HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot... •• -------- S erving th e N ewpo rt-Mesa community s in ce 1907 SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2003 OCC weighing· how best to make c utS Classes are sure to suffer unde r state budget crisis, but school officials a re busy tryi ng to keep the da tnage to a minimum. The bulk of the savings, about $~1 million, would result from cutting about 1,000 class sec- 1ion~ over the nex:t year -a ~ce­ nario that seems likely. recent budgt'I µropo~al. I k asked them to find wayc. tu make rntbac~ w11hm I.heir re i.pective division<, and depart ments that 1hey lan funnel hack in to save clas<>e~. QUESTION Where should cuts be made to balance OCC's budget? Call our Readers Hotline at 1949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to 7 w1111lcJ rr1t Liii 111011· work for evc·rv1111• I ta 1 111111111111-'t: al'o d" • Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot OCC CAMPUS -With the weight of heavy budget cuts hanging over the Coast Commu- nity College District, Orange Coast College officials a.re look- ing for ways to lighten their $6 million load without piling up problems for their students. week to get the brain wave~ of division dean!. and depar tment chairs moving in unison and fashioning alternative ideas to cutting nearly 1.000 sections for the 2003 to 2004 academic year. "II will be ine~capable not to touch everyone. The ~tul.lent~ will be mosr affected," farrell said. wwe need everyone's be~t brajnwork to think of any other opLions. . . Every time you come w1th a $3,000 idea. you save anuU1er section." TI1e othl'r $3 m11Jiun would made up from among 'everal sourc~. TI1e <;Wap meel I'> t:Xpt:n ed IO generate about $500,000 in rev enue, and anotht'r $500,000 would be -,aved by a '>Incl mt· back on nffit t• '>upplies da1/ypilot a lat1mes com. Please spell your name and include your homelown and phone number for verification µurposes only ~ lhwd p11..,l1111g back tlil' '>Um nwr " IH-tlult' onl' month tu '<1\1 nicllll'\ on lhl' 'hortenl'd wgr ... u <1111111 Jll'rlod It .... tll '>t'n ou'h c r111"1c.ll'r thl' SI i increaw pt·r 111111 kc. "'h1th " al!>O in ().1 \ ,., propri-.cil 1lwt11rnnill!l'1· VI.lit meet rtt•xt rr11111th to ... rJrl pl.u1111ng dlH.l m1 pl1·111t•n1111~· 1 uth.11 i.., By focu~ing on a conc.,ervative target of $6 million in mid-year budget cuts for OCC. Gene Far- rell, the college·~ interim presi- denl, suggested tapping into three different area!> within the college. fl)('lll' b) tilt' t•rHI ol tlll', Vl'df The OCC Planning and Budget Committee met this Farrell encouraged commillec member'> to come up with other way'> to Jeal with Lhe more than $20 million in d1!.lnct cutbat~ rei.ulting from Gov. (,ray Uavi-." Tht.> final $2 million would tome from the t·ontinuation of tht' <li'>tnLt\ hiring fn:e1e dill.I about 40 pro..,pt't 11ve '>tall rt·tire· I .xprt·-.,mg thl d1•.tr1t t' goal lo J\IJtd 1.iyoll' Jl all rno;t,, hir rell lrtecJ to .i"'uJge fear-. about 1ob 't'l unt\ hut lw nott.>d th.ii dllV attt·mpt to w1 un· Job' • CHRISTINE CARRILLO may be ,,..ached a1 949, 574 4261:1 0r b" chr1stine earn/lo "la11mes 1.om ANIMAL KINGDOM SEAN HIUER I DAILY P1L OT Sally Anderson, C(}()wner of Pacific Green Palmwood and Leather Furnishings, sets up shop before opening her Newport Beach business for the day. The life-size animals, imported from the Philippines, originally began as decorations for the store, but immediately became the mam attraction. generating more business than Anderson could have expected. She says people come in to see the animals and end up buying furnrture. Bridge comes across city's desk again Two members of Costa Mesa's Westside committee want City Council, Planning Commission to reconsider study of a bridge at 19th Street. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MFSA -1\vo members of a ~tside redevelopment committee asked the city Tuesday to focus on positives of a 19th Street bridge in- stead of dwelling on the negatives af- ter the City Council rejected the group's recommendation to study building the bridge earUer this month. Roben Graham and Terri Breer of I.he Community Redevelopment Ac- tion Committee said they would like th, City Council or Planning Commis- sion to hold another hearing on the is- sue. The council voted 4 to I against the FAMILY TI ME comminee's recommendation, with Allan Mansoor -a former committee member -dissenting. The majority of the council said it was not the right time to fund an in- dependent tudy until a regional <.'On- sensus is formed. Four area ci ties -Costa Mesa, fountain Valley. Newpon Beach and 1 luntington Beach -have agreed to work collaboratively on bridge issues at 19th Street and Gisler Avenue. Bridges at Gisler and 19th that wouJd cross the Santa Ana ruver are included in county tran~port;itJon plans. but CoMa Me5a and other clues h ave been working for yea.r; 10 remove them. Co'>ta Mesa officials have lall(ely led that fight. contending that either bridge would simply create a "cut· through· for drivers lookmg for a shoncut to the Costa Mesa Freeway. The action committee wai. e-,tab- lished to examine how to bring devel- opment to the Westside See BRfOGES, Pa1e A4 Protecting children from divorce Dail y Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TI£ WEB: www ~.com paren ts minimize the financial hassles of a divon-e so that the bun to kids llept to a minimum. WEATHER Senior housing demand is there Propo ~ed development at Ja mboree a nd Back Bay Drive would Jessen Newport Beach'!> need for afforda ble home\. June Casagrande Daily Pilot ~I Wl'OH I HL-\C II l rt•c11e J w;u11ng h't hut rlw 1..,1 ro gt'' 1111 ,, \>\d1tmg 1i,1 "' .tlre.i1h t1h<1u1 ·~1 n.mw• long hl'll tr1 "' mo'l prt'ltnun.u> ..,IJgt'' plan' to builJ .1 I iO ur111 .1ffordal>l1• IHHI.., 1ng 1 omple\ for wn111r' h.1 ... brought .1r1 .nalancht· of tnll·rt•,1 Imm pro,1wc tl\c tt'll.lllh ·ye..,, then· h,1\1 tll'lin111"h ht:t·11 .1 lot 111 call,, '-Jtd C de,11• ldfdt"nl' I ldttll,. tltrt•1 tnr of 1lw ( >A..,I'> \entur < t'lltl·r Hut thi·r" ti.1 ... bet'11a101 nl llltt·rC' ... l for a long lll11l \\t \•' been tr.1ng to gl'I atfordahlt· h1111,111g t11r "l'fllOr~ in :'\t•\\ riort for year-. lleportedh. c.leveloper Rdate<l Co ha' go11en 'u man\ prt·matuf"(' caJJ... that tht•\ haw comp1il'd d l"t about 1:1<1 namt"> long of peoplt' \~ho want m Bu1 t'arl) hard' won't larc any be111•r than lat1'l·nmer. In tlw end. a lottery '}"tern v.ill dl·ude which of the qualified arrlwanl\ get to move Ill lllt' dt."mancJ rt"Ot.'Ct~ a problem that Newpon B<'ar h offit 1al<. hJvt' long dt'Cned a .-,erious o;hortage of lo"' -mrnme hou<,mg m the Clf) Newpon neec1' to add 254 unll'> of affordable and market rate hou.:;mg fllougti there I'> np ~131l' enforcement Of the rule. the cirv could be vulnerable to law..u1L' for not havtng the <.tate's approval of 11.s hou!>tng element fhe senior affordable housing pmiect ., expected to remedy a portion of the shon- age. when and 1f ll gt>t!> built at l~er Bay- view Landing. wh1c-h " southwest of the tntersection of Jamboree Road and Bac-k Bay Drive. Some obstacl~ must be cleared fir51 At a Planning Comrrussion !>tudy ..es- saon on Thursday. then> were i.-oncems that I.he pro1ect would have enot1gh pad- mg. Some were also conc-emed that the proJect might obstruct c.,ome vtews. City staff are now looking at ways to as.sure I.hat See HOUstNG, Pace A4 I o a perfect world. fa.milles wouJd include a mom. a dad and kids. They wouJd loYe and support each other and communicate effectively. But at least half or the family world in America is far from perfect spend the rest of their lives. They don't take the time co nilf out 8JlY substance abuse potential, any violent tendenc::iC$ or their fut:we mace'I abWtyto Money problems are also a chief reason why divorces go bad and result in vicious dhplays or pettin~ and r:eveoge. often witnessed by the Children who had no responsibility lor tb~ir parent' mistaki lf you're In a good marriage. count your bleMlnp, but please don't top ruding this because It'll be another warm one. to be envied bv Eut Coasteta. This half results in dlvoree, which, despite any evidence you've rad to the contrary. Is devulatillJ to children. otvon:e happens lor one reason and one reason only: Couplet do not lake enough time to ..uy aet to blow the ptrMm. wleh whom they plan to. STEVE SMITH manage ftnancea. Money problems a.re a major ~n .tty coupa. diwroe. t don't llJc.e to thlnl of' divorce and families. It hurts m to do so. becau I conjure up im o.C sad kids. Vlolet Woodhouse IS an 1ttomey an,d cenJfted GnancW planner who Ibo doesn't like to lee .. a kldt. So • ...,.. a book to try to ~ dhoft:lna you don~ thlnkdivon:e o't matter to you. The cf\an a.re good that you know &0me0ne who going thAAJ«b a divorce. and If to. l want 10 reconvnend ~··boot •0tvon:e and Monqr" (NOk> Prat). wrlttto Wkb Diie Fdhedina. S.MlaY, 61-M S..P••A2 DATE BOOK .SPORTS Newport Hert>or l>Oya' betketbeft OOfMI "8P lhort It ~.6 S-.hp_Bl A2 Satirday, Januaty 25, 2003 FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY A nonstop day of worship New pastor at the helni ' 'E very act of worship is its own justification. It is rendering to God thal of which he is worthy.~ -Eric L Mascal II was Sunday and it was a nonstop day of worship for me. Obviously, any and every day are days to worship, but for me. last SWlday was as surprising. enjoyable and varied as the weather has been. I woke up excited about what God had planned for the day. as weU as the people and programs I was going to see or attend. Harbor Trinity Oiurch settled on Rod Randall as its new senior pastor unusually quickly. He wiH b e installed at a service on Feb. 2. By Michele Marr R od Randall has been making historyoflate at Harbor Trinity OlUrch in Co ta Mesa. In June last year, he became the church's inlerim pastor when Bruce Merrifield. senior pastor at the church for l 8 years. Left to accept a new position with the North American Baptist conference, where he will develop adult leadership training centers at local ch urches within the conference. Six months later, on Dec. 22, the congregation asked Randall to be the church's new senior pastor. My morning began with an early service at Manneri. Oiurch in Irvine. £lie worship music wru. beautiful. meanmgfuJ and clearly CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON worshipful. Pas1or Bucky Dennis spoke aboul worship. and used personal stories and illustratioru. that tnspired me 10 worship God more. I le said that God is looking for tho!>e whq are looking for him. Bucky also '>aid that we were created 10 worship God and challenged us to Lhink of worship as a hlestyle, nol an event. The invitation marked a recording-setting transition, not just for Harbor Trinity Olllrch, but for any church seelcing to fill the seat of a senior pastor who has left after a long. successful tenure. "We ask the congregation 10 be patient and not to get anxious." said Ric Olsen. pastor of college rn.irustries and mission~ a1 the church. SEAN ttl.LER I OM.Y Pll OT Rod Randall will replace longtime Senior Pastor Bruce Merrifield at Harbor Tnnrty Church m Costa Mesa. Buclcy had many great lines, but one chat really stayed with me is, "Worship is God's Gatorade. It's the only thing that lhal will quench our Lhirsry souls." I then headed across the bay to SL James Episcopal 01urch on Via Lido. St. James is a wonderfully warm, inviting place filled with people who love God and each other. It is aho the church where I grew up. where four generations of my family worshipped. and where my husband. Jon. and J were married by the i,emor pastor and rector. Father John A-;hey. Many people grew in the knowledge and love of God under Father John's teaching during his more 1han 20 years at St. James. Ille Rev. DaVJd Anderson followed Father N>hey. and David served St. James for 16 year... I le ts like family to my parents and many other... and the nunistries of the congregauon have continued to reach out and grow. I went to the 11 a.m. service last week and again the sense of reverence and wo~h1p of God overwhelmed me. There are three morning !>ervices at St. James, each very dilferent. but all wonderful and worshipful. 11 feels much Like different generations of extended families. La.st Sunday was the celebration of Anderson's ministry at St James. and, after a year of prdyerfuJ sean:h, the passing of the leadership to Father Praveen Bunyan. People from countries around the world were there. from as far away as Africa and India, ro visitors from nearby cities. It was abundantly clear to all that God called David Anderson back to Atlanta and Praveen 8Wlyan to SL James. It will be exciting to see what God has planned next for the congregation. II was a day of worship to be sure; not only inside buildin~. but also as I enjoyed the outdoor splendor of the day and a magnificent sunset at night. God clearly calls us to dilferent situations. and styles and houses of worship, and we have the freedom in this country to worship where and how we choose. God is also lovingly calling us all to worship him. And you can quote me on lhaL • aNOY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resiflent who apealts freqoently to perenting groups. She may be reached via e-mall at cindy@onlhegrow.com orthrough the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beadl, CA 92668. He said the search for a new pastor can often take many months -in some cases. years. Harbor Trinity, with m ore than 300 members, a srrong family focus. . a host of ministries for alJ ages and a wide range of outreach programs that have grown out of its deep commitment to the community where more than 80·percent of its member live, sought someone spiritually well grounded. visionary and yet pragmatic to lead them. FYI WHAT: Installation of Rod Randall as senior pastor at Harbor Trinity Church WHERE: Harbor Trinity Churdl. 1230 West Baker St.. Costa Mesa WHEN: 7 to 8 p.m . Sunday, Feb. 2 PHONE: (714) 566-n87 and the Police Department are expected to attend the installadon. Pastors from the community and fonner pastors of Harbor Tunity will be there, too. Connie Sallos, who was sewor pastor at the church from 1969 to 1976, will present what Olsen described as "a challenge ... a pep rally" in her talk to the congregation about working with Its new leader. The board of elder.. al 1 larbor Tunity reviewed almost 60 applications for the po4'ieion before recommending Randall to the congregation. The congregation voted overwhelmingly in favor of the recommendation. Randall brings a weaJth of energy and experience to the task. together '" with a love for ministry and, even more. a love for the Gospel. Olsen described the transition as "remarlcably smooth and quick." On Sunday. Feb. 2, the congregation will officially install Rod RandalJ as its new seruor pastor, the sixth in the church's 48-year history. Members of the City Council FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS MtUERSVIU..E CHOIR St Mark Presbyterian Church will host the Millersville State College Choir at 8 p.m. today for a concert. Buddy James, former dloirdirector at SL Mark. ia director of the 42·v0ice group. The choir will also alng at the 9:30 e.m. worship service. St Mark Is at 2100 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 644-1341. FRIENDS OF MUSIC SERIES The fifth concert in the 2002-03 Friend$ of Music "First Sundays al Ave Series" will continue Feb. 2.at 5 p.m. at Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, featuring "Solemn Evensong for Candlemas" candles, chants and Incense to observe the Presentation of Our lord Jesus Christ in the Temple. All a re welcome. and there is no admission dlerge. The dlurch la located at 3233 Pacific View Drive In Corona del Mar. For Randall grew up in Covina. He went to coUege at UC Irvine. where he earned a bachelor's in F.nglish and discovered that he liked to information, call 644-0463. PIANfSTS DtETZER AND FOSTtR There will be a perfo rmance of dance music for duet piano today at 5 p.m. at the Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church. Tic:tets are $12 for adults and $7 for students. The dlurch is at 1259 Victoria St., Coste Mesa. (949) 651-8493. NOTED JEWISH SCHOlAR Prof. Shalom Paul, noted scholar and Biblical expert, 1s coming from Jerusalem. Israel to serve as Orange County's second annual one-month Jewish scholar in residence under the auspices of the Orange County Jewish Community Scholar Program at the Jewish Federation Campus in Costa Mesa. (949) 789-6122. WAL.KING THE LABYRINTH WORKSHOP Saint Midlael & All Angels Episcopal Churdl will host a Walking the Labyrinth Workshop Feb. 7 through 9. The Rev. Lauren Artress will lecture, lead discussions and deliver Sunday PH<1'fOORAl'tBS 92626. Copyright: No new1 Seen Hiller, Don l.Nch, storie1, lllustretlons, editorial write. While at the campus, he was active in Campus Crusade for OuisL It was at a Crusade Summer Project that he met Leigh. his wife now for 18 years. They have r:wo daughters and a son. While at UC Irvine. Randall lived on Balboa Island and "fell in love with this area.· he said. 1 lJs favorite pastimes still include scuba diving. surfing. lobster hunting. ocean fishing and writing. He Is the author of many m38azine arocles and a popular series of books. "The Misadventures of Willie Plummet,· for readers ages 8 to 12. I le earned a master's in divinity at Western Seminary in 1989 and was ordained the next year. He returned to Southern Califorrua when MenifieJd lured him as youth pastor for Harbor Trinity in 1990, and has been at the church since. the last two years as its senior associate pastor. As Its senior pastor. he hopes 10 expand on its herit38e as a family-centered. community church homlllea. Attresa is an Episcopal priest, paydlotherl?pist and the author of "Walklng a Sacred Path." which re-introduced the labyrinth as a form of walking meditation and a peth to P'ayer. Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church is at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. For information, call (949) 644-0463. WORKSHOPS BNW AREStDES Members of the Bahe1 farth hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7·30 p.m. every Friday and 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month The talks include brunch or dinner. Also. interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call fo r locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meetJng, and (949) ~28 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Canter of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen and on Its capacity for worship tJ1J1 is mspmng and engaging for all ages. He wants 10 cor1vey, "Let's take everything we ha.we been so ble<).<;<·J with and i.hare IL· He has challenged each membt•r of the congregation to "take one year to 1oin one activity-the histoncal society. the garden club, the homeowners associadon . tht· PTA -to reach one person for OlmLH While tntenm pastor. he found him'lelf. for the firsl time In his lift'. preachtng every week. He sald. ·1 ft·ll m love with preaching and I kn~ I was being called to a preaching rrunistry." As the congregauon· seruor pastor, he will begin his preadun)I. u1 the Gospel of John. h's the book tlwt IS often regarded as the best plaCl· for Ouistians who are reading scriprure for the 6.rsl wne to stan Randall sees a journey through the book as a fitting starting point for this new relauonsrup -between senior pastor and congregation. Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18ttl St., Costa Mesa. $50. (9491722-7818. MASTERMIND New Thought Community Churdl presents Master Mind, a group for those who want to "manifest good" in their daily hves, at 7 p.m. Fridays and 1 p.m. Saturdays at 1929 Tustin Ave .. CoS1a Mesa. (949) 646-3199. ZEH JUMPSTART The Zen Center of Orange County Wiii offer a six-week "Zen Jumpstart" program from Jan. 21 through March 9. The center is at 120 E. 18th St.. Costa Mesa. $150. (949) 722·7818 A SPIRfTUAL. JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ tit1ed "Journey to the Cross· is taught at 9:45 t m. Sondaya during the Homebuil r'a Bible Clau at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The dlurch Is at 1000 Bison Ave .• Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-6444. -Daily A Pilot Kent Trepgw matter or ad11ertl1ement1 herein $µRF AND SUN READERS HOriJNE can be reproduced without WEATHER FORECAST written permlulon of copyright winds wUI ease to 10 to 20 (MSI 6'2-eo88 owner. knota later. VOL 97, NO. 25 Record your comments about the . We'll start off a bit foggy, but Oaily Pilot or ~ tlpe. HOW TO REACH US it'll bum oft for another warra SURF TI40MAS H. JOHNSON, H9w9Edlton Addr.-~ and sunny day. Highs will 1ust Publisher Gina Alexandef, Lori Anderson, Our lddren ii 330 W. Bay St., Costa The Times Orange County top 70 In Newport Bead\ and We'll continue to see some TOHY DOOERO, Mau, CA 92827. Off'ic:. hours are (800) 262-9141 will near 75 in Coct.a Mesa. EdltM Paul S.itowitr. O.Nel S1eYen9 Monday· Friday, 8:30 am.· 5 p.m. ~19 ~.but mosf WIV .. JtJlY( OETTIHO. NEWSSTAff ~-Cl111'fted (MS) 542,5678 Ovemlght lows will drop to the will be In the owrhead range. ~~~ o..---It le the PllOC'9 policy to promptly 06.p.y (949~6'2~1 lower60a. StMdout apota should be 3 to Crime end coorta nlPOfW, co"9t1 •II enore of substance. Edhoftlll Sunday lhoold be. bit ' fffC OYeftlead. Ptomot10nl OiNCt« (949) 67-M22e PIMl4I call (MSl 67~ H9ws warmer, with hight near 80 In Mon. northwest energy will EDmNOSTAFF deeptl.blWMll•IMJ,,,_com UM9) 842.fifl80 Costa Mesa. Monday'a ~ng keep ua going Sunday, but FYI Spottt(949)67""4223 l.J.c.M. JuMC,I ••• The Newpon & .. ch/Cott• MeH ..... ,.. (949) &!'M170 a bit cooler, but Still warm. we'll drop t t.w t.t on Maneglog Editor N.wport a..dl ~. SpcM1a,.. (949) 650-0170 lnlonnrion! Monday. when we can eicpect (Mfl 574-4233 (M9167<M232 Dally Piiot (USPS-1.....,800) 11 E-fMlt daflypllot•l•tlmM.com www.nws.noea.gov dleet· to lhouldeN'ltQN end 1J.ct1hn• JM1mee oom /uM .'*"fl,..•l«lm..oom publlthed dally. In Newport S.Kh Mtiln Olloe the C>Ocalllonel hMd-high . ........... ,..,.~ end Costa Mesa, subtcrlptlons arw lklelMM 0Mroe (949) 6'2-'321 BOATING FORECAST CflvEdltot Polltlct llnd ..wfronf'Mftt 1'9pC>rW, av•llabl• only by subecrlblng to lklMne. Fa (949) 831-7128 W.Wquelty: (M) 79iM32i4 WWW.•utfrfM.OfV ~,,..,.,.,..,__"°'" (M9)7&M330 The Tim•• Orang• County (800) The no~wtnda will "°"' Ca.tlon. f*ll.c#lnfon•WJnw.com 262·9141. In erH1 outside of btow 10 to 20 knots In the fnnet TIDES ~Editor &.olea...,., Newport BMdl and Coeta M .. , waters this eftemoon, With 1· 1M>~ Co.ta Meee 1'11)9fW, (Mt) &7<M27& 1ubecrlpt)on1 to the Delly Pllot ere to 3-foot W1VM and e we.t Time ........ IOfJMClrilon·~ lo#lta.,,.,.,,.,..IMJ,,.,.com 9V9ffebl9 ontv by nrtt cl•• mell for 8W81t of 6 to 81"t.. The SW911 9:$7 a.m. 110 .... tow .. JoeeJ ...... .,..........._ ao per momh. IPric.e lnchJde ell wtff bee:* down tbout • foot 3'.A2p.m. z.M .... hlgh ·: M Df~or I N9Wt o.t Chhrf (941)"4-'Uil EdUCdon niporter, (Mii ~1 IPf)fleable ... , • .net local tax ... ) Publlthed bv Times Community thlt ewning. 8;4'tp.m. 1.701Mtlc.Jw • Jo# ..,,_.,,.,,...com dt#rtlre......,.,.,.....com POSTMASTER: S.nd addrffe News. a dlmlon of tti. Loe Angelel Out ""1hef, the~ l:Ala.m. 5.29--~,. ..... M.c ..... a.k••C--. chan9 .. to The Newport TllNe wtnde wMe btoW llgh'9y ""°'° ...... ~ ..... 111 l•nc. (1111) PM.29 hadl/Co1t1 M"e Dally Pilot, CIZ002 Tlmee CN. Alt rioMt *°'9" ..ty, wfttt 11 to 25 ( .. ,,.. .. ~,.,.,·~ '-0 lox 1HO, Cotta MH•, CA llnolS. 2· to '-fooc ~Ind a tr;n.plrotO ......... """ ...... 119d welt IW'9ll of. to 11 ..... The I Sdti.ddy J.moaty ?5, 2003 Al t Oieck. listings in a ' year f o'r cable wishes Take a look at WTC's new look Focus of lecture at the Orange County Museum of Art will be on design proposals for one of the sites of the Sept. 11 a ttacks. creauvuy,• Langston !>a.Id FYI Newport is exp ected to keep service as is while it prepares for tougher bargaining \,\rith Cox, Adelphia. June Casa1r1nde Da1lyP1lot . : : · NEWPORT BEAOi -The city's •two cable companies can have : erie more year of the status quo : ¥ore the city becomes a tough ·~Omer. : •, Council members are expected :~ vote Tuesday on extending for .pne more year the city's franchi.o.e :eareement now governing Cox ;ind Adelphia cable comparues. ln : • tbe meantime, city st.a.IT will put :et>e finishing touches on what 11 . : ~pes will be a powerful bargam- · .~g toot the community'~ cable =~ILsl. ·::·Through focu.\ groups and • phone surwys, 01y ollioab have :~n gathering input on what . ·msidenis Wdflt from their cable =~mpanies. At leao.1 in lhc context . . . . . of these disc..1l8Sions, the sky's the limit inaeased public acces.s, ex- tensive broadca.sting or school sports, produdfl8 more local gov- ernment shows -you name it The problem is th.at federal rules leave the city virtually~ to tum aw.iy any cabje provtder, regard]~ of the quality or scope Qf services. But public pressure can go a long w.iy, city officials say. "The cable companies do have some good-faith obbgations to try to serve the needs of the commu- nity," City Manager Homer Blu- dau said. City officials had hoped lo re- negotiate terms or the companies' two cable contracts ~ month, but were not quick enough. Last year, the city extended lhe agree- ment for one year. On Tuesday. the council is llkely to do the same. "We rud get a little bchmd 'idledule or where we wanted to be.· Btudau said "A one-year ex- tension allOW!> us to better ~ the needs of the community in or der to assure the ~t &ervice po~­ siblc." Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -fhe Super Bowl has been an Amen- can tradition for 37 years, but u1 the pasl couple years one topic has evoked even more passion: the World Trad e Center attacks. On Sunday, both wiU be on display in the city as I.he Orange County Mubeum of Art hosts a lecture by New York Gallery owner Max Protech about the future or I.he World Trade Cen- ter site, from a wide vanety or inventive view points. Protech. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS JWA reopens section of its parking structure John Wayne Ai rpon opened REG. '1.99 who wrote •A New World Trade Center," documented an extu- bition showcasing design pro- po~ from some of I.he world's top architects Bnan Langston, spokesman for the Orange County Musewn or Art, ~d he i~ thrilled IO hoM a lecturer such as Protech. Newport-Mesa residents are In for an extremely in~pired and innovative presentation, he satd. "l ie brought an a wide variety of aru~ts to weigh in on what might be done at that sight aml opened 1t up to another level of up levels three and four or tht' ~outhwest parking garage on Friday. Leveb one and two re mained closed to the publk, ac, part of ongoing construc11on to se1smicaJJy retrofit I.he c;1ruc:- ture. They arc scheduled to rt .. open an April. "Some of the designs are wtld and crazy, and that is the nature of creauvuy." Protech. who !>peetalues an ardutecturaJ drawings and re presents some of the md~try\ sltongest mind'>. wai. a.ru.pired to create l1m prOJt:et after the East U>~t atlack.'> I le. 'roJrtl includ~ wme very eitrly de~ign propo~s that ht>lped inspire WHAT: Future of the World Trade Center diseuaaion WHEN: 2 p.m. Sunday WHERE: Orange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Onve. Newport Beach COST: $5 for members, $10 for general public INFORMATION: (949) 759-1222, a>et. 206 crucial community dialogue the poignant lecture dbout cur- and spirit that ha'> helped New mg Amenca's M:aT and !>till get Yorker~ regain their footan~ back in ume to <.:atch mosl of Langswn said. · tJ1e Oak.l.md Raiders versus the · The lec.iure will not only ad fampa lidy Buccaneer!> an I.he dres:. Protech'r, pro.wet hu1 thl· !>uper Howl. Langston !>a!d. political 1~ue!> that have c,ur ·1 ~oukl tmagme there will faced around the rebwldmg be a .. hg.htJy different demo proce.,5 at Ground /cro graph1l than fur the Super People can tOnte1vably ca1d1 Howl,' he 1oked. AJI four level., v.ere clo'>ed 111 November The wod. on the '>OUlhWe'>t garage 1-. the '>ewnd pha!tt: of the '>t'l\ffilc retrofit lhe airport al'>O rnmpleted work on Mon day on rhe northWt''>t parking Mrut tu re whu.h wa'> tht' llr-.1 phast Krinlde Cut Potato Chips ----- During the parl.Jng pinch . l he airport 1~ offering add1 uonal park.mg in tht' east side garage'> at the valet '>talion or di the Mc111t ~treet parlung lot On I eb 26. 2002. I.he county Board or 'iupervl!>CH'> awarded a $2.'19 m1lhon contract to Hbrwrap Lonstruc:11on Inc. •Mild·~ •Hot •Chili UER BOWL SUtl)AY ·~ $ REG. '4.2!1 .. ..,_Qwlrr a .... _.No ~F#ll TLc crackerS --n.tfLll*o.al9s :e=S•99 REG. '2.79 & 10-13az. YOU SAVE $20 00' - FARM FRESH PRODUCE .s+.,. fl...,., T.! . U..-1 .,....... SOOG . .,1.10 191* 1100MG I SUGG.'1t.• ~~ Premium Sour Milk 1rom CbwCreaJD /Yfll treall!.lJ wiJhrBST •Regular REG. '2.79 Nat'!.ai Sodas ·~Gmger..\k • Vamla Cream ==~.:.$..00 • Drift Rod'C"IJ & ~ • c.clia REG '3.36 1~ az. 8-Complex ''100'' &bw~ =ii' S"'iif 99 .... 11 SUGG. '2Ull ,_,, BULK FOODS Whole CathNa ~~ .. Rmlbll PWReNa.'1? loanl Pt•wh '1~ M Sltwday, Januaty 25, 2003 POLICE FltES CGllAmM ......... -....: ........ _ ...... 'In 1Mmobkd•'1:12 a.m. nu av. ........... ,._... bUrglery w l'tpOltld In the 1DO blodr .. 11:CZ a.m. 'Thund8y, I • l k:t ..... ~ Mtc>theft _ ....... 1n the eoo bloc* It 9:11 a.m. Thul'9day. .............. * COmnwdal burglary w nipol1lad In the 2100 blocl 8l 8:56 Lm. Thunday. • Nllwp9ft loul..-.1: A robbety WU reported In the 2SOO blodt at 10:21 a.m. Thur9dey. • .... t1itno Alwenue: A conunen:fal burglary WU repol19d in the 500 bk>dt at 12.1>5 p.m. Thur.d9y. • Whlaler Awenue: Vandalism Wat reported In the 1800 btodc et 10-.33 un. Thul'9day. • w.t 1llh StNel: A vehlde ........, MaNpOlled'" 1he 100bloc* mt 12:12 p.m. ·~ • rcmlEM:ff ........ ,.vehlde ~-f'IPOl1ed '"the •blodl •8:06 a.m. lhurlrMy. • ~elNC Grand theft -rtlpottld in .. 2800 black tit 1Z:OI p.m. ThurldarV. • ..... Wlr. A veMd• bulglely Ml NpOtted In the '200 bloc* M 8:~ a.m. Thuredey. • • • MllolirllM ........... and . ........... Roecl: VMdelllm wea NpOrted at 6:08 am. Thunday. • ~c..... Dflwe &.t: mud WU f'9POl1ed In the 200 bloc* 9t 3:19 p.m. Thursday. • fMIMd Roed: A home burglary was reported in the 1200 bloc* st~ a.m. Thurtday. • l111'*Clrcle:A hit-and-tun waa reported In the 100 blodt st 3:06 p.m. Thu~. Tuesdays Pasta Ni2hts Cotk•~ l'cuttt Hou' "1JuJ .s. I;~ .,f U 111r '-V-..1..:.. -~ ':': $11.95 I neuuetM.18)'.8 427 F.. 17"4 St~ MF.SA, 9261:7 • --~~ (&r-T..U."' I.MM APL) (949) 646-1440 Celebrates DmTtn trx:l&ldtt OBITUARIES Vivi-Anne Hutten Vivi-Anne Hulten, a five-time Swedish figure skating champion and Corona del Mar resident, died Jan. 15 of heart failure ln a local nursing home. She was 91. Hutten was a bronze medalist ln the 1936 Wtnter Olympics. Sh e turned pro ln 1938 aJ'ld skated with the lee Follies and other shows. She and husband Gene Theslof toured with the Ice Capades and other shows in the United States and Europe. She served as show director of the Ice Gapades in the mid-l 950s. The couple later taught skating ln the Carolinas and' Tennessee and, in 1964, started a skating school in St. Paul, Minn. Hulten ran the school from the time of her husband's d eath until about four years ago, when she suffered a stroke. Sb.e moved to Corona del Mar to be near her son, Gene Theslof, a former skater. A life-size statue of Hutten doing a spiral is on a lake in Budapest. Hungary, and a miniature version of it is in the World Figure Skating Museum and Hall of Fame in Colo rado Springs. Hulten is survived by her son; sister Yvonne Hulten of Sweden; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Robert 0. Arthur Servtces for longtime Newport Beach resident and World War II veteran Robert 0 . Arthur will be held ar Arlington National Cemetery. A date has not been set. Mr. Arthur died Jan. 18 of congestive heart failure and complications from dfabetes. He was 84. Mr. Arthur served in the Marine Corps during the war and was held by the Japanese as a prisoner of war. He is survived by wife Qaire Ann; daughters Victoria Arthur and Pamela Arthur Harris; and two grandchiJdren. IX>uglas J. Krauter Services for 38-year Corona del Mar resident and retired Realtor Douglas J. Krauter will be held at 2:30 p.m. Feb. I at Pacific View Olapel. Mr. Krauter died Wednesday of Parkinson's disease. He was JIB. He is survived by daughter Oleryl Krauter·Leonard; and grandson Ben Leonard. • The Daily Pilot welcomes obltuarle1 for re1ldenta or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beacti. If you want to have an obituary printed in the Pilot, ask your mortuary to fax us the information et (949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. • hr1mp ;md rflc-ch~ dumpl • Stea~ pork Siu M3l • V(ieU•r14n -~~.w, <:prin mils Chok~ '1( IM (olloWfn& mlrlcl -G n J::ide P""wns. ~ wh f\<:h With ~Icy xcchw, n ucc. io:>ki :..nd llm chkken. loin of ~1mb wtlh i&llUCd walnutll In !'lflkY 11aucc. ail py rotMlk: duddlna wtth st~ med buns. or IJ roln tofu And -P.lghM:t • -.ure Ru-Y1. • tr.tdJtlonal New Yc~us table dish to "(ulRU )10Uf WI.Sh~". II year. rlu.s Chinese Ion life nood~ wtt.h JulltMe chld:tn t;I! brt"a t and b!Dci( mu ... h~ In bfath •nd Cher Kling• tu~ deaert of ~ wwm. red n p.ln~ke Wllh ~--unut ~c. ''!ii. $38.00 per pct"SIC>n m ~ Al • ~ ~ R MM ~ulred: (714) 662·1098. . · • I Children's m nu, for S thro\i&h 1 l. Sl.2.00 per child. toart<l I SO\.lth M • FAMILY Continued from Al "The book was written lo helps separate the 6nanda1 mues from the emotional on~" ~ouse told me. "When you're ln a divorce, it's ha.rd to hard to see the fores1 for the trees. .. We got oo the subject of divorce and kids. "A child's needs don't Jessen during a divorce, they increase,· Woodhouse said . .,During a divorce, parents have more stress and it seems like it doesn't stop. One reasorJ ls that the money doesn't increase, it decreases. People then become less productive because so much time devoted to the demands of litigation. And people shut down. .. One of the areas that parents shut down is in the care of the kids. Somehow, we've been conditioned to accept the "resiliency" of a child; that in the long run, they'll be OK. That is nonsense. Kids are a high maintenance proposition and, as Woodhouse pointed out, even more needy during a divorce than ever before. "Kids are concerned about any changes in their environment," Woodhouse said. BRIDGES Continued from Al Graham says the city has been shortsighted in its focus on traf- fic and has completely ignored any beneficial economic effect the bridge could have on the Westside. "I'm loolc:ing for a study that can give people in this city an understanding of what that road might do for us and what the cost would be so we can have an intelligent diM:ussion and they can make an intelligent deci· sion. • Graham said. CoWlcilman Gary Monahan said he was not amenable to re- hashing a discussion on the bridge srudy because he does not believe It would help the Westside. ~1 have no desire to spend any HOUSING Continued from Al the project meets these neigh- bors' concern "We'll be proY1ding more in- formation on this al a public hearing on Feb. 20, • Assistant City Manager Sharon Wood said. The developt'r has requested WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHATS AFLOAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nau1ical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Cout College is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length. and boat& range from lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboatl. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 64&-9412 or visit occ.ailing.com. Salling Fudnatlon ofhln ciaues In boating safety and sailing year-round for penons with dlsabilltlea. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtuy of Orange Coast College. The School of Salling and Seamanship now offers a chance for groupt to wort wfth the on-boerd lnatrue1or on different aalllng tecf\niquet while they get advice on how to perform well In businea. No ealllng e>eperieooe neceaary. One-day eta .... coat from $100to S126. (949) 845-9412. BOATREHTAU With M..en. W.WSpcN1a at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical e>q>erlencet ranging from mild to Wiid. Take • Mtf-guld9d tour of the bay In your choice of power and NII watercraft, Jump the oceen ..alt In a SM-doo jeCboet. put your IPOR•ftthing tldffl to the tMt In a futty equipped Bo.on Whaler°' eoar tbcwe It .. on • pet8MM fl6ght tlont the Nt\'PC>ft Coelt. CompltMiMry lea •nd .. "They need stability more than anyone else in the divorce process because they are concerned about the Joss of the1r parents. l(lds don't want a 2°" parent. they want a SO" parent" In many divorces. parents own a house ln which they Uve with their kids. During the divorce, the house gets sold so the profits can be shared equally. But kids lose because they are yanked heartlessly from their world and put into another. But one couple J know kept the house and, instead of making the kids leave and shuttle them back and forth berween two new homes, the kids live there pennanentJy- same schools, same friends and almost the same world. The parents take rums moving in and out each week. It's not the best option -that would be reconciliation -but it beats selling the house. I like Woodhouse and I like the book. Actually, they are a minor of each other. Both are straightforward. intelligent and full of a lot of common sense. The book has financial advice from A to Z. plus most of a chapter on child support and the emotional issues of a dlvorce. Topics covered include money on a study right now." Monahan said. "We have huge budget questions to answer. We've been discussing this bridge question for years. The city is attempting 10 take it off the master plasi . . . Let's move on." The four cities uymg to come to a regional consensus commis· ~ioned a study -the Santa Ana River Crossing Study -to re- search the effects of removing the bridges from the county plan. But 11 doesn't address any economic effects, Graham said. "If ir's been discussed in the past, it's atwars been at the level of a popularity contest, never with any substance and they've put it off on the traffic issue and forgonen about everything else,· Graham said. ·1 think it's be- cause they think if they put the lighl of day on it. it might come SI million of in-lieu fees that the aty collects from developers 10 provide affordable housing. As the proJect moves doser to com- pletion, company and city offi- cials will announce 10 prospec· live tenants how to apply. Related Cos. project manager Gino Canori said the project must brealt ground before the end of the year to avoid the 111 - beverages included with all electric boat rentals. (949) 673-3372. Balboe Bo.i Rent.ls can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats. 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runaboot1 for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hoor scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boata. providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organization• and group outings. The hunt pacbges Include boats. trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations. call (949) 673-7200. Electric boat ....m.ts .,. avallable by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window encfosurea and CO pf ayers. Ice and cups ere provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rentll is $76. (949) 645-6812. '-dal boab. elec1ric'boats, boogie boardt, keyaks, • Inflatable refla, catamarans beactt fumfture end wetsu~ are evallable for rent at Retort Water Sports at Newport Ounet. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours ... °"9Nd by the GondQla Co. of Newport 3400 Vie Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost Includes a basket of breed, chee .. , N iemi, lee, glauee, • blenkat, music and • Polerofd picture. Wine 11 alto available. (949) 876-1212. Gondola Ailh•·~ N.wport. 3101 W. Coatt Highway, offert one-ind two-hour gondola CNltea. A ~rtourwtth champegne fl $70. A two-hour tour wttl'I dinner and cfte"'"8M ... , •. ~ .. evelleble at~ ................ ,~ ) .. custody coo.slderadons. cb.iJd 6Upport. child-rearing costs, including college, health tnswance and the aforementioned emotionaJ matter& The practical advice Woodhouse dispenaes ls obvioua to anyone not going lhrough a . divorce. "If dlvorclng couples are not able to communicate effectively, they can ftgu.re to spend 10 times more ln attorney fees because they'll fight each other to the death,• she sald. "That's a major shift of wealth from them to their lawyers.• As for advice to parents, Woodhouse says: "Tell the kids it's nor their fault Parents need to stop dragging their kids lnto the divorce. Leave the children out of it Parents will detemtine how well or how poorJy their children survive the divorce." Violet Woodhouse will be signing copies of her book ·Divorce and Money" at the Borders store in South Coast Plaza on Feb. 8 at 2 p.m. For more infonnation, call the store at (714) 279-8933. • STEVE SMTH 11 •Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 64H086. up with a conclusion they don't like.· Breer said she felt like she did not have enough informal.ion to participate in the comminee'• discussion of the bridge study • 1 would like the Planning Comnussion 10 hold a study ses s1on where we could have a presentation to the public as tu why enough is enough.· Breer said. Grd.ham said he would like th~ aty to do more to see how much a study would really cost. In early January. Mayor Karen Robinson said at would CO'>I about $150,000 to fund a study. Mansoor was unavailable for comment Friday. • OEJADRE NEWMAN may be readied at (949) 574-'221 or by e-mail et deirdre newman lat1rne• com crea...ed costs of <;tate wage law-, that will ~n kic.k an. Once tht· company breaks ground. con st.ruCtJon ll> expected to Wt! about a year • JUNE CASAGAAN>E coven Newport B..cti end John Weyne Airport. She may be rudled at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mell at 1u~. cnagranckt llt1rrwJS.com. Irvine Coast Charters in Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persona. (949) 675-4704. Gondole Romence off9n dally tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. ~II (949) 675-4730. The toura go out of Udo Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Electric 8oet Toun oft9n two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Roond-trip hotel or off-the-water reltaurant shuttle service is available. Pict-up from restaurants with docka is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.w.ttsontheharbor.com. The N.wport Landing Belle le available for weddings and receptions, codctall and slghtaeelng cruises, and meeting1. The cost 11 $500 for the firtt two hours, pfua $160 for each addition al hour. (949) 361·3640. fun lone &o.t Co. NM a 46-mlnute crulie (adults. $8; children, S1 ) and a 90-mlnut• cruise (adults. $8; children, S1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 mlnutet from 11 e.m. to 7 p.m. deity. A 60-mlnute ahowboat IUOMt crulM (ldulta, $6; children, S1) leavet the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. dally. Private chart..-..,. evallable. (949) 573-02AO. Catelna '-•"9er ...... runt 46-mlnute harbor en. .... (edulta, $8; child,..,, $1 I end 90-mlnute crui... (ldufte,, se· c:tiildren. $1), ~tting fJOm' Balboa Fun Zone 9Y9f'Y 30 minutes from t1 e.m. to ~30 p.m. dally ind on the hour untll 7 p.m. (149) 873-U& ~ .................. Btcn, • 10CHoot 0.-Fent.ea~.°"""" ..... cetlNing lfl WI lflble for up 10 M6 p 111 """'*' (M) 7U.10el . • J ""' . COMMUNITY & CLUBS Two receive Heart-! elt awards from Soroptimist International , S andra Pl.nesi.one of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and Mary Ann O'Connell. chairwoman of the Wome~ Build I labilat for I lumanity 2002 project. will be the honorees at the Mauers of the I lejU"t dinner on Tuesday, Feb. 11. a t the 11acific Oub. The dinner is .. sponsored by the Soroptimist lnternauonal of Newport I !arbor. The evening will begin with <I rt.>ception and !>ilent auctwn at 5:30 p.m., with dinner to follow, club Pre:.ident Jacqudlne Anastasio said. Proceed:. from the event will support scholarship:.. a shelter for women and help promote human nght~ and the Ma.tu!> of women and chjJdren around the world. . PreVIOU!> Matter:. of the I lean honoree~ are Marian Bergeson, Jo Caines, Peggy Goldwater Oay, Jean Forbath. Dora HJU. Marian Knott. Dawn Marie Lemonds, fudge Frances Munoz. Gloria Osbrink. Unda Schwein and Lori Warmington, to name a few rKkl'I' are $75 ead1 and ad GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a totaling basis. For information on adding your o rganization to this l\st, call (949) 574-4298. TELL-A-FRIEND Orange County cancer groups seek volunteers to encourage women 10 have mammograms Wr WA\T To Br YorR first Choia ... Rabbitt Insurance Agency Al '10 • HOMHJWNFR.\ • Hl-.AI fH \1Jl11/1ry '"'• r /•I'> ~ td -~S r"JJ r , . 949-631-7740 ... , Old Nfwpott 8hd. • Nnrpon ~ INa.r Hoag Hospital) JIM DE BOOM (7 14) 434-2521. space Is available for the JJl1llPJl. <huCo<hir SueHaddock said. To donate an auction item or purchase tickets or an ad.call lfaddock at (714) 957-SllJor ROTARY LEADERSHIP INVASION: About 530 d~trict governor-elects from 60 different countries and their ~pousei. will be in Orange County thi~ week to receive the necessary 1rc1.1ning at Rotary·~ lnternatfonaJ A~embty before aMuming therr one-year leadership poslllon on July I rhe trairung. which start!> Tue!><.lay and ends the next lue<>day. 1s intenMve, '>tarting at l:f a.m daily and ends in the evening, U'>ually around 9 p.m . Bt>cau'>e of languagl' d1fference1>. Pamc1pants wlll take part 1n a one on-one program of education and encouragement specifically related to mammograms and early breast cancer detection. The Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, (714) 957-9157 UNDERGROUND The Underground program. a function of Child's Pace. provides social activities and interaction for adolescents Volunteers are needed in many areas 1949) most of the functions are imuJcast in German. Japanese. Portuguese and Spanish. The district govemor-elecb do get a break Thursday evening. when they will be hosted by local Rotarians from 5:30 to 11 p.m. Some of the visiting district governor-elects will have been home hosted by locaJ R0Jarian1> for either three days before the start of the assembly or three days after the conctusion of the assembly. to get a feel for American family life. IMRT BREAKFAST: The I loag 1 lospital 552 Oub will sponsor a brealcfru.1 on Wednesday with the featured '>pea.ker Jay G. Tassin, a specialist in radiation oncology I radiology who will discuss lntensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. rhe breakfast will begin a t 7:30 a.m. with the program at 8 a.m. and adjownment by 9 a.m Breakfast costs $20 per per;on. Prepaid reservations required. IJmited seating. For more information, call (949) 574 720fl. 548-8849. VISIONS FOR PRISONS Visions for Prisons. a nonprofit program that teaches attitudinal healing and med1tat1on m prison. needs typists to transcribe letters from inmates to troubled kids. Weekday hours, Mesa del Ma r (714) 556-8000. VOLUNTEER CENTER OF GREATER ORANGE COUNTY With more than 1,500 volunteer o pportunities. the Volunteer ~2rSUPERBOWL~ a~"!-AT ~~ 11artutta MI CASA 'ft) Se!• MEXICAN RESTAURANT & BAR 296 E. 17th Street• Costa Maa (949) 645· 7626 Presenting a New Production of the Tony Award-Winning Musical Th is 'Stylish, updated Equity production, directed by television writer/producer Valerie Mayhew, uniquely reflects Southern California in 2003 and features a professiona cast and musicians performing such memorable favorites as .. Try to Remember (The Kind of September)," "Soon It's Gonna Rain, .. and "They Were You." the original show captivated a·udiences during its phenomenal 42-year, Off-Broadway run. Don't miss this timeless morality tale of .. boy and girl meet, fall in love, part t o see the big wide world , and realize that home is where the heart is." ONE WEEKEND ONLYI "Friday, January 31 at 8 p.m . Saturday, February 1 at 8 p.m. Sunday, ~ebruary 2 at 3 p.m. St. Mark Preetlyterian Church 2100 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach (Corner of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff/Ford Road on the bluff sldei Call (949) 644-1341, Ext. 22 For Ticket Information Sueeested donations: $25 for adults, $10 for 5tudent5 age 8 and older {the mature themes of this production are more appropriate for older children and adults). Free parking. For more details, visit www.fanta5tlck5.lnfo. Net proceed5 t;Jenefit the non -denominational Newport Community Coun5ellng Center (NCCC), which each year 5erves hundreda of lndlviduale wh o are victlme of/involved In domeatlc aPu6e. St. Mark Presbyterian Church • WORTH REPEATING: From M rhought fur the Day•· proVlded by Greg Kelley uf the Newport Mel>a lrvuw Interfaith €.ouncil MBeheving 111 yourwlf 1s an endJ~ destu1a11on Helleving you have faded I'> the e nd uf your 1ourncy ... -Sa.rah Mere<llth UPCOMING SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS: TUESDAY 7:30 a m: Jl1e 40 rnl'mber Newport B~al h '>unn'>c l<otary Qub WlJI meet at I-Ive C...rowr1., for a program by Dr llaJ Dt'SCll on ~Projeu Deaf lndid." WEDNESDAY 7: 15 a.m.: flw 20 membt>r South Coa'>t Metro Hotary CJub will meet at tht· Center ()uh ( WWIV.i>UUtlucXl.StmetrCJ rotaryorg>. dill! tlll' ;-..t'\'\JWrl I larbor t..Jwan1'> C Juh will met'l at the Urnver'>ll) ,\thlt•m < lub Noon· The W rrn.•mhl'r l.xchange Club ot the Or,m~e Coa'>t will m(•ct di till' Bdl11<1 Corinthian Yacht <Juh tn hl·ar Center will match people and groups wishing to volunteer wrth nonP.rofit agencies 1n their area Volunteer Connection Line (7141 953-5757. ext 106 WELLNESS COMMUNITY OF ORANGE COUNTY The Wellness Community needs volunteers to help at the reception desk during the day. (714) 258-1210 Janet Wayni: of the Burn c .(:nter rtehab. THURSDAY 7 a.m .. r!lt' .w plu., meml~r toMa Ml'-.ci <>range C ,o..,ta Breakfa'>t !Jon'> Club wlll meet for a program m1 the C Altlonua lndtan Center by Pauld Starr. Noon: Jlll' 5(.1 nwmber ( A>'>la Mesa .1Ciwan1'> C.lwb will meet at the I Ioliday Inn tor a program by the 50-memhl'r N<.•wport . Beach Corona dd Mar K1wan1' Oub wtll mt.>et at the liahitt Corinthian Yacht < Jub to ht.'ar Tom Bay ot '>pt'a.k IJp ( www A 1 wmm t lfl!/t I u 11! rnstames111. 1lw HO nwmller l.>.Lhangl' C Juh of 'l'\'\pOrt I larhor w1ll 111et.'t "' thl' 'l'wpon I !arbor l\autll ..ti \tu ... t:urn tor a l.....id1e\ Day progrnm and tht· 100 mt.'mher Newport-ln11w Hotary Club w1JI ffit:"t.'t di the Atnum llutt.'I wwu111irr1wrv or~ b pm I h~· hO 1m·mhl·r Hut an ( Ju h 111 1'-.t•wp.ort HJ.lbod will mc1•1 JI the hunu: of Dr Rr.11 l>e,a1 "' thl'Y IHl'>I lour l>1<,tr1ct (,uvernor F·IN t'> from India. (,reat Hr11a111 and Denmark. • COMMUN11" & CLUBS IS i:.iublished Saturdays in the Daily P1101 Send your ~erv1cti club's meeting 1nforma11on by fa11 10 19491 660 8067 by e mail to JdPboom a aol com or by mail to 2082 S E Bristol. Suite 201 Newport Be11di. CA 92660 l 740 • AS Saturday. January 25. 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -Letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Ruden Hod.lne: Call (~) 642~ Fu: ~~o~ \:9~~a~~ fen h E-mail: Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for veriftcation purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submt gt · LEITER TO THE EDITOR Hotel idea for peninsula lacks potential for success There are many reasons not to ever been successful on the development would cause in put a llO-to ISO-room hotel in peninsula, and especially since this area 1Wo major impacts are the Marinapark mobile home Sept. 11; hotels have proven to truck traffic and paOO.ng. An parlc area. be poor investments. additional 30 to 40 trnclcs per For starters, this land is Keepj.ng the mobile home day for food service, laundry. designated in the Newport park and maintaining the trash and other services would Beach general plan as public parldands area for the public be added to the already parkland. not for commercial makes sense. Ren ts can be congested traffic situation that use. So the first question is how negotiated and adjusted exists during the high season our city officials can tum $90 whereby the lessees and the city (swnrner) and on weekends million {market value) in public find mutual agreement. The city year-round. Second, the parking parkland over to a developer for can realize ·as good or bener impact to this area would be his personal enrichment instead lease and tax revenues than the huge. A five-star hotel requires of for what the general plan npredictable projections of a three hotet staff per room (for states it to be: a park for the otel project. maids, food service, office). public's use and enjoyment Third are the Based on 110 rooms, this equals Next. it is not econo social/community impacts that 330 staff potentially, requiring justifiable. No hotel/m such a poorly placed parlcing. Now add to this 100 or MAILBAG communing with nature." foundations with great interest. Boardwalks are n oisy, and I recently retired after ~ confining human foot traffic, teaching 32 years at Costa bike traffic, dogs and horses to Mesa High School. During my Back Bay construction one walkway is a recipe for tenure there, I had the an unnecessary expense disaster (the boardwalk at the privilege of serving on the foot of University Drive is an school site coun cil on No, we don't n eed nor want a example of dangerous traffic numerous occasions with my boardwalk in the Back Bay. with no avenue of escape). colleagues, parents and Four-million dollars or more I can't conceive that there's students. The experience I for a walk that won't stop that much wildlife being garnered in that capacity, people from getting "off the disturbed in the small area being entrusted with the fair path," won't stop people from known as the Back Bay to and equitable disbursement of le lling their d ogs run off-leash, warrant spending millions school imp rovement funds to won't save the Leas t Tern's while destroying the nature the entire school community, nesting grounds (which are on experience for all. leads me to teJJ you that the sandy spits and gravel shores), LYNETTE METHENY recent City Council decision will ruin the "Natural Look" of Newport Beach to approve two foundations the Back Bay, will cost more was absolutely correct and money for upkeep year after l\vo f<X.D'Xlat:.ioos foc rlxx>I just. year (look at the dilapidated ~was right oo The disbursement of funds is wood walk by the little lalce out a difficult and challenging task of Big Canyon), and finally, I have been watching recent to perform on site with all the takes away the experience of articles regarding the Home stakeholders being repres.ented being in a "wild place Ranch school money by a strictly prescribed , - , ,, Personal Training • Yoga • Indoor Cycling Exceptional Fitness in Orange County's Finest Facility Grand Opening · Promotion Choose From Either Two Free Classes (Yoga or Indoor Cycling) or Two free Personal Training Sessions (Up to a S100 Value!) Offer Ends 5/1/03 You are amJiaUy invfted to attend our Grand Opening Saturday, February 8th, 2003 2:00pm ,.. 7:00pm Artistic cuisine served compliments of -of sh Caff • Fitness Demonstrations • Live Entertainment • Raffles Prizes Win Free Airtine Tickets, Dinners and More! Back Bay Center 2675 Irvine Ave. #A 949.631.5587 contact@BackBayfitness.com Back Be Fitness. com more vehicles for hotel guests the B.;,iboa Bay Oub to grasp needing parking. Even if the how the public is not only hotel were to achieve the restricted but uninvited to use head-in-the-clouds ratio~ and the beach. occupancies projected, where As designated public parkland, are these people going to park? this area could be further The end result is hotel guest and developed for truck traffic driving underneath recreational/culruraJ uses. similar someones window in this to what has been successfully residential area achieved at the Newp~>rt Aquatic Finally. there is the beach Center, Newport Nautical access issue. Presently, this Museum, the OASIS Senior beach area is available and easily Center, Upper Bay &ological accessible for windsurfing. Center and the developing sailing and other aquatic Orange C.Ow1ty River Park -all activities. However, building a highly successful projecu. in term. resort hotel on this site, one of community enridunent. need only look across the bay at The obvious yet poignant 12-member site council. The him to be an absolute wealth of proposed single foundation to knowledge. I lis take on Co~ta be formed by the City Council Mesa history and his unedited as outlined in previous articles candor are truly refreshing. I would have generated could listen to him for hour" on tremendous administrative end, and I'm sure he would difficulties and unnecessary accommod ate me. I le is bureauc racy. I believe that the definitely a treasure lu our ' schools, students, teachers and great commun11y. communities involved will now MICHAEL CAREY finally benefit appropriately Costa Me!>a from the two foundations being es tablished. The mayor set it JUDITH L. REDENBAUGH straight in his letter Costa Mesa I am very pleased to see the Thanks for a look at a letter written by our mayur, wealth of knowledge Steve Bromberg, regardtng Joe Bell's columm, "The Bell I'd like to thank the Daily Curve~ l"BeU Curve mtsi;ed Pilot for the recent Q&A with with swing agains1 council." former mayor and Costa Mesa Jan. 16). The mayor very clearly historian Bob Wilson. I've had and, I believe, firmJy slates the the pleasure of meeting Wilson situation. and fl seems 10 me on several occasions and found that Rell did sndeed either nol ANTIQUE .Row lSc GARDEN CAFE Firu Ho11U Furnishingi, AntU,ua d- Co/J.tttibln, Tri11/ition11/ to Cott11gt Gifts 11nJ Gartkn Dcror. Wish lirt 11.nJ Drliwry. Gartlm Coft Gardm Patio Dining suving BraJifast, LMnch. Tea a!UI an ErprtrSo /Jnr. c.AFE HOURS: Mon-Sun 9am-4pm Candks to Chantklim, Uud C- Rart Boo/ts, Custo m Pil'tllrt Framing, Furniturt Rtstoration , ' and much mort .1 ROW HOURS: r~-Sat 10am-5pm 130 EAST 17"' Sf.• COSTA MESA At Ntwf>Or1 6 &st I 7"• Strut (949) 722-11 77 ~\96~~ MIKE'$ ~~~°cARPET$_ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Flooring Featuring A L LOC No G lue lnstalliation Wood Flooring Refinish ing & N ew Texture-Plush ~arpet 'f~o •2u a q ft Installed Berber Carpet 'f~o~ $169 Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates point is that such an intrusion of commercial development into this peninsula residential community will forever changt' the quality of life there. As residents and stakeholders of Newport Beach's future, we can work together with our city representatives to make wise choices to preserve the special character inherent in our beach communtty. TOM BILLINGS Newpon Beach • EDfTOR'S NOTE: Tom Billings 1s a member of the Greenlight Steering Committee. understand or properly statl' the circumstances. f'Jearly, Bromberg k.rww .. whether Dave Ellis was hi'> campaign manager. I was aware that the SJ.6 million paid to the Airport Working Group was paid tu tht group and not paid directly from the city to Ellis. I wa'> no1 aware. however, and found it quilt' enlightening to learn that hoth Phil Arst and Rick Taylor were officer~ and voting directors working for thh group. I think we need some anJ baJanced reporting. and I commend our mayor for helping to set the record straight. I don't want to c,ound like Rodney King, but when C".111 we all get along? • JOHN W. HAMILTON Newport Bl·.11 lt Ceramic 'f~0~s1 so sq ft Vlnyl Floorlng 0~•1n 'f~ aq ft CALL NOW: 642 ~8400 : ~s~ ·DESIGN CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!'' OUNDTOWN Send AROUND TOWN Items to Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., osta Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to 949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 744298. lnciude the time, date nd location of the event, as well s a contact phone number. A plete listing is available at .dsilypilot.com. seminar on long·t.nn ca,. anning, including legal, estate nd Medi·Cal issues, will be held rom 10 a.m. to noon at the range Coast Unitarian Church in sta M esa. The seminar Is ponsored by the Alzheimer's n. of Orange County and the . range County Caregiver esource Center. The church is at 259 Victoria St. For more nformation, call (714) 578-8670. a Upper Newport Bay Ni1aht ike guides families on an ucational trip through the ature preserve from 7 to 8:30 .m. Fee 11 S3 per person, ildren under five are free. For ~servat1ons and meeting place. f"'ll (949) 923·2295. I ~UNOAY ."'Super Bowl Gott Toumamant '9nd Party" on Super Bowl Sunday includes a round of golf ~nd on<ourse contests at Pelican tiill Golf Course. Afterward, ~ommy Bahama will host a party ~Ith big-screen televisions Open lo public but reservations are ~uired. Golf playing s~ts are $400 per person. and non-golfers can get in for $45. For more Information, call (949) 737-5242, \:txt 211. . MONDAY IA G'9at ~lslons discussion of "'Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism· 1s the first of an jeight-week series on U.S. foreign ~licy topics. The discussions will led by Bob Green from 7 to :30 p.m at St Mark Presbyterian hurch at 2100 Mar Vista, ewport Beach. For more nformation, call (949) 760 1691 a Lung Cancer Support Group sponsonng a dass. "Radiation py for Lung Cance(.' OVlding an overview of rad1at1on py for patients With lung ncer and offering suggestions r coptng with side effects The 5 is at 2 to 3:30 p.m at the Cancer Center, Conference A. Free For more formanon, call (949) 7-CANCER •Mamort .. In tha Makl09: Art Program Training for Professionals Working with Dementia Patients," is sponsored by the Alzheimer's Aasn. It will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at Assured Horizons, 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite B1 50, Costa Mesa. For information and reservations, call (71 4) 283·1984, ext. 242. TUESDAY AJI .,. lrfVltad to • reception for artist Jane Hill, whose exhibition "Local Scenes; which depicts Newport Beach watery vistas and familiar scenes, is on display through Feb. 28. The reception Is from 6:30 to 7:~0 p.m. at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3801. WEDNESDAY Tha MOMS Club of Costa Mesa-North will host an open house at 10 a.m. at Balearic Park aftd Community Center m Costa Mesa Women are encouraged to bnng their children and will have the chance to meet other stay-at-home moms. The center is at 1975 Balearic Drive. For more information, call (714) 964-5934 Mother's Market & Kitchen will host a seminar on d1ges11on and elimination from 6:30 to 7:30 p m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa The cafe is at 225 E 17th St Free For more information, call (949) 631-4741 Preschool nme, #What Animals live Here 7" 1s story-time and hands on fun for parent and child at the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. Cost 1s S3 per child, appropriate for children ages 3 and 4. Will be held at The Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center, 2301 University Dnve, Newport Beach For reservations. call (949) 923 2295. THURSDAY · Mother's Martlet & Kitchen will host a workshop and book signing with Author Geoffrey Rose from 6·30 to 8 p m at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741 FRIDAY The city of Newport Beach. in partnership with the American Red Cross, 1s hosting a blood drive from 10 a.m to 4 p m at the Newport Beach Library on 1000 Avocado Ave. To schedule an appointment, call (949) 644-3178. FEB. l Cro11road1 of th• WHt Gun Show will be held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Admls"alon is $9 for adults and tree for children younger than 12. For more information. call (801) 544-9125. ' A Woman's Salllng Conventlon 1s open to all women interested 1n sailing, from novices and beginners to experts. A variety of workshops will be held. The convention will be held at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, Corona del Mar. Cost is $110 and reservations must be made In advance. For forms and information. call (714) 730-1797 FEB.4 A feng shul seminar to improve health, relationships and prospenty will be held at 7 p m at Visions and Dreams, 2482 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa Free. Reservations are required. For more information. call (626) 288· 1669 or visit www fengshuisdvsntsge.CDm. FEB. 5 A prostate discussion group will be held at Hoag Cancer Center Auditorium from 6:30 to 8 p m Free. For more information, call 1949) 7-CANCER FEB. 7 SCATS Gymnastics will be held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 8 a m to 10 p m. through Sunday. Adm1ss1on for adults IS $10 for seniors and children SS. For more information, call (714) 895 2909 FEB.8 The Friends of tha Newport Beach Public Library will hold WA Buck A Bag" for books, a used book sale, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds will be donated to the 1000 Avocado Ave library For more information, call (949) 759 9667 Teen Night Out for teens in the sev.enth through ninth grades will be held at the Blodc of Orange The city of Costa Mesa mvrtes teens 10 participate in an excursion to the mall and movies. Meet at the Downtown Recreation Center. 1860 Anaheim Ave., Costo Mesa for p1ua at 5 p.m Part1c.1pants will return to the center at 10 p m The $30 cost includes piua, movie. transportation and supervision. For more information, call (714) 327.JS60 FEB.15 A comput.r fair will ba held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Buildlng 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday. Admission for adults is $5, for children younger than 10, free. For more Information, call (800) 800-6600. •An Evening of Ionesco: featuring several short plays by Eugene Ionesco, will be presented by OCC's Repertory Theatre Company In ttie Drama lab Studio this weekend and Feb. 22 to 23 Show times are 8 p.m. Saturdays and 2 and 7 p.m Sundays. Tidtets cost S6 m advance, $7 at the door. For more information. call (714) 432·5640, ext 1. ONGOING Teans are invited to drop by tha city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (7 14) 327-7560 Tha Newport Beach City Hall ls displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons. Raymond Otts and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information, call (949) 717·3870 Tha A11n. of Busina11 Services hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8 30 p m on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St , Costa Mesa For more mformauon, call (949) 805-0011 The Newport Beach Public Library will host an hour of stories and crafts for children m kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar . branch from 3 to 4 p m Tuesdays The library 1s at 420 M arigold Ave. For more 1nformat1on, call (949) 717 3800 Free tours of tha Orange County Performmg Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, badtstage and on stage every Wednesday arid Saturday at 10 30 a m at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by Sc11ufday J.inuaty 25, 2003 A7 special arrangement. For morti information, call (714) 556-AATS, ext 833 Tha Newport BNC:h Newcomen Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all female re11dent1 1n Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645 9922. or VISlt newcomers-newportbeach org. lntamith couples with ona Jewish partner are mv1ted to part1c1pate in a d1scuss1on group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples. such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols m the home and relationships with extended fam1kes The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple Prereg1strat1on 1s required. Call to schedule date and time. The office 1s at 250 E Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa 1714) 4454950 Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by See TOWN, Pace A8 • Al SatlJ'day, Jaruary 25, 2003 TOWN Continued from A7 Jewish Family SeMon to address Issues such as anxiety, deprenlon, relatlonahipc, loneliness and family. 1he group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of th• Newport a..ch Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodt. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries -• Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or In the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbadt donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, w ill be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. Th• Braille Institute of'lers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care class meets at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networtcing luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $13. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A bNJn tumor euppott group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center et Hoag Hospital. 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group la designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St. Andrew's Presbytertan Church hosts a mental Illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfteld Hall C at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 674-2236. The Jewish Family Service of ,Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .• Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Famity Service of Orange Coynty has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa..tii',sa1 The group will covet man~ anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 P~m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 648-3884. Jewish Famlty Senta of o...,.... County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically Ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage Illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Costa M esa. , Attendance Is free, but • registration Is required. (714) 445-4950. Scrabble Club No. 350 meets . from 6 to 10 p.m . Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. in Costa M esa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coln and Stamp <:tub meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Family Service offers ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences. hear how others deal w ith grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free. but advance 30 Years of Excellence • Design and Installation Call Diane ( 'lml!@ 949.64().5806 fO'r an appoincmem wir.h a Roger's Dts1gnn CL#352:373 ' registration la required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish Famlty Sentlce of o...,.... County provides a support and discussion group for persona recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. lWo-hour kayak tours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m . Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort Is at 1131 Bad< Bay Drive. Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for C&lifornia Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (800) 585-0747. A yoga and dan~ class la held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 M esa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Ryctcman leads a discussion group usmg the book -conversations with God- from noon to 1 p.m . Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery. 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 754-7399. Marshall's Tae Kwon Do in Costa Mesa offers free self-defense classes to airline pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St .. Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574--01 22. I A Dealing with Divorce support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group 1s led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m . Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa. (714) 445-4950. The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested m sailing. seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. Oasis Senior Center offers ongoing assistance, counsehng and referral services for seniors (949) 644-3244. The Costa Meu Senior Citian Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m . Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation Instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. The Newport Beach Newcomen Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wedne.day of each month. The organization is open to all women residents of Newport Beach who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information, Cj\11 (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers-newportbeach.org. for firat-tlme vlaltora, (949) 95s-.4308. The Newport CenUr Toaatmaatera Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m . Mondays at the Irvine Co., 810 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 756-1026. The Harbottlte Toanma119ra Club meets at 7 a.m . Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant. ' 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona The Thursday Momlng Women's del M ar. (949) 293-4630. Club, a 40-year-old friendship club, Is seeking new members. The club, which Includes golf. bridge, walking and gourmet sections. meets at 11 a.m . on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon is $23 and includes entertainment. The hotel is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842-5863. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. Th• American Legion meeu at 7 p.m . the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard is at 2651 Newport Blv(J. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 546-2777; or Bill Mimiaga, (949) 650-0894. Nightly meetings for those who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in CoS1a Mesa and Newport Beach. (71 4) 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666 The Newport Sports Museum, a nonprofit organization, operates a free museum at 100 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the world's largest collections of sports memorabilia, is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m w eekdays and 10 a.m . to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721-9333 or www.newportsports- museum org The Estancia High School Parent Teacher Student Assn. hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the school's northwest parking lot, on the corner of Estancia North and Placentia. Newspapers that are bound. loose or bagged are accepted Cardboard and bound material such as phone books and th1dc magazines are not. Also. bms are available for drop off every day of the month. All funds raised go to the association. Free. The school is at 2323 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa. (949) 515-6500. Oasis Senior Center of'fwa a daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Ould<en, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Meu Communicators Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa M esa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Newport BeKh Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in Sgt. Pepperoni's meeting room, 2300 Bristol St., Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Jewish Family Senne. of Orange County holds group i:neetinga for younger women to discuss life pasaages and changes. body images. family, relatlonahlpa, communication, Intimacy an~ aexuellty, anxiety and lonelineu . The group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. The office la at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration la required. Marcy Middler, (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The MMe Meuengen ToaatrMatera Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tundaya at Mea Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St., Coate Mesa. (714) 640-4446. The Blue~ Toanm--. Club 2717 meeta et 7 a.m . Wedneldaya at the VIiiage Fermer, South Coaat Plaza VIiiage, 1851 Sunnower Ave., Coat• MMa. The meeting la free Udo Isle Toaatmaaten mMt from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach (71 4) 964-5314. Th• Oasis Senior Center otters a shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Tutoring Is evaHable for persons who oould use help reading English. Hourly rates and times are negotiable. (949) 861-1739 Oasis Senior C.n'*r ott.n visual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative. by appointment. (949) 644-3244 Essential Weight Management offert interactive and proact1v1.1 weight loss groups. Learn behavior modification and other techniques to control your weight. The cost Is $20. Groups meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Drive. Suite 350 Newport Beach (949) 718·9848 The Hope lnstttute. a center for recovery and family education offers a women's support group from 6:30 to 8 p m. Tuesdays ar 2900 Bristol St .. C-206, Costa Mesa (714) 432-0020 Oasis Senior Center has a walking group called Walkers Not Rodters. which meets once o week to enJOY scenic walks in and around the Newport Bear.h area. (949) 644-3244. Women Helping Wom9" offers a free peer support group for women in transition from 3 15 to 4:15 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymou' meets from 6·45 to 7:45 a.m Monday through Friday in Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center. 800 Marguerite Ave . Corona del M ar (949) 644-3244 The Hoeg C.ne« Cent9r offers • yoga class at 10:45 a.m . Tuet.day at 4000 W Coast Highway. Newport Beach (949) 722-9237 Body Design and Untt.d Studios of Self-Defense otters kid<-boxing classes from 8 30 to 9-30 a.m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1000 W Coast Highway. Suite C, Newport Beach. S8 per clau. (949) 722-0526. The Alzheimer's Assn. and Grief Support Group of Newport Villo WestNilla Rosa co-sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted living, 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631-3555. The Atrhebw-..r'a Aaan. and Mesa Te1Tace, a residential community for persons w ith Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, offers a fnHI support group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Mesa Te1Tace, 350 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. (714) 283-1111. A.t>ec:ai Lewis leacb an animal bereavement group that specializes In the needs of people who have al<* or dying pets. It meeu at 3 p.m. Tuesday& at 3101 W. Coast Hlghw.y, Suite 311 , Newport Buch. The coat la a donation to an animal d'tarity of the attendee's choice. Call to make a reaervatlon. (949) 721-6760. ' Oula s.mor CM"9r conducta blood preaure acreenlnga from 9 to 11 e.m . th• nrat end third Tuesday of each month In Room- 3 at 800 Marguertte Ave., Coroni ~I Mar. 949) 844--32..... • . • The Newport .... Paydlologic.1 Aun. otf9n a body Image and mode1'11te eating support group It 7 p.m. Wednetdays at 3101 W. CoM1 Highway, Suitt 3t1, Newport Beach. (9'9) 721~750. ·: S..TOWN,h19M . ROSEY'SAUroBODY You have the right to chooee your fti>alr fKWty lnaiat on the Bat LIFETIME WARRANTY t)litf Pilot TOWN Continued from A8 F.-tel cN ..... are given ff\19ry Friday from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m . and free qf gong olau es are given f/Very Thursday from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237. A ellc W.-educational ..n.. for women newty diagnosed wilh breast cancer or for anyone interested Is being offered in two sessions wilh various speakers, The first session will be held Jan. 1, 21 and 28 and Feb. 4 and 11. Second session will be held April 1. 8, 15, 22 and 29 and May 6. Sessions are from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. at the Hoag Canoer Center. 4000 W. Coast Highway. Newport Bead\. Free. Pre-registration is required. (949) 722-6237. Fedng fofward htMvement Group meets every Monday from &.30 to 8 p.m. 81 the Hoag Cancer Center. 4000 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A support group fot thoM with brain tumo rs meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of each month at the Hoag Cancer Canter. 4000 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A bleast cancer support group for young w omen meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center 1s at 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237 An evening breast cancer support group meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each m onth at the Hoag Cancer Center The center is at 1 Hoag Dnve, Building 41 , Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237 Tueldaya at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. Theo.• 5-niof (Anter ..... Braille class to h4flp wfth alght fou from 10 a.m. to noon Thurldaya in Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona dol Mar. (949) 644-3244. A frM Uncl!f 1Upport group meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237. The Jewbh Senior Cent.r °"'"" card games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every third Tuesday. A kosher lunch is offered afnoon'for.$3 per person. (714) 513-5641. The Newport e.ach PsychologicaJ Assn. offers a coed support group at 7 p.m . Thursdays at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach. (949) 722-4588. The Healing Connection on.rs 1 coed relationship group at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at 4425 Jamboree Road, Suite 180-A, Newport Beach. (949) 261-8003 The Consumer Business Networti meets at 7 a.m. Fridays in the mezzanine at Newport Gateway. 19800 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Reservations: (714) 550-4785 A fNe lecture about dtvorw mediation, an alternative to the traditional two-an omey divorce. is offered the third Thuf'9day of each month with atto~ Alicia D. Taylor 1nd psychologist lee H. Solow. Space Is limited and reservations are required. (949) 955-2576. RevlM your llf9ttm• documents for Advance Health Care Directives at the Oasis Senior Center for S3 each. Call to make an appointment. (949) S.W.3244. The National Oyalexla R ... arch Foundation sponsors w eekly adult anention deficit qisorder support groups at its office, 833 Dover Drive. Suite 27, Newport Beach. S5 per session. (949) 642-7303. Oasis S.nlor Center offers preventive health care services for seniors on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the center's Room HS-3. 800 M arguente Ave .. Corona del Mar. Call to make an appointment. (949) S.W.3244. Facing Forward, 1 support group for those people that have lost someone to cancer, meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, New port Beach. Free (949) 722-6237. Costa Mesa Fire Department Explorers Post 400 meet s at 6 --Did You Knowl *That we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to ~ Nurseries and let us show you hoW." NURSERIES, lllC. __ _ p.m. Tuesdays at various fire stations. Membership la open to anyone between 16 and 21 years old. (714) 764-5141 or (714) 754-6106. M.xlne Cohen, a marriage and family the.r1pl1t, sponsors an anonymous help line for persons with relationship problems. She is available for free consuhatlon from noon to 1 p m. and from 7 to 8 p .m . Mondays (949) 759--0357. S.nlors and low-income families m the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach area can obtain free U.S Departmen1 of Agriculture surplus food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m . the second Frjday of eadl m onth in the rear parking lot at the Church of Chnst, 740 W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa. Picture identification is required. (949) 650-8236. A support group for w omen with gynecologic cancer meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949T 722-6237. Mesa Emergency Service Am ateur Com munication offers the oppo rtunity for ham radio operators to participate in Costa Mesa's Radio A mateur Civil Em ergency Service organization Weekly nets are held at 7:20 p.m on 147.060 MHz. M onthly meetings are held at 6·30 p.m .. on the fourth Wednesday of eadl month at the Costa M esa Police Department (71 4) 754 7045. Oa••· ~k>r c.m.r on.rs a counselor to assist with questions about M edicare. HMOs and supplemental and long·term care insurance Call to make an appointment (949) S.W.3244. Incest Anonymous, for female v1ct1ms of sexual abuse and rape, their friends and their relatives. meets from 10 a m to noon Saturdays at 760 Victor11 St .. Costa Mesa Free (9491 859-3918. The Jaycees. affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce, are professionals between 21 and 39 years old who get 1ogether for community service. business networking and soc1al111ng Meetings are held the second and fourth Thursdays of each month (949) 451 2178 Satllfday, Jaooary 25, 2003 M TheCerebral Pa~yfourtd9tlon will start a new chapter In the area The foundation will offer f1nanc1al and em otional"Support and other free services to families w ho have dlildren with cerebral palsy (800) 967 3a41 Michael Harms. a Corona del Mar anorney and certified pubhc accountant, will present a free one·hour consultauon on hvlng trusts at your home or his office. 2660 E Coast Highway Corona del Mar (949) 644-5801 The Kiwanis Club of Newport Beach-Corona del Mar meets at noon Thu rsdays at the Bahia Corinthian Yadlt Club, 1601 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar (949) 852-1148 A wortishop for people with lymphedema meets from 2 30 to 4 30 p m the first Tuesday of each month in the auditorium at Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W Coast Highway Newport Beach (949) 760-5542 SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER 3/4" s5 9_? -s 1 4~ Travertine 18" ;, 18" Ce<amic Tiie Larrnnate Wood · A support group for family and friends of cancer patients meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month-at the Hoeg Cancer Center. The center is at One Hoag Drive. Building 41. Newport Beach Free (949) 122-6237. COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2700 Bristol St. (714) 7~1 2800 N. Tustin A ve. en•> 633-9200 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager FiowerdaJe Nursery • Costa Mesa Master Nursery Professional 137 4 Logan Ave.~Suite F COSTA MESA (888) . ~-777 -( '372) ~ MON -FRI. 10AM to 5 PM • A brNst cancer support group meets from noon to 2 p m COMPlffi lANDSCAPINC • 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE # 308553 He J. Garrett Furniture Full Design Consulting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing Srrvicr and Va1ur 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. chru Sac. 10 to 6, Sun. 12 co 5 Qualicy Service Valu e • SAT.10 AMto 2 PM ~ CLOSED SUNDAY ~ BABY BACKS ... A NO LOTS OF OTHER GOOD STUFF! SUPE~~u...t:an.LJ...Jc:o1:w..i... Pidt-up a Buc:kef « Porty Pok! l r4 np;,,. IM-1 I Party Paks Pig Pak Hog Pok 1t'f."ds b r • ~J~ • s599s s749s -- (. CALL EARLY TO ONE .. .TWO ... OR THREE! '• 2196 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa PRIVATE 8A."'<Jl'Fl (94 9) 6 31 2 11 0 HEW HOURS. ROOM ~..An.~w -Moo;, 4 ()()pn- • Sol & 5un 12 00 CAJl.FORINFO www.nbcompany.com Toke-Ovt 1oooom final clearance! 40-7 0% O FF Ladies winter shoes & accessories 25-50% off e ntire boot selection New spring styles arr1vtng <bily' Sizes 4 to 12 ln a grcac selection of widtru, from upcNllm co wide • Van FJj • Scsto Mcucd • Ra.ogoni • Corona Del Mar Plaza 96-'AvoadoAvcnuc,(comcrofMacArehurand POI) • 949-721·132 www.ma.nnl5h , om .. .. AlO S.Uday, January 25, 2003 ON VACAT I ON Barbara Grubb, left, and Michele Raffoni of Newport Beach on a trip to New York. Linda Zoelle, middle, of Balboa Island, her mother, Shirley Wrteck, right, of Newport Coast and her sister Andrea Marnell of Las Vegas take a •girl's trip" to Mexico. Karen and Finley Taylor, left, joined Lym~ and Carl Swain to celebrate New Year's Eve in Sun Valley. Lee and Anita Clark of Newport Coast and Jim and Audrey Hendry of Huntington Beach visit the Great Wall near Beijing while vacationing in China. AN\BER ISLE and CIREBC>N ' AN UNPRECEDENTED SALE! Tommy Bahama ... a brand you never see at 40% off ... ·Amber Isle and Cirebon are also at huge savings. We're not talking about a few selected items. EVERYTHING IN THESE SPECTACVLAR COLLECTIONS IS ON SALE NOW ... in stock and special orders alike. But hurry. This sale is for a limited time ... and only at Treasures . Plus, all other Lexington Home Brands are on sale/ HERE'S AN EXAMPLE OF THE GREAT SAVINGS THAT AWAIT YOU: Tommy Bahama King Bed Woven rattan-like head and foot boards with hand-carved pineapple finials. Finished In warm natural tones. SALE PRICE $1, 999 QUEEN BED $1,499 H0tMS lrfon ·Fd. IOAM.f,M,S. fOAM-4,M.lMl ffAM..f,111.. • l/ISfT us ON THE WEB www.tr•••ur-ttumlture.net • --------- ON V A C'A TJ O!\J Saturday, Hro¥y 25, 2003 AU ~hlyn and Joh~John Mooers and Ethan and Jeffrey Fichtner of Newport Beach riding the Super Sub ~t Shaver Lake in the Western Sierras Charlene Anson and Jonathan Turco of Costa Mesa in the Princess Cays, Caribbean for Christmas I elf Ewing & ly/een Ewin~ PLUMBING MAINTENANCE Keeping your plumbing tn good \hape i~ important anytime, but e-.pec1ally when your hou!te " on the market Dnppmg fauccl5 and toile15 that ound like a fountain not only add to your water bill, they also create the overall imprc ion that your home has not been well maintained. cspcc1all) if the leak has begun to diM:olor the tub or sinks. Even if prospecti ve buyers don't notice the plumbing when they first look at your home, they will probably request a pby ical inspection contingency if they decide to buy it. This will allow them to have an expert check the system and appliances thoroughly. You will have to make repairs anyway, so we recommend that they be done as part of the preparation for placing your home on the mark.ct. This preparation lessens " the po sibility of issues with your buyer. If your kitchen and bathrooms need work, the buyers arc likely to discount the value of your home much more than it would co t to make repairs.or even to renovate. Lylceo and Jeff have 30 consecutive years of real estate experience in Newport Beach. For profmlonal ltrvke or ldYkt witla Ill JOU real matt _. Clll ta.e Ewillp at C-.t Newport.Coldwell lllUer It (M9) 75'-3196. DtNING ROOM • LMNG ROOM • BFDS lAMPS • 'ABRICS • FLORALS • ACC ESSORI ES '--Natalie and David We ber of Corona del Maron the Rhone River during a trip to France Ta:~IA~.:u N DUI DEFE~SEAITOR.'iEP MYLESL N Make Those Patios '1 Entries Beautiful • I , r Jim Jl•nnmg' Ill'! ill '•llf '11•( k1l , .ir,I l.111,I" ·'I ''' • 1--.,f <'rt hrall., '' •£1l, 11k-.: ,l,Hl ""r\. • ( 11 1 r«1..•in1ml nJ q111IH\ J,.,,_,1cr• '\. l.111,I''-'T" r• • I 'r om •l!l I r. ,f I, m• \).,. "'"' th. fl Whv taM-a c~t>und IH disappomt~d! Call I~ companv that has sa.n~fud -1 000'~ a( cu.stom.t>rs fur ~"' 34 "t'an The Duffy Annual Pass ls Back! Get yours now, li1'iited supply! Th passes pay for tbcmscJ\. in no time. Hurry! They will U out. Sign up .. this Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Duffy Rental Office 2001 we. CoMt Blahway. New port aeacb k9a w: your p&'8 by camna {949) 64S-6812, Ext.110 • No Insurance Costs •No Maintenance Costs •No SUp Fees, No Hassles • Great for bt1.siness, family, friends and soul crutstng. • Take adtVJntage of the U'Onderfu/ fleet Of Duffy Boats • Conuenlent location. fantastic amenities .,,. ,.,, .. ,,,,.,, ...... ~ 19~0- Duffy 9rartc .. ~ www~•com " ~12 sn.day, .January 25, 2003 00 • ~ Brin gin' b _ack that old-school feel . . ' The Shirelles, who recorded such hits as 'Soldier Boy' and 'Mama Said,' were rock 'n' roll's first female super-group. By Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot performances by the real deal. The ShirelJes and the Associadon take the stage in a concert titled "Juke Box Giants" on Saturday, Feb. I, at 8 p.m at the Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theatre. The Shirelles have been an indelible pan of the music scene as rock 'n' roll's first female super-group. Their status has earned them a place in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. said. ·Im sort of a product of the '60s. The Association and Shirelles are groups I particularly liked in my youth." The number of hits these groups have produced would make even Roger Maris blush. The Sbirelles have songs such as "Will You Still Love Me Tumorrow," "Mama Said." "Baby It's You." "Soldier Boy." "Foolish Little Girl." "Sha-La-La" and "Maybe Tonight," And the Association was driving them out of the park with home runs li.1ce "Never My Love." "Wmdy," "Cherish" and "Along Comes Mary." FYI WHAT: The Shirelles and the Association WHERE: The Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road WHEN: 8 p.m. Feb. 1 INFORMATION: (714) 432-5880 or (888) 622·5376. Zimmerman said. Zimrr.ennan is one of six oollege staff members on the selection committee that decides what groups to book at the college. She said she is looking forward to this performance because it is reminiscent of her days as a youth growing up in Ohio. B efore the 1960s' era of the hippie. free Jove, mind-expanding drugs and music icons such as JiJni Hendrix and Jim Morrison, there was another kind of perfonner, seemingly on a different plane tJ1an Jefferson Airplane -whose music appealed to families. not wnununes. Those were the days when American Bandstand ruled mid pop was top with groups like ti 1c Shirelles and the Association. '!hat era IS being brought to Or.inge Coast College with Jim c.amen, director of community relations at the college, is looking forward to the concert. 'They're out of my era," c.ameu "J think looking at the "Juke Box Giants" groups will grab an audience of people growing up in the 1960s, ranging from people in their 30s to their 70s." Vicki NGirl groups like the Shi.relies The Shirelles will bring their classic Motown sound to Orange See FEEL, Paee AlS Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theatre on Saturday, Feb. 1. '/am a Latin woman no matter where I live. I could live in China, blll I'm always going to be a girl from South America.' Claudia Acuna hat's in a name? Some people call it jazz, but Claudia Acuna, who will be at the Center next month, says she is 'just singing.' riy Coral Wiison ra.ly Pilot ·c tauclia Acuna has always been in love with jaz:t~ though in the beginning. , she didn't know what it w~ -i. ailed. She was just doing what she loved, singing in a small dub in C111le, when someone said to her, You are a jazz singer." lben she had a name for it -jazz. NI am JU.St singing," Acuna says. And Acuna will be singing locally on ~eb. 7 and 8 in Founders Hall at the Or.inge County Performing Ans Center. ~'he will be perfonning alongside mposer/pianist OOJy Childs who one of the first to inrroduce jazz lo the Center in 1989. Otilcb and Acufia have worked together m the pru.t, l ollaborating FYI for her "Hhythm of l .ife" CD. NWe have a t.lcep. beautiful wnnection, ond the music k a beautiful . Journey every Ume I have the pUl.Oce to )vork with him,· Acul\a says. I Aama reinvents English and WHO: Claudia Acuna with Billy Childs WHERE: Founders Hall, Orange County Performing Arts Cenler WHEN: Feb. 7 and 8, 7:30 and 9:30p.m. INFO: Tickets $49 and $46, (714) 556-ARTS or visit www.ocpac.org Spanish classics in addition to original pieces. Her music is an eicpression of Latin and Western tuJtures, because that is who she is. J ler music took her from ChJJe to New Yort at the age of24, and then nround the worid. Now after traveling through Japan, Turkey, Greece, f·rance and Italy. she is as Lalin as ever. "I am a Latin woman no matter where I live. I could live in China, but s.. NAME, P•&• AlS Chilean-Oorn jazz singer Claudia Acuna will perform with pianist Billy Childs at the Center next month: , TODAY SUNDAY FANTASTIC FIVE MONDAY 3_ ................ ~ .... c.et ............ ., .......... hm7•ftpa .-Y ... 'Wit..,. mu1tll1 • ......... ,......, ... ....... ......... 0 ............. .. ................ ,,., ..... ,... TUESDAY THEATER Playhouse leaders rework 'Godspell' Longtime local theater names try their hands at putting on a show. By Tom Titus T hey're not exactly the new kids iri town -Kyle Myers and Megan Endicoll have long lists of performing credit'> at the Costa Me!Wl Civic Playhou ... e -but they're relatively green at the art of pulling shows together. Myers cut his directorial teeth a few months ago on the playhouse's production of "Picasso at the l.apm FYI Agile." Now he\ staging "GodspelJ." WHAT: 'Godspell' which will open Feb. WHEN: 8 p.m. 6. Endkoll. who hru. Thursdays been appointed the through theater's artistic Saturdays, with ... Sunday matinees• director, is ch h. th at 2 p.m., until oreograp mg e March 2 show, a first for her. WHERE: Civic "GodspeW IS Playhouse, 611 hardly a new property Hamilton St., -veteran Costa Mesa. theatergoers might INFO: Ticlcets may recaH the smash hjt be reserved by production of the calling the box biblical musical office at (949) mounted back in the 650-5269 ' mid-l970s by South : Coast Repertory when SCR still perfonnecl in a converted dime store in downtown Costa Mesa Orange Coast College also took a crack at it about a dozen years agd. It's a property that can be formed and molded to fit the talents of its cast, whicli is what Myers and Endicott find so intrlguing about the show. "This is an amazing cast." Myers declared "We've got people from all over Southern California -Whittier, Redondo Beach, Turrance. The theater needed new• blood, and we've got It with this show.~ Unlike most directors, Myers didn't choose ·~u." The playhouse's sea.son was set up by last season's board 1 of directors, with the tage honchos to be penciJed in later. Myers volunteered to helm "Picasso," whJch was well received, • and then stepped in to direct "Godspell," : which he thought would be a fairly easy wignment It wasn't. 'We had to find things for all these actors to do during the show," Bndicott said. "And we've expanded the cast. so It's SM REWORK, Pqe A~~ WEDNESDAY 5 .......... Alt ...... ................ ., ...... ..... IClrillft,._ ... :.-::-.:==:;; ::.. = ................. \ .. -· •····· .... ' I I ' I I I , I ~~ SOC ll:TY I THE CROWD 1 Pacific Life S big week for charity I t ls a cocktail reception that anyone associated with Orange County philanthropy does not want to miss. Pacific Ufe of Newpon Beach, the largest insurance company in the state of California handed out S2 million this week out of a total of more than $3 million earmarked ---::::::;;;:----, for charitable . .. .. 8 .W. COOK and civic causes in . 2003. The Pacific We Foundauon, a division of the giam insurance corporation, recognu.ed more than 150 organi.J.auo~. giving grants of $2,500 lo $200,000 to assist them in their 'charitable endeavo,-.,. •The foundation 15 celebrnung lbe 19th annivef'Sdry of II'> :.Odowment, which continm•-, to &tnerate charitable dollan. every rear to nonprofit agencies supporting worthy progra.n1 .. and projects helping our communities,· offered Pac1fil Lile media rep John Soller assisting in the organv.ation of the reception this week. On hand for the celebration were Tom Sutton, P.dc1fic IJfe chairman and CEO. and Bob HaskeU, Pacific Life Vlce presidenr and foundation president. The pair of execullVl"> proudly be.towed a S200.000 grant upon the Nauondl r1sh dJld Wtldlife Foundation, w11h funds designated for the .protect:Jon and restorauon of tht' whale populauon... l'he whalt' •~ the symbol of P"dcifk Life and dominates thetr advent'>ing and rruut.eting campaign ln addition, a $75.000 mwti-year grant wa.\ bestmwd upon Taller ~ Jo~. an organization that work.., wnh young per.on\ in the Ordngt• County community to dtver1 them from the gang lifestyle. ·This 1s an exceptionaUy chaUeng:mg year for nonprofit agencies trying to '\U\tam tht.' ~urce<> they need during tht• economic downturn.~ I fao;kdl said "The P·drific I Jft' Foundation I!. committed to doing its shdft' to help meet community nee<h • HaskeU and Sunon greeted the arriving cru"h at Padfic Life headquarters 111 Fa.\h1on Island, welcoming representauv~ from Arts Orange County. Assistance League of Newpon-Me<;a. Balboa Performing An., Foundation. Bower.. M~um. IEAUTY wltlt thl• coupon ,,., ~ .,.,. any .,,.., .,,.,, .. ct ........... c... ~•.cc••n D ..... tllon ~OW- ....... f/2f/N ------• Fuu SERVICE SALON • SEE US FOR ALL YOUR COLOR QUESTIONS • SENOR cmzEN DISCOUNT OH SUNDAYS 269 E. 17' St., c.ea Mesa -• .., fl.JO '91:()0, .... '2·J (949) 642-4482 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified MCt100 to find~from eMctl"Ol'llCS .and plumbeirS. to landsapers .and pelnters ·-"""" emt• ....... Daily Pilot From left, Pac1f1c Life Chairman Tom Sutton 1oins Pacific Life Foundation grant recipients Art Wannlund, president of YMCA Orange County, Michael Stephens, chairman of YMCA Orange County, and Bob Haskell, Pacific Life Foundation president, at a reception held in Newport Beach, where $2 million in grants were awarded to local organizations Ro~., and ( .irl' CJ uh. Lorona dt'I Mar <;chool h1w1dauon. I >•'l m t•n ">ntnn· l enter. l .1r1., Im .. I lo.ig I f11..,p1tal I .t).,'lm.1 Pl.1} hmi...t'. 'l'Wpon '\1t''><l ">t hooJ., I ou11dat11111. (Ir angi· ( 1111111\ l'nform111g \rt., C t'llll'r \outh < oa-.1 lkpenor., llw Wt•IJm..,.., Commun11v. IJ11111·lf \\>.i\, Y~H \ .md ) \\l, \ arnf 1 lw \'olunteer C t•nter '1:-..SPA."JA' I he bo.ml of <.hn·t tor-, and 1he rn111m11tt•t"> ol tht· l'h1lharmo111c "><ir1ety or Orangl' ( OUlll} dr(' wn· bu-.\ org.inving the final touthl'!> for the uprnmmg I t'h. I gala bla<.k tit• l'vent •hey arl' t .11l111g "'-'llclllJ .. lh<ure<l bv che gl.inv1rou ... Carotyn !kit. the ph1lharmonil l'\l'lllllK i., hl'mg pre'lt'nted under the p.11ronage of thl• Coun')u[ (,eneml of 'lpam .md Mr-. Jose Lu1s Dicenta Balle-.ter. Ball cha1r Bell <llld hl'r hu~band. lom, are bemg 1mned by a ded1cawd team of '>Upponer; that includes Iota!., John Bematt. AJ and Pat BUJoll, Pat Bone, FJaJne Alexiou, Charlene Bauer. Don and Karen Evarts of IJdo Isle, Jane Grier, Bobbitt Wllllams. Barbara Kllponen. Judith Jelinek. Doug Traub, Scon Merrln and Mary Kay Vander Molen l he ewmng will take plat:e at tht• ne\' ll}att Regl'nt) Re.,un m I lu1111ng1011 Beach. and Waym· I o'>ter\ Ort lll''>lrJ " .,latl'd to · t'111l·na111 I he Philh.irmornr \oc1tty. a 11111 for profit organi1..it1on. · ·r.ll'>l'" fumh 10 ':>Uppon }Ollth prowam'> 111 the field or mu .... c tor Orange County \tulfeni... from bndergarten through lugh '>t:hool. More than 1500 prt.''>en1a11onc; are conducted by profe~1ond.I mu .... uan .. and trtuned dou.•nr.. at no ch~e to the publir t.'at:h yl•Jr •THE CROWD appedrs Thursdays dnd Saturdays O R GANIC ART PLANTS & DESIGN Olrne See Our New Selection For 2003! The Vines You've Been Waiting For Are Here Perennials At Their Best Fre.e Garden Design Consultatim Distributor for Dooe Fross 'Native Sons Plants' and (/ary Hammer 'Desert to Jungk Plarits' Zt-N N (Jla•kll, 0rUJV(t', {A 9ZXNI .} .. _ Of'"' l>aaly <J. S 714.ZtN.OZl.Z _. U..."'' ,fJT'IO'U< UJ1pl.cau._•.t (lUI Sattxday Janu.yy 25 2003 All WEDDINGS& ENGAGEMENTS Fernald-Snowden · ~~andDavid SoOwdeii exchanged weddlng vows at the Newport Beach Country Oub on Oct. 26. The bride la the daughter of Theresa and David Fernald of Costa Mesa The groom is the son of Ellyn and Police OlieC Dave Snowden of Newport Beach. Angela ii continuing her educatioQ at Cal State Long Beach. David is the president of ·Dataheadz.com, a company speciaJ.iz.ing ln Web hosting. marketing and design. The couple live in their new home in Costa Mesa. Knecht-Dobbins Diane and RJchard Knecht of Newport Beach announce the engagement of their daughter Kelly NoeJ Knecht of San Diego to Marte Nathan Dobbins of San Diego. The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Kelty Knecht and Mar Hlgh School and Mark Dobbins Georgetown Unive:rsity. The future bridegroom. son of Becky and Mike Dobbins of Encinitas, graduated from San Dieguuo High School and Wheaton College. A faU wedding b planned in San Diego. •Weddings and engagements run Saturdays. For a form, please call Christine Carrillo at (949) 574-4298. ~";'~ 0Z/J;;;;;./'2.IN/'J.ff zt'~rr,w[ Mattress Outlet Store 3 165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. 50-75o/o OFF "We've Raided the Best Closets in Orange County." Quality Consignmen t Apparel CE . ~the ·style~ 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M-F 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 949 642-1844 ... ·< .. Al4 Satwday, JaooafY 25, 2003 DATBBOOK AFTER HOURS from $19 to $59. (714) 556-2122. • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Peily Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Coste M .. e, CA 92627: by fax to (949) 64M170; or by calllng 1949) 674-4268. A complete list is evellable et www.dailypilotcom. CONTACT Cl.All>IA ACUNA Cludia Acuna with apeclal guest Bmy Childs will perform at Founders Hall on Feb. 7 and 8 at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Tidcets coat from $46 to $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 656 2122. SPECIAL ALL-AMERICAN BOYS CHORUS The All-American Boys Chorus will be conducting Individual audition• (or boys ages 8 to 10 throughout January. There will be a second audition held in September. The audition, scheduled \o last about 30 minutes, will focus on an ear test in whfch staff members strike various notes on piano and as1k the boys to sing them back. (714) 7()8.1670. MUSIC SPECIAL CUSSICS: RHAPSODY IN BLUE Nflff. MURRAY Four-time Gramlhy Award winner Anne Murray will perform at Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Feb. 7 and 8. Tickets cost from $26 to $80. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. NEWPORT BEACH JAZZ MRTY The third annual Newport Beach. Jazz Party will return to the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel from Feb. 14 to 16. The festival will feature the BJll Cunliffe Trio. Mary Stallings, the Houston Person Quartet and several others. The hotel is at 900 Newport Cent er Drive. Information: (949) 759-5003. WESlA WHrTf1ELO Wesla Whltfield will perform at the Founders Hall from Feb. 18 to 22 at 7:30 p.m. Tidcets are $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. VIENNESE DELIGHT The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will present its annual American Composers FeS1ival at 7 p.m. Tuesday. It features Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, hot jau and blues and new works by celebrated American composers Elmer Bernstein, William Bolcom, Derek Bermel and more. Tickets are $45 and $35. Irvine Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. (949) 854-4646. ZEHETMAIR QUARTET Violinist Thomas Zehetmair and his quartet will perform at 7 p.m. Feb. 2 at the Barclay Theatre. Selections will include Schubert's Overture in C minor, Bartok's String Quartet No. 5 and Grieg's String Quartet in F ma1or Tickets are between $23 and $25. 4242 Campus Drive, (949) 854-4607. A Tony Award winner for Best Musical, MContact," directed and choreographed by Susan Stroman and written by John Weidman, will come to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall Jan. 28 to Feb. 2. Tickets for · MContact,~ at $64.50. $57.50. $51.50, $44.50, $34.50 and $27.50, are on sale now at the Center Box Office; onhne at the Center's Web site at www.ocpac.org; and at (714) 55fr2746. The Saturday, Feb. 1, matinee at 2 p.m. will include sign language mterpretabon. Cafe Ludwig's host planlS1, Christopher O'Riley, will take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. in Founders Hatt at 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets are $45, (714) 556-2122. MUSIC AT THE ru ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio. with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. RAT PACK MONDAYS Maggiano's Little Italy pays tribute to the Rat Padc every Monday with entertainer Chris Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover. Reservations recommended. (714) 546-9550. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOZART The Mozart Classical Orchestra ts dedicated to bringing quality performances of chamber orchestra works from the classical repertoire to the people of Southern California. An evening of Mozart directed by Ami Porat will take place at 8 p.m . Feb. 8 at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. 4242 Campus Drive. Tickets cost between $24 and $38. Information: .1949) 854-4607. SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE The Pacific Symphony Momma John ~ bekJng to the world's '4rgtst flooring Tallil grtJUJ> -co-qp. ~ "" the bit;trst fo>oring lkalm inliividuld/y owrud anJ oper11teJ. 4,000STORE BUYING POWER NOBODY ~ ""'Mil°"'~ Y•n l'J'!i-, • ~ if1'!" fr ""' ~pr,. .. Orchestra. under the direction of Carl St. Clair, will welcome the Pacific Chorale for a program by Pulitzer Prize winner William Bolcom, "Songs of Innocence and of Experience." The show will take place at 8 p.m. Feb. 5 and 6 at Segerstrom Hall 600 Town Center Drive. Tidcets cost JAZZ TRIO GulfS1ream Restaurant in COMPLETE AUT9 REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • Injection Service Carburetor Rebuilding • Gross Polluter Repairs Acae1c:o Motorcran Same Otvner Since 1965 38 ~ar.s In Costa Mna Bendix TIE ClllRl'NI llDP llC. 294 5 Randolph Ave (Brisrol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 7 14.556.2181 E-mail: carbparts@checarbshop.com Lifetime Warranty Ceramic Rl1 SERVICI C..ater Tops • Showen • C.raMie • Ora1tit• • WIM Wu 011 ITOP llOP Refi1iih • Cl111i"t c.,,.t & U,..lstery. • P1i11ti119-lmrior & Edtrier o a Mesa - (948) 650-7878 124 E. 17th llOM-Rlt-S &ATHJAYl&SHMWI.._. lrvne (Ml) 818 0141 17777Maln·r Tlu.-Mf ..... WltllttAV llTIL l:MPM ClOIHttltMl& ... tMI ITlllT Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday H regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sµnday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Caf6 presents M onday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardiS1s and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-n60. MUSIC AT ntE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordlen (known as MPG) perform classic roct, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode. swiAg and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The reS1aurant is at Ibo Udo Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band perform• from 7 to 10 p.~ Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant la at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony'• Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features jazz and classic roct tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's Is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3426. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO late 5. a funk, roct and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway. Corona def Mar. Solo guitarl~ Sanders performs classical nalnenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play roct and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, See HOURS, Pa1e Al5 ~~ R es t aurant ---EstabllShed In '1962 --- •••Quality Service••• •••Ni d EotertainmcnC-.. MEPHISTaM THE WORLD'S ANEST WAI.KING SHOES 1727 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach • ~-FEET Pastor Tim Timmons invites you to visit our ch~ch family! Speaking -this Sunday KEITH PAGE A Place to Grow SUNDAY SERV ICES 8:30 am & 10:00 am New Community Church 2025 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92606 949-442-9240 Located between Von Kannan and Red Hall Famous Parking Lot Party This Sunday, January 26th 9~pm "The Best Way I Know to Dress for less" Free Refreshments -Let's Pa 2731 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar (9 49 675-5553 7 HOURS • ., 1 Continued from Al 4 .. 4600 MacArthur Blvd., Newpon Beech. Free. (949) 476-2001. SENk>ft CENTER AFTERNOON A aeveri-pieoe group plays big band tunes from 1 :30 to 3:30 p.m. Friday• at Oasis Senior • Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. $4. (949) 644-3244. · STAGE 1>ROOf' "~oof," the .Tony Award-winning play by David Auburri. will play. at Segerstrom Stage, South Coast Repertory, 650 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa through Feb. 9. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how 'much genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilliant father. Performances will be at 8 p.m . Tuesday through Friday; at 2:30 and 8 p.m. Saturday; and at 2:30 and 7:30 p .m. Sunday Previews $19 to $44, regular run $27 to $54. (714) 708-5555 -..-.\. THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO Opera Pacific will present "'Mozart's delightful and charming comedy under the direction conductor of Jane Glover. The cast includes Jan Grissom. Shawn M athey and Kurt Link. Performances will be on Tuesday tnd Thursday through Sunday at the Performing Ans Center, Segerstrom Hall, 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets cost S20 to $1 25 with performances at 7·30 nightly, exceP.t for the Sunday ahowing at 2 p.m . (7141 556-ARTS. 'Uffi.E SHOP OF HORRORS' The Sage Hill High School Theatre Department will offer 1 "Little Shop of Horrors" from Feb. 7 though 9. The play, directed by Jay louden, will be performed at 7:30 p.m Feb. 7 •nd 8, and matinees will be :pffered at 2 p.m. Feb. 8 and 9 lidcets are $5, 3443 Pacific View .:Dnve, (949) 219--0900. ~ORBIOOEN BROADWAY' , "Forbidden Broadway." a 'satirical delight that serves' up 31 -witty and ruthless parodies of .Broadway shows m 97 minutes, 'will be staged at Orange Coast •College on Feb. 9 at 4 p.m .• 2701 ~FEEL • •Continued from A 12 • :bnng hack the feelings of teenage ~luve. • i'imrnennan ..aid. "The A.'iM>Oation and ShlreU~ bnng bade a recollecnon of en1oyable tunf" -the pre-1.Ulbulent '6(}<,. It will be nire having that part of the : 'OOs. the early "f,O<, back again. It ~was a comfortable Uine." : In addition to the headliner5. : the concen will include popular : 1970s vocalist Al Wtlc;on wilh the •badcup group the 1-lashback :Band. Wtlson in '61 was a member of the RoUers who recorded lhe hit "The Continental Walk.· As a soloist later in lhe '70s, he produced "Show and TeU" and lhe hit "I've Got a Feeling_· 1 Advance resen-ed tickets are :S37 and can be purchased at the Orange Coast College Community ; iEducation lkket Office. adjacent : ,lo the library. There are advance : discoWlt dck.e(s priced at $35 for senior citizens. Orange Coast 1 6tudents and children under 12. 1lckets are available on-line at www.ocr:tickets.com. and if available for $41 at the door. The college is at 2701 Fairview ~ in Co.st.a Mesa. For ;nformadon. call (714) 432-5880 : Of (888) 622 -5376. ,. 1NAME 1 Continued from A 12 : S'm always going to be a girl from • &>uth America." Acufta says.. , : But when she returned 'to Oille : fec::endy. to perform for the first 'Jtme in Santiago. It was clear that • she was Crom a different world. ln America she had grown into a I .woman, but in ~ce she ~ys #!he Is 5tiD the same. •Certain!y, I've changed. No I one •tays the aame. but the iesance of you doesn't change. l tyou'w grown. you've developed. : ~ learn.· she says. • Her musk refJecu and : ~tea her deep appredadon • ~other rultures and her respea '°1 her own culture. believing that no one is alone and that ~ne II searching for lbe ~thing-Jove and~ , 1 She jUll asb her audience to I come with open beartl. mindl ' rerum bOcMa UtUe ~· Fairview Road. Tickets are $29 ad11ance and $35 at the door. (714) 432-5725. ART 'ZINE SCENE' "Zine Scene," an exhibit of zlnes organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite G~llery, South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Zines are publications -like magazines - created by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m to 9 p.m, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. JANE HILL "Local Scenes," art by Jane Hill. will be on display at the Newport Beach Public Library through Feb 28. A reception for the artist will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m on Jan. 28. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newpon Beach Free. (949) 717-3801. 'IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' A two·artist exh1b1t featuring the works of Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, through March 1. (949) 851 ·918, www stud1ogallery.net. STUDV1NG IDENTTTY "ID/entity: Portraits in the 21st Century" will run through Sunday, at UCttvine's Beall Center for Art and Technology. A reception for the show will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. The Beall Center is open from noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and until 8 p.m. on Thursday. Free. (949) 824-6206. 'THROUGH THE GREEN FUSE' The Susan Spmtus Gallery will present an exhibit of photographs by Robert Buelteman titled "Through the Green Fuse· through Jan. 31 at 3929 Birch St . Newport Beach. (949) 474-4321 BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Works by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Feb. 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Dnve, Newport BeaCh . The worlts will be shown concurrently with "The Spirit of I ~ and lhe tlOPt'J' peoJ>le : "I bnng wbO I am and whO I I beioome u a unlq\le pmon. • ' many of us who ha\'t ~'=and~ out or our looldr'I ~Cd~· ..,.. ) y OATEBO OK Mexico; an exhibit exploring Mexico through the eyes of · modem photographers Including Henn Cartler-Breuon and Edward Weston. Museum hours are 11 a.m: to 5 p .m . Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. MARJETICA PORTC An installatlon by SIOll8f'llan artist Marjetica Porte will be on display through March 2 ~the Orange County·Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Drive. Newport Bead\. Porte's work deals with issues of shelter, poverty and displacement Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults. $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 769-1122. DANCE Al.VIN AILEY DANCE THEATER One of America's most celebrated dance companies, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, will perform at Segerstrom Hall Feb. 11 to 16. Performances will be given at 8 p.m. each day, and special matinee showings will be given at 2 p.m. Feb. 15and 16. Tickets range from $20 to $65. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintock Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641 -8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORrES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate tn songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A childr~n·s story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado A11e. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEUER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe. 901-B South Coast Drive, Co1ta Mesa. (71 41 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. 'Nednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaz.a. 3333 Bear St, Cocta Mesa. Free. (714)432-7864. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m . M onday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15'. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday Brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m . every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chidten parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weetcdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellprs offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m at SuttoQ Place Hotel. 4500 M acArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001 CLUBS Al.TA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House. 506 31st St, Newport Beach. (949) 675--0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2770. BISTR0201 Jau is played at 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201 , 3333 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 631 -1551. Thurs, Fri , & Sat January 30th • February 1st A Fine Affair 721-9044 B.Magness 644-4477 The Basket Case 720-7088 -Baskin Robbins 644-1331 Blockbuster Video 759-9404 Cathay Newport Restaurant 759-3388 Champagnes Market & Deli 640-5011 Chevron USA 760-8678 Couture New York 759-1791 Happy Nails & Spa 759-8686 Labels 640-1133 Mag's Donuts & Bakery 760-9278 Mailboxes Newport 644-6480 Master Tailoring 720-1041 Marco Polo Italian Eatery 721-0801 Newport North Cleaners 644-0435 Newport North Optometric 720-0204 Or. Michael Shack One Hour Moto Photo 644-6533 Petco 759-9520 Royal Jewelers 644-7804 Salon Belcourt 644-9980 Tully's Coffee 759-8246 The Video Editor 720-2080 "all phone numbers 949 area code ORTH C ENTER d Bi•on, Newport Bnch .. "" ...... ~ .. -···· .. ·-· REWORK Continued from A 12 not all that simple. But il's been lots of fun -definitely an interesting show to cut your teelh on •• One of the chang~ Myers made was casting a female Judas. "Olivia Brn7.4t simply was the best candidate al auditions -and we weren't shon of men. fhert"s more men than women in the show." he said. "It ..et.<. up a great relaclonship, which I thlnk really woru ... M yeri., a grade school teacher who's prep11ring a kiddie ver..ion of "Into the Woods" by day. recruired fellow inMrui:tor Joyce Maxson as hii. musical director for "Godspell." Maxson has '>Uch shows a'> "The Wizard of Oz," "rhe Sound of Music" and "1-iddler on the Roor w her credit. Before turrung director tor "Picasso.· Myers appeared in many local .,tage productions, mcluding .'\ OlOrus lme," "Into the Woods," "Bye Bye Birdie" and ·Anything Goes" a1 Lhe i 1\il Playhou<.e. I le rook kl')' '>Upporting role'> in "Rl·ll-. Art· flinging" <Uld "Tht P·..11.1nM I . Game" at the Newport fheater Art'> C..c.-ntt'r Endicott ti. a familiar lace at the Co<;la t\le'Wl theatt'r for "01orill> IJnt•," "Into tht• Megan Endicott Kyle Meyers Woods." • Joi.eph and the /\111vJng l eC'hmcolor Dreamcoat," ·c..;yp .. y." "Hye Bye Budte" and "fiddler on lhe Roof.· She tralnt'<l at the American Academy of Dramaoc Art .. in P--d.!>cldena and took her . fir'tl nonmui.it al roll' in <..o"ta Me..a\ "·PtCCl.S'>O .. I heir "God'>pdl,' tht' d1rec1ors noted. will (enter on rhc homelet>'> I he actor .. p(Jrtray sueet people who bt'rnme involved in the New l t.'\lament !>tory of JeSU'> nuc1fixwn !.et io d rock beat "Wt' tdke a grungy, beaten-up 'itret't, and dunng the course of the c,how 11 hem me'> colorful. .. Myer'> Sd.ld. "The :.how should otter hupt: w 1he lOmmuntry "t,od.,pell' will be pre<;enled lhur.,da~., through '>acurday~ at Hp m . w1lh ~unday mauneei. dt !. p rn . unul MaTLh lat the Uvu 1'1.:1\ house. 611 Hamilton ')t I .o-.ta Mt•<.a. I 1cket!> may be re-.ef\ed h~ l alling the box offil t.' JI r'l4'1• 6'l0·5l.69. • TOM TITUS review!> local theater for the Da1l11 Pilot His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays How best to rake care of a work of art? \ R"ll t1m1r••" '' '' trul1 " m •r"•I 11 rl·rt11m tr>« inJ !'nduranu In II\ c-1 t'<lr' Pl "111111 u"u' tinwkt>t.'f'ln).: 11 t'Jl.HXt' whl't. I tr.ii, 1, th• 1·qu11 .:ill·nl "' 2.J \ < 11 11.-, Thi 11.mJ 1•1 pertormdnU• dl'~f\I'' pror;cr l.lfl lnlj r•rll»h :ll.llllf"n.m11' dnd Rolt'\ rK .. mm1•nJ, th.II 1lw.r •1m1 r••" "' ~. ( .• JIWtl ,mJ ntll-d .:irrn111ml11• I t'\t•r\ 1111 It Ir' It 1nu ,, ''""'ltd 1n l K11lt>\ v.1u, ,, m.1Jt .in ,i.-1u1t: dt"' 1'11•n Pn>tt,' rt..11 11111-.1m .. ri1 l•1 'h')\' m,.; thl' 'Jml '"u11d 1ud>:m1•11t "'h..r1 11 """' • '" tt11 mJ1nlm.inn 1•1 \1•ur hnwpteu' -\, ;n t •th<IJI r< .. 1 .. , I•\~• l1r "'t .Jr\' dt'dlliltt'J t.1 !ht' tnll'):rtl\ "' lo;l'nUIOl' l{,1 l \ llml-plt'H.., rJrt' 111d Jcc1-..-..lrlt' f'l1 ·I"' I 1'11 •'llf ... trnv \>\.hen \ ou ar .. rt'dlh IP .it .... u~· tht' c.ll\ ·~· and '>t:r. Kl' ur 11•ur Rnlt•• RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD.;-~· JEWELERS 3.408-1 Via Oporto, Newport Beach 949-.<>73-933.4 Shown ~ Oysl,.. Perpe<ual Suon>arner '1><: ..... CA<I"*' ';oN'5s Chronome'• Role.c "' Ovstet Perpetuel iOf>d Suomamet ,,,.. Ir~ Smlint tiN U,,,.mrmit] for JO ~ln"I VEAL-PORK OR let Celestino's Take Cm CmcKEN BRAIWURST ofYour Superbowl Party! $400 • Yid c. Plaam • Pnli& ""'-" ZL. • Vqp P\anaw • 0.-11.nat I b. .ur-1arp.,_,,..,,.., .. Grrt111 •11 IN GrJJ -Mb it r.., OlDD WlJll Snack on Cdcstino's HOMEMADE JERXY Tuloo:Y, MAUI~AREA SPECIAL TRF.AT Qttklt btl &.,, 0. lit Grill /' NAME BRAND SO PAMOUS WE CAN'T PUBLISH THE NAME. 4 PSC. SECTIONAL j sPECIAL PURCHASE I · COME&SEE THIS IS A STEAL! & SEE ·ouR LARGE SELECTIONS ·.OF DINING ROOM .. SHS, BEDROOMS SETS, LAMPS, DINmES, BOMBAY CHEST, END TABLES, COFFEE TABLES, CURIO CABINETS, TREES, ENTERTAJNMENT CENTERS, BARSTOOLS, PAINTINGS, MIRRORS, BUTCHER BLOCKS, .LIFE-SIZE INDIANS & COWBOYS, BUNK BEDS, MATTRESS sns, AND . GRANDFATHER CLOCKS. ASSORTllD RllCH FURN .ITU RE e e 'LIQUIDATORS 8966 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN VALLEY SALE HOURS: (714) 848·1994 Mon.·Fri. 10AM·7PM . Saturday 1 OAM·6PM Sunday 12PM·5PM Payment can be made by Cash, Check, Visa or Mastercard. Delivery may be arranged. Behind Chevron Gas Station Corner Of Magnolia & Warner , , QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's like golf. If you're missing p utts, then the hole on the greens gets smaller and smaller." Ryan ~urry, CdM boys hoops coach • • I ' ,, ' Y "' f "( ""' -, l • EYE OPENER Daily~Pi~ SparullalolFame l~om,.;U. ium.•-o .llnuary 2 7 honoree ART GALVAN Sporta Ecltor Roeer canson • (949l 5744223 • Spotts Fu: (9491650-0170 Satwday, Jaruaty 25 2003 81 i COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL l?arty time's over for 'Eaters A very d angerous CaJ State Northridge awaits UCI tonight, at 7:05. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot NORTiiRIDGE The UC lrvine Ant· eatecs were all smiles after their 66-62 road win over Paci&: Thurs- day. Yet, as UCI Coach Pat Douglass' birthday ended those !lmiles ceased. Douglass' men's basket· balJ team turned its focus to tonight at 7:05 p.m., when the Anteaters take on CaJ State North.ridge at the Matadome in a Rig West Conference matchup. •RADIO: KUCl/88.9 FM UCI (11-4, 5-1 in the Big West) is in first place in the Big West, while North- ridge is ninth. But that hardly maners to Douglass. "That was a great win," Douglass said Tbursday after the 'Eaters gave their coach a victory for his birthday. "We're going to celebrate. This is exciting for us. But, they know it will end, soon. We have to tum around and get ready for North- ridge. They'U be ready" The Matadors (8·8. 2-4) are similar to UCI in chat they have also discovered their chemistry recently. Though North- ridge opened Big West action with an 0-4 record, the Matadors have won the past two games. Northridge recorded their worst con- ference start under Coach Bobby Bras- well with the 0-4 rnaA However, BraswelJ has turned his team around with two straight victories. Blcw..t (74.I ppg), turnover margm The Matadors gained confidence with a 73-54 road win over Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and they main- tained their momentum with a victory over Long Beach State Wednesday at the Matadome. Sophomore lan Boylan leads the Matadors, scoring 152 points per game. ua Utah St. UCSB Fullefton Pacific Cal Poly Idaho Rlwnide N'ndge LS St. Curtis Slaughter, I.he Matadors' 6- foot-7 guard averages 11.6 points per game. He scored 17 points and dished out five assists in the win over Cal Poly. Northridge entered the week atop the Big West statistics in scoring offense w L (+2.1) and steals 110 5teal.s per game). The Matadors have : ; compiled I 0 or more steals in 4 2 eight games this season 3 3 Freshman Jeff Gloger, UCJ's 3 3 st.art.Ing point guard. knows aU 3 3 about Meals. He leads the Big J 4 West wjth 50 thefu. and he en- 2 4 tered the week third in the na- 2 4 tion with 3.4 per game Gloger 1 s is indung closer to UCI\ smgle· sea.son record of 66 steals set by Scon Brooks m 1986-87 Gloger scored six points and recorded two !tteals in the win over Pactfic Thursday. when senior guard Mike I lood and sen- ior forward Jordan Harm guided the Anteaters to the victory. See UCI, Paee B6 DAVID GONZALES I ST ANf OfID UNMRSIT't' Despite on and off performances, Adam Parada remains one of the maior focal pomts rn UCl's game. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL SUN HlllER I OAA.Y PILOT Newport's Ned1m Pajevic (33) moves into the key for a shot attempt Friday. COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL ~D nbeaten Anteaters rally to win in four After a 30-27 eye-opener in the first game, second-ranked Eaters put visiting UC San Diego away. CRAWFORD HAll- e No. 2-ranked UC Jrvtne men's volleyball fell lo game one 30-27, then n>Ued to a 30·21, 30·26, 30-21 :wtn over UC San Oteao In a ountaln Paciftc Sporu Pedera- on match on the Anteaten' pu1 Friday nJaht. With the win, UCI remain• un- ef'eated at 8·0 overall and 2·0 lD he MPSR while UCSO dropt to ·3 on the Muon and 0·2 In , 3 blocb. league play. Jimmy Pelzel led the Anteaters with 20 kills and . six block assists. Monte Tucker added 11 kills and a team- hlgb eight digs, while Nie Vi lay totaled 10 kills ln the victory. David ~ifin re- corded 50 set u l ta. Kyle Welcben tallied nine k.llls and a matcb·blgh elgbt total UC San Diego'• Jlm Waller led all playtn wtth 22 kills. TJ. , You.nc,. Kevin Keyaer and Adiril Toren each bad ~tcht kill• for the Trttont. The Anteaten return to ac:don tonlabt. bOcttng Lons Beach State at 7 o' clod: In a Crawford Hall appearance. . . Sailors drift a stray losing· to Warriors .. .,t .... Poor shooting display costs Newport Harbor in loss at Woodbridge, which drops the Tars into a first-place tie in the Sea View League. Ba rry F•ulkner Daily PUot IRVIN E -To draw an analogy from Super Bowl history, the Newpon Harbor High boys basketball team pulled a Scott Norwood in Friday's 57-36 Sea View League loss at Woodbridge. Even more than wide right. however, the Sailors outdid the infamous errant Buffalo Bills place-kicker by adding wide left. short and -toog on most of their field-goal tries. The Sailors (12 -8, 4-1 m league) made just I of I 0 from the field m the third quaner and were 5 for 24 on field-goal attempts after halftime (20.8%). They finished 14 of 48 (29.2%) to faU out of sole ~on of first place and into a tie atop the league standings with the Warriors (15-5. 4-1). ·When your jump-shooters don't make shots. you're in trouble.~ summed up Newport Harbor Coach Larry Hmt. Sophomore forward Bren Perrine gave the Sailors their first lead with a three-pointer with 3:23 left in the first quaner and senior guard Otad Rorden drilled a IS-foot jumper 56 seconds later to help the visitors secure a 13-ll lead after one period. But the Tars did not hit another out· side hot until Rorden connected from beyond the arc with l :50 left in the game. Newport rrussed 11 three-point anempts 111 the !>t!Cond half to virtually wa'ih away a strong first-half per fonnance Using good ball movement. spacing and aggressive drives to the basket. the unranked Sailors played the Wamors, • ranked No. 6 Ill Orange Newpon 36 County and No. 6 in CIF Woodbridge 57 Southern Secuon DlvtS1on II M even the first 16 nunute!>. Woodbridge used a 6-0 run "We had the earty in the second to wrest a 17-15 lead, then needed back· to-back layins late m the half to wtnd up with a 22-21 mler· nuss1on lead. To that prnm. the game featured four II~ and six lead changes. But the visitors unraveled quiclcly after the break. ~ Woodbridge scored on three layups to open the third quar same gam e plan in the second half that we had m the first. E ven after the third ter, then folJowed Pernne's quarter. we laym with another &-0 run to didn 't hi'rrhe make it 34-23. Starting with a Nechm Pa· jevic free throw with 37 sec· onds left in the I.turd quarter. the V1Sltors scored seven st:ra.1ght, mduding four by Jun· 1or reserve forward Brett Lo wenthal, to climb to wu.hm 34 ·30 with 5:41 left m 11'\e game. panic switch. Bw we just couldn '1 execute." Larry Hirst Newport Harbor Coach tor.. 2.:! 11.. m tht-finaJ pt-· nod "We had the same game plan m Lhe c;econd half that \'toe had m the fir'it. -Hmt ~d I .'>en after the third quaner Y,'l' d!dn l rut the paruc sv.1tch But .... e JW>t coukin t execute Onlv Rorden 12 for 3) and .-.eruor ~rve ~ick Glas.sic 11 for .!) at least broke even from the fit>ld. ~ the Sallor.. po!ttcd tht•1r ..econd-low~t point tot.ii or the seawn Only a 55 14 lo..s w FJ Toro Wa.!I le-.'> productive The '>allor., shot iO 4~ from the field 14 or 46) lO that Dec. I 9 tournament contest P-djevic who at 6-foot-8 had the rare expenence of looking up at his compeu- non (6· I 0 1uruor David Bur gess), fmished with 13 points and 10 rebounds to pace the Sailors. He had 1 O pomts and seven boards at half· rune Rorden. who added 'ie\.-en rebounds and four assists. had seven pomts. whlle the 6-6 Lowenthal came off the bench to chip m six porn~ Burges.'> paced the win- ner!. with 14 points and added eight rebounds, wtule Chris Bold1g. a 6-6 senlor. But that was as close as the defending league champions would get. as Woodbridge, which feU Wednesday at Foothill. 73-64. answered with an 8-0 run and outscored the vis1- contnbuted 13 pomts and five boards. Boldtg was 5 of 7 from the See TARS, P-.e 85 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Brittany Fullen CdM sophomore has fulfilled Sea Kings' goalie position with the proper attitude and passion. Steve Vl'l•n Daily Pilot 'r =~a:.ch and went to player after a senJor goalie graduatl!d from a OF DlvWon IV championship team. Brittany Fullen. Welcome to th Corona del Mar High girls water polotttm. Lut y.r, lhort)y aft« CdM captured Its ftnt CJF di.le In prts W8tft polo, Colldl A.um Qaaney told Fullen. DOW & 6-foot· l .pbc)more. to set re.dy to IQlnl Che cap. u the S. Klnlt P'1*'1d fer aDotber cMmpkJnlhlp nm In OP DMlioo II. •After (Je ca} Wells Jert. <.haney told me that I would ~ the one,• Fullen aaid. ·1 was citrd. • ln additloft lO challenge of provtdi the deferu.e required for a second suaJ t champ onship, . ~ devdopeod. Whb Fullen'• hefCht and her high Mgr-ee of potential.~ and the Sl'a linp eipected her ro pkt up '1t'bere Walla &eft off. So fu ...on. PUieo hM bee\~. that ....... 14 d'9 inch«of CdM ~ ahe bU been one of tbeSea~t.a.. ... N.LIJI. ..... . ' ( I . ASE Certified Pre-Owned Pristine Vehicles Compenfiv• Rafts For Financing And LMsing Inventory Changes Daily - Wmanty Included ·On Most Vehicles ... PORSCHE (Warorrry lnciJded) 80 911 TARGA (te646 ~ 5ee ll'IS Ffl0'1 $13, 980 95 318i SON c1a~1> ~ • c~ >Speed' 1.ow Miles' $10, 980 02 DOXSTER <1&QQ1> P.ed W11t15odde l.eotlle! 7K rnles' $3 7, 980 99 996 a>E:c1m£) B©~llkldl ~~lleo1My'0ne~ INQUIRE! 96.l.3 PDADSTER CONV. (1&TIO) M5eell'ISEmoC'-'01Conv11 $11 , 980 99 996 a>E: t11~> 0ceai lliuf r~ $43, 980 ~ Wiit\ Too· 5pal ~ $22, 980 99 996 CAB (1MQ1 ~ 6-~ A~' $51 , 980 97 l::.An: SON $2Al980 01 9961\FOO!ci~i ~ wG WFoa \lai ~~ $AVE! ..J&tVI 145.10> °"ff 51K f.l.ieos 6-~ &to, 01 996 C4 CAB l<mK: ~~ loll o1 f.casl INQUIRE! ~~low ' $24, 980 02 996 (]>E: CtW.Yl' T~ 1(); FOO<X(tlairnf $69, 980 61ocWJcn M.~ 35'; $ 24, 980 98 7 40 SON c1873)) Orif ~ lt'Ms' ~ l!Trnoabe' $ 26, 980 95 8400 a>E:c188bn lowlil#s'Om~ $27,980 00 528i SPORT SON (I~ u.iaa..-l.llAtWmr. 3~~$32,980 00 528i SPORr SON c1895QO Qtrm ~w~ $32,980 00 7 40 SON (1~) Spat, foaay Womrly, I~ $3 7, 980 MERCEDES SUV's (Warorty lncided) 99 JEEP WRANGLER c1~ 6{r Red Hli:e 99 FORD EXPEDITION c187Q4) ~~. IJ!y . Lood@dl $18, 980 00 LANDROVER DISCOVERY c1&&41) LN11tw' $21 ,980 98 WirZ. t.t,320 ( 18&.'Xl) ~· \'ti!!! lJ!j li'.DZ1 low Mies' $ 21 , 980 99 0£\IYTAHOE lJ. c16410> ~~ui..(Xf~).. $22,980 02 DMW X5 3.0 lJ. (16920> wi.el\Jlv 16K Mles'ScM11 $41 ,980 00 Hl.MMER H2 c1rota> Onfy3Kt.tPs' $59,980 . RARE FINDS/OTHERS 95 C280 SON c1~> $12, 980 89 JAGUAR X15 c1e.ni WIR v.12 ~ Cl@cri! $8, 980 96 E320 SON c1~> $18 980 199 FOO~~ c1&:XC w~ s.Speed' ~ $8, 980 ' 99VQ.VOOOOCM/.c,&7a> ~°""*·fl.tPowtl! $25,980 98 E320 SON c18m> l!loddled.Hedcr•1QN.f $25,980 01 HCH)AS2(XX)COOV, ciMro ~Sollop.Oriy8(XXI $28,980 96 Sl.500 ROADSTER c1a&49> llod!Opal·~lopd 1nrnoc! $27,980 01 MDTTQWOOAVO~ l8eSX) ot,13« 1ow~iMre.c..,c $31 ,980 00 E320 SON c1Mlo tntt wfoch••• L1ai1er. Orif 3~ $33, 980 98 Sl.500 ROADSTER c1~> w Opel WIAti Ull ~ • $38, 980 99 Sl.500 ROADSTER c18977) w wtr111 Lhl O!tt $42, 980 99 JAGUAR»0 CQN. c1&61:>> n.110P.d~ $37,980 00 AOJ.A ~ (mlS) SpefdYelow.12K 'Orif $63;980 0'2 JAGUAA ~ e<:MI. (1&&5e) ~ 13KJ'k ht CMirllld-$65, 960 ·01 LOMEDJT c1a9000 P.edwtr1111"·3«*d $68,980 .. • Daily Piiot SPORJ'S BRIEFLY CdM, Newport duel Both win twice at Tournament of Champions at UC Santa Barbara. • GIRlS WATER POLO: Corona del Mar High's IOrls water polo team won twice and rolls into to- day's semlfinals in the Tournament of Champions at UC Santa Barbara, having pushed aside Carls- bad in the tournament opener Friday, 8-4, before pPsting a, 7-1 victory over Los AJamitos. • The Sea Kings will meet Back Bay rival Newport Harbor at 1:15 p.m. today, the winner most likely to face No. I ·ranked, No. I -seeded, undefeated and two· time defending champion Foot.hill at 5:30. Foothill meets Santa Margarita in the other semi. Christina Hewko scored five goals and Danielle Carlson netted two goals in the victory over Carls- bad. Brittney Bowtus also scored a goal and Brit- tany Fullen had seven saves. CdM, up 4-0 ar half- time. finished with 10 steals. ln the quanertinal win over Los Alamitos, CdM missed its first 11 shots and had a pre:arlous 1-0 halftime lead. A 9<>-second span early in the third quaner saw Vivian llao. Carlson and Katya Ea- d.lngton score goab to pace a 4· l burst Fullen was the game's key. corning up wth 14 saves. slca Steenhard and sophomore Allyson Harris each had single talll~s for Mesa. Mustangs' goal- keeper Michelle Payne made 10 saves. Christine 'IWoh!g led the Mustangs with five assists and Harris (two) and Gravis (one) aided in the passing category. Mustangs drop 3· I decision •BOYS SOCCl!R: Costa Mesa Hlgh's Gabriel Espinosa evened the score, I~ I , on an assist from Luis Villa Nueva, but the visiting SaddJeback Roadrunners scored two second haJf goaJs to se- cure a 3· I win in Golden West League boys soc· cer action Friday. The Mustangs are 0 -15-1, 0-8. Tars fall at Woodbridge, l ·O • BOYS SOCCl!R: Host Woodbridge High scored in the first 20 minutes and held on for a 1-0 Sea View League boys occer victory over Newpon Harbor Fnday at Alton Park. Both teams came in unbeaten in four league games, but the Warriors complete the first round of league play in sole posse~ion offirst wtth a 4· 0-1 league mark. Newport is 5-3-3, 3-1 · l . Carlson finished with three goals, Eactington with two goals and Uao and Ouistina Hewko with . _. . one goal each. Sage Hill puts away Whitney, 3·2 • Newpon Harbor was a 10-4 winner over Uni-~BOYS SOCCER: The Sage llill School's Caesar ~rsity High of San Diego in the first round, high· r ·aga, Ouis Otiboucas and Julian Smith· lighted by Pa.Jge Laru.Lng's two goals. ln the ewman each scored a goal as the Lightning quarterfinal, against Long Beach Wilson. the Sail· recorded a 3·2 win over visiting Whitney in an ors won, 10-3, behind Annie Wight's three goals. Academy League duel. The Lightning is 6-3-2, CdM defeated Newport Harbor, 6·5. in a non-2-1 ·I in league. Whitney faJls to 7-4 -0. 3-1-0. league game Dec. 20. Corona del Mar claims 4-0 victory • BOYS SOCCER: Junior midfielder Julien Ce· rutti po ted a naruraJ hat tnck. his first of the season, by scoring the fin.t three goaJs in the Co- rona del Mar High'!> 4·0 Pactfic Coast League boys soccer VlCtory over host Calvary Chapel Fri- day. The wm, the fifth in a rpw for CdM. improved the Sea Kings to 11 -4-2. 4-0-0 in league. It sets up a first-place showdown with North- wood, Wednesday at CdM. The Timberwolves entered Friday\ game 3-0·0 in league. Cerutti beat the keeper from 25 yards out for the only first-haJf goal. then scored after a steal and converted a free lclck to fimsh out his day. Sopho mo re Brandon Barrett added a late goal for the winners. who posted their second shut· out of the week.. Semor goalie Phil Stemler m ade four saves and backup Jay 7Jmmerman added one in the final 10 minutes. Estancia explodes for 6·2 victory •BOYS SOCCER: l:..stancia High's Eagles showed super balance and i.trength in powering past host Ocean View in Golden West League play Friday. Javier Millan, Noe Martinez. Luis Mendoza. Ja- son Cassidy, Ricardo Avila and Javier Ramirez each struck for a goal apiece. and Sergio Madriga and Juan Castaneda each had a save in goal. Cas· t&neda. brought up from the JVs. was spectacular in a one-on-one duel with Ocean View's No. I threat. The Eagles. who led 2-0, after the first four mmu1es, improved to 5·8-2. 2·5-1 m league. Mesa shows Argonauts the door, 8· 5 •GIRLS WATER POLO: Four goaJs by senior Katie Thorsness led the Costa Mesa High girls water polo team to an 8-5 nonleague win over vishing Garden Grove Friday. Mesa (10-3, 3-0 in the Golden West League) led. 8·3, at the end of three quarters. Senior Allison GraVls scored two goals and Jes- Sage Hill tops Whitney, 3·2 • GIRI.S SOCCER· Sage 1 ltU School's Megan Curry scored a hat tnck and the Lightning held on fo r a 3-2 win m Academy league girl'> <,occer acuon Friday al host Wh11ne}' Curry scored her fir'>t goal to give '>age Hill (3-8, 2·2 m league) a I ·O lead on an as'>l'>I from Ashley Negrette. C..urry '>Cored her second goaJ on a penalty kick and a pass fro m Amy Werbltn to Curry '>ent in the wrnning goal • Anteaters upset BYU, 4-3 •COLLEGE MEN'S TENNIS: rhe UC Irvine Anteater'> upM't Vlsllmg Brigham Young Univer· s1ty, 4·3. at Lhe Anteater Tennii. Stadium Friday. Junior Jonathan Endrikat i.ealed the win with his 3·6, 7-5. 6-3 victory over Eri k Nyman in the No. I c;inglei. match. UCI improves to 1-2. Nonconterence UC Irvine 4, Brigham Young 3 Slngl" -Endrikat (UCI) def Nyman. 3 6. 7 5, 6·3. Lozano lBYUI def Korac. 6-4. 61, Lechuga lBYU) def O'Connor, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4, Rud1uk (BYU) def. M orton, 6-2. Hi. Biorkman (UCI) def. Medina, 6 1, 6-2, W11emanne (UCI) def Olsen, 6·2, 7y 6 Doubles -Lozano-Nyman (BYUI def. Endrikat·Morton, 9-8, B1orlunan-Willllama IUCI) def. Rud1uk·Ledluga, 9-7, Korac-O'Connor {UCI) def Olsen Medina. 8-1 Trojans blank UCI women -/'\ •COLLEGE WOMEN'S TENNIS: USC'> ninth\.. ranked women's tennis team deaJt visiting UC Ir- vine a 7-0 Jose; at Marks Tennis Stadium in Los Angeles. USC improves to 2·0 UCI falls 10 I· I . Noncont9"fW:e USC 7, UC Irvine o Singles Peterson (USCI def Bowman. 6-2. 7 6. Magnani IUSCI def Chang, 6-1, 6-3, Diaz (USC) def. Bentzer, 6-2, 6-1 : Loyola l USC) def Posner. 6 2. 6-1; Brymer (USC) def Tranduno, 6-3, 6 0, Vermeulen (USC) def. Boss. 6-2. 6 1 Ooubl" -Brymer·Peterson (USC) def Bowman Chang. 8-5; Loyola·M agnan1 (USC) def Benuer·Leow. 8 1, D1az·Vermeulen IUSCI def Boas Posner, 8· 1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE BASKETBALL OCCMEN ~88.0CC47 Orenge Coat -Sealel 5.Peppers 2, A Bob4k 5, Garey 3, B Bobek 11, James 4, Brown 6. Alexander 4, Va~h 2, Williams 2. Hatch 3. Shahe1m 0 3-pt goals -A Bobtk 1, Garey 1, B Bobl~ 1 Pirates walk the plank MISSION VIEJO -It was not a good n!ght for On.nge Coast College basketball Friday night as host Sldd.lebaclc won on two counts -88-47 in the men's pme. and 74-45 in the women's game. the latter anapplng a IS-game OCC winning streak.. The Gauchos women, ranked No. 8 in the state, Improved to 20-2. 6-0 in the Orange Emplre Confer- ence as they ran away with It after a 17 -14 lead with 8:50 left in the half. A 19-point run left OCC (20-4, 5-1) in the dust, 36-14, at half- tbne .. Orange Coast ctid not have a single player in double figures and the Pirates netted just 3 of 17 from three-point territory. The Bucs hit ,_. 16 of 53 overall. · •The men's game was just as dreary. Brian Bobl.k was the only • player in double figures with 11 points and the Pirates were 2841(, lroin the 6eld (14 of 50) and 3 of 22 from three-point territory. Saddleback (17-5, 6-0) led at halftime, 41 -23. The Pirates fell to u..a. 3·3. l Fouled out -A Bobtk, B Bobik. ~ -Pak 4. Crane 13, Gntfin 9, Peterson 8, Bigler 5, Bell 5, Sievers 11. Merrells 2. Hall 22. Hardwtdt 5, PoweflO 3-pt. goala -Sievers 3. Bell 1, Hall 1. Bigler 1 Fouled out -none Halftime Saddlebadt 41 ·23 OCCWOMEN SMtdlebadl 74. occ 45 Orenge eo..t -Hetaushl 9, Galasso 4, M u"ay 8, Mendoza 7. Carrillt 4. Maf"lhall 0, Haueter 0, Quiroz 2, Shaw 6, Von Tungeln 6. ~· goal• -Ha11ush1 2. Shaw 1. Fouled out -MurTay. s.ddlebedl -Woods 19, Dewson 20, Goodall O, Iglehart 21, Goodman 9, Peloa 3, Eazllnge< 2, Hooper 0. 3-pt. goal• -Dawson 2; PvloH t Fouled out -none Halftlme -SMidl~ 36-17. ,y., ,,..,.,.,,,. . , 1 • B4 Saturday, Jaooary 25, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL S~a Kings sizzle from the -peri_meter • PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I ONLY PtLOT Corona del Mar High's Adam Freede. above, goes to the floor to battle Calvary Chapel's Shaun King, left, and Brenen Beeler, right, in Friday night's game m Santa Ana. At far left, Corona def Mar's Kris Cooper (3) drives the ball down court against Beeler in the Pacific Coast League matchup. CdM was a big winner, 65-44. -PELIC AN HILL OAK CREEK <, l J J I l I l II '> ENJOY SPECIAL OOLF PRIVILEGES ON 54 ToM FAzio-DESIONEo Hou~s The Players Club Privileges: Pelican HiU Golf Qi> -Oak Creek Coif Qi> • Weekday Green Fee -S 135 (M-Th) ·Weekday Green Ftt -S69 (M-Fri) <>unchrd R.lte •11s (M-Th) '">unchrd R.ltc ~ (M Th) ·Weekend Green Fee-StSO (Fri-Sun) ·Weekend Green Fee-~ (Sat-Sun) 'mnchrd !Ute 'lSO(Fri Sun) '>t•nchrd Rate •1 H (Fn Sun) Additional Benefits •One Cu~t Al The !'layers Oub Rue • l°"' Off Coif Shop McrchAnd1~c· 949-760-0707 www pchcanhlll com • l°" Off R.lngc &lls • Sptt1•I Prom<1tlon• And fventi ln1t1at1on Fee ~500 fc,m-..1hrwtw-._.•h HwJ~(\.h(Mdi ... ~~~ ._.,,..,...,.., • ..,,~l 1" ""'"',-tt,(~~•'"' '9M\' ~ ~ Wf""'._.,,_ ,,...,.flll.r c...,...,.........,,. ~'"'-"IT'4 H h,,.,.,11""" ""'°'._....__ .. Wit,_ ,._, .. ,.d.~" '"'""~f'T"~lklt~ •• &)v ... Nl(J• .. ••"" ..... .,,. ......... ~t>n,.,..._,. ti :•11·-.L.......,.,..~4'1111.t!Uf'..,..llNn~ 949-653-5300 Pr~ t t1I end CW. end Coif Clwb. ltl'f ow""1 "'-' '"~ hir TM ~,.. ( ~ www o .. k.c,..,cl(olfclub com WHERE CAREERS BEGIN •• lllllEI TllTFIT YllllllY RIEllU &OCIREER conncm PRlllUIS lftl51 TllllFEI COURSES Pld'CPY#r "'(/~Pf t/ppt'rlHnHy' I# ~,olden West-Ollege HUNTINGTON BEACH www.gwc.lnfo 1895"8187 . TODAY'S SCHEDULE Basbtball: College men UC lry1ne at Cal State Northrldge. 7 05 p m • Vanguard University at Chapman University, 7 30 p.m College women -Cal State Northridge at UC Irvine, 7 p.m W.. pc*>: High school girls - Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor at Tournament of Champ1on1, at UC Santa Barbara. Vol~ll: College men -Long Beadl State at UC Irvine, 7 p.m Wrestfing: High school -Corona del Mar at Laguna Hills Toumament. 9 a .m SWlmmlng: College men and women Cal State Nonhndge at UC Irvine. 1 pm T~nla: College women -Vanguard University at U of Redlands Tournament Soc:cer.·H1gh school girls -Santa Ana at Estancia, 1 p.m. Baseball: College -Vanguard alumni game, 7 p.m. Softbell: College -Vanguard alumni game, 10 a.m. LOOKING roR A Sw11w'TENN1s CLUB? ~ l'''.l"'" )t·t J)c~1 c l1 ·r~'1111i s ( Jul1 ON-SITE AMENITIES & PROGRAMS ••• · 19 Tennis Courts · 5 Pros W /Grand Sl.un bp • Scadiwn Court W / Bia · BaU Machine ·Swim ~ssons ·Jr. Olympic Salcwaru Pool rmbcrsh1ps ·Wireless DSL lntcmtt ~ • D1~ct 1V Sports Pacbg" ·Fru N1N SateU1re Tnv1a (East6ide Coot.a Mee;a, West6iae Newport Beach). Wed., Jan. 22, 6:30-9pm Thure,, Jan. 30, 6:30-9pm Wed., Fel7. 5, 6:30-9pm Mariners 5ranc;h Lil7rary 2005 Dover Drive, Newport 5eac;~ _ Mu~t bo younger than 19, itnd at leaet4'h by Aug 1, 2002 $65160 li!etumf f76 Ch/Id/SIP/Ing or $75 New Child Richard Dunn Daily Pilot SANTA ANA -Depending on your perspective. the orange cir- cular iron attached to the back· bod.rd Can either expand or shrink during the course or a game. "It's like golf," Corona del Mar High bays basketball coach Ryan Omy sakl "If you're mi.ssing putts. then the hole on the greens gets smaller and smaller." In the Sea K:lnp' ~dfic Coast League battle with host Calvary Olapel Friday night. the ~ seemed to get bigger and bigger for Corona de1 Mar, while at times for the Eagles it could have just as well been swingjng back and forth on a pendulwn. "(The Eagles) didn't shoot very weU at the start or the game CO of 14 in the first quaner), and when you do that, the rim keeps getting smaller and smaller." Curry said, following his team's 65-44 PCL win. which provided about as much energy from beyond the three-point line as the Calvary Olapel band with four electric guitars. c.dM drained a season-high 15 three-pointers. while shooting a sizzling 71.4% from that distance, mis.Wtg only six times. The game's sidebar was c.dM senior Kevin Ma.ncillas. who didn't st.an for the fin>t time th.is season. butcameoffthebenchwsparlc the Sea Kings (9-11. 2 ·2 in the PO.) with . a season-high 23 points.. Mancillas was 7 of 9 SCOREBOMD from three· point terri· tory. tying a career-high figure. which he accom· plished twice last year separate in CdM Calvary 65 44 games against Laguna Beach. • 1 talked to Kevin about not starting and. of COUJ'5e. he wasn't thrilled. but if you don't like some- thing. you do something about it .and he sure did tonight." said Qmy. whose team's previous three-point hign in a game th.is season was nine For the Sea ~who defeated Calvary Chapel earber this season. 72-68, in the La Quinta Tuuma- ment. the hoop indeed grew as the game went on -they netted two three-pointers in the first quaner. three in the second. four in the third and six in the fourth. In addition to Mancillas. c.dM's Brett Matsen (14 points) finished 4 of 5 from three-pomt land, while point guard Jay North.ridge was 2 of 2, Reid Watanabe I of I and Pancho Sealx>m I of 4. The Sea Kings started slowly, turning the ball over five times in the opening 3:35 and going score- less for most of the way, until Bart Welch -the team's offensive re- bounding machine -broke the ice with a putback. followed by Sealx>m's three-pointet' with I :49 on the dock. Welch ended with nine rebounds (six offensive), while Man~ added six re- bounds. two ~ and two steals. Seaborn had 13 points. Despite Calvary Chapel coming up empty on every field-goal at· tempt in the first quaner, the Sea Kings only led. 8-5. at quarter's end. But Corona del Mar outscored the hosts. 19-12, for a 10-point halftime lead, pulling away after Calvary Chapel (7·13. 1-3) came within 19-16. Matsen hit a three with 1 :23 left in the first half to trigger an 8-1 scoring run to con· dude the opening 16 minutes. Matsen added another three with 0:43 remaining. then as the F.agles were woBing the dock down for the final shot. Matsen made a steal and subsequent long dish to Adam f)n,ede, who scored on a layup to complete the Wt tnak. with 0:01 left. CdM enjoyed a second-half openJng 10-2 &pUrt. blgblghled by two MaodDaa three-pointm, the IMt ~ wlth 4:50 to plly in the third quarter from the t.. line on an a88bt by Northrtdgie to give the villtors • '37-19 ecfle. "We had • blg·dme opening in the thb'd quar1e(." Q.my aaki "AD o( the sudden, lt was an 18-poklt game, then the basket geu .. big as the ocean, then you'te l"'8Jly in buslne1&" When MandDat oded another duee with 2: 17 left In lhe third quarter, It 11\'e lhe Sea ~a 43· 22 lldvanClp. It Wll .. lblrd tbree-pomter ol lhe Ql.mtlr and fourth In the...--but Mandi· ... Wll mllftlly ........ up. lt Wll bombl -.y In the birth~. CdM oormCted 00 Ive ................... , dne br Meri« . tD buld ... 35ms.-.s:12 .. .,.., Jc., --led ~ Ollpll Wldl20p0inta. • . ., .. _,_,,.-, .,,,.. turd.ft J<nwy l5 2003 ~ HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Eagles' ·upset bid falls short Estancia stays tight with the Seahawks in first haJf, but Ocean View takes over en ro ute to 60-49 win. Steve Vtr1en Daily Pllor llUNTINGTON BfACH -F.x- ecuuon was the name of the l,'Clllle in the Golden West League boyi. basketball matchup of Ocean View I ligh and F.stancia at Ocean View Friday night. ln the fin.t half, Estancia executed Coach Ouis Sorce's game plan of .,lowing the games tempo. I fow- t'ver, Ocean View found a .,trntegy of 1L., own: score. Tht.' Seahawks ( 18-3, 6-0 m lt•aKlJt'J, leading. 20 15, at haJf- SUMMARIES BOYS SN View Lucue Woodbridge 57, Newport 36 Scori by auww. Newport 13 a 1 11 l8 'Noodbrldge n 11 11 n ~1 Newpott ~ -Perrine 5. P1nesen 0 Pa,evic 13. Rorden 7, Cameron 2. B Lowenthal 6. Glassic 2, T Lowenthal 1 3 pt goals -Pemne 1. Rorden 1 Fouled out -B Lowenthal Tcdimcals -none Woodbridge Bold1g 13, Winder O. Burgeu 14. McClain 10. Perkms 6, Moeller 4, Farrell 4, Weiss 4, Dietndi 2 3 pt goals -McClain 1. Weiss 1 Fouled out -none Tedin1C11ls -none PKJftc COMt LNp CdM 65, Catvaty Chapel 44 Score by~ CdM ~ 19 in n ~ Calvary ~ 11 10 11 .,. CdM Northndge 6, Seaborn 13, luoe 0, Weldi 2. Matsen 14, Freede 4, Manc1lla1 23. K Cooper 0. W111anabe 3. Mec:Donald 0 3 pt goals -Manc1lla5 7, Matsen 4, Northndge 2. Seaborn 1 Watanabe 1 Fouled out none Tectin1Cals -none c.Mfy ~ -Beeler 3, Jones 20, Moor1adi 1 Hursl 0, Mamell1 6, Cook 2, King 4 Spangrud 4, Vanderwal 4 3 pt goals JoNIS 3 Fouled out -none Tedinicals none Go6dell Welt......,,. Costa Mesa 54, ~ 52 Score by Ouarten Saddleb&dt 11> IS 9 17 !>1 Mesa 11 10 11 15 !>-4 ~ Alonso 8, Campos 12, May 12 Sosa 2 Winrow 10, Ory 8, Ofttr 0 3 pt goals May 2 Fouled out -none Me.. Waldron 6, D Knkonan 16. Stankovic 12, l<no• 14, Molina 3, T Kr1konan 3, Millward 0, Pep1c 0, AbedraboO 3 pt goals -D Knkonan 2, T. Knkori11n 1, Knox 1 Fouled out -Waldron. Go6dell W.. LNpe Oceen View 60, &bnda 49 Score by au... Estanc111 9 ti 11 23 • Ocean VM!IW 10 10 21 19 eo &una. -Sankey 6, Ande"4lfl •. Pinto 19, Novak 11, Cachola 5, Hoffman 2, Lmdquist 2 3 pt goal1 -Novak 2. Pinto 1 Fouled out-none Oc9an View -Wurts 6, Sargent 23. Kteymer 10, lmpelman 2, Ortll 6, Wilson 10. Roth 3 3 pt. goals -Wilson 2. Sergem 1 Fouled out -none. ~ ....... WhltJMy 55, ~ .. 47 Sciof'9 by auen.r. Whltntl).' 1~ I I It 56 Sege Hill 6 11 14 9 47 ~ -Lee 1, ltc:hon 5, A. TNi 9, Boyd 26, J. Tui 8, Son 7. _ 3-PI goals -hc:hon 1. A. TNl 1, Son time, turned it up a notch in the second half to earn a 60-49 win over the Eagles (13-7, 3-3). Ocean View, the defending Golden West League champion, finished the 6rst round of league undefeated. ~We had a game plan and we did a good job of exe<."llting it," Sorce said. "Th$! game just got aw-cly from us in the third quaner. Overall, I was happy with what we did tonight, but you never like to lose.· Sorce also srud the F..agl~ gained confidence and found many positives in losing by 11 poin~ at Ocean View. "We have a lot to look forward to when we play them again," Sorce said. "We have Westmu~ter up next and that's our focus, but m the back of (the Eagle-.') mind' they're watching Oq.•an Vil'W.~ fatancia held a fast <X.ean Newport's Andre Pmesett (34) reaches for the nm under Woodbndge's David Burgess in Friday's game . TARS Continued from BI View ieam to I 0 pomb m ealh of the first two periods. £he 1.agles also earned a lead, 11 -1 o. '>even seconds into the second quaner. Sophomore forward Carlo~ Pinto found junior Scon Sankey for an ea~ layup. But that would he Es· tancia's only lead. Ocean. View, which swred its points in bunche'>, M"on>d sue straight poinu., then the teaJlll) traded baskets before halfume. Pinto. who led Lhe Eaglt~ wilh 19 points and SIX steab, '><.ored l.'>- tancia's final four pomL'> of the first half. Bui tht.> I .agll,.,, '>llll trailed. 20-15. Then. Ocean View opened the third quaner. scoring nine unan- swered pmnts. Nov-ak. who scored 11 pomt~. c•nded the 1:.agles' -.conng drou~ht with a dribble-dnve and IJ)'Up that started a 7 0 run wtth 4 SJ left m field and hn ..UI three of tm free throws. Boldig's free throw accuracy stood out for Woodbridge. wh.ich connected on just 11 of its 26 foul shots (42.3%). The Sailors shot just 10 free throws. making six. ·The good newl> i...: We're still m first place,· '>aid Hll"St, whose team has enher O\.\>ned or shared the ~a View lead the last 15 league games. • rhe bad news i~: This league 1s too good to rest on your laurel~~ The SaaJors open the second round of league action at Foothill Wednesday The Tars defeated the Kmghts, 52 5 1, at home Jan 10. Woodbridge Coach John Halagan said the wm Wal> very gratifying. especially after Wednesday's setback.. ·There's flo coach or team I respect more than Larry and Newpon I I arbor.· I falagan sald. the penod Pinto c apped the run wirh a three- pomter, but the \ea- hawk.'> 11111 .... ored E ... tan cia, 12-4. in the• final 3:05 to gam a 4 I 26 lead after three qu.inrr<,. "Zac.k dlld fnk !Auder- senJ did a nke JOb." from the free-throw lme before foulmg out with I 40 left Ille .Eagles shot 13 of 18 from the foul line (72%1 · Son·e '><lid "I 'veil though f;stancia (Matt) W~l·nt had lJ Ocean VtflW po1n1 ... I thought I nJt de Estancia · ran a stall-type offense m the ~t half. but tht.' Laglt:<> clid not :g '>preJd out Ocean feuded lum \wll 1\J.r gent) madt· -.omc pill.' nomenal <,hot-. I w.m1ed l.nk to stid ( fight un \a~ent I a.sked 1-.ri.k' what kmd nl gum did (Sargent) have, and I· rak ~uc.J Wrigley''> spearmint (!'>a~enlJ had to earn every -.mglt• orw of trn. po1111 ... " Ander-.t·n. who ">Lort·d fuur point.... grahhl·d .t team·h1W1 t.'1ght rehoumJ, \a~enl \hot k 111 12 Imm tlll' fil'ld .• ind \Vd'> 6 for f> View~ def en~ !>en 1or pomt guard Man C..achola. who dr~ sewml fouh. '>lant.'d the offeru.c near haJf court and the rest of ~ teammalL.., bunched together at th<' fret• throw line They would ..et pick.\ for each other and (..a d111la would dt'>tnhute the hall 1c. the open man I hl·y repeatt!d un ul thl' ... hot d<x k \'l.ent drJ\'m to I 0 .1ml lht-11 tJwv looked for .1 -,hot . "We took finals this week and we were glad 10 have those behind us. so we could focus on the game tonight I think we had a sense of leth- argy Wednesday (against Foot· hill), and, tonight. we had a sense of urgency.· PHOTOSBYS£AN HU(R OM.YPlt.OT Newporfs Ned1m Pa,ev1c (33) powers his way to the basket in Fnday night's showdown In the l>t"tond half after Ocean View opened Wlth nine str.ught poin~. Fi>tant:aa went to full- coun press defen~. but tlw Eagles could not keep up with the Seahawls' !>~.Ocean View '>Cored ,;1x of tho~ nine key pmn~ on back-to-back three pomt pl.a)'\. wtuch provided the wahawk.-. Wlth plenty of momt-n tum "rhev turned the sot"WS up J hll ~)n:e said of the ~wk.\. I ht'} re different from other tea.rm ~ p~ They're a bit qu1l ker th.in the other team" ~t.' have f<lcl'd " ">c>rC't.' al'><> '>aJd the game's pan· W..L., not ... u1ted to seruor J<>f'y IJ11d4ul'>l '> role, '>() the fl 7 len1n did not plJy d.., much In d~I lion. 1u1111,r Jordan Stroman did not plil) ~wt dU.'>l' he 1-. rt-<:ovenn~ frr11111lh11"'· '>orce said BOYS Sage Hill . can 't deal with Boyd 1\1'\l~ Jl<I r OA.'>f ~ I hll "K: hnol -. hi!\..., l1d'>kl't ll.tll ll'<1Jl1 l.lfllt' • up \.\Ith ;1 llaJr ol .!O 1x11nt t•flon~ In 1m ~t'\o1fl lc~u· md \111 h.wl l 1l/· hu)Q1 hlll 11 wa.-. llC II l"nOU~ IO -,11·m till' nde ot \\'hltnt'\ 111¢1 .. \\'ildt.ll .... 1~1<.'d b\ 6-foot-l ~1.m! ~ ... HIM.I''> .5-pulnl prudut11011 111 J 55 ·Ii AG.tdt·m~ l~t' \1t11tr, I nddV night lht:' ho.,t IJghtntn)! lell hl·h1111l 1~ J I 'I h fll"">l 4uartt.'r wurit ·" 8'JY\l "lon-<.I 12 pomt... m thJt -.1w1 I fl 111 lht• liN hdll "\\1llllll'V" the 4Wl~I It Ult Ill Uw le-~ and tht'\ -.hoclu.'t.1 11'1 with tlw qu1JJ~ ...ud ~t· I 1111 ( A>J(h '>ll.'\.t' M>tth Y>tit wall ht"I tu'> lt.'dlll fall 111 -I II .! -in h.>.~ll' "\\t· n·all\ li.u.J d tough umc Y.1th HcM.1 - 0nl\ 1~11 other pld\<·r. <,(·or1 ... 1 for 'idgt· I fill, nt>tung '>t>\t'n pmnt' 11u.huw1 wo:t-. 1ht-IJ¢m1111~., tx>JnJ lt•Jd1•r With t•1gh1 n·hound' '1j.,'<' Hill ho'~ \t. ~ldl)Gll't't', 1111 llll"4i\ GIRLS Sage Hill ju t mi sses, 41-37 -...; I".'\ POUT LOr\. 'i I ~l' 11111 <xhool., I ldY\'<'t">d WnW"il mn fl('{"tt-d for W p<nnt., and had 12 rebounds and \IX blockt't.1 \hot' but 11 \\.oL., not enough to !>tern che tid~ .L, Whltnt.') High!. Wtld~ struck for a 2 1 6 tir.t quarter lead and hekJ on 10 pos1 a 41 -37 Academy I .eagl.le Victory Fnday night ~ I till got its game going af- . ter the fusi penod and oucscort'd '.\'lutney. l 4 15 in the~ half. but coukl not rum 11 around. ~ I ltll fall.< 10 9-4. I-~ tn the Arnck>mv I .eagl.le 1. Fouled out -none. S. Hll -Loper 3, Joyce 20, Fitzhugh 20, Wilkins 0, Cho 0, 8te1oVer ... SW.nson 0, Semel 0, Lefler 0. J.pt. goal -Joyce 2, Loper 1 Fouled out -none. Mesa pulls out 54-52 win GIRLS AUtllltm/ ....... Whltrwy 41, ~ .. J7 Scafw bv OuirW9 Whitney 2\ Ii • 1 5-oe Hfll e 1 12 12 ~-Wol ii Ny 8. Chun 10, Chi.ng ... Nguyen 2. 3-pt. goell -Wol 3, Ny 1. Fouled out -noM. Sap .. -c.m. a.t ... Cart.y OMtl o. Gudenwz 2. MelMl'O o. Wright 20, fluiettys <t. 'fodw.LM 7. . ~ IOeM-none. Fouled out -notl« TUEIMY'IGMKI OGNllt Weet &......,. w..tml,,.., et Est•nci• Cotta M .. et Oceen Vl9w .• , ~-Or•nue . "'" •1 J7 Mesa shoots 59% in the second half to clinch victory after a slow start Friday night Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Once players on the Costa Mesa High boys basketball team got the ball past midcoun. a0 was well. It was get· Ma It put the balf-oourt tine that drained gSol» of energy &om teemingly f!VefY Mustang who ' took an toboundi pass Friday night tgainst I ()rasurlng vbit- lng ~ ...... When Mela brob the ..... ftlly a.y • ~ and the t.bcanp hll!ld on b a 54"52 win In Golden W.1.-p~ ..... (7·13. 2 ... In Jelsue) bllaed lec:bdl'*'' In die .. .... COininlla:il• 21 ol 31 tocal tumaverl and ... the tlnal 3.'08 Wtthioul • leld .,... ~ the MuMarws di came out '9ctort· ous. 221 and fin~hed l 1 for 42 (~) Mc.~ out- scored tht> Vl'>llOI'!., 33· 21, in the final two quaners Mesa's pres.s forced lhf' Roadrunners (7-13, 1-5) · to rommit ftve turnovers m the first I :54 of th c,econd half Saddlebaclc had a shot lo tie afier senior 'Davis Winrow, who scored 10 points, grabbed one of his four rebounds with six seconds left after a missed free throw. Wmrow made an out· let (XI.SS to Je.se Alon- so, but as the Road· runners' co-leading acom (12 points ~ 52 M tht> Mustangs scored M.a 5' ix unanswered points along with Demeuius May) to fire the abot. the hom sounded and the Musta.np ~athed a sigt\ of relief. ·1 jwtt told Ct.he Mustanp) lhat they abowtd the wW to win.· d Ma& eo.ch Bob SeMn. whole c.rn won for thie 9"00fld time in ~~no halb:ne Ullk. I lhooibt ow ~ clld • better job bl dw teQJOd hiilf ~ ~ neo eome min '• llld we wme able to~.,...."'**'· . :The! Multangl tit k up ln the IKOnd half. lhoodftl 5ft ( 13 Of to rut ~ 31·21 half. ·· d~ deficit to 31-27. St'nlor Danny Krikorian led the MustangS wtth 16 point!t on 6- ot-14 sboothlg and also dished out f ou1 lsts while grabblng two rchound too I fl.nq d sine» an ll-10 matgln 4:41 lnto tht' game when frelhman Sa>ll • found &-:foOI suruor M~o StmkcWk clOwn low fj r an bucket to t. 37·36. With I :'5 In the fourth quarta. Wtllbel:t ll. • 40 Aead ... the end ol thttt quart 'The 1111t of the founh quaner ~an In~ HThere was no magical halftime talk. I thought our press did a better job in the second half forcing (Saddleback) into some mistakes and we were able to score some points:' 8obSerwn Mesa Coach layup on a pass by Bnan Moltna whlle grabbmg all fiw of htS re· bounds m the quartt'r. 'itankovk coD«ted 12 points on 5 of 6 hooting while Molina had three pomts. three steals and two ~ ts. "It hun ~ when (Waldron) fouled out. but M! weathered lhat <E.tonn and SOOttd ne poln • ~said. With M lnd1ng, 48-47. aad Pep who Nld tlu'cit' luO an ~ pas from Mobna and o~ dw ball co cutting IC.nox on the left de or the hoop for a layup and • 52 ... 7 lmd with 3:08 mnalriin"' KnOl connected on two frt't' later for ' only pain~. •1 5' we Just trkd 10 out and foul \II,. Sawn aid. t=nm llnbbed Wkb 14 (nine In tht lllCOOd blW') ... Wbh ~md •· wbli Toay krtanm hi • dwee~b odyblllilil ollha111mt-.. • . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. f l • -Sabrdly, JlflAlrY 25, 2003 SPORTS KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar High water polo player Brittany Fullen is the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. FULLEN Continued from B 1 ' themselves among the elite in girls water polo. And, to think. this is only Fullen's third year playing the goalie position. "At first I didn't like it because I just didn't understand." Fullen said of playing goalie. "Once I started to get it, I liked it. I still get a little nervous before every game. That is kind of nice because that keeps me on my toes. But I never get reaJJy nervous.· As the season has progressed, Fullen has gained confidence. Though the Sea Kings lost to powerhouse Foothill, 6-3, Fullen recorded a most memorable save on a penalty-shot attempt by Foothill standout Brittany Hayes. That, too, has provided Fullen with momentum. "She has come a long way in her confidence," Coach Chaney said of his sophomore goalie. "She was on the frosh/soph team last year and she moved up with the older girls in the summer. It was tough for her at BRITI'ANY RIUEN .era: April 23, 1917 ........ ....: Newport INCh ~l-foOt-1 Wei9M:140 Sport: Weter P91o ~Goalie ""' Coecla: Aaron ChaMj ,.,,.,... t..e Al'f'/ kind of ulad ...,.,... ....,..: •Office s,,.ce• ............... "The fouNnet8r penelty shot that I bkdad ..... Foothill (shot~ ~~Mn.I).· ............ ~ ......... IV: 'The CofoNi del Mllr High ~go.lie recorded, .. SWIS to hetp 1he Su K.ingl 10 two vlctottes. ~If\ ~7 win t:Nef s.nta~ .,., PIDt c.oll«tor .sports C¥d ,.,,_ OJ-S first, but she has handJed it all really well. She just keeps improving. She has come such a long way. She feels comfortable out there and that has a lot to do with her attitude and her approach.• Fullen has shown her comfort and her stability. especially in the past three games. She recorded nine saves in CdM's 16-8 victory over Laguna Beach Wednesday, a win that virtually locked a founh-straight Pacific Coast League title . Fullen earned Daily Pilot Athlete of ihe Week honors after stopping 14 shots in the Sea J(Jngs' two wins last week. She began the week with an eight-save performance that led to a 13-5 win over University and she followed that up with six saves. which helped the Sea J(Jngs defeat Santa Margarita. 8-7. "We want to go all the way." Fullen said of CdM's goal of another CIF title this year. "But, we're also taking it one game at a ti.me.· Fullen said she gathered her confidence and joined the team's goal of winning a CIF championship during this past summer. "During the summer it was kind of like I was starting to get used to the team." Fullen said. "It helped. I really got close to all the girls and learned what it was like to play on a team that was really good with so much talent.• Fullen appears to be the final piece in the Sea Kings' puzzle of being a complete team, a team that is making another championship run. ''E l '' mp oyee .. ''E l d '' mp ea o .. ''Arbeitnehmer. '' '' YOUTH BASKETBALL 'Holden' on for the win, 33-31 Layup with 0:10 left clinch es it. The Newport-Mesa All-Net girls eighth-grade baskeiliall team improved to 6-2 with two wins last weekend Newport defeated. Whittier, 33-31, following a Taylor Holden layup with l 0 seconds left on a pas.5 from All:Je Duem.berger. A desperation three by Whittier as the clock ran out didn~ go In. Duemberger led all players with 15 points while Holden added six and Ivy Melo contributed five. Brittany Deyan chipped in three points and Ashley Kbby and 01ebea McCrea each had two. Newport trailed Whittier, 18-13. at halftime. The girls defeated Corona/Norco. 44-37, in the first game. Holden led all scorers with 14 points and grabbed 13 rebounds as Newport overcame a 22-15 halftime deficit. The victon> scored 19 thlrd-quarwr points. UCI Conbnued from B 1 Hood, the Big West Co-Player of the Week. scored a season· high 20 points, including five of UO's final seven points.. He nailed a three-pointer with 20 seconds left to give UCI a 64-60 lead Hood has scored 42 points over the past three games ( 14 ppg). since he re-entered the starting lineup after a seven- garne hiatus. Harris, who knocked down two Three pointers by Melo and Duemberger provided the spaik. Both tallied 11 points and McC.rea added 10 boards with Deyan grabbing eight Kirby chipped in four points and Ouildne Oldcheodt added two with five rebounds. In boys seventh-grade action: • Newport 52, Capo/Dana 44 Newport extended its record to 7-0 with a win over the defending league champions. Jamie McGee had 16 points and four steals while P.J. Slmpson tallied 14 point!. followed by Kyle CaldwdJ (nine points. seven rebounds, three assists), Robbie 8cJya' (four points, six rebounds), Jo, Eberhard (four points), WW Kdly. R.J. D'Cruz and Ali MeabJdn. • Newport takes on Laguna Hills (6-1) Feb. 2 at Newport Harbor High. · In boys sixth-grade play: •Newport 47, Laguna Beach36 Newport improved to 6· I with the win. free throws with 2.2 -.econdl. left to secure lhe win, contributed 18 points and grabbed a team-high eight rebounds Thur;d.iy He is now UCl's leading scorer. averaging 12.2 pomL'i per game. UCI 7-foot junior center Adam Parada is second on the team in scoring wilh 11.9 pomts per game. after co(Tling up with SIX on 'Thursday. Douglass wants to get Parada more involved m the offense. yet Douglass i!. rnnlidcnt other player; can step up to pick up the scoring. UCJ's key reservci. include M.icbael Hellrk:b (14 points), Danny Moekavtb .(eight points) and San Donovan (six points) led the scoriilg. Prank l>enaMr, JA Green. Joey Jonee, Cameron Holmes and Nick Preeman also scored for Newport Andrew McDonald contributed at both ends of the floor . In boys fifth-grade play: •Newport 49, Aliso Niguel 42 The fifth -graders won their fifth in a row to maintain a hold on first place. Leading scorers for N included: Nell O'Hara ) . Pletcher Della Grotta (1 and Parker Stone (seven). Austin Rloe TheYor MUes each led the 'ctors with six rebounds apiece while Dillon Campbell grabbed three boards. Andrew Roth had five steals and Collin Krahe and J.D. Abboft each collected. three. Randall Nelson had a team· high nine aMists. freshman guard Ross Schraeder, !><>phomore center Greg Elhing· ton. 1uruor forward Matt Okoro and 1uruor guard Aras Baskaus· k.a& Oouglass said the Anteaters did not have bench support like this la.<,t season. I ast year, Nonhridge napped lJO's school-record 19-game home winning streak with a 73- 72 overume win at the Bren l-vems C..enter. The Anteate~ won 82-80 later in the season that year. UCI leads the series, 14-12 . NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY. IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. 2640 legal Notices ~~~~~~~~ M011CI Of AIPUCATa TO S8lAlCOHOUC IMIAGU Muf ...... clllt -., 17,2003 To Whom It M•y Con c:•n· The Name(s) of the HPhont(s) •¥•re MATEJKA BRIAN PAUL MATEJKA LISA DAWNEm The apphcanh listed above art •wly11111 lo the Dep•r Intent o f Alcoholic Beuraces Control to sell 1lcoholK btveraaes at 514 W BALBOA BLVD N(W PORT BEACH, CA 92661 Type of llcenu(q Apphad lor 41 ON S.Al.E BEER ANO WIN[ EATING PLACE P ublished Newport Beach Coste MeH Daily Pilot January 25 r •b ruary I , 8, 2003 S-419 RditiM lltiUms ... s...... The lotlow1ni penon' •n do1111 buiineu n 06SIOIAN TUN ENTCR PRISES, 3419 Via lido !114 Neweort Bud1, 0 R(AOE S California law re· qu#"n that conlrac: tors taktnl jobs that total $500 or mon (i.bor or matwials) be lic;enud by the Conlr•t lorJ Stet• license Bowd Stet• law also reqolrea that contractors Include thetr 1-nw number on all lldvertisinc You can check the stafus of rou' llcenud cont r e c t or •I www.cslb ca.10¥ or 800·321·CSLB Unll tensed contrectors telt.1n1 joh thet tot•I In s then SSOO must st•lt In their •dnrtinments that ttwiy .,. not Hctn11td by the Contractors State license Boetd." 0 ....... •C' • Ww-4 ,,_ ...... ,_.Mc. ., ...... t•t-7to-a0H M••A R1n11•1lnl CA92663 J•mes Gordon Cowan, 3419 Via lido 1414, Newpor t Buch, CA 92663 This business '' con J!ucted by 1n trid1v1du1I Hive, you s twled doin1 businen yell No James Gordon Cowin This \ltlemenl w" filed with the County Clerk ol Or •nee Courtly on 01/03/03 20036921401 Daily Pilot J1r1 4, 11, 18.25,2003 Se413 Rc*'-W.SS -a..s...... The lollow1111 per\ons ue doina busin••s as a ) Yoyaeer Air r1e11ht. b) Voy1fcr l r1nspor ta lion, 2074 Pomona Av• . Costa Meu , C'\Jllorn11 92621 2922 Ronald Ric hard Robb, 20/4 Pomon• Ave Co,t• Mesa Cahlo1n11 92627 2922 fh" bu\lness I\ ton ducted by an tnd1v1du1I Have you •lar led doma business yet> Nu Ronald Richard Robb Iii ldj A TO l MAlfOYM.,_ lnstell. refece ubinets ~ moldrJ, °°" 714-546-7258 carpet Repalr~la ~uarn~CAaHT~ Repaors, Palchma. lnstan Courteous. eny Sitt jobs W?loleulef 949 492 0205 Comf*llntm Tht~ st1tement was ftled with the County Clerk ol Orena• County Ori 12/06/02 20026926012 c.....,~ Gllml Announcemera 1&10 3460 Oftlces fof l..nse JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS • llAUTlfUl • Or•m•IK Spyalu~ ll1ll ececut•v• hofl'!e No up.inH was ~ered f .ibulous Oc.ean \/iew, Olfl fe>aD IOAO 4t>r J !Iba • Ofhu R1t h.ord Marshal"dwd fin, upJUadHI Sta1nlns Sub /ero lri& c,arute Dally Piiot Jan 4, 11. 18. 25,2003 Sa415 fkffm ..... 11mes ....... The lollowln1 persons are doina buslne)~ as· L & B H111 & Buuty Supplln, 22933 Galuy Line, Lake f ornl, CA 926)() l UI Q Sekella 22933 Cal••Y l.tne, lalu r Orts I. CA 921il0 Brian J Sekella, 22933 Cata1y l•ne, lake Forut, CA 92630 This busines' 1s con· dulled by· husband and wile Have you \latled doinr bu\meu yet' Y n 5 I 0 02 LU/ Q Sekelt1 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ouna• County on 12/05/02 20026925911 Daily Pilot Jan 4. 11, 18,25.2003 Sa414 Calendar of Events 1310 IQlW ltOUSllG onomKTY All rut ntale •dver ll\1n1 tn this new59ap~r 1s subj<!ct lo the f ederal F atr Hous1n11 Act of 1968 as amended whi<h makes 11 •llf'&•I t o edvert1u ·any pulor t nt.e l1 n11t•t1ou ot dti.crimm•tron b•sed un race. '-OIOf. 1p1111on 'e'. h1nd1l1p, lam1hal sl•lus or n~t1on~f ortain c.lt •n 1ntent1on lo make any \Ulh prtf@renu, llmll.t lion or d1su1m1n1tion • 1 his n•W\PllP•r Wiii not knOWlrlKIY l lCeol any •dvert1um .. nt lor real estate wh1<h 1\ tn vt0latton o .. the 1... Our reader> aH hPreby informed that .tll d#elt 1n1s advertl-.ad 1n this new\l)aper arr .. va1l1ble on an •Qu.itl oppor luntty bn•s lo ~omplatn ol dis crim1natt0n, lall HUO toll l>ee al I 800 424 8590 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In ClASSIFIED (949)642-5678 Concntl & Masonry ••ct. •I.di 5._ , .. 3 burlel plob, 2 ara adjacent Pacific View perfernd view meadow lawn So Loe $7850, obo 805·927 8078 Colltctlbltsl Memorabilia 1160 TOP ss • ucoaos nc Jm. 0-.:. Elc.. ~ &. 8)s a Allee, Spkt. bU ~ Mille 949 645 75 5 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Old« S~ Furniture PIANOS Collec1>bles -~ .................. • \of .. .,.. A..Aa.. Olflf• '""'~· $$ CASH PAID $$ a.. P'k"• °" .-'"' ... hl)YN WE BUY ESTAnS • ~.,. "«df ..,._.,,,.. -M P'AY lllOllE S 'ASTOi"' • ;64M922. SOUTH COAST AUCTION 22t2S... ..... k S-AM. CA 12707 a. ~Jooo' .>o • .. 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'>4tl bed best otfl!r 714 9600:m ,.,_._ ~ ...,,_ Do..tJ6e p~ fl bo• .. ~ corNructlllfl New \UI fl pilllstlt. w/wan lmrllld ~ Saa1f\ce Sl:S '49-.0.S.SS50 SELL your stuff through cla ss1f1ed! Pianos 3510 YAMAHA US u,..1,a.t ,.. __ ..... _ ...... tie,., GI••• lloct., S2c'S0· 949-552-5021 Cats 3610 •Ad14'1. Ww1ler ~ ab.. 00&'> ,.., (I .,,..,,,. every Sil Sun 12 4pm F "5hlort 1$ Arwnal ~1' Info 94 9 &44 2'179 -arwrwlnetwai..tr'll lt..e :II dly Web ~ 4 ~ ~r..-1 MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 St .. I 11"9• Yr. Incl lleweutl ?h /8 •o• s6.8oo Hll s l no 40148 wa\ S IC 600 vii I S5.860. 501110 W•\ S26,900 '"" s 12 9llO CottOollv"I Woh 100-'92-1803 I WANTIO JAl'ANISI SWOIOS ANO llLATID OEMS 949.494 17'1 COSTA MlSA l'J00\1 prole~\oon•I ""' • '"' £ 17th \I Ample p~rlun& 94'-646-030 •CM /9"J'U. IS•l6•f. I 1 SOO Wedi of NeWp«' llv4., 94t-U9-55S3 0.-mod Aw .. _ t..c. ~ IAY CINTll- 2ti51 Ir v1n" Aw• COlf Y•ew ret .. >I .. nd of ht t aw.t<l 71 4 .,, j '780 Pla u .)Our-;;t'- luda)'! C9491 642·!"678 632 St Jiir""5 Rd. l'WMpcJrt ...,.. w. ~ sat 8 2. Fumlture rurnlture. •PPll•nces, ========-.L=:======= 3435 Fumi1llre 3435 :'i.~~·lo~·~ni.~°i°nT~~ : * s.tc>-*-J!: t..ntiK>ls*: :. @Goldenrod,~~ * =•DATIOH * ~p~.~~ .. ~ :. ~· IE'. :. r~ts.~~.bb! •• e~. dl!cli-1, no .. * * Mlwne SlllC• 116 Pluw caldfound ~m5 * CLOSINGAFTER * Founct 1s10 * ~o YEARS ! '--' 1/16 GMC cw * ~ t.ey w remote 1oc:i. on * \Vicker Rattan Secuin~. * Tustin A~e Cast Cost• * l lll'J)L ~1 )1('<-* Mes a Claim •t CM .A • ."7, I Cl _., Police Dep•rtment * ancl Muc h More! * S .tl Y°'" Car -* 264(> Avon SI. ~t'\\ pon lktlt h * in Class(/1«1d ! * Otf HJWl'>ktf· & !>di Ilk ( U.l'>t I tw\ * * 940-(">'-2-2253 * **************** Hlnlf¥maltl Home,..lr JUNll TO THI OU.,.111 714-968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYt 949-673-5566 Concnt., P.uo. Or-•Y f1replc, BBQ Refs 2!1Yrs hp. Twry 714 557 7594 DWklv...-..c-.-. & M__., Rnldentlal Bt-lcll, Stone, Block, Tile. Uectrlcol Senlce• New. l ltf747448 714 965-2824 Remodel & Repair frH ~U,Te .... ............. C....t •-Estimate, 30 Yews Eap. CementwOf'll, Br!U, Tile L037169 949 631 2345 &. Mot•. Rel1.t>le. Ho JOb too small 949 548-6746 New <-•..,..ct•-& ._.,_ Al Trades. Frte Estirneta 30 YHrl hp, l ll337169 949-631-2345 ~Pta11fill YOUIMCHll lanGVUllMT "°"en Call a plumber, paint", h1nd1man, Of any of lht 1re1I &enlc:e~ li,1ttd we In our 11trwice dir.etOfJI THESE LOC.Al SVC • P'COf'lE CAH HllP' YOUTOOAYI LKl•SIO COWTUCTOI No Job too Sift. ,.. __, Repair, remodel, fens, " l'WW SllC 966e5-Jli!i6 Aoartnt'T111 CUSTOM CllATM lU ~ ... mwntt, ,.... ........... 75 l.1613* ...,. 714-4112-9961 LIMY.._..~ Rearoutm a Installation n.l DEAN 949-673 8065 tlflMJ25 7 I 4-80-2031 GtM14.I. ............. •IWN'IJXWE • RammJ . Uimmatal No Job 1bo Small DaweB....Utoa 949-32~8292 Triple 'fOIK t'*D °""' S.U.9~ Cen Liu t49-44S-6•77 n.......a.-i.., s-. ~,_.,._ Free tsl ~ .. OC. 71 ... !ICZ .'.M73 714-19>1101 T-·· •....-"-• ~ T• Nil °""' tllJjp. /II *"' ctnt by --....... 99.(2'2 7<M ......... ...... 1-.-.:JZ57 nlUflll N'9 omo SP'ACI 8D ~ Or #14 Cr<UIQ floor. •Ulllct-. offlot. """' ~62()J~!>47'.) P'UICHASI ., LIASI 0.....,. <--, Office ........ ,_.11.s 11a -e=ee= HOMES FOR WJ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar OP'IN HOUSl SAT & SUN 1-4 Sl,195,000 107 M01l9olcl Stunn111¥ Jbr l ~b• 1mma1 hum~ 1 blk !rum Otr• Hand \l~r l•d &• dn •It &. ma1blt •nl1Qur wind t.Uf vf'd ~•••tt~\.~ mote• j c.•t tt•r KatMr~n Mc N.ort •• .R~r 'J.49 881 .,.,., • lfAUflfUl • Or~m•l11 '>1>;¥1• ft1li r tl'4.1.Jt111( hr1m~ Nn PtpfOl\f! W(t' '•fJ.tted f •bUllllJ' fJ1, ~ V1rw 4Br tJtl~t•1 11 SI b'i'> ooo SellPr bfJu~ht 4r ~.tt1,., numr M· 1 •1 Ju6y llelor, lkr 949 S7t..SS1t. FIND ....... fnMja daulliecl 48r Ofl.rtd at SI 69'.>,000 Seller boulfll •n'th~• hum• Musi Sell J.,.fy in.aw, lli.r 949.,, .. 55,. OP'lN SAT 1.5 S07 I /2 P'elnaonlo 3br 2b• 1 ondo, 1 bill\ to bch lmm•t 2 IK newly '"urta<ed deLh New '"' p•ml/tarpet Up cr•d•d kilt do\eh. tp Moi. .. t~d Seller S70bl' Prnented by Sterlin& RC c~ ll05$ 9677'> lZID A C..w=•· C..-1 i......... ....... <><-. & -..y ......._ 46' 458a. ~)fl 21.W ~ol w B~ C..~ .incl l rx*ot~ Pl Otf~red .itl Sl 9'>0,000 COAS1UNI llAlTY 949 7S..0177 TIUI HOUSf SICLUOIO HTllAf AMAZING P'llCI AGf 949-723 1120 Irvine OPlN SAT I 4:30 TUITU IOU POINTE .f'll'I• ~,,. ·M.I•-· b """'" ........, ........ ,.._...,$ ~ Oit'. r,t .11~ P1J01 .(.ta 1..-•t'.i..,.. f'fC. Ass,. .. S.l:rl ti n .. "tt.~ 'itwlr-y LJIT•.f••• 90'Hf>4 IO I 0 '111'1 4!11 12'll HACH conAGI 117 Y&AlaOU 2br 11/• Ba 2 ' 1111, bch &. ten club 35' lot By owner $880,000 obo 949 644 2330 Newport Beach fAIUlOUS llACH conAGISI fAILllOUS NIWPOIT HACH UflSTYll II New 2 Stwy J l r 21• (17u:'1f;';7;A/IP') SIS0,000. ._ ........ 21. 21. (UIUXXU/XX) S0 ,000. Win•Nlew 21r 21• w /flrej>loce (UOOSS) S91,000 UASIO LANO J Collf"~...._•nt o..-..u ...,..w. Y1lrage (949) •1S 11' I A MAHUfACTIO HOMI COMMUNfTY OPEN ur I • ~ ... "" 11t1r1a Updal•·I ~· ·~ub•ll Jh ., ~t. .. J•t ,n ted sc,..·• lfllJ OPEN SUN 11·'2 1 ~ • ''" 101t J' r ht ~ d I It..~ u•w a:•'• t .Jm'' pool WOffihH•t trn 'IN.ti';. fU Halbu • I• ••vii Aft $j6{ '>OO Ir• ;<1~1.Pf.Cl!'t 1!811 &.ber6'1a w/w1tetl1U $1 .... ,000 Owner ent 949 724 0'1i0 .201 949 r.u 1992 eves A Superit Con-"- "' N;owport Hef&l'ts 4i!JB< ~ llOIShed with t.oAton le•ture' lhrouahoul Louted un " c0< ,_ lot Wond.r'lul WT Ind •,t•e~ &. enl•y SI 6!>0 000 COASTUNt llAl N 949-75'~177 WA~ IU>lQD S?• ~ Of: BAY S2tbJW Mnblt t--""" IOI. "' r....i r>e:r-..i tv l:tlr nut l.1 yr ee.i ITllJ:.I ._ 2br 2bit, • ....i .. 11r,rn m..r1* Ip ,.. ,.... muc::t• """. Ow!vAct ~/3-SW!> IAS TIWff alAUTY 4BP JBA •rr od i.,1 &. t • P11t Uf"'f £, 11.tn ·~r •·fl'W f £!~,.o ll•" I '" •~v Si1l'1 (JOO A11r "•'"t' '"" -t4'; 't.:l <t./f) ~ 'iltt.llfl -~ 1-.dt .,..... 4 °"'""'I• ·1~ '"""d b<~t "8t. J8i '"'' 1 .tally furn d .nc ,.,..,, • t<J Cal Rocnet.o. atr.,. lflf u...... r •dl.rs,,'Vf "''~' "'"''~ IAYSHOtuS OP'lN SAf & SUN 1-4 21SI IAYSHOtUOIL S t ,799,000 AGT SUI THOMAS 949 13S 2294 RC Cabinet Restore We spec/allze In the restoration of all wood products Introducing a cabrnet refin1shrng process that will bring back the luster o f your dirty damaged wood 1n one day at a fraction of the cost of old refinishrng methods No mess. no odor and it's guaranteed 5159°° (with our 50% off special) average kitchen size BEFORE AFTER lfy~ dt~ :.0 ft ".k-"it ' ;-.)U' ~'· ~ ,.,. :f Wt d ~ •tt '10 ~.} '•f ( Jnt y .., d'€ ~p.~·t: \.1,,,1 .. --1 d'1d • yo. do nol 1;..1 t"t-·~lA\ vov w<''" .,.,r.....,•nq 'fO\J ''""" '°"""' r~' •o .,,,tht t>lri PdV'" .. ' • ,r '• , 00~ :.d' • e".l ~ ... 't!!. 'oY. • ~...ir\!l '-'i' w~ '.;::. "'f" ~r~ r.Jr "lf fv'lft-.11J~6 € tdnP· a'°\l 'tt:~ • dr-• d~M'JO~lj(ff"°d ~ ... t-,..WfJffgWM"ti'"'S,hdrjrt;> .. ,t"r.d• •f'..,"-'C()oj'llrtt-'S~ a•r\T <Ou don· l'l.e" "cl>t' to 1>r-~:~ ,oi;· 1'ih'Y~' T•e Y.ic.1 " J j'~"k' ,,. 1 u tt"l " • ~r·er! t '€' W"l.~~i:j * "'• f"ld T w" CALL ANYTIME (714) 460-2724 /J~ 4~~ Wood /Jack 1CJ .f iJe Moving & Storage llST MOVntS SS9 /Kr setv1n1111 etl.e• lnsvrPd fast. tOllfteou\ carelul T 163844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Cehl Public UhhhH commission rtQu.lfn that ell u-.ed household coods 111~er s print their P U C Cal T number hmos anti chauffeurs print their f C I' number In all •dver hsements H you hue any questions about the l•a•lltr of a mover, 111110 of dletlff9w, call PU8 LIC UTILITES COM MISSION 714 558· 4151 WAMTlO MOY1"8JOIS Smell ol letlt 24H.wM ........ Svc can 189442/lnsured 949 71 0691 714 "' 1300 ACT NOW 50o/c OFF UJNIOW C9QI MMfT Pa1ntina wJ .. l ~Apt Qu111ty iob• r'" estimste L "56989 7 1 J4 636 8888 Plumbing lM •O •t\oOf\{W ... ,,1111,..,..., PIP( LOCAflNG £l Cc; T RONIC SL.AB LEM DUECflON Friendly Service 949-•7S-9J04 ,,_.~ Pbitbert .......... -:: 0....-0 ..::w.sT TWHDY flUIMmNG 949~2352 -.. PLUMBCR l "506586 F,_Est!Sm ~ OClfCU DIJc 714-ZJ!l.9150 ... l ·-Repan & Rtrnode""a FR([ ESTIMo\1£ l "687l2' 714 969 1090 ~ We ..... should 111111 topt'* Slr .. ftlbl .. Ext_.~ ID h '1'B11fl 9QMi81 .... HI 5...,.111 $pec11lmn1 tn Wa~ llernovel L'518241 9'9 l60 12U • CWNOUT • YotlHOUSE : wmtA &MAGlWt : CAil . (M~'42-5'71 • Januar 25 2003 TODAY'S CRQSSWORP P\JZZLE Bridge By CHAN.ES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH .. , NlMllSTATlS I • PA'TaKI TlMOR.1 • • QTIOMW1Dl USA •' t4t ... S6-t TOS :wiww.patricktenore com ' tlOUSI Of HOHOIS : ' fUU OCl.AM VIEW '. $63',000 ~GT.t4t-72J..a120 • 'OCU.ltntOMT FIXnt : :NOT ~c:-.. =:AJNT ~4t-723...al20 . Coat • • 0Ht1SAT1-S ' S Tert9&• , ~ touch of Italy 3br + .,bonus IPPfOX 2700+ sf. " "'arble & m1ny custom "f'•turu.$l,1'S,OOO : , Of'lM IAT 1-S ·.:t .• ~v111v-..1e •• _,...50J11bnry + bo- jtus roorn. $1,seS,000 I ·• OPIM SAT 1-S ,. ' 24Catelflna , • A touch of Italy 4br 12.5ba, Str•d• home. .. • $1,ltt,000. )UnNUM ra°'lltTllS • Stefanie Meurer • 949. 715·3156 : ........ 2.5 .. ....... .•. ~ .... ,.._ •tt••t Custo.. NoMe :~_..c..,.._, .~ View., Mahh ....... & w.... c..lllr. ,._.. • SS,700.000 '' ~ COAS1UNl lllAl.TY :: : 949-759~171 • "' P:alMllSTARS ::• PATIUClllNOtU ,,. • MATIOffWIDI USA •'• t4t ... S6-970S ,;cw patriclltenor• com ... ColltfMo .Sr /fie up~r corMr •111111. Up&raded floorlne. liltil lo bneht Shows Hlie a model. •et )tatherlne 949·650· 1212 '. ' . 80 L n•JtA PA N ~ -~-~~~ IE RI ~·,4 O~j~ ~ i. 0 y Ii: A AN Re, E J ~:i PL A l"·-·~IR A -EO ,... T Fl OY "' l l .. DIDI p !1 • ri I 1N r _., ' A L Ill:• TA A DE NIC C• STE AIM DU IL l ST C: I PI~ !ii p 1 '" n ,., E ~ 1 1~ r; •r Al I AB S -Tl En• 'Ml p I ---AO e: T E Diel : RA I L 1. LU 11"1 LI E CU ~~ FAa.4 E• F LOEIS•rf T I :; p I!;. i: All 1r:1a-a .10 l ·-·-~ .................. Tustin Randi , ....... v ....... larce ~ ser 56a. eatl!d pnyate pool & •• estate wtv-s. Sl.495.00l ~ last! act Pillritll Tenore 966-911!i RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSALf Mouraln Property 5966 S.ChHle4 •-ct. ... _ Cdm lot w/pvt acess to 160it bch fTontaee Oen YU from every rm $8,000.000 ... ..,.,_.....-'Y ()i 2.5 ac adl ~ ,., nn... ~ 5.SIN 5,«0 sf "' al b9ysd lrM!i access $3,!'m,(Jl) from baclo,yd View photo~ at -.ariacb..aJm. then cal owner at n4-663367 or email urm@cox.net MISCEU.MEOUS RENTALS Rifai To Share 6030 NI c-c11 ,._, ecea ... $800/mo + u!lls Pool, eym, spa, male pref, (t49) 642-6427 Ne""""'1 llaoch 4 lst ST share With I per~on $675/mo. with parking incl. 714·318-5451 ... room a¥lll. in exa.-...... c-. Bd b8y 'Al, ~ Own ba, eiard pied $1DVmo. 9&!l1Hl99 ,., °" h bdl kill IOM'hn. 11 12 13 Rooms for Rent 6040 £'Ude CM Twnhme, pvt rnv'ba. wry clean, p , w/d. n/peh/smilt. fem prefd, Avaol 3/1/2003 SJ25m+i/ltllh ~ RESIDENTIAL RENT A.LS ORANGE · 7400 COUNTY Bal~lsland 31r, 21a, 1-car tor, 3 doon from So Bayfront, upper unot. sm balcony $1550/mo 310-556-5475 4br 3IJoa hse, l\Kn/wlflnl. 2t. p ll'ISlde tray rm. ~ from patio. s:fmT1 year!y 714-546-2313 dQl Balboa Peninsula 373 Afta4e 5 dOOIS from bay! low. unrt, le p.1bo, 2br Iba, off st.. prk,. Sllm/m Y'1Y 949-548-78JI 200ft To~~ S.V Sun I -"I. 328 E Baboa 28r I&. fp. w/d. c:wd ClfPOt'I SIMn )'fiy 9'&3'J6..S413 2lr 2lo, 2c p , patlo, w/d, d/w. new crpt, paint. lo-unrt. 2'D /1 20th St Sl795mo 949-72J.1186 • 2..5'oa J ..., .... 112 bl. bayftich. flni. wd, 2 c p . l!U) w Balloe Blvd S2«0 114-ai& um Corona del Mar S,.,._ Cit"· w~tte. approx SOOd. 2 blls lo bch, pr, w/d 1NMA. nl!Mcl ~. 9o19 72).0096 llr, 11•, Ne w La k1tchel1. Ille firs. balcony. w/d. ubl llld, Sll95m, els to bcMhopJ 949-'/JS.20'll S.. ef H~ lmmaculste 2b<. 2ba. fr!&. w/d. patio. 1-car earage, $1950/mo water 111cl 949·278 1003 WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ QI ·As Sooth, ~lo, you •AH o Q'5 o l03 • K 1954 bold: • The b6ddlna bas lll'OOeCdcd: • AK 4 o Q 1tt o 6 •A 10 7' 3 2 NOR11J EAST' SOU11J WEST l o 1<:i INT "- The biddln1t has oroceeded: 2NT . ,._ f NOJlTll IAsT' SOU11f Wttr WlllU 11tb0n do you take? lc:7 ,_ l• .... l o ,_ 1 Q 5 • Neither vulnerable, as S-OUlh WbJlt do you bid oow7 you hold: Q 2 • Both vulncnlbk, as ~ you hold: • Q J 9 54 ':" 10 6 S o A 84 • K 1 The blddili2 has oroceeded: NOR111 1L\s1' sourn WESJ' 10 ,,_ •• PMt • 10 53 \J 942 o AQU •A~ 10 2+ PIM ? Wha1 do you bid now? ~~dd~f>~ SOlTl'H l<;o •• ,._ 7 What action do you talte? Q 6 • As Soolh, vulnerable, you 1'\0Jd: Q J · Vulnerable, you hold: 1 A 8 74 O A 10 l O 9 7 6 • 6 S4 • A 6 <;;> K 7 o A K Q 10 S 42 • J5 Your righl·hlnd opponent opens the bidding wilh one spade. What HClion do you talte 7 The bidding has proettdOO: NORTII &\ST SOUTit Wfl>I 10 ,_ •• .... l o .._ 1 What do you bid now'> Q 4 • Both vul.oerable, as South you Lookfior OllSWUS Oii Mon.dav, hold: .T' Mar9uerlte Sir /21a lu•ury refurb home Sl500m. Moe tarp rear 28r lBa, MW carpet & paint S11ron 949-71>3513 Iara GrMvllle snel· story detach 3br 2ba, 2c ear. e1ted comm, pool, $111. S3600mo. 12mo tse. <not 561-G-0281 "201 CostaMesa lbr clet house, E'side. S875m. utls paid, patio, fenced. quiet. (Oranee/ Wilson) 949-~·5701 fwi(d s.-.a. ,_Tr~ Sq & S5 twy. Coty. quiet. Incl patio, sl01age, VJllS/ •• rWet S1!j) 9'Hi42-28UI Newpkt Hel9hta Back house w/pvl ent & garaee. lBr, IBa, Sll75m + 5ecurity 714-290-8058. Newpert a<rM• th• ·-28r 1.58a, pr, no pets, Sll 9!>/mo. 1665 Irvine Ave •3 949-720-9422 l Side 2tJt Iba apt. COITCJI rtrnOd, ~. ~ i-:11 close '1395/mo 165 Rodchester #I ~5~;DIO 2lr ...... _, ..... pvt pabo. p . assoc pool and cUltDe. WA> hk/..cll5.. wa1s • trash meld. Pet OK S1495mo st 714-997-:ml lrvtne 11r 11a Condo w/open YN!W, pvt patio. c~rpo1t. walk-In closet, pet.~ ml Stmn ~2B2·2132 29r bee 1-wy __.., trop<eal resort-Wee settinc, pied. water. trash. ellS paid. H.&fl rae, subterra- nean piirlll111e. S1650/mo. af= ,, ..... 7...J99l Udoll'e laadt c.....,. 2lir ,. / .. 2-c gar, tot•I remodel. beach & tennis club. $2BOO/mo 949-644-2330 IAYflOMT ON LIDO PE NINSUL~ NlW 21r Ha COTTAGIS Pnvate Beach, Pool and Si>•. Walll to Ocean. Shops and Restauranb Lease 6/mo-2 yr•. Boat Slip Available 110 uoo ,Alt• oa. 949-673-6030 01 949.723.~ ~ Afit. w/1Utl::henetb!, utiibes paid/cal>lt incld, no srri18fpets. $850/mo. 949- 646-8)36 LIDO ISU Sunny lbr apt. furn, micro, refrle. lots of storaee spice $895/mo. 949-673· 7201 V ..... condo lbr, MW arpet/psll. ,. Hme. weat toe. Rmoo-1 ..... AYlll. now Sl<J'A'mo 714-53&1554 CM/NI Sl 150/mo sm 2br lb• house. C1rc No pets By IWt ~ ~ House 561·~1 pp Hr, 21 /de,, alt ear. n/s. pat ok. w/d hl!up, stove. w/d hllup, A/C, $2250/mo 949-859-7973 OCM & IAY VIEW 2'lr 2ba condo totAy remod. Clown ,,...... ~. stone sz:m g&T.!).JB) lluffa C-4e 3Br 21/iBa. l 700sf, 2·c., ellf. no peVsmlll S2375mo + dep, year lea5e 949'644-0335 • 2la ....... fp, 8'ell back yar~ 2c# pr .. available after 1/20ftll. !'tease call 949-759-3726 to see. $2500/mo. """"" ...,....... Specious 3Br. Shutters, neutral ~Uppslad.lay 2St2 Via Mari-. 38' 2.58a + dtn, FR. LR, f P. DR hop yard, cul-de-sac. Vacant SBXl/mo. Coldwell Banker ~ 949-7J.l.0074 ........ 2Sa house w/pvt y11d in cated ~ T~ Coown pool, !ipa and .,..... S.'.Dll/ mo ~ Good credit <rif .tel 949-856-97ai l 'lluff sinete family 4Br 2Ba home. corner lot. ~cros.s from park $3400/ mo 949 759 3337 Wutdlff f_,lly Heme Beautiful remodeled 3+2 and all newl Walk to schoo(.lparlv's $3450rn includes prdenef & OSl wrtll ..._ 9&233-4986 LesJOnS In Your HMw Introduce your d!t1d to the joy of music 949 673-2174 949 813-2246 ~ br. pvt ba. ~ _....,, dsl. SU kit. Ip. l'.uld, leautlfvl 0<-& hy * YlAltl Y * views 3B1 281, upper, UASIS decor, quiet location, S2595mo 949-464·0710 ....,..ftWHOMIS :b 2lie hse IK. .. nu W ~ best td10ds .. Pl'1ls S2llJC> 9&581 · lSID pll!ll se1S 96650-7123 duplu, le ensld iar. Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS $3200/mo. 714·998·0948 949-675-6161 JOISWAITB> ·~ WIMlil 1211 OA Mlks Tax/~ work. Very exp'd In c:omputer sllllls & .. taxes. £:olxn 9&106-39!B Ent.-- :r.=:1::.~ ~ Mesa. couple preld Wiit! hendy-mall up. 2Br~ indud8d. 31().589-9195 UL 3fi OI Fax ,_ 31().511!M119!1 Dtadiine Feb. 12th e Valmtine Mtssagts Appearing Ftb. 14th Hlrl•1 fer (eeks, c .. 1t1ar• & Oalhrery ,...._. Apply 1t Bi1 Billy Deli 6310 W. Coast H,., Newport Befth. II inc l Una -• : I~ ri 1 r,·~ Una 20 Chalactera per line. You may use all 4 lines for larger ads, call an adver1lllng rep today1 { W<w wuuh ii #II FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name·:__-------------:--~Phone No.·_---- Signatu~~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BNI my: yu ___ __.Mc. _____ _.A/E _____ Oleoover. __ ~ Cfd Celdl E>cp. Date-· ---- t ,.,,... "'"' ., •• JO'M. Commisslonl S.11 1t wotW ~/'lrilnls.. tua. hol.n .......... 1-8»-942-8162 we. ....... ~ simno Pt 3-5 tw/Wl4. ~2.1).,.,... Fret 8rothn n..951.flk:H WWWJIOUdMOlild4)w .com ........ - ••a4• ,,, ••••• Conv. 3411 mt, •11to, red/ blldl Int & top, 1Hiaullt11I orl1 cond , v597241 $10,500 fin & Wafl tvlll Blit 949-586-1888 -. .,......,_ M..-ca4H '96 IS20 7111 ml, white/01tmHI lthr, snrf, CO, bHutlful orll cond. ""519621 SlS.911& Bkr 9'9-586-1888 --·~·­....... JOO ... ~le. malntlllntd. liil4. 5.11 ml. new ar-. 842.000. 7~l9 ....... SI.JOO .. lmmllC:ulale, 1111tnt.lned, tJllc*. 5.Jt ml. MW tira. $42.000. 7l4-fi33.J'j19 ••-'" SOOSL '00 f'Wiwnl. ,_... Mpt.,idnt ............. -~ NI«> sport plduel, ,....... • ful WWf. & fr• $\IC. trensfwabll. 3lK miles. ••"""m...._ .-. ~<D>. Clll ~-3407 ____ MM ______ 'E-mail; bedlsbiz@aolcom AIMii 'tt M 2.8 ttt ...... , 'I .._.. LS ml, metallic crnn/u•Y "00 fu•IA'Y lllY ... extra, lthr, CO, mnrf, fully dwome "'*' q -loade~lille new 11624521 """*' $15995. ~ Sl4.~ fin & Wirt avail pp 11.:mm Bkr 949·586-1888 -.ec ..... 1.C09 1MW S-.. "t1 dlltl l*'t/ tan. ~ loeded. 6 M al, MW~ J!ik rri. l<UI nW Wllf. Perfect! Sl9.m 9"9.23!>44Zl IMW 'tt 3211 c_,, Sspd, 43k mi. silver blue/ erey lthr, heated aeats, full fact warr. superb, S22.995 v362421 fin avail. Bkr 949·586· 1888 -.ecpal.c.- IMW 'tS S40f loot. m1, black/blk, beautiful 01111lnal cond financlne & w•rr avail v•249762 $10,995 Btu 949-586-1888 C•tllllac '0 2 DeVllle 24k mi. full ltct warr. wh1t1/oatmeel lthr, CO, OnStar system. chrm whls. v4'827519 $25.995, save S20k 8l(r 9495 UBI w-.ec,.a.1.(-. Cadilac Eldorado "311 Mint. 8'adVBlack. dYorre ~ oo. ·~,50m Mnt. smm ~Im. 96Qi0.9)13 Chrys* '91 S.lln"I JI Conv 37k actual m1, books, records. metallic ice ireen/erey int, am· fm. blk lop beaut orie cond. $8.995 ~752412 Bkr 949-586·1888 -·ocrbt.c- COOPER WAIT NO MORE! .. e········ GREAT SELECTION! '02 & 'D.1 MIN COOPER's &COOPER 'S' . . . . LET'S~TOR! IT'Sfllt ••••••••••••• 55 FRffWAY @ fmm SNl'TA AM AllTO WU (~)82J.m 0"'9e '00 •-E•tra C•b. VS, 80k m1. h1eh hit. white. fully loaded, v972498 S9995 lln 1va11 Bkr 949·586-1888 -. ..,....l.<- Jord '93 hwn LX White, 79k m1, autn, Otli owntt, fllHI cond $2700 Chris 949 515 2794 FOii> ISCC>n SEDAN '9t 3111 mo. orw owns. 5 5l)l!ed manual, xlnt cond, $4,290 Vera 949-246-8131 Rm>~~ .... 8lldl W/Wf'I SWG Great cond4t1on Well malnt-.d. p~ lacll, wi1dows. (l) player s.9.ax> ~1561 YOU MUST S& THIS CAil. VUY cua foal> UMGll XlT 'ft ~II• '9t Aurora 3911 mi, champaene/t•n lthr, mnrf. CO. chrm whls, like new v598242 Sll,995 l1n & warr avail Bkr. 949· 586 · 1888 -. ...-. ..... AcwaNSX , .... ·oo Speed Yellow· l2k miles (#19005) $63.980.00 IMW32Sls c_,.'tS Black·auto·low miles (•185781) Sl2f.l80.00 IMW7401S.'°" '91 White w/perfect creme leather·cerh· fled BMW 54k moles (18730) $27.980 00 IMWXS 2002 Wh1te·f1ctoiy Premium Wheels ( 18920) $42.980 00 IMWU c...,,ertflole '96 Red w/lmm.tcul1te blacll lthr 5 speed (118770) Sl2.980.00 ,.,,, U,.clltf-... loaded, nice family SUV. wb1te·lo miles. (118794) $18.980,00 leavslS400 ~·97 V8-Luiury Sedan, lull power. leather! (#183431 ) S19.980.00 Ponth.99• Covpe '02 Sea Crey·O,,ly JOK m1les·f'act Warr! ('19020) $69.980 00 Peradoe 996 c_,.•99 Ocean Blue·only 45K m~es! ftptromcr (#17835) $43.98000 IMW S211 Spert s..._·oo Cosmos Black w/Blac .. r ult r actor 1 warrtyl Low mtlul C #18959C) S32. 980 00 tt-rH2'0S uae ereen w/wheet leather 311 miles. (119040) $59.980.00 J.euet XJS C-...ertllole 'tS Brisltsh Rac•ne Green w/perfect Creme Leather. !>61..m1 (118955C)Sl8.980 00 Merca4e1 letta SlSOO 1...4.ter 'tt Smoke Silver w/Parchment Leath ar·Both tops! 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It is Our Promise of lnt:egrity to You and respect. to the Environment • Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship· • Conveniently Located • Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed •Sn )'OU" rrpair odvl.Jor for ~ Wll1T4111J' di.sc:losun -~.=UT _!t~E 3!_ KE:_p ~ G'-.,2Vt;_ ~~Eff!. ---- -.., __________ I __ _ -- -What to do in case of an accident. 1.) Remain calm. 2.) Pull over to a safe place and park. N w E s If en ecadenl ocan et.,, ~...,. llw kJlaoMn;'. • Ow.am ol IM of l'MIMd ...... ~ pnar ID h ICCldenl • Poncrl..,.,.. • 11r-.1-polMSl ol 11 Vllldal. ~ nrmJ Nabers Collision Center 2IOOH.,..Ballannl C.tl Maa. CA 12127 (714) ~3930 3.) Check to see if anyone is injured. 4.) If needed -dial 911 for an ambulance. 5.) Notify local police as soon as possible. . 8.) Exchange the following infonnation with the other parties: rmt.: Veer. ; --I IJcense runber. .. . ~owner. Ptme rulia: • Albess. • .•. "