl' .. kt 11 l.1-.t .l.11111.ir\ by 1.1111!; 1i1 '.tt !1 polu ·1· l'l+,11·1!, 111in h:id Jtlil1dl•·ol d1 1 .. 1·(v nrol'cr-d1ogs again~t !11<: ~or1 :1l 1tl' 111[1• IV:1S llf'-t'f har111t-d .111!.I lrl f:i!'t ('(]f11.ll'lt'd polJl't• 11hrn h(' 11 I' !1rPCd off by a 1n:1n Po"1ng :ts a hin·d killl'L GRA.J\1' • • • 110'\ j II r'<'k Th" (';1~h f!1r ln!';1I ~f'c11r1I\' ,~\Pl'"""~ 1i .. ~~11 1 flo11 uu! 111111 city l'Off1·r~ 01 ~hnn t1111•: aflt·r ,\1xfJ·, 1ll'CJd~·tl t1J bu} !ht• S;111 C!l'1t11·nlf' eslilll'. ;1nrl !l1rough 1ht· :_,t·~1 1·s, tho· fund~ 1 111c 111tli !1•• prubl('/ll.'- Th~· <'ll l'!'1'nl ;q1pl11·:1l10011 h hy f,p· lh• lri r~P~t rioll<1r ;11nn11111 thus f:1r r("(p1 ,.<."tf'd tllro11r:l) 1)1• l.:111 l·'.n fo o1'o ·•·tn••11! ,\~~i"\;1111·1· 1\11 If 11 ~-n1nP-. 1nt.11·t th" l.1!+·<:! rt'<Jt 1t''t 11 111ild r.1"' 1)11• I•.'! ii 1n frtlt•r;1I ~u ittl\11 ~ •: I··• ,I ji•nli •' • ''1111s ln .1!~111! ~~f)111w11• :-1111·1· \11rin ,,...ini.· 111 1011,n fnr !hf' fir.;t 111n1' 111 thr h111· spring of l!lli\l C<1 J)f.<1 in to 'Tr)·' Coas t Cua rt! s111 e11. For Pot .S 111ohi11§r \'E\\' ORLE:\\'S 1t·r11 -~r1·rntet•11 rr«'>'· r11r111brrs of 1111• (\1as1 r.u;ird eut1er !Ju r<'tb!e 11·111 bf' brought bf'forP ii 1·;ip1ain 's 1nast for non ju di c i ;_1 I punishment hf>C'ausr nf Hllcgr-d niariiu;111a ~nvlki n~ ahoard lhf' <.hip r1i .. ('01:1 •! ~:11;1 rd '.; l:•il ll1~l1'1•·t li··:1d•pl.1<'l1·r~ 1·n11f1rnu·d Tliursdn1· tht' Ii llH\lld h1• '-liht•·CI !f) Iii\' di..;i•ir>l 1t1f' ,.f thr c:hqls r:1µ!:11 11 11flr r hi• l1f':\rs lio'h sid··~ of •'dl'h rn.1n's 1·11:-t ·. Tl11· Jlu r;ihlr-. based 111 llrou·ns\·illf' T1•.\ • is c·ornni:1nclt'd b1· 1 'rndr. \\' ,) 11r(lgd<~r1 and hns ;i crew'(\( 1·1ght officer~ :111rt M 1·nli..,tt·d . ('111dr Fri·d l\11rJ•·"~-1h1' <l1 ~triC't ·., J, !.'.:d 11lf1r•·r ~;1 :d ;1-. h1· 11nd+•r;..t,1od !h,. :-llt1a111111 , "Th .. re 11a ~ :i ~pnnkl1ng 11f 1!11~ 1n1ariiu~1na s:nok111gJ o!f !lit• l))11p ,n1d on the ~hip." F~u rgrs:-; s.11d ~J)('C1f11· r1rcu1ns1anc!'~ 1 ,1n»d frntn 11110' r;t"t' to :1n111hL•r. Ill' sr1 1d i;1p!:1111·~ 1na~1 1~ prfl1id"d fnr und,·r Iii•' l'nifonn C1xlt• of ~1 ili1:1ry Jus!1r1· ;ind 1s th(' l('aS! Sl'rtous l!f Juur t1·pr·~ of n1il11:ir\' triHI~ \!ll'r h••,1111li_: ht1\l1 ~Id!·~ l•f 1',I( h Ill.Ill~ l':i~f' llurt(•'~S -::11d tbr sh111 ~ capta111 )).i, .iuthorir~ !11 forfP1! 1q1 ,,, l1;1lf (If ;1 111nntll\ p;11 f,1r 111 0 n1nn1h~. to rcd11r1· .t 111 .. n 1., 1111· 111·x1 ln11cr p;iy. (!r;1d1•, 10 L!l\r· 111·11 l1our!I l'\tr:i dut_1 f11r no: !ll1•1'~· th:ill 4,-, d:11s ,1nrt tu re~lnrl a 111:111 for nnl n1uro· th:ir1 1~1 <1.1\'~ I Summer Sale MARIM ONT U PH OLST ERY "NEW AN D EXCI TING" SPECI A LLY PRI CED DURING OUR SUM ME R SALE ,L~~-'t· ; ,· , '· I WING CHAIRS SALE s235 SOFAS FROM s399 LARGE SELECTION NOW AVAILAB LE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Another Ted von Hemert Exclusive DREXEL-HERi T AGE-HENREDDN-WDDDMARK-KARAST AN -BAK ER WEEKD AYS & SATURDAYS 9:00 to 5:30 I NEWPORT BEACH • 1121 \\'~STCLIF'~· DU , 1'>·12-20!)() I A GU NA BEACH • - .145 Nfl/l'J'l l l'()AST 11 \\"'I 4!M 6.\~I TORRANCE • 231'...19 llA"'TJllJRNF. llLVD /(J1irn Fn 111 !1. Suri. 12 5 Jo i :r.rr ll7!J A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A " • A A A " A • " A A " • A A A • A A " A A A • A• A "' • A• • A •. " • • A " A'. .. • • A' • A A A A • A • A • • A A A ·' • .. " '" .. .. 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" •• " , < • l l • " " ' • "' " , ' -. < " ' 3" ·-, \\><PS I) ~ ( I :/() , V.nlv ,,.,or d ~ n • o ,I.I) \ "' Co Oii • , ' ' • ' "' " '' 2~ .. . ' . " . . " ,... 11 " " " " ' ' ' ,. !'l•o-"I lJ ,._ • 1~ ·-•1 • ' " _,, , < ' Y/r QI• 1'-<' • ,~, lie '" <IP 'I ~ 1r._ • • 11 Joi • )I • ' , ' -).YZ ~ alO 91 • ~' lf .,_ • •vn,so IJJ . ' . ' " l >< • '" ,, I .1 ~ ,r n ~ l~•Cl'lrl ~0 p~ ~ I 1 ' ' ' I II I 1 • lu "In<! 11 10 e 1\ir " ' l ' < • • '" u 11 " ' • " l ll•r ' ()\!\:!A\() t \P1 ~ 11urn \1 rv.n~s Int hns announced in r+grrr111rn! to mt r .. .(' Sn111nl 1ntn T r r+ fl <; lnlcrnnuon11 ! \11 I nf" Inc a wholly O\\'TlL"Ci ~11hs1diarv of 1'ransamcr1c<1 ' "' i 1ldf'r !he a~1re1nent t>ach S11tun1 "h 11 r \\ 111 hf-C'Gl1\ertr1! into B~ .,h ire of Transa1ner1c.. co n n1nn .,ln<"k 1r n !01111 ot nbou t 1 8 n11 ll 1on rr iln~il!11CrH.:a "hat es <;a1<J ll<n1ard f Korth Saturn t/11 1rn1 ~11 of ihl' l:lo..Jrd e llu1·l<1t'f!ll I OS A~f F.I I S 1 \P \ .....,, Allhollgh !hr sort rn1ng or !hr 01 r i! ('('onr n1\ 1" no.,,, fell h1 H(l('k .,,,rll lnt rrn it 1onai 1he f n1111:in1 h l')(l" tn h111r rreorfi ~1111 <: ind f' 1mtn[!s 111 fiscal J!)74 c o d llr.1'" r1 Ander~ prrs1df'nt anrl C'h1ef ('J.:t CU ll\(' t fft{'('f \nrlrr~on p1 <'rl1ct<>d !'Ull~ sht\1ld ht llH\f ~~ IJ 1il10 " • i1 ,_ .I C'On1parf'd .,,,1rh $1111 h1!hon 1n flsc ;il 19i3 !If 1old lhr Los Ang"]~<: Sr.C'i Pl \ of F'1n:lncl~I An11!\st" 1 h 11 r s rl a \ th!'.' 1ncrecis(' .,,,111 r<.'"'UI! fmrn lhe acqu1s1!tons of f,(ll hns fl..1d10 Co in 19i3 and Ad n11 r.:i! Corp V•r•n I ~ •t n 1 1? •r'°",.." ' V•n <°'" JO i V•U Au• 11:1 , • • , • I • • • V1!co 0111~ 1, vc: rn 11 '~ ~ VlttOl>i Int • Vien (( «J ~ V• i!:IK I 1• $ "VtFto>c 1>' 5 < ·~ " '" •• • • ' ' " • " "' < " • < .. < 10 11 ' , ' ,, " • " ' " ' " 1~ • I• " ' " " ,, " " '" ' . 71 • 1~ 1'•1 ,, ~ H }, u 1 ' • • " .. " • . " .. l < II ' " .. •• I~ ... » • 11 I• ' " « ' " " ' -... ' ' ' . h ' • • u " " " ' ' '" ' • 1 11 ?' • • " . ' ,~ ~ , ' ' . ~ I' .. •I ' J ' } ' ' , l•• t ' • r ~ ~I ~ rt.O 41 M t 1l '' !n v "'1Df 111 •fflfJ 1 T' Vo n•<lo 1~ V lt nM I 60 • !l J • l' 5-w~ J_> -" • Wt<~ t:o ,. 1 1' I '\ tc~Df ?'II Wocl l T »! ~,. 0'"" 1 ' \Y•0/'1 1 ,-•I) 1 W•t l ut SS 10 ,1 µ. "U' '~ l ' WI flf l 10 ' ' M~ ! !II \Nt N'I t O'd y""' "'~· < • W~ nKn 90 l Y > m n'I j ' w.c.,,~ 1 Wt t o"" .. 1 \' ... 1 1 '° ~ \II• ~r:, l ~ 0 Ai0'1>"Jll '° ) v.~~l!)f ,, W•t"N1 -.1 "'" '" M""' ' • w. ""J !il'!I 0 I \' ~,,.. G r4I • Wl•'laf t I.II ..... 1,.1 .. 1'1t I \0 •ontlf ''c '•t ..., ID W•bbO•I {D . " ,, . n•" ,, , ' " • • ' . < n ' < ' '" '" ' • ' 0 "• • • r " ' . ,, ' " . " ' • 17 !\ • ' < J< ' ,. " " • < ' , •• • " ' < IP, ' " . ' I\ >--' ' " . ~ • " " . ' -'" " « H " . " " " " " " ,. ... ._ " ' .. • •• ' " .. ,. '" " ll " • • « . _, • • " ' " • • ,[ t 1st April • l 11i1't*''''' Tir<' 111 11101 I f l f 1 I \ n1 ro\ ti T1rl ! o h 1s ril ~ 11t , ~ 011 rrrl 1t'('n rnl I \1>f' ,.,, nt::f'r ,.. 1r, h\ 'I;, to 9 6 11 r r 11 T11h It l ~ l~t r" I l~td j() JXlttll 1h1 J 1r g11 llllf! <1 5<'" on c 1:.1 ngs :ln d n1bcles<; ti re~ 1vcre on smaller Sl7 ~ r. ;ind t)t:!o.... Truck :in<l f:1r ll \C'h.1clc 11rC"s "e~e r 1 <;cd 2 5 !n Ill percen! ..-tmeriean 10 ~Jost 1\rtlve Ci a~ Yellow St~•t~ 'I l<C" I 0 nl\I H Q Rost""OO< en ""' f ~ •1! en• Ind l1t.1 " "" '"" . ~ """ ""' 1),1')!) '1100 " . '" ' , .. ,. ' .. '"• ' .. • .. ••a~~·· O,...b [ND !(Rn•~ 5•<• "" '""" "" " . _, 1\ m~rit"a11 Salr• 11 1 United ,. t n tn!ft"llle~•I 11in11•0< 1 nt l uoc ~ •<>•• •.C 000 S " o ro • ''' •~o 1 ll! IMI Anr•o• I ~•I blind •• t i U ?O 000 \"'llon<1 t• e~ •••• •Qo u .. GOD SyH1bob lo I • t • • <-"'Cl '°' IOI ) Cll'fl 11to ror 1~0•~ •• Q'l•IMI !II .,,.fc~ 1 t ••dt d !" II -r• ltt• .... e1m• I• • 0 U!C\f:"IOl ll • •"~U• Ul'lieJ• •~t '*111 -u;i.,. C•! ~ t •tr1 lbl d Ir>, • c "~''"'"" Cl" ~c""'~ A!•d dlY a..11 (<ll deel•r"" Of l>l \d 14 ~ • v•• o 119v • •If t i c•u ! ••oc~ (t l ~M l rt!t p "" 1tt101• 1 ~1a1"CI !~! r1ti. n.!a •••• "''"' olwl fr1 'W'1 I °"' I r--C•t>! " lltc;I ~Ill ''' k l ii'" ,_ lot "-• M l<I I• 1<1; I'! ~ t-o"••~otc• '1(1 ~.,tl'llei e• f'O QI~ lit ~ h l CflC'llt l d!•"ltwtt'"" . .,~•lit-'""! -h-• ~wt) .... . .. ,. .. • •• 0 '"' f'"o("f !If • •toot• " • .,..u N t of -ll\llt 1 ,...,. "t-•l...td '' ".,d r'9 o.. 111'11! ' .......... ~ ......... l'IG, ~u r 1,.10 1111 l•I• l'O'"leto ... ~ .... , , • I !'It "I. ... I _._. .. ... .., . --·-'"""' ---1-·-FL ........ - • 'U (i l' I ~· 1'1 r1r [(11ew I Was Gone, Says Sun -·Whiz After 66-yard Run llill :->I()'\ • \!'1 11 d1d11·1 t;1k1 · ~n11Ji,•1n ( ;1l1!1 1r111.i ~ l 'ur11111.o<:! Kl-.·!ri11 lil11 i,: lu ;111:1111•· 1!11· '-1 111.1!1••!\ Tbu1-.rl ,11 f'U 1,iil illl•'I 111· I •·flJiill d il!I !lll1'1 ('l'j/lllJI) fil; l.11tJ.; 1HI' Iii< d11·1,,1\, l•-IJt'htH)\11) 111 ,I1 1:;, \\1111.i I H•olh.111 [,t •;1glJ1• I Jt'!LJ\ 1 I I I I J"\l'l"i h11t \\ 1\ ·'' 11 !ho I (~lhll• II I.II) "Ii" II )11 n _:,:111 I !hJ 1/).,111;1 'illd .I/le I !,1 , t oiu·hdv1111 ! l!I) 1• lh "'! '•'!-lllld' lo·/! fl• lh, 11.1111111.dJh 1,J.•11"·<! 11 ,,1,rn ll 1•1!•11 -.Ju1111h111n 111 l/Jt· ,\,t111du11 1" 'l !1·~·\., t)l~lt \\,l'1•! ,1U\/l11.>1/\ l/h'l t 1111! llU :-.J1111 I l1 lir!uri· h t, r.._.11 , , I' r J ll i SPORTS ~ •'t>rnrrb:cl·h .J1n1 1:.rn11 n<111 11111 n.:rptt:d :1 11~1111.'r' llou~r' 11 p:1.•s 11!;11 s~ 1 u;i d l !i-~:1 rd 111·ld ~11.il b1· Fi1'll Hnc! .J r•11-.1n Th.il g:llt· !1 11· :o.un .1 111.7 !1·,ul. !!' 111 -t ,.f ch~· i.:;11n.· I ~th'\\ llh I h,1\I [11 :-f•ip ni.· 1'1o<h I.\ J.!"l lLJ! <l<"o i ' .,,. 11 r lh1• 1111 1 I.. t1,lt l'\l·eton sauJ. "Tht'V \\'f'J!! •u :/,;• ~urt~ 11111• .ind I 11;11 1 1 .. t 1•·dl! 1·11.11·11 E J I t~h r.1r 1 ... ,. h1n..: 111• !11,\1 !u 1·1~·!, 1fe th1• I/Ult I., •1U! \\, h.11! rn ;..:11 \111/1 llllll't' pl;n-;iv!1t11t .iurl p:1--.111;.:. :-iun 1•1,11/J '/"uut Fi ;u ~ '.ihl ' \\'ht'!I '.It' ~1 :11 !t•d lu 1111'\' !ih•lll illJ , !Ii.ti \ ll}l1 'rl Ill• ~f.'ll!t'cl Ill n1~1\\' \\ 11h 1/11• .~•·u1t· !J'.·4J ii. !hr· Tc~:1n dC'Jcnsil'e unit. .1\10 in thC' \\'i-L. ;q,p1•;1ri·d 1 .. l1:n1• ·"''·PPt'd ;! :O.un ~«l1flll~ d1·111• 1~1rh :"1 HI )1'11 1n llw f111:1! p1•riod 1:111 :-.P111!1l'r11 I ':dif11rni,1 dt·ft·n:-.11t· 1'011·1. J1111 Hu•.1n\,111 i1tl1·rc1'1•tt•d ;! pa·~ h~ I )011 Tr·uJJ on lhe next µl;iv anJ reiurne J 11 Ju t!1e lliJ11;.l,,11 :;ii._1;1r<J-lint•. ,\l'rr-r ;1 211-_1 ard g:1111 h.1· runr1111~ hn~·k Jan1es J\frA J i.~tcr. Jensen boo1 1...'<I 1he :~t)­ :1ht«1d /it•!d ;.;u;1j 111rt1 2·!¥1 ll'Jl Ul lih' g<11llt' Tht' T1''i:1n.<. .'2••1 \\1 111111 tie!c/ ;_!t1:1I rnt1 g1 a~ 111111· ran 11u! hr·ture l\t·cfCn .<.l\•ppt"1:1 u1 !ru11 r ul .1 Trul l pac;s i1nd ran 6G 1 :ird' 1111tot1('h1•1I do1111 !he l1·1t ~idt·l1111' I· r !he clinc/1111;: :-.<:ore 11J1h :.!4 seto:vl, 10 p!;1:.. Thr Tc'\~11'. 11ho <lropp(•d 10 S('M!ld pl.1e1• <ll 2.;J.J h1·hi11d .o..:c.uthcrn f'.tl '.· :~-:1 r(.•('Qrd 111 rhc \\'t'"I. !ook a i--0 haltti111r IC',1d on il ,)J-y;1rd rouc/Jdo11n ri:i-;s frnn1 11!1.c l';lli;tfc1111 l11 \r1dr rcl·1.:11·(·r John lkk11n . RALPH NELSON OF THE SUN BREAKS OUT OF TRAFFIC ON WAY TO 39-YARD KICKOFF RETURN . Race Car l(O 'cl Sports • Ill F1·0111 Jo11cs (l/l:TAH!t1. i.'al1I'. 1Al'1 -··T11111 r11i.::nr' ic; junk." sa~·s l':1rnt'lli Junes. "und it'-. kill!ng <1Ulu rat'ing." {)an r:urnf'y's l:ingllitf:t' 11·asn't :t-: !ilrong bul he s:1irl hf' :ll!r<'ed th;ll th" ~~5.000 Or;1 k1•·0fft·nh:tu~rr turbo1.'h;irgr-d l·ngine is 1\h;1t Jont'' call1-d ··cant•1·r to auto racing " "lf 11-e do 11(11 ;.:C'! r id of rhe tlfr1· ,.nµ-i nr·. lhf're 1\·on't he loo ui;n1y 111 u~ arou11d l'l 1·h:11np1u11 •l11p r<1C'1ng."' ,:11 11 .1<• i. For ~1·\'1•r:1I 1•·:1r-. .l .. 1>•'' .ind 1:urnr1· h:u·c sought 10 r1'J1]:i1·1 · rh1• Jl1".1kl'·OH\. \\ llh a ~ttx·k·hlot·k 1·11:.:1111· 1h:1! t•oul•l 0.1 rn ct<(l f•ir 1Jni'·llt1 nl 1J1•' 1n\'1"t1n~·r1! The l' S. Au!i1 l ')ub 11011· ,, /1'11<1111·• :1 11 t~ar. :i;.:r1't·111;: lh:11 !<iOrnf'rhini:: 1HllS1 ht' donf' lo rut l'!l~t~ if 1/1r rn:')<tr .°11J0 .. 111fl,· r:1rc,<; arl' ;::oing 111 1!;111· 1 ·11ou~11 e1Hri··~ to s1:1rr thc c:11r<!o1n:1r1 l'/-(':lr lit·lds. Dick l\in,c. US i-\(' l'or111w·ri1i1111 din.'ctnr f':JJ!lt' !o t)ri!<<rio '.\1nlor Sf.k'<'(hl';11· 1111, 11·1•l'k fl) 11:1t('h ./nnt·s· <lri1 ,.,._ ·i\lnr111 ,'\11Urel!i. 1·u11 ;1 Fur11111/;i Jrioo. ('t11·1·1·rolt·!· µo 11 (•rt'<! l..ul;i <1ro1111d llh' :!',-111ile u1:1]_ ·rht· dc111on:-.!r:1tin11, 111!1•rn1p!l'd h1 :• h111111'(l 11i'\!fln 11111r!>cl :1.1·. 11·a~ t·ont111111•1! /(td:i.1· l\i11;,: :-.:iid 11 ron:-.: sp:1 rkpl11 ~~ <:nuscd rhl' pi:-.1011 It• hun1 atll'r 011!,\ :i (i>11· l:ips. l\ing ~;u(f nn 11nn1N!1:1t1· dN,:1~1on 1101ilr1 bt• 111adc ;111d "1 ~·ouhl•1 '! ht·l.!i11 [11 pri'di(·t'' :in «nd fur tl1t' r>r<Jkc-Off1· In lndian:ipr:i!is 5lk1.11 ll!.-· ra1·111 i,:. - ··one of the t hin;.:.~ 11l'·:·e :lt•111g r.o .. i" a b a,<;i'hJlt' <:IU1l\. 111 :;t't' if II I• lt':1s1 ble:· Kin;; S;111t. ··\\'t' net"d 10 kno11 11' the f'll,C:int• i" (·;1pah\,· ot su.,•;uni(>~ high sr11:·Nls !Or ti l!l11g linli' If'.~ 1011 S•IO!l to 1rll S-011fhf'rn C:1!1fornia ril'd the ;.corr c<1rlr in the lhird J)('rio<I 1rhrn J~c;. Connr~s rL"l11r11cd ;-i po111 ilU )Ut"d-.: ror ;1 1oucildo1111 1., -"Cl up tl11' 1·1 ~1 101 :-.' g;1n1c-v.inning :>llr[~!'. Till' 1'C':o::ins 1001-. c!J:ir::;:-c 01 thr "iltlH' on rhcil' ltrsl Jl0ss1•.~~io11 1rirh" the rouchdo11-n bo111h hv T;1Ji:ifcrrC'. 11ho !cit 111 thl' ::>CC'C•nd q11anc·r nf1t'r <.'Un1plct1n;; ,.1-.; of •·';,ch! p.1<;.I;(·<; fnr I Ii 1·;1rd~. B,, Sahote111·~ • SPARTA.\'HrHr.. s (' lr\P I -Thi.' 197.3 Ford <lnl'l'll by Bucld_1· R.:1ker Hl 1:1;<;\ Sund:l,1 's 1·.d!:1tl<·ga 5/~l s roei.. car race u:is lht' 1·it·On1 I)/ s;dxif1'ur:; 11ho brokt• HHO !ht' rr;1l'k·s g;ir,1'..!•' .ir1•:1 tht: cl.i.1· b!:forC'. c.1r 011·11t•r''Hud 1\IOOre !i;1~-; Ry6J1 Pitclii1zg· To1iig·lit; ··1·n1 a11are 111 l)a11·._ 1l1ough1s. :in1/ O!hers."' h1· .;;:11<L · Btu 01h1•r;;; :i rt' /lf>! ~1 1rr 1hi." 1.; 1h1• ri.(.'h! \\;1~· !n gf>, \\ e 11;11·1·11·1 ri.111 :-.1ot·k ·hlf•vk.'i 1u1 In g lf;ir'hS lur ;i lort::: ti1111· Arf' Jli r-y srron;; 1·11uug/1 !H hoJd llJ1°.1 .. Tht' rn an 11 1th ;in 1111 <'s1n1,•11t 111 !he r fr;1ke-Offy ~·hquld bt· prolrctC'd. 1\111 ,.: .;;~111!. Al Hartf Ol'<I \\'F:TJ!EflSFIELI> {'(11111 (;-\/'1 I >.11 c S!OCklon and rr<l-h:1i red Roh .\lt1rph,1 shot 11 1d1·/\ d1:-.s1n1d;1 r 1;:;~ - s1 :. undl'r p.1r -:ind lu·rl f11r !he fir~l­ r11•u11! !t>,ul ·n:ur,;,J.11 1·1 th1• ~21111.u.~1 (;r,.:dcr 11.ir!lnrd (l\k.'11 ~hi! 1nurn:Hnl'nl SHKl..lfltl, h1\hhl111~ Olt•r !h1· f, ~!lfl-~';1rd n·t·lhl•rsf1e'd C'nunlr\' Club r·v111 ·;,• "1!''1 <1 l'h1:1" hru 1~1· 1111 his r1..:hl f1(1I drnpp.·d three 2.i·foo! p11!1.; <111r1 ho lr·rt 1l1rre n1(1:··~ u1 rhe !~-10-l .i·l(lr:i! r<tni.!t' "!'1c bt·cn s;11 tn!.! "tn1 11 11 :or :n1h!; .... .' .. id .... r,.cl.r1•il .• dr,·;jdl' th<" 11111111·r ell 111•1 r1!11·s 1li.s .11·.Jr \l1:rph_1. u11 til l' o1hrr h;.ind . h;1d 11 :-.i1 i·lo~I' lu lih· h'•lr hl' d1ii11,.'t 11<11 t' ;1 h1rd1\· p111 1 111 1nor(· 1!ic1n !'IX fc1·t ,1nd n11ss1•tl ll11J otht•r ::. 11! ;1bou1 the Sllilll' lo.:n glh. ·1 h.111 :1 t·h;111L'\' lor a rt':dly. rt'ally lu1" r111111d " ~lid \!11rpl1.1 on to111tb;ic:k lru1n a h:ind :11111 ry lhr1·:.tc•nt'd to 1•nd l1 is l'<lrl't'r 'fti11~1· 11\U .,h,IJ'ld ,t n n I' -s Ir Ii.: f' ,1111;111!;1:..:• 1,1c·r ronhu· !-'.deli!• 1 ·~·:1rec> a11d ,\u~1ru l1;..n it•\\Tan t :rue~' lJt•ilin, tied a1 li1i llulJ('r! (;rc1•n . .i thrl't'·ll11H.' \\i11ner 11i,, "l'i1~011 ;u1d 1u11 111 rhe gan1t>'5 brighlt'"! .1uu11g ::!;1r~. 1;<'iJrgl' Johnson_ r l(ul B11·:-. ;ind .J1 rrv .\tci .1.-1• lullo1\t'd ;1 1 fri l.<'1· Tri•1uir. 1111tl!t•r UI /11r· f'(:\ nai ion;J/ eli;Hnp1onsh1p l;1s! v.eek. hoge~'Cd f11 ,, 111 J11s L1,,/ !hr('I' ho/l's fr1r ,1 t~! ,1Jli) 11;1 s !it'd ;H !h ilt f1g11r1• 111[/l lllllrl' 1f1:1:l :1 (1111!'/I Olilt'I''. ~0111/) \f1·11.,·1 n i;:tr.1· l'l<111•r 11hu h;ls l;t\..~·!1 /t1~· ,\L1-.I ·r·<: .111d f:r11 1~i1 !lp1·I\ l /'(1\11]' i-.1('i 11 I IJ11-. ~'""(JI) l111i,.!~•_\t•d ll\1 · /111.11 l1ni 1· "11d 1•,.1~ lu11r -.in1hrs h:11 ·k GirJ., 15, 011e11~ :~2-JJ) iJe s,vi111 'O\''\C:STO\\'\'. \' Y. I \I' 1 -;\ 1:). ) t·<1r-o!d girl U1 ·L':111 •·:1rly today 11 h:1t !'hr lw1x·s \\di ht• a ~\J<:('CSsfu! 32-inil<' .,.11 i1n <1t'l'OSS L<ikc Ontario lo Torontn. On /. ('111<1.~· 1\'icl1olas of !'t·arborou)!h. fl111 .. bt";,c:rn !ht· <"ro:-~1nJ.! :11 2·:tfl a.ni. lro111 lh1:-. nur!h11 1•-.tt"r11 :\r11 York ri>n1n1u111t~· Th1' 11·;11!•r t('rnp~·r;1tu1'f' 11;1s il dt"grr1·s ;int! 1111· '-l'il 11as C";ilrn 111lh a li ;;h1 1\'ltld hl1l\I 1111-:. Tix• 11/lly u1hvr pr·rS<111 1·1·1 ·r 111 !•ll'llll till' l;1k1· 11.1-. ;.uinlh··r (';111:1di:1n .. \l;1nl.111 l\1 •ll qf Tol'urilo. l\hn i•1u11pl1·Ji ·d !ho• s1111n lit 211 hutH'S nn Sr~~I n !!l.).j Sh" 1\01'. II• .it lht· t1n1•• 1-;1/i;.d< rro r-11 1rr·r·1·d ,1 ·c·ut 1·1·rr t11:-: .. ~·r 1h:1r rl''lt1irl'd six ~11trl1t'' lfouslon lu~t 1un1~1les t,1 tulH1;1l'I\ Jim .\' llll'l' rin 11.;; l;_i.~r t111) '1 '~'~t~,.sions •ii lhr· fir st f[ll.lrl t'r. .\anc····s :-.c·r1:n'! tun1h :1' t<1n1c nt the Sun nine-vt1rd-lin<:" S1 .11lh<'n1 (';dillw11i;l 1•1:-.! • nt· f11rnl.lr .u1d h:1cl t·.111 p;1'''-\'S 1n1i•rt'.·p1Pd ·r1'\il1l·' ,.111·11· .Jn!in \1;111 or' 1ntl·1T1·pt1·1! " p:1s, !'1 •111:lfl<rball 1i:1r1 \':11! llt'll:I 1:111 · ltl thr •t'l'\,Jlll (/U.ltlf'f ·1 nd l"'•l'll••r!.a(\, 11.11 t .ii.I--. •11.rp• d ·i t .. orTh-q11;1rt1•1 "iun dr 1\" 1\11.•u )'1' int1·rL"e11ted a Tony i\d:uns ;~i -, :ii. the' ! 11 itt ... li 11 I.,. ,I ;1 r<l-11!11' " ' H '"•t ~ I "~~ -Oo~ .. I ~I r>~ ,,, :, . ., ( ,.,, '<1 p-,,-1 ,~•u1n rr1,. tH•l"" I l"r, 1-·ro '" I " '" .... , ,, ""••(•p'-011 •• ,.,.,, 1,,.,. "1 '.",•II,.,,• fil•j'JHl >;G 5!'.l<JT'1"n C1I·"'''~-l'rAI•""' I_~ "~' l n !t '· H~~'''" ~•t~ .t<h()n 1/.J/, 'l"nt " il l_ [ 1\111,(', ~jtl·•'" C.<irrrn • "·'"'•" '~ ..... , -·~ •. , '-" 1,. '~/. ,.,, "' P~"l':G '""'" r ,•.r ,. " , ,, .;: v~·~·-'lo :t. "'' t 11 l IC)· •Jc,,·fU~ l•h~!•"' I •-fl 111. T•oul > jj r \ • Tht· r ;i r_ 11h1rh lt-J !16 11! lhl' 1:1.1 l:i ps. lt'tl !111• r;h«' 111t h thr.·e l;>p.; r1'1Htt111111g ;1tl1·r f\;1k1·r r1·p.1r11·tl 'llH'lhn..: :.,rL·;.~t' h11rn111;..: ~<'1 {'1,11 l:i1•:-. t·:1rl1f'r Th i.: !',11" fi!l l'>hl'd S!\tll Hiehard l'eu1· 11;i-., 1h, 111n11t•1 l';1rtiek•.;; 01 :!!':111•1 h.11l lw"n po i! 1n .in ,,i] c·1111lt·r h111' .\1(l1Jf'I' :.:11d 1'hu1 SdCI) \\.h1·11 II{' loi)\.. ;1 rd ft I ht· 011 l'Ol!l t'I' PUlll)I fill !h1• 111\t' I, ,\dill'.: tu 1J11• tr;1n,.1n1,:-i••n . 11t· Jo1u1d ;, l;1r..;1· 11u;1n1i!y ol ;.;r.i1 ,·I "l'hl' oil (·1W)ll'r 11 :is <;tr1pp1·(J up cvr11pl1•ll·l,1'. Thvr1• 11as 111) 011 going !hr:,ugh rh1·1\' at nil " T!l;:i t 11-a~ lhl' pro!Jlcrn 11h1l'h fort(«! thr crtr lrom !hr r;1c1·. ;Jnd nor a b101H1 1·11!?1nc as had brL'll prc1·1ous/" rtporrcd \ff'IOr(' S<1!d Sc1·er;il nl lllt' !op l':lr• 111 !ht' r,H"•' 111•rr d:in1ag1d ni !hr 111cid,·nr S.i rurd 11 n1~hr JIMMY CONNORS UPSET, CHRIS EVERT WINS. ~ Cffnff1li1111 fJ11••11 Tennis Lt-tlV)'rt· U 1,sct s Co1111or~ Tlll-{().\"TO JI 'I 'I 1 Ju:in C1~h1·rt Cardi11c1ls Get Ostee11 .\'11!·111 f(\·;in C":111 ~1·t !1111 n101·t' ,;1r1ke1•u1 ft'Cord;; 11 hen 1!"i.· (';1hf11n1i:i .\n.i~1,; 1 4· lhe .\lill1a11kee Bre11t>rs ron1;:!1t ill~ i111 11. B1.! .\ Th,· 111a 11lr 11';1 2101· '<'il"On .-1 r ikt ,,,1- rel1lrd hnlder ti1'<I 1hr r-in.e:h:= ;'!J1'l'l • n1 1rh oi 1~1 ,\lnnd:i1· a~J lll"I 1:.,~1011 n1 ~lrikin:: (•Lii 14 Or !110ft' tnnL ~!ht /;\an t«1n bre:ik thl' rn :tinr !e.1 •:ue :<\•J· ;.:;unt• 1nark of :12 he' ~hlf'l'S 111\h 1-0~·on·~ Luis Ti:;n1 . lf ht' 1:111~ 10 or morr he coulrl r-r1 •t 1hrt'C ga1ne n1:1rk. betteru11:: lht' 101:1! Pl 0 ho.: ,<;]1·1rr·S \\'jfh ;j;1nd\' l\oUf:I\, 1:1an h:id J.1 strif\euu!s n;;1111st Cl11ra;:n 111 thc last ;;::in11' bcforr Bosfl)ll. H.1an is St•f•king his JIJih 1\·1n :~nrl :;:0f':: HC''1J n~! fornicr Angi•I-; tc;1n111?:Hc Cl1·dl· \\ r1.:zh1. 8-17. e Oxf Pf"ll lft ('ftl"ff,. ST [Jll"lS -'flit' S!. !.._lui ~ l'.1 rd!nai~ !)!Jlstrrt-d their pirehul.! Slaff Tiiur.s</;n· h1 •Jh!:1ini11;.: \t•!('ra!I lr-ft-h:trl<!f'{/ r 1!ch1•r !'l;111dc ():-lt·•'ll lr<,n1 rh, .. l!vu'f~'n t;;r rns Hl a le;12uc deal. Jn rerurn fo"'-{)<;Jcen . lhf' C~•din.iJ, cn r 1nin,.,r lra~U(· pi!chcr f(on S1·I ·~ 10 !ht' As!rrJ<;' f'o!11n1!1u~. (;;1 . t:1rrn 1'!uh 1n 1he S.lulhrrn L<'aaur llou<.ron 11111 :1 J~o rrc1·i1·t' ca•h :ind a pl:11·rr JI) bt- 11:unt'd l:itt'r. the (".'lrdln;il ~ ~n1d ·111t· .1j·~l'<1r-<1IU o~te~n 11as 9-!I 111 2.1 :.!:1111('<; 1rith lh<' As!r,.,, this sr1~ .. 11 ;i.n1J !ri<: ;1 lr:!l-177 ··:1 r•·er rn .1rk ,\ '.?il-gan11• 11 lflll"r 111 l!lli9 ;ind 1111.!. ht' 1r;1<: 1r:id1>r! f(I !he 1-\.s!rns last :.f ar in !hr dr.11 th~it 5('tll 0111firfdcr J1n11nv \\'~ r:;-, to 111 " I 1odg(·rs. • \tt 1·;,.,,.,.!I !.11~ 1\11~"]1'<: na1ns lifo~('\1 hl••fl11 h:i;; tnld ri11 nr-r (·arrnJI 111~ ii'.1 n1 1h,1t l'l,·r1011t' h;1~ lo.<.! in 'h(' '\ ,1i1•11 ,I !J''l.:.!1:•• Vor.th:ill [.,.:1!!Uf' pl;11"1·rs' .,1 r1k1· Hfl~rnhli.:1111 t;ilk1•d r,. r·,~;11·)1. ~ ,1"1•l pla\·,.rs f•lr z,1 11111\\ll•· .. Ttu1r.:cl:i.1• ,,t rt1" t1'·1n1\ FJJ1J!'r!o11 ...,1~1!1' !r;1in":-' 1·:u11p "Th is \\ill nnt ~ ;1 1 i('lnr~· fnr lh" plr1 1 r·r~. for Jh1' 01rncr~. or l£1r' ;1n~u111. lit' f'.'lJd. ··.'\n rn.1t1t•r 11h.1! f1,1p))l'11s !ro111 nn11· on. 11·e ha1·c al! Jo,<;l " The players association hJ<; tnld n11~m1>C'rs lo rr 1um lo ramr for a t1l O 111•f'k ''('f)f)!ing off" period. lifl.~<'nblnorn tol<i rr)Xlrtcrs. n1 con fidcn! !he li'arns players 11·irr not 11 :ilk out :i! tht' end of !11·0 1·.pcks. I ht'lie1·c our player~ ~·;-in1 to play IM!h<1!1. b1i1 I can·t speak for the nrh~rs . ., e \'e1te1·s llu11••rcd I. ,_,,,. ,t.u111•<: 11 \lt 1n11:11\ \h 111 .. 11 "'·1 d11r1 J f<'.111) 111111 .1 1 ~a .j Tfitn·,·rf; 1 l · t.ilu:!, ·~1·11 ,/ ri• 111 ., r 111, ' 1!)111h'11 rlo !1111·.I 1.1 11 ... , ' ~I' IH l1.t11'•' (•II 1l··· f, ·'". I 111! ,!I . d 111, •lid,., 111! 11111• l\'"I(\' '1c:.11~ '] 11., !"VU:rJ fllo •tl !. . '' ,l I• .: 1,!0~I rll I! t'1•U/t1 lllt'Jfl :~;;_1, id i'I :J.11 •I •• i ,d.iJI ~aid "Hut 1'111 11u1 ~·1•1q_ 1 .. ;.:1 1 ;>in n1u1r SJ)C•ifir th:u1 \It:' Ji • ll1 I uur ft'Spl)ll~lhi lity Ui du ~o ;11l11 th /, ;1.;111' has tro11 tl(1.! up 11 f)<"o/ilo llld~1 !1~ p11/ 11 pr1J{'l:1rn;1i101~s ;1ll(J11! th1.'> • ('!lclht "';,,,.,, l'OHO.\'A -!\u • .:k1c !.\ .:\!illlt'r 2:!. Hil'ers1dc, 11 :1s killrd ll't·d111•sd.11 111_)11 11·hcn hi! spilled his rnurorl'y«lt' · duri11,.: a rilcc ,1! the U1ro11a H:1t·1·11 a\' ..iri<l \\,is s1ruek in the 111.:ck hy a1n1thl·r ;.}l'l1• • ,,.,,., o ...... ,, Cl)LC:'l//JLS. Ohio -Sh,, r 11 C• 11 ii .)h·11 ,.,rt r111ally tound th• l\1·y .1111! el11111n<1tC'<I !1 ·p-~ecdL'i.l ·\rthur .\~ht' frH111 1he .:-.J0.000 Buckeye Tenni ; Ch-.1111111)11- .shrps Thursday. ·'•t''l dfl. :!.$. had l1l~I lhrf'o• S!l nO-:hl rn.1rche~ <ind c1 i::ht ('t 1n,<.1 •t 1il11e sci' t1J .' .. -.flt' hr!orr lupl'lng tht ,,t,,r ;-;., i ·u 111 .. _tJ11rd-rou11d n1at t"h Collci::1:1tc ehar11p1un J!ihn \',ltitl111!.;1•r of f-i1;1 11f11rd OU.~(t-d liuh LU!/_ of ~d/I ( 'lt•n1f'11 l1'. G-3, 6·4, ;u,d \\·nr1ui·l:in llutnphri:_\. Huse dl·r1~<1!t"rl (' h ;Jr I ,., l';i-.,,r·cll or l'110r10 H1eo. ;.~;. li-Z T•n n l;,,rn1:in n1;1 r1 ,1g('d !•1 <fl'!l1d .111 llf•'•·I ;111d fll•JI 1•rl 1r110 !hr 411.1rl<'l'·l11\11/, 11··1h ::i !•-.:. h-1 \ ll'l!1ry n1 c1 1·:11:~l.1nd - .lu/1n Llri_1 d .\!<,, .id.,:1111·111:.; !11 !11· qu.ur"r·/111 +I· \, IL' H""''"'l' 1,,/Hl•'r. 1•i1r1 <fr•fl•;1l1;j l ',11 h l<.f!'I~·-'· i-i.. 1,.1 1!11ul lt.un!rt t of .llt'\14'•! 11!,11 Q,.;11 ./1n1 !>l·l.1111 1; :c 3-6. 7 .l . .ind \'tiar An1rilr<1y of lnd1<l. ~1·J1v 1>11~tt•d .\1 .... 1.1JJ,1 ·' ( <1/tl] IJthlt'.I", 1 ... 1. '" l Tea1l1 Tc1111is Su111111aries ,ln•bur•h 11. c ·~~e1 1n11' 11 1_;:,,.,.,,,, C,.,.-,ono~nQ l f'o ~·b' {,vn!O' j~I "~'" 1(1 O••I '1 r ·0111 <'• •:; Vl·•"•n'• «·c·I'• -G -'"'"'·"~i r,,•1 '"' ~'"' ( l••·SI>~· 1r 112 r' '" •/ c ~I• C • J·' rv 1 ' O/.' ... , • .. 11 (,,,~l~I"' (P l h < !»(/ •'l,n• ~•>f<ll' I f I>'.> [J"P"nl '' I I l A ),Ii', ol f'lll•.~"'"" HnU'IOft JI, l o<!n<1 ?l o l »"•n i,..,,,~, (1-'I t.•.,1 '!' , .. ,, I·~,, -1.11;• 1<1 ~M 'l' •·),..1>• 11 11 ,_,, '-' _.,, .. n I ''"·"'''"~/I ''• ,1 '/;' ,. r .'<t~•T •O:e-~o ...... , !f•I ,. ",\ 1·cr1·. 1c•r1 pnpul;Jr (1 •rli '<•pi 11nuld 1)1" :o run H11· '1<11:hs nu n1i/e 1r;1chs ;.nd 1oint-s:H11·11r•11 ro:1d t'(IUr-c r:11·""· ,hen r:1k1· .1nnth<'r 1 .. 11; a1 it a \'c;ir l:Hc'r." f\1n~ ,<.:11d ·Thai·, 111!,•r<' 1 tlunk u ,,·,. ... r1';1lll he:1d111::: \\'1·'r• 1>rl'p;1ri ng 1r:i dn ,,.,111t·1h1n g-.. r~,· d111111 r~it· l111c .ind J1{'rh:1p!ii h1· 1<1;;. 11,,'!1 b1· p11 !ting ll !flf(! H't' " ./•)01·.;;. 1•,o-(111 llt'r 1>f \•'I' ~-1 •:1rn1·l li .J(\nes 111<·111/,! "l 1•:un 111 111 t.11111•·1 ..,, "'lllt·r of l\l/-.\n11•rte:1n ll:if'rr-. huth s:ud fhl!) 11 •·rr nor IH!t !•l J>-rd-111<111!11 1))r ._...Ir ~11p pl1cr nf !hC' l)r,•hl'·t)ff1. Jlr.ll-1· !0:1.,.:•1,1.·r-rn:.: Co. lr1·1n 1' .Jolin J lrak 1' 1pr1·:-.111 •nin;.: 1h1• 11!h1!'-ll1<·h :.101.'k fh·t~·Tld('d •l11r Hhil1:,1 ,,, e11,!:!ine_, 1 li1· ~o. '·'-•ttlt' 111 r•ur "lll-!'11<'' :1r1• h111r r111d Iii'(' .1 .. i:irs uld a11tJ ~1 111 r;ir1n.~." i)r:1ke ~1 1<1 ·Thi·~ 1 .!.,n~'~ :111rl r;un11•1· • i'111Jld drll(' IL~ «11 1 11f ht1.<.11 1~·<;.~. [ )::'Ul'.'S. hut ,t lot 1.f 1\f'vpl1' h.11·,, :1 ln1 111 11111111" IOI "Stl'<! Ill i>llr !'1\).:lllt•, ;ind \\Of1'! liht: It " .10111':-. ~;1 1cl he h:i" ;ilY>11! 1r. or /II" l1f1 _•.• :ind 111Julrl 111.· 1111hnJ.: lo r:1k " .1 I"'" C11n Jt·1·. v. ht:i ~;11d ht' h:1_s eight or tl1P111. said lw:'r! r:11h1':-h 11 ,. q t'? 1 .. 11..:-run s·11 Ill !.!' fl! nuin1n!: !h1• .~.1n1 e ':(;(·)., •'ni:1 n" 1n l 'S.\i.' < h.in1p11111-.l11 ,i • r lf'Ul;! rind 1n Fnrrnu!:1 .Ji)<Jt) rn.:1<l f<l('rn :.: (;11n1r1 ."-;llrf h1··.~ .1lr1•:1ch· pr111 .·d l h.tL Ho•· ,1.-w:k Cll_!/J\{' t·an dn thr Jnh. Vrnn1 J!l6i' 11..1 1969. 1;un11·1 ~:.i 1d . he 1!n11·1· ;~ r11<•lif1rd srnck blnt·h r11i.:1ne lo St'I •'ll I':' \I ' I l("lnn1·;:: <111rl I 111i ~h('(f ~··c·rond 1n 1h. lndu1n:1r~,11~ .'i()ll in 19';.t and J'.11,(1 Dt><l!!t.'r:-; Seel\ ~ 1'<> S11a11 Sl\cirl t\~!ain-;l Pirates '- 1·1r1·s1~11:1;n 1 \/'• 'l .1 11.•~··r \\":1l!1'r .\!~11111 :-..11, it !hr l.o~ Arl::!l'lt·s l"lod,,!1·r~ c\r111'1 11 111 1111· '\:1111•n,1! IR;1gue \\'t··t tit I.~ !!1r1 dl·~1·1 i·t· tr1 Ille;,.. Thf' 1 ~lcrr ~ 0111·11 ;i 11 P•·k i•n<I 5C'ri:·s 1on1L.tlll ag:itn~t lh<' i•11t.~hlrrl.,'h N r'<lf•-s ;•t l!·r los1n)! thrl'f' ,<;lr.111.;ht :it ."ic'\\' Y"1r!\. The Ood,t:!crs have 11·on onlr t111J )!am,...s 111 •lieir ]a <;f l'i).!)l!. - 1.os Angeli's Sl'Or('(J nnh· thr{'r ru.11!! i!'I I ht-!hrt't" Ju.•.~t·s lo Hit> 1\h•r,, Said Al.~lnn. "f'l'c S•'1'11 st·:1-.n11s before o'f.~., .. r .• liilnle AIJ GJm•1 en MAIC \/l'OJ A•,c I~ L~1 ""g~Jo, •I "''I'~""~ A .. , r· 1_ • 1\n~er .. , 1,1 r-111 1111 .. ,;, ~" < I r .. t<ng•>e• ~! r-,11,~,.,~,. 'I''~. : ~ :~ : :4;· 11 111·11 d i;ee;111t·d no 1u1c 11·:11ll1'4J ro 1ri~ :he lliin~. 1\ll I <":111 .~:1.1· 1:; rhtit ;r ''' 111111·1 11 i11 llii~ ti n11•, 11 1· d11n 'r dl'~rrrc " .\Ii'' 1\'1rhol:1s ;fl_,, hr1p1"I !11 1n:d,(' rll!· ~111111 11) ;1!1t111! 2H hnvr:-. J >1.s1,11lt•t· '·' 1tl) Jll'f•hl1·n1 . · ~hl' !old ;, rt'PtJrJ1·r b~'h11c h1•).!11111u1~ fhc ~1\i1n, • J i..111•11 I t·.1 11 tui •. ,. !ht• 32 nnlt•I>. 111 f:,l'L 111 p1 uh.i ii!) «nd up {:oing ;:7 M'hl'n I ~1·1 s11r111 orf courst•" '' :i2·~t'<ir-1Jld Sp~1111 sh la11·.vi:·r 1\·ho pt:1ys 11nly parr-rin1C' !f'nn1s. Thur.~d;I)' upsc! f1rs t·stl'tlcd Jirnrny ('011nors. i-6, r..~. 1n !lit third ru11nd of !ht' (;1nncl1an llJ)(•n lc·n nis ch<11np1onships. _\'{'ar .-.nd pr<1etices !ax 1:11"' in B:1r<:cll)n:i \hf' other six n1nnths, 11·111 n1c .. t r it hi·r T·:!!,\'pti::in ls1nacl F:J Sh:.ifri or, 1\lrxicr1n ;\l<t recllo J..ara. In ofhcr third round rn a r ch<' s , riurchtnan Ton1 Okkt·r bc;1t Johu All'Xan<ler or Aus1ralia li-Z . fi..Z : llarold Sn!on1on dPfcntt.'<I fcllo11,· Arneril'an l·:drl ir Dibbs. 7-j, 6-0: 1\rgenrinian c;uillrrn10 \ tlu_s do 1\·ne<l JC'ff Huro"i;1k, 6·3. 6-4 : :-ip;1in's 1\fanucl Orantes beat Ivan i\lolina nf Coll)nlbia. 6-1 6-1: :i nd !1;1ns .l ur.'(t'..11 Pohtnann of \\'1•st ( :l'rn1;1ny dicfc:Hrd Jairn \".·i:1<:.1·0 01 t 'oliut1b1a. 7.;, li-2. '\F\\'J1fJHT. B 1. -Hoh F;tl~c11/J;1rg. •11n1u·r 't th(' J:J !:l \l'i1n htrdo11 ~in.!lc~ 1·1·1i1111. i ~ one 11f fou1· 1x·r~nu~ 1·1H<'d 11llr1 'he 1\";:itiona! Lil1111 Tr11111s l/:tll of F;101 r F:i!kr nl:urg. Fred 1!01 er. Ju(1cHe Alk1n~n t111d G<'rlha To~nsL·nd Toulm in nrll hl' indur f<"d Saturday. A11g. ~~- • l"err11 lf1 i11 .~ Cl.E\'f-~l ... ANI) -c;a1lord Pcm' hna/11· l1·uncl 11·hat hr has · l)C('n looking to.r th<' last fi\"e 11ccks -his 16!h v iclory. ,,,.,· •l.U.•• ~ N•'•f~•nn•·S'«:·•" l••I : '~ • .i (fl) 1 -~ Mh~1 .1,>u01•\ -BOA•e~-S!((~IO~ (11 ) t•·• 8 "' '" ~·111 (6! ,,.j_ A \Jl·•~oh•LI• ~· 8 1 ''" JO•Oftl•lult~to JJ, Ot!•O•! " W n1•11 -(1;01; !O• bl!.1 Ov••I•., 11 8! ~; ,,, ., -o~ •• , I TB) ~· "' ~e·. •f!·~ •O• ~ t IA'•'men'< .lout.>t•1 -C.,~1,.f1~,,1~, jO• ~ 0 1 RO'-"'' O N•flt !Tiil 4-J I•~·, d"1Jt.I•, -Olo••r·FIM<hll• ! I 81 bo~I ,\J~t11t1 .1rhll'rl. "B111 n1•1·1·r /1;1• t' 11e ti::•! ;iu t·a~y t•h;1111p1nri~)up_ f'\Cf'pl in l!l:r1 11lu'11 111• 11l'H hi' 1.1 1::1111('~ anrf ,...,.,,ti th;1! Y"ar I did11'1 rrlax until ~·e only. had l:l games lt ft In pln1• ··r 1·1' l)!.•Cn tni-ough rthr.s So n1 an v ti1ncs. ·• the DOO~ers .!kipper 1'.1id. -Oiit he added. ''J'1n n1orc cout·rrnt'(I ;ihour 1 1~ 1h:in 11·hat the llf'd.s ha1·c hrrn doi n~ \\ e ha\'t' not IX'rn pl,11rin ,1? 11·ell." In,,, 1\11·'1111.,:-. '' lullu1\111i.: the !-~11111· • r111H1· u-.P<I b1 \l1s.~ 1!1.·JI. 11ho 11u~ r.1r111;.! 1· 1fh ,..lor1'ne1.· l '/1.id"1ch. lh\· l:unl'd ~.ogJi.;h (:J1..i1Ull'I ,,\\l1lH11t 'l' But .\11 ..... l 'l1.J(J\\11·h i!:111· tip 1h,· l..1~1· 11nL111v ("l'l•:o;• 111g :ll!1·r gout;; 1;1 nu)v.., 1'11· c1/11.11" 11.1nh"<l lo ~1\1t11 lh•· 1:1h1 /•II"!' rp111bn~! 11hu111 .\l :Jr I I .1' 11 . ·' 1.H ~·u1 npl1.,.l11111·1 1r ,\Jt ~-. f'\u·/Jn);1~ ,,,11il f\(' l>t'~'ll 10 lt.11111111;' ~ll!C\' f/J1 • 1J:1\' I ... t/J/'li'll ~l•lrllllllH!! II/it'll I 11;1:-;; ,\t•.it-. uJd ~/ti• ,\,Iii/ \It' <h'1.'lflt'd f!I Ill 1~i /lie l'flOr' lro<J,1 .1 /Ji•(_•;u1.'r lhL" co11tl!l 1011.; "''rt· 1d1 . .i I ;1sb1'rL a fonni~r Oal'is rui> pl:i_rrr hut unst·c<.led for rh~· lourne,r. !r>ok lhl' fi rst SC'! 11obrl'.'.ll\l'r 7-'4 11nd in the SC('Ul'Jd ~1·! he broke l'onnor:-.' scr\'t' in !he ri1.-.t ,11:tn1•• ilnr/ lht·n broke it .1g:ur1 in rht• .'il'l'<'lllh T!i1· h,111ris•11tl<' pr(•rna!urcl.\· gr.1Jint.;. I ;,.·hr•rl u~.:d h.:=; ('\'pcrr1 •n('(' of ;di-court .~ll'Hlt·;:,1· :ind iw<'rr ~~, pa-.~1ng !<-hor~ lo 1'<•11111.11 (\u111or.~· l:1 n11·d pu\.l'l'!' g:11 nr l h~ trt'lllh'nllv 11i11dt' lh1• 21-yi ':H·ulil \111t·nr·;i11. thi· 11 ·1;;11111 ~ \V1111lill·fl o11, I r .. 1u·h a11d Aus1r;il111n 1·h:1111p1n11. i1pp1•;11 p1·,·r:1n:. 1011~ <Jtld ;<11 k1\ it rd. j .1~1)( rl 11 ho pl.1 _1', -.1 \ rnontho; 1.f !l1• In 11·011\1-"n ·~ play. f;ivorir ,. Chris F:1·('rl h;1d :111 li<J'.\' l11nc 11 ilh f1·ll!11\• A11l!'!'lt"':1t1 l..:1urH' T .. nn1•v. 6.;L 6 :1. <:1~ll'l' ,Ji•;11111r !•\ t•rt 1!na n•·d· lsr:ll'l 's l'r11in;i J '1 ·i~;it·ho1 fi-1 Ii-fl .. J1d1<.' l h·ldtn;ul . dt"fi •.1l1·d l/:1r11Ji•I 1 ;1,~i ·.1 r r,. co! ,\1 ;.:~·nr 111:1, 1;.z li •l ,H!•J 1<.,1r11hll S;1t1 :i1n;Jr.;;u QI .l;_1J:><11> <l<'f('att•d \'1r .. 1n1:1 H11zi <'1 111 Ji,,n1.1111;1 ti -2 ii 'l ··1\·e nc1·er had anv <lou bls in n1 v :ibil il,\" ro pit ch." C'lr·1·1:l:.ind's ace righi- !•:inder l'l'r11· ~1icl ') hur\r!:i.1· night aft er Frank l)urf.1··.~ f1ro•ruu ,,111g lc 111 ll:c sixth in ning ga1c tile lndl:ins a i·l 1·it'!orr (ll'f'r !lir ~!inne~L'l T11in1;. "1'1."e felt l{fL'1/ all ;i!(ln1!." lie n<lded. "/'1 l' 1u.~t hf'en in 11 ~11111111 • ll'f 'f, E"-1'"·'" \11~.\ll'flf.'i --The ,\l ic111p11i~ Suurh111c11 h;11·r t11·rragt•d 111 lit' 1h:111 :lO.fll'lu p:11d '~"•'-" a g:1n1c for t11rrr \\orld ~~thnll l>••,.~n•n-Sl~n• (/)> 6 1 l.'1~"<1 O~•t!"fl E,,1,p fTB! b••I ~l(.f1• H,.,.,. ~01 I 7. A -•.112 11 Bvi+•lo. Otnvtr J,, l •ltln•f•t '' 'Nom•n -D11r1 tD' ~•! )T~v• •8• ~l "'°" Roe"'· ro1 tot11 c .,,.,.11~••• !tlJ 1 ! Y,'om1n·1 dl>ubl•i -Sro·1e.Hwm~ (8) b-0111 Ou1r-1~r,,,~,, 101 ~-• 1,•o, '> ~,.,bi,• II '•~·f'ot1', ~ !01 Lt•I t •rn1i•!1t •l .l.lul-erl t~ 1p,·, t •I .'.'ivrd d~<Jul~, -f'o<'l~~n-Av,tln (0 ! ltul r• , Kvv~•nd~l1 !!It ~-l A -t.S!9 "' Otnv,r Onlden Gtlu1 ''· Htwtll l'O ',\/~"'"" -Hun!, Oo"'"' IGC,I II••' l11y1.•r· ( ll I /.~. I '•'n "'..i<l•~ri.-!If) ~·~! 11.,1,rn•l•,lt, R••1J IC-f· I '·l • W~mM'• dnu~lt1 -Tllnl<>K<o-1 l(Gl I'>"•! /l'>jl en1, .. o;1vomu•o 11'41 ~1 \-•~'• doJ,iie, M,•~111,n 8<,r,~ 1 ,;, ICi';I t>o~! M~'~tr10-M11<l.:~v IC.Cl ( 2. "1 •1'<1 <lou.•lr /'( .. ,1,,.. ""•.1 l(J, rrr-1 r,.~, "'"'"-~v ll"<I'"'"· ('<• 1 • A 1.IJJ t t Oo~l~r.J Ourrieldl.'r \V illic C"r.11rford <;aiJ niit• l>odgcrs probl cn1 has !Je.en that !hi.; lcun1 h;1s l<ir kl'd life horh 01• rhc lfr·ld Hild OJI lht• l)~nt•h. '·\\'r'1•c gol to lr1·rn ir u11. s:1i1I Cra11fo rrl. "\Vc'rc just dead -1hc hNk.11 1Joesn·1 .'\.;.)\' Rn~·lhiuf!. /<~1·{'n the J.!111 " 11'ho h:11p been chl'r>rlr;id1•rs nl l ~easun H!'(' qui11f 11nd ii' ... tll!<'tl that 11·.'lv f 0 r llin•p 1~'l'cl...~. l)ur r lull tl•'<'d-: ~11 11) .. 111 ii\" " lri 11111-.1.·11 us up 11nd J.!<•! v~ gn1ng · l>lln Sull<•ll. 111-(l ~!;trl~ f11r !lh' llt'ICl"(>r' rnnig/11 t1~11111 ... 1 lhl' f'iralr.\· I ~11 ~ 1-:111~. 'i v An Co.Js that ad mi foe oc di rec 'ApJ i~ r1•1 or 1111 Th, n1:11tv fr ;i 11k pl:1gt1 hosp1 l)Jh -T I! h.1 . lli'rlOC 19i~. -A orfic£' "des1 It \r; !he lhe activ full. I C<lsl true -I f Xp1·•r µu rl·I dl'Slj.! i(<; 0 ··s.-iu1 l'U!'Jl!.' the t' hos pi -C . ' . " ,,,., ' .. Laguna Bea~h .'\. \ • SCot·l~s • EDITION VOL. bl, NO. 228 , 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES O RANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA FRIDA Y, AUGUST lb, 19H TEN CE ~IT ' Audit Details South Coast Hospital Deficits B)' .IAC'I\ CllAl'JtEl.L 01 lhe D•1ly Piiot ~l•fl An audit uf rlu:.• r1na11ct•s 11f Sou!h O:i.:1st Co1nn1u111t~ Jlospnal has rrvt•al!'d that .. llt·rnanJ ('a rr. hosp 1 t :i J ndn11n1 strator. spt•11t n1orr !han SIOO.UOO for cqu1p1nen1 111thout lhc· "knowlt·dg(' or consent" of the ho~p it :il board nf directors. · Appro1·:il by !ht• l>o;ird of 1!1 rer111rs is r•«iuircd for auy t·x1>1:11d1111re •lf SI.OLIO or inor1·. 'l'h11! IS lll)f' ut ;1 l't'l"lt'S !1f :1rlr111 1;.~1011 ~ n1:1ri1· hy off1t·1;ils Thursd;1v rl11rt r1:.; ;1 frn11k dis1·11s~111n 1.r 1h1· 1111:111i·1al 11 1"·~ pl:1~t11ng lht' Soulh l.;1~u11.i J·ru11n111nitv h11sp1td. · Oth<·r r1·1·t·la!io11s lll'l"l' -Thr hui;p11al opt·r.1!1•~ al " d1·l1«1t 11 h;is !o<;t ::;1111i .OllO d11n11~ 1!JL· :H·i:ot11111n;! J)('rio<l frorn Oct J, !!173 r" .Julv :n t!l7t . -A contro\'t'rsi:il $1.4 n1illion nll'dical offi('!' building built by t11c· hospit <tf is "designed lo oper<1tc at a kno\1n dt'f1cit. ., It \1·as designed 10 attract doctors to the hospital. bu1 only 25 percent of the physicians \\'ith offi ce space ar1• 11ctive at the hospital. It 1s 50 percent full. -Prior to .\la1'. fin.:incinl forecasts 1cash-f!o1\'• 11cr1: S! nil!lion short 1Jf true hospital exp<·nses. -lneluded in lhl' unau t hor i1 1•rl ~XIK'llditures b1· !ht? 11dn11no;tr;11r1r 11 ;1~ ~urelH1~1· of S ltl,!~~I Ill pnnt1n ~ 1·qu 1p1111·111 drs1gn1'ci tn 1•r1nbl1' th1· h11~pll;d [1 , pn111 it s t11111 puhl1(· n·l:1t1ons p<1rnphlt·I. !ht· ··south C't1,J~!l'r · l'11lilil'<1lJJ)Jl h<is b,,·1·n "ll~!>t'nd1•d :is ;111 l'('Oll1 1rn~ 11101·1•. nrl<I /hi.: l':>.l"'ns11 ~· pnntini.: press prints oril) ho;;piloi! hustttl'SS forni" -Carr purch;isl'd. 1111h hospit;I] fun<ls. ;1 Sli.000 ~lercur~· ~!;1un11 1~·agnn for hi-. uSf' after !ht· ;1u10 providL'<l hiu1 bv the hospil:il brnk1• <ln1\n 11u· purC"h;i,;. had nut rP<'1'i~Nl prior ;ipprOl'al 11! th1• bonrd of dir('(·tors. -.'\hospital do('lor 11:!.; ou1r.1gNl 11ht'll a mPrnht'r of thl· 11(lrnen 's ;1uxili:1rv rt•n1:11nt'd to hl•lp out tn ;111 oprr;11111~ ron1n dunn;::: an 01X'r:ll1on Th<' presl'nc:r ot the "!'ink Lady" during the surgical pn)('1.i:lurc 11·as r1.1r1 of an agrf'en1e11l h .. l11J·1·n the auxiliary und the nur.~1ng ~1.tlf and dO<'tors and h:id nor approved lhf' arrangement. 1'hc doctor involved h<1<1 :l~l'Ulllt'd the 1'1nk l.;idv 11·as ;i qu:Jl1fiL"<I sta ff n1c1nbtr • -Do('tors' cornpla1nts i n v o I v 1 11 g \n;idcquatc nursing Sllpt'rvi~1on hal'e not b<>cn rrsolvl'd nor tias thl'rc bt·e n <1 11 cxplan.:ition \\'h.V nPt -Of South t'n11st's 131 hN"ls 11011· in flp<'ra1ion . thl' avrragf' d :11I~· p;llil'lll ln:.id IS 8fi pt.•r..;.ons 1\11 <~"('llj),ltlCY of 80 p1.•rt't•nt 1s thC' rule-Qf-thun1h break-t•\'l'll po1nl. Th<' ha-.pit;d fln1plo~ s ;ibout 3110 persons 111 rer1•11! acl1on . !ht• husp1\;1I hu;ird of dirl't:tor~ s!npJK'\I ('arr uf his direct rt•spon!>1h1hly fnr hn-.1111.:il f1n;u1ci'S Joseph Arn1011. h<:ls111t,1I controlll'r. hn <: re<og114nt'<l Tht' hoarU l11r1"'Cl lli·rrn;in Sr111th arid As<.,ftiatf's. ,1 Pon<;ult111g fir rn . 10 take ()\"t•r the hl>sp11:il lln.111ct·s. :111d .. tr;ughtrn 1h1ni:;s ou! ;1! a co:-r uf up to :-i70.!10U "Jf li£'rn1311 S111111l e:1111 1urri 11!1<; hosp1t :1I around. lht•n ll t·.1111 h(' turnl·d around." [);n al \\'h1t1ng, ho~ p 11 r1 l trcasurt•r. s~id . \\'hiring s.11d !ht· l>0<1rd ,,f t11r(·c1ors has 1nken over !ht• d1ri·ct fl':-po11s1bil1rv for the f1na1H·1·~ of 1!1l' l1o~p1t;il. .unl if Carr is rh ssa!isf1Pd 11'tl h the way llL·rm;1n Sn1ith 1<; running !hini::s. )11::. rl·('Ollr~e is to lh1· board 11f d1rl'ctors . Thl' hu~pil.d IS <l\'l'r;1i,:u1g tiO d;l\.S in arrears to its creditors, \\'i1h SOllH' ;1ei.:uunts !10 days 111 ,1rrl'ars, Arnion said. 1'hc hospital is scckin.i: a ~6 1111111011 lo:·n lo eonsohdatl' previous debt ;111d prnvide :iboul $1.3 1ni!lion iu llC\Y n101u1y. "If \l'e're in another f111a nci;1I n1ess, rrrc onus is on us," Arthur Briiq;~. ;11::11ng bo:1rd prt"s1dL·nt. s;ud Trisl,111 c:_ (;_ l\rog1us. lx1llrd prcsid,·111. t'PSi~ned aftt·r a s!unn.v 1n1~eti11i.: of lilt· huilrd of clirer.:tors ;1! 11h1tll C:11·1"s h·rr111n;1t1011 1111-. t!ISl'U~S\'d . ' '1'111· ho~pl!<•I ilUxi11ar.1• l(·d IJy l)olly " ' , / I HOSP ITAL ADMINISTRATOR Bernard F. Ca rr "" FORMER BOARD PRESIDENT Tristan E.G. Krogius· • ,. 111·11!!!". Arthur Briggs' 11 if~'. h1·ld :1 11roll''>t dl·111onstr<11iun in the hospit ;1 J l.,IJIJy <.111d rt•portl'd1y lhrl':J ll'nt'll tu quit l'FI n1<.1~sc if C:.irr ll l'rc f1re<L lie 11as 1\•t:11ned and given 3 "\'otc of confidence" hy :1 IO·l<rt\ VOii' of the botird. Carr later told the auxillary n1eeting h(' had .survived a "trial by fire." South C0<1st Community 1-lospit<~I is ('1nbarked on a multi-million constru"tlon prugrarn 11·hith 11·ill soon increase it to 2;';0 beds. \\'hl'll the decision lo exp;111d 1ras 111;1th·. Sull!h Cu;is\ was ja n1n1l'd 11ith p;1tit·11ts _ As !ht' onl y rna)or hos pil :il 111 ll1v suu!h eoast area. 11 dre11• µa1ient s fro111 S;i n C!t•mpnte, fJa11;1 Point. Leisurl! \\'orld. Laguna P.1•;1ch ;ind the en11'rg1ng con1n1un1t1es of L;1gunt1 Nigu1·l and l\·lission Vll'.)O. Patient~ \1 crc at 111nl'S beddt.--d in the hafl"'il\'S. But · 1~:!1\'C'Cn the t1n1e the deeision lo expand \.\'as rnadc. and nO\.\', three hospitals. S;in Clernen1c {;eneral. ~hssion Comn1unity and Saddleback Con1n1un1ty invadt."<l South Const 's turf. ThL' ;1rca is 1101\· ovrrheddcd -too ninny hospitnl beds for the ntunb\'r of 11at 1l'nt s. This iucrt'ascs cnst to t11c p;1lienls as 01·.·rhcad is spr1·:1d nninng ft•11·t•r "custnrners". 1'01 n111t g 10 lhP 111';1\'ilv 01'l•rhl'<ldf'd situation. Brigg;; said "1( !he btis1ness 1~11't hf'r11 you l';in't hla1111• u .. )'cl. Soulh Co.1st Con111111n111 Jl ,~,1ur.d 11ilh a huge <1u:>.1h.1r~ 14;~1 11111111·1 11h1('h accord ing 10 Briggs ,11·1·11un!~ t .. 1 -t.000 lo 5.000 hours of 1olu111t•t•r" ~· 1114 ,. a n1onth, has ;1 high cr11plo~ l' t1J 11.1 11 .. 111 ratio. It 11011· lws lhl' t•qu1v:11L·nt 11t 2 ft f11ll limf' cn1ployrs !K'r palll'llt. TJ1 .1t 1~ 1\o11111 frurn previous l11gh1•r n1!io~ \\'l111ing said lh·nn.in ~11111h 111iuld I\• looking at !il:lfl t"ffR·11·11r\ .. 111d 111111, ht· chdn 't l'XIH'('! l;lll>ll~ !11 P\'!"111 t. said he {'XIJt'l'tl'd ;1t1 r111u11 I·~ 11!111•, 1 ht· r;ir lo. Thl' hosp11;d 11:1-: ;dr1·•1411' 1•l1h1•d 111 f•lll' fluof ;111d :!~1 1i~·d ~ \\'h1·1t 111. '" I' " ,, .. '' " I 1,, •'·•' '( h' \\ ft.1'111. "' 111111 1 .. •fl Id 'li:d ,f, .11 •, •! l'i I ' \\I' ,,,., 11, IJ l•'I' 111 till Iii !111!1 o< , i ' 'I" qil JIO:-;l'll \I,. J'.•!!" Hacienda Hotel R equest • Goes to Laguna Council Fire Kills Six oc itf 11r1fe1· In Rest llonie BROOK~IAVEN. 1'.1i.ss. (A P) - Six patients dil'd lod<1y "'hen a fire destroyed a nursing home east uf Brookh;1\·en. Death of Fetus l!rpri'Sl·n\1\'1·!' lro1n Straighl Ahead. Ir e, a rl rug r('habi!itation organization, 1vil! se<'k the aid of 'fhe L:iguna BEach ('i!v Council W~nesday in g :1 in in g ;o! l'e~-; !o the nld Jl;icicnd a lln!el for 11~c ;1s :.i reh:ibtlitatlon center for drug T11-·o persons were l n j u r e cl . including ~ nur~e ·s aide credi ted 1ri1h heroic efforts in saving sever- al p:1t1cnts. E:ighl pi.'rsons cscaprd 1111hurl Prompts Charges ;1ddi c!s. , This follO\l'S a decision of !he L3gun.'.I Beach !'lannin.i::-Commissinu Tuesday lhal 1hc et•nlt•r 1\·ould bt' ·'eorrec!lon:il 111 n:11urt•" and not allo\1 ed In any i,011e in 1hc city. Cff!· .'\tlornP,V George Logc1n ht1s ·1i1c blaze raced through ~-toore·s Rest Ho1nc, burning the t1vo-slory frainc structure to the ground . F'iren1en got the alarm about 2 a.111. but ,1·erc unable lo save the building. Aurhnri!ies said nurse's ;iide Chris Carnley ushered out most of those who ned !he blaze. By KA1'11Y CLAKCV 01 Ill• D1UJ Pl•t St~rt Fountain Vallry Police arl· prc.~~111~ murder charges ag<1inst a (;<1rdL•11 c;ro\L' n1n11 for the <l!teged sli1ying (lf /us un1~ir11 :san. Poliec s;11d 1111• alll'g1·d 111u1 d,·1 occurred July JO \\'hen Lore111.o \'i!lar1·:1I De La Rosa , 23, 1>unched tu s cslra11g1·d adviSf'd fi.•Jayor Roy Holm and the t" un ril o!fic1• lh:.i t thP dt'Cisio11 of the pl;11111111g con11n1 ss1on is not subjl'<'I to ;111 ;1pp1•:il to tll'.' council. ·r111' in tcrprl'lation g i \'e n th(' Nixori Pa1Jers May Not rph:1h1!i1at1011 l'l'llh~r use n1<1y nllt bt• Oll'rlurnl"<l b.1· thC' counl'd. Logen ruled . .lt!~t \1 hat aid !he l'ouncil can r1·nd1•r 1• unkno1111 . ih)\\'l'\.l'r. thl' council could ;11111·11<1 !hl' cit.\ 7.orung f'<J(ll' to µcrn1il corrcctio11al institutions in !he Ar1 i olun1· Go to Zig·gitrctt Soo11 .J1Jh;1 Bu11 lt·1 u r1·p11·~l'lll111· uf S11,1i~l1! ,\head said JI". plans 11«•re unccrt;un ·r111· n1:1!ll·r 11111 :ipp.·:ir on the counl'il·s 11 •'illlt",,d.1.1· ag~·n<la :1S' :l S!atus rl•por! L.v !'l:111n11H! D1rcc1or \\';_1ytil' l\loody 011 ll1t· co111rn1s~1n11 '.s ;1el1•l11 . Slrci1ght J\h(•;1d tin11 l'l'ljlll'~lt•d coutH'il rt•1·n·11• of thill :1('1ion. Tht' 1·on1n1 1ssion s dcc1s1on 11:is n1adc !S1'i' 11.\Cl t.\'llA, l'agr 21 Spec1nl \\1:1terg:lte ProscC"utor Leon J,1\10rsl;1 ;ind the !-.Ut ff of President <;era!d Ford hal'(' scotched :1 n y po.,<;s1h1li1y th,1t Hich.-ird i\f. Nixon's pcrson<il papers IYll l be 1nol'Cd lo ne11· archi\'£'.~ 111 L:u~una (';i gue l -al least lor the 1in1e beiug . On Thursday n1orning. lhl' \Vest Co.:ist head of lhc Gl'llf'ral S P r 1· i 1·" !'. Adn11nistrntiorr hintl'd tll<it the Nixon p;ipt'!'s 1\11tl!d w111d up :11 the nr11 :lrl'hnrs pl;u1ned for lhc for111er ~Orth An1cri ca n llock11•cll ziggurat. (Belated <;!Ory P.1gc A 3-4) But :1 short 11111p J;itpr 11·ord ct1 rne fl'orn !ht• na11nn's capital of a <lenl 11·orkl'fl out bct11·ccn !he \Vhite IJ 011sc and .Jav.•nr ski that keeps the !apes and docun1ents of the Nixon years right "·here !hey arc. Tho1nas Hannon. the GSA official. said / rllat he expected lo h<'ar fron1 Nixon .. l'Pry shortly" about the transfer of / 1nassive amounts of documents to the \Vest Coast. ' And llannon speculated that because !he ;irchives of the South\\'Cst region \1•ill be n1ovcd to the old Niguel plant ea rly next year. 1hc former President 11·ould "'ant thcn1 1n the mo~t l'Oll' l'llll·n! pl;ii•t• The z1ggur.:it. built as :in ae1 o~p;11'c think-lank but nl'l'l'r Ol'Cupil'd h.1 lh• Hock1vell f1rn1 . 1s ;i!YJUl 15 rnilP~ trn111 the former \\'estern \\'hite llo11S(' ~o 1n;ittrr 11·hcr<' 1hf' :\1x1111 p.1p1 'i'' 11ind up fnr storagr. llannon ~lri'~.~1·d thnl it is up to !hr fnnnf'r l'r1·s1dt 11!. h1111self. ns 1(1 1rhirh docu111t·n 1~ 11ri1ilU ISct• AHCllJ VES, l'a~i-2J 11 La;!1111a \'1·hit·l1 "' Pul 011 A11 1:li o 11 Bio .. !- F.lc\'rn Lagun a Beal'h l'11." 1·1·h11 11 ~ trill lk' up for grahs during an :u1<·1J •n of several cilif's' rquipn11•nt hei.:1n111ng ;11 10:311 a.m. Sa1u rd ;1y 111 {;;udt<n <;ro\1' Laguna vehieles being <1Ul'l10r\l•d otf arf' fou r pohcc car~. 01!(· polit1· motorcycle. several puhlie 11 11 r I;)'. \"Chicles. one lifeguard vPh1cll". 1110 <'a rs and three pickups. inclu<li ng one old se"·age slud~e truck. 11lOSl' inlcrt·stl'd in rnaking· bids for the Vl•hielcs r11;iy call 638--682! for fur1hcr i11forn1at1u1 1 E11gi11ee1·s Study E1·osio11 At Heisle1· Pa1·l{ Stra11<l The U.S. Anny Corps of ~.iginecrs and the city of Laguna Beach are lookin~ into solutions of shoreline erQSion at Laguna Beach's l~eislcr Park, Stan Scholl. public v.urks director, said Thursday. The major part of !he study \\'BS undertaken by the army corps about six months ago at the request of the city, The park, \\'hic h sits alop a 3(}.foot-high cliff ;ibove the beach. is losin~ nhout 111·0 feet or its cliffslde a year lo \.\'ave l'rosion . that \\Uuld not be satisfactorv !x><'aus(' of poor esthetics." he said. · Diver's Co\'e. Picnic B4·aeh r1ncl Rockpile Beach have been h;1r<trs1 h1! of the St'<'tions along the fou r·1n1l(' p:1rk shoreline. Dan f\1us1in of the Los Angclr!-. District of the corps s~id. r..tuslin noled lhnt ;i 11•nlk\1:11· nr:1 r these areas has bee.fl \\'ashl'rl a\\.U\' :ind a barrier railin~ n111sl eon1111ua ll.v he moved inland OU! of lhc p:ilh 1if l'rt1~1011 A concrete stair\\'llY n('\tr ll1rd l\ol'k \las a\SQ 11:1shL'<.i 11v.ay by rro~1on, S•·hull s.1id ('011111lUl1 l,11~ lllft• 111 1'1• <ol111n,11 ll ti!\' <·01ipl1 • :ir~:H'fl .11 tlu· \",1111:1.1111 \'.i llr\ l1un1e 111 l11·r ;1;1r1·111~ ~ '11!l~ll<'fu Ho•I '!<'! Ip ;J <..!!!111"' II ~'ill .!uh :!:! l,,,!:o" · .. 1:.1 ,111d ."1 l'P't lill//'ll'lll \'\,1111 111.'ltillll !J1· /)I" 1lr;1111-1 · (".,11111\ 1<11'011•·1',, !Ill,,, .h,,1 ,j :111 111/:1111 d1o·d r>f ;1 l1(';1d 1111 ,: \ 1)1' 1,.1 /;1,-,,I \Iii' ;i;/"'lo•i) '1'1n• /,i\ 111 f•o1111!,11t1 \:lilt•\ pol11 ··· ll·· II I ~clh·dul1"<l lor ;11"1,1J!:IH1l1·111 011 111.-n111nl• 1 ··h.1r:.:,1· t•1d.11 111 \\1·-.1 {>1.111.'<' 1~1"111111 .Jud1r1;iJ I l1stl'I• I t "ourt llt·!L't"l111· \l;u·1~ E11g11u1•t .t1d \I l!1·rh1·1· h;1d l•1·1·n svp:1r.1h·(I 11•1111 1 ),. !.;i f(,.,,I a11,J \l,lS ~t;n Ill;.! II 1th lh I p;_1r .. n1..; ;1! I0'!1i2 \\'arnl'r \1 , She h;ul hJt!l rect'!\l!lf.: 1111•11:11,1! 1.1 1· 110111 a llu•;d pll1•,1<·1a11. J·;11cq 111-.1 • tod .11\fl h;nl li1·l'l1 ruld th•· (·hdd , • , , .. d lu·:iltll~ .111d 11otrlt! l1t• ho1·11 ;.t,,,111 1 II 22. .\rt1·r <..111· .tll1•i.:1·dh II.I ·.ti II• I. 1, !~1· l ,.1 [;<,..;;1 11<il1r1· ~.11d ,h, !11 ,1111• 111 1 -1~1n 1•\o11t1111:111ur1 Ill th1· d.i1·;111 .. 11" \I :1 1,,111 ! 11,T!' II"' 11'. IP1!!~· ,. I 111 .<I l1!0dllh1 .I~ .1111 1 !ll! l1.il1\ II.I· l1f\lll 11,·;1d .l1:l; ::'..'. I '1,)u ·•· -,;11d I !1r • 1!1'1111•'! "I 111'• \'. .i i;uldi<'d o•I !Ii• ,,11• hi \]r 1:,1'f111 \\1 ll,11'1• 1·.1~" l\111'\,1'1' ,1 1ld l);p 1 "11111• I 11.0l II i!•ll J· 1111111 .111\ \ :1 I lo'\' I" ii I• 'I 111.1111.!• ( ,,11111\ I )1•p1il\ 11 I I I I \11111'11('\ (, 11, J(\,111 ',Jl d !hi' (li<lld· \ 11,11··•, \\1"l 1 IJ)1 d l'l·d· I 11 ,., •ii ,11;11tl\<itl 1•o 111• l,11 1• iJl'll ii I •il1• llhl('h !>!'tlll11• 1 l\·1r.'''' Hi I\,· l!I• ·I 111' •till• 1 11"" 111tl1 lh" •h'o1lh nl u11 l;ur11 < i1ildr1·11 .1 111'11 ii~ l11111;: P•T~•Hl~. ll::lll ~;lit! t!it' ( hlld \\""llhJ h:tl I' h1•• !I <1l.il1• Jn l11t• u!ll·ld!' th o• l!l1l!h1•(..; \l'otllh ·r!11· ne11 pt·11:1! -:1·c11011 1~.1s .11ld••1l 111 llliO ;1lt1•r ;1 !l-2 Supn·1n1• t 01111 tll't'l~l·ill fn•o·d :i \i!rlht·rn t .1l1!r1rr 1 t1L111 j~~'l' t·~notc\. Page 21 Orange Q. L: _cg ...._7 ~ Cuas l \\'e•1tl1~·r l .. 11•• n1r•hl :1nrl 11111rn1ng 111\l (:1111rl" 111111 .-.1111n1 :1111·:1111~)11.-s .. 1 111·d:1.1 l.1tllt' ('h,111:.;1• 111 rr1111)(·r;, !11!'(', ll1gl1-. 111 lht· l1ll1 jll-, <ii l11e h1'.11·hl'S !O 1\0 111!,u1d li\Sllll·: '1'011 \ \' Tl1r 1~ulll't ·\/f11·_,fo. 1•1H/11u1t /'ll/1'•/l('('I' f;l'('/1111 li•'l/!111/(/~ 11 .. ' )I f111./111/'I'•'( \iu!/1 II\' 1\/11'/ rli 1'fl' "''","/, "' lilr I r:.1111, Ft•,,r1ra/ 11J .-\1/s ,,,,t/ f'u•1t u11/ nf l lrt' .lf.r.;;/,•1,;; -,.,,. /•1u/)1•d 1111 Slaff \\ ,-111•r ./11ck ('/i t1p11r•I/, (/., 1'11!/I' I o/ /,.1/111/ ,\ II 1, /,!'11d1·1 A• 'l'O<,lr S•••oet .t.J lln••·~" l!t l M 'l•Vd Al ( h'O<~l.1 Al (•U •lorft 0111 C6m«• C' r,o,.,.o,~ ( • O~·"" '<Oht"' JU (~•IO<••I 1',19t '•• r ,,,~r<~ II!} T M !!•~ ll•tO•ll 11• ti• < l<oOr l\J M<-~or1 C•·t M• lu•' ~~~ft\ 111 '-lr·on•I "~""' A• 0 lr•1 (oun,. f,1n P >to'f 81 I ~""•u<•oh (Jo ,,,, Pnrlf.t !:H S•·~·" 11• 1 \;oc-"'•'•~h II• 1 1 ,,. "'"ft Ill~ 11,.~I •\ C•I ,~ ......... , 61 IU WO !!• ... W\ Al SOUTH COAST CO MMUNITY HOSPITAL WILL HAVE 150 BED S; DAILY OCCUPANCY AVERAGES 86 Trustees of Facility Ha\le Taken Steps t<0 Straighten Out Financial Probl1mt !\choll s<iid h1· 1111.~ nt1I S<•f'n n fini~h<'d rt'port on the trosinn prohl1·1n :u1d ~llifl it 11•ould have to bt· i"lll cnvironn1entally saliflfactory solution. "There <ire n1any 1ypcs of solutions /I publh· h1·;.1ring to dis1·u .. ~ .1it,'n1;1!11" solul1ons 11!ll !1t.: <.;1·h~·1h1l1 ·d 1f 111 .. µ1·1•l1n1\11;11~· f(·pnr\ of 1h1· 1·011 h 1.; npprO\'Cd 1u'ld fN"lcr:il :irt 1nn /1ht1111•d J\·lu:;hn said. II• \',"""~"' r1 !J ' " I (.: t>A!ll r11u1 " F1111(l Bill • A11 ''""t'lllhl1 hill '1i prn1 t<h' •,L1'r fHlJill'l·tl h1•]1' 1111' ('1111" 11}111 ii !J[lt'r.1'1· r1 ·c1r111;1I ht ;u·h··~-' t h•;1r1·d !h1' S•'ll:\t{' t :o1 1•r111111·nt !h"t.::11111.111un l "1n111ttl('(' h-:l Tl1ur-.t!:11 Tlh· hill ·1 -<111<;,11r1·1I 111 \ .... ·1nbt1111,111 fl oh1·n Bur~<' 1 t: H11n111111!ut1 H,·;1, 11 1~ ... rhl't1U11'd 1111 :1 h1•;i r111,i.; IM·!ol"t th•·..;, tLll• 1 ·1 n;11u·r <"nn11111t1t•1• ;1t ~ p n1 n1•\I 'l'lutr~I<•~ l\Tnttht'Y.' \\'('v1ikrr . H11rht·'<;, :11l·.,111i<;- t1·.:it11e :ud•' s;itrl 'fhur ,1!;11· thl' flll:tlll"l' C'Ollltlli :tr"' II 1!1 rl•prl'~'·rlt lltt· h 111 ·~ tou;..:tu· .. t f11:h1 11·! ·· 11e s~ll<l son1e ~··11:11nr~ apparf'nt ly \1ert:>n "t •·.~~·1np.1tht·11c t1) 1h1· pligh! of tllir h1•ar·h··~"' and !l10n£:ll1 c1llt.'S should c·har ~t· pt'oplc• for u ~1' of tht' b.·<H'h. 'l'hr bill 11ould ~l'! :i~a!i· .~:! 1111llu1n Jn ~1 :1ll' n11•11l 1 It• h1· -.pli1:i111n11g1;111n11" 1·1!ie.~ .111d ·t·uun r1o 's \1h1 1.:h up1•r:llf· hr:it'h<'" n1 ;1 1'l'~1u11.1! n:11un· Ko! ;111 ('U;1;-\;1I ('ll1t·~ \1·oul <l h1 't1C·f i1 'l'11n•u~l1 ;• <·(11Hpl11·;i tl'd f.1rin11l:1. !h1· tn11n1·~ 11011ld pn111.tr1l .v b,. u<>t•1! ln l'i1l''S \1h1·r1· !111 • ht •:u·h upht •Pp t'i .1 ~1i.;nd1 .. :1n1 )JOrtion 01 lhl'Jr annu.d hlldgt·T C111cs nlong-the ()r;1nl!c C'oti::I st:1nd TO gain lhe 111ost fron1 H11rkl'0S rneJsurt' Big c1ti('S, such :is !..(l" Angrl1·s <ind San Di('gO. rna~ not r1·C'l'i\ 1· ;1ny rnolll'Y fro111 i! bt·c:ni::r n1orr uf !h('1r Ol\n resid('nls usf' lhf'ir bt'aehes. \Veyukcr urged h1'.:a! resrch·nls :ind city gov('m1nrnts 10 r an1p.1ign 111 ::upp111·t or AB 301 I lo help IL p<tSS !he findnee rommittce. The bill h:id been approved by the Assembly .June 211 on a 54·8 vote. The bC'<tch Sli b~1dv 1non{·~· 11 nulcl l'O!ne fro11i !he state liclrl n11d~ n.:Vt.'rlllC. l<'nir Directors Seek Horse Raec S1Jo nsor License Ry FREDF.R lfl\ SCllO E~l l::IIL Orangt"' C'oun1y F:i1r dirrrtors \'Oll'1I Thursday night to npply lo the California llorse Ra<'in~ Board for a li<'ens1' to spon"llr 14 d:1 ys or r:1f'ing tach Yt'<lr at \.Qi' Al:imitos B:1et' Cour''" Diretlnrs took thr· ar! ion :i f I I' r rrvtC\\'ln~ fi gures fr0n1 r:1c·r Tra ck 011·ner~ th at sho1,·ed !hr fa ir t.'QUld earn bet\\·een SI 14 .000 and S2~2.fl00 annually frorn tiorse rat'1ng 10 fund nt•11• f'Onstruc1ion .:il lilt.' l'ost<l :-.1l's.1 f.1!rgrou11ds. Ar thr .~:une l1n1c. dir·rrtnr:; 1rrrr \1'Rrned thnt tht•v"I J bC' seeking thf' l1 rense fron1 the po\1·cfful horse raring board on a long shot. r.trs. i\1adine Carpenter. \life of sl:ite Sen. Den11is Carpenter (A-Newport Beach \. told direrlors thcit pre.~sure \\'ill be applied on !hr 1hree-n1an racing board to keep thoroughbred racing out of Orange County. Los Alan11tos no11· has only c1uarter hor"f' and harness races. Opposition. ~lrs. Carpcnll'r said . 11·ill come fron1 011'Tlers of Uav ~!eci dO\I S, a Jargr track in nortlwrn Californi a, and llolly\l'OOd Park in Los Angeles. Both hold thorout!hbrt'<I raf'f'~ Hl'r conHnt'n!:. \1 l're ~ct·ond1·d hv Frank \1c::st'lS. .!r . 011n1·r <•I I.tis A!am11os. 1vhn has trit>d un:.:ucrrs.~f11lv )1·er the v1•;1rs lo bnnµ !horoughhred racing lo the track. Th1· rr!-nlu!io11 :1dnp'1•d bv 1hr f:11r board rcqlll'S!ii l1t't•11 ... 1ng for 14 <l.1;.~ nf racing ;tt Los Al.111111(•~ 111 ro111un{·l1"t1 1111h a · ::1 ·.1~on:1l /:ur" 11·h1ch mii.;ht 1nt·ludl' 1nd11s1 n :tl 1·x:h1b1ts ur a mob1\t· horne or boat !ihn11·. TIH· ii1 •;t~nnal L11 r 11ould ])l· 11.~111 111 add111on to llli' rt'i.;u!;1r Or;nu!c t ounty fair at !ht• f;urgruunds in Jul\ Director Hobert Krone. \\·ho brougl1t Lhe horse racing rrqut'Sl lo lhl' boan:I, the horse r:1e1n;.: rcqeust to !ht• board, sources to f..t'-"I> up \\Ith !hr .. dynamic :i nd pmgr~11 c" de\·elop1nent of Orange County. ""' o-.,,.,. r · ' ti • •• .. ,., "'""" ~ , . ....,_ ... , •• , .... ,., ''. "-~~·1"•'"' •• '• ,•P or·'' •' ft't"" .,.,,,.,-. •'1' ,., r I' "' ,. 'AV .,., •qt· ! "._, '" I .. ,,,, <1•,.f"'<' f~*"" Hu~,,~'?'I,~ ! ...... ,,., .~ ,,.,,~, '•a,,.<• a.....-• ,.,,~ .. "'!>"•!' ' • \ ·, r .• .,, .. , .. , 11•• '•< "+ • ,• " "• ,,.,,,.,, ., !'•"'"···· '•" '1•, •1 ~• I~, O""'•r.< ( ·~to'•'"' I''''"''' a.. ··~· • C•l\•• "'~"' ,_..,,, #~ .. 9lb~' ~ •• "f J ~"~ I .,,, ... u""' •"'1 """''\""' b I i:· •·" .. ' Y •'••··-••TU•-•'"•"•,; .. \.,._,... ..... , ' .• ,,..... ..... , ,. ,. 'r"' "'• •;'fl la• • L99""" hoch Offic.• t,'f,.,.\I A .• ,,,,.. 1J 1."'JAd.7""f•J£'.,,cJ,o7}•} O....Offic.•\ ' ... ~ ..... ,,. .. ..,l ... ·-., ••. ··&<-••" '''""'"""'"" ..... , .,,l"""'l""nllfl• ~ •thl~tlo• • f ... ,,, , ~ :.,,nr ••"'""'' ~~ "7'" ! ' •'"·"' "'" T d•p1hOM 11 t 41 ,41·412 I Cle11ifi•4 Att .. f'rll 1i"9 6 41-5 6 7 t l.,....• l•och Al D•pwiPMrtft: r.1~ 4t4-t""' r.<r<,. ., .. •Q • ,..,. ,. c,~,, r.,,. •.,...,, It">'•"""'''""• 1''••• •!•V•o "ll'°#• ~ •1-............ ···~" '"' .... ··1~"'1 ."'1 ...... i1 ................ ~.,.,t ·~··~~ ~ ... ... • •• r ... _,..~··••' '•"'· • ,. . ' '"' ' .... ' . . ,.~-~·· -......................... ),...,......,..,,, f• 1•1 A11·i•11 t lb )q1,i -· - (,'l1n11yes R11dic11I Undercover Unit Facing R evamp Or:1ng1· l 'ounly Supl·r1 IS•Jr ll:.ilph l)1l'Clr11:h h:is tinvcilcd de I .JI 1 s ui .l r:1U1ral 1·eorgan1za!ion of Jt1c county':; llfJl11T 1111t·llq:1·11\·c un11 'Jl1c p1:1n JJ1C'd rith outlined 1~ <11111td 111 a11s11er111g t unl't'l"ll~ 1l\'1·r poi~ .. 11111• 11 r n' lht• u1ti·lli ~l'll\'t' :1g1·11<·v 1111·1il!1·i11111• 1l,1!;1 v11 11111ot·1·nt pr11:ilt• 1·1 t11t'll" J)11·dn1·l1 ~.url pa \[ :1.:rrrn11>1H 111 lt11· ti·rn1:. of th1• nc11 plnn h;1s bet•11 oht;unl·d f1un1 !ht• d1s.s1dl.'nt l"OlUl\J-l'oliee C!nt'f~ 1\sso1:1a t1un but th:it group's s.ud no lvr111>1I vo!1• 11 ill be th1' pal'kage u111il nf'xt Y>Cl'k. pre:.idi'nt !:1!.t•Jl OIL [)1et!r1ch said Llh.' 11ro1)Qsa! 11·.:is draf!l'd hY sheriff.elect Bradley Gates \1ho ulttnu1tely wot1ld IA' 111\·csted 111th sole ;1ullionty O\t'r 1l1l' u111t nnd 11 s 111tl'll 1gL•nel' gathct111J; opt'rat1on:: ()thl'r nl >IJOr f;t('Cl'i of the rcorl!;11111:11111n pl,111 1nt·ludt u11d ont• f<'p~1'"l'llt:11i11• \If th1• p11 lrrr l"hJl'(S 11111dli II(' l'lll!itl\11·1·1·d th 1'1'1 ll'll' :111,\' tllf(11111.t(l1>ll :ilr('.1d1· 111 Ill!· flit'\ .1 11<1 :!Ill' li!'W 111f11 ri11a!1u11 l'()l)lllH,: 11 10 di·!l'; 1111•1r• 1f 11 1111·1 '!~ l!r•.' criterl.1 J,11d d111rn 111 1h•' pl<11t. \111'•1!1.! rl!h•·r ll1t11 ;c. th•· Iii•· 11il! n .. 1 b,. po•n111l!lof 111111111 01111 d.11.1 u:1 '1·1111111 +I ntll1·r than 11i.1~t· ;1rl111• 111 n1or1· 111.tu tilll' 1.1\1. 1•Jl!Ort't'IL1L'll1 JUfiSdlt'!l<lll ll1t•d1 lt'h S.1td II 111111 b1.· (;;1(t l•"il)(/llSlhll11y 111 1!t•h·rrnit1t' IV h 11 h r1·quests for inforrn11t1on fro111 the files ,11l' 1<1l1d and 11 hit:h :trl' 1111pru111·1. "\\lith cu111pll'lt' cuntrol in the h:i11d~ o1 !ht• shl'riff. an t'll'Clf•cl offici;1!. and 111lh tht~ r._·gula r aud1l hy the <:r:111d .l ury. I ht'li1•1r 1h<' ni.:ht~ or !ht• 111d11·id11al .1rt' snff'g11ardL·d 11 1Iho1i t rt·duc·ing tire t'ffic(i\'t'Jlt•ss ol lhl' un it :i~ :111 ni<l 10 pol1t'C org:u1 i1.:J!ion~." I >u·dr1rli s;111I. LAGUNA BEACH EXCHANGE CLUB HAS PROVIDED BENCHES FOR WAITING BUS PATRONS In Front of Bus Depot From Left to Right Are Hal Wert he, Stan Scholl and Bud Dammarell -!'r1111s11111.s t ;111 ;111nt1:1\ C":r;tnd .Ju1·1• :1,r<ht nl pro1··· u1 '('~ and n1Pthods of 1h,• 1u11I . f;dl111 ~hnrl 11f :111 ;1<·111.rl 111.-.J)('l'll11l1 nf !111· 5,-1!10 filt'S th•' ll!lll kt•(•ps on k11011 n cn111111als ;111d !11t.'u a ....... ol'iat1•s. -A nan1r <'hangc fro1n the Orange L-Ounty lntf'll1grncc U1,it (0 '.:'JlJ I to ~le tlrange County Cr1n1iu;i! Acti1·ity S~stein t\JCCAS 1. ~2,000 in Jt'\\'eJs, (:Jothin~ 'l'aken In La~una 1'hcft f>o pers F ore8e1' Roel•.'·, Bu.~li. 011. 'I II .~i ( 1 (' 1'r"c1-•' \\'.\SJ I! :'l't; l()\ I \ 11 I \l a:.h1n~to11 1· .. ~1 ;,rid th•· l11•trn11 f·r1'<' Pn''-:'> ,·:-11n1· 11p 111th 1:1r11ng r1•1)()1'I" 'l)i!;11 on \1h11 11·1, !lit• 1n-.1dt• L!';itk f11r th(' \'1('1' prrs1d1•11e~. l'h1~ l·'n•p Pr,·ss qunll'd ad1·1,rrs tn /'rl's1d1•11t i:ori! ;1, ~:t) 111 ~ forinrr ;\t·1v \"ork i;ov :\rl.-.un 1\. liockeh·lh·r h;1S the insidt • trark tv the VI{'<' prt•s id1't1C~ In :1 1h~p:it1·h from 11<; \\':1<>hington h11 1ea11. thl· Fn·c 1 '11·~:; s<11d t110 ('lllltl·IJdt•l'S , (,()!' :\il\1011;"1! i "h,IJl"nli11l (~corgl' Bu~h a11d St.·n. I to11 an! ii. Bn~1·r Jr. IR·Tl·nn l. dropJ)':'d 111 fn1·or llO\',f'\"l'r. tht.' i'OSI (\U0\1'<1 '·;1 SOUi'<•" 1·l1lf.t' tri l'r1•,1cl1·n1 F11rr! :1~ ii.11 inc Hu ~h h:1-. 1h1 · ··1ns1<i1• lr.1<!." to lhi• \I(•· pn·-.1d1·r1r•y ·1 h•· I'""! ~;11d 11~ sou11 c )lt'r..r>u<d!v favured llorkefe!lc.r 11.vl h 11111 ... p<1p1 r~ ~;11rl lhtll' ~\1~!!"{'•". 1n011 ·n1rd Ford 11:1s 1101 n1;1dt• :1 f111.1I ()p('ISJIJ11 \~ Ji,. II ;1~ 1\IP~.111rln;1 . \';1, li•;11111~ hi~ hCJ1ll•' 1od<1.1 o,;1 1h11rb;1n l't1rd 11·a~ ;1~k•'rl \11lv1h~'r h<' h;1d rr;1c·hf'f! a d•·rb11111 011 1~1r \iee prrs1dl'nti:il no1n1n:i1 io11 "I hr1ve1i"t lx-<'n thinking about 1t." ht• repl1••d 11 1lh ~1 sinil•• T/1t f'r'l'l' l 'rt·~s ~a:d nu~h·~ f)la!1<'!'S 1ln1ppC'd b1.•eau.~e or . ;1 h1gh-prrs~ur1' <'.'ln1pa1gn 111ount1•d on his heh;1tf b~· forn1er ro!leagurs in (.'on J::r<'~S :inti olh1 ·r~ 111 th11 p:1r11· ~truet url' · l>.u,h ;011! H;1~1-r .il~·· In~! 1t11nl ~ ht·t·au-t· of 1h1•1r r1·!:it111• you1h ant.I l'°~"iblt• pr t' ~ 1d1· n 1 ! :1 l ,11nb1t1011". !h1· 5\ory :-.::ud Tht• ~tur\ ~:iid R(k:krf,.11rr ;ll f.Jl . probahl\ \11tu ld i~' 1•Xl 11td lo 11.111 for thC' prt·~1dt•n1 \ Ill l'IHU. Ill:< ;1~1· ;u1rl ex fll'rl1'ntr 11 nu Id ;1dd C1d111 in1-:1 rntl\ r 1·:qx·r11~1· ;111d , rn11on11c kno11.how 10 Fnrd·~ fl l·dglu1i.; pn·~t(h nc·y, !ht• ~tor~ ..;,url Ford rl'nh:th\1· 11011't ;H1t10llll1 r hi s eho1Cl' 111111 ) Tu~·s(i;1v or \\'t·d111'S<!:11, 111~ Sj)flkP'illl;111 s;11d \r1'.!.1;. \\'hit .. 11 011~1· 1'11·~~ ~('(Tf'\::Jr1 ,f1,r:1ld F tr'rll<ll'~l r:ilk•'rl 11! 1hP prnh.rh.I•· 111111ni.: ,,1 1h1· ;1n11t11lt1••1•1 111·nt ,1! .1 l)rf';Jhf.1~1 ~'"·"'Hi>I \1i1/1 ll'l/1'">1'h•J"' II·· t•ll•.11111 th.1! )nrd h.1d no\ 1\1;+d1 • 11p h1-1n 111d nr II !h · ti.id 11,1:-ht•t p111g his 111111 f'O\JllSl I Jlcn1i11 .\oldie! J)i cs S.-\:\ l.l'1S ()BJSPO ll'Pl 1 -Rill R:1y ~lC'\'1•11s. 2!!. H;iy11ood !'ark. 11 ,1s found Orad 1n th(' \ ai:ant hon1c of ;1 rr1l11d ThurS<l ;t~". :ipp;l rcntl~· thr vi~11rn of a hl·roin Q\!'rrlosf' ARCHIVES • • • be available for public perusal and \l'hich y,·ould rl'n1ain undrr Jock ;u1d key, "There ;ire t11·0 fcdrrnl la11·s rC'l;:iting !Cl the tr;1nsitton of f11JW1'r and !ht• r1gh1:- o f rurn1l'r l'rl'SJden!s that ('01·vr lht.' 1s:o:t1f' of doo1111ents.'' Hannon rxpl;i1nt'd. '!'he (;SA scr,·es ns the eurt'takcr or rllr c!11cun1enl5 un1il a Presidential library is built Once thJt tnkt•s plaer tl1r docun1ent;; are n1ovc d to the llC'\\ tf!stl!u!ion and the GSA could still SCr\(' as t »Lt'e takl'r under an arrangl'incnt \\llh thC' trustees and The federal government. Hannon said that he understood that 1hr staff of the formrr President still 1'\ 1~orking in the \\'hite House sorting .. u! the rearns of \\'rittcn d:ita related to the :'\lxon yt'ars. Originally. thr C'ontrovf'rsiJ\ tapr<> authorized h~· r\1 xon 1\·rre dt'€n1ed hi" President r·ord and his Stoff to lX! :'\ix:on's pcr;;<in:tl property The 1·atuc of tht' lfl!X'S \1·as pla<.'f'd a1 ~2 rni llion . \\'irt·st·r·.icc report.<; Tu1•sdny quo!vd so1 1rct•s l\ilJch sa H.l Ja11or~ki 11·a~ tu1h;1pp,1' :~t !ht:' tll'tern1in~1t1on of 01-1·nt·r~hip of th r LI)()() rt•el s fl f tnpr. The prosecutor·:-!Haff n1ct e:irl.v 1n 1ht> 1l;n· 11i1h \\1111e llnU<it' ;udcs nnd thl' c1ec is1on 11·as rt•citht~d tu lra1t.' t•1cryth1ng 11·here 11 is, "ptind1ng further tl i::c ussion." :'\n m:nn1cnt" has t:omr frorn the Ni:<nn f•nclJ\"e 1n Sa n ('len1cnte about th<' "-ilt.'l'lllat1on that the doc u rn 1• n t s t'\t•ntual!y \\"iii v.·ind up at the i\'1gucl plant . J'rom P"ye ,\I U~BOI{" ... fron1 pro<;,rcut11in !11 eon11cct1on 111111 a ~1n1 il;ir dt':il h In thn1 r.1ii t'. l\r1·lr·r 1s. S11r•·n1>r ('fl11rt . th1· d1'f~·nd:1111 h.id !:l"t'!l ehnrgi:·d 11 11h 111urd1·r (or allei::e<l lv k1 ck111g h 1 ~ prt·;;n,111t \\J lv A 11'11· (Jnys lat('r. Hynn sn 1d. sh<' ~<ll'l' ll1rth ro a rll'ad 111f.111t 11·11h a ~k ull fr;i ctiire. Af tt·r the court':;; dN·ision, n ~·;1n snid , thf' Leg1~l at1tre amended Lhe J;i\v. This 1<. the first ra"C: ~in<·f' in Orange C11u11ty, hr adcl!'d, ;:i nd on{' of only :i fl'w throughout 1hc stair . De I.a Rosa. v.·ho also h:is be<-n chi:trgC'd \1•ith assault \1·1 rh uitcnt to commit _great bodily 1n1ury lo /\Is Bf'rber. is being held in Orange County J:iil. No bail has been set. Ry:in :;:iiii The couple have t\1·0 other children. IIOSJ_.I'J';\l, FJN ,4.NCES • • • f'N>m l'nge 1 tt•lcitrd lo th(' n<'"' expn11o,;i11n . \\'h!!ing said 1he ;.\\fl:l.llOO r'\pcndi1ure 11 ;1<; ··an :idn11111.~tr;1\1 1c ov('rs1i.:ht" and ~;1id Carr dc fcndPd the pur<·hasc of 1hr 1•q11i p1nrnt :i~ h:11·1ng prl'l'iously bcf'n ;1pp1 01f'd y1•:i r., :igl'l 1\hen !he hosp1t<.1I 11:1 ... u111l1'!" a rliff1·r1·nt .1dn11111 strator. The hoard , ho11('ver, h;id 11revio11sly orclt'rl'(\ hirn lo bring :i ll such prel'ious 3Jlprol':rls haC'k for review \\'hi1ing s;11d !ha! of thr purchases, :l n1.1jon1 y nf tire r<1u i pn1<'n l probably \l'Ould havf' been :ipproved by the board, hulll'\('r th<' prin11ng rc111ipmcnl :~n<t an rtu!omflt1c filing systen1 we r c q111"•t1onablt~ :ire.is \\lh1t 1ng also s;i 1d the hospital mi ght !1Ql he 111 !'Ulh fiscal straits had the l'IJlllJlllh'll! l11 ·Pn leasrd rather lhan p11rcha~1'<f 011tr1g!1t \~'lut ing saul l/1;1! \\·irh llcrm<'ln Snli1h n 1 c rs(.<> 1 11 ~ hosp lliil linauct>~. 11nnu1h11r171'<l p11rch~s1·~ l'o1ilrl he ifiad1· in tilt• f11111rr ,hut '"1f 11ru1ld rf's11/1 111 s11i!! ru1d fllll<'k :J('f1nn h~· !hp honrd " \\')J11111i.: 1\r1nnn n11d Hns.:g" ~a uJ thrl' f1 ·l1 !h;il ;rJI rhr un.1uthnr17.rd f'\l>t'11ci1111n·~ 111111 h,111· 1,.·f·11 :11.:counfl'd l11r ·n11• ~r ni1!11011 i>rr<,r 111 rhr ho~rnt;il':-; f1 Ill• !i•I .1•h flu11 ft1tt·1·:1~! w:is a 1 '•Jlii•l!l••fUlfl 111 l /11 ~~tl;t !fl~) I /l I ' unau!horiled 1nterc:;t on ;i lonn nnd $200.fOJ in 1.:onstructlon change orders. \\'h!lc financi:.11 and ndrnini.91rnti\l' prolilPn1s exist at thi· ho!'l'p1!<1l. l>r. Au!honv Qrlandrlln, chief n f staff. s;iid he fell the physicians were p1·01•id1n g exct·llf'nl medical care. "In spite of the ronfuslon anrl tro11hlr 1ht•re h;is bct:on no compromise io p:1lirnl (.';i re The equipnlCnt is the &s1," Or . OrlAndella sald. ··Esprit among the medical staH7 In good cooscieflce. I can't say it is !;ocxl," hr S..1id, hOV.-'Cl'C'r . \\'h1ting said he felt the ~pit<1I "'<ls on the 1\·ay to soh·ing ils problems. anrJ he said lime is on the side of Sotrl h (:Oast. llr said !he hospital plant ;ilLhou~h too large for 1t~ ll<lllent load 110\\' W(Juld l'fJ~t S.10 million to duplicate a! toda.1'\ 111flntrd Nmstnr<'lion' fl'es. lit s.1id that \Vhat <1n10t1nts to nvi•rht'<lding !l!)W will hr \l"Plcornr in tht' fu1ure :i s lhe :irr.1 populnt1on l'XJl•1nds \\'tuttn ~ ~a1d lhf' fa ilings 1if the hn~pit.11 .1d1111ni~1rat1on h:ivc bffn •·1>rou~ to !1J,!hr in thr h;ir~hc~I rx1s.~iht1· rnnnnl'r" .111d th1· t•halll'l1!:t'S arc ;,ipp:irrnt I Cl ub Exeha11gc Donates Bc11chc~ l''or Bus llidC'rs \\;11t 1ng lnr hui:-ridl'S n1ny Ix' ;1 IJll 111.1!'1· plt•as;1 nt for [..;1 guna11-; 11011• 1hal 111 •11 l';ilif 1rn1a ri'chrood bus lx·nf'hts cl11n:itt•J to till' r11r h~· the £:-.change l 'lu h h.11·t' !>1.•f'n i11~t ;11\ed Th .... t'lll" IJ1~!;1l l1·d thre•· Ill'•\ l"'!l('h1·.; :11 rht• l1u:-tll·pot on Bro<tch1 :1.v Thu:·~da~-. 'fht ,1' 11 cre dona!('t] b;. the rluh :i..; p:irt (JI ;1n 011guu1g prOJl'l"\ !o t'(!lllp :ill 1()(•:11 lltb stops 1l1lh lll•nrh1':'>, l ~irr} La111pb.·l l. f,1rrnt•r eh1h pr1·~1d1·ut ~.ud . The r e d \Vo o d seats rep1:1cc the 111 •,ilfd·I~ JX• ll(•!H'ht•,; t)1:il h,111• tx·1·!l ;,i tlu· ll1p11t 1!<~p11" a 1 111 .. 1d111:11111 .1 11nst 1111111 St.111 ~hl•ll l'11 hh1 \\or~.' IJ1rector. nO!l'<I Anuth1·r llt.'1-1 ht•nrh 11a, pl>tl'1'cl ;1\ ~tilh (°O,:IS\ f CltT11l1Utll\y JIC1~p1l,1 [ I. "! !lll•lllh ;ind !Ill) <J\ht'rs II ill .S\••ll toe pu1 111 frunt of !h~· Fc-.111 .II qf \r!5 .u1d 1111 (o;i~I l!1~h11a.1 . r·.1rn1 1t" r: :-.1lfl The project 11.1s funded fnu11 $1 nno J!ll""t•·d.\ t•;1rnt·d b1 l/h' 1·111:1 11 )11~1 ' 1·111111111~: rl1r p;1rk1 nr.:: 111• of the 111ntt'r :.rt ft•St1v;1) 111 f..;"1i;tma !h'ach !lus ~ r:ir. "\\'1• thought 11 11 ;1-; ;1 tli"'d lht· l 11·. h:1d 1h;:i1 th,·v rcrdh· rl1dn"l li;11't• lh;. 1111)11cy f,,r \\.1• 11;1111N! to do ~11 1nr•1 h11u: fnr rhr c1t1li.;11s of L .. 1gun:1," C'<1111pb1:1! rxplained. Li g ht Surf tu S ta.': On Lap:una Shoreline Tod.1y·s onP !o t1\o-f00t surf ;i! l,;1g11n:i ll1'.1r h I' f'X ptx·ti•cl to ro11tinuP Saturd:i1· 11 !lll 11·N·kcnd c-ro11·ds rra1·h1ng :ih·11;1 if) l"W f 1•;11 h d;1~ l1l 1·g11:1rd 1 >1<·k ,lnhn~un .~.1 1d II!' r~1x·cted :1ho111 2 01"1 h•·.irh~oPr" nr l:1 c11n;i . 11xl;1,\ :11111 ~;11rl d11 111;.;. <'0'1d1!111n~ 11rr1· gr/('KI 1-1 1!!1 < 11·.ir 11.111 ·r I I '\ l h I 1 I \ \' J\e <;('\IP'< h;n·(' ho\'•'11 n11r11r11;il 1~1th 110 .~rn1111" l11';1ch 1n;L11·11 :-; r•·por11·1l Tl1ur:-.d:1" -A cornplctc takeo\·cr b~· the l'ounly of funding for the un tt at :in annual t·ost of only SJ.J ,000 compared to the t·urr('nt $108.000 . The C'Ut tnt•ans the u111t's pcrm.1nen! staff 11·ill ht.' tri1nn1ed frnn1 si x to t\l'O. The unit's current t•xccut1vc dircl'tor. Stu<irt Du11ca11, 1111[ !x.• fired. -Creation of strit t crit('ri;i and procedures 11•h1·rrb.v 1nfor11i<11ion \\ill bt.• g1ve11 to Ille ::y~tcu1 ;111d rcn1ovNI fron1 " Dil>drll'h s<1hl f~a!r~ h3-: rt'ached :1grcr1111·nl 11ith the l'oltce Chirfs A.'>~ocfat 1n11 01·er th1• 11e1r propos.1\ but 1--1 P:tl1na Polic:t• Chier Orbry l)ukr said 111 a tr!f'phon(' interv1e1v thilt no stich ;1g:re1·n11~111 h;1s bet'!l ratified by !us grouµ·s 1ne111~rship. '"I rari"t i;.1y 111• :ire for it but I ran·1 ~,1y \l"t• ;i re ;1gci1nst it f'Hhrr ht'CilUSI' II 111)1\ I 1'\t'fl t"(lllle Up fo r ;1 v .. t1' un11I our mct.'ting n t• x r \\',•dne-.dal'." Dukf' s:ild. I ri(lt•r '1r rn1i; ol 1h1• prop<>:':il C,d• ~ ~outh l~ip Off ']' . ' Olll'l~l~ Touri~ts 111•rt''!hr !argr!s for Soulh [,ngun;:i tl ut''l'" Thur,d:1y night 11 11h (•rang" f'11unt1· sheriff's officer~ 1n1·1·stii:::1t1nr.: !hf' 1hPf1 of jr11C'lr~' crnrl pholograph1r eq uipn1cnt \"alued at more tn;1n $·1 1~111 I h'put1 c~ s.1id jt'\1t•lry l'alued by !he '"<ll"k:r ;11 S2.2~~ 11;i~ slolf'n from a hotel hungcil0\1' ;1! 3!10fi Pacific (' o as t /1 1g h\\·;1y \"1rlim H11·hard Chris Bur11f'tt . ~ii. of s.111 Lu i.; l)bi~ro told officers II w;is takf'n 11hlle hf' \\;1s out to dinner. ThlP\·e~ forcf'd open a ~hd1ng ~l:iss door. i'hotogrn11h1c 1·q111pn11•11' \':tlu1·r\ b~· n1-1n1·r 1\l1ch;+i•I J1111 !\1C'klrr. 27. of .\11'dford . ()r1 ·i.;1111 :1t ~r H2.l 11as t:iken frorn 111~ r :1r p.1rk1 d h11hind :i n1oti'\ :11 !hll L11~1111:1 H1 1.i1I . dt•pu1tt·~ s:i1d. (lff1r·r,r~ s.11d tlrll'\1•\ 1l ~t-d :i 1-1 1rc r o;it li :11 1j.!1'r In l1f1 llit• l·~·k of lilt• ('ilr 11hrlc till' 11tt111l ~ll·pt 111 the 11t':trby mor111. An f'slimnl!'d S2 .000 in !rather clo!hinf!, Jt•11f'lry nnd n11SC'f'llanrous 1tt>ms ha\"e hl'l'n s!olt•n fron1 The \Vt·st Co.1st (;ypsy. l/l!fi S. CoasT lllgl111";1y. l..a,gun:i Beach. Th(' theft. d1scovf'rcd \Vl'dnescl;1y. .1pp;irentl.v 1K'('urrf'd ol'cr nighl 1 .. 1,c:un:i Hr•;t ch polict• fouud I '\ idt'lll'l' nr forced 1•111ry ro tltl' stClre. Op(•r;1lor f:nry r-.1. Hob.·I ro!d offir(·rs !u· 11·01ild in1·f'11 torv 1111• ~t11r1•, prop1·riy and pn'p<ire a li:.t of ~1r!ie!t•s t:1krn. 1\1101her burglary. flit• hflnlf' o f l.;1g1111;rn .l t'rr~· \\"ald1·11. 43!l': 11111 :-;\rcrt. 1·rsult1'<! in !h(' lo"s nf ~265 111 pmr>C'rty 111cl11d1ng Sf'\'C'r.11 ~1 1'rhn£: ~1ll'rr ~.d ! and p1•ppcr Shilkt'rS. ;111 rJll!iquc l'lock ana 1·.11ner;1 \\'aldt.'n 11·:is 111 th<.' n!·\\~ sr1·rr:il H10ntl1~ ;1g11 11h1•n :is operntnr of lhe Funk F;irtor~·. :1 l~1guna BraC"h shop, ht• \\as <irrt'Stl'd for u.llegt-dly selling iim uuy l'o1nic broks 1 ·1·11111 1•n9e ,, I ll .~CIEND ,\ ... ;1ftt·r prr~·nt:1t1on of !ht• propo"f'd hnu~" rul1·~ for !ht• r·t·ntt·r pr.,pOSt'li for lcx·.ttifln 111 th!' flid hott•I. 1:!/l!l :-; l o:.~1 !11~h11:i,- .\•1lorious fqr 1t" fr•·qu1·nt pa'-t <trui:: busts h\' La'!uno H1•:i!·1· pO ltl·r. thP ~2- 1111un !1vt1·I 111J11l d h,1· ,. arc·ornn1odat11:I ·1'1 ,1i!d1c!, i1tro1d1111: lo S:r.11f,!ht Ah1•11d's 1·l;i11 111 ;i !l0>£l i1Y progrii111 tht.' "cl!"nt.~"' 11ould h111 e bt·i·n t.;1\·1·11 111crl'a~1nc :1n1•1unt of r.~~pon~1h1ht.v :ind thrfl11i!h 1ntf'r:H'lJ1111 1111h otht•r ;idd1e1s adopt a 1lrui::: frN ' ldtsl\ ]{', lkl\1'l1·r s.11d Supt.•r\ 1sion l~\ltild bl: hy forrfl l'r drug ;1dd1l·ts l'he l'O!l)ml<>SIOll II <IS at f i r s I .itlt1n1p11ni;:: to cl1•tf'rn11nr 1f the rrnter 11\'rf' lo be 1·l;1.-.s1f1cd as :i llo!el or .1s a nursing hun1r .. r~pe e~t;1hl1shn1C'nt After prr~f'n!at1on of !ht' house rU!f's 11h1r h rf'slrir trd rh1•nts to thr hospital hort•I pr••nusf'~ ::11n1t' c:on1 1111<..~1onrrs had ;1 chnng1· of hParL ::r11d rult'<! it 11·<1s 11•·1!111·r a hnh•l 111)r h11r~1n g h11111f' S1r;11~ht .\h•·;1d rt·pr•'"t·n1<1l1v1•<> arg1.lrd 111;11 ·rrstric1 1nn · did not n1r;in the '11 ,.11!~ 1'(11i1dn t l1·:i11• 1f 1h~'.v 1\,1n1t·1l. ;111d th:i1 111•· ;uld1l·t, 1n 1rc;11!nl'111 1~·err lh1•r.· vnltu11arrlv and rould q1nt ;ind 11:1lk PUI th•· d\;r1r ~111~11!11~· w1t11011t ht'111g 1lrla11lt'<l. S ummer Sale MARIMONT UPHOLSTERY "NEW AND EXCITING .. SPECIALLY PRICED DURING OUR SUMMER SALE t §;~~-.-, r .l . ., -· • ' I w.-.. ~· -~··, IL ' I '; ' -'::. -.l I 1. ' ;I · ~;. l;. • ~ l'~ ii' I li . i"' . '' .1 I ; '/ ' t . ·-WING CHAIRS SALE 5235 • SOFAS FROM. 5399 LARGE SELECTION NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Another Ted von Hemert Exclusive DAEXEL-HEAITAGE-HENAEDON-WOODMAAK-KAAASTAN-BAK.EA WEEKDAYS & SATURDAYS 9:00 lo S:JO NEWPORT BEACH• 1727 WESTCLIF'f' DR., fi.12-20.'iO LAGUNA B EACH• J45 NI JHTll l:fJAST ll"'Y , l~t.I 6~S I TORRANCE • 2:14l4!l llA"1110 HNr·: llLVn lllpt'll Fn Id 9. Sun. 12 ~I :llJJ 3'7.11 127'1 t I F mor n1a1 son. 1'1 OCCI De cm the hoo c to and ();a the Ber La p.or s fror iHld Ilea 22 A °" i lJ ' she fee dea I 001 we! llol All cha ad pe wit ~·el &bl in dee s s Th Ho s at re th' ~I! "' t:o \\'< fr 00 ' Se be to 0 ho co a F -. • I ' ' " .. Saddleba~k 'l 'oda' "s l ·'i11al • ~. \. SCoC'k s EDITION , VOL. 67, NO. 228, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PA GES ORANGE COUNTY , C ALIFORNIA FRIDAY. AUGUST 16, 1974 TEN CENTS Charges l1i Fetus • Death Due By KATllY CLANC\' 0 1 w.. 0 1111 r 1i.1 lt111 Fountain Valley Police arc pressing murder chnrges against ri <..:ardcn Grove man for tlle alleged slaying uf his unburn SOIL I l'u!iee ~a 1d the allt•gcd n1urdrr ot-c111Ted July 10 v•l1cn Lorcnlo Villareal De La Bosa, 2:1. pun~:hrd his estranged comn1011 le1y.· wife in the ston1ach as 1hi>. couple argued at lhc Fountain V111Jcy ho1ne of her parents. Consuelo Ucrbcr , 20. then gave birth to a stillborn son J uly 22. police said, and a JX1St-n1ortem exa1ninalion by the Orange County Coroner's Office shoy.·ed the infant died of a head injury. De La Rosa was arrested Tuesday by Fountain Valley police. lie ~·as !ehedulcd for arraignment on the murder chargf I.Oday in \Vest Orange County Judicial District Court. Detecti\'C t-.tarty Engquist said t-.ls. Berber had been separated from De Ut llosa and was staying with her pa rents at 10362 \\'nrner A,·e. She had Ileen receiving pre·n::rtal care frorn H local physician, l<~n~quist S<t!fl. and ho.id het·n 10\d !hl' child seem('d healthy and voould be born alx>u! Jul y 22 . Aft er she nllcgl'dly 'r~1s struck by D.• Lil l!os'1, pohc1• ~aid, ~ht' hel'a1ne 111 Upon exan1ination by !he doctor. she \\'as told thl•rc '''il" no lot;tgcr a fct~il hearttx•at, and the baby \\'as born d<'ad July 22 . Police said the coroner's olfice \1·as notified of the case by ~I ts. Bttbcr's welf<1rc case worker. rind the coroner notified Fountain \'alley police. Orange County Dt-puty D 1 st r i e I Attorney Gary Ryan said the murd('r charges were filed under a re<'l'nt addition to the slate penal code. ·which permits charges lo be filed in connection "''ith I.he death of unborn children l !'i ·well as living persons. Ryan said the child would hare been a ble to live ouUide the n10ther '1 wornb. ~ new pen11J 5eetlon was ad~ in 1970 after A 5-2 Supreme Co•Jrt decision rrt>od a \'orthen1 Calirornia man 1Ste UNBORN, Page ~l Fair Directors Seek Horse Rac·e Spon~r License By r RF.DERICK SCAOF.~fEllL 01 "1• o e111 'llet u ,11 Orange County Fair directors \'Olf'd Thursday ni~t to apply to the Calirornin lforse Ra cing Bo.:ird ror a license 10 spon::.or 14 days of racing each year at l.os 1\l::imitos R:ic" CourS•' Directors took the <1c!1on :i It er rcvie1ring figures from rat't"'!rack 011ners th at sho v.'('d the fair could earn beh\.<'Pll $114 .000 nnd $242.000 ;innually frorn horS<' raf'in~ 10 fund nc11· construction at the Cos!;i ~!cs a fa1r~rounds. At th<' r::.1tn<' t11lll'. directors 11crr 11·arnerl 1h<1! they'll be s1~<'king th<' lic('nsc fron1 th1• po11·crful hor se ra('in;; board on a long-shot Mrs. ~1;1d1ne Carprntl'r, v,ifc of slate Sen. Dennis CArpcnter j H·Newport Beachl. lo ld direciors lhal pressure will be applied on !he 1hrcc-1nan racing board to keep thoroughbrt.'CI racing out of Orange County. l.Jls Alamitos no"' has only quarter horse and harness races. Opposition, ~1rs. Ca rpenter said. \rill come rron1 ov:ncrs of Bay f.teadov.·s. a large track in northern California, and ifol\ywood Park in l.Jls Angeles. Both hold thoroughbred ratts. ~!er comments were seconded by Frank Vrssels. Jr.. O\\llCr of Los (See RACING, Paa:e t i One Goocl Goof Merits A1iotlier A contractor digging throu gh Wlderground electric lines has cut ()ff power to about 225 Irvine residents twice this \.\'eek. 1lle \Valnut Village area was withou t power fol"" about 45 minutes ~1onday and Rboot An h our Wcdnesdav when a contractor excavating on the north side of \VE1lnut A\'enue ~lliced the lines. s.1ld Bud Jackley, Edison Company arcc:i n1anagcr. ··11 \11as the snme contractor, 111e sa1ne line and the same c11sto1ners boll\ li 1nes," Jackley said. "1 ju.~1 \vant people to kno\v that it's no! our fault \hRl we ha<I two oulngrs In three days. \Ve didn't do It ," he said. ...... ' ' , ~ lle1·e Co111es tlie S1111 '·The Sun" was the the111e or a display of ynu thful art at Jr,·1 nc·s L:ni· vcrslly !_)ark School 'J'hursday. l~ooking O\ er the di~play-of \1•o rk pro· dueerl by youngsters in sun1iner rec:reat1on prn~ran1s ;ire 1frorn Jef!! Jeff Sirnpson. II . Alike \Val~h. 12. Joni f11eh1u !l. and Lori Forney. JO. I1~vi11e Will 1-101101· Gift Of Gree11tree Scl1ool Site . An •trort to perpetuate a gift froni James Irv ine lo public education has )f'd lo a change in the \\':JY !hr. lr\·inC' Unified School District intend .~ tn Pi.I.I' for the Greentree School ~t t e. The ~'ear-old apprriisa! of the GrccnlrC'e sill'. he s;iid. sr1.<> the valul' or the I0·.1i:re plot ;it $450,000 . Since. the 1alu« of the Grl'C'l11rl'e :-11t' has increased in valuC'. • Po~l Sc1)ri112: . '- BL t S l 1 \Vill Get Joll \\'ASlll~GTO~ Thl' \\';:ishington Post and the Detroit Frel' Press came up \\'ith \'arying reports tod.1y on "'ho has the inside lratk for the Vil'c presidency. The Free Press quotPd advisers Lo Prc~1dent Ford (IS saying fortn('r ;.;cv.· York Cov . \c!son A. Hockefcl\r•r has th e tns1dl' tr;H·k lo the 1 iC.'l' presidl'n<'y. 111 il <li'>!)alch f1·0111 its \\';1sh111g111n burt'ilU, lhc Free l'l'l'SS snid 1110 c·u111t·111ll'l'.'i, l ;Ul' l\t1l1ona l Clia1nnun \;i·rir;.:1• ll'ush ;111tl Sl'n llO\\'i11'd II . Uak1·r .Jr 1 H Tt•tHI 1. dropp·'(I 1n 13\(1!' llO\\('\('f. th(' l'o!-t quOll'd ":1 ~ourcc eluiil' 111 J 111, 1rl1•nt Forr1·· :1~ .~a~·1ng 8usli h~1-thl' "inside 1r:1('k" to the 1 ltl' l)l l'~1d1·1u·y The 1~ost s;ud its source J)('r:>0nally favorNI Rockefl·!tcr. Both llt'\1·spapt·rs sa11I tli1·ir !'QIJ!'l't'.~ 1nd1t·atcd Ford hr1s 110L ni<tdl' a lin;1l decision. As h1• 1\·:1s k•:i\ 1ni!_ hts suburban Alexnndriil. \'a., ho1nc today. Ford v.;as ;1sked 1\l!Cthcr he h;1d rl'achC.d n dt->cisu.u1 011 the vice prC1>\dl'nt1:1\ n111ninu11on. "l hayen·l been lhinking aboul il.'' he replied \1'\th a smill'. 1'he Frte Press sriid Bush's ch<tlll't'" dropped because of "a high-pressure c;in1wign mountf'd on his behalf by rormer colleagues in Congress and others iu the pnr!y struc!Ul'l'.'. Bush and Bcihrr ;1lso Jo~t point.~ hce<1usc of rheir reJ.it1Vl' youth :ind po~~ihlr pr cs id en I i a 1 ;1111l.J1t1011s. thl' :-IOI',\' .'iHl(J. on 'Inside for Vee p? ,, "l~l1iei 1:11 , .. 1 /'('(/ • S.\\ 1,.1;.\\t JS('\)' \l'i "11ililt·ril\ J :-.1\1 h1n1 ,-,1;1nd111 ;.:,1 ~,11 n '-I the \\':tll \ 1111 k1H•1\ :-oil 111 ,11111~ up 111~··1 !1J\lil ... ;ud polLlC !ll"PC'l'1or 1\likl' '1'1 !lern:111 \l'hO~l' 1111) 1:. 1 ;1111!1\l!.; 1•1t l..1u11 f..t.'\., 111 lllc l'ity':-. tnur· 1st spots. 'J'he pcr.,on ·rrul'111a11 ..... t\I' \1;1 :-;111 l I .'l';ll"t1hl boy nJ1ncd J1n1n1 y. \VIJO police s;1~ 1:. ;1 vetC'i :in p1t·l·qun ·kt.'I 'fruernan fell Ill IJch1nd \he ~OUlil :!" :l {'l'O Wd Of 200 persons tried to board a cable l'<lr. lie sa\11 .11111111~ ·:-h;i11d dart into a pur:-oe dangling fron1 a \Von1<1n '~ arn1 a11d pull nut a \rallct. 1'rueman 1n1111cdiatelY collared tile kid and returned the wallet to its owner. · 1'1n s11 c111b:irr:1~:.cd." Luanna J.11crk111~. 41. of tlla scnuth. Ill.. told 'l'rucn1a11 Sile dccl11H·d 1ti t•.xpl;1111 v.!1_:. ~l\l' lJrr1erl t1 t.;hl $100 ll1ll.". '!Jul I'll 11e1cr clu '' "';1111 ·· B11il<li11~ Pt'i'ill i l. S l)1 lllie~ l1·vit1e Di s t1·ict'~ 8cl1ool Thr ln·in(' tin1f1t'd School !)1~1ni·1· ... al!ernativc 111,l!h srh()OI <.t:tlf r11,.Jn111! lo gt-t the faeihly ol'll~n for "eh1111l 11\1" fall. has ai;ain run into a \Jtircaucr;1t1t· y,·all. The inost re<:('ll\. paper b.'lrrier is a l~·day np1~als period rl•quircd bc•forc a huilding pt.·rmit t·nn bccnnlt' effrctiv" \\'ork to n1odif.v the h111lding 111 !h" fr\'ine IJ1du,.rrinl Con1p1rx 1\·a~ ongJ11:ll]v to begin Aug-. r. Scr1·ral iu!t"rn:d c·han~1 ·s must be rnadC' bcfor{' !he :-!r11ri11r1• ('Hll br i11hal11tcrl U1• .c;r11rl1·nr" ;uTu1·d111"-' in r>i~r1·1lt PJ;111111.:r.IJ;11c.l\1nl! ~1111·1~ !'-L'l1vol l>11ild1ng, u 11 d,, r .I! o .1r11\g1•111 ..,r.1!1· h1s11et·Uon. lht· district !•;1 11111 )1;1 iJ !.1 ~il through tile locn l p~·r'll)lT 1>r•~( ''"Son pri(tr construction St!l1'l' th1· huild1ng in the industrial t'Qnlpl(·X is ;1 ll'asccl {acility. lh(' ;;:~·eonda;\· t-:d11c:111011 I. l' rt r n i n ~ f";u·il1tator ,cSi';L!<') :1~ !hf' sehool is c;ill··tl. 1l)u<,( l.(n rhroug-h the san1e process /!·11111n•d nl 11111;111• devrlopn1cnr . ·ro ~•'! 11,~· nt !ht> ind11s1r·1ril b11i!rli11g, 1h1• di~1n1't llf\1 h11rJ lo g1'! ;1 eh:ing(· 111 1·111 11111111c l;1\\'~. 1hr11 :1 ru11d1!1n111il 11·.•' /11'1·11ut .111d f111<1ll1 11;11! ilirou;.:h 111' :ll'fll'.ils p1•1·11i0 r11r 1h1• btiddin;.: l•!'l)llll \\'ith the concurrence of !hr lr\·111c Con1pany. the dis!riel s!:inds 1n ~11111 11s n1och as 8140 .000 in !bl' rlcal at the expense of lhc co1npan~· Th·· d1,,tnct iniliJll.v in!rndrd 10 '\\1;1p 111•· \:ilue of lhc lr,·1ne si t•' a:-p:irt p:i1·1n•'Tlt on 1hf' {;rl'l'lllrt·e sill' 'iflll'. hOl\'l'\'Cf. the di S1!'i('l \\'1\1 pay tor !h r lo1\·1·r appr;nsal on the c;rcl'nlree Slit' and S\\'llP the lr\'1nc ~ltC \'ilhll' t(•r fuiurr :1cc1uisi1ion l1·vi1ie Dist1·ict Delays II •Hl II() 1!11• f;J•'lilt\' l'.lllllO! ff'~lllllt', li.1 .,,lid 1111111 .\11g. ·)~l. 1'U'IHlg do1v11 11!1' r11"t' 10 f\o;tdy tlil' SELi' ."l'hool lor· 11 .. '-lvpl 111 opt·ning Jamrs Jr\·inc m<idr. a ,C"ift nf !ht> ol(] lr,·ine Elementary School 10 the people or the area. 11le school, 0011.· undf·; 1 he r.onlrol of the Irvine district, v;as ab:ln· cloned last spring due !o the noise of iets from El Toro l\1arine Corps ,\1r Station. Cnder the lernlS of the gift. the land 1\·as to revert to ttw lr,·lne Cornpnny H the facility \\·as nn longer used as an elemen!ary school. The Irvine Elcn1entary S<'hool si1c hi!.s bcl'n prezonC'd as an 1ndus1n.1l are<i . 11luch rni srs its \'<i\ur fro1n S21~) IM~I to $340.000. a~ordin.'( to Dislrr..:t 1'l;1n111·r IJ;1Vf' King. Cou11tv Roof crs • Join Southland Locals' Strike Orange County roofers \.\'alked olf thei r jobs Thursday, joining locals in Long Beach and Los Angt:'les in a slrike for highE'r ""·ages and fringe be nefils. Roofers Local 220 secretary George Newman said the union had been turued do\vn on its initial $2.35-an hour increase request. 'rhc strike. Newman said. in\'olve~ about 450 roofers In the Orange County local and I.400 in the three locals involved. A federal mediator, Goorge l).incan, has been working with the union And l\.\'O management groups. the Roofing Contractors Association of Southern Ga lifomia and the Ora nge County Roofin g C.Ontractors' Msociallon. Pickets. Ne wman said, have been sent only to jobs where work is continuing \Vilhout union .sanction. A f e w contractors, he !aid, have signed interim agreements to pay union demands and lr\eep wock going until a new contract is signed . In addition to wage~ and fringe hcnrfits. Ne"'man snid, negotiations are hung up on tl1e length of lhe ron1 .. ac1 Th<' union. he s:lid, wants a t""·~ycnr Rgreemcnt and the contractors y,·ant a three·year pact. Negotiations are Sl'I to rrs11111e ~·londay, Newman said. The union h.1~ bren working wil.h s:i one-vear contract for $7 .35 an hour in wag~ plus fringe benefits. r Thert' is no rt.'quiremcnt on the [r\·ine ('ornp;111~·. l\1ng s.1i<I. to gh·c the rli~1nrt :1ny \'alue for lhC' rt:'turn of !he lrv111t• SI!<' Bond Sale Till J ci1iuci1·v •' ··But they're just doin~ ii to pcrpetuatf' .Jamt·s lr11nc's gift to the district." Kin g said Fire Kills .Six /11 Rest 1101111• BHQl )l\IJAVl·::x. ~\! ... s 1.\I'! - Sr\" p;1ll•·n1.; rlird tn<l:1~· 11111'11 ;1 tire dl'stro~ed a nursing hon1e c;1~t (1f Hrt-wJkh;1\~·n ·r110 pcrs11ns 1r.-1n~ 1 n J 11 r rd . Including " nurse's ;11df• t'l'C'thl\•tt \l'i!h heroic crforts in ~a,·ing Sevrr· al pa1ients. Eight JX'TSOn.s l'Scapcd unhurl The blnzc raced through ~loorc·~ Hest llol)JS , burning the \1\·0.-story framr structure to the ground. Firemen J:'11 !he alarrn about 2 a.111. but Wl're unable lo Sa\'(' the building. 1\uthorit1rs said nurse's aide Chris C;trnley ushered t)Ut 1nost of those \\·ho fled the blaze. Thr ~air of ,55 m1ll1011 1n Tl('\\' bonds recent!~ a11thnr11f'(J h.v the lr\'111(' Unified School D1~tr1i:L has !wen pul off until Jn Da1naµc Suit A I :1gun;i Hill s L1·1t-urc \\'orld n'•1dl1n1 llhH ('l.i11l lS lit' \\.;(S hurlC'1! ffOlll hiS g<1lf rnr1 :ind Si·riou,.Jy ir11urcd 1n ;;. c·n1!1s1orl 1111h :1 11111u·bl~" .<1ued !he bus dn\1·r ;incl 1!1e controllers nf 1l11• rrt1ren1l'11t cc1n11nun1!y \\'cdnesday for . ~4 n11lllon [-...___, Ea rnc·sl C !\l;i1n. B~. R.r) 253C Calle /\ragon. n;unes bus dri\'er Draygon E. i\IRr~h. the r_;oldrn Hain Foundation of Laguna Hills, the 1.agun3 llills l\·lutual {'orpnrat1011s and Pro I cs s ion ;i \ C(ln1n1un1t~· l\1anagen1ent as deic>ndan1.<1 1n !11~ Or:1n~c Counly Superior Court 1:1\\'S Uil. ,\fain s!ntl'S reckless driving hy ~liir.~h • led lo thl' c·oll1sinn flee. 3 in the virinit.v 0f G:itc unc of lloss111oor Leisure \\·orld ;111d Calle 1\rHgo11. El•le1·ly Ete1·11Hl T1•io11r1le f J 'Other Woman' a CHICAC.O (AP ) -'f\o.·o wo1nen and a man "'hose combined ages loin! 253 )l'ars have become involved in the cll'rnal triangle. r-.lrs. Louise Kubiniec. 82. filed 11 $230.000 alienation of affection suit in Circuit Court Thursday against ~trs. Mnry Hei~er, 81 Mrs l\uh1nicc's sui! accust>s ~1r~. Reiser "openly and n1~11ieiously tarr1rd on an illi rit affair in ('hir;1go and 111 !lot Spring.c;, Ark ." with ,\lrs K111)i11i1•l''s husb;incl. All){'rt. f!O. The suit rhargt>d !>hi' .:i1id 1\llwrt h:1d lx•t'n "h;ippil y n111rr11'fl since 19:12 11n!il. .. Fl'bn1ary," shortly after ri.1r s. Hrisf'r's husbtlnd died. f.lrs. Kuhiniec said that her husband often visits the Reiser house across the alley and rive houses down the 5trct·L She sa id 1\lbcrt tells her he is m:iking th!' visits l(I re~d a \1·eekly ,Polish n~·"·spa1>er to ri.1rs. Reiser_ ~1 rs . Kybiniec's lawyer. Paul Rozmarek. said !\1rs R<>iser and Albert shared a !5Ubscrit>lion to the newspaper. printerl in Stevens Point, \Vis ., and th11t Albert l111d l>crn " l'riend of Mrs. Heiser's !ill' '):111d Mr'l Kuhinier !5nirl Albert , <1 ret1rrcl innin1cz111n1.:l' m:in ,1t a ccm('tCI')'. h<'s l)('()n trying to stay young hy Ink ing ::innual trl11s to lhl' baths in !lot Spring~. She: said she wa!\n't Invited to go along and I.he sull alleges tha{ ~1rs ... Reis('r Jnn11ary to prC\'C'nt an 1ncrl1Hse of 22 t'l'tlt~ 1n !hf• di,1r1C'l 1.1'\ rau ll:id th(' "<ill' t:1ke11 pl.u·f" in !l1 toh•·I' ns ong1n;1ll.\' scl1l'dt1ll·d. 1\ :-~or 1 :1 t" Suprrnlll'tldl'lll .lohn H111 t'H' :-;nil. ti,,, an1oun! 1111i•d hi 1ll1' d1,1ni t lnr ri•1111hurs:1I of .~1a11·· 1•xpe!l'>l'S 11(1llltl l\;1\•· 1nrrf';1s1·d Thi· l'IOnds 11n11ld h;11" 1•;1111111 ".:111111·,1 111 1n1f·n·~r fn1111 !111· (11n1· 111r1 111·11 l~'ilH'<I until Iii~· f11t1d'i 111•1> ~Pl'lll. Th1' d1:-1nrt. !i.111·1(' ~:11d 1~ n111 11•:rin111l'•! 111 k\'l'P ~11r·li u11,·.•n11·d lll<'lltYIC " Tl1t' net f'fft•<'L h1' ~alil. 111111111 L!' 1h:i1 !hr rlis1n<1 11oiJld l1;11t• i.1 1.11~·· \in add1t1onal ~l~G.UB~ 5:•. ur ;1 {;1\ 1u11111 111 22 cent.<> . ny \\!;ut1ng 11n!ll Jallll!11'.\ to !.-.~lit• till' l:oncl~. h1· said. 1nen·:i:-.f'<I 1•nr0lln11•n! f'>.:~lcd 11·111 cut the an1011nt 0111·<l 1hl' Sl;J!C'. Tht• an,ount thl' di strict ha~ 10 1·1•p;1\ C'al·h year dr1lf'nfls on th<' r;"ttuJ nf tlH' 1111n1l1l'r of ~tudl'nt" to !ht· f"'\1st111~ :itnount of elnssrnon1 sparr and !he d1 s!nct's bond prograrn . hl· s:ud \\'i!h the ch;u1g" 1n 1hf' rH!10 hro11µ,l1! rihoul hy 1nt'rt·il~l'd i•nro!l111l'l11. h~· :-;11rt the t;ix rntc ll\'XI )l':1r sho11ld 11111 l.11• :lfrt:'c1cd Spry 81 accompanied Albert on his tripe;. Regarding the suit's charge ol 1l11t·11 conduct, l\lrs. Kubin1ec sa1d, "Age d(ln't n1ean oothi11' to Albert.'' "That other "·onu1n e\'etl ~:l\" h1•r <lrnd husband's C'lothes to him." ~lr~. l\uhinice said in !he suit Bui she has nn plans !o l(•tl\'I' "l.e:ivr h1111" \\1hy ~houlrt !" r\·l' j.\Ut to llt1\'(' :i pln('r 10 live 1'111 f1i.:h1111i.; 111ad nO\I' All Lh1s h;is 1nad1· nit· 11'r.v nC"r\'1n1" " The .<1ni1 llsks da1n:1t:,t·s t() r41111pr11~:1t1' for C'X\')('n~ivt> n1P<h(·;1I a1\e1l[11111 1 .. r H 11cr\·011s cnnd1t1nn All}('r1 1vas11·1 t:1lklnr. ··11e·~ nut on lhr hnC'k ponh \\:1.,11111g his clothes." sa1<t i\lr;. Kull1111i11 hllll! !>illd 111· IS l'iltclurH: f!:lk rrorn ;1it !/I(• <H.,('lli'll'S t:Un('l'llll'<l V•i!h lhC ;11)rro•.:1J 1>r1 1t·e.., . .,,_ "~011 J hn111\ ho11· Jt f('('lS !O !)(' .. pr11;1rr dC\1•l,11X'r,'' he said }I a ~:-; J)ruu-}{aiJ ,. :\'('!~ -1-7 su~p('('''" :->.\\'T\ Ii(>~\ 1/\f'\ -PolH" Elrrr.;!f'r! .r: 11•·1·\1111-.. 1111'i11d111r. thr1·1· 1111·1'11il"~ .ind \Ol1~1il ~:; o11!~'rl' 111 11h;il .1111h0rit1r~ !';i!l1•1( l!I\'' <11 1111• l;1rg1·~1 fl·IH'Oll\~ ~\l'l'1'p:-. Ill ( .1li111l ll!d \l~)lil :;o 11ll1i·1·1s !J 1• µ .1 11 1)11• s11c·C'p I\' dtif''t'.i_I 111ghl ~t·111n~ II n ~ 11(I,,·11 q11:1n11 t11'' of n11·a1n1· 111;1r1)uan:t 1lrut: p;1r,1ph!•J'11,d1<1 ,ind ;in 11111d1·1111f11'd 11l11tf' p1111dt'!' ·"41110111;1 ('ount.v Shl'nff l>vn Str1•·11h1· ~;1id Thur·scl<J\ T!rr· St• 11 o n1 a Cou11ry I!, r :ind ,1ury \\ 1•llr1t•sdav :if!t•rnoon handed d0\\71 111d1rtrrH'l\lb ui i;; p•·rsons. ch;tri!Hlg tht•1n 111rh \<lf'lOU\ dr'UI! \'1ola t1ons an cl po .... l'~~1nn "! :-tilll·n propC'rty relah:d lo drug traffic Orange Coast lt'ealhrr l.,!li: n1ghl ;111d r11or11111~ lo\v fl!luds 11 ;th sunny allrr110011s Sn!· 111·d:n. L1lllt• changr 111 t1·1n1'l(!rC1- l11re. ![Jghs in 11h(' low 70s al the Ot·aehts to RO 1nh1ncl. .... 11\!iilllll TODAY Tilt• lit1/11•I Alfrrsco, p11f1e1111t ,.,,/1111 11·!'1 f.:1·1·!1111 f{c11 110/cl.~ ciud )P"IU///Cf/I /'("/ .li(J(/!'/I.~. . I b('/ - f/11 1·1• 11\lll'f'I~ vf 1111· t11!/lll1fl f'~·sr11·ol 11{ \11" uud /'llf/l'tr11r nf 1/11• ,\/11~1 1 ·1~ -1111' pl'ulJcd /l!f "urtr \\ ,,,,., Jork· ('l1111)prl/. Clll /'u!IC' I 111 rud111(., \\'1•~>k1•11clt'r. " Voo;~ S••V•<' " M<iv11• c •.• '~"'". .. ""' t"•f l'~nd• " ' " ll~y\T " "'•li(llO•! "'''"' " C~l•IO••"• " Or•~•• (eMnh "' t+•"·'•""' O! 14' ,...,~·· '" com1(• " N•11•u••nh ". (10 .... 0 .. , ,. '~Iv!• Po'"' .. D•·•'~ "IOI'(~• .. So1>tl• fll·I Eo1todel P••• •• ~lo<~ M•"•I~ 114·1 F1n•n(o '" I• l•"\>On "' '" '"' ~,tonl " ,~ •• 1, .. t•·• ~r't•(OO~ " WP•T"f• .. ~''" ~·"~"' " WO•!d ~""I .. ....... 1~"' .. Wt•~•n<ltt Cl I' M~nf~ ,_ " !t :! DAU Y PllOl Nixo11 Fil~ Hits S 11~1~r ' ~P..'<'t:il \\ :i1rrc:;1h Pr<l~('\Jt11r l.{'n n ,J;1\l'Or,h1 :ind !111• ,1;1ff\ of l 'rr.~1denl (irr;lld l·111d hll\!· 'N'l!1 ·h·d 11ny po:-.s1bili!y 1h:1t lhch:11d ~I. Nixon's pi ·rsnnal papers v.·1Jl he mu1 ed To ne\.\ a.rr-hivrs 111 Ut g11nil Niguel -al least !or thl' t1n11· h1.•111~ On Thur:-.d a.\· nion1inf,:. tht' \\'{'~\ Ol<JSt li•';Jd of 1 h~· Gt'nt•r,11 Sf' r \" l cc s Adn11nt strat1011 h1nll·d 1h,1! lhr r\1x on p;ipt·rs \\.OUld 1o1·1nd uµ .11 th<'. ne"' arc-hivl'~ planned for the former North American Hock\\ell ziggurat. 1H.ela1ed story Pagc A '.l-4 1 But :i short urne l:11rr \\C•rd e:-11ne from thr nJt1on\ r :1p1l.1I of a deal v.·orked out l>t·t v.1'f'n th t \\')1ttt' lluusc \J,{d Ja1Yorski that krrps !hf' tares and docun1cn!s .of lhc Nixon years right 11·here th1:y are. Thon1:1s Hanno11 . thi• r;~11 nffir1;11. :-:11~ that he cx1:>eetcd !(I hrar fro1n ~'ii:on "1·ery shortly " atxlut the transfer or 1nassive ainoun!s of d0t'lln1rnts to thL· \\'es! Coasl And Hannon speculated that because the archives or the Southwest region will be 1nored to the old Niguel planl early nex t year, 1hc former President \1·ould y,·anl them in the n1ost convenient place. The ziggurat, bu1ll as an aerospace think·tank but never oc-cupied by the Rock1velt firm, is about 15 miles from the former \Vestcrn \Vh ite !louse. No n1al!cr v.'here the Nixon papers v.·ind up for storage, Jfannon stresSed that it JS up to the fonnrr Prcside1H , himself. as to 11 hi<'h documents \vould be available for public perusal and v.·hich \\o'OU!d rcn1ain under lock nnd ke y. "There arc'" t"·o federal laWs relaling to the transition of power and the righls of former Presidents that cover thC issue of docurncnt s," Hannon explained . The GSA serves as the (':1rctaker of the documents until a J>rcsidcntial hbrary is built. Once that l:ikcs place the documents are rnovcd to the nc1v ir!Stitu1ioo and the GSA ('Ould still serve as caretaker under an arrangement 11tith the trustees and the federal government. Hilru\.On s_aid that he understood lhill the stall-of the former President still is v.·orking in lhe \Vhite !·louse sorting out the reams of y.·rilten data related to ! he Nixon years. Originally, the coolroversial tapes authorized by /\"ixon 1vrre deemed by President Ford and his staff to be Nixon 's personal property. The value of the tapes \\'as placed at $2 million. \\'ire-service reports Tuesday quoted sources .... ·hich said Jav.·orski y.·as unhappy al thr determination of ov.T1ership of the J.C(XJ reels of tape. The pro~tor 's staff met early 1n lhe day ,~·1th \\'h11e House aides and the decis ion \\'as re;iched to lea\'C everything where it is. "pending further discussion.·· No co:11n1en t h;:is ("Olll(' fron1 rhe i\1xn11 enclave 1n &tll Clentcn!e about the speculat100 1ha1 the do c u n1 e n ts .r1·cnlually 1\il! 11 ind up <'.!! the !\l~llt'I pl ant. 'fV Ri g Ca tc hes Fir·(·. PORTLAN!l, Ore. 11\Pi -/I Sf'tll!· 1ruck rig used 1n filming :\ tclrv·ision sho"' caught l!rr Thursd;iy 1n dO\>.'ntov.·n Portl;1nd as c-rev.·s "·ere .... ·ork1ng on the •·ri.tov1n ' On " series that debuts this falL The tnick conta1ocd a large 1:enerator used to supply electricity for moving equipn1cnt o .... ·ned by the Cine· f..tobilc fim1 of r\orth lloll)"\\'ood, authorities said. ORANG-ECOAST 1<, DAILY PILOT , ... °'""''" {O.O .. o..ry p,. ......... .,, '" .. <~-"'""" .......... "'"' •• f'U(ll·•".., t. , •• °'•" ,. UJ,o<T rut>l•'"'"O Cn<rcon> ~ .. n.,•1• .. ,,,..,., ,.. """'""I'd ~""~" '"'"t.9" r,,~., for l" '• W•,. N•"""" B•..::• Hvnh"(JI"" 8•0<" 1,.,,.,. •••• V•"•• uou~• Elotr.h '""""i-"'""'"""' • •"1 ·""""' o • .....,.,.,s," .,..,.,, c,,,..,,, • ..., A • ·~·· •~O<>o• .cl•hO" "c>Jtl''"'"" ""u"lo,,.. • ..,., e,,,n '°"" Ill• P"""'""I f"b""'"ll <>Uni ,, o+ 1"1 Wo" 1!.o~Slr"';eo.10"'90. C.1,tooo•o 9182~ F·l--•'I w,...,.[ p,91,,,_,,, 00\I P""''""'' lo·I ;.• r ~·'"! ~,.,.~,~_.°""'om C.•...,•I"'•""~"' Tt<o"'O•A IJ .,.fl"'!. ~f"q(d\I"' .Offk tl r~•·• .. '•M JXI W."B••"''""' ii•~:"""""""" m1 ..... ,,,,.. &~ •·••! , ,,, •• e .. .,.,• )1.'r·,,. .,..,. .. ' .... j >•!>• .. " """D-• '"' '''•·"1 ,....,.,. Xl!i''"""llC.."'•"OPo.W TtM,..._ 171 41642·4121 Cie11ifltll AdYff'thl114J 642·S6 71 S• Cit-AU btporlmt'flft! Ttk,._. 491·4420 '"~~··~·· ·~1• (".....,. eo.<• ~"l'wna ..-..,..,. r•· • ,., -""",.' 'I"'"'''"' ...,.,,,.,.,,,_fl., •r 0 1 ....... ,, .... , ""'"•" ""'" r .. ,,.~..., _._, ,_,., r..,..,,_..,OIC.""''.()"'°"',.... '·"' ..,.. •lo.• M•'•J" r•·~ •' (,,. ••• ,.,. f'.-1.1,.., 'O .._,W..•'(<f<O•~•tM ,.,11001...,.""'' ~'"'"" 1•00" """'• "'"'''°'_..,.,,.,,.. llUO.......,,., I • - ' -- - - .. • . ~ ... • Do1v11 by Riversifle -T111·l~s Gui11 (i;o·ou1L Cyprus Fighting Stopped Again 11~' Tiu• A ~soei:iti'd l 'n·~~ Tt1 1·h1~h forces Jtpu!"t('d l'liis1ng \)Iv last _gflp in their :1ssault tin.-t o J a y pulling Otlt'·!hi rd of ('~1)rl1S urHh r TH1·kish control as bolh s1ilt·~ rl11<'l:1rf'd a 1·caSl'·llrc ;t! du3k 10 Pnd ;.i !hrl·c-<l;i~· v.:ir . The governrnt'll! of l'~ prus Pres1d11nt Glafl·os Ck·rldes, \j,htch al.land on(·d th~ bt1Ltercd c;ipitat of Nirosia as Turkish pl:1nes and n1or1a rs pounded th 1• outskirts. announced lhal Greek Cypriot forces y,·ould cruit r1ght1ng a l 6 p Ill 1 Cyprus t i.tne) .\t !1!1· s;11111· I 11111· .li'lillt'I'\ ;1l l.1(·~:-. l111'1'<'d tilt' flt•(' to the porl of 1.uu:1s~ot f)pl't1" !'r1·s1d1·11! c:[;1rc11 . .; l't1·n1h·' ,111d 111-; 11\llll''il''' th·d ~·I llUtTLrdll th:il !hr tl<.1or.; 111 tli1· rh·~~·rit·d 111 t"'•1dt·1111.1\ oll1t 1·" 11t•re h·tl ha11J.(1ng ltl lht· v.111d ;.;01·1'rt11111.·111 10 ahandon lhl' tap1t;il .111d Tt11·n· \1 ;1-. 111l ('11d1·ru·l· th11l an'v a!ll'mpl had lx·Pn 1nndl· tu r('t110\C l1h" <1r olh•·r p;1prrs. T!ie b11i1d1ni.: 11,1~ 1~in11)letl'ly deserted 1''.ven !11L· ;.i r 1t1 f' d poh('1• guard surrou111lin,11; it until carl11·r ut !ht' d:iv 1\·;i <; no11 h<·rt' 10 b<' ~ren IL scen1ed like a good idea at !!le 1i111<'. bu! Jeep <lri\'er Juhn F.veretl. 19. S;.in l)irgo !r igh tl. and his buclclles. l)on Ne\\'park rte ft ) <ind Scan Elliott lcf'n· 1rr1, both nf l~ardcn Grove. ran in!o trouble c:irly this n1o r111n ).! \\'hen !lley tried to drive around Santa Ana JtJ1·cr JC Uics-!ro n1 !\'C\vporl Beat:h to Jl unting· ton Bca1:h :il !011· tide . '!'he vch1t lc go1 stu ck in 1vct sand . 'l'hc pH·l 11re tells the rc~t of tile story. fron1 Ankara. Prl'lnit'r Bulent E~e1·1l declart>d hi s forces 1\·ou!d halt their offen~1ve al !he san1e deadline. For f11·e or six 111inu!es nfter the ("{'(I Sl'·flTl' de:idlill (', :>l>0radir f 1 r i 11 g !"Ontinued in the c:q>i1a1. But thl:' fi ghting appco.1red to h:i1"1~ l'lldl'd a1 ll'<JST l('rnpor:irily. :\ portiibl(' rad1u 111 Ute off1f1.' of !hf' pn·,1d•'ll l0 :-. sc·rrclar,I' 11:1., st1!\ h\ar111;.: tll<1 rllal 11n1.sif' fr nrn l'yprus radio Th•' Ur ~k (If !h(' prt's1dt'llt \1 ;1<; ord1·rty ;ind in the rnidrth~ \r;1s a l<trgl' inanil.1 1·r11·l·li;pf' 11ilh th1 • 1\rn1•nt':1n E1nh:1<;sv ~t:·11np on 1! Thi· f'll\'1•lopr w:1s. cr11pt} Tr!t'phon{'S 11l'l"I' rini.:111g :\ chplo111:1L fro111 \\'t·~t C1-r1n<in UNBORN ... Vinyl Cliloride Bcin1ied ·rurkish furecs alri•;1dy l' :1 p t u r 1· d F:unagusta. :15 1niles rast or !he capital uf Nil'osi:1, :111d h:1d bt'en Ur1v1ng on f·:inbassy :i~'f'11~:< th•· st1·cr.t 1v ;J " 11·;u1d1·ring aro111ut tl1t• c1np!y torridors 111 Sf'itrl'h of n s111gl~· govcrr11111·111 off 1c!:1I lu tal k lo fron1 prosecution in connection sirni!ar death I\ 1tl1 ~j In !hot case, Keeler vs. Superior CourL I.he defendant had been charged I\ 1lh murder for allegedly kicking hi s pregnant \\.'ife. A fev.· days later. Ryan said. she gave bi rth to a dead infant ""ith a skull fracture. 111 Aerosol .Spray Paint l 'rono Page 11 I \\'lu·r1· IS t'l"Cf\ llody·· \\'ht•! f.' IS !hr g11\"•'!'ninl'nt '.' .. ht• askt·d Thi• fli~llt of !hf' ('ypn1s r.ovc rnn1cn1 11 as joined an hour lalt•r by the Brit ish lur~h con1n1issioner on the island. Slephcn l)l1•rr. ;ind hi-; staff. After the courl's decision, Ryan said, the Legislature an1endcd the law. Th is is !he first case since in Orange Count y. he added, an<l one of only a few throughout t~e. state. • • De L.3 Hosa. v.·ho also has been charged v.·ith assault \\ilh intenl .111 co1nn1it great bodily injury to !\ls. Bl'rber. is being held in Oran ge Cou111y Jail. No bail has been set. Hyan Si1 1d. The ('()Uple have tY.'O other children. CllJJlctin to 'Tr)·' Coast G11ur<ls111 e11. For Pot Su1oking fl:E\V ORLEAl\'S <l'Pl l -Se\·enlren ere"· me1nbt'rs or the Coast Guard cutter • l)urablc v. ill be brought befOrl' a <.:aptain's mast for n o n j ud ic ial punishmrnt because of alleged marijuana smoking aOO<lrd the ship. Thr Coast (iunrd".<: Ath 11istrict hc:idquarter.~ confirmed Thursday !he 17 \\'Ottld be subject !o the discipline (If !hr ship's captain afler he hears OOth sides of each man's case. The Durable, based in Brownsville, Tex., is comrnanded by C1ndr. \\' . .J. Hrog""n and has a cre1Y of eight offi cers and tilt eillistcd. Cn1dr. Fred Burgt'ss. the dis1 rict's h·gal officl'r. sa id as he undr r<:toorl lhr situallon, ··There 11·as :i spri nkling of this tmariiuana smoking ) off the ship and on lhe ship." Burgp ss said specific circun1sta nees ,;iried frnn1 one ea<>e 10 ;inol her. Ill' s:ud captain·,; nlasr 1, pro11ch·d for under the lniforrn Code of l\1il il:l ry Juslll'e and ls thr lf'ao;t Sf'rinus 11f f<l11r tllleS of milit<rrY trials. A Der hearing both sides <lf Pach man" case. Burgess said. !he ~hi p's raptain h<•s ;;uthr:i rity 10 fnrff'it up 10 h.1l f of ;1 1nonth<; p:iy for tv.-r1 ni<lnlhs. to red urc <1 1nan 10 thr next ln11pr pn~· gr<1df'. to givr 11\·o hours f'Xlra dut y for not more 1h<1n ·15 dais and to restri ct a n1;1n for not more lhan 60 days. l'ord Yc lot•s :!ucl Bi II \\'ASHli\l.TO:-.' (1\P) Presidrnt Forrl's sroJncl 1·rto Thursd;iv killed a bid to beef up the research baitle agatnsl diseases and pests 11·hich annually destroy $4 billion 11·orth of mea t and poultry. 'lk-cau:-c this bill 1rould add further to the feder:il t a ~ayer!>· burdens v.'ithout sigruf1cant!y n1ee!ir.~ natiooal needs and V.'ould only add to ir.rJ111ionary pressures v.·ittun the econorny, 1 feet that I must "'ithhol<l my appro' al." f''ord told the House 111 his veto n1e:;sage. '\'AS!llt\GTO~ lt:l'l 1 T h c Consumer Product Saf<>ty Con11nission 1.oday banned the use of l'inyl chloride in aerosol sprays under its jurisd1('!1011. It said consumers \>.ill be able to r1·1um and get a refund for spray paints and other aerosol products invol ved. ,(.Q•·.!'~~,...h!' Jc.h.E ~ .iiJC .poilll,<>. and finishers. protcctiVe and decnrati\"e coatings, paint re1novers, adhesives and solvents in aerosol forn1 1~·hich t1S£'d !he suspeci('d cancer-causing gas of a propellant before the industry dropped it t'ar\ier this year \'inyl chloride has been linked to '1 l"lrivatc Credit _\ddccl to Irvine District Policy l'n11·er.sity High School studenL'i in Irvine \1·111 be able to get acadenuc 1·r(•dit for private instructif\n 11·hcn a nf'w !r.·inc t;nified S<·hool District po hcy rPCelVl'-" final apprnv:il fron1 the boan:l . Primarily intendN1 :is a 11·ay studcn!." in physical educ;ilion programs av.•11y from school could apply th;11 :.icti• 1t .v to grttd11alion requirrments. lhC' polil'y appro1T·d at its introduction \V ednesday is l"IOl l1111ited to athletics. The poli cy musl receive n -"l'<'Ol1cl board appro\'al before it becon1es part of district reguC1tions StudcnL<; \>.'Ou!d be rcqulrrr! to engage in !he ncli\'ily for the :;an1f' nunibt'r llf hours as in a regul[lr 1·011rse o1 111struetion and credit v.·oulJ I)(' gr[lll\L'<i ;ifter an examination by a n1cmber of the rlistritt s!aff sho11'(•d 1he :-rudt•nt had ll·arned the subjc<:t l'nder 1hc p::il!cy, a ~1udcn1 1\<•11ld :ipply iu 11riting fo r credit frnnl 11ut~ld•· :1r!i\i!y Thf' principal r•f lhe ~Ch(l;1I 11<111lcl 1·1 aluate the r£'qu1·~t to ~Ct' \hill 1t n11't·I~ d1.,1r 11.:1 rf'Qt11rrnn·111~ LATE AHRIVA.L COSTS SPEEDER F011T LAllDEHD:\L ~:. Fl;1 ! t I 'I I \~·11 11{' 13tack pll1d th(• ~"2.i f111(' f•ll" ~p<·eding. but thinks tns v.1fc pra\'ed ·t h'1! he 11·a;; right all along Black v.<i~ stopped hy pol ice tv.o \1('Cks ngo for dri\'1ng 90 n1i!cs an hour In a 55 ZOil<'. He !old poli ce he 11;is rushing his 11!1c Barbara to a hosp1l1J! because she "·as about lo gh·e birth. Rut the Blacks' inlan1 ·failed to arn,·e. <ind \\1ednes<lav Black did not contest -the $25 fine iev1cd by County Judge Hort Soper. Thursday, f.1rs . Black gil1c birth to a daughter. State Fitnds for Beach Cities Gets Panel Okay An Assernbl;. hill to providr Sl.1te financial ht'lfl for citirs "·hi ch OPf'rat(' regional beachrs cleared !he Senate ('.ovemment Organization Com m1Hce 6-J Thursday. The bill. sponsored by Assemblyman Robert Burke (R·Huntin}lton BcAeh 1. is scheduled for 'a hearing before !he Senate Finance Committee Al 2 p.n1., nc"\ Thursday. Matthtw \Veyukcr, Burke's admlnis· trative aidi>. s;ild Thur sdav lhe finance comn1ittce "'ill represent the bill '~ "toughe8t fight yef." lie s;11d sonic srnators appnrrntfy v.C'rf'n·t "syn1p3 1hetic to thr pll~ht (If our lx':i <·hes" and thought rilie<> "llould t'h:1rg<! IX'fl)llr for list' of lhc br:ich 1'hr bill 1vo11lct 51'1 a~1dr \'l n11\hn11 in stnte money to be. split :imon~ various cities and counties 1vhich opcrntc beaches of a regional nature. Not an coastal cities l\'OU!d benefit. Throur,h a con1plicatcd formula, lh<' nloney y,·ould primarily ~ used by cilics where the beach upkeep is a significant portion of their annual budge!. Cities along the Orange Coast stand to ~ain the most fr om Burke's measure. Big cities, such as Los Angeles and San Diego, may not. receive any mo~ey rron1 it because more of \h('ir own re~ident s use their beach('s. \Vcyukcr urged local residents and cl!y gove rnrnents to can1pa1gn in SUi)pl'lrt 'of AD 3611 to help it pass the finnncc• ro rnmittee. The bill had bc<'n approved hy !he. Asst·n1bly June 20 on a S~-8 vote . Th e b('nrh ~1b~ldy n1oney l\'Ould <'omr fro111 1hc sta te 1idclands revenue form of !ivrr cant<'t" in 11·orkf'TS ex posrd lo it at the factory l<>vel. and has <·on1e under incr('nsing: suspi.::~·1 for its polenlially adverse ht'al!h c f f cc I s throughout the environment. The En vironmental Prot('('tion 1\genc·y rind the Food and Drug Adm1nistra\1011 l1nvc <ilready banned and rct·allf'd ensmelics. pcsticidrs and other produc1.:; 1:'i'l"c'll!'r ·nrerr· Jorlsdlcr1"on "\\tlic.h contained 1 111~·\ chloride. In :lddi lion to banning the chem1<":'ll 111 any 11e11ly n1 n1u1f;i1·1ur,,O 1 1t:ro~ols. :11! 111:.1nufaeturers. distnbutors ;.ind n·tnilers 111!0 prc1·iou.~lv 111;1rket~d ~pr;iys 1·. itli \"1n~ I l'hloridc 11 di b\' t'1•q111 re<l 1o post lists !t•ll1ng cx<ic!ly 1\h:ll produrls \1·erf" .... ,.~-,·1'11 . Consurnt'rS 11ill 1heo he able 10 rl·turn thu~c products for n•funrls \11 <1!11' \...11011' f(lr '-lit"<' h 111 tll.Hl~ '-pra.\·~ 1'0nt.'l111 111g 1111.11 rlt!nrifl1• 1n.1v Ii.• 111 th(· h:nid . ., iii 1·01'""!l' .., 1'111 ! l'OUlf\ /,. 11i llll' 1n1Jl1n11· 'I .it' \l'lllll\1~'11•11 ~.ud 11 L1·lh•\t•<; th:il 011\1 .1 :-tn.11J fr:tl"ll•ui •·l .1~•r0~ol<.. l.·ft 111 h,11nt·" t~111ld t •· rr;1son:1bl,\' cxpt'~·1 •·d lo eon,;uu 1111• l'h1•rtHl';.1l Th(' h:1n \\l!I !~1\...(' effC't·t 111 4;, da1·s uni('-.<; !he oomnus..~1on rt'cc11·es •·1e~a l1v 1'tli!ll'l\'llt'" Ohll'4 !10!1~ \1)1H h \\ {J ii Ir\ tn).!gl·r a publll' J1,,.•.1ring 'Bli1ule<l' Driver Fa ces l 'ourt Date /\TL.\\'TA ~l.Pl l -Arthur C°;!1l·k. knov."TI as ··zorka !he ~lagi1:1~n ·• l:-tpc<l 11\n silll'f d1J!lar!> 01er l11s t·~e-;, 11rap11L·d ;1 black blindfold 01 1.'r h1, h• <H!. got 11110 !I l·flr and ."!ar!f"d dr1\·1ng through l<fl\11 to shu11 off h1s ·' u It II~ u .i I Pl'fl't'pl1011" and plug 11 L'h;tnt~ ~l\ .. 11 fur 1he Blindnl"SS rre1·1·11!1on So('lf'I ~ 1\!l:in!a Con5tltlulion ri,, ·1 • ·r ii •i Fr1•dt·11t\... ,\llt·11 11h" a1·1• 111p.111li·•I h1tll Thursd:iv. :i.a1d Zorka 1\:t~ rlo111~ ;di 11~!1• Ill i:t':l\I lr:1fll• :,1 Ill P\ll•" illl \1•1'11 111111! 111il11~· :1n1·"T1•rl !11111 1111 ,1 .~1•rhl1••, 1.!1"1\ lllii l lh!l";..L /~II h:i. fl't'" 1111 i•\ l)(~I tJ111,!I ... lid /I• 110111ct b:i'r 111., 1!•·1'·n~( 111 11:i1r1(' 11111rt :-:cpl '.1 on hi" rln1n1 that "1n•: JJ!'L'l"('Pll1;n 1,00\11'rS :1r(' unusu::rl " Alamitos, 11·ha ha:i. tried unsuccessfuly Ol"er the years lo bring thoroughbred ra('i ng to the 1ra('k. The resolution adopted by the fair board requests licensing for 14 days {lf racing at Los Alamitos in ton junt•tion 1ri th .l:I. '"Seasonal fair" 11·hi<'h n1ight include industri<il e":\'.hibits or a mobile hon1e or boat sho1\". Th e seasonal fair 1\·ou!d be held in :iddition lo the regular Orange County Fair al the f~1ir~rou11d ~ in Jul.1·. l>1r•'ctor /{obcrt Krone. 11ho brollQll! lhc horse rnti11g requesl lo the board, !he hor~c racing r1i1qeus1 111 !he bo;ird 50u rces to kl'tp u1t 11·ith the "dynanllr ;:inti progrl'Ss11e" dcl'eloprnent of Ora11g1' County. lie 1nrl1 c;1llil n1011ry r;11s1-d lhron1 i;:h hors1· rae1n;.: 11nuld ht• 11,t'<l In Jlrt.1· nff a nH!I!! 1111111011 dr1llar lo.111 fur 1 n11· :-.1r11~·11(1n 1,f nr\1 1>111ld11ig~ :1l lht· f.'111 grounds ~!;111~ of !hr h1uld1ngs tlak· h.1l·k lo th1· l!HUs. Fi:.:urrs fr<ltll !ht• tr.ic~ 011·nf"r~ ~h1111rd lh,1! 1f \j5U.ll\.HI Ill ht•l'i 11,·rt• pL1.-1•1l during th!' l~·d:1y p1·ru1<t th<' fair 111Ju!U rc1·1·1'l' a r1·1cn11c o1 ~l l~t),l(J 1\ i.:onvoy l)f 10 cars and l.nnd llo1·l'r~. r:tth one bnght 11·11h l "nion Jacks for~ ~ind ;1ft. sped through the deserted ~!rcf'fS of th!· capital. The baeks of the \"t•hie!i::; \ll'r•· piled high v.·ith fit<'.". Olver drove his 01111 car. a sill"cr gray sedan . and \\'<ts at the tnil f'nd of the con1·01· lie 11·.:11'1.'d to n nc11·sma11 v ho chased :ifter the convoy as 11 he:id~d do\111 the road tu Lin1assol, 50 111i\es to the south. Ecevit said tht' rn1litary objectives li1d nol l':<rccd lhl' pt1\1l1l'al unf"S Turkey asked for al the lieneva confcrcn1:c table. Thl' ob jcct11"es :1ppnrently u11·ol1'C' car\'1ng O\JI ;1 Turk ish scc!ur 1n !tic !lOr!hc>r!l fhird Of thr lS[.'.l.nd 11h1C!J \VOuld h~· l'll\ otf fr orn 1h1• s..iuth by a lin1· bise'\.·t1ng Cypru.s fn11n LcfhJ 111 lhe 11\·~r lo F<irnagusia Ill !h1· ca~t . \Yer~ 'l'old FBI • Of tl.ara ~!i n1e11l, (;ot J\o t\ctio11 If ~950.000 11rre bl't. the f:i1 r 1101110 rrt\t'h·r ~2 t! 001. :ll'l'flrrt1n,:: 14) tht' figurr." ,\ d.i.1 ." r<itt' 11ould lll\'l Ud1' :11111111:1rlf"r hr1r~1· r;u ·r~ one app,t loo~:t r:1c1' and ninf" thorotii:hbrNt rocf's. l\ronl' s;i id LOS A;\r;El.ES -Compln1nts let thf' Th1' fil1 r coutrl co llt'('f. additional l'BI of (i1nstanl hara.c;srncnl by Eloise rC\1enur fron1 parking, food and liquor Po1:ic1l 's rsrranged husband. whom he L"flllt'e'.~i<ln.~. he !'aid. 1s <·hargf'd 11·1th plo!lin,g to kill. brought 1\lrs C':1rpcnter urg('d the bo:1rd In no nrtion. nlurder conspiracy rleff'tx!:inl be"i11 v.ork 1rnn1ediatel)· seeking sup~rt ~ t-" [):in Ayers tes1Jf1ed Thursday. 11 1~ fo r the raci ng bid fr on1 the Orange County l~ard of Supc r1·1sors. League rh~1r,1;c:s of non-<'ooprr:1tion by 1hc fed eral rif C;1!1forn1n Cities .1nd o th l' r al!tn<"y c•)!ll'IU<h·d triill ;:>rOl'l'l'dings 1n gn\('rnn1f'n!;1I bod1<.'S in Orangt' Coun1y !'\uf)('rior Courl i"H?r<' until ,\111nday. "'hen '"\'!>U hr11 t• :1 l'('fV ,1rr\ difficult JOb 1h"~ \1 i!l rOrl\'Pne ;ig;11n v.1th t'IJll!1nucd :1hcad nf ~nu " ~tir s:1i ri. "\"nu mu\t {'f<l~"·exa 1111n:i11on. h-1 \(' count ,\111dr .~uppor· •o 1h(' hnr<,1• A1er!>. Ji of 22.17 S. Sh1~1ton S!. S<1n1.1 r,1f'1nr. bn<1rd '' nnt ~·) ("I'll 1nrNl bv ,\n;, ;111d \Ir~ Pf\pr1L 4'1 . fnnnf'r!v nt Hal' \lc<1dn11~ :ind H oll~11n.id 1·.1rk ·· 5!9 Harbor Jsl.1nd J)rilc. Nc·11por1 J ~n111 \<,l:t•rl h1• IJ1r1~C"tor Fr:1nk Turnbull ;in· <t{'t'l!'W'<I of plot1 1ng to slay Pop(•il ht•r hu~·bn nrl S('ri:11r>r 11ould ~u111)11r· Tll(•y ha•.1.· ph·adl·d u1n1)('f't1! to th:1ri.:1·~ tl1" r.Jl'Hi~ 1)111 :\\rs farpl·.il!·r ~:.1d .,f tilf!~p1r;:!('\' ;111d SOh4 11.111011 In co111t1111 Ii, 1111\ r• 111·1 "t·nr~ 1h1' ••!l',1 1 111 •nu rdl'r in r!i•· 1·.1~1 · hr(•kl'H last Jl1n11arv Ill"• h·· d Ill' for 11 1f !he 11holl' ro11111.1 h~ I.ling B~·.u'h rol1e·1· Ill 11•·!11~ Pup1•1l. \\ho had 1111!1J!1·d d11nn·e :>.h•· p1·t'd11 ·,·d 1\1;1t .if lt'ast \1\() nro<·('L'Cli ngs :i~.linc;t l1i3 ~Qf'1.1llle wife. 1111<111ht'r i1f th•· 1)ir·c·1· r.1c111i.t h11arrl 1,,1~ 111·\t•r h:u·nlt'll and 111 f.111 rc111t.1l'h'<i 1nt-1nb•·r'i of !11•· 1hr1'(' 11lrc;1dy :1g.11 n~t pol1rl' l\'hf'n hr 1ras t1pp1.>d off by .1 upprov1111! !hr h1 •·n~i· 1n:t<l J)(IS1ng as H hirtd killer -------·--- Summer Sale " • ·. MARIMONT UPHOLSTERY "NEW AND EXCITING " SPECIALLY PRICED DURING OUR SUMM ER SALE ' \· )j{•:.~ .I·~ ..::.:.:.:.: ~ ... \ \.ol 1 f . ' 1~ .i I •. WING CHAIRS SALE s235 : I I . -· . ' • { SOFAS FROM s399 LARGE SE LECTI ON NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVE RY Anolher Ted van Hemert Exclusive DREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-W00;)MARK-KARASTAN-BAKER WEEKD.O.TS & S.O.TURD.O.TS 9:00 to S:JO ' ' NEWPORT BEACH • 1727 WESTCLlf"F OH., 642-2050 LAGUNA BEACH • .34S NllftTll C'<JAS1" llWY , ,\f~i !l~l TORRANCE • 2.'IMO llAWfl!OHNf. BLVD ((lrt•o Fn 111 9. Suri . 12:, :I()\ 3711 127:1 I •• ' I . • " p T T 1.0, \!('Ml bt.'<'01 1·nf11r T1 .. 1fl u~· '!'h 11r affil I 11 .. fur I As: c1Uf'S :If\' 'l'h1.·1 llJ\!il . '\\ c r .. 11· h .. irg • :-;, T1r11 I , 1 tit• llHJ:> ;11111 \\ho,: nlll and Coo J Rw ('ha ""'' link SLt ,, t 'ou • L l' s (• 11 !"1 .11 L1t '" C;il ott b, Th in "" the c sui f~'(\ ''" dri I :I\ (' ., I); He nf (~ T 1\ ,,, '" '" rr '" ~ p R ' • • ' ' .. • ,; . ·-' .. -:-.. - • P0Jjce111e11 To Joi11 LOS A.'\c;1·:1.r;s (AP) -Th£' \'t·n1Q11 .-:ilicc fort-e ha s b1·eo1ne thl' stil\c's first l<nv t•Hfurcem('ni group to join 1!1e T1·;1 111s:t£>rs Union . l\1· a 1·utc of 4~ W 16 'l'l111rsdrl\'. !ll{" P>lil'\! v<ltL'l'.i to ,'1 ffil1atc 11 ilh Local 91\6 uf U1e T• ;irns tt·rs. f lov.·;irct Stol<1n . S.!X)kf'sni;1n ror the \'cnioo Polirc f)fticers (~_s1_a1_e __,) \ Bus Fir1 1t (){ f eri11 g· Reivcird SA:\" FRANCISCO !lJPl 1 - offl'!"·d a S5.00l re1\·ard for inforn1titio11 learl1ng to lhl' th r•·t· rn••11 \l'ho h1jackC'd a bus. rolil>t"d puss<"ngcrs ;:ind ra1M..•d Nit> yot111g ridr r ·r11(' htL<; v.·as h 1 j a c k e d Allo1rctl El.. C1\.JO\' I API Shar1~e Krohn -11nd 111.·r ~nakcs t.u1 f111;J \ly dan('1' in Jll"<t(\' A 1nunif'ip<il 1;'011rt 111r\' !wrf' n11, .. 1 '11H1r:-.1!.11· tl 1;1t the sna ke~ U!>t..'<.l hv t!ie 2 .. year-<ll<l t'>;Oli l' Uaru ·t.·r 111 her n!ghll·luh art \\t'r•· nn t 1b1niProu:; ~ht.· hJd h, • 11 charged 11 1(11 k c (' p 1 11 h • · f c r o C' i o 11 s h • .,1-.t-. C\Jntrury to law Sundv\' llt'.1r 'llln1i..,;11 ul ();1 k s '------------ by tT;rcl· ;1rn1l•d n1t·n \1·ho rohliJ.'d 1hr 35 pa.,s..'11grrs l)f S.1 OCIO in l';l,~h ::ind \'Jlu;1hli'S . 1'ht' 111en then s1up\"':d the hus <i nd fled in a 11·aiting (':1r. 1'rial Dale Set for J~air "..\C f;\\11<\'TO rl'J'IJ -A ~l·l1,1h• li!llH1\ltll'\' 1 "! 1• +I 'rt1 ursd :iy 10 "''('ak1·n .1 p r o g r a n1 ,. a 11 1 11 ~ f '' r 1n.;1;1ll !!lloll nf ~;~5 ;1 11[1·..,!1111:,!: rl1·1 ll't'<t on fJ'ltHt ' 4 1n\ll1on l';ltili· 7U t:~r:. bill 1·l11n1u.1t ,•,1 1 , .r lll ... !;tll;l!IH!I tof t'.il!1 11g f ,. r 111.. n q<;1r· rt th1· S<>-\ .i!lvd ··110\" 1h·\ 1<'•',.., 111 ;,II hut 111r1··· of th •· ~I.i ll·~ 1110 ... t 1 ~1pul .J11'<! :11 t•as was .i pµl'\J \ l1.I IJ\· .1 II 'I rl\Nri.:1n 1n !ht· ·'·rL1\,. Fui..n r. i Olll!tllll1"' 'l'h1• hill t1.1 ."'. !l .l•·h11 !!11hlliJ:illl 1ll(l.i\..l:1111 I \l.i' g11 t'll ~hn1 1 h.inl ,,, I u r p.1 -.~c<' 'I' ti o u ~ .1n1l.., nr l!l<i!on~!s f,H'•· ;1 dt.•:1dl1111· n1"1d 11i .. 111/1 ;,, t ~ :.::n ;1" .. ·t·;ni: ,~,. tf,•1 11 t ~ l.o thl'1r 1 ,1r~ rr 11.• '11"11"1" ot 111~t.1 \l.111u11 1 .. d1·1 .. r1n1n1'd b1 1h.. I 1 .~ t OAJl v I'll QT 1 .'j llll I 111 II J 11 f I u t I 1 ' ~ I ,1 " l 111t• 1 1!1• I l11l11 11J,.lol I;,, 11 u1h,r1'I" 111 tl11• :-.0 1ulli ( •1.1,! 'i,Jll 1111·1;" .tl ill 11.o\ r\ro •;j .ilf l•,1 '-lrl ' \\(Hllit \/1 1 I0!1·1 •d Iii 111~t.1 l l !be tk.•\11··· :->ho1ild th(' nil··1sun· PIL"· tl11 ~l'll<itt• tht· .1~·nlb!~ 1.,.i\I 1w1.-.i• .:;f! nppo.-.n1or1 l 'h" :~·~""•!,!• Tr.1CL-.l'J(irl,1!1vt1 t'u1111n111'T h.i ~dlo•d :.1 r11i1:1r 111\))11.1,;ds 111 111• 'Iii' "' ., ... ), ll BUY BIG -SAVE BIG ON Y2 GALLON SALE Mix or Match 6 or More i\<:""(l(:iat ion . said t.hc action ~ d .. 1t·s not 1nd1catc thu po!lce .1 1'•' gt·nring up for e strike. 1'11i•i r rurn:nt L'Olltr;u.:t f\Jll!! '· Tile re11·;Jrd 11·as announced 111ursd.1y by !-"rank L . \agl'lf:\tl', prt·sidcni. or U1e S.1n Fr:1ncisco-lJ..1~ed division of < ;r,'rhuund. "'ho s.1id : 111 Drug Sa le WS A\'CEl.ES I Al'I -fl Sept. 16 1ri:1 l date h:.1s hl'<'n set fvr a 1n.1n and 11·11n1c1n \\ho plt·.'.lded nv t'ullt1·-.1 In ont· eount of pr;it·1ll.'ing rnrd11.·1111·j \\it hout a l1t'('nse Hl ;i 1';1!il' 1n10\\ i ll ~ .1 ll('gf'd ~.111·-. u! illr.gal dnigs for the ir,·a1Jl1!'111 of t'aJl t'l'r. ~ Save An Additional I 0° o Fr om Si~gle Battie P ri~ ' !3 ' ...... 19.99 Cytty Sark Scotch 12. 38 l<iroq GeOf'qe Scotch 11 ,98 ScDN"Wy Scotch ~ lott1tc Pric e-: I 8.49 10.99 11 .•S I l .99 11 .79 '0.99 8.88 8.11 8.99 I \.45 8.99 9.99 I 4.'l 9 I 1.45 I 0.95 Eac h· "' t '·' " 16.6 4 9 .89 10.48 I 2 59 I 0.61 9 .89 8 .00 8 .00 8.09 I l .90 8.0'f 9.00 I l .49 I 0.]0 9.85 untd Jt1ly 1975 unt.I Sto!:u1 ~~11d, • \\ l' s1n1ply 1·01e<l. ~n eft t'( t. '" hire the 'rcani-.tt·r .. ; ;i::. vur b.1rg-;1ining ag1·n1 ·· e 1·,.1111e Cl1111111••d S.\'.\' ~·nA.-.:CIS(.'0 ~1\f') -· ·r11u ;dl1·~:1·d Sy rn hi on cs e J.1l"·r:111011 Annv 1nt"tnbcrs 111us! he lrlt'fl out;1de 1\l:in1eda :ind C.:Ontra OJM.a tQl1nt.ics 1rhcre 1hc-y <ire .aro1St.>d of rnurder, alli'"lnptcd mlJT"<lC'r :ind other crtn1es, th<' st 3t ~ Cot1 r1. of Appeals has rulC"d . JoSf'ph Henum. 'l7, and Rus.<;e>ll Little>, 2~. v.·on the ('hange of \'t'nut l'hun;d.'.ly 011 ground<; that pretrial puhl1C'ity linking thrrn to llK: 1rrror 1~1 SI.A r1·1h1(·f11 1!ir ir ch;111ec of a fai r rrial 111 Al.111lt'rla l \)II Ill!:·. e L11u·suil f "il••d LOS A~GELE S 1 'I'• I'S gu\t•r n1nt·11! 111·1 .. 1 fil1• ;1:1 1• ll I I r <\I) lll !'I I ;, I lll'll;11·t ~1 :1!PJl1l'!ll !i(>J"l'•· "' n .. u..,1_1· t.1lking-:iboul dri!tin;.: :or nil 1n 11rt•as off 1Jlt' Suuth•·r11 California coast. t/J,> s t a l e attorney gene.rill sa~-s. Atty. Gen. E1'1'\le 'l'oun~er b;'t<'ki:d up his op 1 n 1 on Thursday by h.liM :i l.'.1\1":,Ull in U.S. L>~1rict Court ht'r•· on bch.1lf of his office ~111d the l"'.a!lfornia I 'o<istal Zone Cnn.~e r"a!ion rorn:n1ssion 'l hi' suits seeks to pre1·cnt lhe f1'<l,;oral ~01·ernnH·nt f r o n1 C'Oll!'itdl'ring or :1ppro11:•!.?' 1 II dr11!1 n~ lr:l.~ S'l"" un11! ;.u1 i'lllJ.'ICI ~],!'• lllt'll1 IS f1!l't) e R Pir1«•«·I.:«• ll•1st SAC f:A~l F:~T!) •Ar'1 -·r hi· C<'1'111n11~siun nf 'h(' Cal ,ff'rn1:1 ~ "'ti ! n1C'l'l Aug-22-2~ 1n :-::11 r1:ri:ro \\'llh J.!, (~u\' r·:d 11"inN'kt· ;.1 • .., ho,1 . f( .. 1n1-<·kf'·.-. off11·(' c::.i~ "· H1·1n''('kf' 1 ~ :1 t'(lnvic!NI pE"rjurf'r llt•inffkt>~ ~·fflCt' <: ;1 I r! 1'hu !":'dav 1h.1t ninrr• th.1n tr~I 1ll·lt'ga1~ fn>n~ (';il ifflrnia and the :'lfC'xican S!.'l lc r.f R:ij:l (':ilifomi.1 ;ind Tt'rri tri· v of t "11Hfon1ia Stir 11 1!! <1th·nd r1·l•'<'tfll i.; ;1 111.in;1g(·n1• rn p;1 · prn1J0.<.~1I ~I I! 111 h 1' r" nt ·r 'ill\' t.·•'.;, 1 /)\.':11 :lfi. \"f\l o•d :I i 8 • 6 1 111u11'<'.1.1y n1gh1 !•1 r"Jt'r\ an 8tk:rn1 ,<:-.1n-hQur -.1 t1J!(' 1ncN';•~· pr'O)').')SNI liy Lhr S:1n J)j,•i.[tl Rock ProdtlCC'fS Ass•iCl:\lll'lll Crin1c Rises ' As Police Slo\v Do,v11 1,0NG BEACJI (AJ:J) -The poli~ departtl!Pn t s :i i d Thursdav 1h:it t'rimc has Sholl'TI 8n 3Cl!1;1l inl'rCOISt' flf 1.6 percent during the '"''C'r monlh police slo"·cJo11·n. Deput y Chil'f t<if :i u r i c e \\'ishon snid lhtrl' h:is beC'n a 4 6 pcrl'cnt incrrase in crilnc O\'('r l11st yr.1r h11t UH' riSt.' Wo'.\5 3 pcrcrnl hcforc the slo"·do"'n begnn. l>QLJCE CALLED l he slowdo wn In a dispule over Y.::iges and fr inge benc(iL<;. \\lishon said ca.9C'.'I of iarcf'n~· 11•crc up 15 pC'rccnt and aggravated ass.'.lu\l up 13 pcrcC'nt. but t.hn! niurders '"ere do"11 26 percent, robberies (10"'11 20 JX'rt·cn1. rapes down nine pcrccnl and bu rR\iJrics do11·n 11\'0 percent. lie said fhf' <'ilY h.1S lost n1orr lhan $270,000 In finf'!' :ind forfeitures due t.o a 60 pcrcrnt d C('rl'.1SC in 111 L~dcme.1nor ;irr!'sts. Kicls l..ik c 'fo Ask Antl v J Al !1.~011 l..ce J\il u!lavr .• v. bon1 1\lond ay \\'Cighlng 6 lbs .. J:l 01.., receiYes a variety of reactions lroin faliH'r l;rcg; grandn1ot/Jer. nctrcss Sheila ;\l acRae, and the 1nfa11t's n1other. ac tress i\le riclith i\l ~1cJ~au. \11ll\1 hold . .;; her. 1"he ~roup is sbo\1·n a s th ey left ('edar~ ol' Lebanon Jlospital in l.os Angeles 'Thursday. · \\'p f1lrC'ud.V' l1a~·~ I ah e n 11h:ilt'IC'r pre<';.1ulions 11·(' c:.in to \>re'. t•nt a rt'C'Urrt'llCI.' uf !hi.., n:itur" \\'h:1t ire ~~re Hllt'r1·,,!11d 111 hCrt! is S('Clllg 1l1t':-l' er11nu1als C(!Ught und prosecuted to lhe fullest ext1·n! of the Jav.·," Man Threatens to Destroy ~ U.S. Capitol With Gas .J~hih1> Carl<;on, li5. of \';111 '.\uys. and l't1~·lis l)isn('.1', 5') of North Jlo!l .v11·ood. pl1'ad<'d no <'Ofll<'st \\'ednesday to charges of practicing 1nedicinc without a license b e f o r e Co in n1 is s ion er ~!eyer Nc.,.,1nan. l\IISS DIS\IE'l" ;iJso faces charges of treating cancer 'l'tithout a license, selling unapproi·t.'<i dnigs \1·ithout a l.<JS A.\'l;I::LES (A!'1 -n ·peatedly ru!ed that an ali<'t1 "'\"(' don't knll"'' "hat is in license and tich·erlising ii drt1g to ha1 e an cffC'Ct 111 treating "0\" is for :iirpor1. l\'arns .'I i~ !1•1l a huinan lx·in g." the the bon1bC'r's n1incl -H the l'anccr. n1.in 11·ho s.i~s he is !hl: l,·;1d1·r IOll't.: s.:iid . St'ndC'r of lhf' mcs~agcs is in A ~pokcsrn:in for thr ~tn l c fie 1·1111° 1-• If r f filC'! th(' lor1n1bcr.·· of ;i group that bon1bcd 1h1· ( .. a1.·u 1c g oii pt·1ose IJ..>partn1c11t ol llt·.1l tlt in l !hf' airport '0 \'t1 11S" H be•'111s Th•• Herald-Examiner has ..: .... e 11 1 o 0 I 1 ],(ls A11grlC's airport ;111<! 1\1!1 ""' ' eo " "" l' r a n1 :-,.,it wo 11·i rh ".\_" <1S dt,..·s Aliells of ;il~o received telephone calls undert'u1·c·r iH.(L'lll:. pur1·hascd ''"'"" ! ")v , r I ' 16.)8 Old Grand-Dad Bourbol'I t J.40 Block Vel.,et C onodiol'I I l.48 BICK:k Vt"l•r1:I Conodion 9.98 RelM!o 'r'odlia 9.50 Sche'"ey Vo dka 9.96 Wolfichmidl Vodka 17.00 Bombay Gin 10.78 B001"d'1 Gin I I .SO ~aqrom's G i" 17.00 Tan~roy Gin l 13.98 Bocordi R11m I,··:-' 12.58 Ron Rico Rum '!"Tl ,._ 'ii......1_ ''-""" 'ii....... 1-,,, \ • • > • •I . =:(~,':"··"""'~-.. \1·rite thl'ir n:in1r, -t\lirn:. 1 · ~ w 0 cDl 0 · nlt•r11";1. 11lrC'" pe rsnr:; 11cr1· fro n1 a n1;,n bclic t,ed to !>1: :1hout $'..!25 •.1orth of !ae1ri1C'I IL 0 .. r ,\1nl.'r 1i·;1 -"(I) bl00<J" Oil killrd :ind :r, 01h.-•rs \\'t'!'l' !hf" :-.;1n1r ilS on \h1~ tape :\11 and me>di c:al 1iu pp l1es fro1n the at· tl1e Il111l D@J.IITIDIITID ®lf nrmnn@rr~ th1· f.H't' of 1he U1 1itl'd Slates. JJJJl•rcd ia 1hc' :iiq:>0rl h]a..,t. Fiii ~poke~n1a11. said 1he 111:111 f\l'U 1n April. ~ In a 1:1pc rl•cord111g, a rnan's ··\\'e ha1·1_· 110 idr· 1 11he1t,f'r -11ho has a .\1idd!e Eastern It "·as not koo"'·n ho11· manv l 3537 E. Coast Hwy.• Cor~o del Mar• 673-7530 voit1' !hrclltcnt:d to "d&stroy or not th<' /l(•).1 t.1rgC't 11·i!I acre>nt -is being sought cancer pa!ients might hi11·~ L..----------------------------------J beg-in 11·i1h !lie ll'lter ·1.:" bectH1se "he definitely kno"'·s been victims of the alleged l!ir f'lllirl' personn.·I of r apil 11 s:.11d Police' Capt. l\1C'rv1n King . \\11.at he's talking alx>ut." fraud. the spokesm<in said. !Jill" in \\:;ishi ng1on 1\'1!h ne~l'e ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------i::a~ l\'Jlhin three n1onrhs. The l:ifX' "·as roccivl"<i Thursday by lhe Los Angeles llt·rald-Exa1niner. and th r vo11·e i1!('ntificd hin1sc!f as ls;iat B .1~1111 . chi"t n11l 1t ary offtl'l'f of :\!i('ns of Ame rica Til t-: :"I I\-..: s:11c1 ti1r ~roup bo1nll<'d Lo ;; A 1i g ,\ I cs ln!l'r11;1(1<1n:1I Airpor! Au~ fi ;u1d 11uufd fi re 111·0 tM<i of ~1nnc 11~·1"\r• g;i<; on C:ip110! Ji iii unlr . ..s lhf' L'S. ~upr1•in1• ('uurl ~h't'J:;n·s 1111n11gra!11)n :ind na!ur;,il11:111u11 I <1 11· s U lll'Qrt~r 1tut 1onal. !lo• ~t1d the g;i,, 11ould ~ t;1),.,•11 frorn St L .. 111 s to \\ ;i..,h1ngton and fi red in OtlC'· q 11:11'1t'r Ion ~heUs fron1 eight ~1nr:lf'·5ho1 r<innon bnrrc)s. "Th(• Suprenle Court l1as ltape 'l'rial rFe:-;ti1non Y ~-\('Ii,\ \1 E\l'f) L\ PI !\ad1t':il nel\ \11nlt~ 011 h·,!1n1ony alx•ut a r n pc 11t·t1n1 s ~f'>; hfr ha\-e bei!n O\'Crv.'he!m111gly arpprovt'd by 1hc (.'.al1fon11a Assc1nbly. Tiie hilt :l1ms in part to hl('l('k (·our1roo:1n1 q11est1oni1i.g that might humillatc rape victims during the trial of an art'U~cd r;1pixt . Despite la ~t-n1inu1e pleas fmn1 opposing legislators 11•ho said the n1easurc \\'as an over· reaction that could Jl'op.1rdi ~e a d1•ff'nrlan1 ·s ch;incc for a f;llr trial, the lo11·er house passed t.he hill by a 65-7 tally. 1'hc l11ll no1v rctun1s to !h(' Sen;itc fur concurre>ncc other a111c11dn1 f'nt s. ./oil T erui A 111uilled Si\N OIP.\..O (APl -The jail tcrn1 given financier C. Amho11 Sn1iU1 for contl'nlpt of court in June has bC'en ;uinullcd by the 4th District Court of ApJX!al. ,., Superior Court Judge Paul ~-Ovl'rlon issued ~ conten1pt l'1tation ,June 11 ag1'\ns1 Sn1ith. fr1rn1cr chairman of U.S. N:1t lon:il Rank And C11lifornia Corp.. :ift('r he ref11<;('d to nn'i'll('r (!Hf'!dinns :.it !h1· tri<il of l{obt•rt D11ggct!. 49 f'ni:gr!t 11':\s f'h;iri;:~d 11·ith :ittl·111p!1ng to rxtor! mon•'Y frorn S11111h. 1vho plr:-idNI the fHth An11·rwlnv•n1 :i g.11 i n s I f'I o" s 1b1 e :«'1f·1ncrhni11ntit1n llnp.~t'tt '<: trial v.:is dt•cl:ir('d a 1 ni~1ria l find ~ Tl('\\' tri.11 ct :1h· 11·ns !'lt'r. Smith did 1101 !Wrvt' ;i nv ti~ In jail lls hl' 11 :1.;; gr:1ntNI :i stny o I t'Xrtut1o"n JX'n'ling ~<ii .... • WILB JrEST B.llFS Contests, Square Dancing, Free Wagon Rides , Country Music, Super WILD WEST Sales, Special Drawings with Prizes from each Store-Come In And Sign Up Surid11y Monday l ut'sda1 W~nesdBy Tt11nsdey Frid ny Sa!uHl<'I)' ~-i.~a=1:•~9~'•=st~1~9:~i~~:.__~~1:__--=2c___ ___::_11.--~5~~6=-~~7~-=8=--~9··~- 12 13 14 15 16 9 0 21 2 3 26 27 28 29 30 C.llLEKIJ.llR OF EVEKTS SUN., AUG. 18th MON., AUG. 19th TUES., AUG. 20th WED., AUG 21st THURS., AUG. 22nd FRI., AUG. 23rd SAT., AUG . 24th 8 am-12 no on 12 noon·S pm 2 pm -6 pm All day 6:30 pm 7 pm-10 pm 6:30 pm 12 noon-5 pm 2:30 pm Cha11ly Pancake Breakfast Free Surrey Rides Roy Dee & the Coun try People Pioneer Arti facts Di splay ' Start of WILD WEST DA VS Sales Judging for Settlers Bake·Off Contest Square Dance Night Exh ibition & Community Dance Sign -u p for Friday Frontier Fa shion Show Frontier Fashion Show . Judging an d Promenade WILD WEST DA VS Wind-up Free Conestoga Wagon Rides WILD WEST DA VS Draw ings (/;{,t kfJ/1,''all .doij / ,'firu "ry-.t1:.i. iu1.u , G {I{}/, ,-,o •f 'U. ,1/l'-' LA PAZ OFF-AA.MP SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, WEST TO MclNTYRE • • .I 6 D:\IL \. Pll,OT EDITORIAL PA.GE Doubtful Ir\ int> ... 111·b;n1 dts1;.;n '-\utl.' .. -:..jO ()l)IJ \\'O r111 nl 1·1111 :-1il 1 ant'~ :ict1H ·<1 un thf• :1ppC';11;ull·e n! tilt• 1·1t1 r111111·:-. l){'liU'fl r h .. j IT\ j .. 1111j•I] '1'1!('''1<i.\ f .. r il!'l'fl'l'1tl pf ltll' 1 olll r:11 ·r 11101 I Ill' 1'1111.~ult::inL ·r he 1!11111 1 c·n1 ure 11·1JJ ri:qu11\• 1 1t 1· t'\ pt't1d11t1r1· of :-.:'.!.J !JO!! 111111 lrv111t· 1 ·1unp:1n.1 p;1~ 1ng ! !it' 111 Ju·r S'.!:-1 ,00u "ut·h ;1 :-!ud~ 15 1n line· 11·11 h the t-•111pl1,1s1' un pL.111 - 11111;.,! su 11f\(·11 1u11·1·d 1n lhc 1'111· .\n C''Pl'llditurc l!r s~:-1.0UO cd 1;1\p;1_vers' 1nn11e.1. l11111·1,_·1cr . lc;11cs 11111.:11 the qutost1on 111' 1\11 11• th(' 1·1111,ull:1nl 11·:1s st'let tcd \\ J11l1Jlll cast11tg itspC'r.~HIJl:-Clll lilt· ;J!Jllll\' 11! Ill e ...,,1 .... 1~1 :111d \\ ,dkc1· firrn tv t·;1 r1·~ 0111 1h<' ct1ntr;1 t·t. !I 1·c111" 1nl·\tu,;d1lf' 1 hal the 1·1 1y \l'outd 1n3 ke :-.uf'h :111 t'\IJL'r1tl111111· \\'1lhou! ('01npctit1'e b1dd1ng -\\'tthou r t ornpt>I JI I\ I' rrcs1·nlt1! 1on 'I 111· f1rtn 1\'a\ n:1111Pd be(',1U:-.e of 1ls cxperif'nc·e 111 !lit• area ;11)(1 11 ... p;i<.t \\'ork \\"Jlh tlie lr\·ine ('on1pa11 .\. Hut S50.000 :-.llould be ~11ff1r1ent cnticc1nf'!ll !<1 :in.v 1·011sul1:int 10 r:1kc ;01 interC';;t. ·rhc 1 ·ounc1 l"ll~1:-. a--1\t•<I ror :i policy tu gn1e111 :-.111 h deal." h11t 11 app<1rc r1lly \1 11! not be ;1vallahle for 1111.~ ~lan 1 r1• ..... 1dc11t s l1 :11·p l'Ol('Ccl t·n ncei·n OvL·1· tl1e Ir· 11111l' l'!1nlp~1n.\ ·, rnt 111nl11l11r r11v builder r11lC' 111 l r\'inc. 'l'hutt~l1 ll'~;il ;111·:1rd1n:_: :1 10111! r1111tl'a1·1 1vllh the ro1n- p;1111· 11•it!1111 11 h1ddin :..:. 111 ~1 1·tin .... u1t.:'l nt 11•1iif'h has 11·orked \\'Jlfi fhr 11"11 11!' ("lllilll<lll,\. (1]1 !Jil.' t"l'('0111J11l'tlclali01l 01" 111t.: lr\llll" f "t)tllp~lll~ d111::-110!11111;,: tu (':!."l! 1110.-.;(: CO IH.'l!J"ll'- E1er~hod.\1 kllO\\'S tl1;i1 l.u:-:\ngclcs 1s lh:1t place \1•here tiler h;11·(' srn og_ sinog that slings the c.1·c ... ut- tends the rio~c anti peril:-health. Hut is Orant;e L'ounty"s :ur purt':' l\ot a! all Jn .lune. 1\11· J.,ol lution t'ontrol Oi s lricl founcl that 111 La guna llcal'h. \\•here lhc lo\VC:-t level of polluti on 1\·a~ founcl . slate air quality sta ndards 1vere exceeded Procedure ll;11! thr 1t1011lh . 1n El 'l'oro 11\l're \Vere lH ctav~, ;uid 111 :-.,111 .ru:1t1 c';ip1 :-.r r:inu there 11'l'fl' 17 tl;1-'·" 111 \vh1ch pol· J11 t1(111 1'.'<t'l'l'ch·d ~rc·r11t :i.bl c s::1nd:1rct.~ Fron1 J.ag1111:1 Bt•ach. the :-;u ·kl1 li n1 \vr1 h:izc t':l ll 111· Sl't'll s!rc1t·h1r1 J.; :t<"ro:-. .., 11u• 01·1·an !1 ; tile llnr11.on '!'here :1t't· r11 :111y d<1 ;..-. !ht· S~uldlcli:tl'k \'alley :-,ci.:111:-. lo be a •1>1111/ f1llt·!! 11·1 1/1 lhe ;1i r-burrJL' 1t111),, S1n(Jg 1s a produt't of rl 1vtr--.e ... c111r1·cs. hut one 1l1n1 g 1 .... s ul't·. ii 1s :1 peopJC' piudut'l. F1111trl' develop· 111e11t of Ilic South Cuun1v 1 nu ~l ton.--.1lil'r Ille danger of J 11rthcr tlcgr:iding air q11nL1~ (:011n<'il Lo g jan1 Irvine 's c·ny <·oun('JI relurned fro1n :iln1osl a n10111h 01 l"at'tllion 'f'uc ~day to fat'e an n):!enda :-o overloaclcd that a nicellng \\"hil·h did nnl l.J rcak up unl1! 3:17 a.nl. \\'t•dn Psday could 1101 handle 111any prc:-.:-1 11g 11cn1s. ~e\'· era! \\'Cre deferred !n !;itt'r d;itcs. 'f'he \"a t:it1 011 \1<,1..; ini tially scl up no1 lur the bene- t11 of the vouncil !Jut :is a ('ll:'lllt·e f11 r· rl1c v1ty ~rnrf In 11e up dang!inL: end:-of S('1 'C'r;1l pr111t'1 ·1:- 'f'ill' rle<·i~ions thL· l'Ollllcll 111u~1 1ll:1kc tlD nut go ,11\'U.\" 'l"l1c.~ ju:-.t pilt· 11p until son1t d1•l·1--.1un 1.-. 111ad1:. 'J'llui-1, tile pa <'k t·d <1),.:t'nd:1. \\'hi c-h rcqt1i 1·cs p11111ll j.! (,fl l!l'!ll» 11'/lil'h \\'iJJ O\l'l'l\1<1("! lll!UJ'l! ;igclld:t:>. 'r11e co11nL il pri<ll'~ J\:-.cll' 1111 11 s !horu ug h a11d . ;il)o\·~­ all. public· discussiuns of t.'HY IJus inc.,s. ('ons1 der;itio11:-. 1vhich :ire brushed O\'l'r or derided 111i1 s1clc of n1cctin!-:·" in other f1 t1e:-. t;1J..e pl:1c:e 111 ful! public l'ic1v 111 Irvi ne Rur 11011· p111J li<· i!' .1 3 :i.n1 . n1rct1n:.! :iftcr thr aud- 1cnc·(· leaves'! .\lld 11011· thorough arc cnunl'il disl'ussion ~ \\'hen the elotk tells rhc111 ;i hasty adjour11n1enl tn ay be required !o get lo \\'IH'k on tune'.' llO\I' well thou ght oul 1s a dccis1on n1:icle :Jt 3 a.in.? 1'o :'ill C\1ent . tho.-.c qucsl10 11 .. 11·ill go a11·a1· \\·hen the coun<'i l rotates ruunc1! 1nc111ber...,· vacations. as i:-. do11c 1n other cities. ' I J SB t 11<• Bi<•<>11 t e1111 it1 I Six-year Term Has Some Merit Time to Wipe Slate Clean Clou111' \\"/\Sllt\'GTI ).\ .\s~ullHllg th.11 Prc~idcnr Ford con1pll·t1·s his t1•rnl. 1h1• l ni1Nl Sratl'~ 11111 h;111· h.1d hHlr prf's1dcnr.:; 111 !!i .'·car~ ;1n :nf'r;1gr .,f f(lllr Yl'<lrS l',l('h \~•II•" or llh ~ .. prC'siclC'llt:' 11ill h;nt• :->t'!"l l"d 1h1· tr;1dit ion;:1I J\1n lour-1 ... 1r 1 .. ri11~ In !;11·1. ll I" duubtt11J 1h.1 t II 111 lll•~lt Ill !l!nl'.'~ !ht·n rt'alh !"' ... ut"h .1 tr.u1H111:1 Cll !ht• l~ pr1·~11len1~ 111 1111~ t't•111l1r1 onl ~ 11\0 h;11" lull11l1·1t l!n· l1\•1·1t·n11 tradit ion <!S.:1b~t~h•·1! bv (;cor!!"•' \l.;,:.;t11ni.: 10n. Fr•1n!.;'1n Hoo;;r .. 1'elr 11;1~ clc·1·1 l·d 111 lour :1·r111'-o 1 I .1 \\"i!son ,111ri 1:i~,.11· ho11 rr °"l'1 '1 '"I tull tC'rn1~ Ex-Pri·~1r!.·nt I Ir '' on"s rr,;1,.:n;:t1011 1 ... bound ff• re1 ·1 ·· 111 reres! 1n ;1111e1nl1·1g the Con sti1t111u11 to pro11lli· 1(11· <1 :'111!.!!c s1x-1't•:1r 11·rn1 h1r p1·t·<:1rll'nl~. :\'ixon" e:cµCri l'lltt· 1111dll 11npl1•1n1·11ted 1ht' chrl·l ;irgu1ne111 ol prnpc1nenrs of ri s1nglC' six- \"Cilr l1 •1"1Jl . i\ I 'r1•'1rl1•n! 11·as ~o nbSC'S!'Cd 11ith lu~ u1\11 n•1•l1·1·111111 1narg1n 1har h•· en ,t?<•J.!t·d 111 11npl'achablt' conduet. i\IORt: Tlli\ \; lh;1t <1<1111<11.(I' 11;11\ dOtl(' f.o thC' nppo<:1ni.: ari..:111nrn! 1h:1! ~1· ~1nr:l1·­ ttrn1 pres1dcnl ·.10:1ld he· .1 l.1n1r -dul'i; lron1 th<' ht·l!11111111i..:. un:ihlt· I!) 111:tr::>h.;il !he polit1t":il tnrci•s h:n'111g .1 l"1'S1<'d 1ntC'rc~1 u1 h1" (·1111ti 11u.11111· 111 01f11'!' It 1s prrC'ISt'll" rh1o;; :1.,p1·t·1 nf p1,·~idl'nt1;1I l"OlldU l't 111 11h1t·h lht' p11hllf' IJ;IS 111~! t,ii1h T!ie 1·ou11 try l!H11~1·r.:; lnr :i 1)r(•:;irl1·111. 11u1 .1 1~illl1l"i:111 lonl-.111g 111 his 011·11 pt·r·p1 •l11<1t1011 111 11111c1· anrl 111.11 01 hi.~ ~llt"l't'S~OI"". Jn \'1:-:011\ 1'11· .... 1 t1'r111 ~1111· \l ,itPrt:;1!<"' C'o\·erup . th(· n1ilk scandnl the \1·he<1 ! fll'al 111!h Hussi.1. .'ltlrl lh•· 11rn1 11g of !hC' f't'k111i: ;.111d \lns("n11 \J.~i!S ,111 bort• a direct relar1011slup !o his J'C•t•lcrt1on NIXOi\' Ht..:ALIZED riltC'r lus rc('lt·l·t1nn 1ha1 th<'rr rn1 ght bl-· rnore !O thC' s1 x-yc;ir tC'rn1 idl•a than ht• had thought. On r.lay 15. 197.1 hf' sugg l'sled r11 n \\'h11r House n1ec11n~ of congressio11;1I leadl'rs fha t SC'nous l'1Jns1drra11nn bt· g1vrn 10 the pro1,?0s111on. The fotlo111ng day !he OC'n1ocra t1c le;1cler, Sen ~l ike 1\lansficld. (RICHARD WILS O~ 111t r•1<lt11•t·cl ;1 l·onsut1.1t1on:il nn1er\t!n1rn1 1u t!1 .1t 1·f1l'<'1 11•11h the '-.U[lfi(•rl uf 1h1· Ht puhl1f·:in 1•l<h•1' Sen (;,·un.~l" 1\1k••11 11 11n h.14! h1T11 :t<h oc;11111g 1ht· "lx-~·1·:11" t•·r111 1"1 .1 \1111;• timr 1\l \1·:1s1 f11·r 111··-11\t·111s b1·f111\· \1xon ;1r<· ~111 rrL'oril l•ir tht' sh:-1!·;11· !1•nn SJllL"t· 171\ll 11P·1rl.1· 1c11 :111lf'll<l1n.·11• .... fr111• bf't·n oflt·rt·d l•1r 1/i,111g111g :11 tile .~1\-_1L·:1r ll·nn. Sornr t)11nk th:1t ;1 ~1nglf' lou r-1 ".'I r (L'I !ll 1.~ J.'!lOllgh ;ind !his l'i('ll dl".'l\\'S ~L"Jl!li >rl frnm 1h1• s1n1pl1' l:IC'T th ,11 hoth i\ixon anrl Eisf'nho11·0r had 11robn bly :1rt"1 1111plisliC'd ;,ibout as 1nuch ;1s lhc.1• 1·011ld in !heir first lt.'nns. con~idf'ring­ th:it Congress 11·;is ron!ro!ll'd b~· rh r> op- position part1· and thC' n1or11e11lur n t"Jf \1'h.1t thev wer(' tr.1·in~ to do h:1d d1111 i:1- ished. A SIX -rt:AH ·rt:H\I I.~ l't'r!:unl) ll!I ("!lft'-:111 .11lrl l!ll"il<'S :1bl1Sl"S nf 1)()1\1•r ht•C::JUSt' tht•f(' I' IHI I 111 rn I 11 (' n I ar·("ounrahili1~· :11 1!11· 11011" f'.ur 11e h:11·r ri.:1·<'1111\" ~1·1·11 11011 sn1ooih11· r h" c1111s!tlllll(1n:ll prorrdure un n·n111\·,1! o! Ho11· r:Olll\' rhe L"Cr 11·nter· pn!n 1·o;t"h ;111d ir:un SC'f'n1 l•> ha•:t• 111·~1 l';il1 nn u~e or l/:1rbor·~ 5H·r111·,,.:· pool 11 hile m;u1v :lr\':t <11.;e-g1·1111 1. s·1r1:1- t1HT~ :11'C lll1~11)1{• 111 ,!;l'I :1d('{jl1,lil' !)()Ill tune" C:i n'1 the1 u:;e thC' I l'! pool" .J L G!oa..,y c;,., co"'"''"r' ;>re $Ubm•11UI b• •••G•<1 •no !lo nOT nece{•••11• ••llr<1 thr Y••w• of "" now•oaotr Sond •o~r orr P~•Y• "' Gloo"'• Cu• Oo1ly Pdot ;i pr(•:-.1denl •',•I\ 11pt.:r:111• it 1l11'f'/' 1 .... prob:tbh• c:1u ..... e. It <'('f\;111111 1i,uld 1101 up1·1-.1!e !ha! 11;i1 ii puf)lir s1·11t1n1c111 11;1s el1·:1rlv :ii.::11n~t 11 :111<1 !Ile ptl1")Y1s1· 1r;1s mt!rely 1(1 l"l"j/l'!il the rL"sul1!> 1d !hl' ~·lect1011. A !lC'I\'. ht11 still lra<l1!1on;1l 1·1L·w of the pres1clcnc1 111<1.1' b" corning aft rr so 1n nny .\"l':l rS 111 y,·flicl1 all po1r('r tend"d 10 flo\v 10 tht' so1·rr111gn. 1r11:1t h:i<: hilppC'11r1l 111 !hl' past ·Ill 1·cars t'<l11110! b1• llllf!Otlf' fJlll('kJy br<·:111~1 • SO lllUl'li OI It is \I t'ltll·n 1nt11 1:111• 1111· U~t' hi I J1•r1101'rat1e pri:~1dcnls · TllE PHE~J>:,\"T "l11nat<·. h11111·1 1·1 1-.'ltls (or rt'Str;.iinr 1n !ht· usr nl po11 1·r 1l:rt·rt or 1111flltt'd. lnr a l'r<'<:id"r11 11 h11 pn·c;1cl1·~ r:i•h1·r th;u1 1hi·t ;t!1•, "r 1•1;rrt•n11·h· 1·011:-.trih"'-his cnn<:11rur1011 al 11111horil\ nnd !h1s is 1!1'' kind of pr1·.~id1·nr a "l\·IP;1r [j'f"lll 11npl i1·~ l..•.11do11 .J:i!u1 .... 1.n ;l;11111.:h1 hi~ pl 1·~1d1 111 1 llli"<!lll Cflll~!'fl'US. :lnd H <!1d for :i II llil·· \:o pr,•sid,~nr t l l'r h.1t l .1 gn·att'r rn1·;1~u1·,• 1•t 1t. t'\"l'l'P1 Fr.u1klJ11 J:oost·\l'il f11t d 11hllr ,\ ~111gl1 • 11-rrn. "l'\·1r.u· pr1'~1Cl\'n1 11011ld h,il'~· h1·h1nd h1111 :i ..!H•,11 111or;1I f•11<'t· 1111" 11111"•'!1~11 .. 1\rn n11 <.: 11th"I' 1t11111:s. ht• 11•1uld nrit f~·1 •) tl111 11•'••1 111 r:i1 ~1' sri1111111 :1 .. 11 1••1111,1 •1111 n ·1·l1•11 1 .. 11 A 'I' ,1t·:1r (1n1\11111r1H·111 h ,J 111111-: 1•111· f11r i11f· ,\111•·11• ,u1 . ,,., '11r;1t+' r" 111 1~· 11 11u11ld !t·n•: 111 '"111~ Jt,'q thr 1~•l 1l1t:d 1n.uni.1r(·:u11 11 , 111 ·~ ., :•h 11.11 ,. t•1 !hr1r t·rC'<!1t tbrin -....1 .n., 1n l 'on>!rl'SS. 11hoth hn! l~ \on1: P.,.'f'rt th~ n1a1or rrlt('non fnr pres1den11.1! ·;1nd1rlah·s .'\o doubt llf·opl~ 1\ould lllt' of ;,i presidC'nt tn ~I.( yct1r!: thl'y u~ua!I\' h;i\ r 1\n amrndnll'lll l11r a o;;1x·l't•Jr trn11 nf'<'d n111 <ippl\" ro thi· "u1t·un1bl,.111 l'n•s1drnt Ir rf'lul <t 1.1kf' effect 1n tht• 1rnn b{'g111n 1n~ 111 19111 Tlit' suhJf't't is \\·orth 1nor1· scnnu:; ~tu<l>' lh:111 11 has }"ct been given. 1L• !ht' Ecl1tnr .\ .... :t 11a11on. 11t• t:ll't' .1 u111qur d1l<·1n11l.1 111 t·1111111't"l1on \11th our r" s 1 J.! n (' d l'r1·~1d1"U! ~l;Hl,I I•[ 11' lt'llil" h1•l1t•\t' Tti;11 rt's1g11:1!1u11 fro111 11!114"1• 4·on~t lluh·~ ~ufl11•1 .. 11t puni<.;l11n1•nt !11 r \Jr :\t\1111 \\1• .1!!-0 \\uUld 11e len n11· ;1 l't•nl1n11:11111!l ot th1· 11•.[!.d proct·ss lo 11~ 1·ont'hh1011 11h1eh 11·ould rno~t likely find ,\tr :\1\1111 ~:,1 11 1 UI <ll'\S 11IJ1t•h ICIHl!d ('Ollt'.l'll':11)j\ t1q1111·,· 111c:1rt•1·r;1111111 Ftllt \I I~. tin· tli11·111111,1 beg111~ ~~h1!> jl/11111 I b~.'ht•1f• !h:1t :1n 1ne;1rc1•rat<d pa~l l'rt•sidt·nt 111.H1ld !ocr 11· litt le purpo~1· t1·1' 1·l tl1t·r 1:1'-ll ct· i.r 1h 1s n.1t i1J11·s n1nr;•I• \<'I tu lc11I tu 111C':1rc1'r:1!1• .\Ir ,'\1\011 11t1 il t· '-I> 111.111;. 11! h1' :1 1i!t '!'. .1r1 • '1·p;1r .• t1'd lrorn far111l.r. 1nc0111t•. :111d n·p111all(ln 1 ~ l1ki.:ll'is1·. I hl'lit•i t• t1111·on.~('li1n;tbl1 · 1\llOI\" 1111' !n SlH.!g('c;f ;1 lllllqUt' :-.ult1(1,.11 lu this un1q11P 1tilcn1111a at 11\:<.: un 1rp11 · JUnct111··· Jtl uur n<tt1un ·s h1srnr.I", \\'r 11111 !-•klll hi' l'••lt'bra t1n ~ ;,11r b1l'1 ll1~·11111dl :1~ :t ltli+J.!tllllt'l'lll <h·11101.·•· •' 1•\pt·1·11n1·1H \\" h:I\ t' µrcn'1·n our!>i'h ,., Ii' h1' .1 11;111011 rul 1·d h~ l.111 ll111 c·ri.:d1·n11al.;: ;1s ;1 co1np;1 s!-111nalt' pt·opl•· 1-. ;,l!>O 11·11h11ut t•qual. llu11 t'\t·r .iur lt ·aduu.: h•.i:;:i! n1in1t~ h:11·r r;11st'd ~t·r1t1u~ r1111 ·~11on:o: ;ihou! lh1· ourn1od1.·d ;1sprttc; 11t nu r 11.gal sy:-1c n1 11h1rh r1 ·q1u··,, 11111n~·d1<ltt.' 01·crhaul 1\1 1111· .~a1111· 11111• 111;1n.1 nf our r1";,prcl•·d 1!1<•r:tl 11111 ,, I,,..,• fl1tl1t· t"!•t"tllll~ 111 fjUt·~hoi11 llUI t•i.11111 10 h1 1 .1 rn1Hp,1:-.s1on:1H• Jl('<l)1li I BELIE\ I~ o:;ult •'T"l'I~· lh,u 111 IJ;, I lu 1·11 pr111 1dt•d II 1th II tllfl•t (1/lll~(l;d !>\I nr <'irtlllll~t;int'C'S hi' \\"hith t,) l)t'~l1l In --.rih e dra1na11ea!ly 1110:,e 1>1'rplt.'\"1J11; prol 11•111~ 111 I' 11 l1rr1111111 !)I I/lit' ;21\11111 \/ll l•I 1•1 ···•I I .1!'-~1 In•' t'flll lll!)' c·ould 111• 11•11 (ii'('l:11 • ,J 11Hx!1f1cd Juhilcc 'i'~·.1 r ;1 ~l·.1r 111 11!111 ·h f(Psi~/flffl if~ft , (' ,, 1111114:• JI t :\J any il l;1ilho1; rrriders have r''-"\Xl11dC'd to a r1•qucsr on last Saturda!t"S Dad .\" Pilot Con11ncnr p:t J!f' for \i('11s on tht' h151oric events lh;it !ed up 10 rh« rc~1~na11on cff l'rcs1d1'11t r\1xon and lh l' 1n:iu:.;11r:1tion o! l'r1·s1den1 F11rd Tht·1r h·tlers \1111 app<·ar on 1h<' c·on1111\'tl l nace tomorro1l' Edi tor Reagan: Another 'Innocent Victim Exc.-cpt1ng ft1r the unfin1sh('rf cr11n1n'1l prosecunons arising out of th:!l11t.sordid chapier ol /\mericnn h1s1orr . 1ht• \Va1C'rj..!al1' atlair h11 s C'nrl cd. II lc.-aves in its 1\·ake a list of viC'!irns. fal!f'n fro1n hi~h. unprC'cedenled in lt,c n;ition's 1911 1cars. i\1ost of lht·in \1·c re culp;ible. But there 11·C'r{' son1e 1nnocenl victims "·hose ho r> c s t1nd dreams hav" hf"1·11 shatltl"f!.d bv <i !urn of evenls 1n \~'htch lhev pla}'L."d 1"1Q p;it 1 'Their car1.•e r.• and their futur~ h11\C bet-n altered or l'nd- td by ci rcur11s1an1 ·e'..; be)•oncl r he i r •·o.n- lrol, Not the lea~I oi those v.·hose political for1un1·!1 h11vr· i.lf•E"n adversely affecled is C:ililorn1:1·s O~\n Governor Hona ld l{cai?an. Comple!l•ly unin vnl vcd 11'1!h \\'a!erg:11e or anr of the 1972 Nixon comr11itl1't' transj:-rcs~inn ~. Rc<1!-(an·s 1>0!1t1cal futurl' u•as nevertheless i111·xtr11·11hlr 111-d 10 lht succe~!l of Nixon's second 1cr111 f'or his a111bitions to brro111r I~ 1976 Jirpublic.11n pres1dC'ntial no1n111cC' 11 crc ( EA RL WATERS J perfcclly clear. ThC'y had not ch;1 ngC'd since his setback at the hands of 1'\ixon 1n 1968 "'hen he openly. but hcl11tedly. sought rhr. nominatinn al r-.tianH. /IC' had come clnscr lo 11inn1ng thal nor11[na11on lhan ru:iny rralize <Jnd. bl' hind s~ht. n1i ght \l'f'll have caµ111 rcd 1l had he not bcl'n playing l'Oy ln tht" e3rly months of !hat c a rn pa i g n l.,11douhtet.lt.v his cons1.1nl dl'ni11ls of l>1.·111g " prrs1denti:il 1·andicl.;i1c enabled Nixon to nail do11•n drl<'.Q:.1 !t: votes pn11r rn 1hc t\li1uni convt•ntiun 11·l11ch Brag;1n o!hcrv.•isc rnigh1 have h<id. \'t'JTll NIXON 'S su bst·11u1•n1 vic!or\' nvcr l/umphrl.'y. ll t'<ij.!.'Jll ".~ hand~ 11•trl' tied for the nex t ('il-(hl v1·:1rs, Out' canlllll r1111 :i g~iinst hi s 011111 11:1rt y's incu1nh.·n1 pres1dt·11\ so h1~ W:lto 1)r1·r lud!•d frnn1 ~:ii1v t'rforl 1n 197:? 'l'hill rn:J1h• 197fi thC largr l year and. b<·l·n use Hragan 11·ilt be 61 :tl that 11mr. h1.<.; last rh<uit'r at the ~r<ind pr1ie of poll!1c~ This. of course. 1·x pla111s Ii 1 s uns1vcrv1ng support of Nixon durinc lhr pas! !l\'O yell rs. Ht• 1v~ul!C'cl dcsparalt·l v for J\1ix on lo 'fini sh our his second t\~rrn. Thal would have left the Bcpublic .'1tl ronvenlion 1ride open in 1976. /\nd l~eagan \\'as running 1vell ahead nf the field in the jXllis after Spiro Agnt•\1's disgracC'. Ev('n bffo re AJ:nC'1V 11-a~ brought to heel. Reagan v.·as building solid support throu,:hout the country. \\li th Nixon·s do1rnfall and (lcrald t"ord's accrssion Reagan·s hOflC'S for 197fi have all but •1isappcarcd. Ford need not be a grc<i1 prrsidenL lie need only reslore a modicun1 vr tonflt.11.'nei• in rhe hearts of A1nerica ro assure hin1sC'll th(' Republican non1ina11011 l11n )C.'lrs hrncc. And . if in lhar lin1 (' hC' r;'.ln ha lt innat1un and get 1hc unc1nplovc1J ha ck to work . the 0<·111or rrit !'! 11·111 .1lso ht· vict ims of Nixon 's failure . For 1hr•\' 11•('n' looking ahrad to :111 r·:1~y l!J ifi 1 ir1ory ,as 11 hnn11s of \\':1lf't"J:;l!11 Tlu•rr 1vill br ol)1er inno('t•nt l"it'!1111" an1ong the Jlepubl1can~ 11·ho 11ill b1• 11nablC' to v.·ra!her pub!i r reaction tn the pt'rfrdy of lh<' lcadrrshir or !hrir p,Jrl}' cvi~n though 1hry 1hcn1 ~·l1"1!s \\1·n· nnt rrn1olely conn eeted. But lhr toll a1n11ng the Brpu])licans \1·111 not. no11• be anything 11c:1r 1vhal it might have been had Nixon not resigned. IT IS lltON IC that Reagan 11•ho has maintained the "r-.tr. Clean" image rhrou~hoi.it his f\vo tcnns as governor. should have hi s .future. destroyed by rhosc not so clc<in. And . for a younger 1nan. thrrc v.·ould have been oplions. J.ca \•ing !ht• govt'.'mor's office aftrr 11~0 successful lrrms, he could "'ell h,'l\'e spent his tin1c bulldtng up for a run a_gainst &>n.;itor .John Tunney in 19ifi. This "·ould ha1·c rf't'.'s!;ibHshed ;i poliric nl base for 11nothrr a1ten1pt at th<' prcsidC'ncy in !!180 or 1984. IJ111 his age is :i11ainst that and Ir Is unli kC'ly J{cagan \vou!d noy,• cons!dC'r ;,111~· further vr'n1 un•s into thC' poll!i t al ;1rc11:1 as a C'!l!lf!id.'llP. S!i!I. ht• nr(1rf nnt fer l b;Htlv. Fe1v h.1v1· nSt'n ;1s high in s<i hr11•f a politicnl ! ;1r1•1·r "" "ill leave offic<' wilh honor :uul \\i!hflul thl· hurdr·n. 1h1· angu~sh an1J \\'Orr1es and h:1rcl i ·orl< ahead \vhlch 111)uld h:1vc l>ccn his (:lie h.1<1 Nixott 1101 full1·11 ' ( \IAILB<IX J /, '11 '' ''Ill/ ll'llf/l 'f.\ '"'' l/1.!1"11 '1J1 \,,,/I 1 //11 '1'1 I\ ,/i11·d•I (Ill• ',, 11•1 ,. 1•·c''":•11·, r ::()u 11 111 1/. 111 /,.,,_ "f'J,, ' 1)1•" ,,, ' ,,./,., ~· /1·1 1i •1 /11 I -., (I '" 1·1.i•• .,,rr , /11 11 I , 11 " 11·1·11, \ 1 /1 . 11 "' ,/ • 11·/,11/,• •/,<'I o1 ,· u .. .! 1111 I. •II / 111 /1/h , /pq Pll/•I •"' 1•1<11/ ;,,, I• ti/ - I , 11 u~· ,, 'I''' t I ,.;•1 lt11 ·r1·1 ,1 11'!1'"" r i I rt• ' ( • ' • / '1 II' 1 1 .l/ I• I/ " (' t /i" 1 ' l • • \Ir• I he 1111~ In I '1.111' .l111J1l1·1 ".lt!L•·~I 11 ,, 1 ·u11~1d1 ·1· 1.!1":1111 111!( p.i 1d1J11 .Ll ld I t'il'<l'-t l1 • ,i\i h>ll11\\l lll-! .111111.·-.,1 1 ' ' \Ir 1 t•.1 .... 1111 1l•·c1rlrcl \ 11·!11;1111 1·1111 fltl'l '" 1'.hll r1i;h1 ul 1111 1111" "' \II !htl"t' 11npr1~1.111·d lor n\ht'I" \h;111 I 1 lfll, ·' <If I lf1li ·u<·1· I• t'('IJH•llllll' c·r1111v~ :-.111·h .is 1:1x 1·\,1~11111. Jraud l'lt'.. t'lf' 1 ("tt\l"tl\llT\\T 11 1!h t 111" "''f l1•1I~ n ~·\.1 l11;1tin11 a11•J I " \\ <>I l .111' ••I 111•1·,,· n1111110<l1·rl :1-.p<'r1 -; I ' j<l\J" )1 ,!.11 l!).11 1111)1• \ h '-ll~g1•<;!1'd i·r1·11111· ... 11 t\\ <"hi· r .1·1-1 1(-.· 11 ;11T•·n b Buri.•, \, I d•1 n .. t !'l.11111 "'P1·rr1-,1· .t~ 1·1lh•·r ,1 1, i.:.11 11111ul 1J1 .i 1111l11H·1;1n I 11r111ld !11 1111• lli.11 •11i1'·1 ~ lllllrt' q11;1IJl1!d \\IJ!lid h.-.. hi!· 111 1111th 11111 a lllt>rh:,111s1n f,.r n ·;1l1,111 -.1ll1· 11npl('nu•11!1ni:: tin.<; propo 11 :-;1111uld lh1·1 iJ,·1·111 11 to hr· 11<1ft h11!11ll' J r1·1n:11n 1·1111\ 1rit't·d tl1;1t :i rl• :111 sl:1l1' 1~ d·· .... pt·r';1!1•1\ lll,HHl.11!•d hi thi s l!lllf]Ut• 1u111·t111 l' 111 11ur .vnung-n<il1on"s hislory. I 11.~uld 11~ .. fu111 rt' <11111.d'i to 111dg1• 111;r l.!l'll''r,11uu1 ;1...; -;u ff1 c1ently 111~t' to 1Jr1-.11h1' ,1 hr1 •;1!h 11f fr1'Sll ;11r in1o our S('lf Ulla).!l' ao;; :1 con1pass1ona1c proplt· <ll'<hl':1l t d 1n l.l"". ordl!r and ius1icf' fo r ~di Such .'l h1<"l'lltcnn1al cclchr:il1011 \\f)U!d go f.u· Jo11;1rds hringing Us all togctht·r 111 pn<l1' <11 l11"1 ng 111 a l;1nd 1.ng l"lluugh !<1 l'.'HTt't't :u1d forg1vr Hi\13Bl BEHN1\HD !\ KINl: lltllfbft:• St11111l1c1•1l T11 tile l·'.d1tor: I 1\·ould hkC' to express rn y 101:d ~111r1·1 ·r11t•111 11ith !hl' ~1rtielr a hu111 · 1.:1111n~ik1•r:; l'l11sh 1 11·n~io11~"' !h; I ;1ppr11red in your Aui:;u.st !l edition . l! i~ 111rli·t·d 1ncrt·dilJlf". I !'l'J·:'.'IT approx1111atr ly 1.j years ill i\1'rosp:1ct• working on l\I i n u 1 f' 1n 11 n , l'Olaris and i\1)()110 progr:i1ns. The only th·ng l canic :iv.·ny with "'US the n1E"nni11g of lhc 11·orfl "genoci de." I h;ivc lo adn1it though. th;il I \1•as luckier than sornC' QI 1ny friends "'ho died of heart attacks, ~lrokr~, l'l c. I nm nlso a l'f'tcr11n of \\rorld \\':ir II and l\01'C'R so I r!on'I think anyone has donC' n1ore for lh is country th<in I. r.x cept, o( course. for the many 11 ho nr1cr can1c b;i ck. l! -"""n1s lhcrc will o'l!u·;iys he a double s1and11rd. P. L. i\.tcr-.1ULLE1'\/" \l let. f'rle11ds To !hP f~d1!or : Thank you f0r your warin <ttld \\f'll 11-rl11 e11 ~lorv which np)lt'flrr<I on ~11nd.:1.1-, .July :111, rr12.;irdin~ Lhe Huoff f<1n1 i\y <111d !l11·1r 1-w·aurirul Victuamr•sc. d:1ug:11tt·r. 'l'l1}1'l. ,\1y hu.~h..11111 a nd I 11·rll knov; lhe HllXiely lhl'Y v.·1·1it rhmugh during lhr1r '"'O-YCilr \l'tlit. as 1v(' have b<>en 11 .111111i,: Iii 1TIQ11lh~ nr111 ;11111 prohabll h.111 · .i1H•!l1•·1 ~1' 1nn111h v.:u! !x·!ore our i:.11L.:Jlll"I .1111\1 ..._ 111•111 \ IL'lll:llll I\ J Ht-; 1111· 1n!l1ll!' 111· hal'f' J01ncd lrrt,:,.llio I \lilh 1Jlh1·1" l.lllll! t'' ll"il lli ng (Or \ l"!l\.11!\t''l" 1·!11lrtri·11 ;1, 11 1•11 ;IS j11~! l'!'<lilli t"Ull;'!"lfl••d ;iJ ~lll1 !hf' \)Ji~{ of rh, '• t h1!d11·11 1n 01'ph.111:1!••·.; 111 \"1rtn<1 111 . . 1111 ha1.-~1.11h••I :1 1,., \11:.:clf'~ f'h.'l p!f'r ~ I I r 11·111t.; ut ! "htld1 ··11 ol \'11·tna rn, \\"c "' 11d .... ,11 .plh·~ ~1 11 h :1 .... 1 lot h1ng 1 ne11· ,ll)(f !J"1·d ' I ll ;Ull1'1' Ill l" (j l (' l fl('. , 1~1'••!>:1IJl1" rt1;1p1•r:o:. pl;1~111 hah.\' IJOtllc..;, pH111 l"1·,·:I 11•1· .. 11 .111<1 1n1tk a.-. 1\el! :i..; 111•;111•, 11 h11'h ;i/1011~ tli .. tn :n hu\' lhe 111·t t·~ .... 111 :-t;1pk-~ su1·h ;is ru1e and ·rrrsh 1,,1 1.in •!1 1·~.l;1 i1l,s. 1\,• :11"1' ;in .1ll-1oh1nt1·cr grot1p <"(l ell 1 I•· , 1111 1. 1 :c ·~ " I 11 /1,·I :1 r 11,• ( ·hilt.ir<'ll \n;.l·n!]< lll'•r1•.--.11d I.I !11·l111D;! I.~ ;i;;ked tq 1 .111 1 ,.,, h111 ll• .11 71i1;.;p10 or ll;irb;.ir.t l:1u1 '' ii ::11:-·1 1 1:~ 1:11·1·:1 c·n<lc 2131 . Or 11 1111· I 1 \'\ I \ 11::;;1 ll r1l l Dr. SttJd10 I , I \ '! 1!11 ! T1l 'h1• 1-'.dnor ~Lind 111 .l .111il .... !1111 lip ' IJ1·1•111·!1 \'.111 dul \OU h 11•' l•l po and thcJ~f' drl'ar\ 11on1t'n·c; l1 bbC'1s on put ,,, f'iHI. L·\\SL)ALE llt•f1l .t\ l ·'lt111.·1•r x "fq lh1· 1·r11101 \l,1 11 11,, .1111.1\~ 111-.••tl 10 r.11,r 11 garden. hill 111 1, '"'"ii 11 ;1r~ \lh:ll 11ith tv,o 1H ,u,~· .1 il ... i1i1,. i:.11.1 !!1' .1qd a v.1de dr11r•1 .11 p.1110 "1" ll\•'!'o· '"no lo nger 1<1•Jl1l l1r1 :1 ;;.11d•·11 I ti ;id l1i11·:1~·s Joked 111!li !li·r !h,1! ~lit· ,hu11lil pl1+1•1 l"f'getables 111 rti .. tlo11 .. r h"ds r·1tu1~ !he J 11 panrse ;d!>'t" \',qr'ld \\.ir II 11h11 c\'('!l raisrd 11 ·g1·1;1b1i, 111 1111Hli1•1 OOxcs and p.1rk11:1~s TlllS Yl::'.\ll. she took me ser iously and pl,1nt•·ri \"('(!1•!:1bl1•s Ill the no1rer l>cds. \\"~· ll,111· c:11t'n to111ntocs. onions .i nd sf1u:1:-,h :unon:.-: other things. She l1;1d :dr1·:1d.r pl:1 nr1·d fruit and nu! trees. Thi: \"H•ld fro111 our \"a rd was no! ron1nie1;('1 al. b111 !'upposC' "1ha1 thousands tl1 d 111L' .~;1 1111.· If !ht• l)<'O l>lc of i\n1eric~ p:.1:11 t·1! :i f1'11 111::<'rnbl1;s i11 !hc.ir flov.•er h1·ds. 1111' ~ il'ld 11•11ul1t ff'f'cl rnany sm11!1 1111u1trir·.~ 111 lhl' 1\·or"l. J~sr•cc ial!y in thi s tin1C' or drounht and inflation, this 11utild n1;1kt' r1 ~n1all dif lrrC'ncc that ('•\11ltl h!• rl1·cisil'C in hold ing prices and 1-:111111; n1on<".I' tor lh f' IJlantcr. J IM BOLDING OlANGl COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. iveed, Pu.OUshtr Thon1as Ke evil, Editor Barbara Kreibich Edil-0riat Page Editor Tlie MHori.1t \ pa(!"e of 1hfr Daily P 1iot .~ks to inJorm And rtlmulate n-1dP~ by presenril"ijt on ttii.s page di1·r~ com menfllIY . on kipics of in- lf.'Tl'.on by ryndlc11.trd columniJ1g and ca.rtoonil!I~. by provldinR" " forum for rciiders· ''ICw!l 1uld by Prt'l!lmtlftK' rhis nc1<.-sp11pt-r"s oplnlofl!l and ideu on currrnl topicl!I. Tht-JdiforiaJ oplnlorui of tht-Dllily Pilot appr11 r only in lh~ tditorhll column llt !he top ()f thl! pa.gr, Opinforra exp~ by the: en!· ur11ni11ts and r1tr1oonl~t11 11nd letrer 11Ti t~ Ill"!' lhelr ()WJI and no o.'Otlot-.f"- mrnt Of their vi~-. by ·the Dally Pilot Mlookt be inf~ Frie.Ja y. August. I.6. 1974 • y FOUi 1nurt!c lll<lll J .'!l•I\ l'olk Ot·1:urr Ill' La ro1nm llJl' t'OI hu111c c ls v \\" \, \\"a.,h1 l'rl'SS ro.tay fhl' l"i Tlw l'resi York the in In bure:i L'1Jfl1l' (;ror .Jr . 1 I llo close has prt•si pc'IOiO ""' 111rlif";1 dl't'l~i .-\s AIPXtl ask•'<! on !h .. I hr r1~ 'fhr drop c;unp fDrm 111 !ht i il:;o I \flllth ~111lh1t 111(' prol)!I t h~· I (•Xj\t'I" l'XJX' Ford" s:1id . For chott'« .spol-:1> \\'hi F. tr of 1 sessi He up hi his 0 c 0 lo be 0 u;< ti< F lit St ~ .. .. •• ,, '" " " •• .. ,; " .. •• •• •• Huntington "Bea~h Fountain Valley VOL. 67, N O. 228, 4 SECTIO NS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA FRIDA Y, AUGUST 16, I 97 4 • 'l 'odu ~·'s Fi11ul • .'.\. \ ·• Stoeks TEN C ENTS Countian Held in lf nborn Child~s Beath By KATllY CLAN CY Of Ill• O•llf I'll•! si.u Foun!a111 VaHt·y l'ol1t•c <Jr{' pressing n1urder l'h<i rgcs against a G;1rdcn liro\'c n1an for !hl' a!lt·gctl sl l'l y1ng or tus unborn !:>\llL Potiec s:1id rhc all('gcd 1nurd{'r ov1·111Tcd Ju!y 10 \Vhc11 Lortnzo Villareal J)c La Ho~. 2.1. punchcil his cstr:1ngcd ('Olnn1on law 1\'ifc in 1hc stornach as Ilic couple argu,·d :it !he Fount<iin Valley ho1ne o! her po1rcnts. Consuelo Berber. 20. then gave birth to a stillborn son July 22 , polil'e said, and a ])0St·1nortt'm cxar11ina1ion by the urangc County Coroner's Oflicc ~ho1vc·d the infant dicd of a l1cad 1111ury De La Bosa v.as arrl'Sted Tucsda1• by 1-'ou11ta1n Vatlt:y jXlliCl'. lie 11.1~" scheduled for arr11ign1ncnL Oil the niurdt:r e!u1rgc tod:iy in \Vcsl Orange Coun1y Jl1dicial District Court. l">etective. 1\tarty Engqu ist said ,\Is. Bt'rbcr had bt.•cn seµ<iratcd frorr1 flc La Ho.,a and 11as st.1)i11g v.·11h ht·r p;1ren1' cit 10362 \Varner i\111 She had bt!cn r<·t·1·11111g pn•·n:11:1l l'<ll"l' tro1n ;.t. loc:i l phys1e1:1n, J·:n;.:11u1s1 s;111I :11111 h;id 11\.'l'll h.Jd t h~· 1·h1Jd .'l'l'I Jl1·d !11 .. 1l1hy ;111d l'.Ou ld 1)1· honi ;iho111 .Jul) 2~ .\lt1·r :-th· al ll•g1•(!J,\" 11;~., ,!rt11·\.. l)v /\· l.:1 H11,;1, 1~1li<·1· ~1ul. :-h1· ln·~·a1111• lit l1pun ex;1111111at1011 bv thl' 1lot·tor', slil' 11;1:-; told tht•J'e 11·;1<; no 1011gt'r :1 fv1;1! hl'<1t'tbc;1t , and 1hl' b11il.'r 11.is txirn v d1·.ul .lul.v :!:! l'i1lu·1· ';1111 lrl•' 1o11t1tHr', olii(·•· 11," 1111t1fi,.d 111 llu 1 I"' I>\ \11-Bt•rhl·r':-. l\l•!l,1:1• o·,1,1· \IHI\..! I ,l!ld !h1• !O!"ttll•'I' llH!il 1t•1I l'uu11L1111 \ ollt•\ p·1l11·t' (ll,!11~11' {IHUlll lh'l'lll~ J)Jsl 1'1 4'1 \lh11r1t·~ t;,11'\ l\\;111 s.ud thl' Jllllrdl'I" 4·J1.1r:..1·" 11t·1··· lil!'tl u11d1·r :1 rt'l.'.t'lll .1dt!1111111 t" iht· .. 1:1l•· pt·n:il <'od..:. l\'hi t'h i•('flllll-; l h;1ri..:1·-; 10 )JI• l!lt·d 111 l'OtHl!'t'llOll 111th 1111· d1·;itl1 11! 1111ll(JJ"11 clul(l1 \'11 as 111·1J ,1~ ir,111;,: i'L'l-;Olh 0 er ns c 01· Biisli VP Clioice? \\ \Slll:'\GTO.\ t 1\ I' I The \\'ash1ngtun Post nnd thc fX'lroit Free Press C':Jffi{' 11p 111!h l"ar~ing rt•po rts to.1ay 011 ll"ho h;t<: !h1· 1n,1dt• tr:u·k 1or th{' 1·iC'C' pr1•s1df'nr~ TI!(' Frt•{• l'rt'SS quO\l·d ad\'l.~t·rs Ill Pre!<idcnt Ford :ls sa~·1ng fG>irncr ;..-t·\\' York l;ov. ;.;t!lson 1\ Hockefl•ll£'r has lhf' inside track to 1hc \"iC\' pr<':'tdency. In a dispatch from 11s \\'ash1ngto11 burf"au, the F'rec l'ress said tv.·n eon1l·ndC'rs, (;Op r-;'ationa l Chairman (;t.<Qr~t' Bush and SC'n. lioward II. Buker Jr, 1H-Tcnn.1. dropr~.~d in favor. ll oweit·r. thC' l'ost quott.'CI "a ~;rec close tn l'rC'si.!lcnt Ford" as saying Bush h.1s the "1ns1dl' lr<tck " lo the vice pre:;idency. 'fhe l'osl s:ud its source JX't'So naJ1y fa vored Rockefeller. l~>th 11('11 spa1)(·rs said their f.l)urccs Hld l('illt•O Furd h.t~ not tnade a 1f111ul dt'l'l~JOn ,\s he \1 :1s lc;;l'in~ ,lus suburb<in 1\lt•.\andr1a, \'a .. home todrn·. ford 11·as :1si._1•d \I h1•1 her hl· h;1d rC'nt'hPd a dcci!.1011 on the \'IC'P prrsidf'nli:l] norninalion . ''I ha\·en't bt.-cn thinking about 11," hr rC'pl1t-<t 11·1th a s m1lr Th r FrC'f' !'rf'ss s<11d Bush's rh:111C't':-> c!ropf)('r! hrcausl' of · a h1J!h·prt·o,;~11re r .1n1pa1gn 1no1111!l'<l nn h1" lwh:il f h.1· former ro!l{'."lf:llf'S 1n C'ongrrs" ;ind nthl'r..; 111 thr· p:1111 s1nu..:111ri · .. n11'-h ;ind H"~'T ;1!'>11 Ir)<.( pninr, t~·r:'ltJ'•' ot 1hr1r r.·1·1111 ,. ~flulh and l"Xl<:'-lhli' pr 1· :-1d1·11 1 i" I ~11nh1tuin:-. !ht• '-lnry s:11d '11h' story ~:11<t Hot·h.1'l 1·ll••r. :it f.IL prnh:rbl y \1n1 1ld )~, !IPfl 11ld lfl r1111 ti.r 1h1· pn·~1fl1'nc.1 111 1~1f:11, Iii .; :1gt' :u11I •'"\])t•nf'nC'(' 11nulrl :1dd ar!1n1n1s1r1111\"1' t>XprrtiS<' ;ind eN1no1n1 (• k1101r-ho1\' tu Ford 's ncdgl1ng pn·s1ck·111·.1. till' stor,I' s;1id Ford prohahly 11011'1 :11111rM1nr1' his choice until Tuc."(!:ty or \\"('(]nestl:1y. his spokl'~n1an said !oda~. .\\'hill' llousl' Prrs.s SeC'rf'l:lr~· Jcr:ild F_ IC'rllorst 1.1lkC'<I of !he µrohahlt' t11ni11g of the nnnounl'f'm{'rll at a brcahf;i ~t session 111rh repnrlcrs He rcpcatrd that Foret had not n1:lde up his mind or if he had v.•as keeping his 011'?1 counsel. Orange Coast Weather Late ni ghl and niorning low clouds with sunny afternoons Sal- urda1. Little change in tempera- ture. ffighs in the low 70s al the beaches to 80 inlnnd. INSIDE TODAY T/1.e Ballet Al.fresco. pagea111. voluurccr c:ve/yu fleyuolds (Ill(/ woudcari,er Alor1ens Abel three nsp«cf.'i of tllc l...aguun fcslivol uf Aris Oll(l f'ugea11t of Ille Alasrers -ore probed by Staff \Vriter Jack. Chappell. 011 P."(Je 1 of today's Weeke11der . At Ywr S1rvlc1 AJ ••11•111 Ill L. M. lty• Al (•1119tllll "' Cl•ultled 0 1·11 Ct'"l<I Ct C•tUWOt!I Cf Oe•!h Mollce1 Al Edlhlrlel P1111 l• F111•ntP llJ·S "'' 11>9 ll•tord 81 14erMtOP• B) """" l1111d1r~ 111 M•!lbo~ ""' MG11•Y T-&J MG•I~ Ct·f Mutu1t ~u11• , Ill "'l .... 11 M A4 Ori~.. lllf AlO Peooi. lll·J llnt11rr11111 CJ-I •Yl¥11 Ptrltr 114 SPO<JI"' ... , llot~ M1r1tth a4-S Ttl~•115')11 1!10 Tl•••ltt1 ,, .. Wt11htr Ill We•la t+:IWI A4 W ~1~011d11 Cl 10 - Do1v11 by Rive1·sirle I t seen1cd l ike a good idea at I.be tin1e, but Jeep \tlls n1orn111 g \1·hcn 1la•.\ lr1ed to dr11·c :iround S:1nta driver John i:':verctt. l!:l. Snn Diego (rig llt.J. and hi"" :\na l\ivcr .icttJc>; fr(in1 .\t.'\\·purl Gt'<H.11 io l!1111ll11 g- buddics. !)on NC\\'p.'.lrk Hcf1) and Sean Elliott icen· Ion Braeh at. In\\' 1ifl(· 'l'llt.• \!Phicle got s!uek in I.er ), both Of (;arcl ('!l (;r QI'(', r<1 n into ll'OUb]C Carly IV('! 5.111(1. 'J"he piC"[lll'C l('ll,, lhC l'i.''-[ nf lhe :--!t"ll"}'. :\ ye rs Told FBI Of H.arass 1nent, (~ot No Actio11 L(lS A~GELt:s ~ Con1plaints to th1· FBI of constant h;iras.,n1rnt h~· ~:!01.~(' f'ope1!"s e"tr;uigr,d hush;"tnd . \\·hn111 ht• l!'i eh:1rg1.'CI \vith plotting to hill. brought 110 ac1ion, n1urdt•r C'onsp1ra<'Y <tcf1·11da111 IJ;u1 1\~{'rs tr ... tifird 1'h11rsd:1;; 111~ ch:irg1·~ of l10ll·l'OOJ)('1'al1011 by 1ht· fl'dl•r.il a~»ney concluded lrial ;>rocel'dinj!s 111 Sup1·rior Courr her(' until \1 nnda\'. wh{'n tlh'~' 1vill ron1 ,•ne ag.1111 \l'tlh co1i1u1u1•d cross-exa 111 in at ion. ,\~ l.'rs. 37. of 22.17 S. ~h1•l1on Sr . S;1n1:i .\na, anri .\lrs. Popc1l. ·19. 1orn1crlv of 519 ll:irbor Island Dril'e. Nc11·por1 Hf:ic:h Cirt> nccused of plottillR to slay Po1>ei1. They have plc:ide<I innocent lo charge~ of C'onspiracy and solicitation to commil n1urder in thc case broken last January by Long Bc<irh police. ·Pope.il, .,..,ho l'k1d initiated dil·orcc procccdinRS a_g<iinst his socialite 11 ifr. \\·as nc1·er harn1ed and in fa ct conti\C!l'd 110lice v.-hen he "'HS tipped off by a man pos ing as a hi red kil le r. --- Hi111ti11gto11 Cot1 11cil Eyes T,vo-siclecl Ballot lssrte llu11!1nc1011 Br:1C'h l~!lllll't i 1111'1l 111[1 I:•' ;1,kl'tl ,\lond;iy n1~ht to f.11111.dl.' .!11)•1'111• :1 (110-<;1d('1] bal l11t l "~lU' qJl l.1\1 '\ IUI !ho• .\111' :i f?t"lll'r:ll l'lt'l'tio11 '!\1n lll'i'ks :1go 1h1•1 111!on11.ill1 :1\!n'•·•I 111 I'll\ lhf' (·r1n 11·n1~1!':'1 :11 ri·:d 1'"1.il•' 11·;1n~ll'r l:t\ •111 tilt· h:dlut 11111 u1 il:. 11n(t1•1· !ht'lr Tt·rins ,\t 1he .~uggt•stuu1 o! t ·n11111·:h1r1111.111 ll;1rn l'll \\1ed1·r. !ht• 1111 h:1~ 11111ti·11 ,1 l,:1lln1 is:-111• 11h1tl1 nff1·1·, rh1· 111t1·r<; ;r l'ho11·v ()f lil\l'~ Tht·~ 1·;111 t 11lu·r !IP)l!'fl\(' lh1· u.'f' of !ht• h,11f P"l'!"i'lll 1r:111sll'r t:1x. or thf'~ t".1n tun1 11 1!1111n and :l l!n'c 10 <i 'l 1111nrhl\' 11·;1 .. h tnllcc11cn ft•c nnd a one pt•rce111 ·111ert'd:<I.' Ill !hr u!1l11y L<JX. 'rht• lax choice offt•rcd b\" lh1' <·011111•!1 has f;uled lo de!er tht~ lilinlington Bt'<1<'h· Fou11T:lin \'alll'y Honrd of Heallors 1n ii~ drirr for a s1x•citit ('lt•Cti•!ll on the (ranslt'l' tax . ~:d .Ju~t. rorn1er Founl:1111 \'a1!1·~' co11ne1ln1an and 11011· a consultant 111 lhl' re<tltoi<;. said tod:1y the hu;ird "1111 (l•'l!!:•f]~1 I I h.1rt1'r !Hll\•11d1111•111 ··lo•!'1\(Jll I" 1111•1•1,, 111 •)1 ll1(•t"t th.111 :: 0 u ll ''~1\:11111•''-\II'!• '-lillllhll•' i IH lh1• ('IPllil\'il \11.1... ;; d•·1ll.!tldlll1• ;111 1!1 \li1ll \II 111)11'1) 11,'o·!~ 1•111111 •·11111111.111 1111• l'Ul'r1•l\I I.I\ ;qpj r1·q11p·,. :111 l'I~ lll• r1 h .. tn11· :111~ (!t•11 It .011.-;l 1•f' I .1\ f "iild ('\<'I l1e \llljll'"('(] .111.1 ~:1111 1111• 1.11.r1d" :11tont1·y T11lil ·"··~11,0111 111>tdd 11111•,, :1/'.1111 ll!h•' !IH' 1 .. 111•1 1 .11 11' \J nd.1.1 1:;..;l11 llll':'l1n:.; r .. 111: Ill• \l"til1111l 111'111.J:ld (>I\ 1!11• \1111•rnh<.·r h;1llof J1!:-lt·~1d ni lht• f'llt1111:1I .I. 11·. ,, 1." 1~:-.111 ' j ( lllf1 !h1 l,t\I fhl'.\ 11 i\I h,1\ \' J•) 1·.it ou· l''"U•' 11p f(1r 1•:1·c?11111 ~j1n11'l11111·. !'\t'll f :t !~II I U!ltil \po·1!_ l!r/ti 1tl11' nexl ~r11rrill l·le1·tion 1 ·· ./u<;t ~il1cl ··\~h~' 11111 'ill• Ill•' \Hlo r' Hlfllll'I >'' .J11,1 ... 11d !h1· rpal1ur~ f1·r l rh(' l'1l1 's ~.11 H 1111l11u11 httrlJ.!l'l :-.huuld be 1·111 ha1·k. rath1·1 lh 1n .dl1111111g rht• err.1t1on •JI an~ 111·11 ta\1·~ In off~rt :1 1111ssihh• df'fil.,t. 'lh1 • ho1,1rd con11·11ds thrr~· i-; n.1 l:ttdl!t'1 lh:1t { :111 I ht• f'lll Ill <;()IJH' tornl. Th:11 s !~Ct' B.,\l.LOT, Pal!'.' 11 Fair Board Seeks Racing Woul<l Spo11sor 14 Da)·s (It Lo.~ 1l/,,111iio.~ By FREDERICK SCllOE~tEJIL Of !ht Otlt1 Piiot S!»ll Orange County Fair directors 1·011•cl Thursday night to ;ippl y lo lhi· Califon1ia Horse Racing Roard for a liccnsr to sponsor 14 days of racing each year al Los Alan1ilos Race Course. Directors took th e 11clion aft,. r revie\ving figures from racetrack O\\'ncrs that shov.·ed the fa ir could earn b<'tv.•een $114,000 and $242,000 annually from horse r11ring to fund new construction at the Costa l\.1esa f;ii rgrounds. At the sa1nc time. dirC'ctors \\'C'rt· "'arncd that ttfey'll be seckinir the lier11SI' trOlll tl1r µ<}l\'Crful horsr raf.'ing boarr) on ;i long shot. l\lrs. l\1ndine Carrwntrr, 111fc of ~ta!f• ~i-n. r>r1111is c;:irp('nt<'r 1 H-~f'Y.'l>Ort 1•1·:ir-h 1. !old director~ th!1t pres,o;urc will \)(> ~lpplied on the 1hrf'{'·lll;"lfl racini: hoarrt to kel'I> thoroughbn'CI. raring 011t of Or;ingc County. Los Al an1itos nf)\1' h:1s only <111:1rt c·r horse and hnrness r;il'l'~. Opposilion, ~Ir~. Carp.·nt('r s:11(1 1\111 COlll(' from 0\1·ncrs of nav ,\\t':1do11 ~. :l lar~r. lr:ick in nnrthrrn ('al1fon1L1. <i:id lloll~·v.·ood Park in Los Angrh':-.. Both hnld thoroughbrC'd racrs. Her con1mcnls '""t'fl' secolldt'd IJy Frt111k Vessels Jr.. ou-11rr of Los Alamitos, \Vho has tried "nsucccssfullv Dver the years lo bru1g thoroughbred raeing lo the lral'k. The rcsol111 inn »doptrd by th~· r11ir hoard rl'Qttc~ts licensing for 14 rlav~ of racing nt Los Al11n1ito<i in 1·nn111nl'lH11t 1l'ilh 11 ");r11son al fair'' 1\IHl'h 1111gh! int•ludc ind11slri:11 c:>.hib\f.<; ur :i 1no1h1I~· hnnlt' or ~ont ~hn11·. The sen~onal f11 ir 1vould ht' 11,.ld 111 f1ciditinn to !ht• regular l)r;111i;!l' l ol1111y Fair ;it !he [:11rgrounds lll ,Ju l.I Jl1n·rtor Hubrrl Kronl'. ll'ho brought !ht· hor~·· rac1 ni;: rt'{lllf'St lo !hf.' board. :-.;ud lht' f;ur 1n us1 find 11t•11 ... r111rc·cs tt i J..1'1·11 11r 11·1rh lhl' ··<1ynan1u.: :uul l'rogrc-~11 "" 1h•\clop111e111 of Or;_1ngl' {'11111\t~· "" 111· 1nd1{'.1tl·d 1110111 .~ r:11srd thro1ngh hor~t· I ar111g llOUIU hl· llS1•d lo p;1y nff :1 n1u lr1·n111lion dollar lo:in for con- 51rut·l1on of new b111ld1ugs :11 the fair· i::rounds. i\1nny of the bu1lchr1~S 1lale back 10 the 19~0s. Ftgu rcs frorn lhc track 011,·ncrs shov.·ed !h11t if S7:111 ono in hrts \\'rrr pl<1r·1,'CI d11ring th(' l l·d~1 .v pt '1'io<l th1• fi11r 11cu1ld I l'r'e11 ,. :i r•·11·n11e nf ,t114.flOO H ~:1:·111.01111 \lt'rt' ho·!, !ht' fa ir 11 n11 1d I 1·1·,·11 I' S24:' !Hiii. il ('4"1o!"!I111~: tri t hr fi g11r+'S. 1\ 1!.11 s ).!;111· \11111ld 111! ludr !\\'O r111;11·to•I' hors•· rnf!'S on1' :111p;lloo~<1 1·acC' .111<1 1S~c n,\Cl:O-.G, l':q.:e 2! l\1;u1 :-.;ud lilt' 1·h1!1I 11oi11ld 11;1 1· !1(·1 ' ;1i1h: 10 lilt' tlUl,lclt• !ht' !l!IJt!ll'I' S llllt!lh Ti11· tlt•I\ p1 •11;1I -;(•t'llf11\ 11.1 .. ,11loh 1I 111 l!li•1 .1ft1·1 .1 :) 1 Sup1 o'l!l1· t ". dc1·1.,1nn fn•f'd 1 \unl11·rn 1 .dilu11u 1 1111, t1·u1n prvs1'('\Jll"n 111 <·01111•·•·111111 111111 , :)111111!11' dt'.dh !11 th:tt l':l~t· l\t•t•l 1•r I~ Sql~ I IHI 1 "P' thi· <l1·f1'nd;u1l l1;id h1·1·11 1'lt1rr:•·rf 111•11 niunh·r h1r :dl1·1.tt'd h h.11 h.111 • 111 pr1'\.!ll:t:1! 11if1· i\ !t·11 d:11' 1;11•·• 1(1 11 ~.1 al. :;hv i.;;111• l11r1ll tu ,( d1•.,.J 1111 111' Will Ta]{e No1·t]1e1·11 Po sitio ~1 liy CAf\l)Arl·: l'l·'.AHSff\' J:irk Hn1>1·r. ~·.1pl'r111 t•·1Jd"t1I nf 1h(• llunrington Hc;1eh Ln11•11 ll ll!h St"\1'1111 District, anno11nc1:d his re:--h;n;1t1nn rnd;1\ to !:ike <1 sin1ilo1r pu:-.1 111 .1 \orth1·111 C;1l1fornio1 .srhnnl d i~1 ri1-1 Hoper. 42. hot'< ht·•·n !i111••I "n 1 111111 vc:lr ron!r;1 rt ;1! S:l9.fl!IO .1 ,,_.·1r hv ·t ruslet•s 11f !lit· Fr1·111n111 I 1111>11 ll1 :..:i1 School l)i-;t ru·l hl';11tqu;1rti·r"d 1 11 Sunny1·a le . !le has hcl'n ~uper1ntcndt•nt of !ht' lluntlngton Ae;H·h Union \·liqh SC'hOlll Dis.trict for nl111o:;t four .1<'<1rs. snn11• of it n1e rked \1·ith con!ro\•r rs". 1-f·., :S:l7.000 .a year contract had :11J1)ut l'I\ n1on!ti's Je(t. nopf•r s;iid hl' 11·il l <:1;iv on Iii~ (·1111'<·111 job until t•arl.v or n11d·0 C'!olJ•'I' to 11, Ip rllt• district during 1ht• 11·ansilin11 in .1 11('11· supcrintrndcnr. ;1n<l 10 11ork fol' the propo.sc<l tn:-.: 01·l"rride. lit: s;_1id !h(' Fr{'n1or11 district bn:ird \l'<ln!f'<l hi1n 10 '·entllt' 11r ;..1 \\'1•rk if I could. Bu1 to up an1I h·;l\'1' l'~':li l.1 II nuldn'I ht•lp it I lht• Ill l'l"rlrll' I .. The district 1s trying to gl'i \'O!t'r approval No\'. 5 for a J:l ."1·cenl ! ;1< raie increase to fund con~t ruclion nl onl' rnore high schOfll. Si:-.: s11n1lar c!forls 111 the past have ftiilrd. Ropcr snid 1he Fren1ont distril't "has lhl• in1:1gr of onc of !ht• fint's1 t·<tueat1on:rl progran1s in thr stair" :ind s<11d !ht' rnoi·t' is a profession.1! arl\·:11H't'lll('tl! I !r :ul<l1·d that ht' :ind hi~ 1r1f1· h:111· n1·1·1•r 1!1t•d ;iny pl;i("i' h11r {1r :ing1• Counr1 :ind :1rt· .1trr:1r1t·d tn !li1' :\orlht·r11 (';1!ifnrn1.1 en1·ironmcn!. ltuJK•r's d1•r1s1nn :lllL'I" !hP ti11~il 11fl1·1 f1·n1n Fn,11111111 <':11nr· 111 Tl111r~d;11 11;" ;1 -;urpd~i· tn Bon Slu·11k111:111 pr•'"d1·111 <JI 1111• !l1u11i11g1011 1'.1•:u·h l 111111J 11 1,111 S1 •h11ol I l1~1ri1·t l}(lard Sht·nkni;1n :-n1d h1· ,q\d ,111d 1olh11 1ru"t~s kne111 Rnpl'I' 11 ,1, lunr.1~.1( for ;J ]Ob ('l Sf'\lhl'rl' . hut II(' \l\'l'!'tl I :11\:1r•' of an\"thing final ·· • 1-\fll'r l'\1nf•·rr111g 111{11 Jlqp••r 1·.1rh- 1r1<!:i\". Shenkn1nn annnt\11t'1·d ;1 s1x·e1 al ho;1 r~l n1t'el1ng fnr II :111;1111 S;1t111cl<i\ in ihr cafl'!erlit :11 :'llarina lliL!h St·hOl•I. 158il Springdale ST. llunlini;1•1n Hl";l!·h Shcnkn1an ~•1 i1! !he bo11nl 11"ill r,li-;('us..; bC'J.;i11n1ng tin :ir! 1vr st•arr h for ;1 nt'I\' supt'rintf•ndenl 1111n1cd1ately. '"Thr bnar<I 1~·ish1·s :\Ir Hnpi·r !ht' a:r1·:1!cst surcc~s." Sht'nkn1an s;11d toJn1 "An<t it f''\fJf<'"~1'" ~i nrerr :1ppr{'C'i;1tion f11r th!' dc<lic:ition he's ~ho1111 to thi' hf'1tern1ent of lht· high school 11is!rtt'l. Iii• l~fls hrlpccl bring ;1bout 1nnnl'11tiv1• proµ:i':.1n1s Horwr first 11ppli!'d for !hl• Fr111110111 ioh last ~1ny \1•hrn thn1 dis1ru·1's superintendcnl. l)r. \\'illhun ~\t1n.1h:111. rC've<i led plans lo resign to tw~in a nr1\·a~e educational consu!lunls firn1 . The Premont district re('eivcd ahout 60 applications. :1n official lhc~·t' S<tld. 11·hich \\•ere narro1\•£'d do1\•n to about lf1 final choices. Of lhose. onlv Ruper lacked a doctorate. Frcmonl truste{'S 11•rre 1n1pr<·s~e(l 1111h Roper's cx1>erience in a d('t"l'lllr11l1:11d ni:1nagcn11'lll progra111 :inti "i1 h lhl' .~in11l:irilil'S lx>!11'('t•n thr 1v.n d1stnr1 s. thi• Qffi cinl s;11rl . Both U1slricts :irr largl'· l·'r1•r11n111 SJll"l!llliS 01"1'1' -'2 S(lll:lr1• 11111t•5 11hil1' llunt1ng1on HC'tich covers 52 squarl' rniles. Both in1·lud(' sc1·1'ral citi.'s Fr!•r11 011t serves Sunnyv:1le. ('upcrtino ~ln<t parts or Sa.n Jose, Loll Allos. Sart11oga ;1nrl Snnt:t Cltir.i. l-lu nlingt1n1 Beat h h.1.s s111d11111s tr(\1 n Se;1[ 130.1l'h, \\'eslniinster. Fo tir11 .i1n \:11 \ev 01111 !lun1 ington B11;u·h. llu( ;1~ .l!npt'l' \)1)1nh·d b111 tndt•I , l•'rc•n10111 )1,1" It's~ ron1rol'f'l''I I(' 11 r 1 ~11uh·11ts <inti no hnush1i~ prohl,'111, 1111l1k1· lh1 · ull'r(Tl\11cl<·d ll11nt111!!1fli1 J\4.,11•1\ 111 '.h ISt•e ROJ>t:n. P<t!{I' ~I ,\ I ' I 1 I .• ! I p I 11 !l 11 I \1'1 I " I •HJ!!' d1 ... 1,1011 Ill.Ill :-..1id. l • 111 11, ,1l1h 11d1'\I !11, l.11\ Tiu-; . 1·• 11 w1· Ill r 11 111.1 ·11111 ·~111· of "nll i ol\JJl1' .1 fell' r1 ,, , 1• ,. ' · ,, -Lill' 11. r 1 1:1"·' 11ho :11'4• 11.1, 1~···11 111.11.•11 111!h ;1•~-1lllf 11 1ti1 111 1(•1]! 111 •1111 11:1 ::1 t'.11 1~><1 1!\" lllJlll ~ 11• \[, 111•11" r ,., 1 ... 111µ l1•·ld 111 j \1,111~(' ('oun1y 1,1! \,, l1,11 l l1.1s b1·1•11 ~"! 1\1,111 s.ud •• I lio 1<1,q1:1· l1;i1v 111v oth, r l'h1ldr1·11 ~\ '4ll'J ,, I OlllY PllO! S!llff ..... ,. TAKI NG NEW JOB High School Chief Roper l J'" es tr ui11..'\te r's ."111 /Jerinle 11de nt Dol pli. R esigns l>r \\1il l1 arn E. l>olph has resigned as suiwrinlf'ndent of :he \Vestm inster Sr'hool D1str1et , sayiug he thinks it's "t11nt· lo g11c 111~· district n cw l<•:1<lt·r:-.h1p" I 1u!ph, \\ bo h;1s b~t·1 1 l'llljllO.\'l'{! II 1th !hl' di striv! 20 ~ears. four .1 s ~up•·n nl L'll(li•nt. s.11d he 1)1>lie\t'S he 's 111,1rl(• his l·11111r1but in11 111 thtit t•l11n11·n!ury .~, l111(JI :--y!-!lf!Tl . .111d 11 ~ tllllt' f<JJ" ~U!llL'lilll.' t I:.•· !11 l;ilo· t'h:ir·:. 1~111 ht· ;ol'-11 :..ial lh' t! r1·~v1nn11•11d ti1 . po!-!1111111 Ill J"h ;1 ppl1i:.1nl s I l!.i1 ,. -;11 11 1.111y g•l\Ml fr1t•11ds hl'rt•." 11•' .idd,·U "'I'll(' bn:1nt h:l" b1•r11 gr1_>:1t I" \llll"k 1111h. ,111d 1ht•rt' IS ;1 101 of 1 u1n11111 111t~· s1q1purt " lk1l11l1 ;i L.1gun ,1 \'11~ut•I rl':-ldl'nl. S;)td h•· hil~ nn dctin1!e <•1nploy1ncnt plani;, bll\ hoPl'S 1u stay 111 C'ducation and l'l·tn:1111 111 :-.outht>rn C'ahforn1a . 111 suhn111t1ng his resigntition Dolph t .. ld [ht• ho<1rd he 11·011ld ren1;un on <hL!,I' 1111111 :t nt•\\ superintendent has nc~·n iound ;u1d h<is bcco1nc oriented 1n lhcc dist rit·t. "'1\flL'I' all rt'\,it l\lllShips. II hl'll [ 11.'<l\"C ht· t•,,p!.1inc·d. these years r 11"ant to be el'l'ryl1ning i~ of good sure. thal in order," 111.' -~<1id he prob;1bl.v will !eave the 1!1 sl nt't ;i[)out 1)1•<•t•111bt•r 1\ 11<1\1\"l' tif ~oulht·rn C<.1lifornia. Dolph Jt1111:·d lht' \\'v:;tn11n~t1·r School J)1stri1.1. in 19:>-L lit• st•r1't'd as 1e:1ch1n g vice princip;il, lh1·11 pr111i:1pal at S1:ven1er11lh St reel Sl'hool 1110 ye;1rs hl'fnrt• n1oving to rt is! nl'l\1 idc <1d1ninistr<ition. (;o~I of ]Jiving Cn i l OJ('d ,\aain ~ \\:\Slll~(;T(I\ 11\1'1 -1\t·t1ng "'ilh lJl\USUlll Spl'l'<L both the ~ll<ltC :ind I lou::r h;ii·t• 1110\·('d closi.'f to1,ard c·rl·:11ing th" C'o~t of Ln'tn~ Task Force \\"hirh l'residl•nt Ford n•¢·stcd lo help fi i:;ht inrtat111n B;. voJl't' 1·u1l'. th(' S{'nat1· Banking ronn11il!t·1· l 'hursday npprovcd 11 bill c1·1~:1t1ng th1' 1nflat1011-n111nitorini:: ai;:en1:y 111 n11H·h tht• s;·1n1c forn1 requt>Sh'<i by (.""rd. <l('sp1tl' ~1111' rxpr1•ssio11-; tir -;h.1·pt11·1~1l\ Tl>o 11(1\1 ,~' l\:111k1 nc C 'on1n11!1l~ 1•:1rlirr 111 1!11· d.1~ 1011·d 'li t.~ i for v1r1unl1)' I Lt :-.,1 t1l1 · t.1 I I I ' I ... \ •) lJAll , Pl tUl . -II Cea,s e-f irt ) lri Effect n~ l'nilt><l l'r1·~<, h11rr11ational .r1 1T:1~·· r11" ho •..!,J n ••11 1 ·1·1ir11..: tnd:iy ;1!1t·r '!urk1 -;h f1•ri 1·" l11ll1ll··d th1·1r 1ni l11;1r1 ul lJ1..;111l...;; f,~ ~t·1t111iz the nut 1111 n1 ttunl nf tlit 1--l.1nd Tt1~ Tui"ht "h 1111 .id"r~ !11<111do n .. I tn !llv 11.·•I (,•,•·'1 • .q•li111ll/ llii-!111111 of f.,.•fk;1 . Ill( II J!l,dl\ 11l1j1.-'l..'tll•' Iii tt11• \\C'S!, 111tl1••11! 1•·~1~1;u1•1· n• :1 \,11HI :i1r an1l ~t·:i a!t.11.J: ·rhe Cyprus szo1'f'rnrn..,nt ;1b;1ndonell it " <oH111•~ 111 l!io ' !.11 ·01 ;11 ul .\1 i;11.~1:i :111d fl1·d s111111i llJ l.111 1.i""nl l\he11 1\ir\..i ~h ol::111es bon1 bt.'d <tnd strafed p11rl of the L'l t)'. l~•,'1\lllg I( Ill fl:1llJ!':'i llc;n·y f1ghl1n.o: •·rupll'd along !111' "i.;rvrn l111t··· 111 lhL· 1·f'nh r t1i .\'1 1~~""'· ;, IL/\\ of 11J111t· p:1111Tt·d 111! <ln1111S ~1·p.1r:llint; (;r('1·\.. ;111d T1n·t;1~11 f'y11riot co1n111u111t11·" ·1hL· l·1t•n1 /i .o1HI ll~d1:111 <'tnL<i:...,1t•). ;1t11! !111· Hr111,,J1 JI ig t1 ('orl11ll1 "~1Dll 11t•1'f' r1 pul'tt·d lo hale 4·1~1t'Uil.tt'<I lllt or n!/1.;v~ la.:c:111sc of the 1·1 ~h11ng. Tu rkish l'r'('llti('r Bul~nt Eee vit said in Ankara the 1\Jrkish invader" \\'ere l"ld co h:1ll lhei r th rust acrns,; Cyrpus :1t n1!d-d:1.1" ;1nf1 s;ii d fig h1 ing on t!K> 11·il r-1om 1slilnd had :iln1ost stopped as Cif !h;H 11111e "tl1ou.:h there rnay .~1Lll of that tin1e "though there n1ay still be some small skir1nishes going on " "This time. there 11·ill be a real cease- fi re on Cypru!," Ecevit &1.id. , '"The troops a('{'()mplished t he i r objectives," Etc\' it told a news COflference. The area they captured ''corresponds roughly to the art•a \\'e had in niind for an autonon1ous Turkish-Cypriot stale "i thin a federal Cyprus." he sa id. Israel radio said the general cease-fi re took effect as scheduled and Cyprus Presiden! G!nfkos Clcridcs ordere-d the (;reek-led Cypriot National Guard to stop fighting the invaders. At da.,.,'n tank-IC'd Turkish troops h;id secured the eastt<n1 port of Famagus ta v.·hcre Turkish (,'yprio1s danced. \\'Cpt and' cheered as men <ind supplie5 rolled into the citv. On thr ·"'·estem fro111 , rolumns of arnwred troops backed by air and na va l ~ppot1 smashed through feeble Greek Cypriot defenses on LcfkCI. t he v:estern end of the Turkish "Allila Lin e" that begins at Famagus ta. fu\'it said before the cca.~r-fire th nt "oor military Operation on Cyprus wHI have reached its objec\il'es and \\o'i li end. We v.·lll be available to continue negotiations any time after (the fighting ends\," "We don't \\·ant p.'.lrti !ion. '\'e \1·:int Cypm!> to remain an independ{'nt sl:ili',"' F:ce\·it ~d . "TurkL'V l:ic!if'l't'S lht•ft' should bt' !110 ":1urono111vus ;:idr11inis1ra11011!' 1Crec·k ('_vpriot :ind Turkish L)·priot 1 ()Jl tile island L!ll(ll'r a federal guvemment." Turkish Cy priot le.1d<'r R;iuf Denktash s;:1id tht• 60-huur rt'lll'l\'!tl \lf fighting 111(';1n1 that "a fl'dt>ra l slate has ix'<'n established on Cypn1s . Its boundaries «re n1<irked b.1-thi' Turkish Anny"' (;rct'<'e opposC'd fed<'ration hut <1n angry Premier Constantine f\aran1anlis adn1i1to:-d 1'hu rsd;iy !ha! r;rrece \\'as powerless to stop Turkey's military e>.-pa!L5ion on 1he island. A go\·ernincnt .~pokesn1<1n in Athens ~id Karan1;inl!s rejocte an ln\·it a1ion by Secr{'\ary of Sta te I lenry A Kissin.i;er to n.1-lo \\'ashington for tal ks .,.,·1th Pre-sident Ford. L>iplorna!ic report ~ from l.llnd-0n s;iid there was no nish to ff'('(lJJ\'•'nr lh" (;ene1·a peat'e t;ilk .« lh;it ("OU!d !it ht1.«1. on ly confirn1 tile Turkish 111.ilit.'.lry victory. f'rt1t11 f•nge ,\I B ~i\LL01'. • • \1h;l! ~riu <11" 111 1 u~i:11·ss." .lust s:iid . Tie s:.id thr n1:iltor.« \.\ere al ~o fn\'or· abel I o 1v a r d a sug:gf'sllon by ~1;1;. or Al Coen and \oun1·1hn;111 .ll'IT~ t\1 :1 1n~·~· lhnt :i hallot isSI!{' hf' \1Ti1trn \1hirh also offcrNl !ht vu1l'r!' a cho1f'f' of 11'h:1t llerns rould he l'lJt frorn 11M:· buf!g\'1 to sa ve money. ' r"'"°''""~r , •ri..·,r · ....... "•"••OO"'· "'OO><l '"• ,,.,,,_, '"" '' r<l< "' ' I,'"• (l•o•- (,o,oo< ''"'"''" ''9 f".""f""' <;1''""'" "''''"""' • " ~·,~'''""~ '·''"''"' ""'"'"'!" ,,, •• , •.• ._.,,, ... e .. !io .. ,"o)~ ()*''" """"Ou' ·O !'"I'" ..... , !O'O ~O''fv L•D'•"' r..,.,, ,, •. .,. <;.'11•Wt• 1•~ Sao (l•-nl• '••O ,,,,.~ C.•<' ·~•·"" A, '·"9'• '"'!'°"" •<l'I• o •' "''"'' '•1 ~·· ''"' •'·1 '•l" 41,., !•• "''" •r•• ~,,,.,.. •· .. , , ·., · ·· •' '.IJ()wn1 •~M·•••. Co••• ... .,...c .. • 1. ""'' ~-~;e "ni-..•• 'l Yo • I r,.,,.,.~1,1><1 P,,,,.,,.,, I 1 ~ f I .,, • Y'\" 1'1•1·<!•"' ••1 l.•"""''' '<'•O•Q .. '"' '"" .... l 0•'·" rr,"''"A./.'11 • MOOOCl'!OQ!)I• Cf.ori..1 H 1 , , ,.d r r j.:)11 " ""'''•"'"'''\.00'"01 ~·'"" 1-,<··~·1• .. w~.t o,,~ c.:..rn, r~·•r~ • HtfO'IHrit)t011 hoch OHi(• t f~l~fl.v,,.,f'.,,, r·J Mo ,, 1 ". 11'"" Pu Ii; .. ,...,..J, '<7t.•8 o"""" Off1c•1 l·~··~t1••" ... ·1 •.··"~'·""· • '·"'"",. \V>1 .... v.,· ...... """"'"' 11•• " ),1.>·1 ''""'r>'"' '""""'''" I><"' "'"'""I" .o/)~t<..,..,,l l(,,.,.v,f<•OI '(""'"~'' I~• ,,.,.,7 ~'·'"''''•I •~"•0 (.,"" , .... '"' ~ ... ··~ •• '""''"'"' ~1·h•••' ... """' "' ., .. ,.. ,.~·-•" ........ '-· ·~ '~"''"'""" """""'".,,.. " .,..~ , ..... ··' ··~" o•• ~ ....... ' -ONI··•·'' ,.,_,.,,,.!~''''""'~ ... '•'~" ......... ~ ...... 1 ..... -1 . ,,, ..... ,.00 .............. ,,,. .. ' ,.,, ·~·""" ' . J •' /· '• ., .. ~: 01llV Pilo! !toll P~olO LIKES LIFEGUARD SYSTEM Au!!>t ra lian Conlin _-1 Iissie C zi£1 rd Stiiclyi1ig Be£icli Svste11i .. By l\A1'11'' ('L:\\'.C',' 01 t~t Dl ltv PlloT ST•tl lf you 11·('re swin11ning a Ion g Aus!rali:1's beaches, chanees are you 'd hr cro\\·ded in tQ a :::n1;:r ll 200 to JOO foot Sffl'tl'h (If bt•Jt:h 11·it11 hu ndreds uf other s11 l111nll·rs. If you 11·1>re 1l n:J1l'lling . you'd probably IX! ~;11·pd f('f'!-.~t~·lt'. 11·ith :1 lifPg11a rd brin~inc: 11 1011· lin!! ou t l'l \'Ou .1nd t11.;; f1·lln1r guard ~ rt·1•l1n~ you· 111 fro111 ;111 :ippar,1111., (111 1111~ ix'ath. llu! I ),·11111" Cnnhn, <1 3li-1·£'ar-0ld r;(•111·1·:1I .\\11l1lt's t·:ng1nt·1•r and ··~li1n ti'C'r l1fl'gt1:1 rd in :\r!l•laidl'. South Austrnlia, \lotild Ilk{' to rhangl' all tl1.:1t. 11~·;; 111 Hunting!on BPach no1\· stu dyin g !ht' rJty·s lift'guard to\1·er systen1 includ in~ backup radio contn1w1ica1ion . sL1pport j{'eps and jet boats. "Hun tington Beach has !ht' reputation in Australia ;ind pretty 11111ch the world f1•r 1h:it 1n:il!t•r of bf'ing 01~ of the 111ost pr•)g rf':>!:>11c Jifeg11ard scr1·iccs.'' sa_• s Conlin "Tht' inost am;iz1ng U1ing is lhc 1;1 n1u11unications net1rr1rk here. 1l1e fl·~pon~e ti1nt• to :in aetidcnt or rescue ts fant<.1stlcn\ly f;_1sL "\\ie haven"! got1cn as rophisticatecL " Conlin says. "Au~1ral1a tt•ruls to be m o r e ('Onserva!iV£' "'i1h s\\·irn1ners." he expl:uns. s;iyinr: n.1 gs n1;1r k off sn1a l! al't'::rs of t11e IJc;ich !or s1rin1n1ing. nrf>lll" !hat 1.:an {'asily he oh . .:;crved by lifeguards seated on the sand. "liut tl1c b<-;1 chcs HJ 111 1" State arc sin1 il;1r to he<ichcs here." hc-::rrlds. nu ling lhcy aren't d.ingcrous fo r s11·in1n1ers. "\\'c feel the 11·hole'be;ich can !x> lJ Scd.'' r\n t'Xpcrin1c11lal !011·pr systc1n i.~ nn1v opernting in Adelaidt•, and Conlin predicts-1h.1t 11·i1J1in fi vl' years "it 11ill be a f1111.nedged ~yste111." lie also believes that the al!·\"Olun!eer lifeguanJ syste1n u:;ed 110\\' n1ay bccoine at ll'<lst .~en1i·profrssio11a1. 111 t ornp;1ring beach croy,·ds, C-Onlin bclipvcs Au.s1ralians rnay be n1ore av:<1re nf \\'ater s<tfC'ty than sotne Arnf'ri cans. :idding it n1Jy be th:.it rnore inland rt·~1d{'tl\.~ \\'h11 ;1ren·1 u~d to the ocean :oi"111·, litrl' than in Australia. J\11othcr d1ff<'r~·1K·1· is n1f'n's ~,,.,·i1n\\·rar. h1· ;i,!ds. t1ot1ni.:. "\\'i.: \\'f':tr 1ery brief b<1ther.q ," And , in gl'!l•'1·;il, h(' 1)1•11£'\('S A1nf'ric<1n 1nc n dn•ss more conserva1ively than ,\1 1.~l r~dtan,;. t'>.pl:ii n1ug that nr.r1nal ... 11111n1•·r offir•' \l'!'.ir th("re is .o;hor1s. lu11 i! ~rx:\..,, .1 11<l "ruayl._._. a r11'('kl1r. n1ayt):' 11" I '" Conlin is CllJO}llll.': his n1onth-lQJ1~ vi~it . h·· :1d<L~. 1'\pl;11n111g th;1l ;i]tl1011gh l1e's 1111·01\1'(! in 1!n· r1'r .. .11·t 1)f (;£'1l<'ral r.·lntors' A11:.tr;1l1:1n·n1<1de lfoldf'11 cars. hc"s ncl'rr t~·<'U 11utside tlil' t'\111ntry lx•forc. "I ean·t think. <if ;1 l1etter place 11'! c~11111·:· he Ddd~. '"l'he people, the Mines. lhc \\'aY or life. are. n1uch like home." l 'r""' l'agc 1\.l ROPEI{ • • • st h()(l] distri<'L Frrn1 f\nt h:is si x re~l:ir high school s. Ollf' L'Ontinua tion s c h o o I and 14.400 Sludents, while the average size ill 2.300, S1Udf'll:'i. \rhi\,, the ar{'rnge size is 2.300, a dlslrirl official said_ • TI 1erc <1re five high schools and one continuation s<'hool in the H1u1tington Urarh hig h school rlis1rict. "·it h most crunpusrs near or over the J.000-student pnpul a1 ion. One, }'011nt.1in Vallry Hl~h. has .i .f~MI s\udrnls nnd is the largest s11ch sfhool \\'f'St of Chic;igo. "l'\'C' been h1're fot1 r ~·rars." Rof)('r ~nid today. addin~ v:ilh a I au ,:: h. "It .~t'~·rns like 2il \'{'<1rs." Hoper rcft"fr('(l In hi.!': bi g it e ~ t ('on1 rrn·(·rsy herr :is "that fil m incident." 'l'rusle••s \\'f'r e n lmo~t rrady to fire RoJX'r !;1st Nnv('n1hi•r about n rnonth After it \1·as d1stloSl'd that d i s t r i (' t ad111lnistrt1!ors had s c r c en e d a t.-opy or the X·r:itM sex filrn "J)("f'P Throa1" at an £'duriltors' cnnf<'rcnce 111 Sa n DiCJlO in Augu st. 197'.: nopl'r ;ittrnd(•fl !hr. "!"k'·cp 111ro:11" sho1\•ing, "'hiC'h look p1.1cr on flis1rl1.1 . (•ljll)l)11H'lll, TIH· h11;1rd l;1!er de('idL'!'.I 10 JC'Cf'pt :in 111x1!ni,:~ fr<1111 Ho1l('r for !hr incidcr11 Y.hil'll todr11· h•· rh.1rHCl1•ri1.crl a~ ''1111fnr1un:.t\~ .. hut 1 think wt•\·e pr•''IY 11l'JI 11v1·n·•·n11• lh.i1 1•;1 rr1!hini.: <·l~t' ha~ Jll~I t.)1•1•n i!f'" 1! " Beacl1 Cities Ft111d Bill An As"emhly bill to pro1·1de state fin:1n1'i:il hi·lp f11r cilit·~ \\hit·h o~ra!c r('glnn:il ho •n,·hrs rh·:irf•d !hr Senate C-01-ernrnrnt Organization Conimittee G-3 Thursda\·. Thi· hill. ~pon ~nrr<l b~· Asst'n1bly111:1n nohert Rurke (H·ll untingt-0n Beac:h 1, i, .·• lifduh·d f••r a tu·aring before the Senn!e Finanl'e Comn1ltte1~ at 2 p.m., nex t Thursd:iy l\fatthe1\' \\'eyu ker , Burke's ad minis- trative aide. said T hur s d av the 11nance f'on1n1ittec v.·ill represent the liil!"s "toughest fight yet." Ile said so n1e senators apparent ly 11cren"t "syn1p:!!hetic to the plight or our l.x<;ichi·s·· and thought cities should (·h;irgc pt>ople fflr US!.' uf the bt!ach. 1'he bill \l'OUld set aside $.'.! _J»idlion· in .stair n1ont'Y lo be split anl0llg<:rai;.p11s 1·ities and rowttif's \\"hich oper<tte beaches of a rrgional natu rr. Not all roasial cities \\'o uld b<'nefit. Through a complicatrd for1n ula. the money \\'OLI!d pri marily be used by cities \\·here the he:ich upkcrp is a signifi rant por1ion of thf'i t :1n11u;i! budget. Cities :ilong the Ora n ~t! Coast stand to gain ihe niost fro111 Burke's ineasurc. Oi g cil ics, su<.'h as Los Angeles and San Diego. may not receive any money from it because more of their own residents use their be.lchcs. \\'e}1.Jker urg('d loc<1l residents and city governments to can1paign in support of AB 3611 to hel p it pass th e finance committee. The blll ha~ been approved by the Asseinbly June 20 on a 5>1-3 vote. The beach subsidy mon ey \\·ould come from the state tidelands revenue, Fr"m Page Al lti\ONG ... nine thOroughbred races. Krone said . The fair could collect additional rev enue from parking, food and liquo r concessions, he said. lllrs. Carpenter urged the board to begin \\'Ork imn1ediately seekin g support for the racing bid from the Orange County Board Of Supervisors, League nr Ca!ifon1 ia Cit ies and o t h e r go1·ernn1ental bodies in Orange C-0unt y. ''You have a very, very difficult job .1he<1d of you," she said. ·'\'ou mu.~t ll:n·e c:ot11lty1\'ide support i;o the hnrsP racirn: boilrd is 1101 so co11v111cC'd b\' H;11" ~h·;1do1r~ and /foli111·ood !'ark." · . .\·.~kcd by Director ·r rank Turnbull if her senator husband "'otrld su pport !ill' rating bid. '.'.Ir.~. C;irpcnter said. "l)i.'nny repre.~rnt.~ this area !'111 ~u ri• h1"d be for it if the whule cuuut1· h<.•n£'fits." - ..ijl11• pr<'r1icted thnt ilt least \11·n o~e three racing board members prob- <1bly are already against approving the hN'nse. The lhird men1bcr. John V. l'\eun1;ln. an Or;.ing<' Cnt1n1y n;itivf' and rhairn1an tif !ht• ]r\'ine Co111pany Board of J)irr<'!Ors. 1night favor the applic:llion, sh~ s;1i1!. The honrd appninlrd rllrrrtor <; l\rnnr, \\'arrrn Finley and Anhur .\lcKenzie !<l a co1n111 i1tl'f! !o work nut di>t.'11 1s of U1c upplic."H..1011 to the racing toard. lluntingto11 Pct o\\llCI'~ to Link "'ith State Unit .\lrn1hcrs of the Pet CM'Tlc rs C.oaliUoo of Huntington Beach h:i ve agreed to af(iliate l\'ith the California Cooli1ion of Anirn:il {N.'Jlers. Annette lllorrow , an officer of the POC, said about 55 POC n1eiubcrs cast a unan imous b.1.llot \\'c<lnesday night f() become the Orange Cow1ty arn1 of the California group. She said POC \\i ll retain its present or.'!anizatlonal ~tructure and I o c a 1 idt.·nt i!y. but :is part of thc larger. !i1a tC\\'ide coalition \\'ill work to so!l·e !()cal proble1ns 1\·hcrcv('r possible. l\lrs. ~lorro\v said I.he s t :i t e org:mlzation Ms 30.000 members. POC has about 500 members, she said .. In HuntinR!Ol1 Beach. th!' POC has ba tt!ed recently approved cat control measu r{'s, and "'as succt'ss!ul in convincin g the city council to create an anin1 al control ro1nmission . TI1e local co:ilitlon has .11lso voiced it,, vie11·s on animAl control 1ncasures in Fountain Valley and Seal Beach. Subsidies Kept /11 Transit Bill . 1\'ASHl:'JGTO~ (APl -rttass transit $l1pportcrs ha\'e cleared their n1oot formidable hurdle by heating Dack House t'ffons to take out operating ruOO.idies . 1'hc_y nov.· fa ce a fight on the amount of mon~y to be authori1..ed. , ,\\li>n1pts to delete operating subs!dtf'~ fron1 rh" $2'0 billion. si~·yrar bil l "'t.re tl1·r~.'l!rd Thursday 202-197. [)(•IJatt~ on the l)llJ Y.ill rf'~Um(' l\1 ondny. 1•.hrn llrpuhllcans \\'ill try to 1rln1 tt 111 $1 1 hi!lion and ~n1ocrats 10 ht)!tl th<' Ju1'' <Jt $1 5./\•tiillion r <l' ··"< \· .. ,, ,, Kee1>i11g Cool ' ' • '4<... ...~ J'. ~~~~~ "".'\ .. Dai ly Polo! PNolo bt Rlt hl rd K~thltr It Jnay n ot be a s pectacular wave. 1n11c h li ke the next one !hat 1\•ill r oll in. 'f he girl, too. n1a y be no n1ore eye-catr hing than hu ndreds of other bikini clad \\'On1en jun1ping in and out of t he su rf o r slr£>teh· ing their tans on the ~a nds along !he ()range l'oas l. Bu t son1e hO\\', the con1bined effect and li nes of v.•ave. hack [llld boso111 1nake it dif· ficu\t to st;iy bl:ise. \·ou so11a \1'3111 l1rr lo turn around. Mesa Ga1·clc11e1·, "'if c St1e (~ity £01· False A1·1·cst A Costa ~!{'sa g;irdt'n('r anti his \\if" sued that ci1y and the city of 1!11n1in g1~\n Beach. for n1ore tharr S-tOO.OOfl Thurscl;1,1 in a false arrt•st ]a \\o·suit 1/1[1L n:uni·~ 1U1ie offiecrs fron1 OOth ag{'nC1l'S. Dl tdley \\'a:·nc and J(·aruie ~l :ir1t.' Cavanaugh, 1119 Sunflov;er St., •:Osta Illes.a, claim in the Orange County Superior Cou rt action that officers frorn hoth C'ities unl<1\1iulh· cn!C're<l th rir hornf' last Nov. 6 :ind C'arr1er1 off 1~9 1tcrns of r:i"r,-on;i[ propt·rfy_ l"<1\an.111gh. ~:i. ;ind \11·s 1 '111 :111.111:.:h, 44 . further allege th;ir ihc~-111·re fal~cll· chargf'd v.·ith ret't:'i1·111 ~ ~tolr11 prupt·rt~· tha t included ste r('(1s. tcl1·1·1s1011 ~r!s. fi rearms. bicyr!~. liqu or. l)l1 ~1111·'~ rnnch111es . carnt•r<ts and n\1we lh(lll :11"1 pounds of 1111•;11 Tht•y furtht•r <illt'!"!l' 1h:1t (' o:; I ;1 r-.tesa police n1ade crroneot1s i11(orn1:1.1!011 a1·al!Dblc 10 ~i D:tily l'ilot reporter 11·ith t)l(' r("Stil t I-hat fa lS!' f!CCU.<;."l tliins \.\(•r(' prulted m th.at nt'"-~P<lfX'r. ('o.o.ta :lf('~a t1ff11:<'rs n;1111•·d " s dcft•nd:i.nts ;ir(" J);irid .\I. S!f'1·11, \\'1\l i;i1n F:. B{'ch!<'L Dai 1d (;. L1·1ghtutl 111111 Harold fi~ch('r lillll\l/l~[llll l-\1•;1(•h uffllTI'" !1~1 1 11\'d 11•. !hr C:i\:111:1u~h~ arr .J:111i.·:-; ,\ li11 h111 Ard('n \k':ivt•rs . Chri~t1;1n ,'\chnr1r.h•r H-0l)('r1 D. Suthl'rland and l)a11d .\1 \llt·r D.1\·anaugh t lainis thn t p1~l 1rt-ti .Id a~rnls of thr ln1 1•n1al H£'1·r1111<· St·r.11'(' t11.at h(' and his µifl• '~'t'l't.' "hi).! dl'<drr" 111 s.iblt·n properl y and 1l1 :i1 l';,,h '11'\'\ll1lULl!C'd fre>n l S\lt'h a 11 f' g r d 1r~n-.:1t·rlons. h:rd not lX'i:n rrpor1f'd on th1· t'fl!!r>lt>'~ 111co1nt' !.LX rct11r11s •l'ht• !"t''i\l\t, iii' ~ttl T 1 •S. IS 1ht\! ,11l 11\S t.•x l1rn l1:1s l'(:en sl;q1µ..·d on the c•111pl• " .~iLflOO Su11f1011•er :-itrc<'t horne and ll•t' tax :igenry stl\1 retains $12,000 3cized dur ing thr unla11·ful raid . l!t' el auns that ,.ff1cers rin..,d his saf ~y <lep11~1t IYlXt'S in a raiftl ran·i er1 ou t 11 1lh•1•il ,l .~1·.1r1'il 11·;irTill\I C'Jt·:1111111i:h rlriirns th:1t n f 1 i c P r s 1· .. 1d1<.;('dh't l ~~.-,.oH\•1 111 l S Trt•:i,ur·v bond:::. S1l/l.'i~1 in l':1sh, S! 11\111 in ~>1 1\er_ S10.lJll() in 111una·qi;1l bondi; ;111d scl'rr:1I ;11111! p111\.. ~ti p., and 111.~urance pnh1•i1·~. Thi· g •rrl('i11'r al~o ('l;\irn i; ttnl! hi· h:1" 111,t ('l11·11i" 111 1h1· t 'o,1:1 .\1 1'$,1 ~1'\111<.u1 1:,·.H·h :111d ('(1ron.1 dt'l \1;1r ;Jrl':t'> as .1 I l':-.llll «I Ilic L'Ol'!t1111u·d tv1•er:igc of I: I< • ·' '" ti:. 111e ll;til~ I 'd111 It 1:> a!lf'~ed thal n1;i11,1• of t h~~ t::!l 1t1·111s of p£'r~"n;d prDp1'n1· 11:11" ~nil 11,,! ht•t•ll l\•t!ll'llt'd h,I (·11.,t.1 ,\h·~:l ]"liil't' \1.10: o( lht•r11 !l.n r ],..,.ll :o;!i>re1! in lh<' 11p(·11 :ur Hnd !1;1 111.i:.:"rl !11 t'X!~lll'f' In 1':11t1 :1riri 111nlL·r 111'.illl• r. ( .11a11;1u~11 1111)1pictHI> t';i\,1111111,.!h 11.•' 1tl.1c,.d n11 tlH\''' ~···nrs 111 111\,1111 111 I •'\ 11•'l'k ;,f1l'l' lJ1._•111g fotu1d :.,!tllil \ llf ,1'.i1 t1lp: II\:.! l!J I 1'1 I'll\' !--(11il'll p_rO!M''rt~· h1· ~uprrinr f'o11rt .J11'1~e H;.rnn I\ ,\li·\Jlll.111 ·\II rhart.:v . .; a~a1n st tu:; 111r1 11.•i-1· r1 1,1111.,~ .. d. OC Roofe1·s Orange County rnoft•rs 1\·alkPll 11fr the ir jobs l'hursd;1y, jo111i11g !0~:;11~ in f.(111·~ Ut:>aeh and ],Q~ A11 )!.1•lt•s 111 a S!nk1' tor higher wages and fringe ben<'fit~ lloofers l..ocal 220 secretary (~et)r'..!<" r-.;1!11 111an :;ai d 111 .. 11111011 h;id ht.•1•11 turn1 ·d do11n on its 111111:!1 $"2 :lf>.-;11 1 hour i ntT•·.1 ~1' ['l"l!llC~! ·r!H· s1rit;<', i\1e1'1n1:in said. 1111·01\"' ;1bot1t 4:xl rooff'rs in !ht' Or:1ngc Cot1111 1 loea l find l,>100 in the lhr{'e 10<'.'Yls !lll'Oi~t'd A fedl'r:Jl ttlt•<llator, < :Porgc l>uHc:1n , has lx'cn \1·orking 11"1th l ilt' union and two n111 n<1j;(cn1ent _groups, the Hoofing ( 'ontr:i.ttors Assori:1tio11 of Sou1h,·rn \"<11iforn1:1 ;111d tl11· Orange Couuly H•K1fi11g ( 'onrr;1('tors' 1\,~tx:iatinn , l'1r \..1·t.,:, i'\(•11·1n:111 ~aid. 1111\'c been ~f'nt only 10 Jnh:-11h1·n· 11·11tk 1s t'nntinuut:{ 111th1Hll 11111011 s.1nct1on A f e 1v 1•,,111r;u·tors. h1· ~:ud. ha\1• signed interin1 11grv'-•u 1en!s to 1>ny un!un dl'n1ands and kl'CP work g0ing un1il a new t'Uritract ls signed_ In ad1li1ion lo 11"ages ;tnd fringe lwncfits. Newn1:i11 said. n"gotiri t1ons are h1111j.( u p Oil thf' ll'llt.!th 11f !lh: tont··al'l. Tl11· 11111011 . he s:11 d, w:ints :i (l\'!".1":1r ;1l.'.!"('{'Jl11'nt ;u1 d till' contral'tors 11":.tll! a Ll u·te·:'ear p;.1ct. ,\'\'gotiations ;1rl' St'! tu resu111e :llunil;iy, .\'t•11·111nn s:1id. Tl1e 1111!011 h:ts bel'n 11·orking \11th a 0111·-.1·c:1r 4·ontract for $7 .J~ an hour in 11;1gl'S plus fringe benefits ( :ou ntian Plead ~ • ,\tta('k Ill On l\Iail t:arrier .\ r11an ;1ctu~ on arMi of .1$Saul t 11 1!h 1nh'nt !n ('0111rn il r<i!X' 11 ht•n hi; allt•i::-f'<lly att::tekt'd. a H1111!1n1.,rto11 il<'aMl l'j1s1.d «:1rrirr an~! f"lll]l{'d off !'Orne of ht•r t h•lllltll! h;i.~ pl1·:id ed gull!y to lf'ssrr 1'1\:1 ru"~ 111 l )r;111.:1· C1111n1y Sup('rior t'o111·1 .lurll!C' i-:1 ~1rr1t \\' ll1 \t;r.r :11'\"Pptrd il't' pit';! 1>f g11ti1y tn ~1111plt' 11,~S::ttilt l1i•·d by Ho11:i l1l 1-'.UKt'nt' !\11i;s1•JI. 23'. 1d l\111,11a /'itrk, 111Ki ~·I Aue . 23 as lhl' d:.ttf' ht· Yo ill S(·1Hcn1 (· thr dl'fl'nd;1nt. Hu.~sel! faces a (\llHllY j<1il terin of up 10 si x ninntlls on the con\ ietion l !i~ \\ <l.s :1rrf'Stl'd 1:1.~1 Feb. 211 shortly af1 1•r he dr!"11'f' at high spet>d fro1n an :1p:1r1nti·11 1 bui\d111f.( on Sc1·1·nth Street 111 llti!l!lnK10!l Bea~·h \\ht•re he <1d1n1t!cd .dtJv\..111g llll .\n1cril'all 1~u st ar l0(ifp!Jl',11in11 1,urk1•r_ 'rhi' ,'1ttr'.1c1 11t' r1t'llln tt1ld pn!1rr she 11·:1~ di·l11"t'f"lr1c l1Ti·ra1uro' ;11 ;1p;irtn1en1s 111 tlli' h11i lr1ir11? 11hL·n Hus~cl l priunC<'d "n l1t·r and IJf'g;H\ tn pu ll 111f 11('1' t'lntlung. !'u!i1·(· ~:u<l !i 11.~.~i·ll r.'ln 10 his ca r ~111d rll'<1\1' ,,ff 11)1i'TI lh•' llf'lln1 '5 ~t.Ti\t111-~ dn111 r•·s1i11·11r~ (,. till' ~r1•11t· Ht· 11;1" 1r;111•d !hr,,11gl1 rhf' r;ir l1i.:c11:.c nun1ber Jl•llt'<l do1111 hy :i 11 1tnr.,~. Borax I lonu•,Jlo111bcd !'.!IHll.\ 1\'!'!1 -,\ hurnb l'Xpl(l(i•'I! 1)!1!•1<1•' th•• lioni.'1< 1.i ;1 l ~ 11,)1:1.\ ('o. offi t'ia! here TI1ur~av ni.zht.. Krrn ( 0111111 ~h1·11/f's 1lrp1111(·:; n ·1,.n·11'(! !l11' d1·•H'l' f•.\pln•J ••(l 111 !ht' d n 1 1..·11;i~· of n 111111\•' 011·11pn•d 11:, f·~:1rl 1:0"''· d,JJ11:1ging .1 I :-; Hor.1\ 1·;i1· 111 1111' dr111·11 u1 ;n;d l1l1ll11ng 111H a k1tlh<'11 111ndo11 111 iiosc·~ h11toi1• Summer Sale MARIMONT UPHOLSTERY "NEW AND EXCITING " SPECIALLY PRICED DURING OUR SUMMER SALE •• WING CHAIRS SALE s235 ,; --.. 't SOFAS FROM s399 LARGE SELECTI ON NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY Another Ted von Hemerl Exclusive DREXEL-HERI TAGE-HENREDON-WOOOMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER WEEKDAYS & SATURDAYS 9:00 to S:l O .. NEWPORJ BEACH • t727 \\'l':STCLJFF DR ., &12·2050 LAGUNA BEACH • J.15 Nl111Tlf L'<)AST fl\\.'' , ·1\j<J fi55! TORRANCE • 2,'J&t9 fl A WfllOR:\E Ill.\' D Jl)pt'nfn !d (1.S1111 12:,;u,. .-J~X llill I I ' • '· l • ,. ft •• J)J·:A :.lid es h:tl'L1 II t'f'I' f ;111d !I t) It' <.: 11 111 1'1•11 r« .fund 1•'\!t'n~ rii.;h1 ( .. t\ t ll\ S;1li~l1 I :1 ~k I 11·;1s !\l,\' ~ l'.'h1~11 l>\:('ll of thi l't'l)l.'(d r . ' l.ngun 1·011!a r yuur s:1tisf: rf'f11nct thr " <.'laim. -,,,,.-' .. !l ~;_ IL lli n).! {'{1!"11 it '1 i1h1n kno11· Jll 1lii. 1hr-1r j·1 nplo !"il'('l>I\ Fru ~j)'t"ll!I \\ ith prrrf'1 striti~ J'r\'l'll 1\ lllt'I' l'.S. !hut I i~·h·h l .;~r\·i 1 firrn1 Jn ! If '., I out t' I 'rinr· pr()ll h lo<: :i I 1 hrlp 1111rk1 Yo1 in1p<1 1111d ' h1t~ I and o II,. 111·: '•'!'\ 'f l \l I r ''"n /nr ll !'i'l\11' (';.il ' ;1dd11 \I )if' rj 11 ;1 hr•;id ~ l'.0 . 11t th .,,.j !" 111 (11 \!)ti • ·Elec ,\no. ~i'4- ~!~ hand I go , -"•I a · re ., ll•te 1~ re "-ho Ai of ll!rol '~" hour ·~di "" • \ h ,, ' I l ., At Your Service ' ~u nd a\ , \I u11 da \ , \\ 1;dn1•)<.da ,. ;1111\ Fr ida" l '1•;i111r1· I 11r th1· l l ;dl ~ l'i111I f li I (/ pr11)1/1 I'' '//11"1 11 r·llr /'1/I U 111H1 /'11/ 111/11 ,If ,,.,/ rni~· •1•'/ 1111· I ii, II ! ' I I'll/ U o , 1 "I I/!! II '"'I ·r/ / o 1 . ,,,, .. lrll'(/ !Jiit' 111 11•111111rr11·11t 1111.J /jJj. 1111 ''' ~/111j •1•d1r 1)'1~·,11,,11.~ tu / •,,r /)1,1 .11 Al • ) ,,,,, ,\1•r /"II t' 4 •11!'1•1• ( ·.,,J,, I ) 11 I ·I / '1/ .. 1. I ' () /.. I ~~I ,.,,,,u './,-' I ·,, 1 ·11 I ~l•' r,1. " •, 11 • /, ,., '11 1•,r1·ti•1f lf4•f11111I OF.AH Pi\T 1 tnnk sn1111• ol 1n~· :l.1u11n ~l1tles t11 Fotn-:'11.1! 1n Sn111!1 I .:11~111111 !11 h:111· 2a 111·1nls 111;1d\· \\l11 ·n 11!1• p11t1!s 111·r1· f1n1slu.:d, !hC'1 11rrt· r11t ulf 11ro11g ;111d 1lu· quail(\• l;l't111:1•n 11111 print-. ol 1ht• ~;11111• sl1d1 • 11.1 '. l'l'f\' pt~1r I d1·<·1dt«I !n r~·l urn .i\I lil 1111·111. ;111d :1~k f\IT' .1 ri •fun~t. Jll :llTUl'fhlfH'(' 1111)1 l ll 1· Ir \'Xtl'n~i\'•· r;1d 1n :ulv1·rt 1;.:111i:. ;111d :1 ;.:11-:11 ril!lil 011 1li(· IJ11~111··~" \1:111 111,11 ~1:111•.;;, "fl lull 1••lu11d 11 \!Ill :tt'1' not 1·0111ph11t·h ~atl~l1t•tl \1ith \1n1r p1i11 I ~ \\'lu·11 I ;1:-;l;1·d [111· rny IHt:>I '-JI .\l: r.•lu111!, 1 \1 ;1~ tnl1t !'d 11111\ :!!'l ~1 11:1 ba1 I; ~11· ::;lirlr" 11l'n' r1•l uf•!;1n tl1 1rlurnl'<I 1".h1•n 1 rt·f11s1·d 1h1· p:1r!1ul ro •fund . l\l' bt-en unahlr 111 c·n1Ha1 ·t 1h1· 11 1:,11:1~1·1 of 1hi.;; Fnfn.,\l;l( uu!li•t 111 :.p11i· 111 rt'J>o.•ah·d :1ti.·nl!pt:1 1..11., J.a ~UIHI r.r11th F . \V. l'ar\;f'r. 1nanag1·r uf th1• Sun!h 1.ngunn Frotn-.\lul upt>r:ition. ~a~·s hi· 11 i\I ronl:n·l 1un auct ~l'I' In it Lhlll 1•it l11·r ~our pr~nts ar1• r.·pru1·1·..:~1·1I tu .1011r sutis[:Jl'liun, ur thn! ~1HI n·r1•il1· a lnll rrlund. i\u l'xp1anllliun 1\)1\ J.!il'l'll rur !hf' "par!i;1I" rf'funfl 11H1·r. 'inrt• l'11rl..1•r (·lnlrn~ th:11 j\ not hi~ t•11111pa11,1··s fl<lh1·1 7 11;,w II'' 1·•• 'I ' 11·1• .J ,,,,s llEAli 1'1\'I' Art• th(1r•· ;111v !t~ur,.,., 1 ~·\ling hr111 11111< h :1 11ork111t: 11:.11\' ... :irn1n~~ 11.111· h<'!'r\ n·d111···d h1· 1nfl:111011 '11thin th(· p:1~1 :-t·:1r·· l'r! ;d.;f\ ltl..•· \L1 J.;11n11· 1111;1[ prn'\'!11:11,!1• ot 11nrli1lll! 1111·11 1n !Ins 1'01u1tr 1· 111.11 111rir1ul1~h: I•• l'k~'"I \1lf'1r l!\l'olll•'" ;ind 11lr•l tu·ld 111 1·n1p\1)_1 1111·111 11.io; 1!i1· h1,.l11·~: 1H1:11b1 r (H .:.\'t'11nrt jub hc1lthl'' It .\\'. \t'l\f)&\fl l\•·.tl'h Fr11n1 \1 :11 19;1 tu \l:1y 1!17 1. "rral 'Jli'llclahlt· l'arnit1:.!,·· t•I :1 111:1rr11 •ct \\111·l..1·r \\ilh 1hr1•1• 1lrp1•111l1·1H' tlr1111p1•d fi .h prrrrnt. ~11·1·ord:'.n.: I•• 1! " 1 ,. r n 111 1· 11 I st:lti~lil'~. II 11 ai-:•l''' nnl1·d lh111 ni·arh "lf'\'rn perl'l'nt or :ill r111 ;1lo11•d n11·u i:1 :\n1 L·ru·a 11,.hl l•lu nr nlon' iuh\, Tiu• t '.i-;, l\11rrou 111 l.nh11r '\t:1ll,!l<'" r1·1,.1r1 , thul l:1r1111·r~ ha1 1• thr l1ii,:hr'l rnult1pli· jhh·huldin::: r;1!1•, l"llu\\t'tt hi ··p1nh·1·1l1 ,· "f'r1·i1·1' 1111rl.n11·n,'' ~lli 'h :•' pollt·1·1111't1 , fiTC'!lJ1·n ;ind ~1·c·ur1l~ :,:ua 1'd'. .ff1p11t11•s 1• lltt(•l1i1••• 111 .. \1\ l '\T I I•' 1 .. .,J..o·d 1'\t•J'l\llll'I•'. tril l I'll 11 l Ji 11d :1 I• •11"1' '11 •i 'I 111.; I 111 11 I I J •nn('•';.:~ ~.·11111~ \L1•·lu110 • !';11! tit 1h, prnbit•fll I• !h,ll \ doll I <'ll'll !,11u11 II\•· l11t•;11111n hf th•· 11l.'11l:lt.u'1ll!1·1· ~·.1 11 1011 hf·lp Ill!' Ill "•'! 11111' 111d< 111111• l.;rl'k 1111<1 1101! ~l!I~ cord1·r 11,t: .. ( H~\a .\lt''ll Yo ur ~r11in~ mai·hln<' i~ a .l:1p11 n1·,1· in1port . t'oron:1 n~1 \lur ~0·11in1t \lu('h,nt· and \'aruun1 ('l·111rr. ~:i l9 E. l'on~l lh1.1 .. hi!~ 11 [;1r~1· \1111111~ ut !1'll'H•11 'llrlnt:' and othf'r part;, to r l'rin• I''' 111neh1nt·~. llf•t11lfJl1t11•ff•r s ll11t•1•1I IJJ.:\B l'.\T I 1,1111• l t tho' 1·11i-1u11lt·r ~01"1:1··· drp1111111·11t ul ll.•111~ll•'1l 1;,,Hli l'o1 1n 1l ;1r·ir11' \\I" rn lu1d '"11 11 h• ,.,. 1 1-;11l puro•)1;1"' r1•pl.1i 01•n1•·111 1·111••1'\ 1h"'" ff\r 111r ni.1n1vu11• "•'I \11' I l 1 t f' r 11,1~ f't'llllrli·•1 · ni1n1"I 11.,i fo111;1rd.1hlr 4 °,1!1 ,\l'tli !111,\ Pi.I \hi~ ! Hllll':ITI~ ~ !'1111 ! Ill ;11!0!11'~'· 1or II !lit·~·· I~ 1111 :11 •. 1 111111 11tK·r1' I <·.111 n1.1h~· 111 ~ p1:J"1'i1:1,1··· .l.J 1 . [~!1.!1111.1 1:r;11 h It a n1 ; 1 1,, 11 1:1·:" Ii 111011 .. d ii' l1r:idq11i.rlr•r, tn \\11,hlll:.!!ntl. \ 1·. Z~ll~'l 11'.0. lkl\ 11:.~1 ah<111! •·l'~ht ~l'nr' :11.t<i. 11t !hi' rippr11~in1atr li1111• ,1our 1nani1'11rr ,,.1 11:1, pur1 h:l't•rl. lt :11n111 .. 11 1:,•:u·h ~n1al1 11ppli:1111·1• p.1r1, 1111 l11d1n:.! tht· uur• 1<tu ntt'll. ;11·1· al 11i l11hl1• al l'ali lurni.1 E lel'trlc Sf'r\lr1·. 111 !-'. fl rlstol. Snntn Aria, or h1· 11 h u 11 1• 1n;iil orrl1•r, 1~1 ;:~ AA-1-J:Uil £~0111 llut l'~ i11 \nr11;1I\,, 1lppt•f1i#ftl ,,.,.,.,,,1,, VEAR Pl'IT: I 11:11·1• :.i \1·1·~ 0111 decorntivc pl:itf' I 1h111k 1 1t 1n.1y I~· hand·)laintcd Bavnrl:.in ct11n:1. 1101\' do I go aboot choosln~ :in nppra1scr~ A.H .• Ne"1)()rl lle111·h ,'\'our lnsurnncc llRl'lll. c1111 r<•ro1111nend .a · re8pon1ihle apprni~•·r iu yuur Hr1·:1, n( you can refer to nntiqu1• df'ulrr ~ li•ttd In the \·cl\01\' l'u~r~. i\o llce n:o;f' ts-requlrtd for a ppuisul "nrk, hul thO~l' "·ho belon g to the Ant h1ne ApJwitl~l'rS Aisoc lallon or 1'11nc rlca ha,·c th e bcnrfi1 of advice fron1 nnllf'lllC r x p c r t s tlfroughout 1'11ncrlcn nnd ('unadn. Y 1111 can expecl to plly an n\'<•r11~c $21> p4•r h()ur ftt for ant111ur 1·ic1,·lnl.'\', "'ilt1 a~dltlon al ro!lt tnr uny s ubseq11t'nt research and accompan}•lng ~rorma llon 8 ""'fJl. Biki11g Ban<lit , 15 , Arr,~.~lc'l (il!/\NIJ S,\l.lr\I·:. T<'\ l l 'f't > - poli<'t' h<ll'!' nrrr~tl'd :1 lf1-y1·nr old b11~' \llWl llll'Y snid rubbt ,,l :1 d ri\J' in gnx:t·r.v flf SHil :ind pt'd:i11·d iri 111ilcs 011 ;1 b1c.1t•!f' toting ;1 sht1tgun, 1'hf' hoy !11·ld up :1 ~rucery '\'ctln(·,t;(tay 111 Lonf.:\ 1e11 . Tl':i.,, his borne 101111 1~h1'rc 111· \\'I~ .. !:11<cn to fai'I' l'hilr,l{I'" l'lrrc•.;\in..: 11ffh·1·r<. 1n \.1 ;11111 Sid1t11: ~dd Thursda; th'· Incl v.:i .... 111.·d:1:1111-: tor [l;1!l.1,, · 1:1'.'1 1111lr1> ·11 !<.I 111 l11n gvit'\\' • 1 -.., , 1'1o·10 · 1 111 l •.a H liAll V PILO I , ' .'I Labor Le,ader Urging Controls CI TES DOUBLE JEOPARDY Ex-advi ser Ehrlichman El irlicli 111£11 i E1iters Plea, ()f l1111oee11ce t:_r All'l'lll'lt H. \'l:\~~:J. O! t~• 0101, l'••>t Sl•lr l,(l" 1\\(:l·'.LES \)n•·!1 n1r· ['''''1d1•nt1 .d ;id v J s (' r .lub11 I I l·:l1rl1(')1111:011 u1:11I•· ;1 p l· r "u o ;(I <1111"' 1:·:1111·1· 111 ~u111·1·1<>r ( ·,.11rl lll'n' Thllr,d;11· I" 1·t1!Pt' n••11 pll•;1~ !o lT11n1n;1I ch.ir"~Ct; i::ro11·in.c! out of ac\11 iliC's l':ilhin ln·· \i,nn ;1dn11n1 ... 11a:11111 1:11111,·•1111<111. !'+. 11hn 1~ 11 ... 11·1h <illl<lllllt'f! <IJ}llt•:Ho'fl llJ[h hl~ ;Jlt<Wlll'I I lul!'.'l:i<: ll .. l•t111 t1<'f1,1'•' J 11d1!1' !:ord11n 1:111,_:,·r 11n 11h:1: 11;1" t11 h.11•· b1•1·11 lu" 1·1:il rlatt· "11 rnnsp1r;11'\ ;1 111! 1~ :·iu1y , ~1:1r:···~ lft' s1woli•' Olli \' t11·0 11ordo; 111 the •"hllt' I .... 111 II h1ri1 I'.;!.. ( r .. 1\cll'd "Pt'rl:11or~ ··'l'h1·.1· .tr•' 1·:lcrl1<·l1111:111 1''1HI 11!10·11 ,Ju<!!••· H111~1·r .i~kNI 1f h1o;; d11 al pl• .r~ ).1lhn111!•'d hi' a1101·nf'\' 1),dt.•11 11t1o·r" th .. ~1· !ht· ul1•'l1n10• \'i~on r11d 1• v "ho"! In 1·n!vr II•· i~ plr·111lin~ 1!1:11 1i 1rould l'o11<;!1tu11· 11t .uh 0•• Ji•op.•rd.\ 11 ri·· 1~ lrH·cl c111 pL·r;ur1· ( li.i!l!l'' h.is<'d Oil ;ill~·!!Cd li•2s hl ;:1 !.H.< ,\nj'• l1·<: t '(l1J1111' Cr:1nr1 .l11r1· 11/t1·n Ii•· ,,11d lit· kn1•11 ii0th1n',! llf'fnrPh:ind :ib11111 th•' h11r 1:l:11·1· \'If 11r I >:inl •'l 1·:1 1.,l;.•rg·~ p~11 h1atri ~1 ·, .. 11ir1• during a Ni.~nn :1d1111n1s1r:1 11on prr>ho~ 11f rh1· f;unuu~ f'1"ll :1:,:nn P;tp•'r' lri.11 r1!'f<'ndan1 f•'h1'11<·hrn.11i '1a<; <'flll\'IC'h•1! !:1st n1 n11lh 111 \\:1 ~l11ngto111 IJ(' ;1lo1ng \1ith <1ih<'r pri n('i p:il." in thr S!'J1!. :I. 197! bor~l.tr.1 rof [lr l.1•11 15 FJt•!ding s ofliCL' 1n /11•11•rh· 111 :1. . !I•· 1~ h:1~111g hrs di111til!' JNlp:irdy ptr·i "n 1lh· LH'I 111" f1'fh•r:1I rl1:ir1!1'" \It r1· ... 11h~1;1nt1.rll\' n·l ~1 1t-<t to l h!' l '.1li forni.1 p1·riur~· <"h:1rcl' :ind hi' l.11't'S 20 n1nrHl1~ 10 fi1 1• \'t'ill''\ in prison fflr lh:t! rnn1i<'!ion Hr :ltlrl h1<i :ittornr·~· n!<;o ,1o;;kr«l .lu<t ~· H1n;:"r to cl 1~n1i.;s l'On~pir:tC'v l·h<1 r~<''· h:•"•'<l on rh1· fa1'! 1h1· !o"<h·rnl 1·our1 .u rp11 rt• d h1 111 !'11 th11,1• 111" L'Ollnts Jn~1 lllnnth l·:hrl1i'h11111n 11:u! nn ~1n.'lll\• pl 1 ·~1olt•1I llH!•Wt'tlt 1•11!1<· f•Jur <;l l1t1• rh;1r~1·~. 11h10 h • '11 ilrl h·· 1l1s11l1S\o·d 1'ithf'r 111· J 11dc:1• ll lll''<'r HI' h\ ;1 Jiii'\ If i\ll•• i~ 1·\111 111.d h 1·,dJ.·d .\ .1:111 fi 1L1I<' \1;1~ ~··I l••r th·· forr11•'r lvp \\hit•· ll•Jll).t' d11n11·fllJL' .1ff:11r ... ,1d11.;1·1"..: 11ttorne1 10 :1pp1·dr _,,, .Jud!·,. l(1nc:o·r l':1n ;.:,,t :1 rr1:d 11:111· 1111 th1· r11 ·11d1 11g rr1111111nJ ('h.1ri;(',_ /[,· l11ld El1rlic~1111:in 1\·ho 11orl..1•d ou: Thur.<>d:1y's <1l•e1s1nn s 111 tht' pr11 ;11 \' ol th•· Jtal~1's ch:in1b1~rs fJr.~I n!fln~ 111th 111 .. :1!lor11r~' and pn1set·1111nf! lJrpu11· Jl1 r.t r11:t Allflnlt'Y St!'phen Trfl tt-that he l\t·L'fl unl bt· i11 1·1111n for the .January Sl'!':.1on An1 c1· i <' ~111 s' Hy ll ELE~ TllO\IAS \\l . .\SlllNCiTO:'li 1t'l'!1 i'rro;i1h·n1 Fflrd con ll'rrt"1l 111th T t' 1 1n ... 1 ,~ r" l'r1•.;1d1•111 Fr;u1!-. 1-: · l·111 ... 1uuu•1n-: 1,~1:11· hi., -'!'t"lthf lll''~'llll'{ tJ11..; 111·~·\.. 111111 .1 !rip !1gu11• 111 org.uu11•d l.1hor ;111d 11:1s ur~1'(J to 1111pos1· a 11:1)'1"pf11·1· lr•·1·11· "111 ~111 1\'\.. llit' ,\rtl•'rU'dll llt'olJlf.' h,11·1>. IPI" n·;iluy tlt·:1r 111 1h1.; \\ , ... h Forrl's ;,11d1·s li;1 1e 111<11!.• 1·•·11nu11Ht' he;1r111 gs 1n Congrv,~ 111111 Ii!' h;1 ~ 110 111t1·1111on 11! n·1un1111., t" 1n:1ndator~ <·u1Hr11ls of thL' kind !li;11 gu1t·n11nent ·(Jff11 ·1;1ls Jlf)11· ~;i\' 11·vrt· :1 n11~1 :1kt· Hut l'1t1s111H11on~ !()Id r\'p•u·r,.,·, ;1ft«1· a 4.-1·rr11nu1t• r11ec11ng 11·1111 1-'ol'd 111 !he U1 nl i..Jfficc : "Then • should lit• :1 1.·•>n1 plt1C' 11~,t~e nn all priC'l'S anr! 11 .tg••S. Hf' ;1ddrcl, "S11n1~·1hin;.: h:1s 111 !11• dn110• 10 shock thl' l'ln1l•nf'an (X'Vph• h:1«k int11 reahly ·· Tl11· lt•;1drr ,,f !h1· 2 2 1ndl11Jll T1·arnst«rs said 111 ;1 nll'('t1ng on the \\'hite llou'c 1.111n 11i th ni:11 -;nlL'll that Ford onlv li~trnr>d and 1lid 1101 rl'ac1 111 h;s ~l.~'l;l').t1nn. L~ul he QUOlL'll Ford us s;1yu1g 'h1· had in 111ind "a progr;,11n 1h:11 he 1, i.:1o111g 10 ('Orne out 11·ith" -''"" 11i1rli.·d out by Ford :111<1 ht .> f'.l'\1nu1nii · <1tl11·st·rs ,\h:ar11l'hil{'. Furd. 111 h1<; first r1lt'l'ling 11itli ;1 f.,H ·1~n J1e«d {/f ~tilte s1n1'1' :i ... ,11111111;,: ofli('t'. t;ilk~'d 11·ith ,Jfll'tLu1 's J\1ng Hussein 1od;1v i11 11·h;1t \\'hilt• l!n11sr 11r111·1:1 ls c·all!«I .. ;J11f~fl1 11g ('011 $u lta11un·· l11·t111•l'JJ 1hr 111·0 countries. i\ ,Jnrdaru..in off1cr;d saal J!us•a·in 11nn1rd 10 ~011nd out For<l on ;1 1lt'l'ng;1 ~rn1!·n1 fl f .J11r<lani an·lsrarl1 lrtk11>~ ;1lon~. 1h1·1r OOrdt'r sin1ilar ro i11l1·s 1~11rk1•ri out b...•t11'l'4'!l Tsr<il'l a nd .-.1 ri'l :ind F:gypl ··11 ~ 1t·r1 nu·t• 1.1 <;1·0· ~·011 a~ain " ... 11d Fnr<t · ... , thC' ~l<lrt of tht·ir \\'hill' Hnu~f' nll'e!ui~ \\'i1ilf' ', 11·1· prPsirl1:n'. Pflrd had hef''l hn.;;\ t•l Htt<;<;(•in durrn!.! onC' <1{ h1:; 1~r1()(l le 1n1-,c; 1n th•· l·nitC'd Statro; ·r1i ... n11·t·!ln..; "'1" ont· 11f m,111v Jl uo;<.t·ln ~r·hcrhilcd "'i!h l. S. off1r1;1I~ O\'f'r a t11u d.11 l'Jo.•r11•.! fl,. \\'1\I I), .. !lit.' "Uf'\l . . .11 f•urd s first 'hplo1n;.i11c d11111•·r <JI Ill<' \\ h111• Hou•c ton1}!ht \tt(·rHll11:.( 1h,, \\ h1h· llou'" lllL'1.'l1ni_: l•l\l;11• 11·11h For·d and IJuS~<'ill 110•/'l' S1·l'l'l'l:1r.I' of Stille H1•nr.1· 1\. !\issu1ger. .1,1rrl;1n'). Pr11nr :'lfinis11T Ziad J{ipin 1tnd l' . ..: An1b:1s$::1dor to Jord;u1 Thn1nils / 'l('\;f'rltl$! \\'1th th1· ('~·pn1~ f'llH'rgi'O('~' nppilrf'ntl v t•:1 .~11\g. 1111• J'n.•.;11!1•111 ('0!h'h ltra!Pll ai;,1in 110 1\h~1l h•· hr~~ de.<icnbcd .1 S'"'T;,r nation· .. \01 I prol1len1. infl;t11on. :ind n ~kl'<l f1,r F111~in1n1011 ... \'i1•11s ;i<; h1• rtirl T11l'srl;J1 f1·n1n AFL-i f\) Pte~1rltnt c:c'Ornc :'ll1 ·~1n1: F 117s11n1no11~ t1i!d r1'J)Ql't1~rs ht, nol unll' ""L'.Af'."lt'd :1 n•111rn tn 1va!!;l'·)lrir;. i un!rul~. hi:i :ii"° told Forr1 Thd1 h" ~!i(tuld "'\u ... 11h·r ro!l111g b;u·k prit'f'S 111 $VtllL' S<'t'!ors of tht' ('C(1110111\·. l'i11sin11nuns said a in j~·rtl'n! pn"i' 1ncrt>;1"c ann.,u111·1~d hv r.1•11fral \lolois f11r 1i11~. ;11110" 1•n ihr :::in1p dav Ford 11 ,1<; <;l'.orn 1n 11;1~ "<i i-ltip 111 tii1• fa( o· of !he \'rt•,id1·n1 " (:it v ,\idc J-IcJd :\ f h·r ,,] a YOI' Sh ot 11n1c;11rn:'\ i\1 :1 1{ r·f 1 -Ri!h;irrl 1, 111". 111/l\or of lh1~ !l1rn1 1111.:h;1111 i.11 l1u1 b 11:1-, ).)1111 .ind 1'.11u11d··d trod,11· :urd ;1 urhorit1f" atTt'Stl'd :1 <'11~· ('n11•lo_I'~· u1 1 ;1 t·h:1rgt· u! :1~s:1ult 11 ilh 111!1'lll 10 11 111rdl'r Tn!' m:i~·nr 11·:is hslrJ in st;.iblc <'onGition at Lloyd :\ul;i n J!usp11al l.<'11·is rt•jX>rtNl ly 11·as 1111·cst igal1ni; con1pl:iint s th.it :t flrightnn rrsidcnt h:1d \llll up a barricadt• in th1: s1rcct outside lus ho111c to block traffic. Missio11 City's Re<l Ligltt Days Cl11·011icle<l St111<la y Prrv1c\\ill!'.! !hf l1nt'11p of fl':i!urt."~ 111r 11·rrkl'ncl IJaily l'ilo! re1u!C'rs . ed itors toc111.v prl'rl ic1N "Sunday's Brst" "il l incJude lhi•sr : HA\\'[)Y SAJ'~ Jlli\.'l S11·at1011 .~ a1·l'n'l !hr only k11uf or ''hlrds" ~an J1111n C:1µ1.~tr:u10 ha$ ht•f'n fiunou11 for do"·n lhrour h lh1· 11•11rs -1'.9K"<·iall ~· h3L'k 11h1•11 lh!' 11111 I0\\11 11 a~ !lit' Olli ~· ( Sunday's Best J µl;l('C 11\lh "bri~ht H~ht ~" lX'l '.\('('n S::intn 1\113 anti San [)i cj!u. S1;1fr 11 ntcr l'.1n11·la ll;rll::in lifts fh1· \'I'll on thl' mis~iou !'1t,v'1"1 lurid past. YOLI :-;.,,.<'lion. l)ONE IT /\LL -1 t 74 . .litn l\n~1pp h;1~ dlltH' pl c111~· ro l1111k hn«k 1)11. 'I 11 .. S:11·1':1n1f'!11o n :t 1 iv r sh:ti't•d tf'a 11'it't1 ('It 1 :1 n f! l\ai·:>hck 1n Chinn . \·i!-.1h·d !•;i~l'n/\fJI\ 1•r . :it 1 ;1·1 ! vsburJ{, 1 al~f'd 1\ 11r 1111h l•:r nl•lll llr11111i \\HY 111 l'o1r1~ and that's n<'I all :\o•r :i rr.!>11ll'llt 11f !he Or<ingp ('O;tS!, hr's 1111' l'Uhjr>C1 or ln-dl'p!h intC'r\·ir1\' hv ~t:iff 11·rirer K11tl1v 11ancy that lrlls riiorL', scht'<lulrcl fii'r A Section. \\'ll Eltf. ARI~ THE\' .\11\\"~ -1\11 Ith.' J'rC'!'l<ll·nl 's 11u•11. th;!! 1s. ,\ftt'r pron1i<;ing n 1.111• ;ind or ti,. r ad1nin1srr:ition nf high mnr;d <'h:1r;1t·ter. llil'hard ~I. Nixon has 11ntthl'tl 111;111v 11f h i ~ tnp sl:iff 1nc1nlH"r~ t••1i•11c l'Ol'1victions and jnil sen1 vncr:; for v;1r1011<; 1Time~. 1'hc sl;1tusc~ of Ill flf then1 nrr ourlined on the Editorial l'n~'" SPIRITS I ~ l"F:\\'P<HlT -1·11c J.:.1~r flf ~rihnl chirfs of ,'-;f'\\' (i11h1P;1 arl' on 1\l'\\lX>!1. Flt•n<'h :is nrli1'11 J)(wj(1 Folkr>rts has hrou.:ht a1·t f11r d11ipltl\' :11ul snlc to 1h1• Cn;i~t ;1r1•a . Th·· Au~!r:1l1a11 ar11 i..! !.hn11 ~ ;i 11th~· n t 1 r pri niltiYc Art :irrd drmon:;!rHl<•s h!'r r11l1·nl 11 1n hn!lli pnlntlnf.',S 11'~ lh1'1t' for \"1t•11111,: lit lhc L'l'lt·h!'llV l'!'ntf'r. 215 Hi 1·1•r.~iil1• 1\1e. St:1ff \\11h·r .!:-it•\..ir !l\'1n:in lfl1Prvir11·pd lli<' a r!1~\ :ind s11 rvl'y1~l nrl. S1(•ry n1 11l p11:tures art· in lh•· \'Ill :-.t>('!11•ll rl.,lticf .'i.\.\ Fl: \.\1 ['il \I I \l'1 -",...,11ddl'11I\ [ :-:1\\' 1!1111 ~t :i 11d1n i..: :1g.1ill"\ t hC' \\';di , 'i ,!11 1 hlll!\\ ~01'\ 111 :,o/lll:.., tip t!H•.1 11111d ~.lid ptd1tt.• 1 11 ~p1•1l\ol .\l1J..t.• 'l'1u1·111.r11, \\!11l'l' 11111 I.~ I 11\ l1111i.: JIH kpurJ..v[, )II Ille rll~ ·.~ lPlli 1:-l :.pot' '!'be 1Jl'l'•t111 'l'tlll'l!1;10 .~,111· 1\·;1 ... ,H! I l ·ye:11-.nld IJt1_\ !l:l!lll'd .l11l\l1\\ \\hO pol!!'(.• S,1\ l~ ;J \t'1l'1' .. ll flh 'kj1111 \.,(•[ l'r111·•u,,11 tl'll 111 ht·l11nd lhl' 11111:1! :1" a , t t>l\d ,,f 2011 Jll'r"Pll" ll'l~i.l t•1 bn,,11! .t c.1Jih· 1;1r llt• ,,,\, ,J11nn11·, ll,1111! d,1r l 111tu .1 11111".'l' d:111gln1 ;..: t111ri , .t 1\11111:111' ;111ll ,ind p11ll 01ir ,t 11:•lh·1 'l'rlH'111:111 1n11111•rt1:11t1I_\ «,,J!,1r1·d rl!L' kid :ind 1 .. 111111!'.t rh1• \1 ;1llt·' 111 ll • 111\ILl'I 1'111 :_..11 1·111IJ;1r1;1"'L'd. .u:1t1 L1:1 l.l!L'l'kln~. ·II 11 ! ~l :1,t"o!1ll1 J,I t1dd 'l'r11r n1an She de1 ·!111ed t.i -~·\pl;u11 \1h1 l1L' i,1r1tl'd c1 ..;lit ~100 l11 ll· liu' J 11 ll Cl'Cr do it <1t!a1n }Vixon PttJJe1·s M<1 y iVut Go to Zig·gz11·<it Soo11, SJ1'.'L'la1 \\'at!'rgatc Prosct'utur Ll'nn Ja\\·orsk1 and the staff of· l'rt•sidc-111 Cl·rald Ford ha1·e s1·01cher1 :1 n v possibili ty that Bieh3rd ~1. \txun,.s 1i..·rs•)nal pnpl'rs 11·i1J he 1no1·ed lo 11('11 i'lrrhiVl'S in Laguna :\igucl -H\ IC';t~l for thl' ti1111• h1.•111g. On Thur~dnv 111on1in :::. \ht• \\'t·s1 I '11.1SI h1•ad nf 1hC (;('OC'ral S {' r 1· 1 cc:..; Ad1ninistr;1t11>11 hi n1cd !ha! The :'\1xon p:qM.·rs 11·nuld 11 ind up ;l! the 111·11 .11Thh't'S pl•1nnC'd f1Jr !hr..: fnr1111'r .\'or!li An1cri<·:1n f!o<'k11 £'ll zii.;gurat. 1 licl<1tL·d S\Ol'Y P:igc 1'14 ). Hut ;i sJ1ort tln1e L11cr \l'•Jrd t'•:n11· trnln !li{' 11;1l1011's C":1p1t:il <•f ,1 do·:d 11orked out licn1·ecn !he \\'h1tr. llou5'.' ;11ul J;111ursli1 th:it ke{·f1~ the t;ipcs ;u1d d •et111 11·11t.~ 11f tht \J).ull ye:1rs ri;.:ht II !J\'J't' thl'y !tl'l'. '1'110111 ;1,~ IJ.11 111on. 1h1· (;S.\ ultir1:1I. S;11d l/1;1! hl' ,,~p1•1·t1•ct t•I ho•;1r 1101)1 \1xon .. ,,.r_\' ~h<u1h ., ;1h•\lll 1hr• tran~fL•r of 111:1~'111· :11110111111..; Qf dot·u1ncnt:s 111 tlu· \I , •<;! { '0;1 ... 1 And ll:1nnon spri.:u\:1t c·d !h:ll h<·1·aus1· th1• ;11Thlll'" ul 1h1· ~Oll1h\\t'~l rl';,'.IUll 11dl 1,.. 1111110,d 10 1h,, .,Jd \1..;H~·I p\;111L t"arl~ llt:).\ ~·1·,11 , !lh· !urnll'f l 1rr~1d1·nt 11uuld 11nnt th1·n1 111 the n1us1 1:0111 l'llh'tll 11l\1f·1• The 11ggur;d, hu1!l !'l s .1n a('ro~pa<"r th1nk-lnnk hut nt'll'r 0('1'upit•d h~· th·· B•>ek11L·ll f111n. 1s :1ho11t l~1 n1i!1•s fr o111 th•· for1111•r \\ 1·S!('rn \\'hil l' I/oust' :\'u 1n:11!f'r 11 hf' rt• th1• \iX•lll p.1pc r" 111nr! up f,,r s1or11(.(I'. ll:innon .<:!rf'"~'~tl rli:it it · i~ up lo lh1.. f1•rlllt'r l'res1<lt•n t, hin1~1·Jf. a~ ''' 11hieh d1>Cutn<'11!s 1vould IK' a1·:ul:ihll' fnr p11htic J>l•rusnl ~ind 11·hieh 11ut1ld n·1n;1i11 !lllilt•r J0 t k !'Ind k1•\. "'llit·re ;1r1· 11111 ft•ih·r;il l:i11s rt•latin..,: loJ tho: tr;111~111nn 1Jf 1~~·.\'1•r :i nrl th~· nght.~ 111 fonn1·r l't'!'<:idt•!llt; that cnrrr rhi' l ''lil' \1f dol'11n10•01s." Jlnnnnn t'Xpl ;tint•d 'l')lf' (;S1\ .~('l'le.'\ as lhp l'<lTt'lilkt'f ri f llh· d,11·t11111·nts 111111\ .1 l'r1·s1d~·1111iil lihrarv is b11il!. l)n<'i' Iha! 1:1krs pl!l!'(' !h1' <1ocu1n1 •nlo; arc nl0\'t•rl 10 lhP 111•11 11•,t1luli1111 ;111d lilt• {;S,\ l'U\l]il ,<,J ill S!'l.lt• ;1 <. e:1r(•1:1k1T unclt·r 0111 :1rf;111:.;.,1111•11! 111th 111<' tru~11·es ;uld th•· fed<•ral go l'f'rnm1•11t J!a11no11 said th:i! h·· 11n1t.·1 .1ootl that nlt' St:1tf Of !ht• (Ofllh'I' l 1H'Slflt•n t ~111! I' l\'OfJ..111~ Ill lllt' \\hilt' lf<•llS(' ~lrlllll' ''lll lh1· l('!Hllt; flf 11T11t1·u cl.11:1 11 •L11o·1I lu 1h•• "\1~1111 Y<'<tr~ \)t'l ~;111;dl~ 1h1• llltlll'!J\1·1·,1;il 1 .111··~ ;1111ht1111<·d by \1i.11n 11r>1-c il1•f'n1 .. d lo1 l 'l l'<:id l•tll Ford ~ulll hi~ .. 1;1ff lot 11 .. \1-,1111·~ p1•r'"ll:1I pr<1p1·rt1· 11 1' ·' ·r ;;, fl'. 1' v· DEANE HOMES AT BIG CANYON MODEL FURNITURE SALE ~ f ,t I ~. I I 11tf:riur I )1;~ii.:n1:r l11r111. .. hini.:' 1l1 .1 t h;1\·1: i:,1/'ll{~l l 11.1lio11<d .u.c.l:ii111 o1r': 1111\\ a\·ailahlc ,ti Huilrl1:r '~ 1:0.\l! \\'hc r t ~'! 1\I IJ1!a111 : I lt1lllr:s Iii~ I :;111\·on \\lodt.:I (:011 1p l<~x ~H l{uP. G r<.incl Vtall c Nr.\vporl llcach \\'ht:n'! 111:00 1\M lo 5:00 Pl\t Salurday, 1\ui.:usl 17 Sunday, 1\11 ~11sl IR l\11\t:r' lu .1rr.11n:•: f1•r lhr tr ,,1vn pii ~·1111 .111<! 1h·li\l'r\ 111111•111' p11r1 h 11s1:1I ! oeJ ne {1H o n1 es !. I I·. I • Ett'rtiftl r/1 • 1 ' 1·1r111 !! £) ~ ! !.!< \!,ol \\' 1'11,, ""'lH'n rtt'•I Ill.Ill 11110,, o •lllll>!llt'I! .1:,1·, 1.1• 11 '.!~:\ 11, !1.11. h, "'lit' 1111uh1·•I 111 lho •·!1,.1 111 .. 11, ' \Ir, l.n1H~•· l\:h11111•1'. I"' !il•·I .1 ~~·,11 11w1 ,d.,•n.il1u11 uf .rift'• ll•'i\ ~tll' 1,1 ! "' ,, 1 11•111 111q1,,o~,,1 i..:.uu,t \\,·~ \:.11 1 !:.·1,, r :1 l \11 l\1 il111111'1 ·~ ~1111 ,.,.1·11~··" \I r~ I(• 1 .. •·f' "i"'lli,1 :ond 1n:d1<'lo1>1 ~h· (·;1rr:o"I "" ,\II dl!t II .d!+lll. 111 l°hll';!j.!<t :111d 111 11111 :..1n1ng~. ,\1k 111t h ,\\i , Kuhillt(•1'r llll•I• llld \1l11·rr. '~I 111.· •111 1 1 !1;1r,.;\'<I ,,ho• :ind Al!l<'rl h:ii1 ""'''l · h;q1pil,\' 111;-1rriNI ).111c·1• 111;~:! u111il F('ilru;tr1 ." shortly :dlt'r )\r.<; I<· 1"·r ... l111,b;111d died. \l 1 ~ h.11h11111·1· :.aid that h1·r llu~t),Jntl o)Jit'11 11si1~ !he Beiser hol!:>f' iccro•" 1'lt' ;1\1(·~ and five houSt•s cl•l\1'11 !ht' Slit• :-a id ,\lh1,•rt tell s h!'r h1• is tllt1kin1! 1!11· 111'11~ 1 • rend a 11t•l'kly l'olt;h ll""~µ.11 .. ·r 101 .\!rs. fteiscr :'11 r); huhinl!'<'\ 1:111\t~r. Paul Holn1n rf'k. S.1i<l \l r). fl,•1,~·r .1nd l'llbt·rt sh;irP<l :i 'tih ... cription to rln• nc11•sp,1j)<'r. 1)rinl£>d 111 Slt·1·ens Point. \\'is .. and thnt ,\lb<·rt h:td been a friend of fl.1rs. l?cis('r's bu><ha nd ,\1rs. l\uhin1el' said AUX"rl . a. retired 111:u11t,•n:tlH•' 111;111 ;1L rt l'.CllH'IC'ty. has h··vn 1r11n ~: l(l ~!:t~· young hy laking ;'r11n 1:d 1r1p" Joi the lJ.1tlL<; in Hot Springs. ~!11• ~•11d :-!11· 11 ;1:;11 't in1·i1 1•d to go along ;111d t i lt~ />I ll[ allt•Kl'S 1h1H. [\1rs. lkiSl'r :1\'~·0111p;111k·d Albert on his trip~ . ll<·g11rlli 11i;: th(' suit's f'h:1r~e of illicit 1·no<lu1·1. ~trs . J\ubinic<' ;.:aid, "Ag~ don'L 111~·:111 nothin' tn Alber! " "Thnt n1h1'r 11·uman !'1·rn gal'~ her 1!r.1d hu~hnnrf'.;; tlothes to hi111," r-.lrs. J\11bl111t'C' ~:li rl JO !he Slli1 11111 :;heh:•~ nu plans to 1i·:11<'. · Ll·;11 ,. hun" \\'hy ~houl<l I'~ 1'1·e i::ot In h;1\1• <1 p!art.' 10 li1•r . 1'111 fi 1C:h1111~ 111 ad 111111 All this has niadi.: inc 1 ··ry n1•r1 r111\ Thi• \HI\ ;1sks dan1agcs to compensate !o·r l'\l'lt'll:-110• rnedic.al attention for a 1u·r11111\ 1.·1i11(111ion. ~' EOU~l HOUSING ~ orroRTUNJllE:S" aT ~= ; IB)fii~~~ :;';;uitt;,'ft1Jll11l ll€WPORT B€JC H ' - \ • I I J11si ~ Coasting ,~s J I ~-·. ~tr , .. ' t '~ )lf'f' \' Ct,~ ''· · with Tom ~lurphin .. \~'ail j II u l~'ot• /'."' Tl'l e La~I Wa\'e I. \t\E I' \l'IFlr JIEP'T. -'!'hi~ is !ht• 111111• uf 11•,1r :1l•!ll" 11ur 1~1.1~1 th:1t 1h1• ~11Un!.: ,111d 1!1<· hr:11•· \d10 r1d1· u1i.111 "1l!'H111:.ir<!" d\1;111 •·:i:..:i·rh It 1~ th•· 111!lt' 111 01(' ( ;1111'> 111 .\ugusl \1111 Jiu· big ..... ur·r 1·0111!·~ 111 ,,ur ~t11Jl'vl1n<· '1')11s 1 .... ttu· 111111· .. 1 \('.Ir f1•r rh" (•Iii 11nd fl:1hl11 , 1h1• f.1111 1 111 hr111·1, !h1 • .1qu:it i1· 1111 s t1!~. 1<1 .~L11 thr hi·ll 'JtJl of 1'11P ~urfl l 11v l-'1·un1 St·~il fl.e;!t 11 lo San ('lt·111t•ntt'. llL1I I'll'"( alld l}OOl!l IOU h1':11· isn't \\'oi•ld \\'nr 111 II 1·<ul1t'S fron1 lhl' t:i~u1t brl':Jktirs 100111111!.: 11p fin lhl' horizon. ~111ash1n~ shor1·11;1rd in <111· c s o n1 e churn111~ fro1h of 11h111• l\nd !ht• ~OUIH! and th<: bra\·(' \1·ill be oul in 11. 1>rn1>1:lhng thl'n1selves along b~· foot n101'l'llll"lllS .'.lnd b:1lnnce upon skinny 1iltl1~ fon111 boards covered \\'ith p]:lS!IC. All !his 1nak1·s a picture.~que \rorrl s1ory rxcrpT for one lilt le problem. ll Ell E IT IS mid-August and the -~i2~!'tl11"·>.1:fik·r, is fl.~l}{la~l .to.l~ ~oin,g--0fl like a l'annon is inorc likC' a cork popgun "l"ht·rC' h:i sn·1 h1·C'n nnt·. singl('. solit:1ry 11":11·i· :ill n1on!h." Eldl'r Son l<1mented tod:1~· :is ht• "ur1·r·yrd ![lC' placid P;icifie. Jfp"s righ1. I ha\'e ne\"Pr seen the fll'1':it1 flatti'r than it 1ras this n1orn\ng. II 11 as so riuit·t !hat hnrs(' people fro111 tl 1c fr1 illl' hol'..;1• r;iru·h ou1 sidt' of Corona rh•l .\lnr 111·rC' riding on the C'ryst:'ll Ct•l"l' !.11'.ltl1 in th1• su rfl1n1•. • Surfers arl' t.:l'l!lng l'di.,ry. Sumn1C'r is runninq out. They can b!• St'l'n ronmini; around in thL·i r 1 ans and buses. surfboard-. <;tilt lash1'd the the roors. \11th \t1l·;1nl t·.'tpr1•s.c;1nns in th eir e~'l'S. Thi5 n,1\ uc1·;u1 1"nndit1on h:1s drl\t·n \l!ddle Sun and hi<; hudt111·s nl'nr hu~g\· Th1'\" ;in• rnu111hl1n,:! to th1·n1s(•l\'eS Tht•\' <1lso· rnu111bll' to l'ilt'h othl'r. . st·nrF.ns. 1:r 1ht·1r n.1turt'. nrl' fil!t·d 11-irh all kin1ls nf lnrl' nnrl s11prrsti11nns. 11hf'rf'in 1111·1 f·o11 i':u·b olh1 ·r on 11h,1t !hr oc·f':1n is ·gtl111g to do nrxt .Ju s1 lt•t :l t'f'l"1 11ill kind or SUJl~('t h:1pp<•n . fr1r rx:1n1ph•. :incl surh•rs 11·t1I sprl';:cl the t;1l1· ;1111011g.~1 thl'msr.!l·<·S that !his r111·:111s :1 h11g1• <;c1uth·.<;1\'t•ll "ill c!1~1·l'lop 1·:1rl~· lilt' nt•x t d:1y. Thi" 1hl•nr~· 11111 g1·1 p:1ss1·d :1rnund /111nd ·IO-l!\l)t!lh \'t'XI llnng ~OU kno11·, -ti~l nf tt11·1n 11111 sh1111 up ;i!ong thl' bt•;irhfront thl· n1•x1 d;1_\" at the t'rJck of da1\11. ~ltchlll' Son h:1s IA'l'll :id\';u1l'ing the thl'Or\' tha! for thf' la .. 1 111·1· ~!'ar~. the SIJ..rf has ri ~1·11 !o Slljlf'tiur hl'it!hls eal'h A~1st nn lhP Jf1!h, 1;:h. :1111! IB!h. \\"h1·11 Eldi·r Stu1 sugg1•s tNI 10 hun ht· r1)uld11·1 r•·111f'n1hrr 11h:1t ht> had ft•r hri·:1k f;1 .. r .\ .... t1-rd.11-. 111111·h 1~· .. <; \\hat 111,. ~tirt \1:1s 1Jo1ng t11·1~ ~·1•:irs :i!!o. ht' dr1 •11 l11rl1· 111on• l"!'"[l<)J1<,(• th;1n :'l .. 1dp11;11 .. 1.:l;111<·1• ;ind ;in i'\j)le1i1e <Ii ll'!t•d llll \"OT Tll r 111 .. 11:1k•• sur1 .~r·~ (l·n111 1ht'lr l1"ill'f<,, \I I'll If !lh'I 111;1f!~· 1ht'Tll up rh•Ull'-l'hl'" "l"ht•\" li;11t· f:illtl, JUST l1k<' ih11"'' n.1k•·d 11:1111~·s \'11u\·c Sf.'1•n 111 Jll('tlll"t'" d.11H ·1ng :1rnund ;.1 r:11n ~od. ·rhu~ 11 i~ prnb;1i)I,• th:it ~!1ddll' Stin :111d h1s h111J(i11•,_ 111•f'1• Up ;1[ 4 ;\ 111. t1wl;1~ dn1111 <in !h1' Sllrtl1111· In gr1'1·t !ht• 1n1 .. t1' 11:11 nnd 1!11· fl,it J';u·1ri\• And 1!. I~ JiL~I ;p; prnh.1hlt• 1t1:i1 Sf'l"('r:1l oth1~r su rfl'rs 11l·r1· a!ri·;ulv un the beach ;ind J,!rt'{'ll'<I 1h1·rn 1hus: · ··r;t-1'. ~011 .J:u,1s should ha\"l' h'"•t'n here h:i!f ;in hnur <t!:(i, . .lhe surf 11as really jlt'i:at." Storms Ford Bl9cl(s Return of Tape·s to Nixon Presi<lc1it , ,1 ,,~,..Y <1l Erro11eo11,s A111101i1tce11ie1it, Forces Buz1iar£lt to Qu,it \1 1\S!ll\t ;'f'<l.'\" 1t ·1•1 1 -An ;;,n1;ry l'r'i·.,irlt•n! Fi1rd and SJX'fia\ Pr11"t"·utor 1.t·"n J .1\10r.<;k1 ha\·c bloc·kr·d ;1 1110\'1• by li1eh:u·i1 ,\1 ;-.;1xon's IJ11)'t'rs ro tllrll t•l1·r th,. \\'/uh· flnusi' taix·s liJ the for1111•r prt·~id.·nr \l"hllt' /11"111St• 1iffi c·ir1ls. 11ho rh·c·hnt•d tu ht· 10\'HtlfJt.'i:l ft)r puhl1eJl1011. 111rl1<'.'lh•(I th.it l-'1)r<l l"·t·;1111•· up;.e! "ht<!! he lt•:trrl•'<I Ur.it U111 ln11·ycrs. 1111hout Ja11·or"ik1 "s t1ppr111.1I. h.id rull1.l !h<• !apes lklo11g1·d !() .\1xon 111e off1t·1a1s s.;ud Ford fre!lcd that .. h1,1; ,'\rll11in1str:1t111n "w:is hf' i· (1111 I f1 4 1.1rr11:.l1t~I . ti~ llu· T:ll>t'S JSSUC ~111d <,1\, "'ht• p11t 111~ f001 flo11n <ind s:11 d ·1111 not going tu l1;n··· 1! • " Tlll "S. I:\ (ll ll "K SU<'et•.,o;;io1 1 1·1nu·-.d:11·; !'r1•s.~ Sl'1'r1•J;tr.v .J I•' l 1· r 11 n r ~ t :1nnnunc·1'<I th:11 ~11:011·.~ \\"h i!~· ll•)U~l' ~·oun.., .. 1 ,J F1i·1! Hlt/harr!t , 111111 Ii.id panie1µall'd Hl !li•' inforin;il ruhn;.: 1h:1! rht• 1.1p1·~ IH."lnng1•d to '.\1~011, ha1t ti·11<!1·r1·<i hi" n•:-.ign3t1on 3nd Ford :t1"("t•p!f'tl -J:.t1\0rl.-.h.1 ~ t•lfi1·c s:ud 111 a h·r~c J UPI f elePhO!Q JAPANESE POLICE ARREST HOUSEWIFE IN KOREAN SHOOTING Mrs, Kimiko Yoshii Accused of Helping Gunman Moon Sae Kwang 1t'o1u1111 Also lleld l(o1·ea11s B1·a11cl Assas si 11 A Declicatecl Co1111111111i st From \\'ire S('r\·\c('S SEOCL -f\orean offici:ils tod:iy broke their silt'nce on !he identit y of th(' .1ssaiJ;1nt of South f\o rl'an Pn•s iden! Park Ch11ng llec und !:ibch>d tht> ,1s:-:ass111 a dedi ca!l'd Co111m11nis1 fron1 the d:iys or his youth. Park escaped the assrtsc;u1n1ion at1 er11µt Thursday. hut hi s 1\'1fe and a 17-ycar-old girl \1·cre killed by stray bullets in 1hc tT0\1'dl'd Nation<ll Thcal~·r 11·hcre !ht• prt>si dt'nt dc!i1·ercd a tcll'\"i~cd spcceh con1n1l'mora ting the liber~Hion of Korea fro111 Japan. The gunn1<in. ~loon Sac f\1rang. 23, ,,·as \\·ounded in the thigh by security agents bcfor1! his capture. Kini 11 Dop, head of the Seoul district prnsccutor"s offi('C in\'f'Stil!:'lt111~ 1111• shooting. described ~loon as a dt•c!1 i.::1 tl·d { 'urn rnun i!>I. '".\loon. bC'ginning in his hi~h school rl:i.1:=;, r\•ad !hE'' Conirnuni"t n1;u11fl'Slo and 11rr111ni;:s by Chi./it·se Co111111u11ist Pnrty 01:iirmnn 1\1;10 Ts-tt1l1 1! :ind .\"nr1h l\orc>:1 ·.<; 1\1111 JI 'Sung <111rl c:1n1e to cherish Comrnunist icleology."' l1e s;11d In (Jsaka, Jap:in. police todJy :JITt'Sll·d a .J ap;1nf'se huu&'.11 1h.' 011 ch:1rg1 •s of hf'lpin;:: .\\nun. i'ohee s;11d tile 11 0111:111. 2:1-~r:ir-uld l\in1lko Yoshii. ga1c the birth Cl'rt1f1c;11c of hl·r husban!t , Y11k10. to .\1 1)011 :.o he could ge t n Japanese passport in lht' ht1sl>an<t"s na111i' . .\loon 1~ :1 Kore:111 \1 ho has been li\ ing 111 Osaka. U.S. SkipzJer l11izJrisori e<l 111 Reco1·d Hcisliisli I-lr111l \'ASSA!", R:1ha1n:1,; 1.\P1 ,\ Bnh:1r111<111 juflg(' llns ~i'n!1'n<·c'tl ;1n Arnl'ric:1n ship (':1rt<11n ;ind a n11'n1h0r of his crl:'ll' to four ~l'<irs 1n prison in ti~ .<;J1n1gg1ing of .1.iOO pound" of h;rsh- i~h. the l<1rge<;t ;iniount of !he dnzg 1'1'1:r !>~.'ll\·d . C':ipt , T1·rry Jliini('ls, 3fi , of St.a ten Island, N Y . .:ind engineer J, o u i s To1niS<.'lli. 24. of rtrooklvn. N '', 11·l:'rl' S<'ntenct'tl Thursday and ·ordered to p:iy 5i000 each in fines or scr\"e_ 18 months in :iddilion to the four vears. f·ou r code.fcndants :__ also cre11-111cn of !he freighter Sea 1'rader -rcn1ained • in Fox Hil l J·ri~r111 11h1l1· .1111ii111·1t11 ~ d1·('1d .. v.hl'fh\·r !O rt'i nd 11·t !tlt'ITI 1\ll si:.. 11c>rl' ch:tr1.11'<I >1i1h I°"''·'• ~~1·•11 1•1 tilt• drug. 11h11·h l)n11.1 l·'.11t1\rc •t•t11f•n1 1\dni1nisrr:tl1ou 11ff1r'i:1ls ~did 11a..; 1111r1h -~I~ ,'i 111i!l lon ;ind 11 ;1;;; lhl' l<:trgt·~! h.1111 e1"1·r n1ad1·. 111e jury tl1:it con\"iCt<'d [);1n1t•I~ :111rt Tr1n1i ~i'l!i on Tucsdnv 11;:i<; un;1h l1· !11 r1·:11·h a 11•rdie t nn · Hichard Hcnnr1, 29. of J ackson. !\.II .: Arnold Zu ekern1an, :12, nf Queens. ~.Y.: John f\u b:llz, 2!1. of St . Thomas. \".I.. nnd I::tl11 arrl F~d11·ards, 35. of r-;e,1· ()rl<•ans Linger Ill South :1nnvtl!h't'l11t ·1ll t11.1I thi.: \\"lult· I lu ll:.l· liaJ agret'ti to llold the rt·111;11111ng N1~01L 1;1p1·s :111(t ducwnl'.nts in ils l';Julls ll'hile t!1t• ISSllt• 11>;1<; !"('\'){'\\"l'd. (Jn \\',·1l11u:;<!<iy. N1'..<u1':t l' h i r f \\'all"ll~<l!P a!ton1cy, .r:1111j '~ St {'lour. 11 110 r1·s1cn1-d 1h111 d.11 .• ind llli1.ht1rdt r U I 1• d th;1t lhc N1x011 111<1!t'!"l<ils nut ~ t·! :-u1Jpo1.:n:1L'<l and or 11tad1· puhhl' \\1'rl' hi.~ 111111 pri)rl(.•f't~. prf'stnnably 10 1h~po-;e of as Nixon '' 1~h1·d . 'l'hat ;u111ounel'lll\'nl. l·h:u111L'll<I throu~h 1l1e \\ tllll· ltnu:.e press ol!ll'l'. l'!'fOlleou::.ly !>;\Id thl· dt'CJ Siuu had the l·lldOr~l'll\Clll J'OJ J )ltlll(LiCll A icle Escltpes ~f u,rller Try \ll.\\l!. Fla \,\Pl -'fhe J:i.tnak·:lJl • \llnis!t·r 11f ;'\a1ion;1! ~·curity and .Just i..:t• h:1s ht't"n pl:ll't'\l llt1Ck·r !iJ>l.•l'1;1l St"'l"Urity tor the-!"l'S! of his l'1c;l\1011 stJ~· in _\ll:Hni :1fTL•r !ht' f.:iiltu·c of :in aµp.arenl as..;;tss1narion :lllL'lnpt. fl'dt'rnl ofricers s;1y Puhti' :,;iy lhl' nHn1Stl'r. Eli .\latalon. ('SC"ap<'d 1111ury 1'hursday 11/lt·n a 11\"L' c IN SHORT... ) h;1 nd grl·nadl· pl;1ft•d in t11s rt'11!:1l t·;ir f;1 Jll'd 1n 0\pl0<h· ht·cau.,e 1! 11 :1:. 11"r:1p111·d too 11ghll,1· in 11e11 spap1'rs. e 11111111t11il!J (lppt•se1l 110\l~LL"l,LI r :\!'\ -Tht• A1l1L'ri(.';tn U;1 r \ss111·1:1t 1on h;is rt·~ol\i·d 1hat forn1 t'r J'r1 ·~1dvn! H1cl1<1rd .\!. .\1xon _.,hnuld not l"H · l!llll\lUIL' fro111 IJ!"!l$l'l'lL(IO!l for a11y II ro11gdo1ng HI f..\11lrl\'t"! 1\.111 \\ I l h \I atcrgate. ·rtic r1·."'-Jh1\ll)!l :1ppro1 t·d hy th~ natJlin ·.~ l,1 rg('-.! k·i.:al or).!:11 111:i11on ·rhursd:i.1 .<..11U !ht• 1:111 ... houl1t ht: enfon·1"I ··rt•µ-ardk --~ 01 till' po;,1t1on or ::.tatuc; of •ui~ 111d1\ u\u,d " Thouc:h 11 n1•\'1'r ffil'lllion•·d lu111 Ii~ nan11•. 11io• 1,1r o•ft11l~ ''ord1•r\ resolution unquestioningly npu!ir:d to .\::-,<ill. 11!> !<pu11~rs s;1~. e (lr1li11111 i1.tr1 flif C 'l/IC',\I~() 1l I'l l -Thi· ord1nat~on • f 11 11t·n1~·n ;1~ Ep1~cop~d pr1t·s1 .. 11:1, 1111 ;1hd:ll1•d 1"h11rsd;11 h.1 !Ii~' churt·~1·s I louse of 13ishops, 11·hith ~o de~·~i l·d !ll!' /!('1 1 011~ !l( lilt' h1~h<1p~ II Ji II p:trlH'll':ttt·d u1 !he tr;1dili1.lfl·hr~·:ik1nj.! onl1 n;1tinn \ n·.~olution, pas~ed 12€>-l!I, b.1· 1l1L' llnuc;c of Bi shops s<iid h1;i1se nu•rnber~ '1lt 111 !lit·lr 11he b1~hops llll'ol1 1•d 111 lilt• ord111:11 1nn 1 ;1c\111g in \11)!:111on vf 1hv l:'Olh·g1;i!1r\ <if rl1e Hou!'(• «f B1;,hop.• "~ 111·11 ;1~ 111~· h•g1:.l:n11e pr0<'t·:i;s ~·f !th•' 11 hi J~· cl1cirth ., • 'fi111t• ('111111~/f"ll r\~Jllill \\",\Slll.\liTll\" tl"P l1 -Tht• St'n;11t• has \QI\ d !I) t'lld ~·1 .. 1r-r(l11 nd r>;1~ light :;,11 ing T1n1t· ;ind 10 :nuhur1z1· :1 .Y .. ~l l1lhon 141\•.tr. r~'.;":1rt·h :111t d•·\··lr1r111i<nr · 111,,..tr-:111i fl)r 1·11• r;.:\ ~1 If :-ufrit'H•!lc·v in thf' 1 ni1f'cf S1 ;i1e~. T!1t· r<'pi·al ct 1i.11111·r 1>.1.1l1~tit :':11111:.: 'f'llJlt" p;h,,\'d 011 I! \•Pl!'!' I Olt• ;1;; '111 ;11111,11dr11i•11r !11 :i l.1r~'·r 1 'ih·r~1 bill pn .. ~··d 7:1 t() o 11n1rs<!:1r Th·· t·h;1n1~1· l.:11 k Ii. ~l:111d :11 d 'J11n" 11.1 .. :-p1111,nr··d I.\ "'''1 IOril1o·t1 l><ilr• • l/-1\.111' It \\1)1dd ,, 11· rn 111 \01 cn1b~·r . f)(or('1111ll·r. .l:11\u:11·1· ;111d l'•"l!IUdr1 tn,1n :-111111111'1' !111H· · e l ,t•111l1•1•.tit ('t•11s111·1•rl ('Jll( . ..\CO 1ll'l1 -TI1f' ('J111·:1gn·:1r l'<I c·•ll!H'd of !)1<• l'.o~· St·ou!s has c'en.'illn·d 1!~ 11\11 rnp .1dn11n1,1r;1!ors :111d pla1·1·d llH·tn rin 11111~ ~t·ar"s pr<1b;1t1on ht·<·ause lh1•1r n1<"n1 tx·r:-.h1p rnl!s 11,•r1• p:1rl<ll•d l'hc :it't1on 1r:is raki·n :1g:i1n<;\ .Jvscph Tl l\l1 •1n. ~in1r L'-;eculi\"t :ind hl"';1d of lhe CTJun"cirs profes~ionnl st:1rr. :ind John l"v~J1•ll11. /l;>o."1:>1:1111 t·\~"l:\llJIC lllld flt•Jd si·n 1rl' dir1•1·tor ior rhf' :1n·;1 . <H'l'Orrhng lo .J11hn :\r.:l1cl. a sp11h.1•.,111;u1 for the l~y Sc:ou!s. lJ!:'i O (;luh Han ~a c k ctl u[ L11t: spct•i<J ] prosceulur iUld the JusU>;,C l\'parlrnent. ,J;i11·orski's Tl1ursday :u1no11nct'lllf'lll hldieatcd this \~·as not I.he case, nnd \\"hit e 1-lousl' offitints sugg1•stcd private!}' tlmt r·ord had h<'l-rl <in~el"{'(j by "al! this r1'1'i\'al of !111• t:11>cs issue." FORD INSTHUt"r EO C'h1t·f of St.'lff Alexan1tt•r ~1. Hui~. hirn"<C'lf [I holdol'C'r . 10 g'-·I Bu1h.;1rd1·.~ resignation, !hi: sourees <;:ud. ~caui;c Ford eould no longe-r rely for legal adviet• 011 \\'at1·rg;itl! holdovers 1\ho arc Just nol hl·hevablc any rnore." ENVOY TO GHANA Shirley Temple Black Shirley 'f e1nple Reported GiYen l l.S. Ghana I>o!'it AC'C R.\. l.h:in:"'I 1.·\P 1 T h f' 12•11·f'rnn1t·nt of l.ho1na h;1s announrl·d that ~hirh·y TC'n1ple n Jaek has h1.1"n ;1pp11in1l•d United Stat t•s <l111bassador tn the African n;ition. Although tl1ere h11;; i:>ft'n n o nnnoune<'rncn! fro111 the \\"Jute I-lou:-t'. th•· St,111· D._.partnl('tll in \\"asliinj.!1110 srud tht'I"<' 11·rt,. no r!'ason tn dispute !hl' ! :h;1n.'1 l"l'llOrt 11to C:hana anrioun<'(1111,.n! s:1id \!rs lll.1r·k :-11rel:'t.'<l ~ l··rvd H.'1d .. j 1I, a <·ar('t'r diplor11:11 v.ho recl'llt!I' rt'lun1cd to th•· L111r1•d S1.11cs · .\lr!> ll!tti'k. th1• fo rn1er child star. hl'gan ht'r ~01rri1111(•n1 l":1t·L'f'r !,1· run11 1n" llll"lh'i·c·s<;ful)~· a \ ;1 Bt·1>uh hcan Candid.11~ 1,,r l ·ongrt·ss. Sii l 11J i1JEUS GI Vt:.\ ·''ES SIE CUVE'RA(;L· FOHT \\"ILi.iA.\!. &·otl;ind 1L'PI 1 - Th(' '.\1~phib1ous Anl'11'nl Ila I hi n '- 1\'-"0C'1<i11on hn~ Insurer\ ~i ...-...... unnl<'r" t,1k111g 11:111 u1 a 211nill' r;it'' j1n /,.~·h \p·'·" .11.!it111st att:ick by 111~· Loch \'t'~" 1n1•n.'it1•r l·:.11·h .. 1111111111•r i~ t"'Olt·rl·d for S:l.!:211 d th11 n1on .. 1t·r :111;11 ·h.~. ~aid s11·i111 Ci•:11 h l> .. ri n1s S111l11.;1n "\\'L· l':in '1 111.· too i·;in·ful."" hl' .-,;111! lit-;ii~ ord1·l"t'<l th1· \\tlll1· llnu"' TO l.'OflSl.llt II 1th Jill\Or:.kJ ;.1nd 1111• 1•n.-.11i11g st11tt•n1cnt, issucll IJy J<1~111r:.k1 's ot11 r1·, s:iid : '"lll'prt·~t'l\!:1 1 11't•s cif tlu· \\"!111~· 11.111 .. 1• <lnd !ht• s1tt.•1·1al prost't"lllOr Ull't t11d:1v lo dis1·u~s 1l1e st;1!us c1f lhl' tap•·~ ;ind docun1en!s of !Ill' ;1dr11uustr.'.ltiu1t of for1111·r l'rt·s1dc11t Nixon '"It h:is bt't'n ;igreed !hnt no111· 111 the f!lt·s 1\1JI lie 1110ll'<I pt•ndu1g fur1 ht•I diS<.1.Js.'iLOtl und th1• ~µ.:c1:1I pro.'>l·1·uto1 _, office 1s s:Hisfil'<I l\1!h l h l's 1 arr<tng1·111en!s. ·' F e11i<1 le Bre<tsl ,S J>Otlig·hte<l l 1i J\7 tL<le Fltt J> COCOA l\F:Af'll. Fl:1 1l"l'l 1--1i1t' i.~suc of !1 1plt'~S :;unh;dl1i11g on the heaehes of th(• 11:1t1un·~ 1n01111 port h.is focttst"d on !he qul·~tio11 of 1\'heth1·r a frn1<1 le bn•nst is a Sl'X organ. l 'he city t"Ornmission l 'hursday nigh! deft•rrC'd <1ctioJJ on a 1>roposrd ordina nt·~· th;it 1rould b.1n nude .sunh:i!lung-.1ft1•r l'ity <11ton1t·~· \\"ill1an1 1-:. \\"el!er said ~t;H1· l<J\\1 d1.11•s not prohibit b.1re-!VeaS!t·d s1111 bathing. 'J'hl• run1n1is.,i11n saiit it 11·ouh1 l<ikf' up !lil' tll:l ltt·r ill it s s,~111, J lllt·eti11g H J11stnll'!t·d \\"l'lll·r 10 01.~k for an opi11 i1•11 un thf' subjt•et frotn Flora.la A11ornl'.) c;1·n1·r:1l Holx•n Sht'I 111 . fJU lll;\G A llf:ATf.I., an.;11n11•r11 frvn1 ;H1 01·erno11· t:Jl)11·d. generally ~pl1t <ilon~ age l1r1t·~. i\1rs l~'l" (;;1gru111 , s:1i(f. ··,\:. far ;is :<!!."\ i ~ (i)nc1·rnt·d l r1·~1·11t lhe111 tr~1ng tu ('011\"Jfl('C us :1 br1•;is1 ts !lit' san1e a.~ nn :irn1 nnd a !t•g A hrea,..;1 1.~ .ul <irgan l11:it h:1 .. 1·111ot11111:1! ft-l'ltn~.; •·[ defJ an~ rn:i n to !1·11 n11· lie ha :-11 ·1 U:.1:d :1 110111:111 ~ br1•;1:.1 lo lry I·~ !.! nnul:ite lit·r ·· .\l :1~r,r ],('t· l·:1rr111 '1 forn1er nigh! c·lub 1·0rtiH', 11 ho 11;1_, \u;.;g1·~1l'd fl'nving off :1 pa r1 of thl' l""il<'h fur tliu~c 11h11 11oin1 !oJ gu n<ikl'd . r1·pl1t·d . "I ti raTh(·r not ht'! into 11"h;11 sr11nul;i11•s 11 orr11·11. I in1ag111(' :i 11·om31fc; t>.1rs h:11c lw•(n U\t•d ;i)....,_,, :ind they rton'r (~11 vr thll'-t' 11p . \\'t•lli·r '-o1!d , 'I do) 1101 l>ellt'\t• t/n:- l"11llJ'I~ II tll l'OIL,t111e tht• hre;ist it S d St"\ or~;111 • I'°' A l.ET'l"Ell lo lht• <"01nn11"~1nn . l~<·gg_v S1ro1u111. :111 ad\r~·;i!t• of toph"'' :-1111 har h1ng. v.rutt•. "I 1io it for pt·r~111:1l r1 ·J.1 \i'JTl••11 I d" nit U:.c 111v bo;lv (o;r ;i h.11! .. . . '/'uplt·.,s fo1• ,\lar~ l't"ll'rS, opt'ratur of ;i tl(·a(·h 111 .. r1·l. ct1n1pl:1u11·<I t/i;1 t n<tkt·d .1011rhs h:11 1· l~·t·n l"<11ort 1ni: 111 fror11 uf h1·r 111nt.•I ;ind l"lt'n "go1ng ln th~· t.at!1r(Jl1rn "' iu ptihltt. Sar:ih l\<•y<'r 39, a 111otlK'r of thrt'•'. ~aid 'hl' l>t·l1<·I<'" that l1·n11·nt·1 Tu 11udi~1a Oil 1/11• l.it•;u·h \\II! 'lt'llrl t11 !111 !"fl~ 111 th1· ''"rt·~ It l\!H l1':irl to Tl1"t.d d"!":11 ,,f the an•.1 ·· Hut IA'!>li'f Hnoh. of n~·arh\ ( '"''"1 :-·11<1 .. , l11r i.:ran1l111o!"°'f" ('nuldn'r ,tJ,111 th1·1r ;1nh.les .:1nd our 111orheN co1.1l1!11 t ~hn11· 1h1r r htH't''· \\"h:l! l\"1•'rt' 1l111n1· li1•r1• tu11 1i.:h! II• 111.·111~ :i hi111\·t1 ti! r1'1I 11i• h,, • .i hu11<h of '!f'Pl'l'"S!•r' .u1" 1h·pn•.,s11r<; · Cryi11g Over ~lilk FTC Chllrge~ Ca11i1Jaign Dece1Jtive \\"ASlll\'GTO:'li tl"!'l i -l'he Ff"dcral Trad1• I "ornrnission sa1d today a 111aior milk ach·ertising camp.'.lign \vas dccE'i\ inr:: tf\nsun1crs 11·11h rla1111s That everyone nct'(\S lo drink n11lk and that it prevents l'Olds or arthritis. l'he e<in1p.1ign rc.:iturcd s11·i111111{"r ~l ark Spitz. h:1seb:ill .-.t;1r \"ida Blu1~. ;1ct(1r lt:1y 13o!gcr and lJthC'rs all plugging milk Col<;l Fro11t Stretches Froui T~x:as to Wisconsin 1101.LY\\'OOn ({;/'I 1 H11rgl ::irs hrokC' in'n the !Joh llope l .'SO c·luh hc>rf'. s11~:iling n 17!h-ccntury g11ld f'h:iliee. 11 Sl'!t111g_ f1rl"' to :i nihlc and ran.~acking 10 offices, JlOlire reported T hu r s d a y _ <Hfi t·e~ snid !h(' thiev1•s ripped pit·111r1'S for the C<1!1fornia J\lilk Producers Ad\'isory Bonni. 111e ct1st' hos 1 'e 11111e r11t 11rl!s A!D\10\/P'O"~ li~~<·r\loel<I Bosiooi l,tJwnsv<llt f\u!l41o lh•rlo•I~ C.hlc~'ln r•noi"n~!I \l"vfle"d 0•11~1 Ht~h l ow Qi ~s 9) ~' ,. ~ 9\ /~ . " ~· !l I~ 11 ~ AA '' SI ioi re l •tlllJ~l!oll DELIVERY SERVICE Dcli.uy t1I the Oa1ty P1li1I tJ 11 uuart~\o Mtriby h•if n fOI .. llt! N'C I"' ~.,~la J"' [~JM,."''-~ 'c lll'wt~I 11 1111 Clli'~ 11e !lh~ •tit~ 1 JO '11 ~1t1'1J irli S~11U7 n Jiiii M HI lttei1t 1~rr co,, 'I' ' J"' ~11uro1 • I 111 s.i11110 1111 1"11 ' tun •1 • IJfllllh! ti 11111 C»l1 111 ti•en uft!~ 10 J"' 1 cl· 1t1 11':, Most Or1111t COM~h il U~ Nllflft•l l! llvn!"'llOtl !uc~ '"' •e1t,,,..1lt1 ~ tl1111utr C~1t1111t tut~ 611-01 1 140 1110 ~ lli.111 t..-111111t, Dw '""! ~!-llf:UIU lij"~IU M>e•tl 491 •420 ,0 ' I "' o .. 1ro1• r ·~ .. ,~ 11<>~<> ~I~ )6'"'"""'!1" ""'""•" (oli lOuh~,.r~ M•~m• M•I""'~· ... 'l•nn••DO''' "!PN Q•IP•"•t "lfW YCr" .. " ., " " ~ " " .. " ., " " " " " " " ,, ,. .. " " " n ; ' .. -tAll.I ~\>'(>W f7r;'] ~ "' ~~ .. (JWlt\ . ..., !i(•W P•I.,, 51).n~<i\ Ph""!"lph1~ l'hQO"<>I • Pl!!\~V'Qh PnnlMll! 0•• ll•I"'"'"''' \J' ~"''""'""'" ~I l <'1111 !>•I• l<\•• ("·•~ !>·lfl ! "!!""" n <, •• lllO •• ,, ,., .. "' " " "' " .. " " " " .. " .. " " ~ ., " " .; ' Th pf,,;AI lrl W~s"l"Otoo 8B .S. Califar11in SO<Jlhe•n CellfornlA mo10,.\I\ •houll! fin<l lllf•~ .. nt Temo••Afurf\ l.<1fl! '"'"~ "rd plt11tv ol 9e,oll11e 1or 11.•e~tnd lf.1Vel•ll~ T,,.. h•gh lh l <>S ol"l!tl s " '"IX'{I•~ !o rfe(h !O rooe~ ""n s .. ru•<l•• n•rer reech;ng II lhur;dAy Tne ~"ulnp." Cellfo•nl1 olu!omo!>ll• Ch.in r•00tl• 99 l>l'rcent of lnP n1el•oonlo•A~ "'"t '1U!IVinq ere& ·t~Ho11s ol.>n to h, (>Otcn lo• """'"~ •s ~A!11rcl.\v 1\11<., 1 ~9 oerce"r ol me1r~oo1o1~n "'"'d ''"1", ' will r•m•in ooen Su"'t~v •<><I -~1 P~<CPnl I Ill ••II Q•• "' LUii""'! "'""' Smoo I• ""ll"tll'<I to n. m('!l~•-·I• In I~ Sdn Gal'><•fl ""' ""'' '"·' ~ •• 1,,, ! \.'!lev•. 1111t honr t1h~wl\t't• •n r •• "'""''~"" l/ .. fit •• 't11111111nr~1 A. 1.,. 11,,ue1,no !f\un,...,,,o,,.., •n11,>le(I AC•o'' !nit ~oulh ""d l"rl,.~<T ., • .-iv •oo~•. 1!111 d e .. r ,~1 .. , •••o<'eo;I ''"''at lht Roc•v Mt>uM~·n• • P~,,-.n~<.1<11Q . thvnder<to•"" lh~t t>1aQ~rf'(I •I leo1! one tO• n•dn r nu• J(•dv nlm!n!11\M 100• v I\ !wi.!N """ •lo<.•(I •li•oc>Qh A "'"~'''"'! •n ~,.,,,,,,,. (,.,., ll INtO! VP .,.,,,.,~I "''""~rl <"• ~'Ill drn<>rwd !n~,,, '"' ~ •l~hno<in11 h•QhW~V NO'"""'"\"'~'• ••Dn•l•M A. re,. m•Jr•tl•••'"'"' '''"'"'' I""'""" C.•0•01" """ ~O"ln ( •ro11n• •nrl ~•·p~ ~ (r>l(l f.nnt '''~""""! !rM'l 1 ••• , !O "'°"""'"'" Tnr h•u·.IN~ w•Alh"' 11,,,,,,rt~v ""'~' 1•11 1 , <!1c"~' "I ••In '" l<l'"!M• '/'"' ""II '"' '" !h An ""• "'' h ~· '"'"on II"> ~Al•• 'N" t('o11.~rr1/ 1i11'1trl1i·r inf11r. 7111//1011 11 il T lir ju/1111 1 /•u/1111 IHI P11t/r fl ,'/, I fro1n \\;ills. hrcki' op1·n l't'nd1ng rn<ichint•s and :ilso n1;1de off \\·1th $100 1n cash. • 8tt~uk of Do p; TlinL Bit Y 011? l~A~C:KOK ll'Pl 1 -Th:i i police Thur<:<la1· rairlf'<I :i.n j 11 c g a I !-:l:1ug-h1<·1·housi' l\"hirh 1hl'y said had h<'C'n suppl\"ing dog rnc<il to, hotE'IS ari1I r1•st.1u r:in1s for lhP past lYlO y<':1rs. SprtkPSlll('tl ~.11d 1hf' 1·arl'.1$!if'~ nf fi:l ring .. 11 l'rf' f•111nd 1u1 the prrn11 s<•s :1s 111•11 ;i~ l\\ll !:'lrgr h;i~kl"'!S nf n1•'<1! Tht•v s:ii<l the n1c;i! 1ras p:1~~1·,r nlt in r"st:111!';1n1 1·u s1ornl'rs n ~ s!l'nk or lllf'ilt b11ll:i; .'W'fl\.'fl 11·1 1h noocllr s in1plicat1ons for thl' dairy lndustry's nntion:il pron1otional pfforts The aetion \\·as ori~inally propo.<;ed b.v !tu: FTC 011 April 10 and 1nadc ~rn1al t0<lay. The 1"·0 sides 1\•erc unablE' 1 .. rl'nch a setl lt:r11c11l :ind <1 ju11icit1l process ""ill ht.'gin within the FTC . Besides tl1c stnr cndorsen1cnts. lhc rornn1rrciats intludcd ;·111 <111nooneer sa.ving that every body nec<i s milk." TrJt• c.1111pa1g11 said nHlk 1·011St1n1p11on is bcncricial for all 1 n d 1 v i rt 11 al s. re~ardlcss of 01eir stale of hcallh. an<l Uic f'TC said in fact that is not true. lrt'ile<td . it s01id rnilk drinking can IX' <lc1rin1ent;il to individuals vd th "h('aHh problrm!I such as ri>rt:iin allcrR:ies and symplomfltic I a close intolerance."' ~1 ilk drinkinR" ··\1·11! not prcvl'nt and wi ll not li'SSl'll the probnhilities Clf {1JOtract1ng colds \lr 11r1hri1i.<1," it a<lrl('cl . The :id C'nm1>a1J.[n. the F''Tl' rornpl11inrd. ~;1s unfair. falsf', misl f':uhng n1ut dt•ee p!ivc. l"n1nr11 i.~~1nnl'r ~luyo .I 'l'h111npyi11 frh ·d n slrnnj.ll_\ v.orrl1'fl <!JSS('fl!. ~;iv111g !ht•r•• 11:15 no cvidi•nt'r frt1ni ul lu•r g~1v1•rr1111<•nt agi'rl('11·~ ~if rt 1\"ld\•sprt>ad prohll'1l1 \\'1 1h rn1lh. dr1nki111.: ;ind ii :tpfll'tl!<'<I tl\1· f"T(" MILK DRINKER Mark Spit1 \\'SIS "prncticing-n1cdici11c \\'i!hout 11 lii·ensE' " "'1"11r rnnst Arnrric:111s rnilk 1s. { 11ndcrst;1nd, :1 hig-hly b<·11l'ri1"111I foor1 ,1• Thnn1p~11n R:iul "l i111 ii I li1·r" I!' :1rl(1111 hy !ho.~t· v.1 10 <1r1• rnori• k11"1\IC·dgc;1hle hrrr than us, I l\"Olll(t h:n" 11." :-.!HY 1•11r haurl 111 .~n eon1pl1·~ ~ fii·ld :1." 11hl'll11•r n11lk . 111.i11"s pr1111;il f1111d 11 111 l;u•l uqur11111.~ lo ~111111"' ~nia lJ 11•r1·l'nl.11.!1· 11f us ' -. . I • I ' .. ... . ... Police111e11 1~() Joi11 Tea111sters 1.C)S Ai\GELES (AJ>J -The \',·niun JX)lice force has '*" Ut·eon1e the state's first la\V t·nforceJT1('1lt group to join the 'J\~:i rTisters Union, By a v.1te of 44 to 16 1'hursday, t1ie police \'oted to .-iffiliate v.·ith IAcal 986 of the 'J'cnmsters. floy,·ard Stolan. spokesnll:'l11 for ttic \'ernon Poli~ Officers ('-_St_at_e _) I \ Bits Fir11i Of ferirr g Re'l.v<' rel S.\S FRA"\CJSCO 1 \IJ'! I - <;r1•yhf/11nd Lines, Inc., ha.~ 11fft·n-<l ~ $5 .000 rev.·nrd for 1nfvnn.:1tion !ea.ding to the thn·e int·n who hijacked a w.~. rohbt"'d f>..1SSt'ngers :llld r.1pPd one young rider. 1'he bus v;as hija c k c d l<:J, (',\,){ )\' I \J' t Sh;1 n~-;,. Kr1ihn Sllllkl'S t'.!ll .i11d h•·r' fi n:dly daflct• Ill !>e:tl'\' A n111n1t·11~11 ~·1 ·11·1 lilt'· )!\:ft' rull'J ·n 1ur-,;;!:1y 1i1:11 lhe s.11;1kcs U::.o.'l l 11. 1 ~1e ;··. \·1·ar~)ki {'\01lt' d:1n1·1'r 111 her nightclL1l> fl <'I 11'1'1'1· 1101 d:ing('rous Sht' had t.,._~,·n chargf'<I wi1h k i' 1• pl 11 g '· f c ro1· i 1111 :. l)!'<1 ~!s .. contrary to• !;111· Sunday near ThousaJld O;ik.s !...-----------'. \Jy UirC"C amied nicn v.-ho rohhcd the 35 passengers of S:!,00) in cash and valuablt·s. Thi• 111,•n th1·11 sloppi"l th,• bus <Ind ned in a ll':liting c:ir Datt· 'f rial ~ct for • :o..\rl< \\1l~'ll'r0 l(,!;J'l l -A ~l'lid\<' I Ofl~l\Jtt(."t' \' <) l ~· d 1'/HJ.f-.(1.11' to Wt':lk•·!\ ~ pro .:r H111 t·a l l 1n g !o r 111-.t:dl;Jt 1011 (of ~:JJ an11 ~11 1·1:.: 1!•·1 ll't"' un :ov111t• ·I 1nll!iu11 l!Jiili 70 (';1r' 1 }fu· hill 1·"1il111v. f" r r l11n1n:11 1i,11 11f 1iil' rt•qutr•·•l l1~!;1 l !Htt••ll \•f t!l1· "''~·;1lh·d 'flu ,\.'' 1!1·1 I• I'" l!I :i ll hu t ll1r 1 I' u\ th<' st:1te :> 1110..,1 p••1ll1 l:·1t•·d <Jrt•:.i.s v;:1<. ;ipprnv•'fl h\ :i ~1 111:1r~111 111 t!1i• S.·nc1ti: I 111.t11~·i: '·, llllfl\J ltt'l' Thi· hl\1 111 ~ .. n .J• 1111 flttJ)l)d.i)il )11):11-,i,lll oi \\,l.., ).,11 I'll ,-.lt!!1 !'h,!l)I'"" 1" ! [l<l'>S;l~I' 'r h O II._, :1 11 ,j • "' 11\,1t,.ri,1~ f;i1~· ;1 rJ1•,1d l111•• 1\o•YI rn11n!l1 111 h··~i n :1!! 1\ 1,1 n).! Iii· 1lt•1 I\ "s to Jh•·r r 1·:1r" Th•• 111 d1·r ul 111,!.d l.d 11n 1J,·tJ·rinh11'd 111 lht• I 1 .' t llAJlf Pll (JI 1 ,; 11urntJ1 r 11f h\t·t··· fl'•'· t rul, 1 ll"k· 11 .. 111,d,1!.I !11 t rnnt1 1n~l ~ Jn 111 . :-...111111 1 ·1,11 ~!. :-\:111 li11·1!•• .i111I lti\ \1•«• ,11r l1;1,1n' <,11 ,:,1 !.• 11.1• ,.,1 tu 111,T;d I 1 !11 .1. I II'• ·"lio11!d Ila 111••.t:-L t• p.i,., lln ""!I ii" th,, ;i ,.,...lllhh <.I <\I I"'~" -.1iJt 111\)~\~llli Hl '\b,· ,1; ''' !1J T1 ,11 t ... l ~•r t.111011 ( '011111 11 ' li•1· h:J • :..111<··1 -1·111!;11 1 f(•[lo•'.:1 1~ tY.i1 ,. tli1' '''"'d"ll BUY BIG -SAVE BIG ON Y2 GALLON SALE A.s~fatiun. ~1id the act.:ion~ d1;cs not uuJk::jte tlh: police iir" .gearing up fo-r ~ strike. 'J'he tr cWTt.:nt ("()lllr<K'l runs 'J'ltt• rc11·an:t \1·a:> announced 1'hur:-;i:l:1_v hy Frank L . ;'>;ag(J{'lt~. president of U1e S.:ln l'r;1neist'O-based d~v ision ol - L;rC'yhound, "'ho said In Dru er Sale t" LOS A~GELF.:S (A\'\ -A Sept. 16 lrlal date has bt.'<'n s~l for· a ni:in l!nd 1vo1n<1n \\ lio pleaded no t:11u test to onf' count (if practici1114 n1edi~·11H· ,,..·ithout a li<.'Clls C 111 II l':ISt' invt1il ing i1ll!•g1•d !>~drs (1f illegal drugs for the tr('aln1e11 t l of cancer. I Mix or Match 6 or More- r-'-i---t~i Save An Additional I 0° o From Sinqle Bottle Pric ~ • f; :J ~ Si....lt l ottlt (och: .._ V...__, '"Y .,., '·'• __. Price: '·' ··• 19.99 Cwtty Sark Scotch 18.49 16.64 until July 1975 and Sto1an ~id, "\Ve s11nply votNI. in cfft'l'1, to hire the TC'anv,tcrs as oor lx1rg;1ining agent." e \1f>n11e Cl1nn11ed Si\~ t'B .. !\i\CJSC,'() (1\P) - T11'(1 dlt'[.:l'd S _v n1 bi one se l,thl'ration Arnt\' nl<'ntbcrs 1nuS1 Ix· triC'd 0111Side Al.-in11·da anO Contra (.bsta <-'ountics 11·ht'rc th<'Y are accused of n1W'f.!er, allen1ptcd rnurdcr :"Ind other CTlrnes, the ~t<Jte. Court of Appeal.<: li<tS ruk'<L J~ph H<'rn.iro. 27, ;:ind Jlus.<:c-11 !.ittlr, 2t \1·on th(' c-h.'.lngr of \'('nllf' 'l't1u~dav on ~'TOUJldS th;d Jlff'1l'i:iJ publi('ity linkini.: 1!11·:11 t•) 1h•· it'rmr1:-1 SL.\ r1•rh11Td 1h1·1r eh:11)('(' of :i L1ir lri;d 111 1\l.un··1l:1 Co11111!J e J,a11·•11il f 'ilf>d LOS ,\~CF:l .. F:s lAPl -'rhC' U.S. govcrttlll!'llt n1ust fllr :in <' n \I l r on n1 ~ n t a I 11np;:i<"t m-aternent bcforr S('rio11sly t.1lking abou! drilling fflr oil 1n areag off the Svuth(>rn California coast, th,• s tale atrornC>y g('tK'r;i! s:1ys Atty. (;en l·:1·~·llP Y1111ngcr ba<:kl'<i up his o pi n i on 111u r;;.dav hv filing a la1r~111t in U.S.· IJi~1ri1.:t Court hen• on behalf of h1.<: llffi c'(' rtnd the (~l iforn1<t ('o:lst:d Zone C'on.<;.ervntion (bmmii::sion. '1 lH' :-.11its see kc; to prf'1·ent 1 he ff'd("r;l] gnvenlITW'f1t fro rn considering or npprovi:'lg 1.1!. drilling lt'a~· ~I !(':'; u11ttl an impact statrmeni is filccL e Re111e<'l'e llo.i SAC'.R,\\1Ei\IO 1 :\Pl -Tllr 0>1n111ission of tlH' C;il 1fnrn1:'1 <; 11·ill rnePt Alig 22~24 in S;111 f)1t•go ""tlh Lt (~\' J·;..J Rf'inN·kp :t.<; hnR"I. Tif'i!li"t'k1·'..;; (off if'(• .C!l~~. H(•int'{'k1• I" ;1 C'On1·1cted pt>rjurer. llt•int•ckr'~ uffi<'f' ~:ii d 1'hurs<l:iv th.1t niflrP lh:in 100 dele/!<1!~ fmm \alifomia :ind thfo r-.t r-.;ic·.111 Stair i1f R:Ji11 Cali fornia and Trrritn··v rf California Sur \1·ill a!ll'nd. e Prit'f'rs Srril"• S"'.'i lHE(;o 1.\l-'1 'ft•anJStl.'r truC'k drn·t'rS f,.r lht-> r<~k , ~1n<l ;1nd _ar.1'•'1 111tl11 ~1rv in ."-an [)11·F'o (:.0Un11 tX'gan · s\rlkin~ today :if11~r rc>Jectll11J'. a n\anag"f'1nlf'nt Jl<l Y prolX)Sal. \t e. m be r s f)f 'f'enn1s!rrs. f))('a] 3fi. \'nt•'I'.! .1 i R -Ii 1 ThurW<1~· n1!{hl 10 l'l')f'("\ 0111 SO-Cents-..1n-hour l\':lgf' i11<'rt'ai::r p!"OfX>Scd by th<> S..1n f)i1•go Rock Prod ucrrs A.~.~·,1 ·1;"1!1011 Clime Rise s As Police • LONG BEACH (AP) -The police dep:1rtmcnt s a i d Thursday tha t crime has :· shown an actual increase of 1.6 percent during the tw(>. nionth police slo.,.,•dcn\11. .· . . . : ' . ... Deputy ChiC'f l\1 a II r i cf' \V ishon said Uterc has been a 4.& percent increase in crime over lasl year but the riSt' \ivas 3 percent before thr slowdown began. POLJCE CAJ~J,EO th e slowdoY;n In a dispute over \vages and fringe bcnef_its. \Vishon said C8$eS of larceny "'<'re up 15 percent and aggrav::ited assnult up 13 percent.. but th;cit murders "'ere down 26 percent. ro)>beries down 20 pem>nt. rape~ down nine percent nnd burglaries down two percent.. lie said the city has lost more than $270,000 in fine:\ nnd forfeitures due to a 60 percent decrease In n1lsdemeanor Arrests. Kid ~ Like • H11ppy Trio :\llison J_,ee l\Tul!avcy, born 11onda~ weighing 6 lbs . l:i oz., receives a \'aJ·tety <if reactions fron1 father. (:reg: grandmother, actress Sheila 1·lacR.ae. and the inf.:i11t's t11other. actress i\'leridith 1'1acl1ae. -.,..·/lo holds her. 'l'he group is s hO\\'!l a s they left Cedar!) of J_ehanon l·!ospital in Los .l\ngeles Thursday .. "\\'r ;dread~· ha\·e taken \1·h;11c v~·r pr<'l.:autions .,.,.t! c:in ln rr1•\ r•lll ;) rP<'llrrC'nce of this n:HUT('. \\'hat v•e ~re 1nlC'rcstL-d in hert! is seein g 1/Jf'SC cri1nin::ils caught and prosee\J ted to the fullest {'Xl..:nt of Lhe lav.•." Ma11 Threatens to Destro)' ~ -[J.S. Capitol W itli Gas •I 'hil\p Carlsvn . 65, of \';in i\'uys. and l'hylis l>isncy, 59, of North 1-Jolly\\'ood, plead~ no CU!llel'.-1. \Vednt~sday to tharges of practicing n1cdicine -.,..·ithout a liet'nse b cf ore Co 01 Iii is s i o nc r i\lcyer Ncv•nian. '.\USS DIS\'E,. al so faCC'S charges of treating c<1nccr v;ithout a licens\:'. selling un.appro1·ed drugs v.·ithfltil a license and ;1drcrtisi11g a drug 1.r1s ASGEl.f.S (:\P 1 -rcrx•atcdly ntl{~l th:it ;in .1Jit'n "\rl' dcn1·1 kno1f' 11h:1t is 111 10 h;ii'c :in effect Jn treating "A'' ls for ;1irport, \Vanis a is nr,t ,1 hl!n1~1n loclng." the 1h,. OOn1hcr's mind -if the cancer. 111:111 \l'ho s::tys he is 1he lcadl'r \·oice said. Sl'ndcr of the mess.:iges i~ in A sJ-.Jkesrnnn for thC' State JI · d. te<l th I fact the bomber." of a group that bo1nbed the c in ica r groupc 1ose Dep.1Mment of Health in i ~is Angeles airpon <tnd ivil! !he ::iirport because it begins The 1-lerald-Examiner has s <!. c r a rn e 11 t 0 said ty,•o v;ith "A." ::is docs Aliens of also re<::cived telephone calls under<.\11·cr agents purehased \1T1le lhrir narne -Ahrns * · Th,.,~ "" f "-I· e<l "' ,"bo"t •·~'2"' "'Orth of ia"tn·1.,. 11fllt'r1en. r.::•· lif'J'.,,,ns 11cre ron1 a 1nan '-"' ic1· to .~ " ... ...,, .., -.. ~ ,_ (of An1rric:i -"in blood " on killcd and 3~1 others v.·ere lhe s;inie as on the tape. An :ind ml'C!ica! supplies from U1e lhe f;ice of lht' Uni !ed St:itcs. illJUJ'cd in ihe :lirport blast. Fil! spok('s1nan, said the n1;in t\\·o in April. In ~1 1.1pe rC'l'Ording , a man's '•\Ve h:ll'l' no idea whether -v.·ho has a i'.Ilddle Eas~m Jt was not kno.,.,·n how many 12.38 kinq Gtorqe Scotch 10.99 9.89 11.98 Scoresby Scotch I 1.65 l 0.48 16.38 Old Grond-Ood 8~rbon \).'J9 12.59 ll.40 Block Vtl'<'tl Conodit:1n 11.79 10.61 13.48 Block Vtl'<'tf Conodion I O.'J9 9.89 9.98 Rtl~o Vodko 8.88 8.00 9.50 Sc.hfflty Vodka 8.88 B.00 9.96 Wottschmidt Vodka 8.99 8.09 17.00 BOf'N>ayGin 15.45 ll.90 10.78 Board's Gin 8.99 8.09 11.50 ~am's G in 9.99 9.00 17.00 Tanqutray Gin 14.99 I l .49 i 13.98 BocordiR1.1m ll""' 11).'>1 11.45 10.10 l·"":j 12.58 ROf\ Rita R1.1m 1~ '°""'' 10.95 9.85 ~ \="--.. . ·~~7--~·-;=.: 'i' 7-. -• ,. ;. t the. W Il JID@ D CID mID lilID ®IT' IL Il ~ lill (Q) IT'~ \·oicc thr<':ilcnrd lo "dt•stroy or not !he n~rl target \1'ill accrnt -is being sought cancer patients might ha\'e '-----------------------------------..J tx·gin 11·i!h the lct1l'r ·i.: ·· bccal1se "he definitely ki10\1·s bt."Cn \·lct!ms of the alleged 3537 E. Coast Hwy.• Corona del Mar• 673-7530 Ilic rn!ire persoiine! of CoipitJI ~nid Police Capl , '.'ll er\·in KinR. 11tial he's talking about.'' fraud, the spok1•sn1an said. l!dl " 111 \\'ashing1on 1'.1l.i1 11t·:-1C> ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------1-::1~ l'.'1!h1n three rnonths. Th(• t:ipL' 11·as received l'l111rsd.'.l~· by 1hc Los l\ng('!es !h·raltl·Exaininer, ::ind th c \'Oicc identi fied hi1n.self as J::;;i ;-ie J{a~i rn. chi"\ n1ihtar;,• CofftN:r of Ali~'ns of Anierica. Tiii·: r.IA.\' s:iid the group bon1l:>1.'d Los ,\ n g e I c s Jnten1ational Airport Aug. 6 and ll'OUld fire tYiO tnns of Sarin1• nerv~ gas on Capito! !Jill unless cht• L'S, Supn:-m,., C'.-0un rlet·!ares in11111gration :ind 11;Hurali1a1ion J av.· s unronst itu t1011Jl. !It" S<1id the gns v.·ould be t:1k1·n frorn St. Louis to \\'ashington and fired in one- <iU'1r1~r ton shells fro1n eigh1 sin t;lt·-~ho! cannon Oarrels. '"l'h\' Suprerne O:>tu1 has }{ape 'frial 'festi1non v •' (:11rb OK'cl &\C!1A\IE\'TO l.\P I r1.<id1cal nt\\' !1n1i1s on tri:il tl'~11111onr abl,ut ;i rape victun's sex li!c ha1·e bt."Ctl (l\'cr11 hcl n1ingl:-· .a.ppro\·cd by the C'<iliforn in Assen1bly. 111e hill airns in part to hloc~ 1·0111·1n:>on1 questioning thnt 1n1gh! h1111liliate rape victirns clurin~ the trial of an accused r.1pist. Dt'spitc l.'.lst-n1inut~ pleas frvm opposing lcgis!ators who said th£' measure was an ovm-- f'{'<lf't ion th:1t could J<'Opan:lize a defendant's chance for a fair l ri;il, the lov.•er house passed the bill by a 65-7 tally. The bill IH)W returns to the Scn,1te for eoncurrcnce in other an1cndmc11ts. Jail T erui Au nulled SA~ DIEGO (AP) -'file j:ii l lcnn given financier C. An1holt Smith for contempt of court in June has been ;111nulled by the 4th Di strict Cou,rt of Appeal. St11JCrior Court Judge Paul F:. O\'erton issued a contempt cit,1tion June 14 ngainst Smith. fonnrr chairrnan of U.S. National Bank and \\;estgate- <':ilifornin C.Orp.. after he rrf11sf'd to .!lt\S\\·er quest ion~ :H 1hc trial of Robert O::iggett. ~fl. 0 .1gg(1t.t was charged with si1tt•n1pting 10 f'Xtort rnoney fron1 Smilh. 'vho ·p1"'1ded tl'lf' Fifth ATTit'nrlmrnt Ag .1 i !1 st p n 'I ~ i b 1 f' ~1f.incrin1in11t\on IJ;1g~f'I\'~ tri:il \\'ilS <lf'clarc<l r1 rnistrl:il An<I 11 Ill'"" trial d,1!•· w;is i:;1•t Sn1ith did not st·r1(• ;in\! t11ne In j~il ns h(' \\'.ls i:ri1n!N.I a stay of ('X('<'Ulion pending appenl / WILB WEST B.llFS Contests, Square Dancing, Free Wagon Rides , Country Music, Super WILD WEST Sales , Special Drawings with Prizes from each Store-Come In And Sign Up Sunday a&i9,.~i'1974'''' T,,,.,~ ,,,~ s.,,,~ C.!ILEKB.!IR 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~~ 12 13 14 1 5 1 6 17 .,.I' 2: 2~ ~!~~ ErEKTS SUN., AUG. 18th MON., AUG. 19th TUES., AUG. 20th WED., AUG 21st THURS., AUG. 22nd \ FRI., AUG. 23rd SAT., AUG. 24th 8 am-12 noon 12 noon-5 pm 2 pm-6 pm All day 6:30 pm 7 pm· ID pm 6:30 pm 12 noon·S pm 2:30 pm Charity Pancake Breakfas t Fr~e Surrey Rides Roy Dee & the Country People Pioneer Artifacts Di splay Start of WILD WEST DAYS Sales ·Judging for Settlers Bake-Off Contest Square Dance Night ~bition & Community Dance Sign-up for Friday Frontie r Fashion Show F'ontler Fashion Show Judging and Promenade WILD WEST DAYS Wind-up Free Conestoga Wagon Rides WILD WEST DAYS Drawing s 13uy /J.'r:.fu.t;., f rtll:' t.f.tp; 1f.n .. 1::; 11!.f, fd.i~1 CL u.r..'t".lf Eu:r:c& < il • . Fll.ir:t 1J11. /e~t:., Cf:c'liutr.uc/:1 1iv oww w;.1 at cu.c,;w. 'ua.iu-. St:tp. 6<f.llirr:.>1; 5t'11r,:&Jau~[1 UM:l::t: fin";:!),-/ !l nUnt .a I r,l .a;ca;{; (J)IJ, r'it VJ cw'tr.cc "J);.ac/Ji( /~ r; p;rr: at ow: arha.tz ,~J~7J.C tlJ.f dd!.iiU.~ bil. Vlali. l/i gu,~ J:FJ.7:9' Jf ll 'l CilrrJ.::.a, CL'it A-fww rif. .. .dor fii111ng , .tf ii ft.ifiJ., (r l i{)l· 50 ,f-'IJJ3l'J LA PAZ OFF-RA.MP SAN OIEOO FAEEWAV. WEST TO MclNTYR( '""-·. J • • It,\ II,\' 1•1Lft'I' EDl1'0lllJ\L PAGE Commis·sion Can Help ...,Oll!l'\1111(',' (II.\' ).!U \'Crlllll('lll I;. \(Hl)lllJl \f'l'd. ur (''1111 1111~:-l l.lllcd l<~ di...'illh Sul'h 1..·ouncJl·il['>po1n1cd hoc!IP~ i1 ftf•11 l1t:tu11le 11l!Jri: id ;1 IJ;1rr1cr to dc1n ui.'.rat 1l· ..:ovC'r111nv111 l h.111.11 1 :l''l'-l.1111!.!to 1l . 1:111 Jlu11t111'..:.l1n1 Heal·h ha~ tre;11i:d :1 IH'\\' !>t;v1•r1 · 1111 •1 11111·1' ;11illll~11 l(IJ!ll'Ol l'011Jlll!S:>IUt1 \\Iii! h llcdd:i t o 1r· ,11l t·1 .d1le pt'i)rlll~l'. 'J't1e Ill'\\' c·ri111 nli:..-.1un \\·ill h1·!p crcarr a lll"11 :.ct 11f :n11111 :i! control l:1v1!-.. and v:1IJ :.l'C 1lla1 the t.l\Y"· 111nlr<1<'t111g agcnctc:-do their J11b cfl11·1cn1ly a11d 1,1 1rl~ \\ c 11 ut1hl 11ot norn1ally supµort the l'~Ud..>11 :.hrncnt 111 11 ll,n1Hi1:-.!-.1n11 0 11 :-;u1:h a narrO\Y t~.,ue. but a1111nal cont 1n! h;t' hccon1e a heated tontro\'ersv, :111d the ti!llll i 11 t1;1, 11,1stl•d tar ll •O 111any huur:> on 1l v.11Ji11ut ~1g111r1- l·a11t pl'O).!JC~s. l'crhaps lhe ar11n1al conlrol c 01nnus.,1on t ;u1 tahl' the. burden olf lhc i:ouncli <ind :-.al1sty pct 01~·11- l 'l'' a:-. 1,1, t·ll 11·:-. :1 :-;cns1\1\'e. ol!cn e1n ot1onal si 111;.it 11111 l\ut if tht• 11,1ntn1ss1on l';111 !1111ctiun un :1 volunteer llilsJs 1v11l1uuL cost11 1g !he ~·nv ;n1 y large Sll!ll. 11 l'ert:unlv shoultf n'l rnakc thin ~' any 1,1,•orsc 'rl!c idea 1:-. at least 1vorth a try. l(ioh ,... J{isc t~s uc llu111111 :.;10 11 l·~c<1t ll t '111· t'<H111cil111en nre going lo ha1c to 111;1J..c ;1 tlt:ti111tc. rJCa r-cut decision on high ri se '"on<.trutlH111 'l"tic· h:1:-1l' 1.o.;suc, 1vel! stated by l'l a nning IJ1rc1 ·t<)r D1 C"k 11:1l'lo1v. 1s whc1hcr the citv 11·ant s ;t rnul1i- SlfJ r1· o rrh11 a nrt.' 1vhi('h mercJv ··a<·<·ni11n1odatc~" r:.111 budfl1n:.:s. or :trtually '·encourages'' thcn1. :\t i\\unclav·:-c:ount.:il session. a ne1v ordinance 111dl he 1·ev1e11·ed 10 esta blish controls and proL"edurcs for 1nul11-:-.tury cnn:;truction lanytllin;..: 01·er three stories1 1n industrial and co1nn1erc1al acreage. t\n orcl1n;.inL"e r·nver)ng re'i1<le11t1al J11(!h r1 'r 11•1Jl tol lo11· 111 the near !uturc. ' \\'e urge the ("It~ 1·(111111·!1 1t1 kct'f) these l:1111s !lc.x1blc. llL!.!ll 11.'c buil1 !1ng, s!H1t1Jd bl' c1H ·o 11ragcd 111 r-a refullv :-clee1ed :1rt:as of til e l'lt\ .. \ fL·11·. :-.ra!ll'l"l'd 1:111 to1ver-s nt•ar tile oct·;tn Jrt111t 1v1i"1 ltH1k 1·on:-.1d1•r:1blv helter th;1n n1 1v <; and ro11·, flf t<A'O•.,t<iry :1p:1r!n1cnl s 'b!orking the 1·1e,1• like a nla~unry \1·;111 11 1.~h 1·i,t: hu!cl ~ 1vill be J nccc.1:sity for Tile rc1·11·:1I <1f d111\'11!011·n \nd hli.:h 1·1 ~c n1ay becon1e the onl \' 1va1• to pr<1 1 ulr h11t1.~1/l)..( for 111od· crate or !(111· 111<·<1111c !:1n1il1('!' \\e 11r;.!P 1he t·1 1v tn use 1he t·nnrrols 11 t·;1n )]:1vc 10 Clll'IHJJ'flJ.!C hcau t1fu l henefit·ial high rise tun,11·u· tu111 J .a~t 'vcck the Fou n1:-iin \'alley ('11y ('ri11nt·1J ;1p· proved the cxp<·nd1 111rc of S31 .000 fnr par:-1111rd1t·s eq11ip- n1c>11\. 'fhe tity had ;J]rt"'a d~· ;1ppro1c·t! funds fo1· 1r:-i1ning .si x firen1c11 a~ par;tn1cdirs. [\ \v i!I l)e the 1·11y·s first 1·en· lur e in lo paran1cd ir:--ser\'IC'C' ,\s re:--id~11 -. ()f o!ht>r 1·1r1rs li,11e H111 rHI. C''-f)Ct·i~tlly 111 neighboring lluntington l~e~irli tile pnr:11uedil' pru· grn ln is 1\ne (If ll11• !1i gllr"t pra 1 ~e<I . 111(1-.1 \'idued public ser1·1t'l':' uffered. l!t111tin gtc111 l~Cil!'lt 1·011111 ·tl111e11 ha l'C al- ready approved tht' funds for a sceoncl paratncdJl'li oper- ation. based Oil tile :;uccess of the f1r.'t It ,vJ!I be a ve;1r or so heforc l'1tller l'!ly get~ the llC\V p3l'<l!llCdiC'S -[(';\l11S Oil Ille ro;1d flu! their illlJ)ill'1 in tern1s of sa1·ln ;,; lire-. :incl cn111fort1ni..: tl1c Sll'k and inJui·ed should be fell as ~0011 :is tl!cy :ire in service. \\'e co1nn1end the lire cl cparllncnt para111edlrs for their good 1vork. and ronunend both l'ilies for backing the progran1 a:-. n1uch as fin:in<:ia!!y possible. H •·------------------------------L----.,---------------__J tl1e Ricent en niul Six-year Term Has Some Merit Time to Wipe Slate Clean (; luo111v \\",\SllJ\f;T ~-ASSllllll!lg th;it rresi<lenc l··ord 1!0ll1ph.·t•·<; h1:0: IC'nn. 1hv l"ni!t'd St:11t•s 1111! h:11v h:«l l1111r prl'!-ldents 111 !6 ~(':Jrs. ;111 il\Cl':1~1· of tour yl·:irs c<1lh \r.11~· ot tht'"•' pr~sid('nts 1\111 h;1vt· s1·r1·t·d l h l' lraditional \\10 fou r-\'t·<1r trrrns In rar! 1t 1~ douhctul 1h:11 1! 1n rn•)(h ·rn t1n11•<; !h1·rt· rt•.11\v is <.u<'h :i tr.Hti:ir.n. 01 !hi' I::! pr1·'11dt·n1s 1n 1lus t•t·1Hur~. (1111~ !l\{l h:1\1• fu\filll·d lhv 111n-t1·ri11 trad11io11 »Sl;1hli<;h1•d by (,('Of!..'.•' \', ;1;;1\1n~­ tOn. Frank'1n H0t•~t·· \'t'!l lf:IS elt•t'l.:Od !11 fot1r tt'fl1l::.. o 1 I 1 \\"1 lson .ind f.:i ,.t·n · hoirt•r ;,~·rrl'<l I 11• (1 full ~·11i. Ex-Prcs1rJ1·11l ~1\­ on's rrsif!11::11011 1s bound 10 l'l'I'•\·' 111 rerest 111 ;1111c11cli·1g thi' (f•11~titu11on to pn•\ 1de lvr ;1 <;1n;:1i~ ~1:1.-yE>:1r lLTlll t11r prt•s1<lvnts. Nixon s e)l.1X'rienc1· 111·1rll\' l1np\t·n11•n!cd Thf• t·h1f'I ar~un1en1 <ii proponents of a singlr :<:ix- rear tt·nn ·\ l'r1·~1rl1 •nt 1\.is so obst.'s;;ed \1 11h ht<; Ol\11 · r1'1·li•rt1n11 111:trl!i11 !hat ht· r·ngai.:1·d 111 11np1':u·h:ihlt· 1·11ndui:1 • 'IORr: Tl l \,\i 1h:11. d:11n:i~1· 11.is done to the oppO!illlg :lrJ.!lHIH'll! 1h;t1 .I ... 111!..!l•·- lt•rn1 pn•!-1d1•n1 1111uht bt· '' l;111H•-rltn·k tro1n tl11· ht·i.:11111111;.:. t1n :lh\1· 11~ n1,1r -:h.1I I ht' pr-.litu•;il f1,rrr·~ h:1rin1• .1 1·r o:;fl·rl 1!1lE'r1·s1 in hi s t'1fn!1nu;1n"1' 1n f1!f1r1· l\ 1S prl'l'l:O:rl\ Th1o.; il'>pt•t't Pt p11·,1dt·1111.il 1·11n<IU('l 1n 11 h1i·h tl1t· 1111bl1l' 11.1.;, lu~; !.1i tl1 Thi· 1·r.11111r1 111111 ;.:t•r<; to\r ;i pri·~id1·11t , 11nt :i pol111( i,111 ll)(iking !'1 h1-. (1~·ri l'M'rp1 ·t11:1!11>11 1n nll H\' rn1d 11111! ol 111<; ~th.,.,.,,ur~ fn :\1xon o.; !fr"r f!•r111 lilt' \\:d•·rg:it1· ro1·r·n1p, rl11· n11lk sr·:111d:il, th1, 11hc;it dt'~I 11i1h Hu~s1a, and th•· lln11ng uf tht' Prk111g \ind ,\!11,t·1111· 11~11 -: ;111 bore :1 dit'1•c1 n·l :1111111 ~h!p rn t11 :-. rt 't•l1•('l1Cu1. i\'IXO'.\' H.E.\l.IZEO <ill t•r 111~ rcclcctlun that tllr>rf' n11i;:t1r h1 · lll<ll"t' to iht' six-yea r l(•rlll 1(lf'a !h:1n h<· had lhought. On :\fa v 15. l\:17:1 h1· ~lll.!l.!t'S!N! ;11 a \\"ht!e ~louse ml'enng r1f t'Qngr1·s~11111al lt>aders that sr>riou~ rv11 ~1d<'rrit1on b1· given ro the pro1)1)sit io11 Tht" f(lll11\\·111g d.1~' th<' Uemocra11c lctidcr. sen .\l1k<' :'1-lansficl<I. RICHARD WILSON " 111tr0<\ueed a t•o11st1t1111011:1! <1n1c11dn1cnt 1ri 1har 1•!l('1.:\ \1J1h 1h1• su ppt1rl 11f !h1· l:«pt1h!it':1 n t·ld1•r. S\1n. C:1•org1· A1k1·n. 11ho h:ld b<•t•n :1<h'1"M·;111ng !hf' s1-.:-y1·:1r !t•rn1 lur a long 1in11· Al lc:ist fl\'l' flt t .. 1dt·llt~ ht•fnr(' Ni:1.un an• <1n r1~l·Ord frir \he si'<·\1•.1r !Prm Sinct~ JiRR n1•:1rl v )f~I :1ni1·nd1111·nts h;i\'f' been oftt·rt·d for ch.1nging t<• rht' ~i X·}f'llr terin. Soll1C' think !hid ;l si nglC' !n111·-~ 1·ar lt•nn is enough <ind thif; vir\1' rlr:11\"s ~1·p1)()rl frorn 1hc sin1plc fa<"1 1h:1r bn!h ,\"1.-:on and F.L~l·nho11'1"r h:id pr~ihably :1teon1pli.c;h1-d 11b11ut ;is n1uch ;1s lhl'I' <'ou ld in rht·1r ·firs! terrns. considering ll1<l1 Congrl·:O:..<; 11as rontrol\1-d by the op· position p<1rl_1· :u1d th(' 1nornen!11n1 of \1·h:it thcv \\C're trvin~ to <lo h:iU rl 1111111- 1shed. " · A !-\f\-''EAR TElt.\1 1<; 1·('r'l:1 1tll\· no i·ur('-all :ind in1·itt.·s ;·d)Ul:t•' 1)1 P"\1••r h('<':llll:(' rht'rl' IS 110 I Ill tll In I' n I :i1·1·1iunt:lhili1~ .i! lhl' pull' /lu1 '>l l' h:I\•' r1·<·t·ntl~ '>l'l'll ho1\ snH1orhlr 1 h <' ('1•!\SIHUllnnal proct•dllrl' 011 ft'/110\,'.ll or '"\\'hC'n a countr1· 1s 1n eh;10~ 11 l~ a shaine to be ril'h ;ind an otf1(•i;d ·· Frorn !he An<1ll'cls Aphnri~1n-; n!I,., CO\i"l"ffl . .:' Pe•~e •• Gloomv Gu•. 0•11~ Pilot. a prP!->idcnt tan t•)X'ra1f' ii lh•·rC' 1 ~ probable caus1'. It eer!:nllll r·outd n<•l D\lt'r<1 1e that 11·;iv 1r public ~·11t11nl'nl 11as cl<':trly apainsl 11. and the purfli1~·· 11as nri·r('ly !Cl T\'/}('ii/ !he rC'sul1s 111 the elt·ction . A n('11._ but still tradir1on.1I . vie"· Cit llil' pre~idr11 e.1· ni:n· b·· conllni:; afl l'r so n1;u1~· ye:il'~ 111 1\·h1!'h :111 po11·cr !rnrlf'rl to nov: to lhl' SOl'creign. \\'lull h:-1 ~ t1appen t'd in !he past 4() yl'ars C'annoT be un~Jri11t .ciuick!.v b.(C<lllSt' .1:0 nH1ch nr ii l~ v.rJ!ren inln ];_\\\' lo r ll~{' hi" J ic1no<T<llic prcs1r!rnts · Tllr: PHl-:SE'.\"f f'l1111.itt•, l111\1 1·1rr, t·.1!1<; for r<'slra1111 in !ht' us.~ nl fl'Jl\C'r, <l1rt'c! or unpli£'<1 , f11r :i l'rr·~1d•·r11 \1ho l"''"'dt•o.; r;1tl11·r th.in d1 r 1;it.·s f1 r i>'<!n •n1f'l1· (~1no.;tn1t·s h1<> 1·i111,111 11 rion:il <ntlhority : an<I this 1s th·~ kind of pr1·<;1d~·n! :i "'IX·\ t•ar l1·rin 1n1pht•s l.r111lon .lohJl<;1111 lhou::!ht his prt'SHIE'n<·y 1111'<!!1! ('"!l~''llSllS i111d II <t1d rnr ;i II h1lr :\"o prr·<.11li'1\\ ('\'E'r /1;1ct a itn·:it<'r 111E';1,u11· t1f 11. f'XC"t·pt Froinklin Roost'l'1'!r for 11 11 hilc A ~1ni;:lt• tern1. s1:1.-1·par p'"t'!ildi'nT 11"01!11! h:1\(" ht·h1nd hiln ;1 g·r, .11 111111',ti fnrr1• 111r 1·11n s•'ll~ll" 1\r111111u_ nthf•r lllln[!.~ hP 11fl1i!1l nnt lt•(•I Tlh' nf·r•d tu r;11~1· ~llll 111 11111111 tnr his 0\1·11 n·l"h'( !1011 ,\ 'l\·\1'011" ('1\111!11:!!11''11\ 1-: ,I ii•ll:.! 111\1' r11r ll1e .\ti1t'l'li':111 t•l 1'1or:111 • Ill 111:1f." 11 11nuld !t·nd 10 br111 r.: in tu 1t11 · 1 ~111111·;!1 111;1 1ns!rt"i1111 lt·.'1cl,•rs 111!11 t1lul•' 1•1 lh1·1r 1'red1!. th.111 scr11n g 111 Cn111.;r1·ss. 11 l1ii·J1 has loo lonl! been !he n1ajor r·riierion tor pri:s1deril1~I c:111d1dllll'·' \11 rluuht pt'<"+ple v.·ould !1r~ of a prcs1dl'nl 1n S1.'i years; thC'y usu;:tlly ha1·<• An a1nrndn1f'nt for a si'i·Yt':lr 11·rn1 nt•C'd not <:trpl~· to the inl'urnbt·nt l'ri>.~idf'!lt ft could 1.:ike rfl\rt 111 th<' !<·r111 bl-ginning in Hllll. Tl1C' subJ<'f\ is "'·or1h n1ort serious study rhan 11 has yet been gil'en. To !he F:d1tor : .•\,, ;l lli!llOO Ill' !<ice a lllllqUl' dil1•11111 1:1 1n l'fulncction \11lh our r c s 1 :.: 11 £' d l'r1·s1dt·nT ,\·!;in) of us trul~· hl·l11•\"1• lh:1! fE's1~n;1tin11 fro111 11!fic1· cons1i1u1v~ •'til !11·11·nt puu1shtnt·11t fur ~Ir \1\1111 \\ t' ;dso \ltHJld \lt'lCOllll! :1 l'O!H 111ll:11111rl n! lhl' l1•o;:;tl prOt:l'~S Ju 11, eoncl11·-11111 11h1('h 11·ou ld n1ost likely find i\lr. 1\1xuu ~IHlly (if ill"IS 1vhich 1.:ould COJ!C\'l\<ibly t't'qlll1'1· lnl';1recrat1un. FO H \I E, the d1lc111n1a b1·;.:111s :11 1hts 1"1111\ t h1·l1cve th;1t on 1nrart·1'r:1h·d p:1st l'r1 ·s1 dcnl \1ould <;1•r1·c hltlc purro~·· t"r 1•11!H·r 1uslile ur this 11;1t1on's 1n11r;ih· Y1·1 !o f;ul lo n1cari:1'T:th: .\Ir. :\1xn11 11 Iulo· ~t• 111;111y 1•f his :Hdf'S .1r1· ~ .. p:1 r.it··d fro1n l<1n11Jy. 1neon1e, :ind rt •pt1t.1t1on 1~ hk {'\11s1· I l>1 ·J1c\'t•, 1u1co11,1·11111:d1l1 Allo11 1111• lo sur;j.:r·st ;1 uniqut' ~illul 1011 to this unique dilcmni<1 at th;s 11111•1t1•· Jllnt·lurl· 111 f1ur n;it1ri11 s his1ory \I ,. 1r1ll sn•1n J)l' c~lt•hral!nt: 1n1r hn l'l1h'nll1al ;1~ a n1a~111f1cC'nl dl:'1l111r-r.11u· •'\i•1·1111H'nl \\"t• ll.11·1; pro\'t•n 11ur~, 111·~ (11 ho · d 1i;1\1u11 ruled b~· 1:11\ ! l11r 1 n·<l1 n11.d' .is a l'<•tnpassiu11;1lt• p1-.iplt' 1~ :1lso \111hou1 i:<1lLr1l ! 1011l'\1•r. aur li<ad1ng !e~:1! 1t1111d~ h:1\'t• ra1s1~d ~l'Tlolls r111<·stions ;1hriut rh1· 11utn1odrd :1spf'ct-: of l1(1r lt•g;.I ~~.~1~·111 11h1ch rt·q111rt' 1111nu.-d1<1!t' 01 er!un1!. Al th1• sa1111 !Inn·. 111,111y of our rt!Spt.·<·ti·d tnnr.11 11111·1·<. ha11· conic ri·cently rn qu1·sr1v11 our rl:11rn lo ht.• .1 t'otnp.1:-'l•Jllit ll' pL'Ople I llt:l.I E\'E ~1t1C:l'rf'l~ lh:i\ \\" h;111• hrt·n prtl\ 1d1'd wl1h <l t"JlQ"\ 111ltl~U:11 -.·1 of c1rrun1st;1nccs hy \1·hit:h 1,1 l')f'J.!111 111 <;ol\·e dran1fltically those pi.'rplc'it11g prQP lc111s In r1·l•·hr;1t1on fif 011r 21~11h i\111111 1•1',.111 ;i •• 1 tr1·t• <·ou11tr1·, r·o11lrl 11·· 1101 /J(·1·l,1r• .i ll\l"Ml1f1l'<I .l11hilt·c \'1·r1r. ;i ~i·:ir 11111 l111·h II 1~s i ~I 1111l i '''' (' '' 111111t•11 l .\1.:iny fll ;nlOOx read1·rs h;t\'f' rrs11Qnc!ed ro .:1 rcqu1·~l on !:isl S:11urd:iy's Daily P1lt1t Cornn1cnt µa ge for vie\\S on 1h1· hi storic e1·ents that led Ufl to 1h~~ r<'!-1gn;1t1on or President Nixon and thC' i11aul.!11r;il1on of l'rl'sidcnr Ford Thrir lt'!I C'rs 11 ill appear on !he C-Om1ncnt page tomorrow . Editor. Reagan: Another Innocent Victim l~xcepting lor thE' unti111 shC'd cr1n1inal prosecutions :irising u111 11f tli;!T sordid th.1p1cr rif 1\1nc·r11 ·;111 h1s111ry, !tic \V<it<'rgate aff;ur ha s ('nd(•d, II lt:;1\cS 111. lt.s ,,..:--a kc a lis1 of 1·1l·t1n1:;, f;i~'n fro1n h1 i;::h. unprecedented 111 !he natio11 ';, l'.lli }'e<1rs. 1\lo..'il of lhc1n 11 t're 1·ulp:1ble Hul !here 11·erc SO!lll' 11111()(·1•nt 11c!11ns \\·hose h o p e s and dreams ha1•e been shatterP.cl bv a rurn or events in 1vh1ch thev play1..>d no 1N.irl. Th\'ir earE'C'r3 <1n1I their futures h<e\'C ·been al1c red or Pnd - ed by circun1~1 n ncl'~ bevonri I h e i r '·011- 1 rQr. Not the lens! oi rhosc 1\·hose political ror1unl':; h11v11 IA'"n ;idver~ly ;iffectcd is l'ahfornl:1's o"n Governor nonnld nca~;in. Con1ple!1·ly 1111in1•flll'1·d 111111 \\1;itf'rga1r or anv or 1hl' 1972 :'\ixon cornrn ittrE' lr11ns,:t;·css1011s. ll r:1gilr1 's pnh!i1:al fu1ur1 • v.;1s n1•v1•rl h1•I P!:i.'> ltlf'Xtr1c:11Ji.I' lic·d 10 !ht' suc1·es.~ of N1xn11\ !if•conri term. r·or his ~mb1l10t1S io lx'<.'OlllC the 1976 l~\'l>Ubl1c;.111 pn:!-1dl'nt1;1I 11111111nce \Y C'r(' • ( EARL WATERS J prrrectly cl<'ar. Tht'r h:1d not ch;lng:crl since hls setb;1ek ut thr hands of f\'ixon in lflf'8 1rhci1 he OJ>t'tl!.1·, but bclatcdl~', sought !he non1inaiio11 at ~li:nni . ...,, lie had eon1e closer to \l'inn1ng4ihat non1inal1on than 1nany r<'ali1.e :ind, hv Jundsight. might "'·ell hn ve t:a ptu rN:I il h<1<i tw no! hccn plilying roy in the E'llrly n1onths or that r a n1 pa i g 11 . t..:ndoub1Nlty his constant den ials of bein~ ;·1 pr1·s1denti:tl candidate <'nablcd J\'ixon to n:i1l do"''n dt•IC'ga tc votes prior to !hp :\li11 m1 ronvcnlion '>l"hi1·h llc:igan olhcrv.•is(' 1night h<lVl' ha<I . \\'ITl l NIXON'S suh.~cqurnt vic1ory O\'t'r fh1tnphrcy, Hr agan's h:inds v.ere 11C'd for !hi' nexl C'1ght ye11rs. On~· cannot run :1J::,1i nst his 01111 p..'lrty's lnc11n1nrnt pr1 ·~1det)\ so h1' 11ns pri•t•ludPd fron1 any i·llor t u1 1!172 Th:11 1narlc 1!176 1hc li.l r~<'l yrnr :ind . hf·rnusc Ht>ag;i n '>1111 be &I }II thai llr"nc. h~s Inst eh<111c:c at the grand priic of pollt lt5. This, of coursr. C'X plnins hi s uns1\·crving support of Nixon du ring the p•lst t1vo .rears. lie 111;1nted desp;ir;11r·ly for Nixon to finish out his sel'ond tcrn1. That v.1ould have lef! the ll l·public;in conven tion 1,1,ide Clpt:'n iii 1~76. And Beagan \vas running \\'ell ahe.1 d of the field in the polls aflf'r Spiro Agnev."s disgrace. Eve n before Agnew 11·as brought to heel. RC'agan v.•as building solid su pport !hrougliout the countr~. \\"it h Nixon's dov.·nf:i ll and c;E'r:ild Ford's accession Heagan's hoves for 1976 have at\ but disappeared. Ford need not be a great president. H{' nc<:'d only restore a mcxlicun1 or confidcnt'c 111 the hearts of America to assure hirnself the RC'pub!ican non11narion rwo yi':irs hence. And, jf in that lin1<' he cnn h:ilt in nation and get the 11ncn1ployed bark to y,.·ork, !he Ut.•nloL"r<.1!s ,,..,ill also hr v\c.1 in1s of Ni:icon 's f<1ilurc . l''ir lhl'y were looking .:ihe;t<l !o an ~'asy J97fi vtclury ns fl bonus of \\';1tcrg,1!•\ . --TI1!'rl' v.•ill hr n1h1•r innnL'1~1t v1el 11n.:; :in1011~ 1hl' R1•put)l1c·a n.~ 11ho 11·111 h1• una ble to u·('tithC'r publir· r,'artion tn I.he perfid y of the lcadC'rsh1p of their 1,..ir!y cvC'n thou~h lh('y 1ht•n1srl vt·~ werr -not rE'n1orcly conncctrd. But. lhr toll a111ong the J~e1)u blic<1ns 11'iil not 1101v be an.l'lhing nenr what it rnight hai·c hcC'n h.1d Nixon nol resigned. rr IS IRONIC !hat lteagan 1\·ho has 111:1int:iined the "~lr, Clean" im:igc 1hroughout his tv.•o term~ as i:.i:nvernor. should have his fut ure drstroycd by lhost~ not ~o cleiln. And. for :i young<'r 111an. there 1\·ould have been options.. l.(';iving the governor's o(fi('(' after t110 succ<'ssful terms. he could 1,1,·ell have spent his time bui lding up for <1 run ag<1inst Senator John Tu nney in t!t76. This would have rC'cstabHshcd a political base for another allempt at !he prcsidenry in J!)llll or 1934. flut his age is a~<i 1 n!ll thal an<I it is unlikrly Jlp;igan \\'OUld nnw <'On~ider any fu rther vrntures in!o !hf' Politi cal urcna ns :i canclidarf' f-iH!l. hr nred 1101 f•·rl bn{ll\· Fcl\' lu)vr r1St'l1 as h114h 111 so brief a Po1n1ch l 1·:1ri'r·r . ii(' '>l'ill lt•avr offi<'I' 11·it.h· hnnor an<l 1\•i!hon1 t.h<' hurdt·n 1h!• anguish ;111<1 11·orr1rs nn<l h:i rd 111rirk nhE'n<I whi ch \\·ould have been his fate had Nixon nnt fallen . l.__'.\_I A_1_1_,R_o_x __ J l.1•11,•r~ \01(11••111 /111111 1 1''1"•'1.~ 1111' 11 1•!1•111111 / /I 1 r' ~/111"/1/ I"! o •I I'/'/! / /1, · ,. 1, ::1111 11101.J~ 111 /,·,~. ·r;,r 11</l1r 111 1·11111/,·11,,• 1,·11 1•1., lo /I ·'I"'(• '" 1'/111/ ,,r/lr' / /11 / l.l II \l'r1 1 d .. \// /r•/• 11 1_, ,,, ,,: 1111 /ri1l 1• ., . .,,,,11,111· uud 1111• 1- q 111/111 1''" 11111 1" 1111·, 111r I /,.• 111/I,. I 1 I i.'11 f !'l"j !ll''' 11 .,:1r!J1<'•1·1d 1 ('11~"" • 1111111 ,.111 . /'1u•r1!1 111/1 111•! IJ1• 111<11- 11,11, ,1 " " J I'll I\' , 1•lt•hr;1l l1•11 111 pl' •'if lht' sl.111· clt·:Hl'' 1111~ .!i1b1lo·t· 'i·:u 111 I ~11c :1·~! "1· ('llll~ul~·r grant ing 11.111li111 ,111d n •ll•;1sv 111 ull l11 llu\11nµ ,\11· !i 11·hc•ril \1\"n :in1ncst.1· ul l\i1 .! .\11 tho~c cu1111,.(·11·d 1, 11h 11·,11o·ri:.11 " J \II 11\11'•' l11d111d u:1], 11!1H ti1r ;1111 11• •'!•II di•t·1<lcd n,11 111 !Jg!1! u1 I ii~· \ u·1n:1111 c1111!11('t. 1 ,\!! 1 hr1'" 1n1pri,i1:1l·rl for uther 111:111 1"·11111·~ nf 1 1ol~·nt i· 11 ,. 1•('1111n1n1c l"l"llll1 .., ~urh ;is tr1.\ r1·1t~1011 11·:1tul. l'lt' .. ttr· \ fC)'.\"f tl\llTA \ T 111:h !ht<; 1·1n1I<! h1•i1111 a 1'•' 1\•irln11c of ,,, "ill 1 •. d pn 1 1nu.,1~· hi' llur J.:•·r 'i<'n•1ll~ fl '·t'\;1l(J[ll11u1 :11HI !hu~·· 0111n1ocl1·d :1"1 11·cl~ 111"' h111•·1 I ·" ~!IC ~t·'l '·d L'!11t'I ,l u~!Ll'<' \l".irrl'n E \~ I du 1111\ 1•l:nrn i'~J'i •r11.~·· .is 1·1th• r •• lt·~.11 111111d (!f .1 jlflll1 l1'1:!11 1 111111ld li••P•' !ltd O(h1•t' Ill<>!'!' q11.1lll11 ii 11$\t1ld ht• ,.l1t1• to '>l <ll'f. 11111 :1 n11·r·h:1n1:-0111 l11r ri·alt'\IH·:illl' ilnplf'n1f'n t1 11g 1111s pr111 1(1~·1I ~1i11uld th1 .1· d"1·n1 1! t1l be 11'vrtl111hl)t I n·n1;i 111 «011v111r1 ·d 1l1:1r ;+ i·lt•;1n !-l.1!\' I~ rll'~pi •r;1!('l_1' 1n,1nd:il t•d by !111~ U!lHJUt' 111111·t111c 111 ~iur v11ung n1Jtio11 's h1 ~\ory. I 11,nlltl likr• fu1111·1• .11u1.1lo.; In pul'.;f' ''"r gi 111'r:1t 1nn a ~ su(fi1·11·nt !y 1\1 ~(' to 1111•.1 111•• :1 lirl'alh of fr{'<;h ;11r 11110 ot1r ,1.lf 1n1age •1~ a l'otnpa.~s 101l•1t<' pcnpi(' d1·d1c:1 !cd t1 1 lair. onh·r anrl j11s11c1' for ;d i. Suc.h a h1c£'n!en111al 1•tlebr:i1iut1 11ot1ld g11 f;1r lov.·ards br1ng1ng us all together 111 pride at tfvini; in :1 land bi g l'nbugh to ro1-rcc1 and forgive llABB I BERNARD P. Kl :~V IJ1tttble Sl11111f111·•I 'f'I th£' J·Alltor : I ll'ou ld like 10 express 111.v 1u1 ;:iJ ;i 1:rf'.l'll1('11t 1vi!h lhe 01r11ch1 ;i h.-1111 "L;n1·rn.1kt•rs Plush l't'n~1ons" !h;1t nppl'ared in your August. 9 edit.ion. It 1~ indct•tl inefl'(lihlr I Sl'F.NT approxi1nn t1·l.v I ~ Yf'<lrs 111 Ai·ro.~riicr \\'Orking on 1\l 111 u !"111 a n , Pnl:1ri1: and i\pt1llo progrnn1S, Th1' only 1hin ~ t c:1 n1c n\V<IY wi!h v.·ns the n1f':1nin 1~ of 1hl' 11ord "gf'nocidc." 1 have to 11dmit lhouAh. lhnl. I 11·as luckirr lhan soml' of my fr iends \l'ho died Qf heart a!lat:ks. s1rokes, !!'I C. J :irn .1lso 11 v<'tcran of \\lorld \l'ar fl rind Koren so I don;t-think an~·onc has dr,nl!' 1110re for th.i s counlry lhar1 l. C'XCept, or course, for the n1any 1\·ho never came back. It seC'ms there \\'Ill nlways be a double s!andard. P. L. Ml'MULLEN \llel Frie1111< To !he 1'.:ditnr : 1'hn nk you rnr your wt:trn1 1.11ltl \\I'll 11T1!1.l?ll siory \\'hfrh appeared vu S1111d11y, .July 2R, regarding th(· R11off f;11~1ily :1nrl rl1cir bcnull ful Vlc1namcs1· d;1up,htl'1'. Tu.1 t•l. L\ly hush<infl •ind I \I cll lo101\· rtii~ auxit•1y lhcy 1~c11t thrO\l fl:h riurinl;! lh1!ir l~·o-year 1,1·alt, a!4 we have bttn 1\a1ting 16 n1011ths now and proL>abl~ h.i\1' :1nolht·r SI\ ill\•11!h 1\•;t1I bcfor~ oor d.111ghl1·r ,11·11\t'' f1·•1111 \'1l·tn:11n . I\ Tiii·: 111!·:11111111(" 11t' ha,·e. ioined to!,!\'!h,•r' 11 1tll o1ht'r tan11li('S 1l'aiting for \ 11 t11.trn1·"~' 1·:1 ddrr111 :11: Y.l'!i :1s just \'"' • 1,-1·1uu·1·nu ·d :1h11u1 th11 pli)'!ht of 111•·'• 1 tul11r,•n 1n 01ph:1na(!1'" 111 \'1E'tn.1m . .111d h;1\1· »1;1ri.·d :1 l.os -\n!,!(')C's Chapter 111 !· 11•·tu!s n1 1·111l1ht·11 of \·1t'lna111 . \\'c ····11d '11ppl1"" "ut·h .is r!o1h1ng 1nt•v.' uul u"1·d1. 11t.1rnu1 •, n1P d 1c1ne, tL•r11o.;.1))h• d1;1p1·rs, pla·H1t· baby 00111~. p111\d"tl'd '"re;1I a11d 1111Jk as \1ell as 11uu1. 1 11hu·ll allo11s !hcrn 10' buy th e 111·{'1 ·~ ... :1r1 ~1apl11~ such as r ice and fresh 1111•! ,1 11([ \ l'l.'I (<!bit"' \l'r llrl" ;in a!l-\·o!un1et:r j!:rOup i;o at! Ill 111•11 11 1 1. '''" '" tlt'lp !ta, t·hildrC'n . .\1111.,tJ.1 11111•r1'Sl1•d 111 h1•lp1ng i~ asked 1•1 '1111 l 1·•· !\1111 n at //l1;.~.1~10 or AartHtr a 1,1 ,,1111 ·11 .:1:;.t1i;~ •;1n·a rode• 213 1. Or 11 •11t• i·t '\'\-1..\ 1 1:~31 Uri\I 1)1·. Studio l 11.1 ~ lfiHI I.I·:!: l\Hl"PI', President T" 1h1· ~.d1111r ~1.111d 1n a t·11mt·r. llarry Gold"·atcr, ,ind ,,hut 11p' \Iii\ <h<I 1011 h.11<' 10 ~o and put (hl)'e dre;1rv 11·n1nen's fibbers on !he !J hlll 1'•11:1" ,1).!,1LH 0 ' PIHL LA NS DALE lf1•111s 1:-1,111·prs To th!' l·'.d11or \1 1 11dP ;d11:1 1·-: lik•·d lo rn1SE' :i gnrdrn, lnll 111 ri •c1•n! }'l':lr~. ll'hat with l\l'O h1~t1 <.:·' .1 d•111hl" L'.:1raµr and e v.·1de d1·11 1·1• .i· p;i110 i'1« 1hi'rc 1s no longl'r 1•1q1n fur ,1 >:.1rd1·11 I h:id always joked 1-.11 11 h .. 1· llt.it :-h•· ~hu11ld plant 1·ei;e1:rbll'S H1 1J1,. !11111 !'1' hl'd~. c111nJ:: the Japanese .il !•'I \I 1u'ltl l\1;1r I! 111ho cl'cn raised 1 •·;:t"l.Jhlt•o.; 111 1111H.lo\~ boxes a n d pa1 f.11 :1~ :- Tlll S )'E,\11 ~ht• !OOk 1ne seriously :inti pl;1n t.·d vcg1•t.1hlt's in the flo"'•er ll<'(ls \r~· h;u·t~ calL'tl ton1atoes. onions ;u1d si1uash ;1111011g ot ht•r things. She h;id ;1lr1'ady planted fruit and nut trees. The yu·1d fron1 our yard v.·a~ not <·on1n1<'r'c1.d , bu1 ~uppose that thousands <hd the s:in1e, If the people of America pl;111!l'tl a fl'11' vcgelables in !heir no...,·er bt'(IS. lhe yield would feed many small 11u111tries in the v.·orld. Especially in this time of drought and inflation. this 11<1u!d n1uke ;1 sn1al! difference thfll l"t1t!ld be det.:isi\·e in hold ing prices and s;J11ng 1noney for the plant er. J IM BOLDING OlANG~ COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vf'l!'d. Publisher Tlloma.s Keeui/, Editor Barbara Kf'e ibic1t Editorial Paae E<nior Tne f'dilorial ,palite o( ~ Daily P 1lol .6ffks to Womi and .stimulate readers by presentfng on ... fh1s pqc t1iven1e <'"Clmmf'ntary · nn IOplca ol in- ienost hy sy ndl('"tcd c»lufnnists and <'arlooniats, by providinll: a forum for noaders' v!N'a anrl b)' pre1mtlnr thiw n<'w~PAPl'r·~ opi nion~ and idr.L• on current !Gp!ca. Tht editorial opioloM 01 the Dally Pilot appear only in !he ffiitorlal rol11mn at the 'toP of the pagr. Opinil:ma exprellt"t"d by tti. col- un1nls1s nn(t CArMonl~!ll' and letter 1o:rltl"r't 11 rr th,ir own AMII ro f'nCk>Nr- mmt of ttir\r yl('Wtl tiy the Daily Piiot. .!lilOllki be lnfm-ed. •• f tlday, Ausust 16, 1974 v c ,, ·~fh· 1111 I 1101" T tht.: LC't II 11 l St•a T uffl nt·d t.Jl:l ~·!I I II ··g1 " cm pla dt•\ J!;i T l\11 pro rt'S l'lt\ ""' 11·11 <l•·I ol pai I nlo He1 IP int \t• •d b~· ( !ht• ry,' I P·' ! ·01 ll h' lht• I !l[l t;.· '"' ;.in 1 nar .10< Ro Ila Th C<l< ( \Vi •" pl pl Ac m< 20. VO L. 67, NO. 228. 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES \ an e Cense-t'i1·e Cnlletl Turks Capture l(ey Objectives I:~· l'nitl·d l'r1·~, lnlt'rn :ilional ,, t ·1·:1~l'·flrt· lx·i..:<111 on <'.\"pru~ toda~· :ilh'r Turk1~l1 f\,rc1·s 1ult1ll1t! lht·ir 1 11il1!a1~ OhLl'l.'ll\t'' hy St'l/lllg !ht• 1101 !hcn1 tlurc! of lh1' isl:111d. 1'he Tw·kish l11v;1tlcrs thundcrc'J to 1h1· \1t'~1 1..1;01~1. tap!ur111g lhL· 101111 of LPfk a. thl.'tr Jna1 n obJt-'C'liVl' in the \lest. \\1!h1)lll rl's1slancc in a land. <lir and s1•;1 <1\1:1rk. The Cyprus govcrnn1cnt abandoned it·; uff11'1·s 1n thr 1·:1p1t;1I 01 ,\1eos1a and fl,·d ~oulh to L11n:1s!'.ol 111!(•11 Turkio;h planes ho1ntx'<l and strafed p;1 r\ or the r11\. 1!·;11 1111.: it in fl:11111·s 111·:1,,1 l1g!1t111g l'l"f\Plt·d :dong th•· "~1c1•n hnc" 111 !hr \"{•1lll'I" ot :-,'1(\1:-i;1, a 1011 11( \1h1ll' p<llllll.'d u1 l (h\1111~ Plct1111 ers 01( Resicle11 L iLtl \'f'"''port Rea c h p lann i ng ('Otnm1ss1onrrs ... approved prrlin1inary J11a11.., Tliur!'d;1\' f,1r a 170-arrt rc:ndentl~I dl'\t•lopn1rnt h\' 1hc fr\'1ne Company 111 Jl;1rlJor \"11•1\ H ill~. 1 Tl11· rl•i·o1111t1t'rlClat1011 :lpprovi ng a t1·nt:111v1• n1a11. inc!ud1nr.: grading and µror1!>1nn -; for :"l!rl s\nglr f ::i rn i I y rt·~1di.:nl·1•s, 11111 be fnr11t11·dcd !o tilt' l'!!\ l'(lUl11·i\ The dt,'(·1~io11 follo\1ed ;i :.i·~ ho ur ru!1l1c h1•:1nng ciuring 11luch hOlll('Olllh'1"!> 1r .. n1 tll\' :1d J.1ccnt Sp,rgl;1ss 11 1 l l tl1·1 1•l11p1n•·n1 :irg111•cl 1111h c:tl'h other :ihout !h1· loen!1on of a 1>r11posed small park f11r ioddh•rs Pl:11u11ni.: rnrnn1 is:-inners f1na\1\' 11·i:nt along "i1h a l'arks, Bt>aches and Hi:1 ·r1'at1nn Co111rn1ss1011 rrro1nmcndation 111 require a fi 5 -acre park at !he 11ucrscc11on of Sµ_v_glass I !ill llnad and \1•\\' ~larArthur Uoulc,·ard. h,•a\·ing any 11dd1!ion<J) 1oclcl1t~r p;irk 10 IX' pro11d1-d bt· horn1•011 ncr' 111111 th1: lr\ 1111' C..,1npa11~ · ( \un n11,.,1011<'rs ;dso rr('on11nrndrd that thi· t'ill :H-r1·p1 ;i l.f·:1rr1• l'anyon just l)\·jn11· 1111· fi j .'hTl' park as a n<1tt1r1· p.1rk 111 ;Jdd1t1n11, Jl I ;1 n n 1 n g 1~11nn11:-,111tlt'I'' d1st'\L'\~ed 11hl'tlu·r •Jr 11.ot they sho11](! pl'nnll p1'1\·:1tr :-.irttls 111 tht• prU!<"l'! llo1rr1·f'r a n1onon l\y ("n1111111:-,1nn1·r ll:il! :-it>1·11· 111 l"•'!llllr~· th1· sirt'4'1' to l>t • puhlu." 11't1s defralrd \J\ a 2-2 1li' 1otr. 1vith Co1111n1ssin11t>rs ,):1n1t•s l',irk t•r nnci Don llt•ckl1'y l'Clt111i..: no 1'hc prOJi'<.'1, 11·h1ch ;1s ~ r1 has no lliU"ll(', IS l;)(·att'(l be!ll'f'f'll th(' S:in ,Jo .. "lquin l\f"St>r1·01r anci thr !'.~iyg!ass l-11 \l Jlo.1d cxtrnsion. Con11niss1on Ch;urn1 an "1 i I 1 i a ni Jlazc"'inkel did not partiriratc 111 Thu rsday·s hearing. citing a pos~1blc (.'Q110irt~ f'on11nissionr rs Ila\' \\i!Iiams <1nd \Vi!li atn A~ce ""l'rr on \'ac:i!Lon . ."rp<iratin~ (;rl·Ck and Turkish ( _\pnol comn1un11ics. The French 1111d Jt;1h;u1 l'tnl;;is.<;;ies and the British II i g !1 ( 'fJrninission 11crr rl'portcd In h:l\'t' ('\;1cuatNl 1heir offit:l'~ because of thl' fighting. , 'l"urkish Pre1nier llull'nt Ece1 il 5<6id 111 Ankara the Turkish invaders Were !old to halt their thrusl across Cyrpus at mid.day and said fighting '1n the 11·ar·lorn island had almost. stopped as uf that tinie "lhough th~rnay st l.ll of that time ''!hough the ~ ml'lv-slUI be soine smalJ skirniishes going on." "Thi s !irnc. thrre 1\"tll lx>·a rc~1l ce;1si) fire 011 Cyprus.·· Ecevit said. "Th~ !mops arcon1plished th c i r ohjt:l'tl1·es." ~~Cl!l'il told a Tl I.' 111 s 1.:on[rrent:L'. 'J'hr ar.·;1 thry i::1µ111n·d ··1.:un·esponds roughly to the arc;i 11·c h;1d in n1ind for ;111 <uitonGmous 1·urk1sh-c·ypnot state 11·irh1n a federal Cyprus." he said. l!>rat'I radio s<i id the general cc;i.o;r-fire took effect 'tls S<'heduled and Cyprus l 'residtnl Glafkos C:lcridcs ordered The <:rcek-Jcd Cypriot National Guard to sto p fighting the invaders. At da"·n tank-led Turkish troops had SC<'u red th<' eastem port of Famagusta 1rhrre TurkLSh Cypriots danced, "'epl <ind chct'red as men and supplies rolled into the city. On the westem front, colllmns of :1rinored troops backed by ai r and naval support smashed through feeble Grel'k Cy priot defen!Jes on Lefka. the "·estern c11d of lhc Turkish "Attila Line" thal begins at Famagusta. Eucvit said before 1hc craSl'-fire lhat "our n1ililary opcr;ition on Cyprus \\"ill ha1·e reached i!s ol)jcct1vt·s and will end. \Ve 111\JI be avail;iblc to continue nrgotialt0ns any tirnc after (the fighting endsi," "\re don"t 11·ant partit ion \Ve ""f!nt !See CYPR US, Page 21 Charges Droppe(l On l.011g ~Ian in Beach Felonr cininkrn clriving rhnrgf's h.1\c b1'('11 ciropJX'd agairis1 a Lnng Bf'a«h 111:111 inl'Oll"cci in a i\c11·1X>r! Lh•;1ch traff1C' <·ollt:-ion lll d.iys ago 11·!1i ch kill!'d ;u1 lll-yt':1r-okl girl frnn1 l l.1('1\'rHl;1 I h't~h!' ll:1lph ~t'nnrth Houp, ~R. 11:1s ;.irrl·~red 1111 A11g. Ii ofter his c;1r s!ruek b1ry1·Ji.-,t ,Jflnf'!I(' Stro111rne and several bicyf'l 1ng t~1n1p<1r11ons during n late rven1ng ri(t•· nn \\\·st roost High"":lY across fron1 lin11·ard·s Restaurant. i\'e"·port Beach .... Police T r n f f 1 c l ll\"l'Sfigntor ,JiJTI f)onaldSOll ~(l\rl 1n<l:1y !ha!. Thursday 1hc di strict .attornry refuserl to file charges ag:iinst Houp bc...·ause of insufficient evidcnt'c. Donaldson said there w:is insuni1 i 11nt proof of iloup·s intoxication 11nd also evidence that the girl "'as ~tnv·k 11hile she \\·as ridinf? fivP fret froin !hP road's edge. He said she also did nol have a headli!l"hl or rear renC<.'tor on her bicrcle. O RANGE COUNTY , CALIFOR NIA FRIDAY, AU G UST 16, !9H "' • Ill e us // ,.~, ,·.; ' ~ .ot.a!I J, ~"'•x i i& /""L ·'~tJfff JIF#_,fl r, Do1v11 by Riversi1le It seeined like a good idea at. !he tin1c. but Jeep driver John Everett, 19. San Diego (rightl. <1nd !11s bocldies. Don Newpark ~left) and Sean Elliott 1cen- tcr1, both of Garden Grove. ran into trouble early th is 1norning \\'hen t11cy tried 1u dr11l' :1 ro1111d \:111!;1 ;\nJ Hi,·er jetlit!s fron1 i\c1vporl f\t";\vh ti• 1111 111111 :,:- ton _Be.acll at lo1v tide. 'J'he vch1(']C go! .~!irt·~ J/l • \1·ct sand. '!'he pitture tell:-; 1hc 1·t'~l of thl' 't1 1r1 ---- N e'fllOI't Cou11cil to St11{l)r Tax Rate Cut Vs. P1·oj~ct~ F1n.:u1er Dirf'ctor G1.:orgl' PtJl!PnS said lo<l;1y the NC\\'port Beach Cily Council rnust decide before Sep!. 1 11·hether to cut 10 ceots off the tax ra!e or rein:.1<1!c several projects previously cul rrorn !ht· city budget. ,\n unexpectedly hi gh p rope r 1 ~· 11s~t"::sn1cnt 1n Newport Hrneh hns brought an unanticipa ied S-189.215 ln!o !ht• l'!!}"'s coffr rs. Pappas said. '!'he city council 1vi!I decide n( ns Au)!. 26 n1reting 11·hcthcr to spen<l the t•'\!ra inoncy on a reduction in the ta-.; rat<'. ur on further spending on projecl.<:. u·hich lll'\"t•r r11ade it through the original budget deliberations. The derision must be made at th(· next 01ccting since the tax rate h<Js lo be set by Sept. 1. Pappa!> said The current pro1ected t<ix raic is ~I :b) 1>er SIUO assessed \aluauon The Oll'lll'f <1f a l1•1u ~,, l\tlh ;u1 as:....•ssc.d 1·:1lu:J1io11 of S:2:i,OOO would ::;;11·c ~25 in UJ'\CS lf the 10-cent redu1.:tion is put irllv effect. If the c·iiy 1.:ouncilnH'n (]erldc lu eh;1nn1·I lhc extra 11111ney i1110 othe/' pro 1tTt~. !h(•y h;1 vr nine 0µ11on~ !o thoo.~c rron1. ;.1-. prtst•11led t11 thern 1h1s 11et·h hy l'1\,\' il1<1llagl.'r Hobert \\"ynn. Sorn<' !'! u g !! I's I e d n.•1ns1a!ernen!s 1nch1dc : -$130.000 for the annual street and al- ley 111aintrnance progTam. ·.j().000 fo r !ht contingency rcser\e. -~50.00(/ to e~ta blish n legat account for pending airport htig<ition . .Other :1ppro1>ni'ltions eould IX-for th1• puhl1r 11ork' 11t·partn1cnt. po Ii ct' <trparr1111•11t. !1brar. drpar!n1Pnt, p:1rk.<:. IJ••;11·!1t'" :111rl rtlTr;1111111 C'1Jf!Y>!":'!t1"11 yard ;1111! pnl1t•1· drpar11nr111 p1 :-t11I r:111g1· Cc1.spers S 1iccesso1· Bill Facin g Vot e itL Se ri<t te S!atr Assrmblvm:in .John \', Rriggs (fi -Fullcrton l said tod ;iv that he hns !!:trnercd DrmotT.1 t1c stlppor! !hat 11·iH assure pa ssage of a bill ealhng: for Rn election to choose a succe~<:or tu 1nissing Orange COunty Fifth District Sueprl'isor Honnld \\·. Caspers. The bill cC!lhni,: for the clcclion cleared lhf' Senate Elf'rl ions <ind Hrapportioi1n1cnr Con1n1illec Thursdny and face s a Senate floor Test. Briggs said th;it if lhc Srnatc pn sscs 1hc bill , ii 11·ould mo1·e 1o 1he f 1 our of lhe As~1'n1bl\ '.\!nnd.:i.1· or Tut'sd;n· I hal't' 1:1lkl'<l "1th Dcrnocra!ic Ooor lf':ulcrs ;ind !hr.v hrr1·e !old 1nP lha1 good !'.{Ol't'rnn11'nt dic1:11cs an f'lrc l1011 111 fill thr 1·;1r<lney," Briggs said Jus1 l;i<:t 11e1·k J>cn1oerat s in th e Heapporllo111nt'111 Con11n1t1cr kill!'d an earlier Bl'i~c:s bill calling for ,in eit't:lion tu fill th1• 111<";u1ey. "I prl'dit'! ii \111! p;1ss the Ass(•n1bt.v (Sec VOTE. Pa.t::e :?I /J opeil 1-lara.~.~e d T <>1 l s 11 i111 , A.Y('/'S Co1tspira cy Triul 1 J IS :\ .\i(: f·: J. ES-;'llurd1•r c ·n11sp1 r;1('y (Od: l1•1'd.1111 ll:111 1\\'1·r~ I' 'I I 1I 1• rf 1 hu1·sd;1y 111:11 lit· :q·1\1';il1·rl 11 111 I 1:1 over h:ir;1."sn1en!. hy ChiC<1gu 11u1111d<1ct11r- 1ng 1n111ti111illion;urt• S11n111!'I .J .l'upl·1I, the n1a11 /1e is ;u:cusrd of plo!li rig tn kill. The disclo~11re ean1i: in 1hr· f1n;d :110- n1ents of Thursday's lcn~thv tr~1i :11011v f!uring cross-cxnn1i11nt1on h\' lJ1•1u11:.' lJislrict Attorn{'_\' l'l'IL'r Hreg•1l;ll) 1\vcrs. 37. a n1achi11ist ;1nd sl11>et 111i ·1:il 1ror.krr of 2237 S. Shelton SL. San!.1 \na. and I\·lrs. Eloise Popt.•11. 4!1. f1>t·111t·rl_1' of 519 llarbor Island Dri\'r. Nr111J<.1r: lleach. 1rill ret urn to Superior Court hl·rc. ~lnn­ dav for lhe start of U1cir fourth \\"erk or tnal. 1 hi·~ h;i1·(' pl,·;11!1-d 1111101·,·1·1 tn c•h:1",.:1·• of ron,piral'\ Hild ~olii 1t:,1 ,111 to ('<011111111 rn111df'1' 1111h h1·r 11p,1lll11 ··~t1-;n1~··d l1u-.h.111ci .1 ~ the !<1rgt·t of 1!11· ,\II• C•d plot ]'111>1·11 fil l, llli1l,l[1•d ii I I II I' I I' pnx.·1·1·cl11lg~ <1).!illll<;t 111 ~ ,i I 1 I' ;1 !'I I I r 1pun1~1·r 111fr flf :.!ii .1•':11 ' l.1'1 :-.u 111111• r ;:,,1·r!1ng ;111 ;1d11 llt1·ri11' 11'L1111)11-..h1p \111!1 \11·1·~. 11ho h;1d l1(·t·nn11· 1hi· H.111:11111c 111.•ll Ill ho•r 1111• 1.11\• th1• )1111\IPll.· \Pill HI 11dd111i: h111 1~t·ll' ol :\1 1-., l'•qM·1 I \1lio1 h:i<I 111 .. d In d11 ·11r(·1· h11n 1111~11<'! ,.,,,f11lh \St•t' l'l)P t;Jr., l':i:::t! ·~I (oa:s l Ue yt:loper Cha rgc:s Cop ying Of F irn1 St't're l ~ • A publi c hearing on tJ1e proposed no ise element of 1he Nt>1rpor1 B('ach gene ral plan was cont"inucd until a special plann ing com1n ission n1ceting Aug. 29. According to state la111 the ci1y council must adopt the noise elc1nent by Sept. 20. Fa!r Board Seeks Racing 1\ :\'r111X\r! nearh rt r 1· r 1np111 l' n l 1•0111pany {'h argrd 1'hursda,\' !h,11 it.; !lit: ('any1111 horn1·s .1rt• being u11l:111·1ully dup!icatrd 1n l'al'thc f'<.1li~:1d1·" and n::i 111i'd ·• a forn1i>r 1·0111p;1ny f'\'l'('llt 11 f' ,1n10ng drfcndnn1s v.ho arc lx:ing sued for $6 .J5(1,ooo Nn1nefl <11110ng lht' d1~r1'1ul.1 11ts In !ht• Orange Cot1n!y Sup1.1rior l'our! law:;ui1 filf'd bi• Ren f)eanl' and l"11n1p:111.v 1.<: Ex-Charnber Cliief Stricke11 Retired Ne\vport l l n r b or Chamber of Co1111nercc n1anager Jack Bnmetl. 6-t. was reported in fai r :ind stable condition at Hoag !\lemoria\ Hospitnl in Newport Beach today following an apparent heart attack'. Barnett. v.•ho retired from lhc chamber last mont h aflcr 19 years :is manager, \.\1as admilled to the hospilol <1hout noon Thursday and 1>la('Cd in a suhinlrn~ll·c rnre unit . Hr \\'<IS undergo\~ cliagnos!lc trs!s toda y !'Ind <.1ppe:irrd In he in Rood spirlts, a h o s pi I a 1 spokcsm:in s:1id. Accnrd111i.: 1o frirnrl s, Onrnctt had 1us1 rl'!lJ rn\'d fron1 a thrt·(' \\'('t'k ~allon 111 ll;iw:iu Would S7Jo11sor 14 Da y.'i at Lo.'i 1lla1uitos By FRt-:OERtCI\ scnoE~l E llt Orange County Fair directors 1·01rd Thursday night to apply to the Californi<l 1-lorse Racing Board for a license lo sponsor 1-1 days of racing each year at Los Alamitos Race Course Directors took lhc action 11 f t e r reviewing figures rrom racctrnck 011'ners that shov.·cd the fai r could cam between $114.000 and $242.000 annually from horse racing to fund new construction al the Costa ~fesn fairi;trounds. At the ~1me lim~. dirtX'!or~ 11·r rc 1\·nrnf'd !hat 1hcy·11 he scrkin~ lht' licrnsl' fro1n 1ht~ powerful horse rrici11g ho;1rcl on :1 long shoL :\!rs. Mndinc Cnrpentrr, 11·ifc nf s1nt<' &-n . Ocnnis Ca rpcn!cr ( H-Ncwporl flt•ach l. lold dirrc1nrs -t.hnt. prt•ssu rc 11·111 be appli(.d on 1hr 1hrer-n1<1n ra ci ng bonrd 10 ke11p thoroughbred racing out of • Orange County. Los Alamilos 1101v has only qu<1rler horse And harness r.1ccs. Opposil.ion, f\Irs. Carpenter said. 11·ill co1ne from 011rners -0f Bav ~-l eado"·s. a large track in norlherri Califomia. and Hollywood Park in Los Angeles Both hold thoroughbred rnces. ~fer comments .... ·ere seconded by F'renk Vessels Jr., O"''TK'r of Los Ala mitoo, 11·ho has tried "'nsucces.i:;fullv over the year s lo bring thoroughbred racing to the track. The rcsolulion adoptcrl hy the fnir board rcquesl.c; liCl'nsing for 14 days of rnclru: ;it Los A lan1ito~ in conjun ction \l'lth a "st•asona! fair" 11·hi~·h 111i1-1ht Inc lude inclu~triA I exhibits or a rnnbll c hnnlr or hont shn"·. • .... 1'hf' St':J SOrlill fnir \l'OUld h<· hr ld Ill a<li11t'1nn 10 lhc ri'gul:i r ()r:i11gf Cn11111y f<lir at 1hc fairground s In July !)1r1·1"!11r Hohcr1 Krout>. 11·hi'I brought the hor~c racing rt:c1uPst to the board, S.:lld lhc f:iir 1nusl find rlCll' sources to keep up 1\·ith rhe "d~ narni c ;u1d progr<•SSiVI''. development of Orange ('nunt~·. He inclira!rd 1noncy raisl·d thron1gh horse rncing woolcl be uSt!d to pny off o n1ulli -n1illion cioltar loan for con- struct ion of ne1v bu ildi ngs at the fa ir- grounds ~l :iny of the bulldii.r,.s date back lo thr 1940s. l~igurrs frvn1 th,.. lrat•k 0\1'nrrs sh<n\rtl that 1r $ir,O.f.M~~ 111 br ts 11crr pl:i«rd thu·ing thr l •l -tl~1y l)(_'t ind !he f;nr \.\Ollld rcrt•l\'f' ii rc1rn11r· ()f SI 14.!HHl If !!150.000 11•rrr bi•t. thr f:nr 1\·011 ld rt'l"l'll'<' ~2 12,IMHI, :1('('1)nl1u~ In 111r f1r.u1·r•. A day·<: g:11t• \\'l•11ld inelu~I·· 111n q11:1r t1·r horse r:ic1•~. one :1pp;1loo~;1 l'<I('•' ;111d ISt r nA C:INC., f>i:H!C ~I F 'J'hci°111as {;on1nl\''· uutil l"'i'l't~ti\ a 1·ir·c· prcsidenl 11 irh lh1' nt•ant' 1·nl1 rpri,~· Olhl'r dcft'n d:u1ts n:1nH'ri 111 ;i .;;u(t th;it 1·ltr1rgl's !ht'ft of tr:11ll· St'(Tt'tl< and \·iolation of top~T1ght ar,· (:11u11<: F::nginf't'ring, .Jor de ('ostl'r :ind !ht• ·· \" Drafting Seri tc-e TI1c Ocnnc· ln11 suit s!nt~'.<: th;J1 :Jll 1h1· de fendnnt~ \vtre invoh·rd £ro111 .t11ly l 'i 1 lo l.ktobcr 1972 1n the C'onSii't('ftt111 111 the Big C;inyon df'\'i'lop1nr11t And they <Lii. th(' 111·1ion nult'S. h:ul ncccss to plf1ns conr::iin1n_g cft·s1gns nf five coPJrig-htcd ho1nrs built in the H1 i; ('.1nyon SC'Clor. The la11.•suit stales rh.11 thnst' dr<:i~ns­ h.al'e bt•cn n1Jdr il\1:11!.1hl<' !P the Youn~hain l'o11"tr11cnon C"orn11:1n1• 11h1t·h is 1·urf('11 !l.1· hu!ld111t! ~.i Il l~ l":11111111 11 p·· honl('S In !he "Oer:1ns l':ili ~:i(lc"' dt'l!'lt1p111!11l( i11 )':H.:lfl(' )';1!1~n<l1·<; I h«Ul<' lil\\'\'rr<: .11"4• rl11111~11dln~ .11\ 111.111nr11nn :1i,:;i1nst lhr d1 ·1l•111L111t~ ;111d 111t' 1lt'str1!1"!1t~1 of :111v 1)l:in~ ,·unlai11111~: rl:i1a tfl('llllt'.il In 111.11 ll..,,.d Ill till' Iii~~ t':1n1"nn dt'vt·lop1111·n1 • 'l'oda ~··s l·'lnul • N TEN CENTS ea P oli (_·t~ See l( f;1 oc ca ~c B~· KA'l"ll Y CLA ,\"C'Y 01 !~t O•il1 l"llol $!aft Fui:ntain \';1lle~· Polirr ,1r1' prr<:~i11g 11111rft1•r rh:1rgt'S agai11s1 ;1 1 :~1rd1'n Grol'r 111;111 l11r 1h1· ;1J!t'J.:1•d slayini.: 11£ In s un(>vrn ,, •11 l'u!11·t• :0::11d !hi' ullf')::ed 1n urdrr p1·,·11 nl'd .111!1· Ill 11·hrn Lo renlo \'iltarc::il I•,• l.:1 1(0..,,1: 2:1. µunchc<l his l'.Slr;1nged 1·nin111011 1:111· 111(e in thf' s!o1nach as t!I!· ('OUpll· ;1rgued ill the Fountain Valley hon1e Of her p;iren ts Cunsuclo Bt•rber, ~O. then ·gave birth ro a stillborn son July 22. police snid, ;u1d ;1 po~l-11u1r1em rxarnination by lhe 1)r:ingv l'ot111I\' C'oron1•r·s Office :..ho11'Pd !h1• 111t;1nl d11·(·! tlf :1 ht•ad injur.1·. Ot• La Ho~a 11·:i.s arrrsicd Tuesdav IJ1 Fnt111t;i111 \'alley poltt:l' lie wa·,,. ,,,·ht•1!11lt>d fnr .1rr::iignn11•111 on the niu rdPr 1·hnn.:1• hKl:1y in \\lf's1 Orangr (.'ounly .l11d1(1:il IJ1strit·t C'our1 IJ,.lt't·1111· \l;1rty l·:rn:q111~1 ,:1i<I \I.~ H1'rbt·1· IJ;uJ IX't'll sep:1r:t11•d fron1 l)c 1.:1 ll11:.:1 ;uul 1r11s s1;1,1·111g 111th hrr p.11·1·111~ .il 1n:l6'.l \\'ar11er ,\\1' :'he l1;1rl h1·cn ret"l'il 111g prt•-11at;1J t'arr troin ;1 local ph~.sici;_u1. Engc11usl .s:i.1cl. .ind h.1d h(·1·n !Old 1hl' child Sl't·n1Pd !11•:11thy .ind 11·011ld be born <1bout July ,., '\tt1-r sll•· ;illeg1•dlv 11as ~truck bv I h· L,1 lto~:1. pol1et· · s;iul. sl\C' bccam~· ill I po11 t·\;11111na1io11 hy lh(' dt.'lC\or , ,,!11· 11.1 ~ tuhl 1herc 111:i.s no longt>r ;i f£·t:1\ hcartl)l•at, <ind the baby was born c\t·:id J uly 22 . .. I 'olice .sa id 1111• coroner'.<: office "·as 11011f1vd of th1· l'ase bv 1-.lrs. Berber's \\('/f,irt• t'<l.'>t' 11·0rker. and the coroner 11ntd11•il Fo1111!a lu V;1/lcy polict•. t)r~u1gl' ('ounly f)..:puly O istrict .\1ton1<·y <:nry Hya n sriid !he n1urdcr l'l1:-1ra~·s 11rrt• filed u111J1·r 11 rrce111 :id1Jit1011 lo lllt' st;.1l1' pe11nl Code. whi ch p1·nn1!:-l'h<1r~es !o be f1lt"1l in l'(Hllll'<:lio11 \\ 11h the d('<lth of unborn children as l\1•1! .'ls living person.<:. H.1::111 ~.url th(' ehild "'"<Hild ha\'e hct·11 ;1h!11 to l11t' i)ll!sidr tire 111othcr's won1h Thl' 111•11 penal Sl'ct1on 11·as added i11 1!17(1 ;1f!er a 5-2 Suprrn1e Co•irl rlel'1.,1011 frt·1·cl a Northt•ni Cahf1irnia rnan lro111 pro-.L'<'Ulion in connection "''i lh ,1 :-.nnilar d••ath In that e;1,L', Keeler \'S Superior (.Our!, tht• c!t·fl.'nclant had lx·en l'hnrgl'd \11th rnurdi·r f•11· allci;i:cdl.v k1ck1ni.: h 1 s prt>gn;:uH 11ifr A fc1\' days la1t•r. H~·:111 ~:11cl. sht· g;11e birth to a dl'ad infant 1111h a skull f1-.1nure. 1\t11·r th£" <·011r!'s dt'f"ision , Hv:111 said. 1h1 l .t·11.1~!;11 u1·{' ;unt·ndl'fl 1111• i;i11·. Th is I.' lht• f1rs1 1·:1-.1• "IH"t' 111 llr;i11ge {\;un1v !1r ~1dtl1,,!. <ind 011•· of 011l r u fe.11· 11!1011).!ho)l!I 1h1· s1;111• ll•· l.;1 1{0;;;1, 11l1u :d"1J 1111-; hr<'n 1·h.it'J.:t'<I •11th <"ISS~Hlll \\'11h 11l!<'111 !•J !'Ornn1it gr1·:11 bodtl\• 1niurv to ~1 rs. 11,·1 bt'r. I'> /)(·1ng li1·llf in Ora;1g1• C'otmi _v .J :1il \"n h~111 h:1s l>et·n :-1 ·1 Bl"nn said 1'11e \'ot11 •lt· h;11·r 111·0 other: children 'l'ro pi «al :-i1on11 Di es '.\11 .\\!I 11 '1'1• -1\ln1a. a killer lr111•1ral stor1n on \\.ednc.sda_v. subsided 11110 1n1ld sqt1;dls Thursday, a nd h11r1 1l'<i!le 11 ;1 tchers ended thei r vigil t•,da.1. Orange Coast WealhC'r 1.:i t; nig ht anti niorning low tlo11ds I\ ith sunny af1crnoons S11 t- urd;1~·. l.111 lc· ch:ulgf' 111 ll'1npera- t11re . l!lghs in lhr low 70s at the h1."<1t"hL":s 10 811 inl and. INSIDE 1'0D..\ \' '/'l1r J(ol/Cf l .'l/jri•scu . /)(lµt'(ll lt r11/1111r1'1'r l-.1"1·/1111 fil'y11vl<I.~ ()11!/ 11"ondi·11rr1·r J\fuyru.~ Al11•l - tl•r1·~· r1,,p1·c·r ... of 1111' l.O!JIO/CI /.'c-;111·•1/ ••( \rl.~ •1111/ 1'or1i>i111/ of /lie 1\/11.~1t·J·~ -11r1· pr11b1•rl tiy ·"'"'' \\)//Cr Jat'h ('l1U/l/'Cll. Oi1 1'11111· I o/ t11(/u1(.~ ~rt•ckc111/rr. .. <M Suv1ct .. ""'Ylf\ '" la•l•<1• .. M~lutl '·u<1<t• " L ti': loyd " N,llol)O'll \ Naw• .. C. olo• "'" ., O••"•• C1vn1, '" c '•"'"'" 01 It ""Pit ... {oMo<• " J;te•liv••"'" , .. C•on,.o<ll " 1-vl"'~ ""''~· .. 0••·~ Nouc~1 .. Sa"'I~ , .. , Ed,to.,•I "·~· .. Stoc~ M1r-t!I I I·! ....... "~~ 8J·l l ~ ......... '" "' '"' l'l•tero .. T~••'-" '" 1<r·~.co~t " w ·~·~•· .. ·'"" l~"~'" " .,.,ot!d No'"" .. ,.,.. •!>«• .. w., •• ,,,,~, Cl•IG M O"rY '~· " l • • ., . - - " ' r w1.-,~ ~ @J:, i'l A.1-.- ' y . Keepi119 Cool - It may not be a specta cular \\.'ave, n1uch like the next one that wHI roll in. The girl, too. may be no more eye-catc hing than hundreds of ot her bikini clad women jun1ping in and out of the su rf or stretch· ing their tans on t he sands al ong !he Orange Coast. But somehow. the co1nbined effect and Jines of wave. back and bosom make it dif· ficu!t to stay blase. 'You sorta want her to turn around. Fr-om Page I POPEIL TE STIJ\'IO NY • • • sinec 1965 ac-cordim:' to lestin1ony -he could ha\'e cut h<>r off fron1 a suhstan- lial share of his $!! million for!unc. fiy Pop<>il·;; cle;t!h prior lo ~'Omple!ion of !he divor('e, the pr~ecution maint.'lill". ~!rs . Po)X'il 11·ould ha\·(' inl•'ri!f'C.! ~3 million automa11cnlly. plu.o; 11·hat£'ver el~e she could succrssfull~· claim from lhr Popeil Bros. Inc , a kitchen gadget firn1 Yl·orth $12.5 million. Testimony in .Judgr r-.tark Brandll'r·s courtroo1n included allusions to se-.: threats of \'iolen('(". vc~gefu\ chic:mt"r)' and assorted intri~es. A\·ers testified tha1 _:He Jl<'\"C'r li\'ed \.\ itli ,\fr.;. Pop!"il. although he did stay O\"rnught v.iit1 hrr on occasion. -Her husbilnd pC'rson;i!ly thrC':llMlC'd to have hin1 killed. -11irffi rhugs n1ay h;.i\'l' allenip1ctl to ambush hitn in ,\lrs. J-'op<>il 's 11·hl!c J agua r con\·crtib!c on one occasion. \\'h(·n he had Jent it lo :i fliend v:h ile he borrov.·ed the orhrr n111n·s track -\'C\'Cr at n111· tin1e 111I C'nclrd h;1rrn to Popeit or scriouslr ne~fJ1iatM 11'\lh prosecution v:iUlt'S~l·.'< flolx>rt Peeler nnd Don Reed to carry out the r, ad gel tycoon 's n1urdt-r . ---{;on1plained to thr FBI in Long Beach about Popc11's a 1 I e g e d harr<is.<;mc.nt 1ac1ies. 11·hich incl uded harassment tactics. \l"hich i n c I u de d Ayrrs' employn11.•nt record in his 2~!h floor ChiC<l!?O JX>n!housr 'Ilie cnigmaliC' mul11rn11l1ona1rl' 1~ not expected lo aprx•ar flt !hr !r1 i1! of hi~ l-lifr and h~r l)(l~·frir>nd ;ind ha~ been reprcsf'ntcd only IJ~· th., proSN'ut 1011 and '"'O wit ncs._<;es fron1 Chit:a.t:o "ho d1~­ cussed his finnnc1al status. 1\ver,;; 1rst1fu'd \\"t"<ln1·'-(!av 111:11 Jt 11 ;1~ Her(I ;ind l'1·1·l1·1· \1 l1fl 1n1!1<tl~·d ;1n ;illeg1·r1 niurdcr plo1 a~n1ns l f'tiJ'lt ·il 111 11 !111:11 1he~· iPd he \.\'Oll!d i·xtrac-1 great prt•flt •·A Three-"·ay split?" asked Dcfen<;f ;\tl.omcy nr1l)t•rt 1;rl't'll. (i}-('01,l!l:-.l'l lor :\\rs. Popl'il , <lurin g cross-rxatnin:qinn ··A thre€'-l'>"HY spl11:· eonf1rmN! Ayt•r'.". lie' h.1.s tc st1fi1'd ht' v.;1.~ only str1n~111g Reed and Peeler a!on,t: in a bi7.arrc attempt to cri1>11!e tht>ir co11sp1raL) and expose them to high authoriti rs. ~\ycrs charijCtl 1h;1l Ht'-·d and i'i:'t'l~·r \1•anted hitn !o t..1ke fl.frs. Pnpcil 10 OIAMGf COA5T N DAILY PILOT 1 ... 0.."'Jll <"~"n.'''". ~" ....... ~ ........ '--M '"• .. ~ ... r .... """'' ,.,., '. "·· . ··~ "" c,.•p.,~••'""O'"""""•• ...,,,,, .•• , .. ,.,. r ,~,,., •. , ,,.,~.," ' "• < ' """'"' '·•#<>""' Ek'"<" ' '"'1""' "' • • • '""~•'l•I l•~uo•llo-'" '"" • ""'' • : •" ''"'"'""'••1'•o Jo••" r .• ~"'·•· '"'l' ··• r~ ··~" ,, 1><ot>••h"1 ~,..,, ·1 , "~' '"•·~''• ~··~~r<·• •ir·<>' ". :., .. s.1 $11..,, Cool•~~.,. 1;.. ••• , 9, ~.·•, ~· \ ...... ,\,. • .! ,. .... ~ . .,, .... ...,, '" .... h ~' ·~ • ., "'"'• p,• '~n• """'-'•-•• '''"~·· 1iv,.....,,11 l.•,r~.,.. "'•~'Ola •"' Chor!e .H. l'X' P '7.Jf 'i;, ... , • .., ....... .-..g.n; l~-· Me w,.,. k«;ll Offit r l, N'"'~t 'f\ •• ,.,,.., ,A,j j.,.\ p 'n , I• ;,71,_, OtlMr Office1 r.,1••M•w J:1<:,.1,., ··~·'"•ii••"~.. • ••..• ......... ,,,,"'' s .... 11~. l'I•• • I< •" • ' '-••' iom•"'' ''''' t1 ,- r .. ~,11-111 41 •4l-4 1 2 1 ci.11ifl•d Ad•t'rtitiftt •42·S•71 e-·.~·· "'' o •. .,. .. "' ''·•' ·"• ~ ,,.... N~• '')no~ .,...,, .. ' • ., " • ' ,. ,., .• _ OI *"''"'''"'""' •-•• ••• t• ''"'n" ,-,,. •""<ow'of'O' •Ol .. •'"U "P•' ~·· •'• "''<><"" .. ,...., ...... , ... '""''I'• ..... ' •• ""b•.<C' ,, t, .. ,. IJ '•l'"'""'. (, .•• 14 0(, ... .,,~,, ... 1.,., ..... , • .,.,,,,...,JL.'O..,.,,,,,. ' H rnotel rooin \.\'here !hey could be st'rTetlr photogrnphed <1nd !he picture<. sold to Popcil for use ngainst her in thi•i r divorc" proc('('ftings. Ayers tcSlified he turned thcrn do~'Tl . l)(lKJty Dtstra.'l Atton1cy Brcbtrnan 11sked 11·hy. •·1 oouldn 't gel ~!rs. Popcil to con1e In a motel." Ayers test1f1ed 1n hL~ (;•'Orgia dra11l. .. If I 001Jld11 ·1 f!CI hf'r to :t motel . hr)1\· could I gl'l hc>r in bed~" Ayers r1•plied \1 h<'n ;is.~ed if he y,·antl"d to arrangr the assignation. 1\ spokC'Sman for !ht> FB! offiee 1n Lo11g Beach #:lid tod a~· he oou!d not 1:011f1nn or drny l\'ht!hcr :\yers c:illrd last sum1ner re,gardi nu; c o m p I a i n t s :1g.'.linst PopPi l rind hi s prtl':Ht' eyes, ",\1any people make n1any calls fnr \'<tried reasons." he setid, <tdding that 1n such a ca~r as 1he Popt·il -A.\"C rs ln1·e tri<ingl<' episOOc . fl cellt'r 11oulcl be ad\ised to contact some other a~ency rnore properly suited to handle it P a ir l<'a ce Court 111 88,300 Theft 1\ t Linda Isle 1\ prc!irnin:irv hearing has bc<i1 S{'I for 1'hursd:i~· for t~·o yow1g men charp:1'Ci 1,1.i!h the 1hef! (Jf Sll .3((1 in c.1sh fron1 ;1 r ,1nd;1 1 ~1~· ho111e last 1non1h f:rr;1lrt 11)(lmll." Cihl>s. lB. of Nc ,..·pon fl,p;H·h, ;ind [)cnnj~ Denn Collins. 20 Of 1\11 :1ht>irn. havr l~ith hr ('n rrlra.'<e<t rw1 ~2.100 b;1il They arr ch.1rgcd V•i1h ~t1~p!('tn11 of .irf<ind th<'ft. JXlli<'e report TI1t· 1111'n 11't'rl' ~tayini:: as house guc<;I<; al th<' honit' nf .J11mC's ~1cLnin. 52. or 75 Linda lsk>. \\"hen !he theft OCT"Urred r11·Cflrd1ng !() polirt'. 11le i\tcLain fanli ly w;1s on a thrN"-W('('k \"arar.ion to lfa ~·aii and d1.sro1·e rC'd the 1n11ncy missing v.·hen thfv returned Aug. 3 The ITl()ney 1\'as hiddfn in an altache 1-.1se in the house. accordi ng lo ?11cLn1n . II<' said lh:it only about half of the $16.000 he had placed in the case 1\·as t>lill !~re 1rhC'n hr rr!Umf'1't Police are still inl'est igating the 00;.<;sibili1 y of a th ird sus pect , Del. ~1 ike !lietala.~. 'Blinclell' Driver Faces Court Date A11..Al\'TA fl,'PI I -Ar!hu r Glick, known as "7.ork01 !he i\1ei:icinn." taped !Wn silver dol!ars o\·er his r>y~~. "·rapped a black blindfold Ol'Cr hi" hend, got into a rar and stnrtcd driving through 10\\'n to sho\v off his · ' 11 n usu a I perception·' and plug a charil y show tor the Blindness Preven tion Soc!<'ly . Atlanta Constitution n e "' s m a n F'rf'derit·k Allen. ~·ho accompanit'd hin1 Thursday, said Zorka v.·as doinl( all right 111 heavy traffic al 441 n1iles an hour until police arrested him on a reckless drh inJ? charge. Zor ka . free on Sl .000 OO!Jd . .said he 1~·ould base his dtrense in .fraffi c court Sepl J on his claim that "my preceplion 001\·cr!I a re unusu1d." ll croin .\rldic t ]Ji es ,, S,\:\' Ll ·1s OBISPO 1IlPI 1 -Bill R:1y S1 rvtn~. 29. BHvv.·O(l(J PHrk, ~'HS foun;I dr.1rl 111 llW' \',ir·;ont hotnc or 11 fri end Thur:;d:"l~ <Jpp:ireu11)~ the 1·ic·tun or A h1~n1111 nvf'r<!Oo;f' Newport Eyes Hoa g Pa1·kin g Lot t\r1\110rt neach C'ily offil'!:1ls are <'onsidL•nng lc<1 slng lhf' p,1rkin~ !ot al l!oag-llospil:il to help ease lT arnped l'arking cond11lon.<: in the city. Jn conju11rtion Y."tlh the city's proposed takeov er of the lot. shop own ers alon~ \'la Lido are considering running a !ram fro111 the pa rking lot !o their ~hopping strip. one of !ht> most cro~·dcd parking: ar,.as in 1-.;1•11·110rt Brach Cou neLlnien di:-C'llSs1-d the propositifln 1luri n ~ a _..tud1· "''s~1n11 earher rh1_.. \\t'f'k. and "111 make..-a final deC11'1on at th1'1r Aug. 26 meeting . ·rhr p:irking lot is turrcntl y lf'a<;td frorn the st;ite by the ho.c;pit:il hut v.·h.:>n the hospital's O\\'!l. pe~anent lo! is roni pletcd at the end of this month. the lot .,.,.ill return to state. The proposal the council is considering is to lease the land fron1 the st a t e at $280 per nionlh, on a month-to-n1onth con!ra('I. \'!The lot is 5.6 a<'res with 423 parkini::: Sflices. according to City l\fanage r Robert \\'ynn. One of the problems v;ith the lot is that it is in a ra!hcr isolated area find n1ight pro\'e inconvenient. \\"yn n e.t plained. This problen1 .,.,·ould be so ! \' e d , ho\\·ever. if tram service was begun by the Via Lido Shops , at the entrance to Lido Isle. he added. Don Koll . one of the largtst shop o w n e r s on \'ia Lldo, has m ade a verbal agreement Ylith the city to begin the tram service if the parking lot is leased. \lt\'Tln said that before the nex.t council mee.ting he v.111 attempt to gel a firm. written agreement from Koll. who is speaking for the Li.do Shops Association. .,.,·hich represenls most of the shop owners on the street. V.'ynn said that the Via Lido :i;hop 01vners nre desperately in need or parking for both thelr crnployes and ~for patrons of their ~tores. If the council decides to lease the parking Jot. It ~·ill then have to dete rmine .,.,·hether to have lighting :n night. an attendant and \\'hether to charge a parking fee. \\"~nn said the ne\v lot rould be ready for operation so1netnne in Septeinber. From Page Al RACI NG ... nine thoroughbred race!!. Krone said. The fair could collect additional rr\·enue from parking, food and liquor concessions. he ~aid. \!rs. r<trprnter urgC'd !he board to begin v.·ork imn1ed intely !>C'eking support for rhe r:tcing bid froin the Or;inge C'oun!y Board Of Supervisors, League uf C;ilifnmia Citirs and o ! her go\·ernmPntal bodies in Orange County "You have a very. \'ery difficult job ;ihr;id of \·011." she said. '"\'nu n1l1st ha\'e couniywide support so the horse racing ho:1rd is not so cnn\·inccd by &y l\leado>\S and flol lY"'ood Park." Asked b~-Director Frank Turnbull if her senator hu<.band would support the racin E· bid, ~lrs. Carpenter said. "l)enny represent s this area _ . . l"in su re he'd be for it if the .,.,hole county benefits.·• She predicted th at at lettst t~·o of !he th~ raring board members prob- ably are already against appro\ ing the lJC£'1lSC. The third men1bcr . John \'. ;\eunian. ;:111 (Jr:in~·· f'-01111ty n;ilnt and t·h:11nn:111 of th(' Irvine Company Board of fl1rC's ifS, might favor the app!it':tti on, shr " Thl' nrd .1J1J'l1l!HC'd d1rf'rtnrs l\rn11r, \\"nrrcn Finley and t\rthur ,\lcKe1111r 10 :i rn1nn1n1ce to "'flrk out rlPt.111~ of the application to the racing board. F ro111. J•nge ;\I CYPRUS ... Crprus to ren1aln an independent st;ite," Ecevit said. "Turkey bclie1·es there should be ty,·o a u Ion om o us adm inistra!ions tGrcek Cypriot :1nd ·rurldsh Cypriot ) on the island under a fed eral go\•emmtnl.'' Turk ish Cypriot leader Rquf Denktash said the 00-hour renev•al of fighting mean! th.1t "a fede ral slate h.:is been established on Cyprus. Its boundaries ore n1arked by the Turkish Arn1 y." Greece opposed federation but an angry Premier Constantine Karamanli.c; adrniued Thursday that Greece was powerless to s top Turkey's n1ilitary expansion 0t1 the island. ,\ govcn1mcnt spokcsinan In Athens s.-iid Karamanlis rejecte an inviLation by Sf'cretary of State Henry A. Ki~singer !o fly to \l.'<tshingloo for talks "·itl1 )">resident Ford . Dipknnatic reports from London said there was no rush to reconvene the r.eoeva peace talks that could at best only oonfirm tbe Turkish military \'ictory. From Page Al VOTE . •• in an aln1ost unanimous \'Ole," Briggs said . Brigg~ !\.'lid !hat once on the Assembly no0r. thr l>rn1ocrat .o1 could try to send the blll to romn1illte once again. "But l do11 "( th ink th~,~· wBI " If the bill dOf'!~ clear the: A.•~e1nhly. it Yl'ill go i!nrnedi11tly to (K!v. Jton· :1 ld Hengan. !·le musl s ig n the bill by Aug :10 tr rhe cl('('tl(Jn n1i':lsun· i~ !o appear 011 lhc Nol'e111ber b:'.lllO! • .. - < ., ' ·-~ ... .-"'-" ''· Bny Cle11111111 OC Roofc1·s Joi11 St1·ili c Fo1· Raises Orange C'o11nty roofers wal ked (Jff thr1r j()bs 'J'hursdny. jCl111u1g llx·a!s 111 Lon g Uc:1t•h :ind Los Angt li's in a s4·ikr fur liighcr 11·agt·s and fringe l:>cnef1!11 . Hoofcrs Local 220 St·tTetary Ge<>rgl' i\pv.·ma n said the w1ion hnd lx•t•n !urned down 011 its initial $2.3>-an-hour int:rl'il ~ rcc1ues t The s!rikt•. l'\t•11 rll:in s:iid 1n1·1))1 r·~ about ~50 rfi..•f•'rs 111 th1· tJr.111g<• t'•11111 11 toc<il .1n1l 1,400 111 lht' 1hrt•e lo<"ilf, 11110111•d 1\ ft•<lt•r:il n1f'd 1:t tor. Crorgc l)nnt:in. hit'\ llt'r n 11nrk1nc; 11 11h Hn"' union :ind 1110 1nanagcn11:nt gr11up:;. !hi' 1loCJf1ng C'ontr:ictors Associa11011 of Southcn1 C;11ifon1ia aud thP 11ran~r. Counrv H1•1f111g Contrarlors' 1\.~"lf'1al1011. · P1ck1·1s. 1\t'11·1nan s:1icl. ha\"C bct-11 stnt only 111 Joh<! 1vhcrt.' v.·ork is conllnuing 11 i1hutH w1ion sanction. A ft' 1v eof!1r;1rlors, Ill' ":1id. h~1v1• sig'nf•rl i111 eri111 :1'-i1'1't'illt•nls !1) p:1y union dc11H.111ds and ki·1•p worh l!"lllg unt il a 11c1v eontr:11;l is signed. In addi110n In 1\·ages :ind fringe l.ll:nt>fils. l\'r"·n1;i11 snid. !H'gotiations arc l11 1n,i: up on the le11;;1h of lh1· t llnt··act. 1·1i~ union. !1(• .~:1id, 11·.1n t." ;i t 1\o.r~t·ar <l!!l'~n1ent <ind Ifie co111r:11·1ors \\'.'.l ilt :i thr1't•-year p.1ct. r\egor1ations ;1rl' sci w rcsu1ne Aleen Zi1nberoff. Curtis J>a r\'111 :ind Leone Sanborn ifron1 leftl and o~her Corona del t-.l ;ir lligh ·~choo l s!ud en l.:-. carry off n1;irket ~hop· ping cart they found Thursday during hi_g h ~r llool Key C'lub·~ clean- up effort alo ng: east side of Upper l'\ewport Ba~·. Studenl eco-cleanser~ also found a refrigerator, a n1attrrs~. !lre.s. ancl an elec1ric gnlf <.'art from Bi g Canyon ('ount ry Club an1ong tile larger lte111s dun1pecl in!o tJ1e bay. .\londLi\". Ne v.man s:.iid. Tht> ·union h:1'." !)('t'n 11orking 11•i!h a on<'·_I car <'tlnlra1·t fo r S7 3J an hour in 11;1i.;t•s plus fr ini;e bcncfils. Rop er Resi g n~ S('liool IJosl; }Jo,in ~ North State F11,11ds for Bec1,cli 01 tht Oallt P iiot 11111 Cities Gets P<inel Okciy ,/;irk ltn per. ~.1p1 ·rintrnd•'nt 11f !hf' lf .uH1 11h:1nn Jl,j•ac·h 1·11ion Hii.:h S('hl)()! 11 1.~t rict. annou nr t'd his resh:n:i11on todfty 1<1 t:1kt> :i s1n11l;ir post in a .'\ortht·ru t':illlonua "C'!1111il dist ra·t 1-\n i\S$t'nlbl;· bill lo pro\·id·· sra11• financial help for tities 11h1t'h opt>r:ttc fC'ginnal b<'at>he~ cleared the Sl'nil!t' 1 ~1·C'rnmcn1 Organi1a1ion ('1un1111l\cf' 1;.,1 TiiurS<la \·. TI1e bill . SJ.()llSOr ttl by A:>St'!llbl~·n1au Robert Burke {R-Huntington Beach •. 1-; srhedul ed ICJr a he<1rlng befnre 1he Sen;1!1~ Finanec ('01nm1lll'C Jl 2 pin . tll'~I Thursday. J\fatthew· 'reruker. Burk e"~ :id111 i111~­ trRli \'e aide. said Th ur ~ r! a 1· !he flnnncc co1nrni1tre 11 ill reprPscnl tl1f' bill 's ··1oughrc;! fight\"('\" l!e said so111e S('!lator~ app<1rt'n !l _v 11rren·1 "syn1rathet1c to th1• plight of our bl'achrs" and thought eities should ehargc pt"'Ople for use of thr bt'.1th. The b11! y,·ould ~et 11sidr ~.1 mi!hn:i 111 stale n1oncy to bt.• split 11n1nng \;1 r1n11~ cities and counties 1rhich operate ~aches or a regional nature. t>iot <111 coast;il C'ilirs would benefit. Th rough a con1plira1ed formula . thf' 1noncy ~·ould primarily be used b~· tit11·s 11 here the bearh upkeep is a sign1f1<'an1 ~rtion of lhct r annual budgt'T. C'it11•s along lhi' Orangr l' .. :1-.t ~1.u1d 10 gain the rn nst fro1n Bur~1· s 111.·a~ur1' Rii::: citiC's .. ~11\'ll ;1~ [;1~ All)'l"l1•\ nnd San Ole~o. n1ny not receive :111~· 111\•llt".' fr<•rn 11 hrrauS1' 1norr rrf lli•·1r t'l1r11 rf'~idents use !hei r br<it •hes. \~'t'~·uk('r urge<l lOC'a\ rcsid<'nls etnd cl!\" ,l!Ol('nlnlC'Ul'.'i: 10 l'.1mp:1ign Ill '.'i:UppoM uf AB Jf.l [ !O help II p:iss lhC finiln\t' l'Oll1n1i!\('C. 1'he l>Hl had been appro\'ed by 1he A.'-sC'nlbl~· .June 2ll 011 a 54-8 vote. 11ie beach subsidy monry \~ould come fi'On1 !he s1a1c lttlclands rcl'rnue Shared I">arking 'V in ~ <.:itY Oka y • • l!"f){'r , -1~. has been h1rCl'J on .1 fnur- ~·l·ll r rontract at $.19.000 a "ear b\' 1rus11·<'S 11f !hf' Frf'n1onl l "niOn J1 igh ~··hool ll1stn1 ·t h~;uJqu.artt'red 1 n :-i11n11.1 1·;1 l1•. fl,• h<1~ bC'"n supcrlntrnd<'nl of tht' !lu111ini.:1on l~1·n<'h l'nion Hi~h Srhont l >i.-.1 rtl"I for :ilinnst fo11 r y1·;irs, snn1c of it ma rkt-d "·iih NJntrovcrsv Y.lis ~·17 hOO a .1·rrtr rontra. t had ahOut :i;i x cnonrhs lefl liri1111r "·•id hr \1ill ~t;J\' 011 his eurrent l"h un11J. r;11'11· or niid-Ot!ohrt !o h('lfl 111" d1 sl rh·! dur111c-!hf' t r;111~itinn !o a 11"11· ."Upt·r1ntrnd1•nt an(! to 11·1)rk (or 1111' prop()~"d !i1.1. n\1•rridt'. !J,, s."!al rh1• Fr!'rnont d1">trirt OO;trd 11n 11r,•d h1111 Jn ·'<·•>111•' tl"~! v.·rek if I t"111ld But ro up and lra1·c r"nlly 11 p:1 rl.111(! a(:rr1•n1<'nt :i!ln11·ln:.! th•· 11 nu ldrl'I h"IP it •!hf' 01,..rriclr1." nropo~e<l All.3s l!olc) to share off-sire Tiit' drstrir r is 1ry1n.c: tn J;:<'! \01er 1·.1r i.. ng \1J1h n nrighboring urt 11 ,, ;1ppro~·nl ~O\'. 5 for a 13 X cnt tu~ l "nt<J11u~ 1hu 1n,.: ··~1·111n C" hour~ h:t~ h•'•"1 r:ttf' incrr;o<;,• tn fund consrrurtion of •'Pl'r111 .,1 I·~ !l•t> \l'll jll1r1 H~:;irh ll1Y 01111 n1orr high ~rhool Six s.in1ilar effoMs 1 -.11111l i1 1n the past have fail<'d. Th·• 13-~tor,· lvitrl 1s to ht> Uu1lt 11~:;1r Roper said The l'remnnt di strict "hn~ l lr;111~<' c·ounty \irp•1n :11 H1rrh Sirti:t lhe irnage of onr of !hf' fine~! f'ducationnl .111tl \fin l\;1n11<in A\t'fHJ•· programs in 1h<' slate·· and said the Th·· ai::-rt"'Cmt'n\ 1.; 111\h )\<,\[ ('<'rltcr 1110\'f is a professional ad\'ancemenl 111 11.sf• 1:111 i.f th1• nfi1c·" hu1td 111 ;:: p:1rh:11~ l!r atldE"d !h.11 he And hi~ v,jf(' have sp;tL"t.'S ;1flcr fi 11 ,11 dailv T<• 1cr ll\ed <tny pl,11~ b11t Orang~· C'ouu1y 1·111• "\t1:1 'J\h" ·~ .i.". in ;,dd1!1on rn a11d <tfC' H!lrac!M 10 1hc Northern t'1" ·117 ion·-1!1 '"h"1., "\:111·, tl'l'JU ll'"d ('a!iforn1a Cn\·ironment. :11 1he hutcl l 'a1·t.;u 1~ 1111s ;i tnnior Rop,:r·s dl'f'J '>itin ;iflcr !he fin;o! off<'r ,,h~1,1rlt' lo :q1pro1 .!] nf !he pro1rct. \Jul fr()tll Frrn111n1 1·.1rnr in 11111r.~rlav "it~ 1111 • 11.1 I'•' 1110~ 1111n n1 1.,~1ro11 11n.ilh il surprh" to ll nn Sl1f'nknu111 . prrslrlrnt :1 'rt"'<I I' 111. pl.ins 1.1h1•n !h(' cxtr:t. nr lh1' H11nri11gh •n Jlc111 h l 'llJ(lt! lh!;h nfl-s11t' s1>aces ~·ere added. :-:i·hi~•I l l1~1r1rl t)n;irrl --------- Summer Sale MARI MONT UPHOLSTERY "NEW AND EX CITIN G" SPE CIALLY PRI CED DURIN G OUR SUMMER SALE .,~:--'·'-. \i "* ~ M ' ' .. ·I J WING CHAIRS SALE 5235 ' L I • •• .~ .. ~ .... . . ' . • < : SOFAS FROM 5399 LARGE SELECTI ON NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE· DELI VERY Anot he r Ted von Hemert Exclusive DREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREDON-WOOD MARK-KARASTAN -BAKER ( WEEKDAYS & S-ATURDAYS 9:00 to 5:30 NEWPORT BE ACH • 1 727 ""1-:~1·1 ·L1rFUll , 642 ~'0.SO LAGUNA BEACH • J4;, ,'iOHTll L'OAST II \\'\'. ·I!~ 1'5~1 ' TORRANCE • 2~!) llA\1.'l'fl ()H ,\"J>: Iii.Vil t<)111•n Fn td !/, Suu 12 a :wn Jiti 12;•1 ) I Pt T T I.OS \'t'rTl(l l~:l'Oll Cllfr)r 1'1•:111 By ' 1'hu ~ affill 7 ' h ,, ,, .• 'l " " ' I~ 'l't':1n1 """ for t ;lJ'I' ·r11 .. 11 1u1til ' \\ t' lu hi L1;11·g- • SA 'l'\.\"O Li be JllUS ;ind 11·hr 1nur and (.'our ... ,_ .Jo n us. l'll<'.! ·~· link SL-\ • L U.S (' fl ffia t "'I In Cal all A ba Thi ;n "" the sui fed co dri ,m ro \.\"i [)i R ,,f I~ T· p R r l Polite111e11 1'o J<•i11 Tea111ster s LOS A:'\(;r~l.F.S l A1'l -1'hc \'~·rnon . poh('C ror<:'C h ti s be1'(1n1e tl1c state's f u-st [av,• 1•nroree1n<'tlt. group to jotn the 'l't•:un.~1t-rs Union Uy a \Otc uf 41 lO 16 1'hursday, 1he r.oliec voted to affiliate v.·ith Local 986 of th<' 'ft'antsters. noward Slolnn, spokcsrn:an !or the Vernon Police Officers (~ __ s_t_a_t_e __ J I • • ' • , \. Bus Fir11i ()ff eri11 g Re14Jlirll S \~ Ffl,\..~CTSCO (UPI I - <:reyhound Linf's. Inc., ha s olft>rt'"rl a N .(O"J f l'l'.liri'I for 1 nforn~1ti1.>11 leading tu the 11lr1·1.· trX'n \\"ho hij;1l'k1·d i1 bus. robbed passengers nnd rlll o('d one yoonR ri der. '!'ht: bu.<; v.•as h i j a c k e d Allo1ved EL l"AJl)"\ Sl>rtr1s.."4.· i\r11lu1 !'!lllkl'S 1::111 d ::JJK:t• lll pt"<J('t' ..ill•I !i,•r f111c1lly A mu.n it·ip<1l ('OUrl 1l1r1· h .... rc nih<l Thur!>()a v th••l th~ snakes us....'t.! 11 ... i~11· ~~ •• )t'ar-0ltt {·XOlll.: da111·1•r u1 her ni ghtclub :1(·t 11«•r r• not d:tngerous. She h:id l11 •1•n charRe<i \\'1th k \'(Ip 111 g ''fcrOCi\lllS lll.'<L'>I~·· Nmtrary to la". SunU<iy near TI'Ousand Oaks L------------'1 b.1· thrre armed men who roblxii the l"i p.1ssengers of $.'!,COO in ('.a".h and 1·aluabl£'s. '11\c JHl'n tl~·n stvpped lhe hus :.uld noo in a y,·aiting 1';1r '~rial Date Set for S \\'lt\;.,1F.~'1'0 ft;Pl l -A \1·11:111· t~1rrun1111.,~ \' v led "l lHrr'-rl11\' to V.f'il kt·n a 11ru•\ran1 t':1ll1ng for 111"1 1ll;1ttnn (1f ~ .. 1:. anti 'n1";: dt·\ H'<'S on :.0111(' ~ nu!l1011 1':169- 7ll t·:.irs ( hw.· hill (•!l n'!n:>1i11n of in .... 1:d \.111"n of t';1!!u1~ f 11 r t!H' rf'fj\l irt·d \he ~<.ll!~"\J 'no\" dr'.11·"~ II\ :ill b\ll tlir1•1• of tilt' state's 1110 .... t J/l.)\)U li1l\"l ar1 •;1~ V.'a" apprn\ •·1! h\' a K 1 1na rJ.:tn in th•• ~·11;111· V1n.1n. •· \ 'un111Ultl•1· '!"ht· hill bv -..-n l11!11J Jln!111d.dil 1 !>lJ1J..l~1111\1 """" g11..:11 :.liln rh.1nt1's tu r r ;1c.s;1gt•. ·r h (\ 11 ~;.; n ti·; "' J1K1!<1r1sts f.il'l' a <h·adl111« !1t"<I rnnn !l1 in t,.·;:111 :1tr H'~ lng tl1·• de1ic1'S H• 1h1•1r t":l 1 ~ 'Iii" ur<I• r ul 111 ... 1 ill.1110111 1 i11·1 ··ri1111 i.·d 11~ ti\•· I .i .~ 1 Of.HY P!lOT .1 ;; nuTilh .. r of IJ1'"f'!l'4 i•I ill ... \ nl\1 1 U1• lt•1hn11.1hl li1'I !l•JIOl'i">I~ in \111 '••1111th c 'u t,1 .... •II 1111 1:" ,illll 11., I \11·;1 t I "1.,11t-. \\' 11),! 1,,, f1•f! 1·1 1 I•' ll!'>l 1111 !111 • Ii,, \ j! 'I' '>li11uld !I!•' rn1·,,.,1u·t· p.1', ... 1 · ..,l'n;ilt'. lh•· ,1.,'i'.·tnl1!1 \1111 1•• •· "lilt np1w1-.111011 '!'11•· , .. ,1·1• \.II• 'l'r,Hl"!"'Tlat111n ('1)1n1111!!•·+' fi,1 "1ll1·d ,1111d,1r \1!"(}[~).'-;d'I (11'1! I' 1111.., ·'"<;~1r111 BUY BIG -SAVE BIG ON 1/2 GALLON SALE Mix or Match 6 or More r-r"l---tri Sav• An Additional I 0° o From Single Bottle Pric: , A'i!)(.ll'ial1•111. ~aid the <1C!lo11 L dV{'S not 111d 1'-·;i le tlK' po!ic(• :ir1· ~<'.:irini-: up fur :1 ~tnkc. 'l'l1t·ir i.;urr1·nt 1·0111 ra1·t runs until July 1975 <ind St()lun s;11d, • ~ -··~ . ""' "'.'~ "' • ·r11l' rc 11 :1rd 11·as announr·cd 1'hursd:iy by Fr:ink I •. '\;1 go<'tlt•. president of U1e S..'ln !· r:1nc1M·O-h:lsed dh·isiun uf {;reyhound. v.·ho sald: In Drug Sa le LOS A:\G l~LES ~AP 1 -A Sept. !6 lnal dale has ~1 s~·r f.w ;1 111.111 _<111d 11 urnan v.·lro pleaded no co:itest to one count of prae1icing medicinl' without a \ict'nse in a case inYO!l'illg allcg('<i s:1!('~ of illegal drugs for thl' IJ'i•aln1cnt o! cancer. G S•nql" Iott!<-Eo c.11 -'"'" y._. Pn (": ""., 19.99 Cutty Sork Sc:olth 18 .49 bi~F--''-1 12.38 kinq G'or9" Scotch 10 .99 16 64 9.89 I 0.48 t 2.59 l 0.61 9.89 8 .00 8 .00 8.09 I J .90 8 .09 9.00 I 3.49 I 0.3 0 9.85 · \\ e siinJ)ly vot(-.J. 111 cff1'<'1 , r .. hire tl1e 'fean1~1t rs ag our e Venue Clu111ged SAN FllANCISCO (AP ) - ~·o alleged Sy n1 bi on c se Liber,1tion Anny n1cmbers n1us1 h» tried oulside A\an1cda :ind -Contrn (-Ost.a roun1ie:- \1-hrre Lll<'y are ;iccu)';('d 11f 111un:lt'r. atlt·mp\1-<! 1nu_rd1·r and other crin1rc;. !hf' "!alL' Court. c.f .\ppt·a l:> h;e; rul1'<.i. .foS<'ph lt<•1n1rll. 27. ;uid fiu~~t'JI l.iHI!•. 21. \l lJll th<: chan~1· of \"cnut· 'l'hursda1· 011 1-rrow1ds tJ1;1t pretrial publ1e1 1~· ilnking !hC'nl to th.-!t•fl"\)rl~L SJ..,.\ reducC'd tl11•1r eh;1nce of a fair trial 111 Al;111ll'da C-Ou1nty. e J,01r~11it Filed LOS ANr.r:LES (AP \ -'l11r U s. go\·C'rn111f'11 t n111s1 file :111 ,, n ,. i r o 111n L" 11 t ;1 l 11np:1t t !'ft at("nK11t 1X'fr1r1· ~1·r1~usl\' talking aOOu( dril\lni: !or <•ii 111 <u·c.'ls <1fi th1' Snulh•'r,1 C.'alifornia L'O<ist. th•' s L :1 1 c a11orncy gencr:1l ~;1 ~~ ,\111· Gen . J;:r,•llP Yo1111gl'r back(·d up his op i 'n 1 o n Thuf"Wa\" !J,· f11Ln ).! a l:1 11 ~tnt in U.S., Di.Strict \.our! ht'r1· on lx·h.'llf of hi" off1<'"c ;'.Jlld 1he Califom1:1 ('oost:ll Zont' Conservalion Comrniss1on . 'I 11 ... suits seek...<;, to prevent the federal go\"f'flllllt'l"lt r r 0 Ill corL-.iderin.'( or :11>pro\"i:ig ( 1\ drilling lt·aS<'" :-11\"'S t1nt1t ;1n 1n1pact statcn1cnt JS filrd . e RPi11et'l.'.f" 11,~s•.,, SACR,\\1f.\'TO !,\['• -"!lu' r'orn111i ssion of the l.iltfl'rn1•1"- ...,.ill nlt'•.-·t Aui.: 22-2\ 1n S.1n (Ji('g"O \\"ilh I.I < :111' !·~rl Tir in<'C'kl' a.~ hn~L H1·ith•(·J..,:-. offi<'f' <;:l~S ll4'illf'l"k 1• i.:. :1 ron,·ictf'd perjurt'r HrinK'kt''s flffu~' ~ :1 i rl Thursda\' tha l n1orf' th.111 1!1(1 df'legates froin <"aliforni:l •ind llX> \fi'~ican St:1!f' r•( Baj:1 California ;.ind ·r1•rr1:n•·,· c,r California Sur \\i ll :l t1Cnrl e Dri1•Prs S t1•il;e S.\.\ DJF.(;(1 ! .\\'1 ·r··:111t.'-11"'r tnich rtr1·:1·r ... !or thr roo:·k. ~1nd ;1 !1ft ~r:l1l"I i1·rl 11~r\' 111 ~.i n l>1••i!n t'outH\' hc~an . strihu1i.: tud.1\ af11•1' rej('('tin~ a 11\:tn:>gl'TI\j•nt p.11· pror.os:il r-.t e Pl h c r ;i; <"•[ T"·1r:1· t1 ·r~. local :tn, \"Ol•'d :1 7 n . Ii I Thurscl:ir nigiit 11> rt'J<'Sf :1n llfk:cnt ~-an-hour ''·:1gf' inrr1'a~·1• proposed by 1hr S.1n l>11·gv TIO<'k Prod11cr rs A.-.~·v.·ia1 i11n Crin1e Rises As Police llnJ•t•Y Trio .\Jl1 s1111 l..ee !\lu!lavey, bo111 Monday \velghlng 6 lb:.., 1:1 oz .. receives a va.riety of react t.uns fro1n father. c;reg; gr andJ11other, actress She il a !\1acRae, a nd the infant's moth er. actress r\'lerid itt1 l\1acftae, \vliu holds her. 'fhe g r oup is shown a5 U1ey left Cedar:. of Lebanon Hospik'll in Los A11geles 1'hursday. "\\"c alr1~acty h:11·.-. ta h" !I 11 it:.Jlt!I er precautions .,.,.e can !o pre1ent a rcct 1rrence of thi !> nat1u·e. \\'hri t \\"e .:re 1ntcrcst<'d in here is seeing these crirninals C'3t1ght :u1tJ prosecuted to the fullest ex lent of the la\,\.·.'' Man Threatens to Destroy ~ l !.S."tazJitol Witli Gas 1l>hili1) Carlson. G.':i, of \'nn ~uys. an<l i'hylis Di5nt>y. ~9. of North Mo!lyv.·oocL pleaded no C«\!f'st "''edncsday to charges o! prac1icing 1nc<licinc v.i thoul a license he f ore Com 1n is s i o nc r :-.tcyer 1'\e11·n1an . ~1ISS l:>ISKEY a\~o faces charges of trc:lting c.:incer 1\ithout a license. selling unappro\'ed dnigs \\'ithout a I OS •xr.EI ~S I 'l'I t di 1-, lh t 1· "\\·c do11·t 'no1v .. ·hat ,., ,·n license and advertising a dru . . 11. J J •• " -rrpca c r ru 1.:u a an .:i 1en " .... to have, an effect in treating ",\" i-;: for airport, u·ams a Js not a human bcuig," t11e the bomber's mind -If the cancer. 1nan 11·ho 'says he is the leader \'OJce said. sender of the messages is in A spokesrn:in for the state II · d. led th .J.. fact the bomber." of of a ~oup that bonilx.--d lhc c 111 1ca ('group uiose Department 1-leal th in 1.,00 ~110 11.98 ScortWy Scotch "' 11.65 ., :. A . 16.38 04d Grond·Dad Bourbon I l .99 1 ll.40 Block Vtl•tf Canodion 11 .79 I'/ Ill/I~,' 1'tl.'/ I l .48 Block Vrl•tt Canadian I 0.99 9.'18 Rt-lY!a V6\lko 8.88 9.50 Schmlcy Vodka 8.88 9.96 WoH1chmidt Vodka 8.9'l 17.00 Borrboy Gin I 5.45 10.78 Bo«d'1 Gin 8.99 11.50 Se1J9rom'' Gin 'l .99 _ 17.00 Ton~roy Gin 14.99 /'!""l~f"" \ I 3.98 B<KfKdi Rum ll4" '-..1 I 1.45 -~ _1,-:-' 12.58 Ron Rico R11m 1 ~ a _,,, I 0.95 ~~· Et1,.,._.., .. ~ T n•~Julv~l'-1 ··"TI ' "' " . ~ '.l. CIGARETIES 39< ,._ All Si1es & Brands Lo~ Angcl<'s nirport and ivill thl· airport h<'c <iusc it begins The l{erald-Examiner has sac r n n1c 11 t 0 said two "'ith "A," ns does Aliens of <"llso received telephone calls 11ndert'O\"Cr agents purchased \i·ntc th(·ir nan)C -Alif'n s A n11'ru~1 . 11lrl",.. fl('r!">On:; \\Cl.<' frorn a. 1nan bclie\·ed to he ;d>0ut $.'l:!5 \\"Orth of laetrile h \,":, /i0. "if 0 .Jl 0 ' JL 0 1•f ,\111 rr1(';l -"in blnod ' 01\ killed :ind 35 olh1'~ \\('re t he S..l !TIC HS on the tripe. An ;ind mL'tlii:al s upplies frnin the at t e \:!/\!/ IlITilM]@lJJIIDJJIID®IT nrmun@If~ the fal'c of th e Liniti•d State-;, inj ur('(! in 1he airport Ula~t . F'll l ~pokcsn1an , said the n1un l\\"O 1n April. '1...1 Jn ;1 !;ipt• rC'i:nnJing. a 1nnn's '"\\le h:i\'i• no kl;•:'! \i hcth rr -"'ho has a ~liddle East('n1 It \\'as not kno1vn ho11· n1any ~537 E. Coast Hwy.• Corona del Mar• 673~7530 1·oi('i: t·hrt•:iti ·ni·I\ l·l "di•«troy or not ?he th:~ t.:irr,1.'t .,.,ill :lC'C'f'nt -is being sought cancer p::iticnts 1niITTit ha1·c '-----------------------------------J 1)1.'l!i n 11·1111 !he ll"'!'!'r 'J.."" ix.cause ''he definitely kno...,·s been r i{"titns of the alleged I th<> <'ll!irr pcr~tnic l ol C:tpil JI ~aid Pol1C'e Cap1 r-.l<'r\'in Kine:-. \>.tl;;t he's talking about." fraud. the SJXlkf'Sn1an said. 11111"' 111 \\':1.~h1 ~1on 1• 11i1 11c · •t' ,------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1'.:<I" \1 ith1n three rnonth - l 'hr t:ipc \>.'~LS J"l'CC\\t::q 1"hurS<lay by the Los 1\ngc\eS" llerald·l·:xa1niner, and t h f \01<'r identified himself as l~:iac Hasitn. chief militar) ufficcr of Aliens of Amcric:i. Tll E l\IA\" said the grour lxirnht·d Los A n g PI c s fnlf'ma1ion11I Airport Atzg. 6 :ind 11·ould firr 1\\"0 t0ns of S:1r1n(' n('rvt> g::is Gn Capitol !!ill unless the-L' .S. Suprf'rnt• ('our1 d\'t'lart·s in1 111igr;111<1n :ind 11;11urod11r1tion 1a 11· s 11r1<·onst1t u11011a 1. Ile sa1rl the g:is \1·ould IX' 1.lkf'n fron1 St. L·ouis to \\'.1-.hinhrton :inn firM in on('- c1u;incr !Gn shells fron1 eight !illlglc-~llOt cannon barrels. ··The Supr~me Couit has llupe Trial 1'estin1011 y . S.·\('l\A:-.I F:;\TO I AP ~ ]{;Hht';i\ nc11rc lin1its on tri.:il 1t.'~t11nnny :i:holI1 a r a p e 11r 11rn's SC'X life ha1·c 0..-en P\"t'r\\·hC'ln1i11gly llppro\'ed by thl' Crih fon1ia Assen1b!y. TI1e hill aims in part !G b!O('\.; courtroom flllCSlloning lhat niiglit humiliate rap<> vicliins d11nng lhe trial of nn act:ll"~d r;ipist Despite l:ist-niinule pleas from opJX>sing lf'gislatGrs .,.,.ho said lhc nlCasure \>.'as an over· r~ai-!inn !hill could jeop:1rdi1e a dt>fendant"s chance for a fair Ina], the !o"·er house passed the hill by a 65-7 tally. The bill no111 retun1s tG the. Sunday JrlLD JrEST D .llFS Contests, Square Dancing , Free Wagon Rides , Country Music , Super WILD WEST Sales , Special Drawings with Prizes from each Store-Come In And Sign Up a'i911si'1974'''' '"""'1 ,,,~ Sol"'; c.llLEKDAR ===~=:1~~~~~1~~~-~~1:;!~~~1-=:-=--=--=--1=--=:-=--=--=-~~~. OF ~.s..:!O)Z-.f-~2~:---s2 °27--'S=:~~:.~;~~ -~,__..c~ EVEKTS SUN., AUG. 18th Charity Pancake Breakfast Free Surrey Rid es ~U:f tdli(.:, (~1./1~' r.f1p:.1 if·1~ '"!ff:/, f~do ' '" LONG BEACH (AP) -~he police depart.menl s a i d TOOrsday that crime h.a.s shown an actu:il increase of l .6 pe.rccnl du ring the tv.'o- month police s!owdovtn. Senate for concurrence in other a1nendmt'nts. 8 am-12 noon 12 noon-5 pm 2 pm-6 pm Roy Dee & the Country People Q,:;. r..'t'.tf Ev. r:cu ]Jir:g/ JJlf... f'd;_fh ) ., • Deputy Chief M a u r i c e · Vlishot\ said Ul('rc has been a 4.6 percent increase in crinlC over !ast ye<lr but th e rise- "'aS 3 percent before the slov.·down began. ' POLICE CALLEO l h c slowdown ln a dispute over v.'<lges and fringe benefit.<;. V..'ishon sairt ca~~ of iarcrnv were up 15 percent anrl aggravated a!:S:iult up 13 percent, but that murders were dov.'TI 26 pe r ce nt , robberies down 20 percent. rapes down nine percent and burglaries dov.'TI two pcrcr'nl. fi e Mid the city h.'ls lost mnre than $270.000 in rLnr~ and forfeilt1rf'1 due to A liO pe r ce nt de crease i n m~dcmeanor arrC'sls. Kid s Like 1'o Ask Antlv • ]nil Ter11i Annullecl SA:\ l)!Ef,O (AP ) -The J<lll tcnn gi11cn financier C. Arnholt Smith for conteinp! or court in ~1June ha s be-en annullrd bv thf' 4t h District Court nf APpcal . Superior Courl Judge Paul F.. O\'crfon issued a conte1npt citation June 14 a.'(ainst Smith. former cha\rma~ of U.S. N::i1ion:il Bank a.nd \\'estgate- C.11ifornla Corp.. after he rcfu:o:cd to IU\S\\'er qucslioos :l! the trial of Roberl Daggett . 49. P:iggetl u'a:<: charged with :ill.1•1np!111g lo {'Xlort monry fro1n Srnith . .,.,·ho pleaded Ille Firth A1ncn1hn{'n!. fl gain~ 1 11os s ih1 e S{'\f-1ncrhninnt1on l);11U!t'\I '>< lriul v.•as rl~·cl:1r('d :i 11\1 ... lr!:i \ anti n nf'1v tri nl d:1l 1' 1~;1s ~rl S1n 1tl1 <lid not .<il'l'l"l' anv tin1c in jnil ns hr 1' ~1 <; griu11i.'1'\ a stay o f tll("('ntion pending apJX'al. I. MON., AUG. 19th TUES., AUG. 20th WED., AUG 21st THURS., AUG. 22nd FRI., AUG. 23rd SAT., AUG . 24th All day 6:30 pm 7 pm-10 pm 6:30 pm 12 noon·S pm 2:30 pm • Pioneer Artifacts Display Start of WILD WEST DAYS Sales Judging for Settlers Bake-Off Contest Square Dance Night Exhibition & Community Dance Sign-up for Friday Frontier Fashion Show Frontier Fashion Show Judg ing and Promenade WILD WEST DAYS Wind-up Free Cq.nestoga Wagon Rides WILD WE ST DAYS D rawings Cf:tck-tuhucf ~1 r,/6v ~~r._, W?'.,~.Ci&!,w.'lia:1L(,, .:n ,\j ,,,p [i~ ,,,.J/,,~ ~ u:Ti -{l/ilw(:i Dn.,,e .. f.1 [,·, :1, (a 11 Jit .a rr,l .1.,:C(h'{1 (i.1111.t't c!i'tr.IJ! 'J);.ar/Cuu.·, s enr. atow_r wfia.t ;" ~IJ.ln$11Y'J'f dii(aiW,DI(; 0iur:l. 01 gu.,~ J)J(.l11q, f 'l1Jt,. carr.er,.(IJ (/xt ~JJUYoftJiaiy (fha 119 , .t!u: 1Llif.v (i (1{}l· 50 ,f 'IJ?l'Y.; LA PAZ OFf-RAMP SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, WEST TO Mc1NTY1'E I .. ' u ll'\ II,\. 1•tLO'l' l.:Dl'rOtll1\L PAGE Low Bridge Rationale ,\L'1\·port" c!C"c:1111•:-.·u!d r11'Jl' d1al11guc 01e1 tli1· nPcd for ;i 11c"' ('o:l:-.l H 1,~h 11':iy bridge (J\'CI' i\'c11•purt Ba,\ !J:i:-. rr11aJI.\' fll'tul111·ed ;l r1'IH'll1:0.H111 : 1'11!.' lll~ C'OlllH':I h~1.-, oplCd rur ;i r0•l,d ivl'ly 11•11· hr·id;.;i>, 17 to ~o feet <11 1111 1· 1111«111 111,t.:h licle. 'l'l11s fl'('tHn111tndnti011 . 1vh1th n<11v ;.:~·1·., ti! tile (';tl1 J1ir111:i IJ1'p:irtn1cnt of 'rranspC1rt:it1on 1('.\l.'l"H .. \.\'S1 1:-. op~ctring lo /}(1;1tcr:-;, plca:-.111;.: to UppC'r [);1} crolog_v f;111;.. and c1·oke:-. a long sigh of re!tcf fro111 the 11tJJu r11y ut pcuplc "'il os(I prunary concC'rn 1s tt1e n1:1ddcning 1chH·· ul<ir tr;if!1t; J:un:-. fur 1vhiell the prc.-.(·111 1Jr1dgc ha:-been 1nr~u11011.-. :-.1111·t tile 1950s. '/'IJ(• linati·rs llave been po11l1111i.: (Hit thJ! thf' pr1._1..,e11t 1:3 6-10111.!llgh b11d;.:t!' is a seriou:-. s;lll'I_\ h;1z:url Joi po11°1'r hnat~ and :i n1a1or inc(n11°t·iHl'lll'l' fur "<ul bo:11 .... 'l'h('.1· lla1e ('Olll <'n<led the bridge .... huuld lie J ! IC'a'>t 3::! feel llrJ.!h 11~.1 1·01n1><1rison. the !'oast lfl.:.;li\vay brHlgt' :11 \11;1ht•1n1 Jt1 1" IJ('!11·r(·n St1rfs1dc ;incl Seal Hl';"11,.1l ls :!,} t(•cl ab11\t0 tlll':111 l11gh t1clr1 ·1hC'11 p(ls1l111n 11·;-i.., :-.01nC'\1·ha1 rC'1n!or1t·il 11·11e11 .i r.1IJ1n c·r111..,er ("olll(led v:itt1 1hc br1d(.:c ta:-.! 11Jiit1tll dur1n~ .Ill l'St"CJJl!oJJ:dly !ugh tide and serlOU.~J) llljUJ'Cd t1vQ I tl (' 11 )\·t ro1 1{7;'1l1ll('ll. 111 n1aking !hei r dee1~1011 11·e nt along 1111h 1·ccc1111n1t'.'1Hl at10 11s fron1 the pla nning l'01111nh •. ~inn IOI" o1 IOll'{'f hr1d~c. ._; ..;;e\ c r~d rc:a:-nns 111crc· eJ!cd as 1vc1gh1 ng liravll.Y 1n 1;11 or 1d !!1t· l(1v.•t•r height. ......., Fur Olll' thing. thr lO\\'er l1r1d ~c \l'lll i.'Osl :i 1Jo111 ~1.:) 111ill1nn I(·~·" 1h:1n :i high /)ridge 'J'rue. tlll"> J'i '-l:itc Jnd no! l11v:il 111unc.1' bu ! j!"~ !'t1JJ !a:-:p:iyt•r tund!=i thar rnuld lit' ;ilioi.'.'llt'd 111 ri!hl•r p1·01t·<·t..; 111 the :lrc\1 h:t'_I p11111t I" th<1t thl' lo \rcr !Jr1d ;_:{' 11•i ll h:1v~ a Jllll("h le.~~ .~ret·p r.:1 :uh· \, :i rc"ttlt. l':1r-. 11·1IJ h;1\·p a bc·ttcr line !ii ~1~h l anti l;ltJ r·han.~l' l:incc: \r11h !.!rc;itcr '-il(el' -and 11;11!11 ."!lldie.., 11:11{' ..;fl1i\•:n rht'\' rhangc l;int·~ ;~ lot on t h;1t bridge 'rhe1·1·": .. d~o !lie c>~thetil' 1·011s1<1er:i1111n 1hat a 3~-foot bridge v.·u uhl he extt(·J11t>!y 11 .... ilill'. 111 {'on rrast to the Joi\·-/~ tng land nl that area F1n:1Jly. i.Jllt'l' l'1\l.'l'll:\1\'S llas ;dreacl.\' budgeted fo r a 1011'('1' IJJ·1dgc. ! here v•a .... !-.orlic 1·011ccrn that a:;king fol' a lnghC'r brid .~c 1n 1g l11 lc;1d to a dcla.v. 1\nd s int"c th<! old bridge 1s 1n prc!ty s haky shape. a delay is so1ne ll 11ng ll1e t'Olllll'tln1en 1nus l wanted to avoid. Thtre "·ere good pn1nt~ 1111 IJo!h .s1 tlcl'.t bu1 C\er.vbody couldn't have Iii,..; druthers \\'l1e11 l! t'orncs lo 1\·ei.i.;hing :i0.000 rar-, :i d;1~' aga111 ... t <1 lt'\I' hundrerl boats. e1l y 1·01u1tJln1cn 111adc the· bl'Sl dl't1.s11in they rould. .\ s1 n:ilL d:-irkc11cd -.11·1p iii r·oas! I l1gh\\1:ty ~ve st ot lhe .\rrhes brid.i.:e . ha~ t·J~u n11:<1 anuthcr lift· -thi.., tulle an 18-year-old girl r~1r;i 1 1on111;.: in Nc\\·port Bca1 ·h. !.:isl year a pe<lr~tr1;in !0:-1 his !1rr 'vhilc alten1pt· 1ng to cro:-.s the. road at l~l<ll point. .\ nu1nbcr n{ s~rious ilCtidents have :tl!'.>o ocrttri't'<I a! night on !111s trc3rher- (itls ro:u!\v;1y. Sensible bi eyt'le .saf ct.v preeaut ion.'. plus ~t reel llghls {J ll the road -in the vit"1 t1il v uf llO\\•ard's Rest:\urani - n11ght have prcven!ed !his i:ilc.'1 tragedy, 'file girl \va ~ ri ding \\'itl1out a he;idlig hl or rear rellec1or on he r bi('ycle. Slie Y.'DS killed b.1· a 1111i1 0r1s1. suspcrted of drunk d1·ivin~. v.·ho .~truck lhC' :.,:1r! an d her h1c~·cl!ng co1npanions durin '-! a late l'\'1•11 1ng ridl' ·r11e 1\"e1vport l~l'<J<·h J1nl1re flcp:irt111ent sho11Jd l'on- t1nue its <'r:H·kdo\\'n nn bil'.1c·lc 1·inl:1!ifl11-... ltvpcfullf t.:i.u~illJ;" bitycli~·r " rn obscr1·c :-unrile s:itet.1 rules. .\l so. tl1c l'il_1· ~ho 11Jd pu..;h thC' st;1tc for ~tree! li:._:lit~ tron1 tile stare otl !har p0r11on 11( !hi' roild :\ foru1al request by the ('i i~ tuu11t1J \1uuld be in order • N "DON 'T WOl4.RY-J 1M STILL HERE " Six-year Term JJ ca1· Pro11osnl fur tl1e Bice11te1111inl • Has Some Merit Time ·to Wipe Slate Clean Cloo11 1v \\.\S\11\fjTU:\ 1\:;sl1111111;.: 1h;1! Prt>51dCnl Ford co111pk•rl':; his lt'!'lll. !ht' L·nitt·d St<.1t1·s 11 ill !1;11 v h:td l11ur prt•sidents u1 Hi ye11rs. ;111 <ll eragl' o! four .1t·ars t•:u:!1 i\'n1t1' o! 1h1·'-• presidents 11 ill h;ivl' St·r1·1·d 1 h ~· 1rhdi!ion:il ll'•O four-11';1r lt•rrns. In fa("t 11 1s doubtful 1h:11 11 111 rn™ll•n1 IHTICS th1·fl' rt•idl\' IS ~uch ;i tr~1dl!i1111 or lh(' t:! IH"l'Slli1·nt!>. Ill 1lus !'!'IHllrl oql~ 111n lt<11l' !u1!11l1«I the two-11·ri11 fratlll lUll CS1i1ll1!'>~'1'J b.v Lt·ur~t> \\ ash111i.: ton . Fr11nk:·11 H•~1~e· \"('It 11 ;1~ rlcc·lcd ~H fotir lt'r1n:-,. n 1 J ~ \\"1lson .1n<k. J•'.b•·n· ho11•1·r ~·e1·1·Ci'I I 11 n t1ill ll•r1r1, f.x-Prrsirll'llf !\I\· on"s r1-.~i,;111J11r.n 1• bound lo rC'1·•1·e in- terest in ;11ncndi·1~ the Consti!ut1011 111 · prnr1r!e lor <• .l·l!l;!I(' six·.\'r;ir r1·n11 !or pn·~idt'nts. Nixun·s expcriencr v11 idly 1n1pl1•1nj•ntcd !he th1eJ argu1nent of rroponrnts of a ~inglc s1x- rcar tcrrn. A l 'n·~11J,'11r 11as so obsessed 11·ith his 01111 ro•1•lt•t·;in11 1n11rgin that he rngagcd ln 1n1po.1<Jt·hnblr 1·oudue1 \fOR E Tll .\~ th:il. <tnni;lge 11·:1.<: don<• lo rhc opposing 11r~1un1·n! 1h;11 n :;1nglt·· tern1 prc~idc·nt 11ould hi• a \;l1n(''{hR0k tro1n 1h1· ht·;.:inn1ni::. 11n;1hlr !6 n1:1r'ih;1I fhi· polJ!l(';J) fnrr·t·S h.111n~ a 1'1"<;!1•rl in1eresj 111 111, l't1nr11111;111er 111 r.fficL" I! is prrt·is-l'l.1 rll1s ;1s~><·t·1 i1f prc.s 1dvn1i:1I C"ond1ic1 111 11/til'll tl1f• puhli<· h:ls ln~t f;itfh Thr ('0Un!r~· hu11g1·r<; for a prt•.sirlrnt. 11,.,1 .1 1M1!it11·1:111 lt1ok111g In his rn1n J><:'rpf't\ta!i.•n 111 urfier :111d rh;1t 01 hi s ~uecessnr.s. !n :\·ixon"s /1rst 1t•r111 the \\<1trrgalt' eo1'i'l"UJ). lhl' 1ntlk s1·r-111d:1l . rhr 11he<1t Ucal 11·i1 h Huss1n. and th1• 1in1ing nf !he Peking 1111d \111scf111· 1·i.sit~ ;111 bore a direct rclanonshq) to his n•l'lec1ion . r\fXO:\' HJ·:AJ.I ZEJ) aftt·1· his ff•<'l('tll\Jt1 th.:it ThC'rC n11ght hL• inore tu lh1· six·,\t'<ir tcrn1 idea than he had !hf'lughl ()n ~l ay 15. 197.1 he su;:u:t·stl·d ;i1 a \\'hue House n1eeting of congressional 11.'aders that serious consideralinn hr g11···n ru the proposilion. Th<' follo111ng d:11 thl' lJemocrat ic leader. ~11 to.like :'-1an shC'ld, 01CHARD WILS O~ 1111rn<lur(·d ;i l'l•ll$lllutinnal a1ntndn)cnt In that \·fie('! 1r1th lht• '>llj)port •if lhc 1; .. puhlir:111 1·ld1•r. S1·n (;{'Drj?e Aikrn. II ho h.1<1 ht'l'll ;uh·<11·:11111r. \hl' SiX-l'P<lf lertn 1or ,1 IOl\J.! 1itn11 At \1·as1 . fi1 r prt·'ldt'tl!:; h1·:urt• 1\ixon :ire 1111 rt>curd for 1h1' siX·lt"<1r !rnn Since 17!Hl tH'<1rlv l1i(t :11tH·ndn11·n1s h;11e h1•(•n otlt'tf'd !1•r t:h;u1giug to !he :»1x-yt•;1 r 1erm. &imc think rhat a _<;inglt' lnur·'.'t:ar tern1 is enough ;ind this vi<'11 dr:111•<; Sb'P/>Orl fro1n !ht• sirnple f:u·t 1h:11 hoth Ni.xr111 and Ei.s1·nho11·t·r had p1·oba bly ~H:co1npH!'hed <lhotit as 1nuch fr<: thC'_I' cr•uld in lht•ir firs! ll'rll1.~. ronsidl'ring 111:11 Congrl'ss 11as controlled b.v !lie op- p<• . .;itinn par1y :ind 1he 1nor11entt1m o( 11·h:1t they 11ere tryin g to do h;id dirni11· ished. A SIX-VEAR 'ft;lt.\l 1s <'('rl~u11l1· no curc-:ill and in1·i1es ;1hu5 t'' 1•f po1rl'r because !ht.'re l<i n11 1 111 tll 1 111· n 1 ac(·ount~1bih1.r at lhc polio;. l:lu1 11c h;il'c rt·c('ntlr ~l'l'll h1)11 s1nno!hl1· I It l' c:on51i1U1inn;1I pro1:1·clurc on rt•tTio\;iJ 111 unlo ('fl;"·h rind lt><lln seen1 10 ha1c f1rsl c;ill on t1.o;e of l!;1rlxir·s 511-1111•,,.,. 1)1'"101, 11·1Jile ni<inl' arP:t a~e-~rnup :;•11111- nu·rs <1 re unablr to gc1 :1rll'<111:1l t• poot tu11e '' C.1ri'1 the\ t1se the l ('I pool? ,J I. Gloom.-Gu~ commo"11 ••• •11b••"!!f<I b• ••~O•ro ~Ml Oo not nectu~,,,.,. rtllPtt tfto .,. .... S GI !.... ntW1P~Pe• S~nd VGur ••I ...... "O Gloam. c;.,,, Ot•IV Polo•. a prl·s1den1 <'.'.I n oflt•ratt· d th<'rc 1.~ probable c:iusl'. It Ct•rt:11nh· enul1I n<ol np1'ratl' that \\il\' 1f public ~l'l111111l'lll 11:1s clr:lr\I· ag:ii1151 1! an<! !h•· purpo"t' 11;1s inerf'ly In ft'pt';lJ !ht' r'1:s11lts ol Ilic tll'ctio11 . A ne ~r. bu t s1il! Lr:1dHion.:.tl. 1 JC11· o! lhc president·: 111:1.v be eo1ning aflct so n1an.\" yea rs 111 11·hil'l1 :ill po1rer !cn1led ro flow to lh l' so1'creign. \\'ha1 h;1" h:ippenNJ !n 1hc past 40 }'{':!rs c<1nnut be un<1011c quicklv because so n1uch of 11 is 1vrittcn 1n!o l~l\I' (o r u~1' by !1t'n101.·r:1 ri t· presidents. Til l:: PRESE,\'·r cl11n.1!r, ho111•1 er. c:il!s for resrraint in !he US(' of 110111·r. tl1rl·1 ·t nr 1111pl1cd; f11r a Presi1l1·nt 11ho pit·~J(!C""" ratht'r lh:in dic1;1!r·~ 111 t•\rr1·n1t·!y enn,..;tru<'s his 1·011~•i!ution ,tl authority; and !hrs is thi? kind ol rrl'si<l en1 " ~l\·\(':lr t1·ru1 ir11111ics l.y1l<ln11 J11h11<:011 thought his presidency IHf':lnt i Oll<:(•!lSU'i. :u1cl it did fnr [I \\ hi!r \o) prt:::-ldt•1H l'VCr h;id ;1 i.;rt·aler 11\t'.t::-tll 1• 11f Ii c>.cep! Franklin Hoost'l'f•I! tor a 11J1jle .\ ~1n}!le ttnn. s1x-1e;1r prt~Hh•11! llOU[d h;111 bt'hi11tl turn :J J,!f1•:11 n111r;1I force for r>on\1·n~U\ .\r nong olh1·r llli!lf,!S . lie 11011lcl IH•I feel lhi• 111 o•d lo r:11.~1· ~1;o rnillio11 tor h1 ~ 01111 rt'i'l1,,·ru•n A ~1x·y1·.1r t 0111111i1111. 111 1.~ :i 10111.; •1111• f\•r 111, .. \lllt'rl!'<1n Pll'1·1nr;1l1· In 111;ik,· 11 110uld lt·nd !O hrJ11l! 111!0 !h1· 1~>111io .d n1a1n~lrt'an1 le:tdt'!':> 1111h tlllrt't• 1 .. 111.11 l'f(•d1t than scr\'1ng in Con['.!1·fss. 11 hl!'li h;ii; loo tong been the n1ajn~ er 1tcrion r .. r pres1rlt·ni1:il rr1 nr!1d;Jtt·• \11 1louli: fll·nple 11oul1l !ire of a prl' .... ulc11t !11 SIX ye;.irs. they U.'JU:lll) h<il'C. An <.1tnendn1f'nt for a six-,\'<':1r !1•rn1 need not apply lo !hf' incu111bi·n1 l'rl·~1df'n! lt could t.ike eff('cr in !hC' lcrn1 beg111111ni:: in 19:11. 1'h(• suh;e1·1 IS 11·orth nmrf' scr1ou~ .<:tudy lh:111 11 has yc1 been gll·en . Tu llu• Ed1101 .\~ ,1 11:i!1on. 111' fncc ;1 u111qu<' dill'111111;1 111 eu1!!14•t1lor1 11ith our r c' s 1 r.:11 c d J'rl'.~ld1•n! ,\\;u1y of 11..; trill) h1•lio·1,• th.11 rc ~1gna t1un fru1n i1ffil·t• ('Onstituto•<;, 1ll!lt'+''lll putH.~l1111l'1ll lur' ;\Ir. /\1'\1)r1 \\ 1• ,1lso \l1JUld 1-1·1·leo1111· a t•ont1nu;1t11•11 ol th,• l1•j:!;1I proecs:; In 11s rn11t·lu'-Lllt1. 11 h1ch v.ould most likely find ~lr. Nixon i.:11111~· of ;ic!s whieh could coHC1'l\'abJy rl·tiu1rc 1nC"arreration Ft)ll \IE, thf' dilcm1na hl'f~Hl): <.it th is point I bt•llt·i·c tha\ ;111 11lC<•fCl·r:11t·d p;1~1 I 'ri•s1di.:nl 1-1·ould Sf'rve li!tle purposl' l1•r r11!1l'f Jt1st1!'C {•r this n;Hau1 ·~ n1oral\· \'(•\ ·to -f.111 10 1nc:1rct·r;11\' ~Ir . .\1\'.011 II ~Hit' ~ll 11\.1!1,I" of h1~ ;ud.'S .!I"!' '-l'p:I' .1trd fron1 farni!.v. 111con1c. and r1 ·p111;1!1u11 1s l1kt·11i:>e. I b1·l1t•1e. 11n1·u11-.t ·1 .. n;d1J, Allu1v n1f' Ill ~llt.:J.:l'~t ;i lllllCl\lt' i>ol11t1 .. 11 to !his unique dilcn1m;i ;it rh:s uniq111 JUnC"lllrl' u1 uur nat1ou"s histur). \\ l' ll'Jll SO.)fl ht• Cl'!chr:.iti11)! Ollf b1rr111~·nn1 ;d "" 11 r11:ig11i11ct'n t cico1otT:l111· l"XJl•'l'll ll••J\1 \\',• lt:11·e pro1·1·tl ours1·h·1· .. to he a 11:11 inn ruled h,1 1:111 Our f'redrn:1:ds ~is a l'on1pas.-;1onah' pt•opl1• ts also l\ithout t·qu;1l. llo1~·e1t'r, our l1·atl1ng legal niin<l~ h;11c ra1s1'd s1'ri"u' f{lll'Slinns :1biJUI !hf' 11ut1no1h~d aspt•c!.., 01 U\lf !(').!<JI ~.\ ~l!'lll 11hif'h rt•ljlBn· 1n1nK'dia1e 01·erhnul. 1\t !hf' ~;unt• lin11• 1na11.1· of our respct:l1·d 111or;1I 1 oil'''" h;11·e CO!lll' rrcenl l_v II) quf'S11un our (·t;111n tu h" ;1 l'Otnp.i:;:;1011;i1!' 1•tt1pll· I Ul::LIErt: :-1ncrrcly !hat 111' ha11• ho•(•n pro11d0U 11i!h <l 1nn~1 11n11suiJI ~•·I of ci rcun1st:inccs bl' 11h1ch to hegi11 11i ~ohe dra1na!ically tho:se pcrple~1 11:_: prol•· lc1ns · In 1·1·l•·h1·;111on nl our ~ll!lth 1\1111111·r~·1r1· ;io; .1 f1·,.,, r1H111~rr. 1'011)(J 1-. .. n"t 1le•·l.1r" ;1 r11(~l1 f1 ~·d Jubih:c Y1·;1r, .1_10•:1r111 11h11·h If,. !ti i ~1 11 '' f i'''' C' ,, 111111 t!11 t \J;1ny :-.1:i1lbox rt':idcrs ha1·t" r(·.<:pondcd J., ,j r1 •qtlt'~l on !:1st S;1turrt;11"s Oailv l'1lr•! lor11rnc111 page for \·ie11:s on thC. hrstoric el'ents th at led up to \h.:! r~·~1:.!1111tinn of President Nixon and th e i11:1u).!t1 r:1!1on of ]'resident {'nrd. Their h·1ter.s 11111 app('ar nn the Comment pa ge tomorrow. Edi tor. Reagan: Another Innocent Victim l::s cept1ng for the unfini5hl'd ~·r1n11n;d llro!'ircutions ;.irising out or thal ~t)rcl111 cha1ltcr of Anicrit:an history. !he \\'(l !crg:itr <1lf;1ir ha s cndctl. It. ll•:J1 .,._ Ill its \lake a !isl Of 11i('IJnlS. r:1llC!l fl"l)l11 hi~h. un precedented 111 !he nalion·s /'.18 )Cars. J\lost of !he1n 1\'{•re cul pable But there v.·ere son1c 1nnoc11nt vic·ti1ns 1rhosc h o p c s and dre:ims h;ive lx>en shattered by a turn of events in which lhev played no 1>Arl. lllCir careers and their futures ha1 e been altered or 1>nd- ed by clrc11n1stance:s beyond I he l r •'Oil· trol. Nol the 1e:1sl ni those y,•hose 1xililical rortun·~s h;11·c lA'en 1 adversely affected is Cali forni:J ·s 01111 Governor Ronald Rea.'!an. Comple<cly uninvolvrd 11·11 h \\'a!crg:ite or any of the 1972 Ni.':on con1111in1·e transgressions, Hcag,nn'.<i poli1icnj f11tur1• was nevcrthC'less inrxtricahlv lif'd to the success of J\'ixon's Sl'Cond trr1n. f'or his ambitions ro becon1e the l9iii Repubri<:Hn pr<'.~irh·nrtnl 11on1incc· 11·erc ( EARL WATERS } l)t•rf1·L"tl.r cle11r 1'hC'.v had nnt 1·h.1nged ~1111:(• /us S(•!b:i('k ;1[ the hnnd.~ of Nixon u1 l!l1i8 11'ht'n h(' openly, bul. bclatcd!y. St1l1~ht 1hl' nom1n.1trnn ~II J\lianii. lh1 h:id co111c closer lo ,1•inning that no1n1n:11ion ~han 111any rr.1Jize and. h.v hJndsi,::ht. n1igh1 "l'll have c<1plu red il hrid hr nnt been pla} ing coy in the ":lrl.1° rnnnths of that ca n1 p .1 i g n . I ndoubtedh· his constant dt'nials of being :i prrsidf'nlial ranrlidatc e.nabled Nixon lo na1I dov.·n dclc~alc 1·01f'.~ prior 10 th<' {\ltarni convention l\"hil'h Hra,e:<1n utht'r\\i~e n1ighl ht1vr h:nl \\ 0f'r1J NIXON'S sub~e1Ju1•r11 114 ·torl' Ol'tr llun1phrP\, J1,..;qz;111\ hnt1tls 11L"rC t1C'd for lh<' 111'\'t l'IJ.lht vt·:u·s r111r c;u1no1 run a~a1ns1 hi., rn111 1~1rt~"s 1n<'1unllf'nl prl'sid1,11r ~11 ho· 11 ;1~ plf•(·ludrd frnn1 an_\' elforl 111 Jl)i:! Thill 111:1d1' Jf/76 lht' l;irgf't yc'.11' ;111rf. l>i.·1·;iu~ llr;i~.,n 111H be 64 <ii rl1tJ1 t1n1c· hi ~ 1:1.sl ch:1nce at rhc J;<rand pn1c or polit1r~ Thi :;. of tours1•. l':qil;iin5 h 1 s unsv.'l'rving support ol /'\1xo11 d11ring 1h1• past t1ro ycar,c; lie 11·anic1I dt~!>p:1 rilll'l.I' ror Nixon lo fir1i sh 011! his St'C01ld trrn1 That ""·ould ha1·c~ leH 1he ll l'puhlic:111 ('Onvt•ntion 11·ide open in 1!176. And l<cn gan v.as running 11,·cll ti ht';HI of the fiti!ld in the J)()lls <1f11'r Spi ro Agne1r 's disgrace. Even before Ag11('1\' w;i.~ brought to heel. Reagan was building solid support ttrroughout !he country. \Vith Nixon's downf."111 arul <:e.r:ilrl F'ord's accession Rf'agan·s ho()(_'-' fo r J9i6 have all but disap1:icarcd Ford nc~ not be a great president. lie ncl'd only restore a modicum of confidence in the hea rts of America to assure hiTns('lf the Republican non1inalion two ,vc:1r:"! hence. And , if in that !itne he t":•n hall innation and g1'l. !hf' 1111rtnplo;.1·d b11ck ·1.0 v.•or•k. !ht• l)cn1oerals will al~o be victims of Nixon 's f,'lilurr. Fnr lhrv \\'ere looking :ihead 111 ·n o e;1sv !!17.!i vi ctory ns a bon us of \Vat1·r1?:1t1•. · TI1ere v.·HI h<• 01hcr 1nnor1·111 1 u·1111t~ nmong tile lil'pt1Ul1r1111s v.·ho will hr unable lo v;'e<1thcr puh!i c rl'aelif'!n to the perfidy of the leadership of rh e1r p11rty even though thl'y then1S('fvts 1~'t'r1' J nol rP111n1clv cnnnet:ted. P.ut lhr toll a1nnng the ·Republicans 1r11I not no11• be 1111ything n('ar \\'hill it might have heen hild Nixon not resigned . IT IS lRONIC 1.h<tt Hc:igan \.\·ho ha s lllflintained the "~fr. Clean" image throughout hi s tv.·o tenns as governor. should have his future dcstroycd by those not so cle<1 n. And. for :1 younger m:in, !here 1\·ould have been options. Leaving the governor's office after 11\·o successful terms, he could well have spent his time building up for a run against Senator John Tunney in 1976. This v.1ou.ld have reestablished a political ha se for another atlempl at 111(' ptt'sidcncy in 1980 or 1984. But his age is 1tgoinsl that and it is unlikely Rragnn 11•ou !d no1\' considC'r any fu rlher Vt'nturcs in ro the politil'al arena as :i !','lflrlidiltC. Still. hi! need not fee l hildly, Fe"' havi· risl'n a.~ high in so brief 11 politic<1I l"<1r('11r ll L' ll'ill lC'a\'t' office "'ilh honor aud "'i thout thr hu rdrn, the ang'Uish t111<l \l'Orri r~ ::i nd hard v.·o rk ahcad 11·hich 11·ould have been his fate had Nixou not fallen. • (._ __ ''_A_• _Ln_c_,_x __ ) /.+'l/1'r.-.: l•,.nl r1•111l1·1-; l/J •' 11·.-•J, 111111· .\1111ou //•1. 1110,·r~ .-.:1,.,11/d ro111 "!' r/11•11 11/l'S.\U!/t'~ /Jf .'llll/ 11·.,r1/~ ti/ /1• ... -.:, /"/"' r111/rt /11 ('1111111·"·''1' l"llf 1~ IP It/ , ,,.,·1· 111· 1·/i1111u11ll' /!/J1•/ /~ r1'.~l'l'l't'I/, \U //•/. 1 1·~, u1P1;/ .. rhrdf· '"111111111 1• Hu(i 11111 /- ••1 •! 111 /</1 1·~~ /1 1•1 111/l11f -.: 1111111 lir 11·1r/,. f,.·/·I 1r11 rr·•111r 1r ii s11(f11·1 t•nt 11'n-;1,11 1 n1111111r111. /'11f/ry iri// 111 .r /11· 11•"1· ''''!!'rl 1'" rrull 11111!' lh" .. 1;ir" cl1':111' 111 1 «·l~r:11t1111 01 rh " .l ub1k·e ~ t•:.ir. I ''":•.~ 111• e1111~1r!1·1 t!r;1nt111!! ;1n111rc..1v. p1<rdn1 1 :1 11d 1('1<':1,,1• lo ;d i l)f tl11• l•oll11111nr.: :-.11· f\1cl1·1rrt ,\i\•in ~ ,\11 rl111•1· eonn•'t'l!'d 111th \\'alvr!..'.~llr '.l .\II lh!•'-i' 1nd111(h1;il:-. 11)10 ri1r ;1111" rt·.1~1.r1 (!1·c1drd no! lri f1 J.:l11 111 !ho· \ 1•·!11;1111 confl1ct I 1\1! th(lS(' unpno;(11\1•d !ur 1Jlh\•r thau CTlllleS ot 11olt'llf'P • 1 i' t'l'Hllnt11u· c111n1 ·~ ~ut·h <ts r .. x c1as1on. ft•aud. l'IC , 1•ti,: ,1 ('O,\"('CJ.\11 T.\ \"·r \' 1lh l'.,llld h").!U! ;J r 1··11111 k111:: <•f "' 11111 lr::.il jll'l'\ 111!1'-l.1 h) <:t•rJoo\I' l't'·(·1 ,,11 . 11 .. 111 ;11111 tho"" 11111:11od1 ·d ;1~p1•f'i<: lll;11·'11l1•'!"\" "' ~11~"i'~l 1·d Chu·f .Ju ... Jlf't• \\'11rr1·n J~ 1\<: I 1111 lh•I l l;iun fl~p··rl1~r .1, ~·il l11 •r ,1 lo•g.d 1111nd or :1 po/1la·1:111 . I 1101ild J101p1· 1h,1t other!' n11o11• q11.d111l'd 11011/d lit· .1hl<· in 11·ork <iut :1 11H•1'!1;1111sn1 for rr:i!is11 cullv i111pl 1~nlt'llt1n~ 1h15 pn1po~:1I 1'h1111ld f!lt\' dt>1·111 II to ht• 1111rth11oh1io• I n·1n:1111 ~·1'.1111·1111't'<! t/11.r :J rlv1111 sl;i!1• 1~ d··~p1•r;1ti·ly r11;111dn1t·d by !his 11nu1u1· )l!llt'!urP ur (•\U' young nHl1nn's history I 11 .. 11ld like ful11rl• ;111n.il~ In _111d;.::r our g1·nera!lon ;1s 5ufOc1l'n!IV 11·ise to hrfl:llht· a hr('ath of frl'~h a1i-inl(I our Sf·lf·1n1agc :is a l'on1p:1ss1011.1!e IK'Op!1• cil'-dJ(':tt1·d to la11 . ol'fler ,111d justice f(•!" :111 Such a bircn1cnn111l celcbrat1011 1rould gn f:i r to11·ards bringing us all together u1 p1 1cle .Ht li ving rn a land big enough lo i·orrl'ct an d [orgh·e. RABBI. BERNARD I"). Kl:~G Vonb)e S1ru11fnrd To thr Editoc·: I 11·ou ld like lo expreSs n1y total <lgn'l"'1n('nt Y.'ilh lht• ;1r!icle a!Jout. .. l.a1vnu1k t·rs Plush Prnsions" l!i;it <l!)pcared in yo11r August ~' f'dition. It. 111 1nll1 •ed incre<Jihlr. I S l'r.~·r ap11roxirn,-111·l.v 15 y<':irs fn At'ro.s1).1ee 1vo1·kini;: on 1\1 i 11 u I ,. 111 ;i 11 , P11t.'l1·i~ nnd f\p,,llo progrri111~. The only thing I r;inir a11·;1y \11i!h l\aS the 1nca11ing of lhr \\Ot"<f "i:;cnocide." I have to admit though. that I 1vas luckirr lhnn stJme of rny ft·icnds y,·ho died of heart afl<1cks, strokes. elc. I an1 also a veteran of ·\Vorl1! \Var II and Korea so I don '! think anyone has done more for this country than I, except. of course, for the mRn y lA'ho never ~ame back. rt seen1s there will always be ;1 double standard. P. I.. MaMULLEN' ' Friends Tu th (' Ed itor : Th11n k ~·ou f\lr yflUr \111rn1 nnd \\LU 11 rllt r•11 S((11·y v;·liith appcar1..'d CJtl ~11ntl.:t.1. .July 21l. n~f,larcliny thP Huoll l;1 n1i1y :i 111J 1h1·ir l'.>l.·:iut1ful \'it'lllillll!'~(' 1!ri 111!h11'1 'J'l1::rl ,\f,\' h1Ji.h;u1d :11111 f \\I'll krlO\\ thi: anxi1·l ,v lht•y \1t•nl lhrnu• h du1·1ng lheir two-yt nr wnit, as we hal'e. bren "·:iitin~ 16 mont11s 1101\· Jt11d proOably i\·111 .1111II1·• ~I\ ITl(oll!h 11:11! ht•lort• our 1,,1t1:•lilt'l ;1( I JI I' 11 •f\l \ 11'111,Jlll I\ T!ll,: u11 1111111'1 1•1• h:nt• 1oincd 111:,:1·1h"1 1111J1 <i'lit r r.1n 11lr•''-11 ;titing lur \" !11.1111··~1 <·lnl lr,.11 .i... 111'1] ;1.~ JU~! f'l•'i,j, <'hlllt'1'1h•d :1IM01Jt 1111• pJ1gh! OI th1 · .... ,. 1hdd11 ·11 111 nrpl1.111,1~1·~ in \11,..111.im , ,111d h;i11• :-.r.1r!o·1I .1 IA.1~ <\11t1•les <:haptl'r 11! I nclld..; 11i l"l11ldr1·11 of \'irtn:im. \\'e ~1·1HI .,11ppl11•-. -.uc·h .1..; rlnth1ng 1nr11· .illd lJ-.,·1! > l'lt.11111!1" 111 t' fl j I' j ll e, 1li'"l''•".ihl1· d1;1p1:r~ pl;1~!ir hall~· hnllll'l'i. i 111111t•n·d 11•11•:11 atwl 1n11k r1~ \\"f'll ;is 11111!1('1 11h11·h allo11~ !hr1n ff• huv thc t1('\'1'~-. .. rv ~torpll·S !!11ch ns riee and ·fn!$h 111! : ;,111 I I I"'• 1 ;1,111·, \\ t· nrr :1n :tll-1·olun!1'Cr group ~ all th1 Il l< 111 . ., 1·, I• l11·Jp 1111· l·hildrf'll \11•. I nd1 11111 1·· '!!·11 111 hrl1,u11! 1.~ askl'd 111•,,I/l1• l\!1 • 11 011 io"iG-;1:10 vr B;irbara ll11 11111 .;tl•1J;:• 1:1 n ·:1 1·u<11· ~!:!1 0r 111 ii« I t \ \ 1. \ 11 ::~;1 B1111 Ur .. S!1ul10 I.I:!. 1\.1:1 !'f'. l'rcsidt·nt Tn !h" l·'.cl1!r.1 Sr·11 11! 111 :i ~nd -.hut up' II J•(•ft I'~, \\h\ d u! _11111 hilli ' Ill c:n and !ho~c. drearv 11nn1('n·~ l1hbcrs on I"'" P"l rho 1'1111. LANSDALE T11 rlil' l~d 1101 \!I 1111• .d11,1y~ !ik.·1111• r;nsl' ;1 ga rrlrn. but 111 r1•(·1n l ~i·;ir,. 11h:1t 11lth t11·n lt1111~t''> ;1 d .. 11hlt• 1::1ra~" .'lnd ;i 1\·irll! dr111 ·11;1v . 111!111 l'i1 tlif'r•· 1.~ no longer ru111n fvl' .i .C'.<ilrl\'11 I h:1rl atw;iys joked 1111h 111 ·1 th.ii '-ht• .;Jin1Jld plnnt Vt'g1~1.11>le~ 111 llu· llo111'f hf'd~, r·1ti11t: lhf' .Jc1paneS1' ;1~11·1· \lurid 11',i r II 11ho t'l'<'tl r;ii st'd 1.•;..:t•'<1l1l1·.., 111 111nd1n1· ho;.,.1·s and p.11 k11 :1.\ ~ 1'111S YE,\fl c;hl' !Ouk Ille seriously ;111d pl:111 !1'f( ll'g:l'l:ihlf'~ 1n the nower beds. l\'1· h:n" !';111•11 h1111;d0£>s. onions ::ind squ:ish .i111011 g other 1h1ngs. She h<1d al rt'ach p1o1n!l"<I fr1111 ;ind nul trees. The )"1l'ld f1·0111 our y;1rd 11·as not ro1n1111,rr1:il. Uul ~upposc lhal lhousands did !hi' .san1c. If thl' fll'Op le of An1eriea planled <i ft'"' VflJ.:elo1blf''i 111 thrir flower bC'ds. rhc yield 1\·oulrl feed ma~ small ~·oun!rics in the 11·orld. Especially in this !i1ne or drought and inflation, this 11011ld n1ake a s111all differcnec that could bc dcci sil"C in holding prices and sal"ing rnoncy for the plnnt('r, .Ji ll BOLDING OIAHGI COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vr.ed, Piibtislifr Thomas Keeuil, Erlitor Barbara Krei bich Editorial Pape Edit.or Th" edilnrilll -~ of the Daily Pilot ~ks 10 inform and stimulate readers by ))rt11Cntlng m thlc pq-e divenH'" comml:!nta.ty ' Of1 topics of in- let"t'-"l hy t;yn<\k11.t@(f COll.Ul'lrt111a and cartooniluw, by·1J"OVlttirrg a forum for rf'Adl"l'lli'_ 11irw11 aJ'M1 tiy pmmtlna-this nMl"sP1"1prr'11; opinion!' anq ~as. on C'\Jrrf>nt \C>pi1-R. Thr M'lllfll"Wtl opfniom.; nf llll' Daily Pilot a~-.r only in lhe rd1torlaJ rotumn Al 11\,.. top of lhf' pa.gr. Op1nirrrii; l'){pr('Ut'd hy Ole ("Of. umn!st1 and carloonlsli and le~trr v.rlte~ arr I heir Clwn ;irwl no fll'klc·Jr" mrnl (1f lhrlr l"ll'\111 l')' !he D<tily Pilot Mauk! ~~ lnf(•rrt'd... Frida y, August J6 , 1974 • : • y th "' 11·i Sl' or n, pl L"ll ( ' ' Orange C~!!t VOL. 67, NO. 228, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES an e C'ense-j'ire C't1llt••f Turks Capture l(ey Objectives • By lnilt•d l'rL'!'-' lnl1'rnation:1t A CL'U~o:·l1rc Ut':,!;111 011 C,1 prtf'., l1.Kl:1 <lflcr Turh1~h lorL·t·:-. Jull dlL·ll lh1•Jf rni11r;ir,1 ob 1,.t·l 11c.~ by !>l'll1ng 1111' t1or1hcrn third 01 11.e 111l;tnd. TI1e Turkish in1·.idcrs thundt•re'I 10 the 11rst tva~t. l'iiplunll~ tht• 101111 of Lcfkn. their 111:1111 tJl>)CC\ll c Hl \ht' l\t'!-.L 11 ithoul rtsistancc 111 a ];ind. ;11r :u1d st·a :1t1ack. 111e Cyprus govemn1t•nt abanJon1·d it ~ offit:t'S 111 tlu· ca1 .1 1;1I 01 .\1C'Os1a and ncd south lo l.un;1SS(d llht·n Turk1:-h planes bo1nlx'<l an d srrafcd p<Jr! of the ttl~'. lea1·111g 11 111 ll;11iw.~. Hea1:.· !1ght111~ t•n1pt 1·d ;dru1L: lh•' •·gro·e11 lin···· in th•• ('1·111\·r of .\tr ·~1.1, • 8ru1r11 () /J/>US CS C<1r1>e11ter Bill S:\C BA:\!E:'\TO I \' I' l ! Sc-t'r£'1ilr~· of Stat1• l·:(tinund Bro\\ n Jr. tnd;i~· e:1lll0ll on !ht• ASSl'n1bly ro kill lei:!i~l;1tion i:: r a n I i n g the go\'rrnor and olhL'r top statt• offie1:1ls a 20 ~·r£'1•nt 1iay r;usc nC'xt yrar. The I )en1ocratic !!Ubc'rnatorial 1mm111c·c :-:nd ii \\;Js ''htghl:J j11<lppropri:1!e · for a (!:O\'C'ruor to receive a l<1q:;r salary boost \\'h('n l'rrs1(tent Ford · urgf'd '· I hr An11·rie;u1 pt.•orle io 11gl1iC'n 1 hL"1r o.~lts ;ind r;1lled for rl':-tr;11n1 s on J;O\'l'rlllllt'lll Sl)('lldini::. ,. The Srnalr-pasSl'<l bill h,\' Sl'll. Oenn1s C:irpcnll·r 1 Ii · i\ 1· 11· po r I B1·aeh 1. 1rould 1nrrl·a~r t h i' go l'C'n1or's salary frotn S49.100 to .~.fi0,0ll(I ;1 )l';ir and the al!or ney gent>ral 's froin $42.500 to .~t.15i Tht.· &15.000 s.1);ir1es of th1· sccrct.R ry o! ,.,tall'. controller, treasurer. lieutenant go\'ernor. controlk•r. :ind supl·ri1111>11dt•nt •if public in!:>truct1•1n 11 011ld clirnb tu i42.500 • ,,.1 • • • l(eepitig CfJol ' ;1 ro11 o/ 11hitc p;untt•d oil dru111,... St>parat111g C:rrt·k anu 'f11rk1sh (~priul lUn11nuni11cs ·rhe French and ltahan 1 n11::;1s.-;11•!i and the British ti 1 g h Coin mission 11·crc rcport i.:d lo have r1·acuated thc·ir offict>~ bt·causc ol the figh!ing . ~ Turkish }Jren1icr Bulent Ecc1·it snid in Ankara the Turkish invaders \>•ere told to halt thPir thrust across Cyrpus ;ii n1id4.1y and s:1id fight ing on th<' v. ;u·-torn isl ;ind had :1l111os! stopped as of that tHne "tho ugh there inay s1 Lll of !hat ti111e "though there n1;1y still be sorne sn1<1ll skirrnishcs goini.: on." ··This 1iin1•. 1hrre 1vi ll be a real eC':1SL"· f1l'f' on Cvprus." Eccvi t ~niit "'T111· '11'ovp~ attl)n1pli~hl·rl t h r 1 r u1J1l'l'!1 1~·:-.." Etcl'I! tul d ;1 n r 11·" c1111f1·rl'tlr·t· ·rhi· arPa they e;q>turcd "corresponds rnu:,!hly to 1hc arc;~ w1· had 111 1111u1! fur ;in au1ono111ous ·rurk1sh-C} µriot statl' 11 1tlun a fedt'r;it Cyprus:· he s;.11d . l"ral·l radio said lht' grner<tl t:l'a<;l'·hr(' took t·ffrel a~ schC'<lulcd and Cypru!i l're~ide111 (;)afkos Clrridl'S ordcrC'd !ht• (;reek-led Cypriot i\ationa l Gu ard to stun fightu1g the 1n\';idcrs. At dav.·n tank-led Turkish lroop!i had si·t.:01·1."<1 tht.-easten1 port of r·;unagu~t11 v.·hcre 1\1rkish (,'ypriots danced. 'vept a1 x:l eheert'd as men and supplies rolled ir.to tht' citv On the ·v.·estl'rn front, <:olu1nns of armored troops backed by air nnd naval support sn1asht-d through fcchle Greek Cypriot defenses on Ll'fkil. the 11e~t1'rn end of 1hr Turkish "Altil:i Linc" that begin~ nt F;in1agusta r~rl'\'i1 ~il ld l>efore the cerise-fire th:it "our n1ilit;iry operation on (.'yprus \1·111 )H11c r('achf'd its objrct1v<•s and \1·!11 end. \\"t' v:Lll be avail<ibk• 10 co11tinut' n1'!o(O!iil! ions any tin1e after ! the fi ghting ends 1." "\\'r don 't v.·:inl partition. \Ve "'ant Cy prus to re1naln an independent state." Ece1·it said_ "TurkC'v bclie,·es there should he 111·0 ·a u ton o n1 o us ndn1in1strat1ons t(ireek Cypriot and Turkish Cy priot l on the i~land under !Ste CYPRUS. Page 21 • It 1n ay not be a spcrtacu lar wave, rn ur h like the next one that will roll in. 'l'hc girl . ton . 1nay be no 1norc eye·ratching than hundreds of•othcr bikini cln<I wornen ju111 ping in and out of the surf or sl.retrh· ing their tans on the sa n(.IS along the Or<1nge Coast. But so n1~hfl~. the c.:01nbined effect and lines of wave, ba ck and boso rn n1ake 1t <llf· rlcult 10 stay blasc. ''ou sorla want her lo turn around . OR AN GE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA FRI DAY , AUGUST 16, l9H • Ill , Do1c11 by Riversi•le II ~cc1ncd like a good idea <1! the titnc. but .JeC'p drircr .lulln E,·erelt. 19. S;:in !Jicgu i rig ht 1. and !11 :-. l111dd ic~. l)on :'\e\1·park 1Jef\J and Scan ~:llintt 1cen· tc r 1. liuth of (;ardcn c;rovc. r;1n inlo trouble early 11 11-. tnnrn111g \l'ill'll 1!1cy tried t1i dri\t ;1r111n1tl :--:1111:1 . \1 1a H Ji-e r .1ctt it·~ t r11nl :\1l'\\'prirt I :L'ill'll I 11 ! I 101l !Ilg· 11111 BPach at 1011· !1d c ·r1ie 1('1lu·I<' !,!til sl1 11·I; 111 11 c1 s;-ind. 'l'hc p1r1ure t ell~ the r!':-t 111' 111 .. · 111r1 • Fair Board Seeks Racfug JV0 11ld Spo11sor 14 Dt1)'S (tl Los Alc~11iios By FREr)ERICK SCllOt:\1EJlL Of the DIHJ Pilol St~H Orange County Fair directors \'Otl'd Thursday night to apply to the l'nlif11rni;1 J!orsl'.' H:1ring Board for a liC'l'nSi: lo 5l)(}llsor 14 da ys of r:ir.:lng rut'h ye;1r ;11 l..os Alan1itos !{are Courst>. !Jircc!or!i took the ac!Vin a!' 1 Pr rt•11i:11 ing figures fro1n racetrack 011-nl'rs tl1at shov,·ed the fair rou!d eil rll bct1recn Sl J~,l)(I(} and $242.000 annually frQtn hor~c rat'111g to fund ll{'I\" rnnstruci ion <t i !ht.' Costa ~lesatnirgrounds. l1{t thl' s.1n1t• 1imr. direclors 1.1·e re 1rarncd that they'll be i-ecking the lieenSl' fru1n !he pov.crful horse ral'in~ board on n long shol :\l rs. f\1adine Car penter. \\'ifc of statt~ Sen. ·Dt•nnis Ca rpenter i R-Nev.·port l1C'aeh 1. told directors that prpssure 11il! be a p)llit'd 011 the 1hrrr-n1an rat'in ~ ho;1rd to kr£'p thoroughbrrd racing out of Or:1ngl' Cciunt~·. Los Al:in1itos 11011· h:i s only quarter ilfi r!i(' :ind harnrss r.1rr'.'. Op1>o~i1ion . ~lrs. (';1r1x'n11·r !'a1cl. 11 ill conH~ fron1 011·ners nl !l:11· \l•·:ido11 ~. a larf.'.t' 1raek ill northern Cal1for111:1. and /lul1~·11ood PJrk 111Los 1\ngl•lt·~ l.k1111 hold 1 l1oroughbrcd races. H~'r l'On1n1Pnts 11·l'rl' St'f'Ondt'd by Prank \'cssels Jr O\lner of Los 1\lam1tos . 11ho ha s 1fird ·ns11c•c1•ssfull1· l1·er !he ~·e;1rs lo bnn~ 1horo11ghbrc(J racing lo Ille track. Thl' resol ulion adopted by tlie f;11r hoard requests lic£'nSing for I~ days of racing <1t Los Alan1itos in <'Oni1u1ctinn \l'ilh a "sr:isonal fair" 11·hi<'h niight include industrial e>.hibi ts or a 1nobill' hornc or boa! sho11·. The seasonal fai r 11·ould be held in <1ddltion 10 the r('gul<ir Orange l'ounty 1';11r at the fairground~ in Julr. . l)irector Robert Krone. v.·ho brought U1e horse racing request to !he board. said the fair 1nust rind nc.\11 30urces to ke{'p up 11·ith !he "dyn:in1ic and prog_ressi11e" development of Or:inge Oiunt y. lie indica rcd monr? raised lhro1ngh horse racing v.'ould be used to p:iy off a 1nuHi-n1illion dollar loan for con· s1ruction of ne1v buildl11gs <1L lhe f;1ir- grounds. \1any or the huildir.~s date back 10 the 19.\0s. Figures frurn the track 011·ncrs sho1l'ed that if $750.000 in hr!s 11·ere plaeci:I during the 14-dav period the fair 11ould receive a re\·entie of .$1 14 ,000. If $950.000 1\·ere bet. the fair 11·ould receive $2.J.2,000. according to the fi~urcs. A day's gale v.·ould include t\\·o qu:.1rler hoi:se races. one appaloosa race and nine thoroughbred races. Krone said. The rafr could collect additional revenue from pa rking. food and liquor concessions. he said. ~l rs. Carpent er urged !ht' hoard 10 hcgin \\'Ork immediate\~· seeking s1lprort fnr the racing hid fron1 the Orange Co1111 ty Board of Supcrvi.~ors. J..e<1guc or California Citi es and o 1 h c r gOl'e rnn1ental bodies in Or<1ng<' County. "You hn ve a very. very diffil·ull JOh ;ib1•ad 11f \ou."' she said "\'nu n1 ust hnVl' couniy1\·idr support ~n Ille· hors1• racing board is not so con1·u1ce-d by ll;iy i\lcadows and Holly11·0(\d !'ark ," Aslo.ed by IJirector Frt1nk Tutnbol! '--• 1f her sena tor hu sb;Jnd 11,uu!d support !tu· rat·111j.! bH1 i\lrs C'arpl'nlrr s:iid, "Dt'nny repre!iL•nl~ 1h1:-; area 1'111 surr ht''d l>t,• for 11 if tJ1e 1\hulc <:UlHlt) bcnenrs. ·· ~he pn·illi'l•·d 111:11 :11 1,•;1 ~1 111,1 of the !hrec r<1l·111g board 1nen1tl···s p1·l1h- abh· ;i re ;ii ready ;ig:1inst appr1i1 Htg I hi• lll.'.l'rlSe. The third m1'.'1 nber. John V. Neunu1n, :u1 Orange L'ount~· 11al11·e <1nd ch:1irtna11 of lhe Irvi ne Co111pa11.v &1;trd or JJi rectors. 1111gl11 f:l\'Or the ;1pplie:iti1111, she s;1id. The l>0t1rcl nppoi n!Pct dir1·('1or~ Kron•'. \\'arren Finley nnd Arthur \lcKt·11~11· Ill ct cv111rnirt~·l' 10 work 011! d1·(;11I " 1f lhe ;1pphc;111on to. the rar ing lx.i<trd. A ye1·s Sa )-s He Appeale{l To FBI 011 Ha1·ass111e11t II~ .\HTlll;H H. \ l\SEI, 01 t~t o~,1~ Pilot s1au 111s ·\\(:t·:l l·'S \h1rdrr rn11-;p1r<1t'\' t 1111, i1·1111io1tl I );111 .\:,·1TS I I' S I I f I !' li Th11r~(l;11 1h.1t ht• :111pi';1l1•d 111 llit· I· HI o\·cr h;1r1s.srnC'nt h~· Ch1r;igo n1:itH1f:t1•tpr. 1ng n11i1111111ll1nna11·1· Sarn11el .1 Pop1,1l, the 1n;111 he is nrcused of 11lnt1 111~ to kill 111e di~t'lo~11rt' e:11nt' 1n tf1·· f111<1I n10- n11 ·nts of lllur"d;-i.v's leng1hv tc:;t 1:11011.1 <lunng rro.~s-(')1;1n11 n;i!ion hv l)t'pttl:: Distrl('t Al!ornev l'l't1·r Bregin;in 1\1·crs. 37. :i n1achin1st :in•! s.hre1 1111'1 ;11 \\·orkt•r o! 22.17 S. Shelton St .. S;:1111 ~ ·\n<•. ;1nd Mrs Eloise Popcil. ~9. forrnerl_1' of 51!1 l-l;:i rhor lslnnd Dri\'l', Ne1.1port. Bearh. 11 ill re1urn to Superior Court h~re ~I nn· (!·iv for 1he sf't\Ji. of lhrir fourlh 11·ce:.. or t ri.1 1 'I lit')' ha\ t' pl1•<Hlt'<l u1110Lt.'llt to th:tr:,:t'~ 2 1l1ore A rrests il-lade in 1'lest1 Drug Ro1111d111>. Tiie l'o.~!n 1\lt·s:1 l'nlll'e fl l·p:1rl1nrn1's roundup of alh.•,ged drug p u s h c r s t·o111111ul'd 'l'hur:;da~· 11rith 1h{' nrr1·s t ot 1110 n1r11 011 susp1 t1011 of deali ng in a' 11 phcta Ill int'S. Arrrsted on v.·arranl ~ issuecl :\lond111· 1\1!re Terry Randall Boggess. 2'i of fi l5 Victoria SL. Costa i\1esa, and Kenneth Ah.;;1r' S1\•anson. 2.1 , of 455 i\'cv.·µort B!vcl. lloggrss, a Ne\Yporl HC'ach boat}·ard \1·orkl'r, 11·as charge1t 11·1\h satrs of dangerous drugs. S1.1'1111son, a painter, \1 a:: charged "'ith fu rnishing dangerous .drugs. l"nderto1cr a ~e11t s 11rrcs1rcl 23 persons \\'rd11Psd;1y nigh! 11·hl'n 1ht• rnundt1p b1.•g:111 'J'hrcc 11 ;u'r<lnl~ r 1• 111 a i 11 on11stnndin J(. Officers In April nrrf'stcd 10 o t hr r 1)t•rsons In cori11ectio11 \l'H.h !h1• t•1ni1 1111111v..: 1nves!ig:11ltm nl "trt'et·lf'1l'I rl ! 111! rh:ilhll J! in l'o:-ta Mc..,;1 Th«:-' hall' ~·(1n l1.;ral•'tl 1110f1' 1tmi1 ~7.000 l\'Ol'th of t1)i.ll'l)Uat1.I, opiu111. amphc111n1111r~ and h1·ro1111 d ur1 11 ~ {See ARHESTS. Pnl:(e :!1 • of l'ilt1'p1r.1t~ and !'C1l1<011<111!\tl tn ro111 n11t 1n111drr 111th ht•1· 11••;1llh~ i'S!r:111gerl h11.«hand ;1~ lht· l.ll'j.~l I nf tho· .tllt·gcd plot !'op<·il till 111i!1;1t"d d1\·or••' prnreo·d1ng~ <1).\<ll!l!'t l11s 11 t I r :1 ('I i 1 1' .1o1u11g1•1· 1\1 ri' fl f 20 yPnrs l;i ~1 su1nn1.·1· ;1,,t•rting ar\ :1dultcrnu::; rt'lat11111•l11p 111th .'\1t·r~. \\ho h:1d ht·t~i1n1· 111" r11rn:u1!1l' ni:-in in ht'r lift• l;1\1· tlu· p11·11011s >1·;1r Hv ndd111g h1n1s1·lf of ,\ll s. /'oJl<-'il 1111(• lt,L!! 1r11·d to d1\orc1· h1n1 un:;utT• sf11lly since 1965 aeCQrdin~ to te<11 IJllJ)ll/ -!ii.' cvuld ha\'e cut her off fro1H <1 sul:st;in- li:il sh11rt• of his $9 n1illion fortun1:. B1· Poul'il's dt1:ith prior !o c 1111pl1·11n11 ilf lht' cl1\'0ret'. lht• pro-:re11110111na111t;11n~ :O.lr~ Pop1·il \1ould havr 1nh1·r1tl'd ,3 nlll hon au1 01n:i1icnlly. p]11,... \1 l1<tl<'l't'I' l'!St' !Ohl' could ~ut·i·essfullv clann fron\ 1hc Popeil 13ros. lnc .. a kitchen gadget firn1 \1·orth $12.5 million . 'restimon y 1n .Jud~r ~\.1rk Brandlcr's 1·ourtroon1 inrludt'<I .1 1!11~ion:> to Sl'-X . lhreals of \'1olrnce, \'l'ngrlul ehieanery nnd assorl ecl intrigues. Ayl'rs restifi1•d th at : Ht• nf'Vf'!" li\'t'd 1111h ~Ir ~. l'np!•i l. :il thou~h ht• du t st:·1) Ol'i•rn1ght 111111 ht·r 1111 oce;1siun. -l~t'r hush;ind \lL'l'~in:1lly tl11'l·n !i•nprl tu have h1 n1 killed. -llirl'd 1hug:-111ay h:l\1' n tt•'n1p1~·tl tn ;unbu!'h hlin in :0.1rs l'O!ll'il's 11hit1' .l :tguar con1·er1i hlr on onr IK''"',...ion. ll'h1·n hr had lt'nl it I'., ;1 f1 u'tl'! 1\IHlr he borrowed !hr otht'r n1an's trut k . -!'\ever <1t anv li1nt:' inlPncli•d h:-u·n1 10 Popt•il or scfiously 111•go!i;•ll'd 1111h oros<'cu!ion "il nessrs Hoht~r1 I 'l'•'lfr and Don Reed to carry out the I? a d g e t tvcoon's murder. · -Con1pla incd to the l"BI in Lonj: "lknch <thou! Popc1\'s H 1 Ir gt' d harr:1ssn1<·n1 tne1 il'S. \1 hi eh 111eludl'<I harass1nent tncti c:s. which i n 1·-111 de d A\l'I ::· t'lll!)lo.v n1tin1 record 111 hi:-2!•111 flo•ll' r:11r:l l(1I pt'lllhOll~I' Thi• f•n 1gn1a11r 1n11l1111111!1ona11'•' 1~ l\IJ\ f'\J1\'1·1t·d tu :1p1)('il!' :11 lllt• ln:1I nl h1' "' ltt• :itHI h1·r ho1 tr1t•11d .11111 l\.i-. 111 1•11 ,, '1''"'1i1•cl 11111 .1 h1 1111' pn1~t'~·1111!11\ ;i.1d 1 11·1~ \.\'111ll'SS.('S 11'0!11 Ch1l':l~•I v.h•) Ill'" t:llsscd hi" fu1111l('l;1! S\:t1u~ 1\,\l'I:. lo•S11liJ•d \\1•dfl•'•<l.o \ ll1:d II 11;1~ (Set POPEIL. l'll):C ~1 'J 'oday's l<'lnnl N. l '. Stol'ks c TEN CENTS ea P olicc Seel<: ll,\ l\.\Tll\' fl.\,t.:r OI lh• O•O!f f>OIO'I S•ll!I ! t\tn11:1111 \;die) \'ol1 t't' ,11·1• p1·ro;~u1~ n1urtter l'hargl·:; again!'\ :1 (:ant"n l~rovc 111"11 h1r tlil' alll'gL'd sl;i~ 1ng of 111~ l1t1llorn 111111 l'ulir!' s;111l !h1• .llll'gl'd 111\lrllt'I' oe~·urred Jul\ 10 \t·hcn Lorl'll7fl \'illnrea1 llt• La Ho:-n: 2:1. punched his "cstr,111ged 1i)1n111on \;nv 11•ifr in the ston1ach ao; !ht• l'Ouplc 1rgued at the Fount<11n \'alley horne of he p;irents. Consuelo erbcr, 20, then gave birth 10 a slill n son July 22. pol ice said, ;111rl a sl-n1orten1 cxan1ination by !he <lr; ,.,e Coun1y Coroner's Office sho1~·ed lht· 111fant dit•rl of ;1 ht!ad injury. [)(• l.<t Hosa \1 ;1s arrcstC'd Tu rsc;l<i y In !'nu11t;1111 Valley politl'. l!e 11·as si·l1l'iluli ·rl for ;1rra ir.:n1n~:111 on tile 11n1rd1'r ('i),1 1·gl.! l•>1l:1y in \\'1.!.~t Or:in g-c County .h1d11·1:1I ()1:-!riet Cnu rl ll1'!v1·t111· \la r1v 1·:11gq1 11~1 ::.r11d ,\I.~ 1{1,rl>o.·r !lad IK!e1i Sl'p:1r:itcd rro111 !)r l.;1 l{q,,J ;ind 11as ~!:1~'11\g with her p,1r1·111' ;1t H1362 \\larner 1\ll' Sia· !i<Hl lll.'L'rl rc<·c11·1ng pr1 .. •-nn!;1 I care· 110111 :i loca l physici;111, E111!<1uist said. .11ld ll:1tJ hl'l'n !Old \ht• t'lllld S{'{!lllC'd !i•·.1\Jhy :111d 11·ould bt· horu ;1bot1! Julv '.!l .\1t1'r ~hC' allep:edly 1\•as struck \,y I I\· I .. , \{ns.1. pol1l'l' s:u<I. she heean11· 111 1 1•in ;•\a1111nat ion hy the doc tor. ~ti,. 11 .1-, l<1ld thrr11 v.•as no longer a fetal ht:arJhral, and the baby was OOrn dead Jul\' 22. Police· said the coroner's oHiel' 11·as 11ot1f1cd 01f !he case by 1\lrs. Be rber's 11l·lf;:11·c case 1\·orker, and the l'Oroner notifil'ci Fountain Valley police. Ornngr COLUlly 1..>t.•puly I) Is ! r i l' t Artorncv (;a rv Hvan !111! thl' JlllJl'(IC'I' 1·h<1rgc.~ 1\'erC fii ed undl'r ;1 rccrnl .iddili<Jn tu the state penal code. 11·hich pl'rtni!s rh<t rges to he fi!erl in connection "1th thl' dr~th of unborn childrC'n as 111•11 as lil'ing persons. Hyan said the child v.·ou!d have be-en able to li1't' nutsidc the mother's wom b. 'f hc new penal section 1\"il S added in 19i0 after a 5-2 Supreme Co>irt dct:1sion freed a Northern Cali fornia rnan lrorn prosc{·ution 1n connection with a sin1i!ar death. In that <:asl'. Keeler 1·s. Superior Court. the defendant had brcn <'ha rgl'rl 1r1th n1urtl1·r fnr atlei<:<'<il~· ki cking h 1 ~ prei.:nan! 111fe. A fr11· da\'s later. Hran ~1J1d. she r.:ave birth to ·a <lead infant 1111h a skull fr:1r1 urc. Alter thr court's d('('ision. Hy;in s;iicl. !ft(' Lrg1~l a!ur(' ;1111t'nded the la\\' This 1 ~ the f1rs1 t·ao;t• :;int·r in Or:ingc C'<)Unt~·. ht· ;iddt'd, and 0111· uf 11111.1 ;1 f1•w tllro11g-hou1 !hr ~1 .::t111 !>t· l.;1 l!osa. 1\'ho ;d'°'> h:.t~ ht.'1'11 1·hargr·d 1111h assaull 111111 1111rnt tt i con1111 11 gr11a1 boc!11\· 1n1ury to 1\1rs. ll•·rb1•r. 1:-ht•111g ht•ld ill (lr;u1gl' County .J:11I. \o IJ;11I h:t'-lit't'Jl set. ll~an 1,;1 1d Tt1r t•oup!t• hal'e 1110 otlil'r ehildrcn. Tropi<'.al Stonu IJil',, \IL\.\11 1 l'l'] I .\lnHI. :i killer troµicnt ,.,1(11·1n on \\'ednesctay, subs ided into rniJ d sr1u;11ls Thursday fl n d h11rnc:anc 11atehcrs ended !heir vigil tod;iy, Or ange (;oast Weather La!t' n1gh1 <ind rnorning lo1v tlouds 11·1th sunny afternoon s S<1t· urd;i~· Lilli(' t'h;1 ng1• 111 1e1nperu· ture. lllghs in the lo\Y 70s <1t the bracht'S to 80 inland. l:\SIDE TOD.\ Y Thr Huller Alj rf·~co. pageallt l''•/1111t1'er t i-e/yJ /~eyuold.~ ond /l'!JUdCi/l'l'('T ,\Iu!/l!l!S ,.\be/ r Ii rt't' nspccts of tl1e Laf/11 un Ft'sli11ul v( ..\ r·ls 0111/ Paoeru1t oj /111• .l1nst1'r.~ -""l' µrube<L b!I St11ff \r riter .lnrk Cl!appe//. 01' /'ag1· l of t o<loy·.~ \\'erk·endcr. " Y()Ur St rvl<t " -vlt1 C6•1 1 01hnt .. Mllv•! """'' " L " I OYd " l'j1li0fl•I Jj1w1 .. c~hlo•"" •• 0••~·· c ... ~., ... C••••·liHI 01.t1 Ptc1,11 '" Co...,1ts " llt1U~ft"h '" C•o"N0 •8 " ~y!v11 Ptrltf .. o •. ,,~ llOll<•l .. ~oo•l1 '" Ed 101 •• "••• .. >111<~ NUr\111 91·1 f •"'~(• 9 '·1 '•lol"""" "" "' ... Jttco•d " Thtt t1r1 '" He1r1<0t>r .. W•llll>t• •• """' l•"d"'' "' Worlll *"' .. "'••itll'• " Wt~•t~du (l·l t MO"•> ''" " ) . \ 2 DAil V Pl LOT c , \ " ii ''1' *''£' : > •. I ~-,· "-' - Y' :;w- t: -i'- ; ... 11 , I --' '· Still nt It ~ \.• " .,,, a-~~... '. '« II - by the start of school. was delayed by a st rike. C'ity orficials are now predicting the $900,000 proj- ect will be fi nished inn I\'oven1ber. ~fo tori sts who ha\·e to use F"airvtC \\' Road in centra l Costa ~·1esa have found tl1e going a bit tigh t lately betv.·een Pr 11u;ct on IJrive anl.! Oorset Lane . a \\l id- e ni ng project. originally scheduled for co1npletion ~~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... .. \ TO:\'IGllT CONCEllTS IN Tll.E PARK Long Beach Junior Conc<:rt Band, Costa ~1esa City Park. 8 p.n1 EXCE).rlQNAL CH IL D R E N 'S DA!\Ci:'.: -Dept. of ~isure Se rvices s ponsors dance fr1r all exc:eption;i\ children and yow1g adul!s of Orange Cotu1ty. Co~n1 w1i ty Rec.:rea tion Center. 7.9 p.111. lnfOm1atio11 556-5300. J\10TORCYCLE SPEED\\IAY llACIKG -fairgroWlds , 8: 15 p.m. Fro111 Poge ,\J CYPRUS. • • a federal govern1nent. .. , Turkish Cypriot leader Hauf Denklash said the 60-hour rene1\•al of fighting meant rhat "a fL'<l<'ral sr ate h;1s been establisl1ed on Cyprus. Its boundaries <ire znarkcd by the Turkish t\.rmy .. , (;reece oppOSt'd fedl'ration but an angry Prernicr Constantine Kara1na nlis admi tted 1'hursday that Greece 1-1·as pcn~·erless to stop Turkey's 1ni lilary expansion on the islantl. A govemment spokcs1nan in Athens said Karamanlis rejoc1e an in\'it ation by Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger to fly lo \\lashington for talks v.·ith P resident Ford . Diplomatic repons from London said there 1-1·as no ni sh lo reconvene the Geneva peace talks that could at best only conrirn1 the Turkish n"Lilil.lry victory. .4RRES1'S . • • the arres1s. :1cr·ordini.t !o ~al. E11gcnc !\ordrn. hl'ad of the narcotic« de1a1I The in\'es1 it;<tl1on 111\ulvl'd n<Jrcot1r-" agents 11 ho IJ(.l~l·d !JS drug h11~ er.•. 7\ol'dl•n S<Jid. 'Jllcy entered various bu:.incsses in 1hc Harbor ,\rr;i. rn<ide LOl11<trt and 11.l(h the ;dlet;l'rl dcah·r <; ;111d purcha ~!'(] ~111.dl quantifies of druas \1·1th p '> l 1 cc de-- partment n1oney. he explained. \\'arrants v.·ere then oblaincd for the series of ar- rest!!!. 1""0-•"7~L""'L•·•' • ~•·~"·"' ••-'·"""'l•'lna• •'•Ob>,.,,.. ·•~[,!'• O·• ,• I ,.•r,,,.,,.l'o~c:.,,.,-......, ,.,.,, .• ..,, .. ••• """"'""' '.'•na.,· "'"'•.0" I·,,•·• ''e· , •., ~ vf B~; r -<""''"'l' " !", I••• V•• •• ... ;IJll• bo•c" '"''"" ~•11•1'1 , • o '"' C ""'•"I• Son Jo,.•1(".o~,11•0 • '" '"l"'"...,'"'~•r.•!><•:t ·~········""' "•·' '"•r""'•l'<I <>'"'" ''"'' ·' ~ •.. ,. Boi 511 ... 1. Coor•"'~~ I' ,,, • 9/e!~ f c\-.. ,• r: • ., .. , j ,, .. ,,.. ' . .., .... ~ '. , .•. J-.-0 ...... V·t•'"'''''"'''""'C.•-••'~• ~· T~-oi .• I.' ..1t ·• \ "'•"~""'Ed~"" Coif• Mt-M Offl1t I\\) W,u 8:» •·~·· '·'·il "'l l\a!V" ·I ~ J I)'."• " •. , 'J Oftwt' Offitt• 14•"t"'9•• .. ,~ ......... ). •• ' .,g .. •o!j•oc•. i • • "'. "'''J"•., ... -•• -., ••• , •• 1 s..,. ....... '• Jo.> """' ..... Ttltflh-171 41 '"2·4l 2 r C/011ifltll A1h m /1I.., •42·5•11 ""'··~·· •Q•• °'' ........ , •"'"q (..-. ""; ···"·~•"<>'''' ,.,. "l"""'""'" .. ,.. •~ .,,,.,..,,.,, .,.. •• ,,,, ,,,. •r''''"""' ...... ,,.~···•1.,....... ·' .. -~.,~ .. ., •. ~· '' r "ll" ,..,,,r ..,.,,, • ·~· .. . .. ,,,. .. .. '., .... , I• • , -, ,.,, l' '' • -<>" • ' 'Majo1· Defects' ni Mesa Apart1ne11t P1·on1pt Suit Damages totallinR more than SI m illion are being demanded by a Costa ~lesa couple \\'ho cl aim that a group of defendants conspired to hide serious structur=il defects in a. recentlv purchased :11x1r ln1ent bui ldi ng on Coriander Driv!'. l<.:n1i11 I :ind J)oro!hy !::. t\r!'111r n.1111c Land E\·olution. lnl'., ~igi1I Bailey and Associa tes ilnd the Heal Estate Fair. Inc .. arnong reul csl:11c firms allegedly invoh·L'<f in the alleged conspiracy. Individu als idrnl ificd in !he Orange f'uunty Superior Court action include Or. Charles Bonnett and his \\'i fe . Patrici a r\lln<'. forn1cr ov.'ners of !he building. real rsta1e saleS\\'On1en Claire Bond and Gail Hc;im Rnd apartn1~nt house manager Sarah !fall. The Arsan!I stale thC'y bought the buildin.c: at 1558 Coriander Dr Iv e tor $85.000 arter being assured that !he four· unit apar tment complex \1;as free of defects. Tiie !!luit st ates that Huntington Escrov.· Service. Inc., also named in the list 11f defrndants. had closed the escro1\' on !he transaction \\"ht~n the Arsans di sl'.o\·cred that th ey h:id bcrn Jlefraudcd. It fur ther alleg('s that a serious soil subsidence condition had caused 1~'alls to crack and doors lo sv.·ing out of alignment and th<it nlany such c.racks had been painted O\'er. The Arsans clain1 that the damagt: reduces the \'alue of the building by S5U.OOO. They demand cancellation of the sale and restoration of their p;iyment. t ',...m Poge 1 POPEIL 1'ESTIMONY . • • RN'd and PN"ler \.\'ho initi<ltell an al!cl!C'd 111urder plot again~t l'op<•il Jn v.·hich !ht'.\' and he "·ould ext ract gre<lt prnfi!. "A three-11·ay split ?" asked Defense Allonlt'Y ll oberr t lrecn, C()-('{)Unsel for ~!rs. Popeil. during cross·exan1ination "A thrt•e-11·a.\· split.'" confirrned A~·cr$ 111· hai: testified he 11 as only stnngin~ Reed and PeelC'r along in a bi1.arre ;11ten1pt to cripple their C<111,<;p1raty ;ind expose them to high authorities. A~·ers charged that He~:d and P~eler v.·anted hin1 lo lake J\lrs. 1-'opcil to a 1notel room v.·here they couJd be sccrf'tly photogrnphed and the picturf's !'Old to Porl(•il for us1' :1g:n11:-t her 111 th,·1r dJ\'Ottl:' procee<ling., Ayers testified he turned the!n do11·n. J )i,_·pu ly J)1 -;trrt·1 At !ornt'}' Brcgn1.u1 il~k1~1 11h1 "I COUl!ln't gC't :\Ire;. l'opeil to ('1)111t' 1n a 1110\el." 1\y£"rs rcst1 ftl'IJ in hi.~ (:<·org:ia dri'I 11 I. · H I could11 l g1·1 ilrr I" .1 rnnll'I 'Bli11£i ecl' Driver Faces Court Date ATLA:'\JA ILPll -Ar1hur Gl ick. lmov.11 a.5 "Zorka tht: t.ta11:ieian." taped l\.\O silver tlollars over hi s eyes, \.\'rapped a black blindfold orcr hi!!I head, ~ol into a car and st.1rted driving lhrough to11·n to sllO\\' off his ' ' u nu :i: 11 a I perception" ;ind plug a charily show for the Bli11dnl'SS Prevention Society. Atlanta Constitution n c 1v sin an Fre1ler1ck Allen, 1\·ho 1ll'Conipanied hln1 Thursday. s:iid 7.orka 11·11 3 doina nil right in he111 .1 lratf1e Rt 40 .111iles an h(lur u111il ix•lice :.irrested hin1 on a reckless drh'ing charge. Zork.'1, lrct· on ~l.flOO bon(l, said he 11·ould base his defen!>c in lr;i ffic ('()Urt Sept. 3 on hls claim that "Illy perce ption po"·crs are w1usual ." 2 Dese11 Victims Sl1ot in Head CARSON CITY, ~C''· 1U11 J1 -'J\4·o teen-age gi rls. v.·hos e bod!~ "·ere foun d in a destr1 art>R Th ursday. died of bullet \l'Ol.Jn<ts in the head. Sheriff Robert ll11n1phre.v saifl today. He said there "·ere no signs of r:t["I(' Both v.·r rc fully clolhP<i \.\'lltn fl!~CO\-rrC'd ahout 7~ rard.~ apari in nn nren north of here. (lilt' 1ictl1n 11·11s irlcnt1 fird as Lorie \\'oodruff. 13, dnu~hler or a ~ccretary 111 1hr> Cnrson :i:h(lr1ff's offlct'. The ofht·r ~1rl ll<ts tenta1n·ely idf'nl1fiNI a-; ~ha"n Hof('r 1,;, 11f t'..n rson {11}' how rould_ f gC't. he r 111 bed ~ .. A~·ers rt•plied "'he11 a.~k ed if he 11 anleiJ 111 11rrJ nge the assignat'rn. A spokesman for lhe FB I orfice in Long Beach :c:aid toctn.v he eould not r·onfinn or deny 1\·hcthcr Ayers r1-1]i<il last su n11ner regarding co rn p I a i n t s a~ainst Popc.:il and his pr1\·atc eyl'S. ··\fnn y people make niany calls for 1·a riN1 reasons." he saicl . adding that 111 such a ease as the !'•lpci\-A~ ers Jo,e triangle episode. a caller v.ou ld be ad' ;sed to contact some o!h er agency n1ore properly suited to handle it. Pa11ers Fore see l~ock)·, Bush 011 '/11sid e Track' · \\"ASflJ~GTO~ I A ! ' l Thr \\ a~hington 1\>.~t anfl the f)etroit Frcr Prrss ea1nc up 11·i th 1·arying rtporl .~ tod;1y on v•ho ha.c; the iJJ side tr;ic).. for the 1ice presidency. The Fr{'f> Prt>5s quoted adl'iSers lo President Ford as Srty!ng fonner :\r\.I' Yurk Gov. i\clson A. Rockefeller has the inside track to the \·ice presidency. In a dispatch from ils \l.'ashington bureau, the free l 'res.c; ~a id tv.·o contenders. COP l\ational Chainnan George Bush and Sen. Hov.·ard H. Baker J r. iR-Tenn.f. dropped in fa\·or. Hov.·e\'er. the Post (juotefl "a S01.1rN' rlo:;c to Prrsidfnt l''ord" as saying Hu~h h:is !he ~inside lr<ick" lo the \!f'f' 1>re.~idency. The Post said its soun.:e pt_•rsonally ~~l\·orcd Rockefeller. Both ncv.spapcrs said rheir sour('('s indic:ited J,.ord has not n1ad.c ;i final rlceision. As h(' v.·as lr::\'ing his ~uh11rhnn Alt'x:1ndria, , .. a .• ho n1e todav. Ford "·as ,'l.-.kcd \\'hether tie had reachCd a decision on the 1·ict' presidentia l no1nina lion. "I haven'l been think ing aboul i!," hr replil'd \\·ith a smile. The Free Press said Bush"s chan('(S dropped because of "a high-prr~sure can1paign mounted on hi.5 behalf by fonner colleagues in Coogre!!ls and others in lbe party structure." Bush and Baker also IC>l"t points becaU!!le of !Ke ir relatil"e youth and possible pr esi d en t i al a1nhltions, the story said . The story .5aid Rock efeller. nt 66. probably .,.,:oold be too olrl to run for the presidency in 1900. !~is Age And t xperie nce v.·ould add admlni,.tratlve expert ise and e<..'dtlOmic knO\l.··how to ford'!! nedgling pre!i(dency, the story !!laid. "-' Ford prohably "On't announce hi.'\ choice until 1't1l'~:ty or \\'ednf':;d (ly, hls spokesman !iRid todR}'. \\'hilf' llo1.1se T'reii:~ Secrrtarv Jersilrl f . lerlior.-;t ta lkPd or !he probahie tirning rof the 11nnounrPment 11t A ]Jrf'akf:i sl ~ssioo v.1th reporter~. Hr rC'pefltcd th.Il l f'(lrrl lu1d no! rntlll(' up hi!i mind or if he had "ns hc('p1ng h1!1 9" n rou1;,c;eL ("" • I OC Roofc1·s Joi11 St1·il<c Fo1· Raises Orange Cotuity roofers v.•alked off I heir Job" Tl1ursday. joining loc·ti ll' ru 1~1ng lle11eh and Los An gl'lc:i, in a S!r1ke for hight'r \\';1ges and fringl.! ht·11('f!!s. lloofers Loca l 21!1 secn1ta1·y Gt.'Orge '\ewrn;111 s:i.id the u11 ifl11 h~1d bt•t•n turnL'd dovm on its initial ~2.35-u11-hour 1ncrea,,.e _rt'11uest. 'rile .~!rikt>. Nev.n1:1n i.:.iitl. 1nvol\·,~s :i hout 450 n.xifers in lhi• tlrangc C-Oun1v l11t:lll ;Hl(J 1.·100 111 1h.-th ree loc·;1Js 111\'0l\'t•d . ,\ f1>d1·r:il n1etl1aru r. r;vorg1' l)iuiean . 11;1s l)(•en v.·11rk111g-1t 1l h 1!11· 11111011 :111<1 1110 r11an:.ige1nerH ~roup~. !he f((10fi11f! t "·111 r;1~·1urs A.~.~CM:i:1t iou of S..1111 hl'ru ("<i hfunu.:1 and the Orange ~Al11111~ Hoofing Contractors' t\ssoci;1!ion . l'ickets .• l\'cv.·n1;l n said. have been srnr only lo ju!Js \.\'here work is continuin;,l 111rhout union sanc!ion . A f e 11· l'o111r11ctors, he said. ha1·e signed interi1n ;igreen1e111s to pay union de1nands and keep \\'Ork going un til a n~\\" contrac.:t is signed. ln addition 10 111agrs and friugc benefits, Newma n s:ild. negotiations arc hung up on !he lengt h of lhe contr·al"t.. The union. he said. \.\'ants a l11·0-year ilb'1"een1ent a11d the ton!raclors .,.,·ant a ihree-year pact. Ex·Cho 11iber Cliief Stricke11 Retired Nev:port H a r b or Chamber of Conunerce n1anager Jal'k Barnell. 6-t, v.·as reported 1n fair and st a.ble cond ition at lloag r-.feznorial Hospital in i\e11 port Beach today follov.·ing an <i1'1p:Lfl'll( heart Htlack. Hal'lll'll. \\·ho r<'!ired frf\nl lhl· t:han1be-r last month after 19 yea rs ·i~ rnanager. 11·as adinltted to the ho~pilnl aOOul noon Thursd<1y and placed in a subinlensi\ e care unit. !le "·as wHlergoing <hag11ostit• tests today and ap!X';1r1'd lo he in good spirits. a h o ~ p i l ~l ! spokes111nn said. ACL\Jrding to friends. Barn~t had 1u~l returned from a three v•et'k va ca 1ion in Ha\.la 1i. Charges Dropped « 011 Lo11u Beach I".) l\lan • Acci<lent Ill r~lonv clnu1kc11 dri\ ing charges h.'.l\"t' !)('I'll dropped against a LOng Br;1rh rn;1n Hl\'Olved U1 a l'>c11·por1 Heach !raffle collision !O days ago ""hitjl killed an l8-yea r-0ld girl frofn l.facienda Heights. Ilalph Kenneth Houp, 38. "·as arres!f'1"l on Aug. 6 after his car struck bicyclist .Jnnt'tle S1ro1111ne and several bi cycling coinpanions during a late t vcning ride on \\"est Coast Highv.-ay across fron1 l.f111rard"s J{estaurant . i\e1~1Xlrt Bcaeh Police T r a f f i c ln\·estigator JHn Donaldson said 1od:11 that Thursday the district alforney refused lo file charges aga inst J loup because of insufficient e1·ideni.'f' Oona ldson said there 1\'as ins'.lflti l'nr proof of I lou 1>"s trnoxit·ation .'.lnd ;ilc;o e11denl'e that the girl 11:as ~lruel\ 11!1111· ~h~ 11 as ridin.c:: fi\'e feet frnn1 i hc roads rd~e. lie s:1id she :il so did 1101 h:1\f' ;1 l1e<1d!ight or rt"'~lr reOel'tor on her h1crclc. .. Briggs Assure __ Caspers Bill OK St;1t(' Asstr11bly1n;1n .John \' Brigg.<; ( ll·Ful!erton 1 st11d !otlay lhHl !11· Ii.JS J.!ftr·ncrt•d I ll'fllul"ratic.: SUIJJ>Jrt tl1 :it \\'ill tl ~:\llft· p;1.-.-.;1ge of :i hill t ulling fu1 ' nn t•k•trion lo {'hoosc a siit.:ce~«tw ~o n11.s::.1ng I 1ra11g1• Cou111,1· Fiftl1 J l1:.tr1ct Surprvisor Hon.ild \\'. ("as1X'rS. 1"hc bill calling for lhl' l'll't't1011 elt".IJ"1•(J the ::il·nat t• ~:l et·!io 11s :i n d ll1',:p1111rl iorunl'nt ( 'on11nil t •'•' Thu1 .-.<1;1~ :uul L1rl'.'> ;1 St·11.1!1• fltHJr 1\·-.1 Hr11:;.:s s:ud th.ii if rht' S1·11.1!1· p;1,st•., fh1· !Jill. it 11ou!d 11101 e 10 the I too r us lhe A;,•t·1nhly 1\10111.la~· or 'l\11•;.day I h.111• !alhl"d \11th D1·1nocr;i11c.: floo r 11.,nil'I' :11ul 1h1•v h;111· told rrlt.: rh;1! guuil gu1 t·rnr u1·11i 1!1tl:ll1•s ;111 l'lcrt1011 tn fill !h\' vur:incl' .. Hrigl{s sn td .Ju~t 1:1~! 11ee).. I lt'lll\JlT<1tc; 111 tli!' lt1-.1p1x1r11u111111·11t ('0111111ilfet• killt>d ;u1 1•;1rlier Briggs 1)111 t·;i!Jinl{ for .u1 elee1 u111 !11 !ill !ht• I ,jl'.llll",\' ·1 pred1rl H 11 ill p;1:-s lh1' 1\s~c1nlll\ 111 nn ;1lr11f,-.! un.11l1111uus v11tc."' Brigg'I s:1id Briggs Si11U lh<i! 011("1• on th1· Ai.se1nlih fluur . !ht• J),.111111'1",1!:-; 1·n1.1!tl lry lt• ...,.ud th~ IJ11! lo f"UlllllHllet• (ll lt.'e .1!.!<1111 "1!111 I nun t th111I. 011·y 111 11"' II 1ht· hill do•'' t•l1·;1r !hi· t\~!'..C'1J1hl1 11 11 di i:o u11n1ed i.1!t•I\ tu (,11v Hull· ild llv.ig.111 I It· lllll.,l s 1g n the hill 11_1 1\t1g_ ~II 11 lh1· 1•1l·1·r uir1 !!ll':1surt' Is 10 aµpt•ar oil thi· J\u1t•111bt'f hallo!. ~f esa Ga1·de11e1·, Wife Si1e (~ity fo1· False A1·1·est \ !"11-.1.1 \l c~a gti rdt.'ner and !11s \1·if1' sued tflal city .ind the 1·i1 .v of l/unlingto11 B1':1('h for 1nore than $400,fi()(l ThurscL1 _v 111 a f.1li:t' a rrt'SI 1:-iv.•suit that names nine ulficcrs fron1 both ag1·nC"iC's. Dudlt'}' \\'ayne aud J1•<11u1e .\!;inc Ca\-anau~h. l 119 Sunilo11er SL. • :tJjl:1 \h'.s;i, t·lni1n in the Orange Count~· !-'111ll'n,1r Court :-ir tion that offit't'rs frorn bo!h ri11cs 11nl.111·fully l'lllCr~·d their h-Om"' 1.<1st Nov. S and carried of! 139 iten1s ol 1JerYonaJ property. C:tl":lll:lugh. 5.1. and :\1r s Caran•n1gh. 44 . further allcRC that they 11·erl' falsely t·llargl'<I \\'11h re('<'i1·ing s!o!C'n pro1)('rty that ineludl·d ~!l'rcos. !('ll">'L~io11 ;,{'ls, fir£•ar111s. bi<'yt:lrs. liquor. hu si nes,; 11l:lt'l1J 11t•s. can1C'ras and n1orc th:in 500 pounds of 111i.>at. Tiit') furth('r Hl!ege that Co:; I a ~lesn police m<ide erronoou s inrnrn1utH\11 ;11 ;1il:11ilc to a i)aily Pilot l'l'i'>Orter 1\1!h lh<' r1·.~u11 tll:d fal~t· ;1cL'u:-;;J1i0ns 1\·C'rl' prultL'd 111 1ha1 lll'"'s pnper. Costa ,\J (•sa off1r<'rs nan1r<I ;1 s rl<'fcndants ;ire: Dt1\"id \I. Sif'n1, \\"tlli:in1 E B<.'eh tel. David G. Lcight\111 :ind J !:1 rold 1-;iselk'f Hu11ting1ou lh-.1th offirf'rs nan1f'd h~ the f'a \'a nau~hs arl' JJ111es A. Hubin, A rclcn lkoa\·ers. (11ristian Sd1nt•ider, Bo!x·r1 J) ~utherlan<I and Da 1"1d '.\!1\lt•r C.:11·an:iug:h clain1s that JX11iC1' told <igen1$ of the ln1emal He\'enuc Scn·i1'f' !hat he a11d his \\ife .,.,·ere "big dealers" 111 stn!en properly anfl that ca~h ;11'<"11n111!:HC'<J 1r.1n1 ~111·11 ;:i ! I e g c d trcui~acrions had 1111! bci·n rt"porred u11 !11•· eQ11plt'".~ inco1111' t;ix rC'!urn~ 111c re~ult. hl' ~rat1~i:. i.<> 1h:11 :tn !fl,..; r:1 x l1t•n h:1.~ been sl ;ipp1·d on fht ' rn11p!<,'s ~il.000 Sur1f11)11·rr Stre<'t h\11 i1r1 :ind tio(' 1a-: agenrv s11ll rl'!a1ns $12.000 .;cit.l'd du; inl-! !he unl;1wful rai<I. Ile f'[a11n;. th;11 uffu·rrs rined his s:t ff'y 1leJA1sit ho xt•.s in <1 raid ('.1rri cd ou1 \r11hou t a .st-;:ir<"h \.lalT.1nt. Ca\';inaul!h l'!il11ns thn! of fic er s («111 f1s1:at('j l $25.@I in l' ~. Treasury bonds. $ti.055 in cash. ~1.1HHl in s1l\C'r. -~1 0,000 in municipal bonds nnd ~veral auto pink slips and insur<tncc policies. The gardener also cla11ns !hat i1e has lost !'lients in the Coi.ta \IC'sa :\e1-1·port Benrh and l'orona del \1ar areus a:-; .i 11·-1111 of the continue<! C.'O\·rr:tgl.' 1o! •hi• c;1-1 h\' lh<' l)nily Pdfl1 II ,., al\,.i.:(~t tl1;1t 111;111\ 11i lilt' J.1'1 tlt·111~ (lf p1·r"111;1I prQil('rt_,. 11:•11• ~t 1 JJ n"t h'·rn re1 11rnNt 111 C-0.;;ta .\lesa pol1cr .\!;in~ (•f th1·111 h:i•t' bt'f'!l s1 .. red 111 till' up.·11 ;11r ;ind rl~1nai;C'll h~ l'XIXl:>Uft' tu r;11r1 <uul 11111ll'r l\"t•aihr r. (";11an<Jllgh l"t1tnpl<1il1S. (':11;111:1ug)1 11<1_., plai'l'd 011 three _\i•:irs prob;11111u 1:1:-it 11t•f'k :t f!c ·r lx:111g found giuhy of ;1!lf'n11>ting !O rer1·11·c s!1Jl 1·11 pro1)("rl v by S11rwr1or Court Judge Hyron I\ .\le.\l iltan. 1\ll t:h.:1rr:;1·s aga1nS1 his 111fl· \.\C'rc d1.,.mis~tod . J{opcr Rf'signs S('liooJ l'o1't~ J\loving North II) CA.\(),\('!-; Pt-:Anso . ...; .J:u·k ll•lp1·r ~:1p1·rin 11·nch·111 of rho flun11ng11111 B1.•;11:h \ '111t111 J!ii:;h Sehool /iistricL announced his rc~l~n;:i1ion tod :ir 11, 1:ikt' a ~111Hl.1r I""' 111 .1 :\'onhr rn ~·nllforni.1 st·hool d1,,1nc.:t. l:nrl('r . 4'.!, hn~ IJ1·t•n h1r1'd on :i fuur- \"f·H r l'onrr;1r! :1! ~3!1 flriO ,1 1<":1r bv iru~1l't'S <•f rh1· Fr1•111ont l:ni()n J1 1i.;h St•hf(JJ IJ1:;1r1l·t h1'.1df1urir1errd in Sunny\ ale lit• hac; bt•en ~111x·r1nrendl'11! 01 th .. lluntinc:tnn H(•ach L'nion 1!1J:h School llislrirt fnr :ihnn~! four vears. so1ne of it n1:1rk1·1! 1\1th ro111fo1·t r!<v , Jl is S'li,OOI) .1 venr cPnt rncl hat! about s1 '(' rnonths lt'f1 R oper ~illd lh· 11111 <,Iii\' (111 hi s <'Ufff'O t i"b uni II t'arly nr n1irl-O·tubf'r to h<'l l) !tit· d 1~t ri\'t d ur1n~ the troins1t1on to il 11°·11· s11pl'rin!1·ndt•111 <111(] !() \\'Ork lor lli1• prnpo;,t·d t;i x n1l'rricl1' fl,, "'dcl lltt• Fr,·1110111 r11 strict bo:!!·rt 11,1ni1•d /)1111 1<l ""l'illll(' llt'XI \\'l'•'k 1r I i·1111ld Hut to up ;1nrl 11•<1\'e rf'.1ilv 11r1uldn'1 hrlp 11 1 !11~' over ntl1· 1 •· ' The rii str1<•! is tr.vin.i:: to ii:et \"Oler ,'11>pro1·a! :\'ov 5 ror a 1 ~ 5-t'f'nt ta-:. rat1• 111crt'a~1-to fund 1·011.~1 ruction of 11111· n1nrr hi.c::h school Si'. sin1ila t t'ffor1.5 111 lhe p.1st h1vr fa iled. }{opt'r s.1ifl !he Fremont di.strict "h,1• !he 1nu1ge of one of 1hc finest educa1innal pro grams 111 :he state " :.ind s.1id the 11H11r i~ n µroff''\..,ionnl ;id1·:i11ct'ment flt• .1r!d1'!! rh :I ht' and tu" 11if(' ha\"e fh'\ 1•r h\ t'<l :1111 plat·c but Oran~e Cuw11y ..u~t .u .. .11(r:u·lr«I tn 1111· .\'orrn1·rn c·:111rorn1n f'n1·1 ronmrn! Ho1)('~·s dt•r·i~11111 :1f!1•r Ill!' finill oafc troru ~ r1'll1nn! <·:1111" 111 Thur~a1· a .~urpri ~f' In H1111 ~hcnkni;1n. µ;.;;;i cnt of !hf' JJ11n!i11gli •n Ht•nc.:h l'nion /!1gh S1·i11w1l 1 f1~tri<·I bfl:1rd Summer Sale MARIMONT UPHOLSTERY "NEW AND EXCITING " SPECIALLY PRICED DURING OUR SUMMER SALE ~~ ... ,., t ' ~ WING CHAIRS SALE s235 .. ' SOFAS FROM s399 LA RGE SELECTION NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Another Ted von Hemert Exclusive DREXEL-HEAITAGE-HENAEOON-WOOO MAAK-KARASTAN-BAKER WHKDA TS I. SA TURD A TS 9:00 lo 5:30 NEWPORT BEACH• 172i \\'ESTCLlrF DR.1 tW2·2Q~ LAGUNA BEACH • J.l.'i Nl lHTll Cc)AST lf\\'Y . ·I ~ 6.'i51 TORRAN CE • 23•'49 llA\\:r11<1 n;o..·,.; DI.Vil lflpt•n Fn 111 !l, Sun 12 ~ .l(Jl Jj~ 127!1 I~ •• • ., ,, ' .. 1: '· •• ~. ·: •• ' • • • • '• ~ _. r v. I " ·r~ 'J'I T " "' " T " ,, I It " " l c a • • l • " " i. '· • • t• •' •' '. ' .· Police n1 e11 To Joi11 T ea111ster 8 LOS A:\t:ELES tAPl -·rht:' \'f'mon p:'.)licc for('(' h as bt-<.-01ne the st!l!e's first lil'A' t>nforceu-.ent group to Joil i the ·rea1nsters Union. By a vote of 44 to 16 1'hursday, tlie police voted 19 nffi!iate "·i!Jl Local 986 of. the 'ft'amsters. l lo~·arcl Stolan, spC>k('STT'Wl ror l hc \1emoo r)olll'e ()fficer.s ( S t a te ) ' ,\sSQt:1atJon. :-a1<l the action L tlvt'" not ind1L"atc the polic1• 11r1• ge:irini.; up for ;i :-trike. '!'hei r t:urrcnt contr..ict runs • untU July 1975 and Stolnn s.1id, "'\\e s1nlply voted , 'Ul cfh·ct, t.u hire the 1'ea1nsters as our bargaining agent." U'I T.itltlltlo llHJIPfJ Trio Allison Lee fvt uJlavey, born l\Tonday 1,veighing 6 lbs .. 1:3 oz., recei ves a variety of reac t ions frQn1 f aU1er . B its Fir11 t Offrri11g R e,1vt1 r cl SA:'\ FflA '\{'fSCl 1 I tll'J 1 - (~reyhouud Linf'!i, t r~c.. has offt"red a S.5,000 rt·11itrd for 1nfot111:1t!on lending kl the 1br1·e rnt•n \~·ho hijacke<f a OOs. robbed passengers llnd ra ped orit> young rider. The bus "'as h i j ac k <'d El. f'AJO~' t Al'~ Sh.1r1s."e Krohn sna~cs r:1n and h•·r f111;1 1ly diHll't' 111 jl''dl't." A mur11c1 pat <'OU~t p1r.\" J)t:r~· ru!L'<I 111ur:'o£.1:11' 1h:1l 1111;• sn;ikc.; u!>C.'d bv t:1e ·.r. lt"<!r"\)l\I t•\ulit: J<iJILt"!" Ill her 11ij::ht1:luh act 11t'r1• nut t!angt'rous. She h<id lw.·1·11 charge<! \l'i!h k e •·ping ' 'f erocious bf';1st~., CQrltr;1 ry to lav.·. Sw1d:ly near Thousand Oak.s '------~-------'! h~· thrC<' armed men ~·ho r<>hb(_'d 1he 3.S passengers of $3.0CIO in cash and \"aluab!£'s. Tilt> n1cn ll~·n Slj1p1)('(! the' Llus <i tld nt'd in a \\";11 1111;.: C:.ir Tl11· r"11 .1rd 11;1;; 11n11ounCC!'I 'rlnir:-d::i\ Lv Frank I. . \";)got.'!t<'. president of Ulf• San J.'ran1:1S<.-o-hascd division of Llrt:'yhound, v.·ho sa id: Tria l Da te S('t fo r l >a i r , In Dru g S al e ~ e \'c.-iaite (,'liniig~rl l ;reg: gr andtnother , act ress Sheila MacR.ae , and the infant's 1nother, a ctress f\ler idlth t-.·laclla&, v.'h o SA:~ F1lANCJSCO (AP ) -!1()!ds her . 'l'he group is shown a o;; U1ey l eft Cedars "\\"e a!r£'ady hav~ t ii ken ~·hatC'i·tr prt"Cautions ll'C can to pre' ent a recurrence of th.is nature. \Vhat \1·e ~re 1nlercs!ed in here ls seei ng tlH':-C' crinllnals caught ;in<! prosecuted to the fullest extent of the !av.·" LOS A'.'\GELES IA P 1 -,\1 Sept 16 trial <lalc h;1s !)(1('11 I SCl for a n1..1n an<\ \\'Qtn;ln r \\")10 pleaded no <."Vlllcst to one count or prn.<.1ic-ing n1edici11e "'i thout a license in a cast.· in\"olving allegC'<t salt·s or J lllC'"gal drugs for the trl"n.tn1c-r1t or cant.'Cr. I 'J\.,.o allci-:cd Sy 111 bi one s c of Le banon J-lospitaJ in Los Angeles Thursday. l.ih£'ral iQ11 Annv 1ncmbcr.; --------'-------"--------- 1n11st he tri('(! ouL~ide Ala n1cda •Phi li p Carlson. 6.'), or \'an Nuvs. and Phvlis l>isnt:'\", 59. of ·North lloll}o11·ood, pl{-Cided I no conl<'st \\'('c!r1f'sd~,. !o charges of prac11cing n1c{!icint.·I ~·1thout a license b e f o re 1 Co n1 m i s s i o 11 er t.lcrcr !'\ev.·n1:ln. ;ind ('on1r:l 0,;.<;.ta r"Quntics ~·ht•rc ti)('\" an-nccu~ of murd1'r, ,;tte1npled murd<'r .ind other crin1es. thf' state Court of ApJX'<lls h:1s ru1€'d. Joscph Ht'nuro, 27. ;ind Russ<'ll Little, 24. ,,·on the change of Y<'llllC 1'hursd~\" 011 grounds tJuit pre1rial publicity linking t~m to the it'rror1:-.t SL;\ rt--ducro their chance of a f;iir Lri:.1! in Alan1Ni:i. Coumty. e Luu•s11il Filed Man T11reatens to Destro)r ~ U.S. Capitol With Gas ,\USS DI S~f:'" also faces charges of treating c.1ncer "ithout a li ccllS('. S<'lling una ppro ved drugs \Vithout a license and advertising a drug LOS Ai\GELES (AP l -repeatedly ruled that an aJicn "\\"e don't kno"' \\"hat is in to h<ive an effect in treating "1\"' is for ai rport, \1':lrns a is not n human being," the lhe OOinber's mind -if the c,'l ncer. ni:in v.·ho says he is the /{'adf'r \"Oice said. sender of the niessages is in A s pokesman for !he State II · 1· led lh 1 fact the bomber." f II I h of a group th;it bombed the c Ult ira e group c IOSC Dcp.'1rtn1e11t o · ca I in Los Angele~airport and ,1.ill the airport hecatisc it begins The l~erald-Exarnincr has s ;i c r am en t 0 snid two \l'il h "/\." as docs Aliens of also received. telephone cnlls u11dcreo,·cr :.i12cnts 11'Urchased \1·nte their nan1c -Alit·n.s I /\n1rricc1. 111rer IX'rsons \11~r<' front a 1n<in bi.:ht~\'l'il to be cil:iout $325 \\'Orth of laetnlc of ,\1neric;1 -"111 hlood" un ~illcd 1111d :i:; others \\'f'rc th <' S<l nie as on !he tnpc . An nnd n1ectic<"d suppl ies (rorn thc j !ht· f<il't' of the Un1Led St:.i ti·s . in1urcd in t/1c uirport hlasl F HI spoke:::n1an . said the rnan 1110 in .... \pril. 1 S V'lt \\IE\"TO ll'PJI A ,,·u.111· cunu1u\l1>e \ 1• ! t' 11 Thur-.t.t:,\" In ~1·;ikrr1 .t p r o.: r a 1i!t:c n. 111 n ~ r '' r l!~f;J!\:1tion Of S:!~ <11\!t '-!!I·•..: 1J,·111·.•s 011 ::.i:u1n• 4 null111u 1•11;r,. 1•l11n111:itio11 or :n.~t;dl:1liHll uf l·;1ll11ti.; f o r tl1o• I t'C]lllr•••t th1• !>!,H_'.Jlh d '"no\" (],,, 11'1·~ 111 ,ill hul tilr•'•' of th(• st111<'·s 1110~1 lk~pul.i11·il • 11 t•as ".1:-~rpmvt.,I h,· a 8 1 rn.1rg1r1 iu lh• ;:-.. 11.1!P f'u1,;r1• •. {'11111n11th" "!1k"' t.!lt hr S..•n J•.1111 I l11hnll;1hl I [ i { ),,~l;11id I \\o l~ g1\1·n i-IH11 rt1:1111'•··; 1 o r ]!.1~1'.IJ.!t' 'J'h (JU.~ 1I~11' r ! 1nn!ori~ts f.t•'•' ;1 dP:1dlin1· n.-.xt llllJ!i!h tu l:H.'l.(lfl .it! 1< l'l!lj! !t1•· d1 •1 l('1·S !n tho·lc' (",lfS. '1'111• ()fd1·r ol 111~t.1 ll.1t.11n h d1•t1·r11 1i111•d h~ lh1· 1.i s \ OAlLV PILOT !\ J 11u1nt)l.•r ,,1 111 1·11 1 11JJ1,.. • l'n<l••r 1ht· l111lrr11L1hl Bill nv11or1~1, 1n 111 .. ...,-nHh l 'u,1•1.t S:in l)lf'gu .ind lt 1) ,\1'1 .1 ,11r h:is1ns 11 u11ld ht· rvr11.,! l•> lfl,I Iii lhP (11•\'lt't"' !'ioliuuld 1hl· lllt•;!"l!I" p.i.~ d11 S1·n:i11· th" :1-::-.0·1111 11> 11.111 ~"<' ,Jtff ()!J1~l.'1t1n11 '111•· "'"'1 11lll' 'l'r;1re-.1~1rtalu)/l (:On111u1i. ... h;i-. ~il l\-c.I s11111!:1r prvpo.si1I~ l\\l<"e 1h1, ~""'''"" BUY BIG :::--SAVE BIG ON Y2 GALLON SALE Mix or Match 6 or Mort • ,....,---,_ __ ,~S a v e An Additional I 0°10 From Single Bottle Pr ice- f ® • ' ,· :· p.,,~' t 11~ •.. ,,, .. T•ll ~J"I' Jl"t r-i -· , ..... 19.99 Ci.rtty Sort. Scotch 12.38 Minq Ge-orqe-Scotch 11.98 Sc.~•by Scotch 16.]8 Old Grond-Da d Bourboq I J.40 ~ock Ve-1.,.e-1 Canodion I J.48 Block Ve-1.,.e-t Ca nadian 9.98 R~Mco Vodko 9.50 Sche-nle-y Vodko 9.96 W~f)c hmidt Vodko 17.00 Bombay Gin 10.78 800f"d's Gin I I .SO MOC)l'"om'• Gin 17.00 Tonqutoroy G in I l .98 Bocordi Rum ~ i ___ ; 12.58 Ron Rico Rum S1nc7t-lottlt l'"tiet : 11.49 10.99 11 .•s I J.99 I I. 79 I 0.99 8 .88 8.88 8 .99 I 5.45 8.99 9 .t9 14.99 11 .45 I 0.9S 16.64 9,89 I 0.48 I 2.59 I 0.6 l 9.89 8.00 8.00 8.09 1 3.90 1.09 9.00 I l .49 I 0.)0 '9 .85 at t lie W n rm@ TI CID IliJl1 mm® IT' IL n cqi1111 (Q) Il' ~ LOS A.1\l"GELF.S 1r\1'1 -T111• lj S. go\"f'n11111'!1 f 11111..;1 fill' ;111 r n' 1 r on nl <· n 1 :1 I 1111p;ii'1 ~tntc:1ncnl h1_'](•r•· :-1'rl•H1:-I~· t._1 lking about d rilling :or uil ITI are;is Orf 1hl' St1uth1·ri1 .. Cali fornia coast, lh·' st ;1 t e In a !;lpe recording. ;1 n1:ln·::: ·•\\e h:i10· no idr•1 11hethC'r ~~·ho has a :'ltidd!e Eastcni It \1·as not kno\rn ho11· n1any l \·oice thrc:itenC'd hl "di·stroy or not the next target 1\"i ll Je('(·n t -is being sought e;i!l('Cr pritients nlight ha\C '-----------------------------------J hei:r in 1rith the !rl!er "!.." ·· h<_'{_·ausc ''he defin.ite!y kno"·s lx:C'n victirns of the allcged l 3537 E. Coast Hwy.• Corona del Mar • 673-7530 auorncy g<'ncral S:T}:>. Atty. Gen. E\'t.•!lc Younger b .. -.ckM up h 1~ o p 1 n 1 on Thur.;d;iy ))~· r1J11lf:: :l ]a\l"SUlt in U S. District (-Ou.rt hcrl' oo beh.1 lf of hL<: office and !he Califomt.1 Co.1stal i'.-0ne Conc::ervation Commi~sion 'I h1' ~its seeks to prevent !he federal i;:ove nlnlcnt fro 111 ronsidcrinl{ or appro\"l:ii: , 1! drillinl{ lc.'Lv-sitt'S un11! ;u1 unpaC'\ sr.11<'111C'lll 1s rtlC'd the i•n!Jr<' pt'~f)lllit'I nf ("apil ~1 ~aid f~ol1i'C (":lpt. ~h·n·in Ki ng. \\"n<11 he's talking about."' fraud, 1he ~pokrstnan said. 11111"' in \\'ashi~ton 111th nc~,r, ___________ __: ____________________________________________________________ --.,. SACRA ,l f,~TO 1 ,\I' 1 -·nlf• Cornnii~ion r1f th<' f'nl1f1 1rn1.1 <\ ~·11] 111N>1 Au~ 22-2~ 1n S;ir1 I lif't!:O "i I h l.t (;or Ee! l{<'iJ)('('kC ;t_<; hn,"1 . H1'ill\'''ki>'s i.:as 111thin three n1onth<;. 1'hc tape 11·a~ f e('ei\'C<I Thu rsday f)y the Los Angl•les llerald-Exarnincr, and I he \Oicc identiried himself l<:aac Rasin1, chinf ni1l1ta ry offiC\·r uf Aliens e,,f Arnerica. Tilt: ~I A ."\ ~:11d the group ho1nhed Los :\ n g C' 1 t' ~I ln1t~n1:1ti\ln,11 .\irrx:irt Aug 6 nod \\'Otild fir,. t1vo tons of S.·1rint' 11cr1·t ga.<\ on C;1r)iLOJ I 1111 unl•'SS !h(' ls. S11pr1'llll' <'01i1M rlt'l'lart'S irnn1igr.1(io11 ;ind 1w1ural11.<1 11on l u ...,. s 11nc'l;lns!i tut ional. ofiire c;;1ys il1 'H\t·fkt• is :1 l!t• said the gas \l'Ould 00 ron\"ic1M perjurer t:1.kt·n. from St _ Ldu is !u J:f'inN:k,,·~ uff1cf' ~ :i 1 d \\;1,h1ngton and f1rl'd 111 one- Thursd.1Y th:li n1nr<' !h.an 111{1 ,, r1u;11"ter ton ~hells frorn eight df'l<'gat~ frnn1 ('aliforn1:1 :1~d ~1~_.i.:!e-:-hot ca1~nnn h~rrl'IS .. !he ~1f''."l:ican Sta!(' rf R:IJ:l 1 he Suprtnle Court h<1s Catifc.n1a :ind Territ"' v ,,r (",1Won1 i:l Sur ,rill aTtt'"n<I e Drl rPr• S lrikP SA\" 011'.-:CI) I :\P I ·rt.'am.~lf'r 1r11l'I.. dri\1'l'S for tht' tock, sand ;~ntl gra\••I in<lusirv 111 San r>i··i.:o rvunt\· begJn · ~!rikllH! 1od:i\· nftf'r r<'jcctin-g-a ntilnauen't('nl p:l\" propo.c;aJ '.\1 e rn brr~ of Tf':1n1slpr..;. l/IC':ll :l6. \t"lled .1i8-f,1 TI1ur:-;O;i.v n1ul1t tll n'J('c1 nn 80-<·f'nli;..,1n-hm1r \\",ll!f' 1nrrt'.1!'(' propo~1'<1 h\' tllf' Si1n 1'l1 rgo Hock Pr0<h1f'rrs A ~~nr 1;111on Cru11 e Ri ses As Police LONG BEACH I AP) -The ,x>lice deparlmenl s a i d Thursday that crime has shown an artu.11 increJSC' of l.6 percent during the tv.·o-- nionth police slowdown . [)('p.ity Chicf ~1 ;i u r i c e \\'ishon s.1 id there hac; been a 4.6 pi:'rcent inrre;1se in crirnc O\'Cr lost year buL t.he ri~ "·;i~ 3 percent before the slowd0\\11 began. POLICE CAJ~l.EO t h e slo"·down In n disp1.11e over \vages and frinJ?:e hencf_ils. \Vishon said ca~~ of larcrny v•r rc up 15 percent <tnd aggravated assault up 13 percent. but that murders "'ere ®'vn 26 per ce n t. robberies d0\1'TI 20 per<:E>nt. rapes do~'Tl nine percent and burglaries down 1'1'0 percent. lie Mid the city has lost inQre lhAn $270,000 in fi ne:11 and forfeitures due to a 60 p e r c rnt d ec r ease i n n11Jde1neAnor nrrcsts. Kid s Like 1'o Ask And v ., J{ape 1'rial 'l'e1'tin1ony • ('.11rh OK'd S.AC'ltA\lf.:\"l'O (,\Pl rtac11c:d fl<'~-limi1s on tri:ll 11'S1irnonv a!x>11t ;1 r 11 p e \"lrt1111 ·s · st·x !if(' h:l\"C bet'n n1·crv. h1'I n1111gJy approv1'\'f by !hl' (.';1llforn1a 1\s:-ernbly. ·111c hill a in1~ In oart lo blrit·k tvur!n~-JJll quc::.rioning th;it n1igh! h1m11li:llc r:ipc· \iCtini..., dtlf"Hll! the tr1;.il of :1n aceust.:d r:1pi:-!. lkspitc last-minute plc:ls rro1n opposing lcgisl:ltors \\"ho s~id the n1easure "'as an ovrr- renclion th:if eoulrl JCOparcJ17e ~1 defendant's chance for a fnir trial, the lon•er hou~ p..1ssed the hill by a 65-7 \;illy. The bill no'" returns to the Senate for concurrence in olher a n1endrnents. Jail Terui A u 11.ullecl SA~ D!Ef~ (AP 1 -1'hc jail term given finan cier C. Arn holt SmitJ1 for con le1npt of court in June has been ;1nnull rd by the 4th District Cour! of Appeal. 'Superior Court Judge Paul r-:. Overlon issued a contempt citation June 14 agains1 Smith, for1ner chairman of U.S. Na tional Ban k and \Vestgate- Callfom ia Corp.. aft er he refused 10 RnS\\·cr qt1('stio11s 111 the trial of Robert Da ggett. 49 l)agg<'lt \\":IS charger! ~i th nll<'111pti11~ to <':tlort n1oney fro111 Sinith. ~-ho plradrd rhc F ifth An1e ndtnt>nt :l g a i n s l p o s ~ i b I e self-1ncrh~ir.:1t ion . !Jag_getf"s tri:it "'fl~ <lf'clnrPd R inis1rln1 :ind n new lrinl d;1\e 1\':lS seL S1nith <lid 1101 ~r\·e any tin-ie in j11il as hf' \1·11s r,ranl.rd n ~tfl.v o f t'X('Clltioo ~nding nppe:i l. • • WILD WEST D.JIYS Contests, Square Dancing , Free Wagon Rides , Country Music, Super WILD WEST Sales , Special Drawings with Prizes from each Store-Come In And Sign Up ai'ig11si'197/~'"' '"""'~ '''; s""'~ C.flLEKD.JIR --1-_.....5 '----c-5----=7=-----=s=-----=9 1 o llllA'IC'f Sundily 12 r s 14 1 s 16 1 7 .,_., ..z...~!O)::::s-i.-2.z..:::;;-,2e~~;~!~~~9~3:::;:;_~~ EJ!9EKTS SUN., AUG. 18th MON., AUG. 19th TUES., AUG. 20th WED., AUG 21st THURS .• AUG. 22nd FRI ., AUG. 23rd SAT., AUG. 24th 8 am·12 noon 12 noon-5 pm 2 pm -6 pm All day 6:30 pm 7 pm-10 pm 6:30 pm 12 noon·5 pm 2:30 pm , Charity Panc ak e Breakfas t Free Su rrey Rides Roy Dee & th e Country People Pioneer Artifa cts Di spl ay Start of WILD WEST DA VS Sales Judging for Settlers Bake-Off Contest Squ are Danc e Night Exh ibition & Commun ity Dance Sign-up for Fridt y Frontier Fashi on Show Frontier Fashion Show Judging and Prom enade · WILD WEST DA VS Wind-up Free Cone sto ga Wagon Rides WILD W EST DAYS Drawings LA PAZ OFF-RAM P SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, WEST TO Mc1NTIPI £ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . ' f; l).i\11. ,,. 1'11 ... 0T E lllTOltli\I, l'AGE A Planning Dilemma '!'lie \'1l'!tJJ"Ja St1 ecl·('anyon IJrl\ c arl'<t nf ('11 .... \;i ~lc:-ia I~ ii 11111{1 pl;inner's nigll!lll:lt'I' I ('~ :i hOd,t;C•j)OdgC o/ rc:-.1dcnual. ton1n1crl'i:il anrl 1nd11 ... 1ri;1l h11ildinJ!1' 1\11d (llll'l' ;1g:11n. the tity 1:-i trying to undo d~11nagc :ilrcad;. dune. 'l'hc 30-atrc plan n1n~ ;1re;i r"' bo11nded b_\' \'1tturi;1 Street, the \1:csL ci ty l11111ts. lt::inultou Street and \'1l'IOr1;.i Street S(·hool Hc~1dc1111:1I and 1ndus1r1:1J lanct111vncr" ... 0011 \\'ill lit• 111cet111g "·1t h the t'tty's planning .... 1:1(f ro ~t't' if ~1 ~nlt1titJ11 lo TIH.' probh:in 1·:111 he found It'!' unlikt·ly lhl•re \\'Ill bl' anv CJ:-.\' :111:-:v.•(:r!' l:c.-.idcnl:-. want the area 1•1 be 1'Clnnt·d 101'. rc.,1(1C'nt1al u se~. J11dus1r1a l lat1dr111·1u:r:-\1 ;1111 111du:-tr~ Holh :-H it• .... 111 u:-.1 (•nltr the d1:-.~·u ....... 1011!' 111 tile ·'IHI 11 ot l'Oupl'!"Jl11J11 and con1pronii:-c . 1'o approach 11 ulhtr· 111~e 11 di 4lnl .1• clL•cpc·n !he d1 v1sions that have ch.!VC'lnpcd rlur111~ p;1 ... 1 d1:-.t·tl'''-ion' nn tile rezoning qt1(\,f1u11. .\nd. the ttl!1t11:t!e det·1 .... n111 t·:iu allel'! tile 1n1crt•st ... ol rile cnlire cit,\. If the grou p l".'.111 1·on1e up 1v1t/1 a reasonable tnn1· prorn1 :-.e un th(• problcn1s far·i n!: tile area. 11·e su:-.pet'I rhc planning c·o1n1111:: ... ion and !lie t·i iy collnci! \\"ill be happy lo 11nple1ne11r rht· :-.uggl' .... 11011 ..... fl ool S hortage In t'o.st.;1 ~lc·:-<l t11csc days. ~\1'1111niin~ is so p(J pu/;ir that :.ill the puol" 111 Ille c11 y are 111 cnn<>t:1n t use. accord 1ng to rcprcst•111a11vc ... of tile ('o.~1:1 ~lt"'i1 1\qu;lli(' l 'l11h l("J\J.t\('). 1\s ;111 cxa1nplt·. th~ f '~J.\(' pc•c1plt• ·""Y· !ht1r org:i ni z.1 11 011 c;in"t c1en i:ike 011 llC\1' n1cn1bcr~ bCC'<lll:-.c o! the lac k o t '"\r;ircr :-pal'e." ('i\JA(' h<is hroug llt the s1 tuat1nn to the ;lltl't1!1011 of the r·o~ta i\tesa ('ity (~<>tJtl\'il :incl the i\£·11 porJ .jlc:-.a L'n1· f1cd Srhoot l)i ~!riti board of tru ~tees ·1 h~ ~1q11ar1r orgat112at1t1n. of ronr~c. 11•o uld li ke one 111 1Ht!lc nl'1\I puol~ 111 lhe I/arbor 1\rl'a. ,\ri d pools ure 111:-.lly 'l'ht l!'IJ.t niurh q t1f',lton Iha! sw11 n1n1 ng is ;i rna1 u1· l·ontrihtl!nr to g11C1tl lll'J lth. in addJ1io11 to hcing a plca . ..:.- 11r:11Jlc l't.'('rc:.il1!J!l fo r yot111~ ;'1nd nt d. 1\nd there 11;n 't rnur·h question !!tit :i l'll)' o f til e size :ind urh;111 r ha rac· lL'I' c1f ('o:-;t:i 1\JcsJ r·a n 111ake u~c of nH>rc 1111 1Jl1r pools . \\hat 1l till<'~ j.!Ct d(J\\'ri tu 1" IH1\V ! 11<: 11ecd for •narc '-ll't1111n1ng f:ie tl iri t"" r;111ks 111 the ci1.v's O\Cr3tl plan for a 1\·1·ll-h:1J;u1tcd recrea t inn<ll pr1)gra111 !\1111. 11011• the ~·it,· .ind the .... rhr10! <h:-.trir1 tan n1e"h lhc1r pl;l11:-., pr101·i t1c· ... :u1d rl'."illll'('l'!'i to bt.'"t i111plerne11L .... urh a broacl. balanced f"l'• rt.•:ll r1111al pr11gr <1 1n H 11 r!.t hu ·, ' Sevcr:.il nionth~ ago. a \'C'ler:in ( ·ci .... t:i l\fcc:a Poliec l>cp;1r1n1rnt ("apt.'.1111 put an 111!c1'e s t1n;.! rhall eng<' bcfnrc lli.s fiel(I lt culenants. l·'1nd :i 1vay. he s:11d. tu i 'lll 1lo1vq 011 rc:-.1d cnt1;1I burglaries cJuscd by juveniles. 'fhc c:i ptain got :111 311 S\VL'I'. Short lv bcf0rf' ~l'ho,11 let nut fur tl1c :-ununcr. patrol otfi1..·rrs ;tarred s1opp inL; t'\'L·ry 1uven1Jc they fell .... huulfl be in :-.<'hool. I f the stti· de nt \\las <l\\';l v 1v (lhout leave. he 1vas rc!urnc d either tu .school or ho1)1 c \\"hat l1appencd to tile but·gl ary ra!e'.' In the s(•c 11 u11 ot the ci ty 1rliere the expt·r1n1e111 n·:is cu11d uc1ccl. !IH.· rn11nbcr of burglar ies dropped tu I ."1 fron1 I Ile prcv1ol1 ... n1v11111 ·s 5.i . 111 a 11•a.1'. it's :111 1J11fa11· as!'iun1pt1011 to S\1·uop up £'1·cr~· ~c tiool·age pt•rsun 111 l~l\\'11 and prc.<::11111c he or !'olle is a pulential burgl ar~ :-.u ... pct:l. B11t Ilic Ull!-'.Ctllini-: f;u,:t is H doc!-'. \\'O rk. · c "DON 1T lf.IOJZJ7-Y-l'M STILL HERE '' Six-year Term P1·011os11I, tire Rice11te1111i11I C luo111' C u.,, Has Some Merit Time to Wipe Slate Clean ,\.ASHl~(;T01'X 1\s:-u111u1~ Iha! P resident Ford t'On1 1>lt'lt'S his tr-rtn. the linitcd St:il<'-' 11 tll h:11•t• had fnur presidents in !6 y<"'ars. 3n ilv{'r;1gt· of four years each. t\ont· of rht':->l' presid ents 11111 h~1'{' c;rr1·t•d 1 h 1· tradition;il 111·0 four-yo.:(1r 1enn,; In fact. 11 1s doubtful th;11 1t 111 n1<><l1·rn times th1·rt• real!~· is sut·h a tr:Hht1on lll the l 'l prl's1den1s 1n !lus ccntUf~· c1nly \110 ha\·{' fulfi\11d lhc 111·o·ll!rn1 tradition .::si:ibl •<;hl'd by George \\ashing· ton . Franklin lloo~t·- 1·elt \\"fl<: elcl'red 111 follr l{'rr.1s, o 1 I .1 \Vi Ison .ind 1~1.~l'n· hCHl'Cr s1·r1·crJ t \\'" full te rin-; Ex-Prf's1rtrn1 \1\. on ·s resig11;111c11 1 ... bound !o f'1·v•1"' in· terest in :in1e11di·1g the Cons!itu1io11 to pro1·irl1' t11r a !'Ingle s1x-.1·e;1r ter1n for prrsiden1s. Nixon·s cxperi l'llCt' 1·1vHt1.1· 1n1plr111f'nlcd thl.! chii.f argun1en1 of 1>roponeni s of a s ingle six· year 1l'rn1. A Pr~s1dcn1 11as so obsessed ,1·ith hi<: 01111 rcrlt•t·t1011 r11a rg1n 1hat he cngag<.'d 111 imr>ca<:hablc cn11duc1. 7'10RE TllAf\ thnt. danlil).!t' 11as done lo the opposing ;1r)'.!lllll(•t1t !hat :1 singl1'- ferm president 11n11ld ht· a l:unl'·duck from !hr b<.'ginniu).!. un;ib\1· tn 1narsh:il 1he political f•ll"l'1·s h,11111 g a 1 t'sh·d interest in his con1111u:inet' 111 oftic1· It is precisely this :1spct! ot pr1'~idt•nti al conduct in 11'h1ch 1h1· llllhl1c h:1s los1 faith. The 1 ·oun1r~· h11n_t:t·rs tor :1 presid ent. not· ;1 polil1t·1;111 l~111k1n g !11 his 011·11 J)<'rr1t'IU<1!i on 1n ol lu·1· and tha1 of his SUCCCSSflf"!'. In Nixon 's 1"1rst !f•rin lht• \\·:nerg:llr c overup. 1h1· n11lk scandal. lh1• 11h1·;1! deal 1vith Hussi<t. ;ind th1' 111111111{ 111 the Pek ing ;111d ,\loscrnl" \'1~11.~ all hure a direct rcl<1 !1011~hql 10 !us r1'~·h~i:t11Jn J\'IXON HEALIZl':O .1f1cr his rf'C·k·ct111n that !here n1i~h1 bt~ n111re 1n 1he ~1i.:-ycnr lenn ide.-i lh;in he had lho11,c:h1 On May 15. 197:1 ht• su~~t·s!t'<I .:it a \rhi1r J{ouse Oll'eting nf congressional lcach·rs that serious t.'Ons1dcr<+llon be gtvrn 10 the proposition. The fo1Jo,1·ing <la.I" li.e Democratic leader. Sen. J\1ikc ~lansfleld. (RICHARD WILSO~ 1nlr<11.IU('t•d a cnnst1!tLt ion:1! ;11n<'n<t1nrn1 lu !h<il t•Hcct 111lh thl' <:lJl)l)(1rt 1il lhl· f{t·pul!li(·;111 elder. St·n . 1;,·ur~t· 1\L~t·n. 11·hn h:1d h1·l·11 ;1d11ll':1t111;.: lht• :-1:0.-.11';1r t1·rn1 for ;1 lnn;.: ~11111' 1\l 11•;1..,t 1\11• pl'1·~1den1s h(•lur1· l'\1:0.011 ;ire nu r1•t•nrrt fnr lhf' sis-1·1':1r !f'rru Since 111111 1k·arh Jf~l :.n1end111o•n1s ha1·(· bc1·11 olh·r1·d lcir ch:111ging tu th1· s1:0.-yt';lr lrnn. So111e lh111k th:ll a ~1 11 1-:lc fnur·l"l'ar tern1 is t·nough and rh1s 1·1e11 dr;11\·s si·ppnrt fron1 !he s11nplc fat:! th111 IJl\th :\ixon and Eiseoholl'cr had prob;1hly :ircn111plish('d ahoul ~•s n1ut·h :1~ the~· c·ou!d in their f11·s1 IC'rn1s. cons1ch,ring (h::11 Congress 11·;is controlled h.v tilt• op- position p:ir!y and the n1on1enl111n ul \1·hnt they 11·ere trying to do h;1d di111i11· ishl'd. i\ SIX-Y~All TER.\1 1s ('t•r!:11111\· 110 cure-all ;ul(t 1111 lll'S 111Just·~ of p1111t•r h\'C<IUSI.' rh1·r1· I~ IHI I Hl Ill Int" n I nccnunt;i hilttv tit t!l1 · poll<:. Hut Ill' h;111' t"l'('{'ll!l\' <:t•t'll ho1r SlllOO!hll· th I' con~li1l0Hion:1[ pt'01'1•<!11n' on rl'rii.11,d 01 ls !he sll:1hby cond1tiun of our C11·1t Crn\('r ;u1v indit•at1on ut ri11r 1!t'· trrlor:itinf! city :id1ni~li'-tl';•li11:1' .\nd lh:1L ·s go1ni.: on .1 11os1L':trd' ns ~IO loom• G~1 <Ommtnls ••• sub"'•'l•d b~ •e~a•r• ar.:t Oii no! net•u••·I~ r•l!•cr 1n~ '"""'• of rr-, new•<>•oer ~tnd •our oot o~~•• ro Gloomy Gus. Dan~ Pilo! a pn::-1de1H r;111 np1:r<1h' 11 th1•rt· l!'i prob:1bl•' CHU~i.·. 11 ('t'rl;1111h l Hllld 11111 vp1.·ra!t• !hat 11·a\· if puhlli.· s1·n1111,,•n1 11;1s 1·!1•:1rlv a~:i111:-;1 It ;11ul 1h1· pur1"111,,• 1r;1s nll'l"l:'l_1 In r1·pcaJ 1!1t• re:;oJts 01 !he <'lection. A ne1v. bt1 r sr1l1 tradilional. 1·1r11' nl the rres1den{'~ n1a~· !>1· coi ning afh·r so n1:1ny yeni".<:: i11 11·!iich :11! po11·(·r tl!nclr1J 10 flo1v to lhe snverrign. \\"h.1t h;i~ h:1ppenrd 1n thr past 40 ycn rs c;ir111ol b1· unclonc riuickl.v bce<iu.<::t• so 11\Ul'h of it is \1Tiltr11 into la11• !or ll'l1' by t l\'/lll I( '!',If il' prt'siden!s. · Tilt; l'HESE~'T ellr11:1lt·. l1n111•1·cr. r;11ts for n·stn1inr 111 lhc use or ))()111·1·. d1ret 1 nr 1t11pherl . !or :i Pr11.c:id1·n1 11 hn prPs1dcs rnthl·r rh<Jn dirlat.·s u r 1·x1rt'nh·lr eon.<::trih·S his r·on!'i!1tu1111n;d ;u11horitv. and !his is th,, kind or llf\'Slll\•lll :1 :'>IX•\(':Jr ll'l"lll 11nplil'~ l.~11(]1)!1 .J11hn~n11 !l\flu~h! hi)!; pn'sido ·nr·1· n11·n1H 1·n11~t·n~us :111d 1t did for n 11h1l.· \(, 11r1·...,1J1·11l 1•11·r li.1d ;1 gri•:itt•r n1rasun· ril 11 •·xi::t·pt Fr.111hl1n Boo~('l'i•I! fur .! 11h1lr ,\ '>lng!t· ll'rlll, six-vt•ar prt''-ldl'll! 11011lrl h:n•· ht•h1nd h1n1 a ;;.r1·n1 1l 1or.il f11r-c1· 1or !'<'!l"l'il'•ll:' .\1111111_:.! 11lh•·1 1h111gs, 111· 11n11ld 11'11 1~·1·1 th•· 1u·i•d 111 r:1h1· $1 ~t 111ilh1>n 11.r !11 ,; •f1111 r1 •1'l•'1 l11111 \ ~l'i ·yr:1r 1·11111111::1111'11! h ;1 1•11\.! "111 lo1r Ith· \111•"1"1! ,111 1·i 1'1'i<ll".lll' !fl 11\:1k1· II \li>llld l1·11d 111 l1ri11 :; 111111 till' po1 l1t11';1I lll,"1JllSffP;l11I l1',Jd1 't'S 11 i!h 111111"1· Ii) 1h1•11· 1r1rllr !ll;in s1•r1111g 111 l'o11 i:n •s:i 11 h1ori hus too 111111.; hcen tl1c 1n~ 10~ cntPnon l11r pri·:-.1dl"11l1:tl c:irirl11la11·s ,\o rtnuh1 pt•1>pl1· 11ould t1r1· of :1 prl·.,1rh·nt 111 !>1:0. .1·1,ars: l!H'y usu:1ll.1 h;11·t· 1\11 arnt•nd1n1'nt h)r a s1x·l'(':ir 1t·r111 lll"L'<l H•ll ;1pph to !hr ·in<'t11nheu1 l'rr~idl'rll. It 1·ould !:1k1' 1·ff1·('I in 1h1· lenn bt•g111rlillJ.: 111 19.11 Tht• Sllhll't:l 1<> 1111r1h 111.-,rl' s1·ru·u~ srudy 1h:u1 11 h:i::. .vet been given. Tu 11!11 l::di!or :\.~ ,I ll:ltiOll. lie (:ii:;c ;J Ulllfllll' dil~illlll.l 111 co1u1t>i.::tio11 11·1th our resigned l'rl'sidt•nt :\lan.1· ut u~ 1ruly h1·lit•1 ,. th,11 r('signn tion fni111 oJfiC"t' constitu!v:-. ... 11fli1·1t·111 pun1..;hn11•111 lor ,\fr ~1xon \\1· ;ilro l\'Ollld \\"l•l('O!ll\' ;1 l'Ull!llllJ;l!l\)11 of !lit· lt•gal process 10 i1 s t·onclu ... 1<u1. 11 hic·h 1\ould n1os1 lik el v rind ~Ir. i\ixo11 g1:ilr.1 \•! al'l" 11hich Could cuntt•1\";1bl~· ll·11u1r1· llll"artt·ra!ion. Fl lit \IE, till· d1lt•111•11a bci.;ins a1 this pu1n1 I h1•l11·1 L' 1hat ;in 1ncarcl'r;1Lt·d 11.1 . ..,t l'rc·-.1tll'lll 11ould s1·r\·I' little purpo:.c lur L'11l1tr 1u:-;l1C.c or this n:111on·.~ n1or;dl·. \\·1 tu Lui lo inc:1rc1'ratr ,\Ir :"1 x•lll 11/11lc ~n 1n;u1y o! his 3ldl'.~ :1rt• svp:1 r:!ll·cl fron1 fan1iJy. i11con 1e. and rt·put:1t1on 1" !1kt•111s<'. I bellc1e. Ulll'Ull::.l'IH!l<thll'. A!IO\\' n1 e to suggest a uniqL1e suh11111•1 ,to this unlriue dilt'n1n1::i at th:s un1•1u1· june1t1n' in our nario11 's hislory. \\t• 11111 ~l)()n bl' f't'k•br:it1 ni.! 11ur b1ct•Jltt·1u11;tl :1s :'\ n1 :1f!nifiren! u~'!ll\J("1":1!11· l':\P~·r1111Pnl \\"l' h;11· .. pro1·c.u 011r:-;t"ll•'" 10 lie .1 nanon ruled br 1:111 t \ur Cl"l'dt•ll!lCllS [JS ;1 l'Otll\)!ISS10nati· [lt'.'t1ph· 1s :dso 11ithou1 cqu.11 . Jlo11c1·cr. uur lt•:1d111i.! lcg;1I n1ind~ hn\'1~ ra1sl'd St·nous qut'~!1uns nhoul thl' ou1n1odtil aspr<'1" tJf our 1 1·~:11 sy~ll'lll 11h1rh r•·r11ur1 • 11nnk·d1ntc 01·erhaul. 1\1 lh•' !>;un i,;. 111111 in.iny of our resptc1t·1I n1r11·.11 11111·,, lltt\t' l"fllll!' rt•eently to q11t• ... 11<11111ur 1·l;111n 111 he· .1 co n1p:1s .... 1n11at1· p1·ople. I ll E l.IE\'t-; s1111·rr1•i1· lhi>! 111' h,1\• 11\'1·!1 pro11cted 11ith <r 1110..,t unusu:il :-1·! or circumstances by 1~·hich to bei.:111 ltl :-.111\c dr:i1nat1cally !ho,se f1t•rp!C\•ll '! pri•I lt'lllS 111 1'\·lt·hr;1!1n11 nf 0111 2!Hl!h \tH1111•1·~.11"\ :1 , ii lri·1' C'Oll!l!l",I , 1·1u1ld 111· 1101 ril•1·!11t1' d llH.l<llfl i'il .l11b1lt'C YL'.Jl'. ;i _\('di' Iii 111i1t!1 It f~ S i !' fl ff t i fl II ('fl lff IJI (_) 111 \l:1n~ \1 ,ulhr•x rPadrrs h:11 P fl'·"l"11~rlP<I lo1 ;i rt•qu1·:-.t nn la;.! S:ilurda~"s 11:11ly l'1ln1 ("nn111l\'ll\ pi!~t· for vic\1S nn !he h1~1oric ev('nls thol led up to th.,:i r ''*J!n;1tion of l're:-1d1'nl i\ixon and lhe 1n:1t1 :.!ur,11u1n of • f'n·siclcnl. F11rd. Tlu ·ir l1•1lprs 11 ill a1ip1·ar 0 11 the Comment page 10111orro11·. Editor. Reagan: Another Innocent Victim F~xccp11 ng tor !he u11Hn1sht•d C"1ni1n:1I prosct:utions ~irising out of 1ha1 sordid chapter ot An1l'ril'<1n l11s\or.v. !II" \Vaterg:11c aff<ur ha s 1·nch·cl It l<•<i\('' u1 its 11•<1kc a hst of vil'lilnS. r:itlcn fron1 hiQh , unprccede111ed 111 the n:itio1rs l'.lfl 3c:1rs. ~los1 of lhem 1rt•rc rulp::tble But there \\t:rc sun1e llltlOCt"tl l l'll'.11111$ 1vhose ho !l c s ;inti dreanl8 h:1 \·e lx•L'll shatt ered by :i 1111 n of events in 1vl11cti 1hev p!ayt.'<1 no part. Their cart'C'r-i Rnd their ru1urcs ha1c been a ltered or l'lld· ed by cirt:t1 11u;:tanccs beyond t h e i r •'Oil· trol. Nru tilt le;1~1 of those \1·hosc politic:il forturi••s have i.it--en ad\·ersely affected is CatJforn111 's O\\ll Go.vemo~ Bollald RCRil31l. Completet,v uninvolved "·11h \\';n ~·rg:111• or :.1ny of the 1972 Nixon rn111111ith·e 1ransj.!rcg,111;ions, lle11~11 n 's pol1 1ical ru1•11·(' "'8!1 nt!Vl'rthcless in ex1 r1cabl l' !!I'd to the .success of Nixon's sct:Oud t<·rm. fqr tus an1bi1lon! lo bcl'Onlt' !hl' 1976 RepubtiC8ft pre!idenri;1I nonunrc 1'l'l'l' < .( EARL WATER S J pt:•rfC'ctly cl<'nr. They hn<t nor L'hangrd s1nrc his setba rk :11 the hands or l'\ixnn 1n 19fi8 \\lh('n he or>t'nly. but hclatcdty, sou~ht the non1tna11on at :"ltia1111. ~le h;id come cloS<'r 10 1vin11 ing ih~t no111inatinn lh3n rnnny r{';i]i 7.e and. bv hin<lsight. 111igh1 \\'l'll h<lvc caplurcd ii had he not been playin g coy in thr (•[lrly months of !h;it ca n1 p n i g n . l,;ndoubledly his cons1a111 denials of lx·inA a presidential l'andirl111e ('n~bled Nixon to nAil d0\\'11 <lt.•lcRa1e \!Otes prior tn rhe h1i;in1i con1'e1llion 1\·hil'h l!c:ignn otht:fl\'ISC n1i ght htl\t' h;itl. \\'ITll NIXON'S subsequent \"JCtor~' 11~cr J/u1nµhr<'y . Beag;i1fs hnnds 11t·r·<· lied for lht' 11t"0:1 r1.c;h1 yC':1rs. Onr c<111n1)! run :1g:iins! Jus 1111'11 p;1r1}'!; i11r;urnht•nt prts1dc1ll so h1• 11·:is precluded frnn1 ;111v Plfor1 1n 1n12 . That inadt• 197/i thr 111 rgf't ye;1r <tnd. 1>1·(·11usc ltL«1g;111 ,\1111 be &l .-it 1h:ir rnne. his last ch:i n('r ~1! the gr.'..lnd prllt' of pol i!1t"S. Tins. !'II rourSt'. explain.~ h 1 ~ uns-.rcr1·1ng suppor1 or 1"-l"!xon during the pn:-;t 1110 y!'ars. lt1• \1·;u11 cd dcsp:1rnt1·1\ lor Nixon tn fini..:.h out his s1•co11(I !<'!'111 That 11ould h:11·c left lh t· il1'1H1bl11';1n 1·n111·cn1ion \I idc open in 1117r; And Bragan 11•as running \\rll .:ihC';1d of the fi<.'ld in the polls after Spiro Agnc1v·s rli sgrtll"l'. E\'en before Agnc11· 1ras brought !o hel'I. Rcngan was building .c:oHd support throughout !he countr~. \\:11h Nixo n·s do11·nfall :in1I r:('ral<I Ford's :icccssion Rcag<1n"s hopes for 1!176 have .:ill hut d1s.1prk'arcd. For.d net'<I not be a great president. Ile need onl\' restore a 1noclicun1 of co11fidl'11cc 111 the hcar1 s of Ani('rit•a to assure hln1self tht,~ H{'puhl ican no1111na11on 111·0 yt·nrs hrncc. 1\nd. If in Iha! 111111.• hr l"1u1 halt lnfl a1io n and r;;et lhl' unr1np!nycrl bnck lo \1·ork. the Dc111ocra1s wrll a l.~o br: vi(·lin1 s '•f Nixon's failure. f or lht·v 111'!'1· looking aht•:.id lo :111 ral.¥. J!liG 1·11,lnry :is :1 hon11s of \\'a1rrl-!.1h' Thrr(' \1'111 !Jc other tn11ocr1\I \ ic·111n.~ ;in1t1n.(! th e· Hcpuh!icans \~ho 11ill b1· unahl~· lo \l'('llthrr publil' rcac!lo11 to th<' p<'rf1dy of the lcfldrrship of lllf'ir p:il'!Y eit·n though 1hcy rht·r11SC'lvc~ 11i.::re • 110! rr1nolely connr<:ted . Ru!. !hr lnll ;11noni.: 1h~ R<.'publicans 11·ill not no1v he anything near 11h.1t ii 1night ha \t,: bl't·n h:1d Nixon not resigned IT IS IRONIC !hat Reagan \\'ho has n1aintaincd thr "1\1r. Clean" irnagc throuqhout his 111·0 !('rms as governor. i:hould ha ve his futu re destroyed by those not' so clean. And . for a younger ni;1n. I here would have been options . \,ca\·Jn2 the governor's office. after t\1·0 succ£'ssful terms, he could \\'ell ha1·c spent his titnc building up for a run against Senator John Tunney in 1976. This \\'Ould have reestablished a politic:il ha sc for anoU1er attempt at !he prc.c:idcnry in 1980 or 1984. But lus age is n,:.:ainst that and it is unlikely Hct1gan \\"Quid no1" consider an.1· fur!hcr 1·cntur('S into the political arena as A 1.:a11rliclatc. Still. he 111•<.:d not ft>e! badly. F1·11· hal'l' riSl'll HS high in so brief ,1 po!\tlc:il 1·:1 r<'c'r, Ii <' 1~·i1I lcflVt! office \vith honor' :ind 1\ilhn111 !hf' burdt>n. tllf• anguish und 1\·orrles and hard \\'Ork tthead whi ch 11'ould have l~.-cn hi~ fate h11d Nixon nol fallen. ( __ '\_1_A_11_.n_o_x_' _J /,,·11,·r~ 111•111 10 111/0'1~ r1i~· ll'C'l!'(•ltl (' ,\.,t111a/1~1 1 r1 r1 .,: .,!111ri/I/ ,·,.111·1·rr 1/i1•1f 1111•,,a!/•'~ 111 .'/Ill/ 11 11rr!.; I>( /,·~.~-'f'/H' 1°11;.1 ,,, i ·o1u1/1·11.~1· /1 ·1 1r1 ~ ,,, ! ';;p1•r1· 11r 1'/11u u11 /1• /,/)('/ , ,.,._,,•11·,•1/. \II /1•1 - I•''' 11111.~: 11!(•/ 11/1 .~"!1 11 1 •1 ' f111i / 1111··/• 11111 r11 i1/1r.~., liul 111.1111·,· 1111111 lit' 11"1/11 · ,,,.,,, 11··1 l"l'l/11/'\/ 11 ····1 1111·.,·11 • /'t'•l.~1••1 ,,. I' I Ol /11 "!/f. J'111'// I/ II i// HI// /1(' /l/l/1• I 1 ']I!'(/ I' t• Trill\" !'L'll'bl';l\!1111 II llJl' "' lhr 1!11~ ~1.1i1· tl1 :in' .l uhil1'1· Y1·:ir. '" I ~!l ;.!_:.!1·1.1 110• t:11n:;11l1·1· ;.;r;H1l1ni:: µ;1rd•111 :i11d rt'l .·11.~(· 11• .ill lulit11•. 11\Ll .\Ir ll1 1·h:11·cl ,\'1\1111 :"1!1)111• ... 11· HI !ht• t \II !hO\!' l'Oll!lt"l"!\'d \lllh \\'.11.'ri:(a ll' \II rhos•· 1nd11 1du;ils 11!10 lri•· :1!1.\' 11,,1,011 dve1ded no! 10 figl1! 111 tho.: \'1••lr1;1rll cor1fl1 c·t. ~ 1\1! those 111'pri<::onl·d f11r nth<'r than ("(llllt·S of I iult·nct• I l \' t'COllOllllt' t'l'l!llt'" sueh as tr1x t.·l'i"l 'i1on. fr.uut. ele .. etc .. • (41,CO\ll'r,\:--;T 1111h \lus 1'1·lt-.1sr 1·nultl h"gln a :-.eru1u:-n··1 ·1 .duat1c,n ':in(] n·-11prh1ng of tho~1' ou1n1()(Jrd :1:-pt•t•l:- 11f 11ur 11•<_!;11 n1a!"hln1 1·1· a1. -.11~1!1·~1' d prt·\1011 .. I\ h\ lh111 J11.--11c1· \\arrl'!1 J·: Hur:.:o•r ,\, I do 11111 l'l :11111 i·~p<'r11:-1· a~ 1·1!tll'r ii l\'g:d n11n1l or a pol11H.:1an. I 11<1ulrt IH1p1• !h:t1 u1hi'IS n111rio (jll(llit1 1•d 11011ltl h1• :dil(• rr1 1.1or·k ft111 :1 11H·t·h;11u:;n1 f(>r rt";1li~t 1 c:1llv i1nplemcntini:: this pr«po.-.;d ..;h1 1u ld th1•y rl1·1·1n 1! tn h1 · 1111rl1111hd(· l r1·1n,.in c11111 1n1·1·d !IH1I ;1 1·1•·;111 ~l;1tt· 1~ d1•,pera!t•ly tH<11ltL1lt'd ))v lh1:-uruq:Jc 1u11c:url' 111 1111r ~<1ung 11:1!1011's hi s1ory . I 11\111ld llhc· futur1' 111111.il;; to 1udi.;e ut:r !!t'llf'I :ii 1011 a!> ~uff1e1t·n1 ly 11 t~c tu IJ1r·:11h1· ;1 hr1·011h 11f 1rl''h :11r into Ollr st·lf-1n1:1g1· :1<> a l'on1p<iss1nn:1h· ptilplc dt•d1t·a t1·d to la11 . ordf'r and justice fnr :111. Su< ha bu:rntrnnial cr•l f•br:i!\{l n 11oulrl gn fnr IO\\·ar<l s bringing u~ 1111 togc\ht•r 111 \Jr1clc ~11 livin~ in a land big enough 10 L"u1·rcl'I ;i nd forgi\·('. RABBI BERN,\RD r . l\[:";c; T<1 1hr l'.:di1or : 1 \\'OUld likt> to C;>,press n1y total HCft'l'lllCll! \\'ilh the ;1 rtirlc 111Juu! "l.;11\·rnakt'rS Plush Prnsinns" lh:il appl'arcd in your August 9 edition. I! 1s 1111lecd 111crc1Hl>lt'. I Sr>EN'I' ;1ppro.~l n1rtl(·l ~, 1;1 ye;irs 1n 1\crosp:icc 11orki11g on 1\I i n u tr 111 an . POiaris and Ap 1110 progrn111s. The only lh1n 1t I ra1nr 11\1a.v wit h 1·:a.s th!:! 1ncani11r,: of 1he 11"or1I "genocide." I hnl'C lo ~dn1it though. 1hat I 11·a.~ lu ckitr than SOlllt! or 1ny friends 11·ho died of heart attacks. strokt's, etc. I am <tlso a \'('ter111l of \\'orld \Var 11 and f\Ol·ea so I don't think anyone has done more tor th is l"OUnlry than I. except, or course. for the many 11ho nc1·cr came b:iC'k II s£'c111s there \\"ill ah\·~ys be a double sl3ncl:ird. t ' let f 'rlf'11ds Tu lhe f.dHor : Thnnl; you fo r .l"rn1t• 11ann and \1<'11 11 rtt1l'n ::.tu ry \\hirh ap1x•11rcd on Sundrt~'. J11oly 2B. l't'~nrding lhr liuoff f<'ltnily rind tli1'1r IK'nutiful \'ict n:1n1r~C' da11ghl1'1', Tuyet. ~1.v h11sh.111(l anti l 11r1J kno1v ·1hf!_ :l!t'1l'ty lhl'J' 111.'111 1hrotfFh duri11,,; thc1,.....,1.1·<>-ye.nr \1 a1 1. as we ~ave bre11 11aiting !fi n1r.111h~ 1u111 ;111d µroh:1hly • /1;111· :1nu!hv1· 'l\·111111\lh 11a11 h•·lo11' our il.H1gl11t•r ;i'111 1·~ !1 1111 \1tl11:1111 I' TllE 1111·;i ut111i.• \11 • li,11\' JOll\t•J t11~1·1l11•r 111th !•!ho•f f.11n1l1+'~ 11;11t1ng h1r \'1t'llldlll•''l" tl11ldr1·n :If> 111·!1 :1:-; Jl!~I p•·Op](• llHlt"l"l"ll1·d ;1hout 1111• plight nl !111·~"' 1·hllrl11·11 in urph;1n;1i.:1·" tn V11·1nn111 .111<! h•111· ~·1.11·1t·d r1 L.os >\111-!l'lt·s c·hapt1•r 11f f'r11·nd:-1r l'hild11·11 of \11 •!11~1111 \\, -1·11d ..,uppl11·' )llch ,,, 1·lurh111g ltl('11 ,irHt u, •. rJ I \ 1!:1111111-Ill! 1J l ("In .t'' 1i1-1•u,,1 t1l1· d1 ;11k.·r~. pJ.1,111 · h.ih) h 1t1l1 ·~ 11•111.l,,11·d lt'ft·:1t ;1od 11111 ~ ;i~ 11t•ll :i~ 111111\0·1 11!111 ·!1 :ilh111, TIH'lll lo bt1\" th·· nt·t·1·s~ar.1 ,,!apl1•s ))11l'h :1s nrc ;1nU frf'~h Ir 0111 ;111d I 1 ,._;, t:11 olt·' \\'1· are ::11 ~ll·volun!rer gT ~1q) "n :ill fii(' i;")1l1 I J..:•u'\ !11 !11•lp lllo' 1·hi11h·l 11 A111 Ito{)\ 111t1•r1·--1, d l'l /l\·lpHH! I~ ;,.,;,.,.,j iu 1 :d! I ,., l\r111•p • .i 11;1i 7·1'lll 111· Jl;irb;1r,1 l~r111\11 ;ii :!~IJ-llf.~ UlJ"t •:~ n)lh• :ll :!1 (lr 111 1!1 ' f· ( \ \.1, \ 11:::;1 Hr1ll I Jr •. "o111(!1u (I!~ ~ll !~H Tu th~· Ecl11t11' ~r;uul ltl ii lllrtlt:r, n.1 rr\' l;oJrtv.·(l!l'r . ;1111! ~hut up' \\h,\ did I OU h;11 I' l•l !..•• .:ind pu! !hn--e drear'' 1rn1ncn s l1bber'i on 1h1• lt'ttl !'·'~''" :1.1::1111 ' /'ll!J. l..\,\'SJ)1\LI~ ''''fll S ,.,,,,,.,.,._._. Trf 1!11' !-.d.1 ·1' ~\1 11 ti• ·' .\ 1•, '"'rt:' 1 1<"' ,1 i:;ard1·11 . hill.Ill 1<1•11'0 '.011 11 1!;1! \~1th {I•[) hfl\l'I''• ;1 1]• '1 )11,• '1.11• ,11ld <1 \Ot lfle di"i\t'I' ;1\. p.01111 I '1 llll'lo h 110 f1 1f1~1·r rou111 !ur ;1 C.11tl1 11 I 11 •. 11 d\1 .. 1·s joked 1111h ht·1· th:11 .... h 11••\ll•I •'''"' 1•·c1·l:ih!"" Ill lhf' ll•n't'I" l>o •I i·i1 111.· 1111 ,J.1p,!11i'.~t' :1f!t·r· \\'1•rld \l .1 1 11 ·11!11 !'I t'll r.i1.;1·cl 1 .. c1·•;1lil"' 111 11 ind• 1 b<1\•·s a 11 d p.1rk1·. ay:- THIS \'E\ll. "ht• 11"1k 1111• ~l'riQu,\v ;1nrl plalltt•ll 11·~1·l:1t-l1·c:: !11 tl1(' no11~.-1· bf'ds. \l"l' h;111' 1·:11l'n 10111;1101''· on11111., ;ind squ;1'>h <ufl1111g olht·r lhtnAs . :-.he h::J :1lrl'<1d.1· pl:1n!t·rl fruit :ind ru111rt·t'~ Th~ ~ t1 •!d frotn nur y:1rd \\"<tS nnl rtHllllH't"t'tnl. hut "UPJXISC' !hat thousands did lht' s;un(' If 1ht• PC'Ople of Alnerica planlt·d a fe11 ll'l!t'lablcs in !heir fl ow1·r bt.·ds, !ht' .1'1t·l1I 111.uld feed ni;u1v :-m all roun1ri1·s 111 Ith' 11orl<l. Espt'ciall y ill this lin1c of drought and inflnlion, this 11n11ld n1ak<.' ii ~1n:lll <tiffc rcnce th;1t l'o11ld hr decis1V•' 111 holding prices and su ving 11101u•y Jor tht· 11lanh'r. Jli\·I BOLOING DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Veed, Publislltr Thomas Kecvi/, Editor Rarbara Kre1bicli Ed.itoriat Page Editor The ed1!onAI p11~ of 1hP Dally T'1k>1 ~ks lo inform 1111rl 1:!1mul11te 1"('11dcrs by pre11entin1: on thb; P<\i'e di1-·tr&e ·cflfnmtnt11.ry 'on topicg or in- ~eh'st by 11Yndlc11.led 1•ol11mril111s nnd t'artoon11t,, by pr:rvicti~ a forum for readerg• viev..!I 11rwl by prctenlll'lf 1hiii nc"·spaprr·.o: opinion!! :UJrf i~a~ on curl"l'nl topir!I. The editorial opinions ol che 011.tly Pllnt 111-ipc11'r onl)o In rhr Mitorlal ""f~lumn at the top of th~ PlM>C. Opinions cxpn>~f'if'fl by thf! roJ. urnni~t."I and ('flr!()()J11!11s 11nd Ir.lier 11.T1t~ :trr I heir o" n n1 ... 1 no mdor~r­ mrnl or th('lr vir11 J1; l,y the Dr11J v PiJot l'hoold be inft>r1'f'<L • 1:r1('1:iy, 1\ugus ! lti, 1974 • ,,, Cr11 dLly < J f rr left o W> Pol' roun t \l.'£111 Tnv made B T ~(} Lif lhmti be.c ha ir 11 ill I . ' c-ould lJt>C';lll life l!U a life. De. reprf• Gn1 pl CSE, 11.roon de pa "\\" absol '"The. mil it: Th !Olll'h fl\'C'r t'annr of·:in <;\1d• from 1\1 (' I no in f'rflJ)\ Jli) h 1\ll; st ;i1 t' 60 Ji( hr (I 1nain I.if 24. I rnl·n Th fron1 the I for coun Hi ()\\·n th< r;iir lhc fl• the the i ''fl \l"hct lo I '.'Th recn dlff l' 10 "' -- l r I c (