HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-02 - Orange Coast Pilot7 .. ' Sinking Boat Pope Tells U.N. Signal De~rd Of Coneern Over In Laguna Dills Arms Buildup DAILY PILOT * * * 15c * * * TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 2, 1979 YCM.. 11. ..0.-.1~ M ~MIU 1 . Arms Buildup Conce~ns Pope l UNITED NATIONS CAP) - Pope John Paul ll, welcomed to the United Natioos as "a symbol or peace and hope," warned the • General Assembly today that the build-up of world arma· ments, especially by the major powers, threatens the "common ex termination" or fu ture generations. Jn an impassioned appeal, be said production of ever more powerful weapons shows "that there is a desire to be ready for Laguna Hills Radio Catches j Polynesia SOS : ! I BJ DAVID KlJTZllANN CW .. Deity "9t S'9ft lo bis 3> years as an amateur ' radio operator. Jerry Boyd said )le knew the day could eventual· J1 come when be would hear a dlatreu signal cracklln1 over llis receiver. Sunday night it finally hap- pened. At bome in Latuba--Hilla, the Irvine police captain beard the faint meaaace come over bis radio at about 9:40 p.m. ''The quality of tbe broadeut wu not IOOd," ao,d1ald1oday. Small wonder. Tbe m11111e Boyd picked up m Ute wmmth and comfort of bl.a lcNtblrn CaUfornla bome wu ....... out from • foundert.nl , sloop IOID8 4.000 miles away in Pnaeb Pabnell•. Tbe lloop, called the staoa, W .._ 8ll'CMMI oa a abarp reel .. mu. eMt of Papeete. BoJd Uld tbe -voice oa tbe otllaer end of tbe fadlDI ·-I 'm bekleled to Geoqe 'Daiwa. a SouaMm Callfonila n1lt.a wbo wu one of five .~-•board t.1ae a-.. • .,...._ •• callD, be la1d. llDd ..a t.be pallee eaptala tbe ..... &Mlal••ater. ........ ,..,.. I'" .,... • r .. Jo operator, l'.e beard of ..-. ........ bappentq blfGn, lllli& I ...,.. Im ....... tt woakl ...... '° ..... .,,..laid. -·~, n. Lua• lfU11 r .. ldent .._. Cllll'daa ..._..aboard tbe ...... erift IDcluded TlaoneD'• .... "I ''· ..... Damed .... ......_, ....... baleved ,, ... ~ .... Al) war and being ready means be· ing able to start it.'· He demanded rhetorically· "Can our age still believe that the'breathtaking spiral of arma- ments is at the service of world peace?" The pope, speaking before representatives of 152 nations, also assailed suppressions or human rights -civil and re- ligious -and the "frightful dis· parities" between the rich few and the destitute many. "Sensitivity to the spiritual dimension of human existence is diminished" by attitudes that re· duce the meaning or life to economic and m aterial factors like "production, the market, consumption, the accumulation or riches," be said. . The pope was introduced by U .N . Secretary-General Kurt W aldbeim and by General As· sembly President Salim Ahmed Salim of Tanzania who told him: "As a son of the African conti· nent which bas suffered so much ... I am particularly conscious or the bistorie significance or the visit of your bollness ... We welcome you as a sym~l or peace and hope." The pope, who arrived in New York this momlng and went dlrecUy to the United Nations for conferences with diplomats befOre bis speech, entered the General Assembly to a tbree- minute standing ovation. Outalde the ball, be paused to bug and kill children wbo greet. ed him and presented nowen . The pope, invited into the world forum aa supreme putor of worldwide Roman Cathollciam by U.N. Seeretary- General Kurt Waldheim, called See POPE, Pace A!) A robber wavtna an automatic plltol aad weartnc a motorpycle helmet escaped Monday wttb t12,• t.rom American Savtap and Loan, mt La Palma Ave .• Buena Part, poUce •aid. Tbe man entered the bank 1bortl1 after U :IO a.m ., de- manded ca1b and herded a croup of ....,,.. totetbel' IDd threatened tO ahoot them ll tbej r•llted.. cmcen said. Tbe rObber fled on a motorcf· cle. Fair wap Rent eet Operator Offe_.ing Do uh le By GARY GRANVILLE Of -o.tly "II"" S"°H A swap meet oper ator said Sunday that he has offered to pay roughl y twice as much rent Cor weekend use of Orange Coun· ty fairgrounds as the operators there are paying now. And. Ri ch ards Norton of 1 Newport &!ach saad . the recent tentallve approval by the fair board of a new 20·year rent pact worth an estimated $33 million m gross receipt.-; with the cur· rent SIA ap meet operators was a move designed to stifle competa· taon for the swap m eet con· cession. ":'-..... Norton saad he to ld fair ·" grounds general manager Ken Fulk h1s firm is willing to pay 50 percent rather than the existing "" • ......,... 25 percent or vendor rental and AMTRAK PASSENGER DERAILMENT IN KANSAS TOWN ONE OF WORST Wreck of Combtned SouthwHt Umtted, Lone Star Train Kiiied Two ·Amtrak Wreck Kills 2 Accident in Kansas Injures 68 Passengers LAWRENCE. Kan. CAP) -A passenger train careened off the tracks in the early morning darkness today, killing two crewmen and injuring 68 people in one of the wont Amtrak acti· dents ever, authorities said. The train included a Loe An1eles to Chicago section. Officials at Lawrence Memorial Hospital said of the 68 people brouabt to its emer1eocy room, 12 were treated and re; leased and 12 were admitted. Tbe others were beinl examined at midday. Tbe hospital said motl of the LQJuriea were not serious. Tbe 3car train, which car· ried 117 pauenaen and crew members, wu wttb.1n a mile of the Lawrence atatioll when it ran oft tbe tracb about t a.m. in a realdentlal area a half-mile west of tbe downtown area. Pbllltp Winter, 18, of San Dleto, wbo wu traY91lq • tbe train to Wublnatoo with bis mother, uld the train WU ~ estremeb' f alt when tt deralled.- "I would say be bad to be ~ lnl IO or 90 m1lel an hour or even faster. He wu an hour late, and J tblnk be WU trylDc to make up the time. He wu really, movtq. Jt WU ICU'J." Wlnter uld. ·' An Amtrak s pokesman in W ashi.ngt.on confirmed the train was running about 40 minutes behind schedule but said it bad not been determined bow fast it was traveline. He said a speed box carried on the train would give Lnvestigators tbat informa- UOb. The National Transportation Safety Board sent a seven· member team to Lawrence to in· vesU1~ the accident. BEDROOM SET SOUJ IN SWOOP "I really believe in the Dally Ptlbt, altboucb I didn't until I sold my whole bedroom set in one feJl swoop in a claullied ~d." That's the adve.rt11in1 succeu atory <:A the Costa Mesa man wbo plllCed tbll ad in the Dallv Pilot: White bdrm aet w/aold trim. Bed w:m1ttreu, comer cs.t DX·UlUl If )'OU waat to aeU mercban. d1le tn one fell awoop, try the friendly Dally Pl.lot clualfted ad,vlaen at M2·M'78. The derailed train was a com· bined Untt or lhe Southwest Limited, running from Los Angeles to Chicago, and the Lone Star. runo1ng from Houston f.O Cbicaeo. The Lone Star wd to be discontinued Monday, but a federal Judie in Wichita issued a temporary restraining order last week keeping the Lone Star nm.nine· The Southwest Limited, with two efllines and 12 cars, booked up with the Lone Star's single engine and six cars at Newton, Kan., about 130 miles southwest of Lawrence, said Jobo Jacob sen , an Amtrak spokeamao-ln Wublnston. The train was entertnc a 30 mpb zone when tbe three locomotives and the flnt 16 CU'S deralled. Some ol the cars were toased oo their side and leaked (See DEaAJL, Pase AJ) Cable Car Cub SAN FRANCJSCO (AP)-Tbe San Francl1co Board of Supeniaon bu appropriated f750,000 to bel1n natortnc tbe ctty'1 Idled cable car 1yatem. Tbe cable can were abut clwn lut week after' offtclal• dedared them umafe. gate admissions for the weekend swap meet concession at the • fairgrounds in Costa Mesa "He <Fulk > asked me if I'd re- duce that 50 percent offer to writing. I swd I would and will send it to him this week," Norton said. Fulk confirmed the meeting with Norton. but saad, "I told ., <See SWAP MEET Page AZ> ·· Coast • -. Weather 1 Variable blp cloudiness j and slightly warmer in· t land through Wednesday. "i Lows toniJbt 55 to 64. ~ Hi1hs Wednesday in low l 709 at beaches to low 80s .~ inland. ~ INSIDE TODAY Pilot "'°"' toritn Do~ C•n~ compare• tM cfl.anca of the Angell Cl1lld Oriole• in the plarof/• that stat1 W~. Sn Page Bl. MY_ ...... M AMu..n CJ ......_ a....... •1• .,_......_. CA...._...._ .. LM...,. M .............. M ...... IN ...... c:i-itr At ~ Al~---M,C4 c...... Cl..,........_ .. ~ ($..ft a. CM.... Al c..lc• a"""' .... en =• ca 9'.llat '* a =::.·I CA ..... ,........ .. 81 I • .::~ 17 ,,._... Ct4 T1llMtws 814 ... IClll Ct :::..~40 ~ ' .. f ' I O!to9m 2. 1m E1Ta tic Goltt Price BBlts-at $~2fi LONDON CAP> -GoW Irie. n.ftua.d ...., ....... to. ..,.~ ............ ... ftntU.. ............. ... ftaally ......... tO ... .... d&Ywltba...._ 'hie prtcie la Int a~ ......... -. ..... ............................. nCcJrd ...... 811& it NCO•..t ... r U.. _. ol tM dar and dliMd Ill•• ounee, up tu.za fwu.e-,. D1aJen ••ld the aervou1 •Wet ._},flt OD a I~ .... ol Dnftt ~Y ta nacUon to tlM • rlM ud partly 1pul'Nd bJ rtipOrU ol a dollar· l Not Too FunDy 'Rednecla' Re1ent Satire HOLLYWOOD. P1a. <AP> - Radio 1taUC1D WOllA t.boqtlt that pok1nc fUD at eountrJ mmic and "redneck.I'' fM thrM ~ wu • fiUiM _. 1111 a• b•• a,.. way to ma.ri lta awlt.cb from the Nashville sound to a coot.em· porary music format. Some peo. pie didn't, however. StaUoo ex~utivn said llan· day that a doaen rowdy and "very bis people" with pipes and sUcb arrived In pickup trucks shortly after disc jockey Earl McDlpliel completed the "satire of country music." "t was underneath the con· tole, callinl the police. I'm chicken!" said 1eneral manaaer Dave Denver. "Our control soom has bulletproof glass, thank God, because they were beating on the window with pipes. "They were in pickups with lhe spoWgbta oo top ol them. They started poundtnc on a car parked at the station and then they bit the station windows with pipe9,"belldd. • • Denver, who arrived here three weeks ago from radio sta- tion KGMB ln Honolulu, said the 5,000-watt station decided to s witch program formats because it was not doing well financially after 12 years as a country-music station. McDaniel was brought in from Los Angeles lo do the s ingle show Sunday night. During the broadcast. McDaniel interrupted the play· ing or country albums to make disparaging com m en t s He scratched the phonograph nee- d le over records and made sounds of explosions and break- io~ records McDaniel also made such re· marks as: "Rednecks are a race of people who bang out at bus stations and pick their noses." Soon afterward, Denver said, a caller asked the DJ if be bad ever had hi.a nose picked wtt.b a shotgun "We had b ee n gelling threatening calls, people aslting the DJ tf he'd ever been beaten up by a redneck." said Denver. "I was really surprised at the reaction," he said "We weren't -taughing at them, we were laughing with them. That's what we intended." Broward County police con· Oemente Stage Lines Fare Hike OK • California Public Utilities Commission members have al- lowed $an Clemente Stage Lines officials to hike fares on the transportation firm's Orange County routes. The 50-cent one-way fare between San Clemente and Camp Pendleton bas been in· creased to 80 cents. From Dis- neyland to Camp Pendleton, the one-way fare of $2.75 b aa been hiked to $5 and round-trips will now cost$9. PUC officials said that even with the increased fares, the firm will lose about $6,000 a year. San Clemente Staie Unes officials assert that they have lost $24,000 in the last fiscal year. The new fare increases are now in effect. OftANQI COAST DAILY PILOT T ... Or-C..,. O<tily ~IOI. wHll Wlll(ll lu-ll!_ I,,. __ ...................... 0r_ (cte\I~""'"''-" S.0.•eltfdll-MO ............. MeflOey ,........,. ,, • ., ..... CitllAt -· "-' ........................... ..,,_ 1.i11Yel ... ,lnlfflt,l.--1V-ftG-A ............... -..... ·-•-s..--..--·L Tiie P'"'<-_.,...,. -I\"' lJO -"e .. si .... Cott•-.c.11-•9-•-N ---.. ....... """',_ JK~· Cw1oof YtCel'rM_l_Qe_llMo- ~--EdllO< .,,... .. ...... M.1""91 ..... .. °"'"" "· "-....... ~-llell • •1Ml4Mw,_.1.,.N*' T...,_ne (714)ta-Q21 Cl...-.ct Adweftl .... IGN71 -IMO.-. --- ftrmed tbat a car owned bJ a 1tatlon employee waa dell&ed. ' Pollet ..,t otftcera wltb dolll to patrol tbe 1taUon the remal:Dder of&M......., The viand.all left when they heard a plea for listeners to call police, but later called and tbreat.ened to return, Denver said. ''J think you can 1afely say McDaniel will never work here again. He'd get killed," Denver said. "I don't think he'll be usl.ng the name 'Earl McDaniel' again anywhere," Denver sald. After the IJ'OUP left, the Ila· tion played the Mel Tellll coun- try IOlll "Coca-CoJa Cowboy" repeatedly for six hours. Denver said that even before the incl-den~1 the station bad considered conUDUOWI playing of the SClllgS wttli the lyrlca: "I changed the locks oo my doors -it's time you understood that we .are through." ... <#<I: .,,,., "' ' " I. FfWll!I P.,,e A J RESCUE •.• to be Thorsen's son, c~ pliger and Eric Swett. All except Swett are from Southern California, Boyd said. Swett's home is in Seattle. The ham operator said he called a friend, Bob Sackett, an airline pilot who also is an amateur radio buff. to assist him in copying the broadcast. While Sackett made calls to find out information about the Skana, Boyd called the Coast Guard in San Francisco. The Coast Guard then relayed the in· formation about the endangered boat lo the U.S. Pacific Fleet, which contacted French Navy ships ln the area of the reef. By the time rescue ships ar- rived, Thorsen and bis apparent· ly unln.jured companions bad climbed on.to a reef as waves pounded the sloop. Boyd said Thorsen bad sounded calm relaying informa- tion on his predicament until the sloop started to take on more water. At that point. Thorsen told Boyd, "I've got to get out of here." Throughout the rescue, Boyd said the ''radio discipline was fantastic. There were people listening in from all over the world, and if I missed a syllable, I got help from someone in JI. llnois or New Zealand.'' · Boyd said be hopes to mfft · Thorsen when be brings the bat- tered but still sailable sloop back to Los Angeles Oct. 20. He said be contacted Thonen Moo· day night and found out the Skana was sailing towards Papeete wi.,, some small holes in it.a bull which would be re- paired. Wndemned Man Calm CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP). - Nevada Death Row inmate Jesse Bishop of Garden Grove remains "the same dude as always," unafraid despite a U.S. Supreme Court decision to allow his execution possibly as early as Oct. 22, a family spokesman says. The spokesman, who asked not to be named, said Monday that Bi.shop, 46, and bis family still figure be hu a right to a speedy execution and that un- wanted defenders s hould stay out of the case. State Prison Director Charles Wolff Jr. confirmed that Bi.shop, when informed of the high court's decision Monday to set aside hi.a execution poatpone- ment, seemed unperturbed and said it was what be expected. F,...PflfleAJ DERAIL ••• diesel fuel and oil. One car bru1bed tbe 1ide of a small bouae near the tracu, but no one ln the boule wu injured and dama1e wu mlnor. the engineer of the train was trapped in the locomotive, but WU freed. Re1cue workers bad to UH torchea to cut Into the wrKkace to set to some ot the pa11en11n. Autborlttea com· pleted a ear-by-car 1earcb and found DOCJne trl&Jl)ed. "It looked Ilk• someone had taken a tOJ traill and lolled lt in the air.'• ODI wit:Dlll Hld. NICUI ..-....... tilll hm tbe la\enatlo•al lloaetar1 hlMI o.r.we ii ........,.. YQOllau. .,,,.... ... W'I Ualll .... Vo1chr, tbe U.I. Pe•eral R111rve d&lnnaa .rM Wt 811· 11• ,_New Yan,.-.. lllllill • IM"8 .., ...... t.o ....... 1uell a rMeue. But fold re· eo••Hd after t•• ed1ral ........ Ntd DO 9!UICNDte1DtDt wuM111•w. ".Juat tow•rl•I madn"'·" cleeland ....... bl Zurieb, ....... 1old mantt, .... to a peak b6d ot -· But 111eddlalJ lD law lftenocm It ltaNd drclpplAs. 11 NalCW u low .... -oaDCe Ill Lon- -Won ~rlDC. Gold roH lo Hoa1 &on1. wben tndiDI ended befon the Eur.-.............. Jump- ... MUI to 9'».:M from•·• .....,. MOTORCADE LEADS POPE DOWN NEW YORK 'S FIRST AYl.NUe Pope John Paul 11 Wavea to urge Crowd Gathered Along Route F,.._PatJeAJ POPE ... for "international guarantees" for governing Jerusalem. This has been a bitterly con· tested issue in the Middle East, with Israel holding all the holy ci~ since the l~ war and ln· sisling on Jerusalem's historic s tatus as a part of Israel. The U.N address was the highlight of the second day ol the pope's weell:-long, slx-elty U.S. tour which began with a jubilant welcome in Boston oo Monday. Much of bi.a Ume was spent in cooferences wit.b U.N. diplomata. The pope, reviving a Vatican position that has not been voiced in recent years, urged the in· ternational oversight of Jerusalem beca use of its "particular nature," a heritage sacred lo Judaism, Cbristiab.ity and Islam. He also said that while re- cognizing the "value of any con- crft~ step" to settle the Middle East conflict, a general overall peace Is not in sight without "equitable recognition of the righta of all," including "just settlement of the Palestinian question." Turning back to the perils ot the anna race, the pope said modem weaponry exceeds "in quality and size the means of war and destruction ever known before." But be said that eliminating the war threat demands wiping out its root causes -the sup- pression ot human and rellJious rights and unjust distribution of material goods on the planet. "It is not easy, but it must be done," the pope said. Man Killed Changing Flat Tire A 23-year-old Fullerton man was killed Mooday when be was hit by a southbound vehicle on Bolsa Avenue in Hunllntton Beach where he had stopped lo change a Oat tire, office~ said. A 46-year-old Huntington Beach man, who stopped to help, was also hit, police reported. Buaam Joeepb Nebeme was pronounced dead at the scene of the 9:42 p.m. accident. James Everett Reqan, 8412 Weber Cir· cle, Hunttnctoo Beach, is lilted In critical condition today at W e1tmlnster Comm unity HOlpital. Police said the pair were pull- lna a fiat tire off Nebeme's 1edan-near Bol.aa Cb.lea Street wben a vehicle driven by Patrick Charles Delucca, a . ot 4652 Neeley Circle, Huntinaton Beach, 1truck them. FremP9fJeAJ SW AP MEET OFFER. • • him we couldn't <negotiate) at this time tx>caU5t! wt.· already have a contract "It has two more years to run and is subject to a 10 year ex tension if the amount of rent can be mutuaJly agreed upon," Fulk added. "The only thing we can do is keep a list oL those who would be intere~d if the ne1otiations fell through." The current operators, Tel Phil Enterprises lnc .. now pay 25 percent of the vendor and gate receipts a1 well as a percentage of food stand income for weekend use of the 38-acre site on the fairgrounds' southeast comer In a new contract tentat.Jvely approved by the fa..ir board m · July and since pulled for re- considerati~n. Tel Phil agreed to hike its veoaor and gate receipt percentage lo 331f.i percent. Fulk said the contract wouldn't be discussed at the Fair Board's monthly meeting this Thursday. After e ndorsement at the board's July meeting, state Sen. Paul Carpenter, D-Cypress, quleUy volunteered lo carry the contract through peeded ap· proval by the state Fair and Ex- poeition Board. Carpenter later sald his ln· terest ln the $33 million contract was because "a Sacramento contact alerted me to the fact there might be some improprie- ty aaaoclat.ed with the contract." Tbe l~year renewal with an option to redew tor an additional 10 years came more than two years before the Tel Phil con- tract expires. Norton said that be went lo the fairgrounds office last June to review public record.I that abow how much business, is being done oo the SO weekends a year the SWilP meet 1s operatC>d "I ttunk 11·~ mon· than roin c 1dental that the follo wing month the 1ra1r1 board approved the contract for an addillonaJ 20 years with the current contract still having more than two years to run," Norton said. Tel Phil partner Robert TeJJer explafned the company's in- terest lD a new contract by say ing the firm wanted to make oapilal improvements on the site and could only JUSllfy domR so with a long term contract sn hand ~orton l'Onceded that the work done bv Tel Phil in de' elop1nR the s ~ap meet at the fair grounds mto one of the nation ' mosl successfuJ made the 50 ~r cent offer possible. .. No quest.Jon about it. anyone starting from scratch would have lo say 2S perc~nt is a pro- ~r amount. But Teller has done a good promotion job and the meet is big enough now that money, good money can be made even paying 50 percent of the receipts for rent." Norton said. He conceded that Tel Phil has a leg up on a oew contract by vi rtue of a 10-year option lo re- new at "mutually agreeable" terms in 1982. But the difference in what Norton offered through his SO percent proposal and the current 25 percent arrangement would boost the (airgrounds' or public income from the concession from roughly $325,000 to $750.000 a year. Gold dGMd at uu.• t11 Loa- don •• Moada1. S4H.• hi ZUrteb, IDd ll6t Mlt lD New Yon before...,...... to a.11.•. Tb• ....._ buyers ..... uld to be aot .., lllddl• Salt Arab oil t...._.. but alto '°',.... tiODJ .. Gebel' ............. out of clol1an beeUM tbe)' ~ convtneed told must ln.evf~ brinl bii!"°"ta. In l.oadoo, the Brtt.lsb ~ ed1ed up to ta.1.W10 from S2.118f Monda,. • Monday•1 bullion activity marked tbe flrat time sold closed above S400 on European nebaqea and a NCOrd clolina for New York al.lo. Tbe price wu SD an ounee in July 1918 and cloMd above $300 for the ftnt Ume less than three months a&O OD July 1.8. A tnder et Samuel llontqa in Loodoo said Arabs and othet' major Investors were unloadinf shaky dollan to buy gold. "What else can they do wit& thelrclollaf1?" be asked. • "There'• a lot of o\Perseas buy~ tn1." said Franc Scbumaci, a gold trader for Marcus..& Co .. at New York's Commodity Ex· chan1e. "A lot of the commodity pros are out of the market Eventually, somebody's going to come ln and sell this gold, but ri1ht now It's going to th~ moon." The continued flight awai frolJ! the sagging dollar and lnto comm1Jd.ities also pushed othei precious mete ls higher. witi platinum futures aurglng $131 to an astound.ins $700 an ounce at one point on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Platinum for delivery this · month later eased but clocsed oo the exchange at $632.30, up $64. The prjce ol ailver leaped Sl.1.9 ln London to a peak 117 .51 an ounce. It \:ept risin1 ln New York, witb October 1Uver futures closing at $17 .88, up $1.48' OD the day. The dollar Opened at 225.10 Jell in Tokyo today. up from 224.925 late Monday It went to 225.15 about balf an bour later, ue-aawed through the 'day and closed at 214.87S, J\&lt ~ sligbUy below Mooday'1closing rate. · After closing at 223.4S yen f'ri: day. it climbed Monday to 225 20 Then lh<' Hunk of .Japan 'old an ~l1maled S.100 million lo prolt•c·t lht! yen . feC1rin ~ a~ gravatt:'d 1nflat1on that would push import pnces up The dollar 1s improving an Japan. in contrast to its situ. Uon ln Eu.rope, because Japan Ls running an lncreaalng trade ~ f1c1t and be<"au..,e of expectation of higher Oil pnces which W111 have to be pa.Jd in dollars. The dollar sank to 1Lc; lowest It>\ l·I an 11 monlh'\ against the We,t Gl'rman mark Monda y and \lo OUld haH' dropped further had the Hundec;bank not mounted 11.!> b1R~est r(~t:Ul' opNat1on of the ~ea r Governor Picketed MEXICALI. Mexico CAP> - "We want Jobs ... cried 400 new teachers marching outside while Gov . Roberto de la Madrid talked about recent improve- ments in B&,Ja California in his annual state-of-the-st ate ad- dress. The protesters. all r ecent graduates of the Autonomous University of Baja California, spent 24 hours at De la Madrid's home, blocked from it by a walJ or state jud.icial policemen. Then they moved to the downtown theater for De la Madrid's ad· dress. Delucca WU arrelted OD IUI· pletoo ot felOO)' drunk drtvinl and felOO)' maulauibter. He la JS FASHION ISlANO . NEWPORT BEACH, CAllfORNIA 92660 belnl held 00 ss.ooo 6all at Hunt-TEUPHONE 17141 644·249~ . , lnttonBeacbJall. .._ ____________________________________________________ ...., '( 4 •• ~-------... ~ - l ' Ora.ge Coast ED ITI ON f]op Aids in LOng DUtanee fteseue falDt era .. eome over bb red&o a about t : 40 p.m. ..,.,,. qullt1 of t.1111 bromdcut wu OOl tood. '' 8oJd Mid today. Small ....... Tbe m••• Boyd plcted up la u.e warmth and comfort ol bis Sout.btn callfomla home was beln1 Miit out from a fou.oderina 1loop aome •.ooo miles away In French Polynesia. The sloop, called the Skana, bad run aaround oo a.•~ reef 200 mllee east ot Papeete. Boyd aaid the voice en the other end of the fading tranam.laaioo belOlllecl, to Georee Thorsen, a Southern Callfomia reaide.ot who was one of flve penooa on board the Skana. Thonen •as calm, be said, and told the police captain the boat was ta.king oo water. "In the 20 yean I've been a AMTRAK PASSENGER DERAILMENT IN KANSAS TOWN ONE OF WORST Wreck of Combined SouttnMat Umtt.d, Lone St•r Tr.in Kiiied Two ' I • 68 Hurt as Train From U Derails \ 7 ~ • I 1 LAWRENCE. Kan. (AP) -A paaaeneer train careened olf the tracks in the early morning darkness today, killing two service attendants and iltjuring 68 people in one of the wont Am· trak accidents ever, authorities said. The tr$in included 'a Los Angeles to Chicago section. Identities of the victims were not released. Officials at Lawrence Memorial Hospital said 68 peo- ple were brought to its emergen. cy room for treatment. Twelve were admitted, with five placed in the intensive care unit. Amtrak officials said a train wreck that killed 11 peopl.. in June um. was the only other ac- cident worse than today's since the passenger rail line was formed in May 1971. · J . D. McPherson, division s uperintendent for the Santa Fe railroad, on whose tracks the Gold Fluctuates Wildly in Europe • 1 t LONDON <AP> -Gold prices fiuctuated wildly in Europe to- day, soaring above $440 for the first time, then plunging $35 and finally recovering to finish the day with a gain. The price in London dropped as low as S40S an ounce during ' t.be afternoon, after bitting the record high. But it recovered near the end or the day and closed at $'28 an ounce, up $ll.25 for the day. Dealers said the nervous market tumbled on a surge ol profit taking, partly in reaction to the moming's rise and partly spurred by reports of a dollar· reteue packaae emanating from tbe International Monetary Pad Conference in Beltnde, Yu1os1avta. Tbere were rumors that Paul Voleter, the U.S . Federal Jl.-ne daairman who left Bel· ,...... for New York', would bold a news canference to announce 1ueb a 1'99cue. But sold r~ eoYerecl after tbe Federal Re11ne laid no announcement --~, "Just towering madness," declared one dealer in Zurich, Europe's biggest gold market, as prices rose to a peak bid or $444 an ounce. But suddenly in late afternoon it started dropping. It reached as low as $405 an ounce in Lon· don before recovering. Gold rose in Hong Kong, where trading ended before the European decline began, jump- ing $24.88 to $419.24 from $394.38 Monday. llood Donors Sought Oct. I 7 Donors are being sought for a blood drive to be held from 2 p.rii.' to 6:30 p.m. Oct. 17 at the Newport Harbor-Cost a Mesa Board of Realtors, 401 N. Newport Bl~. The blood drive is being spomored by the Orange County Chapter ol the American Red ' Cross, the realty boud ud Walker and Lee Real Estate. wreck occurred, declined to comment oo possible causes for the accidenL "We have an idea what the cause is," he said. "But I don't want to release it at this t,ime. There will have to be a thorough investigation first.'' • Asked if speed was a factor, McPherson s aid : "Yes. but that's what I can't release." The 18-car train, which car· ried 187 passengers and crew members, was within a mile of the Lawrence station when It ran off the tracks about 6 a.m. in a residential area a half-mile west of the downtown area. Phillip Winter. 38, of San Diego, who was traveling on the train to Washington with, his mother, said the train was going extremely fast when it derailed. "l would say he had to be do- ing 80 or 90 miles an hour or even faster. He was an hour late, and I think be was trying to make up the time. He was really moving. It was scary." Winter -s aid. An Amtrak spokes m an in W ashingtoo coofirmed the train was running about 4-0 minutes behind schedule but said it bad not been determined how fast It was traveling. He said a speed box carried on the train would give investigators that informa· lion. The National Transportation Safety Board sent a seven- member team to Lawrence to in· vestigate the accident. The derailed train was a com· bined unit of the Southwest Limited, running from Los Angeles to Chicago, and the Lone Star , running from Houston to Chicago. The Lone Star was to be discontlnued Monday, but a federal judge in Wichita issued a t e mporar,Y restraining order last week keeplnJ[ the Lone Star runnlnl. • 1' It looked like someone bad taken a toy train and tossed it ln the air,'' one witness said. •••••• 6ro-d•re•lcl•• radio operatOr, I've beard ol these tb1np happening before, but I never imqined Jt would happen to me," Boyd said. The Laeuna Bills resident found out thlit othen aboard the 53-foot uaft included Tborseo's wife, Sydney, someone named Eric Thonen. whom be believed to be Tbonen's soo, Christie Op- pliger and Eric SwetL All except Swett are from Soutbern Calllonda, Boyd aald. Swett'• home la in Seattle. The ham operator said be called a friend, Bob Sackett, an aJrUne pilot who also is an amateur radio buff, to assiat him in .. eopytng the broadcyt. While Sackett made c~ to find out information about the Skana, Boyd called the Coast Guard in San Franclsco. Tbe Coast Guard then relayed tbe in· .. =ad formation about the boat to the U.S. Paelflc wblcb contacUd Preach NaVY 1blp1 in the area ol the reef. , By the time rescue stµpe at· rived, Thonen and bis apparent- ly uninjured companiona bad climbed onto a reef as waves pounded the sloop. Boyd said Thorsen had sounded calm relaying informa- <See RESCUE, Pa•e AZ> Dispute Boils Fair Swap Meet I Rent Pact Rapped By GARY GRANVILLE OI .. Delly~ Su.tt A swap meet operator said that b e has o ff ered to pay roughly twice as much rent for weekend use of Orange Cou:n· ty r air grounds as the operators there are paying now. And, Richards Norton of Newport Beach said. the recent tentative approval by the fair board of a new 20-year rent pact worth an eslimal~ million in gross receipts with the cur· rent swap meet operators was a move designed to stifle compelJ· lion for the swap meet con· cession. Norton said Sunday be told fe.ir· grounds general muaaaer ·Ken Fulk bis firm la wiUbl& to PQ :so pel'Cllllt n&ber Utaa tile at-m1 21 "~ ~ •etldar ....... ...... 1 , .. ,_u. •• ' 1 swap meet coaeeuloo at tbe fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. "He (Fulk) asked me if I'd re- duce Uaat 50 percent offer to writinc. I said I would and wUJ send it to him tbls week," Norton said. Fulk conftrtned the meeting with Norton. but said, ··1 told him we couldn't <negotiate) at this lime because we already have a contract. "It bas two more years lo run and is subject to a 10-year ex- tension if the amount of rent can be mutually agreed upon." Fulk added. "The only thing we can do is keep a list of those who would b e inte rested if the negotiations fel~ through." The current operators, Tel Phil Enterprises Inc .. now pay 3Women, Man Face Sex Charges A Costa Mesa man and three women who allegedly work for him race charges of pimping and prostitution following their arrests by officers who contact· ed the group through an escort service. Newport Beach police saad Thomas Charles Liotta. 35. of 525 Victoria St .. operator of Tommy's of Newport escort service was arrested Friday arter alleaedly taking $900 from an undercover officer for the sexual ser vices of the three women. Booked on suspicion of pro- s tit ution were Brenda Lee Blume, 18, of Garden Grove, Christine Ann Hall, 26, of Anaheim and Marie Ann Maynard, 18, of Garden Grove. Set. John Slmoo said the ln· vesU1atlon was conducted with the aasiatece of officers from the Oranee County Sheriff's Department and the Costa Mesa Police Department. 25 percent or tbe vendor and gate receipts as we ll as a percentage of food st.and income for weekend use or the 38-acre s ite on the fairgrounds' southeast comer. lo a new contract tentatively approved by the ra.ar board an July and since pulled for re-- consideration, Tel Phil agreed lo hike its vendor and gate receipt percentage to 33~ percent. Fulk '~voeative' said the contract wouldn't be discussed at the Fair Board's monthly meeting this Thursday. After endorsement al the board's July meeting, state Sen. Paul Carpenter, D·Cypress. qu1etly volunteered to carry the contract through needed a~ proval by the state Fair and Ex- po6itioo Board. Carpenter later said his tn· <Se~ SWAP MEET. Page AZ> U.S. Buildup Cited By: .xaa · ~ency By'DeA111 'tt1•Plw TbeU......._ ......... "anotber pro'VOCatin ....., ol force•• near cu.ba. the oft'ldaJ Soviet news qency Tua said ~ day after President Cart.er an· nounced stepped-up U.S. activity to counter the presence of Soviet troops in CUba. T ass made the comment in its English-language service for foreign s ubscribers. not refer· ring specifically to Carter's Mondav ni~ht broadcast soeech on the Soviet troops . Radio Moscow. however, did report on the s peech. (Analysis PageA4.l The radio's world service said Carter "admitted that it Cthe Soviet urut in Cuba> was not a large force and <lid not present a direct threat to the United States." · Th e Soviet Un ion bas persistently claimed that the Soviet troops m Cuba are there for training purposes only and t hat their number has not in· creased in 17 years. The rad.lo said "he announced. however. a subs tantial strengthening or U S. military presence in the Caribbean and increased close survelllance or Cuba. ··President Carter noted that the presence of Soviet personnel in Cuba was no reason for going back to the cold war. He made a strong appeal fo~ Sena te ratification or the new U .S . • f 2,000 Attend Fo~Hayden Toru Lecture NEW BRITAIN, Conn. CAP) -Actress Jane Fonda and her political activist buaband, Tom Hayden. overcame football, President Carter, and Pope John Paul II to pack an auditorium ror a I~ here. ScWiet SALT 0 qreemenL" Bowe••· Tau reported pro-vocatJoal In the form ol "large· scale maneuvers of the U.S. Navy started in the Caribbean Sea to last 12 days." International No Parking Signs Sought Costa Mesa council members Monday began a search for in· temational no parking signs that might sav Vietnamese and Mexican i ls of Mesa del Mar fro ge ting their cars lowed awa . s p_comt>led by Councilwo an Norma Hertzog. who sai she was concerned about si at would prohibit parking for certain hours for street sweeping m the area. Sagos. an English only. are proposed on El Camino Drive between Mendoza Drive and La Salle Avenue. She askea Public Ser vice Director Bruce Mattern to look for signs that might con- vey the message i n s i gn language. Council members agreed to wait two weeks for a report from Matt e rn o n po ss ibl e alternatives. Coast I Weather Variable hieb cloudiness and slightly warmer in· land tbrouCh Wednesday. Lows tonight SS to 64, Highs Wednesday in low 70. at beaches to low 80s inlud. 8eni0rs Joi;» Delayed Ma1or William McNamara and local veterus' or1ulla· lions blasted Ila. Fonda and Raydm few their poljtlcal op1. niODJ ud fot the •ctreu' villt to Hanoi in 19'72. But nearly 2,000 persons jammed Welte Auditorium at Central Connecticut State Collete to bear them. ll'VSIDE TODA" Pilot .,.,,,. 1Drittt Dou.t Cl&lfai~ compare• tlac c"°'9ca of Ck ~ ad °"'°'" .. Ck .,..,,,. UWJt ICGrf W....__. Stt Page 81. 4 'l'be lODl ·&Waited ~foreo.ta11 .. ieDlor dUlm9 boul~ ~ bu Mm ...,... vi.I Oct: 11 because ol a awttcb ln coatnle· ton. lloaday' Colta ..... CCMmeil members~ to J4'& lhapell Govenuneat llOUllq (DC., JDO¥e in to aMist Robert • sme. Col• • tnc. 1D deveioptq tbe 7• uatta .i Part and C..Ur atl'Mtl near ~Part. • Tbe prior ccmtractor, DamKO Coa.atnacton Inc., waa foreed to w{tllMlraw becaUM ol ftDaDdal proW... A db' IJ!lbkesman aaid • JUmp In lntenet rates caused United • California Mort1a1e to withdraw Damsco's line of credit. .. SLnce lJ"IO, Sha.pell Inc. b.al bullt more than t,000 bouain& UD· lta, Including an 800 unit re- dev.io,meat project ln"' Lot Anlelel and VWa YOl'M in Hun· tincton Beach. City oftldall bad hoped to brealt lround la Sep. telDber for tbe Casa Bella • veJopmmt., but the ft:l"lt aboftl ls now npeeted to turn earth at 2 p.m. OC!t. lt. More tha.D IOO appllcaUou 'have been ~"4 fGr po&mltJ. ........ of tbe federall1 .. •ldiJed ..... .., be built -tbe ODe·aCN ptlttel purcbaaed bJ the Cl\J fOr 1117 ,000. \.; Tbe HDtimeDl amons mUJ In . tbe all)djence ••• tbat McNamara, 1eeHn1 nHlec:tioe, wa1 UllDI tbe appearance u a vote·~ ploy, 111. Poeda ap,.ared .con· cenaed about ber lmar• wttb veter-. partleularly Vletnam· er1 veter.... but detended her •frtpttocrtUd-." lllMx --- .ti DALY PILOT C Yictim's Identity Sought Ne.;c.t ~ palk9 loda.J were llTI"I to dettr•lM U. r·'. , ....... .. wbo wu criUcalb la-.._IM wu Mt b7 a e• ay ~t lD CW.a del ...... Tb• Youac woman. listed on poUce ~ u Jane Doe. Al· fere4 bead lllhDi• wben lbe WU atnack wblle cniuiq £lilt Coaal Hltb••Y near Moralq Canyoa Roed. Sbe wu ttst.d ln critical eoodl*-' today at Hoq Memortal ltolpiW. Aceordiq to police reports, tbe woasan wu walkln• Jt.f'".')11• the eaalbound lanes or ~!! darkened blibway at about 1: 30 p.m. wbm w wu struck bJ a car driven by WeodY Ma~. 18, of Riverside. Traffic accident invesU&ator Fre d Reinecke said Miss Matheson wasn't cited. Pope Greeted BY TholuantU In Boston BJ BVGB llVU.IGAN //#~CW: t P BOSTON -Tiie Boston Com· moo bas seen some uneommoo sights since Parson William Blackstone ll:ept bis brindled cow on these 50 acres, bat hun- dreds of tboeaallDda of umbreltu bobbing in pnuftectkla to Pope Jobn Paal n on a bilb outdoor altar .... got to raak wttb tbe un- comJDCIDMt. Dnpite • ~ drtale that turned to • ben7 downpour .. tbe p..,.i motaftade m8de lta way-al~ tbe stately bricll: build.lap of Beacon BUI, the cltbem of tb1a "gateway city" -as the pope. called it -proved steadfast in their loyalty and ob- li vi o us of the elements throughout the impressi ve ceremony. <Related story A3.) In the ghostly ground fog that hid three-quarters or the glass· sheeted. fJO.story Hancock build· ing looming over the common, the triple canopied altar, with its lights turned CID early and a fr. ' in1• ol yellow ~themmm, shone with a silvery sheen in the , fast-gathering dusk. Bishops and cardinala In tbeir rJcb robe9 seemed to be JD09'tq ....... a llecUenl ftllClom drama. Tbe same fog must bave made the pope's arrival lo the United States a sticky busin4!!J! for Aer Lingus pilot Aidan ~ulgley. Those of us aboard the papaJ JUmbo jet got our nrst sight of Boston when the runway ligbts of Logan Airport suddenly ap- peared at wheel level ·as we descended from the ~wit. The 59-year-old pope, un· mindful of the mi.at, a broad· brimmed red hat upon bla bead, traveled ln an open car fOI' the motorcade through the city, waving u cbeerlng well·wlsben ' greeted him with unfmled ban· nen, flap and Oowen~ "Viva il papa I" they chanted In the Italian-American North End; "Wltamy" -Polish for Welcome -read a few placards elsewhere. Condemned Man Calm CARSON CITY, Nev. <AP> - Nevada Death Row lnmate J~ Bllbop of Garden Grot'e remains .. the same dude aa alwa)'I," unafraid despite a U.S. Supreme Court deciaioa to allow bis execution poesibly u early aa Oct. 2Z, a family spokesman says. . The spokesman, who aaked not to be named, said llODU.y that Bishop, 46, and hi.a family sun figure be has a rlgbt to a speedy execution and that· UD· wanted defenders should stay out of the cue. DAILY PILOT TNt Of-Oletl o.ity f'llOI. wllll-11 la._ 1)1_, ... --. ........ -..., .... 0r_ ~ ~~ •• .._ ... edll __ pve11""9CI MoftNy .,,,.....,. ~'*• '°' c.eo .. Moo .. , H--1 leedl, ---h«lll,._ lelflll'ell .. ,lrrlN,"--/Seulllc.tl A ....... ~-'°""...--'-' .... "'_ -. .. ,,_,,_!Pel...,.._,,..,..,. I•~ DO W.sl .. y lfrMI. GotlA-.c.tllO<'~tl!U6. ·-· ..... ~, __ _ H«*La.ttf ""'------..... --, .. ... ':.. ..... 81:" ~.:: ...... -c::-.:.- , ••••• 1111 (714t'°'1111 0 Tl•M\J•ltllllt@MNIJI ............. ,_ A HELPING HAM ••• Cepe. Jerry BoJd l',,_P_,.AI RESCUE •.• lion on bis predicament until the sloop started to take oo more water. At that point, 'tborsen told Boyd, "I've got to get out ol bere." Throughout the rescue, Boyd said the "radio di.acipline wu fantastic. There were people liaten.ing in from all over the world, and if I mlaaed a syllable, I 1ot help from aomeooe in n. li.noiJ .or New Zealand." Boyd said he hopes to meet Thorsen when be briap the bat· tered but aUll aailable sloop bac!t to Los Angeles Oct. 20. Re said be contacted Thonen :Moo· day night and found out the Stana was aalllnl towards Papeete wttb some small boles to Its bull wbicb would be re- paired. ,,....P_,,eAJ SWAP MEET terest in the $33 million contract was because "a Sacramento contact alerted me to the fact there might be som e improprie· ty associated with the coo tract.·· The IO.year r«mewal with an option to renew for an additional 10 . years came more than two years before the Tel Phil con· tract explpes. Norton said that he went to the fairgrounds ofl'lce laat June to review public records tbat show bow much business, is being done on the 50 weekends a year the swap meet i.a operated. ''I tblnll: It's more than eoiri· cldental that tbe following month the (fair) boud appl"OVed the contract for an additional 20 years with the current contract still having more than two years lo run," Norton said. Tel Phil partner Robert Teller explained the company's in· terest in a new contract by say· Ing the firm wanted to make capital improvements on the site and could only justify doing so with a long term contract ln band. Norton conceded that the work done by Tel Phil in developing the swap meet at the fair· grounds 1Dto one ol the nation's moet aucceuful made the 50 per- cent offer poulble. "No question about it, anyone starting from scratch would have to say 2S percent is a pro- per amount. But Teller baa done a good promotion Job and the meet i.a big enough now that money, good money can be made even paying 50 percent ol the receipts for rent," Norton said. He conceded that Tel Pbll has a leg up on a new contract by virtue of a 10.year option to re- new at "mutually agreeable" terms in 1982. But the dllference in what Nortoo offered throu1h bi.a 50 percent propoeal and the current 25 percent arr~ement would boost the falrll'OUllda' or public income from the conceasion from roughly $325,000 to $750,000 e ye ar. .. 'Worton said that be and bis fatber as well as a brother have been involved in swap meet operations for the past 17 years. The most successful of those operations was at the Greyhound racing track in Phoenix. During Sunday's interview, Norton showed copies of legal correspondence directed to then· fair manqer Alfred Luijeam in 1968 when bis nrm, formerly known u B and N Enterprises, wanted to bid on the contract awarded tb Tel Pbll. ~Robbed Of 812,600 A robber wavtna u autoaWlc platol and weartq a motoreycle helmet eacal*S Monda7 with $12 eoo from Am.nean Sarinp Gd Loan, mt La Palma Ave., Buena Park, polJee 1a14. Tb• mao entend the bl.Dk shortly after ll:IO a.m., de- manded ca1b and herded a IJ'OUP of eau*w .. totetber and threatened tO shoot them ii t.bey rnta**l, olftcen aaid. ·The robber tied oo a motorcy- cle. 1 Oiilrl8r, ... ., •••• State Foi-tns Ted Draft"Unit SAN FRANCISCO (AP> Promhln1 to retura tbe O.moeraUc Part¥ to "ltf pro-.,_," aDd ll........mtartu prtn . dplel," a codtlGD ot California Democrata announced a com· mlttee to draft U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy tor preeldeat. Tb• coalition -moetly Ion&· Um• party Uberall and labor leaden -11larply criUclaed President Carter and Calitcrnia Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Rep. Pete Stark ot Oakland, leader of the draft-Kennedy croup, said none ot tbe group's leaden have bad pel'llODal COD· tact with tbe Maaaachuaetts Democrat. But be added be i.a convinced Kennedy will fonnal- ly enter the presidential race, "probably ln early Nove mber." "He is nmninJ, every bit as much as President ·carter or Gov. Brown," St.ark said of Ken· nedy. "It's all a matter of strategy." He said bis group, which opened offices today In San Francisco and Loa Anselea, "self-destructs tHe day Kennedy annoUDCeB, and be will form bi.a own coaunltt.ee." Start and other leaders ot tbe draft-Kennedy IJ'OOP described their orewaatJon u "broad· baled" lncludlna thouaandl of Callfonda Democrats, but tboee who appeared at a news coo- ference or were publicly named were pri.mart1y from the liberal win& "'the party. State Sen. Barry Keene, a north cout Democrat lf'bo la amonc the most conservative al the coalition'• members, pre- dicted that once there is a formal announcement, "at least 80 percent of the Democrats j.n the state Leli.alature will be ln support of Kennedy." But on l y four of tbe Legislature's 76 Democrats ap- peared at today's news con· fereoce. Keene and St.ark said that wu because lawmakers were COD· . cerned about bills penc:!rl Brown'• lipature. Monday • nisht was the deadline for Brown to act on legi1laUon puaed tbll year. "-Predletinl a ladallde for K.m- nedy lD California's pn1"'-ltlal prl~ next June, Stark criti Carter for • lonl llat ot broken prom.lsel OTer def ... apendin&, bealtb imaranee, jot. and 1aft8dm, amoq other ia-•Uf!ltl. . Moat memben of lbe new Mesa Council Nixes Heights I , Kennedy 1roup abarply critielled Brown's presldmdal am~ with tbe u= ol Aaaemblrman Bill Loe • ot San Le~1 •• w~o deacrtbed Brown -''lll'UDaDI'' and said be would be a •ood president ''IOIDedQ, wbeD be mablnl9.'' Sign Requeat Coeta M .. Clt7 Council mem- bers MODdQ clealed a Newpan Beacb recommendation to in- stall a three-way stop alp at the intera«tion ol 15tb Street and Redlands A venue. A report from Broce Mattern, Costa Mesa's director of public services, claimed the added stops would cause "unnecessary delay, energy waste, contempt for stop signs and frequent viola· tions." Residents or Newport Heights sought the additional stop signs at the intersection, half or which lies in Costa Mesa. Newport Beach council metn· ben supported the= added atpa to be placed on l5tb Street. One stop sign la now placed on Redlands Avenue. The Mesa council's rej~tion of the request wu unanimous and came without comment "Monday. Love Was In Cards RENO, Nev. (AP) The groom excused himself from a pater table just minutes before the ceremony. Tbe bride bad left a bit earlier to put on a long beige 1own and veil. But many others re- mained at tbe gamin1 tables as Ruth Wllllcm and John Tallamu were mar- ried Monda7 ln tbe Sahara-Reno botel- casino'1 poker room. • • M far u I could see, nobody even stopped play· ing poker," said Rev. Frank Murtha, who mar- ried tbe couple. Talisman ls a pro· feaalooal 1ambler. Miss Willlon la a San Francisco Bay Area cud room de· aler. NB Youth Dies in Leap At CM Hotel A 19-year-old Newport Beach youth, reportedl)' despondent about poor college 1rade1, jumped to bl.a deatb Monday af. temoon from tbe Ultb story of the South Coaat Plua Hotel, Colla M .. police 1aid today. lnvest11aton said WUlalam Gerard Queyrel, 508 l!:venlq Star Lane became tbe loth penoo to die lD a suicide leap from the bieb·rise hotel since it opened in AUl\lll lt75. Inv..U.aton 1aid friends of QQe11'e1 lndicated tbat tbe USC aopbomore dr'OPDed out ot col· le1e Friday ancl-wu depreued. Heleftnona&e. Police Niel they toad foot. prtnta oa a pard rall oMbe 1'tb story Dd rilled out an ~den­ tal fall 11 tbl CMIM of dutb. But ctben wen outapokee bl denundatton ol Brown. "We do not want Jerry Brown. We want to send that meuaae acroaa the country . . . especial· ly to New Hampshire," said member Bill Bennett of the state Board al Equallialioo. "I can't s upport Brown in his bid for the presidency because he's a man of daily convictions." Others in the new Kennedy group include stale Sen. Bill Greene of Los Angeles, As· semblymen Tom 84les or Oakland, Americana for Democratic Action vice presi· dent Shirley Wechsler and representatives of tbe mac hinists, communications workers and Calilornia Feder•· tioo of Teacben unions. Woman Loses Cash, Jewels A 53-year-Old Laguna Niguel woman was robbed of over $6,000 ln cash and jewelry Moo· day night in the parting lot of Laguna Hilla mall, Sheriff's ol· ficera said. The woman, Ruth Weltber. wu aitttq in her car aft.e.r ~ pins when a young woman yanked open the car door, threatened ber with a 14-1.nm butcher lmife, and Oed with the cub and JewelrJ, aeeordlnl to ot.flcen. The awpeet eacaped in a car driven by a man. 54.000 Idled PEORIA, m., (AP) -More than M,000 wortten were id.led Monday u atriJdnc United Auto Workers abut down Deere• Co. operatioaa nationwide, and • wildcat walkout crippled the Caterpillar Tractor Co. 11 llant Peoria worb. Frieads Found lloapital Aida Tahitiam By STEVE IOTCllELL OI -Dellfy ~MMC He r eyes lit up and her face broke out i.n a wide smile "Ooh, la la." she cooed as nurses garbed in whale filed into the hospital room and presented Sand ra Tabbia with a candle· covered chocolate cake It was the French-speaking girl'• sewnth birthday, and the nurses on tbt ward surprised tbe delil)lt.ed youaptv with a cake, dolls, puppets and a music box. Sandra was on e of seven pauencen lut Saturday mom-tnc in a camper van that was struck by another car on Coast Highway near Emerald Bay tn Laguna Beach. She and her brothe r and parents and another family were driving down "the coas t from Malibu at 2 a.m., loolung for a place to pull over and camp for the day. They were struck by a sports car traveling an estimated 90 miles per hour, poUce said , leav· lng the families trapped inside their rented camper. Bernard Tabbia, Sandra's father. suffered a broken hip, and her brother. Frederick Jost a finger in the early morning crash. Both families were rushed to South Coast llleclical Center, where m iDtel"preter was found to help the families through the night. And while tbey speak no Englllb. their accolades were in· ternatlonal in tone. Hospital oftictals set up a tem- porary sleeping area in the out· patient surgery room for the family members who were not sertousty burt. They later moved the families to a classroom, where they will stay until Oct. 13 -the day Bernard Tabbia Is expected to be well enough to travel back to his home in Tahiti. "When you're "'-misery, you really learn who ~our friends are." Tabb1a i-.aad through an an· terpreter from his hospital bed. He said he's almost forgotten the accident be<'ause everyone has been ao Dice to bis family and friends. Ellen Gordon, the noo-pro('l& bospJtal'a community reJatk>Qa representative, has been actiq as interpreter during the past few days "They told me they'd never get treatment lake this in Tahlti or in their native France," she said And what tre:i tment are they getting" In addition to hous ing the families through Oct . 13. the South Laguna facility is feeding them . The birthday party for Sandra was another plus. ''They've got full run or the hospital and they are delight· ed." Ms. Gordon laughed. Tbe two families had been camping at night on their way south to San Diego, and hospital officiala said tltey hadn't b~e(. ed for hotel rooms. "Their camper Is destroyed, and they were reaJly in a bind," Ms. Gordon said. "We've never met so man.Y wonderful people," Tabbia said as his wife stroked his hair from bjs bedside . ''C'est formidable," h e ~miled, squeezing his wife's band. An cime. wort• at aleOIDpla on Bn.ol Streit told DOllce be ... tbl youth Jump from tbe eut lldl ot tbe bolel •b9Ut 2 lr=:-s-=~ ,Id/ <zlJafh1A <Yltu./,,oJ/ 1tamq berrien at tbe boUl to '/ f 4 7 'j prevent auleld• Jumps . Fine le~lry Howeftl', the be.rrlen have DOt JS FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92660 yet been Dlaced at exit POtnta on TELEPHONE (7141 644·249A the ea,ialcteot UM botef. ~~------....;;--••iliiiiiiiiiiiiii_iii._iiiiiiiiii.iii." --------~---------~ o.lly l'lletSUfl .._ THE TABBIAS OF TAHITI LANDED IN HOSPITAL Bernard (bed), Genevieve, Frederick, Sandra ... ~riends Fot•nd Hospital Aids Tahitiam By STEVE MITCHELL Of tN D .. ty ...... SU.If Her eyes Lit up and her face broke out in a wide smile. "Ooh, la la," she cooed as ourses garbed in white filed into the hospital room and presented Sandra Tabbia with a candJe- covered chocolate cake. It was tbe French·speaking cirl's seventh birthcjay, and the nurses on the ward surprised the delighted youngster with a cake, dolls, puppets and a music box. Sandra was one of seven t>auenge.n Jut Saturday mon>· lag 10 a camPer van that waa lb'Uck b7 another car OD CoMt Highway near Emerald Bay In Laguna Beach. She and her broth er and parent.a and another famUywwe • driving down the coast from 'Malibu at 2 a.m., looking for a J>.lace to pull over and camp for (be day. • They were struck by a sports car traveling an estimated 90 miles per hour, police said, leav- ing the families trapped inside their rented camper. Bernard Tabbia, Sandra's father, suffered a broken hip, and her brother, Frederick lost a finger in the early monpng ~rash. Both families were rushed lo South Coast Medical Center, where an interpreter was found Hu Vaccine Due Citizens Free Ou vaccines will be ad- ministered lo South Coast resi· dents M years of age or older during October a l the South Coast Medical Center. Shots will be adminjstered in the board room at the hospital lrom 8 to 11 a .m . Oct. 10 and 17, :uid from 3-6 p.m. Oct. 11and18. For more information on the senior flu clinics. caJI the hospital at 499·1311, or 49~5191. to. help the families through the night. And while they speak no English, their accolades were m ternational in tone. Hospital officials set up a te1n - porary sleeping area in the out- patient surgery room for the family members who were not seriously hurt. They later moved the families lo a classroom, where they will stay until Oct. 13 -the day Bernard Tabbia is expected lo be well eoougb lo travel back to hla bomein Tahiti. .. When yw're in m!Hry, you really )earn wbo your friends are," Tabbla said through an in· terpreter from his hospital bed. He said be's almost forgotten t.be accideot because everyone bas been so nice to his famlly and friends. Ellen Gordon, the non-profit hospital's community relations representative, has been acting as interpreter during the past rew days. "They told me they'd never get treatment like this in Tahiti or in their native France," she said. And what treatment a re they getting? In addition to housing the families through Oct. ·13, the South Laguna facility is feeding them. The birthday party for Sandra was another plus. "They've got full run of the hOspital and they are delight· ed." Ms. Gordon laughed The two families had been camping at night on their way south to San Diego, and hospital officials said they hadn't budget- ed for hotel rooms. "Their camper is destroyed, and they were really in a bind," Ms. Gordon said. • "We've never met so many wonderful people," Tabbia said as his wife stroked his hair from his bedside. "C'est formidable ," h e smiled, squeezing his wife 's i'land. OCTD A~ Buses I : ) For Rush Hour J . Spurred. by steadily increasing includes route changes in ot.her bus ridership, Orange County parts of the county as well, will Transit District (OCTD) dlrec· cost $1.3 million. .ton voted MCM:Mlay to add the Jar&est number of buses for rush ;hour patrons lloce 1t'18. ! And amon1 the major ~beneftdaries of the beefed-up ·fleet will be South Cout Plua 'aboppen and employees. : Almoat ball the 30 buses ap· .proved by transit district diree· ~rs effective February 11110 will "10 to the seven rout.ea aervicinc ~b• Costa Mesa a boppin1 .cmter. ·' A report to tbe transl\ diltltct JbNn1 ldmUftecl improved fixed· 1route aentce to South Coat ...... -Cal State l"ullerton, • oae ol tbt two m9Jor' aiml ol P=eemee-...... Tb• ·~ ol. tbe ..... to •e OCTD neet marked tbe •lar1e1t lncre•• I.a rab·bour Ice -_.. tbu 10 percent since 1'78, wllen 1' buaea lidded to ,.ak hour routes, r..-tMld. TIM O¥Sall Pl"Olram, wblcb But the c ha n ges should generate 1.2 million bus trips, bringing in $344,000 in farebox revenues. And if transit. district staff projections ho ld true, the rarebox revenues wUl total 28 percent of the new program's costs. thereby satisfying re· quire m ents of a state transport.at.ion lu.ndln& blll. The re,>e>rt noted that, during September 1978 through April 1979, there WU 8 "dramatic in· crease" in use of fixed-route service. But that tncreue In bus riders wu accompanied by delays ln bul schedules -which on some routes tumed lo "chronic late; Dell." Causes for \be s l owed schedules, in addition to haTcer pa11enger Joads, werci popula· tlon trowth and beavler traffic, accordint lo the report. IDw-cost i loan :Md Protected Orenct County 1upervlaors naabed to a 1pedal board meel· ln• Monday to protect UGO mlUion ln homtnl revenue tax bond• that will help finance home loans (or low income famlU•. . The 1uperviaora' action simply reaffirmed their stance taken April a '#hen they approved is· 1uance ol the tax·free bonda. Proceeds from t.he u.le ol the bonds will allow about 2,500 Oranae County families to purchase homes they otherwise couldn't afford. State leaislation had given the county authority to issue the bonds. But county officials feared a recently introduced federal bill attempting lo llmlt use of bous· mg revenue bonds threatened the county's authority. And although the federal legislation won't become law for at least six months, it froze ... rther issuance of any such bonds . However , because Orange County had previously been al- lowed lo issue the $200 million in bonds, a special provision al· lowed the county to go ahead with the affordable hOusmg plan. · The deadline for the pro· visional period was Oct. 1, and, Monday, the supervisors said they were making it clear they intended to continue their home loan· program. 2,000 Attend Fonda-Hay~n Tour Lectur-. NEW BRITAIN, Conn. <AP > Actress Jane Fonda and her political activist husband, Tom Hayden, overcame football. President Carter, and Pope John Paul fl to pack an auditorium for a lecture here. Mayor William McNamara a nd local veterans' organiza- tions blasted Ms. Fonda and Hayden for their political opi- nions and for the actress' visit to Hanoi in 1972. But nearly 2,000 persons jammed Welte Auditorium at Central Connecticut State College to bear them The Mlrtlmeot amon1 many in the amdlen ce was tba-l McNamara, seeking re-elecllon, was using the appearance as a vote-getting ploy. Ms. Fonda appeared con- cerned about her image with veterans, particularly Vietnam· era veterans, but defended her "right to criticize." LACC PRESIDENT Dr. Stelle Feuera Huntington Woman LACC Head A Huntington Beach woman was inaugurated today as the first woman president of the 6().year- old Los Anaelea City College. Or .. Stelle Feuers, who was Coastline Community College's first dean of studeots and com- munity services in Fountain Valley. was bonor~d during formal ceremonies on the 40- acre Hollywood cam'J>us . Mrs. Feuers rirst joined the Los Angeles Community College District in 1965 as an assistant psycholotiY professor al Pierce College. She Joined Coaalline College in late 1W76, serving there un ·1 chosen during a nationwide search aa City College's c executive. At president. the ff UDWll['lll Harbour educator directs a faculty and staff of 900 in · lnl 20,000 day and eveninl stu- dentt. Dr. Feuers earn ed her bachelor and muter of scJeoce decrees from City University ~ New York and her doctorate from UCLA. , • OMty ....... ~ UCI MUSEUM DIAEC"fbR OOADON MARSH STUOtEI SPECIMEN OF ATLAS MOTH Campua Fectltty 9outa • Coll1ctlon of About 120,000 E.xhtbtta 'Dead Zoo' at U~ Irvine 120,000 Specimens Preserved in Museum By DAVID KUTZMANN Of 0. o.itf ~IMC SU.ff Step into Gordon Marsh's or rice and one enters the realm of the pickloo_ and preserved. ..Some people call at a dead zoo,'' Marsh said with a gnn. .. But whatever you call 1t . there's no denying that this on~ room on the UC Irvine camptb brims more than most with the mysten es and complex1lles of life. Marsh as director or the un 1vers1ty's Museum of SystemalJc Biology, <1 fascinating neth~r world of plant and animal ex· bibits tucked away 1n Jan otherwise inconspicuous com er of the runth floor or the campw.' imposing engineering building It is behind two swinging doors that a v1s1tor can find Marsh and his two young ass1s tants on any given day patiently cataloguing and examining some of the 120,000 specimens that have been amassed over the past 15 years s in ce the museum's founding. Marsh is a pleaaant-volced man who seems to feel quite comfortable aWTOUDded by the danelln1. bottled and boa.eel plant• and anlmah tbat. dominate the cramped quarters In fact, if the museum keeps up it.a steady pace of 1rowt.b, it Jaldgeslaips won't be long before ad· manistrators must soon engineer another move for the facility that was once housed in smaller accommodations 1n another building on campus Marsh is proud of hts collec t1on' especially in hght or the fact the museum started from scratch in 1965, the same year UC I opened for business With the aid of donauons rrom o t h e r0 m u s e u m s a n d 1 n · d1v1duals. Marsh was soon well on the road to putting together a varied coll ection that no w feature s plant !>, ani mals 1 vertebrates and in vertebrates> fossils and reeent Lire forms Excluded from the ooJlecuon. however. are ex.h1b1ts represent mg man and his artifacts Although the museum has numerous preser ved plants and animals on shelves and in bot ties. it's what you don't see which makes the place such a valuable resource. Cabinets and boxes overflow with specimens. The facility's collection includes 6e6 snakes, 486 lizards, 201 toads and frop, 465 salamanders and newt.a aad nearly 10.000 u.ecta. None. it abould be noted. la alive. The g r eat maj o rit y or specimens represent plant and animal life in Oran.1e Coun&.y. County to Study All Candidates The OrangP. Co unty Commit· tee on Hi gh Judicial Standards will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Garden Court of the South Coast Plaza llotel, Costa Mesa. to begin its analysis or can didalcs for judAesh1p~ in the June 1980 elections Don Belveal, a Santa Ana al torney. said the group will stud> all candidates for Judicial office a nd present its rccom mend a lions to the voters 'the committee 1s made up of about 200 Orange County at torneys and non-voting associate ' There have always been gemstones that were contuSOd with diamonds -granted most were poor sub&t1tutes In the e.1y days of diamond history. Just about any COioriess stone was suspect. However. ·as science and tec hnology become more sophisticated. the differences between dlarrond and other transparent atones become more apparent The technology exists to "9ke synthetic gem qualtty ~nd. hOwever th11 process Is more costly than that of un· a.rtt11ng and proceas1ng the natural stone T'l'le focus, therefore, has been placed on producing a close look· alike . . 1 s imulated dlarrond The first of thne began in 1948 With the 1n11enhon of syn- thttle rullle (Titania) It hes very high dtaper11on or fire, but 1l 1s ITaJCh IOftel' than diamond and alW9)'I haa a tinge of yellow in II. members and 1s "very broad based ." Bel veal said The comrruttee's purpose. he said. ts two-fold : to examine the qu31ificatioos of every candldatt' ·for Judicial office and. 1n non election years. to monitor the accuracy of media coverage or the court system Wednesday's meeting will foc us on laymg the groundwork for examming the backgrounds for those who run in 1980 for JUd1c1aJ office. Belveal said The meelUlg 1s publlc There 1s no charge to attend. but an inte resting specimen gathered in from another part or Southern California or Baja California also finds a home amid the cluttered shelves and table-tops Marsh, whose own specialty is entomology <the study or in· sects), said the museum often receive!> calls from persons seek mg 1dent1ficallon or some bizarre looking plant. animal or insect. Being a community resource, though, 1s JUSl ont! or several uses for the museum. · It 1s also meant as a s upport tool for both teaching and re· search actJvtties on campus. What makes it partlcul,arly useful . Marsh said , 1s that it is museum or mixed uses, coUect- ang s pec1meni. from various b1olog1cal realm's . University museums on other campuses, such as at UC Berkeley, have sep arate facilities for plant, animal and insect exhibits. Al UC I, it's one-st.op browsing. The m~ haa collected its specimens throqb the lenerc:.i· ty and bud work of volunteers anddonon. A blrd collection wbleh hmp promu..ti-, from U.. celllq was the lift of the president of a gun <'lub The skins or coyotes and bobcats were obtained from the bodieB ol animals hit by cars a nd discovered a long the roadside by students. Marsh saJd be de-empbasll.es mass collecting and instead favors putting togeth e r a m~eum with the highest-quality exh1b1ls But while ther e a r e some moderate ly rare s pecimens, many represent the garden vanety of tile in Orange Coun- ty, he scud Am o n g th e s mal lest specimens on hand is a beetle that measures no more th an half a milllmetcr m s1:ie and yet has . six legs and antennae. Marsh said it wouldn't be un- usua I to find him skulking somewhere· on campus , net in hand 1f he were to s pot some typt.A of rare or interesting in- sect ··People are much more tolerant now.·· he said or the old- t1m e stereotype or the bug col - lector with pith helmet and shorts runrung around with a net loolung for butterflies. [)~nair and Otamomque GGG (gadolm1um gallium gametl was the first diamond simulant of the '70s It s not as tlaf'd as YAG but its bnlhancy and d1sperston are much closer 10 that of diamond. Un· fortunately. 11 tends to discolor when 911.posed to ultraviolet fight The new e st and mos t soph1st1cated ot the diamond IOok·81tkes 15 synthetic cubic Z1rcon1L You mey have ..seen thtl material advertised· as D1amon·Z. Dlamonesque. Damonair II or a similar trade rw"8 CZ (Short fOf synthettc cubic ZJfODnia) has the hardness of YNJ but. unlike its p~r. •t bears an amazing re- 91't>lance to diamond. Normal gam te.tlng equipment 1s 1nsuf· hcient 10 Nparate CZ from · diamond. so it has brought new equipment on the market. Strontium titanate (Fabullte) ~ deweloped in 1966. It can I» "9da oolor1W but 111 major drllwt>ecil 11 that It"• e11en aorter ttWl llY"thetlo ru111e, ao 11 pro- ne to acretc:hlng and abrlldlng . Alee>. It II too flefy to be a belMMbte diamond eubatltute. CHARLES ff. BARR eac... of the high level of iOphlltlcahon of the newest diamond substitutes, con· aunwn must IMk out jewelers with up-to·date ~mologloal knowledge. American Gem Soct9ty ~ heve all com- P*i lntlnllwt COUrMI fOd hwt p....cl rigid eicamlna· tionL In eddltlon. eacp ••r ~ n requlnld to ~ an ex- am OCMring the laMt ct.Yelop- ITWlta. wt......, you are con· alderlng aa Important a pure~ u a dlamo nd, be an llO con.ult ua Of another AOS ft'ember ftrm . The -tr ·eoa ... the advent of the VNJ (Synthetic yttrium •umnum garnet~ Thia 11 mucl'I twdat ttw'I ita rorarunnert but it ~·t maintain 1t1 brllllan· Of YNJ waa marketed under many tr.m namea, lnchJdlng ... .t.cc,...._~- 1 t ... , '· l7t11,.,...... w .. tdlff .. ... .....,.,. ... .. ' •• . - .44 DM.Y PLOT c .Troops to Reln&in SALT H Backen Que•tion Soviet Asiurance NEs'JIS .4N.4L.YSIS e rnment" that the Russian troope wtll not be a threat to the United States. But in the end he could not of- fer the single assurance sup- Porten ~the Salt II treaty most wanted to hear -that the Sov- iets, in the rhetoric or the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. had bUnked. Thia time, the Soviets refWled to yield. The president could not tell the nation and the Senate that a single Soviet soldier was leaving Cuba. IN OUTLINING the a s - • a• ra•c•• reeehed from ... , "1 I cenw Niel &a.. loftlila ...._ to lllillit ta.. beta• " • tr.-... .at "&aa•t n e1oee ............ tll.u ti'~ -cu do """1111 more. 1' ' Be weal OD to 111 Sovlet IHd•n IH• ... VIDNI tbat .. uae, wm not .....,. 1e. "-· tlon or atatu u a traJalq center.•• .............. tlalt to mean tbat U..y do not lDtead to v •• .,... tbe mlt or ,Sve lt addi· Uoftal cll)abWU..'' Tben Carter made a ataa..meat eertaln to ral.. queatlou an Capitol Hill: "Althouft we have .,.nuulve evidence that the un· It la a combat bri11de, the Sov- iet 1tat.ment.1 about th• f\ltu.re non-combetant atatua of the unit are a1p.lftcut." W A8 'l'BE president aaytn1 ~ba~ U.S. intelllsence con trad.ict.s the Soviet .description or t~e unit'.• role? .('pparenUy so, s ince h11h administration of- ficials a.1ao have sald there b no evidence the Soviets are tralnlng Cubans. · That contradiction raises the question of the value or other Soviet assurances. ·•w e shall not rest on these Soviet statements alone " sald the president in outHnlng in· creased U.S. military and In- t elligence capabilities in the Caribbean. TWO SENATORS, both sup· portive of the SALT IJ treaty, laa•i aumtned up Carter's Cuban pro- blem in their reactions to bis Monday night soeecll. "The president spent moN! time repaJrlng self-inflicted dama1e than be did in address- inc the substance or the Cuban problem," said Sen. Charles Mathlaa, R·Md. ''Something more lban Russian representations will be necessary." said Sen. Fnnk Chur<'h. D-ldaho, chairman ol the Scn1.1i.~ Foreign Relations Committee. E VER SINCE disclosure early last month of a change in the configuration o r the long- s t a ndine Soviet presence in Cuba, Church has taken a tough Une. insisting that SALT 11 can· not win Senate approval so lon~ as there are Soviet combat Oil Damage Pay Reft13ed MEXICO CITY CAP} -Citing U.S. refusal to pay Mexico for the salting of the Mexicali Valley, President Jose Lopez Portillo says Mexico "will pay nothing" for the damage to the Texas coast from the runaway Jxtoc 1 oil well in the Gulf of Mexico "I told the government of the Uniled States and I tell the Q>eople of Mexico face to face. that if the U.S. government did not pay for damage to the Mex- icali VaUey, Mexico will not pay for damage in the Gulf of Mex- ico.'' ·Lopez Portillo said Mon- day. Salin e wat er from the Six Slain In Feud Colorado River caused salt beds to form years ago in the Mex· icali Valley below the California and Arizona borders, malting crop lands virtually useless. Jn 1972. President Luis Echeverria during a visit to Washington told a joint session or the u s Congress the issue was "the mos t delicate bilate r al pro blem " between the two coun tries . Lopez Portillo spoke to an estimated 100,000 Mexicans in downtown Mexico City on his re- turn from the United States and Panama. He met in Washington last week with President Carter , addressed the U.N. General Ar.· sem bly aod was lh.e keynote speaker Monday at ceremonies marking the transfer of the Panama Canal Zone to Panama. nian control. the Texas border. The well blew out June 3. s pewing up 1.25 million gallons or oil a day. Of· fi cials of PEMEX, the stale· owned oi I monoPolY, say the n ow has been reduced to about 420,000 gallons a day and they hope the well can be cappt'd by the middle of this month . Much of the lower T exas Gulf Coast was coated in black glohs of oil from the runaway well, seriously affecting the usually lucr ative touris t season there. THOUSANDS OF tennis ball· sized steel and lead balls are be· Ing pumped into the well and have helped cut the now from t.he lnlUal 30,000 barrels per day. Open water containment boom and skimmer setups are aJso sweeping up some or the oil at the well head. troopt IO ~r t.be Florida coaat . Cburcb'a bard line often 11 t.raeed to domeat.ic pollUca. 'Jbe tenator faces a roul)l re·electlon cam paign in a state wlt.b a r•· cent . record d support.ins con· aervaUveRepubUcana. Carter bu pollUcal problems of ~_.._which may have in· nuencecflda liUUaJ response to the Cuban situation and b1a de· mand that the status quo be chanced. BUT IN hla reaction Monday ni&ht~ Church seemed to offer a way be and the president can aalva1e the SAI.T treaty. •'I cooUnue to believe that before the treaty may take el- fect, the Senate wlU lnaiat oo an arrtrmaUon by the president, backed up by our owo In- telligence, that Soviet combat forces are no 1001er deployed in Cuba," said the senator. That suggested that ChuAb believes a way to move abelld on SALT would be to attach an amendment provldin1 that the treaty would become effective only after assurances that t.be statua of the Ruulan troops bas changed. Court Denies Hotels Block WASHINGTON <AP) -Tbe U S. Supreme Court bas refUMd to stand in the way of conatnK- tion of three hotel-casinos at Lake Tahoe ln Nevada. The justices, without comment Monday . turned down an appeal aimed at scuttling the buildin& or the Hotel Oil ver. Tahoe Palace Hotel and Harvey's California. (the Cahrorn1a Tahoe Regional Planrung Agen· cy l and two environmental groups have been ftghtmg the proposed pro1ects since 1974 The h ot~h . t <J f ea tur e !'howroomi-. c•as1noi:. and m~m moth parking lot!>, all arc· to lw loc<1led 111 Doul(lui-C'ounly Ne\ Mondale on Tour BALBOA. Panama IAP> Vice President Walter Mondale planned to tour the former canal zone today aa cleanup crews tack.Jed mow>ta1na of trub left from Pan~anlana celebr..._ the end of 75 yeart1 ot Ame'r1can 1urisdictJOn Wmd, Storm Force · Ballooii tO Land • SPENCERVJLLE1 Otak> <AP> -S...... daundentorma and • r swirllna snow foreed rour lldveaturen to u.nckln tbetr attempt to make the flnt n111M1top t.rw-<••*'h-.utal balloon journey today, but they vowed to try a1atn. ''I'm confident of the ability lo make alada a croulq Ud the ablHty to succeed," aald R= P.naelmann of Bouldei, Colo., a few boun aft.er the forced I · One crew member suffered a broken leg ln the landill&. but the others were not injured. ., Engelmann, eye aur1eoo Fred Hyde ~ Prairie Villa~. Kan.; NBC·TV cameraman Randy Btrdl; and Vera stmona ~ McLean. Va .• had been aloft nearly alx days after Wllnt off from Tillamook. Ore .. belore an intense thunderstorm forced them down near this west.em Ohio city about midoiCht. MS. Sm<iNS SVFFE&ED a broken \et and wu r.eported in fair condition at St. Rita's Medical Center in nearby Lima. Tbe crew traveled about 2.500 miles before the helium-filled balloon touched down, falling four hours short of the world en durance record or 137 hours aloft. "It all llappeneo oo the borne stretch We had it in the bag, · ~aid Engelmann in a televised interview ID Chicago on NBC's "To- day' show .. We had JUSt bt:al thal squall lme that was coming through JI. hnois and lnd.lana." he s aid .. We had Just rolled off the southern l'dgt! of 1t ··• BLT THES THE lO·story tall balloon. dubbed the OaVinc.-1 Trans·Amenca. encountered rough weather they had not expected There was "llghtnin1i: at all sid~ and snow coming down." said Engelmann. "It JUbl d.ldn 'l look good. There were a lot of mixed reactions about what ought to be done. Common sense pr~ vailed." He said t.be ballooo waa between lA,000 feet and 20,000 feel hilb when It ,... Ull&O Lite storm. ..._ ma •s•a.a y· el: lscs .._.." be •aid. "la tact, u. speed would have put us on East Coat Wedne9day rnomfn6 But our weight increased considerably because or the rain " OAXACA. Mexico <AP> -The president or a mountain farming collective was shot to death and two hours later his five alleged assassins were killed by an an· gry mob ·•in r evenge," a sPokesman for the distnct at· torney's office here said Mon· day. THE FOREIGN M mis try de nied a report in the New York Times that Lopez Portillo in ht!> meeting with Carter agreed their governments would discuss Mexican payment for damages caused by the oil spill. The Mex ican pres ident s aid he and Carter discussed negotiating an agreement to prevent future damage to the environment. ThC' i.pill 1s more than doublf' the worst previous. that of lh«i> wreck of the suJ)f•rtanker Amoco Cad1 £ off the French c-0<1sl in March 1978 WATCH FOR "The whole village is armed now. I fear another roul'ld of re- venge for the five deaths.'' said s pokesman Raul Benitez Mesa. "The future yes, the past no," said Lopez PortUlo. The Foreign Ministry said re- ferences to the payment of damages were deliberately ex- cluded from the tal ks in W ashlngton. Nuke Foes Put in Jail BARNWELL, S.C. CAP> Dozens or anti-nuclear activists were in county jails today. charged with tres passing at three nuclear fac ilities after tt\ey refused to leave. Benitez Mesa said the village president, Alberto Cruz .Diaz, 38, and a group of workers, had been repairing a washed-out road outside the small mountain village of El Ocotal in the state or Oaxaca. Friday when he ~as shot to death by five men with shotguns. ABOUT 110 million gallons of crude bas spilled from the lxtoc 1 offshore well in the Bay or Campeche, 500 mlles south of They were among 161 persons arrested Monday at the federal Savannah River Plant, Chem Nuclear Services Inc. and Allied General Nuclear Services Tornado Wrecks Homes Wind Damage Reported in Two States Temaperat•re• HI Le ,.,, Albu'-.. " .llotl.,.t• II 6J 9alllmMe 14 lloiM 80 49 805tofl 61 n .llCI 9uflato •• St c....,...... .. j() C"ttaoo ,. S7 1.04 CIMlf'M'.it 16 SS .. , ....... net ,. II() Dat•FIWtn 102 " o.n .... ,. SJ o.trolt n SS .07 Hei.M n SJ H-llilll ,. 01 "°""°"' ., n lllCI'-''' ., SI ~ Je<U'vllte .. .. IC.,.tClty ,. ... L .. V..,at ., tS little ltocll ., SS L•AftOit• ,. ., t.eukvltle " s. .•1 MamtlMt • S7 Miami IO 7S 01 ,_, ...... n S1 .» ... St.f' .. tO .OI """"" .. n Sol .u -Orlftt .. n -y-tS tl I I 0-laCtty ., 0 Om•"• 70 " f'llll ......... tS ., ... ..._.. 100 ,, f'ltt•f'tll 11 :M Pn-..Ot". 71 s. "-M 0 S.. l..wlt ., ,, hlf .... O.el•ef'J h ....... . Mondo''""'' It v'JI• no -.... ~ .,....,, ._,. Dy ~ 30 0 "' <111 ll<llro I - .p"' end Y'» "'°" w1H IHI O•h~•,.1 S.l"'(O"" ..... ~IN! •• ,, YI"• ""' "'~ tf(••-' .. ~·., c:.Jef "'" v "ft\ ,, .. t;oh)f~ t t • n ... llJ tv't' C•JCJ'f *'''' t~ d*h .. t.S Ot• l•t• ruot'lt iMtd e•rl~ rnorrH"O Mu" In lo\ Al'~IH an<I •t 111• IM4Kll•\ HIQI\\ wtll Ila In IM mlCI IOI In lo• Ano•• ... -10. In .... ,,,_nt•IM, •-10. •I ,,.. llaacl'IH •net tn tM ~ .o In Ill• uPDer oewrh to 10s '" 1tw1 ,_., Clftter11 w.i .. ·-•llur• ., tM bud•• \llOuld be ti Fair llr.IH •r• lore<••I tor San Ot•oo Countv w1111 P•tcllv low cloud\ a1 1110111•nc:I1n t,.. morntno. Coa•tallt'eai-r Pel<llv t•t• nlQM •net url• "'°'" •no low t1ou1h, -rw1 .. lelr IOCI•• tnrouoll~y l.CMl\lel ~ 72 -•-~ Inland "'011nwllf>•t-ss W•ter .... LIQlll ••rlallte wlnd1 tllrouoll tOfll0111 ••<9'PI for M>Utllwfftnlv to ____________ ......, .. o ... •-.• ... 11.-• .-o'.--"...;.'•-=""' I -••••IY •!QM to IS tr.not\ wltll -I-wind • .,,.. tllls •~- S..tt Lake S... Dleoo S...Fran S.•111• Tut .. Wa ... tno"°' 9tll9"fltld llltflOC> lllytlM "'"'"' 11\wytVIHa MQftla,..y ""°'" O•t.laftCI lt9G e1un Safr•mento !><tlltallari..ra tto<kton ~rmat U~lall Bart tow Cal•ll,.. lit l"•ntro LOflO 11 .. <ll Hewporl 9"<11 0..tarto ,..,,,, Sprjnot .... .,.,_...,,. l4lft Jose s.MaAM Sellta crw leMaMafta TIMeV....., ,, ...... ., SI ,. ., 11 St 70 SS " " 7S .. ,, .. ., too 11 ., .s .. , H tt '°' u ,, tt '°' '4 •s ,. 1' M H .0 " .. " S7 n u ,. j7 • too .. ,, ,. 1a St =·~ ., sa ., ,. ,., S7 ., S1 , .. ,. a. . ., .1J 11.s.S .. •ar11 A cote! ff'Oftl ,,., ~,..retttd wverel t-tltorlM In ""' T_u .. •net Lower Oflto ••ll•n. \Oawnlno torneoou an<I prompttrro 1ev•r• 11111-~wm weffltnoo tn T""'"'" encl K.nlut-y. MU<ll of ... -... , ... , 1111 lt1 dlena ~ ftlGM, c...vno at tu1t ltva IOf"NdlMI Ill Ille! state anCI -ecros• "'9 ..-In l(tf'IU<-Y Two ~ -_.,..,._ ...0 -In Jtw .. t _.. ~ wMn a twl"•' ,_,... ~ -""'""'"'•· '"" Wllld d•m•t• •ll• t••o•l•d In wveraL .,..., on both tldtt ot Ill• tn Cll•n• •net Kenl11<-V bofci-tr• Olllet •!low9n -tllu"""'''-•" •O•-•d llllnol\ a!Wl MIClllOAll, ellll .,..ea.........., 111a _...,. PWllon• ot Vlrollll• ...0 Hor111 CMollN. An llOCMt It••• Ollttlttl<lnce ovor IM CHll of ...,,,....,, Catlforllle h _ .. .,,lllO --.... -•• ""''""' Ille lflre1t al e1tet11ean tllun• • ...._. •• -.... , ....... 1111 ... ,, .. ,.,, ................... ,,"~ C.."'""41"""""' WMIU ... f Oll<ttlf fer tMlt _ ......... ,......._., ~ ... , ...... ~----.r S••, /floe•, Tide• TOOAT ~-low I 1J p m I S S.Cond lllQt> ' I np m S • W110MISOA'f flnt •-1 ff• m o J Finl lltQll I 70 a.m S • S.CondlOW 7 IOpm 01 Second lllQn I· IS p.m tO wn ,, ...... m ,.-11• )tp m MOOft rl-• ._.P m . whJ 01• m S•rfRepori ,ore< Ml ••tie! tOt IOflli!fll Suri·•--""IVM tn -M•• tmum 11•10111 In IHI. PerlOCI In .. cond\ l...n• S.nl• Mtlnlca Newoor•·-tlnQlon San 01900 Countv A .. Maa ~r ! • u ' , 1t ' J ,, . . ,. Swtll A.,.r_ llelqlll In leol Ma• '"'u"' ,....,.. tn i.t. 01-11on ~ .. Ml• Olf ZIHM 2 J W ~t. Mtlllca 2 1 SW ....~ ....... t t All ..,. 0 .... c:-y t ' w °"' ... ,. ....... ,, ~ ····- .. ,FL Gl\MES VJEE~'S '" the exciting magazine section In the Saturday Dally Piiot. Each Saturday for the 20 exciting weeks of th& pro football season, PAD Fds'79 will bring Daily Pilot readers · the mos t up-to-date, i nte r esting an d co mpre he n si v e roundup of pro football, with special emphasis on all the pro games to be telev ised tha t w eekend . You'll enjoy scouting reports, player profil es, predi c tions and point spreads, insiders' comments on strategies and game plans, tips on who and what to watch for, plus lineups, statistics, quizzes and s pecial features by top national writers. PAD -f/k 79 , the special Saturday magazine section, will help you get more pleasure out of your pro f o o t b a I I w a t c ·h i n g . ... -···-· DAILY PILOT 842-4321 ·: ·- • . .. . . - ~ . . .. . . • • .. .. .. T&mdlf, October 2. 1971 Anti,.buaing-Meaaure Showa $7,639 Deficit J:SOONDIDO <AP> -~ta.a..._ Mt Wrtu1u ,_. a ancy-HIP kMai priedp&I an-.. ca ........ ta ~ ....... ~ ..... at •••ta. tM Pll•at. ....... . ?kn ...... . -.0 WM Mt al •ooo for Mania GlwowU. •• ,..,, Ir •• -. .,..., .... .,,.... -c.....-.. ..., ...... bJ lllclJOdido J*iH. p Sn•MJa wu boaked lDto t1M ecMmt1 j.al at V.ta Clll 10 eoanta .. eia ol &ewcl Md laaclrioua aeta .,aialt ddJdnn ud ... .,... ln IUUal Nia~ wttb m1nan lmder tM ap ol 14. •re•••Werallell .. ••••• MAU.BU (AP) -Two man bould .. rolled down the 180UD• taluJde and $qalm& a apedal r--. ID u. area ol the Pacilk O>ut way dOMd m rwt __..by rock .U... A Calitonia way Patrol spokesman said the bo8ldel'I fell Moada, evea.tq, but were ( ) •topped by the fence. CHP c-rr ~,.,~ patrol units checked the ,,-ea Jin• £1 throuchout the nllbt. bbl a spokesman said there were DO problems. LOS ANGELES (AP) -While hundreds of police officers mourned the loss of a slain comrade Monday at a Maas with Cardinal Timothy Mannine. a Los Angeles man pleaded innocent to murdering rookie Officer David B. Kubly. District attorney's spokesman Al Albergate sald prosecutors will seek the death penalty for Gregory Paul English, 21. of Los Angeles in last Wednesday's shooting of Kubly. 23. 1Jt1Ht9 S•rc•ar9e l•crea•ed SACRAMENTO <AP) -Utility bills are a few cents higher each monlh in California to help support the state Energy Com-mission. Board of Equalization Chairman William Bennett said the sur- charge was increased because the 1979-80 state budget increased funding for the Energy Commission to $21 million. The board said \he average customer's surcharge is eight to 10 cents a month. P1mM? Stolftt I• Pal• Spri•9• PALM SPRINGS (AP> -A $95,000, six-seater Piper Lancer was stolen from the · Palm Springs Airport during the weekend , police Lt. Michael McCrary said Monday. The plane, belonging to 45-year-old Big Bear developer Harold E. G raham. landed here Saturday morning and was m issing when Graham returned to the airport Sunday night, McCrary said. The craft, l!Vhich has a cargo capacity of 1,500 to 2,000 pounds, had 60 gaHons of fuel aboard when it was stolen -giving it a range of 600 to 700 miles, he said. Safe Fro• q .. ke'! ClUog diflerences with State Controller Ken Cory and Gov. Brown, Martin Huff, 56, executive officer of California's Franchise Tax Board since 1963, is resign- ing. He predicts that collec- tion of state income taxes wi II he n ceforth become highly political. Oil Slick Breaks Up SANTA BARBARA (AP) -A 15-mile-loog oil slick 50 miles southwest of here bad almost en· tirely broken up today without washing ashore anywhere, Coast Guard spokesman Garth Groff said. •'The slick is so well dissipat- ed that they're not even-sending out any s urveillance." Groff said. "It's all over now except for the investigation.'' A Navy pilot spotted the s pill Monday 20 miles southwest or San Miguel Island and traced it to an unidentified ship steaming past the island, Groff said . SACRAMENTO <AP) -Tbe backen ol Paul GADJ1'1 "5Prit of lJ" on the November ballot bave ptbered ne~ly Sl m1Won to advertile and promote lt. ac- cordlQI to tbe latest campalp ftuance report.a. But the backen of the ln- ltiaUve to curb acbool buatq ap- parently haven't captured that much imagination ot bll buai- ness: They've pulled In lea than $100,000. . THE &EPOaTS ON PILE in the secretary or state's otttce Monday said Gann'a committee bad collected $923,552 throulh Sept. 24 to paaa PropoelUoo 4 on the Nov. 6 ballot. It reported spending $651,265. Propositioo 4 would limit in- creases in state and local gov- ernment spending to inflation plus populatiOb growth. Virtually au the Gann com- mittee's money came from com- panies or business groups, in- cluding $345,000 from the California Business Political Ac- tion Committee, a fundraising arm of the state Chamber of Commerce. OTHER BIG DONORS include the Cali fornia Farm Bureau Federation, $25,000; Southern Pacific Co .. $20,000 ; UnJoo Oil Co., $10,000; We Li s Far go, SlO.OOO; Bixby Ranch Co .. $10,000; Dart Industries, $15,000, and Trans Ame rica Corp., $10,000. ~ The secretary of state's omce said it knew of no committees opposing the measure. The main committee support- ing the anti·busing m easure. ProP051tion 1, reported raisLOg only $77 .564 and s pending $85,203. leaving 1t with a $7,639 deficit. THE MEASURE, a cooslltU· tiooal amendment by state Sen. Alan Robbins, D·Van Nuys, l!t aimed at preventing state court.-. from ordering schools to tnte· The Nuclear Regulatory Agency has concluded the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant can wtµistand the most powerful earthquake that geologists believe is possible for a nearby fault to generate. a 7.5 magnitude on the Richter Scale. NEW4-YEAR TREASURY ACCOUNT CERTiflCATE! GOURMET MARKET FRESH OR FRESH· FROZEN SEAFOODS Snow Crab Clusters ................ 1.99 lb. Cooked Eastern Lobsters (amaU size) . . . . . . 98c ea. Fresh Frozen 1 99 Eureka Sole . . . . . . . . . . . . · lb .. DAILY FRESH PRODUCE Snow White CeUowrap CaullfJower .................... 49( lb. Fresh Local Com .................................... 6 forl.00 Large Boaeydew Melons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19e lb. Jmcy sweet Bartlett Pears ............................ 39c lb. Iced Crisp Fresh Broccoll ............ ....,.. ·~ -........... 39c lb . . EXCLUSIVELY TOP CHOICE or PRIM'E MEATS Fresla Eastern Center Cat Pork Chops . . . . . . . . . . ..... 1.98 lb. Doable '1111ck Shdf ed Pork Cbop8 ........•••.•.. -. . • . 1.98 lb. !Mded wUl Deluey'a famou apple at8ftlq Pork L-. llout (M lb. av&.> ........................ 1.98 lb. Farmer Style Spare &Iba ............................ 1.98 lb. Delaaey'a llomemade Pork Sa•age .................. l.1811>. COMPLETE LIQUOR AND WINE CELLAR ($100 Minimum) G uaranteed interest rate ba~ed on a n average current yield of 4 -Yca r Treas ury Sccuritic~ le'' l %. 4-ycar term. Interest compounded daily:• gnte by NCluirblC that Jlldl• lint find evidence ot intentional ae1re1atioo. It ii a1DMMI primarily at ov.... turnina Loe AD1elea' mauive acbool lntelJ'latioa Pn>eram, now ID ita MCODd year. A committee oppoain1 tbe measure, Callfornlam Aaaln.at PropoGUoa· 1, bad DOt y«. fJJed it.a report, and the treasurer could not be reached. Pacific Telephone . To Pay Back Taxes SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -Pacific Telephone bu been ordered to pay the government abou.t $119 miWoo in back taxes, and the co~­ pany -the largest in the Be1J System -faces $1.28 bWlon in J)OISSJ· ble penalties. - PacTel said . Monday the Internal Revenue Service order stems from a 19T1 ruling by the state Public Utilities Commission which makes the company in- e Ii g i b le for investment tax credit and accelerated deprecia· tion under rederal tax laws. ARTHUR LATNO .ra., Pac· Tel's executive vice president, said the ruling contains "the potential for creating havoc," and said the company, which serves eight million customers, will fight the lRS order. "It would be catastrophic to raise that kind of money," be said. There would, he said, "in· evitat,ly be cutbacks in service or personnel · · IF 'DIE COMPANY is forced to pay the back taxes. he added, PacTel "would have to go out- side and borrow the money on the open marke t." and face masi.1ve rate increase s and employee layoffs The S89 million penalty covers taxes owed for 1974. It was 1s sued by the IRS Sept. Z'l, foUow · mg completJon of an audit of that year's returns. Similar IRS audits are under way for 1975 through 1979, Latoo.said. Sohio to Pay Long Beach $5.3 Million LOS ANGELE.5 (AP) -The port of Long Beach will receive S5.3 million from Standard Oil Co. or Ohio for the engineering help It provided In researching environmental impact r eports and other governmental docu· m e n ts for a $1 billion oil terminal and pipeltne. More than SSO million was spent Ul Soh1o's futile four-ye~ drive to build the complex. Sohio Chairman Alton Whjtebouse said rrustratlOn over the need for 715 regulatory permit~ caused him to pronounce the proJect dead. "Sohio 1!t quite anxious to get Ulli. wrappc.'<.I up." harbor Gen eral Manager James H. ~cJunkin !ta1d when he an- nounced the !tetUe ment Monday. He s aid Sohm accountants bad audited lh1.• charge" and disput· t!d only S2 500 or the total amount Tue-ray Gia ......................................... 8.69 •t. Seaara-YO .................................... ''" au 6.H Papov Vodka . . . . . . ............................. T.M mu 3.41 () ' ,...,.. "~ want to give you the best service in town!" ' " , FtrSt Federal~~ 0 i\~""'"' Jlcc>rab)' Seo&cla •••..•••.........••••.•.•••••..•.••••• 5.99 ... DELANEY'S • . · Gollnaet Marte& AND LOAN ASSOCIA'nON OF SANTA MONICA (!} fl} ~l~ Costa MesaOffice # ~ ~~ Baker Near Harbor .. td' ()pea Dall)' ..... • Cloeed Saclay .. Newport Blvd., Newport Beaell 171·55ZI HOURS: Daily 9AM co 4PM. Friday 9AM to 6PM. Sarurdav 9~M ro 3PM. Ample fTtt parkina. Telephone 549-9141 for information . Oritnoe Coast Daily Pilot -J;!ulli~g the Wool ·-Over Voters' Eyes wttb N Kennecty bmy nannlq ror th• ,...ldency a fut a my ''non-c&Ddklate'' can nm, ~· lmap ot t.be 1.m .Dl9identlal cam.,...._ la downrllht ~· All ol the c&Ddkl•tm are trylq to coovtnce ua that tHy ......... wbat t.bey .,. ud tbat, ll •led.Id. they wWbe'llblittllil7Dner ..... Liit week .. b•d Sm. ltmnedy, wboM nK'Ol'd tn Coaar-ll clearb tu ad tu and 1pe.nd and •PIDd. u - suriq tbe lnftltmeat tolb iD New Yort that dllplte hll aeUcm to the coat.rary, be ii not for btJ aovernmmt and bl&~ln1. •1 ellMd.Y would have ua believe that he really doesn't believe tn the record he and hll liberal colleaiua lD the Senate have written f oir tbe lat us yean. Kennedy says be want.a to see bow the natJoo'a economic situation ia befcre decidin& whether or not to challenge Carter. Yet Kennedy's record lD the Sena~ is that ot an economic lWt.erate who hu never exhibited any real under-$t4lldma of what keeps the country's economy runnlnc. Then, of course, there's Gov. Jerry Brown, the artful dodger ol Callfomiu politics. Brown baa a pos!Uon on everything, thougn it f~enUy cbanf T!i from hour to hour, depeodina oo the audience before . He bas more posit.ions than almost any politician in modem times -enough lefl over, in fact, to loan to Ken· nedy or any other candidate. A recent comic strip character in the Daily Pilot comic pages summarized the major differences between Sen. Kennedy and Gov. Brown. Asked to name the dif. ferences between the east ·coast and the west coast. be wrote, ''The beach is on the other aide of tbe water.'· Of course in the Republican camp we also have the "now you see me, now you don't" game going on. Borrowing a trick from the movie studios, Ronald Reagan bas been busy trying to SQften bis image -to be seen through the gauze-covered lens as more of a mid- dle-of-the-road moderate after all these years presenting himself as the uncompromising champion of con- servatism. Then, when the softer image started to "take," Reagan baffled us by assuring1 "I am what I've always been." . And down Texas way, we have the same game going on with John Connally, whose efforts to shed the image of a free wheeling politician and emerge in the Great White Father mold must be confusing even to his friends and re- latives. The funny part of it all is that if these four can- did ates, who right now are identified as front-run challengers for Jimmy Carter's job, continue their grand illusion campaigns, the only candidate who'd look like a genuine fl esh a nd blood human being who. for better or worse, is what he is, might jtTst be Jimmy Carter. Wh atever else we may think of the participants in some recent political campaigns. nobody doubted the "genuineness" or had any real confusion about the ideas or a Ford or a Carter. a Nixon or a Humphrey, or a McGovern or a Johnson. What you saw was what you got. ·The way the 1980 campaign is shaping up, the average voter in either party won't be able to tell what he's seen -or guess what be'll iet. Our-Muddled Leaders Jn one or its more remarkable pieces of bumbling, Congress has managed to put into eff eel a 12.9 percent pay raise which neither the House nor senate Senate wanted-for its own members along with upper echelon gove rnment officials. The muddle began when Congress, in an effof\ to avoid the furor that greeted its last pay raise, decided to tie congressional salaries to cost-of -living increases granted all federal workers. Then, in a magnanimoa.s gesture, the members voted to forego for one year the 5.5 percent they were entitled to this year. Meanwhile, President Carter authorized a 7 pe rcent cost-of-living boost for the 1980 fiscal year, , beginning Oct. 1. , Without congressional action, both increases. plus 0.4 ~ percent interest, would go into effect on that date. After days of debate, the House voted to settle for just the 5.5 percent. The Senate disagreed. It voted to freeze congressional pay at the present $57 .5QO and give the 5.5 percent only to the other top officials. Tb.is meant sending tbe measure back to the House for concurrence. But the House had gone home for it& 10-day Columbus Day recess. So the 12.9 percent pay r aise that would boost coogressional salaries to 164,900 went into effect yesterday. To complicate matters further. payroll appropria· lions for several government agencies are tied up in the disputed measure and thousands of federal workers are without pay checks. The assumption is that returning House members eventually will vote to rescind or scale down their pay. raise. After this floor show, Qne is tempted to feel that even freezing their present pay would be generous. • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invited. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321. Boyd/Mothers ByL.11. BOYD Why is lt that most mothers cradle their babies in the left arm? Simple Dear Gloomy Gus I'll be ,i.d to let my nnsen do tbe walkin1 ll Ulleytn 11.lll 1ttoaft enou~ after lift1na a rour ( ! ) ot tho9e pro- posed Oranie County yellow paa._. •olumes up off the floor. J.H en9ugh, I thought. Thal leaves the right hand free t.o do other things. and most mothers are right banded. But researchers now report that moSl le ft-h a nded mothers likewise cradle their babies ln the left arm. And they ~e. seriously, that mothers tend naturally to hold those babies as close as possible to their left sides so that the sound or the mothers' heartbeat• will serve to calm thtt otrapring. Maybe IO, don't know. Your eye sees not by rreez· l1t1 ln rocua on aomethlog, but by scanning constantly, moving ever so slightly up and down and from side to aide. Tt'a a1aln1t tbe law lo France tt> cbop down any tree that's at least 30 yean old. • ...................... ...._ ... -• r~. °*'* 2. 1111 ' Rowland Evan1/Robe11 Novak Political Gimmickry and SALT W A.IHINOTON -S.O. ,..._ CbW'eb'• 1uddM t.ra.natormaticln 'o bmM.loe, anU:Sovlet tauCb iu,y OYW lroos-1D Cuba. DOW tbat ~· faee1 a difficult re- elee tloD eampal1a la COD· ""'u" ldabo, bu not oaly dlmillllbed Ida Mallin wttb old Uberal trtmdl but -more 1ur~ priaiDClY -wtth eomervaUv. enemleluwell. Par WOl'M, tbe aclmin.lltrattan complal41, Prea1deot Carter'• ne10Uatln1 flexibi lity Wlth ll<*OW abNnk wbeo the cbalrman of the ~ate Forefen Rela· tiona Com- mitt.ee took it upon him.sell to set lbe Lerma: The new strategic arms treaty (SALT fl) was dead. he trwn· pete~. "while Soviet combat troops remain in Cuba ." Whatever the s hrinkage of Carter's flexibility, Church has very nearly ruined chances for treaty raU.ftcation. THUS, BY TAKING the coo- f Ide n li al tip from Under Paul Harvey Secretu1 .or State D••ld N~ Au1. 30 and convertLDc lt -. wbat ooe SeDate colleque calla .. ONtth'• bt1 1.uue," be .... rudled a fateful point lD bl.I quarter-emtury Senate career. Hawtq flnally aebleved bl.I youthful •oal of.'tbe 1 cba.lrmlmlblp once beld by Tom Connall1. Arthur Vandenber1 and Walter Geor1e. be hu re- moved himaeJI from the SALT D playlai field for the sake of Idaho politics. He la now irTele- v ant to the treaty debate. In.stead ot praise and preltl1e enjoyed by those Utans of the previous g~tion, Church ts ridiculed behind h1a back in the Senate and admlnislration. On ~ Senate floor, M ajortty Leader Robert Byrd recenUy spoke to Sen. Georae McGovern in a voice overheard by several other senators : "You made great good sense in what you said about SALT and the Ruuian troops bein1 two separate issues." WHILE PUBLICLY uncom· milted oo SALT. Byrd is expect- ed to wind up supporting It and obviously resent.a Church'• de· fecllon. While there are compel· ling reasoos lo l10k SALT with , . overall &met policy Byrd bu g,rlvately preued several Demoeratie NDaton -one ot wbom oppoee1 the treaty -to• 1peak out a1alaat Church'• SALT-~ llnkace. Byrd bu told Carter that SALT may be a 1ood or bad treaty but abould be Ju<f1ed on ill own merit, not u a campatcn iaaue tied to Cuba. Al luocb in Secretary ot State Cyrus Vance's private State Department dlninl room, Byrd's point was driven home. "I am sorry that the situation of the Soviet troope -flas become so pollticbed by cert.aio people," a key coogreeamao said ... It ts too serious t.o poUUctze." Tbere was no need to name names, ioclud· ing Frank Church's ; Vance said be completely agreed. BUT muace•s transforma- tion lo protect.or of the West from the Soviet menace bu not endeared him lo serious politi- cians or the ri&ht who have watched the Soviet.a tu.m CUba into a worldwide enforcer of Soviet-style communbm, and a budding military power. One de· fenae·oriented Democratic senator complained that Church has ''triviallied" the U .S.-Soviet struggle by bia "aimpllaUc" de- maad for tbe brl11de'1 · withdrawal. Sen. Sam Nwm ot Geoqla. aaotber pJ"O-dereme mmocrat with ID lnereulnaJy lmportaal voice OD U.S. aeevrity, Clld DDl refer to Qaurcb bUt told us that the real Sovlet·Cuban problem tranacendl the Soviet brtsade ID Cuba. Nuno and oUleJ' SALT· atepUc Democratl inallt OD Iba· lDI SALT with the KremUn•1 conduct, but they have more ID ml.Dd than just one brt1ade. "I SEE n IN terms of Jtomaa numerala," Nuon told.111, "lllld I do .,pot even llat U.~ Soviet briJade under Roman numeral I. Tbe real iaaue ls Castro sub- sidized by Moscow t.o send So- viet surrogate troops arouird the world. The brigade issue comes under Roman numeral II, but even there It must be listed below Lbe Soviet KiG 211 and Soviet aubmart.nea now uatioed to Cuba." Church's credibility as a liberal eenuine1Y worried about the Sovfet-Cubao menace la not helped by Lbe effusive praise be heaped on Cutro after h1a 1977 visit to Havana. Such doubts were reinforced by hia. recent performance in Lbe Senate oo an amendment by Sen. Robert Dole. The Dole amendment would have cut off U.S. payment.a for operating the Panama Cmal 1! Sovtet or CUban troope "are ata· tloned in Panama." Tbe amend- ment failed, 50 to.45, and CbW"Ch voled against it. When we asked why, Church toJd ua the matter wu dealt with separately in ooe of the-Panama Canal treaties and that t.be Dole amendment was ··unneces·s ary and a political pmmick.'' POLITICAL gimmickry is what Church is accused of prac- ticing in settin g the troop withdrawal as the price Carter must extract for bis SALT treaty gimmickry making him an election-year tough guy telling • Moscow where to go Some politicians think it could boomerang In Ida ho. but it ha'> already left him a loser m lhc Senate. The fresh -faced young lawyer from Bosse who came here an 1.957 determined to follow Idaho's William Bor a h as a senator molding his nation s foreisn policy ls rar from that 1oal today. What World Leaders Learned Fro Ill Life What has life taught you? Let me know, int~_s1~gle sen· lence if you can, ~ne most significant thing that life .bas taught you. Perhaps we can thus learn from the experiences or one another without each or u.s having lo repeat each mistake. When American historian Charles Beard gave hia coochMi· ing lecture in history al Co lumbia University, a student asked if he could sum up the most impor· tant thine be had learned in a lifetime. He. sai d , "When it is dark enough you can see the stars." When Norman Cousins wu editing Saturday Revie w be Art Hoppe asked several world leaders what each bad learned. INDIA 'S THEN Prime Minister Nehru said. "ll"s easier to lose your sense or direction than t.o maintain it." Significantly, Russia's then Premier Khrushchev, aaaed what one thine life had taqht him . replied in rour words: "Never turn your back." I've woodered-perhape you have-what the answer would be lf we could seek out the lecen· dary guru of Sbangrt-la on bia H!maa.yan mountaintop and uk hla.advlce. It might be that he would re- ply as the late J .C. Peaney dJd: "Get up when you fall down." - ELEAN0&&008EVELTaaid it another way' "If you let mt.o the 1ame -stay lo ... Ra19-t.o-riches jillionaJre W. Clement Stone prescribes for success· "K~ yourself sold on yourself." A rephrasing of tus trademark "po5itive mental at· Utude." President Carter_ says that the moat important lesson be bas learned be learned from a 1uperior officer in the Navy, Adm. H.G. Rickover; "Wby not the beat?" TBE LATE Dr. Albert Schweitzer said the challence ol bla life wa1 to "accept pldance." . He explained that while we all pray for pidance, the cballeqe la to reco1ntae. accept and follow it. Jn cleatinc wttb tbe day•s news lt ll tmpou.jble tor ay ac:ribe to be an expert cm all 111bjecta. We learn to lean on the acknowledced esperts lD eacb area or expertise . Yet sometimes I I.lean some pro- f o u n d w 1 s d o m f r o m t h •· mailbag-in a paragraph in a letter from you. It was a correspondent named Pete Logan, a rodeo announcer. who said, ··Our nation's greatest source ol energy is hope." P&E81Df!NT EISENBOWU, on the eve ol I). Day and on the occaaian ol bi9 announcement for the .,.._idency, condeo.Md bis pb1bopby loto theae. words: "Be either fears bis rate too mucb. er bl.I desert.a are small, wbo daaw not put It to the test to wln or loH it all." llaD)' lC not most of the men wbom the world calls auccesatul, asked their creed, ql>CQ SeJ'tl>' ture. A reliowned Louiaiana Baptist, Dr. Glenn Bryant. aaJd It all ln 13 wordl: "Scripture, beUeve lt or not. is right: we will beban or be damned." · Kisslliger, Cambodia and a Small Gray Moth It was late oo a wimn lnclian· summer night. The book In my lap was Sidethoto -K~, Ntz· on and t~ Datn.cttcm of CarnbodMi by WlWam Shawcross . It is one or the most saddenlne boob I have ever read. I had left the door t.o the porch open. My Ught attracted a doun or so asaort.ed nyina iMecta. The mos t persistent was a small gray motb, no more than half an inch long. It kept ll1btln1 on my paae and I would pause to study it. It WU a beautiful thine with a Uny black bead and a loft, wide body swathed lo 11mmetrtca1 layen or 11lvery paamer wiaiJ. It rested quleUy, only It• two awesomely delicate antennae twlublnc tbla way and that. It ... m..s ecmtent not to move uo· UI I would IRldce It 1enUy with a fln,ertip. Then otf lt would lkil· t.r In wtld free nt1ht and I would return to my r:e•diDI- The book is a welJ.written, weU-documented, tragic account or bow Kissinger and Nixon casually and with no particular malice, transCormed the lovely Utile nation of Cambodia from a peaceful, pas toral. rice - exportlog country into the atarv· ing, war-tom hell on earth it Ls today. The hero, ii any. is the erratic and emotional Prince Sihanouk, who somehow managed to keep bla beloved Cambodia neutral all throuah the L)'ndOn Jobmoa yeart. Tbe boot tells bow he was • deposed by the naive pro· American gene ral. Lon Nol, after Kiasinger and Nlson or· dered the secret B-52 bombf.nl ralda oo that neutral country. IT TELLS ROW even Lon Nol protelt.ed_ the invuloo or CaJI\· bodla by American and South Vietnamese troops six weeks laur. It tells bow be ud bis un· aopbtaUcated people were in· evltably dragged into the war OD the American aide. It teUa bow lo the end they were abandoned by their American allies. The vtllalrt of tbe atory la Henry Kls!\lnaer, who comes across as a power-mad , sycophantic parody of Uriah Heep . Shawcross cites a transcript of a telephone call between Kissinger and Nixon 11 months aft.er the latter resigned. Nixon bad just returned from a trlp t.o China and bad written a report for Kissinger. ''Mr. President ," Kissinger began, "I wanted you t.o know I have read the report and find It very fasclnaUn1." "As I said, there is a Jot of tbloga that are repetitive," replied Nixon. "But that, too, la loteresttna. The fact there lit repeUUon la in· tereaUne," Klaainger said. IUSSINGE& went on to praise other portions of Nixon's report as "very, very cood" and "very, Quotes Gcorce Waab1Dston: "One method of praervlDI publlc credJt la to UM It U •P•riD&IY u poulble ... not un1enerou1ly tbro,,lllf upoll po1tult1 the burtben wblcb we ourHlvu ou•bt to bear . .'' very clever." He then called bis old patron, Nelson Rockefeller. "I have read the Nlxon report on his. trip now," Klasing er said. "'He ls such an egomaniac. All be wrote wu ... " " -his memoirs," interjected Rockefeller. "Ju.st what be said. Nolblng what t.be Chinese said. Prac· Ucally nothing. A fascinating ac· count or himself," agreed Kissinger. .IT WAS CLOSE to midnight. I was in the last darlt days of Phnom Penh and hurryln1 t.o finish the book. The moth wu back. l went t.o brush it uide. My band descended at too steep I D •ngle. I crushed it. I llVfJ a UtUe sup of cooaternaUoo and I 11id aloud, "Ob, I'm 10 sorry." The aoaloay between Kill· ln1er and Cambodia and mJMll and tbe moth wu so blatant u to border oo the banal. Yet 1,.. allied In that instant how tbouahtte .. ly and carelesaly uyooe wtth ~r can use It. I only hope that K111lnae:r Ud tlM araee 11 aome nnhlt ~ 181. 0 0b. rm'° IOl'fY.~-.-~ doubt tb.at be dld. '· .~t Panel Realigned T•~ ··~-t-· $a/f; Direct~ Reduced . Country. •••tern •ln1er Loretta Lynn wlll felt in Lu Vegu after be· Ina treated at a Elmira, N. Y . hospital for "nervous ex· haustlon,.. her manager Ron Riley said. CJ la &ral-a. m•~ to p1:!"°":J:&c~ ~tro.-. ... II\ 7ftV ., • •·latift ,.....,a. tUt .... b.ave -.la ol lla ·...a111c11tt;r. Of' t90I& mu.a ma na ... u1t ol • ta.at tM eomm.._ laad abudoDed tb• ~-~ ... tt.te,toltl I U.rv ltaaftPaalm ...... rMoutlaJ.111. l Fafl wttll tM. PfOll*t ta.Ill tarp da..U ol tent would ... te.oftd fne ltt cmtrol ... bac •p•w ~ _,_, .... t ol ta. I lettw U. IUU'1 Couta1 Mt, tbe commlaaioD -~~~~--be1aa matJa1 eaemp· I EllN Uona lo 101De ol lta pre· I ~IFORNIA vioua nalel. . ' rocu CutUnt trees. build· • Ins fencea and even build.inc homes in parta 1 ol thputal a.one no looaer requi..ra a permit , 'l.JWblc--WU expensive and harder to Cel than . ~ust14d for many minor projects. I 'f'llE EXCLUSIONS DO NOT1 SIGNAL any rel..UOO of coast.al protection standards," the comjlaaioo said. ~ they will make life easier ror some small 1 coa-1 property owners ·. . . and that will relax · ' mu~ or the pressure for changing the com- ' mi51oo's major responsibilities. I . 4 f there was a turning point in the com- 1 mi.loo's 1979 fortunes, It came in a March woiebop at Asilomar , where local governments ant state legislators aired many or their gripes I abot the coastal agency's rigidity. Allll<l6t immediately. the commission began I spoding less time oo minor permits and giving eii>basis to helping cities and counties prepare thi local coastal plans that will be the key to I fl.&lre coastal preservation. ONCE THOSE PLANS ARE IN place -a pro- c~s due to end in 1981 -the Coast.al Commission •1 be a different outfit. It will only decide the fate 1 o new developments wheo local decisions are ap- paled and will only reverse local choices when tey contradict the local coastal plans. "We will have three distinct roles," says ex- culive director Michael Fischer, "cop, adviser l nd manager." The commission will have both greatly re· J uced staff and much less direct authority over th~ oast . 1 ~ ·I "Since all development proposals will no 4 onger automatJcally come to the commission, we • will have to take the inltlatJve in assuring that the . development declalona are touab enouc:b." Fischer says IJI BE ......... AGSNCY ••COlllNG • jcoord.i.ludGr lw wrelil OD ................. ol water tabla, onshore oil procluctJoa, t.ramporta. tion, housing and recreation.~ Fischer al.lo wanta a role for the commlsaloa in •eeldne out, restorlnl or lm1>rovtn1 coutal [ eaa it feela abould be preserved. It bu never ne this before, leaving aucb tasks to state parks d fish and game offlclala. The commission won't even have to go to the state legislature for most of 1be funds to take on 'new tasks. Federal money already coming in can t · 1· Save20°hon Congoleum • Inlaid Vinyl Foshlonflor® is the most durable. no-wax inlaid vinyl Congoleum~ makes. With on Inlaid weor-loyer cl vinyl color chips that give It remarkable duthbillty wtth very littfe care. Choose from 7 elegant designs ond 25 tone-on-tone colors. Sale ends on November 16. 1979. Now Only$ 13~ Yd. _,.,. __ INNOVATIVE ROORING 840-1345 CARPET NO.WAX VINYLS CERAMIC HARDWOOD DRAPES WOYENWOODS MINI BUND8 ,_ ..... ,.. , ... jj I SAT.IN WARNER _ ........... __ =-.... ,....,,. Hw:•s111n ...... be --4 cme. tM loc-1 plau are all la plaN. aY mowtNG n • WILUNG to eomPromlle and -.,. wide 6empdooe for ml.DOr projeeta wtu. UUM ~. oo lmpact, U.. commtee4.on wW'M Uaat l&a &rAMiU. h'OID a froat·UDe aa-c1 lo an appeall bM1 m ......, will 10 forward witb UWe ln· wt ........ Tbat comea u a reUel to moChr•t• COG· MrvatiODilta wbo want 1ctnlc cout.al areu and pgbtle eeew lo tNm preMl"Ytd -but not at tbe UpeDH ol barul.lnt amall property ownen wbo Me.k OD1y to malntaln their bomes and bualneues. That's right. At Fidelity Federal. in addition to other good buys, our Golden Passport Club members now can purchase high quality, natural v1tarmns at a discount pri~. To become a member. a~ you have to d0· is kee__p a balance of $2500 or more at Fidelity Federal-part m Passbook Savings. and part in any othe r type of savmgs you Wee Travel with special benefits. WASHINGTON (AP) -OiMM m ....,_all prescriptfoo dna•• and mo.t "91'·tlM 111mer mediciw are belq aclvlMd OD tM ,...,.._ ol the product. A new l"ood and 0nac Ad.mlDllltratfo rule ,.. qulree drua manufacturers lo put ap&radoD datel . on all prescription and molt DOD·preeertptioa Items. The few ltema not covered by tbe order ln· elude such th1np u rubblq alcobol ud ~at· ed sbaJ:Qpooa that have a abelf life ol at leut ~ years. That includes high interest Certif1catffi of Deposit. our new T·Four Accounts. Super T-Certincates. and t R A. and Keogh accounts with no fee. Of course. you get the same free services we give all our savers. Travelers checks. notary. service. money orders, document copying, direct deposit of Government checks. paid postage when you save by mail. and a free sale deposi t box where available But m addition. as a Golden Passport Club member, you get all thtS · ~kn"' PASSPORT Discomtt photo processing. We'U be offering cruises to places Like Alaska, the MeXJcan Riviera and Hawaii You'll travel with a group of other Golden Passport members. And you'll get extra special treatment N.,,,e 9>11MM.U1n 9¥' You'll save money on quality processmg. And you'll also save tlme and hassle because you CdJ1 do 1t all b y mdl.l We'll g ive you special ·envelopes and complete mstructtons. ...... ...,., Diaoount on quality fttamina . Hertz rent-a-car discomtts. You'll get 15% off regular time and rruleage rates m the U.S. And 25% off regular time and rruleage rates in Canada. Just by showing your Golden Passport card. Low cost auto insurance. You'll get the advantage of special low rates. But youll still · be able to tailor your insurance to meet your )5pecihc needs. Return key service. You'll get a specially coded Golden PasspJrt medallion to put on your key ring. Then, if you ever lose your keys, they can be returned to us. And we'll return them to you. It's smart. And safe. Look info our new T-Four Accounts, too. Now, with only $100 muurnurn depJsit, y_ou can earn high interest on our new T·Four certificates. These four year Treasury related accounts pay !4 % more interest than a surular account at any bank. Rates change monthly. So be sure to call us for th.is month's rate. Ask about Fidelity Federal's Super T-Certificates. With a $10,000 rrunirnurn for six months. you can earn lugh mlerest whtle you en1oy your Golden Passport. And there are no brokerage or safekeeping fees. (Federal law prohibits daily com- J'.X)unding of interest on these accounts.) Phone us for this week's rates. RDELllY FEDERAL .. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSQGIATION UJ/wn,~ a littk wiMr..._. Southern California Offi98a: Golden P?-c;sport Qub membecs can ·ourchaae tag> ~. naturaf Vitamins at a 30-00'X:> discount. Pr<.Jvlded b y the Sundance Corpora· bon. these are pure. high potency vitamins. There's even an unconditional money-back guarantee 1:.=,lusyour Or bring us any matunng certificates from where you're saving now. We'll handle all the transfer details free of charge. • ~: 600 N. Brand • AsuN/Glendora: 1173 E. Alosto Blvd • Bellilower: Alondra & Bellflower Blvds. • Bnwl1ffill•:380 S. Beverly Dr. • Bier Bear Lab: Interlaken Shopping Center • Blue Ja1: Blue Jay Mall • Buena Park: 7930 L4 P41ma A'le ~ • Coeta Me.a: 1855 Harbor "Blvd.• CW.. Cit,: Raintree Plaut, 10784 Jefferson Blvd. •Fullerton: 91 1 Harbor Blvd. • lrriM: 6006 L4ke Road• Lllg1aaa Beach: 310 Gienneyre St. • Lona Beaoh Eut: Bixby Plaz4, 5767 Pociflc Coast Highway • Long Beach: 525 E. Ocean Blvd. •Newport Beaah/Ba,mde: 1024 &5ide OT. • Newport Beaoh/Wetetoliff) 1515 Westcliff Dr • North HollJWOOd: V4lley Plaza. 655 I Laurel Cenyol\ Blvd.• Northriclge: No Plau, 19450 Plummer St.• Sen Pedro: 29000 S. Western Ave.• Su.ta Ana: 2700 N. Main St • Seal BMoh: 13820 Se4l Beach Blv . • Sbenun o.b: 14601 Venturo Blvd. • Stanton: 12000 ~ch Blvd. • Torruoe: 24020 Hawthorne Blvd at Pocific Coast HiQhway • Va Nu,.: I 4545 Victory Blvd • w..t HoU,.oocl: 8653 Beverly Blvd. • w..t Loe Ang.lee: 970 l W Pkx> Blvd Op.niAg eooa 1n Plaoentia. .J .. ....... -- ''Separate cbecb, pleue. ·• "Got a problem' Then wnte to Pot Own. Pat will cut red•· ~ttmg the anawers and actaon &IOU need to solve mequihea an govnmnent and buameu. M ajl your questaon.s to Pat Dtnm, At Your Sennce, Orange Coast Doily Pilot. P.0 Boz 1560, Costa MeJG, CA 92626. As many letter& iu pomble will be anawered, but phoned inqWnes or letter& not including the reader's full name. addreJJ and buliness hours' phone rwmbercamaot be constdered. Thiscolumnappearadai- ly except Sunday1." .,,..,. IHet A Ides Belp tt'tt• ~••• DEAR PAT: Are any ol the over-the-counter diet aid druga effective? Lots of lncredlents are lialed oo these products and I'd like to know if anyone bas ever studied any ol them to find out lf they actually help a person to lose weipt. '\ . L. W .• Corona del Mar Tiie FDA aaya tlla& a IOftnmelal-a ........ paael of esperta Jiu reported to l& tllat twe lqre- dJeate ... la MYeraJ t:NI---·pnKlf..U- dleC aldl do belp people loee welPt. TIM puef rec· ommeDded far&laer &eaU•• of fi•e prodada, llowever. Tiie two dnlp eDdoned by tk puel are plaenylpropaaolamlae, wlalda abo la aed u a nasal ~1estaat, a•d bemocalae, wbldl la a mild anesthetic sometimes med ln throat 1oRD1es. While finding some evidence that these two drugs are helpful as aids to dieters, the panel of experts was critical of some ol the promotioaaJ claim• made for tile over·~&er diet pllb, caad.lea, ud dtewiac pm tllat e.&.alaed tllea. Claeell wtdl ,..,. owa ~ddaa before ulq tlle9e p~ur' Dtfe lflut Be ldeadlled Ne., DEAS &EADEU: TM Feed ... Dl'q -"' ......... wW reqalre.all foodl ....... tbt eo11tala Yellow No. 5 (lal"tradlle). tk--* wWe1.J ued ~ acNIU•e, to ldeeUfy tlte eolor by ume ln tile blpedkttt Us& Oii labels. 'ftb will e11aWe people allergic to Yellow No. 5 to awld It. n1a la the first time FDA laaa reqtdred foods or drags to Ust a color by name. It was dooe beeaaae u maay as IM,• people ID tile U.S. may be aller-Oe to Yellow No. 5. Most of tbese PeoPle abo are allerlic: to aaplrta. Gtdde Dlr~f!~••rbt t• S•llf!e DEAR PAT: Can you fmd out. if there ls a directory that lists wineries throughout California? On a recent trip to the northern part of the state I enjoyed visiting several tutinl rooms, and I'd like to know where others are located so I can choose different wineries next time I travel to that area. A.J., Fountain Valley DEAR PAT: I've read that some meat p~ duct.a no loager contain nitrite or nitrate. Do they have to be labeled in some apeclal way to indicate thla? I'd rather buy products without these chemicals and would like to know what to look for OD labels. W.F., Lacuna Beach l'•ra b, e.nd •eau __. u fnMfllnen, bane _. ...... llH to em&m ldtltte le __. federal ........ Pnd1lda ........... aMltl•e ..... -ulled ••etldal elM -Adi ....... euM ~ u•a1e.'• New &M ..... ....,_,la . ,., ...... to ••••factue w.,.. ,,~, _...._ alt.rite, ~ .. d laltel U..• wldl •••n , ...... ,, ... en . ........ Ul'l'J .................. .. ,....., .. ,.. .. i:taa .. ,,._ .... ,,, .... , .. Ne Nlh'ale er Nltrtle A...._,, If• aheraaUn •etlld .. f!rlll t ..... -.... H >., ..... -•• ..,...-.................... CUIJ tllewa ':t;Ne&Prwn .. --.. ...........-.._. ' ... All..,__ .. Nkltte-rr. ... ..... ... .. ...... .. ..... ...... 1:1 drt•1:1, .... .................. a ..... ....... .., ...................... ... nfrll111t1i • c....,..., •-.,..._,...•eat. .. Fankisy G.ci:me Popula/r ____ _ Dungeons, Dragom Flourishes on-Campil8 OWJ:ll88080, S,. <AP> -NeWI tUt ...... P:= Md..._,....,_. e ... •a aliloc* to It at &•tuekJ W-.,u Collep. llu.moft ot tall meaaat• wtUa ••a ...,toot wonn wtUa IPut e.teet." ........ •wtft11. "Llils OD, people .... ....U, aWPftMd to ...................... ..,. Raff. aa. ... ''M· ddeet" oeem1 .... W. l•alkdkm, w ol die ,._. ol Uae.....,.. ~ ol a fu&aay 1ame c&Ued "~ aDd Dr ....... "0 AND D'' WAS A &aAftVSLY obacun put Ume unW the Au1uat dllappearanee ot a ts. · y .. r-old eomput•r wla from lllebl1an State Ualvenily catapulted I.be IUDe into national pro-mtnenee. Police theoriMd that Jamee Dallu Elbert Ill, an avid "D and D" player, milbt have diec;t in the Wllvenlt.1'• ateam tuanela ~ actlne out a real· ltlt ''Omaecmt andDrapm'' aceaario. Wbm l'.lbert WU found unbanned a IDGlltb later, ln••U1aton •aid Gilly tbat bit dilap· pe..-...ee wM unrelated to the fame. But curiosity about >•~ aad or...-· Oouriab•. A .-.man at SolDedUns To Do Inc., a LoulaYille ltore that atocb the 1ame, 1a,ya "D and D" ll becmnln1 a beal·seller. At ABC Hobbycraft in Evansville, Ind .• "Dunceom and Dragon.a" tops the fantasy ~amea tb .. t account for 20 percent of the atcln's ~lnea• accordinc to a clerk who uked not to be ldeotllied. BUFF, A POLITICAL SCIBNCB •AIO& from Akron, Ohio, plays about once a week with senior Gary Bleleleld. 26, ol Paducah, Ky. They say lt la startinc to catch oo at tb1a colle1e of 916 studenta. The weekly games begin after Bielefeld, the dungeon maater. fbµBbea the five-~ chore of Car Use Criticized HONG KONG (AP) -Peking television viewers reacted enthusiastically to a brief pro- gram on the abuse of "special privileges" by families ol officials who use state-Owned cars to go shopping, China's Xinbua (Hainbua) newa agency slid. In a report monitored here, Xlnhua said the program showed "elderly persons, women and children coming and going tp small automobiles" at Wang F\tjiog shopping -ienter. reportedly the most luxurious in China. The report quoted the proeram commentator as saying "private can in China are few, many of.,. flee workers have to take buses to work, and yet· these people are taking state-owned can for 1private business." · e ... au., a floor p&a ol aa tmalOM'J .. ..-. Tbe ardllteman vartel from p.me to= be .. ,.. llut tbe ....... .i...,. laetacll t ... uure 8Dd a variety ot p6Ualll -like dNd11 m..._. ad MeNt doon. Tbe .,..,.... elaanden. determ.IMd by roDlJlC dlee, .._.. ftom wanton to ...... to dwarfs, each with 1peeUle •lrenltht and weeb...,, Blelefeld NJ'I. Wl'nl 'llR DVNGBON IUITD ACl'ING u 1Uide and refefte, tbe ebaraden belin their Jouroey1 throu1b the dun1eon lD search of treuure. The 1ame enda when they either auc· cumb or re-emer1e. Bielefeld sa,ya a typical 1ame can c<llltinue for boun or daya. • Slime, ooze and nine-foot worms are amonc the "authorized mon.sters" listed In the 1ame's 300-pue rulebook. For the less dedicated player, a 41-pa" rulebook La also available. · Bielefeld, who describes the 1ame u "crafty. not slnlater." aaya "Dun1eom ud DrqcJns" is a natural for college students, especlally those in· terest.ed in creative writing and psycboloO. "rr TEACHES Y01J A I.OT .ABOVT human nature and buman greed, and it &Ives you a chance t.o draw from yourself, buUd on your ex· perience and share your fears and joys with friends," be says. "ll makes you think faster, but lt does more than that. It's a way to turn inward and search, a way to start exercising the mind and making peo- ple think." be says. "It's a game that requires nothing more than imagination It's inside everybody. YoujustbavetotapiL" HAIR LOSS IS NO PROBLEM. We wlU pennanentty Npioc• your hatr with the moat OfOOl••llv• ond odvanceel P9'~ ,_ •• ploc:em9nf 1y1tem In lh• wOllCI. TN1 ~ 1y.t9m mall•• Oii ~ Ob.O.le and OKY WI HAvt fl CCIII .. now IOf ~ ll'tfolmOllOh 19QO!OlnQ "* ~ Iner ..... PIOC-••. ,. •1 ~'l'OU'•••l ' ltlCHe (Hof~ Hair Research Cenrers 't TRICHOL OGIS TS ORANGE COUNTY 14120 8Mdl 81¥d .Ste 211 w.....-w . Ce 112683 ( 714 1 ltlle-11881 STUDIO CITY 11fl 12 Venn. a 8l¥d., t 1604 12131 986·7270 .. 1 .. ••l"Wll A ........ oMr ...... ......, ..... ·~ "~· Weetdtff~ua tn.atrwt. .....,.. ..... '4z.etf2 FaNon laland DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS M2-!WJ78 1'1£D I Jf ['R l 1) ' ,,. ~ , & , FROM-OUR CO.FFEES TEAS a SPICES SECTION ROUND TH NATURAL HARDWOOD LD HOME FURNISHINGS WE ROAST OUR OWN COFFEE BEANS BULK TEAS HERBS & SPICES ~· ~ F.OLDING CHAIR • I I I • From Romania WALNUT FINISH I WALNUT FINISH BENTWOOD WOOD SHIP'S CHAIRS WHEEL From Taiwan From the great coffee growing areas of the world. Attalfa Mint 8&act( currant Ceylon Supreme Chamomile China Rose Carjeellng. E4r1 Grey English Breakfast Jasmine Lemon Grass Ofange Pelw:>e Spearmint.Rose Hips ETCEttRA From sweet basil to van Illa beans. PERTINENT PARAPHERNALIA Beautifully finished and constructed full size chair has slat -seat, curved back and brass fittings. A complete selection of coffee makers. coffee VII From The Philippines grinders, Elegant comfort filter papers, tn a sturdy teapots. tea handsome design. Infusers ... A dellghtfulty zesty dark roast to use alone, to make =- fWISp<esso aiid cappuccino IMPORTED & and to blend with ligl\ter ROASTED BY roast coffees. COST PLUS Often combined with chicory for New Orleans style coffee. 2.99 PER LB. S >, l M • I ~5' GRAN D O PENING SPECIAL TWO-PANEL NATURAL BAMBOO & MATCHSTICK SCREEN· From Taiwan HAND8LOWN HEAT RESeSTANT CLEAR FROM OUR GRAND & TA.STY TEA SELECTION Tubular bamboo and matchstick form an airy folding screen for room divider or portable dressing room. From Romania Sturdy classics L' , , a in a choice of two seats. Solldly constructed wheel ts trim and nautical for wait decor, chandelier or to make With a table top. natural 17" dia. 16. w~~~~ 26 .. d1a. 25.88 seat. NATURAL TEAK END 29 88 · TABLES From Hong t<ong • Trim oriental styling with TABLE From Singapore Natural teak veneer top on soltd teak legs extend from compact square to roomy rectangular. ~ 33" )( 35 .. SLIDES OPEN TO 35 .. x58" 119.99 ~oved teak veneer toos on'°lld teak legs. 18 .. x 18 .. 18 .. tall 29.88 20" x 20" 20 .. tall 32.88• NATURAL MURAH REED ROUND BACK CHAIR rN.A!m~Li~A;~A"Jliifii!iin From 1nd1a NATURAL AJANTA stunning sturdy WOOL DURRY murah reed From India makes a A durable reversible comfortable tightly woven area chair for rug in natural house or patio. GLASS TEA BREWER~ FromTaJwan Gracefully ~tupot Is compfete wtth 1itted glass T'N SPICE -- A naturally sweet tangy blend of 72" tall 18 .. pa.net width 36 .. total width r---11 earthtones With beige. 4· )( 6' tea infuser. black teas. r:r~ orange spice and l"~ cinnamon 011. , ,,,">,1J ' HEXAGON BAMBOO & 801 ·0 WOOL 39 88 201/o JUTE • WOOD & CANVAS FOLDING 11Btb. .73 -· RATTAN S'-'NDS From China 11.-lb. 1.45 ~ Sturdy openwork , .. dla. 32 oz. 16.88 ~ SAFARI CHAIR From Singapore ~-...........Handsome well· ~ constructed From Romania Molded teak veneer seat with black finish hardwood back stands to hold GLAZED feet. seat CAST ::I ALUlllNUM ESPRESSO From Speln Ma.ke zesty eepreMO With fOOI pn:>Of water rlsfng method, MAKES I OEMrTASSE CUPS STAINLESS' STEEL TEA B~LL INFUSJR From Hong Kong For efficient and tidy tea t>rewtng. ....tes.a r tong WOOD CHOCOLATE BEATER From Mexico STONEWARE TEA POT or plant. From Japan 4 SIZES Handsome tea pol ~ 9'11" to 19'/i" dla. with natural :=:-. 15" to 19" tall £ost Plus is &rand! 1attan handle comes with assorted subtly colorful designs. 5" tall 32 oz. HOT&COLD ~ AIR POT _.N~J.:=~ BEVERAGEc:! DISPENSER From Taiwan .. Pump" out the t>eYerage or your choice. Colorful plastic and steel construction. Wltt'I gins liner. 1.2UTER4 9~ 14" tall • LITHOGRAPHED METAL. TEA CANISTERS From England HMtly aetalled oriental t .. garcten acene superbly printed on black background. SQUARE With t'llnged top. 4SIZES 3" to 5" sq. 3~" to 7~" deep NATURAL RICE STRAW SQUARE CARPETING From China 4 SHELF 28 ' wide 48''• · tall 10•,, ·deep 34. 79 1ov: .. i~ii 39. 78 chair is at home anywhere NATURAL ~11 WOOD FRAME WITH TAN OR BROWN CANVAS and legs. 19.99 NATURAL MATCHSflCK BAMBOO ROLL·UP BLINDS From Taiwan Complete with pullcordt to regulate sunshine Of moonshine. APPROX s· LONG 2'/1'WIDE 4.66 3'WIDE S.44 ~WIDE 6.89 6 IDE 10.88 8 IDE 14.n 1o·w1De 19." APPROX a· LONG 5· WIDE 18.99 HANDCARVEO NATURAL SHESHAM WOOD TABLES From tno1 a Angoori design round top tables nold plant. lamp or demitasse service 12 d1a x 12 tall 5.55 15 01a x 15 ·tall 8.55' 18 01a x 18 tall 12.88 Mlll'llJU• 21 Ola )( 21· talf 20 88 I . ·~· 1.99 to 4.49 OCTAGON '~ .. dia. 6" deep ALL FURNITURE SHOWN IS FULLY ASSEMBLED' i.....;:::::;, __ ~-~----------------...... -----------------------------------~ -..--- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a ""' Q • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a ""' Q • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a r" Q • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RANGE COUN'TY RAND OPE.N 1l 1NG r- ' Hooray HI.THURS • T •.. J1uA 1M-~, Eost Plus of Torr&Ace, W oodl~nd Hilla, Puente H1Ua &Ad • No purcha.se neceaaa.ry. elust come in a.nd fill out the pretty ora.nae aUp. Remember at ctoat Plua $200 will buy San FrAAciaco!.,:· 4""" the crown jewda, IO'dlAin.a cha.lra, '6 teu end tablea, China. aervice for 50 or 142 muaa. \ DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM SOUTH COAST PLAZA ON SUNFLOWER AVE • ~OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ~ MON to SAT 10 AM to 9 PM • SUN 11 AM to 7 PM BANKAMERICARD•MASTER CHARGE •AMPLE FREE PARKING ~>~ • = G£m.Y -3 = "" '~ Ir.) c;>J ' . I ' I : c=~ (IC ~_;;a =~ .... .... ~~ ~t :z: ' ,C ,0 ~~ g; I -t 0 ... . r. p _. ~ I .... ~ ~· ~ i ...... o -:fl! >~ ·O ~.-2 S PIECE WHITE PORCELAIN STAMER SET From Japan Try this for starters 10'·• OINN°EA PLATE 1"'1'' SALAD PLATE s•,. 8 & 8 PLATE CUP & SAUCER r ~Q~~N·o~s· )PENING ) SPECIA L 2 LITER NATURAL WINESKIN BOTA BAG From Spam Kidney shaped •me Has-of 3.99 BOXED SET For hearty 1mb1bing NATURAL WOOD DISH STORAGE RACKO~ SHELF UNITS From Hong Kono "'"'"""''"".,...·'""'"''""'"'"'"'"'"'"""it'""'''" Handsom~ funcllonal ~estgns to store dishes~~ Ot hold spices. cosmetics or bllty plants. ~ SHELF UNITS DISH RACK 10" tall 14 wide 3.99 Each with 3•1t " deep lofd.down shelves. 2 SHELF ~~ tO" )( 14 '·• 2.99 3 SHELF 14 "1.4'. 3.99 3 SHELF 15" x 20··· 4.99 NATURALLY BROWN SHESHAM WOPO PLANT STAND From India MINI TO ENORMOUS NATURAL BAMBOO WORK BASKETS From China For all manner ot work trom litter to leaves to laundry • 9 SIZES - 9" to n<1tura1 chamois l1n1sh h10e has plas11c 1tn1ng and colored fltt1ngs COOLER • De1ogntfu1 m1n1atu1e 10 hold plant or s1a1ue11e STAINLESS STEEL VEGETABLE STEAMER From Tat~an Sits inside the pot tor p.erfect vegetable cookery 5 '11 dta Opens to From Hong Kong , OpaQuo honey white NATURAL CAPIZ SHELL W1ND CHIMES From The Ptl1ltppm9 Announce lhe bfeezes with Jo , • ....a~ ~turany ~-~. ~ Shell dlSC$ 8'' x t3V. 1 .. 39 6'• tall ---20oz. .25 7 d1a 7 '• tall CLASSIC TAPER CANQLES From Hong Kong In countless colors• :f:: //~I .19 HIGHLY PERFUMED AMBER STICK . INCENSE From India .. 0 c ID l2 :;;" .99 WHITE PORCEU~IN PICTURE ~., FRAME ~ 11 From J•pan For a faYOt11e ~ 1 min1•ture1 3•., .. x•'·r 1i..··x2h · inner oval .59 G _ ~ CD ti 0 ~I « . -• c :c 0 E 0 SHESHAM WOOD NAPKIN RINGS AND 100% ST AfNLESS STEEL MIXING NATURAL WOVEN PALM BABY ANO it w _, 0 a. COTTON NAPKINS Great go.togethers. HANDCAAVEO BROWN SHESHAM WOOD NAPKIN RINGS From India 39 Assoned designs. • . BOWL SET From Taiwan AED BLACK OAGREDION WHrTE . 21 .. '°"' WitJ\ 2'" long plab(~ 2.49 DOLL·BABY CAAOLE BASKETS From Mexico Our dehghltut baby cradle baskel has a 0 0 CD ~~htlle sibling! Bedeck them with tin- ~ 1ng or ttbbons or tote as ~ ~ ~~a~ 2 c( 1 'h ·· d1a. each SOLID COLOR NAPKINS From Pakistan Appetizing colors to milt and match WHITE. ORANGE. BROCCOLI. LEMON & CHOCOLATE OV£R THE SINK HARDWOOD CUTTINO BOARD From Tuwan fnm ~"1"1'\ateo Doard ~ FOR DOLL·BABY 16 ' long 9" wide 9" tall at hOOd '4.99 CD (,!) z 0 _, w 0 z < t6' )( 16 . 79 each From China Natural seagrass matwun cotton binding has a towel pouch and folds up to make its own 31' wide 6' tong 2.22 NATURAl WOVEN PAPER YARN CLUTCH PURSE From Hong Kong Classic envelope style purse rias cloth lining, zippered tn· side POCket and snap ctos1ng From Turkey Classic design has screw- '" WICk mech· an1sm 12' tall BRASS CUSPrDOR From Ta'"'·'- Etegant • .lit.11.~1.s hl '>01<J plan I t"o..I' ... llld '''u '~- I I 3.66 ALUMINUM SALT, SUGAR OR FLOUR SHAKERS From Hong Kong Hold a gooo sunr•v lo• generous scnnk, ng 1 2'·• d'a i. .3 • 1a11 SILVER· ALUMINUM .69 ENAMELLED RED.GOLD OR MUSTARD .89 • • • ,. • • • • • • • • •• . • • • • 0 ..J ~ • • 0 ..J ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q ..J E • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CAST IRON COOKWARE Frum T a1 .... an Tnt'.' t>l'St to• 1 '" 1 cl'.,1~'\l·,,ltlo 1•,,~ ..:'Oi~ ,\+i ,, LI C'S ' ~'.()C'D ... ·,~ • I l't 0 • \! • ""• , ... (~ J 11• r •~I ()itfl It I, l ''• J \}: h ) I I $1\ll l • I .1 .. \J 10 .) I CRf Pl s PAN 11) U I " 1 '97 ~~~ . ' .... ,, FRAMED MOUNTED BUTTER FLY SPECIMENS From r ~ ,, ,,,, Perlt• I Sl>('l'1n•1 , rn han .1~0"'•' blact. .... ooo ltame~ "'''n gtass ASSORTED SPECIES 6' 1 >. 9 '. '• tn1c1o. 2.99 'COPENHAGEN 'SUTIER COOKIES From Denmar11 16 oz. assortmen1 1.83 SPORTY WATER REPELLENT SHOULDER BAGS From Taiwan Laminated 11ghll~ >\Oven ra)on &nd PVC comes in assorted colors RA YON PRINT HANTEN From Japan c1ass1c 1o.1mono styltng .,, stunning mu 111colored JUTE PLANT HANGER WITH Juo.;t a·~"· I•.,,.''"' ld•ge ano !BELLS ON' ''•Jt'l,11 ,,~1".!, 11011 From India 5 • 5 39 :t p1>.g ol • 4'5 napkins MONKEYPOD CONDIMENT SERVING SET WITH BAC BAC BASKET From Tne P1111tppines Three handcrafted monkeypod Extra fancy 10 tiang your plants on high dishes 1n a dark bac bac ~ baSl\et Wiii hOld ll/!j/JB an assor1men1 or " • · cono1ments fj_. .. -~ , Short sleeve blouse can bewom tucked in 100% COTTON PRINTED DHESHIKI From Pakistan VERY SPECIAL SPECIALS FROM OUR DAZZLING ~ = ~ k~ Roomy top has IWO front pockets open neckline and toe for the v.a1s1 ASSORTED JEWELRY SECTION P\NS NECKLACE CHAINS, EARRINGS. PENDANTS ANO GARTERS BOLO COLORS Ot spar1111ng mixed metals S·M L·XL and marenats.. 2.88 .39 eacn 3 tor 1.00 A. 100% COTTON BIRD OF PARADISE ..,,;· / 1- BEDSPREADS From India Hano btocl< prmled ~~ 0010 flowing btrd ~~ ano ttorat design on ,..n,te or cream oackground SINGLE 72· 108' 16 sq yos) 6.99 DOUBLE 90 "108 17'1 SQ ydS I 0.49 FAR REACHING NATURAL FEATHER DUSTER ' -~· ~_,. ASSORTED CLOtSONNE PENDANTS~ From Chtt'8 Approx 2•:, wide BURMESE JADE 'LOCK PENDANT"' . From Hong Kong ~TnHw ...._ 1Yr·· wtde GOLD FILLED ROPE TWIST CHAINS -c 0 ()• .Ill Z> 1-C ~Ula: -... o9 a:u. 11.Z :a 70 PIECE STAINLESS STEEL !;·- .. DREAM ROSE" W• 'O FLATWARE SET From Japan oz , · Formal floral pattern to set an l elegant table Set includes 8 eecti: .,,.0 Dinner forks., Salad fo<ks, Cocktail .. V lorks. Omner knfVes, ~P spoons. Q ~ Ice tea spoons. 16 Teaspoons. · 1 A.~ \ ~ ) 1 Butter knife, 1 Sugai Shell, ~ I~~ l 'rr' Table~poon, 1 Piefoed table-~ ( ) snoon 1 Cold meat fOl1t and I Ir 1 Gravy ladle. • • 1 I JI 70 piece set: Service for I )! ) \ J l' 15.88 I ~ SMOKED OYSTERS • From Korea ~ 3 213 oz net wt. NATURAL WOOD I COST PLUS OWN SALAD SERVERS DESIGN WRAPPIN~ 1 NATURAL COIR • t: HONEYCOMB _,, .73 LOWAEY'S BEEF JERKY ~~1 63 4oz.1ar • 20 count GEISHA WHOLE WATER CHESTNUTS From Taiwan .33 5 oz. dr. wt. To toss and serve the salad of the day PAPER DOORMAT From Indra Ill Rugged knotted waavef dOOrmat to greet .,,. feet muddy;._~~~-~~~~~ .. or neat W - 16 x 27 '·· tt11ck a i---------4· •1' 20"x30" sheet s~e NATURAL BURI RING ~, Jllli!'z 2.99 PACIFIC CRAB MEAT From Taiwan 1.13 6 oz.. net wt. WATERPROOF OILED CLOTH PARASOL 99 CURTAIN From The PtlJlit>Pi .,,,, ~~ ORANGE CRATE LABELS • roll ol 5 sneets Braided 1 .. ,mtt~,.... - -.-. ~ I -.~ HANDCARVEO BROWN STAINED WOOD nngs torm >. . .... 1· NATURALL\"'SROWN EXTENDING MUG RACK a cool . · '. .'IL~-~ ' SHESHAM BOXES From Taiwan ~~~:.~ryOf : ' ~. _ 1 Hanoy rack w111 room ·. · ~ • . From Thailand holO 10 mugs ttiv.n-• ·. 1-0 5 . ?cn-~la YELLOW · · ·, MAROON& 0 DARK GREEN ' . · -· 4"gusset ·• 12•~"x1s·. i~~~ 4.55 ~ .. ~ J • -.... 7 ·-- . "" ~- ' • t t t t • t • • t • f I I • I ORANG~ COUNTY I POLITICS • A four.week 1erl11 of ........... ,.. •••• u. .. ......... ., .... ~wtll 11ie,...., .... ..._UCIM..._. ~ .. Onale .......... Oct. u . 1"9 tree llS1HN Mltn 9' l p.m. Mcb Tbunclay trom Oct. n \0 Nov. 1 la 8uL'd'q •· P'or-ad· dltloaal laformatlon eall ......... IJCI A.ppointa New Dean Or. Llatoo C. Freeman or Laauaa 8eacb baa been appoint· ed tbe new Dean of tbe UC Jmne Scbool ot Social Sciences. The announcement that Freeman wo&a,ld succeed Dr. Christian W emer. wbo reaisned to resume fuJl-Ume teachin1. came from UCI Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Freeman, who bolds BA degrees in ps ychology and sociology and MA and PhD degrees in sociology. came to UCI from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa. I J O.C. KV8'nN08 °' ... ~ .......... A• Gov. 1!'.dmund o. Arown Jr. aADOUDCed the alpln1 lloodaY of bu lDtome tall lacMlllol bill, N t w p o"l' t 8 t a c b A I · ... ~ ..... arlu .... ~ aaalD .oWct u.. 1ov~rnor • et· f01'tl to limit tbe ....... Uoo to lwoyean. Ill ra. 8efaet0n, a ft•hman RtpubllCM, auLboNd the bill. AB m. -.cb wlll Hve lH· r:yen • ..umat.M I* mUllOlll lta t~1ea.r W•pan . Tbe bill mandatee annual in· crtaaet i.. 1tate income tax brackell ba1t1d on Inflation. Without it; Ca.11fomiana who pt coet ol Uvtnc pay lncreuea were belnt aboved into bl&ber tu bracketa and loeln& areater pro- portiooa ol their paychecks to tbt l\ate. II rs. Bergeson 's legislation waa puaed by the Assembly without the two-year limit, but lbe ~called sunset clause was added by the state Senate under heavy lobbyin& pressure from the Brown administration. The governor said the lax cut would prove too costly to the state budget and could mean an even· tual tax increase. Mrs. Bergeson said today she thought she might have had a chance to tUmina~ UM two-~ar Umlt, but ran out of Umt u the l11t1latlv1 •••ton ended lut mont.b. · ''I know r can pt tbat ca-. tUmlAMed. and O.at'a my ftnt p.rtorlty wbm I.be ~ature,. COftV..,. lD January, • aM aaicl. • • • oa. aLULa s. PBSLN. direct« of r.auJatory poUdes for the Rand Corp., told a Newport 8eacb lfOUP Monday that aboliMment of fecMl'aJ price control• on crude oll and 111ollne would auve con- 1urnen that'°"' au llnea would never return. "Let them {oll companies) make mooey," said Phelps, not· Ing that bis oplnlon was a peraonal, not a corporate one. Laguna Bomique Hit by Burglars Laguna Beach poilce are in· vestigating the theft or more than $2,000 in clothing rrom the Mitbrusb Boutique, 210 Beach St. Merchandise valued at $2,346 was discovered mlsslng by the owner, who said be suspects a former employee. Irvine National Bank is on the move . ... how about vou? • -"-l • • • I ~Ii illbliiii • -....,_ ~ .... _oft: Irvine National Hank has m~vcd into Newpor1 Head; with banking services and conveniences like you've never seen f)(?fon~. And, we've tailored our banking hours to fit the schedules uf uusiness and pro- fessional people. \ Now is the time to move to Irvine National. Until October 5, every- one who opens a business or personaJ checking account for $50 or more wiU receive a Free Susan B. Anthony Dollar. Win these prizes and get on the move! Come into our Newport Beach office al 15th and Superior and sign up for your chance to win fabulous sports equipment. O 2 Vespa mopeds D 1 Windsurfer sail board o 110-speed Schwinn bicycl e O 2 tennis rackets D 1 skate board 0 1 pair roller skates O 2 racketball racquets D 1 set luggage Pick up your tree drawing entry at the New Accounts Desk in our lobby. The drawing will be held on October I I ,.,. .. 5, 1979 but you need \ \ not be present t<;> win. ~-\-You must be 18 years old O'" older to parti- cipate in the drawing. •No Irvine National ~:;;tt:::t:::::::::;;::==~::=. =:::~~::.i:::~~ Bank employees or ---~ ~ directors or their ~ families are eligible for ·the drawing. Aren't you ready to move to~ better bank? '~~-Bmt Newport Beach. Cahfomia 92663 (714) 645-0660 Member FDIC ufiv&Up/Walk·up Houl'8: Monday·Thul'8~ 9-5; ft'riday to 6 and saturday 9-t. Lobby Hours: Monday·l'httr~day 10·5; Friday to 6. • He laid I.be pri~ per 1allcm mt1bt quiff)y climb to SUIO, but oil c= would return to rWl capacity that bu been bteauM of tbe ID· ablllty to turn profite under ttdtral CGMroll. ...._And btcber prlce1t •~id rntlpa, would naturally ltHG to lt1a CGDIUIDption by motoriltl and •bolter lfnes. Pbelpa made bia remarks dur· ln1 a luncheon speech before memben ol the Oran1e County Air Force ANoclaUon at tbe Irvine CdUt Cquotry Club. • * * •AaY SCHMl'H. state vice chaJrmao and national board member of Stop ERA, will be the speaker Friday when the Orange County Women's Chapter of the Freedoms Fouq· .. daUaa •·van., ror,. catben Tb• 1w1 .. wl •• liie wt ~ for llmeb • the &bark la1and 1attt1 ....._.., ol tM I .... • ~ Y acbt Qub la Newport Beach. Beacb Oenlral Plan will M dll· , Jira. 8clllDtU ll tbt wilt of cua1td bJ tbe Lquna 8Meb • 1tate a.a. JobD 'Scbmlu, R· • UnJt wbm lt mett. Oet. 11 at • NewportBMe.b. .t :l.5 a.m. lD tbe bom• ot ~ : Arran•em1nt1 to attend. Jon.a, Dt Su Remo Drive, i Frtd11'1 .....ttnc can be llL8d8 Lapaa Beath · 1 dlrou&b Bettt Prtdo, ~ltpbont Tbe "Know Your Area'' pro. f 5'2-dlt. Jecl aDd new etucly commlt· : • * • mentl .W bt dileUIHCI wbea : MZDDll O• TBt: Oranae tbe Saddleblct Area Units .. Coaat Leque of Women Voters meet. Unit I will meet Oct. 8 at ·~ will ta!ber la tbelr local unlta 9:30 a.m. in the RecreaUon : next week. Boom, .011 Calle Sonora o.te, • .. Upper Newport Bay -LagUba Hilll. Unit II will meet ' Wbat'• Up Now1" will be the on Oct. 10 at 1:30 p.m. lD the ( topic wbm the Newport Beach· home of Fanny 'l:lttln, 2500'7 ~ eo.ta Meea Unit meet.a oo Oct. Woolwich, Laguna HU.ls. ~ 10 at 12 :15 p.m. in the home of All meetinp are open to the ! Helen fftartman , 18•3 public and interested in·~ Tradewinds Lane. Newport dividua.11, including men, are io· : Beach. vited to attend. ~ .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ • . .---------------------------------------------------------------: .. October 6, 1979 Noon 'til 4 p.m. WESTPORT SQUARE PRESENTS -., . OKTOBERFEST I Participating Stores 1'f. Will Have Drawings ~: (, ;,4 For BIG PRIZES _'.;J.~~ 369 E. 17th, Costa Mesa CAcro11 frCMa Ralpltst . .-------------------------------______________________________ .... ' Speool111ng In Moi '(jrrt0().1 Cr9CJ!10tU Custom wor-A\Olocie We An Dlffetentl Our merdlandi .. 19 primanly t'ladnmede. EY9n our othet item• .. u~. We have designed a et'IOO tor women. where you can buy Home Decor Items. Ck>U\lng 6 Gifts tor 'toungsler•. Bouhaue Items a hlMt. ~ ... tn one shOO We ain Custom COIOf' & ~ most tteme fl\ our shop. It will be our pleasure to serw YotJf Mal'l/Aml&J~ Timex ® SALES & SERVICE Gifts for all occasions. 642-9667 642-1910 .The Bod For All Your Beauty Suppr1es Mollcllly·Solw claJ •-,,. AMERITOME PAINT CENTER "Complete Interior Design" 646-8774 Antiques Vintage BACK EAST ~ .. ' • . . - • ' • • • • • • .. ' . . ·. . ' ' American Furniture ·~ 642-6342 Wes~Animal Olnic 631 -1454 .. \ I ' .. . . . .. . • • i t ' .: ( · . Qome Cost Sknocke~ :--~·-..... · . In SF Bay Area · "~ ......... WOMEN ARE THE TOPtC, OFT!N AUTMORS IN OAKLAND FEMINIST BOOKSTORE Net8Me Lando. Left, Hetpa Cuatomer In Store Oeered to Speclel Need• Bookstore A.i1n: Women . Topics Range From P.olitics to Childbirth OAKLAND (AP) -When the d oor to A Woman's Pla~e boobtore opens, posters fiutter like leaves from the celling, the inteme female images seeming· ly abuftllna to accommodate the neweolDW. At IJ'OUDd level, the visitor moves into thickets of books, g roves of pamphlets, and, strewn acl'068 the terrain, en· campment of paunchy chairs and sofas circling a coffee pot. IN '111E SEVEN years of its existence ln a wedge·sbaped building justsoutb of the Berkeley line , AWP b aa become what may be the world's largest and moet successful bookatore catering only to women. "When we opened we had 300 boot s eMl one bookcase," says Ma. Lando. "Now we haveover 6,000 tiUes ... Ing. governs by a kind ol hang· loose principle. "If somebody thumbs through a b ook and thinks it has something to say to women, we stock it," Ms. Lando explains. BUT mAT STAN DARD. the works of George Orwell and Carl Jung, Mary Daly and Simone de Beauvoir share space with boob on subjects ranging from vaginal self.examination to refrigerator repair. "In the beginning women were asking very ,~eneral questions about their uves," Ms. Lando says. "Now they are coming in SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Tbe Bay Area 11 a home seller's mark.et wMre UM avera•e coet of homes sold in AU&\llt Jumped u much aa $1,000 a week 1n aome counties. Apparently undampened by mort1a1e lllterest rat.es as blah as 12 percent, more buyers than sellers are out there, several county real estate boerda reported. ••TB£ MAJl&ET 18 startinl to dry up as far as the number of properties available," said Fred Davis, presi· denl of the $an Jose Real Estate Board 1n Santa Clara County. "That mean.a it's selling almost u fast as it can be listed.'' he said, adding that 75 percent ol listed properties a.re sold within a month compared to the normal 60 percent. Contra Costa and SanCa Clara counties recorded the most Ulcrease in average selling price in August compared to July. THE AVERAGE PRICE of homes in Santa Clara County rose $3,909 to $96.842 during ,J\ugust. according to the San Jose ReaJ Estate Board. A year earlier, the average price of homes in the county was $79,773 the board added The ma rkup was even morc- dramatic in Contra Costa County. where the average sell.mg pnce ID August of $119,83ft represented .. $4,754 hike from July County real estate officials said the number of homes on the market thii. year 1s 2.400 compared to3.600 at the same llme last year. Average selling prices also ID · creased sizably in Marin, San Fran cisco and Alameda counties during Gay Putors Nixed CINCINNATI IAP> The general board of the Christian Church <Dis c iples of Christ) has recommended unanimously that the denommallon s ho uld not orda i n pract1c 1n g homosexuals. the aame period, real estaW! otftclala aald. THE 8TA1'18TlC8 DO not tnclude · homes aold by QWDera wbo do not UM a real estate a1ent or tboee told by firm• not associated wlth real •ta&e board.a. Real estate experts added, however. that the summer months - especially Aucust -are when sales are most likely to be at a nurry. since parents W\.nt to be setUed in lime for the opening or school. The same expert.a also caution that yearly appreciation, and not monthly increases. is the best measure of valuation. The annual average ap- preciation from August 1978 to August 1979 was 18 percent in both Contra Costa and Santa Clara t'Oun· ties. • Actress-singer Barbi Benton, 29, w h o gained faine . as the girlfriend of Playboy publisher Hugh Herner, next month will marry George Gradow, 39, a real estate executive in Southern California. DO YOU NEED BA_NKRUPTCY? ( I) If you 0te de~y 1n debt. the Bonkruptcy Act con g .. e you o frtth stor1 in hfe 1) Ycxi con el1m1note most debts ond keep mosr of your property 31 Bonkruc>tcy 1\ you< right tt 1s no d1sqr0te OUI? OH ICf Will AN~WER YOUR OUESllON~ ABOUT BAN~lo'UPTC f WI I HOUT CHARC~ 01Jr fet•\ Arp l?"l'l\Onnblc ALAN LURY~ A TTOltNfY AT LAW (714) 955-3063 1300 DOVE ST SUITE 100 NEWPORT BUCH CAllf 92660 f CHl~PRACTIC ~ial-a-Tape Pleaae Request Tape By Number •••• 0 1 Becil Pein 05 Why Chfropt'ectlc:? 02 WhlpfHh 06 Necil, Shoulder. Arm Pein 03 Arthrttl• 07 Low Beck & Leg Pain 04 HeedaeM1 08 Hentou1neH & Tention Tape Center 645-1701 24 Hour• Courtesy of Or. Devld W. Glbaon THE PATH WINDING through tbe crowded landscape follows a route traced by many a woman aearc.bing to make sense of her times and herself. Waiting are classic and obscure tomes on politics, economy, women's rights. history, theology, psychology and law. Founded by Ms. Lando, Carol Wilson and four other women who wanted a place where womeii coul d exchange i d eas, a Woman's P lace became a bookstore because a coffeehouse would have required too much capital, Ms. Wilson says. looking for speclflc things. They ..------.--------------- "Our aim is simply to take care or the reading needs of women.'' says Natalie Lando. a small. agile woman in overall s, from behind a desk stacked with inventory cards and review copies. The simple stat e m e nt of purpose belies years of struggle to solve a coofualng par adox. It ta no small matter, alter all, to run a viable ~apilallat business. doubling as a feminis t service ce•ler, according to socialist· collectivist principles. In the early years, members of the original collective worked without pay. "WE WER E LUCKY to pull in $30 a day." gays Ms. Wilson, without looking up from the cash register. "And I'm talking about $30 grosi., for the rent. the Lights cveryttung " In thOfie days~ she says, grin· ning, AWP shared the part•· tioned floorspace with a rock band. Today, &ix paid employees average S4!IO a day In sales, and the collecti ve. which has aJmost completely chanted membership s ince .the store's f ound - are much more focused." She says women and work. feminis m . religion and childbirth are the subjects in which customers currently are most interested "'WE HAVE AN excellent sec· tion on childbirth everyUung from hospital deli very to Le Maze," Ms Lando says. round tng two tall bookca ses from which the faces of dozens or fat. happy babies smile. "A lot of men come in for those books." Although A Woman's Place stocks non·ficLion works by men, lbe store carries fiction and poetty only by women writ.era, \\'hen you choose a saYimts and loan, be sure the name · isright! - . . . Your business is her e. in the Orange Coast, and so are we! We started her e and are owned by people who live here. In fact. we're the only savings and loan to be founded in Costa Mesa. So. of course, we're going to go out of our way to please our local customers. You'll deal directly with our President, Richard Bond. He'll make certain that you receive individual attention to your financial needs. When you come in for a loan, you'll be given proper consideration for being a savings depositor. And. you1l r eceive many other financial services, such as free Deposit Pick- up and our 24 Hour Telephone Transfer Hot Line. Check out the names of other savings and loans around. Glendale. Santa Monica. Brentwood and Downey are okay if you live there. But only the savings and loan whose heart is in the Orange Coast can really serve our comltlunity. Remember, a name can tell you a lot! !yy~ (Q)~fi!t<ii\ \..:.dtZ1J11~U and Loan Association 1700 Adams Avenue, Costa Mesa, California 92626 (714) 754-1801 ~~J @ , ·-···-··...._ ............. -,. Cert 1f 1c<1IL' hcJldL'r" qet h1~h 1ntl'I L''-I r c111.•.., bur thl'\; h.sLL' 1u ~ 1JJ11111 1 ti" •1 1111 i: "•1.,; for long pencxh Pa::.::.book cu::.tom~r::. i;.m <l<ltl o r v..ithdrlw. \Vhcn needL•d but 1tK!1r 1nll..'r1..•">I r<1ll' 1~much l~r High r a tes like certific a tes with passbook flexibility. C ommercial Credit's SuJX'r Thnft Account 1s d su~r ntc>VJ idea. When your bdlance is $50CX) or more. VJ\! pay 8 1 <t°t• mtere~t ::.o you earn an effed M! annual yield o f 8.511.\J. And you don't have to tie up your mo ney for 6 mo nths to 8 yedrs to coiled full intere~ Without penalty. You can add m o neyorwithdrawwhen you want cind still t'!dm full interest fro m day m to day out. compounded quarterly If you prefer. open your Super Thrift Account with as little as $5(X) Yo u earn an effective annual yield of 6.14% because \..ve pay 6% ~n accounts.are $25 to $5(X:)(). Your interest automatically Jumps to 8114% \.Vhenever your Super Thrift A ccount balance 1s $5000 or higher. Interest rates can change from time to tim e. but ourobJedtve is to always pay higher rates than banks and savings and loans. For indMduaJs. corporations and organizations. Available ro California residents only. Get the details you need to open your account FUI out rhe coupon or call us now. We ·11 give you more facts on our Super Thrift A ccount. O r m ail your check now and start earning super interest fro m tht! postmarked date. ,...... ( (1m11 .. ri• 11ur '>up•'' Thrih Accoun1 """" vour dCI oun1 ur c Pr 1th<"'" "111'1 H HlllH lllHll I l\ll lll lNI llR •\I I 01 'Cl I I HTll K /\II -----,_ ---- 8dldnc+' r1f $5000 or rnnrt• ll'o'I'. ., 'f, Balanu $25 to $5000 fl'f, ? 't Withdraw wtthour ~n.,hy YI"> VI ~ NO Add m<111vy 11nd wllhdr., .. d~ needed YI '> YI <, NO l..llrger b11l11nce~ rf'W11rd..d NO with hlghw inrern r YJ '-YI .._ fn1ne51 earn~ from day·1n 10 day-<lut YI "> YI-.'-NO ~1111ements tn•llMd of p~•~· lxxik• or certiltc111e' v.h1ch could be lost or srolen YI '-.,, Yl~ I NO r------------------------, I For morr ln/onnorlon oboul o Supn Tlm/1 ArC'ount. I prfnl only your nomr ond oddrt"u ond moll 1h1" I cou1w n todoy. iJ I H•"•'• mv t ht'rk 11r mun"" rm:lo•r Im$ ---1 Ill opt'n " C,uppr l h11I• Arc ounr 1$500 minimum) I f11p,.. ul A1<oun1 C..oly lit °>IAI" lnr111;1J 11.,1 --,-.,. .. ••Wpitl411 I 1 .i. .. nr rvn.u1ry I C.oq >ordlton I I I -I I --1 I LIP _ -I I -------1 I I f'hon~ ---I l---------------------s~~J We find ways to help. COMME~IAL C~DIT COMMERCJAL CREDIT PLAN. INCORl'ORATED Costa Mesa 370 East 17th St. 92627 Phone 645-8700 Huntington Beach 16075 Golden West St. 92647 PhonQ 847-7771 · . . .. -. . . . .. .. .. -·--.............. " .............. ---... ___ -.. - • • •• J • . . ' i ! \ .. .. • NATION {Jnited Way Pressure · Criticized ., IOllN CUNNlFP .................. NEW YOIUC -It la fall, and as part ot the Am•ric• ritual. Industry ts dis\l'ibuUna United Way pa)'T'OlJ dechlction forms to employ.ea, the eaaler for them lo make their cha.r1table coolribu-tlou. Suppote you don't alw. Wlll lt matter &bat )'OW' rWl.tal mlpt binder p~ poutbWtiea ol your bou, who huda t.b• otftc. tftort'! Or m1i)lt embarrUI the company prelident, wbo Mada the local UW drive! THE lJNITED WAY, Oa AS 111£Y say, tbe ''J>ut all YoW' be1s ln one ask-at" approach, usually wtm aupport from local business because, among ~er \bi.ncl, it supposedly ends t.be nuisance ol re- pea ted requests Punch "The gods are pfaatered agaln." Anitrak Fares ' Up 7o/~ W AIRINGTON <AP) -Amtrak wlli ralae moet ot lta f area 1 per· cent effective Oct. 28. The nat1onal passen1er railroad blamed "lnfiationary preasuret, 1nclud.ln1 fuel prices, 11 for the hike. "Some commuter tickets and s lum - bercoacb and economy sleeper charges will be exempted from the in· creues," it said. ·; ANNOUNCING IN NEWPORT BEACH The opening Of S.110ke De·Addlctloa Clinic ONE TIME TREATMENT Selfe ....... mcl effecH•e trwlWA.t a .... lst•ed by N4)1stwed w ws. r1•ov .. yow pltyslcal oclclcffoll to llicotlM. I . NO group HMlona, NOdruga, NO hypnoala, NOcontract~ NOwelght gain. If you're ready to quit ...... we're ready to help! Under UW aegis, local lnatit.utiom are allocat- ed certain sums from one community appeal, generally led by a promif'eot local executive whose charitable instincts sometimes run second Retarded Topic Of Meet Amtrak also an - nounced excursion fare discounts rap&ing from 1S percent to 30 percent off that will be available from Oct. 28 to May 22. BE HEALTHY AGAIN! Call today for a FREE CONSULTATION -no oblC)Clti• of cCMrH. to his sense of competi- tion ("'Eu ' .. f\'•/"~/ ) That being so, say ·" ".~ · .. ·•· ·' United Way's critics, -. ch arity is often com puls ory rather than voluntary. Consider this segment or letter from an angry West Coast executive to his laggard sub- ordinates: " ... frankly, our results look terrible. I have bent over backwards seeing that you be given maximum salary treatment. Next year is another year. Will you please sit down and reconsider your pledge?" ' AU THIS IS FROM "Charity U.S.A.," which Times Rooks soon will have in bookstores, and wbicfi is bound to kick off more controversies this fall than there are football games or charity kickoff drives. After five years of research and interviews. Carl Sakal, author and social critic, bluntly writes that UW. the biggest fund raiser. "most sacred or charity's sacred cows," is "giving sour milk." One of his strongest accusations is that the money collected fs often routed routinely lo established, acceptable, middle-class, usually white charities, while newer causes have to fight for smaU change. The office of WiUiJnll Aramony, UW 's national chief executive, was told or Sakai's reference to sacred cows and sour milk. It reflected, called back and suggested the author's view was the sour factor. "WHAT IS SACRED ABOUT UNITED Way," said Aramony's office, "is the belief in voluntary, private initiative and a pluralistic s"ociely," a society that it said bas "room for authors with poor taste buds." .. Other cbarlUes are likely to react less cbarl~: ._.e may compare it to another bovine proc:haet.. But tbe boc* will leave it.a imprint. Tbe author found charity to be a peculiarly American habit, one that might even be the largest industry, but one that la often inefficient, unfair, involuntary, frequenUy ln'elevanl, and sometimes corrupt. More too: That while Americans gave $39.6 blllion last year, charity ls in trouble, its expenses rising, ita contrlbuUona not keeping pace witb economic growth. And that government is usurp- ing its role. BAK.AL SAYS CHARITY BAS REMAINED a sacred cow because so little is known about it. Many, for example, think business is its main sup. Port, whereas individuals are said to account for 84 percent of donations. Corporate donations, he says, have languished near 1 percent of net income, or just 20 percent of the lax-allowable 5 percent limit. This book is going to hurt the image of busi- ness. It will hurt charity too. Sakal expects some of his sourc-es no longer will speak to him. He believes that some are "terrified" by publication. Readers might be apalled, but engrossed too. lo telling the story or 400 charities, Sakal covers America -health, wealth and culture -with anecdotes, interviews, and personal experiences in a manner reminiscent of John Gunther and his "Inside" books. His commentsareincisive. HE DOESN'T LIKE HOW CHARITY conducts itself -not just the United Way but the likes of the Red Cross, and Catholic, Protestant and Jewish charities. His exposition -"not expose" -spares nobody he said. And so, be was asked, what would you have in its place? .. c~·.-emmenl," he replied. Here, he said, we have vital community needs serviced by begging. Should we have lo depend on comedians to raise money? Would such pro- cedures do for fire and police services? It was suggested lo him that governments orten have worse records for the delivery of services. Whal of the freedoms that might be lost? Won't a government bureaucracy encompass old evils and add more? REG1.Jl.ATION, BE CONCEDED, MIGHT be the answer. Charity, he said, may be the biggest industry, but it isn't regulated and sometimes not even made accountable. People don't know where their money 1oes, be said. In contrast, be observed, corporations are monitored; their finances are scrutinized; tbey is- s"e public reports. People who Invest in bonds and stocks know what they're getting into. ·'It isn't so witb charity," be said. r---~---------------------1 I I I I I I I . ' I I I I I I I HUMAN TERRA WHAT: A personal Growth Seminar An Ongoing Support Community WHERE: Next Workshop- Central Orange County WHEN: Thurs., Oct. 11, 7 p.m. to Sun., oct. 14, 7 p.m : PRICE: $300. Live-In Seminar and ad· mission to the ongolaig Community at no eddltlonal char'Qe I -.sTRAnoM AMD ••OIMATIOM Two projects to help the parents of develop- m e ntally disabled c hildren will be dis- cussed Oct.9 at Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa. the Area XI Develop- mental Disabilities Board meeting for Oc- tober. The meetin1, to be held in tbe hospital's administrative buil~ ing, 2501 N . Harbor Blvd .. begins. at 7.p.m. For information call 731·4787. Amtrak was scheduled to shut down five routes Monday as part of a 20 percent cut- back of Ila passenger rail service, but court challenges were pending that would block the shutdown or four routes. ~ SDIOke De·AddictiOll ~ill_: _...__·_-_Clyz_._~_--_,,_1 _ .. :::-_-_-:_=-_-_-___ J Clinic The public forum on Project C.A.R.E. and the Infant Stimulation Program are part of P..trUdo Medcal 1W9-, 351 Hospital Rd., Wte 207, Hewporl hoch -631-2712 Old Fashioned Cookie ar Savings And Higher .Rates. Some old-fash ioned ideas are never o ut-of-date. · Like saving money. But. with the cookie-jar or hank·ACnlunt approach w !>.wing, you are always tempted w take out money ;ilmost as often as you put it in. And you never seem to have the Rig Money when you finally need it mo<,t . The pncc tags on the things Yllu'r\.' ...aving for - a new h orn\.', \.ull cgc, retirement, a business - .m: :ilr\.'aJy high and getting h 1gh\.'r. Way n ut uf the cookie· jar c ~. So .1 :-.ivmg ... plan when.-your money wrn., into Big Money over che ye:us m.1kl"i more ~nsc than ever. Ac lmpt:rinl. we'll give y11u a 'Y'tcmauc pum for ..,,1ving. W nh o ur hi gh intcrc<,t r:i t\.'S on c;nving•,_ and the many <;1,.•rviccc; lmpl·rral nrn~ offrrs, <>•Wing i'> ;1n 11IJ-f.l'h1on1:J 1J\.'i1 who ... \.' t1m\.' h t1'i l \ 10ll'. Wl·'ll h1:lp you sck.oct the plan 1h.11\ JU'>t ni,:ht fnry11u . \Vt·'ll make 1t ea..m'T tn <.;ivc, w11h 1111.:hn mfl'fl''>I chan .my hank. An,1 your mllm·y wrl l ix· \(lfl'. Rue , m1 "t 1mporc,1nt, you'll h.tVl' the Big Money 1~hcn rhe time comes. $ 3 h11l1on hc hrnJ you. 90 uff1cc,. T1:kpho nc tramfcr a nJ m1in:. Sn Jon't get caught wirh your h<.1nd in the cooku:·Ja r. S,1V\.' wnh a pkm . At l m~nal. An Old-fashwnl.'d Ic1:u u how UITil' lui.s er 1ml.' T ~y ~ LLY STACK UP. D1mPERIAL sAV1nos ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION Making.' iow· plans happen. SYJ% Passbook Savinp-A MW rar<'. v.41b h11thC1'. Mwmum bllanc~ lwc SIO. lntnnc c,_piUl'dcd dally, .-id quantrly.•• s tr.~ 90-Dav Cnnflc.att• -Htl~ vou ..... , t" .. he.on ~"'" ... 11p .. <aC'r lh on°1. Minimum .kp~11 SIOO. Aucumaucallv ~llC'~ ln:C'w•r c1ompoiundC't.I J;ulv. r11J lfU.JnC'rlY '• 6V?Cf 0-Yrar Certific.act• -Th<' l1'0jler v-•u "''' <", rhl· mur,· )"U m.1l 1· M inimum J,1""'' SI~ ()yW·H'.H mmurium a·rm Auro ·m 1111.1111 "n1 \\nl lnr.-r1''' ,.1mr-•unJ1·J J.11h. r-111! 4uarterfv • • (>l •<'f T W(l and a ha lf Year c,·rtifi.:a:e' - M inimum Jq""tl $1(\1 o1,u111m.t111 hO\U...-tl ~'-'-fh \l•Uf Uh.lilt.\ \H1tL.1n.: ln1u1 ,, ... 111r,.und,J J 11h r 11,I qu.1r11·rh • 71,:r: Four Yo r C\·rt1f1 .. 111" -~l1mm11m l-.11.11111• """Sil'\' /\UI• Ill"''·"" 11111 "',I ln11 ,,.,, •• mp.11111Jnl ,l.11h. r 11.I .1u.1rh.rh • • h lur \t"ar T n.•.a,un l\ r1rfi, all'· -A h,mJ "'" rr.•i:r.111. """ l111•h \ trl ,,,,, mr,·r .. '( '·''"' 111·J 11 L ~ r 11 .1,ur1 r .• r.·· .\•I. II• f.,r ,,, I .Ill' '' 7 ~.r;. ~'" Y.-.ar C.-rtifi1a1\'' -< •r,_ 11 "'' I '"' lorlulUf< ''f'I' .. 1.1. ..... 11.l.!l\OI I •nr ~lm1mono,l,r '" ::~\ A1111tn1.1lll alh r.~nl V.l«I lnrn1-..1 , •ln('"llnJ,·J .I uh I'·" l 4u 1r" rll '' Rr;. Eil!hr 't ear C.-rt1f1, .. 1," -M1111111um '·r·"'' -:-k~ t\111 """' olh l<lll\\l'J fnr, 11·•1I'nlf'l•UllJ\,jJ111\ r uJ ,,u.Hh_ rh • • 1x Month Mone~ M.arl..l'1 Cl'm fi,.11t•' - Mmrmu:n J'"f'l"ll $10,\'\'X) 11·m1 2o 111·,•l,. l:ven ht-111•1 "'" '" ... m1 rh.: h1L!hn1 lnl\"ll ~I I" Mi-11 lln '"<'!l-ll'rffi "" tn..," • ~uh1.rn11~1 rxn.1h1l'' '"' t'.lth w11h.lr.1l>'.1I ·' l\p.,,11~ ''""''"' h 1 h,· I Or h uf 1 hl· ""•Ill h t'dm ""'''l''' fr11m 1 h1 ''' 11 hd,l unlll 1.jlWl<'r' l0ll.I • Cotta Mesa-3310 Bristol Stttet (714) 540· 7591 Newpo'tt Beach-3366 Via Udo (714) 673 -3130 Newport Center -550 Newport Cencer Drive I ~r -Ml-Hl4 -L----------~·~~~-------• .. ' .. • • Our comP.uters gjve our people more time to be human. "Can I talk to somebody about my rhecking account?" \ It's really quite simple. We combined some very modem systems with some equally modem attitudes. And the more our banking systems help our people, the more time our people have to help you. Whether it's a question about your balance, an interest rate or an installment loan, they have the systems to find the answers fast. And because our people don't have to stand around waiting for answers, neither do you. Our electronic network makes every branch your branch. When you walk into a different office of c:alifornia First you won'tfeel like you're in a different country. You can do almost all of your banking in any branch. Because every c:alifomia First office js COlllled:ed to our central computer. So we have your checking and savings aa:otmt information, balanc.es and records, ' . .. .. , e 1a· available through any office in our system Not just at your local branch. That helps.us cash your check quickly or get you a balance a little faster. And, if it helps us, it also helps you. Instant check and deposit inquiry whenever you need it. '1 dmz1rnnember1f it was $34.43 or $43.34." "No pdasu!' / H you forget to write down a check, don't worry. Our computer has an excellent ~ry. . We can easily tell you if your check has cleared. And when. We can also tell you the check number and the amount it was for. We can even get you a copy of the ch~ in question, if you need one. And you can ask us to do it from any office in our system. Not just the branch where you usually do business. It's really no problem. · BanJ5i~ hours for-people. .~ Not Bcutkers. '1 can't get there1z1 after 3:00." -........ want to make sure you have plenty of time to take us 'hp on it. Duplicate copies of statements at your request. "No problem." I If you misplace a statement. our computer makes it easy to get you another one.Just ask and we'll send you one the same day. And if you have a question about what's happened since your last statement, our Insta-Statement will supply the an- swers, in inost of our offices. It shows your current balance and all transactions since your last statement was sent. So you can always be up to date. Because we are. Fast loan information, applications, and processing. "Can I hear about my boat loan by tomonvw?" I ~- "No --problen~ When you talk to a loan officer at California First, you11 like what you hear. Because ~----=:7 we can quote you interest rates, At California First, we've made ba$ng easier by making our banking hours longer. So you don't have to h\.IITY to get to our bank. After all, when we say "Come and meet the people at California First',' we process your application, and get back to you with an answer fast. Usually in less than a day. · We think that's CALIFORNIA the right attitude fora bank to have about loans. Nobcxly likes to FIRST a ~ be kept waiting. ~~~ ---·--------------...... ~ ............... --...... -........ -... -· . . --------~ ~ -. ... ---... -... -.. .. ' I , ; .. . . . • .. .t.. - .. f • . l· ' ' . .. ~ ·I ·-1 1' I f ' ( , ~ . l ~l I f ., • • •Stocks •Movies .. •Business •T•levlslon • ~. Oalobef a. tt7'1 -. . s Oddsni~kers Say Oriol~ · BUt Angel' Pitchers Could Change It 8)' DAV& Ct1NN1NG11.Ua ... _..., ...... BALTIMORE-A t bedy·looklo- cberacur in a plnatripe au.it and aun tlu .. appr()echea you Oft the 1t.reet and uya, ''l..Golr, be~·· 10 ITW cuh 8 t lt OD da Amettcan t.:eacue.Jllafotrl, keep hilt da winnln'1 and live me back da reat " Wbkb tum do you lay that money oo• Oddamaken aay BalUmore, but wtth 1 bl& •11er Uke that, you'd better check into the whole tb1q a lJttle more clOMly. That'• auumlng, of eourse, you don't run to the police or lake tbe money and Oy to TahJU BALTIMO&E HAS the best pllchlng staff ln the league and baa hit more h omers than any ot her team in the western hemisphere. The Angels have the best-hitting club In the playoffs-better than the Reds and Pirates, and more than 20 percentage polnt.s better than the Orioles. The first two games are in Baltimore, while the final three, or hdwever many are necessary, will be played at Anaheim. Even though the Orioles won nine of 12 from the Angels this year , your money should be on the Angels, imd here's why : FIRST BASE -The Orioles have a ns- ing young star named Eddie Murray a 295 hitter with 25 homers and 99 RBI. but there's no first baseman in the league a manager would rather have than Rod Carew. _. Carew's average s lipped to .318 this year , but if Murray hit .318, IL would have been the best season o( his career. SECOND BABE -The Antell' Bobby Grich la an eaJy choice over Baltimore's Rich Daue r. Grieb hit 30 homers, drove in 101 runa and finished at .294. Dauer bad nine homers. 61 RBI and a 2S7 mark. Dauer alao made 17 errors this year. compared with ¢ne for Grieb. THl•D BASE -Doug DeCincea bas some sock. wtlh 16 homers and 61 RBI, but he oJ)ly bit .230 and made 1.3 errors. Woul 't you rather have young Carney Lansford, th his 19 b~mers, 79 RBI and TS ANALYSIS .287 average? Lansford made oo!y'seven errors, a year worthy of a Gold Glove award. SHORTSTOP -A tossup. The Angels' Jtm Anderson h.Jt .248 with three homers and 23 RBI but Baltimore's Kiko Garcia h.it only .247 Wlth five homers and 24 RBI. Garcia made 27 errors to Anderson's 17, but Garcia played in 30 more games. Tbe Angels have Bert Campanetis in r eserve, provided his tender arm, shoUJder or fingers don't act up. · OUTFIE LD Pretty close, etipec1ally since the Angels won't have Joe Rudi (Achilles tendon ). Give the edge to Baltimon.• Ken Singleton had a great season.' with 111 RBI. 35 homers and a .295 average Gary Roenickc slugged 2S homers and bit .261. Al Bumbry batted .285. Because of injuries, the Angels don't have a set outfield anymore. Rick MWer and Dan Ford flture to start, wtth the other ·~ open for Lury Harlow or perbalJS rookie Bobby Clark. That's assuming the man~r decides to use Doo Baylor as the d~gna~ bitter, rather th.an the Jett fielder. Miller and Harlow are brilliant de· fensively, and Miller bit a lifetime best ol .293. But Harlow ls a liability at the plate, with a .233 m~ and no power. Ford bit 21 homers, knocked in 101 runs and batted .290. Clark showed potential, hitting .296 over 1.9 games, but be Jacka ex· perience. DESIGNATED BJ'M'E&S -Give the Angels another point. Bayl« bad an All· world season, drtving in 139 runs with 36 homers and a .296 average. The Orioles' Milt May only hit .254. despite bis 19 hom ers and 69 RBI. No one else the Orioles could pick for the job wouJd come close to Baylor's stats. CATOIER -Brian Downing h.Jt .m and the Orioles' Rieb Dempsey h.it .239. No contest. Defensively, Dempsey may have an edge. but not by much. PITCHING -Ay. there's lbe rub The Orioles are the best. And Angel Manager Jim Fregosi h.Jmself says, "Good p1tchmg will stop good rutting .. Not an on g1naJ idea. but true. nonetheless Still, you can't sell the Ana,els short. Sure, their team ERA of 4.33 i.nbe worst in Angel tustory. but they haven't been NOUN RYAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <See ANGELS, Pag~ 8.11 CHRIS KNAPP Pirates, Reds Open Playoffs Tonight Candelaria vs. Seaver CJNClNNATI CAP> -Playoff veterans Tom Seaver and John Candelaria. throwing hard after being hampered by mysterious ailm ents earlier this season, will be lbe starting pitc hers in tonight's opening gam e of the National League cha mpionship series. Seaver, 16-6, will open for the CincionaU Reds and Candelaria, 14·9, ,.W start for the Ptttaburlh Plratea. Plttabur1b llana1er Cbuck Tanner said Candelarla "ls fit. 100 percent'' after being both.red with a recurrtna ache in bia aide. "He says he's ready to pitch," Taqne r s aid. "When he 's pitching well, there's nobody any better." he said. "Who would you slart?" Seaver. meanwhile, tatted penalvely about tbe playoff series and bow bis penpectiYe bas changed. .c1t.e111ent mcµuf~.lA .lt.self 11' <hf. ferent ways now " He said the thing that hasn't changed is the motivation. "l love to pitch. I love it more now than ever It's the ,same dif· ference il it's June 1 and there's 2.000 people in the stands or if it's October and it s on nat.looal televiaion," Seaver said. "I oev-er pndk:e&e my effort or tbe lmPof\aDCe ol the came on ex· teraal dttumat.aMes ..• Llvtng the ~rien~ of ma- JOr leaaue competition bas beco..,. more •mportant to Seaver u be sees bi.I p~ days dwindling. " • SEAVER, out a month with back trouble, came back to win u straight and now says he feels "fine." "I've pitched fewer innings this year than I ever have in the big leagues," Seaver said. "Be· ing injured early in the year cost me about fi ve starts." "BIGHT NOW, I get more en· joyment out of seeing guys like Fish (pitching coach Bill Fis· berl and Humie (pitcher Tom Hume> enjoy it than in me win· nmg." Seaver swd. H e admitted t h at the clubhouse celebration alter the Reds had c linched the West Divis ion title brought back memories of his first league cham pions hip with the New York Mets. PALllEa, a bigb.ly successful rookie with tbe Montreal Expo5. said Monday he thinks the Reds will beat the Pirates. a team that outlasted the Expos to wm lbe NallonaJ '.eague's Eastern Oiv1s1on on the last day of the regular season ··Both the Pl rates and Reds have good offensive clubs " said Palmer. who finished the season with a 10·2 record. including a club-record eight straight wms 1 AP Wlroploolo STANLEY MORGAN NEGOTIATES A SHORT GAIN FOR NEW ENGLAND. ·MNF Rating Takes Dip "' Grogan Leads This Pitfall ' By EllNIE CASTILLO Ottlleo.!1, Pl ... SIMI Warning: The Surgeon General and Pete elle have determined the following may be ardous to Monday Night Football's health. Rat- • are on a scale of l to 10 (divide by 10 where ve Grogan is concerned) Ma&ell.,: 4.0. Unless you like alliteration ken playing Patriots should be switched ~ nday afternoon, right after As The World s. Proving there's deja vu in football too, New land's Groian made this one look like a re·run season opening flop against Pittsburgh. Ap· ently, he wants MNF to read: Monday Night o. ........,: 3.5. ABC felt so proud of this one, used Jimmy Cuter as a lead·in. Somebody d have spared ua b~ in· ewtnc Amy for two hours. Es.._: 8.0 if you're a of either Packers or ven, 5.7 if you're a foot· Ca: 8.0, including am four potntl for un· 01 aad one point for • • O¥S Wbo would catch .. , PMM1: the left cor· .. tbe riabt. HOOApt Ql .. llllb: $.0. At approlimat.ely 9:30, three ..._ It all started, Don Mered.Ith started : "'IWD out the lllbu, the party'• over." _.. lib the bUt player &om Cowltry re::;-; tbaa WUUe Nellon.• '9 : 2.0. Nodc.abb eblent. The SPCF A. ,_ tM '"""'1oa ol cruelty to football ) wwid lib to UH tbe came fllms for ........ _ Could have been a perfect 10 O if one of the plays had actually worked. DlatractJons: 4.0. One point for each shot of stadium banner exhorting MNF trio. Objectivity: 3.0. When it became obvious New England was down, MNF trio quickly s witched their allegiance to Green Bay. Vl.sual: 4.0. Two points for ho, two more for hum. Audio: 8.0. After giving us the player intros. 1t took Howard Cosell 15 minutes tp issue his first opinion. It was another hour before he said som ething worthwhile. Total: 57.5. And now for the highlights. Best lmJtatlon of a Ram player: Steve Groian. who dominated this category. Distant second was Green Bay placekicker Chester Marcol. Never learn depanment: Marcol, whose first two PAT kicks bare ly s ailed over lhe center's head, had hJ s third one blocked, presumably by a Patriot's knee. · Callln1 lt like It la: Eddie Hare's punting drew this dialogue. "He averages one b1d kick a game. It's really going to affect bis average. "-Gifford. "It's golng to affect his job security if be keeps on doln1 it. "-Meredith. "This la very sls>ppy pla,y by New England."-Howard. Best Ram reJee&: Green Bay tackle 1 Tiro Stokes, 1 relic from the clays when the Rama had plenty to give away. A 8&ar 18 Bon Defart••: Green B1y safety Johnny qray, who proved there la such a sport as football at Cal State Fullerton, and Packer lineb•ck• BJcb Wingo, _ wbo IOUndl lib b• b9d Elmer Fudd for a 1odfather. Hub-bub-bub·bub. -•tewa: Randa down to Meredith (who else) f!)r Lhla reply to COleU'a weekly buebal rambllnt: "I'm walttn1 for the Dodcen to make a last minute IUJ'le. la iltoo lite for that?" Before Tanner a nno unced Moru{ay that Candelaria would start the first game and Jim Bibby, 12-4. the second, Can· de laria r efused to admit he would get the nod · "I know, but I'll never tell." Kansas City's Whitey Herzog Gets the Ax KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) Whitey Herzog was fired today as manager of the Kansas City Royals, a team he guided to three straight Amelican League West championships. Herzog appeared pale and shaken moments alter walking out or the office of General Manager Joe Burke, where he received the news. ·'They're not goinr. to reoe' my contract," be said. "They just said it was for the good of the organization." Despite his 410-304 record in 4'h years, it bas been commonly known Ute 47·year-old mana1er frequently was in disfavor with owner Ewing Kauffman. His te rmination was a subject of speculation even last season. This year, as the Royals futile- ly fought to retain their dlvtaion crown, Herzog's status bec:ame more and more tenuous. Kauffman, frequently has voiced <&approval of Herq's pubUc crtticlams of playen. There was no immediate in· dicatlon who will replace Heraot. "I don't know what I'm IClina t9 do now," Henoi aald. -"1'0 just 10 bome, end walt for somebody to/et ftred." Burke 1al it wu the most a1onldnl dedaioa ol bit llte. "But there comea a time when )'OU bave to make a ded.Uon," be added. Burke refuled to H)' wily be made the move. "I know the fans will diaagree, bec:aUM t.be)' don't know the reuons wby I did it. And, the reuoaa. • ·'The way they were running around. I could see myself 10 years ago," Seaver said "l act· ed the same way in 1969. The ex- "However. because the Reds have a p1tch.Jng staff that is bet· ter rested. I Uunk CincmnalJ wtU win the National League playoffs." ·Palmer said. "They could go to the five-game limit." ' .J Padre Surprise , San Diego Names Coleman Manager SAN DIEGO <AP > -Wh.Jle he's not exactly a kid nor did he play lt~t field. J erry Coleman wasn't expected to be the new m a nage r of the San Diego Padres. And he admits that he dido 't expect it, either "U we're gomg to tum things around. we're going to have to be willi.ng to do something dif. rerent ... said Ballard Smith, the Padres' president, a fter an- nouncing Monday that Coleman would manage the National League team next season.' The choice of Coleman, 55, an infielder with the New York Yankees f.-nine years, waa a surpriae, to say the least. 1aONICAU Y, he was seen on national television Sunday night as the Padres' announcer in the new motion picture. "The Kid from Left Field," in which ~ 12·year·old batboy, played by Gary Coleman, i s named m-.a1er ot the club. COieman, who succeeds Rocer Cral1 at the helm of the Padres, . waa the team's No. 1 radio an· nouncer f« the paat etiht y,ears. Earll er be called. Y ankeea' .1•met f« 1even yean. Coleman told reporten at a aew1 conference that bis ap· pol.Dtmeal WU ••probably a tq. cer 'U111tlae to me than It II to you -tWa ii my lut challenp. I reliab lt. 1 crup It, and rm '°' l.Qa to nm with lt." Col•m•n. wbo hai no ., m anagenal experience. com - piled a · lifetime .263 batting average with the Yankees. He was respected as an outstanding defensive infielder. A MEMBER of the Ameri· can League's AU-star team in 1950, Coleman was named the most valuable player in the World Series that year, helping the Yankees sweep the Philadelphia Phillies. New York won the AL pennant in eight of Coleman's nine years with the team and won the series six,times. Alt.hough Coleman never was mentioned in public speculation about Craig's successor, be said Padres' General Manager Bob Fontaine "kidded me for several days, aayUia 'you're my man.' I really thought be was kidding." Craig, 48, was told Sunday that be wouldn't get anotber one. year contract. He piloted the Padres to t.betr.beat~ver record in 1978, ftnl•h•ac tbe club'• flrat winnins 1e11011 at M· 71. B\lt the t.eam dropfed to fiftb place in tbe NL West tbll year . .. I ~ ~ ' . • ), O&AIO WU ob\lioualy upset by hii' dlamlaaal ·but said be couldn't brtna bJmaelf to tell the : playen. wtndinc up a series in .. "I know I can mana1e aa well San Franclaco. 1 u uroae else in lbia 1ame," be said. "But IOIDebody bad to take ~ the blame I« thla aeaaon and lt certainly WHD't .. OlDI to be tbesn." .. ., ... .. ANN ARBOR, ll1cb. (AP) -llkhl1a.n COH~ 8o Sdembecbler, .....,... onr 1 , .. don Moul bia tum•1 poor fteld ioal kleklq thll ~ar. repeat*'11 aboved a atu dMt ~ llooday. willMillM9 u.ld oee fteld IOU ln 10 ltl4tmpta tJUa HNOe aAcl were 0-5 1n lb• Wolvertnee' 14 10 vtc tory over Ca11fom1• lut StatW'Clay Tb• Wolv rinea. 3 l for lbe aeuoo. •uf· ftred their onJy d feat -a 12·10 loea to Notre Dam" wbf'n lbe lrilh kicked four field aoall and blocked a Mkhican at· tempt ln lhe clo.lnl 1~ ol the same. for •bm you Dow It'• not true?" At t.h1a peat, UM tape becomes barder to hear beca--. aceordln1 to Perrin and wit· neatet, Scbembecbler began puahin1 Per· rln ln the cheat, knoc:kln& the microphone away. "I J\alt ~ to took ~ and I uw lt;• Hid [)Qi\ Ho-•. a •~uter for WCXI r.UO ln Detroit. "lo pcaahed hlm three Umaa lD the cb•t. Ht puabed tum harder ~h Ume. Tb last Ume be really knocked hlrn. he almott mocked him down." ~ Tfff; INCIDENT occurred lD 1 ballw1y ouuld the main room wb fe lb "°ach'a w~kly Monday newa conrtttn~ wu held P ILIUN, 11. from lho Oelroit suburb of llunUqt.on Wood.a, wu ualna a \.ape ,.. cordM On thci lope, Pt!rrln la beard uk· In(( "Would you cmpha1h:e the kickln& game more •. now, wbet1 rticrultlng, alt4'r what's happeiwd MO far?" 8\JT SCBEMBECHLIE& aUU can be heard 111yin1, "H you want to be an ua ... doo't make me out to look bad. Do you understand. son, or I'll t.hTow you the bell out or Michigan football.•' Scbembechler was asked lat.er what. Per· rln had said that had angered him. Dan Perrin, one or four senior sporu l-ditors for tho Mk h.l1an Daily the atu dent neW1paper uked Sebembechler lf he intended to pl•ce 1reater empbuia on the kick.in& 1ame ln future rMruitinM Schembecbler started to allbwer tbe qu-=1tion, but •uddenly seemed to become , anery "You IU)la are way out of base uki.DIJ me thol queftUoo, anyway." Scbembeclii&er --... bnapped "Wbat to bell do you ask me that The coach laughed and said, "I don't even remember. You know these kids " Other reporters later tried to gel Scbem· becbler to comment on the incident, but Mlchlgan sports informaUoo director Will Perry said the coach bad oothlng to say and could not leave a team meet.in&. M 1du1an placekklumi have m d~ onJy ~ A Capsule Report From the Wortd of Sports Britain's Students Plan Barbarian Demonstrations From AP Dlapatcbes LONDON -Britain's largest student body [I] Tuesday pledged full support for anti-apart.held de· 4. • monstratioos at matches played by the tourlng South African Barbarians rugby team. A spokesman for the National Union of Students <NUS> announced the student body was backing plans by lbe left· wing Stop All Racist Tours <SART> group and was calling on all students to take part in SldlT demonstrations. The NUS, whlcb has more than a million members, ls planning protesl8 al all eight locations where the multi-racial Barbarians are scheduled to play. Studenl8 from nearby Portsmouth and Bristol are ex~t· ed to take part in a prorest march and picket before the open· ing match of the tour against Devon at Exeter on Wednesday afternoon. The Barbarians. a 24-strong party consisting or eight whites, eight blacks and eight coloreds. arrived in Britain Monday morning, bu\ has met with just two minor de- monstrations , NUS student organizers aim to change thaL Andy Cbandler. leader of the NUS in Wales, where the tourists pl:1y three matches. said : "As well as offending millions of people. the tour could scnously JH>1>ard1ze Brtla tn'.') chances of competing in Uie Olympics m·xt year · .-------ffuol e of I lw Day -------. Alabama Coach Bear Bryant, after Saturday's game with Vanderbilt · ·•1 still don't know bow good we are I'm glad we got out of here with a win. I would have settled foT one polnt." Note: Alabama won, 66-3. Morger•• Pa~·•• Plat1er of cite tt'eelc Playing his first full game since the season Ell opener. former Fountain Valley Wg.b star Ilea Margerum won the Pacific-10 player ol the week ••• award when he caught three touchdown passes agam!>t Boston College . Rick Parros of Utah State and Richard Aguilar of Cal State Fullerton. have been honored as P CAA players of the week AH-American Charles White became the leading rusher 1n the Pac-10 with a big rughl aJ{ainst LSU White has gained 383 yards on 51 carries for an average of 7 4 per try . Not ma~1c, just stronger players and fewer &nJUries have made the young Tam oa Bay Buccaneers the only unbeaten team 111 the NFL, says Coach John McKay ... ·Cincinnati Bengals Coach Homer Rlce has jumped to the defense or wide re· ceiver haac Curtls, who was criticized by NBC broadcaster Sam Nonr during Sun· day's 38-13 loss to Dallas. "He Jost the flight of the ball," Rice said in referring to MAROIIRUM the particular pass play Nover criticized . . . The ::>cattle Seahawks picked up free agent kick returner Tony Green this week ... NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle says he plans to look into a complaint received by his office over critical remarks made by former Cleveland Coach Paul Brown about Browns owner Art Modell. Pot~~ CINar~d Witla M•••l•tlfllat~r Italian Formula One dr1ver lllttardo Patl'fl'&e • and the starter of the 1978 Gund Prix of Italy al Monza have been indicted for the accident in which Swedish ace &Ollllle Petenoa was fatally injured. Patrese and Glau.I Bestelll are charged w1Ui manslaughter ... AJaa Jones, who won the Canadian Grand Prix Sunday. could become the first driver ln more than two decades to reeord the most victories and still miss the Grand f'ATIU!SI Prix world litle ... Major league baseball drew a record 43,548,450 fans for the 1979 season, the fourth successive year a n attendance mark has been set . . . Larry Baroett. who began major league umpiring in 1968, will be joined by Doa Deaklager, .llm E•aa•, Al Clark, Dale Ford and Greg &o.e for the Baltimore· Angel· American League cbampionahip series ... BUI Lee, the sometimes con· troverslal left-hander, baa signed a three· year cootract wilh the Montreal Expos ~ IJS(; SC•ll• A t e p Tep ze P ell The Top Twenty teams m The Associated Press college football poll, with first-place votes in parent.bes.es and re· cords. 1. So. California <-n> 4-0-0 11 . Michlpn 2. Alabama (14) 3-0-0 12. Purdue 3. Oklahoma 3-0-0 13. Arkansas 4. Texas (1) 2-0--0 14. No. Carolina St.ale 5. Nebraska 3-0-0 15. Mlaaou.ri 6. Houst.oo 3-0--0 16. Michigan St.ate 7 Washington 4-0-0 17. ~ana State 8 Ohio Stale 4-0-0 18. North Carolina 9 Florida State 4-0-0 19. TeMesstt 10. Notre Dame 2-1-0 20. Brigham Young T~f.e1'bion~ Radio TELEVISION 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0--0 4-0--0 3· 1-0 3·1-0 2 l -0 3-0 0 3 0-0 300 Fotlowinq are the top spon s events on TV ton1nht R<1t1nQ'> ,He • , •, , eltcellent: ' / .. worth watch In~ .•. fair • forQf't ti ~ 5 p.m., Chennel 4 ./ ./ ./ ./ NATIONAL LEAGUE PLAYOFF: Pittsburgh at ClnclnMtl. Announcers: Joe Garaolola, Tony Kubek and Sparky An· derson. -It wlll be left-hander Jotln Candelaria< U -9) pltchln9 foe.Pitts- burgh against Cincinnati ac.e r ight-hander Tom Seaver c 16-6) In t on ight's National League playoff opener In Rl verlronl Stadium. The Pirates have the hottest streak 1n baseball after w inning 52 of their last 77 regular s.eason games but Candelaria 1s a o:.urpri..e starter for Manaqer Chuck Tanner's PiratP'> The ser1Ps <ontinues at noon Wednesday before moving to Pitts burgh on Fr1ddy Wednesd.1y's Television Noon 14) NAT·IONAL LEAGUE PLAYOFFS Pitts· burQh at Cincinnati. Other Televhion (Tonight) 8 p.m . (4) -MVP ... WORLD SERIES EDITION -Film clips recall the World Serles· Most Valuable Players over the last 25 years. Part One Includes Sandy Koufax. Bob Gibson, Don Larsen and Whitey Ford. Brooks Robinson and Charlie Jones ar e the co-~ts. RADIO Baseball -National League Playoffs, Pittsburgh at Clnc1n· nati, S: 15 p.m ., I( NX C 1070) w ith Jerry Coleman and Jack Buck. Basketball Laker s vs. Golden State at Fresno, 7:2Q p.m ., KLAC 1570) Wedt1esday's Aadk> Baseball -National League Playoffs, Plttsburoh at Clncln· nat l, 12:15 p.m ., KNX 110701. Af'W~ TERD£Ll. MIDDLETON NEARS TiiE PATRIOTS' END ZONE. Patriots Upset Monday Nigh t TV, Pride Aids Packers t;Hf'"f.'\' HA'l Vq-. U\J• Thi· (,n·1·n IL1:-J•; 1·k• r" hail bt-i:n I 3 Th•·tr •rn111u • f,1n• "hll•• ..,Lill f1c-rrc I\ l1J \ .ii h ,HJ taken lo booing uf lat1• Coac h Bart ~tc1rr c1nd quarterback Da\ 1d Wh1tehur..1 had been severely cntJc1zed aJJ Jut week. In other words. Packer salety Johnnie Gray said the team hac1 everything going for 1t "We were under no pressure tonight because nobody gave us a chance:· Gray said after Mon day rught"s Z7 14 ~at1onal Foot ball League up-.1·l or the :'\1•\lo Enlo(land l'.1tr111t " F. \" ER \" 8 0 0 Y "' a f 1 n 11 up. he !'..ud ··Part of 1t "as tht Monda) mght thtn>: tht• nd llonal T\ <'xposure Hut there "as a let of p('rsonal pnde at stake. too. bttause or all th<· things that were "ritten and said ·· The Packers vented their frustr ations on the h eavily f avored Patri ots w ith Whitehurst passtng 15 yards to Aun d r a Thomp son for one touchdown and running for another The· Green Bay Packers de· fense set up three touchdowns with interceptions of Steve c; roi.:.in pa.,..,e.., anrl tackled New I-n ~ I :1 n 11 · .., ., r r a m b I i n g qUJrt1•rhad.. f1 v1• llffit'S fo r 31 \ Jr rh Ill IO!>'ol.., f ht• mann•·r Ill which the Parkef"> up!>t't th1· l•·am which had ranked lb1rd an tht! NFL OD oHense and second on defense was almost as startling as t.be upset It.self. Oelugf'd with r rilicis m after playLDg con:,ervallvely for a lie in regulallon, only to lose in overtime at Minnesota eight days earber , the Packers this time held noUung back. Tllt:Y Sl'RPRISE D ·New En~l.1nrl "1th J 3 1 d efen!>1ve Jl1i,:nmt•nt They blitzed a rartt\ for them They passt.>d from th1•1r own l!nd zone They ran un~uccessful l y --on fourth and-0ne The" threw on first down. R1•ce1~l·r James Lofton tried a forward Pfl.'i.S They ran plays without a l huddle and holder David Beverly even tried to pass to kicker Chester Marcol on a fake field goal play If the wide1')pen play was in any way antended as a response to the past week's censure. Starr would not admit it. But he couldn't mask his ela· lion College F oOtball ORDER· YOUR WE'RE tt I "•rt> I\ ""'° m•to" <Oftf'QP toolCMlt tot ~· frOf '"''"""~•no ,,, .. , H4tw•U •• 8t"IQf\.tm '10\lnQ ntQnt s.1_., •••• wu1unq1onSt•t• .. • u~ UCLA <r1 St""'°"' C•lllor1\l.o _. 0.'00'I C•• Slel~ Fullfft°" •I S..n JOM' Slal• n~ On-'\t.,. .. W••l!onq!on Frt)"°,Sl.at~el (<ti Pot~ SLO."•CIM Rectiln Uleh •tCoto<_ Sc .. ~ ... n oi.oo SIM•., -...... ,0 L ono 8foaci. s1 .. 1 .. •I Ul•ft SI•!~ T••I\ fl P~•I W 'IOtntr\Q Ov• ... .,.,,,'t .., Prlr'l<eton •t 8rOWT" P•M•ICOl- Ou< kMll _. ecn.11 t+Oly ,,.,.. .. OM1""""" 80\ton Vn4-\lty <ti "•"'•'d Al• f Of'<• at He"" Botton Got._ .. Pitt hmPle•I All!~" Y°"f\O'\-IOWI\ ~-~ff> M \lllli1t"4W• lfff'\tUC•~ at WH;t V1rQH"ll• Co<9el• .. Y .. • ~t 8.Vlor .. ___ ....,.. w .. 1 h""' SUI• .. l.e,..., nlvtll , __ .. °"_ lllt• .. , ... ~. nlOf'I Mt-Sl ..... T1..-t1"'9"'" "i9M Arl-el Te1UH 0...1\ll'°"• ntQfll TuetA&M .. Te•e\ Tt(ft t\IQfll _ .. WH ,.t1• ~f' •• Al•b.tm• hn~.-. o..na-<ft AP!>"I«,,.., SUI~ -.or11' C¥oll ... Sl•lt •t A11llun• w .. 1.,., c.r<>4•"'1 •I T ht Cit-I "•9'-t 'Vlr"Qf,, ..... , ... "'WW'! MJ•Mt f:I• ..tt ~~Cl• A&.M Ftof"•cM .. LOU1\1M• ~tAltt ,,,qt\t 'iovt,,.,..t..,..,. LOUt..,tan• •t l0U1,1en• ff't P' F-tor•OA Slit .... , lOU'lWUI~ "'0"' M l•m 1 0 at M.nh•ll .,.n,, Stet"'"' M ... ,..,.,~ (,Hf'Ql4 .&C Ml,\t"li>C>' (ln<ln""'h at Nortt'I rwrol1~ N1ch0tl" St.At• A1 NMtN.t\1 Lou1, •• ,.. n .... AIUnW>\ Sl•t~ •I AlC"mon<I 0-1•~ $1•1~ ... So.Ith C••ol•N "'""' frrr,fort.-. ffl'••U St•te •t 5.ow•r\offn MIUtUIOOt. "tOM M•Ut,~t()Ot !.t•tf• V"\ ,.,""""", .. •t AA~\ Gr~bHAQSt.ttf'•f t.-rww~-.e-• St•tf' ~t V~tMrbot •f tul.,., ru()f'lt f Ht T~\ft Sl•t~ •I VMI W••• Fof"Ht at V•rotnt• '"'"" J•mH _..,..•I Wiiii.,,, ~ M<lrY Funn.,.•• 'WoHOfd n•Qnl -"' To•..OOofl -1roocr ..... ()t'Mo V •t C.-ntr•f Mt( "•Od" NOr1i.N'\t Ml"°"' I !>1•1• •I 0• .... Nor1,.._"' lfllf'IOt\ •t [•,ttcrn M•<Ptt~n ,.. .... ·-·-•11...,., 8ell Stete,.i ,...,,_St.I•. "'QM Pee Ill< •I•-• !>!Me S>'•e<UW •I IC•- Tvlw .Ck-'!.l.ete M IChl-"1 Nltchl-St"4• P1.lrOU. •• MfftltllWlt• New M<l•KO '>••t• llA Hfl><nU c;.o,o .. Te<,.•• Holnr o- ,.0r1.,~1.,.,, •I~ Slel• llllnol\ ~ ... 4lt So.11twnl llllf•CM Kent 'lt• et W••tem Nlt<"'- lllCll•M <ti Wl\COMln · JCHHSDH & SC N .....,..._._l_.__. 2628 Harbor Blvd. Coat• Meaa 540-5630 . . . ~ " ... - -~ ----- '80 LINCOLN OR MERCURY ••• , FOR EARLY DELIVERY CCMRpllh ••• •SALES •LEASING • SERV1CE 'ANGELS •• t.ealUay llDce AlllJ'U- -W DOW. Nolaa Ryan, Dave· Frost. Fraoll Tanana Md CbN happ .,.. all .. Hpable of pltch.1na a at.ron~lline lnlaina• in Uae · and that'• aom nooe ol them woald aay a couple weebqo. "Our pitching seems to be peaktnc at just tbe rltbt time,•• Fregosi says. Baltimore . on the other band, bas a Cy Young Award candidate in Mike Flanagan, who was 23·9 with a 3.08 ERA. He shut out tbe Angels in his last ap- pearance against them July 19. Backing up Flanagan ls three-time Cy Young Award w inner Jim Palmer, with a tender shoulder but still capa- ble or beating anybody. He was 1~ with a 3.30 ERA-bis worst ERA since 1966. Also in the starting rotation are Dennis Martinez (15-16, 3.66) a nd Scott McGregor ( 13-6, 3.3.5) BULLPEN -Another point for the Orioles. The Angels have Mark Clear, a rookie who finished at 11-5--with a 3.63 ERA. After that, it's slim picltin's. Dave LaRoche had an awfuJ year (7·11, 5.57) a nd John Montague, despite his 8-4 record and seven saves, had a S.51 ERA. The Orioles have Tim Stoddard (3-J.. 1.71 ERA> t lt••lthy asain. wbile -1 J)oa St.,,..... has been ~ the stopper (7·3, 2.85 and 21 saves) '1 IN THE FINAL , • analysis , pick the • An gels to s plit in I Baltimore, then come back and win it in the fift.p game at Anaheim. That finaJ game will be played in twilight, and Ryan will be throw· ing 100-mph fastballs through the shadows. The last time Ryan • , pitched in twilight at Anaheim be held the de· fending World Champion Yankees hitless for 8 lh in· nings. Then again, you know how unpredictabl e basebaJJ can be. Better take that money and head ' forTahiti " Bluebell .: Wading ' ·1 ·P armelia I CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) -Bluebell, the 10.meter Australian •loop being crewed by ]hree 58-year-old sailors , 1a way out ahead or the rest of the field in the in· ternational Parmelia lacbt race and is ex· ected to cross the alfway finish line in :l'able Bay here late on Friday, the South 1 ~rican Press Associa- ~n reported today. 1 • The yacht, one of the 1mallest in the race from Britain to ~uatralia, was about 800 ees west ol Cape Town y and an estimated ,. miles ahead of the •eeond boat, the 17 · meter French ketch 'a.altra n .. Reports from the lead· tn1 yacbll said they trere enJ07tn1 fairly ~ welterly wiDda and lull fl•e ol tlaem are .IXl•t.ell to reacb Cape .,,. d.e weekeocl. T lae Scottt1b lletcb adow, wltb only a ol two. ii rmnlnl lr4 wialle cloael J .. tDe AlllU'al1aD PwteBmouaacl • 1taat A111trallan JndeDendeat En· .... wldebilWlll •::,•red b1 lklp . ~ Uae lMt place ftahaa of bl• Atlanta Brav• ta UM J•t coacluded major ~• ue ~aHMll race ... They are tmlal. &IUt ~ cloD't matt.er mucb la ow.r.U .... ol tb11a. 0 1'm t01rJ w ... tM OYll Wu-. I'm IOITJ 'ft Ill ta World WU' U. I'm 1lad tbe aaa.... .,. treed. I'm dlilbarW far ............ ~t,y 0/ .... and tM dlNCticm our..W ll c.,....... ''TM dollar's _. worUa aQUWaa. We're aot ar•l•I H faat •• tbe But1l-. Our TV procramaa.lot la rot for the ....... U" '°to 100 P'ft!IDl ln~ nauoa -ud Uaat'• t.H way we're beaded·-....... JacboD'I ftve·year, .• OD ta mllllcm contraet won't buy bu.DI.'' n •MaDw teepTed 1Wnlron a 1lnJI• 1ubJeet. Tb• telephone rln11· eYefl four Ml'Cledl. ff.a. HCrMarJ lteeps bobblnl lD aad out of the Clftlee wtt.b aome IM••• of extreme h9portwe. A do .. =are OD tel ..... "bold." A W , D.C., jouroal1at la pa. UenUy ,... to firm ut,:me deta1la on Tw'Dlr'• fon.bcom.lna on the ca-ble TV nplollon. Turner want.a tome ducu and IMM delivered tq bia •tate ln 8outb Carolina. Somebody la anrioQa to buy blto bla syndicate fM defeDle of tbe America'• Cup ln next year'a in· T~. October 2, 1971 . Treaddlill temat.klft&l 7adlt raee off N..,.-t, B.I. "Bow'• a mu .., to set bia won done!" Tarner complained. "People •re al••YI waattq to talk to me about aometldal. 11 lben aQ¥ way a .:nan can be p~ from tnt.erruptioaa?'' THE •YBA&.()LD dynamo ol IPOftl and industry, whom Geor1lana aay wHld be perfect for tbe role of R.bett BuUer tn ''Gooe With the Wind.'' wu not betDI l.mpoUte. He is 1?8C'ioul but dilarmm,Jy honest. He lives on a tread- mill. He aeema secretly to rellab it - tbe national upoeure and tbe forum for bis sometimes radical ideu. ... DAILYN.OT D Pinckney W~ J •mior Trophy~· SAN DIEGO-Skipper 11.lkt Pinckney with crewman Pete Newbre of Babia Corlnt!Uu Y •:!-. Club ea.Ptured tb• 'Soul trp CalifOl'Dll Yacbdq, Aa doa .Junior Comm~.· Trophy Sunday at llwlon Bay YacbtQub. Tbe trophy la for a eballeqe , type race almllar to the Lipton Cup in lar1er boats. Tbe Jr. Commodore Series ls sailed tn Lido-145. This is your s~ial opportunity to save money · o~ products that cara save gas. · Exxon Steel Belted Radial Our f1ne>t 11re StP"I belr\ for strength l\od1ol construclton for gm·sov•ng ('(.000fT'Y Plus rwo hm1ted worron11C's o Treed Wear Worronry OflO o Rood Hozord WO"O'"V oqo1nst domoge from potholes gloss no1iS ere One of rh~ fpw tires thor sull offt.,~ this worronry See your won deoler for our double covercx:r worronry de101ls t •I)' !lf.IU P" S' ~ t ,, t•(l.l\lf• t-f"•"" • ,. , (!" wtlh(A•I 1..CJt1pUI )JV l.J1 111• !Mt• ~l~Pnur \/hu•wott '.Kil .. pti<• w11 h Covp0<1 lub<>l•n (wuh 11od91n) ond ttoOI' it'I ., r. ". ;'.I • t 44 9• I •C"", J I I\ 1 , • ..:u )) 40 .. ' /1 f1 ~ ~ )6 ll6 • J t><IH l I 1< 1 , • 61 11 (he ck OIJ' l()w poctn O<' od"l<lf yze' f 1~e 11te movnc•ri.q SAVES20 r.o.ool lau \• l o• on a set of 4 Exxon . Steel Belted Radial Tires (or save $5.00 per nre . 1f you don't need a complete set ) 1 rt l 'JI ~ l , '--"-"' 'I •.1 ~ , I I...., , • I" t •• , ~ .o t • 1•11 ~Cl Jt"': f<f,.. t.J.~. ''"'' ,., • ., • '• ,_ f ''" ••,_t ~~not• 1 1i· fill ( JtJIJ.,f•t· .11f1ttl(•l..· ,ff .. "ff IJ I I If f 1-'' ~ !"! olo1T"ft1 /I 1f •(111i."1 ... ,.. , .. I L '' lf01•1 t• lhi\tttP.•1•, 1..A-,,J('-t ,,, IA,' •' """ ,..,,., 't•lf •t-r-.,tv "' ",.I '' .. V 1'-J/U ~I"-•-"'' 'l,,.,, •)fV of"'\'•.JI )r, lJ •/\ "• r'• Al t.._L..,. t~ ,, ... ~,,,-.,.,~~·'<Jl(,l,..,,.t., .. ,,.~" ,.... ' ft'•·~"·-'"' '""" 5Q¢0fF pet quott with Unlfto, Oil cnong., flkef ond c:hossb lut>.. Atlas Silveraire Radial fhf'e<onotnyQIO~':>bf'ltf'd 0•1" Ynoo'r ona '•f•(°)Q'.•' •i w O('WQll fleX;btl11V IOI ·VI'' ccn1 ~ 0"'~ 'Pf>'' Q ,., ::x: ·l' I :::>'=' ""J \lOb1iiL£> thi:> tread and f1gn1 ~cutt1nq tu• C'•1.Pllen1 · • -oc '''" G•v" beriel1lS QI 0 rQd1ol 1 t • Ol Ql"l (>(Qn()(T1y P' •' '1 "YJdv POv d t •\ P" hplr" ·re• Q<.l'l '>()v1nci ' '••• !Mz• 'tlhtr•-woil •~•·u \o~• '"(f' _,,f'\(OUOQn '"° 1tOO. ,,.. f .. 69-tOf l •C'•\f' lo o .... ""'"'° t I. \ f ~ JO JI •) 00 •& •• )• )0 )4 :31 • • ~ ... l • .i,, ,.,. .. ' • 'fl\ ·• I ~" ~ : ' • ("Pt ~ 'V fOw ('11•1(~' ..,1 01~' \ol4'\ J,~ t •• """°'-'"'''"""' SAVESi6 on a set of 4 Atlas Silveraire. Radial Tires <or save ~4 00 per (1(€' 1f you don ·1 need o complete set ., . 1.-I to• \f-"(l '• ... .... ... • 1'1",. •• ,, • •• ,, ... ••I 'ft 0.0... ~)."Of• ......... ., ...... , ... "°""J , t ...... ,,..t. f I of" ,.J ,, rT6- ~ •, -.. f <f 11 I ... I )V'"t . ' , .... Foll Service Values fW:X'IY Exxon deo~ ~ offeong -..ol~ on o vonery OI ~eMce~ 10 get your cor ready fOI winter • engine tune-up • rodtotOI ~e • fronr-end ohgnmenr , • • bfoke ovemout • Uniflo Oii cronge filter & lube Advemsed pnces ore 1n effect Oct 1 through Nov JO 1Q7Q 0 1 ~totlOt'I\ ope<oted by Exxon Company US A. Pomopoung independent Exxon deolM sec me.r own pnces ond ~which moy vary from those odvenlsed 4 _, , ·I l ~ . . . • • A•ertoo" Leo1wo ..... so .. "'•rorr ~=-· lllc!I0-•111• \fr1t• k • .. s I ftQNl Ufl A1a .. m111ort u.w,.-_ ... ~,., ... ..... , ..... •• , fJt I 11 te • II 1 .. • II J .. ' ,. ,., . . .. , te t t IJIO II 111 -L--11 .... 1( .. .., • Twry C~..._ 1 l -Mo "'"•"·~ °"'""' ""-" ... , 'f•PO• MM'tllWr S<Olt~c;......, J im Pet.._ Don St...,._ s.mmy~ Trms1-.re1 SttYf SI- CAt...1,0lUllA ~ BobbyGrkll '-'---~ .... Jim AnOt..._ 6~• c.m.,.,,.rl, Dick T- O•n l'ord RIO Miiier &Ol>by c 1 ..... L•rry H•rtow Merv Rtll_.,,YNI Wllllt Oevl\ Outlleld " l s u ' 0 " 1• • 10 ~ ' 1J • 0 10 • 0 1 a " • s ) I ) 11 7 0 Hll 11a1 AYO 12 1' :IU 1 " n• ... .:l20 :JO IOI 2Y1 3 n u1 0 u 730 0 • "' I~ ,. 211 11 101 m 1 11 m s ,.. 0.0. ..... ltd Hitter Plk'-" IS 140 ' 10 1'>J 0 7 HS 36 I)'/ 7W OonAt~ Ml~t 8.,low Jim e.,, Ma,. CltM O•ve f"ro<1 Ch<I\ Kn111>1> Oavf l •Rtx"" Jot>n Mon1"0Uf' Nolttn Ry.,, F-r•n• T tln.tr10 W L S EJIA • 10 0 ... I I 0 I 11 10 17 0 • 10 11 s •• 'bl I& IQ I ) II s s 0 s ·~ I ll 10 S SI I • I S )I ,. •• 0 J #I I \ 0 J &~ Nellonal League Ployotl Avf're1a~ C1NCINNAl1 t11hnn., h''"' h \111 ,,,,.11 C..lt<r..r H R u •q ,.\'(, II I' Oo111n (Jt1•·· •; '' H orry Sptlmdfl Joe Morqan Junior Ktt...-Y ,,, " SM<1•t• O•v• Conctl>Clon •• T...., •• _ R..,KnlqM 10 RIOAIH.'rl>/W;h 1 GecwgeF-CotWrGen>nlme O.•t Collin• Melly Cru1 P.tul 81•" !>em M~ll<ll ,., .. _.. JO .. J • 1 0 " n ll ,. 17 .. • JJ n IS 0 I' "' 1!0 1n 1tl Jll 210 0ooJO 0 •.r fuu I '·""·•fl"I l o""• ,,.,.... .,,, II • •O l S Ell• I ·~ . .., I ~ IY 1 It J <I l l>' . ,) •• , ,,, 1t p f , ... ,.~ t I thfr M t'1n., 1 m1,.ri11 ' I ,,,,, t Yf r M . ., '' '•'"" Ou• fr1mlll"I •• I 7 PlnS8URGH I ,, ~ ( I • l>6 0 J " (I \ lO I 7 o) HR 1181 AVC fn o 11 \h•v,. N1t0'\1rt o1 ,, II • Mnnnv 'l"""'l'-'tllrn O Fll\I Ba•• w1111~ \1ar0<'ll l7 91 s• 1f S.Cor.ct B••• Pf'ufGdr'"'' 11 R~nn1~ '!>lliMMU 0 Tim Foll O•\'t P.arker Om•r Mo.-,.,..., JOf\f"I M llntr 8111 RoblMOn Lt• L•t Y M••• Easltt Mdll .. lu""°4ot T"lrd ••M o .. tt1e1c1 RS n u • .q 1~ 60 ,. ,. s IS 7 11 0 1 1/) ;('i! 710 1&1 ,... ne 191 310 "' ?16 7~ )16 719 ~lll JIM el~ ~ .. ,._ ~~ ..... ,J~ .,_ . ._ o. ........ , °"" ·--.M .. ....... , ..... _ CeMTthl .. WL • I) If '" • .. • • " • , . ~ :~ . . ... .. ...., • I) ... 7 • , ,. . . "' •• w . ' , .. , . , .. t JI UI _.._. f7. Pet.-Ote 14 "-.. ~ N•'" I ... i.nil I I 0 0 14 vl-ff•v I IJ I 0 ,, tw( • 1411'( I\ J/ SM\\ U(W1t C,,,H~•H I u,,,,..n.,•to 1 oe a Smi111 1r..,, -•• .,,.,,., GI A Themp•o" '' P•\' 11u1n Wlllleflunl l ""-'tOl 1110 l oe ~1run 1 •1n 1.,,.,., kl' ,,,_,, • ,...., hom (,r<>0•n IJ ""'""~kill GR WOW-•• run IM4r<ol •to J A 11 .. 7 , ,,.,.,,.....i.._ .. RUSHING -E119ial>d C•l'-'!.1• .. Gr.,_.11 I •~ C~m 11_.I Grfflt 8., Mlddl•ton JO 110 a !>mllll t 1' PASSING N•w IE110l•nd. Groo•n 11 U 3 1H Owen t 4-2·U G run Bey. WllU•llur.i. II 21 2·• RECEIVING N9W t~tend, l'r-h \.88, CunnlnQtW<n .. n. '"''""" ,..., G,_, 6 ay lotion ).•1, Mldellelon • ~. Coll~. •4l JC Sch9dule ........ , .. --c.M..._.. Groumon1 "' Rio ''""°" S..111ro.y ~C..C..ler-• <>01oc;n Wlllt •• s.nre Monico MIH .... c.ter-t P ••om.ir et Stodle.,.o Rl•t'l\10. •IS... Bernardino Son Olf'<IO CC '" 5ov1,,_,1trn C llru\ •I C"4111ty wni.m S~lt c ... ,.,,_. C.tn't'On\ rtt G••ncMltt Mooroe,.. a t WMt l.A S.nla Bart»"• •t "'""'"'• Complon at '1ar<ou .. ~. l onq BetcJ> CC M Or~ Cotu Frttno •• 8 .. enlltld Mt•• CO.I• •I Atw!t-V•llev T •II a l l.A Vallt'y Fufl~'1on a1 P•'WOIP~ EI Ca""6t'O a t Photnl• l A Pterc• •• Ca<rtlCK Ml S•n Anlon\O•t E•ll lA M lrone -em•tS... 0"'9DA.W .. S•nle A"" •I C.l l utt.r.,. JV 111 Los Anqeln cc at Coll-o1 tilt O.w'1 IAll Q•mt• ~oln al 1 JO pm uni"' o•he•wl.e lndk;al<'dl High Sctlool Schedule Til<l"6oy l OIH .. Al f'ltl•Nrv.>r' H"rbOr ••• llr1t1• 1,/ .t<,<'h( ''n"ltot·fp l ,,. A•,~ .. ,.,., "' '~"'"' Lt•t ,., ,,.nl• "'1 • ( ,,,,, t IUH I I f ., ',t•J'11t•f\, • 't I ,,, 11 \,I f"'' I 1 '#'f '' if I •r; l)f,I ~ r r1rt"' f-13,. '" ,., I ' l ~ 'l f"<1 •' , ... n v .. 111 , , • r. ,,. •I t ,, 1 ti (011!'<1• C vore-\'\ ot hunt1""'"'n *'' r " (O\t~ M ,. ... v• C'•"" H ill' ~•I ~_." (lfmef\ltt O<.~•n '"~• ..,,_ E ')t•nc t• •• JrltwPOrt Harbof Coron. oet M.J.t "' C•iu\tf"ttftO Valt•y ,,,..,,., •• ~ e • .," .,OOlhill •I Et -,.., O<_ .. T..Vn VIiie ,..,.. n. ,_,,. AM v.11..,. .. ~ .... e_ ,..,..,,._ ..._ Mevnell• •t l4 Pei,... Pertr S.vt1tne.,.. s.-, "'tll• et 8-P•" Wf'~tem V'ti t roY •• ~vta.f"'ton Boti• Gt•,.., y~ l • Oulttt• •t Bolw c;'""ru-~.,nh,,-QO If\ r.-,,,, , ... r.,.,df",. r,,ovt r utl•''°"' at t r•.•<·• """, r o..-.,.~..,, s,, •• , •• n.-. ., • _.._"r'~ t d H•t,.' "' f (• • •t t ti V• •'V A M l1•an dt ~'"""''"' •n • ' f t f oro at ,...1,..-l"V' V ·• s,,...,.,,,,,. M 1H1nlll 'I'\ ffAI .. \-'It t I ....-., •• ,,.,~ C anvcn "' y ,,,,,. ,, . ..,, 1t' 1 1 , A•1.1 t\f w Pa"tho A1,.,m11'• • l ' .,. ·~n ,, c,.,rdt'n G"OV'ft 819 B~d' Y~ I ,_qtJ~ .. t1 ''.,, •••#\ \t'••"I" t4f"'~Dorr C hrt\1• • M ''"'"'·tfn,<\ ti ftrc..td ... t• Jl'U ,.,.,,..,,.' 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Sladluml I " • 11 EI Moclent Oc1 S -•1 Pl~ X II 0<1 S Mllllhn O<.I 11 Meter 0.1 Ca• OCC l Ckl 19 -•I Newport ll•rl>or Oct ,. -•• Hu11t1no1on Bl'..:" Nov 7 Fou,,l•ln V•ll~y Col Big Al Nnv • ~•mln•I•• fill HBI Nov I• M.ft•ln• Cal WHlnlln•l~rl Ckl " -et l8 w u...,., 0<1 19 Hunll"'<ll"" Bl'.Ch Oct 7S Fountain V•llo Nov 1 Marine Nov 9 Edison Nov 16 el NPWDO•I Har1>or SEA VIEW LEAGUE Corona del Mar Fountain Valley EIOoredo El Toro 1 71 Hun11nvion Buell o 70 Sa" ClemMlft , 0 71 71 lB WllM>n o I Newpor1 HerDor Cerrito• g;,c~ al Ceplslrctn0 Vello Oct S Strvll• l•I co11eoe1 0<1 12 Ukewooc:t l•t Vtl•rtn\ S1.t<t l Ckl 19-MtrlnelelHBI Oct U 11W~·1mln11~r HOV 1 EdlloOn l•I 810 Al Nov 9 N('Wll()rl HArl>or 161 OCCI Nov 16 •I Hunllnqlon Auch Huntington Beach CorONdtl~r 11 I• G•rdtn GroYt 71 J Bot.,. Gr•Mo. 71 0t I S C VP'fl• Oct 17 UKAl...,110\ 0c I 1' .Al Wttlmln\1., O< 1 U Ellt'IOn Nov 7 .....,_., Herllor .. Ov t • -IN 1•1 WHlmln\lttl NOY " Founl•ln Vall•Y 0<1 17 Oena Hiii\ Cal Ntwporfl ~: ;: -~~~~~~OC~n Vlt)OI Nov I Vnlver.Uy ,., NftWPGrll Nov ~ ll'YI ... !al N-POrll Nov 1& CO\I• w...,. (~1 OCCI Costa Meaa ~ S•nl<1AN 7• CaplstrMIO V•lley 10 San c ien-1• ) u 1' Ocl S O•n• Hiii• !el S•n Cl•m tnt.J 0 <1 11 MIH lon Yl•IO (•I Newport I Oc1 " •I ll'Ylnt Oc:I U VnlWnlty C•I lrviM I Nov 2 El Toro C•I OCCl Nov • -Esl.ntl.t 181 Ntwpo•U Nov 11 Corona Ott ~r lat OCCl IE9t•nda 0 e.o•-JS " llf'N • u .• _,,_ -1 Oct. t OtMl\Vlew CttlN_.-t) Ot:I. \1 -Kewlle (•I La Palm.t "••Ill Oct. 1' UnCwrllty Cet N...,.,,} Oct. '6-~ dtl Mir I.ti OCA:I No¥ f -at lrvlM NOii. t COlt.tMeW l*' .. ..,.,,I ~. u -1!1 Toro (•I N-11 lrvfne 0 Vell'n<•• >' 1 061\• Hiii\ I I SHll~ll )1 Oct ) -., ~ °"""~ 0 <1 11 ~H•ll\ 0<1 ,. CO\I& ""'"' 0 <1 16 E t Toro t•I N11\\10n v ,.101 No• 1 lrvl,,_, Nov ' Coron• dtl M•r l•I NowporH No• 1& Untvtr\lly Unlveralty Tu\lln JS 11 laQUf\4 Hiiis o Oc:I 4 •1 Silll Clt,.,,.,nlt ?,~',,,.',' Caph Ir ano ;:)!l•Y I •I Ocl 18 E\1.on<I& (•I N•woorll 0<1 76 c ...... """ ... ,.,, lr•ln•) Nov 7 Corona Otl IA•' It! NtWpOrll No• • EI Toro I al lrvtnOI Nov 16 •t trvl~ SOUTH COAST LEAGUE Capistrano Valley{ 10 E• Toro u 1• Coil•-U 76 Cer1.-M 0c: I t (Orone Otl -r Ocl 11 Vntftnlly tel lrvlnel 0<1 1' .._,,.. Hiii• Oct 76 .. s.n c ........... No¥ 1 Ml"lon Vltlo Nov • Den• Hll" lat Sell Cl•m•nl•I Nov.•• -u.oune Be«ll Dana Hiiia I ., Irvine 1S E1Ton1 vi.101 Oc I. S -Cnto Moe C •I St11 CltfMllt.t) O<I. U COIOlle dtl Met Col Ntwpor'I) 0c1. " -.c s..c..-•• Oct. 21 -.C MINiell Vltlo NOV. f -.. L.99UM .. «h ... ,,. t -Ctlllllr-Y11ley let Sall Cl91'119nl•l ' NOii 11 -'--""' Hlllt W MIHlon Yltjol Laguna Beach 7 Mavfoir 1 II. """"°"" Oct. J -lnllne Ocl. lt-111' ....... y O<t. It -Mlaloll VltlO Oct. t1 -"-""""' Hlllt C•t MIHIM YltlOI NOY. I 0oM Hlllt Nov. • -.c '-ti tltnwM ... ,.. 1' M c:.16tt-Ytll•' Laguna Hiile 14 TwstH> H o Doll l uoo J• n U"lver'°''V '1 <X t • 8tq Bt111" fAt Mi•'\~ V~•10• Of I t) 11tt INIM Oct " •t CAOl~trMIO "•ll•y O• ! 11 I .._,. S..och t•I M1\\-Yt•JDl Nov 1 ~ Cl~-nt~ t•I Mluk>n v1 .. ,,,l N'11/ • 1111t Ml\\IOf"I VJtfO Nn• I• flM• Hill\ 1<11 M•>\lon Vt•101 Mloalon VJejo 18 Sil dcllKl&Ck I> U Tu>lln 14 r)• I ~ fl f Mf) ()(' t1 f'Mt• """"" '"' NewOOrH O•I 19 ~•l-in•Of><K ~ 0. I II o.on.. Holl\ Nnl' ) 'tf r .olllfl\f'UJ V•ll•'f' Mn.t .. I "')Of\~ ._..u, Mt1" tf; At s..n { ~m.nttt San Clemente o CorONO.• Mt• 10 1• (~I• Me.. IU Oct • Untwr\llv 0<1 17 .. Fl Toro Oc i.. 1' ~ o.r.. Htll\ Ocl ,. -Gaplstr-v., ... No• 1 -~ Hlfft !al MIUIOfl VleJOI Nov • u.ci.-S.«11 Nov •• Ml•)Oft Vltlo ontERS OceanYlew 0 Watl'WI "l•~ 0 S.lll.t1'N Oct S -l!tlaflele let "-oortl Oct. 12 -MOllltll•llo l•t '#dlMlnltff) Oct. It -~let Wttll'lllnPtrJ Ott. 7• -lt-.ry let HVntl"91on .. ecll> Nov > -Loe(• let U "•lrN "M11) Nev .• -LOI Al•mltOI l•I W•slftllMIHl Noy. It -O ... I• lat La l'elll'• ~.,_, • 1 , • P\l&UC NOTICS P\181JC NOTICE ,,....., lfOTICE TO(lll!OITOttl SUPIElllOlt COUlllTO' Tiii SUTI OIJCAU~ .. IA trOtl l HE COUlfTY CW OtlA•'4H lk&-tttm f\l•le of El1ZA8£TH C Wll l0UGH9Y, ••• £ltZAel!TH CO NL IN WILLOUGHBY ,••• fllZA8ETH W1L l0U0H8Y o.c .. ...., NOflC E IS HEAE 8Y G IVEN too llW •r.O•IO'\"' .,,..._,,_de<- IMI ~II Po,_ ..... t"O <l••ml ~Intl thir WtO Ol<erdltftt •r• t9'QU1"9d to ,. .. ff'Wm WI"' ... f"lf<f't .... ., 'W'OU( .. ,,. Jft , .... Olll<P of lh> ( ...... of llW ·-.... fUlt"O COU'1, or lo pr....,t ~ '*"" tn• "•' .. ''-''? vouc.-..r .. to the un ~'"V""" •I ....... olh<• of E~Nl:ST 1 \r ,.AG J R of ME\ERVE. MUMPfll & HUGHES •uO Vo" tr•rm•n A_..,. w ile llO Ntw1)0n Be.oc:h. c.111or,.,., ~ -i<n " tho 01..:r Of bu\lntu of llW vn<lo• MO._ tn •*' "'•"•'' pitf'tA4n1no to '""' nt•t• of '\••d d•c..,.ru . wHMn •ovr mofttf'tt ~'''°' In• r1t\f Q1Jbl1c at1on Of ft\I\ nvt1,,. Ool~d ""°1•.,_, 11. to• ( .O•-. H WlllOUQllOy l d '< 111or of ttw W lil i,I '""•Dow..-<IKP<)oont ERHEST J K M.AG, Jll MESE.<IVE. MUMPER & HUONlt , ... V0t0 IC•,,,_ A", Me JJI N•wport ltHclo. C.A "1 ... T.i ITlll lU- Attor-"•'I frOt E-.ec.,.., Putilt\hl-d Ora19 (o.t•i D•O't Poot ~· :\ '"'' ' ..... ,.. ,,, .. "' PLBLIC NOTICE NAOINE G 81tOSHAHAN E-.oArta ol l'W' Etw.t f//IYlclOK-f'NlllP Mlllactll A,. .......... ~etieft n1l'••t....,....._.,•m ... .-.CA"ttt Pvbllt,_, 0reftQP Co•nl 0.lty P iiot Sctpl u. it. Otl '· 1•" ,,.,.,.. ........ te0na TOcaa1HTOt11 ...... """ IU""'°" eGUltT Ofl TNI! STAff~CMJ~ .. IA 1'011 Y Mt COUWT'Y Ofl OlllANOI! In Ill• ~Utt ol IN E'1•1• ef PETEii 111.CAMPllELL. O.C.•.-d .. OTICI! IS HEllE8Y GIVEN lo <reclilort ......,,. c1.im, eot1n•t - Mid --.. II .. -..d Cltlm• ... IN offlct of ,,.. c...,, o1 -•IO<evld <""'1 or 10 -t,..m 10 IM --•lofWct .t llW office of OOVGl.AS E GD09E, 9All, HUNT, HART. lllllOWN 4 9AEAWITZ. 170 Li-ft A#, P 0 . Boa nu . ..._ Be..:". CA .... ......,, ·-offlc:t ,, -Pit<• ol l>u>l""S el .,_ ~~ lft ell ,,, ... !tr\ ~ IO WICI .,let• Sue" cltlm• ...., ~ ,,....,..,., VOU<"9n MUSI lie rllW or _,....eel H •IOrHtld within ._ ,,_,,., •tt•r lllt llrtl PIMk-' .... "'""·-·· 0-~tt ... ,. SHI.UY HUEBEIH Emec_ol_w111 .. ... _ DCMIOLAI I!. 000111! ·--· .. u. uu .• "'*"·..,,., .•• ow .. ....... Tl "'°· ... ,., ••u.... .... ""'"' a..ca, u-T .. • UU>~ P-1-Or-C.0.U 0.rly Piiot 0c11.•.1t.n.1m _,,, PUBlJC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE ....... WN•tOll CWttT CM' TMe ITATa~CAUflCMl•tA '°9 TMI! COUtfTY Ofl Otl ..... ...... WM'9 NOTIC• 0 .. ffaA•t•e 01' "l!Tl1'ION...,. NOeATe OP Wfl.L ""O IJO. L.aTTa•s Tl!ITAM .. t · TAllY Alf() POii AU'TitOllllATM* TO •OMl .. IST•• u•o•• , ... 1 .. 01!,.l!ltOe"' MNIM....,_.,... 01' •STATHACT. E1lel• et HAll•ll!T H.. •OOMI!, OtOHtd NOTICE 15 HEREOY OtvEN lllM "Olll!lllT H MOO!tl -I .... !Wotlft • .. u_..,........, __ ..._._ lttter1 l u lam•lltary .tn41 fot ... ,,,_,~ ........ "-' ....... ....... .... l11d191 odellt ............... 11 ... .. E'1•tt• '4cl, , .. ff9ft<• le -"'Cll Is -lor ..-Httklllen. ---.......... _,..."' _..,,. .. _ ~ -... kw Oct'*-... ""· .. lf•OO e m . 1tt .. c---. of °'"'1· meM tto. > ol ~ ~. et 100 Cllltc Ctf\tor 0<1w ~. "'tM City et S-.. A,... C•lllom1• Detect~ u . ''°"· lEE A 8RANCH, C-YCi..tt O. WAY .. t! MUllll'tlY 1'NOl!UO.., Mcll'tlAltU.,,, (OffNE•S 111 Wett M-IC., Mt. lfM LM a--. CA_,, T .. · U1Jlta.M11 Alt-•ter:~ PubCl\lwd Or-'°"" Delly Piiot s.~ u. ?•.Oct l. '"' • ,,....1"1 NOTtC• O;-;;;:;;NT 10. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE TO LUM PltOPHTT --- - ----NOTICE IS HEREBY OtVEN 1,..1 --;;onc-RTOClllEOITOllll (P• .. SJ '"" FOUNTAIN VAll.EV SCH00l SUPt!llllOlllCOUllTOIJTHI! NOTICE TOClllEOIT<Utt • Ol'HRt(T h•l <Hcl•rttd lh•I the STATl!OIJCALllJOW .. IAl'Ott SUPElllOlt COUllT Otr THE ....,.,..,,, -.,. 000 ol ll'f' 8"'°""'d THt! COUNTYO,.O•ANGt! STATE Of' CALCIJOWNIA trO• ~-I toc•ttd •1 ,.._ .. Enut•llon ... A-Mt• THC COUNTY OtrOllANGE l•nt '1""''"0lon Be.oc" C•t1torn•• f\1•1e ,,_ HANF04'0 f OLSEN ·-· ...._ A·tf16Q •t•••. 1\ not n••d•d t ot '' noot H T -PUCE'• OL!EH, Ol!ce•-wd C•••t• 0 1 R 0 8fl>T A\HCli <le\woompur"°""·-P<-10 NOTICE•S1<Elllf8 YGIVENto111t \ff PH£N\0H ••• 1>0 8fl>T • lMWWoCIWlnq r-.dllors ..-1 ... -M~dt<f'dl'tlt 'I£ PH E NSON ••• F RE 0 £ P IC ..... lttd ~\lo ...... \••d •-a , ... , •II"""°"' ,.._.,lf'O clalm~ toll••n•t •11J{IRtAk ,.. Ot-<••~ w ttl O• fe<f'•••d ro"''o.'"''° •no 1rw w•O O@le.tdl'nt •r• reouu•ed to f1t.o HCftrf 1S .. CPEBV G •VEN to t,,. _,_ bV -~'"" otfl<~r Ol lhe ,.....,. wo111 n.. _.._...,.v "°"""'"' tn t '~•IOI'' J4 ""' ~I'\.,...,..., M(~t 01,trt( I Oft "°"" 1 '"' dAY Of Of tQOtr tfW off•<• otf 0. 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ACT Cl••..i ~' 14 t~ M•t 11_., An-y far EM<""'• f\l•I• o• /AM ES P£10 r 1Ht M<or,;_,... .. P..,.llll W•'Ofl!"-PuO'•\l'eCIOr-o<Ccw••D•••v PtlOf De<uW'd f .... 111r""' -Wiit Oro•"no 11_., •or flo•• v P• ta H -°'1 1 • 1q1q ~ 1• P.l()f I(( I~ >-4[ PF A f (.tv r ~ '"',.' 04 ,,.. ~bO"'"' f'Vlif'\"Wld c.t,...,...... Orl"\\lf'IQ ROOf9'1 ·~, (;1r t\ IMAP• trA rt1f A I~( PIN 't ~8\ ••1..01 ltl U H•En&ttlUNK•n '""" ~U((~<fVC ~, Vhtl '"'"1'" IM'i'9rn .t P""t•hVf'I fnr Pt~h· o• 'Ai•ll •U 0th•••~ uw foflol>#\nQ fOtT'ln"\il'l1h \IWYt<• ,,, And ft)t l f'tff '\ f~\IAr'N'nt_. y no Hit• 80_. h• O•t'u1aH°'"" •o ..,.,,. ""'•11 f)v•t!J'NJ "'""'' PUBLIC NOTICE A ·'•" r 11o11•1 '"I 1'0ff m •• U'~f1• t ttll to1wnHr1,.toif" ...._,_,(A,,.... ,,,..,,. \~ti ti--ptO'I~ ~''" 'Pit•" I "'' ·P""? .. f'lt J\dn 1t11\tr1tl '"' 1V (' ,,.,.,, T•I t 114• ~)OJIO \••O 0...1tntnq (P 9'$} A• 1 '"•~·""'" • 11') w~.,,, '' ,....~,. ,,,, Anorne1"' ter E rKvtn• I ~1•4t'tl0f\ ,..,,.,.. ' 'u'"'"' ''"J'1 1 u+•H\ """ 014! '"• t1rr t ~UDll\,.._,,Or~~(Q.t\t [;•+1• r...uf'tt {f"Pl(l("..._""'1MV•f --.nh•• NO'T ICE TO(AIOITOA5 ~UPt:•IO-COUllT OF lME SfAlE OFCAUl'O•NtA FOii THI COUNTY 01' OllANGE No A·10'1Z.f 'tf'O C• t9 ,. , • rw49r1110 fNI \.Af""lf' "'"' \foot )\.no Oc, 1 l • 1PI t91Q !11' lft Jv_..,~..,. 0.h~ 1 J-1'"' ... "' • ,~ '""'' f'f l('f f')f10(jjlo• ·~ ""' ... , 1(.'I 00 ''-"""" ,,,_.,,,, " '" ., ''"' t 9'Yt1ff.lt),.,,'" O.t-•'1""'" .. t C NOTICE "u""'W y ,. .,., .-• Af.l"rv ' •"'' ~ 1,1 ..... ,, "°"''' •' 1ry ·~w r 11,.1•• PUBU .,# '"-rw 1• ,~ "ol'wta ll nit ...... ;,•f·M .,..,. C , •• ,,. nl MVll ll[ lUf ll lE w 111·•r R ••• MV Rl l [ l W(_P,Cff p °""'•4..,..,, th•~• Wt1\1 '" ff'Wt lf'\1 f•rv ot ~ttt•I o1Ythf'lnt"'t'Wit •"")l'J•' A~,. ( ttllf•.,,.,.".. (~..,. • ...._. ._.,..,.... 4f'Mtd -"" ,.. ~·,, ,,...,, .!'I If"-.. ,,,.,....., t,,,l'f•"l{W' ,, '"'' ""OTICE TOC•IOfTO"S '•' , ,,.., ,, r l'ftf"tlf . t .,.. "" ,.._ ..,,. """"'• I l~ A 8t•"<" SUPflllC» C°'-l•T Otr THE _,,. ~ nq ,....., 6' ,..,_ ,.,.. • ._, o< Nl)flf( I\ t<l llfH'Y f.IV[N to Int f ,.~,,()(, t)f tht' ·~ t"ild r'f'W"d ~ '"°""' 1"-t •II ~_... MV•"'9 <f•tf"n\ ~1ni1 ttw \4_1td Ol<l'dfont .,. re<Wff"'e'O to tu.- uwm "'"'"' tlw .....c"'41"¥ VOUCM''· In ,,_ ottw-al --.. ct~ oA ""°' .ecetw "' lt\H!id t our1 01 to ~Mint INm w '1h tN ......C.•'IWor"f ~twn ... '° lht Vf'-••t•tefte.S •t tPI• ••• otf•t• ot l>\.UNKETl t. ~ .. KETl. Of ou.,. ·--Oft~• -,... __ ,,._ ...... ~ . .__ ~ (W<Oty("°" H ATEOl'CAll-NIAl'Oll ,.,9.,,_,,.,,_. _.,,..., ... •<l•v NOVAK. COOPEtr' WOHlGf MUlM THE COUNTY 01' <UIANGl wW' -·~ ,,,. .... _.. ""' "'"''...., v.et• •lllCuturyP•rtrftll. lf1Zl1 ... A tfl.., ~l><'• __ _,,,,..l ~o-.,,., Laa.A_.__~_, fll•t• OI Lii.LiE ANH COKEll .• 00 p"' On -~ -_..,."· " ....... ..,. . ----.. -... --.--"' •-·o-wav--oTKan.--w~ .. •-., _ -.. ._ --~., .. _...._........... ·---·--------,.... --I -.... ~b.,...o.._c-o.11,. ~ ~.!"~~-~· .. •u-• ~ oo..tct•--••'"''"~• ~ t,J,I I-_,.,. ;;;,..~= _,, ~ lol ...... ., ...._ .. ,_ .. ....,. ... , ... PUBLIC NOTICE N JP10 \UPl .. IOft COUllT 01' fH£ ST ATE OFCALI FO•HIA f'(lli l HE COUNTY O• OllA"Ol Ne A IOtne I H O TlrE O• "lARll•G 01' P[ll rt()H ro11 PROllATE O• Will ~110 FOR LrTf fR' 1 fE\TAMINfAey '""0 •Oii l AUTHOlllt/ITION TO AOMINISTf"• UNOE • lHf' INOEf't'lo Ol!llT AOMINISTIUllOlo 0, lHAff\ ACT f '1•1• or 1•ME 5 I ROTHGE 8 ()fo ,.,...,.,, No ric r ·~ HClff8V GIVf ... lh•I OOVGL .. \ C PH1ll 1P5 llu •ll•d h•r•1n • (:llttlUOf\ tOt PrOblt• of Yw1U ""'°' ft r Ll'tt"n ff"'\t•f'nt1\t•rv ~ tOr Autf\orltA'hOt' •o 40rn•~·,·~ UndH ""' 1no~~t ,it.°"11n•ttr.-c~ ot E \tat•' Act ,.,,,....-.nc,. to """K" •\ ,,,.., •~ ""'fl\er 0Mtt(.ut•" 4tnd ,...._, '"" tl""'f ..tl"tf "I•<,. r1' P\lt~ lnQ ,,_, ,."'• l't~ -" •Pl for Oc-• t• 1tr. •I 10 00 11 "' I" f'tW (0Uf'1t~ t'llf o.oart~t ,.,, J Of ~"' <Otl"I •t 100 riv!( Ctnl., Or•v• Wfl\t tf'I tr. (1lr 04 S.nt• Al'I• ( Alltor"•• ~I'd ~•mt.t >• ,.,,. l .. A Ru wtcn Courn:v < ,.,, CAllMACll,JOHNSONa l'AVt..IO .. 1_.,._ ...... S•lt•t• L .. ·--· Cell-•..,. T .. 47-11 . .........,.. ... ---fl"u()l l•-()<-C.0.\I o .. 1y Pllol 0c 100.• I 1 I ltl't ~ N PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOU' aVSINfU N-· ST•Tl'MINT fh• tot~ .,..,tOn " OO•nq bu~; " .. "" ., 'HAMA()(or PlUMtllNG 11~'1 \t••P l f\ , • 1 M~.lfttf"Qt~ 8•a< Pt C •l+fortH•..,.,.. G'ovet • •rot1 Mt11r•l\.t"" 1MJ1 S••,.D t n e ., HunOnqtnf\ e#llll( P\ (' Allfl)tn1•..,.,... ff'Ht bu~l"M"'\\" ConductHI OY' itl\ If'\ n1vfdu.tl G l MMlollAm llltofflc:•fll1"9 ~ .. ---~:... ...... .,..., bP "'""' ""Y tttkid ,...,, .. to ..,......... ......., #"9't he. ...... ,.. ... ~-. ..., •• , '"' '"'~ ~ , .... ~·'~ ~~ \e ttw "" ...,.., ...,., ..,......., ~· °" f'W\ ~·"°"' d•#\•Ql'l•O •t '"t' ••• otf •<• or ,~ ~ ~· '" o-1•'"""'"•""4 ,....,. Pt•JHtrfTT &. PlVNKflT 417 ()tow ~ ........ .._...., __ ' " l ... 111-c.e .. -~ .. --~ • .,.... "".,, ~r" CM'f1•t.ftWMJ to .,... •~• .. •Of~• dPC'""O!Pnt wttt\41'1 tovr ""'°"'tit' ~ me ••r\1 ovt~h<•ttewt ot ·~, ,.., .... .t .. "'V* P..,...t °"'•<• Rot ,... ... """"' ,,..,, ~· ,.~ ""'' Co.,,,..,_. .,..., "'QI,,,. ,..._f'\ .. ,,..,,,.~.,..... -"'4C:" °"' ,...,.noo 1 ,,.,.,.._,,.., ,,... r -#-t \ 11"1• C"tMJT """ f)u"f\or'\ O" ,,._... ...,., .... ,.,. .....,I'! """' ,.._.,_.,~ ,.. OIJ>-l'lo ~, ri..tt•d '""'O.....,..t'Jii"' \ 1•7 I 0 .rt .. Iii .,....,...,_, ~('IQ,...., 1f't #I ~lll"f\ Pl""••"'~ fO Of"'9~"" .... , P.,.,,.-,.., • "("t M """" "'I '"• , ,, .. ,. (W Vt•d' °"""' ~· •• ,....... •\Of', ... •f'I ...... .,,,.,. -,.. """",, '""' t ,..,, t,... .,,..,, ... ,..~,..,...,,, c ... ...,,,." • l'lUNllETf ·~U•.,<ETT •tJO••••.A~ fl)wr ""fW'"'"-... ,., ,,.. t o '' ovtMllC •r~ UOO" ~,.,, .,.._. ..,,. ,,..,,.. n-.i,, t~ ~tflld al'fKH ...,,,., Al 1 •~ 0 "•1 f'>•t'J .,,"'IQ Any ~'°" ,..."", """' .._,,.,.,.fl,.• or ''"' noi1(• O•ff'O ~, t• ,.,. \yt., .... l JiftM ""' .""'""'"'-'''• \fr'1tf\ ""'··· Arww •·flO Of tr-",_... ~ l ... _,,_OK_I f'LVNlll!n • P\.u .. acrn •11011 ... A-...... """" ....... -... CA-T .. 111•1s.-A~ter-•1aCTA Pv011.-Or4W'QP C.0.•I 0.,ty POOi. ~ u-01:1 1 • 1• ,.,. ,,~,. PUBLIC NdTICE NOTtCW TOClllOITO.S SUPt!lllC»C:OU•TM 1'911 STATe OIJ C:AU~ .. IA SOlll THI C:OUlfTY Otr OlllAlfOE -A·WIM.J EU ... of l()allAIN( '1 80TTV1"\. ••• lOllAAINE • &OTTUM. "4l• LOllllAINE HAMIL TOf'< PE"CIVAl 90T1UM. 0.C:M- NOTICI! tS Hl!llllE•V GIVE .. to t11e <•tdClcw• OI.,... ___ _ '""' ... --.....,_Cl..,... _. ... t ....... d_ .... ,_.....,to .. .. ,,..,... wllfl -..U•wrt _...,, In '"" otfk• ...... ,,_. "' ---... titled ._,_ "' to cir-• ........ "''"' lllt ,,..n_v _...,.. 10 '"° "" d•rtl9-e1 JOO NewPo•I C•,,l•r on.,. S...... 'II>, "'-1 a. .. 11 C• n..o. -I<" >s .,. Pl•• o1 11u ....... of '""' ""*"kJnfd •n .. , ~.,.,.., oe-rta1f'I I~ 10 , ... Hllll9 el wold clt<-nl. wll,,ln lour r•~UI>\ •lltt '"" 11111 p;ibllcellCJI\ of""' not10 Oel•d AU<ll"' 1t. ,.,. ll-118ollum f'-"10< Of tN Wiii of __ ,,_ doc- ~.".., ....... "..,.,, °'° "' .... ~, .• 41ft ore• o.d .. 9'(~ o., •' ..... ,, ,,.,. i•1 <•"' •~ ~ wn n•l'I l'lirfJ """ 8oer"d ,,, '"""' .. " '"""It ""··· ,,.. cit•--'°" '°' 10 -•i.r to ... .., Wtd~.,.""'" '00.v\•n•r ,,. <•'04' of Did\ ~.(!On COf'IC:•~•"Q -~ .,_ ... -... uocs 10 J .C.11, f ....,...-" EO 0 A\\1\tAM Sup•'•"'•"°""' f-o"""'"'" ""'''" 't'-OOf Ot,tr1f t Hv""'bf>, 0 1'1# l~L-I> 0 8o•tsl0 ,.,.,,.. u"' v .. i.y. c.c""""• ttl'Oa. .,,._ ITlllMJ-• 0•-~10 ,.,. "-" .. -..... , '-"'"'"-"' olT.-;. "-"•'In ~o"'"'' ........ .-Or ... Cot\! 0 .. 1., Pllol s.ot ,..Ort'·'· 1•" l! .. ,. ... ,.. l<"Ml .... OtO hK" CA~ f•t O IUU.)OJI An..,...,, ... ,, .. _, P-.nto...-°'~ (<M•I o •••• PHol, we>i II tt 1) .no 0.1 I 1•1• lSC>l·N PUBLIC NOTICE N·"'71 .. OTICIE Otl TllUUEIE'S WILE T '-... 191?_. T 0 S£111VICf COMPANY es duly -lecJ T""' ... -l?w foCl-lftO 00\Ctl--O' '""' Wil l SELl AT "U8ll( AUCTION TO T HE HtG Mf!P 8100 £R FOA CASH •pef'•tHf> "' ''"""" ot u•e-'" l•wful ""'Of'W"¥ of ,,.. \Jnfffl'O !»:taff'\I "'If f'"IQ'\t, fltte •no tl\IH fl'\C conwvf"'d to .tntt rto¥t rwt(ll by •• ""°"' WtCI 0...0 of fru\t ;" ,,.. ~ .,,. .......... .., .,, .. ·-r llUS TO" F1.,.. £ e,.,,, 8E NEflCIARY' Wrlll•m C PUBLIC NOTICE c;.olumt>t<• ---------__ --A.,......,.., Or"-11. 1•11 a1 onSlr O lllA .. OIE COU .. TY SUPElllOll No 1'1'1•n -•--1UlofOI COU•T '1C••I II"-"' lfle offlc• ot tllt ,..Cl\llCCE'WTElll 0111va WIEST 11..:or.,,. ... Or_c_,; --SA .. TAAlfA,CAlll'OWNtAnn1 ol lruJI dHcnciM ..... tot-..g -Crot1 ·C•,,.P •••,..Ant~ l f E Ptt"• MJ€nHE• -MARY l E C l!UEf l.04 .. Trc1 Stlll, es~ Oft. TN6.,lfldl,,_, ,,..P _In _ Jlt, .,._. 16, 11. C<OU·Otlend•nh MITSIJ8tSHt It." Jll-)l olMl1<ell-5 ~ BANK 01' CAUl'OANtA AMf AtC AN in IN olllCe Ol I,.._ '-'ly llK-r o1 VI 0 E 0 AND G .. MES l N C , • ..... (-¥ C••l'Orrw• corpoohon NATION .. l E•u ...... --__ ., lfl.. l E ISUlll' CORPOllA TION • cor '"fll "' ell OOI. 99\ -ell end PM•I,_, H AOL, 11£AVM0 NfE 0-t h\'Ol"e(MbOll '""'lene" l1Hn9 HE AB WEST. 00N OUINSfV '" Del-•~ ol lOO .... Wf._,. ..... dlvldv•I•, -l>OES t lhr-)0 •n ,...,, ol "'1«• "''"'· ft--~ In Clut•# II\• d•ed lrom ,..,Ille MldwHI s v M M 0 N s ' 0 R ( R 0 s s o..,.~ Co.. • corporetlon, ,. COMPUll,.T tor cit,,,_. tor htu<I CO<dttd Oct-• J. IWrJ In t>ook •741. ""9ll0tfll. mlveprtw..1.otion. l>ru<h -Ill, Offklal R«-. 'f\1~ ,,.,,,.,,........,, .,,,, '''""' won t'-r ovnly (l~rt OI 0--CouMy on....,_ ••m~r .... ,. OAYIO SHllU910 TINOLl!fl. LAW COtl fllO• A TIC>ft ol rontracl. <-count\ l,,. --'' -ve detcrlbed - SUMMONS -"" ........... --or common CAM .. UM•• 11 Jf.JJ-16 ~•lonetlo<I Ol-llOflt "'tfklont to .... .....,c:...onve tr nun '411te.,. Pullll•...., 0.encr ('.,.., Oeilv Pllo1 lltw-' 9-11. CL - • ..,,,, II H"ndOrl 1 t t•" M 7 ,. T .. 1"41 ~ PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTIJIOUS BUSINIU NIUA UATlMlNT Th• to11n¥w1nQ ~'"°"' •rt aolnq bu\11'\f''\ '" J & A EWTFllPlitSES 1au Wiii! tl~r \lr"t (Ml• Mfow, CalUornl • UI Ane--.fm~ ••• CKla M•"'· (.allforno• .,.,. J..-•--.zmF--CKI• Mt"' (.tll~e .. » Tiii• bu•lneu h condll<lttd ..,, • Qelle••• PClf1Mnfllp AntWthrnen Tiii\ \l .. _ w• lllecJ with IN -IY Cl~ oi Orlll9t c-1t on s... ,.,....,.r 71, 1'7'. IJIU. Publl\l'fd 0r81'9t <;oelf Oelly PllOI, '""""Otl 7.•.'lt.1'!!_.Jml" PUBLIC NOTICE An_, .... _ • Pvbll~-()r-Cotti O•lly Pilot ~"' u Otl t .• ,. ·-~,.. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTtC•I Y• ...... -~ T... IO<•t• I ... Pr'Ol»rly may .,. obt•lrlH <-' _., ~ .. -"'" y.., •""""' by \UO<nittlng • ""1n.,, r-1 within -.... .....,_ .... -...... ,.._... ..,, dey• '""" lllf llrJI P\lllll<•llon ot wltltllt • 4lotyt. •-t11e 1-... .. ..., lllh notle• 10 1'-~kl.,y, WfloN -· -•nd-"''' II"°" wl\11 to -lhr edYIC• 01 •n WllllAM GOLUM81CK, 10110 attor""y "'lhl• """"r ~,,,....Id dO Ramone Avenue. Sf'ling Vallev, ~o PfOn'\OUY '° th•t 'IOUt .. , .... ., C.tltorn•• '2071 rt\OOllM 11.,.,, m•vDellltdonll""' 111 • •1reet-.Uor com..-dt· AYIS01 U-,.. u.. --~ ...... ,..,_.,...,,, __ ,nowerr•nly SI lri..,_ ,..... -.ci..r c.,.tr• Utl " QI.,.., M IO It\ <omolt'-or cor-, .. .__ ... __ Vd -,..., ..... , •• M ....... 9 ... ._ u I•~ .. 1et1 Tlwl _,..lc:ttrY uncle< \H o.otd of -,.._ Tr..tl ~ ,..._, ol • ew--11.,. deleull SI VH•O ->all< •tar •I epn .. ,o o. '" ti.. -1091-. -"'"' l,_roby, "" ~ HI e1t" t\unto dtborta -.iolor"e •---llft•.....O 10 l\te•rlo 1m,....dl•l•mt11I• .,. .-1. .,.. .. -~ • wrt!Mft Ot<l.tr•lloll m-•. -._.,. -•11• u n•t of O..ev11 -Ot"*'CI tor S..te. - ......... _... -"'9'tl•AClt • l"'mPO -··-nollot of ..,_II -of e!K110ft I TO THE DEFENDANT A CO••• to ,...,w .,. -~to Wll telcl comlllelfoC lws -.., llltd .,.. tr.. pla\n -"• to "911>1" wld -1oe11oM. tllf -INt -II 'l'OU wish to dtlt"ll -.... ...,..,., ll>o -\IQfted <....0 l"i' lewwlt. -""'" wllllln JO 11tn .. io nol1<• of tw..ch -of .._,loll te 9"•• '"'' ......,,._. '' Mr#CI on .,...,, be -.cor-J...,. •. ""· es '"'''· Ho 11 .. wllll "111 <-i • -"'.., '"JIOM• 12712 m llDI* 1)17', .,_ IMS. of Mid to -cMIOlelnt Vn .. H 'fOV do '°· Olfkl•I R~ .,_ 4111-.tt wtll 1M _,._, on -S.14 Mlt wlll .. -· M ....,_ oil<allOfl Of'"' ptitlntttl, •nel lhh <0Ut1 co~•nt or W¥tlflty, •""'1!U or Im· may tnt.r •,.__I •O•lllll '°" 1or llli.d, r~ t1lle, --.$Ion, .., IN ••11411 ~ In the <omol•lnt. enc:um111r--. lo pey 1'-"'"'61ft1119 '#fll<ll c-,_" 1n -nl1hmen1 of P<l.-clpel ~of TM notott•I N<urwcl Wa9K. tell"'9 Of,.,,.,... or P'"°'""' or Of Mid 0..., Of TNlt. wttll '""'""' •• •tlltr ,..li.f -lled 111 IN COl'l'I• In Mid-~. °""aMH, If My, '4tlftt. "'*'Ille """6 ot MIC! o.eG Of lf'\194, Oetef• JllW n. 1m ,..,, c•-tn0 ••-M• Of 11'10 Lee A, 9'-11. Tnitt• -Of tN INl(t U••t1t1 W (*" Mlf Oetd Of ff'llll .., JMOt lM, ......... """ llt .. Id Oii Tt!unidt,, ""•AT1to...11_,"?,, •y Oc-II,.,,., .. 11.00a.m. et lltetf• .. .., -lk• of T.D. liw\lkt c:.n--;, o..!11 ot A W. Clrtllr... ..._lea T-, 5'llte 1110.. OM City .....__ .... NY..,,wt.c, Or .... Caltt-o. ' ................ O...! ~ 11. !'7' .. , 11 '("9 _.. T,O, Wvla caa-, t1T-,CA.. •MlltTNllM, ~of: CfMl •M9 a.,T,0.5enotuc.o.r-,, • ....,.er. ...... tall II • w ay L.111M-..._ Cf8M Cl 2 I t ........ Secrwlary ,_.... ar-. c.... °"'" """'· ""*'...., ar... c... °""' ......_ 9-.it,,ts .. ckl '·'·"" NU-1' ~ tt,UM10d.t."1't -..,19 . .. ,. • f' • Biliiness ~. Octoo.r 2. 1m Succeaaor . No Meany . Auto Industry lOOkalihe In Hard Times WAl81NOTON (AP> -l...,.OlhaU~. Lue llliklad ... 0-11 .. ..., ... *""-. 8•t &a l\JI•, lM Ulftl"lltJ· tralMll ta1U1etua1 aacl r.n. t1•• IQft.1-d dUfen •utb from ta.~ plum_~ IM 11 ..... to SUC'Ceed ...... o1.a..An...ao. WMa MeMy, ......... fhaall.1 decided to retJre lut .... be to&d lttrt.land flrlt. Aad tMr-. la uw. doubt t.bal Klrkland, 17, aecretar1· tnu__. ol the AFL-CIO &1Dh 119. la 11~·· c:bci6ce u bia auce....,: NO•• TBDB mucb doubt that K1rtlaDd will ~ eleeted Ulla fall lo a t~year term u preai· deat ol the 14 millloo-member labor federatioo. To Be Reeg«!led Ar>W...__ The tranalUon will assure atabllity tn an or1antsatioo that bu never coped with \be frlc· Uoaa ol ctw-101 a new leader. "He's shown h.imself to be a good leader," one union presl- den t said las t m o nth o f Kirkland. "He's well liked and he'll do a iood job. So what lf be bas the personality of a cold flab?" A Trans World Airlines Convair 880, out· moded by its s mallness and big fuel appetite, lies chopped in two in Kansas Ci· ty. Mo .. as it awaits recycling. The plane contains as much aluminum as 375,000 beer cans. Ultimately, younger labor leaden mQ want to install ooe ol their own, and there could be a fight between the oldtimers and the new guard IF MEANY LOOKS and talks like a labor leader, Kirland does not. He is pale and solemn. He smokes cigarettes in a bolder. A briefcase would not look out of place in bis band. The soo of a Camden, S.C .. cotton buyer , Kirkland did not come up through the ranks, but through the staff at AFL-ClO headquarters. Lucky Stores Selects lroine for Center Lucky Stores. Inc. has selected a 7S·acre site in the Irvine In· dus t rlal Complex-Ea"!i t for location of a major Southern California/ Arizona automated grocery and produce distribution center, according to Richard M. Cannon, Irvine Company vice presi- dent in charge of the firm's commercial/industrial division. Plans call for a $50 million facility to distribute groceries, produce. meat. bake r y and dairy products to 142 stores in SOJ1.!thern California, Arizona ana Las Vegas. Included will be an 800 ,000-sq u a r e r oo t warehouse, one of the largest in Southern California. The site is located at the junctureoftheSan Diego and San ta Ana Freeways. A September, 1980, completion is scheduled ror . the produce buildings and a March. 1981. completion for the groce ry warehouse. Edward A. Bonelli. and Associates, San Francisco, are architects and engineers. ..-••l()MSOf Pf:OPU 10WOlltOI UNmDWAY WOULD NOT ll EFflOUfl Ad Agencies Sign Clients Now Ava.1lable fl.,. lw,•tt ,,,.. .. ,.,.,..,, t'u1t1~\\ o t ,.1A, ••01• h i•• .,.·flt.Ill\ 1 .. tl~1l .1 \i•1.fl01w_ hr 11t1 I) ,.,,. '" , ........... , ... ,., •••lt"4W-····"·~ ·4~•• 1u .. • u .. • t •n . .t1 h.~ \''''""",. Ao1 u-.\lt"tli' ho .. lt , • ..-t.n•Mltl t0•4'M\ 1 .. 1\n_,.~,, "'""' lt •'*'• ...-ofi..,. , •• " '-• .. •••1 ... .-. ....... "'""" ..... ,.,.., ............ """ ...... . ... ··~ ""' ·•••• ..... , ..... ..,,, ,., '"t'flrorl '·""'·' ~ ... I 1•1•111 '4.11,,., .. ~ '"''.,' 400 ~· tt. & up. Fully improved suiteJ 1 & 2 srory dooign Exoollent financing Near Orange Co. Airport Call; (714) 540-0327 ./ FREE SEMINAR ON FORECLOSURE INVESTMENTS Jansen Associates, Inc., Irvine. has been selected as agency of record for the llullhes Aircraft Co. Industrial Electronics Group. The group is comprised of the Connecting Devices Division, Irvine; Elecll'on Dynamics Division. Torrance; Industrial Products Dlvlsloo, Carlsbad; Microelectronic Systems Division, Irvine and Solid State products Division, Newport Beach. Gloria Zigner and Associates, Inc., of Newport Beach has been signed as public relations counsel for Lois Munford's Des ign CUmatics, an approach to home decorating. The agency also bas been appointed by Western Pacific Financial Corp .. Newport Beach. and The Stein Group to handle the company's public relations activities. Gillen/Kloss & Ass<><:iates, Newport Beach, has been na med to promote the Water Systems Division of Hydranaulics, Santa Barbara. The Tustin branch of Trent Wilson Advertising has been selected to direct the advertising, public relations and promotions of Newport Balboa Sav· ings and Loan in Newport Beach. Meyer Devcorp .. of Orange, has retained Clay Publicom. Inc .. Irvine, to bandie the advertising, marketing, public relations and graphic design for Sun Cowttry, a $26.7 million community in Sun City. Taco Bell. an Irvine-based chain of Mexican fast . rood restaurants, bas selected Bozell & Jacobs, Pacific, Newport Beach, to handle its na- tional recruitment advertis ing program Marketing Division Directions. Inc .. Newport Beach, has acquired these new accounts: Mini Data Systems, Foxboro: Adee, Inc .. and the pro- cess equipment division of Ametek. Inc links OK'd With Fiji SUVA, FiJi IAP)-A nf>w r1v1l aviation agr ... {>ment bt•twe1·n f'IJI and the Uottl.'d S t ales was s1gnrd \fonday by U S Am bassal.lor John Condon J Od F111 s m101stcr fo r tourism, ~ransport and c1nl ;.iv1e1t1on. The agreement allows a1rlrn~ d es1rnated by FiJ1 t o fly to Honol ulu. Portland, OiJkland, Seattle, D1·n\cr, and on tu Canada Tht'~ may aho fly v1a Guam t u Japan <Jnd \la Ameri<·an Samoa to Tah1t1 A1rlJnC's des1gnaktJ by the l 'mtl•d SlatC's may fl y via Fiji I.I> New Zealand. Aus trali a Papua New Cwnea and lndone~1;1 WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe world automobile industry la en-tertna one of ita moet difficult period.a and more companies, Uke Chrysler. will be fiibUne for their lives, according to a new at.udy. Decreased oil supplies, de- mands for more efficient vehicles and saturated markets are forcing automaken into a new era that offers some ol them little hope for survival, re- searchers from Worldwatcb Institute uid in a study released this weekend. THE PUVATE, ooo·proftt re· search group concerned with global issues said, "Demands for more efficient cars are forc- ing automakers to spend billions of dollars in designing and pro- ducing a new range of vehicles "The auto industry, in effect, 1s having to boost capital expeo· ditures at a ume of r ecession a nd depressed earnings," the re· port Sa.Jd This fact, combined with mfla· lion and an uncertain oil future, means "lbe automobile industry in both mdustrial and Th.Jrd World countries 1s entering perhap& lbe most dilficult period tn its history " s aid authors Lester R. Brown. Christoper FlaVLn and Colin Norman. Brown said the top 10 com· panies control 80 percent or world auto production and lbe rematrung firms -numbered in tht-doiens -scramble for the rest THE WORLD FLEET b as grov. n to more than 300 millioo cars more than one·Uurd of them l1l the United States -and 30 mill.ion new cars are made each, year. he added O\'t'(' Tiu· { :ountt•r HASO Listinqs Flavin tald lo an intent.. tbat virtually all tbe auto com.- p8Jlles lD the world toot a beat. ing in UJ74-75 because ol tbe ftnt oil crlst.s and world receoloo. * * * AMC Hikes Prices· Less Than GM DETROIT (AP> -American Motors Corp. is undercutting the price increases Gener al Moton Corp. has announced for 1980 models. AM C said its ne w m odels would cost an average of $111 more, a l.S percent increase. GM earber announced price increases for roughly half its production amounting to 3.6 per- cent to 3.9 percent. Other GM prices wtll be announced next month Of the other U.S. producers, only VW has posted 1980 pnces, up about 4 8 percent for Ra bbits built in Pennsylvania and 6 per- cent for imported models. In Torrance. Toyota . Motoc Sales US A .. the importer of Toyotas. said Friday its new models would cost an average of Sl45 or 2 5 percent more The typically equipped AMC rar will <.'OSl an average of $137 or 2 8 pC'rcent morC' and all Jeep models will incrf'aSl' by $25, about O 3 percent Jeep sa~s have bet.'fl slow smce s pnng, ex- cept for lhe smallest models. Tht• average option puckage will increase by $48 or 3 4 per- cent AMC 53Jd J Business Brisk At Coast Firms l\1 l JTUAL FUNDS Oct. 4 at 8 PM. lnine I $50.000 to $500,000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS • ... _. o-'y .. ,. I t ··-•C1a111ercW .......... Cont;)('t our 1oa.~ ...... fur your financing needs. (714) 759-1515 A~~ M0"1'GMll 230 Newpot1 Ct nier Dnv• o..ion Pitz• N-poi1 Beec:tl, Caktomia 92e00 Two Newport Beach firms have won advertls· ing awards in Specialty Advertising Association lntemational's 21st Golden Pyramid competition. For specialty advertising to reach a multiple audience, AJ Products, spedalty advertising counselor, and its client, ABC Metals Supply in Santa Ana, were awarded Silver Pyramids. Air California earned an Award of Merit for a specialty advertising campalgn that was support· ed by radio spots. The promotion introduced intra- state_ service from Fresno. Keeler AdvertJslng, Inc., Anaheim, was the agency. Stat~ Mttt .. 1 Bllfl• Loa• .. Stale Mutual Savings and Loan Association, Newport Beach, bas completed the purchase of $500,000 in home loans from Camino Real Savings and Loan Association, San Fernando ~ ..... 21 Merger 01''d Trans World Corp. and Century 21 Real Estate Corp .• Irvine, have announced that their dlrecton have approved agreements whereby Century 21 would becOme a wholly owned subsidiary of Trans World. The agreements provide that individual Cen· tury 21 shareholders may elect ooe of several op- tions: Cl) to receive $28.50 in cash ror each share they bold, (2) to excbanje their abares for shares of Trans World Series C convertible preferl'M stock on a basl.a desJped to have an equlvalent value of $28.50 per abare, or (3) to receive a com· blnatioo ol 40 percent 1n auch atoct and 60 percent lo cash. , Not moH than '8 "rcent of the Ceotury 21 .abares may be excban1ed for cub and not less than Sl ,Pel'CeDt may be ucbanaed for prefern!d atock. Trau World sna1 lnc:reate, ln certain ctr,cumttancel, ~P to tO percent the pereeot.aae of C.otury 31 abares to be exchlftftd for Sertea C pref •r'Nd •tock INVESTING C•l\Cln • 1• 10 I Am ld• I 11 I 1' Ho< M&lt i.'1 11 'f7 COMPANIES Ol•oo 1 '1 J ti HI tcm IJ .}) 1' 1' INA HIV II 70 IJ 01 ~ewl:~~ ':!: ::10<'~; •in :rn :zi,./o1 1: =t IS~~~ 'OS U I l••iO'I•. ,._._ t>v NV Vn "" I\ 'I? Opln IJ J• " .. IMom 311 ••• ·~ Ntllonel ··-· (\l'I R\M '00 Nl Ta rno "• Nl '"' Stl 11.17 ,, 97 41110<' ol 5e<ut1llH Cep p,._ I 00 Nl US Gvt 1 '1 Nl '"'• !ti> J l t 0.t .. r\, !l"C , ~,... CM>I CC 100 NI Ft<Mllly GrVUI> ll'IClu\lrJ UNvtll ""' prlcn •• ""'<ti Cnl !>ti• ,, 11 I)" A9r t\ • «) NL llt•P HY .. ~I) H llW><~ W<U.,11•• (" HIYl'I 11 ~ 11 411 8-/ 1$ Nl llt99 LA I 00 NL could "-"" booon Chert Id 1' 10 11 l!. (~II •SS NL Int """' JO S.S 11 .. ...,,d u.... ......, ,,,.,_ C.r "°' Csh Rsv I 00 NL Inv Ovid II " "L ··•~1 O< bOugflf Fur><! 7 11 7 l'8 (Oftlfd II.. NL Inv !NII< UNvelt lvelu• Phi\ .,.Jes l'ronl ) ~ 6 09 Dly Inc I 00 Nl Inv 8.n IO IC 10 '3 tMrQel Mc>ndey Stl••-1 14 I 111 DUnv t .S lnwslon Gnl<C>· Sell llllf SQ«I 7 ll I •S (CJ Ir>< JO"' NL IDS 8CI ) JO S.. .. AGE J'd I• 4 M ("p Dir 14 • Nl M-1 .. ._ NL IDS C-" 1.00 NL Acorn F 1• l1 "l Cl,.m Fo I IS I " llllwn lld t JJ Nl tOS G<1 7 SJ I 11 ADV 11111 NL Co<onlt l """"' F ICS.1 11 IJ NL IDS HIYlcl Alutur• I)]) Nl ~n ~ .... so HI Yid .. 11 NL • .. ).(» Alptla F I) U Nl Fund t .. 10 81 LI M"'1 t 11 NL IDS l'ICll 6.40 6 ~ A Bt'11'1T 1111 1191 G""ttt >ff 6 11 Purlln 10 S7 NL Mull t01 '" Amerlc9'1 Fund• ln<om '" a ff S.ltm 6 11 Nl Proo J ~ 4 2' •B•I .. ., •o ()pin IOllll M '""" •.s NL TuE• 45' 4 7) AmtP IOltOllM Tn 1'119 1J'71Sll Trend 1'.l:J NL StoO lt1111S5 A MU11 11 41 11 '1 Col11 Gltl JO .. NL Fln<>n<lel ProQ S.IKI I 47 t II '-n C.11'1 1.0!> I t i C•1"' AB 1 03 I 11 Dyna •-" NL Ve • Py I Of 1.7' 8-U "' IC M Cwlltl CO IO I SI tnclu't • 67 NL Inv ReSll 6.7• 7 71 ,.,, M9 I 00 NL Comp 8d .,,,...... tncom 1 73 NL h i•! a.01 a.u Fd In" 1 '8 7 SJ COlllP Fd -•II HI lnlrttton Ivy Fd 1.1S ML G,..,11'1 • 11 '., concoro 11 n Nl ti net AP 14 C n 'I J Grttt 11.a 11.14 tniom 111 1., c-11<111 c-i C>ll Mq 1.40 Jen•n n l' HL l(A 1-56 t » F....CS IJ 03 U 01 Oloco 1 1• I '7 J-H...coc1l· N P•n 7 JO 111 ln<om ) SJ 1 IJ Grwtll 1.n •SJ II-1611 lt.77 W•" Mt 7 1l , " MUI\ 8d • eo 10 1• IMOM 7.. • 5' Grwtfl 7 "SI t.01 Amer G-•• Cons Inv UNY•ll Of>ln • 1' I 11 8•1• 1.56 t.JO Cep tld ,., • "Con•l91 G"03 NL ~too 107 '" Tu E• 11.$1 1'.TS Enlrp 7 '3 I •I Cont Mut t '3 NL f tlMtl A t 73 NL Joll"'ln n 01 Ml HI Yid 11 31 11 16 CvYld S. 1111 1U7 FlMll 01 ti ML K-f'Uhch MUii ti 711t 1• 0 (lry Cec> 11 JO ll 30 F•I V« I0.00 NL 01nc-om ta !OM Tot R .. '-" t °' Oty Ces.I> I 00 NL U Well 16 » NL row 11 01 11.G:I Venlr JO 11 t11' D1,1ncm I 00 Ml Fncl 0 11\ 4 • I t1 HI VICI IO" 11.7S (tMI• 9.6) 10 SI 0.l•••r• ~ ,_,. Gf'Ol,,p Mny M 1.00 NL Eql Glh 1.67 t 4' O.Cel 13 44 14... Grwtll >.. 6 "' Mut1 8 '·" I0.49 Fd Am ... '.. 0.1•• IH7J ,, ln<om ll H .. ,,.. pin 1:a.1t 14.)4 Har~ ICl.01 !O., 0.l<h I 11 • 70 Mutel 1.• • II S..mm 14.ll 11.43 Pe<• ... ., 1'73 T• ,,,. • .., •o ~I "°' ,,,, Tkh 10 n I!,. Provld J 12 4 11 O.tla 6 ~ •., Fran•lln ~ '°' RI 11 • IU6 A Glt!F• 1.10 • n '"' lh IOCID NL ero-'°' •• ll•Y'tofte .. .-, A Htrltt lil\llvall ~I• l tt NL ONTC IOJ• 11 °' Liq Te' I~ N_!.; A ll\$6 lnO S U S a 111 17 '11 HL Grwtll t.. 1 .., C11s I ,._.,. 16 •• lo ln~!it 1.4' l"L a SI 17 ti NL Ullls UI •.a Cu• 112 1'.01 1'M A ln•lnt 11 '1 NL Orn 811< 11.'7 NL ln<OM t.os '71 Cu~ 1( .. 1 ~ .... U1 A NtGtfl • 01 441 O...,tvt Ortl us c;.,, .... • n Cus " ... ""'*•l • JI • " Dreyf -••II C.ctlt s• • S4 c ... l!(J S.74 "" A OelEct -i1 l eY.. _.,.11 t .... lt 4 8 4.M g' SI ti.it "·" All9 H~ LICI At 1eo HL Lct A'*' I .. NL II, Sl Ll1 I~ FfMS a Mt I 1' MM Ser I 00 NI. ,.,..._ S.Ji U2 s $4 ... .... I Mom .... • ,. N Hint IN\tatl F111'1Cb Inc: lnmu i '·" S~lt 6.. 1.U t!: Int -...11 . Cmru 1.Jt ML LA•lnalOft : l!lC: 01 14.00 lUO •ll b _...,, C11rm1 IM HL c~ ', • !H! tie~ Inc 1.61 Hl ilG C -II lfMS Tr II t1 II .. 0 ..... , aaM Inv 16.JS NL C 91 t .. IO ti r>liot t IO Nl I"!~ 1•1.D ,! .. • !Mac 01'1 -0 l,i.._,, GT r>ec n ,. Nl ....... ! -Ike<. Hin 10 I) Nl elaft f 74 I l!$ ~Op IS• NL llh Ina II It.at BH"ttr Gnlwp· 'J Nl I S&S IJ,7S NL UC! Cllll 10. NI. 100 f ll J·~ NL """" It 1&.tt S« j:! NL "?:,\~ 'Wf~ Nl 101 f cl ~ Nl IKMI i 1' .. I. NL Miit 1ta; Nl &tr' C.,. t. t I ... lfMS , NL l..,, A•n· ~Jiit • 1 •• " ... , IOA "tllltft. '""''W .... • U· ""' l'fMS Ull IO rllM 0. ...,..I HOA :tr "' · a .. u ~ a-~' '""" 'Tr "., HI. !'WWI a. • •1 t' : t;I U.,. \ t'5 ~L !=.,Ttr .:;. R "~~"' ~ • ~t .. !.at~ IM >.JD 1 tot H J:a1rtto ti 11 Maft ... lJ.! Hl ....t"'r'°' ;:: t vii«•· '""' 90 lt.74 1 H 'Id 11. 11 .. fW!lll '" II • 1111110 l&.$1 U 11 ......... i4t l'IMI· 'Tr t NI.• In<-ell t.olO -rwl.V PLOT 6 ~ T11eaday'• -NYSE GOMPOSJTE 2 p.m. (F.sT) Pricea. --·-:...-..:~·-.... ~~.._"",JIW . .....: ........ ~ .... .... : _ _,...,....., ........... -..,.......,~ ...... ....... I OAIL Y PILOT • f BUSINESS _Spals Warn Of Excess Detit YOO A&S IN THE pTOCeW ol dlvon:oe, for you a1moat inevitably t.-d to underesUmate the much bigber C09ta ot ain&le livtna. U you are a buabad contemplat- inC divorce, it would be wise to count on it cost- inK at leut twice as much •you tbink4 You are a com- pulsive speader, using Money's Worth vnur credit carda u an escape from emotional and personal problems, laking out your bosttllties on creditors wbo often assume the form of "parents." When are you dangerously overloaded? When you are using 20 percent or mOft of your take- bome i.Dcome <weekly, montbly or annually) to repay loans, credit cards or other charge accounts. NO llATl'E• WHAT your age or income, 10 pettent is comfortable, 1.5 percent is manageable, 20 percent or more sbouts "look out!" As IOOft u you can (tonight), figure it out. Find out where you st.and, so you can act in time to protect yoursell. Whal are the warning signals that you are moving perilously cl05e to the debt borderline and may already be crossing it? -You are continually lengthening your repayment periods and putting down smaller and smaller initial pay- ment& oo your lnstallmeot purchases. Simultaneously, your interest load is increasing Just because you are sink· ing deeper into debt for longer periods of time. You are, in fact, running up interest charges on earlier interest! -What you owe on your revolving charge accounts also is climbing steadily. These days, you're never out of debt to local st.ores at which you have revolving charge ac· counts. - -BEFORE YOU BA VE fl.Di.abed paying last month's bills, this monlb's are piling i.n. You seem to be always behind in your payments and are regularly receiving notice that you are delinquent. You even might be receiv· ing an occasional notice threatening repouession or legal action -something that ha.a never happened to you before. -Slowly but indisputably, an ever-rising share of your net income is going to pay your debts. Keep in mind that 20 percent maximum rule of thumb mentioned above! . You are so bedeviled by so many separate bills com· ing at you from so many soufces each month that you tum to a lending institution for a loan to consolidate and pay off your debts -leaving you with JUSt one big loan to meet. You still have your credit cards. ho'wever, and you continue to buy on credit. thereby. adding more new bills on top ot tbe big loan you must pay down each month. But even if you're in tbe worst of positions, you -and only you -can stop the vicious circle in which you are twirling at an ever-acceterating_speed. Tomorrow: Worillab£e G11add1M& Western Eyeing Europe Flights LOS ANGELES <AP> -West.em Airlines, sWJ smart· ing at the Civil Aeronautics Board's denial of its proposed merger wilb Cootinental. oow bas its eyes on Europe, WAL President Dominic Reoda says the Los Angeles, bas~ c~ new rout.es to London and finaliz· log plans~ droP several money-losing cities ln South Dakota. Montana, Wyomina and 1d.abo. '"THE ME aGER WOULD have supplied the answer to ·our belief t.bat there's got to be growth i.n our system ," the SS.year-old Renda aaid. "Now that we're 1oo1Dn1at1oing it alone we want to place particular emphui.s on apand- ing into the European market, with Loodoa bavt.ne a high priority." Reoda said Western had promised to oootinue service to all the cities it currently baa ii the Continenal mercer waa approved but now plans to drop tbJ'ee or four towns. West.em bu alre1tdy told the CAB It wania to bait flilbts to Cheyenne, Wyo., which It baa served &iDee lm. ALSO tJNDEa 8Cat1TINY are Sheridan, Wyo .• Pocatello, Idaho, Butte aod Helena in lloatana and. Pierre, S. D .• Renda said, aJtltoqb service to Rapid City and Sioux Falls. S.D .• will be maintained. ··~Falls ia a very ft.De trafftc-ceaeratina city and we have no i.ntmtioo of ampendin1 service there," Renda said. Renda bas been with Western since 1946. but spent five years at c.onttnental MllJlling their Air Micronesia opera- tion. He oooetbeless is directiq Westem's attention east, not west. "We have a choice of going ooe of two ways -the European or Pacific markets," be said. "We think the Pacific martets are being pretty well served and we tb.int the European markets -London and beyond -present a better opportunity.'' aENDA IS STILL bitter over what be calla the "ad· miniltrative arrogance" of tbe CAB and !eels the meraer denial ls lncooai.stent with the agen·cy's objettive of de- reguJattnc the industry. "U you're 1oing to deregulate tbe industry, deregulate the full way and allow the manacers of airlines to make the businea judgments," be said. "Tbe CAB ls still decid· ing on meraera what the best business Jud&ment ia. • • OC Office Due Ao Orant"e County office for Deloitt.e Haatina It Sella certified public accoatanta ....._uartend in New York, ls to open Nov. l~ ln the Imperial Bank Bulldlnc beinc built at One Town Center Drtve, ea.ta lleaa. Wbea the oftlce ii completed.. the fl.rm will combine ita present oftlcea at l~ N. llaln St., Santa Ana, ....t 810 Newport Center Drl ~. Newport Beach, ln t.bt expanded quarlen. Tta Hike Over Inflation Cl..SVl:LAND <AP) -Taus ltUft UM Amertcu "°' sumer man tban aAY otbet' eeaeomte tacticMar,,iDchadlDI price lnftldon, lDduatrJ Week m11•1dM repmta ta WI .......... In lb9 deellde aloce 1-tolal tu. lne.......S 115.1 perceat. hr 1ald.. .. In that time, eoDIUIDtr pftCM IW 17.1 perceat." TONtGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS ......... ~ ,...,.... ..._ .. OllC .......... ... ~· ...... ...,_ ....... !.:.Alm(Y NC) .......,.,..,~,_ ............... ..... M ....... ..,... ........... prtlimw • RttOOI\ ... .,..,...._ -llllOllle ...... Ngll ...,..,.,. • l'411MmllJNCH ~----....... •.,•Hit• aftd '9C• .. lte ...... wtlo "-• -.._..lill.IOll'Cf._,. • .,,_,..C#IM ""4'tll0900 H•••no ''""def" ""' lewyer'a. • ~ ~­ .... Oeeged Ille NA I f/IW'r when Slone MCI K-.. '"~'*" • ~IAIY G~11 Mau•-• 0 SUlll ¥81\ Helen CoetOll • INT9'00UQNO --.oGY "P\enl Nutrition" I == 9*' MAUDE lMlude gel• the -pnM Of Mf life ~ I high ac1>0o1 Mend peys "*' I ¥11111 1tlet 25~ • I LOYE WC'I' R!Qly IS panueoed \.O teach Lucy haw to dl'Mt t CAI 83 DICK CAVETT Gu.ti Wttll1m Slyro11 fPart 2 of 21 liB OYIAEASY Guwla M _ _.. O'Suftl- "ln, ~ Coe1on Cl) TIC TAC~ t1ll MERV OAlfflN CW.ta· Loni Ander.on. Evelyn ··c111mp1gne" KJtig. Gregory Poe Faat11on SllOw. Orson BMn 7;00 1J C88 NEWS D HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Fbrme emoart. • on a new ou1 onet CAI-as a ooo.. eate•t•11 'F~er' , Lorenio Lamas (right) stars as the young owner of Rick's Place and Jim- my McN i c bol i s hi s fri e nd on "Cahfomia Fever" tonight at 8 on CBS, Channel 2. lo-door .....,.,.,, I MCNEW& Cl) JOf<Sr8 WILD M"A"8"H Rad8' gell. "Deaf Jenn'' l4ttt1t -on a record -8lld the doctor. lty 10 come to hil ullllanoe WOii 8 ,_ ~· t1J SANfORO ANO 80N Frecfli l1enc419 l>t'lngt • patient INllO It under her cate to 01nner al the Sen- lord llorntt 8i) 28 TONIGHT '1:) MACHEL I LEHRER A£PORT 7-30 II TWO OH THE TOWN Steve and Conme follow 5'11gtng group ABBA 1n 00'1Ce<1, VIM! St Agnell Chu<cn and Ille •orme< Lln- COkl HfltghlS Jlll TVNl G TIC TAC DOUOH • AU IN THE FAMll Y G) GOOOTIME8 J J 1 we11.me1n1no ettor11 to ONe 111'1 IMM>na 10 a couple Of ~ kid• may oe h&ZAtdoue 10 hll health ID MACNEll / latAEA REPORT 0.1) NEW&CHECK Cl) P .M. MAGA.Z>NE Al) ontenlleW wHh SlnQOf Lov Rawla, a YIMI 10 lhe John 01Y1daon s1no1no Camp on C.taHne t.i811d (!]) MOU YWOOO 90UAAE.8 9;00 1J Cl) CALIFORNIA FEVER Vince encounters a v<>uno g<r1 wt>() ..,..... lhe Only Ncllald ~. LMIM CMoft, .,.., '--*" • nuft.IM .... ~-­~ fMM8Ct9. a ._.,... .,.....11e11ai1 1 .... 1n love Wllf' ,,., (2 "" ) -~~ AMO...a o...-a ....,, l ltiPlelon. PNI 811¥wa • M0\111 • • • • It Started 111 .. .,,... .. ltHOI ~ie Loren. C11111 Oa1>68. An Ame<tun lawyet .. ,, ,_tic.Hy ~ 'lllfltl an ttllllen woman wl*I "" lllM IO 11111• ~ ,.,._ ~ to Ameriee (2 l>r9 I • NOVA "A Pl1gu1 On Our Clltldfen" The e\lldetlCe ltniling IOI" llM~. peetlc:IO•• and Olhe r ~1ocenc:.,m+e­ GMrl8QM end O<rtll defecta llnamined • IY£HINO AT POf'8 Oancet-mime Noel P-11 pertonns N10...n~ <IOhY 10 Morton Gould'• ' Concert for TIP Dllnoet Anc!Or~tra 8:.800 MOW To Be Alw>Ouneed (2 "'*I e o ANGIE <>-'wl*IMd Oy QUiil .,,., m1e1a111ng aOYIC• trOfft &lid lo oe • romantic 0Ylf1"'9, Mane deCtOM to "'" -•v and oecome a """ efl4IOOOCOUP\..E F811• la 1111p1r&d oy ()s(;ar's n-l)ltltn.nd 10 ''''"e an orlg1nat sono for her ~h1Clu08CI t:OO 8 (I.) MOVIE "Por1r 81t Of A SlrlpC>et" (Premler•I Lesley Ann Werren, Edwa<O H«rmann. A widow t,,_ 10 malnlaltl a deeenl Ille lor '*'8elf aoc:t her young _, wNte wori.•no u a d6no8r In e nightclub G ®l THREE'S CX*PAXY While 11e111no 0011met1<:s door -to-doo•. C11r1ssy unexpec1~ ltnds '-sell 1n a Wln.-·lal<e-aH strtp <>Oller game TUBE TOPPERS NBC (4) 5100 -National Leasue Playoffs. The opening game of the battle for the National League peonant between the CincinnatReda and the Pittsburgh Pirates. KCOl> (13) 8 :00 ••Jt Started ln Naples." Clark Gable Sophia Loren head the cast of this romantic movie comedy. CBS (2) 9:00 -''Portrait ol a Strip- per." Lesley Ann Warren plays a young widow who turns to burlesque to support herself and her son in this new TV movie. would 1>41 lo "*"' I nlOftl wtlh Ales tO:OO I I :a lAZAAUI ~ Or St C4att rt lli8d IOt malpractl()8 0y I ~ daornong 11\el ,... ~lllOn on lier left lier per llt1Zed • NGHT OAU..E1'V · A FM81 OI Blood" A IC)Uln8d Mor clecide9 IO gel bacil II h11 ~ ''The LUI l-81' A owa- tynd man l>el'*"9e that hd Wife Md doc1or ere 1\.-.nng an enllf • EUAOP£; TH£ MtGHTY COHTlNEHT 10::301 • Q) NlWS 11:00 8 Cl) ®l NEWS 8 MN<E ME LAUGH 0 MOV1£ * * '"' "Par11 Wh.,, II SoulM'' f 1~1 Wiiham Holden. Audrey HepO..m A wrN et neglecu "'' won. while cnu+ng "'* tec:re11ry 8f'OUtld Pena (2 hra I G) M'A'S'H ''Oelugtt Cl) THE BENNY HIU SHOW Benny t~ '"" ~O,ect IO• Tho' I~ Your Lilo .i snort-ltved prog."" 0y al• ..c.count s fD HERE TO t.VJ<E MIJSlC JOHN DARLING ~ ~. IUtla6c ~. Plnc:iMI Z&*.•· man.~ OU Pre and Zubin ......... J*1onn Sc:flub9rt'e Trout~- • MMIWECE ~TM . 'Pddettl •• Roel 8CCOll'I-- ,,.,.. Trenc:rom'a M'IUl>- gler9 "' an ettemot to find Mat1I 0..... and, poeajOty. a ClOCIC*' ...... ( p.., ,. of 19)(RI ,,:$0. (J) ~JONES Bamat1y ...,.,.. • INSUllQ )'OU1fl he WU IWed to find wa WIOI In • OUt glary anempi Ind is OlllnQ htd· Oen Oy l'ttS accom~ fRI 0 TONIOHT 0.-1 hOel' !Wt Cosoy Gueal L.,ry Hagm111. Shoeld• & Y lr'nllil. Cetol Lawrence. 1ne Herle m Glo«>etTot'ler11 II DATINO GAME D t1ll A PAPAl. V18IT A reoort on PO(le Joh<> Paul It's holllonc hnlt "'Sit to the Ufw!CICI SlllN G) HOGAN'S HEAOE.8 Hogan must '"'° a secret ~8•<Daae Cl) OETSMART MLt and 99 mu•t hnd lhe KAOS agent wno 11u 1nhl- tr 8H'Cl lhll narom ~ en ""oortant li'•nGAI tHO. 1WIL*" ZIONI ~"-a Woftd Ww I WW Mnle.. ;.::: OM• loelllllMell " .. •• MMIY ll&L.lft IWNf• ....,.._ beglrl ..,.._.,~.,.., Mllll'O • beldl of oOcik• beked ~ Woto'• gltlflWld. ; .... -..illlW I TN IMF ""* keep • ltu- denc conur-"°'" being UMd ... NbOef elemp by • lepl....,.. j)f'emler. • QITIMMf Max 1111Mt IMrn Mw t<AOS le ..,.. 10 b6ow uo ~ buildN'O UMd IOI !tie ~ )·C9~A8C NllW8 t2:80. MOYll( ***~ "Pen.m." C\Mel VM Heflin. EO Begley. • MOVIE * ·~ "Ma And Pe K.ttle At The Fail'' ( 1962) M8'· fO"* M81n, Percy Kllbrlde • IWA&.,...AT" HOME 12::SI. 9 A8C MOYIE • • • HelMg Bal>IM "' • I 11178) Suean Sulltv.,,, Pat- ty Dulle AalWI A gtoup of· dedbled doctors help lh<M I 8mlllcle who 8'8 ·~ medic.I and emollOnal problems dunng pregnanotM and c:tlold-°""' (RI t2:40 8 Cl) C88 LA TE MOVIE • • .,. "In The Matte< OI Klr81'1 AM °""'4an" ( 1977) 8nan Kerth. Pioer lltu"e Tl>& lrve story Of l'¥O pwenta' llgl\I to rC1tnOYe lrttflc;jaf ltl'& 11i;pport sya- tems trom '""°' comatOM dauQlltet "' Of8'Nlh18d t:OO 0 TOMOftAOW Guesta ~rt Kanon, P'M'· 09'11 ol I he "'3demy QI Molton P'Cture "'" and ~ u MA.VENO< The l&s6 With The Poo W)n()UA At<' CD MOVIE ... ...,...,.~ Ir' (*7) "*" ~~-·· v ...... t.ee trW MOf THI*"' trWTHl911t.M ... ,= ·=~ ....... lwl" f*1l· MldWI Mlefa.. o-1611 • ' a.lft. ,~ • =; • QITIMMf ; ~ • l'4l•W18 '·;: ,_, a:tl,.... . . :: l'M MCNl9 f • ' *Ill *141 "TN OIMe ~· , :, 11..a) "*' Ledd, vS'Ollleir; 11..aM.... ~ ~= 1:11 NIW8 • 1 " ~.... . .. MO NOVA I! ti. MOYIE :: *Ill "Bltd Of Parlldtle" • • (1961) o.twe Peget, ~: Jourd81\ t:IO. MOYll( • • • "Devi!'• Cenyotl'' • (1953) lllrgWe Meyo. Oafi 1• Robet11on. ' 1:111 NlW8 4:00 MOVIE • • "lAI Em Have "" ' ( 19361 8tuce Cebol. ~ ltO Arlen II MOYIE •• "Oenllaf 0n fhe JoD" • I• ( 11161) Bob MonllhOuM. Wednesdafi'• · · Da11t i•t» Mo.,iea -AFTERNOON~ 12:00 0 •••. BflllM On Thelt ; Toes · ( 19!>21 Jee1111a Cre1n. Myrno Hunt• Tl'te 01tl><&th lamtty cames at1 • •n lllft tradition ot their famous lathe• (I hr , 30 mini 3:00 ~ • • "Nevada Smrlh" • C t9751 Chit Potu. Lome . Greene 1nsp.•8CI Oy Harald • RoOb•fl~ novel. "The:' Carpet DIQOCW'S . , • 3:.30 G * * Twtllgllt People'' • I 19751 John Aahley, Pat WOOO<!lf A soldtet-<>l·IOr· IU'>e Ill captufecl and held pr•soner 0y a V9fY Sir~ qrwp ol P609lfl f 1 hr 30 m"'I by Armstrong & Batiuk D N£Wl. YWED GAME Q I 100.000 NAME TiiA T Chon•el Li111 ing• 1J KNXT (CBSI Los Angeles w1y -CAn enjOy her Cal· 1torn1a vacation 11 Oy elvd· mg he< Army ge11eral lamer 0 M08T VAl.UA&lE PU~ G) MEAVGAIFTIN Guests LOtN Al>derSOn Evelyn ··c11amp1gne · KlllQ. Gregory Poe FU/l•on Show. Ofson Bean. Ron Herld<etl. George M lllet {Ii) NCNA 1 CANl 6£LIEVE. ~HAVE. TI1( UNMITIGATED GAll 10 CCJ"lf. uP °"'ffi1 5-0METI-UNG SO ~IME ~. Cl KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles I Plll'I 11 "A Plague On Ou• CNldr'en. The ~ Mtllclf\g IOJUC ~ pe11tlclde1 and other chemlcal• 10 canoer. moa- C.tln'lagee and l>trth defects IS a11a.mln8d HAO<N:l.(CD, !«:>"TRITE I O KTLA (Ind I Los Angeles G K.ABC-"N (ABC) Los Angeles (I) KFMB (CBS) San Diego 0 KHJ-TV (Ind) Los Angeles @) KCST (ABC) San O•ego CD KrTV (Ind I Los Angeles ti> KCOP.· TV (Ind ) Los Angeles 8> KCET·TV (PBS) Los Angeles Ci> KOCE· TV (PBS) Huntington Beach 0 MOVIE * * "Toltlat" (1117'1 Oow- menl "Y An old proepec;. tor befriend• an orpll8ned b88t wo (2 hB ) G <1§1 HArPY DAYS Manon encl• up 1>et11nd oars 1tter cruNng her car 1t1t0Amold'a. G MO\l1E * • "Madron" (UH I) \ 9:IO D Qll T AX1 Elaine. ()()nlliocied her hec- tic: lite la drtYlt1g ,_ crazy, dedct!8 an euler c:w. than Mliing a peydllalr,.t tN OUftftRST f'Nm'P!.N£ SCRIPT, TuE Pl LOT GETS STROOC fH IJ6HTNING AW A STE~AAPESS H.16 it> LANO I~ Pl.AN£ { ~ AM()N(3 Tuf PA9*.HGE.RG IHERU.l 0E A ffi61Y OlO LADC(, A GUV wt10'5 ~ING HIS '°"ff., ~ m GAANl WOMAN H<> A PRIEST NAMED FATHER <1MAU.EY! ~l,_,_,,fi••ally, NBC! Does Some~hing Bigltt By PETER J. BOYEJl LOS ANGELES (AP) -NBC bad a plan. The plan worked. That ls news. l'or the first time since Fred Silverman moved in, NBC baa suc- cessfully conceived and executed a programming strategy. For the first two weeks of the new season, NBC's programs defe ated or held their own against ABC and CBS. It's only the beginning of the new season, true; and there were some mitigating factors in NBC's upset victory in the first w~k's ratings. But beyond all qualifications, the fact remains: NBC did something that worked. TUE OPENING WEEK of com· petition between the three networks "was soundly WOQ by NBC," to uae the phrase employed by ABC'• publicists, who are more attUltomed to sounding their own triumphs. CBS, which finished third. and ABC are quick to point out that NBC's early strength relied largely on what TV folk call "front-loading" -filling your early season lineup with big programs. This NBC did do, airing such mov- ies as "Coming Home." "Semi- Tough," "The Love Bug" and Clint Eastw<><>d 's "The Outlaw J osey Wa les." NBC also presented three of its regular series as two-hour movie s pecials· -"Eiscbied ," "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" and "CHiPs." IN FACT, NBC carried its regular schedule oo oaly two night.a. But gim- micldog la t.be name ol t.be eame in networi competition; tt•a only sniffed al when the other guy has beat.en you with it. ABC. for example. used a pro- gramming gimmick by starting its new season a week early. thereby giving its shows the advantage or early exposure against rerun com· petition. And while NBC did employ some heavy-duty films, the other networks chose movies designed to grab open· ing week audiences too. CBS pulled out a couple of sexy made-for-TV jobs, "Sex and the Single Parent" a nd "Diary o f a Teen ·a ge Hitchhiker," and ABC aired the most expensive TV movie of all time, the $7 million "SOS Titanic." 'Nova' Debut a Yawner IT WAS NO NBC eimmick that au.nk "ntan.tc," which finiabed an embarraaainc 51.at int.be ratinp. Don't expect NBC to stay on top for long: It won'L But Silverman and his '»pr,o_gramming team eatablisbed In these early days of the first full Silverman season at NBC that they can mount a successful assault on ABC. a feat that may expose the flr'St crack in that seemingly impenetra· ble ABC fortress The last lime NBC won a week was last October, an-a that was because it was NBC's turn to air the World Ser ies The signtricance of lhi..s vic- tory is that NBC wo.n.. with NBC pro- g ra m s .. m o vies that NBC purchased on an o~n market and ~p<>c1al versions of its reizular series ~ MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY By DANIEL Q. HANEY BOSTON (AP> -An am- bitious but boring exploratioo of the dangers of chemical COO· taminatioo of the air and water opens lbls seas on 's run of "Nova," public TV's nature series tonight at 8 on KCET, Channel 28 and at 9 on KOCE. Cbaonel 50. The two-hour sbow wanders through labs, over woodlands and across backyards in search of arguments over whether the chemical PCB and the defoliant 2.4r~Tahould be banned. But the give-and-take of, "Yes, they're good," a nd, "No, there're bad," becom es re- petitious after the first three-- quartet hour or so. And the sub- ject, tbougb important enough, doesn't lend itself to flashy camera~rk. 80 THE ACTION on the screen is larlely Um.Jted to talk· iAI budl and repeated shots of bubbUnc broob and bellcoptera apra)'iDI hardwood-killing cbem.lcal.t on at.aoda of fir and 1pruce. Early cm. Juon Robards, the nanator, espouses tbe show's point o1.-: "There is 1rowin1 evidence that dlollln and PCBs are tbe most dan1eroua and wlde1pread contamlnanll on ..... pl.met. .. (TV REVIEW J The program , called "A Plague on Our Children," de· monstrates a shift by "Nova" a way from pretty, bookish, nature shows to the pollliqi or science and the environment'. IN A SIMILAR vein, "Race for Gold," to be aired Oct. 30, looks into the sports training program that allowed the East Germans to win 40 gold medals in the 1976 Olympics, six more than the United States. And on Nov. 20, an episode called "India: Machinery of Hope" e xamines the con - troversy surrounding that coun~ try's program to develop small- scale technology. Not that pure science bu been forgottai. Tbe OcL 9 abow, for ostance, is filled with a1ow- motion shots of bow spiders make webs. As with many PBS programs, air date and time may vary, so check local llatinaa. "IF TllEllB IS a trend, it'• a natural evolution," says Mick Rhodes, the executive producer of "Nova." "Any series st.arts off making the more obvious programs and then exteods its range. An obvious extension of tbe cooveotiooal scientific 'Nova' is toward public affairs, social implications aod social sciences." Rb~ says the series' goal is to expose people to new ideas. But like any good TV sbow, it has to be fun to watch. "If you haven't entertained the viewer and held him, and be swltc~ to the ballgame, your · program doesn't exist as far as be ls concerned," Rhodes says. "You've got to entertain before you can inform or educat.e. ·• .. NOVA .. 18 starting its · seventh season, and Rhodes says the audience grows modest- ly each year. In a good week, ' the abow attracts S million 1 viewers-minuscule by network standard.a but enough to make 1t a certllled bit on the Public Broadcaating Service. Thia year, "Nova" will show 20 new programs. Half of t.bem will be produced by WGBH·TV in Boetm, and t.be rest will be imported.. mostly from Britain. Amona other subjects comipg up lbla year are new uses for su1ar,..1porta medicine, the his· tory of l.roo-makln.g and living with blindness. CJ&T:&LIN& ...... Adr ,..,.,....._..~...._,. .......... •Mv "°"'die ...... ......._ .... ..... ..._ 9t •1• ,_. ""'"' Tnp. •• Itta......, 11.. •• "'°''"'..,.. • ll•lili 111 I lu ; (7141 l7J.a48. "APOCALYPSE NOW"tRl "MOONRAKER" !PG) "CAPRICORN ONE" "ROCKY II" 1PG1 "MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI" "ALMOST SUMMER" (PG) "HOT STUFF" (PG) ''THE VILLAIN" "WHEN A STRANGER CALLS" CRl "THE WARAIOAS" "UP IN SMOKE" "HOOPER" .:ALIEN" (R) "EYES OF LAURA MARS" Kai .......... StMll .. m "WHEN A STRANGER CALLS" (R) "LITTLE GIRL WHO LIVED DOWN THE LANE" "THE MUPPET MOVIE" "REVENGE OF THE PtNK PANTHER" (PG) "ANIMAL HOUSE" "PRISONER OF ZENDA" (PG) ALL O•tVl·INS ONH 6:.JtP.M..-..r&,y Cttl .. U-t I "''" Uttlet• e K...._ "'8trPe1tN ~AILBOX ....... ~ ..... -~ • d +e dbE;tli ...... MmlML CRACICERS .. sttQtG 'TELE~AMS 7141615-ttM •l'ttl COMIC>Y TO 001 ,., WA1'Cll PUBLIC TV. ftNl'LL UKE THI LOOKS Of IT. TONIGHT 7:00PM MacNeil/Lehrer Report To The Point More 1t1.1n yt'<J If h1 ,tr .inywht.trl-' t''"'' on ~ 1op news t'venr 01 tht' d.•y 7:JOPM ----- NEWSCHECK Or•nge County's onl• TV News 9100PM NOVAI A Plague on our Clllldren .,... .... C ... •lc•l lndtldf7 Tllre•tenH••ltlt? Do~ tlw In ~rll of our Chemical Future? nm AO MA09 POssaeU n KOCS-TY h .. ~~ .. ... ·-.~ r-o ~ .. l""' .. , . '• .. ~ ~ ... ,.. I i., .... ., . .. . - ..... .. AND • ntll COtlPOllATIOH POii "*'IC .OADCAITINCI ' (RJ ,,.. ..... ~. tr .... c.i ... OfAl11me A:~= ATAzOONWYOUi' l!J .... IUU IRll W'lf.._ l ... Mlft_. 0o...,.. '\1CWQ A 111~.._ S-P..,~)1121;1 u ClMJUI ,. owAM•· H*ltAll vann "..._ ... n-11 W .. 1">~111 fN I ll'Mb f _.... ~·~ J:W I~ Ot•"Ot "39 8110 lDWAllOS'MISfCll l.DWUH"•IUOCllllMA '1 14i ... 'MO /W .!!~>Ol~&lO~ - ,.,_ WUIMIMNn JHI ONION FllLD111 ,,.. • Jell ... .. .... & ... ,. NAJIONA& IAWOOWS ANIMAL HOUSI 111 .,,,. . ,,,. ... ,,. .... • •••• & 10 ... LOst Play • ID Revival Intermission ~ Cealt ""9riorf opeoa U.e Htoad ..... lD hi .. ~ .. ~ lGelabt. nae...., llMk two eeMUIW • a pa., U..t wu ''lolt'' .... .-ne '°'. ,...,.. "Wlld Oat•" bf lrlab pla1wrl1bt Jobn IP.om Ti•tus o·tc_,,. ........... • n_...--. ...... tat 1• ... c...a •.a ............... cllNeu.. of D1rid .. _. fouBder Md aeeutiv. dlrwetor of ~ · tM~· 0 ... livm Fridays and ~at 1:30 lD .--.te ot the Seaclift VWace eenter on ••l:IOB'l'SSN'l9 CSHTUaY tbeat.er ... m• 10 Main Street at Yorktown Avenue unti.Ditoa often a morH• of f aDI A and fopa," lmmea Beach. llelenaUou M7"'4G. ' comm-..cl, ''but 'Wild vatl' la cllfferent. Ill vU.aJltJ Jtl eouaU'Y ..ulq, ltl lack ol manners Tll&EE 00-.uNJTY tbeaten rtq down tbe ud Ail~ an unique and ~-The curtaiDI on their reapecUve productiOu thl1 charact.I an vtbrant, ac:tiv. and •dt!q, tbe weekeod. Tbey are: plot ll ......, ud lapPropria~ complex aad the , -The Lapna Moulton Playhouse, wbere theme atmpa. and ~ntated. -ne llu&r Bean.. reeWIM!I tGalibt and rum Hedae t.M cut are !Ucha.rd Doyle .. a thJ'oup a cJoUnc performance Saturday. CwtalD nambo)'IDt actor aad Anal LoGa u a weaJtb.y la 8:30 at the playhouse, tol Lquna Canyon Road aobleWOIDJD. RouDd1nl out tbe SCR troupe are Lacuna Beach. ReservaUom 4M-0'743. ' Herb Volbd, Ron Bouaaom, HaJ Landon Jr., -The Irvlne Community Theater, wind.lnc up Jame. dePrl•t, John David Keller, Art Koustik .. TwelYe AaPJ ••" Tb~ throuCb Saturday and Martba llcFarland. . with an a o'clock curtaln at the University Hilb "Wild Oata" wlll run Tuesdays lhroucb School theater, Campus Drive at CUiver Drive in Sundays at 8 p.m. with s.iuntay and Sunday Irvine. Reservatfoos 754-364.1. matinees at 2:30 at tbe Fourth Step, W Town -Tbe Westminster Commbn.ity Theater Center Drive, off Bristol Street. in Costa Mesa. cor:npletlng "Sweet Cllartty" with performa.n~ Reservations 957-4033. Fnday and Saturday at 8:30 in the theater 7272 Maple Sl., Westminster. Reservations 88M62S. ANOTBEa ORANGE OOUNTY _premiere goes on the boards this weekend as the Huntington Beach Playhouse unwraps "The Second Time Around." John Williams di.rect.s tbe new comedy which opens Friday for slx weekends. Jlmmy Hart and Gilberta Causey bead the cast, with Rex Dalby. Joan McGillis, Patricia Corbett, Rex Day and Valerie Buss completing the company. Performances of "The Second Time Around" Governnr Gives 'Star Wars' Tips SALT LAKE CITY CAP) -Utah Gov. Scott Matheson has given some advice to a governor of a planet caught in a crossfire between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance . CONTINUING THEIS eoaaaement.s OD locaJ stages are: -"Wes& Slcle S&ory" at Sebutian'a West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Avenlda Pico, San Clemente <4.9'l·9950). Performances nlgbUy except Monday through Oct. 14. -"Georse W aalllas&ee Sae,& Here" at the Costa Meu Civic Playhouse, on the Oranae County Fairgroun~ (75'4·5159). Performances Friday and Saturday at 8:30 throuib Oct. 13. -"Geor&e Wulaba,._ 8letlt Heft'' too at the San Clemente CommWlity Theater. 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente (492-0tlS). Performances Thursdays through Saturdays at 8:30 unW Oet. 13. ..aaa••oWllu•n•••• Actor Billy Dee Williams said the advice will JIMI Anll T1Ml11101 come in handy when he plays the role of the gov· ----' ,,.. • ,.11 • ,,,. • 1.00 a '°'" ernor ln the upcoming sequel to "Star Wan." u'::"'~ .,;=~•> WIU.JAMS WAS IN Utah last week to finish .,,,. • 1,ao • •·•• work on the television movie "Chrlslmas Lilies of •u • ''"a 10:00 the Field," scheduled to be sbo~ this season on "'1VllY UIUITTl .. S HIOHTMHlf" NBC. •t~ WHIN A STUNOll CALLS1•1 In the "Star Wars" aequeJ, "The Empire ?lll)l• 9)ao 111>0 • ,,., • .,., Strikes Back," Williams plays the governor of a ________ ..:..•_0 ..:..•.:..._•:00..:...:..._•_1°'_4...;.'--...w mining colony on a planet that owes its neutrality _,....,~:r.r,,.---:----. ...... _, __ , '°'..,.. in the galactic conflict to lt.s rich energy sources. fHI MUPHY MOVll tol PWI i.....---> .Ml M1W1WIS10 ro WMc., u youa STATE, I UNDEmBTAND La k>aded _.,~ -ntl UM Of DIAM'" lltJ 7:11&1<• ..,_~a:·..-.-- llJ THE AMrTYYLLI HOHOI 1:11••00 IATllUM -2-IM:ao.4:4~ ... OCICY llM -.ns?Ma t-u UT/--J:l-H ,_., .. -----.... ---. ... MoUOOf ·-\SB ;,Fe.~ I =::u~:,':, , ....... ., 'M~~ll 179:9850 ... _._ ·-llJJCll.eA• •u ........... &I A -WINI" ltCH KIDS !NI ~us JHNAOI OIA"nt 1111 loet8 MOOllt MOONIAKllCN I ~ CA .. ICOltN ONI ll'OI ----·--. A MAM A WOMAN & A IAHK CllOI P\UI MU1DR IY DIOlllNI ---·--..... A WOMAll I A IAMKCNI PWI MUIDll IY Dlcatl CNI a.c:M • aeol9I .., ... ..,.. .. , ....,. WAlltOll.-, -.NOUS•.CM MDALLAI~ '"" fl! -. MIAV'IN CAN WAIJCN with raourcea and that'• the subject J hand.le ln 'Empire'," Williams said in .an interview. "Your governor and I bad a long discussion about film· maJdna and resources ... Besides Wllllams, the "Star Wars" sequel will feature act.ors from the original, including Mart HamiJJ, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. "Christmas LlUes of the Field," is a sequel to "Lilies of the Field." ---IJopkins Gets Role H6LL YWOOD <AP) -Bo Hopkins will star with Jean Simmons and Glenn Ford in the NBC mini series "Beggarman, Thief," from the npvel by Irwin Shaw. The book is a sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man." ()PfN D A IL y I I J )0 ---_.,. THI l9UC1'10M Of JOI TTMAM CIJ ............ 1v•••-.- NOW PlAYING UNUDI ' lllMTl .. roet lOWAllOI' c1 .. a CblTUI Hun11ngtoo llNcn 8•8·0J8& Cosi, Mn.1 919 •1•1 . ..,..,_,. 100 •oo roo 1000 IAI ttOO i,00 t.00 no tUO MOltM DALLAS f,ICMtTT ............ f()f fuf1her ~cell£>••...,.... ... 714-634-A& • . . ENTERTAINMENT /INTERMISSION LIFE OF.IRIAN -..;-.?19 ... _ ..,..., ... ............ .. "WHEN A STRANGER CALLS" Cf't MM.COUii llllGOOMU. DAVID WANID, "TIME AFTER TIME" • ' - Sllk Is Q~gant, OpuleBt and 1 O'bseene, Says Newport Artist a, IUDITll OUON ................. Jmt ablut tJar. yean a&Ot Juel BD- nla. a NA"°" Beacb ret.ldmt. fOUld benelf ..a.., a.round in a thftlt abop w..U. wdiDI for a friend. · SIM found an old aUk dreu and bou&bt it. With no particular use in mind fOI' lt, ahe took It home and put it away in a cabinet. Tben were more clotbee and sooo Ila. 1:na1a bad a whole atoreroom fUll ol ailk larmmls ol varlooa kinda. Sbe wun't sure then why she was buyiDC silk but today the answer is perfec:tly clear. Janet Enn1a bas dis· covered a new career as a "paint.er" with the luxurious cloth. With encour.,ement from friends, the former high school Engllab teacher made a tapestry of cotton, then began cutting into her storehouse of slllt. "It's like I've come home," she said. "I connect intuitively with the fabric." MS. ENNIS now maltes huge tapestries which tell stories, boxes of silk to bold precious treasures and one· of·•·ldnd Chinese silk photo albums for Neiman-Marcus. Sbe bu a.lao ventW'ed into two new ar,aa, allk dolla aAd aott aculpture buda, 'acb ol wlalcb b aymbollc ol tome llll*l ol Ute. Tbe bandl are almply wblmaical art work.a wblcb wW brlq a lauab. One ls called "A Blrd ln tbe Hand," and another la ''Red Roaea for a Blue Lady." which la a blue silk band clutchlns red silk ro1ea. · Silk b the common thread in Ma. En· nis' work. The fabric la one ol her big· 1est loves and one ol the most challenc· in1. SHE BAS LEASNED, over the past months, bow varied and versaWe it is. "It's elegant, opulent and obscene," she said. "It's very special to touch it wbJle I'm working." The variety seems endless. There is silk velvet, silk cbJffoo, silk broadcloth, silk brocade, silk lace, silk Georgette, silk iauze and silk satin. The textures and prints are so diverse they can be sewn into a sun· set, a shell, an ocean scene or a forest primeval. All of Ms. Ennis' tape&lries are sewn by machine onto a back support so none of the precious fabric is taxed by weight. .. TllDE'S A DRAG when you run your fin1er down the silk," Ms. Ennis said. "When you run your ftncer over polyester it just 'goes.• "Silk ls a living fabric. Tt)ere's a roughness to it. It bas an unusual a.been. It's a luster. not a sblne." The final tes~. if she's in doubt, ls to set fire to a tiny swatch of fabric. Silk won·t burn and bas a "ve.ry charac- teristic way" of resistlbg the name, Ms. Ennis noted. Most of the silk clothing she buys is ripped up for the tapestries and boxes but some she keeps ln a special chest in her home. This particular group of lingerie coats and dresseS is so unusual and old, she explained, that she feels it would be wrong to destroy it. She has integrated so\ne into her own wardrobe and the old·fashioned silk dresses have become an Ennis trademark. Other garments are in a middle ground, not chosen by Ms. Enni.s for her closet but too good to be torn apart. These are the ones that invite play and make-believe, pure enjoyment of the fabric-·that has been bartered nation to nation and worn by kings and queens. Though she is most noted for her tapestries, the album covers are the 1.. "'Versation piece of her life. They ba, ~n selected for the Im version of ti•-'amous Neiman· Marcus Cbrislmab '.:ook. She has become expert over the last few years ln separating silks from the cottons , synthetics and wools on the market, though it can be extremely tricky al times because of the variety of silk. What greater luxury than to spend an afternoon trying on silk clothes from yesteryear, dreaming dreams of trade routes and spices, silken sheets and the finer things of life? Janet Ennis Studies her designs. Finished silk tapestry 1s displayed by Janet Ennis. Silk boxes can hold precious treasures. Program Gives Relief to Parents of the Disabled By JOEL C. DON Ol U. Delly""" S.... Respite (res'pit): an interval of temporary relief or rest. as from pain, work, duty, etc. To some, the word may mean a vacation or a weekend off. But to the parents of developmentally dia· abled or mentally retarded children, the word carries much more significance. Tbrougb a new respite companioo service -the first of its kind in Orange County - parents may soon get some relief from the often demanding care of their developmentally dia· abled children. The fint group of respite workers are being trmned under a program sponsored by the San· ta Ana·'l\mtin YMCA. Called Project C.A.R.E. <Child Adult Respite Exchange), the state-funded prog:ram is committed to provtdlnc an alter111trve for parents who don't want to send their children to IDltltutiom or temporary foster bomea, accord· baa to Linda Wallace, project director. u1 CAN'T lllAGINE that you wouldn't be better olf to ~ve at home, in a lO'riDI environ· ment with personalised attention." Ila. Wallace, SS, said. "lnatitutionallaatioa bone ol tbe altematlvea-it's oot riCht for everybody." There are about 7 ,000 developmentally dla· abled ~ ln Oranae County. Approximately UGO ~ ttiem live in private resldeDcel. Ill. Wall.ee noted. Tbe 25 atadents enrolled in tbe .-pite ~ sram w01 be ~ to proride lD-bome. lbort· lll'ID care fol' peraom with develoDmaatal dla-aM!ttlm IUdl as mental retardation, cerebral pela1, mtiam and other early eblldlMJod effllc· ....... I la-llome care. however, la tbe k91 to the '"" .... ••ff dlll mud srows 1l!lJ ID the ..._. be will " ...._.able to paUIDtialb' (O_ out cm Ida owa. '' ·• ... W.U.. NW. .. we•re ualDI about romine ._..,...._. tab. But we're aot carlDI for ........... ., ..... wan, ID ...._to eu1DI for ...... ... .. tnlMll .. ~~·) rllt•n for elev..,._..., _.o11 8dalta. Jl ...... tlaat tbe -tiee WW .. ft tbe F r l.mll7 memlMirll a ,...... ~ trutt ..._ M& Uft wD U. ...,..,rftood ar ,_... lilome un. Ill. Wallace I "THE COMMUNITY ought to be prepared to take care of everyone. There's no reason why we can't do that," she asserted. But, she added: "The community bas to want them (development.ally disabled per.sons) to be here." Parents will pay from as low as $2 to a max· imum <:A $3.50 for short-term care. The hourly rate la determined by the specific developmen· taJ needs ol the child. llespite workers come from a variety of 'ltbtklng In the reaplte program Is •••like a llNt' nya ·Kathy Cramer, lflt. of Cost• Mesa. Ll•tenlng Is the pro- service-Oriented backgrounds including nurses. social workers and paramedical professions. But extensive experience with developmen· tally diabled persons isn't a requirement. Fountain Valley High School senior Lorrie Stephens wants further training in the care of the mentally retarded after an enriching ex· perience last year al Fairview State Hospital. The J.6.year-old recalls having many mis· conceptions and fears about mentally retarded persom. gram's youngest student, Lorrie Stephens of Founraln V.tley. She '8 15 . ' ' .. , fell uncomfortable because J never was exposed to them. I never thought I could have a relallooshlp with anyone," Ms. Stephens said. She s&d many of her high school friends believe that mentally retarded persons have no feelings and "they have no life." .. Anything you say about them, they know. And it's not Just what you sa.v. but bow you act around them," she said. Ms.-Stephens is the youngest sl9denl in the training program, although everyone in the first class bas had some previous experience with developmentally disabled persons. THE TRAINING PROGRAM meets each Tuesday evening for five weeks. But the class will vary from five to 10 weeks, depending on the experience or the students. When the students graduate, they will be ··on call" and will worlt as many hours as they can handle Ms. Wallace said. "It's iimost Uke it's a treat for me, .. said Kathy Cramer. 26, of Costa Mesa. With a bachelor's decree ln social work, Ms. Cramer hopes to eventually .._pply her respite experience to a master's dep-ee pro- gram in the same field. "I see my role as one ol a facilitator -to provide services to help people 1et wb.at they need," she explained. "I WAS ALWAYS angered when I told peo- ple I was goiq into social wort after they aald 'There's not much money in it.' 'lbat'a not my motlvaticn at all." " Ila. Stepbens, wbo wants to spend much ol her .ner-acbool and weekend time in reap6te care, lslmpreued by the capallWUea of the cSe. velopmentally dlaabled. "We Deed to cet them out and involved in the community. I think that's where tbe:y belon1," abe aald. The famUiM do need tJae relief bealdea tbeezperMince for mJHll. •• In eddltian to readiq mat.rtaJa. tbe IW• denta will be lectured bJ a pua ~ a deftlos>. mentalb" claabled child, a nr-. a pia.Jlelal therapist. a pbarmacololilt md a speaker oa the rl8bta ol tbe mentally retarded. · Tiie educaUoaal compooeat ol tbe procram ls provided bj tbe Rancho SuUaao Oommuntty Coll••• Dlltrtct. "lt'a reall1 8PlWODl'tate that tlala be an adult educatklD ei-.. D.cauae lt'a a dMI u..t will beneftt tllle CGGUDmib,1• IUd TWl'J Plmadlaal. 11, procram lmtnac:tor. • . . .. ~ :· . ... '. . ... .. .. .· .. .. . ... ~ . .. ·~ :; ... ·'l • It wu quite a bouMWannlq paf't1 lut week fOI' tbe newly returblabed Joee:ph Mapln atore in South Cout Plua. South Cout Repertory Theater and the Junior EbeU Club ol Newport Beach benefited from the 1ala, whicb included a abowinl ol fall fashions hom Jll. · We spotted BurleU ud In W\Mer, Eb.IM ud BlD ........ ,.. .... b•.,._ alley, Paal ud Gent 8'aplre and Marjarle 1'Wte. pJunior Ebell prealdent, eQjoyin& tbe sbow (her .. uaband was olf pla)'in110\f). Also there were lla"9 ud ltoben lhlc:cl pd J . J . ud Jeaue Bauo. representine the Junion. South Coast Repertory was in the news ~lain when Mart ~s. the Jqlher 1ooda shop JD South Cout Plaaa, hosted two events in con· junction with the theater. f Ftnt. there wu an intimate dinner party at ;Ambrmia where DeMla PtlCdm. in the ablence ot G. David WaHerber1er, Mark Cross chairman, announced • scbolarablp preaenta· Uon toSCR. ' Recelvinl the check. on bebalf ol sea. were Pa.W Bmn•, artbUc director, and a.wan ~let. cbalrman ol the board. Then, Mart Crou hosted a aaJa theater par- ty and supper Saturday for customers and u - ,aociates bl SCR. 1 It was a truly English affair with trollcting minstrels, jesters and jugglers and good food like toads in the bole, roast beef and potato pan- cakes. After eating, drinking and making merry, we boarded a double-decker bus for the theater. The production was splendid and we came out anticipating our London-style jaunt back to Mark Cross but alas, no bus. The poor vehicle was stranded somewhere· on the road with engine trouble so Dennis Puc- ". O .. ly f'l1411 Sta",,_ ANTIQUES -Mr. and Mrs. Ben Deane ex- amine Chinese puppets (circa 1850) at the Newport Harbor Art Museum antique show. HONORED -Former HEW Secretary Joseph Califano, right, chats with Barbara and Patrick Cadigan at Chahcellor's Club party. ~ •. °' B•ppetet•&• By Judith O lson -.. elnJ pUl bll 1bunderblrd into service u a 1but- U. ear. When 9M Qa7, long-Ume Ora.nae County pubUe reladona man, 1ives a party be does 1lve a party. Thll one w11 to celebrate the 10th an- ntveraary of bl1 firm and it was called PubUcom DecennJum. There wu fun and 1amea-<>r game, to be more 91Pt'Clftc. Clay bu a bumper pool table ln bla ottke and lt was put to eood use Friday n11bt. BM 8ebrr and George Falt.Ga spent quite a bit of Ume lr)'ina to ouldo each other but we lost track ol who beat whom. . We chatted with Jackie Sdlarr, Deaa aad Beverly Danuoe. Jim Ducaa, lleldl Harvey, Marte aad Pfter EJaile, lao Barrllom, the Mike MNall.aM, a ... Baru and Heh!D Slattoa, Jane ald1a.._ and Jou Lata. It waa back to South Coast Repertory Sun- day eyening for "Wild Oats" again. <Yes, we did see it twice in one weekend. We're understu· dying a part starting next week.) The Fair Housing Council of Orange County bad a 15th anniversary benefit which included the play and a champagne and dessert buffet af- terwards. Among guests were Mary MWer, Mary Powell, Mr. and Mr1. Al1!lu Wrt&b~ Jobe BreU.. Lyaa CullD and Mary Ami Miller. Antiques anyone? There wen qulte a few lnt.ereaUnc lt.eau to cbooae h'om at the 2nd an- nual ant.lQue 1bow and 1ale at the Newport Harbor Ari Muaeum. Dunne the preview party nearly 1.000 1ue1ta browled and bou1bt and Hmpled the elaborate buffet_prepared by SM •eGewaa and E1tlter Qakk. The show was executed under the capable direction of Mn. Eraes& Bry"' m and Jllln. Oeorae G. ,,... .. , co-chairmen.. Just acroe• the wa)' the action wu on the tennis courts when John Wayne Club boeted the Wimbledon West 1979 mixed doubles tennis championships this past weekend. (The (Ina.la are scheduled ror Oct. 8 and 7.) HOUSEWARMING -Among guests al the housewarming party for the newly re- furbished Joseph Magnin store in South ~~telJ aoo l\Mlltl s.r:::;• at t.be Wayne dub for a reeeptloe ev.W.,, lnchacttnc p&ayen, apectaton and iwt ol boDor Dr . .....-....... direct« ol t.6e alcobol ..... babllltaUon aervtce In tbe Navy Realooal Medical C.-r in Lone Beach. · Wblle l\*tl Dibbled hon d'oeuvrea, they watibed a special exhibition match in cent.er court. &a7 &llffell and See IMe ol the Wayne club took CJD l&ne &la• and S..U Wa.rfllN. tournament partlclpanta, and tbe Simon· W arfteld team won. Gueata Included Marin Bercesee. aa1 WllUama and Jackie Beadier. Tournament chairmen are Pe11Y Ford. Mary Pe.,... and UMaGnmdl. All profita go to New Directions, a reeovery home for female alcoholics in Costa Maa. Tournament sponsor is The Dolpbina, a divtaloa of the Newport Harbor Chamber ol Commerce. Coast Plaza were. from left, HeQry Segerstrom, Irv Wieder. Harriett Wieder and architect Massimo Vignelli. Daughter Mortified DEAR ANN LANDERS: A while back you printed a letter about a young man who worked for a mortl· ciao. He went calling on his girl in a hearse. Her parents said it created a lot of talk among the neighbors, and they wanted to know ii it was con- sidered proper etiquette. ( Horoscope ] I didn't pay much attention to that letter when it appeared because it bad no special meaning to me. It does now. • Last week our daughter's boyfriend went to work for a morti- cian . He drove over here in a funeral coach. It caused a lot of talk on our block. Our daughter was mortified. My husband thought it was funny .. I felt it was rather unfortunate since some neighbors suffered a re- cent bereavement, and it occurred to me that the aigbt of that hearse ml&bt have renewed their 1rief. please comment -WESTCHESI'ER . DEA& WE8T: To ue a ,....._. ~·~ ,_ a Mdal visit ...... a -&ft•dJ .... JMl•eat.. u ... ,_, .... ,-.new o1 tkls, rd 11ie "'7 macll ....,,,u.ed. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a 24-year-old woman who works in a bank. My problem is so embarrass- ing I'm ashamed to discuss it, but I need to know what to do. There's a girl I used to go to school with. She was always loose, morally. He r nickname in high school was .. Roundheels ." She started to do modeling and "graduated" to enter- taining at stags, posing ror pictures in various stages or undress, and now I bear she is making pornographic rilms for home use. Unfortunately, "Round.heels" and I could pass ror twins. Whenever anyon~ says, "I think I've seen you before." my knees begin to knock. If I hear two men talking in bushed tones. I imagine they are t.allting about me. Last night al a party a new ac· quaintance said, "I know I've met you before but I can't recall where . . . " Should I have told him about my "twin" and removed all doubt? Aa11 1'anders WEDNESDAY, OCTOBE&2 tionsb1p bas passed 1ble, Wllling to take long- game-playsng stage. rang e view. Calls. Capricorn . Can cer communicatioMI , mail By SYDNEY OMA&& persons fi g ure pro-from r e lati ves a r e minently. featured during this A&IBS <March 21-VlaGO (Aug. 23-Sept. busy time. April 19): Accentoohid· 22): You reach more AQUARIUS (Jan. den material, fears, persons than originally 20·Feb. 18>: Accent on Please advise. _ DON'T LIKE MY doubts, coming to re-anticipated. More peo-payments, collections, DITTO alization that restric· pie expect more rrom locating what bad been DEAK DIT: Although you may re· lions soon are to be re-you -this is a time lost or stolen. You are semble Miss Double Exposure, y9'1r moved. when "truth" comes tn· able to articulate feel- manner of speech, expression and TAURUS (April .20-toaharpclearfocus. ings and to gain valua- al Ma 20) E b ,.. ble allies. gener demeanor should leave oo '! : ' m~ as~ .o~ LIBRA <Se pt. 23-0ct PISCES (Feb. 19~~ margin ror error. desire. persu~1on, abili· 22): New approach to • For heaven's sake, don't get oa the ty to makt; WISbes come dependents. pets, job March 20): You suc- defenslve, or you will surely raJse true Art1_culate emo· a.nd health is necess ary. cessfully correct error tJ b r rth which had created fric· qllflticms aod pat Ideas into people's on~ -nng o y~ur Stress independence. lion at home. Cycle high beads. f~elmgs, hopes, asp1ra· willingness to see people and you will be al right DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've been tions. and Pl4'ces in 3 practJ caJ place at right time. married 10 years to a lovely guy We GEMINl <May 21· manner. ;;;i;;=======• l•t along fine. Our only problem la June 20): Accent on SCORPIO COct 23· 'ROffEll'S hla parent.I. 1m~kla11 •l~n~!lca~t No•. au: l'avorabl• lly huabaod'a father owm a lot ol a na, • eva,__ PM•· 1....--..et eel8CI... ....aLl'l8Y real est.ate, lncludin1 the house we Uoa. You caa .._ take ..,. ... en ttw ...._ -.. T• •- llve in. We do not pay rent. (My :i::::::=esreater ta1. daapa, lntattiv~ .... husband's younger brother has the · flashes, antviq at un-ttn ...,__ __. same arrangement.} Bolh boys work. CANCE& <June 21· derstanding with !!!!!!!!!!c!!!!! .... ~!!!·"~·~-~M!!!a.!!!!!!11!!!1!!!!•!!!!!!!. for their dad and drive company-July 22): Good Moon children. owned cars. I'm sure you get the pie· a spect coincides now SA.GhTAJUtJS CNov ture. with communication , 22-0ec. 21 ): You receive Our children are 6 and 8 years old getting "inside inform a-communication which My mother-in-law is over here every lion," determining what can lead to gr eater day telling me how to cook, what to is d~rable as contrasted degree of security . wear and who to entertain. Recently, to n1msy, flash appeal. Select quality material. she ttas tried· to take over the dts : ·LEO <July··23-Aut. CAPa1coaN CDec. ciplining of our children. 22 ): Be realistic, accept 22-Jan. 19): Gain advan· I know she means well. Ann, but 1 challenge, responsiblli-tage by reading Sagil· reel hemmed in on au sides. I'd give ty' know that a rela-tarius message. Be flex· Myth~U~rouldle~ooro~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lives. Any suggestions? -TRAP· I PED INOIDO DEAR TRAPPED: Yoa'U never be able to lead you own Uves to ._. u yoa are obligated to yoar In-laws for tbe roof over your beads, etc. There's no sacb thing as a free •-ell, a free boase or a free ear. v .. pay for e.verytlalng one way or aeother. Bat why am I telllq YOU tkls? Yoa're geWD1 the leu. ftnt- laaad. Think Spring! The Opols of OCTober collectlon .. Feorunng rhe spectOrub Flower of Shohmor. comes ro Orange Couniy only or Jewels by Joseph. lhrs doz. zling collecnon of colofs Wiii be dis- played Wllh 0 huge pre-Holldoy setecnon a exqui9re opal ,ewel!ry and loose srones ovoloble fO< SOie. Opal oulhonry, John LeSouvoge, will be 1n rhe srore along wilh OUf staff of expen gemologsrs ro on- swe< your quesnons obour lhe5e beounful srones .. Only or Jewels by Joseph. Roger's has an exceptional variety of premiere bulbs: Tulips, Daffodils, Dutch Iris, Ranuncules and many others. Magically after 111 winters slumber, those eKtraordinary hulbs will bring enchantment to your spring landscape. THIS WEEK ONLY LECTURE SCHEDULE \ • t ,....,,_... . , " ...... ,'""....... ,. ,.. ... ' ..... '""• .. ' .... '~ ~~--~..___.--~ -----~ ------~ MARMADUKE by-lrltd Aftdenon PEANUTS !O·l •. ' I make a motion we don't allow our club mascot to sit on the roof any more!" FOR BETIER OR FOR WORSE --------you DON'T L-OVE f"'f. SHE~ Do FV'iYM~ PO MUCH F\5)00 f\f·f~LETH~! LOVE 'Ul.f\Bf.TH. YOO GET l'1P(> AT ME All 1ttE TI ME. BUT ':J(j.J ~bET . MADAT 'LJZF\&THJ SHOE MOON MULLINS THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane - "I'm sorry, Tom, but I won't be able to go deer hunting with you guys." DENNIS THE MENACE I TMINK ft MAKIM6 ~MARCIEJ 1W1NK M ON/ is c~ ~ ~ WIU. AOUEVE fQUAl.m' IH SR>«TS ... FUNKY WINKERIEAN MNJ6E WE CA~ Fl~D SOME CAl're O'. ~I~ 'R>KI llME WHIL..E WE'RE WAl1lNGr R:lR ~D FROM 1ME. ~GOTIA-ON&~. ~ Rf.ALLI( DON'T tNTBEST MElf€° WMAT 00 r ? 6000 IJ.)(;t<. I I oooer IF <.,l(X)'U... FIND ~l~INEJ IN A~ HALL ! by Lynn Johnston WE ~IDJE ::100,~EY! LIZ IS ABABY.-SHE'S NOT OLD E~UCTH TO UNDEP.<i>TAND THE DIFF'ERftiCE 8En.JEEN RIGHT .f. WR~ -.-..,,~ ANO YOIJ f\RE! ~ DRABBLE ~. IJllAf MA~( 'iO\J e€E Ill l.EASbl1~C, IN (U.MEN'1l1N ~CMOOL., l'~"flll l K '? 10·2 OR. SMOC K VVHA1""'S GOING ON HeRe . NURSe ?.' MISS PEACH Wf.''4C eu:~ l..lA~NINU 1 l ARSOM, ll~Oll.06f:N, tJ11"fO<..E~, 01.'l&l~. ~~. ~O ~VM\A!. llVJ(f. iJf qq~ <1' At.l. t.1 1/1..t(, 11'\A'rf'CR Wi-4V i-4AVE THE~E &!EN PAIZTIE~ 1..ATEL.Y iHA,.! GORDO JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS NANCY DID THE MECHANIC COME TO FIX OUR CAR ? I Rf:MIND YOU 'THAI, AS MOfW. IMS1lOfi OFil-if: COMMLJNl1Y1 I IAK~ PAR/ IN 1H~ Gfl)UP nfa:RAl"t'SESSIONS PRIMARIJ. .. Y IN AN AC'VISOF{'( CAP'ACnY! HE SAID THE. MOTOR STILL HAS A FEW BUGS IN IT HAV'!N'T 9eaH IN VITIO TO? by Gus An-iota by Harold Le Ooux by Tom K. Ryan by Ernie Bushmtller "My ~ JUllt ren out of gH. M•r I buy • cupful?" by Kevin Fagan b y George Lemont by Mell Lazarius r rrA, vou Mw.;T GM.1U THAT f.Vf.l(Yl!JO">' CAN•T se INVITW TO &va«V PAllTY. ~OfC !XAMPLe, Tl-EftE AKE .:J0o ~ IN THl'f ~,!JUT TH£ PAln°Y•lrOOM CAN ONL.V MOLD 2CJq avacv ~Tl.4!rDW NICiMT .... TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE :.c l<Q I\'•"'• c or· • ;.. , f I •I I .. !'\ J o \ff( 1flh-1 .... 1:. J(l F lnWt'• :t Pl Ji t :.,p ... ...,,~ 1., A",.' '"'t! II Owt'llt.'d I~ 01 Mom .. md Pep 47 ConvtnCt'\ ~ 1 [lernal crtv ~2 F t111t o;ource 2 words .. \,(\ ,, ,. 1 ~ •-0 t')I 10( • (,IQ<i"'. )., I t (.. ··' I,.~-n I . , ··"· ' •• f '!•''Jo ' " .~' . ;, I • • • 11':' .. ,, .. ',,, .. .,. , t l.OJI p II'• 1, Duad~ Abt• • S1uov • 'l & Canv;i~ ~tl11d 9 VtelOS 10 G1an1~ I I Aedet>m 12 Saini In <l•an b.1nd 13 PamphlCI ~l Add up UN•T(O Feat•J"' Svl'IO•cale MM•rl"Y., Pu::1r> Solved •I I\• . : •II •-•lo "ll I& • l•I • ' ' [( o•• c u ' ( I ' • s 0 u t M••ll c l • i •• c;' l s .. I •l lo u ... I r I I' . ' l I ols _. l I. t •• .. r I ;t , ,,_" .. l l . 111 ' . I s H lo • v • -. •I• 1t •c;1, ' T ( 0 & • 1(. I u .. s -· ( . 5 ' < , I ·-·kl ·-· o A -j<, ' •l•-s • p • lo . ' U ' H _, . .. A I .., ... ', " \ , .. l ~· "' .... I 0 i' :-. . ,, . ' I '! , • . "k • ~ . I • . ,, , I >1n<1t nf J:' Noblf> f!llf' ~'> w.n .. dr n> 4 Greek god .7 1 .... ,.,101C1 Ol'S~ 28 S•C•I• in ,,, d t ~t•ac;on ~ml 4(, PlundPI 2Q l. •mp,1'\st0n 4 i P•.inr lousr JO Slumbt'r 18 ll'ICl•ne J 4 Bil\1hCJ 10 W.1v•• m1 .. 1 'IO Nf'I J!> Bump SJ Aool par I 36 H 1mm>'ll !>~ Pluck aoq So Wine area 37 filclu.11 57 Soar 39 D1i.couraged 60 Flevr·de· 40 Dt•Setler -Var TlllM antr111. tidl .,.. ftDaU1 ••U.. Mr fMllap out la ...... . .. • ..... poll, t.Mll ......... . aalttM .., ... dJuau.fted wttJa lWr PM nt1 Md WOlllcl ~ U... Y0..1-W. I know wbat 1ou'r• ..-lallln1. You're PNbabl)' tm~ ...,_,op&· ed fOI' 2 IOM rhtieuloU ud \m• Nall.Uc. Not tl\M. Tbe bQJa 1akl they woWd preler a motbv 9'° ~ like Cbvyl Ladd or Jaclyn Smllb, whl .. u.. a&ru pretem.d • f atber wbo looked Ilka Burt hyDoidl. Oram.ct, lbeM cbotces <'OU.kt 1et lbelr mJnda otf tbetr bad 1r .... (lbey mltbt bave to 1tep 'AP ~ ahow.nl, but wbat lheH k1da doa"t ~ naUH ll that mott of their .,.,_. •tarted out We look1QI like aex aym boll P~thood bu a devutaliq effect on people. J ••• only flve years Into motherhood when I won flrtt pJace In • Marty FeW.mao look -alike eontett Jt bu beeG downhill ever 1lnce. A.L80 UNKNOWN to teea-a1en LI. that a cbet poll wu CODducted a rew yeara qo •mOG& parents and these are the results; Of t-.> million parents poUett, 97 percent •a.id they were oot happy with their chlldreo and would replace them lf they could. An overwhelming number ol mothers beaded their liBt wlU. Paw NewaU, wbll• faa.ben "'*' -tM Hl'L . ho Plfteat...,. u1utuf,... Md OM perffllt WM ....... HdetJcm Md unable to commemt. Tbe main ,....... for t.M dlt· ..tl•fM'tia8 ..-it.II IM6r cblW.. _... ln orderallrrt~ty: Na.atn.. ClllUdNe alwa11 want.cl to knOW Where their paree&a ..,. eo-lq and .ta.at Ume they wauld be home Lack al privacy. ~very Ume a pa relit doled • door. • ~d from the otbar aide wouJd y.U, "Whal are 1QU doln1 tn there with the doGr daudf'' camaaM 01' their frteodl Even lhou11' IOme al lbe teen·a1en had never met their parents' frlendl, they made •t•t.-nenta Ute, "You ban& around wtth her and the next thins you know you'll be 1oing to alnglet ban '' Boulneas Parents we re con· stantJy be.in& ordered to ··Pick me up after ball practice. And don't be late!" "Han, up. I have an lmpor· tanl phone call to make." "When are you going to stop procruUnatiDg and &et to the b&nd·waah.ables?" According to the poll, teen-qers even with their unhappiness with parenta voted 95 percent lo aet m~ ried and have children. It would serve them right. De••• Notlen OIMtM•Ll OOROTHV M CORNELL, rnld<lnt ol Newp0<1 BNcll. C:. PH~ •w•y on S.lltemt>ef 11. ",. si.o i. MoNl••d by l ton Wlltl•m CO.NII of NeWPOrt lle•ch, Ca . 1 dauQ!lttt Cara C0<nt'll of N~•port ilff<;h, Ca , I bt'Olher J~p!I M•urf'>r of ~ YOf'tt, t \1,htr Ann• Mc Grath of Newport 8•oth, Ca Prtvetp \ierv•c.49"\ ~r• heto lf'Mlrnm4tf'lt 'II P.clllc View Memorl"I Par~ Pie•<• B•olhe" Bell Broadway Mortuary dlre<too. Deaths Elsewhere MLAOIS Lil.LIAN V. HUIDIS, '"lcle"t ol _ _.. llMC.I\. Ca. P-_.., on 5"4•WIW' •• '""· Vie .............. ""' lier ll•nbaftd 5taplle" Hiedi' of HewllO'I llN<h. c... t _, Anclnnw R Hledlt ol "-1 la.ell. Ca . I .,_,,..., Oiat1one Coclw-of Los Al•mll0$. C. -2 oraftdCIMldr.,. Rosary wlll • rw<lted on W~y. oc.-r J, 1m at I 00 PM ancl Mau of Cllrlttl.., eun.1 w111 w <•-.tee! on Tl>U~y. Oct-r 4, "" et 10 00 AM bolll at 51 ~·!Mm Calholl< C""r<h fl'lterment •• Good ~"~ph.-rO < t'tnf't•rv FnPnd\ may <•It •t B•tl ~•o..twn Mort.,..,. on Tu.\Clay, <>< 1-r 7. 1•7'1 lrom 4 00 PM 10 • 00 PM Pt•rcP 8 rolh•r\ Belt Bro•d••l' MOt'h,•r.,o•r•Oor\ rA•T ISIOOR PART, ~of HeWl>O'I B•Mh,C• p--•yon~bu 30, .. ,. 5urvlveCI by Ill• #II• Gui"""""'· J _,. Garv O Part ol Buena Pani, C., Gerald A L•rw ot Downey, Ca -Man1ln Per1 Of En c 1no, C• .• deughler Charlene Kaplen ot San Dle90, Ca,. l o••nclcl\lldr•n Ret>e<ca i.-. -Ron -R-y Park. Mr, Peri "'<t\ Ula -ner encl founder of ,,,. Graeter McCoys M•rll•ll, lllC. Hewn a ,,,...,.,., ol tM 8ell>oe 6ay Club, -Ille OowM't' Comm""'ty ~ ~. He ....,_.,....... .. ,._, ...... to< • nen. Prht.W f"-icle -vie.ft wlll be fletd Oft Wwdlc~. Odotler J, 1'1' at Pldfk View ....._.lel P- wlU. ll.-i -1 l'...W ofllcl•I ..... In 11 ... of ,_. -t9f"lly ........ . -le4<**_..,..,._,o_ Oowfl•J' Cemm11111tv H••Pll•f Mamerl e l Fo.,nClallon, 1 HOO 11.-11Mn A ..... Oownrt, C:.. P.,:lfk 'Vlew~dlr9!Ctof'\ LOS ANGELE.S (AP) George R. Miller, 56, named an elder or the Mormon Church a month ago, died Sept. 20. BRATTLEBORO. Vt. CAP) -Walter ffen- drltk1, 87, founder of three Vermont colleges. died Saturday in a hospital alter a brief ill- ness. He was president or Marlboro College an Marlboro, Windham College in Putney and Mark Hopkins College in Brattleboro. SAN DIEGO (AP) Dr. J .B. Aakew, who began California's first mass chest "'ray pro· gram and the first mass polio immunization as San Diego County health dlrectoc. died of cancer at hls borne Thursday. H e also wrote a landmark antipollution ordinance which re- quired vapor control de- vices at gasoline sta· lions. S ANTA BARBARA (AP> John Cromwell, 91. who directed such films as "Of Human Bon· dage" and "The Prisoner of Zenda," died here In a hospital alter suffering fr9m a blood dot in the lung. a spokesman con· firmed. PASADENA <AP) Retired Navy Rear Ad · miral Jolm E. Clartr, 73, former commandant of the l2tb Naval Dis trict in San Francisco and de· puty director of the J el Propulsion Laboratory. died here Sunday night at a hospital alter a long illness. SACRAMENTO <AP> -Fruk Maple, 53, a Sacramento lobbyist who once served u Gov. Edmund "Pat" Brown's cabinet secretary, wu found dead Monday ln his apartment after fall- ing to •bow up ror • political r.cience clua be taugbl al UC Davia. He apparently died of a heart attack. l'OUWf A* YAt.UI Y CCNlllMUtflT'I' _,..ITAi. ....... ..,. .... .... Mrl.. OMMf ...... """'· '""'°"'-"' .... Mt a..-..Wt Oewlll ee11ma11 l'ounteltl Valley,..... ' Th" , .. ....;..., wa• fl~ •llh '"" c-1v c..,. Of 0r.,. County on Sep. ttmller 17, 1m. MUMT••&VOlS • .......,. .. Law .... ,~Orf .... ...... ... o. ... "'" tnt.e, ~t1'1J Tlllt tMnlneu ts (Ofldu<l9d tty • venerot por1Mf'Mtip. Woti.a•.ll-9 Thi• ·-... ,_ wtlfl -c-ty Ctan, .. Or ..... ~°"~ _...,,.,..,. - "219 l"llOll"'9tl Or ..... c..-Dally Pl .... Seti! 2S ..... Oct '· '· ~. "" 111' ,. PVBLIC NOTICE I I PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS evsi .. ru NAM~ STAT[¥f .. T Tf\ .. fol ... 1nq P.Pf\Oft\ •'~ OG•"O """'"'" 4'\ IN\l•lvrr ~Oii Pflt'>()NAI OEVElOPMf NI ,,741 \>.,_.,. "'" \Ion Vt•IO, c.M-..ia .,.,) ,.,1911 PllOll-Or.,. CM« Cally Piiot Oct 1 •..... u."" ., .. ,. PUBLIC NOTICE ,tC'TtTHIUI 9UlfM8M MMll81T.IT8MllMT "18UC NOTICE ·--.,.a, _,,IOI TO CllllMTCNtl CW eU&.lf 1'RAl!tlnl MIO CM' Hll'rl.,,toet TO T•Alll"aa tl&.COMOLIC llYl•AOI &.ICa•ll Chet. .-...u.c.c. -*•..,, .... , NOTfCf 11 Hllll•V Of\lfN ..... e ~-,,..,.... ., ...,._.. Jllf'-'1'f -• ,,_,.., .. ·~tic.-.. ~ .. .. "'-· The -· INllllll .... _ • .-II" c... ................ .,_,...,Is· VITO llATO, ,,,._ Tw•edy ~-d. '°""' o.w, Cetlf ..., Tiie-, ..W.lille --· -z1r C4lde ~ et u. ,,_._, -· DONALD G. G•OSE, 9HI C.en· -weod ~ • ..._..""8Mfl IH<ll, CMH. .... : CA"°'-9 A. OllOSe, "'1 CM-.. ......, ~ ...... ll\tllefl ...... Calif. .,...; , ••• 0 NC)()tt .... c..i.1 .... Or •. H~ ._,,, C.H • .,...; OfANNA 0 HOO!t, ... C. .... l•-Or., H-....,. ..,_II, Cetlf . .__ Tll•t t11e _._ -r1y to be ttaMlorl'wd Is clttetitled HI ~.i •• ma t••lalt. '""""· mar<llafldlte. ~lllPm.,.t. lorl CIWftftt ~Ill Fl•turetf..........,Tr...__,, IO<AH.O .. Vt• Pina, "7• 9Hcll 9oule••l'CI • ._.,..,, -..Cll, CMlf., '°1'11M' with .. IOI ....... -.Crtbed ••col\ollc •••••••• II<•"••: _,0.13'11 Off Sele ~/WIM _ , .. -for~ ....... - , ........ -.-witr .......... -Ir-fer el .... ....,_, -ef NICI 11cett ...... -.. us-.. ... ... lflt .., _ _., etUm-at ..... . wtolcl\<_..f/lflMtotlOwifll: ~ .................. ........ ~ .............. , ... OMMN ...... , .• ,. , I ,,000.eo l...ull ............... " .. " ..... .. ""-' " ... -_ ............ .... ,,....,_ ...-.... treMf-~ •1i.m <-'-............. .,_ .. "" .... ~·-..or-c.111 o.ir, ~ """-.,. .. ..., '"-1• .. .. Oc:t.t. ""~-.... ,. .... ...,....,,,....., ...... _ • • --·-• C .. '"'""'I .. Ak-k PtJBUC NOTICE 1'11>41' Pvbl•._ <>-C<>o4 D .. 1, Pol04 0< I 1 • '' n. , • .,. ,.., 1• PUBLIC: NOTICE 1<1CT1noui •v\•••n M,,_STATlM•llT Tf\oe f~..,_."'9 pitt\Of'\\ ""' do.nq ""'"'"' .. WA•Ntl .,G I O H l (A•MA G•OUP. _., »• P-S...h '°"'- ......... ~.__...ws.c. ,.,, .. _ ~ ......... -.C.._V ...... '1 ........ _ .... ....._ ... ... ----.. .. vou• esc•ow M•VICf CO. INC .. "511 •-•olle •• ...... Wit1Aa:•:•v. CM...,.,..• 9Ml. ..... - -S, itn lfK,_ He!*• -• «<• ...., ct•lm• .,...,. 0c ..... 1i • .-1 ....... ~~ ..... __ ..,,_,, __ ..,,... -.. °" ................ -.. .,......,_, ete NONf • .... ____ .. _._....._. voo• fteaOW MfllVICf co . INC • ~i11 ~ .. -·· ............... . c ........... ...,. 17141 ... JlnO o .... k•mM• t1 ,.,. Vl\o.._, ,,_ .. o..atoG Gf'- C-14 c..- Fetld- 0.-D HOO< ',.,,"'"'"" YOVll UC:llOW HllVICC CO , INt IUl7 ~ .. M911 ~~~':':::r:.~.,.., Put>lt.,..., ()ranQt (pe\I O••I• Polo! 0c IOOU 1 ltn 1'4o() 1• PliBLIC NOTICE 14 •.......... ""' ...... .,,... "ICT•nous IUStM•H r;.,,_ 0.--n f~lt-el ...... n'ATll.-MT f..C la Gal-. ,.._ .. _,. •• , ...... _.... --· .,. -.. c_.,.. c-u .......,_. s.Hte ,._ -·· ---HtH ( .. -. Ofm f SC • 0 W I' 0 L L 0 W • U P '"" -· "c.~.i .., • cor ~E •V•CE5. tO.\ W••l•••d Len• • _ • ._ C-.•-CA.,.1' ~De:Ye~--Wllll-I' ... ,,.,., Ill. IMS ICM.l~IAI IMC. -..-.C....-.CA-» 0 ---o-•• ._., ~ --..._ S-rll.MY l -c--... CA_. T~ ,_ -flteel woH'I lie T!ln-"~ .. .,,1 ... C-•C ..... O'Or-C-•-~ d••-•I -R teft W\111.,.,F .,...,.,,111 DOW ......... ,,. .. o UVMOU• & llOMWt• Ui~-.-­~·--t:.14""4 PVC>11~ <> ..... ((119\t o .. 4tr P1t()t ()(I 1 • I• 1) te1't >k• ,. P UBLIC NOTIC•; '"" J1-... llleO with -<-h ,..,... o1 Or-c"""'' .,., ~o ··'"'-' 10 , • .,.. Pv04•'""' 0rM9' r ~\I 0Aily P1•ot 0<1 1 • I• n .. ,. ,_,, I~ PUBLIC NOTIC t. l'l(TITtOU\ lll51NlSS .. AMIE STATEMENT Wiiiiam -· 11/0 ~-~ Ml> I' lncll •iorl Vie to, eai-...a fltl~ Publ .. _0._C .. "DeityP11411. 8-.;,erly H\111, tll)J S •,,t• lltOTIC( TOC•tonO•S 01' IMILk 'l'll/4 .. 11' IE• IW.1 •Wt -6111 UC.CI TM foOOW•"O Ol'f'°" '' 00tft4J: °"" M'\\ ., \af>l.tt,1'-0<t 1,t ,tt,. M1·7i e.rt.ra, "-Vafwy, u llfonw• NOTICE •S Hf'•rflv GIVEH to lfw cr•CllloH 01 HfLCH D DYE•. PUBUC NOTICE l'tnl1• P\lllll•lcd ()r .... Coetl Dally Pli<K, Secit n.,,. on '· •. 1•. "'' 1111 ,. PtJBUC NOTICE , ""' Anft 09ie, .M2 ft-,.,_f, C~• Mate.c.i~~, Oa~al\ ~-. W I Aaf .. I S1rwt.1,.,,.,,.,e.t~'21t• Tiiis -h ~'" "'¥.,."" Hie~ .... _ ....... ..., -• _t,,.,WP Wiii ........... Tiii• ·--II-wltto Ille c-•v C*'"'°'-~ ... ~ fr•Mh>f'or -.flOiW ~'"'"' ~· '' ms VI• lJdD, S...t• E. (II• Of N-f a..<". C-h o4 Or-<;tat• of C•UtorfM• ,,_., • wta .,..,,,., '' -• ... -• A(UW .. f ALICI CtTINfl ,,..,.,._.,_, ,.,,,._ ..,.. .. " ......... ,,.,. T ... ..,_,., IO .. ,,_...,...I• ClltKrJtoed Ir>_ .. a\ Alt _. It' "-· lllltW'ft. _,..,._, -... wllf el-• .. -• a1•~-,..., ... , .. ,.,. l'ltttlM ::-;~;:=.:.::~~~~~l~.:: P\ttll1-Or-Cieett o.lly P .... , "'·I-• "'1~ .. -~-.. , __ ........... 1•_ .... , '·'·""'..,,. ·-,. -~"'·'""' ---·-...._.. _,., • .... .... --lyef()r-.S....efc.1-• P\JBUC NOTICE TN 111A.,...., •Ot N ~· ......... ., ..... "'9 , .. ...., .. Oc· -· ,,,. .. , ......... \llHa ... -. foe.-• .-...--1, tG Mo Gr-. Wt. I' CltY "' ...... -..... c-•Y "'o... ..... "" c:.tlterftla 1411 Cl--tie --... °" folMr IS. ttlt. •I VIiia Atte<lo'" fs<•o... -~· It JUI "° G•-. s..tto &. City ef a-a ..... c-.... Or" ..... sc ..... C.1-• "'°' S.0 I•• ft"•-IO 114 Tr--. •" 11\1 ...... ,,,...,.. --"-....... Cl? ltw Tt-lerot fOt IN poll l!OrW ..,..,.,•r• ~ D•t.O ~ M. ,.,. .-All<• Cal""'I, ,,......, .. \llLU. ASSOC. aSC:•OW Miii .... 0r-. -• S-0 AM, CO. '2111 Attlt' MMI ltc. ........... A l'U141t P\lbl1"'9d OraflOll Coell Dally Pll04 p.,C>ll•l'lllCI Or_,. Coa•I Delly r 1tot, tOfler), lf1' >H .. 7i ~.II, H-Ocf 1. '· ,,,. ,., .. ,. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE P•ODllC TION PROOVCTS CO OOCn ~ 81YO , Wf"'\1mtn1oter C.A .,.., ) ... ,.., W ~-. 0• NO (-r St . ~nta AnA. UI f)70J lll" _._., h <-19'1 by.., In• .,..,,_f, .wrnw ~· flll\ \I---fl-with -c-•Y c.-.. Or-c-.ty on Sei>-.... ..... -'1UU2 .....,_or-c.11 o.11,, r'"" ~' t. • .... n ,.,.. J111 " PUBLIC NOTICE --•tennous ..,.. .. .. .......11'ATW ... MT , ... f ........ --.... dol"9 _,,,. .. M <MUtt•A'W'·SAN05 A S IOCIATl!S,, liltt SllytlM ~ ........... 9Mcll,CA_,t Jell" Wllll-llllcllillwro,, ,,., kJ'I .... ~~ ~ leecll. CA fttSI E ..... ~s SaMls. IU. TOflltl A ............ .._,,,CAti.SI TIM• -..... It c""""'tiM..., .., ,.... lflCOt"_ ..... _ ....... -·-. ,_,,......., .-W M<Mll/f'ray Tlll9 stat..-.i -flied w"" IN C:-.y Oertl ""0r--.. c-tey ~ ~ ....,..,17,"" "tint ,..,_,,,,_,Or-Coest Dally PllOt Ocl. J, ..... n.. ''" .... ,. PUBUC NOTICE "CTITIOUI luttM•IS MAMeHAHMIMT TM 1.i-lflil IM•tont ••• Ml"t 111111 ........ TM. A$SOCIATH. 11111 Mofl.Ko Clrc ... H~le«ll.CA.,... ........... '-· ,,., -0 c;1rc ... ,._......,, llN<ll. CA.,... Hart'y l!"'"I McMll ..... 11>ft \llO $1Ullt, ~lf'tlMfl ~ CA m.. '"'' ...,.._.. " (~ ... by • _ .. _,, ....... ~' McMl-p.,.. ,_ Tl\ti ,......_ -111..S wttll ,,.. C_t, CIHtl Of 0r"'9t County on S.C.-..,..., ,., .,,. PltMW ............. Or ... CO.ti C)ally Pllof ' '· •• 16..12.""' .,, ,. PUBLIC NOTICE Fretl Waring Still Tops HIUlSREV, Pa. CAP> -P'red Warto, the • .,... ....... kaowu at tlM mao •bo ~uabt AIMltea llow IO alq, b ltlll mrlddq a lqeod caned fram 01'et' a {..,. lo 1111ow hwlM9a. ~t ~-4;o~t:='.~:; "'I ·~~blaCOMWU. fMatUJn....tae aamol -~~-Mftiq aeaJ lhal made lllm UM duUns ,...,.... t"lmPllMl lo th~ Roartq TwentJea. •ta:•-BUXJ&: PBaroamNG ta hia foataln .cl yout.h. And ..... Iona u the PflOPI• eome and applaud," W art.nc wUl 1p1rtlle lo ihe 1poW •. "f 89' fallped. but not Und ol it." he nld altar~ b.la aummer tow h~re. "It'll a tome. A lo& o1 people to tbe bottle for It. J Ju.at go OUl OD tbe roed.aad 1e.t It.'' And the..,. to bis Ill de<°adea ol appeaJ? "I aalkr a lot of k.ids around me, and tbe peo- ple b 't bother looldnc 1t me. They look and liatee to D\Y ktdl," said the director ol •·Fred W ariqmdTodQ'a Pennayl vanians. ·' The Public broad- casting Service taped the rinale performance tor national broadcast In December, a tribute to a man who is at the very roots of the pop / mu sic era and cultivator of its many branches. His four-man jazz quartet was the first singing band, a fortuitous circumstance of a thunderstorm al a party appearance that wrecked his banjo. So he s ung along to the piano played by his late WARING brother. Tom. WA.RING BECAME A SMASH ON vaudeville. appeared in Hollywood's first musical and enrap tured Bro.adway. His first record, "Sleep," sold 40,000 copies the day the Victor Talking Machine Co. released it in 1923 He later rtll8de the first eledronic recording and has since cut some 1,500 records and 100 albums. A radio pioneer on the "Old Gold Hour" and the "Johnson Wax Radio Show," he also helped make the first television spectacular·for General Electric. . Eleven pres idents have applauded his shows, w~1ch aJ.s~ have been enjoyed by kings, queens. prime JDJrusters and heads of state. IN 33 YEARS, MORE TIIAN 31,000 singers hav~ attended his singing school -the Waring Music Workshop in the Pocono Mountains of Pen- n.sylvanla. And he even developed a gadget that turna vegetables into juice -the W arlng blender. Not bad for a Tyrone, Pa., native whose band earned $10 a job -money he saved to pay his tui- Uoo at Penn State University. "l wanted to spend five yea.rs maklns Ulla euy....,....... money to fllUab my education. I .raatedto beu ardattect. But tbeumn t.ldq cauibt on. I found J had myself something which I never even dreamed or. and I figured I might as well stick with it,•' be said. loapired by the Immortal Paul Whiteman - bis idol and the founder of the Blg Band era - Waring once had a 55-piece jau orchestra. Now his emphasis ls on choral arrangements -30 voices blending Intricate harmonies. "THE MUSIC WAS PUT THERE to make the words sound better. If the words do not sound bet· ter, then it's a hell of a waste," said Waring, a pre- cisionist. His show is a melodic melange or timeless treasures, pop hits and old-lime favorites. War- ing's new tour, which begins in October, is called "The Best of The Best." "I believe we've had a couple of decades or a slump in the production of music as witnessed by the almost ignoring of the greats," s aid Waring "MV GREAT DESIRE IS TO GO back to our library, our fantastic library and accumulat.ion of the none better arrangements and interpretations. and reproduced those in sort of a simple concert program." he said. "I would like to rebuild that with young peo- ple, and with today's electronics. and just do con· certs without guest stars and a lot o( unnecessary junk. How many TV performers today can sustain a show by themselves'> We have enough for a thousand hours." , • ............ ..... ow.. Defense Secretary Harold Brown will visit ma.Inland China this wlnter to discuss secunty issu~. Pen- tagon officials said. Compacts Recalled ByGMC DETROIT (AP> General Motors Corp. has recalled all Its new fronl·wheel drive com - pacts wilh automatic transmission to fix either fire hazards or steering gear problems. It was the first recall o f the popular "X - body" cars since their int roduclion as 1980 models April 20. The cars are sold as the Chevrolet Citation, Pon- tiac Ph oe nix . Oldsmobile Omega and Buick Skylark. IN THE approximate- ly 225,000 cars with automatic transmission, ··material deficiencies" could cause cooler line hoses to fail and leak fluid. incre a s in g the chances of a fire under the hood, GM said , About 160,000 of the same cars have steering gear mounting plates wbicb could crack from fati gue, causing the steering gear to loosen. If that happened, the driver would notice ex· ceulve play ~ the steer· ins wheel, GM said. THE AUTOMATIC transmiJ18ions total about 84 percent of the m~ls. Manual transmissions are not affected, GM said. New hoses and new steering gear mounting brackets will be in· stalled by dealers. v M said. The company said i( knew of no accidents or injuries resulting from either proble m . But spokesman Bill Knight s aid, in res ponse to questions, that GM knew of nine underhood fires from transmission fluid leaks. KNIGHT said repair reports le d t o the transmission recall and durability testing led to the steering recaJI. Most customers "pro· bably never·· would s uf· fer cracked mounting plates. Knight said U.S. Bankruptcy Act Easier on Debtors By Tiiie A.asocl1ted Press Americans in most pares of the country who seek relief from debts in bankruptcy court wfll be able to keep more ol their property as t.bey make a tresh financial start. • The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 1enerally makes it easier to go broke and. in some cases, makes it harder tor creditors to collect money they are owed. PB&SONAL ·BANlt&UPTCIES already are on the increase, aJtbougb the7 bave not reached the peak they dld dartq the 1175 recession. In tbe 12 months that eJ>ded June SO , lndhlduala fil e d 196,176 bankruptcy petltlonr. up from 112,'2'3 the prevtous ·.1 • In the ~ eesalon yeu: oC 1974·'i.i, Lhere were 2M 154 penonaJ bankruptcies.., Credit expa ti say th~ recesaion - • combined wltb tbe law wblcb Jnu:i toM lfteet -wU1 reault ln a con • ... rtM lD lDdlYldual baakrupldel. A ILUO& P&OVISION ol U. new Jaw laftl'VW !be UDOUDt' of 111.,,.-lY· a debt« can keep wben be or lbe na.. for 1lral1bt bankruptcy ...:.. Cbot«T. ID the pMt, debton bad to at>Jae bJ state 1tudardl wblcb •arW .... Now, u IDdlvktual ca ..._ 9tblr tbe 1tate ltllDdard ............. aemptjoa. Note: Tbe ... .... ..... to probJbtt debton from choosing the federal exemption and several states already have enacted such a ban. · The federal exemption allows a debtor to keep an interest of up to $7 ,500 in real property used as a re- sidence and up to $1,200 in a motor vehicle. Debtors also may keep an in· terest of up to $200 in each of a number of individual categories llke clothing, jewelry, and so forth. THE NEW LAW also makes it harder for creditors to enforce agree. ments under which consumers reaf- firm their intention to pay debt.a that otherwise would be wiped out by the bankruptcy action. The agreement cannot be enforced, for example, UD· less It is made In and approved by the bankruptcy court. ln addition, tbe debtor bas 30 days to change his or her mind and revote the aereement. Under straight bankruptcy, all ol a debtor's non·exempt properly ls taken over by the court and turned lnto cNb; tM money la ued t.o pay credlton as much .. poulble. Anotherl aection of the bantruptey code -Chapter 13 -allowa debt.on to keep theft poaeealona and repay thelr debts under a wage.earner plan worked out by the court. In tbe paat, the war~r plana uaualb' pro- vided for total "P•Ym•t: the new law allows only partial rtpa.J111eat ln 1omeeuea. ~.October 2. tm SchOOl Offers Ran£hing ( CAREERS ) ., JOTCS L UNNDY .,.., ,.,.: lb ......... ... •• ,...An .......... ,... .,.. .... ,... ............. .. , .................... .., -• .... ~ ............... . Ruse mua1en are IOIDetimet called r_,. aclentltta, ecolo&1tll or conaervaUonbt.I; tbey deal w&b vut ran1eludl .. foresters deal with fOHtt.1. ·,.,c....._ .. ..,_..relaWjMI; If 1• c•'{ lilelf •e, CH Y• ...... wltere,...,.. wrt&e! -L.P., 'hlaa. 00.. Ranch man.a,era boss ranches. While 1ome have studied range m1na1emeot. more specific educa- Uon la available: ou>et IJricwtural colle1es In the Western states offer raoch m.anaaemeot counes. "Paycholon as a Health Care Profeaaloo'' is a 20;pa1e booklet by the Americus Paycbolo1icaJ A.ssocia· lion. Enclose a gummed, self· addressed maWng label with your re-quest. • •• AN· INTENStvE one-year rucb manaiement certificate program is available a t Texas Chris tian Unlvenlty which, when combined with a business administration degree, is considered ideaJ prepara- tion to manage a large spread. Dear loyee: Do yoa llave •booklet Oii becomJq a ..ur:y pebUc! , -F.P., DnetrpOl't, Iowa TCU's ranch program director. John Merrill, says the job market for graduates -from Alabama to Mon- tana -is the best since the early '60s. Starting pay is between S600 and Sl,200 a mooth, and often a house utilities, beef, pick-up truck and sometimes health and life insurance are thrown in. The American Society ot Notaries bu published "How To Bel Notary Public Without Going. to_ Jail." Encloee a st.amped, sell-addresaed, loog white envelope with your re- quest. ••• Dear Joyce: My daapter is work· Lag put-time at a sapermarket ud is tblakiDg t.Jlat •l•ce people will always laave to eat, tM.I ml,.. DOt be • bid career Reid. -T.E.S., Va1oa Oty. N.J . FOR DETAILS, write to MerriU at TCU, Box 30776, Ft. Worth, Texas 76129. For ideas on other careers under the big sky, write to the Society for Range Management, 2760 W. Fifth Ave ., Denver, Colo. 80204. A 16-page booklet ''Careers in the Supermarket." was published by the Food Marketing Institute. It covers jobs from bagger to corporate ex- ecutive. Send your postcard request for a copy lo me *** Dear Joyce: I woald like t.o know what opportunities I might have as a READER NOTE. For above ~s. 1cmd separate requesta to Joyce Lam Kennedy at Bo:r 1560, Costa Meaa 92626. Combined requests cannot be fulfilled. Age Issue Coffee Cause Of Insomnia By DR. PETER STEINCROHN Dear Dr. Stelncrohn: I am a healthy 3S·year- old woman. married, have three lovely children and a husband that 1 wouldn't swap for the handsomest movie star. I should be happy and I am. But I suffer night after night from imomnia. It takes me hours to fall asleep, then my eyes open about 5 A.M. and I'm fully awake qain. LATELY, l'VE BEEN FEELING exhausted. I know the. reaaa: Jack of deep. I've tried to flDd tbe l'UIOD md I'm 1otn1 to try an aperlm.t; IO without my two cups of eolfee every allbl. SiDee I got Into this bablt, introduced by a friendly neihehbor about a month ago, I am an insomniac. ls it pouible my trouble la due to the coffee? My friend aays .her nigbUy cottee gives ber a good night'• aleep. I'll let you know bow my experiment comes out. Thanks for listening -Mn. G. DEAR MRS. G: I'll fall back on: what's food for one may be poison for another. There are r DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE many like your friend who " sleep the sleep of babes after taking coffee before bedtime. But there are in· nocent thousands like yourself who are incom· niacs, entirely unaware that coffee is the culprit It's true that most teens can take coffee without interfering with sleep. But many who ~et into your age group soon find that they become m- to le rant to coffee . It whips the brain (and sometimes heart) into unnatural activity. I HAVE FOUND THAT MANY elderly people can take coffee without sleep interference. So you see, it's a matter of personal reaction. There's no blanket rule that covers everyone alike. Caffeine exerts its effects without discrimination. I've known some patients who at last found sleep after foregoing their usual cup of tea at night. And still others, who could not get a good night's sleep until they stopped ta.king a cola dnnk near bedtime. I hope this solves your problems, Mrs. G If it doesn't try your public library for a copy or my book How To Get A Good Night's Sleep. You may find your answers there. MEDICALE'ITES Dear Dr. Stdacrollll: AA the wife of a chronic alcoholic who bas been helped so much by Al·Anon I wish you would mention it more often. This or- ganization has literally saved my life. In addition to providing the fellowship and friendship of persons who understand and have "been there," the program uses and follows the s teps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Al·Anoo offers hope for famlUes caught up in this horrible famib'~disease. Mra.T. DEAR MRS. T: 1 offer your note, Mrs. T., as another reminder to those who need help that Al· Anon has helped many who suffer the problem of alcoholism in the family. As many have said, help is 1a close as your phone book. It's likely there's a chapter in your city -or close by. Also, Alateen lor the children or alcoholics. *** Self.treatment ot an ailment will only lose you valuable time. You'll be committing 1low 1u1cide, says Dr. St.eincrobn In his booklet, "How To St.op Killing Younelt." For a copy write to him at Box 1569, Coeta Mesa 92626, enclosine so cents and • stamped self-addressed envelope. Largest Settlemem BARTOW, Fla. CAP) -A 20-year-old Penn· aylvanla woman bu accepted what la believed the lu-,.t NUl•ment lD a Hri• ol 1u1ta qalnat Flreltcne Tln and Rubber Co. over lta 500-Sert• st.el·behed radial tlrel. Carol Baker, ot Fairfteld, Pa .. a~ Sl.$'7 mllUon and dropped her lawsuit. 11.iM Baker wu paralned from tbe cbett dow1I wben ber neck wu broken lD an aeddent near bere ln lt'7'1. Tbe risbt front tire ol tbe car tbe WU rtdinl in blew out and the car rolled S~ tim• . ' -......... ···" ••• lftf Reports that the Shah or Iran . .Mohammad R e za Pahlari. is planning a move to Egypt and h a s Jarge invest- ments in the United Sta t es are "ridicuJous ." accord· ing t o s h ah spokesman Robert Armao. Grading 0£ Tires Expanded WASHINGTON <AP> -Grading s tandards have expanded to b1as- belted tires. the second step in the government's effort to provide con· sumers with more in· format.Jon in their tire purchases Bias-ply tires have been covered by the labeling rule s ince spring. and it will be ex- tended to cover radials next year THE ltULF.S require that new tires carry a label rating them on treadwear, traction and temperature resistance. After s ix month s , manufacturers will have to begin molding the in- formation Into the tire sid ewall, but paper labels will be allowed in the meanUme. The treadwur rating will be expressed as a number, for example 80, 90, 100, uo, 120 and so forth. TBDE WILL not in· dicate the actual mileage a buyer can ex· pect because everyone drives under different conditions. lnstead, the rating allows you to compare Ures. A tire rated l!iO, for example, can be expect· ed to wear one and ooe- half tlme1 as well as one rated at 100. Traction and tem· perature l"tlillance will be rated b)' leUen, A, 8, C and IO forth. TROii£ aATBD A would hue the best tuction and rellltance to !llCb temperatun1. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY P"' •s.wc.: All reel eata&.e .clvertiaecl .. um llftlpaptt .. aub· Jett to tbe J"ederaJ FaJr Hou1ln1 Act of 1911 *4::b makes it UJe1al w advertiae "any pre· fereoce. limitation, or discrimination baaed on raee. co6or, relicloo. 1ex, or natianal origin, or an i.otmtioa w make any such pre(ereoce, U mil&· tion. or diacrim.inaUon." 'Ibis newspaper will not lmowinaJy accept any advertlsine for real estate w!Ucb is in vlola· tiaD ot tbe law. BtlOU: ......... ..,.. ..... d9edl ...... .. .., .... ,..,,. .,.. '°"I cl.ectf. n. DAILY PILOT • ._, ...., fartt. tint ... cOIT'ld ....... Ollly. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.M.. con AGE $71.500 FU up & save Thi.:. 3 Bdrm home has loads of potenlJ.aJ. bul d~ n~ some TLC. Featunng a formal d.uuog ar~a & J i.tone fireplace. tt ., d re al find Owner ma~ help financ e C Jl l no .. ' 751 3191 C:::SELECT I PROPERTIES WHY PAY 6°/o To sell your home Prof agent can qwckl> ~ell yoilr property pro~ 1dmR ALL serv1c~ for only ~: Call ag<:!_ll 673-4311 •M:aOUSCOleOS 2 and I Bdr••· PSRFltCT YODMO A D ·U L T 0 a am:u.mn. Great -. .............. Secluded, quiet. lluy amealtltl. Eodoud 1•ra1e. lauDd'7 and lar•• paUo, much atcJrllP, Walk &o 9V411'• ytJas. 1741 'hRla Ave., Cll ....... -,JOO . .u. lumabk low ftrat. AIUIM>9• llACHCOTTA .. Bluffs alde retreat. Woodis "l1aaa • 11.Dterior a touch ol Spaoi•h 3 BR incl 2Dd sfy 20' block mstr bide-a-way w /sep guest rm.+ pvt sundedt. A real swiken rormal din.rm. den. Fpl c . 8eama thnl-out. arches, declts & gardens. Very unique. Reduced to SlOO.!iOO. Must sacrifice. Call now 963-0902. BK R . FAST POSSISSIOH! Great Newport Beach area. Sumptuous bdrms, large gourmet kitchen, new carpets and drapes, new appliances, great RV access. a true value. Only $1 39,900. Ca II 64S-OJ)3 FORESTE OLSON ...,., .......... ., .. WHAT? ..•• OHL Y $55,000 TRUE a pnce that is hard lo find ror this cha.nrung and cheery 2 Bdrm Condo with a large patio and community pools Also s eller will he!p finance Better at1 now• 979-5370 ALLSTATE REALTORS A.LOT FOil YOUll SSS 4 Bed.rm. 2 bath Condo. AdH•rla•t>r~ m ay µla~• U1t•tr ad• by lt'll'vlione 800 11m wS 30pm Mooday Uvv t'nday I lo,_ Satllt'day So clean ! Modern kitchen. bllns, crpts, " drsi-. near aboppln&. ...,., TJ.na;~ w fraway. 1'14.-0. p_, ... .., pni9al&. 01 COSTA MP.SA onicr; llOW S., ....,.. ' :tzc cl ...... or ..-:rwr ..... c.a It\. 'Jll1UtO'T'OH BSACll ,,.,. ......... 'S-1.DI 'l;ft •.• h._ .. ,..,_,. -; l~lfilitll "' I JU;l"'" IH.AC II am ' c.:.-11•> l...-. 8Pacfl • "'8 f\ORTll COl ''TY daaJ rl"ff-* IZJO a..us..- NA....s Ou dlll>C' for ropy " ''"' ·~ S 30 p m thf' d •' 1>11fo r t' p ubtarJt •on l'(('l'pt fur 'und•• • \!onda~ t:do1ton• whl'n d eo11dluw " :-..1 urda) IZ "''°" CUSMPW IKUl.11 TION1 f f<IHll(' •\tl•trlt".,' •h.,vld • "'"' ~ lh"'' ach ct.Hh I. •t'l•'•rt t·trur; I"'"'. rl I .1 1 t t \ 1 If ~ r1 \II \ I'll I IT ~••um,., 11.1 h1f1I \ l1lr I ~· fl I '\I m1 or n • t "''' rttnrt onh I "C't"I I \1111'" Y. h• n ~dlu1.,! '" Jtl t .. • 'Ur• tom.•"''., rt·1 "''t ut th• ~Ill 'l\!Ht l< J:I\ • f1 \HU ti\ \ttUI H1 lJk,.r J \ (l"\<'IPl uf Vl>ur '·'"''""""" 1h1• ~.11 n o m " ,. r m u , I b , r r • .. ,. n 1 ... •I h, 'h .. •d' \'rtL't'f an ra<rif' ut .. dl•l>Ull" I .\'C t I I \ l I•" fife t llHUfnfo' "~ ,. " \ f1 fl t f " H t Hl '''"· t \ ,.,, t>ftof1 1~ m .. <J1 tn ~Ill or turrt"C t ,. nt·'4 .. rt th.al h," l>t-\·n ord~rt'd bul .. ,. 1 dnnoc auar ant~ Iv 11 .. ..,, un1ol lhf .. d Ila• ..pµ .. ~rt'd 1n lhe papt'r 01\!f /\ l.l'llt "OS Tht••t• ••1' J ft 'lflCtly I ~•h in adv an< t• b) m111I ur .ti Jn\ nn,. nf '>lH urttc·r• ;l.11 phon,• nrikr• 111 .. tclhn~ 1 p "' Fn!la• ( ·n,l.t '1l"'u nfrtc ,. &: ll nnnn <ll '" l>ranr h (lf11rr ' 1·11~· 11.\ll Y PILOT rr••'f\ t'• lht' rt~hl 10 rl•'"'~. t'li1l t•en!«lr or ,,l f U ,t" a nv 1d•rrt1>t'm .. nl anl1 10 c b .on11t• 11 • r•t f• & r·f11ulalmn• '"llhoul prior nOll•C' CL.SW. ~A.DOlllH P 0 Bo~ U60 C0811 Mese am OCIAJRONT $55.000! PRICE REDUCTION BALBOA delwre duplex; large 4 bdrm. & 3 bdrm. umt.s. frplc. each , now $495.0001 Try mstaJlment ~· lalaoolayProp. lledtors • 675-7060 .. llBJROO~Ol I EasLS1de Costa Mesa. huge fanuly cm . gigantic sue lot. Pnced for qwck sale SI OS ,OUO Call 963-6767 " . ~ ' 1h~AN /I )J'ih //td l/frnlly If you are loolung for grac io us living 1n Newport Bench's most prestigious location . please call us for listing ullorrnat.Jon BIG CANYON 6'4--l.s.1 fUG.4277 What a WonderfuJ World of Shopp(ng1 right at your rinitert1ps every- day! Daily P ilot Classtfied Ads. To place your lld. call 64.2-5678 and let a Classified Ad· Visor hdpyou. macnab I Irvine realty A SUBSIDIARY OF THE IRVINE COMPANY DO.. SHOllSI IAT Y11W! Single-story rtoorplan w/water VIEW from most rooms. 4BRS -family rm -formal dining rm - garden. Immaculate inside & outr Priced to sell at '247.000 leasehold. Jery Hunt 642-8235. CG·90). 642·1235 644-6200 901 Dover Drive Herbof" vi.w Center lrvlne 11t Campu' Valley C..nltr 752·1414 •• .. ' .. .. • • MIWL91&1el Nlllk ....... ........ __ ... .., ... .,.,,.. s ..... +~••• ...... -ONO.... A • 611~1H AIANDONED $15,000 w.itmc for tome IWq, prjme Zastsl de, 2 be*m. R-2 lot. Owner ...... , Call ... 7171 IOUnt UMMA OCIAM 'WW 2 bedroom, 2 bath hm11de home in South LafCW\a with a f abuloua vlew of the blue Pact.nc and a handy hobby room for Just plain puttertn1. Th recently remodeled home h11 h rdwood noon. a nifty kitchen. • wet bar and ls a short walk to a neat beach. Presented at 1235,000 Uf'llllOO 11()M REAL TORSit: 676 6000 2443 E•« Cont HtghWIV, Corona del Mar '".,oua DOI u• Rxa -~.. u ::rclelMned 5 bednn, J ._ _, YQU WI aee fa-11u rm. dl.nin& U. Nart.b a.a. ll1JH 4 ......, ldrm ud know It 'a a rm bome with pool fl spa 1oocl byy at $97,500. Ooly S ~39 ,9SO ~ bi& yardll aod Deaperate. Act Dow, &real fOl'ecast for In 5:i~9 ••l\IUNIOltNKI' creaalDI your dollar I =.., .......... C."W\NMMI c.M.lllUa \ ~--TLC. bul baa .. ol ..,...al. Lrt lot, 3 81.. frplc, diniDs rm. It MIO lea.tun. a lrs u · ~ k)u 6 owner ~ belp flAanC.. Call ... , . .., • SELECT PROPERTIES 111.r.i. f :.e~· UobeJlevable Newport Beach value ! 100 steps to aandaodoceao• 4 Bedrm + 3 bedrm unit. Needs yourn.c.don't Wllit, call now752·1'100 Ol'tN Ill Y •ti\ 11,;N 111~1 N I le &Ntl MM,,. 9• II' HJH ION Nft'f' -l~llJll *VETS* ~ COATS& WALLACE ,~~--••-••••-1~~~~~~~~1 U..Yow1141111•~ NOW ... NO 00\fN REAL ESTATE IN C MISA VIRDI LOANS TO sioo.ooo I STY 19'UKJC LOW INT. RATE. Let ua Seldom on market; buge abow"70U bow to quallf y. 4 bedrm. 2 bath. brick T• to led C.,..t *~~rm, aparltl· We..,.._ 714-1202 1nl dinln1 area. Only Sl45,000. Act now! ...USH TUDOll Tb er e·a o n ly one!' Areal old world charmer see-ma wttb tbM ED&llab tudor _ ~N 111 9 • llSfUNIOl!l/\llCI' Jook. Coved~llvi.na l•llll §:.:._~~~ ...... ,.,..... Optioll Pool, ocean, canyon view. 4 BR + loll. Call nmm · 1.2118 DOW! CallS..231.S SI0.000 Under ~alaal. :t OPIN 1119•11 ~II.JN ION""''. S¥•~B::~i [·•Mllll , .. ~-·R•EAL•T•o•ro•llA•RS-c·H- NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact t he DAIL 't PILOT for Information regarding the county re q uirements for u sing a Fictitious Bualnesa Name. Utile Miss Muff et sat on a Tutret, along came a sptder and read in tbe Daily Pilot Classified section about Miss Muf. fet 's Tuff et and bought it for -.95. You can sell your tuffet and lots of other things throu~h Daily Pilot Classified Ads. Call 642·S678 642-4321 EXT. 332 ~~~~ UISlr HADOll VllW ta.LS 4 bedroom Sandpiper with spectacuJar canyon & ocean views, plus large exciting pool & private yard. Formal dining, s eparate fami ly room & 3 car garage . $317,500 land included. , A COLDW8.L IAHKB CO. 644·9060 2111 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS "0. IN NEWPORT CINTEA SPECTACUl.AI VU-Day & NiPt bf ............. lot .... ,.... ............ dect&. """' ~ ... & o .. I Two 1tory 4 bedrOMI pin ....... , ............. , ............ fluplsc-. .. md loeds of ,..... to .. tert• "' md CMll. hty to Mow. S4tl,OOO. BUPLEX WITH .POOL $.121,000 .................................... H .............. tet1lfk ....,.,_,. onrtul•11 ,... fr.. rectw11d M IL. All ............. ,,..,....., M tMt 2 & I ..... _ .... . \' WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. 2436 W C <M.,, I li11h~ .i v Nvwport B t•11C"h 631-1400 SHARP DUPLEX in moet quiet residential area. near water. 2·3 BR. 2 bath units: bltns. frplc, garage 1n cld 'd . $229.500. w /beaut terms . Newport Beach duplex. 4 bdr ms. up, 3 bdrms. down, rmest rental area. Clolle to shopprng P n ced at $212.500. 673-3663 642·2253 Eves ' JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 Get GREEN cash for WHITE elephants with a Claaailled Ad C.UM2-5e78 associated BROK ERS-REAl TORS I OI '. W iofboa •11 hbl SELL ldle items with a rMiJ,y PUot Ct ... l/led Ad. MINI ESTATE! RED IARN INCLUDED 3 Bedroom + pool + horse stalls. Gourmet kitchen & country li ving! Muc h, much more'! Call 673-8550 HILLSIDE RETREAT Prime Ne wpo rt Beach hillside retreat. Massive sing le story, mini ma nsion overlooks tranquil hillside setting. Iron gated walkway lo dble door & cer amic tile e ntry . Cathedral and beamed ceUings, 2 fplcs. secluded mas ter s uite hosts peaceful view!! 2 Patios. 3 car gar age & much. mu c h more ! Owner anxious. call now! 673·8550 3 PRIVATE IEACHES! Fabuious Cameo Shores. PRIME Corona del Mar location with 180 deg . ocean view! C athed~al ceilings . Game room. 4 Bedrms. Lowest priced view home in Cameo Shores. Don 't hesitate, call fast, 673-8550. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX ~~~a;~~b\\ (~~·2 ~~e~~~ Owner anxit~J . t:all 673·8550 WHITE WATER VIEW 3 Bedrm. 3 story bun~alow with private beach. Made for love rs of the sea!! Financing availa ble. Call now for extra details. 673·8550 STEPS TO IEACH Owner ready to vacate this neat 3 bedrm +rarrS/l -m + fireplace beach cottage. . L IJ, on fee land for only $139,500. Hut'f-y, won't last. caJI 673-8550 ISLAND LIVING! One block to water on fabulous Newport Bay! Private beaches, clubhouse, tennis courts. Dock. Magnifice n t 2700 sq . ft. ent ertainment t \'e. Spacious master wi~·\\ \,, .. dng m arble fireplace, d8'~ •night lights view! 4 Bedrms + den & much. much more! Owner wlll help finance - you name it, we'll try it! Take adv~tage, call now, 673-8550. JASt •• C ... SPICWJ LOYILY OCMM YllWI PIO .... Fee land and a perfect borne for a couple. Bright rooms & each with a view. Also vtew or beautiful greenbelt with trees, plants & long walks. 2 Lar1e bedrms, den, formal dlnlng rm & 2 baths. Tennia eta. pools . spas & 24-bour security g uarded gate. WISLIY M. TAYLOlt CO .. llALTOU 1111 s..J .. ,r ........ Mlwro.T CINTB, M.a. 644-4910 BUILDER DESPERATE Udo,....._. Lowwed SI0.000 Brand new Lido Isle 2 and 3 bedroom homes with quality appointments. Now just $450,000. <Co·op realtor s, contact R. Wakefield ) ~ U ~ l ()U I: 11()M l:S REAL TORS.t, 675-6000 2443 East Coast H1gliwav. Corona del Mar 2 STOllY.rc>OL $72.~0 Blke to beach from this 3 bedrm Townbouae. Uke new carpetlna. drapes, bllns, private patio, recreational faclllliea. aooo will tUe over ••. illUn& financlna. $440. per month PITI. No quaJifyinc or loan co.ta or try other fioancln1 with smaller investment . CallllB-791 OPfll ,,, 9 . ,, \'lit",.,,.,,, , [911111 YllW AIAMDOMID ESTATW See Spyglasa, Eastblulf. Irvine from this deserted 2 st«y estate with acre 4 bednn. 2 baths. Neurly \.:a acre ol woodsey lot. Ml'WPOlrT HGHTS MO 9'1AUFYIHG Unique oppor t unity. TreeUned cul-de-aac. Huie 2 l1ory 4 bedrm. ape.re aep. master suite. Larte back yard witb IDmQ1 fruit trees. 3 car aaraee. tool Call for pre- view, &e&-nn Ol'fN 1119• •I\ Ill"< tnllf-1' !•l*ltll JSToaY Sbalre root. 4 Bdrm' 2"" e., 1133,$00. EasUade c.o.tallaa. Z•HOMI Odee corner, R-2 zoned lot. Room t o build . S18.SOO -..,~ ....... 54a-7729 Huge sparkhni;t pool. ST&tS TO llACH klog estate dnveway to garage. A must sell' Sllf,900 ll00.950 Act now, call Oiarming 3 bedrm. bnck ~2313 patJ<111 Lots of wood and • ,., ., · • · • . • . glass Pnvate l-Ommuru I ~ I ty.Callnow! 646-7171 ~ lt1ftiljif V11<11r 9•" f~d•:N•:oi • -,.. call c 1 ... u;ed 1 • llJl!I to place an ad. you're u - s uretl of a friendly TOPLOCAT10H welcome and help 10 SJ75 mo. 2 BR 2 Ba, wordJ.ng your ad for beat security sate. pool, bltna. response. Call Now' Ask fo r Gene , a gt. 642.-S678 98UC7l mE 110111 BLllRS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE IEST IM SPYCiLASS LARGE FAMILY"" One Of The 1..arjl~I llomt'll In The Area Six Bedroom!\ Plu11 llulle Honus Room Many Extras Such Ai. Spanish T1INI Kitchen . P11rquet Entry. Protective• Alarm Svstem. F:tc . Etc· Coll t;s To Inspect. Only i446.000 ·--............ 631 -1800 HI DOVBt DRIYI SlllC & RNlf TARTANS C L C I 0 E H L D I A S 8 A 0 M E R A s Aux" E w A r\t AB t AH slo H L L 0 M R X 0 T R E W S H R R E Y T 0 Y I G M E J H S H 0 I A I 0 F A S E S G V H I M R E A U R R H G H L E S H T U E H H E H 0 T H G W E H S C H R H R G H H G H L H H 0 T R R T A H L S G E R A A I M A H A R G V E H I H I A E 8 H T H E R A T T C A W P F 0 V H H I 0 A M A I C Y S A T A B E U A E D W D R 0 S H M A 0 M C R E R C T T W S E E S H E C L A R A T L G S C W I Y A S R I X U U T T M 0 l U R A E L S L Y B U P A S B I l E H S H H A C P H E R S 0 H X C H 0 S T 0 R C L E A B I R 0 E R E M lnttruc11ons: H~ WOfdl 1>14ow lfl'M« forwll'd, bedr· -d. up,~ Of diepYlly. Find tedl end boa It In.~ Budlenen Gl'llllm Robl!Uon ~ c.ntron Gr111t Mc T Mill u Cempbell lnMt MicpttMon 0 C!Hnmlnt Undlry A oyll $-....rt f lflUIO'I Slndelf MlcOl'lfllf T omomiw: Mia OOfllllilml ~ Beach Reatty co... Wl1M US • . . to Corona del Mar. $10,500 price reduction. Corner duplex. Lower unit has 2 matter bdr ms. each 'with private bath. Plus 3rd bdrm suitable for den or office. Upper unit has 2 Bdrms and bath. Price now $199,500. MST TM ltflllTOal a.e·s your clauee to live 1n a claarmia& bome oa • Jl..2 lot ..U. you build a second ualt. Owner's Yfrl modvawct . aabmit all often. Call .,., llEWPllT BEACH 759-tlll . ~ ~ HERITAGE Rf Al TORS WI HAYE SIVELU FfHI IAYROMT~ wmt PIH & 51.W COSTAMl5A 4 ........ Let LOWEST PRICE in Calta ..... Only ·~ down. OWC. Always rtllled. w ............. 516-7777 BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR ~ , r , . Y •• , ,1• • 1, • • ,. , .._.} f'1 .' ) t 1 1 o : LIASl/Of'TIOM $6.000DOWM Be..at\11 COIMl.. 4 BR 2 Ba + bi& family room, all oew ldtcben •baths, only -..soo . .,., mo. on ie.e. Ruth Laurie. BJ tr. Mf.GIO 2040 PHALAROPE : lleaa Verde; an ex· ceOait fumly home - new pUll. new tandscap. int. oewty carpeted, bta FlVE BEDROOMS. 3 baths, ramaly room , formal duung room & two beautiful stone fireplaces Price r e duced for qwclt :.ale $151,900 COU Of ..WPORT HALTOIS ........... 1006 ....................... IAL80A IS& A .. IYOW.• m A&lolen.a Ave. $125..000. ~87M129 Zl.MaMl'l'I ..... p I 1ds 1007 ....................... MIAAMIW ... tSUI A POINT A ta&ally dell&U cu.tom bome w itb aourm el ldt.c:MD. ba.kooy 1ame romn and fu.l.l aue jacuni ID sumptuolU master t.dt.. all abou...tln& with dd mik appourtmenta 1111: BEST OF ''THE POINI''' for M38.000 CALL 644-721 1 ....... 111 5 BR + dee + Family Rm + Formal dini.Dc +a CU' ........ + 2 pau. + balcony and oth er ammities, Aaldn1 only ~UALn IJ6.71Jl IOo/eDOWM ~ Z BB Townbouae. l yr oew. J 119t '82.500. Drtve by tOlliZ TOW'Dbou.se Dr. It Canyon Dr. Tben call 541·7177, 140·1'80 ,,..., OAK GLEN D11t1nct1ve new 2 bedroom, 2.,... ba COD· dommlwns. 97 ,990. 2518EldenAve, C.M. &42-6734 WESTSIDE C-1 Olrner' lot -With 3 bdrm e111>t1ng bu1ld1ng. Probate 'sale Trcme,n dous posslb1htie11 Newly ctfered at S1 lS,000 ___ ,_7s-_55.'.'--eor-. .i....-1022 7~·1501 3 Bdrm Porlftno model + guest ~ with fireplace and separat f' <'n t r' Perfl'l·t fnr tn IJ\4<. Thi' could """' \our h o u..,1ni: problem!> S2f;i.91'.~I $2 c•91fr- $75 ............ PENNY PINCHER AD Private 1nd1v1dua1s can now sell any item or comb1natton of items 101a11no S75 or less Wllh 8 3 hne ad f()( 2 ~onsecultve days lor onty S 2 Ea c '1 add11tona1 hne 1s 600 fOf the 2 days. Charge your Penny Pincher Ad °' use your Bankamertcard or Masterch1tge No com· merc1a1 edS aocepted c .. ......,.,.p,w., l:OOAM .. l 1JCMIM' ._ ... ~ ........ ~---w..r­...., ....... 642-5678 DAILY PILOT ••••••••••••••••••••••• LEASE Of'TION Investor's duplex + 2 good rentals. pool. frpks, charm $2:5.5.000. PhDaa>Als only. 640-4999 ~ Jbr, 2ba Easts1de S..1denl'e + 1al'ome. bome. C o r ner Jot O.:t••ide ol bwy. G.H. ILZl.IOO. -111o. MS-7272 RollerUon. RJtr . .-7~ ade Corona del Mar 4 BR. 2 ba bome U6i0 aq ft I. Oil 40' kJt. 1 t,\ bib frun Bl« Corooa & CbJna Cove Z36 Hehotro~ Ask SUO.IXX> By owner bkr Pis r all ror .ippt , 673-~ 664 COYl/Drf•• SJ 3 BR. l .., ba. Lge cov - end pabo. storage shed. Flsb pond. lae fncd yard. Qlile to scbla. Full price l1t.soo Seller wall help fJAan('t' SHAJB REALTY 960-1910 --------• E_A_S_T_S I-DE U nd er FAMILY MllDID! Sl00.000 Pnnc1pals ooly. Harbor View HJlls. ex A,gl 831-0496 ecut1 ve bome With 4 ----- Bdnm on lreWled sleet Pnmt! got! course fron- New cllJl>eWlg -ttduced tage 4 Bed rm hom ~ for quack sale. $248.500 overtPmg Mesa Verde iodudes land Country C lub Golf 3806 lNLET ISLE OR. course. Lighted paddle OPEN DAILY l·SPM tmnas, secluded loc. Sep. Barm.tRltyReg11~r maid's qrtrs. Jackie 642·5200 H.mdleman, 631-12166 ~~~~~I S.OfHhjltw., 3 BR, 2 Ba, ownen unit REALTORS wttb I BR rental. Comer -------- loc at 1 on . $240,000. C()ll '&IPAD ~a1t. s1s.sus. OPBf HOUSE i.t weebDd abown. Lov-e... W... I 024 ely 3 BR family home, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. many xtras . --------•I Must see. $97,950. By MISAVBDI 4 Bdrm. 2 bath, quality built. ahake rool. double ~.Great local.Ion, ideal for entertaltung . i..rp rec room, lots ot declung. low main· teoaoce yard. Off ere<I at $10(.000. Call 540-11.51 , 1r~ HERITAGE . . REALTORS Auulne 9.46°/o Locm 5 bedroom or • bedroom and den lleaa Verde home with •PPf'OX. 2100 aq.ft. Family room, de- 'tuxe kitcbeo. 2"' batba. owner. 3:58 Princeton Dr. MS-73'0. ASSUME I~ Interest on loan. Kitcbeo redone w /blto microwave, pvt master bdrm suite in lovely C.M. area. SlOl,900. By .. eot ~or&o.MU MIWUSTIM6 TmMSl1BMS! Great terms! Huge up- gaded 3 bdrm, Z at.or)' on quiet cul·de·sac. In· Vt8tonl deliaht · enter· talner's dream ! Call now.MS-MJI b r I c It II rep I ace . By Owner, lovely J br, Beautlflllly landscai>;ed Colle1e Park family with tarp CO¥ered patio; home. lluat see, "7 ,950. aprinklen. ao.e to ell· MS-7340 cellent acbooia. Use your 1--------- pnamt home ,uity to ..SA YaD1 take over tow nterest a..fw, BR 2 Ba, easy loan. Hurry! $121,900. care yard . Caab/oew BKR.CaU~1m ......_ Sl.21.950 21135 Pem· ........ b a . 551 ·1211. NO ........... AGENTS. - TAllADYANTA .. Of thlt lovtl~ family bome. It featurH: 4 Bdnm, 15dO encloHd PllUo room, low malD- t.-. yarcl and la near loutb Cout Plan . Prw.d u cm1y •.aoo. l'or more lafo call --· . HERITAGE Ht All on~ 1026 ....................... M•IMTA Spectacular bllltop ...... 301J.-aq. ft. ac.. to llariaa. Selva Rd 6 Calle La Prtma ....... to •• 000. m.-:-...814r. r a•v..., IOJ4 ....................... BAN'KSALE -·zroek AY•-f:U7,IOO. 4Bll, 2~ba. ~s.&ta.as.sor UPt. Pita.911 ... m4771 - '""'..._ ........ -. .... , ___ .. _ .. , ............ , .. ;i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~;;~~~~~~:i:~~~;:~:=:=:;::----_......-..~_. . .,,,;.-_..,__. . ..;..;..;,__;~£: ~ :I' ·~,...-~ .. ~-~ ....... r~·~~~~·~~:~~~ililliliilliii .. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:, ____ __:,:=..:..:_m t IUl1lfl. 11¥11 · Coorused by all t Mb? Ranch Relllty andlot WoodbrktJt Realty can how you any one o( ove-r a H~ Uated hom ln Irvine Don't WI te Ume trying to dectd which ad aound1 ~ best • CAll IE n Ill. IAMCH WOCIG ... I UALn 11.ALn 511·1000 511-JOOO Tll DP£11S ON llVINE PllUTY It ......... 1940 ....................... ~+ on Ullil upended, nr new. • br, J" .. with lat1e familJ rm • formal dm rm. Only a abor1 walk to &hebMeb. hr1l Place,IM 84.2-7461 .sBr. 2~a.. form. D R. F.R. Low IDllinl yd. Nr park. school. tennis Sl31,000. By own er ... v-.&c..tort is wbat you will get in thiuharp 3 br, 2 ba home that loob like a model. Park Place.Inc 8'2 7461 Poal-Secriflc•! 500 Yards t o ocean "Model Perfect .. , 2800 sq.fl. 3 or 4 bdr., w/pool, jac . Imm aculate ' Patrick 631-12166 WOOGW•I Jlraao.ooo 5&GM,OOO to.OW. MHaT 1111AUmt1! 3 ~ t.ownbome m fa nt a1 t 1c WOOD BRIDGE ASSU M E ~% loan and enjoy the L A KE , TE NN IS . POOLS. etc. On ly 4 molltha new! HURRY! Jt WUUOBHIOGf Rf Al TY 551-3000 OHT .. WATIR lBr condo, loft, cotrl air, frpl. Assumable loan. Prmc only. Agt 551-4682 evs. REALTORS Beac:hwalk 3 Br 2~ Ba. bonus rm. "'.I m1. lo beach, $137,000. 675-4132 D&llAaD PARK For Sak ly OWMr Lge 4 Bdrm. sep dng r m & fam rm. <Plan 3 ) on single level. Beaut came.I cpt 'g, many up- grades, mcely landscpd wllg pauo, super loca tion. Comm. pools & parks. Owner anxious- tnlL')l sell OnJ y S135. 000. 32 Deer Creek. Call s::D-4775 or 7S2 1025 Will ro-operate w 1bkrs IEACH BUUTY Walk to ocean. 4br. 2ba, Sl"2 7 • 5 0 0 0 w n e r 213-432-7728, a rt 6 964-2140. llACHFIXH •• sat too ffuce llv rm. wtlplc. Olaillry ldldt.. om. sep, ......... _..... .. ......... llrta« pelnt. Bargajn! SHORELINE ASSOC. 841-22182 Turtle Rocle Hi~ands Here 1s the 5 bdrm. ''Stewart" Model you've been waiting for, on a cul-de-sac on the top level street. with a poolsized lot, and It's oo· ly 5 months "new". See it Wday! DfDALD MY Vl a W ..... ,rt ........ .,.. -.ooo. "-· auou ,. <1'....:TION A 1wuia1 departure Mm u. ord1aarJ walk to beads from th.la North ....... cwtom built 2 Bdrm I bath home ~cout.aJA.c1 ty licllt view Gourmet kltt'hmi, with ma111ve b\l1al room w th &lowm& wood noon. sm.ooo don o sen ,, ,,,,, .... 401 CLENNEY RI!.: Wl-4848 CHICI( TMS VALUE Lovely 3 Bdr m on 3 I.DI'S. Pvt courted entry. expanded Uving rm w/o· cean view. Your own fruit trees. Compare at THlatWf'S VfrJ l&e. 4 bdrm., 3 ba. a lr ·cond. t ownho me. ...S. to ll.Sl.500. Beat op- p o r t u o lt y, unde r rurtet• BroMr lt0-6MO WA llllllOMT Eitt ra la rie corne r duplu in xlnt cond. Moonna available. Spec- la<'Ular view. Appt. only. 1115.000 t Cote Realty & l m·estment 640-5777 WATflFIONT Pnnie. .... lNt llDecl PlliD. a ....... z~ aa. a.,.. ..uy ••>'· Great _,, al S!Tt.900. Call .... / 'p ~ ~. ~ I I I .1 l<I Al If W. ICllT NOW! n. price fr terms ol · rend GD thil bJahly up· 1raded Seavlew 3 Br home are utterly ran. t.alti<' ! Thia home bas new paiDt Is cpta t.btuout, Freocb dra leading 0Ul· 1ide to a newly p ro. fe u ionally lndsc pd s-ndise. Brick fJoora UI the entry & kit. Many, !ibQy men xtras. Call Jlm Flanders for an appt today. (714) T52·U0'7 dys, (71 4 ) 58l ·S787 evestwlmds. Prio only. agl. ......_,_Wt n.;.aa.. t. 1m ....................... __________________ ...,.....,. ______ ~ .. .-. IMO Olllrliilll•.. Olilr-M ltWi ....................... ....................... ... ................... . m"ll ...._,...,,..., 2ooe ...... w. 2JM ...... l..t)t ... 4 ....,_ w/poaU -•••••••••••••••••• -·•••••••••••••••• _..._ ___ ..,.,...~-, =:.~J!*:tli 1:ro11~ '::2, aoca. 2J a£ LIT =r..i::. onr u.. -2 _.... ,,_ JIM• ... .,.,. ...... ~.All ..U maba· ...._,.,,,..., tllilld. AMilla -.900. Some bac• bay v1ew, OW.-ba purd laaed flllllaltk area for huae I .. ...., llttaa. .., ....-rt1 6 ., ready nach bome + barn • to• ltllMa. c.u Jlm ,, ... lllllalaf-t ION dan C1M> 112-1101 dys: -.... ;;;;:~........ A f1€nlG€ ~-s11 -s1a1 eves. OD Ptolneula. Ont)' ..... to a.di. 2 Bdrm. l ba, him. .. , .......... 1lDlE~ARCH8AY '-1--~ HOM€~, ... _____ _ R.IBIDENCE .. Tbla outatud.ln.I com· ..UC• ~~~~~~~~ muoily offert this 2 33S3W.COutHwy,NB a StnMCic:ally lout.ed ~ beeut.11\11 dlx bedl'aom. 3 bat.It home 641-6646 4.p1ex Iota In nearby 3br 2ba. fr1'k _.mo JUI&...,.. away rrom t.bla Pomona. wttb all plana' 'U1 J&at. !Wt . '75-1.Mt ' aaody Mt<'b and blue CDM DWI.IX permit1. Subordinated ....... Outatandi.u loca· a Br . wait 1 1 financina availal>Ae. Now 3 BR. z be, luxury home. $' Uon plu. extn family 61 :T:!mt.9:~ ~s~ m>.ooo rrp1c'a, dbl car,.,., AIC. room and formal cllnin1 IWD&ble loan. $179,900 l7 I 4t 673-4400 mo. 9G-2IOO. area. sm.soo. .. ... pri,.., 1• 1 a. UNG0 REAL ESTATE ""' ...... 'I J 6Z Hit ~1 HARBOR S.S..._. ---._.....€HIG€ ........................ 100 $TB'S TO OCEAN SB R . 28A home . aoprQx IS vearl'I old Wit h S J 37,000 assumable 1st at ~ Owner will car ry 2nd C7 I 4t 146-5502 ___ HC>f-t€~ Gt t .. lZOZ • •••••••••••••••••••••• a.OSI TO llACH 1210 Rm kitchen s:e ur. peta, ttplc ~2br kids, rn!:· 'ee By 0 w N ER .L a k e t' , .. DeMf't. ~.t°M~FiN'K~ss r.:Jsinaft. 5 bacb wuts, + 557-0826 2 br house. Sl.07S mo lD· ...... 2400 -------- Sl"""'OOO .....,.~ d ••••••• •• • •• • • • • • • • •• • • ..........__ •-t-....1 come. -. . g,n n. _ .................... 1.,...._,..... 3206 owe. a-2980. 831-21122 COSTA MESA • ......... Lot U>weat price 10 Costa Mesa. Only 103 down. O'NC. Always rented. WaridlNEstah 556-7777 ........................ FOi LIASI IAYRK>MT New 2 bedroom 2 bath 2 bdrm, 2 bath in s uper. home. Mis1100 Lakes location avail now for Country Club Golr WUller rental seoo mo . tmni.s-pool Beautifully Salisbury Realty 673-8900 landscaped. no main tenance yard lsland beach house 3br. 98>Clubbouse Rd l1i'lba, Assm yr lae. $550 . Desert Ho( Spnng.s l&dast. 3.11 Grand Cban· 213-378-2572 net 673-1286 ~.000. ------- IOUG+ft' AMOTHH Must seU 3 Bdrm home on quiet <'Ul-de-aac. liv. rm w /Walla ot glass loots Olllo pool az yard. Coiy den w/frplc. Breakfast rm+offlce. Seller wants a ll ocrers presented. Sl74,500. w ............ 1091 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ CorONtdalMar 3222 WOOD &GLASS Chris Abel designed. Featu r es q u ali t y lhruout. J BR1den1tort study and 3 baths. Con· versatlon pit p lus Catali na Su n sets s:B},000 LA11J111M1 VIiiage R.L 497-1761 ~HIUs 1050 ·····'················· Leisure World, Gale 14 Panoramic view. 3rd noor, Villa Nueva. 2br 2ba, 586-6879 AtC afl 7pm Pf $46 ,0 00 C O -O P COMDO 'Ibis pnme 2 BR Laguna Hills condo inclds main tenance. cable TV, an suraoce. set'. system. tax.es, 5 clubhses. lawn bowling, s huffleboard , riding stables, tennis crts, olympic pool & more. Woo 't last al only $46,000 CaJI ~3666. "EAL ESTATE-· JUST REDUCED~ 5 Bdrm exec home by Meredith. Great terms, DOW $1.M,!500. MIWPOttT HEIGHTS Charming s pacious 2 litory, 3 Bdrm, family, din.Ing room, large living room. Muters suite with 2 decks and spacious mirrored ba ths. War ms ~. brick and stone Truly a decor ators de· light For details t'all 54C>-US1 ~>• HERITAGE . • REALTORS IEAUTIRJL IOUGHT AMOTHER Npt. Hts. R2. Cute 2 st.ory cottage on corner lol Room for add1l1 on Sl.33.500 IOUGHT AMOTHH 2 story 3 BR home R2 lot at the beach. RedUt'ed to Sl92.500. JOAN HOWE Saltfhlmlders 63 1-2133 4 Br. 4 ba, POOL & s pa, MPT HGHTS xtra lrg lot, Ha.rbor View Tius bidden beauty lS on Homes Portoflno. Din mg a dead end st 2-sty. 5 Br. rm. Family r oom . 3 Ba, sml ocean view Playrm $269,900 fee F\JU Swedish sauna L..: IMS Port Stanhope Pl. jacu.tz1, 2800 sq ft Many Owner, 7~9269. extras Must see to ap - -prec1ate Owner wants Duplex 2 bd rm. Near fastsale.SL99.950firm-water & shops. Sl70,000 assume.Call893-3268. A eRfHIGf Axer $5000 Doww '-t-~ HOM€~ 4 Br. 2 Ba, dining rm. J.V. Co., 631-0800 MC1quA&JFY..,.. 3333W. Coast Hwy. NB 645-6646 ....................... --------- WESTMtMSTIR VIL.LACH We h ave 2 lar ge, 4 bedrm. 2i., bath homes, both with pools & spas Lge ram rms & rormal dimngnns Park Place, Inc 842 7461 ..............•..•..••. 11 00 ....••.•..........••... MOB ILE llOM E B U Y SELL RENT FINANCE Mobile HOfM Ston Woi n1Dtkwi Cettt~ CAUUS 661 -1021 ON TUE BE/\(.'11 Leucadia l:nobstructed ocean vu Sngl w t-xpan do Sl!l.500 I 744 0550. Res. I 144-6299. 942 1219 Pull Out. 61 Trallerama MEWPOIT IUCH 12 UMfTS I DOOR from OCEAN Unbelievably low LOW P RICED at $425.000 Owner will trade. WaridlNEs .. 556-7777 FOUa UHITS-C.M. Near new. 3 Br owners unJl. 2 ba. frpl 2 c:ar gar , 3-2 Br. 2 ba. unit!. TSL lnvstmu 642 1603 16 DILUXE UHITS PRIME EA.5TSJD£. CM 2 Bdrms each ntE ~'TARN ES CO . 640 5711 ..W.ORTIUC H Duplexei. on Penin & Nwpt Shn1 a~all All a meo1l1es Presentl)' leased. Tum·kt'y opera lion. P roperly mgmt aviW.675-491.2. BKR Uc. •OV6703. Dbl wide. • ..... Escrow 2 0 x 4 5 s s 9 0 0 C-d•nt L.. '---Re n a 1 s a a n c e M . P '+' ,_ • -- Ba)'froat Oen. Vu. OW.C. at lK . Sec. Bld1. Boat slip. 2br , 2ba. Ownr. ea.mo. 4118-3579 .. $ I tr• ... or .. DOYa SHOalS • I C. =ti PreaU1lou hmtly SEASHORE fer ......... Cell FAflLY CWLE neitbbor bood. j ust 2BRZ8a + dea. Pet OK. 711·1·771 ealr f.,-mlnui. to Newport '1 lll.000. Aft·~ -....;. famou1 h arbor aod 1---------•I -="------~---~. 1'bla execatlve MfWPOtn' HIW home combmes eleaance •... .,, .. , ... · and family 1ivln1. 4 -Y~DIV,_(if HOMI +INCOME ()ut of Stat. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rropar+y 2600 Large 3 br, 2-ba, frplc. pV\ ••••••••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • patio, nearly 1800 sq. ft Beaut hm . 2.8 ac. I yr old. duplex So. of Hwy. Avail. 3 Br, 2"2 ba. Vant•ouv..r, Oct I Isl & last mo +.. wasn:642-5063 eves aft S250depoi.1t S6SO mo. SH 7pm Sl68.000 Carnation.~~~):. -: Share BJg Sk)' Mont;;na •Small lbr, yard, ulll pd.:: home Good sport!. lo<:a Adults $425 No pell>. : uon CaJI ~ 0324 759-0217 or 8J3.8974 ON THE BEA<.:11 l~ Jasrrune Crttk. Secunty, MAl.:1. I BR t'ond. furn pools. t.eruui. 3 br. 2"2 ba. w anuque:. lncl<b :iuto end urut, Plan 6, highly rel· facil Nr ..:olf upl(radcd on grnbll. L~e ~.<XXJ 714 752 62()4 or SJ.a() 640-4784 eve~ wnte f°' fret-brochurt' 2Bdrm [)pix~ lba~s~ndk. R> an R1c-k ard 1· 11 stme & re(nJ:, utl ind <.:hane> 666 Front !'\t • S5l() mo 640-400() Lahama. Hawa11 Y6761 3 bdrm 3 bd fireplace. ~ F«ms. 2700 ::,:r~1g Corona $65() ...•...•........•..•••• W•'f'e~! wt<>ver~ c~11r 1 320 acre alfalfd ranch. reservoir 000 gpm well, large 5 bd home & shop. flat land uUed & ready for p lantin g $2700 ptacre-owner fmancing, amioua to sell R-2 buildable lot In f" A:-IT A.'ff IC 3000sq It Ocean Vu. J br. den. 3b;,. (rplc. sep guest qurts rm for boat1trlr. Gardnr an cl Avail 11·1 673-5646 JASMrNECREEK Ocean view 2br, den .• fonnal din rm. 2 frplcs. $12:50Mo. 84().. Ul2 Agt. Cap l atrano Beach z BR. 2 ba., patio, fresh • ~-•.ooo. peiat.. No peg. tlOO. lad. · 11 ~ W/dooble Wkle fl6ec. Atlt'DoQM ' malli» ~in tM p~ ,.__.._ .....___ .... ~ a...wee.•.oot --~-.... R,.t \at Ul San Clemente ·····-···············-: 191.000cash •New 2br condo or. So.: 12 llCl'el C2 parcel.I) w1Lh Cit Piasa. Pool. apa "50~ 2 wells. bome. cuest ......,4or7-.o:217. • boulie. bam & view Walk .,..... 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BALBOA lSLAND 'l523 C\MPU9Da~IRVtt1E REALTY 4 Bedrooma ft pool, quiet cul.._c, move-lo re- .ty. Please call ror more ckta1la Oil this be a util ul Bdrm + maida r oom . Ololce locatJon. 1$2,SOO 2567.... CM 13315.000. Let us tell you Vacant. Boal ttserva· Dlx spadow bome w /S uon. Monthly rent S213 ...._ ........ ,_ ,,_,_ __ mare. Lie reoewablt', 6 yrs to '""'" ........_, ••lllllK" u.nits. Home baa 3 " bdrms . to Pao Robles Term s Easts1de Enterta iner< S2'29 ooo Debdit. 3br l \ltba, man,.. 3 ed Tempk>ton hom e a me n. k ids. no pets: sss.ooo .., $33.000 as Av8119/l 91195. 631-0Cll6. ~ Assume 91/4°/o Loan 673-8700 ~~ ••••• ~~~ ....,........ IOU home 642-5200. ID· 2~. separate yd. db Pride of owne rsh ip 3 bedroom borne topped by attractive tile rool En· try. dining room, den and firep l a ce . H u ge landscaped lot w ith privacy galore'. Covered patio. sprinlJers. Enjoy community pool. Use your present home eqw· ty to take over low in· terest loan. Don't wait ' $125,000. B K R . Call 5rJ&.8451 TARBaL. -· Twtlerock Highlands Jbr , 2be. sn&l family home. Formal dining & ramily rm . Spectacular view H ig hl y u pgraded w /s upe r b l n d sc p SW.000. A#· 714-957-8424 or 64IMi82:5 CALIF. CLASSIC 180 deg white wal er view, or beach. 5 Bdrm. 3"'1 ba+den, dbl lot. One ol a kind. $400,000 is a s teal. Sl00,000 down Easy te rms. O WN E R Call f or a p pt . 714/833-3581 or499-4247 WAU<TOBUCH Ocean vu, 2-sty., 3 BR., fam. rm .. 2'h ba.; fire pit, parquet n s.: sep workshop, studio rm. Shutters. slid. glass North end toe. A rare buy at 1215,000' Mission Realty 494-0731 L~Meadaw1 A· rth Lo. 21 ri' Fairway El Niguel 3br, $234,000. Custom Realty \'t Olcfe I ~gm Newport c...... ~ r \ ~~.!!~~ ..... !~.~~ ~~~6~4~0-~S~l~5~7~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• By Owner. Finislera con ASSUME 9.750/o ,.ski.end unit. view of lake, HARIOR VIEW WESTCLIFF, 4 bedrm. 2 t:goH course & mountains HOMES bath, 2 patios-sharp! 2 Br 2 Ba, frpl, upgrade 5Bdrm "Somerset Plan" Patri~.631·1266 plush carpet & l1le, lo down. Will carry 2nd ne xt lo g r een belt 979-&'22 Beaut ifully decora ted and landscaped wit h HUDSON BAY REALTY, LTD. (7 1 4) 6 4 5 9 9 5 0 By Owner nr beal·h 79 Golde.nwei.t. low rt-nt $24.500 ~ 2214 ·s.s Sahara 10x50 N1re park nr lloug $9.500 ~4948 AcnapforW. 1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FANTASTIC VIEW! large yard a nd pool 3 BR. 2 BA bouse. new 12.m.500 including land. cpl. air cood .. fplc , cov HARIOI VIEW DIAMOND IAR patio, tandscpd yard Call Danny Bibb ror w/spm.klrs. cul-de-sac. appt to see these new Sl°'-SOO. bst.ings ,. OPEN HOUSE ROGBS' UAL TY Eves/Sun 's • 830-4949 67).2311 HOME IDEAL FAMILY LOC. 111 ACRES Opposite a huge green llDUCID. heft, a short walk t.o com· FROM ~.000.000 mam. pool, walking d is-'l'O SJ.000.000 tance to Anderson Sehl Zoned ~1 Freeway George Charles Realty is proud to present the h omes of Lag u oa Meadows, a new. private Newport leach I 069 coastal community th al •••••••••••••• •• ••• • • • • N E W T 0 W N H 0 M E . No tb.ru-trafhc street. ':lose badcyard bubbling spa. Oesperat4 -mu.st sell' we feel typifies the ideal Sli 5,000 Npt/Mesa. 3 Br. 21w'J Ba. Truly beautiful 4 BR. 2"'2 JJ4. 549-7'19 I kitchen. Mediterranean styl e a r c h1 tet'lu r e . beautdully lndscpd A re· al pnde ot owners tu p Open Sat 1·5 To see call agt 979-5099 12 two Bdrm units. room for 6 additional un1ls ~.~Wallace. Costa Mesa. Gross ~.280 )'r S14S,000 d n Balanc-e SC!D.000 on contract 20 yr sub-ordinauon Pnn & lilt. $3500 mo 548·2020 RENTAL INCOME PRO P ERTY From $39,900 Modular Type Homes, 34 secu n l> 3 pvt beaches. pool & pier Treasure lsle Pk. :18>1 Pacific Csl Hwy. Laguna Bt'h R.M P m 4 1499-3579 4'U 1108.000. $11.000 yr 1n come Ownr wul fin. Pnn only 631-4560 16UNITS swmble loan NEW Deluxe 3Br. den, dist S8 rugged \•1ew acres in rm. Uv rm. mkrowav~ Elsinore '* llh owner 2•2 ea., dbl garage. S80Q' fU\allC111g mo 2567 Elden. Agt . 46 waterfront acres at !J79..S099 - L,ake Na c-1m1ento ------- ,. power. telephone & a New2br. 2ba Condo walet" system SSS.000 2 car gar. A/C • Pnnc1~ als only plea!'it' Wk752-8910, Hm673-827~ fo'or ranches. acrt'U~{· lake properties & home:.. oontact Ken Marks al &Ith W. H~ulcl1 Realtor & Assoc1alc!'i 1646 Spnng Street Paso Roble!> CI051238-5350 CI05 I 466-3049 Elitale S.le or potenllal development. great tax shelter. 60 at'res nedr In dlo. $450.000 714 754 765.s ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• KIDS /PETS OIC EASI'SlDE darling I bl' tnplex. $385. 2 Br duplex $496 642·2510or646-4848 • Jbl', 2ba dbl gar. hui;te fenced yard. Avail. Oct. Isl Children OK Will rons1der pets. 646-3627. Duplex. 2 BR, 1 ~.., ba, pal10, sngl gar . $375. Agl. Dave, 644·7211. EAST SIDE . 3 Br. 2 Ba, lge back yard : x1nt rond. Yr ly $600. Ca II Bent 646-771l .._.,.._.. 31 06 s nun to bch. 2 BR. 1 ba, DEERFIELD bVlJlleovironment OnlybomehlShorechffs. patio, 2 car gara ge , Situated i.gai.nsl the gen· canyon view Add 2nd (rplc, pool, spa, tennis, tie hillsides of pre-story ror ocean view $119.SOO. 644·4192 . be home featunog many ~~~~~~~~~I fine cmtm upgrades ID· 1: cld "g rully s pr nltlr'd -. lliailh Pndeolownersbip. Near lawns & island k1tch . fw S. 1300 beach 111 HWlllngton All •••••••••••• •••. •. • ••.. S37S. 21st, last + $200 set'. IAYRK>NT m•>6828380 3bdrm 2't2ba, twnb m , Plan m Model, nr school -" poo l. By Owner. "7.,900. st.Jgious Laguna, lbese Call nm, 631·1366 _641).,_32_1..S _____ _ spectacular homes are Ftncb doors in fa m rm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• uni\s have fri>k "s. Only 5 skyllte, s'lutters thruout ,..._ .,........ yrs old Owner wants & an xJnt decor . One of 16 unit complex Terms qua ck sale. Will carry the fi nest hom es 1n available . Positive <'Uh financing w/2(1';\-down al 2 bdrm. 2 bath 1n s uper &ocauon. Ava1l now for winter rental. S900 m o Salisbury Realty 673..aH>O BEAl!T'. pvt custm home. lge country k1lch. oal( cabnts, beam ceilings, frplc, 3 br. 2 ba $1695. Mu.st see to appreciate! 631-S!MJ • appoi.nt.ed in the tradition OCUH VIEW!! ol timeless quality & uo-Forced 'sate! Lg, nice 4 SSl-9788 paralleled convenience. REALTORS bd. 3 ba, $235,000. OWC Priced from $250,000 this $3S,0<>0 2nd. Assume Harbor View S239,SOO. no w. SIMS.OOO. Agent. only 10% interest Call ON WATER WI NTER RENTAL. Exc1l1ng 3 Bdrm. family rm. dining rm and stained glass wind o ws . Moo rin g a vailable $1000 /m o winter. Salisbury ReaJty 673.e800 DIBAB.D 4 Bed rm . p I a n 4 , towoh ome. R eally sharp I Earth tone colors. S119,900. Call F red Giblon. 631·121116 i.s a rare opportunity to ---------1 9.6%. Patrick. 631-1266 ~ Bf~LO&LH /('-rR~~'Rli New 3 br house. No pets, ~ REALTORS ·Have~ you want to sell? Classified ads do it well. 642-5678. .......... 1041 ....................... purchase a new coastal view h o m e in t h e beautiful community of Laguna. Please give us an op - portunity to show these homes to you. 675-7512 ~~ MIW CUSTOM °"' •ca HTATI La r ge 4 bdr m ., 3th bath r ural hilltop location on private road. Room for tennist _pool, horses & paddock. Air con.cHtloning ; great f am Uy area, excellent rtnanctng, $3C8,500. A COUMIU. ....... CO. 496-7222 831-0836 ftiir.thn •l!YIP.._. ~ ..... Redhill ~Realty I ido Ht'.111\ P l !In· !)TJ 1JUIJ 33n VIA LIDO, N.B. Nll&SUP Vt'ith 3 bdrmll .• 2 baths; all for leas than $250,000 HEWUSTIMG! PllSTIGI TOWMHOME Muc h sought a ft e r Newport Terrace. Only one lib it on the market. Sbm'p! Priced to sell! Hljn'Y! 56-MJl BKR *"° 9UAIJFYIMG• ~ $10,000, take over f-...Uc OCICJCJn on 3 BR esec. home. Won't lut. 0....5U-G210 SIWS TO llACH -..COMI" r::;:.otua duplex In . •• ftDelt rental -.. Both unltl 4 bdnna. 9-11 to und. Woo '\lQt. •1111 C;J Witlki:r f; I 1rn REALTORS . 640-51 12 °="~ 1100 3333W Coast Hwy, NB ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645-6646 no children. $450 mo. !J79.3376. ~--~~~~~~ $350. 2 Br, gar. yard. E~ side, adJt.s, no pets. lst, IMt + dep. 646-1078 LOWEST· PRIC E JN BLUFFS Magnificent greenbelt view. 2 bdrm. atchd prqe. quiet. pool. By Owner. Save . $122,500. Call 6444129 ASSUMI t .71'Yo 4 .-W UHITS WES'IU.IFF. 4 bedrm, ~ Thal '/04J can let first bath, 2 patios-sharp . 111er rilhtaon.nearmain Patrick. 83J.121fl6 bulineu Cltock broll.en • Wie baDka) dlatrt ct ot SllltaADa. Part Pl...-e,IDc: 842· 1411 -107'._ ______ I Mwpt ... ca.a wr ...................... . A home with character! Open Houae Daily. By ~ family room. pvt Owner. 4 Br 2 Ba. beaut . bonus room or bdr!D · view ol bWa • ocean w/baUl. eatiftl area m cloH to acboola. too ldtdt + fonml dlniDC. 3 1111111 av. to meaUoo. br , 2 ba. By a1e n t p ,.500. U7 C.lle Em· 60-Mll or 548-0333. pmme. at.o7ll -.TSKY iW'bor Eatatee 4 bdr. 2~ ba. panoramic ocean ..... 000.1.-. .... ._..._ IOIO ....................... "" rm.llNT mt.EX•• ft.b.,.m.ownenuo· It.. mr. 6 28r. luxwious. JONES REALTY INC. l-stl'Mll (7~) 913-1210 New "WESTCLU'F CAPRI" Coadm. Walk to a h o ppl n f , b ank•. rt1tau r a nt 1 • t.rulpartatlon. Only 4 uniu left. Two l Bn "1.0001; 2 Br 9'11,$00; 2 Br ...... 11\arrf ! Beat b1q ln Newporil Call POq..llAUTYd d .......... ..., 2000 Gor1•ou1 up1ra • ---• .. •••••••• .... w'/rwfl eartlltoae -= crptlDI tbruout, otW 8 y 'ia" N s R . s I D .,.... MW rOOI. llotlvat· 0-Z t I ..... Sl,I05 edon.al Aatealat oa· +-.-.-J011.0n. ly .. 5,IOOI H urry l OWC.-.-:111.all .... • * 5'Altl<UHG * STEPS TO BAY 3 br. 2 ba . dining rm., frplc. gar , 2 peUos ~winter. open. 328 Sapphire 644-0954. 211 Topu, winter SS50. KIDS 1'ETS OIC F..ASl'SIDE darling 2 bo & pr age. $44.5. J br dupl. S385. 642-2Sl0or 646-4848 .-W-6UMITS Very attractive inside & ouL Large units. Four 3 Bdrm. 3 ba &: two 2 Bdrm. 1 ba units with pvt plllim. Just completed. Excel area, coavenient to fnr)'. ALSO others in pJd rental area. Don't ~.<'all today 979-5310 Fumorunfum. Mesa Verde 3br, frplc. 673-9?.34 Cbi1dttn OK. $550. lse .... Pai I 1111• l 107 opt. Q&rol ~-31&4 Agt. ....................... ~.~.Oondo +pool ALLSTATE ~y nice 2 BR M50 home. W"mter, nall Im· C.roU52·21184 agt. R~LTORS ONEORBOTH z .uominl lC..plexes lr.11\WOaru Allwne ICM/I~ filwlcilll ~ ~· 1.2-4. 5Sl·2Bl1; OU 2 BR 1 Ba cottage. ---· __ ev_ea_.____ water Is elec paid. S350 2-st.y 3br, 2ba spacioua mo. 1 child OK, no pets. home. Hu e verything Call Pam, 751·2080 ::r..:>'· WlNTER $550. •Tero l2l2 ''Z" R1tr 4M-Mll Wimer' Reatal. 3 BR. Ula. li550/IDO + util. ~EHOLDO.C. ITM7'3 $17,000 wM:ET IN· .......... l l4I nJU. PRICE $110,000 ....... •••••••••••••••• BROKER SD-2200. ~t, -Anter rental, UNl~-2LOT pvt beach. pool, 2 br. 2 Wltll older 2Br be. DO ldda·peta .... 3579 a.-. 0.. tbe 1Ucelt ~l mntbly ten· klla WliDCll, rwm roc-2 t.alaSllO. RllP ... uda, tn.500. 8)' ....,, OWHJ' (114) H1·2l l2 ...,_ Cbl) J»GOT ctya, Have tometh1nl to aeJI? ...._.-om.. Ow.illed lda do It welJ. ....................... HOii.ES FOR RENT 3 Ot 4 Br. Priced from -..-. Fncd yard "' 1ara1ea. Families pleaae, tlda " pets welcome. Call 964-2588 or man. Alt no fM . ........... l240 ....................... VACANT 2 BR 2 Ba. """•·walk to ebontn1. ldloOll, dole to · fwya • PB mo. V1Ua1e R. E • m-tm.aalrfarO.. .yftwt CoMe loal ...... ll*ioull ......... J'a1Nlou1 ...,. .. ,~JTtJIM. Ort" .,,. IU Vla Udo Nerd. Lee 2 Bdrm, 2 ba Wldee 6 PllUo '8'JS/mo ~. W....,,._ llomel LAGUNA 8.E.ACH MTR 4 aa 2 Ba, teDCed 11U'd. lll·HOO INN. lla1d eerv .. color dbl 1ara1•. tuS mo. TV. heated pool, Utll. VUlqe ll.E. ta-4411, Beaut. aew catm l ·llY r714)4 ... ~. DU No. •UorGena _ dpb. t"'r'plc. Walk t o _Owt--'--'Hw-.:..Y·----- t BR. Zlae W/D, WM&. harbor Sbr 3ba $850. Buut. decora~. m11ld tm. W <Jerry> -.1Zl1. m .awi Mn'lce, pool, utll. $95 e¥9SIHlT7 NEW TOWN H 0 ME, _wk._•_2227 ____ _ ~ 3 br. 2 ba bae. bit. NltllleN. 3 Br. 2~ Ba, Oceanfront Private aandy 1ar. walk to bcb S560 iauo. 2 car 1arage, cove. 2br, deck, rrplc, mD.CallAndySJl..TSJO 'Pk. pool, a.pa, tenl\ll, 9560.Mo.-.-1 $br. lba, boat or trlr lt.cnll· $72$110. 111.-INl3 1tlS1 ~. "4-4\1112, 848-3215 Ocunfront 2 br $525. Wlnt.ercmly. l brMZS yr· ly, utll inc.~ 2 BR, patio. kids OK. $325 mo. 1.st & last. 788-B W. 18th. S.5'1-4.519 ....... ~ ::=-.. .... s~lib. 1111-r=t .... .w .... 147-6064 •• 1 Br. walk t.o beach. SZ75 mo. cau AQdy. 53&-1330 ~ lbr, refrig, walk or blke ddt t.o bch. Fruit treas, oeW crpt. SZ95Mo. so.au 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •NEAR5POINTs·2 br, l ba. Giii + S2IOOdeposJt. 2 IDdl ok, No pet&. Call .Bob IMfe rm & bath over. at IM1:_2*or 10 direct t.o looldnt bay Hm. priv. 7871 Commodor• Circle Fem. szso. sn.w1 t3,H.B. . ---------Ccmvenient location emp. ........... ll41 ma)e. Home priv. Refs ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl'J0.~1717 •~IL.YD• C.111. olllce apece. SZl6. 71U31.-.. 21Ul2'81187 ...... """ .. ...... Tbere i. a clllfereoea. Prd-'oDal M:rVlces for the COCQpany •aeeut.lve In a HltiDI wltb a manqeable number of unlll . Ca ll 2012 Mlcbelaon. Irvine. (714 )752-0ZM. .... Otflcet Sloale atory . prof . center. a5e> llesa Verde Dr E.. C.11. IM'l~ • MIWPOtrTCIMTB DeliCD Plua. 08 600 sq fl. prof. ofc. Sub·lel, share w /r elated pro· reuion or split. $1.20 sq. It. 642-54.57or~1020 . I ST MO. Fltll Own your own bullaeu4 ram up to aooo. • m~ extra Income In your ...... thne. ~ •t yout owo pace. llue your ftnadal dreamt com. true. The sky's the llmlt • et5-381.3 TBNSST~ Lo overhud, bi profits, ~area. •.ooo. PWict, a1-1• ......., ....... 5021· ....................... Preltig>oua&ardenoffice ................ ... bids, Brookbur.fl near ~LOAMS Edin&er. Suites from 390 and sq, ft. JS751 Brootburst, 2nd Trust Deed Loana on W s t m . Ill r C a n t o r residentJal property (ll3 K»-5848. Q.mtomised t.o oieet llOa LEASE your needs! ""·-lRa 3 ff R.E. OEPT ............... rm o ace. SAN11"'~ 1 ......... .., 3 1 a 1 5 C a m 1 n o "''W'# "'~ Capistrano, SJC. $350 ~~~7~14~/832~·~5200~~~ mo.831·7132,496-7123 _ Ocean View space avail S175Mo. Lse. 498-2'122, 51721> 3 Br, 3\AJ ba. Near beach. 2 es gar, fprlc, simdeck. '13). Ref's req'd. Avail Nov 15th. 960-7090 or 537.191 ask for Linda Plaate. AlJDOlt ~ acre, 2 BR. 1 VJ ba bome, tu&b beam ce1J lnp, frplc. Back Bay. Room for boat or RV 1515mo.~197l. .......... 1769 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Eutllde nwlY decor. 2br, 1ba. l350Mo. pool, adults. nopet.a.~. oea.t.t .. OMT /View ¥-.-.---.. -.-,.--4-2-50-1 MEWP0n llACH ~~·2~~: ••••••••••••••··~··•••• Newgardeooffices,Sl .05 While Water Rlty. Int' v"NEED ¥"MONEY CONDO 3 bd. pool. llD>/mo. A.ak for Robert Milliken. 831·1266 WIHAVI YUi&. y & WIMTH 19n'ALS Lar'e 3br, 2ba lower, pelio oew pa.int, bltins. close to OCC. $425Mo. Avail. 751·9905. 545 297~ security bldg. '795/Mo. Houle fOf' rent, Big Beu • up at aa.rport w /xlnt Waterfront Homet1 Cl1j alpa IS; IJnma furn. freeway acces.. Ground , .......... 4450 ....................... 631-1400 S25 ailely pr cpl Call Ooor avatl. to 4000 sq. t\ after3p.m. S48·1989. 646-Gll. Ginny. For l&Oft • otfice space at reaeonable rat.es. • CltlDA'MO Lovely 2br, den 2~ba Condo pool, jac. 2·car · pr6opeoer. Upgraded. REALTORS tmO. Avail Now No Pets. 51M182 OCEANFRONT 3 Br. 2 Ba, yrly $1200. or 9 mo. ~TO llACH mo. 673-6210 2BR 2.ba, Patio Home. OH WATER FrmJ dining, frplc, D/W. dble 1ar, tennis, RV Beaut. 2 Bdrm ~ den. atorqe. Villa Pacific. Lg e Patio , view . 9722 Ve rde Mar . $1200/mo lse. Prestige $C15/mo. ~3359 location. Waterfront Homes 2 BR. tripJu, wilb gar. 63J.1400 m>/mo. Sec+last mo. 1209Florida. 960-2.854 OCEANFRONT 2 BR. up· ---------per unit w/3rd sty s un· ....... 3244 deck +huge 2nd 11ly patJo ••••••••••••••••••••••• deck. spa, ws hr /dry r . 3 BR, l\AJ ba. condo; microwave, new crpL'i & Heritage Park. Up· drps &gar incld'd. $875 graded. Pool. No pets. mo. yearly. RO Mo. 559-6'42 5411-1313 2 BR. Woodbridge condo: no pets; full rec. Brand new. $650 Mo ~ 548 1313 UN•enity Park 3 Bdrm, 2 ba Garden WATERFRONT 3 BR. 2 ba home on Channel 1n clds slJp for pwr boat up tu 40· Dbl gar + xlru prkg. Sl.200 mo. JACOBS REALTY 675.6670 ~~ery clean. SS75· New N-;~-rt-Terr Con do. 3 Br, 21h Ba, ~aut 4Br, 3Ba, A/C, gardener, view from front line urut near schools at pool, Nr pool, jac & sauna. _Cdlece_.-.__Prtt_._5'58-_5058 ___ , llOO/mo. ~ Univ. Pk Terr. 3 br, 2 ba, din rm, dbl gar, pools. ll00.~7898 l&f'TALS 2 BR + d, 2ba .. $650 3 BR. 2 ba. . .. s.s251675 4 BR, 3 ba .......... $675 2BR,2ba. ~ San Clemente 3276 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oc...Ya.w<;Ollclo Pool & J•cuui. terum, 2 br, 2~ ba, MBR. w/fplc. & sundeck S550 mo. Agt 4!12-4121 3280 ....................... New adults onJy , 2 BR. 2 ba condo. s.s25 yearly Walk to So. Coast Plaza Days: 549·4454. eve:.. bis-8475. 3Br, 2Ba Condo. kids OK, nr So. Coast Plaza. ulll pd, 964-4126. w ... ,..... 3298 T .... l...,..aHoM associated 81Hl kfll , IHll T(>llS 1 • 'Iv ~ ' ' <l t t. t 1 BR. 1 ba apt, 43rd St., nint melds 1ar, no pets. S37S. MJ.ltea. l bdrm. com plete l y 1395 Beaut brand new 2br, 2ba, frpk. lndry rm lmmed. occupy. TSL Mgmt &42· 1603 STUNNING large 2br. 2ba garden apt. Pool, rec area. $345. 710 W 18th St 2 BR 2 Ba. W 1S1de. $285. Lat/last + $100 sec. No children or pets. 642·9560 Dix. lbr, carpet, drapes, fantastic ocean view. Elevator. Sub·terrane11n parldng. Avwl. '625mo. ~ Newly appomted larae 2 bdrm 1 ba. Block to beach.. Pnvate garage, :.uodcck, ocea n v iew Nace 85 By appoml ment 494· 72216 TAHITI Modem 1 or 2 br cottage on beach on TatutJ with car, row boat, was h machine, complete lokheo., ~. For more inlo call 979-291.1 eves & .. 'etlltends. Laguna Oceanfront. pvt beach, pool. 2br. 2 ba, No bds·pet.s 498-3579 furnished. Promontory 3br. 2ba connecting gar FWJt. 5116-9889; 67>2543 Adults. No Pets. ~. Mewparl leoct. 3169 - ---- ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... to~ 4300 PAl.K MEWl'<>RT ••••••••••••••••••••••• .--------..... -64&-0&M. $4().~ Bac helo r s, l o r 2 Bedrooms & Townhouses THE "GOOD LIFE" YEAR·ROUNO FUN Soc.1.:11 Ac.t11111ies 01 1e1..101 •Fret• Sunoav Brunth •BBQ ~• P.11 I 1P~ • Ptus muc.n mor" GREAT RECREATION Tenni~ • Fre~ Lesson-. 11.110 d. pro :.hopJ • J Hc..illtl Cluns • Saun,1 • HydromaSbage • SW!m ming •Golf Driving Ra~e BEAUTI~ APART· MENTS: Singles. I &. 2 Bedrooms • fur· n•shcd & Unturn1!ahed • Allult l1v1n9 •No Pet~ • Models Open oa1ly 9 lo 6 Oakwood Garden Apartments Newpart Beach/No. 1380 l1v1r r· i.11 ~t1H , !1141 M !-0~50 Newpart Beach/So. 1700 1&1n St 1(),.,, I II lf,thl 17141 642 8170 tl.ghly upcreded 2 BR .. 2 ba .. Woodside Village nr. So. Coast Plaza $450 Mo LOCI. gas. Ail 67> 1642 Easta1de 1 BR, totally re decorated $30()/mo 309 Mesa Dr 54~ 200! . 3 Br 2 Ba. upper, nr OCC From $389.50 Spectacular s pa, total recreation program. socaal program 7 pools, 8 tenrus courts Al Fashion Island. Jamboree & Sun Joaqwn IWls Hoad C7 I 4J 644-1 900 Ne w carpet, pa1nl & 2&3 Bdrms paper No pets 1040 O \'alencaa 5425 545 7983 du P 1 ex l's fi7~·19l2 Okr 11l'eanrrunt Yo: a r I> 1961 t'UU..ERTON I br. new slv & rt>fn g Qwet, orf st prkl( Adult. no pet. S285 mcl ul1l 673-6312 Eastside l br. $32SMo Oean. Private Vrd. Incl. pr.~aft.6pm 3 bdrm 21..., ba with f1re plac1:. No pets Westside. $450. Ca 11 642-52119 2 Bdrm, 2 ba. w w / cpl mg, frplc. sunken ll v rm. blllns, gar $325 mo , lstt lasl & cle aning 642-0433 ------- mesliB.AU New beautaful garde n apt.s. pool &c spa Adults. oopets. 1 Br S340·S345 2 Br. 2 Ba $430 \1A U00·2Br 28..i Waterfront. avail Uc:t I 559-1802 Next to beach & Sho?> 1 BRSD>tyrly. Furn. 2 BR $tOO yrly. 675-4480 BACHELOR UNITS from IZ25 per mo. UAf urn. 100 · from ocean. 201 F: Balboa. For more info call Renata at 556-1707 Eastblufr 3 br. 2 ba. lease included Spal' master swte, daoang rm . d bl g,uage, auto dr opnr. pool, re<' art-a AdulL\ only. no pet:. 1165 Am 1 g °" Way.N 8 2 Br. 2 ba condo. 1 2 blk to beach, 2 car gar, auto op nr. Beaul bay vtcw $650 yrly, TSL Mgmt 642· 1003 Movlna., Av0td depo:.at~ & cul h v1ng expenses• Professionally since l.971. HOUSIMATIS 832 41.34 Bayft'Ollt home pnv swte gar . dock non :.mkr $4.50 673-1.521 Mother or 2 will :.bure dwntwn llU apt .., fem l'r1 \. r m bJ i2flll 9004753 3rd rmmlt' needt'd fur rut e 1 Br hou:.•' I 'vol. t.ennl.s, o<.>t:an 2 blk~. !'IB ~9115 Female 24 yrs needa non· smoking roommate · aha re 2 Br apt CM . Gl·Sl.11.~ Roopomlble UCI 11tuclent needs rental ASAP Call Mark aft 5 &42-6266 Male or Female. 25-t. professio na l Nt•w townhoUSl' 2 u nfu rn ~ + ba All amen1t1e~ Xlnl loc Santa Ana Reference.!> esl>ent1 al Small dog OK S2'75 + •, uW s.54-17~ 1 M F to shr charming 2 bdrmhm 1n CdM w 27yr old male. Yrd. pa tao. Xl.ot local. S200 in cl u tis 67J...2929 Eves n9 3797 Dys. AU for &v. LAGUMA MmlCAL Suite ror teue. eround floor , garden-type , downtown. awrox I 127 liq. ft .. attrartive rents Call agt .• 67~00 COIOHA OIL MAR Dehw~ otfi~. Sl50 mo 500 to 2700 SQ ft. MESA VERDE bR PLAZA 1..525 Kela Verde E. C.M. S4Ml2l 2110l Lafayeu.e, N.B. Store or olflce space. l.200 SQ ~ SlOllOmo 8. Grundy IUtr 675.fl61 NOl&.IM 2M&W1Dlo.s 547-5402 Arranged by c..e ....... Loea ........... _ _Realononu ____ cs_ 675-6700 700tq rt. s pace av a ii Avail for any purpose.· SlO.CO>to $10,000,000. Call R D Roubian, 67>9979. "'-Be b f PCll & 62Dd St Npl Bch ''""'-...,rt ac 0 c apt $275mo Ca 11 Robbie $4.50 Cannery IK'llOO 67>4912 Broker ~or ~l BUSINF.SS LOANS Any Amt. Any Purpose 2ndT D 's842-0455 Ololce aboppinl( center spac:ea 5l!O or 11150 sq fl Under M< Pnme Cos ta ldeH. Harbor Blvd at Bak.er' St loc Im m t'd oc cpy Ail 549-1366 6'5Cl Sq ft v1~. under ,IUOUDd prkg. t-le\ulor . Coast llwy YLS1blhl) Air t'Ond Laituna 8 t!a c h 17 14 1549 11 86. .., k nd ~ 4!>9-:1122 Newport Near Post Of c Modem 502 Ml ft store of ofc. 2630 Avon·C 2131 CT7·'1001 Commercial s pace Of flee. shop. retail& hobby llK>Mo 541M1.49 MONEY AVAILABLI!: any purpose. $10.000 min. Mr Hargrave951 ~ ~ W..tecl 5030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1trW i.... 4500 Need unaecured loa~ o.r ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9JXrt Repay S7500 1n z quarterly paymenti. <Jf ..wPORT IUCH S37~0 Contact J o t· 3000 fl, 1000 ft orrrn> ~al28alter 6pm i.p.tl~ qw1>l lltt> andu:-. ----------1 an-.1 :-Jv .1utornnl1\1• or Mott~. Tnnt r1b..r~l;1'1 nlo! h45 JJ:!.I ~ 50)5 PUSTIGE OfftCE SP ACE d~' ••••••••••••••••••••••• In lh1t heart of lrvm,· bus~art>a Below m arket IP.t~t· r ates. Co ntact 81 11 Tbomas or Harry tlaipn. l.A!J.w . J,,,,, ''I ft 1~ .. r fl{l"I v.dl ht•Jlt't.l nrr ~trt'l'l p,ir k1n.: \lllJ ampi 866 W lt>th M Newport Beal·h <.:o ntlolct Lok·f'ut Inc . 804 W l&b Sl • 642-J 700 SatMat-Mt.} Co. All ty~ l)f rt>al estate tn\ eslments Slnl'e 1949 ~idiD*J in 2ndTDs '4Z.Z 171 54S-06 I I =,..MacArtb_, ... ..,. .. ur"':J ~ Irvine. Calif 92715 OR CALL 71 4/975-0IU ..... 4550 116,000 2r>d mort. s 7"· . ••••••••••••••••• • • •• •• Elt~S'l-yibeeld di11c;u:t FOR RENT ll.l768q fl 714 ~~i-~re5 - vacant land avail for 5t0r~ m the open w · AlfllOrt Arf'a exec ofr:.. in C M olf of W 19th St ~•WI expotSure un Un,tol c.:a.11 Roiue b4.2 4210 :'It t-' w Jntrl ~n 225 to 14'!0 a..td.s Wanted 4600 <oq ft 1:t to SI ~7 iOIO ....................... ---------Re~pons1ble v.o rk1ni• ~ofak1nd PENTHOUSE SUITE "' r 1 t e r .. ,. e k ., 11 11 •' bedroom colldl:e 1n Corona del Mar or C:o:.ta Mesa Qu>et.ness esst-n uaJ Wnte Class ified Ad 11316. Daily Pilot. P 0 Box 1560. Co:.la !'tt e!>a 936216 CASH FOR TD's Pnnl'tpal 95.5·34~ IK>.\11:-:0 W,\IEH LOA :-;~ AHHA.~G tm $10. ()()() lo $2.50, I.IOU •AMORTIZl::D •INTF:RESTONL Y •SHORTTl::RM Call Bob Walliaml>·Agenl 731 m I or 960-195 7 'lS23 CAMPUS~~ IR"ll4E ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...,_leodl 3248 ....................... HOMES roa RENT 3 or 4 br. Priced from ~to"'85. Fncd yard & garages. Families please, kids & pets welcome. Call 964·2566 or i73-2971. Agt, no fee. Park Newport 1 br furn. ~ mo. incl. ulil .. in· door prkg. Call between 9 &12amonly644·~. • Spacloua beaulifuJJy furn. apt. Overlooking water. Sll95. 67>9877 22SOVanguard Way 540-96218 Duplex unit, Easlside CM. 2 Br, aar .. lae. pvt yard. Consider one child, pet $400. Btr/Own. Call c.onnie 631-0318 or John 562-132'1 OCIAHMOMT 3br, 2ba w1offlce. Vrly Frplc. 3 car gar. $1050 TSL M1mt 642· 1603 OHTHEllACH Bech, t.itcb, ~lb. uUI pd. 1-bei Apta. S:JOO yrly & 141. lat Ir last. 2306 w Oceanfront. m-4154. 2 Br 2 Ba apt. 1 blk from Located Wlthan lbe uru CDM beach, frplc. W1D. que European designed ~ + ""uuJ Nn-smkr. Lido Marana Vallagt• pis. Edie 673-3193 Com.icier Desire Lse' rent of hou:.e cpl lookmg for uni urn 2 3 bdrm ~"encl }d for 2 mature dogs Have good re f's for 1111 or u s 751·9100. 12-4 pref. Steve or Jean. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··-=·-· 5100, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br cottage, aJI wood. w/frplc, lge back yard. $450. mo. Incl. util. 6G-IM(ll. ~~~~~~~~-1 $700. Blue Lagoon Villa Caiwiu linJ - *OCEANFRONT• Super V1ew, 3 BR. 2 BA fpl c, $750 /mo . 213; 88$-6021 Priv Bcb. Pools lenn. U.fwwl•d 3425 213-103-0230. 7 l 4-4.9&-2520 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $340. 1 Br loft alyle apt, frplc, patio, aJJ bltns. 377 6 TSL Mamt 642· 1603 . 3 BR. pool, gated com· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 BR .. ocean sade .. No. mun. Nr So. Coast Plaza. OCEAN VIEW apt.s. S3SO eod. DR. FP + studio & No J>eU. SSJ.5. Call aft & Up. 498-2122, 49'l·l720 2 Br. l ~ ba studio type, pvt patio. bltns, newl)' decor. crpta, drpe, pool, l&U incl. um Maple. $340 mo. 838-808S. gar. tBlllS. Call 494·9329 6pm; 962·7602. White Wat.er Rlty, Inc. North end; 2 BR, l 'h ba. Owmi.n&! '700 Mo. Oceanfronl condo: 2 Br. l ba.., furn. $1200 mo. Portafina, 3 BR & den, 3 ba. Lee. family home. llOOMooth "' I .... ll!...-1.L-.. *f. I .... fW '°"""-,•L...:= ...... d I Ir 2 IDIMS ........••............. ""---------- lcAoa ltlaJMI 3706 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S28S & $380. Pool, patio. ....................... lcAoa p, ... , ... a 3107 lndry facll. 646-:H37. ••••••••••••••••• • ••••• ~130 after 11 am BAVFRONT 2br 2ba 2 story '750 yrly 875-89llO Chuck. OU 2 br beach coUa1e. pvt 1 car garage, very nl'rtk, 1 blk from Balboa Ferry on Peninsula. $400 mo. Lal • last req 'd +cleaning deposit. (714 ) 95'7·3764 betwnB-5. 2Br. or-ocean. Oct ~t $406 yrly ; patio. dsbwhr nopet.s 128-46.5tM4-4~ BEACH LOVERS Nicely furnished 2 Br, a pl across from beach to share w/111 /F. RSO/mo. No pets or children n~5141. Fem. rmmte wanted age :5-~ to ahr. 2br , 2ba apt. Npt. 8cb. l250Mo. Move in Nov. 3. Phone 64S-8952 lvemeaa. Xaletfemale s hr 3 br. 2"'1 ba, Npl Bch condo 8230/mo + uUI 548-4732. Female. 2 Br. 2 ba, frplc, pool, great vaew . $180/Mo. Nwpt. 631·3561 3 Arch Bay, ocean view, 2 BR. 1 ba. '750 Mo. Oceanfront l BR. $1000 mo., lease. LITTLE BALBOA ISLAND w /dock boat 18'+, 2br, 12x24 View L.R. & food bar, gar, sun dedt, 165() Winter Rental neg. for s ummer. 548-9647 4br, 2ba, frplc, crpls & dr"pa 100 steps lo ocn. 25 steps to bay. $700Mo. Mon to Moo. 548 Balboa Penn. 548-2008 or 759·8949 Lower 3br, 2ba. Mesa del Mar area. $425. No pets. '151·2156 2 bdrm. I ba enclosed Office Raahll 4400 garage Near ocean ••••••••••••••••••••••• TURNER ASSOC. 494-1117 499-4591 3 BR, 2 ba, yrly. Very clo5e to bcb. Nice/clean. 673-2113 Refurbished. &side 2br, l~ba, pool. ltida ok. $375. ~ Yearly. $400 mo Adults no pets Avad Oct 3rd OrnCE space available 846-3073. · · at 11875 Beach Blvd. near Talbert an Huot initon &ach. $50 per month. Pbooe message service $10 per month. desk 15 per month. Daily Pilot office . Phone 64Z-4321 ext. 271S. PORTAFINA OCEAN VIEW 3br, SB:iO. Mo./Lse Option. 4br, SlOOOMo. 4llllM820 Oceanfront oo P'4 point. EA.STSIDE. nr. Univ., •Sharl> 2br, 2ba. fp. pool. 2br, patio, gar, hku:ps, bhlrs, adlts no pets~ D r a m a l I c 2 s t Y $3S7Mo. 675-6717 before 2 ~4; 833-165.J towrlbome, pvt pal.Jo & deck, fplc, 2 BR 2 Ba. O..PoW 3126 Nr bch lower 3Br. 2Ba. BAY FRONT $32S yrly • Si15yrly. 646·1220 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pr. frplc, I yrly lse $550 Fut.Mtic view, l Bdrm. ll50Jmo yrly. 499-2227 -1 di b I FUR RENT 1 Br. 1285. 2 mo. 642.-3"3 Suu slu o, Olp ate, lBr $335. Bach $255. Ulil ---------Small ofrice. Perfect for -..1r,0 ut1 pd 673....,,,,. WI E Br house MSO. Luxury ~IFF condo 2 br, '"" ... · . .,.,.,..,. Incl. nter . 404 . ".,......... amwering service, etc 3br. 3ba. D.R .. muJl level \Al T b h 1 Balboa.675-3801 af't4. apl$560.~ PM. pool, adult.I, oo pets. In· Only S75 per mo. 1102 Ocean 6 whit ewater 211 opaz, ac e or , Ocean v· 2b 2~b lerior completely new. West 17lb St, Santa Ana. ~J50111o. 49t-4114. unfumS32:5. yr.2'..:.. ~! Furn or c:ar-.. Mar 3122 iew r , 8 ' M95 mo. Ofc 642-8583. _._ o•~-••••••••••••••••••••••• l.5(X)aq .. flol. d~~ R2 gadr home For more info call Joe Small bach. partially gar. I.yr . """· eq . ~. Canale 547·4181 or ......... 1250 Bach apt, l Rm ~th own rum. 2 min. walk to tiQOMo.41MT• S.Cla•ita 1176 Renataat~n07 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ba. pvt ent. prk 1• rfrg, beach. 1265. Mr. Moore 2 BR. Clean, like new. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Small Hide-Away Office. 'br, 2 ba home: valley :.i..~,n,!~~esp 673-1882 Balcooy. D/W, Garage. SlOOFREERENT ~ 8li0/per month. Va· view, fireplace, air •tmo.5'Mlll 3 Br, 2 ba, pvt paUo &t cant. 325 No. B..,,_dway, coed.. tMlt·ln kitchen. 2 .... '' i 1111• 1707 2 BR. 1 ba, new pa lot, prqe. LoU ot srw. 614 Santa Ana. Hia\orica I Cllt ,...... Mature cou· ....................... drpa, noortn1. crpt, frpl, IW' __ .._.. ll40 Calle Campana. $4.45. Bide· For more Info call JM. '525 mo/leue. Call BEACH. View, pier. 2br carport$."i00.673·2026 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Weekdays after 2pm s.m Warren 5S8-6878 or oner: 142-4>138. Avalla· Mita 9650 utl pd. 303 E. .._ f 1 1 Lovely all adwl, no peta, phone 492· 1581 or Relma561-T707 llleOct.lal. Eticewater U)871-28M 2 Br 1 .... p e. poo . ' ...... Br •H*, GOO Ed· 01·6275. Anyti me 8dulia, DI) peta. $4.25 mo. --___..-..... ............ 32S2 ONTIIEBOARDWALK 640-J.D ineer.HB.ltl-0619. -~---·---- ~··• .. ••••••••••••• t Br uUJ. lnc1. Lie opt 4 LoYety 2 er. 2 t>a. frplc, llACHWOOD APTS S...A99 lllO 1.-3 Br 2 Ba condo. mm. rao. 87~ 8 t.o ooeu aide of hwy. M95. 2br 2be .-i. lbr 1315, •-•••••• .. ••••••••••• ftplc, wU>ar, pool, lat, I0:30amwkd~. .._.. MuHa.-.llOO. SPACIOVs Jbr' condo nr. lllJl le dffDup. Adults. C.-....... 3722 • fpk 8o. Qut flWa, (rwy aC· -..a• ....................... c:..e....... 3124 ~...!~oa.w. .....: •1r ~ '° 1rvtoe Complex. ........... 3267 Condo on tb• water ........................ ...._. / .. r:.u..,ant • S-OTllallS. _ .................... Newport Beachel noe1t. 2 Bdrm.a, 1 batb •pt. car pr... ·Ult lll:JltJIUWIHltD 2br COG· .._..roRRDT suoo.110 . U2·4113 Adults. ma. mo. Gu do•.&o.CltPfa.u.trwy a•• 8r. Prte.cl rrom wlalbl pmd.IGll01I. 2 B t C o a cl o · ucaaa to 1rv 1 n e --. hed yard• ' Brookbur1t /Adam1 . O:lmpla 5111'7'Naft 6 aara1H. J'amlll., GctORn:Ncuh 8eUIDI eQYthtn1 with • Adult.a only, llO pau.· · · · pa • ., •• kid• It pet• torWHl'l'Eeleilbanta Dlil11 PUot Cl.aill~ Ad $114)/mo. lltllall + Ulrl •. ldahl, no pets, llllWI Olli....... dhaClMlllledAd • a It.IQ'* mau.r ... c lunla1 d•P auo. u lo. CoHl Phu, -.-..Af,•l•. Olll9'1·1f71 jUltcallMW871. m•17llalltpm. •.-&.-- Pr.ulioua oew D1Cunv1 sums avallable near OC Airport.. Attractive rata lncf&ade ~t. law lllrs7. conlenace rma, Mtt'tlarial Hrvlce, 6 X.O. faclllty. For • Pll'ICJD&t tour • rllrtMr cW.al.la inquire at Vortac Anoe. tsS ·2211 or --Hive aomelhing you want to..U? Clualfied ads do It Will. I0-1171. 2,.00Sq. Ft Pnvate Elevator Wet S.r. Lounges Panoramic Bay Vlew Covered Pabo Decorator AaJen.ilies A&k a bout our FREE RENT OFFER 675-1112 MIWPORT llACH OFF1CE OR RENTAL SPACE. W. Cat Hwy . Yarlnera Mile. 92Seq. fl. 11U45-2828 DIC.sums Tasteful Execut1vt> ~ in a perfect loca· bOD. Ea.sy freeway ac· ~-Close to airport, fine restaurants. Con fer ence room , personallHd phone amwenng, +. Call Anita allJ79..2161 ••••••••••••••••••••••• kb• Of11 ...... , SOOS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... Uc ..... Onn&e On.sale $36, 700 S. DieloOff.sale SI l,700 S. Diego()n.SaJe $36,700 Toll· Free l800 >2$2-2000 ltCOM( A PIU)' USIOIOAL MONEY II II 0 ~ ( II "'' Hh ".,.,.. fftl!IV"t •1• t ...... ...~ .. ~. i tlt•I t H UT• Serru·retired gen. contr desires assoc wtlocal gen. contr Can furn. some capital. 646-7615. PENNY PINCHEI ADS ONLY S2 St-II ;my item Of' com b1n111Jon of items fOf' S7S or less with a Penny Pmcher Ad 3 hoes for 2 consecultv\• da)'ll Each :add1t1on11I hne 1s 60' for 1h .. 2 dll) \ Char11c ti : 'ocomml!rnal ads F'or mor.: inform11t Ion an<l 10 pla<'I' \'Our ad l'Jll 642-5678 GET MORE $$$$$ FOR YOUR DIME WITH OUR NEW DIME-A-LINE \ ., ... - ~·~ _, E ;{I:-) ;..~ ...... (I' ~It~~ =~ ,lj ~ ' 1~1 l ~ ... ~ "'I ;) ;~ ~!i '·• ... -u . I H, .,. !JI ';· ~· t:: 5 Cmvsz_f_ ... CsillUt . .,Ii"•'· _,.__ u-111 -, ... -I I ·w ·--,._._,/P•di8t ~da .. •il1 '!~··-····-·· ~ .... ! ...................... ! •........... :a:-.:1 ............ _ ... -J .. ! ......... ~=·-··········· ~ ....... ·-···· -·-·· .. ·-·········· _ ................. . . MAUDIT.-La.at CU1rOM IJITaJOa .IA«Xm!!E LAWNllnice. ._.. ....._., ..._..IHal111 .W., a.. • ora.::; t.oe.& mcMal. rr.tOt. WMJllll II ..._. DI =et••• Is I -... .... ....... CAaPmrraY WWW ---c1....... aw .... ~ Cllll'• Jwc. __. •• s0 __ ..... QHllty work. s ... o!Lt'r . o.r. --"· ---r~ '90I. aaa. .._ .,,,_ •1w. lllfu .~-• ~ ....,· ........ ~ ..... We care •••· • orflc• •':.f!.'lu. m..w. ........ .._......,,. :._..._ *-llWa :_:fr &-..t .. n.w. .-:-.~·.,._ ~ ~' ...,.~ lrt••l•I· o.ua...n ulee••q. ~~·•· Tst·Olll, ~!l. Ma' can Eat /Int Palnt • ,..utdl1..,.... a.... --. lt Jn ....... -1---01-... ,......._ ............. ...,..... ---wall ..... Qua1 wortr, ........... -....... . ... v -F:F2 ' a..&r.•w ............ --.... ~-·..._..,. ........ ......., ' t 41 u .-..LM.4~'-"' ,.... rr .... t. Steve CLAA.DCZ"STV. r11n .......... -........ - - -ILml'lllCIAJ&.Pri... --••••-••• ... --. .. -" .. •'••••••••••• 5f1-Gl1 eaper. De11, ••••· Drhewau•Pertlaa c.,.tlaslw ~~ 11&1 _. 0...' rt, ........ For &aulleau h ... __ LH... -cPAIHTINO wbdl .... +.•·U. 11t··~1••u=:ti· _ .... ~ ............ _ ~~11.!!_Ae -Alia. ...... ... .... ... Hhl h11: c ....... _.,.... -•caper. r•&W .. /l!xt :e!eeh•. bolDe IM _ _...., a -a •-d99a. ;T.. .. ~-.M-.._...._.._. UeMeM•--. 'n. work. ralr prtce. &apr'd. &eH aatea. repai~r.-AeHable • ,..._._.. U.'1$. Olllr .... 1 II: "" .---··-Blla.1•·•'1ctJa/avea. rr., Zit. Cell Geoe l"ITllllL qual. work. Free __ .................. . &.a.v ... ••-......_a.. ,.... ....., ......_ Clllla· Oarcleela1. trH trim· IDIS.01 a.&AN8 .. mat• lt Laadtcape. lrriiatton, ...;lliSZ.;..;..;-Otlll...;;_ ______ elt.Hdl4W108 'J'rtt,llan6.~6re- ..-. •'• M ._Jll'OY.. I•,._ .... t.aD Ill. A"I •°"'1 6 1a4. wirlal at ..... ~. 6 malet. fft:ll. ac ... , apt1, a.. ,... 10 yn exper ALL PAIM1191e lllllWal, yrd clean·upa. _. Oa. Wit"""'• ,. •.a._. ao. di' ..._..._,._orJoal ~.Anll.Nt·••n ---~ Uc,; boaded, Nor~ NN&lr.Hm ESSIAN haulln1. 541·21'5. rJuat,.... elflaah. & Ow-._ 111t odlar. -..i. iMl1l1l1lll ' $.11-lll:lorlrf.mJ --.. ,_._5 CUatom P•'-'~...... __ w.s __ J_im ____ _ ~ .,_.........,.. ~ ,.... 11 !!!J HoUleeJeuini, profu1. __.,.. au-• Fr fla a---. _ ~~'!:.• ~~ =~ .,.: =· ?! .. !!5. ........... ~::.;;,;;•;;,: =r=-:!~n':~~~ v~. 'i:t~~'(l~ ~ Ext 6 Int. _a.uc __ :8_& __ u_·~-yr_\a._wa_r_i4_71.,,. ~_!!••••••••••••••• -. ..... -..u c··---... IDn' ND:D. "1LL •No-~1m.l.PQa ..WJOU.lmrd.SSZ..0105 cover, l ·S·15 plant1. -.J::::=atrff lntNEW/ ...... u.FFrE_!~Nji.. FREElriallesaon I • I --a 1111& l:NOlNEU? •• am. -............ w b 0 I e. al e 0 DI y . "'""~ -...... fttll aedladaled, readin1. • ...... ..., .................. provide part tlme ......._ ~ :'."::': ................ Ue'd/banded ..... 41'71 PalnUn1. lNT/EXT. Uc'd.lnl.561·5071 m.tb6:Freocb.6T~l3 •11111• .. -• .......... S•t.kti s......-will ~ rr"181~00 ..._,, ~ Neat, honest. reu .• 12 Pl .. 1 ........... all ........... ,.... .... ~ a OUAAANTSSD -................. PROFESSJONAL HmDJrt yn. exp-. Lk'd. Dave::..;.';..': .............. Wnd w0.-'-9 ----lw/lllllO ru.. _.....a wlois spedal\f ll911.1'1. Al NSl!Dll:D OCC~ 1 Toa truck. IRONING -..................... lllM-UMS. .. .................... . C.Ovtr ___ _... Uteri••· I IMaUou. aMIS. ~ua TtMll, tree trim. Dan ALTERATIONS Brickwork. Small jobs. Quick Fix-It. D.R . St. Cdlele etudenta window OallS.1'UMPM "' , _IG__. ... .;..;..._' -----MS-ms Newport. c.o.ta Mesa " ftePdeatia• •commercial Cl.U"a Plwnbioi ror re· waabia&. R.eald/atorea DIYOltCS av lllAlL •• I I I I Irvine. m..3lneves. painting Free est. Reu. liablerepaln. MS-3503 Xlnt work. 642-5449 , nua .. a~ c-t/C.1-• .;;-;_ .................. ,..,...._, dwQp truck. 0 t• nit.ea 875-111511 f113-0771 ....... ._... &-t.-..... ~ ..... t •~ .&. vrd -········••eeeeeee•ee &.I-I. • • D--"-llnc .......... .,.. _,,., .. ,__ ·-· •••••••••-•••••••••••• KAB a11t.o1n wood f•c· ...-.-..... --, -a11oc11w.tr ncwa' • _.,._. ..... ---------.. --.... ---.;..; ... ~~~..;;_;;;_...;.;;..;~ 0.-wcw'·All ,,._. i... .... _6fmce--1•. ...... .&U·12:S7 •l•a••r~tw-Marty 64Mlll Painlin& "Restontioo, pipe .. &eat deted.ioo "Ted'a Window Care. Prol -.--lJe•d o.tnidor taOiii ---·-..--' e "Par Escellwe", 1t. sewer-locating. Top Hat window clMning. Ranbl n•n•un1u-• ....... ._.__,..1513 cwT»Im Falltba&&linc.r•$146up. -Bri ck, block. atone, llc/ins /refa. Richard f'lwnbiGl.537·31M ,.,..Ref.s.6'2-1883 Secwit.y. tire, 9ilealtb 6 ----.. , ; 1 Yd • pr clnuaie. Free blnP•1s. lllc. ~. plaoten, walls. Sinor. -.5556 --= IJSteel ror CllllC:... H•••H•-•H•oHeuu & (71•~ Lowbomeownerrates •.Dave.~ ..... .._ 87S..Q562 ---------W·11-·-h•nfrina , rut ••••••••••••••••••••••• )!CR or ... , .. , -··••••••••••••••• G.....a-•--. dean·""" ls t11 r1+ 1' I --• --. -.-. -N ----.... -~ MIJI... aerlice. qualit.y wort. Le Repair &: Reroor. All (take pride lD doing qual. work on resid/comm 'I windows at the lowest rates Free est. Aft. 6PM. '7S2-01.87 •ns..-_..,_ ewport Day Care land1capln1. George •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ' .,.... 1 "'"""...,""' "'-... 2.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 14-....... ......., l v t;• 1 . s b 1 n " I • s . venter n1es -n /up. lbu.bi. S&S-7072 n1,.,.. a R•.t.9 •y CLEAN ' ~ .. '° c .. • ~-:.~-lb p d "-~ LEVELORBLINDS roe hak.es-compo·lar. --·~ w1 a 1 aone pro"ra m . HOUSE• Call G•-.... am r~ Sell ... , __ r• .. l with Daily n.a..PUot""'---... • I ...... THE U&DTrnnn ~ l.be best for less .. _ -Free est. su .5930 Fin. ~ "~1ed Ad. 125-el Wa.ntAdllelp? 6'2·5678 Girt. Free eat. MS-5123 --•J"VIUI Freeest. 840-&113 Pllol Want Ads. Avail. Want Ad ReAulta 642-5678 ~.!.~ ..... !?~! ~:.~~: ......... ~~.~! . ,;::= Hlfp Wmhcl 7100 Htfp W..ted 7100 Hafp W-.ct 7100 Hr1p W..ted 7100 Ht1p Wmhcl 7100 ""'W.e.4 7100 ............................................................................................ ,, ............................................. . • --------W'"~ED · F l l •H-•••••••••••••••••• IY" I , ema e 0 s+ I & share expenses of 2 week j' 1 l"' stay in Tahiti. Dec 22 to -&.. 7005 Jan Sth. Call Barry ••••••••••••••••••••••• m.1017 Water Color Workshop w /Milford 7.ornea from Eoersisinl MASSAGE Utah. Nov. 12tbru 17. Bob James-Lie Masseur Em-ollmeot open. For In· AttractiveBARTENDER, Banking Banlang/S&L ACCOUNTANT must be enthusiastic. M .._ Tthr, ,... TB.LB C.P.A or C.P .A Can· Call ,,~,,9935 ff• T.tler, LCHJ'llla F\illerton sac t.. seeking didate with 2·3 yrs public ,._.. .... office. full time teller ror N .B accounUn1 experience ---------Xlnt opportunity at local ~ce. Typtng 3;0W1>m re· 80Ulht f« poaiUoo with •~OM Sa"'"-6 Loan Mature. q d Exper pref d but will Cafftwia Helper Short Hours Oerical PIRSOMNB. GDBAL OFFICE PARTTJME RHlmADS llE FREE Cal~ 642-5671 Out.call 9-11, 494-5111 ror. call F.ditb P alombl TI4-s:J6..SBSO gfA °'J::. ~~~:~ "1'1' ~~er r~j;;ible persons to all (714 l871-4244 for appt. tolaterWllte&Co.1300 (ill lheae poe1llons. Must _E._O..;..·...;,.E. ______ _ DoveSt.Ste 105.Newport No&p.r.Hecess. type SO ~m. Many co 3 hr. min. SS.SO per hr C:M .. N.B .. CdM areas No exper. necessary. Ap ply at Newport Mesa Unified School Dist Food Service Office. 1857 Placenua. Costa Mesa 64.>29'al. We are aeekiag an effi- cient, people oriented pers on to perrorm dlversmed duties tn the Personnel OHice Appb cant should have bal ingual skills. Spanish English & be able to work Mon Fri, morn ~-Apply in person 9am·noon. Mon Fri Personnel MICIFll.E'S •o.tcal• Loll er Found a pet! Call llAM·2AM 835-3749 Animal Assutaoce LeA..,-·~. 537·22'73, no fee. Found or I~ a pet? Call Special Pali. Hotline. n4/972-12JS, 2131258-7398 PREGNANT? Caring, confidential counseling & refernl. Abortion, adop-Uon. keeping. APCARE 547·2563 I.Git: Gray F. Keesbond SpiriW llloder dog. REWARD ! Day l.81SS. El Camino Real S4&-803>. ut 392. Eves: San Clemente; Fully lie. ~-9163 or 549-9896 aft s. For Appt. 492-7296 Loll: White cat w /black SIJOlS, bit eyes Reward. 54&-lOk .. LOST: Harbor Center CM. White gold wedding ring. REWA RD! 9·28. 64.W13t L'o st. S ml M ale Schnauzer. Has red sailor collar l.D collar. Reward offered. no ques- tions asked. Please re· turn o ur c hildre n 's "Ludwig''. 968·2206 or 2JJ/GW151 O.C. AIRPORT SICT'Y & ESCORT •SERVICE• Specializing in busi· nessmeo, residents welcome. 739-5248 24HRS. Great Can• •Y OUTCALL 3' hrs 6U-Oll0 MC/!ISA -eSHEJU LES• Oert. Museuse HouMcalla by Appl LOS'I': Blk II. Cat While 831- PllWI.. wtlMe tipped \ail. PRE LAW atudeot needs wblte vest, while -ooo Will do an..01.:-n •' 1 'wa. "Jake". Be's L~al. Conrad:~ 1DJ IOOd friend. Lail D p 0 Bow '"u2 aeai Dover Sbores area · · · " ,... · NpL 8cb.. REW ARD. Wk _N_.B._92111S3 __ . ----- 673-7910. PM 642·1621 ""JHE" Rita. ' Vic. Ellis & Bus hard LOST: Orange kitten M. ELITE F.V. 968-2380 ESCOlrT SBVICE LOST: Sm. Shellie Copper NS & ... S 1oog haired Sheep dog. WI PltOYIDE Fem . a n s w ers t o ......._ Hn ''Clnco." REWARD. Vic. lllltiha99 11lh&lrv.646-3731 972-9904 24 HRS ---------• uooW 17th Sl\ $anta .Ana Loll cream colored young cat. Vic Newport Pier. Call 875-68S2. . Lost. Grey -ye I low eoc:tatiel bird, tame, re- ward. RB. 9&-8381 FOUND: Sao Juan Cap NB Sm. F. Aust. Shep. tll .(Bl7 aft. 6. I FOUND: Kitten M. 4 5mos. Bro/blk. Vic Deerfield Irv. SS1·9'32 ' FOUND: Ute bm Benji type dog. Vic. Slater & Mapnlia F. V. 842·7872 Found : German Shep N . Fem., vie Harbor R. Nd.. Call 642·9281 'T 0 M M y OF N E w p 0 A S T ESCORTS 642-1571 7-10 P.M. 3 Free tennis lessons. Beach, CA9131160 If you are new to Costa benefits or appl. call Dick Bradlee Tennis ~~~~~~~~~ Mesa. temporarily dJs· Mikes . .a.AA.I -... ,.11 c.ou-. call 673-1705 ---~-.... -continuing your educa· SAYINGS .W.W..tecl. 7075 Acctg Bkkpog ~~~::1'f:: 497-3363 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TEMPORARY any reason seeking lem E.O.E .... M F Let us sol ve you r Register today to work porary or career work. ---• E N G I N E E R I N G on various accounting & comider this uruq· ue op-Banlung TB.' _ PROBLEMS oo an "AS bookkeeping assign· 1nCR NEEDED.. basis. meots. Work close to portunity. MEW ACCOUNTS TI4-St0-0133 .Y'OU1" home. Acctg clerks, Ya. CCIII Eant PermaMnt, part llme. Nw-se, practical, bookkeepers. accoun-lJgbt typing. Will con part-time. t.ants are needed thruout sz 16 rer Wk sider tramee. Call for 759-1737 after 7PM Orange County. Call us a::tual Sav~· & Loan for moremformalloo. 1be women and men we r~-d-Mar Au nAir ""'"'lioo wanted 0 -._..,.Hall's ~-n f be .....,. ....... " ,_.. ..-.. nuuo::i • are """"'"'6 or ma Y Mr Cooopast 675 SO 10 !!r.,.181 year old Swedish ace am 11 ¥ tJred ot typing, folding Equal Oppor Em pl yr ~ • or one yr. Exp. w I 2333 No Broadway papers, warehouse jobs c:bildren. 4'M-9834. __ #3l0, Coldwell Banker and working for a limited Bankmg HllpW..ted 7100 Bldg.,Santa.Ana income. Work with TB.LB ·-•••••••••••••••••••• 0141135-4103 .)'OUDg people. Rapid ad-Downey Savings & Loan ACCOUNTANT. retired!~~~~~~~~~ vancemenl possible. H bas an openln1 In Its bookkeeper wanted. Ex· 'YOU a.re 18 or over and c.osta Mesa branch ror a perienced lD small bwli· ~~ would be available to put Ume teller. Savings nee.a accounting. 1& boun start work immediately. le Loan or bankina uper. perweell.833-1417. ............. call ..... btwn9:30-3:30. pnfernd. Mual be able ACCOUNTS ftAYAILI Cl.Ill( 'n..lob ....... llllC •• la • protllable srowln1 medium a1se C!Ompa.ny with aceUent benefits " wartdn& ccadilioN. We curnmtlJ ban an opee-lnl far a Aceouata Paya. ble Oerk.. Salary i.I com· men1urate with ex· perience. Send resume er apply in person. l'lleJohl .... lllC 1'10C2 Gilfeue Avenue Irvine. Ca 92714 .Ace a II I C1ett1 We are seeking a reliable person with an aptitude for numbers, typing, & c.lllculator skills to join our Ac:counting Depart· meot. Some accounts re- ceivable experience be!plul. Enjoy ucellent oompaoy benefita includ- ing a free meal per day. Apply 9am-noon, Mon· Fii, Personnel. ,.... INllJIJI to wcrll SeL Xlnt work· STMT '45-6514 lQC cood .• pald vaca· ~~\~rs .~&E~r. 111e D8'.IJ' Piiot .... a A•Ccaot'Ye ,...... lar oar CJ.w1fl.t At alTIOUS... Adverlisin1 Depart-Experienced ... Persona. meat. Tbe penon we ble ... Service Writer see' sbould e njoy needed at top Giii d e-'ekl+DN aalel, be able alenddp. Tbe benefits to type 45 WPM lelec· are many, pay ta ex-lric); bave a pleasant cellent. Write Daily personality Is enjoy Pllot, P.O. Box tsec>, worklnc with a great C.M. m&2"7, Box 2. Rankin& IAltCLA YS IAMK .,. .. , ....... + .... Good startiDC salary le benefits. Fountain VaUey office. Veterans, O'OUP ol people! We olfer excellent com· AUI'OMOTIVE -VM!tna.m. M·F. ERA & P11D1 bmefita including ,.,_,.YBY, medical, dental; lire in· DETAIL & surance, etc. Salary POUSH PEltSOM Handicapped en · COW"qed to apply. Af. [irmatlve Action ~ 963-5613 PLUS commission! Ex-Experienced necessary. ~:J::i~ferred. but Enthusiastic & respoosi· Pleasecallforinterview ble. Excellent shop & 1---------workiDI cond.ltloos. App-Penonnel Dept. ly in person & see John 642-56'18, Ext. 277 Ph1mmer al ORAMCHCOAST DAILY PILOT 330 W. Bay St. .. lfPORTUNITIES •TB.LEIS Related experience re· quired. CoataMesa F.qual Opportunity Employer ~-----~ ~ "~=i~ AMERICAN Ambitious? Be your own COSTA MESA SAYINGS boas. Wort your own hrs. AU T 0 PA I NTER Banking COLLECTORS H you'n looliil9q for choll••CJ• ••d re· word .... Secttrity ,odfk ........ ... ._ • excelat op: portwitf for ,_ .. aw COWt••"*t loc.ot-ld S..ta ._ office. w. •••k ••••. ICICitl•ahd ... ~ wS.o thri•e 01 cti•'•· we·~ ,.... pend to rewwd yo. ...... wltlt ·~ ..._...r-....,tro. $11,000 • Sfl,100 ... ~ ..... , -,_.._,_,_ ... n. .... c ...... •• , Ill pHthll I I ._ • .... er .. II C-af. ..... , .............. 'ftia• 6-i•~ .... ...e.IM ..... ~ Y•cm .... ,_wwd to• csser9*Hc.., '"-• .... profit .,... -....... ,., ....... ,. ..... ,_ I ... C0911•r• --~ (714 )558-2084 a 5)® SECURITY PACIFIC BANK MA.ltRtOTT HOT&. 900 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach F.qual Oppor Employer De.tails call 535-5l22 HELPER & APP REN-2Q5 El Toro Road .._...,,OUS? TICE BODY MAN. Leo's Laguna HJlls An Alfinnat.ive If you're young, confi· 642-9373 MsCameroo 770-2816 Action Employer Accoomting - ACCOUNTING Cl.EU dent" have the ability lo BABYSITTER . My home EX>E M t Ft H ~~~~~~~~ think quickly and are or yours for lSmos boy. Barber Stylist to manage lookinaforagenerousin· 631-3451 ---------1 part-Ume 631·9577. Tues· come. Call DOW St0-4023 ~-w------Banking Fri.~. Sat1 9-5. eves. ~ wn 9111. Mr. Stone. 811.nking at .:ms. TB.LEIS ..:.:...;....:;.__~~~~~ F\ill ume positions for WANTm!! BART E N D E R & our Coata Mesa office. BARM.AlD Call between Eirperience prererred 8& llAM In H.B. ~1644 but nol required. Please LOAM call Mr. Wagner at PACKAGER 548-2300. .._..TedllicJm Cafetena Employees. sw ing shift & days. some exper. he lpful Good beoeftts. Call for a ppt 731-5100. ext 2llJ9 lJCAAP&l'TB; General contractor • knowledge of basic plumbmg & eleclncal Insurance program + MA..UJO'n HOTil !Ol Newport Center Ur Newport Beach.EOE pa.1d va cation after 1 1 ________ _ year Call SU-8206 _ Car Rental Co need.-. Loi Person to service cars. pidt up & dell very. 450Cl Campu.s Dr Newport Beach. 56S-l71 l. CAllWA.SH CA.S .. a lmmed.i~ employment avail For interview call 6M-...->. ---------· CASNB ElqJerienced, aDd aome knowledge of Ulm Saturdays. Hrs. l0·6 °"41""n"able 9CZ-4353. CASHIER for quality mm's store. FuU lime. erpr'd prer. Call Mr Tigert for 1oter v1ew Garrys & Co 7S9-1622 11.9 Fashion Wand. • C~llEIS OencaJ FILE CLERK We have an immediate opening ror an entry level position in our Custome r Servi ce .Department . We are loolcinl for a well groomed career minded penon with tome related Mlltt ft1181i~. Apply tn.--.su1ae-. 0 CITIZENS l\ANK Of CO!ttA 1-.t!>A 2970 Harbor Bl vd 0)£ M /F /ff/V a.ER.ICAL CNUSTMAS MONEY F\J~ Oerb. 1 to 2 month assignments an 1 rv inc operunp now. Top hour ly pay + weekly chancel> o n trip t o Puertu Vallarta rortwo . CAU.NOW! 557-0045 UTOTEM MAllETS Cf\·lff\: <>Penm&s now av aJla ble ro.. full lame assistant maoqen oo 2nd. & 3rd. shift. No experience ntt. i lMl'OllARV PU!SONNH Sfll\/1CI:. 3723 lftlll Strfft .... •port .... We train. Start S3. IO to $4 ---------per hour Advancement ()ppOl'tUD.Jty for manage- ment poeitJons to sri.so per hour If qualified. f'or mare mlormal.loo & an t.erv>ew. 491>9950 or c aJ I 7141537-4840. Will in lel'View on Saturdays by appoealment. Equal Oppor Employer Cllild Sitler Moa t.bru Fra rcr 7 yr old boy. 2pm 6pm. My hm . v ie . California Hms. Gd pay & t ran1p expe nses . 55U8Sl. a.ERJCAL IMTIME FORC ... STMAS 6 T.ecplllDM Clertls ~ to 6 moolh assignments m Long Beach/Hunt inglon Beach area FOUND: Sm pedigree Collie female. no lie. t75-Sr.M, 67~ lO'M POUND : Mal e Sdmauzer. Dana Point area. call lo identify •• 1121 MASSAGE AGUIE MODB.S ESCORTS OUICALL OHL Y Dap.nep.lr '31-2140 GOLDIM&llL Unique r etail nursery needs a sharp, ex- perienced person for varied bookkeepin g dubes. Tbl.s is a good OP· partunity to exP&nd your a(WllmtiD& akills. Pleaae apply In person, Mon Ulru Fri, lam·5pm. AM""-J Senk• PBX operators for a telephone a nsweri ng service uperleoc:ed or wW tralo. F\JU time or pert time shift.a av aHa- ble. Days. arternoon· evenings or grave yard. llluat be able to work some w~keods. Typing 35 wpm. required. Many co. benefits available. PlMle call Mon· Fri. Cctlf.~al S.•L,,&Lom 2700 Harbor Blvd. Prefer loan, credit or re lated experience. Salary commemurate with ex perience. Please call Cvmen Hemenway at m• > m.1eoo . for proreasional audio servicing. Must be qualified. Call for in···--------t.ervlew MS-8501 , • Expenenced on phone. ramtlaar Wllh billing data, corrt>spondence. collection & bills or ad· ing. No typing required Hours 8·5. Top pay Weet!y opportunities to win a trip lo Puerta Vallarta foe two. l'OUND: lled sz German Lonely 7 Need to talk? Sllepberd, female , Fane-A-Friend Club now brwn/blk. MM351 formin&. S58-3'41 for ln· fo. lbleA FEMALE. --------1 SCUllUJS *FOXY LADY * ,\cc)Oll!Jtinl llSIEIS ~t:-r:! ••c:m-9abmlt -GJeam ----------i 111e Jolly Roter, Inc., Adttilt -Unlike --A-,_,.. bu ao excellent op· _....,_..... _."'•-• • puitualty for a brtlbt. -~"• ·-r ... ...,..,._ .. __.e ~ J Nit all Anllil are IMlPPJ ~ ..... -.,... .-..r-....--4 penoa a.s a r. _ ~ u.e brael·EoPt lincerewarmrelationa Aceountin1 Clerk. the -~ .,,... CoupMa call ft0.4JIT4 poli&ioe ii entrJ level ~ a.M.y. -DOW --call 150-0ITT wlb tbe CJllllCll1,lmi& for ~!"'is tunUa over RecordedlbJ. aQYbr ad••ncement. Ex· llltJSEUll. ,..__ .. belplul, but f'oud: Yr old l'em. T~!l:. ::_rgr~e!,m~ DOt required. Workin1 Ila• e 1 e c • t . ;:t;,.,, UDlv Grad, a.cfttkw •employee Barbor/Adami, Cll. GocSd Lookinc. Kiad, =I.Iii ~t"c!i 1/11.llJ---....,, Anttat.. GITbaJ. tqlel'lenee level. ApPly .._.. On Parrot, Ylc. a.d, Walk, Talk. BJey· a panoa. or aend a re· llrookltant/Edl111er. ela. lloll. .._..,e, Bat -to: Jbt'lJ....... llMlt.1111 •OCMI, DrlDk n. J11w l'lllf Ille. IW_L IJIO :'ri'~·t:.~ 1::..~_.:u• •p.•,_ ........ -.. _.... we'll meet C7141t46 UJ,- COYllW. ............. wrtta~~~~!!!~ * ftNn1 * Dair Nnl. AD tl'l'I, Jloa1:: ·~......_ =a.a 11~, CA • ._~ eaU ~ :. .... ,.. .......... ,..;. ..... :.~~~r:r;w:d~ ~ ~ = 1, ....... •-•••• .. ••• welcome aDd llelp I.a -: ~ .. tr.a 'IW.,. ~ ~ ........ JOUI' ... tw beat !l!lr .. llll Cd ,._1 ......_ .. _. NlpottH. Cell Howl I, --o ...... ...; ..... ....;.;.... _ __,, _____ _ Fashion Ialand area Calta Mesa area A.i.rport area Ca.1)~ E.0 .E. M/F Costa Mesa f,qwll ()ppor Emplyr M/F &okkeepiog Personnel 55MJZI IOOl.lllPa 8anldng; llBfl'WOOD AttoUDla Payable · Ac· Scdbwest Bank requires SAYIN6S & counts Receivable . e xperl e oc ed Bank Cmistructioo experience Personnel for Mission LOAM preferred. In Orange. Amwerlng service needa Viejo, El Toro & Laguna ...;187.;;_,,-31;;.__aa...;... _____ _ operators ror various Beach orlicea. Please ~=:.~ly BOOKKEEPER.Some sbifta. u 'YOU like a job contact J oan Gore, ~~~~~~~~~I lYPiDI· am bookkeeplu wttb a daalleap, apply _.,_.1_m. ______ -= ~c.. bn to be 8"'8Qfed. in penoa at Z2I Forest, --------IGG'll2 lAI Bcb... A.at for Carol BANKING ..:..;:~~----- 1..aJoie _...., T9 1 a IOOIOIW•IP·Tlmt APl'llANAGER TB I ERS OMnma-dal beat Teller for CHART HOUSE For SS \&1Ut1 in Costa expakuce neceaaary for a.taurant. Sat/Sun • Me.a. l!uer'd couple. Immediate oPftl.lDo for tbla full time, permanent Monday. C•ll for in- W l le b Ii k p 1 e 11. p . apsienced 1elleri. petition. Poaltlon re· t.ervlew. 59-7167 Huaband malnt. e11.p. qulrea. c ourteoua • Cell gu.5073 or (212) Weotferexcelleotnlary quelily Hnlc• to --1 ud COIDPAQ'Y beDellll C\llklmen. ~ wblcb lncluda IOOll • CPA ftna at Mac Arthur Jlvd. • Jamboree Rd, 1nlDe. TSZ..on4. a.ERJCAL ~OMST/PIX Poli~vailable tor ex perienced receptjonil!t to answer electronic pulse switchboard. file 6: type le p-. customers. Cal I 4lahly ,........,lew 557-0045 Cf\·Lfr\: We otrer 1rowlh OP· TUMOllAIN r'fllSOHNfl Sfl!VICIS porluolt y In a very J7Zl llrdl Strftt friendly envirooment. Mlw,.t .._,. Applicant.I sbould con· lad: TIMNIA&.TA 714:71J..0600 llf 10 MAMUFACTURBS .... lJl1l Dcwe S&net NB &plll Otllal' J:aaployer e&.mC/Auat'9 Wiii train 1barp in· dMdual. S3.SO hr.+ .d be ne fits. Jeannie m.ouo. c .M. CLERK for La1uoa 8eadl boob&ore. 4 eves per week, prer male. •S>lO. CL81CAL CL.Bl Apt mana1er. mature attractive career ar.· couple. Beaut. main· p.vel. Call Arlene n talnecl 50 unit, C.11. Penoanel ()fflce for ap. Securlt!ea proce11lDI Immediate opeolllt tn IOOGC-• ..--.... ,... Fa•biOll ao.i bc'Okerqe co. Ac· Sm~-mtrlaOoeta WM.sin"~ fine. curate typln1, detetl Mma .... bu aood opp. Good akWa. ablllty to on.ud, abW\Y to CO,. ~canta abould con· =Mlf.....ur.Stroas w 0 r ~ • / l l 'b t wltb pre .. ure. Ca ll Aduft.t. DO MQ. Apt + .......... IDOde9t .... ~·· t'l'MIOO ~ 4.3 O.Uw1hlltp . 0 ASS8 .. S \fe Will trala. Apply cm~r~ ~~~K Tam, II ~eOreior J139......_.8lYd r · -"-c.d.ta, &.O.S. 11 /F/H/V e&l*' a muaL P /C ..... wfeica Oall-.01.D I<-...: MCMlllO. 'llMPllALTA ... D.O.E. a...s an Tn'lt Ptr finan· 714i-7DMH ,..... to PO Box 21.IS, a •rcu.-a. our act· clal bualne11 desires Newport Buch, Ca In,_., .., .. paper ror m1bn pcnoo Wltb 1ood .. II mil a.deallWanlliouee Ad· 1111111 fiar ,_. .. office ~S BOOTH ATTENDAN'I\ -1-',blldft • .... • dulMt. b'VIDeTM-1142. .... Orr 11. J_.., w 11.aney llarketl111 eoalUona. o.tOJtJ:ICNc&lb ml 0...9&1•Ufl Ncwpait Ardlea llariaa. IWllLTOH U&CTRO fol"WHITE-.... __,,_••1hlf• -W. QI& llwJ, Npt SALIS. wlthaQ..ufedAAdd -~·SOC ~ Ca1JIQ.M'7I ' ,. CLERICAL MllpW•t~ 71M ~W&ill • 7100 ....................... .;;iee ••••••••••••••••• r• POOi> • IMtWb' HILP I URO&NT .... l.al\ea. II..... D•P&&ATll JI JOU Wllllllll. llo '~· M(. .... ,_ .. N..-,or llMHt' Call M•D 1 Oo¥enMN w/1l1t , .. llr•lm fere= Hit llttert UDll 014)fft.- STllJ lmll Yim El1IA ClmllAS HlllY .. Plortn ..1. nvnt need ~ BtUI lhr\et.. JU E. ll\la St. CM Ul·_., IWoWMllCIClnema Call Dua or Mark Id\. pm. m-4lllO """ Ul'-AftlrW_...41..._.. We Offer: • , .. ':... ' ....... wu.,r-•11'; t ~·M ,, • o.·· Plallloa 1111 1 Nd ~ ...... ... mati¥M« al people. Call -------• '1fNI own aalary. A.cdta.t. .... ,.,A I ....... OMc. A8AC'US AO ENCY ,.,..SllYi>ark er. a HOITUS Experieneed onJy. E"· t ellent tompany benefl\.I, Lovel)' beach locatJo n . Apply In penoo, no phone calla ple.e. DllllUI A.aalftaot, X ray h r r•qlilired Oardto Grove olftff U1 7 nt ltvuw Tl4t15lofr700 ,.. .. , ... n- Tu:\ •t~ :!061 Bu n ss Ct"nter Dr1 vt• I rvint" Dl'Nl'A.L ASST ORTllO· CHR. Xlnt wa1e 41 t.llftt.i RDA UI' cll1I ~ "!Pt 8th 64() om Or:.NTIST uperltmt'ed Grtat opportunity Or Fl annr. 842 0112 or ....__, = ~ lndlvidu•I• for bUI nep ot your own l...()('al Amway cllJlributor l.rlWW you for splendid ~1.UUty Ph !>'7 3182 JOU.YIO•H 400 S. C:Out Hwy Lapna Beach 712-MU 1.0.1. Gtlwt'al Clmcal LAGUNA ~U:DI C A L LAH. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-I Dbpat~ for t.'1.HUI rue neecla front office re t'elJ( secy 01verslfied pm1Uon M11ture person Ty pe so wpm . n on smoker EOF. 494 0701 Hc:.t.ess. XJnt opply to s upplement incom e . Welcome oew residents Perm p/t F1ex hrs Need t'ar 6: typewrller. Hosp1tahty Hosl ess Service, SC7 ·3095. a. .. TYf'tST "'Ult tlmt! perman .. nt lypna 90 WPM. om.- d1ct apllont', phonc-" tronl otc appearanrl! Good rompany bt-n4'f1t11 Preat111ou11 Ins ore Jo'u h 1on Isle-lo<-at1on Olli AM 644~2 a.£11. TYPIST 1'raim.e poeati°" av a ii a. tile in our Clusis1ed Ad· vert1slng department. Haun 9:CIOam to 6:00pm. Ug,bt typlna required OMO wpm). Typing lest wtlJ be adminis1ered. Excellent company benefils lnclud ing medical, dftrtal, Ufe In- surance. etc. Good OP· Portunit.Y for advance· mml. For Interview, please call: PenonneJ Office M2-43Z1. m . m Olt.AM91 COAST DAl.YN.OT 1311) w. Bay St. Costlllleu EIJ&al ()pportwlit)' Employer ~CLIU Entry level poeilloo, cod· ing Is editing orders for submission to lbe com- puter. Figure apt.itude required. Other desired qualifications include knowledge of lO.key. typ. IOJt JS wpm, & some offi Ct' cxpenence Please apply 1npcrson. CAMBRO MFG 7601 Clay Avenue Huntingt-00 Beac:h CW /of Beach. S/of Garfield) Equal Opp Employer ODUe&e student to train ror a11clng •portion con· trol. flexible schedule approx .. 7 hrs. daily. Sun. t.bru Thurs. XJot atartJ.na pay. Lori 's Kitchen. 979-0747 aft IOam for appt ---- COME JOIN US! KEY ENTRY OPERATORS Expanding firm has operung.s for data entry operat.or. 1 yr. min ex- per. required. Full & pert time hours avail. for tst. 2nd. or-a sklfl and/or weekends. Some tem· porary posiUons avail. Call for appt. SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS lNC. 2313f'alrview Rd. C.M. 549-3081 COUNS LING Group facillLator needed /•rt lime /\M 4' M Alrohollam nper de tJrablt' Rauml.' to Ray Fnce llm Hr<*burit. Garden Grove, CA~ COUNSJ!:LOK part time or fu1H1me Malure. re liabl e w o m an 714-~786 um company s.8.:Sl3 OlSPt.AV 8Ull,OY.R MU:umum 7 yeari. ex penenct' to build cU11Lom h ardwood d1 1pl11ys l!'Mtabhsbed comptany wtlh health pl;rn, profit ~. pa1d vucallon. steady work Salary open Ch a rle:. Cary Corp .• 631-0660 Counter I Ya.rd person, f u 11 Distrl butioo or pl lime, 1nrld '.: KIDS & TEENS wtmds. 2 yn min college Apply 1705 5. Coast Hwy, Earn extru money dlll· Laguna Bch. . tributing & soli c iting C 0 UN T E R L A D y . subscripUons for Laguna drycleaners, 3 days Beach's mo11l po pular week. C.ll 646-7621 magazine. LAGUMALIFI OJum.er Girl experienced in quick print s~. Sir ~ ~:! '!na. ~:.I fUll & P /time positions avail. Work your own B-2:maft4pm. bra. Call Circulation COUPLE WANTED to ~ 497-4828 Mon. thru help rm~e sm. buai· Fri. lOAll to 5PM for nesa part-time. Muat be _1111...;:Plll..;._. ______ _ willin1toleam. &U-2247. DOG GROOMER. Eit· CUSTOllERSERVICE perienced for new store Fast growiq St. John 10 Laguna Niguel. Knit.a needs a competent IM7-5433: 531-11179. ldf «.art.er in t.be Orcler Dept. Senicln& our coast to cout customers. In· volftS heavy phone COO· tact. Call Nancy S40-7171. c.t ....... Driver /Gardener . com bination person. llave valid Calif. lie. Good driving r ecord Minimum age 20 Apply Pennysaver . 1660 Placentia, Costa Mesa -----DRIVER. s tol'k cll'rk must know OC are:i . chance for ad\ l'al' In dust. Supply C.o 2167 ~ Hathaway. SJ\ G88ALOFC TELEPHONE/fYPING A person wilb pleasant telephone personality to haodle heavy phones & who has good typing abWlJes 1700 per mo 4 Girl Off1Ct! Xlnt Benefits OC Alrport Area fo'redenck Brown Assoc. 714·!>46-9995 General Office Chirk, some typing & good pay for f.'On.struc · tion company. ~4313. General office. ph/hte typin&. 1 girl ore. No ex· per. Opport to learn R .E ./F1ocg , 9 -S . MSO/mo. OC Airport. ~ GENERAL OFFICE Fast growioe St. John Knit.a, oeeds a competent aelf·starter ln lhe Order Dept. Servicing our coast to coast customers. lo· volves heavy phone t'OD· tact. C.U Nancy 54().7171. ~ Gcn('ral ~ JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! HOSTJHOSTISS PART TIME We are seeking a peoplt> onented person able to ·work afternoon-evening hours 10 one of our hotel restaurants. Apply 9am noon. Mon-Fri, Person oel. MARRIOTT HOTEL 000 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach Equal Oppe>r Employer Hotel P~Wortwr All OI' PM Shift Our hotel kitchen Is seek· Ing a last working, relia· ble person with some food preparation ex perience. Enjoy eit· cellent co mp any benefits. Apply 9am· noon .. Mon-Fri. Person- nel. I 111 111 •'ti 1 ••I 1• \\ o,. k How;e(:leaner P T . F 11'. \ 1 .1 1 I .1 h 11' :..; I. 1 11 t· ti own trans Top SSS 1111-.k1ll.-<1111•11pl1•1111 ""rl.. 673-0068 f-.46 ~71 111 111,111"•' c·n111111 W11r~ ---------"'lll'n l/.. 11lu·r '"" 11;1111 ' I· \ I· U \ llousekecper, '~ da> pN S..T~ Training for youn g , sharp individuals to make periodic calls on our establised business & pro(ess1onaJ accounL<; in the Orange County a reu Career orient ed 1n dlVldua!s willing to work & take d1rect1ons l'an build to a nigh incoml! pot.entiaJ. Salary +.Call Al for interview, 979 2333. DRIVER, cvan I 21 years ~· F lo. Hi,,111 ,, • .., , .. 1 II wt>ck Sp) g I aio!> It ii I & over. good drivmJ( re 101la.\ 644-4330 cord. LA/Orange Co. de· -- - - -C utler wanted for wetauits, exp. preferred. Will train right In· dividual. Apply in person S.12AM. Sea Suits. 837 W. l&bSt,CM liveries. 213-S82·1.353. Housekeeper-bve m kids. 9,11,14 N.8 . 642·3361, 642·88SO Day Cook, no experience necessary, Mon. thru DRIVER · Local d~very for retail store. Good driving record C4 Li r h c Full -tim e . PAS Graphics. 3850 Campus Dr. Npl. Bch.. 7M-0422 Fn Numero Uno. 18120 DIUYBS Brookhurst. F V -------Large oationaJ ro. seek DELI HELP ang exper over the road t:Jcper. ref. FIJll ume dnvers w a mm of 3 y~ 644-5619 exper reqd Good ref!> & ---------· excellent dnvmg record l>ellvery person wanted reqwred. Compelll1ve must have gd drivers re· wages & good bene l"or ~..:_Eleasecal!_833..:l~. more informau on i:all Deliveryman, ofc furn de· livery OC/LA. bobtail truck. gd drive record, rolled lo the personnel dept. C4G4 ) 447 ·8300 8 to 4 wk.days. Housekeeper111lter. live out. S afternoons. child ok. must dnve. 847·35$7 NH ouc: 5~ KS" or848-0521. K.15 2f'2' ' Houselr.eeper Attractive \l I-bve in maid wanted for 2 bachelors 1n Emerald Bay home Call Bob Jl 644 7020 Girl fo'rlday G<"neral ofr, lll.t· bkpng Ht-sp ~r:.on clesinng permanent pos1 lJon. CM. Call 64~ !>570 G IRL l"R I DAY Challenglng o ffi ce. marine on entated. Cons Housekeeper needed 4 dy!> per wk . Mon1Tues W\"d F'rl pref 3 Home!> nn same Mesa Verde St Must have own transp 567·7UT7~ exper pref $3.50 start. ---------McMaban Desk. 642-8450 DIUY.s r1ent1ous & organsied llftl~R((P£RS Prefer non-smoker. Neat n~ Deliver L.A. Times to Menorwomen2S yrs or appearance Ca ll foranexclusiveprivate homes 3:30AM-6:00AM. older. Know the coat1t between8&11'642·2935 resort. Start immed. N d citiefl. Net Sl.80 a week or ee van or wagon. ---------El(p. prefe rred. Will Da.Ytl olt avail. S.SlO pr more. Oranae Coast tram. F\all time. Pref. mo ..__ ...... 1 ..... 1"13 Yellow Cab, 17300 Mt. GOOD JOB! . ·--,_... tnale. ~Y in person. Herrmann, Fountain DELIVERY II REC. MAN VaUey. <No of Slater Senior Citizens men. 2 4.1.9 N. t Hwy, L111ic. wanted for furniture betwn Ne whope 41 days per week, car. Call Bch.. or call 714 /4!M-8S2l. ...,,.._ 673-22118 ask for Ellllne. store. $1._... to start. Euclid) ~~~~~~~~I·~~~~~~~ ~~1931Npt.I ________ .-=-------1~ Earn xtra inc in your Gwardl Dll.IVERY • Early AM s~ time. Aul provide auto route Wall Street pbaA6pmM2~. Journal. 5 day we8. Sm. car reqd. Npt. Deb. area. ~ alCTaOMIC TICH ASSIUILHS Diversified work load in mfg. lrutruments. Ad· vanced Kinetics. 1231 Victoria St , C .M . 646-7165. E.O.E Securi~ ttPtlpTo s..u. Promotional poujbilJlies can provide hourly rate tnc:reaaes. HOUSESITTlNG Nd Mat11tt/resp person to lake ca.re of home • pets Refs. 644-1790 Cd M. .._.fwHA•ewf•n Prr beip wanted. Mon· Fn. Sandwich shop, nr OC Airport. Will train. Bel llAM, or aft IPM. no wtmds. 833-32!M. Ask for Jam. *Ct••IHOft GriDdlr opel'll&Cll'. SocQe aper. detlred or wlli ~ma.r.ted ID predakla . be . Xlnt. co.~. Deltronlc Corp. CM. 56om JANITORS • .Pt·Ume or· j~~~~~~~~ n~ c&ean.1111 eves. Men, women 6 ~pies. Cen· Macb1nbt Traloee. prefer lraJ O.C. 6 beach •rtsa•. some shop experience for Call 532-6558 betwn small manufacturing LOUHpm. Moo-Fri ___ firm in Irvine. Call Riley, for appe>lntment JANITOR Day Cuatodlan 9'1'!MDIO. lrvlne /Newpe>rt Beach --.... -... -C--..---5-1-- arelli Good pay. Must -have phorw & good refs Diveralrled work load. No exp nee Call 833· 701.S. Mlg. ele!Ctroruc inatru-meoll. Modern work ~Worker. full Ume. a h o p . A d v a n c e d Daya only for restaurant KinetJcs, 1231 Victoria 1n Brea. Salmagund1 Street, C.M. ~6-716S. Rest 5t9-921117 E. 0. E. Maids, apply The Inn at Laguna. 2l l N. Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach MAIDS Experienced full time & weekends. 642.:m() .... ,.,,... ..... a.so pn mo + apt. a.a. malotalA apt.I. Mal.D&ala r..UI • In· come~ reek. Maaat> ..... l yr bookbelU• • 21"1-.-expr. 't"au ad to ....-emp&oymeot development de pt. o .o .T. Ad pd. ror by cqaloyer. S2013'7-014 MODILS..SCOITS Attractive Females Only 6'S--6IR MODELS. ACTORS Update your portfolios profeasionally Is re· asooably .. Also oc cuiooal jc>b9. Richard Kephart.~~ Momin& newspaper auto route. A&JPl'OS bn •~am dail1. ldeaJ s upplemen· tat job. Approx earnings $375-$450 mo. ~3008 & 5404722. 7-loam. Nu r sery s a l es , ex perienced , sala ry -+ comm. Earn up lo S80 day. Must work wkndi.. LABORATORY T ECHNICIAN South Orange County Rubber ma111.lacturer 1s i.eekmg expcnenced Lab Tech. Apply Reeves Rubber. lnc 41.5 /\veruda Pico, San Clemente Ca 11 714-49CMLS3 E.O E -546-3429 Laboratory,' Results clerk Monday through Friday SJ 17 to start. Ask for Gordon. 640-0140 ---LF.GA.LSECRETARY Lea rn n e w f ields. secre.tari a I skll IB lo as sist buyer I& Co. presi· dent of women's cloth In& chain. Permanent. Ex· c ellent pay Good benefit.I. Generous d · coun&. on purcttall(!jl. No phone calla. BACKSTREET 5 BSt. Tuat.ln, 92ilWI LEGAL SECRETARY minlmum 1 yr tx~ • needed for busy llUga· hon firm 1n fo'aab1on Wand ~ M wpm " sbcr1baod Coot.act Janet 'JS.001 LOAN mtOITUNITIES -LOAM rtlOCHSOI Loan proce11tnl e11 perien~ and tYPtnlit 45 wpm requared •LO.,,. a.ERK Typing 45 wpm Jnd it~nnul off1 r" hJt'k KJ'(lWl(l r t!(! WI t'(j AMERICAN SAVINGS 78JO Edin1er Ave Huntingtoo Beach Mr Felix 848·2222 OOE M f' II L,.,.. Proceucw lml'Df'd1 ate open101t in loan broker<1ge ,·om pan) Accuratl' typm~. lMwl onenled c1 b1ht~ tu ~'l)p(' With prt"'l!>Urt' c .. .i I KJUI' 640 !.13.<io LO.,,. SHlflttEI FHMA/CiHMA Knowledae of fo'HA v A loan packaging essen ual. Opportunity to grow with rapidJy expand1nR national m o rtg a~t' banker while enjoying the pleasant workinJ( surroundlnas of the Newporl 1Wach1lr v1ne area of Orange County. Excellent benefi t s Salary commensurate with experl e nt'e It performance. For app"t. call 975-1080 ask for Marla COlDwa&.IA .. H Retidenllal Mortfta&e Co A Coktwe Banker Co An equal oppor. Co. MAIDS WANTED 1661 S. Clit Hwy. Laguna Bc b. 4IM...-z ------ Mamtenance man for S5 urut apt complex io C. M. 642-5073; <213 ll6S·38Sl MAIMTIHAMCE B.ECTRICIAM 3rd Shil\ U2.&am ) Permaneal opening for acgreuive maintenance elecirician w/mlg eqwp lnstallataon I& repair ills. 2·3 years ex· ,..., .. .,,.,.,., troubleshoot· p&Mls, D.C. Ml&lt be. Will· NURSES AJD ES Sma 11. every other wknd off Def. comp. of ~ after Ii mo Free dent<1I & rnecbcal tns. ulter proba uon employment. Apply 1"5Supenor, N H omcE MANAGER lo do clie nt intake . Pro· gram 1rutiat1on. filing, tYJIUl&, & collectang fees. l,yr aclm. or clen cal ex per. Ability to coordinate Is manage dirucal office Send resume to Ray Ynce 133SZ Brookhurst. G.nkn Gf'OYe. CA 921643. lDI to work overtJme .1 ________ _ Excellent benefits Is worilina eond, inc 11 paid holldaya, company group 1n1uraoce. 11t k pay benefila. liberal vacation benetha, elc. Call for appt. or come to the Personnel Office. from 9am·l.1.am. l-3pm. Mon t.bru Fri to complete •P- pliadion. CAIJFOAM 16661 Voo Karman lrv S57·TIOO EOE MAMA.Git tlMT RETAIL Cost PlU5 a retail 1mPQrt cha.Jn 1s presently ex pand1ng throu)(ho u t Cilif To meet tho!> t':i. µalt>IOfl W(' ~ ~harµ. l'fllhusiasur 1od1' 1dud1, for our man;.~c·mt•nl lraintt program t:.x rellt'flt begmrunJ benc & " growth poteoliaJ First .mipment wouJd be lD San fYaocisco but must be wllJJnJ to relO<'ale ·v.1lhin Calif If you are i.nt.erest.ed in a ma nag e ment career with a )'OWll exettmg ro. send yoor resume lo P 0 Bo• 3957. San franc 1scu. 9tll~ ~ji":er ~Mi.Lant 2 d'' wit. Ille bkkp~ &. main lenanre Appl Harq 642 310'i ~echanically incl1nf'd person Will trasn to operate specialty label pnotmg press..:... 645-«> lo MEDICAJ.. BAC.XOFC·EXPER'D 631·21670 t4DICAL ASSIST AHT Newport B ear h Rbeu.matolog.ist ·s office. Must have valid, lim1led rnusculoakelet.al X ·Ray p e rmit" d o vempuncture " routine lab. as well. Salary com mensurate wllb exper. 6"-1.Ml 1nde )'OW' old stuff r or new 1rood1es w1tb a aassrned ad. 642·5878 *100• PACSAGBS ASSIURBS N££DNOW'' ITopWa1es ./No Exiw needed .tLcac Tenn assignment VOLT 'I .,,,.,,. ,., ,... • ~ l• • t ' 546-4741 ~Campus Onvl' cacro8~ from John Wayne Au-port r U:juaJ Oppor Jo:mpl11)'••r P\l,Tfo,H~ I-"~runl• •·all 1'-li llZX f'art flJll lllllr' .:l'lll'I ,1l t1f r.~ )Ob J\,111 111 l.1hr1< import firm Mu'>I l>t· abAe to work ~r prl' saure. have a aood memm,.. be a I ast ac curate t yp1~t . S 'H or speed wnl1ng. phone:.. fWQg. a c Call Helen al 7»2122 PART TIME EVENINGS -\du.IL'> with OUL,t.mdmi.: <1ltract1' ,. pt"r.,onaht1t-~ who eDJO) "'ork1ni: with lads Over 21 Start ~1t SJ :iC> per hour Phont> 6. 2 • 3 2 I . F: II l 2 ;, I) BETWEEN IS P M .......... Cl Equal Opportunity ~loyer Part ume help wuntt!'d. Mon &tor Tul'l! n1ghls f or production Mi:nunum 31lt' 20. Apply al Pennysave r , 1660 PlllceOtia. Costa Mes a -----------, CD our carnen In Sen I . Juan. C.pmrano Beach. I M a nuracturing I D. n a p 0 In t-v-&-a n Clemente are a. Must I R . di . 0 c r I have aood dnv1ng re-a pt Y growmg · · m g co. cord, large s t ation Cata•rW.ke Outgoing, pleasant personality to work w /c ustomers o n ~. run tracers, ans"" quest.ions ~ typ· in&. SdfStarter. Rapidly ellpaodlog consum er elecironlcs Co. Advance· ment potential. Call Pe:Jny: Delivery Person. Applica· lions now being t.alten for warehouse-deli very helper. New furniture warehousing and de· livery firm. Phone for appl. 8:30-9:30AM. Start· inc wage S4 per hr. Good advancement for the right person. 646·7485. Engineering NEED A PART TIME ENGINEER? Let us solve your problems on an "AS NEED 1':0" basi s . RES U LT S GUARANTEED 714-~133 Upto$4.50 Per Hr Apply In Person Mpn· Fri 8am-Spm 1532 W Commonwealth f''ullert.on, Ca Mon-Fri 8:00-~:00 23>WWamer Rm202 Santa Ana, Cu I located close to San Diego & G.G. I wagon or van. Hourly l~EDIATE Fwys in modem indust. complex P•Y +m1leuae al PART TIME I has immed. openings for highly I };:;!;~t" Call Harry OPENINGS I motivated. well qualifled personnel. I __ 6_42-4321 _ COMP1!1'1 QUE 549-7373 Construction labor $4. hour. ca.ta Mesa. 642-4907 COOK · Backup cook. DELIVERY Person. LA nmes car routes, Costa Mesa/Hunl 'g B c h , 3-aam. $350·$400/mo + 1·-------• bonua. Also need Ca~rier Supervisor. 546-4481 or 964"'982 ESCIOW SECRETARY WelsfcrCJO Gum d senlce1 Division of Baker Protection Ser vices Equal Opportunity Employer M IF Help oo Saturday & Sun I IECEtVIHG IHSPECTOIS I Part time help over l8 for daymomlngstodellver lnserting II tyrng early DAILYPILOT I Recent exper. in mechanical &I ~nAMonly.L.A.Times ~or 646-5844. to our carriers. Must I sheet-metal parts. Must be able to I have good driving re re ad blueprints & knowledge of PA.RT-TIMI ~~~ ~a::,e J~~!0~ I 1 ns pection tools . Challenging I llCIPTIO..ISTPIX mileage. Call Harry I position w/xlnt oppty for personal I Weneedaveryconscien· Seel t tious, personable indiv SANCO INSl••MCI CO • 11510 Brookbunt Fount.aia valley F.quaJ °'*°" Emplyr Pat Control Service man, auar aalary +Com-million.541-9339. Petltion Circulator •MONEY• Set your own hours. Ex· tra cash worklo& full or Prr. You make S2000 or more sr mo. Must be 18 or older. Call fol" im· med.Late job. S.9·8730, 9-.S f'HAIMACY CLBK Will train. must type weU. Ask for Mr. Her- nng 546-3770 ....._tcorp. Has openings for PIT ero'*>Yees. Work lOAM· 2::K>PM, or 2.30PM-7PM We currently h11ve open· 1ngs in the following areas. CM. NB, HB, & Santa Ana. Exc ell. benefits. P.Ud training. Work cl064! to home. App- 1 y at the n eares t Photornat store or phone 964-«M for an interview. E.0 .E. Physical Therapist. re· gular P /lime. 1188-8146 Pre School Aide . certificate or experience. Call MCMlll30. NISS rasc>M For medium si t e d Orange Couiity litbo shop. Versatile person tu OllO"ale elUStJ.ng equip melll + learn camera & small rotary. Xlpl op portuoaty for right penoo. Ellpenence pre· f erred. &ee.-0088. PIUMT1MG ttelp wanted 1n web offset press room Ex peneoced & trainee~ Muumum age 20 Apply Pe nn ysaver . 1660 Placentia. C M Production Workerl> I mml'dlall' opt·n1n~-. Work with rt1111l<'r11 automatl'd mJt'htnl'n 1-\Jll or p;irt lime M fgr 111 .1 pp,, r 1· I µ r u ti u l' I .., 1,;11 ~111 Pnx.tuc: lmn HICKORY FARMS !ilpervise & COOrdl.llllh! ~ ot bolida.y eift packs . Ot'idble bo.rs Appl) lht kor) Farm~. lilh & Irvine. N li WestclJH Plaza. P·TIME ASSEM. Alsofull t1me uva1I t:arn t.'xtra l'l'lYCW) 20 hr ... m:i' per "'k \ou p11k \Our Ume 1 ~ lo .I .to \µµI~ 1n i>'.'niOO MB.CO SALES INC. <MCA 12001 E Carnegie ~256() P(TTYPIST Pubhsbang firm ~ct!k:­ p T typll!t Hours fl ex1 ble. P'!Y good. Mature. non-smoker preferred. Pat. 11118-4357. 15541 Com· puterLn. HB ~.AatsWIC• Tedlllid• Growing electronic.' mfg firm r e quire s a QUALITY ~SURANCE .TECHNICIAN with a mm. ol 5 yrs exper. Musl have exper. with MIL Q-98$8A Major gov·1 contra ct 1n vol ved . Please contact Chuc It Bentoo. CARTRIGHT ENGCNEERING 2St E. Palais Rd Anaheim 714·77&-9230 EOE/MF REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED. EARN UPTO LS% COM· MISSION NET. l·Can. earn from ~K to SJ.OOK annually. 2-Find out why new ht'. earn big $1$ here. Come ta lk with them. :I-Our produc · t 1 1n ex p e n sive land/budget terms. 4· Pre-set appls. galore. :>-Find out why '"we've got the best thing going··. N.B area. Ask for Mr. Howard.~ Moo-Fri. days. 8:30 to 4. 7S1·4mi ask for Lynette ors.Jeem COOK-pantry person . =~ qualified, Im· ve. Salary depen- DELIVERY. Auto carrier n eed ed AM & PM . Laguna Beac h , So. Laguna, Dana Pt. San Cemeote areas. Depen· dable car a must. Call The Register. 951·71 U . Our beautiful Newport Beach office has an ex· ceJlenl e>ppor1.unity for a Secrelary wit h six or D'IOl'e months escrow ex- p er I e n c e . Rsponslbllltiea wilJ in elude telephone com · municatlon with title ~ and lleht re ception duties. Typrng of 35wpm is required. GUARDS FUii Is pert time. All areas . U niform s fumlsbed Ages 21 or over R.dired welcome. No ex~ence nee App· ly Uru venaJ Protection Service, 1226 W Sth Street. Santa Ana. ln· \A!rYiew boun 9-12 41 1-4 Maolhru Fri ey6a4:2-432 I I gr owth. I for our exec offices. Hrs. Crom 10-4 Moo·Fr1. Call lmurance I ASSEMILEttS I 832-m>. E.0 E Personnel Llnes l&Com · I Party Cons ultant / mercial Accou nts I Skilled mechan. assemblers. Must QJunterPenoo.fullt1me Real Elltate SaJes: lie' or unlicensed. Will trasn. 673-7D> Ask for BUI, the rranager. dftlt an exi»erience. Ex· c ell conditions & bmd'ita. FJ Niluel Coun· try Oub, Lacuna Nieuet. Pb am -.5717 ~3PM. Oaled Monday. COOK Part time coolt. Ule cook· Ina • clean up dutJea. l"tee pre·•cbool child ewe ladd. Tust.l.n area. American Pre School. SM-1417. OOICltS ·WW train. Part or-f\d.1-t.lme. .a.t. .. Npt.BMLCll. t Del Meo aver l8 for L.A. nmes to homes In N.B. C.M. Pe.rm. p /t . $400/425 mo. 646-0637 or 646-5844. DB IOMSTIA TOllS Part-lime your area, bou•ewarea/grocer y, wUI train TIB-3380 Dem.al AA 't, Ortbo., Cbr ., N.B. Part Ume or full time \I> to • days per week. Top aalary Is beneflta, Ortbo exp. & RDA r.q, 842-31211. This poailioo offers a top slartin& aalary. IOod srowth potenUal and out· itandinc benefita lnclud· Inc: ·~parkin1 •Health inaurance •Dent.al lnaurance • Profit 1bartn1 Pleau call J ac.ie Skantd •t 845-1111 for more lnlonnA llola. GUYS&GALS Excit1n1 Is rewudina work enrolling merchant.a in O.C. ·a new emq. C.rd Club. Will lnlin. · Eam Sl.00 every day. lt'1 ... y It fun. Jo'UIJ or put Ume. Call Joo or Dami •t·90'7'7. ~YMAH fbr 1.-ll electrcJD.tcs co. Ulbt Jaaltortal CMlc1. Dalvery It plcll up lo co. trucll. ~utq. Muat b8ve valkl Calif. clrtven Uc. Apply O .L .G . S,.tnll, lllU Coodor Ave.'F.V. •. Secretaries. Minimum 3 I be dependable w/strong desire to I lncludin&Sal. Apply 202:> yea r s experience . excel. NewportBlvd.:...C·!'_· __ Pro1ress1ve Orange I I County agency Ex XL NT CO BENE F NI OPll. celleol benefits. Salary I · I TS & I Earn while you learn oommensurate with ex WORKING COND. W /CAREER Telephone Answering prrience. Contact Mary I POTENTIAL FOR QUALIFIED I Service full time/part Ann.SJ&.2S31. JNDIV time. Varied shifts -I · I o.y., afternoon or even INSURANCE PERSONAL LIN ES I Day & Night Shirts Avail. I tnc;:~~s~o UNDERWRITER · Min OOSTA MESA /lRVINE 2yrs.exper.JamealtCo. I I TUSTtN Irv . Cell M aurine H\JNTINGTONBEACH '7S24lllO E.O.E I I ldHI for 1tudenta I& Is nw-•oftk• T,.._ F\llq ll learn rat.Ing & claims. SZ..M.'f7. Wbetber you're buying or aelllo•, Claullled ad vertlltnl wtll set your ....... tot.be rtlbt peo. • c.11 ToctQ ! to.1111. ·I GRADCO-DENDOKI 1• ~~?,1~~::~~0: I 4030 w .. CHANDL~R I =M!:~·Fr~.all I SANTA ANA, CALIF I PBX .operator ror I · I ~~-:.~:~·~,.·~~~,,! L 714/116-9611 J :u:.=io worr.·~~ -----------1~tn~•!!!!!:.!·~-~· !:__ __ _ ~~--------------- .... ..... Wes Openio& 1or licensed salesp eople. locally owned. with national re- fernl system. Excellent worklnt conditions. Earn lOC)(i{. commiuion. For ronfidential upp 't. call 759·0226. Execu · ,, Systems Realtors RECEPT I MEDICAL • Exper. p,.er. Coeta Mesa Area r.:;t · Ena·Span. fOf' chlroprac· c · c.>. Basie office aldlla requh~. Lit& bk· kPf. Call Dr. Heblr 97J.1511 Hive~ you want to Nill? Cl ... ln*' ads do It WI. 8Q.5171. ; t ' • -~? .. !!t-~ ~~~! ..... ?!.~ ~.?=~ ..... ?!!~ ~~.::-:.~ ..... !!.~! ~~ .. '!.!".!~ ..... ?!.~! ~~~ ..... ?!~ n.cllrt. Ck10tle< 2, 1'71 • ~! _ • ..._, ..,,AUMNTHSLP Wll~f#I a ..... 8cUTA&Yforl prtof. T & L I: P H O N I ...., _ __. 7tto HllpW.._. 7100 .... ,. ~~•Will T'rala. PJlt W.. ~ ~ ISO 2 M •ID , ft ' If ~llot (a flK'tory w/f004 UJCn'O.RB. • cb wk. ---••••• .. -• .. _ ....................... , ............. "' .. ._Mamo. ~.:t:!l.r.:f1:; •• .... ~ ••.• I,. ttun1 • .._ ~~· rr. •=·••ll.ooex· .._ • ..,.. •*•la· JW. .._ ,.._.=: -:;."':;&:~ :·~~.5· ·~~·~ = :J.r2icrJ· ~"""''>'k•;• :::..., ..,:.~ r::·..,.:,:-~-· ClmSTMAS :.=-..:.::.• =•":t#'" .. .,.-.-. . --. cai't.O. ·i.a ,.., _. ....... ., ..... -9 · .. G :.::t.:1: U, p • J.i Ttl 1'au lwYef to Mi· MOltlY ...._ • ..,... rua 4 lh!ft1 Dim. fr. &o 'w:in .. ~..,--._ r••l" e. 1"•••1 =n·· 111'1 ....... for ~ittJaJ appt -...--ao .. Uiaa· P'ood &tatauraat, ,........_ .......... 11 •-. ..,, ,,..,... .. .._., 11•ua1oaH.8. MM7T'1 · an1.JPll.8(.uttu0u 60fa••s La.au•• 8 t1c1a . ...,..;••• S',?',C:-:: •..::. =~.:::~•; ~ 9f''1'''~ :!e. A\le.,~'r'<>Tl .... H:CAftA&Y . O..J1a IDClhftlce. llr. Tcme lo~·.=::t:T:t ,.._.,,. f\w tojd liiime. ....._ ~ •---.-.t;n-IOiM1 -to tl•• .,.,, .. 191 Pf'OITa•· Orouacl 11 . t•• ..U08'ildllblletlipat• 59-lllt. im.., ...._. .. _. • x.MYTIClllCIAN Olrmlll~t-old. l'wa. . ..,.. U•• O••nw co. ..... ., floor •••ort. Call i .rw fl\ air , .. me .,,....,, .. ""o• to 1\lltla. 'foPpaylr....tt.y To work la Newport ,_.. .... • _...._ _...,.. ........ •um. tllraellldodale~c'o. baadl• orderln1. euac:i.oetrt1t&oPuierta Bid • ....._~., Pr.a to• --.wind, I f •g ,_. ..... ~ bd ............. Mo •a. •a.&a..._ .. •eM•f • blWaa la Y.u.tafort1'0. alllot . ._ '-wWU.1 to lllb9d Yk Lab. f'-.• • crl "'·· Pluuat ==---I ny Pvt Mta. MAaltmNG =..uedOJt dept. WUI CAU. TODAY! • raudM ~won, ,,., .... Ida ..... u' 1o , -. """°' ... :.J. •a~rt; _ ••. 0 u r ad , • "ttucect 1. 1tra11llt •1'01 TOO y~ 117.oMI ~':f:l~ .~-:~~~:;. ,_.. • • IOIO , Mi; Up. _ ---.euen 6 ,_....;!,.C:: for 1Utcb • over tock ~pertUme llll.lt. 9ifta ...... ..._. ___ -A. c-•·---. ---••••-•• a:•s·ao • ...._. ,.__, d m.ctWae.Pwm&DeotfuU ·, ~~7 -. ..... -~ ... .,_ OllJ ju at-.t1 Start a.11 ~ • 4 · tlmt work LalPJna ~pe. eocral ot ke. Lra eGOClr'D baa CIPt'b· cr\·Lfin-: ~au wllb esper. ** 1 IUY * * a.r.eaao-.111..mi, .......,_,..•a.a.• .m.ar:a Cld*boun.~. 1 ..... "• •• ·"'·-. •o· &M-1111. . Good ._ ...... •·-.. ··-11 ..;........;.;.;.-. ______ , MarkeUa1 po1llloD1. -•' --.--..... -~ --n-.. llAllllJl'OH ELECTRO s ·~ .. ... ---"',., •t.•wtic peop&c over 18. tL 1• I ••• . A&dtMtM-OR I wlU tell _,._ ~ ----f.aU.. •"•-I •• JR= _,_ Free to travel w/l un l(~'ftSONNUWMCU -··• • orSD.l.forYou I•••• 0 '••1•1 la laad1"i;;:' lr•l•t -Nati louted O.U......._. IJ"OUPtolOmiUorcltlall -·••••••••••••••••• M4ST9t$AUC1IOM ~~ ..U. ~ a St -..... ~. • lo No £aea H.B. requir• Jllaaill be familiar with reeortt. Kutt be oeat. J7Zl mrdt SfrMt !.~!~ ......... ~~~ '4• 1616 & IJJ.f6ZI ~» .......... ftil ti•• privll•I••· &.-abarp. front offic e VA/f'HA proce11ln1. ~•freetoltattlm· ... .,......_. ilft'M'!lll• 110M f I a' .... :~ t.;,\:.'N·UOO. Call 'Mf'l'IMI r:::b!':~ ~:!°"11~ =':f~~c:r,:·~: ea~~~o:·!~~ ;;;;~~~Eqliab Ftr ~~~anti· tQer'd • ~ ,_.. · · WOlll llW'•lel1, 1b or 1peed u.rtBev. trainiac procram. All Waitrmaw/carforwicker furakure, coUedlbles • qia•clr1V's857-81.33 ....,. ~.JI you eo· ............. writinl a +. Good ad van 540-0500. traosportaUoo • lodging basket tuacb service primttivee. ~a .... vanet.y ot CAS._ "'"' •°"°'1WU.ly '° otmmtpoc.tlaJ.AUrac turo•a. Above averaae t ::»-tpm. Moa·Fri. Earn OCTSTM. 7PM ..i HOii( ~. -~ MtA111t•ilt •' wcrtpanumefromtam tlve bcnellta • salary eam1ao + bocuasa. For Sl2S-SlSO weekly. Mu1t MMllSoN :'-c.~'=1 .. onaaa• AM'~ a.s. MOlll ~C:. :.:e:u": f:.f~~~~J::! 111ter.1ewcaU Mn. Wlle. ~=~· 'C."t°"~: AMT1qUIS Q.OS(.ouJ SALE --1.0 g tar\& Fn. Rut~ Pftican, locMed M lll•Uon •alee Call 714-..~. 772-1520 aft. lOUn. ror appl. Mctlo. ••rr = f PJrnlture & ---;...._·.;;;.....· ---%1a W. Pac C.t Hwy, rcun 'Workoearbome• llJS.OIYeser..t ee. Cedar Glen 8ec•h-.. wutod for N.8. ~Cld>eracUvitJes for Secmarial work Newport Tow Truck Drivers ex· Wmt.r.sfor Private Club. <>r..,. 'IOMlbomes. ZS5' Elden 0..•811 Performance Reaw-anc ance ot tho day Oemer Firm. Good typ. ~·~ ~~wr:!'. ~~~~ Tun. tbru Fri. 11·3. Ctlfwlilf•mtloa Ave, Costa Meea, 11 to & 1:1.&r "YU... aaloo MUI\ co~111 ..,_ d We pay hourly wages & mg skills oecesaary. $900 N--• Sat/Sun. 1:30 to •·30. dail)'.&CZ-6'T.M. ~ IDCMl phone tnao· ......_.. ,.,rrace, a e commaulon per mo. c.11 llarjori~ uuuaWa.y,C.M.&42·1.252 Call 644·6800 Ask for ___ 6_3'_-_7_7_to ___ fflde·a·bed aora. Blk os ~ence ~ CaU li&blful • 10 Corm1l ~. TRANS M J S S J O N Jeandte lli~llael at Command te9laurant. only o~en CallCordetads. INSTALLER E xper ..;..;,.....;..;.....;..; ______ CHURCH BENCHES . vinyl. XJnt cond . S80. Performance Newport weekdays. IC you re SICRETAIY RW.ESTATE c:;:· Would consider Waitresses: Immediate 1920, 3 rows : ea. w/7 Evs,430-8328 BeAICb..,.._745'1. ~· .... ~e w~1ne~~you• L.A. TIMES ,..-._.DES« D.JlEProustor. motivat-" ap ..... n· openi.n&forexper. dinner wood (°'4f.up seals. Dis· n!O'UnDELJNGSALE -U&' "' ~ ~ "" r·~ &graveyard. Paid vaCI· usembleable orrer. ,........_, REC E PT 10 N 1 ST Now blrlng full or part 1.3755'mllower Ave. Mature persco w/2+yrs Must be familiar with Ure w/auto background llOlll, sood Upe. Apply ~ Brand new H . U . D. Telepboae sales. part time. Sheer & s tock c.o.talleu experience in Curn. mfg. VA /FHA proceuing. &tools496-1295. T aylor's Rest auraot. ---------D.L.E. Bed, qu. sz buml time morninp, salary person needed. also 540.0301 tidcl Busy phones, order Minimum l yr upr. req. Redhill " Saota Ana .,,..," 1010 orange. Used 10 days +commission. Call ~~pfy8k:S~~~ LO.L =e~~~~a~~~~~ _r:s1_ct_Be_ey_v°'_.S40-0500_So_._ea_li_.,_._eo_n· NE~bi1'T~fWiNE, Frwy.Tustin. ···~·~-;~·;;;;;;;••• ~coo~1rs.n~ room -~---·-m._70_l5_·---1 weekdays 2·5. 2915 Red Salespet'IODwantedCull&r orieated person for ex· __.....__-....~ exp pref'd. F'uU Ume -WAIT RESS/Hostess. Washers&Oryers Glwtable&'x22",hide·a· 11CarJ $750 Hill.Costa Mesa. part time Salary+corn· panding fWll. mfr Sub· Part ume We are look· Busy downtown Lag Bch BARGAINS-SEIWICE bed sofa, newly re· U YoU ~Y taJJung on mission. co. benerils, mlt resume w/salary re· SECalTAIY Ull for 1 professional restaurant F 1t1m~ BestApphaoce536-0911 covered!. Oak dresser ~oe " can re ~le LVN &LPT -Pa.rt· c oo d w o r It in g at. quirements to Box #592, No SH. oo dictapbooe 754-LS.ssask for Mgr. Lynn or Hanel 494·9765 Alabama & Adams. HB. w/end taDfe. 673-«174 wbo's who. Tlus u.me AM&P~. do in· mosphere Apply in Daily Pilot, P.O. Box Promotable position in TYPING Corona del Mar 9-5 CA.SH PAJD job la made for you, UtUe divid_t.lal interviews. Ad· penan. 1'16SO, Costa Mesa, Ca. amallotfice wlfaat grow. resident to do typing 10 --------f . 5 PC Bdrm set +matt. & t)'pinc, medical-dental· m1n.1ster & mon1.tor STANDARDSHOES 92626. ':f :~t:n':twport your home. Must have ~~~:S~a~~S Pa;t~r.~e =ci°r~:/:7~8G_f5 · box sprnga Fru.itW&d. semi.annual Increase· medicaUon. AJcohohsm aons. Bristol, C.M. SECRETARY a its. good typi ng skills Gd cond. Sl50 960.1.Uf sickleav0e'!~aTcation. ~· ~e~;~~~ SALES PERS ON -~ Bch law firm ~~~A::~Y 615-5444 ~~~i•'Nr~~ FIUGfDA.llE Cotnplete comer group. C ,,_AL 13352 Brook h urs t . Stereodept.exper.pref. seeking secretary with St.e234 642-1470 Blvd.Npt.Bch-6'5-67~ lmpenalrange.dbl ovn, DrexeJ 5 drawer chest. pa50t4"a GardeoGrove,CA92643 P ermanent fulllime . xlnt typiJli skills Expr . .---..~ •TYPIST* 1 self cln·rotiS&ene like antique dropleaf table. A~CY R.M . Abrams. Catalog with word processing TO $l l ,OOO WANT'ED DIJVEll new S500. ~SOOO X216, round table & 2 chrs. 540-6055 E.1t'~~ .'it': ~~· ~ 1819 Npt. Bvd. ~~~I but not *~ET ARIES * ~m~~t~»·a~~ur~c~5 To =~i~L ~1lot ::=sed refng in ~~ =~b1lr!'1.5:~~: 2790 Harbor CM ............... , 964·4666 • :r.,.. SO lns S12K Growmg firm offers good bundles t.o earners Re· good runmng cond Not mg lights. rrusc 645-4832 NEVER A FEE Sales 5ale8 SF.cRE'TARV Typist, 60 GO typ70SH90 $13,800 future call 751-2600 qum!!> van Of' large Sta· over Pl 631·3921 after Mat.dung sofa & loveseat.~ callafWbounappt DRUG STORE Clerk· ~?~~:!~~as ~ ~~8,.yM~~.'i!'~ Sec !3~r;:::r:i2K -----uon wagon and a good 5p(n__ good condition Sl50 Cashl.er . part time, Sa.l""OurOfftce•" Typtst/R.ecept. Accuratt> dnVJng record Phone u~ng ..,5 Dresser r>c ---------1 g irt sales. work in mo. Non·smoker. Call .,.. typw 00wp It r d t 642 4321 a d ask ror Ptulro 18cu ft re(ng, $175 """ ~· -"' IECB'TIOMIS~ female preferred. Port Newport Beach area Terry7S4·1040for appt. ApptOnly Free g m, 0 l' u H c~ n o West. washer '95. Ken A!!._6PM .~l538-~-Pbarmacy, 2727 Newport • / NB. Mrs Hass 61~ 3012 arry -=Cle y or on Very busy m e dical calling on PN!sidenls of Liz RelJlders Agency Willia~ rmre i.'asber $125 Guar ~ na~h hide·a·bed DJantlacturing company Bl, NB. corp. Purchasing agents SECRET ARY 4000 Birch. E&tab '64 EQUAL &de! ~-__ __ Sl40 Folding ping Pon~ needs Receptionist . Ex· Sales Delivery . Have full & S a I e s M g r s . Real ~tate oriented Newport Beach, 833.S190 Typuu OPPORTUNITY W~ Ory GE tbl Pl ~948 cellent typing slt 11ls, time & pan lime pos. Responsibilities inc: financial corp. creat.mg ••ATTIHTIOH•• EMPLOYER &rw~~rt!d'. · --- phone experience r e· avail. You can expect to handling estAb gift pack oew job pasitioas for ae1f Sludeots Teachers S3S-0777 Klng s11,e mattress boll quired, good math ap-earn up to ST .00 per hr accts & creatjng new starting, well organized SECR ETAR J AL -Se~ H~wrves" Warehouse/Inventory ac spnng &rrame SSO. Utude desirable. Non· for a new company doing ones. Feel up lo the Secretaries. Requires EARN VACATION u live Ptume worlt teq d Maytag dryer sso 968-1498 __ _ smoker . Excelle nt interest ing work challenge? Apply a t secr etarial s kills. our ad in yesterday's WENEED. CMarea.540-3575 Fngidalrerefng. S2S King size mattress, boli benefi•··. ex ..... U .. nt pay 531 ""'A". Hie .. _, Farms, 17th & minimum ss wpm typi· paper:, for Clerical I K'-'-Typ•••-54&-6790 f 1 "' ._ ... " -uvv. ...,.r w h d ·~.,. ... ..., Warenousemao wanted uwu•0 " &. rame. a m061 commensurate with ex· lrviDe. Westclilf Plaza. ing & neat well groomed a re o u s e . A · .fStat Typists -.---perience. Permanent, Sales NB appearance. Challenging mmistrative & Sales & IDict.apbonetypists with r.ruck dnnng ex· Adm.ral lmpenaJ Duplex new. cor:llete $250. Call full time position. Those Earn while you learn. position, s alary com · Marltetiog positions l'Qerlt Typists peneatt Call Pickwtc:k refrigerat or tfreuer . 9l!0-4S54 6pm qualified ~all, 581·3830 Engraving & sales. Part Salesperson wanted. ex· meoaurate with exper. HAMILTON ELECTRO NEED IMMEDIATELV Paper,St9-US7 Coppe rto ne · S350 Desk. 6 drwr, metal. askforSUsan. or full·tl{De. 646·3141. penence preferred. App· many frinses. Apply in SALES. Leng & short term, boli· WATER RESOURCES IM&-Si:!Ol er 642·9489 after a>x:30'', SSO. Soal bed Sl5 ~~~~~~~~~! Noack Trophy Co. 170 E. ly at Pacific Sports, 230I person to: America a day • vacation pay. ENGINEERING Careet" SP1l. _ dimng rm set 3 wic\er 17U> Sl Ste. 117 tacross W. Balboa Blvd, NB. Home Mortgage, 230 twi.pltalliatlon avaHa· opport1U1ltiH for n · 0. 1040 dn '150. Walnut coffff Rall.aurant from Vons) SA' ESPIRSONS Newport Center Dr.. SICUllTY b&e. ~1 e n c e d CI vi I _ .................... tatM$1S,ID-3874ev. . Sandwich persoo wanted .,.A,_ "'·ll . . . Newport Beach. PATllOI. la SALIS ._,......,.., ~ " KEESHOND Pupa AKC ..... .__._ IO"'l a. ---1..-1p -ant..... "-. • .... time poertioo Penaoailty plus aduit.s -......._, wouEN ~----·-·-""-·-_._ .. r ' p •. -• • ........cs ""' -~ 0.--11 .. _ _. l d •-••y au:.a~ -..,.__ _._ .....-... ww. -1 , e\ •n••••••-•-•-•-•• Startlnc w/good salary. m.._... ..... u1nreatore. t o work w th a n *-•-* Many beneflU. Rapid IDc191iDormulerp&ao. ea.ow . p v l pt '1 ·a---·------CalJ17~2113. :.~°"etEves. See motivate kids. 0.er 21. Te SI 1,000 growth potential. Ex· :Z f ..._ .,......_ ZDMr·Del•IU,.._ "OLD ••US&&La" .Re1Uaarut H.W.WricJltCo., t._~·,.~ano. Ncm~~==: ~-=~ .. :~ 146-4741 ....... ·.:::.-=· A&CGWIDa ...... ,w~ C.••1-2H 0•::1-• All aro .... ldtcbea mllwt stw,C.M. PAllTTIMI G:t...nnaott .. Jood ~meot to PJadercover .. OlmpwDriYe lltettoee • ,..._.otn IUMn. wtr ....... a.a awt .. .ortrer aeed.cl with ·••• -:.t~s tw:uni. Call 751 2600 agent or supervbor. call CacroN from Experience desired an re: C h a m P P ~ d I gr e ~ m ent . r: r ass ~ are . drivers Ile. SaJmagunda ~eqlrl r .... ume,roran· 11:.-a."9' · orcomeln: JolmWa)'lleAJrpon> PGrtA9P8dlicatioawril· 411M851 . aiJv.e r ware: daahea . Rest.~a:a&'l. :C..~ ~::a.w~~ PHOla SECRETARY MOllU .Equ.aJOpporEmployer lac. faciUUea deal1111. GoAdell~• lm'ailure. ataioed aJw. ·---· -Rd.,LqunaBeach. ec.mior-.Mll6 ,.ulactt.s.rnc.. illllftWeC. cakalatiom le beautJIWAJC~· lampa • much m~_e.; --...,._ Ext.250. Betweea l·SPll. v-...,, ___ .. _.. R .. ,. 1.• comput•r operation•. S.·3279 ~ 8AM.,.lddlft par ...... 1--.tiate part time S-. AU For Andrea ..... e penoa ~ ~~36 u you've never placed a Apply to penon with re· kit bebl.nd r• eneeb. opeQln11 avail. for bltemaUooal marketina t.o aarlll p rod uct 2790H&rbor8l,Ste207 etasained ad, you're in .swne •wort aamples u you're not readinit the fnleclwnpapeS.tOct Delivery Driven. KUlt firm e:itpan din& i n SALES manaaer wltb heavy Costa lie.a the minority! Try it once Mr Fuentea, Robnt little ads in Classified. e.2001So.CWS\Hwy, (at be211tbaveaaooddrlv· <>raaae County looking Rea pon1lble p erson 'NOrkloacl.Accuratetyp-andseebowquicklyyou Bem.. William f'r'osl & you·~ miaalng a &Ol of Dtamood St.> La1uoa ine record. Start from f bltl le wu&edfor saleain li&ht· ing eeentlal. F\IU lime SIC'Y-4.IGAL get res ults . Phone .Usoc. 1401 Quail St. newsy information as .Bcb.-..zzt S3.25 hr. +tips. AUbl~ to ~ :1 P~~m~~d iq fixt11Te showroom. ~cal .wltbdental.fully paid NEWPORT BEACH 642-se78. NewportBeacb. wellas~great buys wor:k.evenlllg.s. F\t. lime r'9WDe to P.O.Box SOI. Will accept. cr eative ......, • Netrport Bc:b Law Firm posWoos also avail. age Hunt Bcb 92648 Im· ability with some de· hie l.mmed operun, for 2 SpmlB&.over. Apply daily aft medi~le reply. · coratlng backgro und. ROSAN IMC. R.E. Legal sttretaries Wood Lighting ~2901 714/S48·5533 w/a uto typewriter or ME& ED'S PIZZA Sales Irvine. ' Newport Beach. word processing exper. 4210 E.17th. St. C.M. SIMSIDE SA.LESS An Equal Opportunity Salary $1000·$1200 /mo n..--.. --t fUU time ntwition. Eit· Sales Rep. to call 00 re Employer per exper . Vacation . ....,......_.., ,...... ader ad business ac· Si .... •--._)I-' G SGT •• IP.ERO ... I~ perience helpful, will f d ... :.· c...-re•a~, General Of o;a·-ve, • .,.. roup " ~ train. Some cle rical counts or a ve ...... ing. """' wu:rr Imincl.Call7S2·2282. Pl'Z2A STORE work involved. Prer. Mon thru Fri. 9am·5pm. rice. typing, Lt office Now birlnJ for full & part mattn"e individual. Call Pase + Commission ...u1t . .Ull: for Tammy. Service Station Allen timeoperun .. at location 55l-082'lorTI4-WJO Company beoe!its. WUI (714 >9S5·3402. N. B. o(· dant, pt·time. days & near o.c. Airport. Vary· train. Neat appearance nee. eves. Neat appearance & 1-.. day3 & hours: Ideal Sales &c good selling essential. handwriting. Apply 2590 -in f OL EGE Apply Peonysaver 1660 SECRE'TARV /RECE.PT. NewportBlvd,CM. suppiemental come or KIDS-C L Placentia Ave., Costa Late bltkpg & typing . hous e w I v e s & STUDINTS..SENIORS Near OC Airport. f1oyd Shipping a.ril/fruck stud.ents .Our pro· IARNXTU SSS Mesa. E .. weaver . structurul Dri•-gress1ve growing co. of. c""' o"CI\ .... fen opportunities for ad· Selling by pbone. Apply engineer.~ Exp'd crater Clean dnv vancement based on in person, 580 Broadway Sala SECRETARY ing record. Apply In your job performance. !H07, Lagu!'a Beach , ROllNSON1S Xlnt oppty for efficient penon. Edler lndustnes. Pleasant working cond. Moo. thru Fri. Noon lo 5 ..w'PORT gal w/top secretarial 2101 Dove~. N.B. Across Mustbel8&over. Apply Call clrculall~n dept. 11aa-1-.. &for: skllls to work in Cast fromOCAirport. in-. 4.97-4828fordetails. ~ ..--~ I C:O..tk Sdn paced Npt. Bcb R.E. Statione ry Stor e In 2300S.E. Bmto SALESLADIES Permanent full time. Ex· cic. Ca.JI W a. 833-2900 Ccrooa del Mar needs ex· SantaAnaHeights forooecirountry's hnest perience requi r ed. perienced s ales lady. <NexttollcDoaald5) cblldrena boutique. Le Salary +commisaion. SECRETARY f'1ll lime 5 days, xlnt E.O.E. Magasio, South Coast Gts•rd Sales &try level career op· working coods ~pec1al· Plaza. 549-8585. F\tll time. expenence =· y with growing ly fine clientcle. 675-1010. erred Beach company lfyou're lookingforabet· Sal es : Mangement pref p ahlog nation al STOCKCLERK·DRIVER t.erjob,youwon'twantto Tralhees p /t . f /t . Excellent company magazine. Typing ac· Expanding electronics mi111 the employment Dynamic, positive 18+. benefits . Apply to curacy more important rarm needs responsible calwnos in Classified. Dev alt bus inc. 557·3062. Personnel Moo thru Fri than speed. Shorthand pen1011 for control or flow RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT TRAINEES PAI WIST SRYICU. tMC.. the restaurant dMslon of W. R. Grace. has blg elCpanslon plans. offering new and exc1tino growth O()Port\Jnitie9 In management. U you are lool<lng for a rewarding career In reetaut'lnt menegement that Includes: • CofT'lpl'eheneive t,.lnlng program • SelstY potenH.t to 126.000 e>lua t>onut lnc»ntl.,,.. program • Ex~ company benefits IN:ludlng profttlhlttng.healthandfamity accident coverage. peld vacation. IOngevtfy rec:ognftion . • ~ In wofidng for • highly rnQeeted co~ In the ,..e-.,rent lnduttry FAI WIST SRVICIS. IMC. OWcw and Operllcr of R...-.. .. "8nlchoutl. Coco.._.....,., StrMt. GOf'd.t LI&. Reuben E. LM end more. lnvltet YOU to .,,.,, .. flllCM bM-..n e. tlOPJrl of 1:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.rn. Monday thru Frtd1V at ... 111.,.._.""9,S.-.IO ... = .... MEo* nlfyE~ > I 10.12. not required. Will also of matenals in stock #Z FelNCM I.a-ct handle telephones &. Duties include issuing Equal Oppor Employer serve as girl Friday. materials, aWck count· Must be organized & a ing, en-ands & pick ups. eelf starter. Salary $850 Must have valid Calif -•nAWi andupdepeodiogooex· drivers lie . No ex· Sales • ~ --' """"'....,,.. perience nee M8SYOU .,....eoce ... , ... -.,. GATEWAY SCIEN · To flll avalanche ot or· SlCalT AIY /LeCICll TI FIC INC ders from mari ne. '1S)/mo. Real est.fe or 3020Redhil1Ave. motorcycle, s porting cMJtlUgation. Qxita Mesa. 92626 IQOda, motor 1porll, re· Abacus Agency 540-5686 tailers. Great opptr but 17984 Skypark Cr. G TEACHERS we are very selective fr 714n 5t·9700 want. confident winner Irvine 714/751·9700 Creative, innovated lead •--'"'·we train ex-·--------t each e r s /dire ct o r ..,,_.. vuy tramee. For American pertly. Visit us at see, SecfttartaJ pre.S c hoo I. EC S ffl Mr. Stone M0-40.23, ••ATTIHT10N** certification & ex· Sbidmta Teacben perlence preferred . Sa* Houlewtveall Tustin le Mialion Viejo W..ud )'OW1I men who EARN VACATION SS aru.5"-1467 M770.l998. wW set aloo& well with WENEED TEACHERS wome n . C all Mr. SECRETARJES Part time ar full Ume 't'bolnl*la 54CMOZ3, f.l. l10IEDJATEL Y t.eachen for pre·scbool. Sandwich le salad aa· wtt.borw/ouhborlbaod n..&;iD. llluMxl Viejo & lelllblen. part Ume/(ulJ LOQI or ebort term. boU· lrviDe. ECS atudeot.s or urne. 5am till tam or day Ir vacation pay. experienc~ preferred. 1pm Moa t.bru Fri. SS.SO a.a.p6taJluUon avail•· 552.7331 OI' 7'70·1999 or par br. Lori'• Kitchen Ille.. ...;*-~1Al7 ______ _ m.o74T alt lOam for ... VOLT '.. ., t' •• Make roar 1boppl•1 ..... btUlialU..Dally PUata..tntct Ms. Teacber·PH·1cbool. 3 year old clan, e•· perlenc• Gece11ery. M0-1919. TO WOMEN IN BUSINESS COMING Sunday, October 14, 1979 In the Daily Pilot A TRIBUTE TO THE ORANGE COASrs SUCCESSFUL WOMEN IN BUSINESS THIS IS THE ACTUAL SIZE AO For beSt reproduction, a clear black and whit• photo of any size can be used. Your message will accompany the p icture In this space . If you choose not to publish a picture, flit the spau with your f'nfls.lge. Nattonel WOtMn fn ......... WHk I• October 14 thtough 20. To honot •r•• women In IMl_.MH, lndulb'y •nd CCMftf'Mrce, the Datty ptlot wUI pubhh • apedal trtbute fn b Odober 14 eclllon. Our Salute to 9ualne•• end ProffflkMtel WCMMn II o excepttonal opportuntty to lntreduce a new or longttme aeeod•te to the people of th• Or1noe Coa11, or to honor awerda, ach,.vementa or oontrtbutiot\e. Bu~ Sattlte nodoee ... N two oolu""' by two lftoMa eecll, wtltl a pMto you prowtde. The C!09t of Hoh noltoe II onty tlO. Don't mlM betnt part of tNe apeci81 ~ng.opportunlty. DtHtdMne tor,... Hrvfno epace I• October 10. Cell *98,t DAILY PILOT , 842-5871 Sfl CWLV N.OT Tueeder. O*bef I. 1'11 ...... , ., .. ,,,. . .... .... I Cl JI............... . . &&• W I I Ill ....... ._ • ._ ..... : .._,_.CAIMI .......... -.......... • lAiMn ie. • • .,. Ciillfat11'11111..._ -S-..OtAw. *~ •all, all.1 le NI. 1M• t111 PP -•IHIM • beuUhl. tCIOO . -Vllllilii" . ..W -... ..._ 1w M1e •/C .. !J. OIMoe ::.-:-~ ... w .... ~ct:..-:...-:: t' 0 •• ... :'!i§"" • • • ., ........ x11111111n u·--••• J ... P tmw/lrtr. UlllMITAe1 n•"'-A•••-•u .... .. .... ,...b I ; W'41. ...&•d lyr ...... ____ _ ... _ CIM'4 .... _. itl.AMr:llietCG!ld.U1bt ... ,.. -...,... w. 11*'9 •or a.t otrw. Nl•r• ,.r ••••at l y -. ru a.y M 9dlilu. aan f:v• ...... ....,....,. '-• 19Me1 arn1. too. uoo M. TraJi... 2 ...ia.. ~ ••rt'e-t • &LrU.. GN'Jll 11.aN -· I aae lallatablo LD. .... ,,.. • ...... ....... ..., -.m.oni ..t••llMftJ hr a r-. • M ... &-. w:toee -·-............... II' Roby llammv • lrlr •allpgier, ta~rio or ..... S' Red Tall Boca Ktllt lndoon. Lille oew ·~ GID" .. ,_ • .. wltA Ip acauarium A 1"' A.IJ pu loci. U,800 .a '** a trim 1WI' 1taad. 1200/bat olr . .._. ..... Or .,, two c.... ..... .;..;.o, _____ _ tl70 ....................... •••MDMIW '"' CNlftOLIT WIUIYVAM - . . CREV I ER &'"·~· .... ,.AHA 835-3171 .,..WIMAfl...,..~ ........ w •• "11..Ul/ll -.OBV> 11..altepcmGMC> "11.U 8/ll fN.eltKO > "ll-9 p'91PIU) "77••Pd.at (170SPV> "77••Pd8/R t>lTI) "77 UllA !.uxua CENSZC > ,. •• p. QlM1KH) "111DA I.IC (81JWDA l "lH3blASta '°°82) a... · COMMHL • • C HEVROLET ...... :-.111: '• r I ' \' I S46-1200 I '73 MllCU.Y .... ..._ v "-&Os IOtO CAL 20,,Cleao, with .... r : --..... ! .......... ~u~1c~~. muat Wltb olUlb C"1*. p&HI· taa. lcebo•, wetbar, 2 Captaia 'a cbai ra, btMlfllt DOOk, a:IOVI, Wt ...... cbrome bum· Pl'I • piU.. Sleeps 4f Oii.i). . ...... tit.w7f HONDA Cars P.P. wanta to buy Toyota, Md9UIS••...._ Jl\a1I poww, factory air ccm4.. IDlit pwr. Mala, Wt wbeeil, m.Ue cootrol. pedded top " only n ,000 DJea. Like NEW cond.I· tkllll cno.JDC). tJl'-91........ •Mm'I of HSW • USED .... m-l~'-91IUI-. =~~·-Ill> ,,_.-.-! to70 IOar-.a.40.._ ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• W.NO~~ ID W-.. Gruel piano SWSAVAILAIU or..,... owa or lead =:-W.1"1.=>'· VACNewport~l ::;•;.::: ~ ~ s..t.tt11 t' 1• 109.Z ~TO PURCHASE i.n· t.111. Add»eadL. ...... ••••••••••••••••• Ude moonag at AvaJoo s..d ct.cit or mooey or Ill.lit aacnf1ce, Sloger Harbor lor •8 · boat· dlllrlO: Atben1 2000 com . lmmedcasb67J..0227 Pl.OTPmNnua puterlud aewiog BoatSlipaforRENT.New p O ""---·~ machine, mSingen' best Maran a oo Ba I boa ~-.... ._~ ,:-::-_ --Cllbimt. Paid .., 300 • will ~ _ -_ ~ Peninsula, 20' & up. Con· MllSlU0.&31-2192,P.P. tact Ralph Gray ~ 566-1716. WW exchange me C>I boat lor slip space. Npt. Bch area. ~1"'"60 'it-Speed• ..;...._.;._.;_______ ...................... . 9010 US DIVERS BUOY ANCY --------COMPENSATOR II OOPY llACHINE With Auto lnflalor, U..AQYPAPe.!:.~7033 bnad new, never used. Kawu,kj jet skJ approx. 30h rs . u 1e. $1 ,600. S..a>o& or 759-8949 Pdee. -. _, .. _.131.;._-4119_;.__· ___ _ ,..,_ Sbetl • k -T1 ; ortatto.. -~8 true ~e York bench aet ••••••••••••••••••••••• :i-,i:=t;;; 142pm 8813 w/curl bar, 2 bar bells, 2 *::•1 _____ _..__·--·dumb bell.a. 2SOweigbt. S....-len 9150 BANGING UP& fixture, More.' $125/0BO. 63 ....................... ..._. .._ a1obe wit.b _-.mt_--'-'-------'65 l:landa SllO, nma good, en. trfm.and" matebin1 TY ll8llo. 125. two llabe po1e lamp sn . Nii: se..o 1091 ___ N2_~---- c.11 betwew lpm -lpm. --•••••••••••••••••• ...._ Beautitul 25" RCA Color OlbaaS.,0 "Debutaote" T.V. ~-2 Yr. Warr. I place MUin11 + aU ,.,_Del .... 1786 aerridq plecea. Like Pioneer SX7'° receiver aew, open atoct. S850. or PU50D turntable 2 5 sq bmtotrer.8C2-1803 It calm JBL ~pkrs. B&\t.JTIFUL Cbinese ob-=:....:192:5=------Jecta. retired must sell. ZS" COLOR TV S123 I o I a I d s c r e e n s , TWO YEAR • porcelains, llgurtoes, WARRANTY =.many rare mlsc. 642-S:WO. Spa & Equip. loafs & McriM VERY REASONABLE ........... 964.5449 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------Get.id 90 10 Racq uet Club Me m · bershlp, must sell at sacrifice. HB's fint!s t racquet club, A.ft. 6P M, 213-5112-3'79 MASTERPIECE LOGOS or SELLING TW1 is Yow DAILY PILOT BOAT MART ... introducing a new 1m· To ploce yow ad aae/lresb start for yr bualoeas. Arl work . cal 642-56 7 8 camera ready through ________ _. -Oct $1SO. Days, eves, wknds.8'6-033.l C·Z250mx Mikuni, gas abb, SUD rim.a, tnk 6 more. Immaculate! Hardly ridden, clean, Must see! ! $3:50. 631-1291. 1978 Kawuak.I 650, lo ml. pa1. cood, xtras Sl.800. 552-8310 '65 BMW RS0/2. 11200 flMD. Spare eng. & trans. SSOO. Pb 5'8-9SU Mata-Homts, Sal• I Rent /Storog. 9160 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DATSUN PARTS Hood. c good tires, flt tm 1600. Best offer call 540-5721 after6PM. HEW PARTS&SERVlCE HOURS ()pen 7a.m. 'tH 6p.m. Monday thru Friday Closed Sat. & Sun . Effective Mon. 9124 /79 SA.DDLEIACIC FORD OMLYSIHI HOWAID CM"•t ~M~dlt lll-0555 '76 Ford Van 12 pass. 250E. \IMS reg. l&S. All maa, dual air. Is t.anb, bl&d &laa. etc. &M-41'4 "1eb Dodp Van: 19,000 ID.lea. $5100or besloller. Plu1h lot . am /fm ~. CaU 5S'7·f8IO or TIO-S'T7C. 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE PAY TOP DOLLAR fer top med cars,.Joreign, domeiltlca or clusics. If your car ls extra clean, see us FIRST! "q) ,,, "'0..-.. ~ 21125Harbor Blvd. OOSTAllESA 979-2500 WilUY CUANCARS AMDRUCIS " C OMNELL --. C HEVRO LET 'l\.'111 11.111 •• r 111, I ""'''V.t'-' 546-1200 • Can't Sell Your Car? CUVIERIMW PAYS TOP DOLI..AR ForClea.n Used Imports Call Mike or Don 835-1 171 WANTED! Late model Toyotas. Vofvos, Pickups & Vans. Call us today! PORSCHE's WANTED Allow us the opportunity to com1der the purchase or trade-m of your clean Porsche. Check with Us Tod.av! 23WS. Main, Santa Ana At the Corner of Warner 546-7070 ... •••••••••••••••••••• ---------...._ •• arhd Boat Yaioteoance, re· PORSC .. PAITS ... •••••••••••••••••••• SID pcs Silver Oatware, 16 ailver eerving pcs, UM7 Rogers Bros Am · beaedor pattern. 92 pea Noritake chloa Evana pettem. 31 pea American «died Foatoria ceyatal. all 1930'1. XJot Cood. Belt Oller. 8'6-3529. furbiab, repaira, paint· New, Used, Buy, Sell in&. Hlgb quality work. The PartaSbop89C-3ll2 Ga al 9701 w bide-a·bed, m . mrla $lS. le diQ1ng lbl "6 cb.ra. $.150.-.SUC Prt..ae Party, Kelvinator nlrip SZ2S. DlMtte " 6 dllllra $1.30. Sola makes bed $175. Antique mabosany bdrm aet, mrttr.a " bouprio&a bid. ... Odda " eoda. Garace Sale Sat/Sun. --- Vffl'Y Reasonable rales. •~ ........_ ~ ......... Ret..avall.64.5-5311 ~ ....... ~ ---------...................... . ...._,ower 904( ....................... a.ASSJC 1958 Chris Craft 21 ' Seaaklf, restored. S&,.500.M&-7414 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS The price of items advertised by vehicle dealers in the vehicle classified advertising columns doee not include any applicable taxes, license, tramler fees, finance charges, lees for air pollut.loo control de· vice certiflcaUons or de· aler documentary pre· paration cbarges unless otherwise specified by the advertiser. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTENTION UOI lATE DELIVERY! I.AIM SILICTIOH OF.-W 1979 l2Cl's 5211'1 ALSO 633CSI 's IHSTOCIC! call today · We also may have that pre·owoed BMW you are looking fer! ll I ·2040 495-4949 OIW«H COUNTY'S OLDEST & Sales-&rvlce-Leuing RovC:..er,lnc. RoUa Aoyce BMW 15tO Jamboree Newport Beach 6'0-6"4 IOI MclAREN's & S'iON. Beach Blvd. LA HABRA ~Ill. No. ol SA Fwy > r714t5U.5lll ~ybyAppt. '73 BMW 2002, c spd. AM/FM cass stereo, im · mac, MOOG. 548-t618 "16 BMW 2002, 27K mi. xJ.m running cood, •·s pd, AM IFM 8-trk. $6200 561·9497 "77 BMW J:/X)I , A 1C, auto, Blaupunkt cass , new Mich. tires. xlnl cond 49K mi $8700 or bst offer !r6-2365. 833--0153 Capri 9715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• il Capri 2000 4·Sp, 185(). 67~ "16 Capri, air, AM/FM, RSR xtru.. x.lnt cood. $3550/best 963-6'57 eves 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAA GE SB.ECTIOH OF ALLMODElS SHOP&COMPARE BARWICK DATSUN. • ,.u1 Jq,1nC'.tt ... tr d no • 8 3 I· 13 7 5 4 9 ~· 33 7 s •DATSUNS• l..-pWectkMti OfAIMocWt WISPICIAUU IHGOOD SBVICE COSTA MESA DATSUN • 21MSHARBOR BLVD 54CM4 I 0 540.021 l '67·'7C . Have c ash. "77 Nova. catm int. lo ml. Repairable OK. ~7454 xlot coodatlon, $3Ci9. 9llM802 $2499 MANY Amume new lease oa '79 ToQaOM,.,...._ Oeiica.. Lo mi. iood in· UMVERSITY vsrnem S46-MS2 a. t l 1 T..... 9767 ..._. C... • CiMC ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tnicb "11 TR8, 1 owner, lo ma, 28SOHa.rbor Blvd orig. cood .• a Joys, M900toffer C 382 Cost.a Mesa ~9840 ews. --'------'ti "77 HNDA CJVIC HATCH YalbwogN Xlnl cood. Lo m.1's. Must -·••••••••••••••• sell fast 64H983evea 16 Hooda Accord, air· cond., oew brakes & clutch. S4300. 675-3065 Aft 6 Honda i5 3-dr nu Lran.a c us t paint w 1mags AM/FM cass. $2.850 P.P . 7~9(565 '76 Cvcc. brand new cond .. must sacrifice. Make oiler. scs. 7238 iS Ovtc. lfd cood.. $2400 Aft 3pm, 840-5233 or ~ 'i1 CVCC, like new, C0,000 ma's. 951-29a.1 ...... t7JO ••••••••••••••••••••••• VW • Havinl trouble ae in& )'OW' car? Try us Top dollar · Paid for or Not! Brin& YOW' car to J im llarfoo Vo lks wagen. l87U Beach Blvd., Hunt· ioaton Beach • Ask for Frank Marino or Tom Al.kin. '12 VW Bus: am/fm tape, reblt f'Dg . good tires, cle~. $2675. 892-1523. Aft.5 11UY PIOaEMs Sk:t or dud foreicn cars Wllllted. ~Tow. 873-3465• Cub .at .211187 "77 BUS. Champape Ed w /auoroor. lo mi . $5150/ol r . 673-0993 ~8'71 il JAGUAR E·t,ype. 2+2 'IC VW, llOOd cond, eew Vl2. aulo, &11'. $1000 firm. brakes, l1'0Dt busb1QI 6 1-~2839 valve job. 975. ---'-'-------· 91Pr1462 iC Jacuar XJSL Black. lmmac . Mus t See! 67s.Gll . 9734 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "16 VW coavert.. AM I FY. k> mi, x.lnt ccmd. ~­SS-OJ.:M aft 6. Jil2 aa.vy Impala, needs tune-up. $300. Call aft 7PM,m.8621 ·74 E l Camaoo classic w/dome. xlnt cond, $2SOO or bat cir. SCS-2942. '71 Kinpwood Wagon . "73 ~ xlnt coad, One <>Wner. New paint. ~UZ..~1· 33,000 mL '7C Eng. Xlnl cond. Must -'......, __ ._._·~----­ aell. tllll5. 963-8222. '72 M.arquas Brougham, 4 uno Nova. 307 engine, dr. StOO or betit olrer. 56,tnl aules, P/S. P/B. ~or6"-1B7C. rum great, tires alm08t Mlafwag 9952 oew.$1l<X>.541-6832 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '57Qevy Belair. 283. Xlnt con d . A l l o rig . $!3)0/tl'ade for Baja Bua & money. 642-7969 ar,.a.-. 9'25 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Cordoba. Very low llJi)e.aae. Loaded. Elder-ly laays market car. $3000/~fr . 675·t99C, 611-2191 bua. ttl2 ....................... '79 Corvette, red, tll11: leather. wbale tails. aw>, &11', ~.AM/FM stereo tape. etc.. etc .• 5000ma. Still under WU· raoty. 114.950. Day '1SZ14'. Eve 55:U029. c..,.-9911 ....................... io Cousar. Needs some body won. Make oiler 56C!CC or 5'$-2136 '71 Must . 107,000 mi's . $1300/best offer. 552-8167 '61 MllstmlC)I SI 300 675-57CI or "M&.1078 iS Mach I. ·Good cond, A/C. d1Jt lntr. $2950. Will talre low dn. 833-9759 a..... 9955 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tt76 OLDS ti •BICYSIDAH \Wh all ol the 91 luxwiea PLUS AMt FM stereo, ti.It wheel, cNise control. split pwr. seats & low ml.les. C748PHJ l $3499 '75 BUG Yellow Xlnl...swuf. new clutch, "1'11 Couaar XR7. Cord. & tires. eo.ooo mi S2600 met .. lo ml, loaded, 646--1205 sbwnn cood. must sel I m-t6t6. 75&-5332 MAIBlS AUTO CENTER 1B7U BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 Lamborgb1n1 . e xotic super fast sedan Aar. leather. out performs Ferran 12:5.000 6'0-0448 ---Mtrudn '"1 97 40 ....•...•.•..•......... •MIZ '69 280Sl COUPE ROADSTER a as.sac coupe ro.dst.er . ongmal cond.luon. local ly owned ti. serviced. auto trans .. Blr cond., must see to appreciate 16350GB> JIMSUMOHS IMPORTS l.970HAR80R BLVD. COSTA MF.SA 6ll-1276 '73 00 SLC. Gold.Jblk lath, mags . .s.ooo IDl. Sl.7.SOO. ~7227 '79 llaUoo wgo JOOTD Diesel. Dark blue. cass radlO, sunroof. approx. 3,000ml. Owner arudous to sell ask f Of' Hany Kay. 213 -597 ·8881 ,eves 2l.J..4.S. l213 ---------· !!:! ............ !?.~~ DodiJt 9935 1425 Baker Street COSTA MESA 54~9202 VOLVO SALES.. SERVICE ANDLUSIMG OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS EilUIXE VOi.YO Im Harbol-Blvd. OOSTA IOICSA 646-tJOl 540-t461 OIAMfi,I COUNTY VOLVO EXC.USIVELY VOLVO Lartest Volvo Dealer ltl Orang~ County• BUYorLEASE DIRECT Mm~~ 2025 S Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 77VOLVO 3'2 DL sedan. C speed. AM/FM cusette stereo velour interior. good t.irel. Dark blue fulish • in eacellent condition. Good eas milea~e . Private party leaving area & must sell. $S800 or best orfer. 963-982:3 or ~11matter6 p m. • •••••••••••••••••••••• a ... al 9901 ....................... 1977 IUIClt . ..................... . 14 Mooaco Fully pwrd Snrf Air FM H1 l t'h 17 mpg Yust Sell S2. 09S 964 l9"ll 14 UOdge Co lt Good lOnd Movlng Must Sell f' a.st ' Sl.000 213 S92·3472 Gmger ~ ................. 0.,.. .. ,.._., ............. c....... ,...._. 1977FORD GIANADA SIDAN 6cyl., automatic. factory air cond .• pwr. steenng ~ brakes. radio. vLDyl roof. tinted glass & ~! "38RYX I. IStk. P4027 1. $l411 THEODORE . • ROBINS 'FORD lOt>O HA ll&OA Bl VO COHA M f!>A 041 0010 '78 Cutlass Supreme. Clean . I ownl'r, h i· mileage Peuk cond. day:. 496 5540 . eves 4S6-U60 -------- MAIERS AUTO CENTER NOTHING OVEB $4999 1977 0LDS ST ARAU COUPE 4 speed trans • power ~ rallye wheels & low miles. Ao excellent economy car' <J98SP M 1 $2999 MAIERS AUTOCENTEQ 1'25 Baker Street COSTA MF.SA 540.9202 ·73 Vasta Cruiser Wgn Lotma. P/S, PtB, AIC. $1,900/0BO. 833-3872 19770LDS C.....lr~-· Coupe. Hu A /FM stereo. Wt wheel, cruise controt, 401«> spUt seat & pwr. windows. C'1HRJS). $5395 NABERS ~ l.000 HNtxlf BM1 C~" Mei.\. 540-QIOO lt75FOQ ILlft Court fUU power. lactory a.ir cood., apljt seat.a. Lan· dau top & low miles. Sharp! 0.ZZMMT >. ·72 88 Royale, hardtp, A!C. '5,tn> mi's. Sl.600. 980-1673, ~- $ZH9 ---'118 ClTI'LASS Good C.ond. $700 lirm ~139 II.Ilic Cbef 1u range, all· dMa owm, broiler oever alell $L50. Sallboat, Scor· ... fbrlls •S300/b9t of. 1 ... 0/8 IDOC«, J obnaon .. .,. 751-a10 ·1i BOAT SHOW TIME AlloLeOllRg 9510 A.toa...ltlg 9510 9520 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• llGAL T·TOI' With stereo tape, tilt wheel, cruise control, pwr. windows & rallye wheels. Qll8SLO t MAIERS AUTOCINl'lll 14.25 Baker Stree\ COSTA MESA 540-9202 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ca• Sid boots, kin< 111 laed, MUn oveo, G. E. dryer, '°lb bow w /ar-ron.1'13-4812. Jell. Uaited Airtlnea Ha.If Fare ~foraale IGaOO AmiQue din1q table, 6 daafn Ir cbIDa clotet -. Rallaway ~ $35. 2 Ulbd A1d1Dm ~ fare eoupou $$0 ea. Call .... U.Vllap ... .,.. .... Ccilfotllla In the Water Boat Show s.. 1910 S..la(• All at Speclal Prices 3101 C...t ...... , 631-2547 *** ~~~~::: r-CEASE-ii:o~rl replica. Super dlx . I I Del 'vry 3/80. S48·298S - ~ 9n o I PAY ONLY I ........................I FIRST MONTH 1 1 '7l •·Star Lux . Motorhome on Dodge p MEMT Chas. Sell-contained. I A Y r"'I I Loeded. 7Kmi. ~ 7085 aft. 4 all day SaL Sun I * I $10.tnl./OBO. I HO D9'0SIT OI LAST MONTH I Dune Buggy /aand nil. I WI TA.IE ANY ftADE I YOOcc. dual port beads, 2-den,ek. S.crlll "°°· U'AID '°' OI MOTl ..... I PHOMI CllDrT APPIOYAL I 4-...Drt ... tllO ....................... $5195 ____ ERS ~ATESALE iH50SE: wtlt. w/blu int. "73 Ford LTD. 75&-QS3 sunroof. am/fm CHI. Moo. thru Fri.. 9 to 3. alr, poliabed map. Im· 'G11 Saver+. Beaut '78 m • c . $ l ' • 5 o o . ll.JV\ ............. D•~ F. t L I A I Day-645·0222. Eve. """'"''.,.,, """'' aes a . o m · r . 66.s252 c~ Me:M. 54(}9100 AM/FM caa1. suorool ..... ~~-----,-7-4-t4 ~ .. ~~ .. ~-~·~:;:::;;:"2:;! ~S851;....__~_Aft_8~·-.. _~_07'9'_7_~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 GltAH SPOIT 'i1 Ford Club Wan. 8-pasa, 'i1 llGB. Maroon. Wire JSO Automatic. New. 411> VI. PIS. dual lanb. lbla. AM/Fll. Great car. tires, brakes and shock.a. AMJFM atereo 8-trll1 ,._, ol ..,<1J•1 Good m lleace-body At<:. tow pq, amokea MSCJO,.,.t r.v•.r atral&.ht-runs creat! ti:~ Call aft Pm : P., die 9750 llJO. HuntJqtoo Beach. ---·-----•••••••••••• .. ••••••••• (Tl4l9Q.4tl33,. "12 LTD Wp. auto, p/a, fWldle 't4 WC. Body, "1059'lark low milea1e ~air. Orie. at •Mmi. eo1 Ir lntr lmmac. lood coo'dttioo, ttso'. Sll-AS7C ll'l'IJeep~a ,PP ,... ble J)erlOb to TOP.· •arrant)'. =··~·/~1:;~: m.110t. • L&d. 429 eniioe1 needA I th«Xll C •u tt IS &*Dt. P/8. Ptll, a.tr. 8800 --··••••••••••••• or belt otter. All 4pco, "13 Tarp. Bhae metallic. MM642 '79 CEUCA 1 '79 CADIUAC ~ TOl'O••'•.., """IT -I a.a mpi 73 000 ml '77 SDV d'Ele1aoce. ---·------:.=::~~ ---~ -· • • 8Nudtul car wttb all tbe U.. 9941 "77 Jeep Wacooeer; air, 11'18.3D'SEA RAY pwr. lteer'., atereo cau •• P1br'ds. ·~· lo xlntClODd. poo . ........, s I 14 ~. I S\T.~1 ~~: =--Jk~~ :::, -................... . """' I •nu badr&QtliekaaJe PYt J1t 111&5- _ ..... -..:.. ... ........; .... __ . .,..... __ ~~ ~ tl60 11• Au wa.a .,. b.p. IHukl. au1a1 t reat. ---1111. _ ................... . "JI 11*9 Jeep J -10 pickup. A/C, All/PM I track ...._ CBr.ak>. i...t lo· taiar. Jll[mJ. Lib ...... p.000,..,.., f ;~r.~1 !' .:. ~-,.,~:; a. m .,, ..... bodJ "1,c.aJ:....,.. · fJMCOU4 ••cuay wart. ..0. h.U bum· ''S(lledllofdlteW..t" p&'l.DOnllt.!J.1.!1!!=1110 "lllnile, l*fect coadi· 71&.IMCOLM -. low mu., "500 w TOWN COWi ii 11• l.~ blk, map, "* •·-· a..mtM hmlr7 ht AM t rJI ·trk. 10mp1 ,.SUWrCadS.VWe. fU.11 C'7•t•l apricot~ltb ..... -.iru poww. IUDl'OOf, Al coad. leatber lDlwtor. Low '71 PW.\ uo m. rra7 Aaume be pa1ment. "'11••1•· One owner. w{blt 1Uu'. Ku ever· ...... co..car......... _.) Et (Wlleo l). ml. • ... SOO /b at o fr . ~1;•'=..wt&bD.u, -lllrtllra.,c.K. ,_...ac.aa.d!f. • . .._ Movtna Must Sell! '75 Pin- to suorool, 4·sp, loaded. suoo. 5.56-9096 an. 4: 30 ..,..... 9960 ....................... "11 Volare Premier 4-door atation wagon , auto trans, PIS, P /B, A/C, crube control, Carmel LID metallic ext. & tan vinYI lat., AM /FM radio, &Sil $1000 below Kelly Bhae Book, wholesale, ao6d 1.11 as Ill condition. Oran1e Coaat Daily PUot. 642..:121, ext 210. "-l6ec 9965 ....................... .,.,,.._., PNUy blue wltb blue Suede interior. Bucket .. ata. P /S, P /8 , ex-celleal cond, vinyl top, AK/Fii c .... lo miles. Oood Milea1e . Call 551-1156 aft. 6P II. '78 F.lplrtt, llke new. ~lom1'1,1ac, S5000 ftnn. fl1..4141, 873-9111. is Jl'lnllO'd IDlptrlt. auto. AJC. Mrt ca,.. ~ or t.tofr. M0-'1111. tt70 -----·············· "II n..ne Ludau: tan. fill powerA _leather. :.:.llll oave tMOO. ...... ,. ....... Dlib' PUal OMIUledt. 'i l ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFbRNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1979 < FIFTEEN CEN a) DAVID KVIDIANN ............... faint roeuaae come ove.,. hla radio al about 9:40 p.m "The quaUly ol the broadcaat wu oot aooct.' • Boyd 1ald today. bad run qrouad on a abarp reel 200 mlle1 eut ol Papeete. COp Aids ~· Long Distanee ~eseue 1 radio operatOr, l'•e beard ol Southern Calilonia, BoJd aaid. formation about the endan1.-ed these tblnp bappee•n1 before, Swett'• home la in SeaWe. boat to tbe U.S. Paclflc Fleet, la bll • 1Mrl u an amateur • Hello Cll*'1d0r. Jfll'r7 Boyd ukl M koew tbe du COQ)d eV9ltual· ·IY come .._ he WOQld bear a dlatnu lltaal crackllq over .... ree.t ..... $ s...., mot It ftnally hap-, ~ ... f At .;... In Lacuna Hills, tbe lrYtoe police captain beard the . Small wondel' The meuaae Boyd pU:lled up ln lbe warmth and comfort. ol bis Soulhem Calllomia home was being sent out from a foundering sloop some 4.000 miles away in F rench Polynesia. The sloop, called lhe Sllaoa, Boyd aaJd lbe voice oo tbe ot b er end of the fad int lranamiuloll belonged to George Thonen, a Southern Calltornia resident who wu ooe of five penona oo board the Skana. TborMD was calm, be said, and told the police captain tbe boat was \aki.na on water. "In the 20 years I've been a r AMTRAK PASSENGER DERAILMENT IN KANSAS TOWN ONE OF WORST Wreck of Combined Southwest Limited, Lone Star Train Kiiied Two Amtrak Wreck Kills 2 A.ccUl.ent in Kamas Injures 68 Passengers ~ LAWRENCE, Kan. <AP) -A .. ,..,_,...train careened otf the tracks ill the early raornlng d•rkneas today, kllling two crewmen and hrjurtng 88 people in one d tbe wont Amtrak acci· ..> ctents ever. authorities said. The 1 train included a Los Angeles to ' Chicago section. Offici a l s at Lawre n ce , Memorial Hospital s ajd or the 68 J people brought to its emergency · room. 12 were treated and re· .. leased and 12 were admitted. The others were being exam.tned at midday. The hospital aaid most of tbe injuries were not serious. The 18-<!ar train, which car· ried 187 passengers and crew members, was within a mile of the Lawrence station when it ran off the tracks about 6 a.m. in a residential area a half-mile west of the downtown area. Phillip Winter, 38, of San ~Council Nixes l . rSeaside Project Fist-s haking mobile home tenants stood and cheered Mon- day night when the Huntington Beach City Council voted un· animously against a 107-acre seaside development proposal. About 200 tenants from three mobile home parks demonstrat· ed. Many told Council members the Daon Corp. pl~ns would force them out of their homes. "It's just not right that only .wealthy people should be abJe to The Jeanette McD6nald· Nelson Eddy film, "l.ndian Love Call'' wW be shown free to HlUlt-lastoa Beach senior ciliaena this Thursday ~Friday at Golden West College. Ji ve at the ocean." said Ken Boel. a Huntington By The Sea Mobile Home Park resident. The orooerty. which contains three mobile home parks and is owned by the Mills Land and Wat e r Co .. stret ches along Pacific Coast Highway between Beach Boulevard and Newland Str eet ne ar t he Sou t h e rn California Edison Co. plant. Daon representatives sought a general plan amendment for a planned community on the pro- perty, but Monday nlght asked the council to put off action on their prop(>sal. Instead, the council rejected the request and the proposed general plan amendment. "The plans seem deliberately unclear an~ fuzzy," said mobile home park tenant Alan Burger. "I think Daon wants to keep un- informed so we have no time and opportunity to fight for our lives." (See DAON, Pace A%) Dle,o, wbo was travellna oo the train to Wuhlniton wtt.b b1a mother, said tbe train wu aolnc extremely fast when it derailed. "I would say be bad to be do- ing 80 or 90 miles an hour or even faster. He was an hour late, and I think he was trying to make up the time. He was really moving. It was scary." Winter said. "It looked lake someone bad taken a toy train and tossed it in the air." one witness said . An Amtrak s pokesman in Washington confirmed the train was running about 40 minutes behind schedule but s aid it had not been determined bow fast it was traveling. He said a speed box carried on lhe train would give investigators that informa- tion. The National Tr ansportation Safety Bo ard s ent a seven· member team to Lawrence to in- vestigate the accident. The derailed train was a com- bined unit of the Southwest L imited , running from Los Angeles to Chi ca go. and the Lone S t a r , running from Houston to Chicago. 1'he Lone St a r was to be discontinued Monday, but a federal judge in Wichita issued a temporary res training order last week keeping the Lone Star running. Valley Burglar Take Gems, 855 A burglar who walked through an open door at the rear of a Fountain Valley garage and then pried open a door to the house took an estimated $1,200 in jewelry and $55 in cash Monday. K .P . C rowley or 16405 Sycamore Ave. reported the theft to police al 1:45 p.m. but I De'i'el' lmalJNCI it would Tbe ham operator said be wbicb contacted P'reDcb Navy happen to me,•• BoJd laid. called a friend. Bob Sackett. an sbips in the area of tbe reef. Tbe Lafuna Hilla realdent airline pilot wbo aho ii an By tbe time rescue ships ar- found out that otben aboard tbe amateur radio buff, to auilt rived. 1bonen and b1a appareat- SS.foot eraft included Tbonm'a him ln.copyiac tbe broedcut.: Jy u~ured companions had wife, Sydney, aomeooe D&DMd Wblle Sackett made calla to climbed oato a reef as waves Eric Thonen, whom be believed find out information about the pounded the sloop. to be 'lbonen'a son, CbrlaUe ~ Skaaa, Boyd called tbe Coast Boyd said Thorsen bad pli•er and Eric Swett. Guard in San Francisco. The sounded calm relaying infonna- All except Swett are from Coast Guard tben relayed the in· <See aESCUE, Pace A%) Both Sides Unhappy ~ ..... tington Passes By STEVE MARBLE Of .. DMt,~,.... The Huntington Beach City Council rubbed both police and massage parlor operators the wrong way Monday night when it approved a massage or · dinance that has been on the drawing boards for 13 years. Police said the much-changed Jaw is too watered-down. Parlor owners said it was unreasonably strict and could put them out of business. The council voted 5-2 to put the ordinance on the books. Cowl· cilmen John Thomas and Bob Mandie voted against it. "It's become pretty obvious that the police nm lb.is towll,'' said Boland Clark, owner of Town and County Bealtll Spa. Clark, wbo ••n-•cl u UM ID ...... ,_....,.. ___ _ dtJe ....... ....,._ ... dlnanee, uid tbe req1llnd • hours d school for malaeu.ses is unfair. He .....-ed tbe coaadJ ap- pl"O'Te -.... eadee pr'Ol'l'&ID 80 m..._ could work and al· tend school at tbe same time. The council rejected lhe idea. Police Chief Earle Robitaille, who said he began work on the ordinance when be was a sergeant, claimed the new law is "watered down but s atlsfac· tory." Robitaille requested required Man Killed Changing Flat Tire A 23-year-0ld Fullerton man was killed Monday when he was hit by a southbound vehicle on Bolsa Avenue in Huntington Beach where he had stopped to change a flat Ure, officers said. A 46-ye ar-old Huntington Beach man, who stopped to help, was also hit, police reported. Bassam Joseph Neheme was pronounced dead at the scene or the 9:42 p.m. accident. James Everett Reagan, 6432 Weber Cir· cle, HWltingtoo Beach, ls listed in c ritical condition today at Westminster Community Hospital. Police said the pair were pull· ing a Oat lire ofr Neheme's sedan near Bolsa Chica Street when a vehicle driven by Patrick Charles Delucca, 29, or 4652 Neeley Circle, Huntington Beach, struck them. Delucca was arrested on sus- picion d felony drunk driving and reJooy manalaupter. He is belnt held on $5,000 bail al Hunt· ington Beach jaJI. school time for masseuses be set at 750 hours. He also asked that parlors close at 10 p.m . instead of 2 a .m. The council voted to make parlor operators close at mid· night. Robitaille said the ordinance is a "much-needed tool" for police to control the massage in- dustry. He said eight parlors operate in Huntington Beach. ··we still have prostitution go- ing on in Huntington Beach mass age parlors and this law Pope Tells IJ.N. ance should help tbe police and the legitimate ope rators," s aid Robitaille. Linda Bulson, at the Four Winds Spa, sa.Jd the new law would force her to quit. She said she is married, bas two children and did not have the time to log 200 hours or training. The c ity bad r e quire d masseuses to bave 100 hours of school in the past. Robitaille pointed out that local masseuses will have two years to complete the required training. ~Build•ue Major 'l1breat UNITED NA'nONS <AP> - Pope Jalm Paul 0, welcomed to the United Nations as "a symbol or peace and hope, .. warned the General Assembly today that the build-up of world arma· ments. especially by tbe major powers. threatens the "common e xtermination" of future generations. In an impassioned appeal, he said p~ction of ever more powerful weapons shows •'that there is a desire to be ready for war and being ready means be· ing able to start it." He demanded rbetoricaJly: .. Can our age still believe that the breathtaking spiral of arma· ments is at the service of world peace'" The pope , s pea king before representatives of 152 nations, also assailed s uppressions of human rights -civil and re- ligious -and the "frightful dis- parities" between the rich few and the destitute many. "Sensitivity to lhe spiritual dimension of human existence is diminisbed'0 by attitudes that re· duce the meaning of life to economic and material factors like "production. the market, consumption, the accumulation or riches," be said. Tbe pope was introduced by U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Cable Car Cash SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The San Francisco Board of Supervisors bas appropriated $750,000 to begin restoring the city's idled cable car system. The cable cars were shut down last week after officials declared lbem unsafe. w aldheim and by General As· sem bly Pleaident Salim Ahmed Salim ol Taman.la wbo told him: ··As a son ol tbe African conti- nent which bas suffered so much See POPE, Page AZ> Tass Calls V.S. Buildup 'Provocative' By Tk A.uocla&ed Press The United States is staging '·another provocative s how of force" near Cuba. the official Soviet news agency Tass said to- day alter President Carter an· nounced stepped.up U.S. activity to counter the presence of Soviet troops in Cuba. Tass made t.be comment in its English-language ser vice for foreign subscribers, not refer· ring specifically to Carter's Mondav Di.mt broadcast soeech on the Soviet troops . Radio Moscow, however, did report on the speech. CAnal)'sis Page A4.> The radio's world service said Carter "adrrulted that it <the Soviet unit in Cuba) was not a large force and d.id not present a direct threat to the United Stales." Coast Weather i l Tbe ftlm, aDOQICJl't!d by Golden WHt Collete'• Cpmmunity ervlcea Pro1ra~, wiij be .. PVW,11 in tbe Forum It bulldlng 10 Lm. Tbw'lday and at 2 p.m. l'rtday. BRDB.OOM SET SOUJ IN Sff'OOP Fair Swap Meet Rent Too Low? V arlable b1gb cloudiness and 1U&blly warmer in· land tbrouch Wednesday . Low• toniaht 55 to 64. Hilb.a Wednesday in low 709 at beaches to low 80s inland. ••1 real17 bllleve lo tbe Dally 1'Uot. a11bou1b I didn't until I mi wllOle bedroom Ht ln fell swoop lD I Cl...uleci .. Yilllt• bdrm Mt •itold trim. Bed w.'mattr .... C!Ol'IMl'dmlil m •au u,..wmtto..Um.-cUD· ............... lr'Jtbe ..... ., Dlill1 PlJat cluaifted ·~i!J;-....... ....,.. By GAD GaMIVILLE Of• o.iti"" ,..., A 1wap meet operator said that be baa offered to pay rOacltJy twice u mucb rent for weekend uee ol Oraqe Coun· ty fallpwnda • tbe operatcn there .,. paytna now. And, Richards Norton of Nnport Beach aald, t.be recent i.tatlv. appnvai by the lair board fl a_.. »year NOt peet wortb an .U.ated $33 m1lUon lft 1ro1t reeeipta wltb the cur~ reot IWIP meet operaton WU a move dellcDed to ltlfie col!QICI· lion for the swap meet con· Celllion. Nortoa 18'dS..U, .._told falr- arouadl pneral mu.,er I:• Fulk bla flrm .. wiWn• to ~., · {8rcent rather than t.be exlltlq 2S percent ol vendor rental and gate ldmiulona for the weekend swap meet concesalon at tbe fairJrounds ln Coeta Mesa. "He (Fulk) asked me if I'd re- duce that 50 per~nt otter to wrltlnl. I said 1 would and will send It to b1m tbla week," Norton 1aid. Fulk coallrmed ,the meedna wlth ~but' 1aid, "I told him we 't (nesotlaa.> at tbia time becadte we alreecly have a coatract. · "It baa two more yean to run and la aublect to a JO.year ex- teulon if tie amount ol nmt caa bl mut'UallJ qreed upon, .. Nk adMd. ''Tbe only Udnl we ca do .... a lilt ol tioee wbo would be latereated If .tbe oeiottettcw fell throqb." '\ . The current operaton, Tel Phil Ebterpriael IDc., DOW Pa.>' 2$ percent ol tbe vendor and sate recelpta a• well aa a percentqe ol food alalld 1Deome for weekend ..e ol tbe 31-acre site on the fairarounda' aoutbeaat eomer. In a new contract tentatively approved by the fair board ln July and 1lnee pulled I• re-conll...._, Tel Pbll acned to hike ita .......... ._. .. NCt6Dt per~ to-~ petcent .... Hld tbe e0Btnet ~·t bl dlaea.ed • .... ,.. IGM'd'• mootllb lllW ... tllAI ft..,. After eadonemeat at tile board'•,. •• l'''t .... s.. Paul Ca.rpeaw, ·CJpreN, quJeUJ ~to CU'l'J tlae contract tbroul)l a~ .,.. proval by the state Fair and Ex· poelUon Board. Carpenter later said bia m- a.rest in the taa mlllioo coatract waa because ••a Sacramento contact alerted me to the fllct there mllbl be 101De improprie- ty UIOdlted with the eont.raet.. .. Tbe JO.year ninewal with aa option to....,.., form addltla&l 10 years came more than two yean befcln tbe Tel Pbll COD· tr•deqirel. N..._ laid tb8t be WMt to tbe fail8* 1 1 dr omee a.at Jw '° rftlew public r..-that aow bow madl baltM11, 11 belai doMC1DtM•w1*-dl17W' tbe •• .., meet .. op9f'lted. "I ddDk it'• more than mm· etdeataJ that tbe f 0Uowla1 ( ... IWA.P •EST Pa .. Al> INSIHT88~~ P'lot ~ 1DritCf' Daw Cun1d~ compare• tile chmtca of alw AnQdl and <>ric*t ... ,,.. '*"1ofl• that ttort W......,. SH ../'O{le Bl. t LONDON (AP) -GClld ~ fhae~ wUdtJ ......... IO-.. , ................. .. ftnt time. ti. ,..... .. .. ftaAlb reto"f ... &A f{JllM .. day ..... ..... The prtee la 1-dcm ._,. u lo• • ta an OWtM d\lr\Qa the aftemooe, after b1ttina tbe record blcb. But tt recovered aear ta.. nd of UM day and cloMd Ill tm an wnc., up tu.• fOt'tiaeMJ. Dealen aald tbe nenou1 malkllt tUlbled on a 1ur,. ol proftt takinl. partly ln reeeUoa to th• moralnc'• "" ud pe.nJJ spurred by "'PQC11 al a dollai· rescue packqe emanatiq from tbe International Monetary Fund Oonfereoce In Belcrade, Yu101lavta. There were rumors that Paul Volcker, the U S. Federal Reserve chairman who left Bel· grade for New York, would bold a news conference to announce su ch a rescue. But eotd re· covered after the Federal Reaerve said no annou.QCement wu lchedulect. ''Juat towerin1 madness," declared one dealer in Zurich, Europe's biggest gold market, as prices rose to a peak bid or $444 an ounce. But suddenly lo late a!lemooo it started dropptn1. It reached aa low u $405 an ounce ill Loa· don before recovering. Gold rose in Hong Kong, where trading ended before the European decline betan, Jump. log $24.86 to $41.9.24 from '3N.38 Monday. Gold closed at '413.25 in Lon· don on Monday, $41'.SO in Zurich, and hit $419 in New York before retreating to klS.50 The bullion buyers were s aid to be not only Middle Eaat Arab oil interests but also corpora- tions and other investors getting out of dollars because they are convinced gold must Inevitably bring big profits. In London, the British pound edged up to S2.1970 from S2.1903 Monday Monday's bu llion a ctivity marked the fiT sl tim e gold closed above $400 on European 1>xchanges and a record closing for New York also. The price was $200 an ounce in July 1978 and closed above bOO for the first time less than three months ago on July 18. A trader at Sam.uel Montagu lo Londoo said Aral» and other major Investors were unloading shaky dollars to buy gold. F,....P~AI DAON ... Ann Bragg, another park resi· dent. said Tenant fears have turned to "panic." She said almost 50 percent of the 700 mobile home residents on the property are more than 60 years old. Council members seemed equally ruffled by the plans. ·•r th.Ink it smella," said Coun· cilman John Thomas. "I'm sup- posed to represent the people and I'll stand pat agalnat all of It ... Councilman Ron Pattinson said be'a usually pro-development, but tbal the Daon proposal bothered him. "It really bothers me that they haven't indicated what'• 1olng to happen to the mobile homes." Daon offtclala bad asked the councll to continue their project until the city completed It.a state. mandated Local Coulal Plan. Chuck Colton, Daoo's land de· velopment vice president, ·aaJd bla ftrm would return with more specift.c plans when the LCP is completed. The coastal study is scheduled to come to the council ln March ol tJIO. "We wanted the plans con- tinued but we really didn't ex· pect it to happen t.bla way," said Colton. "But you have to expect thin1s ll.ke this -it'a a political world." OftANOI COAST H/F DAILY PILOT " .. Of•/lftC-1 0..1, l'I,., wftll wlll(fl It, .... .,._, ... __ , .. _l_b,, ... °'_ c ... "...,""""""~ .... , ... _.1_.,. ...,11'1\llH _., llw ...... Fttdtf for ( .. If Mf"M , ..._..,. 9Hc"~ Htlf'lt~ ... "'"~ U1tft VeUe-y, lrvtN, LliO\INI ha<J\1'-"·tftCMtt A ·~• , .. ._1 odll'""h P\11111.,,...htur,.ntftd s., .... , .. n,. prl"CI ... IOUbllllllf'O •I .... I• fl >JD W.11 ... 14 ..... CMt• ..... C.llloml• """ ·-"··-........... ,....,,..,..._ ,K,.~ Vk•""°' ___ .. Mt_ ~··--''""' ~i=- QlwteoM • .._ ._.,,,, .... _ti_._. ............. , ._._ ""'"'Ot-CiouOllY ..... ...... ,~1::~~ ... """"-'',, 0 ... ,.. .,.,. Offtce• "-9"t" ,.,, ,.. ~ " ....... ' e. .. -........ ,11 .... . , _______ _ .............. POPE AT U.N. -An unidentified man kneels to greet Pope John PauJ II in the United Nations Garden in New York. The Pope was walking to the General Assembly to deliver a s peech. l'ro..P~AJ POPE VISITS U.N. • • • . I am particularly conscloua or the hlatortc sllftificance or the visit of your Jlollness . . . We welcome you as a symbol of peace and hope." The pope, who arrived in New York this mornlne and went * * * Pope Greeted By Thowam(s In Boston By RUGH MULLIGAN •~ SP«l•I cw......-nt BOSTON -The Boston Com· mon has seen some uncommon sights s ince Parson William Blackstone kept his brindled cow on these 50 acres, but hun· dreds of thousands of umbrellas bobbing in genuflection to Pope John Paul U on a hieh outdoor altar bas tot to rank witb the un-commonest. Despite a steady drizzle that turned to a heavy downpour as the papal motorcade made its way alons the 1tately brick buildings or Beacon Hill, the citizens of this "gateway city" -as the pope called it -proved steadfast in their loyafty and ob· livious of the elements th r oughout the i l'}lpressive ceremony. In the ghostly ground fog that hid three-quarters of the glass· sheeted, 00-story Hancock bulld· Ing looming over the common, the triple canopied altar, with it.a lithta turned on early and a fr. inge Of yellow cbrysantbemUl'DI, shone with a silvery sheen ln the faat·,athertng duak. Bishops and card1nais in their rich robes seemed to be movin1 about in a Medieval relilioua drama. The aame foJ muat have made the pope's amval in the United States a sticky bU1ine11s for Aer Lingus pilot Aidan Qui1ley . Those or us aboard the papal jumbo jet got our firat aitht or Boston when the runway li&bts of Lo1an Airport suddenly ap- peared at wheel level aa we descended from the murk. The 59-year·old pope, un. mindful of the mist, a broad· brimmed red bat upon hil bead, traveled in an open car for the motorcade throu1b tbe city. wavin1 as cheering well·wiahera greeted him with unfurled ban· ner1, fiaga and nowera. "Viva ii papa !" they chanted in the Italian-American North End; ''Witamy" -Polis h for Welcome -read a few placards elsewhere. directly to the.-United Nations for conferences with diplomats before hit speech, entered the General Assembly to a three· minute sta nding ovation . Outside the ball, be paused to hug and kiaa children who greet· ed him and presented n owers. The pope, invited Into the world forum as supreme pastor o f worldwid e Roman Catholicism by U .N. Secretary· General Kurt Waldheim, called ror "international 1uarantees" for governing J eruaalelh. This has been a bitterly COO· tested issue in the Middle Eaat, with rsr ael bold.log all the holy city since the 1967 war and in· sisting on J erusalem 's historic status as a part or Israel. The UN. addrt:ss was the hi ghlight or the second day of the pope's week-long, six·city U.S. tour which began with a Jubilant welcome lo Boston on Monday. Much ol tlla time wu spent in conferencea with U.N. diplomata. The pope, revtvt.q a Vatlcan poaltioo that bu not been vciced In recent years, ur1ed the in· t e rnallonal over al1bt of J er u aalem because of lta "particular nature," a bertia,e sacred to Judais m, Cbrtetianlty and lslam. He also said that while re· cognizlng the "value or any con· crete step" to setUe the Middle East conflict, a general overall peace 1s not in sight without "equitable recognition of the rights of all." Including "just settlement of the Palestinian question." Turning back to the perils of the arms race, the pope said modem weaponry exceeds "in quality and alze the means of war and destruction ever known befOTe." . But he said that elimlnatln1 the war threat demanrus wiping out its root causes -tbe sup. pression of human and relleioua rights and unjust distribution of material goods on the planet. "It ls not easy, but It must be done,'' the pope saJd. Ocean Swells Hit 4SF Boats SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -'lbe U.S . Coaat Guard reported heavy wind.a whipped Monterey Bay ocean swella up to ei1ht feet early today, tearin& boat.a from their moorings off Capitola and driving at least three onto the beach. At daybreak, police and ftre units were standln1 by. l'roaa l'.,,e A I SW AP MEET OFFER. • • month the (fair) board approved the contract for an addJtlonaJ 20 years with the current contract still having more than two years to run," Norton said. Tel Phil partner Robert Teller explained tbe company'• In· terest lD a new contract by aay. ing the ftnn wanted to make capital improvements on the site and could only jusWy doina ao wlth a long term contract ln band. Norton conceded that the work done by Tel Phil ln developl.nt the 1wap meet at th• fair· arouodl into one of the natloo'a mOlt 1ucceuf\ll made the ~ per. cent otter poulble. ''No queaUon about lt, Ul)'ane 1tartlQ1 from 1cratcb would bave t.o 1ay 15 percent ll a JIC'O- per amounL But TeUer bu done a 1oocl ~ Job and the mMt ii M1 eaoa1h now that money. 1ood money can be made ~ paytq ao percct ~ t.be ~ (OC' -rent," Norton aatd. He coneeded that TeJ Pbll hu a 1•8 ~ on a new comt.ract by ./ virtue ol a 10-year option to re· ne w at "mutually a1reeable" terms in Ul82. But the difference In what Norton offered through hit 50 percent proposal and the current 25 percent arransement would booet the fairground.a' or public income from the conceaalon from roughly $325,000 to •750,000 a year. Norton said that be and b1a father 81 well u a brother bave beert IJlvolved In awap meet operatlom fOf' the put 17 1eara. Tba mo.t auce•atul of thoet operatlooa wa1 at the Greyhound ractni track to Phonix. Durtn1 Sunday'• latervtew1 Nortoe lbowed copl.. ol ..... conwpaeMliMM:e direet.cl to tMn· fair m...,_ A.ltted Luijeam lD IMI wben b11 ftrm form•b known M B and N intM"PrtHa, wanted to Md ae t.be eootrac!t awarded to Tel Pbll. However, befan a formal Md propoaaJ WM mede, tM so.,.. contnet wu awarded to TeJ Pbll. ... ....... e••-. Bnada lpsactr, tM 11.,..,.. old wbo p&eedld IUUtJ lie.day to murdertal two PtftW ~ a tal,.. eUaek OD a Ian ~ eoboOI, eoald be .......... hoal 1tate prt.on lw UM Ume tbe la U , ber defeo1e attorney believes. Tb• pedte red·balred c1e1-.... clant'• p&ea automat1ean1 meana 1be facee 21 yean to Ute ID state pritoo. Her tint Parole bearina before tbe Community a......, Board would be In lJll, UM ,_.,, 1be will turn M . MlP &pmcer-Previoaab bed pleaded lnnoceot by reuoa ol ln· aanlty to multiple cb1r1• of murder and ua1ult with lnt.ent to commit murder In connection with a January sniper attack oo Cleveland Elementary School, located directJy acrou the atreet from ber San Dleco realdence. KWed in tllle ball of IUDllre from a rUJe her faU... bad ,Sven her for Cbrl1tmu were tbe ICbool prtndpa.I, Burton Wrau, 53, and it• chief cU1todlu, llicbMl &acbar, le. Ellbt ltu· dentl CID tbe:IJ' WaJ to clueel and a police officer Ibo were ln· Jured. lllcbael llcGllnn, Miss 5->eo· cer'a attorney, 1aid after Moo· day'• court appearance be ta confident that b1a client will be releaaed after aervtn1 tbe mmlmmn..,.. of ltate prilCIO Ume. The cue ,. .. beard before Oran,.~ 8upertor Court .ludie Byron McMlllan on a ebaqe of venue from San Dl•10 County. ·McGUu aald the defense team decided not to put tbe cue to triaJ becau.e a euiJty verdict could have meant an even banber prilon aeatence -Ille wit.bout oouibWty al parole. Not Too Funny 'Rednecks' Reaent Satire HOLLYWOOD, Fla. <AP) - Radio station WGMA thou1bt that potini fun at country mualc and "redneclu" for three hours was a ftttint and lood·bumored way to mark It.a awtt.cb from the Nashville sound to a cootem- Pair Nabbed In Theft Of Tires Two men were arrested aod booked oo suspicion of bufl]ary early today after police alle1ed· ly caught them stealin1 rim· mounted tires from a Fountain Valley firm Lt. Bill DeNlsl and patrolman Chris K.iehch arrested Mark G Moen of 7700 Talbert Ave .,Hunt ington Beach, and Glen T Buck of Westminster at a bout 4 . S5 a m . Inside an ·LCS modular home builders structure. DeNW, who spotted a trock near the LCS build.in& at 4: '5 a.m. called for a back-up patrol unit u tbe truck wu backed ln· to the big structure alter a door had been~ed open. When two suspects were arreste , the officers found about 10 wheel.a and Ures loaded on the truck's llft gate and another 2() ready for loading, DeNisi said. The suspects were booked into Orange County Jail where they are held in lieu of $10,000 ball each. Last month, burglars cut a chain link fence and Look 60 tires worth an estimated $6,000 at A & B Tire, about 300 feet east or the LCS facility. Youth Ball Skilh Tested A punt, cue and kick football contest wl be held SaturdQ ln Huntioaton Beach ,for youtba between the a1ea or 8 and u . Tbe 2 p.m . 11ti111 contest, 1poo1ored by the Huntlnston Beach recreation department and the National Football Lea1ue, will be held at Murdy Park. There ii no fee and pre- regiltration llo't reQuired. porary muaic format. Some peo. pie didn't, however. Station executiv• aald Man· day that a doaen rowdy and ''very btl people" with plpea and sUcu arrived In pickup trucu shortly alter disc Jockey Earl McDaniel completed· the "aaUre ot country mu.ale." . 'I WU underneath the COO· sole, callln1 lhe police. I 'm chicken!" said general manqer Dave Denver. "Our control room bas bulletproof 1la11. thank God, bttau.ae the~ were beatln1 on the window with pipes. "They were In pickups wtth the apotilchta on top of them. They started poundin1 on a car parked at the station and then they htt the station windows with p1pes:· he said Denver. who arrived here three weelc.s ago from r adio sta lion KGMB in Honolulu, s aid the 5.000 watt station decided to s witch progra m f o rmats becau.e it wu not doing well rloanclally alter 12 years as a country-music station. FVSchool Vandalism Admitted Two young students hav~ ad m1tted vandall11ng Fountain Valley·s J ames H. Cox School Saturday and their parents have promised full restitutJoo. school officials s&Jd today Sc hool Princ ipal Chery l Snowdon said two boys, an 8- year .old and a JO.year-old, have been placed on two days· sus. pe nsion and will meet with school officials lo work out further disciplinary action. M rs. Snowdon aa.id the boys' parents found out that their aoo.s had entered the school over the weekend when they discovered baas ot it.em.a Liken from the achool. FounUin Valley police said vandalism coo.slated ol crayon dra wlnp oo walla and soft drink atalna oo celllnaa and a carpet. Mra. Snowdon said the Foun· taln Valley School District doean't plan to prwecute tbe two boys wbo have oo previous bi.I· tory ol dlldpUnary problem.a. ' .II cGliDn alto pointed out tbM Juri• are "reluctut" to ftDd .. tendanta suffered lnlanity et * Ume o«emea were eommltW.: Chari• Patric•. a San Dietl> County deputy district a~. said be believed Mias 8peoe11r would face between .0 and "6 year1 in ltate prilon because ol the severity ol the offenses to which the pleaded 1ullty. ..... Spencer. flanked by her divorced eta Dorothy and Wallace · , wa1 ordeNd by Judie dlillan to UDderlO 90 dQI ol diqnoltlc •tudJ • the CaWomla Youth Autbortty. She wtlJ be back before ludce llcllillan Nov. 29, at which time be will be required by law to Im- pose the life aeateoce. McGUnn said be will aak that llitl Spencer be allowed to serve tM ftnt few yean of her aent.ence.a youth authority facWtlee and Id at a women'• priloa In Cblno. • ~,,,....,~- A Ha.Pf NG HAM •.. Capt. Jerry Boyd f 'rowa Pag~ ·" I RESCUE .•. Uon on bd predicament until the sloop started to take on more water. At that point, Tborsen- told Boyd, ··1•ve rot to cet out ot here." Throughout the rescue, Boyd a aid the-··radio discipline was fantastlc . There were people Ustenlnt ln from all over the world, and lf I rni&sed a syllable, r got help from someone in fl. hno1s or New Zealand." Boyd said he hopes to m~t Thorsen when he bnngs the bat- tered but stall sa1lable sloop back lo Los Angele:. Oct 20. He said he conte1cted Thorsen Mon- day night and found out the Sk a n a was sailing towards Papeell' with some s mall holes an ats hull which would be re· paired Genealogical Meet Planned · Ancestral photography is to be the subject when the Orann County Genealo1lcal Society meeta at 10 a.m . Satutday al the Huntiqton Beach Library. Bill ltotder, history teacher and J>hotosrapber, 111 scheduled to diaci. hil work with oJd pie· turea. The public ia invited to the aeaaion at the library, 7111 Talbert Ave. 3S FASHION ISlANO • NEWPORT l(ACH, CAllFORN'IA 92660 TUEPHONE 1114) 644·2494 ___ _._ ________ ., .. ......, .. -·------------- ' ' ~ VOL. 12, NO. 275, 3 SECTIONS. M PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FIFTEEN CENT ()op Aids la Long Distanee Keseue faJnt ... ,..,. eome o•w bl.I radio at ...,._ t :«> p.m .• .,.. ca~ ol ta.. broldeut wu oot ..... • ..,.. aald today. SmaUWCJiiidw. The m'"•• ... Boyd picked up ln the warmth aad comfort al b1a Soutbem California home wu belnt Milt out from a founderina stoop some 4,000 miles away ln Pl'ellch Polynesia. Tbe sloop, called the Skana, had run aalVUDd on a sharp reef 200 mU• eut ol Papeete. Boyd aaid the voice on tbe other end of tbe fading ttanamtuloo beloeged to George Thonen, a Southern California resident who wu one of five persona co board tbe-Skana. Thonen was calm, be said, and tOl4 tbe police captain tbe boat wu taking on water. "In tbe 20 years I've been a radio operator, I've heard of these tbinp bappeoioe before, but I never lmaCined lt would happen to me," Boyd said. The Laguna Hilla reJJldeot found out that others aboard tbe 53-foot craft included Tboraen'a wife, Sydney, someone named Eric Thonen, whom be believed to be Thonen 's 'too, Cb.riatie Op- pliger and Eric Swett. All except Swett are from Southern Call!omia, Boyd said. Swett'• home is in Seattle. 1 The ham operator said be caUed a Mend, Bob Sackett. an airline pilot wbo also la an amateur radio buff, to usiat him in copying tbe broadcast.. While Sackett made calla to fmd out information about the Skaoa, Boyd called the Coast Guard in San Francisco. Tbe Coaat Guard then relayed tbe ln· formation about the endan1ered boat to tbe U.S. Pacific ~ which contacted French Navy ships in tbe area of tbe reef. By tbe time rescue ships ar- rived, Tboraen and hi.a apparent· ly uninjured companions bad climbed onto a reef as waves pounded tbe sloop. Boyd said Thorsen bad sounded calm relaying lnforma· (See aESCUE, Page AZ) l1·vine Council in Accord 881ajured Amtrak Wreck Ki11s 2 Crew LAWRENCE, Kan. CAP) -A assenger train careened off the racks in the early morning darkness today, killing two ervice attendants and injuring 68 people ln one or the worst Am· trak accidents ever, authorities '.said. The train included a Los J Angeles to Chicago section fGold Price 1 fEJTatic; ~nda Up _ LONDON <AP) -Gold price. uctwlted wildly in Europe to- ay, aominc above $440 for tbe t time, then plunpig $35 and ally recovering to flniab tbe day with a gain. ~ The price in London dropped LAS low as $405 an ounce during ~e afternoon, after bitting tbe ecord high. But it recovered ear the end or the day and Pclosed at $42.6 an ounce, up $11.25 or the day. Dealers said the nervous tmarket tumbled on a surge of profit taking, partly in reaction lo the morning's rise and partly k purred by reports of a dollar· ft-escue package emanating from the International Monetary Fund Conference ln Belgrade, ugoslavia. There were rumors that Paul olcke r , the U .S. Fede ral :Reserve chairman who left Bel· grade for New York, would bold a news conference to announce ~such a rescue. But gold re· Ilcovered after the Federal Reserve said no announcement was scheduled. ' "Just towering madness." declared one dealer in Zurich, urope's biggest gold market, prices rose to a peak bid of an otmce. But suddenly in late afternoon t started dropping. It reached low u $405 an ounce in Loo· on before recovering. ' Gold rose in Hong Kong, where trading ended before the E uropean decline began, ju.mp. I $24.• to $419.24 from $396.38 Monday. Gold cloled at "13.25 in Loo· OD OD Mond ay' $414.50 lo urlcb, and bit Ult in New York ore retreatl.DC to..$415..50. Identities of the victims were not released. Officials a t Lawre nc e Memorial Hospital said 68 peo- ple were brought to its emergen· cy room for treatment. Twelve were admitted, with five placed in the intensive care unit. Amtrak officials said a train wreck that killed 11 people in June 1971 was the onJy other ac· cidenl worse than today's since the passenger rail line was formed in May 1971. J . D. McPherson. division superintendent for the Santa Fe railroad, .on wtiose tracks UM wreck occurred, decllned to ~--CID ,...ble C-tor tbeKddeaL "We have an Idea What the cause is," be said. "But I don't want to release it. at tbia time. There wUl aa .. to . .,_ a~ investtaaUonftrst. '' Asked if speed was a factor, McPherson said: "Yes, but that's what I can't release." Tb~ 1.S-car train, which car· ried 187 passengers and crew members, was within a mile of the Lawrence station when it ran off the tracks about 6 a .m. in a residential area a half.miJe west of the downtown area. Phillip Winter, 38. of San Diego, who was traveling on the train to Washington with his mother, said the train was going extremely fast when it derailed. ·'I would say he bad lo be do· ing 80 or 90 miles an hour or even faster. He was an hour late, and I think he was trying to make up the time. He was really moving. It was scary," Winter said. An Amtrak spokesman in W asbington fOnfirmed the train was running about 40 minutes behind schedule but said it bad -not been determined how fast it was traveling. He said a speed box carried on the train would give investigators that informa· tion. The National Trans portation Safety Board sent a seven· member team to Lawrence to ln· veatigate tbe accident. The derailed train was a com· bined unit of tbe Southwest Limited, running from Los Angeles to Chicago, and the Lone Star, runn ing from Houaton to Chicago. The Lone Star was to be discontinued Monday, but a federal Judie ln Wichita issued a temporary restraining order last weelt keeping the Lone Star runnina. "It looted like someone had taken a toy train and tossed it ln the air." one witness said. \ Kennedy Wins Support State Democ ra t Co a l itio n R aps Brown SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - Promis ing l o r e turn the Democratic Party to ''its pro- gressive and humanitarian prin· ciples." a coalition of California Democrats announced a «>m· mlttee to draft U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy for president. The coalition -mostly long- time party liberals and labor leaders -sharply criticized President Carter and California Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Rep. Pete Stark of Oakland. leade r of the drafl·Keonedy group. said none of the group's leaders have had personal con· tact with the Massachusetts Democrat. But he added he is convinced Kennedy will formal· ly enter the presidential race, .. probably in early November." "He is runrung, every bat as much as President Carter or Gov. Brown," Stark said of Ken· ned y. "It's a ll a matter of strategy ... He said his group, whic h ope ned offi ces today an San Francisco and Los Angeles, "self·destructs the day Kennedy announces. and he will form tus own committee.·· Stark and other leadf'r!\ of the Lecture Pack ed 2,000 H ear Fonda, H ayden NEW BRITAIN, Coon. (AP) -Actress Jane Fonda and her political activist husband, Tom Hayden, overc ame football, President Carter , and Pope John Paul II to pack an auditorium for a lecture here. Mayor William McNamara and local veterans' organiza. lions blasted Ms . Fonda and Hayden for their political opi· nions and for the actress' visit to Hanoi in 11r12 But nearly 2,000 persons jammed Welte Auditorium at Central Connecticut S tate College to })ear them. The sentJment among many in the amdien ce wa s that McNamara·, seeking re-e1ecl100, was using the appearance 8$ a vole-getting ploy. Ms. Fonda appe ared con· cerned about her image wi•.b veterans, particularly Vietnam· era veterans, :;~1t defended her "right to criticize." dra ft.Kennedy group described their organization as "broad based" including thousands of California Democrats. but those who appeared at a news con ference or were publicly named were.primarily from the liberal wing ol the party State Sen. Barry Keene. a north coast ~mocrat who is among the most conservat.J ve of the coalitioo·s members. pre· dieted that on ce there 1s a formal announcement. ··at least 80 pe rcent of the ~mocrats an the stale Legislature will be in support of Kennedy " But o nl y f o ur o f the Legislature·s 76 ~mocrats ap- pear ed at today's news con· ference. Keene and Stark satd th at was because lawmakers were con· cerned about bills pending Brown's signature. Monday mid· night was the deadline for Brown to act on legislation passed this year. Predicting a landslide for Ken· nedy in California's presidential primary next June, Stark criticized Carter for a long list of broken promises over defense spending, health insurance. jobs and inflation. among other is· sues. "We do not want Jerry Brown. We want to send that message across tbe country ... especial· ly to New Hamps hire,'' said member Bill Bennett of the state Board of F.quallr.aUon. Tbe bullion buyen were said be not G:aly )llcldl9 &Mt Anb l tnten.ta but a1lo eo1 pora· md otbel' lDveston lettinl of dallan beca111e they are rineed aold mmt lnevitabl,y <See GOLD. Pal• AZ> Fair Swap Meet Rent Too ,Low? ROOM SET IN SWOOP ByGA&Y G&ANVIU.E Oii-Diiiy ........ A l'Wll> meet operator• said that be b as offered to PlJ ~ twice u much rent for ........ UM of Oraqe OouD· l)' fallpaundl .. the operaton tbeN U. MJiDa DOW. Ae d, &lcbard1 Norton of New,.t ~ Hid the nN11t teatatift approval by UM falr board of a new »year rent pec:t wortla • .uam.d $11 mUnan ID "'°" reca]Jta wttb the cur· rent swap meet operators a a move -~ to •Uft• competi· lion for ••IP mfft COD· e••* Nonmuld8mda1 be toldfalr· aouDdl ,...... mu&1er Km l'ulk bll ftnD II wUlllil '°.::' perHGt rlllber Uuul tbe I • 25 percent of vendor rental md 1ate adm1uions fOI' the weekend •wap meet conceaalon at the fairarounda ln Colta Mesa. "He (Fulk) uked me lf I'd re- d uce that 50 percent offer to wrttiU. I aaid I would and will send l t to him thla week," Norton said. Fulk coaftrmed tbe m..u.nc wltb Norton but said, "I told blm we eouidn•t (neptiat.) at tb1I tJJtt beeaUM 1'9 ... baveaeoatr8Ct. ·"It bM two more years to run and LI au~ to a 10.year ex· temion 11 tbe amount of rent can be mutuallJ aareed upon,•• Fulk eclMd. ""l'be oaly thlnl we can do LI lt.ep a Ult of tfic»e wbo would ·be lntere1ted If tbe ••odlUom fell throqb." • The current operators, Tel Pbil Enterprises Inc., now pay 25 percent of the vendor and gate receipts as well as a percentaae of food stand income for weekend use ol the 31-acre sit~ on the fairerounds ' southeast comer. In 1 new contract tentatively approved by the f aJr board ln J uly and alnce pulled for re- conalderation, Tel Pbil aireed to hike lta vendor and sate receipt perceatqe to JI~ percent. Fulk 1ald the contract wouldn't be dlMaaed at tbe Fair Board'a monthly IMMIDa t.bJa TbundQ. After endorHmHt at dae board'• Jaly ~It.ate Sen. Paul Carpentff. ·C1pre11, quletly volunteered to carry the contract lbrou1h needed •P· proval by the state Falr ud Ex· poaiUoo Board. ~ Carpenter later said his in- terest in the $33 million contract was because "a Sacramento contact alerted me to tbe fact there might be some improprie- ty usoclated with tbe contract." Tbe 10.year renewal wttb an option to renew for an addltioaal 10 years came more than two years before the Tel Phll l"Oll· tract expires. Norton Mid that M went to the fair1l'OUDda olflce lut June to review public reeordl t.bat lbow bow mucb buloeaa. la beiDI doa• oa tbe 50 weekmdl a ,ear Ute •WllP me« la uperat.d. "I ddnll it'• mon t.bu ~ cid eotaJ that tbe followlnt (lee SWAP •EST Pase Al) Seating On Board Cut to 5 A settlement aimed at giving voters rat.her than landowners control over the affairs of the 1 sprawling Irvine Ranch Water Distnct won the endorsement of two key partJes Monday night. Both the Irv10e City Council and IRWD Board of Directors· agreed to a plan that calls for : -Resignation of IRWD direc· tors Warren Flx and Fred Keller immediately, cutting to five the number of pe~ns on the board. Both Fix and Keller were Ian· downer-elected board members. Fix's seat would be aboliabed but Kelltt's would sit vacant UD· til November, whm a l)Ubllcly e1ect.ed ~ WOGld ml"· -'P1Ulll11'l .. -...... ... wltb ... -. ........... ... publlcl'J elede4 board memben 10 director divisions one and three. Another l andowner - Nleded boenl IDelllMr woaJd restp aft.er the electioo. T'b.-re- sult ol this would be to give publicly elected board members a 3-2 m.uortty on the board. -Scheduling another round or elections ln June 1980 for the election of two more bo.trd members. At this lime, the re· mainlng two landowner·pi cked directors would step down. The two new directo rs would be elected on a n at·large basis rather than in divisions within the district AdditionaUy. the term of office of director Wayne Clark. one of two publicly elected directors presently on the board. would be extended to June 1982 rat.her than expire in November 1981. IRWO attorney Alexander Bowie said the district fe lt it was desirable to have Clark·s term extended lo provide continuity in the operations of the 69,000-acre distra ct. · IRWD board President C.O. Reinhardt s aid arter an e x· ecullve session Monday night to discuss the settlement that, as proposed, it was a "reasonable and well thought out" agree ment. Fix, an Irvine Company vice president of Finance, said this morning that his firm also sup- ports the settlement. "The com- munity service responsibilities of the IRWD are far too impor· <See WATER, Page AZ) C o ast Weathe r V art able blah cloudiness and slightly warmer in· land throulb Wednesday. Lows tonltbt 55 to 64. Hieb• Wednesday ln low 70s at beac.bes to low 80s inland. INSIDE T8DA Y Pilot apot'Ca wntn Dave Cunningham compare• the chcmcea of U.. Ano-la and C>rioWt .. tlw r*¥>ff • thot atan Wtdtwldafl. SH Page Bl. .. .,_.....,. =a....c. L.M • ..,. ........ c;.....,... c--. ~ Cl• •• ........... ~ ........ ....... I i i I I "'' OAILV"'-OT WATER DIST 'Victim's Identity;~ Lo-~··e...w. ~ .............. ...... tt..·· Keller, wt.o wu abetat h'Clal Monday nl•bt'1 me.U.,, tMat wbo la apedad to atAp c1o .. at anotber mHU01 W•da"4a1 mot~• lniM Comp., Ttc.e pnal ol qrtcultw-.. Alter tbe water board v«ed to approve tM docwnea~ tM Ot7 CowtcO ...-1 ..... tM .... toe to'°-.. ww.1t coo. Clly Attoney Jam• EridaMID Hid lawy .. ....,NHfttlq lbt Cl· ty, lRWD ud 1rvl.H ComPM)' bad ...c..u.r llODday to work out tbe ftaa1 deta1ll ot tM ..,.. meat 8Dd ...,.. aalllfted wtU. t.be retuUa. A IPOkHIDID for Irvine Tomonow al10 nld bl1 or· aanllaUoa f•el1 HU1fl9d Ila aoall .,. encompuaed In tbe setllemenL The plan caJUn1 for public eoolrol ol tbe water board wu the result ol a rulln1 Sept. lJ by ........ _.4J GOLD. • • bring big profits. In London, the British pound edged up to $2.1970 from $2.1923 Monday. Monday's bullion activity marked the first time gold closed above $400 on European exchanges and a record closing for New York also. The price was $2.00 an ounce in July 1978 and closed above $300 for the .first time less than three months ago on July 18. A trader at Samuel Montagu in Londoo said Arabs and other major invest.ors were unloading shaky dollars to buy gold. "What else can they do with t.lleir dollars?" he asked. "There's a lot' of overseas buy- ing," said Franc Scbumaci, a gold trader for Marcus & Co., at New York's Commodity Ex- change. "A lot of the commodity pros are out of the market. Eventually, somebody's going lo come in and sell this gold, but right now it 's going to the moon." The continued flight away from the sagging dollar and Into commodiUes also pushed other precious metals higher, with platinum futures surging $131 lo an astounding $700 an ounce al one point on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Platinum for delivery this month later eued but clOled on tbe a ..... •t---=riu:r 'fte .... ol..... a• In I.--to • peak 11.Sl -ouoce. It kept rtatns in New York, with October sliver /utures closing at $17.88, up Sl.48 on the day. The dollar opened at 225.10 yen in Tokyo today, up from 224 .925 late Monday. It went to 225 15 about half an hour later, see-sawed through the day and closed at 224.875, just slightly below Monday's closing rate. After closing at 223.45 yen Fri- day, It c limbed Monday to 225.20. Then the Bank of Japan .sold an estimated $400 million to protect the yen, fearing ag- gravated Inflation that would push import prices up. The dollar is Improving ln Japan, In contrast to Ila situa- tion in Europe, because Japan Ls running an increasing trade de- ficit and because of expectation of higher oil /rices which will have to be pal in dollars. . The dollar aank to its lowest level in 11 months agatn.tt the West German mark Monday and would have dropped further bad the Bundesbank not mounted llf biggest rescue operation of lb~ year. It bought more than $81 million. The Swiaa central bank .and the U.S. Federal Reserve also did some buying to bobter the U.S. currency. BART to Begin OAKLAND (AP) -Limited rail service for some Bay Area Rapid Transit commuters -the first in more than a mont,h - has been promised to begin Thursday. DAILY PILOT TN 0r-GMllOellyPllol.wlU.wftlct!IH-... -IM ___ lt_l_••tN0r-c .................. ~. s.-..... ,._ .. . -"--.. ,,.,...... ,, ... , ... c.tt• -...._,_ ... _,......., ....... ,_ , ... v.11.-, 1.-. ..__..,.......c_ A ....... .__ ...... _,_s.i ....... - ~ "'°.,"" __ ,.,...,.,. ........ ,. ...... 11 .... CO.t.~.c: .. 1 ... ..i.-"_,, .. _ ..... --~·­-'«•. °""" Ykt"'"*'>l_ Oo_tl ~ ,..,....!(_ .... ,_. ........... -.~·-- o.ttettt.i.-......... -A•ti_Me_, .. ..., ~-1'.-CMI\, ........... . Hji::~ .. ...~ =.. T1 aw W <..... • • 11 ....... "' tMboi1'41Ja ......... . Before the Httl•meat, tb• board Ud MY• m•mbere, two ol wlMMD ..,.. -••rable &o tbt ......_ 'fte otber' ftve ... ta \ave ..._ ftJMd t.bloqla a 111a..m baMd • tbe ......... vaJ...aon ol lud beld by the dl1trtct'1 lan· downera. BeeaUle \be ln1ne Compan)' controla virtually all ua · lnbabttli&ed land wtdUD the dit· tJict, ta. .a.ctba IJltem, ln fll. feet, pennitted company CC!Gtrol olt.H board. PoUowlQI W a1llD '1 rullq. tbe oe1oUadQa MUiou MIU ln U effort to deviM a plan that woukl permit a trans.fer ol power rrom corporate to public eootrol ol the water board. W allln bu aebeduled a court bearing for 1 :30 p.m. Thursday to review the settlement. Other sections of the pact vot- ed oa Monday night call for the water ell.strict to apomor UJ'len· cy le1i1lation lo Sacramento that will call for elecUoos In June 1980 on a districtwtde basis and for elections thereafter to be held in June of even-numbered years. Tbe urgency legislation also would call for elecUona on an at- large basis concurrent with countywide general elections. The IRWD board also la pro- hibited from making any "Ir- reversible commitments" unW a full popularly elected board la seated ln June. Such projects specifically prohibited from ac- tion lnclude the Diemer lntertie, conatructioo of a coastal intertie for use of the San Joaquin Reservoir and expansion ol the Michelsen treatment plan l.nve Was In Cards RENO, Nev. (AP> - The groom excused himself from a poker table just minutes before the ceremony. The bride had left a bit earlier to put on a long beige gown and veil. But many others re· maioed at the gaming ..tables as Ruth Willson and John Talisman were mar- ried Monday in tb• Sahara-Reao botel-culDo'• .,.._room. "Aa tu u I could eee, nobody even stopped play- ing poker," aald Rev. Frank Murtha, who mar- ried the couple. Talisman is a pro· fessional gambler. Miss Willson is a San Francisco Bay Area card room de· aler. ~ ·~~ U s Pl.ANS TO SEND 1 500 MARINES TO THIS U.S. NAVAL BASE AT GUANTANAMO BAY · 'sovleta Contend Cuba Troope Haven't lncre .. ed and PoM No Threat to Amettcai F riends F ound Hospital Aids Tahitians By STEVE MITCHELL Ol•DeHyP'IMCS.... Her eyes lit up and her face broke out ln a wide smile. "Ooh, la la," she cooed as nurses earbed lo white filed into the hospital room and presented Sandra Tabbla wttb a candle. covered chocolate cake. It waa the French-speaking girl's seventh birthday. and the nurses on the ward SW"Prised the delighted youngster with a cake, dolls, puppets and a music box. Sandra was one of seven passengers last Saturday morn- ing in a camper van that waa struck by another car oo Coast Highway near Emerald Bay ln Laguna Beach. She and her brother and parents and another family were driving down the coast from Malibu at 2 a.m., looking for a place to pull over and camp for the day. They were struck by a sports car traveling an estimated 90 miles per hour, police said,_ le~v­ ing the families trapped ms1de their rented camper. Bernard Tabbia , Sandra's father suffered a broken hip, aod ~ brother, Frederick lost • ftnpr ... tbe .....,. monda& crub. -___ ... ~ to Both f811lilles ..,.. ~ South Coast Medical Center, where an interpreter was found to help the families through the night. And while they speak no English. their accolades were in· ternational in tone Hospital officials set up a tem- porary sleeping area in the out- patient surgery room for the family members who were not seriously hurt. They later moved the families to a classroom, where they will stay until Oct. 13 -the day Bernard Tabbia Is expected to be well enough to travel back to bis home in Tahiti. "When you're ln misery. you really learn who your friends are " Tabbla said through an ln· terPreteJ' from b1a boepila.1 bed. He sa.id he's almost forgotten the accident because everyone bas been so nice to bis family and friends. Ellen Gordon, the non-profit hospital's community relations representative, baa been acting as interpreter during the past few days. "They told me they'd never get treatment Uke this in Tahiti or in their native France," she said. And what treatment are they getting? . In addition to housmg the families through Oct. 13. the South Laguna facility is feeding them. The birthday party for Sandra was another plus. "They've got full run of the "-Rltal ad tbe.Y are dell.lbt-ed. Ila. Oardaa l•albed. Tbe two famllle. bad been camplq at ni,ist on their way south to San Dteeo. and bosptla.1 officials said they hadn't budget- ed for hotel rooms "Their camper as destroyed. and they were really 1n a bind ... Ms . Gordon said .. We've nc>vcr mN so many wonderful people," Tabbaa said as his wife stroked has hair from his bedside. Tass Cites U.S. Force Near Cuba BJ 'fte A.Meetated ..,_. The United States la staging "another provocative show .of force" near Cuba. the official Soviet news agency Tass aaid to- day after President Carter an· nounced stepped-up U.S. actl~ty to counter the presence or Sovtet troops in Cuba. . Taaa made the comment in its Englisb-langll"age service for foreign sublcrlbers, not refe~­ ring specifically to Carter s Monday nidtl broadcast sR~h 0 0 the Soviet troops. a 0 Ma.cow, however. did report Oil the speech. (Analysis Pag~A4.) The radio's world servt~e said Carter "admitted that tt. Ct.be Soviet unit in Cuba I was not 8 large force and did not present a direct threat to the United States .. The Soviet U ni o n h a s persistently cla1 med that the Soviet troops 10 Cuba are there for training purposes only and that their number bas oot 10· creased in 17 years. The radio said "he announced. however . a aubstaalui .VTD .... "'11 ol U.S.--= Pft•••e• .. ._~....._ ol tncreaMd cloM auneillaace Cuba. th .. Prerident Carter noted at the presence of Soviet personnel in Cuba was no reason for going back to the cold war He made a s trong appeal fo r Senat e r atification of the ne w US Soviet SALT II agreement ·· I Sougllt . I Newport Beach poUc. today were trytnf to determine tbe Identity o a youaa woman eet.rtaD wbo •u crlUcally i. ed ..._ lbe wu hit bJ a car nday nlabt Jn Corona del Mar. The young woman, listed on poUce report.au Jane Doe. auf· fered bead injuries •hen sbe wH atruct• wblle cro.ain1 Eat Coast Hlahway near llomtn1 Canyon Road. Sbe wu listed m critical condition tod!_Y !L~--­t.femorial Rospit.ir. According to police reports, the woman wu walkln• "fr'lh" the eastbound lanes o. --~ darkened bipway at about 7:30 p.m . when abe was atruck by a car driven by Wendy Matheson. 18, of Riverside. Traffic accident lnvestigator Fred Heinecke aald Mias Mathe900 wun't cited • o.lly ~ .... '"'" -A HELPING HAM .. . Capt. Jerry Boyd Cl From Page A I RESCUE ..• taon on his predicament until tire sloop started to take on more water At that point. Thorsen told Boyd, .. I've &Ol to get out of bere." ' Tia~ the rescue, Boya said the "radio discipline Yiu. fantasUc. There were people listening in from all over the world. and if 1 missed a syllable, I got help from someone in II hno1s or New Zealand." ,....,.PageAJ "C'est formidabl e," he s miled, squeezing his wife's hand. However. Tass reported pro vocations in the form of "large- scale maneuvers of the US Navy started in the Caribbean Sea to last 12 days." Hoyd said he hopes to meet Thorsc.>n when he bnngs the bat lt'r ed but still ">a ilable sloop back to I.Al'! Angeles Oct 20 He !l aid he C'ontacted Thorsen Mon- day night and found out the Skana was sailing t owards Papeete with some small holes an its hull which would be re- paired SW AP MEET OFFER • • • month the (fair) board approved the contract for an additional 20 years with tbe current contract still having more than two yean to run," Norton said. Tel Phil partner Robert Teller explained the company'• in· terest ln a new contract by SQ· Ing the firm wanted to make capital improvements on the site and could only JusWy doinl so with a foog term contract ln band Norton conceded that the work done by Tel Phil ln developtn1 the swap meet al tbe fair· grounds lnto one of the oaUoo's most aucceaafUl made the so per· cent offer possible. "No question about lt, anyone starling from scratch would have to say 25 percent la a pro- per am<Mmt. But Teller baa done &ulioactive Water Feared WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nuclear fteCulatory Commission said Monday that "under no roraeeable circumstances" would it allow release of radioactive wastes from Three Mile I.stand into the Susquehanna River. However, the commission also conceded that. as Iona u the radioactive water remalnl at the alte ol the March 28 nuclear accident ln Pennsylvania, .. potmtlal rllk to the public . . . cannot be completely dla· counted.'' It al.lo aald the maln safety concern now ii the poulblllty that worten mlpt be overex· poeed to radiation from the COD· tamlnated water. 'Profd' Cited CAIRO, EoJlt (AP) -Prpl· dent Anwar Wat called oa PIP dUef Yauer Arafat and Syrtan Ptwidmt a.ta Allad today to aaree to ..s t-wkm wtth 11rae1 became lucb KtioD would brlq them "profttr'' ~ Rev. , ... .I aeuan 'f1d here. a good promotion Job and the meet is big enougb now that money, good money can be made even paying 50 percent of the receipt.I for rent," Norton aaJd. He conceded that Tel Pbll has a leg up on a new contract by virtue ol a 10-year option to re- new at "mutually agreeable" terms in Ul82. But the difference lD wbat Nortoo offered throu.lh b1a 50 percent proposal and the current 25 percent arraneement WOU!d boost the fairlJ'()Wlds' or public Income from the concession from roughly $325,000 to $750,000 a year. . Norton said that be and his father as well aa a brother have been involved In awap meet operations for the put 17 years. The moet successful of those o p e r a t i o n s 'Y. a.a a t t h e Greyhound racine track in Phoenix. During Sunday's interview, Norton showed copies of legal correspondence directed to then· fair manager Alfred Lutjeana in 1968 when his firm, formerly known as B and N Enterprises, wanted to bid on the contract awarded to Tel Pbll . However, before a formal bid proposal waa made, the 10-year contract was awarded to Tel PbU. ' Woman Loses Cash, J ewels A 53-year-old Lasuna Nlauel woman waa robbed of ov~r se ooo ln cub and Jewelry Mon· day Dltbt 1n the part1n• 1ot ot Laiuna Hilla mall, Sberllf'• of. nceraaald. The woman, Ruth Welther, wu 1lttlna lo ber car after lboi>- plna when a 1oun1 woman yanked open tb• car door, threat.med ber with a tf.meb bu~-lmil•. and fled with tbe cub end jewelry• accordlnl to otncere. The .. pee& e1eaped lo a car drlvea,bJ a mu . Workshops Aid Budgets The Japanese government declined comment on Carter's speech, ln which he announced Increased surveillance over euba. but the _,.ore1,., Ministry Naval Station aaid It would ·•support any move" by the United Slat.es to Saddleback Colle1e la offering keep tbe luue from block101 the D--k to Duty a aeri~ w. orkabops becJnnlng SALT ll treaty. ~ Nov. 3 desiped to help people LONG BEACH (AP> -The living oa low or fixed lncomes Japan al.so lodged a formal Lona Beach Naval Station, lnac-flnd ways to conserve ener1Y. protest with the Soviet Union to-Uve few the last five yean, bas solve housing problems or shop day over the atatlonln1 of beeo rechristened to active duty moreeconomlcallyforfood. Ruulan troops on t.bne small to relieve a housinJ sbo~e The wort.bops are offered islands aloag Japan's northern and ovet'Crowded cooditiona in tbrouib the Oran1e County cout that are clalmed by both San Diego. Fixed Income Consumer countries. The Soviet Embassy The base's new status was Co Ung Program rejected the proteat as In· 1 ~unoae further lniormatlon, terference In Soviet domestic af. marked by a qu et ceremony Monday. _pb 112-,!158!!,!!~·'!!'!!!~~======4f~al~m~.==;;;;:=-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;~i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri Fine Jewelry lS FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT BEACH, CALtrOltNIA 92660 TflEPHONE 17141 644·2494 --------. f I \ • T!!'*'Y, October 2, 1171 DA!,.Yfl!\.OT ela lff eraaee DI Alter 'Satire' - llOU.YWOOD.-11&. CAP) -aadio •acm •o•• _. .... ............... ''J-.ic -r;;fii-··-... -.. ............... .. WQ ... _. ............ .. N•ttlt ...... a tF AIT • ~ ............... .... ...... "' ....... . ........ :ath• ........ .. , .......... ....., .. .,..,, ._ ........ ,,. ..... ........ ant¥M .... .. ...,...,,=.. ...... ,..., ... ,,lie _,..... .... "••Ure Clf ca 217 •Wik.•· . Pope Warns ·Of World An1Jarnents • UNITED NATIONS (AP> - Pope John Paul U, welcomed to the United Nations as "a symbol of peace and hope,•• warned the General Assembly today that the build·up of world arma· ments, especially by the major powen, threatens tbe ''common extermination" o f future generations. In an impassioned appeal, be said producUon of ever more powerful weapons s hows "that there is a desire to be ready for •ar and being ready means be- tng able to start it.'' He demanded rhetorically: ··Can our age still believe that the breathtaking spiral of arma- ments is at the service of world peace?" The pope. s peaking before representatives of 152 nations. also assailed suppressions or human rights -civil and re· ligious -and the ''frightful dis- parities" between the rich few and the destitute many. ·'Sensitivity_. to the spiritual dimension or human existence is diminished" by attitudes that re· duce the meaning or life t o economic and material fact.ors like "production, the market, consumption, the accumulation of riches," he said. The pope was introduced by U . N . Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim and by Ge.neral As· sem bly President Salim Ahmed Salim of Tamania who told him: "As a SClll ol. the African cooti- nent which bu 1utfered IO much . I am particularly coaadous at tbe blatorte atplllcaaee ol tbe -YlsJt ol your bolln_. • . . We ·wel~me you u a symbol ol. peace and hope " The pope, who arrived ln New York this morning and went directly to the United Natlou ·-for conferences with diplomats before bis speech, entered the General Assembly to a three- minute standing ovation. Outside the baJJ, he paused to bug and kiss children who greet· ed him and presented flowers. · T h e pope, invited into the world forum as supreme pastor of worldwide Roman Catholicism by U.N. Secretary. General Kurt Waldheim, called for ''International guarantees" for governing Je rusalel!l. This has been a bitterly con- tested issue in the Middle East, with Israel holding all the holy city since the 1967 war and in- sisting on Jerusalem's historic status as a part of Israel. The U.N. address was the highlight or the second day of the pope's week-long, six-city U.S. tour which began with a jubilant welcome in Bost.en on Monday. Much of bis time was spent in conferences with U.N. diplomats. The pope, reviving a Vatican position that bas not been voiced in recent years. urged the in- ternational oversight of Jerus alem because of its "particular nature," a heritage aacred to Judaism, CbnsUanity ·and Islam. ... .. llt .. , ... -a.a. ........ tM ,.U". I'm ......._,:-e.11111r .a•n•r Da•i ~....... "Ov t•lrol .............. , ......... ..... o.11. ...... ..., --.... ,'-'•UM wlMow wllb ~,,., ......... wttb --·=·• .... fll .~. = II 0 l•acar • ............. u.-.. ... ...._ ...... wtlh .................. -l>enftr, wllo arrlnd b•r• tu. ........ fNlla ,..., Ila· tlon kOMB ln R4Mlu.ht, nkl the 5,000·watt 1latlon d.elded to '•Heb pro1ram formatl Mea-. lt ... -........ ftnudall,y .n.. U Jun a1 • rouelr')'-mua.lc •talion. Durtn1 tb• broadcast, McDaniel lnternapted the JQ.y- ln1 ol cowatry album• to maie dl•Pi:b:f'•• comment•. 8e 1cra tbe pboootrapb nee- dle over record• and made IOU.Oda ol UploaiODI and break· inLr~. ·• cDanlel allo made aucb re- marks u : "RedDecb are a race of people wbo lsan&:;t at bus ataUoal and pick DOMI." Soon llfterward, Deever Hid, • caller ..... the DJ lf be b8d ever bait blt DOM plcked wtda • 1bot1un. • ''We bad been 1ett1n1 threatenin& calla, PtOPle uldDc the DJ ii he'd ever been beaten up b>: a redneck," said Denver. "I wu really s urprtaed at the reactioo," he said. "We wenn't laughing al them, we were lauehing with them. That's what MOTORCADE LEADS POPE DOWN NEW YORK'S FIRST AVENUE Pope John Paul II Wavet to Large Crowd Gathered Along Route Huntington Passes . Massage Ordinance By STEVE llAllllLE __ ...., ....... Tbe B~ Beach .Gtty Council rubbed both police and maHage parlor operators the wroni way llooday nJgbt when Man Killed Changing Flat Tire . A 23-year-old Fullerton man was killed Monday when he was hit by a southbound vehicle on Bolsa Avenue in Huntington Beach where he had stopped to change a fl at tire, officers said . A 46-year-old Huntington Beach man, who stopped to help, was also bit, police reported. Bassam Joseph Neheme was pronounced dead at the scene or the 9:42 p.m. accident. James Everett Reagan, 6432 Weber Cir- cle, Huntington Beach, is listed in critical condition today at We s tmi n ster Communit y Hos pital. Police said the pair were pull ing a flat tire off Neheme's sedan near Bolsa Chica Street whe n a vehicle driven by Patrick Charles Delucca, 29, or 4652 Neeley Circle, Huntington Beach, struck them. Delucca was arrested on SUS· picion of felony drunk drivin~ and• felony manslaughter. it appro•ed a maHaie or-dlnance that baa been on the drawtng boards for 13 years. Police said the much-changed law is too watered-down. Parlor owners aaid lt was unreasonably strict and could put them out of business. The council voted 5-2 to put the ordinance on the books. Coun- cilmen John Thomas and Bob Mand.le voted against it. "It's become pretty obvious that the police run this town," s aid Roland Cla rk, owner of Town and County Health Spa. Clark, who served as t he massage parlor spokesman on a city committee to study the or- dinance. said the required 299 hours of school for masseuses is unfair. He requested the council ap- prove an a pprentice program so masseuses could work and at- tend school at the s ame time. The council rejected the idea. Police Chief Earle Robitaille, who said he began work on the ordi n ance when h e was a sergeant. claimed the new law is ··wate red down but satisfac- tory " . Robitaille requested reqwred school time for masseuses be set at 750 hours. Hl! also as ked that parlors close al 10 p.m. instead of 2 am $200 Million In Tax Bonds 'Protected' Orange County supervisors rushed to a special board meet- ing Monday to protect $200 millioo In boualng revenue tax bonds that will help flnance home loans for low Income families. The s upervisors' action s imply reartirmed their stance taken April 3 when they approved is· suance of the tax-free bonds . Proceeds from the sale or the bonds will allow about 2.500 Orange County families to purchase homes tbey otherwise couldn't afford. State legislation had given the county authority to issue the bonds But county orficials reared a recently introduced federal bill f)tlempting to limit use or hous· ing revenue bonds threatened the county's authority And although the federal legislation won 't become law ror at le ast six months. 1t froze further 'issuance of any s uch bonds. .OCTD Adds Buses Judgeship Candidates Analyzed There have al ways been gemstones that were confused With diamonds -granted most WIJf9 poor subetitutea. In the early days of diamond history. ji.et about any colorless stone was suspect . However. as science and tec hnology become more soph11tica1ed, the di fferences between diarrond 8'ld other transparent stones become more apparent. ~For Rush Hour : Spurred by 1tudlly lncreulq : bus ridership, Orance County ;Transit District (OCTD) direc· : tQn voted Koeclay to add the : larsest number ol butes for l"Ulb • bour p11trc1m alnce me. : And amoo1 the major : beneficiaries ol tbe beefed·up : Oeet wU1 be South Cout Plua • lboppen and employees. ~ Ahno.t ball the JO buses ap- ; proved b)' tranalt diatrtct direc- ~ion-eftedtte PetnarJ 19 will ; IO to tbe MffD routes Ml'Yidq !the Costa Veta sbopplnf ;C91ter. • A repcllti.o!-8 trwlt dlltrict : board ldlltdfled llDPr'ffed find. :roaw 1entce to Boutb Coat ; Plua ad c.a 8ta&e ruu.rtGa. ~-.. of .. two ....... Clf :~~--:-*a=. to ~·• OCTD fleet maitsed ~• ;!~-......... ,..,. ... ............ ,,.1c;e. -....... JO pere.t l-a1DN ......... " .... includes route changes in other parts of the county as well, will coet $1.3 million. But the changes s h o uld gener~ L2 million bus trips, bringtni in SMt,000 in farebox revenues. And it transit district staff projections hold true, the farebox revenues will total 28 percent ol. the new proaram's co1ta, thereby aatlafyin1 re- quirements of a state tranaportlltion-fundtng bill. . Tb• report noted that, during September 1t78 tbrou1b April 11'19, tbere waa a "dramaUc lJt. creaM'' ln use of fixed-route 1ervlce. But that iDereue In bua rldera WU ~eel by delaJt in bua 1chedulel -which Oft IOIDe roa.. turned to "chronic late-...... The Orange County Commit· tee on High Judicial Standards will meet at S p.m. Wednesday in the Garden Court or the South Coast Plua Hotel, Costa Mesa, to begin Its analysis of can- didates for judgeships iq the June 1980 elections. Don Belveal, a Santa Ana at- torney, said the eroup will study all candidates for judicial office and present its recommenda- tions to the voters. The commllt~ Is made up of about 200 Oran1e County at· tomeys and non-voting associate members and is "very broad based," Belveal said. ,.. committee's purpose, he said, ls two-fold: to examine the quallflcatlon.s of every candidate (or judlclal omce and, in 0002 election years, to monitor the accuracy of media cover.,e of the court 1yatem. W edaetday'a meetln1 will The technology exists to rreke synthetic gem quallly diafrond, hoMWf this Pf'OC8SS is mor. costly than that of un· earthing and processing the natur•I atone. The focus, therwlore, hu b9eO pieced on producing a close look· alike . a s1mu11ted dlarrond. The first of theM began 1n HM8 with the ln¥9ntlon of syn· th811c rutlle (Titania). It has very high dltpera1on or fire, bul 11 11 rTUlh eofter than diamond and elwaya hea a llnge of )'911ow in It. Strontium titanate (fabullte) wm dlrleloped In 1955. It can be INde colot1eee but lta major drllwtllck 11 that It's ev.n tofter ttwn l'Y"thetic rutlle, to la pro- • ne to actlltehing and abrading. 1*o. It la too r~ to be a belt.-.. diamond eubelltute. we f.ntenclect" Broward County po.Uce c:on- llrmed tit.at • car OWlaM bJ a • ttation empl_o_yee WU dtlllell. Polle• Mat~ with dotl to patrol the ltation the rem1hader of the niCbt. The vandals left wben they beard a plea for liatenen to call police, but later called and threatened to return, Denver said . "I think you can safely say McDaniel will never work here Pleads G•llty ti ' ...... He'd .. ldlled, •• Dmftl' aald • "r don't tllllak M'll be mi11C tbe name 'ibrt MeD..W' aplD anywhere,'' Dmwer takt. After tbe IJ'OUP Jeft. the ... tioD pi.,.t the Mel Tel.Ua COUii· try IOlll. "Coca-cola CowboJ" ~·tedl.Y for .a bourt. O.v.r 1ald that even before the iDd· dent, the station IMld coaa1derecl contlnUOLW pJaytq of the ._,. with the 1,yrtcl: "I cban1ed tbe lock.a oo my doon -it'• time you understood that we are through." Teen Slay~r Faces 25 Years to Li/ e By F&EDEKICK SCBOEMEllL Of ... DellJ ,... Slaff Brenda Spence r, the 17-year- old wbo pleaded guilty Monday to murdering two persons during a sniper attack on a San Diego school, could be released from state prison by the time she is 34 , her d e f e n se attorney believes. The petite red-haired defen· dant's plea automatically meanc; she faces 25 years to life in stale prison. Her first parole bearing before the Community Release• Board would be in 1996, the year she will turn 34. Miss Spencer previously had pleaded innocent by reason of in· l.anity to multiple charges of murder and assauit with mt.ent to commit murder m connection with a January sniper attack on Cleveland Elementary School, located directly across the street from her San Diego residence. Killeti in the hall of gunfire from a nfle her father had given /her for Christmas were the school pnncipal, Burton Wragg, 53, a nd its chief custodian, Michael Sucbar, 56. Eight stu- dents on their way to classes and a police officer also were in- jured. Michael McGlino, Miss Spen- cer 's attorney. said after Mon· day's court appearance be is confident that bis client will be releaaed after aervin& the minimum amount ol at.ate prilGD time. Tbe ease wu beard .,.,_., Oraa&e CounQ ~ c-t Judie Byron McMillan on a change of venue from San Dieao Count.)'· KcGUnJl aaid &be defense team decided not to put tbe ease to trial because a guilty verdict could have meant an even harsher prison sentence -life without POVibility of parole. McGlinn also pointed out that Juries are "reluctant" to find de· fendants s uffered lDSanity at the time offenses were committed. Charles Patrick. a San Diego County deputy district attorney, s aid he believed Miss Spencer would face between 40 and 44 years in slate prison hecause or the severity of the offenses to which she pleaded guilty. Miss Spencer , flanked by her divorced parents Dorothy and Wallace Spencer. was ordered by Judge McMillan to undergo 90 days of diagnostic study at the Califomja Youth Authority She will be back before Judge McMillan Nov 29, at which time he will be required by law to 1m· pose the life sentence. McGlinn s aid he will as k that Miss Mary Barr. Cert1f1ed Gemolo01s1 .,. . ....,..... LEAVES COURT Brenda Spencer Spe ncer be allowed to :>erve the firs t few years of her sentence at youth authority facilities and not at a women's prison m Chino Talks to Resume H OLLY W OOD CAP) Deadlocked talks between stnk- mg office workers and ma.ior studio film processors were to resume today with a federal med i ator at th e h e l m Meanwhile. celebrities con tinued to lend support to the strikers. Ouwrona1r and 01amon1que GGG (gadolinium• gallium gmmet) was the 111.i diamond sirrulant of the '70s. It's not as twd as YAG but its brtlhancy Ind dispersion are much closer to that of diamond. Un· fortunately. 11 lends 10 discolor when exposed to ultraviolet ltgtll The new est and most sophisticated of the diamond lot>tHll• 11 synthetic cubic vrconia. You may have seen th11 materlal advertised as Olamon·Z, Oi amoneaque. CMmonelr II or a similar tr8de ,.,.., CZ (lhot1 '"' synthetic cubic Z>nX>f\I&) he8 the ha.rc:lnesa of ' YNJbut. unlike ita pntdecHaor, 11 bear• an· amazing re- ~ to diamond. Normal gem '81ting equipmant is insuf· fietent to •parate CZ from dl8'nond, ao it has brought naw equipment on tN merawt. CHARLES H. BARR a.c.... of the high level ot .,.,ni.tlc.tlon of the newest diamond aubatitutH, con· ...,.,. must 9Nk out ~lers with up-to-date gemological knowledge. American Gem SOcleey ~ hew all oom· '*'9cl intlnelw COUrM9 and l'lftl8 ~ rigid examine· tiOna. In tldditlon, HCh year ew, .. Nq\ir9d to pau an ex· ... ~lg the, .... , delletop-,.,...,.. Wttel .. ,., you .,.. con- 11 de r Ing aa lmport1nt a purc'-8 • 1 dtemond. be an to conautt ua or another : ... *'dto.-k .......... . Cau1H for tbe llowed 1ebedulel, la addltion to larcer puaeapr lolda, wert popui.. tloD irowtb and heavier trattlc, accontma to the report. focus Oft ~ the l1'0UDCfwork for ex•~ the backfl'OUDCll for tbole who run ln 1llO for Judicial olftce, Belveal said. The 9'ly 'IOI MW the actv.nt cA the YNJ ~t,,.tlc yttrium ~~~Thia 11 much herder thin Its forerunntn but tt ~·t maintain It• brllllan- ey. Y/lll Ml ,,,.,.__, under ITW'Y trede '*""" tnctudlno Accl••••._ N:IS '"'""* firm. ............ t ·n. .....U lll'Oll'am, wbldt , .. The meetin, la pubUc. There i1 no char1e to attelld. '- Liiii ..... ( ( A4 OM. y flllLDT • CUba _Troops to Re:main SALT H Backer.a Question Soviet Anurance W AllllNGTOW (AP) -Plwt· deal c.t.' ....... to ...... lo9.P t1oM ec19vtnclna lhl*al MOaton that tbe ttatua quo ... l•l'dblil Sovkt troopl la Ode bH tOted more fa.orabl1 toward tbe UDlted 5'.e•. It WM Carter who Mt that atanda.rd: "W• will toe 1p. proprtu 9ed0ft to c~aQP the atatua quo." And lt waa Carter who ~ UM nallon llooctay ftlfht that the Soviet lroopt wll r emain ln Cuba. HB Otm.IN D 1 number ol steps to bolster U.S military and inleW,-m~ capabWU•. H r ated · aH ura.ncea trom "the bJ1b .. t eveb ol the Sovurt aov fL l 'SIS ernment" that the RuHian troopa will not be a threat to the United States. But ln the end he could not of- fer the sinale assurance I UP· porters cl the Salt U treaty mOflt wanted to hear -that the Sov- iet., tn the rhetoric of the 1962 Cuban missile cris is, bad blinked. Thla time, the Soviets refused to ytefd. The president could not teJJ the nation and the Senate that a alnale Soviet soldier was leavlq Cuba. IN OUTLINING the as- 1ur1Dc11 ,.c•l••d from llOICOW, Carter 1..W tM 8o'rieU coaU-to '8lllt UM b.Ulde LI a tl'linlal alt "0.ll fi doel notM8I ... t11ian ua1n1aa. uct UD 4o not"'DI IDION." He wot on to HY Soviet leaden 1av• uauranc:u tbat "t.beJ wUJ 80t ebaatl lta f\IDC· Uon 01' atatu.a 11 a tralnlDI center. We unde,.tand UUa to mun that they do oot lnteod to ml.,.. tbe llftlt or atve It addl· Uooal capebllltiel." Tben Carter made a ataiemeot certain to raite qunllona on Capitol HlU: "Altboulh wt bave pertuulve evldmct t"hat the UD· It ls a combat bri&ade . tbtt Sov let 1tatementa about the fut4"1 non-combatant 1t1tu.a of the wlit are aitniftcaot." WAS 111£ president saying t h a t U.S . inte lllsen ce con- tradicts the Soviet deacrtptlon of the unit's role? Apparently so. since bigb administration or- ficlala a1Jo have said there is no evidence the Soviets are training Cubans. That contradiction raises the question of the value of other Soviet assurances. ·•we shall not rest on these Soviet statements alone," said the president in ouUinlng in· creased U.S. mllltary and in· telligence capabilities In the Caribbean. TWO SENATORS, both sup- portive of the SALT II treaty, summed up Carter'• Cuban pro- blem ln their ructions to his Monday m,bt speech. "The president spent more Ume repalrlng aelf·lnfllcted damaae thaD be did in addresa· lnl the substance of the Cuban problem," said Sen . Charles Mathlu, R-Md. ·•something more than Ru11ian representations will be necessary." s aid Sen. Frank Church. D·lda.bo. chairman of the Seninc Foreign Relations Committee. EVER SINCE disclosure early last month of a change in the c onfiguration of the long- s tanding Sovie t presence in Cuba. Church has taken a tough line, Insisting that SALT U can· not win Senate approval so long as there are Soviet combat Oil Damage Pay Refmed MEXICO CITY (AP) -Citing Colorado River caused salt beds U.S. refusal to pay Mexlco for to form years ago in the Mex- the salting of the Mexicali icali Valley below the California Valley, President Jose Lopez and Arizona ' 1¥>rders, m aking Portillo says Mexico "will pay crop lands virtually useless. ln nothing" for the damage to the 1972. President Luis Echeverria Texas coast from the runaway during a visit to Washington told lxtoc I oil well in the Gulf or a j oint session of the U.S. Mexico. Congress the issue was "the ".I told the g~vernment of the m ost deli cate bilate ral pro· United States and I tell the.. blem " between the two coun people of Mexico face to face.--rr ies that if the U.S. government did Lopez Portillo s poke to an !10t pay for damage to the Mex· estimated 100,000 Mexicans in the Texas border. The well blew out June 3, spewing up 1.25 million gallons of oil a day. Of. fi clals or PEMEX. the state- owned oil monopoly, say the n ow has been reduced to aoout 420,000 gallons a day and they hope the weH can be capped by thl' middle or this month. Much of the lower Texas Gulf Coast was coated in black globs of oi l from the runaway well, seriously affecting the usually lucrative tourist season there. troope • mlMI olf UM l1arida CO&lt. Cbureb'1 bard Uae oft.a la traced to dam.UC polltles, The senator facee a roqh N-ei.etion campalp ln a state wtth a re-cent reCord of aupporaq eon. aervaUve Republlcana. Carter haa PoUUeaJ problems of h1I own. w&lcb may ttave ln· nuenced bll initial r.~ to the Cuban 1ituatloo aod b1a de- maDd th.at tb• at.atua quo be cb~ed. BUT IN b1a reaction 11~ nlibt, Clwrcb seemed to offer a way be and the' prealdeat can saln1e the SALT treat)'. "I coaUnue to believe that before..J.bie ~aty may take ef- fect, u»saate will lnalal on an affirmation by the president backed up by our own in'. telll1eoce, that Soviet combat forces are no longer deployed in Cuba." said the senator. That suggested that Cbur'cb believes a way to move ~ead on SALT would be to attach an amendment providing that the treaty would be<:ome effective only after assurances that the status of the Russian troops bas changed. Court Denies Hotels Block W ASHINGTQN CAP I The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to stand in the way of construc- tion of three hotel-casinos at Lake Tahoe in Nevada The justices. without comment Monday. t urned down an appeal aimed at scuttling the budding of t he; Hotel Oliver. Tahoe Palace Hot.cl and Harv~y·s. California. (the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agen· cy> a nd two envir onmental groups have been f1ghtmg the proposed pro1ecls since 1974 The hotel:.. t o f e ature !>howroom'i , f't1!>1 nnc, and mam moth parkini:: lob. Jlt urt lr1 1,.. located in Doui::lui. C'ou nt\ ~1·\ Wind, Storm Force Balloon to Land SPENCERVILLE. Ohio <AP> -Severe thunderstorms and swirling snow forced four adventurers to abandon their attempt to make the first noo-st.op trana·cooUnental balloon journey today, but they vowed to try asalD. "I'm confident of tbe ability to make such a crouln& and the ability to succeed," said Rudolph En&elmann or Boulder, Colo., a few hours after the forced landi.n1. One crew member suffered a broken leg in the laodln1. but the others were not injured. Engelmann, eye sur1eon Fftd Hyde of Prairie VWa1e, Kan.; NBC-1V cameraman Bandy Birch; and Vera Simona of McLean, Va . had been aloft oearly six days after llftJng otr from Tillamook. Ore . before an intense thunderstorm forced them down near this western Ohio city about midnight. MS. SIMONS SUl'FE&ED a broken le& and was reported in fair cnrvUtjoo at.st. ll1ta:a ... Medk al Cea.tu in.Jl.e&d>Y Uma. The crew traveled about 2,500 miles before the helium.filled balloon t.oocbed down, falling four hours short of the world en durance fecord of 137 hours aloft. .. It all bappeneo on the home stretch. We had it in the bag, · ;aid Engelmann in a televised interview in Chicago on NBC's "To· day" show. "We had JW.t beat that squall hne that was coming through II· hno1~ and lnd1a'n<i." he said. "We had JUSl rolled orf the soulbem Pdge of 1t." BlIT TifEN THE IO·story tall balloon, dubbed the DaVinc1 MondaJ.o OD 'four Tran~ Amen ca. encountered rough weather they had not expected .: There v.as "l1ghtmng at all s ides and snow coming down," BALBOA. Panama I AP> -~aid Engelmann. "ll Just dldn 't look good There were a lot of THOUSANDS OF tennis ball· Vice President Walter Mondale mixed reactions about what ought to be done. Common sense pre- sized st.eel and lead balls are be-planned to tour the former canal vailed ... tcall Valley, Mexico will not pay downtown Mexico City on his re· for damqe in the Gulf of Mex-turn from the United States and Ing pumped into the well and zone today as cleanup crews He said the balloon was between 14.000 feet and 20,000 feet have helped cut the now from taclded mountains of trash left high when it ran mlo the storm lco," Lopez Portillo aaJd Mon-Panama. He met in Wa~hington day. laat week with President Carter, Saline wate r from the addressed the U.N. General AA· Six Slam• sem bly and was the keynote speaker Monday at ceremonies marking the transfer of the Panama Canal Zone to Panama- the Initial 30,000 barrels per day from Panamanians celebrating "WE WEBE REALLY cU pplng along," be said. "In fact. the Open water containment boom the end of 75 years of Amen can speed would have put us 00 the Eut Cout Wedneeday mornin a. aod skimmer setups are also juriadic:Uon. B t --'•h•lnie----..1 ·-sweeping up some of the oll at _______________ u_o_ur_-_....._ ___ ._~ __ comider ___ •_bb__.;__beca_. _me __ ol._t.be __ r..::aln:.:.:....'_' ___ _ Jn Feud nlan control. the well bead. The s pill ls more than double the worst previous. that or the OAXACA, Mexico (AP> The president of a mountain farmin~ collective was shot to death and two hours later his five alleges! assassins were killed by an an ~r y mob "in r eve nge," ~ ::.pokesman for the district at- torney's office here said Mon· d ay. "The whole village is armed now. I fear another round of re· venge for the five deaths," said spokesman Raul Benitez Mesa. Benitez Mesa s aid the village president, Alberto Cruz Diaz, 38, and a group of workers. bad been repairing a washed·out road outside the small mountain village of El Ocotal in the state or Oaxaca, Friday when be was shot to death by five men with s hotguns. THE FOREIGN MinLStry de nied a report in the New York Times that Lopez Portill o in his meeting with Carter agr eed their governments would discuss Mexican payment for damages caused by the oil spill T he Mex 1can pr esident said he and Carter discussed negotiating an agreement to prevent fut ure damage to th~ environment "The future yes. the past no," said Lopez Portillo. The Foreign Ministry said re· fere nces lo the payment· or da mages were deliberately ex· e luded fro m the t a lks in W ash1ngton. ABOtrr 110 mllUon gallorui or crude has spilled from the lxt.oc 1 offshore well in the Bay or Campeche, SOO miles south or wreck or the supertanker Amoco Cadiz orr the French coast IO March 1978 Nuke Foes Put in Jail BARNWELL, S.C. CAP) Dozens of anti·nuclear activists we r e ln county j ails today. cha r ged with trespassing at three nuclear facilities after they refused to leave. They were among 161 persons arrested Monday at the federal Savanna h River Plant. Chem Nuclear Services Inc. and Allied General Nuclear Services. Tornado Wrecks Homes Wind Damage Reported in Two States Albll'QW Atl•nle ll•lllmore llOI .. BM ton B11ffalo c,,.,._ Clli<a90 Cincinnati ci. .. 1•'"' 0.l·l'IW"' Deft ... , o.troll 1-1e1 .... -ulu ~~ 1...r...i•· J.Ck•'vll .. IC-Clt'f LflY-Lltllelt_,, Lot~ Loultvllle ~ ~' .. , .. .-., ~-s.,. Nnfloltlle ..... ~ ..... _ Olli.CllY• on-. ""4M'-.._... ,......,..., ....... 0!'9 .__ .......... Ml IA .. <, .. u " •l ,. 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IHI ... •rlod 111 Cllene •nCI ~-., _..,, te<-•· Oltttr "-"' encl tflUl>dt~ •o•lltd llllnolt encl ~1c111...,, 1M ""' -· ..., , 4 t2 ttll'tld tllftutfl lfW HtlHll -114"1• • Zlllftt •' Vlrvlnla end NOf111 Gerotllla. laftt• Monie• ' J ,, • N"porHlliftll"91on SIMI OltOO Counly ' J ,, 4 • II lwtlll ·-• fltlwM fft "'1. MAI .. lmulft MllM lft ..... Olr.cllOll. ""' Mell Otr 5 J J .,, MollkAI t t hf ~Mlltl-• t 1 1W *~°"""" ' 4 w Owtte.-.., ...... ~' Oe<,.... lflt•I- WATCH FOR . Gl\~ES E~u\NG \H\S pRE\J\ ~· WEEK'S NfL the excltlng magazine section In the Saturday Dally Piiot. Each Saturday for the 20 exciting weeks of the pro football season, PAD Fi.l.e79 will bring Daily Pilot reader s the most up-to-date, interesting and comprehensive roundup of pro football.1 with special emphasis on all the pro games to be televised that weekend. You'll enjoy scouting reports, player profiles, predictions and point spreads, insiders' comments on strategies and game plans, tips on who and what to watch for, plus lineups, statistics, qolzzes and special features by top national writers. PAD !UR 71 , the special Saturday magazine section, will help you get more pleasure out of your pro football watching . t DAILY PILOT 842-4321 " t .. ' ORANGE COUNTY# CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 19" Fl FTEEN CENT \ .r;op· Aids In ·Long Distaftee Beseue faint me11ace come over h1a radio a _.... 1:40 p.m. '"lbe qualJtJ ol tlM broedc:ut WU D0t pod, •• ..,.. ..... today. Sm.ii wander. The m••a&'t Boyd p6eked up in the warmtb and comfort ol b.11 Soutbenl California home was bein& amt out from a foundertn& sloop some •.ooo miles away lo French Polyn.eaia. The sloop, called the Skana, ycamore Deity_ ..... ,,_ \· ~ TEACHERS PICKET TO PUNCTUATE PAY DEMANDS About 150 lnatructo,. Gathered f!londay In S•n Ju•n ' r School Officials ~Firm 4)n Pay Offer I By RAYMOND F.STllADA JR. Of .... o.llY ...... ,..,. Capistrano Unified School Dis· trict officials remained firm on ~ their 7 percent pay bike offer for • teachers despite a l!iO-picket de- ~ monstration prior to Monday J night's school board m eeting. f ! Train Crash If Kills Two, 68 Injured Teacher association president Stefanie Seacb told school board members her group is seeking an lH'• perce.nt for the district's 750 instruct.ors. District Superintendent Jerry Tbomsley said today no further pay talks with teachers are now scheduled. "If the teachers want to declare impasse -let them declare impasse," Thornsley said. Teacher group officials say they are waiting for dis trict of. flclals to make the next move. Some picketing teachers wore bad&es that read "I don't want to strike -but I will .. at Moo· day night's demonstration. Miu Seacb asserted that CUSD bu "received 17 percent more 1n new funds from the state" this year. She said the avera1e ·aaiar)' for a CUSD teacher is about '17 ,000 a year. Several doaen Saddleback Valley Unlfted School Diltrict teacben Joined their CUSD counterputs on llonday'a picket <See PAY, P81e AJ) bad run All'OUDd on a sharp reef 300 mu. eut ol Papeete. Boyd 1aid the volce on the otb•r end of lbe fadin& trwm•Mim beJonged to Georae Tbonm. a Southern Call.fonda resident wbo wu one ol five penom on board the Skana. TborMn wu calm, be said. and told the police captain the boat was taking on water. "In the 20 yean I've been a llil]s Interest On Loan Cited By STEVE MITCHELL Of._ o.lfy ~SIA" Laguna Beach councilman Wayne Baglin said be will ask bls fe llow council members t.oniebt to abandon plans for de. velopment of Sycamore Hills and give the land back to the former owners. The city purchased the 522· acre parcel out Laguna Canyon Road more than a year. ago from the own er s, Rancho Palos Verdes Corp., for $6.75 million. Rancho has anticipated build· ing 2,000 homes in the canyon area, but was blocked by a former city council wblcb •.P•Tked mon than t'JO'IDllllon in lawauMll aw by 'botb the c1e-. veloiMr...tU.dt)'. Tllw law Ha ._.. dlopped alter tbe dt)' agreed to bQy the land from the developer with th~ lateetkm tJI lea.tq it .larleJ.7 UD· ...... But pn>blems in payblc the re-m alnln1 $1 million debt to Rancho bu resulted ln contllct on the city council, and Bagllil said this morning be want.s to give the land back to Rancho. The city is currently looking at three development plans for Sycamore Hills, and seeking a firm to produce an environmen- tal impact report on the projects is scheduled for action tonight. But Baglln says be won't sup- port such action , adding be believes the council finds itself, "fn a box canyon s ituation where we can't get out." Proposals endorsed by the council majority call for study or an Irvine Company plan that would see 1,831 homes, two golf courses and a resort hotel placed on the land. A second plan calls for a re· sort ho t el , camping and equestrian facilities and much open space and agricultural land in Sycamore Hills. A third plan endorsed for study would see no development on the parcel between Laguna Canyon and El Toro Roads. In addition, the council is look· Ing at plans to sell about 67 acres near Leisure World to a developer to raise funds for the mortgage. They ar e also seeking low· interest loans from the Coastal Conservancy to pay off the debt owed Rancho. But Baglin said.that after talk· ing with attorneys for the city. "Laguna Beacb will not have any funds coming lo from the conservancy loan or the (67· acre) Baywood Development proposal for at leut a year. •'There la no way we can say in 1ood faith we can make the (See SYCAJIO&E, Pase A!) radio operator, I've beard ol these tblap bappenlq before, but I never lmacined It would happen to me," Boyd said. Tbe La&una Hilla resident ; fOllDd out that others aboard the 53-foot craft included Thonen'• wife, Sydney, someone named Eric Thonen, whom be believed to be Thorsen's son, Christie Op- pli1er and Eric Swett. All except Swett are from Soutbera Califomia, Boyd laid. Swett'a home is in SeaWe. The ham operator said be ·called a friend, Bob Sackett. an airline pilot wbo also la an amateur radio buff, to .auist him in cop)'in& the broadcast.. While Sackett made calla to find out information about the Stana, Boyd called the Coast Guard in San Francisco. The Coast Guard UM:n relayed the in· formation about the endall&e boat to the U.S. Paclflc F1 wblcb contacted French Navy sblps lo the area of the reef. By the time rescue abips ar~ rived, Tbotsen and his apparent· ly uninj\U'ed companions ba climbed onto a reef as waves~ pounded the sloop. ' Boyd said Thorsen b ad souoded celm relaying inlorma· <See &ESCUE, Page A2) Return Mulled Slide Workers HOnored aJO Turn Out for Anniversary Event Landslide vicllm Judy Wander acted as th e ma s t er of ceremonies for what was sort of an informal Academy Awards presentation ror those who helped put Bluebird Canyon back together again Nearly 200 former residents, police. geologists and city of· f1cials showed up al 6 a. m . today to celebrate the anniversary of Man~87 the Oct. 2 landslide in Bluebird Canyon. It was a celebration of the pro- gress to date on the hall . not of the tragedy itself. said victim Anna McCallum, who lost her home months after the 1rut1al landslide in lhe LagUD a Beach community. And Uus morning. rescuer; and vtctims alike shared coffe<> Lagunan Struck Bf Car Succumbs By WILLIAM HODGE OI Ille o.lty "'"" l laff An 87·year·old lonf ·lime Laguna Beach r esident died Monday evening after he was struck by an automobile while crossing Laguna Canyon Road at the intersection of Canyon Acres Drive. Laguna Beach police officer Ma rk Miller said Wayne Moore, 447 Canyon Acres Drive, died al Mission Community Hospital shortly before 7 p. m. after the 4:08 p.m. crash. The accident occurred when Moore. who was crossing the road in an unmarked crosswalk, was struck by a car driven by Thomas David Buller. 28, of 24321 Via Avalreo in Mission Viejo. Miller said Butler told him he started to slow down when he noticed Moore standing on the street comer but was unable to stop when the e lderly man walked out in front or bis car. Moore was a familiar sight to Can yon Acres Drive residents who remember him passing <See ACCIDENT, Pase A2) and upple strud e l and re· manasced about the terrifying morning one year ago today. ··1 forJ,tot how dark it was last year . · said one slide victim. sha king hi!\ head. Mrs. Wander used a hand·held microphone to introduce the guests this morning, who ranged from Laguna Beach Police Chlef J on Sparks to geologist Beach U?aghton It was a festive mood on the hill todav. a marked difference from the. terror last Oct. 2 when SO families fled the rumbling hill to the safety of Bluebird Canyon Drive · · 1 wt sh that guy would stop working so you could hear me talk ." quipped former City 'Manager Fred Solomon as a bulldozer roared m the back- ground. "No way," someone from the audience laughed. Mayor Jack McDowell praised the homeowners for sticking together through the year and making the progress that has been made in reconstructing the <See SUDE, Page A2> Coas1 Weather Fair Swap Meet Rent Too Low? Variable high cloudiness and slightly warmer in· labd through Wednesday. Lows tonight ~5 to 64. Hlebs Wednesday in ld\N 70s at beaches to low 80s Lo land. BJ GAaY O&ANm.LB °' .. ...., ........ A awap Qleet. •rat.or aald tbat be baa offered to paJ l"GUlbl1 twice u maeb rwt fOr ......... ol Or .... caan.- ty fllrlftMiildi • tbe apwMGl'I tben an PQilll now. Aad, JUeba~rda Norton of Newport Beach aaid, tM rec9l tmtatift llPPl""al bJ tbe fllir bOanl qi ....... ,.... rwt peet wortb -.......... millaD in snm ,...... wllll tM wr- rmt IWQ ...... openton WM a mo .. ~ to ltlfle tomPld· Uon f~1wap meet eoa· HllkllL N .... llllda-daJMlloldflllr- t:a: C: wt'&~~. re• ridlMr --~ 25 percent ol vendor rental and sate admlAioaa for tbe weekend 1w.p meet conceuion at the falrarounda 1n Coeta Mesa. · .. Re (Fulk) asked me if I'd re- duce that 50 pereent offer to wrfti.D&. I ukl I would and wW send 1t to blm tbla week," NortoDHkl. J'u1lr C'ClllflnDed tbe meetlnl witb Norton but said, "1 told blm we ~·t <necodate> at tbla tlme bee•... we alreed)t bave a coatract. .. It b9I two more yean to run ud la aubject to a J.0.year U • talion If 1be amount ol rent can be ma&ullY aireed upon,'' Fulk lldMd. '"fte Gnl7 Wu •e can do ii ar.., • lilt ol l6oH wbo would be lnterHted lf tbe necoUadanl fell tbrou." .,. The current operators, Tel Phil Enterprises Inc , now pay 25 percent of the vendor and gate receipts a1 well as a pe'rcentqe ol food stand lncome for weekend use of the 31-acre site on tbe fair1rounds ' soulbeailt comer. In a new contract tentatively approved by tbe fair board In J'111 and since pulled for re- conaldendon, Tel Phil acreect to bike ltl ftDdor and 1•te. r:eeelpt pereent.ap t.o aa,,. percent. Fulk 1ald tbe coatract wouldn~ be dbcuued a tM Pair Board'I monlbb' meedn• Wa Tluanday. After enclonement at tbe board'• July atW'nf; at.te Sell. Paul Carpenter, ·Cypre11. quietly volUDtelf'ed t.o Ctn)' the fODVM't' r.,.,,~M.\o .aHW ap- proval by ~ state Fair and Ex· position Board. Carpenter later said hil in· terest in the $33 million contract was because "a Sacramento contact aler\ed me to the fact there mllbt be some improprie- ty associated wltb the contract.·• The 10.year renewal witb an option to renew for an addiUonal 10 yeas came more than lwo yean bet'ore the Tel Pbll can· tract uplres. N0&1oD said that he went to the fairCrounda olftce lut June to revieY public r.eoNa tbal show how m'8Cb bullneas, la belnl done on tbe SO weekends a year the 1wep meet la operated. "I tblnk It'• more than ~· cldental that tbe followtnc (lee SWAP ME~ Pap Al) INSmETODAY Pilot apon1 writn Dow Cun"frlflhom comporea the chances of the Angela and Or6ol.a "' tlw f'fallolf • that ifort W~. Su P• 81. J ) ., ......... .., .. ~ ............ 8,... ....... tM If.,.,.. old "° , ...... ....., • ,., lo mur•lletwo,....---. •llll ............ ..... •cbool, could be ,. .... "'- •tale pNam b;, U.. Um• • .. 14, b•r d•f•••• attoraer beU..... TIM pMb Nd-Ulnd .,__ dut•1.-.1U1.omat1e.U.,.._ •b• fee. • ,..... lo lit• la ..... pruoa. Her flnt parole M.n.c before tbe Comm•U.J a ....... Board would ... tD .... the ,..,. sbe will tum k IU.u 5penceT pnvioualy bad · pleaded lnoocent by reuon ol lo sanity to multiple cbara• ol murder llDd usault wttb mt.It to commit murder ln eon.necttoo with a January sniper attack on Cleveland Elementary School, localed directly acroaa the street from her San Diego residence. Kllied ln the bail of l\mll.re from a rifle her father had liven her for Christm as were the school principal, Burton Wragg, 53, and Its chief custodian, Michael Suchar, 56. Eight stu- dents on their way to eluaes and a police officer .iao wer ln-jured. I Michael McGllnn, Mias Spen- cer's attorney, said after Mon- day's court appearance he la confident that bi.a client will be released after serving the minimum amount or state prlaoo time ,,,,.._ P.,,e A J PAY ••• line. SVUSD teachers appear to be deadlocked in current negotiations, officials said. "We are willing to coordinate with (Saddleback teachers) if it comes to that," said Miss Seach referring to a possible strike. She said her group has not asked state mediators to step ln- to negotiations with CUSD of- ficials. Meanwhile, about 700 non- te achlng CUSD workers, represented by the Callfomia State Employees Association, are at impaaae wltb dlatrict negotiators The CSEA bus drivers, custo- dians and clerk.a are aeelr.iq • 8 percent p ay boost. COSD negotiators are offering all their employees a 7 percent pay hike this year Miss Seach said teachers are seeking a .8-percent increase in fringe benefit s and binding arbitration in grievances in ad- dition to an ll:Y• percent salary boost. Superintendent Thomsley said district officials are adamantly opposed to the binding arbitra- tion clause. o.tfyNlllMllft ...... 'ABANDON SYCAMORE' Counc:Hmen 88gln DAILY PILOT 1 ... o. ..... G-Oolly~lel,wllll-t11\com­ .. -1N--.l•-1-11y111o0r- , .... ~bl.,,.,..'-'9 s.-....... -... °""""'°" _....., '"'°""' ''""• , .. c .. 1. ,... ..... -........ -........ -..,,-...... Ytll...,. ,,,...,., '"-9Hcll/$ooltll C-1 A .. _,._... ... , ...... _,_s.o_,._ -·· n. ........ -_,.,..,.. ....... ,, .. JJD _, ... se-C-llt-,C.•-..i·---... ---· .... -·-, .. -· c.wt Ylttl>YH_I __ .. _ ,, __ ,., .. ,_ ............... Mot~te. ai.tlft ... '--_,, .... ............. _.. .. ten L~a leed\ Offtce ltlllle.(Mtllt ....... . • omo.. """'r::.~ ':~~,,~==-- T .... N (7t4>MM*f1 a......._.Mv ........ .....,. ~ ........ 0 .... , • .-i T1fl.Ptllll ...... ,..._ .... ~ ..... C.'.11: ""~~ f"¥1111_,..,~$ c::r.·., .. ~~___,. ·.:: •••• -~=-~:;::-· ..... .,.Cl .... f"'IUIM ~!:=;,~~ ~ f IJ.IW. Speee• UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Pope Jobn Paul u. welcomed to the United NaUona u "a symbol of peace and bope,'' wamed tbe General Aaaembly today Uult tbt build-up of world arma· menu, eapecl.Uy by the m9Jor powers, threatall the "common extermination•· of future aeneratiom. lo an lmpuaioned appeal, be aaid production of ever more powerful weapons sbowa ''that there LI a desire to be ready for war and being ready means be- in~ able to at.art it." he demanded rbetorteallY: "Can ow: ap IU.ll bellne di& the breatbtaklq aplral ol arma- menta It at dM aemc• ol world peace:r,. The pope, 1peatln1 .,.,ore repreaentatlvee ol W naUoot, alto uaalled euppresaiona OI human rilbta -clvll and re- UgJoua -and the "fricbttul dis- parttiee" between tbe rich few and the dMtllute many. AMTRAK PAU!NOER OPAILMENT IN KANSAS TOWN ONE OF WORST WNCtl of Combined loutttwnt Umtted, Lone Star Train Kiiied Two F,.....P.,,eAJ ACCIDENT "SemlUvtty to the 1plrttual cUmenaion ol buman exilteoee It dimln.tabed" by attitudes that re- duce the meanln1 of life to econoln.ic and material factors like "production, the market, consumption, the accumulation of riches," be said. The pope wu introduced by U. N. Secretary-General Kuit Waldheim and by General M- sem bly President Salim Ahmed Salim of Tanzania who told him! "As a aoo of the African conU· nent which bas suffered so much ... I am particularly conadoua or the historic significance of tbe visit of your holiness ... We welcome you as a symboJ of peace and hope." ~~~~~~~~ E'reaPa~AI SW AP MEET OFFER. • • month the (fair) board approved the contract for ari additional 20 years with the current contract still having more than two years to run," Norton said. Tel Phil partner Robert Teller explained the company's ln· terest ln a new contract by say- ing the ftrm wanted to make capital improvements on the site SUDE ••• demollabed neipborbood. "Only in Laguna could you aee something like this happen," be said. "And only ln Laguna could you see such progress ln aucb a abort time." Bruce Gregory noted the absence of federal Housing and Urban Development officials at the breakfast gathering. "HUD told us last year we'd never stick together as a group," Gregory l a u ghed . ''They wanted to split us up and send a bunch of us to Santa Ana to live, but Chief Sparks told them we all wanted to stay in Laguna Beach." But the Bluebird Knolls Com- munity Aaaociation remains a powerful entity in Laguna Beach. Representatives have at- tended every City Council meet- ln• since the landslide, prodding city officials for action,. and working on their own In Washington to get federal as- sistance. As a resuJt, homes should be under construction after the first of the year on the 3.5 acre ca- nyon, alter roads and utilities are installed. ·'One of the most beautifuJ ex- pe riences in this whole thing was getting to know our neighbors," Judy Wander said. and could only justify doing so with a long term contract in hand. Norton conceded that the work done by Tel Phil in developing the swap meet a t the fair- grounds into one of the nation's most successful made the SO per- cent offer possible. "No question about it, anyone starting from scratch would have to say 2S percent is a pro- per amounL But Teller bas dooe a good promotioo job and the meet is big enough now that money, good money can be made even paying SO percent of the receipts for rent," Norton aaid. He conceded that Tel Phil bas a leg up on a new contract by virtue of a 10-year option to re- new at "mutually agreeable" terms in 1982. But the difference in what Norton offered through his so percent proposal and the current 25 percent arrangement would ~st the fairgrounds' or public income from the concession from roughly $325,000 to $7SO,OOO a year. Norton aaid that he and his father as well as a brother have been involved in swap meet operations for the put 17 years. The moet successful of those operations was at the Greyhound racing track in Pboenlx Dunne Sunday'• interview, .Norton showed copies of legal correspondence directed tip then· fair manager Alfred Lutje.ms in 1968 when his firm, formerly known as B and N Enterprises. wanted to bid on the contract awarded to Tel Phil. However, before a formal bid proposal was made, the 10-year contract was awarded to Tel Phil. f',....P~AJ SYCAMOR E HILLS • • • • $500,000 per year interest pay- ments oo the loan," Baglln said. "We've already defaulted on our agreement with Rancho and I think we should lock up our at- torneys with Rancbo'a attorneys and get a solution to this thing. •'Several council members believe they have to continue (efforts to buy Sycamore Hills) to save face, and that will result in a direction that is buardoua to the city." He said be bad hoped the Coastal Conservancy wouJd go for the full amount owed on Sycamore Hills, "but now I un- dentand that because of other proposals (from other cities) we will receive nothing except a concept approval of our plan - not the advancement of funds.'' But at least ooe other council member ia accusing Baglln of "bitting the panic switch." Councilman Howard Dawson said today that turning the land back over to Rancho, "wlll put ua right back at scratch," ad- ding "We'd be forced to allow them to develop homes and end chances of a joint plan for de- velopment oft.be canyon." "There would be no way we BEDROOM SET SOLD IN SWOOP "I really believe ln tbe Dally Pilot, altbou&h I didn't until I sold m)' whole bedroom set ln one fell swoop ln a clualfted ad." That's the advertialnl JOCC'fJll atory ol the Costa Mesa aian who plaeed tbla ad ln tbe• Dallv l>ttot: White bdrm a« w/ 1old trim. B9d w/matttet•. comer dalk xu·un , could keep homes out of Laguna Canyon," be said. He said Baglin was ''one of the fi ve who voted to buy the land and repay Rancho from the pro- ceeds we receive from our plan- ning f<>f' t.be area.•· "I feel it's a very sound plan a nd any abandonment oow would be very premature and break a lot of heart.a.'• Dawaon said be believes the councll should approve a "feasibility-type environmental report" to obtain Coastal Conservancy loans. "It's a very legitimate requirement and I, for one, am going to vote for it tonight." He said the only problem with getting the Coastal Conservancy loan ia the need for environmen- tal reports to show the city would be able to repay the low- Interest loans. "And guess who blocked that vote,'' Dawson said, referring to Baglln's refusal last month to approve seeking proposala for EIRs on the three Sycamore Hills proposals. The councU is expected to act on a request for aeekln1 an en- vironmental firm to complete studies on the proposals when they meet tonight at 6 p.m. ln council chambers. Bergeso n Talk F riday AuemMywoman Karlan Ber1eaon, R·Newport Beach, wlll addret1 members of tbe La1una Beach Rotary Club Jl'rl. daf at the HoUl Lquaa belln· nlDI at l p.~. • Mn. ~will outllM ac· ttvlUM ~ tbe 74tb U · umblJ diltrlet at tlie ltme6eoa. m..U.... J'or ,.......uou to tbe S..111...-.., e.U BoD-..... •t-rm- f',....PageAJ DERAIL ••• An Amtrak spokesman in Washington confirmed the train was running about 40 minutes behind scheduJe but said it had not been determined how fast it was traveling. He said a speed box. carried on the tram would give invest1gators that informa- tion. The National Transportation Safety Board sent a seven· member team to Lawrence to in- vestigate the accident. • The derailed train waa a com· bined unit of the Southwest Limited. running from Los Angeltt to Chicago, and the Lone Star, running from Houston to Chicago. The Lone Star was to be discontinued Monday, but a federal judge in Wichita issued a temporary restraining order last week keeping the Lone Star running. The Southwest Limited, with two engines and 12 cars, hooked up with the Lone Star's single engine and six. cars at Newton, Kan .. about 130 mile~ southwest o f Lawren ce. sa id J ohn Jacobsen . a n Amtrak spokesman in Washington The train was entering a 30 mph zone when the three locomotives and tbe flrat 18 can derailed. Some ol UM caw .,... t.oclled on tbelr alde and leaked diesel fuel and oil. One car brushed the side of a small house near the tracks. but no one in the house was injured and damage was minor. The engineer or the tram was trapped in the locomot.Jve, but was freed. Rescue workers had to use torches to cut into the wreckage to ge.t to some of the passengers. Authorities com· pleted a car·by-car search and found no one trapped. Registration Ends Mo nday San Juan Caplatrano resldent.s can register to vote ln Nov. 6 school board elections at city hall offices, 32400 Pueo Adelanto. City Clerk Mary Ann Hanover said residents must reglater by Monday to be eligible to vote in the electiona. their homes driving a small electric golf cart down to the ca- nyon road. "He used to wave bla arm at us when he was going by.·· Mrs. Peterpaul Ott recalled todaY. "We'll really miss that. He would honk everytime he passed.'' Laguna artist Andrew Wing said Moore bad lived in the Art Colony a bout SO years and worked oo a festival that took place in t.be 20s before the con- temporary · Pageant of the Masters. ·'I think he used to teach drama years ago at Hollywood High," Wlng said today. ''He was one ol the organizers of the festival given years ago. .. I believe it wu some type of Indian story like the Ramona pageant. ll used to take place in a eucalyptus grove where t.be Boys Chili is oow." Wing said Moore would drive the small golf cart to tbe corner of Canyon Acres Drlve and Laguna Canyon Road. He would park the cart and walk across the street to the bus stop, Wing said. Monday's crossing was his last. Miller said the accident is still under investigation and noted be was seeking witnesses to the crash . Moore, who lived alone in bis Canyon Acres Drive home, suf· fered a skull fracture and a crushed pelvis in the collisaon. He was taken to MasstOD Com· mual~ tloe116tal bee••• tit.at ,....._ .. __. to tr..-.... ..,..,... ''I beliewe bewa CTOUlqthe atreet 1et to the bus atop," Miller said ol Moore. "I usually see him out here silting at the bus stop." . Miller is asking anyone wf\o witnessed the accident to con tact hJm al the Laguna Beach Police Dept .. 497 ·3311 Woman Loses Cash, Jewels A 53-year-old Laguna Niguel woman was robbed of over S6.000 lo cash and jewelr:y Mon- day night lo the parking lot of Laruna Hilla mall, Sberttrs of. flcers said. The woman, Ruth Welther. was sitting in her car alt.er sbop- p in1 when a young woman yankecl,. open tbe car door. threatened her with a 14-tocb butcher lmlfe, and fied wttb t.be cub and Jewelry, accordlq to officers. The suspect escaped in a car driven by a man. ' The pope, who arrived in New York this morning and went directly to the United NaUona for conferences with diplomata before bi8 speech, entered the General Assembly to a three- m in u t e standing ovation . Outside t.be hall, he paused to hug and kiss children who greet- ed him and presented nowers. The pope, invited into the world forum aa supreme pastor o f worldwide Roman Catholicism by U.N. Secr«a.ry- GeneraJ Kurt Waldheim, called • for "international guarantees" for governing Jerusalem. Thia bas been a bitterly con- tested I.a.sue in the Middle East, with Israel holding all the boly city since the 1.967 war and in- sisting on Jerusalem's historic status as a part or Israel. The U.N. address was the highlight of the second day of the pope's week-long, six-city U.S. tour which began with a Jubilant welcome in Bosten on Monday. Much of his lime was spent in conferences with U.N. diplomats The pope, reviving a Vatican position that has not been voiced in recent years, urged the in· teraaUoaal overalabt of .I er11aalem becauae of Ua ·~ nature," a herttaae sacred to Jud.alam, CbriaUanity and lslam. f',....P~AI RESCUE ... t1on on hJs predicament unlll the sloop started to lake on more water. Al that point. Thorsen told Boyd, "I've got to gel out of here ·· ThroughoUt the rescue, Boyd said the "radio discipline was fa ntastic. There were people listening in from all over the world. and &I I missed a syllable, f got help from someone in n- li no1s or New Zealand.•' Soyd said be hopes to meet Thorsen when he brings the bat- tered but still sailable sloop back to Los Aqelea Oct. 20. He said be contacted Thorsen Mon-day night and found out the Skana was sailing towarcts Papeete with some smell boles in lta hull which would be re- paired. ,. f84dl <11"1/J1J <Jt1wfei/ Fine tewelry JS FASHION ISlAND • NIWPOAT IEACH, CALIFOltNIA 92660 TELEPHONE 17141 6'4·2494 ---... - ____ , • N Vop AW. in Long Distanee Beseue over l At bome in IApna Hilla, tbe · pvine police captaln beU'd tbe ) faiat ....... come over au. rMlo at aboul t :.O p.m ... Tbe qualitJ t:tl UM brolldeut wu not ........ 8o1d Nkl today. Small WGOder. Tbe meAll• Boyd picked uP tn tb• wanotb ..t eomtort ot au. Sout.bem cattfornla bome •• belnl .. out from a fOUDderlac sloop 80lne f.000 milee IWIY in Frencb~a. The sloop, called tbe Skana. bad nm l&round on a lbup red 2IOO mllel eut of Papeete. Boyd aald the voice on tbe other end of tbe fadin1 trammlu1on beJon&ed to Georae Thonen, a Southern Callfomla realdent wbo wu one of five penom on board the stana. Thonen was calm, be said, and toW tbe police c-i>laio tbe boat was taking oo water. "In the 3:» years I've been a radio operator. I've beard of tbeae things bappmtna before, but I never imagined it would happen to me," Boyd said. The La1u.-a Hllla resident found out that others aboard the 53·foot craft included Thonen's wtfe, Sydney, someone named Eric Thonen, whom be believed to be 'lboneo's son, Chriatie Op-pliger aod Eric Swett. All except Swett are from Southern California, Boyd said. Swett'a home is in Seattle. The ham operator aaid he called a friend, Bob Sackett, an airline pilot who alao 11 an amateur rad.lo buff, to aaaist blm in copying tbe broadcast. While Sackett made calla to find out informatioo about the Skana, Boyd called the Coast Guard ln San Francisco. Tbe Coaat Guard then relayed the in· formation about tile endaa&ered boat to tbe U.S. Pacific Fleet, which contaded French Navy ships in the area of the reef. By the time rescue· ablps ar-rt ved, Tbonen and h1a apparent· ly uninjured campan!ona bad climbed onto a reef as waves pounded the slooo. Boyd said '"Tboraen bad sounded calm relayinc inform•· <See &ESCUE, Pase AZ> 'Council I..imits C Home Size l Council, ffi·WD Agree to Terms A settlement aimed at giving oters rather than landowners ontrol over the affairs of the prawling Irvine Ranch Water !strict won the endorsement of wo key parties Monday night. Both the Irvine City Council end IRWD Board of Directors i~reed to a plan that caJls for: Resignatioo of IRWD direc· tors Warren Fix and Fred Keller t ICo/,d Price . -trattc; ~rub Up ~ LONDON <AP) -Gold prices uctuated wildly in Europe to- ay. soaring above $440 for the first time, then plunging $35 and finally recovering to finish the lay with·a gain. t The price in London dropped ls low as $405 an ounce during c)ie afternoon, after hitting the tecord high. But it recovered oear the end of the day and closed at $426 an ounce, up $11.25 for the day. Dealers said the nervous 01arket tumbled OD a surge or Eofit taking, partly in reaction the morning's rise and partly purred by reports of a dollar· f: scue package emanating from e International Monetary und Conference in Belgrade, ugoslavia. ' There were rumors that Paul Volcker, the U .S. Federal f: eserve chairman who left Bel· rade for New York, would bold news conference to announce uch a r escue. But gold re- overed after the Federal eaerve said no announcement as scheduled. ''Just towering madness," clared one dealer in Zurich, urope's bi.nest gold market, prices rose to a peak bid ot an ounce. But audilenly in late aftemooo started dropptnc. It reached low as $405 an ounce in Lon· before recovering. Gold rose in Bone Kon1. here tndlnc ended before the ropean decline be1an, jump- 1 SK.• to $Ut.3' from $3M.38 oadaJ. Gold doled at $(13.25 1D Lon· n on llollday, $414.50 in rlch. IDll blt Mll ln New York ore retrNtlnl to $05.50. . immediately, cutting to five the number oC persona on the board. Both Fix and Keller were lan- downer-elected board members. Fix's 'seat would be abolished but Keller's would sit vacant un· til November. when a publicly elected director would rm it. -Proceedjng as scheduled with the Nov. 6 election for two publicly elected board members in director divisions one and three. Another landowner- selected board member would reai.gn·after the election.. Tbe re- sult ol tb1I wdu.ld be to live pab1ld7 elect.eel board .......... aN;=:•ta.e.....,._ -I I I st"Mr ,._. fll eleettm. ID ane 19 tor tbe election of two more board memben. At tbla Um•, tbe re-mablbll two laodowner-plcbd dtreeton would step down. 1be two new dlrectora would be elected on an at-large basis rather than in divisions within the district. Additionally, the term of office of director Wayne Clark, one of two 'publicly elected directors presently on the board, would be extended to June 1982 rather than expire in November 1981. IRWD attorney Alexander Bowie said the district felt it was desirable to have Clark's term <See WATER, Page A2) NB P olice Seek Identit y Of Victim Newport Beach police today were trying to determine the identity of a young wq,man pedestrian who was criticaDy in· jured when she was hit by a car Monday ni ght in Corona del Mar. The young woman, listed on police reports as Jane Doe, suf- fered bead injuries when she was struck wblle crossing East Coaat Highway near Morning Canyon Road. She was listed in critical coodltlon today at Hoag Memorial Hospital. According to police reports, the woman wu w.ud:nrr .,."1"' .. the eaat bound lanes of lb! darkened bl&bway at about 7:30 p.m . when abe wu struck by a car driv:°er:l.Wendy Mat.beloo. 18, of Bi . Traftlc accident lnvesU1ator Fred Heinecke said Miss MatbelaD wun't cited. 200Jam Ne wport Chambe rs I AMTRAK PASSENGER DERAILMENT IN KANIM TOWN ONE OF WORST WNdc of Condalnecl .......... Uldlll, ..._ .. n.111.._ .,_ Train Crash Ki11s Two (J8 Hurt as T rain Section From LA Derails LAWRENCE, Kan. <AP) -A passenger train careened oft the tracks in the early morning darkness today , killing two service attendants and injuring 68 people in one of the worst Am· trak accidents ever. authorities said. Tbe train included a Los Angeles to Chicago section. Identities of the victims were not released. Officials al Lawrence Memorial Hospital said 68 peo- ple were brought to its emergen- cy room for treatment. Twelve were admitted, with five placed in the intensive care unit. Amtrak orficials said a train wreck that killed 11 people in June 1971 was the only other ac· cident worse than today's since the passenge r rail line was formed in May 1971. J . D. McPherson. division llood Donors Sought Oct. I 7 Donors are being sought for a blood drive to be held from 2 p.m . t.o 6:30 p.m . Oct. 17 at the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors , 401 N. Newport Blvd. The blood drive Is being sponsored by the Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross, the realty board and Walker and Lee Real Estate. superintendent for the Santa Fe railroad. on whose tracks the wreck occurred, declined to comment on possible causes for the accident. "We have an idea what the cause is " be said. "But I don't want to' release it at this time. There will have to be a thorough investigation first." Asked if speed was a factor. Mc Pherson said · "Yes. but that's what I can't release." The 18-car train, which car· ried 187 passengers and crew members, was withl.n a mile of the Lawrence station when il ran off the tracks about 6 a.m. in a residential area a h alf.mile west of the downtown area. Phillip Wjnter, 38, of San Diego, who was traveling on the train to Washington with his mother, said the train was going extremely fast when il derailed. "I would say be bad to be do- ing 80 or 90 miles an hour or even faster . He was an hour late, and I think he was trying to make up the time. He was really moving. It was scary." Winter said. An Amtrak spokesman in W asblngtoo conflnned the train was n.mning about 40 minuta behind schedule but said it bad not been determined bow fut it was travel.inc. He said a speed box carried on the U'ain would glve ytvestigatora that informa· lion. The Nallonal Transportation Safet y Board sent a seven· member team lo Lawrence lo in· vestigate the accident. 3Women, Man Face Sex Charges A Costa Mesa m an and three women who allegedly work for him race ch ar ges of pimping and prostitution following their arrests by officers who contact· ed the group through a n escort service. Newport Beach police said Thomas Charles Liotta, 35, of 525 Victoria St .. operator of Tommy 's of Newport escort service was arrested Friday after allegedly taking $900 from an undercover officer for the sexual services of the t.hree women. Booked on suspicion of p~ s tttution were Brenda Lee Blume, 18, of Garden Grove, Christine Ann Hall, 26, of Anaheim and Marie Ann Maynard, 18, of Garden Grove. Sgt. John Sir:ion said tbe in· vestigation was conducted with the assistance of officers from the Orange County Sheriff's Department and the Costa Mesa Police Department. By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of -o.lly ~Si.ff In a split vote after two hours of public testimony, Newport Beach City Council members Mo nday decided lo impose limitations on the size of homes in old Corona del Mar. The changes included in the new building standards and in a separate council ordinance re- lating to parking space require- ments throughout the city are going to have "a bell of a lot of effect" on lots north of Ea.st Coast H11hway, according to Dick Hopo, tbe city's communi· tJ de ............ dlreetol'. Rere•a wllJ. accordlDI to &ocaa: u~ u.e coaatal Mt. alaale-familJ boa.lea, duplexes antl triplexes south of East Cou' Hlpway are limited in .... to .... .,_ dMt balldable Jot ..... -a.e ...... Wt -"-' ... dDct:lal Mtbecb. In the meuure approved lloo· day by Mayor Paul Ryckoff and Council members Ray WiWams. Evelyn Hart and Paul Hummel. that restriction will be imposed in the area north of East Coast Highway where homes can now be built to two times the builda· ble lot area. -Following the action on building size restrictions. coun- cil members. in anothe r split vote. agreed to increase the a mount or parking to be re- qui red for duplexes and triplex· es throughout the city. Most of the land bounded by Dahlia Avenue and Hazel Drive between Fifth Avenue and the highway is zoned ror duplexes and triplexes. That means that in two ac· tions. council members voted to reduce the size of buildings aJ. towed in the area and further decr eased the living s pace in those buildings by increasing the amount or parking lo be re· quired as part of th0:5e.bui~dln,s. According to statistics m city staff reports. the comblned e · feet of the two measures would be lo reduce the allowed living space in a duplex north of the highway in old Corona del Mar (below Fifth Avenue) from the c urrent maximum of 4, 104 square-feet to 2,628-square-feet. More than 200 people crowded <See HOME, Page AZ) Coast Wea t h er In IAndon, the Bntllb pound ed uP to $2.1"10 from $2.1903 ODday. Fair Swap Meet Rent Too Low? Variable high cloudiness and slllhUy warmer in- land tbrouCb Wednesday. Lows tonicbt " to 64. Hlgba Wedneeday in low 70s at beaches to low 806 inland. BJ GASY G&ANVILLE at .. ...., ....... A •WllP meet operator said tbat be baa offered to PN .........., twice u mada rmt fOr WI ' Ml W ol 0....,. Cuua-tJ , .......... tbe operllkln dlen .. ...,.... DOW. ADd, llibard1 Norton of Newport Buell 11ld1 the ncmt teetatlft approyal oy UM fllir board ol • ... •1•a.r rwt .... wortll•...-...SSllmlllcm ...... fll "* ......... ~ net..,.. meet apera&on •• a IDOH ......... to ltllle COIDPIU· ttoa fCW~awap meet "9· eeeaoe. Nortmaakts.daJ be toktfalr-lrouadl _... ......... Pulk Ml ilrm ·11,willbtt to,., • ~~.-..~ ..... ~----...... ,~,., .. rillMI' tlaM t.be ....... • p 25 peremt ol vendor rental and 1ate .,tm••sloM for the weekend. 1w1p meet coacesalon at the fal~ lD Calta ll•a. "lie (hit) nked me if I'd n- daee tbat 50 percent otter to .nunt. J 1ald I would and wW 'aead lt. to him tbi• week," Nortoe 1.icl. Fulk ~ed tbe meetblc wltla Norton, but 11ld, "I told blm we eouldn't (....,Uate> at tlall time becnM we alr*1 ...... «Mb act. ••Jt baa two !bore years to nm aa4 la IU))Ject to I l~tar ft· t.a1oe If tbt amount of nm can be mulUl11 aireed upop, •• ll'u1k llddM. "The ooly thlna we can do ll Hip a U.t ol t&o.e wbo would be lnterHted lf the ....odadom fell throup." .. f be cunent operators, Tel Phil Enterpriaa Inc.. now pay 25 percent of the veudor and 1ate r,ceiptt as well 11 a perceotqe ot food at.and iDcome for weeteqd .e ot the .. ICJ"e alte Oil tb• fair1rouad1 • soutbeut ~er. ID a new eoatract tentatlvely approved by the fair board in July and .U.C. pulled fw re- conaicllratian, Tel Pbl1 qreed IO hike lta ftDdll' and 1ate ,...._ perc...,. to II~ percent. Fulk aald t.be contract wouldn't be d11cUIMd • tM .-alr Boerd'• montbl.y 1DelUq tbll Tbundaf. Aftec eaclonement at the board'• Jal)' .......... 1tateS.. Pa•l Carpater.1• b ·Crpraa, ~ wht I I .S to eaJTJ tM ; coat.rad lhnMllb DMd!aJ ap. - proval by the state Fair and Ex· poeltlon Board. Carpenter later 1-.ld bis ~ ternt in the $33 mlWon contract waa becau.ae "a Sacramento contact alerted me to tbe fact there miCht be tome lmpf'Ol)rie- ty auoclated witb tbe contract." Thi 10.year renewal with all option to renew for an addlUonal 10 yean came more tb.aD biro yean before the Tel Pb.11 ccm· tract....,_. Noncm Nict that be weot to tbe falrlJ'OUDdl otnce lut J ... to review ~ NConk tbat Mow bow miadl bmln.... la belDI doM .m &be IO weekmdl • ,.ar tbe ·~·~la Ol*attd. "I ~ lt'a more tllaa CGID- cidental tbat the foil owl.DI (he awu •an. •Al> IN811Hl TODA 't' Pilot .,n. writer Dooe C1111t~ COMporH tlac claanca o/ U.. AllQt&. and onoi. •• ,,.. 'Plalloll• that .tort w-..nw. SH Pooe Bl. \ 'I . . ,.._P..,,AI SWAP MEET IDG9tb ... (fair> ....,. ~­......... -••t1J .. ,.,. .......... 'ad •WI U"-1-. .._two,_... .. ,,,. ......... . Tel PMl ...... aobert,....... uplabMd ~ H•PU1'1 la· w.t ...... , .... "' .., . .............. '° .. ceptt&I~• &Mstt. ud ~ oeb Juatll) .._ t0 wllb a '-a -.. c.tnct la bend. Nortmo.111l1iltWU.. ..... doae by Tel Pb1J lD ~~ the awap meet at the fair-. lroundl lDlo ooe ol the lla&.km'a moet~ m• U.. SO per. ceatotf•PG911lbM. "No ~·about it, ~ atartlA1 from acratcll wooJd have to qy 15 pel"'ffDt t. a pro- oer amoum . .But Teller bu .,. a lood promodoa Job and u.. lllfft la bll eDOqb DOW \IW money. aooct money can be made even pQtna !O pe~t ol the reeetptl for -rent," Nanon said. He conceded that Tel PbU ba.s a lea up on a new contract by virtue ol a 10-year opUOG to re- new at "mutually aareeable" terma lD 1911. But the clltlerence In what Nortoo offered Uuouu bis ~ percent proposal and the current 25 perttot arrangement would boost the fairgrounds' or public income from the coaee11lon from roQgb.ly $325,000 to tr~.aoo a year. Norton said that be and bis father as well as a brother have been involved in swap meet operatlooa for the put 17 years. Tbe most succesatul of those operations wa s at tbe Greyhound racina track in Phoenix. F ..... r .. AJ WATER ••• extended to provide continuity in the operations of &be 69,000-acre district. IRWD board President C.0 . Reinhardt said after an ex ecutive session Monday night t.o discuss the settlement that, as proposed. it was a "reasonable and well thought out" agree- ment. Fix, an Irvine Company vice president of Finance, aald this morning that bis firm alao sup- ports the settlement. "The com· munity aerrice reapoulblllUea of the IBWD an far too impor- t ant to be hindered,'• he said, "In any way by prolonged llti&a· Uoo." It ..... , ...., ·-..... ,._ lloed.Q' nlpt '• m..tta1. but wbo la expeded to 8tep clown at another meetln1 Wednesday ntsbt, la an ln1De Company vice president of agriculture. Arter the water board voted to approve the document, the City Council agreed later in the even Jng lo go along with it too. City Attorney James Erickson said lawyers representing the ci- ty, lRWD and Irvine Company had met earlier Monday to work out the final details of the agree- ment and were saliBfied with the results. Early CdM History Meet Topic Newport Beach resident.a who are interested in learning about tbe early days of Corona del Mar a re invited to attend the Thu.rs· day evening meeting of the Newport Beach Historical Society. The group will gather for a wine and chowder party at the Sherman Gardena, 2847 E . Coast Highway at 8 p.m. Dr. Wiiliam Hendricks, bla· torian and librarian for the Sherman Library of western Ame rican history will show slides of early Corona del Mar. . Ticketa are $4. Reservations can be made throu&b the socie- ty, 410 Aliso Ave., Newport Beach. DAILY PILOT '""°'_C_Delly""""---~ltc- 01""' .... -"""" ~,...._"' '"" °'-c .... -t ....... ~. ""9r ...... t .... ... -·-· _..., .......... ~ .......... QUA ~w.N_ .... ..__......,, .. llClll,,_ ••lftV•ll..,,1.-.~he<lll-C-. A , ...... ,........ ........ lt,...._s.twM"-_.. ,,.~ ........ ..,...,. ,..... ,, .. -"""'' ••1 "'"'·Col .. -. t alltOMla,,.... . _, .. _ ""•\! ___ ,_ , .... ~ ... (rt4)eocllt Q 11MdMl•• .. •MNIN -. .. I Official's Memory A Little Faulty? •1 IO•HN• anNOLm .. ............. Dlck Dodd wu on bll feet, lboutlq ancrib' at coun· cUman Paul Hummel. '"'l'BAT • A mlltnltb," be 1.u.d. ~ to be IH•a.d tMo •U.C. by M"10i' Paul R1eba. "It cu't ., ................. •aid lt too IDU¥ t.lmte ... What UOUMd Dodd'• wradl wu Hummel'a hpeat.d c:rlUclMD ol Dodd ud three..._, arcbltMtl over a ft!POl"t Rummel claJJDed tMy failed &o deliver &o city oftleiala. The report wu ma.t. at a pla.Dldq eomm•11Ma meetlq ID Auauat. Mistnltb mlftt be t.oo weak • word for many ol Rum· mel'a relbarka cfurtn1 the Newport Be•ch' Ctty Cowell de- bate Oft limltinl the 1be of homes in oJd Corooa del Mar. IN A &AMBLING dlacourae, Hummel made the following asaerti011S: -He was erroneou1ly delcrtbed lD a Monday after· noon Dally Pilot article u a aupporter ol a comprebenalve bulldlnc reduction pro~al. During b1a 1~b Mooclay, he labeled thole propoeed UmltatJona as exceeaive. -An emergency ordinance t.o put restrictiooa into im· mediate effect or a moratorium were lnapproprlate ways in which to bandle the issue. -A group of four arcbltects-includlna Dodd-ottered to study the i.aaue and then never submitted a report, thus delayinf comlderation of the matter. BVllmEL A.PPA.&ENTLY bas a faulty memory. It wu Just Jut July that be-in vocal support of the reatrictlona proposed by Plannina Commiaaiooer Allan Beek and the leadership of the Corona del Mar Civic Aa· aociation-attempted to aet the City Council to back both an emergency ordinance and moratorium in the form ot a council policy. Both meaaures failed. Hb protestations Monday about findin1 the propoeal too restrictive look a lltUe atranae in light ol bla state-menta in July. And there wu bis more recent maneuver, made at tbe Sept. 10 city council meetlna lD wbicb be revtved the ~ posed restrtctiooa that bad been rejected by the pla.nninc commlasioo. . AT 'ftlE SEPT. 11 meeting, the Item on the council agenda was merely a recommendation from plaonina commissioners lhat a committee be formed to study the building size issue. Hummel insisted that the rejected propos al be brought to councilmen for consideration as either an ordinance or a policy. Finally, there's the matter of Dodd and bis fellow architects. THEY DID VOLUNTEEll their services and they did make a report to the plaonini commi.aaioo. Hummel waan't at the meeUna. Tbe &lat of the report wu that the objecUona to build· inl bulk could be handled tbroulh delip devices and DOt restrictive standard.a. The report wasn't in writing. It was verbal and In· eluded aketcbes and pbotoarapbs to illustrate the arcbJt«ta' potata. TREY WITRJ>aEW from the process after a few re-cent comml.aalon appointee. 1uggested the arcbitecta were interested in opposlog the r•lrlcUona only for monetary reasons. Dodd had a good reason to be angry while Uaten.lng to Hummel Monday night. "Mistruth" isn't the right word for what he heard. Mendacity describes it better. * * * * * * Fro91PageAI HOME SIZES ... • into the council chambers and stood shoulder to shoulder in the lobby lo bear the de bate on the Corona del .P!rf ar building atan· darda. Those who favored aiie reduc- tions were given green stickers to wear. Tbose who opposed the changes wore red. The action taken on the build· ing standards includes an or· dinance imposing the 1.S atan· dard north of the highway, lowers the allowed bullding height by four feet to an averqe of 21 feet and specllies that a second story can't exceed 80 per· cent of the bulldable area of the lot. That ordinance will have a second bearing Oct. 23 and ii ap.. proved would go into effect 30 daya later. It would apply to any new construction, including re. mode~. Jn adcfltlon, council members will appoint a committee of architects and residents to study the problem further. All but a handful of resldenta who'd turned out for lhe Corona del Mar building standard de- bate left city hall when that mat· ter concluded. Tbe few who atayed behind reacted an1rlly to the increase ln required parklnc spaces that applies citywide. The second bearing on the parking apace ordinance will be held at the council meetJ.nc a week from today. U approved then, It would 10 into effect lD 30 days. Under current re1ulatlona, duplexes out.Ide the coutal zone are required to have three parklJll •pacet. That square footafe isn't lneladed 11rben caleulatfni tbe allowed 11.le ot the duplex. Tbe new parklnf regulatlonl wiD reqalre two apaces per w:Ut -a tot.i ~four for duplex .. - and .n perttnc 1pacee WW be IDJ:lucled ln the calculaUon of bUlldluaree. One Ob.erver, naltor Barba• Aune, tolcl councilmen "nat you're doia1 t1 matrla1 can more baJortMt tb• peopl•. •• ~ DoD llctmlll wbo opl)OMd bot.b tbe Ooroaa Ciel llar bulldJ111 1taadard1 aad tit• eltywkte ,.,.., 1pace Ntula· Uoa1 , tallecl tile ki~ .... .,. ..... ,,., an" said the subject ls "repulsive ... Diaaentin,g..iwith him on the park· log s pace lsaue were Ryckoff and Councilwom a n Jackie Heather. Mclnni.a' emotional speeches echoed the high feelings ap· parent among the audience members who spoke on both aides of the Issues. Each speaker wu rewarded with applauae and occulonal boos for bl.a te9timoay. The one statement that drew cheers from both aides came from Jerome Tripoli who eyed council members durin& the building restriction debate and told them: ··Everyone here baa a legttlmate point. If you guys don't do something to make ws all happy we're going to get rid of all ot you.'• NB's Stevens Recovering From Surgery Ne wport Beach civic leader Richard S. St.even.s, recovering from heart bypass su.r1ery, waa reported in "aood apirlta" today lD a private room at St. Vin· cent'• Hospital lD Loe A.n1etes, a local apoltesman aald . St4!vena, 49-year-old president of the Dlaneyland Hotel, wu moved from the bOlpltal'• in· t.enalve care ward llooday. He reoortedb ta .. reco•ertac very well" and~ could be return· in1 to bll Newport Beatb bome by nm week, the 1pok11man added. St.vem ll • former prelidlnt of tbe Newport Harbor Area Chamber~ Commerce and tile former ebW necutlve oftlcer ol the Balboe Bay Club. Nat .FIJm Straek MODDTO (AP) -AbOat D ••laJ1t proualOl'I ttnack tM l'unaten Nut PlYIUoll ol Pet llM!. ............. "°" •• to be .. SAN "ANelSCO <AP> - Promt1la1 to return tbe Democntie Putr CO .,lu P">-sr-dw -4 lllam.mtutu prtn, dpJal." • COlllUoe ol CalilOraJa O.mocrata &DDOUDcecl a eom· mlU.. to draft U.S. Sen. Edward Knoecb' f« 111'9tident. Tb• eoetitba -mc:!1/ lcac· time party Uberala labor leaden -sharply crltlcl&ed Preeldmt Carter and Callfornla Gov. Ect-nd Brown Jt. ltep. Pele Mm ol Oakland, leader of tbe draft.Jteuedy group, aald none of tbe IJ'OUP'• le•den bave had pel"SOllal con-' tact with the Maaaacbuaetta Democrat. But be added be b convinced Kennedy will formal- ly enter the presldential race, "probably in early November." "He is running, every bit u much as Prealdent Carter or Gov. Brown,'' Stark said of Ken· nedy. "It's all a matter of strategy." He said bla group. which opened offices today In San Francisco and Los Angeles "self-destructs the day Kennedy announcee. and he will form bia own commJttee. '' Stan and other leaders ot the draft-Kennedy group described their organization as "broa.d· baaed" Including thounnds or California Democrats, but those wbo appeared at a news con · rereoce or were publicly named were primarily from the liberal wing of the party. State Seo. Barry Keene, a north cout Democrat who is among the most conservative of the coalltloo'a members, pre- dicted that once there is a formal announcement, "al least 80 percent of the Democrats in the state Legislature will be in support of KeMedy." But only f o ur o f th e Legislature's 76 Democrats ap peared at today's news con· rerence. Keene and Stark said that was because lawmakers were COO· cerned about bills pending Brown's signature. Monday mid· night was the deadline for Brown to act on legislation paaaed tbla year. Predicting a lancbUde for Ken· nedy in Callfornia 'a presidential primary next June, Stark criUcized Carter for a long list of Mesa Council Nixes Heights Sign Request Costa Mesa City Council mem hers Monday denied a Newport Beach recommendation to m· stall a three-way st.op sign at the i~rsecllon of 15th Stree\ and Redlands Aven~. A report from Bruce Mattern, Costa Mesa's director of public services, claimed the added st.ops would cause "unnecessary delay, energy waste. cont.empt for st.op signs and frequent viola· tlona." Residents of Newport Heicbta sought the addiUooal stop sip.a at the interaectlon, ball of which Uea in Costa Mesa. Newport Beach council mem- bers supported the added algns to be placed on 1.Sth Street. One atop sign· is now placed on Redlands Avenue. The Mesa council's rejection or the request was unanlmous and c ame without comment Monday. - broken promlHS over def ... apendlq, bealt.b tmvance, joba ud Udlatioa. &IDODC otMr ... luet. Moat mem~n ot tbe new Kennedy 1roup abarply crtUclled Brown's presidential ambltlonl with the excepUoa ot AHemblyman Blll Loekyer ol San Leandro, wbo described Bl'OW'll aa "br1Waot" and aaid be would be a 1ood president "someday, when be matures:• But otben were outapoken lo denUlld8tbl ol Brown. "We do not want Jerry Brown. We wailt CO send that meuqe acrOla tbe eouatry ... espeetal· ly to New Hampshire," sald member Blll Beaaett of the atate Board ot EqualbaUon. "l can't support Brown in bi&. bid for the presidency because he's a man of daily coavictiona." Tass Cites U.S. Force Near Cuba By Tk Auoclated Preas The United Stat.es I.a staging "another provocative show of force" near Cuba, the official Soviet ~ agency Tua said to- day after President Cart.er an· nounced stepped·up U S activity to counter the presence of Soviet troops in Cuba. Tua made the comment in its Englisb·language service for foreign subscribers. not mer· ring specifically to Carter's Monday n.ilbt broadcast soee<:h on the Soviet troops Radio Moscow. however. dad report oo thes~ IAnalyslS Page A4 J The radio's world service s&Jd Carter "admJtted lhat at Cthe Soviet wut tn Cuba 1 was not a large force and dld not present a direct threat to the United States." The Soviet Union b as persiateotly claimed that t.be Soviet troops lJl Cuba are there for trailaiq purpoees only and that their number baa not in· creased in 17 years. The r.UO said "be aa.oounced, how eYer , a • u bataaUa• atrengthftdn1 ol U .S. mllitary p~sen~ ln the Caribbean and Increased close survetllance ol Cuba. "President Carter noted that the pr~~ of Sovtet personnel an Cuba was-no reuon for going back lo the cold war He made a s trong appeal fo r Senate ratification or the new u s Soviet SALT 11 agreement " However, TB!ls reported pro· vocallom m the form of "large· scale maneuvers of tbe U.S. Navy started in the Canbbean Sea to last 12 days ... The Japanese government declined comment on Carter's speech. in which be announced inc reased surveillance over Cuba, but lbe Foreign Minilstry said ;t would "support any move" by the United Stales t.o keep lbe iasue from blocking the SALT II treaty. Japan al.so lodged a formal protnt with the Soviet Union to- day over the s tationing 9f Ruaaiaa troops on three smill islands along Japan's northern coast that are claimed by both countries. The Soviet Embusy rejected the protest as in· terfereoce in Soviet domestic af. taln. .,..., ""._.. ...... A HELPING HAM ••• c.pc. ,,.,,., Boyd F,,....P.,,eAl RESCUE ••• Uon on hia predicament until the sloop started to take on more water. At lbat point, Thonen told Boyd, "I've got to get out oC here." Througbout the rescue, Boyd said the "radio discipline was fantastic. There were people listening in from all over t.be world, and if I missed a aylfable, I got help from someone in IJ. lino is or New Zealand.•• Soyd said he bo}>es to meet Thorsen when be brings the batr tered but still satiable sloop back to Los Angeles Oct. 20. He said he contacted Thorsen Mon· day night and found out the Skana was sailing towards Papeete with some sm all boles in its hull which would be re-paired. NB Youth Dies in Leap At CM Hotel 1\ 19 )ear-0ld Newport Beach youth. report<'dly des pondt.>nt a bout poor college grades. Jumped to his death Monday af· ternoon from the 16th story of the South Coast Plaza Holel. Costa Mesa poUce said today. Jn veatigat.ora said WilJaiam Ger ard Queyrel. 508 Evening Star Lane became the 10th person t.o die in a suicide leap f rvm the hilh·rise hotel al.DH tt opened in Auauat 19'15. Investigators said friends ot Queyrel indicated that the USC sophomore dropped out of col- lege Pnday and was depressed He left no note Police said they found foot prints oo a guard rail on the lflth -.tor) and ruled out an acciden· tal fall as the cause of death An office worker at a complex on Bristol Street told police he saw the youth jump from the east side or the hotel about 2 pm Monday Investigators noted that hotel officials are in the process of io· stalling barriers at the hotel lo preve nt s ui c id e jumps . However, the barriers have not yet been placed at exit points on the ea.st side of the hotel. 54,000 Idled PEORIA. Ill, CAP> -More than 54,000 workers were idled Monday as strilcing United Auto Workers shut down Deere & Co. operations nationwide, and a wildcat walkout crippled the Caterpillar Tractor Co. s giant Peoria works. ~!!fl <lt/a/k1 <J/11ufeAI .. ·l JS FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT lfACH, CALIFORNIA• t2660 TlLUHONf (114) 644·2~9"4 .... ... -..-...... --. • l ~or ·No Meany lDolcalike • •u•::,oTON (AP> -N•'fji•:.~ ~ =;. tM : .. -: tr ...... _, ....... ,...... ...................... ...,,... ....... ~ ............. ..... .. ~ ...... Gfdle • .... . ......... ftaal17 •eeldr• te n&ln lut --::..-=:~.=&bl 1Ur,laad1 IT. Htretary-u. ..... OI tM AfL.CIO .a.e. .... ii ....., •• dllolce u au. IMtCIHlll'. NOii ..... -~ doabt tbat K1n.i...t wm be eMctecS um fall to. tw.,.ar tsm u ...... dent of the 1' m.lllioo-member labor federadoe. To Be Ree11eled W ASHINOTON CAP> -1'tM world aulomOtlile indmtry l8 .,. ter1.D1 c.e ol tta most cWncuJt pertoda and more compul•, like Cbryaler, will be ftcbttnc for their lives, accol"dill1 to a new study . Decreued oU supplies, de- mand• for more efficient vehicles and saturated mart.eta are fordnc automaken into a new era tbat offers some of them UWe hope for survival, re- searchers from Worldwalcb Imtitute uld In a study released this weekend. Flavin laid ID u .......... tbat vtrtual1y all U.. auto etm- pao.lta iD tbe world toe* ...... inl ID 1'74-75 beeauae ol t.be Int oil crtala and world receulcm. * * * AMC Hikes Prices Less ThanGM DETROIT <AP> -American Mot.on Corp. ls undercuttlnc the price i.ncreases General Mot.on Corp. bas announced for Ul80 models. Tbe ll'anslUoll wlll a11ure stabWt.Y iD an or1anlut.lcm tbat bu DeWI' coped wttb the fric- tiou cl d>ons•n1 a new leader. "He'• abown blmaelf to be a 1ood ie.cter:• ooe union presJ- d eat aatd last month of Kirkland. "He'• well liked and he'll do a SoOd job. So what if be baa the personality of a cold fl.lb?" A Trans World Airlines Convair 880, out- moded by its smallness and big fuel appetite, ties chopped in two in Kansas Ci- ty, Mo., as it awaits recycling. The plane contains as much aluminum as 375,000 beer cans. THE PalVATE, DOD-profit re- searcb group concerned with global issues said, "Demands for more efficient can are forc- ing automakers to spend billioos of dollars in designing and~ duclng a oew range of vehicles. •'The auto industry, in effect. iB having to boost capital expen- ditures at a time of recession and depressed earnings," the re- port said. AMC sald its new models would cost an average of $W more, a.l.5 percent increase. GM earlier annoU11ced price increases for roughly ball its production amounting to 3.6 per'· cent to 3.9 percent. Other GM prices will be announced next month. Ultlmately, younger labor leaders may want to lnstall one of their own, and there could be a fight between the oldtimers and the new guard Lucky Stores Selects Irvine /or Center IP MEANY LOOKS and talks like a labor leader, Kirland does not. He ls pale and sole.mn. He smokes ci&arettes in a bolder. A briefcase would not look out ot place in bia hand. Lucky Stores, Inc. h as selected a 7S-acre site in the Irvine In· dustrial Complex-East for location of a major Southern California/ Arizona automated grocery and produce distribution center, according to Richard M. Cannon, Irvine Company vice presi· dent in charge of the firm's commercial/industrial division. The son cl a Camden, S.C., cotton buyer, Kirkland did not come up through tbe ranb, but through the staff at · AFL-CIO headquarters. Plans call for a $50 mJllion facility to distribute groceries, produce, meat, baker y and dairy products t.o 142 stores in Southern California, Arizona and Las Vegas. Included will be an 800 ,000 -square foot warehouse, one or the largest in Southern California. jW'lctureoftheSan Diego and San- ta Ana Freeways. A September: 1.980, completion is scheduled for the produce buildings and a March, 1981, cornpletlon for the grocery warehouse. Edward A. Bonelli and Associates, San Francisco, are architects and engineers. The site is located a t the • pager WIDE AREA COVERAGE ORANGE,CO.-L.A. ;~.! ~O~IT ON APPBOVE.D CREDIT Now Ava.ila.ble ..-MIM*50f PEOPU TOWOBOll UMITIDWAY WOUlDllOI. UfK1EJlt rt• tlt)(h~"t •M l'f'llf'h-rill.n •.mft.• ..... " ............... ~, .... """ ........ ,"" ._,,,...._., \to1ro ..-.. • ,..,..,,....,. .. ·~--~ fftlfip.,.. '~ h .... , .. "~ v..... ..,..,.,4 ......... ,,......._..._, "''"'""'tw ... •••<nf •"'""""•"""..., ... dir'll•tft., .............. ,.,.,..,.. ..,,.,... .... ;411 , ............. " ,, ......... ...,, .. ,,P'lt~ .. ... ... ...... ·~··· '.~· t...-.......... .,, ~ ....,, .. ... ,,., ..... ~ t-.. t ttdt'ft 't\.t\ ...... \. ''"'""'~ 400 fq. it ~ up. Fully improved suites 1 ~ 2 srocy doolgn Exoollent flna.nct.ng Near Orange Co. Airport Call: (714) 540-0027 ./ FREE SEMINAR OH FORECLOSURE INVESTMENT~ t.11250/o • Trwd Deech \ CUA! -fttlp 2°"o eqlltr ClllMoll) ... d ...... ...., ........ 20% 1o 30% 1aow MAUET ~halllg Trwd Deed s ..... It C4ll for,...... ...... C714t 1·226-1464 Dmd Moan, UctMed ....... Oct. 4 at 8 PM. l"I• I $50.000 to Ssoo.ooo ~PROPERTYSEOONDS • .. • .... ollly ........ -..... ·--•C nt:W .. ,, ...... •:::Lt. Cl !....U ·~ ........ ........... ,__ Ad Agencies Sign Clients Jansen Associates, Inc .. Irvine, bas been select.ed as agency or record for the Hu1thes Aircraft Co. Industrial Electr'ooica Group. The group ls comprlaed ol the Connecting Devices Dlvtaton, Irvine; Electron Dnamlct DIVS.Jon. Torrance; lndua'1tal Procloc:t.a t>lvialall, Carlsbad; Microelectronic Systems Divbloo. Irvine and Solid Slat.e products Division, Newport Beach. Glorta Zlgner and A.ssodates, lnc., ol Newport Beach baa been signed as public relationa counsel for Lola Ml.Ulford's Design Cllmatlcs, an approach to home decorating. The agency also b as been appointed by Western Pacific Financial Corp., Newport Beacb. and The Stein Group to handle tbe company's public relations activities. Gillen/Kloss & Associates, Newport Beach, bas been named t.o promote the Water Systems Division of Hydranautics, Santa Barbara. The Tustin branch or Trent Wilson Advertising bas been selected to direct the advertising, public relations and promotloos of Newport Balboa Sav- ings and I.Dan in Newport Beach. Meyer Devcorp., of Orange, has retained Clay Publlcom, lnc .• Irvine, lo bandJe the advertising, marketing, public relations and graphic desi~ for Sun Country, a $26. 7 million community in Sun City. Taco Bell, an Irvine-based chain or Mexican fast food restaurants, has selected Boxell & JacobsiPacific, Newport Beach, to handle its na- tional recruitment advertising program ... Marketing Division Dlny:tions, Inc., Newport Beach, bas acquired these new accounts: Mini Data Syst.emB, Foxboroi Adee, Inc., and the pro- cess equipment division of Ametek, Inc. Business Brisk At Coast FirmS Two Newport Beach firms have won advertis- ing awards in Specialty Advertising Association Internatiooal's 21st Golden Pyramid competition. For specialty advertising to reach a multiple audience, AJ Products, specialty advertising counselor, and its client, ABC Metal.a Supply in Santa Ana, were awarded Silver Pyramids. Air CaWornJa earned an Award of Merit for a specialty advertising campaign that was support- ed by radio spota. The promotion introduced Intra· state service from Fresno. Keeler Advertising, Inc., Anaheim, was the agency. State Mid-I ••• ~•••• State Mutual Savings and Loan Association, Newport Beach, bu completed tbe purchase of $500,000 in home loans from Camino Real Savtng:s and Loan Association, San Fem&Ddo. 61dta'lf 21. Me~ 0"'" I..inks OK'd With Fiji SUVA. Fiji CAP>-A new civil ay_iation agr~ment between Fiji and the United S t ates was sign ed Monday by U S Am bas;,ador John Condon and fo~111·s minister (or tourism, transport and civil aviation. This fact, combined with infla- tion and an 1mcertain oil fut~. means "the automobile industry io both industrial and Third World countries is en~erlog perhaps the most difficult period 10 its history · · said authors Lester R Brown. Chr istoper Flavin and Colin Norman. Brown said the top 10 com- panies control 80 percent of wor Id auto production and the remal.D.ing flnn.s -numbered in the doz.ens -scramble for the rest. The agreement allows 81.rlines deslgnated by FIJI to fly to Honolulu, Portland, Oakland, Seattle, Denver, and on to Canada. They may also fly via Guam t o Japan and v ia American Samoa lo Tahiti Airlines designated by lhe Unjted States may fly via F'tJi to New Zealand. Australia. Papu11 New Gwnea and Indonesia THE WORLD FLEET bas grown to more than 300 m..Ulioft cars -more than one-third ol them m the Uruted States -and 30\ m1llioo new ca.rs are made each year, be added NEW ~IC IAPl .. -T..,_ lol=i.11•1 u ... """ I\ a ~~l!d al· 1111>. 12"' ·-· Se<Uflt~ ""' 11111. ~··~~~-=~ " t1 ~ ..... lllWt'-.C.. , ........ 11111. lll"h .. ....... Ito.""' ~SH= • '"' ~ = -.. ""'" AVMC. a; ~ =~ ~i ~-,Adll"-"" . n n ,,.. .... k. 11 11 ,,..., 17'4 Alu /II .. l1"' l3 ~-.:,o If ""' Allcol"' JJ ,. ~IR-:~?:!. 14'6 IS" (•lftlfltClt .... 7 ~ ..... 1= M MY> A .. um '"" "" -AGf"Ht ·~· .... Al11tGp ...... ~ leN..CI --AMkrM ,....,._ ._ ..... , ... A-ldnO --EMO... 711r ..... . .,.~, "' 4\'t E-1•11 ""' J A"9dlle , ... • ~~~I '°'• ,, .... ,.,.._u~8 1l'"> 14 ..... n ... Ante (:p .... ..... Faf><i II ... ' Antel'GQ ... . ... Ft8k~Y\ -.o• A.OC:Ole 7]>;. 14 FIBO\t" .. I- AtlG•LI .. -m.:;1~ .. 11• .. ""' g~~~ •v. I i: . ·~ 11-. ~:::.~~ ll ... Bum Al ..... ~ '.,., .. 8~1cA\ 9 '°"' -Fl•WOIV "' 1•-. e.>>tFr ,.,... 20.,, F°""O n._ tl'• Bevf\Mk 11~ 12'• ,.°""'l" 1' I 11 • BeetlM • -Fhtn• f I 1·~ S.lll•D ll''> )41"' Fr-E I\ IS'oo Bll>C>CO • IJI,., I• Gnfllf " 12 ll' 7 B' l"dSon n.... a .. IOI l(mQAm Ka..Vf'9 ICa~ "~" I( I KlfllMll 1( ........ =v ~· .. ~--~ ~. Ov.-r Th.-Countt·r MASO Ustfnqs " •rtllm )Q » TK ..... P Aaymnd 23 24 , ......... ).~ '·'• A:lEq I "-Ta , 4 fl h IN Jll 'f~ g . ""' :: ~'~f, ,,..,, '""' -,._ --" ,.,_,. ,r: I= lt..S... 1M '"' U..-Otl =::& .. ·m -· -,,., ..... " w .,..., e ...... 8".._ ,,_,.,.¥~ • _.. ... Va.iCiVt """~'"" 9'8_.,1 'f1"-.... V•IHll Q 11"> IJV, U'-1 li-~0£ SOI~ I,_.. 11"> "::tl $C.a1Wtr ~ ~ v ... a $E'""' ,.. ~rs" U'6 -WMEIW rlt1 ''-. S-0-E,.,.. ._..... ~ . ,, -""' -.... ::::t: 1'1~:t'I ~ _,,~=.=-77\'t ,. $edlt:t' -:r7-. ~ ""<°""" I~ ~ ""'-=. Meo-, """""' $Wr1$1 .... .-. ""~-""' ser...c• n .. 11 ~ .... '° =£6c ~ ~~~ Ml<l'IAn s 1"' ~IBU ,., JO r........ JO"-J1 lion •• 'e'; lD"1 Jl' MIU IG u • .. 1s MOf'KOI , .. • Moo<•Pd "" ::::.r.~M I .. 1 SI 91 Mo!Cluo .... MIH'l~r 71 11! Ner~p 11 l"i "•' 011 ,.. .. '''• NwidAE a •l 1• NJ l'IC. .. II ti Ni.t\11 A 2• ,. or the other U.S. producers. only VW bas posted 1980 prices. up about 4.8 percent for Rabbits built in Pennsylvania and 6 per- cent for Imported models. Jn Torrance, Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A .. the importer of Toyotas. said Friday its new models would cost an average of $145 or 2.5 percent more . The typically equipped AMC car will cost an average of $137 or 2 8 percent more and all Jeep models Wlll increase by $ZS, about 0.3 percent. Jeep sales have been slow sin~ spring, ex· cept for the smallest models. The average option package will increase by S48 or 3 4 per· cent AMC said n 14 ,., JI IJp• aad Do..,.. ,~,,.,. lO '°"" 2Av.&llo ltt:W VOttt( (AP) -o.a ..._.... '"' 4S • ........ .. Ower -c-~ '° ......... ---~up ll~IM ........ --=._ .. _, ___ ..,.. " ~ .......... ......,.. --= "=~--w.i.. :,, -.. .... -... ...:' .... ~IN .....,_ -~ dM"'9 ··--~-~1-tltdprk .. 11 11'-Vf'S -... H-. ust :~ ""' ,,. ,~ • E ~ "" -.0 I '"" 1 N ~ -1.J ---) No . "> Utt ... M :N • .... 7 • 116 Utt %1.7 ..-11 ... ' J • .,, .. ·~ . "lo Up U.1 6\lo "' • ~"" • . .... Up lU -, ... ) • . .... Up U ..J .... ,. • o.-HI n • 7Yt UQ 11.I """·"' • ~p,. ..., . I UQ ILi -111<. '° '-k .... I Uo "J ... ,,, II """'llCo , .. . .. Up 10.0 ,.~. 1\1.. II tntor.• ... .. Up 100 I ) R..ST«" , ... ·~ Uo ID 0 " EqlOtl )()•, .. , Up •e I\ PCA '"' ' "' Up •A .. AnQAGo ~., , . ., Up •• " Str-.J 1l'· , Up •• •• ,,,,,.,,,f ~ ) ·~ Uo •• ,. ............ I) , ... \JI> u 20 ~,,,,,,,,... •fllo) . '" Uo ••• II o lOo II"' . l''t Up .. n 8.imM q ., ..... • I UQ .... )) S-..•<SatW 8 . .. Up 9 ) 14 ""'""" ~·' " \JI> e J ~n~ I) PorMed J ... . '• VP 1 l 8 11'1("' ,~ 3 ""' IJ..., NtetV• 8 !• !•• '\.\SD.\Q Sumn1ary OOM4S Bl•HlllP ~ ,._... c;,....M ui. u 1 ... NO(M'{,\ ,...,,. M-Utt ~ Ptl Bonenu l"• J._, Gt'9yACI'# »'n .,,..., NofOI un 1) n.• Cmwltl 1 Ott !OJ) Broo•S Jll 4Cl Gtllnht '" ,,.., """"(;' ''"'· u i~~I .. , Ott fl J BrwTom "ttY,,. Gvrodyn )•, • NW\1PS ""' " I ~ 1n BIK•""" 116 It~ .... ,.,, .. -. IJ ., ... NOd ll 71 '''"' HI~ ,.~ " ' Buoev• 18"" 1-HrQAOW " "'"' ~llVYM n"'n Nf w YORI< !AP) AA<r\t dl(tt~ """"'' ,...,p;o,v 7 '• Ott II I ~~;:~~! .;" .J."' He~p '2:1··,.. f er-ro ••• 9• .. fhfo <flV"'t~ 'v~~""' ... !"M N A\(t • ~embRov • .. Ott II I He NI '""'~"" OttHTP n n N&"'t '.~. I ,......,.., ' '· Ott II I C•nr.-dH 1•., 1 Ht11nlF ,.. ~ PC.A 1111 I 1 To...:o<o 7UAOO 204. II • I Cenlu<E" ... ..., ()fl •O.O CaoSwC I s.>o I )I~ Holobm , . .., l P4100IB IJ .... II ,,.,1 • ..,0 ~.000 10 IO" ... • (lllYP<!P 7'. •1 Ott 100 CeolnAlr )'\ ... Hoowr ,, .. IJ• .. PtG•A :t•h 11' E•f\d,,AI • ... IOO ... ., ..... IO •At'"" ,., ., . Ott . ' C.."'Cp .... It>'-Hot'/~\ 1•. , .. ::~ur 14 .... .,lyl(1nq 161 000 l. )' 7 .. , II 8e1.c fS ,., -·~ Ott . ' CnVIPS IWt U"t Hy•ttllll 11 II ' • ... Mot\.f"ln 1,...IOO '1'., .... ,, l trvY"' ,. ' '• Ott q I Ch"'LH 31 «l '"''•'"0 ... I • ,,_.Ent I,,,.. I• (n P \v 141..l>OO I I) 16 e I '• I) OOttJ"' , .. ... ()fl I J Cl>HUll II"' 11•• :~:~~~ ... ., ~ ""''°"' «)>. 4t .. A"4Kmo l )f 1'1)1) n 1J 1 µ,. ..... BIOG•\ 171 .aoo I .. 7 ... .. c ........ o l .. ()t1 I r ClrcltF )"" .._ P.itlbon 1111>. 11"-n EH '"' J '• °'' 11 (111UIA JI•<. " t11tm1G1 .. ,, ... P i.rco!tS .... IO AO'IM•t'" Iii, 100 ll • ll'• . .. '" CllrUIB 13..., ,. .... 1118kWVI ~ ''-p,,. .. ,,,, 11''> ,. '"'tff'\ft ·~.JD() 21 n ., .. •• Hetnbti• ., ()fl 1 I " Pt•~ .. ()t1 1 1 tter•JL. l l ,, • .., •••!lout n n •1 PlonH18 l• 1•''> ...,._...., " O•t.0.1 ~ . . ' °'' I ' ClowCQ 711\ ... J -WP" 1'4 I Pla\tlN' , ... 2 ... ... •• (Of>FIOr , .. .. °" 11 ComCtH ~,.lo. J •mwv I•'" 11 ,,.,\I\ .,.,, '"· ~"-)41 20 fi.<ITOO I'• .. Off , , c ... t!>"r " 21 1:::r.:.t. 1.~ 1:~ Proqri> "' , ... u roe "•"ON! I 140 71 c;u ..... s .. I • . '. Ott 1 I fotal t\\l.lf'~ IS,. CmwTef » n PbS•N( ~ ... l• n ffllffo<Q J .. . ()t1 1 I (OllPoQ $1\0 s.>o k•t.St pf It•· "" Puns... ,. -"~ .. 7l NB~ •'. ..., Ott 7 I cr.-.d 11 n ICel••' 4"' S PvtOCaP IO"o II ... ... tow'\ •.. " ,. Vlu1n .... ... OH I I Cro\Tre 21\o'l 11h 1(....... , .. , ,. ... ,._,., ·-·· Total~~ 1),.,1.'00 tt Co9ou• Q t• .. -,. .. ()fl •• MUTUAL FUNDS . ...... ,. Contact Qt.If ....... ,_ .. , ........ kif your l\Nnclng MeClt. (714) 75t-1S15 ~NOMI~ 230 NewPott CMti.t c Trana World Corp. and Century 21 Real Estate Corp., lrvlne, have announced that tbetr direc:ton ~ ... appro\'ed agreement. wberebr Century 21 would ~e a wholly owned nblldlary of Tra:D.r World. ~a The agreementa provide that individual Ceo- tury 21 ~den may elect ooe ol several op- tlona: (1) to recelve ta.so~ cub few each 1hare they bold, (2) to exchanc• tbel.r aha.rel for .,_ of Trana World Serl• C eon\'Wllble preferred · •tock oo 1 bu.II deelped to have an eq\llvalmt value fA $28.'50 per lbare, or (3) to receiW; a com- blDaUoa of 40 percent bl 1ucb stock and eo percent in c&lb. · Not moN t.bu 48 perriDt ot the C.tury 21 1ban1 m., be eubanfed for cub and DOt leis U... 11 percent ma1 be a~ for preferred 1toek. Tram World ••1 iDereue, In certato drftmltanetl, up to IO pelUlll the pe"*ltace of CeatW")' 21 ._..... to be ucbanced for Series C preferred stock. • .. .. .,RL..atoa1• ,....,.,,...ct .. , ........ .,. ......... • ......... .tea& Hf ... --.......... " --ecc1•••11fa ... --Of ;.llllc CINNZMIN la Mir eGl•Dm7· Mil ...-.nr INiiicwtai Ml bela .......... -• dl9 ........ _.. tUa OM ol "917 two U.1. l•••n. ... luta1•--cl*; But,_ ....... pl•llJ .............. to ''Ofttloed'' If: y ........................................ .... mbt ....... ,. .. fore.d to ... cndlt to ··i: ............. ,... ,..... plua SodaJ ~~ . and h COit ol livilll. YOO A&& IN ftlB proeeu ol dtvoree, rcw Y• lDevitalllJ t.-d to mdeTelUmate tbe mtaeb laJCber' tOlta ot •inile liYlq. If JOU ..... a ll•bend c:oatemplat· lDI cllvoree, lt would be w1.te to comt Oft tt COit· lnl at luat twice u much a JOU tblak. You are a com- pulsive spender. ualng vnur credit cards aa an escape from emotion.al and personal Pt:oblema, taking out your bottlUlln on creditors wbo often auwne the fonn al "~ts.'' ' When are you dangerously overlo.decl? Wbeo you are ualng 20 percent or more ol your take-- home l.ncome <weekly, monthly or annually) to repay loan.a, credit cards or other charge accounta. NO alATl'E& WHAT your age or income, 10 pereeat ls comfortable. LS percent is manageable, 20 percent or more shouts ••1oo1t out! .. As soon as you can <tonight), figure it out. Find out where you stand, so you can act in lime to protect yourself. Whal are the warning signals that you are moving ~rilously close to the debt borderline and may already be crossing it? -You are cootlnually lengthening your repayment periods and putting down smaller and smaller initial pay· ments on your installment purchases. Slmu.ltaneoualy, your interest load is increasing just because you are sink- ing deeper into debt for longer periods of Ume. You are, in fact, nmninC up interest charges on earlier interest! -What you owe on your revolving cbarae accounts also is climbinc steadily. These days, you're never out of debt t.o local stores at which you have revolving charge ac- counts. -BEFO&E YOU RAVE finiaHd paying la.st monlb's bills, this mootb's are piling in. You seem t.o be always behind in your paymeota and are re1ularly ·.receiving not.ice that you are delinquent. You eveo might be receiv- ing an occasional notiff t.breateninC-NpOS&eSsion or legal ~ action -something that has never bappeoed to you before Tomorroui · w~ GuadetiMs 'Actions' to Def end Dollar Spur Market lip• and Down• NEW VORIC IAPI -TM IOI_,.. II~ -.s IN -v-!>llOc' Ell( ..... sloels -...-.-~ ,,.,.. oone 111> IN "'°'' ..,., -~ mo\I be-on t::;<enl ol <,_. ~·of volume Ho ~~ tr4dlng twtow U •n IMI· loded -..., ~-(~ -,,,. di~• -,,,. IH'9Vious <!<Kine prke -_.,., ~is'" 11<ke .._ USI C"9 Pct H E W VOlflt tAP• H EW YORK IAPI APOro• fin.I IOl•I Ptt"'°"' oav Wttti --..1 .. •QID Yur- Two r••l"I -00 J ... ' 10 .,.~ 1'11 lo O•i. .. 1110- WHAT AMf, 010 NEW V0411C CAP) §Heer NEW \'()qi( IAPI -H;tndy & H .. ....., ..... v-ti'-'" 070 En9ell1•rO silver '" 010. l•llf"l<•led "' ... '· I E ll•lr Ind • • I~ Up J7.I 1---------------2 r.....-Co U\'> ,,. Up ISt l Je-l(oo • • ~ Up U..J f ~OM 11"4 • IV. Up IOf J ll~WIHI ~ n... 11'\ Up 10 I • Cole Naltf U • ,... Up IO I 1 IC~ 1• • '"'-Up t 1 t NYS U!lpf >4 • l Up ti t ~ pf llY, • I Up t.J IO Sten OnlO It • 1-. Up t f 11 *Mor..oll """ + J\ol Up t 0 12 Olr/-wl 1"-II. Up U U YMIMI Auo ,) 1"-Up 1.1 1' ~I '°"' • 1'" UP Jt IS lftt Rectll 16.,_ I~ Up 7.J 'I' Olleteor t'I) '-Up 1.0 11 AolllM 11'!< ~ + 1 Up 1 0 It APL. Qt "" • ~ Up U It Q9dltl Cer'P ... • 1"1 Up • t JO ~Ml ,,_ • 'It Up 6.1 21 Uftltredt Cl> JI-• 1 Up U n Oeulmlft n • '"'-up •·' n "'El J.111111 is-. • Jllo Up • 1 U "9M<erp II 1tv. • '-Ull 6.S ts Afli.. ~ -• '" Up U ...... ~~-a;i. ,_ -I& It -,..., n -1"1 1~-1 ""' -"" .. -v. U llo -114 =='~ ..,... -1\l °' -.-.. ""' -1-. N -"1 011 -14 ..._ -,._ !l\li -I ==·= J"=•..,. 1---""' -.. ...,_,~ IJ\li -~ Geld q .. , •••••• .. ,,.~Pntt s.t~ -90id onces 10CS.r ~: "'°"'"" "•'"'...,., oo: ""m.n. llfl•"'-11•'"9 '416 00, U1> 'II JS PMtl: ....,._ flalne '43'.61, 119 UJ.ff Pr ....... : '41941. U1> U2 ff, Zwk": Old 14' 00, U1> OJ 00; ~.00 ftll..S .._ Y ... : HallO't & H•rmMI beM jlrice ...,..25, Up '" .2$. .... Y-: En~l"••d Hllln9 P•IC•· Mlf>.40, 11P '11. IS. Mew Y-: EtfwelNrd ltWIUted OOld "19.lt. 119$11 •••