HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-01 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. . - • a1 Serving the Ne wpo rt-M esa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2003 • ·what to watch A look at this year's Likely news stories • EDITOR'S NOTE: Here is a 1ook at sto n es that we think will continue to make headlines in 2()93, aJong with ah actual headlme likely lo appear in the Daily Pilot. FORMER PACIAC AMPHITHEATER REJURNS, NEIGHBORS UNHAPPY It may be missing a berm, big name bands and a few hundred seats. but the concen venue formerly known as the Pactfic Amphitheater is destined to make a comeback. . noise rt">tncuom, Lim11ed performance.., and no rode band., With plam for a I a1rground'> falt' hft official'> haw -..ud they will n• .. 1w tht' now sleeping g1atll Whtle the oppo-.1111111 can·1 llt'Ct'"-\Jnly '>top JI. lhl·} \\Ill do ewryth1ng p<>'>Mhll• to ~cep it Imm bemg the huh of l,11t· 111>{111 , .nOl\l' a pa.1001.i. a-, 11 \\a\ 111 lh ht•\ da} HUSCROFT HOUSE TEETERS ON BRINK OF DESTRUCTION QUE,STION What do you Hpect tn 20037 Call our Readers Hotline at (S491 642 6086 or send e mail to da1/yp1/ot a lat1mes CQm !? I • Please spell your name and inClude your hometown and phone number for venficat1on purposes only l•ook tor tht: argu.ibl\. hl\tcmc I lu-.croft FILE PHOTO/OAIL Y P1LOf Kristen Petros, left, of the Costa M.esa Cultural ~nd Historical Arts Committee, and former Councilwoman Linda Dixon look at photos of Huscroft Mouse (background) man album before the house was donated to city of Costa Mesa. It will be music to people's ean.. litcralty, but not necessarily figuratively. Hesidents of the surrounding neighborhoods of College Parle and Me-.a [)cl Mar will fight for stringent )hould auld c ralt\nl.ln '''It· homeo; b~ forgot and nf..wr brought '10 rrnncJ7 Should aulcJ I hl\1 roll I h1u,t· be forg1,11 becau'><.' public \llppon dt·l lint:d7 Dt>\J>llt' 1lw ht·,1 11111·11t1om of many I louw to lw dt:moh\ht•d 1h1'> yt-ar Although uty offiual.., haVl' lned to negotiate w1Lh a \\1lling buyer, t'Vt'n 1f tht: 1em1' wt:n· ngtil. n·-,1dent\ are bound to oppo-.e tJw largt: honw )Olning thn·t• 11ther holl"-'' on .i lot. < 11y offic1aJ~ .irt· go111g 111 put Lht· poor See WATCH, Paee M FAA gives Newport Beach its JWA wish .f' Lette r ~cnt Tuesday by th e federal agency see ms a n a surance tha t 'extensions on fli ght restrictions at the airport wo n't be cha lle nge d in c ourt. June Casaerande Daily Pilot '\F\\'POHI HI.AUi A lt•tter from the 1 t-<leral /\\ldtlon Adm m...,tra11on on Jue\ dJy appe.ir-, ro be '>olid 1n'>urance that n01'><' rnntrol' at John Wayne t\1rport won't he oven urned m coun , c11y olfic1ah ..aid n11~ a\1ation admmi!>tr..tllt)ll ..ent the nine· page lct1er to Lhe city l\Jci.day, draw- ing cauuou' cheerc; from local leader!>. "Hearing in mind that there could be .,ornt' tweaking and that 11\ ~rill bt'ing looked at by the c11y. fro m what I can ..,ee now. 1h1., leuer I'> dynamite. It\ everything we wen: J10pmg for.· Mayor 5tev<' Brom berg said City Atty Bob Burnham \aid that law· yer; will revtcw lhe details of the letter 10 entture that their first 1mpre~1ons are right: that tJ:ie letter offeN sobd protection agamst legal chaUcnges to noic;e re<ilric· lions at the airpon . ·Based on our m1ual review, 11 appear; to be satisfactory.· Burnham said. Though the administration L<i not a party to the on gmal settJe111ent agree- ment, the pos.sib1hty thar the administra- tion rrught sue has loomed as the biggest threat to the flight restrictions. Last month. the city and other parties to the o riginal settJem ent agreement ~ck a compromise with airlines. They offered to add two moo: ~tes and a mil· lion more passengei;s a year over what was originally p.roposed in the extension. Over the next 10 years. the passenger cap will be rai$ed to I 0.8 million a year and the number of gates allowed at the airport will go up to 20. N'ow tha t the administration has given See JWA, Pqe M ""' Still reigning_ , KENT TREPTOW I DAILY P1LOl Nancy Skinner sits with grandson Robbie Caustin, 21 months, with a scrapbook open to a picture of herself as Rose Queen in 1952. "We call it graridmommy's parade,· she says. Environme n tali s t Na n cy .. Skinner, who le d the 1952 Tourna ment o f Rose~ Pa rad e , is ·one of seven forme r Rose queen s w h o call Newport home. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot N anC) ~kinn<'r \1\1dh rtnwmht•r' iht· evening '>ht• ~a' t rcw. rw<l. Ho'>(· Quet>n. The year \\a'> 195 I. It ~<t.' n.,11 around Thank.sgivmg l mner ~a' onh I-: .. 1 <,tudent at Pa.!>cidena C11~ C ollege. There~ a '>peetal even I 1ha1 evt'rung to wtuch the seven ROSt' pnme-..~ wt•rt• '°' llt-d lbat ~ the eH'nmg a quet•n woulcJ ht· crowned. "It was'><> ca~ual thoo.,t· day'· '>d.ld ~nnl'r. now 68 ·1 dtove mVSt'lf to the event Jnd when I got back. I <U>lt-d m}' mom, C1UL''>' who the queen 1.,1· ~y mom gtJt">.\t'<l '>t'verul different name'> and. final!}. when "he '>8\.\ me smiling. '>he said 'You'rl' 'the quet'n' and tht·n gave m e a big hug. It ""a' mce. I m1oyed playing with my inom." It's beeh 51 years since th1!> Jongumt: Newpon Beach re-sident and envtronmemal1'1 do ruied the coveted crlJ\.Vn But \~ner c;ttll chenshes the expenence. Every year. she gets together with fonner Rose queens. inducting her fnend I lolly . Halsted Bath.ts -a former Newpon Beach residenl atid the oldest ... urvtvtng Rose Queen at 94. She rode the Rose Parade Ooat m 1930 On Mo nday. Skinner drme 10 Pasadena to partictpate in the Kodalc Rose Queens Brunch. to wtuch all the queens were mvtted ·1 always thought thts was a one ume affair.· Slanner said. ·1 thought you're queen thJ., year and forgonen the next year But thar wasn't true. It's something that connnues through your life and I've en Joyed that" In fact, six other Rose queens fjvt> m the Newpon-Mesa area wtuch. Skinner <>a)"'. is not ar all surprising. "When I was a girl. we always used to come 10 Newpon Beach for the summer.~ she c;aid. "I know that a lot of Pasade mans en1oyt>d doing that ·Many, including myself, moved to this area a., well.· See REIGNING, Pqe M · Daily Pilot HAPPY NEW YEARI Ne:wport w~n 't assume coastal authority yet • · ATAGLANCE ONlltEWEB: ~.~can . HOLIDAY CLOSURES The following Will be cfoaed becauM of the New 'tNr'a holiday: City officials say they will monitor the state coastal succes.Wl there. there' aJwaya the oppor-'""'."-Y commission's legal fight to stay afloat, but they don't :UmZ :r: l~tun!~' mm WEATHER H~ 2001. It comes complete with ton. S..hpA2 FORUM : Bridge dieQ-'on retume. : S..hpA! • Costa Mesa City Hell and MMcea, lnducfing traah pickup end street tweeping • Newport~ City.Hatt and Mf'lficM, f~ud6ng tmh pic*up and--~ng .. • Newpoft-MeN Unified ~o.tc:t • Unft9d ~ Poaal &lfvice • Utw.riett ·.8.nb expect to start making decisions about the coast. We'll take a wait and Re attitude.. The com.mi.'5ion wu made permanent Deirdre Newm•n / Daily P~ot NEWPORT BP.AO l -Oty officials and environmentalists do n ot expect th~ d ty to take over the California ~tal C.Ommls on' dudes now that It has been atripped or the ~rity of Its powu. . Or\ Monda)\ a state eoutt of a~ dttmed thie col'nriliaioo atNctUft un· comtlrutionaJ aince lbe maJority of its YOl • ina rMtnbm are. appointed by the lfgWi· tuns a.rid can be ftnd at wOl file commiufon eua.ilive and j~ by .the tate' Legislatutt throuCh adoption powen ~ mnowd. prewndng it from of the Califofn.la Coas.ta1 Act of 1976 aftt'r lssul.ng permits for couta1 dewlopmtn voten approYed the qency through an While that df'ectWely leaws local gtN-ln.l~ four years eadtet. emments With the pen'nft·pMt,ing Moindqs ruling upho a tower court~ l l_lthorlty, NeWpon a.ch offtdals ...., thhy dtdllon ~ the Comm1s1dol1 don't see the dty sem,. inV'Qlwd UJ the · ~ the separation of powa1 proceu in the near fut\n. the state c.onltitudon.. •1 don't think that we th1hk ht che ~ ~ ClOUl1 aedaiorl ii ~ c:ubnl· CMf," 0ty ~ }~ 8ludeu. I •Radon of fhe. ... tWtt IUlched by ·a tNnl. the~ CommlilllOn Wb m: Nc'....,,art enwtn•lllf'I• ¥• Ro- tend to ~ lb dedllonJ .0 the Mt ~ Coll1 Mid, ewrt fl, dWy 'l -- ---------- --- -----------------===-=-------,.,,~~ --~ -=.-.... --------- -------=-~-----.. 1 ,,. 1 • .. A2 Wednesday, Ja/MJaty 1, 2003 •• LOCALS ONLY NEIGHBORS Steve and Kaysee Ferguson of Costa Mesa won the Best of Show award at the third annual Holiday Car Show and Pedal Car Invitational held at the Orange County Marketplace on Dec. 8. The Fergusons won th~ award ' for their 1932 Ford Roadster and took home $200 In cash along whh the Best in Show trophy ... WaJeed Aflfy of Costa Mesa' completed a comprehensive course on priority senfor issue.5. The course was conducted by the Society of Certi°fied Senior Advisors, a national organi7,ation that has trained more than 8,000 professionals in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Afify, now a certified senior advisor himself, took this educational step to become a professional leader in meeting the key needs and , i~ues of senior Alan citizens and . Fenstermacher will participate anrrually in lOntinuing education through the organization ... Alan Fenstermacher of Corona del Mar became an Eagle Scout after completing his final project at Riley Park in Coto de Ca7.a. His project consisted of making initial improvements w1thm the park by consrrucling picnic tables. After planning for :.ix months, Fen:.termacher began wor)t on the tables by securing supplies. sanding and painting the wood and constructing one table with handicap access. fenstermacher, a 16-year-old 1unior at Santa Margarita I ligh School, completed the project with the assistance of his scout master, other 5cout:, from troop . . Steve and Kaysee Ferguson 818 and friends ... Sanford Coggins. a vice president at Merrill Lynch in Newport Beach, received the Merrill Lynch Lifetime Community Leadership Award f9r his ongoing commitment to community service, To quality for the award, a persdn must be in leadership roles and in significant community org~tions and must exemplify the company's principle of responsible citizenship. Coggins is active in a number of civic and community organizations. such as Lhe Los Angeles Urban League. the l 00 Black Men of America and the Orange County Regional Purchasing Council. I le also teaches a weekly character enhCllfCement class for high school students in the AWANA Qubs International in· his spa!e time. • NEJGHBORS spo1lights achievements in the community. ,. Please direct noteworthy information 10 Christine Carrillo via fax at 1949) 646-4170, or send e-mail 10 dlrisrme.carrillo(!f!latimes.com. PET OF THE WEEK Roxy Roxy Is a 6-year-old female Boxer that loves to play fetch and go for walks. However, when she becomes overly active. she ends up walking wj,tb a slight limp for the next few days because of an injury she incurred after being hit by a car, said DiAnna Praff-Martin, rounder of the CommUnlty Animal Netwonc in Newport Beach. While Roxy may encounter some small, physical problems, her main problem right now is finding a home, Pf81f-MartJn said. The gentle dog enjoys snuggling and wW even try to sit on' your lap. The network is also still collecting donations for •The Marcus Fund." Marcus is lhe 10-week-old kitten that has a herniated diaphragm that is constricting its breathing. "We have raised almost Sl,000 and are still accepting donations for bis speclalized and necessary surgery," Pfaff-Martin said. See other animals available for adoption at • www.anlmalnetwork.org or stop by Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (949) 759·3646, or write to the Community Animal Network at P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658. DailyA Pllot VOL. 97, NO. 1 TiiOMAS H. JOHNSON, Pubhsher TONY DOOEAO. Editor JUDY OETTING, Adverti1mg Director LANA JOHNSON. Promotlorna Director EDITINO STAFF 8.J.c.M, '· M1n.glng Editor UM9)57.._..233 1J.cahn• l•tlma.com .Mmee Melef. City Editor (9491764-4324 ~,,..-lilbmaoom Aogw c.tlon. . $c>of1a Editor (9'9157~ fO(JMCllrltonfl~ JeftnlwlC ~ F-eeb.lrm EditOf (9'9)57~ }flnnlfw.IMhM•lltJ,,,_oom ' Jose J. s.mo.. Art Director I News Desk Chief (949) 57 ..... 22 .. j<>H.santosf!ll.rirT>#.com Stft9 McCnnl&. Photo Supervisor (94917&M358 tcn.photofll•timn.com News Edttota Glne Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Seitowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Crime °::f8 ~reporter, (9"9) 57 ..... 226 d#pa.bharath llti,,..com June t:r-• Newport reporter, (949) 574-4232 /une.ctNQr•l"IC#Ol.rima.com ,....Clneoft Polttlce and environment reporter, (949) 7&M330 ptHJI clinton el«J,,,_com Lolta ..... CoN MMe reporter, (N8157....V6 lolfta.,,.,,,., • .,,. DOm ~HewlW Education l'epOfUlt, (Ml 514-4221 dtll1TJ~•1at1,,....c:om FOR A GOOD CAUSE Keeping busy W h.en Leon Misiolek is not stirring up old· fashioned soups or cooking pot roasts in his gourmet kitchen, he volunteers at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. The 82-year-old Costa Mesa IESident has helped out al the center for more than 10 years. . "I never wear a !name) badge these days." he said'with a laugh. "Because if you don't know Leon, then heaven help ·you." Misiolek is there at least three days a week. He has lived in the city for about 42 years. Since he started volunteering, he has helped out with tasks such as helping seniors look for homes or res1 homes, giving them rides to the hospital, coordinating Ou shots, picking up bread from local grocery stores and organizing events. Costa Mesa resident Leon Misiolek spends at least three days a week· volunteering at the senio r center. Misiolek even helped put together the New Year's Eve dance Tuesday night at 1.he center. "It takes some work.· he said. "You need to have musicians and the caterer.. By 11:30, we put out the champagne on the tables. And of course, whafs New Year's Eve without noisemakers?" I le volunteers with a passion. Not 1w.1 at the senior center, but even al his church in Newport Beach. lie used to tend to lhe rose garden at Newpon I !arbor Luthl'r.m Churth unul recently. when he gaw 11 up beuu'>t' of health rea.\(Jni>, hl' !><Ud. "I love doing th1'>." M1siolek. llatd. "It\ the saui.facuon you get from givmg bad to yow community· Also, as a former manager at a grocery 'itore, he ~ u\t'd I<> hetng around people. he said "l need to~ .icuvc, M1~iolek said. ·1 need to kt'cp doing \Omething and I low meeCing p<>ople and helping people." His voluntl'enng activities haVt' a.bo helped him make ~veral friend<; over 1he years. "My SOJl t'> dlwa)" lellmg me to relax.· he "3.ld -well. I do reldlL Bui I need to be busy and I look forward to volunteenng a' long as I can ·· '>tory by l.Jft>pa Blwratlt. J'#IOtd, by Sean J 11//N DUI ARRESTS GETIING INVO LVED The following persons have been affested on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspects. are considered innocent until proved guilty. • Ameriat Verduzc6. 22, Santa Ana COSTA MESA Monday • Roberto Araujo-Escobar, 28, Santa Ana Fridey • Cherie Ann Adams, 56, Costa Mesa • Vicente Gaspar-Diego, 29. Santa Ana NEWPOR'.T BEACH Monday • GETTING INVOUfED runs penod1cally m the Daily Pilot on 1 rotating basis. For informatio n on adding your organiza1ion to this hst, call (9491 574-4298. • Sergio Benitez-Bautista, 19, Costa Mesa • Kymberly Marie Cook, 37, Harbor City VISIONS FOR PRISONS Visions for Pnsons, a nonprofit program that teadles attitudinal he;ahng and medita1ion in prison. needs typists to transcribe letters from 1nma1es to troubled kida. Weekday hours, Mesa del Mar. (714) • Kerry Richard Sakamoto, 49, Huntington Beach Sunday Sunday • Michael William Telford, 30, Huntington Beach • Steaven Jeffrey Lingo, 50. Costa Mesa • Takayoshi Kuroda. 39, Newport Beach . 556-8000. .. • Jeffrey Alan Murphy, 25, Fullerton S.turday • Jason Daniel Alduenda, 24, Huntington Beach • Miguel Angel Navarro, 33; Santa Ana • Robert Douglas Herbst, 59, Newport Beach WEST SIDE BOYS l.GIRLSCWB Sftlrday Fridey • Kevin Vito Loftus, 43, Costa Mesa • Richlord Asavi Kukuia, 22. Santa Ana • Stephen Anthony Joyce, 43, Newport Beadl Volunteers are needed from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursday• to tutor students in first through sixth grades in reading. (949) 631-n24. CMstlne Can1lo News assistant. (949) 574-4298 dlrist1ne.ct11Tillo@lttimes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don t.aacn, Ksnt Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) 842-6086 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. Adltre9I Our addrea 11 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Meta, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. -'5 p.m. Comil;tjof11 It 11 the Piiot'• policy to promptly CC>rrect ell errors of tubltanoe. Please call 1949) 57..,...286. FYI The Newport Beac:hlCosta Mela Daily Pilot (USPS-14'«>0) It publlthed daily. In Newport Beedl •nd Cotti Meea, sublct1ptlone are avallablepnly by eubecriblng to The llmee Or•nge County (IOO) 252-91" 1, In Meet outltde of Newpoft Beed\ and COICI Meae, eubecript)one 10 the o.lly Pllol tf9 llY~ only by,.,.. ct.."*' tor l30 per month. (Pncel lndude ... eppeic.tite IUt9 and 1ocee --.1 POSTMASTER: Send addr.-cNnvea to The Newport ~ MeN Dally Pilot P.O Box 1560, Cotta Mflll, CA 92626. Copyright: No new1 stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertMlementl herein can be reproduced without written permlulon of copyrighl owner. HOW lO REAQt US ~ The Times Orange County (800) 252·91 .. 1 MYW1dall19 a u 1Wliacl (9"9) 842-6878 Ollpl9y 19491842....:321 Edtllorial N9w9 (9491 842..s680 Spott9 l949) 674-4223 N9w9 Fu (949) 848-4170 8pofts Fu (949) 66CM>170 E~ del/ypitot•latlmJ&COm Mefllt()Moe lu ,.,_ a.o. (949) "42~21 1u-.. ..... (949) 831-7126 Pubfl9hed by T1me. Community Hewe, • dlvftlon of the Loa Angelee Tim.. e2002 TlrnM CN. A.II rtotiu ~ SURF AND SUN WEATHER FOR~CAST We'll be mostly sunny today, making It the 48th consecutive New Year's Day In Newport-Mesa without precipitation. Highs will be in the upper 50s along the coast to the m~ in Costa Mesa. Lows will be In the mld-40a. By Thursday, we'll warm a couple of degrees and should enjoy sunny condition. Into the weekend.~ 2003 wil•be beautiful •nd tunny every day. El Nlflo who7 lnfonnetlon: www.nws.nou.gov BOATING FORECAST n,. westerly winds will blow 10 to 16 knots In lhe lnnei w.t9r• thla momlng, wttt.. 1-foot Wllwe •nd. Wlet SWiii of 6 to 8 feet. W.V.. end lhe .... wttf bu6ld this 8Y9nlng. Out hlnhtr, lhe ~ wlndl wNI blow 10 io 20 11noca, wht'I 2· IO +foot W1YJ111 and 1 northwest swell of 11 to·16 feet. The winda will ease a tad thi• evening. SURF The latest swell arrives today, but It'll be best to cetdl It earty -the overheads will beet down this afternoon. tt'll be almlleron Thursday end ptdc up • tad on Friday, with the next northwest swell. Setura.y end Sundiy'. wave. .... k>c*lng qui\9 lerge, ~reedy YoUreefvM for that. WlllW.-ity: www.aurfrldw.OIV TIDES nm. 7:261.m, 2::47p.m . 9'.20p.m. 1:47p.m. HeWwt 8.81 fMthlgh -U fMttow 3.MfMthlgh 2.13 '"' tow •, :-. / -------------,--....-------.. ------------- \ Newport-Mesa schools to get $800,000 from lottery ·n1e Newport-Mesa Unified School Di'trk t will receive about $798,000 from the state's Lottery Education ,..und. ~oder Proposition 20, passed by voteri. 1n March 2000, a certain per· centage of lottery funds must be used dm:cUy to purchru.e instructional ma- tenab ~ All -American Boys Olorus audition s set for Feb. ·6 fhe AJI ·American Boys Otorus will rn11d urt individ~ial auditiOJlS for boys 1110 l 0 year\ of age throughout Janu- ary at ib offices on the Orange County l·dirgrounds. .. I . '- • r BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS sing them. Those boys who get past the· .audition will be invited, along with their parents. for an information night from 7: 15 tq 8:30 p.m. Peb. 6. when staff members will talk about the program. The choir has petf'ormed all across the U,nited States and Canada and in Russia, Japan and parts of Europe. Las t summer, during a 30-day tour of Asia, the group staged ~concerts in Malaysia. Singapore, Hong Kong, Ma· cau, Taiwan, Seoul and Beijing. Parents wishing to schedule an audition· are asked to call (7 I 4) · 708· 1670 during weekday business hours. They can also sign at the group's Web s ite www.AllAmericdnBoysOtorus.org. Library.affers new after-scl)ool program Ubrary. fhe program Will include fun with boob. stories and crafts. It will take place from 3 to 4 p.m , on most Tues~ays. The1 Corona del Mar b~an£_h is at 420 Marigold Ave, Call (949) 644· 315 1 for m o re information. South Coast Rep to tour schools for four months South Coas t Repertory's 2003 Edu· cational Touring Pro.Puc1ion, ~Indian Summer" by Rich~ Hellesen and Mk hael SUvesher and. d irected by John-David Keller, will tour OraAge and L.A. county elem entary schools Jitn. 15 through May 2. Bookings for elememary sc;hool!; are still available. There will be a special <>howing for area educators on the South Coast Repertory's main stage at HJ.a: to underwrite a production at a ·specific child's school. 'fhere will be a public performance !lt Santa Ana Col foge's Phillips Hall at I 0 lllm. Feb. 11 . 'lbe musical explores I.he relationship between Native Americans and Callfor· rtia's early senler!> during the Gold Rush in 1850. for nookmg information. call (71 4) 708-5549. Ne~rt artists hig~lighted at City Hall and library The ~all Newport Beach An ist's f.x hibition continues at Ciry Hall thro ugh Jan. 17. The exhibir, at 3300 Newport Blvd., is one of a number of the city's current an exhibits. Wedrieso.ty,. January I. 2003 AJ I COASTAL . Continued from Al dolphe Stre1cl)enberger Strekhenberger'!> Marine Forest!> Society became em- b roiled with the comm ission when the agency refui.ed to is~ sue a permit for hti. experi- ments with oli:J tire!> to create more fishing groundi. off New· purt Beach c.arry Brown. director of (Jrange Coll11ty Coast.lteep er, said he albo believe'> that the legt!;lature will move quickly to make chaflges to the commi!>· c,ion m rec,ponse tQ the ruhng. If 11 makes any ahanges w dilute the•comm1Ss1on\ power, voters throughour the c,tate Wlll be up in arm\, Brown 'aid "If 11 goei. the other wa). and there 1., a chance to d1ffnse the power "' the tomm1'>!>1on. I thmk therr would be a whole 1n1t1a11ve tu covt'r up the loop· holes." Hrown ... aid. "Coa.,tal pro1eu1on '' not goin~ to go I hoc;,e interested need not have m11,ical tra111111g, bUl will be tested to dett'rmine their basic vocal aptitude. I ht' uuditwn Will last about 30 min· 111t·\ <1nd include an "ear tes t,• in which .1.'>taff mem ber !>trike!> various rwtt','> on a pi.ano and asks the boy to A new after-school program titled "Stories and Crafts for Kindergaiten- ers through Second-graders" will be· gin Jan. 14 at the Corona del Mar B~ the Newport Beach Public •s p.m. Jan. i7. This performance will be a preview for crdministracon,, P1A offi· ciaJs and othe r school representative'> interested in bringing the '>how to th eir campusec,, as weU a.~ parent'>. grand· parenL'> or.family member' who wouJd "Local Scenes." an exhibit by painter Jane llill, will open Thursday at the main branch of the Newport Beach Public· Ub rary. I 000 Avocado Ave. A reception for the art1s1 will rake. place from 5 JO tu 7:.HJ p.m Jan. :W Fur murt' mlormat1on. call 'lJ491 717 '.1800 1 away. crnd I don t think the peu· ple want 11 10 go dway" L- ·AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOwN i;ems to the Daily Pilot, 3~0 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fa>C to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact p hone number. A complete ltsting is available at www.da1Jyp1/01 com. TODAY Newport Beach Rec;,eation Services will host a 2003 Tournament of Roses Parade E)(curs1on from 6 a.m to about 1 p m The excursion will include transPQrtat1on via deluxe coach, grandstand seating on Colorlido Boulevard. a continental . breali:fast before departure and lunch on the nde home. The buses will leave from the Manners Par1< par1C1ng lot at Oover Drive and Irvine Boulevard. T1d<ets are $90 for Newport Beach 1es1dents. $100 for nonresidents. For more information, call (949) 1>44-3151 FRIDAY A Feng Shui seminar will be held at 7 p.m. at V1s1ons & Dreams in Costa Mesa The seminar will e>Cplatn how elemental remedies can be implemented to improve health, re1a11onsh1ps and prosperity Reservations are required. Visions & Dreams is at 2482 Newport Blvd . For more 1nforma11on.,call (626) 288-1669 orv1s1t T~~#II&UN DUIDEFENSEATfORNEY' MYLES www.fengshuiadvantage.com. SUNDAY Saint Michael a AJI Angels Episcopal Church will host a Twelfth Night Celebration at 5 p.m. at the church in Corona del Mar. The event. which wiH be the fourth concert in the 2002-2003 ft1ends of Music Series, will -include a festival of seasonal hymns. The church is at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Free. For more information, call 949-644-0463 or visit www.stmikescdm.org. The Jewish F9denrtion Youfli) Business & Professjonals will hold a special event and tour of the Jew ish Federation beneficiary agencies and dessert reception ·from 7 to 9 p.m. at a private ho111e in Newport Coast. The o rganization, which consists of singles and couples ages 25 to 45, provides a connection and entry point ioto the Jewish community for single and married young adul1s and provides educationjtl and social programs. spiritual enrichment and community involvement while building meaningful relationships. For more information, call Deborah Klein at (7141 755..6555, ext. 225. MONDAY The Alzheimer's Aun. of Oransie County will host a suppprt group for caregivers from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Angels in Newport Beach. The church is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Free. For reservations, call (949) 640-1750. JAN. 7 The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly board of directors meeting at 7:15 a.m. in the chamber office. The office is at 2855 E. Coast Highway. Suite 101'. for more information, call (949) 673-4050. Mary and Darwin Boblet will pres~nt a slide lecture about their three-year sailing adventure with · their two young sons at] p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library The presentation 1s part of the library's armd,air travele rs series. The Boblet family left froni thEf San Francisico Bay and JAN. 8 traveled to Mexico, Hawa11. Newport Beach Community Samoa, Fiji and New Zealand Services will host a new drawing The library is at 1000 Avocado and painting wor~shop series on Ave. Free For more information, Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to •call (949) 717-3801. 12:30 p.m. today through Feb. 26. The worksho p will include JAN. 11 individual instruction for Auditions for the School of . beginner through advanced American Ballet's 2003 Summer students in mixed m edia. The Course will be held at the DeFore workshop will be held rn the· Dance Center in Costa Mesa Vince Jorgensen Center Aud1t1ons are open to intenned1ate · adjacent to Ma riners Library at and advanced students only and 2005 Dover Drive. $66 fo r w1ll·be held from 1 to 2.30 p.m for residents, $71 for nonresidents 13·year-olds, from 2:30 to 4 pm For more information, call (949) for 15-year-olds and from 4 to 5 644-3151 p.m. for 16-to 18-year-olds JAN. 9' The International Coach Federation, Orange County Chapter will host a business solutions wo rkshop at the · Wyndham Garden Hotel 1n Costa Mesa. The firs1 part of the wo rkshop will be held fro m 5 to 6 p.m. and will focus on contracts for coaches. The second part will deal with powerful questioning and will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 1he hotel 1s at 3550 Avenue of the Arts. For mo re information, call Elaine Arons a1 (949) 457-6190, or visit www.icforangecounty.com. Students must register one hour in advance. For more information call (212) 769-6600 or (714) 241-9908 JAN. 12 The Azzoni Sisters and vocali51 Brenda von Gremp will perfonn works for VOICe, violin and piano at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Lrbrary. ChnstJan Azzon1 plays the ~~ R es t a ura nt ----·Established 1n 1962 --- piano and her sister, Sandra Azzoni Wood, plays the violin The library is <ti 1000 AllOCado Ave. Free For more 1nfonnatJon. call (949) 717-3801 or visrt www newponbeach/1brary.org JAN. 16 UC Irvine Medical Center will host a seminar on Medicare benefrts at 10 a rn in the University Club at the UCI campus The seminar will focus on the latest changes in Medicare benefits and supplemental insurance coverage It will not cover Medicare HMOs. The club 1s at Los Trances and East Peltason Drive. Free For more information. call 1an1 UCl-DOCS. or v1s1t www ucihea/th com;events. JAN. 17 The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel The event will feature parade winners and have entertainment, a live and silent auction. dinner and much more The ·hotel is at f\90 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach Tickets are $75 per person. $900 for a table of 12. For more informa11on call (949) 729-4400. \Oewport Beath 1s developing a rna'>taJ 'plan, which I'> due in to tht' rnmm1,.,1on in July Blu· dau '>aid tht' city will invite d lot n1 publll p.irt1c1pat11in on the plan 111 the next fe....., mnnth' . '\;e\'l<prirt Beath re.,1dt'nt Judy Ho.,ener who wa' an original member of the comm1!>-,ion. ~aid thdt 1f lu<.:al Jllrl'>d1lt1ons are given rhe ..iuthoury to issue pt'rmll!> '>he doe'>n t hJ\t.' a lot uf faith tn Newp1Jrt Beal h to make tht hec;,1 deu"o°' for the lOd'>I .. I \t' lived 1n \.rwport beach for. 42 year' and I \e traveled aJJ OH'r the world and the <.:ountry. and I find \ot"w port Beach to be tlil'. lea<,t '>t•n.,111\t' tu what a bt'dUIJful lll\ Wt' LOUld he," Ho<,ener \aJU It., 'o bad now. I d1in'1 know what., lf'lt 111 <,ave " Ho-,ent'r t"mpha ... ut'd that 11's the lOmml'>'>l1h1 that ha-. pro· trcted the 1nttgrit\ of the coa.,tltne in mmt ol .()range ( .11Unt\ 'I 1ti111~ wh.il pt•rJplt' need to remembt'r " rht· rea-.un they Cdn .,,ee the watt'r lrom Corona dt'I Mar to L.;,KlJna Ht'ath 1!> the coastal comm1 ..... 1un. Ho'>ener '>aid "You go up JJld Jowi: tht· coast. and tht-\ f11rge1 that • • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers education She mdv be reached at 9491 574·4221 or by e·ma1I at derrdre newman •' 1ar1mes com FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 WHERE CAREERS BEGIN ... • Semi-Private for Men & Women ; Lots of EqulpmenVFree Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater· Lioensed • 16 Full lime Personal Trainers • Child Care 8am· noon M • F. • Ample A Convenient Parking Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch olasses • Step, Power Pump, Cardlo Shciwers. Steam & Towe~ •'Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape Up Hair Care • ~ture/Acc:u::e-ure Well'*5 Clinic ~ &OCIREER CEmFICITE PRllRIMS HUNTING1"0N BEACH 111151 . -lllllES www.~c.lnfo 1895-8187 , ' ... M Wtdnesdcly, JMuaty 1, 2003 WATCH Continued from Al dilapidated tructure out of It'! misery and eat the $35,'000 it will cost them to demolish it. • WESTSIDE IMPROVEMENT EFFORTS RETHOUGHT Under heavy scrutiny and critici'Sm, members of the committee set up to forge a new future for the Westside will prove they will not crack under pressure. The final report from the Westside's Community Redevelopment Action CommHtee -lovingly nicknamed the CRAC comrninee -is due to hand over a report to the City Council with · recommendations of what should become of the Westside. So far, the troubled commiuee has been criticized by its own member!>. :-.ome city leaders and residents at large for be\ng 100 large. unorganized and divided. ALE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT The Pacific Amphitheater, empty since 1995, may soon be bothering its neighbors again. Look for the report to include a recom mendalion to rezone the bluffs from industrial to residential. to study the possibility and feasioility of a bridge at 19th Street and create a major sh_opping center on 19th Street. STATE BUDGET HAS COSTA MESA TIGHTENING fTS BELT Costa Mesa leaders will take a hard look a t the next fiscal year's budget, l!Crutinizing various social program~ in light of state belt ti~tening. The Job Center may be up for reevaluation, as Councilman C.hris Steel ha~ already voiced his , opposition to the city-run employment hub, and his colleagues AIJan Mansoor and (,ary Monahan have expressed U.tereM in charging more for the !>ervice'> instead of taking the money from city coffers. After-school and other recreation programs may get cut to provide more funds for the basics. -.uch as road repair, public safety and code enforcement. IKEA OPENS AT HOME RANCH Little tiny Allen wrenches capable of COOiStructing an entire kitchen wiJJ abOund as the new Costa Mesa Ile.ea will open its doors for bu~iness this spring. l11e Costa Mesa fkea is proposed to be much larger than i~ Southern California counterpans and will boa.!il thrtt eateries, professional design'consuJtants. three lif<~·~ized home models ant.I a supervl.!>ed children's play center. which includes a learning center. Depending on whom you fall 10, the Ikea portion of the Home Ranch project proposal will bring in one of two things: a big-box retailer with lots of traffic or a responsible corporation that~ a good neighbor. n~ardless of the actual outcome. the Swedish are coming. TRIAL BEGINS FOR FORMER NEWPORT EMPLOYEE Trenton Veches, the former Newport Beach recreation coordinator accu~ of sucking young boys' toe,, is expected 10 face jury lnal in March. Veches, 32. faces 28 criminal felony charges of indulging in lewd contact with minors and one misdemeanor count of possessmg child pornography. I le has pleaded not guilty on all cowlts. Also, three parents of boys said to have been moles1ed by Veches have filed a civil lawsult against the city seeking damag,es for alleged negligence in hiring Veches. That case will likely be heard this year as weU. Veches faces multiple life terms ,if convicted. TRIAL STARTS FOR SUBSTTTUTE TEACHER A35-year-old substitute teacher ~ccused of sexually assauJting several female students -at least one of them a Newport-Mesa student -is expec1ed to ge1 a jury trial later this year. lne liuntington Beach resident faces 17 felony counts of sexual assault and one count of w1mess intimidation. He was first arr&;tea Sept. 13 after a therapist who treated one of the victims told police aoow it. 1 laluch posted $250,000 bail the same day. A second warrant on four fresh charges led to another arrest on Sept 30. Haluch is now in Orange County Jail He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. TRIAL BEGINS FOR ASSISTANT SHERIFF'S SON ANO FRIENDS Yet another triaJ to expect this year is the case of three teenage boys accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl in a Corona del Mar home. Gregory Haidl, Kyle Nachreiner and Keith Spann - all 17 ·year-old students at Rancho Cucamonga High School -allegedly drugged the victim's cl.rink and then raped her while a video camera filmed the incident on the evening of July 5 in the home of Don I laidl. an assistant sheriff ior Ordllge County. AU three have pleaded not guilty ro 21 felony charge~ POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPANSION BEGINS The Costa Mesa Police Department is likely to start iLc; expansion project, which got the City Council's blessing in November. The 11.000-square-foot proje<:t proposes r:enovation of 75% of the police facility, including a seismic upgrade. construction of an additionaJ single-story building. a new parking lot and changes in landscaping. It is expected to make more room for additional office space, storage and a new emergency • HARDWOOO • LWINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TIE• WM. Fl.OORlNG ·~~,!<!~ ,.\,,,foh\.I SOLARJAN ~ALARalf SOLID BRAZILIAN MOHAWK DENSE PLUSH HARDWOOD CARPET Cter{a s5~! ,O .. _Ftdes 1 e.a* Peccrl Frish NdW.~ =... .. pa! Travertree 1a· x 1a· ...................................... ~ ... "' ............ '1.11 111• Ceramic TJe., .................................................... imllldM ..... 111 l t..ni'late 'l«>od ................................................ ~-U 111 l ·-1'15111f • ' Help keep our city clean! FllE PHOTO/OAILYPILOT East on.19th Street near Pomona Avenue. The City Council will get a report on improvements to Costa Mesa's Westside this year. operdtions center. Officials have made the project a priobecause thl"current facility, built in the mid 1980!., is overcrowded. MEASURE A SCHOOL . IMPROVEMENTS BEGIN In early February. the iounds of jackhammers and drills will be heard on some Newport -Mesa Unified school campuses when construction finally starts on Mea.o;ure A facilities upgrade improvements. All sch ools will receive upgrcid~. including seismic strengtherllng of structures. hahdicap-accessible drinking fountain.,, repair of stucco. painting. and replacement of all ceilings in pennanent classroom'>. The bond. passed in June 2000. provided $110 million of the totaJ $173.3 million. SCHOOLS MAY GET HOME RANCH EDUCATION MONEY The Costa Mesa City Council may loosen its grip on the $2 milHon in educationaJ funds obtained during the Home Ranch negotiations. On Jan. 20, the council will revisit the issue and consider options, including handing the money over to the schools that will benefit Costa Mesa High School, Estancia High School and TeWinJde Middle School; e'>tabllshing one guiding foundation with two committees or establishing a foundation with extensive city involvement. The Home Ranch developme nt agreement, adopted last year, called for the Segerstroms -the dynasty REIGNING Continued from A 1 She rode In Tournament of Roses parade twice sinte her reign as Rose Queen -once for the parade's lOOth year and another time on an insurance company's Ooat. In those days, the selecdon process was different. Skinner recalled. Glrls did not send in applications to the tournament committee. lnsteftd, all girls In both of Pasade.._·s city colleges got to participate. "We'd have to hold out our • registration. numbers and walk before the judges so it would be a fair pr~· sh e said. "They got to know you only when you got to the lase seven or so. I'm glad now that It was that way or I would ~ve ntM!r applied• JWA Continued from Al Its bl sing, thele cape and all other ClUl'eJl t n!ltJicdol:b, in· duding curfewa. will remain In pl .ce through 2015. Some residencs h vc protested ~deal, aaytng that It g1va away too much. Ofticials ~ rountrft'd that thele tennl ... bllW lliii .., that owns the development site -to give $2 million in a lump sum to Costa Mesa high schools and m1ddJe schools when Lhe first building permits for the project were issued. Costa Mesa High will receive $1 million and Es tancia and TeWinkle will split the other $1 million. ONE ANNEXATidN FOR SURE, MORE COULD FOUOW They've been waiting for years, and in July, the walt Will be over. There will probably be a lot of celebrating when East Santa Ana Heigh!S officially becomes part of Newport Beach. But others haven't been so lucky; at least not yeL West Santa Ana I !eights. the Santa Ana Country Oub and a small residential area south of Mesa Drive have been bucking hard fQr the privilege of adding Newport Beach to their addresses. These areas were originally designated to become part of CosLa Mesa. but widespread opposition has caused the county to put the breaks on those plans. ff the momentum continues, it's possible that they will gel their wish. In the meantime, East Sama Ma Heights annexation could bring some cootroVersy. Questions of who will pay for a fire station there, whether the city will manage a portion of Santa Ana Heights' S30-rnillion nest egg and whether the state budget crunch will cause the area to be a financial liability to the city have y. Slcinner doesn~ recall being asked the kind of questions women are asked at pageants these days. "We just bad casual conversations with the judges," she said. wit was pretty simple: During her year as queen. Skinner gorto travel to Mexico City for a parade and to New York City as part of a promotionaJ campaign for Chrysler. Skinner believes the image of the Rose~ haso~ changed a whole lot over the years. "I always thought It was the girl-next~door kind of image," she said. "I don't think I was the prettiest of the bunch. I th.ink _they picked me because they thought I wouldn't say anything that would e~ the Tuumament" But that's the way Skinner Is -modest -said her son-In-law could have hoped for. "Because the PM has stated defin!Uvcly that the extension of the current controls at John Wayoe ill consistent wtrh f'edenl ~ this paves the way for addJ- tiooal menalona beyond 2015,• ~ aw Cox aJd ln a lta: menL The alrllnes, 1n tum. told =~~ to ,end a lieoer to lb9 ~ etadna .. lbe federal bod¥ ~ • MORMON TEWLE ~s GR0tH> QUIEllY - For the Mormon temple, the big news will probably be half or silence. After a year and 8 hot controVetSY over tM proposed tempJe. It's Ukely that the groundbreakin8 will be peaceful by contraSl . Cllurch planners have ~d . that they're anxious to begin, construction. but they haven t set a date because they are waiting to cut through a few routine bit.s of red tape. The temple debate came to a peaceful resolution after church planners agreed to bring down Its Steeple to roughly 90 feet. Plans that had ori~ called for a 124-fOOt steeple were met with outrage from the community. A comptornise of 100 feet didn't get the support church planners had hoped becaUSe. around the same time. it c;ame to light that the existmg stake center's steeple was much shorter than official documents showed. The 90-foot height proposal was a way to make peace with residents. DAVE EWS, DAVE EWS, DAVE EWS AND MORE DAVE EWS Even before he admined creating a phony campaign telephone message. munnurs had Dave Ellis pegged ru. a powerful. almost sinister backroom player in local poli Lics. Now that foul play is documented. the inquis1uon could go farther. Greenlight leaders have filed a complamt with the district attorney's office about the message Ellis i.ays he created. but never used. in the 2002 City Council elecuon That message. they ~y. wa.'> an attempt 10 confuse Greenlight suppone~. thereby splining their voth between candidcltes Rick. Taylor and Ron Win'ih1p. The Idea. accuser; ..ay, was to help Hlis' ehent. Cound lman Gary Adams. m the election. Now, other que~uonable campaign tacrics are corning to light. 1-:or example, the1e wa5 a similar phony mes!><lge in lhe 2000 race between Steve . Bromberg, Patricia Beek and Bob Schoonmaker. Ellis is abo a targe1 of a . movement to create new conOict·ol'..intere~t rule' in tht• City. DESIGNING Of MARtriERS LIBRARY 8EGINS . Stare ~oney for the joint-~e Mariners Library if> essentially in the bag. but in 2003. the city will get down to the delails Tha t's where 11 could run into problems. Some community members . have worried about the pro1ect becau~e it would serve as the school library for Manners Elemc!'ntary School ant.I a.s the new Mariners branch public library. nie proximity of school kids to the general public makes some wonder whether the kids Will be In an~ danger. ln their conceptual design. city planners made sure to keep the kids and the public areas sepanlte. But until lhe blueprints are drawn up, no one will know exactly how this will be done. The City Council will consider cruong a citizen committee to help with the design. that public input and oversight will resuJt in a project everyone is happy with. Bob Caustin, aJso a Newpon Beach environmentalist. · "I think she\ a very different kind of Rose Queen," he said "She rarely ta.lb about ii .. She would be quick to say there were more beautiful women. But Nancy Skinner is Nancy Sldnnec. She's a very speclaJ woman with a very sweet personality." Skinner says she now occasionally shares her "scrapbook" with her granddilldren. "We call It grandmonuny's parade," she said with a laugh. "Beyond that. my life was pretty nonnaJ, It was like this small pocket of fun. an extraordinary time." • DEEM BHARAnt covera public safety end courts. She mey be reached et (949) 57-M226 Of bv e-mellat flH/».bh1rarhO/arimea.oom. that the noise controls are con- atatent with federal law. "It'• better than Just their opinion that It's conaiate:nt With t.be Wrpon Nolle and Capacity Act of 19901. It offen 1 t.ctuiJ bMia for that opinion.-Brom-berg eaJd. • JUNI CMAGR.+.NDI CO\l'ef'a N9'I Jt)Ort ._,, ~ JOhn w.jne ~She,,.., ... ~ lit ,..,~orbv~11t ~c•••••,.,_,com. A PUBLIC ·SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Avoaldo S1rMt: A vehicle burglary wa1 reported In the 200 bfodt · at 8:37 e.m. Monday. •Bristol StrMt: Grand 'theft was reported In the 3300 bloc* at 9:48 a.m. Monday. • c.nter StrMt~ A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 bloc* at 12:09 ' p.m. Monday. • Hamitton SttMt An auto theft was reported In the 500 blodc at 1:13 a.m Monday. • t..urel Lane: A home burglary was rePQl1ed in the 2500 bfodt at 12:11 P·!l'· Monday. • Monte Vista Avenu.: A home burglary was reponed in the 100 bfodt at 10:07 a.m Monday. • West Wthon Street: A home burglary was reported in the 300 blodt at 4:55 a.m. Monday. • West 11th StrMt: · Trespassing was reported m the 700 blodt et 11 :20 a.m. Monday. • West 18th StrMt and Newport Boulevard: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 7:34 a.m. Monday NEWPORT BEACH • BofN Av.nu.: A vehicle burglary was rep011ed m the 500 blodc at 10 58 a.m Monday • PTornontofy Drive w-t- Petty theft was reported in the ~o blodc at 1 :26 p m 1 Monday • w..tdift Oriv9: A commercial burglary was reported m the 1800 blodc at 5 33 a m Monday • Via Udo Drive: Forgery was reported in the 3400 · btodc at 1\ 23 a.m Monday • Via.Udo Soud: Batte.ry was reported in the 100 bloc:k at 8:02 p.m. Monday • 18th StTWt and West Balboa Boulevard: A loud party was repa:rted at 1 11 am. Monday. •28th StrMt: Petty thefl was reported in the 200 btodc at 6 17 p rn Monday OBITUARY · Robert Leo Dugan - Privalt' lttYlccl wOl be held for 40·ymr 8al>oa PeniNu1a ttsident . ~ Robert Leo~ Mr; Dugan dJed Dec. %3 - his blrtbd.y -cl l1lllUra1 <:aUlel. He wu 12. He II lwYtYe(j by bis wile ol35 • ~ JoaA; cbiJdreD Danoy, Dla.ne and Dee Dee; attpchlldrm Pally and Ricbaid; .... a.ah and Rode: and lour grandchlkben. • The Deity P'Mot ~ ~tor.-. •or '°""* ,..,.. ... fllC:0.-.1' ,,. Meill end Pl•uu• leedL • if Yo'I wenc to'-• ~ prinljdln .. f'Uoc. • YGW fWllllfY• 1-uethelnlDw 91 s• · (M)MM110• ..... . MWllGOm ... 7'M4De Denni• R. ·Moran, 82 of Irvine, ~ved huaband, father, brother, unole, grandfather and friend,• died o.c.mb« 'l.7, 2002. hrvlcet wlll be I*~ on Januwy 2, 200S at f 0:00 am at Our Ledy of Mount CMMI, Newport 8eld\. rn Heu Of ftowera, donetklnl may be 'tent ·to the ~CMoefC....11 St. JOMph ~. 1100 WMt 9"&w.t Dr .. Ola-. CA 821U In memoty et 0...Marwa. • .. .. '\ •• Datty Pilot I ' -. r ·. -FORUM • ------------ " HOW 10 GET ~BUSHED -t..a.r.: Ma41 to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Cost.a Mesa. CA 92627 • AwWs Hodine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (9491 6404170 E-mail:Send to dallyptlot@latJmBS.oom •All correspondence must mclude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subm1SS1ons for clanty and length . . MAILBAG Gi sler bridge study would waste money I am in total agreement wtth the Daily Pilafs edito rial position expressed on Sunday <Editorial, WCosta Mesa needs to fight study of bridge at Gisler"). How many more timel> must taxpayers dole out money to an end.Jess stream of consultant:. to study thb issue before a stake is ftnaUy driven through the heart of the < .1.,ler Avenue bridge? For crying oul'loud, the (5an'ta Ana River Crossing) s tudy I!> not yet romplete, and the d1singenuou'> member'> of Fountain Valley's City Couni.:11 try to i,ltp another one unde r the door. Their request for SS00.000 in grant funding at this point look.<. particularly waJ>teful in light of the dire financial cond111on of the '>late this year. • .1 can only 8Si>UD1e that Fountain Valley\ leader'> cymcaJly beli~ve that 1f enough studtes are done. they'll residential neighborhood would be destroyed if the Gisler bridge were ever built. I'm just a private citizen, and not welJ enough connected to catch wind Qi dirty deals going down. Thanks to the Daily Pilot for ..brlngingjhls latest maf\euv~r by Fountain Valley to the attention or people like myself. I, for one, will keep fighting the bridge until tt is removed from the county\ 111a.'>ter plan for good. JON ROWE Costa Mesa Un ion obviou~l y not that powerful 'In her le lter 10 the edttor !Ma1lbag, NBlame for poor school system he., with union ." Sunday), Betty Brown gives the teachers' union credit for a lot m ore power tha n they deserve A'::. a teacher in thl' district for 35 yea r... I can as'>urc her that we a·re among the fl'eblei.t of o rgamzatrens. If we really had that much powe r, we wo uld no t b e reaching in d1lap1da1od classrooms crowded with.38 to . 40 k.ids. and we might be getting paid eno ug'h to actuaJly afford a ho use in th1'> distnct Jews, Prote,ldilll> and nonbeltever<t, for their rehgwuc, belief. In the J6th lentury. Martin Luther and Joh.n CaJvin and their follower'> chaJJenged the authonty of the Catholic Oiurch. but when they gamed politicaJ c:onttol or a region. they encouraged similar • atrocuie' agaimt tho<,e who did not acc.ept their view'>. fhey we re partttularly ha!'>h toward human1~I'> who dared to '>ugge'>t that perhap'> God wa:.n't as wrathful a'> they wert: depicting him CaJVJn pe r'>onall y ordered the burr11ng of Michael 'wrvetus. u humani'>I In tht· I rt•m h rehg1o u' war., of the lblh Lentury. LJthol1l '>oldie" would 'ome1tmeo, Ile young f'rote'ilanl girt.. a round a keg of gunpowder and 1gn11e 11 In the I nth tl'ntur). <,erman J.rote'>tant'> killed a'> rn.tn} a'> I 00.000 people. mo-.1ly women. becai.1'e tlwv were su,pec1ed of \011thnafl. ofter/ aJso burning the young daughte" ol the c.~~~ In the \6th umtury. Du11.:h .._f?.utie~Uld.Saap1'>h CatfiOiKtci~~i"i-<:tiwff~ rt'ltgion Lngli~ Anghu m s killed ln '>h C atholu.:'>. Italian < .Jthohc.'> killed llcJ1an Pro1e.,i_ant'>. I ngl1l>h Puntanl> killed f~ngli'>h Anglic.am. and of t.ourse, everyone killed Jew'> · fmaJly. m the 18.th umtury in France. some t.ourageou~ men. mo'>tly non ()tnstian 1he1'>l'> like Voltaire. D1dero1. and l)'AJembert began '>pt·ak.mg out again'>t the'>e '>t'll'>l'le.,., horror'> perpetrated" b) the Vd.rlOU'> Mdle reltgjon\ . lr1 1776. a ~roup of <·ducale<l <.olonist<, in Amt'nta nwn hkc· I twma'> Jeffl'r'>on. Juh11 Adam' a nd Jame'> Mdd1son who hatl n·ad Voltairt' "'and who k1ww well th e '>avage hi'>tory of the11 I uropean antestor'> dec1dt'i.l w '>tart a t ouritrv "11h '>unu: d1fferen1 1dl'd'> In '>Pi ll' or their JH'r'>onal rl'ltg10u" beheb , the'>t' men agn·<·d on one thtnK I here "CJlald never be d '>lale n·hK10A m Ament.a I 11 1hu 1 '-No.,, a 'l.:t-" pon Me'>a '>Choo I board mt'mber '>Ug&l''>lt'd 1ha1 we hd1,e a 'ldlt' '>ponsored praver. that we h.UlK 1n ·evt'ry tlJ.'>'>room d -.1a1e -'>pon!.ored religioui. dorum ent. tha1 we -t'llan~ aot c,cience"C~ ses nr- match her parucular religious behefc, Ded1t ated teat.hers. both libt•ral Jnd con'>erva11ve, -.huddered 111 horror "som eday get the answers they want to heM. Sadly. this show of bad fruth from I ountain Valley toward ll'> neighbor., 1u:.1 reinforce'> my long '>landing beltef that '>Ume loc.al polt11uans will keep re~urfacing a pet i'>'>Ue over and over again unul the o ppo'>111on ,., worn down or I'> look.mg the other way I wonder if Brown ha~ ever been in one of the curre nt classroom s '::.he de'>cnbel>. I have. and I can d'>\Ure her tha t kids are m ore mo11vated and better bebaved today than they were JS years ago. A1. to the "dumbing down" of education, m y experien ce " qutte the contrary. fll[ PHQri1 (JA;I y P1, ) Robert Graham, a proponent of a 19th Street bridge. at the site which pn'>oni:r~ on t.•ithl'r <Jde were giwn a tho1ce.uf lOnverttnK or death, .i deJth precedl'd by h1deou' tortures. In one 1m 1dt'nt. a Du1rh phy'>1uan extral.led the heart of a <.,pan11.,h pn.,oner J.nd nailed 1t llJ a '>hip 111 the h~rbor Prote,1an1 wwn-.mt•n were A'> lTUe Anll'ncan~ w11h a~ much ngh1 to 1hetr opinwn as Jrtyoni; eh<'. ,U1d as t'ducated 1)t•opl'e who know wh<ft tan hdppt'n ''twn 1h1: ~O\.-Nnnie111 '>pon,or' d partll uldr rt'hi.:wu .. \dew. the lt'dC.ht"ri. rather 11m1dly 'uggt''>lt'd that voter'> might con'>ldt'r their option'> carefully. thitl maybe th!'> board member hdd '>ome rather '>t.aT) idea:.. Ye'>. I do have a n ax lo gnnd when 11 comes to the Gisler bridge. I hve on G1!>ler. and would be impacted by the noi!>e, the fumes and possible lo!>S of part of my property IO J wider G1!>ler 1f the hridge were built Nol 10 mention the fact · that I'd need a traffic. cop to h elp me get o ut of my driveway. It doesn't take a half million -dollar !>tudy to under5tand that this quiet When I '>tarted at Newport I !arbor I ligh School, we offered one Adva n ced Placement class AP classes are college-level classes that 1Jffer t.ollege credit if the s tudcni passe'> an extremely difficult national test a l the end of the year. In J 972. probably SO student'> took an AP test at Newport I larbor. Even though the population of the school is less than it was 1n 1972. we now o ffer I S AP classes in a variety of '>UbJl'l I'> Last year. mo re than 500 AP tests we re given to Newport student'>, and the va. .. t ma1on1y passed . We have doubled the number of setence labs arid have added a haJf-d o1en fully equ1pP.ed computer labs. I teach AP l·u ropean histo ry, and I th ink m y !>tudcnts who arc headtng o ff to I lahr-ard. Sta nfo rd. DMtmou1h. Berk ele\. l'IC.. would '>mile al Bro~n., lOmml'nl about tht• leaching o f history. I doubt that !>he had a h1'>lOrV dal>!. as d1flicul1 a!> mine If '>hl' had, she would le.now the foUow1ng lactl>: In thl' 15th through the 18th Lentuttt.''>. the Cath olic lnqu1si11on 1mpn soncd . tortured dnd executed. U'>ually by burning J I the 'lakt:. thousand' of people, 1m 11l'd to ta~c bile'> lrum 11 \"h1ch the) d1d w11h great rehsh In 1he I i th century. l·uropean Protestant'> and ( athohL\ fought a JO-year-long war th.11 leh m1lhon' dead and hundred'> of town!> tota lly depopulated . Atroulll"> and war-. for reltgiou' rea,ons t.on11nued for t•entum•' 1rt I urope. all done \' 11h thl· tull rooperauon of. · whatl'H'f hr.ind of 0 U"ltantr) had bernnw the offiuiil '>late Apparentl\-. the voter.. agreed. I hire lu think tt was common St'n'>t' that prevailed, not a fic1tt1CHJ'>h powerful union JOE ROBINSON '\t'wport Ht•at h Flo.or Samples, Discontinued Sty/':$, Factory Errors And Wrong Orders • Huge Selection Of Bedrooms, Sofas, Chairs, Dining Sets, Entertainment Centers, Armoires, Accessories, Oriental Rugs And More Featuring These World-Renowned Brand Names: (ENTIJRY, HENREOON, DREXEL HERITAGE, MARGE. CARSO N, l.ExJNGTON, BERNHARDT, RALPH LAUREN & MANY OTHERS Neo-Oassk cal King 4-Poster Bed · Four large bedposts with garland l'l)Olif. Complete with boldty WMO"hHdbowd ~Is. Reg. $1,999 MOW$1,199 Just.A Sample Of The Great Savings That Await You .•. Umited To Stock On Hand Plentdon Isle cal Kini Sleigh led • . ~~~Ind fooc boet'*wllh ~,. AMhed In Mfm MhJt 1DfW. 1teg. Sr,~ NOW $1,219 Save On Over $2,000,000 In ·Fine Furniture ... All On A First-Come, First Served Basis. FURNITURE .._ 1NGut0 • (Ml) m -1212•101 Tect.~ OtM 1&so1~ a. MDri HOtM•·Af IOAlt.f,_,All ftAM.f,M. aa 11AM.fl!ll V USONHWCI www~umttut..,,,... .· . . ... - .. ·' .; ,. Wednesday, Jaooary l, 2003 ' ·i S P O RTS ., -· Celebrating the _millennium B. Greschner K.Coleman ~ ~ ~ ·;.I ~ 1 ~ • ' G. Brookings ,.-, ...• -~ , ~~· . \. a ~-; u.!12 K.Grogan a"eman G.Green l. SawnQui1n M. Herrington r. I-~ L. Stewart K. Molica B. Lewis ·i .. ···,' ~ ·~ . • ~ R. Ctmingham M. Shaughnessy L~ '-T11F: CLASS OF ' S. Scheafer T. Thompson R.Davis B. Horrell J. Gage C. Phoenix • A. Newes C.Beny G.Griffith B. Pizzica G. Bassett J. Keithley D.Davis G. Gelker D. Brockmeyer J. Fisher l.-tiayes K. Long-Norden B. Worl<man C. Lynch T. DiStarislao J. Dodd C.Shores G.Evarts K.Campbel G.8<rjer • B.Gel<er M. Ger,,-d L. Cutler :'Ai.: ;'V,,~. ' ;_I -~ I ,f WI D. McGavren D. Evans D. Tamura ,-~ : '.:~····· ,,,;:. # . . '.~ D. MacMillan J. Tuz J.Perms G.Greenwaft - ONCE UPON A TIME Royalty from this Land of Oz offers the grandest of all the starting lineups. ROGER CARLSON recq>tipns from Steve Dally Piiot Buklch as Harbor pulled Wtc~me. a3tain, to a out that memorable 20-17 football Victory over Loar<\ reVlslt to e tn 19737 world's greatest Remember the bull collection of sports stars, elephant. Hal Sheflin, where these hand-plck.ed mashing everyone in the blue ,ehips reside in fall of 1942? engraved fonn, taking their Remember Estancia place In a record book for High's stunning 17 -0 run at champions, the Dally the out.set of the state Pilot's Sports Hall of Fame, championshp game en celebrating the millennium. route to the Eagles' Their numbers total awesome basketball victor) 1,003, representing the best tn 1991 ? of the 20th century, and I Remember the great k.now every reader will be showdowns in basketball able to experience a between Estancia and personal celebration with C.Orona del Mar? Or Orang( many of his and her C.Orua's Junior Rose Bowl favorites from this land of victory of 1963? Oz ... C.Osta Mesa, C.Orona Remember the Tars' del Mar and Mike Freeman Newport Beach, "They say, gathering in that here on the southern shores you know, memorable pass ~fl~1de~ and scoring to that fame defeat Servite, 20-orrua. 15, for the '94 CIF Today's story. is fleeting. football title? essentially what was stated on This makes Rememerthe New Year's Day of it a little 1969 five-overtirn1 2,000 as the third 97 -~5 Newport mellinnJum was l " Harbor loss to ushered in, onger ... Westminster in remains t})e same. Sunset League As 2002 becomes history basketball? another 52 have been . Or C.OSta Mesa's 3-0 chronicled with victory over Newpon miUennJurn stories, every Harbor ln f<><>tbalJ in 196n Monday of the year, Or Harbor's 7-0 Win over bringing the total to 473. mJghty Anaheim in 19631 C.OUectlvely, and ind!-AU of the thousands and vidually, they personify the thousands of great great common triumphs are brought baclt denominator which all of into focus with this honor us enjoy vicartous!h Great roU of the century. fcoals and feats in e quest We cheered them then. or perfect:Jon. We oheer the~ow These are the athletes The c:rlteri for this Hall who stlm!d the of Fame, for the most pan, lmaginadon with their begins with AU-Cl:F great accomplishments, and the coaches who recogrudon, or something similar. helped mold them, who Also, there la the matter not only taught and .refined of Impact. their skills, but inspired So the~u have tt.· them to heights they may Read 'em. ose your eyes not have known posslble. and see lf r.;u can hear the Also, those on the swtah, fee the coWslon. periphery who have been grasp the heart-1top~r. Or there to help make It . envt.aJon that winning' happen. am.Ue. Its foot.ball and If you're a real fan, I basketball, baseball and track and fteld, and most all know .J:u will be able to do of the aporu wbk:h are thl& en give your sprlnkled ~the favor1tea a call or drop . teUOna ... u ua them a Une. 'I\tU them you repraentado.n of the were looking fQr them. and bOadng wortd, which b ao that you found them, prevalent along these Oh, and lfyou don't find lborea. . them In the category you Addfdo~ aome belJeve they abould be, lool ~resJ entawtth· around, you lb.lgbt find ad.alt just too them under a dtfrerent ~topusby. banner. Some got around !ta~ eqn the roUa, quJteabll th.Ink and vt.aua11%e. tarri.Tbey aay, you know, that Remelnber Vlnnle Mulroy and tboee two deep lt • ..:. = 1bia lblkea e ". Newport Al l~in (ridf Atlf\UJl'\ Gordon /\darm Tt•rry A1brittoo StuAJdrich JOOnAl<uom (;rif~ f nmk Anden.on I .ara A.\l)tt Rudi\~ Hmt Baker Uyroo BWJ .Jon IWladl Don llatrk£r BUJ Humdt ( ri-'Ol"l(e Bwncott Him Barry (;kfm~'U Oenny Bean l>oo l~Uy l\1ike Beech Jack HeU Re~ 8dl Cart Uer,,eeron Janle'\ tk~111 Uob Herr) (luutie lk'f'T') RobHcf11 I~ llet."'"1 JclT Hitetli ~ 11ke Hlandlard ( 1uu1ic Hll'ikcr Sheldon Hk1d thurw Dan.-! Rlood (:ino "'"'"' l'ina U.1~man llamld 8'1yd l\tcw Br.v~ J<>IT Hrtnk.lt>y I){~ Hn11.io~'lT ( ;u Hmokin~ ·nm nmwn fru1t Bn-.cin Tom Hunndl t>un Hum-. 1\.-tt• Hni~ n ""'e' l' Hukk:h l>.nid (~ l>un ( · arun-11 Jl'flnifl'r < ·lllTY Jclt' ( 'amahan \11kc<.n~ lnfl) ( 'iarel.li Hill ( 'btrl. <.ary <.lark Mandy Lla)1on M.E. Cwytoo s~~ < ·ohert) Hrunofl O iltH.'\.io Shdbt < ·c.11lo,er ( 1ui.\ ( c •rum \lark ('r.~ """:oct ('r~ ( ;k'fln ( ri~ Hoh l ri<."ti I ., ~ ril' ( 'unrtinWuun ~('w1~ '\Knit ('urci ti.lb ('uJT) I .c. C' utler ..,Kim'\ l>w,id-.cm l~:d \ I >'".miel ' J:N.n l>ttrY .Je~ Dclkl-.k 1>.nid l~RulT 1 om l>i.""taNibo John Dobrott Joan Dodd Kl'lllM.~ LalT) l>o) k.- Etik b1,t.iler Jenny E\"ilnS Julie Evan-. Gmcvie'c E\11~' Hr.mdoo 1-inney Oenn) FitJ~ Vernon fltq>a~ ~h.anc Foley SteH' f'ole) Dal-id Fontill'I HuWl ... ..,.ei" l>t-rek fo, Skip Franklin JO'iiah F redrik.'iltfl Dick Fn.ottnan f .ric Freeman Mike Frtem:u:t Ralph F'l'dUla Alan Gadd~ Jim Gage JutesG~ RtMdlGan Jim\~ Gr1111l G'ftker M"tkeG~ • StacyG6em Pat Gla.9>W DaoGlenn Clw1es Godshall Sieve Goru*8 Rod Gould G.-,Green Georse Greeowalt M..sGner Bii Gt adli'9" ~Grier Glm Gt"W'ftth JotmGu.l . Al Hackney Daleffllley BobHalry Frank Han*°'1 Ma.e Ranrodl Brett Hamm-Dent 8riln flMml Lee Hawn C...Helds Ginatt.dl -· .JanmCk H«ker Gavin Hedrtck Jtmllim*1 J1nt IWfttdt PttelWfttdt MailtlHaililUa IMTJHnl Mt ..... Mia .... . an lllr1* ao,4....,. Frtla ....... Estancia RJcardo Aguilar AJaoA.kaoa Rieb.Amaral OwikAppel Johann Appel DinaBircb Jlill lllld. F.d 8b.ntor1 Adam 8oUenhech Chad Botlenbedi Rieb Boyce Leah 8,_IZ UWan Brabander Jim Bratten Phil Brown Brandl Brooks Abel Cachola MW Camp Tuoy Caoip Cbm Candlish l.>uw CartWe Jolw Carpenter John Canido CodyOwiey Scott Clements CoruWI Colby DanCollim Larry<.~ Liz Collins Todd Collins Ken Cooner Tracy Cook Ch~Coom Gary Confer Carlos Cornejo Curt Crandall Ste\-e Cren<Jhaw JbnC~ Mil«-Cu~ J~Dawkim DougOeam Cnlig Dennis John Dixon Enc Dom [)an~ \.ldody Earle Jim Faulkner Cara Francy Roba1 l'rancy Krisaen Fnmstm l.tt Frieda sdorf Matt Fuert>ringer Art G1'i'vao RamonG~ Jeff Gardner ~1eGayne:r Scott Gayner JdfGrabam Brad Green Jidro Guido \.tih-~ Larry Hall Maril HJU1Jcy Al(\Nin Hendia Doug Janline Jlm.Jmner Dave ,Jeraoko !\ 1.att Jnhner ~John<;oo Joo Johmtoo Ltt~ce PsuJ Jo)cr Bob Kaiser Vmtt Klees t.f'\e ~ Tun Krobn(ddt Kn Langda&e Bob Larimer Tamil.avdlc John Ud>fngood Adam Lodc~l>od Llluck LtJSdb John Lowr)• llang Ly AaNin Maid Mike l\lagner Kube Mancilla Sdwyn Mansi:il .Jim McOahill MikeMcCartin Jim Mc<..lo5key Paul Mc..Oanim John McGee ~en Millard OougMiller Alberto MWlO'Z Sam Nelson ~Neumann Tun O'Brien Gary Orgill Ray OrgiD Cathy O'Meara Jad~ Da\.'e Parset Tim Panld Jim Par:'iOm DawPerldm Art Pen-y Dan Pdrone Doug Pindme1 •0antffock Jlm~ Dan~ JoeRdcl, 7.-.kRid•cklin JimScbullz Mike Sh-lgtiellCSJ CalSbora ~Slom KmtSmMb M~SmMb ~Speer' JimStamWtl L.-TY Slilnderw sa-man s.mld ~1'MleW aartl'homM Keflin 1llomM 1\n'J~ ,....,., M.nhl'mh ..... Trom RobertU...... SteftV..ffcJnl .... w ..... .Jlllllc:aW.... GntnWllf.t .. t.--W..S brtW +« •w.... ..,wr o K1fitW.. .hlllt~'sks s..ew,.. I . I Mesa Bob Anmtroo& MnAiaaki 1bm Baldwin Km 8arcWey Dan Bauer Kirk~ Outt~ DmishaBmdz &k:B«ge Mike Berry WayneBfiby Terry Bowen Matt Broesamle Bill Brookins John Canitm JobnCamey Gary Carr Bart CalTido Bruce Chapman Oaaries Owunan Jillie Co8eU Steve Cook ShaQeCooM OeWayne Cl"ell'ihaw Boonie Olwie C.orey Oelabwrt Deonb Delany Jamie DeNoe~er Paul DesDlet Olivia DiCamilti Dan Ouddridge Bob F..mst Craig Falroner Jll.'iOO F~ Dick ··erryman Jim Ferryman Jeff Field Joe Fisher DaveG~ ROOert Grayeli SamGrayeli Katie Grogan Vll'U Harnade. Bruce Hancock Jim~ SteveH~ Jerry Hwdl Sean H ytt.on Todd Hylton Krith Josephson Koo Kim Lisa Leona.ni Steve~ Collem 1..und Bill Lux Bryan~ Jason Lynch Ruben MandDa ~Matson Brent Mayne Lisa McNamtt l'vtax Miller Myron Miller Daw Mollica KBthy Mollica Shdly Neal Mari< Nebeker Justin~ Bob Packer Dennis Paul!iol> QuocPham David Phillips Jdf Pkkals J.R. Porter Dan~ Tom Read Benn\ Ricardo ~ Jlltdiie Heathes-Robtmon Gabe Ruiz George Selfrldgt Robert Shupp F..ric So& DelUoie SumlOO Pat Sweetland M1ke Szypen:ld Shane 1Wber1 ~Tuytor Scott Taylor Blnh'lran Dan Vrbelovich J1mW~ JaaaWdr Bob Wlhite Kami Yelich-Snabo Boating SS S P 0 R '( S Others Jim Abbott Lynn Adams flank Adler l>.ui AJdrich Jeny AndeNJD PauJ Ander<ioo Barry A.\her Syd Ball Ted Bandaruk Jirka Batlik R.t:. •(rifle· Baum ~ick Bed<er Danny Bibb .Jeff Bickmore Billy Blanton Ila Bordef-, <;~Boyer ( 'hartie Brande Bud Kru~oe AI Cart.on Brian Camon Ktvin CarNJri And\ Can' R~<a· ~j <.'c.lt'er Richit-Collin' ( ~ (' unsieT' ( 1lrN' < . r.rndall Anth~1n ~ <. • urci Lindsay lhl't-nport Gary L l>-.n i<l"°'1 Uick l>.ni.-. Luke Da~ Scott Oavb Dou~ DeCinl'e'i Phi.I Dml Todd Dixon Bob Dueiler Marshall Duffeekl Charlie Eaton Ro\ Emenioo J. KeMdh Fagam Chuck F&nley c urt1' Fleming l>M flidlinger Tun ... ortugno Kn fritz Bruce Gelker- Ray<~ Ai-t Gron<iky Paul Hahn Sharoi> Hanson '~ Hotsne. Bruce Ibbetson Al Kent Shiriey Kinder ·Natalie KJng Cart Kraushaar Jim Kn.we Grenny~ ~Laaka Rod Laver ~Lawther 'llob&Be\erty ·~~ Oallas Loog (~L<Jrtoo Bob Lo\.ejo) Kl-llV Mane.JP, Bulcb \.b) Brendon \.k( ·~y Paul McDonaJd Marlin McKc.-ever Tom McKibb<.111 (},we l\1d...tt.h M~run Mcl'iamara Rod ~men Steve ~Ulen l>.t\~ ~cA-. Jeff Mound C~Muothar1 Jim l\;tfiHl John 'id.' Vil)(% O' Boyie "tfike < >' Rrien Belt\ Obon Dann') O' "'eil < 'uurtney O" ms Rrad Oxlt-\ lianJkt ~le ('cn*P'.r~ft.'c~ <i~ Patton Qr. Uudlt-\ Pfaf't ( .hartie Ptunip. \ikee PtlOle Jeff PuN:-r Taylor Puryear Ja<iCJfl Quinn Robyn Ray Bill Reynold\ Bill Riddell BobbyR@ Danny R~ Jake Rohrer Paul Salata ·rodd ~Jerri "1tno · Tom Sargent Ll)M Sarvu- Rich SauJ 'Shorn• Schearer Bobbv Schwartz BID Selman Blake mhh DougSpwiLs Leigh Steinberg L>ick Stbef'ner BemiceSt~ Ken Stuart Jimltrnl Ron 'fom'ik:. Phil Tu.Der Jim Tunney Robert Van't Hof a.tie Venep.1 Dee Dee White Orange Coast . Herb UV!ieJ C-,Maemr' hnictMann DocM.-in ~MattiM ~Maynr Jhn Mdlwllin StewMomblo Fnd °"""' Bll lledclinl ~Rcao AlanS.wyw BobScba ......... J-.Seymour u.c.-dSiml 1.-Skae Jult S1illllr7 , ...... ,..... Mllltn-... lti1'ldllr G#r*' oa.w.. MWlllll a.._. ..... , Olllz b rot Wednesday, J¥1Uclf'y I 2003 A7 ~ Corona del Mar · Newport Harbor B11an1 Humann Johnny lkt'da Ralph Irwin Tom Jacobson Shannon Jakaiky Joey Jaine!> . Matt Jameson BW~dl BW.Johm Brian Johmon F..mit Johmon Brett Kacura Waynr KA'ipm!k John Kazmer Justin KrrT Tom Kit.chcn Jelf Krmtz \\alti\dl) Jen')' Ki!thley Jor;b Kldn Brian Kreutzkamp Tara K.roe!ich Oa\'e KurT'ltSCh Ron Lamer1oo And1"' Law!IOl1 Don U:nt Brtao~ Eric Lindroth Lyle Uoyd Kdly Lcq-Nordel Maril Lortamo Gray Lunde MaritLunde RodMacMman Jflf Malinolr . Rick M.mcebc> Tunyr.w.mo IWn,.__. DlriD~ -~ RobMll9r Milt)'May F.ddllt~ RaloMccw- Spnl McOelln . ~Mc(lellnd .. ~ ~MteoJ o..~ AldaMc:Fml Olld~ Dllrm~ ......Mtkaz M -Md..-9 Clrtleia Mlil'I ~,.....·* DllllleMmlr' r..Mlliro lAI~ .. ~­ .,....~ Cad1) .Mockdt John Moft'et Dick \lomille Chip "1°"8)' Molli ;\iullm Vinnie Mulro.t AJ Muniz Joe Muniz Manud Muniz PauJ Myrdm £miJ Nerme Jhn !'lieidha:rt Jill Ndsen BiD'Ndh RogerNdb Annand Nf.Ulrs Paul NeJmann Iun Newldric Georgr~ 'ThdNewlmd Tom Nichols George Non'8 Brian O'Flaberty AJC)gdm Bob~ Jw<>&te Ray()hnt Jim(}wms Sheri(~ AaronNnol Bruce Penhlil OaodylWG TulpP'**-' Joo Plmris Oaii& Pkrmtx Wmdll Pldlml Bil Plr.dca Mlle IWatUj ...... Kortr.....s Krtl~ Roly ......... O...,Nldo ~a....a ........... "~-Dan R CJ' ltalpll ... Blrtow. Rlctw I 0-.IUlllr ~lhll w DDJtrH ....... Mt 1-f!llla.. Jallll-D a U.llllllill ......... K.t ... -SlliiMI .. , ,. ...... . • ' Joe~. Jim Seti) BobServal ~Shaler BockoSbaw Han1'd 'Hal' Sbdlo Frank Shlftin °""' Sheward Brad SboemllkB' Ramy Shoulcry MdSmaley Art~ Oidl SpUdilc Phil Spmer Edwwd Saeptwm Martt Strwlis Bill Straw Doug~· Jud5ioo Sutha1md Jlm .1'idl O.Wlllamn Tum~ BrimTherb Glamlbmtm Bob Thoaip80d Dlift 'fbomt*m Glmd O.ThonlllJ90I' 'nnyllans- w.te'llft serwnmam Miiia~ Dllt'Thwwud Lft'J)tm Bob'IHpp llon~'TrW 1ec1n ... ....- Bo'l'Nalls Dlrft 1bdllr F...rtr 1Wiitl ,JoeUrt.1 a.ryVcme.-1 -~ RaJw...d JllllW.rm FAIW ,, Wiidt a a ................. ~ .... 1!1911--...................... 111!1111 ............... ----------""!"""l------""."9"--:-----~--~--~~--~----· Al Wednesday, January l. 2003 .....,.... 2M1 ~INallcll __ ..;;...~~~~~~- S...... el rt I , ....... .............. The folloWtfll per•on his ebanclontd th• ~ of tltt f lclJllous 811$1 nus Name 280 Calon Street, 417 Baywood Onve, Htwpott 8NCh, CA 92'660 Th• f IChhous Business name rtftrrtd to abol(JI was It ltd In O• ana• County on 02/05/02, FILE HO 20026891265 Susan Hel\011, Trustee for Bennett F1m1ly Trust dtd 7 l.9-89. 417 Bay wood Drive. Newport Buch, CA 92660 This bu"neu is con bucted by. ram1ly Tru!l.I Susan Nel$On, Trustee Th" uatement was filed with tho County Clerk of Oranae County on 12/20/02 2002'927401 D11ly Pilot Dec ZS, 2002, Jan I. 8. 15. 2003 W984 AdilM llllilllss .... s....... fhe lollowma peo sons u e doina busmen n Natural Hullhworks Chlfoprathc and Well ness Center 1731 Santa Ana Ave ·Costa Mua CA 92621 Scoll Mac•dam. 1131 Santa Ana Ave Cosl.i Meu CA926l7 Ratllh Umb11arn 173 I Santa Ana Ave Cosl• Mesa CA 92627 John Cloonan Jo , 22391 Wuodarove l.ike r ore st CA 92677 This business '' 'u" ducted by • 11enu .it partnerslup Have you <lorled do111a busmen yet' No John Ctoon;in Jr Th" ~talem~nl WA\ filed with the Cuunly Clerk of Oranae County on 12/06/02 • 290269259S3 Datly Polol D•l 11 18 2S. 2002. J.in I 1003 W968 FktitiMllsiieu .... s...... The followina pet sons ••e do1na business as Law Offices ot John R Brown1na. 23461 Soulh Pointe Dr . Ste 200. l 11un, Hills, CA 92653 ~ Robert Btown1n1. 3256 Broad Strut , Newport Beach. CA 92663 This business ts con ducted by an 1ndtwtdual Haw• 1ou SIMled do1n1 busmess yet? Yes. 12/1/ 02 J<mn R 81 ownm1 Th11 st~tement was ltled wtth Iha ·County Clerk of Onnire County Ofl 12/20/0Z ,0026,27193 011ty Pilot De~ 25, 2002. Jan I, 8, IS. 200J W983 ActlliM ...... .... s....... 1 he lollow1n11 pt1 sons are doma bWiiness as: A ) Ne11:hburhood Access Corp , B.) Coei net. 20 Co1po1dle Park, Irvine, CA~2606 Prollty D1a1tal Networks. Int (NI/), 1600 Canal Street, Su1to 1418, New Orleans, LA 70112 This business 1s con ducted by a corpora"\1on lt1ve you startrd dome bu~one~s yet? Yes. 1/2, 02 Pro11ly D1&1lal Nel works. lnl Kenneth r riedenreich Admm M.ina11e1 lhts statement w;u ftle·d with the County Cle• k ol Or anee County un 12 20102 20026927404 D<tily Polul Dec l!>, 200<' Jdn I 8 IS 2003 W986 Rc11tMB~ M-.S....... I he lollowm11 pt'rsons Jre dcll"R bUSlnt'U di. Sun Chia lmpor t;i.. 3400 Ave11ut' of th,. Arh. J /04, Cust.i Mes.i. CA 9?6i6 W1H1om IOIHI A"de•~on, 1400 Av~1111•• of lhe Ari\, J·?CM. Cu\ld Mesa, CA 9i'62b l ond.o BJrrull, 3400 Avenue of lht' At ts. J 204' LO\ la Me~a CA 926?6 lh1S business •~ lOrl dut led by d aener al par tner,h1p llav~ you star led doing bus1ne!.\ vet' No W1lhan1 J Anderson Thts stAtement was filed with the County ·Poli cy Clerk of Oun1e County Ofl 12/20/02 2002 .. 27395 Daily P1lqt ~ 25, 2002. Ja11 l. 8. 15, 2003 W9ll2 fkllM ..... .... s....... The followtn.a peoon$ ett doma business H Oavtd Browne Swtmrnina Pool Servite. 18tl Rochester Costll Meu, CA92621 D1v1d ~nthony Browne. 186 Rochester, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This business 1s con ducted by an md1v1dual Have you star led dotna business yet' Yes, November I, 2002 David Anthony Browne This statement was tiled w1lh the County Clerk of Or a nae County on 12/06/02 200269259 54 Daily Pilot Ott. 11, 18. 2S, 2002. Jan. I, 2003 W970 Fldltim "5lness ,._s..._... The lollowma persons are dom11 bu\mess n W1n~on s Jewelers of Newpor I Buch. Int . 171S B Newport Blvd Costa Mesa CA 92621 Winston's Jewelers ol Newport Beach In• (CA) 1175 B Newport Blvd Costa Mesd CA 92627 This busmt\s is ton dueled by a LOrporahon Have you started doin11 busm~s' yd 7 Nu Winston's Jewelers ol Newport Be.ich. Int terry Palms President Th" •latem~nt wa• hied with the County Clerk bf Orange County on 12/20/02 20026977398 Daily Pilot Dec 25. ?OOZ. Jan I. 8. 15, ?003 W981 rictitlous lusinHs ,._s......., The following persons are doing business as Ride Assisi Shuttle Inc .. 12812 Gdrden Grove Blvd fl Gar den Grove. CA 92843 Ride Assist Shuttle. Inc (CAI 12812 Carden Grove Blvd . #L Carden Grove CA 92843 1 his business 11 con- duct.cl by • C()(IM>f•llon Havt ~CM.I slarted dolnC business yet' Yu, 11/ll 02 Ride Assist Shultlt, Inc Cailos c.,c1on1. Olfll(lor/ C£0 Thrs s t1lemtri.I wlS flied with tho Counly Cltrk of Orana• County on 12/20/02 2002 .. 27405 Daily Pilot Dec: 25, 2002, Jan I, 8, 15, 2003 ~ fktlllM ...... "-S....... fhe followina penons are do1n& busin11ss as The Vo1et ram11'f, 363 Old Newport Boutevud, Newport Bea1.h , CA 92663 Joanna Voact, S64 South Sunklst St Anaheim, CA 92806 R1eh11r d l/oael, 564-South Sunk1s1 St . Anaheim, CA 92806 Th1i. busanl!u 1s con dueled by hu\bAnd and Wife Have you stdr led dom11 business yet? Ye~ 1987 Richard Voael • Joanna Voael · Thll statement was hied with the Coulfty Clerk of OuneP County on 12/21/02 20026927902 Daily Pilot Jan I 8. lS. 22 2003 W991 RditiM~ ,._s......, l he followine person\ arf dome bus1r1n• u Atf1haled Ctoth1na 21851 Newland St •229, Huntmaton e.,a~h CA 92646 Vincent delaJnrre. 21851 Nwwland St '229, Huntir1jllun 81'3lh, CA 92646 C rw1n fo•llllana, 14666 Pr di roe Vitw Cu cle, Chino Hill~ t.11 91709 Th" buw1es\ 1\ tun due ted by a eenet 111 partnership Have ynu star led dome bu\ln"u ytP 'fr' 1 70/ 02 20026t J14U Dally Pilot Dec 25. 2002 Jin l. 8. 15, 2003 W988 ........... .... ~ The lollowln& penons ere doin1 business n 119 135 Fah11on Ptaee. UC. 24536 Alta Loma ~~ Laauna H1Ns. CA 119 135 S Fahrion Place, llC, 24536 Alta Loma Ct • L11un1 Hills, CA92653 Thts business rs con· ducted by limited l iab1hty Co Have you started dolna bus111ess yel7 l'f(I 119·135 S. Fahrton Piece. llC Marc Rolh, Mana11lng Member This statement wai. hied w1t:ll the County Clerk of Ounae County on 12/20/02 20026927401 Deily Pilot OK. ZS 2002, Jan I. 8. 15. 2003 W976 Rdltt.slllsilm .... s ...... lhe lollowma persons are dome business as Honey Do of Ame11ca. 4633 Ro1bury Rd . Corona del Mar CA 92625 Kimberly Sk•nd•lls. 4633 Roabury Rd Corona del Mu CA 926?5 This buiuness is con ducted by an tnd1v1dual Have you star led doin11 business yet' Yes. Nov ,J0._2002 Kunberly Sk<tndahs This statement was hied with the County Clerk ol 01 ~nge County on 12/23/02 2002692765 t . 0•1ly Pilot De;.. 25. 2002. Jan l 8 15, 2003 W98'3 ~w.u .... s ..... Thi' lollow1na p11rson'> are domg business as Coalnrie Kona. 1160 Monrovia Ave •B IO. ·cosla Mesa CA 92621 All•n Boru\hek & Assoc Im. {CA), 1760 Monrov1" A•e #8 10 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Th1\ bu\ml'\• ,,. con ducltd by a corporahon Have Y.Oll starltd dot111 busiMU yit7 Yts, 10-02 ,Allan Bor ushek & Assoc Inc .• Paul James. vie. President This stattmenr was ftltd wflh lh• County Cltrli of Ounae CoU11ty on l 2ftl6/02 2001 .. 25952 Daily Pilot O.C. I I, II. 25. 2002. Jan 1. 2003 ,... ..... r .. 96' .... s...... The foHowln& persons are dolna busmess as Mecca Enletpnses. 1800 E 16111 SI , #H310, Newport Beach. CA 9~3 Abdul Alkayah, 1800 E. 16th St. tH310, Newport Beach, CA 92663 This busmen 1s con ducted by; an md1vlduat Have you started doin& bustntts yet, No Abdul Alkayah Thts s·tatement was filed with the Coonty Cieri\ ol Oranae County on 12/27/02 20026927859 Daily Pilot Jan I, 8. 15, 22: 2003 W991 fktllielJ ...._ .... s...... The lollowrnf persons are dom.: busineu a\ Cedar 8th 1'partrilents. UC. 24536 Alla Lorna Ct . Laguna Hills CA 926!>3 Cedar 8th Apartments UC (CA). 24S36 Alla Loma Cl L<1&una Hills CA926!>3 Thts bus1n .. \~ " con dueled by l•mtled l111b1hty Co Heve you started doana busmen yet> No , Cedar 8th Apar I m~nl•. LlC Marc Roth . ..-,1anaa1na Membef Thi\ statemenl wn liled w1tn the County Clerk of Orange Counly on 12/20/02 20026927400 Daily P1iot OK ZS. 7002 Jan 1 8, 15, 2003 W975 · How to Place A RttlM .... ....s....... Th• followln1 pe11oni. .,, doln1 bu11nns IS f lllht Crtw Contract()(s, 61 Avoc•clo Avenue, Corona del Mar. CA 92625 Judith O Ol50n, 618 Avoudo Avenue, Oo!ona del Ma<. CA m25 This bustness ts con ducted by an 1nd1vldual Have you sta¥ted do•oa busln"' yet? No Judith 0 Olwn This statement wu tiled w1lh the County Clerk of o,a1111e County on 12/27/02 20026 927161 Dally Pilot Jan l. 8, IS, 22, 2003 W993 RdlttM hslMls .... s ........ The f.2_llow111e per sons are dolna business u Amo Productions, 1015 Muhfteld 011ve, ~wporl Beach CA 92660 James {dward rinks, It. IOI S Mu11 lleld Drive, Newport 8t1dlh CA 92660 This bustnus '' 'on ducttd by M• 1nd1•1dual Hne you \lar led dOlfll busines' yet? No Jam"' C f 1nh Jr This· st.,.lement was filed with the County Clerk r>f on·na" County on I? IJ/07 2002692677• Daily Pilot Oet ?S lOOl Jan I. 8 15 7003 W974 RditlM t.IMss ,._s......., I he followin11 per \on' .;re duin11 bus111en "~ Cl l WOR 1 H CONSUi 1 INC. 7<'l CCJl ION ~r NCWPOR I Bf ACH. CA 82663 ROGER WtlllA M Cl l WORl ~I l<'l COl 1 ON ST , NE WPOR I 8f ACH, CA 92661 Th1\ b1u1n1•u 1~ con duLted b.r an 111d1v1du~I HIYe yuu \ldl led d111n~ busine" yeP NO ROCC R Cll WORW Jh1s \l&lrn1~nl wa\ tiled with lt>t County Cl<!ri of Oranat County lln 12 3()102 2002.9280 71 Daily Pilot Jan I 22.7003 I he lollowlna ptnons ar • dotnl business as Pthna, 178 Wells. Costa Mna,CA92621 Jenny Johnson. 211 Rochester St • Unit E. Cost• ~SI. CA 92627 lhis businns ts con ducted by· •~ 1ndivldu•I Hive jou started doma busmen yet? No Jenny Johnion Th11 statement was tiled with the County Clerk of Oun11e County On 12/20/02 2002'927410 Daily Pilot Oet 25. 2002. Jan I 8. I!>, 200J W980 FldltlM lwsiless Mme s,....... lhe lollow1n11 per.sons are doing busmeu as loby's Ttla, I 070 We~I ward Ln Costa Mesa. CA 92621 Wade Alan So hlendNma. 1070 Wr\l...,drd ln Co~ta Mesa. CA 921>27 rt11s busmess ·~ con duct•d by ap 1nd1v1du .. 1 Ila vi' you slao trod domii bus mess fel / Nu Wade Sthlende""l l his \tatenient w•• tiled ""'" the County Cler~ of Ooan&t' County un I? '2110? 20026927860 Duly Point l3n l 8 I!> ?7 2001 W992 RctitlM lllsillm i...s._., lh~ lollow1ng P''"°'" ~re 001ng busme~• II\ Prndur ks 91!2 Med• let r a11e.rn [Ir, ltunlmg IOM 8e.t• h I A 97641:> Mil hart I 'id It Pr 9 IJ7 Mt'dlltrrJll•.ln Dr ltu11l111~tun Rl'd1 h CA 92Mb I h" bU\IM~S " l "" dut.l"d by an 111d1v1d11M lfdv~ Y••v \ld•t~d t1om1t bu\m .. v, y .. t' Ye, Or-L I lflOl MochdH J 5all~t I hi\ '.t.it .. m•nl wa~ l1ltd with th• l 11unty C'lrrk ol OrJng .. l.ounly on 12 20 07 20026927436 Oa1ty Pilot 0..1 I'• }('1)2 Jan I 8. 15 l'OOJ W"78 ........... ... s...... fl\t followln1 per aon• 1u e dolflC business H N Gott, 26136 Via Pera, MJssion Viejo, CA 92691 jerome Veltn!Jn, 26136 V1a Pwa, Mission Vrelo. CA92691 Th,, llUSIM$1 I~ con duct"d by an ind1w1dual tMve you atwttd 6offlc bu5'ness yet7 No Jefome Valenlin This statement was hied with tilt County Clerk of Ora11p County on 12/20/02 %0026921412 Daily Ptlot Dec ZS. 2002, fan. I. 8, 15, 2003 W977 MtiM .... it.es..._... The loliowlna persons are do•n& busmen as. MPC Secu11ne. 297 J Har~ Blvd #198. Costa Meu, CA 92626 Shannon M. Betarave, 2973 Harbor Bl•d • 198, Costa Mei.a. CA 92626 This businHs 1s con dueled by "" 111d1v1du•I H;rve you sloarted dome buS1ness• yet> Yes 8/1/ 01 . Shannon M Bel11,.ve This ~latemenl was loled with th• County Clerk of 01<1112e County on 12 20,1l2 20026927397 D•tly P1lol Oe. 2'>. 2002 IAn I 8 1 S 200J W982 Fldilills w.ss "-S...... fh• lollow1n& persons drt dulni bU,IOI\\ a\ JRA Prnmol1un\. 170 23rd SI . •U Custa M•S" CA 92621 John Reiss Aoverh\lni & Int•• ad1ve lnl (CA). 120 734d St •D Co•l.1 Mesa CA 976'/7 This bu\in"\ 1\ con duded by "lorrior.il1on Have you •Id• ted dmng bu51fl•H yet' Ye\ Uec.mber I 7002 lt>hn Rr"' Adverlmna & lnltr di l•vt lnl John Rei~\ Pr e\1dent {h" 'tatrmenl wa• fokd with tht C11unty .Clerk of O"nRr County on 11 ll Ol 20026927851 O••ly P1fnl IAn I 22 2003 O!i!x Pi!Ot TIMI. follow1n1 per aons. ar• do1n1 business as Marketlnc Slteel ''Int· 1n1, 517 Supetlor Ave., ~~ort Buch. CA Adam Nitlstn Over, strnl. 19'6 Mtyw Pio, Costa Mou, CA 92627 ff1ts buslntU Is con- ducllld by an lndtvidu.I Ha .. you s t11ted doinc bus1.ness yet1 No Adam Ovt rsltHt fhts st•temtnl WIS t11td with tilt County Cieri\ of Oun&• County on 12/27/02 2001 .. 211u D11ly Piiot Jan I, 8, 15, 22. 2003 W996 Actlllll ...... .......... T ht follow1n1 persons are do•na bu.1lm1u u . fMM Conshucl•on & lnvlronmental S.rv1cai, 1912 Chu1c;h St , Coda Mts4 CA92627 Todd M Marhn, 1912 Chu11.h St , Costa Men, CA ~ ,h1\ busmen is con duded by an 1ndiv1dual Have you sl•rled do1nc busontn yet? Yn. 1/14/ 02 I odd M Martin fh1s sl-ltment wai hied with tilt County Cl.,k of Ounae County on 12/20/0'l 2002 .. 274 t1 Oillly Pilot De<. ZS 2002 Jan I 8 IS 2003 W979 Mtl....-.U .... s...... I he follow1na per~on• ~·• ddlna bll\lneu n tnterpl1y Communac1 loon~ & f und•••s1n~ Con~ull•nh, 11705 All.,n. Tustin. CA 91182 Devon Doutherly, 11705 Allen, Tu~t1n, CA 9218<' lh1s bu\men 1s con due ted by an 1nd1v1dual H•vt you startl!d doma busmns yet? Yes 1981 Devon Oouaher ty Thi\ \lalemenl wa' hied •Ith th• County Clerk of Oun1e County <>n I? 71/02 2002'9'27H4 D"lr Pilot Jari I 8. 15. 22 200J W990 ..--• _ Dr adlinr s -----. Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. The publbher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, _ revise or reject any classified CLASS IFIE AD •• Monday ..................... Fnday 5:00pm ... Tue!>day ................... Monday 5:00pm • Bv Fax (94Q) 63 l-6:'i94 f'h·d-..c mdudc-\OUI f\JltW" .mJ rt•>ric num1'-r "'1<l -.~·11,.111 \oOU hia..~ V.llh~ J"'h.t•,fU•.Ct• I By Phont· <949) 642-5678 I lours Uy Mail/In Pt·r~on: ~ 'O ~'t Bay Strccl C1NJ Me.,.1. CA 926'!7 At Ncwpon Blv<l & B.1)' St Wedne,da) ............ Tue~ay 5:00pm Thursda} ........... Wednesday 5:00pm Frida)................ ·rnur.,day 5:00pm Saturda) .................. Fnday H)()pm advertisement. Plea-.c repon any error that may be m your classified ad immediately. 1lle Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any . error tn an adven1scmenl for wh1c.h 11 may be responsible except lor the lu.,t of the space actually occupied "by the error. Credit can only be allowed lor the fir\t m senion. Tclcphon~ M \Oam 'i OOpm Momlay I nd~ V.-JI~ 111 x '0am :'i IX>pm Mund.ly Fnd.ly ............. : ..... Fnday 5:00pm • • ANNOUNCfMEHTS [~ & MIS(. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL CoUectibta/ ~ -. Mlmcnllllla ~60 TOP SS 4 tlCOltOS nc .Im. llln:. Ek: !.(k & ED\ a Altlc. SiJlll 1u11e ~ Mille 949 645 7S05 TOP SS 4 ttCottDS ETC -a..:. Eli 511'1 & ~ IJl Ab!c, SiJlli. ti.tie ~ Mike 949 6~5 150'> EQUAl HOUSltG OPPOIT1lllY All real f'lllte adver Using tn thi\ newspaper 1.s subject to lhe F eder11t f'elr Hou~me Act nf 1968 es amend~d Whlth make\ 1t 1lle111 to advertise "any prrftr e nce, llm1lation or dtscrimtnatlon based on race, colof, reltaton, sex handtcap, famthal status or nallOnal or111n, or an Intention to mah any auch Pftfennce, Mmtta bon or dosa lmrnalron • Thts new\paf)tf will not llnowtn(fy 1u:ept any rHh•flfhsement tor real estate whoch ts tn vloi.tlon of Ille law Out reedera are herel>y infOl'med that all dwen lnp ed11ert 1sed In thtl newspa~ •rt 1veilablt on 1n eqval opportunity bllSl'S • To cO(Ql>l1i11 of dlS crlm\n11t10r1, ca• HUO loll free •I I 800 424 8590 PUTAFEW WOIDSTO WOllFOI YOUI (94~'42-5'71 \ \ ~ 14&9 [I] 2305·2490 ons 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Fumltllff PIANOS & Coli.ctibltt • ..,, .. .,....,.,. .r..........o.. • ,,...,. .... a,,,,.i •• i)l'it_f ,_,.,.....,. $$ CASH PAID $$ WE BUY ESTATES ~649-4922-soum cgAST AUCTI N 2'212S.. ...... ... -.CA mo1 .......... JI 1515 .._. --Jew.try ~., SXS t onf11n1n1 ounwous pre-. of~ lost lr'I lllCnty of WW. Ciff PINA 1 Tlll St t lllrll ~d(949B61$ Fon 1s1• rOUND IASSITT HOUND, NPB OOVlR SHORES, l OOl\S lll<C SllE~ HAD PUPPIES t4t·S 15·7040 c ..... , ,,,,. to ,,, '°'" '".,, "fHJr}H1 "'""',,,,,,,.fl~ IA1 tAt CMl1iJW Sm lu Ditta.,, k,,,..Jia' rtWltk t - mcHAllDISE ~ .. SAii l ESTATE R SALE HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Miscellaneous Services 2605 U"clolm..i M-•Y I of IOAmeric&ns are currently owed money from abandoned proper ty. Call Clovd 9 Enlllrplle:s @ ~1!>-7411! fOT rnlo HOME FURNISHINGS Mevl"t s.1., Sofa. coffee tbl. entertarnment ctr, recliner, w1eker furn. "°" patio set. queen bed complete. art Follection 714,846-6129 JEWElJtY/ 3460 DIM10NDSl PRECIOUSWTALS 3610 ..... JI. 1111~···· -J ._ M ~ 8lf .... ~-Allttqlll ~ rlMll ..= ~ .. ~ 3010-3940 ~ soo5-5&5o Bustness Oppof1unlties Businesses and fnnctllses 3905 YlNDING ltOUTt Hollnt Products +Creel locations • lltC S i 7S90 invest BOO 396 9311 (llclsat.em 6tCI C.M./frwy ConvltHflt SS I' reeway a t Bri,lol. 300 S.r. Private Bath $425/MO 949 6116 9165 IACIC IAY ClNTt• 2651 Irvine Ave. 1011 vrew. retail on site 7 14- 573-7710 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar TltUHOUSI SlCWDID llTRLU A•AZIHG ,tKl AGT.t4t·72S4120 Udoldl HAQt conAGI 2br I'/• Ba:? c 1ar, bch & '8n club 35 lot By ownflf $880,000 obo 949 &U 2330 Ind ex .. l oyol4• vi-... A Tropical P•Bdlslo 2Br wood lh. fp, lrendl doors. reces.'led ~ bl& !laeBl tv. ~ krl. i 179.900! obo Mo1ry Wood, a&! 9e'}. 584-'lal I. 7119816 • Deslro~f• Spoclout double unrt Creal v-of IUlnlOI blSlfl and City "&Ills, 48t 4 sea. ait M~ Lou Keiher 949 67S 27 HACH ltlTtlAT ,ANOIAMK VllW sot,ooo AGT. 949·7214 I 20 OCEANftONT flllt NOT FOi THl FAINT Of HlAllT AOT. 949-721-8120 Newport Coat 15 v1.v.-.i. 4.br. 4 5b1 librer y ~ bo nus room $1,Sl5,000 24 < ....... A touch of Italy 4bt 2 Sba Strada homt'. $1,72ti000 'lATIMUM PtWHTilS Stef1nle Meurer !M9 715-3156 MISCEJ..lMEOUS RENTALS RlnlllTo .... -COM 8r'811t IUM'f rm 2br Iba, co11 llomt, fp, wd, fem non srnoller only, S7'iO~mo 949 644-0323 ............ ... NI/°'-View rooms. oc .. 11front1n1111. pvt '"'· u11lu1n, &llAf• b1, uus pd, n/lmka. llltch entlte, ln4k y, l blodl 10 HtWPOrl Pier. 1695/mo. Call S.m •t 949 271· 7905(bet_ .. ~) ~ - ·~ 7402·7466 ~ .IOOS-1510 ~ f000.97SO RESIOENTIN.. RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNlY Balboa Island 3 HOUSCS rROM WAHR l ar ae 2br 2ba apt fn1. lots of sto<a(le. yrly tu Sl800mo949 675·1779 Balboa Peninsula 3br 2.Sba 3 story condo, 1/2 b'y/bch. furn, wd, 2 c aar 1906 W Balboa Blvd S2400i\~-865 1899 Corona del Mar 21r 21o Ilse, huae mstr s.u1te w/fp + Ip in lrw rm walk. 1n clos!'s. 1ac lub, le aar 949 721 5747 21w 1110 tr-t "-se 1n old COM, fenced patio, I 111 space, $1850/n•o Myrna 949-720-0146 or DebbH! 949-854·0929 IH 21A houH. dtn, Ip taund. 'l c 1ar I 112 blk to bch a Sholl$ AQll l 15 $25(l)m 956.11 2115 '-remod lBt 'l.581, It lront uNI apt. lrt rm. din, Ip, custom cabltlry a Iron W'O<k 2 i»bo&. It pr UJOOsf 3 blls to bclhl Ho ptV$ll1lt S?G!ll!Vmo 'ff u Al/Al.. l ·1'> 2m· 72'6 1001 cm-. 1 & 21r'• from 191°'110 In lovely 11tad comn1 near Trl·Squerel rtldp, 11r/ltor1p Kie n Mnct. 877·704-1649 a 9200 UncJer the Service Directory Bannl'r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 lldoble .... c....,.a.1•1 .. 1 ' aar total rtmodel beach & tennrs club S7800'mo 949 644 2ll0 Newport Beadl AYfltONT ON LIDO PCNIHSUlA NEW 21r 210 COTTAGlS Priv•le Buch. Pool and Spa WaH. to Oct1rl, Shops 1nd R"t•uranh Le;ise 6/mo 2 yr + Bo•t Shp Av1!11ble ,710 UDO ,AllK Dll. 949 673 6030or 949 723 S8JO '* YlAtlY * UASlS Bill CRUNOY RCAl TORS 94t-67S .. 161 4 . ,.. hou-.., beMJlrful cond,all~ Ip wd ..~ dbl a• avd41 now um mo 949. 759 CJJ7 4 UDO COTTAGl JBr. 2Ba 1 car e•r•11e S?800 010 Hill r.n I 949 466 5756 YEARlY HNTAlS- our th• beach, 2br. I In 2br 2ba •rt SISOO $1850 949 293 4630 Errqiloyment 8500 DRIVER 0 0 T@am oppo1tuntlles from LA to H1 Oakland to NY Oakland to Orlando. l A to Orlando No truck no problem l uu: purchase proaram avatlable Other na1tonw1de opportunities also au1fable Ava 95 rpm HE 800 574 !>160 (CAI. •SCAN) ORll/£R DlR drtvllts earn bluer paychecks. enjoy lob of mfln, dnv• state of art equipment. C Hellent beneflts l Requires COL A wrth HazM1t 800 864 6858 www •pressdriwers com (CAI.. •sc""' Pmfic ~C.~ join LIM! annual fund C41rnpalp tum Great atmm,.tn. 8cnas -d••ly. Base • comm =~c..,.. ••• per1 .......... . Prelened Pr'obltt MuMC, lite., CatlfMnte"s fHtest lfOWin1 OJ Ent Svc. Is fookln1 for 11tenttd people to svc pvl Pit Un. schooli., Wiid dln11. 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