HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-03 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 • FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 2003 Newport-Mesa assemblymen seek higher office Republicans John Campbell and Ken Ma ddox announce Thursday that they wan_t to replace outgoing state Se n. Ross Johnson in 2004 . Paul Clinton Daily Pilot N .. WPOHI Ml·\/\ rwo local He· publican a..\\emblynll'n arc already squaring off 111 thl' mLe to replace ternwd•out \litll' <)en no ... , John~on, who ha., reprl'Wrllt•d long \trl'tche' of coru.tal Orange < ounty m the Lt•gi,la- turt. \ uppt•r hnuM' '>llHt• I <J94 Shortly aht·r Jllnoundng I hur .. day thal he WCJllld M'l'k. thL· '><:<II in Lhe March 2004 pnmary. \\'>Crnhlyman J9hn Campbell an\wered l harge'> from Assemblyman Ken Maddox that he w-~ onJy interested m tht• -.c•at ,L, a '>tcppang stone to Congr~ · "If the people elCi.·t nw. I 'If pll.'dge nol • lo run for IRep.J Chri'> < ox\ (lOngres c;ionall '>Cal," Maddox '><!ad lnuNlay. ·ru lake J.hat. pledge. I'm r halll'ngrng John 10 do the !.amt• " ln a race that • .., berom111g an inter· pany fi.,t fight '"II mcm· th,111 ,1 year be ' fore an election. CampbeU !>aid Mad dox's pledge was hollow. since he do~n't live m Cox's distnct and couldn't run for thal seat. . Mlle'~ not pledging-anything.· Camp beU said. Ml might as well !>aY I'm not go mg IO run for a seat in San hanca'>l O - Johnwn. who wouJd be termed uut m 2004 after eight yetr> m the 35th Senate I >astrict seat, hru. backed C .am pbel'ifor 111., JOb. CampbeU Wll!> fir'>t elected to the 70th A.~mbly District in 2000 dlld re ek•ned an November. Joh11'>011 pra~ Carnp,bt-11 a'> "one of the rno'>t effective member'> of the A<, <,embly Hepublican Caucus." A'>..'>l.'mblywornan l'atncia Hale'> ., al'>O ~~~l!U~~~~ofi~~ ,_____,,~·~~~~·~=>Y=J~U>="'°..,.,.,........n=>_.._...==nu~'-""'.....,.~""'=~=- mullmg d nlll for tht• ~llalt' '>t'dl, whKh rc•pn~sent'> a rna.,taJ d1'>tm 1 that <.tretlhe'> from \t.-.tl Heach to l>an<iJltttflt and int ludc<. '>lllllt' 846.00 1.oter... A.-. ..emblyman tom I ldl'ma11 H I lunung ton tteal'h) I'> not l'XfWl led to be a can d1da1t- 011 lhur-.da}. C.amphl'll -.aid he would '>eek the h1ghl'r '>t'dl to Lo ntamw my fight " 'Allh (,01. <.ra\ l>a\1-. o\1·r 1h1· governor' pmpo'Mll 10 1111plt·ml·n1 tall mcrea'>l'' to help p.1y ofl till' 'l<ilt'' SJ4.H h1ll1on budget · Daw ... expt>t tl•d 10 rell•a,t· J rt'\ awu budget propo'><ll on 1<u1 10. ha' '-JIU lw may need to c111 \ome pmgrwn-. th.it were giwn funding bd<Hl' ha"> J\o\ 'i n John Campbell 1·11·1 111111 1 .1111plwll ,md Mad ""' h ,1H· oppo-.ed Da \I'-hwfgt·t 111 .1clcl111c111 lu John· '-•Jll 1 ... 1111pl>1·ll ha\ -.t• c t m d 1 Ill' l·n<lor-.l· 1111'111 111 ">t·nate \11110111\ I 1•.i1ftor Jam l~rultt H HJ11t hci I U· l 11111ura~.1 j1 '"" c ,1111ph1·ll ".tJI CJllhl•llldlllK J1•.id1•1 llH ( Jr,lflgt• ( 11\Jlll\,M IS111l1t· -..11d I It·-. \\I'll .1\,,m• ol the fll'l'd'-111 th.it cf"lrt• I I 11• It.I' ht'l'll i.I See OFFICE. Pa&e M l. House may avoid demolition In the business of dogs Costa Mesa w ill consider paying develo p er $30,000 to move the hi stori c hom e to hi s Westside proper~y. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot < c >"> 1-\ \11 \A 11wy rnuldn'1 '>ell it. "><> now. lht'} may h'lH' 11 away with SJO,(XlO thrown in to ht'lp move II llll' t lly ~.public -.t'r\'IC'l"> director will advt-.t· the ( icy C ouncil Lo tramfer ow11er- '>h1p r>f lhe I lu-.croft I lou..e tu 126 Propcr- lle<., I J ( on Monday l he rnmpany\ OWJlt>r, John Mort•han. See HUSCROFT, Pa&e A4 CITY COUNCIL Brown Act violation uncertain Dis trict attorney drops o ne complaint against city, but another is under review. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot ., KENT TREPTOW I DAil Y Pit OT. Newport Be en h (ouple grew their bu"1 11l'"i"> f1c~rn dog-sitqng lo a top notch dog training "ichool. Lolita Harper Darly Pilot S l'\l'll ~l'dr" Jg•1 :\1•1-,1111r• H• '"I 1111pl1 M tl Ii.id .111tl \11gl'l.1 (•I 11'1 1•111 .1 It•'\\ lea'h on ltlt• ~ . I ht• C .m·r-. kft Ill!' 1111 I" r.1tt· r 11 r.111 and <,<Jrlt'd their 111A11 hu'ill• "' 1\1111111.111 r to .i d1flcn•n1 breed ol luw l1·~1·tl .1111111.11 Llog-. I he l ouplt '1art1·1J.1 11111d1·'1 d11g .. 1t 11ng dnd 'A al ling bu'>Hll'"\' thJI qtlll l..h grt \\ IC I v.hal I'> !HJ\\ (,ood I lng llrll\•'f'•ll\ \Ill hael ( .ner "<lid 1lw 11111plc la.1 ·II 1 ht\ r. of domg 1Aha1 Lill'\ llJ\1' JllCI 1111•\ '''' \\11n i.: \\<1th ent>rgellt I.lug., 111· -..ml l/11'\ 1111 r~11'tl lli1 lo\e <111d l..n<1v.lt·dgt> •I p1·t' \\1lh llll'ar l orporalt' !>lilh 111 h11tld .1 rw11 ""•'" '-t'r\ 11 t I hkc m.11..mg d 111111· dc·111r1 p1·•>pl1·, hl1 \11t hael L rn:1 ..aid \\ h1le dog -.111111g 1lw < .r• " n11111 nl 111.111\ of till' poorhl·' ldl l..l'd lt•a-.1 111:1111lt'r' .111cl h,111 Olht'r Obt'dll'nCC problt•n1' f h1•ar hll'-lrlt''-' \\l'lll lrom dug tilrC' to deog 1r.11111ng .• 11111 1lu \ took on a pc1.rfrwr. la\ me Bng1•r-. < 11 h11't ol the l1Jcal l able T\ ,hm\ "Pack-A Pl·r r oundawm • logether. tht'.\ t rt·.1tl'd .1 pl.111· \\ht•11 d11g lover .. learn to 1ra11ftlw1r m'n pt'I' \\hal" gathering C\ptn 1nfonnc111011 1r111n profe-,_.,mnal-. Pmpl'r tr;u11111g ol p11pp11·-. .11-.11 help'> cont'rol lhl' populdt11111 of 'h1•h1·r dJ11maJ... ht' .... ud. \!<111\ p1•11pk gi 1 rid ul 1lw11 dog!> when the} Me 111 tlwir m11-.1 clc·-.1ru1 ll\1' phase of adolc-.cem 1 ht• "'1.ld. 111-.11·<1u 111 teaLhmg their puppat'-. thl' propt•r \\.C\ 10 .111 \1elmda Dt'Wt'\ ot < o-.ta \ lt·-..1 '•till tlw C.1ner'i helped qut>ll the ten,11>11' 111 lwr hcin w ht>t\\et."n her oldt>r dog JJld J m"' pupp\ ll 1!> ver\ dear lhilt tht• < .m·r-. g1·1111111t•I\ care and are lornmaned tu rn<tkmg ,, d1llnt·1111 for dog-. and their <JWTier-.. • Dt'\\t"\ "1•<1 He 1s ust'd to a\'<rardmg the tt•rulitatt''· h111 Michael Ljler ~cea\ed ha., m'n prt..,11wm1' credential<. v.tlen he hecorm onh the 't'l'IHHl professionally cerufied tr.imer in tht• u1u11t\ He was recognv.ed ;.\'>a < enatlt>tl P1·1 DuR lhliner by a '>late council after pa ... -.ang ,1 gruellJlg four-hour le'>t NEWPORT Rf'ACI I -11lough one complajnt that 1he clly violated state open meeting laws was d1sm1~.,cc1 month<; ago. city officials conHnue to await word on whether a complaint fiJed in November 2001 is valid in the dlc;tncl altomey's eyes. Newport officials in October received a letter from the Orange County districl al- Dog Trainer Michael Grier sits outside Good Dog University with one of his pupils. a 5-year-Old v1zsla named DJ. Grier started ttie business with his wife seven years ago. • LOUTA HARPER covers Costa Mesa She may oo reacned at (9491574-4275 or by e m1111 a1 lol1ta.harper a lat1mes com See VIOLATION, Pa1e A4 Dai ly Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTMEWEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ ft'• getting hot out tt .. re. SeeP .. eA2. BEST BUYS Chedt out theJatMt deals. SeeP81eA3 SPORTS Newport Hert>or ti1oh boys bellletbel go4tt ftet In e&-44 nonlMgue k>la. • S.hpA7 72 .HOURS A quick guide to the weekend FENG StU FRIDAY 1 A Feng Shui seminar will be held It 7 p.m. It Visions & Dreama In • Co•a Mesa. The aemlrnir will explain how elemental remedies can be lm!Mmented to improve health, relationahlpe end PfOtt*ity. R~rvatlons ,,., requ red. Viaiona & Oreeme 11 at 2A82 Newport Blvd. fof' more lntonn.tion, can (826) 288· 1869, or villt www.~llldvatt~oom. - FAMILY FUN TIME 2 The Newport Beech Central Library will host a family story time at 10:30 a.m. ~Saturday during the month in "-nuary for chlldren ages 3 to 7. Children ,,. Invited to bring their favorite grown-upa to hear the boob come elivo at thae enimated progrema. The llb'8ry 11 at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more lnfomlation, call (949) 717-3800. SONGS OF THE SEAsoN 3 Seint Mlc:hNf & All Angels Epi¥opel Churd'l will host a Twelfth Night Cetebration et S p.m. Sunday at the churcn in Corone del Mer. The event, the fourth 'concert in the 2002-03 Frlendl of Music S.riet. will Include 1 festival of ... aona1 hymns. The churd'l is at 3233 Pecittc View Orive. Fr ... For more tntotmation, c:.n (9491 &M-0463 Of visit www.ltmit-=dl'n.org EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK tr ./ lt 's ,time to fare thee well, ·and it's a good thing I l hasn't quite unk In yet. r know It' happening. r know 1r· posittw. but tbe · reality or the change 1 ha~ just lnsdtuted In my life won't be concrete lo me uncil next~ llMlt'a when I will top bci"8 a )oumaliat and switch l:BJ'~ll.. to co~ei. for •Web (i Ry the time )'OU read lh1s, my desk wW be clan. the oucaoina ~ cbangoed and the t mail act to auto-reply my S.. NOIDOOK. ..... M ------------'"----=--------~ ----~----~~ -- -----. . A2 fnday, ~ 3, 2003 ON THE . . • Making it special Greg Mohr wants his .harbor gondola cruises to be as magical as the on6 he took when he proposed to his wife. Deepa lJharath Daily Pilot F or Greg Mohr, gondolas bring back special m emories. . He especially remembers that magical rught almost 10 years ago when he proposed to his.wife, Elisa, during a gondola cruise in Newport Harbor. Shortly after that cruise, the couple decided to make a business out of It. Soon after Mohr bought Adventures at Sea -a ·Newport Beach company that offered luxury yacht cruises -in 1993, he added gondolas to the mix. ·u was great because there already was a built-in demand for it,· Mohr said. Newport Beach h~ a history with gondolas, he said. The romantic boats that wade through Venetian waters cruised FYI For information, call (800) 229-2412 or visit www.boatcharter.com. Newport Bay as early as 1906. Newport's waterways are ideaJ for such cruises. Mohr ' said "Newport has a number of islands, for one thing.· he said. "It also has beautiful canals on the north end of the harbor. And it's 36 miles of beautiful coastline." Mohr owns eight gondolas and hru. 12 to 15 gondoliers on call. Some of the gondolas are exclu~ively rowed, some are motorized and others offer a combination. The busiest time for them is, of course, Valentine's Day. "On an average Saturday njght in summer, we have five or six gondolas operating." he said. "But in the winter. it's just one or rwo gondolas. But on Valentine's. it gets pretty busy. We have all boats operating all day and into the night." llis employees also take special care to make sure the couple on board enjoys the "perfect cruise," Mohr said. "Most couple!> are either there for their anniversary or a binhday, or they're about to get engaged,• he said. "Everybody wants such occasions to be perfect." WHATS AFLOAT • WHArS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit ttie information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, CoSta Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Sailboat rent.els and priwte lessons are available a1 Marina WaterSports in the Balboa Fun Zone. Advanced classes include navigation, big boat, powerboat, introduction to heavy, weather and first-mate instruction. (949) 673-3372; the Blue Dolphin Sailing Club, (949) 644-2525; or Lido Sailing Club, (949) 675-0827. • Sailing Fascination ofhn daSMS ln boning safety and saihng year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employers ean bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Salling and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to wort with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience ) COURTLSY Of KATHLEEN CtARK Greg Mohr, owner of Adventures at ~a. aboard on of his company's eight gondolas. When 100 people are put together in a yacht, they tend not to notice minor imperfections, Mohr said. · "But when you put two people in a small boat for an hour or two, they notice everything about the boat,· he said • Ille necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS Balboa Boat R9ntals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity tor corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt padcages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $226 per boat, and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 557-5100, ext. 12, For general infonnation, call (949) 673-7200. Ei.c:tric boat rentals aN available by th• hour at Ooffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $70. (949) 645-6812. San ailt>ome outsMte Newport Hllrbor st Marina WaterSpon.s, pulled by a motorboat at Balboa Para-sailing near the .Balboa Fun Zone. A 90-minute trip is $45. (949) chocolates, the champagne, the silverware -everything needs to be perfect When a man takes his blond-haired girlfriend on a cruise, the last thing be. wants her to see is a strand of red hair on a blanket or someone else's fingerprint on a drinking glass.· 673-3372. A motorized lounge chair m-v b9 rented st Resort Water Sports at Newport Dones for $25 per hour. Pedal boats, elec1ric boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, beach furniture and wetsuits also are available. (949) 729-1150. Party pontoons, chaparnl ~bouts and family pontoons may be rented at Marina WaterSports Bay Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. (949} 673·3372. Gondola tours are off9f'ed by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 \{ia Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 67&-1212. Gondola Adwn1ures/Newport. 3101 w. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cN ises. A one-hour tour with chalnpagne is $70. A two·hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pidcup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast Chartwa In Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boa1 cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. .... l Daily A Pilot Christine Cenilo News assistant, 1949157'"4298 dlrlstine.canillo@l11timn.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don L..eecti, Kent Trept0w Box 1560, Costa Mose, CA 92626. Copyright No news stones, illustrations, edrtorial matter or aclverti'8f'le0ta herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. VOL.97,N0.3 READERS HOTUNE TliOMAS H.,~. Publ-TONY DOOERO, Editor JUDY OETTING, AclvertJ.lng Director LANA JOHNSOH, Promotions Director EDmNGSTAff S.J. c.tln. Maneglng EditOf (949157""'233 1 J.cahnO latlmaoom Jemea~ City Edltcw (9491~• ~·llltln-.oorn ..... ~ Spottafdhor ~~ ~i::ilt*On•...,,,,,_com ............. ,_.....Editor ( ... i'M-'212 jMrnlllr.l"NNI ,.,,.ciom Joie J. s.n-. (949) 642-«>86 Art Olr«:tor I Newt Delk Chief Record vour comments about the 19491 57•-422• Dally Pilot or news tips. )ou.anto18 lat1rn..com • Address s-. Mc:Cfwnk. Our eddr ... Is 330 W. Bev St., Costa Photo Supervi9or Mesa, CA 92827. Office hours ire 19491764-4358 Monday ·Friday. 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m. tcn.photof/llatlm•.oom Conwctlon9 Newa Edlton It 11 the Pilot's polk:Y to promptly Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, colT9Ct all enora of aubatanca. P9ul S.ltowiU. Daniel Stevena Pleaae call (949) 674-4286. NEWSSTAFf Deepe 8helwth FYI Cnme and courts r-r· The Newpo41 BeactVCo91a M ... <»epa =,!~~ma.com D11ly Pilot IUSPs-144-800111 June C...Ol'Mde published daily. In Newpon BMch ~rt Beach reporter, and Cotta Meta, aublcriptlolll"9re (949) 57.._..232 avallable only by aublc:rlblng to The }vne.CM11grant#•1Mlm-. com Tlmea Orenge County(9001 '-.ii~ 252-91• 1. In afNI outllde of Polttlcl Ind environment 1'9PQfter, Newpon a..ch end eo.t.a Meaa, (9491 ~ tubtc:rlptlont to the o.lty Pilot are pwl.dinton•,.ttmn.oom tvallable onfy by flr*1 c1 .. mail for L.olbl ._,., • Costa Meise repofter, (a.9J 157<M275 S30 pet month (Prlc9t lndudt all lollta.hal"pM•,.tf,,,_com ai>Plic:able .._.and local taxM I W.. N9wm11n POSTMASTER· Send edd,.... Ed~ f'llPOl't*', (!Mii 67...Wf =:~~Pilot. P.O c»lrdrl IN(Wl'Ttfffl•i.t.1me..oom ., ' HOW TO REACH US Cin:ui.tion The Times ~nge County (900} 252·91'1 ~ Qeeelfted (949) 6'2-6678 Oiap&ey 194916'2-4321 EdhodaJ Newa (94916'2-5680 SpcNu (949) 57'"'4223 *wt Fu 19491 ~170 5pcMta Fex (949) &50-0170 &m.11: tUl/'fpllof•ltltJ,.,,.oom MalnOllce •• ,,.. <>Mee (949) 8'2~1 ....... r..19491631-7126 ft\lbllshod by Tlmea Community Newt, 1 division of the U,. AngeJea Tl~ 02002 Tlmea CN. All right.a ,....-vtd. I • THE HARBOR COLUMN Worry about the tides, not free z.ing, here A hoy. Another beautiful day in So.uthem Califoniia, with a picruresque view from the Olannel Islands to the snow-capped mountains, provides yet another great day for boating in the middle of winter. city boat used to cruise the bay picking up debris. He has always been very active with Oean Harbor Day. coordinating the vessels with volunteers to collect the trash throughout the harbor. ln recognition of MIKE WHITEHEAD . their years of public service, I have two su~stions for the City Council or Harbor Comn:Ussaon to consjder for Melum and Armand's legaaes. While most of the boats in the country have been winterized, our big concern in the southland 1s the astronomical high odes this week. which are greater than 7 feet Lucidly, these tides are not combined with a storm or big surf, which would create another inlet for the harbor al I 0th Street on the Balboa Peniruula when higb • waves rrom the ocean Oow over the beach and aero~ the street into the bay. These high tides can make doclcs Ooa1 free up and owr pilings. make gangwar-Oex upward in the wrong direction. and get dock Imes snaggqj on the top or piling~ lifting boal.!i up J.'> the Ude lowers. AdditionaUy, with every hlgb tide. there 1s a corresponding low 1jde. lne low tide-; can cause problems.. too, from dock.., tweaking while c;etthng on the bay Ooor, to boaL' rurming aground. 5trong tidaf currentl> created by the millions of gallon!> of water in the harbor rmh out the single harbor openmg to the sea Ah, the d1ffkuJ11es of h\'1ng , in this area. as I ponder whether to go boaung today or head up the mountrun '> to go sJding. PERSONNEl CHANGES AFLOAT IN NEWPORT The city of Newport Beach starts the New Year with two top personnel change<> in the Harbor Resource-. Divii.tt>n that almost leave administration a'i'il~tdnl Lorrie Arcese alone in the office. Tony Melum. harbor resources director. and w~ Armand. harbor IOSpt'CIOr. retired at the end or December. These two have been active in the city for decades and took per!>onal interest in managing the harbor. Melurn, who \~with the city for more than 25 years, ... rode out the waves as the division went through many changes and an identity crisis. He has acquired an institutional knowledge of the harbor dunng his tenure that will be hard to duplicate. I le will rnnsuJ1 for a period to ease the transition. ln 1957, Armand started as a seasonal lifeguard. I le lived in Mammoth for a while beto Newport Beach. He has always been active in the harbor. He operated the first Immediately before Mclum's departure. he was working to restore the decorauve and historic firuals that once adorned the top of the pilings at every uty owned public dock.. At the lac;t harhor commiss10n meeung. there were tongut'·m·cheek commen ts to rename the firuall> to "Melum'i. Finials," and I think that would be well deserved legacy. AddJuonaUy. Annand was 111 ... trumentaJ m starting the 1.:1r,-l> fi~t boat for cleaning 1t1e harbor. and today'l> vc'>'>el L'-named "Oean \M•ep • I wouJd Like 10 '>UAAl~I rerumung ·aean \¥.cep" to "Armand·~ Oean \weep" or "Armand's Armada.·. • TIP Of TME WEEK Check the ughtne55 of th<> hand clam~ on all your ve .... -.el''i hoses. l~t weekend, I w«lb the captain on a yacht delivery to Ensena.da. MeXJc:o Calm before the storm was what we expencnt.:ed as we ran directly m front of the approaclung stonn and the high \weUs by JUSI hours. We dld 'ipot two gray whales. but the uperb visibility Wll.'> what I found most remarkable. After arnvmg at the I lotel Coral Marina. we noticed the mid tnlge pump was d1Mhargmg a lot of cold water Immediately 111\pecung the engine room. I found a raw water inlet hose had come loose before the heat exchanger -hence the cold, and not wann water. It\ a good time of year to tighten all your fitnngs. lne Coa.,1 Guard recommends double band clamps. which are required on all commerctal vessels. Keep in mind, the.colder nights will cau...e materials to constrict. allowing band clamps to loosen. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD ls the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions viae mail to Mike a Boathouse TY.com or visit Boathouse TY.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The heat wave, If you will, continues today, providing Newport-Mesa wjth hlgha in the lower to mld-70.. The Senta Ana winds have returned and will blow 10 to 20 fl'lptl thfa morning and afternoon, wtth atf(>nger gust.a. Overnight lowt will drop into the upper 40s. The weekend'• looking apotiaa, wfn'I continued nNldings In the 70.. '"'°""8tlon: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST 'T'N northMstet1y wlndt will blow 10 to 20 knota In the Inner wttwa today, wtth 2· to 3-foot we.... end • WMt tweet of 3 to 5 feet. Wlndl Wiii .... thlt ewning, though the IWtfl will buAdafoot. CM f91fNr, ttM nonhNst8f'ly ~ wtll blow 10 to 15 knob, 1· to 2·foot...,.. end. northwest awell of 8 to 10 feet. The aame will be found thla evening. SURF We should continue to eee t'hett-higha today along west-feeing break.a, with the occasional head-hJgha. Standout apota will eee aome overtleeda, though. S.turday wflt be aimller, though w. ahoutd begin aeelng aome ovetheada com. Sunday. Wltlar queMy: WWW.A1rfridw.0tr1 TIDES 11me 8:60e.m. 4.:12 p.m. 10:49p.m. 3'171.m. ........ 8.87fMchigfl ·1A1 fMtkJw U7fMthlgh 2..2&fMtkJw WATER TEMPERATURE 157degrw ' v I :I r Daily Piiot BEST BUYS Promenade mix in cluaes everything from Trader ·Jo e s to Acanthus With a specta~ar ocean vtew, the new Crystal Cove Promenade has a mix of national retailers, selection of armoires, tables, overstuffed chairs, pillows, line~ ceramics and crystal, and gourmet gifts. baked fr~h daily on the premises. and the restaurant features its own coffee blend. GUCCI AT niE PLAZA local boutiques and premier restaurant& Wllllams Sonoma carries some of the best in gourmet cooking and entertaining ijCCessories. Cookware, GREER WYLDER Crystal Cove Surf and Sport off~rs women's, men's and children's sports apparel, as well as surlboards, snowboards, Gucci started out in Aorence ln 1921 as a ~mall leather goods company that made exclusive luggage and saddlery pieces. Today ,the internationally .recognized Gu cci Company-with a store at South Coast Plaza - is best known for ilb modem and cla.si.ic apparel and ~ccessories thanks to 'tom Ford, who took over as creative director in 1994. linens, specialty foods and more are available. Tile Gap ts known for its casual basics for men, womeo and children. Trader Joe's carries gourmet foods and drinks from around the world More than 800 11ems are made with the Trader Joe's label. including kosher, organic and vegetarian products. Banana RepubUc offen. sophisoca1ed and relaxed apparel for men and women, al> well as a home collecuon , c,hoes. accessories, personal care products and intimate apparel MJUJe carries women's cru.ual clothing and tccessorici.. Popular bQlllds include Alue Doi, Red Lme, rhree Dot and Beautiful l'f!Ople. Nowcento BoutJque offers a collecuon of l·.uropean d~1gner fashion'> for women II speciaJiz.ec; in, lOnlemporary sportc,wear. '>UllS and evemngwear. Custom fitung!> and exclu.<,1vc Italian shoe<> and accei..sories dre available. too. Jtataposldon Home has antiques, custom upholstery and slipcovered sofas and lhairs, home accessories and gift.<>. Acanthus Gallery offers a collection of antique and arclutecturaJ pnnts from the early 17th. 18th and 19th centuries. and decorative aclessories <iuch as lamp'>, urns and unique finials. 1lie Yellow Cottage offers home furnishings. decor and collectible\. II has a big ~ Daily Pilot · skatebo~. skim boards and accessories. Plnk Wasabl is a UUy Pulitzer.store. It carries the Lilly collection of clothes for men, women and children, as well a.. borne · decor, shoes and accessorie'... Cassis has fine lingerie. bodywear and perfume. as well as fashions from French and ftahan designers. Starbucb Coffee offers coffees and teas, espresso dnnks, pastries and coffee-related accessories and equipment. Smee the 1960s, Dansk has made qualiry dinnerware. fiatw-cUe, glasses, cookware and gifts. Z Pizza makes custom pizza!> in a hrick oven. Customers can select all ingredients, from crust to cheese. toppings and ..auce. Retailers expected 10 open in spring 2003 include Jennifer CroU and CroU Sport. Jennifer C roll offer., fine women's apparel including contemporary '>POrtswear. '>Uit<,, cveningwear and accessone<.. Croll Sport offer. cla.Mic clothes Cor active men. La Diva is a bouuque-of contemporary and culling-edge clothing and accessories. Many labe15 are exclusrves 10 Orange County It will also have an in-store men'!> '>hop, Alex Blair, with current trends for men. Pacific Whey Cal~ Bakery and Coffee Company is a casual restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. ~tries and ae ... <>erts are Gucc1 has the best d esign!> m ready-to-wear for men and women. signature handbagi, and luggage, an endless selection of !>hoes, bell'>, perfumes, wa1che'i and fine jewelry. The Jackie 'houlder bag ($585) and Bardot bag ($585 to S645) are popular here. as well as the ( .ucci loafers for babies ($140 10 $250). Store hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. 10 7 p.m. Saturday, and 11 a.m to6:30pm Sunday. Gu cci IS on Level 2, at South Coasl Plaza. Call ('714) 557·9600 or check out www.gucc1.com. TOY BOAT O~i<: toys for lod' .ue Toy Boat Toy Boat Toy Boat's specialty. With three locauons -Corona del \tar, Westdiff Coun and a nl'w store at Newport Coa.'>t -the '>tore i' known for carrying timeles.'> 10~ for infant!> 10 adolescents. Oloo'>t' from an !;upplie!>, I.egos, Playmobtl, Madame Alexander doll'>, volleyballs, pogo \Uck.s. games, lores and wagon<; Lift wrapping is free. Store houn. are 9:JO a.m. to 'l:30 p.m. Monday Lhtough ">aturday and 10 a.m to 4 p m Sunddy. Toy Roat Toy Boat Toy Boat's Corona del Mar <;tore 1s at 3331 f-_ Coast I Hghway. ,£,all (949) 67 l-3791 . ·e ct {J t tc.oastJirie's Access Program is very convenient for me. I will finish my AA here and transfer to Cal State Fullenon to become an elemencary school teacher.' '-9+ Success A h ead at· Coastline . . , 11.eD Wlrraer Avenue Fountiln valley, CA 82'7'0N687 (714) 438-4839 ::> CD CD Q. ~ Spring ..... begin F*'-Y s. I tlCJ.ty JaJ1uary 3, 2003 Al -Newport p~ep s for Ju ly runoff deadline City has· until July l to comply with new county guidelines co prevent all pollutants from e ntering storm drains. \ rule:.. 11 \ a .,urpn!K' Lhat the r1ty i:. ~pt'l It'd tu meet Jeacllinell. NeW> that the my can meet the permll deadlmes and object.JWS L't a i,urpn~ con .. 1dering how Newport W"db 1he only c11y in the wunty l~t year 10 enthll!>iru.ll c ally support Lhe nt'w rules of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board June Can1rande Daily Pilot Nl-WPOfff BEAU I -City of ficials are optimisuc they can meet a July deadline to comply with 1>tnngent new county rule'> to control storm water runoff. and Chey may even pull 11 off without hiring addi110naJ cm ployees. Cities have until July I Lo met•t all the cntena of a permit that aJJ county c111es mw.t have to oper ate their !>torm dlein'>. The cities must take a number of steps to ensure that no pollu tanl5 enter the storm drcuns. lne tricky part 1s thal 11'<. not the u1y purling pollutant!) into the storm drain.,; it'!> re-.idenl5 anc.l busmec;.'>e'> who~ actions credte moSI of the pollutant'>. Thu'>. the city'5 1ob is 10 m form, inspect and enforce. UTherc would be fol.ks UUl Ill the field 10 educate re,1dent!> and ibusine~~ as 10 how to tkeep pollutant'> out of '>torm wa1erl Then they would do tn'>pect1on., to en.,ure that'!> occurrmg. Then. 1f Lhey're not, then~·!> the er)Jorce ment end. 1s.'>wng lttallon!>,~ A.<, i,i:.tant C11y Manager Davt-K1ff said. At the Jan. 9 meeung of the C.oastaJ/liay Water C)ualtty ( 111 it-ns AdVtsory Cornnuuee. ste1fl will prt''>el\l the cny'!t opuon!. fur makmg gor)(J on all perm11 re quire men I.!>. Though the measure. will definitely ll!ljwre !>Orne rny '>tdfT ume. Kiff ..aid lw I'> op11rn1'>l1t: thal the mfonnauun a11d t·n forcement rnmpaign l'<tn be <.1111 ducted wtthout 111n11g dll> 11c:w employct:'> UTho ugh 11 will dl'lirnlt'ly n· quire more '>tafT a11en11on, 11 m.1y not require mort.· '>t.tff ... kt ff ..aHI UDefin11ely more '>lalf dllen11011 It may not tilkt: morl' '>talT \\.t·rt> Lrying to fiK\)re out d. Y.a} Y.t' coulctach1t•ve that w11lwu1 hinn~ becau'>e. 111 ume!> Ith Llw,. 11 mah'!> '>en* tu keep tlw htl 1111 m:\°1' po'>lUOn'>. C.on'>tdenng the d<1u1111ng 11a . lure of lhe tough Willt·r -4uah1y '\laut 11.al Mu.,cum dot.I y, ill d111 ~ ·until Jan. I J lne g1"1 of the 00 page pennll that now gowrns nuc<> ~ that nu lOXJn'> taJl l'nd up m the i,torm diam'> ~tore owne" hosing down thetr \tdewdlks cannu1 allow wap or even d.trt 1u run into the '>torm dra1m Residents are not perm111ed IO let pt.-1 wa.,te run off 11110 Murn1 drnm'>, either TI1e city\ role I' to help bu..,me!>Se~ and re.,1d1.·11h wmply A littlt• rnore than a ye-cU ago. 11 loo~ed u11hkely that Lhe city rnulc.J pull 11 uff· I gut'!>..' I could ,uppon 1)11, dlld 1hen pray ii doe'>n 1 (Id'-'>... Lou11ctl\\-oman 'l:onna t 1lowr c;.aJd a1 a N°"em ber 200 I wunuJ meeting "ow, .liter a lot of '>laff umi- has bet'r1 dt-<.ltcated to creaung 11ubhl l'OUl<tOon campaigns and other ffit'd'>Ufl"> tht: goal is tn '>lght otfa tJI., -.a.td "It I'> fl',JJJ,lll: K1fT ..aid u·11 ti' nlu1m urg BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS -' ... The n•phca 18th lenttir\ 1,,11 ' .. hips and their co .. tumed ~rt·'" ·Rat Pack Monday~' ~ -wi;!. u.t. W, • ~A . • Fonner Clinton aide will speak at UCI On Jan 23. UC lr.111e will ho\t a "firc\lde chat• ¥.Ith Larr} fr ving, a former a'>'l'>l.i.111 -.ecre1.iry of t0111merce and < linton Ad rrun1"rnuon tet.hnolugy team member He will Wscu'>-'> tht· \tatu'> of the d1~tal divide and dlh¥.t·r. ul low d1v1ded arl' we?" and UDoes the Bu.'>h Adm1m .. 1.rn11on think the divide 110 longt'r t'\ t:.t.\?~ The 7 to 8.JO p.m. event " free and open to the public A n:ception will follow tlw h·r lure m the I lumarutl~ ln'>tnll uunaJ Butldmg., roclQilfl 00 lnlur mallon. (949J 824-1948. TaJI ~hips arrive Monday at museum The taJI 5h1p' Ha\\Cllldll Chieftain and Lynx W1U JrrtH' Monday ai Newport I !arbor ·~ '0'~~5~~0~ outing,, rt'enactmenl cannon · o ba11le., .um i.ail cra1 mng ~ta~1<1no\ I 111lt· Italy at Thl· rnu\eum. aboard d t t.i... ~nut~ C ,,...,, Pla1a y,,1lJ bnng .,1c repllc a ol a riverboat nc:'.(t l bad ·t<at l'.1l k \fonda\' -an lhf' Hdlk Bay Rndge. will -.p••ll I:\ e1111~ 0°1 ltH· ffill'll arid darlt .. or a "Pel 1al ba11Je rrenac1nwn1 111~ d1•c.JH .1tl'U tu 1h1· mt'lllUf) ol from 4 IO 7 p.m Jan. 10 Re'>er l'r<1.nk \111i1lr<1 \ammy DaVl' .. Ir. vat1on" tan be made by ~·dl11ng .tnd lkan \tart1n rhe eVl'nt !949 b7J 7863 <.0.,1 ,.., $50 I or ... 111 11ffn «1mplmll'ntarv hor' adult~ and $20 tor c h1ldren lift tJ 1wu\ n.., u1c.J drink 'pec1ah der the .tgl' uf I 2 Rcfreshrne111:-I he rl''>laurJnt 1~ a1 3.IJi Bn<. wt.II bl' .. erved aher the .. ail • ••ii !'It He..,t·r•auvn., are urg,.t.J I ur mforma11un. \1..,11 l11lurmc1111n1 7141 >4b 9550 --) !1'\CtA~f.~s @tj@Uilt&J@I• - NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·6,5·7616 --------, Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to OurMembe • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of Equ1pmenUFree Weights • P1lates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater Licensed • 16 Full lime ii>ersonal Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenrent Pa0<1ng • Yoga. Tai Chi. Stretch classes • Step. Power Pump, Card10 • Showers. Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape Up Hair Care • Acupunture/Accupressure Wellness Chnrc • Wei ht Watchers"" New Year's Clearance 50-7 0°k .Off Selected Styles Stop in early for the best selection of high quality, comfort shots I ·' ' , s~~~s 1m•.,...iw.c.. .. ....... , .• _ ...... (M9) 734-2121 ..... S..lt .. • M Friday, January 3, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NE.WS ., Fire kills pet cat in Newport Beach . "Jwo people escaped withoul injuries early Wednesday after a fire ripped through the living .room of J!teit Newport Beach t~o1ne, ld.Jling a pet • cat and causing $150.000 in damage, fire of- ficials said. Firefighters responded to the call that came in at -about 2 am. Wednesday from the home in the 2100 block of Vtsta Laredo, said Donna Boston, public infor- mation officer foi; the New- port Beach Fir:e Depart- ment. She said the two people were asleep in the upstairs bedrooms when they heard the smoke detector go off. They went downstairs lo POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • West Baker Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 1300 block at 5:37 p.m. Tuesday. •Bristol Street: Petty theft was reported i~e 3300 block at 6:45 p.m . Tuesday. •Congress Street: Vandalism was reported in the 700 blodc at 10:27 p.m. - Tuesday. • Elden and Senta Isabel avenues: Indecent exposure was reported at 5:27 p.m . Tuesday. • Harbor Boulevard: Petty the~ was reported in the 3000 blodc at 4:57 p.m . Tuesday. • Logan Avenue: A commercial burglary was repo~ed in the 1200 block at 10:32 p.m. Tuesday. • Peterson Place: A robbery was reported in the 2700 blodc at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday. • Shalimar Drive: Grand theft was reported in the 700 blodc at 5:25 p.m . Tuesday. VIOLATION Continued from Al tomey's office notifying them that the city did not violate state open-meeting laws when it de· cided, in do~ session. to spend $455,000 to hire two lobbyists to represent the city's position on lhe John Wayne Airpon settle- ment agreement. GreenJight Committee leader Phil Ar:.t filed the complaint last year, alleging the city should have notified the public about plans to hire lobbyists California Strategies and Willfam D. Lowery ahd that the public should have had the chance to comment. ··our office has concluded that there ii. insufficienl evidence to NOTEBOOK Continued from Al reality, it is n't a joke. That's what happened. At first, I was a politics and county government writer for the Key West Citizen. then its Paradise (read Datebook) editor ·and then features edltor. ln late 1997, r decided to move home to California and got a job with Tunes Community News as a page designer. I've been with the Pilot -with brief sojourns at the Times Orange County building and the Huntington Beach Independent -ever since. My life in joumalismhas been amazing. I've done things and talked with people I never thought J would. In Key West, I new In a -Qmlay s.n;o.-• r..:1 1 , ___ ·~ I find the living room eouch ablaze. One of the occu- pants tried to put out the fire with a cushion while the other one called 911, Boston said. · · But soon, the smoke and heat got to them and they ran out. Boston said they tried to ,get back inside to get their three cats, but could not because the door was locked. Firefighters found one missing cat but could not save it, Boston said. The other two survived. Boston said the smoke detector saved the. resi- dents' lives because they would not)lave woken up without it. lJle fire was confined to the one unit The cause of·· the fire is under investiga- tion, but investigators be- lieve it to have been electri- cal, Boston said. f -Deepa Blwratlt NEY/PORT BEACH • Birch Street Vandalism was reported in the 4200 block at 10':14 p.m. Wednesday. • Goldenrod Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported in the 400 block at 1:36 a.m. Wednesday. • Lafayette Avenue: A commercial burg1ary-wa~ 110ported in the 3000 blodc at 10:23 a.m. Wednesday. • Port Weybridge Place: , Pettytheftwasreportedin the 2000 blodc at 12:23 p.m . Wednesday. • San Joaquin Hiiis Road: Vandalism was reported in the 2600 block at 9:47 p.m . Wednesday. • Walnut Street: A loud party was reported in the 200 blodc at 2:36 a.m . Wednesday. • 21st Place and West OcNn Front: Battery was reported at 6:02 p.m . Wednesday. • 30th Street and Balboa Boulevard: A physical fight was reported at 1 :48 a.m . Wednesday. prove thal the Newport Beach City Council or the city anomey violated the Brown Act with re· spect to these allegations. As a result, our office will take no fur- ther action in the matter,~ Deputy Dist. Atty. Su~ J. Laird wrote to City Atty. Bob Burnham. City Manager Homer Bludau said the letter vindicates the city's position that council mem· bers acted appropriately when they approved the eontracts in closed session. • J don't think the City Council ever fell like they did anything wrong," Bludau said Thursday. MThey just entered into agree· ment 10 provide an educational program.ft But Arsl said that openness and avoiding even the appear- ance of a conflict of interest seaplane in a storm to the Dry Tortugas NationaJ P-Mlc.. then closed because of a budget crisis, to witness the head·of the Conch Republic give the rangers "a petition. The two bumpy landings were among the scariest moments in my life. For a feature story, I went undercover posing as the girlfriend of a person who did illegal needle exchange, seeking to prevent HN in the Keys. I'll never forget watching a dealer play with a pair of crack roe.ks as if they were dice. I've talked with cops. firefighters, Cuban refugees, mothers with dead children, accident victims. -government officials, military colonels, millJonaires, homeless persons. up-and-comJng artists and those who ace stars. I've learned that everyone bas a story. As an editor, I've helped make decisions for what got on the front page and what got covered lo the arts sections. I've written headlines wld cutlines ~ ahaped copy from reporters and columnists. It's a beady thing. knowing HUSCROFT Continued from Al said he intends to move the di· lapldaled house to a . Westside property he owns at 548 Bematd St This would spare tbe ·house from demolition, which was due since the city had found no buy- ers for the 1915 Craftsman-style house. If the agreement is approved· Monday, it would serve as. a pre- liminary step for the c:ransfer. Morehart would still have to seek Planning Commission approval. Pan of the agreement calls for the city to pay Morehart $30,000 -half or the cost of relocatiorf and abatement or toxic materials lilce lead-based paint and asbes- tos. More importantly, from the city's perspective, it is also equivalent to the amount it would cosl to demolish the house, which is still an option if the deal with Morehart falls through. ~The feeling is, if we have to spend that much money anyway. let's see if someone can use the house and we'll give them that amount of money to help make it into something that someone'" can occupy and use," said Wil- liam Mortis, director of public services. on Thursday. The Huscroft House has tested the patience and purse strings of the city since 1998, when offi- cials paid $54,000 to mo\re the donated house from 2529 Santa Ana Ave. to TeWmJde Parle. The historic home was built in Santa Ana and then moved to Costa Mesa in 1950. T ln 2001 , the council approved its restoration for use as a cul- tural museum at Fairview Park. But in July, the city decided to sell the house and put it out to bid. At the end or the formal bid· ding process, onJy two bids had been received Both offers even· tually fell through. OFFICE Continued from A 1 forceful advocate for the conser- vative viewpoint." In April 2000, Brulte replaced Johnson as the Senate's Republi- should preclude making such decisions in closed session. MThe issues of good govern- ment and government integrity are more important than ever af- ter our last sleazy election cam- paign," Arst said. An older complaint is stiJJ un· der review, a spokeswoman for the district attorney's office said. ln 2001 , Greenlight alleged that meetings between a city councilman, two planning com· missioners and representatives of the Koll and ConexaJlt compa· nies violated open-meeting rules. ln those meetings, the par· ties hammered out details of a development agreement for the expansion of the Koll Center of· 6ce complex. Though that agreement later came before the City Council in tomorrow's news today. Come Monday morning. I will go from someone who writes the news to someone who reads the news. Tony Dodero, the Pilot's editor, asked me if I was melancholy. · WNot yet,~ I said. MThere's too much work to be done." But I know when J slow down, I will be. For those on the outside, working for a newspaper is a glamour job, filled with prestige. On the inside, It is the work of a lot or detHcated people who put i.n long hours and really have Lo love the job, the readers and their beat in order to get through. It can be a grind. but there are moments of complete joy when you know you've helped inform some<?ne or when a charity event Is a - success because you cared enough to write about it, and someone read about it. Newport-Mesa is lucky to have the journalists of the Dally Pilot putting the paper together every day. They -llr')u. Alderton, Gina Alaander, Lod A.ndeno.n, Deepa Bhaftlth, S.J. Cahn, flower Carlton, Ou19dne Curlllo, June Cl.Mgrande, FIL£ PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Kristen Petros, left, and former Councilwo;;,an Linda Dixon look at photos of the Huscroft House (background) in ah album before the house was donated to the city of Costa Mesa. 'The mu.nicipal code specifically states that any house that is moved shall be brought-up to code before it is moved.' code if it allows the hou~e 10 bt moved before it is brought up to code. Soffer. a fugjtive from JU'>· tice now living in l.ab Vega:>, ha.o. long criticized the City Lounnl tor its ownership of the I fu.-.croft House. which he contend\ vio- Fonner Costa Mesa resident Sid Soffer At the end of 200 I, the city said it would use $200,000 desig· nated fmm the Home Ranch de· velopment agreement to mpve the historic . home to Fairview Park. but expected the commu- nity to raise another $200,000. Community support never materialized and, by September 2002. it looked lilce the belea- guered home was headed for the chopping block. Enter Morehart. who ex- pressed interest in moving t.he house to his 12.000 square-fool property on the Westside. More· hart intends to demolish one or can leader. Johnson was first elec.1ed to the state Legislature in 1978. . . ~ PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@lst1mes com. 'The issues of good government and .... integrity are more important than ever after our last sleazy election campaign.' Phil Ant Greenlight Committee leader an open meeting. Greenlighl said that the public sho uld have been notified ibout the meet· ings beforehand. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead'I and John Wayne Airport. She may be read'led at (9491574-4232 or by e-mail at 1uns.casa9rande@larlmes.com. Paul OJnton, Oodero, Rich Dunn, Barry Faulkner. Keny Flynn, Lolita Harper, Sean fUUer, Don leach, Stew McCran.k, James Meler, Deirdre Newman, Paul Saltowitz, Joee Santoe, Daniel Stevena, Kent Treptow and Steve Virgin-care about what they do and about this community: And I've been lucky to work with 11"\em. But it's time to say goodbye -or at least, ·until we meet again.# My leaving is a life decision that I hope will allo\Y me to explore other horizons, some literary and some to do with family. As f've said often to Tony. I love my job. And J'm going while il still is warm in my heart, before the pressures of other goals and missed paths cool my ardor. It's a time for new beginnings, and so l say. rare thee well. Wherever your path leads in thls New Year, I hope it brings contentedness. The onJy thing constant In life i11 change. • JENNtF£R K MAHAL ia former feature• editor of the Daily Pilot ea of today. She may be reached at jennlkmahsl yahoo.com. two single-family homes on the property lO replace it with t11e lluscroft House. In -.addition to kicking in the S-10,000, the city i~ aJso offering ·to waive cemun permit!> and fees. Morehan was unuva1lable tor comment on fhuro;day Sid SGlfer. a fon;ner ( .o.,ta Mesa resident and r<:<;taurant owner 1ailetl for violaung nty property codes, charge<; that the city would he violating it\ own late~ property codes. . , "The· municrpal code !>pt'('1fi- cally slates that any house that i~ moved :.hall be brought up to code before it 1s moved.'" '-11d Soffer, whose property is roinn· dentl)' a few loLc; away.. on lkr nan! Street. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers educat10n She may be readi~d di 1949) 5744221 or bye mail at deirdre newman a'/atimes com. LA RRY M. FELT Lany, M. Felts, 62, passed away Christmas morning, Dec 25, 2002. Som in Washington, and raised m Arizona, Mr. Felts was a long t1me resident of Orange County. and most recently resided in Newport • Beach, CA. Educated at ASU (BS) and Cal State LA (MBA), his career included working with Hughes Aircraft and retiring as a Vice President with Avco Financial Services In 1998. He held a deep ..._....,,_, faith in god and was active In various community and church activities Including &eMng as an Elder and Sunday school teacher at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. He was committed to wortdng with ·youth and volunteered as a Royal Family Kids Camp Counselor and tutored at the Shalimar After School Pl"09ram. In addition to adoring his grandchildren he also enjoyed travel and was passionate about golf and basketball. Mr. Felts touched many with his faith. friendship and kindness and those who new him join in celebrating his lifb. His wife, Dianne Felts, mother Nyda Felts. Daughters Lon Rogers and Michelle Denlsonde Felts, stepson, Adam Hearfson and his grandchildren, Rebecca and Melissa Rogers. survive him. His stepson Chad Heartson recently passed away also. Memorial services and reception will be held Wednesday, January 8th, 11 :OOam. at St. Andrews Presbyter1an Church, 600 St. Andrews Road. Newport Beach, CA 92663. In lioo of flowers the family requests donations in .his memory to: St. AndrlrNs Decon Fund. BARNES Steven J. Passed away at home on December 29, 2002 from complications due to his diabetes. He was to tum 44 on January 1, 2003. Bom to· Dr. David and Myrna Barnes in Iowa City, Iowa In 1959. He grew up in Corona del Mar. Calif. where he spent most of his life. He attended Mariners Elementary, Lincoln Jr. High and Corona del Mar High SchOOI. Although he played all sports very well, he will be remembered for his excellence In track and field at Corona del Mar H.S. Gifted with both size and grace,· he ran the more demanding of events -the 880 - where he held several H.S. records in the 880 for the Coach Tomlin champJonship teams of the mid '70s. After a couple of years of college and not particularly fond of schOOI, he embarked on a llfelong journey of entrepreneurship that gave him both extreme pleasures and disappointments. Never to be easily discouraged, he would work relentlessly to -come up .with a new Idea or p~uct to sell to the masses. He often traveled throughout the world In search of new opportunities. He was worl<ing on such a product up to the day he died. In Newport Beach, Calif., he married Jill Nakalako In 1993. Together they fonned the perfect team for 17 years. complementing each other In the different upecta of the business wor1d. '-t'ever having children, Steve loved and adored his dogs. ,lt wouldn't be unusual for him to take a nice, wann mldday swim wfth his beloved dog Jeuie, a Queensland Healer. · ' He loved the beach and ocean very much, often trav.,fng to Hawaii. Flahlng also gave him great p1eaau,., but tt. wun't able to do It 89 often In the la.It few years. · Help keep our city 'clean I He wlll be remembentd 89 an lndopendent, COUf"llQ80US. chartsmattc rebelrouaer that never did anything like *'lYOM efN. He Is survived by hla lovlng wtt. JIM; hf9 patenbt O.vtd and Myrna; his little brottier Mike and hll Wife MeMaaa; his lleter Sutan; father and mother In-law Tutta and 8t*'l.y Nakasako; brother and lftter In-law, John and e.ine Ralleln~ and four nlec" and one nephew. He wtll certM\ly be mtMed by8'1. . • ServioM wiH be hetd thl1 ~ JWI. 4, It 1 p.m . wtth • vt.tt.tton ~ 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Whtta & o.y Colonlel ~ry, ~ Beech, c.Nf. (3t0) 3J9.24418 (8:t8) .. 2878. In lletJ of ftowera, plMM tend ctonetb .... to the ,.. \ Humane SociMy of tM U.S., 2100 L St., N.W. w.NrtQtOn. 0.C.20037. Attn: Klnchd Spft1ta {800) 808-7868, 1' } • AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to ~ho Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627~ by fax to l9491646-4170; or by calling (949) _674-4298. Include the time, date •nsi IOcat1on of the event, as well •s e contact phone number A ~mplete listing ts available at WWW do1/yp1/ot.com )°OOAY A Feng Shul Mminar will be held at 7 p m at Visions & Dreams in Costa Mesa. The seminar will explain how elemental remedl8s <:an be implemented to improve health, relationships and prosperity Reservations are 1'9Quired Visions & Dreams 1s at 2482 Newport Blvd. For more mformauon, call (626) 288·1669 or VISlf WWW fengshu1advantage.com SUNDAY alnt Michael 8t All Angels piscopal Church will host a Twelfth Night Celebration at 5 p.m at the ch\Jrch in Corona del M ar The event, which "will be the fourth concert in the 2002-2003 Friends of Music Series, will include a festival of seasonal hymns The church is at 3233 Pacific View Drive Free. For more Information. call 949-644-0463 or v1s1t www stm1kescdm org The Jewish Federation Young Business & Professionals will h't>ld a special event and to ur of tho Jewish Federation beneficiary dgenc1es and dessert reception from 7 to 9 p m at a private home 1n Newport Coast The organ11dt1on, which consists of singles dnd couples ages 25 to 45, provides a connection and entry po1n1 mto the JewtSh community for s1ngl" and married young .Jdults rtnd provides educational ,md soc1dl programs, sp1ntual -:nnchmrmt and community 1nvolvomen1 while building rne,mingful rela11onships For m ore information, call Deborah Kll'm at 714) 755 5555. eio 225 MONDAY The Alzheimer's Assn. of 0,.nge County will host a support group for Cdre~111ers ffom 7 to ~ p m at Our Lc1uy Queen of Angels in Nr•wpon Beach The church 1s at 2046 Mdr Vista Onve Free For res1•rvdllons <:all (949) 640 1750 TUESDAY The Coron• del Mar Chamber of C.ommercc will hold rts monthly hodrd of directors meeting at 7 15 d m in the: chamber office The .:>HK.f' 1s al 2855 E. Coast Highway Su11e 101 For more information. 1..811 (949) 6734050. weoNESDAY Newport Beach Community Services will host a new drawing and painting w orkshop series on Wednesdays from 10 em. to 12 30 pm today through Feb 26. The workshop will include 1ndiv1dual instruction for beginner through advanced students m muced media. The workshop will be held 1n the Vince Jorgensen Center ad1acent 10 Manners Library at 2005 Dover Orwe. S66 for residents, $71 for nonresidents. For more • information. call (949) 644-3151 THURSDAY The International Coach Federation Orange County Chapter will host a business solutions wo~hop at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Costa Mesa The first part of the workshop will be held from 5 to 6 p.m and will focus on contracts for coaches. The second part will deal with powerful questioning end will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m The hotel is at 3550 Avenue ...................... of the Arts. For more Information, call ~lalne Arons at (949) 457-6190, or visit www.icfo1anget;ounty.com. Mary and Derwin Boblet wilt present a slide lecture about their three-year sailing adventure with their two young sons at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The presentation is part of the library's armcttair travelers series. The Boblet family left from the San Francisico Bay and traveled to Mexico, Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji and'New Zealand. The library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more informa1ion, call (949) 717-3801 JAN. 11 Auditions for the School of American Ballet's 2003 Summer Course will be held at the Defore Dance Center in Costa Mesa Auditions are open to • intermediate .1nd advanced students only and will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. for 13-year·olds, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. for 15·year-olds and from 4 to 5 p.m. for 16-to 18-year-olds. Students must register one hour in a8vance. For more information, call (212) 769-6600 or (714) 241·9908. JAN.12 The Azzonl Sisten and vocalist Brenda von Gremp will perform works for voice, violin and piano at 3 p.m . at the Newport Beach CentraJ Library. Christian Azzoni play!l thq piano, and her sister, Sandra Azzoni Wood, plays the violin. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more information. call (949) 717·3801. or VISll www newportbeach/1brary org JAN. 16 UC lrviflt MedK:.I Center wilt host a seminar on Medicare benefits at 10 a.m. in the University Club at the UCI campus. The seminar will focus on the latest changes in Medicare benefits and supplemental insurance coverage It will not cover Medicare HMOs. The club 1s at Los Trancos and East Peltason Drive. Free For more 1nforma11on, call (877) UCl-DOCS. or v1s1t www ucihealthcomievents JAN. 17 The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel The event will feature parade winners and have entertainment, a hve and silent auction. dmner and much more The hotel 1s at 690 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach. Tidtets are $75 per person, $900 for a table of 12. For more information, call (9491 729-4400. UC lrviM Medical Center will host a seminar on hearing'loss at 1 p m. at the Oasis Senior Center The seminar will have discuSS1ons on symptoms and treatments of hearing loss. The center 1s at 800 Margµertte Ave .. Corona del Mar. Free. For more Information, call (Snl UCI DOCS. or visit www uciheahh.com/events JAN.21 The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will host its monthly networking luncheon al 11 :30 a m at the Five Crowns Restaurant. Reservations are required The restaurant 1s at 3801 E Coast Highway. For more informal.Ion, call (949) 673-4050 JAN.24 UC Irvine will host Its 19ttl annual Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium, ·prayer, Protest, final clearance! 40-70% OFF Ladies winter shoes & accessories 25-50% off entire boot selection New spring styles amvtns daily! l1..C$ 4 to 12 ln a ginr sckctlon of widw, Crom super Um to wkSc •Van fJJ • to Meucci • Rangonl . CoromJ Del J.lar Plaza 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beactt. (949) 574-2236 f1day, Jd!Wry 3. 2003 A5 ·1 'BEST BET Th• Jewith Famltf s.Mc. of Orange County &po'1SOrs a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p·.m . two Tuesdays a monttl at the Jewish Family ServtCe office a1 250 E Baker St.. Surte G. Costa Mesa $10 per person, per session Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 from 6 to 10 p m Thursdays at Borders Boolta, MuSK & Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St in Costa Mesa $3. New ~avers are welcome. (9491 206 9822. • The Jewish Family Service-of Orange County has a weekly The Coin and Stamp Club mMb from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oas11 Senior Center New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to 1oin these informal meetings There are no fees required (949) 644 3244 Jewish Family Service on.n ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss Group member' share experiences. hear how others deal with grief. receive support and learn w ays to Cope with sadness and loi.s One group The Azzorn Sisters and vocaltst Brenda von Gremp will • parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for sucoessful parenting '8nd for. dealing with the feelings ttnd behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m "1ondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St., Suite G, CoS1a Mesa The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience Prereg1strat1on required. (714) 445-4950 • 'lneets at 7 pm Tuesdays at Beth Jacob 1n Irvine The second group meets at 10 a m Tuesdays at Temple Judea tn Laguna Hills The thtrd group meets at 1 p.m./ Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim Free but etdvance reg1strat1on 1s required (714) 445-4950 perform work s for voice. v101tn and piano at 3 p.m. Jan. 12 at the Newport Beach Central Library. Christian Azzorn plays the piano. and her sister. Sandra Azzorn Wood, plays the v1ohn. The library 1s at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free: For more tnformattOn. call (949) 71 7 3801. or v1s1t www newportbeachl1brary.org The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7 30 to 10 30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W 19th St • Costa Meset $4 19491 548-3884 Jewish Family Service of Orange CounTy provides d support and d1scusstt>n group for persons recovenng from childhood or teenage sexual etbuse The group m eets from 8 to 9 30 p m Tuesdetys etl 250 E Baker St .. Costa Meset Advance reg1strat1on is required 1714) 445-4950 and Peace -A Leader'<; Legacy for Today;· from 7 to 8:30 p m The symposium's keynote speaker will be Julian Bond board chairman of 1ho NAACP and professor of history at 1he University of Virgtn1a The symposium will be held in the Human1t1es Instructional Building. room 100 at the UCI Campus. Free For more information, call 1949) 824 7215 JAN.29 The MOMS Club of Costa Mesa-North is hos11ng an fJµcn house at 10 a m at Balearic Piirk and Community Center in Costa M esa. Women are encouraged to bnng their children dnd will have the chance to meet othf'I stay·at·home moms The center books to replenish the dwindhng stodt Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Manners, or Coro na del Mar -or in the book closet next 10 the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave . Newport, Beach All hardcover and paperbadt dona11ons, with the exception of magazines and law books. will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759·9667 The Braille Institute ott.~ free computer classes to people with fading v1~1on who have difficulty seeing the <,omputer screen The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave . Corona del M ar offers six sessions Call to sign up for classes (714) 821 5000 Jewish femity Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically 111 The purpose is to provide part1c1pan1s with emo11onal and spiritual support to manage illness and 11s consequences The group meets al 7 p.m Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St Costa M esa Anendanc.e 1s free. but reg1stra11on is required (714 445-4950 Scrabble Club No 350 meets Two-hour kayak tours with a tratned naturdllst guide are offered at 10 a m Sundays from thr· Newpon Dunes Waterlront RP son The reson •s dt 1131 Bad- Bav Dn11f' NP.wport Beach $20 or $10 for Cdllforn1d Wildlife Cetmpetign and NPwpart Bay Ndturahsts and Friends m 1>mber'i 1800 585 0747 1s al 1975 Balearic Driv•: For more A spiritual care claH meets at mformaoon, call 1714 964 5934 7 15 p tn Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave Suite 114 Newport ONGOING /Beach Call to reserve a SPat !9491 The Newport Beach Newcome~ S63 1402 Club holds a gener<1I rneeltng on the third Wednesday of <>very month The organization 1s open to all Newport Beach residents who have lived in thf> area fewer than five year<> For more informa11on call 19491 645 9922 or v1sn newcomers-newponbt•dch org, Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a d1scuss1on group at the Jewish Fa~ly Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between.inter1a1th cou'ples, such as raising children. observing holidays, symbols in the home and n!lat1onsh1ps with extended families The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple Preregistration is required Call to schedule date and time The office is at 250 E Baker St, Suite G, Costa M esa. (714) 445 4950 Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services 10 address issues such as anxiety, depression. relat1onsh1ps, loneliness and family The group meets from 10 to 11 30 a m Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required (714) 445-4960. Friends of the Newport Beach Pubhc Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons 10 donate The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 .45 am to 1 pm al the CostaMesa Country Club The cost 1s $13 The dub 1s al 1701 Golf Course Onve Costa Mesa 714)885 9090 A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from T to 8:30 p.m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital. 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach Free Reg1strat1on not requlfed The gr<tup is designed 10 help patients and thetr lam1hes understand and cope w11h the illness 1949) 574 6232 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6 30 to 8 p ']l Sundays in D1erenfield Hall C at •HARDWOOD• LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING •..w••tGlON l·•w-~•:.:,:,) ,:1 "" •• : .::11\t. .. ! \ft f" tM&.$ -Ill • 111., SOLID BRAZILIAN MOHAWK DENSE PLUSH ~HARDWOOD CARPET Cherry C1 $599 Pecan Flfllsh sc • •• •ecS·¥· ;o s 1 ~.9* . ""°(..,,yj~ ~,,..::.: Travertme 1a· x 18" ......... . Ce<am1c Tiie .. . ............ . Laminate Wood .... .. 1374 Logan Ave.,,.~ite F COSTA MESA (888) .na. 777 ..... (6~) VISA MON.·FRI. lOAM to 5 PM • ..... SAT.10AM to2 PM • CLOSED SUNDAY 0 . : 53.99 !I;. ':s~.....,.. '4.99 'oe:" ~·-..-'4.99 .... WHERE CAREERS BEGIN •. CLASSES TllTFIT YllllllY SCIElllE ' Imm --=--====-----• = •• ... Ai ... ... • QUALITY EDUCATION &OCAREER CERTIRCITE PROGRAMS P"'"""wr "~Pf (Jl?f""~ M olden ·West-61/ege . 964 AvocadoA~nue.(romcr of MacArthur and PCH) • 9-49-72 1·1325 HUNTINGTON 8EACH www.mar'll\lSh .com • ' .. . I .. A6 Fnday, January 3, 2003 PO.RUM . . HOYiTO GET PUBLISHED -a...u.n: Mail to Editoriat Page Editor James Meier at the Dally Pilot, 330 w. Bay s~ Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • Reeden Hottine: Call (949) 642~ Fax; ~n? ~0, 1::,_9~~8110 E-mail:Setnd to dailypilot@latimos.com •All COf'Tespondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (m'r verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissao nty nd length MAILBAG Trinity Broadcasting should cut electricit)! I pn writing concerning the o!>lentatious display of the Trinity Broadcasting Netw'?rlc: building's Ouistmas lighting. While r realize the aim of the display is to celebrate the holiday season. it seems to me that the lights are on, but nobody's home. ·nic true spirit of Cllristmas is giving 10 one's neighbor, not blinding him with obnoxious lig}Hing. lfl'rinity Broadcasting truly wanted to honor the spirit of Olri'>tmas, they would be U'>ing all the money they spend on eleclricity bills to provide Chmtmas dinners to les.s fonunate families and presenlb for underprivileged children. I .. uggest a New Year's rc~olution for Trinity Rroadcasling: let the Light shine from your heart, not your parking lot, in 2003. CArrUN PICKART Corona del Mar Union robbed voters of a di ssenting voice rhe majority of Orange County volerc; con'>ider themselve'> to be conservative or moderates. Just a few decades ago. our school boards rcOected that political leaning by having a majority of· conservatives among them. Yet, today eve~ single board an Orange County is now domlnate.dhyJiberals. I hat h;ippened as a r~ult of lht' teachers· union spending money and using influence to promote their union candidat~ and discredit any conservative runnmg for the position (A Cloc;er Look. "Teachers' union flexe'> political muscle.~ Dec. 16). fhe union isn't satic;fied with a majonty on each board. Fili PHOTO I OAll.Y PILOT The front of Trinity Broadcast Netw~glimmers at twilight. but worlc: toward eliminating any conservative's diSSenting voice. If a conservative somehow gets elected, it is onJy a matter of time before the union rectifies the problem. Wendy Leece Is nol an isolated victory for them, but one of maJ1Y· I lowever, please consider that l..eece 1s no t the real vi ctim here -we are. Why? aecause her conservative viewpoint (one shared by a great many of us) has been snuffed out by those who are. frighten ed of any d1i.\ent. That silence is a deafening reminder that 1he teacher's union has created a monopoly of Liberalism and a philosophy within the classroom that will soon change the politics of this county. ANGELA GALLAGHER Costa Mesa Costa Mesan , too, need to adopt maturity elected mayor. However, I did hear from MQJ1ahan a warm and strong statement of support for Robinson. Whatever hurt feelings Monaltan may ha.e had, he got over them in ~ hurry; his short speech was an endorsement not only of Robinson, but also of civility on the dais. As for Robinson, the poise and dignity with which she responded to the stream of vicious personal attacks speak well for her own character and for her ability to deal with pressure and to conduct harmonious meetings. In addition, r have observed Robinson 10 be thoughtfuJ and analytical and well m tune with the needs and desires of Costa Mesa residents. I recommend that those people who attacked Robinson at the meeting and those who are still attack.Ing her in the press follow the example of Why don't Costa Mesa these two mature, gracious Councilman Gary Monahan's individuals -drop the admirers follow Monahan's personal vendettas and politely gracious example? I didn't catch present-their business to City his supposed Mstunned look" at ·Council. the eouncil meeting four weeks ago when Karen Robinson was TAMAR GOLDMANN Co'>ta Mesa , • THE MEANING OF NUMBER. ONE. WE HAVE A FEW REMAINING AZURE SERIES PRODUCED AT CREWE WHEN ONLY 1HE FINESf tv10TORC:ARS IN THE WORLD WfLL DO. AVAILABLE 2001 SERAPH, PARK WARD HI .II.CK/ Bl ./\CK (XtTlSlW) 2002 CORNIOtE • Bl ./\CK Sl\PPI llRE/ MACNOlJA ()QJ2112U) 2001 AZURE Ml.ILUNEJl AR'l1CA/CUfSW0U)( DnAZURE PLEASECAll I FOllAN APPOINTMENT MIKEBU~Ell SALES MANACEk 511.VPR PF.ARl./Sl~AIC6()C010I~ DnAZ\JRE Pf..ACOC1C/Ml\CNOl .IA (XOf11Z) 200:) ARNACE R 81.A('K/ULAOC (X<YJ04) PREOWNED lMAZURE 81.ACK /Pl\RC"HMl!.Nr.(X61-• 2000ARNACE 61.ACIC/C'Ol'SWOIJ) ( 1991AZUR 81.ACX/01.A\K ()(61 COMMUNITY COMMENr~RY . Former Newfort councilman let his· home district suffer fh By Gerry Ross I n the Dec. 13 story on former Newport Beach Councilman Dennis O'Neil's "l.egacy of Service in NewpoFt." I was fascinated lO read that O'Neil actually considers the ~bypass of the San Joaquin I tills toU road~ as among his greatest accomplishments in eight yean; on the City Council. Coast Drive into its present form would eliminate the · free, high-speed route from the coa!>l 10 the present freeway on.ramp at MacArthur Boulevard just nonh of Bi~n Avenue. And he should hctve considered thai ,I.Inver.. would ~ist paymg a toll (now$ I) simpl}" to travel two mile-; within the same city, from Newport Coa5t Drive to BKon Avenue As a rc.,ult, many have returned to u¥ng CQast the annexation. I le i5 4uo1ed a.., saying. "That project wJ' built in the county. If it Mayed in the county, th~ impact., were still going IO hl' there. What we got by malung 11 pan of Newpon Beal h i., a '>hare of the property 1axe!>, which after we provide <;ervtce<. i'> a wurll' or revenue of S('vt'r.tl m1lhon dollar\·or more forever " Wall a m1nut~. I low I.lot''> gamin)( ct<.'Ce'>I> w our property lax clolfors miug.tll' the ne>;auvc traffic im.P.aci.. The free and open Newport Coast Drive. originally designed lb mitigate traffic impacts from the Newport Coast development, was a condiuon precedent placed by the county to the granting of the development permit. It was feared that traffic along Coast I lighway in Corona del Mar would become impossibly congested once Newport Coast was built out. 1 lighway and Corona Del Mar's residential secondary street'> 10 gel 10 the Corona del ~ freeway. 1 rea1ell hy 1hCNewjlon-ro.1~-~ ~ - • dt•Vf'lopmen11 It doesn·1 So where are we I 0 years later? We are suffering from almost complete gridlock every morning on Coast I lighway in Corona del Mar during rush hour. weekend'> and summer vacation. Interestingly. O'Neil served a .. a director and Ncwpon Beach's representative to the Transportation Corridor Agency when these critical changes involving the road were talcing place. He knew that thc realignment of Newpon .. unhcrmore, the byp~ road that 0 Neil chen i.he<. l'> hardly an effit 1en1 altemallvc 10 the on~111al road Ille former unob<;truc1ed. -.ingle roadway now contain~ 12 (yt'\, 12) signaled i11tcro;ec11on'> along 11-. courw. 11 can rea'ionahly take~ much a'> 15 muiutt"> to travel th1'> two male bypa'>..\ Newpon C.oa ... 1 res1denh who paid (hut who "'"ere not full}" re1mbur>t'dl for the original road pa.ad m.U1on'> more from thcir ',pt.-c1aJ A'>.'>t'<;.'>ment fax l>1s1nc1 to help rnn.,trurt tlw bypa.,.,. 1'111dlly. O'Nc·1l\ logu: ap1>car'> to fai r when hc '>late-. thal the impact'> from the Newpon Coa\l development have somehow been nunamv.t.'d o r m11Jgated b) Oml' 1Jw 1,000 plus hu1111·' ar lurtll' H1dge and the all1at en1 ,1partmenb Jrl' de..,l'l<>J>t'd, l>ven fewer n11>111n'1' will want to U'>t' 1lw b) I'•"' road. I hu'>. any fl'lll<lllllllK h<.•nelit for ( oro11.a dl'I M.1r from thl' l on ... 1n1t 11on of Nt•wp<irt < .o,i..t I >riVl' will have been fur thl'r rl'<.luted. and thl' lCIY. II \\.111 fort'Vl'f fat C '1gn11il .ant traffit l l1allt•11g1·., I "'on 1 go "' far d'> io ...ay tha1 () 1'-l'll f,ult•d ha .. lOn'>lilUl'lll \ , ... hl'n lw 1•11lwr idly or .u llH'I~ pernuttl-d thl'\l' d1.111gt..., 1(1 on ur. hut pnh,1p., lw 1 ould have morl' \1gorl'Hl\ly ddendt•d h1-. h1111w turf • GERRY ROSS is a New"°n Coast res1dt"'t eWomen's sketball Irvine vs USF Tonight at 7:00 p.m. • ......_ ...... NltM-... IOI people .. N«M 8 .._ -11dllc ICIM...._ c.d, 1110RSCN'ed by....._ UC Irvine vs Lon! aUch State Saturday, Jan •. 5, 1:00 p.m. UC lrvlM Wolllen't .... .._. praen11 ..,... The Attaclancc Rccord"- 11e1p .......... ~ .......... ....... ....... ••111denc• record. UC Irvine vs uc Riverside Saturday, Jan. 11, 7:00 p.m. at The Bren Events Center DonMe .... Moll (fOf' .... 11 Md--> MdNC ...... Cpfpp .............. . ProceMI ~-· .. llMCll aM lleM 0rp:pi11..r ... For more lnfol'ln.eion, c•ll {t4t) UCl-WINS or www.dllcllu.ud.edu DmtyAPilot . • QUOTE OF THE DAY "We gave up 20 offensive rebounds and had 21 turnovers. That sums it up." Larry Hirst, Newport Harbor boys basketball coach • Oatly Pilot Sports Editor Roger ('.prison • (949) 57~223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONS ' ) CRYSTAL LAODfROAlE DAILY Pl._QT Orange Coast College's women's cross country repeated as State champions. Back row. from left: : Coach Dave Fier. Sandra Montoya, Hanni Ge1der. Shea Comm. Kabe Stretz. Jane Alder, Araceli Morales. Jasmine Ge1der. Ava Jones. Jennifer Silva. Coach John Knox. Coach Marco Ochoa. Front raw, from left: Susie Dmoso, Natalie St. Andre. Roseann Peters. Natahe Elhott, Yanet Perez. Claudia Sanchez, Michelle lcban. Virginia Sanchez. Swah Delano. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL ·Beaten to the punch Newport Hamor Coach points out lack of rebounding and too many mistakes, which leads to a 66-44 loss to Marina High. SCOREBOARD Ill(' Viking-. IY 4 hwJt a L\ H m uw ganw\ fir.1 nme 111111ute-., findmg mo-.1 of uw1r point\ 111 trnnc,n10n. ofT turnover, .md on h.irkdoor n.1L<, 10 Ute ba..,ket Meanwhile. Newport <>tru~l'd 10 rnntcnd with Manna\ !>peed and tr:uled. J..I IR. a1 halfumt' I.AKE FOIU-Sf lne fundamcnud.s that were stresM'<.I hack m the d.1y when playt•r, were refem'<.I to a' cager., '>1111 apply to 10 day's game That\ what Nt'\vpon I larbor High Coach Larry I lu-st rrude clc.u .iher tu' boys basketball teami. 66 44 lo'" to Mann.i Manna Newport 66 44 With Paje\I( batk tn the hneup in the tlurd qu;Lrtt'r. tJw ~lor. made a 14-7 run in the fin.iJ '>IX minute-; of thl' 1x·nod. n t1t111g tht' defil 1l to 4b 'J5. ·1i:.11t'Vit -.cored in the paint and at El Thro I ligh Thul"'iday. "I remember when Cfomwr Nt"W'pon 11.uhor and NBA standout) George Yanlley spoke to our learn -;1x years ago.· Hust ~cl "Ill' \aid, defcn.<;t> and n• bounding is about heart and dt><ilf'(.' What took place in his day. snll applie.. to today If you don't. n.• bound. if-yuu don't lake care of tJw ball. you're not going to wm very many game'>. We wive up 20 o f fensive reboumb and hdd l.1 tumcl\-cr.. 111.n !>Um'> it up.· lhe Sailors (8-51 aho playt'CI an uphtU bd11lt• w1tlt out their scar playt....-. Nechm l'aJt'\1<., who got 11110 early fouJ trouble with two fouls in the 6N 4uarter. w-a.'> fouled on the t>a.<.let wiLh 3.28 ll"ft 111 tht• 1h1rd. I It• convcrtro on the free throw to complete the tllll't' point play. pulling Ult' Sailo~ do'it·r. 4-0-28 llicn. 20 St'\ond!t latt.>r. l\ewpon jun ior Andre l'im><;ell made a 111ce entry pas.10 Pajevic, who fmj•Jwd on the eru.y laytn, wl)ic:h prompted a Marina 1imrout Nt•w1x.in ..e111or (had Horden nailt•d a tlm•e pomtcr dunng thl' '>atlors' late tlun.1- quaner run I lm'l"\'r, Utt.· \'ikmw. out°'ored Newport • .!0-9. an tht: lin.il quarter. maintauung their up-tempo style. wh11t• healing the ~ilor. to loo'-<' h.tJb and on the bo.ml'>. "We're more cml< l'flled of whal W\' need tu do, .. "Obviously whc.'fl tJ1eir big guy got mto foul trou ble that helped us out a lot.· srud Manna Co;1d1 Roger Holm~ "We were able to nm m our wide open offen<;e and tll.11 when we're at our tx ... 1.· I Hr.t \illd "We are our own wor,t t•rwrny I gues..., Ill a -;en~ th.JI 1<, good becm1'>f' wt' know what Lht• DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Newport's Chad Rorden 1s surrounded by Manna defenders see TARS, Paee AS under the basket as he tnes to maintain control dunng dnve. COMMUNITY COLLEGE MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONS --__:...__..... .. atVSTN. l.MllCfllW.C I tw.Y Pl.Of Orqe Coast College's men's cross country team won the Oranee Empire Conference and was nmer-up at State. Back row, from left COICh OIY9 f1er Vidal Barragan Juan Mamirano, Gilbert Sa&as, Kohyar Naderi, Joef Guzman, W• Harris, David o,eda, Coach John Knox and Coech Mirto Ochoa. front row from left:1 M«e Brown, Jose Bustos. Mike Casillas, lf'win Salas, Sam Ocampo, Huao Cortez. Matt Pooley and Pe<to Nambo. . . . . EYE OPENER Daily..IPi~ Sports tloJ) ol fatllP JM!Oclfy 6 llOOOrt'l' BRENT OGDEN f nda1 JC1nuar,,. J 2003 A7 PREPS Sharing sideline smiles Former Estancia coaching coll eague~ manage to have fun while the ir boys bas ketba ll teams compete in Coast Clas~ic. W lult· Ult'lr pl.tyn-. lnt.'d to fim,h pli.1Y" the othN team knt·w wt·n· t om1n~ bc>y-. ha'>~t'tbdll t odda--. <Jut' '><m.e .md Rich Boytt· former r.-.tanna .. }j1ah r ,.l!,u..uu.L Hh,/ul .,.,., 11>u•Qj;•q -· .L;-·· ~ • -=-·...-..=. ~::•S-'i'.ii.!:; '>entente., on in1 '1de 11w \lo11da\ ntghl I Royct: in h1'> third 't«t'>on a t I dt'>on aJtt>r I J war-. Ill l ht· l.\1.i111.:w program, the lin.i.J four .t'> head co.tt h befo rt: taking over the < harger'. rnncludt·d ~el anoLht:r home1 0 1111ng wt:d• b} COdlhmg hi'> team to J 51-4 I triumph tn Lht thlfd-pl.u e ~amt: of the 1--'>t.utcia C oa..,1 Classic But Bovtt: and Sorce. \\-hO mmt•d BARRY FAULKNER up from the soph1inHHt'' 1111h1· '"r'll\ when Boyce kh had .1hou1 d' 11111t It fun~ ~o tompt·tttof\ lilll h.1\l' 1r1 llw heat of battle ·we were both maLng det II\ t aJI, becau'>t' we run the ..,ame 'tuft Ro\< c• said of tlw '>lntll'h'lC a..,pt·ll ol 1 tw matchup "(}m'> ,rnd I ~n"'' "lt,11 1, ,1, happening. hut the ~uh tell r I II - At one point. Hoyu· and '-,ort c conferred dbou1 the lt'll).,'lh 11 .1 umeout. both evenruall\ Jgrt·1·111g ,, 11111 timeout not a .!Cl '>t'• 1111d ... 1opp.1gt'. w~ more appropnall' And. "hen Boyte \\dlltt>d 11 ldll J late timeout to .. huffit• 111 'onw .. 111'h who had not plaved 111 .1 'tnng of recent d o<,e gamt:..,. ht tir't It l ~on c• know about the plo}. 'o ·" nol 111 ntlllt- any feather'> ·1 enJO} coad11ng agam-.t Um•-. becau-;e we havr a lot of fun on the s1delme." said Roylt' who.,e UtJ.rgcr' defeated ~rec' Lagle, t\\O }l'dr' ago m the LoaM Oac,..,1c -;errnfinal., "Somettm~. \OU can gl'l '>U l.clllghl up m compeung. you forgt•t 11 .., i.ttppo-.1•d to fun ll1ere\ not too mJny t OJl ht•, you can converw w11h durm~ the game. but Cmc, .., one of them Roth toache'> '>d.ld tht<y talk Jt lt'a..,1 tWlce a week during the '>l'a.,on ,md both root for o ne another and '1·ek 11111 one another'<> !tCOre5 in the mornrn~ newspaper. "Every once ma while. wh1•n Wl' break a team huddle. the kid-. wiJI '>d\ one-two-three t-d1son and 111 talrh myself saying t-..aglel>. Boyce ....itd '\nd just this year, I p1ck.ed up a hra1 l l't of J tournament both team'> were in and I looked at the t--<>tancia draw th1 nltng II was mine.· fstancta and t-.d1son c,c nmmage om• another m the preseason and plan to continue that trend, though Rovre o;a1d he will miss th~ Coast CJa~K m·~t yt•ar in favor of a tournament m f-londa . . . . 'tfore than coaching agam\t tu~ good friend. Boyce said all tht" familiar fact..., he encounters makes tht' (,o.i._,t Oa"1l in ilS 18th year. a pec1al event fo r him "Everyone here is so nice and personable and they always wtsh m<' ~u.· he said. Boyce also said he en1oyed seeing the d~lopment of.{.standa senior starters Joey Lindquist, Zack Novak and Man Cachola. who were freshmen in his final season with the Eagles. He also couldn't ruist pas.tjng some praise Sorce's way. •1 hope people realize tha• Ouis ls ~. Joe out of his kids.. Boyce l&id. ••• Among the acores or volunteers who helped tournament cj.lret:tor Ben NO\I run one of the Southland'• m l cordial and efficient evmts -and oh the culinaty ddigtlt or that pitalhy ~ -there ~ pubU ad annc>Une:f1\5tJ Ktt ~ in 1CYtnth ynrworkina bop bubtbaJl at &tanaa. said hit dauahtet. rorma :..ate tennis p&.yft h hoobd him up IMNIPl,,...M ... \) AS friday, ~ 3. 2003 LIGHTWEIGHTS E agles ready for flight Estanci a freshman basketball team is off to an 8-l start unde r second-year coach Jason Simco. I n lhe ~ummertime if -.omeone had asked '>t:'Cond-year Estancia High fre'>hman boys bru.ketball cuai:h lason Simco if he would ...haH' expelled an 8-1 1>lart, he \H111ld have probably said no. Hu1no1nov. ~Ill with ~ome pleasant -.urpri'>t'\ ll1Jt conunue to come tor 1he htgle-.. W11h .i team Lha1 includes OalJas Koop. c1 6-foot-3 center who averages [-----"""" 16.5 points ... per game and took home Most Valuable Pl ayer honors at the Garden Grove Tournament that btanc1a won. to Corona del Mar fhgh BRY~E ALDERJON transfer Mlchael McDanlels. a 6-I power forward, Simco has reason 10 be opum1stic about what the future hold., Joe Eagles heal l.os Alamitos +58-30), Sage I !ill (41 -35), Valencia 149-321 and Garden Grove (49-32), in the champ1ooship, during llle tournament ·we have a bright group of kids lha1 pick-. up on everything I teach them," said Simco. a rir'>t team All -Pacific Coa-.t L cague player as a '>en1or ~uard for Estancia during lhc 1999-2000 season. I It· wa-. al'o chosen 10 be on the Daily Pilot's Dream Team that year. liuard Pra.nk:le Bolanos has been •the biggest bright spbt, H according 10 Simco, who has al-;o been impressed with Kalani Teo, who stands at 6-1 and played running back on the Eagle.,· freshman team in the faJI. ·1 leo) 1ump., the highest, run'> the lac;IC"1 and gets after ii on defen'>e,H Simco said. Estancia al'>o fearures the bro1her guard tandem of Scott and Shaun Markley along willl Alex La Grand, Victor Zalpa. CordeU Dickson, Garrett McMastens, Anthony MonUel, Levi PuJlzz.I, RJchard Mendez and Adrian Ortega. <ihaun Markley (5-5) and Koop 'cored three and two points, respectively, in the var'l1ty team·'l 76-29 win over Rancho Alamitos Thur<,day m the fir'>t round of the F.stancia Coast Ua~sic McDaniels grabbed two rebounds in the Rancho Alamitos game and Scott MarUey 1-dW action in the Eagle,· 62-51 victory over Anaheim in the quarterfinals or the Coac,t Gassic McDamelc; provided clutch shooting in the Garden Grove Tournament and Teo, Dickson and la Grand provided '>lrength ofT the bench. Simco plam on teaching llle group man-to-m an defense as Golden West League play begins Monday at 3:30 p.m. -,.. against visiting Westminster. "Some of the:.e kids have never played organi7..ed basketball so we're going to practice man to-man defen e because a'i they move on to varsity. no team plays 1,one too often," Simco said Mitch Valda , who played as a senior for Estancia last c;ea.son, assists Simco. • f fe':, been great," Simco said. •tte worb well with the kids. Parlence i'l the blggc t key • ••• Newporr I larbor Hlgh's frosh-soph girls soccer team nn l,hed fourth out of 16 teams In the edl on Olorger • Cup Occ. 21 . for thelr fi nish, the SaJlor• rec.-ived a trophy and h wtll be displayed on caJl'lpus, Harbor lost LO DaM Hiils, 2·t, and 3·2 to Mission Viejo in a game the Olablos scored their 1hlrd goaJ In the fln aJ two mlnutt-a. :1 was happy that our • players 1tuclt 10 lhelr game: and tayed focuffd d pile iny tback , Mid Newpon Coec.h ........... ·"~ beeri tn ""Y pme. never JoM11 bJ more than one pt• t ................. _..____ • -_:-r• - TARS Continued from A 7 probJem is and we know we can ~ it. A lot has to do with atti- tude. We don\ have the mindset to get better;· Rorden Wa.5 the only Newport player to score in double flgures and led the Sailors with 11 points. Rordeo was Z of 4 from the three- point line. Pajevic scored nine points. four in the first quarter and live in the third period. Senior Owe Ouneron contributed eight points for the Sailors. The VikiQgS were led by James lmnbert and Matt Brennan. whom scored 14 points each. "I don\ think you ever saw a unit of five competing for a com- mon goal in thai game." Hirst said NolllMgue ~lie, Nliwpoft 44 Manna 18 18 12 20 -ee Newport 8 10 H 9 -4' M9lina -Lambel1 14, Brennan 14, Brown 13, Bedter 5.Lee 1, McNeme 12, Hung 3, Oiecidoe 2. Rivera 2. 3-pt. goals -Lambelt 2. Brennan 2. Brown 2, McNeese 1, Hung 1. Fouled out -Lambert. Technicals -none. N9wpoft Harbor-Pinesett 2. l..o\Nenthal 4, Pajevlc 9, Rorden 11, Cameron 8, Hernandez 5, Glassic 5, Pemne 0, Hunttlf 0. 3-pt. goals -Rorden 2, Cameron 1. Fouled out -none. Tectm1cals -none. S PORTS DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Newport's Nedim Pajevic (33) attempts a lay-1.lp and is fouled on the shot in the first quarter by a Marina defender Thursday night. -HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Eagles lose touch Estan cia shoots 17% in fi nal two quarters and fa lls to Centu ry, 56-43, Thursd ay. Bryce Alderton Oa1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -From boun1y to fallow, the Estancia High boys basketball team saw its shooting touch dwindle to a paltcy num- ber -l 7% -in the second half and a thirsty Cenrury 1eam drank from the fountain of victory. The Centurions (9-5) out- l>COred the Eagles, 29-12, in the · final two quarters and heal the host Eagl.es, 56-43, in a non- league game Thursday. had a meltdown and basically a dose game turned in to an ugly score." Century\ Omar Castillo c-Jme up with three \teal<, illld Inc C..e1a. who tame orr the bend1 to ..core I 0 pomh, a~dcd one in the final run as Estan- cta struggled 10 get the ball past mid- Cent.ury Estancia 56 43 the first half on 4-of-5 shooting. ~(Pinto) is their best scorer so Wf' put one of our better defenders {Hugo Sanchez) on him,· said Coomb'>, who gave the F.agles' credit afterward. • (Fs- tancia will have a sue cessful ~n. They play solid basketball and it shows in llleir court against a pressing defense. record." . HTI1ey always plaY. very good The Centurions' leading defense and they are patient on scorer, David Sok. had 17 of his offense and that is the fom1ula 19 points in the first half includ- for l>Uccess." ~rce said. ing hitting 5-of-B from behind Estancia led from 4:14 left in llle arc. Hugo Sanchez collected the first quaner until a Ce1a 13 of his 19 points in the fourth drained a 1hree·pomter 'to give quarter, hitting on 5-of-6 field Cent"ry ~lead for good on its goal attempts. open~s.-.ess1on of llle fourth Non6Ncue quarter. The 1-.agles' bisgest lead Century 56, Est.anda 43 came at 30-22 with 2:54 in the Score bY Ouartere - 0 YOUTH TENNIS .Van' t Hof sparkles , Newport Beach's Kaes Van't Hof, the son of Robert Van'ttfof, teamed with Eric Roberson of Sacramento to win the USTA Su- pemational championship · in doubles, and was runner-up in boys l6s singles Thursday . to complete the week-long tourna- ment In Tucson, Ariz. Vclrt~ Hof, 4&h in the natJor1 tn boys l 6s and a student al Maler Oei ijigh. WdS seeded No. 12 in singtes and sailed ~ Nos. 8, 4 and 2 before falling to Madek ~t d Marathon. Aa. ln the 6nal. 6-3, 6-4. The doubles victory came with a 6-4, 6-3 decision over Sykut and his partner, Czerwinski. YOUTH BASKETBALL Simpson clutch. He hits_'two free throws in closing seconds to help Newport take third place in tournament. The Newpon·Mesa seventh-grade All-Net boys basketball team went 3-1 in the National Junior Basketball Holiday Oassic to take third place. P.J. Slmpeon hit two free throws with five seconds remainjng to give Newport a 62·6 1 victory against Murrieta in the third-place game. Joe . Eberhard led the scoring with 17 points followed by All Meshldn (10). Kyle c.aJdwell (nine), Robbie Boyer (eight) WUl K.eUy and Simpson (seven apiece) and John Swift (four). .N~rt lo~t lo Fullerton in overtime 1n the semifinals. 41 -39. ln the firsl game Newpon OYert:a.me a 13-point defiat with four mmut~ remaming to send the game to O\Utime and ~t on to win. 51-48, againsl Laguna Hills Jamie McGee led the scoring with 22 points Wlth Boyer adding 12 and RJ. D'Cruz tallying SlX ln Game 2 Newport held off Murrieta. 47·45, with McGee leading the way in scoring Wlth 15 points followed by Simp'iOn (eight), Boyer (seven), c:aldweU (six) willl Jonathan Howse ai1d Eberhard each tallying four points apiece. Newport puts its 4·0 league record on the Une against Riverside Jan. 5· al Arroyo Valley Hlgh. In eighth-grade boys action: • Newport pulled ahe-cld with two minutes to go and finished , with a 49-41 victory over San Oemente. Both teams matched each other basket-for-basket for a majority of the game Nkk )oDflS led Newpon m scoring with 17 point~ while Hunt Rychel added 12. Strong defense ~ provided by Adam SmJlh and Junior Hrmandez a., Newport improved 11c, Jeaguc record 10 2-1 with a game againc,t ·1rabuco I hUc, at<>< C Jan. 6 up next. Breakers claim third Newport Beach girls under-13 team defeats Aliso Viejo in overtime shootout for 4-3 win. The Newport Beach Breakers went 2-1, mcluding a defeat over Aliso Viejo m a shootout to talce third place in the 2002 Costa Mesa Oassk 1"5t weekend. Estancia (lo-4) shot 50% (1 1 for 22) in the first half but made only four field goals in the sec- ond half. An opportunistic Cen- turion defense forced four con· secutive turnovers in the final 2:40 as Century out.scored the Eagles. 13--0, to end the game. second penod on a Jordan Century 10 11 1 21 Estanoa 16 15 5 1 S6 lne girls under-13 silver 43 all-star soccer team from AYSO Rewon 97 was tied with Aliso, 2-2. at the end of regulation m the third place game. goab for Newport m Its ~ I victory over Garden Grow in 1he toumamen1 opt>ner. fht' Brea.ken. tied Tiena '>allto from San Diego. 1 I . in the <,econd 1oumament game bdon:-lo:.m~ to eventual toumament-champ1on Mission Viejo U1 the thud round Rut the Breakers suU ..erured a second-place finish m pool play and advanced to a mt>dal round game against Ah~. Stroman nine·foot basket from Century _ Dodge 4. Menooza 4, llle ba-.ehne on a pass from Man SanctiBZ 19, Solt 19, Castillo o. Ce1a Lachola. 10, Leyva 0, Mann O. Torres O. A three pointer an a layup by Romero o. Verdino. Novak alon" with two-pomt bas-3-pt_ goals -Sok 5. Sanctiez 3. Ce1a 2 ·Thal was our poorest effort or llle season all away around and the result was a loss." said Estan- cia Coach Ouis Sorce, who got his first coaching job in the mid 1990s overseeing Century's l>Ophomore team under curren1 V""dJ"Sity coach Greg Coombs. ··we n Fouled out -Dodge kets by Joey Undquist and Carlos Tedm1cals-none Pinto were the only field goals est.nae -Pinto 10, Lindqu1si 8, for E<,tanc1a m lhe second half. . Stroman 3, Cadlola 12. Novak 5. Sankey 4, Hoffman 1, Andersen O Pinto had eighl of hi~ 10 3.p1goals -Cadlola1, Novak 1. point'> in the flI'St quarter while Pinto 1 Cachola, the team's leading Fouled out -Cadlola \Corer, got all of his 12 points in Tedlnlcals -none HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL YOUTH TENNIS CdMhangs on for 46-42 v ictory Rob1mon, who stands at 5-9. took advantage of her height agamst the 'imaller CdM defend- ers. getung the ball m the low McCoy's free throws at the end seal second victory in Santiago To urnament. -r. post and converting within five feet on nearly all of her baskets. Corona's Aryn Dimas, who stands at 6 feet, didn't play be- cause of a Kcoach's decision, H but will be back in action to- Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot GARDEN GROVE -With the night. game on the line, Corona de! Mar CdM implemented a f\111- H.igh'.'! Jackie McC<7f delivered. court press defense In the first The 5-foot·9 senior guard for quarter that led to some steals Coach James Barlca.low's glrls and subsequent conversions. basketball team trit 5 of 6 free McCoy and senJor Kelliann Klein throws in the closing minutes to both hit two three pointers in stave off a comeback by Univer-the first quarter as junior poLnt sity (LOs Angeles) and the Sea guard Colleen Marks h?ld three Kings (4-n won, 46-42, to ad· assists In the period. Klein 6n- vance to tonight's final round of · lshed with 12 points pool play at the 13th annual Senjor MadJson Otterbein Cavalier Oa.ssic Thursday at blocked a shot on a Wildcat shot SantJago High. an empt In the lane and had McCoy convened on 9 of 12 three ste.als and 6ve rebounds. rmm the foul line and tlnished .wl think we're sitting fn a good with a team-leading 16 points to position long as we don't let heJp CdM win its second cdn-up (lonlght} ... BarlcaJow said. secutlve tournament game, Corona raca Rancho AJM11'°" though It didn't come easy. The tonJght at 6:30. A win puts CdM Sea Kings led, 24-10, with 4:56 In the ch4.mplonJhJp game Set· remainlng in the first half but un.fo y at 8 p.m. didn't hh a Oeld goal for the next l 0:36 until Junior forward Lau· ren Snell hit a Ow-foot &hot ofT a pasa from Sarah S'en-1 to put 'CdM up. 32·23, with 2:20 to go ln the thlrd quarter.· "The most Important thing la that we won tonight," Ba.rbJow d. "The only problmi we had ronJ.ght wa.• we couktn' stop (UnlversJty's Randallna Robin· ton).~ RoblruJon led all ICOf'eB with 38 pointa lncludlnc 15 of the team'• 17 fourth~ polott. CdM 4t,~42 CdM aoo...~ • I 12 .. Unlvw.lty I t I 11 • u CCHOM .. Mir ·Snell 9, ou.rt>ein e. Kltln 12, McCoy 18, C. Malb !, SWn 0, HMec:hen O, A Merta 0, SUllt O. 3-P4 goel1 Klefn 3. McCoy 2. Fouled OU1 • none. Tedlnlcal1 -; none. UftMl_,..,-IC, M.j110, Aoblneon 38. Je"9rwoil 2, CMuta 2, Vil~ o. HooUt o, Cm o. £.aUnd.lr,Af h4ll1 o. J Melle O 3iJ1t. goell -none. • Foui.ct out -Oltlta. T~·non.. Glatch sizzles at Supernational s TIJCSON. Ariz. Alexa Glatch. a Newpon Beach 13· year-old, won the singles and doubles champion.ships in the girls 14 division at the USATA Winter Supemational Olampi- onsips in this past week. In addition to her two crowns. she was awarded the Sportsman- ship Award. Glatt also received the gjrls 14s Sportsmanship Award for llle 2002 Southern c:alifomia Sect.ion of the USTA earlier ln the season. In singles. she defeated Lauren Sabacinski of Pembroloo Pines, Ra, 6-3, 6-3 for the singles title. She defeated her doubles part- ner. Logan Hansen of Santa Monica. 6-2, 6-4, in the semilin- F1n doubles, Alexa and her part- ner saved their best performan~ for the final match.. wowing the crowd with strong net play, deft volleys and powerful overhead smashes -winning, &-0. 6--0. a rare feat for a national champi- onship match. SCHEDULE TOMY ......... ' College women-Unlvwslty of S.n Francieco •1 UC INine, 7 p.m. High ldlool boyt-Rio Condguo et Sege Hifl, 7 p.m.Hlgh ldlool Oi11t -CofoN ~ M•r et Santiago toumemtn\, pool pley, vs. Ranmo Alemltot, 8 p.m. .,_. High~ glr1t-Meter Dei et NMpor1Harbor,3!16 p.m. W.Wpolo High~ glr11-El Toro et Newpoft Herbor, 10 a.m. tmx•4 High ed1004 -~ Hel"bor et &tanda Tournemtnt. 3 p.m. NCW])()rt eventually won !he game on a shootout, 4·3. with goals from Shannon Boler, Lexi Jenkins, Courtney Mcintosh and l..aUttn Terry. who saved the last -;hot on goal to preserve the win. Boler and Marla Swift scored in regulation for the Breaker~. Boler and }oale J~ l.cored Throughout the tournament the Breake~ received '>Lrong play from Swift at -.weeper. Oaltt Cast:Ulo al center mid· field, Monique Conant and Tempeat Blaine at outside half, Jenkim, Kelly Rarden and Ou1sty othaveT at marking back, Mcintosh. BOier. Jogwe and 'Jerry at striker with Terry. Olhaver amt Rorden sharing goaltendmg duties. The Breakers begin area pl'1y Jan. II Cliff ords lose ti ebreaker Girls under-12 team from Corona del Mar· ties two teams for top spot in the bracket. The California Crary Oilfords, a girls under-12 soccer team from Corona del Mar in AYS-0 Region 57, tied two other teams at the top of their pool-play · bracket in the Area HQ Tournament o( Ouunpions. But the Oiffonts were eliminated from further competition by one point when records were matched and 1oumament officials had to go to a ·goals vs. goals against• tiebreaker The tournament conSL'-ted of teams from Costa Mesa, Newport Beach. Tustm. Yorba Linda and ML...sion Vie10. ln other Region 57 play: • The Corona del Mar Region 57 Gold All-Stars won the pool championship game but lost in the finals to Long Beach at the Costa Mesa OaMic last weekend. Amy Youngman allowed only one goal the entire tournament. Softball set for Jan.· 11 Glrls ages 5 to 14 will have one more day to ign up for the Pa· ci.6c Coast Glrls Fastpitch Soft- ball 1.ea3Ue. The recreational softball league will hold a last-chance open registration. and player evaluadon.<i on Jan. 11 at Bonita PREPS Continued from A7 wtth the Job, aft.er he complaJned about 1 void on the microphone. Raised In Indlana, where he became another Hooaler hooked on boopa, KrelJle wet he atlll enjoys calling gem - about cwo a night during the tournament -and plan.a to continue ln chat role for u long aa Sorce rema.l.n the coach. •1 think we'O go out together,• Nld ~ltle, whOM understated ttyte la one matt pm a.ruiounc &hould emulate. ••• Creek Part ln Newport Beach. First ·time registrants are re- quired to bring a copy or their birth artlficate to show as proof of age. Pradjces begin in FebruaJy. Call (949) 224~ or visit the league Web site al www.pcsoft- ba.ll.org for more lnfonnation. Those holding their breath for the hlring ot a football coach at f.a t.anda may want to exha.I . Tun Pand, Estancia boyt athletic director, laid procedu,.J probleml haw delayed the mandatory tO-d y _period lo which the Job ll adverdMd wtthin the dfttri.Cl. Panel a.Id he h.opes to begin lnterviewfn8 candidates In lare January. Panel aJ.eo aald he hu had about a dotA!n lnqulrlet about the position. but ls unaure how many of those will actually apply. He Mld a teech!ng position wW be ofreied with enouch llalbWty (lndudln1 open!np In phjllcal educadon} u not to limit appUaMiu. Dally Pilot 2640 __ w._____ LepllladCll 2MO ,...., .... 2640 llpl Mobs 2640 legal .... ISCIHJI "'UCllOOO HAUc&. is ~v•o tNt ,.._..._ N11tW-w.ana ~............... -naOf IOOOOf PITl'flOllTO U..P__..•-Au pursuant to Sections -V-.._ ~~ -APPUCATIOI TO AaM f8BtATIOfi ,·=-~7)i-11701 21715 of the ......... MIO-CYCUilVllW Or --S8UlCOltOUC llVBAGIS -··--•..I.. .._ _, u Bu11n-:.,s~ ... and Proles Tfle follow1n1 p«sons .~:::l-=PIT Tht l11llow1111 "~""'" O•to-of f 1trna Ap1•h !"WU___ ""t1ee l5 he1eby a•ven "ons """'"• Section ~ are dotnc but.inen H tMNMlNTATION ••e d<iina bu\tn<!\\ .t> C•hon O«<•tnber Ill PltftJ.llCllll•Pf th1t Anti Recovery of the Penal Cod&, CMnucopla ConS<Jlt.1n1. MCGT rtUffA 120 N /i1.J'/ • S.1v1u ht& 1ubmttted NCWPOftl MCSA SClf 3134 Count1y ClubOme, Pt.AN•NO'LAN Tustin AH Suit,. A ru Whom It M•y •'flllOUl•PKll an appl1e11hon tor Use STORAG£.1550-Hewport Coil• Men, CA 91626 •OOINOUMPOI THI Newport Be•<.h (dlt Co11t.con lhe N•m•(\) •llAISllA&1•PKYl P.,mll !he requul Blvd . Coste Mesa, CA 2344 OOWttTOWN forn1a 94'66' ul Ott Ai>Ph<•lltl\I I\/ would allow the use of 9'2621 will ult by Dntd P 811afand, 3134 UOlVllOf'MI NTPLAN M(CT INC 1CA1 7100 di• f'AC..lf ll WHI Y J.IAl$IUU IJ'Q9erty IP< , 1lmited compel1hve btddt"C on Country Club Ono, TH[ COSTA M(~A W Co•'I Hwy Sutt~ CllYS!At fllVf I f'',HIP CASl*l.A21"41 ••hill• sefe\ t1c1l1ly r10•b001u11y 27. 2002 11 co,11 Meu. CA 92626 :tr~vv ~~Lol P :~oN ! •257 N~wpott H'4lh The •1Jphu11h 1is1~ lo 111 heirs, beneli within an e 11 5t1na • m Auchon to be 2344 PUBLIC HCARINC FOR C.ah lo1n1..19?66l abnv, "" •PPlvm11 to dMlel, c.Nditorl,. con commerttal property held at 2550 Newpo1 t lh1s business 1s con CONSIDERATION Of THt lhl\ bU\IM~\ 1~ 11111 th• u .. 1,.rtme11t of S1nt.1 the operation Blvd •. Costa Mesa, CA ducted by an 1nd1v1dual MID CVClE REVllW Of ducted by •n md1vtduat Al i ohnl11 Brver •tl~ Unsent crlldtlOfS -ind 111cludes the brohei•ae/ 92627 Prope1ly to be Have you ~tarted do1n1 Han 1nu \l.,ted <1mi111 Cuullul tu \o:ll .olluh<1IK. pe!SOllS who may oth ule ol •ulomobtles, the sold o follows m1sc1I busmen yet' No lHE l999-2004 REOE busme\\ y~t ' No bcve .. ~fl .ol 79& I tlWIH ba inlt1t1oled tn CahforntaDepartmentol l1 neous houuhold OntdP B1111land VE LOPMENl IMPL[ Ml GT ln1 , ""' l'AClftf.~ CUASI HW'I' lht wtlt or estata. or Motor Vehtcle\ requllts food~. P•<lOn•I item~. This statement wn M[NTA TION PLAN AND 1d~nl Nl Wl'IJH I !;OAS I t A both, of· PECYL JANN p1ov1\1on ol " veh~le urn1tu1e, •PPll•ncu. flied With the County PlAN AOOCNOUM fOR Tl"' \l•IMt•rrl Wd\ 'llb'>I BECHLER •k• PEC<YC J dt~pl.oy are1 for •I least and clothing beloneina Clerk ol Oranae County THl DOWNTOWN R£D£ filed 011lh lltt L"•nly l11J• uf li.~n'o<" BECHLER •k• PEGYC o11e •el1'cl" lhe \ubrect lu the lollow1111 on IUI0/02 VElOPM,[Nl PLAN CN Cieri\ ut ()r~n~· 1 ,,,,..t1 Ai ull•<l '"' 41 ON ll[CHL[R aka PEGYC l•uhty wtll •ll 8, 1 N1mt Umt• 20026926U1 VIRONMENIAL O[l[R nn 1111 0/ 'Al£ ijf£11 ANU WINI JANN MARSllALL •ka b • b Marh Ce<m•n, lB 37 Oa1ly Pilot Dec 13 20 MINA llON CXEMPr 2002692S2S1 I •t1"'~ "t •Cl PEC\'E J. MARSHALL "1"81 e lwten the llllS PUBLIC Hf.ARING " "" r " • PCTITION fOR PRO •uti>mot»le dtdler and BefondaO'C1n1. 70 27. 2007 Jan J, WI LL BC HU O AS 1Ja11y P1lul UPl 77 "/«JI Odofy 1'1lot o .. c 'l1 1\Jll'l " the buyer w•th 80't of Pat Richards, 216 2003 f 146 l•n 3 10 11 2003 I 1/0 Jon l lCI 2003 f If,() BATE has been filed by tht ~•hicle dehve1tes 10 V1naco Medical Croup ~~ Fot.LOWS --~ --- KIMBERLY MAR~HAll o1.cur oft 1olte Tht 2~ ,___ OATf, Monday January ~-.... s , fidl""51usims fRAHCOS tn tht Su~ P•uperty " looted '" Jame,Mub4e,3)() ... S...... 13.2003 "-S....... "-S....... rt0r Court of Cihlorm.i. the APf 01st11tt Clen A Younc. 340 lhe followm1 persons TIM I: 6 30 PM. or ·~ lhe lnllowma µ~1\on• lh! fullowm& ""' .~"'' Co,unty o~pRA~GI r Property l<Kated al John Cooper J6~ ••• doina business o ~f~;, as pus\tble tho-IP 11t <lhtng tiu~111a's '" "'" tl!"nil bu\tne" '" HE dlT ON OR 4SOO Campui Ortve K•ryn Brode~ fhe Beach B•ll 2116 W Genev1un Wtt> J69 I Ab•\' Cu11,tru1 t11.n PROBAT( requnh lh•I Suite 320 ~Crady 717 • 'LACI: City H•ll I/th '>I •l I o•I• M.,.,,. i, I 41 p •It• ad• Ur KIMBlRL y MARSHAL l lhts pro1ect hn b~en RH. HARD SI OD ER S Oce1nf1ont Newpo11 C.onleren<e Roum IA CA 9'l6Jl tluntm.1.,11 Bu< h I A FRAHCOS t>e appointed reviewed, •nd ti has AUCflONHR Beach, CA 92663 17 fa11 Ortve Co\I• Klf1t Adel~ Perry IOI 9?641 • U personal rep<eunla been determined lh;it ti Publ1•hed Ne wport lhe Bearh B•ll Corpo Mesa.C•hlorni~ Ptnrin l"e t .. nt f.11\IJ 0Jn•PI '><u1de1\" bl41 hve to •dm1111ster Ille " <.oteeoric411y uempl Bu<h Costa Men Daily ••lion <CA) 3700 New PubflL coniments '" Me'a t,A 9'/t.'/7 p,.1o,,1<11• tJr Hu1th1t•lo.11 est1te ol "1e det.edenl undt• the requ11ements Pilot December 27 2002 port Blvd #100 New either oral o1 wHllt!lt '"" bu"""'· ,. <1111 H•~d. i A 92647 • THC PETlllON reqursh of lhe Cahlornta Env1 l•nua1y 3 2003 rJ69 po;~,~e:~~.n~~~~on Imm may be pre\ent•11 dull•tl l•v •" ind1w1r1u•I ltu' t,u.,111"'' ,.. "' 1utfl0<•ty lo iidnuniste1 1<1nrnental "u•ht• Act ducted b• a corporation durmll the pubhc hear Ha•• yc•u \l.arl•<I 1lr.1n1• 1lu<l•1l O• •" ""''•11111•1 lh t l d lh " ' fidl"-s ..........__ ' me for furlhN mtr,r • e "' ~ e u~ er • unde1 Cl•" I I 11sltn& . -H.ve you started dom11 malton. telephone < 7141 bu\IM\\ f•·I' Y•~ I I ~h•• r~u .I dried "'""" lndepen ,enl dm1n1\ r dLlhltes "-S...... business yet' Yes. 1980 7')4 5635, 01 ••sol the 91$ IHJ<lll•" v•t> No t111ton O Estate\ All U\t Permit UP?002 The Beach Ball Cor 111111 h11y 0•111el Sdndns Clh•s Authonty wtll •ll•>W 0'>4 I\ \lh~du~d 101 rh .. follnwrnc per\On\ pouhon Redevelopm~nl Atttnly Tilt\ ·.IAl•m•nl w•\ I Thi• 't•l~rn.nl ..... , lhe P"rSO'l<ll l'l'IJr .. sen ,,...,, ... by !ht Pl•nn1n11 M• doon(l busmen H Sandt Cofftt Prnodent . ~~·\~~0• o~:~;ily c~~:~ l1ted with th• c.;"""' r ftled w>tlt II•< •.c. .. nl y l•ltve ta lake m•ny rlep.,lmf'nl ol the C 1 ll•.tltly Man•11ement lht!\ 'l•lement wn Iler~ ''' 01 '"II" f,.unl; Irr~ •I IJ•M•~"' 1 •u11ty action~ without obtilin •11 Ntwport Bu• hon 10~ s~rv1<e\ Company. 4?1 hied with the County Me\a Cahlurni• lh·· un 11 26 I). on I/ 11 O'/ •n& court •PPIO•dl •Itri lue\d•• i.nuar• Brookhursl Slr,cl 11228 Clerk of 01•nae Co I oflice " open 800 AM 20026927772 200260092103? I Before l•k•nii certain I• ?OOJ w r:llen ,.,m' A, An•h•un CA 92801 • un Y 10 S OO PM Mond•y [Jail• t'rlot Ul'l 'l1 /()();> lJd1I• f'ol<>I D,., 71 lOOl verr 1mpo1t1nt •d1nn\ t M•ll!ll •nl INVI 2950 °2"00121161932'°..26 1S throu(lh hodo I '3 10 II """] f 111 1•11', ti) 11 ?"'II f 11.• howtnr the µe,.on•I m•n ' °' '"Pul r rlal,.d I hi r lammgo Roild •l ,. Daily Po lot Ut1 ember /0 ·1n cvv • ' '" ' represent•h•t will b• t•1 lhe p•Olf" I ~h••uld b• '> l d\ Y•ta\ NV 89121 IJ~1ly ~1~0~'2Dec. U 20 "l1 200? l•nu., Y l ~T;;;;;~~S;;,~;:;~929~~~~,,b:::::;:Ot,;,rai=ioe,.;;;~;:;~~,.;;;;,_ 11qu11ed to 1t•ve nol•te \11bn11l~d '" th• Plan lh1\ bu\lntn I\ con ~J Jan r 111 7003 ___ f I~ I ~oe""' 0:: ,.:0 1;123!>5 :Atell( lllerllf11111 il ol Iii' lo 1nle1e\led ri~r\un1 ~nlld eµa,1lmt111 by tloHled bv ,, <otp<11ahon Fktitiws..._ r:i....,_.._.__s APN 412 l7401 =• ..... t• --......_ on Ay •n.1•1 Y l l ll•ve y11u \laded dotn• r ... n,... ~ ""' '"" " .. ~ .. ~ ..... ...,,.. unlenlfleyha•ew11vtd .ll)Qi in o•d•• In b• bu•m•\\y•t''I'•\ '>'"IOL llme S..._.. t68NQOceo1TrusteesS. '¥'~~ryv.g notice or cun•~ntrd lu un"d~red '" th• l'lan I 1'16 "-S...... YCllJ 11e "' Qel&AI 11'611 • Dellow a 1111CJf1 al i;oo '9'I kom lhf' P•Opu\f'd HlH•O 'I ntng 011edu1' d•• t\ion ~ lht follnw1n11 pers11n, The lnllowtnll P•H\nn OeeaolT'161G.reC 2/Z7"2CK12 ~SUlflceolMldprooerTy IM !he mdeptnd""' ~d II .opprov~d ti lh" ltmf ou111 In• b drt domf! bu\me\\ a lJr1es ...,,,, lil<e adO'I IO tt. 'lO,,,... OI ~......, m1n1stral1un .111thrmly I lh I o ... rion Qu•dlf' Pre\! .ie dotn(l U\lnf'sS n A SaVdi• M1rkel1n2 .~ "". ..... ~-, II b .. 1n1ew ,. •Ppt~ <lrnl S&~ Valet 19191 78071 c .. nn1\on Cr1url pl1l(ec1yOUl~~~llf il5~tn0eea!Olreccro I WI e er•nled uni•' wr•C>d "' 14 (t~f~ Wiii lhi\ •laltmfnl wn t ~'"""'" I a11y11n !.ti ~ <II ii MC sate ff'~ The P'OIX'fl'I neretolore ~1~95 1;~·~:~,·,~ • ..,Pt'~~~ ~"It'" '"~" .,u;·•t ddl• llltd with the (ounty vne,:a9~o67c6anyun C .. htor ~:,~~~: N~~~·: c..~ .. 9!~~} ~ <W'a1 ''~~ ~;!s:S~~ I I d I urine .., " •m• ~ny (I~~ of 0<1n&• founty • ' l8071 t.unn"' n tuurt ,._.,,. pe 1 •on •n """' 2""dl 1ntr1nle<l 1J•rlv or the11 I"'1111 01 Rot hard tee lo.,enlt ~f>.. yCa.\.l10llOC0!"4'1 ~~ ilP( d <I U\e wfly lh• '""''. dUlhnrutd ·•a~nt ag 200269 24 565 fl 19191 Liiwren<e laliun•Nii•u•I rA 97f>ll ii On 1'00003 ill W>e real~ C11!9Cr..a l should not ''""' th• irtfVtd ril lh•I dtc1s1on 0 ' Th" bt1\lllt\\ " <Ort •o""·" f'.~1 Artelall r,. )I autholll" Mly l'olot Oec /0 71 f •Qvon S1lverado Can ducl~d t.y dll ortd1Ytclu•I """"'" ·• ~ t5 p!l!pOtled to be IS • • m•y lilt • n1>lo<t ol 100? 1 ] I 0 ynn Calllrun1a 92616 lt'tsorarce A UMJ'>dew Lane Cosl.1 Mesa. I A H[ARING ,,, "'" •IJPf'AI 1 .. lht 1·1 .. nnme '001 an rJ56 So'hr.ib Alr•s•ab1 Have fLIU •l•rltd d111nv ~ Cor~ :Ill' CA ~The~ pellhnn will b~ hrld "' (um"""'" W•lt .; l1hn~ I "'6681 Strafford Ml<>9ton bu\tnf'\\ yf'I ' Nr "-"! il;lllOt'lell Tr.<S'Pf! '1'08I "l.dlee ~ 1l"f ~'V fANUARY ?1 /!)(JI •I ft• ut S7lb OIJ I" deli dy fldi"-' ..U.U l/o•ro Cahlo1n1a 9lb97 Ar•gd.o '"•••~ .-tO ~ 1• ~Cl t'\a 'Or' il'f fOl<•eo'eS al lllf I lO pm '" u~iit 11 l lh• '"'' ot lh• dppf'al lh1s bu\tnl!\\ I\ '"" fht\ '1•1•111•111 Wd' recoroeo ()rt .&111'2002 as 51101!1 ~ n al* lnt~led at l41 lht l'1ty '""' •dure "-s..i..t ltlc._d with lhr Couoly 1"5tl\Jmrll 20020303212 ol I Ort•~ ~ulh 11,."i• CA Ill• apuh1•t11 n •nd lhe lollow1n11 p~r\nn' i~~,t~~1\:.~ a 11•nr1dl l1~1k ol Or.ing• taunt. olfoalretoralll!N'~ol ~~.-r~5ale "' ~ 'll868 rlcvclupn1 .. nl pl.111 nl "'' do1n11 bU\tnU' •\ H.ove y<>u \l.11ttd d•11ne "" 12 18 O:> Ille AecorOI'< OI CY..,. ~-r,.• •tf'Q;! ~~or If YOU UBrtl I to th• lhr pt JP<t\ed I'"'••• I at• r.,.nfluen<e M•n12emtnt bu\1nn11•P Nn 2002600927213 CoP-, ·~ e>ICJ'l'IO 11-.r¥f'r tq><essedorrof'O 11ranttnll OI th" 1••hl10n ••<il•ble Int pu!ilH 1/01 W•lnul Ave Apl Richard l •wr•n•e O•~Y Pilul Or• ll 'lOO? Oy VoarDfoi~ Tor._anol.i•'t' .....,ct"'9 ~1\t ~ I> YOU\h•tuld •pv•••.ttthr reY1ewandtr"P••l1onm,':>FI lus11n CA9'l/80 lhis \l<1t rmrnt w"' l•n l IO ll /OOj ftf.l Dela Tore ~aod..,.t ~ 'O Pl)""' hurinc •nd \1~1• 11,111 th• Plannm.-IJ•P••lm•nl l'h1hp Hd\hw•y 1?01 hied with the County .e JOl"rl :enwu as Tl\J!IOI ·1!'1'1;Urong ptn()aj ~ ol 11\f , Obttct10M "' l•I• w1111,.11 .11 lhe r-111 ul "lrwport walnut Avt Apl !>jj flerll ol Ur.1nl(e County Sell your Go'"' P V-lCh' .?I'll F A '>048\I !>ee\l!ecl ll\I Sad~ ob,rtlwn\ with lit• '"' A••<h HOO N"wport lu•t•n C..A97180 •in 12/30'02 d ~ ~ ano ••e '1 TrJSI ":I' "'1eres· N!<ecr brlnr e lh• he•rr111 Yi UI Anulev•1d Newport fho\ bu\1nH\ I\ ton 200269219&2 unwante illS o· ter¥1'S illS ~ ..s ;l"Oof~ r ~ ~s appur•nt• m•t b,. on ff••• n C•""""'' 9266) tlu< led by •n 1nd1Y•du•I Daily Pilot Jan 3 10, items t he .. SI!!' at P<OIC ...aori IO :ne »~ 1 ,.., J'Q: ~ Ptr\On "' lot Y ur f 111 lurther 1nl•J<inat1nn H••• you \larlrd do1na IT '24 2001 f 174 ~ biOOer 'Oo' CW! •ern1 OI ~ ~al •'11\1 •llorn•y t11nllll lhf' N•wport l>u\ment~t'No easywayl I~ al brie'ol ~'" ~lAl'~ed 1111!$ Cf\df'91!5 Mld i tf YOU Aki A l'RI lll B .. .orh Pl•nn111a O~p~1 t Ph1h11 H4\hw .. y SELL 2'1/l(J -.; .... l>"t"l!d t~ OI !'It ~·1! Ml() OI TOR UI ... n1on,ent ment at •949, 1>4.4 3200 Th' •t•l•ment ... , Place a sizes Oy cw a cas.r-en ~4!"'.6'.l~·~f'C!)yS..00()>00 uedtlnt of the drt••,•d NOH Th,. f'•P,.n\c ol ltl•d woth the Courtly I f d d -~ ct....., o, • $Ute '7 OI •rus· '<>wt ~5'9866 you mu•t tole ~n1J1 • ld1m ttm nolt<f' ,, P•id !tum t ler~ of nr~nif' County your Stuff ( GS Si ie G ~.al~ a c'll!Clc Ol'1W!' ~eaA.X-vec nteresl rrcs with th" court Jnd ma11 • Mine I•• ,n11.,cted .. n 17 18 01 through today! by a sta:e or lt<letlll crec>t aoo:xr.ai ltl1W1«.es "all\' .. • tllpy lo th• l>fl"11n•I from th• dpptlldlll 2002600927192 I .non 1)1 a ct'ilO ~ Oy. -.:~ lM t.,.,·e l)'1Cll' 10 reprttf'ntAh•• ·'"""'"'"d Nf'wpn11 Sur h Co\t• ll••lf 1'1101 Oti 'l1 2002 classified! 642-5678 ~" 1eoer11 ~ rrcs s. The ~ ... .ro; by lhr <Ourl w1lh•n l<>ur Me\4 Daily f'ttul lo1nu•rt i.n J 10 11 '2003 r 166 .., ~ ~ s;;,o 0eec 01 ''16' ~f month" lroni th• ll•t• ul 1 /OtH___ _, 1131 ~ e.tl:U'eC rrd -,""'°"Ile !"fie 1"'1 1 .,..,.,.,, .. 01 •---------.;..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;.,jl,.;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;.. mooaot' Ill \1¥'"95 ..,..,. ltlle" ., p•oY1ded m PtlUC ll011CI I speo~ecl"' 1flC1)(Jn 5'<12 ol W>e ,,.~ ;i ""~"' Prnb•I• c ... ,~ \e<l•nn Use r"11if UP2002-4Sl ADVllJlSUWfTFOIDlSIGHIUElrtlQUAlJKAnotl 1 ~~!:s=:':' ~ ~ :~ ...,: 1 f.01m• will n I "'P"• IU\Nl ~., '"'P""1"' lo I~ Unt•••••IJ s Prequahf1c•lt0n Ouest1onn.011t I'' • Of'\lotr " at'C ~ 9100 lhf' t•m• lut f1hn~ (P• __ •2rci ub1rt.I lo lOnd1hon• preu11bed by lht Unlvenlty el (allfornlo, lrvfne, 1 ,,. " 11 !he• al 'lOCM rJ °".._,, .-C e«t..r IQ belore lour nu111th """' N>h<• " h.,~by 111,.,1 Bu1h1 l<>nlr" I ar• •nu&hl from Dn111n Builder\ for lh• 1 .. 11.,..,nr pr'>te< 1 ~ r::cc:-~ ;~~ :, ':u ~""~ the hu111111 d•t• nolovd l trl•I An appl1< .111i:.n hn 'AlO Vl l Ol lll'ANSIOH , I N • 996260 E ~ Ave ~ ~ 10 $e o oe 'OCOt'OOO •bon b'~n 'ubmollrd by Th,. , ,I •• ed u ....... YOU MAY f XAMINL the lrvme Cump•ny •Rrnnn1,. UNIVHS TY OF CAUFORNtA, IRVINl CA lt rqit Otie .-tO ne<tst r ~ '~ ~.,.. r~ ~·~~~~~~ti! 'Z:.~~~r· .~· :;,: .. ~p·:~·"!~i.~: .";d ~~:'t~~~:~~!~~~:.~·!~cr,~::~~ ~~~~~' ·~~0:,~~"" bu11d •11P• , .. •· :::0 IOO: ~,::.~ ~~ ~ ~ ::! lrrnted on lht •\l•t• o11n~on~ l•uhly within ''lo bonii lht bnl ava1l1blf •nle111o1ted do1gn and <On\truclt"n uprn~11 • ~ ~eel < sa<l ::.0,. c:;:~ '2;'2·= you m~y Ill• wolh lh~ th• IJlulh tommercial to th•~ Protect lhe Un1vers1ly h,1\ del•rm1nrd that Or\111.n !lutld••\ wn• CQTIC'f C..~ oesc~l:Jtnll lour t • R•qu~'' ''" Shr1p11111e 1 •nlrr fht 1ubm1t proposals on this Pro..,cl mu•t be prequ•hl••d P1r1111•1tl1ed ll•"• n Irle~ 111erer L<t .ll ol trld F•"ll Alnet'cl!I: rce lf\5<J<..-Ce !>pt<tal Nollu• llorm or I•< •hlv will 1ncl11dr ule Builders will be 18QUtrtd to fl••• lhf' lollow1n& t•hto1n1• corllr•· t• I • 'll) '20" "!he ory d ~ ConW'Y 3 f~ ... ~ l~I ol th• hhoi ul •n And erwt<e of bi:er •nd hcenH GlNCRAL BUILDING ·e· ~ ~ d ~ ''.l!t Wif Sr'.a A.'\i. CA 9Z?'07 1nvenlo1 r •nd •llP• ••\•I wtnt lor on site con GlNUAl OlSC.RIPTION Of WOIUC d <:..iama. • "'°""' OI" ~ 1'' 90(>4•) Br ~ of "''•le Hut• .,, "' \umµt1on The new The propoMtd Palo Ver<M E•p•nsion Proiect woll provide soil' 1nh4\1tu<1ur-mao fllCOl'dl!d "' OOClil 520 Encucn ~orec:tol.;'I' Cllta!r itnv pel11ton "' di count 1hnppina c ""'"' 15 roadway tmprovemenls. 'ommunity bu1td1ngs •nd •parlmf'nh h>r an 810 ~ '9 rrd 50 d Pl87I03 12/20 12177 1 u f>'Ov1ded 1n f'•11b•I• cullrntly und•• con btd upan~n to Ille eaisltn& Palo Vf'rde hou\lna Th~ P~lo \ltrilr £ •pan\1"n ~ llllfl!S. records OMXY2003 _ Cnde •t•llO" I.">() A' 1trulhon 11 tht c0<ner Pro,ecl will de¥elop U ? new IPillmenh tn 14 four 1101 f 1lu1ld1nr-•fl ========:::c=========== Reque'!>I for Sptet•l I ol M•cArthur Boul.,v1rd 19 3 acre\ The 442 apartments will 1nrludt 98 one bedroom un•t' ?60 Nohce fotm I\ •v•tl•bl" .ind 81\0n Av .. nue and two ~dfoom units and 84 lhrte btdr1•om units !he Protf'tl .cnpe m1y from th~ r.uur t dtrll •deuuate pAi kulK t0< the include development ul ut1hltes •nd ""'•Ctn& for porltnns ol lh• C•t1furm~ Atl.-y fw ,etltl-r: re\taurAnl " ulenn•d Avenut t~tena•on 0 ... 111 W. h-•. hq. fh, .,,1.,b11shmrnt will l vlWl1t9 Onlr & <-•trvctl-Cett htl-1•1 SS6.&SO,OOO.OO ((51•047147) O<LUPY It.I• \Quart H O<EOutllS S-. & w 1i....r, Ut t rt t ut 1 h• 19 694 lhe prequal1tic•1ton process will be conducted '" twn 1l•p\ •nd wilt '"ull I 920 M•I" St., "l".,, f~PI prrvt-0u\ly in the stlechon ol two or more ftnllh\I' who will b• preq1nlol1~<1 •nd w1·I Ste. 1200 •uthnr1itd bv UP?OO? be ••W•d propoul dolumenh for lht\ P•o1e<1 ltvl-. CA 92614-7060 OX> fhr l<1rthly will also St•I' One will bt the 'ubmollal of a hequahlte•l111n Qut,trcmn•or• df'...:1tbed Publt\hed Newp 111 prn••de 0.,tdoor dll\tnl 1n more del•1I bt low Alter 1ect1pl of the Prequal1fteAl1on l,/unhonnJ11r 8U<h Cc.,t• Mru Daily of •PP<Ot1mately '220 !fie un.~er11ty will ......... and ~lrtmtn•. j)Otnl \CO•• for U lh wbm1tlJI Pilot Oecemtir1 ?1 ?OOl \flU•rr• feet lh• prop lh•I meet\ the mandatnrv m1n1mum requ11<!mtnts Rtquuh lo• tla11lytn(l J a n u • r y l J ti ly 15 loc•ted 111 thl' PC 1nl0fm1l1on ••1111 be mid.-•I lf11s hmt 11 requited After reLtlpl •nd 1~.iew 2001 f THl64 •Sub .,.,.. •':I .,, ll>e of lhe tl•11l111tions •~ch Prequ•hfitahon QuedHmnAl•t will rel""" a ftn•I ... -c"'-Of Bon111 C•nynn Planned point score s~ollnR of On11n Build••\ 101 this ''"' •l•p Wiii b• Mt~· mm•d _._ """' lummunify l Ut\lrt<I by the •PPh••l1on nf •n nllbh\hed r1t1n1 system <deta•l~d \ubm1t1111I CAiJ011A, Pro!H'rly l1><•ted al rtQUtremenh •nd !hr ••1tn11 ~yslem "" conlAtned 1n lht l'ttQu•hflleah••n M&""-l 111 f> Bison Avenu• Qunhonn•rre) CMTTOf-flus proter 1 ha\ been Ou111n Butldel\ who mttl the m1n1mum ••qu11enttnl\ and \Core mort UIT11anD11Vf •~•••wed and 1t hn thin 80 perunt on lht 1al1n1 sy•tem '"Step Ont woll b~ 1nl•••1Pwrd POST OffKI IOI bun dtterm1ned that 11 tn Step fw<> of th" P1 .. qu1hf1uhon pro<eu I\ c•te&Ofi<llly e •t""'l sr.,. Twe '"'" be th~ lnler•ttW o~\tan Bu1lden •111 be notrlird wh•lhf't 14171,~CA under thr requ11emenh or not tho ha•e bet n •elected for the lnlen,..w \l<!IJ lht tnlf'•v•ew w•ll '216~1S71 nf the Cahf0fnt1 [nv1 address the item• desc11b~d m the Prequahf1ult0n 1Jue\f1onnane lh• ronmenl.11 Qu•ltly Act results ol the 1nttr•1ew will be separJlefy scored b.t\td on iin n tabh\hf'd lAIOllAllX under Clan I ( •tslrn& rahna •Y•l•m On111n Builder who meet l ht minimum 1equ11emenh •n ll51lCI CBfTEI t arthh'' Step Two will be Prequ•hlted lo submit Proposals tor on lhl$ Proiect UH l'e""lt U,2002-H l QUAUFKATtoN SCHlOUll "1TTIOllOf 053 1s scfleduled for Of> Oec_.., 21. 2002, • "nale ,et ol ~~flc•tl-Qve•tl_,,.• ~W-.Ws rrv1rw by thC' Plann1na will bt 1uued to tnlt ndtnl Oesran Builders al Oe\lan ' Con•truct1<>n Ot partment ol the City Sen1ns, UNIVE.RSITY Of CALIFORNIA Irvine, !>701 C•hlorn•a Avenue, Sutlr RllCMAllQOf llAlf nl N"wport Boch ... w ~. Ir vine CA 92697 2450 Corner ol Bison and C1hlo1n11 Avenue. for OBBTOSllOWCAUSlFOI •h .., ,., •• ...., • .i-y 111t0<mJt10n .alt the 1>o11one t949> 8'24 8117 or (949> 824 8034 14, 2003. Wrltt•• On J_., 7, 2003, • mandatory ,,....,.,lfk.ri-c...fH-• will be CJIAl&(OfMl(CASI .. ..,.., • ., .. •r ~"vi conducted beamn1n1 promptly 11 100 l>M Only Oes111n Builders who lllmla:A216'Sl releted te the .., partterpate 1n the Conlt1tnce 1n 11\ entwety will be allowed to •ubm•I at.-14 i.. •"'""'" te Prequahfteahon Questtonnairn Per \On$ ar ""'"I aft" J 05 P M wlll not ~~R~~\ INTERCSTEO tti. ,._.,.. o~-bt 1llowtd to ~ubm1t P1tqu1hllcallon Queshonn111es Pa11tc1p1nh sh~ll "'e"t "T M e•4•y, mn\ 1t De~n &. Con~tructt0n Services UNIVCRSIN or CALIFORNIA I Pet1tt0ner Sh11on .__ 3, 200J , in l1w1na S201 C1hl0frwa AHnue. Suite 150. Sullivan & Wrt1ht Conference Smtih Roohs ftltd a ;;;;;,-t~ bt consldfftd Room, loint, CA 92697 2450 f« further mform•hon. c""lact Lynn Javier pelltron with I his court •n the Plinnrna D111tc 11 (949) 824 7009 fo1 • decree cfl•nama IOI"\ declst0n 11 ap The .,._..,.. ,. receive c-a.te4 ,,..,..111cotl-OuHtl-lrH wlll n1mes as follow~ ptoved 11 tfle time of i.. ,_., t•. 200J •• 4.00 '·•· •I 0.5111n ' Construcllo~ Services, She1on rutew. the appul Attention l wnn JIVter UNIV£RSITY 01 CALIFOR NIA. Irvine S201 Celllornia Srrnth Roolr\ to ~.,. ~itOCI of I• d•f' will Avenue. Suite 250, INtne CA 92697 2450 ~m~~CRC~~RT ORDERS beain from that date. 0."I" Bulkltl Prequ1lofte1tt0n Questt<>nnall'H 1nclud1n1 any requtred lhit all penon• In ter du1tna which 111m any 1tt1thments, shall be subm1tt!d l;ION•le<I env;~ot>;'I m0rhed Ct~1gi: ested in this matt• sh•N tnlet uted party or thew notetlon on the outside, D IUllO I UAUfl A authomed acenl 11 OUISTIOMMAIU .... rALO YIROI IX'"""°"· ,.OJlCl NO. 9'6260,• appe11 bafOle th" court 1fteved of thit dec?SIOll •ncl addrUMd to tlle office dut1n1ted abovt Oestan Builder •hell u5ume ~~':: roea;,::~ ·~:~~-:: may hie • notice of tull respe>nstbilrty IOI t11nely dth•ery at the locattOn deSll"ltld for reu1pt eppeal to the Plinnrna ol Prequ1l1hcatt0n Quesllonn11ru Orel, telephontc. l1es1m1le « tele1111pht< •ny, why the petition 10< CommiuJOn with • hltni P1equ11ihcellon Quutlonnalres 11• 1nv1hd and wlll not be accepted clt111,. of hame should It• of •776 00 to delft" Successful Desi&" 8u1ldt1S wlll be nollfltd of the d1te, tune ind location not ba re11ted • ' of thttr Int lew NOTIC Of H[ARINC th• cost of the 1119111 en I Date 2 • 03 Time 2 00 ptoudure UOUIU f04t ~ Th• eppllctttOn and Ouren Bulldefs will ba nohfled whether or not they have bffn ptequakfted Pm. Dept. l7J devtfoc>rntnt plans of 11111 the Unlvtt'111ty evaluetas the 1nufh of Utt lnttntew An The •ddrns of the court th• ""'"'""Hd .,.'olect are "Announcement To P11qu1hfted 0.111n 8uUde1s" will follow spec1fy1n& the Is .. me as noted 1bovt. anllM f;; publlc u1ct daln, times, and loctllon conclfn1n11 the evatlablllty of P1oeiosal 3 A copy of thts Order ,..,.._ and in~hon •I Oocu-ts TM pr1qual1fllld l>ul&" Builde<s will 1ubm1t ptk • and ttehn1tal to Sftow ceuw shall 119 th• Plenninc Otp1Jrt ptoposab rti. tecltn1e1I ptoposall wlll t>o sc01ed acc01dln1 to 1n publtstt.d ti leut one• IMftl, City of ... wpol't utabl"'11d KOIN'IC Sr'\ltrn The pr-will be dlVldlld by lhe ICOft to 11ch wu)I for four B•IHlh, 3300 NtWl>Of'.I dlltrmine a price lllf technk:•I po.nt The prequallfled Dnltn 8u11de1 ~~cc;::tv~1j."~!t Pf: BolllUlld. Newpo rt submlttln' the loWtll Pf'IC• P4lf t.chmcal point will tie Iha a1>9are!'t low lkKlt, C.l.t«ntll, 92659-Onlcn 8u1klet IOI the ProjW;l hnrlnl on the petition 1761 ~Ill' fvrtlw lllfor 814 (Pr090Mi) SK11rlty In the 1rnovnt of 10'\ ol the l ump Sum BM• In tht followtrt1 news metloll contttl ti•• l'fkt PrOfOtal, u clvdmt 1tlet111tn. ltlell 1ecomst••Y H eh Ptoposal The piper of ltMl•I clrcu N.~ 1 Ktl rt. 1 surety i uina the ltd 80ftd shall be, on the Pl'QCIONI O.••ne, (HI edmrtted lthOll, ptlnttd In thb ~"*'. ~ 11 (049~ 1ur1ty Insur., u defined In the Cahfornl• CoOt of Clvll Proceduft Stchon county-Dilly r11o1 9915 120 All lnsu11~ polldes 1equlted to tit o41telntd by tlle 0.ilan DAT11 DIC 20, 2001 Tiie 11.,.,_ 01 811tkkf sfltll be alltlject to IPPfOvtt by UnlverMty tor t«m and wbatenct JUD•I Rl<M•IO O . tM llOttce la jltMf tfom All Pohcln lof Com!Mfetll ,_,.., Gelttottl Lillblllty, Ou\1n1'• Automobile ~II. sa.. Mel Of 1 ~ t.t col*ttd l.ldillty an4 ,roftulonll liabaity l}\Mlt'llKI allell be IUUld .., cornpat1,.s TMI IWDIOIUCMllT "OM ttM ~Mii wtttl , 8ttt r1tlnc ot A Of bell•. •Ml 1 ltnanclal dHslfiellt0n of vin Publltll•d Hewpor t Pu llHslttd Hewpor 1 Of 1>1tt11 (OI en 1q11l111ltnt 1ttlnJ II)' Stan4tt1d a Poor Of Mooclf') All B•clt Colt• Mui= tffell-Cottt ..._. o.uty 110liclet req111nd for WMken' com;.llMtlOn incl [~ye<"' liability 'tlot~V. l"llot ,.11111,, 3, lnSlll"Met ~ bt luw4 h ComcMlnlH (I) ~t ltne a a.•t rellll& 11 J111111rr 3, 10, 11i 2002 Fl7I I+ tt llttter, and • flLMclllt c._fratlOfl of ~II Of kit• (• en i200liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiitiiil~---------.11aqul'l11t!tt ial"'c lly Stalldtf4 & r-or Mto4f•) 01 (II) tfltt are 1e~lt to the UnlVfftlty. The Cethfreat• of lftSUJlllKI tllal Ill lsSlld 1111 the Unml!'tlty'• fofm hotpeetM ~ l1111Ma lllt.,,._ to lie prequa!lfted alt ktloot1ed lhll !My wrl k Mibjltet te end l!Wtl fllllly ~ wlttl Al of tM propoul condt6M1 lllclud!Wll 100' _.,_, 1"4 l~ ,.-few--.. Mfld& NA 111..,_llOfl t11•ttM1 f« ~t411tllf1Catto11 nttu1t1011 Wiii be con...,ICI oHlciet iMOf-tlon ...... Ill COfl~, tM tJlot IMIYtttil) •ii _,,.._ ib C'Ollfldftlti.lltr to tlMI 11 tlftl ,.,mitt..i llr law. flMI '*"-altY ,_.. tM r'ltlt to 1e)tct MY tt ell r~ t1 l'r...-,C1t11111 0-.tJeMWn Oft4 "'' • ell .-.-... Ml4 to walw tilf ....... ,....., ..... .,.,,..,_ ... ., ...... , ...... nil lll0UU1 Of' lK UNMltSITY Of CN.1'0ftMA . .ityot ~ ....... 1:::= 2:!..t .__.. e-ta ..._ IMtJ ,.... u0tec .. -. PLUG .I N Plug into the Ptlot Clcls.stfi«! WC110n to flnd~s from elec'tronlCS •nd plumbers. to landscapen and paint r.\ Friday, January 3, 2003 •• S11bi-L1 lo <und1ho11• prncrlbed b1 Iha Uttht•r•lty ef c.llf...,.&a, lfov.,.., ""POfl"e> '" lhr Un1nrs1ty P"11ualrf1t•ltt1n (Juuhonn,utt 101 • U."iln flu1ld • ul'lh •<I .,, \OU&hl from o ... •an 8u1ld<>1' f0t "the folk>w•1111 "'"ltC' ,ARIOMO & TliNWOITATtoN IMHOVIMINJS 1'110GIM SUt 6 ,,.~ N-t.." 996514 UNIVllSIT't Of C4UfCNIJUA, flVINf 'llOUAIJrlUTIOH Of ,.OWfCTIVf OfStGN ~UR.OHS lh• Un1n1..,ty'\ i1rtn>"f y obi"< llY~ 111 ut1h11111 the d~11n bu old •lllJl"9' It 1\ lo bt1n1 th~ llnl •u•l•bl~ 14\lec••t•d d•\111n •nd <<>n•lru<••>n "'"""•IK.e lu lhl\ p,.,l~ll lh• Un1YoeH1ly nu lkl••rrttn"d lh•I D'"'"" 8u1~1 who \ubmlt p•opos,,f, " tilt\ Pro,e<I mv\I b~ Pf •Qu.ihh"d """1u.ohl1c<1 De•.itn Bullde" wtfl b• 1e11u11ed le. hot th~ l11lluw111e r •• 11lu1ll1.t •Ont"' 101 \ hcen~ Cl NE RAI ~UILOINC ·a GIHLRAl OISOlf'TtoM or WOllC lhe Pfup.;sed Pru,e< l tot:•udf!• l 1m Ir ut.lttJI\. • i 41n •PC>f 1•' 1m•t~l'1 'J,l;tlJ 000 i $I P••~•na •lrudure ,.hK.h woll h" • 4 I '> "'••• '" 1hly ll'"•Mhn1 18/.)() ,.._,dlt' fht' lJ•tAtng trultUft will bt '1r1nf1>t,rd 1Jntr_.t .. b1J•lnm" with JhHh otl '~·tfltV~ ( OOUt'\f' htt1t It. ttUt1ffhl.il•, Wiii tt~ 1H .en httt'' tUf.fllV lli .-d1•• •nt bu1l111111t' fht-\h1J1 tur .. Nill tu· .. ,1t1ttr ~ tu•"'' w4ll -.t1w h.u•t \'/ ,,,,.,,... .,, A •mt1rnf'd rn•J01f"11t t14mrJ '''""'' w~ll \f hiri lhf' p.era..mt! slfu· lmr t• d~~•ff\f!J '. • l f~t" fl f•tfl •iiflt'd LiiltfJit'll ,.,,ttt .-11 '• 4 uc..t..UyJ tlf" Hlfff 1· • ~tdc:lt' h.1njtt' b .. twe•n u,,. north .u1d \ utn \•-''"'" 11 th ~.1tr lh.tC p. t 11u"bty i'l'IUl"l.flenl 111 IW\1 l~"llf'I~ 0111 run2r n t )SitJf' JVlly will be ctt t IJfnmodatt-d thtOUlh lht' ""'° uf \IUt•••. •Od , .. t.HH'11 MAii• fftr \llUllvr• "'II ti• •~nhl•led n .. 1u1•ll1 '"""" '"" •••1u1r> lh.ol •I •~~·.t 'iO pertrnl Jt lh~ .hurhHf'! rt'"tUAm {lf'"n tu lht .,., ~t.t•• .-4rtd t•o ctrv•IOr~ #•II urnv1tlf' Vf'tht41 ltdn~t.n1tl•h1..tn flr1m•• t itt'h~ ul•r .... ~'\'> to •01~ 1hut turiP will hf" tr om l •· t Pttll• ,,.n (J,,.,,. "'''"' \,.t 11110Ary " l~\\ lfnm thP PH>lm\td \r1uth .. 1 n Ft .. 01 .• il lht pru,11.1• td •'r111tH t \tff" t\ I 11 •h•d fl ttu 't1ulhe,e,_I ,,.,udf •111 ul tht' Utt r•"•VU\ ,,,,.\It~ I!, l;itJUnO,.cJ b:t l .t\I ~ ~lf":>t•,flfl IHlitf. l< rn .. \uUth p.,,..,IM, l 1 I tKlJ lo ttit' rt(;rlh lht' C,..tt .. ,., '" t o.:o•~,.*'•'> «1nd f n11r1r .. ur •. L~b,tr•lory eu.ld1r1t:\ Ir; lhr-'#f"~· iltld M .• 1111,. t dtt HlfU\1111 I '"' .... I Yhr-nt-w hurtur ... l(lllftll tu• tJuilt rntflll s; 1rhOH\ ,f lt14 ,. • 1 t.nL P.otun, L• t 111r, ., .. , 11!0 Au Altl"tn,.t~ ti' th1 t frqf-r t 1· lhf" d .. '•1tn 0111 tun• tru' hon it•f th~ •)ft' •"'d 'tu· II t '' d '~'J lfi ~ t C 1ttu' Hu1h1rn~· '4t 1 l.)t'·~•k'rtf'd •t.. ., f YJ't! II .. ,,. ,,,,,.. 1111 '"' .. ""tt A k t. 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F·• trt-t,,~11., , •• 'M'Jt I! 14 11• "1 Th~ d•ocllln• lo ••<•IY• t ompl•l•cl l're""'"-llft(Otl-0 .... 110-tr .... 111 be J-ory I 5, 7001 at 4:00 , .M. •' • 11., • ~ tr I Att~nl n •""'IA•. 1 1~1\1( II ' ol l -' I 1H"joo\ • • A,~ 1u~ 111• ,><)I v ·• A <j,>f,'JI '4SO Of"\11('1 hhtlO.-r J•,.,11ual•h< ~t1 11 VUP ti inn•""' , 1" .,,n, •• • .. au,. •tt..t• hmf'nh \h1tll l>t-.ubm1fft t1 m ~ .:.1,.11 rnvr•k1pt IT\Ar ~•'d w fh tr, not •t""' 1n Ill• •UI td• "OlSIGN IUILOE• 'RIQUALlflCATIOH QUISTtoHNAIU fer l'ARCIHG & TIANS.,OtlUTION IM,ROVUiltlHTS PROGRAM SHI' 6. ,ROJICT NO. 996514 • •'10 trld<•' otfut-J"'''l!"-*'.,.d •t•1,, .. ,.,. 1~ri Fluildf'r ,..4, ._,,,-,.tu'·~ J. tit•, tor t11"t\t'"l'f d.-hvf'ry Al th ... •• ,tft.1·t• dfl\1;:ntttt-t1 fr,, ''*'-l'O)f I p,~qu~• • itl1• (Juf" .l111nn.1Hfu: ()f._, ff'ff'llJt\IHlll 'tll• \lrf)llr 11 l,•lrli,:fAJlhU ~·,~UUJhfi ,;t1r.t QUfo t1 fltll!Hfl' .,,. 10.,t •1 tnd W1lf fl(lf h .. ~ rpt,.'1 ')U t f \.•I I (J4' .. f• Bu1ld,..f' ..,,1 b,. n• t I ,.d t lht C11t,. t tnr t nlt hH Ahnn t Otf-•f "~ .. ,; • ._.. UQUIST fOtt 'IOl'OSAl Or •'t.'' hu11 t' '111111 11 " "'I ''"'" ,.f"\,.ffl,.., vr n t t" • • • hr t r•·• pu 1vrd11 ... • ;tft,-.r lht" Univ,., 1ty ,..,,h1Aft"\ tf"t• 1 r ull .,t t••• ·Annount.-mf!'nf r I Pn•·1JU.1l1l1ttt { .,, • .,:n l:iu•ft1Pt• will t11ll1•W .ilt' 1f ,,1''f: ,,,~ t-•aJ.t dAI"\ 11m,.\ o11rhf f· olll•or n .-r 1nr th.-,.., •1l•f>1ilft' 1 f ' , ,.-, ()()(u,')f"Ut'» fhr-~Ht'QUAhf• ... J o--~·-n R1ul ,.,,.,. ~ c~ .. b,..·•t L•' , •nJ h•(ht •t..I pr"Jllf1 ,..,_ ;hP lt"t..hnf(..tf 0 pro~•r\.dll wtll b,. Df"'d ' Qf{tm11 t ,.,, P\t t bh h .. 1J ~ "' 1nr \t~1tm Th• oru ... w11i bP ch-. .,,.'1 bl' ,,,_. " ., .-, drff"rnun• ..; cu11 ,. '-'"'' te1 hnu .ti ,1111ur Jf\r or,.qu•hf1rd D•'•.tn Sui d~t \ubm1ttu1• lh• '""".,. t ~rut p,.r Irie h"H '"'' (u 1nf w I tu th• -tliit.ltf'nt tow D•·r;;,~n Ru1ld~1 t tf thr Pt tf!l t Aid Pt ' \Al S.. ur1h .,, thf' tmuut'I t 1 t •f"' I m, ,,,. H 11"" Pr11f f ·'~Cl\·'' "•tludmr Jllf't11 .. 1r:~ '14111 ~ ''"''An-. .. _. t Jr ',....,. fh .. \Utftf\' 1·. um.:; th~ ti111 81 rtd .h •II hf'I n '"" J' vu.,,•f Q .. •(Jltf'1fl lf1 .t•tn11trr ~ sur~tv 111~01 r f ~\ \1i'f•n~'1 in Ult• l thtr11 r1a l.rirlt< ul ( '"'t ft " .. n,", •,,., 11 r1 94'> I ' A1 1n'•\I' ·HI • rn••l •l'' '"•lUltf"d to ,, .. ot tA1ne-d tJ)' 11'\r I t 1;'1 8u••f1i'• '",lf b,. uh;t't.f ti ~S.·J•' 1w.AI by 1Jrwvt1'\1t., t , f0tn1 An..1 'vh\toi1n1.• Af • lh;H" for r urn"'"' ••I f ot m r.~ntr ~I l •~bthty ~u~1rtr.,. ~utom t ~ .. '1Jt 1t11, '1nn Prof,.,,,'" ti l •t1tl11tt., ln\ur.tntt i.h~U br t'\\ol'd b-. lntl•_.,,,.,, ..,,.n • fi,. r r<lltnl <11 A m hPllet and • lmanc1al rla~\lf1<at1on of VIU " b•ll•1 or "" rq111v1f•nt t.1t•f1V by St•nd~td & Pnnr 01 Mnnd'f '' All pt1l1 ... r~ou""l1 tur w..,,, k~'' Cttm,l#n\.•l1on •nd ( 1T1plu tf't '\ • ••L•ltl • ln\Mr .an• t '\h..tll r,,. t\iu .. o by ms>•n•f'\ ~II th•t h••• ... e--\· •.tt1ni O' M· ' h~t•r-r ""t1 hmtnr-1-:"it c1~\\1fu •. •ttc1n ot VIII Of bf'ltttf {lU llU' ;iqw~.a .. nt '4'1nt f"i.f Ltl'ld H 1 & f'""' '" Muodv ') or tu 1 that 11~ 4'C•Pl~bi. I• lht un,..,.,1y lh1 c~''''" 11t• of lnSUrlllff' .. hall b• •\1ued nn the Un1Yf'l\1h t ""' Pr 1,,,,.l ,,..,.,. 0fl'~11n 8U1fder\ tnt•nd•na to ~ r••q11.11lrf•fll• ,,,. nt ,,,,,. t th"t thry will "" \ublf'<I to •nd mu~I fully cnmply ''"'" "' o• t•M p Oil v 1•Jnt1'11on'1ncludm11004' peym•nl •nd JOO'\ ptrlntrnanc • .t.ond• , All 1nlrnm•non subm11l~d for p,.quahlrc1t1<1n •••luAtrnn will~·'""'' M•<I ott111al mtnrmatH>n •lQUn td m t onltdenc" and lh• l1111v~n1ty will m•1r>t .,n th conhdenh•hly lo lhe e1tenl 9,.rm11ltd by law Tht Un1ver\1tv reservu th• •>1fll In •~I"• I ony 01 111 rP!>(l(>n•~ I Piequ•hftcahon Quf',honn•tt•• •nd 1ny nr .n ,.,f'C><',..,I\ •'>0 In w•·v~ .. "• ni>n "'•ler1al 1n•1ul•11lles 1n any r~'9(>n•~"' ''"'"°"'',.,,~,.Ht TH[ Rf!(;[ NTS Of TH( UNIVlRSITY or CAI If IW.NIA tln1~ers1ty ol Cal1lorn1a Irvin~ De< t mber 200? Publl\hed Hewl>Ofl Buch Cn•ta ,........, Oaolv P11nt Dtl•m~ Janu•• 3 2003 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • • 7002 'l!r'l T't ''.] -... ,.. --. -~ - AlO Friday, January 3, 2003 -------""".... .. Llpf Mallces ,... LlplNalcll 2141 llplW. 2MI llplNallca 2MI NOTICE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF FUNDS AVAILABILITY (NOFA) INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOC K G RANT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 (APPLICATIONS WILL BE ~ AVAILABLE DECEMBER 17, 2002 THROUGH JANUARY 27, 2003) . The Federal Housing and Community De velopment Act of 1974, as amended provides Ft;<Jeral Community Development Bl9Ck Grant (CDBG) funds for projects that promote the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing, suitable living environments, and expanded economic opportuniiies, particularly for persons of low and moderate income. Over the past years, the City of Newport Beach has participated in the CDBG Program. Jt is anticipated that the City will be receiving $426,000 in CDBG fund fo r fi scal year 2003-2004. The City invites proposals for projects. A general description of the type of eligible projects under the Public Service category is summarized below. The list is condensed and simplified from CDBG regulati ons. PUBLIC SERVIC6 FUNDS: Provides for new or expanding public services that are directed · toward meeting the employment, crime preventi on, child care, drug abuse prevention. homeless assistance, or other community needs. Individuals may suggest that th e City or other eligible organ_i~ati?JlS undertak~ a Bropam. ~lso govef!llllental agencies and comilft!liry0'$fittio~r113Y'aM>~~1'::~1Jffl-~dmg. AU proposals must meet one of the following criteria: ( l ) principally benefit low and moderate income persons: (2) eliminate slum an d blight; or (3) meet an urgent need. An area principally benefiting low income persons (low- . income concentration) m ust contain 51 percent or more residents with incomes below 50 percent of the a_n!a med.ian income, or must fall within a federall y identified target area. Eligible projects. which provide a direct service must serve clientele composed of more than 51 percent low and moderate income persons (i.e., not exceeding 80% of area median income). In fo rmation on proposed proiects must be submined on forms provided by th e City no later than 12:00 Noon. January 27. 2003. Applicati ons can be obtained qy calling the Newport Beach Planning Department at (949) 644-3230 or in person at the Planning Department office located at 3300 Newport Blvd., P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -89 15. For additional info rmation, please call Daniel Trimble. Program Admini str~tor at (949) 644-3230. Copies of the approved target area maps are avai lable. La Vonne Harkless, City Clerk Published Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Dail y Pilot December 20, 2002, January 3, 2003 Fl44 ----,,-----D YES, SELL MY CAR Name Run you r ad in th e I Address Newport Beach- ' City' Costa Mesa Dai ly Pilot and the Zip Hu ntington Beach Phone Independent to 'I~ ~-~-e<tt-earos--D-MC_D_vi_SA_D_t>M_x __ _ reac h over 100,000 I t-------------1 ' Crecit CM:! Number C:vn Date homes. Fax us this I ~ L P'te8Sf Check Pertireit Boxes ,. Yea---Mak: Model-~~~ a e c~ a s>owwis..u a s... Roo1 Pnce O va 0 P-.18r9k• 0 TlfUCl0----- 0 Auto Tr-C PowwiWndowllC Whetla ~ a ~ 5fJMCI a "°"'~ a L..t1dllu Toe> a 5 5fJMCI a AM/f"-4 scel90 a wn ~ a ,.,,, Cot10tt1orw a en.Me Control a "*"" wt1ee1a ·s w tOf 4 a LNl!lerlrunor a c-.n. O eu.tom ~ lines. S1 eacl1 0 Full Power 0 Vrrry'. Roof 0 Sld<lg ~ WWJow add1t1ona4 line ..... to: Dady Pilot 330 W Bay St Costa Mesa, CA 92627 "'--: (949) 642-SS!B •Fu: {949) 631 -6594 ---------- form with your credit I card # or mail with a I check today! 1 Run for a week! If your car does not sell , we'll run it for another week FREE! Daily A Pilot . All for just $20 .. u' ' 'f\141 INDEPEN DENT ., I i I Index How to Place A __ ___;...-__ Poli cy ----- UK-Ifft SERVICE DIRECTORY WANTED TIQUES TOf' ss • ••c~s nc .-Z. Ol:m:. Ek. !as a. fDs a MK. ~ blbe ~ Mille 949 645 7505 Older Style Fumitvre TOf' $S 4 llCCMlDS nc PIANOS ' Collectib4ff 1m. Clmc. Ek. 50s a. fDs ·-...... • ,_ a AllAlc, ~. t&A1e ~ • s..-• .._ · OMc.. '- Mike 949 645 7505 $$ CASH PAID $$ EQUM ltOUSll6 OflPOl11llTY ~p!l9F»O' ....... wt BUY ESTATES • Immediato frletdy -· AITDr r ~~~,~·~.~~.~~~'.~] r I ~ \ J • i ~ I . ",. l_ ·_i_ -~ - All rHI estate edv•r tlsinl 1n this new,p•per Is subject to th1 fede,.1 F •Ir Houstna Act of 1968 e s amended which meku 1t 1lle1a1 to 1dv11tltse •any p<efer ence, llm1tallort or discrimination based on °"•"'bM ~ race, color, r1llak>n SH UW1J"~ 111nd1ue. tam111e1 s111u:r. SOUTH cg AST or natk>n1I °'"'" or an Intention to m•k• any AUCTI N sucll pc'eferenc.e, llm1la •-..:2212=1a.=...,= ... ~.- Uon « dtKrlmm1hon ' .._-,CA tntl This MWIP.., Wiii ..._H--CA•* 1tOt know n1fy accept MJ edwrtisllMflt for rH I nttt• wtuch ts in ------- •iolation of llM law Owr =-rea dara ara hereby y-. informed that an dwefl •• lnp advertl\ed tn this MWsplpet are eve1t.bi. on a n equal Ojl90ftunlty b•sls To eo~•1n nl d1i. crlnW!ahon, eaA HUO toll ,,., •t l 800 4l 4 8590 TelUsAMlt YOll &AIAH SAUi . II CWSllD 642-5671 1419 Filund 1510 FOUND u ssm HOUND, HPB DOVER SHORES. L()()l(S LIKE SHES HAO PUPPIES 949-S 1 S-7040 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Miscellaneous SeMces 2a Undal""'d MOftey 1 of l 0 Americans are currently owed money from abandoned proper· ty Call Ctovd 9 EtlBJnl!S @ ~78 lor Info. JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-tc .... N .. 4s Old C(l.nsl Gold, stlvtr. flW*y. w.tdles.. ent;ques coa.chbln 949-642-9448 cm 3110 •Adq'JI• w... Kltsll, an. «lP fWI « ..... •-1 Sat-Sun 12~ F~ I!. Arwl1ll ~ Info 9 49 ·64'·2279 -···iillwcl~ he ~ dlly WltJ ... 4 -Aacun 1--.ct •••••••• AfT9t NIW YWS IOT1IN WL.. l'llSWtS 8lldla. T ol't01$e SIMia, Red Tll>b~ SD>. M SIW ,3Ji5 •••••••• mce.1MBJUS EaWIJIE ........ .. 1•11111 -I .... °'* IOW 8" ~ l!IO/M, Aft .... .,,.. ..,. .... ~ ..... ....... llllldl. .. 19041111 ' CLASSIFIEJAD Rate:. and deadline~ are subject to change w11hou1 notice. The publisher reserve\ the right 10 cen'ior. rcda~s1fy. rev1"1e or reJcCI any classified advcn1sement. Please repon any error tha1 may be in your classified ad immediaccly The Dally Pilot accepts no liability for any error m an advert1,ement for which ii may be respon\lble except for the cos1 of the space acrually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first mscruon By Fax (~9) 611 6~94 1""-lldld< -...;.. lldl'wworllllllllclind ..,, .... ,..t.i••• By Phone 19491 642-.'\678 By Ma il/In Pc-rRon: 1'.'0 WN BJy Slrctl ""'" qot« l Mbcelllneoa Metdmldlll 3155 SUIF I OAIO Becker 6ft . Celven1 5lleped eutop apll Geoff Moyse $395 949-2904.09 OlcmbU. 4540 IACl IAY CINTll 2651 Irvine Ave, 1011 view, retail on·s1te 714- S7J-7710 • RltallSlora ....... 4St5 fer Sull-l-•e Prtme Costa MeSll rein location on 17th SI ID>sl, lfimos remlli11n1 on lu5e. $2000 per mo 949-764 9446, 949-19f>.1999 1-0MESFOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUtfTY Ccnnldll• TltHHOUSI H <lUDl D HTllAT AMAiltMNKI AGT.t4t-72J...a120 Cclllllllal '111MllSTAflS 'ATIKll TPfOlll NATMHIWIOI USA '4t4H-t 70S w-.p•llktll•llOl't com l.Noldt llACH COnAOI 2bf \I/• B8 2 Ca!tr, bell I ten club ' lol By owner $880,000 obo 949 M-4·2330 HACH c onAOI 21H l'/•8•2 ~.bell Ii ten club • lot 8y own« $880,000 oOo lMM44·1l30 fllD .:;:. - "NIWP<HlT HACH" HOMISIWH-fl'ld out Wlllll the home doW1I the itreet sold tor1 Free com- puterwd list of ., .. home \Mes find anent 1stinp_ Free Recorded~ I 877-8D-0314 D #»tl. •leysldeVI .... A Tropbl Psacise 29r wood '"' fp, lrench doon, rl'ICeDl!d ~ bl& M79SI tv, "*'°'1S ktt. $179,!llXV obo Mary Wood, lllt 9& 584-5811, 71HM16 • 0 •• 1 .... ,. 'r•cl•v• dc)ut>le unit Gfu wew of ttwninc besln end city ~~· 48r 4.58a. !Ill ~ Lou Keller 949-6-,S. HJMllSTATH 'ARl<a TINOIU NATICHeWIOI USA t4t4S6-UOS www.patrdtt.nort.eont euotanauT 'AltOltAMK VllW $4Jt..OOO AGT. 949-721...a120 OCIAJmlOttT fllll lfOTFOITHlfANn OfHIMIT AeT.t4f·721-11IO ILUPPI ._.... ... 3lr z.se. Ow!w ,_. fu t u le SUBMITll $499.!XX> Ill 9&219-2"1A ...... Clllt ts v1ev-1hl 4bf, 4.Sbe ltbrary + bo nut room. I I ,SIS,000 14 c..t.IMe A touch of tt•ly 4br 2.5b•i Stride home. PtA~'=ann Steflflle ...,,., Mt115llM CO\u M~ CA 92627 Al 'lc11-pon Rl~d. & B.iy Sc I lours: ----'--Deadlin es ---- Telephone M lOlln· 5 :OOpm Mond.1} Fnda> Wall-In R ~-~~ MondJy Fnday MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS Rlntll To Shan 6030 COM °'llf'it sunny rm 2br lba, COly home, Ip wd. fem non smoker only, S750/mo 949-644 0323 NI Sltere 41r 2'/ ... Townhouse w/1 perion. 1traee. w/d, S700m Incl utlls. Mike 949 233 8927 Rooms far Rini 6040 I' .... Et 181 houw. fp, dbl dl!t ,., w/d ~ II'& Ne/OcMll View rooms, yd. rVpeb. 276 Jtb1lil "1st.a. OcHnlronl/22nd. pvt f1850mo 9&n9-211ll rm, unfurn, share b1, LJdolllt ulb pd, n/smka. kilch ------enellt , lndry. l block to ._. c..ee. a,, 1"/ .. Newport Pier $695/mo 2-c I"· tot1I remodel, Cell Sam et 949-278· beach a. tennis club. Mond.ly .. Pnday '.\ OOpm f·nd.ty Tll<'"13)' .. Monda)' <i <X>pm Salurda~ Wcdnc"1.1y Tuc~a)' 'OOpm Sunday Thuf'>day ·-· W~y '\:(IOpm 7905 (between 9a·;> $2800/mo 949-644 2330 ._,. ww tlDMIS .,.,...""'°UTIAIAENTAI <' .._......... Jlr 2lv tne jK.. .. 1111 flr1/ ·~,,I....... ,....., = ... ~......,fti 'iiriiiiiii cmrJ>. nert tii llPlll'tl ,... ORANGE 7• r ~ 9&5«l·l531 COUNTY °" uoo PCMNSuu UDO conAe l IHW 28r 2h 38r · 28a, 2 cer l llf .... COTIMU $2800/mo evail Ja11 l, .... 11111111 Prlvete Beach. Pool 949-466-57S6 3 HOUS£S FROM WATER •nd SI>• Wall to Ude lsk lmmeculant OcHn. Shops end 38r, 281, bum c1th, Lure 21H 2ba apt II . Resta11r1nts LH MI fp, petio. 2 car pre11 Lots of storqe, yt'ly IM 8/mo·2 1r + $2900/mo 949-673-7390 S1800mo 949 675·1179 801t Slip Avtlla ble 49r .. ._ t.utN -~ I 1'0UOO,AllOL -~I M i-673 60300f aind. ......... fp, W/d "~9 723.u-.... dbl pr, evatl llOW. STll'S TO kt!, rtmod. ~~-~~~-~~ PXXVmo. 9&15&-0IJ74 2W lba, lower unit, Ip, = 1 .. • Wt ep.i b bu , wd, dw, carpotl * IAll * l2•2 .1111 ~ 5001 ,.._ ,_. $1850 yrty 949-376-54U UAllS LI er ~ .,,, ......... lie BllLCRtmOYll£AlTORS el .._ _,., 3bf 2.5b• 3 ''°''condo, --••_.t_4.-.1_s .. _H_1_ ~ ~ ... ~'°f l/2 b•y/bCh, furn, wd, fWiilllili Ar i'/"' 2-c1t _ .. _ 2 c pr. 1906 W 81lbo1 1tt aw. btecf1 cto.., .viii a1vd re 714 865 189!1 vi. S2000m •• lilly•d PUT A FEW C-1111• Ln. 949 •l t 5Ul1D1v1 ------...... c.;;49 3if 5 1 I "" lM "-' ...... In story •nd uflft, view, wons TO old COM, tenced _ p11tto, cteo, wd, 2 G attKh Ill'. l a. IC>act, 11'50/tM, S2150/mo. M9·M 2-IMOO WOii fOI A<co.TS llCllV Myritt IMi-720 01._ Of 1111 _, --.. <Ulll 'rlnte Coif Club Detlb• 949"54 0929 2 ...., llf, z... llODll full Time I 30·5 00 • l'MIOd ltildl ,.. ..-. "OUI ~, ttwu SuMly .._ ""'°' » ue., t 1MrNC. 2 ~II"' ..s I' Medic., 111 •~ !IN front unit -. lw rm, • lilllt ..._ "'*' tl••eflh. Appllcetto111 ThuM..y '\ OOpm 1-nday l OOpm -.... .f-nday <; OOpm e..U~, Pl, Rul Estate M&mt Company 1n H41ws>Of: t Be•dl r a• resume 949 640 71 '6 ... ..., .. ,.. ..... Prtle1red Mobile Music. Inc , Catlf0fn1a's lastest erow1n11 01 Ent Svc, "' loo~1n1 for telented people lo svc pvt parttes, schools. wed dlnas. a. reunions Become • 01 ii you enioy mu\k: or 1et on Ille m1erophon41 If you have person1hty to become en MCI No HP nee Weekd1y/weekend P(T pos now •ud1tionin1. Cal~ 800·468-6900 end be come 1 pert of the mill Asll for Br 1ndon Brown .... htete 0 Ice PT, Sl5 117 holH'. 9am 5pm, Tues· Thuts, cold celhn1. 11ner1I office • ,_r_.....,' Ut-760-0410 Attn JoAnna Newport Buch Real Estate Office, ltllal fuhlon llland -· ~ CllMn4Jr Ii WOii md 61!1 ij2• ft71 •OW ...... HCtPtef _., 2 =:-:; 1c ... Ck-, ft ~ Sllltt ~ Cowfttry a.. :..1 ~ ~: 2k t1ullf ·-·· ....... _. .... __ ... =~~-=· ..................... ... AVM. 1-15Mo7»1001 ~"-:.•::, ----------~ _...;; ___ .;.__::_ ~~-=---;...._ __,.------~ ·~----_;,_~ ' ( . A*lmabiles - WDrnolM 900C A.41 ... A4 2.8 .... ml, met11lh< areen/crey tthr. CO mnrl, lully io.ded like new 11624521 SIS,995 fin ' wllrr .Vlltl 8kt 9 49 586 1888 •-·~I.com •MW 'tS S401 100.. mt. bl11cio/blk beauhlul Oft&tn•I 1.ond lm•nunll ' warr av•tl v•24'176l SI0,995 Bio 949 !>86 1888 IMW '9t 7401691i ml, J yr watt •wail ~olv•r crey Ith• co hP4Ut Ort& t0nd, S26 ~ ltn avail B~r 949 '>86 1888 w-.Mp..t.I.<- 1-4 '94 lll•••-1 rrd 116 ~pd ~uper dun $4500 d21S489 tnsld Mesa Olr 949 b46 7827 fOllD r... Nl w 4 ~ whM ~ .... ' ~ Pllfd MX> ubc1 818-952 S250 f.,cl '9' Wh.chta• Ct 7 p.w~ red A( fully lo•dtd 11.n!o & ~-, "'-"" S4 895 vl?ll587 Co..1.1 MeslJ °" ~nm .---J.,._. '00 S typo 1.0 1811 m• met•llt•-blue ll"Y llhf mnrl CO him .... ,~. hill la .. tur y _....,, v:.>12512 SU 99'> l1n 'IY•tl Blu 'M9 '>86 1888 -.~l.c- -:-------...:.•..::...: ...,.,_ -AllDniGIVI .. d ~ ... lJI 141s-' ·-~ • ., ''°' u . s.tww • ., ,l2 Bri ge ac.t w•rr, wh1tei At snrf. super clean. Rd d ... .... ----------------------------otl-·alllh co h e • r1v-s. nice, ..... . ,,_ '· · t rome chtm allows. nice car, $2995 vl215458Costt whls. Ith ntw, smells S2595.vf628l73 Costa Meu Dir 949 646 7822 new v'95287l 135,995 Mtu Dir 949 646·7822 In _., llr -..oab.mm ··~ r9 t4t-st•-1 HI Mwc 't) JOOI .I nu•~, black, sunroof. lthr. lllClilAMEOUS By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH loop 't6 Cllerelioo buohful vf521325 Cost. Si>ott 4a4 rtd, 4dt. auto, Mela Dir~ 7822 SU1>41t clean, 9511 mt Morce4.. 't• 1320 ll'ElaVobo W'9212!148 eoai 71 II m1, wtlltt/Oltmeal Mtu Dir 949 646 7822 llhr snrt, CO. bu11hful Mea4o 'tt Ml••• ore c:ond. v4696Zl Sl9,9!ll5 Conv 34k ml auto. red/ Bkr 9 49 586-1888 DRAW THE RIGHT INFERENC:~ blKll Hit ' top. beautiful •-·•<pe~t.c- or11 cond v59724 l ....... "tt U20 lWI SI0,995 ltn ' warr avail 21111 m1, full fact warr, Bkr 949 586 1888 black/blk, CO, chrome -w.ecpot.t.c-whls . aar aced, n/smkr. Morrocloa toiu •to ltkt new, v852621 lOOE 2 6 Bl1ck11an llhr SJ l.995 fin nail Blu int f, mce tar S592!> 9 4 9 5 8 6 1 8 8 8 v•234013 Costa Meu •-.e<pt611.c- 1>1t 949 646 7RZ2 Niu• 1t1Aftt-GXl Morcocloa •97 c210 auto, super clun. MBZ lmmac 721. mt. I owner lrade-tn v-Zl5489 Costa fully lo~d beaut books/ ~ Olr 949 646 7822 rec°'d' mnrf SIS.995 Niu-'87 StW110 GXI d 2 l 5552 Costa Mesa auto. 102lt 1111, 11Jllfldma's Oh 949 &46 7822 car S2500 "1895458 Cosbl MHcoci.. •tt CUO Mesa Dir 949 646 7822 Kompreuor 62K mt 0 •ts •-• lulluy loaded Sl7.995 VS. lmmu fully loaded ••~21332 Cust• Men llhr 84K mt, S577!> Dir 949 646 /822 ¥114347~ Costa Mesa M~ ,94C2i0 Pit 949 646 7822 Whtl., 11rey llhr \nr I CO SAAi '91 tooS Red/ crey llhr at A C 't~r buulllul \UP~r petfect cond top met dedn S9,4SO v•682782 SS49S v•2ISM!> Costa ull!l.t """" ~ 96fi4& 782'2. Mesa Dir 949 646 7827 PLUG IN ~ Pluq 11110 the P1lu1 Cl<t!>'>tf1Pd ..ect1on 10 ftnd <,t•rv1c es frurn t>lectru111c., itncl plumbt•r'>, trJ land'><.ir~r'> ,H1<1 paulttt-r<:. Daily Pilot C f.1o;,~1fu•d ( o nutuuutv M.ulic.•·tpl.u 1· CASH Foti CAltS We need your c11, p11d for 0t not Phtlhps Auto Asll for Malcolm 949-574 nn BOATS 9515 lloctHCro~, Model 21' l S, fully loaded elec boat New 1n 8 '02 $12.(D) .kle 96 m-&338 S4ft S'""'-cor, 7001 Vertually . new, 52 hrs, possible Newp°'I Buch slip. open houH Sat Jan 4 t i oo.J Co111..ct M11.hul 909 727 83« NOR'm • KQ7 5432 AQ 109 •76 WEST U~T •632 •5 KJ911 7 6 75 Kll6~J •AK94 •Ql01152 SOl.l'rn • . •A J 10 9114 AQ 10 J 2 • .J J Tile l>u.klmg NORTH F,A!,'T .._ ....... l • "-,._ .._ Opening le.Ill King ol • Mt"I cntt~JI ~1\IOll' CllOlt' earl) 1n th! pla) I lcrt' 1' J t) plla.I e\dJJlpk I ur w JU mp ra1~ of 1ip.-ner\ ,u11 Nunh \hou kl realty hJ \<: four-l .il'IJ wppon 1-tov.c~er. tn 'Wltd.trc.l rncth ••£rnplO)PP. •• ••1•:rnpleado." -~Pilot NO MATTER HOW YOU SAY _r'f,, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT • .. Arheitnehrner. ·· .. Emplo j ·P." t ./11 .-. .... ~/i1·1/ • f• I :..!-.>t• "i"U Friday, January 3, 2003 A 11 TOPAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE DOWN ' lniury rffUll 2 NIC)Olcon a lllland 3 Tallta•ol 4 Add•-~ Fn~iumod •:?wOI ) fl lonll~ 7 ~ul--11 W._INXA 9 '"'ao OCCUIOr' ',, t 0 Ornate lat>nt 11 Vlltdl wQl1. 1 2 Narrow ooening l'I Wllttue"""' 2, Tumlllcdown :l:l =in r.> ~tO-<nk enl'Y l1 81oe Grono ~la C8 ,....,., cAl'>e Nfl ~ Pant~ mcasurc""C<l' '1 (). l1dJU!tO~ 1:i' Cl'latoo ane.o 33 Mo,,.,., lur 3&~0I ~ 3 7 Jade Lor>dOfi ....... 41 Cahn!\. .-1 °'*' oll ·~ WlrtOf ltlecest 47 NASOAO ~ ... 11 so Slfl Dy 5? Roc•s IOrmOO hum !Uy 54 Tums tJ SeMce Dl11Ctory I Carpet Repalr,,.les Aoomwrne Handyman/ Home Repair Moving & Storage IEn MOVHS SH/Hr Music Plumbing I Plumbing ==;;;;;..__;;;;;~ AccourClno "'N()Tlf'{ IO RfADCRS C•ltfor n•• l•w re "'-'"n th1t •Ontrac ton takt01 ~.ci·. th•I IOI.ti J50CJ "' more 11.illc>< OI n .. ltflal'°) -. hcen"4td by Ille Cont r."tor~ .late ICPW e 8011 d Sl.ote •w •lw '"'l"""' that c.:nntrALfnrt. rnr lud~ thfo1f 1...-.. n-.• nurtibf-f Of1 •II •dvl'l lt\111~ Y u c1n <lie<~ tt>e \t~tu• o t y111H ltt '°"~ .. d 1.unlr•ll o1 •I WWW ( !tlb l l'I ·"c\V vr 800 J7 I CSL B Unlo cennd . on tr•• tnr\ 111.,ne f"b' lhat IOI.ti lo\ lh•n S'>OO mu\t \tlllt' 1n lltetr •dvf't lt\em•nt\ thJlt thf'y ar~ not licensed b) the nntr ~c tors Stilt' LK.en...-Bu..1d - Additions& Remodeling FM'ntltG INTDIOltS Kltdten i 8.ttll , RtY'nOCltof ~ht~ "R:Jfl5 ~ 9566'lll5 Clrplntry Aro z HANDYMAH lnst•lt r~face ubtMh ~~~ rnoldrc. Dooa 714.~ r8, Pt.c-e )Our Md today! (94'11641-5678 c:...--..... Softw9'e.- CAll'U !"tCARPO .:r. Hdrdware tnslall1t1on, u p IJ~ ~MIC.NC nepi1trs ahhtn& ln\lill ,_... ,-. ll4.~·9Zli <.ourteou\ 11ny sue iobs Whoftos.tle' 949 492 0205 Conc:retl ' Masonry Chlld CnAlcensed WTOll PllSOIOOl 0.tycare 1l1ndef1•rten r o•duW!n '"11'1' 2 S Rradtn& '' alh mu\tC <ol>lltne 2•1dfonine & r ture lnclosPd yard & '''•vronm lull ttme M f Mastel\ cit& lea<he1 l!tl \ Lte ltl\I 11d CPR l ,, l lit4 j 76 35'>2 MSlD. lUAIU ,.,,,,,, o-i ,., 30 ~ Aur<*OllU SaVKI ...,._...., ..... TUNE1ftSHor (949) 64S-4641 .... It ,. ...... , trk li llocli St-Tiie Concrete, Paw. Ouveway fwepk BBQ Reh 2SYrs E •P Tetry 714 ~7-7594 <-'•-Cementwo111. Bnt:k, Ttle ' More Reheble No 1ob too sm111714 615 9062 ::!!.P••..r {f]/fJ ....... ~ r-...·O-·(-... ..... [..," ,..__,,._ I I~ ,,,_., ior •;..-.lllm .... •10..ntl Clll ... _,.~ (949) 54&.9595 COMPUTER ·HELP! ........ "'-....... .... -..... •.C•• ·~ ·-~~·­·~l.tQrll ·Ob~ • Qgllll 1'1111. "'-... ·~eo...-~ ... UC ......,0.--. tOY,.~Elql. 714-612-2786 w,.......wtt... .. ..,..,1Pt.c11 O.lifW14W.,1 (t4t)Mt-S671 TIMI TO llGIN YGuaHOMI IMPROYIMINT P'IOJICT? Call il plumber painter hilndyman or any of the &fHl u1v1ces listed here tn our servtce d11ecloryt THESC LOCAl SVC P£0f'L[ CAN H(LP YOU TOOAYt WITTHOln o.YWAU All phases •m.'lrc IOb\ CllANI ?()yrs, 1111 free est L .tCXXJ:Kl 714 6J9. l 44 7 Beclrtcll$enlca ~ ... l.qtenl Ouncilll Elec111c 20Yrs E •P LouVQutck Response Serv"1Rtmc>dels l •2J<;870 949 ~ 7042 UCIJISID CONTUCTCMI Ho JOI> too sm M -t Repatr, remodel. lani, ,,.. ,_ SVC ~lfll6 fna,1'.)ecb CIJtiOM CllltM m lmtabtoon, wte Let atT-. marble. stone btalt 197S l l6l20W Jett 714.6LZ 99f>l L1MCY R,,.,.. eel R~outio ' tnst.11lalt0n TILE ·Of.AN 949 67l 806!> #604.325 71 • 883 20JI 20 Yeora of a-Illy Croffs...-ahlp ~741&3 (949)U0 -9S2' Merli Hauling JUNK TO THI OUMPlll 714 9b8 1882 AY-'ILABU TODAY' 949 673 .,566 Haith & Beauty l.v Twro• l...bcopo WediJy ,._.,. lrei! ~ '1n\tallillton 25 Yrs f'•P Lt< tnsur~ 9'9 '>48 4.)61 lHo "P lo 201b• ,.. me,.lh, I• pie y '"' r ntrey Only S11.9 S C"ll l"" 949 6(S bb7 I Tr-Sorvh o, Yiltd Clf'anup M11nttnanr t' Spt1nkler Rep•11 Hauhn1t (949) U0-1711 HanclymafV Home Repair House Cleaning T-'• lw.,.._ H-.e o..r..e. T~ tta. ._, CQ.c> ,, .....n. OOnt by °"""" tar ras. 911S-C2'l 70 GFJa:IAl. IEPAII Handyman/· '~ HomeRepair • ~ • fon .. -icrtllj No Job Too Small Dave Bamllton 949-322-8292 C.ustomer s. atisfodion Christian Handyman r nsl'I Clrillnt• Ira$.~ ~.s.CI~ •'f'dows.<dOCn. ·-Ima boStll & 0¥'1rlg Ser'q decQ/11 ~ree esiinw:a. Cll .>t:l'r 714-Q&-8235 Vtbod Decks • Fences Electncal • Drywall Carpentry • ne • Etc ~--LOC81W\ 714.9111.1111 Sf'I Ytn, Jll 111.. ' IH' tJ f d1.t , 1JurtPoU'i « .lrf"ful Tl611144 llOO l 4n : JI)( PUBLIC NOTICE Mwic Classes . ;:for Childrco·: ·' .. :. UThtt'l1t1f!~,tl:tom~1~~11nn 1 ",~1 -lor r-1•• ..,,1 requ11e\ that all u~•ll 7 14 c -'9_930 l h..,u-.hold & all rt m ovPfC.. µ•mt fhf"t' P U l. I •I f num~ rr limo' iiint1 t. haufff-ut pt1rtl tht-11 I r I' numbfl1 m .til 11h·• r .. w-m~ot \ tt 'I '" h,1v.- •ny ctu,.\tton'\ '~ u' I he Ir, ' I t I ·• mn"'~' l1m11 o' chaltlleur ~all PUR UC U !Ill Tll S I OM MISSION 71 • C,!>!i '151 ............ ·51111 1-&-946-3257 TOUFllEE Sdl :1our C a, in CloHifi~d ' P!Th!iiiiio'!"loc.iiiiiiij~iiiiiip-,. NaJ..I.. , , ""' ,. 1llt ~nftftl'ftlWM'f I p~r;~~G . Plumber! llf C IRONIC SL Ats a...& Sl'MI ~ .>• [ -'M 0£ I l TIO"I Q.l.fMllG trlCW.ST r 11rndty Sr•• , TWEEDY PlUMllHG • 4' 61 s . 91 0 4 949-645-2352 -JE • R~ REAGH 80,0<X>. floMES s32,,.,.wee1c CALL LORRAINE Ar fOR .... v ............. -........._m ...... _..._....__.. .... 4 ............. 7' .... 4 ..... -4...-..,,.__,...._~__. ' e -Call .(949) 642-5678 GET THE PO I NT? Daily Pilot < ., .. ,,ilfrd ;I('' \\cir!, 1 .. , , .. ,,: \ • , J ,, ''· · oat/Plot I Al2 Fnday, January 3, 2003 BUY DIRECT www.CostaMesal:M~com BUY DIRECT NO FIRST PAYMENT ON ALL NEW 2002 & 2003 Ll~NCOLNS! Must finance or lease thru FMCC. Maximum payment rebate not to exceed $750. Good thn.f Jan. 6,· 2003