HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-19 - Orange Coast Pilot.. \ .. tJ I , 'A Tremendous Insanity ~ • -· Prince Charles' Ear Severed Romanee Dinted In Newport Fight With Countess Over fi·Paek DAILY PILOT · Biker's • 1st er * * * 10' * .* * TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1978· VOL 11, 'NO. 81. J HCTIONS. • rAOIES ants • ust1ce 1117- Qtwke Survivors Hc.:tati vt.'!'i console e:.ich other <.1t Tabas. Iran. near lht.' ruins thal oncl! wern their home in the town of 12,000 thut ~as dcstroyt.•d by an earthquake. Officials said l wo-thtrds of the city's residents perished. in the quakt.• •st.•c !,lOry. Page A·1 l. ·~·~. ~::¥"'1:ti't,'4.' _ • -: ·. ~~~ ·•ls."i~~ • Ne wport Man Loses Ear in Beer Fight A disi:itte over the sale of a six-pack of -beer led to a fight Monday night that may cost a Newport Beach man a chunk of his left ear. • 1 separated from his ear . The victim speculated it was bitten off. Neira said he wasn 't even aware bis ear had been tom off until the fight was over and the four youths left the scene. 3 Killed; Poison Hits City GENOA, Italy IAPl -The wrong mixing of chemicals set off a cloud of poison from a tanning plant in the center of this northern port city today, killing three people and sending dozens of others to hos pitaJs. police reported. The cloud or sulfuric acid s pread across thi s city or 800,000, enterin~ houses and offices while panicking citizens ran for shelte1 It made people, especiall y children and the elderly, cry and cough from burning eyes and throats. Authorities said the sulfuric acid came out of the Bocciardo plant. a hide-tanning factory wi th 200 workers in downtown Genoa. They said t hat according to prelintinary investigations the poison cloud billowed out of the plant when erroneously a truck driver pumJ>ed 25 tons or chrome •tate«s,w~lt-~~-..... :.-3Mlj~,>"· basin containing sod ium hydrosulfite. 1 n July 1976 a chem ical disaster near Milan hospitalized 200 people and sprayed poison over buildings and land that have been orr limits since. It occurred in Seveso when a leak from the S wi ss ·ow n ed pharmaceutical plant lcm'esa s prayed dioxin over a wide area. No one died in the Seveso · incident but some scientists say the long-term errects or the dioxin may not be known for generations New Romanee? Prince, EuUgre Linked LONDON <AP > -The latest girlfriend of Prince Ch a rles is emig r e Czech Countess Angelika L azensky. three London tabloids reported today. The Sun, Mirror and Mail said the countess lives in Paris. where she·works ror an organization called Inte rnational Public Relations Associates. None of the papers reported her age. The romance began when Lhe couple met last year in France and blossomed last weekend when tht.• countess was a guest at Ba lmora l. the queen's Scottish home. the news papers said. T he reports were discounted by Buckingham Palace. "The lady in question stayed at Balmoral. pres umably as the prince's guest and just one of m~iny friends ," sa id a spokesman who r efused to be identified. Rugs, Gems, A rt I Newport "/Jurglars Get $118,000 LOot Thieves who broke into a ·Newnort ~home whiJe the .~,...,.... ~-.,_-.MtY!il with rugs. je welry a nd art objects valued at more than $118,000, police reported today. ' The break-in at the home of Cyrus Shaw was discovered last Wednesday by a Southern Cal iforni a Gas Company employee who'd gone to the home to read the meter . He found a rear window cut open and notified police. Officers who inspected the home said it had been ransacked. Shaw filed a preliminary list of missing items on Monday lhat . inc.h14.~ a do~.cri ,.9~it!llAl ·rwi~ "lfifg 1tt;~1~\TfolWff2~"'ro ·' $7,000, antique urns a nd vasei;, lamps, clocks and several p1ect..-s of jewelry. Police said Shaw continued his inventory today and will supply the m with an additional list of stolen property. According to investigators. the thieves got into the home by u.slng a glass cutter to make u hole in a locked crank ·type window. Reaching through the hole. the burglars were able to open the window and crawl into the home. N ewporl Beach police said they are looking for four athletic young men. possibly college-age wrestlers. wbo were Involved In the fight that separated Daniel Neira. 22, from a three-Inch by a half-inch piece or his ear. Neira, of 4200 River Ave. was rus hed to Hoag Me mo rial Hospital by police. Doictors sewed the piece back in place, but reported they were unsure whether the operation would be succe15ftaJ. Castro Denies JFK Death Plot I • \ t f I Accordine to police reports. Neira refused to sell a six·~C­ of beer lo a youthful looklnt customer 3l the Stop'N Go market ul 4655 W. Coast lll•hway Monday afternoon. The angry young man a1reed to meet Neira when he Cot off work at mJdnighl for a fight. Wltnes:se.~ to the fight said the youth showed up with three friends, but none could tell pollc,e how Noire b ecam e ' ' j WASHINGTON IAPl -Cuban President Fidel Castro says it would have been "a tremendous inaantlty" for Cuba to have plotted the murder of President John F. Kennedy, the House Auaulnattons Com m lttee ~~rted today. 'I am 1oing to tell you ~ that nobody, nobody, ever had the Idea of sach thln1s," Cutro 1al d durln1 a t o ur.hour lntervlew with comm lttee members and lnvesUgatora lw Aprll. . 'J'he committee played portions of the tape.recorded interviews during Its hearings today. Re peating his consistent. denials of Cuban Involvement in the assaaalnalion of Kennedy, Caatrosald: ''N ever In 20 years of revolution, I never heard anyone s uggest nor even s peculate about a measure or that sort, because who could think of the idea of organizing the death ol the president of the United States. "Thal would have been the most rrfect pretext ror th•. Unite States lo Invade our '1 country, whkh ls what t have tried to prevent ror all these years, In every possible sense. ·•From the ldeologlcal point ot view , it was lnune. And from the political point of view, ll was a tremendous insanity.•• Castro said he knew nothJng about Lee Harvey Osw•Jd and Oswald's vlaita to the Cuban consulate in Mexico Cltr. until after Kennedy was ala n and Oswald was Identified as the killer. The committee Is Mlfhln& the merlla o f a my ste r io us lntellla~nce report su11eaUng . ' that Oswald hinted to Cuban olficlals at the consulate that he mlghl kill Kenned y and that Castro learned of this before the assassination. The committee (oolt public testimony about the ~ec ret report, but the committee's chler counsel. Robert Blakey. said Cuban authorltl~$ blamed the Central Intelligence Agency tor circulating the report as a "d hlnrormation " tacti c to Implicate Cuba In Kennedy's death. Blakey said the committee has <8" CASTRO. Pa'e A2> .. Murder Clues . Hoped By llA VMOND ESTRADA JR. Ot-.o.11,~tMCSUff The mooming sister or a slain Huntington Beach· motorcyclist con r1 rme d today th at sM! scattered her brother's ashes at the downtown saloon where he was stabbed Sept. 8. Jude Negrini. 37. of Newport Beach. said she threw the ashes of her brother. Gary Allen "Mad Dog " Fero. 41. through the louvered windows in front or the Main Street Saloon. 117 Main St .. during a "fu neral" held last Wednesday Pohcl' said today they have no sus p ect~ now in custody in connection with Fcro·s stabbin~ death f<'cro died at Huntington lntercommunity Hospitul ahout three hours after he was knifed in the back. officials said . Mrs. Nc~rin.i said the ashei. were scattoi:ed-at the saloon-and a long Pacific Coast Highway from Huntington Beacb t11 Newport Beach in hopes "that people will take notice and come for~_µnotJDAtMl.n~• ~~''"~~· "Before th.is is over there will be 3.11other death." said Mrs. Negrim when she cast "a curse·· on those she asserted we re withholding information about the death or her brother. Mrs. Negrin l s aid in a telephone interview tha t the cursl' was also aimed al her CSee ASHF.S, Page AZ) Co ast Weath e r Cl<'ar through Wedne!>· day Lows 55 to 00 Highs Wl'dncsday 82 to 92. I NSIDE T ODA t' New ~ate energy rule• are going Jo hit homeowner." who went to odd roomit Wllh all ldd& of resinctwns ond rt!d tape. See Poge A 1 ' 1 ' I I ' ! ,, r " B r " ol Jr t" Be pt St Er d " • • .. ,. . AZ DAIL'( PILOT § Begin Holds Line On · Sovereignty \\ \~lllN<, fON tAI '' Pn m•· M 1ru•tt>r Men.t<'hcm Bt-11n told < °l!ntcre .... today thal lllraf'I hll nn lnkntlon of 11v1ng up tt• d1um to sovtlr,•11tnty or 11 .. richt tv station troup .. tn d1~putf'd ,rn•as <>( the Wt·r.t Bank itnd Ow (;ju Stnp nualn told lt•ader.. or thto ERA Jloting Protested CA RSO~ '11"t l l'on 1 AP 1 ,\ controveri.1a l .id' 1M>r> H>h' on the Equal tt1..:hh Anwndmt·nt Wb u I !I t" I e d 11 I a 1• e d o ll N1·\ Jdt1 'i. No\ ember ballot t o 11.1 ) 1 n ,1 • l i, t oa t t- Su11rt> me Court decision Th e qu e!l t i o n wa s OJ>JlOsed by a pro-ERA ~roup on grounds many l1•g1~IJLCJn. ha ve i,a1d tht') ·11 ba~e their vote on t-:HA nt>xl i-.prmg on lhe ;,idv1s ory voting results , \\1l 11:h 111 efftoct makei-. it more lhun <tdvisory. Tht•rc 11-> no provision for ;,ill o '4·in~ voles hy the people on m atters like EHA whi ch could result in l1 S Co n s titu t io n ratif1c<1l1on~ f 'rom PafJ** A I ASHES .•. lll'>UIO' In II hrt-1.1kfHt met.•Ung thut tht-)'·8 h o uld n o t 11w11nterpr~t lh Camp D¥vld 1n·t·ords to mean that lar11t'I h11:. 1 •>m milted ltwe lf lo r.-11 tor1ng Ar.1b soveri>lgnty to lhoi.t: land11 , ~ h1ch It cuptured lo the 1967 ~ .. , lk~1n commented •~ he und Pastor Kills Self In Clwrch I BERLIN IAP I An East German pastor burned himself tu death before a congregation of mor~ than 300, using altar candles to touch orr the flames. 1t was reported In West Berlin today E' a n~elira l church sources :.aid Pastor Rolf Guenther 's J>uic 1de in the southern East German city of Falkenstein on Sunday uppeared to be biAsed on personal. not political. motives. Guenther. 41. was reported to have doui;ed himself with a flammableliquid in the sacristy or the Protestant church. poured more of the fluid on himself near the altar and the n ig nited himself by reaching out to the altar candles. Egy pt Ian President Anwar Sad.-t vl11lted Capitol Hlll to meet with conaresslonal leaders und talk about the recently " toncludl'd summit. M l'1;1nwhlle. Secretary of State <.:yru11 R. Vance added Syrian PrtJ1sadent Haftz Assad to the list of Arab leaders he will vl1lt lo e xplu l n the Camp David attreement.s and seek support ror them . He previously scheduled 14 tops in J ordan and Saudi Arabla on the trip. which begins lonight. Sadat told members of the Senate Fore ign Relations Committee he believes Jordan and Saudi Arabia eventually will a upport the Middle Eas t agreemenU). Later. he told reporters he pl ans to Cly Wednesday from Washington to Rabat. Morocco. to meet with King Hassan. Then. IN GIVING, SADAT SCORED VICTOAY-A4 he suid. he will then fly lo Cairo and m ake contact with Jordan's King Hussein. Sen. Frank Church or ldabo. ranking Democratic member or th e Foreign R e l a t io n s Committee. said Sadat told the private breakfast meeting that he hopes Hussein will "play the role that must be played by Jordan if the issues of the West Bank are ever lo be resolved ... S adat told r e p o rt e r s. "Wh e neve r the r e is a ny agreement that will per mit the The unmarried m inister bad establishment or peace so that been pastor for 10 years in no one encroaches on the other's Falke nstein. a city of about land or sovereignty, then all 16.000. Church sources said his Arabs will be behind it." brother·~ a ttacker who s he d eath followed the eitrlier T h e Arab s t ates h ave l'luim~ i~ a Huntington Beach i.uic1de of has mothe r. cons iste ntly s aid that Is rael m<1n mu s t g i ve up o cc upi e d Mr"> Ncgrin1 said she believes G uenthcr 's was the second territories on the West Bank of the light in which her brother pa s toral s e lf-i mmol ation the J ordan Ri ver a nd the Gaza was ~tablx'd WHS prompted t)y rrported in East Germany in Strip to have peace. a n argument ovt'r a woman rour years. The deuth of Pastor But Begin made it clear that Bui Huntington Beach police Os kar Brucsewitz in 1976 was a Is rae l views the m a tter '>gl Bert Chadwick said there political protest. differently. muy have been m any motives "l believe with aJI my heart tor the stabbing that the Jewish people have a Ch:i dwick said no charges r ight to sovereignty over Judea, b;i vt' b~oen Tilt·d ag-atnst Mr.r--~~ -1-~~-'~0 Samaria and the Gaza Strip," he ~1.·g rana or any of1 e frlendS an F~~--_.,.~bili.lisal na"2..es n •la1 1v<'s who reportedly helped fo r the lands on the Wei-it Bank. ltt•r Sl'Uller the ashes Mrs. Negrini said she does not fear the possible consequences of lhl' scattering of the ashes. .. Thi~ 1s a traditional thing in our family," she said. M r~ Negrini said she drove up llJ lh<' clc~cd saloon in a black <::id lll ac hut rode off on a m11tortyclc whilt' scattering the ·•~he~ rrom <tn urn in the misty .1ft t>rnuon air ·1 am not a hiker and I don't u~ually go to that saloon ," Mrs. Nt-grini said Th<' sister i.a1d, "f want my hrothr r's death uven~ed and the rnan who ki lled him brouj.tht to 1ust1cc before he stabs anyone \• l1-><' .. Mrs Ncl'(rina cla1 ms that a '1d1•0 l<.1pt• camera installed in the saloon was inte nt ionally turnt•ct orr j us t be fo re he r brother was stabbed. Police have confiscated the ta µe Wmpetition ln2nd Week T h e !>eco nd w ee k of competition for $1,500 in Pigskin Pickeroo '78 prizes is under way following a record number of entries. Hundreds of Orange Coast foo tball f a n s pitte d their prognostication skills in the first of lO weekly Pickeroo contests. Each week a television set and radios from Dunlap Appliances in f'ountain Valley a re awarded to readers who best predict the outcome of 30 weekend gridiron battles. For details -.nd an entry blank turn to pa~e 84. Candidate Backs Heroin l''cro. known by the nickname 11f .. Mad Dog." was on crutches .1 l t ht• l 1 me of the stabbing becaui.e or a ycur·old leg injury. Ile carri1·cl a buck knife in a sheath on has bell, bis sister SJ\CRJ\M ENTO 1AP 1 Ed R~ ·said "the Babic gives us that right. .. Begin added that sovereignty a nd military control over the We s t Ban k and Gaza a r e essential to Israel's securit y because those lands "are on the threshold ofour homes.·· The Camp David accords call Cor the replacement of Israel's military government with a n autonomous government elected by the Palestinians who live there. Israel's troops would be gar risoned in s pecified locations. But the accords do not deal with the question of ultimate sovereignty or what happens to Js rael 's troops a fter the five-year transition period which is supposed to lead to a final peace. B egi n s ai d th e troop arrangement "is not for ri ve years. It is for the transitional period and beyond." said. Clark. th<' l.ibcrtarian P<1rty's- Mr:-. Nf'J.?rini said she believes candidate ror governor. says he ~Y Raps Plan s evc·ral peopl e in the bar supports legalization of mari· conspired to kill her brother. juana. coc1Jinc. heroin and ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. IAPl PolH'(' said the blood from the. prostitution. A FL-CIO President George stabbing was parti'ally washed Society s hould focus its M-ean-y ha"8 urged Prcsi~enl away e.nerg1es :ind mo~ey on combat· C a r t e r t o a b a n d o n "My brother hopped out the ting serious crimes such as r ecom mendati~ns from his saloon door and screamed ror burglary. rape and murder und economic adv iser s to c urb ~ '~l.i .. ~ •.)'.;::•" ;~,f.-M'.~H~;i¢~_....._ ',..!'-~ ~ ,I(;~ 't'~:OV-~+:w"_,. I • · lives.·· Clark said Mot'ldcl§"" '" and price guidelines' · --. l $86,000 Stolen . ,.,...,. Pflfle A I SANTA MON ICA IAP> -A lone masked gunman held ull a Rn nks guard and escaped with more than $86.000 in receipts from a department store - almost half of it In cash. ORANGE COAST ~ DAILY PILOT ~'r.~~.,~~~~~::r,=1:::::.:0,::; c.o."• Ptf&l•\t\llWI Cotno•n• ~· "'1t t'l(f1t•o~" "',, :r~:v:::-=~~~;':-~~rM'-~~ ~ • •••f'll V•tl•'f 11w•nt S•Cktl(I'~' \I••._.. •"'ft l~•f)li....,fit1\outf'IC0.a\t A.\fnt,ttcritJlftl\ctfttOI tllM oubt•~cl WtwrCS.y-. .""1 ~o\ ftiw. JVI"' 1.,.1 f'".lbt•\N"O o•~t I\ "' J>"I ~· O•• ,.,_., (O'\t• Ml'\A CAHforth•.,._h ._. .. _ "'"-•"' "'""' Pl#i\fttf Jaoa '"''°" V 1( • r't·,t~t "rtd c;.,;..l'WlfatMltN()t·r ,....,,.,, ....... fidH., ,_,,.~ IMft"'ll"OrclitO' a.. ...... i.et(I ~~ ... " A•ml"'1l Mot1YQI"' tllllO"• Offtc .. c;o.. .. Mtt<t IJIW.~ .. ,\!,... ..:.:~ ... ~~ .. '\r.?.'i:~:!:~~ ~•V•• .. " )UOtUftll .. O .. ., \Mt Ot..-,.,,..,.,"" TetepflO"e 171it)IU-4321 Clefflflff A411•9"'11fttl42-M7t -· Vello;-OlliC• N1 .. lt0 ,~.,. .... ,_ .. ...... , ·--lftO.•-(Ollf'IV~lt .... 1*1220 ~·"r; :.::. o:i=. '~:,:::=.~~= m•f,,, or ••••tUHmt1tY, ""''" ,,. •• "9 ,.,,_.wf•f •UfilieVt tot<lel INt~tH~eft •t c.,,,.,...,_ \f'(ortd tll \' ~\l•t" N •• At (Ml• MIU ,, .... ," .• ,.,.,u.,•••af\ ,, ,.,, .• , u \t =~.::~·li :~~~., fMlftt'-1• \lftttlt•tf I •. CASTRO INTERVIEW. • • reached no judgment on the ove rall r eliability o r the Intelligence source. More s~lly, he said. ''whethei"'tlle source provided r elia ble information ih this ins tance i s a n luue the com millee mus! d ecide in Decem ber" as it prepares ·a report. The committee then ended public examination of Oswald 's interest in Cuba and Mexico and turned Its attention to the Secret Ser vice and t.he quality or tbe protection it provided Kennedy. The suggestion that t.he Cuban leader had some Inkling or Oswald's plan emerged in 1967 In a National Enquirer article by Comer C lark. a British free-lance journalllt. who died In 1912. Clark wrote that. Castro told him in an lntervlew; "Y•. I heard of Lee Harvey Oswald's plan t.o kill Preakleftt. Kennedy. It 's 1)()8Slble thal 1 could have saved him. t mllht have bM9\ able to. but I didn't. I never b4illeved thf\ plan would be put lnto effect." Clark quoted Otistro as sayln• Cuban officials told him of Oswald's visit to the Mexico City cons ulatt about two months befor e K e nn ~d v wa s assassinated in Dallas on Nov. 22. 1963. Clark claimed Castro said he was told Oswald said "someone ought to shoot that President Kennedy" and that he might do it him self. Questioned about the account. Castro said he never granted Clark an interview and called the story abllur<l. "l didn't· say that." Castro asserted. "It 'has been ln~ented from the belinning unUI the end. lt'a a tie. II this m an <Oswald) would have done something Uke that. it would have been our moral duty to inform the United States." In a written report. Blakey said investigators "m ade an effort. to explore Mr. Clark's backsround and reputation for veracity. Frankly. lt w11 not aood . Apparently he wrote extensively for th~ aenutlonal pre11." But Blakey continued, "Even thou1h there may be doubts aa to the fact of Clark'• lnterview wlth President Castro, the commltlce has been Informed that the aubttance of the Clark article la supported by hl1hly confidential but reltable sources available to the United States io"ernment " Music, Maestro Piunist Vladim ir Ho rowitz extends ht ~· arm s as ht• siL~ down lo the piano at New York 's Lincoln Ct:nlcr for rche<1r~al of "Horowitz Live.'· to be broadcast by NBC on Sunday llorow1t1.. \\-tlh Zutnr. Mehl :.• unu lhl· ·Nt:w York Pl'Mlh;irmonic. w ill pC'rform ll vl· on n ut 1onal t (•!t·v1~1on and v1<• satl'llil« to Europl· Jury Mulls Murder Rap Did Woman lmend to Shoot Mate 's Lover? By GARY GRANVILLE Ol t ... 0•11' ,.I ... St.tff The fate of a woman accustd of murde ring her hus b<ind "s lover in Laguna Bc<sch M<irch 26 was in the hands of irn Orange County Superior Court Jury today. Be rore the s ix woman . six-man jury began deciding 28·year-0ld Anya Ann Shelton's fate. it heard prosecutor David Carter call for a first ·dcgrec murder conviction Carter characterized the early Easter morning shoolint: death of Pat Proferes, 29 , as ";,i cold-blooded killing aimed al eliminating a rival.·· But defense lawyer J ames Merwin label~d the woman·s death a tragic accident and said Mrs Shelton is a woman incapable of violence However~ Merwiadid not deny'- a e u le .which killed Miss Proferes was fired from a gun held by his client Nor did hb deny that Mri. Shelton stood in the darkness outside the ~rooqi where the victim and her husband slept. the cocked gun an her hand. But M er~in ins is ted the shooting was accidental. that Mrs. Shelton could not sec Miss Profe r<.'S as she kn ell on a bed a few feet from where she stood. "If she·d ret11l y wanted to kill Pat. she would have fired more than one shot." the de fense attorney argued. As he and Carter debated the issue in their closi ng arguments. Mrs. Shelton sat with her arm~ folded staring in tently al the two lawyers throuli(h thick ~lasses H er n e r vo u s n ess was betraye d by h er h abit o r re peatedly nexing her t hroat and neck muscles. Wh en Mrs . Shelton testified during the seven-day trial, she said she carried the gun to the Laguna Beach apartment as a suicide weapon. And s he expl ained h e r presence on the d a rken ed balcony outside the ap;trtment where her hus band and his lover slept as one last attempt to sec her husband before taking her own life. But Carte r didn't buy that explaTialion and pleaded with the jury to ignore it. Fall is here in style at P.0.S.H.! Select from our new orrlvals of naturally comfortable, traditionally tailored fall suits & sport coats. Genft9men'S C~ lnaplred bV l'odttlon 46 folt1on lllarld. Newport (714) 6o40-8310 l' lie said Mrs. Shelton's quiet vi!lit to the balcony. her ripping off a window screen and lh<' subsequent firing of lht fatal shot were the climax of a sto_rmy confrontation the woma n had aggressively invited on herself. Carter made it clear to the jury that he was not defending the errant hus band. J oaq uin Shelton Tha t Shelton bounced back and forth between his wife and the. victim Is beside the point. Carter said. "Pat Proferes did nothing. a bsolutely nothing to deserve to he shot She truly was a vi ctim. a n in nocent v1cl1m .·· t h{· prosecutor said as he called for a murder conviction Ju s t a s c e rtain an ha s argumeiifS "Merw· nsisted the evidence :lt the trial cou not support a murder conviction Time.and again he referred to sax witnesses who said they knew the defendant and believt.-d her to bt incapabl t or v1ol cnc1:: Us ing e!ahoratt> props arr(i diagra m:-:, Mt-rwin ..;howed tfit.· JUry why ht: bcl:ev ~s Mr<t - Shelton couldn't see the v\ctim when the fataJ shot was fired. He also reminded the jury that Shelton had testified th at when lht' window screen <'plshe<f down, ht: jumped from lht bed and was yelling at h11-> wife in th"\. darkn<:ss w h t n th t.• g u n exploded. There was no anta gonism directed at the v1ct1m. Merwm said in his closing a rgument. H t d : " p u t'4ltl C 3 r 1 1 r · '· eontcntaon that Mrs ShC'lton ... c· I (' '1 v. I l h .. m J I I " ,. arorrthought .. and knowing the conscqucnt't.· of her act. essential component:. ao murder. Blt4 -#-will ™' tbc jJ.l.Q... later tod uy that will de bali.· Mr-; S hC'lton ''l statt• of mind that early SWld<.1y morning when tht· allrat:l1vC' 29-ycar old woman was mort1Jlly wounded Car, Cyele Collide Driver Arrested A/ ter Crash Death A San Juan Capistrano man was jailed on drunken drtving charges early today . after the car he was ~riving on the San Diego Freeway collided wilh a motorcycle, causing the death of one man and serious injury LO the motorcyclist. A California Highway Patrol spokesman identified the man fac ing drunken driving and vehicular manslallghler charges as Robert Rule, 45, of 32302 Allpaz St .. San Juan Capistrano. Identification of the me.in ki lled in the> accident tn the southbound lanes of tht.• rreeway JUi.t north of Lake f''orc~t Dri ve as -being w ithht.~ld until his nearest rel ative~ are not1f1cd ot his death The v1ct1m w<11-> a passenger an t he tar drtv t-n by Ru :t· according l o th e C HP s pokesman He said Michael Dittmar . 18. of 25081 Northrup Drive. Laguna Hills. wa~ seriously tnJurod wh e n cata pult ed fro m lht' three·whcel motorcycle he wui. driving on the freeway shortly before I a.m. Ditt m a r w a s t aken tn S :l dc11ebaclo: Co mmun :!y Ho:.pital Res<·ue worker.; said n ule · ... auto overturned Hflt'r strikml! th t• moton·yt:l c . prnnan~ t ht• dnvc•r ins1dl• • f 7 j I t 1 .t Orange Coast . f::O I r I 0 N Today's Clo81_, N. Y. Steek!t • ., VOL. 71 , NO. 262 , J SECTIONS, 30 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 C TEN CENT~~ ____________ .;... ________ ~....;.--~.;...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.....-, Slain Biker's Sister . Wants .Justice t· I ' .. B)' aAVMOND STRADA Ill. Of ...... "-.... The mournt~ saslfT of a la1n lluntln«ton 8e ch motorcy<"h (.'Onf\r m e d today tha t ~h t i.cattel"t'd her brother'• asbt-5 at the dow'Dtown aloon v.-htrt h<.' was tabbed pt 8 Jude Nef(Nna. 31, of Newport l\each. StUa sht-thrtw the M5 11f hl'r brother, Cary Allen "Mad l><>C.. fo'ero, 4 t , through the louver~ w1ndo m front of the Main Street Saloon. l 17 Main St . during a ··tunenl'' held hast W f.'dnt"ISday. Pollet> aid today lt\C'Y hav~ no ~u apect• no w 1n custody in connection with Fero'& staabh1nw death. Fero died a l tluntlngton Jntucomll)Unity Uoapilfll ubout thrf'~ houn after he wa kni fe<! In the ba<'lc, olflclol& said. Mrs Nearinl said the ai\tw:> were scatt red Ml the saloon and a lonti Pacific Coast lhs hway from Huntl n1 ton Beach l o N wport Beach in hope "lhot p<.'Ople ~tll lakc notH·e and romt- rorw ard With informuUon about my brotht'r's murder " .. Before this is over there will be another death," said Mrs. Ncgrini when she cast "a curse" on lhosf' she a 11serte d were withholding Information about the death or her brother. Mrs . Ne grl nl s aid in a lulcphone inte rvie w that the curse was ulso a imed at her brother's attacke r who s he daims is a Hunllngt.on Beach m un Mn>. Negrin] said s he belteves the f1ghl in which her brother wa:i stabbt.'<i was prompted by an argument over a woma n. Uul Huntington Beach police Kaiser Sehool's Flag Eighth grader Christine Stennett displays the flag she designed for Heinz Kaise r School in Costa Mesa. The flag was · purchased by the classes of urn and 1978 as a gift to the school. Cle me mean Arrested in Mesa Robbery A San Cleme nte man was arrested by Costa Mesa police Monday in connection with a $280 robber y at a Harbor Boulevard motel. P o li('e said Do n a ld Le e Johnson, 21. was arrested by Officer Mark Pesanti s hortly after midnight. Bail was set at $25.000 Johnson allegedly used a small handl(un to force a clerk at the Ambassador Inn, 2277 Harbor Bl vd. to turn over the ca sh, police said. However . investigators said n o w e apo n or c a s h wa s recovered when Johnson's car was pulled ove r on Harbor Boulevard after the employee r e ported tho robbe r y. There were no injuries County Housing Due for 'Bust'? By PHILIP ROSMARIN Ot ttw O•llt ~tee St.tff "I think you're in trouble." journalist Martin Mayer. author of "The Builders," a book about the hous in g indus try . told Orange County ho mebuilders Monday. His prediction echoed the warnings of his book that the Orange County housing market is overdue for collapse H 1s r e marks we r e made befo r e a m e e t in ~ a t th e Ai rporler Inn of t he Home Ruilders Council of the Building Indus try Association. Mayer said the coll apse would have-been evident now but for four factors: The growth of inflationary ps y c ho t ogy . "People are pleased.·· Mayer said . "rather than uosf>t amt cliscoural!ed, that <See BOOM, Page A2> LOcals Lead in SF Big Yacht Racing By ALMON LOCKABEY CMllyPlteellMfl..,wrlt•r • SANTRANCISCO -They are calling them the super stars of yacht racing. and t he five maxi· "'"'a~ . ~-A_fSJ.!.Q.JW J eet.) iP; ~-.~ ~as ·Vatllt-"t1ov s -mr -BOaY fl rst race for the St. Francis perpetual wa~ Fred Preiss ' 84- foot Christine. But it was a case or the fi rst shall be last and the l ast s hall be fir st because hf'*"-...... ~ failed to save it'i time over ner · four competitors. LOS ANGELES <AP I ---Fines of $100 each were levied on nine Iranian students who stormed the Iran touris t bureau in 'Beverly Hills last year to protest a vilit to the United States by the s hah's wife. Empress Farah Diba. Series lived up to the tag Mon- day in a 27-mile gear busting race on San Francisco Bay. For the most part, the five races for pe rpetua l trophies turned out lo be .a Southern California show. The eJa~ time winner in the There was only one minute ~in d 17 s eco nds b e tw een Ch'f-is tinc and Jim Kilroy.'s 79· fool ketch Ki aloa which finished last a nd saved her time to take (See YACIITS, Page A2> . Sgt. Bert Chadwick sald there may have been many motives for the stabbing. Chadwick said no charges have been filed against Mrs. Negr1nl Of' any of the friends and relatives who reportedly helped her scatter the ashes. Mrs. NegrinJ said she does not rear the possible consequences or the scattering of the ashes. "This is a ttadltional thing in our family," she s aid. Mrs: Negrtn.i said she drove up t.o the closed saloon in a black Cadillac but r ode orr on a motorcycle whJle scaUering the ashes rrom an urn in the mlsty afte1noon air. "I am not a biker and I don't usually ((0 to that saloon," Mrs. Nearini said. The sister said, "I want my brother's death avenged and the man who killed him brought t.o justice before be stabs anyone else." Mrs. Negrini claims that a video tape camera instalJed in the s aloon was inte ntionally turned o(( jus t be fore her brother was stabbed. Police have confiscated the tape. Fero. known by the nickname o( "Mad Dog." was on crutches at the time of the s tabbing because of a year-old leg mjury. He carried a buck knife lo a sheath on his belt. his sister said. Mrs. Negrini said she believes several people tn the bar cons pired to kill her brother. Police said the blood from the sta bbing was partially washed away. ··My brother hopped out the saloon door and screumed ror help." she said. Jordan Nixes Su \ •tAccord WASHINGTON <AP l -The Middle East pea ce accords hit a ne w snag today as Jordan's King Hussein disassociated his country from the agreements following discussions with other Arab leade~. And Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin told Congress tha t his country has no intention of ~iving up its claim t.o SOV· • ereignty or its right to station troops in disrupted areas of the Wesl Bank and the Gaza Strip. Hussein'!! lurndown. conveyed by a government s pokes man in Amman, came j"5t hours before Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance was to fly to the Middle East to brief key Arab leaders on the accords and seek their SUPpOrl. 50 Aparf menfs ; ;J o rdan is not obligated morally or materially by the agreements signed at the Camp David summit ... a government spokesman said In Amman. The statement was issued after Hussein confe rred by telephone with Syrian President Hafez Assad and Crown Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia. <See JORDAN, Page A2) JFK Death Bid 'Denied Mesa High-density By Castro WASHJNGTON CAP> -Cuban President Fidel Castro says it would have been "a tremendous insanllty" for Cuba to have plotted the murder or President John F. K~nnedy, the House Assassinations Committee reported today. · Rezone -Ap,ytpfPrtAo~W4l~~=1 "I am going to tell you here that nobody, nobody, ever had the idea of s uch things," Castro s aid during a four -hour inte rview with committee members and investigators last April. The committee played portions of the tape-recorde-d Interviews during its hearings today. Re peating his c ons istent denials or Cuban involvement in the assassination of Kennedy. Castro said: A vacant lot next to the Harbor Racquet Club on Wilson Street mar be wbete Costa Mesa can spend some of its federal housing funds and take care of a need for moderate cost housing for families with children. Monday. night. the city coun· cit voted 3-1 to rezone the 2.39 acre parcel from commerdal to high den.sily residential ( R-3 l zoning. Developer Dick Sewell said be is Interested in building about 50 apartments on the strip that was once comidered for an extension of the Harbor Shopping Center. Sewell s aid h e would guarantee that al least half of the apartments are rented rammes with ctulctren .. Accord· inl to Counctlwom•n Norma Hertzog. Sewetl is Interested in using some of the city supply of federal hollsing and community development funds to buiJd the complex. Councilman Dom Raciti, often an opponent of any more apart· ment construction in the city. voted against the zoning switch. He said the project would be too dense and increase traffic. A s pokesman representing the shopping center disagreed with Raciti 's claim that the center would benefit more by ha ving an office building placed on the site . <See REZONE. Page i\Z) ·'N e v e r in 20 years' er revolution, I never heard anyone s uggest nor eve n s peculate about a measure of that sort, because who could think or the idea or organizing the death or the president of the United Stales . ''Thal would have been the Newport Man' Lo~es Ear in Beer Fight most perfect prete xt for the A dispute over the sale of a United States to invade our six-pack of beer led to a fig.ht country. which is what I have Monday night that may cost a tried to prev~nl for all these Newport Beach man 'a chunk of years. in every possible sense. his left ear. "From the Ideological point of Newport Beach police said view. it was insane. And from they are looking for four athletic •L~a·j.~~~,~~~~~~~~~-~- caslro said he~ knew nothing the fight tha\ separated Daruel about Lee Harvey Oswald and Neira. 22. from a lhree ·inch by a Oswald's · visits to the Cuban half-inch pieee of his ear. consulate in Mexico City until Neira. of 4200 River Ave. ~as afte r Kennedy was slain and rush~d to Hoaf Memonal Os wald was identified as lhe Hospital by pol ce. Doctors killer . sewed the piece back In place, <See CASTRO, Page AZ> but reported they were unsure whether the operation would be successful. , According lo police reports, Neira refused to sell a s ix-pack o( beer to a youthful looking cus tome r at the Sto p'N Go m a rke t at 4555 W. Coast Highway Monday afternoon. ~..._,~ .... "'1'---=~~~a~• to meet Nefra· when tie gof Off work at midnight for a fight. Witnesses to the fight said the youth s howed up with thret: friends. but none could tell police how Ne ira be came separated from his ear . t he victim speculated it was bil\en off. Coast Me~a ·Approves Roadway Link Neira said he wasn't even aware his ear had been tom orr until \he fight was over and the four youths left the scene .. '. Weather Clear through Wednes- day . Lows SS lo 60. Highs Wednesday 82 to 92. INSIDE TODA 't' New .tat• nwrw 11M1 are going to hit ~• who wont to odd '°°"" IOUh oil ldd• of rettnctkml and red tape. Set PoQe A1. a •• .. M At ., ... , 91 • •• M M ByMICHAEL PASKEVICH °' -Delly "*' .-... It's a street that almost no one in north Costa Mesa seems to want, bU\ the city council voted 3-1 over the protests or area resi- dents Monday night to build a new roadway through an 18-acre parcel between Baker Street and Paularino Avenue. Ensuil\e 3·1 votes, each with councilman Do'm Rac iti op· posed, aet up financing or thee» tension of Randolph A venue lo a link wltb Platte Drive and ended a flve·moatb·old buildine qaoratorturn. About two doien homeowners tllrned out \0 dispute city traffic sfudlea and question the benefiu and aafet.y of the ··A St reel Ex· tension." • But their lengthy testimony and support ror a cul de aac aJJgnmenl that bomeowner3 claim would prevent Increased co n gestio n o n two -l a n e Paul arino did not s way the coun· cil "P aularino used to be a coun· try road. now it's a speedway and soon it will be a de ath trap." pleaded Bob Montgomery, 801 P a ula rino. Another res ident, Bob Lind· quist, said a city traffic count taken in July on Paularino was "absolutely 180 degrees out o( phase" with homeowner studies. • City traffic engineer Bruce Mattern sald the new road would mean only an additional 200 can on Paularino as opposed to no cha nge. A city study states that P aularino now handles S,49& cars dally while Baker Street se r vices 23.590 vehicles each day. The new street wlll bealn whe re Randolph Avenue cur· °<See ROAD, Pa1e AJ> AVE. EXTENSION OettyHll ........ NEW AoAO GOING IN DESPITE PROTEITI Of' RllfOINTI ExteMk»ft of R•ndolSlf' Wiii Move Nofttt to '•ulartno r • .. Pickeroo '78 . Competition ln2ndWeek The second we ek of competition for St ,500 in Pigskin Pickeroo '78 prizes is under way following a record number of entries. • Hundreds or Orange Coast football fans pitte d their progn01SUcation skills in the first of 10 weekly Pickeroo contests. Each week a television set and radios from Dunlap Appliances in Fountain Valley are awarded lo readers who best predict the outcome ot 30 weekend crtd.lron bottles For details and an entry blank turn to page 84. •' - DAILY PILOT l',....r.,,.AI CASTR O: 'I N The ~mmlltoo •• w~i&hm& lbe meri ts o f a m y1 t e r lou1 lntt'lhatncl' rnport 1'Ul(lt·11ttna that 0 w1tld hinll'd lo (;ub.in offlcta lS ¥1 lht> ('Oni.llldlt' thul h ml1ht kilt Kenrwdy nnd t htt Cast ro learnf'd nf th111 bt-forc-thfl •1111rn1>1unat1on Th,• comnHltcl' took pubhl t t•11 t1mony a bo ut the "~<'rtt r.-,>ort. but the com m htet'• c.'hlt'f t'ounsl'I Rotwr"t 81Mkf'y . t.Mtd ('Ubitn uuthont1t•i. hlamt!'d lbt' C't•nlrid lnh:lhJ<<•nC't• A1i1rnC')' for c1rculalm thl· report 4ttl a ERA. Voting Protested ANJTY'. • • 'dl1tnformut1on · tactic to Jmpllcah ' Cuba m Ke nnedy '• dtath 8l1k~ taJd tht co mmittee haa ru chH no Jud1m nt on tht ove raJI rell•blllty of the lnte1H1enee ..oorc• Mo rl' ~l'l'<'tflt-ull y , he s1ud. 'whether thl' "ourte provided re lla ble cn(orn'latlon tn &hla f ft ltlntt' h a h 1u ue tht com m illet' m uat d ec.-l dt tn Otcembtlr " us it pre pare a rcvart The commutee tb~n ended f)ubllc cxamtnotlon of 0 1iwald'1 inle rc>t.l In Cuba a nd Mexic:1> and turned ltK asttenllon lo lb Secret S..rv1c.•f' und lhe quality of the protection ll provldl'd Kennedy The llU86Jt'Shun thul the Cuban lu de r hud aome loklinai of Oswald'• 'plUJl ttmer~cd In 1967 in i. Nstaonul Em1uirl'r article: by Co m e r Clar k . u B r 1t 1i.h rtec·l~nce JOl.lrnahsl who dat!d an 1972. ,.,..,.. Paflf! A I JORDAN ••. Bega n told l t!lid er~ or the House in 8 bre11kfast meeting t h at t h e y s h ould n o t m isinterpret the Ca mp Oi.vid accords to mean th11t Israel has comm lltcd itse lf to rf!storing Arib sove reignty to those lands. which It captured In the 1967 war Begin com mented as he and E gyptian P res id e nt Anwa r Sadat visited Capitol f:flll to m eet wtth congressional leaders a nd t alk about t he recently concluded summit. Me anwhjle. Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance added Syrian P resident Hafei Assad to the list of Arab leaders he will visit to e xp la in t he C a m p Davi d agreements and seek support for them . He previously scheduled s l ops in Jordan a nd Saudi Arabia on t.he trip which begins tonight. . CARSON CI T Y. N~v IAP I -A l'Ontro\er .,., ttd v1 or) \t'ltC' on tht• Equal Rights Aml'nd m ent wau, o r d ere d plM r~d o n Nt>\•udu 'i. No' t-m ber ballot t o d ay In u 4 I i.t t1t<• Suprt•m(' Court dec1s1on Clark wrote thul Cu11tro told him 1n un mtervlcw "Yes. I hea rd or Lee Haney Oawald 'i. plan to kill President Kennedy It's possible that I could have saved tum. f might have been nble to. but I didn't I never belleved th<' plan would be put jnto ef/ect. · · ONDtNE (LEFT), WINDWARD PASSAGE BATTLE IN SAN FRANCISCO BAY At Blouom Rock Buoy Off AlcetrH . Some BreethleH Moment• on the Jibe Sadat told members of the Se n ate For eign Re l a tions Commllt~ he believes J ordan IN OIVINO, SADAT SCORED VICTORY--A4 Th " 1n 1l' t 1o n w a s o ppoM•d by ll p ro E RA .iroup on tirounds m any l l'g111 l utors h a ve said lhl'Y 'II base their vote o n E RA next sprfns on the ;_1d\'11>ory voting re~u lt11. wh1<'h in effect m akes at more than :.idvisory Thl'r t> is no provii.ion fo r :.i ll ow1ng votei. by .the people on matters like ERA which could result in U .S C o n s t i tuti o n ratifications. f'ro•P~A I ROAD ••.• rcnlly dead e nds a l Bake r Street. The street would extend nor th. swing left. then r ight before continujng north again to cre a te a new intersection at Platte and Paularino The homeowners support for a rut de s ac was counte red by city claims that this plan would be a ~ufoty hazar'd in case of a m<1jor c ml'q?cncy a nd w o u ld d o n oth ing to improve traffic drculation in the area. • Mattern said no road would mean m ore "conflict points" <Teated .fil' w ddvewa~JM!n· Ing onlo Paularino und Baker The road extension will make new driveways open onto the new road Approval of the road extens ion will a llow the owne rs of 17 par ce ls In the area to build to a higher density. Current zoning will switch from R·2 to R·3. The city wants the landowners to dedicate land for the new street with the city picking up the tub for much of the actual constr uction or the s treet. Caty offacl:.i ls s ay construction of the new roadway will cost SJ83.000. llomeowne rs, nolin& udded costs for u signal that will be needed at Ra ndolph and B<1kcr . belie ve the actual cost to the city may exceed $300.000. But the ma1or concerns cen· tered on added traUic that might be gener ated by motorists usinK t he new road as a short cut, al)d the potential danger to s tupents a t Be ar Street e le m en tary School. Hoag Ce nte r Rites Slate d l',...r~A l Clark quot.ed Castro us saying Cuban officials told h im of Oswald's visit to lhc Me xico City cons ulate a bout two months be f ore K e nn e d y was assassinated in Dallas on Nov. 22. 1963. YACHTS BATTLE IN SAN FRANCISCO • • • and Saudi Arabia eventually will s upport the Midd le E a s t agreements. L~ter. he told reporte rs he pla ns to ny Wednesd ay from Washineton to Raba t. Morocco to meet with Kins Hassa n. Then: he said, he will the n Oy to Cairo a nd make contact with Jordan ·~ King Hussein. Cla rk claimed Cas tro sa id he was lold Oswald said ''someone ought to shoot that President Ke nnedy" and that he m ight do it himself. Questioned about the account. Castro said he never granted Clark an interview and called lhe story absurd. "I d idn't say t hat." Castro asserted. "It has been invented from t.he beginning until the end. It's a lie. If this m an <Oswald 1 would have done som ething like that. it would have been our moral duty to inform t.he United Stales." corrected time honors. Durin~ the race t he elapsed tim e lead cha nged four times before the final weathe r le~ along the city s hore lo the finish 1n f ront o f t h e S t. FY C clubhouse. Su m ner A. "Huey " Long's 79-foot sloop Ondine gr..bbed the start off Treasure Island but was :,oon overta k e n b y M a rk John son 's 73 ·f oo l sloop Windward Passage which had been forced to restart. Both boats nor ma ll y a re r igged as ketches. but are being sailed as s loops here On the run to Blossom Rock off Alcatraz. P assage main. ta med a slim lead and the two y a c hts ga ve the s pe ctators as hore and a fl oat a thr ill by roundini;! up sharply on the jibe New Romance? Prince, Emigre Linked 1 LONDON 1 AP I -The latest g irlfriend of Prinee Ch arles is e m i gr e Czech Counttt ss Angelik a L t.tzensky. three London t<tblotds reported today. The Sun . Mirro r and Mail s aid the countess lives in Paris. whe re she works for an organization clilled International P ublic Re la tions Associates. None of the papers reporte d he r age. The romance began when the couple met last .vcar in France and blossom ed last weekend wh~n the countess was a guest at Balmor al. the queen s Scottish home. l he newspapers said. T he reports were discounted by Buckingham Pa lace. "The lady in Question stayed at Balmora l. pr esumably as the pr ince's guest and just one of many friends.·· said a lSPokesman who refused to be identified. BOOM TO END?-. •• '·- from a nm to a reach. Christine showed a good turn or s peed on the first weather leg. but was overtaken by Passage when she split her number one Renoa and had to go down to a num be r two j ib. It was an afternoon of reefing drills and sail c hanges for. all h a nds as the north west el'ry wind whistled up lo 25 knots against a flood tide. An early surprise in the big boat battle was lo see Bill Lee's superlight. 67-foot sloop Merlin drop far back of the fleet In the early going. , It was virtually out or sight astern and out or the race as the leaders bunched In a sudden wind calm as they approached Alcatraz on t he leeward rul). With nothing to lose and every- t hing to gain. Lee s teered a co urse north or the Island and pa cked up a brisk northerly breeze that put Merlin around the m a rk ahead or the fleet with wha t appeurcd to be a comforta. ble le ad for the beat to the finish . But again Merlin was unable to E'roM Page A I REZONE ..• stand up to the freshening wind. even after tucking a double reef in its maln'sl and changing to 8 sm a tJer heads ·1. Before reaching the clubhouse fi nish Merlin had been passed by Christine. Ondine and Windward Passage. finishing onJy second&. ahead or Kialoa. For the smaller boats in the City or San Francisco. Atlantic. Keefe·Kilbom and Rheem r ates it was also a day or fri&.stration. bus ted gear. a nd blown out sails as the· strong winds and tricky c urrents took their toll. The greatest frustration was for a dozen boats in the Rheem trophy series who were left cold and wet on the course when the· race committee. holding to a five ·hour time limit. buttoned up their stop watches after t.he first few boats in the g roup had finished. Several skippers are protes ting t he committee. When it was all over and the cr e ws were cele brating the ir victories or making excuses for their defeats in the clubhoust: ba r here 1s how lht: final resulti. stood St. Francis Perpetual Trophy. I. Kialoa 2. Windward Passage 3. Ondine 4. Merlin S. Christine. City of San Francis co Trophy, t. Whistle Wing V . Hast ings Sen. Frank Church' of Idaho, ranking Democratic mem ber of th e F o r eig n R e l a t lo n is Committee. said Sadat told the private breakfast meelinR lbat he hopes Hussein will "play the role tha t must be played by Jordan if the issues of the West Bank are ever to be resolved.·· Sad a t t o l d r e porte r s . ''Wh e ne ~e r th e re is any -a1reement t.hal will permit the establishment of peace so that no one encroach~s on the other's land or sovereignty. then all Arabs will be behind It ... T h e Ara b s t a t es h a v e con sistently said that Isr ael mus t gi v e up occ up i e d territories on t.he West Bank or the J ordan River and the Gaza Strip to have peace. * * * U.S. May Pay $I Billion for Israeli Bases Harcourt. Santa Barbar a Yacht W AS HI NG T 0 N <A P 1 - Club 2. Swifts ure. Nack Frazee. Construction of two military air The s pokei,ma n s:.u d lh1: shop San Diego Yacht Club. baeses in Israel 's Negev Desert owne rs would prefer a perma-will be an lsraeti o~ration with ne nt population on the site. A ti antic T r op h y . 1 H ag h the United States paying the bill. Mrs Hertzog stressed the Ell which could ra ng .. fro m s·300 f h t Roler . Bill Power ·K1rk iott. "' location o t e apart me n com· million to about SJ billion. a Pen-plex. She said its proxim ity .to N H YC 2. Blue Norther. Bill 1 ..... t. .d tod schools. recently comple ted Sullivan. Los Ange les Yacht agon s.,.,..esman sa 1 ay · Club 3. Scanda lous. Bill Pascoe. Th o m as B . R o si.. th t' Wilson Park and s ho pping. NHYC _ spokesm an. said cost esti mate~ made it a logical choice. art' "very preliminary" and that She was backed by Mayor Ed d I f Mc F arland and Councilwom an Ke e fe -Kil bo rn Trophy . t a great ea o planning ht!s Le ading Lady. St an Reisch. ahead But he made olear the Arlene Schafer in revers ing a new bases would be underwn't· 1 b t 1 t Se ell's Coyote Point Yacht Club 2. fmp. F c ruar y vo e aga ns w ten by ., U.S. gr·•nt, rath"'• than h Dav id Allen. San F rancisC'o .. .. "' zoning swJtc rt.>quest. Yacht Club 3. Sil ver Fox. Bob by some rorm or repayable loun The citv housing a nd com-or credit. d I t 't• Kelle her Long Buch Yacht munity eve opmcn comma ~ee rtuh "We would compe nsate thl' has placed the puree! high on its Ji;raeUs for their withdr awal'' list as to idea l places to spend from two major air bases in the the h·ouse th ey b o ug ht fo~ $100,000 today, sold for $78,000 last year -because they think next year they will get $125,000." part or $750.000 in federal hous· Ric hard Rheem Trophy fpend· Sinai. Ross said. He indicated ing and community funds. ing protest 1• I Wild Turkey. the N egev projects probably plan has driven people to b~ The council backed the choice J a m es Gos Pe r . SY d n e Y • would be costly because they homes in Orange County. he tn· in a recent study session. An un-Aus tralia 2. Sunc haser . Chris would replace "what 1 gather dicated. ce r t a in portion of the funds Gas pari ch. St. FYC 3 Tres are sophisticated bases ... All four or those factors. cur· could be used to keep down con· He rmanos. Sicele and Myers. The t wo bases lo be vacated renlly encouraging the market. struclion costs a nd assure low NHYC. are at El Arisch on the northern "slill have t ime lo run. but with rents for tenants . ~"na1 coast. where the Is raelis dim inishing force," he said. Sewell noted that there is still The big boat crews will have a ,.ult " 9.50<Hoot runway alter Mayer said it is important for a high demand for apartments d ay. of rest today while the the 1973 war. and at Etzion 1n -P roposition 13. Though the property tax relief s hould have triggered a boom or apartment housing, it hasn't happened yet. Mayer asserted. partly because academics who advise the in Dl·du:ation C(•rcmonics will be dus l ry haven 't realized tht! the Carter Administration to 1n Costa Mesa . even though a Etchells-22 fleet s uits the third the southern Sinai In position t "knock the he.ad off inflation... r('w of the newer complexes al-and fourth races of their three cover the key Gulf of Aqaba. \\ hich he predicted would again low children. He s:.iid all 97 units day ' regatta . The big bouts will "The Israelis probably will tx: in double dig1L'i by next year. at his new complex at Vanguard resume action Wednesday a nd put out contract~ to buil~ 11 conducted Thur!'.duy at the new J>O.~ential P~fil for it. J 0 h n s t a u rr c r J n t e r f ai th It seems to tak~ a bout three Sp iritua l <;eJHcr at H0.~1! .• y~ars." Mayer sa id, "to_.~t a --<·~ ,.."OM.111t.~_:_: ~tit~"-·~~u;f~ .. ~~ttit~~'t1rc.'Ml•n~ . An Of>'!rl house for t he public a n y bod y a t ~ unive r sit y . will follow the cere monies that So m ebo~y has to tell the m start at 2 p.m. several llmes th~t a cha ng~ has The 2.IOO·square foot center occurred, before at sinks .In., int'ludes the hospita l's social -A 30 percent apprcc1at1on of s ervices dcpartm l'nt. chapel and the J~pane~ yen. chapla in's office. . There s a .. lot or foreign The dt->dicallon will be held in money around. Maye r said. the courtyard adjacent to the ."Impressive quantities are com· chapel. The open house will be rng Into California fro m Ja pan, from 2:30 p.m. to s p.m . fro m Germa ny . E verything looks che aper over he re to them ." ( DAILY PILOT ~':~:t.~::,~,,~·=·=~:;:&!!; (M \t P\Ml\l'\t"Q (~·"• \tNt .. h Mt1~tHfl °"'°'''"*f Mo"CS•v lf\rovoft J1t(t.t., •0t Colt• Ml'o.,_. Hit...eort 8•~n Hv'\flftflllon 0.AC" f~ ta1f' Vahtt ''"'"• \aekll~· V•'"' ~ ,_ ...... -· .. ~·· ·--· ... t•Oft •\ OVOft\h.f d \•tvrcl4¥\ ~ \ tfWJ..tn '"'-' • t;::~~~~~'1.~1't~~~1~'~'° _.," U.t, '"'' •.C-lf? YO(f ,., .. ,..,.,,.NO._.o1__, T ...... ttll .. 1'11 l ClitlH' ..... _.&.,........,. Ma~•flt•ol ... o.n.tlt ~ ...,..... ..... " ....... ft! _ _..,. ... , .. . Con•M•HOMce -·•·oie 1:::::· J•d ':o~ • ..,.. ,..., ...... (ft•)-..ni Cl"91f!H M •• ...... '11 ..... 11 """'1:1 ~ °':?:. cr,t;:..=~~= ::Ttt f •r •••• ::r.'fM•'-h ._.,.,,. ""•Y .. tt••Muc.•d ••tMiwf \ .... lel "'''"'"" 9f , .. ,,..,.._ I "9(-ti•" "' .. r. ...... Clth• ...... C•liferftl• '"'"' ettM Mo t•tr11r U 'I =·~~t....·· M•1t t• \f ~0~1~ Mfth•'t N tt~ -School busing in Los Angeles County . The m;,ndatory busing Raging Fire ·Containe d In Anaheim More than 50 fire fighters fou g h t a bl aze th~t raged through homes under construe· lion in the An11helm hllls today before bringing it under control just befor.9 noon . The fire reportedly destroyed live hQ,Jnes, damaged lour more and blackened several acres ot br us h ln t.he Nohl Ranch.area of Anaheim hills, tire otr'-'al11aid. T he fire was rep0rted at about 10:30 a.m. In the hilly retton where the S1mta Ana wind1 • .,.. . gusting up to 40.mph. Firemen from Ana he im . Orange County and the city ot Oranae fou1ht tho bla1e for an hour bttore contaJnina It. There were no Injuries r . ported ' "The Administration is going to Way and Newport Boulevard wind up-Pfiday and Saturday themselves, .. ffosl' said. - ,~~"T ·;m;;;•• mm · * have to face up to the fact tbat:"'t"~w~e~r~c~r~c~n;ted~~in!.ii:,n~1n~e~d5a~y~s~.~~~;;i~;;;:;;:i'i~;;rs~~;.=;;;;.;;;;~:;;::;:;:::;;:;~:;~~-============ them well.·• __________________ __;....;.._;.....;..._.;.....-."::::i"--,,:i \;~'.•1.,,i.J.J'o.'lO\-?P~~ :. •. · Proposition 13 wi ll have a re-I l ardinf.( effect upon people's will· angness· to sell old hom es lo buy new ones, he said, pa rticularly in light of assessment rules that est ablish a 1975 assessment on property. but new assessments al current levels If the property changes owners hip. Mayer rurther predk ted that foreign money eventually will r un out. and that the panic over Los AngeJe1; school busing will a bale. "We are going to be moving to a money crunc.'h.'' Mayer said. "and pretty soon " With tha t, Mayer said. home prices must come down. The bu\ Id e rs t hemselves. he sald. ought to hope for an end to the lnOatlonary ~pswlng. "While in the short term il Is good for you, It Is not going to be good for you in the long run." Muycr said. Candidate Backs Heroin ~ SACRAMENTO IA P I -Ed Clark. the Ubertarinn Party's cqndldate for 1eovernor. says he upport.s lcgalliullon or marl- j u ana . coci;lnl'. ht r o1n and orostltutlon Society should focus its cnergle and money on combat-tln ~ serious crlmea a uch ss bur1l1ry, rape and m urder and loave adulL't "to ll vt their own llvc11." ('1,.rk ~old Mondoy .. Fall Is here in style at P.O.S.H.! Select from our new arrivals of naturally comfortable, tradttlonally tailored fall su its & sport coats. I Las• Stronghold Somoza Tro~ps Ready Attack MANAG A, N\('DrDiUO 11\f'i Pre~ldt nt An•. ra lo Somoza .. t ro o p .. <ln.• mu'l\t'lll for un ;u, .iult on the lu1l m111Jur rt'l"•I ~1rnnghotd. tht' northw«11 l to~ 11 (Ir £&teh Burke: "Pot U1ihealthy S \~ t>l t:<iO \I'• R1.•p Yvon1w Hruth" >t lle- Uu rk t.> t> nhf ... , , ) l>J.~~ 1111: ,1 muri1ua11J c1~.1 ntt1.• trom mouth 10 mouth 1'-· a ~0 0 '1 WU ~ l o '-Pl\.•a d ~wrm:. .. . 'I bl O"\pl~ h ;H'I.' Ile\ l 'I had ttn 1n..-ltnut1011 to l n ll .. ,h,• ":ud . Thl· po ... !.1bll· lt•f:J lw 1t1o n or 111 ,1 r11u11n .• h .11> h{'C'l•fl\( Jn '"!'>Ill' m tht• l!HK t•lt·e· uon an v. h1ch M 1 !> Hurk1.· 1s th t• l>e m o,•r at1 c no minee for •ll o rney g1.:ne1 .11 in Cahfo rnw She mt.1dc her comment at a nt'" b t'CJnfe r1.•nce Mo nday. Capo High Cage Coach Sentenced Former Capis trano Valley High School head basketball coach Paul Smith was convicted Monday in Riverside of attempt· 1ng to receive stolen property. He was put on one year's proba· lion a nd rlned $320. And Capistra no Unified School Dis trict trustees voted unan· 1mously Monday night to ac· ce pt Smith's letter or resignation Crom the high school's leaching swU 11 c had been relieved of all toat'hing n•sponbibllities 1m· medrntely following his a rrest . June 14. when he allegedly tried to buy a microwave oven from a man on a Rivers1de street cor· ncr . The oveo peddler was an unde rcover poli<!'e o((ice r. Arrested with S mith in June was Ramona High School coach David Carmichael. Sm ith had tau~ht at Ramona in Riverside hc fo r~ J01n1ng the staff at C<•pistrano Valley Hi~h. when th<' Mission Viejo school opened in Scplemlx.'r. 1977 Oepul y Dist riet A Horney Rick T h1 crbach ~ai d t oday that Carmichael's case was rcferrc.-d to the probation rlepartment for furthe r mve&tigal10n Both m en entered pleas of no contest to the charges that they had attempted to ret·e1vc stolen property. said Thierbat•h. Smith. 39. ha d tuk e n the Cc.t p1:,trano Va lley baske tball team lo the ~cm 1finals in the Ca I 1 forn1u I ntcrsc hol as tic Fede ration playoffs earlier this year Capistrano Unifi ed Supe rin· tendent J erome Thornsley said Smith's letter of resignation was received Monday morning. after the district had issued an ul- timatum thal he report for duty as a physical education and m ath teacher at Ca pistrano Vallt!y or race dismissal NEW YORK <AP I -A book sa ys tha t Aristotle On assis tricked his wiCe. Jacqu<:Jlne, into signing an "a m endme.nt" to their m ar riage .contract that gave her Just two percent of the S250 million she expected. This version or the inheritance wr ang le hvtween t he former American first lady and the late Greek shipper is detailed in a copyrighted excerpt from the forthcoming book ·• J acquelint- Rouvier Kennedy Onassis" by Ste ph en Birmingham. The excerpt appears in the October is s ue of Good Housekeeping Magazine. The excerpt says that because Greek law in 1974 provided that a widow automatically received a t leas t one.quarter of her husband's e s tate. "upon O n a ss i s' death Jackie confidently \'xpeclcd to receive an ln.heritance of at least $~ million -pt!rhaps as much H S250 mi!Uon." In the beginning. "Onugls had literally showered he r with money o.nd expcn&lve t lft3, ''the book says "ll has be n claimed that he spent up to $20 million In thot fi rs{ year a lon -mott ot It on things for Jackie.·· · Sul the book 'ays that alter the coup\ 's Oct. 21. 1H8, Ob!\ r vcrs uld the nutlonal quord, Somo11'11 ormy. flew f omb t l o u1ht1ned troop~ 10 Somoto. 40 mile» north or £1.tell. In a (lanklna movcmunl Mondtl)' tnformtd ourct-s tt~ld lhc l(u rd probl\bly would pu!lh lnln E!ltell from th bOUlh und north 14•h1lc b<1ttllna the city up with umbu1hcs on thre~ rur~I roads th u l wind up i nto th e '>U rrountJln~ hlll"' This could 11 r t' \ c n l t h t' r c b t' I :. ( r o m ('ll1'a1nn~ n, tht•y cltcJ wh1:1'1 lht• ~uard rt-captur1 d M t11Hl)'1t in th1~ 'IOUlh and Lt·un .11ld Chlnundcgo 1n th<' north'-'t''lt Tht' Snndln1!!f1J11 ond th<' mt·n 1n F.~tt·h who hnvt• J01ned lh1,.•ir rtr.:ht upp1•11r. bt•tter t.trmL1c.1 und MJ:UlllU'<i )han lhOM: In 1rny o( the otht·r c1t11"-. however . and ob~t>1 v1·rs be>ln·vt• lhe btttllc n 1uld l)c bloodtl·r lh un the pn·\ ious ussaulli. Barricades of pa'\ 1ng stonH and sandbags chest hlth a nd four reel thick stretch across ma ny streets One major road into the city is blocked by no fewer than 10 ma ssiv e barricades. one cifler the other. In 11ddt1Uon. the re bels have cut trenches across some streets and set up sandbagged sniper pos ts on rooftops . Th<·tr weapons ure m ostly p1s1o ls . shotguns und huntin~ rifl es. but they include a few automatic weapons. Guard helicopte rs and airplane~ have been str afing Este li. :.i city of 30.000 on the Pan-American Highway. since late last week. Re porters who tried to enter the city were stopped at least three times by g uardsmen firing automatic weapons. Southern Nicaragua is in government hands and Managua remains under heavy guard with Somoza 's troops searchlne all vehicles entering and leaving the city and patrolling in force. A curfow from 8 p.m . lo 5 a.m. has been imposed. and streets a re only liahlly traveled during the d ay due to the conllnulhg bus iness s trike called in an a ttempt to oust Somoza. The goentl'raS" are m~Mbers of th f S a ndinista National Liberation Front. which took 1.500 hostages in Managua 's National Pa lace Aug. 22 and forced Somoza to ransom the m ror 59 political prisone rs . sso<J.OOO a nd saCc pa ssage to Panama. Parishioner Slugs Priest LO S DA:"\OS 1AP 1 A Redwood City man h as been char ged with assault and bat· tcry for alleg edly h ittin g a Catholic priest dur ing a Ma ss he round boring. The Rev Walter Mindoto said Sigfried Valencia a sked him for help shortly before Mass at St. Joseph's Church here Saturd'y night. Valencia "as te1ld to wait until after the m ass. but while the prn:st was giving common· ion. Valencia rus he d to the alta r and struck him in the face. police said. Offi<'ers saJd Valencia report· cd he h1l the prie:.t because the Mass was boring a nd "Cod made me do it." " wedd ing. "money a rguments became more frequent." The couple reportedly fought over such things as a S200,000 legal bill in connection with Mrs. Onns sts· la w s uits agalnst photographer Ron Galella. and over her loss of $300,000 tn the stock market. The Cinal s traw for Onassla, Bi rm ln1ham !'tays, WH an argument during a vacallon to Acapulco. when Jackie wanted to buy a villa there and he refused. "O:uu1.sls wu a wOy m an. He hod not made his fortune by being sweet to poople. And he had a fa mous temper." Birmingham writes. "Followtng thftt 11ce1"1e on the plane from Acapulco. he set a bo ut systematically to subvert the terms ot t he promorlt1l agreement." l ~ •. DAILY PILOT ti f Seniors' Free Bus ~ Plan Set O l rectorR o f tht> Orang1.• County Transit Di trict tOCTD 1 l1ld the 1roundwork Monday for the resumption. lhis week. of free bus rides for senior citizens. It all 1oes according to plans. persons 65 and over will again be rid ing free on OCTD fixed· route buses Thursday. Befor e then. ho wever. 11 contract callin g for county governme nt to s ub!-idize the no·fare·for-seniors Policy muM be signed. .,....,~, ........... SANTA ANA WINDS BLOW THE TOPS OFF THESE WAVES ALONG THE ORANGE COAST 0.Mrt Breezea Drying Up Land. lnc:reaaJng Fire Hazard In Wooded AreH County Supe rvis or Ralph Clark. who is also OCTD board · of directors chairman. said he expects the contract to be signe<J Wednesday and the free rldt• policy resumed Thursday. Santa Anas to ·Diminish It wai> abandoned Sept 10 when the transit district invoked new fare policies thut inc luded charging senior c1t1zcnh 1:; n:111~ a ride Desert Winch Fam Hazard of Brush Fires However. last we<·k lhc counlv Board of Supervisor!'> :tgrccd to dirl'c t S345.000 1n fed1·r<1I revrnuc s ha ring mont'y t o s upport Crtie bus ride ' for ~ seniors. 1 Hane on to your hats. folks. the Santa An.a winds are here. The National Weather Service reported northwesterly winds of 20 to 30 knots today. The winds are expected to drop to fi ve to 15 knots by Wednesday morning. Th e So uth Co a s t Air Manage ment District reports the a ir condition as good. due to the winds. However . the fire hazard is hig h. Bruce Turbeville o ( the Orange County Fir e Department. said there is a high threat or a brush lire. but less chance or a grass fi re because or last week ·s rain. "The longer the wind blows. the drier it will get." he said. He said 1t is early in the season !or a Santa Ana wmd condition. "The last time we had wind this early was In 1970." he said. "We had winds on Sept. 21. followed by eight days of fire. But then we hadn't had any rain." The weather service reported winds blowi n g throughout central and Southern California. including mountain and desert areas. T he Orange County Harbor Department reported small craft advisories from Point Conception to Rincon Point and as fa r o ut as San Nicholas Is la nd. At the beach. Bud Beish('. captain of the Newport Beach lifeguards. said the surf 1s one to two reel "It's an offshore wind," he sa id. "It has a tende ncy to flatten the sea and blow the waves down. ll will be like ;; lake out here tomorrow." That subsidy the past fou r t years has been the backbone or I the free ride ror senior cltm:n!-l policy. I It appeared jeopardized by I s pe nding curt ailments th;,t accompa nied vott-r approval of Proposition 13. the property fax , reform initiative that W <I' expe('tcd to cul int o ~ui:h !i pendin~ program!-. Laguna Renews Attack But supervi!'Ors durrng their bud get hea ring:. leist Wt't'k dipped into the county's reserVl' o f fede ral revenue s harln~ money to continue support of.the free ride policy. Wife of Cop Kills Herself In Laguna Heuler Park Squirrels May Borrow Their Last By STEVE MITCHELL OUlleOaHy l"'l ... li.tt llaguna Beach's fuzzy earth burrowers -the Heisler Park ground squirrels -go on trial again tonight when the City Council considers a . rccommen· dalion to ex.te rmin a t e the animals. City omcials claim Heisler Park is being s lowly eroded by the burrowing beasties, and they are recommending that the city fumigate tbc burrows with ro· dent gas cartridges. The last time a City Council approved such a notion. some m embers of the community sug· geated that killing squirrels ls not exactly in keeping with the charact er of the Art Colony. They suggested instead that the squirrels be tra pped and transrerred somewhere else. But Terry Brandt. director of municipal services, says live trapping Is a time consuming process. "and you can 't just dump the squirrels·on somebody else's property." So he will be recommending tonight that the City Council adopt a program of fumigating active burrows and plugging up the holes. Digging by squirrels has been bl am ed Cor the loss of up to two feet of the park each year . and Soviet Defects WASHINGTON <AP > A Soviet translator al the United Nations has de fected to the United St.ates with his wife and da ughter. the Stale Department has confirmed. A year before unassis died in 1977, a Gr~k law was passed. at the initiation of his lawyers, stipulating that a m arrlag contract' between a Greek and a fore igner was inva lid In the event of the Greek ·s death. Alter the bill passed, Onassis asked' his w\fc to sign what ne, t erm ed an "am endment" to their original m a rri age contract. The a mendment provided her with $200.000 a year Collowlng his death. plus $25.000 a year for each or her children until age 21. Because Mrs. Onassis and her lawyers were unaware or the new law. Birmingham says. she slaned the a m e ndm 4!"nt. believing the money was In addtton to that stipulated In the orl1inal marriage contract. ·!What s he wu .actuaJfy accepting was a tiny shu~ - less than 2 percent -of what might h ave been b e t Inheritance." Blrmln1ham said. Th e term s of th e J968 prC!·marlta1 contract were never made ~11bllc. But the book said th" oact contained t73 clauses which sllpuJated, amon1 other thlna1. that if the couple were still married when Ari dlod, J ack ie would receive $100 million. som e say it all boils down to a choice between lhe squirrels and the park. In 1975. the Laguna City Coun· c1 l allowed UC Irvine students to trap and remove about 200 of the squirrels. Those former beach residents were transplanted to the rolling hHls near the uni· versilY~ Aod at one time. the city was prepared to petition the Food and Drug Administration to test a birth control drug on the Heisler Park squirre ls. Other programs studied by former city fathe rs included use of a n anticoagulant type po1son. which opponents argued would mean a slow death for the squlr· rels A mother of five and the INlfe And other s uggestions ra nged or a Los Angeles police sergeant from shooting the pests. or mov· look he r life with a revolver in~ a na tural predator into their Monday in a Laguna Beach hotel neaghborhood. ·arter firing two s lul(s from the 1 Brandt said a r epre$ent.ahve -'"'."Hl'"l"nnber snubn e a of the--county:S agricultural de· to be sure the weapon worked. partment will be on hand lo ex· p l a in the gas cartridge ex· S u el le n Blackwell. 35. or termination program when the Fulle rton-. was found <lead in her City Counci~ meets tonight at 6 room at the Suri and Sand Hotel. o'cl~k. JS.SS South Coast Highway IBt«: Monday by a maid who let herself in to clean the room NY Reporter Cited For Contempt Again Mrs. Blackwe ll was murricd to Los Angeles Police Sgt. Earl Blackwell. who worked with tht' 17th a rea vice unit The IO·year polict-veteran wa!-conti.lctcd Monday n1ght. Coroner's deputies said they bellevt• the woman had been dead for IO lo 12 hour~ before her body was disco vered. The reason for her action wai-. not known immediately HACKENSACK. N.J . IAP I - Ne w York Tim es r eporter Myron A. Farber again was cited for contempt of court today for refusing to surrender fil es lo the judge in the murder triaJ of Dr. Mario Jascalevich. Outside the presence of the jury. Farber claimed privileges under the First Amendment and New Jersey reporter's shield law as reasons for refusing to turn over documents. Judge William J . Arnold cited the 40-year·old news m a n for civil contempt -the first step in what could lead to a contempt ('O nvi ction . Arnold a s ked Farber's attorney to file a show-cause order before an assignment judge on why the r eporter should not be held 1n contempt. Far ber was jailed for three weeks in Au~ust for refusing lo give up hi s n otes about Jascalevich who is on trial on three charges of murde r. Floyd Abrams. attorney for Farber and The Times. said citing the reporter Cor contempt a m ounted to double jeopardy s ince the newsma n already has been convict ed or civil and criminal contempt. Arnold decllnl'd lo ho ld Farber's request for a hearing on the New J ersey shield law until Farber provides the judge with the documents so that he may rule whether the shield law applies. Controllers End Walkout MEXICO C ITY I AP 1 Mexican air tra m c controllers e nded a two-day walkout early today after r<•a c h1ng a temporary settlement with the government. and lht! Mexican · pilot!>· association ~:.aid it would halt a boycott lhat stranded thousands of tourist~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Om jeans will drive you right up the wall ••. But please use the ladders in finding thJt speciJI pair from which there are mJny styles to choose. Levi Chem.in De Fer Snapfinger l(l:tl lrv1nt' Nl"'Wp()lt 6', .. o<h (.,,ltl(llnt.i. l'hon..· o.1: ·0co1 Wt.tell" PIALA o~nJ..A"'·n,.uJ \.l.i r.·1 Ow~:" I I ... v ~ , ~ I t T~ ......... tt.tm NATION / WORLD In Giring, Sadat Got Dot lie Wanted By ELl~ANTAI CAIRO. Eaypt IAPl -Prt-.1 d nt Anwar Sadnt appear. to have al~ more erwnd •l th camr D• td 1ummu than I rae . but he wot hcrylhlnw t!aypl wanted "He ha11 1ott.en the mutmum APW ......... CRIES OF 'BRAVO, BRAVO' OREET IUMMIT Sadat, Left, and 1te9ln 8ef01e Congre11 under the urt of the pos:slble." u HCnlor ElllYlltlan source said. com mentlng on c horg<'S by Syriu afld the PoleKtlnc L.lbero· t ion Oruaanlzotlon thlll Sad Ht .vus al'lllna them out and con cludlnat u 11cpurute pc>occ with larocl. SADAT. HIS senior odviscr!I ond the govcrnmellt·controlled &tryptlan pre11 uld th e .. framework of peace In the Mid· di• Eiasl" he 11tgncd with Israeli Prime Minister Mcnachem Begin ufeiuardcd cuenUal Arab Interest.a. · The Egyptlun president main· lain d It c tabllsh<.'<'.t 1>rlneiplc11 that hrnet's ot her Arab nelghbo1'1' could use in ncgotia· tions to rcl(mn their lost lands. Tl'um· i:s nn outside p<>ssibility of thut. Uut it is much more like · ly t h at the projected negot1u tlon11 over the WC'st Bank nf the Jordun River ..tnd the Gaza Strip could drol( on Inconclus ively and prestmt no nttructlons to Syria. the other main Arab belligerent. THE WE T BANK ugr ec· * * * menl. however. a llowed Sadat to C'XtrOCl bis majcSr goal from the 11 ummit lntul I sr aeli wlthdrawul from the Sinai Desl'rt and its return to full Ef(yplian sovcrt'lgnty That ha1> been Egypt's aspiration since the end of th~ she.day war 1n 1007, when the Is raelis swept to the .Suez C1tnal and dug in. A hero's weleome already lb beinll officially prepar ed for Sadat on hl3 return to Cairo. ex· peeled Saturday. Comme nts from average EJCYptlans on the Camp Da\lld agreemeinh ln- dlcote no partlcufor oppotltlon . Foreign Minister Mot\ammed Kamel resigned In dll'4agrecmcnt over the concesslon is Sadat made on the Wes t Uonk und Palestinian iss1ies. but the presl dent 1~ cxpeclt'd lo tukc that 1n stridt.'. Predictable cr1llcis m from the small lcfl1:-.l oppobitlon purty hert-ul"o will have litlh• e ffect. and 1t won't be tol<·raled for Ion(!. THE REACTION OF Saudi Arabia ls likely lo be m ore im· portant for Sadat than the * * * domettlc r.-•pNcuu1on~. The kingdom's con11~rvutlve ruler~ havt.' not openly suppo rttd Sadal'ti dlrf'ct deuHngs with tsrael. But neither have thex op· posed him. and In the context of \rab polllJcs that meun:s they h:lVe given him "' rrcc hand l\O far. S•udl ArabJa has given Egypt bilUons ot dollars since lhe 1973 October war. Since It also bankrolls Syria heavily. it of'len plays the r()le of arbiter In. inter Arab diSPl•tei;. Its particular coni.:ern is Eost J e rusalem. Hite of the third holiest shrine in lalam after Mecc:a and Medina Jordan cap- tured it in th\• l!M8 war un<J l!iracl ann ·xcd 1t u'tcr the 196i war SADAT SAID HE and Prc111- dent Carter were in full agrec ment on the !>tutus of the holy c1 ty. a nd the Egyptian media hai. given the 1mpress1on that Carter will be personally involved in the final dispo:,al of th«: Arab part of the city. However. l s ral'11~ of all * * * NEWS ANALYSIS political partlc ar<! acret'd thL!y will nev r r<>llnqull!ih it. ond t here w a s no mcn Uon flf Jerusalem in c1th r the ~amp David agreomentfl or Ca~cr·i. explanatk>rt of them to ttw C . .N Con1 ress Monday night. • .. As tor the ReJ cctlon Front . they can do nothing smcti their only altcrnutavc. wtuch \!. w fight ls roel. Is tmp1ausible ... !uud an Egyptian diplomat. SADAT BROKE dlplomatu· relations With the member:. Of th~ Front Syriu. Ala~rl:t . Libya. South Ye m<'n . Iraq and the PLO becuusc of their virulent opposition to h1i. r>< .. t1N· m ant'UVl'r' with hrucl lh• ca lled their lc1.1ders "stupid und 1~noranl owarfb.. and siud n· peatedly tha t without Egypt they could not fight Israel. "They are going to cr1t1c1ie and attack us. but Sadat will ·~ no-e them." said on~ Eaypti1m source. * * • Unbridled Enthusiasm Greets Summit Leaders ~ . By LEE BYRO WASHINGTON <AP > -The ~crurst y wu~ predictably tight b u t o n ,. t h 1 n g re m o 1 n d unwu;.1rdt•d and unbridled when J11nmy Carter . Anwar Sadat unrl Mvnarhl•m Hl'gtn strode Into the• If oui;" of R1•prt!l'cntat 1 Vl'f.. tht: int·red1ble e nthus ias m for their Cu mp David triumph. O\'cr and over c ame the cries. ··Bravo Bravo'" T ll EV C AM t; FROM the House floor und gallery ollke : rrom He•pu bl ienns and Dcmorrot.,: from ronscr vo1tves <.1nd tibt.-rals. Many wopt as thl'y ~houted th ~Ir ulute . While P residt:nt Carter basked ;it the podium , 1Krut'l'1' Begin and Eitypt ·~ Sadat took 1t ull in from Lh£•ir front-row balcony seats beside his wife. Hosalynn. Thomas Dunean of the House pnrliamenlanon's office said he could find no precedent for even two world leaders a tte nding a Joint session of Congress. much less three. B U T WHAT WA S m ore remarkable Monday night was the intensity of the welcom l' accorded them. · T'h c r e w a s n o n c o f th a I so -cafled polite but res erved applause. This time il was all out. profoundly unreserved. punctuated by whistles and cheers. l<'or security reasonK. o nly invited ~µests we re a llowed even within the Capitol grounds and many found they had to repeatedly dis play their crcdcnliols a s they wulked through corridors of police. BUT T llAT restrictive air d1ss1p ated a s s oon as Sada t 'trodc down the balcony hlcps with Beitin and Mr:,,. Carter clos<' behind. When the two men s hook hands. they triggered an ovation that ended only when Doorkeeper James T. Malloy a nnounced : "Mr. Speaker. the President of the Unlgcd States ... And Jimmy Carter never had it like this. not even in his first "'honeymoon" uddre~s to the Congress It was a i.pe<.'ch obvious ly finished at the last minut1:. with his teleprompter Opt•rator madly scribbling in chani:ces us the s h eet s wero fed into tht: machine. At that. lhc. prcsid<!n.l 16,000 Dead, Hurt; Quake Toll Mounts • wood·&rllned l~J!?l,!~!.!!!!!~~!! dQwn •n Ma>nchwMnlht p.trty'sover 1nbetwetf>they i.no \tllfel1 "'PCI0'1 IM!lkS lo n.t&ltd aluminum comt•UC1-' .1.,..yov''"~ ~~~Gl~~eL~ lulhet. lol>OIO.GlttY •ndprOl9'1 GIH•lttn4tlld8·1•4Kk'' TA R/\S. I ran t J\ P 1 -The cas ualty toll from tht• J.(lant carlhquukc that h1 l I ran three nights ali(o 1~ expected tCJ reach 16,000 dead and injur<.'<f. the Hcd Crol>ssaid today ·· dead. We find it easier lo count the living." a relier ofricial s aid. The c l oth -w rupp e d bodies stretched out in rows amid the ruins of ancleot Tabas. whe re two-thirds of its 13,000 residents wre kIITed or omclals put the-qualre's epicenter-- at the village of Korit. lS miles from Tabas. and hald ·3,500 of 1ts ·4.000 1nhabit;.ints were either de ad or mJurecf.' I njured. The bodieR. som e frozen-in grotesque postures of sudden death. we re lined up under palm trees. wrapped in while sheets or colorful h a n dwoven cloth w hile the gravedigge~ worked. unabl&t.o k~p ahead of the s teady stream or dead. IN TEHRAN, A C·l30 transport landing to pick up earthquake relief l>Upplies c rashed. killing nine of its occupants and seriously injuring four others. uuthoritics ~mid . W all'r tank trucks moved through the hardest-hit villages near Tabas to allcv1atc un aC'ule water shorlalle Tht• main water Imes in thl' area \\-Crc l•lthcr rlcmoh)lhcd or badly d:.imagt·d dama~ed A MOSLE M clergyman prayed over the wrapped corpses. 1-'ricnds and relatives identified the d ead as workers pulled the bodies from the rubble. The living s lapped c.ind !>truck themi.elvei. 1n the ritual of ~rief. f\ hout 5.000 Mtrthquakc dead in Tubal> huve been buru·d. somt• in masi. graves. ·'Where Is the army? Why doesn't someone help m e?" a n old man said al. he wand<•re>d throu~h the ruihs in the city square scarchinJ,t for bodies of his family. Only one of the 10 had been found, he said "WE'VE STOPPED counting the Rockies Get Snow 38 Inches Dumped in Montana TeMJWr•l•r~• ... i.. P<• u 10 •• 10 •J &'I 41 ,. 01 ., .. )• " 01 fl() u 11 " " )• \I ,)) "° /I u n 21 ., " e~ .. ~ 11 ~. ,, Htll'ft<I HOftOtutu ,. 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YO 10 a lfl<llft Of snow h•d 1e1 .. 11 by Moncley, -• ........ _ _.II,_,,. ·~tel 111--,,. ........ _._ ... --. ....... ov•r PMll el.,..._, C»I«.., n W't'O"nff19, -~etfll'tt tll""IM ........ ""·-~ Motl ""' Into Y•llowtttllt Nttltfltl ...,.. -''°'" "'°"'"'' ~ 1n_1M_t _,. C•llH .... "'""~ f .. 11 ~ lltCI LMlt .... llllllltl 'OYtt4 Hint POW•r ~ .. I-.... ~llO .... rtulllM _,_....._ " ' '"'"" ... ,_. ~ .. A llifll.WIM .......... ""' .... lttll .. 11110 tff~t t0t IN lnOUlltllnt fftf Htl.,.,, CMlltlt OI CelorMt Wllldt Of ... mjlfl .. II r"4ill lft l>l-1"9 elld Clfllllftt "'°"" lr>-11111 llltller l'llO<lnl~ll fMfi t1141 --·· HIO!ltf OQtl• •rt llOttiOI• oltllt 1111 Mtltrn foothlll• Ill Utell, • C~I .... 01 tlHJJ"t •-ltt tllCI CtlCI c.t\ICll•ll •Ir "'" ····"·' .. , ..... , .. ,,,.,. C.UlerJ1I• k l .. wlll be ,,.., 0¥1r 5ov1,,.,,.. GAl!lfornl• '"'°""' W...ICIAy w1111 S.nt• Afll wt• MIOtkllnQ lft mo.I .,..,, The N•tloflll WNINI' $tNl<t HIO 1"911Ntllfll'K -I"'~ by , ... r.-. •--wlll lie •«-wltll Ille 11191\ Ill ~-1.oa A/ltSltt mov1no •ftlO f11e mlel·IOt •fltt reKlllf\91t~y. EIMwllttt. 1\1-Wiii lie lft Ult rnlO-tot llOllQ tllt Co.14 1nc1 I" lnl•nd vellty,, Ill tlll llPOll• to\ to llOClfr tot 111 tile ~"'• M tlle '°""' tot to ~r 10l 111 11111 ~r .... m Mid In "" Utptr ,.,,. '° ~ '°' In Ille I-""'"'" On MetlOtJ, tnlltk wlnot NllKktO -II po-llntt In KOtl~td ""' ol Solltlltr" CellfOrlll• encl cut oft _, It e1 1tMt IS.GOO -. •1141 ...MM Utt, "' .. t t t; JO" ( 72" 19. 99 J6 '• rr 24.99 12cnseneuse2 .89 12 81r~ui.e3.29 l0uueue8 .99 24 81mkase8 .99 12cnwi1ec..w 8 .99 .1a11oe81t~r~l.99 Elclusiwtty Ourtl Multi·PKk Columbi1 Tlpes -• J'OUI' choice: 1ac11 2.79 Kid's FIRST WATCH"' from TttlS lnstrumtt1ts • tor our conctmporerr limtl I P'6'•110n LED wttc:ft !11•1 ctltt ovt lloun •nd m1nytn IN•ntnt •>Cl bookltl ~ c:Nrt IN<fl ~Sltr' h<>Wlo1111 htfte bolh Wl)'S' 18.99 2 OotCk uuene ll>lde.!l~•. 2 0Kk81radc °'~8trKll IMC'll2.99 34.99 r1mtd Prints •CfOUP•U' • \lll!Otf ~ ... 10" ••.>mt\ wrrouno ad -libbed at length. und still 1\ seemed. he could say no "ron~ SIXTEEN TIMES rhc ov:.t1on~ ~wet lt•d . Sesdal nodded h1)1 approval oit vs r tuully t•H•r) pres1dent1af word. "h.ll' Bc~an hc!d his hands pn1yfully 1n from ur his chin At the end. after Carter wa~ u!>he red out. the l:.r esel1 and Egyptian leader:-Joined arm. and chmbed lhe steps together Bam 89.99 mpers of Mexico • cru11ve 'IOlulfon• lc>t 'IOU< nor•ae pro1>1em•' , IMmboOhMftlM" ,1 .. 11u11y ll•nooeneo ,,, lh1ect \Ill\. llOclee 10 ""° rOU• coll«t1011•0UI ol •t• ~111 l .99 meoium 2.99 .... 3 .99 ,_,_,_._ --.......... 10 ••• llltt 1111 '""'th" JO\ •• ,,,, ... ., llttwlltrt, '"Owt f\ encl f~tUtrl\'!$ weft tUll111te1 •16119 1111 Gull Ceot, ••ulll•tll Nfw no11"C1 •Ill Hth ti 1111 mldell Ml'""'' v ... .., HUNTINGTON BEACH Huntington Center OPEN Mon. ttwu Sat. 10-, Sun. 0·7 ·LAGUN~ HILLS Laguna Hiiis Mall ., :t •• • :'f CALlFORNIA DAIL v PtLOT Ai - Trial Dela11ed Cigarette Firms Sued Suil Seeka Damages in Lung Cancer Death SAN FRANC ISCO cAPl Attorney Melvin Belli has filed a m llllo n dollar su it to m ake cla a rette manufacturers liable tor the death a nd Illness of smokers. The suit was rited in Superior Cou r t here Monday against Portrait Painier ~ Sues Pat Brown LOS ANGELES <AP\ -A S7,500 breach or contract suit has been filed agalnst former Gov. Edmund G. "Pat " Brown by a Los Angeles artist who claims Brown refused to pay for an oCficial portrait of himself. ARTIST BONNIE LAMORE DODGE said in tbe Superior Court suit filed Monday that Brown gave her a S200 deposit for the portrait in 1975 and approved her third version of the work . But. the suit said. Brown refused lo pay for the remainder or the painting, claiming the st.ate should pick up the ta b be<:ause it was a n official portrait destined lo hang in the stale Capitol. BROWN, WHO COULD NOT be reached for comment on the suit. reportedly commissioned the new painting because he disliked the one that was hanging in the Capitol. three tobacco companies on beha lf of t he ch ildre n or .i Pa cifica woman who died of lung cancer in June. BELLI SAJD ANNA Mae Jaque%, who died in a nunlng home al a1e 45. had smoked two packs of cigaret~ a day for many years and was unable to quit. Her hr.ands were Pall Mall. Marlboro and Camel. The suit alleges that the American Tobacco Co.. Philip Morris and the R. J. Reynold5 Co. ··'negligently and careless ly sold • . . cigarettes so as to cause them to be defective. dang erous. contamina ted . adulterated. impure. delete rious a nd unsafe for tbe use a nd p urpose for which they were intended." -IT MAINTAINS th t! co'm panies le ne w cigarette s m oking causes ca n cer but failed to warn consumers. and co nc ludes tha t th e us e or cigarettes direc tly resulted in Mrs . Jaquez's death. 2Clwrches Will Fighl Prop. 6 LOS ANGELES tAP I The United Church or Christ and the United Presbyterian Church ha ve voted to work for the defeat of Proposition 6 . the a nti·ho m osex ua l teacher Initiative. The General Council of lhe Synod of Southern California c Presbyterian 1. reP.resenling 265 churches with 130.000 m e mbers from San Lui!> Ob is po to the Mexican border. voted last week to urge members to oppose the initiative SJ¥)nsored by State Se n Jo hn B ri gg s. 'ft .Fullerton. it was revealed Monday. E arlier this summer. a simil ar r e s olution was adopted by the Sou t he rn California Conference of the United Church of Christ . consisting of 136 churches with 31.500 mem bers fro m Paso Robles lo Mexico. A Sola no Coun~ d e_puty escorts convicted mass murderer Juan Corona l>ack to the California Medical Facility at Vacaville from the Solano County Courthouse. Corona agreed at the courthouse to a six·mont h delay in his retrial in 25 slaymgs. ALINA Rap Bits Doet•r Board Cites Defonnity Ccqes SAN DIEGO <AP > -Charges of gross negligence and incompetence have l>eelfleveTed l)y {he state BOard or Medical Quality Assurance against a plastic surgeon lo connection with fa~·lift and breast reduction opera· lions that caused deformities. A COMPLAINT RELEASED Mon· day by the state panel claims that Dr . Richard J . Cavanaugh used techniques "unknown in plastic :-.ur· gery" in the opcrutions. The compl aint char~es that one pa- tient. !lay Becker or Los Angeles. went to Cavanuu~h in 1976 for a face· hrt. but came away with an unhealed wound across his forehead and a large abscess on the side of his neck. Jn addition. the compJajnt says, No New Casinos Cavanaugh removed so much skin from Becker 's Jowe r eyelids that "t he patient will require fuJf. thickness skin grafts" lo correct the defo rmity. THREE YEA R S EARLIER. Cavanaugh performed a series of operations, including a breast reduc- tion. on Margie Dev oid, also of Los An~eles. The complaint charges that the breast operation removed an excess amount of nipple. placed the nipples too high, placed one higher than the other. and left her breasts wi th a "marked teardrop appear ance ... Ms. DeVoid wo n a n SS0.000 mulpra(!tice suit against Cavanaugh in Los Angeles. Tahoe Pact ·Told By The Associated Press Federal and state officials an· nounccd tentat ive agreement Mon· day on a ban on new casinos and restrictions on other development at Ltike Tahoe in what Nevada Gov Mike O'Calla~han called the "last chance" to protect the scenic lake. The formal presentation of !he plan. which must be approved by legislatures of both states and by Congress. follows earlier reports that outlined its major provisions. O'Callaghan also signed a letter to Cha rles Warren, chairbian of the feder a l Council on Environmental Quality, saying be hoped the a mend· ments, aimed at stren~thening the Tahoe Re~ional Planning Agency, would ga in early approval possibly by mid-1979. Bankr•l~fl End Asked SAN DI EGO tAP> -After rive years. a move is under way to take Westgate-California Cor p. out of bankruptcy. Attorneys fil ed a federal court mo· tion on behalf or Dcil 0 . Guslofson. a Minnesota n who r eportedly purchased substa ntially all or the Westgate stoc)( held by C. Arnholt S mith , forme r pres ident a nd -c 1fa1rman<K1l\cconglomcra e. ( STATE J women had planned an overnight pie· nic Saturday night. New Rap• Hll E'lrftll~n VERNON IAPI -More than 50 in· cidents or harassment and vandalis m h ave been reported lo the police ste mming from the city of Vernon's lengthy and bitter labor dispute with striking firemen. City Attorney David 8 . Brearley said Monday that, ~sides seeking court proceedings in some of the cases, the city will seek a broader restraining order against the firemen t ha n the one issued Friday by Superior Court Judge Robert I. Weil. •flad Falih' Alleged LEUCADIA IA P l -The st ate Agricultural Labor Relations Board wi ll issue a complaint~aga inst Nleden's Hills ide Floral. charging the company with negotiating in bad faith with its employees. Michael Heumann, attorney for the United Farm Workers of America. said Monday no hearin_g date has bcfon set. 'The 'UFW"'" r;i,presenµi 51 - workers who ha ve beerf'strikliig the • -1..·-nr,.h B•••--11 nursery since Sent. ~. ~.~~,....,.,.-·~. i"r. ::;:. 'l;.AIJ_-_.._.-•._""_ ....... ~"l" li""'~-"'.i.l"t .-f".:~•r 1•M• ~,~,,·~ , " • ($'!('" ... ~, .-:.. ''"""'''~~· -~ ~~l ~ LEE VINING (AP> -The search %011 roJM Pla11• resumed today for a man missing in BENICIA <AP) -The Exxon Co. a weekend boating accident on Mono sa ys lt will drop a planned $125 Lake that left five persons drowned. million modification at its Benicia oil authorities said. refinery. The bodies of the fi ve victims were The projttt bas ~en s talled over recovered Monday from the lake. an air pollution control dispute. Jt between five feet and a mile orr the would have increased the refinery's south shore or Paoha Island where daily production from 100,000 barrels ·the party or three men and three of oil to 140,000 barrels. THE FAMILY CIRCUS. By Bil Keane Job Help Offered A four-hour seminar lhal offer& interviewing strategy for landing a job will be presented on Saturday, Sept. 23 at Orange Coast College. Titled "lntervlewin« -How to Land Your Next Best Job," the seminar will run from 8:30 a .m. to 12:30 p.m. h;> OCC's Fine Arts Hall 119. Admission ree ·is $15. Tickets are available hi the OCC Ticket Office, located ln tbe college's Admlnlstratlon Build· tng. New .•• .cz& P••ntl" aulee eNp "C.UIW\• Holldly" IMwl 9:00 •m dllllv from the .. lboe P•rillon Md lehet AvMc>n •t 4:30 pm. Round Trip ••• 111.00. Under 12. • .$S.50. A~irtlons a. lnfonnetlon: (714> 173-5245. '' on ' Bank_of America can help you 'decide if It's right tbr you. For years people have been saying, "Why don't banks pay interest on checking accounts?" The reason is simple. It's prohibited by Federal law. But soon, banks will be able to otter a new kind of checking plan. A plan that allows you to earn interest on the money you use to write checks. Simply stated, here's how iJ \Viii work: Banks will be able to transfer funds automatically between savings and checking, . allowing you to earn interest on the money you keep for writing checks. Of course, different banks will offer different kinds of plans with varying charges and balance requirements. We at Bank of America suggesl you study these plans carefully since they will be beneficial to some banking customers but not to others. This is why we've prepared a Consumer Information Report called "Interest on Checking: Is It for You?" This report is free. It explains different types of 11interest on checking" plans. And it includes a worksheet that can help you decide whether "interest on checking'' will make sense for you when it is introduced. so whe1her or not you're one of our customers, stop by and ·~ueP~.ot.t~~~~¥r8.aµ~._..n.t:::::~-~ m BANKOFAMERICA Consumer Information Reports • \ • r.:- .. . .... ' .. ,. •• .-.~ I E 1 .. , ri I p Robert N W~1 PubMl'tf!r Thomn KMVll /Ed1tor Orange Coast Daily Pilot u to a ag.e _________ T·.--.. y •. Se-p·tom·be-r ·' 9 .·.' 9 • 7·8·-------·Scl-rb·d·'·d·K·r···.b.•C.h·/·E·d···.or.·.·'·P·a·oe·E·d···tO·'-- Time to R eview Police 'Copters On Au~ 7. u Hunttn.iton B<•uc h police ht'llcopU.•r uot ~n:in:d m h1ah \\~cd upc>n takt:otf und r rtu1hud Dumuut.• WliS l~limtttl'tf Dl 0.llOO Tht• muchlnt> WtlS Ii total IOSlt On St•pl 8. u Nl''' port &ach polirt.• mut•hlnt.• c·rn-.h lnrulc d on thl· lntn(• Ranl·h with trn t:11ot1malctl dumUl-(l' ol ~15.000 The hdlt"Oph'r <'O!>.l S.*1 1.000 In 1!)'71 and would prob u bl t'Oi-1 S90.000 to rl•ph1c t· toduy Thi::> dumt1itl•d machull' mu} a l1"l bt> :• total I ~ Th ' arl' thl• mo~t n 'C'('nt rnr 1d<•nL.,. The llunt111gtmt 8~tt ~h Police Ch•p urtmt·nt ha' ~urrered two cra11hl'~ Mntt• 1008 , .. hen hl•ltco1>lt•r 'l'I'\ IC:C IK'j!~n Ont' or lht'bC r 'blllh'd 1n a futnhtv In hoth an'iH1nc·1.·~. tht.• m t1c hin • ., \.\'l'rt' d<' troyt-d · Thl• C()!)tJ ~h.•-.u Pohct• Ot·1h.1rtmt•nl ~~an hc l1 t'O JJh •r uw 1n l970anfl IO\l 1t. lir!il a1rc ruft In a 1972cra!lh 'I he unnu.11 t>ud~N to kl'<'P ("ost.1 ~h·-...i ·!. two poll<''' hl·ltcoplct· . l-:J~lt• I and 1-:uglc 11. <11 r hornt· "S27G.59:> ~ow. lhc Cffl·Cll\l.'Ot•i-::i of hc ht·opu .. r pohn · opt•rallon-. h;.i~ h..-t•n n1thl'r "'·I I f.llJ>JlOrtC'<l tn a sub5tn nt 1 ~ I numbt'r of l'l'lm1nal <'11!.t'~ u lo ng ou r cou !.ll&nt' 1\dm1tt~l~, lht• <·u~l !> J rt• tu~h Uut a volict• hd1<·optcr m1g hl fa1rl ~· ht• t•o111 pu n•d to a (1rt' d ep urtm<.'nt adding a \'l'l'Y l'Xp l'n::iivc .1cnul laddt.•r lru('k to ii!> equ1/>mt:nt You don't n ~'<'f the 1Jeru1 tnu•k ver v often. Bul whe n 'ou rH.~'<I 1t. you rea lly nt•ro it b1JcJl y. · The.· ~umc rnn b<> said for policem e n ln the sky J>ohce helicopte rs. howeve r . are a n expens ive opera tlon in these days of ~tringent governmental s pending. They arc expensive to buy They are expensi't'c to m ain· tain . And whe n they d o have an accident. all too often the equipment is a tota l loss. · Perhaps now. the Orange County S heriff's Depart· ment might be more receptive than it ha s been In the pas t to establis hing u countyw1de law e nfor cem ent he licopter .. er\'ir c II could m e<ln lower muintt>nan<·c costs. uniform l'C'tllipmr nt with u1tc•rl'han1.wa hh· port -; and supplw s Hnd , . .,, l'l'ttJ!l' or th(• ('tllll'l' c:uunt ~ \\ ht:n at·nt1l poh t•t• v.ork 1~ nel'Clt·cl T ht•n loo. lht• L ~ IW!> of equ1pml•nt :,(•l<·ctcd mtf!hl bl' 1't•appraised . ll c:ould h(' that rix<:d-wing, ~1ow-fly1ng con· \ ('fllio na l airc:rt1ft wo uld provid<.· almos t equal police pro· t t.•etio n lO thal no w afforded by the use of hc•licoptcrs . And upcrution costs might be significantly reduced. In view of rece nt expe rience. now would seem to be a good time for a re.e valuation of th<: air arm of our law en· lorecmcnt .igcncie~. The P ension Muddle Polttu·1 ar1~ l<'arncci long ;:iJ.!o that one of lhl• easiest ''a~ s IQ q uil'I <·ompl<Jint s of µublic e mployees is lo b<:cf up frinJ.:l' h<·11ef1h wat h t he promise of u f M pension l' n fo1•t u1w ll' I ~" this popu I u r pr· <J e t il'e i ~ r.i p1d l~· <.::itt htnJ.: up with u~ an<.J . if s ome body doc:,n 't put on the ..brnk1...·~ it':-Hkd.i' tv w1 n<Lup as a_yeQ'Jlopleasant lCjLJ!cy tor I ht• nt'I'' gcn t•rataon o f t axpayers or a nasty ~urpn !-. ·for tho!-.c who hope to collect the pe ns ions . The 11Cn::;ion fund for O range County e mployee~ i!-- faccd with a deficit o f more than S200 million . San Diego ·County is in about t he s a m e p<>silion. The d efic it in the LOh J\ngt•le!. County e mployees ' retire ment fund is well over tht• S2 billion m \j rk. Unfundt•d littbilill(•i, in the pc'nsion plan for Mate Judg<.'h amount to m or e tha n S400 m illion. The State TC';1e ht•r!; RHirc mt.>nl Sy~tcm s hows a current defi cit of .ilmo~t S9 ht I ho n that contrnucs to grow. Throughout lht· .,Lall' the estimated total defi cit 1~ -.onH• ~>O hilhon 111 180 M·parate governme nt pcn!liOn I lllllh I nflollon of t'OltrM· h a major caus e : m ost pension plan ~ an • grarccl to !-.a l ;iric~ and lh<· promised pension ).!Ill's up \\tlh cn ·r y P"Y rni!-.l'. <ht·rpr<>mis ing as a political ex pe n dic ncy a nd 111in·:ilb 11c.· <ll'm~1nds in union negotiations contribute to till' prohlt•m . Pt·rh;,ip~ ltttle can bl· done to c hange ex,isting pe nsion ag rl'cmcnts. but :-io mc sp~cifle tlatcs sho uld be set for modir1cations 1n tht• plUns for future employee~. This prohably s hou ld inc lude l a r ger con t ribution s by parl1t•1 p<.int~ to cas e the burden on taxpayers w ho make up tht· diffcrcncr . And the n : b a n immi:diate need to halt the multiple 11l·n~1on l<H:k pot und<•r which a sin~lc individual c.in wind up collecting pcn~1on~ from a whole assortment of i.:on ·rnml•nt Job:- This c:.in be soln•d by pay ing the h ighest pension to \.\h1c h the retiree 1:-. entitl~d. w1 lh perhaps a token pay m(·nt from th t· lc!.scr onl..'~ ,\:-thing!. :.lan tl no w. there ~imply will be no m oney in t hr h a nk for som e futurL' governm ent rellrees <i nd it may well be> that fulLll"{' taxpayers will rl'sist demand~ thut lht·y had o ul the: plan s . • Opinions expressed 1n the space above are tho""e of the Daily PJIOt. 0tner~1ews-mcpressecs On'lnls page are those o f ll'leir authors and drt1sts Reader comment is Invited. Address The Daily Piiot. P O. • ..B.Q.it.1,5.flQ_...C.oA!i! Mesa. CA 92626. Phone 714) 642-4321. ~ 'Dt:ar ,. Boyd/'Cold Cash' By L .M. BOYD Question a rises as to where we iOl the term "cold cash." Nol just a few but quite a few fa rme rs of old kept their po per m oney In pantries , cellars and wellhouses, the places they put milk a nd vegetables to keep sam e cool. They bcllevod the c ur· rency of the d ay detcr ioruted in lhc i;ultry heat. Maybe th<'Y wt•nl to t heir bankers ror credit, but they went to their cold storages for cash. t Dear Gloomy Gus I'd like to write • book but r cort't decide what i;ort of crime 1 should commit to lounch my writing career C.J f Or so explains one language expert. Historical footnot es say Benjamin Franklin habitual ly got up at daybr eak lo l ou ng e around h i s bedcha mber for a half hour or sa stark naked. This he re· porte dly calle d his "air bnth." rr s saJd he believed it wn!I just as refreshing os a waler bath in the h igh - heeled·Shoc tub he invented. Mlghl try that. Not many a car is painted dark on the fenders and Ught on the body. Fortunately. That's Hid to be the moet don1erous color combination for a vehicle. Makes It •P· pear narrower than it actual· l y ls. thus to Invite 1iae1wlpe1. Salel'lt car color ii known to bti a green.yellow c9mblnatlon. Thal seems to be particularly more visible In the tWlllght. Next safeRt colorw. tn descending order. are white, orange, llght gray. ll1ht blue. medium red. blue. black and ditrk black. So re· ports tbc MlnnCAOl.11 Deport mcnt or Public Satol)I Rowland Evans/Robert ovak 'Rights' Crusade Aiding Left?· WASlllNGTON A lhrtce· rt•pf'U\f'd hut uns ub!ttnnlhated in· diclmt•nt of ArRt•ntina by As1us 1 unt St't:retnry or St&te l'atncla Ot•r1;1n k 11llfylng publicly before Con~r<.>si. reveals t he shullerinu arnpuct on u s rorelJtn pulley or humi1n rt~hl~ crusttdin~ lJ nd\>r c1u ·i-tlonlng Aug 9 br. the llou11l' inter·Amcr1can a · f .i1rs ~u).K:om rnitt c t.·. human rights l'hlt>f Oerlun rc s r>o ndt•d w ith I a n MUlil l' !'!Cl dum U ~l'c1 IJy one frlt>nd ly powe r l o anotht•r. ac l' U !'! I II Jl t h l' Ar&1•n l lllt' rec1me of killings, kidn a ppings a nd torture So hariih wus her langua~e thal the StMc: l>t•partm enl tr ied to ex· punge it rrom the r ecord. But apart from being undiplomaU~. there Is considerable doubt of accuracy. The impact could prove tragic for U .S.-An~entlne relations and pe rhaps for Argentina itself. Moderate and pro·U.S. elements within the Arge ntine junta have been weakened : deterioration of the U S. position in the strategic s out hern corn er of South America h'as been accelerated . THIS C ANNOT be dismissed a~ me rely unfortunat<.> a rdor b) an 1cl(•a l1 ~t unfa milia r with diploma cy 'Deterioration of U.S. relations wilh Brazil. Chile and now Argentina loo close ly follows the scena rio of Latin Ame r ican s pecialists in the Ca r ter adminis tration w ho privately predicted the human rights crusade would foster the left in the Western hemisphere. Concern that the human rights tail is wagging the foreign policy dog Is s preading in both the ad- m inlstration and Congress. On Capitol Hill. growing attention is paid to the imminent loss of ur> to $1.4 hlllion in sales to Argen lina including S620 million in Export Import Bank trans ac· lions... Import Bank loans . Even Dcrlun's ow:1 mclt·is were taktm abuck by her tinswer "THE REASON for our udvicc wull the conllnuln1i vlolullon of bal(lc human rlghlli hy Argen tlnu. The systematic use of torture. s umm .. ry execution of polltlc81 dlll6ldf'nt11, the dlsDp Pt•arnnrc and t he lmpril'lonment of lhousund11 of lndlvidu<.1lli without c h &r gc. In c l uding mot hers. c hu rc h men , nuns. labor leodcr11. JOurnollsts. pro· reason and membens or human rt.:hts orgonlintion!\ ... Moments later . Derian repeat cd her indictment. uddlng "kid nnpplngs" and ··unwarranted killings" this lime. In her 11oft Mlaalaalppl accent. she read the lltany a third time. concluding : "We see nothing to Indicate thot there ts a genuine trend toward human right&." Horrified ofncials In the State De partment's lnte r·Amurica n Bureuu crO!lsed out Derian's In· dlctmcnt In the tronscr ipt, but It was too late. Word had gone to Argentina. where Patt Derian has become 3 household word. The U.S. ambass ador In BuenOti Aires was called in for a stiff protest. the Argentine a m bassador In Washington was called home THE TRAGEDY 1s that Derian·s outburst m ay well ...,SQ..._W.ben Ms Derian-.Leatif~·=u--.-~~~~~~--~;.__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aug. 9, she was asked by iJUb· com mittee c h airman Gu s Yatron of Pennsylvania why her human rights o ffice recom · mended against the Export· Earl Water s ' Ever y rule he.s Af1 e~. weaken the junta 's relatively moderate elements headed by tho pre11adent. Oen. Jorge Rafael· Vtdela. and stre ngthen the ex· trem e right. While President Curter '!! human rights admonl· tlons probably hne Improved conditions in Argentina . the point of diminishing returns hai. been reached. A par t from und1 plomat1c ravages. was Derian telling the truth'.' Her ofrict• int.is ts the Argentine junta has "executed" 3.000 persons s ince ~et itng power In 19i6 and a t least a nother ~.000 persons are rr.1ss Ing. But these figures come from private sources of dubious re· llab1l lty . U .S . gover nment: bureous Wlth vastly mort ex-· perlence than Derlan:S :tay \he. ngure11 cannot oo vf'nfied and seem lr\llated. Actually. the Junta In confrpnt. tnJ: bloody rur-left revolt In 1976 used an iron fist to prevent Com munlal takeover. But m any kill· ings und kidnappings are traceu· ble t o r lghllst pa ram il ituy Rroupfl not under government control and should not be count t•d as government · ·cxecutlooa;. ·· M orcover. obJect1 vc observers agree that Argenttn:. ·s human rights record h us 1m pr0Hd markedly the past year TllO 't; Nt:/\~CES are cfo rcJtarded by Der1an·s oft:c(· While unobic to dr~w d 1&t:nt• llOnl> between modcrc.tes and ex- 1 rem1st.s inside the Junta. the human right.s cr usaders chum m1hlary rule in Argent ina can. not last much longe r and the U.S. shouJd d1sengag~ from the Junta. Such a prospect is r eject· ed by Latm America n experts. whatever their Ideology. But behlnd the naivete. a pat· tern emerJtes A prediction wai. made before Mr. Carter took of· fie<> by Br ady Tyson. now with lhl' t; .S. m1ss1on to the Lln1led Notions. th;,t hum .. n right:-. would be used LO support revolu· I 1 o n :1 r y f o r c c ~ 1 n 1 h t> hemisphere. An idc nt1ca1 pred1e· lion was made priv•te1y l<iiil yt>ar by Robert Pastor of the l'ih· tional Security Council staff. M~ De rian· und1plomat1c incident could help fulfill those prophecies. Lawmakers Blast California Arts Co11ncil -rhe fur new as angered solons unleashed the frustrations which h ad accumulated during the long months M the 1977-78 legislative session. The target was the California Arts Council. a pet project of Governor Jerry Brown's, esta blished in 1976. Although the measure before them simply provided for t he ex- pansion of the counc il to 11 • member s r.rom its pres· ent 9. it pro· vided a n op· por tunlty to attack the en· tire idea. Th e idea being a state agency "to e ncourage artistic awareness and expression,.. "assist local groups In the development of nrt programs." "pro m ote the employment of artists." "pro- v ide for the exhibition o f a ruvorks~" and-"e ns u re ~he fullest e>4>r eH5iOn Of ar tistic potenllul." Art Hoppe Sen a tor Dcn nb Ca rpenter sum med up his view of the idea dedaring, "The people would rise and smite you down if they knew the tras h you were fund mi,<.·· Senator BOb Wilson. rallied ort a lis t of projecl!t which had been financed and oblJICrved "I don't think the council deserves to !Stay in existence." AMONG THE projects Wiison listed whJch have been funded by the council was S2.00<h o a n artist to c r eat e a sculpll.re from discarded beer bottles: $2,000 to an art1 :,l l o p r oduce a rain.m aking ce remony in the Mojave: Sl.000 to con!ltruct mu s ical i n st rum e nt ~ to com municate with dolphins and whales: $700 to five artists to perform ut a laundromat: &Md Ss.ooo ror a film to doc umeht "theories and beliefs " of the "Royal Chicano Air Force," which is apparently the na me of a e-0m-munH y -centc..-run by "artists ·· nut seemingly Senator M11ton Ma rks convinced the m aJority of Senators that. "good art 1s 1n thl' eye or the beholder ... for despite the blis t ering criticis m s the measure was approved a nd lhl· eouncU will remain in existe nce PUTJ'ING ASIDE the question of whether California taxpayers. who voted so overwhelmingly In June to cut goverpment spending. really want their money spent ror a n art council to sponsor art projects with their hard·earned dollars. other oertinent questions arise. The most obvious one is why so m ucb or the money Is going for salaries instead of projects" The council was allocated Sl.J million In 1976. lL jumped to $3.4 million In 1977 and requesled slightly more for the current year. THl~idcd Jor the s alar ies of a director and two de· putles. each of whom is exempt from civil service and each of whom 1s permitted to appoint one other cxemP.t person. A Depart· ment of Financ<' memo noted that the t:'ntlrt.> cx1stang profess1on&1 staff of lhl' counc1l consis ts of ex 1·m pl appointees . contract staff and spcnal cons ullunts. Add:· tionally. the council requested 19 new po111tions which. t-xcept ror " clerk . seems to be public informa· tlon types. otherwise known a:. publicity men. ft is no wonder then tha t the Legislative Analys t rccom mended a S2 m illion cut in tht agency budget. IT MAY BE a :.lgn of a dcfi· c1ency in cultural appreciation to criticize efforts to encouragl· art in any and all forms but the Art :. Council h a s all the t'armarks of a political boondog- ~lc Even 1f lhul were not so 1t m ight be Just as well lo leave th e d evelopment of a rt1st1<: Hwaren~s-and C"X"pTe'S-sti>l1 ro private' C'n dowm ent~ unde r which it s1..-ems 'ro hav.e thrived in Am erica. Tee Shirt Message Mania Getting Out of Hand One or the more serious prob· lems thut has been creeping up on us lately ill tee s hirts. The modern tee shirt is capable of in· flicting upon Innocent people feelings of total Inadequacy coupled at times with acute e m· barrass mcnt. In the good old days, a tee shirt was a tee shirt. UsualJy It wa s p l ai n white and the only message It bore was a. tiny label hid· den inside the b4ck or the n eck band Which uld merely, "J .C. Penney - Medium'' or the llke. Nowadays, ol course. such tee shirt are a ll but extinct. Juat last week. 1 went down to Shroue·s Touery to look for one. "A TEE SHIRT?" Hid young Jot ShrlHl' Jr. ··sure. Whal was ll you wanted to soy?·• f WU forced lo COnfC"S thot f didn't h1tvu u thing in mind al the moment. Joe led me over to the tee shirt d~partmenl where the m erchandise was segregated u nd er l abel s s uch a s "llumorous ." "Commercial," and "Poht1cal. .. ··1 think y o u 'd tak e n Jlumorou:,. Larl(l'." he said "Try ttus on<' on for laughs " He ha nded m<.> a yellow number In scribed : "ff There Is No God, Wh o Pops U p t h e Nex t Kleenex?" I said buying someone else'!! Jokes was Bob liope's business. Nor. I sold. did I wish to pay lo oe a s andwic h board ror someone's beer. automobile tires or tennis shoes. And when It came toexpreulng my politic al views, I said . I prefe rred the Australian secret ballot. .. HOW ABO U T a ni ce necktie"" said Joe Consequently, f'm 11tlll Jogalna a lona ln a plRln old swtttlah1rt. Naturally, e.veryone tJtnores me as they in var iably ltinor e someone who has nothinf to say I auppoat I could rut up with that If It weren't for thl' fort that all young ladlci; these d ays hnvc so m ct bJ ns lo 1111 y. • Now I was raised to believe that a gentleman should not star e at a young lady's ches t. At tbe same lime. it would be most impolite to turn away from " young lady who was atte mpting lo express he rse lf Whal u dilemma! WHEN THE m e!>sag(' 1!, tmef 1 "Tht• Real Thine or · Fight So Ism" ore good t·x umples •.the problem li1 minimol One can cop a fleeting ~lance and no harm donti. DifficultieH arl1te ln-<llrect ratio to the young lady's garrulousness. The other doy. a bu1<om young Indy jogged by me with o m cssogt Quotes "Mr President. you Inscribed vour name forev<'r in the hl!ltory or t~o ancient dvlllted pC"oplc. the peo ple or t-:i.;ypt and tht! JX'O pie or Israel .. Israel! rrimt' Mtnbtt r Mf'nachem Bt')lln 10 President Carter followlnR ttl\4 presldenr:s announ<'r ment 1 hot .i "fr-0mtworl( for pe:ict'" h!ld been reoched ror1he Middle Eu&t , an rather '\mull print th.it c)(tendcd rrom her Adam's opplc to her belly button. Wha t to do' Not wiRhlO~ to offend her by nppcarlng Indifferent. I had no cho1c~ but to toke up a position four feet in front of he r and Jo~ along backwards. head bowed a nd squJntlng, os my ,·yc:-h"v'' been none too gOOd latei~· . Even so. it took me half J block to read the bobbing wordi-. "Women hold -up half th sky >nd the man who luRts for their bodies rathe r than viewing them as equal partner~ In guldlnll tht.' destiny or ~paceshlp Earth 1t1 naught b u! a l o u .. y mull." cha uvinist p1~'" AT TRAT po nt. Wt' hod reached the inte rsection and I took a nasty tumbie off the cur b The youna lu<lr pau11cd brlt-0 )' '" bt·nd ovN 1t1t: i.nd hlsi .. ~b:\· d aaudnisl p1a •' · Slnc1• then. I have d~chn~o to :lpp,•.ir In public without darl. i!lussei. and 1t white cane -.t till t.1nt rccluae In u blt1thering world ANALYSIS I NA TrON r...-.. &.ptl9mber 19. 1918 OAll. y PILOT A 1 New State Energy Rules to · Affect Bomeowne~: 8)' TltOMAS 0 . ELIA The ('Onlro\ ray ttur roundmi th\· st 1t~ Energy CommlHIOO h11'-be1un to touch lh ordinary C hforrua homf'Owner l 'ntll oow. dl1pu\ tnvolvma the t'omm~ton hav conc~med i• Ut>) like nu<'lea.r po~t>r and lh~ Ut•faod niuuraJ ga.... lorl{e pmJ e<-h thut don't prom 1St' lo 1m PU\'I on lllO)t t'lt11un for M~\crc1I y1.-•ar:; 8l'T 'EW a L ' that took t"fC,·cl Jub' \could poluoually af ( \' ,. t I a r g ~ n u m b • r ~ o I homro"'ntra. U,·rort< thl~ ~umm<'r onl~ rt• .. , dt•nt~ of a t.OOO.yar<1 :.trip ulon~ ·tht' coa't had to "-Ori) a bout ""' stutt• a~ent'> before add1n.: to tht•ar hou.'>t.') or bulldln~ <1n 'u t unt lot• No more ow '"l)' room addition or m .. w hoiuc mu•t m t itffle Entirgy Cnmmluion at1.1ndarrl:. for Hl 11ulatlon. h4'11t and deah1n l'11h·s1> phuu and "''~w ra lo QUl• .. uon1> on aeveral Qomplic&attid .,tull' fnr tn 11 mt'l't n e•w ~tu n dunh , th..:rc r an be no bu1ld1n~ 11t·rm11 WHAT'S MOHt;, Ttn: rorme. l'.tn 't even be obtJ ancd Crom moitt <'ity und county bulldlni.t dcp~rtmt'ntl That m<·un11 lht' ~O\ l'rnmental rl'd tupt: thJt d4• VC'IOJ'l~nl huve complulncd of for H 'llr!( haK bt-cn \'Xtt:Od\.-d to CVl'O 1 he s mall.-st proJects It 11't'31'N 1h•lay~ of 11p to W\cr..il \\i.'<!kS "'hth: thl' Corm' url' malled Crom Encqo 'omm i!>s ton h t•a d · 1111u rtt•r" SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS It me:-1\8 "al least two hours" oC fi lling out the forms more, if one hl unfamiliar with them - uccordtng to a commission )pokes man. And it means possible reJec· lion of plans that meet all the ui. u o I ronstrucllon standards. even if they would have no Im· poet on anyone but the owner. /\ mong the new regulations a rc l>tandards for wall thickness and sb.e ol heaters. And there's a requirement that existhfg al· t ics be insulated if a project would add more than 30 percent lo the noor apace or a home or ~partment building THERE'S ALSO A FIRM rule a1alnst pilot light.a on any new gas furnaces inatalled. 1t ·s the rcstrictld.'ls on space and water heaters that promise ·lo be most ga lli ng to homeowners. For the Energy C ommi s s ion c an forc e homeowners lo install smaller heaters than they want. If the state says a heater 1s larger than absolutely necessary for a certain size house in a certain climate, it can forbid installa· lion. "We don't want too big or a heater In any house." says St.eve Glass. an offici11l <l the com· mission's conservation wini. "Even ir il's the rmostatically controlled. if the burner is too big. It will waste gas when it's fired up." ENERGY COMMl~IONERS adopted the regulations with llt· tie fanfare two years ago as part or their effort Lo cut gas and electric usage In California. The ban on gas pilot lights has ap- plied to al! new appliances sold in the slate for the last year and has not added appreriably to the cost of new appliances. The commission believes its new construction res~riclions and forms will ·also not add much to the cost of building. But they may well. For one thing. the complc~ .. the fo rm s will pu s h m \n y hom eown c.s who mig ht otherwise bupervise their proj •• eels to hJre general contract.ors.· That alone usually adds a t least:. 10 percent to construction costs. Says Glass, "It us ually takes two hours lo fill out all the forms Ir you know them pretty well " Only contractors can be expect ed lo know the forms well. . THESE NEW KULES and the . aadilional parerwork they're . generating wil impact on most citizens far more heavily than • a cademic argum e nts ove r nuclear power and LNG. When they do, the campaign to. restrict or eliminate the Energy Commis sion will b egin to gene rate more public interest ' and support than ever before Ex·city Folk Buy Barn for Bay Wagon Sen. Edward M. K ennedy ha s resigned from the Boston \Jniversity board or trus tee s . citing a lack of time By JULES LOii ., s....i ,_,__, TRE N TON . Ma1n t1 Marsha ll and E vel y n F'ield bought a whole barn <1nd all its rontent.-. recenllv bccuusc that \\a:. the dcal. a ll· or nothing. and a mong th<' contents "as an old fashioned huy wagon. They now await the harvest moon When it rises above Cadillac Mountain. he r<' on the coast of Maine. they will gather their fri ends and hitch u1l the horses and go on a hay r ide. "DOES IT SEEM s illy to buy <J barn jus t to get a real hay wagon for a real hay ride?" Marshall sa1d. "Well. that's the way we are." The Fields. Marshall and Evelyn, are a rare couple wbo subscribe lo a phllsosophy every· body voices at one time or a nothe r but few have the self· confidence to live by: ··vou only go around once, you might as well do it your own way ... for an easy life." Marshall said. "We work hard. What we want· ed and what we must have is a full and happy life." Marshall and Evelyn r un a roadside cafe during the tourist season Maine is said to have two seasons, th~ Fourth or July and winter -and during the lat· ter season be cuts cordwood and she catches up on rug hooking and various 4·H club projects. T he y live in a warm old farmhouse with a big kitchen and a wood stove and out back a garden and a menagerie or farm critters, a skating pond for the four kids and beyond the pond a river. the river Jordan. ( J -best. We've been lucky ... AMERICA NEITHER MARSHALL nor _ _ Evelyn knew anything about the FITl'ING. TO THE Fields. it is the promised land. "We had nothing when we came here in 1971 ," Marshall said. "We we re caught UJ> ln the r at race -s c h edu l es . telephones. you know. We want- ed to raise our kids in the coun· try and do things our way and be our own bosses. "So we piled inlo a trailer. It was our home. We managed to buy a little piece or property to start with und hoped for the cafe business. nor. for that mat ter. the farm business. "We learnl>d from mistakes and Agriculture Department bulletins." Evelyn s aid "We always figured we could handle anything that came up. So far we have." They've been m no hurry . For example. when they opened their cafe. which is alongside a brook. they named 1t the Cov· ered Bridge, a motif inspired by a rug Evelyn was hooking at the time. Editor Wins Giant Only last month. s ix years later. did Marshall get around to building the covered bridge over tbe brooR. Crossword Maratlwn "C&N"T RUSH INTO these things." he said. They gave up a promising ap- pliance repair business on New York's LonA Island and came here. where the Atlantic is gin --+---'-<-....... -.-....~ ......... ._ ------deac.and..Lhe..moming_suo...po · CLEVELAND <APl · Michael Donner. editor or a games magazine. labored for 24 hours to win the First Annual World Class Crossword Puzzle MaTathon but still didn't complete the 336· entry puzzle. Donner, . o . aco. or o GatTieS ma z .4 PADDLE? WASlllNGTON 1AP 1 1\ mot to on Pn•::.idenl Carter'i. formul desk in the Oval Office rcads : "Oh God. Thy Sea ls So Great and My Boa• ls So Small.· over the pines like honey and a person has a sense of the stars and the sl.'asons and of his own pl ace in The Great Sche'mc. to live life thc rr wa y, a ll or nothin~. a publication devoted lo all types of puzzles won t he first prize or Sl .000 by correctly completing the most entries in the allotted 24 hours. Some of the clues -and the answers · were: 30 Across. sub· divisional epoch of the European Ordovician period llanvirm: "WE WE REN'T LOOKING 150 Across, wife or Cecrops one of several spellinas Agraulos: and 110 Down. ritual formulas of a sun brotherhood bh!kra. , . At Orange Coast Savings Your choice of 14K gold 1ewelry tnat re tails for O pen a Savings Account for $1,000 or more at Orange Coast Savings & Loan and receive a beautiful piece of 14K gold jewelry. The jewelry is our gift lo you and is not in lieu of interest. You 'll still earn th e highest interesl permitted by la w. And remember, we pay interest on every account from the 1 sf of the month on all money deposited by the 10th of the month, provided the money remains on deposit un til the end of the quarter. -C1ioose your gift from a selection of eltgantly designed 14 K gold jttotlry for him and for lier. It 's a once in a lifetime golde,1 opportunity! No other financial instilulion in Orange County can make this offer. If you deposit At these terms $1 .000.00 Passt:>Ook 5 ~% $10.00·$1 2 00 $5,000.00 2Y1 years@ 61~% or 4 years@ 7~% $50.00·$60.00 $10,000.00 ~~1l~=~~s@C:~~ or 4 yea rs@ 7''1% $100.00·$120.00 $20,000.00 ~Pa>'~~~s®@f~: or 4 years @ 7Y2% $200.00·$240.00 $40 000 00 2Y2 years@ 6~% or 4 years@ 7n% $500.00-$600.00 · · or 8 years @ 8% All Ttme CethhCates 01 Deposit 0143 suo,ec1 10 a suos1an11a1 penally tor early wrtharawel Offer Explte• Octobef 18. 1978 A S~ial Gift For Our Busiruiss and Professional UstomtTS Optn" dusintss S"oings A uo11nl for $10.000 or inort anti rttt1t1r 1l1t rroo/11JionRry ntw Ttltpont f rft/ Ttftpont tnds To rtfJtr tlrt frustration of trying to find phont numbtn 1mJ ad1lrtsm tn conurnl1onal {rlrs. }u&t.ont to11rl1 a11d l11st11nlly ll1t /ml/try opm1ttif 111d1x rolalts tlit lt/tphont nNnrbtr 1wJ 11dJm s you nmJ rnlo v1rw. $30 R.tlRil Valut With our 81uinH' Sar>ineJ Arcou,,J Ttltphont T ntn1fcr Strt1i« 11nd your ll4IO Ttltponr. lht ulllmalt 1n con'Otn1t11tt Cllll bt Y""''· 0~~~ (o)(;Qti/t< 0':\ \J?JlllJl4"U ano LOan Anoc11t1on 1700 Adorns Avenue P.O. Box 1 ~48 Coste Mesa. Ca1ttorn1a 92626 (714) 754· 1801 Except for his stint as an ai>- pliance repairm an. Mars ha ll had been a fisherman all his life. AL heart. he still is . He keeps rus commercial rish- i ng license current, Just in case. and when he goes to the dock of a morning to buy hls · lobsters he takes longer than necessar y. chatting wistfully • with the men who chug in with the ir catches. The itch is ap- parent. ONE RECENT NIGHT. after Marshall had drawn the shades and locked the restaurant dbor. · be and Evelyn sat at the bar for their c us tom<try nightcap, a time for reOet'ting and dream- ing. "Evie.'.' Mars h a ll said. "MaybeJ'll getaboatnextyear ... , "If that's what you want," Evelyn replied. "You only go around once. you know." PULLJlilllTS OUT OF HATS! Not realty ••• but call ua for low --oer ~UTO • HOMEOWNER RABBITT INSURANCE • 548-5554. 1914 HARBOR BLVD. . ' COSTA MESA .. • A• DAILY PILOT 1U..CS.y, S.,,1em1»t 19. 1171 QUEENIE "You-,. ldNd. Wblit do you do1 l'U fire someone " ,..,.., ... .-e OEt\R PAT: I • "modular" house tho ••me aa a pretabrlcated hOuae'! Whal tre they made of. and wbal are th advaAtaaes and dlsadvantac.a or thl1 type of a hou o. My brother ls tiu11cstln1 that I buy a modulu houtie In another shale as an Invest· munt J.W .. Sant• Ana A •echalar bome I• one U111t ll baUt I• secllolll by a maaar1c&arla1 bcallder la a factory , tbea llOlcl. It ii deli vered In MCUoaa wblcb may be put ~ol(ether by tbe new owaer him.elf or wUb U•e help or pro· fHllOHI carpea&era. Tbe flallbed ho.ate wtU retemble any welJ·ballt modt-ra llome, btlt cO.t1 eoulder1bly leu since It'• mass·produced la sec· &Ion#. However, liOme factors, which an llMUvldully designed aod bu.Ut (;I/I 0 pn>N..,..• lltr>i II"'" IO /1Uf !NM 1"ol ,.,ll CllJ •rd l(lfW 1}1111"11 Ill• Ollf1U''4 Giid OCI-~ 'Mita 10 1olw 1!14'q\1111,. t11 Qlltw,_r1t,,., ulld M lftfat MdJl Wll• Cl"'"'°"' lo PoJ °""" 111 y,,., s..,.y, Orono' C0<1•I /)rail~ N 111. P 0 Bor /SllO, C'olflo M tlO t il m u 1\1 mon~ lt lltr• n1 po•MIN~ u•1ll bll 1J1U11i.rt <1 !NI ~-d 111(/lllnl'I "' lrll,.,• oOI 1Mlwdoiq 111" rfo.IU• •Ml ntanu• Clddrt·.11 a nd l!ullVM lll)ljfl' ~hont """'"'' C'OJlllOl lw'C'CMlllk•t'd f/\1Jtol11MllCIPjltOr.ldal f!ff l C"nil s1111mta111 . friction and beat wt&lda. Microwave ea1Uy pau tbrou1h gla11, raper, molt plHtlc1 and ceramlce, bu not metal. Food e.ta&Den are Mated Ollly by lbe food ...... ea..,.. ... DEAR PAT: Whal can 1 use t.o clean a white canvas handbag ? Should 1 band·wash it or what? D.L .. Irvine There are several d~ter1eau avallable that cu be made la&o tblck suds aod spread oa your eaavu bag. Le& the suds coatlDC remalD oe the bag for haU u a.oar or eo, tben wipe clean with a elotb tboroapiy wet witb cold water and wrung oat. Repeat the cold water wlplag several limes. Look ror a detergent tb1t ls rec· om mended ror pre·treallng fabrics. home cu IMwporete to 1111& die new -........ ~,_.-8.-es owner, wlll be ml11lng from a ir• ... ~ modular bome. Make sure you know DEAR PAT: How do I defer the DAM• •11• "••tom. "'' '°" Jerry, "1' wbat Iii Included before you buy. gain tr l purchase more than one res· .. fNllY CAME. -n. res-ol ......... " 0.fliH •110 l•1'"·· 111' M rial __ __. bo b i'dence .. .1th; .. the 18 mon•t..-follow· '1w . ..c1~-IMc.•" ~ "•-·-, ,.,.111~ 1111r "iw' ~,.."a ..... , -ate a ~ a re a ut t e same •8 w1 "' u~ Oii 5"1.-'' ..,, 111 ~ ..... "'' ,1,,., Mta A.No -o. .11 o1 '°''-in a coavealioaal home. ing the sale or my personal res• ll\lerom..-lh Ho~t1H•I .. lo .... M9M, C. ., R_., wlll M t9CI.... idence? ..., ... 1141 e1 S..eh O.Me, •-et .,,. w~. ,..,._ lO, 1'1t •• E,..11., o.tTe1 • ~ ...... c:.a. .... 1'• "M -~ .. 0111Stle11 ...,,., ---• -~~d•-G.C .. Huntington Beach .. ¥•lot 0..... OI _,,,.._ e..c11. wlll lie Oletlrated •" Tl111r•cl•J, 1~--1"11.... ~ JDC SIYS that -1..-a 1-..lfy'..._alS ••U C. ...... -llr~ ........ _,,, ~lief' ti, "71 al t :JO AM, llotll el no ""'"' uni IUll """' ~-·--o..... -.. ....__.~. St • .-.. ._Ki CM/lolk ci-ci.. DEAR PAT: Why is it that metal a persooal residence, tbey bave 18 "'l""••ola •"Cl Earl Dame of CoU• MaW, Ce-llllw,_.. wm lae at 'I • ded f tb rlor •-folJo...&-•t...... l 1t1c11mo11C1. watN!lt'Oll Mr O.Me $•crec1 HH•t c emetery, Fo•• utens1 s aren t recom men or moa I p -or w111I ._. 1a e 11•• ...... • "NwY e1111y mec:11a111c ¥ae11so11. 1owa. a.ui e.re.,on microwave oven cooking? I'd also to reinvest la another personal rel· -"1"' '°' v. u.s.. Gower-Oft F-•1 HOmeCoste¥esae1ir.cton . 1·1ke to know why cooklno dishes used Ideate and defer •ala. If more Utan s.11 c•-·•-~may utt SMlllM 'I' a •• ,...,<• ~ SmttM' ~ auRE:N KENNETH w 1TM 1PAT1. in a microwave don't get bot. one pel'IOllal reslcleeee Is pardaased from IJ -to tPM .. T~y ... s.. lone-ti-•Hleleftl of Coll• H K lrvtn' e du_.-, ........ •0 __ ... pe .... _ ... follo-'-g ~· Ille ReNrl' WIN tie reef-at -W. Ca., ~y ol IAouna e..<i.. • •' I.. MllOC' U>"-llUU -111 1 JOPM.~010w1S11Maun.tw1M c.. ,..._ -Oft~·· 11. Microwave cooking Is ac· the s aleoftbeortgtaal resldence, the 11e ceieoractd •110AM Oft Fflda, •1 st. "11 ati.r • ......,, ... ttrneu. s..rvi....:i compll1 .. -d with el•ctro·m•-·tlc •aln ii ..1.-1erred btto ... _ 11 ... q--11"Y M•rv'' By IN ~ Cattiollc Cl>ur<ll by Ill• wl .. Bet"l'lke Geftev• ot Co$t• '"' "' a-"' ., UllC1I """ JH -.au • '"''" Ro. F•..,., o.n11i. "yo11' Me$•, c. .. ClllU9M«S """· 11o<11e11e energy. aotcoovenUonal heal. Beams lag residence purchased daring the \ AT YOUR SERVICE I OBITUARIES l11vites You To Our Second Annual Jeff Jones & John Vallely We're serving refreshments and goodies Wednesday evening, September 20. 7-10 and want you to come Join the gang. The cash registe' will be closed and no business w11 be conducted. This 1s a social event. so You're off the hook. • We haven't bE'en loafing all summer 1ust beceuse we've been closed. We've added a brand new Repair Department so we can keep you (and your ski eouip. ment) 1n fine shape! ~ "SKIING IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS" Open September To May 2500 W. Coast Highway • Newp0rt Beach• 631-3280 Vi Mlle East of N9wport Blvd. 0•1;c1at111Q, •--w111 11e et OooC1 SM•°" McR .... -o1 Lone a .. ,... or energy penetrate the food and tbe 18·montb period. Interim residence& SNc>Nrd ~. Pierce er_, ca., ""'' JoM Vullolf !Annal of Ide_... ..1.-1 ~lti.t' _._v dtrectorL U...Ut. Gr•l'lle City. llllnol• enCI ' ~~~o~l~e~t~U~les~~V~i~b~ra~t~e~r~a~p~J~d~ly~c~a~ua~ln~g-~1~re~DO~t~COD8~~~~1~~~1D~g~a~ID~UV1~'err~~a~l.:.__!~~~~~~~l!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1n lleu ol •~ti. ,.,,.,.1,. •llOVKU •• .-1111c1r ... ,11t-s Oo'llttQ Stnlti.~ (Oftl•lllu1'-1ae ,_to St Mery'' 8y ol MlllOl"O, ·-·· -~Id Smllll 01 ltoe S.. Cetllolk QMl<ci. Oolll-, 1-MemottalMNl<tutSt MUA""T Anclf"-\ Pre\O'lterlaf'o Olurcll Ol.tpel, HOWARD MURPHY. •9• 7J. '4IO Sl.Anclffwlsir-,-pon8eac.ll, •HI-I ol ~ INM. Ca. PMMCI C.. Oft Tlle$Clrf Seclt...,.,., 19, 1'71 at 4 <1way on~ 11, 1'71. Survl~ed PM. ArrM19tmeMSIWHaOl1MWSoclety by Ills wife Anfl, Miii Oouttes. •otller~ wllll b11rl•l•U••· ~oren Muf'llllY ~ ltlCl\arCI Ollwr, • AZEN sitter M ..... ........_, vr..oc1>11c1.... HARRY AZEN, ..skltllt ol UllUN Patti al\CI 0.1 ""'"""Y· GrawsicM &eec:ll, c.. PnMCl-•y on September senlcH ~ Interment wlll be on n, lt71. Sefvl<.n _... -~ ... at w~. 5-'...,be, 20, 1'11 •t t11e Hartlelr ~ Ollwe °**· )PM. Directed by Wut'"l"•t•r H•rbM ~ Ollwe MorlllM't Memorlal Park Mort11ary •nCI S.O.SU<I. Cemetery. STeWART ROSEMARY F. STIE'WAAT, resident of sen CIHlllftle. ca. PHllMI •••Y Oft S.otemw ''-1t11. bom OclOtlet' J. IQ Ill O..nilt. Mldlloen. 54'nliwff l>Y D lu ... , flu,_~ • _, Gerreu of eat ~I• a.rllara, c:.., son Wiiiiam Allan ol La911n• IMKll, C.. two slsle" Helen Fl~•ld of 1A9U11• 8HCll, <• .. 1110 ICati.yteen L•R9• ol Los Elsewherie A119ele•. C.. Funeral -..Ices will be Mlcl •I IPM w.dneSdlY, S.pl...,ller to. ltll. cr'fP4side at Pacific View Memor l•I P••ll. Newoort &Hell KANSAS CITY. Mo. PoKllic.VnMonuvtOlrecton IAP > -MyrUe VaU •U£1Clll I 90 b 1 ed STEPHEN BUEKER. rUICHnl of Oamert t , W 0 J> ay <ost• ""-· C... P~ •wo on Myrl of the ..!'Mycl-and r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~b~~~ .. ~·,~~~fea1'grge" adio-6how the 1930s, died Monday at a K a n sas City hospital I PACIRCW.- t•ICMllAl PAD Cemef 8fY Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOllMICl MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan ,Cap1111rano 495-1776 IALT.t-... OH NBALHOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 l&l...OADWAY ...o.1\IAllY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 W1H-TU1'MIU..&.M4I MOllTUAaY WISTCUR' atAPll. Crem1tory •Rower Shop 427 E. f7fh St Costa Mesa 646-'4888 "9CI eaolMHS SMmf'S MOUUAIY 627 Main St. Huntington Beach 536-6539 SHlffB MOllTUAIY 976 So. Coast Hwy Laguna Beach 494-1535 1533 N. El C&mino Real ~~~~ PUBLIC NOTICE SU,.IEltlOlt C:OUltT 0 .. THIE STAT£ CW CAU,OANIA FOlt THE COUNTY OF OAANOE .... M1ta NOT ICE 0" HEAltlllO OP PETITION FOlt No.ATE OP WILL. ANO FOM 1..ETTeltS 0" AOMINISTltATION (WITH Wl'-L. ANNEXEOI E\late ol VA NDA loo\. YOUNG, Df<H \ecl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J am.\ e ~'"· Public Admllll$tr- "•• l11eo --••ltlOfttor~ot Wiii a...i for 1-....at of ~ Of •omlnl\tratlo" '"""" WIK "--di refe~• to Wlll(ll 11 ,,,.... tor fwtlle• part1c111en, MCI ttlat tlll llme MCI ptace Of ......... ""_,_....,. ... fOf'Oct. s. 1'7t,ett:OOA.M..lntlllc_tr_of 0..,.n,,,..,. HO. J ol Said _., et 100 0¥k CeflMr Drive...._ Ill IN City of $aftte ANI, Cllttorrlla. 0. ... All!ll* D, 1'71 ,WIUJAM L It .IOMll C-.,Qef11 ...... ..,,.,. c...ty c-MI ..... , ..... It.--..,.,.., '9CMc~l"Mu ... o .... ,,,. ........ ea. nm A"9nMytlw:~ PvOIKMcl Ora191 COMt Dally Piiot, Sept. It, lO, 2', 1'71 PUBLIC NOTICE MOTIC9 INVtTlllO atDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11\at 1ea1ec:1 ~Is wot lie rec:•!Yed -Y tlle CJty ol CMle Mesa .. tlle office Of tlle City Clertl et "'9 Qty Hell, n f'alr Oflve, Costa *" Callfomle, l#ltll Ille llcKtr of 11:00a.m. .. S.1*1-· 2', 1'11, •• wfllch ti_...., •Ill be~ putlllcly ~•NII*""' If! t11t C-11 Cllambers tor FUltNISHIHG ALL LA80R, MATERIALS. EQUIPMENT, TRANSPORTATION AND SUCH OTHER FACu.nuos M MAY Bli R E 0 U l.R E D F 0 R T H E INSTALLATION OF l ENNIS COURl LIGHTS AT TEWINICLE PARK l EN· ,.,s GPUltT$. • 111 ... flt.., Wit n ••••Ml;: ot"" contrac.t oocuments m11v be Gb-,_FAMILY t•lnad In Ille ottl~ of Ille pepartment COLOMIAJ. PUHIML oll-t.~is.ure ~H. n F1lr ·Ive. HO.. ~t• Mew. C.llloml• • .,,0.. rece1p1 01 7801 Bolsa Ave • nonrefundable fee of $6.00. 11 blclOIH req ... n 111.M --ltlut'-be Westminster 'Niiied, t11e dW'ge will be 11.to per 893-3525 0 set. ~========~~ EKll bid stwMI be made on Ille P"O--PoHI torm ,.,0 In "'9 ~ Pf'O¥ldild •---... --... --.-1 In tlll C-ract ~. -lllall b4t •<COmtMlflled by • certltl.cl or FUNERAL DIRECl'ORS BARBOR LAWN- MOUNT OLIVE CHiiier'• dlKtl Of" a Ille! __, tor llOl 1.u 1,,... 10 ~ ot the_, of Ille lllCI, INdt ...,allle lo tllt City ol Cofl•Meta. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN U!At tlle City Couflcll of wl<I City ftH 11eretofon1 ettatlllslle<I • ,rew•llln9 rate ..,Cl Kate ol .....S. In ac:coro...<e wllll 11w, to be Plllcl In Ille construction of Ille •bowe entttled ''""' o•emenlt. Tiie MICI race Mid scale WH adOPled ll't ltesolutlon of Ille City C-11 enct Is on Ille In tlle olila ol tllt City Cler II of Wlcl City. Tllal iaid ,_.. -Kale IS toereln rtferTed IO -aoapted In tllb -oa-'AllY·CEMETE•Y Mlle• as 1"°"911 f1111v ...o cornp1e1e1y IR · • V D wt fw1tl l\erelll, and ft..t Wlcl Kele, H CREMATORY lldopltd 11'1' Nici ~1on. la maw• ,.,, ol lllls noll« 11'1' ,..,.,_., Tiie Co111taclor 111a11, In Ille o/ Interment In Any Cemetery I Shipment o/ Burlel In tu ranee I Cremation $285 complete pef'I-f!A ttle work ...0 lrnc>rOVe· -"• c.....,,.,, to tlle Latlor Code of Ille Stete of OlflfenN ...0 -l•WI> Of tlle Sl* f!A cal,..,... llilOfl<,eble lllerato, wlttl tllt e11C'#llon only 01 MKll V .. l .. lon et may lae req,ilr.d,,,,. W tl\I llll(lel ~ IKl .. INlll lo wllltll 1tl'Keffl,,.1 11ereu11Cter ••• tue11 a11<1 wi.lcll II••• 1101 been ............ .,., tM -'''°"' of 11111 Leller C:OO.. ~ lo I•-~II be,,.,... Oftly Ill IN -prowleleo byl-. He \lld N II 1111 C-~ed 1111leu It IS maot on I bl-lotm llWllllNCI by tlle City of Olll• Mase. -It m..,. 1n ~· ---ltfflft• ...... llf1)IMKal rtqUl'9fNlll, . .. to~"ng All Far'th.•" 1 ac11 blddt• mus• 11e 11c..,MC1 •nel .x>f 11• ., also preq~lfled It r-oulreo llr 11w 1825 Ol1ler Ave. ca.ta ..... 540-5554 ..... ~*"" ............. • f-f Tiie CJly Cllllftll ot tl>e City ol Cost• Meo r.-t ltlt f'9M to rel.ct •nv ......... ,. llLlCN PHINNIY Cir, Cleft of 11!t CllY ol 0.l• "'"41 "ullll•lltlCt Orfl'Oll OMIH DeHy l'llet, 5eptemll•t IS 1t, 1'11 . •' Five mimltes for $L35 • This is our weekday evening and Sunday evening special. Call between 5 p. m . and 11 ·p. m. and you can talk for five minutes-to anybody, anywhere in Cali- fornia or any other state (except Alaska and Hawaii)-and the most it will cost is • Sl.35, plus tax. That's the most it will cost. That's the rate for a five-minute call to someplace clear across the country, like Boston, Bangor, or Baltimore. Calls to Five tninutes for 85¢ •• . That's our everyday special, between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. Its also our weekend special: all day on' Saturday, Sunday till 5 p. m. You can call anywhere in California or to any other state (except Alaska and Hawaii), talk for five minutes, and the most it can cost you is eighty-five cents, plus tax. If you talk less than five minutes, you pay less. And even if you talk for more than five minutes, each additional minute 'is still billed at the lowest long distance ... ·,~<'·~~~~o,.ffke Modefo1~a,P.~-~ ... ~~~-..IAA.-.:1-. a-.6.L--.a-. -L-.-.--,.. ", "'• \ ~t" • · · \'lt.--.C.., ~:Jr-·-~~.1,1;1,S ~ "''"l""));.,.:-; .• ,,, ... \IJ .. cost less. If you talk for less than five min- utes, your call will cost less. And the in front of your teleph~:me directory.) · rates don't go up after five minutes. Each additional minute will still be billed at a low bargain rate. There is one catch to all this:· the five minutes for Sl.35 and five minutes for· 8Sfl: rates don't apply to operator-assisted calls~ Hours Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu . Fri. Sat. Sun. 8a.m. to Regular rates. 5p.m. 5 minutes for $2.55 or less! 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Cheaper rates. 5 minutes for $1.35 or less' !Cheaper Rates 11 p.m. to Cheapest rates. ea.m. 5 minutes for 85$ or less.t • rPlut tax. .@Pacmc Telephone •operator handling rates apply on all coin, collect and cred~ card calls: ca11s billed to another number . code billtng (special billing numbers); calls frocn h9tel/motel room phone , person-to-person call:t and time-,md·charge5 cails. ...... ~ 4 . ORANGE COUNTY I POLITICS ·Baker, lt'leder : Supervisorial : Rivals Speak Bv 0 . . H • INGb 'Oll ... 0•11•"· ... ~ O•w Beker '"'rl Harriet Wacd~r. riv1b for lbe ?J\d 01strwt st-aat ''" the Oran,;.-County Board of uptirv1f()ri., will outhne the ir camp1lJ1n 1tlncea be fort' thf' . tiunt1n1tton 8earh Founuan Valley Doud of Rt>altors W"dnNHh•y morning Tht• b~1tkfa.<il mt•t>ltnJ: '" .,('tu-dull'd for 8 u m .u th1• llunun~ton Rt-.tch Inn • • • ('0 GRES~WO" \1' Yqinnt Bur kt'. th"' ()t'll\lll'n.llll' \'UIHhdall• rnr AttOI n1·~ ~t•nernl , Wtll d1i-t·u:.' rui:>t> imti dom1•,11r \ 111lt•nn• Wl-dOt'i.c1ity dur&O#: .in JPJ><'JntOl l' tw(111·1· 111 omt•n 1' t(roupi; at C'al ~t 1h.• t-'\1114."rton M no. Rurk•• ,., <.c hc'<l11ll'd tn hfll.'llk ..it noon in th'-• l lllH'r,1t' C'1•11tt r fht.,111·1 • • • \SSt:M8L \'MAN ICON Cor dovu 111 all cam ,,.i1~n 111 Nl'w~w)rt Rt•Jrh .1nd "ian ('lt•mente Wed n,c.;da\ In hu. f.Ll.lt'hl rnr lh\.· Or .ingt• Cois:,t 's slate ~nalc !>t'at t'ordm 11 will ~ ttl lhe homt.' of T rma Har- n gun , 1 lfump~h1re Court , New port Beach. from 9 30 u m to 11 30 a m lie 11 be al lhe home of Pat Dutt'h, 223 Via ~ontego. San Clemente, at 7·30 Wednesda) rug ht Rl'f>ldent.s of t,he 36tti State Senate District who want lo meet CordO\'a are tn\ 1tcd to attend the in- formal corfet!'bess1ons For detd1ls. call 557-~0. • •• • • ASS•:MBL.\'Mi\N DEN~IS Mangers will have his family w 1th htm Thursday ror <1 Sl25 per plate fundraiser in his honor at tht: South Coast Plaza I lotel in Co. ta Ml'sa Slum~ al the hc:ad table with the incumbent l<iwmaker from west Orange County's 73rd As· hem bly District will be his wife'. Linda. and their children. Kirsten and Jeff Also on had will be Mangers· parents . .Mr. and Mrs Earl Hobnet; his ~randmother. Mrs. Henrietta Conaway. and his in· Jaws. Mr and Mrs. John Axenty Dinner reservations can bt! made by calling' .847·414L • • • THE FRIENDS OF Rep Chlirles Wiggins. who ts rettnng afte r 12 years in the House, are throwing a ·'thanks Chuc k " dinner for their man this Friday. Tkkets at $20 pc!r plate are a vailable through the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. or by calling 879-6611 About 800 friendb of the GOP lawmaker are ~xpected to attend the dinner a t tht: Anaheim Con· \'Cnt ion Center • • • U .S. SEN. CARL. CURTIS, Lhe Nebraska Republican. will speak Friday a l a luncheon in Newport Beach ''Big Taxes Equal Big Spendln~" will be the topi c of the dean of congressional Republicans whe n he talks at the Americanism Educational -Leagul"'s Orange County Civic Luncheon at' the s...-----M-:rrrtotrtfoter ---- 1 I William M. McCJoy of Newport Beacb, rhairman of the event, said all former Nebraskaa,s are especially invited to attend the tunebeon. The price is S8. R eser.vatlons can be made through the Americanis m League office at Knoll's Berry Farm in Buena Park. telephone 828·5040. • • • LT. GOV. M E RVYN DYMALLY will barnstorm through Orange County Friday. The Democratic incumbent will start his day by having breakfast at the Big Canyon Country Club in Nt•wport Beach with members of Califor· mans for Env1ronmtnt. Employment, Economy and Dl·vehl1>ml·nt 1c1<:EED •. llt"~I hetve lunt.'h 1n Anaheim. where he will ad· dress the Orange County Democ:ratic Rostrum on "Campaign '78 ... The lunc:hcon will be at the Grand Hotl'I . . "The Genius" Microwave Oven II s smarter than lhe average mt· crowave oven' Forget about set- ltng power levels and calculating 11me -iust lap a single control and The Genius figures out the rest• She Au10-c00king programs for most kinds of foods. plus convenltonal llme and power settings. two- phase power programming and delay star1 Includes the COOk·A· Round magnetic turntable. 'lo turn food automatrcally as 1t cooks Plus !>pec1al lwo-level warming rack c;1mpl1!1ed touch controls. mul· 11tunc11on d191tal readout and much more Amualno ob .. rvatlona of life atont,tlie Orange Coaat, penned by a native aon, lnth• DAILY PILOT Author Speaks At UC/ Cornti ll University astrono m y professor Carl Sagan, who won the Pulitzer Prize for his book. "Or a gon s of Edet1," is scheduled to lecture abou~ extrater· res tria'I intelligence, Sept. 27 at UC Irvine. T h e l ect ur e is scheduled for 8 p m. at Crawford Hall. Tickets are $4 for general ad· mission. S2 for UCJ stu dents and S3 for other students and UCl facul- ty and staff. T~. 8-ptember 19. 1978 ~11 .. Y PILOT A•' The '6.88 'roP SIRLOIN Nunaber J0,000 Sagan is known for hi~ studies in exobiology. a new discipline that deals with the possibilities or li(e beyond Earth and the means for Its detec· tton. , &CRABLEGS DINNER Special Birdie Lovelace of Co::,ta Mesa. a licensed vocational nurse. got more than the stan· da rd orientation Monday at Hoag Mem9rlal Hos p ital welcomed a new group of e mployees. As the hospital's 10 .000th He has writt~n more thttn 400 scientific and popular articles. Oller Expires Sept. 30. 1978 On-the-Mall at South Coast Plaza Near the Carousel on the First Level. For reservations call: 540-8822 ""employee. Mrs. Lovelace was given a bou- quet of roses and a gold pin. Docunientary Honored Plan Axed SAN FRANClSCO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ <AP > -City officials were trying to figure out their next step after the Coastal Commission re· jected by a 9·0 vote plans to install. a se wer line along the Great Highway and redesign "Silent Forest ... a documentary film about the web or life in ocean waters off Southern California has won several awards for Lew Trusty, the Newport Beach resident who ijlmed it. YOUR DAILY PILOT CAN BE RECYCLED. Orange Coast College operates the official recycling center for Costa Mesa. 556-5981 It has been awarded the Golden Eagle by the Council on International No'n·theatrical Events and two bronze awards in the Informational Film Producers of America's 1978 Cindy Awards. the r oadway. I that use building and landscape design features 1 ike solar pool covers. 'liouble-pane windows and believe it or not-trees. But one s imple and unde- niable fact stiJJ remains: , we don·t always have s unshine. 'Tl,~ Jike shed Even in southe mCaJi-Weu to fornia. And when we 1:.wJ.. th ubj don·t. another some ~to~ es ect ;~~~~J:d~ergy of soJ.ar .... enero-v. Fortunately. this ~DJ• problem is easily solved After billions of years, solar By u s ing gas energy as a back-up e nergy is finally coming of age. system. you can look f onvard Public interest is soaring. to haVin ~!J:J~~~ ~~~~~ '. ........ ~,~..;""·-~r@t~:~~ n w en itrains. . . . . are already hard at work But why natural gas? Tu make things even more Because its efficient. Clean. attractive. the State of Calif omia And economical. is now offering s0me pretty nice Solar energy and gas energy- tax credits. Up to 55% on the cost the combination is a natural of most solar equipment.* If you want to know more. Small wonder the solar send for our free booklets: ··An In- energy industiy has expanded so troduction to Solar Energy·· and rapidly. "What You Should Know Before Many different systems Buying f.. Solar Energy System:· are now available from many Wrtte to Solar Information. different companies. P.O. Box 3249 Te rminal Annex. There are active systems for M.L. 23, Los Angeles. CA 90051. space and water heating that use Or call us toll .: free at 6 solar collectors. pumps and heat 1 .. sQ0 -252-9090. transfer equipment We'll do our best to n.c And there are passive systems enlighten yo u. 99§ 41 •('*.tA, ., ~!f"1ot;• Natural gas. Its too valuable to waste. ~For I.ax cm:lll lnformatJon wr1le: Callfomla E~rgy CommJMlon. 1111 HOM" Avmue. ~ratn(>nto. CA 9582f; or cnll toll·frff I ·AOO·A.'12· 7516 . .. ..,,.,.,,. . , c • ' • , ' . 1 1 A • • DAil. y ptLOT ,,,.. .. Inger Jim • tarrom '' ub tilutlng 1n R t.> n o f o r N t' t I • l'dnkn. \\ho h a~ a thronl \nfl•ctaon Voyage Reflects Dreams CHICAGO I API To Ronald Cudmon.• and his wife. An n <'. btnn tt vugubonds a t heart wasn't enough. Cudmor e lai.t year took a leave of absence from his banker's post in Dublin. rreland, sold his home, bought a 36 root sailboat. and em- barked on an 8,000·m1le ('rUISI!. THE VENTURE was made a bit more dif· f1cult by the presence of one other <:rcw member the couple 's son. Kristin, who wa.'i only 15 months old when they lcfl Cork. The family ~et sail Aug . 6 . 1977 wi th a year 's s upply of food They stoppc.>d in Spam, Portugal , Gibraltar, Nort h Africa, the C anary l!t lands and Barbados THEV ARRIVED ln Ch lcafto last week, 13 months alld one day er eavmg re n . "People wonder why we'd do s uch a thing. and.spend so much for a trap," Cudmore said. "Rut life's too short to worry about that. I 'vc h~d t>xperic nccl\ you can 't buy with money. I 've Aotten to know my wife and son like I never c·ould 1n Ireland or here an Chicago." Vitamins "Unneeded For Most' CO L UM BUS . Oh io t AP I The un · prei;cribcd vitamin pills that many Americans take dally are probably unnecessary, the Ohio State Mc.>dical Associa· tion says. The average healthy pcr:son doc-so't need ex· tra vitamins to supple· mcnt a moderate diet, said Joseph Bianchine, professo r o r pha rmacology at Ohio Stal<' Uni versity School of M cdiclne. U npr es cribed vitamins are a waste of ·money. he saldi... an~~ ... ~~· lcms In some people. Some pc..>0ple do need vitamins, Bia nc hlne said. but the advice of a doctor should be sought. llmil/,e Cltus Set C lasses lo braille transcribing will be of· fe red through the Sad· dl e back College Emeritus Institute for Lifelong Learning. The class, which con· venes Sept. 21 from 9 a . m . to noon In the Laguna Federal Savings building near Leisure World, ls to be taught by ~orma L. Schecter. For more ln!ormatlon. caU 831·9'700 or 496·4950 e xt. 207. Crimes Up SAN DIEGO <AP ) - Serious crlmet lo this clty outpaced the crime . -• • rate lo the state by 5.3 ~rceot for the firlt half or 1978, the st.ate Depart. ment of Justice ba• re. ported. San Dte10 Couq· ty crime lMreated only 2 percent, pid the re· NATION Cleanup Crusader Patrols Texas Streets SAN ANTONIO, Texu fAP ) Woe unto the llob wbo drop1 ao much u a sum wrapp1r on tho ald twalll. He 'll probably be 1potted by llQy-ur-qld 0 P. Scboabtll, who'll IHp from hla Cadlllat "trash trutk' and aham the offend r Into becomlna a Cleanup crusader ... BEUEVE THAT. I'm just a dumb do·1oodcr. At rlrst everybody thought I WH nut.II. Now that f have some preaUae. they juat.uy 1 'm ccceotrtc." only" diamond-studded . gold pushbroom Ue tack on a gaudy claaP. that proclaim• "Nice People Don t Utter." c atching anyone who Illegally 1><>1t1 political or 1arage sale signs and pet80nally patrols sidewalks and nel&hborhoods for litter. "The only trouble with this." he said as he ptcked up a paper cup from the curb In front of the posh St. Anthony Hotel, "Is that l have to wash my hands about 20 t1 RkS a day. Jr germs would really kill anybody, I wouJd have bet"n dead 30 years ago.·· ··u -.~ c.n g(•t 2u mllllon people With U , sn've aot litter whlppt.."'Ci," nld tbe man who'1 been San An tonio'• Mr. Clnn for mo~ than 30 y .. ara the rh rubic. energetic "Old Pub bbroom " Sc hnab e l. a pro m ln~nl ln8uriancc aalesman and the founder of the Reautlfy San Antonio IUS-OelaUon. nt'edh .. '8. ujolcs and hounds city leaders und buslnef'smen Into cleaning up s idewalk.& and strt.-eta. He has pused out more than 200 full-size. 1old·palnted, 111uered pushbrooms to 1overnol'1, mayor1 and five ptealdenu. and has handed out more than six million lucky pennJot on bis lnaurance company -C!eanup Crusader bualneu cardl., · HE MAltg& StJ R E each downtown block has ut leHt one trashcan -more than 8.000 carry hla name. And he causf's tram<.' havo~ when he scretiche:i1 h1:i1 blue ·and·white 1976 "tra h truck" to a halt in tM mlddle of a busy downtown st.root. JumplnM out to yank down an lllegal poster. · AS IT IS, Schnabel has survived three heart attucks r.uid outlived the d octors 1t nd 1nis uranrc underwriters who d enlNI him a life insurance policy 33 years ago. HE WEARS THE "worl<J 's II~ ofrera $25 rewards for ... bn September 1, The Hartford introduced a new automobile insurance rating plan in California, with premium reductions on many of our automobile policies ranging up to 27%. For-example, if you driv~ over 3 miles to work, weve designed a new moneysaving discount for you . If you insure more than one car on your policy, weve boosted the multi-car discount to a full 25% off. And weve lowered eligibility for our existing 10% senior citizen discount to age 50. Taken together, these credits can mean reductions of l)p to 27%. To take advantage of these new low rates, all you have to do is contact the independent agent who represents The Hartford. You'll find out how much of a savi ng you may be entitled to. Depending, of course, upon your driving record, age, how you use your car and the number of cars you insure. Your agent wi 11 also review your coverages and deductibles with you to insure they're up to date. And perhaps suggest other ways you might save some money on your pol icy. Now, ~ith the cost of running your car always going up, isn't it nice to know that The Hartford has taken another step in its coll)mitment to bring the cost of insuring it down? Speak to one of the independent Hartford agents listed in the Yellow Pages. It's one of the best ways to put th e cos t of your auto insurance into reverse. The best protection is prevention -·-·-------= THE HARTFORD_ port. '------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• .. _ I f • r / ' INSIDE: •Stqcks •Movies •Comics •Television \• I Tue.dlY. S-Otember tt, t871 'f. DAILY PILOT •• I t's Monday Nig.ht!· AP ...... PATRIOTS' STEVE GROGAN FUMBLES AFTER TACKLE BY COLTS' MIKE BARNES. Colts Have New Life One of the. Greatest Vpsets -Marchibroda l''OXBORO. Mass. cA P 1 -t rade with San Diego fo r Th<.• Nallonal Foot ball L'(·ague recalcitrant running back Lydell ha~ a new triple threat in Joe M ilchell . accounted for three of Wa s h 1 n ~ton. and the the touchdowns on a halfback inJury ·riddled Balta more Coll!> pas!>. a 23-yard reception. and a have a new life 90.yard gallop with a kickoff ~·ws om.• of the jilreatesl upsets rettrrrr --- things looked really bleilk. but we always came back-and-won." said Washington. "I took the kickoff on a good bounce : the wedge was right there. I· coul<J see a crease. When I ran outside I knew it-was-a touchdown.·· They Go Wild al Costa Mesa Tavern By DAVE CUNNINGHAM Of tlle O.Uy "11tit Malt With your feet propped up on the coffee table and the rest o( your body slumped lazily tnto u comrortable couch. Monda) Night Football is. well. Just Monday Night Football. But for l'xpert analys is 1 .. Darned 1f they dido 't do it .. 1. incisive observation f "Cosen sounds like he's sick when he laugh~.·· 1 and u you·arc·there atmos phere. try taking in a gam e on the giant TV screen at Coaches· Corner restaurant. The "expert .. comments were delivered by former Rams' receiver and pro coach Tom Fears. owner of the cozy restaurant in Costa Mesa ·s South Coast Plaza. TO BE FAIR, FEARS didn't know a reporter was s itting 10 the booth next to his. imd still doesn't know he was being quoted. Otherwise has observations may have cut a little deeper than. "They look like dancing mus h room::.." a barb fired at the New , E ngland :1atriots· cheerleaders. But the real excitement. came not from Fears· knowledgeable comments. but from the rest of the crowd a nd from the game itself. a thriller between the Patriots and the Baltimore Colts. During the three·hour game a capacity crowd of 40 watched on Fears· giant color TV screen. drank beer. ate Mexican food and made enough noise to make one belie\le bc- was sittini:: in a rain·drenched box scat at Foxboro. Mass .. rather ljlan a warm booth an Costa Mesa T U E PRED OM INANTLY pro-: Balli more c rowd whooped. hollered a nd hooted as the Colts made their furious rally an the fourth quarter. scoring 27 points to upset the Patriots. 34·27. The motirntion be hind the crowd·s excitement was not a pure interest in seeing the underdog pre,:ail. but ra ther an interest an beatmg the point s pread a nd m aking a little mone~ "An 18-point s pread ." onl' patron marvelled to ha~ friend after a Baltimore toucl)down .. ,.m s ure to win this bet now.·· Across the roooc anothe r patron asked a APWir ..... friend. "How, many points wall ~ou g1\'e ml· and Baltimore'' I don't c.·ven know who the favorite is.·· Lest you draw the conclusion 1 h<i.1 r ht: Coaches' Corne r as a haven fo r lllei:;ul betting. let at be kno,wn that no mont·~ v. <.1:- scen to exchange ha nds and all tht-t<1lk :,eemed like jWit tha t talk "I NEV~R BET." FEARS insisted when a t'ustomer asked which team his money wa~ on ··1 know better ·· The good food a nd Rood mood mad<' for a surprisingly enjoyable evening. espt-e1ally when you consider that. ar-Howarc! Cosell pointed out. .. This had the potential to be one or the most dreadful games we've ever had . The Colts cam<: an on th(· heels or t"o straight shutout df:ft:ats They '"'ere .:;tall searching for their first touchdown ot 1978 But 1f you ... aw tht-gamt ~ou 1 :in understand wh) t•n·n ;, sport:-'' ntt·r ' "lit· n<me too happ) aho ut beanJ,! dru~gert •<• •• h<1r to watch football . c·umt. out :-a~1ni; Tht1t \\MS fun You ('Un 1a ke me tc <lo •ha1 anytime ... In truth. it should be.-noted that she ha:- her owq pccuhur ideas nbout th<.· t'harm of football. "\'OV'VE GOT TO ADMIT.'' she sa~~. "that football has the best uniforms of any team sport. The pods makt' them look hkl' ,th~y·ve got bag. broad shoulder"' and tht> pants gave them tram little· hutt ~ Whatever th<-rc•ason nbour ont· third or tho!>e an attt.'ndanct· :'Vlond i.~ :•I Coa<·ht·~ Cornt.'J were woml'n Inside. th<.· 1t•:-t:.1uran1 '" 1a1lcrca ''' th•· taste~ or m t·n who like IOOlball Tl.'am pennant!> hanl! on th<.-v.a!b . .J IOnJ,!:;1dt• autographed photos of Fe<•r'-· lel!ow <'Oat'hl'~ tn the NFL A Ram.· ... chcdule hanJ?S prominent!~ over tht bar .ind the menu leuturc.., :-uch del<.•<'l able~ as the Kickoff Burger. tht> Lateral BurJ!<•r. thl' Quarterbat'k Sneak •patty mt•l t · and thl.'Saft.'I\. •('hilt C\IZl·I. Coml· 0l•arl\ .. th<· hos tt•S'-ad\.1i-1::- .. bl.'tausl· 11' al~ayo: Nowded on Mond<Ay n1~ht~ · ------1n-ps:()-f00lb:tl h1~or ......... ·-· _ _......_ __ ..Ear.Uu : ... ~iP the~a r te r Washington had given Baltimore a 14· 13 lead on his 54-yard pass to wide receiver Roger Carr . He then caught a touchdown pass from quarterback Bill Troup. OUT AT HOME -Boston Red Sox c·atcher C arlton Fis k waits ~«ith the t ag for Detroit'f\ Lance Parrish tn !\1ond~~· g.amc in Detroit. The Red Sox won. 5-4 an 11 Tnnfngs 1 I B a I t i m o r c C o a c h T e d T H E TOUCHDOWN run brokl' Ma r ch1broda aftrr the Colts a 27 27 tic with I : 18 left In the exploded for 27 fourth-quarter nationally televised game. a~ points Mo nday ni g h t a nd Baltimore won its first Nf-"L :-.hock ed the Nt•w England co nte ~t of tht' season a nd -· Patriots 34 ·27. dropped the heavily favored Wa~h1n gton . obtained an a Patriots to 1·2. * *. * ·'It remands me of m y day~ in <.·ollege at Oklahoma when !><we lty 0...Mlr\ O~ll1MOt1 0 I 0 1) .).t N•w tnQIMKI • I 0 14 )I NEW ENGLAND led 13·7 at halCtime and took that margin into the fourth quarter before the-fi re wol'ks started. - Nl Jon.-.\0"' run ,_,,_. t•1tedt 8•' M t(Aulev J run Cltnhdrl luc.~' NE MOt'Oltft670d\\tromGrOQAn 1Sm 1t""'<' I 801 C.•r f' ~ Oil\'\, from WA'\NnQIOn 'L1nNfl Dodgers Lose, 4 -0 "'•<' l t:lftl Wil\htAQt9" 7l PA\\ tr om i roup flu<• ftt1H.•dl 11•1 Ur<&l1>o1Uf'1)1n lroup CLll•h•rt ••O.t ~t. Gr~•run (~m10\•1t-.1 NE Cunn1nQMm I run t!>mtlh lo.l(lo. t Uat W a\.t'Ur'\oQtOf't qo ki<t11.0U re1urn I L•l"l~ar1 i-.•t•I A ~l.78-t STATISTIC.$ Cell' Pelriell F.r\I OC>wn' t~ 1l Ru\M.,v•rO\ Jll·•• ... 700 Pd\!.tn9 'l••O\ 1b\ 77) P"u•n yarO\ "• "' p.,..... 11 ..... 11.33.3 Punh •·•t ~n ~ umblt~ 10\t 4 J 4 I PtinJllte,..y,orO\ • 11 <1>d INOIYIOUAL LEADE•S RU~HINC 8,..lt,,_t W•"'11>9ton •·U, Le••• 8 11 McC.aut•v • 1J N~w E1>91~no. A ~at>"'°" 11 •«>'. C.•ooan 1 o. CAtl>Oun 6-1' Cunn11\Qham 1·13 PAS!)IN(, 8•1t1mo·~ lrouci IO·H-1·711 W<l\htnQlon I I 0 U Nrw EnQlano Ci•oQ•n 11 J3 l 71'1 P((£1111NC. e.11.mo•~. C .trr • Il l W•"'•n9lon 7 ft New Et>QI•"° Mo•Qotn J.17l Hd•.,..lt>Mk l n I t Ain't Ove r Y et, Sa ys Reth' Bench LOS ANGELES cP l - Cinci nnati's Johnny Bench analyzed the National League West race. borrowing from one or America's great orators. Yogi Berra or m avbe it was Casey Sten~el "It ain't over with until it's over with.·· Mike Lacoss. the Reds· rookie right-hander handcuffed Los Angeles on seven hits Monday night. pitching Cincinnati to a 4·0 victory that prevented the Dodgers from reducing their magic , number for clinching a second consecutive division title. The Dodgers' magic ~uml>er Dodgen Slat~ AllGamHeitKA8CfnOI • 1on19111 Cinclnn.,l •I L.os....,.ttt I.Hom. W•Onnd•Y Clnc1nnat1 a1 LO\ Angeles 7 .2$ p.m Thur Mio IOI• remaans at ri ve. as the Reds closed to within 712 games . "TONIGHT WE played like world cha mpions." said Cin<'i nnat1 Ma n ager Sparky Ande rson..-tefusing_to_ concede t~~.~~~Jlri;i~~~lfia.~~4~~~ .,. . ....,..... DODGERS' STEVE GARVEY AWAITS PITCH FROM REDS. havcn'.t.played that way e nough limes thi1% season." Asked natty if the Reds can catch the Dodgers. Ander son said : "I don't know. I 'II let you know Oct. 1. I don't think it will take a miracle, but we're going to have to win every one of our 1 t 2) remaining games." Bench and Ken Griffey had three ~ingles each to account for s ix of the Reds' nine hits In handing Bob Welsh his fourth loss against seven victories. Rick Rhoden. 9·7. will start for Lo!> Angeles tonight in place of Tom my John. who will miss his second tum in a row because of a leg Injury s urfered Sept. 9. Fred Norman. 10·8. will go for Cincinnati. CINCINNATI •It r 1111>1 ROM, 31> 2 I 0 0 Knl9lll, )II 0 0 0 0 Morten, 20 s o o o Grlllty, ct S 0 J 1 Foiler, II 4 0 0 0 Bench,< • I l 2 Orleuen, 11> l O 1 O Concepcion, H 3 O 1 1 Summ•"· rt J I 1 O LeCOH,P JI 0 0 LOSAN041LH LO!lel, 21> R11nell.H Mofldo. Cf c;., .... ,, lb Cey, II> O.B•ker, If IAtY,rf v..,..r,c O•~•llllO,llfl Grote, c W.ldl,p ,._.._,. OettM.pfl c.ttlllo, t ,.~.- Htlllll .J 0 I 0 •000 t 0 I 0 •OtO 3 0 I 0 4 0 I 0 •0 0 0 tOOO I 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 tOOO 0000 '0 0 0 0000 I 0 0 0 ~ u-.·~~ 1 Ctnclnn•ll 010 000 ,.._. Lo' AllQ91fl 000 000 __. OP -LOs An9tttt I L08 Clll<lllNll IO. LOs •-I•• t 28 -Dr.._1 Sii -~-''-Ill-. S UCON.SF -c:.nuocton. I" M a IA 88 IO CIMCINMATl L•Con1w,..,,,1 • 1 t o t • W.kll CL,M I 1t111tt11•n C:.•11110 f t 11 A LOSMeMLIS .-,, .. ,, •• 0 ••• 0 2 2 0 0 t I '°·"' . . •• BLOOMING'TON -T~ California Angels are still in the running for the Ame rican League West title-but only mathe matically The Halos lost for the fifth time in the last s~ven games. l0·4 t o the Minnesota Twins Monday. and fell 512 games behind the Kansas City Royals with 10 games remaining. In fac t . California. which seem ed to be back in the title picture ca.rller this month when they swept three s traight from the Royals at hom e, are closer to tblrd place than first. They are just three games up on the Texas Ranger ... WHEN ASKED IF TH E Angels stall had a c hance In the Weste rn Dlvlslon race, Don Baylor. Angelsdesifnated hitter. said : "We're ta klng about winning lOln a row. and that'sjust tomakethlngsclose. "Six of those remaining 10 s ames are on the road . • -HQl.keo J>o\tell or. the Twins arove In two runs with n pair of singles and scored one run. Jose Morales had a two.run triple to lead the attack. . Rod Carew boosted his major league-leadln1 average to 340 with three hll1, Increasing his lead for the American tiague batttna title ...... .. .... 4 -• • •• 11' _ B u.J. t h e T w i n s u r t-t m~matically elim inated from glory and seem bent on draggln~ their opponents down with them The Twins would have to wan &II 13 or their remaining games to finish at .500. MO NDAY N IGHT 'S victory came on the heels of c; A •fie .. Slat t- •uo-... 1oi11~ c11oi Ton1ti.1 C.lllert11•tltMINIHOl• \Up"' WedftelCUy ldl• Tllu"4My ldlt three-game sw~ep thut rru~hed Milwaukee's narrowest hopes an th~ American League East. But it h a s n 't b t>en a satlsf actory year for .the Twins Car.?w said he hasn't had a good year because he hasn't .. really hit consistently with me n an scoring position." ··1 hit with Bostock and Hisle a round last year.·· he said "I don 'l think their absence has hurt that much. We've still got a pre tty good hitting club S m a lley has com e through. Morales has hit wt>ll :>nd Cubb~e has come through The on~y real disappo1ntmtnt h8!> been Wyncgar " CAREW SAID H E I 'r.'T comfortable with his lead (or the .. ba tting t1th: ·!'wo lead •~ l'vcr comf'ortable ... ht: said .:osc· Morale~. who also had thn•e hats Monda~ ni ght and set ., Twan[.. p1nt'h hit r1.>rord of M. .;01d hl' isn't C'oncerned about the 1 l•co1 d ··when I .. .-a mt· h<'rt• I ..,l'l ~omt· J?Oab that I ''anted to ha ' l :-o man~ pinch hth · he :-a id Rul I r.C'\C'r ~•t) pubhd~ \\hat m) swab an· I figured that 1f I l'H'f )ll't an lht· ran~!' uT 20 I wall :-tifft thanking ahoul my ;-.; ulionu1 L1:a~m· rl'c·ord 111 2S (llnC'h hat:- CAL•,O•NIA 4111 .... P•llftt"'uno r• 1 11 1 ti /J M itter < • • O ' (1 L•n\lt•O Jo • II U 0 1111~100. rl • 0 I 1 80•0t 01\ • fl u ' Rudi. II • ~ 0 U II JfO\Ofl, 'D t I • 0 OOwntr'IQ, c • n ' 0 c;,.ctt. 111 ~ I J I Chelk, \, .• 1 0 0 Oooolllrtl\, Cf' I II a 0 • Anctoor'41ft, " n fl o o Ml .. NE)()T" C.uDO•~ lt> \n'l.!111~, ,, (arrw. U> Aoam;..on Mor•ltl'i ~ Po,...u. ,., "oro, ct '""~ ... " wv-•.< WollOl\Q, ?o . .. '" •. O I J I I I I g \ I J I 1000 I I I J ' ' J • • I I I • 0 I 0 I I 0 I \ 0 1 l ~Ol•n le ••I • f01tl> le tO 11 tO C.illor"•• u 10 101 000 • M•Mt'IO•• 000 101 O••·•t (\iDCMQe Cf\•,, OP (•htOtn•• • M•n nnol• 1 LOI' '"''''°'" • ll, M•..,,,.Mll• •l '6 P "•''-'O"' e,.,,..,.. r o,o Gr•<" tR Mor•••' (.,rfl!-. '!t-' C•'tJ* r:o•cl .., \l'<\•llh '" " It lit •• '° CA\.l "°llNIA lln•PD l ..... .. ... • • . I J • g,,.,, 0 ' , ' ( 0 N11ll•r . . 6 • . • t'teffttU I • • ' ' ' M INNatotA l.nn IW •l •J \'> • • • • f P.tno.,, .. , 19' J 0 0 I I '-n l'r1"0W"•• rt I WI" • l ..... KNOO t I I'' a t 1111 Jll DAILV PILOT T~. ~, 11.. 1911 . . -. A C• aule "trf1 ''°"' ""9 WOfid of lfOt:ta Mystery Man No Mystery To Edi on's Dotterer Who wall thal unma11ktd mart~ A m11'fllfd nqatlve made a lot of facea red recently, co I an~ OM football play ,.. a cllppln1 for his scra pbook. u rnlnl 1ul0t~r player a l'Ml"N nlc'lrname and addlnl another chapt~ to an intense hl~ achool rivalry It all 5tartf'd whtn the Oally•Plk>t ran whalt It lhoufeht wu a ptnun-O( Oran11t Cout Coll4'&e running back Dan OuddrKlltt. v.bo weaM unlfonn No. S2 It wun l unUI 6~rtlwnler John Sevano was lntervlew- •n& OC'C C'o.<'h Di<'k Tuck r lbat the Dally Palot lound out thut th• number mi1ht hav~ bNll Duddrld1e 's but the ta c-.: wHn't ~r ron\<'•ruUon • nl 10«Det.bin1 hkc lttia Tucker "Do )Ou know ~ho 's p1C'ture that ts In your PMP't'r" cvano ''What pie ture·••· Tuck~r "Thf' SUPPO&ed pu'turc of Duddndae " Sevano "You mean thut asn 't Duddrldge"" 1'ucker "No it um 't It looked Ilk · him but I asked him and he 1>aid it wasn't .. Sevano "Well, he run&. like Duddridgc .. i\11 1t turned out. the m)stery man wai; Edison lhgh's Mike Dotterer , who also wears No. 32 and ~ hot>l' negative som~how found its way Into tbe Orange Coa5t file. Actual- ly, the pair bear more • than just a slight physical resemblance. . MIKE DOTTERER On film, they look like twins , they're about the sam e size t6.0. 175 pound!I for Duddridge. 6-0, 183 pounds ror Dotterer), they play the same position. they're both starters and Allaa Dan Duddrldge the)'' re both pretty good. • • Dotterer never called to complain and he's even got· ten used to his teammates calling him Dan on the practice field It would have been a happy ending except for one prob· lcm. Ken Duddridge, Dan's dad who is the athletic direc tor at Fountain Valley High, reportedly J<ept eyeing the picture with a magnifying glass to determine who it really was . Finally, Lyman Clower, the athletic director al dis· trict rival Edison. clued him in to the bad news: of all peo· pie, it had to be an Edison player being passed off as the Fountain Valley A.O. 's son. Oh. well. It could hav& been worse . We could have called a Hatfield a McCoy. t e•f die••-------... Mubammad All is being sued for SlO million dollars by promoters Jake DIMaUSo and PbWp Ciaccio for remarks made about them and a differe nce of opinion with two black partners. AU said: "Wltenever a nl111er starts messing wttb money, the white m an would rather see you w1th his woman in his nei11hborhood, in his politics, in his church. Th~ only thing he doesn't want to see you with is his money. And these niggers got the money. No white m an was backing the fight and they !Sberman Copelin and Don Hubbard) did the brain work." Bed Ser Brola••~r Ddf'er• Jack Brob1mer, the former Huntington II Beach High School player now with the Boston Red Sox, had a pinch-hit single in the llth Inning to heJp his team defeat Detroit, 5-4. Jerry Remy delivered an RBI single to get the wtnnln~run across for the stru11nn1 Red Sox ... Succes~ive me runs by Reggie Jackson and Lou PlaJella aided the ew York Yankees to m aintain their hold on first place over the Red Sox In the American League Eaat with a 4-3 victory over Milwaukee. Ed Fi1ueroa picked up his 18th win of the season and bas now won 11 of bis last 13 starts under Manager Bob Lemoe ... Joba Wathu was hit by a pitch with the bases loaded in the 11th Inning to force in the winning run for the Kansas City Royals as they defeated Seattle, 7-6, to increase their le ad In the American League West over the Angels to, 5~ gam es ... Pittsburgh Pirate 'a.oc••°"AMti• teammates Pbll Garaer and Dave Parker were named National League co-players of the week and AtnOfl Otis or Kansas City was tabbed in the American League. A•ritraj, Moore Ad.,a•~~ Ray Moore and Vijay Amrllraj won opening • round matches in the Arco Tennis Open al UCLA's P auley Pavi lion Monday. Moore "' !!eatc.>d Pat Dupree 6· l ," s~.-?;;S whthn \mrttrar-.... '\JO"ft~•-.... :· --~·~-~ Sunday ... Kathy Harter~-: g~ 6f'M~ri · , , downed Wendy Barlow 6·4, 3·6, 7.5 in first round play o a wom en's professional tennis tournament in Pointe Claire. Quebec ... Frau Sed1mao defeated Ndle Fraser 6·3, 6·4 to win a Grand Masters tournament ln Rochester, N. Y. for players 45 and over . . . Top.seeded Taaya Harford beat Britis h junior sta r Catby Dnary M , 2-6, 6-2 ln the first round of the British Hard Court TeMis champlonahlps. All Oaa119e• 1'11ad A .. ta OTllE~ S PQRTS -As expected, Muammad All has changed h.is mind al>out retirement and will flght again next year lie will remain Idle for at least eight months. then will accept an offer or $6 to S8 million to defend hlR crown. a spokesman for the champion said Monday ... A rede ra l court h&s fuled that Dale McCout can begin trainlnK ~ilh the Detroit Red Wings instead of the Los Angeles Kings · · · ~omen pro golfers will compete wlth men for the first lime In o major pro--am event on three Monterey Peninsula courses Jan. 3-6 . Ai. .... B.W•Ne.J .. at .. The Top Twenty teams ln The A1aoclaled Proa college football poll, wlth flnt place votes ln pannthe ... and HllCMl records: I.Alabama C50) 2.().() 11.Plttaburlb t.O.O 2.Arkansu C6l l·O·O 12.Nebruka 2·1·0 3. Oklahoma u l 2.C>·O 13. Florida 8tate 2·0.0 tie Penn St (4) 3'.0-0 14.Notre Dame 0·1·0 5.Mlchlgan 1·0.0 15.Washinaton 1·1·0 6,Texas 1·0·0 16.0hloSt-ate O·l·O 7.Souttrem Cal -2·0.0 17.MI"°"" H ·O 8.UCLA 2·0·0 18.Maryland 2·0·0 9.Texas A&M l·0-0 19.Colorado 2·0·0 10.Loulslana Stale 1-0·0 20.lowa State 2·0·0 ...... Tele., .... • aADIO: AngtlA at Minnesota. $:30 p.m .. KllPC tTlO > Clnclnnatt at Dodgen, 7:30 p.m., KABC j7t0), TV: No 8Vtnta atheduled. ·-f.-.· Grid Temiis Begin Play Thursday M lsalon Viejo. Oona Hills. Edlson und Ocean View get their t978 prep football campaigns s tarted Thursday night wl\h n,on·leaaue colUslons with teams from outside the Orange Coast uea while Corona del Mar and San Cle mcntt! square off in an 1rea skirmish M1 111 1o n V leJ O m eets Saddlcback at Santa Ana Bowl <8>. IAS Amigos furnis hes the opposition for Dana Hiiis at Garden G rove High <7 :301. Edison vies with Canyon at El Modena High <8>. and Ocean View begins Ila varsity history wath La Quinti. at Huntington Beach IUgh <8>. Here Is a look Bl those rour op p o n e nts awaiting the -rore mentloned quartet. Safld~k The Roadrunne r s po~e a formidable obstacle for Mission Viejo with 28 letterme n and four returning All-E mpire League s tars in the fold. It's the 11th straight year the Roadrunners have met Mission Vi~jo and Saddleback owns a 5·4·1 advantage. Among Saddleback's arsenal are returning a ll -league linemen J ohn Howard <170> and Vince Bustillos 11951 Also r eceiver Gary Stenlund and defensive back Rick Coss return with a ll ·lea g u e credentials from a te am which went 3-5-1 in '77, including a 13· 13 tie with Mission Viejo. Ke yi ng the defe nse are returning starters Steve Spiolla a nd Coss. LesA..i ... Rated· near the bottom of the Garden Grove Le ague despite the presence of 14 lettermen, the Lobos of Los Amigos Coach Al Calonico battle Dana Hills. Out of a multiple set the Lobos feature returning quarterback Art WUcox, fianker Steve Rife a nd tight end Henry Alva , giving 1 them solid offensive potential. Los Amlgos also has four returning on defense with linebacker Craig Laird. tackle Mlke Harris, end Tea T.aunmt nd-cornerback Mike Hubert ready. Up front Los Amigos has 220-pound Andy Godoy and 205-pound Jim Reed to anchor the line. while Greg Webber gl ves the Lobos depth at receiver. LaQ•11ta The Aztecs will b e no strangers for Ocean View. a team which battled Garden Grove Leacue teams the past two years as freshmen and sophomores. La Quinta h~ the advantage of aeniors, however. against the Seah awks. La Quinta Coach Dave Selph says his team will go to the air more often this year a nd he's backing it up with quarterback Larry &huler. Schuler was a starter in '77, as were run n ing backs Jim See PREPS, Page 84 Saints' Fans Aren~t Saints From AP Dlspatcbes New Orleans pro football fans, It seems. are anything but Salnts. FOOTBALL . NEW ADDtTION Burton Willia m J enner , age 13 days. couldn't stay awake for his n ational televis ion debut Monday. His p arents. Olympic d ecathlon champion Bruce J enner a nd his wjfe. Chrystie. dldn 't seem to notice. however. in taping tor the talk show "America Alive" Willie's Gone, hut FV Will Be Strong Again By DAVE CUNNlNGHAM Of tlie o.lty ~llet St.If Fountain Valley High football isn't exactly in a class by it.self, but what.ever class you care to put it In; the Barons certainly rank near the top. One tipoff is their press guide. a g lossy, 66-page book fully illustrated a nd complete with records, awards. statistics and profiles. Fe w schools even have a press guide. BUT THAT'S JU ST t h e outc r oppin g or 's uccess . Underneath you find a 20·3 record over the past two seasons and trfps to the ClF playoffs for thr~e years straigh L The 1978 version 'lf the Baron Machine figures tO be a lmost a carbon copy o f last year's model. "Our offens e remains the same from year to year." aays head coach Bruce Pickford. "I think we'll end up with a vecy sotid, fundamenuµ team." ALL 111AT'S MISSING is CIF Playe r of t he· Year Willie Gitt.ens. the fleet running back who broke nearly every school rushing record. "WE DON'T HA VE a Willie Gittens and we're going to have to work a little harder for our points." Pickford says, "but we've got. a running back right now <Kevin Romine) who has as much potential as any in the county." The Barons also have a capable QO In Gil Com pton. who s tarted for undcleated fres hman and sophomore teams and completed 40 percent of his passes in a reserve role on the varsity last season. Joining Romine in the offensive backfield Is collegiate prospect Sam Centofante. who played behind Gittens last year. A HOST OF OTHER offensive gem s dot Pickford's roster. including a ll·league candidate Greg Barrios al center. but the coach says Fountain Valley's primary strength will be on de fense. Here 's a brief look at the Barons : QlJARTt.:K BACKS -Co mpton •fH. 1801 is currently No. t. with Andy DeLuca •6·1. 180• up from the sophomore team as his baekup. Jim Coppom •5·11. 165• l'an also play lhl• · position. although he'll probably SCl' more action al wide rl"ccl11l'r and derenslve back. RlJNNlNG BACKS -Centofante 15 10. 180•. Romine •6·0. 180•. Tim Hc nlgmun •6·0. 190 1 a nd Tony Paslizzo tS-9. 186 • will carry most of the burden. Hen1gman and Pastiuo are the fullbacks. while Centofante and Romine are tailbacks. WIDF. RF.CEIVER S -K•11in MarJ,?eru m •5·11. liO• Is pegged as an all·league candidate. ro11ow1ng an the rootsteps of older brother Ken. now al Stanford. Coppom. Mark f York tS-9. 170 jr. •. Rob Emerson •5·7. 150 Jr 1. Lorry Jones •6·1. 160 ~r 1 and Jeff Smith •6·0, ISS sr. 1 also figure to see so~e action OFFENSI VE LINE -Riek LJnpht'ar •6·0. 2151 adds soml' Wl'IAht 10 thl' 11ght end position. which will also be played by Mark Wht't mort> fll G. 195 • and Dan Castrey •6·2. 1851. Wllh Barrios •6·1. 200 1 anchoring the line at center. lhl' BarQOS appear solid. Doug Delgado •6·0. 215• Is at one gua rd. with Ken Winkley •S·ll. 1801 at the other. The tackles ore Pele Chinnici 16·4 . 258• and Russ Heldesch •6·3. 2201. both returning "tarte~. Mike Freeman •6·4. 220 1 will al~ 11ee action lhere on offense and defenst> . DEFENSrVE LINE -Depth is the key here. bttause Pickford has as many as three playen t'apable of starlln.i at som€' of the slots. Lamphear . Wi nk le)'. Heide5ch. Delgado and Freeman all rtgure in. • as well ns Gil Maruyama '5-8. 160 1. Mark Wh etmore •6·0. 195•. Tom Chow ~s 11. 180 1. J()(' Sores1 • s-10. 185 • and Dave Brackley LIN EBi\CKERS -Pastino and 1len1gman both played a lot la~• year , and they'll have Holmes and Joe Zambito •S·IO, 190• backinti them up. SECONDARY-Margerum will probably double up here. with tht> other comerbecks being Sean Tobia~ •5·9. 165•. Mark Lun11•5·10.170• and :i sophomore. Kylt' Thompson •6·0: 1ss 1. Coppom 111 also a eornerbark. while Scott Johnson •6·0. 170 •. Romine and Emerson will operate 111 safety. Th<' strong !'a(ety e11nd1dates are Mark York •5·9. 170•. Ca~trt'y. and Lyle Miller 1511. 150 • KICKING GAME -Pickford ha~ the luxury o( thr€'e qualified kickers from which to choose Oa11~ Larson •6·1. 180 •. Mike Hamill •6-0. 160 • and S«>tt Steinke. a Junior. Hamill and Coppom can handll' thl' puntan.: chores Jo•••oa&S• ~ , ....... . Baseball Standings A disgruntled fan, whose aim may be more accurate than the team 's quarterback. was a rreSt· USED CAR AMERICAN LEAGUE. West Division NATIONAL LEAGUE West Division W L Ptt. GB ed Sunday a fte r hurling his SPECI •LS binoculars at a rercree follow-"' ing the Saints· 2'1 · 17 loss to Phllade1phia at the Superdome. !7 l UMCOl.M l t ITTS~ appears he j'ol two -COMT. 4 D-L Kansas Cit)' Angels Tcxaii NI nne ora Oakland W L Pct. GB 84 65 .564 80 12 .m · 5~ 75 -73 .507 8~ . --ss-s~ 68 84 .447 17 1h Dodgers 91 60 .603 Cincinnati 83 61 "SSS 7''' San Francisco 82 68 .547 8"2 San Diego -78-n .517 13 Houston 68 81 .456 22 Atlanta 66 84 .440 24 "2 ~fM°'" s ~ .~ 33 t9VJ ~-~~~~~-_::;~Wf1kJd...", hi erPhfa r 8257 .SSO - ~~,-.olITT~o~~~~~~~~e~ Full w/rlt.'h liif r ,c~ ,._;~1,,~.·-., . .,......,......,.IMtl.., the head and received stitcheS"to runs on reg gas or prem close the wound while an NFL This car was 0<ig. eold at representative, who asked not to Johnson & Son & has be named, was also struck by been serviced by u• ita the binoculars. whlch were still whole Ille. (499COBJ ln their cue. u he walked with $ 1800 the policem an and the officials. The fan , Earl Gervls o f Monroe. La .• was booked for ag· grevated battery (assault with a deadly binocular?). No doubt, Oervls was Inspired by on Incident which occurred two years ago. In that case. a Saints fan wH arres ted after he came out or the stands to kick u re fe r ee tollowing a loss t o Houston In the Superdome. Helms Award To Vassallo '76 UMCOLH MARK IV Cartier Designer Model Full power. rich clolh interior This 1u11ury auto has everything 1nclud1ng a power moo n roo f (926NZFl s.9soo •74 CHIVY MOVA CPI. e cyl., 3 IPMd. AM radio · East Dlvllloa New York 91 58 .611 Boston 89 61 .583 21,-) Baltimore 8S 65 .567 6ar, Milwaukee 8S 66 .563 7 Detroit 80 69 .537 11 ~leveland 65 84 .436 26 Toronto 57 92 .383 34 " .... .,..sa.... MlllM\04• 10, ...... 4 Delli more IO, a.wi-l llo"Oft $, Oetrol14 II I llllllft9> I He• Y-4. MllwMff l 1Ce11w' City 1. SN«le• 111 111111~>1 O•kl...-6.0V~J °"'' 9--lecl ,....., .• o- ~-" IAatell~letMIMe~ ffrlOM1114 HI telUmort l l'ellM< l .. ltl •t c ..... feftd I P .. ten It·"· n Mll••vllff ''-••well "'" •I New Yor~ ITl-MOl,11 1101JOI' CTlllll _.I at o.troll C.i.tot1 IJ.l tl," ClllU90 n.-1.0_S_ 11-111 •I Oeli~ IRtll_O .. lteMNwfl,t-41121,ft ICtftH• City ISPllltorlt ll·UI et SMttle fHoMf<lltt Ml, n 0.-IYOet!M~ Pittsburgh 80 69 .537 2 Chicago 74 75 .497 8 Montreal 70 81 .464 13 St. Louis 64 87 .424 19 New York 62 88 .413 20~ .....,.,IC_ CllKl-1 •.~0 °"'' ...... ~ ... ,....,.,o-., CIMl-11 1--~I .tt ~· f._,. .. ,,, .. l'ltltl11ir9f1 f( ..... l•rt• 11 It I •I Cl"< .... '""'",.. \4-1)1 lt"lleclelpN• fllvlflnl' 14 101 •I MofttrNf IS,,,. NrtOI' Mt." .... York f h P•llOI• •O •• ' •• ~· ..... ' Ill l'Ot\C" 11·'11 to •\tl•nle ,...,,.,. t fl •• "o"''°" 1111<,,.•• 11.111.,. \eft , ·-·~o IH•llOI • " ...... °""° IOw<lllllH .. 121, fO CIMl11nttl I~ 1041 •I .,.,..,_. ,.__,. ""·" LOS ANGELES <APl Swimmer Jeaae VaaaaUo has b ee n n•m•d Southern Calif omla ·a Athlete of the Month tor AUIUlll by members ol the Citizens Savln1s Athletic Foundation's Awards Board, It w11 announced Monday. & l'IHltr. All this little .._ ____________ ...,. _______________ _ Va11allo, a aenlor at Miu'°" Viejo Hlah School, twice broke the 400.meter lndJvldual medley world record durln1 tM month ,-el Au1•t. 1111 Um~ Wat 4:20.05 In wlnnln1 the event at the World Championship meet ln Berlin. • eoonomy C6/I needs le an owner. (~2JPV) 52000 •77 CADILLAC CPI DIVIW Thi• luxury euto 11 fully IQ\lf PC*I White with a wMt ltndtu too I a rich red IHther lntetlot Truly an impreMlve auto 1309181 l 59600 . . . Orange County's Oldtat Lin.coln•Mercury Oeal1tsh1p .JOHNSON a SON - i* r 2626 Horboi-.Blvd • Co~l;i MosJ • 540·.$630 ' -· t3 l 1g; In In •• FOOTBALL /BASEBA LL '78 South £east Football Sehedule ""' (All Oa1M1 Al ,:JO UnlaH OthanlltN Noted.) - C•plltr•noV•lley Dena ffUla Laguna Beach L99un1 HHla Mlulon Viejo San Clemente Fri~ Sept n Thurlday,S.pt. 2t Frldolyt$t'pt. 12 Frldoy, Sf-pl 22 Thursday, Sept. 21 Thur'Sday, Sept 71 Lei Am~ Deft L.utto S.0.teMck CoroMdelM•r • Mn <•t O.rc»n rove I •• oro (•t Chino> (at Santa An• Bowl l (at NtwPort > S.turdoW, Sept 30 Friday 'r Sept n Frid~, Sept 29 Thursday, S.pt. 28 Friday, Ser.t. 29 Saturday, Sept. 30 ........ ~...., •• oro St. fttMftY Rim Of tM Wortd Tustin I) Cost.Mew (•I !i.ln Ci.m.ntel lat Mlulon VleJol Frl<Say, O<t • !i.lturo.v, Oct / • Friday, Oct. 6 Friday, Oct. 6 Frlo.ty. OCI. 6 Saturday, Oct. 7 C.-.•tlMr Cost.MeN at INIM at Bit ... , Ct,P.m . > El Toro (I) Unlvenlty (at~I C.ttOCCl lat Mission Vle10> lat Irvine) r.r1ct.ty, OC1 lJ Thur~4y, Oct 12 Frlo.ty, Oct 1J Thursd<ay, Od. 12 Friday, Oct. 13 Friday, Oc.t. 13 Uftlvenlty o.ront Ml Mar •t arawl•Y lrvlne eosi. Mew<•> El Toro <•I S.n Clernentel lat Mission Viejo> Frl<Say, OCI 10 Fr1o.ty, Oc.t 20 1-rld.ty, Ott. 10 Friday, Oc.t. 20 Friday, Oc.t. 20 Friday, Oct. 20 at LalUM .. .C" U-,UN Hiii• C.pi1tr1no Valley 0.M Hiiis San Clement• at Mission Viejo l<l1 Sdn C lemt'nle) <•t San Clemente> T l\Uf'M)a.,, ()( t 7~ f-r1da~~ Frld•Yj Ocl. 21 ThurSday, Oct. 26 Friday, Oct. 27 Friday, Oct. 27 ur,na Hiii• at S.n te at Miu on VltJo\ C:.pistrano Valley ueuna .. ~h O.na Hiiis lal M UIOtl Vl•to I Cat Mission Vl•lo> frlCHr.= 3 Friday. Nov l Friday, Nol/ J Friday, Nov. 3 Friday, Nov. 3 Friday, Nov. J s-c te MIHlon Viejo L4l1Un.1 Hiiis atytuna8each O.na Hiiis at C.pistrano Valley 1'11 San Clemente> Cat San Clemente> Tl'IUrsddY. Nov 'l Th\lr..Oav. Nov 9 Tt1ursc:1av. Nov 9 Frida~ Nov. 10 Thursday, Nov. 9 Friday, Nov. 10 it Mis.Jon Vleto ~ ..... ~" Oil M H Ills •t-.S.n iem.nte Cltpbtrano ~•llrt ugun. Hllls fa .. ~n c1e,,,.nrtl Cat ~n Clemente> F rkJ.Jy. Nov. 11 Fnoay. Nov 17 Fnddy, Nov 11 l=rlday, Nov. 17 Friday, Nov. 17 Friday, Nov. 17 Mission Viejo UguM Hiiis O.na Hilts at C.plstr•no Valley San Clemente cat Mission VleJo> (at Mission Viejo> at Laguna Beach Oehoa's Loss Blow to Diablos 21 Lettermen Return for Mission Viejo High Other coaches are picking Mission Viejo to win the South Coas t League. but Oiablo Coach John Murlo won't even consider making a forecast . ··All I know is that we start off with San Clem ente m the first league game. and that ·l> probably the toughest , m ost Important game Of the m all for us." Munol>ay~. "I can't look beyond lhat." MISSION VIEJO returns 21 lettermen. six of who m started last season. a nd also has the benefit or several p layers·up trom a sophomore team that went 8-1 last season. . ~ Frank Q\\ens •6-0. 1;01. Bob Mehr •5·9. 1001. Tom Bru!>her 15-11. 170 1 und Dennis McDonald •5·9. 155• The tack It· condid:iles arl' D11n<i Johnson •u prom111an2 6·2. 225 ~ophomore 1. Dave Scht>llsrhmidt •6 0. 177 1. Scott lnn1:-. •S 9, 212soph • and :\lurk Goodman •S II. 18."i •. DEFES SIVE LINE C.oodman ;.ind :\tehr \\ 111 doubh.· at m1ddl<' guard. "h1h.• the t1ctcklt.':\ are J ohnson. Innis. Schl'llsC'hmadt and J t·ff fkor~;.m •5·11. 186 so11h •. ~l1s:.1on \'it'JO boast!. On<' Of the bc:~l dcflomol\'t• ends in 1he lea~uc in Bob Casper. Ll:'llEB.\\KER$ M11rh llopp is a rertuin ~tarter. wath Louie 0<'hoa or l\111rk Gurdnt.'r •5· 10. I~ Jr.• 1u1oi.hnsi ror the other :.pot. .. T~. Seotember 19 1978 DAILY PILOT 83 Major Le3gue Leaders AMl lUU.N 1.IAOUf •AnlNO tolOO •• l)tl'I -C..•tw. Mii\, .340. RICA. 8M> .. JI•, A 011wr. Tu. Jll, Pll\leli•. NY, .JI•, Y-1. Mil, 1'94 •uNS -uF•ore. o.. '"· 111<•. 8\1\, 110, a.yt9f, CM, 9', ll>O<ntOI\, Cit. '1. Hl)le, Mii. 9' •VHS IATTEO IN Alo, 0\1\, 121, Sl•ut> Oel ttt; HI\ .. Nhl. tOI. T-1\IO<>, Cle .. c..rtv 0.k •l MtTS -Alt•. 8V'. t9', 1.•l'IO•• O.t. tU. C..r•w. M•"· Ill. E. M~• ro. 8•1, ,., St.t<JI). 0.1 , .. ooue1.1s -c; B••1t. 1e c •1. Fl\-, BM> >'. MCAH ICC. J\. ford. Mii\, )S; OeCIMK, B•I J.t Tltll'Lli -Alt~. B\fl. IS, C.rew, Min. tO, YOUl\I Mii •. 8 8efl. Cit, a. A•vtr\, "'"· ' M<Kn. Tot. •: Cowen\, KC. I ~ord. Min. I HOME RUNS -1110, B•"• tt; .. , ..... c.I, U ; TM<ntOI\, C.le. JI, Hl\lt, Mii, Jt: G T-l Mol, JI STOl.IN aASIH -l•FIOn. o.t, •S. ~l. SH, St, Wiii\. Tu. 50, D•I-. 0.k, ... Wll\Ol\, ICC., .0 l'ITCHINO I U OeCl\tOn~I - Gur<trv. NY, 77"?;-1 tt: 8 SIAl'l .. v, Telaneus Sidelined --- WithKJWe Injury BvRBANK -Stevt> T('laneus. a l'ta rtini sophomore wide rere1vN at Occidental College in E agle R<X'k. was oi)erated o n ror torn ligaments 1n his knee Pnday und is recovering 1n St. Joseph·· Hospita l her e this week Tela ncus . a grcidu<it<' of Dana Hilb High School. suffered the w ury in practice more than d week ago. He was p'ln under a s<'anner last wet~ when a bra<'e l a1led to ht.·lp and tht.· operation wao orde red He is definitely out for thE· curre nt season an(j m ay never pliiy football a~am a lthough thc.t d~ tcrminauon will not be m ade for several months . · T elaneus was a sta rter a:; a freshman o n th~ T igers football team a nd also ra n a lap o n the 1.600·meter relay team tha t helped the school le win the NCAA Division Ill track title in the spring. He was an all-leagtte selection 10 football and went to the Masters meet an track in thl' 880 at Dana-Hills. 8V> u 1.11' Ci<lf•, KC, 14-4, t ... ----------------------Ec-tt\lty, BM>. 11.a, 31•; C..lfW•ll, Mii. ,. •. 2 M. F19uero•. NY ••• 4, 3 01; Jtnll•"'· Tu, lM. J Ot; Hunltr, l<Y, 10.S,8 SS STRIKEOUTS -llu11. '41. Ut; C.U•O•Y ........ ns Ll!Oft••O. KC.. '•'· fl•l\.tq•n. Bel, 150. IC••W<, C.hl, I ... NATIONAl..1.EAOUE eATTINO 1.00 •I bdt\I -Prit<. Pqh, »l. ~k. SF, JtJ. l w rouqh\. All, J1111, GMwy, I.A, .JI'; J C.ru1. Hin, lO'I RUNS -A.,,.., On .... 0.Je\ln, Cho. '14, P¥1itf. 1'<)11. ti, XJwnlCft, 1'111 .... ~II. Hll\, ........... I.A, •• RUNS eAnEO IN -Pa"°"'· Pp . 101. Fcattr. Gin, IOI>; 0-,, LA. IAt: Cl•rk. V .... Mol\t-1. NY,·~. M llfltld, SD • ., HITS -GMWJ, LA, I .. ; "-· C1n. 114; c.-11, "'"· tn; Bow•, PfH 111, p., ..... ""'· t/J DOU•LES -A.,,.., C.I" f1: C.l•rlt SF, '1, So~. Sil, ll; PMtl\11 Mii, )I, Pe<el, Mii, Jlo Tllll'l.ES PArker. PQl'I, 10 ; ltmPl•lon. Stl., 10; Altl'W<ck. SD. 10, S Htl\oer\Of\, NY,'· 0..WJ, I.A, •. H~tl\Clon,SF 'I HOME RUNS -'°'"°'· On, lJ; lutln\kl, Pho )t: II. Snlltll. I.A, n ; P••Or. Pqn, 11 Kone),...,.,( .... 2' STOl..EN U SES -Mor,_, 1'91t, .i. Yllft, LA. U, 0 Smoll'I. SO. ,., T •ve•n. PQll, JI. A•Cl'l•rch, SO. JS, PITCHING 114 Dtci~rOn\I - Perry, SO. "•· 140 llonlWm. c.1 ... It S. J ~. 0 Aot>on-.. PQll, IU, ).)I; M-. LA. t••. J_.S; 11 ... I.A, IM, l.n ; (;<i~..,. Mii, ta.10. CASH CARD COMES TO CAl:IFORNIA! WE NEED 10 TOP SALES PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY Call 955-CASH !---iiiSY-R11f liTORS-Hf P---~ f MU. •T lfTURIE WITH Pl£SOO EMPl.GYMOO I • SWll ll ... TD STAIT t WI --iftf-l>U!Ot• IOt 1111! "'°"""'V ptOCluctt"' Colla ---• "'Cl-,,_ P'O'M:l9 p.A>llCILed "' ...... _L T'I ... GM-. 9IC I ~ ---... P'OU 0'<>0•.ctt ... qr-. ~"' °""° . ----grit-MC 0.tnl>UIOt """ _....,. _, __ _ "We h ave a good m ix o f 'ex perience. leadership. and young prospects... the usually cautious coach admits. "But right now we've been hit by a lot of s ickness a nd injuries. a nd I'm just hoping we can put it back together in lime fo r our firs t game" St;CONDARV lka\·1tt is a rt•rtainly ut one saMy. ~~~~=:!=~~r:::::~:. ~;s· .. \ ~:·•v. NY, H. l .. : Bh.e, • ..... _.,,. .....,._Wy'20 -...-. , .... 09' "'°"I" • Cl'A~•oo-..,~pero..,on.,.,._.,_..,.,,,. f_...,._ ----bCflioc.l_f'llCIUO_l21MOC-f'4 .......... -, .. Mission Viejo was exceptionally impressive In Saturday's scrimmage with University. but an In· Jury to all-.around s tar Mike Ochoa dampens the outlook considerably OCHOA. A S.9, 175-pound senior Is a returning All·O range County defe ns ive e nd who also excels as a quarterback and tailback. Jie went down with a knee jnjury and h i..s slatus is questionable .. along with three.year star1t>r LaJ01e. The ('()rners ure Chap Janas •5·9. 160 • und c1lher \'an Lit.'fdc or l\e\'IO C11rpen1er 05-11. 165•. KICKISG GA1'1E Stu Stebbeflnl' •6·01. 170 • return!' to handle thl• placl•k1ck1n)Ot l'hOrt>s. Y.h1le LJJOU~ wtll do lhe punlini:l for his third stra1i.;ht seal>On -By Dave Cunnlnl(ham Water Polo HIGH $Ctt00l. WATI'.• l"OLO ~"o..-n Newt>urv P¥lc l J S 1 -11 S.n C.lemtnlt 2 3 l I -9 SC K.O<lnQ Blerl»um l . Cir•ll 1, "'411\r<.e 2, -.,,,.,I, Sttvem t, STRIKEOUTS -Arch••d. Hll\, t1'. P N1e;..n>. All, n1 s. ...... C.11\. "'. Mor>\tl!IKO. SF, 110, Blyle""'"• Pqlt, 14•. Celt 642-5678. Put • fa)lt words to work tor ou. I alor 30-IO~ eo._.., ....,_'°"" ___ pr°""'1al0< .,0... I "-"·~--·,.,.,.,.,."°'"'"""·"°°"'--°""-"' I -~-._....,..""-' .. '--"• tet'•no••• .. ffC"-'",... I "9'9toMALCClll••~~.C&U I lettCWW..A•••IM.1 ... JSO.JIOI l TODAYn4RUW .... tA.M ... tr.M.- UJ;CU ........... 6A.. IHIAR ATUMTAI l-----------------------J -------~s ati'fieflOOk at the Dlablos : - 1 I Ql..:\RTERBACKS Mike Ochoa •5·9. 1751 ill :\l •s!-1on V1e1o's No. I quartt.'rbark and his loss wi ll be rons1derablt' if the mjury keeps him out of art1on. But all 1s not ~I for the Diubl~ with senior Craa~ Schmidt a\·a1 lable. Schmidt showed class an passing und directinR lhl• team Saturday. Schmidt •6·1. 1901 is backt'<l up by . Dun· Tl'l>kc •S·IO. ISO jr. 1 RUl\1'1NG BACKS Th<' returning fullback is Bob Cm.pl'r •&3. l9St while Mitch llopp •5-10. 1701 is another returnee who will pl11y <'tthl'r fullback or runninl( buck. Other ballrHrners figure to be Louie Ochoa •5-9. 155 Jr .. H1ch Sanchc.t •5·9. 150 1 and Dcnmi. Nickeni. •5·10. 1650. thl• latter a transfer from lr\'lnl' Hli:h WIDE RECEIVERS Jim beaHtl •S.O. 170• 1s the n·turnang starter. nnd thl' D1abl<>ll also have-t·xpcrit'nct' in Tim Slruw1hl:'r 06·0. 175J. a returning liµht end. Joining Strawther at !l.llh1 t•nd is John Bi~ham. louted JS lhl' team·:. fo!.LC~t player • l 7-in the• .W t. Other rCC'C1Vl'rs ..... 11 he Puul \'<in baddc •6·0. 165 1. and LJncc Richurdson '" 10. l30•. OFFE~Sl\'E Ll~E The• only rctumin~ ~tarter to the lint' ll> John Pcul •5·11. 1751. 11nd his backup will tw 1j1ll COOJ>'.•r • 6 I. 160 Jr. 1. Battlini: for Ji(uard spots are This Week's Prep Football Schedule The 1978 prep football season for Orange Coun- ty high schools gels under way this weekend with Thursday night's salvo of eigtlt gam es preceding the Friday night onslaught. Among the attractions outside Orange Coast a r ea activity arc such m atchups as Servile-Santa Ana Valll'y, L os Alamitos-Foothill and Westminsler·Anahcim. This week 'sschedule: ,_...., Nlfllt Ci•ratn Ci<ow al Hunllnqton 8eech M inion Vl•lo n ~dl•t..t-•I 111 !>el\t• An• 6ow1 ft) Ne-wpot1 Hartlo< •t 1.8 MllCl~tll.!IJ • ~ c-..-car-OH-MR ill lt&dt~l\O\ v\ l'ounla n valley •t Hewporl H•rtlor (7 301 Wt\lmill\lef Ill D•"a Hllh v' Lo• Amigos •I Ke,.,.e<lv •t El Modtft41 ti) Ga<Otl' G<1JW C11 Los Al•mit°' vs Footlllll •I Tinlin Ed•'°" n.crY'OI\ ~ ~ ~ ·~·~...:.-'°',. ..... ~~,:=··· .. ~""--~~=~.::~:.:.··--ltM·~~l:\ .!!ft~JJtif~ .. al HUl\I· 'fn6i . "'9ton Beed! Il l !>lint• AN at B.-. PM!t Ill Sav soc rt WHlml~le< n Allalleim a l Cilovtr l.o••• ¥\ l.eU-•t• Vettr•"' e a qua on Sl.Olu,., Ill Slecllum 17 JOI A•"cllO'» Al-tK n S.ve..4 •t K•ltl .. on VIII• PM!t •I GIOttr 8CMH Gr-(7 JOI St.Olum Ill • u .fk> ., "';,~· ¥\ E•Ptt••nu ., va1e .. c1a "~·g~"' cv""" ,, west•'" gaS•C!~nng 'DI w ~~r QI • ,,...., ....... Su""V .... ~ .. futitnoft 17 JOI au y • I 11'.llU El Toro .t '--BHCh 11 JOI S•nll•go "' BH,111 •t G•rOeft l1nti11 \I\ u ... versity el Irvine H~ G<Off 17:)01 111 S.Ono•• v' Bonita •t L• H•br& Mevtelr,,. C:O.I• Mew el NeWl)Oft ll:JOI H•rbor 11 JO) La Hetwa "' SM<re at Cel HIQh E 1\11\o,.. el C•Ph lrano Vallr y 11:JOI II 301 ~NltM E\len<I• 111 ~H Ill !>ervltt ¥' Sel\le A,,. V•lley •I 1 ........... AQvinH ., s... Gof"vor>lo Gtovtr Sl410lurn 11.JO) H~ Ill Wu ltrn ¥$ Peclflca ., llOIH l •ouna Hiii'"' Don LUQO at Chino Gr...oe 17:301 ti )01 Lowtll n Le S«nt •I Ce! H~ ,00\ P\Hlblol ¥l Mater Otl •I Sel\te 11.JOI AN eo..1 11 JOI Valene" vs JOf\n Otenn •l I.• Met11W•t BolNG<'"'* ta> MirH• 11:..JI)}. AU sltol 01 ,..., /or llN COMins year · · • ,,. .... _,. 9/20""" StutJay 9/24 IEINIT IHIHrlTD FILL BOATSROW s. the BIG an bolt show felturi"I the e.tnt in both power and saH • • • in the water. Tw ad¥antaae of tremendous bt Show specials offen•d by participat· -.c11e1erst 10 to 10 ...... .,. ttwu SaturdeJ l0to7....., AMa SJ.IQ, dMWt • to 12. $2.00 "'* • -.,._ ~"'""" ••••U..MlrNV-..Ctheconw .. _u. ........................ . Olp the money-off coupon and save on the oU that saves 1asollne. Now you can get all the remarkable gas- saving qualities and engine protet;tion of Uni flo motor oil at a low Mileage Sale price. SO¢ off per quart, with the coupon, when you get a Uniflo oil change, filter and chassis :~'il lubrication at partici- pating dealers. On the average that's $2.SO off your Exxon r_ dealer's regular oil // change price. ( And the gas.saving quality of Uruno could give you a chance to save even more money. Unlflo could save you $10 between oil chang_es. A fleet of test cars that were driven over 400,000 miles averaged 16 extra miles per tank of gasoline with Uniflo motor oil. That figures out to about $10 between oil changes, based on average gasoline prices and miles per gallon and a change every 5000 miles. Your savings may --vary. depending on your miles per gallon ._and gasoline prices in your area . How does Unlno save gasoline? Unitlo conditions your engine to use less gasoline. After a break-in period. engines tum easier because of Uni flo's special friction modifiers. And when an engi nt! turns easier, it needs less gasoline. We want you to discover this saving for yourself. That's why stations operated by Exxon Company, U.S.A. and panici pating Exxon dealers are offering this money-off coupon during their Mileage Sale. Why not tfy Uni flo now? Every day you wait could be costing you money. ' • l ' • • .. I " II " u .. DM.YPILOT 1---. ...... lu ti, t171 Capistran~ Valley Sets . Lofty FOotb~U G~als 81 DAVE C\JNNINGllAM ud lr11ee Boatman •8·1. 194 1 . ... ..., .,......,.. Boatman l1 • IOl>homon and wlll Capl1trano ValleJ Hl1h play,.._.. The 1uardl. ln addlUon foOtball ~ 8111 Cuntr1J ••)'• \O SanU~an. ant Brute Sima tS.10. b~ Cous1ra have thrff ioaJs 11101 and Brad Gaines •5·9. lMl. l~ Muon cu to lmprO\lf upoo Enrlcht and Dave Ma rohnic 1 aootller proml1ln1 tOl)homore at l .. 11ar '1 ~ tt~. C2) to 9.4, 1041 . are lhe tacklt1. ud q"iut) for ttil ClF 9'.,-orra. and IOOl>Oenore Bob McCart1 •e.t, 1101 f > to win the South Cout Joint 8Uly Parker •4.0. 1151 and lie crown. Charlie C..Ukly l&·lO. 1801 al tl&ht .y IOAll f# a attond-year end. ? Not IO. H)'S Cun rty 'Tatla t eam b u worked DEFENSIVE LINE -Joe Walhlr l lbu for a l\aJl year. &O ll'a a •~9. 1831 and Efren Malaaon •5·1. P t_y cohelJVt' u.nH... Cuntttv USO 1 fl1ure lo 1hare noac auard # bukup1 we Jo.ah llaryuna 11 o. 180 dutlff. while Ule lac.kid are Pal • "We're 1till • llUle YOUllM IOPh 1 and Jim fknavldet 15 t. 1so Dargan tl-1. 1181 and Scott f ox tl-1. .. ,. . ..,.,..,.,.... STA HWCAUNtlMIA "°" ., ... ~ ....... Pl1BUC NOTICE In ee.rtaln apot.a, but 1r wt can > 1 1831, wM will 1pllt llmw with at o Id m a le I n I ' h ~ • o u n 1 r · SAnll1tenn, Enrt&ht and Marohruc. PUBLIC NOTICE . • .... mJ•t.ak • Lbll la &Olng to .,., a • NNING IAC'IUI -Charles "°'1CaTOCHIHTOff l oed fOOCbeU team " provide"• the lpt'<·d ood Dunlvln LINEBACKEU•Ounivin fi1ures MOnC8ttmTt1•cuf01 IUN•.::=Mnt• ~·ontrlbutl ... ttw po~tr runnln.c. Also to be a malnlltay. along with Dean a 101TlMN0.40l tTAT•WCAU,.,.~ £.APISTllAN 0... v A.J. LltY f'\lftnl na out of the ve..•r Wiii 00 Setm Genter t5-9, 1721, Fred McConnell NOTICR ISHeHIY GIVEN THAT THCIDUMTYOP com piled lta ~·• s late and Jtnkln11 •~6. J751 and Che Couaars ·~ 11. 178• and DUiy Parker nt IMlde ~1y'::i:..~~~;:~ "~~~:~:;~~.::.~·· qualified for lbe playofft &S I have depth tn Steve QalnH 16 l, l55 linebaCkl'r. ()n the Out.aid e Spc>ls are ly C-11, P.O. llo1111Cll, Cott.~... NOTICE 1$ Hlltll'I' OIVIN to r ..... laoc • ·-last CA6ot-__ ... ~"ph I "00 F.1 IC t-'ox f .. 10, 160 I. Sims. Cassidy, John Deleva 16·2. Gelltorni. ~on., ............. ._, ,..., .... -lftt ci.lml ....... IN • ~ " ,..., ---· .nu ..., " " 11 00 a.m.., on frlNY, Oc-•. Mid~...,.. to Ille Mid,..,_ In u. Cunerty s.ay1 the remolen or 1681 and Chris Pntl()n •6-0. l80i. 1t7L u tN11 w.,. ~my ot llffke of.,. c*11 of e. etcwtw~ hlaopponentabelr.· WIDE RECt:IVEU -femando ~too.41"-l\bllMllOl ... Clly <-1., .. ,........ """'to .... ""' Salas is 10. WI rctW'ns. as does SECONDA&Y -C'Mr'et anchort ·~11y .. .,.....-.-W.1-" • .. elfice e1 JOHN o. "We travele abou. l .SOO Chip lluyes •5-11. 1651, to 1lve the the 1econdary. with belp rrorn Mlke ..... wlHM9*icltptMdeM Ml'Y' ..... ••1<11, Mell. CrHt .. milH tut year, and at as a o 60 RI k Colllns •S-9 .._. • "* .. "'~., ._ -,..,rt. • ,.,.,, • ...., "-~· kind 0, •"'''"t·--.. • "'ltuation. receivers t1ohd cxpulence. Alto rtl% 15-10. 1 1. c Y . tt••""•' • ,,..ntcMM on frlNy, 0.,., * s. ~.,11 Aw •• ~•• 200• _.. ~ .. i.eelng ,1,1100 will bo K~n Sha1Tar 150 1, Gre« Welty 15.9, 150> and Steve MM4' 4. """• .. c-11 °*"" ....._.,CA tt~. wMdl 1.ner efface No one Jmew how to p~pare for 15·8, 1501 af\W 011.ve Ferran •S.10. Gaines. The stron11 safeties are Fox. C1tv ._, n "* ~i .... eo.i. 1' ... _.....,....,....,of tM - d A ldn' k h $ .. • '""' N , (Mtfwnle, W IM Nnlllllifteel ....... Ill <Iii IMl'9n ""9lftlllt .. us. an we w t now ow to 1 ~O 1 . iu well aa n couple or McCarty, and Dan alas 1....,, MH1• , H 1 " ., v c, • 1 ., o .. s .. 14 ....... 1uct1 c•llnl• wtttt ftw prepare tor them," Cuneny paas·catchers who tu~ out from while the rree safeties are Fem.ando THUMOPi.ASTIC TllA""'c LINE __ ,-. """' • 11..-O' I the b&aUtbaJI lHm. Cam Bryant Salat, Haryung and Jim Browne ,...,._,UAL _,_,., .. " ...,....._ •tt!Mfl '-' ays. ,....'*"' ~ .... "9'1fk .tleM ..,.... ...., • ttr11 ..,..ketllll of "lt was fun for a year," the t6 3. 1601 and Chuck O'Halloran 16-2, 15·10, 1501. IMY w _....,et.,. 01tke .... .,,_tee. """a ch continues, "but wu were 180 I. ~·•"' """"' et n "* ~'"• DMM ~ 11. "11. w KICKING GAME -Guy Jobnaon. c.ta Mete, c:.tlfOml•. a1c1ufl0u~ 11e IOWAltO ROM«O getUntc • UttJe weary or ll by the OFFENSIVE I INE -Although brolhl!r or last year's placeklcker. ~ .... entfltlOfl ..... City • ·~ ..... , .. end Or ...... ae··---. We 're happri "" I l I h i CIO'•, wllllln Mid time llmlt.. "' • .. ... ....... "'"" ......,.. Cnpiatramo Valley doesn't J>051ei.s Luke Johnson . w I •PP>' s _....,....._, ..-w..-... ..,. CMll· .IOHMO.MSHM to be in a league now. where I J lmpre111vt' size e lsewhere on the soc:cer ·stylc lalentfiwhiletbepunt.lng 11Ww1111 .. 81dttemN--'tM A__,.....,.. l e Cl"'•e t 111 ... _ h ndled I b F ndo °""'"' o.w. •••at,AMU..c•on& ... 1t•v o ur opponen s ar vo o tt.•ivn. tht-line docs have a few w ~ a aga n Y erna Rull.,.. IMll ..-<lfy •kll a"""' lluiu ... c...-bome." blotks of jlranite In Steve Enright Salas. who averaged 39.S net yards ewry 1tem•wttw1t1 1n111e~1u ..... ,..,...., •6·6. 2321, P:il Santistevan •6·1. 2231 lost season. ,.._Any.,.. a11 ..,,ept1ont to ..... . CA PISTRANO VALLEY ~lfk .. ._,,.., .. , .. .nytiA "-·CA"* I 11' Ille 1114 .... failure lo tel ~ -~llMtl Or .... GMtl Delly ~I~ graduated on y three s tarters ' "•'" in ,.,. 'flll(lll<•Uon• , ... 11 Setit. s. 1a. "·-...,. 4m.18 from last year's team. since the ,.,,.... P.,,e •z ~..,~ ...... IDkl. school was predominantly ,.:::,":.: .::'!:'.! ~:;, 111e full PtJ8LIC NOTICE underclassmen. PREPS BEGIN PLAY ,.... -1191 ""'-'"in..,. "'"_..1 Brightest amooa the returnees • • • ~.!c:::'~'-~ of.:.-=:',_., ,.n1nous ..,.. ... Is Robin Charles, an all-county s.c ...... .,. T,_..,,...,~. IWlllllTA.,...WT defensive back who doubles as Carofolo and Chris Shanahan-. for lbe Comanches, but cites a .,.!~ ~~.,: ~~ ;''~:C~~· ..!::.~9!.~ ,..._, ••• ... '"' the team's primary ballcarrier givi ng the Aztecs ample lack or experienc"e in bis «ellbicb. P'ALLEH TIMHlt ~$. Also bolstering the offensive strength in the backfield. offensive Une as a concern. ~~"=-°' ... c:..tt o.ii:.:. :~:.~.;:,."''""'-hit• n . backfield is the return or Mike Other returning starters for A t ao an untested spot ls · · •••1n DMe ~.1111 SM Meelo Ounivin, a 6 ·3, 205·pouod La Quinta include defensive quarterback where Joe Dunn PUBUCNOTICE °'·~:ii~~::t.=. fullback who was sidelined by a tackle "B r ook Schneker. assumea the relna arter playing ...._,......,,._11,CA'*I broken neck last season . but 11 b k o s k t with the ........... m· 0..-,_ ·-. P'ta1noua1wsu ... a "'• IMlll-• 1' <eMu<t" "' • h lb ne acer we n a amao. ....,.,..., .... "'~" NWITA.,........., ~·1==· reports 100 percent ea t Y now. tackle Jay Strong, noseguard Running backs Ted Beltran ~.i;.:.::~1.-1,,. ,.,..,. ,. Hin T111t ,...._...••flied •lt11.,. Here's a brief look al lhe Van Shoubrouek a nd k icker (5·9, 165> and Glenn Veevaert ci11t REALTORS 0 ,, conA C-ty c1er11 ot ,..,.. Cow11, on Robert Mani~an. (5·10, 175) make Canyon a solid 1111HA -01V1s10N oF HllLVETIA AlllU\I "·ma. _ Cougars: r~ ruthine team, Veevaen, Ilona co .. ™ e. 111t1 s-.• Suite "'· eo.i. ~""" 0r-. CN1t o.i1y ,... QUARTDBACKS-Brad Parker C••-with Dunn, tbe quarterback, ~;:!, ~." o..w . ._,,_,.,».0t1a."'9 -..,. '6-l. l82 ar. i atarted every 1ame laat Canyon Hilb Coach Mike were members of Canyon's M trw6M,CAmw '>CAllOll, and figurea to do the wme ZeU .,..,... TIM ....... It __... -, .,. .,1 h::,:ia:.!Y:::...,::::l:..f =be:;;:;::re:::m:•::'na:::::..be=aJ~lb!!.v!.:~;;.:H.:,:i:." _ _... ... e ... r .... 11 ....... e_x.;.pec_t_in..;g;;_a..;1:.ood _ _;Y:;..•_ar ___ ... ..:_.,.._o_more __ c_lub_. _____ _.......,...... -Jml'.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~-l~"*::,,~·~·::1·~·~·~--=-,....~~wftlt::.i:: ., WIN PRIZES WORTH MORE THAN s1,soo - Play DAILY PILDT SPOMSOllD IY TV · APPUANCIS WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM ll.ACI a WN'TI ..... DJllJNO • 100% .8ottd ""'a..69 •YHP' ........... flMT ...... •let·~· YohllM Control •70,0 .. 0ii ··~ ... ·· UHPT"'*'I ·A '''97 l l ~ .~LIEVtSION . • Oulcll °" "Deyt6ght .......... • DC ""'°'""°" PtctureT.-• lullt-ln , • ~,... Coalro&a UnlYetall Af*M• wmcL Y SICOMD AMD 1HllD PllDS TRANSISTOR RADIOS To be elfglbl• tor weekly conteat awards, entrant• mU8t predict the winner• of each of 30 football game• and aleo gueaa th• total number of pplnta ICOred In all 30 gamea. f ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! ENTRY BLANK ! • • : ............ ~························· : : ~ ...... r........................... : • • : Qty' ••••••••••••••••••• :...... •• ••• • •• • : • • : PlllM ............. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. ... : : Cln: .. tNlllt•YH ... wlllwlatllltWMll'1"""' : • • • • : UIC et AllllMHM .: : UCLA--Kenua ! Arizona IL'etWa9hlngton It. : Michigan et Notre Dame : WaahlngtOn et Indiana : lllU at Penn Stat• • : South Carolina et Duke • : Maryland et North Carolina -: Stanford et lllnole~ ----. • : Ohio State at lllnneaota : Arizona at Tena Tech • • • • • • • • PVllUC NOftCE FOOTBALL ftTllUC NOTIC& PVBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PlJBUC NOTICE .. I I FOOTBALL I HORSE RACING T~. September 19, 1978 DAil. y Pit.OT U College Football Mtf9 la .. INiet <* .... -IMll IC .... Nr ..... dayl un Yll'll'llA • A#my T .. at 4&H " .. lllft toll•"· ~ ..... .,_ ""'-"' .. ~t."911 Ne.,.,el~lkvl ll'fl ....... °'"'941 ·~ .. o.tt""'°'h c .. --. ... ~.,. (. ........ ~ ......... MM!WO t.t •I,...,, i.t ... T-...•.-itt w111i-&~M v11-. IOUTM UIC tr\ Al-•I .,,.......,...., c ... 1 •• 1 _......,. •\ .......... ~···· •• J~---Mo IU<h., ..... et ~lllM ~1•1• YNll et Ow 01 .... 1, ....... -lll(M ........ o. .... '•" , ____ i.t-., , ...... 11 ltef\t ... t.y ~-(-Go• 1'11•--~., ..... b~h~' •• .... ne ..... • W•t.• I OfN •I ._...._... ,,.,,. '"~"' '"""•"•• Chellu•••t• •• ,,. ....... .. M l · '"P•U ~t•le •t M•"10"t\ ~··" , .. .,... t 14.M hl• 1;. •• ,..•Mn• ••• M•t• ~9'4,...,tf\(•f'o4tNt W•'t "•' • •• H •• q"' "-.,ou-.. \tel• "'"hi Notth•r" 1111rwu\ •t N•rt"• •tl lOUhfan• n• ""' M tHu .. ~l•t• •• N•1t11wttl••" L~••l•t"9, ntQf' t [•\t C•rul1oa •I St.t"1il"••il•r" Louhla.na, nlQnt °'""°" $1•1• •• , .,._.....,, f\IQhl Fu1fne11 .. V1NOt0tll Av!Klr11 •• Vtrg•nll l o<n £1.,. •• ~...,.,, c..-oh,.., nlglll Ml OW CST Tol..to et 0.11 Sl•I• C.••ncl V•llo Sl•t• •t Bow1tno <.reen Loul\vlll• .i ("" ..,,. .. n•ghl Sen Jos•Sl•t••t Color- lnOi•M ~'•'"' •' l•\ttM" M•c.ntv•n n"~"' Slenl0<0 et 11111>0" WHtllnQtOftdf lnd<e ... towe Stol1e~t rowe UCLAel lC•nws llllnot\ St.tit •1 o<•nl C.tet• w ... t•rn Mi<lll-•t ,,.,...,,, 0 Syre<u~•l NllCl>1oen St•I• ()1110 St•I• el ,,.,,,.,. . ..01• MIUIUtOPf •t Ml•'IOUrl Wiw:o"1>1n et NotthWHlern Ml<lllGA" et Notre O.me R1ce•IOll .. _ Ark•n~ •I Oki.-... SWle OlllOU •tl'llr- WH t Tua Stet• 11 Southern II· """" Ken••• Stat!' •t Tulw IO•llO •t WICt\11.t Sl•te, r1tghl SOUT"WHT OrOo at Ark•nM• St•te, night Ut•t> •• HOu•lon. n1on1 Stepn"n F AU\lln at l.•mar, night WyomlnQ "' 19,...,, nlghl loul\1en.1 TtKn at Te••• A•l•nQlon. nlgnl I ~nnH .... SIAlt •• l U&> ~thern, n1ont Atf/Otla •• Tf •d\ l t-th. n1Qhl ROCKIES Holv Cr0<• at Atr F"orcr Northern M'tf'•QJn .ti 8oHtt' ',,lalr. n1Qfll Sen DleQO Stale al l ua• Cl Puo. n1Qllt Fre\no Stat~ .01 Ul•h Stal• C41or6do St•te •I tlrtQNm Young Nev.O.Ut V~ •t H-Mfkl<O, nlotl.L H orth r.u .. Stele et Hew Moalco Wl!ST Peel lie •I C.lllornl• C•I Stele Fvll•rton •I C.I Poly ISLOI. nlgM Teu• Chrl\t1en at Orl'OOI\. nlgl'lt Ar11ona !>tett v• we.111noton Stele atSpoone Hors e Racing For-.y llrcl IMy of t4-day mfftJngl OUa,.,.rHontt ""'' ••to Wll•t A Woma n tAa"" I 7 10, • 10, l .00, 81~<11. Slabte IWarcll 18 60, 6 '°• Jel Durk IHerll 2.60 S~tond ••<" Kiply\ Cnarger c Rough 1 2.•0. 2 20. 2 10. Roc•et Punct> llutklel ~ 00, 2 80, ,,.avor Jo\•" ICrt'-rl • 60. Ttmd r~ Cul ta Sil" lllplleml • 10. 2 80, 2 •O. Kawe11h Sunrlu IHayPS t ) ou. ~IV. L11t1• I tny Lamb (Hart I • llO Fourth r.Kft A\nm .. nt tP•rnerl l 60, Joo. 7 00 Mr C'.41 l.ltrCI !Adair I S .cl.• 60, "''"~Y c,r.,.... lll•rll 1 .0 T hOn>\19...,..ed • F"11tll ••<• C••ou,~1 ,,.elocly IRan~ll'I ll •O. 1 ~. ~ 20 Rini C•nvon ICulbnl\on 1 It 70, 1 10. T1<'•C•I (Stalllno•i. .0 U•••<l• (2 SI peT<li06 00 ~t illn '•<~ r-1t .... , .... """ t:. .. V'• IR•m1r1u1 1 oo. J ~o 2 60 Reign CH arrlll l 40. 7 60, llutk AQIO IMenal 2 60 S•venlh r•u Go fidld ILaQuel 10 00, S . .tll 4 60. ~m'\ <..v .. nQ<'r CC.r ••\COi •7 20 17 70 Mooty Ann IBroqanl S 10 U """ t• 1 I 11 ll"•cl ~t.101 ~ E•ontt> rlKP "'""' IH "·"ell u "°· 6 60. • "°· S.mon &t '' •'>l•lllnq>I 10.10, 6 10; Shennon·• Ruler !Spenorl & .a N 1nth rate Tr1umpt\;;nt R1t"IQ 18rao•n I s 70, 7 llO. ) 10, l "'" V<JIM u ne ICMpm•n I 7 80. 7 60 Win~ ~nt ll"l!utl 3 00 U EAdt l• CJ II pelclM0.00. mn ~ lll'au St .nmn IR•n•lnl 2160, S40, 170, Thl'I Jo IN'er.>•I 4 60. 3.00, Secr•t Polley IRamlreu 2 60. Eleventh r•te WP\twerel Sal ~ .dR"'.n.!J. I • 19 ~~·111111. .......... ~ fC'~ n • Twelth r ace-Av1C1or Del Norte (Spencer) 6 IO, 4 20, loo. MIU TyQh IRan••n> • tlO, l 40; P•nnvu ntoo llilllhArel 11.20. ~ C•eCle 14-ll P••cl $60 50 Alltnclettt•-10.N. radio pager WIDE AREA COVERAGE o~i}~Ou. ;.:;:::. NO DEPOSIT ON APPROVED CREDIT ( 81f•NE1f •A•a1a ) KEEPS YOU ON YOUR TOU In die DAILY PILOT } I 100's -only 10 mg. tar I J • -· f i ~ ! ' J $ •\ ~ \ • J • 1 • t ' I I l I l , I I ~ • ·t ~k~~ ~~~-~:n1~1!~ 11 o.a-...-=.:. 17 ... U•llC. Source of 1D 'tar' end (licotile disclosures in d'lis Id Is lither FTC Report Mey 1978 or FTC Mllhad. ' Of AU Brlnds 8°" Lowest 18r1 0.6 mg. 'llf.' 0.05 mg. nicotine IV. per cigal'lttl. FTC Report Mey 1978. fiolden Ughts: Kilp-8 mg. 'tar,' 0.7 mg. nicotine: ' 100'1-tO mg. .... 0.9 mg. nicotine IV. Plf cigerttte by FTC Mllhod. 19 MG.TAI UMG.NIC. 18 .... U•MC. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking 1s Daagerous to Your Health. ,, , ~ . . • <i: . . -Di\IL Y Ptl.OT Neac Nat~y Ship \\11 d ;\;('\\port. S1rnw t\nu. hal'> been awarded u 5580.000 Navy c:onll'Ul'I 10 hu1lcl dHll<•ct \H1lc·r. bilge and waste wuter pumps for Lht• P atrol ll ~dro£01 l ~'1 !'1~11~~h1p~. The first of these. the t:.S.S. P t:gU!'lll:O, Pll'.\l-1. I!'! !'lhO\~ll ,,bO\"P Airport 'Usage Expands Georgia· Pacific Corp. has reorganized its Che mical Packaging division. headquartered at ONTA RIO lf\P l • NewportBeach,withWalte r8.Elcbjolningthefirm Passenger traffic lopped as the division'sdirectorofmarkelingandsales. Promoted to ma nager or manufacturing for the 200,000 and cargo sur-division ls James D. Zalud, who will also retain passed a million pounds responsibilities as resident manager of the la~t month for the fir~t house hold and indust rial chemical plant at tame 1n the history or Richmond.Calif Onta r io Inte rna tional In a related move. Ian R. Gttker becomes A 1 rport. officials said. t echnical director for the division. lie moves up from ··o ur cinnual growth rate 15 nearly 2<>· percent resident manager orthe household chemical plant at f()r pussengers a nd 40 Monte bello. rwrC'ent (or :.ur carco. · · Eieh. formerly national s ales director for ..,._11d a irport manager Cla morene Products Corp .. will be responsible for • 1 oh n Di ck i nson. ··Hut the marketing and sales of household and swimming fortunately we have thl' POOi products. aerosols a nd charcoal. He will head fa c ili t ies t o accom rhc d1v1sion's direct sales ori."tanization and will be m<>datc it fo r the next responsible foritsbrokerarrangements. St'vcral years.·· Zalud wilt be responsible for manufacturing at ' Business Firm Closing a Shock 4,100 Unempk>yed;Beffe/lts Running Orit YOUNGSTOWN. Ohio <AP> - fn the isummer or 1977. John Korutchak was called into tM 1upuvls or's ortice 8l the Youn~1Jtown Sheet & Tube Co. 's Camphcll Works to receive hls 2~·yc.>ar gold watch. lie joked about havin' "a lot of tim e on m y ht1ndis. • a nd e ve rybody 11uah~d. A few weeks lalcr . "It was all over ." he recalls. "The joke was on u 11." SEPT. lt, Jt17 -A year ago today -was the day Sheet & Tube 1hocked this steel city by a nnouncing lt was closing the bulk of the agin g Campbell Works. That put 4,100 persons out of work. ln Campbell. a Youngstown suburb where some 13,000 people liv~ a nd 75 percent or the munlclpal revenue came rrom the mill and its employees. they call that day "Black Monday." A year later. shock waves are still felt in the Mahoning Valley. A plan for workers and the com· munlty to acquire the plant bas brought attentioo, but it will re· main visionary unless the fe deral government comes through with massive loan gua r a nte e s . Meanwhile . Campbell braces for the coming we ~k s, when unemployment benefits run out. C AMPBELL HAS HAD a S639,000 state aid grant and Ha rry McFarland. city ad· ministrator. says the city is try- ing to attract new business. But. he adds. "I keep my lingers crossed every day that we can meet the payroU and keep go- ing." Today, the city finds itself "depending on the government ... I do not llke that." Koruschak remembers Sheet & Tube as "a good company to work for ... But like most steel jobs. his in the soaking pits was specialized . Stock Up; Official.s He remembers the lntenau h!!at. "I could put an apple on the s helf In the morning and have baked apple ror lunc h ." he says. .euT HE DREW more than $600 every two weeks . "It was the best job I could have had there. I felt I could take 1t easy until I retired ·· The n cam e Blac-k Monday. With the others. he was out o n the street. Koruschak and many others are bitter, and the bitterness Is directed at Lykes Corp .. which took over Sheet & Tube In the tale 1000s. "We felt we got the shaft," s aid Koruschak. "Lykes comes in without any money a nd buys up Sheet & Tube on c redit . . . The y milked it. After two or three years. they wouldn·t re· pair anything . just tried to hold things together with Scotch tape und wire." SHEET & TUBE, BY contrast. said the aged mill couldn't com - pete with modern plants and was losing money. Whatever the e xplanation. the s hutdown hurt. Koruschak s aid that at first he "ran around like a chicken with its head cul off.·· He had always kept ~usy with hobbies and work a round the house. But. he said. ··1 dldn·t know what to do The re ·s the feeling that nobody wants you. You reel hke a lost soul. .. With the local job market glutted. he went to California and ro.und "two or three places where I could have had a Job in electronics if I had more train· ing." Electronics had been a hobby. MEANWHILE. II E WA S d rawini; $661 in unemployment benefits and picking up a liUlt> si<te money as a performer by comblnlnJ electron ics with another hobby. magic. "You have to have a gimmick to make your act different."' he Sllid. His wai; :1 re mote·controll<.'d rabbit. s ummoned rrom the wings. after he made a real rab· bit vanish. But finding a ste ady Job at S8 was not as easy as m aking ra b · bits a ppe ar und dis appear. Koruschak enrolldd In a federal retraining program. 4nd final- ly. last July. started un e lee tronics course at o sc hool in n e arby N i l es. Whe n h e graduates in May. he reels SUN he will be able to get a job. But that may me an mo ving to Caliromla -"If I can ta lk my Wife into at ·· JOHN SPAGNOLA. STATE employment service manager an Youngstown. says Koruschak 1s not alone: m6re than 300 Sheet & Tube workers are in rederally funded training progra m s. And not all the displaced Sheet & Tub e work e r !. s hare Koruschak's optimism . Dan Es henba ugh . 22. who worked four years at the bla~t furnace. said he has two weeks of benefits left and when that Sl27 a week stops . ..that's at. then I have nothing." He s aid he has been "looking hard for a Job. but th ey ·r e not h i ring anywhere.·· A religious coalition has pro· posed a plan to reope n the Campbell Works under worker· community own e rship. but E s h e nb au g h s ay s the s teelworkers he has talked to don·t think 1t will work. RUSSELL BAXTF.R. pres1· dent of United Stee l Worke rs Loca l 2163. b skeptical. too. but adds : ··vou hi:ive to gave th<> ecumenical coalition " !ot of credit for making a n effort to do som N hini.: · Over 1,he Count~ .. r MASO Usfiftq~ -~ ........... , HE'S AETlAING ! AMC'• Ch•pfn ' AMC Head. Retiring Sept. 30 DETROrT 1AP 1 Roy 0 Chapi n Jr ' cha irman of Amencaf\ Motor~ Corp.. has an! nounced he will ret\rE from active manal(~I ment or the automakec Sept. 30 but continue a~ chairman , Chapin. 62. has heade~ 1\MC ~1nce t967 but wa:- r~p lac t'd a~ chre r e1t · l'C'Ut 1ve officer in Oc1 tober 197i by Gerald C1 Meyers. who had been named president five months earlier Chap1n's relirPmeot had been cxpe<>ted with the ascension of the 49, year-old MyeNi and a re· a lignment or othe r tot> m anage ment. Over the last year. th~ ~mallest or t he four ma· Jor l; S. automakers hall "h0Wn Signs or T(>C'OV('r• ang from weak s~lt·s of 1t:-passen~cr cur' H e s aid 2 1 6 8 4 4 the division'ssevenplants in California, Arizona and pass~ngers and 1.009. 151 Washin~n. The plants manufacture household and ----------s-of-car"'O nassed~j>OOl produ aeroso::=ls=and====~=aat:--l_c_bot __ ·_.---;;~r-.n:ii'i:.iiWiu~~--;--H-t11w~vlll<Offt(~i"t:1•#.Pt1f.CoAn<;~ n ..,.,. •• wu~ ,.., .... P"' , 1 s .. e1sv '• , ••• .-VUOIU ., II' tles oncerne .... fOllOWiO:wJltl ~ -$1_ lAUI ~ 'il ~~·, ~~'. _., .... a~ ...... th h th t · · -· Is • '41.cMCI ~t-Crewfo ;iov, :n lnlr< M t.i.. 714 PtG• I , s • tl',aa ___ ,:::_, __ Aurouusg·t e ;.11rpor in Gecker will be responsible for quality ""'Dtro· I, •Grl4• -S.Curltlft cioueo • :rt •ncmtG~ is~'•"" P•u1~P ,.,,-.. 20• 1 1• r-uP> o oow s , g ... ., o...-.. """" .. ~ Cullrf'ed I'• l 111811.W\ll "" • PttrMI s1..-1sc ,. ' 1 '' A n AH N regulatory compliance, new product development s. v. Edens. president rntur~ r.;,. g::'!f>'t., ,. n ~~~'t~ ~ u~ ~~.~".: ~-:~: ~~ ~ ... ~.:r.:::.4$: ; .. li::s~" Bank Open In Mesa The Croc:kl'r Bank 1n Cos t a M<'~o.t ·s South Coast Plaza Center ha~ opcnt~cf fo r bu.,inC'ss 1 n qua rkr~ at 3400 Bn~tol Strt·ct The former ba nk of· rice across Town Center Urive on Bristol Street 1s s cheduled for dem- o lition in preparatio n ror construction planned for the site. Century 21 Eyes Purcha8e and technical sales service. He will move to division ot T e le file Computer •• ''°'"'" '°'"' !0•11 J am\bf , .... """ l't-lrOltl ..... ,,ti"-flME oc , .... , ... ""' mo\I -_ ... ""' ma\1 1>41"'° on headqU" ... erslJl· Newport Beach Corp., Irvine, said ""'m· AAeFAlPIMrol ·--~ 0•1• 100 !!"" ~ JJo'',''!,,<!.. .., .. 11"' ... , Ptlll~ 11"· r,!!"'.,,,.m!'. 1'1•t1 l0''1 peru .. 1 Of,,..,. ·-o .... Of YOIU,,.. '"'" * · ... ., AVM CP L -~ R;1o.l':u~.~ iQ.,, ii 1Ca1~)1"'p1 t• 1•l., P1"•~1 ' ll';\ 13~ T;;..,.,,j ~"" ~.,, l0tNo =~~ ".0•"0 iwoow u ••• •t><t. ... ~ S It 1 1 h '----1 p any officials are a t a AOdl"'"" ~ ...... v »'-,. K•lv•• 1 .. ,.., P•ert~ss 11.,, 0 ... r.11.,,. 23., 1, u0e0 ,.01 _ ""'""'-<~•-· 0,. r>w 1 D•nu A. mu • rv ne, as ~· appo nted an loss to explain recent ac· Advfto\\ 7\0 ~ Oelc.tnf 17•,, l)YJ 1(.,,,.... ')'\:,... Plllllrtn lJ'\. )41.. flpt••J' '°"" "" O•l••reno oet-1111 prtv•""' <IO·-MvMlcr ~ ..... 0eH"l8 1''' 11 l(mpAm ,. ... "'"' P•onH18 n•·· U"-fo.coc.p \ ~\ ..... _ . .., assistant vice president for Joans at the Newport tivity and incr eases in ••••Alu 11 .... :t2 0eweve1 "• ,.,. 1C•1@C.•• "' 1• ... P1 .. ,11ne 1• •• ~. T•MOtO ,,·~. , •• : D•0 Pfl<A -•oo..i~''"1 t><d P<ot• Center Bank or America. the stnftk's pn·ce. All<Oln( ,.,_. 20Yt Ol<!C•y• )O>I. ll~· Ko .. m 311 •"· PogoPo ll'. IJ•' TrocoPO \' SI' 1 N•-L..o•I CIW; Pct "" AlltnBH I• IS Ol•nCru :JO Jn1 Kto11nyf ,.._. .... P~'" 1•-, ) ft•lnOC. ~·· ~" 1 Ftnllncl •'· • 1 Up .. , PartHmeenwit·.1111ehe1.0a1.dnedthe8obfrA8!J1ncJhun's ere. haal Yesl_ntgatperelova10n08d1ey· •·This is of conce rn ~~;~11 ~~ ~ ~.~~~ 1~~ 1~~ ~:!!Ii~: :~:z ::.. ~~·,:, 1::.~ ,;:! ur•,,~M.~d. ... \! .. 1~n .. c,>P' ,, •• , .... , • ,· • ._,. '{P ,.0 beCaUSe We expect lower •A(;reel U6'o IJ' -Oonld '1' 1 11''> Kenl'•O 11 7/~, Purt8~n 7•'• 1S', '"'' ' .... ..., • "'·•en e mployed as a loan off'ceratthe 11'ells Fargoof· 1 d bs · II ""'1"0' " 71.;; Oorcn~s 11''• 17"' KeyCFo 1''1• 1~ Puioc.;p .... '"' • • ~~ ~u•ci ~:,.; l~.. • NB•u~ 0 •'. • '., ~P :• ! "" • '" sa es an su tantla y AhCom '°"" SI~ 0o,100 "'• 201 .. 1Clmb~11 111, 11 °"'•"""' •'·• 11• ' 0 , ,.. ~ ,. • • .,, v 10 ~ fice in Newport Beach and as a mortgage omcer at· greater losses ln the cur· AWtldf\9 I• 11' OunltlnO '''•I•.,, Kl,.qlnl ,. ,. R.t91tnP• a~ 9•, ~~~~:~ n .. u I ~ ,;:.·~11.',. I 4 •• ., v~ ·~c. Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia. rent fiscal year than had ~::::1~ ~ .. ' ~:• ~~~°" ::;; :~.11. :~;ro,v g ?~., ::~~~ ~:.,. : .. v"1'""' '0" •0>. v•'08'"° '· · ,. up 1'" • ~~::~~0 ~ ~ ~f~~~ .~"" ~r t:~t::, 1~~ 11:~ ~:u~ ~ ·· ~r~ ~~P~s'.. 1: ·~~: ? =:::.ti T: · i'" ~i :: ~ TrudJ Rohla has been named vice president of been previously estlmat': aroM•y H · l Elderee q ,_, 1.e,,..co ,. u RobbM• .w , :16'. 11:~0,,, ·~·· 16, :~ c..no•~ • • ~: up !~ ~ RW/Allen,lnc.,CostaMesapublicrelations agency. ~~1 :::~dth?t sco~~~~~ !~~~: r~r.~ ~::.t:;:,<,,', ~~ L t:~~:0:, ~··~~:~~~on :..; ~ .. ; WV•En• :; ; :: •• :~ ~:~:;.. ~.: : ... t~ ::~ She is responsible for account manageme nt. "'""'u iµ, w .. En•Ot• n" n•. L09e1rn ,..,. "" Au .. s10• ••·, " :::.::!' n 1• .. -=•s.-t••• •1 i •. "" "i quarter res u Its in 8atrdCo ,! ... i's~, EEnl1•0M1 II .... s ~ M<lcl~GE , •• 1•" ~0"~' ) ...... w • ..,,,: ,., I I\ v .. no•Er ) • •• u,, " I new business presentations and general agency B•noHI: , ~. q1 " 11 " "'•t0tR1 1 1• ... ~uno1 w1 , M , •• , •• •• M•ll•And ... •• "" 10 , t August, .. he said Mon· Blt•mRt l•ti. I•>'• Elh•""' , •• ,, w ... M<l lt.rl 11 JI ) "-•bl •l 1~ we11~c; (I ' ... , " u,,.,.,t'( •1''• ..... u,, !O 1 managemen . 8•\l<lh i1tt Ji<. F•brl MQIAU I n•1t n '><flPPH )Cl '>l .. ' •• ,. b II H I'. 0 Sh i r di t r bu el U f d ay. ll•HIF• ,, 1~ 1"-1611)16Maull P 11»·11\. s.t<P•< JI'''"'" WlnMIQ J ..... ,. w0 I y 1•. :~ ~" 1~o • e s ormer rec or o .pu c r a ons or H e •aid company .e.,1""'" 12~1:ro ... F1e1u11L1 21"-1'" w.tcorm 1s•. ••1.ot ~"°"" '°'• 10 ... w="">'l'ot r:. ~~· 70 ,.:.;,":~ ,, • ,., "~ '9 , Lenac Warford Sloneoflrv'ne <> -...11,.. ,._ •~• Flnor111 II'• ~ Mt0u•'I' ~ 11~, Sw-mstr tt6o ~ • / 1• v·___,-• • u , 1 ' ' • Operations are be in~ re· hl&L•b ,.Yr U\o fl8\Sy\ "°"" 0 ' • MIO\-W I'>'• 10'H SM•ml l4'o U ' 1 Ena 11 I ~ n B~ t'o : ;:; V~ e I * db th 81b0Co IJ~ 11~ flBo\Cn 1111• sq McllOC•P l• ••lrt SohOSIS I I W lqlll~ '~.· 1 1 10 1l f lOorlnl H'• • '• Up II I Lee Perrln, Newport Beach, has been a~polnted vlewe y e consu Ung Kl~~ ~'-fn ~l~~f~n 1~:: 1~~ ~:g:::~ ~s.!·J~ ~~~tc'; ::., a.•; z,:,.,v ,. 24 • o.,, ~~ :~·;,':,~, 7~:; : •:: ~~ '~ . d trial lali t 1 ... _. t d i-( firm or Grisanti & Galer B••HlllP 21Yr ,. Fll09r """ ISi<! ""''"'e' "°'" JI 1 .. OMll c .. ~ I , :a~e':.t.ee~E.:aS:.~;~nvestmen v14iono and management was ~::• :~ ~~ ~~~1~u ')~ )6~ ~'1c~~ 1 ;"'; 1~~: l~1ISD1IQ Su••ar11 • "',...""' &."' · " .. "'tt He hasbeenwilhthecompanysincet977andwas considering preliminary :~:it!, ~"'IT~ ~r.~~~" k ~ ::'i~ 1 :,;: 1~'· -Mo•' Ncw~?1~~'"P' o•o• j~~.·J~, • '?: 8:! ~n na med .. aJesmanofthemont.hlnJanuary. recomme nda tions re· euc11D.. •"-•ll> F'ran1tlf u•,. it.-. Mo,?,. ~ 10-11. 1twi-<oun1er ,1oc~• Wll9"C'CI Dy "'"'"o. .,y,1c,.,. ••• , •• 0 ,, ,., 1 a di th • BUCktV• 11'." lflo:. Frncllt• '""° IS .. MolCll/lll IS IS\, N•m• 1101...,.... Old Aota C"'O VlCIMOI I•• '• Oo it 1 The investment division, headquartered in gar ng e company s eu'""ts s .... S"-g::1t1E,1 ,.,. " Motc•uD ~-.~ .. o~. m ooo •·· '" -" r. ,,,.,,.A, ,. ' °'' ' • Anahe im, offers servlc·es •o Investors 1·n 10 are"" of product and market mix ~~... l~~ >? .... c:;o~l1F~ ~ ~ ~::~~~ w~ ~~ ... ~~~~~ :~:: ~ ;~ -. I ,l.·~b~v I • .~ ~Oii ;) •, " ""'" With 8 view toward in· C.p$wC !Olio 10\oo Orffft/lll f114 ll'4 l'l•IGO•I 17'' ll'n NewpPr. 1)1 'IOO r,:: H J~~ 9 Add•~ I'' :: : i: J r ealestate purc haseandsales. creased emphnsi·s on i'ts Cai>'""''' :14' • .,. GreyAov JJ 34 N•IL•O!Jt e ... Q MOnC•P Ill.JOO n .. ,,.. ,. , '\um,1c,. ,.. 1 14 , _. C81>1Kh ll\1 ISl/t Gt11nn1 1'~> 11 Nw10A~ '•"' •sl<o AllOl tl\ •Cl>,JOO / ''• '• •c (Oh•Nl!<1 '• 0" tJ • Ii ( X t C.reCp ~·1 1011~ Oyroctr·n S'4 ••-"' ..JNG•' , • ....,. 111, Pr•mFh fO'l,IOO 1111 ) • , •t (yPytt" ,, t' • Ott tJ • Garv L Glbloa has been named SnAl'lal IC· ne o erox compu er· c nvtPs 1s 1s'°' Hro1t-n 0 .,, ttl\l'I"' 2)4. 2•·~ M•o•R•, ., 1oo 11 •• , •••• ,,, ·~ "'''b~•a , , ... 0 ,, 1,., "# -~ Compatible products CllmU.t "'• ""' H•t~P 1C~ 71'-l•l\ll 8 7S&.. h'· 'lw~n.-.C 11100 11'• •• • 1'• •I N••olC 0 counts ~xecutive with ADdenoa aad Anderson . Last week. the stock ~~~~:1 ,~ ·~t ~:~/o~' m: ;!~ l°o'1G.!n :i.: ~~,;.; AtlllC,p '•.100 ~ I )) ,.. :~ ~;~~~ :.: \, o:: g ~ lns.,anee Brokers, Inc., Newport.Beach. ~ai·ned 2 polnto to 7 ...... It C111u1A lli.o. :ie•,. Ho1oDm 1''• '"" NwlNC.\ 10111 111. Ad••1100 na •6 •not114, ••• ~, S!" 1111 H h d f th r ~ An I £fl { ., .,.,. ClllUIB ll J3>t, HOov•r 1J•11> u ... w\IPS 18 11\>1 °"'"""0 m ,1 Web<I•" •'• • ~ CS" ll" e as move rom e ..._. gees o · ee o 11 b k t 7 M d t1•r~JL JO J1 HoruR' "" ,,,. o•e11 " ,..,. unc"•"<14<1 , J'I) ,, "•1,.1M9 / ~ ~ ''' Fl.remans' Fund where be was a casualt e ac o on ay. [c o n•~ n Huo,P•P .. ..., .. .,, nvyM ,."' 1~ ro1•• ••IW'i 1.111 ,. 1110 Proo v, .... " ' y Un• 11Ve,nt J"' 1 H•HllCp n )IV) Ftno IO._ II'" Ntw "•QM I? 70 AO""'" I • '• ..,..f II 1 f\ tentative agreement has been reached for the a cquisition by Century 21 R e a I Es tat e Corp .. Irvine. of 100 percent of Century 21 of Texas Inc. .rnd Century 21 Rea l !!:state of Louisiana Inc. derwriter andmanagerofthe largelinesands pecial S 151> o "'•111111 10Yt """ "•''" n n"' ,.,,,. •o•• •J ,, o ..... , ,0., 1 • ., g:: ;~: accounts division. 'nr .D-E wTel JZ'h ""' lnclNu<I • .,. •.II., ·~''"''' .... ,.,.. TOIOI "'1~ •a,71',IOO 17 ApollOlo J'. ... OH l(i . -----------~ . I ONMA • Mortgage-Backed Certificate~ are U.S. Government Guamn· h:t.'CI on •chc: t imely payment o( both principal nnJ lntcn:~t" -the same as a U.S. Government Bond. lntercsc and principal will~ p;iid monthly-ideal for ch~ who wanr cum:nt Income with U.S. GovenHncnt sa(tty. Units of $25,000 nnJ up are available. • No reciempdoft penalty, as I$ the case with B;1nk Qnd :JVin~ &. Loon Cenificatc of Oeposic accounts. • An opportunity Is available to qualifled people for dcfaTa1 ol taxe. on lnrcm t Income. °Cxiv~mm<'nt Nlflonal Monltilge A680c1Rt1on'• OuJnancmf Cm1flu ce. for more lnformadon concoct Porker Dale, &ehtor Vlee Pmkicnt, ;it (71'4) 64'4·4610 or ac the aJJreaa sh.own below. ~~ ~>t KeOntdy & GardDer M•l*- (nv~ tmcnc &inktn Since \936 Mcmhc" Nc:w YQfk Sr°'k Exch11nac 11nd Other Prtnclpol £xchonai 1,.()6 Anael~ ·San f ql'ICUCO • N'wpon Be.Kh • Nc:w Yutlt • Groham, Or. 606 Sc.lUth Ohvc: Strtte. Lo. Angc:lo. CA 90014 -• Pays 3(jc MUTUAL FUNDS ·-- STOCKS I BUSINESS Tue&day,. Closing P ri. ea NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS I TUNdly. S.Otember 19. 1978 VN DAILY PILOT D7 • Pre-shopping Steps Can Help 81 SYLVL\ POaTER ,... ........ Here are 1tept to talte beft1re shot>Pln1 for turnlture· f J >: Meuure room• and avaU1bie waJI space for the new furniture. U~ a yanl1tJcll or metal tape -not a cloth tape -for accura~ meaaurement.a. . (Zl CHECK AaCBJTBCl'URAL FEATURES thttl ml1bt limit fumlture arrancement. Hallways, doorways and even cellinC he(lbts can be obstacles. <3> llteaau.re doorwa,1 and ~levator to make sure furniture can be moved in. f4> Check wlndow1. heal ducts. radiators. Direct 1un· Ugbt can fede furniture nnllbel and rabrics. CS> Plot roomt On fl'lph paper', using paper patterns to repreent fUmithJnts and moving them around to de· l.ermine act ual apace. 16 l Make an lnven- to r y or cxl11tlne und needed furniture. Set o ··ballpuk" limit for each piec e to b e purchased. Draw up a long-term buying plan that starts with the basics. Money's Worth Harley F. Shuford J r .. presidtnt or Century f't.1rnlture Co. in Hickory. N.C .• s uggests these in-store tactics. .. f I> CHECK LABELS Wm l CARE ... What looks like wood may not be." says Shuford. (2) Understand what the labels mean. The Federal Trade Commission has established &tnct rules about label· ing furniture. "Solld" Indicates that all exposed surfaces are made of the solid wood named on the tag. without veneer ... Combination" means that more than one type or wood is used ror the exposed parts. A label reading ··mahogany rinlsh. •· Shuford says, means lhe materials used in the construction have been finished to resemble the wood. 13 > lmpect construction thorot.1ghly. (4 >Check fiat surfaces to make sure they are smoothly sanded and that nails and screws are not protruding. (S) PULL DRAWEa S BY THE comers as well as by the ha ndles; If they are going to bind, they'll do it then. Drawers must be cut with uniform spat:_e all around and no more than a quarter inch play from side to side. 16) Slze up the joints. They should be nailed or scre wed and glued firmly. Ne.rt Final hmts Worries Continue To Plague Market Pnv. 4~oo•v d~ 1101 "" ., )AA .... l't14 I~ 11 II l l NEW YORIC (API ·MY SIOO wtn ~ .. '~ ••. . ... .. ... ..... 11 • ..0.000 P'lv•ou~ dey • .•. . • • 3) e.i> OOQ =~" ·::.. ... . : ~~:= VH r -• . • 1',o:I0.000 Two YU"~. .... ... 30.J00.000 J•n 1 10 OMt . • • •• ,,1'4,e•.0>1 1'11 IO cl•I• • . . • ),,~. tS0.000 "" 10 Gale .. • • • . l,143,0ti,W I -DAILV PILOl .Teleftsion TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS . "1 -..11\\ EVENING ··11.• .... MeCVONSI " 000. • ~ and 11\111 ... O'"CY Vlalma -.,. 1>ae11.9rov11C1 10' t 1111 VOU DON'T IAY THIW4Nl't~ Annoyed'ac~eo ~ 8oOOy ..... --·-10 "*''IWMllll I ... •• ,,..,, °'..,. '9WOeCO • OY8'IAIY Atlor Aotl••I ••aa t. <MK·_ ... _....,.., CM0. Up • aoe dlKtlml• ""''°"· ""°'~ --tton, "C~. ~ -l()OIL I() oecaeo Kt()ft luf "WIP"....,,, fltt • Ml8WC> IQTCHMa °'~ ,.. "" IJnOtwl. AMourc:• CMNlWt WOM.o ..... Future Laae11en T()NIOHT 00 I TIC TN; OOUOH ILO\leWCY l l'le M••rtaoa l.iotn.MI A c~ .... ..o.;110tt "" ...., mi.1rt41Q9 ~ .. oon->OM I ucy ..,_ -"' A!Cll y life no1 lftlHl4ICI El11atwth Logan nnd Thoma~ Craig An der~on Mar in thL• new TV 5.Crn.•i, .. Thi.· PnpH Cha~e ... bus ed on the movtl'' . ••bout h1w !'ttudents. prcmienng tonight ~t H on CBS. Cha nnel 2. • MeOHAn JAOKaON N•nc-y &.w.., Wiii 0.C<AI '"".-.no ol ~on ,.,. blocll, m•kffl GI) HUMAHITIU T""°"°" THE ARTS "l1IO• 0.-pnan Alfl>l81\&' I IAHFOAO AHO 80N ~I LtHMA MPORT 0 DHIOHINO HOME IHTtM>M ~"Where ToSeQtn" ' lnll OOUClton. °""' J Of s-• CR()U.WfTS 1='°. THI! MUf'flETil °""' "'-" AeocJy I CNC>IO CAMEM MERV OAfflN CW.ta ChatleS NMIOll R@llly. Ja~ Frenc1tcu•. Karen Morrow 7:00 I C88 NEWS N8CNEW8 UAASCU)8 WOALDHEWS TOMOHT 0 JOKER'S W1lD Ga SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN NIWl..YWED 0AM.E QJJ HOU. YWOOO 80UAAES I LOii! fXPfRTS AOA,,.._12 28TOHIOHT Pr od u cer l r11pot1er Roeanne AlleNandro p.o- 111cs a Woodland Hlllll lam-''V revoallng Why Chell VIII· uflS llnd lllMtyle mike a. ........ ~··· ... ,,. 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles • KNBC (NBq Los Angeles I KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angeles CJ) KFMB (CBS) San Diego G KHJ-TV (Ind ) Los Angeles !ti KCST (ABC) San Diego I KrTV (Ind.) Los Angeles KCOP·TV (Ind ) Los Angeles KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angeles fll.ll KOCE· TV tPBS) Hunltngton Beach llnder Cover them oppose busing H a liOlullon •o oeteor 41Q'11ton ol ecl'lools -~SHOW 8~00 li (I) THI! PAPER CHASE (Pr11mletel Jame• Hart (J-s Stephens) tuns 11110 an older studen1 (Ow· leel1 C•rl wN> leachfls"'"' how to deal woth 1tern li.w proteuor Charles Ktngs- fteld IJOhn Housemen!. D GRANDPA OOE8 TO WA8HINOTON IPrl!mlerel '"The Birthday Party" Sen Joe Kelley {Jock AlbertlOf'll le•rns abOUI S.,nete rules OI boh8vtor Wtien Ns IT)Ollon 10 ln\l'l!Stlgete a S2'7.000 Pres.cloottal blflhdlly party ••ruled out ol order. 8 MOVIE • • ·A Ttme For E\fefy Se890f\' 't9721 Oocumen· 1111y A mon and a young boy e•plore Ille •ort><dO•ng Alaslc1n tundra (1 hll I D ®) HAPPYOAYS "WPSIWlfd Ho" Fonzie a11emp11 10 be the 11111 human eve< •o r Ide the dude ranch's devlhah Brahma bull. 0 MOVIE * • '" "SQ~e A Flow8t" I 19701 Jack Alo.tteon, Wah.. ClllAtl Wh4lll a gr..Oy bu•lnM• pe•tl* lht••ltfl• ll\t hWllltlood of h11 11111on 1110<1Hlt1fV. a monll llM• "'"'" 1"9 Met•• lbrmul• '°' ''* ~­~ (21'111) • ~ICJMEn AflC>'MNOI 511111 "0111>.,y ancs Oen .. • Aeneid Har11 .. 1 " e MOV11 • • I ·~ "Tllo 619 C•rnl· viii llfftl Kit1' 0c>u9111. Jlftl &tt<llMJ A t~14tf •~l)IOolS lhe Mllltf!MJI of Ille Wiii OI I Miii lr80C>fld unde<Q<Olit\d 10 b0()91 htl Clilreot (2hft I • THa OuntRIHO PNZU · A ~"Y Life" Alan PllOlt and "'' Wtle Batbara ... lf'lt .. l&tned by AIMS 010 gotlff\efld and Batt>e· ••• Old bOyltMllld. wtlO ... now matrled and living In 8 small town 9 INOIAH8 ANO THE LAW 'Watf!f" .. -'O 8 ®I LAVERNE & 8HtAlEY "Playot19 Tho! RoJCY" Shir· ley belleYCt hefself 10 be an •~ollc danoet allet a tall causes a change In lltlf pet aonatlly G) THE 000 COUPLE feh• i. fort.eel 10 ~ on Oscar'• help 1n the finals Of lhe Golden Apton CoolOng Conletl 6Ii) OVEAEASY . Aclor Robett Stacie dllCUIMe htS ,_ mov>e. "Cheolr Up": age dtsetlmt· na1t0n. conttnulng educa· uon. "Cabwe1" perform· ers looll to Olde< ac1ora for lnll)lretlon IRI t:OO II Cl) MOVIE • • • "The Shooll11" 119761 John Wrtr.e. Ron HOwlf d An 80"'0 gun· ltgtilet ~ ol Cllnc4ll rs cf\allenged 10 11 f1na1 sll004 • out. D MOVIE • • "Awport ·n" ( t9771 JOCIC Lemmon. Lee Grant. A private jumbo JC!1 c.rry· 1ng tnenos o1 • rnt111on .. te art COiiector 10 a patty Cf8$119S end Slni<I lfltO Ille MB (Parl 1 ot 21 D im THREE'S COMPANY "GOOd Old Re111t>te J_, .. Janot end Ht!len Ropet JOtn wilh a g•ouo or nooe demonSlralors ptOle!illf"g !lie e1011no of a nude beach G) MERV GRIFFIN Audra Lindley llefll and .Joyce DeWitt e lude the police by hiding in the bushes afte r joining othe r nude demonstrators to protest the closing or a nude beach on ·'Threc·s Company" tonight at 9 on ABC. Channel 7. Hudsons Go 'Bonkers' BFoihers Launch New TV Comedy Series By MARY CAMPBELL Corp. spent $200.000 per episode. Saturday mornings. 1975· 76 for ..N~).V.. YOB~.{~ P> --~Tlt.e.-~ _ "Coroed11 is ~~~""9~ .. r "''"'-'"'9fL. ---... -· · ·J.fud~.Ww'ri;..,.,"' ..,,, Wfidt • tMWftiru1rtt,""Brtn',Y~.,.,'1l's · they call "classical, old·style, e asier lo establish definite BILL WAS THE straight man physical comedy," want tq be personalities • and that's whut and Brett the fall Ruy . Murk, the biggest-ever three·man Com· you need. who wears a mustache, says, edy team. They're hoping their "Abbott and Costello, Hope "Up until 'Bonkers!' I was jus t new TV series, "BonkfYrs!." will and Crosby and Marlin and a bused. 1 had no character. Now sbool them out of a cannon In Lewis did what comedians don't I'm Into fanta11y -fl amboyant, that direction. . do today; they set up their jokes. crazy and oversexed. "The Three Stooges were Their characters -which they "Wt"re going rn the right great but they never made a had established already -were di rcction in ·Bonker~'' toward movie that was big. Their type bette r than their Jokes. That find ing the c haracters and of comedy d idn't work In long made the Jokes twice as funny. capabilities of the three of us:· feature films. It was physical T~al 's what we would like to do .. Bonkers" is an En~hsh word comedy, not dialogue comedy," with our career and I think we but the show deftnitely 1s geared Bill Hudson says. "The only trio can do it. to Americans. the brothers suy. that really made it were the They think the word Is English Marx Brothers." "EGO HAS RISEN to the top slang from World War II, whf'n Hudson Brother Brett, buff of In today's society," Bill says. it referred to a person who had films and books, steps In with a "The re's a solo way of thinking. been knocked s lny. They like it correction. "The Marx Brothers It's bard to get a partner now because It· s an e asy· lo· weren 'l very popular at the time and It's so easy to break up. If remember single word: starts of their movie.s. 'Animal somelhingdocan'l work, you get with a ha.rd·soundlng "b" or Crackers• and 'Duck Soup.' out." "k," which they say is good ror They became huge only after the The Hudson Brothers, who re· a comedy word, and it's advan· fact.·• ally are brothers, feel they were tageous to be identified with ·a THE HUDSON Brothen are born to be a trio. BUI Is 28 and r elatively unfamiliar word hoping for popularity sooner the only one married, to Goldie which can berome .. yours." rather than rater. But they don't Hawn. Mark la 27 and Brett ts t be 25 ''BONKERS!,. IS a variety ·~ff:)~R~ to as easy as falling They've had two TV series s how, with guest stars In· "Bonkers!" bas been sold to before. "'?be Hudaon Brothers" troduced by straight man 8111. 136 TV staUOM In the United was a 1974 summer reP.lacement Mark goes ore on a tangent and States, startJ.na this week. There and "'Razzle Dulle ' was on Brett Is sparked otr by that. TUBE TOPPERS CBS 8 8:00 "The Paper Chase." The prcm1ere episode of thf! ne w series based on the movie of the same title with Oscar winner John llouseman reprising his mm role. NBC CD 8:00 "Grandpa Goes to Washington." JHck Albertson stars as an e lderly new senutor In this ne w series with Lurry Linvi lle:. N BC CD 9:00 "Airport 77." A jum- bo jet crashes at sea and lands on the ocean noor in this third movie in the "A11·port" series with Jack Lemmon. Lee Grant and Ja mes Stewart. .:.. The Nazis p1an 10 noocs the world man.tot w11h coun lt< ... I Allied il'IOfttV I GeTIMAJIT ~WOALO NEW8TOMOHT M:>RNING t2-QO 8 TWUIHT ZOHE A ,,,_,, ~ noolled on g.am~ '"°' wi1,_.. 1n9 anothet "hol tf\11 J$CkPof • on • on.armod band II I ~ t~ MOVIE • • • ' Blan Oi Hoon I U~Hl Wiiham H01d11n Ann.t 811Xllf FOUt l\IUnl Ill• ets leave a c"novol 1n order IO Ulry the U S malf (thr .65"'4n) ID MOVll wortc •or the r llilro.d 11 .,,., woe MOYIE • • '1> "S•O<• Jet" ( 19~1 Aobert 8tac11 • .Coleen Orty A colonel' 1 wtte lf(Mlll In J~ 10 ""'11• a human .,,,., .. , "°"' boll! ,,,. ttves ol p<tOt• "' CC>n\bilt 12 hra I 3:MI NEWS , 4:00 MOVIE * ** "TllOl M••k" 11~11 Stuart WMm•n. Marta 6'tieff II MOVIE • • •,, 'llle Vt!tty ECl09" t 19631 RtCl'ltlfd TO<ld An,,. Heywood An arcl\flec1'1 ••·model. p.ognanl wife haS a mt1G3rtt1Qtt •"et betnQ attact.oo and r'*C)ed, l2 hr$ I 4:30. MOVIE Gvests Charin Nelson Aetlly. J-fllnGillcu.. Katen Mo<1ow. Jean Luc Ponly. Rlchlfd Simmon• '11!> MASTERPIECE THEATRE ''The Moyor Of Caate•· bridge" Oonllc:l farlr9fl pr0\lld9s ~s CC>mP41- 11110fl IO< lhe Mlily()f: bOlh Ehl&belh J•ne and Luce1111 Templeton tecelWI devas· talt'!9._ news CPart 3 of 71 ·canolde•• and ...-In the N<WemO« election 11:0010UCl)g NEWS DATING GAME MOVIE • • "Why Would Anvone went To 1<111 A NICe G"' L•~e You?' 119681 Ev• RM!zl. OllYICI Buck Whtie on vacaloon. a beao111u4 gwt •S vtctlmQed by ltlfllfylf\Q attemp11 on het HCe. 12 h•SI • • • ... "Hollclay" Cl9381 KllhaflM Hepbuff\, C.r, Otani. A WMllhy glfl'S tether has plana tor IM!f lazy Mull "°abend. C;1 hrs I ti) MOVIE • * ·~ "AeufltOn In Rano ' C19Stl Mart. $1....,,s. Peg. gy Dow A IOltllf Ohtld tte.11> 10 Reno •fief hor moltief becomes pr11gnan1. p hr.. 30mtn l • * "The Nevada"" I I~ RandOIC>h SCott. OOfOlhy MatOne A U S Ml<thll. 81Stgned 10 reco\191' llOlln gOld and arrmt the ln8f\ I wl'IO stOl8 11. encounter• dlnget anO romance.,, 1119 putlWI (l hl .30monl 11:30 D (lg) TAXI "One·Pv~ Banta" Tony Banta (Tony Oanzal. orie OI I Ile cal>bles. oet • a onc;e. lfl·B-llflllHne chance 10 Q4l1 .,, tile bO•tng 11ng with a world c;l'lamp.on (Carlot Patomlno) fl) COH'TEMOP<>AARY OIMEN8IONS A MiectlOn OI lau Is per. fo<med by the Conlflll'IPO- raty °'"*'"°"· a orouo of s1u0en1 rnuelcan• trorn "'"· gtnia Union Un•Yefsity. Gt TI.if 000 COUPLE fefia's 1>ro111e<. Floyd. per. so.ados fell• lhll h1a pl- •S not In hectic Maflf\attan. but b•ck al f\Ome Ht f"loyd'• tactory I F'EAHWOOO 2HIOHT OtCKCAVETT Guest· J oseph L. Marlk• '-'CZ. lef_, Writer. ptO· ~ and dlfllC10f IPatt 2 of 21(RI CiD MACNEIL I LEHAER AEPOR'T 12;40 8 Cl) C88 LATE MOVIE • • • ··fqsl8f Anc:t Laurie" c ljl751 Perry 1<1ng. Oo<•a" H••-ood Two young ~become the Y"• 11ms of 11 brutac amt>ulh. IRI 1:00 D TOMOAAOW Cuest. A ctor Jack Lemmon G MAVERO< ' Tho Jail Al Juncllon flats" 2:0088 HEWS MOVIE H'ednrada•'• Dayti•e Moelrs AFTERNOON t2:00 0 * * "Wiich W1th()v1 A 81oom·· t •9661 Jeff Hun1er. MMia Petadly A 16th Ollft• luty wtlCl'I tells In IOW Wf1tl a 10th century h•llOIY P<OleslOt.(l hf., 30 mtn.1 m ••. ,, "f l.,,. Ao&tnst ll'lo 1'4ouse" 11ess1 Guy Madison. Klm Nollall. Frw trienos p1an 10 rot> the • t>utgtarproof Hiwold'a Club tn Reno to P<OWI It can be done. ( 1 hf , 50 min.I 2:00 8 • • "Shalla. Rattle 10:00 B" NEWS 9 8TAASKY& HUTCH "The Game" A playful hide and sMll game t>et- Steralcy 11nd Hu 1c f\ t>ecomet I hie 100 de81h search whfln S\an ky le8tnt1 Hutch has contract· ecl bOtullllft poi90lllng 11:30 II (I) BMHABY JONES "To Calch A Ooed Man" An wnbeZZMlf SIQOM ..... own death to that he c.an stan • ,_ hie tor himself (R) • 0 8E8T OF CARSON Host· Johnny Car son Guests· JOhnnv Math•&. Charles N11taon Rtttlty. Clare Rottet, Peter Bflllcf\. tey CAI • t "four 0utle"S I' Of An Ace~ (19661 Rage. Henin; Sytva Ke>seona A notoroous 1nte•na11ona1 crtmtnal esc11>9s '"• o•asp ot · tn1erpof' af\d undti<goes ptlSllC 5urgery C2 hrs I And Rock" 11956) Meta.. Connotll. l'Ms l)c)mjno, A- TV pe<IOfmet .,,., to.• f!Slabllsh a rocll ·n· rQI ctub u11•tz•no youno 1a1en1. 2:25 NEWS 2:30 ~8 ~ .. bl()CllOd by ttte ~~1 Of parents. (I hr . :io man I m> NIGHT GAU.ERV ED THE PAW8EAS Madame Mu s sleuthing gell Pt11neu ICQU!lllld They 119 lhOn m &Hted 01 Matching Pnory, P1an1a. gel'Mll re11111s. tompot&r~y tRI 8 TWIUOHT ZONE Cllfos and Ruth Miller are awallened in the m.Odle ol tile mghl by lhe crlti$ ot lhlllf chlld I OETSMART • • "The Boq Fram"" ( 19531 M&tk Slevtw\5. Jean Kent A IQUtldton reuntOt\ ~partcs a man 10 be91n onvestig&tlllQ an Old mur· <l4H case C I tir • 25 min 1 8t MOW 3:00 ®) • •• .,"The Reluctant AS1ronau1" t 19671 Don l<f\Otts. Arltiuf 0 Connell. Al<atd ol '*0"11. a young man l>eGome. a 18"'1or ettM 1>11 ta!N!r sions him up tor a space prog1am ( t hr .30m1n1 D ®J ABC MOVIE '11!> NEW8C+lECK 10-.30 Gt m> NEWS Cl) VOTl!A'S PIPELINE PRl!·ELE<l'TlON 7 8 Jim C0090f and a local newsperson examine Ille * * • "W111n1ng" 1 t9691 Paul N-man. Jo1nn11 Woodward A gU(;()MSful race Cllf d11vor ' car00< creatos f\aVOC on hos pe<· 50flal Ille • *''> "Sil/\l.t r11" 119511 Randolph Sc;otl. Jaf\1t1 Ca•1er UPOf' •eturn1no trom the CMI War. threw brothers l()<n on outlaw gang. wtillu one goos 10 3:30 a .... lf\ey Ran for 1 heir Lives" 119691 Johft Payne. JOhO Clfradlne A vouno woman. t>e111g pur- sued by lhr'ee lhugs. IS l'tlS- Cued bv a man and tits dog fl hr • 30 mlfl I G) HOGAN'S HEROES Call Der Madam Dyan Cannon Plays 'House' Mother By BRUCE ADAMS SAN FRANCISCO 1AP 1 Five times the character being played by Dyan Cannon has heard the news that the only- man she's ever loved is dead. The sixth lime·. holding a prop phone to her ear, Miss Cannon lets out an unexpected obscenity so earnestly and so much in character that it's a few mrnutes bdorc the director realizes it's Miss Cannon's whimsical way of breaking the tension. lie yells. "Cut! 1• and asks her to try again. "I NEED A minute," she says as 20 actors a nd e xtras and another 20 production people filming a made-for.TV movie. "Lady or the House." for NBC. stand idly by. The producer watches the second hand lick off the dollars. "A few years ago J wouldn't have done that." the 40-year-0ld actress says later In her dress· rn g room. ''I'm not a fraid to t~ke those mome nts anymore. I m not a robot. , "Let me tell you something." she says, "my best work is just beginning." ~-~--............ ~~' ~T'Wl DfW't.j-.._~ ......... ,....~, cites a short film she wrote, pro- du ced and directed, celled "Dyan Cannon's Number One," whlc-h was nominated for an Academy Award in 1976. And she says she's been asked by 20th Century·Fox to write. pro- duce and direct a feature length movie. "Lady of the House," filmed In part tn San Francisco, is based roughly on the hfe or SllJly Stanford, the madame·tur~· politician who became mayor or Sausalito, a small community north of here. The movie wlll be broadcast lhis fall. MISs CANNON says the Stan· rord role was one of her most de- manding. She appears In nearly every major scenP, aging from late teens to mld-70s. The movie Is based on Miss Stanford's book of the same name. which follows her life from childhood through the late 1039s and '40s. Miss Stanrord was on the set durlng much of the JocaUon lllmlng here and ln Sausalito. DYAN CANNON WITH THE REAL SALLY STANFORD Back to Work With a New Sett Confidence As a teen·a~er, Miss Stanford spent time in Jail for a crime she did not commit. On her release. during Prohibition, she turned to bootlegging . She later w a~ divorced from her husband. an a ttorney. and turned to runnln~ the brothel to s upport herself and young son. DYAN CANNON. meantime, says she's ready to take on hor work wilh a new self-confidence ~he credits rn part to "taking fou r years orr and sitting on the beach at Malibu. "I feel better now, than I've ever felt in my life." she s ays. During the fou r years on the beach . she wrote poetry -most or it "too personal .. to publish. .And she says she took some time to get her personal life In order. IJn·Farrah Fmreett 'Visit' a -Hoax BIRMINGHAM, Ala . IAPI • Then there was the story about Farrah Fawcett-Majors coming to Alabama. But the thrill o( he r fans was shorl·llved when a press release announcing her arrival was round to~ a hoax. J wll M 24 half-hour eph100ea. Shoot.lo~ WU clone ln England, where 1.ntemational TeleVlalon rwr·~ 'Kuralt, Moyers Win Honors A PRESS RELEASE from the 'Spinal Subreptlon Foundation of Alabama" said the actreaa and model would appear at Walker College. Leeds Community Center . lloover Mall and several t)ubecuei; on behalf of the oriianiiaUon. "Boy. if It Is true, half or W"lker County wlll go up in s moke, .. Hid a spokuman for the colleae. •• 1 ....... ..... ..... ~ ..... :-• llrdl,N.e. ••• .f1'~'l7:r ••• : ' BEVERLY JtrLLS <AP > • Two CBS·TV newame n have received broadcas t Journalism awards from the Academy or Television Arts and Sciences. Charles Kuralt was honored lor hla "On th@ Road .. series and Bill Moyers W3S lauded for his reporting and editing abilities, an academy spokes man said Tuesday. 1 C8S·TV'1 "The Fire Next Door" won an award lor befit d ocu m e ntary or :> social problem, and ABC·TV 's show "20·20'' won the outat andlng tnvestlsatlve report award for Its seament entitled 1 'ExplocUn1 Oaa-Taw." · BtJT A t11ECK WITH the Retter nu lne111 Bureau found no ~uch Rroup and a look In tho.. dictionary found the following: Subrcpllon. n .. l. the rradulenl c oncealment or mlsrcpres~tatlon or tacts so as to aaln a favor, esp. an cccleaiuUcol dispensation. . ·, ,. ./ ~ICS I CROSSWORD MARMADUK E by Brad Ancltnon "Don't we have any plain old pretzels?" FUNKY WINKERBEAN M0JJ rNHJ ~ OIO ~ 9MCTICE 1ME LA&T llAX) ~ ~ ,SHOE GERIATRIX ~IN~~l'T'I COW'L.t:)( WOUL.o 00 WOND&~5 ~ ~~.~~ BOOMER ~ c,A,J Ht/II GET f06tfH,ct, A~Nol..0 I l 'Ni A CAP0 CORN ANO ...Ou~ 9'.AM .'.' -v by Tom Batlulc by Jeff MKNttly by Ferd Ind Tom Johnson ~~ STAAVI~ ARTISTS COMPLAIN EVEN NdtE IF iH~FlE'~E NO APPLES JN THE .APPLE PIE· \ TUMBLEWEEDS NANCY NAN CY, WHY ARE YOU SIT T ING UP THERE ? I LOVE TO WATCH OLD MOVIES·- / by Wm. F. Brown 1nd Mtl casson A~t.0,1tJ A?ll'ol.00'(, ' 0 CAPRIGORN; Q i ANO I 8l.AM5 DON'T f Ml>( I I , ~q.,q by Mell ·™ATC§ NICI, FrANCIN~/ AGATHA CRUMM DR. SMOCK by Tom K. Ry.an WHO et.Se IS l.ISll:P UNPEK ''JADW fWt "IN THI: SMOKE SIGNAL P(RECTORY Vf:LLOW PMeS? by Emit Busllmllltr AND TODAY l THOUGHT I'D SEE THIS ONE FROM TH E BALCONY . " ~ T~. Ste>ttmbt1 19 1978 PEANUTS s L A M DON'T ANL(ONE DO AN~THING ~ 5A'{ AN'liMIN6! DAIL V PILOT .. by Charles M. Schulr I JUST WANT TO UE IN Ml( BEAN 6AG, AND SULK~ ; by 8111 Hoest by Ttmpftton Ind Forman TIDAT'I caassnu nZZLI ACROSS t MOfO chMJf S Ctn prov 9 Ntmtlv 2 words 14 South Ame• ICll\ I& Sllttgh1 Preli. •B En•eoed 11 ((ldure 18 W Getman \Ille 19 HOIM! fell 1Urt1 20 Supple ~J Not marked 51 Dlllv record ~ taum118d !i9 LOii., 61 Algtr"n (tly S2 h1>111e 8J lone 64 A11trah Pill 65 Runa eaail\i 6'l Mr C.rl\t 9 .. &7 Holy ones fr Abo• DOWN I Pi.ythtn11' UNITED fl'aturc Synd1cah1 Mond1y's Puute Sol•ed 22 CompllrM11 2• H"b 2S Ott901~ 27 SIOlt 2 ·'For w1n1 of 2 I Organic 1,11~, compo1md 40 PIJ11 23 Bruo P•" 42 Oubd14bl.- F• 4) lubrl(4nl 19 Hast~n ) Stnl11 JO Swemo 4 Johnny ~ J6 ~{IQ~ C5 Rt1p1oi. ~~~.t~"r:_,~,;~ l111eproboft --'~~'oiJ'~-l8l>1~11nc11on not 39 hsll dlHHI! 6 --I .a St1 w11e1 bone. . · • 1 New• Ar I Commence chflC 9 FOfm.t Ruat •2 Shoo1tng teldt1 11.US 9 MuliCll IOM •4 M0tn1n9 -colo• 4& Ctttte genus 10 Coti.ge u 48 Smell con· .,,,, "'"'' I I £bb 47 tndoltnct 12 Roman •Dtd 49 Sano tJ H110y "''' StOI 28 ftiJ clo111v 30 lure l l 'rHttll meu ure )2 Procet<h 33 L.,nto 3• Slloretrne l'teffS l&0-191"' 38 Cmott J7 U!Ot qu1n 48 A111n ~hmb !I() om ca1d ~I Delete !l2 force un11s !13 Russian llVll group Abbi 56Cene 56 Glen eo Gr1111 ., I ·, .. 81• DAILY Ptl.OT ENTERTAINMENT I INTERMISSION / MOVIES '6 Rms' Retains Its Comic Flavor Stallone's 'Alley' Rocky It·· bet-n a I w > an ln<'• wt• looked rn on "6 Rm1 Riv Vu ... one of the C\lON llterale and attractive <.1111u~ comedif' OI\ tht ~mmunlty t"e•ter r lrrult 1nd, happily, h rt:· main. flO at \he Saddl t»ck Valley Community Tht._t r Jounnt-Appltlf'tt. d1retUn1 th Bob Ranctau bonbon about l•-o mar· r&l'd fl"lranaere lotked jn an empt)' t'w York 1pertmen1 for the econd ttmc. has t'om up v.1tb a re markably dlff~l. thou1i:h t'Qually l't,llA(llng. produtOon f rom th on.- ht" mounlt'd tn San Clemente nc.>atly <our yturs u~o In th1 one the foc0> ~)lifts from lht• comic cala mity of tht> 1tuutlon to the unca y ronf1c1t-nce.& of Its prmc1pal TRE ER\'O S E befort> tht'1r ont> shOt ~rfa1r and lht-1r l'OOrmou' guilt aJ'Wr ll Ur\: sk1lltull) portruycd by Nort'tm Farley und Oen~ Good m;&n Ml t'arlcy 1s pwrtlculatly de AM tMlllff P•ulFt-Nll ECld•• WomMt 1" '-A • If•< he•cl Miiier ,.,.., 1'•'4cimeft .... ..,..,,, WQn\ff\ f~l.t'llF•tllt• hghtful und mo~l ade pt a l catching· tbe humor of the moment . he.~ laughing Jag 1n the "'next morning M~Quence Jb beautiful Goodman. though noticeably more 111 al case. lets this condition work for him 1n h1!. chaructcr's basic anx- it•t y Jle Jacks the comic finesse re· qu1n.•d to take the 1nitial1vc in this ··bnd em·ountcr. ·· but his reticence g1 v~!. the role a stron~ tinge of re· allty "l\DDING SPICE to tht' Saddlcback soufflc arc Carol Knight as the ho~tile mistrt>S~ of an equally hosulc Doberman and Jol· Cordio as the 1lcn•nnially griping building superin- tendent both chOice cameos. Dick Vc.irn and Lind11 Aldrich are quitc i.:ood as the rcs~cl1 ve spouses or Intermission Tom Titus was maklna th rounds or the local playhoUK' tn the mlddlt> 197<N Fin1tl perlorma1\te. will be given l'~rtday and Saturd1y at H p m rn the little theater at M1uion VIUJO High School • ..... ,....... Oftf-plan . • By RO~,t~lNGTON , ........ Sylv"ter Stallone cto.s not prove to be a triple lhreot wllh "Paradise Alley." on which he makes hte d irectorial d<i but a nd stars in hts own acreenpla y. H•re, he pretty f.'ell strikes out on two counts wrtUng and acting -but manaces to get by ln dJrccUnt mainly because he has i urrounded himself wllb some top crartapeople. , The mm. produced by John F. Roach and Ronald' A. Suppa, la a per\od plece. set ln 1946. con· cernlng the efrorts or three brothers and lhelr er- rorts to get out ot New York's Hell's Kitchen. Stallone sta rs as Costno --------- Ca r b oni. a bras h and( MOVl.E J r a ther c r ass you n g schemer who Is full of REVIEW ideas for other people to ---------' 1 •· P•:RCllANCE YOU muised one Susan Anton makes carry out. and Armand or the thr c produclloni. or "8urefoot her movie debut in Assante Is hla older brother Lenny. an embittered. tn thl' Pitrk" otfcred ¥long the lhe title rol e or once idealistic crippled war veteran. ~01ether. Orang\' Coas t last yeur. Colden West "Golden Girl. .. about they push their hulking and not·too-brlght younger Collt!flt> 111 g1vm~ you another chanc~ brother Victor Into becoming a top underworld "l:t•il Simon·~ ~cc•ond t>omedy open• a 6·2 female athlete's wrestling champion at Paradise Alley. a private the> re PridJy tor a three-weekend c rforts to join the local club where anything goes run U.S Olympic team. STAU.ONE'S SCREENPLAY is based on an Churlt·:-M1tchcll l b direclJng the----------interesting. a lthough not especially original. idea. ~tory ot a l)alr of honeymooners in a. but it is not particul arly well reali zed in the execu- top rJoor New York apartment with A lion. The main problem Is a lack of character de· Bunnie Goodm a nscn a nd Doug Clre88 d f h O 'Con nor in the lcudin g rotes. velopment . The attitudes an personalities o t e two older brothers change abruptly during the Suzanne Lummis und J on Barrons course or the storr. but these.transformations are take the parts of the bride 's mother Dedicates not substantiated. And there Is an underlying <1od the upstairs neighbor. with sense of violence that seems to pander to this taste Chuck .Gresham and J im Harbaugh • completing the cast. 0''d St di whi le condemning.it at the same time. ··Barefoot"' will be presented ror I ll 0 Also. Stallone has attempted to create a com· nine performances. T h ursd ays NEW YORK (AP> edy·drama. but his eCforta in this direction have through Saturdays at 8:30 and Sun-For Gloria Swanson the mainly been to i ive himself some funny lines. days. Oct. 8. at 2:30 in the college s cene was 8 familiar one which are really not that fUMy. And he is not a the"ter. ~anwhile. another Simon but s he said it gave her COO\edian . Ile gives a ner vous. obnoxious comedy. "Come Blow Your Jlorn. ·· 1 performance that Is marked by uncha nneled closes out its run Thursday through ··goose pi m P es .. t o energy and mumbled diction. indicating he is es. relive it. Saturday al 8.30 and Sunday at 2:30 senlially a one-dimensional. one·character actor in the adJaccnt Actors Playbox. The 7 9 . y e a r · o I d -----------------~--* actres s walked back CALLBOARD Arriving too late onto the Qig sound .stage for mclus ion in Friday's roundup or of the Astoria" St udios loc a I auditions 1s the Newport Harbor w her c many o ( h c r Community Theater's announcement motion pictures were of readings for its season opener. filmed to help dedicate ··Dracula···. try outs are 1tas ac1ty landmark. scheduled for Wednesday. Thursday . a nd" Friday at 1 30 p m In the M 1.ss Swanson s aid NewportArtCenter.250 1 CliffDrive .• Monday 1.~.at 1l was Newport Beach. . director Ste ve "marvelous to see t he Patterson is looking for six men and ~~·rt: a r · o Id s ~ u d 1. 0 1 th rl•c women for the vam pire ·11v1~.S and working m classic. . . 1978. LiZ Sidelined Mi~s Farler:tm~ Goodman~ while.Su ... ·--~ Todd and Bruce Mci ndoe complete RICHMOND. Va <APl --:Tolm WaFnel''s--most-fam ous earn- thc cas t as another apartment-paigner is on the sidelines. at least tempora rily. '-----...;hunt in~ coup c ..AcU:ess Elizab~tb T.aylor called orr her cam pin"iJl "6 Rmi, Rw Vu " tl> one of those pea ranees in her husband's .behalf because 0t an ey utJUty. M>.:...,,....,,. ran• comedies that retains its cnsp-Warner. a former Navy secretary. is the GOP candidate for ----------------41111 ncsl>. a• ap~Liung ~ay~a~s~w~h~en~it~-=U~.S~.~~~n=a=~~ln~V~ir~g~i~n=·1a~·----------------1~~11~J~:~ Alcott's 'Woinen' Set on T V HOLLYWOOD I AP l Greer Garson. Robert You l\~ and l)'orothy :\JcG uire s tar in the four -hour, two·patrt adupt ution of Louisa May Alcott's ··Little Women" on N BC on Monday and Tuesday. Oct. 2·3. The stor y of family life during the Civil War also stars Meredith Bax· ter Bimey, Susan Dey, Ann Duse n ber r y. H1chard Gllllland , Virginia Gregg. Eve P l umb. Cll rt Potts . William Shallerl. and William Shatner Do vld Lowell Rich directed from a script h v Suzanne Clouser. w·hu:h received a com- mendation from the Nu· t1on11I Education As- ~uc 1 ation '" It ... the Delta• _,Mt the rule• ••. ............ ~ "'~~ ... ~ ......... -. An PE'IER FRAMP'roN THE BEE GEES ''SGT. PEPPER'S LONEIK HEARTS CWBBAND,' ., .. .,1 : •• ·~1 . ., ........... __ .,., "SMOKEY AND THE e~NOIT" (PQ) "GONE IN eo SECONDS" "SQUND OF MUSIC" '~SATURDAY N IGHT FEVER" (R) "THE ONE AND ONLY" . "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" (PG} • "FOUL PLAY." CPG) "FOUL PlA Y" (PG) "FUN VllTH DICK I JAN.E" "OORVETTE SUMMER" ".JOY RIDE" (PO) ~ ........ ., 51 .. lltM "TH! BUDDY HOUY STORY" '"TMANK 000 IT'S FRIDAY" (PO) "HEAVEN CAN WAIT'' "AMERICAN HO"'. WAX" (PG) "SMOKEY & THE BANDIT" ( "GONE IN 80 SECONDS" ,....----. IAYI IUMAWAY • ..,._T UI IOMll IYU Of LAUIA MAIS 111 PlUI ILACK OUT 111 o.t'f OtAM -~HAW .. .. FOUL PL.A y•• ....... _ .. , .. , ........ .. ,,_ h ll-J\l l-llJt.,:41-1- IUCll ~ TMI CMOllN1H1 '"" nNNlfUCNI ,,_ .. NMUUI f. l&ACIC OUT 111 2. MATM POllT 111 i . LAil sumvou 111 _..,,....IMl, ... •a.=" .. IO llLl Y IOI CNt THE OTHER P E RFORMANCES, under Stallone's meandering d1rect1on. range from very good to awkwardly selC·consc1ous. Many or lb• characters a re broad stereotypes and Kevl,, Conway 1s es pecially wast ed as a fla tly car icatured gang leader . Assante I. 1Atense but ia unable to do much more with the role of the oldetl brother because It is so vaguely developed In t.bt writing. Ann A1icher and Joyce Ingalls al\ two l~ gi1'1s. Frank M cRae as a has·been wrestler and Lee Canallto u the youngest brother all manage effective moments, m ainly because they are a ble• to Invest. their character with personality and In- dividual magnetism. -. The film is visually impressive, thouah. due to the accomplishments of the top technfcians tft· volved. Lasilo Kovacs· photography is brilllaftt. creating a son. nostalgic at mosphere through hill' muted lensing of John W. Corso·s mar velous pro·4 duct1on design 1 art direction by Deborah BeaUdet and set decoration by Jerry Adams 1 Bill Conti has. provided a plea~anl and supportive muaical score. and Eve Newman's editing is smooth. ft's all ve ry romantic. fully capturinJ? a quality that Stallone ha s uni.ucccssrully tried 10 incorporate m his ~cripl. which emerg~~ with almost no style whatsoever · I INSIDE: •Ann Landers •Erma Bombeck •Horoscope •Claulflecl We're showing the customer something she wouldn't think of by herself.' They used to ~ <'ailed "trimmers.·· and lhe)' put toaetber displays an department stor~ wtndows Every holiday. every sale, evecy season. they 'd derorste the daylights out of the plat· ror~ behind th ttlas!> to lure the passer-by. But along came lt\at architectural ~hemoth. the shopping mall. and wlMC>ws didn't mean much anymore. A shopper un't pay attention to Caney windows while hunting tor a place to park. Gol\e are most of tbe outside windows. but gone aren't the trimmers. They've shifted their focus and changed their titles. Today, they spruce up the store's insides by attractively displaying merchandise. ln depart· ment store lingo. they're "visual presentation" people CJ WHILE LOCAL department stores have diC· fering phll06()J>hies on how to present wares. all have the same basic goal to sell. They do it by showing the customer a spanking-new way to wear a jacket. set a table Greg Deranian dresses a mannequin at Bullock's. or decorate a room. to sto .. e. Story-telling settings are known as Admits one display director ... We're selling · "theater presentations" at the May Company in an idea. a look. We're showing the customer South Coast Plaza. according to the store's something she wouldn't think of by herself. All rashion stylist. Carol Davy. of a sudden, we've created a need. The vignettes re-create scenes like cocktail "It's especially true for women. beca use parties. outdoor sporting events and discos. they'll go for anything. If you bang it on a man "The major thrust is to create real life situa- nequin. they'll buy it. lions so t.Oat t he clothes reflect a California lifestyle." says Ms Davy. BUT-ACl'UALLV. clothing and accessories ''We want to show the items in a functional on the mannequins are suggestions for ways to way so people can identify with them, rather utilize the merchandise. ,.. . than have them say, 'Now what am I going to do .. People come here to• get ideas. We show with this jacket?· " she adds. customers a wa1' of wearing things or doang Likewise. the Broadway uses a ''theme" ap· things that might not have occurred to them on proach. but with a mlhimum or props. "We're their own." says Greg Deranian. assistant.dis going back to a more simplified l~k." says play director al Bullock's, South Coast Plaza Richard Smith. "We try to tell a story." he Similarly, Richard Smith, who does in·store says, but "not as elaborately as in the past." visual presentation for the Broadway in Fashion Island. says, "The main thing is to give a large THEMES ARE ine rely implied a t merchandise impact to show it ofC. to sell it. Bullock's. For example. a grouping of three ------"""~ t9 hel · ~e so Che,Y'n know what they can mannequins might aU be dressed in different do... ----='--------=-----$1.yles ol hiking sboes.._w ·ackets ana heavy ,. ' . ' . . .. . MANNEQUIN DISPLAYS djCfer from store mufflers to give the impresst0n t ey re o.itr "'"'....,.."' &.ee ,...,_ Rosanna Patrona: 'Just the way it is.· A pianist has decided to become a nurse because she couldn't support herself in the arts. By CHERYL ROMO Of .. o.itr~ ..... "In Europe there 1s a strong appreciation or the arts right now. Some of the countries sup- port the arts and they are Oourishing," says Rosanna Patrona, a pianist who has become a nurs ing student at Golden West College. Perhaps, she says, the values in America will someday change and Americans wUJ also appreciate the arts. But for now, sbe says re- signedly, ''It's just the way it ls." Ms. Patrona, 26, who holds a master's .., degree in piano from the Uruverstty of Southern CaUComla and in the past bas been an accom· panBt f6t.such notables as Gregor Ptatigorsky, Harvey Pittel. Eudlce Shapiro and Gabor Rej{o, finally bad to admit to herself sbe needed to bave a second occupation that would provide a 1teady income. A mualcl•n stnce tM •P 7 and tbe wtn . ner of the Dimitri MltrodouJoa ward CS4,500) from Utt HeUs Foundadoo u h11h school tealor at Westmlnsur Htah, tt wa a difficult 41ecbion to make. CStt PIANIBT, Pate C2> ( Bappeni11gs ) A Really Big Bash Thf' South Orange County . Y'wCA 's latest fund-raising event was a real bash · · literally. Dubbed a .. Fender Bender Bash," it was a chance to double smash a beat-up jalopy .for just a dollar. More than 200 people took advantage of the situation and released their pent·up automobile aneer by hefting sledge hammers and denting the dickens out or the cars provided by BW Mat· tesoa, owner of Rent-A-Dent used car rental in Santa Ana. • And an additional 300 onlookers cheered, ate hot dogs. beans and popcorn and sipped the libations. Entertainment ranged from disco lessons and belly dancers to the world's only Polish Mariachi band. wt\ich strolled through the car lot at lSt Street and Lacy. Dorl Ahler. executive director of tne YWCA, reported that the grand door priie "A Low-Lights' Tour Oa Orange County fot' one cou· ple. complete with a chauffeur-driven '63 Mercedes" --was won by Da~M&l'dd.alllo. .: ~, "'~~,Ma. ... ~.~J9.1:J:i.e-YW.CA . according to tiSlilci,~p~~f~ People Peering The Education Extension Club of Orange County has awarded scholarships to Kim E. Jones, Adell Pitts, Rosita Scott, Crystal Waalllngeoo, Sal Joseph MaJino, Cart KeDdrtck, Carl L. Crawford, .ruaalta Deall'am-and DeWayne E. Roberts .•• Ly• M. Wallen, daughter of Mr. alld Mn. ltoeakl L Wafferl of Balboa Island, has been accepted to The American College cor Lucerne) in London ... The Newport Harbor Art M"8et.im bas an· nounced the reelection of Mra. Harold L. P11S.rl• as chairman of the Museum's Docent Council. ~'sWho The Newport Beach Chapter of Who's 'tlho International took a moonlight crulae Friday aboard lob and Betty Shnley's Nesco 1. The coektaU party honored Mr. and Mn. Reed Sprinkel. \ In addition to cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, \ guests enjoyed dining, dancing and champagne. Ha.ta included Arlene Aade,..., NataUe BeaJa•la, Lori Foster, Jim Harrt1H, Dr. Robert Hafataderi Marlel Mle.,e, ao1er Mo•noe, C.nl Powe I, But TwtJecar a8d .1"411e Pearee y_,, Jnttrnational coordlD.ton we~ Lori Cal¥111o and Trudy .MareeUJ. Who'a Who tntematlon1l ls a social and charily l'_"OUP ot sln1te _people. Proceeds rrom the moonHabt cruise went'° the N•J Leacue. If p llow Oii item for~. wild ir ro Hol'fWmn,., ~ COOll DaUJ1 AJot, P.O. 8or l#f Co1to "'''°· '21921 Or coll 1n-m1. walk ing in the country on a winter day, explains different approach. "We are slowly switching Greg Deranjan. from ·ooutiquing' a hanger draped with "We're no longer doing environmental dis· clothes and accessories to mannequins. It's plays Hke ·a real setting for a reaJ person.' totally there; it's a total fashion statement." Instead, it's a fashion statement that just says 'Here are the clothes, here are the ac· MOST OF THE large department stores cessories'," adds Deranian. pla n their displays from monthly fashion guidelines issued by corporate offices. "The "WE OON'T use mannequins," says Betsy memo gives us an idea or what the buyers have Sanders, manager at Nordstrom. "We like the bought heavily in and where they have put their merchandise to be picked up and handled, so we money ad-wise." says Deranian. use display fixtures that make the merchandise The ensembles are then "pulled." piece by accessible. piece. to create the desired look. Each item is "There's something forbidding about a usually signed out of its particular department. mannequin. It's nice lo look al. but it's not easy to go up and check the prjce or something or see "Sure it's artistic." says the Broadway's howthecolorlooksagainstyourskin. Richard Smith. "But It's a lot or work "T'-e best thing for us is to take a long time coordinating that merchandise and planning to put together a display and then tum around and thinking ahead ... and have it taken apart by a customer because Deranian agrees. saying. "Dressing lhe she liked it and bo ught everything on it," says mannequins is a tedious physical man~uver. It's Ms. Sanders. not pleasing. The pleasure and creafivity hap- RaffaeJla Zeek, assistant in the. Robinson'.s_ pens after you've pulled a look and it's coming strion-hl-andt:-diSPta:)'-41tepett'ttl~lrr'""~i$..41..__-t.cl~beJ:~'~'~~~~~~~=-:_:::-:_:-=-:.____::..::::1 Jonnie Larson of Laguna, above, and Tom Sather, left. bash ,<I">!''""""''"" •••••:::~~ .... Q ' ~~· ··~lf: tO their . heart's content. I •• 1 Patroa Party Th hotJt of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eat.on wa the Un• for •cocktail party ror th~ putrons of the upcominJt benefit for •the Am Ncan Cane r Society of Orungc ounty d 1 The Bol de Cordon m(!tl M"C'OO unnuu ttourm"°t dtnn r and aucUon ~ pla nned roi ·rue· da Oct 2.1, al ·Bta Canyon Cou~try Club General chairmen ror the fund raiser are ~1 r md Mni nthonY Vitt I. honorary chu1~1·pt>r!.On~ un• Cle1n 1 T revor ; Mr Millon Brl'n • und OonnJ Recd M r~ Gro\'l'r A!'\mu~ 1 Who Gets The Tab? tt's probably a tr~de :-.ecret , but I am 1n· trigucd by waiters and wai tress e s who In· !>tin c tively know to whom to give the check. die 'or the table like a hand grenade. the n stands back so that each may quickly toss it back and forth from one another with cries of. ''I had the iced tea and the apple brown belly. Do they still charge for ex· tra whipped cream? .. A friend of mioe who waited tables this sum- mer said he 's no expert. but he followed certain guidelines . The rnan who s um· mons the wine list is fingered as the man In Ch.a rt] d get s. the check. The man who says in a loud voice . "I think you 'JI like lhia pJaoe. 1 'd personally recommend the barbecued ribs.·· sets himself up as an authority check.figure. Tbe man who sees the check coming and still doesn't bolt to go to the restroom or to make a phone call gets the bad new~ The man even if he just sk>pped by a table full or women to s ay hi!llo gets the check. This last bit of in· form ation fascinated m e'. W it h a 11 t h e freedom that has been accorded women they still feel more comforta- b I e with "separate checks." Every woman at one tJme or an other has ~ been to one or ~hose ; famous luncheons where ! the waiters, ignoring · pleas to bill individually, puts it all on one check. He places it ln the mid· ••• · '1fow much is the pot of tea and the meringue sandwich:'' ''I'll get the parking if so.meonc gets lfi~.fip.~ "I only have a te n You owe me $3.26. · "l'm pa y ing for Ruth's lunch. She drove. Take back Ruth's money." "I'm not leavipg a big lip. When J asked where the women's room was, he just grunted." Men generally regard all this as tacky. My husband· took me to lunch the' other day and when the check came. I i0$tlncUvely reached for it an impulse from raising three teen-agers "What do you think you!re doing?" he shout· ed. "As long as you are eating with me. 'J as· sume the responsibility for the cheek. Frankly. I still find it a blow to my ego when a woman picks up the lab. Just sit there a nd be feminine and thank me for being so aenerous and accom. modatlQg. By the way, you got two bucks ror the tip?" Now, that's tacky. <From Page Cl> According to a spokesperson at Golden . West, Ms . Patrona's dilemma is increasingly common umong men and women in the ,arts. ~~~· U-..:£.: ~~~.u}.~. marketable skill to continl:e1ilJ'tel'rrls~O'Vl? -" fields. ' She chose nursing, she explains, because she's always been Interested In the "helping professions" and had a piano teacher who died of cancer. At the lime , she ~alls, she would liked to have been able to help him. With the help of a $500 grant from the California Student Aid Comm.is~lon's occupa· t1onal and educ ational t raining program tOETG >.she went back to sch?<>~ last spring .. Ms Patrona expects to fwsh her nursina training in 1980 and to be uble to work with the dying. The rest of her time will be spent further· ang her music career . Currently living with her parents 10 their Westminster-home, she practJc:ee two-and·a·balf. hours each day and dreams or tra¥ellng all over the world as an accompanist. Ms. Patrona performs each month at tHe Allard Academy in Santa Ana and later this fall plans recltalJ at both the Bowers Museum in SanLa Ana and Golde n West. As a nursing student, she says she hu met others like herself with master's dearees in fields where few jobs are available. The OETG projlram was developed to aaalet those who want to acquire ~ marketable skill ln the shortest period or time. Most of the student.a. who receive grants ue entenni • neld det· lgna1ed by Lhe California Student Aid Com· m·lssion as being short of ~anpower .•. ;Jravel everywhere ... Sund1y1 In the eec DAI LY PliOT IU lll ' • From leW, Jan Vitti, Claire Trevor Bren, Tony Vitti. PIJ/ty-goers Walt Fiedler, Doagle Devine. Roaella Fledler. o.t11, I'll« ~.., reme1 O'..._.. Attending were, from le~. Milton Bren, Mrs. Robert Eaton, Robert Guggenehlm. -Mr. and Mrs. Ge11/ Muller. left. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Doan ( Borosrope ) Here's a .Hairy Query WEDNESDAY, SEPt'. Zt By SYDNEY OMARR DEAR ANN LANDERS: In April my husband had his head s have d like Te lly Savalas. He keeps it that way by going over it ARIES <March 21·April 19 l: Accent on cost. every two or three days ne w starts, fresh concepts, original fo~at~ gel· with an elcetric razor. IL ting to heart of matters. Leo. Aquarius figure has improved our sex Aaa ~-···· has n't been Involved in a serious wreck. prominently. You have support, YOU. need not be life a lot which gives pushed around where prices .. Profits are Con· va lidity to t hat old wealthy people w.ho gested I write to you cerned. Know il and act accordingly. . wives' Lale about bald· heard about Oebbie's about this problem. TAURUS <April 20·May 20 >: Your lnsuncts headed men being more condiHon. They bave of· Tl RED OF BE!NC This is more than a s afely problem. it ·s a marJtal problem. Mv husband's driving has been the cause of dozens or arguments and ruined many an evening. May I hear from you'> l need y our ht'lp . UNSTRUNG WIFE are on target follow them. Lead rather ~an virile. rered to pay her $7,500 if TAKEN ADVANTAGE permitting others to set pace . or pohcy. Last week I asked m y it is a healthy baby. OF DEAR WIFE : Voa arH't alone. If all the wives who bad Ulis prob· lem wer.-lined •P · they'd reach from the t>mergeocy ward or <!edars of Lebanon in Los it.ngel.-11 lo tht> ManhaUan Morgue. Aquarius. Cancer. Leo figure prominently. Do husband If he would Should she have healthy DEAR TIRED: No not gulp food. Show consideration f~r your own sh ave my head . I've twins they'll pay Sl0,000 one can take advantage digestive system! always wondered what Js there a law against o r you witho ut your GEMINI IMay 21.June 20>: You ~ind ways it felt like to be bald. I this? J have a feeliog it cooperation. The. best to ·•walk around" an ob~lacle. Be discreet wear . wigs a lot so It is immoral even if it 1s way to. get rid of un avoid direct confrontation. Accent .on ~em-wouldn't make any dlf· legal. Please answer. wanted guests Is the pornry delay. confinement. Dreams, allusions, ference in my usual ap-MRS. x. dlrett approach. Just some fears and doubts are part of your personal pearance. He was sur DE AR X . : It , is say, "Sorry. we must Half of my readers are men. To you I say. if you see yourself In m y column today, coot it. before you beeomf! a murderer or a suicide - or both. scenario. Humor is a strong aJly · Know It; prised at my request but against t~ law to sell a get up earty tomorrow· laugh al your own foibles. . not disturbed. His reply child. Ypar daag bter Good night and thanks CANCER <June 21-July 221 : Accent on wtsh was , ''I'll think about coald a«ept compensa· for coming over." fulfillment. displaying strength where des!res. it... Uon ror medJcaJ care but D E A R A N N convictions are concerned. Friend goes into de· I could shave my head tbe transaction as you LANDERS: My husband tall about a complicated plan. Obtain hi!1t from without his help if l describe It Is UJegaJ -is a kind a thoughtful Gemini message. Do what you feel is right for wanted to surprise him and your lmtlncta are man. but r live in rear you, not what you think others might expect of but I am undecided as to rlgbt -morally lt is that one or these days tre CONFIDENTIAL TO GLAD f CAN STILL LAUGH: Big deal. So can a hyena. T'he lmpor. tint lnve • a a ble to forget Ult' iDci· dent. keep yoar mouth sbut and be graciou to th~ girt when yoa meet you. ~ w6ether or ootf hould. k boUom will k:tlr;n-e and-n?e LEO I July 23-Aug. 22): ~dialogue-with --This is the age of "dq P.S. I bope you will children -or some in· one who is in seat of authority. You can get your own thtp&." What see tbat Debbie 1et1 nocent person. No points across: you'll be surpnsed at POSitive re:. do you think, Ann., some cocmselfng so she he's not ment.ally ·m. He suits. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius figure prom· J E A N N E I N doesn't RJake fbe same wouldn't think of owning inently. Articulate ideas, thoughts member HA NOVER. MASS. mistake a third time. a weapon, but he 'll do it of oppositesexwillencourage andinspire. . DEAR J EANNE: I <C oatact Planne d withhiscar ;=:=;;;~~=:;:;~~=-; VIRGO IAug. 23-Sept. 22>: Accent.on travel, can't lmaglDe any de· Parenthood. It's in the When he gets behind RUFfEll'S communication. s piritual insight. Be clsion that Is more your phone book.) the wheel he becomes a diplomatic, gain overall view. refuse to argue bus iness -and less o E A R A N N different person -ag. UPtfo&.STHY agaln! with family member. Someone wan~ you to be mine. It's your bead and LANDERS: What ca1_1 gressive, impatient and more vulnerable than you have a nght to be. if you want to shave It be done about relali.ves unbelievably vulgar. If ..._ Y• W ... Hold fast to basic principles. ror what.ever reason, be who don't know when to another driver· fails to ...... LIBRA <Sept. 23·0ct. 22): Define terms. my guest. If you don't go home? My busban~ give him the right-of· ltU...._.._ talk language that Is understood. Means gel off like being baJd you can and r must be at work at way, be "gets even " by c.teMIM-548-0Jlt sidelines and into game. Accent on resolution, always let your hair 7:00 a.m .. which means speedln,, passing him at ~~~~~~~~~='· determining extent of rules and regulations. grow back in. we get up al 5730. all cost. using profane Your expenses. payments. collections. . A t on LANDE RS : Our 16 · hours , yet they sit an~ horn and behaving like a canoe Partner , other close associate or mate dlscusses 0 E A R A N N These people know our language, leaning on the A DBllY Pi/Or SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21 L ccen 1 d h 5 it a nd s it. If m y spoiled child. I know Recycled. documents marital status, production. rear·O d aug ~e~ hu s band doesn 't get many accidents haveOt'· . 014ott= priorities. reiauonshlp that ls Intensified. M~in· 1 5 Pre g nan l wit d seven hours' sleep he is curred because of Just -~;:;= tain profile that Is the OPJ>C?s.ile of aggressive. h e. r .w:dfocck 0ch~ld . a wreck the next day I this kind of anger It's a "'~;;, Go slow. lie low. play waiting ga~ei ~ather ?.i~~~ie" Is In her fifth get a spllUing headache rm~ir~a~c~l~e~m~y~h~u~s~b~a~n~d~~"===:==::::::::=~~ pertinent data. You'll soon use mate a your month and t he ~octor If I don't get at least - owns. AgrGerrrat 8~~.anlUt.aSg~Nov. 22.Dec. 21 1: Study sa!d he thinks she 1s car· eight hours a night. n.n th hi h g twins During the Last night I started to Scorpio mee1age work. diet, heal are g e. rr;~t preg~ancy I she hint 'at 10 o'clock that we lighted. Avoid sensationallsm. C~lt ~ • was only 14 > she signed had a big day coming up essentials. Finish project, ~rmiLbsitua~~ her baby over to the but this couple might as follow naluraJ course .. Aues, ra. home that took care of well have been deaf personsfigure~':i.sc~an~J 19,. G()()dMoon her. They were really They s tayed until 12:30. CAPIUCO ' c. · an. i 1· ject In wondeHul -provided -talking nonsense and aspectedcolnci1d~ no~. wl~gs~c~f~hanges: expert doctors and she gelling plastered on tensirt re auons ap, of even had tutoring ~she beer. messa~. travel. Young pers°'r ~~~.f:tfsm wouldn't fa ll back In My hus band and r picture ~ and so .. is persona all · school. were both exhaus ted SomQ~J~~~~. ~;~:.s:i : {~ur.securi· Las t week we received an.d ugly to one another ty 1~ enhanced by greater knowl.edge. Sti~k to a phone call from some this mormn~ He sui.::· reality or situation. Obtain vahd appraisals. Don't expect something for notl\ing refuse to NEWPORT HARBOR give up something of value for nothing. Cancer. CQU NSELI NG CENTER . Leo and a~her Aquarlan figure prominently. PISCES <Feb 19-March 201 : Accent on vis· t its calls trips relatives who want you to fulfill presen s . "s~ 1a1 obligations ." Gemini figutes prominent· A Comprehensive Program Toward • ~~~.,~--~!" .... '1pnm••w~ ..,.... ·. Avoid scattering you-;:1o~ces--~we~o"Hiro ........~n1v1AP4·c~ 1 ' ~~~~~ity for valuable contacts through social WEIGHT at IS •.. a rainbow of color . . . 20,000 ~ars old . .. a unlQUt work of 1rt f'OSllL IVORY SClttMSHAW J•W•LttY In et erlbtg "' 14 kt. gold .& <Paru ~"ti' btl. Thcr 11n11lliOI fn OAtkJW•. ot~•· ~..otl~ CONTROL Oeaigned for those who 1re weary of .. qui<* wetQht toss plans," fed diet•. and who wish to gain ratting oontrot of their eating hablta. Directed by: Stephen Adam. M.A. The highly effective method• utlRzed by Mr. Adam 1n this comc>1~aive approach have been adapted from experimental research and clinical practice. Through a unique blend of l~ry training, behaviof modification and 8fX)rOPftate nutrition this program teachet new habits wtllch ofl8f the ind1111dua1 permanent control over hie/her weight 12 Week Program Designed To Teach The Participant: • How to IOee we+Qht and keep 11 off while melntlinlng Pf<>Pet' nutrition • What the "need to overeat" repreeent1 to the indtvldual • How to Identify the aoeciflo tenllon• In life that contribute to OV9reatlng • H<Jw to uee one 't POwer to control thought•. feellng1, and actions • How tf achieve greeter .. rr .. eteem and fulflllmen • fOOd tlk•• II'• proper Plaot In ttte 1ndMdu1t'• life . For further Information. or to arrange 8 private consultatlon at no charge call: ( 714) 833-1610 NEWPORT HARBOR COUNSELING CENTER 1161 Dove St., Suite 230. Newoort Beach, Ca. (Offr the brenge Countv Airport) MEN WOMEN YOUNG AOUL TS ARE YOU READY FOR THE JOB MARKET HAS YOUR LIFESTYLE CHANGED DRAMATICALLY ARE YOUR CH ILDREN NOWGROWN ... OR HAS THE TtME COME TO CHANGE YOUR DIRECTION'? A recent survey disclosed that more than 80% of the individuals ~.-;· ·_t...:...Q1,~~.f~Ytcl ~,e "~h4PR~J?t:: ~ 'ti(:' lri" , •. ~~.";~~}lM!f<>'P"'~illf\J<HJ . . ~ ll so .. you may be ir.terested , 1n our career assess ment prOQram. We are not an employment aoency, c!nd Wiii not find you a Job We offer a comprehensive pr09ram Of personality and career testlno. combined with personal lnterv•ew with professional counse1or'5. Our concept 1:. val Id, our clpproact-practical and our fee reasonab1e Whether you clre a higt\ SChoOI dropo"t a coll~ graduate wit!' advanced degrees, been out of 'he Joo tl'arket, or are lust ready for a chanqe, we can assist you in se1ect109 d career wt11ct\ will successfully utilize ycyr potential. For complete lntormatlon ca11 or write tocsay. NEWPORT BEACH COUNSELING SERVICE 1501 Westchff Drive Suite 221 NEWPORT BEACH 92660 64W002 Mon.· Frf. W - ltOTICll OP '"''""'°" .. •atn .. ,, .. Ill< .. NOTIC: IS Mla&ey Olvtl" - IN ...... •~•Of­C-l'f.~~--,. ~ ,.,...... ff 4n ~"' .... .,__..U~ Miii 41111 ... 111110. ¥1• ... 111114 ........ -c.-.t• ,.... .. _ ....... ~ ............. -"' .... Wt I.__.,._-· .-.i IO .......... ~ T'Mr'f\1"""1111'! P UBLIC NOTICE SUl'E•tOlt CIOUH OP THE SToUI OP CAl,.IPOaNIA "oa THI COUNTY M oaANOE ..o.~ NOTICE OP INTINTION TO SILL •EAL ... o .. EaTY AT ... IVATI SALi. E"il• of STANLEY A. AHLMAN ta.I STANLEY AHL.MAN, Otce•s.e<! NOTICE IS HEl!E&Y OIVEN 111•1 on 0< etter Oc1otter 1'. 1'71, •1 Ille law oflleu ot Keene tfld Olofl, Allornns •• Lew. lll3 WeS1 Coe•I Hlgllwey, ~"''' •01, lffw00r1 Beec". c..1o1ornld. t"41 utl0tr\l9N'<1. Dorothy M Ahlmen, ~ 1Ut111rt1 of IM Wiii of the •bOvf' n•meO oec_,,t, wlll 1011 •• provolt .... to '"" hlQhHI ""° l>t\I bldde•. •Uble<I to conllr m•lton by '"'d Superior Court, illl roQM, lltht. lnte•u l •nit e.t•t• of seld ooc:_..t 1t tht 11mP of "''doth. •nd •II riQht. 1111e. end 1n. 1¥•01 the ellatt hll .t(QUHOd by ooe•ehon 01 ••w o• ottterw1"'. otllt• tll•n Of In -lion lo tllat of W•d df'<P oent, In end 10111e1cert••n rNl CH-•· IY iK•IH '" ,,,._ '4fy .. _._Poll-8~cll._(.ouci:!I ~·n~. Stale ot •-------!Ic..ma;;;fi, cl " s An undivieled __,..If lnt.,.111 •• l__..tn -1 .. -lo Lot 12. In lllO<ll J, et 8elMe lr«I, M PM mff •e<orCM<I Ill 8oo1t 4. P~ II of Mt' '411•-Miii\ In Ille Office of , ... C.ounty llecoroer 01 u1d O• .. nve c-1Y ,. ( The pr_.,..," tO""''°"'' .. _ dnd r•leff.-1lo••410 E. Belbcwl &lvd. 8elbN. Ne__. S..Cll, tentorn11 ,,,. w•• b IUl>jeet 10 cu•"'" toes. co .. n1nt~ (.Oftdltloft1. r9'1rKI-,. ••· W?v•tlo<IS. r1911h, r19Ml 04 ••Y. end o•sernen11 ot record. &Id\ or often ere Invited lor selo oraoerw •ncl must ... "' wrot11>9 •nd m•Y be dellvtrtd lo tr.. u ecutrh oersonelly or to 1M olll<e ot lier et· 1orney•. 1(-el'\CI D-. 3JlJ Wn l C.o••t Hlghwey, Suite 401. Newport Bet<h, C•lllornl• 'l?.U, or m11v ~ toled 1n 1rw office of the Cleno ot ,,,.. >uotrlOr Court •I ""' time alter lllt '"" publtttllon ol thl\ nouct ""d bf lore !tit ma1<1119 01 the u1e, the 1erm> end <Of><lllion~ 01 ''" <•Sii or parl tll!oh ano oort crrdll. the ttrms ol \UCh creolt 10 be •ctep11bl• 10 the vndefl>IQned And lo the Suoerlor Court . ten percent 110•.i 01 the .tmo11nl bid 10 eccomo1ny 1114! otler. •nd Ille 1>el1nce to be 1>o1ld ""°" con. 1orm1tlon cK Hie by Ille Superior c.ourt. T .. 9', rtnh. QOerlh"9 ond m11nfe111t1C• ··~'· ano l)(ffnl11m1 on lnsur•n<t ecttPl•ble lo lht pur<hestr, 111ett 1111 pror•ttd u ol 111e cute of recording OI convnenct. Seid ,.1. wltl ... m.O. UPO" .... U!.U•I e3'row l11'~ TM pr-"'f I\ to.,. \Old on'" ..•• l\" !>Hit, t•t.-4 el to ltllt enG Ille UJ\ o.tr\IQMd ~~ Ille rlQlll 10 rl'IKI .ny end ell olcb 011e0 ~ember ti. "71 OorOlhY M. Ahlm1n. E1Kulrla of lhtWoll ot St_., A Alllmen eh• Sl1nlev Ahlman. 0.Ctlwel 1(-.... ~ AftWMYtMYW lW WHI CM.ti "'-"'O · Si;lq 411 ................ u .......... .,.., Ttl:l114)t~ Att•MYt .... lhtCllllll P11blli-0.clnvt C.0.•t 0411y Piiot. l.eptembet 19, 20, :lfl, 1971 Hl111 ~~~~~~~-- PUBLIC NOTJCE PICTITIOUS auSINIES5 NAME 5T°'TIMIMT T~. September 19. 1978 DAILY PILO T The BlggHt Merketplac• on the Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS P 8UCNOnC£ 6 4 2 You C.n S.11 tt, Flnd It. Trade It With • Wan1 Ad ( S 2 5878 J Oii• Call Service 4 -f H t Credit Apptov•I ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tMlett.rS• tt.Ntt.rW. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• G_e.. IOOJ e 1q 1rtl 1002 ~....,... IOOJ •.. , .. 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• PUBUC NOTlCE P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICI Of' l"TlltTION TO I NGAOI IN THI! l ALI OP ALCOMOLIC l l VlaAOH Sep!. I,,.,. To Wtlom II MAY Con<ern. S11bled to lswen<e ol the lk tftll't •Pt>•IH tOt, notkt Is hereby given 111•1 1111 11nd•rslgned propose• 10' \111 •lcollOllc 1111ver•• •• ,,.. premlsn, dt\Crlb4d u lollows In Ill• sp•u orovlCMd •'-' J im & 31127 Cont Hwy So. Levun<1. m1' P11rsue111 10 \UC" ll\ltnllo11, llle unOer\lgn•d '' •oplyl119 lo '"' Dtperlmtnl ol Alcol'IOllc 8evtt~ control 10< ouuence of en elc-llc beveuoe Hcenn •or llc,tllstsl ror theM -'eMl-et i.I~. ,,., .. Oft·S.lt 8"r & Wint o Bone F oca Public E•1•"9 Plett Herll"\c)n,FrtO M<CIYllQ. Otftr"s A Publl~ Orenge CoHI 0•1ly Pilot Sell\ 1', 1'71 U•HI PUBLIC NOTICE • _5 6 7 8 £QUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,_.._. •• Hotlce: All rew estate advert111ed ln this n ewspaper is aub· Jed to Lhe Feder al •~•Ir }lo u sing Acl or \968 wblcb makes ll 1llegal lO adver tise "a n r pre · ference. hm1lal1on. or discrimination based on race. color. rellg1on . sex . or national origjn, or nn intention to make an)' such p reler ence. UmJtn· lion. or discri minahon. •• Th.ls newspaper will not knowingly a ccept an) a d vertising for r eal estate w hich Is in viola · Uonofthe law . 9.RORS: Ad•eriisen w.ld check their ods dally and report. er- rors 1..-•at.ly. The DAILY P.ILOT a1,_1 labll ty for tt. first In. correct IMertiea Ollly. Home5 for ScH ••••••••••••••••••••••• G.Muol 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IACI< IA Y IEAUTY OHLY $14,900. , This attr act i ve older home has 3 lx>droorrls. 2 bath. is located on large D A I L y NOTICITOC•IOITO•S C1'·7• lot with RV access. su1"11tt01tcouuoPTME s u r1E111e>1tcounof'THIE Beautiful h a rdwood IASTSIDI COSTA MISA Hot Dog~ Highly desirable Eastside 4 bedrooms on a large lot with new carpet throughout. new tile entryway. remodeled kitchen and an enclosed cabana . Cul de sac location affords s pacious side yards for gardening and privacy. Also. you're close.to schools. shoppiqg and business. Presented at $107.500. U~l()UI: liVMI:§ REAL TORS". 546·5990 1525 Mesa Verde Drive, East, Costa Mesa 4 dlso in CoronJ del Milr. ell 675 6000 ~COATS & WALLACE ~REAL ESTATE . INC. /\ LOl'AllY OWNlO COMPANY SlHlllNG IHE ~OUIH COAST ARFA SlNCF 1%~ PERNCT PLACE TO -PLAY in the PRIVACY of your PRETTY heated POOL in the PATIO of this lovely 3 Bdrm home. Quality hardwood noors. stucco interior. Pri ced at onty S77.950. , Hu rry to see this one! c .. S4Ml41 Servir•g Co-;ta Mesa-Irvine Hu11t111yto 11 81_·<tCh·N(•wµort Be.ic.ll HA VE YOUI OWH IOU. TOP DESI Unique Homes as looking tor a few good salespeople ... because a few roll tops are getting a bit lonely Both the Mesa Verde and Corona del Mar offices offer: • Commission splits to 70/30 • Sales volume of $5 million a month • Active & attractive offi ces • Training sessions and bi-monthly sales meetings that inform & inspire •Computer ter minals. swing Joans. accessible management and numerous promotions For an inte r v 1E:w phon£-Sandy Orlowski (S46-5990l or Tom Boland (675-6000) U,_.IC)UI: ti()MI:§ REALTORS'. 546·5990. 1525 Mesa Verde Drive. East. Costa Mesa also tn Corond del Mdf. at 675 6000 STATIOt<CAU POllNIAPOll STAT•MCALll'CMINIAPO• rtoors a n d fireplace THE COUNTY Of'OptANGIE TH• COUNTY OP oaANOI higbli.ght the interior of ... .... ...., ....... '"" Estllt of ZELDA BEATRICE NOTICI OP ME A•IN G Of< t h is c h a r m e r . Seller ASSUME 4 Bedroom. h ighly up· graded 2 s tory wilh an assumable VA loan thut you can take over w ith no q ua lJry mg or new loan fees. Luxury features lt.aban tile t'ntry. s hake roof. btick fir e place. full $61,900. '-=====~~~~~~ Near ocean an llu n t · 1; angton Beach. Sh arp 2 bdrm . Just 1.5 m i. to beach . ln a r ea or ex pensive property_ 10•1, Down. Call 962·778tl PAYOR, Otcffsed. l"ITITION "°" l"aOltATI 01' WILL motivated. Make ortcr. NOTICE IS HE.RE8Y GIVEN to IM A N O p O a L I T T E II S p CALL 556·2660 cr.011orl of ll'ICI abOYt tllmed oeceo...t T • s T A M • N T A • y .. H 0 llWI •ti per$0n$ MvlnQ <l•i~ o111alns1 AUT HOalZATION TO AOMllOSTI• • SELECT the Hid dee-I ere req11lrtd lo Ille UNOE • THE INOEl'I NO I NT lhem. with ll'ICI neu•.arv YOIKhe•l, In ADMINISUATION 01' ESTATES PROPERTIES the olflc.e of Ille cler-ot Ille •bOvt ACT I entitled court, orloprewnHhem. wilh E1lel• OI RI CHARD TRUMANN Ille "ecuurv vouchef$, to lht SMITH .iu AICHAAD T. SMITH,•~• EHGLJSH EST ATE vnderslgntd el Ille alllce ol Ille Public R. T SMITH, O<!CHstO. Admln.Ur•lor, 1300 Soulll Grand NOTICE IS HEAE8Y OIVEN thel $59.900 Avonve. S.nla Ana. <.alllorn1e. 9110S. PATRICIA KAY SMITH hH tiled $2500TOl1tl Down which '' lhe piece OI bu>ont$\ of tht herein , ptllllon tor PrObelt ol Woll L So 2 4 br I ut\Otr,tOned '"all mailers perlaonlnQ tnd lo~ lu uenct ol Lefler l &rJnjt sty, 10 th• e11ate OI w•O oecedet1t. •llhln Tnl•men••rv to me Ptttlloner end pool ! A hand Y man· s lour mont"' •ltat the tlrll pu1>11unon euthO,.Hlfon 10 tc1m•nl•1tr '"" ul•tt paradise! Paint and pro KEY REALTORS m irro r e d wardrobc. l·---------plus h earth tone ca rpel Ing imd ~st o r <tll a 11ellt>r t hul ha s tu mow ras t CALL 751·3Hll DtteO Selll-r I, 1m 01 E•llte• At\. reit'l!nce 10 -•c11 1, an· · "Sla' ...... r.'xccllent ~ WIS! 1·y "..: TAYLOR CO. Hl-:1\l.'I OH~ ~11.1t· l~'·Hi llCi CAMYON c .c .-S175,000 Fabulous 4 bdrm custom built home with great view of B.C. golf course. Family room w 1wN bar. recreation room . (onnal dinm~ room. 3 baths + lUX-ui:y pwd r.m.__ -Wte private pool in o11111.u101Jct.. undlr 1i.. lndllPOfn<1en1 Admlnlwttlofl fit and you h ave yours elf .SELECT .JA'OIES E +4£.*Mr tw lurttll'r11«l~MI, and !Ml -'-,,._ --" PROPERTrES P\lbli< Admin.str~tor t !Jme •nd ~· o'/••rlno '"' wme Tnh m h VlO g. Ca II qw ck • ri;;;;;;;;;;:=:;;:::;-r:::~~itfi~~~~;t •C Adltlllli't(fllror' W1 he\ bHfl fOllll""'J;-tm;""llfl---....... -+.om,,...n-1<-_;:;.;. __ _-. __ A.....,,..ao1 111en1e1eo11i.. 10 ·00 e.m., In Ille counroom 01 QPf r1111 ~. \••8'C''''''' •DOit• nemed clec<d4tll OejHrtment Ho l of •-"' c:ourt, •I 700 I MES .a. VERDE ,_._~,~.o~ pa1u> Loc.-.ited or\ q_uiet street. Call us today to sec' AO•IAM ICUYl'Ell, COUNTY ClvicCenl•OrtvtWKl.lntlle Cilvot T 1•· 1!~~·11·~ ~ couNHL ~• AM c.11!o<'n1• < • • Pncod to sell' Beauttrul ""'0Av10 •· CMA,.t<EE. oE,.UTY oe~tct 5".1m11er ,;, ma. · .. . ) •• L 5' bdrm home on a It Citric C-l'lne WILLIAM •· St JC>t4N, . • ••••!:if m a a n 1 f I t' (' n t I y 1'.0 .... 117' County~ .. S..UAM,c:.littnll•tvn WIL'-IAMV.ICMMIOT ·----------1 land..<Jcaped lol. Reduced ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ttl: Ot41 .,.,,... )66$eft M ...... Or., Soolte -to$ 119.500 r: •n-yow..........._ ... .._.._.,ca.,... IREA THTAICIHG 11: .a.sTSIDE Wlttl Wiii--Tel: tr141 ~ H bo ~ Publl'lled ,0r.,. C.o;nt Deny P110t ,...., .. , tw: ,...""""' . View of Newpor t ar r • COST .A. MES .A. Seltt. "· 2t, Oct. a, 10. 1m 4d-71 P111>1l1-o.-eo.11 Delly P1to1 4 Bdrm 2"'a ba condo in "" "" s.tit. 1',20,2t. 1t11 •4lH• c Newport Crest. Low. low 3 Bdrm. 2 bath custom ---------- PUBLIC NOTICE Cf'.7>17 SUl'IEIUGa C:OU•T OP' TMIE PUBLIC NOTICE 'TAT•O,-C.Al t,OtlNIAPOlt ------BIONO· 12·1' THIE C:OUN~~!~llANGIE CONTllACT NO. 0.·7'1 NOTI CE Of' HEAalNG 0 1' NOTIC~:~l:~~·~l~EN 11\el l'ETITION f'O• OETEllMINATION lht Bo•rd of Edutallon ol 11\t THAT THEllE 15 NO SUPf'ICllENT I VtDIENCE ntAT l'IEltSON5 HAVE Nt wporH\lltU UnllleCS.Sclloot Olllrlcl D I E D 0 T H E " w I s E T H A H ~d~r .. •:ro .~:::.·~r~~·:.i :~·~ 51MUl..TANEOU5l.Y. October. 1911, •1 11\e office ol Hid E\l•le ol THEOOOAE RAYMOND School Ol"ricl, 10c41lt d •I tUI HllLLDORSON. ~t.eilsed. Pl•<entla Street, Co\I• Meu , NOTIC.E IS HEREBY OIVEN 11111 Celllo•nl•, el whit.II lime WtO bkh will BEATRICE JUNE PEARY. as Ex· eculor ol the Wiii ol Theodore l>triuD;.'~1i~~,~~°:A R•ymond Halldor$0n, l'ias Ille<! lltreln All t>leb ere IO be In Kcoro.nce wlln • pellllOn for.,, Ot-oer oe1ermi119 tllet Condi! Ions, I n.iructlons, end Ttteodore Revrnond HelldONOll end Helen Dickey HalldOr\on (Pr-le Spe<illcetl~ wlll<h •re l')OW on Ille 1n ttlt olllce of lllt PurchU1"9 Dlre<lor Cue No. A •11~. Orange C.OVlllY of WtO S<h004 Olstrl«. llS7 PIKtnli• S11perlor Co11rt I oleo under <lrc11msleKes In Wht<ll t~e ''"" Mii· SlrMI. Coste Meu, Celltoffll•, ftt27. llCltftl evidence tl'lll they .,.,,. died E•<h bl-r mu" •ubm•I • b•d 1 "'90Sll I 11 ttlt lorm of • C. rt 11 le<I or oll\erwlH tnen slm1111eneous y, rt Cesl'ller'• Cllttk or • 8otld eq1111 10 ltrtn<e to wllldl Is m.tde tor turllltr pertlcu11rs, Ind lh•t ,,,. time ano .. ,.. perclflt U'> of the-• ol Ill• PIK~ ot llffrlnQ IM »me ... , t>een HI &Id, made !NY-to Ille O<dtr 01 '"" HewPOrt·MeW V"'fieel Sc-Dl\lrk l for October 2, l97'. •t 9·oo i .m., In 1(11 In IM tvttll of l•llU<t IO tt1ter Into courtroom ol Deoertment No.lot 1eld rt •I 100 OvK Center Orlv~ We\I "'" Conlrect, 11\e procee~ ol lh~ f::.M C•tY of Sent• AN. c.111orn••· ' <ht<ll will be lortetltO to Mid Sch004 price atS135.000. home an beautiful cond. 400U1",,.. FOIUU. Mccss for R V & boat. CJl MUS $98,500. L t:pJSh cg~1s:~. 3 Bdrm , 'l bath on h ujte lot. with loads or poten- A lack lay Special t inJ. $95.750. First time offered in 121" WESTMINSTER year s. Outstand1n~. R-~•uced 53000. 3 Bdr m . custom d ecorated home "" with large cozy ramil~ ram1ly room. lm mut·. S room. bu1 It -in TV. ac tl\ru-out. Flexible terms. p a neled b~r . Cou_nLry $70.500. kitch e n w ith stu1nt•d 0 g lass windo w. a nd room S for pool m ake t his u perfect family h o me. 673-8$50. -mL.ll:iiMil ~ ~ I [i fft'jiffl ~ F HELP LET THE SUM SHIHEIM! WOODED CHARM Unique moun tain at· mosphere. S w eeping redwood deck e nc loses sparkling jacuzzi! Stun· ning hv1ng rm. hned w /ced ar: Spaciou s ma!>tte r "u1te wl h1deaway orricc' Mus t see to believe! !furry . call 645-0303 FORESTE OLSON '· ,, . .. OCEAHFROHT 3 Bdrm . + den home on JOX85 ft. lot: rrpl.. b uilt· w. patio. beamed ceil· ings. $375.000 673-366.1 642· 2253 associated BPQ•E~·. llEA,T(JR~ '~ v. ~·· ~ •,' "(. WESLEY M. TA YLOI CO.. REAL TORS 2111 San J~ Hih ltoad MEWPOIT CENTH, M.I. 644-4910 PARK LUCEY ARD IM MESA VER.DE Makes you reel you art• out m the countr y. Over ZJOO sq n or s pectacu lar luxury. J bdrms. film rm din rm. lluge t•ounlr' k1tC'her. w i cook i.:.land ----------•I Abundance o l stora~~ CAREFREE CONDO c abint>t.s walore'. Dbl·· L arges t Woods trt·arn door entry wt bollle gla~~ model Gr(•;il t·onvr m11r bic . 545·!1491 m ences. underSI00.000 3 Bdrm 2"2 baths. slyhs hly (~1wm;rn1f11m1 u pgr a d e d -bcn ut1ful cond ition. Commu n ity real estatt> pool Cull loduy lOS<'t" 5'2·5200 'I LEASE OPTIOM Seller wants rast action on 3 bedrm. 2 ba . S79,000 Call 64S-9l6J OPEN HOUSE REAL TY / C_l_ass~1f_•ed~A_d_s __ M2_·_56_7_81 .............. -.. Oeltd ~_.,IS, 1918 Ol!lrl~~~l:;>;::~:~d may bt V:!~-0 ~St J°"N. rtQUlrtO •I Ille OtUrelton OI Ille .__, y e.-OISCrlct. TMOMA5 I.. L°"O NO Blcldef mev Wlllldrew hh 810 IO• 5'll1e HI·• 1 PtrlOd of tony.five oav' 10 1 tltor Wl1 l'aMt dot V•lellel• ,,,. date wt tor ttie _.,i11911Wrtol. Lt"'"• Hllh, CA m » Tht aotrd 01 Eovcetlon or llM Tel: OU ) Ml·DM Newporl·MM• Unllleo Scllool OIWICI ·~.::-..:~~~st Dally Polot reserves lM rlQlll to rtlect ..,,~11 " -··..-· Bids eno not ntet1wtlly •«-' '"' We"re s uddenly back on I th e market. Prid e o f own ersh ip 3 Bdrm. 2 bath Mesa Verde home. Immediate occupa ncy £-Owner moved out. Must .. :;ell~ Gall now! own sun r m w l French doors & sky light. You'll Choice Ecnhi• forget your curci. This Location. 2 s tory 4 Bdrm lovely Mesu Verde home 2 baths. large lot . RV Bl' also has a 20X30 udd·on cess.$99.950 macnab I Irvine ll&lty EnJOY breukfasl 1n your ' fa m rm w1Crp1c & cathedral ce11tngs & R2 LOT --~..:, _______ ...,.,....,..-- se111ember 19, 20, 2•. 1'78 «33-ll 1owes1 Bid , 1nd 10 ••l"t a11y lnformtllly or lrr~utarllv In eny BIO lra ck ligh t ing . Atld r: 765 Hamllton. SPYGLASS VIEW EXCLUSIVE received. ' DATED: s.pttmber 18, 1978. NE~PQr.;r.-~IU.hl!Jj)~ P. T~;~~-~Jo-,.~. ~-'J.'~ '·~11yHarveyFlsher,Ct'M. bdrm s & D~ & you h.im Drive by only. · r11 t r .,.J;JO . .l'l.l~Q.~ l •· ~~· ... ~~-~•.mT_,,~i~{v~~WMW<iHff~··~<;r\~t:'}yt .:::::::;::::::J family. All this for only 541·7729 rm : ramily rm : new sunke_n tub. PUBLIC NOTICE Tiie 101iow1119 person 1, doing ""''' "''~ ·~ .. ihl..,&..:~~..i.+.!. .... • , .. Jo11 II. Petet'\. 1 ... s 8ryen, Tustin, C.A '2..0 Thi• l>u'lnen ,, UWICNcted by .,. lt\Olvlclvel. Jor1 R. ""1en Tllb ,._. wn flied with tht C.011n1y Clerk ot Ot-11191 Coutlly on September ••. 1'11. Pl .... J PublllheO 0.""91 Coesl 0.lly Piiot S.Pt. It, 2'. Oct.), IO, mt 0 ... 11 PUBU C NOTICE l'lc:YITlOUS eUllNIH NAMelTATlllMMT Th• f otlowlne perso11 i. 001no -lntn•: OIAL.,t,..STYl.E. ,,., Gfec• Ln .• Sit . 28, CAtl 1!11eM. CA W2' Roneld LM Altofl. '°' llocllttter Ave., H_I,... 8ttcl\, CA~ n 1, b<3IMt1 I• cOflCIUCttct bY "' llldM-..al. 11-'0L.Alton 'Ollt alMtfMfll wM filed wttll lflt eounly Cltn. of Of•1191 c-ty °" St .......... , •• ""· Pl .... Plllllll-O.enee CMSt Delly Piiot S.Dt. "·,.,Oct. J, 10. 1971 4~$-71 PUBU C NOTICE fllCT1T1out IUllNHI ""* ITATIMI MT Tht ftlltWl119 MOOfll ••• dtlllt llvt!Mtset: MAllSMALl & SMI TH CO .. 9174 VI• o,or\O. Sult• 0 , t.lclo MAflM, New-1 ...,., Ca. Wllllem £. Smltll, 21'} I. .i 'll't.i, S.lt LAllt C ly, Ulall .. IJS l',I, Mef1Nll, titi L aoo w.tt. .. It ....... Qty, ~ .. If) Tiii• t lltlMn I• l-(IH t y e ttNf •I ..,,,_tlllo. Wllllem II $mllll tlllt ,...,..... •*' lllM Wltfl tllt CHlllY Ci.ra of Oret191 C-"P tft ..... "' .. , ''· 1'11. • ,,...., ,...11.....-0r.,.. Cont Otlly " ... ~ 1•. "· Od ), 10. 1'111 .. ,. ,. THE (IC)UtfTY M OttAMOE Purch.tslnQDlreclor Ne. A-t42M 1710 i~DIO. NO Tl C IE 0 ' ME A II IM G 0 N Publl111td 0.41n99 CO.ii Dally Piiot l'ETITION l'O• OaOllt OlllEC· Sept. 19, 2•.1971 4440-78 TING T•ANS,Ea 01' l"IHOMA\. l'•Ol'EltTY I ....... c:Mt, s.ctltft U l.SI ESTATE OF·ALAH LEONAllD PIEflCE, eu ALAN L. PIERCE, DeceeMd. NOTICE IS HEllEBY OIVEH tlltt Petlti-r, PETEii COOKE, lies llled llereln • Pellllofl lor Ordtr OlfecllnQ PUBU C NOTICE Trensltr ol Person•I Properly Cl"n t• P11"11ent lo Pr-lt Code, Stctlorl SUl'latOltCOUltTOl'TH• ISl.S, rtl~"'°9 to Wllldl 1' mllM lor STATI OP CALIPOttMIA POlt lurlller -1k U4en, ...0 !Mt lllt ti.,,. THI COUffTY 01' OltANOE •nd piece OI ..... lnQ the .~ .... !'lei MO. A..f1UI t>eenUI tor HOit. i. tm,•t•:OOi.m. MOTIC• OP H•Allll M• 01' In 0.11¥1'"'"' J o4 Mkl court, at 100 Civic Cen~ Orlw w.st, Sente Atll, l"eTtTIOH l'IOlll ~TeaMINATION Cellfornl1. TNAT lNl•E IS MO I UPPICllMT $tld ~r~I property, tit\• le 1v1o•lica TMAT l"tlltlOttl HAY• which ts ci.tmed, lftd oo-ulo!I Of D I a 0 0 TM • It WI I• T M AN whl<ll Is $Olill'll, by Pttltl-r, Ii llMU'-TAM•OVll.Y. ducrll1t<U $follows: E •t•I• of HILf.H KOST••> «• 1 s111 <•> soutll AM•rl<1n l'IETe •s. OKNltd. Emtrtlds, Tott! W.IQlll 11cli. NOTICE IS HEllE8Y GIVEN INI lb> Two 171 Rownd Brtlll•nt ANNE WENDT, e1 e.11e<11tor Of the DlemOtldS, TotelWelgllt 1.1HIS. Wiii oi Htltfl Koster "'*'· hat llled tel Fo11r 141 AOil~ &rllllt nt 114rtln • peilllon 1or e11•0teer *' Ol4Wft0ftds Toi•• WtlfM 1.22 cl-. 1ermlnlno -Htltl\ KMltr Pttera ldl t wo 121 lle11nd e rlllle111 •net e.n1-111 ~Iii ,..,.. .. Cest OI-''· Tot•• welQM 1.16 cts. Ho. A tt ns. °'..._. Co\ltlty Sut1tr10r lel Ollt 111 £mtf'eld cvt Dlemoncl Oqwrll died UftdW clrcumltenctt Ill US cts. In wt'9M ~-ted •• • rlllt which tllt,. Is llO Mlfllcltflt tvldtllct with two l>tOQtttH HC;ll .20 Cb . tllat lhty l'lll¥t dltcl Oltltf'WIM tl'lllll 111 f.._..11> rrnot ctm1111eneowy, rtMrtft<• to wt1tc11 I IOI Ont Ill l'Mt'Qlllilt Olemolld 11'\otdt fof M1fltf pel'licul-enct 11141 Wt lOtlt 2.0ctL · Utt tl!M endlllect Ol l'IHl'lllQ Ult.Mlllt llll Ont pelr Of ·• (.'2 tllOlnl lotttl 11,. """_..tor 0c-r t. tm. et•: '1lfMllCl•t"'""l11elll«ll l lftbOI. e.m., 111 tr. t-'t°'I" ef OtPtfl-1 ""' llffllllft l<tt-• Ill 1.ltt •Mft. No. J of Mid court, el 700 Cl¥1< dolterlbtd proOtfty wfl!Ch It tllt sue.. Ce"ltr Drive WHI, Ill tM C~IY ol leftte Jtc1 Of tlllt PttltlOrl"'" lllt 811--AMI Celllornil .. ~ ... tltton ' . OaltO ~'' .. ,. Oettd ~ u . Wt j,,pTfl• l TltlMf'll"' WILLIAM E.14 .IOHN, ""°"'"for PetltlOfltr CM'ltY C1tr1i1 l'ITI• 1.. Tlll'OOe'I TMOMAI I-~O ,., """'A...-c ... ..... 111·• ~, .. ..-Ce.tllM ... , ,.,_.,,.._ ... ., .. m..._ lue-e......, Qlltlni• .. ., !:,...,'._......,_ TOI: 11141 ...... ,. • .,,. cooc• • ...,.., ''"..........., f'WllSftM °'""" eo..1 °'"' """ ~111111.-OtMOt c ... 1 0tny ~11 ... Miit. It, 26, 1tN •,,._11 leo\tmbe< '' 10 1t 1'11 U:IJ.11 , .... J ,.. -' . 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 • S138.500.54S-9491 ·bidet & custom fixt.u res in the SEL L ~g~ER o w N master bath: private courtyard_ & $895 FEE-Assist In ads JUST THINK rear patio paved tn quarry tile. fin.sales, escrow etc 'R eal Est ate A Pool. jacuzzi + a Ko1 pond. Appl. REALTY FREE UKE MEW onl y. Offered al $495.000. Donna R.E. A~v?~~Service 5!°n'fs~:e.~~~~e~el~·~ ~~c;~~~~e!t'!.i!~ God s ha ll 644·6200 / Larry Oyer 530.2224 sim ple wit.h Dolly Pilot 1~ ba. all new crpts. 642·8235. ( U· 143) ~~~~~~~~~I Classified Ads. And If paint. appliances, Ught ~-• .. ·. .... ? : l; • • DOING · BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? II yo11 lln• jvtl lll•d yo "' lltW ,ICllllOu• lu1l11• .. Nam• 1nd lln• 1104 yet eulwnltled II for pvllllcetlon, P'e••• do1n forget 111•1 Ill• ll1111te t1on 11 'O ••1• fro111 dete of llllftl. Tll• DAILY ,.LOT wlll pubtllfl yollf ·--"' tor s ae.ao. 011 r .ito11letlcNI llldvdff the enC11• Or.nee CoH t -·•Ml ..... "°""' eppt1er In ell edllone. Ill order t• e11i.1111t yo11r •1•1 •1'1 •111 lo • p11 i.llGl tl Oll te nd llHfOflfl ... oopy ~ • elleok to THI OAIL Y "OT, fl,O, .... 1MO. Cott• ...... CA ... . W•'ll CIO tM ,. ... '°' lflfotJlllld9n ... ..... •"9rtf .. ,.._eel! .-MH1 fln,nt. you have somethin g to ,.,.... et sell. call a rrlon dly ,.,.,ures, c . Classlried Ad-Vis e r a t D. J . fffuntro, lite. 642-5678 549-3162 M , •-ao.1, Ac•w1 CVode V Aueu/11t9 t;a M• Steu to ""°<lop ,,...\C>Qe lot WednnOOV. •toe!"'°"" ca..c_..iong •o numbtrl .;I~ .Zoch.it bt•ttl &IQll 642·1235 '°' Oover Drive 644 ... 200 Harbor View Center ,. Irvine .. , C..mpus v1111y Center 752-1414 ~COkiwel Banker ~ RtSl()(NllAl eQOl<(RJ\Gt COMPANY PllSIDIHT HILLS POOL HOMI One of Turtle Rocks finest areas with 4 bedroom, fa mily room. large yard. pool and jacuzzl. Prlced right al only $179.500 land included. • COUMaL u.-. co. 844·9060 JI 11 IAN JOAQUtN HILLS ttD IN~CUfT'IA ; • ' 4 .. I • DAILY PILOT r.-c!llt· ~ ••. ,,,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• =:.':':'.~ ....... ~·~.~.~ ....... ~-~~ ............... ~.':'!:. ....... ~~~~ ....... !~~~ ..._... 100 .... ,.. 1 .. 1 C.W .. M• 1022 C-W .. Mw 102 MON'MCELLOTWNllSE •• •• •••• • •••••••••••• •••••••• • ••••••• .. ••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• ••••••••••••• •••••••••' 38r. aBa. l3'70 Mt ft. Obi "WCMAa. C&Oll '° ........ Ir lhla ht! uurul 3 bedroom view home were located In NcwPort Beach ll would be priced clou lo $300,000. : . bul lt'a natl ll l• only sias.ooo. located hlah on hUl In Mission Viejo with \le tow rd rum of the Woc1d in Laaun Beach. It has shutters, olanum noon, $pan1&h We entry, camel col« carpets lhl'OUJhoul and a spectacular pallo and 1arden. This Unique Home 1 m move--1n condition. Pran~ aaain l& J~L SlJS.000 ,..,. u Mf REAL TORS', 6 7&-0000 2443 E.»1 Co.11 Hiqh~v. Coron• dtll Mar "''" m Mna V"rlr ,,.. t;.ic, r.ooo OCIANFaONT t"ino craft.smanahlp tn mahog. trim & oak noors. sets off this landmark: 4 BR. 3 ba. home in finest location. t:stabllshed trees & lawns. $475.000. IACI IAY MIW SIA..,, HONI Wl1H YrlW 2IOJYedltO.,.._. z bedroom• den -2 bat.ha, fireplace - Big kllchcn with breakfut area -Side y1 rd, has room for PoOl or large patio. Priced be&ow market all239 ooo. Small down payment & owner will assist ln noancln; or Jeue opllon. Open House Sat &Sun 1 .... CAL&. 671-1617 •.H. IOl91"SOM. llALTOI IAll6AIM HUNTllS lie.re'• th• one you've been Jooli:ln1 ror • attat MCA Vl'J"de tamlly hofM '°' °"'>' s1uoo. 3 8dnnZta.Ui fa mily room w/fplc. Lot.a ol H lru, ,., acty t.o mov\l lnt.o. Call Mfl.IUI a.'* HERITAGE RE ALTO HS C.....dtlMcr 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWIST PllCED HOMllHCDM 1110,000. CdM Cottaae. Good Jocu· lion ~ R·2. Room to buJld. Submit your financlQI. Call 840-5112 A.lent 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• attach aar, aupn loc. pools. clbhle. aharp de· cor. $67,800. By owner ~123 or 960-679S $8000 DOWN ' BR executive home, party ~I. Jacuul. No QU8llf)'&ng. 957-1998 I fri Plex'' Great Income! Lovely 3 unit bulldln1 In prime area. Each unit with 2 BR " custom de· cor. Lush I Call now: BKR. 54().1720 POOLHOMI I "'YCIUT A quiet 3 Bdrm home on TllPLD "" 11 larae lot. Located on a In super condition. Len· LeASI cul ck sac. Family room. in1 State. Sell contract. F.xccut Iv~ New po rl pool. BBQ pit. copper Reduced l.0$148.000. with Baycl'f!llt · ' bdrm. 4 ba plumbina. P08Sible extra Sl.5,000 down. No qualify. fnnl dinina rm pjua Jiarav room lo aarage. Call Ing or costs. Income S9SO II v rm & fa m rm . ~5880 tor more details. mo . 0 w n e r I Agent. Backyard I• an entGr· 548-S777 LaAnen deUaht. • lec!haded --------PGOI fsjacuui -1as BBQ, BY OWNER, Mesa Verde, outdoor lilhtl at heatera. 4 bdrm, S92.SOO. 3 cu 1ara1e. A very hiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillliiiiiiiiiiiillil-1 54IMM9S comfortable home. S.-7711 OWIB AMXIOUS llDUCID DUPLEX Lovely home, localed in excellent area. Owner h• moved aod Is selting 1:::1 Walker C lee reaJestat.e VJ. TERMS In College Park la t.hla Iara• 4 bedroom homo with family room and a bonus room . lt'11 a Cornell. und the owner Ill anxious. Now ul(ln!l suuoo. IAMCHUALTY Hl-2000 ~T'SYOUI PUASUU Bike to the Jake rrom your coiy 2 Bdrm. 2 bath Townhom e In Wood• bridge. Feeling lazy'.' Stroll to lhe pool close by. Want M>litude? 'rake a sunbath on your secluded redwood deck. This home has all the fine qualities of an S&.S built home. HURRY ON TIDS ONE!S88.~ Ctl for Detail• 644-7211 -.,.... M'W mate. two at.y ..._ wffll oH• •fews w ~re· for ,.... n. ................. ttnpe-. .... urmc tll• bath. Supub co111tructJoR for ••• SJ I 5.000. -FnlWy ii•hsl.d ..... with ........ OC._ .... C..yoR YMWt. Mew C.,. .... .......... of ............. ..... worftl .... t.r ... Slzt,100. ,_ .. ,, ..... ...,....._wffll ..... eehtt, MW carpetl"t,~:wllM decllt. Ndwoodlloth!M. .... ....... 0..... wll cerry •• ...., ......... Meo.cl ............. $261,000. -a.. oc.t••,. atto. cand1 I I :l hcf .... wood cmd CJ19• mit/itllt tNpt oway fro• two be.cltH.perll• ••d t1to11pllf. &....,. .. Ill I....... to two b•droom ••d 21/2 b•tlt1. For th• c111en•.._....,.... ..... u11.ooo. -Tnily ... ,rior .-.W .._ ....... .try fopt' .............. wttlt .......... ... ,.tlo.Nt ..................... .._ .... , •I••• tr.. pr•ctlully HHY ro••· Dr-llffc cmrwd ..... fk1'1He ... md ....... ...t.y . ., fw s.z•ooo. 497;3331 SACRIFICE 4 Br 2 Ba. view hm1•. Pool n yd. T.O.W $l29.000. 873-34l5 1050 lo stroke. Le1s urt' World 2 BR. 2 b• manor. MO$U)' rum. Incl sterling "Dresden China. SSUOO cub. 837 ·2l.53 a..-....... IOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coodo overlook1n1 Golf Course·2Br. 2Ba, sa&.000. By o wnr Open H u SaVSun. 661-1236 ----Laguna Niguel Realty • MORTHY11W 270 Degree panoramlr view of Laguna Niguel. Fabulous cust. Jaeuu 1 and load& or decking, 4 bdrm, center is la nd cooking. r a m ·rm ~ more. Orily 1139.SOO. 493-9494 495-5220 49 .. 2413 ll0-1050 MluicMIVi.jo 1067 Fine 4 bdrm., 2'n bath f am.ily home on quiet cul de sac. Oversized pool, playhouse, extra storage $169,000. IAYFIOMT Several fine bayfronl homes- with pier & slip I .-wrc>IT SHOIES Close to beach·lnvest or ll ve.. In this 3 bf:drm 2 b~th b each h o use. atasacrificeprice.Huge c M living room w/fplc. Formal dining .. Gourmet GIVEAWAY NICE ........ 1044 .._.. I041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Woodbridge Biscay 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .. ••••••••••••••• Imm a c . 5 8 R San kitchen. 3 Good sized • • bedrooms. All this on ex· Prime location. Owner tr em e I y p a r k Ii k e must sell! VA terms . around.a. Take advan· Call Agent. 752.0424 bdrm. 3 bath, fam·rm. 2 Velarde. famllY rm. new frpb. S20K In upgrades FABULOUS crpt~. prof. lndscpd Pnvat.e patio entry lead inc into cozy 1unllle liv· inl rm. It'll move fast al Sll0.000! 673-8SSO AskingS149.000. J. Owner. ~ __ 20_1_1 _____ _ Agt.5:1H7).1 HAMPTON IMlwporilffcll 1069 BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ()llfN IH 9 • II \ ION 10 Ill H< I ' taae. won't last. call --------• 546-2313 Ol'fN Ill 0 •IISllJN1081 HICI' Woodbndge 3 BR 2 BA in beautiful Greentree. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOVEINNOW Creekside Aspen home. ldealJyloc:atedonalarge MIWPOIT This vacant beauty is re· f\!Uy draped. carpeted & lot. this 4 or s bedroom TlJPLEC ady to go. Out of area landscaped. 193.9115. home has Just been re· Lovely Newport Triple~ J l . ' . . . • . ' t ' THE REAL i'l11111 ESTATERS owner says sell quick. Owner. 551·4038. Lease duced to $107.SOO. The SPUT LEVEL. 3 ~BR 13, 2 Bedrm unJts. Owner Only 10% dwn. Ownr op0onat$495 mo. prof ess 1 o n a I I y cst.m bome w/IKIO sq. rt . will cooperate on inmtll· S6500DOWN No qualifJtnl-Qlper 3Br & pool OD quiet ltreel. Aa· !tuntbable8W~ VA loan. HICMfOMf&L Newl1 listed Came .HiCblands home, back up to beautiful natura canron with abundan wild lire. 4 Bdrms .. paneled family rm .• wit a frpk. in the mstr. bdrm, All aJl. a ranlasli home al a very senaibl $254,900 including th land. -------S •~&•Pool'. w/,._.,..,allfianancin°.4 000 T··-.. • landscaped yards In· olsundecks.$224,000. ment sale' All I __. ,.. -'" • W BRIDGE wm.,,e. elude loads oUruil trees, · eaan. Lovely home in excellent BR. fptc, much more. 2 Br 1 ..... ea ...... ooo B _, _ __. Prime investment. Ex· • n . -· · . y r...._.. vegetable garden .. , .. •s 19 area. Huge llving room. S!IZ.SOO. n.-~ c:c:.,""""' -'"8 b d d • .,,.. ceUent location! Owner vw•..,. .. -........, .. ~ · e an s trawberry 990So Co H Soarin g ce llln gs . beds. The communit y l . aat wy wUI consider cont ract Call Us At 714-7800 Gourmet kitchen w ith It's a Steal! Broadmoor 3 LAGUNA BEACH , Call now7S2-l700 brealdaal area. Sunken ~ fR€'TIG€ br. SIM.990. Bisc:ay s br. alsopoolh11Ca·8 T1 1~!§~)'pafrokradned Ol'fN"'"''''~'lllV 'OllfNKr · BASTM ~ Q, ........... .. llVIHETBRACE jacuzzi. fountain, custom HOM£~ 642.0112.64.H687 tails. IEADY •1lilaill'1J famlJy room. lluge pool, --> gigantic lot. Sl59,990. · W\14 • ,., . I Cunomir.ed 3 bedroom, c.erraced, blln BBQ & ----'------• FOR YOUR F l R S T \ :~l'iQfjJi ~:r!~1 ~~~g~~: :~;,/if1}1~23a&pt. to s.mw.~!t6H4wy.NB ~!f~~~~~~:~:i~ l:'.~rg:.~itJ~~a: ~;;· ~· ~·-~· ~~~~~ BeautUuJ home. Call for Ol'N111•>·11 \1ur.•1>M Nlf1• 64-6 Br'5l.000.~1818. golf and tennis faclhtles OOVERSHORES information [ I with 1Bq degree view of Ownr/Bkr must sell 4Br. ~,,"E1~~·~. c°1~E:Ou CllilJW "'"" ~Y.~~~:!' ........ , .~ "' ~~:~ :~!·:!::~ ~~r...t~~~::: ~Ms M.:~ :!1;!: r111.....,,-o.,.-t-"tJfrp"""lc.-'1:i1111a~~-~.,!lc· ~·· Lo~sl rfced tennsuound. ma ny other-irrras __ _ .. ~ .... u om~ .. __ 1022 v.ESAVERDE . ....,.,.__....w. -uri1 woou mo e . S229.500. Opl\ ~ .,._. ' ..... own A Division or xlnt cond .• $89,500. Open MotJvaled seller . submit IMJOY 12·S. l.531 Highland Dr. -~~~~nec!~·I o+n 7:00 :;:;·: II arbor lnvtfltment O> ••••••••••••••••••••••• House Dally l·S. 2972 An· on price & terms. Call IAMCH REALTY 1llE LUXURY and dis· 64$-U260tSJ3.l3l6. Beautifully decorated l~~;i::~.;;;~~~~~HOME~~~+~l~ ... ~C~OM~~EI drosSL,546-4478 . 1 tdiahOcc.p•cy 640-SU2Agent. 551-2000 tinction o( livlna in this m...r-y _.__ " Huge yard. fruit trees. spacious n ew 3 Bed. n-::"d/-Bc.·'" WI = a~ Harbor Hi&h ftriu R9dllc~ IUCCOLA IEAUTY rm for pool. 4 BR. 3 BA. New. upgraded. 2 BR 2 BA SACRIFICE!! h 0 m e . A d m 1 r e ne81 .. r 640-9019 trict. Call for S Lovely pool home in East ram rm & den/bbq. walk home se 111 n g be I ow Beaut. new Lg. 3 brm. breathtaking views from 111E PROPERTY il!J~.ni.~.e~~ulh ..WUSTIMG! to 259,000 Costa Mesa. Big living to Mesa Verde Country market. lmmed. oc· totally upgr aded . living and dining areas MART OCEAM1/2ILI. Sout.ho(Bayside.Arare room with fireplace. Club. R e du ced t o cupancy.SSl·ll66 673-43ll lmaginefrlendschau1ng 3 Bdrm home, nice area or Grut duplex l>uy: 2 a nd s u r Pr Is I ng I Y Huge kitchen with bltns. $138,900. Ca II Glen By Owner. Turtlerock. 3 m a sealed fire• pit. or N. Long Beach. huge lot bdrm. house + l·bdrm. spacious 3 bedroom + 811 bedrms with walk·in Hellwarth63l·l266 BR 2 BA + family rm. OWNER turn your attention w/Lrlr access. ~.000. apt. over 2 car garage. den. 2 story home. PLUS closets. llu((e yard with Pool, jacuizi. $145.900 toward the c:oiy den with Callahan Really Only $159,500! Belte r a never vacant roomy sparkling pool Diving Prin onJy. Call after 7. OESP£RAJ£1.I. fireplace and oria1na1 714-842·6446or hurry on t.hla one •cause rental. Pvt financing board,11Jde.and.cabana. Bob. 752-8259 st.a.toed glass. There art- 213.86().llOM it Includes the land! provided al substantial Many. many extras! <.:all Llke new 4 bedroom. features too numerous to ---------1 lcAoaleyProp. I saving.stobU.)'er. naw,546-ZH3 UMIVYSITY PARK bonus r oom. 3 bath . mention. Come. whilt> • .._... Cal for details ""'" '" ., . ,, ''V"' io"' "'"', 38r Standrord Twnhome. fanuly room with wet there IS still time to con =~?.1~:f.;~ ~~·~6~7~5-~7~0~6~o~·~~I H4-7ZI 1 [11111MI ~~:::<::::"" ~;.r~·~:fi~ ~E:.~~!\tfoo't, room & rplc. Sparkling 1 -R LOW 2Br. Oranaetree Patio munity with no associa· NORltllfS REALTY WT.... •treat MESA v-oE .. I d J u s T 49~ •057 oversized pool. Detached U\ Home, central air, agt. t o n u es · ...., 1,ruest bdrm w/bath.and Huge master s uite. ---------3000 sq ft customized sst-4882eves. REDUCEDTOS119,SOO. --------- alley entrance. For de· Isolated for intimate DPLX 3Br borne + 2 Br home nr golf course. DOWN tallscall540-ll.51 privacy. 20x20 Family Apt •. both w/frplc & Owner wlll carry 2nd. room. Xlnt loc. near garages. &en Larkspur. _S..;..17_5_.ooo_._54().._7_1_96 __ _ beach. & golr course. $210,000. By ownr prin CUSTOM HOMES ... ~.._HERITAGE CULVYDAU 38r, central air Central Park loc. agt. 551-4682 FUii price S84.900. Call only~l840 VA terms!' Bedrooms+ 962-7788 OPEN DAILY pool, make this a great ·-------• --------KEY REALTORS "HARBOR VlEW", 5 BR. 345 E. 23rd St, C.M. family home! Talk to eves • . • REALTORS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~ 4"' ba, OCEAN VlEW. Lovely new 2 story. fa mi· Red carpet we lis ten MOHL RAHCH V •c pool. tennis crt-u fm t ly homes. 4 bdrms. 3 754-1202 . Do YoU like country liv· A AMT SECURITY yard. unusual pnvacy, baths. silting area ---------lng? Everyone will Uk Rudy to occupy, 3Br. S290,000. Courtesy lo wlfrplc In master bdrm . .,_·,_. I 026 this large and comrorta· l~Ba, 182.SOO. Hurry it blus. 675--0580 wet bar ID family rm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ble home . it has th 'ti t 'C 11 t ... ga te in JASMINE Much more. Come & see bedrooms • a fa m1I won 88 · a usa CREEK; secluded, yet JASMIHECRHIC them . Owne r /Agent RBCT:f'OIUY room -dinmgroomand a 714-7100 near everyt h ing; Come see lhe s pec· 552·4894 or 642·2164 or AUrentappUestodown bonusroom all ofthLS 211 +DIM S67.000I spaclOW13 bdrm .• family tacuJar OCEAN vn:w 642-7752. payment. S480 p/mo-situated on a large vie rm., formal dining rm. from this 2 sty. 3 BR. 2'1'.t 9mo. lease w/opt. to buy lot. Call today for details bome, <Z20011<1· ft.) ALL ba home. Master su1te ---------at S93.SOO. 3 BR. 2'h ba. ONONEFLOOR.Highly bas view plus coiy AREALFIHD den Townhouse w/wet· upgraded. $239,500 · Will re treat w/flre place. Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba bar. frpk , trash compac· con side r l ease o r $245.900. Avail Nov. h o m e, w 12 b rl c It tor . pool & jacuzzi. 2 red hill ~ '15 2-75 00 lease/option 640-2422 fireplaces. turned wood sauna & c lubhouse. ()pen Sat/Sun I ·~ PM posg and a-deep window -small ocean-view. 1'432 --------• UIATHTAIUNG ledge for your plants. K.R. Propertles,493-9381 S89,9QO, 2 8edr m + cf en. Im . macula~e & pride of 2 DUPLEXES RAMCH IEALTY 551-2000 ~--I'.' ~<~~~ ).!~~ St.rtfng a New Bu9'n•H A cccordtn g to Ceflfomla lkltineH end ~ ........ Code (he. 17900 lo 11UO) ell ,.,-e OOlflt butlM H under e~• 11-111ua1 me e 1ta1e-111 wlUI lhe ~ Clerll and llawe II put11111Mtd lour t i,..•• 111 • MW1P9C*' Mfwlng lhe 1re1 111 •"1~11 1111 l»utMMU la locelecl. BELOW MARKET BLUFFS 410YlthlR._ Open .-..ewc11 1.5 orbyappt. 38drm. 2"'1 Ba V Plan condo Wood ·deckeri pauo. Uv1n11 room. dining room. 2 car garage s 1'13,500. 114~ 213-726·2S40_of_c __ Hst.or V• H-• Mont.ego 4Br. FR, brand nu crpts. redec lhruout Vacant. easy fmanctnR. S 161.50r , fee. 0 wnt-r. 640-1141 SA(.RJFICE Elegant lrg new UP· graded 3 BR. 873-43 11 Agt s12.0000o .. Back Bay View 2 story. 48drm. 3 Ba, den, formul dlrung, 3 frplc 's. lrg lot. Noquallfymg.1mmedoc.. cupancy Owner will carry Full Pll <'t>. S232.000 IJy owner. Pnnc only 640. 7i78 ownership thruout. Ex· iil11M~.J~~·· •l'tr1••~.lit· ~ · t~"f:. ~.A.•~ peym:tl() qual(ffed V-A HUY l ,,... l>Ot1I ~~ VI~ . 2512Vas..-Plac•· oreu~ ... .....:--ll&hts. ·4 'Bdrm, Jge sep fam·rm, 3 fireplaces. Pool, xtra large lot. All for $2811,000. Don'l wait ... _,.I ~ru.- Tiie allle111enl le required ~ law end 11 neceaaery 111 ptOtectlng our bualneH name "!!'~·~~ '' buyers! Hurry 1 call lk>!1ally well designed & ~~2-1700 Immediately. built. Over 1600. sq. ft.. won'tlasl eac h duplex. dbl. • I \ ~ W \: I \ I I \ ' 1 ' { I ' ~Wf £. ' 4 •t ... , -~ -""· Tiie DAIL V PILOT "''N "' 0.11\'VN10 111 NJ<1 ~; each apl ·has 3 [ •'MNll .:~:~~:~ on this one! •iiiliiiiiii-.iiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiilil PfOwlde• botfl llllflt end !"'bllc.uon ~I. We ..... alllM _..., lor111• and 111a1nte1n e deflJ aerwtee 10 Ille Or a n1• Co1111 1, COurttlouM. lltMf atop 11, Olle el o t1r COllHlllent ottieee or pllo11e Ille LIOAL D"AltTWNT IU-4a21 , '''· l12 •• , 1110 •• llllOfl'lletlOft lllld IOrllla. PRICE RB>UCED! Ownl'r M~Ylii s t-II' Fabulous 900 sq. ft. en· lertamment room + 4 bdrms .. format d1n1ng rm .. sep. family rm .. etc .. etc. Mwit aec LO fully apprec1atr1 SIS2.500 HEWPOIT CENTER UAL TY 640-1112 HARBOR V I EW LJtt'9 fl ll9H H 1 LLS Claulfied Ada are really New offering Sl97.000. 3 amall "people to people " Bedrooms. 2 baths. 1900 aales calla with big re· sq. ft. Comtt pool sized adenhlpandbl1resuJts! ~!!ii!'~R•cP.T!'!!R."'"""'D•R.• lot. Sharp executive To place your classified ll ho m e . Good term :1 ad, call today t4Ul'll. available. Call 84().5112 ------..--·-···-~ Aeent· " CE 110111 ILlllS CD. OVER 60 YEARS OF SERVICE COIONA DB. MAI Canyon Crest &tales, Popular ••E" Plan. Two Family Bdrms., 2 Baths, Formal Dining. Wet Bar, Pool Ana Jacuzzi. Beautifully Decorated Jn Warm Tones. Upgraded Carpets And Wall Papers. Minutes From Fashion Island. Sl25.000. Ill DOftl DllVI &31·1• " ' •COMDUPlU• Open beamed ceilings. 2 fireplaces, Iota of charm PLlJS Income from aepante apartment. Many cwitom leaturee. sun.&00. c11 11 640·5112 Atent. JASMIMI Clllt< All modela. =-640·902$ UCID SI0,000 Brt1ht & lovely 3 br bome kl prime Irvine Terrace l ocation . Gor1eou• c uatom new kitchen, pluah crpt11 " drpa. Sl611,9$0. Her bert HawldM Rlttt, '33·31SO orO\uck B~TJ0.1449. . . . --.. . . -.. . .. -. CEDAR GLEN ~ Elelon All811U6 eo.11 M ... Cel1lom.a I 7'14 I &42·0734 WOM'TLAST! Coll. Prk 3 BR 2 BA. family rm, CUii c1rpet/ - drapn, brk frpl, all bit· In a. walk to schools/ s hopplna . MS.950. AJt. Dan ~wls. 94-9817 2BR. twhae, nu rust cpts, W/D, lO"k down · S58,500. Owner art 8PM. 964·21'6 UUIUY 4 BR 2 Ba, fplc. counlry •"""""'ISTIUCT- k It c h en . Xlnt ~ -nelahborhood. Seven 11.s."M "·w1111i1at1o... •• .__ OCEAN & CATALINA yoan old. Low lntereat ,."'""""'"'".,.. '" .. ""' VIEWS auumable loan. Offered ---------1 3 Bdnn. updated home. 3 forS'78,900. A Blkt to Aliso Bcoch. ~''Jrfflil.11· mild.mm ~:~000~ ~.~o 00~ c<l ~ r.// HELP! HELP! Lonely 'lfl'._ ~m -· ramlly home needa a "Z" REALTOR & pool. BonWI rm. EZ BY OWNER. 3bdr, 2ba. l•mlly. 3 Br. hUJO patio LIGHT '94-86lt beach & frwy occt111 RV" atts1, cualom In· MIWPOIT HACH UALTY 675-1642 tile~~ OCIAN & ILUff VIEWS are yours from this elegant 2· bedroom. 2 bath & den unit. Pool and jacuzzi. Lush grounds overlook Dana P oint Marina . Perfect for weekend o r y ear round living, S12~.000. Sll9,000. Seller must tertor. l m l. to bch. CheetY Condo thi t /cola for 1 ed d move. Ebbtl~e Realty $81,0009Q.IM49 like 1 hous, ! Gr eat ~~'~N A 4 Ca.DWIU. IA~• co. *4~ PlllVACATIOMS IU'etftbcll view! S05.000 Calla 496 7222 831 0836 M 1-: S A V !: R 0 E ffawaU. McJCICO. Aepen, Talk to Red Carpet. wf Dally PHnt • • SHOWPLACE 'A a cre Caribbean-when )'OU _l_IA_ten_. 7_M_·_l.202____ AD·VlSOR "'"MH•cte.., .... ~uk·vlew corner. 810, buy o r aoll t hrouah Make your ahopplna 84:·~8 ............. IO llOMF:. Sll~.ooo. Counfflon Three Real· euter by ualng the Oally1-:=========1 '~~--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!~~ ll87 BaJearlc 546-9200 ty, 846 28l2, 846·753'7 Pilot Chwllled Ads. 1; _ ,. I M ,_,. lier W. oet. IHI..... Ott.......... ......_ U•fln••• ....._. U••·~ ..... w. .................................................................... . Tl*dty, ~bet 19. 1978 CAJLY PILOT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• cw .t e lf-,,IRe l 244 Ho11Mt U,.._..a..d ~Rh "'""th.ct ~m u.fw'IL Mlwpertle•t. 10'9 s.ca...... 107' ~ferS• 1200 PT-~r f JllO COl"OftO .. Mor 3222 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -r-••••••••••••••••••••••• U I t Pk T H rt .. --1. 3269 ._.__o '--'-···'-1707 ,.~-..._ M -•• •• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• n ver111 y crrlll't'. 11w,.or --..wn-_ -1 _. _££ Tttl ILUFF-S Nl'°W l'UUOm ho11..i . j!(IO() ,., .... 20 Acrtl srAllCUMG SIAVIEW Combrldaic. 3 BR. 2 bu .................................................................... .. IAY VllW aq n. :t hr tam1tv rm. Pnme f'Mlt'<l a\'ocodo .... ~ Ntiw O('f'On view 2 br. l: din. S~U 5S2·7896/ Ululfs. lea!le" 1111 k1n<ln' t.ara\· h1,>.1111 1fu 1 HJ )i---------• f1n•pl11 bt'IWt<l·n 111n1n1 l11nd. ~~ qua<'~ 111lv "5 ..... bu l.A>a.l'urlu.11e opuon ~11~5 *'""'ToS!n~ Pronl l! bdr 11,1r t 'tl:. A deva1i.llngl)' decornl · h • fld Sp nl h •tvl" • " A 67 .. oc.62 ....,., «S "delighlful • ~ores & Uvlna room. aundt•rk f'le1'1b ,, lerm11 80 mil ~ctt:.~m0., ~v~.,;j,; ;~;o" 1trnt ., ., . "\ t'~ 3 BH 2 b Woodb d . A.i~ot 64•1 1133 paid S4!W J)l•1 mo Wtnll'r .. Plan" D l'flnll I> uff llllitl l r br, i ba. 2'• I __ ~·6!,l_~A11l't1I fo.nt.ullllcvu-w 675 3637 ho • S 11 n gt --~ 541Hr74G (6·' ~ - watboutequ1ill $l92.000 t•ar euraa Ou t bu\ in 1-'AJCG<J ca Ur. 2\., bJ e>.erul1v1• mt'. 4~mo I ACK IAY , h~~C.•~ flAATlNOS&CO im•a 91iOUllO. ~ml71. lutLDIASlt ~14038 Sbr.hl.Ory .rorin dinint: :i br. 2 b.a. llJ. \Int b·•> l-. .. ____ " Rt:A.LTORS 640 ~ 84ll 6!9411 I 1\rrc bulldlnll "ll1· w 1111 l/e"IS·Sll'i ~I 522 ~ view hONl', aardener. lrvlnl' Lake COll(,10. I Br. & fum room SOOO rno s!f;'o nl·t~ ~lllll ~ CSbYJ~) CAltOf.N Al"l'S JI $11.UOO lN ..... puol. vollt•ybull. n ow wnnl8 AC dll..I t &&5 7221 "'"'NPR!ONTIHIM1'! VILLAGIA.MADA 11111 Ruy• 4 •1 W--t.-.....1 '»fOO cerpet x. d r1 po11. · .u ,nope s . 673 014!1 C'ORONAOl::LM/\H LI'\ CAt:h f.'ut1ro-.ln&IUl'li --• all ""'r suoo 4'4o.-Oell8 saoomo.~73aif\SPM ~ 2 Or Townhour.e. frplt' 2 at~ 2 t dt•n 2 vr" Whitt• w11t1•r ore an >'Al'"'•O ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ P'!!::,_ · oct:/\Nf'RONT Lu dlx 0 , d I ...... r ... ..1 '" " Pool. tcnn111 SO~ ocean g, er ocr u tun Vtti'llt . MMJIAUI o "''f' ll Un, l'frfl 5117 or I 6Z2 2<1W NF.ED TO BUY llOUSES ,._&.. ..... __ winter lBr. S3i.) m o . & Cat11bna v1ew11 Clo1w ho ml' 0 b I & "'r In Son <1emrntet.' mci-t OR UN ITS CoN h In -..--3224 llHTALS 21 JRr. S57:> mo No IX'tb lll l-'ash1on f3land It f1n1• h3e.s4C7.000 Mttk.-ofkr 1uxuno1a rnndomlnlum _ 1 _....1 flliah! Cull Juck Sco\l. •••••••••··~··••••••••• I BR. I Ba ....... S300 87J.0040 Gllll1 de liJllC'd IUG" n~ik'JlN• l\iarrl)' avaU. C-. Mty"vnf SOO SC'OTT R 1'.:A LTV , M~a Vcrdl' 4 Br. 2 bu. 28R.2~8u ....... ,$:>75 4P -------111•be•a•ch-t;.M_26_ll ___ _ U~"T IN AM":A :r. to un1ys120000 Cl'Wlh I lW ram rm. frplr. rl<>M: 10 3DR,2Ba ......... S475 WfftcllffRealty Fum Unfurn I BH. orr ~.o., O\'IJ Sl960 Ch11rkb UKHl'llA 11.,;NHY ••• ~.,~.;•••••••••••••• &chis. top ne1~hborhood 3BR,2Bu ....... $500 -----:strt.-et purk111u. ovml im Exlni It''' duplex 2 br. :! Qlanurd. ttul\ur un 1lu R ... At.TOR.\ llubor M"mon11I l'ur k. 1:196. mo. to mu. OK. Call 3 BR. 2'.'t & . S600 PLUSll 38 r, 2• 11 bu condo med S300 >' rl >' • S21!0 bu. rrpk. b4:am re1lo1ti.. \)' 173~ M I, '~\3 JU Od M r .t!fl 4121 ('M 3 lob S4 li!~ 1•.i ....... (~. Select ProperlletJ. ~BR. 3 & $875 Only i;tept. rrom wut1•r Wlnter llZ4 W. liulbou occunvlt'I~. IJll' 11arajll', (N.n ru.•thru .. fl ll 3 00..~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l:SI 31.91 tltihly upgraded $77;, Lll.G46~ ---__ l)Vl bcuch pnV)l!i $~ :SI03S..uhuttl>nv.-S.C::'..._ 1071 C•ouzrcl9' ~.~':'!'.•~ ...... f;..8l1ilde 4 BR. 21" h11, mo.~.S75-l9J8 ~,.;a.ach 3740 mo 1>'753203 ---------•1....................... fir....., 1600 ..... ,............ JI 07 t-larac lam & din room WaU!Tfront .on Channel. 2 ....................... J BH i! BA. frpll•. llG CANYON "' O't\ ""t;;.R. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• S6CX>t mo. gardener incl NlY 3+ study S750 mo '" Auch bcachfront WIVll'W s or Hwy,!~ HUCH LOT "t ~ T .., \' H Ito It t' C ... u~y .,11 1 ... ""'I WI nter. 2&3 hr. 2 bu 960 1744. 751·0221 cl utll 67J.51117 or 1213 > L'Olor t v. curport Nl'.ir • 673 2632 ~1\i . Jt\¥ J frpl""' lu' uir.:r 1 I.Ir l bu ror lot ~ ,, -• S:S!l:i 1,...5 m u 114 .. : 789-8768 new. $250 1 n <' u 11 I unoll.'i homt', ht.ult u•--n Tn man\ ~11.11• IOCJ lllf'll ~...,llACH llJlbo11 Iii d7• "'8"1 . R .. :N·rAL HY P UULIC S3G2444 CostaMeto 3124 .,.. c """ ,_,,...'""'"' ... ., 0 u10 on Oct 9 llTTK :!IX 4 Br. 2 ha du~I(•)(, 01'1'80 ~·~rl."' •, -' ~n .. l t• ~ul IJ•M\ ,.,11,1 "''" •IS!j,,..,., Th---•nmm··r<'lol lot·. l"I'' >"""'-~'""" "' · · · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-·' ... • • ~ '' .,. ... 1 '""' • • ~ • ., ......, ... .,.,,, 2 3 4 bdrm h o mt•i. view. 50' lo 1rh I OJtt•n SMA Ll.Ul';ACllllO'l·t;i. lk••t• lut t.a al••full> d• l'lf•tnh.w 4'11\~ 2822 3A 26 N~wpo1t t•:. .kb. U I l ,;r rarklng.3udult"orfam1 ROOMS$37 50 Wi>c•k LAMANCHAA"S I-• ll 1 t b Blvd . Piich lot 1• """""' ... c ayi 11 ver:.i Y u ")2 " L "&3 b d ''"'°11 ....... '[UVU nt.,., nr M L .. 11.on \ 1ll•1lt'. front uo On• 1.... with b"u.ilrt~~:.. urc3 For Info n 11l Coun· lf5,;J CAMPU5J)a~IRVl"E y 1600 m 11 0 u Y,., APtSl65t mo ~ 30.'li nrge 1 "' t-roo m V.lll\' '·11 ... I t'riom II .l Ud11J1 ;i BJ 1ur & "' v• ,... , .. ,~ ... ::. Coayll*'n ty<jf OrilnKl!. USi\/Rcal 642·4905.eve!.673Klll1 1eardl'n wpli. Di-hwhr. l'lrmi. fur 1•uol .. p.1 p.ad ,1 $fl 1-,o 4915 liOll'I ,~ J! .!.;.•C" -...vvv With flrC'phac:c iind nl<'t• E).wte Div <7141834 2550 .. ,_w 2 "'-"'room. 1 bath LOCJMO .. och 37 48 bltru.. <.•nc·I )(3r. :.:ui-bbo di,• board c1wrt "'' An· PJI ._..., .._ ._.., pullo AtlullJI ple1111,·. Sot25 •-~ Beaut Catallna & oce.m ••00•00•••••••••••••• •• Poul (;u .. f'd ,7f( Scoll 1nr11.11l1.!tl S\op.ir 11 .. \ 11 mo ror winter Nie 3 & u den wt fp. No Condo o n w u t ~r 111 View. Jacun1. 5BH. 3bu . LAG UN/\ 81'.:ACll MTH Pl 642 5073 1u'\•• for ~1d11 Int lu,m s.t.AH 1010 IAlllTTllALTY t M f'umily. no pets Oran1teTree. Adult~. no $7SO t m o . 9tld 11111!7. INN $7Slwk & up Mutd . ,.--~umpOon ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 '» 5'»00 $~/mo Eve 545·7506 pel5. Tennu,, pooh •. ett• 759-1678 !Wrv . t•olur ·rv hl"Utl•d New 2 br. 2 bu. Jll bltni.. OPl-:N llS": SI 500 DOWN FHA 6 •• 6 S.B> mo. S52·7552· A' uil pool Utll li l4149'1 ~t frpk. rnl'I l.Jf, ).).alto. AATSllN IO ) ----3122 Ou.ve. now. NewTownhou~c.:JllH . 9HSN.Coast llwv lnd.ryrm SJW 14 lrl\em""' !.' ~' 0 '' ~ b rt rm CorOlt8 def Mor 2 er. narage. S325. mo. . 2' • ba. fplc. tiur. poo11 ~ TSL Mitml 642· 1603 lhlf'N & 4'.oc. T~nhomt" in >.ln1 are11 .,..._..,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adult;, no pelt.. 2300 Oran~reea.lpatlO home. 2 Jaruz.za.$475 Mii ~:1 Ocean .,'ront 2 bdrm. trpl. Nt>i.riu:hool~. 11hopp111.a &c o..th Sal. 1100 i\llracttvt• 2 bdrm. I ba ~den Ave BR 2 Ba. r cond .. gar ~ 0 r a JC c. h 1;1: d ,. c k . New 2 BR. 2 i.ly twnMt-. Att 0.11 Jtu\ l"lundt>t11 parl.11 llt'rc t» 11n 1dl'11I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Duplex. 2 cur .car. 11un· · opir. nr pool. Jal'uzz1 & HAR 8 0 R V I I:: W . Winter. s450 no pt·t s w1encl Kllr & patio. 1250 l1 14 1 75~ \l!IU Y vlr h1.1m•·lurlhf')OUM1rou MIWDUPLDES deck wt oceon view . 3 br. 2 ba. compl. re· lighted tennis. Xlnt 10<' lkaut1Cul dc<'or n1·1ir 49'_5792 ~rt Adllb only.nopt>ti< SIU~787 H 'I> & "401~Sl l)(e Jl.l"l ~ctllng started San Clemente s140.500 S~25/m o 1ncld ut 1I. modeled. WI D hookup Adlts. no pets S460. l(recnbelt $7)0 lcuM· Located c.l 25611 Eldl'n Sa Suu Must {'('lht-lovcly1'C1un up lst owner di•ptt!clu 013-8536 yd.2car encl.ilar .S450. 833·5327 d y!l: 5S2·ll4;J Betty A. Grubb Rcultor. ~rthoch 3769 Av<' Dy~ ';141827·84 10. ll) l lub i.t'llln~ l'Ml'cd 31 '»4 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 evt~ . Steve 6444318 •••••• •• •• •••••••••• •• • after S pm 645·00111 WATl';KntONT UOM 1-: IJoclt. for 311' bout. J rm 3 Iii. W'd !M..•11,·r H· d y lo move A~. 073· 11:n Jton.lyS:s.4.500 tton nt>ar beach 731 ~ eo.ta Mna A KAT&.l.A lliLTY <11"768<J896ev.-:1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 br. enclosed back yard . 2Br. Orangctree rat1~ tl~bor View 5 BR Grt!ul 557-U I 1 •-~ A-wrtl'f ZOOO Lovely 3 br home. quiet slllgle car gar no pets Home. e<.>ntral air. $47a patio. Commun pool OCIANFROMT ---rT-r-lr .... 'l "··out narden *""''A 10c1'1.,••"A79 mo.A'll551·4682 Gardencr1nd.U SO. 18K.l bu ,S315)'1'Urly ••••••••••••••••••••••• s "'"• '11! ·"' i. . .......,. vat ··""""'" "' 644·s.59tl evt.'S 30R,2 bH,\.\nlr.S<I~ --------T111HR 1090 $495 mo wigurdenrn~ h h 3248 ---------10 HOUSES serv. <714 l646·fl311 or M<.'Sa Verde 3 br. 2 bu. l.ocpnct oc U 4 lllU! btt. w11t1 S5~> ~J\STSJDE 87().3«7. r2l31790-8004 new paint. Avail. now ••••••••••••••••••••••• De lUXl' 11' Canyon 2 UH. I b;1hSt' yrlyS700 ··•········•···•······· llNl~llt-; JOllN LYTTl .I': llom1• nrw w v tt'w COSTA MESA $475. ~·9950 , '650 unfur1S700 furn. Blul' TownhOn'I('. 2 Ur. 2 bu. 3 llR. 2 ba. wntrS6SO Well mulntalnl'<I prosx•r. l"IM l 144 -Lagoon V1llu. ocnfrnl on frplc, l'QOI. Jaruul. tl"f\ STEftS TO OCEA ... 2 Br. uttl pd. chtldrl·n ok No pets Munuj(l.'I .. pt 7 1000 Wallat'E-5411 ~ Slunm1112 II(. IBr l!<trctl-n al)l. pool. rer 11re<t. l 25:i mo iJO W t81hSI l)' °"two MdJOtnlnK lol~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• $:115. 3 BR. 2 ba. dbl gar. pvt bch. 7 14 1 <1!1~ 3217. rus. adults. no pets St>VC' i Ult. I bu. wnlr £27.; N1r1· ,:; br. I b.;. '°' i l,ow\':(l µn c<'d 5 bedroom wtlb nrw roots. ownl'r Elegant lg oew 3 BR 1n patio. fenced yd 21317()3,0230 tacular 'l<'W Sll50 mo J liH. 2 ba. wnlr S37~ ~UllJ:!l• '-'patio Nr OC(' m Hurbor Vic\\ Jlt~l rl' OMwf' R•al ktcrte w 11 1 h c Ip C 1 nan cc • Wdhrdg. nr lake $795 mu 642·2221or6460000 Avail. immcd 759·0l!Ci No peti; S2ro -;51 3006 GREAT BUY fl 78. 000 !Vlfl.-1288 dured 10$177.500. llurry' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 752·1920 to mo. 873·4311 2 BR. 2 frpl. 21., ba. pOOI. HO:::~l~L~.~~~ V Xlra ll(c 3 bdrm. 2 ha Arlulti.. no pelS Gardt·n C..11 MoWl9H..• J 9U ._IL 1--.. och 3141 Ja<'. ws hrt dryr , btiaut Ste~ to beach. :i bdrm Duph.·x. I houM' lrom upt .. hr. ,acuu1. pool. Newport C..ter 640.5357 ~ 1r. _._ I I 00 M .....,...... d q t · reo nots ocean. $5501 mo llJ.'i·2607 bbq I ~• ..._. -PLACE ••••••••••••••••••••••• con °· w e a · ... ~ • wit charm, se<'unty and ar-cu. c 05.,., 1rnra1t1· ••••••••••••••• •••••••• 2Br. convrtble den. drr k. S4IO. 541J,5()4g pnvacy. $1200 rno yrly. HVH Phase 111. view. new Also 2 br lownh.o;c.> 111 SUM M "'RF.NO ~-'-e a 011 1m w •~rt t 11 quire 17'i £.22nd. Apt Ill. r, • --TIES.. g .. ""n, v1 ws. v · Clean 2 BR w/gar .• adlts, a ... ron omes paint. clean 5br. 3ba. SPF.CIAL '"""""-med until 8·15·W . S600 773 w. Wiison. $275. Call63H400 f R 2 frplc" wet bar J _00_·24_9tC _____ _ Price o n this lovely ,......_ ...... JOP.MI mo 494 -6034 . . ' '1 •OCEANFRONT4 Br.2 . i.1ngle w ide Accent ,_..,......., • .: ' · 548-9'17 V'iew2bd.rm.deck.frplc. cargar.tennui.spa.poo . ba. fontustl<' view. Yrly 1 Br. cpls. drps. sl~V\". wlSX13 add-on lllashed lo REAL ESTATE • Newport .. ach l 169 I'm still here!! S235. Gar. hdwood flr. garden. Nr $850. 644'2185· onJy l:.'vet1642·0045 kids ~.(J ~ pets S240 $20,000, ocrO!li. Crom bch. COUNSELOR ••••••••••••••••••••••• klds! Nice & roomy!! twn/bchS$50494-6930 3 br 2 ba. Wt D. gas BBQ. Oc r t d le ~2 _mo_. ___ , ____ _ ---------•1 1PB8047-62 > •Re-finance & inves t· M1tgn1fic1:nt beochtront S mallfee.645·4!JOO Mls"-VHtfo 3267 auto dr opnr. nr beach .. b;a:~:le~fc ~575 ,,.;0 Spacious. qwN 3 bdrrn llACHTllPLEX MobileHOflltSton mtint s pec1altst1>. Sgl WeKl Newport homt!. 5 •CONSUME R SCSUIOE ••••••••••••••••••••••• S450 mo. SISO l!tecur & 7141675-"283 ,. townhs"' apt vo l~(' pvt $169,000 848·8895 lam/4·plex. . Bdrm. 2 baths +dorm Call us IC you need a low ~esa Castille l':t Oah clean I l.T. Bob Mar<·cl p11110 Pool Adu It:- -------•Beach propertier> loft Yrly lse. $1500/mo. prl""" rental today. Small ·Ian Central air 31\r 957 2006 ~ Park Newport Apt·i<ublct Sorry. no kids or pet:<o ()pp(>rtunity' Ju:1t lt1>t<'d. ILLNESSf'ORCl::SSALE •Properly Munagcment •956·58'7l fc '"'" 900 . Fr ·1 d . • . II! I RR . )IOOd vH•w $375 &15·3381 or675-594!1 Sll•f>l-lOpounrtm.:i.urf 1978 Dbl wtd" .'-c>m · Tax•·exchangeadv1sc CH o ee.64.'>·4 w/vuo(htlh;. m In UDOISLl':·LK 4Br.Jlla.2 ''131567 "11" '•6l1 11ll"" - U pg raded I hr Ul!UI meniel, comer lol:..,rully :aary"'o. Bo~lcrOO<H388 ~~~~ 2story~~oBd~~~ •CONSUMER'SGUIDE Ing. family rm. $475/mo lg polios. S95U m o ;ftertJPM "· u ., "" 3 BR lwnhst-type. brk T r 1: m c n '1 0 u ' upiruded. red uct'fl to VlEW. In best location. Luvely 3Br. 2Ba. dbl gar. lse. no Qets. 644" 7211 675 3268 -fph:. Z mslr bdrmi.. Hi:• po z;:.1b1l1t1l'i.. Cull S31.000 10fl2616>. New duplex. 2 br ea. Sl400monthly. ~ardnr. $465 mo 2097 Super 3 br . 2 ba, frpl<'. SanC..,..nte 3276 OCEANFRONT ~lai." '' Monl•· v ... , ... bt~n ~?.1.~10 .. ' ., . "·. ' MobUe HC>m9 Store Carpels. drapes. cit"· 2 Bdrm with BOAT SLIP Sanla Ana St .. owner dshwhr. rncd yd. Kids & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ap1 & areu. Nc>w rcdeco. Orun!ll' di Nwpt Ul"d ....... ..,..5 hwshrs tn 1 apt F.B l.g $750yrly <21.3IS4l-6lll6 pehok S45S A"' No fee C7141fi75-4688 Adullr. SSOO ... '$160 mov1· II\ [~ lt~~!li rl .,...., ....., libl gar. Wshridryer. II "' ·. · ,... Luscious 3 UR. 2 Ha. Callappt ~·3195PM . ' i Space for bont. canll)l·r Waterfront omei. New 3 br t.'Ondo. garage. 964.2566, 973.2971 Ocean views. Frplc. l Ck!'anfront Vil'"'" n1·w ;i j Beach LiYina or garden CM. Compl. 63l·1400 frplr. pool. jacuzzi. Kids Aliso Villa condo. 2ar. balcorues.$500. 492·7715 2.3.&4 br's. 2 l>a. 2004 w z BR. II! gar 31!t!. $3~. -""" •• , .. _ Sev{'rul new hontt>~ lrft lnsul11ted l'rtn only OceaJ\lronl 2 Bil winter &petsok.$525.631·20!!0 28a. $350. 830·7721. S.Juan Oce1i1nfront.640·471!4 ~~~~~~~zfi:t11.1 3 l:ktrm. 2 bu. 180 dc.irer golf coun.e vtt'W New l'll'l.'>. drps I 'II f tnllOC'C atSllOO pl mo 957-JOOll _ in II beautltul roc ky G.11·~ rl'ntals. From :l·lS·78 to 3BR. 2ba. dshwsr. bltnt •• 770.7191.51MH737 Capistrano 3278 3 Br. 2 ba. frplc. bltns.1---------occ~rrrnmt p;rrlr.-pvt-t---t.U•l>¥-<tMif---lµ>~ 4 John Va· -st. d . 3269 •o•••••••••••••••••••• s pacious . beaut. rurn. Spcc1a1 S1tuat1on. C)""lmu ty s ublelttn" THIS 0 .... E!! nianCo 631 ,.. "' ....,. .. 1 .. St '296. l br :apL .for only c• " n1 · .. " mun pool $425. No pets. •••••••••••• ••••••• · · "· 'v-" ,;,. "' ullowed 111 park. 3 1 · Oc nl I 1 .,.,.,,....,.. NOFEE'.Apt.•·Condn dshwhr.gar,Kidi.&""'t.s 673305'; w nu:.. r Oln you bc:I eve 6 ttll'lC!s ca ronl w nt.er renta . '""'-.... "' "" F d It 30 Ni l>csch~ +pier. humes gross . 8 Units plus 2or3brl1'\bttstudlo.no • . rentals.RenlalPnvlhon. ok. $425 Agt. No lcl' •2 13 >!l 44 o1l!l 14 or or au s over ' •'n<'ed from. t:asts1de 2 br 1. ba. 2 cur ,,.., .. 4912 Bkr. na• • ....,w ·. ,.,..3 . .,...,1 121Jl800·5985 jX'L<;. Deposit reqwrcd " owners unit plus corner ..... ~. Rcfi> $550 642-~ .,,.,. "'"...,_ '" Ml• -52 l830 S29,900 .,..... ga r age . $385 m o .---------' · lot. uU for$00.000. or 2131927·~1 ,,.., IYl33 B d St 3 Br. 1 •.; ba condo. V11luae Oceanfront beaul 2&3 br REHAISSAMCE FARGO. '"""'' · roaway · s J S:Sl!O " apts . Wi ntH nn l y IBRuppcr.enC'llo(ara6!\', Mobile prof)t•rt1~i. & 11676·S717or 11522·2080 Oceanfront luxury prune SECURITY & pnvacy of an uan . mo Compl furnis hed lkntal S21.'> mo Av111I immt.«J lund developm<.>nl Co. area. 3 br. rrptc. c•ncl. 2 Br . 1 ba. fp. jlar. adlts. your own 2 br home on 1714 >640·1037 Pav1hon. 675-4912 Akr Call 751 9905 Iv mi-~ (7141499·3'16 90UNITS iti.ragc. Rer11 SKOO . f)OISS l c hld.nopets,$395 LldoSl:K)()/molensc. s.taAncl 3280 17141557-0600 Sl5.000ayr~pendable, Avail. 3 t o 7 mos. 646-1105:548·3143. PROMONTOHY 2 Bdrm •••••••••••,••••••••••• OCt:ANFHONT. Vrly. S250l1.w I brlower p11110& 675-1849. ft-Poiftt 3226 with loft Pcnthoubc Apt. Brand new • br, 3 b". nr bach$2i5. I BR S:Jt0-$400 pool ,\dulls No p1·t~ SMASHING bldg In xln\ rondatlon. -sn.u1/ .. .. U d • :r. 1&r. Monrov1a54I! 792'1 Fin e L .A. locat ion. Udolslc.'1BR.3buhnmc ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...,.,mo. So. Cst Plaza f'ormal t1lpa1 91'4 ,KJ S gl ·de 0 tltmore WI h Di t W t a Condo. br"'nd nl''W. 2 BR ON WATER. 2 Bdrms. -'·n r m rm l"e bonu~ + Dupl"v vatl 101 1 "Br t PALERMO tn l' wt 0 • 1 s are s 31 '"" compl furn. $1000 mo. u boat slip. S750 mo yrly. ~ • a · " ' s "·1\SllOR f'' Ac·ro"'" "~ J · ~ • 2Rr, ma. Purk rent $70. hst statu& ror rc.nters. "'"·""""or7c ... 11 11 21lil BA. gar. pool. :i. m1 wet bar. J car )(Ur 2800 ' • ' · ha. enc ,l!ar. no peL'I ~ 1170PrtCa..iH Vacant . $11 .000 . Tremendous C)Jlpl y (or"""'"''"' -to beach & mar1n11 . FumtShedorunfurn., sq tl.SSIS96.'JH2711 .;t_r,·l'l f rom IH'.J ~·h Plummer St. CM S30U 1 .• ,,. ..... 61) nvestort1 Call P ·11 Ocean&valleyvlcw ON LIDO ISLF.. WtnwrrC'nlal 2 hl·dha mo C.;llJHkt•\.'I"• Hart.or View Hom.t .. .,..... 1 ' .....__~ 11.......t..-.1.a..d •• .,c mo. •un .. •""" BeuutifuJ 2 Bdrm. den. Tuattn 3290 $3751 mo 1\v11llablt• now ...... -:-..,.,~ .. ~-1..u-H..-ir.tor'"' Mc Lou"hl ln soon ~~ r1...., ""''""'"' .,.. • 2 , .,..,.""'' Su11tir lo1·::illon on park ....._.,,.. ..,,,,. ~ "' 714,54().3666 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cfinang rm. pvt patio. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,;...,.1si:1urti4' i.vu a cto!ls from <'lbh.,t· &l•--•1•41--8•1•9•5---i---------· General 3202 RENT TO IUY lmlh.S800t mo. Laurel wood 2nc1 . 2Ua. STirs TO Hl-:/\C'll Wr. 271<.'..:. 16th Pl ~AR l H/\ pool , vie"' ol park & city 2 IEACH HOUSES ....................... All rent uppUt>s to down WcrterfrOflt HOflltl 1whl!e. ref.. wai>h/dryt•r. 1taral!i'. no ).)l•I,.,, w1nt1.•t f'u rpl'li.1 drap1·'· hi( in hlo(h l1>. <!Br . 2 'iliu . 2 '72 Broudmore 12xll0, 3 ONALOT •HOMEFIMDERS• poymentS480. p/mo. 631·1400 romm.pork.pool.tennrs S32Smo1;73fi1;.111 ~asovt'nran)ll'.f'IO:.l'h• frpll'b. hurdwood flri1 '" bdrrru;, l'? ba. s tove & 2 Blocks2 Beorh LOW RF.NTAL.." Mo lease wlopl tn huy S410mo. 752-6:175 -----shopi;. Nu pet~ S26:> mo c• o u n l r y k • 1 c h e n . rt>f rq~. SS .!iOO. f 1 rm 2 housei. for only Cal od ut S93.SOO. 3 BR. 21,11 bll. -Houses f'Untished or Wat4!rfrnnt l'Ondo 2 BI<. z !lit dt la!;t +SIOO t·k a nin;..: P•.tnl'll<..od & wal~uft:n•d l/6&5-2094aft.6pm _ $1!5,000. ltod~7=et ay den Townhouse w1wl't SEJ\ VIEW 3 bdrm. 21, u..tuntished 3300 l\a. 7t4 s:l l·IG62 11 ~11''1 . dC£ 6440.i:>2 ___ _ ~~~~oku~t ~:r11Sl'<!09 :iig,~ Dbl \.\•tdc nrork wood. 11: 2 F'ix is 2 save· tOOO's of Vaclltlr11·s har. rrplc. tras h compur ba. + fu m rm. ocean ••••••• •• ••• •• •• ••••• •• &!. ult 5. wknd.,,~ rn~2 NEW OR I:. F: DA P1'S LANO IN(.;LUUED bdrmi., lmml'drute oc Oon 'tbc2Late S1GS1brk1dsuppl yc1 tor. pool & Jncuzi\ vlcw.pooUtennis.S950 Steps to b!'ur h. 2 BH fUrn 2 1m .1BA.rarport. BaC'h S240 l b1 :Si!OO SCOTT RF./\LTY 12252 br kids pcl.811ur s uunas and elubhou. e t2l3) 4»3629 home San Clem CXt!;in dcr-' 1-1m "'"e"n Water pd No r haldren or OPEN HOUSE cup a ncy S hows I 1ke .,., .... 2b d r d d Smull OCl'llll view. 1132 . d r· U<'" " "' .. ncw.$23.000 ~.75.... .WOO r+ int: nc Y KR Properties 493.9331 Lido Isle home for leo:w. view.cpls. rpe.. om rm. 642·4500ort)l12·10111 Pt-b P ool. IJt·u.c.ci . S~3brklds <'arport · • -SOOO pr mo. Cull after fpk , no pets. $395. ---garage G45·4411 ~U/SUN 12 C.. MOBILE Eastalde Costa Mesa S3753brk1dsgarslv &Toro 3232 GPM.S48-090l Wlllter 498·5050. Spacious:: BR . JC'rot>b rr ~ ·.r. triplex at Sl 20K. $925 $39S3brk1ds nrbchl ••••••••••••••••••••••• beac h. S395 win' t•r Lge bachelor. tplt.. drpi.. lyo-.r 640°9256 HOME STORE m nt h I Y J n com 1: · $3504brbonus rm rpts Ntrc 3 br. 2 bu. frplr. gur. EastblulC 4 bdrm exec. 644·9!>-1tl. 640·ti lGI l>ltns. nr f'a1r v1ew & 11492·3710 I fcelhen serv1l'l'1:. patio. Cncd yd Kids & home or 3 bdrm + den UD~::~TY Sc.Clement• 3776 Duker Nopt-LS~5-1&2 llGCANYON 8414-8895 8UHITS •FREEFORLtrF:• pcl8ok.S395.Al!l.norce. D.R . L11e $825 mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 RR W1.~ts1d~ lo"t'I" i F~arruJy nark. ·ux"". "•xtra $I SS OOO Good In ull 211 locationi1 rwu ....,,.,or "73 '""'I w/fi"rdenc r No pctv 0 -aut (urn b•1vfront · · " "" "" ~ .,.,. . ....,.,., " .,,,. .. · ·' ho.,., · Ith .,· .. ,.' 'm ., 3 br.:: ba. u~1u1r.-:.: l"C' plcic pk•ai;ant surrouno llG VIEW rut'e 3 br. $3000 down. • • All areas · All prln·i. Rei. req'd. /\\lull. Scpl me w ,, uur ,.. ., ..... ,., SJ9 _5 99 . .,, llG AUGUST A Can't beal lhls $19.:IOO 06 Great 3 br. 2 ba. frplc. 28th. 645-7388 or 6'\2·35i1 blllhs & pier & ~l;p porc hc:. lkh ·akut !11•b1•ohr. '"~'--~mo _._1_._...,, - MODIC.I A i.11 um e fl •l y m c n l!l . per unit. Super "-"n"e lalboo Island 32 "· h h 1 ' d d dr''"""' 3 1~ • to •' ~ 554 ~ vi .. " us w r. gar ,.nc Y · Byappt Yearly S42?'°" ·l63li• ~ • J hr :: bu. frpl<'. p:.llO llG CHOICE 111 · County location. Creal ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kids & pt>ls ok. $<135. Ai;tt. 492 __ __ luwldry & (!aral(l" 1380 WA...._.TED income Super cash now. 3 Br. 3 ba. den. din. Nt.>w no lee. 964·2566 , 973·297 1 BAY VIEW luxunous 25< f'onLastlc bayfront with Nn f>4!b ._75.SJI.~ or financing. own.·r will n Cull before they're gont.>! p11lnt. crpl. tall'. No J'll'ls. ~_..-: V.:;-I 3 ,.3 .., :.q. rt. J br. playroom /\ dock, 5 AR. J hath~. turn ~ntJ l'M!lp lll Sl!45.000 A.cent. 1.Mcly buyer to r are• for 540.3666 • $750 675·1442 ..._.....,. 1111 •Y 6 ,. REAL ll OM E f'oo l. I y I Unfumldted Stunntnll Ir[':! AH .. ~ bi•. ti45-5044. mr, I'm a s1n!(le wldt' llAloo f'eftht.ulo 3207 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CdM llJ.. Elem . 'hop ur un um t•ur Y ·•••••••••••••••••• •• •• iwr!lt n dpl Pool. R1•t· BEACH HOUSE Kensill. coiy & just rtl{hl ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Yr New lrl-level. 4 Br. 2 pmg near S97:> /\ vu1I lnltmBl<" horn1: w llh 2 G.n.rd 3802 art'u. s~ 7to w t#lth ~' fo r your pocketbook , Gui...t..... i< I Y · N r t-: I I 1 :-&. Oct 8th. 759·9587. bdrm:. :! bulh:-great ••••••••••••••••••••••• , -.$104 900 * ~,, 000 l"""20-..,,l Cofttelrntr I llft' Mag.nob a Cull 968·2720. ·" · •"" H.11•ht·lnr Loft. r1·1 n1: • ..,, """" .,., . n-r """cc""' •••LIDO llOME. :'BR 2 rorcouplt Yl·arly FlOWu STREET ,tovu. 1~1. ddll.,·. nc· '"'•t·. Cut" 3 hr m•a r "1·11('h. Mobil• Homt Store '"' ore you poy imme "°"",,_v ·• , ""' , ,,. .• ~ '1 tt gt> n c y r or t h e Ila. lge patio. gar. SK.SO GA.ROEN GROVE sr.o "411 :.ioo1 Tnplt• valu1" Goud lf)cn 848 8895 .. RUNA ROVN D" rull .S Br. fen<'d d. pool. polio.mo~~· ti•~-6822 Apt or orl1<'1' s part•. I J.,.tmfl' i .. he'4!2U!.P. . ~-uon..G Jt\-!.O.&}~£Jl:C~ ·~~ ~tllliS&H&ill'MlllSli\t.4"'~ '-.· · ·~ ... "· ~.~t~·M' -'fitdi;{--~.~u·~?el#~W~-~~i • ~--c~ afl~,..~w I ' ' ~ M:iny haveaJld 3~ g II . .2dit~ Rr. 21<1Bn Condo:. frp c· Vll:W Worrv . .• d r}. t"";;t. I I t'~. II() • 64().7434 1974 Uendix 24xf.O, 3Br ononclol. 15l2BR&11) thl'ydid"Savt!limc,gos u.._u..,. .. h 3240 "'or. jncu1.L1. un1qul.'IY l'hildrcni fll't~ Sl't' Nun CENTURY 21 28a. lake view. N. Wes one UR. All units hn~e &moneyonrec nwntnlljiOft oc dec.S650mo. 768·0011 Be11ul. boyfront 1·ondn cy. ul 12001 Flow<'r st.. Gold Star Set"Ylce 0 ran l( e (; o u n t Y encld yds & gar's. E· I 000'1 of lltefttals ••••••••••••••••••••••• with ~ bdnni.. :! ~~lh..,. A ... ILF7214·15> Ope n fo1 side.CM Asklng$245,000. KJDS..PETSWELCOME Condo-New. 3 Bdrm. 2 Newport lits .. lovely 3 ovcrlookinl( harbol"-l·n _,;.pt_._ .. ______ _ SACHI f'ICE ofrs 894-5621 evel\/wknd; Call Curt. 642·MS<I Agt ba, 'l'l ml to beach·lt•nnl11 BR. 2 ba. home; no pet:.. tran('(!. Yc;irly ldboo l1land 3106 Dona roint 3126 Eleg11nl lrQ new llP· 645-4900 court. $550/mo. Ca l l $6(X)!Yrly 646-0629evl':i. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• graded 3 UK. 6'13·4311. Acnep for Sol• 1200 Loh for Sat• 2200 ()peo 7 tlayN 9.7 <213)~5171 or472·4518 SJIO Wow' Cnlch It whtll' Remodeled vll'w homt• 1n It 2Rd. 1 A.;1, nt•w rrpt , fir SIOO tnOVl'·tn ullow11n1'l! ~ Aut ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. ___ ...a-.•M-3222 ;·oron· ... I M, r ,, 1· I V t br ·• bJ • dt,an pra,· . ..,. -~ -Luxury condo 2 Br + den you c11n• Oceur1rront. uUI '" u "l' ·• ., Pl '.XI c con r rl'n . -· 10 acre Avocado Grove OFFICE ILDG SfTE ••••••••••••••••••••••• + frplc .. 2 patios. enc pd !,mall rec. 645·4900. l:ld.rm~ .• 3 both." Vcurly "\Im or unr S-l!'IO Lale renl'l'd .:rue.s y11rd. ~ car SelJ with E~E! ll 's a BREEZE ClaMlfied Ads 642·5678 $167.500. Vulley Center Huntington Beach Harbo r View Hornell. garage. USO/mo . Call •CONSUMER'S.CUIDE 1>vc675 13381640.Mi3d>'"· Ch~llta~~~:~~~· 4~:'1~J~ 642·2164,673-0782 Pa.c 11ica Ho.splla.I. 5 frpl.$700Permonlh ...,.A .. ..,. '"" " <No SD. Count y> 27.~ :4q . fl. lot near smashing 4 BR. 2 ba .. MALLOYREALTORSot y~•. We hov"ye·,1rround Ii: lolboarettlnwlo 3807 S400mo Poi Sh C •·Cl ~. bt!ach rentals under $300 ••••••••• •• •• ••• •• • • • • • b nlll op. ntr"' VIC Agent 644·7383 ., w ~ s~ :! HR. I'!' a. pvl $~ ~~µ-~~ !}C. • Center. $135.000. Hunt Landmork Condo. SmaOINI foUe. 645-4900S c·UJl)L' I or •1R~m ant..r f rnl .cura(I<-di Ill? p11lt0. 33931> I.' p -;::i D11vldBourkeRltr Sparkling <'le11n & pu1n1. adlts over 40, 28r. 2Da . •C S MER'. "' DOOWTY av:il ,,.,·t'!1n varw Ava• Alt'ulor.673·7204 546-9950 "U•ct 11t . old CdM, ll(l' Jlv Wt O sec "'Ole 536 6778 lmml'11 Cull Wknd~ & ---------Thof /nfriguing Word Gome wifli 0 ChucHe ., b . .. . . . RAYSflORES. 2 UK. <Jrn. wkc1)'ll an 5. fii3 39$R Nt ...... \ BR duple'<. pm· ------"·••4 "'' C\.&Y • l'OUAN Olllltof COURty rm. frpk. m:ilr r & 1:>9·1211 2 UA. fplc. bltnl'. i;car. Pvt UJ·7l00 ---)'llrd. no ~ti. Woocl mt flroplrty 2550 bulh. walk-4n <'llll. nll bit· r e n n y p I n r h c r , I' heh .• S895 mo. Own! aitt • c-~ ... .. .. Clfrt; I rm AT UF.ACll & utll pct S~ 661·387ft 0 ~7;'"',.;"!",..1,::;;•·:.,.~.;:: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ins. bookcase wnll den. dreum • • • 2 br $27:\ 675-3568 U1\V. 295 -- low •.• '"'"''""' .. _ .. -a· CHOICE ~~r~. +oodn, ,veswsa2y'5~Vltp1115 Prime l()('ule. Smull rec SEA.VIEW. New 38H. ru (llil 233.'I, '100 5C.f.I) Hwilitqott .. och 3140 "' 900 ... __._fits t;,mlsh•d ---•••• ••••••••••••••••• •• I P A Y C 0 N Lar pur. 644·5414 ~ves 645-4 • rm. 2 fpr1r·.,, •viol , ten· ......-,,._ OC"'AN VIL'W !>PU' 11 llll ..,0 R1t.1..1T •CONSUMER'S CTUIOE nis.S98Smo 1siloi12a)(t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.., ,.., · ' ' " IA"' I I I I I'. I PROPERTIES lllltbor View llllls 3 br 2 lelaooltlarld 3706 Ill'\\' .l llr :! fin Vrl)' swti INCH.ASE . . . .&..--&.. y,,.,._ bu. fam rm, p00I. S875. OPTION? 4 Ur & den. 3 3 BK. 21/t ba condo, formal ....................... mo. &16 12'l0 -FOR 1 Vl'.:Aft II ~ h;;'pro· Incl. pool io erv & Ba.FR.2650 ft.3·gar .. nr &111rormdlnrm.NrNO. ONLJ'T'TLE ISLt-:.2 nR. IALIOAA"S. Nrw luxunou11t:Br.28a. Ii ,~ ul K IK s, I pertle11. Ready lO build. gardencr.675·30~. 11chl,$62997S-0177 ~~~s C l u b . $650 docl2xl4k'.,L·~·,~~c_:nbl("rB~~) & 2 Rlt'!I. $273 & S375 pln~!d.-;tsorblt&ru.r. !r,rt•,a~.('()f>my,· s.&eow/lerm1. 3Dr 288 w/lBr Ro ..ruest 3 DR. 1""1 ba. 2·car 1ar, •,. • "'"' " · · per rno. "'1rn. avn1l Nr ... ,. .. ' II 114 acreR. Fant11."IUC "ot'ta ~r· in re'ar, "new Dishwar. nice yard. S475. Harb0r·v1ow knoll. 3 br. deck, WI D. •dlt&. winter 10th St t>e11ch c~111 Sail pauos f'romS:JSS 1 vi " uuu 10 .. 1 •. ~SOO. Lower & up p 1175 41190 Ot'm1ni Rhy 1139·~ I D U G E H I " cw u c• proper· cptst c rp11/palnt. avail -.3314 Ir?: rm. view. tcnn s, • per. ~·9647 or 673·5644 roperttc"l, . . 11 I I I A cl~ POUllrym.n: H• l)' line. S7MO w/terms. Oct.5. S700 mo. 644.0260 h . $750 mo. 64CH934, urter o pm, 675·5942 2 BR 2 Ba in custom 4 . ; crOtffd ahen'wlll'la~njoMd 11 2Va Acres. Ho~ pro· d)'ll &40-5868wknd1 Ne•t 3 br. 2 ba, d&hw r. 10.Spm. ....., ........ 3707 Du I "br ( I -:;;;; plcx. PVl put10 & f~.r r·----·-·--.... OO)UhjCqnthat -ltMU perQ' In the beautlfu l --· --------1 ..,., Cncd yd, kldl "pell! ••••••••••••••••••••••• fkexb.. . rp$ ~ • Sn11I Il l)'. I m1 from I Maria nna •. $6800 ok. '43S. Alt. no fee. Npt Hts. 3 BR. I ba BEACH, View. pier. :lbr. d~c . ayvl11w. 4.,., mo bcllCh S350 5:16·865G. lll7 . R U 8 P A L I w/t.ttmA. 864-2568: 973.2971 duplex. now c:rpta. Wt 0 1475, lbr S350 Adll~, ulJI lll).1008. (k!Mv3 . Apt 8 .__ ... ,-... ,--.I ... ' -.-I --.I_.. 0 t:'t.:::: .~"';.,:':~~!! ~ u 20 1cre1. Nr •ho~ II To pleC«I your mt1111a11e Move right In. ' br, 2 b•. hookup. patio. lrg fned pd. Tit Ma) 30:1 ~ ~atr..o a.ech 3111 --.-.... -... ___ .... ___ '°" ~ ... ,. ''""' • ..,.No 3 ti.to-11choolK.Sl4Mporarre, beMre thc d•r•·ac. cnta. kld11" ""Ill ~~7·.~· sm. 76IM'138. Ed"C'water 11 11171 2800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.ittl<.' IK BIJC:: Clasa.lfwd "" OUPl,.ltX. Oulat11nd· ~·"''-.. ,. -....... .... '" ,_... 0 " I ti II r ,, 1· I' r I In~ bS1frror I.he! lllVC.'111.0r ._....... PUuuC. welcome. MM Aat. no W\nter rental 11111 :! BR SPACI01JS nl'w spill 11.>vel ,lul Uri' re11 ly 1111\11 On Phone fe41 964 *41· 973-2971 RS · townhl't' V1mt /. l)('Cun "l>t'OPli> 10 pte>ple" salc-5 'I.I" Y .500. Dally 1111ot · · -·---·-RAr.ialn ehoppor$ read S3SO I B 32$ vu ., br ... ..., bu C"lm dt.> c11ll:c wuh b111 r c11der1hlp I I I j I I I C ... t7J-46Z6ROw! Clti:.trled.642-5e78 New TownhOUll(', 3 BR. lhellUle11dllnClu1111flod d7HH:J 8 111~.,d·-,nr \11'1, 11 1 ~ undb111re1ull11!Toplaro . . . . . . . -.,. ......_ R.l . IM. 2..., ba. fplc. 1tar, pool/· rocutarly .• A.n4 they find en min ate• llit1ti· um .23;1 )our l'l11s11111 !d 11d, call 1031 F:. 17th St, S /\ jac11i7.I. 1-47~ ~ ~3 _whrtt they re looklnll for Want Aril! ~II 642 56711 &406 Ml'7 1oday 642 ~" SCUM-I.ITS AMwen 1tt Cleulflcetfoft IOIO 00 ............. y,.... Lotta,._, SlOO SocWC... 5400 .... W..t.d 7100 u...a...w-.ct 7100 I I DMll1i 1031 •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••• •• • •• • •• •• ••••••••••••••••••• ·~ .... • t • ......._ ----~ .... •••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••• DNlYPIU)T "r-·•• • ---,._.. 4-0 • ....................... 1.oe\. or Found a pc1'' Call AL AR M co n ,. v cJ ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• TIAV .. A•..CY . Anl m •I Al'tl1t'l1 nc41 ~ wrv1eerun. wlll \tlLIJ\, ~ .................. 314 Mtwporfa.•h lt6' IAY""*"OMCU fll.AMCHISI LOWEST Le "'~17-2:273,nofte. OllJJNTROVlEWforthe elertr'I bckgrnd helpCul Sduthwei"'I U•nlc. 800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• CatU't41t')' Vlllap-N.w of The1 ntiw way to own 1 ..._..., ..... FOUND. 81k German intt tllaenl & dlJ<'rtel ~gly 22ll F orHt. Lo& Olt'ooc•yr~. Lu1un:i Bch Sharp, btat'h, 2 & 3 BR. Xtra I.Re J bdrni :: b.i, fl u• from 300 1q ft travf'I •aency Tt1vtl 1 tTJ), .. s~ephet1f. tema lc. nr way t.o mffl new 11nak 417 1771, reel'"' New Ac1:h1 trp\c · d 1ahwo11hc-r Ouplux. I hou•w from h1ntuuc v1 o w1, IJ Network Sl•rtyouruwn 1 ''" '° caurotnl11 & MlnnHOt•. ~lc.7~5411 Alar ms Full&J'/Tmar Rtpi ful l or Pt·llm {· ~~. c " p u l 1 u ~ oc;~: 1':'~~~:.e: :OOpt 7 rlt!:.~:1 f11~.~~dl -~ ~~pl(;Oo:u:.:,~tur1:~f. F'lllr!:'T~~!-::1949 C.M ~ c~ER CLUB t.~',~!:e~Ga~n't"ller~: ~16et'· ,Alik fut Joatn f:11f11yMl• Avt1 • N U tum 1ervlce provldt•c . s.ttltr MhJ. Co. •.OST . BI u e r om u I c ....-. 1 Town~~. lov ly · •P1t(' &.hwr ~ yrly no flt\\ m 1003 C a I I M r D c ti c h , •42-2.171 r41·0611 parakeet, .Harbor View Wt Social Al'f MA .. J.GIR &n.kina ~ homt--lU1e 2 br wuh 311 lllllh l fl4443411 114.g.aa.2 Homes. NO. Vlclnll y -.-r.._. crcttl wanted for 23 unll NOOFOf'lllATOR pv1, ta&&d cnlt nc -t THE Ef ""-' •· N Hiii D ·~'"T-b d •.......t _..,. pat~Oll. Som with •tt lntm..I ~ Jt .lbc..2ba. flClrUJ Pnv1t.1 Party wlll pay '""u • twport • r. ~........, a. N.B. are1. M•n con _,.......ette- r.! ac• SW Imm in" ,.,.,. 1 bftm blk lO bdl 14!JO yr lLft FAST FOOD more for your 2nd TD '•· Weil. folew away ln fl"h • .. ~ _1 havt other job but mW1l With 1tddlhon1l clerfral ·-·"~' T 1 • _... ly ~ 70$7 fM.2.0lllU Al.Tf1M•TIY£ Prt , ~ l KM ...... -73 on Sunday. Aua. 27th. -""' bo handy. nererences. duties. Xlnt be1tetltt .. ~ ~tu1 • f"OUrti I • -M me ........ n • art _...., dumbbulba1"1tY.644"4188 ForAllAge11 HA!ply Cla111Uicd Ad•35. Irvine Nallonul Oaok blll t.o lfuntiniton .-Wp BEACll lOO •l•PJ aor Mo to mo rc.nL Incl. oln• UnUmltecl JJOlfll· The Perfect Olllly Pilot. PO llox J&60. C11 I I Jane t , aa3.a100. ~.='!"r v,.8~~ ~~~~ ~~{'k:,~~·1:C: ~~~ ~:l~ ~! ~·v· ~ :fo o:2~21~=: • =:::ftl r~~.N~.: ,:;~1xr:t'~fs~ B~M:er~~:~· CoGtaM~'5a,C;a.t12626 _E_O_E..;;.·------- SHYtll\d Vllla1.-. ..:11 04 .. w-e. t'rlllO, C()nf r m , ma ll Me>-T'198/MIM080evn. ~ & ......., position, Id w/chUdren. •Relax•H•v• t\ln• ASSIMl&.HS Bat\kl.na ltunUJl&lnnVllla& L.ot 11en,,p•rklni•moru ln ~ 1 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 84$·~.all'soreves. LowMembenihlpfooa Santa Corp h a n Im IAMKCARD 11.a m4>-.•t ·)176 New~ nt. "very •uc· ..._,.c ........ 1100 CALL roodh1teopenln~a for .u; DEP•RTM11r.~ I., ,,.v .,.C'"UTrv L· CllllllfuJ IA¥· Och. Ht"lco ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.Alll, Parrot. plnk & grey. aemble-e"pe "nC"''' In A '""• J Br tl\IJd~n we~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• r. l"#A ..... "' •l•t1on w ith • v.-ry Vic. MCI!• North. C.M. PC "' " ~~1 "" Crodll Checker. c•1tp. rt" no Pcota Slanll\a•l ' · hr •1~ wan. ltd>orh,_ 8VlTY.&t0 ~70 (1uallf1cd m echanic. PENNY Sept.11.83US93day1.or 975•0700 so1J!i~·ro~i;'~:int!,: q 'd Sn i l\ry co m · mo .....-n ~, ... m 11 o t'•ll • fllS:M ot C ............ ~•s $21,000 M4~72 • V793107evcs ieneral winna Appl'1'" mensurat.c wt•·xp. Xln\ ....., '' ...-.~ "..,._• •=-&& M F. I ~mploycr pd. benchti.. !'>t.W ER 1 br, pool, aar ...... Ce..wy Mew Dltlboa l1l1nd Gin Shop. ""IK.ft Reward White Oennan·"" person on r 6 tcr Contact : M1k• W1l1011. frpk. l lom Aduli-...,._.._ fvt'lll.a..d SUrTJ;s KQ uf l~OOll U.11 for d lulla .• 640·5112 Shep. Fem. May have ...... loam al l80I Carncga(! St. Ml(r. Bunk card Dept. El Ml ,&&!5::51 ·or.......,.,thed JtOO llwy Avitllitblu ~ow • Aaent ADS Lucke m lll . 531·0405. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sunta/\na Oort1do Bunk. Tustin. Owl 2 6 l bd ••••••••••••••••••••••• s t;t: to apprrt'lute $39$ l.lQUOR STORE 0 l ~sz ~-Atlllcmblyman. much1nr 714·832·4204. EOE u.xe •P" nt<> L XtlTINC-Call Und11tl'1$ 23ll C 0 ~ t ~ M. e r~eaa O'Y rt ,_ 7005 asaemblfi. s ome dn ll frplc . •nt'I .i•r, a>»UO r. r; , • -.. • · Lost sm female cream ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •. 1 .... BANKING C.UP\-uyMC>tm ,ALMMISAAnS. Ortic'° "'Uf"ll 1n pre neighborhood location colorcdS1ume11ccat:vlc. PftiS,mi .,. alno:expt!r LOAMSECltlTARY r.tl NtTT t:S 1'0 NPT ictl,k>us Nuwpurt Cvnt r Owner will con•lder 8'11 11ny Item cw com McSll Verdti. 546-0786 REAL EST A Ti req'd. Call& 4 2-9000. Commercial • 1nstull LI'S I BR »pt. t'n<"I P•l Ul'll Wc·ll• l''uruo bids. 15lh tlr fl.no.ndoa. USS.GOO + ln· bu:iallon ot ltcun• f« SW LICENSE ASSEMILUS mcnt loans. bank 11x11 (llll', t'I an r.-11 13()1 tj..11 h l&.-2 llR w/vlew focludcl dc-11k, \ll!fltory P»ul Fra.okUn. or leu "'Ith • Penny Lo8t Old English Sheep· Openings available 1m r Pq Cool 11 1.'I J oh11 • for M1b 1roml 2J0 1t u1) l'(.JP)"&natllJ.nu.fllespace ~.m-8S33. Pintbef'Ad.a line.forz doa Mole. no collar. SCHOOL mcdforprec1slonmtch'I Spencer 3 kw, 2~ ba. lrpk. 2 "' i\lluJt,,Nu l'l'~ _ IU0~~-144111U =r4iin~1f!·e:·r~~ &&2000tlor&t2·5l4laJt.5 OFFERS atlllemblers to bwld d{'· 440-5100 1ara1 .. Av1111 1mmeJ l)IU~~~:i~:'~(~:-w,IO;l w anted: Donut ahop, t1wt zdoa.Chargelt' Lo!'tkSmall mat1edo1 haldr ~~~,e,~i.awtth<'ll~1~r1 AMERlCM-' X1ntloc SQ) f'I\" 1 IMMmlAT£ leuew/optlon lobuy . Not"Ommerclalads. :;a l y t er r er a n ..-" STAT~BANK TSLM.imt 6U l GO: • " cockapoo blatck and ._..L.ctwe,,.... parts&Ughttolerancc5l1 NF.WPORTBl-:ACU 'lllm 5pm 't44•!lfki0 occupu.1cy 836-ll20. For more lnform1tlon brown.AnswerstoGum· must. Fas t ~rowin g t:;qualOppEmploycr SllAR J> N l':W M &lid to pt.Ct! )'<Kind call drop. TurtJerock area. .crash Course available Newport Beach Co orrcrs Z bd I den. frpk. aor, n OCIAtilNOMT ~ct•e31ful loul author Rewardc.J183J.8788 .. laterialsprovlded. xlnt bent & good (U'OWth BAR MAID. lull u m" clllld, u,es 002 i7M8 Ible I.a.a Hrh, wintrr r .. nta l, 12 000 18 ft 11ff1a1 nnanclal ~artner &42 5&ll •Small c l aues for potential. E..0 E. t 'or Food exper helpful Top flX MaK"k) 11t111ho. I BR. 2 UR. htd • , for profitable mail order • FOUND: Female brwn J)e!IOnalizedlnstrucllon. appl call Call Ray pay. ngbtg1rl. 754.9497 root Slumna 11~ $32.:S pr advenlure. Bill Kayal.ng. Poodle. nr Euclid Ir. Son •Choose own tute-day Gillman, 557-11051. Beauticiaru.. Opening for Nt."W OE.LUX ... :.l BDRM mo. 49' JIJtJ lelow..,.... ratt 5fHl3l Lott & ~ 1300 Diego Fwy. F.V. 64().-0Pl "night clusea. hul deslg th I or 2 blalh, nt'ur btoat<'h --••••• .. •••••••••••••••• eves •Placement-up a.o 80% r-•tr neMrll wi ~mt· wl frplc put10 net 1..-i I br. pool. or a.ho)*, C P..tc cornmlasion. "'ow1nR. or I'~. m "lll'fl"O. 'Adult" 'sa:.i 3 adJlll. no pets Util pd ossa:arc• ~M..t REWARD-SIBERIAN Found in Spyglasil sml ASSEMILIRS busygrowlnf u lonwtth U.O.ll&-21~9 IWM Monro\ In MiJ.(133(1 M.wport lll .. 113 W~ 5020 HUSKY. femule. silver & blk/brn male <Sol(. 'well· top comm1Ss1on. Contact Oeluxe mcdlcalunit Cosla ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ie.Los~ear 5 Polnlli. mannered Coc kapoo s!7:ir::r:. Wllltraln tndoavarlcty Suzy.S47·~ ~e 3 br. :t•' ha, t•nd looma 4000 Meci;a. 1.500 sq. fl .. 48•. Want to invest &/or work . 848·24 or848·3603 type. Call 759•9434 Call For Ott.Ifs ol ll!IMJmbly work. trim lJeauty Operator. must tw rraat Milt' lo bc111 h ••••••••••••••••••••••• 541j.2l 00. ln local small buslness. REWARD Lost: sml blk Found: Pet Rabbit. blk & 131-IOOJ 491-0442 min I(, pac k a g In g . t•xperienced WI Rc•ctkm 'rplc. Grdnr & w1.1lct 'Kl Hoom w1 k•tchcnctte ---Pr10 o nly . 5SG· 7280., Cocker mix. M. 9117. Vic. wht. Call MS·l508arts or Kalellu matenal handling. utAh· pro<luct:o . fu n i,jlon :lfi0.4003 or K47 4437 $00 week & up Cdm dlx 11ulte11. ulll pd 545-3722 P°/1,y St. COM. Ca ll Al· eves Real Estate School ty work. Musl be l8 year-s grcal Hunt Och 10 1· S48 tl7 5 ' AJC 1 umplc prkg. From 1 7 .. 9 949" d of age. 2nd Shift pos1· Please call tor 1tppl. 2Br. l\vBu Twnl\bc. frpk, " 300 s f. No ls e req . a • ". " or ays L C k I 32031Camin0Cap1s trano llons.4pm·l2:30um .App. 963-0717 i.m pat10. S330 mu 12131 /\mb:t.'!&Bdor Inn in <.:ostJ 675-«lOO MoMytoLoan 5025 675"5511 g~:yt/w boll~. ~l~~:ed SanJuan Cap1strano lybetwcen8am·4pmat: Bo-~b-ul_I _____ _ 531 6308or c:n:U 721·5:.llll Mesa. W 7 llurhor. t;en. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lost: Fe m. CaJlco cal, Win~& m SJ1ing lon\t:il Jobi W_._... 7075 at dcr · cmt.om houl II l .... .,.,.. AIRPOKT /\REA· "9ll KC SH r .,.. .. h -U.S DIVERS yard needs expcnent'l'tl tn1 y ocst.l'u,.......,rooms. OFCSP. TV C A vie. Shady H o llow, ea rs. ".,..ater . o ••••••••••••••••••••••• • carpenters,lammato~&.· ~hoch 3848 MANV w1lh k itc hen, Northwd, Irv. Reward. pet. ut Ozone Skat Manulacturer rcqulrlna 332J WWamer mechanic~ f"S"uared •••••---•••••••••••••••• phone & 'fV. Swimmln.i 880S.F .. 3o(c's&rccepl. Wkdys 937·3715, eves Boards. 2905 Newport versalllelndlvidual. Cun SantaAna.CA92702 8o ts 5412873 ,. Studio aptic. •, I.Ilk lo pool. jucuu:I, and rec. $6GO mo. Carpel, drapes, lsl & 2nd Trust Deed 552-os93 Blvd. N.8. 673·3800 o handle S I p h (714 1540.8010 a ·--·--·----beitch S2SO. incl. ut1l. room. Dally & weekly & paneling. Call Karen. loaM arranged for any 631-0323 REWARD a es. urc as· IOAT Cll.AHING ..... s rat.es starting from S54 a 714/97s.-0403 reason. Cre<Jlt no pro-LOST: Australian She p & Ina. Accounting. Ad· Eq, nc:nnllncnt .. tv & re(ng k blem. Borrow on lhe In· wht kitten. also personal Lost: .M. Siameae, adult. vertlsln1. Sal~ Promo-£uaJ Opportunity 'Ille Second Mate Above 494-2797 orct.'M-4629. wee · fl45-4S40 ......... R..tal 4450 creased value of your belongings . Vic So. alte red. decl awed. ~Mechanical back· mployerM/F wat.ercleanma. Ladies · F;xclung. new orcanfront •.-.a.....a...t ~ .... -""300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• home.Calllodayfor fasl. Beach Laguna Bch Meridith Gardena. tr . Age 5'~eaume fuJlume.642-0671 I br & den w/warmlh of ~ 0 ~ ~ 2482·88 cowteouB lnformaUon. Reward! 537-8678 · 982·7661. 9/16. on request. 714 ·960I Aallemblers Bookkeeping at !Klrv1c1· hard ood n & t 1 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• EW Ii H l Rerlned private duly LA.ttJ.NewSldll stauon. 5 days, morn ••la.,,.,,w i.urro~din! ac~:., •IE_SB.ECT.IVE* OOOH"q . '°rl. RATdlLdllVloDnal ~31 Oml 03R$ Found black female labdr PtnOMli u 5o nurse. live In, geriatncs W• have 1'mm-' jobs for '"' F •· / I "' " " G·· l II IJI .. Licensed Hom~ Loan muc. Vic. Pac. Cst llwy & •••,••••••••••••••••••• --.1 QI ft ~ 'C'I m_. ami .. ar w simp e rrvlc S7~ 497 32112 roo::.::U~l~e &°:s.1~M stor~ge avull. Plffity or Broke n ser ving So Magnoha. H.0. S.16·2015 Rtl..AXlNG MASSAGE ~· IJ a. 2646-2104 trainee ass e m b ie rs malh. neat t)QndWJ'l.l!.M C h a r m 1 n it s t u ti 1 u . •S lf/\llE A HOM ~· purkmg. 642·3490. Cam. for 17 yrs. Call our BobJames·Lic Masseur Hetp Wallhd 7100 ~~. EO~/t~,r~it~o~ ='~e~~~,: B':,k. :.eparale h."''' orl lite lot. nearest of(lcc. (714 1 1-~ound calico kitten 3·5 Out.cull 9·9. 494·5111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• T c"' o~20 _, Cut down f ormrrly ms. ore 3 837 374.. mos. Vic. Bushard •. •ccou ..... 111o.1G CLERK c:mporanes . ....., . ..., Book k fJJl10 . .1iarucn. pn van. rms. bo & k1l. S32S. mo. . ,, H II I .,. PREr.NANT" C ,. "' " eepcr·"eneralorf wal k to lll'aCh $2K!;. • U•i-&-n! ...,., W 19th S i•u r-.. 11 am ton.I-.0 963-5733 Y. aring, Sharp r:rson w1'th AA l•--------•I Varied work for busy 494 ...... , .,, r-··-""' · ·· "'"•· '-" DOYOU NEEDCASH ? . conf1i:1enllul counsehng& •~IO ~ evl'' Shure u home or aplm<'nl Jack eves 5'6-2277 Isl. 2nd & Jrd Fowid lnsh Setter vic or referral Abortion, adop· degree n accounting an ,., , .,.... , M build in~ contrac'lor Al Ht--' leach 3869 ~t-(l).Aru UHlJMJ .. TU> Studio.N B, ,;;. lse~ art Homeowncrlouns Newport Blvd and l8lh uon&.kl.-epma. dlor I r,r11 expcr in A/P. llOrO.tr ~=Yct~I, orp~~~b~.rvb~I(' -..-• Tl·~ _, II urrnnnA..I fa"l. 646·9'J84_ ----APCARE 547·25"'> or gen I acct'g. Addin~ Mob-NecHS " ••••,•••••••••••••••••• ........--..«f'l".~c..J.irvJ«'R ga1 e ry , cruft.II s torl', u .. ""°" ., "" maeh & IJask lyp.ng r-·· UlliCll. assist rel·Cpl1on1i.1. ,ARJ( HEW.-OIT '" .,.~ >:i."'"'>.IQ bouuque llbop. Call bts.. Borr_o.w $1000, St..00.000 Fowid. Jilack and white LINDA & Vlc«I s ki 11 s r c q d . E s l If you are new to CoslJ hte typa.ng. Hour!\ g.:,, H ac h ~l o r 11 . l or 2 ll32~11:s.i S1nc·eH17l 1Petcrs.631--03MG rlcx1ble le rms . past neuteredmalt'C<itweur· o..tcallM Engineering&Planning Mesa,temporarilydrs · M·fo'"Salatyto$900Mk l:lcdrooms & Townhouxci. ---1000 Sq fl. $675/ mo Inc credit no problem Call lng2collars. 644-0795 cnsogt F1rm or Orange Cu. XJnl ~~~lyyod1~c~~:d for Mrs. Jones. ~7-753:; f'rom $3411 50 Newport lk>uch oecnn ut1I & S()me trd fixtures. WI noobhgal1on FortM ,_of lt! workinlC cond & BencC. " Spect11c~M llP~. to1 :1I front fem . pref. 3 hd C..:Oll968-38M STERLING FlN. SVCS FOUND. UIG Puppy' Serving all Orange Co. Apply from the servlct'. or for Booileeper. !ull t1me for ,._,,.re1i1•lon pr•"' r ... m fW1l , 4 car. SlllO. 675-2986 · 714/9SS-161D<bkr> brown. 1'1ea collur only. 835·7313 J•,.11 G 11 •ut CO. any reason seekmJ( lem · exclu.'11ve Jewe lry store ~ --"" Vi" C M p rk "r e ""~ -poraryorcorcer cmploy· Ill S.Coast l'luia : Ca ll SOC1alprogram 7pools ,8 •AM_ _ __ ...-...tallttwtal. 4500 HuslMHorreaJestatle ~. · ' 11 .. ·a. AttnPertonnet ment. consaderthl.'I uni· Mr«jeGordova.~101 teruus courts. Al Fa.sh.ion So <hoA;il Vl&1..a eoodo 2 •••••••••••••• ••••••••• 645-6083 C~RY GIRL 12.5 Balter St queopportunllY Island, J<tmboree & San 1 b' 1 • c · · MONEY FOUND· Cocker wl blk *ESCORTS * Coeta MesaCA92626 YouCanm.. IOOIUIPB Joaquintlillic lto'ld ir t lfi 11,pOO /JaC ood4,000 s q . ft N e w car s . tails. pawll & .' (714) 7Sl·2510 t:OE 1714, 644• ltoo ' rcrs. Ber l2 noon, ~·0751 w1m.~~ouse space. JIB In· blktwhl cont. Older f"m. Z4 hrs 957.s474 M/F/11 $ dustnal Park. 894·5351 " • .,..._.'"l""!!...,.iiiiilliiiiiioi--216 P~ Wk --Small family w/oew con· White star on head. Vlc 11 CCOU V.ERY NICE do would Ilk(' hkc l S600 Nu 2720 fl Ind. & ore. working capital. LSl & Newport Blvd~ C.M. 1946 ,\ Touch of A MT AMT 2 Ddrm. 2 ba. wt ult bltns. t.hare w/fe m. Qill Pnl l~l Redondo Cir, II B. 2nd mortgages. lnven· Wallace Sl. Apt. S. CM ,.._ F/ charge needed for ~y. :1m~:S1J>nrod. pfu~ WATHFftOMT d ays 75 1·3941 evc!I Hunt 8 ch842·2834 tor y s tart-up:i. re· <8-llaml \..oRAI loca l mfr co Salary ., WITH '911 Ir DOCK S4S.llJO cc1vables. ---------MOOELS open, exper reqd. Please ~~:,:.;.xtra p~om ror one 30• e>r lwo 20• ----, . lndust. Bldg for rent. 5000 714/547 ~468 Found: I''. Cal. bclJtc/or. .,....,..._.. ma 11 r e 11 um e to : T1'c wome.n and men Wf' bo:.ib Remutlt•ledlo nl'w 2 br I bu Dnnn l omt on !IQ n. Sprinklers. 220V/ -U tiger striped?, last wk. IKGrts.ntc. CANUSA CORP. 1821 are looking for lllllY tx> I hru ·o u t. Obi ~a r • bui.rou\e. R~V 1>rt',frrrc.-d llOV. lr1 outside fncd James A. Mciff ...;95_7_-0_139-'-------'7MOU Outcall Kettering, Irvine . CA tired ol typmg. rold1ng 11tore11e. 2 utld'I off 11trc11 Altcr GP M 4·93 01112 storage & prkng area. FTNANCIALSERVICES Found: Sml lovable lngl._~~~-:''="'~:---'l -!:927:!!:14!.:A~l~tn~Con~l~ro~l!!:le~r::_._ papers, warehouse Jobs pork an it s puc"'"· £ij50. GorogH Will rent all or part. hair blk mix Dog. vie. Spirit.al It.-,. and worlu.nJ! for a hnut.ed mo. J11coh1t Heu l~y . for•twt 415 Corne r Pullm a n & Businesa l()fn.'I: Speciobsl CDM.67J.1294,675-23lS l815So.EICamlnoReol Acctf!i Bkkpog 1nc9 m~. Wo rk with li75-M70 P eulurln o. a dj lo lnh.ard·l.o-Retloans. Call -----~-~-SanClemente ; F\Jllyhc. TEM.-OIARY yountt people. Rapid ad· •••••••••••••••••••••• Newpor t Frwy . Call Assured fo'loanc 1n1c Found : M. Collie, tr1· f'orappt.49t-1296 Re«ls Tod vuncement Possible. If Hachclor un1 l •., hlock Ea:.lb1det:osla Mci.u.dbl W.A.Do!it.a.7141549·0071. ~ f'olor. are a S a nto ---...;..;'-----ter aytowork youare18 or ov('rand rrum bca<·h All ulll pd. g11r. $75 mo. Soulhlan· Ana/ Harbor. 540·0583. MASSACiE on vanous •ccounllnl( & would be availubh• to No kidli, no 11..its 201 E der11.631 ·2133 _ _ _ NEWPORT BLVD. Mortg1g11, Trwt · _554_-<&17________ ~0e0~!.eW~~: :1:~g~~ start work ammectunely. liulboa ijlvd. $250 1wr Offic•Rtwt~ 4400 . <Antique Row> D.jdi 5035 FfCiUllMODELS your home. F'igure call ..... mo. + secunty cJcp. Call Store & warehouse. up· ••••••••••••••••••••••• F'ound: Red M. Cockupoo, ESCO.ITS Clerks •o Sr. Ac~oun· 64 .. 6514 Sue 556-7707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• prox. 2500 sq. ft. Call vac. Fullerton 9/ 16. wear· " ' ·~~~~~r~~~~~I ---IAY VIEW 846-00MorlU2-t334. 1--------• ingHBhc.534-3228. OUTCAUOHLY lanta needed thruout,. I.Gt: 4 BR 21,, Uo. de On l,.a!ayctt.c . Cannery 184 DOHLOM._51.YS -;.;._-----'---0..,., ••ts. llr Orang~ H AutA>moUve ~f~~~n ~a~!~. ~;r~~: Vlllage. omce space 500 Stotagt 4510 .~~~:at~i~~. 0Ji~ ___ 6_3_1_·_2_1_4_0 ___ 1 Ac~t.e~~ DMV CLERIC ti7J.250'7 to2SOOaq. fl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpt Blvd 4' 22nd CM. SOOS. Main. Ste 501 Used Car contract & BILL GRUNDY RV wint.er storage avail. S48-875-t SELF·HYPNOSlS No. Tower, Union Bunk OMV. Exper only. Apply Wcstdm. 2 BR. 2 ba, de· Realtor 67:>-6161 Fenced, Ugbtcd. very re· Course& lnTIK!CltyofOrangc o f c Mg r . o r l''ran lux condo. New crpls. . a s rates. 554.1040, FOUND: While female •8topSmokln8 7N/835-4103 Kingman a t Bauer newly painted.. S52S mo. 450 sq.fl. Mariner 8 Mlle, ~ cat. amall & thin, Bnstol •Cont.ro( ~petite Motoni, 9'19-2SOO. 5.52 6296 pvt rest.room. UUI. pd. ' •-c R u 1 A I kl C ls •. • ampus.CM.557·9906 • e eve enson •uro,•m-rs ---------1 mp e pur n g. P .,. •Break Habl\Ai "" """' Lrg 3 br, new npt. bllnll, drps. 544-8678 lttfttah Wmlhd 4600 FOUND: Sall at 15th St.. •Achieve Goals ACCOUNTING COUMTBMAM ~~5~ ~~7~0 bch. Yr· o<c Space avail Me!la Ofc ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba.I boa Penni n s u la· •More Sell-Confidence F.xperiencc pre ferred. ________ ...; 1 & lnduslrlul Pa rk, W. Partly turn. 1 br. or bach. 548·9442 •Improve Memory CLERK App.ly at Mission Viejo Dix 4br. 2bu. encl "ar. no 17thSl.CM 631·5200. apt. Bal l11land or CdM. SMply,.._. FOUND· Blk & white •MUCH. MUCH MORE! Im Ports. 2 8 7 O I P c lli ~ blk buv/ br h Yrly 549·:wl6 lit 'dUST DUDS neu•Ared male cal. wear· Safe-Sdenl1f1c Rapid expansion of our Marguerite Pkwy .. M•ll· I • • ,J : CPA ncl'ds company in · -----2 1~ "" Pr ( I I ..... I dd VJ <A Pk S600 moyrly lsc ll44·110:t beaut. new office hlda. Studenldesnorately needs IMf. n. Ing 2 collars. El Rancho o Hll onu ..,.....11ess reqwres u I· 111on eJO very wy " "" ff SWINOS&REFl'S a.realnJt;.Btuffs M4-07US OncDnyorEve.a Wk. tlonal Acco unting e11lt1. See Jam Kane. •DB.UXE• Steps lo buy & beach. l br apt. within cw m1 CONSTRUCTION F'or 5 Wks Department pcrsonnl"I. Part 11 Mg r . I 7 I 4 I Ea:1tblulf 3 hr 2 bu l>nvale s ho wers for Jamboree&CoastHwy. PT&COMMERCIAl. Wefoundwhlte lostkillcn ORANOECOUNTY Succet111fulapplkontwlll 49f,.5l53. Lc~c. Jncl. llpuc.' nll)i,trr pu~lmel1~~.~ cKxuerck1n·ul1:.e!"" OTno 547-4281 __ MIGUEL 00 lBth St. w CM Call HYPNOSIS CENTER be re11pons1blt• for uc Auto Repair '-U•l din & 111 "" """~ ,....,., Old I 2o 631·0228.. 1714)838·7466 cou.nupa,{dble,d1ulyn• · "'·, rm 1 1 l,400sq. l. 1-'rofosi.ional erre1.1pcpewants ~3 MORTG•n:ECO (7l4>Aii·7479 celpU, a payroll for MICHAHICVW ~ u r a" c A u Io d o or prefer re.'<!. 042·4623 br, 2 ba unfurnrhome '" 1~ I ll I AW S' Found. MI xed fem a I e our realouranls Previous Due to grand openinJ( of Full charge bookkeeper - mfg. Salary b1t std oo quallflcat1ons . Do not coll. Please send resume l n . Controller MOS Scale fnl 'I Lld JliK Pullman&. CM. 92626 IC)()t(ICl!PING P/llme. Bookkec pin~. typmg and iten'I Ole cxpr reqwred. CPA firm t'll penence a plwi 645-644 t IOOKICHPH Small custom boat,yunj net>dJt bkkpr who 11'1 will m J( &: able to l'row w1th1• l'O !'dus t h .-a hl•· purchase l.'ontrol 1nv1>11 t.ory & mamtum good r1· perto1re w/yurd person· net & clients. Sal comm w1exper. Ruise depend·~: on 1n1l. P Squared Bo111i.. 541·2873. Busboy. lwiches Apply 1n pe rson. l.e 81arril~ l"renc h Re11 l 4t4 N. Newport 81. NB 64~6i00 BUS DRJV ERS Coe Chm tiun tJchool Wf! wilt train. Apply ;at 16835 Urookhuri.t. Ftn Vl y Call 963-783 l Cashier ror liquor mnr ke1. duy !thlft. d P<:I pn• ff'rrcd Apply in per:;ufl . 11·4 3041 S Bnslol. SA C11i.h1cr. morn1n1Z hour:. ~on fo' r 1 I\ p ri I y , ,, s>erson. Slundurd ShOV'I. 3077 So. Rr1~tol. C M 54().5611 ---~OU. voa~4 'Qv -~ ., F.mera~i· ocn vu, ~ .7 461·2 le S h e phard traine d . Seek: Slraight-appeanng reslaurant..accounUng is our2ndloc.GAM111 ufft·r· ecrcatton u cit. /Ii rvnn""'."7"._.,erv~ -• ~-_:-~ ~1 ............._,... . ,_ ...,~ ~le, Unflf':Jl. Live·tn? ~atron plus. Bc1tinnlng ltlR lo a rcspon persM :J only. No pets. $4~. ll6S bu&kit.S3'l5 mu.567 .,_~&~g..~1~1!'.:pm~. ----:--!·~~~~~~~~ a .J... '*"'~~ . · ~ · n e) u.uua ~· .. ~· AMIGOS WAY Ullh. CM. (;all Jack eves · 111>" • --r ft "'" .1.1"1'-'lCH · ___ _. 546-2277. -p MMll Senl '5160 Pteaae y<>ur resume mec anlt' . "" . ...... ~ -Tss1on 1 • .. $• ~~ Drhe by 3706 Pork Lane, ~ CH to lhe ·Unit AccoununR Xlnl opport. 1C you hke to To wortc Ul M ss1011 Vaejv. to see 2 BR. 2 Ba, frplc. Do you have office space "!~.~.!_,lb o II e good ••••••••••••••••••••••• Supervisor o r ca 11 be your own bollll. Sm In. OlhC Ile. r. Yf'li ex per n1 bllns. Oahwahr. nice to share w/real estate 'llUUIM:l""d Items you're l day Dui-dwt achof. Slate between 9AM a nd 12 ve11t & toolil are rcq'd all phoses of laborutorv cprt'g " df?'. $425. mo. broker. s. Oranl(e Co.? not using available to accredited. Meets coum Noon for -an appoint· Guar salary. Por furthe procedure. t.•all 640-0140 Then call Jacobs Realty, Send ~lies lo Ad. No. HAVE YOU aomeothertamlly by ad· requirement tor r e· menl. (714)MQ.8914. Ext. lnfoplease cal17~·757l ask for Margaret. 61 .. .,_ 67 ., ...... ., 37~. 0 .. 11Y Pilot, PO Box vtrtlalng them for sale In glstratlon call < 714 > 280 Ch Id .,.,,.,,v ..,........, • -Cluslned.Call642·5678 729.7141 • Auto. trans. R&R man, 1 Care , Mothcr ii Beaut. roomy 4 br Nwpl =_·_eos __ 'a_M_e_·s_a_. _c_a_.. LOST ....... ...... Del Taco, Inc ~rsT'n~eA erE(Co~i ~~rui~~~ ~5~~:::. Shrl duplex. 1 blk from PRlMELOC'"TION °spa ..... ., 5005 -.!f.1,>a..,'I "OO.. M.6RakerStreet TOOLS.Call548·2288 2 rhiJdren aged ·1 & to ._ocean. Lae S565. mo. " _.,. -_.... ., 111 ,,_._M Xln l pay. NU Ca ll 9S6-5871 Santa Ano Pnrkccntcr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••• ~ esa, CA 931126 Babysitter. from 12 noon &40-ll809 -------.i 3500 T '1 ooo fl Equal 0~1t~ Emplyr ,,_ C j B 0 o , aq .. , new \09p.m. (ucx.hrs.l dM --------- N ce 2 r pix upstairs, office bldg., Santa Ana area. 644·9252 Cleammt women wanted frplc, WI 0 . gara1u'. Jo'wy. l·blk. Oisll.nct1vc SOMETHING? S4.30 pr hr, Irv ar cu &dults. no pet.II, nr Lido s rchilecture & (rplcii • AJr National Guel'd Btlbyslucr In my home Must have r or. 961H184ti Isle shopplna l.sc. f"rl'dlt wt.>t bars avail. Ample Jmmed openina1 In F.lec Cosl» Mcso Arter 111.'hool ref. S450 mo. 4'Q4 6303. purkma. Contr,act. Lo1JJ11c First check our ''Lost and Found" tronlcs. Mechunlcs. Ad· 3 to 5·:.> Mon Jo"tl. Prct DE U Dllhl c lassification number 5300 to see 1f COWAHT: ministration, Com · •l!JOOnl G4S-M1> 7 L x1-: 2 BR. 2 nu. COR.PnRA'l'E RL',/\l.TY Furnl·h-entire! nt t f I uni I w h yearly. $420.1 mo. '':! ntk • T r someone has found II (FOUND ada " .... Y w ype o u tea moderr1 m cat.om or ut er Bu b y~ 1 t t e r & t 1 1 c to ocean New carpcu. -~5·0888_ are placed In the Dally Pilot FREE of vending machines and top QullltY l~lon1 Forecn11llnl(. No CIC · hous eltecprnA. TAM 6~Jl.26t'vcs. -·~ico•a....ayy h ) If It t 11 Plus all tupPllee. lnauranoe, lleentlno. training perlence reqwred. We 4:3oPM . $Sll pr wk. _,_ v" c arge . your em 1s no 8led as and caoitll for e~naton atttr go days. You wlll 1el\d you t-0 thl' best 913,26L2 •Smashing 1 BR. cJen, AIRPOAT AHA being found then dial will be lhOwn dOcu"*"ed proof that the school•. Meals & botard -------- BAYSIDE DR .. vu or 3.580 Sq. ft. QCftct? space average IOcatlon hu 8.112 t uatomtra per provlckd + $397.50 per Baby11uer wanted. my ,c hanne l It boats, Cunu c t : Rl churd 642 LOST yearandwellwtVOUwith 10IOoltlont. month to 1t11rt . Call home, weekda)'ll, lrvlnl'. $650/mo. 759-tOll:'l agt. Overdorlt . • THl..,.....ITDt--California Air NaUonal 552"°321,644·8292 CORPOR T • RE IHICUIS ST~ Guard (714) 9'79·7363 or 3 br, 2 b1, ffi xlnt bay ,,,,A 5 .!,.. ALTY .... , ..... , f79.1343 forlnformAllon Bank ·"--N y c y .. , ......... a nd let • friendly ad•viaor Ulist you "' "' I ....... ., C 'ID CLIRICA.L General off1f"e. typan.c ~ wpm. flltnl(, an11wl!t1llh phom· fUll t1me Clcr1 c111, enl(,llt'crinn depl. Full t1m<'. t'llin~ hluc prln l,, c.tpf'rl.ltc bluc-pnn1 copy m1<1 ch1nc. W1JI lflun. Dl:CC M•ln Al Jamboree, Irv. $48-4731 F.qu1l Oppty Employer .,~..,.,near . . . . rly 1 1 1 L .. J MUIUlmS NI.KY W"'T ~ • ....__.__ """"" A $750. Wi n ter ssoo . Office, GOO sq. rt .. idrport n Pao ng a .. oat ed. Call Monday ."Ill " =___... DIPAITMIMT m.-Ot49 lnduatrlel t'omplox. thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for IUllLe YUM Lo b k lrvlf\e.6a4-ios 4 . next day·s paper or oaU by noon on tmere.Ung Nla\!ng an proceu or. a n 011puty Clerk w11ntf'ld. 38R. 2ba upper apt, 4 S d f S AlftlCAMTr pub 11 c ~ 0 1 r 0 u n d card exp. rcq'd. Salary Clerical po11llon availn· door$ trooi ~ean._yrly. DICUflVI atur Wf or unday's paper. Mutt be llbtt to cMvote 30 hOtn •month to l:ran1porUUon 'direct· commenaurotc w/cxp. ble immediately. Ko· 73USeNhore,842.(1891 SUfTIS thltbulineM.l'leveellnctrtdMntOe>pefMt In• tul tab actlVIUea. Xlnt. .implOYlll' r d quires 1 yr clcr1cal ex• own bullnea, be of eounct cMNcter end~ Compe t itive wues MMfill Contact Mike ~n~l.'e. 40WPM typln11. Luxuriou1 orrtcc1. ox· 642 5678 adtQulte WOftdng ca,,itei. Preferenee wrn be Ouna. Cout Yellow Wllton~,Mgr. Bonk Cnrd ~1885. m.o.u. ext What's Your'J'radc? Sl.G per OQY 'Jblr..Ut\JO to pay ror an -1 ln Lho Dall>' Pllnt Senice D(rec.tory that c 1m -..blWI ~ prol.uionl.ll lo.hllty. For more In· forrnuJon call MZ-~ • \ ..... ecutlve 1ccroury , • ahownto thOMlndlvlduaJ1wllllno tottllf1ona Cab. t7300 Mt He r · Dept. r..I Dorado Rank, 260 for appt OranNc per1one I phcm.-cov· part ttrne blel1. at 1e .. t untll thtY demonltret• rmann F Vly Tualln. 114""32·4204 F:OF. C n u n t Y JI 11 r b o r en1 • recepllonl1t. con· the deptndlblllty we reQulre. Not afflllatect ' • . Municipal Court •~ 04 t~. ::~ce tJ.: .. mor x~~~~h with M&M ~~...:'.':I~ Inc ll you're tn the market ~:'!'~:f'f n v~~11~: Cll.'rk ·lOmortlh.Near ao.Co1u1t lorabettercar,bcaurc and F ound ro l umn~ 7 11 Storo Vine. 0 .C. fllrporl & (714) H7-l380 to check the many iiutOI 'That's when-pc!Ople look J.\111 or Pt1 C'l~rk. Apply frt-eways Co ll 9'79·2181 ...., ..... ,0 ~~CW, •dver\latd tor HI In when lhey'vtl found .an 1n ptnfon 28t3t_t Crown """"' -I CIU31ned. Item olvaJue Valley Prkwy. Lili Nia . --..-. -. , . ,. J . , ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 le J Appljan S.-r Qarpcol tl4!a11lnt1 in your ttllA:hrd 8Htric Home Jtrickl Oardton.lnac TIUPCH.ARO~llO hama or &>&ace QI b\&I' l.lea.2'1138 ~~74 Ma1ratManc«1. Clc11nu1M1 8:$M!lln.S A nesa by Von Schradc----Ii llaulln1t 1-'rc l':tt ~22 957 01 dr)'·folltn mfthod 1"t r.l_.F,cJ'RJClAN PriC\!d T1m~·l7116 AMWAY Co1>ml•lica. Nulrillon. Housewares. llome <.:lire 4t Comm 'I. 642·5652.;......__~---... • .. 1 1 Ill C.11:Mll..Ol63.711 087 nih1 fru 011thJtah1 M G .. •~a-"" if w HI • lartt1ur•nwll}Ut>a Hc: _......llllli.. ~ •••••••••• '••• • •• ••••• $1\alQPOO Ii l ltain Cloe fl ~ 873 ~ •••••••••••••••••••• •• • •••••••• •• • •• ••••• ••••• •Save llOOll)'• Colol' bN1hlt M l'I, wl:lt .._...._ -If.ANDY MAN . Carpentry. Liv~ In Help. Oppor o( a Dri\'twaya•Partctna l <'llU IOrnln bktacl\. Cl~ ~••••••••••••••• ~l_!d..'1!•1. P~~.!?,1!',.I& le Utetlme 4 ucre Buckbay •Repall'I ·~altoalln II~. dirl rm, ha ll I L5 Av m-. ... ,.:nrr . .,..., "°"' tAlate In Newport Ueach •Llt' NH, C M !i•. rm11.so.couchl10,ch TAYLO~f':,NCES ••• detlreA tt.ousecleaner Aal*aM ......,, S$ Guar f'Um pt"( odor Wood •Ch 1 LI 11 ....... !............... and baby11ller. Pnvall• hkt r• s.t•la ODopt =:•r. &~ r,• •x~r -• n n __ llaul, altl9loader dump mald11 quarters with c.. 0101 my ,. . IW/1, Omamtontal lrvn fenl Int( ll'k, trldlna tree wrk aepuate entrance. mual •••••••••••••••••••••• ""' CbolC'C' ot lk!•I~" ST 54> It cttMoullona etc. R3l·IZS7 • 1 e e t o b e I 1 e v e . ~IR~l-R ~~~r.~~i. ~.,,.t cJ;n•n• tr am '* u suvf' ~ 08ll7 1tetcrencee MS-2810 aft.:r mpoo Plrs 6 wln· H•.,_n _ep..._m _______ _ $311-llQ d ow a Dulr b M aln· ....... ...~ ................... Want a REALLY CLEAN ~\Oftt• &lnklV)l!le) J~ LMantt8'1"\ ltt 117! 1154 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Otn I HaQdyman. Paint· HOUSE? Call Gingham Al'lton t.c••I T)'ltnf C --Laiy Boy Rocker Gond 1na. carpentry. roofing. Gi rl. Free est. 845.5123 HO ~lt. &U·H 4 • t -•h'ed• CondlUM.llZU Maiplcta muonry . Any home 7PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• ble with atcbd lump '45 main\. or remodellni( Wa.llB. celUn.is. noors -All l)'Pt' rt'rn.l>dtlln1. "' 664 1m P!£J. J Wauah. 631 2233 & windows cleaned. C.. Its pain. ~move walls. etc h * J 1 H Int 646·61~ ••••\• •• •• •• ••. ••. •• ••. Uruq!MI 41 un1t1ual work ••••••••••••• •••. • ••••• TLC w k 1 Carpen~ 1''°'"' l An •J<iomft I' )'ra tn fire11 :•••••• •••••••• •• •• •• •• t! e Y or b' . ~ )ot... t'»ll Alli J Lie Mr P a I o m bo Clu n upa. Ha ull n I(. OCCSludenl. I Ton lruck. monthly. by u m e Ton} ~ 0 UH Landacaplne Jmmed . Truh, tl'ee trim , Ron l>'.'f'SOn. Vl•Cunc1es ulso. __..:., -&Cr'VICU\I 842-tllU'J 8'2·5703, 642 4268. 883-9094 ('arpeot('fl', flruah & RN:w":~:![: ~r':;',.~1~0. :vEftv L(>W PRICl.o:..ti • Ptckup Wied ror moving, Annie M-. 's_h_o_u-se_c_l-ea_n_• roueh Comm ~ r14• t min modeil d:I\ OnOard~nlnfl Maml haulina le cleanups 1n g. esl am ales. Own J~~l-**2 or Waynr, t:!. tj~,~IUI 49HsT9 G«wae ~9-201.G Steve Wallin. 751-6149 transp. Reas. 979-7129 $(7----- l"'ret-estimll te'a. No JOb l small We rontnctor 758-t.897 0~ Ptlmt>r•Son~ Carcla'1 G•rden1n1 Co Will haul orcln. annbing. Meticulous houseclean· ~=-"J~~'.~~· ::;:{n~~n~;3i::fi~ & ~:t~'n3~11. ~:S':.' ~:t!:: mg.Call Porte-ma1di.. Cllll anytime. 968-8946 893-4906 • L••c1fln1 ,.~,........ ,.._&Orti-T .... • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• L.M S -Roto. Sod or Pt:l'ERS PAINTING Piano tun1n.a le repair. 25 Seeded L a w n 1 Expr'd . Reu Ra lea yrs exp. Mu ter 'd dca In 1n need of c011tlY or frt .. Sprinklers. Plonllng Frew !::Ill. Call Gene im&1lc. 124+13 ccn lhla quont rt~pa1r1• Don 't Xlnl rel•. 875-7633. 552-04$8 moonl)'. 681-1433 blame your 11ct. t;m11'1> -I~ TV & electronic rep111r European Landscaiper Palnllna. Ex tr/ lntr, Ex· ~ l986 Maple. CM S48 648:! Top work. f''afr price pr'd, tiOnt'tl. neat. n aa •••••••••• •••••11•••••• Refs Mamt. &46·4871 Uc'd964·1~ Dave =alches &lexlu~ '"" Senke I __ .. ,._ -~ •••1 •39 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IAIJWM:a(>ing. Tree trim· n-1 lnU .,. t & 1 -·· -.. "'-' m!nu Clean·up 8 yrs "'"' pa nit . ..,x nt. ~pen shapmg. thtnnhlfl, •· Low rates. Refs. Free PA'l'CH PLASTf!RrNG ttump rt>movol, lndscp ~~i:i: S:.~ob<wu. -est . $36-4780. 536.,.383 A I I t y p e s . t ' r c ll crea11om 675·282l. lnt1. llouaepaJolmg. Int.. Ex· esUmales. Call 540-682S Tree Scrv1ce·all tYP<"" • Let me do your over due ter. Free est. John Beck. Pli"*llllJ removal. palm treei. :iny lronlna Bushel bultet 63l-3363or64S·21GI .~:!................. bat "94·18W. 494 2129_ SlO. 11 hlrts 40<. Ca ll . 675-9722. Custom work. reuonablc PE.RRY S PLUMBING Speedy Trf'e St"tvlt'l' prices. tree estimates. Complete plumbing Trimming . prun1nlo(. t1•• 'f Bruno. 110-7043 services. Dram & ~ewer hauJJng & rtmoval ~'r4!l' •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• c I e a n 1 n ll · 1' 1· ll .: est oo 4190 Brickwork, Small Jobs. EXCELLE~ PAINT· estimates. 24 hr :service. ---· ------ Newport, Costa r,te~a & ING ~able rates. 673-3181 Irvine. G7S·317~ eves. rree estimal~. 548·2706.. -......_--------Tllloriftcj ....... . ..., ...................... . ti4oYMg Fine Ext.er Palnllng by •••••••••• •• •• •••• •• •• • $ ••••••••••••••••••••••• R, Sinor. St. he .. Ins. Try REPAJR & REROOf All Gh:tehi1?J':n~ t !i OO pr 1 " Pro( service Wllh AU•s me 836-5SS524 br8. l y e e 8 . s h Ing I (' s 8egll~L~rFAdv~eni:!:~!~: Van Unes cost11 no more ! Int. ext.i.. serving area lor 7 roe shakes·compo-lar teacher Rds . Rot>t>rt Free est. for locals. yrs. t"rol. quat work. Frooesl.S4Mi930 Ru11 675·1491 storage, & long dist. Reas.Dave. 586-8425 Re-Roof For Less moves. St.ate he. TllJOlS. C1tll An)'timt! Ph 537 ·3160 Peter the Palnler 894·0421 Hu the best rates . .. Move a nyth i ng . anywhere at anytime" 24 hrs 7 dwys. 540-4844 rcr111ttncVPaperi11CJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnU Ex"t. CalJ today. T .. hioe • .,..,. 24 hr no. 547 ·5846 • ••• •• • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • Carry tn & uve SSS$ Most OVfCH CARPF.NTERS 'l'tade yoor old ahdf for £-xper. gardener. Free d 1 h est, dean·UJ>l'I Rcu0n. Room addlllons. Uc'd & new •00 10 w l a Benito Cer v antu . bonded Call 960 :Wl C1U1ifted ad.~ S48-489l ~II with EMEi ll '1 a BREEZE f will cleon your hnme. Pai n ll n g . ext/ 1 n t Exper .. w ith refs. Reasonable raLes. L1c'd ~H396. Shellt!y. contractor. 963-8825 When 'you need expert color repair $22 SO • &er'Vlce or repairs. turn P8rt3~ FrH eal. 116710 to the Service Di~ Callrorue5 840-2620 ln Classified lo solve Have aomethlna lo sell? )'OW' problem. Clueilied ad.a do tt well NOW IS THE TIME for JOb seeker!' to l'hl'l'k the Dally Pilot llelp Wanted class1trcllt1on If the Job you want 11-not there you m•Jihl con>-rdt•r offering your" 1wrvlre11 wilh :.n ad II\ I.he Job Wanted category. Phon1i OO·~ll Cl ... ified Ada 642-5678 ~~~ ..... ?!.~! ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..... !!!! ~~~~ ... ~.?!!~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~~ ..... ?!!4! ~~~ ..... !!~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..... ?!~ • COOK DILIVHY DRIVER Factory Help Hou~ekeepers. Pt·timl', Landscape laborers & Maid wanted. Stiaclltr •MASSEUSE• Clcn*calJR. CLERI fo\111 or p/tJme. Xlnt pay. PIT. 5-9 Mon/Fri. Must Small mfg co In CM Top wages & benellls for ~vle~~~~vales~e:t foreman tra1necs. S2.7S Motel. l661 So C1>l Hwy. New If B spu nt't"<ii< ur Ml'fla Verde Conv. Hoi;p. have own l ran s P . needs lite truck driver. shop trainees. immed t: OPE 642 ~unn. . . hr to start. Ground floor Laguna Beach 494·4892 tr11cuve lad1c~ fo r m.i:.i-· fl&J Cente r S t . CM ~1"*2. Must have good driving opening for nght person. · · · · opp\)' for afigressSJve M a 1 1 <' 1 e r I( 1 re<'ept J>0'1t1on.ot N<1exp •SR. ClERI 548·~ -O"'LIVERY MAN·L'or 63relc·o22'1rd2 Call for appt. CaJl545·0403forinforrna· Hous ekeeping start person. Also ooklng for warehousem~n. Full nee. Will trmn D:i)' & -c. .. li o n & inte r v i e w , needed for 'Im hotel cx1;.er. fore man type tame. Cood benef•l!> rugbt. F\ill & pl! opt•n· *CLERICAL -at"ST Cook, tmmedline opening earlyLATlme,.homedc·1·--------•I Deltronic Corp .. 929 Laguna B <'h . Ca ll .w dlSCu.sswages.Sunset. Publis hing Co. 1n NB inp 11va11 C;ill 9637723 "'1 tor cxpt!rlenced pre· livery route. economical -iv-s Baker St.. C.M 545--0403 4M-7588for appt. Gardens. *·2529 arc a . A g1e1 u . :!4 01 840-3100 !Oum IOpm 1 Varied Jobs with & school lunch cook . iv. car reqwred. Adlls only. --., • ., .. cc 0 w1lhout expcr. In good Ume poaJtlon w/sta rting 2'h hrs. per day. no col· Men or women 2S yrs or ---------1110 USE KEEPER · L..chcape MoiRt .,_....._, _•.._Y_~------- O(c surroundings. Ca ll to· wage & benefits. fo'lnal lecttna. S37s mo. net take older. Know the coast file Clerk· Exper'd, English s~ak· Work tn Np{ & Irv area MAJI~ DEP1' MAT U R J.o.: w O M " N d11y!!! riling date Oct. 2. Call home. Wcstmin 638·0126 clUes.Net$180awffkor 1ng preferr ed . o wn 40Hrweek.Call644-4894 ,..,.._l ..... EES p1t1mt' to w1·ll'11mt• ~o~MOfF&Sf. VH1rgCinM1a11e~iJ~·t .. ~.·3233. H.B. area. more. Orange Coast REGISTER NOW FOR transp. Fu ll·tlmc . alt6pm. lftA" neweomer~ & cont.l<'I B/1 .. \Ill .... DENTAL ASSISTANT Yellow Cab, 17300 Ml. WORK ON 673-9°'5 lecJll s.u.t.y Three positions avarl. In merchants F1ex1blt-ho . 0 ice • COOK Chalrslde. experienced. ~!li~~a~~o ~ruti~~~~ o~~~~~!S HOUSEMAN AlrportareaNB.Excelt. ':/f11~f :':'~rn:,:e~~ Need car. lne typinJot. Q overload lmmed ()penlna for ex· ~F\i~~l~~;·libruas~1~~o~~ betwn Ne whope & TemJ>QraryServace5 Full lime. apply In typing & shrthnd skills. various m achrnt'!I & _547_·300_s_. _____ _ 557 ,.,..1 per'd breakfat1t & luneh h N t;ucUd> 1617westcliff.Ste209 ~eraon. Irvine lfost Ability lo take chrg . forkhft Some heavy hfl Medical rerepuonusl . ail .,,_ ~ ... Apply The RJ~Ar ewporl eac · on ~~~~~~~~~~I olel 1717 E Dyer Rd Sal""' ope 97"' ""82 ( • L· '-""" ~ ~ ••• -Newport Beach · · · ·· -" n. o1-v• tng. X.IJ'lt working rond & ront or. IC<' work S::x· 3123 Birch St. N. 8. Restaurant 16 Fas ion s .. ..,,.er. '"""""""" Sant.a An Eq I 0 L· lo '-land N 8 DRIVER 631-0610or7S2·9118 a. 1 ~uor .. •~e clerk. Day benef. Apply 8·3 Na per'd or trained Con~<"l u11 PJ>Or .-..mp yer .,. · · · Dental Asst. mature. ---------1 ';hltt. M";;.e or fo'emale . uonal Education, 4401 M.S Cochra11847-854!1 CAIVl/RalEF energetic. exper ll1 all INSPECTOR Bir<'h St. N ew po rt . CL~RICAI_. CUSTOMER SERVICE """' 1aoo phases. Busy quality WANTED GENERAL HELP QC IMS,ECTOI Responsible. 752·l336 He ach . 1 near O C Medical om,·e Gen I :i~ ~a~~ft!:t"~Y~:!~ Westminsteroffc. Forln-SU-NDAY QNLV F\ill or P/T for small Leading medical device U9UOISTORE Airport>. F:qual Op· stst1n1? Wtlltram f\itl or Conv Hosp. 2055 Thurin, _t_erv_1_ew_5S4_-s_11_1.___ I h::~e;'!~. ~J!!1pap~~cg c2.r~ ha.<i immed need ror :in f\JU -Ume days. mMlure. portunlty Employer ~pl~{ he~~t~~ ~~i.'t"~. C M. . DENTAL RECEP · To deli ver DAILY ,.a1v . dept . App l y wpector with up to 6 exper'd.Applylnperson. .._...._ILl00M 1 t k TIONrST PILOT bundles to cu · "" monlha prevloma expc:r .. ~ W. 19th St C.M ~ e 0 1o11or Cvt!' 01 COOICS HEL,ER High quality ofrlct' needs riers In Laguna Beach ~~1:/194s~~~~~~sSt~~~~ preferably in plast.ics. INSERTER wknds S48·i7il P/tlme. Sot/Sun attn exper & friendly rttept, area. Reqwres van or Xlnt Co beneC 1ncld ·g Ltte assembly work. mule pa rt t 1m 8 • N 0 c x . 54B·SS8.S full lime. Good sal & large station wagon and G E N E R A L profit shanng. or female. Arrow Mfg. penence Wiii truln at Med. Office A11t. Cooks. Relief. 4-day wk, _be_n_el_._NB_644_-_ir._21_1_. __ 1 a good dnving record. WAREHOUSE 5'°' day Please apply an person or Co. 1365 Logan Ave. CM . work. f1ex1blc hours F\illy exper in front &· If you enjoy workin~ Bayview Conv llo11p.. D--... L/R ,~ Call: wk, Larry Morgan Anti· claJOll w3eek30pdnys M9-llam &t 54S-497'8 . For information \'Jll back ror spec1alt> orfrc .. Wllh people viu ht!avy ~Thunn. C.M. B.O.E. ~·-•-r·· 64?.4321 ques mo 964.2453 Lar· : . : m. araare , _________ 642-4321 Ext JJH. In F'as h1on hilt· Fuil lelephone communtea 642·3505 Good opporl for In· Alla for ry/Dale Dark. LOAM llme 640-5380 taoos. have 1tood typing•--------lelligent creative penon ft---•-SHILEY LAIS COUMSllOI Malntenance. lite. day11.1-----·----~kUls. we need you tojoln Cooks wantea. breakfast lorrettpt.icmtshn~ ~·----. General Office 17600Gilleue Appl y 1n p e r 5o n . Mode.ls&Escol'\1> us in an entry level posl· & I u n c h s b I f l s, specialty office. Sala EqualOpf:rtunity -To $900 trvine.Ca92'114 A poaitJon la iwail. for a New~rt Dunes. ll31 Mit!>&eUSC!- tion withln ourCust.omer w/benefits in growing commens urate wit Empoyer M~m ofc. Ideal loc ... ea!!!!!!l!!l979-0500!J!!!!!!!!!!!!E!!.O!!.!!E!!.!!!!!~=:r:~~n~g1~8r:~ BaciBayDT.fflf. F'emart-Top ·mon\') SerVlce department. En· complllly. Apply at Ma ability & ex per. OU I -= JVU• •· -Must have car 631-4!140 '"1's all "en"ral offlc:e Barkers, 2l2 E. l7Ul St S44-5638, 12tolpmonly. IEAllMtH61M •H needs secy & bkpr. Able mortgage loan co. doi111t MAIMTIHAMCE ... " ,. " ,..._ M-,, l...,.OMI' t o w o rk w I o u t Insurance lnde pendent business In So. Orange MICH ... NIC... Mont e~so r 1 Teachl·• :-duties Including fahng. """'ta ~a. DIHTALASST ~ • s upe rvis io n . Xlnt 1nspecl1on company Co. Calif. Real eslate • A neededfor age.,sthn.•1 expediting follow.up eos--m-ell-.cs------F/T.chnilde&front ofc Join an eitcitin' com· bcnems. call Cynthia needs reliable full time li cense r eq uired . &ILECTllCIAN HA & Mo n tt-s,011 Growth oriented p<K!llion ..,.. I ...,...ed I f'd X I pany wllh Wlllm1led ln·I ~7-TI93 people for workjn LA/Or Preference will be given Perm opening for B~· Cert f c t q d with exc1:llent benefit ..., ~P e n'IX:U to earn exper pre · -ray JC come potential le OP·I United Personnel Ct.y. Must have depend&· gres&Jve ma ml mech A & 997.mu c. exp,. rt' · package Apply & teach profH~lonal _nec_._Ca_Jl_642_·_6880_. ___ 1 PortUIUty. Free standing Services ble car. & will trarn. !:,p~~1::~rf:~h~t~\~ ~lectrac 1an w t manuf --------- . make -up techniques. DENT-AL RE CEP · bulhilnglnmiJUon_doJlar tSOOAdam.tJAve .. CM Physics or construcUon 0( finance. real esL In· eqwpmenlinstallal1ondt MOO..LIGHTING U.S. DIVERS r~hJ:,~t;Trciu~o~ TIONIST·MOn·Fri. ROA location . ,1mmheld lhalle '--Offl expenence helpful. Call surance or accounUng repair skllls. 2·3 yrs ex Ex~UtrVe6 ....... WW 11 ' ""'"'terred,CdM.&'4·7162 o pening o r g Y ~al ce 9AM·12PM.842·9977.Ask Xlnt saUcom m schedule pertroubleshootut1otcon· Hioh CO-m"''"IOA'-.-· atner appt. ca 73l-0561 ,.. ~ _,..;va•_,,,. e"pen"'nced · 11 d I I •· 0 C " "' """ • ..,. SaniaAna,CA.92702 -"'-----------m vu '""' " " w/est.abtexlilef1rm Npt forMike pe rmits un mit e tro pane is_• Prestige lncom'-' Tux m4> S4().80lO Couoter person, Heu Ith Desk clerk/hotel : apply in & Inexperienced people. Bch. Looking for mature. ------·---------~ personal growth & 1m· carcuitry Must be will· Srvc Food StOre, 25·30 hni pr per80n, 7 AM to 3 PM : Excellent trainlng pro· stablelndivtoperfvorie· --~~~ med income. send re-ang to work overtime Wetraan you Elqual Opportunity Employer Ml I" wk. 536-2776. bet 10.12. day/eve shift. 1555 S. gram tuition assialance. ty of duties. Hvy exp not · sume to G. Kaufman. 620 Xlnl benefits & workmi Tax COrp. of Amerie:J HU. C03.litHwy. Laguna lull lime manager . Call nee. All bcnef. 645·1066. Newport Center Or, Ste cond.s including It paid M2·9600.848·389tl :•io:t man~er now for con· 211 Newport Beach. Qi holidays, co paid group -------- • _________ 1Counter help, PIT. early DialA Ridc fldential inte r view. GeoeralOfhcc 9266() ans p l an . s ack pay MOVIE&TVEXTRAS morning hours only. /\J>· Driven 96.1·5671 REGISTRAR 1---------1 benefits, hberol vacatkln N to: t: o E o 11 y ply Royul Donuts. Alicia Operate modern eqwp· Jnt.ert'Sllng pQs1Uon pro· bend1ts etc. Call Cor H o L L y w o o o Parkway, Lag His. Also ment & door to door cessing homc students appt or come to thr CASTING DIRt:CTOH~ Hock field Rd In El Toro lransp. Call(. dnvers lie for Real Elilale tralmng LOAN NOCISSOI personnt>I ofc betwn hn Guar4 nteed results. over or786-IOOI. 581·3970. req'd. No prior ex per real estate firm Dut ies inc l udl' wflh secretarial s kUls for of 9 & Ham or t & 4pm s.ooo Jobs 11lle<1 th•~ y\.'ur CLERKS nee. Good drivlnl( rl'C o phonl'S. typing. f1l ini;. Mortgage. Broker Loan Mon·Fr1 to complete up· alone $2S.$100 Pt'r day 1f ()perungii Now Available C~::s"t~% li~~n!~~':Jam~: mu.o;t. No Sunday work. EducaUon grading & enrollments Co. Loan bckgmd pref. pltcut.ion. aerepte<I Yrly tt>l· VICI-. rorfullorp/Un-:clerks l6thSt.C.M.S48·4243 Orange Coast Yellow ASST. Xlnt working cond & ~~~~~~~~~ Nr. Fas hion Isl. Ph CALIFOAM VIDEO C,\ST I NG UTOTEM on 2nd & 3rd shafts. No --------Cab, 17300 Ml. He r · DIRECTOR benefits. Apply 11·3. An -&M-8824 . 16661 Von Karman SERVICE cil<&i 761· 1244 e x per necessary ·we Comhr/S.S rmann. F. Vly. t.honySchools. 4401 Blrt'h JAM1TORIAL l•--------1 Irvine 557·7100 cxt94 t.ra.ln. Advancemenl op· Attract, yng girl , F/T or DISHW .a.eHH Nationally known ed~a-Street, Newport Beach Positions Avail LOBBY GIRL • Equal Oppor Employer ---..... -1-ED--S-S_S __ _ portunill~ to Lhose who PIT A I 1 -lion firm has opening In <Near O.C. Airport > PIT Night Work. Pays 1 " qwllify. For Information s c ~ ~ ~-!f.:~0: FuUUme/pHlme lheir corres ponde nce Equal Opportunity well. Mission Viejo/ Fu 1 time. apply In MAIMT·HANDYMAH for Chnstmai1·1 Becltnl' gotoourneares tmarkel Rothschllds, 2407 E G 0 we r -st r-e 'l! sublfdiary. FUn<!tlons in· .Employer. ln'JCM/Npt areas. C<tll person. lrvlne Host Apt mamt. an building 1''asht0ns ha!!Jpart trml· or contact lhe per~nel CoaslHwy.Cdm. Restaurant. Airport e lude c onduc t i ng GEN'L MAINTENANCE 9am-10pm979·3652. ~~·i~~~ E. Dyer Rd .. clean-up. CM. NB area. openings. 1d('11 I for olfkeat ---------1 area. Call manager graduate surveys. pre· Male with transJ>Qrtation Truck or van necessary women wlyn(! ch1ldrt11. 12A42Lampst>nSt Couriers 2·5pm.95S-0554. paring school approval to c lean fast food JANITOR MachiruaUMcchanlc JO lo 40 hrs wk. Some We tram you ~supply Garden Grove S37·4840 2 P/T courters <freeway> Dispatcher, experience a.pplicut1ons1 writing a n· mochlnes 5 days per Rout.J.ne custodial tasks. to S 15/hotr exp. needed. 642· 1603 ~a mp 1e~ ·1t 110 <"O'l EqualOpJ>QrEmployer for parce l delivery r ed g 18 A d/ored.Jtlnganstrucllonal k E I ... 3 h One Ph ,. c 11 ICJr rire err . a e +. PP· wee . ar Y .. m. r!> fuJl·llme, franaes. Eng .o<ournalion' oldest MANAGEMENT "'PPIJC"· onl' nc, a service tor local cor· t G •· w T · materials. impllmcnllng d s I " .. .. 1 l ---------• porat e headquarters Y a • owing. & ca rry ing oul ad· per ay . •a ary + speaking. Apply 9·11 & tmesl truck deulers taons now being nccept· pen.ooa in t-rv1(•w Clerk Typl11l, Busy omcc Call Mrs. Hilger. 661 · 1211 _6'2_·_1252 _______ 1 mirustratlve procedures. mJleage. 673·7632 Mon-Fri. Lanwlko Labs. has golden OPJ>Ortunity ed K t-n tu<' ky 1'' rll·d 530·566Jor 963.74711 u11nsuran<"e com puny. 39 Ml I''. E.O.E. Oomeslic L1ve·in. mature Teachlnl( and/or ad 2148 Nwpt Blvd. C.M for skilled macll .. nx;ch.. Chicken -Edward" & Ni:eo :,•work r in" h•• r hn. wk. 644-i242 housekeeper to ca re for 2 mirustrative cxpcr & BA Genf Offl.C8 KEYPUNCH t.oollwe, lathe.oprs. Start Edinger. II B. Contact need:. pJ r' t1ml• ::.idy ....-:;;._..,._w~ ..... CPA. small company '" c hildren In lovely degree required MA immed. Call liob. Kenfordetails 894·1305 helper Call6'Hittl00 "'~ ... , unm. looklngfor e.xpcrCPAor Laguna Huch home. degree helpful. Salary Supe rvisor -o pe r a tor M7·7193. Un1t.t.~ Person·------------"-------School PA: Ground floor op· Refs.Pfi17T4T494·1'8111 basedonquabfiCDuons& REGISTERNOWFOR GrowmgNewPorLHeaeh ne l Ser vices. 1500 MANAGERTRN~S MewA~cowih ~rn up to $300 per wk. wrtunlty tor qualified exper. Send resume to: ON~COARKLL BOASN rn compan,y desires an in· Adams. CM N U di j I C Hfor ·~ WU...~ '¥fefr mind~ J)eQ!91}. • fers,Qnnel , ~e1>\ .. ;.~.p dlvldual with 2 years ex----------1 al ODWI e ewe ry CO OUlt Ullflist. 7sl'.'!nff."''·"--."'~·'™~..,:_,_:.;.-•1•anw. \'~.~~-~ff. •l'NW ~' '1411.:.._~~UD:r .... 'b -~~ _ .f:lJJ.N ... E s II o P wt I t eoc h you 'ht• For our Sot11h Cou'' Mon/Fri. 714/640-2000. Oranoe Co based lnt: in· Beach, CA. 92663. 1-;qual l icm "''' 'Seh>ln,,. -pOftn"itll O ""'~-~ • .~.~--~ •• ~· &~1'~~· ,ohlff~arife~9ijjsljJO~!'f"toliina.. .. ~~~~.~ " 1617 estcllff. Ste209 benefits. 11 Dean ror Plastic fabricator hns comrl'l-:14~~~ COLLECTOR CUsVMaint full time ex· rt leader In medical de· Opportunity Employer . Newport Beach an Interview. (714 l openings for machine W1U tram For appt. "·oil pleas\' ~all Kathy Am· per required. Saiary vices as seeking a ENGINE INSTALLER •-63-1··06•1•0•or-7~-·9·1•1R--i 752.2252 shop lratnecs. Apply rn _642_·_Sl_63 ______ ...;;._ __ t>urge,y.J t54().406I• Excellent opportunity S3.SO to $4.00 hr. Com · ~~%· ex...tr in m ..... h"I WANTt:D .. lo In. s tall ~n. Callfontia F.dft-at for Individual wlth ex· men11utalc with exper. ""' "" al ad b ll I MAMA.GER perlence In telephone ~ply Sun Sall Club. drafting. Preparing re Y ui e,naine n H.._RDW..,RE Working mgr Cor furn S.."9cp&Lo.t "ollecl lon·. Salarie d 7c" Toledo· Way. El engl.neering drawings & my garage. Ca 1642·5735 "' "' Laborers KENNEDY rLASTICS 3333 Bnstol St CM ... .. -lists from engineering days, 646-8634 eves, ask Exper'd p/lime retail . CORP stripping shop In CM .poalUon wtth good com· Toro581HMM!O notes, sketches layouts fO«' Howard. salesclerk. La.gun a Bch REGISTER NOW FOR 17372 Eastman St. Irv. $3.SOhr .... percenta.ic Equal Oppty Emplyr panybenefita. •. ins 'r d ......... ,... WORK ON •--------i Call 9-12. 548·7622. Eves•---"-_...;..-'-------Contact Mr. Mullins Dance. teachers. ballet, • t.ruc. nee. ra e or a.GtMIBIN• _,._.... NURSES AIDE m•l S4!M200 tap. diaco le belly dance. t.ech'I •chi background TICHHICIAM ON.CALL BASIS <213> 923·4671. 7.3. 3 11 country Clut> Equa10pJ>Or Employer Newport Be a ch. Call prel'd. It you quall!y Host.ls/Cashier WESTCLJFI-' MACHINIST Growinit Man&Jtemenl Conv Homc.549·3061. ~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Herbert. 64.$-9701 please call for •n In· Growing HB digital pre. for days. Apply llam Te-n,porary Services uedical devlc .. lab haa 2 PEOPLE PERSON -tervlew or submit. re· saure 1auce mlr. needs a d II Ml ea 296 E 1617 WestcUCI Or. Ste 209 .... " MURSES AIDE ca + tw ()per.tor DATA ENTRY s ume to: M a rgarel sell-startin1 tecllnlclan 1;tlSt. Costa M8esa. · Newport Beach lmmed~nlng.s tor· Exec looktng for p/t os. OIDBLIES Leading Orange Cot y Derjl.IUY 1 .._.1 ... C w/electro mechanica l 631-0610or7~·9118 IXPalMEMTAL ~i ki.wAolesale ~ply ABOVE i\VEKAGt: service boreauhasopen· Acu.""9Clertc .sHI --" background. Excellent Houlecleaners, Tues·f'rl. ~~~~~~~~!I MACHtttlSTS ·allS42-1 STARTINGWi\Ot-: in« for 1·2 yrs exper Permanent position 17600Glllette opportunity, libera l 8'3P¥. Apply Tucs·f'ri 1 ....... T .. 1 CandJdalea must have MANICURIST pt-t ame. Anoly to Newport Com· oper ator w/workinM avaHablc as a video dl.8· Irvine. Ca 92714 benefits, lncludlng profit 11·2 al Janice's Raggedy ..., ec: 0 ogltt 5+ yn. related ex per .. needed rm m ed T it Jo: Cefltcr, 155!1 Supcnor knowl()(lge of DOS/VS or play terminal operator Call 979"0500 EOE sharing. Call tor appt. Ann's. 1770 !JD Orange Well trainod tech needed work from blue prints. 11 A IR HAN u L E R s Ave. Npl lk'h OS.POWER vs. JCL & tor Basic/Four mtnl ~~~~~~~~~ 714/894-~1. Ave.CM. ~~1~'~1r':~~~?~~ verbal lnalrucllon or In· MZ-8484 •----'------ J ECL. IBM 370/148 computer. Some ex · -9CT8TAIMMIMT Housekeeptnehelp,guar. 492_7520 formal •ketches Must1---------11--------w/commun1cation11. Xlnt perlence is delllrablo. but Dr I v er s for Io ca I CO"'-"-t•M wagc$l3$rcr wk or more. ---------• have tabric•ted new tool MANICURIST NURSES facility" fringe bent'flts. will train Individual with household goods movlng -A d d I --·A Ue h ing & repair t•xlalUng ALF RE 0 0 . ~ H" I R RN'S sao $98 Tu c· sat . 3 : 30 pm . demOMtrated typing ac· company. Ciao I de· Partlea. convention s. P vacat on.nlA v1tMnce· ...... MO .... aTORac ROUTE tooUngon production. ETC. now UCCt!PUJ\g UP· • rnld JJht F.OE 1 l curacyandapeed.Koura slred.Ovet21.768-0643 also J\ysterlcal c lubs. menloppottu ty. ust Weofferxlnt Cobendln· pll e.1t lo n ~ for 1&ra~ed · D ~t {1 ," 2~1('3 approximately 2·9PM. •DllVB• Atlttd1Mtt1peakerand haveowntran.a.M0·952~ Dally Pilot route In dd'Jprofltaharin11. manicurist IOlOW, West LYN $52·$&0 fo'alrvlew Rd .. C.M. Work In pleasant en· -~-..01 1~0.t r dedicaUom Houaekeeper·tlve oul LaiL un• BeAac,h " Soulh Apply~ per80n..,.or, 30by P.C.H.67~0 AIDE S42-S44 S4&-eo80 vlronment wllh aood ~,. .. .., .... ni co """'ng or CAUPOIMIA Bal boa Point a r ea atiuni. lernoona, phone ~wffn 1:...,..: · ---------• company benefits tnclud· oeoole wilting to work. ICIO Ill References pleue, Monday lhrou&h Friday M~!l~ilt.Dark. MARlNEllARDWARF. Conatr. trades trainee lni 2 weeks vacallon N~ appear. Good drlv· Ph• Satun:tay and Sun· 5HIUY LAI INC W a re h s t• m 61 r • Needed for hospltal 1Jtalt permanent position. afterooe year. company lna rec. Over 18. Co Y~ thlni genera· 875-5'\1. ilay momlnp. ~ per knowled1eofall warebse relier. tCUi all noon;. All after8,Plllf493-01.82. paid aroup Insurance. ~. !es. $2.8$ per hr + Uon. price la rtghl! Housekeeper, llve·ln, mon&b ll'ON pro(i\. ta0 .~i~;:,e acttvltfu. Inc luding ahifta 11v•ll. Must be dt" -----~-----1 ...__.,t un•~-. etc. App'v Incentives. Call Erle, 714·842·0'95. Ask for m\&lt love children & Caab depotlt required. Ca ' 14 cuttocncr strvlce le In· peftdablc-le h11v~ ref.a COOi ~t""'" .,n ~, 840-«700. RoterSontaa. Bua. M1r. !mow bow to keep a •l>Ol· Call 842·4321 uk for II 97IMICIOO E.O. E. aide tales. Manne ex per Skill asseumt•nt te11l!c Breaklaat.A.M shln.exp ~ ... ..a.im.ICO..,ST Eltperieoced 11al•~ ._ boule In a beiut. Clttulatlon Leaveyour Jft(erred642·4IOO art> g1v~n. Group in· On'" N "" l J VRA...-w "' DllV•S ..-.&.A so Co newhome 840-2172 Name. Addrea, Phone Maids Needad. Tides ~urano 1tvtul. TOP HIUi&M-~~oO~t~-M~ DAILY PILOT Sebool Bua. Uc'd or wlU ,....,._,. · ••l lau, · · Number and Make or ~S.C'y WAGES. A8kaboutother Yoat.a.E.O.E. lJOW.--.St.,CM traln.4Hr1uar.'4.04lo ~alc~po~:::'E~~ "..O~~eelpdtrtwallnt~ld. ~f~roratudent.or ~1c:!~~ 13.25 an Hour. t,ota~'~w· 1•da2"r1nm"nn1r ot, ~f1u. Come in 9am· COOK Jl'aat food. 1hort onier. Exper'd Ph Ml·639$. ........ _~! .. -.-ol al art. ~.o, E . Call It • ..,.,.~ a Y o vo· n. ·~~~pel"9()0. 494.2494 .... " .. CHI ~ M ..... un ......... w.•'Y'U" aae.oe c~ enl OJ>portunlty for Priv. room/ba. Sml ..-vc'• firm. Xlnt arowt h ""'m. w~~·LJF'L' l:OOAM~:OOPM 12· &rowUl. kllC')' nexlble. lllt&l')'.t44•88Jt ~cape Supervisor. MAJOWANTEO e>ppor Typlna ~wpm, c:..>n. " CaJI for Pleue eontact Marlo or -mln 3 yn aper, muat be uper ~ Call &40 0123 NUJMJ Re&lllry appl)lnlment.pleaae M •k c tho ae 8 o? d Carver. $40-6128 Houatlletper live·ln, 2 sble to auper. It lnal. llalboa IM.»-. hour. IO$-"-------'---1&17 Wetlchff.~20ll ta-43:2.1,ext. m ~d ltemt )'OU re .,.e who are "8lna cblldrtn <7 'It. 9) Orlvc. aprln.ki.rt. ~ planUna,t. Main St 61$.87«1 Wbefl you need expert NNport Buch Pl•dnt a Clualfied ad ta y Ern yr n~ using avallablc lo an apartment look flral Salary/ rm/brd, Sandi a\ao hed or sod lawna. lt you 're lool(.lnt for • bet· aervtee or repairs. ll.Wl Dl-06JO 762-111 llt u euy u dlallnt your · • • .ome ~r fa mily bf ad• In Clanlfled. Wiil your 752·7•. Mual be wUatn1 to work \tr job, you WGn't want to IO the Stnlct Directory llhone. Olve u.a •call. WAHTACTION7 (fa!l~~nledlJlheCamll~~r;.•f!.IOln ad thtre? To place bar d 87S·7U:I Ca ll ml11 the e mployment lo Cla11lf1td to ::101..,c SELL Idle Items wl.th • We'Udo lhe reAt. 1'2·5671 Clwiltd Adi 142·5171 au · ...... -11 your Ml. call M2·0f78 Clwlntd Adi Ma-11171 af9"1me. colunw In Classified. your problem O.Jly Pilot Clanlried Ad. ... Q OAILV PILOT T.-,, hptambet tt, tt'I ~~.,.~~ ..... ?!~ ~~.~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~ ..... !!.~! ..... ~~.~ ..... ?!.~ !~.,.~~ ..... ?!.~ -~.~~ ..... ?~.~~ ~~~.~ ..... ?!.~. ~~~~ ....... ~~ ... ~!~ ......... ~~~! STOCK BOY 11.s&ls tnru. ~. p•intt'd P'"" C11pui1n ' --••s ... ,.,., Roa l t;ualti o tr1011 Rdl11bl• moon 1181hlt•ra lir ..__ "' mana1etl ••l•1man for lod•nu nMdl'f1 o '"b S ALIS CL.91-C_...,~ _.... ILUILM/XllOX, Mlt bf 11 ... MC. Sttmary t II t HM W .i 11 h t'' . 0 i Y ,. '' bed w13 lor1tt> Jruwcn1 l)(IC SICllT ARY Aubrll~~ pl~I~ 'i'~wpo~ Mu 11 l ,. Yr It• d l' I u" t• wmrnt>r.th It book ca~ lo olflc.>t• or Pr~. f'llllblon Blvd . C •1 modeli. only Complctt l) hcudbotird S 1~ <t~·2"417 13 ' 3·11, t:apt'r'd ' M.Wotfll'41 f•artJUme oll tontratton ,.,,. unakllll'd 1ra10~M Mru Ver du L1baral ccHtlpl'nut1on libor o.i your own bo.1111 ~\' llu.p. e61 ~nlt!r St, pJan Call aller 6 pm p , T . n 1 ah t • o n I y c.;M SoM KS4il l.utrllll\'t: pay 6-iO 11"3 DilYa~ .. ....n.t Isle fln onclal arvr's rebwlt, refan11ht'd Vellf <'V~ flrtn Xlnl ~rowth oppor Su1•·rv1,.or for top nunw Cuorirnlc'' Yuur cho1l''' Ty"'na70wl>m.811C 90+ :it.'too & TV Dept RM Sl30 l•Uch SJI<.· t•nd.s •S• IOJS eloc exptr prc f 'd /\brama.. 1810 N"wport 10 t 78 CouttAppllann · ••••••••••••••••••••••• NUast•s AIDH - F & PIT All 1hHh Pr• RIAL llT ATI ll E I• <'t'rtHINUlon t lu ""' of ~ A L M S r £ R & O N rel"t!d UR C'onv•lt-1rent Nf. DltO Pt•rM11l1I al llOIJ111 1ll 847 MU lenti<Jn, lllpert IJU1lruc BUSY l NEEDING NUHSlNG L ... P/T .,. rn . N'1wport ('on' ( rritrr. lM.S bi.IJ)t'nor hr, !llpt Rt-h lion ' pro( .. 1~lon11I al ~ 1trt! ~Hl\UOI llU&rtidlf!nt~ Vl>Ur I UI NM COnl.lin wi for ron fid«nU1tl ll\lfJr \.'lflW Unk1uo llom• ol MOH Vrrde tt "pJ1.1tu1..c.t 1nta · a rvlocatiun rettirr4tl 11etv1<'9 that hill created ll dem11ncl fnr m tlttl •ll.laPC!OVI• Wo ue buay an ti •H~•d ht1lp' 1!:1 P •rlun 1•t'd or nvw llQJll'()ple 11\I )' MPl>IY Atlr»Cllvt> <unUquu) or flt>t' • top <1u11Uty IJ>l'O pie I IUltl()('l11h'11 Lo wnrk with Contact S1rnd)' 0rtowa Ill 1)1' J Im Wood » t 541-llllO Of.C/CASHIB NQ \•i.ptonNIC"•• h'tlWl"C'fl MIMI.\ ro bto11~hl• 111<"1 1m tf11 .. n11nn61 1-rir •JIP' 1·unt1i1 <·1 lilll Mun,.un t,44 l~l 1wto·11 "'" ltr l&l flltnll l) 11 \llK vhunt~. ch· ... lHnt Uhrto't"rl ~ ~.\ Clfl1n M .1111111tt1 ln\ld1• '""' '1111 •'\P• rl• n r r n~,·~ :;IH ). "Ill tr .. ln l'rd .!!I ) 1 • .. r • old1·r ..))7 0!04 or n 111m -H 1, ,.,\"> & ""li.n4.b OltDt:K C'Ll-.10( • .. n.-d d\IU("' 10 "lml (.' \t 11ffr Cot i1h11rp pl llmr 1><·nun <.'111 bt>t v.n ti 2 tlJti). TIU: LOOK ~ •~.ICJ PARKING I.OT AT rl-:NUt-;V . & tn1un lcnan~~. hr) 9 30 to 11 311 Sal/Sun <.'u ll b1~30l!O bt Wll IO " l2 PART TIME EVENINGS Mull.JI Wllh outxl:rndln.i. loytllPr .,,,..._, U .Z·llJO Rrel tlUalr Miial. •et u 1 W .ec.- Frff 3 W fflc I TRAINING · .... c ...... .... r ro.perity • Ab .. oluh I)' nu prior lta1nin1t UC CaPt-rll'll t l' Df'('~'•r) • p, r,.onull11 d rn•lrui lklll • l'ror1 .iun11I on lht• jVb 1r1un111" •l plu 80" commu.1>1on •t hull t' or tuµ urrrt•,. l«X •UOOJ. Ht> )'uur uwn bosi. v.-llh a uip nouh prof~1onaJ or ail.Ill uition Katella Realtv ,_....,a ulu.I. ll 1-1 OOJ 4'3·0442 RFCEPTIONl~'T ru•eiStd for orthodont111t '11 orth-t• P~a:l(' St.>nti rl'll\111\1' to P1•nny11uvcr. P 0 Rox :w74.\J, 24001 Al!~la, MIS· 11100 VLf'JO, !>2675 attractive ~·rsom1htw" 1n:c1':PTIONIST. now who enjoy workll\J:: with h1r1n41. Nebl. po1&ed , kids · Start ul $3 ~,() Pt·r uh-rt 1nd1v w/ltghl typ hour Phon1• 00 •1321 .. :xt. ln1t ¥bt1Hy lO work In 2:SO, 1u.1 w .. ;1-:N • 00-5 oo d Ill n 1f1 cd m o rt Joi a"" PM. b<Ank1nai 0 H1 c c :. 1n A.at For Jh" f'ash1on Island Ca II Rt<ttour liJl l BOB'S It. Of The lm~l!n~J In uur family rntaur1111 ul ~urbr lontl-Oni> w .. rt• qwre no vr~vlou11 r11 Pt•r Join our fnendly lt•11m Com e aeti u11 today btlwffn 2-4i>m C ... T,..._. M42 Adama Sl .• llunt Beb w ....... w ..... &CoakT,,_.a 239S2 Aven ld a d u l u Carlotta LllltW'lil 1111111 "501 C.mj>ua Or , Jrvlne ~T,...._& c..w.... 7311 Edincer Av~. H 8 . waittre...._w....,._ Coo1&T..-..1 & C..Wen 1-54 E 17th St., C M. F.qual Opp Emplyr M/F Equal ()pportunlty Mrs G11ro. 75!*'1511 or t::mployer apply 1n person. 2301._ ________ _ Newport Ctr Dr Ste 200 1• PART·Tl~H; Sale!! Clerk Retail Ci1fl Gullery. 2 or 3 dys wk & wknds Salary t'Ommensuratc w/exper. Call 675 3080 blwn 10 & 12 PART TIMI WHIC·EHDS t-:vcry Sunday and .. :v<•ry r;(J\cr Suturd11y und sun Heeepuorusl-lyp1sl Good typing skills for busy bwld rng conlrac- tOf'll. AllractM! offlC1: in Irvine Neat ap~arance & good phone pen.onah· ly. llespoos1blc po1m1on. Hours 8-5. M·F . Salary lo Sll'lJ. /\:ik for Mrs . Jones 657-7533 -------d11y murnml(s On vcr to Rcrcptlon 1lrop bundl~s of Dully ANIMAL HOSPITAL Pilot lo l'arn crii. Mui;t Experience deaira hie huve van or lor11c RC11l11111 Variable iwhcdule 20 to + good dnvinl( record. ti() hn; per wk incl ~knds Ca ll 042·4321, ask ror Apply noon·2i>m only. Harry Seeley or Don 1333 Avocado. be.h ind W1l~um!:___ F:d wa r d & Cinema. P TE.UP PERSON NWlpon..Ce-ntM twl'epl/Typ11l, pl-lime Typtng, bt.e S/11, e x per an plf.Yroll le acct11 payable d~lred 1194-0:561 --- RES'TAURANT CAJU.'S Jll. IS NOW ACCIPTING AP· PLICATIOMS FOi T H I M I W RISTAUltAHT OP-.IMG OH AYlltY PAQWAY. COOKS & COUNTER ONNEL .... OI" .._ ... ,..., ............... _.clcrp ............... .,.fl or cr11r to wort. clot- t\bovc openings F/1'. Min 13 hr . Ncul uppearoncc required. Salar y o µcn C all Blv~M. •1•1•4•U7-•ZS4-2 _____ 1£1~ruolux -'ti<' .... rord B40-01Zl win<1 1 S3~ M1 CoH~1· MASTIR ILUIPIJMT 2J4 .. Jc._, C.M. 140.U7l ------Swlmmln~ pool main m .. kei 15 Lad> Sun tcnonce. f/pl must huv~· Kelvlnotor. ~ epd 111111 bean• £ror 11t~1l' hair *Secretaries* Ext.oeSet'yS13.~ F/C Okkpr Con11tr Employers Puy All .. ·cc11 Liz fMndur!I A§COCY 4'J20 Rlrch St. Ste llM Newport Hearh. 833·11180 lr•-k Wiil tr"Jn """' .... .,. hvy dutu wa11hcr. Ken • , ... " ...,, .. ,.,..., " dry1·r ' L~l"<'tnl' ''"'I ITIOI"\• Dry11r. &ood rond " ,. " "" TB..LERS 112~ for both 830·0730 m:u11111icer S2 f~leC'l r1I' lmmr1hate opcningi. for Mn eves pcrcolutcr SI f;fuetnc· llST AURA.MT Har Vt/ F\t 11 'Nlllll 1.u11chu1 C'.wntttr/ Kilcht'n 18 Yr11 or older c:nw1•r Street R1111l•urant . Soup & S..l11d, Airport ore ri C~ll Ml(r 2 51~ -~-~-- RN'S/ LVN'S AIDES le y_. Ow. lo111 T•ll ua wh n le w~rt1 you want to work 6 h.•11vc the r.-,t to US' Plu1t top pay e ll .. X KS OAILV Nu ft•t:' UnHorm a llow ' Malpr11ct1c-.... & all olhcr tn11ur pd by iu Donus r~I pro1r"m MIDICAL PllSOHNIL POOL •34-0405 A naUonal nursing serv ........... &Mop Womcrn n eed e d for Ho uae clean lna Serv. M.o7S7 Sale. Clerk. etla b 'd sta · llonery st.ore nds inside nh.'ti person, office 11upp. ly cxper helµful but not nee Fr lna e benefllti : Group m edlrul. paid vacauon & a holiday~. f'ur appl call Betty. 751·1732 'S'ALH ClalucAMtoMolMM• New cla11s11· uuto 11tore, Jrv. Airport com plex wan ts ludy sports car r n thuslu u c to he lp ~ell & manage. Sales exper not n ee Comm1s111o n · lucrallve. Send resume IA>" mn Main St. St.e F' .• Irv , Ca. or call 957·0SM I ran" Small Jll(UW SIU sharp personnblt• tel er!.. Cappcrtone lop 1rueic1 . 2 333 t: 18th St .. 1\pl. ts. CM S11ving:s & Loan ~x dr t"r1a1d111r c Hl'frl.c. --------Pl'rt<.>rwc prer1·rubl1· "'ull Uood cond. ST~ 7~1 1)4~1 t4-MhoW Goods 1065 &nYI Ana corp h1111 an Im medlute opening for 11 rni.chlnlst truinl'<' wit h 11t part time nccdt'll uf\3PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrvlnt• Savings & 1.oun IO O Movinat • T. V ., lung stic QIU for AppV Dlu.b "64 s ome expcr ln --AlllKl<' 75:1·2600 KO. i-: 9'cydet Z ocod. p111nt1ngi., und mii.t· ••••••••• •• •• •• ••• •••• • Uoodll 640·641ti Tow Truck Ori vcrs l'X· pcr'd. Top puy Apply Ci&W T o wrn)< 74011 Ohms Way. C M tw2 1252 11umcrlral C'Onlro l ________ _ machine 1>et·uPf\. /\pplr 1n pertion Mon·f-'rl ftftl.!r 10/Am ut ljj()\ Curnl'&lc St. Sanl11 Ana SECRETARY Cvcle & Comp_any Oclll)('l'31-l•_m_U1J_t_11_el-I n-.. -... -~/UMd lch C "" U) p1l't0t• Wulerh•Mt. Stu111 3_~, IO•i>d MX bikei. l<':i~ ~tl·1:1 took v.1.r~ l::xpandlng Spur tin g GoodA manlulacture hu OJ>Gnln11 In Murkc:-tlng lcpa.r tm e nl f o r 1n - dJv1duul with shorthand or 80+ wpm P.xcollent t.YPlnR s klllt a nd good ot· tenllon to deuulM Good 'i alory &nd lrln11e TOW THUCK O HIVER NEEDED Must hove c" pt'Mence Musi hvv 1n Costa Mesa 646·9638 Pu r h &. r t'P11trl' Jll 964 l_008 _____ _ make11. Ci.Im bit t'lus:or Ml~• 1010 Scam1treuc11 wanted. alterations. etc. Coat a Mesa area S46·0757 bikeK. • •••••••••••••••••••••• 41470 Nwpt Blvd CM 007910 fk111uttress. pt Umc. App. ly tn person . Y ~S C l e a11 er&. J 98ti~ Brookhvrst. 118 ----1 Secret a ry l Recepl1on11il. t'·t1me/3S hr wk, T yp1n11 bencf1t1. /l.pply · Tr a 1nN• to lt-tHn ull phns('6 of <'11.'llm plH~tit• proc<'ISSOT operouon?>. lo handle s J>('c111l job8 & oe· cJi.1onal m:u nll•n;1nn· Must be ablc to work well w/ha nd ~ P uy open 642·1194 Wl6M)M.teritlltl 0 25 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bnrk5. new used· Rca.aonablc S36-m74 1035 60wp m . no s111 noc U.S. DIVHS 644 8385 3323W. Warncr Traineto. opportunity tor H1mul11ran Rlut·po1nt &nta Ana. t:/\ 92702 yowtg person 1ntcrt•11tt'd rrv.lt· kits Show quah ty Sl::CHl:.'TARY·ln11urancc (?l4 I 640..0JO m an opllcal·mectwnical 9 wks 673~157 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Slate Farm a11cnt , In career w/e&tab'd r1rm "--10 ... 0 :'llewpart UcllCh. fo'u ll ~ I 1 ~ "" Ti m e . Som e exper. t-;Qual Opportunity Comp etc on g lt·rm ••••••••••••••••••••••• e mploytir M/ F training progr am pro· helpful, wlll t ra in .~~~~~~~~~!' vidcd for seriously In Golden Retriever pup &&S-6'70 -R · ~ Pie$, AKC f'1eld & ~how terested person. eq :; pet. Shots, worm t•d . SECRET AltY SICUltlTY OPFICllt xlnl v1s1on. mech UP· raised w/T LC Xlnt d1i.p r-~lrucllon firm 1--'-. lJtode & Wiilingness lo (21.Jl 425·1561 """U> """ POiltlon ilVllilabJe ror re· learn. Call bctwn 7·9om . 1ng for bright s e lf ll11ble per11on wh;om t' for appt, 546-0606. AKC German Shl•pht•r<I starting Individual. uluU law f'nfo~rremenl exrw·•r Sho b k ound ty to handle phones. uc "" .... '"Vil .. AiltU1' puJlb w uc "" E njoy x lnl com pany '""' "' .. sn, Top bloodhnei.. Hluck c ur ale l Y P 1 n g · beneflt1. Apf lY VAM· Part·llmeltemporory. andlan 638·930ti correspondence & gen'I noon. Mon "1-, Pcr8on· l'Xpcr'd 754 1555 mgr o ffice duties . Call nrl AKCyellow Lubµu~. 836-8717 8-4pm. MARRIOTT HOTEL TU VIL AGENT !i wki.. !'lhotx. Newportflrvin1· Min 3 ~7·4405 Secretary 900 Newpo11. C<'nlt r Dr ,..., 1 cu MEG CARD ti Ncwpo11. Heach yrsexl>t'r "4l 754 1""" 1..ab pup:.. /\KC. 1; wki.. Will train. so+ Req. Call X Equal Oppor WAITRESS s 150 t>d Dyl> 833 7241. Ellie Biles. Newport('r ~~~£~m~op~loy~e~r~M~/~F~~I P/llm c days only /\l· Dl-8879c·ve1> Inn. 644·1700 exl. 536 lroct. young. c xpt'r 'd Lab:.. b l k . A KC rt- _EO_._E ________ 1Secy.exttw/R F, Expcr APVIY tn Pt-rs on to ii1 s 1er1·d . i w k 1>, IT SaJ O""'n Call 644 lllOO for Roc.hsctukls, 2407 I': Ci.t male/female. 839·9686 SICA AIY ,,.. Hwy. CdM Sec Mr . LUGGAGE T A&S from your bui.tnl•i. .. l01trtJ send on1· r 1trtl ror ('.ti'~ l:IK PllU. nn ... :.pOtl" IAot• 1 1' l u rn p n m .in •:..n I I} 11-0aled auraclr"•' lJ~ & :.trop me1•11n~ 1111 1111,· I D rf'(Jwrcmcnb l'n· "enl lu:11. & tht.>ll 0 fo'or _. ~nM>nt'-'11.1'<1 '"" encl06\• "'ullpu pc r . fabri ~ Ot 'Oay Glo .. pa~r & w1· will h11rl: 6t tnm )Our llll(S Or tr) tv.-o ... .,rd~ b<tck to b11ck PRICES S2 co or 3/S~ 4/H8Rt S1 60e& 6/!H11g:i St 50 eu !Oor mort· SI 4() l'IJ S11lc11 Tux lnr lU<led NO CARO" IJruw your ov. 11 or iwn1I nume. addrci.:·. phon1· & Wl··ll makl· one· curd 1wr tuw Add 2!>' em·h St.•pd che<'k or monc) or der to PILOT PRIMTIMG P O EtoJ< I~ Qv,tJ Ml'5J. CJ !l262t0 PUONEM/\TE Tdr phont• dl\.'>Wt'r•r>a.: much1ne .. wt w arr. $7!1. wt remote. St4!1 Engineerlnf , plannini:t & tnter v1ew Reiss. ""to You 104 5 -·ultUl0 a·rm has Im ...:.;;;.;._; ________ I••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ope:ting for a sec; SECY/RECPT P/R WAITRtSS·Musl have Wonderful companion. J W ehouse 11hclv1nw. f1.11: w/xlnl typing & h te Sii Jmmed operunH Sii. lYP· t'xpcr & be avail to wk year old white ncutcred udJw.tablt> '<h1•1vc> .,. Hoger. i50-J79l exper . 01ctapbone exp 1ng. busy phonc11. lukc wknds. Apply The Rig· male cat 644·5870 sorted bm boxc:i.. r:1nb: helpful. Apply or 11ubmlt c:o mm1ttee m 1nutci. v.er Rest.. t6 Fashion Mi •9906 , re!lum e l o JACK G PresllAe !)OK. Apply in Isle, N B. Free C\ltC k1lt<:n11. IOnH ---------s t A haired. one 1:; Mr.n". Cull Bdrm !Ct. kn.,..,, bed. dbl RAUB CO. attn Person· penQn, u n a nu,._ _________ 1 ~·LES ""I 125 Baker St . C.M. Chamher nr Com mcrcc.1• 759~i drt'!l11er mirror. i! n11r ~ '"' • h A WOlltH :i.tnd~. 2 lamp!> I 1~mt •t>I. Do "OU r• '"Y ~. M/F. E.0 .E. 1616 t~. 4t ,S. . ---n w-...a.-Doberman pups. i wk3. woodoh'dcbk. Amn 011k 1 -I ---_.,.... Reds&Rlark~1 iWl'l'ks. k THI OltG .. ..,. 7 Secretary ror NR sales of· Semi retired roup t' to Ar t• y 0 u a 8 tr 0 n ~ S4IH K4I .rntq ,,., > o.i "'l'· t'•• "'" ficew/strong lyping&Sh manu11<' 60 unit udult h 11 flt p on <'Obnl. :i.~·· Cir 111 ... , rm If so. there moy ht a s k ills l o pe rfo r m <'om p lex C M . No P ysaca Y crtc furnitw-e 1050 \.'hr 101d dn b~. Wi!1~t1 career for you al Orj)(an secretarial duties for 2 ch1ldrtin. no pets. $600. looking for :.t e a d y ••••••••••••••••••••••• :i1dcllrtl wlhutdl. lwr: 'i Exch11ngc. Openings now mon11gers. Salary $850+. RrOliH. 031·29SO. ~~>wtpl~~epp~ye·~·~·· w / x hll I•---------mutt hx 11pnng:.. µ1.111l: uvulloble. Prevlouiuale!\ E.0. E. For 11ppt call ·---------I ,,.. 1•lt• t>4003'~'\1·v1• .. experience useful, but 75<MWO. If you :irt>. w•• ha vi· on **I BUY** - ----- we will train you. Call ---------SlrTIMllR oppty !or you in a st.abll' Good used Fum atun· & • 1en lh :spd. lat(' moo . Mrs.Jettat1'heLuguna SECRET"'RY ·1· pl L S"c cl n cs growingcompany•:: _:J,~•..-n""'"-OK 1 wrll copw ... mythm1i1. llkt• 11u "" Y 8 li. .! r ' j • W k I 'a sem bly " '~" ~1 ... ftpl 11•) s200.'1ijjQU... Hilla Mall. f7l4 )~·7302 GIRL FRIDA y . book· Gcn'I <)(c & Tr:11nel' A:. or invo vesf 8 S&btrf-or-\4)u. ~2163 II semblers-come In &.. rt• & dettvery a -mrr1>r<r· """'"oitT-oit '"UCTION ...., -------SALES lceePllfR exper nee. ca "II "· d ucts l'hC'ln'" I; 14 .1 ~ ~,jl • Rod Laver 'renn1& g1s ter now11oyouwi ,,.. 7~.7678 64'-8616&1JJ.t625 PVT PTY -223 Cu '' Oat.a processing ser vices 979,~ re3dy to start workin1o1 ~~~~-~·;•~d~-;;;·~-;;...a.~.,.;;·~1~~~~~~~~~~ Fr~ter. ua:. UBQ. :.1lw r & in·house. many com· ---------when the children arc ..._ _. pli.lter. silvt•r pu nd1 _ puters. Excellent Op · Secret.llriaJ position Open INir k In i1chool. IAnJZ & <i:AStf PAID how I . r o m p : t' 1 •' Portunlty with growing Co r presllgio us real 11horl lerm aS11ign~nls W/\NTED: No. Laguna "'or ~ti WJ('fi tum. 11nU· ,t ••n c>rt•ttt• :t tar>d . with at h!bSt 1 yenr ex· peri<'ncc, prere rably newi.papcr ";><cellcnl ~-ompany benl'ftlA. Apply h(:lW\:Cn 111\M & 6PM, Monduy lhru f'riday AJ.k lor Pau~ Ww.rd or U11v1d Guuer rez Recept/Tnist Llahl tri.tt1c 1; phones. Uglil typmg. no dictation. in pleasant surrounti1n1ts for s m a ll maaa:tlnt! publ1sh1ng compuny Mnlure WOIJ\8 n Salary to $650. Call for uppl. 752 6474 t..gaWft. J."'1 lft penoA at .... followl'"J locatlo .. : Orance County com · estate appraisal & re· NO FEE Beach. Older lady or ques&clr1V·"~7-8 135 11.ns:iphone. orfiCl' dc:.i.: pany Minmum I year search olfice. llepro typ. Victor T~ariH moth"r o( young child lo Ma<·ramt-plant h04der & sales experience Sale1> ing skills & ven hable ex· C 11 L'QL" .. H1de·a·bed:. Sl54. Rebll ,.., 0 ,.,,. 11 t.e tor n Call Dean a 556-115 ·"' r. rarl.' for & send my ;.yr twin sire muttrei.s & box plant., !.Vo-uu. m Y ope · per nee. Xlnt salary &f~~~~~~~~~~ old Jovel". w"ll "" ... 'I\'"' • 1 ·"' "nc·k-.·-. n-.. -w-.-u-·-c· ... -.--for int e r view. 17 14 1 benef'ils.642-7860 I J .. u.;io, ~"'' S50.full!lz$59 Sten iz...,. 0 ·' ""' ORAH(iECOAST DAILY PILOT 64~5682 330W. AaySl., COtila Me1ou t;qu.ul Opportunit y F:mployrr · 752.2252 ----------Service Sta /\ltendont. daughter l o .. :I Moro full set. S45 Kini( set~ Rcason11blc SECltETAltY cxl)t:r"d "'\ill or p/Umt• 11chool. Your hom (• nr R&J Mauress ~7 56.16 ~IS74 C I, Saleslady for dress shop E ,.. g Id~ de Apply. /l.r"OSl ... Uon. ITlh mane. 497·23tl21 cvl·s . * ar S Over :JO pre( l'art time x punuan wor .. i ' .. Reis reqwn .. -d Mu1H !ICll. 2 adjustable Ca'"""'t IJycr ha:i. t;;; >'"" 6'5-l66S homefum ashingsmanul. &lrvme,t:M ----•·--·-.:..---·----• F.lc c tr o p,~d H· bt-d ~ m'~ti Rld shJZ.:ISYd,..1(1'1 hwllln 1mmed open111J1 in wJ 11 1hr11 1 0~~. pri t<l·d s2 yd S.llH4tlfl R~Jo:PTION l~T Jr * SALESLADY the cbta proce551J11l dept •5-rvlc. StCIHCMI. ng~ ti_i75-4:M>J _ --- w e l' ken d 5 0 n I y. • for an 1ndlv w/at leai;t I Full & Part lime nttcn Warehousemen --~ M1·mtwr .. h11 p Ill Sill 11: w11terfronl lol'Ul1on. 2 092 L r IH or over. Apply In yr secretarial exper 11 dents Mi.l bt• over 18. N )W 1 , 011 /\nl1Qu<' Ru rl walnut rof Valley Cluh t,, c;, 1 mp-G~nerul 0H1ct• isk1lh. & 1 a 91 pcnion to T HE SHOW you arc looklnJI for :i Xlnt waAl'. /\ppJfi 17241 ru·;Gl~TF.R < • fl.~ tbl $750 M:it101<t rein f(round!'>. C:.i!! at•. Sµni . typlnR ncccss Coll MISstOH VIEJOf ONFl'::,_22h .. ·a:sh lon b land. challenging po11i1Jon Ir vine Ul11d . us tln. ON~~~~~8t.,1~ sole & Ji?llmf• lablt• c.:,·,1n·a [>.'".iii l:i:JI rAYROLLCLERK ,7l4·644--0l26 for appoint· Equal Oppty Em poycr -'-Pl-o:x;_. ______ 1 w/an un1111ua l benefit.Pkll 838·6"4 WESTC:Lll't' 1800. S400. Makt• o ••rs Sharp rwrson with /\./\ menl M/f' SALES Including product dl&· ---------M2-~ Nwpt llr h T1•nni:-. f'llJh r -.it-fc ... Syt'"--t 1'cmnnrury Serv1cei------1 1 •• 1 II , "''l dei:trce in accounting an--------count , li be ra l holldoy _...., ..-""" "" 11 b d om1 y ,.,l•m11 r1o '""'""" d/or I yrs t•x 11cr in ltlCrT $600 Openin~forfull llmcex· schcdulc &a hiohlyl'om · /\s ubsidia r y of De l J617 We1>tc 1ff.Slc20'J Klnii s1. w ;1 1cr ~· 644 70!1'J.754·11't<H I ' ·---------i 'd o""n L'll n "' Monl" Corp ha." lrn i.-•63•'•1,•00•l•O•o•r•7•52•·•9 .• l l•H-•I wlheater xlnl conti $1.5. _ payroll or l(cn' acct a. Xlnl opportunity for pr sacsw .. -n. "'c Retitivesalarypleaseup. • " OOI 002ll G .... d 1 Addm.imachme&basic !1h1trpµcrsonwho has not ESJAURANJ Car ter. 131 "'a s h lon plylnpersonat: mcdJut.c<>penani:tiifon·x· ___:__ _ -OOdW>l.'uJvoca 07~~~ lypmJ< skills rt>qti ·. &it had much exf)Cr. hut has R ls llllld Mull. ND. 759· 1770 Uken Home Pumlshings per lnstltutlo11al conkK WORK.AT HOME 3 Pr Sectlon'al <:ouch. carpet in rm ~IL<!!-' x .J 1'.:nglnecnng & l'lunm n acrorat.e typing & bn ght StdC!l person. perm/full 7411 Lorge Circle Nonamolum1 only· t;OC Phone sull•i.. h~ht hulbs org1 y1•l1wht fl~iru l & IL"< 15 $3() c ... _ ~~ "'•rm of Oranut· Co. Xln o u lg o I n K I' ho n e HELP RI Hunt. Och 842,4444 Daytime hrs. P honl' C:ill 530 5220 S600 Xlnl rond 645·~~ Sizt• 5 wcdd1ni: dn·i.i. & WQrkmg cond & e<1 benef. pc1'110naUty Wll tram to AH...tioR ~~rtMBl~3rc~s 11119 ---------556-3610 Bxt. 280. Sofabed bc1gto llerculon. v1.-i1. $1i5. Iiluc.gQ»'Jl s.so. Appl vw1ety d uties in s mall u. a.-Secretaryt a11st manager c-r-vl--StaUon (':r~"nnAI ...._a.-..uM $ u 7 1 .un J .. ,..., G RAUi pl•a•anl oCA. L'un "O· r.-.. atn r I ph I t d ~· "" "" ... _......_ very ,::ood <'Ond 151) oN '""'''Vl':<. ·-., .. .. • MA.t.o----------•I or act ve u 0 11 ery e male or t'emo c. full or ••••••••••• • •• •• • • •• ••• 675· 7245 /l.l~ Petsonne+ workers & very r apid Wort. "'nnw SALISPIOPLI corat.mg C1tm. Must be part time /l.pply Exxon ......... 1005 _:.;._.:....,,.______ M u .. t ~ I" 1 1 • O ,. I o w 125 1\akerSlreet. raises . Call Sally, yOMrlCldlAr• RetaJISlore very per son able. in-St.atJon 2490 fo'nirvi('w at •••••••••••••••••••••••Hide a bed. qn u. Sll..5 whol<.'!j3lt'. 19p1• h1• .. vv C-OlltuMesa,Ca 1.12f126 ~.Coastal Per110n-AtSct.ooll You 'll love lielUng our lelligenl' able to make 1-'atr C M Sel.'Mr Bolls ---------• Dbl drt•11•er. $80 Oval wc1~ht 1111~ 'l.•tnft',, 17 14 1 751·25 10 t;O ne1Agcncy.2790Harbor, Guarutee $J OO/hour fabuloua fashions• We decisions.642-8400. --·-------S&.OTMACHIME rrurror SJ5 ~2iOOH .. 11•t-I wa t .. rJ ,.,, Ml Ft II CM starting wage. Part t1tnl.' have immed P/T open· SECRETARY Sf-rv1ce ·station Ath•n 1 cookware Only 5:!20 PBX An!.wl.'rlnl( l>c r v 1e operator full & PIT C111ll 835-3561 Plant lcw11nl( en nc<'ds h11u11e plirnl 11•rh fo w11rehous1ng. IOlillllla Lion, & ma1nlen11n"l' Mon ... ,,. 8 30 tu " :io ~7-0150 i\f,1,JODS 1-'REt-~ positions available. r I ~ dont. cxfer'd Ouy & SALE lk•uut hrdwd knR,"lz l><brml Same as S600 :'11.'t:J l,111• I 1nAA or exper sa es • For rn/r co in c .M. Good Eve" f'\JI & pttlmt• Ap ~.--...... 1_ set. hdbNl. 2 l'nd t i.. t l e M2 3'•~ hours are I lam 3r,m. n ~We o((Ar vlnt r noe kill I .. ....-I l5PO 11:1111. dr·-·er •-m1r. an~ ur:l. 1me .iuur_an l' ---~ •-h Id dal -'l cr " "' " typm1u IJ, sa ary_ l"Om ply, Shell St1:1tion. 17th & ..-. "' ,. ...., Views c Y "' 1ta &c stable employ. mensurale w l ability & Irvine. NA ONLY cir. $250 Velvet 11p . KJtch<'n ut1l11 )' tuhll· SSO NOTICE how D111ly Pilot Class· 1f1ed ad11 dis play thcrr m~ages with lct(iblllty 11nd 1mp11ct ? Our ad11. we urc proud lo say, rcully act res ults . l;h onc 642·567K. 2pm. Apply in person. mt:.'flt /\pply In person. exper. Cal1631-0700. ----------1 /\nllque Mu:m· Boxes. uqua SIOO. 11lpr .-.oru )(cl ltt'C•ortl holdN un1r 'SJ 1'"REDEIUCK 'S Serv1c'' Sto Attcndonlll Clocu. rondS~J__lu.16_. _ __ Klnmor1• WJ'1hl·1 ~KS or HOLi, YWOOD SECRIT ARY I 3 I P / t 1 m ~ du ri n )( .,_rice Holl loP dci.k. Tenk s:;ao ~ayu1~ 1lryl·r SllS lilllJ.! DEL TACO 1720Superlor /l.ve COtila Mesu, CA Equul ly l':mplyr Ar111lOI Town & Country /l.1rport area urctutl'C 11chool. Will tr111n !ihiirp lnttnNftolllllf -Si>f;j bu.a S 150 _ C j 11 Cnr.l)y "iW rcronh "I: 3642S Brh1lol Strttt 1urnl n rm Ml st'<'Y wrtzd mm . /\pply 2590 Newport Galleries 00,9737 l'ulh '• ·• plywnc)<f -!°'CM- Snnta Ana, Cl\ typlllg. ph exper, muC'h Blvd CO!lt.a Mt!l'lu . 11102Ketten na. lrvlne ----$2 F •v .. 1tr .1w1·r i.:, Equal Opport Employer d1c't. l'lun lo grow w1 th1,; 754.1777 Crushed ~elvt'l l(Old t•hu1 r. c·11h1m•1 'S2 :JJ:l 1-.. ltlth SI , • 0 d •, ~ JI :~: l~'t :.\µ --~. ""~ " .. ~ ............ , . SUPHIHTIHDI HT fo r local church. full lime Good sulary & hcnefll.."I. Exper nee. Cull tiJ I· 2.880. firm . Xlnt bcner. fret'. S<•r11 Stu lfelrl nN!dc..•<I 1m S®. • .i.s:!fl;dt:.:Of4: ..AlJ. Jl¥!d.J~J>('lt,P l ~ o;;J' ~~ -~. ~ ~ I ' • • ~ "'" l!Mi~~~··. ·::~~;·!NfG,w_·, ~ 'M)"!!:'t"BtlTwy.· ·11. DEPRESSION F.rndishcl' -- -AITN l.111\dlordi.. u11t~11 Ing retull corp .. is seek· 540-2000 Sl 'JPPINO "'S"l."'T . . scl of 30 l'rc!lHcd Electn c bed llcnd ~'"~ cnfJ)Ot . gold :ihJ_!t · Vl'rl .~ .. ~ Portra1l Photographer , uperien ced In fine porlrail photography. Please send brief Info, & phone number to Hox 1119ff, Dally rllot, I' 0 Uox 1560. Costa Me1m. ca11r. 921828. PUSSHILP ~ presaman, 2 jOR· ~. e"~r. only for 4 un 11 Community. f'IJll o part l1mt' nll(hU. Apply Pcnn ysuve r . 166 P lacenll• Ave. Co11ta Mesa --------, PRODUCTION TRAINEE tor small manufacturer, 11hlppln11 •• in1pcot1n1. UPS .. etc. will train ri1&ht penion ror all ph•4••· Ap PlY In peraon 91m·U on· ly: 83'1 W. Ult.h St .. Cotti Me11a. Pt·llme, walk & 1el paid for It, team project lo In· troduce out new branch to area rrsldentl. 13.2$ hr. no tielllna . Work 4·6 hrs per day, vp lo 3 wh. Apply In penon onl)', Wed, Sept 20th. Thur Sept 2J11t, 9·00·l2noon. Pomona lal t'('(leral • av ln11 , 9029 Oarfleld, tuat eut ot Mainolta-1'.V h Mra Chirk. t 642-5678 \ DAILY PILOT ... . -.. _ .... - Ing 11cn ous mindl.>d In· ----· ------.. ,,. ., '7 Uolden rolor lntnl'atc• root conlrolR. SJ50 333 E. 1!0011 cn no '•;, .>d i. dlvh1uul w/knowledgc or SECR!TAltY Well(h bulk vlt um ln11. pnttc r n. $125 or best 18th St . Apt H . CM HJ7.,tj26 backl(ammon and oth-Or lmmed open ing Cor secy prepa re document11 & 673.,..503 an. i ·OOPM glUTil.-'8. P011lllveatt1lude, to Plnance OlreC'lor. loati trur k, full·tlme. prof appearance &anln· wl strong typing & SH F.nl( s peaking. /\pply B I RTlfY F.A R C O IN _r:r'-' te~lln learn1n1r a must. skills Some acct ·g bck· !l II, Mon· Fr i Llnw1lco PLAQUES "Yeah 1000 v--...--. .. ,, Apply Che111 & Oumcs, gmd or exp m prepa ra · Labs, 2148 Nwpl 111..,1, thru 19711. Wlll111m11 Gift 2700 W. Co11st Hwy, NB. lion ol sta tistical rt'portii _c_. _M________ Oallery 1832 N cw port S81H helpful. Xlnt bend. Sal Shoe Salesman or woman. 642·6526 Rl.ALISTAn commenw/cxp.Applyln exper 1n family shoes. 1926CatueVcnusSupenor SALIS raora.1 penion or submit reaume Salary. Apply ln J>C,\1'1100. Bell nick le Slot Machine, t::===============:;i to : Sant11 Magt1rit e uik for Mr Ca nnon perf. cond. s1~1 Oars. Busy office manager W11ter Dis trict . 2557 1 Hemphill S hoi•11, 154 642-0671 needs help with real Ma q iue rite P a rkway. Fn"h ion I s l~. N H. C!llale aynd1caUona. No Mw 1on Viejo, CA 92001. 644~ Onental r'f, beaut untq exper. nee. Wiii tram. attn Personnel. E.O.E. Surouk .. 2x 12 . vrry R.eAil &ttale bCCM(j re-SHOP. S/l.Lt:S r F.RSON. clegant.15000 832·3110 qwred. Cnll Rar. pnrt llmli. t•ven1n11i. und .... 9'Cff 10 to KA Tai.A HAL TY SECRETARIES Sund 1 y s r a u I A 11 u n •••••• •• •• ••• •• •• •• •• •• 557 S.111 Shoe1t 752·6488 f' R 0 lfT o AM AG .. -: O SANDWICH ouu.s M·f', (Wllh .. WllhoulSll> 5'GNrAINTH llCYI'POJNT SALi': J30l4 8 30-U 30 M Ill h <' r TYPISTS W Warner nr llurbor, ; . . u 14VC,.A8 PIX Wood 111n ('0 nds pa1ntt'r Sunta Ana. m -2!121 & ht-ncal In appear .... ,11 & l)'/>! c·ullur , 11ornc "XI> 673-6334 t0.6pm. ask for Long & 11hort lcirm lUI• pref d. Call 6441 0733 CASH PAJD DanorNancy. •l1nmenta. Holid ay 411..:..---------'-Ws h r / Ory rs/ Re f ri g 0 B I l I vu <'• t Io n P u Y . SllJPMENT workln1t ornot96741l33 SANDWICH Sii P O I Hoa pllalh ullon pion PREP -TRUCK DRIVt.;R needs P•rt.tJmc help M all Welt1h t & lo11d b u lk Used Refrhc. Woshen. dp week oft 12 & •of: av · vitamin tablet.A. dullvory dryers. &l11t buyi. and wkndtl. Coun~er & Ol er 1n Or•nae & LA Counties. Dest Servlt'c .~-Oel l 1en duties. 875-37 12 Ml·Umt , Eng sj'>C)ciik· , ,. l!t~~1~! p~~t~ • aG day_ ad In °'" DAILY PILOT llRYICI DlllCTOIY DO IT ~0\¥1 642-1671 • r OartaJn 11hop~r1 read the UltJt ach In Cluslfled ~ularly And they find whallbey 're looluna for. Ina. m ature. P'rln1c11. UflRIGllATOlt Apply fi ·ll Mo n ·Frl Co.pportone lroat ·frce. Unwtlt'o L11b, 2148 Nwpt 112&. Call after 5 pm A11k Blvd., C.M for M11ry t!·il81R SI. SICllTAltY Rotr1geralor, Ocn'°r al l':Jertrtc. S45 Jntur Co. In N.ll. •eek· 631 014 3 Ev"~ ini 11{p , 1ee'y for Pt111. ii · " ,..., •'l nanclal Vice Pru IC )'OU're In lh markt't Good typlnf &i 8H re<fd. (Of' n better t•ar. ~ .;ur<' Salary lo 1900 Oood to r heck thf> many autc:>11 com pany bllncrl111 odvcrtlaed tor 1101 .. In 83J·8450 Cl11t111lf1ed ATTENTION SKIIERS Coin1nM O t•to tx-r i-.1 en the ('lus~1l1t'Cl St1l"l1t>n n l lh "· Dail) l'1lu1 Our ~l'W Clu~)\111r<ll1un "SKIING ·· LODGING Tn l'l..it'l ~our un f .11: nnv. · 642 567R DAILY PILOT s •• ... •1, I ir p ~r II t• lll j\4 I ..__ f .,.Wt f l I l . ' • 1 . 17 I ... Cl ..... 'IUTOCK Ell THIUPTSHOP \\ Price aaJ;e, dothln• lf2Ul.ll. D MO W ltth CM ·~ ..... Nil ....................... ~!,_~ a:«illcmt ~11 1& ~'Lil '-"olln foe 94, an<'t'd •tu dint. 9IM l811 m<w'tllOIV• LO noon fOf' detalbi V&IN!ba ACOU11k Oult.ar, .alnt ~oo4 Muaa He' SlCIO I04lJ8 ----· ottlcie'-• • & '; '; .. •011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Confrrcnr r t abh• w /tl dul1r.. $.00 Ext•1· dt•iik w/crc.«lc'nia$W MOOOOO 1976 Ha rle y Uuv1<1son ~.almost new Ask· THEODORE ROBINS FORD 10C.0 tlllR BOR 111\10 CO~TA Ml'>A (>111 0010 ~=-Best offer. Call '75 LUV P.U. w/Cam - borac camper Excell conditioo. 751-Sf!Ofl. 139J I Mettlot 81.cl • BARWICK DATSUN •I 'I I' 1 lj 1 8 31 I J 7S 493 JJ7S "We need to buy clean D»l!IUn used cars" S Will Pay Top Dollar S Tl*dey, S.,,tember t9. tf78 miracle mazda -~' .,.. . i C:....W...645-5700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OAILY PILOT t03¥VW Van t'tozen Mo101 Best Offer 96(}.!'J006 '1>1 Bw;. rrbll ena. ni.'" brkii. •hoeki.. hl"t'l'i, 1o1d rond. StSOOtofr 540·6.\SI .... DW YelbW99" of Huntmgton Beach OFFERS '69· 76 PrtE-OWNED VW .., All Makes & Modeh ToChoo&e From· $1895 ~ (l.1~ EUP142) ll<J rbourVW 18711 BEACH BLVD. CaU Us 842·4435 '89 VW Bug. super sharp. rebuilt engine, m :q: wills. AM/ f'M stereo. Jll around top cond. St~ 881-41798 ow-.. Gtll'fe "' l»-USI 1970 Ford "'> Ton w/flat ~::::::::=::====~ bd, ruru. gd, great work IMW truc k $1000/b s t ofr COSTA MESA DATSUN ~HARBOR BLVD 540-6410 540.021 l HURRY NOW AT MUlACLI MAIDA WITH THE PURCHM E OF ANY NEW I 971 MAZDA GLC You will receive an AMI FM st.ereo m "DllvlOUR 1977 VW _Convert1blt-. '' -. special ed1t1on. wbV wht. "LE CAI xlnl cond, stereo. mag~. '77 Harvest. 28' sip~ 7 Baywindows. fully :wlf cont. $13.600. 556-7515 MOTOR HOME ~- '73 2Sfl. Champion by Chrysler, all Xtras. low ___ ...;... __ _ miles. consider Aul0,V4M 9570 trade In. Sacrifice sole •••••••••••••-•••••••• P:l'. ssr.&12Z ... ND'NEW I 978 1100 DOD'GE YAM Huve ma ny-oakli. win! Lai.er Xlnt. cond.. Like ..._S..ke, Perts Cl7022.ll> (41004) IUYORLUSE YOUR 1978 IMW NOW! •IMW• •RESALES• '73 Bavaria 133'7110X) '74200'.Msp. <3'73LPF'I '75530ia air C560MMLI i620024sp. <S69PQM> '77 320i 4 sr. <283SPl> ·n200'2n C337H0Xl We may have your next car in e>Ur inventory. Call us tod•Jl --. 83 l .. J040.495-4949 ------- CREVIER OF THE YIAI.. SSllOO. ~-18ls. 642-1490 Good m·vent.ory In stock Must Sell Best offer '72 Hurry while they last ~ Datsun 2-dr cpe, looki. & ''FREE'' MIRACll run:.good S8SO 673-4743 MAZDA/UMAULT '72 Datsun 2AOZ. red. good 21.SO Harbor Blvd. d 67 000 orlhecasbequiv;ilent c~A M ESA con . . mr, air. 00 239.00 ~· 'QJ VW Bug. new t1rei.. brki;, front end. n:bll ltans,S950. 548-4198 '73 412 Sedan. exlnt. run- ning cond. amt f m. SSl·S147 $3400.640·7549 MIR""ClRM&"YfU 645-5700 "' ~ .,....,.,. ----------1970 VW Camper. ~O<XI 78 Datsun 280Z. Am-fm 2150 Harbor Blvd, '71 Ren R16. 57,000 ong body. brakes. clutC'h 5t.ereo caSH1 air. magi,, COSTA M ~A rru. xlnt cond Best reas. Xlnt 1nt-s 1n k1 ndrig bru. 9,000 m1 Very dean. 645•5700 olr. 49'·5820 AM1 FM 8-trk tape. Mui.I Ask for Steve. 645·0792. .. .... t c t M t 770-4568 ---------'71 RlO. ndls carb. work. ;It s~f;f~ ~97':.217u11 'fl> Oal8un Roadster, 1600, Mtrc ... •111 9740 but in good cond. Best of· -------- xlnl condition $1850 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jer 962·5957 Vofyo 494-6800 * * * * * * '70 Oat. 510 wugon. runs ~100 or best offer : y OU : '71 Datsun wai;ion. VUlYI top, luggage rack. xlnt * C.AMOWM .. cond. Orig. o wne r . 4'9'01110US $1 ,200. ( 1 ) 493-8751 * u••---1s ~ CC.po. Beach 1 -.'"-SU 9772 Rois Royce 9756 •••••••••••••••••u•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IEFORE YOU •t DEALER IN U.S.A. sa&. YOUR ClostO SI/NOA~ VOl.VO, SEE US! Mil9UIS VOL VO MISSION VIEJO N l.alO 4'5-J-Z I 0 28eauUful Stelnwayll new. Many Xtras S80C &Aca.sorift 9400 ONLYS4895 6'13··3422 aflr 6pm ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• r.t's Pi-.o ShGptM 16' Hobie. trailer. lrapae, CbeVy 283. t-ngmc, all the 40 Auto Center Dr. Mu st Sell 1976 Datsun 2.llOZ. 35,000, AIC. mags, ·stereo. AM/FM cassette Clean & lmmac Make offer. 552-8218 eve:-728 w l9lhCMS48.7272 traveler, $1400.I 080. extras . Make offe r IRVJNF. SAHf A AHA Tuning & repair IRVIHE DODGE & 1 sr & .. OADWAY 67S-LS79 492-1323 aft 7pm 830.3]88 835·3171 I Ftrr..; TY..... ---------· lHlUUUilATl~VINQMAGHtNt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,723 * llNZ .. lf-FwAtUlllAI • '61 Rolls Royce white. elegant. f ine cond . $19.500 640 7030 *54995• lf-1~11 i' Toyota 9765 ~COUMTY VOLVO ' EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO Largest Volvo Dealer tn Ora nge Colrnty' BUV or LEAS~ DIRECT MIA.Stereo 1098 Hull JO' Vega Must sell. .WOSforSaM '76 GM C Custom Van. •USEOIMW1• •••••••••••h•••••••••• Balast le rudder crated.••••••••••••••••••••••• Bt:STOFf'ER '75S30I Auw.f916MTV>. GETTC>r$S FORYOUll EXOTIC CAR!!! We Will Consign Your Porsche. Ferran . MBZ. Rolls Royce or * ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIX CLASSIC • IEFORE YOU ~ TB.IVISIOH '7500. cau s-s, ~-Z2lG. ~ 549.7594 ·1s2002Auto.11rcid 2236> R I -...... 51r-..1 ·GU.ssks 9520 i6200'24Bp,alr(JJSNWZ> enta 8 ~...., 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Dodge window van SILL YOUR .. TOYOTA, • MIZ'a f'reeDehvcry -'76S30i ;S/Rc.sB1RCS I LOWASSIO.MO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• BJOO Auto PS PB '763.0siS/R t029RKM > • SEE US! TO CHOOSE ,• FIOM: 2025 s Manchester SUPS AV AILAILE I t 4 I P' I y m o u t h AM/ FM Xlnl cond S3000 .77 6JOcsi 4.sp <0021'RS 1 ___ <7_14_1549-7024 YAC Newport~l WOOfle _66_1·_38_7_1 ______ '77530. 4spSIR <Ol79> * * * * •UO .-i' MARqUIS TOYOTA .. ._ MlSSlON VIEJO Anaheim 750-2011 21 .. rolor TV. I yr warr . . 3t.OOOorig miles. M11roon Autos WClfttt.d 9590 CloHdOn 5-dop Ire.! delivery 646-1786. 30' Avall1n moonng. In with new RemrnAton ••••••••••••••••••••••• •ZIO't•JOOO ~ lll•Zll049S.12IO 2 S w e d i s h V nlvn Al lll'tC-. ~ __ _ Mt:'c han ic s no w "' Sports Car In saleable cond. Ask for Frank or Tom MJA W. l9thSt fronlofS<'ari's andswlm whitewalls. Jmm ac. WEWILLIUY New_w_1-de lj.Crcen_t_OQ_O area.S26,000. 673-S099. thr~·out . Serious •n · YOUR DATSUN home TV $2400 or bcsl Slip needed for new 32' qwnes only. 673'7692· PAID FOR OR NOT oUer 4!M·93&1 Ketch Newport Beach TOP DOUAR urea. 631-0499. 1946 Ford Woody orlA FOR TOP CARS ST~REO· turntable & . , engine. V·8 flat 0head, speakers Garrard $75. Shp Wanted: for my 54 runs gd Nu t1rt~s whls 842-8479aftcr .!..! A~ __ ~~~7,U:4{~cht. Bonus. roof. slats in sidt.-s'. paint: IHh&Marine brakes SS .000/offfl .._.._... NB businessman needs 644-5736, (2l3) 283·7081 -.-r--~nertl slip IOF 'l'l' ... ••••••••••••••• ••••• Er I cs on s a i I boa l . '55 Ford Pickup, god 4'nR ._,.al 9010 ~o lebody.smo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •92-1487 NE~.~~Wi::~~ew 4 WM.I Drins 9550 · U1ck 675-1393 •••••••••• ••• • • •• • • • • • • SLIPWAMTED Woll pv,.,n btJy M0t11XJ THIS WILL PAY is wt.ere ,,,e REFERRAL FEE BOAT ACTION IS &PREMIUM RENT COSTA MESA AMC/JEEP #1 IM CALIF. 1978 CHEROMEE BARWICK DATSUN "'> I I 11 I I ~ 1j q I I I' + 831 -1375 4q3.3375 WE BUY Cl.liHCARS &TRUCKS CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd C0:-,7 A M K~A 546-1200 ORANM COUNTY'S 842·4435 OLDEST HARBOUR VW $ Under New Ownership '71 Dino 246GT. AM/FM c111111 . xlnl cond. Dys Salei.·Service-Leaslng 557·7912. 640-~ eves. R C I Ask for Steve. oy arver, nc. Rolls rtoyce BMW Flat 9725 IMO Jamboree ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport.&.».cll tli0·6i44 IOI McLAREH'S $ SALE OM6JO's! llDlilll Over200 Flats to chooee from plus an outstanding selection of Sports cars at DICK MILLER MOTOHS 120 WWarni•r ,S i\ 557·2132 ~ '76 Ccbca L1ftback wire lvan ·s. 199S Harbo1 ~ wills. AM/ f''M. JO.OOo ml.' Blvd .. C.M 64S-1982 SllMOW ... • $.s300 55Z·0317 '76 blue w a~on. pow<.-r. HAllOUR .67 Corona $lOO firm Not A MI f'M stereo ta pe• . .Jt. YW i' working Tow away auto traM. lg rack. xlnr •7 I •-• • a~c ,,,.,... cond. 18K m1. P.P. $2950 lf. I I ..._. · • ...,,...,.,,,.. 646·03R 1 l ..... lagfOft 75 Cehra 5 spd AMI FM ·74 Vo-lv_o_C_L_St.'d--",-1,-S:J'~)() Jt. teoct. • ster eo. radials . drs i: Ga-OIHO work. or 67S·2:39ti brks. Xlul cond Call home lf-842 4435 • Road & Track 646·4451 -------• Ask for Biii Rogers '77 Volvo 242DL. 28.000 * * * * * * After6PM960-3033 mi. RCA AMl f"M. bctgi: wlbrwn Int. askrng$a9SO. 1989 ~ dr. good cond • '40 897-2750 "Tl 280-SL. Xlnt ronc!. 2 tops, bm wftan int. Call Ron Miller 639-4901 mpg, new tires. runs --------- xlnt $650 832 38?A AWos. UMcf '651, Corolla. bm. good ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75 280 Se<lan. s howroom l'Of\d $2295 2901 Newport Wds 9910 cond, 24,000 m1. m ust sell Bl 67~4630 •••••••••• • ••• ••••••••• unmed.SJ0.900 673·4642 '7 R •TOYOTA IUYS • 0 · 1v1era. OrlR. ow ner. '67 Mer«!dea 25a'i. PIS, Cully loaded, very goo<! 63l's IH STOCM ! '77 X19. air. AMI FM tape. P/ B ai t 1977 ToyotJ Cell ca 5 rood $800 494-9837 .. B d rack. magi.. $4995 • r. new eng, rans. speed, stereo. mugs. 1ur •--------850 No. Beacu Iv 847-527<\ $3500.640-8895 U80SX.H I 1975 ~yhuwk. 31.000 m1. W~ PAY TOP DOLLAR La Habra MUST SELL .67 25<6, AT. s4995 good cond .. Ai C. PIS. fo'ORTOP USEDCARS •Comer ~ach & Whit· '70 850 Convertible, runs AC. all records, new 197.,, Toyot " Celir" PtB,$3400 644 2119 FOHEIGN, OOME.5TlC tierJ 1ood, body good. USO .. ,-: • $6995 <J8Al6NN1311~1 34' or larger, N.U area For Buying b1uiness man. Mr. Or Selling Ouoaee szs-~IS ~I(~ ~~:ttfflWlt .. 'l!!WR9"1if!.~ • ATING~EWS n e w H ' s ailboat. -"51'9 01 or CL~SICS 642-*519or 754.0239 body style; ofr sa1-1aao Uftbnctc ll·~pe~trcm, 1976 9wck S«ylarlt. 6cyl tree~~ -~~~~-~2 ~ ·~1J.h!l)1]U . 6..M~4~L.Jed,?3.00C alr.mag11S·~~~Q1 •, ~ .~.U ,,p ecd~~•te ~~·~,, check°"' front Rererences available. <J8A46PN140439 > , Index dally. J>Jeuecall ~ -633-~ IAUE« ll,llcte Clos~ndays ••••••••••••••••••••••• &:!~ nA'fl .... ~o. Sl'lf -'~tSi~ 2925Harbor Blvd. 'i'O BMW UIOO, aood condl· '78 CVCC Hatchback, 839 ~· !::~~~~~~·~::!!~!.:::~ ... !!.~~ FREE 100 . •ALLONSGAS Qleta Mesa 979.2500_ tlon, AM/ FM stereo. miles, 4 apd, standard i5 3000. burgundy. Im· '· "" Ca•loc "" $2300. 548·4319 eqwp. 962-7982or962-S920 maculate, 39.000 mi's, iU ···-·••••••••••••••••• K~ak 14' Fbrglt. not&· •16' Glaeepar deep bull. 75 lion foam . $150. Call h.p. Evinrude. Just rcblt . with purchase or any Jeepwllh this roupon WE BUY ----------new '41chelina. s12.ooo. --• '0 '77 Cad Coupe de Ville. Trade YoW' old atuff for '74HONDA Civic, Htchbk, 675-36$2 ~~":?:~ yellow, loaded. low m1. M&-K19: Only 20 hrs. New seats &. WI WILL IEA T noerlng. lmmac. New USED,CARS new goodies with a great condition, $1800. '7S~EL.21,000mi,xlnl ,perf. cond . 18,800. CALL OARTlf Claaalfledad. 842'5878 ~ cond .. $17.000. Cull 17l4J T,..... 9767 S44--058001"7~·'1llll IMh. 'oww to40 American trlr le tires. ANY Wll'nEM DEAL Used Car MRr ....... Mew 9100 Alltos, Mew tlOO ~7·00Sl. ••••••••••••••••••••• •• '11 CADILLAC 540-5630 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 450 SL Mint cond •1:i B9TR6. mlntcond . white. l&.DOIADO •••••••••••••••••••••• Muat 11ee. Still on war-ON ANY MIW rMt.y! $3100. Call eves Jiit 1011\,0.\ ,\ 'O\ • I '"" ( ), N vr "' 1 lllV Grand Banks wknds 548·0817, days WIAlll BBtn Whaler-Seacnn 835-9335. OVBSTOCklD 282t HARBOR BL VD Sl~n Maller Vacbta COSTA MESA C21JJ ~ Tr mart...._ r 2524 Harbor Blvd WI IUY 3l' Chris Craft comm. All ••••••••••••••••••••••• fb«Js. f\lUy equipped. In c , • ., ... ~ 714Coe/ 5ta4M,eeao2• US8CAllSI Unbelievable cond. ..., ti ZO .. ~ We're &be r,.w Chevrolet l22,500.P/P673-4220 ••••••••••••••••••••••••st Chevy pi c k -up deaJershJp in the lrvlne .l.9'182.3' Milo .. 100 Proof .. Older camper 4·llale, w/o w I campe r 8 h e I I. Auto Center. We need I t 1 235 J h tru~k. SlSO. Stove & AM/Jl'M, CB. push bar YoW'usedJcaOlr! w r r, o n 1on. ~ng. 640-2700 tow bar, Aux 111 tank loededwt xtra.a. 548'5039 '78 vw campmobUe fully 4•r>d noor. 327• Sl.SOO 01 MAC l'HllSON 28' Power aportfl1hln11 equlp'd, puop.up toP air makeortcr. Mu1teell Im CHl.,.OLIT bollt. Wood hull. rtyin11 & stereo call Ron med. 770·~3 •ft brld1e, newly re bulJt 979-ISSS drS or 731·8271 •68 Bronco runs 1rood IJ AutoO.nter Ortve engine. Ne•d• some eves/wknds need11 p11l0nt & mlno1 JRVINF. work. Overall condition ork • j .MU • 761-7222 excelle nt. Bnnd new camper Sholl for w • l795f rm . ._.155 t-------- dJrectlon•l finder and 8 foot bed Xln\ cond. Tnldla tHO W & .....,ED•. PM a.way radio. UOOO or 494-3.5811 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• "'"I lake over paymont1 . Late model To t EvenJngaMS-9370 f Pale cabover camper, '7' R~hero, arr. PIS, yo 88• __ -..,;;;; ____ . --nu lhOU,bed P.U l>llc Pl 8 , ne w MichC'llnt1, VolYo.!i, Pickups It VMM. 5 7 · C b r I• Co nn It model. 979-1138 or brlct, 1boclr11 Im mac. Call U1 today I w/Newport 11llp, encl. aft '71-UMIS Low mllea. 01.4320 ~:~i~:o. 675·H 11 or ... ,.,. • .,... ,.40,_sasoo __ . ______ 11 ..,.,.. 41111 • ---------...... ••••••••••••••••• •mncl new Fl50 Ford '78 1.3' Whaltr Evln 50, t ltt , Pw\taeotlloped _, V.e, dual t1nk1, trl; ltatt, trlr. hyd 1t~.n1, R50.lleed.a work ll*t-1' Cott $8300 Sac tOYen.. PP. M0-2a& NM87J Mm. M-2278 Auto 1rana.. fllCtofy air. radio, llin)'I roof. low mil ... l i ke newl (861 MVT-11878) II Fact. Mags, Leather Int ~~ lO •ell ~-4056 or Red with whlh· leather Warr available, 979·6716 S 1 · and wlute Cabnolet top '73 TR6 New brakes F'ull power, split PoW<·r MGI 97:t4 radJals. 'reblt tran!i 1300 seuts, AM/FM wilh 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• overlowbook&4S-2700 track tape player. Jar '70 MGB GT. good <.'Ondt· ---• tor)' air, tilt wheel. and Uon. Days 631-9340. eves I t76 Tl7 cr\.ise t<>nliol. Low, low 7Sl...Ol lltd Victory ........ rruJes! IMSUMXl •ICLVAN SntuNf,.......... Stttt ftOHcHI AUDI• I .,..._ ... ..... um MGB ....................... . 0..-n. stereo ta~. IUll· r•ck, wlllh ,1 •. pge rack. 19,000 miles. 1 tr I pp I 11 9 , • • r • NAAHX-. r ArAI I AC ALJTO CfNTER . . .... .. C203RYQ? • aodltl1•uJ,..., _., SI lfl 14,000 Mffes. Mlllt ..ttt-==--'"'---------- • llU VAN 11MMcUately.S5,IOO. rottSCHIAUOI• ~l;t .thr ,,..._ •CADILLAC .,. SNC14L• '77 TR7 AIC 8600 mla.. St. Cus M ~gs 5 Spd Opel 974, ~00.080 7M·0896 lt7tl Sevlll•. bt•r1undy. full power. •II leather In-tenor. AM/FM atereo. fu.-1 lnJectlon. 3$,21111 rn1lc1 (450PKDI SUH ••••••••••• •••••••••••• VolksW119tft 9770 i4 Opel Manta CouJ>C' gd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• trans .. 1uto lrans, vinyl '7' VW Dawher. newly top, rea!IOtl1bte. 58\-3etG 0¥ettlauW PP t ownerlll..--c"-~:i-m'Dl~ d;ys, 497-2362 e111 OGly 944.7453 • '80 Opel St• W a n . TSVWBut,TyJM'H.411.000 s./bllt ofr Neb work ml:AMt FM,clean,$4.200 Call Michael. 639·3881 or bet oll' ~ t---·-- I (:Je [Wl.Y Pll..OT TUMCS!y, ~ tt. 1111 ............................................. c .H "II fleN tt40 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~ • • DIMO CU.AlAMCI l t11 CADILLACS l'C*P" fr Sedaru Sf.v1llt DftlMILY LOWMILIAM Excellml ~vmtc• • um Seville, lo ml. kMdt'd. I I0.300 lt"SI S200 7$1~ NABERS CADl L ""-AUTO CENTER I • • • • "'' t • ' ,. NASERS CADlllX • AUTO CENTER ....... '. .. .. ... · ... ,.. . .... , ..... •· .. ...... ''". ""'. . NABERS CADILLAC AUTO CENTER . ' ·,, • 'n••' • • • "'' ·• \fl., t • ............. ,. Che.,,... 9920 ~ ~ .._ .. , ..... _ ....... , ..... , .... __ ,_ - '19 l,TO t..ancbu, l OWD4!t, M'rvl~ rtt0rd avall. lo ma, PS. PW, tull pwr. llhr Int. AM I •·M 1ter~o w lape. vinyl l09. hvy duty lrtr par kaJv. xlnl rond S5300 •21 1145 ~ ('Vt , M $4'1 lJOOI d)'I · C'oruna GT. lo ml. ~• ceAI <'ONi , ~ny 4.'Xlraa SOOD 54t. ~ '7JFw4W.,_PP. ~ 833 3487 te Ford LTD Bn>u1h1m, S500, 494 l~ aftu 5PM NABERS CAnll t At:- .AUTD C8'ITEP. . " • Ill&•'.. • .... \.I ~-... •. ••11• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •~~~~~~--=-~ 66 Malibu waiton White. tt.t..g 9952 looks good. runs gbod. •• •• •• •• ••••••• ••• ••••• $650 49'l·2828 LW74 Mustang 2. 4 cycl. i7 Monte Carlo lo1ded, S:Z.085 Auto, xlnt cond. On g owner. new rubber1_770-_..;..Z!OS _____ _ $4.500752·1737 196S Mustang convert. 6 ·55 Chevclle. runs well. ryl. New top. Ex. cond. body ~ work. $400. Call7SJ ~after5PM 496-4525 '65 Mustang Fastback . '76 Monte Carlo, A/ M 289. reblt eng, good tires, Fl M Ster eo. Im mac. $975. 493-9149 eves. 9955 Firethorn r ed, $4600 ~Me 640-7051 -------...•..••............... 1964 Chevelle. 44,000 ac· '74 Olds Cutlass. good tual ml Good tires. SSOO. cond. loaded. Beat offer 546-5032 eves. 536-4254 -------•llLLVAH PWo 9957 PORSCHE AUDI* ••••••••••• •• ••••• •• • • • 1976 Chevrolet Camero '73 Pinto Runabout. 62.000 Automatic. 8-track. air. mi 's , good cond, maits. cruise control. Sl.200/offer. 67>6427 aft 25,333 miles. 125708) 1_6p_,__m_. ------ $ 5395 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977FORD THUMDEUlRD THE O DORE ROBINS FORD 1111 .. ) llhRIH>A ntVD ((J~I/\ M l\.\ 1,.\) ()(111) '67 T·BIRD Claaalc, Cull pwr. xlnl cond. 1975. ~======:!J 497-3037 bef. 8aml aft t94o,,_3pm _______ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 76FOIDLTD llOu.HAM SIOAH Padded t.op, fuU power, factory air, Ult Wheel, split H•l•. and low miles. (704P0M) SJIH rJAI1£ I~, < /..J. JI\ • Al AUTD CfN '(R .. . . . . . .. . . ... 76FORD THUHDRlfRD MOONROOF. Lutofthe luxury "Birds.'' Padded top. full power with c ustom Interior . US.PIE> S54tt NAf~I~~ CAI.Jill.A£ Al JTD CENTER . .... . .......... . ••• • I . ro I ' No 32924&'2198 with bucket seats. 1utomatrc transmlu lon. heatefidefroster. back-up hghts. tinted glaae, power bfakel. etc. -.1,53798 *Brand New* '78 Cltevr LUV Piclcupl No. 22873112278 with heaterldefroster. radio, lour-1peed tn1n1mlsaion, mirrors. filters, back-up lighta. etc. soMETHING DIFF.ERENTI ... , No. 2:3'973/2038 with redlo. 1tep bump.ir. F78 tires. lour-speed transm1as1on. he1terldefroeter, bectl·up hghts. fitters. minors. etc. 0n1,53898 *Brand new* '78 Cltevy Clterette 4-doorl No 38&18&'2326 with tinted glaa&. 1.e litre engine. tour-speed lr9n8mtu1on, HO redlator. bucket seet1, heat&1.defroeter. mirrors. etc . I 17 j , Huntington Beach Fountain V1f1~~0~Y Afternoon N.Y. St oeks , VOL. 71. NO. 262, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY5 CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, SEPT EMBER 19, 1978 i • :· Slain Biker's Sister Wants .Justice a1 aAYllOND t:STaADA Ja. °' .............. Tbe rnoumlne ala\er of a alala ttunllnaton Beach motattyclllt confirmed today that 1he ca\lered twf' brother'• ubel at lM downtoW1\ aalooe •iMn he waa stabbed pt I Jude Neanru. 37. of Newport Beach. Aid w threw the ubts of ber brother. Cary Alltn "Jbd Do1" Fero. 41 . throuah tbe lo\&vered windows tn (root ol lbe Main StrHt Saloon. 111 Main St,, durln1 a "fune ral" b Id lut WednesdaJ'. Police NW t.od.11 UHty bavo no 1u1pect1 aow ln c us tody ln connecUon rib Pero'• atabblnll death. rwo died at tluntln1t.on lnt.ercoaunUDlty ffoapltal •bout t.bree boun after M was ltnlf~ ln th INd. oftklak l aid. Mn. Necrift1 said lht uh-es were ICat1ered at the aak>on and a lona Pacific Coa•t Hl1hway from Huntlnaton Beac h to Newport BHch In hopea ''that people will lake not.ice and come forward with informatk>n about my brother's murder." "Before um la over there wUI Thomas to be another death." aald Mrs . Ne1rbtl when ahe cut "a curse·· on those s h e asserted were wlthholdlnf Information about the death o her brother. M ra. Neg rlni said in a t ele phone interview that the curse was also aimed al her brother's attacker who she claims is a Huntington Beach man Mrs Negrinl sald she believes lhe r.ght in which her brother was stabbed was pcompted by an argument over a woman. But Huntington Beach police nit? I , Sgt. Bert Chadwick said there may have been many motives for tbe atabblng. Chadwick said no charges have been filed against Mrs. Negrlni or any of lhe friends and relatives who reportedly helped her scatter lhe ashes. Mrs. Negrinl said she does not . Cear the possible consequences ot the scattertn' of lhe ashes. "This is a trad•tional thing in our Camily." she s aid . Mrs. Negrinl S4tid s he drove up to the closed saloon in a black Cadillac but rode off on a motorcycle while scattering the ashes from an um In the misty a fternoon air. "I am not a biker and l don'l usually go to lhat saloon,·• Mrs. Neertni said. The sister said, "f want my brother's death avenged and the man who killed him brought to justice before be stabs anyone else." Mrs. Negrini claims that a video tape camera Installed in the s aloon was intentionally turne d ocr just before her brother wu stabbed. Police have conliscated the tape. Fero. known by the nickname or "Mad Dog," was on crutche> a t the time of the stabbing because or a year·old legJnjW'y. He carried a buck knife in a s heath on his belt. his sister &aid. Mrs . Negrini said she believe$ sev e r al people in the bar conspired lo kill her brother. Police said the blood Crom the slabbing was partially wubed away. .. My brothe r hopped out lhe saloon door' and screamed t~ help.'' she saJd. Maybe, -But Councilman Mum By ROBERT MR&Ea Of .. Delf'I .......... John lbomas. who was elect· ed to lhe Huntington Beach City Council last April and promptly went to war with the police chief and other top officials, reported· ly will announce his resignation Wednesday. Thomas, who previously "re· signed" June 18 -only to change bis mind overnight. has directed a secretary to lhe City Coudcil to lYi>e out hia resignation. No reasons were given for Thomas' apparent decision. Thomas was not available Coe comment and did not attend Monday night 's City Council meeting. Mayor Ron Shenkman announced at the start or Mon· day night's session that Thomas had revealed his intentions to re· sisn. Thomu' wife said this mom· Begin Vows Israel To Keep W. Bank WASHlNGTON IAP) -Prime Minister Menachem Begin told Congress today that Israel has no Intention of glvtng up ks claim t.o sovereignty or lt.s right ~ to station troops in disputed ar·eas of the West Bank and Ute Gau Strip. Begin told leaders of tbe House in a breakfast met!lbig that th ey should not misinterpret the Camp David accords to mean that Israel bas comm ilted itself to restoring Arab sovereignty to those lands, which it captured in the 1981 war. Begin commented as he and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat visited Cap)tol Hill to meet with congressional leaders and talk about the r ecently concluded summit. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance added Syrian President Hafez Assad to the list of Arab leaders he will visit to explain the Ca mp David agTeement.s and seek support for ttlero. He pnmous y~Uted s tops in Jordan and Saudi Arabia °'-' tbe trip. Sadat told members of tbe Senate Foreigill Rehtions CommlUee be believes Jordan IN QMNO, SADAT SCORED VICTORY-AC and SallCti Arabia eventually will s u pport the Middle Eas t agreements. · Later, be told reporters he plans to Oy Wednesctay from Washington to Rabat. Morocco. to meet wilh King Hassan. Then, he said, he will then fly lo Cairo and make contact with Jordan's Kfni Hussein. Sen. Frank Church oC Idaho, ranking Democratic member of the Foreign R e latio ns Committee, said Sadat told the priva~ breakfast meeting that he hopes Hussein will "play the role that must be played by Jordan if the Issues of the West Bank are ever to be resolved ." Prote st. Due Tonight Tempest in Valley City Hall Boiling Ing she was uncertain what his intenUons are. "J 've li ved with John too long to know what to expect." she said. Thomas reportedly announced h\s intentk>ns Friday after he was fined $250 on a conviction of misdemeanor vandalism earlier in the day at West Orange Coun· ty M unlcipal Court. o.6fY ...... Malt.,_ Thomas had been convicted on a charge Involving· the removal of equipment belonli!inli! to an oil company which s ha res the prem)ses of Thomas· trucking and crane company at Garfield A venue and Golden West Street. When elected in April. Thomas s aid that he was going to bat for the average citizen and that he refused to be a "rubber stamp" for bureaucracy. SANTA ANA WINOS BLOW THE TOPS OFF THESE WAVES OFF THE ORANGE COAST Desert Breezes Drying Up Land. Increasing Fire Hau rd In Wooded Areas He has battled ~ffbalty W1th OOief eoon~n-and city of- Cicaals ever sine-•. If Thomas fol lo'W'5 through oa his resignation. the City Council will have 60 days to appoint a successor. A special election will be held If the council is unable to agree on a successor. Man Injured In Newport Bee r Dispute ~ Anas· Return To Blister Coast Hang on to your hats. folks , this earJy was In 1970," he said. the Santa Ana winds are here. "We had winds on Sept. 21, T he National Weather Service followed by eight days of fire. reported northwesterly winds ot But thea we hadn't had any 20 to 30 knots today. The winds rain." are expected to drop to five to LS The weather service reported knots by Wednesday mominJ?. winds b lowing throughout T h e So u l h C o a s t A i r central and Southern California. Management District reports including mountain and desert the air condition as good. due to areas. lhe wands. The Orange County. H•rbor However. the fire hazard Is De partment reported s tnall A dispute over the sale or a high. . ·c raft advisories from Point Adventure Playground To Stay Open · The Huntington Beach City Council saJd Monday the city•s Adventure Playground will re· main open during ran. winter and s pring months. But the council refused to set aside any money to finance the playground operations. OWcials indicated that t he park is a top priority item. but that there would be no subsidies for year.around operations. six-pack of beer led to a fight Br uce Turbevill e of the Conception to Rincon Point and 0 r a n g e Co u n l y Fi re as far out as San Nicholas Monday night that may cost a Department. said there is a hjgh Island. Howe ver . M a Yo r Ron Newport Beach man a chunk of threat of a brush fir<'. but less Al the beach, Bud Belshe, Shenkman said he had r eceived his left ear. h r r· be r t · of h N Be h pledges from city business Newport Beach police said c ance o a ~rass ire cause o cap am t e ewport ac 1, they are looking for four athletic last week's rain. lifeguards, said the surf is on~ to eade rs to contribute up to $2,000 young men, possibly college-age "The longer the wind blows. two feet. (or the playground's operation. wrestlers, who were involved in the drier it will get ... he s aid. "It's an ofrshore wind." he Adventure Playground was the fight that separated Drnel He said at is early in the said. "It has a t endency to closed Sept. 9• an apparent vie· season for a Santa Ana wind ffiitTen the se~ and blow the Neira. 22. from a three-inch by a condition. waves down. It will be like a lim or Propointion l~ cutbacks hair-In ch piece of his ear. "The last lime we had wind lake out here tomorrow... and a city pohcy that recreation Neira, of4200 River Ave. wa-; ' activities shou ld pay for rush e d to Hoag Me morial lhemselves. Hospital by police. Doctors 'T d Admiss ion fees pay for all sewed the piece back in place. remen ODS f n s ani t y' costs during the t>usy summer but reported lhey were unsure months, whether lhe operation would be Recreation and Parks Direc· successful. c b ' D • Pl tor Norm Worthy said ~ay it According lo police reports, u a enies ot would cost about $2.890 to keep Neira refused to sell a six·pack the park open on weekends in of beer to a youthful looking non-summer months and during i · custome r at lhe Stop 'N Go ~ M de JFK Chris tmas and Easte r vaca· Clt zens. and cilY: employee arms over the wa y ad · m a rk et at 4555 w Coast 0 ur. 1p lions. group leaders say i.hey plan lo mtntstrators have handied city Highway Mondsy afternoon _ • ~ _. Youngsler.i have been charged ....,."'*«3lft'~,-~f'~~~~ worker PSYChologi~al tesls. Ten The angry young man agreed 50 cenl'> for all-11ay use -at the ~emandsuf~~":l;!st; ques:• -·~rer~ 1o.curf?~~f·-~~t-f,JY~e,n.,h_e ,~0~9r~ .._..W..A.SHJN~. ~ IAP> -Cuban members and investigators last form er gravel pit at Talbert l t. , bo t Cl M J Th o c · 'W6-r1t 8~~"~·-'" ·~ ~ ::U. Avenue and Gothard Street tons a u ty anager ames e range. ounty District Witnesses to the right said the would have 'bee;_ .. a tre~cn ou5 · ' . rit.\1f11t~ ~ ,.. ~·~~r-·.r~fL&Jit.Dd.. f".lea l and Per.sonnel Di rector Attorneys o~race h.as launched youth showed up with three ~ tlt .• r c b t h ro s of the tape-recorded bblli(l ce f!s filTd't6Rs ~~~ Sally Hartman. an lnvestigalion to find the miss· r . d b msan Y or u a o ave por a n u r us o .. The council meeting will begin in g tests rae1 i" s. h ut no~e cou ld te ll plotted the murder of President interviews during its hearings Worthy said today that ra1s.ing at 8 o 'clocl< In the councU cbam· MeanWtule clUzen leader J an po ce o w Neira beca m e John F. Kennedy , the House today. fees from 50 cents lo St pr~bably bers, 10200 Slater Ave. Wilhelm said sbe will present a srprated ~o'!t h1ls ear.b_The As~ assinations Co mm ittee Repealing his consistent w~~ld no~ make up lhe de(1cit. Three employee group leaders petition tonight signed by more ~fft m spec at ~ t was &tten reP,Orted today. denials of ~ub8:" involvement m ' l don t ~lieve tha t we can s ay their members want tbe t han 100 residents wbo want Neira said he wa n't v l am going to tell you here th~ ass~natton o( Kennedy, ope? ,uni~~ we arc assured of council to take a closer look at council members to clarify the _ hi h d bes. t e efnf that nobody, nobody, ever had Castro satd: donations, he said. . aware s ear a e n om o the Id o( h th' .. c t · · N.... i 20 r workers complaints about al· city manager's status. .. until the fight was over and the . ea ~uc mgs, 8B ro ...-ver n year!'! o feged harassment by city ad· Mn. WUbelm said many res I· fo r youths left th s a 1 d du r 1 n g a r o ur· hour revolution. I never heard anyone ministraton. dents feel the COWJcll members u e scene · in t e rview with committee s uggest nor even s peculate Employees say they are up ln should take a vote of coofidence about a measure or that sort. on their top admlniatrator. because who could think or the Pi.ckeroo '78 Co"'IJ'!tition ln2ndWeek The ••coad week 'ot tompeUUon tor suoo in Pipkin Pkkeroo "78 prlze1 ls under wa1 Collowinc a record number Of entries . Hundreds of Oran1e Cout football fans pitted t b•l,. propOlltlcatlon 1kllll ln the nnt ot 10 weekly Plck..-oo coaW.ta. !>acb week a television Ht and radloe from Dunlap AppUancee in Fountain Valley .,.. •warded to readert who belt predict the outcome Of 30 weekend pidiroa b•ttl••· . For detatla and an entry blank lurn to sae& 84. J lD July council member s N R ~ Idea or organiiing lhe death of criticlaed Neal for ••quettiona· e'117 omanl/Ae-.1' the president of the United ble .. personnel practtces. }\'( ... ~ States. about the same tlme, council "That would have been the membert also voted to scrap most perfect pretext for the Neal's contract and replace it D...!---, Emi·gr~ L:-•--d United States to invade our witb a day to day wol'k.lnc llP'ff· C rua;e o • ..:::;;; .,,~ country, whJch Is what f have meat effective Jan. l . tried to prevent for all these Employees allo blamed Mrs. LONDON <AP 1· The latest girlfriend of Prince years, in every possible sense. H•r1mu. the city's personnel Charles is emigre Czech Countess Angelika "From the ideological point or dirfftor, for alleged UDl.tr prat· Lazensky. three London tabloids reported today. vlew • it wu insane. And from .. uc... T he Sun, Mirror and Mail said t he coun tess lives the political point or view, It wu At tbe city (C)Uncil'a direeUon , in Paris, where she wor ks· ior an ordanl .. ata·on called a tremendous insanity··• aome of the ~1 r racUces " c. Castro Said he knew nothing .. sucb u PIYChologlca testing International Public Relations Associates. None of about Lee Harvey Oswald Mild and "ov.nNi&ht noticet" have t he papers reported he r age. Oswald's visits to the Cuban beenbatt.d. The romance began when the couple m et last consulate ln Meidc:o City Wllll But employeeti leaden say year In France and blossomed last weekend when aCter Kennedy was slain and they wW brine up more apecmc ·-the countess was a gue-st-at Balmoral. the queen ·~ Oswald was identiflod as the complatnt. tonJaht. Scottish home, the newspapers said killer. Mayor Marv Adler wued a T"-rts dl led b 8 kl h The commluee ls welahlng the written utement lut wHk that '"' repo were scoun Y uc ng am m e r Its or • mys t c r Io us ienerally praised the clty P a lace. ''The lady in question stayed at Balmoral. lntelllgence report s u1testlna man .. er. presum•b1y as the prince's 1uest and just one of that Ot wald hinted to Cuban But Mayor pro tem Roeer m a ny friends." said a spokesman who r efu$ed to be officials at the consulate that he Stanton openly oppoHd the identified ml1ht kill Kennedy and that mayor'• ataiement. · Cutro learned or this. } C oas t We athe r Clear through Wednes. ctay. Lows SS to 60. High~ Wednesday 82 to 92 INS IDE TODAY New state ~911 F'UUs ar~ Q<>mg lo lrit ~' who wont to odd room.t wuh all ktds of reltnctaoru arad rfd tape. Stt~A1. --r • • \~ DAIL V PILOT HF ERA Jloti11g Protest d CARSO ('ITV Ntv 1 f\ fJ•1 A 1•ontrm.1•1,1UI ud' I""' Hiit' on tht• 1'.qu111l lt1ijhl1> Anw ndnw rH 1.h" o r d 1• r •· ct ., I ..i c· t· d '' n Nt>\ a du ' "llowmtw r hnll nt 11111 .. , I ll lf 4 I .. 1 .. 11 ~uprenw CtlUr1 dt·t 1•111111 T h t• 11 u .. ' t Io n "' a a u ppo"•d hy u pro lo:JtA jll'O\lll on l(lm1n1h m \in\' I 1•" 1 •.!.it o 1 ' ha \I' ' .11 ti lht•\ II h,..,,. tlw11 \Ott 1111 l'.HA '"'"l 'llllO•: IHI tht Jd\ ""r) \11l1nt1 r1•,ult' "htl'll an t•fkrt mak1·' 11 m on • th.in .14'h 1"4'1t\' Th1•rt• "" n11 pr<111'1nn fnf .. tllt1"' 1n~ 11111' II\ t h1• 11e•1111 l1• on O\Jl t• r l1k1 t-'H \ v.h1d1 111ulcl "'ult tn t' !'I t'11n ,111111 111 n rJttfl\ J t111n' Pasto r Kills e lf In Churcb BERLIN •Ar • i\n Eai-t 'G crmun pa'ltor burnf'd h1mw lr It) lft•:1th t>t•for t• ,1 n1n.in,~allon of m or~ than 300. u"ni( ;iltf11 t•undh:' to tnu1·h nrt tlw flumt•!>, 11 11. a ... n ·JJ11rt1·<1 111 Wt•i.t Ht·rhn lodav E v an)tl•ll t•JI l'hurc·h 'ourct•i. -.:i1d Pai.tor Rolf G ut-nlher '" 'u1(•1dc an tht• .. outh('rn f:ai.l fil·rm<in <'11} of F.ilkl•ni,lean on Sund a v a1>fX'art-d lo bC' based on pcr,onul. not poltl1 c·ul. mot1vc1> Gucnlht•r. 41. "'a" reportf'd to have do us ed h1m:.elf with a flammJblc liquid 1n the sacris ty of the Protc11tanl church. poured morl' of thr fluid on ht m i.elf near the altar a nd then ignited h1msc•lf by rc•arh1ng o ut to thl' ;1llar <'andlt·" The unmarried m1n1i.tc r had hl'l'n pu11tor for 10 year!> in f-';ilkt•n11ll'ln, u t•1ty of a bout Hi.000 C'hun·h 'r>un·1·11 'aid h1i. tlf'ath follO\\l'd the c urlier '"ac·rrlt· of hlh mothl'r T la•fng Murder Trial ' Goes to Jury By (.l\KV GAANVILLt: CM llW o.llY ~ti.ff 'rhC' fat•· of .A womun accused of m 11rifr r '"H hc•r hu i. trnnel 'N 11111•1 "' f.11.:unu BNH'h Murrh 26 11. u-. in lht· hunt.J11 of un Orunti'' County ~u11..r1or Court Jury 1od.ll 11 1 • r o r 1 1 h ,. .., 1 x w o m a n , · ''" man Jury twgun dC"r tdlnjl ~11 > c·ur old Am·u Ann Shelton·., IJt1· 1l hl'wad 11rn~t·t·utor oov111 c.1rtt•r t·.111 for •• fll i.t dt•grn· rnu1 d1'r <'fln\ 1t•t 111n Carter d rnra1·tt>r1L1 ·d lh•· \•Uri) ".1,tt•r mornmw 'hooting dt·ath 11f )' ,1l 1'r11ft•11·-. :w .is 'u rold hl00<led k1lhnu J lmed l1( t'hm1nutmi.1.11 1\ JI • Hut rtdt·m.c l.•~>•·r JJmt·i. \1 1 r11. an l,1h1·lt'll t ht· womun .., dt·11l h ..i tr agu· a<'t'tli1•nl und 1>111d M r ' !'\ h c· It o 11 1' J ~"mu 11 1111'.JIHthlt> 11( \ 1oll·n1·1· 11011.c·ver. Ml'r 11.an d td not clt>ny that the bullet whkh killed Mii,s Prorl'reli was fired from 1.1 gun held by his l'llcnl Nor dtd h<' deny that M r11 Stwlton stMd 1n the da. knei.s outMdt: lhl' bedroom whl.'re thl' vachm and .her husband !>lepl, the cocked gun in her hand But Me rwin 1ns 1s ted the .,hooting was art'1dental. that Mr/\ Shelton t•ould not sec Miss Profl!rt:s as she knt•lt on a bed a fe w f('el from where she stood "If "he'd really wanted to ktll Pal. she would have fired more than one shot." t h e de fe nse attorney argued A:. he and Carter debated the issue in their closing arguments. Mrs Shel Lon sat with her arms folded staring intently at the two lawyers lhrousth thick g lasses H er nervousne s s wa s be tray ed b y h e r h abit o f re pe atedly fl uing her throat and neck muscles. When Mrs She lton testified during the seven·day trial. she said she carrtt.'d the gun lo the Laguna Bt'al'h apartm(.•nt as a suicide weap0Jl -· And 1 hc t•xplalncd h er presence o n the darkened baltony outiddc the apartment wht•rc• her husband and hl1:1 lover 1'il'J>I Uli onu lust attempt to see htir hulibtrnd btlfore taking her own llh~ Hu t C'nrtcr didn't buy that cxplunulion a nd plc11ded w'th the Jury to lgnortS it. ti\' irnid Mra. She lton's quiet vi1>lt to t~ batlcony. he r ripping orr a window l'\crttn and the .. ubs l·quent firing of the fatal 11hot wer)t't~ c h max ol a stocm)' confrontation the woman had Ua&Jn•11slvely invited oo herself. Carter made It clear to the JUr} that he wH not defending the t'rrant hui.,and. Joaquin Shelton. Thal S helton bounced back and forth between his wife and the victim Is beside the point, Cart~r said. "Pat Proreres did nothing. a bsolutely nothing to deserve to Ix: shot. She truly was a victim. a n innocent victim ." t he prosecutor said as he called for a murder conviction. Jus t as certain In hi& arguments. Merwin Insisted the evidence at the trial could not s upport a murder conviction. Time and again he referred to s 11< witnesses who said they knew the defendant and believed her to be incapable or violence. Using elaborate props and d iagrams. Merwin showed the Jury why he believes Mrs . Shelton coutdn 't see the victim when the rataJ s hot was fir ed. He also reminded the jury that S helton had testified that when the window screen crashed down. he jumped from the bed and was yelling at his wife in the darkness wb e n the gun exploded. The re was no -antagonism directed at the victim . Merwin s aid In hb closing argument. li e di l\puted Carter 's contention tha t Mrs . Shelto n at'l e d with "m alice uforclhoughl" and knowing the consequence of her act. essential components in murde r. But 1t will be the jafy late r toda y lhul will deb1tl~ Mi's. .. With a Song :\l cmhers of tht~ yc<Jr ·~ Orang<• Coa~t Col lc:gl· Song Lt:adt•rs art-front ro\\ It'll to right Sh<•1T~' Ph11lipl-i of Tu~t an and '.':unt~ lli~lt:~'. Lt· 1'111 f'ulml•r and D<·bh\ Bol ll-~rnf. all ot l!unt angtnn !{1';11'11 ,.\l ... o <JJ1 1 lw lt';11n ;11 t· 11.id, 1'11\\ It'll 111 11i.:ht K:alh\ HO\\hOtlom ol ll\1111' .111d l\1 1 ... 11·n Coggin~ ol I l11n11ngl11n H1 -.1d1 Contempt Cited Again Reporter Ref uses to Surrender F i/,es HACKENSACK. N.J. IAP > - New York Times r eporter My ron A Farber again was cited for contempt of court today for refusing to surre nder files lo the judge In the murder Lnal of Dr . Mario Jascalcvlch. Outside the presence of the jury. Farber claimed privilege" under the First Amendment a nd Ne w Jersey reporter 's s hield law as reasons for refusing to turn over documents. Judge William J Arnold cited the 40-year-old n ewsman for civil contempt the firs t step en what could lead lo a contempt con v 1c t1o n Arno ld a s ked Farber 's a ttornt'y to file u s how caust: o rder befon· ;in assignment Judge on why tht· reporter should no~ be held en contempt Farber was Jailed for thn•<• weeks in August for r efustnl( Lo glvl' up his note s a hout Jascalevlcb who Is on trial on Poison Cloud Kills thr<'e t'hargt>s of murder F'loyd Abram:.. a ttorney for Farber and The Times. said c1teng th<' reporter for contempt amounted to d ouble Jeopardy "1nr 1• the newsman already ha!> IH'<·n ('CJll\ IClt•d or ('I V ll a nd 1T1m inul ronlt'mpl A r no ld dccl 1 ned t o hold l''a rbl·r ·, n·quest for a hearing on I hl· Nt·"' .frrl>t'Y shield law uni 1 I ,F:v-l><·r prov1d1:~ tht· 1udgt· with thl' dot•umenl" "o that he may rule whether the shie ld law ;_1ppht·~ !itrelton'<rtState of-m+n·,.._.....,,.._ __ _ lh·ft•n:-.t• <•ltorn(•y Hay mond liro wn conlt•ndcd the fo'irst Amendment and the New J ersey shl{'ld law do n<>t apply bet:tsus~ hrbcr ·wtnvcd-tt~ ,,rmleg·....-+,,,----. early Sunday morning when the 3 Pl M • c • d ullracllve 29·year·old wom an ,· ant ·x •te was m ortally wounded. &i &i ""wtr..-o ftuake Surv it"'ors Ht.'"-alt\'t'h t·nn:..oll' l'<J <.'h 11tht•1 at T:.ib;1~. Iran. nc·ur tht· ruin:-. lh:it onl'<' \\l'l'l' I h<'lr humr in thl· town of 12 .000 th<Jt \\a~ dt•:..troy t.'rl h~ <Jll t•<Jrthquakt• Of1 1t•1<Jl:o. ~aid lwo th1 r<I:. nl lh<.· 1·11 y·~ rc:..1dt·1111'1 l>l'rt..,h1·d 1n tht• qu<JkC' '"l'I' !'.(Ill'\. P:.ig(' ""I Wife of Cop Kills Herself In Laguna A m other of rive and the wHe ol a Los Angeles police sergeant look her li fe with a revolver Monday In a Laguna Beach hotel ufter firinK two sluRS from the 38 caliber s nubnose Into a bed to be sure the weapon worked. S u e llen Blackwell. 35. o f Fullerton. was found dead In her room at the Surf and Sand Hote l. 1555 South Coast Highway late Mo nday 'by a m aid who let herself In to clean the room Mrs. HlaekweH was married to Los Angeles Police Sgt. Earl Blllckwell. who worked with the 17th urea vice unit The lO·year police veteran was contacted Monday nJKht Coroner's deputies said they beltcVl' lhe woman had been deud for 10 to 12 hours before her body wus discovered. The rca~on for he r action was not known 1mmediulcly Huntington Board Laguna Squirrels Trusk es of the Huntington . · · To Vie w Use 14.,ees· m44·~.-Q;·~dl~i~~~•~f.~m,:\':..-~·t.D4 ~' -· ~' -p ·w · -H· .. -. ~frfC'I will c·onsidt•r churgin>( ace eath ena foes for thl' USC' Of facilities by vu nous or>(anlzation" toniaht. Ton ight's hoard meetin~ will st a rt ut 7 :io at Peterson School. 206fil Farn11worth r.anl' ORANGE COAST ... DAILY PILOT ,._,.,.,..,n,. •0•11,P ... ••t\~, ,_,,,, ,,_"""'"" .,,. r•,H \ l\1Nt'41 ,...,.,.,,.. o.~ '"*O ·~hf• h "IQ ~•'IY ,......, .. ,, ~ f, 1"' ,,. I ·.thl ~ fj ~ ....... IM"'V{l"rl f':t O•• t 'ti ·I• ::, .... \/~~,~~:,~·!!" ~~~":1'~~ ~,.~: ~!:, t t'J..-"•h•..-ft '°"'"to•·t . "',...,., .. ,. .. ti "'""' JNrMl"'.-0 ~· .,,d • .,, ...., '"""'.," r""' ~,:,,";-...~:,..~;1.~.~~:~ .. ir,~,.·"' ""'1 ""' ..... ,.,., .... ttn,14°fi"M"""t,_·rfilll ~, ,..,.,, ,.., ... .,., • ••'• ,,....,,, ,.,..., C.-i.-w·•,.. M.•"•·r • , ....... , ....... I d+tOf ,.._,....,A Mlwt..,..,.. MAn~•"'9 t. Oi1•0t C."'•'JH" L,.M\ llUc"""•. M U 4\\1\t..,t ,...,_.,.,.. ·~·f)t· ,._,, .. , .... w." O••l100 Cuv"'• I' "'t"' Hu"llnato" Boadl Offlc• l/Olf 8Ut• ..,., ..... ~ M•1l1l"IQ AO(tr.,\\. P 0 1)0• "O '1•• OfllcH '·1::.~ -::::: :~~'::::'.;:!:·· \.-•110.t t V•lf•' ))Ml l • ,.., AtNtt •• ,.., CJ••e>e' , .. , ..... Tef~iit (7'4)642-4321 CT11tifHHI llHrlTtl"f 142'1•71 ,, • ..,,...,~o.._c_~_..,.., MO-IUO ~~·,·r~ ::. °'..= ':~.::t::.r'·:.~~ ,,..1 .. , ,, •••• ,., ...... lllh ,_.,.1" *"•t .. :;:;~.~:::..:"""""' '""'•' .. , ..... ,tM .. \H•"41 , '"' ••"'•'4 fYHf •' t~··· Miii-'\• C•H•t'"'• \vt u 1f1t1twt tr. , .. ,,. •• '' \4 ...._"thh ftr "'•'' tt \41 ,,_,...Mr lft1l1f•h ~t•Mt~\) )f,,,._UU'I/ By STEVE MITCHELL OllNOally,.,ltolatall Lagunc1 lleach's funy eorth burrowers -the Heisler Park ground squirrels -go on trial ag<i in tonight when the City Council con1>lders a rccommcn· d a tlon t o exterminate the ' animals City offkials claim He is ler Park 1s being ~lowly e roded by the burrowing beasties, and they &rf' recomme nding that the city fum igate the burrows with ro dent gas cartridges. The las t tlme a City Council approved such a notion, some m embers of t he community sua- gestcd that kllllng squirrels Is not e xactly In keeping with the character ol the Art Colony. They 11uggeated Instead that the squirrels be trapped and transferred somewhere else. But Terry Brandl, director or municipal services. uya live troppinJ< 111 a time con1umtn1 prot'css. .. and you t'&n 'l just dump Utt sriulrrels on somebody l•lac's property " So he will be rccommendlnK tonight that the Cit}' Council adopt a pro1ram of fumlgatlnA active burrows and pluHrn1 up the holes Ol1Ufln11 by 11quirr •Is hos been blamed for the Joas or up to two feet of the park each year. and some suy It all bolls down to a choice between the squirrels and the park. " In 1975, the Laguna City Coun- cil a llowed UC Irvine students to trap and remove about 200 of the squirrels. Those form er beach , residents w_ere trarllplanted to the rolling hJUa near th e uni· ver s lty And at one time, t he city wu prepared lQ petition the Food and Drug Administration to tett a birth control dru1 on the Heister Park squirrels Other pro1ram1 studied by former city fathers Inc luded use or a n antlcoaaulant type poi10n. which opponents ar1ued would m ean a sfow death tor the squlr· re ts. And other 1uggestion1 ranged from 1hootlnf the peat-. or mov· Ing a natura predator Into their nel1hborhood. - Brandt said a repreacntallve of the count~·· a1rlcultural de· putment will be on hand to ex· plain the gu cartridge ex· termination procram when the City Councll meete ton~aht at 6 o'clock I GENOA. Italy <AP> -The wrong m1x1ng of chemicals ~el off a cloud of poison fro m a tanning plant ih the center of this northern port city today killing three people and st-nding dozens of others to hos pitals. police reported. The cloud of ~ulfuri c ac icl s p read across this rity o f 800.000. <'ntering h oust'~ and offi ces while panicking clllzcni. r an for shelter H made people. especially children and the e lderly. cry a nd cou gh from burning eyes and throats. Authorities said the 11ulfuric acid came out of the Bocclardo pla nt. a· hide·tannlng factory with 200 workers in downtown Genoa. They said that according lo pre liminary lnve11tlgutlons the poison cloud billowed out of the plant when erroneous ly a truck driver pumped 25 tons of chrom e sulfate from n tunk truck into a basi n cont :11 n1ng sod ium hydrosulfite. The mixture of the tw o s ubs tanc·e s set o fr a c hemical reaction that released thl' killer acid. Fall Is here In style at P.O.S.H.! Select from our new arrivals of naturally comfortable, trad ltlo nally tailored fall suits & sport coats. In July 1976 a ch e mic al dis aster near Milan hosp1tahzed 200 people and sprayed poison over buildings and land that have been off limits since. It occur red In Seveso when a leak from th e Swi ss .own e d pharmaceutical plant lc mesa sprayed dioxin over a wide an1a No' o ne die d in the Seveso incident but som e scientists say tht' long ·t erm dfe<'l~ of th dioxin may not be known for generations . Candidate Backs Heroin· SACRAMENTO •A P • Ed Cla rk . tht' Libt·rl<ir1an Pa rty'-; c<ind 1datc for gO\f'rnor ..,.,,,he• "upport!'i legul1lat1on of m:in 1uana. cocu1n e . ht>ro1 n and prostitution So t'i l' l ) 11 h o u I d I n l' u ' 11 ' t'nl'rg1e11 and mon1:) on comb;11 11ng M•nou:. crlml•!-'uch a' burglary. rape· a nd murder unrt l1·avt• adults "to ""'' lht•lr O\\n h\'l'!>. ··Clark "aid l\tondri.} refus ing_ to answer ques tion:.. Farber. who testified Monday. again refust•d lo divulge hi!> sources or ha nd over his notes to tht· court T he Jury thereby learned for the first lime of the fair t n al free press issues that h a v <' s u r r o u n d e d t h e seven month I rial f'arbcr ts free while the New J ersey Supreme Court. wh ich stayed his 1011 term. determines whether a ll lt'gal avl'nues were pur,ut•d before l"u rbe r was 1a1lc d for t h rN' wt.•e ks las t month on contempl t.•ha rges for rdu s an~ to t urn OVl'r lhl' malt•rwt .I a " r :i I e• v 1 c h · !> a I t o r n t· y:.. t:o nlt•nd m aterial in Fa rber· ... files could hr lp cl('ar their client 1n thl• d<:aths o f the three patie nts who tht.' prosecution cla1m11 died of ovt•rdoses of the must'lt• relaxant curare. ,.~arbt:'r's stories on the ca54?. 1 n w h 1·c h h t • r e ( e r r <' d I o Jascalevt<'h 3!> Dr X. led the Re rgen Counly prose cutor's of flc1· to .n •opt•n tht• case a dl•1•.irlt• ;iflt•r th1· dt•ath11 T 'h r o u g h h 1 ~ 1 n t e n ' 1· quei.leontng. defense attornt·y R:i vmond Brnwn ;itll·mptcd to porlray f-'urbt•r a11 .J pt·ri.on who wot hd hand an hand with lht· proserutor ·11 olfrc,e and not " per~on who "'ai. motivated by monl'lan · gain ' ) .. f Irvine EOtTtON T oday'li Cicndag , N. Y. S t oeks • VOL. 71, NO. 261, 3 SECT IONSt 30 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 T~N CENTS ' 'Bust' to Follow County .Hollle Boolll? 8 y PRllJP I MAllN .............. "I. think you're ln troO~ ... JOurnallst Martin M•yer. •uthor of "Th' BuJlden," • book about t b t hou ioa Industry, told Oranae Count1 homebu1lden; Monduy Has predacllon t'C'hoed t he waminp ol hls book th•l the OrllDJll' County houiana merket 1 ov\•rdue ror tollaP6e Hia rem•rk1 were mad e b o r o r • 1 "' e e tlJl • 1t l l b e A irport•r Inn or the Homt 811Uckn Council of the Bulldina lndoJtry Auociallon. Mayer •aid lbe coUapH would have been e vident now but for four fadarl ~ • -The arowth of lnnatlon1ry PU c ho loay ... P eople a r e pleu ed," Ma)'et said , "rather th•n upsit and discourated. that t he house they bo ua ht for 'Trernendoiu Insanity' s100.ooo today, sold ror m .ooo lul yc_ar bec"5e they lh1nk neJtt yeAr they will get $125,000. ·• P roposlUon 13. Though the property tax relier should have trluered a boom or apartment housing, it hasn't happened yet, May r asserted, partly because acade mics who advise the in· d u s try have n 't rc{llized the Potential profit for it. "It seems lo take a bout three years." Maver said, "to get a Castro: No Plot To Kill Kenn~dy WASHINGTON <AP) -CUbao President ~I Castro H)'S it would h&Ye been "a tremendous insantity" for Cuba t o have plotted the murder of President John F. Kennedy, the House Assa ssin a t ions Committee reported today. ··1 am going to tell you here that nobody. nobody, ever had the idea of such things," Castro s aid durin g a rour ·h o ur in ter vie w with committee mem bers and investigators last April. T h e commi tt ee pla yed portions of the tape.recorded interviews during its hearings today. Re p eating his con sistent denials of CUban involvement in the assassination of Kennedy, Castro said: ''N e v e r in 20 y ea r s o r revolution, I never heard anyone SUJtlEest nor even s peculate about a measure o( that sort. because who could think of the idea of organizing the death or the president of the United States. "That would have been the mos t perfect prete xt for the Unit ed States to invade our country, which is what I have tried to prevent for a ll these years, in every possible sense. "From the ideological poiot of view: it was insane. And from the political Point of view. it was a trem endous insanity." Cast ro said he knew nothing about Lee Harvey Oswald and Oswald's visits to the Cuban cons ul ate in Mexico City untlJ a rte r Kennedy was sla in and Oswald was identified as the killer. The committee is weighing the m e r its o f a m ys terious CSee CA.STaO, Page AU _.New Romance? -. 17 I ~,Emigre-Linked LONDON IAP> -The latest girlfrie nd of Prince C h a rles is e mig r e Czech Countess Angelika Lazcnsky. thr ee London tabloids reported today. The Sun, Mirror a nd Mail said the countess lives in P a ris. where she works for an organization called International Public Relations Associates . None of the papers reported her age. The romance· began when the couple m et last vea r in Fr ance and blossomed last weekend when ihe countess was a guest at Balmoral, the queen's Scottis h home, the ne ws papers s aid. The reports were discounted by Buckingha m P a lace. "The lady in question stayed al Ba lmora l. presumably as the prince's g uest. and just one of many friends, .. said a spokesman who refused to be ide ntified. Businesses Tell Thefts Five I rvi ne Ind us trial Complex bus inesses reported weekend thefts Monday totalin~ nearlr $13,000 in losses, police said . The largest reported loss was at Pacific Pipeline Construction Company, at Red Hill Avenue and MacArthur Boule vard. or $8,840 in tools, which included a jackha mmer , saws, chipping guns. spades and bore motors. The tools were taken from a trailer whose padlock apparent· ly was snapped with bolt cutlers. .Officia ls of Separ ation and I -Newport Man Loses Ear in Beer Fight Recovery Systems, 1733 Kaiser Ave .. said a burgla r s m ashed an office window with a.daw_banc mer. and stole three typewriters and a tool box, wo~h $2,100. Al "J" J ack l oofing, 2372 Morse Ave., $737 worth of roof· ing materials were reported stolen. A dispute over the sale of a six·pack of beer led lo a fight Monday night that may cost a Newpon. Beach man a chunk ol his left ear Nearly $600 in cash. plus $132 According to police reJ>Orts, in checks and money orders, Neira refused to sell a six·pack were reported stolen from a of beer to a youthful looking storage room s t rongbox at c us tomer a t the Slop'N Go Wesco Fabrics Inc .. 1212 E. m a rket a t 4 555 W . Coas t Alton Ave. Police s aid it was Highway MondfY afternoon. possible the thief had _a key, since no forced entry was evi. The angry young m an agreed dent. c ha nge i n to the h eads of a n y b ody al a univ•rsily . Some body has to te ll the m several times that a change has occurred. before it sinks in." -A 3Q percent appreclatk>n ot the J apanese yen. . "There's a lot of foreign money around," Mayer said. "Impressive qua ntities are com· log into California from J a pan, from Germany . Ever ything looks cheaper OV'er he re to them ." -School bustng ln Los Angeles County. The mandatory busing pla n has driven people to buy homes in Orange County. he in· dicated. All four or those factor!'!, cur· rently encouraging the market. ·'still have lime lo run, but with diminishing force," he said. Mayer said it is important for the Carter Administration to "knock the head off inflatJon." ,.,......._ .lSRAEL 'S BEGIN BIDS ~CARTER GOODBYE First Lady RoHlynn Watches Leeder• Embree• Hunt ing ton Kiiiing Slain Biker's Kin Admits Bar Curse By RAYMOND ESTRADA JR. Negrini when she cast "a curse" 01111eo.11,~11 .. si.11 on those she asserted wer e The mourning sister of a slain wit hholding information about Huntington Bca..ch motorcyclist the death of her brother . con f i r med today that s he Mr s . Nei?rini s a id in a scattered her brother 's ashes at telephone interview that the lhe downtown s:doon where he curse was also aimed at her was stabtsed Sept. 8 brothe r 's attacke r "ho s he Jude Negrini, 37, of Newpo~ claims is a Huntington Beach Beach, said she threw the ashes man. of her brother, Gary Allen "Mad M r~ Negr-tru-said she believeti Dog" Fero, 41, through the the fight in which her brother louvered windows in front or the was stabbed was prompted by Main Street Saloon. 117 Main St.. an argument over a woman. during a "funeral" held last But Huntington Beach police Wednesday. Sgt. Bert Chadwick iaid the re Police said today they have no may have been many motives s usp ects now in custody in Cor the stabbing. connection with Fcro's stabbinJt Ch adwick said no cha rges death. Fero died at Huntington have been filed against Mrs. lntercommunity Hospital abot•t Negr ini or any or the friends and th ree hours after he was knifed relatives who rePol"tedly helped in the back. oHicials said. her scatter the ashes. Mrs. Negrini said the · ashes Mrs. Negrini said she docs not were scattered at the saloon and rear the possible consequences along Paci r~c Coast Highway or the scattering of the ashes. which he predicted would aealn be In double d igits by next year. "The Administration is going to have to race up lo the fact that you can't kiss things and make them well." Proposition 13 will have a re· larding effect upon people's will· ingness to sell old homes to buy new ones. be said, p.rtkularly in li ght or assessment rules that establish a ms assessment on CSee BOOM. Pa1e A%J Israelis To Retain . . ' Controls ~WASHINGTON 'AP I -Prlnae Minister Menachem Begin told Congress today that Is rael bas DO intention Of giving Up ils claim to sovereignty or ils right to station troops in disputed areas or lhe West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Begin told leade r s or the House in a breakfast meeting th at th ey s h oul d n ot m isinterpret the Camp David accords to mean that Israel has committed itsetr lo restoring Ar ab sovereignty to those lands, which it captured in _the 1967 war. Begin commented as he and IN GIVING, SADAT SCORED VICTORY--A4 Egypt ian Preside n t Anwa r Sada t visited Capitol Hill to meet with congressional leaders and ta lk about t.h.e ce.ce.aUy ~it. Meanwhile. Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance added SYtilil Pre~ident Hafez Assad to the lim or Arab leaders be will visit to - exp l 3in lht: Ca mp David agreements and seek support for them . He previously scheduJed s tops in Jor da n a nd Saudi Ara bia on the trip which begins Lonight. , Sadat told membe r s of the Sen ate For eign R e la tions Committee he believes Jordan and Saudi Arabia eventua lly will s upp o r t the Middl e E ast agreements. La le r, he told reporte rs he plans to fly Wednesday from Washington to Rabat . Morocco, to m eet with King Hassan. Then. he said, he wi ll then fly to Cairo and m ake contact with Jordan's King Hussein. Sen. Frank Church or Idaho. ranking Democratic member or t h e Fo r eig n Re l a t io n s Comm ittee, said Sadat told the private breakfast meeting· that he hopes Hussein will ··pray tbe role that must be played by Jorda n if the issues of the West Bank are ever to be resolved.·• Sadat tol d r epo rte r s . ' W henever the r e i s a n y hgreement that wi II permit the establishment of peace so that no one encroaches on the other 's <See BEGIN, Page AZ) * * * U.S . May Pay ' r t c e " 11 ll a-,. 'S • .. ie .. •• :k • lo It Id sff NewPorl Beach poli ce said they are looking for four athlet1c young men, possibly college-,age wrestlers. who were involved in th~;,1 Qgbt thpt !>fiNA~· Dani~. N~h .. f"fl'l:·Mtr'u a"ti'ih:e'1tlWWfJf' half·inch pieee of his ear. to m eet Neira when he got off A burglar pried open two 91~~~/or an t . .~~.w1 • , • ' ,. •':' -~" ~it.ii«.ir"'·' ~~ft'"'ll\~ a nee n· fro m Huntington Beach l o "This is a traditional thing in ~~.biH>~~&~~~ -~·Lt\*.-.... ~•WmllMllDllli'IMJ~~~~~ . .~'WMf~~nCf'Unw.:O..:? -ifr~. eg~iru said she drove up ell Neira, or 4200 River Ave. was ru s h ed l o Ho af Me morial Hosp ital by pol ce. Doctors sewed lhe plece back in place. but reported they were unsure whether the operation would be successful. Co ast Weat•er Clear thr-.u1h Wedne•· day. Lowt $5 to 60. Hlgha W edneaday 82 lo 92. IN81•E TeD~Y Nf1D ¥afe ..,Oii """' Ort 11Crino to hit ~. amo ~"t to <di roonu aoith au · ldda o/ n ftricfiont Oftd red ta,,.. See Paflf .47. • Q .,. .. M M ., .... = .. M M I Witnesses to the fight said the trots, 16901 Jamboree Blvd., or. youth .showed up with three f' I I t d Th b I frien ds, but none could tell ic a 8 repor e · e urg ar stole about $550, then replaced polic e h ow Ne ira became the key. separated from his ear. The victim speculated it was bitten rorwa r(i.-w1th information about to the closed saloon in . a black rty bNS'th~r·s murder." Cadillac but rode off o n a "Before this is over there will motor cycle while s cattering lhe be another death," sa id Mrs . ashes from an urn in the misty afternoon air. off. Neir a, said he wasn't even aware bis ear had been tom off until .the fi&ht was over and the four youths left the scene. Pidreroo '78 Wmpetition l n 2ndWeek San Juan's Secret Meeting Studied "l am not a biker a nd I don't usually go to tbal s aloon," Mrs. <See ASHES, Page A2> ERA Voting Protested The second w ee k of competitioa for tt,SOO in Pi111dp Pickeroo "78 prizes ls under way lollowlal 1 record number of Htrift. . Hundreds or .oranae Coast football ,fan1 pitte d their pro1=Uoo lkllla In tbe first of 10 y J>tckeroo conteats. Eac~..-a lelevl1ion set and raclk>I &om Dunlap AppUancet In roudn Valley are awarded 10 re..._. wbo best predkt the outco~ ol ao Wffkend 1rtd.lron b•ttln. \ For details and an entry blank tumtopqe84. By JERRY CLAUSEN Cit ... Deity..._ St.Mt An Orange County deputy dis· trict attorney, who refused to prosecute San Juan Capistrano cit y officials who allege dly violated state law by meeting in secret, says he doesn't know whether the city faces civil law liability because of councilmen's acUon11. Jn· June, Deputy Distr ict Al· lorney Bill Evans said the city council didn't violate the state'• Ralph ,M. Brown Act when it met ln secret sesslon durln1 April to dheuss tllr n t n 1 Capl1\rano Airport over to in· du1trtal developers. "My concluak>n." Evens said at that time. ·•was that It Ct.he ltHlon) was sufficiently related to Ull1aUon to fall wltbid the provlalooa ol Brown." But Evans changed his story a bit this week in an arrldavil m ed with the attorney representing pilots who used the Capistrano Airport before it was closed by the cit) and turned over to Its fc5rmer owners . In his affidavit, Evans sald that after talking to a district al· torney's Investigator he had de· cided last June that his om ce "probably would not be able lo prove a violation of t he Brown Act beyond a reasonable doubt." H e uld , "My opinion was primarily based upon the liml(. ed funds available ror crlmlnal prosecution and m.y ettlmatk>n ·of the likelihood of the people be· ln1 able LO boar the heavy criminal burden of proof." Attorneys for t he city are US· lot !vans' refusal to prosecute u a part ot their dtfente aa linat CSff &£Can, Pa1• A.2> CARSON CITY. Nev. CAP > -A cont roversial advisory vote on the Equal Rights Amendment w3s o rd e r e d pl aced o n Nevad a 's Novem ber ballot t o d ay in a 4· l s tate Supre me Court decision. The questio n was opposed by a pro.ERA group on grounds many leghla t or s h a v e said they'll base their vote on E RA neitt spring on the ad visory voling re&Ults, which in effect makes it more than aavisory. The re is no provision for a llo w lnll votes by the people on m atters like ERA which could result In U .S . Co n s t it uti o n ratifications. Israe li Bases W AS Hl NCTON c A P l Construction of two military air baeses in Israel'<> Negev Desert will be an Israeli operation with the United States paying the bill, which could range from S300 million lo about Sl billion, a Pen· tagon spokesman said today. T h o m as B . R oss. th e SPo kesman, said cost estimates are "very preliminarr ' and that a great deal or planning lies ahead. But he made clear the new bases would be underwril· ten by a U.S. grant, rather than by some form or repayable loan or ci:edit . "We would compe nsate tM Israelis for their withdrawal'' from two major air bases In the Sinai, Ross said. He Indicated the Negev projects probably would be costly because they would replace "what I gather are !lophlstlcated bases." The two bases to be v•c1ted are at El Art.sch on the northern Sln:.u coast, where the lsraelb built 3 9,500·foot runway after the tm war, and at Etzion tn t he southern Sinai tn position to cover the key Gulf of Aqaba . "The Israelis prob»bly wlH put out contracu to build lt them selves," Roes said. _ (8ee8VMMIT1 P11e.U~ 11e he :en ·en orr the o r skin way r or oast te ir first ls. and nces rded t the Uron 1l1nk ... 'Z! Sift>,...'" .John C Connoll y of M 1M~1un \'11·111 t.1kl"'• Lht• oat h of olf1t·l· a !'> tlw 1W\.\<.>Sl tru1>lt·t· t ur th~ Su ddl ~back Com mumty ('ollc~c 1>1:.t net :t i :\l1>1Hlt1.\ 111 g )lt ·:-, hount l'n l'l'l in~ Recreatio11al, Fitness Cjasses- Set in Irvine Fall rc cn•atron a nd f1tnes~ program~ arc :.C'hedul(·d at the 1 ll;ntagc Park :.iquut1c• complex rn I n inc. adm1ni~lt.'red t>y the· 1·11y l'nmmun1t y i.e r v H·e!'. etnDllt 18 1tUI 3· Killed; Poison Hits City ca;NOI\, Jtitl) tAPt Thu -. ronf( muun.: of ch •rnlculll :.et off o cloud or awl un from a lUnntn.: Vl•nt ill thl' C'CntCJr Of th 111 northern port city tod•Y. killing thrt>t: rx•oph.· <t11tl 11cndlng t1o.teni. of fltht•ri. tu hosp1tah1, 1.>o n <' e rt'J>Ort "<' The cloud 11f hy.drowen 11ulfldc "prt-:td ucr01\11 lh111 l'llY of 800,000, t'nle>rlng hoW>es und orticl"ll whlh: panickLnl {'lll.tcni. nm for shelter It mud1· pt>oplc , c1>pcc1ully chlldrl'rt und the elderly. cry ond l·ou.:h from burning cyei, 1md throat!> i\ulhontu.·:. 11111d the hydrogen llUlhdt ('Urtl\' llUt Of the liOCCIUrdo plant, a hide tanning factory with 200 workcn. an downtown Genoa. They i.u1d that uccordmg lo Jlrt·lln1lnary 1nvest1gullon1 the po111on cloud billowed out of the plant when erroneously a truck driver pumped 25 tons ()f chrome sulfate from a tank truck lnto a basin cont a ining s odium hydrosulfite. The mixture of the tw o s ubstan ces set off a c hem ical reaction that released 1the killer chemical. In July 1976 a ch emical d isaster near Milan hospitalized 200 people and sprayed poison over buildings and land that have been oCf limits s ince. It occurred in Seveso when a leak f· r o m t h e S w i s s . o w n e d pharmaceutical plant lcmesa sprayed dioxin over a wide area No one died i n the Seveso incident but some scientists say the long-term eHects of the dioxin may not be known for generations . Water tor ladastrg Work m en for the Contri Construction Company lay portion of a new pipeline that will carry wate r from San J oaquin Reservoir lo the lrv inc•lndus t riul Complex. Irvine Ranch Water Dis trict projcl'l is unde r way a longsidl' Ford Road near San Miguel Drive in Newport Beach. The 24-inch pipeline will link up with IRWO sy:;tcm al l.Jniversity Driv<' und Mac Arthur Boulevard bv next Ft'bruurv uccordini:: to water dil:;trict officials. · · Jury Gets. Death Case By GARY GRANVILLE Of ltle CMlty ~Sa.ft The fate of a woman accused of murde ring her husband's lover in Laguna Beach March 26 was in the hands of an Orange County Supe rior Cour t jury today. B e fore th e six ·woman s ix-man jury began deciding 28·year-0ld Anya Ann Shelton's fate, it heard prosecutor David Carter call for a first-degree murder conviction. Proferes as she knelt on a bed a few feet from where she s tood. · "If she'd really wanted to kill Pat. s he would hav~ fired more than one shot."' the defense attorney argued. dt•pa rt mt•nt Tht> ('Ompll .. < I!'. lcwall'd on Walnut Avt•ntu-, ca:.l of Culver n r l\'t•. nt•xt to Irv 1 ne II igh" Srhol)I J):e1I~ lap :.wtmmin i: und •' u 11 cl 1 I 1 o n 1 n g h n u r s a r c.· :.t'liellul(•d Monday::. through h rcl av~. r. to 8 311 a m . 11 :m ;1 ~rl lo I :u1 p m . and fl lo 8 p m C8llege 's Sailboat Price Not Enough? Carter characte rized the early Easter morning shooting deatb or P a t P roferes, 29, a s "a cold·blooded killing aimed at eliminating a rlval." But defense lawyer J ames Merwin labeled the woman's death a trafic accident and s uid Mr s . S he ton is a woman incapable of violenc~. However, Merwin did not deny that the bullet which killed Miss Proferes was fired from a gun held by his client. As he and Carter debated the issue in their closing arguments. Mrs. Shelton sat with her arms folded staring intently .at the two lawyers throu«h thick «lasses. H e r n e r vo u s n ess was be trayed by h e r h a bit of r epeatedly flexing he r throat a nd neck muscles. Whe n Mrs. Shelton testified du.ring the seven-day trial. s he said she carried the gun to the Laguna Beach-apartment as u Sw1mmt·r::. t·xcr<:be ;.ii their o wn College officials are not asking pate. e nough for "The Rock." a 41· ~·ormal wate r <'xcrc1se fool uilboat owned brladf program::. <in· offorc<J~ on '7'a""y""!'>--..M-n+.1Bl!treommurrtzy-c~nq-e. through Thur:.days froror noon to trustees said Monday night. ll! •15 pm . t:la1>1>cs arc held on a T he boat, used in sailing · dro p in .. ha1>1s . with n o classes and now for s ale. is ap+ rcg1i.t r:.itwn rl•qurrt.'d 11raised at $25,000, Supt. Robert Monday::. and Wednt.'1>dayi.. Lo mbardi said 6 30 to ti 30 pm. arc family During a ci tizen protest mghti. <ti the aquatu:1> complex against the college's bidding Chtldn•n accompanied by u procedur e for t h e vessel. p1.1rcnt or two may :.pla:.h about however. trustee::. learned that th<• rcC'rcat1onal pool adm ini s trators had :.el a Ht·nt•altnnal :." tmming for minimum bid at SI0,000, and the 1 ht· gt•nt•ral puhllr 1:. held highest bid received was $14,100. • Sat urday:. und Sunday:. from I Trus tee William Walls told ad- to :1 ·30 ll.m Children under !'.ix m1nistrators the minimum was rnu:.t be at·t·ompa1m·d by an rar too low. If the college cannot adult get a price much elm.er to the 1-\·t·!'> ICJr t·aeh activity arc 25 boat 's appraised value. he said. cttnt::. for children and persons 55 1t will not be sold al this I imf" years or older and 50 cents for udults 18 and older. A swim pass. ttt $1!'1. entitles th<.• holder to 75 i.wims I-' u r t h t' r t n f o r m a t 1 o n I s . 1v~llaul1: at the complex. 754·3813 Candidate Backs Heroin SACRAMENTO 11\P l Ed Clar~. thl' l.ibcrtamin ... Party'~ r;incl tdatc tor Aovcrnor. say~ he :.upport!. ICG<tltzation of mari 111ana . rocatne . heroin and 1>1 o:.t1lut1on. Soricty 'i hou ld forus 1t::. t'nl'r~1es anti money on combat 1 ing !'>('n ous cri m e:. s uch as · 'Mn •li!Lt.....rU~Jl!lJ.1....ll!.\lUle.La.!).\,I ~~ ~'1 . ~T1'W'lf\7~~'0"9n lives,·· Clark said Monday. .. ·1 ~1r k . <t 48 vcar-old Loi; Angeles attorney who will bt· 11:.ted as an independent on the Novem ber twllot. readily admits ht· probably wi ll not be elected go.~e rnor. DAILY PILOT .... ,, ........ ..,".._.".•"Cf fll'ubfl~ • ,. ... c ... ..., Vice Pf"H+ctrt"t end V.lilitf'el~;, TfltMft••h•Wlf (Ollt• '-·-M-Me••O•"i tcll!Ot • a.., ... " ...... •tctw,-•tJ ...... A\ .. \taftt "'-"•t1"9i•Ho" Oftlcta (-"'I•.,._,. UO W.\I !My It,.... LO ""• .... ~ •tkO•-weM•"' H~,:~~:!.~ .. :",'~,t~"ft~=rQ ., ~ o··~ •, ...,,. T•lepflone (714)142-4.HI CIHIHfed Acfvtt1tlfflt Mt•M?I \411N• ... < '-V•tl• r ....__, C)rtk,. Ht .. 110 ,.-~ci--.... *'*° ' f'ro• Page A I BEGIN ••. land or sovereignty. then all Arabs will be behind \t." The Arab s lates h ave consistently said that Is rael mus t g iv e up occ upied territories on the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip lo have peace. ··1 believe with a ll my heart t~at the J ewis h people have a right to sovereignty over Judea Sa.maria. and the Gaza Strip, .. he said, usmg the biblical na mes for t he lands on the West Bank. He said "the Bible gives us that right.·· Begin added that sovereignty and military control over the ~~J.· Bank and G!'AJL,ar r '"""eQl.\'81 M ~ufft.y because those lands "are on the t_hrcshold of our homes.·• ~:J'hc Camp David accords call fo the replacement of Israel 's m ilary government with an au onomous government el~led by the Pa lestinians who live there . Israel's troops would be gar~i s oned i n s pecifi e d locat1ons. f're• Pa,,. Al SUMMIT ••• lie said he would not rule out "the possibility of a few U.S. military techruciana wbo might be involved in the ptaJlning and cost estimate phases. but not lo the construction pbase.!' The Pentagon s pokeaman also said he would not anticipate any involvement by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer•. unllke In . SaudJ Arabia and Iran where the Army Eng1neer1 and other U.S. military personnel have taken a major hand In con1tructln1 military bases under projects paHI for by the two 0U-pr04uclnt countries Officials 181d the Jeraella. with their hlgh level of technolo11cal expertise. do not need the 'ldnd of speclaltted 'help given lo the Saudi Ar1bian1 and Iranians. Ross atrtaSed that the Camp David agreem ents "do not pr<o· v1de for the deployme nt of any U S forces" in the areai. Trustees ongmally decided to sell the ketch because it is no longer required in Saddlebaclc:'i instTtJction prog-r-am 11nd will cost too muc.h io hartx>_r r~p-~ space. Other actions In Monday's meeting included approval for hiring Gary M. Korn as director of library and mediet services for Saddleback's new satellite campus in Irvine. Korn is a reference librarian at De Anza Community College. Cupertino. lie is scheduled to as· s ume his new job Dec. 1. Tr ustees also aooroved an of· rice s pace le<1sc renewal for the Nor did he deny that Mr., Shelton stood in lb.«: darkness outside the bedroom where the victim and her husba nd slept. the cocked gun 11\ her haod But Me rwin insisted the shooting was accidental. that Mrs . Shelton could not see Miss Fro• Pa~ A I ASHES ..• Negrini said. The sister said. "l want my brother's death avenged and lhe Vc..t erans Adm in"istration on Campus Program. The lease was extended through Sept 30, 1979, for an annua l cost of $916 • man who killed him brought to justioe before he stabs anyone else." Pastor Kills Self Before Congregation BE RLIN IAPl -An East German pastor burned himself to death before a congregation or more than 300. using altar candles to touch off the names. 1t was reported in West Berlin today. E vangelical churc h sources said Pastor Rolf Gue nther's s uicide In the southern East German city or Falkenstein on Sunday appeared to be baseji on personal. not political. m otives. Guenther. 41. was reported to ha ve doused himself with a t-..~~~~,..,...f.J<U . ~ tM t>rohistl:i'rit'ttun:fi. ·~urea more of the fluid on himself near the 'a lta r and then· ignited himself by reaching out to the altar candles. The unmarried minister had been pastor for 10 years In Falke nstein. a city of a bout 16,000. Church sources said his death followed the earlier • s uicide of his mother. f'ro• Page A I CASTRO ..• inte lligence report suggesting that Oswald blnted to Cuban officials at the consulate that he might kill Kennedy and that Castro learned or th1s before the assasalnatlon. The committee took public testimony about the ucret report, but the committee's chler counsel. Robert 8lake11 uld Cuban authorities blamea the Central IntelU1•nce A1eeey for elrculatlng the' report as a "dlllnformatlon" tactic to lmpllc1te Cuba ln Kenned.t's death. Blakey saJd tho commUtee has reached no Jud1ment on ttt. overall r e llabtllty of the lnte lll1encc M>urce. Mor e apeclrlcally. he said , "whether the source provided rell1bl• Information ln this l n 1tance 11 an lnue the com mlttee muat -decide In December" H It prepares i. report. Mrs . Negrin! claims that a video tape camera installed in the saloon was intentionally turne d off j u st before he r brother was stabbed . Police have confiscated the Lape. Fero, known by the nickname of "Mad Dog,'' was on crutches at tbe Ume of the stabbing because of a year-old leJ Injury. He carried a buck knife in a sheath on his belt, hi¥ sister said. Mrs. Negrioi said she believes several people In the ba r co nspired to kill he r brother. Police said the blood' from the sta bbing was partially washed away. .. My brother hopped out the saloon door and screamed for he tp ," she ~aid. - Fall is here In style at P.O.S.H.! Select from our new arrivals of naturolly comfortable, traditionally tailored fall suits & sport coats. s uicide. weapon. - And s h e ex pla i n e d h e r presen ce un t~e d arkene~ ba lcony outside the a partment whe re her husband a nd his lover s lept as one last attempt to see her husband before taking her own life. But C~rter didn't buy that el<pletnat1on and pleaded with the Jury to ignore it. Judge Nixes Rebozo Suit MIAMI <API A SJO million libel s ult filed by former Presa· dent Nixon's friend Charles G. .. Be be .. Re bozo against the Was hington Post has been dis· missed by a federal Judge. U.S. Dis trict .Judge Sidney Aronovitz said Re bozo. a neig.bbor o! .Ni.xon at K t!Y Biscaye. had become a public figure by the time the Post re· ported in 1973 that he had cashed S91.500 in stocks after being told thev were stolen. Rebozo ha!. maintained the Post report was re1lsc and malicious. Since Rebozo was a p ubl ic figure. Aronovitz ~aid. rules sl'l down by the U.S. Supre me Court in 1974 and 1964 prevent his win ning a libel judgment against the newspaper . I SECRET ••• # J civil i1u1t filed b)' 16 plJots who are seekina reopening of the airport ror public use. Rut in hit attldav1t. Evam said ... In light of the slgnlfk:ant d lrterence between the civil and criminal burdens of proof. and In as much as I have no knowledge of the discoveries s ubsequent to the investigalaon or this ofrlce. I cannot and will not render an opinion u to the civil llabmtr or the city ..... Evans saJd this momln1 that he had wrestled with the prob· lem of whether lbe councll 's c losed session fu April to con· s i~e~ tlosin1 ~he alrpQTt fell wllhm~ceptiOIU,.allowed under the Br Act. "Jn jg)U. of that standard of proof and given the priority we had to assign to cases 'here. it just w asn't going lo make it." Regardless of the outcome or any civil. case, Evans said. he doubts his office ever would prosecute In the case. "It 's not a question of facts but a legal problem." be said. In their c1v1I suit. the San Juan pilots charge that the city violated the California Environ· ment~ Quality Act in returning the . airport property t o it s o~igmal owners by closing the airport. They a lso contend councilmen violated the Brown Act by meet· ina in secret lo discuss airport c losure and that returning the la nd to its original owners marked an Wl constitutional gift of public property. Pretria l h ea ring s a r e scheduled lo resume in the case Oct. l2 before Superior Court Judge Robert Banyard in Santa Ana. The city took possession or Capistrano Airport in 1969 when owners deeded the property to San Juan ln a bid to reduce mounting property taxes on the land adjacent to an industrial park. That deed contained a clause which provided (or owners lo re· cover ownership or the 14-acre prope rty if the airport e ver closed. · Councilmen knew of the clause when they voted to close the airport and end a controversy over its safely. The controversy was brought to a head last year when an aircraft crash landed and killed a 5 · yeur -o ld gi rl neet r the airport. F,....PopAI BOOM ••• property. but new assessments at current levels if the property change~ownership. Mayer further predicted that foreign money eve ntually will run out. and that lhe panic over Los Angeles school busing will ... abate. "We are going to be moving to a money crunch ... Maye r said. "and pretty soon." With that. Mayer said. home prices must come down. The builders themselves. he said, ought to hope for an end to the inflationary upswing . "While m the s hort term it i~ good for you, 1it is not going to be good for you in the 101'18 run · · Mayer said. -' Inmates Surrender NICOS IA, CJprus IAP > - Jailed rlghtwang extre mists. foiled in un attempt to breetk out on of Nicosia·s central prison. s urrende r ed toda y arte r a three-day siege and re leased their seven hostages unha rmed. a police official.said. r I f ' I f .. r l j I d e 0 -. 't .. Laguna/South Coast Afternoon N.Y .• Steeks a VOL 71, NO. 262, 3 SECTIONS, JO PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 ~ TEN CENTS ) . \ 1 Laguna Again Tackles Park's Rodents l 18'1'£V •nat£LL °' ............... l.apna Beach's tuuy tart.h tM.lrroWU"S -tho Heisler . Pa~ arou:nd aQwrn!ls ao 0o Lrlal oaaln aon1~ht when the Clly CouncU ~ a rttommen dataon to t>xttrm1n1'' tbe :ialmal.11 City of'tlcials claim lle11ler Park ls bring slowly eroded b the bUITOWin3 bt>a Ut-s. and they are reeot:nlMtldln& that the city (\lmlJate the burrows wllh ro-dent aaa artridgt"S The lMt time • City Council as>l)roved 1uch a noUon. some members ol lbe community SUR· 1ested that killlnl aqulrrels is QOt exactly ln keeplna -.:1th the cbaractet' ol the Art Colony They suggested IMtead thot the aqui~ll be trapped and transrerred somewhere else · But Terty Br,ndt. director of m®lclpaJ service5. says I've trapping is a time consuming process, "and you can't just dump the squirrels on somebody el e's prope-rty." • So he wUI be recommending tonight that the City Council ndopt B program of fumigatlng <ictlve burrows and plugging up the holl-:s · DiJuung by squirrels has been blamed for the 10511 or up to two feet of ~ park each year, and some say it all boils down to a choice between the squirrels and the park. In 1975. the Laguna City Coun· ell allowed UC Irvine students to trap and remove about 200 or the squirrels. Those former beach residents were transplanted to the rolling hills near the uni· <See RODENT, Page A%) M11rder Trial to Jury Conviction Asked • in Laguna Slaying 8y GARV GRANVILLE Of -Oelt't ...... ,..... The fate of a woman accused of murdering her husband's lover in Laguna Beach March 26 was in the bands of an Orange County Superior Court j ury today. Before the s ix-woman, s ix-man jury began deciding 28-year-old Anya Ann Shelton's fate. it heard proseeutor David Carter call for a first·degree murder conviction. Carter characterized the early East.er morning shooting death or Pat Proferes , 29, as "a cold-blooded killing aimed at eliminating a rival. .. San Juan Secrecy Gtse Aired Bul defense lawyer James Merwin labeled the woman's death a tragic accident and said Mrs . Sbelton Is a woman incapable ot violence. However, Merwin did not deny that the bullet which killed Miss Pl'oferes was fired from a gun held by his client. Nor did he deny that Mrs. Shelton stood in tbe darkness outside the bedroom where the victim and her husband slept. the cocked gun in her hand. But Me r win insisted the shooting was accidental, that Mrs. Shelton .could not see Miss Proreres as she knelt on a bed a few feel from where she stood, , "If she'd really wanted to kill Pat, she would have fired more than one shot,·· the defense attorney argued. As he and Carter debated the issue in their closing arguments. Mrs. Shelton sat with her arms folded staring intently at lhe two lawyers throu~h thick glasses. H er nervous n e s s was betrayed by ber h abit of repeatedly flexing her throat and neck muscles. When Mrs. Shelton testified during the seven-day trial, she said she carried the gun to the Laguna Beach apartment .as a suicide weapon. And she explained her New Ro01anee? Prince~ Emigre Linked LONDON <AP> -The latest girl!riend of-Frince -1- presence o n t he darkened balcony out.side the apartment where her husband and his lover slept as one last attempt to see her husband before taking her own lire. But Carter didn't buy that explanatfon and pleaded with the jury to ignore it. He said Mrs. Shelton's quiet visit to the balcony, her ripping orr a window screen and the subsequent firing of the fataJ shot were the climax or a stormy confrontation the woman had aggressively invited on herself. Carter made il clear to lhe jury that he was not defending <See TRIAL, Page A2) Cuba Nixes Kennedy Deatli -Plot ,. ·Charles is emigre Czech Countess Angelika By JERRY CIAUSEN Laiensky, three London tabloids report.ed today. WASIDNGTON <AP> -Cuban • 0t .. De11,,.....sutt The SUn, Mirror an d Mail said the countess lives President Fidel Castro says it Ao Orange County deputy dis· in Paris, where she works for an organization called wo\Jld have been "a tremendous trict attorney, who refused to International Public Relations Associates. None of insantity" for Cuba to have prosecute San Juan Capistrano the papers reported her age. plotted the murder of President city officials who allegedly The romance l)egan when the couple met last John F. Kennedy, the House violated state law by m eeting in year in France and blossomed las t wee kend when Assassinations Committee 17 secret. says he doesn't know the countess was a guest at Balmoral. the queen's reported today. · whether the city races civil law Scottish home. t he newspapers said. "l am going to tell you here liability beeause or councilmen's The reports were discounted by Buckingham that nobody, nobody. ever had actions. r: d · ed 8 1 1 the Idea of such things." Castro In June, Deputy District At· Palace. "The 18 Y in question stay at 8 mora • s a Id du r i n-g a r our .h ou r tomey Bill Evans said the city presumably as the prince 's guest and just one of interview with comm ittee council didn't violate the state 's many friends," said a spokes man who refused lo be members and investigators last Ralph M. Brown Act when it idehtified. ~pril. met in s ecret session during ,.... The com mittee p l a y ed April to discuss turning portions of the tape-recorded Capistrano Airport over to In· interview~ during its hearings dustrial developers. s J M H Id today. "My conclusion,"' Evans said . an uan an e Repeating h is cons is tent at that Lime. "was that It <the · . denials o( Cttban involvement in session l was sufficiently related the assassination of Kennedy. to litigation to rail within the In Hi h D h Castrosaid: provisionsofBrown." •g way eat "N e ver itt 20 yea r s or But Evans changed his story a revolution. I never heard anyooe bi"t this week'in an affidavit filed s uggest nor eve n speculate with the attorney representing about a measure of that sort. pilots who used the Capistrano A San Juan Capistrano man nearest relatives are notified or because who could think or the Airport before it was closed by was jailed on drunken driving, his death. idea of organizing the death of the city and turned over to its charges early today after the The victim was a passenger in the pres ident of the United former owners. car he was driving on t he San the c ar driv en by Ru I e , States . In his affidavit. Evans said Diego Freew~y collided with a a c c or di n g to th e C H P ·'That would have been the Dally Pl191 , .... p,._ BUSHY-TAILED ERODERS FACE EXTERMINATION? Counelt to M ull Gassing Hel1ler's Squinels Gets Probation f.oach Convicted, Quits Capo Post Former Capistrano Valley High School head basketball coach Paul Smith was convicted Monday in Rivers ide of Jitlempt· ing to receive stolen property. He was put on one year's proba· Hoo and ftned $320. And Capistrano Unified School District trustees voted unan- imously Monday night to ac: cept Smith's letter of resignation from the high school's teaching staff. He had been relieved of all coaching responsibilities im· mediately following his arrest June 14. when he allegedly tried to buy a microwave oven from a man on a Riverside street cor· ner. The oven peddler was an undercover police officer. Arrested with Smith in June was Ramona High School coach David Carmichael. Smith had taught at Ramona in Riverside before joining the s taff at Capistrano Valley High. when the Mission Viejo school opened in September. 1977. Deputy District Attorney Rick Thierbach s aid today that Carmichael's case was referred to the probation department for further investigation. Botb men entered pleas of no contest to the charges that they had at tempted fo receive stolen Pl'Operty. said Thierbach. Smith. 39, had talten the Capistrano Valley basketball - team to the semifinals in the California Interscho lastic Fede ration playoffs earlier this year. Capistrano Unified Superin· tendent J erome Thornsley said Smith's letter of resignation was received Monday morning. after the district had issued an uJ. timatum lhat he report for duty as a physical education a nd math teacher al Capistrano Valley or face dis missal. Smith had earlier requested a lea vc of absence from the school, which was denied by the school board. Thomsley said the teacher has moved north to San Rafael and is apparently apply· ing ror a coaching position in that area. He had not taught at all this year at C apistrano Valley, Thorosley said. Laguna Suieide Cop's Wife Dies in Hotel that arter talking to a district al· motorcycle, causing the death of spokesman. most perfect pretext for the t<?rney's investigator he. had ~e-one man and serious injury to He said Michael Dittmar, 18,. United States to invade our A oth of r e and the wife Suelle n Blackwell 35 or ~.1ded la.st June that his omce the motorcyclist. of. 25081 Northru~ Drive , .L~guna co.untry, which is what 1 have of a r:os i~gele~vpolice sergeant Fullerton. was found de~d in' her probably.wo~ld not be able to . . . Hills. was seriously tnJUred tried ~o Jtrevent f?r all these took her life with a ' revolver room attheSurl and SandHotel, prove a violation of the Bro~ A Califorrua ff!ghway Patrol wh e n c atapulted from the years. m eve'?' possi~le sen~e. Monday in a Laguna Be ach hot.el 1555 South Coast Highway late Act beyo~ a ,i;easona~lt: doubt. s~e11man identi(ied. ~he man tb~e~·wbeeJ motorcycle he was . "Fr~m the 1~eolog1caJ point of after flrin~ two slu~s from the Monday by a maid who let ~e-s.a1d , My op101on w~s facing drunk~n driving and dnvmg on the freeway shortly view. 1l was msane. And from 38 caliber snubnose into a bed herself in to clean the room iS' ti 'S • ,, •• lit c lo st primarily ba~ed upon the. limit· vehicular manslaughter charges befo~e t a.m. the political point of view, it was to..be.;!~.>\'.eiltl9Rw..Rrl<.~'1 >Jr~~lacJ<.wcll wa~~ ed funds. available ror c.nml~ as Robert Rule. 45. of 32302 , (µ.t'J.PU.L..ol!U ~, .. U.U~ ... ~ -c-.;·. ~r'., ~:.-:--\-00i'1.tf4~~~~~~''"\ t#~)s."l<'f,~cve3 ~~~ ........... _1 ... 1 ..... p~s!~Utton and. ro~. ~s~~ .... ·~:~.'"'''i::Mrtr1!'.'f"T~~~-lfrfrftlnn.y ~rnrc)saili n,e foew nothmg . Blackwell. who worked with the .r-1("4~ottPi~f)re"Oe· ldenlfr1cation of the man Hospital. about Lee Harvey Oswald and Be ·· Pl d 77th area vice unit. The 10.year 118 tn~ ~ble to be ar the .. heavy killed in the accident in the Rescue workers said ~u!e's Oswald's visits to the Cuban gtD e ge8 police veteran was contacted he crimmal burden of p~f. southbound lanes or the freeway auto overturned after striking consulate in Mexico City until Monday night .en Attorneys for the city are US· just north of Lake Forest Drive the motorcycle. pinning the after Kennedy was s lain and M • • • Coroner's deputies said they Ing Evans' refusal to prosec:ute is being withhe ld until his . driver inside. <See CASTRO, Page A2) AJIDtaunng· be li eve the woman had been as ~ eart ~f their defense agamst dead for 10 to 12 hours before a ClVll swt med by 1~ pilOts who T Ri h her body was discovered. The are seeking r~pemng of the Preservati·on Acclarm~ ed roop ·g is reason for her action was not airport .for ~ubbc ';'Se. known immediately. But m bis atradavlt, Evans said. "In light of the significant W ASKINGTON I AP) -Prime difference between the civil and Minister Menachem Begin told <SeeSECJlET p AZ> f"l-:....-n..-•-C I [ p•~-ff _J_J ~ St •/ te Congress today that Israel has • age ~ .. MC:'.~ oas a ""'' eu.<iea J or ale ,, 0 no intention or giving up its Pickeroo '78 Competition ln2ndWeek Th.,second week of compet.ition foe 11,500 ib Plpkln Pickeroo '78 pdzea ls under way followlll8 a record number ol entries. . Hundreds of Oran1e Coast football fans pitted their l prognosUcation skill.I in the first of 10 weekly Pickeroo contesu. Each week a televlsloa set and radios from Dunlap AppUuces ln Fountain Valley are awarded to readen who best' predlct Utie outcome ot 39 weekend, gridirea lwltt1e1o. For det&JIQ and an ..,uy blank tum to pece 84. , ' ' Preservation of historic San Clemente homes was included with alx other objectives in a plan approved Monday by the Regional Coastal Commlsalon for preparation or the city's state-mandated Local Coastal Program. Co m.misaione rs voted Wlln1mouli1 to recommend that the plan be~ next month bJ tb•a..CoulaJ Commisalon. · Sae Clemente la one ol only four cltlH and counties ln CaUfomla to have lta plan developed by the coutal committee staff. Other local 1overamenta bave acc•pted state f undl to prepare tbelr own ·~ .. procratnl. S.11 C&mente coastal luues Identified by the commission at~ff Include Improved shoreline ueeas, better faclllltea for vt1ltors and for recreaUon1 prov'*'-' tor moderately pric.a - housing, restoration of marine life, protection of canyons and control or new development. Commission planner Bryce Caughey said funding would not be adequate to include the issue of preserving historic homes. bul, after hearing testimony from San Clemente residents, Clemente Thief Gets 8300 Parrot A blue·f'ronted Amazon parrot, valued at $300, was reported stolen Monday from the San ...C lemente home of K"en Rudolph, 523 Paseo de los Floras, Apt. C. PoUce said the mlssin1 bird la described u !O Inches tall, with red spoU abc>ve lts beaJc. ll I.a mQJUog on Ill &eft 1lde. including Councilwoman Myrtis Wagner. commissioners agreed to include the homes ' preservation as a coastal issue. Mrs. Wagner, who said she addressed the commission as a private citizen, urged that homes bullt during the 1920's be spared and preserved for ruture generations. "We have to act now," she said. "Even now we're too lale for some of the homes. We did have one beautiful old house on a bluff near the pier. That went down one Saturday. and now a concjomlnium ls golne up ln iu place." Sari Clemente was Orange County '• first planned community when it was founded in the l920'$ by !ormer Seattle mayor Ole Hanson. All the orl1lnal homes were built or wbil• aUl«'O. wilh red tile toof1. claim lo sovereignty or its right to s tation troops in disputed areas of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. a Begin told leaders ar the IN GIVING, SADAT SCORED VICTORY-A4 House in a breakfast meeting t h at they s h ould not misinterpret &.he Camp David accords to mean that Israel has committed ltsetr to res toring Arab sovereignty to those lands. which lt captured in the l967 war. Begin commented as he and E1ypUan-Pres1dent nwar Sadat visited Capitol Hlll lo meet. with congressional leaders and talk about tbe recently concluded summit, Meanwhile. Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance added Syrian P'resld{!Ot Hafei Assad to the list of Arab leaders h~ will visit to (lee BEGIN, Pa1e A!) Coast Weather Clea r through Wednes· day. Lows 55 to 60. Highs Wednesday 82 to 92. INSIDE TOD.4 ~ New atolt IMrfnl rules ore going to hu homeowner~ who wont to odd room.a with OU Ind$ of re1trlct1Q1U and red tape. Set Page A7. Cl .,. .. M ... 111 ., .. ., • .,. M "" en off :he of skin way r or oasl 1eir first ts. .and nces rded l tbe Uron tlank s ......... John C' Connolly of Mis::.ion Va eJO tnkes t~e oath of offic~ as the newest tru~tee f or th e Sa d dleback Community College Distnct at Monday m ght ·s board m eet mg Fro•Pa~A I BEGIN ... ex p l ain th e Ca mp D avid agreements and seek support ror them He previously scheduled stop::. in J ordan and Saudi Arabia on the trip which begins tonight Sadat told members of the Senut e Forl'ign R e lati o ns Com m1ttec h'e believe~ Jordan C1nd Saudi Arabia eventually will s upport the Middl e Eas t a~reements. Later . he told rf!.porters he plan::. to Oy Wednesday from Washington to Rabat. Mo rocco. to mt>et with King Hassan. Then. he sC1 1d. he will then fl y to Cairo and make contact with Jordan's King llussein Sen. Frank Church or Idaho, rank 1ng Democratic member of t h e Foreign R elation s Committee. said Sadat told th~ private breakfast meeting that he hopes Hussein will "play the role that must be played by Jordan if the issues or the West Bank are ever to be resolved.·• S adat told repo r ters. 'Wh enever the r e i~ any agreement that will permit the t·stablis hmcnl of peace so that no one encroaches on the other's land or sovere ignly, then 1dl Arabs will be behind il. .. The Arab s tates have cons1stenlly s aid that Isr ael mu s t giv e up occu pied territories on the West Bank of the J ordan River a nd the Gaza Strip to have peace . But Begin made it clear that fsr ael views the matter differently. "I believe with all my heart that the Jewish people have a right to sovereignty ov~r Judea, Su maria and the Gaza Strip," he said, using the biblical names for the lands on the Wes t Bank. lie said "the Bible gives us that right" Bei;:in added that sovereignty dnd military t'Ontrol over the Wc!'.t Bank und Gaza n r c 1·:-.M·nt 1al to Israel ·s stJcurlty h\.·t·<rnsc those lands ··ure on the thn·sholdorour homcs .. Cleme nte T hief Takes S te re o, Gun Tu .. esex.~ If, 1!71 Deadloe lc Told Teachers Meet On Pay Hassle C•plttrano Unified Sc:hool Dis· trlrt leacht'l'I w•rc 1cheduled to n1l'ct Wduy at Daina Hllla H11h School ror " report on contract nl•J(ottataon11 , which lht>1r 81· 'ocll1trnn hu b d •c lare d dudl()('kt'd Stt'phaanh.• Seach. president or lhl' Capl1truno Unified Educ•· lion Anoclatlon. re9retentin1 ttachers. hu WI~ a prMa re· lease r harglni Oll\tricl Superln· tMdf!nt Jerome Thornaley and neaoliator K en Ha ll wl\h negotiating "ln bad faith." "The lHchert' usoctaUon ha& 1n1tiated an all-out campalrn to inform both teachers and com- m u n i t y I e a d e r s o ~D r . Thorn11dy'1' 1nact1vlty reg ding negohtttaons." the press r ease ~aid Sut Thornsley said today that tt was the teachers who walked out of negoUali<>M. followln& a 17 -ho ur m arathon ne10Uatlon session on Aug. 23. ·'The party that walks out should be the party to resume negotiations.·• s aid Thornaley. "All they have lo do is give us a call ·· In the meanUme. trustees vot· ed ~·2 Mo nday to approve teacher pay lncreaaea for teac hina experience a nd unl· vers lty trai ning . Trustees Edward Westbe rg o r Sa n Clemente and Ted Kopp or Capistrano Beach opposed the Increases. saying they should not be approved unliJ a teacher contract is signed. The approved salary hikes a m ount to Increases ranging from 2.5 to nearly 17 percent. aald Thorns ley . A beginning teacher with a bachelor's degree c urrently e arns an annual salary o f $10.SSS. An ex- ~rienced teac her with long ~ervice and a master's degree can earn as much as $23,04:>. CU EA president and chief negotiator for the teachers. Miss Seach said the contract negotia- tions, which began in May, have bogged down over s ix major is- sues . including health benefits. class size. length or contract. whs> should be in the bargaining unit, cert-a.in organ izational res ponsibilities and binding a rbitration. Santa Anas Return To Blister Coast Hane on to your hats, folks, the Santa Ana winds are here. The Na(ional Weather Service reported northwesterly winds of 20 to 30 knots today. The winds are expected to drop to fi ve to 15 knots by Wednesday morning. Th e South Coa s t Air Management District r eports the air condltion as good, due to the winds. However, the fire hazard is high. Bruce Turbeville o r the Orange C ounty F ire Department, said there is a high threat or a brush fire, but less cha nce of a grass fire because or last week's rain. "The longer the wind blows. the drier it will get," he said. He satd it is early in the. season for a Santa Ana wind <:ondition. I "The last time we had wind this early was in 1970," he said. "We had winds on Sep t. 21, fo llowed by eight days or fire. .nut theh we hadn't had any rain." \ The weather service reported winds blowing throughout f',....Page A J RODENT ... versity. And at one time, the city was prepared lo petJtion the Food and Drug Administration to test a birth control drug on the Heis ler Park squirrels. Other programs studied by former city fathers included use of an anticougulant type ~Ison. which opponents argued would mean a slow dcuth fo.r the squir- rels. And other suggestions ranged from shoolln~ the pests, or mov- in~ a nuturul pn•c..lalor into thdr nc1ghhorh00<l Brandl 11a1cl u rcprt11enlnlivc or tht.' <'OUnt y '11 a.c rkultura I dl'· purtment will be on hunc..I lo cit • pluln the MU c urtrld111c ex termination pro)(ram when tht· Citr Council mlltit11 tonlMhl itt 11 ()' (' /OCk centr al and Southern California. including mountain and desert areas. The Orange County Harbor Departme nt re ported sm a ll craft advisories from Point Conception to Rincon Point and a s far out as San Nicholas Is land. · At. the beach. Bud Belsbe. captain of the Newport Beach lifeguards. sa id the surf is one to two feet. "It's an offshore wind, .. he said. "It has a tendency to rlatten the sea and blow the waves down. It will be like a lake out here tomorrow." ~~Man Edwin Nelson . Dead at 85 Edwin A. Nelson, who spent the last dozen years oI his retire- ment in Laguna Beach, is dead at the age or 85. The former General Mot.ors Acceptance Corp. executive died Thursday at South Coast Com- munity Hospital after a month- long illness. He was born in Streator, 111. and was a veteran of World War 1. After retiring from General Motors, the active businessman sold reai estate in Santa Monica and Brentwood. He made his home in Pacific Palis ades before moving to Laguna Beach 12 years ago with his wife. Elizabeth. The couple were active in St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Chu r ch in Ltlaunu 8 eo-ch. Mr. Nel!K>n Is 11urvivcd by hl11 wlCe . of ttw fDm lly hosnc nt 1446 Glcn ncyr c St : 11011 ProftH111or K<'llh 1 •. Nt•lfion of rrvlnl', and .i r 11 n d du u ..i h l ti r K n l h ll r In 1• Nt•ll\On Memorial S<'rvlct'11 Wl're h<'ld lhlH momln~ ul Sl C11th~rln1• or S l l'n11 Colholl r Chun•h fHH hurlul WAl'I to h<• conduch'd hy the Neptune SocMy Clff Cutulln11 l11lnnd. Stereo equipment and a cap Frottt Pap A I Ubrary Help Wanied Librarian Shelley New gives her S·year - old daughter Becky some help with her reading al the R. H . Dana School library The library is looking for volunteer aides for two hours a d ay. and mterested people ma y get mort-infor mation by calling Mrs :-.i~w al 496-2666 f're•Pa,,.A I SECRET MEETING. • • O em e nte Man Faces Charge s criminal burdens or proof. and when they voted to close the in as much as I h ave no airport and e nd a controversy fn p t Ar l knowledge or the discoveries over its safety . 0 r es s ubsequent to the investigation The controversy was brought A s Cl t · t of this office, I cannot and will to a head last year when an an emen e ser vice s a- not render an Opl·n1·00 as to the . tlo n e mployee was a rrested aircr aft crash landed and killed M d · r civil liability of the city . . . .. on ay or. susp1c1on o possess-a 5·year -o ld girl n ear the ing marijuana and hashis h and Evans said this morning that airport. trying to furnish the illegal he had wrestled with the prob· drugs to a mmor lem of whether the council's A pohce spokesman said today closed session in April t.o con· Fro• P~ A I s ider closin g th<. airport fell that Ernest Car l Mace. 22. of 150 W Escalones. was ar rested at within exceptions allowed under TRIAL Chrf'c: Arco Service. s24 N. El the Brown Act. · • • . • Camino Real. "In light of that standard of h A ;uvemle arrested earlier at proof and given the priority we t e errant hus ba nd. Joaquin tht station on suspicion of taJuna had to assign to cases here. it Shelton. ... just wasn't going to make it.·· That Shelton bounced back money from lhE: cash drawer and forth between his wife and told pohce that a stat100 atlen· Regardless or the outcome or the victim is beside the point. dant had tried t.o convince the any civil case, Evans s aid. he Carter said. youth to "-smoke dope" with doubts his office ever would "Pat Proferes did nothing. ham . thE: spokesman s aid prosecuteinthecase. absolutely nothing to deserve to Office.rs who returned to the -~=---.. ---..-". Sbo truly was ... ..,,.-""'11 .... ,.-... sl..,atj9o_f9und I. I rams of man· "It'!! not a question of racts ~ a nul . .::i .. .. ·•u• d 6 a n· ·1·nooc"'nt •·t "t t m . ''·th"" ~ana an . grams o as is an but a legal problem," he said. "' " "' ..... '" · '-'-d (' ... th d prosecutor said as he called for E: a ~u::n an s ca. . ey sa1 . In their c1v1l suit. the San a murder conviction. 1 Mace was scheduled l.p appear Juan pilots charge that the city J u st a s c er l a in in h 1 s today m South Orange County • violated tbe California Environ-arguments. Merwin insisted the Municipal Court menta l Quality Act in returning evidence at the trial could not the a I rport pr operty to its support a murder conviction. original owners by closing the Time and again he referred to airport. six witnesses who said they knew the defendant and believed They aiso contend councilmen her lo be incapable of violence \'IOlaled the Brown Act by meet-Using elaborate prop~ and mg in secret t.o discuss airport diagrams. Merwin showed the closure and that returning the jury why he belie ves Mrs land to its or iginal o wners Shelton couldn't see the victim mar ked an unt'onstitutional gift when the fatal shot was fired. or public property He also reminded \.he jury that Shelton had testified that when Pr e tr ia l h earin gs are th e window screen cras hed scheduled lo resume in the case down. he j umped from the bed Oct. 12 before Superior Court and was yelling at his wife in the Judge Robert Banyard in Santa d a r k n es s whe n the ,, u n Ana. exploded. 0 The re was no antagonism The city took possession of directed at the victim. Merwin Capistrano Airport in 1969 when said in h.is closing argument. owners deeded the property lo H e d i s p ut e d C a rt e r · s San Juan in a bid t-0 redu~e contention that Mrs Shelton mounting property taxes on the a c t e d w I t h · · m a I 1 l' e lnnd adjacent lo an industrial a forethought" and knowing the "11rk conseque nce or her act. essential T hnt deed contained a clause components in murder whil'h provided for owners to re· But It will be the JUry later tod ay that will debate Mrs <'OVl'r ownership of the 14-acre Shelton ·s stale of mind that propt'rty if th · uirport ever early Sunday morning when the t'lo1tcd • attractive 29 year·old woman ( ·0111wlhnl'n knew of the clause was mortally wounded. T e nnis Court Me ters Voted T~nn 1 s pl a ver<t on San Clem ente 's seven mun1c1pal courts w11l be teedlOJ! SO t'eats into com meter<; to pay for each 45 minute!' of piay. follow1n~ a unao1mou.-. City Council volt-to pay for court mamtenanct-out or user fees Based on estimates that tht- courts are in ust-75 percent or the lime they ar(' open between 6 a . m and 10 p.m . the mete~ are expected to bran~ in about S19.000 a year. said Steve Judd. city recreation coordinator. Court m1antenanct costs rhe city about Sl6.000 annua ll y. s aid Judd 24th Hor8e Die8 SAN DIEGO 1A P1 Tht- death of thr :?4th hocs r at Bradley's Bonit a Valley farm In s • x w f' 1· k ~ w a ., u n d e r investigation today :~~ ... _., ~. ~ · :.,, .. ~. -rm-· Cf. ·rm·~·:Yt-v""1.#"'~w-• total or $1.000, were rei>o'"'r""'..._ ..... ~(J -----~:;"Yil:t.a';;e~:~:t;t~~:a:.IQ:;n.::t.t~b:l~· s tolen Mol)day from the San Clemente home of Cynthia Ru.n- nell. 3304 Ave. del Presidente. Apt. I. Police had no information to· day on how entry lo the apart- ment was made. ORA NOE COAST 1 " DAILY PILOT ~...r.:..~ .. ~:.1r~:. .. r,-:=;:::;::o.=. (.nA\t Pivbl1')Jll1!'tiQ (.,.,...n't' \lotr4'tP HltltO"r\ ~P ouOl1._,..\I MoM tf IPWWQ1' '"ct.v ,C)f (O'\I• Ml ,,. Nflwuo•t 8••t,_ Hu"tl"'OtOf'I e.i-""''°"" t••l'I Vilh•y Irwin•. \4ddltbt<ll Vatt•y ttf'Wl l-""'"' ~~CN\t AWMll•,......,...lt<h ftOf\ I\ Ovt>41~d \•l"'d·O\ .... ~¥\ ,..... ~;;,.;c>-C!t,t:C::~;'l~~llr:~l~\.;~h))) INP\t t\4'f f ""'-""·-P#f \1 .. nl 6"' Publl\NM Joo•,,....,, Vlt tt vo,fO.nl •"4 a.,.., .. -.._~, '~i:,~""'' n;:::;.~rt07't b..r1 .. " I.ff• •l<MN ~ ..... """' ... ' w ........ £9110'\ .._ ... Kttomc. n .. 0-.-.s. .... 1 .,..n1,,. .-... ~ 0. llo•* '1•11 Otflc .. c:o.1.,..,..., uow.,,...,_ """""r."' .. "'" '""""·~~ .... -·~~~:~r:.:~i:i~.~·• llOOCI Tel~ (7HIM1-4*21 C1•tttfted AdY•rttelflt tu.Mn Leou111 .. .Cfl AM 09pllftnwn--: T...,.._..•4 ...... ,,M~'le"""4o ...... ' Oswald was identified as the killer The committee Is welJJhlna the m e rits of a mya.ter io u s intelligence report sugge~tlng that Os wald hinted to <.;ub1i1n orrtcials at the consulate thlll he mig ht kill Ke nnedy and that Castro learned of this before the assassination. . The committee, took public testimony a bout the secret report. but the committee's chief counsel. Robert Blakey. said Cuban authoriUea blamed the Central lntelllgence Agency for circulatlng the report as a "dis information" tactic to implicate Cuba ln Kennedy's death. , Biakey said the committee ha• reached no Jud,ment on the o verall reliablllty or the Intelligence source. More specifically. he uld. "whether the source provided reltatHc information In this In s tance ls an iaaue the com m lU ee mu1t d ecide In December" aj? U .. PT•P'r• a report .. The committee then ended public examination of 01wald's interest In Cuba and Mexico and turned lta attention to the Secret Service and the quality of the protection it provided Kennedy. The •UHO•tlon that the Cuban • • leudcr had some tnkllng or 011wald 1s pion emerR('d In 1007 In n Nutlonal Enqulr('r arllclll hy Co m ('r C lurk , a Hrlll 11 h frcc·lanc(! journalll'lt who died In 1972. Clark wrote t hat Castro told him In an inturvlew: "Ye~. t heard of Lt..~ Harvey 011wald'K plan to kill Prealdent Kennedy. It's possible that l could h11vt saved him. I mi1ht have be n able to, but I dldn 't. I never bellned \ht' plan would be put Into effect." Clark quoted Cal'Jtro 111 saylna Cuban orrtciata told him or 01wald'1 vlalt to the Mexico Clty consulale about two months be f ore K e nned y wa s daa11lnated In D1llaa on Nov. 22. 1963. Clark claimed Castro said he wu told O.wald aald "t0meone ought to shoot that Pre•ldenl Kennedy" and that he ml1ht do lt hlmaelf. Q\l••tloned about the account. Cattro tald he never /ranted Clark an interview an called the stocy absurd.. "I didn't uy that ." Ca11tro HHrted. "It has been Invented from the be,Jnn.ln1 until the end. 1t'1 a Ue. I thl• man <OawaJd ) would have done somethlnt like that, tt would have been our moral duty to Inform th• United States." Fall Is here in style at P.O.S.H.! Select from our new a rrivals o f natura lly comfortable. traditionally tailored ta ll suits & sport coats. Gennemen't Cloft1lnO !Nplred by lodltlon 46 Falnlon IMOnd. ··~ (?W)~lO ' ... J7 ~· ,. ) . .. Orange Coast EDI TION Today's Cleslag N.Y. Steek8 z VOL. 11, NO. 262, 3 SECTIONS, JO PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNl,I. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 N TEN CENT~ \. 'Bust' to Follow County HoIDe BooID?· 8 ) PHILIP ROSMAU °'-~ .... --- •.• think 1ou·re in troubll> ·· JOurnah!lt Ill run Mayer. aulhor nf "1'h~ BuUd.-n1, • a bMk about lh ~ hou~rnll industry, t old Orange t..•ounty homebu1lder1> Mondny tli pr~dlctton echoed the 1A1arnlngs o( h\$ book that tht• OranK\! Count y hoURlng m3rke\ L'I overdue for c.'ollapse llls remarks wer made bdore a me tin• •l the Alrport r l"n or the tlome Rulldert Council of tne Bcutdml( Industry Aa~lutlon. M uycr aald the collapse would huve been evident now but Cur rour ract.on. Tbe tirowt.h of inJlatlonary psy c ho loty ... P eople arc pleased," May"r a;uid, "rather than upset 11od discouraged. that the houae they bought ..for • s100.ooo lbday. sold ror $78,000 lut year -beeause they lhlnk next year they wlll get $125,000. ". ProJ>Q&tJon 13. Though the property tax relief shourd "'have triggered a boom or apartment housing, it hasn't happened yet. Ma er asserted. partly because academics who advise the in· dustry haven't realized th e potential profit for il. "lt seems to take about three years," May~r said. "to get a Af' ,._ •Y "'-1-Mk••Y c h a n ge in'to the heads o r any b ody at a unive rsity. Some body has to tell them several Uma that a change has occurred. betore it sinks in." -A 30 percent appreclatiOI\ of the Japanese yen. . "There's a lot o( foreign money around," Mayer s aid. "Impressive quantities are com· ing into California from Japan, from Germany. Everything looks cheaper over here to them ." -School buslng in Los Angeles County. The mandatory busing plfn has driven people to buy homes in Orange County, he in· die at ed. All four or those factors. cur rently encouraging the market, •·still have time to run. b.ut with diminishing rorce.' · he said. Mayer said it is important for the Carter Administration to "knock the head off inflation." which he predicted would again be In double digits by next year. •'The Administration is going to have to face up to the fact that you can 't kiss things and make them well.'' -Proposition f3 wilt have a re. larding effect upon people's will- ingness to sell old homes to buy new ones. be said, particularly in light or assessment rules that establish a 1975 assessment on CSee BOOM_. _Page .\2) Jordan Nixes Su •tAccord BEIRUT. Lebanon CAP> - King Hussein of Jordan today dissociated his nation from the Camp David accords . A government s°pokesman in the Jorda nian capital said Hussein had a telephone dis- cussion of the agreements with Crown Prince Fahd o( Saudi Arabia before Hussein presided over a four-hour e mergency session or hls Cabinet. Hussein also telephoned Presi· dent Hafez Assad of Syria. The development was viewed as a setback for President Cart e r . who hoped to win Jordan's support. "Jordan is n ,t obligated morally or materially by the· agreements sil(Jled at the Camp David summit." said the Jordan- ian spokesman. Meanwhile, Palestinian guer- * * * r illa leader Vasser Arafat vowed today to s trike at American interests throughout the Arab world in retaliation for the Camp David Middle East peace agreements. Syrian Prime Minister Moh a mme d Aly Halabi la unched the most s cathing Arab assault on the accords con- cluded under Carter's aus pices <See JORDAN. Page i\2l * * * ONDtNE (LEFT>-i WINDWARD PASSAGE BATTLE IN SAN FRANCISCO BAY JFK_ Death Begin. Vows Israel Bid Denied To Keep W. Bank At Blossom Rock Buoy Off Alcatraz, Some Breathless Moments on the Jibe 1 IAteals_ Lead SF Raees Five Maxi-yachts Battk I or Trophies By ALMON LOCKABEV o.11,f'O.t...,i'"IWtliw SAN FRANCISCO They are calling them the super stars of yacht racing. and the fi ve maxi- yachts 167 to 84 feel) in lhe St. Francis Yacht Club's Big Boat Series lived up to the tag Mon- day in u 27·mile gc.ar busting race on San Fr ancisco Bay. For the most part, the five r<1c es for perpetual trophies t urned out to be a Southern California show. The elapsed time winner in the first race for the St. Francis perpetual was Fred Preiss' 84- foot Christine. But it was a case of the first shall be last and the las t s ha ll be firs t because Christine, the scrat~h boat. fa iled to save its time over her four competitors. There was only one minute a nd L7 s econds between Christine and Jim Kilroy's 79- foot ketch Kialoa which finished last and saved her time to take corrected time honors. During the race the elapsed lime lead changed four limes before the final weather lei{ Huntington Killing Slain Biker's Kin Admits Bar Curse By RAYMOND ESTRADA JR. 01 .... o.11,,.1 ... sta11 death. Fero died at Huntington lntercommunity Hospital about three hours after he was knifed in the back, officials said. along the city shore to the finish in f ron t of the St. FYC c lubhouse. Sumner A. ''Huey" Long's 79.Jool sloop Ondine grabbed the start off Treasure Island but was s oon overtaken b y Mark J o hnson 's 73·foot s l oop Windward Passage which had been forced to restart. Both boats normally are rigged as ketches, but are being sailed as sloops here. On the run lo Blossom Rock off Alcatraz. Passa~e main· tained a slim lead und the two yachts gave the s pectators ashore and afloat a thrill by rounding up sharply on the jibe from a run to a reach. Christine showed a good tum of speed on the first weather leg. but was overtaken by Passage when she split her number one genoa and had to go down lo a number two jib. lt was an afternoon of reefing drills and sail changes for all hands as the northwesterly wind whistled up to 25 knots against a flood tide. An early s urprise in the big boat battle was to sec Bill Lee's <See YACHTS, Page A2 > By Castro . w ASHINGTON tA.P) -Cuban President Fidel Castro says it wotfld' flave been "a tremendous insantity" for Cuba to have plotted the murder of President J ohn F. Kennedy, the House Assassinations Committee reported today. "r am going to tell you here that nobody. nobody, ever had the idea of s uch things.·• Castro s aid during a four-ho ur interview with committee members and investigators last April. · The committee played portions or the tape -recorded interviews during its hearings today. Re p ealing his cons is tent denials of Cuban involvement in the assassination of Kennedy. Castro said: , "Never in 20 yea r s of revolution. I never heard a nyone s uggest nor even s peculat e about a measure of that sort, because who could think of the idea of organizing the death or lhe preside nt of the United States. "That would have been the most perfect pretext for the Unite d Slates to invade our country, which is what ( have ~tried to prevent for all these years. in every possible sense. <See CASTRO, Page A2> WASHINGTON <AP) -Prime Minister Menachem Begin told Congress today tba1, Israel bas no W\tcntion ol .giving_up_jts claim to tovereignty or its rig))t lb statiort·troops in ·disputed areas oC the West Bank and t.be Gaza Strip. Begin told leade rs of the House in a breakfast meeting th at they s hould n o t misinterpret the Camp David accords to mean that Israel has committed itself to restoring Arab sovereignty to those lands. which it captured in the 1967 war. Begin commented as ile and Egyptian Presid e nt Anwar Sadat visited Capitol Hill to meet with congressional wade~ and talk about the rece ntly concluded summit. Meanwhile, Secret ary of Slate Cyrus R. Vance added Syrian * * * U.S. May Pay $I Billion for Israeli Bases President Hatez Assad to the list ·or Arab leaders he will visit to explain the Ca mp David agreemen.Ls..and...sttk..fillRROJ1.lm:. the m . He previously scheduled slops in Jordan a'1d Saudi Arabia on the trip which begins tonight. (See BEGIN. Page A2> . Will He Lose Ear in Fight Over Beer? ., A dispute over the sale of a six-pack of beer led to a fight Monday night that may cost a Newport Beach man a chunk oC his left ear. Newport Beach police said they are looking for four athletic young men. possibly college.age wrestlers, who were involved in the fight that separated Daniel Neira. 22. from a three-inch by a half-inch piece o! bis ear . Neira. or 4200 River Ave. Wa8" rus h e d lo H oag Me morial Hospital by police. Doctors WA SH r NG TON <A p 1 sewed the piece back in place. C t t. f ·i· · but reported they were unsure ons rue aon o two mt itary air whether the operation would be baeses in Israel's Negev Desert successful. will be an Israeli operation with According to police reports, the United States paying lhe bill, Neira refused to sell a six-pack which could range from $300 million to about Sl billion. a Pen· of beer to a youthful looking The mourning sister of a s lain Huntington Beach motorcyclist con firme d today that s he scattered her brother's ashes al the dtfwntown saloon where he was stabbed Sept. 8. Jude Negrini, 37, of Newport neach. said she threw lhe ashes Mrs. Negrini said the ashes were scattered al the saloon and along Pacific Coast Highway fro m Hunting ton Beach to Newport Beach in hopes "that l ·u take notice and comr ~J~f9rrpaf o!! about tagon spokesman said.today. c ustomer at t he Slop'N Go N E • Thomas B . Ros s, the m a rk e t a l 4555 W. Coas t ewport ngineer spokesman, said cost estimates Highway Monday afternoon. are "very preliminary" and that The angl')'. young man agreed a great deal of planning lies to meet ~ear.a when h~ got olf .,.-r--,:;. ............ -.r~ Dog.. F ero. 41 . lh-roug1T''flf~· louvered 'Yindows in front of the Main Street Saloon, 117 Main S\., durigg a "funeral" held last Wednesday. Police said today they have no sus pects now in cus tody in connection with Fe ro's sta bbing Coast Weather Clear through Wednes. day Lows 55 to 60. Highs Wednesday 82 to 92. INSIDE TODA~ New itote eMTflJI ~' are going to hit homeowner• who wont to add rooms with all lddl Of ~stricticms and red tape. See Page A7. a •• • ~ ., •t.s ., • '" M M ,. ':)'Tl1u~ "Be fore this is over there will be a nother death," said Mrs . Negrini when she cast •·a curse" on tbose s he asserted were <See ASHES, Page AZ I Winds_ Topple Tree, .Cut Off UIM Pou:er ' A tree toppled by the 25·knol Santa Ana winds pulled doWn a power line in Corona del Mar this morning, leaving more than 500 customers without eleclrici· ty for three hours. A spokesman for the Southern California F.dison Company sald the power went out briefly at 6:55 a.m. and came tiack on asaln briefly, but went out com· pt.etely at 7:06 a .m. Power was · restored about 10: 15 a .m. He said .a tree near the in· tenect.ion of First and Carnation avenues reU into the power Une, causins the outage. The outage afrectea b01ne11 south of Eaat Coast Highway between Carnation and Haiel avenues and kno~ked out the traffic lights at Marguerite and Poppy at the highwa)' T(. es· ~ri· :gnr1· ·t~;i··ll~,~ J.w<ob 'ahead . But he made clear the work at mtdrught fo~ a f1gh~. • -~-!!!ma::.ie,mr4W~~~-.. ~oUW. • ~eir:~ Witnesses .lo the r1g~t said the wtl 'ltf-8U.!S;'1"'Jft'j · -;-~~ s we~ up with three by som.e form of repayable loan police • how Nefra ecame N e wport Beach 's traffic engineer. Bill Darnell, has an· nounced his resignation to join a private consulting firm. Darnell's resignation was con· firmed today by Public Works Director Joe Devlin who said it will become eff~tive on Nov. 1. Darnell's resignal.Ion came at the same time that Beverly Wood, the city planner who ad- ministers environmental impact reports. announced her resigna- tion. 1Ms. Wood plans to form a con· suiting firm in the Oceanside area which will prepare environ. m e ntal doc ume nts for de· velopers. Darnell has been the city's traffic engineer for five years. Devlin said four other public works employees have resigned recentlr. They are: -A Beingessner, who will leave his post as an assistant civil engineer to join the firm of Robert Beln, William Frost and Associate!\. -Eldon Oavidson, who will leave his post as an assistant civil engineer to Join the Irvine Ranch Water Djstrlct. Gary Warkentin and Jim May. who will leave their Jobs \ °""' ""' .......... QUfTS IN MN.PORT Traffic CtHf O.rn•H a.s drallamen to Join the Irvine Ranch Water District. Devlin said all tht res lana· Uons are eff ecuve Nov. 1. or credit. . "We would compensate the s~p~rated from ~1s ear .. The Is raelis for their withdrawa l" victim speculated it was bitten from two major air bases in the off. . . • Sinai, Ross said. He Indicated Neira. said be wasn l even the Negev projects probably aw~re his ear had been tom of£ would be costly because tbet until the fight was over and the would replace "what I gather four youths left the scene. are sophisticated bases." The two bases to be vacated are at El Arisch ort the northern 0: -'--''O ~inai coast, where the Is raelis C u.:1reroo I O .,um a 9,500-root runway after the 1973 war, and al Ebion in lhe southern Sinai in position to cover the key Gulf of Aqaba. "The Israelis probably will put out contracts to build it themselves." Ross said. He said he would not rule out "the possibility or a few U.S. military technicians who might be involved in Ute planning and cost estimate phases, but not in the construction phase." The Pentagon spokesman ,1so said be would not anticipate any Involvement by the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers, unllJce in Saudi Arabia and Iran where the Atqtf Enatneers and other U.S . milita ry personnel have taken '· major hand In constructing military bases under proJffts p•ld for by the two oll-produclna • countries. I Competition ln2nd Week Th e se co nd week o f competition for $1,500 in Pigskin Plckeroo '78 prizes is under way following a record number of entries, Hundreds of Orange Coast football fa ns pitted their prognostlcalJon skills in the first of 10 weekly Pickeroo contests. Each week a television set and radios from Dunlap Appliances In Fountain Valley are awarded W. readers who best predict the out~ome of 30 weekend gridlron battles. For details and an entry blank turn to page BC. • J Al D.tJL y PlLOT N ,.,... P•9f' I CASTRO: 41N ANITY'. • • l''rorn ltll' 1dt."Vlo111rul pomt of \h:w. ll WH lnun And from the> poUtlcal Point of vt('w. It wos .i lt l'lllt'ndous lfhu ott)' " Cua.tro 1>01d h•• knl•w nothmic ubuut IA • llurvt•\ Ot.lo\ .ild l•M (),,. uld'i. \hilt to lh1.· t'ub•n ron~11f(llt> in Mc-11IM C1t:r unlll 1tflt:r Kt·urwd\ "'uio. "lu111 1u1d 01\o\llld lo\U!\ hJt•Ollfll'IJ ,1, lhe klllt·r 'rh,• e<lmmtth't' t Ytt·111h1nai the Ill f' I I I ., II ( ,1 m \ ' I l' f I 11 U " ERA Voturg Protested C RSO!I: C'ITV . Nt•\ 1 1• 1 I\ t'onlN>\ t•r.,.1al udni.orv vc-.tt• on tht• 1'~1~11.il H11<htli Amt•ndmc•nt "'11" 11 r d e r ~ d p I u r l' d tt n l'\;t•\'iCJct' Nu\e mbt•r b1tllol l 11 (f U )' I n 11 l I ., l.'t I 1• ~up11•nw l'ourt tlt•1•1:.ion 1' h t• 11 I.I t' ' I I fJ n '4 .1 ' 0 111111:<1,•il b\ u µro ~HI\ "rou11 un .:round>. mu11) i l• •U .., l.J t Or II h U V l' ~ 111 d thn 'II bus1.• tht:ir vote 011 1-:HA n•xt sprlnl( on lhe ~uh i..c1r\-\t1l1r1u n·,ults, "'hll'h 111 cdft•e t muke:o. 1t mon· th<in <.111" 1:,1Jr) Tht•n · 1::. no µru' l!>IOr> for ullowin& votes liy \he Pl'OPll• on mutters hkt! E HA which could rct.ult 11'1 lJ S Coni.titution ratrf1C"ullonl'I Newport Sets Department Of Utilities Uy the ftrbt of next m onth. Nt•wport lkul'h will have a nl•W 1•11 ~ dl·partml•nt to oversee thl' <·II\ ·s watt·r. !'>l'Wl·r and street h~ht 1ng o~rutwm1. Tlw creation of the ulilit1c1> de· p;1 rl ml·nl . to IH.' lwadccl hy tur r1•111 l'ulili<' Work!> Dlrcl'lor Joe: l>t•\ 1111. hu:. !Jccn approH~cl by 1h1· 1·11y council l'ndl'r the propos<JI. Dt•vlln "111 t ;.ik1· ov l·r lht• 15 m .in ut1htui11 d\lpartmcnt. u1dt!d by u nrrtttt cnmPt'rtnt cmtenr The nr ~:.tant ut1l1tici. ~UJ)l'rintendcnt liOMtwn wtll be c hmi11utcd . Ol·vlin't. us1>1i.tant . Bt!n Nuhm. wi II IJl·1·um1: pub he worki. 1.h rec lor. If I!> former post i:lllSO Will be 1·l1m in:11t'l1 rn1m tllt· cily':. lll'r'oOOOt'I l'O!ooh•r l'1I v Man:i~1·r llohnt Wvrin 1·-.t 111l utt•cl I hl• 1t•or1-l;11111.:Ji 11111 '' 111 sa\l' the c:ll \ about ~0.000 u ~l'<lf ir1 i.aluril·:o. · l~ro,,. Pa.-11 I ASHES •.. "1thholclinJ.t 111format1on uhout lhl· death of her brother, M rs Neg rin\ sai d in a telephone interview that the curse was also aimed at her urother':. att<ickcr who s he c:laims 111 a Huntington Beach man. M rtt. Nc~rini t11.1id she believes I.he fight in wbicb her brother wai; s tabbed was prom pted by un uritumenl over a woman. Uut llW1tington Beach police Sgt Hert Chadwick said there may have been m any motives for the stabb111g. Chadwick suld no cha r ges huve bl'en filed ugainst Mrs Ne1-1rini or any of thl' friends and rl'lut1vei. who rcportudly helped her scatt('r the ashes. tnlttll"l'nce n•wrt auw.coat1n& th•t Os wald hinlt>d to Cuban otflclall at the con.ul1tc1 th1d ht! mi1ht klll Kennedy and lhit C11tro I ar~ of thlt befor&i the JllliHainution Th committee Look publlr \\•11 \lmon)' about thl• Ktll'r••t rt'1H>rt . hul tht· 1•11mmiU cl''t. C'h•l·f l'tJUn.,..I llotwrt Oluk~y. ¥i11d Cuban uuthor1th•11 blamf'd th(• Central lnt1•lllaienct> Att~ncy for t·1rtuJutln1t tht' report •~ a d t111 nfo1 mulJOll · t.1ct1r lo 1m11ll t•ot1· C 'uliu 111 K1•11nl'dy ':. rtt"Jlh Ul1tk t') 1w1tJ Uw l'nmmlltct• h1111 rC J('ht<d nu Jud1o1Jnl'nt <Ill lht• u' HalJ rdu.luJJ1y of lb•· 1nlelll.ien<·l· MJun· • Mnn• "lll't'1fi l'Ulh . h,• tHHd. ""ht•lhl'r the: i.ourl'l' pruvtd,•d rl'11.1blv t11f<1rnu1tu.in 1n thli. 1n,l1tlll't' 11> Ull Ja.HUl' tht' 1·0 111m1ltl'l' mui.t dl•t·l<.ll' 1n Ot'l.'l'mb,•r ' Ub II pn•111trt•11 u ••·vu rt Wof er for lndwit111 'I h(• <·ornm1ttn thc:11 l'ndcd publ1r l'lC1J11Hnut11111 uf 01>wufu 's lnlt'ft•wl m ('ulm .. md Ml'.ICl<'ll ull<J 111rm·d ll!> utlt•nlum to tile Sc<·1('1 Se •' ice 111111 tht-111wllty of Uw protection 11 wov1d~tJ Kcnnt'dy The l'IU.lU:c:i.11011 lhwl the C ubMn leudcr had '>u m e inkllna of Os" .ild'• pl .. 1n l'merged In L987 in a N utwnul t-:n14uircr urt1dc hy t'o m l•r t'lurk . a Ur1t1 s h fn•t: Juncl' JOUrnahi.l Who du~d In 1972 \\'orkml'n lor lht· Co111r1 Construction Coinpun~· la~' portion of i.J nl'W pip<.'linl• th~1l "111 t-<irr~ "~·tc.·1· lrom Sun Jouquin H 1 • ~ 1..· 1· \ 1111· 1 11 t h 1.• I n · 1 n l' I n d u s t r i a I ('um pll·\ I l'\'llll' Ha n th W<J ll'f' D1s tr1<:l 1n·111t·<·I 1:, un1.kr \\ U} ulong~1dt• ford Ro<.1<1 nl•<-Jr Sun Mig ue l Orin• in N~wport Beat'h Tht• 24-rnt-h p1pellnl' will link up with IHWD system ul Unrvl'rs tt~· Onvt-and M<.trArthur 8oul1.•\·urd by nc.•xt f\•bnwry. <J('Cordmg lo wut~r <.h l-.tnct offir1als Fro• Pa~AI Clurk wrok thut Castro told him In un rntcrvicw· "Yes. I heard or Lt•l' llurvey Oswuld's µlito tu kill PreRldcnt Kenm.'Cly It's poss1hl<' thut I could ha\'<.' suved him. I n11Kht huve bec11 able to. but I didn't I never believed tht• plun would be put into effect ... YACHTS BATTLE IN SAN FRANCISCO • • • Clark quot~ Custro uE. suy1111( Cubun ofr1ciult. told him of Os wuld 's v1s1t to the Mexico City consulcHt> about two monthi; before Kenned y was uss1tsainated in Dallas on Nov. 22. 1963 Clark chume.d Castro swd he wus lold Oswald suid "someone ought lo shoot that President Kennedy" and that he m ight do 1t himself. QU('flllOnl-d about the iiCCOUnt. Cast r~1 s uid ht• never urcmted Clark an 1ntcrvit!W and called the blory ubsurd. :-.uperllght. 67·foot sloop Mcrllt1 fi'or the s ma lle r boats in the drop far buck of the fleet in the City of San F'ranclsco. Atlantic. early l(Oing Keefe-Kilborn and Rheem races It w<is virtually out of s ight 1l was also a day of..Jruslration. ustcrn und out of the race as the busted gear. and blown out sails leaders bunched in a s udden as ~he strong winds a nd tricky wind calm al'! they approached currents took their toll. Alcatraz on the lcewar.d run. The great.est frustration was With nothing to lose a nd every-for a do~en boats m the Rbi:em llun~ to gum. Lee steered a fropfiy series who were· teTC cotd l'oursc north of lhe b land and and wet on the course whe n the p1ckl'd u11 a brisk northerly race committee. h oldin g to a breeze that pul Merlin around fi ve-hour time limit. buU.oned up the murk ahead of the fl eet wilh their stop watches a fter the first what appeurl'd lo hc a comfortii· few boats in the group had blc ll"ad for tht• b c1.1 t t() the finished. Several skippers ure r.nis h . protesl,!ng the committee But again Merlin was un1tble to When 1t was :.ill over and t h(' stand up to the freshenlnA wind. crews were celcbratinri their t•vtm :.ifter tuckmi,t <1 double red \'IClOne!> or makmg excuses for Coyote Point Yacht Club 2. Imp. Duvld Allen . San Fra ncisco Yacht Club 3. S ilver Fox. Bob Ke lle her. Long Beach Yacht Club. • Richard Rheem Trophy f pend- ing protest 1. 1. Wild Turkey. J ames Gosper . Sydney . Australia 2. Sunchaser. Chris Gasparich . St. FYC 3. Tres Hermanos. Stee le a nd Myers. N HVC. The big boat crews will have a day of rest today while the Etchells-·22 fleet sails i"he thrrd and fourth races of the ir three· d:.iy regult<• The big bo<.tl~ will resume action Wednesday 11nd wind uµ Friday und Salurduy "I didn't say that. .. Castro a si-.ertcd. ··it hus liccn invented from t he beginninJ( until the end Jrru n nH1S" mIDrTO-~nn-­ would have done something ltke that. it would have been our moral duty to inform the United States." 1n its m:.11n'sl and chitnKrng lo a thl•ir <.!cleats in thc <:lubhousl\ G ~mall ·r heac1s ·1. -bur here is how t he final results ustaf Brelan tonrr<!m1tin1r""lllrt"lobhom;c--:ttood --...---"'=-o....;;;.~=----- finr:sh Merlin h<td been pu!>sed by St. Francis Perpetual Trdphy. Christine. Ondinc and Wlndwurtf I Kialoa 2 Windward Pa:-1su~e Dead at 83 • Passage. fmiHhin~ only seconds 3 Oncl1nc I. Merlin 5. Chri:.line ' ahead of Klaloe1 Cily of Sun F ra ncisco Trophy , New RomBnce? Prince, Emigre Linked LONDON tt\P I -The lulcst girlfril•nd or Pnnec C harles is c mi gn• Czech Cou nlt'!>~ Angcl1ku L<.1zcnsky. three London tabloids reported tod<1y. The Sun. Mirror and Mail said tht-' countess liv~s in Paris. where she works for an organization culh:d fnternalional Public Rcl<ttions Associates. Nont-of the papers reported he r age. Thr romantc begun when the l'Ouple met 1ast .vcur Ill Fr;.ince und blossomt.1d lust weekend when the countess wus a guest al Balmoral. lhe queen's S<:ottish home. the nl'wsp<.1pcrs said . The reports were discounter! by Buckin ghum Pul<fl'C. "Th~ lady in question i-.tuyed ut Balmorul. presumably as the prince's g u est ;tnd just one of muny f1itmds. ·· suid a spokesman who refused to be identified. · Rugs, Gems, Art Newport Burglars t Whistle winu v. H astin~s SerVI·ces Set tlarcourt. Sunta Hurbartt Yacht Club 2. Swifls urc. Nick l''retzcc. Sun Diego Yucht Club. A ti antic Tropny. I. High Holer. Bill Power·Kirk Elliott. N ll YC 2. Blue Northe r . Bill Sullivan. Los An~l'lcs Yacht Club 3. S(:undulous .. Bill Pu!>coe . NHYC. K l'du · Kill.lorn Trophy. 1 L eading Ludy . Stun l<ciisch. Hoag Center Rites Slated Dl'dlcution cerl'monics will bt· l'ondu<·tcd Thursduy at thl' nc" .I o h n S t a u f f l' r I n t c r f a I I h Spiri tual Cen t e r ut H oug Memorial Hospital An 012£!1 house for thl' publlt- v.-1 11 follow the cere monies thut slurt ul 2 p rn The 2.100-i.quarc foot center incl u<.lcs the hm1p1tal ·., sorial :iCrvlces depurtmcnl. chapt.>I und c:haplu1n·s offll'1·. Thl· tlcd1<:utlon wi ll be held Jn th1· C'Ourtyurd adjacent to the rhupcl The opl·n huuse "111 b\• from 2.30 pm. to 5 p.m P r ivate funeral services are lo be conduct(.'(i this week for long lime Orange Coast resident G uslaf A Bre lan who died Saturday at the age or 8.1. Mr Brei an moved to Newport Beuch in 1957 after retiring as the a ssista nt credit m;ma~er for the U .S and Canada for thl· General Motors Acceptun<.·l• Corp During ht8 sluy in Newport Beuch. Mr. Hrela n wus fflive 1n a variety of community groupi-. lie served as un elder of St An dn·w·s Presbytcnan Chun·h lie also w<.1s a membl'r of the Irvine <.:0<1st C.:ountry Club In 1974. Mr Brcla n und h1i. w1ft• moved lo Lc1surl' World when· thl'Y lived al the lime of his d~ath 'lie leaves hu; widow. ls11bel Goss Url'lun. u son .• John Brehm of N<.'wpmt Bt•uch . a duu~htl'r. Kuy Pole or Nc\\port Deitch. a urothcr. Ebbe Brelun of San Diego und two .:randthildren The fumily s uggests mcmoru1I contributions to the Luke Hii is Community Church of Lugunu 1111 \s in run• o f Dr fluro ld Lcetsmu Mrs . Ncl(rini i.ald she does not fear the possihle consequen ces of the scattering or lhe asheK. 'This ii. <.i trudllional th ing in ou~~~m~:g;l~r~:,~~hcdroveup f' .:...t $118 000 Loot t? the dost'CI saloon in a black ~ ' . ~.~~,!~~A~ ·· / ~ e ~ ~ot:\lV.£}ro;r0 ~nn 1 e '\l . d~g~~. ~,~..,~-~~rMlll~~~ u8ht!:i from un urn ln t he misty Newport Bcuch home while the · Jumps. clocks and scvernl pieces af~~rnoon air. . owner was out or town got away of jewelry I um nol a ~lke.r and ~.don l wllh rugi.. jewelry und art Police said ShCAw continued his usually J<O lo that s1tloon. Mr!!. objects vulued at m ore thun Inve ntory today and will supply NeJ(rinl said. Sl 18.000, .POiice reported toduy. them with an addlllonal list of OflANOIE COAST DAILY PILOT ~~:~:~"t .. ~()11~·.~~·':,~::i:;;;;,.>to.::;, c.o. ·~···"''~''''""'P-'"• ~,~f'fllttO't\#f• pwltt1""""4' ~rtG•• uu~ ,-•'CH• lor C.m.•4' """''• .... "°" .,, •<"• ... ~.,"~'tr'" ,,.,,~,. • (Wf' '''" "'"'" ""'"• ,_.dGt•o.<-V•l•tv •"0 t ttJ·~ ... of(,. \o.;1ttC.0-'t AW!"Otit,~tlPdi t~ ••ti'•~ \.ttv•n•,., ..,.J ~n ,,,... ,. '""' 11•"" ,,.,.,wvuno ,.,~, '" .,. no w. " ,..,.. '>'"• t CO'\t• ""-"•• (..tltfon·'••"""'" ,.,~. ~ ..... , . \ltft p, Oldlt"t •ftO ~"" .. i'M,...,.I '~:~.~ ..... T11e.,.e1&...,...... ._.. ............. ... 0.t'MoM .._ 11~, .. tl A~-..\~•"' M.4tf'l•ttft!Oldllt°'' ~'"?;!!!!,°'=~.::.,~~~I ,...r ...•• ··~::r.-..m.t\h "•'•'" m•• .. :::;~i:Zf~•fhOWt , ... , •• 1 IN''"'""°" t t ,., ...... '•" '"" ... ••1• .. c..•·· Mt'-4 C.•'-'"'"1• \vlt\•' •tt•-. •r t•n••r U ,. ~~'"'' In ... ~u \.t \t f"'Oft'"'' ''""'''• CIMh•"'•.-IJ \Oml)<llhl~ , The br<:ak-in at the home of Cyrus Shaw was discovered last W e d nesduy b y u Southe rn Califo rni a Gas Comp any employee who'd gone to the , homt-to read the m eter. He found a rear window cut o pen a nd n o t ified police. Officers who lnspecWd the home said It had been ran1rncked. Shaw lilt!<! a preliminary llal of missing Items on Monday thut Included a doze n oriental rugs. ranl(lnl( In value from S2.500 to Candidate Backs Heroin SACRAMENTO IAP 1 £() Clark. tht> 1.it>c>rtoriirn Party'a candldute for governor~ s•)>• be 11uppo rt11 lcgullutlon of marl· Jua na. coculnc. h ~roln and orostltutlon. Soclety 11 hould roc u11 ll11 enerailes und money on combat· ling Rcrlous crlm e1:1 such 118 bur1tlary. rope nnd murder and leav(' udults "to live their own live!'." Clnrk '!uld Mondov .. j stolen property . According to lnvestlgutors, the thieves got Into the home by using u glass c utter to m ake a hole In n locked crank-type window. ft.cachln& lhrouab the hole. the burslara were ablt to open the wlnddw and crt.wl tnto the home. FN• Pa,,. A I . BOOM ••. property. but new UHHmenta at current level11 Ir .. the property changes ownenhlp. M ayer further predicled that for~lgn money eventu.lly will run out. and that the panic over Los Angeles school bu1lnt will abate. "We are aolna to be moving to a m oney crunch ," Mayer S•ld . "und pretty soon." Wllh that, Mayer said, home pril'Pa muet come down. The bulldcr11 lMmt1elvf'R , h~ Nald, oughl to hope for on end to lhc Inflationary upswing. ''WhHe In the short te rm It I!! xood for you, It h1 not 101na lo be wood for you In the fong run.'' Mcty1.>r rrnld Fall is here in style at P.0.S.H.! Select from our new arrivals of naturally comfortable. traditionally tailored fall suits & sport c oats. f 'rv• Puflt* ,, I BEGIN ... ~J<J.d told mt:ml>1:r" of lhl' S1:11t.tll' !''or~1.in k tilliUon!oo Oom m!llff h(I believes Jordain and S1tu1.H Ar1tb1a eventually will s uppo r t thl• Mid dle E-:.,b l ugr"'t.·mcnli. Later. ho told reporterfl ht• pl1Ans lo fl y Wednesday from Washm~l<m to ttabut, Morocco. to llll'l't with Km~ llustirtn Then. he suld. he w111 then rt y to C»iro and make contort with Jordan·i. King Hussein. Sen. Prank C'hurt'h Of Idaho. n 111kinJC Dt:mO<'rut1r m1>rnh<·r of lhl· Foreign Htlat 1 on ~ tom m ltlce. said Sadat told tht• private brcakfust rnt'<'l1nu th; r IN GIVING. SADAT SCORED VICTORY-A4 he hopes Hussein will "pl1ty Ul\' role that must be played by Jordan if the iHs ues of the West Bunk are ever lo bt.-r eHolved ... ~adul t old repo rl t'r s. 'Whent.>ver there Is a ny agrct•mcnl thul wilt' permit lhe c1>tublishment 01 peace bu thltl no onl' cncroal'hl·~ on thl 01 ! .. 1 ' lund or sovertign1). 1 h-:.1 1:111 Arubs will ~behind it. .. Th e Arub s t a t es h 1:1vtt cons istently said tha t Isr ael m u11 t l(ive up OC<'upit-d te r ritories on the West Bunk of the J ord1tn River and the Gazu Strip to have peace .. r believe with all m y heart that tM J ewis h people h ave a right to sovereignty over Judeu. Sa maria und the Guzu Strip ... he sald. us ing the btblical numei. for the lands on the West Bank. tie smd "the Bible gives w. that right .. Begin added tbait sovere 1f(nty a nd military control over t he West Bank a nd Gaza are essential to hraer~ securit y b-0cuuse th~ land11 "art-on thl' thresholdefourhom et. .. * * * f'ro• ra~ A J JORDAN ... by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and I s rae li P r im.- Mlnsister Menachem Begin. "Sadul has stripped h1mself of all Arab affinities ... said Halab1 a!> prei.1dcnl~ or hurdline /\rab stales l(athered in IJumust·u~ for a met~ting to form a colll•ct1vt· slrutc1n tu lhw<.1rl the a).(rel" mcnt11 Syria 'ai d A, ... Jd Jl-.o cvho11£d....KID&..lf.uSKC !.ILb~n. tht• monurch took h11' ·decl1<ion to tf is'lol·1all· .Jurda n. tht• Ar1b country with the longest bordl'r with Is rael. from tht· C Jmp DJv1d ouu:ome Iraq and Arafat bulh JetUl>cfl Sudttt in sepurutc st atement" of c:onclud1ng "ac<'ord .. or treu::.on .. Raging Fire Contained In Anaheim Mun· thun 50 fire fi~hter' fought 11 blatt> lhal rugt·d through homes un<fl•r coni-.true t11rn in the Anaheim h1l b lod.·~ bcfon· \mnging 1t urHk• 1·(inlro1 JUl!t before noon The firl' rcporlcdl) dei.troytd l'i\ l' homes. dumaged four mon· and hlackt'lll'<f scver;tl urrci-or brush tn th<' Noh! Ranch arc:· ol Anuhcim hill~. fm· offiC'l t!b suul Thl' fir1• wus n •1)(1rtt•tl t1• .1hou1 10 30 a m m the hilly rc.:µ1<11• whl.'l'e the Suntu Ana wind~ wen· g ui-.ting upto40 mph F 1 H'm t· n r r om /\ n J ht· t n~ Orunge County <.1nd tht-t•11y of OranJ,t<.· fought the bluze !01 al' hour bl'forc l'ontiuning 1• Tht-re \\-ere nu IOJUne:s rt" ported ·' 17 • Saddleb·aek E D I T I ON VOL. 71 , NO. 262, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA . Afternoon N.Y. Stoeks TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 TEN CENTS 'Bust' to Follow County Ho~e Booni? &y PHJUP aOSMAaJN OfU.OMt, ...... ~ "l think you'!°\' In trouble, .. 1ournal~t Martin Mayer, 1u.1lh<K" of '"Th~ Bmldl•r;\," a book about th<' hou~•nt: 1nduS\r y, told Or:ing,• County hom 1.1bu1ldcn Monduy. 11 1~ predit t1on echoed the warntnl(s of hts book that t.be Orunge 'ounty housing market is ov~rdue for t'Ollupsc , • II•• r omarlcs wt r o mudc b fOr'1 a m eeting a t the Airpo rter Inn of the •Home Builders CouncU ot the Building lndu!llry AssoclaUoo Mayer gaJd lhe collapse would have been evident n~w but for four facton· -The growth of lnOaUonary p Jycholo gy . "P eopl e a r e pleased," May r said, "rather than upset and dlRcoura.ged. that the ho use they bo ug ht for '-Tremendous Insanity' $100,000 today, a<>Jd for m.ooo lH t year -because they thlrlk next year ~Y will gel $12$,000." Proposition ta. Though the property~ tux relief should have Lrlggeroo a booll\ ot apartment housing, it hasn't happened yet. Mayer asserted. partly because acade mics who advise the in· d ustr y haven't realized the potential profit for it. ··fl seems lo take about three yt?a rs ," Muver said. "lo gel a Castro: No Plot To Kill Kennedy me mbers and investigators last April. The c ommittee played portions of the tape-recorded inte rviews during its he arings today. about a measure of that sort. because who could think of the idea of organizing the death of the president of the United States. "That would have been the most perfect pretext for the United St a tes to in vade our change into the head s ot any body a t a univers ity . Somebody bas to te ll them several times that a change has occurred, before it sinks in ... -A 30 percent appreciaUon of the Japanese yen. . "There's a lot of foreign money around," Mayer said. "l~pressive quantities are com· ing into California from Japan, from Germany. E ver ything looks c heaper ove r here to WASHINGTON (AP) ~Cuban President Fidel Castro says it would have been "a tremendous insantity" for Cuba to have plotted the murder of P resident John F. Kennedy, the House Assassina tio ns Committee reported today. Repeating his cons iste nt denials of Cuban involvement in the assassination or Kennedy, Castro said: country. which is what I have ·:'!jl~~ tried to prevent.-Jor all these years, in every possible sense. them." -School busing in Los Angeles County. The mandatory busing plan has driven people to buY homes in Oraage County. he in· dicated. All four of those factors, cur· r~ntly encouraging the market. ''..still have time to run. but with diminishing force." he said. Mayer said it is important for the Carter Administration to "knock the head off inflation ... which he predicted would again be in double digits by next year. "The Administration is going Lo have to face up to the fact that you can·t kiss things and make them well." Pro~ition 13 will have a re· larding effect upon people's will· ingness to sell old homes to buY new ones. he said, particularly in lig ht of assessment rules th& . establish a 1975 assessment on <See BOOM. Page A2) o.i1,.,...., .... ._ "l am going to tell you here that nobody, nobody, ever had the idea or such things," Castro sa i d during a rour-hour in terview with committee "N ever in 20 y ear s of revolution, l never heard anyone su u~est nor e ven s peculate ··From the ideological point of view. it was insane. And from the political point of view. it was SANTA ANA WINDS BLOW THE TOPS OFF THESE WAVES OFF THE ORANGE COAST Desert Brffzes Drying Up L•nd, lncreHing Fire Haz.ard In Wooded AreH a tremendous insanity." Gets Probation Coach Convicted, Quits Capo Post Castro said he knew not~ng about Lee Harvey Oswald and Oswald's visits to the Cuban cons ulate in Mexico City until a fte r Kennedy was slain and _ Oswald wtis identified as. the killer~. Santa Anas Return Beer Fight The committee is weigbjng the m e r its o f a mys terious inteJHgence report suggesting that Oswald hinted to Cuban officials at the consulate that be might kill Kennedy a nd that Castro learned of this before the assassination. To Blistlfr€omt -~~ts Man-i Fo rmer Capistrano Valley High School head basketball coach Paul Smith was convicted Monday in Riverside of attempt· ing to reeeive stolen property. He was put on one year 's proba· lion and fined $320. And Capistrano Unified School Distr ict tr ustees voted unan-imously Monday njgbl lo ac- cept Smith's letter of resignation rrom the high school's teaching staff. He had been relieved of all coaching responsibilities im- mediately following rus arrest June 14, when he allegedly tried to buy a microwave oven from a man on a Riverside street cor· ner. The oven peddler was an undercover police officer further investigation. Botb men entered pleas of no contest to tbe charges that they had attempted to receive stolen property, said Thierbach. Sm ith, 39, had taken the Capistrano Valley basketball team lo the semifinals in the California Inte r scho las tic Federation playoffs earlier this year. Capistrano Unified Superin· tendent Jerome Thornsley said Smith's letter of resignation was received Monday morning. after the district had issued an ul· timatum that he report for duty as a physica l education and math teacher al Capistrano Valley or face dismissal. The committee took public t estimony a bout the secret report, but the committee 's chief counsel, Robert Blakey. said Cuban authorities blamed the Central Intelligence Agency for circulating the report as a "dis informa tion" tac tic to impli4ate Cuba in Ke nnedy's death. Blakey said the committee has <See CASTRO. Page A2) Hang on to your hats. folks. the Sauta Ana wi nds are here. The 'National Weather Service reported northwesterly winds of 20 to 30 knots today. The winds are expected to drop to five to 15 knots by Wednesday morning. Th e S o uth Co as t A i r Man agement District reports the air condition as good, due to the winds. However, the fire hazard is high. Bruce Turbeville of the Or a n ge Co unt y Fir e Department, said there is a high threat of a brush fi re. but less cha nce or a grass fire because of last week's rain. "The longer the wind blows, the drjer it will get," he said. He said it is early in the season for a Santa Ana wind condition. ·'The last time we had wind this early was in 1970," he said. "We had winds on Sept. 21. followed by eight days of fire. But then we badn 't bad any rain." The weather service reported winds blowing throug hout central and Southern California, includjng mountain and desert areas. The Orange County Harbor De partment re ported s m a ll cr a ft advisories from Point Conception lo Rincon Point and as far out as San Nicholas Island. At the beach, Bud Belshe. captain of the Newport Beach lifeguards. said the surf is one l.o two feet. ''It's an offshore wind " he said. "'It has a tenden~y to flatten the sea a nd blow the waves down. It will be like a la ke out here tomorrow.·· Part of Ear A dispute over the sale of a six-pack of beer led to. a tight Monday night that may cost a Newport Beach man a chunk of his left ear. Ne wport Beach police said they are looking for four athletic young men. possibly college-age wrestlers, who were involved in the fi ght that separated Danjel Neira. 22. from a three-inch by a half-inch piece of his ear. Ne ira, or 4200 River Ave. wa.s rus hed to Hoag Me m oria l Hospit al by police. Doctors sewed lhe piece back in place. but reported they were unsure whether the operation would be s uccessful . According to police reports. Arrested with Smith in June was Ramona High School coach David Carmichael. Smith had taught at Ramona in Riverside befor e joining the s taff at Capistrano Vall ey High, when the Mission Viejo school opened in September, 1977. Deputy District Attorney Rick T hie rbach said today that Carmichael's case was referred to the probation department for Smith had earlie r requested a le ave of a bsence fro m the school, which was denied by the school board. Thornsley said the teacher has moved north to San Rafael and is apparently apply- ing for a coaching position in that area. He had not ta ught al a ll t his year at Capistrano Valley. 1bomsley said. Wife of Cop Kills Herself In Laguna A mothe~ or five and the wife of a Los Angeles police sergeant took her life with a revolver Monday in a Laguna Beach hotel after firing two slu~s from the .38 caliber snubnose into a bedl . Begin Vows Israel To Keep W. Bank Ne ira refused to sell a six-pack of beer to a youthful looking cu s tom er at the Stop'N Go mar ket at 4 555 W . Coast Highway Monday afternoon. The angry young man agreed to meet Neira when he got off work at midnight for a fight. Witnesses to the fight said the youth showed up with three frie nds, but none could tell po li ce h ow Ne ira became separated from his ear . The victim speculated it was bitten off. San Juan Man lo be sure the weapon worked. W ASHJNGTON , AP 1 _ Prime S ue lle n Blackwe ll, 35, of FuUerton, was found dead in her Minister Mellachem Begin told Ch t th S f d S d H t I Congress today that Isr ael has " F g room a e ur an a n o e . . . . . . • aces ar es 1555 South Coast Highway late no . inte ntion o! &1 v1ng. UP. its Monday by a maid who Jet. cla im l<? sovereignt)'. or 1~ right . .A ~a---~ herselfin lo clean t.)le room . to station t roops in disputed ~ tli· Blackwell was married areas of _Ute West Bank and the ~ ..... ~~-~~'=-..t. ~.,.tfiW•tatll4'11-kJi ~,.ll~~!QP· . . ... A San Juan Capistrano man Blackwell, who worked wiffUSl~·tt:g u1 ~~-~ was jailed oo drunken driving 17th area vice unit. The lO·year House in a breakfast meeting charges early today after the police veteran was contacted l h a t t h ey s ho u I d n o t car he was driving on the San Monday night. misinterpret the Camp David Diego Freeway collided with a c .oroner's deputies said they accord:s to ~ean that Israel has motorcycle, causing the death of believe the woma n had been committed _itself to restoring one man and serious injury to dead for 10 lo 12 hours before Arab sovereignty to those lands. the motorcyclist. her body was discovered. The which it captured in the 1967 A California Highway Patrol r eason . for h~r action was not war. . spokesman identified the man known 1mmed1ately. Begm commented as he and facing drunken driving and veblcular manslaughter charges ,,;------------------------..... as Robert Rule , 45, of 32302 N R · AllpH st., San Juan Caetatrano. ew om.ance-:». ldentlficatlon of th.e man killed in the accident in the southbound lanes of the freeway just north ol Lake Forett Drive ' is being withheld unUJ bi s nearest relatives are notified of his death. The vlctlm was a pas"'1ger in tbe car d rtveo by R"le . a c t o rd in• to t. b e 0 JI P spokeaqwt. . He l6t Michael Dittmlt, 18, of 2soel 1'orthrup Drtve, Lapna Hllla, w•• aerioualy injured Prince, Emigre Linked LONDON <AP) -The latest girlfriend of Prince Cha rles is e migre Czech Countess Angelika Lazensky, three London tabloids reported today. · The Sun, Mirror and Mail said the countess lives in Paris, whe~e she works for an organization called International Public Relations Associates. None ·or the papers res)orted her age. S..ral11 .,.,~...,,.. -ben c•upulted from the tbn.·wbeel mowro.)'cle be was The romance began when the couple met last year in France and blossomed last weekend when the countess was a guest at Bal moral, the -.ueen 's Scottish home, the newspapers said. John C. Connolly of Mission Vie jo t a kes the oath of office a~ the newest irustee f o r th e Saddleback Community College ·Plslrl~ a t Monday nlght's board meeting. ' . drtvis.1 on the freeway shortly before t a.m. Dittmar was \•il•n to Saddleb ack Com mu,,lty HotpltaJ. Reaeue worllen aald Rule'• autp o~urned a er alrlkfna the motorcycle, plnnln1 the driver l.nskle. ... The reports were djscounted by Buckingham Palace. "The lady ln question s!ayed at Balmoral, presumably as the prlnee's guest and Just 3ne of many friends," sajd a spokesman who refu,;e to be identified. •'.' ,-,,,,,_ ,.. t •) I Egyptian Pre s ident Anwa r Sadat visited Capitol Hill to 11).eet with congressional leaders and t alk about the recently concluded summit. Neir a said he wasn 't e ven aware his car had been lorn off until the fight was over and the four youths lert lhe scene . Meanwhile. Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance added Syrian President Hatez Assad. to th~ list Victim f dentifie~ ~ -.f~rif lli*§f! )~ .~!}!, g:i~ilJ~ IN GIVING, SADAT SCORED VICTORY-A4 victim, ound Sunday night in • ~~l.J. p ~,....,,..;,.~. hom ic1 e t!t~'l!n v~~~ , identifi~ an apparent murde r e xpl a in t h e Ca mp D a vid the trun "of his car . as Robert agreements and seek s upport for James Spencer, 19. of Meridian, them. He previously scheduled Idaho. s tops in Jorda n a nd Saudi Arabia on the trip which begins tonight. "' Sadat told m embers or the Senate Fore i gn Re la tions Committee be believes J ordan and Saudi Arabia eventually will s upport the Middle E ast agreements. Later, he told r eporters he plans to Oy Wednesday from Washington to Rabat, Morocco. to meet with King Hassan. Then, he said, he will then fl y to Cairo and make contact with Jordan's King Hussein. Sen. Frank Church of Idaho. ranking Democratic member or th e Foreign R e l a llo n s Com mtttee, said Sadat told the private breakfast meeting that he hopes Hussein will ·'play the role that must be played by Jordan If the issues of the. West Bank a"' ever to be resolved." reached no judgme nt on the overa ll r eliability of the intelligence 10Urce. More apeclflcally, he said, ''whether the source provided (See BEGIN, Pa&e A2> Coast We ather Clear through Wednes· day Lows 55 to 60. Highs. Wedn('sday 82 to 92. INSIDE TODAY • New 31ate mer911 rule• ore gomg to htt homeowneu who went lo odd rooms toilh alt kids of re1trlctuma ond red tape Su P~ A?. .~ II .. M "' ., •"' ., .. ... AA M .J ' _t r C' LY F'ILOT Secret Confab Eyed Ci vi l La u 8 y JERRY LAl ~t. Ot .... ~"-''-" ,\n Or.tnRt· ('uunt\ dt!IJUl \ d1' tract uttomt'} ~ho re rui-t"tl l(I 1>rowt>t·ut~ s.tn Ju~m l t.i~u:.lrann l·1ty off1cull~ who a lll'Redly \ 1ollah'd 11t111tt• tu"' b\ rru•..-11n.i In "''l'r,•t '"'' tw 1l1w-.n t I.no~ ~ht•lht•( lht• l 'll\ '""'" 11\ll I.•"' h.1b1hh. bl'C.IU/\l 11r ltt\UH 1lm1 n ' 11('110111' In Jurw, IA•put\ 1>1-.trH'I \l lUrDl'V BlU E\ Ul b , .. 111 I ht ~·11 \ uit Could A// ect Status ('01.WC'll dldn 't \ IOlllll' lht• 1Sl1t\t.-ll Ra lph M Hru'An /\rt when 1t rnc•l in M·1·n ·t ~•'llhl11n dur111.: /\ 11 1 I I I 11 fl 1 ., r u '' t u r n I n 11 l'u1.1u1tru™' l\trl)(lrt O\.-t to 111 du,trwt dl'vt'lop.-r- M' cm1dui.1t1n. •· Ev,rn1> ~aid .1t 1h11t t1m1• .. Will\ thut 1t ttht• "''""'" 1 ~ ''" -.uH11·wnth n ·lutt•1I 111 lillHal11111 111 fJll ~nt1111 tht• l'fn"'"'°"" vr uru~n Rut l-:vttW• l'hunJ(cd h" !'ilt1ry .1 IJI\ tht.'> wct•k m un .tHuJuv1t f1l'-'<i wll h the uttorney representing pllo t'I who used the Capistrano i\1t'10rt before 1t wub l'logctf by the city untJ turned over to 1ti; forml'r owners. In has uffiduvit, Evuns said that' aftt.•r tulkln1t to u d iKtrict Jl· tornt•y 'b w v1•stigato1 he had de· l'lllt•tt lust J une that h1:s offi ce • IH obutily 'A OultJ nol b • able lo proVl' u violation of the Brown Act beyond a reai;oni.blc doubt." Teachers S et Meet li e ~u1d, .. My opinion was pramurlly bused upon the limit· t•d fond~ available for cr iminal 11r0Recut1on und m y esllm3lion or thll hkt•hhood of the people be· •n.: ~ble l o bear the heavy rrlminal burden or proof .. . On Pay 'D e adlock ' Attorneys for the city are us· ang Evans ' refusal lo pr osecute ais .i part of their defense against u r 1 vi I swt filed by 16 pilots who an· M•ek1ng reopening of the u1rport for publi<.· use· fup11ilrano l '11du•d St·h1,ol l>l'I trkt kucht-rt. wt-re• ~d1t·duled to '"'-'t•t toduy ut Danu ll1lll> lftgh S<'hool for u report on contr1H't ncgot 1at1ons , \\ht<'h their as '>Oc lwt ion ha ~ tJe clitrt!d deadloeked Stephanie Seuch. µresident of tht: Cupi11truno Unified Edul'a t1on Assor1at1on. representing teachers. tias isl>ued a press re lease charging District Super in tende nl Jerome Thornsley and negotiat or Ken Hall with negotiating .. m bad faith · "The teachers· asi.ocialion has initiated an a ll-out campaign to Inform both teachers a nd com· munity l eade r s o r Or . Thornsely's inactivity regarding negotiations," the press re lease said. But Thornsley said today that 1t was the teuchers who walked out of negotiations, following a t7 hour marathon n egotiation session on Aug. 23. "The pa rty that wa lks out should be the par ty to resume negotiations." !laid Thomstey. "All they have to do 1:1 g ive us a call " In the• 1111·u11t11nt• tt u~tl.!t.'~ vot ... ti 5 2 Mond a\ to 111>1.1 r ovc l l'ltthcr puy 1nrrrusc~ ror le u l' hang ex 11eriencc and uni· ' ,. r ~ 1 t y t r u 1 nan g Tr u i. lees Ed'Aurd We::.tbcrg or San c; I c ITI l'nle and Tt!d Kopp of Capa~truno Beach opposed the inc reuses, saying they should not be approved until a teacher contract b sii,:ned. The approved s ulary hikes <.1mount lo inc reta~el> ranging from 2 5 lo nearly 17 percent, s aid Thorni.lcy A beginning teacher w1lh a bachelor 's degree curr e n tly e arns a n a nnual s ular"y of '10 ,555 . .An ex· perienced teac he r wilh long ser vice and a mas ter's degree can earn as m uch as $2~.1'45. CU EA pres ide nt a nd c hief negotiator for the teachers, Miss Seach said the contract negotia· tions. which began in May, have bogged down over six m ajor is· s ues, including health be nefits. cla ss s ize, length of contract. who should be in the bargaining unit , certain o rgani zatio nal res p onsibilitie s a nd binding arbitration. liut an his a ffidavit, Evans s aid. "In light of the significant differe nce between the civil and the e rrant hus band, J oaquin Shelton. That Shelton bounced back and forth between hls wife and the victim is beside the point Car ter said. ' "P at Proferes did nothing, absolutely nothing to deser ve to be shot She truly was a v1clim, ,,an innocen t vi cti m ." the prosecutor said as he called for a murder conviction. Jus t as cert ai n in his arguments, Merwin insisted the evidence at the trial could not. s upport a murder conviction. Time and again he r eferred to six witnesses who said they knew the deferfdanl and believed her to be incapable of violence. Using elaborate props and diag rams. Merwin st'°wed the }ury why ·lie-belie ves Mrs . She lto n coultJn 'l see the victim When the fatal shot was rtre<t. S J Billio11 Projeef? U.S. Backs Bases o.lly ,. .... SIMI ,_ BUSHY-TAILED ERODERS FACE EXTERMINATION? Council to Mull Gaaalng Hel1ler'1 Squirrels Laguna Squirrels Face Death Penalty By iTEVE MITCHELL 01•,..0•ll1Pilo1s1~11 Laguna Beach's fuzzy earth bu rrowl'rs the Heisler Park ground squirreis go on trial ugain tonight when the City Council considers a rccummen· d a tio n to ext erm i nate the anim als . Cit y officials claim lle1s ler Park 11> being slowly eroded by the burrowing b<:asties. and they are recom mending that the city fumigate the burrows with ro· dent gas cartridges. , M.fUtrn•ls Those former beach rc::.1denls \\ere transphmted to the rolling hills near th~ uni· versaty And at one time. the city was 1>rcpared to petition the i'~ood a nJ Dru~ J\dministralion to test a birth control drug on the Jlelsle r Park squirrels Other progr ams studied by form er clty fathers included use of an anticoagulant t ype poison. which opponents argued would mean u slow death for the squ1r rels Sailboat Price Too Low? Collt'gl' officials are not askmg t:nough lor "1'he Hock." u 41 root s ailboat owned by S&d· dle back Community College. trus tees said Monday night. The boat. use d in sa:ling ('lasses and now for sale. is ap· praised at $25.000. Supt. Robert Lombardi said. Ourmg a citizen pro t t"SI ugainst the college's bidding µ r o c t' d u r e for l h e v l' s s t> I , however. trustees teamed that a tJm in istr <i tors h a c! set a minimum bid at ~10.000. and the highest bid received wa:,. $14.100 Trustee William Watts told ad· ministralors the minimum was far too low. If the college cannot get <.1 price much closer to the OOa l ·s appraised value. he sul<t. 1t wall not be sold at this tim ... Trusle<-s oragmally decided to sell tht• ketch bec<1use ii is no !onger r('(luired in Sad<fl hack·, 111:>1 r11c.t1on pro;!ram and wall <'Ol>t too mu ll m hJ ruor re r.lul space Other action~ an Mond<.1y"· meeting included approv<.11 for hiring Gary M. Korn as director of library and media services for Saddleback ·s ne w salell:h. campus in lrvme. Korn ii. a refere nce librarian at De Anza Commun1t College. Cupertino. He Is scheduled lo as s ume his new job Dec. 1. . Trustees also a ooroved an of· f1ce space lease r enewal tor the Vete r ans Adm1nis t r ot.1on on Campus Progra m . The least> was extended through Sept. JC, 1979, fo1 a n annual cosl or $9L6. The last lime a City Council approved such a notion, som e members of \'he''community sug· gesled that killing s quirrels is not exacUy in keeping with Ute Stops Cornbined character of the Art Colony They suggested instead that the s q uirrels be trapped a nd trunsferred som ewhe re e lse. But Terry Brandt, d irector. of municipal se rvices. s uyi. live lra ppin~ LS a tim e consuming process. ··and you can't just Welte Bus Ride Pickeroo '78 Competition l112'ul Week ------- In Israeli Desert --dump the-5'fUit'rel5 on !>omebody- else ·~ property ·· Leads to Change Saddleback \Gitcy l:n1f1cd School District buses rolled with an extra passenger last week - Superintendent Richa rd Welte Ken Anderson. agreed to com bi ne two bu::. slops. IEwvc one route standing a nd to meas ure a nother controversial arec. which 1·es1dc nls maintam is out· s ide a 2 S·mile walking distance to El Toro High School. Th e s e co nd week o r rompelition for $1,500 in Pigskin 1'1ckeroo '78 prizes 1s under way rollowing a record n umbt!r of t•ntrie:-. Hundred::. of Orange Coast football fans p atted the ir prognostiration s kills in lhe first or 10 weekly P1c keroo conlel:.ts . Each week a television set and r udios from Dunlap Appliances an Fountain Valley are awarded to readers who best predict the outcome or 30 weekend gridiron battle~ Fur dcta1 b and an entry blank turn to page R4. f'ro• Pagr A I CASTRO ... lt-ad e r had some ankling or Oswald's plan emerged in 1967 1n a National Enquirer article by Co m er C lark , a BriUs h rree·lancc journalist who died in 1972 C"*rk wrote that Castro told him an an inte rview: "Yes. 1 heard of Lee Harvey Os wald's plan lo kill President Kennedy. It's possible lhal I could have saved ham. I might have been ahlt> to. but I didn't. I never believed tht• pl<.1n would be put into efrecL .. Clark quoted Castro as saying Cuban officials told him of Oswald's visit to th<.' Mexico City cons ulate about two m onths b e r o r. e K, c ~n e v w a s c!IWM • ~' :\~""' -u~E... . ;f.'i1a"" ~....,...~ 22. 1963. Clark claimed Castro said he was told Oswald s aid "someone ought to :1hool that President Kennedy" and that he might do it him setr. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ~II ,. fMQI~• (o.t\t D•••• Pnot wtt~~'~•\torn Oo"'t"dl"W'~tn P•t '\\ 1\pr.,,olt~b<ftM()i~ ,_._...,, °Put.l•IJ\•"Q (.o~af\y ~,.,.,.,.,,,lh(Wl' .• tr =~,~-=~~~"'=.~~~" ~· t••I" VAHfl>t thin• CjA(Ultf-M<' V•ll•t' ""° ~~ ~;.~~~t~'!d~v: ~~o;-''~~ DflN \1)'11 fN'>h .. Pli•nq OlfllM I\ ., l-.:1 ~,, ft•• \tfHI .,(O\tA IM\• C..lttOfftt•t?t16 11-rl N -Pt'''°""' ii"'CI Put>t1\l'W'' , .. _II C"'"' Vtof• p,,,~,.t 41"CI c;,.,,_, .. Mit~ ~ ........ f8'•oo ,,...,..,.,.-.-~ -.......... ... ~ ... "...... 111( ........... .. A\\•\t-.t AM"IHJlftiQ EttUOt\ l•ddleb•oll Vellew Office 1U01 t..• P•t Aofld •1 \.tf'I orf'QO f rt't..,t' omc •• <h\I• Mfr.Y l\O'Mfio'' 8Jiiy\tu•9t ••Wlf''•"O°tOI' fte•c." .,.,, n-Mn Doo1••ffr(I &.tQwf\60.tt(ft ,, .. 0......,, .. .,.., .... , T~nt 171•)t4a-4nl ~HIMed Ad'fe rtllNng 142·M1t ,,,.,...t<K• Y•thfy "6rw\0Htt• N1.Q10 ~·llt.~ :!! c>_.:.~.:: •• ':'i::.~~.s:-"' ,,..r, .. , ., •OvHhWfnffth "'"" "'" ~ Ptl•t evtf'f •ltf'MMlf \PMl•t Mf"'j"IM ~ ( ........ ~ ttt-(lt O H tt•t4 ..... t i t.\tt ~W C•tlftr-.Ja \Mitt(,..,,.,_ •t I.,,.,,. U IC flflltillitf\ty ,, "'*'' ... '° ,,.,...,.,., ,,..ht.,,. .,.,_..,..U IO-'"'' WA S HING T ON I AP > - Construction of two military air baeses in Israe l's Negev Desert will be an Israeli oper ation with the United States paying the bill, which could runge from $300 million to about SI billion. a Pen· tagon spokesm a n said today. Thoma s B . Ro ss , th e spokesman, said cost estimates are '"very pr eliminary" and that a g reat deal of planning lies · ahead. But he made clear the new bases would be underwrit· ten by a U.S. grant, rather than by some form of repayable loan or credit. "We would compen$ale the Is r aelis for their withdrawal" from two major air bases in the Sinai. Ross said. He indicated the Negev projects probably would be costly because they would repluce "what I gather a rc sophisticated buses." The two bases to be vacated arc at El Arisch on the northern Sinai coust, where the Israelis built a 9,500.foot runway after the 1973 war, and a t Etzion in the southe rn Sinai in position lo cover the key Gulf or Aqaba. .. The Israelis probubly wi ll put out contructs to build it them selves." Ross said. lie said he would not rule out "the possibility . of a few U.S. militarv techniC'ians who might be involved in the planning and cost estimate phases, but not in the construction phase." The Pentagon spokesm an also said he would not anticipate any involvement by the US. Arm y Corps of Engineers. unlike in Saudi Arabia and Iran where the Army Engineers a nd other U.S. militar y personnel have taken a major h and in cons tructing military bases under projects paid for by the two oil·producing countries. Officials said the Israelis, with their high level of technological expertise. do not need the kind of specialized he lp given lo the Saudi Arabians and Iranians.· Ross s tressed that the Camp David agreements .. do not pro· vide for the deployment of any U.S . forces" in the area. Viejo Cyclist Hurt a.s Bike, Auto Collide A 19-year·old Mission Viejo yo uth s uffered injuries late Mond ay when his motorcycle collided with an automobile at the intersection of La Paz and Rickenbacker Roads. Robert Sk>ddart of 25 162 S. Charlino Drive was reported in fai r condition a t Saddle back a~~A.t _.-,!' C,pJf\i!!J~.~~1J>l J.;J~ lll'!o"ol..JN..•11.l•~j.;~~,._~ .. '"~"'-.P'.. ~ teG·~· BEGIN intensive car~ unit, a hospital • • • s pokesman said . reli a ble information in this i n s t u n t:e is a n i ss u e the committee mus t decide in Decem ber"' a s it prepares a r eport. The committee the n ended public examination of Oswald's inte rest in Cuba and Mexico and turned its attention to the Secret Ser vice and the quality of the protection rt provided Kennedy. Fro• P~ A I BOOM ••• property, but new assessm ents at c urrent levels if the property change~owriershlp. Mayer further predicted that foreign money eventually will run oul, and that the panic over Los Angeles school bu2'1ng will a bate. ··We are going lo be moving to a m oney crunch, .. Mayer s&ld, "and pretty soon." With that, Mayer said, home prices must come do wn. The builders them selves, he said. ought to hope for an end to the lnQatlonary \lbewing. "While In the s ho rt term It Is good for )'OU, It ls not going to be good for you In lbc Iona run,·· Mav.-r llAirl ' California Highway Patrol o Ulrer s said Stodd a rt was thrown 20 reet when he hit a car driv'en by Donald Carter, 18, of 24891 Camino Villa. El Toro. Stoddart was riding west on La Paz when young Carter pulle d through the northbound intersection on Ric kenbacker. patrolmen said . Campers hips To to Gir/,s The Sftddle bac k Val!.•y Chapter of Gamma Phi Gamma nutlonal sorority recently donat· ed two "campersh(p~" for girls to the Child Guidance Center of Orange County, a C'C ntcr spokesman said. The awards fund attendance o( two recipientti to t he center. which is a prlvute. non.profit, c hlld·centcred community and fa mily orll'ntcd program , he said. In accepting the awards trom th<' soror ity, Ship Hinch man, clinical dlrccltlror the center said girls wlll be ab1etoexperlenceim· me diate relier from social and en· vlronmentaJ stre a while en.toy· Ing the experience or a camp pro ornm So he will be recommending tonight that the City Council adopt a program or rumigating active burrows and plugging up the holes. Dig~ing by squirrels has been hlamed for the loss of up to two feet of the park each year, a nd some say it all bolls down to <.1 choice between the squir rels a nd the park. In 1975, the Laguna City Coun· cil allowed UC Irvine students to trap <.1ntl re move about 200 of the The top official's bus ing foray was the result of angry parents who approached school board m embers last week demanding changes in bus stops and busing policies W t!lte. a l ong with /\m · min1strat1ve Ser vice!> Director Laguna Dea.th Case Closes; Jury Mulls By GARY GRANVI LLE Ol 1,_ O•lly """ Sl•H The fate of a wo man accused of murde ring her husband·s lover in Laguna Beach March 26 was in the hands or an Orange County S upe rior Court jury lotJay. B e f ore t h e s ix -woman , s1x·man jury began deciding 28·year·old Anya Ann Shelton's fate . it heard prol>ecutor David Carter call for a firs t.degr ee m urder ronviction. Carter character ized lhe early Easter morning shooting death of Pat Proferes. 29, a s "a Fall is here in style at P.O.S.H.! Seloct from our new a rri vals of naturally comfortable, traditionally tailored fall suits & sport coats. cold-blooded killing aimed at eliminating a rival." But defense lawyer James Merwin Jabeled the woman's de ath a tragic accide nt and said Mrs . She lton i s a woman incapable of violen ce However . Me rwin did not deny that the bullet which killed Miss Proferes was fired from a gun held by his client. Nor did he deny that Mrs . ·Shelton stood in the darkness Quls idc the bedroom where the victim and her husband slept, thl• cocked gun in her hand. The superintendent agreed lo com bin(' bus s tops at Coronel Dr ive nnd Via Lo~rono at Alici.! Parkway to one stop on Via Lo· grono Purcnts complaine d of th<' original stops because or high ~peed driving on Alicid Pa rkway a nd an automobile accident re cently at the Coronel Drive ~top. El Toro Road bus riders didn't fan • so well , however. Officials declined lo relocate " bus stop al El Toro Road and Toledo Way. l'iting d istances buses would be r equired lo !ravel to pick up children an the adJacent housing tract a nd potcnti<.1l complaints from other residents about the giant yellow vehicles travelling down small streets. Anderson wil! be walking le school with a nother g roup of parents this week. The parents· contund walking di s t a-n ce• between El Toro High School and Stem Avenue and Grasl> Street an El Tor o exceed the 2.5 ·m ile walking d istanct-' est a bl ishcd this yea;. Anderson will use u mea~uring wheel lo certify the di~tancl' rrom the t wostrects lo the high school. 7 l.Aut Stronghold Somoza Troops Ready Attack MA NAGl'A. Nlcaraau• IAP • Prc-&h.lent Anusta 10 SOmozo. ' t roop"I an• mas,tog for •l'I as~uult cm the lUbl mnJnr rebl-1 :>lron)thold. th\' north~1·"'1 to"" of F.l>lt•ll Burke: Pot Unlwalthy ~A~ DIF.(i() I \I' Rt•p Y\ontw Urath"a•••· Hurk\• u <'ahr 'iU)" p;i.,, 1na: a m.inJu.m:i rt~areti.· from mouth to mouth 1, ·• ~ o o d ~ a~ to 'pr, .. 1 ii .:l'I tnl> "I :.ampl) h,1\ r nl'' r•r hud un 1nrhnauon to 11 ' It." l>ht• !-ntd Tht> po~,1bl1• lt·j!.1l11.tt1nn of man 1u.Jnn h.i' ht·co1111• JO 1~!)111' In tht· l ~l7M t'lt•l t100 in "hich ~ri.. J:iurkt: 1 s l h c D e m o c r u l I ,. nominee for allu1 ne~· J,tl'neral 111 Cahforniu Shl· made her comment at a news conference Monday Purse Stolen In Laguna, • Given Back Obatrver& said the nnt1Mtll au•rd. Somoiu'i. army. fh•w t•ombnt to·uabened troop,. to Somoto. 40 mtlct. north of Eistcll. 1n 11 flank 111 movtomunl Monday lnformt.•d sou rces •aid lht· ~uanl probably would puish l11t1l E 11•h from th.e 'iOulh und north wtult• b<>tlhng the <.'1ly up with i.mbu he on lhrt>t· rural ro11di- .l h II I " I n d u I' I n t 0 l h l' MH 1 oundtnR hills, Thill could 11 r l. ' ,. r11 I h t· r 1· ht> I i. fro I'll l'M'l:lf)lni: U' lht'y did Whl'll lhe 1tunrd rcc(Jf)lured M iii<IU'll In thl' 'outh and U.On und Chinandctt11 an the north\\est Thf' Sundlrustas and th" men In EMt'll who have Joined thl'tr f1i:h1 appear, helter 1trml'd und org11n1wd th11n those in uny of lhl• otht•r <.·•ties. however, and ob~t·l\t'I !. bel1t'\l' t he buttlt· c•111i ld bl• blootl1 cr lhuu the pre' 1ousai.i.aults Barricades of paving i.toncs and ~andbags chest high and four feet thick stretch across ffidny streets. One maJor road into t he city is blocked by no f e wer than JO massive barricades. orie after the olher. · In addtilion, the rebels have cut trenches across some streets and set up sandbagged sniper posts on rooftopi:.. Their wc~1pon s are mostly pistols, shotguns a nd hunting rifles, but they include a few automatic weapons. G u a r d be.licoplers and air planes have been s trafing Esteli , a city of 30.000 on the A 27-year·old Laguna Beach Pan·American Highway, since Vioman w hose purse was late last week. Reporters who wrenched from her grip by a tried to enter the city were thief at a service station later stopped at least three times by found the handbag and il.S $300 g uardsmen firi ng automatic cootenJ,s in the mailbox. Police said Cris "C. Ellsworth w~aru~~~rn Nic;lragua Is In of South Laguna was getting gas J?Overnmcnl hands a nd Managua a't the Union 7&-stall-On al rl'malns under heavy guard with Broadway and Coast Hi ghway at Somoza's troops searching all about 5 a.m. Sunday when the vehic les enterinR and leaving incident occurred. The woman said a man had the city and patrolling in force. approached her car and was A curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a .m. talking to her when he suddenly has been imposed . a nd streets shoved her <•f!<iinst the back of are only lightly traveled during tb~ day due to the continuing the seat and ~rabbed her pu ... rs ... e_. __ busi-ness s trike called in an The sus • tl1t'JrhmpecHnto a attempffooust SOmoza. - sports car and s ped off The gucrrill~s ar~embcrs oL The victim reported the crime th c Sandinista Nation a I fo police. and late Sunday drove Liberalion Front. which look to a home on Gaviota Street in 1.5oo hostages in Managua's Lag una Beach w h ich s h e N recently vacated. to pick up her ' ational Palace Aug 22 and mail. forced Somoza to ransom them When she opened the mail box. for 59 political prisone rs. police said. f>he found her purse s500.000 and safe passage to Panama . and the cash taken Sunaday morning. Police !>peculate that the thief m<1 y tiavc h ad a 1w in ~c of remorse and. ui:.1 ng her driver's h<'ensc ufldres'> for reference. returned the stolen handbag Parislwner Slugs Priest Judge Nixes Rehozo Suit MIAMI IAPl I\ SlO million li bel s uit flied bv former Prcsi· dent Nixon·s fri~nd Charles G. .. Rebe .. Heb<Uo agains t thl' Washington Post has been dis· m1ss~d by a federal judge. L OS BA~OS •/\P l ,, U.S District Judg<' Sidney Redwood Cit\' m<in has been Aronov 1tz s;.ii d Rcbozo. a charged with. a~sault and bat neighbor of ;.:ixon at Key tery for allegedly hilling a Biscaye. had become a public Catholic priest during a Mass ht• f1gurc by lhl' time the Post re· found boring. ported in 1973 that he had cashed The Rev. Walter Mindoto !\a1rt $91,500 in stocks after being told Sigfried Valencia asked him for they werc stolen Rcbozo has help shortly before Mass at St. maintained t~e. Pos t report was J oseph's Church here Saturday false and malicious. ni ght. Valencia was told to w~t ,. Since Rebo~o w~s a public until after the m ass. but wh.i~1gurl.', Aronov1tz said. rules set the priest was giving com mun-<!own by the U.S. Supreme Court ion . Valenl'ia rus hed to the 1n 1974 and 196-t prevent his win- altar and struck him in the race. mng a libel Judgment against police said. the newspaper. Inheritance W rang~ NEW YORK IAP1 -A book says that Aristotle Onassis tricked his wife. J acqueline. into signing an "amendment " to their marriage contr act that gave her just two percen}. of the $250 million s he expected. This version or the inheritance wrangle between the former American first lady and the late Greek shipper is detailed in a copyrighted excerpt from the forthcoming book "Jac9uellne Bou vjer Kennedy Onas11is" by S t eph e n Birmingham. The excerpt appears in the October issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine. The excerpt says tb\lt because Greek law in 1974 provided that a widow automatically recelved at -least one.quarter of her hus band 's est ate , "upon 01'\assis ' d ea th J ac k ie confidently expected to receive an Inheritance ot al least tt2!> million • perha~ as mucll a~ S250 million ... In the beginning, ''Ona1mis h~d llter a lly s howered l\(\r with money and xpensave g f ,,. .. the book says. "It has been claimed that he spent up to $20 mllllon In that flrst year alone -most or it on things for Jackie .. · But the book aays that after the couple's Oct. 21 , 1968. •' JACKIE OMAIMI wedding, .. money arguments becam e more frequent." The couple reportedly fought over s uch things as a $200,000 legal bill in coo.nection with Mrs. Onassis' lawsuits against photographer Ron Galella. a,nd over her Joss or SJ00,000 in the stock g.Hlrket. T he finiU stiaw ror Onassis, Birmlogbam s ays, was an a rgument during a vacation to Acapulco. when Jackie wanted to buy a villa there and he reruscd. - "Onassis was I wny man. He had not made hls fortune b~ bl'ing sweet lo people. And he hud a famous temper." B1rminl(ham writes. "Potlowtn1 that sune on·the plane from Acapulco. he set about systematacally to subvert the lerm:; of the premarital agreement." , tu.d!r· 8!pti9tnber 19, 11178 s DAIL y PILOT Ail A~~.., A._ UC'"" ONOINE (LEFT), WINDWARD PASSAGE BATTLE IN SAN FRANCISCO BAY At Blo1aom Rock Buoy Off Alcatraz. Some Breathless Momen~ on the Jibe Loeais ·Lead SF -Race Five Maxi-yachts Batt/,e for Trophies By ALMON LOCKABEY CMll'r'°4iet ... 011tWrllff SAN FRANCISCO -They arc calling them the super sta r$ of yacht racing, and the five maxi- vachls f67 to 84 feet ) in the St. Francis Yacht Club's Big Boat Ser ies Jived up lo the tag Mon- day in a 27·mile gear busting race on San Francisco Bay. For the most part, the (ive races for perpetual trophies turned out to be a Southern Celifornia show. The elapsed time winner in the first race for the· St. Francis pe rpetual was Fred Preiss' 84· fool Christine. But it was a case or the first shall be last and the last. s hall be firs t be~ause Christine. the scratc h boa t. f:rtled to save its lime over her four competitors. There was only one minute a nd 17 seconds between Chris tine and Jam Kllroy's 79- foot ketch Kialoa which finished last and saved her time to take corrected tame honors . During the -race the elapsed 1mc ~ n:rnged foar times b e!o,i:c-Ul.c f~n.ll I -weather 1-eg along the city shore to the finish in fro nt of the St . FYC clubhouse. Sumner A. "Huey .. Long's 79-foot sloop Ondine grabbed the start off Treasure Island but was soo n overLakcn by Mark J ohnson's 73 -foot s loop Windward Passage which had ble lead for the beat to the been forced to res tart. Both finish. boats normally are rigged a:. But again MerUn was unable to ketches, put are being sailed as stand up to the freshening wind. sloops here. even after tucking a double reef On the run to Blossom Rock in its main'sl and changing to a o ff Al catraz. P assage main-s m aller heads'I. tained a slim lead and the two Before reaching the clubhouse yac hts gave the s pec tators finish Merlin had been passed by ashore and afloat a t.hrill by Christine. Ondine and Windward rounding up sharply on the jibe Passage. finishing only seconds from a run to a reach. ahead or Kialoa. Christine showed a good turn For the smaller boats in the of speed on the first weather leg, City of San Francisco. Atlantic. but was overtaken by Passage Keefe -Kilborn and Rh eem races when s he split her number ont •t was also a day. of frustration. genoa and had to go down to a busted gear. and blown out sails number two jib. us the strong winds a nd tricky It was an afternoon of reefing c·urrents took their toll di:ills and sail changes for all The greatest frustration was hands as the. nortbwest crl y for a dozen boats in the Rheem wind whistled up to 2~ knot:. trophy series who were lert cold against a Oood tide. and wet on tbe course when the An early surprise in the bi~ race committee. holding to <i boat battle was to see Bill ~·s five-hour lime limit. buttoned up superlight . .67 foot 'sloop Merlin their stop watches after th(' first drop far back Of the fleet m the few boats IO the group had ear ly going. finished. Several s kippers are It was virtually out of sight proles ting the committee. astern and oul or the race. as the When it was a ll over and the leaden-bunched i~-a sudden_ _cce.ws_ ..were lliebr..a.lin& their wind calm as they approached victories or making excuses for Alcatraz on the leeward run. their defeats in the clubhouse With nothing to lose and every-ba r here is how the hnal results thing to gain. Lee stee red a stood: course north of t.he island and St. Francis Perpetual Trophy. packed up a bris k !lortherly l. Kialoa 2. Windward Passage breeze that put Merhn around 3. Ondlne 4. Merlin 5. Christine. the mark ahead or the fleet with City of San Francisco Trophy. what a ppeared to be a com forts · t. Whistle Wing V. Hastings Ha rcourt.. Santa Barbara Yacht Pherwmerwn Seen ' As Favorable Omen Club 2. Swift.sure. Nick Frazee. San Diego Yacht Club. Atlantic Trophy. 1. Hi gh Roler. Bill Power·Kirk Elliott. NJIYC 2. Blue Norther. Bill Sullivan. Los Angeles Y acht Club 3 Scandalous. Bill Pascoe. NHYC NAPLES. ltaly I AP > Neapolitans jammed into the Roman Catholic cathedral burst into applaus<.' today as a claimed r e l ic or the blood of St·. J anuarius-!:ian Gennaro liq- uefied. giving them a sign of good times uhead. Cardinal Corrado Ursi carried two vials containing what 1s believed lo be dried blood from the fourth-century martyr to the main altar and began the tradi· tional prayers. After 34 minutes. the blood liquefied. Eight thousand believers in the cathedral burst into cheers and outside in the city streets firecrackers were set off. The cardinal then culled for prayers tQ the patron saint to help the city deal with un t>m ploy ment and dru~s "the in dustry that is destroying our youth." Neapolitans look for the blood to liquefy on the first Saturday of May. when San Gennaro·s body was ~ransferrt>d to the <'it.v. and on Sept. 19. thC' day hc wiis ma r tyred in the yt•ar 305 They fear t ra~cdy if the phenomenon fails lo occur The Catholic Encyclopedia s ays "the phenomenon eludes natural explan ation .. Some claim the blood becomes liquid from the ht>at of candles nt>arhv or fro m the warmth of the throng inside the cathedral K eefe-Kilborn Trophy. l Leading Lady. Stan ReasC'h, Coyotc Point Yacht Club 2 Imp. David All en . San fran<'isco Yacht Club 3 Silver Fox. Bob Kelleher. Long Beach Yacht Club. R~ard Rht.o.cm Trophy 'pend ing ~rotcstl . 1 Wild Turkey. Ja m es Gos p er. Sy dne y. Australia 2. Sunchaser, Chris G asparich. St FYC J . Tres He rmanos. Steele and Myers. NllYC The big boat crews will have a da y of rest today while the Etchells-22 ncet sails the third and fourth races or their three. day regatta. The big boats will resume action Wednesday and wind up Friday and Saturday. Seniors' # Free Bus · Plan Set Di r ectors or the Orange County TransiL District <OCTD • lald tfie 1roundwork Monday for the resumptJon this week or free bus rides for senior catiiens . 1' all goes according to plans. persons 65 and over will again be rid Ing fr e~ on OCTO flxed·route buses Thursday. Before t hen . however. a contract calling for county government to subsldiie the no·fare·for-seniors policy mum& be signed. Cpunly Supervisor Ralph Clark. who" is also OCTD board of directors chairman, said he ' expects the coptrac.lto be sitne<J Wednesday and the free ride 'policy resumed Thursday. It was abandoned Sept. 10 when the transit district invoked new fare policies that included charging senior c1tiiens 15 cent~ a ride . · However. last week the county Board or Supervisors agreed to d irect S345.000 :n !ede-ral revenue s haring m one> to s upport free bus rides for seniors. That s ubsidy the past foµr years has been the backbone or the free ride for senior clt12ens policy. It appeared j eopardized by s pending curtatlme nts that accompanied voter approval or Proposition 13. the propeny tax reform Initiative that was ex pected to c ut into s uch spending programs. But supervisors during their budget hearings last week dipped into the county's reservt· Of {e d e r 31 r evt'n Ul' '\ha rln~ money to continue s upport of th& free ride policy Trial Viewed For Marine In Slayings- s AN DIEGO 1AP1 A Ma rine sergeant confined to " federal psychiatnc institution in Missouri a fter kilting twe Mamre ~~nts and woumtinJr" four others at Camp Pendleton on Jan. 4 may tx-returned to tht.• m a rint-bast-to stand trial. Bast• offlc1als said ~l onday - doctors at the medical center for federal prison<'~ in Springfield have sent '' letter to the camp commandant saymf! Sgt. Earl J Holley ss respondin~ to treat· ment Hollc-y wai; inven a t'ourt martial after he· fatal I\·· shot two senior Marine ser1teants and s hot and stabbed four othe~ in a shooting spree a ttributed to JOb dissatisfaction and it reeling of persecution. Tht.· court martial was halted wh en :• military JUdg« ruled Holley was mentally inC'OMJ>t• tent to stand tnal and a medical board <i~rccd llollev was Sl•nt 11. the federal prison for 1 reutment on Junt: 30 Guard Attacked CRANSTON. R.I. 1AP• A guard at Rhode rslii nd '" maximum security prison ha~ undergone sur~ery a fter bein~ 5ta bb<>d f ive ?tmf·~ 1n an apparently unprovoked "Hack. corrections offlc1als said Dana K. Lassy. 24. of We~t Warwiclc. R f • was listc-d in c r itical condition :lt Rhode Jsl;,nd Hospital Our jeans will drive you right up the wall ••. A year belore Unass1s died in 1977, a Greek law was passed, at the initiation of his lawyers, stipulating that a m a rriage contract between a Greek and a foreigner was invalid in the event of the Greek 's death. After the bill passed. Onassis asked· Ms wife to sign what n~ te rm ed a n "amendment" to th e ir origin a l marriage co ntract. The a m e ndm e nt provided her with $200.000 a year following his death. plus . ~ $25,000 a year for each of her children UJ\Ul age 21. Because Mrs. Onassis and her lawyers were unaware of lhe new law, Birmingham s ays, s he s igned th e amendment , belie ving the money was in addlton to that stipulated in the original marriage contract. "What s he was actually accepting was a tiny 11hare - less than 2 percent -of what ' m i g h t ha v.e be en h e r inheritance," Rirmingha m said. The terms o f th e 1968 pre-marital contract were never made public. But the book said thP oact contained 173 clauses which stipulate4f amon1 other thinss. that if the co1.1ple were 11tlll married when Ari died, Jackie would r ocetve SlOO mllllon. • J But please use the ladder~ an finding that spec1a1 pew from which there arc many styles to choose. Levi Chemin De Fer Snapfingtt io:11 lrvtN" ~"'Pofl & .. 1cti ('.1hf()(fl1A l"'c1u· o~: -ct 1 'VllltMtllf f Plau 6"nkAmtr1<<1rd P...l.ril<'r Clwr-:<' • • 17 e ·: . ·. ... •44 DAil v PIL01 Tu.da'; 64tptemt>et 19, 1171 NATION / WORLD In Giving, Sadfit Got What He ·Wanted By ELI 8 A TAil CAIRO. ~J.:H)I (AP I -Pres1 d1•nt \n\\Jf ~udut uppl•an. to hJ\ ,. ~'"-"' morl' .iround itl th1• C'a mr 1>uv1d 11u mm1t thun 15rlH' • hut he ~Ol l'\ eryth1ng E1ovt "unll'<l "lie h~ .cotl1•n thl' maximum .... .," ....... CRIES OF 'BRAVO. BRAVO" GREET SUMMIT Sadat. Lett. 1nd Begin Before Congress llndl·r till' 1u·t or thl' pm.-.1bll' ... a K{'OIOr f;~ypt1un i.ourC\' ~ai<I. t•n mml·nt1n~ on dHirg\'11 b) svr1tt .1a-d th1• Pulc11tmc• L1h<.'ra· 11'00 Oru~un11.ul1on that Sadat AJI\ hdhnl( lht·m OUl ttnd l"On dudrnl: .1 bCl)Urutc pearl! with h1 ,n·I nll'nt. hmq•\ er. a llowed Sndat to t»•lracl has m nJOr WOlll from thl· 11 umm 1l I Ol~I l :-.r<n l1 "1lhdrnwnl from the Sinai l>c11er1 and H11 rl'turn to full F:gypl1un t.Ov('rc1Mnty Th<1l ho:. l>l'l'fl ~"YPl ·s aspiration s1ncr the end of the s1 ·day war 1n. 1007. when lhl' Is raelis swept to SADAT. lllS si•111or udv1scr" thl• ~uc1. Canal and dug m. urHI tht• l(Ovtirnment controlled /\ IW•'U we1C9mc' already is 1-:~y pt1un prc 11 :1 !'l llld \he being oJ"t~1ally l)reparcd for ··rn11n,•work of 1wacc· 1n thl! Mid· Sudul on his re turn to Cairo. ex tlh· t<;tt1-1l" ht! i.i~nL•d with Jsruell pectcd Saturday. Comments l'r1ml· M111 1lt-tl·r Ml·ll ul'h t:rn from aver~e Egyptians on the lh•l(ln :-.::tf1·~uar<1cd ci.sentiul · \amp Duy\d ugrevnents an· 1\tub intcrcslo;. dicate no particular oppoiution The E(lyplian prc111d ent main Foreign "Jinister Mohammed tu1m·d It \'blltbll~hcd principles Kamel resigned in d lt;agreemc nt thut l <,ra(•l 'i. o th e r Ara b ove r the concessions Sadat f1l'IJthbor-. could use 1n negotia-m adc on the West Ba nk and t1on!i to rt·iialn tht>1r lost lands Pales t inian issues. but the pres1- 1'h~r~ lS an ouL•ud~bHit-y-ctent-.s--cxpected to t...ik~ that m o( that Hut 1t is much more like-stride Predictable criticis m ly that tht' 1>l'OJCCtcd negotia-from the ~m all leftist oppos1t1on l11Hl~ over the West Ba nk .of the party here a l··o will have lllth.' J ordan nivt•r J nd lhe Gaza Strip effect. and ll won't be> tolerated l'nuld dr ag on 1nc.:onclus1vely and lor long / pr1•i.<•nt no attrat'taons to Syria. the othl•r muan Arab bl'lhgcrent T tl t; WEST BANK agree- * * * T ll[ Rt:A('T ION OF Saudi /\ra b1<t ll> likcl) lO be more 1m por tant for Sudat than the * * * dometilac repercui.s1o ns The k•n&dom·:-. eonl$\'rvut1v<.· ruler" h a vt> n ot o penly s uppo r t <·d Sud a t ·" d irect dealm~s with 1:-.racl Hut ot'ithcr have they op posed him. and 1n the con\e>1t or \rab politics thnt m enns they have .:avcn him a free hund so far. Saudi Arabia has given Egypt billions of dollars s ince the 1973 Octobcr~ar. SlnCC' 1t nl so bankrolls Syria he avily. 1t often plays the role of urtnh.1r in inter· Arab disputes Its particular con•:ern is East J e rusalem . s1k of the third ho liest shrine 1n Is lam afl<'r Mecca and Medina Jordan cup lured it in the 1948 we1r and Israel annexed it after the 1967 war. SADAT SAID HE and Pres1 de nt Carte r were an lull agree· ment on the status of lht• holy c1 ty. and the Egyptian media has ~1 ven the impression that Carter will be pc-rsonally IO\"Olved in the final disposal or thl· Arab part of the cit) Howev1:r. l s r<il'11 1> o f ail * .. * political partws ore agreed they will never r f'ltnQuts h It um! tht•r (' w <il'i n o mention of J er usalem in l'llhcr thl• Camp David agreements or Curter"· <'xplanatlon of them to the t; i'll Congr~ Monday niitht "A s for the Re;cc.:tion F ront. they can do nothinf since thcu only alternative . which is to tig ht l'lraet: is 1mplttusibll·. said an Egypt1un diplomat. S ADAT RROK E' dlplomat\C' relations with th<' members ur 1hl' Fro nt Syria. Algeri .. Libya, South Ye men. Iraq and the PLO because of tht•1r 'l'trulcnt oppm1tton to-hts-pettc mancuv '" with I s rael. JIL' calle d their leaders ··stupul and 1gnornnt dwurf:... and i.tHd n· J>(':at dly lh<.1l witho ut Eg} JH tht!y could not fi ght IM-.t'I "They are going to cntic1w a nd otltlck us. but Sadat will 1g· no·e them. · s<A1d one Egypti<.1n sourcl· * * Unbridled Enthusiasni Greets Summit Leaders ... By u :•: U\'IU> lluu:.l! fh)()r nnd ~iilll•ry alike . f r o m R ,. JJ u h I 1 {' <• n ~ ;r.n d l>l•mot·1•11ts . frorn {"on~i>rvallvl·1t and l1bcrab Muny wepl a s they shouted their salutl's J<11n1 Sl·Ss1on of Cong ress. m lfch l~ss three. 111v1tC'd &ucs b wC're ullowcd even within· the Capitol g rounds ;.ind many found they hud to re pu.atcd ly d i s p l ay l hl'ir ncdent1als ai. they w a lked through corridors of Poll<'<' Doorkeeper James T . Malloy a nnounced : "Mr Spcuker. thl' President of the Umgcd States ·· • W /\SllfN<iTON 1J\P1 -Ttw :-.<.•t:ur'lt) "'u" pr·td1r t ably 11uht b u t o n t• t h 1 n g r l' m a 1 n t• d B U T WHAT WA S m ott• remarkable Monduy night was I hl' 10t<.'ns 1ly of the Welcome accorded the m . • unj!uard£'d ::inrt unhr1ctlP<1 when .llmm) Cart<.·r. Anwar Sada t and :\1cnar ht•m U<•i.:m strnd<.· 1nlo lht• II oust• of Hl•pn•M•nt at lvt•:-. tht• 1nrr<"ll1hlf' c·nthui.1a!>m for tht·1r C:Jmp lJav1d triumph Over an11 O\ er ('aml' thl' C'ncs . '"Hr;.1,o Bra\01 " T ll [Y CA~1 F. 1-'R O M the Whll<' l'res1dent Carter basked at lhl' podium. lsrncl 's Begin dnd Egypt '> ~adat took 1t all 111 from l hc·1r front row balronv !>Cats bcs1d1• his w1fl'. Ho!-alynn • Thom as J>unt'an of the flousc parh ament <.1r1an ·~ offH·t· 11a1d he t·o1ild find no pn•red<•nt for even two \\-orld lt:'adl•r11 att\·nc1 ing a Th c:r C' was n on t· of that so·<'allt'Ci polite but reserved a1>pla usc This tim e it was all o ut . profoundly unreserved. pun ctuall'd by wh1l;llL·s and Chl't' I"!> For sl'curity reasons. only JJUT THAT restrictive a ir dissipa t ed a s soon ~" Sadat strode down the balcony 11lt•p11 wath Begin and Mrs C<irter clost• behind Whl•n the two men s hook h<i nds. tht•}' triggered an ovation that endc·d only whe n And Jimmy Carter nev('r had it like this. not even in his fi~t ""honeymoon" <tddress to tht' Congress. It was a s peech obvious!~ rimsh t-d at the last minute. with his telepro mpter oper ator mad I) M'rtbb1in~ in c h~ng(•s ij!\ thl· s h eC'b were fe d in to tht· machine. At that. ttlc pres ident 16, 000 Dead, Hurt; Quake Tf>ll Mounts ·rA BAS. Iron 11\ P 1 -The casualtv toll from tht· gwnt earthquake t hat h1l I r:.tn thr\'(' nli;!hts ai.:o IS cxpcctl'd lo rt•ttch l&.000 rlt•ad an<l injured. lht- fktH~a1d1nd:t) .. , d~·ad. We· find il eas ier to count t he living.·· a rl'liC'f official said. T h1.· c l oth wra pped bodies o.;tn•tC'hcd out in rows a mid thl' ruins of anC'icril Talws. whe re two-thirds or 1 s 13.000 rcs1ac11Ts-wir .. c killed or IOJUl'ed . Olf1c1al11 put thl' quakt"s epice ntt!r at the v11la~c of Konl. 15 miles from Tabas. and 11:ud :1.soo of its 4,000 inhab1lanb \\l·n· l'1the r dead or injured. The bod H'S. 'IO m e f rozc n in ~rotcsquc posture~ o f sudden death. were lined up under palm trees. wrapped an while shee ts or colorful handwovl•n c lo th . while the i::raved1 Mc'rh worked, unable to keep ahead of tht• s teady stream of dcud . IN TEHRAN. A C·IJO transport landing to 1.n<'k up rarthquakc rl"11ef 11uppl11:!> r r.is lw<I. k1l ltng nine of 1ti. o rc·up:inli. ;.ind w riously 1nJur1ng four olhl'r1t. aulhoritll'l> 11a1d. A M OSLEM cll.'rgy man prayed ov .. r the wra pped corpses W ;1lt•r lank truck!-moved through the ha nJci.1 hit \'111:.igt·:-. near TC1bui. to alll·\·iutl' ~in uc•utt.' watt·r i.horH1.Re Tht· m a1n ":1tc·r lint.•s in tht-area \H•rc l'lt her ckm·11t-.hl'd or budly damagl'd dornai.:cd Friend." and relatives idenllficd the dead a s workers pulled the bodies from thf' ruhbll'. Tht· living sla pped and struck lhl•m11el Vl'S in lh1: ritual of grief ··whl•rc 1s lhl' army" Why doesn't someone help me"'" an old man s aid as he wundl•red through the ruins in the rity squ;Jrc searching for bodies of his family. Only one of tht.' 10 had bl'cn found. he :su1d. 1\h11u1 s.ooo l'arthquukc dead an Taha~ havt• l11•1•n buried. soml.' 111 mU!.l> gravt.•:. "WE"Vt.: STOPPED counting lhl' Rockies Get Snow 38 Inches Dumped in Montana Te.Pf!ra a •r e• '"llvtnp· •mtt'•••o All11tntr bdU•tn0"' 81rm1nqNm bo•'lf- bO\tOn I.trow"'"'"' 9 uf14IO (httrl\tnWV (f'h(,.UU (1M1M ... ft Ml ~I V4 •l •• ., H !IO •1 , .. 'IO *\ •1 L• "'" \0 /(I •• ,. 01 ... )) 01 \) n /I )I )~ II /) JI •• c.1 .. v•1,,,,o ,.., "" f1 O<tl r I Win ·•h " O..n\llf'• Ill '' 0..lruol n &1 0) .. 11~1•11 •• 3• .. 4 :.' t l\i ··.~-.~..,;;.. ~~~li-. ~ ~ Hou\lon ~ /Q .01 . ·~ -= K•n'\ (lty IQ lb '~•"-•" l•••1•,.••r .2.:.•!:.'.:! t..•~ Vfl"Oil\ 14 \I mmm -_._ Ltlllr' llOO ~~ /) -------------------...-. ...... ..-.. ..... .-..-.._, l O• AnQt>li!' _ Ill s• lOOl\Ylllf't VJ 11 M41mOl'll\ "° I• M1<1m• ~) 18 OJ MllW-UhP /q 61 Miii\ !ii I' 1' 10 01 Nesn••"* •1 I\ Now Or"'°"' •1 1~ N~w Vor' ~• \6 t• No<IOI • • J It 0..1• (tly •1 I& o ..... ,,. ... 10 Ori•"°° ~ /l 01 Pllol•d Oh•• 91 II S1 p"°""" ~ tO Ptlhl>vrQn I> /0 1J p 11•!\0. Ott .... ll•no M> 1\ At<llMOl\O •) !)I l OU•~ .. '!ti p hinP<O • 1 lMllf l.••t u 'l<lft 0•"'10 /1 S..... Fr•" 6) ~ .. 111. .. TUl\A .. W<t>lltngl°" 'O CAUl'OllNIA lle-•Hll•IO II r mM 1• N•edln O•-l•MI S•tr•"'~"IO S.0111• llMb-1"1 riw.rm•I 111118u r 111\llOP 81ylh• to 10 ,. n .. •> •> M ~,.... Dtll•..y ........ ,4 " I\ /) i. •1 " .. " 11 )Ii ,, "' ~ ~· .. .. )1 J) ., G4 °' Mnnd•-1·f '"'dY H Y'OU d1> ~ fWho:flt "UVf t\«)n' bY " JO 0 "" C.4t!t boltfoo11 ' '141' 11Ny0i.tt..00V w1H09~U~.O ..,_H,;rn•r •"" ~KY *' 'JIQu uo f't(')f •N f11Y-•' .,.,,., <.QD¥ by f • _.. c...-f' ""'~" t ' .t ff\ .. rio y(Alr lOUV .,, .. tM -c........._,.,.._. ~ °'"""" ( .,~. '"'"' ,.,,.,.1 ,..,. ............ , ~,,, , ~·~bell"" "'"'"'-""'"' .... 11 .. ~·' "'.,..,......,,. C111 .,..,.. U•K" h4'1~ .......... ""•·· 0....1'0>..., _,.,11, L"1V"• l.00"""~1"' .. ._ .... • Cl!Alln• E l C~n1to u A11ow""od lOftQ Buen N<1wPOrl lk<ICI\ Onlarlo P11m!.prlno• ~ O•rnerolno !..or.Jo~ !Mllllf All• , .,.,.,. ""'''' 18 s.. 6A 'Cl Ml 11 81 )/ 11 ., ,, tO ¥> m '' .. ,, )1 ,. •2 .. ti v.s.s ...... ,,, For ·--,. ... II not., ..... 10 ..... ,., ...,., ... ~,.,_.,()Iii.. And for those -loll• It cold end wl11lry. Nreclite ••> • 1110 .. •anO mlltt lo U..-1. ArCllftCM'e was the w.,.,.,..1 NIG'I In lt.t nalton .,.,. y 1111!1 mornlfto. •1111 • '9""'41••1ure of I) oeor""· llul In Ille ..-.i_. ~ Of ...,,,..,,. --. uc> lo JI lnelle• Of ·-h.O l•flOfl lly ~,. -• 1001.-.,P -dflllt _,.. -'" 111-...... C'aHferaU. !.lllH wlll be cf .. , ... , SO..tMrn Cllll0tt1I• lflnlvQll weonttday "'"" S.nle An• winch wl>llOlllO In mo•I ., .... TM Nellofl.tl WHI ...... Servi« HIO leinperelur•l lnlh .... Ctd by I"" Seftl• Ana• -will be we<mer willl llM l>IOll Ill OOWl'llOO'ft L"" ""9tle\ mo.,lno u1to 111e tnld·lh alter reectolno71-••· £1HWn•r•. 111911, wlll bet In llw! ,.,...,, alonO IN GO.ii -In lnl•lld vettey1, In h llPPt' 50l 19 ~r 60l In llM -t.int. In Ille -· ~ to _,~In ... ....,_., _rt,_ Ill Ille _, '°' 10 ..,.., '°' '" .... ..... ,~ Oii ~Y. HU!k ...._k,_UCI -POWef llllti ill IUtt.,tCI ., ... Of So\l!Mm Cel119"14• end tut eff ""'"' 10 •I IM\1 IS,000 _. -Du.llllff~. Tt .. tlel'l' edYl-le\ _,. OCKIN ~---· _,_ .. L-r O•er oarh of-· Coloreao eflCI ..,_ ..... ""-'-•....::' WyOf"lllllQ. -ltl'!'lllff•IUAl j)!UflOtd Cleer l"'OU911 ~y to,,,.~ 1111• mornlnQ. • Winch CltC,..•lftO Ill t.,.lllflO -•· MO•I ro.d• lnlo Ye lfowtttnt ,tffOll' W-y H to to. NtllOftlll P•ri. _,.. ,._ MOnciey, CN'1•1 i.mo.returtt wlll .... oe t f'ld '"0WPIOWt were cefltCI 0111. bctlWttll ,. •nd , •. llllt f'ld l•M· FrtH lflO ••Ill IWer Red Lo0ot ~ r>er•luttt will fltlltt ~ M •I'll llltllnt' <"•••d •Otn• power 12. Tllewotefttmlltrtlurowlllll4"· iweMon". IClellO Mid v.r,o.n1no "'"' ••<•lvtcl =lllllW of t illCM \ °', ll'IOf'e s.., ...... Tia• A lllgll wl!\O WAl'nlnq h;I\ 81to "9en 11111 Into tit.cl fOf IN mount•ln• •ncl ""tin lll<llM .. C--WI_ ... 40-.0 Ill~ wlll r9Wlt In b19Wl"I •!If Cltllll"O •-In tne hlOflet mounl•rn -· •"Cl llettM. "'-' °""' .,. p0\\lllft eltl'IO ...... ''"" footl>lll• f11 u1 .... ~Miion ot c,..flno U.te\ •llCI ~Old C...aoltll e tr •O "'llttltCI lo proouu • frtt1• h1111111r•l""tt -· calM(leCI 10 OIP •ftlO '"' mlcl 10\ ...a »I terly IOOU TUllOA"I S.CW 19W • SI p.m. U ~ """ " 01. '" ••• ft'"HOAY Flr,t low ' .. e,m, I S '"" 111911 IJ 01 p "' ' ' Second tow • )t o "" O 1 \un ''"'• ~· m , '410t ~o.m -'""'' OJ11 ........... J1 .'" r ''•*ft•t•, ,., .... ,, a ftct l,,_.rtlOt"" ... rt Kt lltteCI •ICH>Q fllt Ovlf C:o•\I \Oijl,,.tll N•w Huntt~lpn 9t<lfll w • .,., I It t r nQIAtlO -Nrl\ Of llHI moddl" f .. I Wlfl\ vil.\I \ ... II Conell!'-la tr MIUOUll Vtllty Newoorl °""'" C-OIOll\\lmoler ' j ~ , wood 1ra~~~J!?l!~~~.!!!!!~r~!! dOWn 1n \eCOIK!l when lhi! pany·\ over 1n be!Wff" Oley lend llurdy !luPllO" thanli.!l fo1ugaed 11um•num con\11UC1>0n1 .)()". 72" 19. 99 36"•72'"24.99 ~~ew iOO\ ,:;,m·e- • Kenoe •-w1th111 • rellect1¥e liaure 8 lr1111e0 by wen·s•11ned n11ural wood '°"""dr.ome' I I •biller) ~!lltO lnof oncluded) (lf wtlHomeo Oor.ploy on •nr w1111 • II lnctiOi bot' 19.99 HUNTINGTON BEACH Huntington Center .. I \ . . flpeYQUrc~e ~~~a~~2~~L~ le41her 10 hOld arry dnd l>'Ottcl u~\ette-\ •nd 8·1rKl<l' 12c..ine11eui4l 2 .89 12·8fraci.c.ue 3 .2 9 )Ocn$4llle8 .99 24 81ratkt a$1!8 .99 1 2.c:u~11eu~8.99 • lt11ape atrackr~ck 3.99 Eiclusivtty Ours! Multi·Picl Cohunbiahpes • your dloice: 1 pack~•sefle J P.KkU•!>eHe Insulated Travel Tumblers • now'°" u" 11ke •t w•fh rou' • puY.bullon ~I\ ag••"sf •,pt11~ hok:fs 12 ~\ Of cottoe. tfJ \()If dt1nk\ e1C' • •nsulafed to keep nof oronk\ P•P•n~ cOfO dt1n" ICY1 • ,noo,.. Gtkttn. lfon._.,·,e. ()f lUlh .. l()oio.1 e.tch2.79 • for ou• conlemPQl'~ry fwnH "prt<t"'°" LEO wJt<" fto11 ulh OUI ttours Ind m•l'Ultl lt41n1n141<1 boO"le1 I nd tfllrl fHCl'I youncsiers '10W 101etr f•me bolto "'~' 18.99 2cwcha11ack II' J.PKk 811 .Ck P<!ci<2 .99 34.99 OPEN Mon. ttwu Sat. 10.9 Sun. 10.7 ad -libbed <.ii length. und still. 1t i.c('ml'd. hl' could sa y no wrong SIXTF.ENTIMF.S tht! ovations s wc l ll"d . Sadul nodded h1' :.1ppro v:.il <tl vtrt\li.ltlly t•vt•ry prcs1dent1al word. while Bci;:m hl·ld ha~ handi. prayfully in lront of h111 chin Al lhl' l'nd . after Carter w<is us ht'red out. thl' ls r<ie li und Egyptian leadc•rs ;oaned arm:- and climbed lhe steps togethe r 89.99 Bamboo Hampers of Mexico • cml•ve liOluloon• IOI '°"' l!Ola&e~~s' • b.imboo hatTIPtll\ Skolllully hander Jlled "' lllfee \!lt\ lidded 10 l<MP y()U• c.olll!CllOl'llOUI Of Slll'ol' sm111 l .99 m9d<um2.99 l11ae 3.99 LAGUNA HILLS Laguna. ~Ills Mall \ . STOCKS I BUSINESS ~,... . •.. P1 ·•..t (It># lt•t _.. ""' • I • I"*' •·4 .-.•,..-....;-~ ... ...,. U ~-~· 1•.•,,•:_.,,, .. _§ !! n,,.. tlJ.llttlll • 11 ,. • =M~~G• 1e.21t 10 "!'.! ~ Er:J• '" 1 • ""' 1... .(KMcr .AllR"' ""'····· • ... • ... 1 • 10 I~ ..,,,. • .,. 141, .._ 11"111 f' .. I M 21 ... S ttJ io,. "' \tor IO 1t 2' ~ \o ·<llneolr M 1) lJllt, ... . ',., . "'.. .~ .. • " •••U11 1 .a ~ .... Muwo nu ..., •a .... h I" L 1 •oo ff '°"' •· •ltPIA 1 1 2s"" .. te<.Mic" 11 11 1t-. ... . 11 -• ... •l(M ~I 'n .. • '-' "4 -M '"llltl 0> ' I '1\tl-.. ·--ft~lri1• •• If ~ '11t• 'it ,., 1' 1$ • '' I. • ._.. l t 11¥'~ ... I~ ino I _. 1 •• 1 l4t lllP~C 2 .. • I U.... 11\ ·~A I .tQ t 114 ,.14_ "° Tel.CO< 1 ... 7 "4. ••••• • I I IM '! .. -'-• .... <111111 '' .. .._ '• I 111 l)t •If 14 .. '141 Mo v tbU I~ 1111"1 llCAPI t 'Cl dW 4011, t ftledfl t . 11 ~ 104Mo • t • .. ~.. • 011J~ ! 1• ~ II I N ·•n II ••• "' MOP pit.. , ""' ... ,_n, 60 • I• " -"· '''pr"'' ,,.._ ... 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GIP• Pl7 IS.. 4 2H o • "" ll r l I 6014 ,.,., ..... • i• PeclT I tO I U I~ -'• So<ltll(O l S4 10 N IS~• '' W&llJm t 60 I llO ]) • '• ~II 8 '-SO ·uo SI ~TA "eo S ' .. GePw pt7 n 1100 IO'>... llncNt 1 40 7 1t «>"' • '" Pee TT pf 6 I'll ~ ~ ·~ SOl"GE I t0 • lO II~ '• W•llJ pl I rloO 11''t • '• ~ ' .n • l' lt -"' ,..~ ~ 1·.. io' !?', " "'°''< .Ste •• , 114'-.. l ln<PI I,.. 11 ,,... 1, PKTll\ 80 f ti 17•• SONA•\ ' .. I ,_ ]'"-•• W•llJ pll ~ II 1S -•• av .SO IO 4 161/t • • """' ,.. 0 •• _..., -Gt<~ I ~ 10 16t lOV>• '41. UOll,I 1219 $9 1'-,.,. p W i ~ ~ ., ~ ' "" :::iPnl .ao 6 -21"' C-tftd .7' t 74 74:0. I\ "--tty 1.-11 I'S -~. "' llllon ~II .• l6l 71 . I.JM. 4 II-• 1• S.NE.Jt! J20 1 •16 J7'n-1~ WerOFd I• • 11''1!-'• -CoPl>wd I,. 11 I 21-. .... ...... •Y • ..... P•IW ... 1 m , SON£ pf l u . YllOO ~v.. "' W•l"rfKO j SI u-... .,, pt 1.. 7 JI I CM 30 + §l•ntPC 60 3' 10 '"'·· . Liii PICPI • J J4•1 • · Palm&c 1 S 114 "°"', -. So<IPe< 1.«I 9 t7 11,,,,, \l"t WernS t.60 I ) 1)~, V. l ,_NY 7 l2 1 41 J6 •I CM' dwre ' IS JI> ..... ''' ibf1'11 60 6 tat It\\ "" LlllOnpt 1 ' 11 lO P1tm1c:1e I~ IJ II 6\e SouRY 188 I )00 54V> I• WtnCom 1 t 121 4•V. • I. -.olV• ... • ' r•V..· "" ~t!I)' 1·:: '~ 1tJ ~~ ~ lcll.•w :,o • 7SI "'" ..... LOtkhO ' 19) :iov •• I~ P•11Am HS.. ...... ~. SouRy pt so 21 S\<. .. W.,Ml • 10 II m 28•.-. -.. lll<Am l.IO' •1• 291........ rn81~ 12' 11 6 1'~ • "t lllOHill I 4 • 10li'I • I(< lOtlll~ )11S 1" 3114 .. PanEP 260 1 SO 43•.,-1 SouRy DI l • 54 2 Wa~~ 7111 9 II 711/o-,._ 111111 Tr 3 6 2• 31'11..... ~llll • 213 17 4'1 '"' Gllltll• 1.110 II '40 llh .... lOtW\ I 10 S t1 )Cl... '• Papr<ll lb 9 11 :IO'>o ~ "" SoUnCo I 61 I 4 tt• •-•11 WlhNet 1.70 f 17 111 -\1 '1r OI 2.!0 .. ,. 1'I •• • Cowltt 8024 10 U~' C.lno•lnc IO IOI II ..... Lom~n Sill S? ..... i" Pergit\ I 06 II 9 U'1 -''" So.1111\d n 11 \) 31», .. W&\hSll I t0 I I 2)~ r •10il 1S u... "" Co 80cl ~ 11 " .. G•-·· IS2 tl\i) . U>mM I tOell JI "'•. P..-lor C) • 18 ..... "' SouRoyl I IJ 42 ., ...... W\l\Wlft 1 1 6 11'' tl"l>tr t '°I s ,, .... C•=·o •so • 17 11... ;;.,: Glol>U ' • SI 3'\\-"1 Lns, ... t JO. Sl 1S... ... P••H•n 'IO • JI 21•. ~ SwlAtr 111 ' JO ,,,, •• W•ll•M so I) .. ~-.. •rOCR .l21S ~ ,, ... , ... C 1 ;_, GldWFn ~ 4 IOS ,, .. ,"'Lil O 1107 ._ 1'1• Per'Pn 6011 ti 76 -t Sw•Q•ll llO • IO-~ ... Wet .. lnJ -t• •• •2•,-\, 1Hrt1\Gp I I ti 14\+ \Ir reM _, ' 41 13.., ~rl> t J1 • S2 1••• LILplP 1 •l S 16"' • .... • • 0 ••~ -, -• • ..... ~yW .77 II 5J 76"'-'"" (feGIF .., • ]I I~ " Goodyr I JO f )SJ II~. ;,,. LOnQOr .. 15 1S 10.. .. PllPllll 70 17 10''. '• Sw\IFor JO s 161 I•... . . wa,Go\ ... 10 ll 71111-.,. ~Cl" I 10 t 1J 71 1. . • CroON I t0 6 17 11 •-i,, GordJw \J • IO '°'• "' lorel(p 8012 11• l4"" l\'11 Peyl•nw lO II 31 11-....-'°I> SWlrt Dll 50 .. 10 111~ '"' WtanUrt 20 S ll I''• .. , I< pf 1.so . 1100 •l• ... -1 .. CrON pl7.11 2J ,... • Gould 160 • II• 31 . Lll•nd t,20. ,,. 1]"'. ~. Peebely .140 II ,. 7~-'· SwlPS 110 ' )'I 14'1>-... WtbbO .209 II !Ult l'llo-1 tsMI .11141 II U IV. Crompl(. ... I J1 17 , Grae~ l.'IO I 114 ~ , .... LeP•c 60b 9 342 17'• l.o Penvo 4" I\. SjMrtF .>411 101 11~1 • ,,., Wt"M-1 91 t .. ~ ->. ~II l.«I tO 1'• 44 _ v. CrouHI ·'° 11 19 16•11 • 1 Gralnor le 1' Ill J411> •. lou•C• 1 q 19 1>'·•, Vo PtMCent .. \30 1 • '' Spit10'I ,60 tS 4 U)'li -111o Wrfll\F I tO I 111 JO -'<. u tTrv .«Ill "' 4~ ,.,. CrwnC:tt t 3' J7"' '-Grantfvt ' • O H'-• \.. low•n\I HI• 'l'I 17'• Ptn~y 171> I 141 •~ • '• SperryH I 8 10 17 • '• WttFM t.20t II JI ,..,. • " yC.OtP 10 4._ ..., crwht I tO 1 101 331, ~. Cr•rDr ., 1 9 ,. _ '· lubrrt 1 4414 111 0 ,, 1 P&PL I '2 • n 211. • '• SM•rH pl 1 ' •'• ~, w1PP P" so 180 "" '' ley'rlG l.'6 I S 71 Cr~mF n • lJ9 JS•, ~. G1A Pt .I~ )I 41 l~t i, lu<k1S .. 1110 1~ lb'' P&Pl pl 4 40 JIOO 41'•' i,. SprryR I l1 ' 401 ••1• • v, WIPIPt 1 «I • .. 17'17 hykO g ... • 4 t.,, .... Ollbro I 40 I 11 11\lt ~. GIU 0 80& 6 4 26 • "'° Ludlow IO'll IU ""' ,, Pa Pl pf IJ. 1210 121 I'' Spr/19\M I OS 13 77 It ... -... WnAlrl «I • 770 l, 9-11111 .IO IO 161 7> • .._ Cum En I IO 5 u 31\o • ~. CtNoN• 110 8 ltt .,,., ~ ... l u•tn\ 'Ill I> 31 dll '• Pa PL pt a . tlO "'" • , .. SQY~•O I«> IO "' 14t..-" WAlr pl . 7 SI a.•IFd I Ol 11 43' ,,,, .... Cullf\Oro 2S 17 s 10~ GIWFln I • 11S ]t .... ~. Lykl\ ,, ,, ..... PHltOlll 7 ' 7J Jil.. ., SQylbb '01 u Ill ]7'1\i. '" Wn8nc , 114 I 100 • ' 11..no ot1•. 1~ 141'--""' Cwrrlnc: I IO S 3 11tn . (,(;lent I Ill If '°' :M -"1 lY"P' 1 )0 13 21'• " Pe11w pt I 60 • 2•'f>. i ' St•lo I " ,, '°" .. """NoA 40Ct 11 11 " ~-m ... ,. 13 •1~ .. I\ C11rtW .IOIO 110 "''' "'CrGtpt I,. I ....... '" LynC"S•~ 4011 JI '~I .. ::::"if' ~IO~~ ..... StBrnd 1)(,11 11\ n ,, WP•~'" Is n ., 84itcll ·eo 9 1'S '41•-.... ~~~l~H"1.Jii : ~, ... lie Greyh UM I'" u •. .... M M Peo~c~ 1111 1 0 ~~: ~::~~!A ·~rn !~ n~ ·~· WnPubl •1J S1 .... s DAILY PILOT 87 F urniture Pre-shopping Steps Can Help By SYLVIA PORTE& ,.... ... ,.,. Here are steJ>t to take before sbopp n• for furnitu~. I 1): Measure rooms and av11ilable wall s p ace for the new furniture. lJ~ a yardaUck or met~tl t ape -no( a cloth tape -for accurate mea1uremenb. (!> CHECK ABCHITECTVRAL FEATURES that m ight limit furniture al'l'angernent. Hallways, doorways a nd even celllng helpta can be obstacles 13 > M easure doorways and elevator to make sur e rurnllure can be moved ln. 14 > Check winde>w1. beat ducts. radiators. Direct sun· lig ht can tade furniture flntabes and fabrics. IS, Plot roo1n1 o o gr,ph p oper, uslna paper patterns to r epresent fumlahinga a.nd m ovin g them around t o de· lermine.actuat s pace . 181 Make an anven· t o r y o r exist111g an(t needed rurniture . Set a •·ballpark" limi t for Money's eac h piece lo b e purchased. Draw u p a Worth long-t erm buyina plan that s t art s with the basirs . llarley F'. S h u (Ql'd Jr •• prelildent of Centur y F urn iture Co m I fi«kory. N C . s uggests these in·store tactics. 11 > CU~CJ< LABELS WITH CAR E. "What look s like wood may not be.·· says Shuford. !2l U nderstand what lhe labels m ean. The Federal Trade Comm ission has established st n et rules about label· Ing furniture. "Solid" indicates that a ll exposed s urfaces are made of the solid wood n amed o n the tag, without ven eer . "Combination " m eans Viat m ore than one type of wood is used Cor tbe exposed parts . A label reading "matiogany fin ish ," S huford says, m ean s l:he m aten als used in the con struction have been finished to resemble the wood. 13> Jnspect con struc tion thoroughly <4 > Check n at s urfaces to make s4r e they are s m oothly s a n ded a '1Cf tha t n ails and screws a r e not protruding <S> PULL DRAWERS BV THE corners as well a s by the h andles; if they are going lo bind, they'll do it then Drawers must be cut with unifo rm s p a<:,e all around and no m ore than a quarter inc h play from s id e t o side 16 l Size up the joints. They s hould be nailed or scr e wed and glued firmly . Nert F'1nal hints Beckman Receives Federal Contract B eckman Ins truments Inc •• Fullerton. has receive d a contract with modifications totalin g u n der SS00.000 from the Environm ental Protection Agency for the development and manutacturc of-autom ated syst ems t o...collec.l-minute partic les in the a ir. called aerosols. D esigne d by Beckman·s advanced tec hl'.)ology oper ations. Ana h e im. the syste m s caJled the Beckman Samplair Automated D ich otomous P articula t e Sampling .System -can separate and collect both very Cine a nd coarse aerosols. VERY FINE AEROSOLS. s maller tha n 2 .5 micrometers 10.0009 in c hes 1 in diam e t e r . are virtually Impossible to collect witll conventiona l m e thods. A c h ain o f 10.000 aerosols. s ide by s ide. measur es less t h an o n e >nch. _ Fine aerosols a r e inhalable liqu ids and solids. While aerosols la r ger than 2.5 m icrom e ters are normally ejected by coughing and s neezing. t he finer particles ente r the l ung. Examination In labor a to r ies will enab le reseurchers to study the q u a lity of air con taining very fine aer osols . The samplers may TA fS. I N(; b c u sed t o g a t h e r STOf K aerosols for Dir quality monitoring by local. ~tale a nd rederal agencies a nd indus trial m a nufacturers concerned w 1lh environmentiil regul<1t1ons and indusrr1al hygiene. The firs t system s ordered by the EPA will be u sed ma stu dy conducted at H ous ton . Tex. The remaining syst ems o rde r e d by the agency will llf' used in EPA s tudies at onn:r s ite!'i BECKMAN ALSO HAS REPORTED a l·qu1s 1t1on or J\ltcx Scientific I nc • a Berkeley metnufacturcr of high-perform ance liqlud c hro m atograph y syste m s. The transaction. treated a s a p<>ohng o f interest~. involved the cxchan~c of 258.591 Reckman common sh ares for all the o u tstanding shares or Alte'<. a pr1vat<•ly hl·ld firm. The compant<'S announce d <icqu1s1t1on plans July 10 Alt.ex wall continue to oper ate in Bt<rkc lcy unde r it5 pres ent mana~t'mt•nt a s a wholly owned s ubsid1ury of Beckman. K~nneth Rainin will manage the operation . . }: ;{ tt.;.t<tt:.dt-W-~· <•,.. ~~· -..._ Gr•yhnd '°" ·· ti t;i..l•-l·l6 MA(:OM 4011 48 3• •I Pep\ICo I 13 7JI l'I'• S10llCI 2.60 I 484 n,,,: :~ :ualonl I.~ t ~ ~ 11 ·T. ... 'i • ~·\•, ... .,,Nb ... . ' ~~H~Jit --9~ '•.r.w . ..a~... ""'°!Yn~,AOJ,t-...lih, • M.011Ht~11r·¥ n n P 4 ~ .1,11 H IGll-PE)lFORMANCE LIQUID chromalol'(re1phy BoionH .31>1> tO 6 8'"' . O .r Grumm 120 o 1' 10'" ~. M'clA ' 'II '4!"~fw-..,. ..,... lf';T 11tateiL-·----~ =--.,n•~..l'..llr4...-.......IMllll ~· h u c on 1· d Btlllftw ... 10 It 10'•• 1 OPF • 7' 11\11 . Gyerdln J2 I " Ill..-\l"t MEI )() t 47 "'-,, Petri• I 20 ) 4) -lo SIP1<CO jCJ 5 1• 10 -~. We\IV I t7 873 •1ttl iJA4Gii • -• 'p.:;.., ~~',Jn~ a n a.tnnct 11a 1 41 " • Demott .10 · 10J ,._ i; ,.. · ...... MGtc nio 221 2.s • Petroten "114 • 11 ,,.... StPruo Moll 10 '"' wsto Pl >ao 110 " • .., measuring th"'1r const1luerit~' ""'fl· t -"""'"" ' "-"' 8611c.i 4 10 , s sz~-~ 0ar1111v n 1 .,., 11\o. 1.1 G:::"r 2 :g s ... ) ,.,,_ 1• M11c•F eoo11 11 1•~. ~ Pe11ts t .,, .• ' u~ • • .,. S11nw 1.., • ,. .,~.-"' w"~•< , :12 , ,,, 27"'_' " • • s "' at'I:' • ... ~, a.mis 1.., 1 11 n _ ... Oen•Cp '11 • 14 '°'" • ~ c;.,110\'1 1 '° 7 1121 fl~;. 1, M•cOn 40 • 91 u... ~1Rs pt1 7s • 11\+ ~. s 1wrre1 t.J? 1 s 1111t-"' wer0rci 11:9 • • "~, " medical. in dustrial and scientific applications a-·· 7 11 1 ,.., l'J:>.. , O•"''' nb 11 23 70"' i. 30 ,. "'•"t ... ' " 1J -"' .... 11.. 1.JO u 4n :u"' h !>1M .. 11n• s ,,. s w..,."'" ., u >44 ,.,, .. _ .,.. B rod 1 8.mcP 1 80 1 »• n" • ~ 1Mr11no ''° • 13 ... 4 •.... c;.,G ::=•111 ~ ~ :~:; ~' Mecm111 ~ 1 .,. 11•11 >t P11e11>0 .o . 101 u.. . s1 ... Ms. 1 ~. • 111oot.. w•v• p1 7 ao ., S3 .. _ "'' eckm an p uces :rnalylicaJ ins truments. spec1a ty B<tMt .,., liO tl'O ""' o.r1 111 2 , 1_.._ ..., u ~ ' ' Matw 1.•s 1 u 41..., .._ Pt111ee1 111110 101 11~. s11111c11 2 1 2•1 •1 "' .,.,,....," '• 11 no lftt-..., h · I a' d · I l · rl'I t I th 11_11, · " .. .. 01110.n 1e 28, uw. "• c;.iuR ptl 1>0 . 11 " • "• ""•<YP• •15 1100 u •1 PM£"' 1111 . ao 411,,-n. s"""' 5641 • 1 11"'_ .... w11ee•~ of 1 1 1 ._ c e m1ca s n prec1s1on e ec ronic co ponen s . n c aer110P ,1 n1 1~-· "• o.1n•r 10'20 lt6 •H• ,..,, GllS•ut 1,. • •N•> ~ ~ Md\Fo '"" 111 u h.• "" PllllE pt 4 JO ·· i.so oii.-'1• s 1.,10o • .1111 4Cll> .,,..., ••• w1tee1P11 ·· '' ~r -.., r1·scal year e nded Jun" 30 sales w"rc S3"0 c. m1· 111·o n Thl' llHIPd .I• 17 •• , JO 1,, DMepnl ,. 96 ... ,. 11'? ~::~0 ·~I~ ~ l~'I<-,z M•Ql<CI '°. 1'11> 111/o-.... !!!!!'(£ oU.tO •. a~~:".'·,; Ster Pre 12b IO 20 •1'> w11,1P11 C>f s . t150 • ··::. .. • .... oKJ·ol • eet11s11 1 :io. ,,.,._" D&yc°" .SOii• 11 ••~·.. · M•ll•r ''°" '31 ....... 1>111s •. 11i.,., ........ s11rn<1n1so1 "tt.1..-.i.. w111r~1 110 t 129 u . v. company ha~ upproximately 86 million commo n s hares 81-y .18 tO 1S 741,_ 1,, D•ylHd t «> 4 11 40V> '" -M--Marti\ n lOC> S ••O 11"'-y, P!lll pf I.ts · 110 114 SttvtnJ 110 • 740 16'lr, 1w Wlllt 1,10 s '9 11" • \• d' 8i•FSL 1 5 33 711~ .... OeytPL 166 10 IS 16'0-\.. HMW U ,.._ ~\ MfrHen7 Gt 1 JO 191~ "' PllllE P1t50 170 IOS -'·• SltwWe 110 7 14 36"-• Y1 Wl\11 • pl( 3 4 43.,. OUtStan Ing . Bf.ttWOr 60 13 Its '"'-" OPl pf 11 SO Jl50 111 H<1llF8 t.1017 I .. 21'~ • '" M•PCOI 3011 I• 34"' • 1, PllllE pt t llO 1160 tlV1 StOllVC 1 Jl 8 .. u .. , 1,, Wl>ll.,Mt •. l11J 13y, ;·y; &l.tlrJll 1.a I 103 n -·\.. OMre t tO t 1134 3611. + "' ~allPrt IOe • S 14V, • ''> MaratM 60 • 2llo 2S~•, '• PlllleSuo '6 t 172 7S'" '• SllMIVC pt 1 1t«1 1111. + .. Wlllll.-11 IS. lO 1l6 -61lnl I , II n 1. OtlMon 'IO ' 1'1 ,. .. _"" H•IMbl '4011 403 71i,, "' M•r•10 'l'(). 114 Sl\lt 1. PttllMr 'OS It Jiii "'• •• StoneW 7 7S I n -~ ... Wl<kl• ., • .. llV.• ... 81tl\HR 1,. 10 ?S ,,.,.·1 • i.O. OttmP 110 I 37 1J'• HlmrP 110 9 S6 n-. • .... Mert"'t .80 ' 3 ,~>i -"' Plllllnd JI I 13 I~ SUlft(On 60 10 IS 14 i.., Wlel>IOI .c> 11 • 10 8ltie8 1 tO 4 105 JO'• Oell11V•1r tO e 1IM ~'• -'"t M•nJS l ,Slt • 6 16• •· MUM1d 8010 S7 ,.... PlllllftO p4 I · I 11"' • I.A SIOOSllp I 10 6 U tt~ • .... Wllllem• t IS JI) 21 81.,.b<O '° I 16 6' ,:_· '• Dellon& 1$ St 11"' "' H•nJI I -. 4 "70"-. M8tlOnL .Ml1 44 16\\i .. . Pllll!>wt 1.20 t m JS\<" 1 f StorT•< 71 ff3 n •,._ ~ WlltllrO 1411 n 1"4 .... ~er 1 1• T\lt "" O.nMt I S2 • 20 JS111.. • Hndlmrt IO • 11• "\14-"" M•r-c11 .Jtl3 1S """ .... PllllVH "°. JI> IS~-\• Slor..,8 I.JO ' 17 ]I.... • WlnnO 19711 37 u .... "" S.ln l,l!Ol 11 •11 61 -.. 0.MYt .to II 56 JI ... v.,H•ndyH I 10 19 JJV;-... Mtrtev 110 •JI JOl'o •••• PledNG '" , • Ill•• •• SllldAll I • 10 ...... ~ WiMbQO . » .. s Slit B~tieC 11S • 1'1 Je"" "" O.t11'ply .IO I• II 19'11 t;i H&M\ I 11 II t2 S11h-14 Merrlol lll1 47S i•'lo-"" Pj•r I ,20 • '° Ti,\. SIYWOt 1 4 44 67 11-Iii Wlnt•rJ t 11 t 1J ·, ·~; llor1Mft 1'n 7 IO :It>\+ 'to Oe!iolO I 6 J;I IS'•, II. Her8rJ I '4 1 JI ti \'t Mr\11M 190U 19 .,.,._ "+ P ISbry 1.52 11 102 43\~ I SUIYSl!o J071 )() ""', \4 Wl\EP 214 t JI 79'1o • 1,,, Bor'QW 1:.0 • S1 n "' BelEd I u ' 120 .......... H•r-~ ·'° f ,. u • ... -.... MrsllF 1.7411 171 n· .. l'I Pi-r 1.76 I It ,. ..... SubPrG t ':12 • It ··~·-"" WhE f)f .. '° ''° 10] -.... ~fftlftl H «I I ll) OelE pl • J> • rtllO .. .._ • "' H•rnl\111 I It ,,. 2119-"" MerlM 1 70 t 1Sl lA PlonrEI .11e I • ltft.. SunC!lm AO t 41 11'•-._ WlaE Of 1 7S ' 110 97 -I BotEll 7 u 10 4' ts ::.:: DetE pl 7 • . ll20 IO -\1 Herr•tt .SO 14 l'l'J »"*-I'-. Meryl( .~10 )t 111\.. Pft,..y8 I t .M J~-\, Sun!I 1oO 11 31 ts'11 ••• WhGes t t2 • 70 ,. .... .._ Bola~ • • JIOO tt -"' OetE Pl 1.1\ • i. t ... . Herr&-' .. 1 11 :12 • "" Md Cup 7410 JI *.,._ "11 P9'1FrQ IOe • 6 U'°'-1 > SvnCo ,_., I SI 4SV+-\> WlKPL I i. t 17 n-.-loot &...a'. pr 117 • It 11 ~. OErB tfS . to 171.-'"' H•rr1' 1J016 111 .... ~ MeHO .Ull 1t ~."' PIU\tn 17014 '7J t211J-\, S¥nCp4 fts .. • 4''h-.... WlkP!. 1·•2 f '1 ltl<t-1" a.tE pr I.. • lf'llo+ ... Dtl ,,. J,. 10 ,, .... H•rrh .. , . s ]3\,-.., Mf\0"11 '°. ., ? "" .... PlenJUc IJ 162 .. • =-I 40 1 12 U\'t-~ Wll<O 10 , 1S 11..-.. Brenlft J6 I Jn 16 + y, OIGIOt 4 t US •"1 H•r~o I llO 8 t• 311"'• "" MuM t n.11 31 u •. Ptenlln ,ll 17 66 11""• ... tr 1 .0 I 10 ""'····· Wtnrll .cit t IOI If~+ "" •r-c 70 • lO ,..,. _ I.. OlelCp I'° • • ,, ...... Herl$M ,80 1 JI ""' ..... M1uyF . . •l 10~. . .. Pleyboy .12,. ,., 1Sll.-t MM ·*" ,, 1111+ • WolvfW ,. to 146 1111.-.... &rlqYI ·lell 117 1'>¥. Djelnl 2.20' 37 aµ.., V. HerleH~ .!IOI• •• l4•t-~ Mu(p 1,M, 17 Ill'•• .... PIH\' IU•!O ,•3 U:O.-Ito S~tl S<lto 2'1 ,,..._;·.:: Wometc ;5111 17 H _ ... Brl\IM 121 ll '9S lS"' t ~ 0 ems I 40 1 m ?Al ... 14 HetlSe l.U.. II I " ....... Moine t 07• . " ""'·· •. ~U"'Olt 110 17 U14. ~ s .. 011 t IO 77 60 ,,, -1 w-c .., f 141 10'!> &tlllM pf. 2 60 47 -" Olclfpfl ... • ft 17~ .. "'° Hwlll!I 2,04 7 )4 ts.IO .. Mt11uE JfflO 3 17't , , ...... erold 1 I. '11 U'--~ kG ~ 1 Q t• , •• Wood"1 '.010 .c> H '._!·ii; 8fl1P'•I .Oe • 1'1 111111-1"' g tebolO .IO 12 100 11~ I,<. Hey"A 1.l'I I • ,, ... + 14 Melftl U• t 3tt II~• 1"' ~r--.lO IO ... ~+ 1111 Ul>iCP .U/ .. 14 1111.; 1" WOIWll> 1"t0 • llS ~ • \'t 8rtiw01 I 50 I U JI"'+ Ii IQICall!q U JOO SO\i • •• • HU•Un .40 I ti 1S -~ Mt11t1w1 • Jl6 i--'"' ~ •I 1 S IO tt1' + 1'°' SUlroM _,, U • ¥.""-111 Wolw pt J 10 . > )114 • loot Btlp.UG I '° I •• ,,,..,_\It gmlllOf'll .u .. "' •t1t.. . He•lllTtC • 21 u -" M•yOS I 2t I 21 J ,._ \lo ........ tt AO,, J ~· I.. S.tnk I :io • ICllt Y>-1~ Wof .. Alr •I St • ._ 811UG pf) a ) 7614.. II~ I'°'> It • J7~ ... Ht<U ,,. • 'I 171, ... Mly\JW • It "'· .. Portr pt \so •• OIO ,. •.. $fbr0fl ... '° ·--w WflOI 2..,.. IO ] ~..:·~ 11 ... Sllp IO 7 • • ..... ~ Ol-r. .m IS 4.Q ., •• -"-Htcl•M IOI • -... M•rto '.0..10 ,. 2'11. .... "'°'1Ct 110 It ·•n ~-. ~olrOf\ IO 11 ail II ..... wr•••~ 11 1 .. 11\li "' 9,_, JO 11 S 10''1 . Ol"r' Olft • .. ~ • 14 H•llmB I I I 1' • '" Mc0trm1 I • S81 U " • "" "9G !If It SO •· "'~"'> • '' -T-T -WylM.• >I> 7 13 '°"" • :::j:, 1.~I~ ~ m.; .. ~ ~~~Q 11>\o n: l~~t..,; ::::=~ llO'f ~n 4~~· ~ :rn~&: ~·:.: ~ ~~!_ ~ =~r t~.j ~J lt~=I~ la~ 1·=1 ,.~ ~~. lj, Wyly • "7 ..... ::· Br-II JO • 2* ""' Don1411't\ .eo. IJ " 97\1 ...... Htllrl"t 1 IO 1 • •1h1.. .• McQnl(I 361• ,.. Sl.-0-'ft Pol!'l'EI I,.. • 61 ,. ... _ .. t Rw Pf •AO II I) _," -•-Y-1· enupHtl2.40 .. J6.DJ~ ·;. v. OonlJ I' JJ 71 '", w HelmrP •• II 17 .. v,-1..., M<OOllO .60 • JU Jl'MI-... Poc!I,,. 1"' •. ' ~I "' TRW or •.IO .. • )~ -1 ... .Xero• 'II •11 ,. -"' 8~ I'° I 27 ~ Oonnly .• II 0 Jl\\ , • Het<lllH 110 -i•.111-Vo McDonlll 10 t I• ttlll-1' "'°'El~ •.IO •• "°11 SI ht18rd .... i U 021tt-'-.XTRA .... ' )I o-.-... 81'(1£r .. 1 II" ,, ~•Ollv to 10 • 2Jll+ .. "" Her\lly I.'° t '7 7l1<t.. . MCGEd 1.IO 117 1, •• i. l>olEI ~HM . 150 46'11i • 1) hlColl J\ )"" Y•t~ JO t I H'\." 811flFO I .0. 1 11 ,... "It fM• .60 I 7 11~1 ••• tieHIO!I . . U 10'\-~ ~<GrH 110 IO J.\.'J • "' !'f'tmltf .M 11 IO 2'1t + ~~ hll•Y I S 62 ll'.•-"" lelt 1 t 1' ~ 'I\ a...._... · 12 .. , -"' ...., I.AO 11 • ... -lo\ Me~111 uo 111 ~,.. 111 ,_ v. Met 111yr sol 1210 n -111 Pr1-crn 13 ns i.i..-''" hn•., llf , rt U\<) Zttlli A • • it -"' BIHldt • t II 'l"' •... Oow Cl\ I .0 IO '" fllt-a. ..... 11"11 M" , ., ... _ ~· MtK•• If rss ut4 ..... llri ~IC) , ,. ,., t T\0-\oo TemDll'. t J2 ' ., ,, ... :.:· .... ~·· .itlb 14 -•••••• e_,,. ,... • '°'~ .... OoooJtt I a,. ,. ,,.,., .... HmV•ttt 07 •• 1 10 ' "' ~~Lun .... , ,. 1•.\+.... Pt'OQ~'" MI' '° " •. , ftlldr II ,.. JO\IO-tt ~yrwCp • .., 14-14+ litt 8\lft!I.. .)1e ., IOI 11 -\') Ou.o I 16 ' I. ~ • .... H ~ .. IO I) ll"'t-~t 11ML011I . te I°"-.. PSv(ot I .. I ,. 11V, ~ \, fef10¥Cll Ii 10t 2'1'e+ lit >Mthfl I J, 1 .. ,. \,; ...... pt I JO IO 2'a. I Onur l • zi. u ... ~ H llon 1 . .0 u .. , 14i.-I-M(Nell •• ' ,, IA -... af:J pO,IS .. rlOO .,~. '"' te~n ,. s H "'• "' wrnll\4 .. • 41 I~-.... 11"'11ftd I tO 6 64!! 10'1o-•-. Orts& I '8.. • 16 . H~rl I tit I H It~•-~ 111\ttO I .0 474 31 t II. · p47 lO . , I 74111-\11 ' BwtHo 1i 1 '" ., ..• -. On1rl\ ,,, 7 " ''Ii> I• Holloer ,5' 1> i.as ?fl -" M••ofOt.eo , 11 tA -1 '."° t,16 • 11 ~ ... er1• pt .. ~ '"" OUPont Se IO .. IHV.• "" 11110yf\ t "'.. 4 _....,_,,. Muir• .4017 ,., ,.,._ ..., PSlll Pf 1.• •• 170 ""'·· . """'° pf'l. • "' " ..:·~ IPllt Pf4.m · 11 4111t-"' Holly~ .. S4 n,.-ve ,.,.,011co • .011 '• 22 -~· ps1nc1 pf t.)i •• 11000 103lh"" ·-t .1tl0 118 tt\9-lo lttP ~· ·~~ ··-· alMOllfl IO . ; ~··•· MtOlrn 4116 U Jll't--. P$1n<I ptt .• ~IM"'-+l~ 1"11~ •• 111 • • ~ ,. Of s . . 11"6.-"' ·~Sh• i. ~ I ~.I "" ~·••lllel.1•10. ~s Ji -14 PSllHM 2" I • 21\lo. litt wrort~1_.. M 411 ~-W. I a ·. ·· i014' • 4' one. .S1' !lo• 14 MtMQ••• 10 ~t H ... • "' P$,.ttM I It : to1 ~· \'I 8!1tlert11 .• t q lt "'> t .. 1 '41/t-I !10ftWll HO M ..-'Ill ~fOI• •• • • J>¥i-"" P$v£G J.* 431 -1'9 '""'~·--)0 i)-111 t ., U ""'•lot HocNU i.121 U • litt ~rh lil) ts1~14',. •• 11"'1. .. 4 \\•'iii -C-t.--119! 1.4' I> ~ ~tit-111 H.-;r IS ... • Mero 1.701' J,, U" a a;· r.. It ,. ~ ttO-, bs ~t ,.... l.1 iih 1ll 11"'• I.. Hoy ;1 lfi 31~-litt ~rOltll It 1' ,.__,_ • .. 1.. • S " t \or-\\ OCAt ••• tldO Ulli+ 14 ~lfll i U -1 l!MrtlY ·•1' lOI ~' lt Jq . I ,.\It • 14 tf . o u .. . . llf I 1.IOO ~ ..... ttWflt 1 ,_ -b ll'le~l'tl 41> ao3 \\ • 14 I ,,.,,,_ .. 1140 tO - I HO • ,a•"'····: ~~Ot. ··*'° )41111• "HoutM I >.fl~ 1111 Mn•ll nen I~ u,_-w • !'f7AO .. rt10 .. .,.._I M HY!'-" I '°.. l n1-t ..... ~,_, ~ 1 "" ~•I• • .!Cltt 1 ti..-.,. P\191 u: , -tt ..... .-v. In . ·; 1 ~.. .11 .. t.t?i> 11-~ 011\llfl I.~ ~ fi -"' "'QM '_,,. tn .. ,,,,,_ '6 ~b!O • II ,,._ flf '~·· J ,,..·:.;·· .rs.. dlO ""'"• ~ ,. oc t • -i. Me~M 21a it 1•''--1"" c.rn s 1 •~ ... I 1 I '4+ ... < t It a 7 t'llt • OllJlll ) , \It II. M" pU O.S , 12 4'11..... Pi. r.• t U 0.. \<ii ~ • tta• \It """' I01V 4l '"··· 1(0 I I ... 1 ... Mii 11U.•> .• J l llt . ~1'111 111111 1'7 4'o• ptJ t i (: 10 12 i. -1-41 -..OJ11 AO 10 1~ ~ Mll~Ptl It . t2 '"" . • •• t.'lt ' JO 1tlli> n . • i ..... "" ~a.o .... 14 ,. ~· "' HIMl<t I.II • IO o~~"' MCI ell •• " 11"'. " • 11111.~. I » -1 C 1 t J7 • '-lljll ·] ' 207 J'-. , 1(-A ll I !Iii.~ ~ Mj9 U\ 1.44 I HUit"' t \Iii 11!1,t i 7J ~14, • I> -~ Slit I t 11 l)th .. Hl/ff'tTI ., IS) AO'\ .. '-M dll'>CIM t 2.. . • . 1tt t l• I) J -' ' •1""" ,.~ ...... ' IQ7 ~\'I • Hllmtn 10 I a )1~-~-~1•111011 ' • ,. "~· .... Eo '·'° • ,. ..... llW ..-t• • 1 -14 •"'4 1. 1 .,. n ... , Hume llfl to 1, ,...__ -. "'ll''rw 6011 10262•"' • 1111 o °" •· . ""° 'Iii. 1 mttl , ' • ..... e\IAlr 'ltti n .... H11nlQ\ .. • h li't -v. M ,.,.., .n ' ,. ,, ... _ "' SlO M '* IJ,I s i.- ., I Levi Strauss Posts Record SAN FRANCISCO <API -Levi Strauss & Co. ha.s rePorted record sales and net Income for the third quarter and the nrst nlnci months o ( tho year. Tblrd quarter nel locomc rose to $14 .4 mllhon, or $1.87 ·a s harC!. o n 11tes of $4'71.9 mllUon. For the same period l ast year . n et In come was $36. l mUliora, or $1.~. on ale' ot 1433.3 million. t ~p Reorga1dz~• Dl.,blo• tn u move aimed at inte ns ifying s ales efforts in lhl' multipJe .uni t buyer market p lace. Californi a Computer Produc ts. ln(' .. Anahe im. has realig ned a nd expanded its M e mory Products di v is ion's marketing and sal es o p eration. The sales organization ha s been divided into four r egion s with 11 sal es repr esentatives and two new m arketing positions. The dlviRion mak es h a rd dis k drives. rtoppy disk drives and controllers. It has added products that include t h e M arksm a n famil y or Winchester-technology, fixed dl!lk drives. the Hunte r fa m ily of cartridge·m oduler dis k drives. the Mode l 144M S huR art -compatible. double·deMlt.y Ooppy dis k drive and dis k s ubsyste m s compatible with m inicomputers. ln addition to manufacturing and marketing memory produclc;, CalComp sells computer products. In cludin g drum a nd flatbed plotters . 1utomate d tap<-library systems. pluR·c ompaUblc penpherals . softw:irc and an lnleractlve graph ics system. Stlllnlt'• Eantla .. Drop Sukut Conatructlon Inc .. S.nta Ana, hcas reeorted that o~ratloas for the nine-month period e n ded July 31 resulted In net eftf'nln gs of '304,395 on total r evenues of $10.432,067. This compares with a net galn of '362,926 o n total r evenues ot $9, 118,4.39 for th~ nine-month period ended July 31 , 1977. .... Based on wel(lhled aver1a~ sha~s out s tanding durtni; t h e period 1309.153 for 1978 and 344.~l for 1977> the!\e reaull1 a m o unted lo earnlnl( of 98 ccnta 1nd St.OS a share. re1J;>tctlvely . .. DAIL V PILOT T~y. Sep~ 19. 1918 .Television TONIGHT 'S LATEST LISTINGS EVE1111NG .. «>I 0. NEWS (MEA(KNCY OHll A dog a OtOM<A OflO llWI -oency ""tKM t.11 !he l>••"-o•ound 101 IPl•I •'O•.c>Ol't 0 YOU DON" T IA Y • THE llAADY~ Annqyt'Cl olt '*"Q Ml 111'"'1 UOOtlY '"~" ... ..,c.... '" ........ ""''""" t.;ltfw ., ltMfT9 0# IAN rRAN01800 m ovrRCASv A• tu• H11n11r1 '•I••• '''*"'' .... , ...... _,.,.,, ,...,~ l "'" -111) 10'' o ...... ..,... fl4t\ .. lfl ''"''"'""1'1 ~· l.C .. 1 (' ,(.\NM Jtwf •"' '"' 1\1(111. II ,...,,,,.. .-, ""' lot "'"'"''"""' 1HI '1l) FN.EHAHO PITCHIHO I" •-'O Al An IJn\H • ~ '" ............... ~<· • cea NfW1' 10' WON.0 HeWS tOHIGHT F11t11re Lawyers • 30 I TIC: TAC DOUGH tl~lUCY tr._ Mwr..-.\tiCf'lf''_. A ""'""'-' M'\~tinn ('\of """' , ... ..,,. k)t• •114. V"'M' conv.nc: I•"\"'" 1ti.> H,~, .,. no1 mur...,., F.:h1,1lwth l.o~.wn and Thoma:. Craig An ck r:-.on st.tr m I ht> nt'\\ TV l>t'l'lt'" "Thl' I' .qa• r Cha..,t•." ha:.t'<I on 1 ht.• m t>\'H" ,1h1111t law strnlc·nh. pn·n11t•nng tonight JI M Oil ( 'll"i. ('hul\rll'I ~ &;) MICHAEL JACKSON ''1t•n11."" •t.~t r ...,., .. \J.tk.u~it '"" ... ~t11>1J "' 1>..1t>oto1 on '"" 01.1,~ mtw•101 '1') HUMANITlfS THROUGH THE ARTS l 1111(' Ofph"n l1tts:1' In( 41) 8AHFOAO ANO SOH fl3 MACN£1l I LEHRER AEPO«T '1l) OESIONIHO HOME INTEAIOAS ' Wl\efe To 86Q•n lnhOOuChOO 0W1'1 ~CH ~rtU Il l CROSS-WITS 110! MERV GRtm N uu•·~IS Charle~ N"li;on A.,tlly Ja,,.,..:. f r11nc..1r.cu,, K..,l!<I Morrow 7.30 IJ THE MUPf>ETS Guest Helen Aeody 0 CANDID CAMEAA B NEWL vwQ> GAME @) HOLL YWOOO SQUARES 7:00 I C8S NEWS NBC NEWS UARS ClU8 0 WQRlONEWS TONIGHT 0 JOt<.ER'S WllO ID SIX MILUOH DOLLAR MAN I LOVE EXPERTS AOAM-12 28TONIGHT P• oducer 1repo1 1 •H Rosanne AlleSsandro pro· tiles " WOOdland Hills tam· 1lv 11.'vealtng why llle1t val· •ut.'S ,,no htestyle make Cltannel Lbfings 11 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D KNBC (NBC) LC'~ Anqele~ e KTLA 1lnd l Lo:. Angi:iles 8 KABC TV (ABCJ Los Angeles ()) l\FMB 1CBS) San Diego 0 KHJ· TV (Ind l Los Anqeles @) KCST (ABC) San 01ago GI KTTV (Ind ) Los Angele!> tl)"KCOP·lV (Ind) LOS Angeles f!) KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angeles '1l> KOCE·TV (PBS) Hun11ng1on Beacn l)nder Cover H>t1m <>C>l>OS<I buJll\q -~ .i ~u•oon •o dd~•OQulton ('l ~hOOIS '1') HEWSCHECK I() TliE GONG SHOW MO IJ THE PAPER CHASE (Ptem~re1 Jumos Han IJ3me& S1ephonG) runs mto an oloe< s1udon1 1001· teen Car• I wllO hlOChos him now 10 oea1 w11n st11tn taw prole!lSO< Charles King~· field fJohn Housem11nl CJ GRANDPA GOES TO WASHINGTON (P•em•erel "lhe Btrthdoy Panv" Sen Joe Ki;tiey fJack Altxlr1!10fl) •t"arns at><>ul Senate. tull's ot t>eflaY'O()t When hi& motion 10 1nvf'Stoga1e 11 $27 .000 Pres;<1cn11a1 l><t1hday par1y •S ruled OUI OI ()<de< 0 MOVIE • • • A Time f 0< hery 5'lason I 1972) Oocumon· lo•v A man and a younQ boy explore Ille l0<btd01n9 A1asi.11n tundra 12 hrs I 0 I> HAPPVOAYS 'WPs1ward Ho· Fonzie a11emp1s to t>ll tile 1trs1 hum11n ever •o "~ the di.Ide ranch s duv11tsh Brahma t>ull 0 MOVIE • • •7 ··squeeze A F lowor' f 1070) Jock Albett1on. w aner Ch<a11 Whan • o•-Oy t>u•"'*" p.artnof lh•a1tlfln• llWI hvohhood of h•I t1111t1111 m()llttlttlty " rnonk I~ with the secu1t l0tmula t0< lh<lttt epa<:•a.1 I~ (2 hll) • CAAOL 8UAHETI AHOFAIEN08 Sk119 •· Bert>11ty ano 8"" " nancoo H1rvo11 Cl) MOVIE · • • • 't · The Bog Carn•· vAI t 19!> II Klfk Douglas. Jan S1t11l1no A reporter .,.p10111 the ·aut1er1nos 01 HllJ w1fu ol a man trapped undurgroond to boost ht6 utlellt f2htS I ED tHE GLITTERING PRIZES · A C0untry Lile • Alan p.,, .. , end hll WllO BarOMO .1te ent111 to1nftd Dy Al11n s Old Qlflfrten<I and Barba-r.• S Old boylrten<I WhO 8<11 now marr'Od and 11v1ng .,, a 1>maMtown '1') INOIANS AND TWE LAW Walat 8.30 0 Q1l LA VERNE & SHIAlEY Ple';'lng The RoJty" Slltr- ley t>etteves he< sett lo t>e an eaotoc; dancer 8!16' a tall causes a change 1n her petson&ltty ID TliE 000 COUPLE feh• •S lorce<I 10 depend on Oscars MP 1n IM ltnals 01 tile GOiden Apron CO<>l<ing Contest '1l) OVER EASY ACIOr Rot>etl Stack 01scusses his now movie, "Check Up· . age C11scrom1. n11tt0n cont1nu1ng educa- 1100. "Cabaror· Peff0<m- ers look 10 older ac10<s for 1nsp•rahoo (RI 9:00 EJ (J) MOVIE • * * · The Shoo1os1" 119761 Jolln Wayne. Ron HOWBtd An aging gun. hgtuer dy.no ol cancer is chilli~ 10 a hnal snoot· 001 Cl MOVIE • • "Aorporl '77" (1977) Jacic Lemmon. lee Grant A Pf•vale iumt>o iet catr'I· 1ng lr'1lfl<IS ol a mtlllOl'la.re 11rt colleetor 10 a party cruheS and SfOkS 1n10 the s.;a (Pan 1 of 21 IJ @) THREE'S COMP.A.HY ··Goo<J Old AohaOle Janet" Ja,,.1 and Haler> Rope1 l()tn Wllh a groop ol nude demonsl•&10ts pro1es11ng the c1os1ng of a nude be.;ich ID MERV GRIFFIN Audra Lindlt•y lll'fl 1 and Joyce DeWitt e lude the polict· b)· hidinJ! in the husht's after 1omin~ otht•r nude demonstralors to protest the clos ing of et nude beach on "Thrt.>t>'f' Com1>Hny" tonighl al 9 on ABC. Channel 7. Hudsons Go 'Bonkers' Brothers Launcli New TV Conwdy Series By MARVC'AMPBELL NEW YORK <AP l The Corp. spenl S200.000 per episode. "Comedy is easier with two than with three."' Bill says. "It's Saturday mornings. 1975· 76. for children. r TUBE TOPPERS CBS fJ 8.00 ··The Paper Chast-.. The premiere episode of the new series ha sed on the movie of the samt• title with Oscar \\i nner John J louscman reprising his him role. NBC GJ 8.00 ··Grandpa Goes to Washington ... J al·k Albertson sl<trs as :in e lderly new sen a to r in this new series with Larry Linville . N UC S 9 :00 "Airpo rt 77 ... A JUm· bo JC l crashc:-. al Sl'a a nd lands on the· oce;.in floor in this third movie in thl• "Airport" sen cs with Jack Lemmon. Lee Grant and J am e~ Stewart. Ouesis Cllarlet Nelson Reilly. James Fr1oc1scu~. Karen Morrow Jesn Luc Pool'(. Roc;hard SlmlT\Of\& '1l) MASTEAPlECE THEATRE "The May0t Of Cut11t- tlrtdoe·· Oonald Fartrn ptovldes bus.ness compe- lltlOl'I tor Ille May0t t>oth Ehlabelh Jane and tuce11e l empleton recerve devils· t&h"i!_ news (Pall 3 OI 71 9:30 IJ ®I TA.XI Ooe·P\.tOCh B3ntil" Tony Bania tTony OArua1 one of Ille cat>l>tes ge1' a once· 1n·a·ltlo11me chance to gel .,, the bo••no rong with a world champion (Carlos Palomtr>OI f1l) CONTEMOPORARV DIMENSIONS A ~loctton ol 1o.rz 15 pc<· formed by tile Contempo· rary O.menS>on 8 group 01 studunl musocens lrom V11- 0•t1t11 Unton University candidates llnd issues 1n Ille ~vemt>er ~hon 111)() IJ a a (J)@) NEWS '1 CATINO GAME 0 MOVIE • • • Why Would Anyone W8nl To Ktl .. A Nic;e G11I L•ke Y0u., 119681 Eva RenL• David Buck While on vacahon .. l>t!autolul gorl •S victrmozeo t>v ll!rnlymq at1emp1s on he< 1tto 12 hrs I ID THE 000 COUPLE Feit• 5 b<Olhet. Floyd per. suadeS Felt. lhal h•S ptace 1-, nol 1n heChC Manhattan t>ul t>ack JI home •n Floyd s lactorv (f) FERNWOOO 2NIGHT ED OICK CAVETI Guesl Joseph l Mank· raw•CI. screen wr1t0t pro- ducer and director (Parl 2 Ol 211RI '1') MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT tO:OO 0 8 NEWS 11.30 I) CJ) BARNA.8V JONES 'To Catch A Dead Man An emt>e:ule< stages h•s own dellth so 11>111 he can '>lart a new ltfe 10< h1msell IRJ IJ 11§) ST ARSKY & HUTCH "f)le Game" A playful hide and seel< game t>elween S larsky and Hutch t>oGomes a 11111 and dE>ath seatch when Starsto.y learns Hutch has conlfacl· oo 001u11sm potse>n•nQ (f) NIGHT GALLERY fiil THE PALUSERS Madam" M&• s sk.'Uth•ng ge1s Pll1rw>as acqu111ed Tiley are then married at M&IChtng PrlOty Py1n1a gene• retorei; • ,...,pota111y 1R) '11) NEWSCHECK 10:30 6DQ) NEWS '1l) VOTER'S PIPELINE PRE·ELECTION '78 Jtm Cooper and a loeal newsperson e•am1ne Ille CJ BEST OF CARSON HoSI Johnny Carson Guests JOhnny Matn•s Charier; Nelson At-•lly Cidre Rtllllr. Petet ~. ley 1RI 0 TWILIGHT ZONE Chro5 and Rulh Millet ate Jwake(l{'(J on lhP modOle ot lhf> n091>1 t>y the trlt!5. ot lhell Lhtld fJ \l~ A8C MOVIE • • • ·w 1nn1ng 119691 Paul Newma" Joanne WoodW3fd A SUGCOl>Slul race Car d11v11< ~ Gareer creates havoc on his per- '>Onal hie ID HOGAN'S HEROES The NIU•' plan 10 llood the WO<IO mart.et ""''" i.ou11 te<tetl Alloed mon.y 41) OET IMART fl) CAPTIOHEO WORU> NEWS TONIGHT ~RNING 12'00 U TWILIGHT ZONE A man becO<IW~ noolotid on g.imbhnq altet w1tne11•· 1n9 another IHt IPIO 1ackPOt on a one 111meo t>and1f I HIGHHOPES HOHEYMC>Ot.IERS 12:30 MOVIE • • • 8191" Qt Noon 119'11 W11h .. m Holden Ann+-Boater Foot s1unt 111 e1s leave a carn•v41 "' (Nder to carrv lhP li :; mail I ' ht 55 min I 6D MOVIE • • • 't HOl1day 119381 Katharine Hept>orn. Ca1y Gran! A weallhV O"' '> 1a11ler has plans '°' he• laiy tulU<I! 1>usoand ll htS l (f) MOVIE • • • Reunion In Reno 1195 II Mark SltiY01'5 Peg qy Dow A foster chtld llC'f'S to Rer>0 """' he• mo1r.et l>f>Comes pr99nan1 11 "' 30m"' I 12:40 I) (J.J CBS LATE MOVIE • •,. ·Fosler And tau•"' t 19751 Perry K1n9. Oor111n Harewood Two voullQ POticemeo oecomo mt• v.c 1oms 01 a 1>ru1a1 .1mb<Jsn tR) 1:000 TOM~ROW Oues1 A< 1or JJCk Lemmon 0 MAVERICK Ille J&tl At JunC.ltOO FlalS. 2:00 D 0 NEWS ... 0 MOVIE • • Four Queen~ ~ o• An ACI>" 119661 A09or Hamn Sylva Koscm<l A no10<100~ inter r..i11on.it c 11m1nat e'>LaPI"> thl' gr.i~p 01 1n1erpol ,ind und1>rgoe1' ptas11c '>v•Qetv t2 '"\ 1 (f) GET SMART 2:25 0 NEWS 2:30 IJ (f) NEWS 0 MOVIE * • rne B•Q f.tdm .... 119531 ~ari. Stt-veo~ J1 .. 1n Kenl A '>Quaoron •;,unt0n 'park<; .1 man Ir t>t>g1n onvest19.i1tnq o\n otd mu• ~' ca-se I I nr 25 min 1 0) MOVIE • • '• Santa Fp I t<l511 Randolph Sco11 J.;no~ Caner Upon 11•tu•n111q !tom Ill{' C1v11 W<Jr. '"',... t>•otne•'> '°'" .in 0011.,w Q<1n9 while one Q<>e> 10 "'°'" I()< Iha '"''°"° I' "'" 1008 MOVIE • * • > s..bt• Jet ' I t9531 Rot>t'•t Staci. Co111en Grov A eOIOMl4 i. w•I• ..l<fl"" "' J.JO""' to wit!• .> human •ntete•t story ilboul lh4 h1t•S OI pttOll tfl comt>ott 12 hrs I 3:558 NEWS 4:00 MOVIE • * * Tritt Milrl< 119611 S11;111t W1>11m.;n, ._,.,,.. $Chtlll 0 MOVIE • *.I 'Tilt> \181'( Ed~" 1 t9631 Richard T ooo. Anno HeywOOO An nrch1tect • f'• mOdel pr119n,in1 wile hih d m·sc~mage afle< btl•i•n auackOd .md •ai>e<I I? htS I 4:30 6D MOVIE * • 'The Neva<1.in··p9501 R,ind<>lC>l't Sco11. Dorothy Malone A lJ S Marsnal. assogned to rOOOVCf SIOlen QOld .ino arrest Ille mat' whO '>IOll! •l encouol•I ' dange< dnd romance tn hos, pursutl I' hr 30 mlf'I I Wedne•datf• Doy• i'"~ ,tforie• /IFTERNOON 121)() CJ • * WUCh Wttl\ouJ A 81oom 119b61Jefl ~1>ntM. M1111a Per'iGhy A 161h cen· •ury w1lch fall~ tn love w1lh ,, 201h cf'nturv hu1t0<v proltJSS()t t I ht • 30 mtn I m ••. I . Five AgatnSI lllt; ~OUSl' 119551 Guy I Mdd1son Kim Novak Five t11ends plan 10 •ob the tluro•<uptoot · Harotd & 1 Clull 1n Reno 10 ptove 11 can be done t t hr • !>O m1n1 2:00 0 • • Shake Rattle And ROClt t 19561 Molie~ Connois F.;1s Domtno, 4 • T\I petf0<m;tr trres l~t "'tat>11sh .; •pck n r(lll t.lub u11hz1nq yoong latent j hut ·~ blOClot>d by the 01>iec11on~ ot parents -.( 1 ho .,;()min I 3:00 110 • * • The Retuc1an1 A·.11ooau1 • t 19671 Oon Knolls. Arlhu• 0 Connell Alt&1d Of hel(jhlS a young ) m.in bf>comes ii ian•IO< Jller h•!> tal~ signs him "" 10< .J <>PJCl' P•ogram t t h• 30m1n 1 3.30 0 • • T ney Ran For The11 t•ve• • 119691 Jonn P dyn<> Jahn Carrad•ne A young woman t>e<ng pur. • ;:;::~ b~v'":ee ~~~n': r:; I dog I I hr 30 min I Call Der Madafu Dyan Cannon Plays 'House' Mother: By BRUCE ADAM ' St\ N F RANCISCO I AP 1 Five times the character being played by Dyan Ca-nnon has heard the ne .... s that the only man s he's ever loved is dead The sixth time. holding a prop phone to her t'ar. Miss Cannon lets out an unexpected obscenity so l'amestly and so much 111 character that it's a f(•w minull's bl'for<• the director re<1hzes it 's Miss Cannon's .... himsic.il way of hreaking the tension. lie yells. "Cul' .. und ;.i~ks her to try agam. "I :"!Et.:D A minute ... she s uvs us 20 actors and ext ras and a nother 20 prorluction people filming a madc·for-TV mov1l', "Lady of the House ... for NBC. s tand idly by. The producer wu tchcs the second hand tick orr the doll ars. "A re w ~cars a~o I wouldn't have done that." the 40·year·old ~ctress says later in her dress· mg room 'Tm not afraid to lake those moment~ anymore 1 ·m not a robot. .. Let me tell you something ... she says. "my besl work 1s JUSt beginning... / i A .. Wl~6 DYAN CANNON WITH THE REAL SALLY STANFORD • Hudson Brothers. who do what they (•all "classical. old-style. ~~~~utllY~:-::.:edY.;"~·~~~ ~ ~ · the bigizest-cver thrce·man com· edy tea m. They're hop1 n,:t their new TV series, "Bonkers!." will shoot them out of u cannon in that direction. t!"t!Sie-1\ .~.~ est~.bli s h d e fi ni te SILL WAS THE straight man ·~ed ~~f.~~·~ upta.~'!~ und 1:1.f~U..Jhe f;lll gM,X. Mark,. yo.~ ne . •· wh'O we<i~ ·~osta~h' .-!}~~ Abbott and Coste llo. Hope "Up until 'Bonkers !· l was just TO BACK U P that claim, she cites a short fil m she wrote. pro- d.uced and direc ted. called "l)u,11g l'~n· ... ,~nmhA" f'lnco :J. .:~ h' "' • r ' . ~· ,.,,, .... Y.."'O'\a 11,w.-r4,..:. ... w 1c11 was nom natc ror an . ' . , .··~·~t"'.W~it~•"1~~it~o~lW1~e ~ t . ,,~·~~~1 "The Three Stooges were great but they never m ade a movie that was big . Their type of comedy didn't work in long feature films. It was physical comedy. not dialogue comedy ... Bill Hudson says. "The only trio that reall y made 1t were the Marx Brothers." Hudson Brother Brett, burr of films and books . steps in with a correction. "The Marx Brothers weren 't very popular at the time o f their m ovi es, 'Anima l Cra ckers' and 'Duck Soup.· They became huge only after the fact." THE HUDSON Brothers are hopin g for popularity sooner rathe r than later. But they don't expect it to be as easy as falling orr a log. .. Bonkers! · • has been sold to 136 TV stations in the United States, starting this week. There will be 24 halr·hour episodes. Shooting was done in England wb_ere International Television' U~**** « '" • iE • • • -........... ~ ~ ...... "4Mc. ...... tr .... ...... S7D'6rch,N.8 . • : •• fi.•~'f ff ••• : and Crosby and Marlin and abused. 1 had no character. Now Lewis did what comedians don'l I'm. into fantasy -namboyant. do today; they set up their jokes. crazy and oversexed . T heir cha~acters -which they "We 're going in the right had established already -were direction in 'Bonkers!· loward be tte r than their jokes. That finding t he characters and made the jokes twice as funny. capabilities of the three of us ... That's wbat we would like to do "Bonkers" is an English word with o~r career a nd I think we but the show definitely is geared can do al. to Americans. the brothers say. . "EGO HAS ':\ISEN to the lop m today's society," Bill says. "There's a solo way of thinking. It's hard to get a partner now and it's so easy to break up, If somethJng doesn't work, you get out. .. The Hudson Brothers, who re- ally are brothers, feel they were born to be a trio. Bill is 28 and the only one ma rrfed, to Goldie Hawn. Mark is 27 and Brett Is 25. They've had two TV series before. "The Hudson Brothers•· was a 1974 summer replacement. and "R azzle Dazzle" was on They think the word is English slang from World War II. when it r eferred to a person who had been knocked s illy. They like 1t b ecau se it's an easy-to· remember s ingle word ; starts with a hard·sounding "b" or "k." which they say is good for a comedy word. and it's advan- tageous to be identified with a re latively unfa m iliar word which can become "yours ." "BONKERS!" IS a varlely sh ow . with g uest s t a'rs in- troduced by straight man Bill. Mark goes off on a tangent and Brett is sparked off by that. Academy Award 1n 1976. And she s ays she's been asked by 20th Century-Fox to write. pro. duce and direct a feature length m ovie. "Lady of the House ... filmed in part in San Francis co. is based roughly on the life of Sqlly Stanford. the mada me -turned· politician who became mayor of Sausalito. a small community north of here. The movie will be broadcast this fall. MISS CANNON says the Stan- ford role was one of her most de· manding. She appears in nearly every major scen". aging from late teens to mid·70s . The movie is based on Miss Stanford's book of the sam e name. )Yhlch follows her life from childhood through the late 1039s and '40s . Miss Stanford was on the set during much of the location filming here and in Sausalito. Kuralt, Moyers Win Horwrs. • BEVERLY HILLS <AP) - Two CBS·TV newsmen have received broadcast journalism awards from the Academy of Television Ans and Sciences. Biii Moyers was lauded tor his 1 reporting and edlttng abilities. an academy spokesman said Tuesday. Ch arles Kuralt was honored CBS-TV's "The Fire Next for his "On the Road" series and Door " won nn nwurd for best documentary o f a social problem . and ABC·TV's show "20-20" won the outstanding Investigative report award for Its segment entitled "Exploding Gas :ranks .. As a tcm ·ager, Miss Stanford s pent time in .iail for a crimt: shl· did not commit On her n ·lt•aM'. during Prohibition. she turned to bootlegging. S hE.· later wa.., divorced rrom her hus band. "" attorney. and turned to running the hrothel Io :-.u1>port her..,t•lf and young son DYAN CANNON. mC'ant1nw s ays she's ready 111 luf..1..· un h1.. t \\o r~ \\flh •• nt•\\ ~c1r:conlldence :-.lw cr<.'dll~ 111 purt to "taking four Yl'ar;; off and sitting on the IJl'iH'h al Malibu "I f1.·t'I bNtcr now tha n I've t•\"l't' ft•lt 1n my lift• ... she says. During lht• four years on the h1·11t·h. she wrote poetr y · most 111 11 "too pcr:-.onal" lo publish. And ~he says sht' took some time to S!t't her per!'onul life in order. UD·Farrah Faiocett '-Visi t ' a Hoax BIRMINGHAM. Ala. IJ\P 1 Then ther<' was the story about Farrah Fawcett-MaJ ors comtnR to Alabama. But lhe thrill of her fans "'111> :-.hin·t llvl·d when a press release announcin~ her arn val wa~ found to be a ho11x . A PRESS RELE ASE from thl' 'Spinal Subreption Foundation of Alabama .. said tht• actress and model would appear at Walker Colle~c. Leeds Community Center. Hoover Mall and several barbecues on bchatr or thr or~anizalion . :.:..»2y. 1r it 1s_Jr.ui;. h.alf of Walker Count y will go up in s rnoke." said a stx>kesman for the college · -- BUT A 01ECK WITH the Better Business Bureau found no such group and a look 1n the d1ct1onary found the following: S ubrept1on . n .. t the fradulent conce alment or mis representation of facts so as to gain u favor esp. an erclesiastical dispen:rnt1on. ' ...