HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-15 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. • 10 Serving 1he Newporl-Mesa comnzunity s ince 1907 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2003 Boardwalk on track for JanuarY dec is ion Newport Beach City Council could vote on plans for a walkway.through the protected Back Bay at its Jan. 28 m eeting. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NFWPOITT Bf-AU I A popu lctr plan to bwld a boardwallc in the Hack Bay could be up for a < 11y C .ounc1l vote by the end of the month. llw boardwalk 1<, d~1gned IO . Planning call gets 17 hits City releases number applying for Planning Commission's five seats. Sitting members say they have applied, but incumbency may not offer an edge. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot < O\fA Mf~ < 11y offiuah rt'pon that 17 applitauorh have lwm rt>ee1ved for the Planning C .omrrn-.. ... 1on·s five spot!>. < 11y "1anager Alan lloeder re lt•a..,ed the nwnber of applicant~ on lue .. day. but would not re lt•a'>t' tlw namt>~ w1uJ the Maff re pon... on the subject were deliv nt•d to the Cny Council. .. It\ really a matter of proto t nl Roeder said "We ltke w let nature lover'> enjoy om• of lhe c11y·~ and county\ 010-.1 .,tun ning naturnJ re~oun:c-. wllhoul damaging.it. rhc walkway would go up and down tht-bluff., at d1f ferent points. allowing people ace~ to the water in tertain ar eas. "If 11'<; JU\t on the top of the bluff!>. 11\ 1101 g111ng 10 work.·· City Lounulrnan lod H1dgeway said l\Jc.,day tlunng c1 rnunc1I !>tudy sc~'>IOll , 1101111g that ndture lover'> would vt•n11m· off thr boardwalk 10 gt•t IH'.ir the watt:r at the ba .. e of till' blulh ·n1e boardwalk \'1iultl he built in concen w11h .1 prown 10 re '>lore animal h,1b11;11., 111 tht• Ha(k Bay that art-cum·ntl} clama14ed or endangert-d by lou1 traffit off the approvt-d natun· fMth .. "Will a boanh\itlk n•alh 1 on l<11n peopl<· ,111d l..t·t•p 1 lwm 1111 the n14h1 p.ith' I 1l11nl.. 11 \\ill 11 11 gt-h do.,t-1·1111ugh 10 tlw \\iJ ll•r and II t on1.11n<, .111 l'dm Jllonal romporwnl thilt 1·xpla1m th1· h.ih1tal to 1w11pl1•." A.,,1.,tJnt Lil\ ~lan;iger l>aH· Jo-.11! told thl' < 1t\ l.ounu lnwn during the ... 1utl\ '>l'.,..llHl pn•.,t•111<t11on f...1fl -..i1d 1h.11 tht· 111.1tlt'r \\Ill l ornl' lwfon· rounl'il rrwrnher., <•n .111 uprorn1ng .tgt•ndd p1·r hap., ,.., """" '" 1ht•1r J.ir1 .!H rlll't'llrlg I ht• 111111-:.hh '!> 1 r1111l1on priiw1 1 \\11uld lw 11.11<1 l!Jr 111 p.irt ..... 1111 .11>0111 S:.1100.IH.HI from < Jr,111~• < 1111111\ lunch lr11111 the ,\n1er1 1 .111 I r.1d1•r I 111 \pill \1·1 11!·11 11·111 cllld llf> Ill ... 1 11111111111 Ill ... l.tll' lu11d .... 111.11111\ fro111 l'ropo'1l11111 Ill 11111 ·"'" l"'''11>h lr11111 propo...i t 11 HI'> I.! I I .111d -,o \\ 11 h lwlp fr11c11 tlw \\1ldl11l-C 1m..,1·n,1 111111 lloftll ul tlw ,1.tt1· I h'Jl.lrl 1111•111q(f1.,h ,111d I •• um· I h1• ll.11 ~ ll.1\ 1, tlll' 11,111ir.1l 11111111' fl •I 1•11d.l11Vl'rt·d hmh th•• 1 l.1pf""' rail .ltld 1lw lt·J'>t tern. ''h1111 h.1\1• IH•1·11 1111di.:ed out by 1111111,tll t'IH Iii.II hlllt'lll \\r•ff lu11~111g lrirwanJ lo get 1111~· 1111•.,. p11111·t 1 .. dorw. '>d.ld J,11 ~ ~ 1'.1t111g pn·,1d1•111 of thl.' ',p\, p1111 11.i \ ..u ur,1h ... i... d.lld l 111·1111 .. •JUNE CASAGRANDE r 1vPrs ·~· wJ ,, 9,.dct' dr1 J1,t>n Wayne A1rpon 5ri .. mdv bf' , .. citt:ed at 3491574 47j7 or t1v .. ,.,..., I at 1ur.t• CHsaqran11P ld/1mPs com rnakt• them available tu the ap pointing body before we relea-.e tlll'm to the pubhc. • Namt''i of applicant., will be available 10 tht-pubhc fir.t thing lltUr.day mommg. he '>3.Jd . •ENT •RE • 'I· ~,,. rP!t 1 TeWmkle students Sara Fasset, left, and Josh Berry dance with the rest of the cast during a rehearsal ot the musical 'Waiting m the Wings· .. People can coml' by the c11y l lt>rlc.•,' office if they like, .rnd we will gc•t the information on the Web -;11e as !>OOll a., po-..,1blc." Hrn.•der ..aJd. The number of cipphcanl., .., high compared to year' pru.t. "icime offiaah blame that on the demise of four·year star,gered tt•rm-. llus is the tir,t time smce the touncil changed the term., to two-year coinciding tenure~ that the entire commission will be up for reappointment. me terms expire in March. All fi ve of the current commi~1on er; -Olai..Woman Katrina Fo- ley. Walt Davenport. Rill Perkins, EJeanor Egan and Bruce Garhch -said they have reapplied. Mayor Karen Robinson SaJd she was pleased with the enthu· &lasdc response. "I think it is great that we have that much interest from the community in serving on such an Important commission,· See PLANNING, Pase M Show's.on After a decade of quiet, tlze stage al TeWink/e is coming back lo Life with rehearsals for a performance of 'Waiting in the Wings.' Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot For the past 10 years. the '>tage at TeWinkle Middle School has been barren of theacrical activity, gather mg cobwebs like a musty a111c a., at tempts to mount shows fi7.7Jed That changed this year when Principal Jeff Gall decided to look outside the school for a director I nter kathleen Cliapman and daughter 'llaiit-v Mato'>1>1an. ...1age left. ll1e duo are reno\ .. -ned for the Cr('alJve. original '>how.., tht') have produced al ..chool'> throughout Orange C .• ounty Now. the stage Ill the mult1pur poc;e room has been cleanl'd up See SHOW, Paee M Poster canine for dog rights dies Newport Beach City Council in 1995 allowed Rebar the yellow Labrador to join his owner on the beach. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.AOI -The dog re- sponsible for retumina the "dog days" lo ll.UMlU bM died Prida)4 Rebat the yellow Llbnidor owned by artist and 8d>oa Pen1lllula rtllldent Julie MaltlOn, axx:umbed to bone can- cer on Pridm)l MJlr wa1 jtalt lhy Ol 11. Mattlon and Rebar pined pmmi· nence In 1995 whm Manion lobbied ,Iha city to ~· moce amine frtendly by allowing dc9 on public beaches dur· ing the summer. ~ hod been banned because ctty ~ reared iITespocNble owners~' dean up after them. Manson's d<>sged determination uld· mately led the Parb, Beaches and Re- aeation CommJ.Won and the City Council lO e11ow the fuur·ltgged Cfea· tures to roam the sand freely before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. The decision meant that Rebar could accompany Mattaon on her beam ~ gMng the pair more quality time to- gether. "He was the most ~ friend and axnpanlon I"' ewr tat In my .We." Mamon mi "He WM wttb me al the time." . Nonna GkM:r. who wu on the com· dl at the dme MattlOn and M>lr bi· umpbed. llJd Mamon WM MicxmlNI 'He was the most wonderful friend and companion I've ever had in my life: JUie Mlltllon Rebar's~ because of her positive atntude. "When you work with SOrneoM like that. it's a p~ when you can 6gule DUt how to accommodate them." Gl<M:r d "The fact that she a polidW approach In trying to promo her be· liefs ~ • nepdYe (approacbl. lt rally a nice reftecdorl on Newport Beech.. K[ NY TREPTOW DALY P!t.0 From left, students Lindsey Starn, Trffam Randolph and Brendan ~lannery perform a number from the musical 'Waiting m the Wings " Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.~com WEATHER Thewindll ~ ire ont:Mtr way,butoot tod1y. INtead. moming fog. S..P .. e A2. SPORTS Coal Meise gltte' IOOOlf wN lta 'lo.h trtrak~ ... PlpM A2 Wednesday, J8fllAiWY 15, 2003 LOCALS ONLY DUI ARRESTS The follow;ng people have been amnted recently on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant. They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as wjth al/ suspects, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday • Francisco Romero-Barrios, 28, Santa Ana Saturday Eric Joe Michael Petersen, 24, Coste Mesa Sara Amirmehrabi, 21, Irvine Friday Jennifer Carmen Giffi, 21, Costa Mesa Wayne Robert M cClean, 26. Costa M esa Thu...t.y Dominic Vincent M estas, 26, Costa Mesa Justin David Petrovich, 23, Huntington Beach Wednesd11y Cheryl Lynn Klein, 31, Santa Ana NEWPORT BEACH VIEW OF THE LYNX GETTING INVOLVED • GETllNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating begjs. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. READING BY 9 . The mentor reading program seeka volunteers to reed to students In kitldergerten tfuough the third grade. In Costa Mesa: Pomona Elementary School, (9491 516-6980; Whittier Elementary School. (9491 515-6898; Wilson Elementary School. (949) 515--6995; and New Shalimar Leaminy Center, (949) 646-0396. need help for students In reading, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m., and after school from 3 to 6 p.m .• Monday through Friday. SALVATION AP.MY OF ORANGE COUNTY Individual and group volunteers are needed during the upcoming holiday season. Individual volunteer opportunities include being a Christmas warehouse worker. red kettle bell ringer or organizer for school, church group. service club, business or corporation volunteer sign-ups. Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree, tiold a canned food or toy dnve. or make a special gift or donation directly to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. --~~~~·Sunctav~--~~-__,,,..,,,,-. ~ The Salvation Army of Orange County's goal for the holioay season is to provide Thanksgiving meals and food boxes or vouChers to those Orange County families in the greatest need. They are seeking volunteers to donate canned and jarred J~Lveoetablft§ meats. soops. coffee, peanut butter and jelly; as well as dry goods such as spaghetti, popcorn. cake mixes and Jell-0 . Monetary donations are also needed and should be made to the Thanksgiving Fund Drive. <:Jo The Salvation Army Orange County, 10200 Pioneer Road. Tustin. Ca 92782. (714) 832-7100. . . Donn Alvin Bergeman II, 33, Irvine Kelly David, 25, Newport Beach Roberto Benitez, 27. Santa Ana Saturday nmothy P. Shannon, 42, Newport Beah Joseph Rielly Warren Ill, 37, Irvine Valerie Nguy.f'n, 31 , Newport Beach Charlene S. Gleason, 41 , Corona Thursday Stephanie Anne Hill, 32, Huntington Beach PET OF THE WEEK Buttercup Bunercup once dragged her baclc legs behind her in pain, paralyzed after an unfortunate encounter with an open door that fractured her spine. Now. the orange female kinen is "wallcing, running and playing chase vigorously with the big cats,~ said DiAnna Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Community Animal Nerwork.' Her amazing recovery was the result of a lot of Buttercup love and attention, including physicaJ therapy, medicine and round-the-clock intensive care. But it was worth iL ~Someone out there will love her just the way she is, I believe. She is so sweet and fun loving and deserves a great home,~ Pfaff-Martin said She said she hopes Buttercup will have the same good fortune as Marcus, the orange lduen with the diaphragmatic hernia Marcus won the hearts or many with bis strong spirit and determination. Most importantly. he has gained the love or a new owner who visits daily, awaiting his full recovery. UnJe Munch.kin, the one-eyed tabby kitten. will be available for adoption on Sunday. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnetwork.org or stop by Russo's pet store at Fashion Wand between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Wormation: (949) 759-3646, or write to the Community Animal Network at P.O..Box 8662. Newport Beach, CA 92658. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organization is looking for volunteers to help create a positive alternative for people 12 to 23. Volunteers are needed to help in areas such as boxing, sports, health. fitness, aerobics and academic tutonng (949) 548-3255. SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals to help small businesses succeed by leading seminars and coaching entrepreneurs online. The corps is a nonprofit charitable organization composed of 11 .500 volunteer business mentors, both working and retired, who counsel businesses from nearly 400 offices throughout the country Call (7141 550-7309, and ask for membership. KENT TilEPTOW /ONLY PILOT Four·year-0lds Ben Teitscheid, left, and Nicolaus Rimlinger play in the sand at 13th Street in Balboa as the tall ship Lynx sails past. The Lynx sailed this week for San Diego. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeless families by helping them set goals and maintain a basic budget Bilingual skills needed. Orientation and training provided. Theresa Rowe. (949) 757-1456. NEIGHBORS The Corona del Mar varalty and Junior v•ralty cheerieadlng squads joined forces to compete in the Super-large Varsity High School Division. The team won first place at the USA regional cheerleading competition and qualified for more national and regional competitions later this year ... Navy Cmdr. John Slaughter, son of Newport Beach residents Donna and Chart .. Sl•ught.r, has just returned from a six-month deployment to the M editerranean Sea and Arabian Gulf. Slaughter visited the ports of Crete, Greece, and Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates. His squadron flew helicopters in anti-submarine warfare and search and reSC\Je missions. Slaughter grac;luated in 1979 from Newport Harbor High School and joined the Navy In 1983 ... Navy Petty Officer 2nd class David Smith, son of Newport Beach residents Janln• and Henry Smith, just returned from a similar six-month deployment. He was assigned to the guided missile destroyer USS Barry ... Corona def Mar High 2002 graduate Ben Wynkoop graduated from M arine Corps basic t raining Friday. Wynkoop will go on to infantry and then aviation training in Pensacola, Fla .... Four hundred Orange Coast College students were named to the college's President's List The Corona del Mar varsity and junior varsrty cheerleading squads for achieving a 4.0 grade point average and completing at least 12 units for the semester. Michael Robertson of Balboa Peninsula and Lesli D• la 0 and Suaan Oun• of Balboa Island achieved these high standards. From Corona del Mar, Tyler Cowx, Jonath•n O'Amlco and Aavla Ruzl were on the list. From Costa M esa. Jane Alder, M1rte And•raon, Mayuml A,.i, Adriana Ate., Kellie Brown, Gayle Clauson, Ellabeth Cluff, Katyllna Conley, Jennhr Corder, Danlel Coutu, Bonnie DI••. Amande Dietz, M imi foukumoto, EJlubeth Glanders, Gemma Graham. Su Hyun Han, Su.Jung Han, MeUua Herbl11, Alexandn Herakovttz, Cindy Haman, Gitella Hlmmer, Maki Hlreta, Uyen Ngoc a. Hoang, laabelle Huguet. Jenica Iverson, Nauuko lwabuchl. Carey Jamff, l<Mgan .Mnnlnga, K91ko Kanectiulka. Rabi• Khan, Yuko l«dti. SunhM Kim, Tomoyukl Koga. Din• lager. Stacey lam, Anne Lopez, ElyM MarozJc:k, Oewn Miller. Eml Moriuku, Ay• Morozuml. Seort Nemoto, Takamitsu Nemoto, Hung Kh•nh Nguyen, Ly Nguv-n. Irene No, Jo1nn. No, Allua Nuttall, ShfnJI ~u,., Tuyen Due Ph•m, Sh1nnon Rogers, John Rou , M•rt• Roni, Ayako SNJmu,., Naomi s.to, Eun Ju Song, s.,. Stelnfurth, l<HMe St.wart, Yuka Suglura, Chlh•N Sun.kl, Jacob Swttz•nberg, Kaho T1n1be, M1rtc T,.cy, Ouv-n Trtnh, Dorothy w .. 11.wakl, St.ven Whittaker and Xuell•n XI• made the grade. Newport Beach residents Brian Clayton, Rach•ef Decbrd, Jeremy Docbon. YukJ fouahlml, Andrew Gold, Ch•tlie Him. Eric Holmff, U.. Katu1rt, M•ori Konlahl, Juon Malkin, Naoko Matsuo. Leslie May, V.nNM Melllnl, Suzanne Menabr, Rib Meyer, A~ Niemann, Shan• Poftard, M1rityn Pope, Eridl R~m. Michael Rog«9. Natali• Andre, Lqzlo Varga and T•n V.VW. were successful. From Newport Coast, Joann• latanab. 0.nlca Long and Brittany ZMglet were honored. • NEJGHBORS spotlights ectiievementa m the community. Pleeae direct noteworthy information to Coral Wiison by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to coral. w/lson I§ lati~s.com. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS 92626 Copyright: No news SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don l..eactl. stories, 1llu1tratlon1, editorial Kent TreptOW maner or 1dvertl1Gments herein can be reproduced without WEATHER FORECAST READERS HOTUNE written perm111ion of copyright winds will blow 10 to 15 knots. (949) 642-«l88 owner with 1-to 3-foot waves and a VOL 97, NO. 15 Record your comments about the We'll awake to yet another northwest swell of 6 to 8 feet. Daily Pilot or new1 tips. HOW TO REACH US foggy day, with highs pushing THOMAS H. JOHNSON, H9wsEdlton Addf9ae Circulation 70 Inland.and sticking to the SURF Publish« Our edd,... Is 330 W. Bay St, Costa The Tlme1 Orange County mld«>s along the coast Fog TONY OOOERO, Gin• AJexander, Lori AndeBon, Mesa, CA 92627. Of'l1ce hours are (800) 262-91•1 Editor P11ul S.ltowltz, Daniel Stewns Monday • Fri<»y, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Adwf1Wng will be dense early, but should We'll droP Into the chest· to JUfY'( OETT1NQ, NEWSSTAff ConK1iol• au 11fted (!Mel 642·6678 give way to the aun around 1 shoulder-high range along Adwftil~r Deepe llMrsth It 11 the Pilot's policy to promptly ~ (949) 6'2~21 p.m . Overnight. we'll drop Into west-facing brub today. By lANA • Crime and courU reporter, correct •II errors of 1ubatance. Edltotial the ml<MOs. Thursday, we'll drop further, Promotions Director Please call (949) 57-M286. rww. By Thut1day, the Santa Ana (949) 57-M226 . Into the waist· to chest-high (949) 642-5680 winds will return and we'll bid EDf11NO 8TAFf dMJpa.bharwth•tatlm-.com FY1 Spot1a (9"9)57-M223 area. We ... a tllght lncreeee l..J.c.M, JuneC• 1•1de The Newport BHCh/Coata Mesa N9w9 Fu (949) ~170 edlet.i to the fog. The winds on Friday, but won't eee M1Mging Editor N4Mpolt 8Mdl reporter, Spot1a Fo (949) 660-0170 won't be ••strong ••they head-Nghe again until (!Ml) 674-4233 (!Ml) 67-M.232 Dilly Pilot (USPS· 144-8001 is E.fMlt "-ll'fPllotet.rl,,,...com were last W9el(. though. Hlgha S.turdtly. And then, the drop 1.j.t:Mine "1ti,,,_com /Ur>e.~ndtl·J.t/,,,_com published dally, In Newport Beeeh Mein Offtoe will range from the lower to will begin again. • ....._. __ PNClnton and Costa M•a. 1ubttrlptlon1 "' lkllkMM OM.. (949) 6'2~21 mld-70. In Newport-Me.a. V.Wqutllty: CllyEdlfor Polltlc9 and environment repotter, 1v1ll1bte only by sutncrlblng to ... .,... fax (949) 631-7126 lnfofmetlon: (94917'M-<&32A (!Ml) 7&M330 The Tlmee Orange ae>unty (800) www.nws.nou.gov WWW.tu~ jllnw.,,,.,.~ ..... ~ f»U/.dll'lfOn.,.,inw.com 252-9141. In arM• outside o1 le~ TIDES Spotta&*or Lolta .... Newpof1 ~ and eo.ta Mee.. BOATING FORECAST (Ml~ Coeta M-. reportM, (9"9) 67"""271 1.ublotipe1onl to the Dally Piiot int The ....... fOllll'.t:Mlotl•llMW.com 1o1p..,,.,,,.,.,.,1,,,.com avaltable onl'; by first ct ... mall for The Mltef'ty wind• wlll blow 8e42a.m. 5. 72 fMt high ..... ,,, ....... DelrM,...,,..,. $30 I* ~nth. (ftrlca Include 111 6to 16 knots fn ~ lnf'er 2:12 p.m, -0.&e fwt low Att Olrecieor / NM9 O.lt Chief EdUc8don '9POf19r, IM&l 67'""221 Published by Tlmee Community wtten thlt morning, with 8:62p.m. 3.46 .... high (M)~ epplicebte .-. and 1otal tax ... ) . ....,..,..~ delrdt-.,,..,,,.,,.lltl,,..'°"' ,OSTMASTl": hnd addre11 Newt. • dlvltlon of the Loe Angel• 2-toot W.W. end • W9ft IW9fl 1:011.m. 2AOfMClow -.111e1 .... a.tllld:M: CMllo Chan~ .. to The Newpo'1 -nm... of 3 to 6 ..... Wlnda wtt btow • ......... 1111 l'IPllcr N9wl ~(Me) 674-4291 Beech/Coata M11a Dally ,llot, C2002 Tlmee CH. An right1 ltronger ihft wnno. 10 '° WATER TEMPERATURE C-1lil•• dtrl•IM.CM'rlllo•latl#M&oom ~O. low 16'0. Coet• M•••· CA ~. 20lcnotl. -~•...,_com Outfarttw, ~ ~ 69dilg,... - Wednesday Jdr1t1dry 15 2003 A3 r COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some of the dec11ions coming out of Monday's Costa Mesa Planning Comm1ss1on meeting PARKS MASTER PLAN The Planning Commission endorsed and recommended a proposed parks and recreatmn rn11ster plan Monday without any rev1s1on~ or su~gesttons Planning commissmners praised the plan and recommended 11s approval to the City Council The recreation master plan hsts a skate park as the No 1 recreattonal need 1n the city. Playing fields for children and adults. tot lots, playgrounds and t1mn1s courts are also issues that Costa Mesa residents feel • · strongly about according 10 the IS YOURS TODAY! Mak.e The Mo-.t ol bl..'.n .\1ornent 1 preliminary recreation master plan released in October. RJM Design Group Inc .. based in San Juan Capistrano, released its breakdown of the various recreation needs in Costa Mesa compiled from hours of residents' input, telephone surveys, interviews and analysis of recreation trends, demands and current facilities Parks and recreation commissioners had endorsed the master plan, while adding their own comments and suggestions. and had created a Skateboard Park Planning Team to conduct more research on a skate park. Planning commissioners sanctioned the plan as ts WHAT rT MEANS The endorsed plan will go to the City Council for final approval. VOTE: 5-0 to approve the bulk of the plan; and 3-0 to approve the Marina Park portion of the plan VOLUME SELECTION • OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED •. g4.:.m4.si) SAN MIGUEL Athletic shoes • lifestyle apparel • performance flt come to the new balancesr-•at§.f.lil.I§·@i> Corona del M.ir Pia.: a Q1::' Avocado St ,PCH 11, M.l: A•!'1uri Newpcrt Be.1, r (949) 720-1602 READING Help At TUTORING CLUB •Reading Vocabulary • Reading Comprehension . • Phonics Instruction RESULTS GUARANTEED! Your child will imP!ore at least one /vii grade level in Rtoding within 3 2 hours of instruction or it is FREE until he/she da.s! CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E . 17•w STREET• COSTA M ESA (Corner or Irvine Ave) .• ~ @Jmnnwt1u11 CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessories For Your Home De k ...•............................................................. $12511 Ore er ............................................................ 125• Kitchen Table w/2 Chairs .............................. $150- Round Black Table ......................................... $175• Children's Desk w/Hutch .............................. $225• Round Pine Table w/Lear .............................. $325• Pine Hutch w/Glas Door ............................. $585" White Chenille ofa & hair .................... $1.315 .. Consigmntnts acc1pttd bJ appointm1nl only UMlk4,. U«t .,. lwwl 369 E. 17th Street #I 0, Costa Mesa, Located bdUnd P1um· PIJ10 Phone (949)764-J746 Hours: Mon·fri 10:00am-5:30pm, Sat 10.00arn·S:OOpm Commissioners Eleanor Egan heart of downtown -including SPUTOFPINK !~I NEXT MEETING and Walt Davenport had to the effects of putting homes on HOUSE LOT Wh•t: Costa Mesa Planning abstain from the second vote the property. Commission meeting because of conflicts of interest. Commissioners heard from Two lots are When 6 30 p m. Jan 27 the public aa part of the formal better than one, Where City Hall, 77 Fair Drive WHAT WAS SAID: process for cons1derat1on of a Eastside landowner O\ad Ware lnformetlon· (714) 754-5245 "This plan 1s11wesome The mandatory environmental decided Monday as hlS request to consultant and the parks and report. The report 1s now divide h11 unusualty large lot was onoe-d1taptdated house v.-tlen It wn recreation d1v1s1on did an available for pubhc review at granted. dose to bemg J:iedared a pubhc excellent 1ob, tn my op1n1on City Hall and Costa Py1esa Ware owns the large corner lot nuisance. decided toabandoo hts Now, we 1ust have to start )1braries on Orange Avenue and Camella yearlong labor of love for another implementing" Some audience members Lane, where the infamous Old -Katrina Foley. commission stressed that homes propos~d Pink House once stood, and renov8tlon proiect. chair for the northwest portion of the asked that the parcel be divided WHAT IT MEANS site, formerly known as Pacific so he can sell each one off. 1901 Savings Plaza, be The Planning Comm1ss1on There are now two residential NEWPORT .owner-occupied unanimously granted his parcels where there used to be l ~I condominiums, as opposed to request, saying they had no legal only one INPUT rental units, which they say the reason not to The existing city has enough of 16,625-square-foot lot will be WHAT WAS SAID Planning divided into one ·Personally I think 1t.1s sad comm1ss1oners WHAT IT MEANS 10,605-square-foot lot -where but I don t have any legal ground collected pubhc input M onday Residents' comments will be the newly renovated Old Pink not to let him do 11 • about probable plans for 1901 entered into the off1c1al record House sits -and another Katrina Foley Newport -the striking regarding the future of the 6,020-square foot lot Spanish-style building tn the landmark building Ware, who bought the '>t11n· IT\ /,o/1ta Harper .00% Yield 011 Pn11c1pal of Your 12 Mo CD FD I C IN SU R E D FIDELITY I NSURED DEPOSI l ) (949) 588 -5711 NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR M.EALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 9'9·6,S·7616 No es . Orange Coast College invites you to ... Bring your dreams! We'll do everything we can to help you realize your aspirations. No matter how high you've set your goals, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We1\ get you to a university-We rank second out of Califorma's 108 community colleges rn transferring students to four-year universities. We1\ prepare you for an exciting career-Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-me businesses, corporations, h1gh -tech firms. hotels, hospitals and medical fa c1llties around the country. Our Smart Classrooms and l abs are fully wired. Our spectacular new Arts Center is a national model. Our beautiful campus is secure. Tuition for California residents is just S 11 per unit. Go online or call now for registration information. We'll help you get there. Spring classes begin Monday, February 3 ora ngecoastcol lege. com ORANGE COAST COLLEGE 0 71443Maa Double The Coupon Now Thru Jan. 18, 2003! CLEANUP WITHCOITI CARPET• UPHOLSTERY DRAPES & WINDOW COVERINGS TILE & GROUT• AREA RUGS• AIR DUCTS •FREE written, no obligation estimates ... with n o hidden charges! • Convenlen'* on t im e appointments • Fully trained, certified technicians using the most advanced products & equipment available • Money-back 1C>096Clean,100% Coit Guarantee Call us today for a FREE written estimate! COIT~~ 1(800)FOR COIT 1 800} 367 2 6 4 8 Experience You Can Trust,. JI' I 9.11;;m.1 M Wednesday, January 15, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • £1 Camino Oriw : Vandalism was reported In the 1000 block at 5:16 p.m. Sunday. • H•rbor Bouleverd: Vandalism was reported in the 2200 block at 3:11 p.m Sunday. • La MeH Court: Grand theft was repo rted in tt"le 2400 block at 5:31 p.m. Sunday. • Merrimec W•y: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 400 block at 10:08 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: A person was reported drunk in pu blic in the 300 block at 7:15 p.m. Sunday • South Cout Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 900 block at 4:04 p. m Sunday NEWPORT BEACH • Baywood Drive: A vehicle burg lary was reponed tn the 800 block at 4:15 p.m. Monday. • East Coast Highway: Petty theft was reponed tn the 3900 block at 3·40 p.m. Monday • Dover Drive: Banery was reported 1n the 700 block at 4:03 p.m. Monday. • Encore and Columbia streets: An assault was reported at 7 24 p.m. Monday. •Fortuna: A home burglary was reported in the 2200 block at 12:34 p m Monday • Hospital Road: Vandalism was reported in the 300 block at 12·21 p.m Monday • Mariners Drive· A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2100 block at 7 15 p.m Monday • West 16th Street and Monrovia Avenue: Petty theft was reported at 2:55 pm. Monday T cJ:P.!#l~.:u N DUI DEFENSEAITORNEY' MYLES L. Al~LlM PLANNING Continued from Al Robinson said. The five-member Planning Commission has the power to act upon or recomme nd regula- tion of gr<>wth, development and beautification of the city. Since; the application period closed last Wednesday, curios- ity has been m ounting about who is seeking a s pot. While som e view the high rate of participation as a good sign , many developers. city hall insiders and sitting commis- sion ers are on pins and needles as to what the future might hold fo r the commission. A politically charged atmos- phere left over from the Novem- ber elections com bined with the established unpredictability of the Costa Mesa City Council has many guessing who will reign over second-story addi- tions and condiuonaJ use per mil~. The bad blood between Plan ning ComlTlls~ion Olairwoman Katrina Foley, who lost hl'r bid lor the City Council, and Coun- cilmen Gary Monahan and Al AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation will hold a volunteer orientation from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Orange County offices tn Costa Mesa Volunteer opponunities include Race for the Cure, Links to the Cure, Komen Spring luncheon, BMW Ultimate Drive, Mammogram-a-thons, health fairs and other Koman-sponsored community events. The offices are at 3191-A Airpon Loop Drive. Reservations required. For more information, call (714) 957-9157. exf. 27. The Newport Beach Jaycees will host a workshop on the seven keys to success from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Newpon Beach Chamber of Commerce. The chambe r 1s at 1470 Jamboree Road. Free. For more information, call (949) 735-1036. Toddler Time ·sneaky Snakes· is an educational playtime program for parent and cti1ld along with a Park Ranger. Cost is S3 per child. From 9 to 9:45 a.m. for 2-to 3-year-olds and from 10 to 10·45 a m. for 3-to 4-year-otds at The Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center, 2301 University Drive. Newport Beadl. To register, call (949) 923-2295 THURSDAY The Newport Hills Garden Club will host the program •A Rose, is a Rose, is a Rose· with rose specialist John Bishop. The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Club House, 1900 Port Carlow in Harbor View, Newport Beach. For more information, call (9491 • HARDWOOD• LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC T1LE • VINn FLOORING Bt!f~!~ l •iwf1!,.:ii.j SOLARIAN ~A16p.]!f SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOODST~NMASTE 3/4" s5~~ iilli s1 41q~ Traverh 1s· x 1e· ................. : ...................................... '4.2t .. . Ceramic file ................................. """'Ir""''"" hst.llld tom ..... Ill l Laminate ~ ...................................... : ......... lnr:t1lltd tam "lit *I• 75• 1, Ian Mansoor, whom she ran againsc, has left many wonder- ing if Foley has the' three votes necessary to return to the com- mi ion he currently peads. Beyond that poljdcal smol- dering. Robinson and Mansoor oppo ed the contentious Home Ranch development, which won unanimous endorsement from the Planning Commission last year, and have voiced dis- agreement with commission- ers' opinions on that venture. Although Councilman 01.ris Steel supported the monumen- tal Segerstrom project, many of his . supporters criticized him for it, and Steel has been on the losing end of recent plannihg votes that call for increased de- velopment. Ve teran Planning Commis- ~ioner Walt Davenport, who has made plann ing decisions from the dais for m o re than 22 years, said his confidence in being re- appointed depend~ on the make-up of the council. "This year. I find it a Little more difficult to predict the outcome than I have in the past," Davenpon said. Roed er said his office has re- ceived calls from various mem- 720-1552. bers of the pubUc, including Planning Commission appU- cants asking for other appli- cants' information, but again, the informa tion i~eing with- held until the counc3.I members receive their staff reports. A few of the residents who call themselves lrnprovers have expressed intere t in a seat on the commission, and because that group played a significant role in electing Mansoor In No- vember and Steel In 2000, It is likely at least one of those ap- plicants will win their favor. Planning Commissioner Bill Perkins said he doesn't care to know who is vying for his seat. ·All I oare is that I can count to three,• Perkins said. ·All that I really care about ls getting three votes." City officials received six ap- plications for the pa rks and re- creation committee, which i'> also very important but not his- toricaJJy as political Those names will also be available Thursday morning. • LOLITA HARPER covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lol1ta.harper a lat1mes com The Corona del M•r Resldenu Assn. will have their board meeting at 7:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Country Club, 1600 Pacific Coast Hi ghway. FRIDAY • OBITUARIES JMiEs •JM. ITODDMD wry lhon ~· . A memotta1 eerft:e for Shlilton aJd &be former former 1Myor IOd kMlgtlme m.,ur .. U1o ~ Corona del Mat ftllldent for ~ mom·and·pop J&mel lrilct ehKb oil the C.oroni •Jay" del Mar main ~ re· Stoddard ~ the tem'P.CJl:ary Will be ICJVCt\lftlf With pennaMDt held at 1 ones. An awt bOater. Mr. p.m. Sat· Stodda.td alto deaigned the urday at Se.acraft.; a lireguatd mcue Paclflc boar that several lifeguard View Me-depa.rtmentl· use u • mortal model, he aaJd. Padt In L------~He bad an ttntbustum Corona for the community that wu del Mar. James •Jay" uhllmJted," Shelton l&l.d. Mr. Stod· stoddard "He wu a ttroog mayor dald dJed • with bJgb standards for per- Sunday night of natural f ormance. • causes. He was 90. Mr. Stoddud ts survMd A graduate of Caltech. he by b1a wife of63 years. Aot· moved to Cmona del Mar ence; son Peter. and grand- 57 yea.rs ago after woddng daugbtu Margaret Oetken. In the petroleum industry in the United States. as wen 808 WLUAM MULLANEY as the Middle &st. He was Servlce11 for Newpon elected to the Newport Beach resident Bob Wt.l- Beach City Coun.cil in 1954 llam MUUaney will be held and served as a council at noon Saturday at New- ll)ember until 196-t. During port Dunes Marina. Mr. th.is time, he was mayor Mullitney died Jan. 1 of several ti.mes. compllcadons from dia- Former City Manager bet es. He was 77. He I ur .. Robert Shelton remembers vtved lJy daughter Kathy Mt Stoddard for his afgniti-Brown; two grand- cant achievements as daughten; and one grea1- mayor, including buUding grandson. the Big Canyon Reservoir "ln reoord dme." •Th• Dally Piiot wetcomn The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly 90·minute breakfast boost from 7 to 8:45 a.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. $12 if prepaid. $17 at the doo r. For more informatJon, call (714) 885-9090. UC Irvine Medical Center will host a semmar on Medicare benefits at 10 a.m. in the University Cl\lb on 0-e UCI campus. The seminar will focus on the leteS1 dlanges in Medicare benefits and supplemental . insurance coverage. h will not cover Medicare HMOs. The club 1s at Los Trancos and East Peltason Drive. Free. For more information, call (877) UCl-DOCS, or visit The Newport B••ch Chamber of Commerce will host the Newpo~ Harbor Christmas Boat Parade' Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel. The event will feature parade winners and have entertainment, a hve and silent auction, dinner and much more. The hotel is et 690 Newpon Center Dnve. Newport Beach Ti<*ets are $75 per person. $900 for a table of 12. For more information, call (949) 7294400 ...,_ ... .,.a."~~.~~~~!!:::!!e~!:::=~~~-~~~ ~(. pnitty big water.shortage in former rnldenta of Co9ta 1956 and 1957," Shelton Mesa and Newport Be.cn. If said. "It required that the you went to h9Va en obltu•rv reservoir be bUilt right printed In the Pilot, ask your away, and Jay Stoddard was mortu•rv to fex us the instrumentaJ in getting a lnform.tlon al 1949) 1548-4170 bond Issued and engineer-or call the newsroom et (9'9) lng design completed in a 764-4324. www uc1health com/events. The Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County will hold two support groups for caregivers in Costa Mesa. The fi rst meeting will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hoag Health Center, 1190 Beker St. The second meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Silverado Senior Living -New port Mesa, 350 W. Bay St. Free. For more mformat1on about the first meetmg, call (714) 593-9630, and for the second meeting, call (949) 631-2212 Leaming TNe University will offer a six-week class titled ·rhe Fearless Writer· for students wanting to produce pohshed. strong and honest fie11on and nonfiction The class is geared toward beginning and advanced wnters The class will be taught by an award-winning instrue1or with a master's in creative writing who has been published in the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register a nd literary magazines. Classes will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thursdays. The university is at 265 McCormick Ave .. Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) 427-0588 or visit ltuonlme.com. UC Irvine Medical Center will host a seminar on heanng loss at 1 p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center The semina r will have diSCtJssions on symptoms and treatments of hearing loss. The center is at 800 Marg uerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. Free For more information, call (877) UCI DOCS. or \isit www.uc1hea/th.com/events The Hemlod< Society is sponsoring a seminar on #How to Make Better End of Life Decisions.· conducted by Dr Faye J. Girsh. The meeting 1s at 2 p m at 1259 Vie1oria St., Costa Mesa Free. For more information, call (71 4) 871-7344. Temple Isaiah will~ Tu B'Shevat, the festival of trees (Jewish Arbor Day) at 7·30 p.m. at 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach For more information, call (949) 548-9900. SATURDAY A worbhop for men and women who have just gotten divorced or are getting divorced will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Maxine B. Cohen's office in Newport Beach. The off1Ce is et 180 Newport Center Drive. $40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435 ~~ Mattress Outlet Store BRANO IEW -COSME11CALLY IMPERFECT Get the Belt for Less/ CIC 31 as Harbor Blvd. Costa l'lesa • One Blodl South ot 405 Fwy 1il (714) 545·7168 11Uf~~ AVILA CHICKE SOUP Ftt b c,bkken broth, chunks of chicken breu t, rice pmi hed with avocado, cilantro and lime. Costa Mesa 612-1142 Corona dd llar Ml-TACO I . • •I ' • I,.... ; t ' ..... ''· I : I' • ' ' I ' . . . . . . SHOW Continued from Al and reinVJgoratet.l, and 22 .. ll1 dcnh rehearse "Waiting in th£' Wings" every Tuesday afternoon TI1c show, about a group of undersn1dies. is giving the .,tu dents a chance to hone arlU.llt '>kills that don't receive a lot of al. tention during school hours. wwe wanted our kids lo be ahle to excel at this: scud (,all, who ha<; a small part m the ~how ·The more lhtngs we can offer after school, the more bds can get mvolved. - Gall was able to pay for the <;how through a foundaoon grant and by chargmg studenr panm- pan~ a small fee. On f\Jesday. srudent~ i.hool and shimmied their way aero~ the stage, rehearsing some of the musical numbers as Olapman and Mato-..sian worlced on rol- tshing their performance. ·vou're not having enough fun!" yeUed Matossian, in an ef-ron to coax some more smiJes out of the '>tudents. O iapman, a spunky, red- headed pixie with a penchant for Miss Piggy. said the tJieme of the '>how resona tes with real life. "The show's about how al any time in tife. you have to be ready to step up to the plate,· c.hap- man said. w A lot o f kids don't step up to the plate when called on. amt this show is just about get- ting ready.· Many of the young actors and actres.ses said they appreoate being able to express their crea- Llvity m such a professio nally run FYI wwa1ting tn the Wings· will be performed at 7 p.m Jan 24 and 25 at TeWtnkle Middle School, 3224 California St . Costa Mesa productmn ·1 lhmk it'U turn out pretty good hecaww everybody\ pu1ung !.O muc.h rnmm1tnlt.'nl in ll. and I hope the aud1cncl' en IO)'S ll a.<> rnudi d.'> WE' do: !>atd l'tghth·gradt>r C .J..'-\1dy !'.lcott. lJ ·niey have tugh expectauons nf us. wluch '" good. oo auc;e they expect U<; tO be good. ':I() we Mt." Oiapman ~1d <;he has already '>ttn '>Orne 1mpre<..'>.1ve transfor- mauoni. 111 some of tht· 'tudew s ba..ed on tht'll 111\.·olvt•111en1 In the i.hmv "For ~mt' kind'> of th1' !.tage. thlS show will tum their life around: Clwpman !.3..ld. ·0ne lad had low i.elf e<>teem and now, '>he\ smging alld dancing • DEIROflE NEWMAN covers edu~t1on She may be read'led et 1949) 57~221 or by e·ma1I at deirdre.newman a lat1mes.com YNGVE Samuel S. Samuel S. Yngve, 85, of Newport Beach passed away O.cember 28, 2002.. He retired after a tNtty- two year career as a CPA with the Inspection Dept of the U.S. PosUll SeMce. Funeral Services will be 9:30 a.m., Friday, January 17, 2003 It Pacific View Memorial Chapel, 3500 Pacific View Drtve, Con>na det Mar CA 92625. IRVINE Victoria Lohman After a long Illness Victoria (Vicki} Lohman Irvine paaeed = at Hoag Memorial Hospital on Friday Jan. 10th, Vicki was very active at Big Canyon Country Club. Golt was her life for a long time. She leaves a step aon and daughter In-law, Rowland and Bonnie Lohman oJ Newport Beach, CA. A brother, Robert Gyger of Encfn6 CA. A nephew Greg Gyger of Encino. A niece v~ Wagner of La Quinta CA. She also leaves 6 at-0: grandchildren, 11 atep great grandchildren and on,~ step great QnNlt grandson. • Thet'9 wlll be no services and In Ueu of flow•~­ donatlona can be made to the Hoag Hoapltlil· Foundation for the Women .. Pavtllon. Hoag Hoapftaf• Fou~ P.O. Box 6100 Newport 8eact> CA 92858 COME TO REST • God saw you getting weary, he did What He thouflht· beat; He put HI• anna wound you Md Aki ·eom. to: reet." He opened up hi• golden gate• on "'• · hMt1brMklng "8Y, and with Hfl .nna M>Und ~. yC?f gentty .. lpped away. ft bri>ke our~ to loM you, ~. ~ ':.: ::::..r:-1 ot UI went ~ you the ~ ; Daily Piiot FORUM E H· HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -t.ett....: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St , Costa Mesa.' CA 92627 • Reeders Hod1ne· Call 19491 642 6086 Fax. Send to 19491~170 -ma .Send to da1/yp1lo1.ti>/atimes.com •All corresponde~ must include full name, hometown and phone number (for venficat1on purposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length ~ READERS RESPOND . ) To swap or _ not to s.wap af Orange Coast College AT ISSUE: Should the are willing to put up with traffic Our swap meet M!rves many how much the college ~Vt''> b<1d. po.,~1bly lw happt•111ng hu1. by city put an end to the and noise on Bear Street or different member!. of our local Lo the communit) aml v.ha1 .. md largl·, rnu~I of 11 w -.wap Bristol Street or 17th Street, and and extended communjty. really " mouvaung our l nlll '> meel people \'ho v.ork tht're are swap meet? motorcycle racing at the fair Peo ple who like the swap meet AJJ the re.,1dent '> of our pretty t:Oll\C1l'nt11111-. ahout grounds. etc. They love to enjoy really love it, and people who llo community benefit from lhl' t leaning up thP nw-., .1fttr ll '> A rrduc11on 111 '>11.e and '>Orne of the OCC Perfonning not hie it reaJJy hate it. '!bat'~ (){,( !>Wap meet and wt· all rwt•ll over v.1th Wt· do 111 our 1 a-.1· Lhtlnge., in parking and traflk ~ programs or community Ufe. Orange Coast College givt•\ II 10 tOllllllUe we re '>t'lhng do1hmg th.it\ man.tgement have already ucalion that the swap meet more to Costa Mec;a and the WILLIAM PEZZULLO brand flt'\\. bu1 llld\ lw hJJ J began 10 yield positive re-;ult!> at revenue helps to support, but surrounding communities than co-.1a \.k'>J fauh or 1wu .snd .ill1J\\1·d poor the Orange C:oru.t College ... v.ap they don't like the way OCC ge~ any other community ptopll' 111 the are.1 111 li.tH' '"nit mt·et. I thmk ewrybody will revenue to support these organization and it doe!) many I can ... ympa1h1/t' w11h thl'' dl'tt'nt tl111hmg for •• change notH:e more d1angl:'., in tht• next programs. of these things with revenue 11 pl'Opll' ol Lo<, La Ml''><! v. ho livl' I'm J\\lt1l!\ -.orry if <,orne of lwo month' or '>O. but v.e will Out hard-line cntics don't like earns from the swap meet. No around the '>w·ap ml't'l hut I tlw '''•tP 111t·1·t peoplt· got out 111 never be able to l hange '>Orne Mexicans, and Lhaf!) the bottom orgaruzation is more concerned think tlwy havt' made 11 a b1AAl r ha11d .. 111d did -.ometh1ng \\Tong communuy member.,· rrnnd~ tine. I know.because I have about thb community than probll·m 1han 11 re.illy 1-. My -.011 bet au't I though I 11 wa.., an <1h<>ut our <;w,1p mceL llwy are spoken to many of them and occ. and I llt1ve operatt·d .11 the ... wap 1.•xt.dlt'lll \Welp ml't'I .111l1 \\l'll !ht• hMll core one'> \\ho lry to when they say ~we don't need QC(. tS determined to do meet for the la'>t 'i'( or -.e\ 1·11 tnntrollt·d both Ii\ lht pohu hide their h<llred hehmd 1hat element m our commun11y" everything required to be a good )'l'd!'> anti we nevt'r 1111111.ed v. h.1t <1nd h~ tht· rwuple '"ho r ,ui tl11 1>arl.Jn~ Lrctffit, tr;1.-.h and otlll'r I know they are not refemng to neighbor. Respectable member'> all the rnmplamt' dft• about .,\,ilfl 1111·1·1 f'ar~111g. \l'o1h 11 ''J' 'UPl'rfic1al l'>,Ut''· ll1e\e 1wople Norwegians or Scot!)men. of our co~munlly need to k11ow AI1d Yl'l I lion t deny 11 It t0uld ,1 pwhlt·m hul I 111•\t r -..i\' 11 ...... .. LETTER TO .THE EDITOR There must be a gap in thinking about bridge I < 11ufdi1 I lwlll'\l' II wh1·11 I '>dW lh.tl prrtur<' of lloben (,r..tham in \our papt"r dg<1111 .md the \uh1t't t 11! 1 lw 19th -.1wt·1 lmllge lwro111111g .1 '>llh)l't I of 1111trmt'r<.} ag.t111 l>1dn·11ht· tlly 11: < "'ta M1-...1 '\t•v.pon tlnd I tu11tmi..'1011 lie.it h .llrt-all\ \\d,tt•I '>JWrul l'llouw1 morwy on tl1I'-\Ubfl'Ul I or .tm 0111• ''ho dot...,11 t dnw 111 till' i·nd of I ~th '-lret:I. I woulll h~1 Ill le! }OU lJl<I\\ \\hO h\t'' ht•n· .ual would lw dtrl't1ly .11lt < 1nl b\ .1 bnllge or h1gtwr..1y of tn\ 1-Jml I "' ,m•d at thl· l'llU of I qth °'lfl't'I ".i 1 omrnurnt\ of ""'n homt..., and rondo, th.it are 1 c>11-.1dt•rN.l ,1 very 'mall pan of '\/1'\'P'm &.nh ~ewpon terrace i'> a wonderful '>mall community 'A1lh heauuful '>UO<;t>l.5 and open ~p.tLt"> around U.'>. If anyone wan1ed to ltve m a neighborhood aW..1V from the hu'>tle and bu-.tJe of the city. Um would be an l'Xt.ellent place \\e do not need a bridge here Wt' do not need I 9Lh Street IO become another Victoria. ')ome comment!. !>ent in have '>lated that it would help the bu!.111<.-s.ses on 19th Street flow can cars driving 45 to 50 mph help the Westside? ll rnrrentJy takes me two mmutes to get out of our neighborhood and up the tull to Wh11uer Avenue. If the bridge wen· built. it would take'a lot longer It take' live minute-. to dnve two mllec, on 19th ~uet·t 111 Newport Boulevard. And tht•n ll take-. 'uc minute.. to dnve I mile'> from Newport to ll'\1Jll• 1111 19th \treet. That J'> 13 rnmutt''> lo- dnve J miles. hlllmg !>Omc !>lg11al'> Now this ume might ht• shortened if there were no signalc;, stop signs. pedestnan'>. Jaywalkers or school children. and turung aJJ the green !Jghh And depending on the rune of day. 11 could take as long as thrt•e minut~ to go from Whittier Avenue to Monrovur Avenue because of the current traffic Has anyone ever asked anyone hving in Newpon Terrace if we want a bridge? Has anyone ever PUBLICATION DATES: Friday, January 24 , 20 03 DEADLINES: Space & Copy: We dnesday, Ja nua ry 1 5, 2003 Camera Read y:We dnesd ay, Ja nua ry 22, 2003 For more information contact your . advertising representative, at 949.642.4321 a'>kt•d till' pdre11l\ \·-..111..mg thl'll lh1ldrt•11 tu 1h1 1111' -.top' or \\ 'h111u·r -.tho11l 11 tht•\ would h~t· • a bnllgt• w11h tJJ' r .. 1ung 1hrou).\h thl'> qu11·t \\e'>hlllt• nt-1ghh11rhomJ? I th111t.. no1 I l.1'> .u1yr111t· tl-.kl·d tht· homl:'nwnt·r' J.10111< I 'Ith ~m·t·t \\llh and without bu,mt....._~ .... 1f they ''am .i bridge .tJ1ll the1r home~ torn down once the bridge bul11 '>O that I 9lh \treet can Ix> widened to .ttrnmmodau the mcrea~ uaffic h11nilar to Victona Strt:'t'l)? I think noL A bridge would most definitely be a great welcome to the homeless and other misforrunate. They would have a nice cozy dry shelter over their heads when,,- I ht•\ .trt• -.Jt·l•pmg Ill lht• I ,uhNI \11r-.h .ir•·J A problt·m thJI ,1111 t Olllll1\ll'' toda\ ) I Im' nMnv of lh ha\ 1 almo,1 llll a pt'l'on ur a mothl:'r "llh h1·r ... mall t hildren f'l\'\,,tJkmg !Jll l<1th t..,1rel'I I t ..11 \ \ ailJ1 t \\ l'lllll'1 Hu1ldmK .1 hnllgt· '' not Jll dll'>Wl'r for I ':;Ith t..,tnTI .ind ll' futurl' I tan think of '''wr.it nem-. that \\Oulll ht•rwlit l~th ~ue<·t .mll ll "'ould 1101 wqum .1 bndgt Om· la-.t riuk ,1bout thdt t'\tra largt' ptclurl' ol ( ,r;1ham l'lt•..1,l' do not pnnt 11 .iga111 It., vt'I'\ dece1\ mg to am orw 1101 "'mg 1P this an·.1. DEBI DIFRANCESCO Newpon Beach ,111 111,1irr11m111tJhlt· problem LEO ARRANAGA '\ewp1ir1 Beach I ft·1•l 1h.i1 tht•\ !>houltl ha\t' It I wld11111 t·H·r go. bur I l...no'A pt•1Jplt· 1 ti.it do I th111lr. pt•ople go ·•' fa1111lw' .111d I t'lllllVt·d 1t the It•\\ 111111'' I 1•\er v.t•111 .tnll 1 lhinlr. "' l'r\ 1>1111\ dot'' \., 111111'( a' II'> t .1rl'fulh hundlt·d t111d properlv rt•gul.1t1·J 11 -.huuld ht• .tll nght MRS. EARL SCHAFER \t·v. port BeJt h J dr1 111111~ \\t' 'lllHt)d l •Jn(lllUl' I lit: ( )( C '\\.1p fOl'l:'t ,ml) thilt V.l' -.tumid .1 1 \t .ind lei lrH CHARMAINE LAURIE ( ()O,fJ \1e'>J HOW TO CONTACT YOUR • REPRESENTATIVES . NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office 2985 A Bear St Costofv1esa. CA 92626 1714 424 5000 Supenntendent R bert Barbot Board President Martha Fluor Vice President Dana Blac:X. Clerlt Sf!rene Stokes David Broo~s Tom Egan Jucty Fr~nco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave Costa Mesd CA 92627 (949 631 1200 Board President Jim Atkinson . Vice President Mtke Healey Trudy Ohllg Hall F-red Bodcm1ller and Paul E Shoenberger A I 0 0 I ,, QUOTE OF TtE DAY "Ever since I was 8 years old I wan1ed 10 be on Sawrday Night Live." Nadine Rljabl, Estancia High gifts soccer coach M We<h!sday, ~ 15, 2003 Sports Editor Roger Canson • (949> 574-4223 • Spcw1a Fu: 1949) 650-0170 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL Mini ~showdown : tonight UCI plays hosts Utah State with 7:05 tipoff for Big West collision. Steve Vireen Daily Pilot Bill :-; I VI VJ~ U NTl R UC lrv111t.>\ Big We~t Conft-rcnc.e home openn will be the Antearers' rnughe'>I game at rhe Bren f.venl'> C .enter, thu' far lo night at 7:05, the 'harer<> will hmt Utah S1a1e. the tt-am thar <>hared the Big West regular-season titJe with lJU la'il year. And, If la<;r year's matchups be- tween 1h1.•c,c· two team .. are any indicauon or what lrllliKhl will be ltkc, fl.">I a.,,ured lJw; game is sure to be a ha11 le. I ht· '>l·hool., '>Piii one poinr dec1.,ions on each otfwr\ c.ou rt la.'>t ..cason, with IJCI winning. 67-66 (cm Jerry (,rt't:n\ game-w11111111g '>hot) in Logan , and the Aggiec, prevailing. 62 bl. ar the Bren Om· tn Utah .,late k•ad'> the -.crie., agamst UCI. 25-24 • TV: KDOC CHANNEL 56 • RADIO: KUCI 88.9 FM. "We've been on the road awhile, so 11's good to get back home.· UCI C.oach Pat Douglass said. ·Unfortunately. you rake on the big honcho, the Aggies. But it will be nice to play in front or our big crowd It ~ouJd be a lot or fun.· The Aggies (12·3, 3 I J are the class or the Big West. They are ranked fourth IJl the most recent Collcgelnsider.com Mid-Major Top 25 poll, while UCI has fallen out of the rankings. Urah State featun.-s 6-foor-7 senior forward Des· mond Penigar, wh o leadc; the Aggies with a 14.8 points-per-game average. The Aggies' offense is guided by junior pomt guard Marie Brown, who led SaddJ ebaclc Collegl' to the California Communiry l..ollege championship last year and wa.s the MVP. over the last four game'>, Rrown has compiled 27 a~isu. and only five1t1 moverc;. I le leads the Big West with a 2.57 a-..'>i\l·to·tumover rauo and aJso rank!. second w11h 4.8 as_<;1.sts per game. The Aggies also have '>Ophomore ~pencer Nel'>on, who eagied Big West Player of the Week ho nors after averaging J4.5 points and 7 .5 rebounds. though he played only 18.5 minutes per game. m wins over C.al Poly and UC Santa Barbara. While Utah State has c;ev. eraJ options on offense, Doug- lass wants hts team to be pre· pared for the Aggie!>' deferu.e. ·They're a very good dden· s1ve team," Doug!~ c;aid of the Aggiel>' wh o are rhe top re· BIGWEST Paclftc Utah St. Fullenon ua Cal Poly Idaho UCSB Riverside Nndge LS St. W L 3 0 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 0 3 0 3 bounding team m the Big Wt.><>l mid third m scor- ing d efense, allowing an average of 59 point.) per game. UBrown hao; done an excellent JOb of leading the team and 'iCtttng up other tedmmate,. <Coach) Stew (MorillJ hai; a win111n~ fonnuJa. They're aJ. ways a tough challengt-for anyo11t.' in our confer- ence." UCI wdl tomh,11 the Aggacc,' at Lat le with 11~ abil - See 'EATERS, Paee A8 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL EYEOPENER l)Uly .. Pik>t Sportl Hll fll Fame ,.......... .y. JMulty 20 honofH CKRL KRAUSHAAR STE.V£'McCRANt< I OAA.Y Pllul UC Irvine's Adam Parada (55), seen here in traffic agamst UC Rrvers1de, 1s one of the big keys for the Anteaters m tornght's duel wrttl Utah State. PREPS CdM rallies for 57-43 win Straight lin es at Estancia Sea Kings overcome a hefty 13-point second-quarter defic it with full-court pressure defense and ~elliann Klein's long-range shooting to pull it out. Steve Vire en Daily Pilot l.AC,UNA HI.AUi -Whe n the Corona del Mar lligh girls ba<,lcetball team fell behind, 18-5, with 6·44 left in the <>econd quaner. fi rc;t-year coach James Ba rkalow hardly worried. He trans mHted that same attitude to his sq uad and told his players to calm down. The Sea Kings responded with a come back: and a p1votaJ 14 ·0 second-haJ f run SCOREBOMD that led to a 57 -43 Pacific Coast League victory over host Laguna Beach Tuesday It was the league opener for both teams. "The whole time we were down I didn't want (the Sea Kings) to get flu 'itered," Barkalow said. ~, wanted the m 10 stay caJm. I lcnew CdM 57 we could come back. I lcnew we Leg Beacti 43 had the firepower do it. Once we figured o ut what was wrong, it was no problem.· The i.enion led the Sea Kings (6 -9) to the win, as Kelliann Kl ein scored a game-high i9 points, Madjson Otterbein added 13 to go with seven steaJs and Jacki e McCoy contributed six points. eight rebounds and five steaJs. Klein went 5 of 7 from the three-point line and hit four treys tn the c;econd quarter to keep CdM within striking di•Hance CdM Junior Kate Heeschen recorded five steals and five po int'> When the rolec; reversed, and CdM went ahead, 45· 31. early in the fourth-quarter arr er KJetn's fifth three- pointer Barkalow knew the game was over. "With an 11 point lead to end the third quarter and then (Kletn) hit that three-pointer, that seaJed the door," BarkaJow said. "I lcnew there was a lot of time left (7:49), but that c;hot had a psychologicaJ effect. 11 was a bac.:lcbreaJcer. • Klein's three-point shooting prowess opened the Sea Kings' offense in the '>econd quarter, and then CdM's defense took over in the third period. The Sea Kings outscored the Breakers, 2 1 ·5, in the third. Afte r a slow sta rt, which had the Sea Kings score five points in the fir'it period , CdM went to Klein for in· stant offense in the second quarter. One minute after the Breaker<i (4-9) went up, 18·5, Klein hit her first three-pointer. However. Laguna Beach maintained Its lead and held a 22-10 advantage with 3:27 left in the See COM, Pae• A8 KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar High's Madison Otterbein (21) slips past Laguna Beach's Emily Friedman (15) on her way to the basket during Tuesday's game at Laguna Beach High School. The Sea Kings won, 5 7-43. COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Callaway Big West Player of the Week Anteaters' junior repeats conference laurels. RREN EVENTS CP.NTER -UC Irvine junior forwurd Ouistfna catJoway was lected as Big West P1ayer of the Week. Thia marts the second time she has earned the honor thla o, ma.Icing her the fim conference player to do to. Callaway recorded two double-doubles last week to run her EMg Weit ·leadfng tow to six. Against Cal State Pullerton, . the aoored 13 poln11 and grabbed a game-high 13 rebounds. She scored a ca- reer·hlib 25 ~n to go along w1th 10 rebound In a win O\'et UC RJvemde Setuidly. Her 12 ftdd goals against the Highlanders was the mOlt by• Bia Weit player ln • game this n Callaway shot .534 (rom the t}eld In two ..-I wbUt 1~ 2.5 steal.1 per game. r • I OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK So m ething funny going on behind improved play of Estancia High girls soccer this season. S m:cer ,., '>CrtOUl> bU!>IOC'>'i to Lstanua I hgh girls coat·h Nadine RdJab1, bur her cart.'er f<Oal involve., pum. pu nch line<; and parody "l:ver Mnce I was 8 years old, I've wanted to be on Saturday Night l.Jve. said Ra jab1. a budding stand-up comit who played soccer a l Mater Oe1 High and Cal Luth eran and decided last i.um mer to give hack to the po rt that he en1oyed so m uch. Rajab1 learned of the Estancia o pening from a friend. who h appened to be a n eighbor of 1'--'>lancia (,1r1., Athletic Directo r Nancy l·erda. The connection quiclcJy led to her getting the Job. which. she said. has been considerably more rewarding than she wouJd have Imagined BARRY FAULKNER "It has been amatiog: said Rajab1, who was vinuaJJy una~ of the recent struggles or the program, which included 0-1 o Pacific C.oast League seasons the last two year . "I didn't know what to expect. because I'd been away from Orange County for ix years. I k.new there bad been a lot o f turnover with coaches (she is the fifth in five seasons), but after talking to Nancy. I was inspired to try to bring some stability and help the girls out.· · To help in her ml Ion, Rajabi enJisted friend Subrina Win, a former U.S. youth national team player who competed at Ontario OulstJan and San Diego State. Both still sLrong players, Rajabl ahd Witt regulary make coaching points by participatin g ln drUJs with the players. "The girls have told me they are so ·appreciative that their coaches know what they're tallcJng about and can how them by demonstrating skills,· Ferda s aid. Estancia, 3· J9 a year ago. took a 2-5-4 record Into Tueaday's Golden West League game against Santa Ana and those who saw the Eqles play last season have been lmpressed by their overall Improvement. And while RaJabl hopes he can continue to be part of the Bagles' • prOSJ' Ion toward ucceu. she continues to work on accelerating what she bopes will.be a personal proce Ion to stardom. "I just received a second call-back with "MA.Dtv" (a ketch-comedy serle on Fox) and I do stand-up on stag three of four ntghta a week. rotating through lmprov cJubt Cthroughoot the Southland)," lhe said. .. She e-veo hu •Web aJt.e: www.ll4dlMra}Gbl.t0m. tbal proftlll her land-up career. , •10 high lehool, I WU ftted Oeli Oown end tn coo •• I wu Mott .. • -~ BASKETBAl • SUMMARIES COUEGEMEN Golden St.-AltlleClc Conference Point Loma 83, \la1t9uard 58 v.nguard-Moreau 16, Hartman e Pel~n 12, Adamczak 6, Burnette 8 Barney 0, Cotter 2, Rosborough 4, Ennt 0, Egkan 2 3-pt. goal1 -Pelreon 4, Moreau J Fouled ou1 none. Technicals -none Potnt Loma Nua,.,,. Thomas 3, l..Hker 3, MacGlnnis 20, Andorson 13. Berglund 14, Enloo 6, lre1fe1 4 .,Henrich• 0, Swarts O ' 3-pt. goalt -Mec<l1nn1s J, Thomas 1, Leiker 1. Fouled out Lasker Technlcal1 -none 'Walfllme Point Lomd 40 n COLI.EGE WOMEN Golden StMe AltlleClc Conferenc. Vanguard 67. Point Loma 56 • ~ -Josofsson 8. Mills 12 ; ~loox 7. McKinney 6, Dinenbu 14 • ~nderman 6, Lee 8. Scaman 6, • Candetana O :93-pt goals M ills J, Jo!>Cfi;son 2. • ~ 2, Wilcox 1, LPndermdn 1 Emanl led out none meals none ~Loma Naurene Cano ~erc&do 7. Z1mblornan 0 Kellar 18. Orungila1te 15, Sousa 3 ; .iGreenaway 7. Jenkins 6 pt. goals Kcll<1r 2, Mttrc.tdo 1. eenaway 1 • ulod out Carl ~nlcals none Q alft1me Vanguard 34 2!> HIGH SCHOOL BOYS ~Leacue St. Marg.m's 55, Sage Hilt 34 . Si:of'9 by Ouarten Saae Hill • 11 1 .. St M argaret's 1~ ; " " • • 5-ge Hill Joycf' 10 Bri·wN "l Cho 4, Fitzhugh 18 Lol)f'r 0 lt•fl•-r O Wilkins 0 Swanson 0 Sanwl O 3 pl goals Joye& 1 Fouled out norw Tech mca Is no m St. Metpm'1 Schafer 19 Benedetto 14 Coroan 4 K1·nll'f 2 Youkhannoh 2 JdnCl)lk 14 3 pt goals Benedono 'J Shiller 1 Fouled oui Jancry~ Tec:hnicala nonfl HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Costa Mesa 45, Orange 30 Scont bv Qu.,1en Orange ~ " ,, 1 JO Costa Mesa • 1• 1• • J 4~ Orln99 Thai 14 Cd~tro 4 Rf's1>rrl11 2. Kilroy 10. Mora O Curran 0 3-pt goal5 none Fouled ou1 nont• Technicals none Costa Meu Brt~ 2 Landpros 0 Naff 21, RoffvM. 6 Sdndw1 6 Tru11llo 8 K1b1n 2 Cluff 0 Kelly 0 Montoya 0 Navan11nP Vf>rgar~ 0 WaggonerO 3 pt. goals Tru11110 1 Fouled OUI non.1 TechntCals noN· ~Westl.upe &tanda 57, Sant.a Ana 50 Scont bv Quarters Estancia 1) 11 11 1 J • 1 Sant• A na 9 ij 10 JJ "° Estanda -Byfield 15 Castro 8 Gray 18, Wase 10, Mino o Pena 6 Wilton 0, M aldonado 0. Garica 0 Floret O. Bece1T11 0 •i-pt goals Wase 3 Byf1ohl 1 :Pena 1 • Fouled out none Tedm1Cal1 none Sama Ana Love 1.8. PoloM:1os 4 RulOOn 11, Sosa 2. ChavP1 4 De la Rou 5, Garcia J. Love 18 J1men6l 3 • 3-1)( goals j..ove 4 J1menoz 1 Fouled OUI none Technicals none CdM 57. Laguna 43 Scot9 8y Quarten CdM ~ 18 11 IS Llguna n 1s s 11 CdM-Ofte<t>e1n 13 Heesctien 5, Kletn 19, McCoy 6. C Maries 2, Snell 8, Stem 4, Oimaa O. Skalla O A Marb o, Yardley O 3..pt. goals -Klem 5 Fouled out -none Technlcalt -none lAguna 8Mct1 Roley 0, L Friedman 2. Schmalzried 10, Mestre 6, E. Friedman 15, SeX1on 9, Awadalla 1. J..pt. goals -E. Friedman 3 Fouled out -none. Tectinlcals -nono. SN Vlw LMCU9 Aleo~4'~37 Allto 8cOf'e ~ IO & 15 ... NewJ)Of1 10 I 10 11 77 ~ -Mannaert 8, Scurlc:h 11. Moore G, Ritorto 2, Stoddard 10. Hippe O. Brown 0, lk.091pentartl09 2. Hereda 2. 3-i)t. goel1 -Scurlch 1. Fouled out -none. Tectmalt-none Newpclft -~I 0, Swig1rt 9, Whltfteld 10. ~ e. ~lier 8. a...on 0, SlOltz 2, Miiier 2, Eddington 0. 3-pt. goell -SWiglrt 1. Fouled out-none. - c;az;c SPOR I ~ HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER Newport, Aliso Niguel finish in 1-1 deadlock Nt•"'port 11.trhur lhgl" ln.,h.t Onh hl'ildt'<.f ii hi.J ll 111111 tht• llt'I lhfl·t• .111tl d half 1111nu1<·., 111tn tlw gi.lrrw. but Alt'>u ~1g11el\ Olrl.,1111(1 f>tll't l'tjll.lfttt•d lall'r Ill !he pt'· nod and thl' two "wu Vil•w Lt.'<tK\ll' lt••un., fiimlit'd rl1'adl111 kl'd, I I. I 1w-.d.1y at "Jc•wport 'w111or la1y11 I l.1111,011 took J 1 on1er J..u k frt1111 l\1ny Uurltngh,1111 ,11111 p.1-.wd ll to,t.lw lop 111 1111· '1), ','.tnl hm wlwre C >rth lw,11.J1·d II Ill \Jllor w1.tlkl•t·pl'r Kara lk\\1111-111,111e ll\t' ol lwr '>I\ '><l\t''> Ill !ht• -..·1111111 h.ilt, .1 halt th.11 -..av. tht· \'\olH·ru1l''· • i 1. II fl !. 111 lt·.1g1w .md r.inlr.t·d 111111h 111 C.11 'lm11l1t·r11 "'4.·1 t11111 CJ1\1'1011 I 1111t-.l11111t 'l'\\J>Orl h I I h1• ...,11lor'>, I h t,, I II I 111 l1·.1g1w. ou1 '>hlll lht• "''11111-., 7 .!, 111 1lw fir'I h.ilt Ah.,.> .,11,,1ppnl :'\1'\\p11rt' 1hr1·t• gam1· \\1111111lg ...1r1 .. 1k • 1 IW\\IH'rt' 111 l11~:h '"hC111I girt.. -.111 u·r I tw-.cl.i\ C<l M 4, Laguna li:ach () .,..,I tw t cl \I ( oron.1 tlt·I 1\1..r llllJHflVf•tl 111 4 I I. I 0 tn tlw I'< I E.'>tam.:ia · 1. Santa Ana J Vl'>lllll).( I <,t,1111 IJ I llj!h r,Jlfll'tl thrt•t• 11nw-. <1g.ur1-.1 'l.1111<1 \11J. lwf11r1· 111n11ng J"'d'r Wllh .1 I I ( 1111<11•11 \\1• .. 1 I l'.lgllt' lit" \1.ir111.1 \hdul \I.Hid \,1111 ht•t 1111 ,in "'"''' h, I "'" < .ir11111 .111!1 Hat h1•I \1l \1a ... tt•r.., 1•J1 h 1'r,1"•tl 11111· gottl d1'11 l lh With" t>fl'' 1•11 tlw 1.wl1· ... I!. r, r, I !. I 111 l1·o1~111· J H111lt It .1111, 1.111t-tl 111 ... 1 IJlt Ill l\'\11 111 1111111111' 11\l'llHlll p1·11111h llw t .1gk' \1,11 •,,,.,,,,._,,,"'·LI c ,..,,a \f1•,,1 I llllr,tl,I\ .11 ' p 111 .11 1111• I .arm ~p11rt-. ( 11111plt"!< St Marg ... tn.'.l.' -::; () 1111,1 '' \I 11 ""''I lrgh l>l.111lr.1•d ~ag,. I lall 'I h1111I I II Ill dll \1 .1111•111\ I l'J).(lll' g.11111· I•''"' .1 I »·1111111·'1 ..i oretl 1hn·1· go.ti' \\ l11lt· I h I.an < ,..,,,t1111t•\ Jllcf \Ill\ \l,1gill 1»11 h 1.i111 ... 111111· lnr 1h1• l,ut.111' ,[ANHl1 I,, ,,.. .. I .1t111•11 I 1w .111d < Jll\ 1.1 ~11111ira t"I' h 'lt1rt·d l\'\lt 1· .111tl g11.d11· lanhh.1 ~..-11.i1.i t1·111· h.1d 111111 .,,1\t'" .1-. C •Ht1l1<1 d1•I \f.ir 111w11f'd P,111111 < 11,"1 I 1·;11•u1· pl.l\ \'\tlh" I II\ II (or~ <11 I Ag1111.1 lk.11 h I li1• I 1gh111111~: \\l111 Ii 11·11111 :.'II I I 111 lt·.1~•u1" li.111 \1,1.1 \l111ph\ .11111 l~11u.1 ( ,111tl•111 .ii~. •'I'' r Costa Mesa H1gh's Sharon Day drives the ball up field through the Orange defensP Tuesday afternoon. among them Martha Rodnguez. left. and Vanessa Ibarra I II\ 111d 1-.t•ll\ \1111g.111 '"" h h.11! .111 ·" \ "'" h.111 'I' -..i,,., .111d < ,11rd1111 .1 J1111·11 Mustangs throw their weight around ~ 9-0 Co<;ta Y1 e...,a route, Ora n ge fo r I 0th ...,tra ight victory. Bryce Ald erton Daily Pilot ({)\ I \ \ 11 \ \ 111 ,1 ~ () \II tor. C mti.l ~fl:'-..11 hglt glll' "11 u•r 1.11a1 h U.t.11 Jolm,11111 11111ld .11Tord to t'xpenn1e111 W11h a twt·<1kt·d trt111,1t11111 g.u11t· .1111.I playt·,... 1m1·1 mg Jll>'>I t1un.., 1hev 1111.;11 1111r111.1ll\ n•>< rn\'l'r, rlw \ 1u-.1.111g'> 1111 I :.' I 0 o 111 <ht' C ,oldl'11 \\1''' I 1•,1gut• "'1111 tlwir IO!h Uln'l'l 1111\.t' g.11111 h1t·..,da\ ,1gt1111'1 fl'llm' ll',1g"l1t' f111 C >range 11 ~c:i-4. O 5 ui lt•<th'lll'l ~lt''-<I ht•JI 1ht l'anthn' 1·.1Iltl'r lht'> """1111. II IJ I t't11lt11g h IJ 111 tlw hOth m111 ult John ... 11111 '>lllftt·tl 1un111r 'ltJI"\ l-.nl..11rtc.lrl to go.ill..l'l'Pl'r. taltng O\l'r for ..,ti.lrtl'r Ka11lvu (,enthng t-.r1~11n.111 d1dn t m.11..l· .1 '><1\l' hut h.i' 110\'\ pl.1\ ('(J ('\l'fl ro .... t1on 1h1' , •• ,,,on < 1l'11tl111g m,1dt• urn· '>•I\ I' l11h11..,to11 trwd ,1 Ill'"' 1ran'>1 t11111 "t'lllfl llll''>d.t'f 111 wh1lh four .111.11 ling pla\ t·r., l'Jt h covered .i ... p1·11li1 1111w on tht· field. Miu~ lil'ltln ... and deft•ndt•r\ Wl'rl' .,up po.,ed to lhl'' the hall quickly 111 ,1 /0111' l h1· forn1.11111n Vl.ork.t·d .iu ord ing to pl.in. lol111,ton <,a1<.I \fl\tlung 1h,11 make'> a quick ttml.lround. 1hat\ what \\l' Vl..1111. .. I ohm ton .,.mJ • 1 fl'lt ..... e HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Eagles, Mesa roll lh1· 1. ... 1anu.1 I 11.;1 girl'> h.i...kl'th.111 11•,1m rt•\e,...<>d a n•n•nt irend b) 111,1l..111g 7fl% ol It'> frt•t• throw' .111d r1.•111a111l'd un hearen 111 thl' (,olt..len \\1•,1 l)•aglll' w11h a 'i7 50 w111 .ii ~1111a At1<1 'I 11l'.,t..lay. 'len1or ll'>hJ I .rav .,dnk II of 10 111111 'hot., 1.•11 route to a team high I H pmnl'> .ind ,i1.,11 h,1d Ill rt'lwundc.. for the l·.agle'> 18-8 . .1-0 111 lt·a~Jl'l '>t·111or :<.m hlll Byfit·ld .1dded I 5 point' and rni.ha \\a'>t' h..id Hl. 1m lud111g h1111ng lhrC'l' of her four Lhree·potnl am·mp1., Ilic Ea~le... fl''>lllllt' lt·.th'lll' pl.t\. 1 hur,lf,1\ ,11 1 ro.,...town n vaJ C.:o.,ta Mt"><.1 Costa Mesa handle~ Orange. 45 -JO ~ l.o<>ta Mc'>a I hgh\ gub h,1.,loa•t hall 1t•am gm .1he.id b) 15 in the fourth quarter and that\ the \•,.1v II l'ndcd ac; the Mustang'> rema111ed unbeatl'll 1n < ,oldt•n we.,t league play with a 45 JO vte1ory owr \ 1 ... 111ng Orange Tuc<>day n1gh1 Costa Mesa I 10 6 . .Z-0 in leagul'l \\J'> I 'l lor 38 rrom two point range. but 1ust one of 16 from ht•yond the lhree point line "(Three point '>hooting) k.tllt'd u .... " '>aid Co.,ta Mesa C.oach Jim Week.s. Rhond1 Naff led the Must.mg'> 111 '>t,onng for the 15th time this season with 2 I point" while grabbing five re· bounds. R1ckell Reeves aJso took five rebounds to go with her six point1' and Susan Trujillo hit Mt'1.a\ only three· pointer in the first half on her way to eight points. Costa Mesa hosts city rival Fs tancia l'hur'!day at 7 p.m. Aliso Niguel tops Newport Harbor, 46-37 The Newport Harbor 11,if:h girl" ba'lkctball 1eam dropped its second Sea View League game in a'> many chances at home Tuesday night to Aliso Niguel. 46-37. Newport (10-8. 0-2 in league) went on a 10-5 run In the second half after trailing. 26-16. at the end of two quarters. But the Sailors rouJdn't ustam the momentum against Ali o (9·5, 1-1 in league). "We got off to a slow start but then our defen e played much bener, • said Newport Coach Jen Tho mp on. Newport was led ln scoring by JUiianne Whitfield's 10 points. The junior tut 4 of 6 from the free-throw Une for the .sailors' only fouJ shots and al o grabbed five re· bounds. Aliso was 1 CJ of 17 from the fou l line. Victoria Swigart (nine points and five rebounds).-Und sey Woller (eight points and even rebounds) and Athena Vasquez (rwo steals) chJppcd ln for Newport. Lightning fall • 46-~5. at St. Margaret's Sage Hill School fre$hman Haywood Wright had a team· b.lgh 17 points, 11 rebound • six blocks and Ove teals, but It wasn't enough against ho t t Ma.rttaret' , which earned a 46-35 Academy League girls b3 ketball victory Tu day ntgb.t In San Juan <:aplstrano. Debbie Yoder-Lee. a (re.hman gua.rd, had · nine re· bounds to go wtth lx polnta. while 1te Puashya also con· trtbuced nine boant for the Ughtnlna (8·3, O 2 ln leacue>. St. Marpreti imprm'ed to 10.J. 2 ·0. Hill visits Capistrano VaJley llan friday.n t. did \\1•11\\llh1h.11 111d.1\ • ( fl ..... , \11''" 111 •• ,,, . ., 17 .. 1i11h 11n ()r.111g1 • g11.1l~1·1 pl·r -..1r.1h <11J\l't \\ho 111.11lt· 11 -..1\1'' I Ill' \h1,t,111g,, r.111~ 1·d :'\11 .! Ill < 11 \1111tlt1•111 '><·1111111 I )1\i'1t111 Ill, 1t1111p1·d 111 .1 .! 11 lt'<td I ~, 111111 u11•., 1111111111• g.11111• ,11111 lt•cl I 0 .11 hal1111111 llt'lt111 '>t 11ru1g "" 't'• ond It.tit g11.1I'-. II\ 1· 111111111g 111 thl' 1111.tl :!ll 1111111111•, \t·111111 \h 11011 I >.i~ 1111· l'.it 1111 ( 11,1-.1 I 1·.1gllt' ( 11 \111 ... 1 \'alu.ihll• l'lot\l I l.1 ... I " ol'>Oll \\ ~ll'l I \lt•-..1 Ill fi.tbllt•d lli,11 1 ITI 1111, .111J 'ophll JlJOrt' ft-1111\ 'J>tlfl...., 1 .. 11 Ji 'I llfl•d 1l1r1·1· g11.Lf, \Ith tlllt .111ll l\\11 il' ,j,(,, rt·,pt•t ll\1•1\ 1-n•,hm.m J,..,111111 I l,1\. -...,h.tmn' "'It ·r. ...11ph1111HH1 • H.t did H1111q111llo .ind ... 1·11111r lmh1a lin.1nt 1•,11h'I11n-d 11111· g11.1I 1 .... rn111-. g1J.1I 111.ult• JI I 11111 tit• .!hth Jlllllllll' C,h.uon lhrt'\\ till' h,111 .!O \ilflh 111111 J urn'd 111 hlal ~ < Jr.lllgt• am! "'h111· c "'''' \ll''wt -.h1n' \>\IWrt' h1·1 ,1,1t·r p11,t 111m·d lwr.,elt J,t,r11111 lw.1d1·d tilt' h.111 off 11! a 1•.m1lw1 d\'11•111!t·r. hut ti 1.tnll' right l1.1t k 111 tht \h•-..1 lor.,ard .111d ... 1w uwd 1 lw -.Jllll' mouon I 1 wnd tlw h.111 111111 thl' left '>Ide 111 llw goal 1\-fr.,.i lort ed ... 1x "'u1111.I h.tll 1or111·r., 1 um pared to thret• 111 till' flr...t 40 11111111tl''· ket'pmg t 1111 '>IJ111 prt•.,...11rt• 1111 thl' ( >rn..11ge di· lt•ll'>l Junior kara 11·11~111' and '11.1111 l>uartl' got .. oml dean ... huh on goal to kl•1•p < h.iv£>1 hu'>~ 111 goal J l11,1r1t 1\1'.tdt·tl 1"'11 h,111 .. 111f I Ill 111 r lu ~' lro111 -..1i.ir1111It·-.-.1h.111 1 111111111t• .1p.1rr 111 1111• 't·1 ond h.111 iii.ti 1111 tilt' 1 ro ... ~ h.tr .111d Ot·\, h·l 1 111 1111' llt'I, rt°'pt-t 11\ l'lv \li·-..1 11.1-.11 t 111-.1 '11111• drop )11111.: ,1 .! I) Jc'< 1-.11111 to I Alllf.: ll1·.1d1 \\ 11-.1111 I h•1 i 111 tht· hr'>I r111J111I 111 1h1· Ck 1·.111 \ u·w lour I t.111 lt'l ll • \\1 rt Ill g1111d .. 1t.1p1· Ill lt'Jh'lll \'\II h 11-.. ( )\ 1·.i11 \ It'\' ,u1d 'l.Jddl1 1>.11 ~. ft1l111.,1011 -..111! I '><!\\ I , 1.11H 1.1 \111ntl.1\ .11111 th1·\ l1111kt·d n·.111\ g1H1d I ht·'. 111uld ht· th• \\tld 1.trd. I .,1.11111.t .! ·, I 11ul \11,1h1·1111 I I \lc111d.1\ I •1'1.1 \11·-..1 .1ml <ht• I .iglt•, \\lll t.u 1· 1•,11 h 111h1·r I hur,d.1\ .11 -; p 111 .it 1lw I .m11 'r11n' 1 11111pl1·x . . ----#'---· ,. A8 Wednesday, January 15, 2003 SPORTS Oail-J Pilot COM Continued from A6 first half. Klein answered with three straight three-pointers to key an l 1 ·2 run that put CdM within. 24-21 . but the Break- ers scored with 23 seconds left to take a 26-21 lead into half- time. The teams b;lttJed to Lhree ties in the third quarter, at 26, 28 and 31, until CdM closed out the period with an 1-..0 run in a 90-second span. The Sea Kings' full-court pressure defense caused turnovers and appeared to physically wear Jown the Breakers, who fin- ished with 34 turnovers. Cd~ senior Aryn Dimas and junior Sarah Stern came off the bench to spark the 90-sec- ond spurt, as Dimas started the run with a steal and a pass to Stern for an easy layup. Stern scored on another layup in transition for a 37 -31 lead with 37 seconds left in the third. Then, I 0 seconds later, Otterbein tapped an errant pass · to junior Colleen Marks who delivered a lead pas!> to Otterbein on the break. 01ter- bein finished with a layup, plus the foul and converted the three-point play. Otter- bf'in later hit two free throws with four seconds remaining. BRIEFLY Vanguard women roll Vanguard University's women's basketball team was a 67-56 win- ner at Point Loma Nazarene in Golden State Athletic Conference play Tuesday evening. Vanguard's balanced attack in· eluded eight players with six points or more. led by Robbin Dittenbir's 14 and Lacey Mills' 12 points. The Lions arc 12-7 over- all, 7-l in the GSAC Point Loma Nazarene fell to 12-5. 5 -2. Vanguard men fal l ·- •MEN'S BASKETBAl.L: Van · guard University's men's basketball team fell behind by 17 at halftime and could not re- cover ru. host Point Loma Naza- rene recorded a 63-58 Golden State Athletic Conference vic- tory Tuesday night. Ryan Moreau ( 16) and Jo~h Peir!>on ( 12) led Vanguard, 5-11, 1-5 in Lhe GSAC. Tartans top Lightning • BOYS SOCCER: Sage Hill School senior Zach Friedrichs scored on an assist by junior Cesar Arriaga in the 53rd min· ute, but hos1 St. Margaret's won.6-1, in an Academy League boys ~occer game Tuesday. Ethan Tanney made 10 &aves for the Lightning. 4-3·2, O· l-1 in league. Sage Hill bows • BOYS BASKETBAll: Sage Hill shot just 26.2% from the field to drop a 55-34 boys basketball verdict to host Sf. Margaret's . in an Academy Legue ganie. Michael Fitzhugh had 18 points for the Llghtnlng (6·9, 1-l in league). Point guard Jeff Shafer had 19 points and controlled the game for the Tartans (16-0. 2-0). Lightning strikes in or •GIRLS POW: Junior Hay- den Hutchjson scored a team- h.igh six goals and assisted on sophomore Lauren lndvik's game-winner in overtime to lead Sage Hill School to a 12-11 nonleague girls water polo tri· umph at· Long Beach Jordan Tuesd~y. Hutchison made one of her 11 steals, then found lnd- vik on the counterattack. Jndvik fired a shot into the right corner from about 20 feet to help Sage even its record at 5-!'i. OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK PREPS Continued from A6 Uk.ely to Bed>me a Stan~up Comedian, even though I'd already started,• she saJd, "1 saw my first live stand-up show in 1~92 and I bad such a good time, 1 told myself I wanted to be someone who could create that reeling in other people." Rajabi said she has begun to incorporate her coaching experience into her comedy, all the while erasing the Estancia program's reputation as a laughing stock. ••• f.stancia visits crosstown rival Costa Mesa Thursday at 5 p.m. at the Farm Sports Complex and parents with both progr~s have combined efforts to surround the game with community atmosphere. Joey's Italian Restaurant will supply food (cheese ziti. garlic bread, a coolcie and a soft drink) for a postgame meal for players, parent!. and spectators ($4 per person) after the junior varisty game (al 3: 15) and the varsity contest. The dinner was created to try to promote goodwill bet,ween the two programs. . Parents who spearheaded the effort include EstelJe Hughes, Jean Nomura. Brenda Jen.kins (from Costa Mesa) and Ellen Carroll (Estanci~). Hughes said the dinn~r was created not as a fund-raiser. but as a social gathering. ••• I recelved a press release Monday annoWlcing something called the Jerry Campbell Sports All-American Team, created for the fust time to recognize 25 hjgh school football players from . "throughout the coWltry." A closer look revealed only 12 schools in five states were represented, including nine ~honorees" from Westwood High in Austin. Texas. A cursory investigation revealed Jerry Campbell, a renowned clinlc speaker with an extensive coaching background, is the offensive coordinator at Westwood. Using the guise of an ill-conceived All-American team to promote Jerry Campbell Sports is both short-sighted and disingenuous, a point with which a spokesman involved in the project readily agreed Tuesday. The same spokesman said changes. including potentially removing the AU-American label, would be made if such a team were selected next season. HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebramg the Dalt Pilot'S Athlete ofthe Week series i I , 1 I TOOAY 22 -Dustin Davis Orange Coast Football SCHEDULE TOOAY Bnb1blll College men -Utah State at UC Irvine, 7:05p.m. Community college men -Orange Coast lit Irvine Valley, 5·30 p.m . Community college women -Orange Coast at Irvine Valley, 7:30 p.m . High school boys -Ali&<> Niguel at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m.; Corona del Mar at Laguna Beach, 7 p.m.; Costa Meaa at Estancia, 7 p.m Soccet' High school boys-Corona del Mar at Laguna Beadl. 6 p.m .. Cost& Meta st Estancia, 3 p.m. • Wllterpok> High school g1r1s,-Unlver111ty 11 Corona del Mar, 3 p.m.; Aliso Nlguel at Newpon Harbor, 3 p.m ; Costa Mesa at Orange, 3·15 p.m.; Santa Ana at Estancia, 3 p.m . Tennie College men -UC Irvine 81 UCLA. 1 p.m NYKOlAS PEPPERS UZMENDOZA Sea Kings pin University, even PCL rec.ord .£.llom: Sept. 22. 1984 • Height: 6-foot Weight: 170 Sport: Basketball Pol: Guard-forward Y...-: freshman e High school: Corona C.entennlal c:o.ch: Steve SpefK'er ~ 81.!Mness Favont. food: Mexicarll'soul food F.vottt. movie: •hcf Boys" rtMlfttle ~ lnOl1Wll: •Beating Mater Del to v.1n the Tournament of~ my senior year at Certtennlaf •• AtHeee of 1he Week I: Aggressive defensive play Ollef the past week. .&,.llom: July 20, 1983 & Halvht S-foot-10 W.igllt:.156 Sport: Basketball Pos: gu.srdlpost Ye.w: Sophomore High school: Century Coach: Mike Thornton MliP: Undecided e Fwortt. food: Mom'1 cooking Favortt. movie: • Art/ mollle that has<Omedy.· """'°' "* .etwtk ••IOl••tt: •Being pelt of a team tt)at is succemi1 ~1he secaon." Aw.tie of h Week I: Contnbuted to two conserutNe wins ove< the past week. JRVINJ:. -Corona del Mar I lJgh':. wre.l>· lling team was a 47-30 winner at Uni- versity High Tuesday night in a Pacific Coast League dual meet. The Sea Kings. 4-9, I· I in the PCI~ tuned up for the Calvary Oiapel inva :.ion on Tirnrsday with nine winners 'EATERS Continued from A6 ity 10 get to the free-throw line and its depth. UCI is No. 1 in the Big West in free-throw percentage (.762) and sec- ond in scoring offense, posting 74.2 points per game. Freshman Jeff Gloger leads the Big West in steals for all games (3.58) and in league game-; (4). He i!. Tue:.day. Brian Seeley wa,o, a 17-3 wmne1 al 119 pounds, and Mall Loeb won at 125. 23· 11. Isaac lnouye pinned his foe at 130 m 4: 17 and teammate Cameron Pospistl won by a fall. as weU. at I ·45 111 the 140 ranked lh.ird nationally. while 7 -foot junior center Adam P-ct.rada 1~ ranked second to the NCAA in field-goal per centage (.659). Parada's play has picked up as of late, as he has scored 75 points m 115 min· utes over the past five games. He leadc; the Big West in field -goal percentage. He :.cored 11 points, as he struggled with foul trouble, in UCJ's 81 -n win at UC Riverside Saturday. Senior forward Jordan 1 larris scored a poWlli cla&sification . Dan Gu-.hue won at 160, 15-11, and Ryan Shores was a winner by pin in 5:08 ;111 71 - Ale>. D1.v pinned hi'> foe at 215 in· I :50, and Andrew Kctiga.n won by pin id 1:47 at 275 -ieason-h1gh 20 poum Sarurday. while - senior guard Mike Hood h.it the go- ahead jumper .... ~th l~ '>t>conds left and rut two free throws with 11 secondc; left to htlp ~ure the win. "lie startt-d off slowly against UC rt,~ Dougl~' SCild of I lood. · • ·!'or him to come back and malce I.he key ~hot<., ~howed some rnentaJ tough- ness. I see him regaining form. It's very upliftin~ .for us to see him conllnue to impmvr lqal NoCtcn • 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices MOTKt IMTllG ~ 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 26'0 llpl Nodces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Leoat NOi.iea ----ilOOO Of rtmJC W.( Of All purLha~ed 1l£ms sold MOTICf • dl 1\ • .tnd mu~I be AUJllONED PIOPOTY r cmovcd at U1t time ol 1ICVITll6 ~ NollLe •s hl!reby a••en , •• 1.. Sal~ >ubJt'L I tu lh~ llri•n11e C:nunty that the under\1antd t A11tellAfton"' Jiu ••••nl S•n11a11nn O°'ltttl intends lo sell th• ol settlement D<'lw<.'en C.Ahft1111i.1 wtlf reLe•v• µet\onAI ptoperty dr owner •nd obligated 5~dlN1 l11d\ ut1lll f•b ~<rlb~d belllw tn tnlor'e party O Bt1en·, Auction ruory 4, 2003, at 2:00 a hen imposed <1n \did Serv1te 909-681·4I13 p .m. Buh mu\I bt vrop~rly undtr the B 'N 14663710049 rec t•vtd ol OCSO" C1!1for nld Sell SPrvlLti Newporl Beath t:ust• Admllll\h~t1on l'lbb, or Stor .. ge r a<tt.lv Act M ..... Daily P1101 January p.,,, hA"ltlt 01vl\IOlt (Bu~ & Prof Code 8 l~ 70()3 WOI? Ofl11 • by th" dale ;,nd ~s21700 2J716/ t1rt1e hNe1n .tbuve ut The under"2ned will '"'"' •I whu II to~ they '"" wt 11ubh< u lt• by fidlllws lllsMtss w111 be pubhdy Qpen~d • omp~1111ve b1ddma; nn ,,,,d '"'"m•n"ll .1t th• !ht nno ol Jan 0.1 Al Mme~ P1t•Lha~1nv. """" of I IAM nn th" p1em"•' lhr followin11 ptri.of1\ (l( \1) tOR44 I 111•. ftv•· where u1d property hH .. ,. drn1111 hu"'"'" A' nu• r oun\.Hn V~ll•y been stored •nCI Wh•~lt 1 tlO MArt~Ktmrnl 'Ill C.ti1lorn .i 9i>l!Ol'l 70ll! are lot•tP.d .ii 17th W•Hh,.ht \I I"''' fr>< thP tollowon1r Slrecl Seit Stm6ae. 670 M"'~ C:A '176?/ NOTICE INVITING 110 W 11\h St I' 4 l".0\11 <,J•v•11 c: f Ar w•ll J 11 OVERHAUL Of ClNTllAl. Meu CA '1767/ C11u111y Wo<'>-.l<t SI I''''° GINlUTION O•GINIS nf <lr•ntt• \tAt" of Me~" CA ':17671 1 & 2 ATl'l.ANf 2 L•lllorr11• Unit' •rtd Th" "'""'"~' " ""' SPlCIJICATION len•nt• 11\trll ht1IOJw du' ltd by ~n ind<V1d1J•I NO. S 2002 I 11 Cot1lf'1th Ult lud~ ""' H~·· you \I Ailed 00111¥ s~ .. t~d bid\ 1111nl bt· ~olH•I item\, hou,el11lld bu"""' Vf'P V•·· tunf' \1J~m1llcd on 11ir tn1 Ill aood\ m~d'11<1• 111111, & O? • upp1t .. 11 tiv nr.~i '" m1\t item' Sl••~n (, fA1w1•ll •ttort1~n1 • wtth di! 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"-S...... The follow•na per$nns are doing bustneu .u Sun Ch1e lmpofls, 'WOO An11ue ul the Arh. I 204 Costa Meu CA 92626 Wilham John Andtoon 3400 Avenue of th• Alt\, J-?04. C°'la Me\A, C.A 976?6 ltnda Barrell J400 Avenue of the A1 h J 204. Costa Men. CA 976"6 This bus1nns •s tlln Ouc lf'd by a ll""" ~• portne1~f11p HAo you s la• led clo1n~ bui•ntn yet' No W1lh•m J And!'rson fh,. \talemtnt ,,.., hied with Ille County C!Mk of Or 1nge County on 12/20/07 20026921395 D••ly Pilot Oe1 25. ?002. Jan l 8. 15, 2003 W982 ficfltlM ..., "-*-" I ht fottowina pel\oo\ •re doma business as S<1lultt111 Advisors, 217., Meu Verde Drive £a't Al04. Co•1il Mcu CA 92626 Aleonder N ll1wk1n\. 'lll., Meu Verd• 011ve f ast Al04, Co•IA Mesa CA 92626 This buimen t\ lOn dueled by An 1nd1vlduaf Have you s tar led <1oln11 bullneu yet? No Aleunder N H1wk1ns, Jr rh" 'h•hUfUUlt WA' l1lfcl with lh~ Covnly r:1er~ ol o .. nt~ Count~ on I 7/03 20036928731 Daily Pilot Jan ll l~. 'J2 79 100J WOii s ....... .. ~ ........ Ust .. Fic1i1Mlusim.s"- 'h~ lnllnwina 11•• "'" l\A\ "b..r1dnnr.d the u'" 111 Ill~ r tt llhous Bu\1 ntn N•mt 280 C11un Sire~! 417 Baywuod o .... , Nt Wl'OI I 8l'11r·h. C.A 9/b60 the f tllthous Bu~'""'' nam• 'tf~tr~<I lo ~bnv.­ W•' tiled •n 011ni.:, C'.ounly rm 02105/07 r IL( NO l002689\l'6'i Suu11 Nel\Pn I rtJSltt for Bennett r 11111ly ltu'I dtd I 19 ll'l. 41 7 R•y wnod Drivt. Ntwpor t Stach CA 92660 This bultnes\ '' 111t1 dueled by F1m1ty Trust !>u~an Nel1on Tr111IH I hi\ st11l1m~nt w~, flled with the C.ounly Clerk of 011tt1t1• County Oil 12/20/02 20026927401 Daily Pilot Dec 25 2002 l•n I 8, 15, 2003 W984 Fldltl. .... ... *"-" The lollow1na persons A•• dome bu\lness n P!fle11 ed P1 operty Bro llon , 2402 M1chel~on Or #230, lrvone. CA 92612 B•nllu~ Prelerted Mo1tcaae, Inc (CA), counts r . CUI· IOmef lista, Vendor liatl and catalogs, ~ sip and goodw'llt and are localed at 5315 Unlver9tty Dnva, IMne,CA The bulk sale is lnlendld to be conNTl- mated It lhe olflce al THE HEM AGE ES- CfiftM COMPANY. ne Jamactla Road. El ?407 Mu hl'ISon Or •2JO trw1~. CA 91612 fhj• bl .. 1114'\.S IS LOii du~t~<I by •corporation H~•• ynu \la• led dotnll bus•nen yeti Yn f •b 84 B•"""''' ,., ,.f"'''"'" M"•t1tav• In' 0 •but All Wtl 11111\1111 P1e-.•d~nt lhl' shtement "'"' flied with Ille County Cte•k of (htne~ Counly nn I '1101 20036921402 Oe1ly Pilot htn II I'> 22 29. 2.003 WOOi fldlllM~ "-S....... f h~ loHowin& PN \Oft~ '" ~ <lt>tlli bu1o,1ne\' ., Ill Coll ?6136 V1• P!!n, M1n1on VlefO. CA 92691 l•111me Valentin 16136 11•8 Pera. M1~"on V1e10 f'.1197691 Thi\ bus1nen 1s (On tlut ted by an mll1v1du1I Hoe you s\11 led dotf111 DU\tn~u yet' No lnllntf Val~nllfl lhts 't4tem•nt w.- f1l•d w11h !ht County Clerk ot Or1n2~ County on 12/20/02 200269274 12 Daily Pilot Dec 25 2002, Jan I. 8. 15. 2003 W977 fldtllM ..... ... s...... The lollowlnti persons art do1n1 bU$tnl!'ss n Winston's Jewelers ol Newport Buch. Inc . 1775 8 Newport Blvd . Costa Meu, CA 92627 Winston's Jewelerl ol Newport Beach Inc (CA). 177!>·8 Newp1>tt Blvd . Co~h Mtu, CA 92627 This bu,lness " con ducl•ll by a cn1porallon ttan you sbtr t~d t1n1n1 bu,1neu y•t1 No W1oston's lewelrn ot Newport Bee1;'1. lt1t T•rtY Palms. Pruldtnl This statement wu hh!d with tlltt County Clerk of Or1n11 Count1 on 12/20/02 20026'21Stl 01lly Piiot O.C. 25. 2007• Jan. 1, 8, 15. 2003 \Wei Re-.. ..... .......... Jiit followln1 persons ••• clol111 blltlnen o A.) Nelcllbor~ Acceas C0tp., 8.) Gou .net, 20 C0tpoute P••ll, ltvlne, CA92806 P1ol1ty 0111tal Nttworh, hie (NV). 1600 C•n•I Strfft. Suite 1418. New 011 .. ,,., t.A 101 a • This butlrlt" I• COii· dueled by • corp0f10on Hev• yoo tltt t•d Clolna buslneM ytlt Yts, 112/ °' Prooty Olalttl Ntl· •Mb, Inc Ke11111t11 ffltdtnrtftll, Admfn M.tnq,r Tl\lt stttt111111t WU filed Wllll the ~llf'lty Cl.•tll of Onrit.• County on 12/20/02 toot H274M O.l!~ PMot Qte, 2S, 1002 Ian 1,l , 15,200) Wi'iii RdtliM ..... "-*'-' '"" ft)1it)w1ne pervins •rt doin& bu~•neu as lnt•q>la y tommuntea llf:>n\ & f undr a1\ln& Cott\ull•nh , 1170'> Allrn fu~1111, CA 92181 Oev''" Oou!ltiertr 11705 Allt11 fu\1111 r:A 9218? u,., hu\mfl'\' I\ <.on dur l~d by •n 1nd1~1duaf H•wr yuu \t•r l~d doin11 ll1t\.,tnl yet1 Yu 1987 O•von Ooua/lerty thl\ \t•l•n)etlt w•• ltl~<I with th~ (.1111nly 1'1~·~ nf Or11nar CotJ11ty olO 1?1'1110'1 20026921144 D••ly Pilot Jan I 8 I!> 2l 200.J W'J90 AdMM ~ "-S....... The lollow1nc P«"'""' are <1011111 bu"ne'' •~ 8BCub~. 16342 Ve1non rou11la1n \lall•y c" 971()11 lle•ly M"R•n Brown. 667 Ohio. lonr Beach <:A 908U This bu~nr'' '' con duded by en 111d1vi(!1111I 111ve you \t3r 1,.<1 doine business yet? No l<Mfy Brown Th" \tAl~me1nt wn filed with the County Cli&rk ol 01 anae County on 1/3/03 20036921 407 Oally Pilot Jan II. l!. 1?,?9,2003 WOlO ,.... ..... "-S....... Jh• 1011ow1n1 pe11ons .,e doina bu\lnes\ u MPC Secur1n11 2973 H11l>or Blvd '198. Cosl• Mesa.CA92626 Shannon M Bel11r•••. :.>973 H8rbor 61vd tt98. Co\ta Mesa. CA 92626 Th" buitll•~• IS con· ducted by tn individual H•ve yoo st11 htd dolna bus1nus yet? y~,. 8/1/ 01 Sh~nnon M 8tl1111ve fh11 statement wo llltd with th11 Co•inly Cieri\ of Oranae Count., on 1V20/02 200u•2n•1 Oelly Pilot Dec. 2!>. 2002, J1n. l, 8, 16, 2003 W98? Ml-. .... ... s...... Tt.. lollow1n1 persons Mt. dolna bustneu .. Affllf1ttd Clotlllflt. 21851 Ntwltnd St #l29, Huntlncton 8Hch, CA 9?646 Vlntet1I cltltTotre, 2l851 lhwl•nd St. '229, HunllnalOfl 8Hch, CA 92646 lrWln Jtstltl•nt, 14'64 Prairie View Circle, ChiM !4111•. CA 91709 Tiits lloslnest Is con c111ctt4 by. • ae11-..e1 p1rtnenlllp Htv. 'tOll •urt•d dolna IM.lsinn' ~H Ytt. JIN/ o~ Vlnunt dtlaTone This •Ul•mtnl WH l11ff wit,. tlM Cou11ty C.,11 of 001\&t Co4JMy 011 JV20/fl2 ..... .,, ... O•llt Ptt.t Dec 2S 2002 .1111 l. 1.15. 200J W9l8 .1 RdltiMa..iless ... s-.. 1 hf' IOflftW1ng p'tr \Uff\ ,.,,. <11>m1 bu,.m"'' "' I •tlM 81h Ap1•tmenh. llC. l 4S l6 All" l um• Ct l AC111t• ~Ml\ (A 926!>3 Ctddr ljtlt A11•1 t111rt1h LI(. IC.") 74'> iii ""A l cunA Ct 1 .. aun .. tt1!f• c" ':l:i6!.J fh1s bu\lnf'\\ " con dulled by l 1m1t•d L••b•l•tv Co HAVf' you \lAt tl'tt ''"'"' hu-.•nn• y~t' Nn r ~du 11th Ail•• I "'~"i. ·u r M~•< Roth ll4•n•1t•nt M~ntbtr Thi~ ·.t.-t~mtrnl W.i\ f1l•d with lhr f'.nunly CIM' ol Or an&e County on 1?120107 20016917400 O••fY Pilot D~( l"> 7002. J•n 1 8 1~2!>0~ NOTICE OF SALE Of ABAtofOONEO PERSONAL PROP- ERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tnat Under and pur&uant to SectlO<l t 988 of Ille ca~IOfnta CIW Code. the ptcperty hsted below believed to be lbanooned by C4d· ware. Ire . a Caklomla OOfPO'ltlOn. David N Raoer. an lnd!VtM I. and Design Solutlons. Ire Who last l(nown bull· oess addtess wu 4100 Btn:tl S~eet. Swte 100, Newpon Beach, CA Wil be sold at publJC auctiOn on Date J&llUlty 21, 2003 Time f0.00 am Ptaoe· 4100 Bll'Ch Street, SUiia 100, New· po1t Beach, CA Oetaipdon of Property 7 file cabs, 3 ~. 13 i..~. 2 hardOnve, t cd ctnv1, Acbollc$ dial-up, 3 pa!11110ns, I t dslts. 12 bkcate. 14 ctn, 5 llfate bOald, I mlcJO. 1 ooftee mak8f, I IOl1l!lr. 1 tilt. mtac al· fteefcptr~ Tetmt or ule .,. cat/\ in lawll' money °' .,. Unlled Sta... money ()(def Of CllNe(t cheet. wilt! tall oolna IO ltll ~ bicbar "in oom-pelilivt bidding, .,. propftrty mus1 be paid for Ind "'"°""' by ltll purd1Ulr 11 !hi time OI .. Coat of ldvtt1itlng and .. will be Plld tor lf'olll .,. prOCIHdl °' .... 0.W Jan 8, 2003 AlcNrd L s.lde, Eeq :o,,~~ t28eO Tiie. (Mt) 965-1100 Newport~ a.=~ Jl(\8J5:, 2003 .SIU your ''""•nlH ll•Mt thfoup daswt~ ~· ._. I 'aflkuf Rctllien .......... 11\r lolfow1na pe1;,oo h~' •b•ndoned the u~e ot th• r 1<1itiov;, Bus• nr\\ N•me r err•t1 ol U•.,•(• Cnunty Clull•nc• tum. 1410 O•te W•y. t o•t• M~u CA 926~ Jl1r f IChtK>U\ Bus1neu na,.,t rf'ftrred lo •bove w•• filed 1n Or •nee Courtly <>n 11/22/02 I IL I ,_.0 ?00269246« 1\1.,ry A&ap1ou 14/0 Otte Way Co;,ta Meu. CA \12626 flus bu"'"''' I\ < 011 dud•d b~ •n u1d1v10u•I l\""Y Ag•pl()U r11" i l•t•m•ltl w•• ltlrd with lh• 1..uunty C.l~r~ Ill O• 4"11" r.ounly rrn I • J'O J 2003692839.S D"1ly Ptlttt fMn 8 15. n 79 ?OoJ woos Oai!Y Pilot h rto 1 f ll1 tilt t II I 1 I IJ 2002"00927000 I 1 I •• /'j , ~t' ' I I I .. ,,I. I (fl' 20026926771> t I ~ . '(f l f- 20036928406 f ~ '( I \, fictitlM BlisinHs NClllll Statemtnt ,,,, ' 20036928405 ... I f Wl'dne~d.iy, January IS. ?QOJ H 200269118S9 ,, t t '" .:• 10026971436 . ' '· 20020092690S • .~;I 200269271160 #If". 1Uht, uflt, I' l N JI' ",. '• Poli<·, I IO\\' to Plae(~ A . Rate' .llld 1.h:.1dl11\c' .m· 'uh1nt 111 c.hange "''thout n1111tc 'Ilk puhl1'hl·1 re~rvc-' the n~ht 111 ll'll"''· rl·d.1"'"· rev1-.e or fl" In 1 .m \ l '·"'1I1cd adventi.emcnt Plc.L,t' rl·p<1n .1m crrnr that ma) Ix· 1n ~our , l.1"llll'd .1d 1mmcJ1ald) nw 0.111\ 1'1h11 Jln'pl ... no ltab1ltt) lor .tn) lrT11r 111 .111 a<l vcn1i.cmc111 tor \\Im h 11 lllJ) h•: rc\pon\lhle C"(lt'pl hir thl l4"1 ul tlw \pace JCtuall) tXlup1nl ~' thl' l rrnr Credit can nnl) Ix .1110"' l·d l11r thc I 1r-.1 111...cnion. VISA • CLASS IFIE AD ... h1J.1\ "I\ OOpm \ 1(11 d.t\ .:; OOpm 'v1nnJ.1~ BY Fax By Phont• lh '1ail/ln Pt•r ..,on: 1<i.i•i1 ft l I (1'i11.1 1Q.lll1 M2 ~fl"' 'CJ \\, .1 11.t\ \Ir ·<1 'l'f t I L 'lltlf fl.til'f\(" "•I f tu,.,. mm'" 1 uKt.... lJ \..tU \ 111 h,t._ ~ A 1lh .• ltfh <." 1tU1\.h t ( 1• l.t \fr,.t. ( \ •1:1 '7 \I\, "'P••n Bii I ,\. H." \1 I rid 1\ l hur-.J,I\ '\ llOprn I lour!'-I nJ.1~ ~ OOprn I" k pht>nl" X lOJ.m 'i llOpm \111nd.1) F-nd.1y \\Jlk In\ ~tl.1111 • Ollpm \1,•n.l.1\ I ml." F-n...t n " OOpm lndC'x ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ---1010-1770 1489 l $) 2305-2490 llERCHAHDIS£ FOR SALE L ESTATE FOR SALE I ~ 3010-3940 soos-saso llAlESTAn IBIW.S 91.0YMENT ~s 7402-7466 ~ aoos-as10 ~ 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80.000 Homes Each Wec k For Only $32 per week (4wcck minimum ) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 HOUDAY SCHEDULE General Adoption & Announcements 1610 Fomr Care I Cats 3610 Real Estate -.-~-.-Wn-ll'f_K_tt_l'fl'I_ Wanted Retail Stores 4255 fOf Lease .. slNGCJ fAMaY NOMI SH+· ill fit 111~ •If I f .>'!\-"~ •)llC)flf 1.n11, llJI' ,,,.. ... 1~ '" ;,.y~~~· ii-1 ~ .... Our office will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. To place a new ad or renew an ex isting ad please see the deadlines below. Publication Date Deadline Saturday .......................... .. . ....... .. ... ... . F rtday. 3 p.m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday .................... Friday, 5 p.m. Thanks for your cooperation. IQUM--CIPOlnllTY All rHI eslal• adver thine 1n this newspaptr IS l\lllject lo Ille f edef ti Fair ~Mnl Act of 19611 u emended wlllcll mallo II Iller•' lo adv•llse •an~ PftfOf once, limitation or diactlmlnaUon N Hd Oii race, coklt, relllloft. au. ti.Mlct!p, famt1i.l 1t11his or nelloftal Ofl(tn, or •n l11tentlon to in•• an1 aucll Pf•ltf•nc•, limit• tlon M lklcrtminttloll • Tlll$ M~ Wil not -new1n111y accept any, IHtYttt...-1 fOf rMI , ntat• wt11ctt ls In vlolltion or tll• ta• 01K rut1er1 are llerelly lni..~ ttlat all dwtll · ... ~-"* ...... ., .. "' . .,....-.. •1111 .... tWOfhll!lY ""' To c~ of flt a ......... cal HUD tol "-et l -...U• IHO ~ .. ellot Colldlll/ Memol'llllll• 1160 TOPS$ 4 at<ottOS n c m. a.-;. Ur. !OJ & 111' a Mtc. ~ 11e. Ml!& Moh 9"9 6'5·7505 &AUOUI "S<JS FISH. Rtt•ll $3000 s.11 f Of SI 900 c.u 9'9 soo 5007 PUTAFIW WOIDSTO WOllfCI YOUI 642-5671 CMdef Styfe F"""'1n f'IANOS l Golttctlblet . ..,..,_ . ._ ............... ,.,,,...,,. MCASHMID .. .. .............. \ ,.. ,...,, ......., Not. <:.-N.n:y M.Yv 6"6 5 'll91 1111!!'. Wed. Ttu fn &Im 9ilrn mor::r ontz Found 1510 r UUND RING lttlVo dl'l81ll'd des~11p l 1nn mu'I incl nam~. phone • colot & ""I srlf sty~ llftd whf'rl' lost Cans woll only bl' returntd by those luvme det•oled into 949· 720-1122 ANANCIAU PROFESSJONAL SERVICES Penonall.oans SSIN A lAWSUIPSS Need emerlftncy cull before your use ... u1es1 We llelpl W• also lund Hiiied USltS CFl lie. no credrl checlt. Call I 800 3S6 "5 2 e (CAL •SCAN) W~T OUT Of OU Tl Get • lrffll start ••lllcwt ban•ruptcy HO ti.ti to you Call toll "" 1 166 Jiii OUT or 10 onllM www Mt.--wS-com (CM.~ PUTAFIW WOIDSTO WOBFOI YOUI 642-5671 SeMces 2650 Y ........ -4M ..... fk*_C.. n.,r,. ., ~ too.cm c:.hbsi i'I ""us~ lor .'!Mme ~~.­ brottwn&~~ rr .. 1' & r nn:ul stWCW1 lnlor ,,.,.... JNf 21 6<0-7.:l\lln 50 s. ANfwn SW. 12'el. ANhem 714'5l7 1900 8flll.ZJ6.4543 ANTIQUES ~bSall S!O , ............ ,4 ...... perfect cond1t1onSl500 obo (949) 719 2!MJ Gl frl1t ~y-•l<fo 26 7cu fl lrlt.e new, J256 obo (949) 641 216!> tvH COMPUTERS FOR HOME USE = Wb. drtv,\ f.wt Ill ~ evrr y S•I Sim 17 4jlm ~ iMo1 b Anm.11 ~ .. lnln 949 bU 7"l'i -11Wt•W'i"°'" Oil frf!t J) dlt Wiii> ~ 4 dre'> Re5aAn nc.oedt'ocl MISCELLANEOUS MERCHAHDISE WANTID-4 ,llX IN C.M. UP TO St00,000. PRINC. ONLY AGENT 949-720 172 1 IACK IA Y ClNTlR I lb!> I Ir VIOi' f\vtt aull vn w r,.t.t•I nn \II' 714 STl-7710 "" omu s,ACI I Miscellaneous n1 0owr °' •1• r .. IU'd 4545 ORANGE for Sub l•••• f """ COUNTY l t'\l t Mt ' t.-l.11 H1 .tb1f on 17th ,1 I f'"Oo.t It.<.-• '"'"'·Hilma I-fl 6rA~' S 'IJY !"'' mo ~97"" ~· q,i-. .,.,., I 'HJ SELL your stuff through class1f1ed! Balboa DUPWl $6S S 000 '.lmt• f I c ""'°' & Ill• lllo WH I .inl ·~'' "l.-llP'•tunilv 1r .. N'l~ttn-"fll • <IP• .... ~·"'"'' ,J&1 "'" l1• ot--tcNt>7l .... sm Merchandise 3855 1 lb-. ,.,~ alfite. RJ...,. I --------~a• Mlsl 9'96]!) ~,.., .. ______ _. l 01..thtJO )4'1 6/ j .\4911 Balboa tsland SO. IA TRIOMT NOMI w fD-ck. Ow. Sb.I Let ... c.-.. "-""' .. 9-(17S 5714 AND St-I 1"'9• Yr. ln<ll -----llowoutl 241 28 ••' ___________ _;__:: __ .::........;.::..._..:.....;=:=:~:...;.----..;;;;."---------~ S6 800 ull Sl 390 40•48 wn St" 600 s•ll S!> 860 !>0• 110 was S26.900 nu Sl<'.980 c-Dollvwl Woh I OO-JU-7903 WANUO 2002 Holtd•f Celtbr •lton lillll 949 !>1" 42"7 7t.tJc.h 4 .. , ~d«r.r in ahacb, Catw1a o'J!!JGv, 'XM,po,r-1 Cotut. GM/a !IK.a. 7Jon ,, miss oul on lhi chance l o p rof!lole_y, rparlise in /£is field! , A 10 Wednesday, Janua1 y 15, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE • ACROSS 1 Kvwa~I cQdc• 63 Y8<\IS 111\d )'('ll!S 65 Whlttpoc.I PA!VIOOS PUZZLE SOl.VED 5 "There ou9hta 1!11 r II Fast t4 Nut lllPB(I mayt>e 15 Hollow 18 lOUl:ll!O 11 .Tree pl(.(locJ 18 Oft sho<e '9 lmp<essir'lj 20 Summer l!Qwers 22 Gorges 24 SaWmgv~ 26 Swamp 27 Ankle 1111ury 30 Pact. rats 35 CarOls 36 Raltlt>ow 37~ A6 "The LmlA Merf!lllld 67 T 1111<Nr ITl(MI.\ 68 SunMll wk/lb 69 Hac~ett 01 I k>lly 70 TV sldlUUllt' 11 Mltl"'4JVH• •lowly DOWN. IJaz~ I 1tZQenikl ~ A11 .1 t .. 11u11~ '"'""" _. Tumc1own 'i "Veno;; s1nl)e• 6 C<JN!10\' Ql'JU 7 Y11<1sty t>re" 11 H<1vc on 6WlfllfTtt!f 9 Orv\;i s '''" h i A.,i..,.;.,,. 11 '[)1)11'1 •uO 't>CX) c .:003\.tlbdr•u •S)"'!Ccm woe 98 Bonfwe •em111•.., 39 ao-..... l)llllll> -_, I 42 Vanlly 43 Amazioq aC1 '4.5 FIOPPV ll Movl6 13 llairct~ 33 Storm.. llboo1I :\4 Noqht 1.icket 36 J 111 JfK. cg 40 Amends captaln ~5 Pizarro's COOQOOSI S6 Forl(ad Otl1 21 I op d\Cit<;f!S 41 Tougn ~ 7 Chai t i l&ilture 5ll Sudden 46 KJtcnen loot 48 Ctty d\Wllet 50 Ctioc.ol"I" lhYJ>") ;?3 Makt! et.Cl. SllWIUOnS dessM 2~ f'lll l'llv 'i\Olll• U Mon• rha11 A t4 Narro.,!KI UOW11 1l Suw;1 UKJU!Jlll 60 lollOIOlo 61 WaN SI landmarll 64 S~let 51 Four·IOC twJ pal l>0<rhot1 52 Loses "''"'" w81{1hl 54 Mollify 28 Touqh quer,bof1 29 Ft• 1.p Bl' old hOU~C 4'1 In 111 Old~"~ mHHnAt '>Cl Paltry 53 Swd Q"rdcr ln)-ph ) 58 Stronghold 62 Valennn11 3 • Ba•nyarCI noi::e J;> WaGhsland tams s-1 Malvtlle sea !() 11 ., 13 14 17 4.l 18 "~ I NEWPORT HEIGHTS $749.000 ,, lh I , ••• ,., ;;;;;;iii!i!iil!~~~--W '} f I' lfitl".t' ffil! It• trv S 1,895,000 1111 1•k• 'ih•1"1 w krt •n<I Corona del Mar k1 ' , •H ITIA! Rl r IT At , ORANGE COUNTY 7400 307 Marigold '"' I•"·' wwk >ti I ... !l1UlllUfl.I 0)1 I 1h 4 Hl101·1• "''"' I Iii~ ff 0111 rill fl.1111t ,,.,,It Ctr ._11uh Xt OMt lJlt-1nt1q1w Wlll11 turvtd \t.111t·i11 • m11r,..1 J r..tr tf1r Kdlhlf<'~fl M1 Nnnw1 Rk1 94 I 887 '>'> • BEAUTIFUL • Drama!" <;pyp,1.1' • l'•ll t:,(t·• uh\.•• honu• ~ • t-Jiflt'fl't N,1' •p,111·!1 f ._ih11l<1U 11t, .tfl \/11·-.ltt 4Br 1 lf1·11·1l ,11 ti I 'I~ l~WI ~Ptlt-f t·1u111.ht ~1"•Jtl1.-r fH•fW Mil .I \di Judy Kolar, Bkr 949-376·5576 TRH HOUSf SEClUOIO IU TRlAT AMAZING PRICl AGT. 90-723 8170 Costa Mesa PRIME EST A TES PATRIC!( TENORE NA TIO._ WIOl USA I• I l;~1f 11•.io( I I lfk 11/1') I ~ l'tll • •Wlt.11, l'H) PRIMl lSTAHS PATRlCI< TENORl NA TIONWIDl USA 949 856 970S "'""'ft/ 11.itt11 ""·fh•ff• '!JrTt OCEANFRONT FIXER I NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART I AGT. 949-723-8170 Newport Coast OPEN SAT t S 'J ' i '"' /1'1 '1fir .1 '>h ' hl11 u v • hn fl I "' Sl.585,000 Balboa Peninsula Step• lo beoch, rtn111tl "tu I t>.t l11wPt U11tt Ip h.tt w f1 d "" t.~rpott \1 /',0 yo ly q4q 171, •>4JJ 28r 28o, /< i,M JMIK1 w d '1 w. new u111 lldlfll l•owt!t 11rt1l rl~' i'l>th SI \18'>0tp<• '.WI I/ J 111'16 3br 2.Sba 3 stcry condo, '2 hi. !My W• h•n wd I >.•• (<;f.fi W f'l.lb•t I 1<1vr1 S?4m 714 Iii> lkW . ., ... , ch-·i k .tn'1 q~w I ,3Br 2Ba, l,11 ~·· IOVtn1• 24 Carellina I lndo y , 1.,.,.. 111 b~a• 11 A 111' 11 I ll~lt 4h1 1?'>00n111 949 71'i Jf>l 1 ' 011~1 :~;~'.o~~"" I Corona del Mar PLATINUM PROPERTIES - 'It I '"" Mi' II r • ' Jcnm9,e er.eit guard Rilled I •f.14 11 •1 'J •,1 """-"' ~·"H .1l< • Den I PRIME ESTATlS 1 1~:', ., ..... (ff "'"'"' '''':·· PATRICIC llNORE ,.. ·t 1 lj4911~"'' NATIONWIOl USA I 21w Iba, i'IJll<:f Wt\>.W 949 856 9705 "'~ .,. d I< 4> Ill !;•I ""W"'-1Htr1 J..t•~r111fP • "m ctVdtl l 1'.i "1..eh,...,ukv. 1---------Slh'llt11 '14'~ >;n ~71'> ;'J',7 949 8 56 9705 WWW pclllt klt'llOtt· l Newport Beach '" I MISCELLANEOUS Ma rgu.,lt• lBr /2Ba l•Hurv 1•fu1h "''"'~ RENTALS H.«m Also l..il'• '"·•r One fOJd Rood 4111 I '..11~ d~" ll '·" 1 •• 11. · u1• Rental To Share 6030 Jil}.}ttf .. d tr.:h~ht•t fttllMf I 2fdOll,.. laq• y,11.J<W .p t NI 1111ti11 h•hk1• tu'H',lfll W•lerldll SI ti•t'. 0011 ~·I• pvl '"' 1oll•11 ,.,, .... , Uwn,.111<•1-1•r'lil'JtM 7f1/ld·I ""w lotl '" L11111J •• ')4q }h'l 1H1. o"h<l 1X'F -.1<11Nl II 'J /81 lk.l .... w ""'"'( & 1 .. 11111 $1/IOrn q,i'I /111 (')I l Rare Granvill• 11~1 tc1f.; d1 I di h ibt /b.:t .'c tqf ~.tl•~cJ •.muo1 tHiul \JJ t f. oA>Onu, I/mu Iv· 1;. -11 Cf,. 4 J'J (11'1!1 ,;>QJ Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH l 'UT on: AT T iit: l'ASS 0Both vulnerable. b1~1 dcah NORTH • 1011 A6S4 QIO • Q 10 117 2 Wt:ST •J l Q 1Uil7 H 7 6 S • A64 SOU1H •AQ6 KJ2 K\12 • KJ 85 The b1JJ1n).!. l:.AS'I SOT' 111 2• 2NT 1• ... " .11' r Pa" £/\~T •Kfl 7S43 llJ AJ43 •3 C lpcnong kad· J.1e·L. 111 • I llfl-lc\ d hndgt• I\ U'Ulllly O:llll'1J l're<I tu ht° a younger man·, ~ame Among 1hc notable t:,.:cpu1111\ " Dr (icorgc Ro,cnt..111111 ul Ml'\lrn Cll) Ill' rt't't!llll) ~clcbrat.xl ht' !16th h11'th ll.J~ h) ac<:u111ul.illll!! Im 1 'i,00001 111.1,lt:r p<rnll Al tho: rl'U'nt hill :-.unh Amc11.:Jn ('h,1111r111n,h1p' hl' .uiJ 111, tl'a"1 li111,hcJ a do'<' llurd 111 "Ital " !!l'lll'ntll) ,;on'1den:J tht: mu't thlli t:ult ul all nu11unal C\ cni-I<• "'111 the R•'1'Hl)!Cr Bo.irll-a-ll.1ard1 t<.·am c:hrunp1onsh1r· This dea i~ rrom the t;"CCCnt Mexico City duh ~humpion,bip, whlc:h Ile 1111<.1 hi~ partnllf. Miguel Reyguda~. wnn going uwuy. Rn.'>Cllkr.tOL tie.:~ the declllrcr UI throe no rrump aftrr a weak two- 'fllldc opening btd lit lu\ right He oHm:ulfcd w11h two no trump and Nurth pn.lhcd for J heart fit with 11 'Ji.1<le cue hid. ,rhcn 'uh,ilkd al thn:e no trump w~-~ le<l the jack "' ~11d<Jc,, .ind the pupular Ito<' wu' hl win with the 4u~cn and 'mrt on club~. Wc't ~rabt>cd flu: .icc "nd re~crtcJ to ~PJJc,, :md ~ou111·, J~c "'a" forced our D~"l.·l.ircr hall eight tn.:k' Mm1 ~uurli-tncd lo1 ,1 nmth hy 1.-admAt u tlmmund. hut Ea\l "''in "'nh th.-ltl'<' .1nJ .:u,hctl four 'flJd1• trtrb llow11 IWU R1"'Cn1.ran1 lnund u '""Plc wa) ht cn,ur.-the cu11tntt1. Sm.:t.' I-'"' \wulll nut open '"' o 'Jl.•lk' w11h '"' u ,ll:<'' and ,1 '1~·rnrd 'ui1 hcadl!d h) Ow L.111g. Rm.:nL.nm1 allU\~cd Lht.' Jll< L. ul 'flddc' ru "''" the llr-.r ind.' ·nw .ll'lcn ... • "'·" hclplc.-· V.t·,1 fll'r ... • 'l'rt'd "'1th a 'pad;:, "on '"'h thr: qur:cn lhc .tl't' of duh' "'"' lor""I ""'· hut Wnt "J' .. ut •ii 'r.;Jc, llw Jdt·11<kr 'h11tcJ tfl " Ji;111111nd 'm <'1\.'<l h\ tl~ tt·n Jill[ I•'' l .111d "1111 "1th the 1-.tn)! l><.~IUJt'C h.iJ t111w '"'"'up a <\t"\.'urkJ JJJJHnnJ lnl .. ctnd \.tUHc.· Ill 111tm•L.,111 ull Costa Mesa STUDIOS 1 WU VP<V ld•gt \lud10~ dVdol New paint & 'aq1et S 1200 rnu earh Call '149 71 'i lSl.l 264 wi; Paint ~!WI prnne itoll "''""' lt1wl1 untl nu vpl pa111! •ti fM wa & ptJOI 949 715 f,J3 Employment · 8a"kmg f .... time T.... lla.t>o< Nal~ou~I B.t11k N~WIJUI I lkh f.rtldl bt-ltt:hh. li Mo.I'~ ••llell<!Ofe p<elt'fri'd r ... ·~"!I.Hilt' to tfl 949 661 2676 UpM:ale C--6c Studio 111 N B Now hn>e Reh11I r ••-It Counf1$ Mu<,\ lldw ...,e.o1 wsl°""" W'I«<' """" ·'"" be ""tilt l·Nwd ?'.1 'Kl ~wt•,;._ 949-646 I J9Jt lngln .. rlng Office/PT Se<re 10,.y-Rec•ptlanl• t 11hone\ lclonit n1rlll '1(-lty"' 1 • .., & MS utt~ e l tdo V1f1.,~~·~ df Pd r .... 11",lllllt h• ~14'1 b/!J 818'1 Wanted lrl•ndly IS. uuh'.rnfl•~ 1it>upl..-twlµm, • 1 hot1I pl1otu~1 .1J1tu•1 l • lf1tV 1 Wt ~k Wrll h ·"" iso d~y 11• ~4~ 111' c.11 h•IWe~ll l.j iO 7 10 w~ i..;; ..;;.. wi fxeQlfiye 28r 1 Ba Cando l ''>lde w/Tp pvl yard are.i vttJll rnmple~ ''' 11nly 4 units w/potll lndly lac & out'Jde ~l1wge 141 Melodv L«"" 949 67S 5714 agt 7Br'• w/gar SIO'J'i, m11 & I Br'• fr nm $8'i~/Jno cn lovely gdl•d '""'m II• lbd ;.,per 111111. STEPS TO SANDI New <Arf'l'I. P"f1f ft> 11tf \lll't!I f)llN1g. Slllfl). <"1i 5023 klV6 Aw #C Bl<r 949-645-9913 Sl<fil110 1'1 { '; It ""' Vffl $llXl)ni I <'ll• fW w\< f '°"' B«rdllH tf/7 '.bl kllJi front -Office P / T l'e1 NeWportCoott ib• ll1nt1l",1 t,., .~ 1utlt•p!• LOmm po(1I & \Pil ' 1 1 1 •,luch•uf '" ._, rPt111·•·' ~a1 Ip wd hi.up •1•1 1111'> f N1•w1ir11 I ll1 .. r·h S2600 rn11 941l 7'1~ 4bJ0 MJ'"'·' .11111 M.rnul • !..:!'..2.'.!..~.:'~--!~~ge. 11'T'P1'• HJ\ mly-F'H,..rrrl'fTtf'p,"t' 817 104 8649 ' q?()(J Newly ~ 2tll Iba 11e.1t \llu4 Sl')S() • 'llDJ ~ Wat~ µatll m pet~ p.irk•~ 9119 '174 <n<J ('side SFR, L"n111l1·1-1y '.-nrndt-<tt'd 7tH I bd h·•1. k h.,t-nf·w, nit prt1nt k11 h,1 /I l l 10th •B •V.I $ l 'll'i ':14\l J/1:1 8!1!J9 JLr jlJd IJIJ'\. W.--,~· I I.If 1~· '.d In;.. Nu • .JI p IJdOll 1!.dl l.uod. vd CUANI $16'1> • de4> !11 l w ;uu, SL 8'<J 94':1-645 9911 3br 2.Sba townhouse, 'l 1 ~a• tp, wd hko11 i,,, m~I rlon Vil 111~111 .1pl SJ 7'j() 0111949 ')<)I 4hil Cure ;it.. ;>'ti• t•1wfll•~,.,.. '.wed!'.Jl Ip 1:>.>llu b 1lvw1v I ' r.ar 11imn1 1••.V\IM i!i:I SI~ 94'>i'!llNi.31 E"Sldie la. 2 5l>a I wllm> /i 111 1:iJr l? JJJni yr IV ..... n pel .,,,.._!!. rw U.O. I.say Av~ i ~9h4?f'j)411 Udo Isle B....t. Cottage 2br I' I*' 7 t l(ftt t11f.•I ft'fHll(ft'f b~dl h & •~11n1 1 l111J Sl'l!OO "'" ':149 £>44 / l ill Newport Beach BAYFRONT ON L llJIJ f'l NIN:>LJI A NEW 2Br 28a COTTAGES f*nvAttj lJ~Jc h. Pool ~lld ;µJ W.11 ... tu o. t>Jn <,fmw .uut R,.. .tfiHfA:flJo. l t ,, ,. b mo *J yr • fluJI Sitt> A".ul,1111•• 7 10 UDO PARK OR. 'WI 61 J 6(J IU 111 91\'J /?I ')8JO • YEARLY w llAi lS lml t.RUNOYRIAI lORS 949 675 6161 v;;o;c.11r •• ~i'lia ,u•nthou\t> u1 n vu .. •w•. baltuny Cflfmn poul ten •Vol Sl800 949 f.7 3 7800 ~VllWHOME.S :ti. Iba '"" IJ!. "M nu lh, '.11p 1>o11nt t .... 1 "11<•>1' & j)dlk•. $2\hJ 9119 ~· !s;llJ lllft•cl H11m1 f t1n1rm111tl'( •jJffh I 111 t'f1' .I 1'ff't t-t•IHI 1 unh·qu•i ~''" ft1.-1J y,u1t'fy uf u111t11·t 1110 1Hltt11nf riuti. llh l11dt• • •. 1te • .ui11 1111• f 1 .1ti~· w11rt. md 11, ,tl1nc w•lh YfARl Y RENT AlS n~ar th~ h•rlfh i'b1 I h• Ibo tn.1 ·•itl Sl'>OO SIH'JO 'l41l 291 4!d0 w .. tdilf Family Ham• 'I 'lllt·Olt I"'" '. """ A•dUlll11l 1emud•l•d lo/ 111 1••4'111,/ I ~1>11, 1 r :l11r1 lll Ot•w' W,tlk h1 'l'l'IV In 111 ' ti t, ~t""'I l)dfk iJltlp' 111\~aOnl f ht'AI '' H1tf'td1 V111-.1•1 11u hHft ... ..,,,,,J1•11t·1 & rt\I nn f • ,, t u"', w1l11 led\P ~·1 ) 11 4% 1 N'"I" •I ''"·'' h c A I'~'' Beautiful lt11 lownhuml" t.ur 1H:1 unit 'µ l t K~" w•I A.:•·nt ~ll!~O rnn !1491,/1 /llOO 38 r 28a '-ne, I 11 ~.,,.,,, lMc k Y·" d • It.al >.'At·••'•• dv•tl.ibl• .1Mrt l ;lQ flj l'l<>a~ < .,11 'Wl /<:8 II 16 tu V!f> S?JrYJ fOf 1 3Br 28o '--· ~ 11 ba~i.. ytMd .. ''t Avd1l~blt! .11t"' I ;~HJ I Cdll !149 /'.'I i7/b t1o ,. S2'i()'.), 11Ml \I'll w111r f'ur 111 < la" 1fi<·d ' Spyogjols ,,...__.. View <Jt\:lt: ~·v·~ 4 /'Ii.• '"""'.ti 1111$U ~! V"'ll V"'-<•11 $118.l) 1... ....i 'W+ 71 & I 'ii§! ary dePascale, M.M ll'\S!in~ !n Your Homt> lntrodute ~our t hild lo the jo~ ol m11s1c (949) 673-2174 (949 813-2246 BAYFRONT Community Harbor Views Executive IBR. IBA. $1900 Spacious 2BR. 28A $2370 La~~ Pae!os • ~ f.alliet • Cm&es Wood Buralft& Fireplaces • Private Bead 6 Mariaa • Sp;irldlq Swlmmlag ~ • Lah Tropical La11dKapln1 • Sec.ollds 10 Bi11boa Island. BiJ~e Shoppl111'Center. Flldloe Wald 6 Corota del Mar Newport Matt. ,Ac>t. Homes 919 BaJ91de Dme, Newpoft S..dl (949) 760-0919 ftewport ... "1lam R•<•ptiani1t F /1 Tue. Sot. 1111• f pfu1w·· M' IHf1t I ttlld ,.,, tlH ·.~111 .,. t JU' t'll I , ,. ~·. I '' ft. llllW lo 'Mfj ft4 1 11f,/i1 t1I ,,If l-14 I /HXO l1rf•11 t " SALES "' ....... I •I·~ ,f,1lth ri "' 1r .. 111 Nt'l4 lt.tfll ,.1.1yt·1 Nftl• II~··· 11 th •t•n i4 • 1·U ti.,,• ph l•••t· & t1•,f 'Wi..,.t • .-t'l41 [ NI I{ I I KI NI II fl NI I tlf 111 Wlr11 '''"' ~· ''''"' SI •lllH I I I Sb 1.1()0 M•1 I I tt• ~· "' 1WU h11 t lltl ''' l111lt lnttrr~ .. 1 ,, .... f111Jf11 IHY 4 ltr < I Hf1l1 11011 U 'h/ In' uq1111 ,1lt'd SOU • um ~MllY 11:At ·~·f'AN > HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS Service Directory Accounting "N011C£ 10 RI AOlRS c~11fn1 n1• l.•w ,, Qu11~ that c.011tca1 to1~ lal\11111 f"h" lh•l total S~,(J() 111 mhre (ldbllr ru m.JIMtdl'.l bP In en• Pd hv lhP rontr a• t1''' 'it"t~ L•Ctn\e f10~1cl s1.1le fdW dlSfl I OljUir e\ fttdl rontr 11thH~ mrl1Ht• the•r fu tms.t 'HHrttlrr oo ~It •dv~tlr>•nw You tdn 1 h~< k thP '.l,.tu" of vour ltc •n '11 coot rd' t 11' rt t www cslh '" ~nv 111 800 321 r.:;1 fl lln11 cens~d roolr "t1°' ~ tak1ne 1nh• that total le~· than $500 mu~I st"t~ en th~tr 1dvert1sr111~nl\ th~I they are nul hLen\~d by the t;11r1h aclul\ Slate li<fn~e Bo.rd Quldil..tl• ,,o, heel, •" .,,~, '•e••••'"I· y..,r •fflc• •• mine. '49·760-8023 f~ INl'IJIKMtS Kitt,_, I 8t11'1 / Remndlll M9Yw. ........ b>.«m l5fllli'5" 911)~ Ctr"'*1 .. """ll ... Carpet Repair/Sales CARPfT CARPET f<i,1l 11r· r~i. hmt. fn,tdll t ,.,,,.,.,w\ d''Y ""J•IP. robs Wlt11le,,11e1 949 4!12 0205 Computer Services COMPUTtR I IELP! • Pl'lmt tit Onlup TUtortnt • ~t '°" llOllle Gr OfRcl . • PC at lb< ·~ • l'llti ~ 5'11r~ /4 IJJ ·-m.~ l,.~<Wn •1:1't'Ef~1Q •Drp.b'OP>t*>"'- •'OMS<~mAn-1~ UC a.n.•1 Gnlduete, tO Y,.Comj)U\9'[Jll). 7 l.4-612-2786 Bathrooms SlD • lUAIU F.,,;/y °""" /or JO r.s AuTOMOllU SllVICI ~ °"9lllllt !ftll I .. TUH1W\tt0r (949) 645-4641 .... ". 11 ....... ERVICE Computer Services C-,..-....,,.. Sl>ttw..o lla1dwa•c m\lallalron. tr<iuhlc strnre, MllCA't ~ ralie5 714-547 ~ Concrete & Masonry Brld1 Block S•an• lll• Con~rnlt• P9hn, 0.lv6way r orPµlt BBQ Rel's 25Y1-. [•p leny 714 557 7594 T he ciment Man I em,.ntwork Brick. rile & Mllfe Reh<1ble No 11Jb too \mall 714 615 9062 Desktop Publishing TIMl TO llGlN YOUR HOME IMPttOVIMINT PROJECT? tall a plumber 1>111nlt'r. handyman or Any of the er~al \erVllf'\ h•ted here In our \erv1ce dir~ctoryl THE Sl l OCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HrLP YOU lOOAYI Drywall Services w1nt10IFT OttYWAU All phases ~m/lra fob' CLJANI 20yrt. feir, Ire~ ~l l4<XXm 714 6J9 1447 CompUllt'SeMm 1 ~!.pu.., .. ~ ...... ~ !~-... u.-. c...-.1u., Vo.,/ (..,,(. ,..._,..,., ,,.,.,,. ~ ..... q.. .... ........... 1'91111 w,.._..~ (848) 54N5115 Electrical Services Small Job bp•rtl DunLan fletlrtt ;>()Yrs [ •P I •X.dl/QuJCk Re-..'lun\e Setvoce/Remodt>I• I •'1758/0 94q 650 7047 LICENSED CONTRACTOR No r>1J loo !>m M VYVtte-;1 R~patr remodel. fan\, :.ga. new Wl 949.G45 3656 flooring/Tiie CUSTOM CRIATM TU lrtstall.!tJoo. ~e ur llllWI. marble. stone b1'ab 1975 Lll612044 Jeff 714-612 9961 UAKY si-.... Rt.f)Med Rearoultn & l11sralfat1on Till O[AN 949 673 8065 #60432'.) 7 l 4 883 2031 Gardenlncv landscaplng • DHlp, "°'"• ,ot 4> Propa11atmn, Prunln11 & Bulldlne Sm~ll Proiects S 15 $20/hr 949 515 8824 OlrtyW~­ Storm Clf!an Ups, Tree Pr umoe M~1ntenance. fn\taffatlClll\, ltrie11t1or1; Trnub~llne, Repairs & u111r~ 714-715-2828 "Hftv~ us do your Dirty W<lftl " Tr•• Service, Y.rd CIHnup, M4lnh!nat11;t. Sptlnkltt Rtp1lr, H1ultn1 (94t) 650-87'1 Handyman/ Home Repair TH I HANDYMAN I merngy SerVtG~ Ok' Plumbc!i. ll"ctn.al. Carace Doors I'll 949 439 7554 20 Yean of Quallly Crahsinonshlp Ud674113 (949) 6S0-9S2 5 Mork GENERAL IEPAll ·~ • Rl5idenml * Commotial No Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 C.ustomer s. atisfaction Hauling JUNK TO THE OUMPlll /14 968 Ul82 AVAILABL[ TODAY' 949 6/3 5566 Health & Beauty lose Up To 2otb• per manlhl l nple your ener llY Only SH.95 Call Li~• 949-645-6677 Moving & Storage BEST MOVERS SS9/Hr serv1n1t All l er.es ln•111 ed f.nt, tourtl.'ous. l.ttelul 11638« 800 246 7378 PUBLIC NOTICE lhe Calif Public Ut1liltl's tomml\\ton requtr~s lhal all U\t'd hnusPhnld goods move" print their PUC Cat T 1111rn!JM, hmo~ dnd chaull•ur\ 11rm• lherr r c p numbn m all ~dver 1 l•enoen ts If vou have any que\llons •bout the leaa11ty ol a mover t1rno o f chautteur. rail PUB LIC Ullllll(S COM MISSION 1I4·558 4151 WANTED MOVING JOIS Sm311 ol larae 24 Hour M.vlng Svc Ce1Tl~2/ln,ured 9<\9 716 0691 714 686-1300 --- -- "' 1 '. • I ~ "" t ~ f I ~ ' '· ~ f "' f ~ •, ... I. /~I I Open70ays LowAat .. 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Bkr 949 !186 1888 www.otpobl.com IMW '95 5401 IOOll m1, bl&ck/blk, l>edultlul or111cnat ~ond ftrtdntmg & warr avd1I v#249762 $10,S!)'j Bkr 949 586 1888 I MW '95 7 4011 silver, irnmJculdl~ 78" nu •Ill warr . 11011/\lllkl. sn.ooo 11bo (949) 642 2165 rv~~ BMW 7401 '98 -;M,;i bidl.J. kkl<lo'll, 6.Jll ""· CPS Lh1 nm.. wlw•b S28.<n1/obt1 ':1119 /60.al<.WI CAO Cldorada '96 lTC. 69K mr Ru'.~ .iud;n 17 C{J 11lay•1 f't1Vdl• Pa1ty $1? 900 94q bll 51174 Cadllla< '8 I lldor~ took\ & ch1v.--. n1tt1 Sl47~ """· #l'J48% uJ'Jd M"'1 lit ';WJM& lfrl'1 Chevrolet '96 Camora t unv Bid•~ h• yl lor.uJt•d SIJ44'> w9r J/bH c.,.i,, ~tit ')1'J6'11>11v.' <>«VY MOHTt CARLO '80 I\(), ...... f.111."'oai OW\"1 ....... di\'>.«• 111c.1t , ..... 1 SJ.)() 949 440-8777 ChryJe< ·97(im.. s~aul ~ ...... JI. t1r1 ..... II•.. Al I\{ ll l'W SMl'l<b 1 v9l'ill1MC• ~-JH1>/fVl Ch,.ytl•r '98 Sebrln9 JX I un~ :0" .i~l11iil 1111 h1111~.. ft>( II 11• 111 .. fdtltt II t .,;t,._f•fl ~~It~ 1111 .HO tm Iii~ t1J'1 fu.,wl "''•! 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