HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-12-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-I The best In · REAL ISTATI mid· ror speCl 1. real estate sectton SERVING THE NEWPORT -MESA COl'v\MUNITIES SINCE 1907 WEEKEND -DECEMBER 4-5, 1999 WHAT'S UP? After three years, much has changed for some, little for others. The final stretch 0All;I 111 Goull I -1111 "' 111"1 \I ,II steve smith For three yec1rs, the com- munity hc1" WdlCh{'(J the> pro<Jress or a h,mcl- (•.11 of Newport lidrbor l hgh studenb m the Clt1ss of 2000. §CLASS OF 20.00 Losing a fat her ... and much, much more They've now Pml><trkecl on their tinc1l Y''dl of high school. Where~ ttrc th~y< Where are they fwaclP<I? Whdl are they d01n9 dunnu this final yc'dr in tlw nest? • EDITOR'S NOTE: As they complete the first half of their senior year, we thought 1t was time to catch up with the entire Class of 2000, the group of Newport Harbor High students we have followed since their freshman year. I t was supposed to be a routinf> trip to visit my father in the hospital, where he had been for dlmost SLX months. SLX months, just lying m bed while doctors poked and prodded and nur5- es checked and changed. On that stunning Saturday morrung three \Yeeks ago, however, a young, energetic physical therapist named "Robert• burst into the room and asked me if I wanted to help him get my father out of bed so he could take him for a walk r read Robert's face for signs of kiddmq, but he was senous. We helped my fdlher into d wheelchair, h.Js tubes trailing behind llke jellyfish tentdclcs. Out m the hall, Robert fastened d wide strap around my father's waist and used lt to help him out of the whcelch,au ~nd onto a walker. While! stood there · stunned, my father, 86, One of my father's surgeries took out his voice 12 ymago, but - nOthing needed to be said- ' saw the joy in his eyes. walked 15 yarcls down the hospital hallway before get- ting too tlred to go any far- the r. "Robert, I never thought I'd see hun do that again,• I said. Back in the wheelchair, I rolled him out to U1e hospital garden. For the next 45 mm- u.tes, we held hands and he watched his two youngest grandchildren climb and run and collect grass stams on their pants. One of my father's surgeries took out his vo1ce 12 years ago, but nothing need- ed to be sa1d -1 saw the JOY m his eyes. My routine was to follow up each Saturday visit Wlth a Wednesday night visit. But the Wednesday following the garden visit, 1 was ill and stayed home. The next day, he died m his sleep. • So, mstead of seeing him slipping away, as I would have had l gone WednPsday rught, my last memory of my f alher is one of my best There is no doubt in my mind that my last v1s1t on Saturday was a gift from God .. SEE SMITH PAGE A12 · ( ~top10 l . ( m:rd1f at a glance) ( ~ lfwet)4ee ) MARIAN!'.jA A'r MASS"Y I DAILY PllOT The original Class of 2000: At top, Matt Glover, C~eron Sinclair, Milan Roussel, Sean Rorden. At bot- spt"!ndmg much of his lr<:t> hme these day:-; wurkmq on !us 1984 Bronco C'anw1011 1s work111g c1t BlocklH1'>t~r Video to support h1s Bronco hnkP-nng hdhtl, but still finds time to h~ad for the t)'1lls edch weekend to go oil-roll<hng. . tom: Diana Girgis, Alli on Arnold, Nikko Gallardo. As a freshmc1n, Carncmn Sinclair was d vPritttl>lt! f1<.;h He spent most of h1<: frPl' time m th<' watN, whethr>r 11 was swimming, surhng or Wdter polo. Thdt hsh has since sprouted h•g., and become a gredc;f• monkt>~, •f'm trying to .start an off· roaomg dub her~ at New- Atf!X Coot ~"" NEWPO~T HARBOR WINS, 49-0 KIM HAGGERT'f'. ZVUUS I DAILY f'Jtot Newport Harbor's M~tch Gray reacts after his teammates scored a touchdown during Friday's CIF Division VI semiffraaJ game against Kennedy. For complete coverage, see Sports, Page B 1. Llbrary foundation dispute comes to light • SDC weeks after trustees threatened to detach themselves from fund-raising ~um, an agreement appears to be nearing. ~Pi>! NEWPORT BEACI i -Six weeks after hbrary tru~tecs lhrc•t1tenPd to hre their fund·rnismg arm, lPdders on both sides are saymg detente 1s almost at hand. In October, the library Board of Trustees sent a forceful letter thre.tl· emng to sever its relationship with tho Library Foundation because ol differences over finances and con- trol, even thredtemng to banish the nonprofit group from library premis- es. Actors, actors everywhere .Newport Beach ·aw 'ts share of stars during the 1950s. personalities -~ - ---~~· ----"'---------- Smee then, the two parucs have held marttthon meetings to come to '>onw '>Ort of rc:-;olulion. And the}' hnvc mdclf! d significant amount of proqrl' s. Sd1d City f\fonager Homer Bluditu, who hds hc>Pn meclidtinu thl' WC(>kly summits. "RtCJhl now, drafts of an dgree- ment Me h •ing worked on, ff said David Cctrnuc·ha~I. toundallon pr~.s- SEE LIBRARY PAGE A 12 ( W800e&day Wllre) ( ttvsday~) I l us d to cost a dime to get a c;up of coffee at Dick Richard'i; Market m For Robert GM'dner1 colwnn Md toct.y'• Miiiennium Moment. ... ,..,.AJ ( :Jfpc.a ) N wport Beadl, and that was where folks like James Cagney ond actor Andy Devine would hnng round In th late 1950s -ju t regular N wport-M sa rosid nts, whiling A photo ol the •Amigo Vle)o " lub during U. 195 port l li:H hor, hut th<•rP's d hunch ol th1ngc; lwb1hty-wisP. that nught gPt in the WdY t IW Sdlcl. Some thmus hdven t < h.mgPc~ m Cmur•r<>n s Ille. hke his intr>rest m comput- l!I<: Cameron plans to citlend Mammoth CPro C nsA Com- SEE CLASS PAGE A1 3 Bechler pleads innocent • Ortirwb have unsPciled a document that claims the ewporl BPach re::iident u_ed a clumbheU to kill his wife. :-..'EWPORT BEACH -\ ltngenng que lion that hd we1ube<l on Uie nunds of many dhout tht> my l nous chsap. 1~arancc and alley d murd of n 'ewporl BP-ach woman rlld\ have bC'cn anc;wNt•d Fn- Od}; when a pohce rPport wos uns "ct led The report bnt>fly statr> that :12-yea1-old Enc Bec:hlet u (>d a dutnhhell 10 kill his . wile, Pegyc, dunnq a boating tnp two yt>ar ago oft the New- . port coa~t. then an bored he.r hody Wlth ... omething hea\y and dumped 1l overboard TI1e 0Tie\'li revelallon came moments aft r Bech1er plead- ed innocent to th charge he k1ll<>d ht wife for hn noal gam at "tus arraignment fnday m a Harbor Ju Uce Center courtroom In quick tum round, B chi r attomey, John Yzur- d1aqa, ao;;ked the judge to ch(>ciule his chent prclinu- {lary he.mng for Dec 11 Orange County Superior Court Jutlq ' C1 alg Roh1~on approv1•d the defcn~e·s rCQlW<,I for d sp<>ed) tnal, which could l<1kl' pluce ear• ly as February. Launr L.eve.nc;;on, profe • or of cnnunal lov; ot Loyola SEE BECHLER PAGE A11 INDEX AROUND TOWN -10 IEST IUYS ____ _, ClASSIAEDS __:_. __ COMMUNfTY & ClUIS ...._"_..A9 COMMUNITY fO«UM ·--.. .ll9 DATIBOOI ---14 FAITH---"·--2 POOO FILES... ·---"..A'l soom 1s SPOltS Jl A2 Saturday, December A, 1999 faith Daily Pilot~ r--------------------------------------------~-. ..................... ..-...------------------------------------------------, : IN THE SPIRIT MORAL OF THE STORY cindy trane christeson Thank God for inner peace "The unthanl<lul heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will /Ind, in every hour, some heavenly blessings. " -Henry Ward Beech.er I 've heard many flood stories after my column last week. More people have slogged through soggy carpets than I ever imagined, and many of you endured far worse situations than ours. I also heard some amazing fire stories. A friend of mine named Debbie told me about a conversation with a friend who said, •I'm sorry if I seem a little scattered today, but my house burned down last week." Apparently their garage had burned down, and there was smoke damage in every room but one. As Debbie hugged her, the friend said, "In the grand scope of things, it's OK. Nobody was hurt. And l don't have to worry about cooking for the holidays this year.• J I I I I I t I I I I I I : Address: 1964 Orange Ave., Costa 1 Mesa. I : Phone: (949) 574-7400 I I I I I I • I Denomination: Roman Catholic Year established: 194 7 · Service times: Weekend masses in English: Saturday vigil, 5:30 p.m., Sunday, 6:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m ., 5 p.m.(youth Mass); Sunday masses in Spanish: 6 a.m ., 12:30 p.m. and 7•p.m .. Daily masses in English1 8:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m .. Weekday . masses in Spariish: Tuesday and Friday at'? p.m .. Confessions: Sat- urday, 4 to 5 p .m.; Tuesday aitd Friday, 6 to 7 p.m .. Holy Day masses in English: vigil, 6::l0 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m . ~nior pastor: The Rev. Joseph R. Robillard Pastoral staff: The Rev. lvfichael Galinada, associate pastor; The Rev. Ismael Silva, parochial vicar; Sister Sh aron Maria, sch ool princi- pal; Freq La Puzza, youth ministry1 Mary Flaherty, catechumenate/adult baptism; Gricelda Becerra and Margot San- tos, vida familiar; Kathy Lewis, family life. Size of congregation: 2,500 regis- tered families; 4,000 at Sunday attendance. Makeup of congregation: Primari- ly white and Latino and a smaller group of Filipinos. Chnd care: Provided for Sunday morning masses. CIHIM ., . ' Outreach programs: St. Vincent de Paul provides food and shelter to those in need. St. Joachim pro· vides the Bucha.rist to the home- bOund sick and elderly and also to the hospitalized at fioag Hospital and numerous convalescent. homes in the surrounding commu- nity. Dress: Sunday dress.i.s prefeffed. t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Church design: Red-brick,&.,xterior, -: the interior church and satr'ctuary. : are Rom anesque. l Mission statement {proclama : 1. mis/onal): We at St. Joachim's are : a Christ-centered people, instruct-: ed by the word of God and : renewed by the sacraments. We 1 I are building a community of love, 1 I justice and peace by celebrating, 1 serving and proclaiming the : Gospel to the world. Nqsotros en : San Joaquin somos un pueblo 011-: entado con centro en Cristo, : instruidos por la palabra de Dios y : renovados en espfritu por los l sacramentos. Estamos entonces r . I construyendo una comunidad de 1 I amor, jusUcia y paz medJante la 1 celebracion, el servicio y la procJa. : macion del Evangello al mundo. : I Interesting note: Tue first Mass at ! St. Joachim Catholic Church was held on Sunday, March 16, 1947. The church bas had only three pastors in the past 52 years. The ReY. Thomas Nevin was pastor from 1947 through 1982. The Rev Kenneth Krause was pastor from I was impressed with her amazing attitude, and it reminded me that humor can lighten heavy mental loads. I've laughed more than I would have thought about this experience. I thank God, my family and friendS for helping me keep things in perspective. I I I I I I Type of worship: Eucharistic and sacramental liturgy. Type of sermon: A homily ba5ed on sacred Scripture. The word of God broken open and applied. MARIANNA DAY MASSEY I DAILY PILOT Sl Joachim Cathollc Church's parochial vicars, Ismael Silva, left, and Michael Galinada, flank pastor Joseph R. RobWard. 1962 through 1997. The church is open from 7 a.m . to 9 p.m. daily. All are welcome at St. Joachim's. The weekly parish ne.wsletter is published in English and Spanish, I first laughed the night of the flood when I spread wet papers out on a patch of dry kitchen counter. I have a colorful tile there that says, ·A woman is like a tea bag -you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.~ • I I I I I : Recent sermons: Focused on God's : gifts to us and how we use them. Upcoming sermons: Will focus on Cbrisbnas, the Jubilee Year 2000 and on preparation for the co{Iling of Jesµs Christ at the end of time. Welcome wagon: VISitors are giv· en a welcome card and are invited to fill it out with their personal information. as are many of the other publica- tions available at the church. -Compiled by Michele M. Marr I I ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------~ I chuckled and thought, "I think it applies if she's standing ih cold water too, especially if there's lots of it.• PLACES TO WORSHIP FAITH CALENDAR Several friends asked if l was feel- ing swamped, or if life was showering. me with ptoblems. Many of you have kept me laughing with other funny lines and jokes. And like the woman said after her fire, in the grand scope of things, it's OK. Nobody was hurt. Some things were ruined, like a com- puter, printer, answering machine, television and carpet. But they are all jnst things. . J was especially thankful when J real- ized that I was only minutes away from losing about 50 photo albums. Jon and I had to spread some damp pictures around the house, and most of them survived. Every time I walked by and saw photos of special people in my life, l smiled and thanked God again. I'm sorry if you thought the weather was too warm and dry last week to put up Chrisbnas decorations, but God knew we needed help drying things. Our house was very loud for days from many fans, dryers and dehwnidi- fiers. A nice man named James came by periodically to move them around. One day he introduced me to his co- worker and said, "Peter, these are very nice fol.ks. Here they are, their house is falling down around them and they've stayed so calm and nice.• r shook hands with Peter and said, "This peace is only corning from God. I've prayed a lot.~ We bad a wonder- ful weekend with our college daugh- ters. They didn't care about the house, and even invited friends over for din- ner and to spend the night. Our house is still one big mess, but I'm calling it »creative decorating." Over the holidays, we talk about counting our blessings. We should remember to thank God for them as well. And you can quote me on that. • ONDV TRANE CHR.ISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to par· enting groups. She can be reached via e-mail at clndyOonthegrow.com or t hrough the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No.SOS, Newport Beath 92658. • EDfTOR'S NOTE: Places to Worship features brief descriptions of churches and temples in our commt.Jnity. They appear each week on a r~tating basis. Christian Science ARST CHURCH OF CHRIST SOENTIST The First Church of Christ SClentlst holds services Sunday at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday school for youth through age 20 is offered concurrent with tlie morning service. A testimonial service is held Wednesdar at 8 p.m. Child care is provided at illl services for the very young The church is at 3303 Via Lido, Newport Beach. The Christian SClence reading room, next door to the church. is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. Tokens for park- ing in the lot behind the church are available from the reading room. For more information, call (949) 673-1340. Disciples of ChriSt HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH Harbor Christian Church proclaims Jesus as Lord. draws its inspiration from Scripture and the Holy Spirit. witnesses and seNeS among the whole human family. acknowled!}es that Christian uni- ty and Christian mission are Inseparable, and claims as its particular mission the quest for the reunion of the body of Christ. Sunday worship and Sunday school for children ages 10 and younger are held at 10 a.m. Adult Sunday School 1s at 8'.30 a.m. Chrld care is proVfded. Den· nis Short is senior pastot. The church is at 2401 Irvine Ave., NewpOrt Beach. For more information, cal 1(949) 645-5781. Episcopal SAINT JAMES CHURCH Saint James Church is a community devoted to loving Jesus Christ and serv· ing him as lord and savior. A traditional service with holy Eucharist, rite I Is held on Sunday at 7:30 a.m. A contemporary service with hoty·Eucharist. rite II rs held on Sunday at 9 a.m. and a charismatic service with holy Eucharist. rite IH is held on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Child care is provided for the 9 and 10:45 a.m. ser- vices. Sunday school for all children meets at 9 a.m. There Is a rite II Eucharist on Wednesday at noon David Ander· son Is senior ~or. The church Is at 3209 Vla lido, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 675·0210. ST. JOJiN THE DIVINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH St. Jot)n the Divine Episcopal Church is a liturgical church, which means that the focus of the WOl'$h~ is on God and Includes Holy Communron (whk h ls the sacramental recalling of the Last Sup- per). reading of the word of God and a sermon. The sermon message is based on the Scripture reading fOf the day and gives a practical application for Christ- ian living. Sunday worship services are at 8 and 10 a.m. Nursery care is provid~ ed from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday school for children ages 4 to 10 meets from 9:45 to 11 a.m. Conrad Nordquist ls senior pastor. The church is at 183 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 548-2237 ST. MATTHEWS CHURCH St. Matthew's Church is a traditional Episcopal church that aims •to follow Christ to worship God eNery Sunday in his church, and to worl< and pray and give for the spread of his kingdom.• Holy Com- munion is held on Sunday at 8 and 10:15 a.m .. and on ThurSday at 9:30 a.m. Sunday school for youth of all ages at 9 a.m.; adult Sonday school at 9:15 a.m. Child care is provided for Sunday set\'ices. The church also offers an 11-week practical introduc- tion to the Christian faith. Stephen C. Scar· lett is senior pastor. The parish is at 1723 Westcllff Drive, Newport Beach For 1nfor· mation. call (949) 646-11 52. ST. MICHAEL ANO ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church seeks •to worship God in word end sacraments, proclaim the good Dail¥ lfilot READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Re<ord your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. 0< advemsemem:s ~" c:an be reJ)foduced without written per· mission of copyright owner WEATHER VOL 93, NO. 284 THOMAS H. X>HNSON. Publisher TONY OOOERO, Editor 'E~FER RAGlAND, Senior City Editor S.J. CAHN. Ctty Editor NANCY OiEEVER. features Edit« ROGER CAJU.SON. Sports E drtor MARC MARTIN. PhOto Editor I"" ANntONV P£ac; News Editor JOSI J. SANTOS. P~t Oesignet JUOYOfmNG. Clessif1ed Advtrt11lng LANA JOHNSON. Promotions f'MMOO 5ffAH. Chief F1n.nc111I Officer ADPRESS Our addres.s Is 330 W Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 CORRECTIONS It ls the Pilot's pohcy to prompt· ly correct all errors of substance. Plea~ call (949) 574-4268 m The Newport 8ffd1/Cost• Mesi Oaily Piiot (USPS 144-800) k pul>- ll~ed Monday through S.turday In Ntwpon 8Nch and C~a Mewl, subscriptions are available only by svbwib1ng to The Time Orange County (800) 252 9141 In M OM owtde of NrNpott Bff<.h and C<Mta Mesa, subwlpttonS to the 0.1ty Pilot Me av.1~bfe only by ma1r for u o pei month S«ond dau posi.ge paid at Cost.a MN. CA, (Prlc11ln<ludf111 J>t>hc.able state •nd local UICI!\ ) POSTMA~ lER S.od addrm d'MtngtJ to fhe Nt'wport lludVCosta Mewi Cl.lily Piiot, PO 80111560, C~ Mesa, CA 91626 cowight No Mwuto-rlcs. i111Attat1om. edrtoc'ial m tt~ HOW TO REACH US Clttuledon The limes Orange County (800) 252-9141 Ac:tvenfslng Classified (949) 642-5678 Display (949) 642-4321 Editorial News (949) 642-5680 Sports (949)S74'"4223 News, SPQrU fax (949) 646-4 0 £ mail: dallypllotOlatimes.COfl' MalnOffke Susineu Office (949) 642-4321 B~lness fl)I (949) 631·7126 P\lbl~ by llmtl COl1W'Olln<ty ~ 1~M ""'~ ~ Wiiiiam Lobdefl, '-' ErlrtOI' SWV.Marble, Managing £d1t0t MercMrin, Olrf(tOI' of Photography ~~ Scn)ot t dltor, Copy om. ,,..,,,.,.,Qj ;.,.~_,,.,. TEMPERA'NRES Balboa 64152 Corona del Mar 63153 Costa Mesa 65154 Newport Beach 64153 Newport Coast 64153 SURF FORECAST Swell$ out of the west • Increase today for sets in the chest· to shoulder·hlgh area. seu will go head high at west-facing beaches. LOCATION SIZE W dge ........................ 2·5 w Newport" .................. 2-4 w Bladdes .... -....... m .... 2-4 w River J tty ............... M 2 4 w CdM ............................ 24w news of Jesus Christ to all, and to lead faitt\ful and productive lives by using God'~ gffts to respond to needs within the parish, the community and the world and to be respoflSible stewards of all creation.• The church's worship Is eucharist<enteted, using the traditional and contemporary boob of common prayer. Senikes ate on Sunday at 8 and 10 a.m. Child care is provided. Blble study for adults meets at 9 a.m. and chil· dren's Sunday sthool ls at 10 a.m. Peter Haynes Is senior pastor. The church is at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. For more information, call 644-0463. Four Square HARBOR CHRJSTIAN FEUOWHSHIP Harboi Christian Fellowship is a grace- oriented, Bible-believing church that focuses on God's love to meet all needs through the good news of Jesus. Mem- bers love and accept people where th!'!Y are and trust in God~s grace to make them whole. Praise, worship and Bible teaching is held on Sunday at 10 a.m Child care and children's ministry is pro- vided for 10 a.m. service and teaching. Chip Crosby i~ senior pastor. The church' is at 1734 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 548-9733. Free Methodist ORANGE COAST FREE METHODIST CHURCH Orange Coast Free Methodist Church is dedicated to ministering the.WOfd of God, following the truth of ~tlrist and enjoying the fullness of the Spirit. Con· curTent worship .services, In Japanese and English, are held on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Adult Sunday school is at 9 a .m. Children's Sunday school Is from 10:30to 11:45 a.m. Nunef)'care Is pro- vided from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. Morning and evening Bible studies and prayer groups. in both English and Japanese, meet throughout the week. d1ffC>fd Rapp is senior pastor. The church is at 3198·B Airport loop Drive, Costa Mesa. For: information. call (714) 641-1944. AND SURF SPECIAL EVENTS HANUKKAH HAPPENINGS The Jewish Community Center of Orange County hosts a variety of Hanukkah events through Dec. 10. The center is at .250 B. Jlaker St., Costa Mesa. For more infonnation, .call (714) 755-0340. . .. • HANUKKAH CONCERT .. Temple Bat Yahm presents a Hanukk~ concert Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Orange County Performfug Arts Center. The con- cert will feature the temple's children's choir and Cantor Jonathan Grant. Tickets • are $9 to $125. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more irUor- mation. call (949) 644-1999. · HANUKKAH CELEBRATION Temple Bat Yahm hosts a Hanukkah dinne1 • Sunday at 6 p.m. The $10 dinner indudes chicken, latkas and salad. The temple is at 1011 Camelback St., Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 64 4-1999. . OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE : The Re':'· Rafael Luevano of Our Lady • Queen of Angels Catholic Church in New· .. port Beach will give a presentation titled : ·our Lady of Guadalupe: an Icon for the • New Millennium" at 9 a.m. today in the • Parish Center. Tickets are $10. The church• is at 2046 Mar VtSta, Newport Beach. For • more information, call (949) 646-5535. • RE-MEMBERING GROUP • Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish Center : hosts a talk for Catholics who feel spintu-: ally. homeless ~undays at 6:15 p.m. The • Pansh Center is a t 2046 Mar Vista Drive, • Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 548-38-44. • Is your church or place of worship planning a spe clal event? If so, ~nd the typed Information to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., C:osta Mesa 92627, attn: Nancy Cheever, religion editor; fax it to (949) 646- 4170; or e-mail It to dailypilotO/atimes.com lnfor· matlon should be sent at least two wuks before the event date. · POLICE FILES TIDES TODAY First low COSTA MESA 12:26 a.m .......................... 1.3 First high 6:48 a.m ............................ 5.5 Seco'l_d tow .. 1 :38 p.m ............................ 0.2 Second high 7·43 pm ............................ 3.9 SUNDAY First low 12:S9 a .m .......................... 1.6 first high 7;18 a.m .............. ,. .. ,, ....... 5.9 Se<ond low 2;t3 p.m ..... : .................... ·O 1 Second high 8.2S p.m .. : ......................... 4.0 WAftR TEMPEMTUM: 65 • West Baker Street A cellular phone worth $240 was stolen from a car In the 600 block the avenlng of Nov. 27 • Brfstol Stre.t: A car stereo worth $200 was stolen In the 2900 block th~ evening of Nov. 26. • ~ Awnuet 1Wo 12-j:>acks of beef worth S t8 were stolen from a st0te In the 1100 block at 11:30 p.m. Nov. 24 .. •Welt 19th Street: A purse and its contents worth $210 were stolen from • car In the 400 block betwe-en 2 end 5 pm. Nov. 23. NEWPORT llEAOI • West 8alboa loul•v•rd: A license plate holder worth S18 w11s stolen from a car In the UOO block Wednesday evening. • last Co.st Highway: A cellular phone worth $200 was stot.n from a car in the 3400 blcx.k betwffn 3 ind 4 p.m Wednesday. 1 • • Miiii\ S1reet: A cellular phone worth S 129 wM $\Olen from •:.In the 100 blotk ~ 8 t .m. lncf noon Tuelday • 1 wth'POft c..ttw DrhN.: AbOut S220 was stolen from 1 c.er n e 200 block Monday, • Hth 5tNet: Two Mlrfboardi worth $1,'300 WW. AOltn from •Cir In the first blotk at 5 p.m Sept. 26 • ,· . ~ily Pilot Soturdoy, ~moor 4, 1999 A3 New breed of businessmen could see the future · MILUNNIUM MOMENT A crowning achi 've ment in Coro·na del Mar • EDITOR'S NOTE: Thts is a special col· umn by Robt-rt Gardner as part of our Countd'own to 2000 series Nablral Value &ergdag Low Price! ~ No ~mated oillt No qarl • Oznola Mago • Sog6eala Sr!SZ~ JUDGING THE 1 9 5 0 s Natural Value &ergdag Low f'rice1 ~Js ·~ •Yelilw ~ • REG • .,.89 . 8 oz.~ Natural Foods YOU SAVE $2.96! Highest Qualitg/L!Jwest Prices • VITAMIN E-400 • VITAMIN 8-50 30 softgels 30 tabs -1 1000/o Natural Fonn 50 MG of AO die B-Complex J'ltamln E, Jtllxed 'lbt:opheroU Vltamlns IndudJng No Sgnthetk D.LAlpha FolJc Add & B-12 • S't JOHN'S WORT $ 30caps Standanllzed Extract each 300 MG .. 6.3% Hgpericln SUGG. •4.95 FARM FRFSH PRODUCE IJmcE BAR: Hot Apple Snap! A warm~ of apple, iJ96 ) ~ lemon & gmgerl I -._ I give them cwd1t. That new ure d aw the future. We locals • didn't I guess 1t wa:. too many yea~ ot looking at rrule~ and miles of lolb pnted ctl $150 1111d gomg unsold, The C'lty one~ offerl'd Jo~ Rossi every vacant lot m (.'orontt d~I Mar -which consistPd of most Qf the lots m Corona dvl J\for -for $10,000. 01 courso, Jn • k.rww 11 bad deQJ wh(•n he saw one etnd turned 1t down. So the '50s brought in a new breed of businessmen· It was tun watrhmg them tuke chdnces ancl make mom!y while most of us locals 1ust ·sat there and twiddled our thumbs. [Mothers) Whole Wheat Bread REG . .,.!li 9245 32 ... IMAGINE FOODS Garden Vegetable Soups I Just Heat & SeaVe? I • lredm11 Brocroli • Crrum.11 fumalo • Ruft(>rruJ/ v,wM • \o Uiicl..l.'11 Btolh :~':/:/lrolh sr • Creamy /lluslvwm • l"olato lReA REG. '2.89 32 Ol. OLGA Greek Olives Marinated Kalamata Promotes Joint Health* REG. '26.40 Olives in Brine • PitJal • WtlhPits ~93~! L.;.t-S<'<>tk ... , p,.,_c~,,. 't Hc~~~~-i. ZINC Lozenges Coo/Lemon ~=S4!! Plant es & Medicines Inc. at 1s today the elegant F1vl' ,;rowns w tdUHtnt m Corona df'l Mar Wd onginalJy lhP t)ramchild of J\1dtildtt MatCulfock, who built 1t m 1936 m dn effort to cr~dlP dn old C:nglish· style mn. MdcCullock b c"mc so fond of her creation that she clc:oded to live m 1t. The buildmg went through nwny dif- ferent persondhtiPs unclf'J MrtcCullock's slightly ecnmtric mfluPnn>. Ounng thf! 1940s, she culled her £':.tabh hment the Hurley Bell, sold overnight accommodd- tions, and playP.d ho t to celt•bntie~ like Ritd Ha~orth and I Jow<Ud I lughP.:. Mac:Cullock passed dway m 1948, and the buildinu. OQ lon~wr prote<:tnd l>y her influence, went through a penod as d house ol ill reputP hefori> hndlly bemg turned mto r:1..:e Crowns in 1Y65 • Mlu.ENNIUM MOMENT celebrates the peoR'e who made a ma 1r ontribut1on to the Newport- Mesa community during th1~ century Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water ·N=~tmSource4ne ~99C 17..st • Cranben)t Nectar • Black Cherry Juice s REG.~.W 19! 'Iii-Boron Plus Magnesium; Vitamin D, and Chelated &won With Calciums SUGG "12.95 120c:aps F~ f.oJOk ---- JASON'S Natural Cosmetics Shikai Moisturizing ''C'' My Lips Protector SPF 15 StmO/hes fine Np Una. Creal s under lJpstJdd .47n. oz ShowerGel ·--& Body LGtion Gift P8tk J2M.Sh/Juwed~ plus SO:. lotion + lrw loo/oh . '13.99 -peel OVER 120 CERTIFIED ORGANIC PRODUCE ITEMS 2:l:l E. I 7TH STREET 19770 BE:\{'fl RIYD.. :?!lfi:J \1lfllEl.SO\ 1.\T J:\~1BOREt~I L\Ll \.\ 1111.1 ~ OPEN DAIL y• cos r \ ~n:sA • 1tt.\!H 631--'. 7.'f 1 1n·,1. REAtll • , ; 1., !tt>:;.~10~1s IR\"l'E • •!H!•1 75:!-~10~1s orE\I~(; " :?OOO! . • Plug nto the PilOt Classified secttOn to frnd servtces from electronta and plumbers, to landseapers nd pa1n~ers A4 Sotvrdoy 0ec mber 4, 1 ')99 Accused killer pleads innocent •Eduardo Guerrero is accused of shooting and killing a West Side teenager and her unborn child. GRec Rtsrn • ~Plot NEWPORT BEACH -A purported gang member SUS· pected of bliridly hnng mto a West Side garage and killing a 15-ye a.r-old g irl and her unborn child pleaded innocent Friday to murder charges. Eduardo Ye~z G uerrero, 18, finally entered a plea at his arraignment at the Har- bor Justice Cent~r after months of delays. Guerrero will return to court m January followed by a preliminary hearing on Feb . 18. Authorities were stymied .;."C' for two month trying to find the killer of Yuridia Balbue- na, who died when a single • bullet tore through her body. Her unborn baby later di d after doctors attempted 10 perfonn a Cae'6rean secuon. Police handed out flier offenng a $25,000 rcwru-d m and around the Costa Mesa neighborhood where. Balbue- na and h~r family lived. Soon after, anonymou.c; tips carnP pouring into the department. The information provided lo authorities led them to Guer- rero, who w~ arrested tn July. Police say Guerrero, a pur- ported gang member, shot into the garage, which had been converted into an apart- ment, becau.-;e he saw gra1fiti belonging to a rival gang in the same neighborhood. In addition to the grafhb, someone had accidentally crashed into Guerrero's cousin's car, which was parked near where the shooting occurred. Police believe both inci- dents sparked Guerrero to slip out of a May 29 wedding reception and fire a .357 hand- ~ toward the apartment. HICKORY FARMS• L --Gift Ce nter Now Open At COSTA MESA I RVINE COSTA M ESA COURTYARDS CROSSROADS 1835 Newport Blvd. 0 150 3800 Barranca Pky #0 1 lkhind Mimi'' Cafe> (At Culver Aw & Bamna. Nnr Clothestimc) IRVINE ALTON SQUARE 5365 Alton Pky IAI Alton Pky and Jeffrey R~) For Phone Orders & Information: l-800-541-6176 Stop b)' to~ our dehciow ~lect1on offood gifts. Grrat CifU at areal vilua We Ship Gilb! Now Hmng Safe,people for Christmas. HICKORY FARMS-. 0 ffK~F\t'lt\l Inc.. ""Are You Available?" (Luke 1 :26-38) Chri f'IM• Concc:m Sil.di)', DKanl'CJ S a1 4:00 8c 7:00 P.M. ~ •nfonnnion ('}.49) H4-2lH FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST.SCIEN11ST 3303 Vb Lkto. Nwport Beach 673·1340 or 673-6150 Churci\ IO am & 5 pm, ~ S::hool 10 mn ~ 8pn Saint Michael & All Angels ~re 8c Padfk View Coroaa 4d Mu • 6«-0-463 ()w ~II Iii lvlir 0-rut ! 111IO111 •'*' tlw "' a,,;,, w ""'' ""' f.tilhfol •"" '""""""' o,,.;m.,. LJ11a The RtY'd reccr D. Haynt3, Rector SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Pcx:Uii:: View Ot . Newport lkn.:h 644·2617 or 675-4661 Church lOam SUnday SclYJol 10 am 12 llCIOll lho11 11'1 lf.IOf'thy, 0 /,..,.J. t• m-nw tfo,.., 111111'1ono11r11r11l 1011.1": For 1h111 INur rmttttl tt// th n11, '"'"for rl!J ~ tllt'} ttrr """ "'"' nutNI R.rvtlA11on -4.11 Daily Pilot City to decide fate of Skate park • Costa Mesa council also will debate the merits of temporarily halting d evelopment on "the West Side. SJ.CAHN ~Plol COSTA MESA -The City Council on Monday will try, once again, to find a place for skoteboardcrs to call homo It might not be easy. City staff is proposing the aly move ahead with plans to build a 10,000-square-foot park at TeWinkle Park. But, once agam, that proposal faces pos- sible council opposition. "I'm riot sure I acjree .with the recommendation,· said Coun2ilman Joe Erickson. "I'm concerned thdt TeWinkle Park has so much going on.· The J>dik is already crowd- ed, Erickson said. Besides traf- hc from the nearby Orange County Fairgrounds, the park is the site of the city's "Dog Park," dS well as tennis co'Urts and soccer fields. "My bottom line is that it's taken a long ti.me to get a skate park," he said, adding that he Wdnts to see a park bu,illbefore he ieavcs lhe council next year. "SkdtPboarders are not crimi- nals.• As he has done before, Mayor Gary Monahan stressed that if the council 'doesn't make a deasion, the city may not get a skate park any time soon. And, like Erickson, Mond han said he has q uestions about TeWinkle being the choice. "I'm not thrilled withTeWin- kle," he said, adding that he still thinks l:.ions Pdrk is a viable option. Homeownf!rs near Lions Park earlier this year convinced the council to halt its pfans to build a park at that site. The council has set aside nearly $250,000 to build a skate park. -Erickson agreed that d deo- sion on the skate park must be made. Last month, Enckson pro- posed the city look at a 0.5- acre, city-owned piece of prop- erty at the comer of Charle and Hamilton streets. While he still thinks that site is a good alter- native, city staff say they are worried it is too close to nearby homes ·a nd lacks bathrooms and adequate parking. The cost of adding both, (Largest Selection of Creel ing & Photo Cards In Orange County) Lr 0-fui;""1 <:St (r;Jr..,,1,,,.~ '1.7t.t cjrc$~l .Jlt~ .. f W e De liv·er t;, Stun ~ O..t.11/· I 270 E. 17 th Street • C~ta Mesa ~: 1 949 722-1803 aith ST. MARK PRESBYTERIA CHURCH · "Open Arms and Open Minds'' Worship 9:30 Jambortt & Ea lblufY In Nnrport 8-11 ' ' Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 788 Dover Dr. Newport ... ch T radltlonal Lutheran Wonhfp .. rvlce with HotY Communion aund•• 9111 •m lkinU• School 8119 •m 8ru<1 Von Bia r, Minls1et Wonhip S rvices '8:00am 9 003tn AlMt Church School ·10;()0,m -SUflday SCflool "Child Car Prov1ded 611 Aft. Ccrool def Mir 9 HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH l. (Dlsclplea of Christ) 2401 Irvine Ave. at Santa l11bel Newport Beach Sunday WoBhl p • 10.00AM First United Methodbt Church of Costa Mesa 420 we~I 19th Stre\:l, co .. ta Me\8 fe,tival ol Wo"h1p I O:OOam Richard L. Ewing. Pa!>IOr Church School 9:00arn & 10:15.un 949-548-7727 Costa Mesa MESA VERDE UNln D METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School . 1:30 a nd 10100 a .m. Or. Richard George (7141 979 8234 NEWPORT CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1601 Mar9uer1t~ Aw Coron.t dcl M"r (949) 6444745 Worship at e·OOAM &. I O:OOM1 Children Sunday School Io OOM1 Jr. &. Sr. High 5.00PM ........ 64-t..., 1400,.... __ ~ _.._ _____ 1111111!1 along Wlth landscaping and security, would be .$107,000, according to the staff rei><?rt. Staff ~ also suggesting the city approve a long-teim plan lo find a location for a second skate park. Poss1ble locations for that park include Lions Park, TeWinkJe Middle School, Costa Mesa High School and Estancia High School. T he debate on where to build a skate park is part or a busy agenda that also includes discussions of a proposed tem- porary halt to some building on the West Side, a cotµlty plan to build a light rail system along Main Street; and possible annexation of parts of county land near the East Side. Last month, a divided Plan- ning Commission approved the moratorium on West Side con- struction. Unlike earlier pro- posals, this time the restrictions would be limited to bars, liquor stores and other new requests for alcohol licenses. The moratorium also would cover any new automotive repair or industrial businesses in two areas: 19th Street between Federal and Pomona avenues, and Placentia Avenue between 18th and Victoria streets. "I have no problem support- ing a moratorium on additional liquor stores and bars,· said Erickson, who has opposed the restrictions in the past. But, he added, he has no intention !)f supporting a wider halt to busin development. Monahan, howevei;, ·cud he thinks any halt to development is a bdd idea. •We need more people who are proud of the West Side, are proud of their property and aw willing to mvesl lll their proper- ty," he said. ·we need inVE>'.itrnent on the West Side." Acros& town on the East Side, talk 1S not so much of invtJstrnent dS it lS of annt"xa- tion. A number of residents in unincorporated county land that is within .,Costa Mesa's sphere of influence -includ; ing land essentially surrounded by Costa Mesa -have said they would rather become part - of Newport Beach. · That has the council riled up ·1 don't think the atizens ot Costa Mesa, the taxpayers 01 Costa Mesa, should support services for residents [who want) a Newport Bedch address,• Erickson said. The council also will consid· er adopting a county proposed for a light rail system thut would enter the city on Mcun ·Street and travel along Anton Boulevard, with one tenninul station at Anton and AvenUl' ol • the Arts and another at Mdm and Sunflower Avenue "It's dynarrute for our etl)! • Monahan sdid of the plan. The council meets at tl 3Q p .m: Monday al City Hdll 77 Fcill' Drive. CltUl!! .... !u!••I~ M oscow -St. P eters b urg Depattures May 20 Thru Sept 09. 2000 SAIL ON nu: MIS ·RUSS-OR OUR O'l1a.R Df.L'"'t Rln R vt::.St'IS ~ lihneged -OMIOMd lot~' F"'• $2298 pp clbl F,_ SfO I LAX All Outside Cabins · 16 n1ah1 air/ctuise pKh&e Includes all transrcrt., shore ucun1ons, \o&ht~ci"8· and cullurtl cvenit Join ua on pit & post cnuse padlaaes IO Pr•aue/BuclapHl or llK Bali1a.. C.11 for rates .... "-">',._ --"""°' ~ _... ~ 15% 10% 15 % OFF ll.[1.11 K \II 'l I \111\11\\ OFF C.:.\H Rl\(.Ol'81'1, l'llll \IDUC 2600 t:. Cou~t II\\') #I t>O I I I I I I I ( 1111111U l>1•I \lur I Oine-i11 • Tuk(• oul • Catering ~1w• iul D1 lt~1n fur i.:1111111 11rd1·1~ I 1 ,,,,)?.~?) ,z:R,:.13~,~ .... , 1 1 tJ1u11 \11111/111~ .'l·OO I'"' \·(Jll 11111 I• \/'H Ill' l;(Jfl/J 11 I I/ff ()ll'fl\ 1111(( /JI.II •111 I ._ _______________ ... ' er:. ~ '1 cJ) -di O> ..... H . ·.<d 0 0 fM ~ THLMSDAV. l:ECEM!IEA I 6 FR'DA y, DECENeEA I 7 SA T\JfllDA V. DECENl!IE~ I B aoo 111.M. A aao 111.M. p'Ol1ded at. Cpl~ Cbll.hi ~ ~ p].eaae jatn us ore Uni 10 ~the . Of Daily Pilot Surfs up . at Port Theater . . ., •The closed venue Will reope n for one night only . tonight for the premiere of a new surf movie. At.F.X C<Xll.MAN ~Pik>l CORONA DEL MAR -The • Port Thcatt-r, which has sat empty and unused for more than a year, will look a lot livelJ- ' er this everung when the pre- r miere Of the Surf fllOviC •The ·Experience• brings sorrte life _ ,bdck to its screen. . The 8 p.m. showing, which is • being presented by the O'Neill wetsuit and clothing company in conjunction with openings for the film m 13 cities across • America, is expected to sell out the 930-sedt venue. Scott Burnham, who owns the 48-year-old theater, explained that he has been reluctant to rent the space out for events since the Port's clo- sure. But the O'Neill movie was one he felt was right for the the- ater and the area. Hit's good, clean fun," Burn- ham said. Hit's not going to offend dllybody It's the type of film that our commuruty, bcmg a beach community, can really embrace.· Bumhum was hesitant to • speculate on whether the screening rrught lead to more events like it at the Port ·1 wouldn't say that it's going . . ~ ........................... ...--• . • . • • VOLUNTEER DIRECTORY • VOLUN'lEER DIRECTORY runs peri odically 1n the Daily Pilot. If you'd like information on having your organiza· • tion listed, call (949) 574-4228. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. ;fhe recovery center fo r adult women with alcohol and other • chemical depPndencies seeks volunteers. For more mforrna- • tion, call (949) ·548-9927 • between 10 a.m. and 6 p .m , or call Joy at (949) 548-8754. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC I LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers • to tutor adults w1shmg to improve their reading and writ- ing skills. 1Taining workshops at the Central Library will cer- tify volunteers. For registration or more information, call (949) 717-3874. NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES '" The Friends of The Newport .. ;,Beach Recital Series Guild ·;;needs volunteers to assist in fostering music appreciation so " hat classical music will endure. For more information, : call (949) 644-4208 . ... NEWPORT COSTA MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of ge?ieraJ volunteer help. For ; more information or applica- tions, call Rita at (949) 642-9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation Is looking for volunteers to help with fund- raislng effort<>, speakmg op por- tunities, public events and occasional office work For ,... more information, call (949) 631-4143 . NEWPORT THEATER ARTS CENTER to be the beginning,• Burnham said. "This just happened to be a circumstance where ell the arcumstanc~ were right.· ·The · theater closed last Au.gust after the Landmark Theatre Corp. decided not to renew its ll?ase on the space. At some poiJ:lt in the future, Bum.ham said, he hopes to use the space in a way that will "integrate a theater into the. overall scheme,• but his specif- ic plans are undecided. "Smee its closure, it's been m constant discussion with a num- ber of ctifferent situations," Burnham said. "The Experience,• the first movie O'Neill has produced m five years, features some of O'Neill's most famous surfers, including Shane Beschen, Cory Lopez, Rochelle Ballard and Laguna Beach surf/skate crossover guru Bill Bryan. The large-scale premiere is uriusual in the surf movie busi- ness, where many films are released directly to video. Joey Santley, spokesman for O'Neill, explained that the com- pany hoped the big-screen experience of the theatrical pre- miere would give the film the punch usually lacking from the straight-to-video expenence. COM!loO lAU I OAllY PILOT. Ja on C arrougher puts letters on the' marquee sign to announce a one·time s howing of "The Experience," a surf · movle;' at the Port Theater in Corona del Mar. · ·we want people to get a big 1.J11pact, • he said. The Port, in particular, seemed lo be a good choice for the debut because it was the s1te of many screenings m the old days of surf moVles. ·1 sow (the class1c '7(h sun film) "Five Summer Stories' there,• St1ntley sdid. "To me, the cultural and historical aspect of that theater are rad.• Santley said he hoped the prenuere would recreate some of the mcmic enthusiasm that once attended surf movie scree rungs "I can't wait to see 13- year-old luds breaking m the back doors and stuff,· Sant· ley said. "Twenty years dQO, I was that kid." MEXICAN RESTAURANT OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO PHONE AHEAD MARGARITA'S ARE FOR YOUR MADE WITH "FOOD TO GO" TEQUILA GOLD 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949-645-7626 . --~~· - Soturdoy, December 4, 1999 AS Toys for the Corps • Yacht Club members have collected nearly 2,000 toys for Mannes to distribute. J!rn SHAffRFI Ocit Pill NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach Ydcht Club president Terrance Phillips can't wait for the Manne Corps to drop anchor torught. "J'm up to my ed!S in toys here,• Philhps smd. "Every- whc~re I look, I see toys.• The 377 members ot the yacht dub have managed to collect nearly 2,000 toys for the M~ne Corps' annual Toys for Tots program, includmg everything fiom b1cych~s to Lego !;ets "H you blought ma toy, you got a free drink at the bar,• Phillips said, pomting to that temptation as the reason the drive wac; so succe.-.sful. Tonight at 6:30 p.m .. retired Marine Corps Brig. Gen J.W. Hubbdid and his son, Lt. Col. Oint · Hubbard, will mee t Phillips, d.long with other club member -including Orange . County DISt Atty, Tony Rack· aukas -under the club's . grand-sm .. >d outdoor Christmas tree to ree1•1vo tho fruit .. of n11•mbers' lribOr:, Soldiers Will load the 'toyi. onto d truck and they'll be tak- en to Uw Manne:;' Toys For Tots warehouse Ill El Turo. ·w .. expect to have maybe 200,000 toys there,· said Scott Mather of tht' Council of Orange County Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which creen Sooal sef\1ce agen,- ces for the Manne Corps toy program The Jo)'~ will be given lo vanous Orange County social service agencies, Mather said, mcludmg boys and girls du~. diurch pantnes and the Sal- vation Army. A variety of Jobs need to be tackled, including ~et construc- tion, ushering, mailing and assorted tech nical dutie . Scheduling is fleXJble, with a two-to 20·hour commitme nt per month. The Newport The- ater Arts Center is at 2501 CliU Dnve. For more informa tion, call(949)631-0288. For tht. />r.st ortlwprdic care,, s(op b_v Hoag Orllu>f}fd1c Savia: -ifJOll can. OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheel~ volunteers are n •cdcd lo distribute pr ~­ pared dio;h :; to home-bound seniors in the Newport Beach area . The clehvcry time 1s hetwecn 11 :30 a.m and 1 p.m . daily. Fot mor... mformatton, call (949) 644-3244. OPERA PAOFIC The Opera P1ctflc Guild Alliance, a support group for Opera Padf1 , ha activ'iti for volunteen For more informa· on, call (949) 474 •. uea. - No matfr.r what your sj>0rt, or )'0111' injury, lloag llospital i~ rquip/,cd lo lramllt. it. nr;11r tlte largrsl, moJI e.~jJtrienad sl<!ff ef orthopedic surgr.ous i11 Omnge. C<11miJ. Hoag pr.ifm111\ 'lllOI ort 110/u:d ic .rn rgc1 ic · 1lw11 all} otlwr a rra lw.\/J1°f<1L Aud. ju.,f a.\ in s/1 01'f,. c.~flct ic11rc r omiL\. S11 i/)'<>ll want lo gr.t btl<'k in flM game. back 011 the .tfrtmd or.Just .u'111/{l1 back ou ,-yourfrrt, rnll mrovcr to flu: orll10/1cclic r.xf>crf\ al /111ag ll<>Jf>ilal. 1o lraru mm about l loag Orlltoj1cdic Senn'ct.\ rall 800/975-6468. ~ Ranked #] in Orange ounl)~ Hoag· edic , A6 Soturdoy, Dec mber 4, 1999 [A mile of t Businesses are ~earing up for the 21st tannual Corona del Mar ' hristmas Walk. ! Tf I> St IAI IRE) ( ~Pilot ; CORONA DUL MAR A E ne-mile strip of east Coast iighway wtl1 be lrdnsformed to a cel~hration of dl.l Uungs hristmai> tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m .. between Avocado and Poppy avenues. ·come and party with us!•said a chcertuJ Ali Aldya of the Health Emponum, one of the more than 150 businesses taking pdrt in tlw 21st armual ·chnstmas Walk f-estival, .. sponsored by the Corona del Mar Chamber of Conunerce. '. 'x:. L LIA!LY PII..Or Highlight<> will Uldude wan- denng carolers and mustOdns, free photos with &mk1 Claus. a petting zoo and plenty of clowns to entertam Parents, kids and dogs cross East Coast Highway during the 1998 Christmas Walk. More than 100 prizes, worth between $25 cmd $2,680, will be raffled off, along wtth random _giveaways -from food to vita- mins to balloon.'>. • "Tlus is a big dedl for us,• ~d Luvena I Jayton . of lhe chamber, which started the walking festival 21 years ago "A lot of stores have said that without this one-day boom in the local economy, they would- n't be able to stay in business." Saha11no Tommy Peter Phil Vince Flavorful & Delicious Lunches & Dinner l nlqor .. in, niom &. dlninit room~ a\allahlt fur croop bu)lntc'< fllfftlngs and prh1lt fundlon• 723-0645 Plra..e <.'all fo'or Reservations and Directions 25 I Shipyard Way • Newport Beach Hayton explained that the The streetscape looked so ruce, festival started m 1978 when she she said, that she was inspired and another business owner in to ask all of the business~s to put the dTPa were putting up poin-their wares on the sidewalk and settias and wlute lights to cover offer fun attractions for cus- up poster palnt on the windows. tomers and neighbors. ,30'• Off On II011·d Cl av othing · • Birthda) Gifts •Mother/Daugh ter Girls 0-14 .~ Chri Lening Outfits Bo)s 0-4T ~ ( Mon-Sunday l0am-6:00pm · 321 mruine ave. • balboa island • Ca 92662 • (919 675-4660 Enjoy eedom of Laser-Vision Gorrection Join the thousands of thrilled patients who have discovered better vision at LaserCare. Educational Seminar Dates Saturday, Occember 4th 1 O.im . $338 5. •1tm1ted off !f h discount avail, blc LAS ER CARE MEDICAL CENTER I) Charles D. Fritch, M.D. F.A .C.S. 01r1:{tor of f DA Sturly o( F arc:r~htcdnes~ .ind Astign1i11tsm Donald Serafano, M.D. M.1yc> Clinic lratn~l A<.k ahoul our FDA Approved VISX taserl Open S.llurciay~ 1-877-97LASER (1 ·877-975-2737) r Doily Pilot Balboa Island residents hot for history le~ns •Early response to a questionnaire about transforming the old fire station into a . m useum is overwhelmingly positive. NOAK.I SCHWARTZ BALBOA ISL.AND -It seems the. community is defi- nitely interested in trans- fonning the ol~ fire station into a local museum. The society sent out 1,300 questionnaires before the Thanksgiving weekend and so far has received almost 100 responses --most of which have been over- whelmingly positive. •The response to the questionnaires has been so great," said Pat Buderwitz, president of the Balboa Island Museum and Histori- cal Society. Many wrote that they were very interested and would support the idea either through monetary donations or through volunteering their time. ., Only eight people said they were not interested in a local historical museum, and they were primarily con- cerned that the museum would attract more tourists and lead to more parking problems. Although it has not yet started a fund-raJsing cam- paign, the society hAs already collected more than $15,000 in donations. In order to pur- chase buy the fire station, which was built m 1932, and to renovate the building, Buderwitz expects the group Will need to raise $2 million. •People have been calling up and offering donations,• she said. To donate money or time, contact Buderwitz at The Balboa Island Museum and Historical Society at (949) 675-9019. w~j~jeafft,.J.J, tveaf"Rtf tl, ~ .. ~,, C:•~t fr4't feaf111"i"9: ... ~,~,Vt /i11t .j ~JaJ. 'tt.Ot!U; (.ht,. 't Giftlfa' afl t!e&4i."I i-@,., .J a 1.Q,.J @.,.JI" . i" ~lfllf'tfr•"z . y ~ ~tlfo.bz ~t"''· !My Na,,le1. Italy +· v,.1~, ff·~ ~ <f¢J,,. y 1g:-te; 'Prillt"fll ~,..,, €w y """""' ~ 322 @IJ Ji~ '3"1J .. N,.,..,.11 ~taeA 'JI.".-7""". lNe~ee cJ,t.12:ee~ee (€l"J ~ &> ~l..J ~#!) -~-t2-1@.~@ ~ Beacon Bay 4200 Birch St Newport Beac 833-066 There is no extra wash charge for lrucks & vans · Stop by to meet Jack Tamoukian. He offers watches, ac~essories, minor watch repairs and makes keys. (Formerly located inside Fedco-Costa Mesa) Classified ads work for YOU! THE Daily Pilot t I _f Doily Pilot A golfer's bargain-hunting paractise this weekend TI weekend U. an cxcel- nt time to purchaM? golf e rchandise at great sav- ings at Costa Mesa Country Club's pre-holiday tent sale, which runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All brands are-marked 20% to 60% off. Irons, dnvers, fairway woods, wedges, put- ters, bags, men's and ladiPs' golf apparel dnd shoos will be available. Name brands on sale include Ping, Titleist, Mizuno, Orlimar, Callaway, Precept, Taylor Made, Cobra, Wilson, Etonic, Cleveland, Nike and Foot-Joy. Costa Mesu Country Club' is at 1701 Golf Course • Dnve in Costa Mesa It's difficult not to menllon · Roger's Gardens every week during the holidays. It's perfect for finding the best m decora- tions, and with the workshops and demonstrations offered, you can also learn how to recreate some of the becmty of Roger's Gardens at your home. At 9:15 a.m. Saturday, U1ere will be a workshop on how to create simple yet elegant holi- day decorations using items fresh from the garden. The nat- ural Christmas decor class will be taught by Eric Cortina and Cristin Fusano, who tetlill up with Roger's silk floral design- er, Tina Bushling. At 9:15 a.m. Sunday, there will be d tree- lighting demonstration Mdry Rose or Barcan Trees will reveal professional bps for lighting Christmas trees erh- c:ierilly as well as bcdutifully. For gift and decor ideas, you nught want to check out the BEST BUYS greer wylder Steinbach Nutcrackers and lhe English Baskets Gardens. Ear- lier this year, Roger's Gardens buyers traveled lo the heart of Germany in search of the per- fect holiday accents and gilts. They were very impressed with the quality of the Stem- bdch Nutcrackers, which dre hand-carved and hand-pdintecl by skilled urt:isans. The nut· cracker selection at Roger's this year includes traditional styles of longs, soldiers and Santas, dS well as several modem designs. The English Basket Gardens are Roger's own cre- ation of seasonal flowers, com- bined with fems and ivy. The adclilion of moss and a French bow make the baskets tt beau- llf uJ gut. Roger's Gardens is at 2301 San Joaquin Hills Rottd in Newport Beach. Call (949) 640- 5800 for more information. t It's no longer necessary to drive up to Beverly Hills for d ~IAs EL:R@-CHITO LIDAY FIESTAS Banquet Rooms 10 to 150 people. Pm It Tiup To Go Order by the Dozen • Chingoltngas • Taqu1tos • Tacos • Burritos • Guacamole • Chips & Salsa COMPLDI PAllTY PACK to• I 0 $49.95 Call your nearest location for pick-up. Full Service Catering Sizzling Fajita Bar • Strolling Mariachis Margarita & Cerveza Bar 645-0209 Corona del Mar Newport Beach 644-8226 675-6855 The classic cailored diamond necklace ... to wear any time of day or night CHARLES H. BARR • tyli l lo the suus• hturstylc. With the ilmval or the new Christophe alon at Fashion J l1md, II' much easic:r to yo to Christophe, who~c clientele rc•ads hke tt who's who or polit- 1ral dnd Hollywood Jldmes. Belgium-born Chnstophe Sd1i1ltPrnan opene<l his Oag- slup Beverly 1 hlls salon in t965 and has since o~ned two loca· lions in Washington D.C. and St. Burts. ChrislophP offers a full rannc ot sPrviccs, including haircuts, color treatments, m<1nicures, pedicures, fcs.aals and more. The salon boasts a h1ghly acclillmed team or inter- nuticmally lrdlned technicmns, co mctologistc; and stylists. The salon aho offers amenities mc-Judmg deep oil massages, seaweed wraps Cllld aro- rnathmapy to make the ovcrdll Chrn.tophe cxpcmcmc c closer to U1<tt of a l.>pa than d hair salon. ·we are dchuhtecl to huvP Chnstophc op<•n one ol h1:. ienowned salons at FdShion bl<mcl ," sc11d R1c:k Evans, pres1- ciPnt of lrvme Rctd1l Properties Cornpcmy, ownm of Fdshion Jslc1n<I "I le hCIS on mtemabon- ctl rpp11tdt1on for excellence cHHl will complemC'nt the other !ugh qudlily Wl<uJers and ser- v1c1 ·s tll rtlsh10n lsl<tnd ft W•Jllclm Harold Jewelers is hc1VmH 1ls !'.em1ttnnt1cll hdll-off sail• now through D(•t'. 24.'0is- rountecl merchilnctisc will Jn('lude one-oJ-a-kincl pieces, watches, estate Jewelry. d1a-· mond wedding sets, ttnt1quc and hne 1ewelry. Wilham Harold is at 3116 Newport Blvd. m NeWJxJrt B ch. Call (949} 673-0365 tor more dctdlls The spmt of Chri.c;tmas should be easy to find at the 21st annual Corolla del Mar Christmas Walk scheduled Jor 11 d.m. to 4 p.m Sunday. The walk will take plact• t1lonq Pacific Coast H1ghwdy from Avocado Avenue to Poppy Street. Pdrtic1pating merchant<> will hdve tickets available for the opporturuty drawing. You'll have the chance to·Wm·pnzes valued from $25 to $2,680 More than 100 pn.zes will be gtven away. Entcrtumment will be provtded by bands, carolers, clowns. strolling mus1nans, a balloon maker and a mmrtc show at the library. Stint~ Claus will be dvatlable tor complimentary picture:; and there will be a pelting zoo for kids in the Blockbuster pllrking lot. At the Chru.bnas walk, you can bnng a new unwrapped toy to be collected by tht• "Toy~ For Tots• ca.mpaic1n For more inlonnation, pleds~ tdll the Corona del MM Chlimber of Commerce lit (949) h73-4050 @j~ .Floral & Gifts 50 % OFF TOPIARIES AND WREATHS Garlands & ArrangenJ<!nfs Christmas H o me D ecor• H oliday Wreaths Lighted Trees & Garlands -·- M on-Fri 10-6 •Sat 10-5 •Sun 11-4 369 E. 17th St., #13 •Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 "" .1 ... IWplH Saturday, December 4, 1999 A7 A lot hab changed m Newport-Mesa smce the beginnmg of the Who was the Newsmaker century. As 1999 winds down and · Cofthe entury .- we recognize those who made significant contributions to our community, help us choose our newsmakers of the century and the decade. 001 QJ.r • i~ r., H-tlineot (94Jl 64r· 6086 or" end c-m:lil to dcnlypilot@la1:;1rnes.com. Please spell your name and inciude your hom~t.oNn and phQne numbcr ( f9r vedfj.cation purposes only) . BRIEFLY OCC collecting gifts for needy children Orange Coast College IS collecting .Christmas gifts for needy and abused Orange County children as part of its Angel Tree Project. Unwrapped gifts will be collected· on campus at the Assooated Students College Life Office from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thur.;day, and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m . Fnday. Friday, Dec. 10, is the final day to drop off gifts. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 432- 5063. j ~Saturday, December 4, 1999 • • I Doily Pilot ;·Brighten your m<:!od for the holiday season I ' L ighting is perhap the ' single-most overlooked ' element tn ow homei.. •l Yet it is the most importdnt • 1 component we can use to set I the mood and highlight spe- ' cial focus areas. Inadequate overhead hght- 1 ing is one of my pet peeves, (: but t9day I'm going to focus 1 § mood lighting, the kmd of ', ghting that lets everyone II ow a spcoal occasion is at I and. •I Candles, votives, lununar-!j ias and strings of lights should l ~ holiday staples in every •I lome . No matter the holiday. NO PLACE LIKE HOME koren wight l any dJnner is more special by ' candlelight. ,l Choose unscented candles 1 for the dinner table as nothing Create the mood in other areas as well. Light a votive in the powder room. Choose a candle that bums for several hours so you don't have to worry about wax spilling over. My favorite votive candles are Vobvo and are available in many specialty stores around town. The three wise men are featured in th.ls lawn scene. The front llgbt that shines on the figures ~ds dimension and erihances vtstbWty. This outdoor path, below, ls lined with luminaries. • should compete with the • ·smells coming from the ', kjtchen. A single pair or can- :· dlesticks surrounded by rrwts ,1 and nuts is simple and strik· •:Jng. I love to use those small and green pears from the 1 ocery store. 1 I also stock up on walnuts. I 11 spray them with gold pamt. Urban Gardener in West- cliff Court has several testers lit all day, every day. This, if nothing else, will inspire you to light candles just to get the fabulous fragrance. ~: You can't eat them after ypu •1 do this, but it is an easy wdy • l' to dress up the table. Pome- _, granates and small citrus fruits : are great for this purpose as , well, and they keep for sever- al days If you are having a party, line the path to your front door with luminaries set on the ground or small votive candles NEWPORT COASTAL PODIATRY GROUP, INC. NO! YOUR FEET ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HURT. The feet arc the foundarion of your body, and can often cau e BACK, KNEE and HIP pain. Pam 1\ your body's way of indicating somethin~ is wrong. Dr. Vih1ncn can help relieve pain-tlirough non surgical me"10ds. • Bunion correction-No ho pitalization • Ingrown toenails New treatment for fungus nails • Specializing in the treatment of athletic & sports injuries • Utilizing new computerized foot anaJy is • Diabetic Footcare and Evaluation Or. Vihincn u1ihzes computeriz:ed gait analysis to help evaluate and diagno e disorder.. of the lower extremities. Fn·t· I imill'd lnilial E\alll Preferm.l provider for most insurances including Medicare 307 Placentia, Ste. 207, Newport Beach 949-645-6544 placed in garden stak es This inspires a restive atmosphere before your guests step insjde the door. Start a fire in your fireplace, no matter what you are celebrating; flickering light from the fire enhances everything. Now, outside lighting. Tilis corrununity is the perfect blend of geography and inspi- ration. We have a beauWul harbor, magnificent homes and communities that come together durlng the holidays to celebrate their blessings. Many of these communities are visual joys to behold and their outdoor lighting reflects this mood and celebrntory spirit. Take a peek as you drive Traditional to Cottage C1mdles to Chandeliers Wi~h l,ist a11d Delivery G<M"d.et-v C~ down Dover or take advan· tage of the public path that winds around the Castaway~ development. The light dis· play is awesome. It reminds me of the origmal •Home Alone" movie with the great decorations and light extrava- ganza. It's a shame that every- one can't enjoy this effort, but it's worth a venture to get a glance. An another light phenome- non of a more public kmd is the Snoopy House on Santa • Ana Avenue on the East Side • of Costa Mesa. What began in years past as a yard display has mushroomed mto a some- thing-for-everyone experi· ence that every child (and adult) familiar with the Peanuts characters will appreciate. Fashion Island, with its mesmerizing outdoor beauty, has always_ been on my list of favorites. Bundle up the Jods and delight in the prolific dec- orations, lights, train rides, food and lots of ways to spend money. And while you're out, Roger's Gardens, with its white lights, train display and beautiful decorations, is always a great place to go for a feel-good fix. Of course, the annual Boat Parade always lights up the season If you're not lucky enough to en.ioy this spectacu- lar Crom a warm home (with a fireplace roaring and plenty of candles burriing, of course) With a great view, there are plenty of viewing opporturu- tics from the waterfront re:.taurants or public ~rks with a view of the harbor. There are everal streets in our commurulies U1at take exlra eftort on Christmas Eve to light luminaria'i: These brown paper bugs, anchored With sand and a votive candle, are a simple way to make a big statement. There is some- thing about that community coordmation that makes my heart sing. · Jn my neighborhood, there is a tremendous CaWorrua , sycamore tree that must be al least 100 years old. The own- ers wrap the tree trunks in white lights for the holidays. What a lovely gift they gwe to the entire street. We en1oy its beauty every evening. Another neighbor spelled out ·cIF" m white lights on their roof the year Newport Harbor High's rootbdll team won the championship (their son was quite a star that year) We love our prep sports, so this was a special reminder of the joy and pride we shared with them. After all, no matter where you live, what your religion, or your family background, the holiday season is about hope, inspiration and thankfulness Let's begin at home. • KAREN WIGHT 1s a Newport Beach resident who owned Wight House Design for 10 years. Her column runs Saturdays. Holidc1y Gifts & Decor Used & Rare Books Custom Picture Framing Linens, Crystal & China Furniture Restoration 94-9 722-1177 (Arden Patto Dining Brett/4Sl, Lun£h, U . Ch . t G 'ft & 0 t Tea & Espresso Bar nrque ris mas 1 s rname11 s 130 Ea:.t 17th Strtet Co)/11 Mesa, Cl\ (Belurid llorp Inn) It can be a quiet 1 candlelit din'ner for two, or • maybe four couples celebrat· 1 ing a birthday, an niversary, or just getting cogecher. Some people think che fall The reasons for Duffy cruising are endless. Prepare a favorite dish, or maybe call and winter arc the end of the ahead to a watcrfrom boating season. Not true, and for a "to-go• especially noc crue with our new mode!J! Our wonderful new all Fall, winter, spri ng we.thee features provide year- ' and summer-each season of- fers a unique Ncwpo" Har- bor experience. . www.duffyboats.com 2001 W. Cow Hwy Ntwpon Bexh. CA 949.645.68 12 round comfort. New cabin windows, heating systems, fabric cushions and more make a December cruise as CnJOY· able as a July cruise: It's our goal to provide a craft worthy of your water- front. A craft more inviting, comfortable and pleasurable than any other boat on the water. Our professional staff will answer your questions, prove the best time to Duffy is now! Cafe Hours: Mon-Sat s-.s December, Thurs: Open 11am-Bpm Row Hours Tu~Sat IC).5 Applicants sougf?t for high school contest Amencan Legion Post 291 in Newport Beach is accepting applications ror its annual high school oraloncal contest, which is open to ninth through 12th·graders in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. • There are fiv~ levels of competition, begmning with Post 291 and continuing up to the national finals in April m Indianapolis, Ind., where·thC' top three prizes will range from $14.000 to $.18,000. The contest, which consists of a short speech on the U.S. Constitution and another on one of four selected topics, will be held Jan. 20 at Post 291. · For contest rn.les, an appli- cation or more information, call Jlm Shatter, oratorical chairperson, at (949) 583-0510. KIWANIS DONATION: The Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club has presented a check for $250 to Pepe Montenegro of the gang outreach pro- gram, part of $5,300 nused at the club's recent pancake breakfast. WORTH REPEATING: From the newsletter of the Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club, the Scut- tlebutt: •'Jbe great thing m this world is not so much , w:here we stand as in what direcbon we are movmg." UPCOMING MEETINGS: COMMUNln & CLUBS [im de boom· Want to get more involved in your conununity, make new friends, network, or to give ' something back to your com- munity? Try a service club. You are invited to attend a club meeting next week. Many clubs will buy your first guest meal. MONDAY: The Harbor Mesa Lions Club will bold its family Christmas dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club. TUESDAY: The Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club will meet at 7:30 a.m. al the Balboa Bay Club and the Cos- ta Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club will hold a busi- ness meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club. WEDNESDAY: At 7:15 a.m., the South Coast Metro Rotary Club will meet at the Center Club, the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club will meet at the Uruver~ity. Athletic Club and the Exchange Club of Orange _Coast will meet at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. The Newport BalbOd Rotary Club will hear a report on the upcoming d1stnct con- ference al 6 p.m. at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. THURSDAY: The Costa Mesa Orange Coast Breakfast Lions Club will hold its monthly b~siness meeting at 7 a.m. at Mimi's Cdfe. At noon, the Kiwanis Club of Newport Beach-Corona del Mar wi,11 meet at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, the Costa Mesd Kl.warns Club will meet at the Holiday Inn, the Exchange Club of Newport Harbor will meet dl the River- boat to hear BW Atkinson discuss the grand Jury selec- tion process, and the New- port-Irvme Rotdl)' Club will elect officers and directors at the Irvine Marriott. • COMMUNITY & Q.UBS is pub- lished Saturdays. Submit information about service club meetings by fax to (949) 66()-8667, by e-mail to jde- boomOaol.com or by mall to 2082 S.E. Bristol St., Suite 201, Newport Beach 92660-1740. JEFF & LYLEEN EWING NO ONE BUYS A HOUSE AT CHRISTMAS, RIGHT? p••·--------------·---------------- Conventional wisdom sa}'!> that the holiday 'iea~n is the worst time to try to sell (or buy) a home. Conventional wisdom i!. wrong in the c:ise of r~I estate. "bile home sales usuallv slow down from "Jovembcr' until January, the} certainly Jo not 1 J'~~pft~ • top. During thio; period it is not at all unuo;u<ll for a half-million homes ro be sold nation\\ide. Who buy home during this period? Buyer , not looker)! The.-;c bu\:er> tend to be without children and looking to "move up." This j., especially good new~ for seller of high-end Bring the kiJ.s walk thru our Chris e Farm. Choose & cut a ick one of our fresh Oregon ouglas Firs. marker home,, Buyers during this period include those who have no other time co look for a new home, such 11s job tran~ferce), military personnel, and docton. on the move. So don't chink the holidar seasdn spells the end of the hon1e selling season-the most wonderful holiday gift of all may be the deed to anew home. Jeff and Lyleen have 27 consecuti\:e ye.in. of real estate experience tn "'lcwport Beach. They are Coldwell Banker's fl team. For prof cs ional ervice or advise with all }OUr real esme necJ.1 call the Ewings at (949) 644-9060 x1 14. Neu'fl0r1's Finest NelglJl>orbood Markt.•I PromeUs We;tcliff Market Is a unique market ~in p~idiJig )'OU lhe highest quality Cami CreJi produce, hand selected 11ltdit) meats, fresh seafood, poulll)'. "m and cheese1. We ttt comautted to providing an extraordinary hoppln experience .,Me roaigng on "old "orld" customer S<'l'\l(e. HAVE US CATER YOUR Holiday Meal or Party Made to Order Spccialcy Gift Ba~kccs Delivery Available NOW TAKING ORDERS NEVER IN OUR HISTORY HAVE WE REDUCED PRICES THIS LOW!!! OUR SUPPLIERS HAVE BEGGED US TO HELP REDUCE THEIR INVENTORY GREAT SAVINGS Regular Price Values · to · $120 · Now Only $1 87 And Less Actionwear Sign at Zanshi Love Letters (Romeo Romeo) Willow c·tron Nino Wong -and mor ... CONTEMPORARY WOMEN'S WEAR & ACCESSORtES University hopping Center lrvine Location Only 4237 Can1pu Dri\le • {949) 854-4452 AIO Saturday, December 4, 1999 around town Doily Pilot . . Send AROUND TOWN ltefm to the a1ly Pilot. 330 w Bay St, CosU esa 92627, fax them to (949) 646-. 170, or call (949) 7~330 A com· lete listing may be found at da1lypi· t.com. CC wtJI present the Tax act.Jtioner Institute from 8·30 .m. to 4:30 p.m. The $65 pro- ram includes seminars of RAs and rollovers, rental ncome, tax law changes ond nore. Lunch and morning cof- ee is included. OCC 1s at 2701 airview Road, Costd Mesa. or more in(onnation, cw.I (714) 32-5880, ext 1. osllive Results Personal a.ining will present a Back ay Boot Camp at 8:30 a.m. e boot camp features mdlly · 'tary-style strength exero.s- and is held outdoo~ al New- rt Beach's Back Bay The amp is $25. Positive Results is t 1000 Bnstol North. Suite 28, ewport Bedch. For more tnformation, call (949) 222- 1230. lbe Orange County Fair and ~sition Center will host a reptile show and ale today through Dec. 5 in Building 12. Tho event will run from 9 a m. to 5 pm. Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $8 for adults and $3 for children. The fairgrounds are at 88 F&.r Dnve, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (619) 295-8834. The Lab AnU-Mall will host an appearance by Santa Elvis from 1 to 4 p.m. today and every Saturday in December. ·The Lab is at 2930 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more informa- tion, call (714} 966-6661. The Orange Apple Computer Club's Jl)eeting will feature guest speaker Peter Thomas of Aladdin Software to demon- strate the compression utility Stuff-It Deluxe. The meeting takes place from 8 a .m. to 1 :30 p.m. in the chemistry build.mg of OCC, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. For more informa- tion, call (714) 836-0522. OCC's ceramics students will hold their 23rd annual Christ- ma Art Pottery Sale today through D • 6 on the OCC campu:,. The sale will be held m the ceramics room m the Art Center building. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. For morn information, call (714) 432-5843. Newport Stationers presents •Organizing for the Holidays,• a free orgaruzmg consultation from noon to 4 p.m. at the Har- bor View Center, 1640 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 644-8444. Salomon Smith Barney pre- sents a free ·program titled •Where is the Stock Market Headed? Outlook 2000 • from 10 a.m. to noon at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Bea·ch. For more information, call (~49) 955-7411. SUNDAY The Corona del Mar Ubrary will hold an open house from 1l5~ Mattress Outlet Stor BRAND NEW -COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best for Less! r 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa One Blodl SOulh of 405 ~ (7 14) 54 5 -7168 Can you really buy a car over the Internet? Yes You Can! N ew & Pre,owned vehicles www.lexuswest.com THROWING YOUR MONEY AWAY ON CUT-RATE CAR INSURANCE? Trust one of these State Farm agents with your car insurance: CORONA DELMAR NEWPORT BEACH Chip las el 3810 E. Coast Hwy. (at Poppy across from 5 Crowns) 949-723-4000 lie OC08488 Jerry Estabrook 2711 E. Coast Hwy., #C (PCH & Goldenrod) 949-67 J..8643 lie 0486862 COSTA MESA NORTH Buddy Bearbower 2850 M esa Verde Dr. East, Ste. P (Adams & M esa Verde) 714-546-1701 lie 0196112 Matthew Kennedy 891 W. Baker St., Ste. A-8 (Baker & Bear St.) 714-957-6666 lic0731154 Mike cheafer 1551 Baker St., Ste B (Baker & Harbor) 714-435-0300 lie 0645331 EWPORT BEACH Dian Roy 2400 W. Coast Hwy .. # 1 (next to Jack Shrimp) 949-631-5530 lie 0563198 Jeff Long 2633 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. B (2 blocks So. of Newport Blvd. between Riverside & Tustin Ave.) 949-574-9200 lie 0724779 Wuyne Ireland • 4500 Campus Dr., #505 (at Campu~ & MacArthur) 949-852-851 J lie 0618494 Dennis Rosene 2610 Avon St., #C (near the Riverside Ave. Post Office) 949-645-6000 lie 0863316 Bob Sullivan 227 20th St., Ste. 103 (one blk past old Spaghetti Factory on the bay side) 949-673-9391 lie 0567334 COSTA MESA EAST George Elsom 350 E. 17th St., #211 (at 17th St. & Newport) 949-646-9393 lie OB72182 Keo Dilley 2482 Newport Blvd., #10 (in Sea Coast Village) 949-631-1080 lie 0490103 Don J ulien 474 E. 17th St., #203 (at Irvine, above Diedrich's) 949-646-4848 lie 0256186 COSTA MESA OUTH Jerry Tardie 1518 Newport Blvd, (Newport Blvd. & 15th Street) 949-553-1115 . lie 0515017 Pat Mcl.<.'(>d 2651 Irvine Ave., # 138 (next to Farmer's Market) 949-631-1082 lie 0492147 ITAU fAIM Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. A St111 fer• Mvt11tl lltHllD<I ( .. ,.., (11011• llJI • Sl11t f11• l14e lty (1•,.t'f (llJI • 11 ... Olfkn llfftHitltl. r r noon to 4 p.m. Conuc magician Tony Daniels will perform and refreshments will be provided. The library 1s at 420 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 717-3801. Balboa Island's third annual holiday walking home lour Will be held from noon to 5 p.m. The tour will include bayfront homes and charming cottages, and includes coffee and cook- ies. Tickets are $15. For more infonndtion, call (949) 723- 4226. . De Anza Bayside Vlllage will hold a Christmas boutique from 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m. m its south clubhouse, 300 Ettsl Coast Highway, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 673-4051 The Newport Beach Fire and Marine Department and the Riverboat Angela Lowse pre- sent a •toy for a crwse •event Dec. 5-6. Participants who bring an unwrapped toy worth at least $10 will receive a 90- minute tour of Newport Harbor on the Angela Lowse. Touno are dunng the day Dec. 5 and in the everung Dec. 6. For more infor- mation, call (949) 723-1403. The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will bolds its 21st annual Christmas Walk from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. along East Codst Highway in Corona del Mar, from Avocado to Poppy avenues More than 100 prizes will be given away in a draw- ing. For more information, call (949) 673-4050. MONDAY 0 Tbe Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a ·cEO Acquaintance• breakfast from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel to spot- light its •cEO Roondlable, • a forum for CEOs to speak about the challenges they encounter. The breakfast is free. For more information, call (949) 720- 0282. The Thursday MornJn9 Women's, Club will hold a Christmastime music event at The Original MIKE'I .CARPET$ O VER 25 YEARS IN COSTA MESA noon at the BalbOO Bay Clu~ The Choralis1he and th~ Sound allon:. will perform, Admission is $20, -which mdude; lunch. For more infor- mation, call (714) 546-2244. TUESDAY Whole Foods Market, lttangle Square, is hosting a free cla~s titl<>d •Holiday Gifts from the Kitchen,• from 7 to 8:30 p.m, The progrclm will teach partici• pants to make flavored vine- gars and other edible holiday gilts. The markc>t is at 1870 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. For more inf onndllon, call (949) 574-3800. ()ptometrtst Many Warren wU1 ·give a semµtar on vision prob- lems commonly nusdlagnosed as attention deficit disorder (ADD) from 7 to 8:30 p m. at 833 Dover Drive, Suite 9, New: port Beach. The presentation L'i free. For more information, call (877) 203-9100. The Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a •Holiday with a Hedrt Breakfast• at 7:15 a.m. at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthw Blvd., Newport Beach. Tickets are $18. Attendees are ask"d to bring an unwrapped child's toy. For more information, call (949) 72~•4400, I •• • WEDNESDAY Salomon Smith Barney will hold a free noon serrunar for people considering retinng or changing jobs. Financial con· sultants Jason Sherr and Don Harrell will spedk. The semi· nar will be held at 650 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (7141 641-7738. Apdl a,;,,. Ph•tot."'PhJ i * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Vinyls • Ceramics ALL CARPET & FLOORING Wood • Lam inates CURRENTLYMARKEDDOWN CALL NOW ~-· 3_0_o/o_o_ff_ ........ 642-8400 .. e~ Ho per 50 Years of Fine Quality" ·All Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Co rnice Boxes • Vetticals • Shutters • Romin Shades • Blinds • Bedspreads • New Orders Com limenta Consultation in Your. Ho e paily Pilot BECHLER ~ONTINUED FROM A 1 Marymount Uruvers1ty, said the unusual move may be an bttempl to catch the prOl>eclltion offgu~d. •lf the proserution doesn't have dll of the evidenC(' ready at trial. the defense nught want to go before they are ready,• she said. "The second possibility JS the defendant is not guilty a.nd he wants to be released soon as possible. The nonnal strategy is to take your time and not be so eager." The routine court procedure required for all accused crimi- nals turned Jnteresting as soon as Bechler entered the court- room. Clean-cut and . well. ~med, Bechler.smiled at his piother, Llnda, who was s1tting iri the audience. His eyes shifted around the courtroom, attempt- fug to avoid the throng of televi- sion cameras assembled across the room. After entering lus plea, Robi- son approved a request by the Los Angeles Tunes to unseal the police report. Neither attorney contested the motion. • Only one page branded with the words •confidential" wdS released. Orange County Sher- iff's investigators said they received new information regarding Pegye Bechle(b death the same night Eric Bechl r was c;ecreUy recorded by his Q'l!l- fnend at a Mexican restaurant. Bechler r.eportedly ·made mcnminating statements on the tdpe, d piece of evidence thdl may lX? presented at the next court hearing. . The report further stales Pegye was lying on the boat when her husband lul her With a dumbbell during a trip on July 6, 1997, the couple's wedding 1 anniversary. Bechler has never wavered from lus account of whdt hap- pened. He claims he was on a body board behind a rented speedboat when a wave pitched lum under water. When he sur- faced, he claims lus Wife had disappeared. J-fe thinks she mdy have hit her head on the side of the boat.· Some people were suspicious of Bechler's story from the outset because lus Wife was a triathlele and accomplished swinuner. Also working against Bechler was a Coast Guard report that stated Pegye probably had not been pitched overboard, given the boat's mechanics. Her body was never found despite lengthy searches, one of which included the use of a sub- marine. Prosecutors believe Bechler murdered his Wife for finanaal gain, a charge that could war- • OIA & EGL Certifted Diamonds • Customized Orders • Engagement & Weddln~ B.lngs • Repalrl While You Wait • 16 lndependent Merchants .-----~.2d' ~', ~/l/,,;,,,AJr''Y ,~~ Friday, Saturday & Sunday December 3rd, 4th & 5th RejTeshmmts will be serv:_d ~ r rant the death penalty. The couplP were havmg financldl problenu; months pnor to Pegye' d.isc pJ)CltfdflCC. The sale of her phylo.1cal therapy busmess, where Bechler also worked, fell through and the couple mce1ved only about 25% . of th(• estimated $1 2 million they W('re to receive from a Cos- ta Mesa-bdsed compony. Bech! r all<•g£>dly was alter d multimillion-dollar insurance policy he took out m his wife's n<lme. Howevc•r, Pegyc also · look out u policy in her hus- band's name, rc>portccUy for the stlme <1mount. Very few details have peen reledsed hy authonlies about the case, but the stlJacious nuture of thP ulle<Jed crime has drawn the . dttention of the national ffiL'<bcl «OCJ>s. Saturday, Decembef 4, 1999 A 11 · Olhcl<lls from the Orange County District Attorney's othce said they helve been contacted by People Mugc1zme and The National lnqwrer, seeking inlor- mation. As hds been the case with every other media organi- zation, the office hds refused to release any evidence. CONRAD LAU I DAILY Pit.OT LIGHTING· THE MENORAH: At Temple Bat Yahm's inaugural ceremony, Rabbi Mark Miller attempts to Ught the menorah while Canter Jonathan Grant looks on. However, ' high winds foiled his efforto; and he required assistance. . Whatever your Landscape or Maintenance needs, Lloyd's can do it all ... THIHKINC ABOUT LANDSCAPINC OR YARD MAIHTENANCEl CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE TODAYI (949) 646-7441 Lloyd's Nursery & landscape Co., Inc 2183 Fairview Rd. Suite 216, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 EXPERT LAJIDSCAPING I SPRINXLIRS I MAINTENANCE Stall liceae N•. "64Z55 Distinctive Gift Certificates aoo Newport Cent r Driv • I Next to M doon . . I '• ~12 Saturday, 0 Decembef 4, 1999 SMITH CONTINUED FROM A1 Several weeks ago, I spent one hospital visit gomg over some old family history. I knew, for example1 that my father had run away from his Ca.t.-;kill, N.Y., homo in 1929 af age 15. But I never knew that an uncle had abetted his escape by dri- , ving him into Manhattan and had even given him the prince- ly suin of $200 to get him start- ed. That was a lot of money back then. I also found out that my father doesn't much care for the city of St Low.s. 1 • My father's life -all that he stood for and all that he taught me -is defined by what hap- pened on Dec. 8, 1941. That day, my father stood 1.1\ line in the cold with thousands of oth- er men and enlisted in the Anny. He was 27 years old. It was. of course, the day after Peatl Harbor, but it could have been any nuntber of events wtuch would have prompted such a show of sup- port. That's the way tlungs were back then. Long before John Kennedy spoke the words, people wondered what they could do for their country, never wavering in their devo- tion to the cause of the common good. The nation's women played a part. too. My mother was one of t"ie members of the first WAC (Women'~ Army Corps) unit to go overseas, enlisting not Jong after my dad. Now, 1 rend that women ft.re leaving the anned forces m record numbers becaUSP. it's not what they~· So much for comaubnent. Today, it's OK to walk awoy Crom commibnents. Did you amass too much debt? No prob· lern, the courts have an easy way out for you. Boot camp not for you? Leave after two months as one recruit just did. Never mind that you put your signature on an agreement with the United States govern- ment. Boied with your spouse? Walk away. lt's OK Half of American couples still break the vow they took before God, friends and family. Today, we no longer marvel at anything. Where my father's generation Stood wide-eyed at the technological advances or their day, our generations have come to expect them. lristead, we celebrate the shallow accomplishments of our celebri- ty society. It is more than tragic that the mourning of the loss of Mother Theresa paled in com- parison to that of Princess Diana. Yes, I suppose there is the bitterness of the loss of my father talking here -I won't deny that. Or perhaps I'm bitter over the Uttle piece of America he took with him when he died. LIBRARY CONTINUED FROM A 1 idcnt. ·u·s a enes of guide- posts on how w~'re really gorng to enhance communica- tions to avo1d problems like this m the future.• Despite the ~nding peace agreement, the spat -which has pitted two of Newport's most respected organizations against each other -has rocked the usually tranquil library establishment. The Oct. 19 letter demand- ed the foundation reduce its operating costs, regularly give clear financial reports to the trustees and gwe greater con- • trol of the foundation opera- tions to µte oty and. library board. · U the foundation did not comply with the trustees' requests, the board threatened to clissol11e its relationship with the foundation That would require the foundation to cease fund raising in the name of the library and •begin the process of vacating the library pre.mises." For almost six weeks, both groups have remained tight- lipped about ~e details of the disagreement, only saying that nothing illegal has transpired. An audit conducted on the foundation in September RESTORATION •REPAIRS • BUY-SELL-TRADE USED EQUIPMENT• PASSPORT 0 -0 o Capture The Holidays With 5 ~ ~ G. Kodak's Best Film ~ • ~ u.a .... z Now In 3 Roll u.a ~ '.I UE pACl<'S ~ '/,.-. Kodak , ~ WQYAL Se::ts ~ 'GOLD ~ Fiim Q ·~ -~ z i2 0 0 co G. ~ ~ u .,,, • ALBUMS • CUSTOM INVITATIONS • RENTALS • FRAMES • liftthne St1ln W1rr1nty lifetime Seil W1tr1nty lifetime Fide W1tranty Lifetime Matt W1rr1nty llfttlm• ln1t1ll1tl1n ORANGE COUNTY'S EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR OF LIFETIME CARPET FREE N~~=:~R:.:~l CERAMIC TILES FREE 99 0 SQ. $149 SQ. DOUBLE OLD CARPET REMOVAL FREE FURNITURE MOVING 1-6 ••.. ,.,. 9-4 •••• E'nllftllY Al'Nll'l#UT UPORAOED .___-=--~__;.F..;.:T.___, FT. PAO DI NO PEROO OAK WOOD FLOOR FREE $2 9~~: $ 399 ~: CARPET SPOnl NO KIT .... CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEAMIMO WOOi REFINllHUIO & REFURllSHIMI CERAMIC COUNTERS & SHOWEii (949} 650-7676 124 EAIT 11'" $TREET COITA ME~A, C~ 9ZU7 ------- . ; • < -0 m 0 0 c: -0 ,... -n ~ 0 z • 0 > ,., ~ ,., 0 0 ~ "' c: -0 -0 ,... -m "' found the foundation's finances to be ln order. One of the maJor as uei; appears to be whether the foundation should build up 1ts endowment fund or use dona- tions to meet more 1mmed1ate needs at the library. Since its inception five years ago, the fotindation has given about $574,000 directly to the library and has established. an endowment fund of nearly $1 million. In the foundation's curreQt buc;tget, most of the money raised for the h1gh-prohle Campaign 2000 effort has been marked to build up the endowment fund. Of the $1.6 million expected in donations this year, about $1.3 million would go to the endowment fund, $83,500 to the library and the rest to operate the foundation. · Another issue for trustees is what they call an mcreasing percentage ol donations going into operating costs necessary to run the foundation -a charge disputed by foundation officials. The trustees cJaun the foun- dation is spending anywhere from 50% to 70% of the mon- ey on operations, said chair- man Jim Wood. However, foundation members maintain the organization runs at below 15% of total donations, which is typical of libraries. A key element to that con· flict is a disagreement over what constitutes operating costs. For example, the cost of putting on the Distinguished Lecture Series is coT1Sidered by trustees as an operating coi.t, whereas it lS counted as a program in the foundation's budget. • •Jt's money we have to ~pend 1.1\ order to get money to give to the library,• said foun- dation member.Jim Rubel. Sally Cullman. the develop· ment director at the Los Ange- les City Library Foundation, agreed with the foundation. The Los Angeles foundation considers any public event as a program cost and not an operating cost. #The whole role of the library has changed in the last l 0 years -it's become more o( a cultural center,• Cullman said. It's not just about books anymore, she added. The foundation began · building the· endowment fund, which has a goal of $2.5 mil· lion, in 1997 to insulate the library from the city's bud- getary ups and downs, Carmichael said. Fonner mayor and founda- tion member Clarence Turner said be bad •watched the cof- fers slowly drained" during the budget crunch from 1991- 94 and didn't want the library to fall victim to future econom- ic crises. The idea was to use the $120,000 expected in annual interest from the endowment fund as a steady stream of income to support the library. But in the meantime, that means less money will go to the trustees. For example, the $83,535 earmarked for the library m this year's budget is about 42% less than the aver- ildew Removal I Power washing ... Rick Nixon · SPS Surface Preparation S~ialists (949) 58 l-0360 or 1 ·800·581 ·0360 Lie. 667230 Steam Cleaning I Acid Wash I Sealers Mom & Baby Q iraffe as seen of safa ri in Newport Beach 1s·w x 20· H Hodson Light'ing QuaUiy Li1htin1 Servi~ ror30v~ .... Optll Tues.-Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-4 1510 Ntwport Blvd., Cost.i Mts.i {949) 548-9341 Discontinued and overstocked items including slipcovered sofas carried by major national retailers like Z·Gollerie, Restoration Hardware and others we can't name but you will recognize. You can special order from over 200 Fabrics. Everything here is new, obtained directly from the factory ·No Used Furniture or consignment items. Furnishings Direct carries uphOlstered sofas, sleepers, leather softis and chain, entertainment centers, ormoirs, beds, hondmode rugs, desks, lamps and more. Doily Pil t age amount given during tht last five years, nccording financial records. That difference appears Cb be what is fueling the dispute. While ·the trustees may r they are lo mg control over th money, foundation mcmben> say the trade-off is long-term o;ccunty \Yith the endowment fund . r The founddtion was created in 1994 a~ the nonprofit fund.- raising ann of the library. Its relationship with the trustees is symbiotic, in that the money raised is then handed over to the board, which decides how it's spent. Funds generally go toward books, the literacy pro- gram and new technology. · The trustees ··first approached the foundation about the perceived problemi; a year ago without much suc- cess, WoOd said. The more the trustees pressed the founda~ tion, the less willing they were to talk, he said. •Tue agitation grew. They wanted independence and we wanted accountability," l1e said. ·Tue more we needed to commurucate, the more diffi~ cult it got.• But foundation members remember it a little differenU~. They said they really didn't know there was a problem until they received the strong· ly wor(ied lett~r in October. ' Both parties, however, have said the problem has been more of a communication gap than anything else. By open- ing lines of communicatiop and having more consi.stent ' dialogue, they hope to resolve most of the lSsues. Regardless of when the di$- pute started, wtucb remains a point of contention, one ~ is for sure -everyone 1s ready to come to the table and solve the problem The foundation members, trustees and the oty manager all predict they will be able to reach that agreement by the end or the year. ' qf "Rugs Just in TiJtU for the Holidays" Mon-Fn 10-6 Sat 10-5 230 East 17th St. Costa Mesa (949) 722-7224 wwwrugund ~ • FuJI Srrvict S..lon 1 •St< us for all your Color qu<Slio"]! ' • All salri people are licensed !Wrdressers I •rm ~! Put a few words to work for you . Call the I>aily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS 642-567. J. , port Beach, many of them clus- tering around the Balboa Bay Oub. Humphrey Bogart, Lau- ren Bacall, Jack Benny, William Holden· and Greta Garbo all hung around at the club, while Richard's Market, which had been built in the '40l>. attracted Its share of celebnties to its •Goofoffers' Club.• The personalities of the Cos- •ta Mesa scene were. for the most part, a little less glam- orous: the city's first Old Timer's Picnic was held m 1956, with chairman Lucille Pinkley pre- sding, but there 1S no record of .-ny superstars having made an appearance. On the other h8nd, a super- .star-to-be, a certain senatorial .candidate from Whittier, came to Costa Mesa in 1950 to deliv- er one of his charactertstically virulent anti-Communist cam- paign speeches. Richard Nixon would not become president for another 19 years. but even so, 1ais appearance must have been thrtlling. The arflll had its own set of local celebrities as well. A 1950 photo from the Newport Harbor Yacht Club captures an early J1leeting of the #Amigos Viejos" dub, an organization that included publisher and bank p.irector Samuel Meyer, Port Captain Al Rousselle, City 'engineer Pat Patterson and a handful of other pleased-look- .l1lg men. These were individu- als who possessed considerably less cultural cache than the movie stars that passed through lhe area. But they had power, and -in the photo,. anyway - that simple fact makes them look fairly content. Sowces: "Newport Beach~ The First Century, 1888--1988, • James P Felton, ·01dc .rid Jennie Richard, Interviewed by P.obyn S. Malthy", Cal State Fuller- ton's Oral History Program. ~-·········· Newport • • I BEAUTY SUPPLY I I d•rn1•laglo7j 1 I Hr>-~· : :1 .....•.••...•••• Z0%0FF: Entire Purchase • •£>.cit.Ides Sebastian & D?mla og1ca I B Aveda S :.'.iirad ~V"['t"t'OC t 11 ~1!/V\ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I 3601 Jamboree Rd #8 N.B. • 261-6788 I ' I Jamboree at Bristol : Back Bay Court I •••••••••• by GNIOfY It Gloss. D.D.S. LEFT HIGH AND DAY? Dry mouth is a common symplOm bel0<e and <P.snng menopause and a Side effect associated with more than '400 meclcabons As such, tt poses e problem tor many people According to researchers at the School of Dentistry at the University of Northern California at Chapel Hill. older adults with reduced salva llow went about 50% more likely to lose at least ooe tooth during the course of the lhl'ee-year study than those with noona1 now. The fact 11 that saliva~ to slgntficantly ~ the risk of cavities by neutralizing 1c1d in plaque and removing germs and tood re&idue.11 also helps provide e mmtral ba.mer that ptOtecls the tooth's surface. II dry mouth la a problem. consun your dentist Art you sufftnng wllh My mouUI? We bt happy to cNc:uss any oral hygiene concerns you may l\avt GoOd dentistry more ll'lan excellent cllnical skilla and lta!H!·the·al1 equipment. We fHI that mutual trust, too, 11 a factor In the 'IUCCeSI or your treatment Our entire bellMs that open oomm.inlcatiOn help build llliS trust. Any ~me you a question, please don t heshat• to CM o4flce It located at '400 Newport Center Drive, Su It 1'408, Newport ltath. Please can 949~4 0922 to S'Ctledillt en appointment P.S S1Uditl ahow lhat dlt*1nO sugar· lrtt gum to 'tlmutele nllva flow enh1noe1 tooth ttmlneranzallon al'ICI ~ ilf hltmflj ldclty of plaqUI CLASS CONTINUED FROM A 1 mumty College next yedr, where he will study computer technology with plans to go into computer administration or net- working. Then there's Matt -Glover, who at 15 years old can be heard from a mile away as he races aroUI1d on tus motorcycle To know what Matt tS up to, one needs to bypass the source him- seU . ~1 applied to Yale, Princeton, Harvard and Stanford,• Mdtf sdid. •But I'm really interested in going to Princeton " However, u there's one dim- ple winklng out at you from the comer of Matt's smile, take what he's telling • you Wlth a qram of salt, said his mother, Kallu Glover. Matt has applied to Southern Methodist University, Loyola Marymount University, Col- orado State Boulder, and Pep- perdine University, Kalh1 Glover said The essay Matt claims to have written for his college applications may be credible. It is an account, he said, of a Job he held for one week for a com- pany that inspected luggage. "I hated 1t," he S&d. "It web tho worst thmg I ever did • Unlike her classmates, Ali· son Arnold has veered very Ut- ile from the course she had planned as a heshman at New- port Harbor. Alison's fi.rsl love remains steddfast -horses. She ha!> conbnued to show horres over the years and is m the process of buying a new one. Though she claims she applied to certain schools becCtuse of lheu lack of essay requirements, the reality is they all have equestrian teams She clutched the brochure of her newest hnd, Baylor Univer- sity, as she listed her other options: Texas A&M, Cal Poly Pomona, Mills ~College ancl Humboldt State. · Another facet of Alison's life that has seen little change arc her career goals. Three years ago, she wanted to be a si.xth- gtade teacher Now she plans to be a special education or ele- mentdI)' school teach.er. * ln the spring of 1997, community was a.lSo introduce 1 to a girl named Nikko Gallardo · Nikko said she wasn't into any- thing, but spent most of her free lime helping others. She has now come up with cl way to harness that desire to help: She plans to be a lawyer. Zubie's Proud Serving 30 Years! 414 Old Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 645-6086 "MONDAY NIGHT $4 95 FOOTBALL SPECIAL" 1 ~ Combination Pizza or &roasted Chicken Dhlner "ith pun:ha. of pitcher of ~ Dine fn only & Good during game tlm~ only SUNDAY BREAKFAST Country-Style & "South of the Border" 52.49 To 55.95 Bloody Marys, Mimosas, Full Cocktail Bar & Fresh Coffee! Served 9 am to 1 pm 3000 Sq. Ft. Showroom Offmni Uni~ Designs To Enh11nce Any Dttor. Enjl1J rrfrtshm,,1t1 whi/I s/Htppint ;,. • ~~ tkpnt •tmorphns. Ch1/Jrnr ,.,., 11.<t/.comt. Custom Upholstny Qµlity Home Furnishings &Ii Imports . Custom Wintk>w Trt11tmen11 Hantl-Paimttl Canvas Mura/J /111/uzn lm~._...r_rs _______ _ H1111tl Wrapped SiUt Florals 0-Tnu Cu.s1om Bttkling 6 7ilbk linms Fine Chin11 d' F!Atv111rt Custom Art11 Rugs Artt. sories Hun11r Doug/416 Grilbn-B/intl..t P111io F11miturt · 949. 515. 1825 Wli.STCI /FF Pl.AU 10# lrviru Aw1. NnllJ#Of'l .&.ch. CA ~166() Mo11.S.1 I0·6 • .,, 12·S "Dearest Di Marie" 1evins1 •1 want to be ari enVlfon- mental or business lawyer,• Nikko wd1 ·1 don't want to do criminal I don't want any cases I can't handle dnd l want no one stalking me.• She discovered her d<'..!>lfe to be an attorney when she went to court for her American democracy clas~es. Although she knows 1t will take a lot of schooling, she said she Uunks she'll be a• good lawyer. Her school of choice is Howard university, but she lS also applying to Boston College, the Umversity or Michigan, Indiana University and Cal State Long Beach. Milan Rousset's lo,•e of the ocean, which Jed him to water polo, bodysurfmg and fishing, have in the last few years land- ed him on the crew team at Newport Harbor His tdlk of bemg a mdnne biologist, however, has been set aside for a new global pldll. His first two years he will spend at OCC. Then it's off to the East Coast -Boston Qr New York Smee he plans to eventually settle back in Call.f omia, Ml.Ian said he would like. to expen- ence the other coast first, JUSt to be sure Then our 1et·setting f0;end plans to spend d few yea.rs m England, where h~ has i.l friend who ha prorrused hun a 1ob The pldn is to eventually land btl('k in sunny Cd.lilom1d, as a diverse mtemational busi- nessman Milan hdS alread}' started to dabble m the world of Pnter- pnse with a clas~mate. Lac;t surruner, they began mttking and selling T-shirts with an origmal logo on them. They a1e now branching out into Wt-!at- sturts for the WllltPr. Mtlan lS not dlone tn his dras- bc chdngc in carePr plane;, D1ana Girgis, the quiet stu- dent who origma.lly hail~ from cgypt, once had pldns to be a physid~n. Those humanitanan plans have been set aside m favor of technology D1dnd plt1nc, to apply to Cal State·Long Bcdch, Cal State Full<. rton and the Devry Institute for computer so.ence. . "I want to see how comput- ers are put togeth<'r and l<'dm computer progrdmming/ she said. In her spare tune, Dianc.1 con- tinues to spend time w1lh her fnends from Archdflgel .t-.11chael Church m Santa Ana d.nd 1s trtk- ing extra classes to fill her spc1re time Although we did not know him as a freshman at Newport Saturdoy Dec. mber .4, 1999 A 13 H rl>or, Int addition Sean Ror· d •n htt I · n busy enough to make up for lost tirn•» Bemg one of Nev. port I larbor's tart· mg ba k tball 1>layP-rs keeps hun very busy, but Sean ha still found um • to tak up coaching • \J,1~kPtl.><1ll 11t the Uoy Club With pl<Sll'i to apply to UCLA UC San Diego, UC !:>llnta .Bar- bara and Col l1oty Son LUlS Ob1!>po, Sedn smd the-, first <;emester of senior year has be1•n idlh •r tres ful •You've yot ro get good g1.sclPs dml keep t.twm -that's what aollPy s 1ook at,· he said In h1 ffort to make his appbcat10ns as unpre!>s1ve as poss1bh~ SNin held nothing · back on his e~5a} His personal statem<'nl tells them of his per- sonal .st111qglc dealing Wllh.hb father's r'ancer lac;t .yedI With thP cancer now gunc, Sedn said hP is a hie to deal \\'1th 1t Dunn9 C>llr walk through th h/P of a h1qll c:huol btudent who \\Ould st.-.p out into the> world in Cl n w centu~. a re .... hdve fall- f'O through the cracks. Krishn l\ r.me Siller hac; left Newport I ldfbor ~nd trans- f1>rred to Corona rtel Mar High School She> was unable fo be reuc-hert 1<11 this upddte. Zach Gclbc1un1 ~till attends Newport Horbor, tus classmates Sdtcl but 1c; likev .. 1~c elusive. Got plans? H1u'thf'I tlu"\ 111r/udP holiday parlil's... rm jJumf P n 1111f, ... rt <Ii mil) (tt 11dml\rr or a gala 11111/r1111111 JI/ btl\h ... CELEBRATE WITI I STYL.E! Save10°1° 3400 Via Lido, Newport Bc.tch • (949) 675-4941 I Ii I I •I~ I"'. Tl':\. RE;\;T:\L~ & SALES \I I I ·~\I It,,,' For the benefit of the HUNTINGTON YOUTH SHELTER SeaCliff Tennis Club's 13th Annual TENNIS TOURNAMENT '99 'l'hank s 'l'o ()ur Spons ors the Digjtal T~ amer Major 'Jl<Jn ~or © Mark l. Me\ 111 La" Of.fil r P~eantl') \\ orld Penn HB lndep4.•mlrnt Teniili5online .alt: I 01· SF.A(iJFF TENNI Q).JB 6501 Palm Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92648 714-536-9368 . Visit our Website at: www.tennieonline.net/t uni Soturday, DECEMBER 4, 1999 .,..__......· UlTlU 1 ·a cOpifa It f ocode m~y be unassuming, but the Jewish Community Center is rich with aPfs and enferfainmenf progrom~. t doesn't hdve any spot- lights. It doesn't have any palm trees. There isn't an awe-inspiring sculpture granng its facade. Judging by its appear- ance, the Jewish Com- muruty Center of Orange County doesn't seem like the Jund of place that would be host to power- ful cultural events. The plain Costa Mesa building, with tts anonymous stucco extenor, looks like it was designed \Vlth board meetings and bake soles in mind. MARIAN"IA DAY MASSEY I DAll.Y Pit.OT J ewish Community Center president-elect Mary Ann Malkoff, left, .and dir~ctor of adult services Selma Sladek, are in charge of the cultural programming at the Costa Mesa center. But Culture? With a capital #C"? Could such a beast be found behind those walls? Yes. The JCC does Culture. And it does it with a vitality dJld an ongi- nality that transcends the venue's li.mjtations of space and design. Local residents just experienced the treat of the JCC's Jewish book month in November, a series of events that saw authors like Susan Dworkin and best·selling short story writer Nathan Englander giving readings The center, a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Orange County, bas also been holding an exhibit of the spiritually oriented paintings or artist Deanna Alevy - works that riff on the subject of trav- el, examining both the literal and metaphorical sides of human jour- neying . In the months ahead, the center's offenngs are no less intrtguing The JCC's orchestra will perform Mendelssohn's 4th Symphony in December, a symposium on the · archeology of the roots of Jud~m is scheduled for January and a #Mil- lerutiwn Retrospective• of visual art that the JCC has displayed over the years opens today. The key to the center's diverse programming, said SelmB; Sladek, director of adult services and special events, is a combination of the ener- gy and receptivity of the center staff and the open-mindedness of the JCC's members. ·aas1cally, we try to schedule a very broad vcmety of programs so that we hit at least something that everybody will be interested in,• Sladek said. Sladek said the center is interest- ed in pursuing adventurous pro· granuning, but it does so always with a mind toward the community. #They have to want it," she said of the center's audience. #It's not enough for a professional to want it and to Will it into being: Mary Ann Malkoff, who has been acting as vice president of adult pro- grams and who will take over as the Spirits of ___ tmases _past ALEX Coot.MAN • [Qlyf'b T he ghosts of Chnst- mas plays past are corrung back to haunt South Coast Repertory The · playhouse is puttmg on its 20th annual production of Charles Dickens' •A Christ- mas Carol,· and this year, there's a twist that Ebenezer Scrooge could easily appre· oate. Actors from productions of years gone by will con- gregate at the theatN Wednesday night for a reuruon, bringing Wlth them a bit of playhouse history and a lesson about the diffi. culty of making art ptly in the Scrooge-ish environ- ment of the real world About 50 playen;, from shows as far back as 1986, plan to attend the reuruon performance. Some, like Juliane Caillouette, who appeared 1n the 1996 pro- duction of ·carol• and played tn Uus fall's ~wind of a Thousand Tales,• aro still cracking l!way at the busi- ness of acting. Several others have TODAY Actors from previous productions reunite for SCR's annual staging of Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol.' moved away from the the- ater since they originally went through the motions of Dickens' work. Newport Beach resident Jeffrey Wilson, 24, who played the young version of Scrooge 1ll the 1986 ver 100 of ·carol,· has gone on from his youthful ambitions of working on the stage to the more modest reality of handling marketing work for Santa Ana-based tech- nology company Ingram Micro. Wilson said he was fairly SUNDAY enthusiastic about acting when he was younger. "I went on to do a couple more things {after 'Caron: he said. •I did it all through tugh school and 10 the begin.rung of college: At.some point, though, the realities of day-to-day economics -what Dickens called the "squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scrap- ing, clutching, covetous• world or old Scrooge - began to put pressure on Wilson to make some intel- ligent career choices. •1 noticed that if you're going to be an actor, you have to be fully devoted to it,• Wilson said. •And only a few people can make a liv- ing al it." But if Wilson didn't tind his true calling on the SCR stage, he nevertheless found the expenence valuable. •It prepared me to have fun. It instilled confidence, because you had to stand there in front of 600 people. ... So it's a bit nerve-rack- ing." SEE SPIRITS PAGE A18 FAITASTIC flVI MONDAY Check out The Theatre 01str1ct's latest offering: Jim Geoghan's comic play, •Light Sentftlw," The show stlrts It 8 p m. today. illdcets are $1 S to S20. The Theatre Olstrkt Is at 2930 Brlstol St., Col- n Mesa. In the bade lot of The Lab Antl- M1ll. for more Information. call (714) 435'"4043 Chill out with OCC's Choir, whic.h Is pre- senting a .. Cool ClwfltinM• concert at 4 p.m. in OCC~ Fine Arts Redtal Hill. Tick- ets are S3 50 to SS. OCC 1s at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesi. For mofe lnform~tlon, call (714) 432..s880. The fur wf 11 fly at SOuth Coa~t RepertofY's Malnstage when it hosts a reading of SUnll Kuruyilla's .,..., .... Wofdl• at 7:30 p m Tkkets are S8 The thffter Is at 655 Town Cem• om.. Con• Mesai For more Information. c.n (714) ?Ol-5555 1 TUESDAY It's the time of the month when the muse gets to come out ind sing. The flnt 1'*" ~of~monthlt~ftllht• m. <iYPIY o.n c.11e n Re1c11ng Room • The Lib Anti-Mall, zoo .,...,. St. (Oita ,.._. Poeb T.S. ~Ind IUCtrl Mln- cMYflle wUI ....., .,. 'n.dly "°"' wtth rnUl1cal petfot'""' Uquld ""'-· Fot more ~ c.el (714) S&1012. AdrMllon II._ tM ....., ~ ...,. ... rs••tar .. ,.,._ .. Doily Pilot A 14 '• }• '" JCC's president later th.is month, , 1 said the center works hard to engage with community suggestions for cultural events and strives to involve locals in the coordination of , these productions. A proposal to have a swing danc-1' ing program, for example, struck Malkoff as being a bttle odd. But the ' center's philosophy on programming c:> is simple: listen to what people in , the community are saying. #We're supposed to have our opinions,• Malkoff Sc1Jd of the boards that decide on scheduling events. ·aut it's almost as though the further , up you get in the committee struc· ture, the quieter you become. Because if people really want to do something, who are you to tell them no?• Swing dancing, it turned out, was a big hit. And it's just one of the pro- grams that have been developed because of the center's response to community interest. A Klezmer band was recently started at the center for the same reason. Malkoff attributed the cultural sophistication and enthusiasm of the members of the Orange County JCC -about 1,300 families and individ- uals belong to the group -to the relatively recent arrival in California of much of Orange County's Jewish community. Many of the families. that belong to the center came here from metropolitan areas with a strong cultural focus. What are your plans for New Year's Eve?· Are you planning a big shindig for New Year's Eve 1999? Aie you going to a big-dollar party, flying across the country on the Concorde or just kicking back with friends? Whatever you're doing on New Year's Eve, we want to hear about it. Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086. Be sure to spell your name and include your home town. WEDNESDAY She't southern. She" brihlant. She\ °""' for dtlc:umian. Eud0r1 wehy wlH be IUbject of 'The NMupon lwt\ Jr\Mc Ubr9'fl ..... sm1;z11• rwtlng ~ whlCh wtl *'-the book ·O.-•lilft ~ • t:JO am. and 7 p.m. In.,.. CenWal Llnry's ,..... Mllt.lttg "°°"' 'The Marmry II It HJOO AworMlo Aft., New- l*t .... for .... •wtorm111c1-. al CMll'H?.-,_ • I I• ·--. Doily Pilot ) Saturday, December 4 , 1999 A15 soc1e J . . Business in the Am dinner features local power-brokers Spencer R. Stuart. the honorary chal.l111an of one of the nation's moi;t influential executive search firms, compares excellence m business management to the baking powder in a cak<". . •There is not much bakmg power in a cake> mix, but H it's the wrong amount, the cake is spoiled," said Studrt during the recent Orange County Business m the Arts annual awards presentation and dinner. The tall executive with the dry wit charmed his impres- sive peers who had come to pay tribute to Stuart, guest of honor at the 1999 ceremony held at the Newport Beach Maniott Hotel in Fdsluon Island, and at Newport'~ pre- nuere dining room, the Ritz · Restaurant. The Orange County Busi- ness Committee for the Arts was founded m 1981 by Davtd S. Tappan, Jr .. the n chamndn and CEO of Fluor Corp. Tap- pan, on hand for the 1999 awards with lus wife, Jeanne, has had a long. and rewarding association with Betty Moss, founding director of the com- mittee. "We are honored to hdve so many people who mdke a significant dilfercnce m this community participating 10 tlus program,• said Moss, a former broadcast journalist who has devoted the past 20 years of her professional life to promoting the relationship of culture and business in Orange County. · The annual gathenng is a testament to Moss' comnut- ment. The role call for Bu~i­ ness in the Arts includes the most respected individuals and corporations operating m the region. Moss, Tdppan a.(ld the entire organizauon com- THE CROWD I b.w. cook prise a most significant •who's who,• or rather a •who's mak- ing a difference• in this com- munity. It is a fact of consider- able accomplishment for Moss, who proudly welcomed the everung's guest speaker, Donald P. Kennedy, chairman of First Financial Corporation and chairman of the Orange County Busmess Com.nuttee for the Arts. Kennedy charmed the proverbial socks off the crowd Hjs meverent manner and schoolboy banter took the edge off the formality of the awdrds presentation "it's mteresting to watch the power brokers gel playful with one another,• shared local public relations execu- bve Madeline Zuckerman, m the crowd with husband Len, a power broker m his own right with his Newport Beach- based paper products busi- ness .. The Zuckennan's joined locdl lurrunariei;, including Peggy Goldwater and Bob Clay; the dynamic Barbara I Piepe r , dlrector of the Califor- ma Arts Council m from Sacramento for the evening; accldimed Veruce-based artist c.md designer Billy Al Bengston dlld hts wife, Wendy AJ; Zee Allred, CEO Wedding Photography You Have the Right ~Ill·~~~~~ to Choose Your Repair Facility Insist on the Best Lifetime Warranty • Full Service Collision Center Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 ~ 121 Industrial Way • Costa Mesa ~ 670 w. 17th (949) 646-1822 There's a New Address in Town for Home Furnishings ~·rt B"rstint With Qwtlity hrniturt 41 G""' Slwinp! •MIMI Ho,,,, .F1m1itw1Y • .A"Nf"" •Art AtttSSorin • Arr'1 R1111 6 Mort! Custom &fin/ hu1g d-Upholstrry Ho11ri: Mon. • I l•m ·./pm 1.::';;;..' .. :;.;·~;+..;-.-~+...-_.t-11 3 670W. 17th t., I D2 J Costa Maa • (949) ~ 1822 of Pool Water Products; and Jo Ellen Allen, representing the Edison Co Also m the distmgwl>hed crowd were Renee and Henry Segerstrom, frank Clnd Belia Ayala, Cliff dnd Donna Carp- er( Bob Crevier, Ron and Lor- na Duncan, Barbara and Jim Globman, Marcla and Karl . Giesler, Norma and Dell ~ Glover, Bob and Kathi Haskell, Mark Johnson, Roger KJrwan, Jean Macino and Laird Blue, Pat and Carl Nelsser, Roger and Colleen Ogle by, Frank and Debbie RuganJ, Anton Segerstrom, Jim and Harr1et Selna, Phyllls and Pat Sweeney, and the respected chcwman and CEO of Newport-based Pacific Life, Tom Sutton With his wife, Marilyn Between 1okes, Kennedy awdrded th<' 1999 honors to Salvatore Ferragamo, Fll'st Amencdn Trust, The Boeing C'ompdny, Eclison lnlemallon- al, Datii Into Action, AT&T, First Amenca.n Fmancidl, Gldbman F.umllure, KPMG LLP, Latham and Watkins, Rutan dnd Tucker LLP, Deloilte and Touche LLP. and 1 the Lo5 Angeles Times. In addition.the dnnu<J.l drts award. dellv~rc>d wtlh c1 $2,500 cash grant. underwrit- ten b) Deloittl' and Touche, was given to Sdint Joseph Bdl· let. Award dcceptdnce spc•cch- es were eloquent dnd bnef. Dinner at The Ritz wus up STAGECOACH LUGGAGE & GIFTS \ Holiday Specials t--~~~__;~~;.._~~~--J"' k}'°"·ay Luggage 50°0-60% Off Brig~ & Riley Luggage 40°0 -60°0 Off Busines Cases' 20°0-70% Off Assorted Gifts 50°'o Off Money Clips 20°0 Off Sandicast f'igurioes 20°ro Off Pens (Free Engraving) 20°'0 Off Wallets (Free Engraving) 20% Off 2043 Westc/iff Or Newpon Beach Comer of 17th & lrviM A~. Coco's Cen~ 949/515-SOOS th 1111<1 '"')ln•UI ..... 1.,.,,..,1 hair """ ,.,. • 11n>ltln!I '-'u \111."1 ar•· v...-,. 1'' ,1 tu ltnus >"u Hairr l•ur •• , 1)11' oal1111 w1th11141 •olon, R • ., r I.arr r'• halr rrmn•al 11• fratur,.,. lhr ''"''" •I th.-... n ., •• tabOI\ laort .. r .8,.,,,.~,u '" (.obo'n"nl, '" rlfH I .. I .,, h\r. lbto ltOt a l.iwr •1•1•ro..-rol lo> lhr l ll \ lur p~·nn•rwnt h._.r rr.funlhn Attending the Busi- ness ln the Arts awant ceremony recently were Donald P. Kennedy, left, with his wife, Dorothy, and honorary guest Spencer R. tu art, right, with hls wile, Genie. to lts usual standard. begin- ning with the trademark Rlt7 egg \.vith Rui.sid11 Osetra Cd\>ldT, followed by v.ild mush- room cappuccino soup, and pnmc New York Stiplom. For dessert, bdked Aldska with lmtndied Bing cherries jubilee ended an evening of conver· sat10n, culture ctnd conurut- ment to thP arts trom local business sonety with the means dnd the motivc:ttion to make d chlh~rence m th.ii. com- mumt y. • 8.W. COOK'\ column appea~ every Thursday and Saturday Gift Certificate Available Call <949) 250 4386 ;. J ').! "~1uth \'. .. r Bu u \1 ..., I hc~u (,..vn\lcnictuh• l.I~tnJ' .u lX... 1 }'h1R Temple Bat Yahtn Proudly presents an EW!ning of C l'iebrotnrv ll rat fi and Jtwish Amtricon SonR~ l'trf11rm td b)' THE ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES MUSICAL ENSEMBLE In 'fheif First Orange Counry Appearance Saturday. December 11. 1999 7:00 P.M . Adults $18 Seniors & Children 9 All Proceeds Directly Sencfic 'rhe friend Of T he I rael Oefen..e Force-. Tickets go on sale No\tmbeT 15 at th temple om~ (949) 644-1999 www.tb}.org Celestino's quality M EAT I he· l"llll'"' Mc.:u; c.uK1~·n1£ 1• \\'rnlohlc Sm·mg CoJtll Mrsa for oi-n· 30 J"'" C!:LFST/.\'() 's Bo.~r PARHJF SPECl.H..\ PRIME RIB ,.. COOKED To ORDER PAlUY Pl.AITI::R.S HOTWl~CS SHRIM'I' nun JALAPl.:-00 PrrrlRS RAVIOl.A COOKED T t!RJUC\' /I! I ,·111011 ( /,;, £. •. ,,, $7.99 lb. $2.39 Cekstino 's ;Beef or Turk2]n-ky_ SpecUJ HoliJay Packaging Makes A Great Stocking Stvffer TAMALES DELIVERED HOT DAILY 'FOR THE HOUDAYS Al6 Soturdoy, December 4, 1999 date book New Voices returns with '10-Minute Christmas' TOM lltus , I T was a month before Chnstma:. and all • over Co:.ta Mesa, the trad1llonal yuletide offenngs w<'re hung by the chimneY. with care. There wcrn •A Christ- mcts Carol" dnd •Lu Posada Magica • at South Codsl Repertory, •An Old Fash- ioned Chm.th1as and Ice Cream Soc1al"'at OCC and "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" at the Co:.ta Mesa Civic Playhouse. · The latter show. howev- er, posed a bit THEAJER of d problem for Costa Me a's New Voices Playwrights Work- shop, which has ttdopted the playhouse dS its tempo- rary home N('W Voices also has a Chnslmds pro- gram 10 the wings, but the plctyhouse 1s being used Thursddy through Saturday evenings and .Sunddy ttftcr- noons until Dec. 19. So what about Sdturddy afternoons and Sund<1y evenings? No problem These lunl's were dvail- dble, so New Vo1cPs grdbbed them and • A~oth­ er 10-Minute Chnstmtts " goes on the botlrds next week, hoping for the sort of Christina Moorhead and Greg Upford perform ln .. Deck the Malls," one of the entries in the third annual evening of Chrtstmas·themed original one-act plays by the New Voices Playwrights Workshop. response the evening of original one-acts hds elicit- ed in its first two "When we produced our first Christmas show two years ago, we didn't know what the resp9nse would be," said Christopher Trela, president and co-founder of New Voices. ·we ended up selling out all four per- formances . Last December, we sold out six pcrf or- mances, so obviously audi· ences are responding to what we are doing. HThis year, we're back with more originaJ short Christmas plays and we expect to sell out all hve performances thiS year." Being creators of origi- nal theater, New Voices employed .a little onginality m its schedulmg this year. Following a preview per- formance Wednesday al 8 p.m .. the program will be staged the next two Satur- days at 2 p.m. and Sundays at 7:30 p.m. -using the playhouse stage when the "Best Christmas Pageant" cast isn't. "It looks like we're becoming an alternative holiday tradition for Orange County theatergo· er • • Trela commented. •People can go see ·A Chnstmas Carol' and 'The Nutcracker' and know what to expect, and then come to see 'Another 10· Mlnute Christmas' and . expect the unexpected.• Trela has authored two of the nine origmals m this year's show -"Deck tbe Malls" and "Hope for the Holidays.• Other entries are •Far North, Inc.• (John Lane), "Gift of the Beast" (Stephen Ludwig), "Hang-. ing Santa• (Gma Shaffer), "Nothing for Christmas" (John Bolen), "It's a Chem- istry Thmg" (Jack Stanley), "Merry Christmas. Mlss Norton• (Tom Swimm) and "The Bear Went Over the Mountain• (Richard Freed- man). Proceeds from the show -priced at $12 general admission and $10 for stu- dents and seniors -will be divided by the Civic Play- house, to help with operat- ing expenses. and New Voices, to help launch the group's permanent home, opening in 2000. Call (949) 225-4125 for reservations. • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. Doily Pilot llllflY Ill DITllOOI Balboa Theatre in search of old photos The Balboa Perf omunQ Arts The· atre Found tion L-. searching for old photos of the Balboa Theatre from 1913 throuqh 1960. Both interior and cxtenor shots are desirable. Persons with photos should con- tact Foundation h1stonan Gay Was: sall-Kelly at (949) 673-9575 or Foun- dation director Mlchcle Roberge at (949) 673-0895. 'La Posada Magica·· returns to SCR stage .. South Coast Repertory will stage "La Posada Magica," a mils1cal Chnst· mas play, from Dec. 12 through 26. ·1..a Posada Mdgica" 1s a work by playwright Octavio Solis, with songs by Marco~ Loya. Jorge Galvan directs the work. It tells the story of a 14-year-old gul who has lost interest m Christmas but is ~wept up m the enthusiasm of her family and neigh· bors' celebrations. The play is one that South Coast Repertory has been showing at Christmastime for the> last six years. It was developed by SCR as a con- temporary complement to its dnnual staging of Charles Dickens' ~A Christmas carol.'' •La Posada Magi ca• pcrf or· mances will staged Tuesday through Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 3 and 8 · p.m., and Sunddy at 12:30 and 4·30 p.m. Tue performances on Dec. 24 will be at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are $18 to $30. For more information, call (714) 708-5555. ~~u .-------DH'AR'I MENT 56 --------.., O.C. 'S ONLY REAL SPORTS CONSIGNMENT STORE Dicknu'Vilbige SatCl• Gift Set Fcarun"6 •ow,,.,,,. ( n"I' <;,,. ot II Prei· im11/t 111111 tlismr:er 'ii!/Jt1J 111akes this sprriul. f'ach C11f1 Sd huo, u complete 3.J1mcm.ionul ~enc imidc the hou\c, \\hen vo11 " in1 a i:1f1-l1nd chc c\pcrienl'c of rcccl\ mg H-to be d1cmhcd, trll\I Dcp.1r1mcnt S6. i--------Matthew Ta.v lor's \VESTC LIFI· PLAZ.\ lt1.U lit mr At r • .\'~pwt /Jmrh (949) 642-731 1 E~DERLE CE'J1 ER 171511 A. 17th SI. • 1iu1111 (714) 731-5138 Buy that gift,· there's still time! Ship to their house! Avoid the post office u. line! CYNTHIA'S HALLMARK Kmart Plaza . 1 larbor & Wi Ison r-------<2~22~~~~tS~]-------, I 20°,,b OFF SHIPPING I I · any pa ckage I I " I t Va lid through 12/15/99 · I L----------~-----------~--~ BRETHREN CHRISTIAN JUNIOR & SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Quality Christian Education Since 1947 N"w Accepting Applications For Fttl/ 2000 Enrollment Grades 7-12 21 141 Strathmoor 1..anc • Huntington Beach, CA 92(>46 (714) 962-6617 •FAX (714) 962-3171 http://www.bchs.net • Accredited by the W.-m ~sociotion of .Schools and C~ and the Auociation of<:hriUion School1 lntemational. /lmhm1 C miAtJj11Jlll1~16r H1~ hool tt~k.mn .Jl ttppf1wm rtz1rrllro If""'·' ~r. Mtfllmtf tmtrn llnt'"17J. .or la fl"1o W II~/ IWlfmt,,,,,fll ID (II th l1t Chrit1 , 11NI 11 Mllrr 11.fo!UUmmt.1/ C'JmslUn til!IUltM 'JllX 1 D. /!); 9%/Jj GENTLY USED SPORTS/EXERCISE GEAR \ PORTS ~' COISIGIMEIT Buy * Sell * Trade Smart Santas Shop Here (949) 548 -0660 670 W. 1 nH ST., COSTA MESA J>oily Pilot date book MUSIC RIGHTEOUS BROTHER ,., ,__ _____ 11111!1 ______________ _ BILLMEDLEY I ICHlllOVSIY'S SYMPHONY NO. 6 8AAO MEHLOAU The Orange County P rform- ing Arts Center pr nts pianist Brad MehJdau m a Founders Hall show at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. today. lickctl> are $28 to $30. nu~ Cent£>r 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mestt. Por more intor· mation, call (714) 740-7878. OCC SYMPHONY The Symphony Orchc~tra of • OCC Will hold the second AFTER HOURS concert of 1ts i.eason at 7:30 p.m. Sun-: Righteous Brother Bill Medley and special guests McKenna and Darrin Medley will per- form at the Balboa Pavilion at 7:30 p.m . Wednesday in a benefit for the EJlSlgn Fund of Newport Harbor Educational · foundation. Tickets Me $50 to $100. For more information,, call (949) 675-1187. OCCRECITAL ddy. The concert will feature works by Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky and Block. Tickets are $8. For more information, call (714) 432-5880. OCC piano student Junko Sugiyama will give a free recital Thursday at noon in OCC's Music Room 101, 2701 fc.WView Road, Costa Mesa. Sugiyama will perform works by Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Debussr and Scarlatti The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will perform • I A COOL CHRJSTMAS' OCC's Choir presents a "Cool Christmas" concert at 4 p.m . Sunday m OCC's Fine Arts Recital Hall. Tickets are $3.50 to $5. dee 1S at 2701 FalfVlew Road. For more mfonnation, call (714) 432-5880. ANNUAt CANDLELIGHT CONCERT 11us year's annual Candlelight Concert at Segerstrom Hall on Friday will feature Broadway actress Linda Eder. The concert will begin Wlth a c<>9ctail and hors d'oeuvres reception, fol· lowed by a musical perfor- mance and dinner. The evening will close with another performance of seasonal favontes by the William Hall Master Chorale. Segerstrom Hall is at 600 Town Center Dri- ve. Costa Mesa. For more infor- mation, call (714) 740-7878. Tchatkoysky's Symphony No. 6, .. Pathetique," at the Orange County Perfoimlng ~ Center at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. Tickets are 518 to $50. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more lnformatton, call (714) 755-5799. Pictured is violin- ist Elmar Oliveira. ST. ANDREW'S CHRISTMAS CONCERTS St. Andrew's 100-voice Sanc- tuary Choir and 40-piece orchestra will present perfor· mances of a Chnstmcts Con· cert at 4 and 7 p .m. Sunday and Dec. 12. The show will feature the four suites of "The Many Moods of Chnstmas. • Tickets Me $8 St Andrew's Presbytendn Church is at 600 St. Andrew's Road, Newport Beach. For more information, call (9491 574-2283. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER CONCERT Harbor Jewish Singles will hold a concert at the Orange County JeWlsh Community Center on Dec. 12. The event 1s $10 for center members and $12 for nonmembers. For time and reservations, call (714) 755-0340. I can't believe ..... . HOLIDAY CONCERT The William Hall Master Chorale presents a holiday concert at 7:30 p .m. Dec. 12. The evening will feature •joy- ous traditional music1 medieval to modem.• Ticket are $18 to $50. The show is at the Orange County Perform- ing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 556-6262. CONTEMPORARY CANTATA The Presbytenan Church of the Covenant's choi.r presents the contemporary cantata •A landscaping or .It's My-Hotne re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look FLOWERDALE can make your landscape dreams come true, and increase your home's value, too! Come in today and discover the people who c.an make a difference to you and your garden. KAY MATSON, A.A. C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer ~~~ COMPLETE LANDSCAPING 46 YEARS EXP. License No 308553 SANTA ANA • 2800 "'1 Tumn Ave. . (714) 633-9200 . COS'I~ MESA • i-oo Bri-col A,e. (949) 754-6661 for your home. TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer We are the authorized dealer for the A rts rafts ~\ ( I ( . I [ . \ I·~ I ,.~ Collection 1 ,, ,... r ,. .. ' Lowest Prices Guaranteed In All Of Southern Callfronla! r MUNRO'S FUANITUF.\E ~ Family owned and operaled f or J generations and into tlie next millenium 2189 Lakewood Blvd • Lona Beach lloun1: (562)986-5305 ~~~~~~i= Half a Million of Inventory in Stock! Due to '(;lie price~ we can't quote pnce~ over the phone. 6 mos. intettt.t free 0 .A.C. Canticle F Chnslnlds" at 10 a.m. Dec. 12. Admission 1s free. The cblirch is at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa M Sd. For more mfonnation, call (714) 557-3340. PIANIST MICHAEL SELLERS The Newport Bedch Cenlrctl Library hosts pianist Mich~wl Sellers Dec 12 at 3 p.m. in a free reatal The lihraf) is at 1000 Avocado Ave , Newport Beach. For more information, call (94 9) 717-3801. WHY PAY DEPT STORE PRICES? Visit our AREA RUG STUDIO Rugs & Runners on Sale MORMON PIPE ORGAN The Mom1on Stake CP..nt r pr ents a free pipe organ c:onccrt featuring Knsten Lawrence at 7:30 p m. Dec 12. Lawrcnc • • 11 place the over· turt• and finale of Bach's Chnstmas Cantata and andngemenls of'Chnstrrias ca~ols. Th~ cPnte'r 1s at 2150. Pr11mc Rond, Newport Beach. ror more infonnatjon, call (714) 669-9869. 'RENAISSANCE OF THE SPIRIT' Mus1ca Angebcd will presPnl wRenais::.an<"e of the Spirit: A Chnstmas concert" at 8 p.m. D c. 16 m the Orange County Perfomung Arts Center's . Founders Hall. Tickets are -34 , The Center is at 600 Town Center Dnve; Costa Me~. For more information, call (714) 740-7878. STAGE 'THE SUMMER MOON' South Coast Repertory pre- sents John Olive's play, "The Summer Moon,• through Sun· day Tickets are $26 to $45. The theater 1s at 655 Town Center Dnve, Costd Mesa. For more mfonnation, call (714) 708-5555 'THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER!' The Costa Mesa Civic Play- l house presents Barbara Robm- son's play "The Best Christ- mas Pageant Ever'" through Sofurdoy, December 4, 1999 AJ 7 Dec 19 Shows ar dt 8 pm. 1bw ~ays and Pndays and Saturdays and al 2 p m . Sun- days Tic..kct are $12, $18 for operung rught For more in!or· mdUon, call (9491 650-5269. CHRISTMAS COMEDY OCC's Tht•dter D uartment hosts its 14th annual C hrist- mas show, •An Old-fashioned Chnst.rna!; Show and Jee Credm Social," today and Sw1· ddy dncl Dec. 9 through 12 m 1t.s Ordmd Lab Thealf>T. The show is c.K 7 p,m . Thu~ddy through ~dturday nights and at 2 p m. Sundays. Tickets are . $8 to•$!), For more U\formaUon callt714)432-5880 'LIGHT SENSmVE' The Theatre Distnct presents Jim Gc.>oghan's corruc play MLighl Sensitive· through Jan. 1. Shows are at 8 p.m. Fnddys and Satwdays and 7 p m. on Sundays, with no perfom1anc Dec 24, 25 and 26. Tickets are $15 to $20. The Theatre Distnct i.s dt 2930 Bnstol St., Costa f\ 1est:l, m the back lot of The Lab Anti-MiJ.ll. For more infor- mation, call (7 14) 435-4043. 'THE MERRY WIVES Of WINDSOR' Esldnetd High School Ordma I prt·~ents Shakespearn's •Mer· ry Wives ol Wmdsor· at 7:30 p .m . today, fnday and Dec. 11. Tickets dre $7 m advdJlce and $8 di the door. The school is al 2323 Pldcenlld Ave .. Cos· ta f\te~a. For more mforma- tlon, call !949) 515-6537. • .,;'if .,;'if .,~~ .,;;,.. .,,a'if • .,.,.. .,.,.... .,;,.. .. ~,. • CHRISTMAS TRE E JAMBOREE .. P»• .. T~u,$2999TO $3999 l·H0\1 • Noble Fir • Grand Fir • Douglas Fir • Nordman Fir • Fraiser Fir Now at Newport Dunes Located in Newpon Beach off Jamboree & Back B~ I I blod north of Pacific Co.T.t HW).) rrii~unrol.2oH:24n, I . NOf3LE FIR WRfATHS ,' I SAVE 52°0 OFF L-----------.J ~~~ ~~.... ~:.!t ~~~ ~~~ ~ .... ~ ...... ~~ .... Re ·b·e-1 LIFESTYLE ASSESSMENTS Body Fat Analysis LIFESTYLE EVALUATIONS Initial Consultation Advanced Functional Movement INDIVIDUAL LIFESTYLE TRAINING Private Personal Training INDIVIDUAL NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS/PROGRAMS CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES Applied Klnes1ology Gin CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Introductory ...... $120 • tine prlntt ..... Executive TrW M.........., $75-llx Weikal O ffering a c( n tantly .. · changing array of conrcmporary worn ~ns w"ar, f, hion nee " rie ~md unu ual g1fis for the h orn . (949) 640-7 00 Fashion 1 land • euiport Beadi (310) 451-699 A 18 Thursday, December 4, 1999 date book JCC CONTINUED FROM A 14 ·nverybody who come; from Boston or Chicago or Texa'> to California has an idea of what the center could and ~ould do,• Malkoff said. 1And lh tho e people become 1pore involved [wtth the ccn- trrJ, they see how responsive W<' arc.• But m addition to being open to commuruty sug- cjcst1ons, the people b~hind tpe JCC'i; cultural corrimittees 1tso tend to be passionate ,,!:)out tho arts. The center's Menorah The· cttre, which ism its 10th sea- !'>bn this yeilr <lnd put on a pro- c,uction of Neil Sunon's come- dy •Jake's Wqmen· in Octo- her. Wtts the brdinchild of for- mer renter president Jon Caron Garon decided to start the thedter m hls spare tune, 'ilddek Sdld, simply beCdllS~ he thought the commuruty 1wt•ded d thetlter to showcasP works by Jewish playwnghts Nathan Englander was one of the authors who .bas been to the Jewish Community Center for a talk and book-signing. ·This l>(•came his leisure time, I gu(•ss: Sladek Joked. Tiw JCC Orchestra evolved 1n 19q3 in d sirnildr manner, whc•n JCC member Sol Sloan put tog<'thN d group of dboul t O pldyers to prdctice on w0<'kPnds. MPmhersh1p in the grnup, whKh 1s mt1dc up entirely ol volunteers, has tripled in the last SlX years and the ~m:hestra now puts on two performances d year. NThere's so much activity over there, we can't keep up with it,· Sloan said. ·u·s an extremely vibrant organization.• Performances of this sort mulst rely on enthusiasm to compensate for the fact that the center doesn't have d par- llrularly lavish space for mus1- Ctdn1> or actors to appear. Mdny of the concerts take place in a fairly spartan audi- torium, wruch is about as well dddpted for acoustics as 1t is for potluck dinners. ' ~ ~andelion h*old goods • aromdtic candles • decorative pillows • bath essentials & accessories • cottage fu rniture • unique gifts 432 e. 171tt st. costa mesa Mon .• rn. 1oam-7pm. C\Jt. 1oc1m-5pm. Sun. 11am-5prn Polly Sloan, a past chair of the cultural arts committee and the husband of Sol Sloan, JOked that the center could use a benefactot to give all the culture a little room to spread out. •we wish we had a sugar daddy who would buy us five acres,• she said. But with events Wee the cabaret ·sirnchaFest• concert that was held 10 March at the center -m which the space was transformed into a dimly lit jazz venue -a little imagi- nation frequently overcomes physical constraints. "You walked m ... and you just went 'Where am I?'" Malkoff recalled. "What we manage to do in that building is just wonderful.· EDWARDS IRVINE IMAX THEATRE IS LOCATED AT THE EDWARDS IRVINE SPECTRUM WHERf THE 5 & 405 FREEWAYS MEET IRVINE •CALL FOR GROUP <iAllS & INFORMATION 71.l 832 IMAX '[llf c ..... .., .............. "' .,.,.~ ... 1111 ..-? alY Ill) -(II) 1W .._. , .. &ltt SPIRITS CONTINUED FROM A 14 Paul Root, al-;o a veteran of the 1986 p e rformance,' said he m oved away from acting almost immediately after fin. isbing the show. But Root, who now works as a sales- man for Lanier Worldwide in Santa Ana (a company that .h ..... you ...... 1n ... *'"-wu'r• •...tr aauslOmtd to. In saleS, yuukiidof need to be like the people yau' re · crowd. There's so manycSffwent kinds of P6lflS out there that you realy need lo be "'8 to act lilce other people." , .. Root fomw pllfomw In SO$ "A Owistmas Carol" does "doc- ument manage- ment," Root said), said the experience of being on stage has been profession- ally useful to him. "It teaches you how to fit in some- where that you're not necessarily accus- tomed to," the New- port Beach resident said. "In sales, you kind of need to be like the people you're around. There's so many different kinds of per- I A OtRISTMAS CAROi.' • +WHERE: South Coast Repertory. 644 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa + WHEN: Play- ing through Oec. 26; call for show t imes and dates +HOW MUCH: S17 to S39 +PHONE: (714) 708-5555 PauJ Root, a perf onner ln the 1986 "A Christmas Carol," now works for a document management company ln Santa Ana. SOflS out there thdt you really need lo be able to act IJke other people.• Unlike Scrooge, whom Dickens described as •secret, and self-contained, and soli- tary as dn oyster," a success- ful salesman needs to be interested in the habits and tastes of other people, Root said. "What I think may be fun- -.CURTAIN CALL DINNER THEATER PRESENTS ' I • I • : ny or what I'm interested in is not necessarily what other people are interested in. I need to figure out what they're interested in to get them to talk or buy or what- ever," he said. It's the reality for many of the former "Carol." players. They may be not doing Dick- ens dnymore, but they still heed to know how to act. Put a few words to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS __.___ __ ~ ........... ~ ·I CAt.L 642-5678 p tl"~t~t'el(t eu«//r,? h-etJael(t tkt ltrfut!ul(~? · It ooald be acf't~/lfa Ncwpon Children's MNial Group offer~ Board Cemfied , specialists in pcdiamc pulmonary, cmergenc1~. and cricial care, md endorinology. CalJ today for a full evaJuation for asthma and lung function • Guaranteed Same Day Appoimmems for acutely ill. • Open Saturday & After Hours Board Certified Specialists in : • Primary Pcdjacnc Care • Asthma & Pulmonilf)' Gue • Pediatric Emergencies & Critical Care • Growth Disorders & Weight Control Newport ~M~G Children's lacn ~~a M.D., f MP, f((' ~teven ~~witz M.D., fM' ruzaoofn O'(onnell M.O., f M~ f eroinooo Del Mun~o M.D., f MP Med ical Group (949) 6#-0970 1401 Av0<odo Str'!ti Suije 802 (949)759-1720 360 Son MiQuel Drive, Suttt 407 N I Becxh, CA 92660 Formerl Dr Ka nofT & Ti~hlrr Otlic('S N Beoch, lA 92660 Landscap 011 s t r u t io11 Maint 11anc J> • 81 ll 2025 W. llalboa Blvd. te D ewport Beach, Ca 92663 (949) 673 5646 Watch out for loaded questions in airport battle A s an editonal comm nt to your read- ers, I subrrut the followmg n .. >garding a survey I received m the mail: · I remember when i first understood the power of language. I went to Catholic school and church on Sunday mornings with my parents and two s1:,ters. One of my parents' fnends cam~ up to us after the church service to chat, Rod was a funny man, always Joking, laughing and pulling pranks. The priest, who just hnisheq our seMce, was out in front greeting everyone. As he • LITTER OF THE WEEK came up behind my father, our family friend '.'ia1d in a loud voice: •Tom, do you still beat your wife?" Well, no matter how you answer that -dad was going to be m trouble. Actually, everyone got a laugh over it. Language, how we manipulate it. And, how we marupulate those we are in con- tact with. Recently I reCP.ived a Msurvey• in the mail from the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority. Wow, what a name. It proposes to be an authority. Now that's a leap of faith! Let's see il you can pick out the pre- suppositions in the so-called Msurvey•: 1. What is your primary concern with the proposed jet flights over densely popu- lated areas? 2. ~ould you be in favor of an airport at El Toro if 1t would not provide intemationaJ service to Europe and Asia? 3 . Would you favor limiting Johll Wayne iNtP<>rt to its current size and restricting El Toro to a non-aviation use? 4. Would it be appropnate to compro- e salety at El Toro in order to mitigate oise over Newport Beach? 5. Who do you trust more -pilots or county planners? Read between the lines, and don't be anipulated by an authority figure, spin- octors, or public relations agencies. MICHAEL BRENNAN Former Boeing 727 flight engineer, Balboa Island Let voters decide on development ll nhappy Wlth Newport's leadership? Are you a registered voter m Newport Beach? Do you want a voice in devel- nt in Ne\Vport Beach? Let the voters cide the issue of increased density Sign the reenlight wtiative or the developers and the uncil members will control our comfort, lifestyle and investments. They F.E · ca.re less about the negauve EDBACK eUects on the residents in favor of revenue. I believe the Green- ht initiative is a wake-up call to the city of ewport Beach. To quote Bill Gates, "Your ost unhappy customers ur~ your greatest urce of learning." PAT GREENBAUM Newport Beach Corona del Mar needs face-lift A few days ago 111 your Letters to the Editor *ction, Andrea Campbell from Newport ijeach wrote a letter saymg how terrible Coro- na del Mar looks (•Locals like Corona del Mar plan,• Nov 20). I agree Wlth her totally. I riave lived here in Corona del Mar for 20 )fears and I think this is the worst it has ever tked. There are no decorations, there are no ees, they don't put Christmas lights up -it's d. It's sad that it has been so over-legislated ; at the businesses aren't allowed to decorate, put pretty plants outside or tables and airs. We live in such a pro perous ne1ghbor- ood that something could be done, it seems. SUSAN BARTOLEm Corona del Mar eport doesn't address traffic I A glanng omission is immediately obvious I.fl the environmental impact report for the tiotel project at Newport Dunes. Having read the report, we find no reference made to traf- flc along Bayside Dnve. There are two inter- tctions that surely will be impacted signifi· ~nUy: the exits from Linda Isle and from Har- oor Island Drive. Making left turns from thac;e ~eets into greatly increased traffic flow will eate a danger that the study does not dress at all. We urge the Newport Beach City Council to require further study mto the project's pact on local re ident:, and Bnys:idc Dnvc ety and cong uon. JEFF SCHULEIN neasurcr, l.inda I le Homeowners Assn. QUOTE OF THE WEEK "We've felt llke everythlng we have tried to do haB met wlth some re8lstance. It's been one thing alter another. The whole year hGB been a struggle. " ·q forum • commun1 Solvrdoy, December 4, 1999 AJ9 EDITORIAL City needs to cut first, tax later T he economic recession of • the early 1990s is abnost 10 years behind us, but the memories are still fresh in ou.r minds. Layoffs for the first time at Newport Beach City Hall. Departments merging and downsizing. Citywide hiring freezes. Municipalities, residents and business o~ers frantically searching for-the next place they could tighten · the belt or somehow increase the stream flowing in. Newport.-Mesa is a much different place today, with the booming econo- my letting us all live a little larger than we probably should. But as we all know, the economy is cyclical and probably sooner than later, we will be faced with another down- turn. Newport Beach city leaders have A JEWEL OF AN IDEA While Carol Jewell's third- grade class at Andersen Elemen- tary School leatrlS how to read and write, they are also learrung a lan- guage often forgotten: sign lan- guage. lllrough an innovabve program, the students wnte to Danielle Berman -who has been deaf since birth. This week, 9- year-old Ddllielle came to visit the class and the kids talked to each other in sign language. We commend Jewell for coming up with the program. which not only helps young people gain a better understandmg of the hear- ing-1.IllpaJied community but also gives her students dnother dvenue for learning. Like she says, "Why not hit them with everything?" PLEASE, DON'T GO Say it isn't so Please tell us that it 1S some sort of bad dream we had where we dreamed that Phil Sansone, the unofficial mayor of Corona del Mar, is leavmg us. Sansone has proudly called Newport Beach his home since 1966. And we have proudly called him a friend of the Daily Pilot for many of those years, even when he was sitting up on the dais down there at City Hall. anticipated that and have come up with a working plan. wfu.le we certain- ly admire their forethought, we do have a few things to say about it. The report assumes there will be something in the next five years - either a recession or some other unforeseen economic setback, such as th.e county's 1994 bankniptcy -that will cause a decrease in city revenues. To remedy that, the report contains a large s~ction dE?tailing "revenue enhancement measures." While getting the budget m good enough shape to weather tough times is a good thing, "revenue enhance- ment measures" shouldn't be done on the backs of taxpayers. Some of the ideas here -hlking fees for services or selling out to big corporations in the fonn of sponsorshlps -should be last- .. .HOW WE SEE IT ditch moves. A more prudent approach would be to look at trimming city expenses. Just as the average family would look at cutting back here and spending a little bit less there, so should govern- . ment look inward before asking tax- payers to dig a little deeper. We are not saying all the ideas intended to increase revenue are. bad • In fact, some of them _..:. such as beef- ing up enforcement of red-light run-.• ners and taking a hard look ·at leases on city·OVfiled property -should be implemented, regardless of the state of the economy. However, we are not convinced that all avenues for cutting expenditures have been explored. It should be as basic as balancing a checkoook. MARWINA DAY MASSEY I OA/l.Y Pl.Ort! Sansone. a former mayor and councilman, knows well the bat- tlefield. Andersen Elementary third-graders in Carol Jewell's class sign their names to deaf pen paJ DanJelle And each time he went mto combat it was either with his countrymen (as an Anny amnan m World War II) or with his faithful constituents and neighbors in mind. That's what makes him so gen- uine and his planned departure so hard to fathom. He is everything a politician should be -honest, straight shooting and beyond reproach. Yeah, we must be dreaming, right? Berman, who visited the class on Tuesday. THEY TOLD YOU SO For years, envirorunentahsts like Frank and Fran Robmson and Nancy and Jack Skinner have been warning us that Ule watershed that feeds into Upper Newport Bay is filled with pollu- tants. Thankfully, those warrungs have received heightened publici- ty of late and officials from ne1gh- bonng municipalities are acknowledgmg that they need to do their part to keep the Wdter- shed cleaner. We wonder why 1t took them so long to listen DENNIS DON'T BE A MENACE OK, this 1s going to sound a bit uomc corrung from us, but tsn't it time that Denrus Rodman just gives it a rest? The basketball bad boy and West Newport Beach resident just can't seem to stay out of the bead· lines. His latest brush with the news • came when he and wlfe Carmen Electra were arrested m a M1anu Beach hotel after reportedly get-"' ting into a physical tussle. The chdtges against bun were dropped this week. Hey, don't blame us We're not making this stuff up. Thanks for 'To Kill a Mockingbird' performance I want to thank Newport Harbor High School's Gail Brower's Drama Department for their per- formance of •To Kill a Mockingbird• m ('a.fly November. I brought five students from our con· tmuation school m Irvine to see the play, since they are reading the novel in English class. This was a supenor production. It's amazing to see teendgers portraying adult roles with such depth. Martin Giannini truly became thane dttomey, Atticus Finch. Mr. students tould not believe how he was aole to act, speak and feel as a man a generation older. The treshman actress who played Scout Finch was also outstanding. She was equally skilled at playing a girl several years younger than her real age. Scout'!i idealism and innocence showed throughout. The large number of line the.m.\1or cac;t member5 had to mcmonze was ampr ive. Alc;o, the scenes where Jeb, Scout and other cast members sat in ~c audie.ncc added a pow· etful wyency. ~ it bap- READERS RESPOND pened, w were sitting d11ectly by th charac- ters, and were able to see and watdl them on a very personal level. Finally, tor most of my tudents, at was on of the first Urnes they had read a book pnor to seelng 1t done as a play or movie. •Now I understand this bOOk, • one of them pondered. "Now J get iW The nunlf1cation of i.ng •Mockingbird" went fnr beyond its rontent. Otu multicultural students were int rested rn why Calj>Umllt and Tom Robinson needed to be cast with black actors, for example. Wh ther a Hispanic or· whit actor had done th pruts was one of ow con r· salions on the ride home. We were also wptred by your tudents' obvious pailklcl for drama When these experts on th play returned to sehoOl, we had many requetts to attend another play Gall. thanks to )'0\1 and your drama ltU· dents for a thoughtful 1and en~~ Counselor, Irvine Unified SChoOI DlltJ1ct ~Beech Show some class, Fred! I thought the bet betwc.· n Fred Martin and Steve Smith was that Fred had to wnte a col· u.mn saying mce thmgs about USC. My hus· band got both his bad1elor's and master's degrees from USC (with no hnanoal help from anyone but himself), so we are huge USC fans .. I could not find one ruce thing a bout USC i.n Fred's column. Instead all he could talk about was himself· and remind u once again about how his house is on a lake. Sound like som~­ one from UCLA to me. How about it Fred? A deal is a deal. USC is great chool with a lot of pride and tradition Who do you think mnke a better wamor in· battle - a cuddly teddy hear or a Tro1an? l think in real life, it' th 'noJan who pro per. Show !;Om dais if you have onr, and fulfill your end of the bet! SANDI KATES U Cf n, Co ta M grammmg teams, speech tearru., debate teams, mock trail teams, science fair projects and com- petitions. and Uruted Nations pro1ects. Other acadenuc teams and programs are available and could be instigated Wlth proper funding and student interest. Our particular school ha:, cxpenenced the horrors from lack of funding ot the c actiVltic • Although we have fielded an academJc pen· tathlon team for the last two yeMS, teacher· coaches have been volunteers While a teacher-coach for a sports team receive e stipend:eqwpment money and transportation for the team, a teacher who help an academic team receives no hna.naal remuneration or support. Students at other 4'ChOOl~ began work· ing with their teac.hers alri\ost every day sinoc September, but our stud nts m 't por dically with a vanct)• of teachers for th last r w w before th compctibon. Our school has no ac.adenuc d thlon team. science Olympiad t am, or computer program· ming team. Students that tried to start a United Nations project"' re foiled for lllt:k of to help them. OW dtool started a :h team two years ago and now h a group of students that are ready, 'Willing and abl to compel However, without mon v to pa)' coach, no t ohor has volunt · to devot th nigh and w kCnds n ry to coach th team While the Acedem c Booster Council under· ~lands th fuumcial oonstraints faced by tho distrlot, it bell v that mon ~Y ~t ln th pur· ult of acad m c team woUld reap many Ji wards It would ensur that the district main· tams its superior reputation among tbe larger acad mic oommun1ty It would J)«Mde proof to our geographic: community that our dimict • rious about cedemia It woWd ~to acceptance ol our graduat to elite COO.,. Molt import.an\. it WOUid emte ~ into the pumiit bf teeming lsri't that one of our Ultimate GAY 1Gd•Wl~NI ~t. ea... Mm ttigb 'kDIOGll cedemk BDCl ... C.oundl I Bl - • • - • 27 days. _ ... _ Sauday, Deawnber 4, 1999 • Spo'1s Edit>r Roger Carison • 949-57 44223 SCHOOL FOOTBALL t DM.Y ~or f'U') BY Kl'.A ~ ... UG ~TY·lYUUS Newport Harbor's Andre Stewart (2) bursts through the Kennedy defense on the way to a touchdown run. 49 0 •Stewart gets 228 yards, three TDs by halftime, but the mood is dampened by Cole's broken leg. Irvine awaits for showdown. B \HH\ FAl T Jo.!111 II lii(Ph NEWPORT BEACH -11tls one was for Big Daddy The Newport Harbor High foolbdll team was already ahead, 21-0, m its 49-0 CIF Southern Section D1vis1on V1 semilinal vtctory over vmtmg Kennedy High Fnday when the action, and euphona was tragically interrupted. Newport senior offensive tackle Robert Cole, one of the team's captains whom teammates have rucknamed Big Daddy, lay motionless on the held with a broken right leg Vanous teammates comforted hun and the Sailors' me(iicaJ staff tended to the 6-foot-5, 325-pound standout for several minutes, before Cole was hfted onto a mruntenance vehi- cle and driven off the held, then trans- ported to the hospilaJ •From the time of the mjury {8:03 left i.n the first half) till half time, it was pretty tough to try to play,• fellow senior tackle Sailors a ttempt to comfort their fallen teammate, tackle Robert Cole. Blair Jones said. "Jt took a lot out of the offensive line, but we had to win this one for Robert.• The No. 2-seeded Sailors (12-0-1) needed no additional motivation to dis· pose of the Fighting lnsh {9-4.). But Cole would undoubtedly have been proud of the offensive and defensive onslaught which included 477 yards total offense and the defense's fourth shutout in six games, its second in three playoff con- tests. The victory propelled the Sea View League champions to Friday's champi- onship game against league rival Irvine (10-2-1), which knocked off Loara, 15-9, SEE NEWPORT PAGE B4 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK •Former goalie turns offensive to help CdM capture CIF polo crown. W en Garrett Bowlus pproached Corona de.l Mar High boys water polo coach John Varga two y ars ugo about changing . 6 pos1t1ons, the veteran head man ~ wa anything but old on the ~ id a. ~ But aft r the f onn r goalie ~ cored a game-high lour goals to !1 key the Sea Kings' 8·6 CIF ~ Southern section OMrion II tiU" v QUOTE OE.TH DAY .. . •t tel eveiyone that vo8eyball is o game of X'.s and O's and I tel you Newport's X's ere a lot bigger &hon our O's _,, Bret A lman-Cezar, Lincoln 'High volleyball coach Doily Pilot Bl GIRLS VOLLEYBALL STATE TONIGHT Newport Harbor defends crown ag~nst Lincoln of Stockton in a rematch at Cypress 'college. T~"I Am.ma1J !kit Pb CYPRESS -For: tbe second ti.me m th.fee contests, Ne\vport Harber High girls volleyball team w1ll face such word!> as •rematch• and •rev~ge" and •payback•. This time, the Sailors are on the receiving end of those 1abs, though Lincoln Coach Bret Alman-Cezar doesn't believe it •we had to beat: our arch rivals, who beat us twice earlier thiS season, just to make to the finals,• Cezar said. •So we JU.St want· ed to make to the linals. It JUSt so happened that we're ptaymg Newport again.• After getting the last laugh and avenging an earlier loss by sweeping Mater Dei two matches ago, the Sailors W111 be the ones with bUll's-eyes on their uniforms when Stockton's Lincoln High looks for some sweet revenge in the CIF Division I State Championship tonight at ? at Cypress College After hardly breaking a sweat through a ma1ortty of the play- offs this year, the Sailors (36-2) ranked No. 1 tn the state, were pushed to a five-game thriller agamst Bullard High of fresno, 7-15, 15-9, 15-10, 12-15, 15-7, for the Southern California cham- pionship. That five-game push might have been the perfect wake-up call for Coach Dan Glenn's crew. The no1ans (33-5) defeated ?t. Man's of Stockton, 15-10, 15· 3, 14-16, 15·10, to claim the Northern Cc!l1fomia crown. Leading the Trojans back for a rematch 1s three-time All-CIF oul!.ide hitter, senior Suzanne Escobar. The senior Jed the Thojims' attack with 24 kills in their win over St. Mary's. She had 19 kilb in last year's state liUe matchup with the Sailor.; and was named to the all-tournament team Fellow senior Julie Erbez leads the passing attack for the SEE VOLLEYBALL PAGE 83 CELEBRATING THE MILLENNIUM T IM HOG A N Newport Harbor •He has been one of the leading individuals in sailing since he found himself aboard a Snqwbird at age 8 . TERRANCI' P111u~ TI Hogan is efinitely a sailor. e began sailing competitively when he was e1ght years old aboard Snowbirds and Sabots at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. After graduating from Newport Harbor High and before entenng USC, Hogan entered and won the 1966 Sears Cup Ul Chicago. He was a three-year All-American at USC and in 1969, became the Collegiate NabonaJ Championship Hogan continued his winrung ways by taking first-place honors in Hawaii's PrinC'e of Wales Cup in 1972. Hogan sailed aboard •Kiatoa n· in the; 1969 'Irans Atlantic Race taking first place for host-corrected time. Harbor High and is a three-time NationaJ champ1on. The youngest tS Mathew, age 12, who placed third at the Sabot Youth Nationals. Casey, Patnck and Scottie are all fonner NationaJ youth champions Hogan tS the pre ident of the CaJifom1a lntemabonal Sailing AsSQOat1on (CISA), an organization that has ac; isted and sponsored many sailors with their trcumng for the Olympics. CISA also sponsor's a youth sailing clinic and seminar for several hundred sailors annually. He is also involved with the Paohc Coast lnterschola tic Sailing' A ooabon, an orgaruzation which now enlis~ 62 high schools. This was whlle he was on his way Tim Hogan •Tue thinq about sailing that is dlfferent than other aetiviti is that ma boat, a young person has to make multiple dec1 ions, Without the availability of an adult telling them to leading the All-Amencan toom in the European Champ1onsb.ips that same year. He ha sailed in the Cabo San Lucas: Mazatlan, nanspac and placed third m lh pr Ugious Congressional Cup and hrst m the National S6ntana 20 das!ll. :nven with au thl notone'ty, Hogan claims that great t triumph lies cl to home • 1 think the best thing •bout ailing ror m has been watching my four children enjoy the~ a much as J did,• Hogan, a Daily Pilot Sports Hall ot1~a:m induct 'd Hogan ha four sailors that baY ta few record on their own. C4 y is a graHuate of Dartmouth_. w~ft! she wa a four-year All-Amenoan in Alling ~atriCk aimmlly attends oartmouth and recently won the Natiohal you\h champiortlhlp Scottie is a ..UOr at ~n What to do,• Hogan said •1t really hon th u kills and dtios on-makmg re ponsiblliti . How many 10-y ar·old a.re placed m that position? It' a p th t that helps d vclop l<>glc. "Another thing that i uruque lllJ tb c; ~ a cbanc ta travel Md meet kid from all over lh woild, p Hog n continu •0unng away trtpS, th team frequenU • tay \\1th a competitor• family, whidl really mak for great camar dl?rie. It's e gr t sooal port a 11 • Tun Hogan th president of Wanntngton Hom and sails at I three times a week He d e great deel of credit for why th N wport HarbOr High sailing teem bu won IO many Netlooal Champk>t&Sblps Tun Hogan, a man al UM,... Of Newpott Beed\ and of tbe oauy PUot's Spons Hall of ~. ~ting the mlllennlum ·- .. Sports H I G H S C H 0 0 l G I. R l S WAT I R P 0 l 0 VOLLEYBALL ·'Lock, stock and ready CONTINUED FROM 81 ThoJans . She had 71 isl m the wm over St. Mary's and was also an all-tournament • • Newport Harbor sets ut in defense of its CIF ~Pb NEWPORT BEACl I • ,Newport Harbor High's girls water polo team sure has qwt~ .an act to follow. The Sailors are only the defending CJF Southern Sec- tion Division l chdl'11pion. as well as the Sea View League champ for two consecutive years. "I don't even think about t~at. • Newport Harbor Codch I : Bill Barnett said dbout another CIF title "There are a lot of other things to think about • Our goal is to win league and • go on from there • • Still, the Sdilors hc.tve the irepower to repeat m CIF, ee-peat in league. And Kyn- dra Cox is Newport's biggest piece of ammun1llon. There's a lot to say about the senior All-ClP two-meter play- er, but one stabsllc states it best: Cox scored 73 goals in 29 games last year "She's very p1votdl to our team." Barnett Sdid "But we need someone to hE>lp her on the set, and get the ball into her" That's where the Sailors PREVIEW NEWPORT HARBOR HIGHGIRLS WATER POLO Erin Ball Erin Kelly Bates Kathryn Belden Kyndra Cox Heather Deyden -Katherine Gregg McKenna Mosier Erin Murphy Ali Taylor • Coach: Bill Barnett Jr. Jr. So . Sr. Jr . Sr. Sr. Fr. Sr. took a h.it. Jenna Barto, a sec- ond-team All-CIF player who had 40 goals and 40 dSSlSts ldst year as a junior, is not on the roster A chronic stomach prob- lem, which Barto had to over- come, is finally talcing its toll. "She leaves a void," Barnett SaJd. The Sailors are deep enough to fill the void though. Another returning senior, Kathenne Gregg, was a rock in the lineup last year, and should help Cox. Another huge part in New- port's rotation is sophomore Kathryn Belden. Belden has the distinction of being one of two freshmen named to the All-ClF hrst team An explo- sive player, she might be asked to do a little bit of pass-selection a yedf ago. mg. shooting and two-meter If last year ':"as any md.ica- work. . . tion of what be.s m store for Other players figuring to tonight, . the contributE> are seniors Ali Tay-Tars-Trojans' lor and McKenna Moster, and Directions r e m a t c h two juniors Erin Ball and Enn to CypntSS should he one Kelly Bates. C 11 for the ages. Belden, along with Erin ° ege . In th~ 126- Mwphy, will be counted on as n:i.mute, 147- defensive stalwarts. The loss of North on s1~eout hedrt- four players to graduation 405 to stopper last seemed to be most evident on V'alley View, year. the defense. so far, Barnett has net north on Sailors ou1:1ast- bee unh 'th his t am's Valley View. ed the ThoJans, n . appy WI e 15-11 16-18 defense m the preseason: , School on 15_5 i 9_ 17 ' A?d that leads to 1uruor right at P~rhap\·· a goalie Heather Deyden, who 9200 Valley bigger driving has the unenviable task ?f View St. force working replaoog graduate, Enn in the Sailors' Kennedy. Deyden will proba-favor lS making history. bly face more shots than Newport Harbor is looking Kennedy, ',"ho was yet another to win its second strcught state All:CIF Sail?r. . ,. title, the third in six years and Deyd~n s. a 9,~ goalie, fourth in school history Barnett said. Shes JUSt untest-For seniors April Ros<;, Krista ed." Dill, Erin Haller, AndrPa Deyden and the r~st of the Schutz, Jennifer Sandro, Shan- Sailors will be tested in a tough, non Backus, Brendd Water- Sea View League. Last year, man, Lisa Addeo and Signe Newport Harbor had to defeat Hillyard, they play their last league-rival Irvine for the .match together at Newport championship, and the Vaque-Harbor and Glenn knows how ros ~gain figure t~ .be New-important it lS for them to walk port s mam nemesis m league off the court as winners. and CIF. An interesting early-season matchup is Monday. The Sailors duel Long Beach Wil- son at Belmont Plaza, startmg at 3. SPIRl'r • Estancia's girls water polo grows as a tedm. .l<N I'll Boo COSTA MESA So Estancia H1gh's girls water polo team didn't win d lot ol games last year. The question tlus year is, whclt aren't the 'Eagles doing? Under second-yedr coach Michelle Spanley, Estdncia h<ls been progressing qwtE> ruc<'ly f:.~ce it started three years ago. r.::-rne Eagles have a larger .. schedule, and they will even host the first-ever Estancia :-Water Polo Classic More importantly. the guts =-are getting a sense of being a team, through prdchce and activities. ·we're focusing on team PREVIEW ESTANCIA HIGH GIRLS WATER POLO Sarah Elizabeth Anaruma Fr. Lauren Collier So. Somer Flaherty Jr. Sarah Hess Sr. Hanni Ge1der So. Jasmine Geider So. Vanessa Hernandez Diana Kopasek Cara.Loya Katie Menden Laura Morton Jennifer Patton Anna Rasmussen Jr. Natalie Wells Jr. Katherine Wyman So. • Coach: Michelle Spanley uruty and school pnde." Span· I tedm now.~ 'ley..said. ln ~e pool, . Estancia lost "(lbe girls) dre starting to most of its expenenced play~rs show pride that they're on the to graduation. Only one seruor, water polo team. And there's a I Sarah Hess, is on the roster this lot more visible stdff support. yE>ar People seem to know about the The one exception is juruor Somer Flaherty, who was sec- ond-team All-Paohc Coast League last year. "She's extremely aggres.- sive, • Spanley said. •she1s team-oriented, highly motivat- ed and academically excel- lent." Beyond Flaherty. the Eagles will go through more growing pains. But then, Rome wasn't built in a day, and synergy is a key concept at Estancia. The Eagles had a sizable turnout for the team this year and the Junior varsity squ.ad will be amply stocked. Most of the JV players will be trying water polo for the first time, so the varsity team has been working closely with the JV players to teach them the game. · As Estancia loses its inexpe- nenced tag as the season pro- gresses, the Eagles are deter- mined to make the most of it. •we're growing each year," Spanley said. •we're excited about our new coaching staff. Whether we win or lose, we'll hold our head up high.• Green, Dore first team FIELD HOCKEY 1 Five players from Newport Harbor High's •field hockey tedm were named All-Sunset League by the rucu1t's coaches. ! Jwuor Sarah Green and seruor Nicole Dore were first-team selecllons, while seniors Susan Lear, Bitta Jansma and junior Elizabeth Evans were named to the second team. Jansma was a first-team choice as a juruor The Sailors finished in third place in the Sun- . set League Wlth a 9-4-4 record. us pretty badly.• BOWLUS GARRETT BOWLUS Bowlus netted the first goal of the second half to give CdM a 5-3 lead and help send out his 13 senior teammates With the school's l 0th section championship, CONTINUED FROM 81 victory over top-seeded Servile Nov. 24, it's safe to say Bowlus has made an irrefutable closing argument. . •we went to Hungary the swnmer before my sophomore , year and l was playing goalie .every game," Bowlus, a 6-foot·6 junior; said. "I kind of got burned out on it and I , talked to (Vargas) about playing in the field •He wasn't really upset, 'but I got the feeling he wasn't too happy, either He had ;wanted me as a goalie and e'd put in a lot of effort to tram me as a goalie. He said he wasn't sure, but he'd give aom: July 5, 1983 Hometown: Corona del Mar Height: 6·fOOt·6 W.19ht 185 Sport Water polo ~: Two-meten eo.d\; John Vargas Favortte food: Steak ,.vortt. movie: "A•r Force One• Best athletic moment: "It would have to be winning the CIF {Div. II boys watter polo) champ1on\hip (Nov 24) That was a1NeSOrne.·• Attwt. of the Week Xff: The former goalie SCO(ed the flnt three CdM goats: en route to e matcMltSh four goats to help k-V 1n S.6 win over Sefvite 1n the CIF Dlvtslon II cha~lp game. Dally Pile Coll«tor sportJ card~ !l!H its first since 1989. • 1 got some good opportunities, some good passes from my teaIIUtlates, and l was ab}e to score,• Bowlus satd. HI knew I needed to step up and I was really pleased With the way I played." Bowlus' sizable frame, long arms and long fingers, combined with a year of varsity experience, should make him a potent offensive weapon next season. He also vows to work on his strength, lifting three and four times a week to supplement his lithe 185-pound me a try.• Bowlus worked hard to improve his swim peed and spent countless hours being ~~tored n the finer points of the two-meter po~1tion. phy ique. But before he hits the pool for 1wun season next spnng, he v..'ill le.nd hl5 talents to the varsity basketball team. He played Junior varsity last ason, but was ca.Ued up to the varstty tor J run to the Divi!!ion ffi·A section title game. He lowered his time in the 200-yard r tyl by eight s conds last spnng. . eveloped his often ive repertoire, and .bided is tune, before finally seizing the spotlight m the prep season's showcase game. •1 don't know if I've ever scored four goal ln one game before," U1e Daily Pilot Athlete or the Wcok said. •1 usually don't get muny hanc ,• A favorable matchup, however, helped put owlus c nter stage agamst Serv1t . He wa ted tU• time taking advanttlgc, netting th rond· ded S Kings' ftrst thrcm o l to ut them in oomm nd. •tt was g--r at to g t th qukk g081 , u T thmk it h lpcd our confidence,• owlu aid. •w 'd pmyoo S mt e rl1 n year wh n w w r m sing th t rt .nd (the d r ndlng DM on n chrunplons) t · • rve be n playing basketball longer than water polo, but water polo has become my main sport,• Bowlus said. •t enjoy basketball, though. It's good cross ttaining." Like hi shut from goalie to held player, Bowlus tlid the move from the pool to the paint lS a dll\llengmg transition. •nasketball is hard, because ll' a lot of running," said Bowlu.fl, who attended his fint b8 k tball practice throe days aft r th tiU victory. •ni ftrSl f w days, I woUld oooa lonally forgot I wasn't in water polo unymorc. I'd g t a pa and, for BOme reason, I'd tart moving th bell around ln one hand, lik you do in wat polo. I took some ikklding aboUt thllt • , '. Ii Saturday, December 4, 1999 83 CONRAD LAU/OAllY April Ross lea the pack in hopes of blocking off Unco High of Bakersfield in tonight's state championship gam In the finals matchup against the Tro1ans, Ross had 26 kills and 27 digs. while Dill added 13 kills, eight digs and four blocked shots. "I tell everyone that volley- ball lS a gdme of X's and O's t1.nd I tell you Newport's X's are a lot bigger than our O's," CezdI said. •We know we can sideout forever with anyone We just hdve to hope ·that Newport makes some mistakes and we can take advantage of th,em." Tomght championsb appearance is the seventh~ the school's history, ty Stockton's Linden High f the most all tune and a ~ would tie Corona del Mar and St Frunc1s of Mountain Vie:tr for the most state titles with four According to 'the latest national poll from vbaU.com the Sailors are ranked third m the country behind Hawaii's Kamehameha High and Ken· tucky's Assumpbon High. Sotvrday, Oecem~r 4, 1999 IASKETIAll sta Mesa storms ack agains~ ~tin Mustangs go on 42-lB cond-half run fo r win. ANAHEIM Costa Mesa gh's boys basketball team mc:bed a furious 42-18 see- d-half rally to swamp Tusun, -38, and advance to the con- lation championship m the co Company Invitational dt aheim High Friday. Nate Jones led the Mus- gs (2-1) Wlth 23 points and rebounds Costa Mesa's an Naff scored 15, with nine bounds and seven blocked ots, and ruck HaU;ushi had points and hve assists. aun Ferryman Spdfked the us"tangs' 25-point fourth arter with six rebounds. Costa Mesa will duel nyon for the consoldtion ampionship at Loora Hjgh av,at~.m. "JACO Y lf!IVITATIOHAL C.olTA MnA 511, T\lmN JI Mew 9 7 17 25 53 in 10 10 10 8 18 Mesa: Jon~ 21, NaH IS, Whltt•kH 7, I 6, W•lr l, Abedtabo 2, r•v~ 2, no Jones 2, WhltlJlkM 2, Naff I, W.ff I • Pinto 8, Hllyfl 6, Ch.rtm•n S, Che1t., S. Im 4, ~u<Mt 4, Al S.l»n ], Smnh 2. B•rren 1 Pinto 2. Al·S.b•n I, Ch•1man I ~1•• I esa girls roll, 50-39 LAKEWOOD -Costa Mesa gh 's girls basketball team vanced to today's fifth place e in the Mayfair-Bellfower wnament with a 50-39 win er Mira Costci Autumn Smith was a dorru- ting inside presence for the ustangs (2-1) with 22 potnts d 10 rebounds. Jenny est chipped m 11 points, d led Costa Mesa with 11 b ounds. Nancy Hatsushi, ng with six pomts and five sists, had seven steals to lead strong defensive outing for Mustangs. The fifth place gdll'le is dt 1 *~1~1. ColtA MlsA 50, MlllA C'.olTA l9 Mes.t 9 18 11 12 so COit.A l 13 ... 19 19 Mesa: Smith 22, H•tw.111 6, Moniz 5, Ml, E-11,<Mon l Mar!Nll 1, Earnest I, CMon I OUl Manh•li eo.e.: T Wt11tetide 20, M Whot"'°9 <I, f, ~-I 8. ltod..._, I T. Whiteside 1. O<lt' SttOtNtch 8 dWcotl Mor• COJ1• Co8ct\ GARDEN GROVE · Jason co had 19 points. including r three-pointers to lead tanaa High over Katella, 64- , in the filth-place semiflllctls the Bolsa Grande Toumd- nt. Darshaun Gamer d.lso con- buted 19 points and 12 unds for the Eagles (2~ 1 ), o will face University High ay at 4:40 p.m. for fiflh- ce. Simco's fourth lhree-pomter th just under five minutes ,,_.n;a1'1n ' g gave the Eagles the d for good. The Eagles held onto the d by bitting 12 of 19 free ows, including eight late in game. 90UA~~ Flfttlp&..~ ~ M. ICATIUA 57 19 IS 11 19 -64 12 16 17 1l 57 • GMnet 19, Simco 19. Un\Jell 12. 19 ... Z I, ~ 2, .\9u1!At 2, Nnonu 2 pc goels. Sifl'ICO <I, Cantr•ll 2, llodt~l 2 out; non. • • E~ 16, 1Y'CJn ,12, l•U<U 11, ~r«n 6, Se<1i 6. M.wt"* 2. NQyet .. 2, l'Mlil 2. pc, pis• (JPlnoM 2. ~ I out;,_,. wport girls hold off guna Beach, 37-30 LAGUNA BEACI I New- rt Harbor High's girls bas· tball team will be looking to p rove on its 1-1 record toddy the Uruven;ity Tournament, en it duels Vista at 10 am. owing Thursday's non- gue victory at Laguna ch. The Sailors took a 25-9 hall- e lead in that one and held for a 37-30 nonlcague vtcto· Sopho~ore Evita Cas\illa d 13 paints and freshman ena Vasquez 10 for the ·ors (1-1), who prevailed p1te losing tho tumover bat· , 34-32. ... "°"" HNilcM~~ lllMM JO lc-.by~- HatbOf 11 14 ' ' • J7 h¥1't s .. 10 11 • JO ...,._•c.rt1lo IJ, V'1qun tO, 6,A!htcll) 4. l. G-"<h 2. Gelletdo 0, Brook' 0 go.it • H<IM. 19!1 «ii • Hofle lw'lul••NOilf e..dt • M0talft 4, OIMMti. I, lbr1ed & Oflidd ~ OtO 1, M.tyo ll .,... • Sct!W•lm.d 1 ()IA • M« Ot•!mto1 ... Off .. ld ·~ CdM tops MY. 57-44 MISSION VIEJO -Kevin Jlansen had 17 points !and Brooks Morris had 14 points to lead Corona del Mar boy~ b as- ketball to its second road win of the season, 57-44, over Miss1on Viejo jn ndnleague action. After allowing 13 first-quar- ter points, CdM held the Diab- los (1-2) to 14 points in the next two quarters combined The Sea Kings (2-0) con- nected on 11 of 12 free throws in the fourth quarter to pre- serve the win. ~It was just a hard-fought contest," Coach Paul Orris said. ·Both teams really battled out there." Next up, the Sea Kings open up the La Quinta Tournament Tuesday against Buena Park. NONUAGUl CoM 57, .._ VllJO .. C<><on• c»4 Mar 10 t2 13 22 • S7 M1s1.1on ~Jo 13 6 8 17 • 44 Colona def MM · Hanson a. Shaf\anjlan 3, P•ftenon 8. Moms 14, SMll S, H•l>ff'n 17. T.mpleton 2. 3 pt goats -Morris 2, Hanson 1, sn.Mnjlan 1, Snell I, Hansen I Mlulon Viejo Floud 2. StanltS8S ), Sh•lh S, lrelwJ 10, C.ole IS, Engstrom 2. Nieten 7, 3 pt goals -Sun1t1M 1 OCC pulls it out in OT COSTA MESA -David Castleton had 26 points, including the game-winning free throw in overtime to lead Orange Coast to another come- from-bebind, 82-81 win over Imperial Valley in the champi- onship semifinals of the Orange Coast Invitational. Dave Elliott had 23 points, while Jeff Beeler added 16 for the Bucs (4-2), who next take on Long Beach City in the tour- nament championship tonight at 7 at OCC. ~COAST INVITATIONAL OwlmplcMl9hlp Mmlftnae. Or.nge Cont 82, lmpet1al Valley 11 Or.nge Coast -Castleton 26, Ngt.1)'9n 7, Beeler 16, Elliott 23, Cutl.r 2, Wiison 8 l pt go11ti • Castleton 4, Nguyen 1, Bfft• 1 lmpel'tal Valley . W•rren 7, Tarango l, Bla<icman 10, Henctrldoon 1 t, ,l,gulrr• 6, Mce>on.ld 16, Lopez 28. l pt. goab Aguirre 2. T•t~ 1, 81AcltrNn 1, Hendnckion 1, McOonald I Halftime I~ Val~ 3&-33. ~ lled. 71·71 OCC women eye title SAN LUIS OBISPO - Ornnge Coast College's women's basketball team advanced to the championship game m the Cuesta Tuuma- ment at San Luis Obispo with a 97-60 romp over Taft. Enn Tomlinson led the Pirates with 18 · points, and Leah Wilde and Karyn Fierst each scored 14 for OCC. The game was never close, with OCC taking a 46-25 haUtime lead. The championship game is scheduled for 4 p.m. at Cues- ta Colleoe. ruutA TOUllNAM£HT • 0MHCa CoAST t7, TNT &0 Taft: MahoMy 20, Smltl't 12. O.ty e, Franco 6, C.rtff 5, Miller 4, Ytden 2, Haff 2, O~n 1 3 pt Fr•nco 2. OCC: Tomlinson 18. Fiem 14, Wllo. 14, lohrnon 9. Mlddlebtoote 9, Urban 8, Alum 7, S•ew8"d 7, MMl.ld8 5, l-'s 2. lt~mond 1 l-¢ F1eut 2. Wlldtt 2. Akim 1 • Halftime· OCC. 46·25 VU women win, 82-29 COSTA MESA -Vanguard University's women's basket· ball team had no trouble extending its home wirming streak to 41 games, disman- tling Occidental 82-29 in a non- conference game. Marisa Emde led Vanguard With 20 points. Rachel Fa..k.se had 14 points and six rebounds, and Robbin D1tten- bir got 10 points and 10 rebounds for the Lions. Becki Huddle, with 13, and Laura Lee, with 10, also scored in double cli~~ard (6-1). VANGUNID 12, OcaoonAI. 2t Oa:ldenUI: S9itt 0, Lifton l. t.8mptell IS. MMlm 0. Gllk.y 2, Gulwllao l, Tong S, F8".t\8t 0, $lein 0, W1nbulh 2 3-pt W>prell 1, Tong I V........,.t Emde 20, H~ ll, Dtn.nbir 10. fib• 14. 8oelte 4.1.endemwi O. W.14'4!< S. l .. 10, SNrnan 4. Al<<lhon 2 J 9t f tl'ICM 6, Huddle ), 1.M 2. WlidJ« I Halft•-, V.nglWd, )9.1 SOCCER Cd.M gir~ frolic, 9-0 GARDEN GROVE -Coro- na del Mar Higb's girls soccer team trounced host Bol a Grande, 9-0, in a nonl~ngue game for its second victory. Cinnamon Gulley led C"dM's offensive attack with three gOdls. Kate Simort $Cored twic~ and Elisha Morgan nnci Kristin I Janson each get hvo assists. Allison Harvey, Natahn Dorfman, Jennifer Lon g and Obv1a Maiura also Kor d for CdM. CdM (2·0) play lwo gn rnt• today m the South i omm roumam nt. Th tint 9am ls ch d uled fo r 10.40 am against Rl"(fondo Uruon. Th n xt garn 1 et 1:20 pm. g 111 t 81 hop Mont om ry. Daily Pilot Score by QuwWa Kennedy O O 0 O • O Newport 21 7 14 7 -49 Ant~ NH -Stewart 2 run (Gaeta kick), 10 25. NH -Mandarino 1 (Gaeta kk;k). 5:33 NH -Stewart 13 run (Gffta k1dt), 0 49 SecondQuwt.r NH · Stewart 14 run (Geeta kick), 1·01. ThfrdQwrtw NH • Manderino 78 lnt•rcept1on return (Gaeta kick), 9:05. NH • Brill 60 run (Ga.u kick), 4:36. . Fourth~ NH -Ortega 1 run (Gaeta kick), 7'35 Attendance: 4,900 (estimated). tNOtV10UAL RUSHING Ken -Beatty. 9-47; Macias. 3-13; • Vasquez. 1·mious-3; Emerson, 3·minus·18 • NH · Stewart. 28-228, 3 T0s, Brill, 10.138. 1 TD, Thornton, 8-22; Gaeta. 4-21, Oftega, 6-11. 1 TD; Enriquez. 1·7; Trimble, 1-3; Mandttino, 2-minus-3, 1 TO; Cauerly, 2·minus·7. INDIVIDUAL MSstNG Ken · Etherson. 13·33·2. 156; Yaden, 0-1-1, 0 NH · Manderino, 241, 37; Gaeta, 2·2-0, 15 INOMOUAL lt£CEVING Ken • Howze. 6-63, Yadel\ 3·56; McKnight 4-37 NH · Oayton. 2·37; Caldwell, 2·15. GAME STATISTICS Ken NH First downs 1 o 23 Rushes-yardage 13·57 61-424 Passing yardage 156 52 Passing · 13·34-3 4-6-1 Net return yardage• 29 102 Sacks-yardage 3 • 1 B 1 -4 Net yardage 224 574 Punts 5-31.4 G-0 Fumbles-fumbles lost 2·2 4-1 OAltY PILOT PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK Newport Harbor's Justin Jacobs rues through the aJr tn an attempt to knock the ball away, but Kennedy's Jeff Anderson intercepts for one of visitors' few highlights of the night. Flags-net yardage ()..() 5-30 Time of possession 16:06 31.56 •Punt returns, Interceptions. fumble returns NEWPORT CONTINUED FROM 81 in the other seinihnal Friday. The btle game, a rematch or an Oct t 5 meeting won by Newport, 12-10, will llkely be played al Orange Coast College. The same two teams met for the Division JV crown m 1992, with Irvme winrung, 30-8, at occ. "He broke h1s leg and he's done,• New- port } larbor Coach Jeff Brinkley said of Cole, d sure All-Sea View League first-team pick this fall. HHe's been a leader for us and he's one of the captains. Th.is is very unfor- tunate. He had tears in hls eyes when he was leuvinq the field, because he wanted to play.* His teammates displayed that same desire from the outset Friday. J<elsey Peterson returned the kickoff 75 yards to the Kennedy 14 -yard line and !>Cnior tailback Andre Stewart was in the end zone four plays later. Stewart rolled up 228 yards and three touchdowns on 28 first-half canies, before calling 1t a rught and savmg tu.s energy for Irvine. His pcrfonnance upped his season rush- ing yardage total to 2,245, destroying the s10yle-scason school record of 2,088 set by Ray Ohrel 10 1996 1Wo-way .start Chns Mandenno ran for a 1-yard touchdown to cap Harbor's second possession and later returned an intercep~ lion 78 yards to payd1rt to tenninate Kennedy's hrst possess1on alter intenrus- sion Newport scored six or its first seven pos- sessions and never punted. The second- team offense was stopped on downs at the Kennedy 10-and 1-yard lines to keep the Tars from breaking the school record for margin or victory 10 the playoffs. The 49-pomt verdict onJy tied a 55-6 tri- wnph in 1982 against a NorwaJk team, iron- icalJy, coached by Brinkley. With sophomore Bryan 8reldnd filling m for Cole, JOil'ling Jones, guards Steve Wukawitz and Nick I laddy, cPnter Luis CN7., tight end Nick Langsdort anrt fullback Travis Tumble, sevpral Sailor runners padded the rushing total. Senior Ryan Brill went for 138 yards on 10 carries, mcluding a 60-yard touchdown run which made it 42-0 with 4·36 left m the third quarter. Junior Rydn Ortega cored the final touchdown, accentuating the dorrund.D.l dis- play dQdlnst a defense which had not yield- ed more than 28 po10ts to any foe this fall. Kennedy hdd given up just nine points per game during its six-game winning streak. But it's Harbor's wmmng streak, now al 11 games, which remained intact. The Tars are now 28·0-l their last 29 games against teams not m the Sea View League. Harbor's defense, leadtng O range Coun- ty in scoring defense. continued its quality play. Ends Brad Rothwell (two) and Garrett TroncaJe ·accounted for three q uarterback sacks, while Billy Clayton and Dayne Pfaff added 10tercept1ons to Manderino's afore- mentioned theft. Harbor also recovered two fumbles as Kennedy managed JUSt 39 yards on the ground Kennedy 1unlor quarterback Geoff Ether- son, completed 13 of 33 for 156 yards. He had eight on -target deliveries dropped by his receivers, but l larbor's secondary, which induded Justin Jacobs, and Peterson, as well as linebackPrs Mike Tunney. Andy Rankin and Alan Saenz, sure didn't help "We were stopping the run, so we could detach some linebackers and give then a five-six ratio," Brinkley said "Our defense, and our defensive staff, mclud10g coordina- tor Evan Chalmers, did a great Job." It's the fourth trip to the hndls in eight seasons for Harbor, which will hope to win the second championship in the 69-season history or the program. "We have some gi:eat kids and a great seruor class, so I'm very happy they will get a chance to play for a championship,• Bnnk- ley said. Star Search • Here are some lightweights who might make an impact next year with the varsity. I t seems sudden, but the 1999 fall season has ended for fro h-soph and Junior vaThity si)orts. Here are some names to remember from this year. foootbaU: Remember how Ohio State's Orlando Pace dominated on tho often 1ve line enough to become a Heisman 1Tophy fmallit m 1997? Well, Cosl<t Mc.sa l ligh' Andrew Canch had that type of season fo r a 7.3 Mustangs football tl'am, producing pancakes llke JHOP The bcnehctarlei. of Canch's blocking were Jason I Iurley and Kaeolo Asw<•ga. A!>wega led the t<'dm In yards, hut I ~urley's ~wcrtul running dnd blocking might lead to playing lime on next year's vaNty squad. As good as Costa Mesa was, Corona del Mar bl'at the Mustang Ill the last game of the c;cason to wm the Pao ne Cot1 t League championship. The S a King:. he.tvc a good ruMtng back, too, in Kt-1th Long, whose sp !Cd and rccc1vmu skills were p roblemauc for tht' Mustang:. m a 28·6 CdM win. Anet quc1rtnbt1ck Jonathan Hubbard looked like a veteran m \ht! to ta Mesa gumc. :Th h1og t ~tlm(!nt to Case, Mey felled 1n CIF doubles scmiflnal 11111115 . ' . CdM's talent, though, was a 20-6 drubbing of a very good Newport Harbor. The Sailors' leader IS m quarterback Michael McDonald Llke his father, former USC signal caller Paul McDonald, Michael has shown poise in the pocket. For Estancia, brothers Bnan and Alan Rayner were the most consistent freshmen linemen. G lrls Volleyball: Yeah. the loss of April Ro and Krista Dill to graduation Will hurt next year, but Newport Harbor's girls volleyball program will still be loaded. The most towering talent, literally, is 6-2 freshman middle blocker Kristen McChine, who has been imposing on the JV level. She and freshman outstdE' hitter Claire Allen have been dddcd to the van;1ty team lor the playolfs. Boys Water Polo: CdM's boys water polo team had a season to remember. The Sea Kmgs won the p restigious Charger Cup .this yl'ar, as well as the Grey Lunde Tournament to hmsh the !\Cason 24-1. Talent ahound , but th most promising 1 two-met •r man Artie Dorr. Dorr has imply bl'<!n a force on the inc:tde. I le ha been <>o unprc c;1ve he spent · half the e.i~n with the vaniity team, scoring goalS in the S&G Water Polo C up. Ne wport J larbor's JV t run Estancia bombards Orange Luth.:•ran, 6-0 C OST A SOCCll MESA - Estancia High' boys sorcP.r te am won another game in blowout fashion, pounding vi • itin<J Orang .. Luth~rnn, 6-0. f~uJ Mendoui cor d lhr 9°''1" for tho Engle , gwmg him eight m two g m . Ji.Ying I kt soor cl twice, tind Bdson Annya hltd on goal. Orang Luth nm didn't g t a mule &hot on gooJ oga.ln t Estancia. ... LIGHTWEIGHTS joseph boo has two opbomores, Bnan Pentz and Caine Littrell, who should make a mark on the varsity team next year. Littrell hcid a Will Chamberlain-like ~cason, scoring 64 goals for a team that lost two game all year. Cross Country: Freshmen have made an unusudUy large impdct on the varsity programs. Eslanoa's No. t varsity runner, Humberto Rojas, has been the most unprec;'l1ve freshman this year, hmshing 33rd at the state hnals. Newport Harbor fr~h.man Ashley Steen has unproved enough to become a c;cortng runner for the Sailors' girls varsity program But the most promising rr ~hmnn has been Jennifer Long, a member of Cd M's !r bmcn girls team. Ea:iily assuming the freshmen team's No. 1 spot, ~he finished 16th at the state meet and 10th dt the Pacific Coast League championship as a vant1ty runner If not for a nclicuJously deep CdM varsity ltneup, Long would have been one or the top varsity runners in the area. Tenn! : This year's best Newport-Mesa undergraduates not named Ahne Yelsey arc Newport Harbor freshmen Kristen Mcintosh and Jennifer Citro. Both were cornerstones for 'a N team that went undefcdted in the Sea View U>ague Look for both to be a big part of Newport Harbor's v~ity team, which will loso eight seniors to graduabon For CdM, look fo r Jennifer Wong to move up to varsity and make an impttct next year. Sh e has played doubles matches ot the van;lty level. Another JV playe r, Sarah Bryan, tilled in et singles for the first two rounds of the CIP Southern Section playoffs and has pent the most time on varsity among N playcni. And Co ta M sa, wh.lch dcal'i with a lot or lncxpenenrcd k.Jds, lS Improving rapidly enough to lmpr Cd.M N Coach Pat Wilson. Shifley Peng has been the leader of the Mustang ' group, but half the JV douhh• lineup ~nl ome lime wtth the vars1ty. Me hould continue its Ullplovemcnt next y elf.~--~ SCHEDULE TOOAY Clti$1c; Cit.ln<la at lolwi Gr1nde Tou1na~t. High tc.hool glrlt •Cost.a MtM It M,yf 11r ltllflowet Tournament. 1 l'l·m IWNpOft Harbor •t Univtnlty High lourn1ment, YJ Vbta, 101 m • Soaiw tUgh tChOOI girts• QHON dtl Mat et South Torra~ TQUrnament. ........ High tchool • ~ Halbor at Glenn Toumamem, 10 • m. COrone de! Mar at food\111 Tournament. 'O am . ....,_... Hlgt\ Khoo! gifts • Long had\ f'Olt at~onitdtlMM. 15p.m Just Arrived !Yew 2000 Sable You Get: Autom•tk .,.,.ns. Power D.rltter"11 Se.et. A nU·Lodl IJnlkea. Aluml11um W"-1, trJ IDYM0171'Km. ll Z II} l'ltlt 2000 Sabia .mnn,, dally ad! lndlridful11 ptfud $ Per Month +tax $325 per month t tax. 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' Al.lOVWltHLSA8S ($TK ?1037A)llO ~I l/UlDCBttffl • l 86 Satvrdoy, Decembef 4, 1999 ' Index I\ ---~-11 ' ---: .-~ , .. ....... , ... iiiiiiirrJ '---~-:;;·•tJ --~c:a SEIZVICE DmECTODY -For All Your Home and Busi~ Need - You are cordially invited to a time of remembering loved. ones during this holiday season Thursday, December 9, 1999 7 :00 p.m. Pacific View Mortuary Chapel 3 500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach, California Preprogram entertainment to begin at 6 : 30 Reception to follow services. ~a#9' 4# Olr#l41'11Mt 0# """' •H~oj~qe" ~th~ol'D~ J')s#4""""4 4D4"41/.e '-~ ~ ~- 11.-'" """Ii. u cttout --~ Uh, .. ... ,..e.e µ.u.t. ~ e.a 949-644-21()() "Affordable Alternative" ~ount Casket, Cremation& Burial Senice y should you subject ourself & your family to aying inflated prices for askets & services???? PACIFIC VIEW MEMORW. PARK CemetetY • Mortuary Chapel • Crematory 3500 Pacific V""' Dmle Newport Beectl 644-2700 PIERCE IR0111ERS l!U. lllOAIWAY Mortuary * Chapel Cremation 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 842-9150 By Fu ByPhooe (!1-t<J) M:?,:)(178 By MaMn Penom ('J.t.9) Ml·hi'l-t J•i..,.. tt1o lu01i' ,,..., J1ill1,. llJJ 11""'1r11w~l .. 1ftboluft111f11.,u l ... L •nh •I'"' "I"'"') Actltloue Buelneea N..,te Sbtement The fOllowlng ptr'IOnl are doing busl'*I as: SOPRANO, 9875 Moon· river Cir • Fountain Vel· ley, CA. 92708 Phlllbboulan Steve, 11815 Moonrtv•r Cir , Fountain Valley, CA 92708 YHsayan Jael<, 3628 Palm Crest, Highland, CA. 92683 This buslnus Is con· ducted by; a gener11 partn•rshlp Have you 118r1ed doing buslneaa yet? No Phlllbbo$$i.n OMlg Thia statement was hied with Ille County Clert< of Orange County on 10-14·99 1"9Mot303 Dally Pilot Nov. 1~ 20, 27. Dec. 4, 1999 ~a278 Flctldoua Bualwe Name &utement The following persons a,. dolflo buSlness .. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMPANY, 1280 B480l'I Ave., S111te 89·575, Newport Beeclh. Cdfomil 92660 Belllslmo lndu1tr111. Inc., (Nev1da), 3305 West Spt1ng Mir\ Rd I 160-24, UIS Vagas. Ne· vada, 89102 Thia business Is con· ducted by: a corponitlon Have you started doing business )'9t? Yes, 10/01/1.999 Belllalmo lndu1trlea, tnc., Anthony w. Aoeetlf·Prea. This statement w11 fifed with the County Clertl. of Orange County on 10·28-99 1 t99ll09630 Dally Pilot Nov. 27..1.~ ... 11, 18. 1999 ~ '.)"'\. . ... -. ' . li:l .,. i :, "'-'•' ~ a.-a-_ J ~ OLD CO OPEN SU.. 12'4 332 Hull Or, Oen Vu On Cvlyon. 1 bl( to bch. lnwnec Collloe 2bf Hibl, lrplc. $769;boo AgU49-7SM070 Build Your Dream HOme or EnJoy 11 1 waek·•nd "911Wa)'t 2 MP pr°'*"9, t bl( rrorn ocean. Pttnclpels ~ Agl. !M9-72().!M69 NEW TOWNHOME Oullly~&~ Jol'n l<amey Rell E*9 1525.900 !M&-723-4040 ll1 IWOOOCO 8ttutlfully Remodeled S8r 28e-$M,OOO John Kenn.y R.E. Mt-72'"4040 BEA MESA VERDE HME OPEN SUN U-4:00 2751 Bun~ln Clrcll 5br 3bl, remod, ov•r $150 upgradH. $569,000 AQtlt Rid\ ottlte 7 I 4-969-e I 00 .l:iO \\ "'' fl," '>t ""'' ( :.,.," \11$11 ( \ <>21> .. !"' \1 ''"'"'" 111 .. 1 ~ r"'' .. , noun -I ..l1·ph111tr 8 ,Jlbni-.j;l)llpm \I .1 ,.., n.t." \\ 11IL~l11 H W.1111-.'l ltllpm \lllldoo1-"n.t..1 S.. llland Ateort UVlnf S8r 3.581 JiW momlno rm, orn• kll, custom bl,il Ina. matbl9 Slliy, Single 610fY Brolc.tr, 941HWr2011 NEWPORT AEtOHTS DrMm lot Wfpt1m9 llme ._. 38r 28a, llrNI room home, ITIOV9 ~ tflt Holdaya.. Joen Allon, "Blct, ~2011 8iQ CANYON T ridilOiill 58' 3.581, fof8Ver Ylewsl Estate-sized lot. Stella Wordtn, Coast Newport Propertlea 9491769-3729 s~lous uao AOme Lov 2· Custom home, 58' • ~ 1.f ol llv .,.. $997,500 Bii Gruodv Rtaftoq 94M7W1e1 381 Lrg. · llvfng room wllp, new paliltlc:af\,lli, &hart gar, S2500mo 111-. net 1ot~ Opel Av.. Mt-75N5't itlliXll 11R 18A• llu MW, on etrMt PWtl· Ing. 1'1111 now. 11~. Agent MM13-40l2 112 From ~H l lhopl. 2bf 1be r-..11>. Gateoe. bllcony, COM, 517 112 Golden Rod A~ St050. 213-74H300 THE SHORES APTS 1 & 2BR TOWN HOMES $300 OFF MOVE-IN Selected Units ••••••••••• Starting 0 $1095/mo. Mo to Mo lease. "We are a pet" community. Call ToU Free l-888-S4CASKET Sening Orqt I Slrroundlng Couacria SELL~ YOUR [JSED VEHICLE THROUGH CIASSIFIED 8Ji CinYon Vlhlet ••• ,...,, beh, ~. call*. tvdwd ... ,...,, concnt• tit rool Pool & spa. $879,900. ey o.n.r, 94M87-328e. . 6 block• from the beach. 949-644-2611 ihe ••• LES TURNER, LUTCF· Exclusive Agent Auto-Home Allstate Insurance Company 901 Dover Drive, Suite 250 New~rt Beach, CA 92660 Bus (949) 645-6868 FAX (949) 646-7592 CA Lie. #0703798 y YOU'RE IN GOOO HANDS Washington Mutual f101.11:a L 0~111 £J'l Low dOcumentatlon pr1trama avatlable. 3.45o/o ~~"a Atlr, Q (PAIOOAAMS ~CT TO CHAHOEI • Tel: (949) 219-8533 Cel: (948) 929-8896 ... 200 CA Daily Pilot Hu tr~ 1111J 1ll•i11llint, (l.l't' 11hjr1•1 to rlurng1• • itho111 11oti1·f'. lltl' 1111bl1-hPr n·..i·n I'!> tl11• riizht 111 n-11>01. n•rlu~ if\, "'""'or n-jrrl t111' 1·fn,,j(j,.tf nthc-r1i·1·1111•111. Pl1·u-r n·pon um:nmr thut mu~ lw i11 \UllJ' d1b,ifi1•cl n~I i111111r11i11u•h I lw lluih l'ili1r nrn I"' no li1J1ilit\ for um 1·rri1r in 1111 111ht>rti•1·ow11t flir -. hic•h ii 1110\ h1.· fl'"fl<Uhihft' f\;'l'Jll ror dll' l'tl•t o( lhl' •flUfl• m·tuufl\ t)('('llplrd ll\ 1hr 1•rror C .rt·di1 1·110 0111~ ht• 11llol\1·d fur tlu· fir~t in-1•ni11n. ------Deadlines -------·.....:: Monday ........ -.. Friday S:OQpm ThUNday .. Wedn day S:OOpm Tuesday ....... :. Monday S:OOpm Friday .. , ....... Th1,1._fsday .S:OOpm. Wednesday .... Tuesday S:OOpm Sa"turday ........... Frid~y S:OOpm NEWPORT ACROSS THE STREET 2Br, Frptc, gar, new C&lpel/ptlnt, 11095/ino. (no ~s) 1665 lr\llne A~. r,). Cal Oen9I 949-720-9422 Ext 203 =·Newport Marina .. ~ Apartments Bayfronl communlLy wnh private beach 6z manna Walk to Balboa lsland shops. Minutes from Fashion Island. • Wood-bumlr\f/gias fireplaces • Ptivat1f garages • Boat slips avallable . Now Leasing iBR S2050-St"l00 Sorry No Pets :. Please call (949) 760-0919 ~ ~itestyte ... • 24 Hour Guotd Qota • FUll·hml concllfge -w::e unparalleled In Orange County From '2, 100 to 16, 100 1-877-681-7387 l • Elegant one or ty..o bedroom plans • Gorgeous clubhou9e • Lavish pool,, spo • Fitness toctutlel • S'8ps to Foslllon lslond, wonc:lei1JI rtmuronts, ATOP NEWPORT COAST •Enclosed Garage.• Aittrm System • Washrr/DrynlRefrigerator • F;tness, Bwinm, CJ.bhouse Centers s~• eecvmydepoM ~'" ...... i-1n ttw ... Yim With ~cnM (Dotf ....... ,. ...,_, SAN JOAQUIN HIU.S A1N~ .. Dr;. 888 882-80 ~ ~~·r:r·· ,. ~ I'· L ' ' . .. I ,, • . . 1. .,;. ~. '. . .. ;~ i ....,_"' -·--· ••. #«at ·,· ' .~ 1·:·~·~··· { 1 "'"* ' oi:-1 .... i " L()Oijng for • view? 280" Boy view, city ~. mooo- talns & lncredble sunfise • • Spacious .Cbr. Docks avall $38QOlmo 949' 729-9097 Ba)'ridge 3Br 38i wt1h 2 + Cll' 1111'198, NC, MW c:arJ*, tilt I S19lntl $2400fmo MM40-2H4 28dnn 2Ba,B~, Fi, ~• dec:I<. • wfd, • terris courts, clt1n, 1900/Mo. Lease Option AvtJIA. 949-723-527'4 vEASAJU:ts 1Bi 1Baii, new appllancll, new carpet, new pa1n1. $1000/mo. 949~7. 91yr~~ 2BR 28A, 2 car gar, hlgtly upgraded, lmmac, woodsy view, W/D l*ups, s 175Mno Bkr 949-293-4'&30 WONOEiiFUL large hOme on Penln Point Bay Front. Pan«emlc vltWI of )lt1Jt and COM. 4bf t den, St.. formal dlnrm, 2 ffplcs + boat dock, 3 Clf Pl'ldna. Aval Jan 20. UOOClimiJ. Yr IM. prtno only Agt MMn-4062 t. ·~~l . f. 11~ .. ~ •• 111111' FOR LEASE 12.()0 sf deluxe Nlly .. OYld Olficl Sul1e • 2nd tloof lease 10< up lo 3 y11. Slarllng II S2 95 st/mo + ulll Aval Jniaiy 2000 Call 94H40-6512 Rtt>uln Vecwma $29.99& up Huge 5-:tiorl! Cout Vacuum q. Sewing 333 E 17th st Cos1a Mesa 94~2·1560 &Ive Tlme For Thi Hotldaya! Absolute Errllld Service Q Cell 714-2'7-7913 ti [;.+ ~1 Found Dog 11128. Poulble Corgi B /Mesa. Santa Ma 949-975-1116 ouncl kitten 11,23 Vlclnlly of Prospect & Lagonia. Orange/Ian & Wlll1e, med hair. male 949-646-0972 LOST et BIJI . Newport Edwards, blue 08lly blriet. Preclou$ 714-42.4-0773 LOST Nov 24, large at1ort heir neutered male c.t, 4 vear• old, moatly white with dirk tall Top of heed I• bfown l bl1ek ltrtpta. Vlclntv Nonh Coat• ..... Mir ' Balcer/Paulerlno. 714-$57-1992 loll parekMt Whtlblue tummy. Frlendly/t1me Prtyet1 needed. Loll Nov 19th M9-720-15", f~ntt~al Old you 5ee Fleet Wood Mac 0 lrw.e Meadows lo OCI '97, did you have lawn seal· Ing Mlchael 949-722·9908 SPiRrTUAL DiREC'TiON I am seeldng people who are Weresled In an lnllma1e 01 more lnllmate relationship wl 1he runlnous & who want lo knoW & Ive Ulal retatlonstllp wi1hirl thetr eveiyday lffe I amnocaGurul'lOfamla Religlou5. I am an Intern In 1he art ol hOlv ll$tenlng and hold a sacred .space !Of the flowerfng ol your unique rela~ wlAJ That Thefe Is which brings new d!ipth & meMlno to wery~ ~le FREE OF CHARGE drMna MH46-1158 I •a ca.TE~ I 2 Choice Burlll Gravn tor sale. Bayview, Pacific View Memotlal Perk Oise 20% oil. 702·914-4457 bftweeri Mp I~. "4#1 SAT 7·?, MOVING II Must Mii all that'• leftll 513 Orchld/CdM (Sale In all•a 6iUltl=1: '439 MAGNOLIA Cron atrHt lrvlne. A llt11e of eWfY(hli?I &iii s by Jecob Schnlm 120 Vla Koron, Lido lalend Oecemblr 2,3,4 1am.2pm Entlre Contents • Onentalla Chilese ~Delk. Aker Tltile. Jade ter1Tables, S181fng Siver, reaa I Set, Squate GIWld Piano, Umog servlo• lot 8, IJlc:torlan Chairs, Vintage CloehlnQ, D1MO Room Set Garage l. Patio llWN. No PrHlles l'a 11 6:30 em MM7M42C. •~*"'*** SwMter•. mens SUilet. dfls & much rnoiel 610 W8$1 17th St F·2 Colla Mesa. Tum In et COii* ol 17th & Pomona. lncredlbl• £1t•t• Sar. Feetudng BeautllUI VWage Ha~roplcal Fumltuie & Fumlll*lgs In Alnan, Koa. M*'10gany Almoll Ill pieces were restored. hm-1181'11 Sit Dec 4, 1004 w. Bllbol BIYd., N8 Uontloiiilo comm. &i'1ge hll 581/SUn 7•30 ? Ovit 300 Condoe. SometlWlo IOf ~ Al Flir~lllVfew. 8Af fnt.ff 1tl3 HRKSHIAE UL HUGE ESTATi SA~ EVIRYTHINO OO'Elll Fum.:-~c~ ·~~Ip.etc. .. 0.0. •tt1 t-2P!n ... .._... Selllll Fumture, "'°'*'°"· ~Iha& 11H f1idlwlndt ~ N8 ~~g~~ PIANOS Collectibles ·~·T~ • Sweo. •Aotot • ~ ~· $$ CASH PAID $$ Of"lllpjKeOteftW.hovte WE BUY ESTATES • , .......... ta frtendly ...w. .. ,,,, llQlll f. NF.IDCASH? $S MONEY FOR $$ ~~ES C0u.ECTIBW PAIN11NGS PO'ITERY l tn:M TO HOUSEHOLD 2 40years in Newpolt Beach '949.673.,~ 1454 FURNITURE I Dlaloner fumlcura glass & oraniTe dining table $250 Rlllm rujlS l>illows oltler ac;cessorles $6·$250 MIM>«--0552 ltellifi leather IOfa & IOV. Nit, new Slll wrapped, very soil. top qualhy. Was $2000 $8Crll $890 949-261-9933 UMd coucti i low tMI fib new cond.. cream/ mluYI $450 94M73·7971 3·0 x a·o·• SoUd core • Colonist .. doors Installed $400 ()() 714'·633·2081 im~I ACCOUNTING BIU.INO CLEAl( Community N::~r,aper Group hee en ng In our faat-pleld bu•IMN offlc:it, The ••perlenced Clndld•• WI• bl Wiii organtitcl 1nd ebtt lo hendle a v•lety ol department functlona ... let\ Incl~; helVy dllla ~. dilly account polt· Inf, month end bllllng end 1hi lblllty to wottl with our ed¥Wtl•"" ..... l11ff. Excel eoftwtre kno~ required. We Olftt t competitive blnefil• end eor11pen ... tlort peok1g1 which lnotudlt 401(11). fOt contldefetlon p ..... m .. «tu~ '"I.IN to: Attn: CMdit M1t11gtr now l•Y St. Colt1 ...... C1126U Of fu (MO) C3Mt21 Equl Opportunlly b\pk>ytr. We malnt1ln 11 dt\lf fttt wortq>lace • perfOf'l'fl .,,..employment drut Kftltfllflt, A COOL JOBI Enlry 11Wt1 pollliOn, 11 °' Clldef. no tiip nee. unlrrwted rncom. '"" crOWltt pOlrilf while u11\11thin~ nH1 accounll In ~ Ind 1W01t ... (NY, F . HI, Quam tic ) ucelltnl ~,!(JC) lmlll'!S..~,-~ ....... e .. xt .. ra-"'111 cl\llM'.4tm&Nf hoUMhold ~~~-= lteml In -for ... ~7933 CLAS8mlD dlW can 642~se1e :::C: c:': ::=.' ._ _____ ......... _____ """ '1/Hf Cll 14~14 .,· .. ~. ""''•',' .. 1 .~ ' :,', ' I• '~'I .• ; •1 /. ;· ·~·~\.· ).:.b.. loo.,._For . Retlll S.IM 8appp People APPOlmlf..\T UNITED COLORS Of8ENETTOH smucs South Coalt Plaza Ff/Yr Fff SMlr + Comm Doy & t\'mlng sHfts P~~omm Top·product·rs , W• are looking for higher .. super ulel P8°"'8 'with I04s ol IM'VY •Health, Dt1111l lllsum~ & enlhusla$ml •40l·Kl'lu Need mr1 $$ caSll $$ • !\kl 1100.... lot ltl8 Holidays? • 1.o1-tmn nai.tc.)11Xllt Give us 1 cal · 714-764·5"16 fMAblbbcd Ill t91j9111 or APf>IY In person. (._u \1111& ailllp'll~ SALES Ship yerd IMIMCeS, ('.411 fur api~. 1-888-311.47" lnlOutalde s.111, Dana P1 . olc, WOl1d~aro knowledge/ computer s needed. Neg m 949-675-2837 Cullomllf Service ~ STAATYOUR FT/PT deSk delb req'd. FT/PT Houseke11pers OWN BUSINESS! AWY In person Mpm Se1 youl ~ sch8cj. 0 Fairfield Im 26328 Ule. Control your own Oso Pkwy, MIJ or fax income. Sal from your res lO 9"9-367-71196 home, Ill worl(, lhrough fundralsers. Be an DriYaf Avon Representative. Seelcln! FT Seuonel Driwr. lean OMV, $9Alr. Cell (888)561·2866 Cal Daine O 949-675-2292. COUNTER PERSON TEACHERS For dlycleaners, 811 positions Step By Step Child avail Weekends a rT)USt Care CentM ~Ing M~951~2 rurtUl'lng lnlant care Executive Secr:i,PT WI ~· Exp & ECE 5yrs min exp. Musi great Huntl~Beach w/prol'l leltell, Qulcll B<><*I, 71<4-&-774'7 ale Nofsmk. MiJst have per· sooality.lbram 949·644-7335. 4 PHONE REPS. FUii time, • Mottl/HOtill• FulVPT Front D11k Cl«U energetic lor Mortgage Co, Wiii train. COST A MESA E1m lo $600 + wit -t benefits MOTOR INN 2277 Harbor Sales exe pref Med. Conlad Oc.an Front Bar & Gt'hl Melssa 0 9"9·250-5719 seeking 100d & b8Ye<a.ge 1·11· servers, bartenders, cool! ~ In person. 105 Mam St, Balboa MMTS-7382 A1~ fOf Art i>l.111 be aware thll Plr1 time Driver Wanted the fitting• In thll cM• $9.22 ,,., hour plus •gory may require you to clll 1 900 mlle1ge. number In whlch Needed Mon thru Sun there It I charge per minute. 2:451m to 5:45pm. Ad· ditlonal wortc may be available. Must have truck or Van, ll1bllity ln1uranee with proof ·or payme nts, Plea .. bl Wll'/ of out drivers ll~nae, social of .,.. companlet. HCurlt~ card, ind Check with the local clean 0. .V. print out. Better BualnM1 Bu- IUU blfOl'I you Mncl Accepting 1ppllcatlon1 any money Of 1"1 for Mon to thru Fri from Mtvlcll. ANd Ind 8:00am to 4:00pm. llndlf'IUnd 1ny con- tractl belore you Pleaae bring 111 r• •'9n. quired Information. Tlmea Orange County A DISNEY/POKEMON DISTRIBUTORSHIP Attn: Pam Becklngham 100,000-tYR Truly 2901 Ga~ Ave. MAGICALl€slablshed. IJ~ Santa Ana, a 92704 profitable. On~ $859 714-54M548 1-80().40(). 151 800-933-4080 iCoREl'WelCRES/FRrt0$ 30-t Hl Trafllc Loc's, PIT.~ 40 ~ knOW $t~r:· MS. , ACT. zed, Financing. FR ~ ~anhude. ~&-= 800-337·1375, 24/hrs ax resume to n MARINE BUSINESS Pit kkc11en Help A proflteble, tum-by Mon • Sat mornings. altuetlon. Cal few ~II. P1IOM 949-642·2141 Joen AIHaon, Bia. bMwMn t-nooo Nt.f4&.2011 AT t.f • MCI • sPrifit RECEPTIONIST What's the. big secrec? Woctl PT WEEKENDS 5hrslwlc. Make $5.2K·S1251<1 Call 94M44-2700 ~Easy! FREE lnlot n·9888 (241n) 11: 66 RESTAURANT ~ IMMED OPENINGS FOR Ft 'Line coob • dlttnn.n. "'· end • food llMrl. Newport BHch Yacht CHRISTMAS BlOWOllT Club. 1099 Beytldl Dr. NB Flnlnclal Prollllrn .. 8{9 « m'J In re.•Oft 91m-6pm Sm1H Bu1lnlea stlltupe. ( BO EE & BAYSIDE) Or "-tton•I W. Can Help. Relt11n11t 1-800-214-5107 SHARK CLUB Money to Loin PIT Hoatell/Calhler ·Home. Auto Apply e M1 8aMr S1. CM Debt Consolidation Iller 11:00 11n 1 ·888·922--1550 A GOOD AD ! 1•§1 DOCK SPACE for S1ll B011 up 10 so ft. Nev Balboa laland brld119. $500/mo. ·MMT3~062 Slip for 45tt Boat IUWS331 '13 8ron11t, lthr, aunrt, Bllllj)lllllk 11"90, AC, new major tun.up, new Bow A~ flecently ,... plaoed dlfflttenUll, Strong eng wA!lth ml, Aun1 Great $2850' MM43-4184 BMW 2314 W 4X2, 1500. xcab, SWerado. 3rd door (99830/878808) $8.995 MCl<EtmA VOLKSWAGEN 714.842.2000 xtnt 1ocat1on. near Udo Brtdge elaclncityldock box, $1 S per fl. 949-67s.6128 BMW 3f8 lSA CliE '97 Auto. Black on Black. -------.. 1 Sunroof, AC, 31K Miles 69S 6',!!~1<$ (Y3I056l 12095 1 • ~TERUNG BMW MM45·5900 ACURA 3.0 CL • 7 BMW 323 icA convt '81 Rose me1a!llC/gr9'f; lealller, Moc SllVer w~ lnterlO< auto, alt, moooioot, lul pwr (M2G453) $34.995 package, bh, cl\llse, factocy STERLING BMW' alloys. anVlm cd player. 949-645-5900 (003839) $16,995 BMW 326 ISA 2dr cpe '96 lEXUS OF WESTMINSTER LBither, loW miles (800)29t-3747 (T:l.2730) S28:995 BMW M3 Collj)I '97 STtAUNG BMW 5 spd, 240HP luxury pkg · t4M45.Sto0 (Y76483) $37,995 BMW 328 IA 4DA AUT0'97 STERLING BMW White wl Gray Lttlf. CD. 949-645-6900 (\148195) $29,995 BMW M3 '97 STEALING BMW .Performance Sedan. 240HP. 949-645-5900 Black beauty, low mile$, BM.W 328 ISA aport pkg '96 chrome wheels Auto, leather. survool (E11897) $36.995 (T32408) $28,995 STERLING BMW STERLING BMW M0.'45-6900 M9-645·5900 BMW Z3 6 CYL 117 BMW 328 Za Road1ter '99 Blue w/Tan lthr 5 Spd Rdstr 6 cyt, Fun Cart PU1 the Top (C02792) $28.995 Down!(CI0131) $33,995 STERLING BMW STERLING BMW 94MC5·5900 MM45·5900 BMW7401 UIXIHy fide. VI, Sdn. loeded (l.3703) 5"2.995 SfERUNOBMW 14H41-5to0 8u!C11&itury 191 w137k iiil. T.i, Great~. 1'°"'"81, needs boct; WOik. S3000 t49-~SNON CADILLAC CAffiiA ri'f Low miles. beige, tan in. telior. cd. moonrOot. ctwome wheels. bllance of warrll'lly (020006) $20,988 NABERS (714)$40-9100 Cedltlac Concoura 'N V8 NorthsW, lhale, lealher, ldnl COnd nw aw trlde-tn (28215") $16,988 NABERS (714)$40-9100 CADllLAC OEVIUE 'iii Low mjlu, beige. ten leatler. tl1<cellfllll oondcllOn! (251585) $14,988 Nabers 7j4-S40-9100 . CADd:ilc DEVILLE '99 . Low miles, lllOOO$IOOlf gtey CO, bal ol wan New car trade-inl (740468) $26,988 Nebtr• 714-540-tlOO CADILLAC ELDORADO 'M T ounng, 290 h.p Norths1ar, low 46l< mies, wt.1e pear1, mooniool, CD a more (620294) $19,988 NABERS (714)54().9100 Call c1 ... tflect Today! M2..&e78 Soturdoy, December 4, 1999 B 7 l .. ~I c.dMlac Slvllle STt '11 I.ow I Bk mla. 300 "Cf N~. CO. aloys, l>U- at.:e ol warrll1i'j (911818) $35.988 NA8EAS (71C)S4H100 Cldinac s.vu1e sTI •es Low mill$, red peat1, 290 H P. NO(lhsle{, 1t1Pt1 sharpl (8124'83) $21,988 NAIEJlS (714 )$4(1.tt 00 Toyota Eit &i PICk\41 ·ii AJC, S 'Pd. CID, ~ shell, r~. Jdl-. mectllri:al cond $5900 949-580-9626 CHEVY coAYE iii: • Soecial Ecfton (997551101107) $9.995 MCKENNA IJOll<IWAOVI 714.842.21*> Chevy TIJiOe LT 414 '81 •·Of, ~ pwr. 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Cd for AnSWWI • T .... _ .. ,.,.,.,"'°'* • * ,. ....... t-t00-37CMIOO ext. code 500 We-'It !f/4 -~ 'U/11i:ti. AGdOfJAD! By CHARI.ES GOREN with OMAR SHARlf Md TANNAH HINSCH . WF.F.KLY BRIOGt QUIZ Q I ·A~ So111h, 'tulrH:111hlr. you • • lw1IJ· The bidJina has orocecdeJ " NORTH EAsl' SOUTU W~"T • 104 o 911J o KJ16 • OU lo hll lo PMI "Jo ..._ ' 'I ht l>idJ1111!( his rm.:ccdcd. EASI' SOVlH wrsr NORrH IO I'* P INT , • ..,. 1 Whal tKOon do you IUke? 'I 2 • Nc1lhcr .. u1n.,'fablc, 11 Sou1h '"'huh.I • 6 o 0 J IU 8 J o A 6 •'A Q J IU 6 nic bid.Jina l'ubricctdl.-J· smrrn WF.S NOll'l H F.AS1 t o Pl• 10 ,_ .. Whol Ju you 1>1.J no~'! Q0J • Nc11hcr ~ulncrnt>k. ~Soi.th )'\lU IK1h.I: •AKQ6J o AK6 o A76l •5 The bidding~ proceeded SOUTH WF.sr NORTII F..AST l• Pue 2• p ' Wh.it cJ(I ) ou bill now'! O 4 • Both wlncr.1hlc, as South you hold. Q 5 . 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IO GET A FREE QUOJEI CALL (714) 425-0976 WE RESEARCH All Tr:w INSURANCE COMPANIF.S TO FIND VOi · 'HE BEST RATE ue;cedff 12oe 'ii 2.e1t miles , champ/11n, ""*· chlOml Whll. new 0(91, allnn, co. phone, °'11111* OWlllt S29 .000 949-let-9013 dlyl 9.e9-759-9303 IYllWlg liwcedH HOSL'H ~ car. fle4llad-clte tnt.w. Loact S2A,000 MH44 M10 OCOSMOBllE xruo 'ii wtw1e. v-e. co. mlnY axtru. b1l1nce of w11ranty, i=) rnal Ste.9811 NABERS (7t 4)54Q.t100 HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ~ ...... Im· --~e&JIANINO IMtfrlNANCE • ~ ~ .-: \-:tr:~ : t !. ·~ '~ .;bi LEWIS COHITRUCT10N Remodllng * Handyman Llct 704n3 Loe.I Rasldlnl 714417-61:21 SURFSIDE INfERNET All DI ail S6t c-ucm FREE 2 Moothtl FREESdupt Af " \ \' U111111ti1 ~ All for $96.00 Eqval To $6.86 Pu Mordll1 Mdlly Plw Also AY111abt $9Jt per lll(!Q(f\, S1U5 rtup r~ will be "'"""" rf )Ill ""' 'IP on hnc at www.Surftsldc.net Toll flCO Nllll'M I ·~7SUIU'SIDS (1 ·877-87.s.7'33) Call the Classifieds Harbor Bay Gla.u & Minor, Inc. l1UWl.it11HU • IU~rnu ~le li.b~urca Window. • l'iouo Doon '"""" • S.:rttn °"°'' 949-642-0424 tdi! RMOAAnOR A£MOO£UNO•~E!EIT, Ruld/Comm 01cu1 F~~ om.awsm;Ltg Jool Giii LOc ref1 , Qvls 71~-G-0806 Put a ew wor s -to work for you. REACH 80,000 HOMES EACH JM EK FOR ONLY BEST MOVERS SeMc:irlg 811 dllM rr.Ked. last, COUrlaOUI & ca1.-in 1..,.2.oo.em 1-ICIC).2 ... 2371 UT1UM4 MOVIN -MAN CNwlul. Coulfeous. E.icp'd, Pnll. ff•Wlrltobtl lhr "*"' MNTMNS .. IAT111HO iiOvtH0? 1i YRS IXP. PICklntlloacflno ftvck. Call Denni• Clf ..... 714-374-2122 714401-1561 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Public· Utlllbe• Commlssron REQUIRES thal all used household goods movera print their P u c. ca1 T number, limos and chauffe11 print !heir T.C.P. numbtr In aM ad'.lert15nl811ts lfyou have a quesOon abOtJt ltle legahty of 1 mover, imo or onauftar. caD PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISION 714·558-4151 un your ad in tf'te ewport Beach- osta Mesa Daily ilot and the untington Beach- ountain Valley ndependentto each over 100,000 omes. Fax us this orm with your credit ard # or mail with check today! un for a week! If our car does not ell, we'll run it for nother week FREEi II for just $10 •. HANDMADE OLD WORLD PAJNTS rNTEJl.IOR/f.XTEJUOR l'llpttrtrtl ft-Atu,,,,/1• UMewASH OONCOTE FliSCO MlLKPAINT F•r EstimAt11 em,,.., ROBERT JSBFJJ. COMPANY . Profns»ul lbintilft lk •4'43'fo Td. 9'49.6".3006 Pl'· 9-49.580.9626 lnt/Ex1 Small Jobs O.K. For Prw!llC't ittfo. ata.623.9394 Doily Pilot D YES, SEU. MY CAR 0 !.«: 0 VISA 0 ~X ,..."**,..,.... ._ .. __ "'*' liloclll ----· 01~ o-OM-PICI o.... o-O•-----1 o--o -··"-· o-c-8:= s= s:=-...:. 0MC-0C-C... o--Q\--o-Oi;_t._ o,._ a .... -o-..-- I -=...o.i:r:::mr.,'t!:'-~1t~~1 L----~---------------1 YW .1CHA UU"" 5 spd, ac, pw, pdl, ledler, llloy1, CNIM (99725/t 21.e 15) St 1.995 lilC«ENNA VOLKIWAOIN 11..,..2.2000 CLAll81f'ID Ma.ae'I• I -----· u VWPASSAT'tt- 5 epeed, air, CUI, letlhw, rool , alloy1 (99070062588) $11,995 UCKENNA VOUCSWAOEN 714.142.2000 TH£ STRIPPER! SpecldZlng In WdPIP« removll. USW4t Tt4-98W037 WE GALS SRoot6 RANG TOGETHeR. Strip, lnml. Jltellor pUldng, acMce to the oruy Lt735976 9.et-83 t-211 t ~r~~;~-·1 .... ,~_·.-~ 'CHI I\ l>Clllll IHH I 01; t t ' I •I • Slmpllf y your llfe through CLASSIFIED (949) 642·5678 AFFORDABLE ROOFING - Serving 01onge County Since 1967 • FULL LINE of NEW and CERTIFIED . 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Glass, AM/FM, Full Pwr Pkg, Sharp Unit! (102394) $16.995 '99 CHEVROLET ASTRO LS Silver/Gray, Automatic., Dual Air, Alloys, Privacy Glass, Roof Rack, SUPER SHARP! (163792} 20 .995 Greatest Selection of the Year! Luxury Cars _& Spart Utility! · Check These Examples '97 ACURA 3.0· CL '97 SAAB 900 SE Rose Metallic/Grey, Leather, Automatic, Air, Moon Roof, Full Power Pa~e Tilt, Cruise, Factory Alloyg, AM/FM CD Player (003839) $16.995 '97 ACURA 3.2TL Greerillvory Leather, Automatic., Air, Full Power Pack.age, AM/FM, CD Player, Moon Roof. GRF.ATVALUE! (007420) $21995 Automatic., Air, Moon Roof, Power Pack, Alloyg, HARD TO FIND! Low Miles. (003649) $19995 '98 OIYSUIUITOWll&COU#JIY -White/Ivory leather, Auto, Dual AC, . Prem. Sound, Cd, AUoyt, R/Rack, Priv. Gius, Super Ocan! (657336) $22995 '95 LEXUS GS300 DWnood Silver/Gttat Leather, Auto, AC, Full Power Pacbgt, Alloys, Moonroof,AM/FM C'.assdte, CD Changer (094917) CERTIFIED!$ 29 995 '97 EXPLORER LTD Black/Grey Leather, Auto, Priv. Glass, R/R.ack, Alloys, Full Pwr Pkg, AM/FM Cass, CD Stacker lA73258) $18 995 . ~7 ACURA 3.SRL Emerald Green/Ivory Leather, Auto, AC, CO, Full Pwr, Moonroof, Alloys, Enrcmely Nice! (006633) $25,995 '97 BMW 52Bi '99 CHEVROLETSUBURBAN4X4 '99 tlNCOLN NAVIGATOR . '97BMW140iL Black/Black, Leather, Automatic, Air, Full Power Pack, 5. 7 VS, Automatic, Air, AM/FM, Cassette, Alloys, PriWi Premium Pack, Factory Alloys, Sunroof, AM/FM, CD, Gius, 3rd Scat, Rw Air, Roof Rack, Tow Package, Premium Sound, TRULY BFAUTIFUL! (W09369) RF.ADY FOR THE MOUNTAINS! ( 142987) $ 32 995 $32 995 Auto, AC, Full Pwr Pkg, AM/FM, CD Player, Alloys, Only 16k Miles, Hard To Find! 009779) $3~895 ... XUS OF 111-1 ..... . r 13590 BEACH BLVD (800) 291--3747 ' Automatic, Air, Moon Roof, Leather, Factory, Alloyg, Full Power Pack, UNDER FACTORY WARRANTY. (1A2764) $42995