HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-06 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot-' Serving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,FEBRUARY6,2003 PH I Members of the Orches1s Dance Co., all Corona del Mar students, rehearse for their performance of "Facing the Music · Ready to face the music · Corona def Mar High 's annual dance production is set to give something a little different Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot T o J dancer, t.'Vl'l"'t pirouette ha.\ a m. eamn~ every pa' de bourree evokes an l'mouon. and every element of chort>ography teU., a '>tory Aftt:r a grul'l1ng '>I>. month' of prcpdr.lllon, tht• mm pan.., \'\111 hold "' Jnnual prodl1l t1011. th1' war t111<'d "I dllllg Ill<' \IU\I( al 7 pm toda'r f-ntlJ} .ind \.11urdJ\ ill :\e\.,pon I larhor I ll~h \t huol' I.oat\ aud11onurn After six months of preparation, the Corona del Mar students in the Orches1s Dance Co. are ready to perform "Facing the Music: lontght, thoc,e movement.. \\ill tclJ a few. At lea..,t the 24 dancer., of Corona dl'I Mar 1 ligh School., Ore he'" Dance C.o. hope they w11l 1 ht• dam l' t 01111Mn\. \\ 1111 h rulfilh. thl' .. (hoot .. phY-,l l ··' rduca11011 JllU fint• .trt'> rt•quirt•rnt·nr-.. \'\ 111 prt''-<'111 .1 varlt'ty ol tl.111u· munht•r' See MUSIC, Page A4 Anti-war students motivated to march Protest held at UCI after the Secretary of State presents the U.S.' case for war against Iraq to the U.N. Security Council. Christine Carrillo Da1lyP1lot vine. but to educate the univer- sity's students about the contro- versial is,.,ue, organi.7..ers said. little murt> mouvated and nght now the idea<> are fresh in their hc.uJ.,," \illd ..emor P.lreeha K1bnya. one of the orgamzers of the drtemoon protest. "There's a very .ipcitheuc atmo~phere here. hut people need to le.now that what tht•y hear from the press ... and good old Bu~h isn't always tn1e. lllerc·~ always a motive be- hind 11." the Middle t-.astem wmmunity and decided that tht• l'X">t rt' course was eduLallon. "Anyllme you take a \trong stance on anythanR. you re goan~ Lo get the baclc.la!>h from at." ..aid the member of the Mu\lim Stu- dent Union and the Campus Progressive Alliance, two or the gi:oups that helped organiJ.e the event. ·These are students and they are here to team.· __ J Threats on sheriff result in arrest Vicc im in h igh-profile traffic accident five year.., ago is in custody after cop.., firs t respond to complaint of a separate threat. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot < 0'> IA \11 1.o \ -.\ lormt•r \.t"-' port 11.u hor I llgh C,IUtlt·nt ( nllt .ill\ trlJlHt'd 111 ,, tralfit acndt•nt on Ir\ mt· \\t•nut· fiH· \ t'.ir' ago wa .. arrl''>lt'd \und.i\ on -,u.,p1t 11111 ol 1hreaten1ng to lilt C Jr.in~t' C our11\ '>llt'nlf \hke C...arona olht 1,if., ...aad \\l•dnt 'd.t\ l\wnl\·Um·t" \•·ar old l>an1l'I lm\ll'l'm.l \\a<, IH \.\hl'n J (.hl'\'> Hl.vn lo,ult·d \\Ith 10 1l'l'll" O\t•nurrwd on Ir\ llll' \\t•11ut• J1l\\11'>t'nd oind pupulJr t h1·1·rl1·,1dn Amanda Anhur. 1h1·n I 7 ,uffl'rt·d hr.1111 111 1une'> dJll.l \H'rl' 1r1 rm11 .ii tond1t11111 .11t1·r the acudt.>nl \'\}lit h k11lt•d tlit·1r lrat'nd Donn~ Hndgn1;m IH On C.,und.1\, < >r.ing1· C 111Ull) ~hcnfl' depu11e' am•-.1t•d Jm,nwnd tor alll-&t>dl\ tclJing two ol h1-. fm·nd' th,11 ht• \o\,1, going to lull C.dfnna -...utl lun ·\111orm1110. 'Poli·' man for tlw < lrangt• t .1111111\ ..,llt'n!I' I k panmrnl lie ..aad poht t' '"''rt' 11ppl'd oil ,1ft1•r J.:1'1 uog a compl.unt 1111 I nd.t\ 1 h.11 IO\'\ n't·nd had threatl'nt'ti 111 kill .i lrwnd' 111otlwr llley re.,p<mdt'd '>OIHl .1ht•r tht· tlm•ol had been made "When \'\t' \\t:nl 10 111.11 hmN· 111 "-1nt.1 .\na I lt'agiw,, l1Mn,t•ml \\.i-.111 th1•11 \monrnno -..ud I.at er pnhce hl'ard that Im' n't'nd had called l\'\O of hi' lrll'ml' and told tht•111 !It' \\a'> gomg to l all \}1t•nll < mma. \11111m11 no • .. ;ud When depulll'' \'\1'111 lo 111\\1 -.i·rul' ll.11 tam Pldll' hnml' Ill< 11,t.1 \ft "1 in ..,und,I\ thl'\ found J nt'\\ ... papt•r artadt 111 \\ lul11 he had drnwn J hull\ t'\t' 11~1 < ,.ar1111,1., head. Amom11110 -..ud I ht· photo r.111 \\Ith an artJdt• ahtm1 ,1 nt•\\' l onft•rt•m 1· < ~tr11ri.1 ga\t' in ronnt'(IJOll wllh tht' arn'''' ol tlw 'on .. or J \-\Oman \\ho Jllt•gt.>dl\ l lit 1111 tht· hl'ad and hand' ol thl'ar mothl'r .111tl 1hrt·\\ her body 1n111 a r,1v11w. ht• "w1r<I Amormino -.Jld IO\'\ll'>t'lld hJd 't r.t\\ll'd oul 'Tll <,Cr\'l' 1h1' up lo vou 100" on top 111 See THREATS, Paee A4 UCI CAMPU~ -Student.., on Wedn~ay waved pack.et signs bearing such anti war senti· ments a~ "Social Welfare Not Warfare" and ·orop Bush. Not Bombs" 10 express disgust with the U.S. government's stance against Iraq. They did so not to impede the educational process at UC Ir· With the words of President Bush's State of the Union and the Unite4 Nations addn!SS given by Secretary of State Colin Powell on Wednesday morning still lin- gering in .their minds. various groups at UCI felt the timing to express their sentiments was perfect A.., a woman of Pakistani de· scent, Kibriya said she has devel- oped an interest in such interna- tional issues because of personal experiences. ln a post-Sept. 11 world. Kibriya felt the negative effects of racial profiling against Most student's believe that the university has allowed them that opportunity by neither hindering nor aiding student<;' right .to free SEANHll.lrll OAllVPl.01 After Secretary of State Cofin Powell's speech before the U.N. ·Tue idea is to get the people a THE BELL CURVE Watching the shipping out I 've watched the Pilot It's impossible 10 see this coverage of local men scene without mnembering and women packing up what it was like. ~d those and shipping out to join recollections play out ln two military units ln the cu.rrent distinct phases: first, the war atmosphere with a departure from home to the powerful sense of familiarity shock of military life; and that I'm ure Is shared by later, the departure from alJ every reader who has gone thintP dear and famillar to a through this experience. war zohe. The picture ls always the ln my case, the second same: family members -JOSEPH phase 1s the one I w\fe or husband, children, N. BELL remember so vMdJy , parents -ln the . because It pla~ out like a background. usualJy in front of the dead serious comedy of errors. family home. and In the fo~und, Whel t received ordtn to to the recruit, often ju.t ~from cMlian life. • See MARCH. Paa• A4 Security Council, UC Irvine students held a protest rally. Daily Pilot AT ~GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.~com WEATHER It may be the last peff9c:t day until eometlme neJCt week. Hight wfll fall shy of 70 In Newport·Meu. S.P-ceA2. SPORTS - Woman assaulted on the job Oeepa Bharath OatlyPllot NEWPORT BEACH -Pol~ are looking for a man they y sa.ually ulted a 2l·year old janitorial wotkcf at gu:npoln1 ln an omct build on ~ nlgtlt. The woman deaning a rewoom in I buDcUnc chf 1000 bloct or [)gw St1"d ,., loM \a4yne A1rpof1 at lt>out 7:50 WAllMIJa,,_M -------- ------- f I r ., I • .. :: , l I I ~ t . ' .. '. I . • i ~ , I -. ' • : , " • A2 Tlusday, February 6,. 2003 Darty Piiot POLITI.CS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT The Orange County Young Republicans held a "SupportAmerica/Support Our Troops~ raltY on Saturday near South Coast Plaza. Organizers say that the event was so well attended that another 1s planned for this weekend. It will be held from noon to 2 p.m. at the same place, the intersection of Bnstol Street and Anton Boulevard. The event win focus on Secretary of State Colin Powell's address to the United Nations on Wednesday. Republicans rally for troops Paul Clinton Daily Pilot A rally in Costa Mesa held to bolster support for U.S. troops heading to the Middle East went off with a bang on Saturday. So much so that the organizers, the Orange County Young Republicans. plan to hold a second rally this Saturday . The rallies, near South Coabt Plaza. are held to show support for "the Bush administration. as well as the brave men and women who protect our freedoms," said Jennifer Kerns. the group's executive vice president Saturday's rally. which drew about 50 people, was weU attended. It was staged as a response to a series of antiwar rallies that have been held on Friday evenings for the past several months at the same intersection. Lee Lowrey, the president of the group, said the antiwar rallies have "talc.en on an anti-American tone." On Saturday, Young Republicans marched and shouted support at the comer of Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard. It began at noon and ran until 2 p.m. Organizers said the rally would have drawn more attendees if it were not for the tragic explosion of the Columbia space shuttle. ROHRABACHER AND FELLOW GOPERS OPPOSE IDS Rep. Dana Roh.rabacber and I I other House Republicans want to eliminate a controversiaJ ID card issued to illegal immigrants by the Mexican consulate. Rohrabacher co-sponsored legislation, introduced Jan. 29, that would require certain restrictions on identification cards used to oblain federal or other public benefits and services. The Mexican government issues a card known as a "matricula consular" to Mexican nationals living in this country. Rohrabacher and the other members of the so-called Immigration Reform UST\ J.J. Mitchelle, 6, of Lake Forest joins the rally to show support for the U.S. military's pass1ble war with Iraq. Caucus don't wc:tnt locaJ. state or federal agencies to accepl the cards as vahd ID for healthcare or other benefits. Caucus members signed a Jan. I 0 Jeuer to Secretary of State Colin Powell protel>ting efforts by Mexico, F.I Salvador, Guatemala and Hondura.!> to issue such cards. "While all governments have a responsibility to look after their citizen.<> residing abroad." the memberi. said in the lener." they have no right to actively pursue policie that seek to undcnnine local laws, nor should they use their comular officials as lobbyis~ for c;uch an agenda." ln late January, the federal General Ser\tices Administration suspended a pilot program at a federal building in San Francisco that accepted a "matricula consular~ for entry and access to services. The cards aJso allow foreign nationali. to open bank accounts and 10 use ac; identification when confro111ed by law enforcement officials. ·Other members who signed the letter were Reps. Tudd Akin (R-Mo.), Jo Ann Davi.I CR-Va.), Nathan Deal CR-Ga), John DooUttJe CR-Calif.), Vlrgll Goode CR-Va.). Sam Johnson CR-Texas), Wah.rr Jones (R·N.C.). Ouui le Norwood <R-Ga.), Lamar SmJth CR· Texas). John Sullivan CR-Ole.la.) and Tom Tancredo <R·Colo.J. MADDOX CRACKS DOWN ON lu.EGAL MEDICINE SHOPS C..osta Mesa's assemblyman, Ken Maddox. has introduced legislation to mcrea<,e penaltie<. for the illegal peddling of medicines. Maddox, who rcpre&ents Costa Mesa in the 68th District, introduced IW>embly Bill 261 on Wednesday. The bill would allow prosecutors to seek felony convictions against dealers who offer medicines out of residential garage!., storefron~ or other location~ Santa Ana Police officials approached Maddox about the bill after noticing a growmg panem of illegal. makeshift pharmacies seUmg medicines smuggled ac..ro..s the border from Mexico. Many of these drugs have been outlawed by the Food and Drug Admmistration. Operators of the pharmacies have also been known to give improper doses of the medicines. "Illegal pharmacies bring big profitS 10 their owners without the threat of big jail Linie," Maddox said. Maddox is a reserve police officer in Tuslm CAMPBELL REIGNS IN MORE SUPPORT FOR SENATE BID Assemblyman John Campbell bas been collecting more endorsements in ti1\ 2004 run for the state Senate's 35tb Oii.lnct, to represent Newport-Mesa. CampbeU. who represenlS Newport Beach in the ~embly's 70th District, announced Tuesday that he had pinned down support from Sens. em Morrow, Jeff Denham and Pete Knight Campbell has also been endorsed by Senate Majority Leader Jlm Brulte and current 35th District representative Roa Johnson. ~emblyman Maddox has also announced he wiU seek the Senate seat. Daily A Pilot Conl Wllson News assistant. (949) 574 4298 coral, wi/son@latim.s.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Haller, Don Loodl, Kent Treptow Box 1560, Costa Meu. CA 92626. Copyright No news st.on.a, 1llu1tratlons, editortal matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permlulon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 37 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publlaher lONYDOOEAO Editor JtJf1'f O£TTIHQ ~~( PromotioN Director News IEditora Gina Alexander. Lori AndeflOn, Paul Saltowitz, Daniel Stevena NEWSSTAFf DMpeBhanth Crime and oourta reporter, (9491574-4226 deepa.bha,.thlfllatitrHW.com Jw'8Cuegl'Mde Newport 8eedl reporter. (9491 574-4232 ju,,..~r•ndo latlmeu:om PalllClnton l'ofitk:a and environment reportet, (IM91~ paul.cllnron•1a11nw.com l.olta"-- Co1umnlat. culture reporter, (9491 &7~75 lolb hMl»f•lllrim. com .,..,..,._,._ Coeta ~ '9P0rt8f, (!M8) 574-4221 ""1~.MWrNfl•latl11HJS.oom awtlidM c..-.. Educ9tlon ~. (M.911'1 .... 288 dtnM/n&CMn1to•1e1;m. oom READERS HOTUNE (9491642-6086 Record your commehta ebout the Daily Pilot or news tips Addrna Our llddrcw 11 330 W. S.y SL, Cotta Mesa, CA 92627 Offq tlour1 are Monday • ffiday, 8:30 1.m. -6 p m. eon.cdoM It is the Pilot'• pollCY to promptly comict all onore of substance. Please call (949) 7f>4.4324 FYI The Newport~ Ma.a Delly Pilot (USPS-14'-800) II published daily. In N.wpo41 8"dl and Cotta Mela, aubecriptlona are avellable only by eublcrlblng to The Timee Orange County (IOO) 262-91'1 In,,... outalc:t. of Newport a..ch and eo.t.a ~. aubecflptlone to d'9 Deity Pilot are eveilet>M only by firet c1 ... meJI fOf $30 per month (Pl1Cet Include all lpplle&t>J. lltte Ind ioc.t t.IJIM.) POSTMASTER: S.nd lddr9N d\eogee to Tl>t N9WPOft ~ M ... D Uy Pilot, P.O ' HOW TO REACH US CltQ.lletk>n Tho Tlma Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ a111lfled 9491 &42·6878 Olepley (Mt) ~-4321 EclliotW ..... (949) &42·5880 ~(949)574-4223 tMwl ,.. (949) ~170 Spom ... (949) 660-0170 E-mail: dellypllorel•tlnHM.com Melft<>Mot ..... <>Mot (Mt) &42~1 ~fu l9491831-7128 P\ibUehed by ~ Community N4rwt •• dlvitfOt'I of the Loa Al"IQ9lee Tlmea •• tJ2002 TlrnM CH; All rlghU l"984lfved POLITICS ASIDE Following the money A t first blush, It's a bit surprising that a victory in Newport Beach's election didn't C05t more. this election. The city's top spender, Councilman Don Webb, only had to pony up $46. 750 to get elected, a veritable bargain compared to what his colleague, As reported in the Pilot on Wednesday. Tham Newport, which came out of nowhere a day after the final pre-election filing deadline. spent a whopping $40,000 of Adams. Ridgeway, Svalstad and Webb's S.J. CAHN money on a gtossy - Mayor Stew Bromberg, spent In 2000: $62.500. It's not even Councilman Guy Proc:ton $5 I ,900 from that election. It cost Councilman Guy Adams just $40,000 to defeat Greenlight -backed Rick lltylor. who spent $32,295. Councilman Tod Ridgeway, who traveled an easier reelection road t.han Webb. spent just $38,500, which is not a whole lot more than what Councilman John Hefteman spent of his awn money to become the first Greenlight-baclced candidate on the council: $30.500. Losers In 2000 and 2002 spent far more than many of this year's winners. Bern.le SYalstad. who lost to Councilman Dick Nichols. spent $59.800. 1Wo years ago. former Councilman 1bm lbolDIOn spent $52.902, while former Oty Manager Bob Wynn spent $63,886 in the race ~t Heffernan. One reason for the drop in cost might be that an 2000, Newport's election hit a record high because of the Greenlight vote on Measure Sand Measure T. ln that election, Greenlight opponents spent a whopping sno.ooo. including $427,000 from I.he Irvine Co. It's one reason that Bromberg gives for his money-raising and spending. And gjven that he would be an mcumbent the next time around, he doubts he'd have 10 raise as much. ul was running against a name [Pat Beekl .• Bromberg said. "I don't think I'd haYoe to do that again" Interestingly enough. Bromberg added that such t.aJk at this point is all "ifs~ and hypothetical.. Why? He hasn'1 decided he will run again. though he does say the job is one that he loves. He has had one offer to hold a fund-raiser for him, though. A candidate we can be Ca.irly sure will not hold a fund-raiser, Heffernan. also guessed that he wouldn't have to spend as much since he's no longer an unknown, though he is quick to throw cavears on that about redistricting and who rrught run again.st him. Like Bromberg. I lelJeman said he hasn't decided if he will run again. But if he does, he will once again not be accepting money. Heffeman's status as the one candidate who has no fund-raising ties makes his push for campaign reform all the more credible. But he also seems well aware that making changes to a system that benefits those in power (and those who work with those in power) is. at best. a steep uphill battle. •What chance Is there. really, for campaign reform in Newport Beachr he asked, pointing 10 campaign tactics such as those employed by Team Newport in . . · and it certainly seem!>, largely effective -slate mailer And there was no record of the slate until the end of January. Under Hefl'eman's Sl188e5UOn\ .for campaign reform. which include having all mailers. phono calls and other political "statements" registered with the city deit. the Team Newport tactic would have been available for all to see. That Includes residents. It includes the media Ot cenainJy would have been a big story in !he days leading up to the election). And h includes Te-dJll Newport's opponent. Greenltght: which spent only $5.300 in the final weeks of the election to helg its slate of candidates. Undoubtedly. bad Greenhght • leaders known that a collecuve 540.000 campaign punch W<ll> on the way. they would have spent their money, which -having spent $51,800 in 2002 -wa.o; not insubstantial But the group only raised $14,000 an 2002. That number might have been much higher m reaction to the Team Newpon malling. Heffernan does not i.ound convmced that his proposal for refonn is going to have any qwcl succes.\. Given such refonn's recent history in this country. 11 will take quite a groWldsweU of publ.tc oplruon to force change The tlurd candidate up for reelection ln 2004, Proctor, couldn't be reached for comment about his 2004 plans.. GREENUGHT'S HOPES A quick glance through Greenligbr's campaign statements suggest t.h1s t.hi.nhng on the part of the city's slow-growthers (or controUed-growthers. whJch II prefers): It was banJdng on Tuytor 10 have the best chance of victory The committee gave bis campaign S 1,4 70 in the final weeks of the campaign. The next biggest hope ~ Allan Beek. to whom it gave Si.085. Nichols got a S62J shot, while Made:lirne Arabi.Ian received S609. A SMART STRATEGY A thought on the Team Newport strategy: That's smart. And a question on it While it was legal. would you rather have known that concerted pending was going on? WHO SUPPORTS BIU7 Next week: A look at C.OSta Mesa and school district money. And an answer to this question: Who gave P!anning CommissJoner BID~ $7,7501 • S.J. CAHN 11 the managing editor He ca.n be reactied at 19491 574-4233 or by &-mail at s.j.cahn latifTlflS.com . SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Today i1 yet another repeat of every other day thl1 weetc, but we may aee aome precipitation by Friday afternoon. Hlgha will be about 68 In Costa Men today, while Newport enjoys mJd-eo.. Lows will be d\llty, •bout .a deg ...... Hidey will start off pertty doodv, but win there'll be • affght chenoe of rain by lett afternoon. Rein look.I m ore llkefy Saturday. lnfomwdon: www.nws.noe..(JOV BOATING FORECAST The wtnda will btow . hght 10 tnocs In the lnnw Mt.en today, with 2.foot w.vea and 1 WMt .watt of 3 fMt. Out ""1her, 1he wlndt will blow thetr typlcel 10 to 16 tcnoc., with 2-foot WINtl •nd 1 ,,.,... ... of 4' '°. fMl Tonight. tt. fWltl wfl buld about • toot. SURF TM letest swell arrivea today, bringing ua soma dlelt- to shoulder-high energy. By Fric:h1y, we should ... some heed..tilgt\9, though standout epou ere bound to 04't tome OV8fheada. The lete 8ft9rnoon e.ta look to be the belt. Saturday will produce eom• head-hight In the morning, but It'll taper off In the afternoon. w.111 probabfy ... an lnctUM • Mond.y. w.......-v: WWW.IU~OfP TIDES l1rM &10 1.m. n i48a.m 8:12 p.m. 12:68a.m. ~ tl1fMtloW 3.75 '-Ngh 1.08 feet loW 4.14feithagh WATER TEMPERA1VRE eodegt .. .....------~~~ . .-=-.--~. ----• batly ~tlot lhur~ddy, February 6, 2003 A3 Mayor wants Marinapark info pllblic Grounds ready for Performing Arts Center expansion City Council to vote on subcommittee that would study how to oversee luxury resorf s approval, keep residents in the loop. trigger a Greenllght vote depend-cay of the Balboa· Peninsula and ing on specifics of the hoteJ plan. transform the area into an up- A voter-initiated ballot would scale neighborhood. Critics of the sidestep the requirement to pro-project say it will hun the charcte· duce environmental reports. ter of the peninsula, drawing out- Bromberg thinks that it's impor-siders. blocldng access to the bay tant to produce reports. Council and unfairly ousting residents of members could lilcely add that the mobile home park there. June Casagrande Daily Pilot NhWPORT BEACH -Voters may get the final say on wh~ther a luxury re~ort is built at Marina- park, but no matter how the project proceeds, council mem- bers want to make sure that the public is fully informed. At the request of Mayor Steve Btomberg, council members on Tueo;day will vote whether to cre- ate a council subcommittee to consider all the ways the city can oversee the approval process. "The whole idea of the ad hor committee is to just sit doWll and round·table this." Bromberg said. "We need lo look ar how we're going to go about Lhe proc- ess." Several scenario$ could land the 110-room luxury reson proj- ect on a balloL, City Atty. Bob Burnham said. The counciJ or any voter couJd initiate putling ii on a ballot The project could aLc;o requirement. Preliminary uaffic reports sug- "We dpn't want a situation gest that the resort would not where, if it got approved, years add a significant number of car down me road people would be trips 10 the area saying they weren't fully in-"I'm not afraid for this to go to formed: Bromberg said. the balloL," said Stephen Suther- Tht! project by Sutherland "Pd.Ila land, presiden t of Sutherland Hospitality has 'been popular with Talia Hospitality. "I welcome a majority of council memben> that. I'm confident that residents and many residents, who believe will see the positives of this proj- that it could reve~ the slow de--eel and they will approve it.· Kick-off for major expansion to Orange County center is set for 'tonight. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot FYI ~WHAT: Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall groundbreaking • WHEN: 4 p.m. Thursday • WHERE: Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa •INFORMATION: (714) 556-2122 Cell phone antenna is nothing unus~al COSTA MESA -!'he power of lhe city':; dyna.sty family, giant bulldozer:> and pyrotechnic explosives will combine thts evening for a truJy earth-shattering ex· perience when lhe Orange County Performing Art.s Center break!. ground on a $200-million expansion. lounge. rehear-.al rooms. Jre'>!>111g room ... a mu:.1c Ii brary. a rel>taurant. dil ad JU'>tablc acou<.llcal tanopy and adju'>table rt>verht.>rdt1on chambn!>, all endos('d w11hin a glass curtain t-X· tl'nor Work at Community Church Congregational is not uncommon in Newport Beach , where many structures hide the reception towers. residential land," Kiff said. "We can regulate it. but we can't prohibit iL" The Federal Communications Commission sets the rule!> for ceUular antennru>, he ::.aid. June Casagrande Daily Ptlot LORONA l>FI MAR -City I fall ha:-. been fielding phone raJJ<, from a handful of re!>idents rnncemed about work to inMalJ a cell phone antenna at Commu- 111ty Church Congregational. "We've gotten :.omc calls from neighbor.., '><lying. 'My gosh. I low BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Fi rst Costa Mesa police officer will speak I .rime in Co'ila Me..,;1 has al- way., been a touchy subject. \urne people like to think of vec;tervear and w1~h i:urrent sta t 1-.tics rcllccted simpler days 1 Hher ... '>et how far law enforce ment ha., rome 111 the past dec- ade-. with the help of technolo~­ cal .idvanc:ernento;. lhc· authoritative voice on po- licin~ the cily will speak at the 11.'h I :1 meeting of the Orange < ounty H11>1orical Society. Roger Neth.< .o'ita Mesa·~ ftrsl police of- ficer, who later became chief, \i.,'lll relate hi!> experiences of 36 vear.., un the force I le \"till 1ell tale<, abou1 the· big ----------- YOUR DENfAL HEALTH by Deedrcea Rieb, 0 .0 .S. DRUG-FREE MIGRAINE SOUJTION o\ JrUJ!( II<(' l'<'Jto>('m lnr nugr•m' •nJ ICO\IUO ..... .i • .i, .. , hJ\ Ot<n rcu.-mh •Pl'""cd h, ii>< I t )'\ I hi\ lft'~lmenr 1A 1ldl\cr11.I ''"" Ill Jrnu•I\ Ir\ ._;ill«J c.h~ '11 11·11\lun \upprc••111n \~\fem C 11111"1 ,,.~1, li.-c ,huv.n th•r l!!"'n nf m1gu1nc '"llrrn• uh1C\'rJ J --... rrJuu111n 111 m1i;rArnc nclll\ h1 pwilc" IHI. •nJ •Hurcl•hlc If vou npcri< n.t· 1111gr•1nr 111 1~n>1t1n hcAJ•,hc• Anti haH nm vet founJ n-ltd. even 11 vuu h••c httn mrdll.ill} dt~gno'l<'<l w11h m1i;r.uncs. then '"" '" Jbour 1h1> e~u11ng Ol'W broluhrough. Ynu m~r uJI u1 •I t!)4•J) (,..0-""80 •n<l ,,k /or I kbht( qr l>r kl<h We Arc luucc,I Al 1441 A\Ciudo A•-c., \uuc 'ill/I, N'""'pon !k-.ll.h - can you let thi:. happen?'" New port Beach A&.istant City Man- ager Dave Kill said. Actually. he '><lid, many churche-; and other. busine!>se.., in the ci1y already have cell phone antc11nru. built 11110 their c;tructwes. "The city doesn't have the right to say whether someone can put a ccU antenna on commercial. non· crime :.torie-. of the dav. ••'> well as share the partu:ular-. of IC'>'>l'r- known incid1·nce:-.. I le will 'peak at 7:JO p.m. h·b. IJ at Kid'>eum of the Bower. MU· <,eum. on the torrwr of I Hth and Mam street~ in "ianla Ana For information. pb1'>C call (/I 'I ) 9~3-7009. Adnw ..... tcm and park- ing are free, and refre.,hmenl'> wiU be providt•d. Vitamins can enhance insulin. ~tudy ~ay\ A 'itudy hy UC In tne\ < .lltlt'~e Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ' •••Quality Service• .. •••Ni d Eotenainmeot" •• 17th St. 'Ifie LalJjest, :finest, :r riendliest 'Beauty Supply & :J uf[ Service Salon Jn Orange County NEW ARRlvALS OF Slrarhabk Pmonaliqt/ Bractkts Commwuty Owrch Congrega· tionaJ got i~ permjt for installing Lhe cellular equ1pmen1 before the city's telecommumcation::. ordinance wru. in plac..t'. which I'> why neighbor, have 1101 reteived notice that work would begin. Hcv. Chip Fi'>hcr a ...... ured neighbors that the work would not change lhe look of the church at 611 t lcliotrope Ave. of Medicine found that anti- oxidant '>upplemelll'>, parucu· larly v11amim C and I_ enhance tn.,ulin'~ abilny to rl·dure blood '>ugar. as well a'> lower n!>k<. of organ damage lrom tn'>ulin trea1rnen1s. I he '>ludy. condm·ted by pro- ll''>'><ll of m edicine Nick V;v1ri. found 1hat untrealt.'d diahcic~ rai .. ed blood pre!>.,un· and pro· duLed 'mnrt· damaging mud11- 1r1g a~en1c,, called fret' ruJical~. by to11vert1ng o;ugar., and pro tetn'> into harmful clwm1ec11 .... \Vltile the '>tudy. \\h1ch ha5 r---------, !20%! I OFF ~ I I lJdudH Tony • TIN.~ Ilene I ~ • ~iii (Me Products. Not 9ood I with .ny ~ offtr. or,. i1tm. I I ...... m. .............. c.., ¥619-Gaf -I "-" 7 oay. I L-..! ':'>.,!. ~i.:.! ~ :_ _ ~ E. 17~ St. Best Prices -Best Service - Be$t Selection Clean, Comlortllble, Uncrowded More Peraonal Attention to Our Membera • $$ml-Private for Men & Women • Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • Pllates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full l'lme Personal Trainers • Chlld Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Parking · • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch classes Step, Power Pump, Cardio • ShOwera, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • snap.Up Hair Care Acuponcture/Acupfeaaure Wellness Clin~ I "We are monitoring to make sure that everything will look the same: Fisher said. Fisher would not say how much the church was being paid to house the cellular antenna. but such arrangements can mean tens of thousands of dol- lars a year in revenue, dependmg on location and other factors. For example. Cmgular Wire· less last year offered the city $40,000 a year to install an an· tenna on city property at the intersection of Coa .. 1 Jijghway and Supenor Avenue onJy used rats . ~emed w have lowered high blood presswe and protected, to a degree. the ::.ugar~ and protems from asi.ault. 1t aho seemed to call$e a new problem that caused tissue damage. Diabetes affects nearly 17 million Americans. Since lhe predominant form of 1rea1ment i!. insulin. which can eventually lead to various complications. the results of the 'itudy may be helpfuJ in pre- ven11ng organ damage related to tht.> dbease. [!]~Dunn-Well 1820 MomMa Ave Costa Mesa. CA 9'JfJ27 Cwpels & ~.-y ::;1 ~ ~ Robert Dunn Waler 01wn1pe ~ Tel: 949.&48.9373 Carpet~ 714.54&.3434 -··~ 1110.. Sial9'5 Thousands of people are expected to anend the groundbreaking for the Re- nee and Henry ~gero;trom Concert Hall. wluch is lhc ftrst major expaw.ion of the center since 1986. Carl SI ()air, the ac· claimed muc;1c director ot the PaciJir Symphony. will conduct giant bulldozers in artistic and organll(·d de· struclion. while a backdrop of fireworks accentuatt-'> the celebraoon The new 2.000-'>eat l 1111 I ert hall and 500-'>eat mu\JC 1hea1er will cover 260.000 -.quare fee t and fearure a mullilevel grand lobby ~pace, a priva1e donor Center official., haVt' cit· '>( nhed the renov-.ited ..u1., area ll'> a meeting of the I.In toln < .entt'r. < .ameg1e Hall. the Meuopolita.n Mu!>eum 111 An and Broadway, all JUM dcroc;-. the c;treet from each 01her. City leader~ haw· het-n ant1upating the proiett and the art'> d1c;tnct 11 would 1 fl• ate Lounulwornan l.ibby Co- wan ..aid 1ha1 .,he will be u11 able to event the ground breaking. but lhat -.he I!> e~ 1.llt·d a1 the pro.;pect of tl w lll'W cenler. I v.alked the area ttw 111her day dlld II JU't fi1o; ..,, v.l'll v.11h tht· wholt' effort there to create a pl'dl:''>tnan fm•ndlv. cohe<..1H· art' pla;:a, c owan -.aid Fibromyalgia? "Free Repon RcveaJs The Shocking Truth About the "su~t" Treatment Your Doctor Probably Dot>nr't Know ... And Likely Hopes You Nnier Learn •.. " COSTA MFSA -A nt-v. free rcpun h;a.s rc(ently hctn rdc.1\CJ rho11 r~V< ,1, the: "untold ,rory behind fihromnlg1a pain f1bmnw.1l~1.i m1..d1.1gn<"I' and m1stre:11mt111 '' r~mp.1111 .inJ l~cL. 10 Lountlto\' rc-1n ut unm·u .,.1r1 ,uffenng. Thts frc:c: rcpurt rcvals .i na1ur.l! prut.ctlurt rha1 " g1 .. ni: fibmmvalg12 ~uffcrc:n 1hc11 'lives b.ick" -wuh "mrraculnU\ rc~uh' lur m21ly. If you suffer from fibromvalgu vou ne"I rh1\ nn B '\ no "g1mmr<..ks. frc:c report that IS g1v1nf hope In fibrumv;ilg1• >UAcrcr' t-Vt rvwhcrc 1-w your free copy. call tol &cc 1-800-897-7418, 24 hr. recorded message. The 23rd ~nnual ~~~ ~ &,z,v@- INTE.RNATIONAL /sHoW ~SALE 1.\l South c Oc\:-t r'L,::~1 February 6th-9th 2 003 SHOW SCHEDULE. Thursd.ay, Ftbru.\ry oth ro .a.m. -9 p.m. Friday, f,bru.\ry '7th 10 a.m. -9 p.m. Saturday, f tbru.ary &h 10 .a.m. -8 p.m. Sund.ar, f,bru.vy 9th If a.m. -o:3o p.m. Sponsond by the Orange County Br.anch ( ymb1dium octrty J Amuic~ t~is praniu show is the Lugut orchid show in the ~mon .. nJ rattd among tlw top orchid shows in tlw worfd. lhu yc.•.r's show win fcr.Atur« tNa 6o o( tlw world', most rtnown«d orchid vaJOf'l, cxqwsit< orchid dtspl.ys, .nd infonMtivt M:mtnus. An outst...Jing ,.lcc:tion J uniq&a otehKh witl bt •vail..b1c for purch.. Just in time r« V..ftnn,.'s Dar· Ad.niJtion and plltkins ..,. rf'tt. 1\. f-..-.1~ • ...,,. So..-'C-"-c-.. a...v~·. H-s-w .. L.S....s...A -o-.C-M-. f._.....__ ... .i ........... _ l u - ----------------------------~----""-=------------------~-~~ ... •• .. r I ' . . ~ • i } i I ~ ' . .. i I ; I M Thursday, Februacy 6, 2003 MUSIC Cootinued from Al choreogiaphed, performed and run by the students tbemseJves. "This year's show combines technique and talent and its execution for the audience to watch,• said Jenn Hanley, lhe company's pre$ldent "It shows off the teChnique and shows that there's meaning behind It• While all of the 24 dancers in the company must have a dance background, they must also participate ln dance classes outside of their already demanding scholastic dancing career. As a result, the students must work hard to budget their time to fulfill their academic responsibilities and their extracurricular ones. "It brings the group together as a whole,• said Hanley, who has been in the company for the last four years. "It brings us together as a group, not just as dancers, but as friends. It's challenging ... but it's worth it." To them, the company is more than a dance team. ·11 really is a dance production," said Nicole Smith, an advisor for four years and fonner dancer with the company. ff nne showl is like being at a basketball game ... it's much more like a sporting event" One goal is to get audience FYI Tickets for Corona del Mar High'• Dance Co. performance are $8 In advance and $S at the door. Information: (949) 615-6000. members to adopt an interactive roJe in the production. Consisting of a wide variety or dance forms including Jazz. ballet. hip-hop and the popular "boys" number that Ceatures some of the senior boys' dance talents, this year's perfonnanee wilfalso include video cllps and thematic performances that the dancers hope will reveal a · deeper level of dance. "I'm always amazed .. '. at how the level of talent has gone up dramatically,• said Paula Burton, who has served as an advisor for the past six years. "They've just done a great job.• And now, all the hard work the s tudents have put in, from lighting and costume design to dancing and choreographing. will culminate in a three-night production. the company's primary focus. "It's exciting.• Hanley said. "Its a mixture of emotion. It all amounts to this, and it's a very overwhelming feeling. H • CHRISTINE CARRIUO covers education and may be reached at (949) 5]4-4268 or by e-mail at christine.ca"illo@lstimes.com. Help keep our city clean! "The AM; of Making Pizza11 WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5-9 PM ~~ L300~~=~:i~~~i:m 848.723.0707 Ml.875.4100 Ml.715.1117 FAX 848.723.5147 FAX Ml.875.2218 . FAX Ml.715.1111 -----------1 $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I I . -GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREEi I COUPON NOl VIU.00 WITI-1 AN" On-ER OFFEA/SPeOAL F>APT'IOPATING STORES I ONc..V LIMIT ONE CCUF10N PER OAOER SAi.ES TAX MAV APPl.V MuST MENTION co..iPCJN AT TIME OF OAOER • couP0N EXF'IRES FEBRUAAY 141, ao:l3 .. ------------- n E ~ M R H F ebr••r, 8 th THREATS Cootinued from Al the article, referring to the de- capitated woman. Tuwn.send faces three counts of making a criminal threat and one misdemeanor count of in- terfering with an officer's duties -one he racked up when he tore his booking form as he tried to snatch it from the officer's hand, Amonnlno said. Tuwn- send has pleaded not guilty to all charges and is being held in Men's Central Jail ln Santa Ana without ball. He Is stheduled to appear for a pretrial hearing Feb. 13. Townsend's mother, Diana Townsend, said her son is ill and needs medical attention. "My son is not a criminal," she said. "He has never been a crimi- nal. He has a mental illness.• She said her son was in the hospital for a year and a half af- ter the traumatic car accident He was in a coma for a little over a week and, as a result of his brain injuries, had to relearn everything from walk:ing and tailing to feeding himself. He also suffered other internal inju- ries -a ruptured liver and col- lapsed lung, Townsend said. "I'm not justifying his actions," she said. "But Danny never really recovered from bis injuries. He ASSAULTED Continued from Al p.m. when a man with a hand- gun approached her from be- hind and assaulted her, Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman said. The man f}ed by the time po· lice arrived, he said. The alleged attacker is de· scribed as a man probably in his early 30s, about 5 feet. l O inches tall and 165 pounds, with curly brown hair and wearing jeans and a T-shirt "He has been seen in the area before, according to some of the people we've talked to,· Shul- man said. "But this is the first in- cident of this nature we've heard about in this area in the recent past." Employees in neighboring of- ATURDAY ACTIVITIES llAM -3PM . Kid's Crafts • Face Painting •Live Music: The Rockit Scientists will be performing hits fro m the SO's & 603 AMAOCU~ ')Pt\ 10% off all salon services and 20%-50% off selected flrodu cts. 718-9588 ARMOIRF Sole m;ercltondise now up to 70% off. 644-9888 BABY UN l(}!Jf Selected items up to 50% off. 759-4222 LHI CO' Taie a11 additional 20% off alread1 red11ced •erclt°"dis1. 219-99'0 MARMI 10% off everytlti11t ;,. 11., store. 721-1325 MOfflNI SO% off J,a,uJ/Ja11a11tJ1lto11. 721-0111 NLW BAIANC I S11•11a,.tl11/ tli1c0Hu °'' llotlt .. " ·, aruJ l&IOMeff'I 11'011. 720·1602 PfFT'S COFfrr & 1 rA Dl1co"""" ,rlc11 "' 11ucted Mercl.ntllu. 640-6317 ~UBl IE TONES Selected ,,,.rclta11dise f>riced as /orv as SS. S 10. SIS, $20 a11d $25. 640-2781 WAfERWORKS Red"ced flP'iC11 on selected m1rcltan- dis1 tltroutl.oul tlte 1tore. 717-6525 Other flulici1>ali11t r.tailers ;,,c/"de; DIANf \ WIMWf AR 759-6880 ITALIANO HOM[ HOR£ 610-2458 COROIR DEL HRH PLRZR ,acltlc Couc Hltllwa,. • • 1'1acAttllvr lovluartl SHOrTH(lllVINlCOMPANYCOM FlLE PHOTO I DAILY Pa.or Daniel Townsend, seen here in 1997, was arrested Sunday on suspicion of making threats against county Sheriff Mike Carona. still goes to a psychiatrist, but after spending 4~ months in a bas a difficult time with his coma and is still feeling the ef- meds. That's probably why it all fects or her brain injUries from blew up." the crash, said she is "sorry to Townsend said she hopes Caro-hear about Danny." na will understand "Danny's con-Her mother, Ouis Maese. said ditioo and his needs" and be "f'a.ir she is "surprised" and just" in dealing with her son. "I don't know what has gotten Amormino said the Sheriff's him to this point: she said. "But department takes threats "very I hope and pray he's going to be seriously." 0 K." "We will certainly have him evaluated," he said. "But his men· • OEEPA BHARATli covers public tal illness doesn't diminish the safety and courts. She may be threat at all. He. threatened both a reactled at (949) 574-4226 or by public official and private citi.7,.en." e-mail at Amanda Arthur, who woke up deepa.bhararh@latimes.com. fice buildings expressed concern on hearing news of the assauh. Jocelyn DeJaney, who works in a doctor's office nearby. said i.he believed the area was "relatively very low crime.· "I'm shocked becau'>e I never expected anything Like this to happen here," she said. ·we work late hours in our office, and most of us are women. I'm reaUy concerned.· Delaney said she and her col- leagues have never thought twice about going to the parldng lot by themselves after working hours. "But it's going to be different from now on,· she said. There is also widespread fear in the area because the at1acker is still at large, said Edie Pool, who works with a lobbyist across the slreet from the build- ing. "Our managers are making us MARCH Continued from Al speech and their choice to use the campus as a platfonn to ex- p~ their opinions. "It affects everyone. It affects every single person, H said senior Q Bao Ngyen, who incited the "War on Iraq, not in our name" chant and led an enthusiastic march through an administra- tion building on campus. "We're trying to bring students to- gether and create dJaJogue on campus. We do not support our government on this ... and our university can't censor our dis- sent." Even those students that dis- agree with the sentiment being expressed appreciate their right to do so. "It's their right to protest ... and it's fine as long as they don't impede my education,· said sen- ior Mike lh.lex. who supports the possibility or a war on Iraq. "For leave earlier than we used to,· she said. "We had a girl today who wanted to work late today to make up some hours, but our manager told her she had to leave early.· Shulman said area employees. especially women, must remain on guard. "They should work in teaIT\5 and need to know who is author- ized to work in their building." he said. "They should also be more watchfuJ about who they let into the building and prop· ping doors open.· Anyone with information about Tuesday night's incident is asked to call Newpon Beach Po- lice detectives at (949) 644-3790. • DEEPA BHARATli covers public safety and courts. She may be reached 111 (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharsth ta latimes.com 'We do not support our government on this ... and our university can't censor our dissent.' QBaoNoen UCI student protester the last 12 years, Iraq has defied U.N. resolutions. ln not comply- ing. !Saddam Hussein ) is obvi· ously accruing weapons of mass destruction. It's just gotten out of hand." Although groups of students gathered 10 show their suppon against a war on Iraq, many oth- ers. who refused to take a stance either way, decided to waJk on by and spend their time away from class listening to the music of a band performjng just feet away. • CHRISTINE CARRJUO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at dlristine.ca"illo@/stimes com OBITUARY PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Costa Mesa bank robbed at gunpoint An anned robber got away with an undis- closed amount of money from the California Feq- eral Bank branch ln Costa Mesa on Wednesday afternoon, police said. The man entered the baolc branch in the 2700 block of Harbor BouJe· vard at aboul 2 p.m. and demanded money from a teller, Costa Mesa Police U. Dale Birney said. ·we know he had a handgun." he said. "But we don't know if he ju.!>t had it or pointed it. H The man then got out the door and was l~t ~en driving away in a "darlc color foreign car" north on Peterson Place. Birney said. No one wa.-. hun during the heist. Witnesses del>Cribed the aUei,'Cd robber as a man with an "athlcnt build.· about 5 feet 9 inches 'tall, about I HO pounds and wearing a wWte baseball cap and a ~gray T-shin. Birney said. The lMlJ11e branch wa ... robbed twice in 200 I - once over the Thanksgiv mg holiday week.end. when two men made off with more than SB,200, and on April 30. when a robber Oed with an un dJM:lo..ed .!>urn. Those with mformauon about Wednesday'!> rob bery are a.<.lccd to call tht> (..ol>ta Mesa Police Depan ment .u {714) 754 5255 POLIC E FIL ES COSTA MESA • Artington Drive: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 1000 blod! at 8:39 a.m. Tuesday. • Golf CourM Drive end Met.a V9fde Drive Eut: A vehicle burglary was reported at 4:08 p.m Tuesday. • rMwport Boulevard: PosS8SSlon of drugs was reported m the 1600 blodc at 5:08 a.m. Tuesday. • Ofange Avenue; A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2500 bl<><* at 2:21 a.m. Tuesday. • Pleeentie AV9nUe: Vandalism was reported in the 2200 blod! at 12:28 p. Tuesday. ;Viole Ptec.: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 1800 blod! at 9:46 a.m. Tuesday. • West Wilson StFMt Vandalism was reported m the 600 blod! at 7:50 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Coast Highw.y: Battery was reported In the 700 blod! at 7:31 p.m. Tuesday. • Hoeg Drive: A hit-and-run misdemeanor was reported in the 100 blodc at 3:57 p.m. Tueeday . • Newport c.nw Drive West: Petty theft was reported in the 700 blodc at 8:55 p.m. Tuesday. • Weetport: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 100 blodc at 7:21 p.m. Tuesday . • 22nd Street end w..t Belboa Bout.v.rd: Loud music was reported at 7:20 p.m. Tuesday. NEWCOMB -Renfro "Ren" ~ "Aln" N9woomb (78). • rul nt•t• brokw from Corona dlt -· Piiied .._ oO Februa~ 3, 2003. Ren It -.ntv9d by Ne wtt., a.rt.a F. Newoombi i on, Scott A• N9Woomb; dmught«, o.M,;. ~ ftV9 ptdcNcftn end bruhr: Lynn ,.._comb, A memoil.t .... wit be held .. 11 :00 e.m. on Fftdlty. F*'-Y =st~ be medt In Ren .. """*' toe Paid! .. ,._ Re1ouroe =~~~~ 1221CM1. fl77) 771-4t 11. .Qally Piiot Industrial vacancies go up in ~ewport-Mesa Costa Mesa properties record a 5.23% vacancy rate. Newport Beach is doing a little better. Paul Clinton Dally Pilot NEWPORT-MESA Jn. dustrial properties ln the area are losing tenants faster than they can replace them, mirroring a deterio- rating leasing market throughout the Southland. experts said. The amount of unleased space Is rising, rents are dropping. and there's no improvement In sight, said Mike Hefner, a senior vice president at Volt Commer- cial. "Vacancies are rising," Hefner said. "!The sJtuatlon Isl not getting better: Costa Mesa lost 131.176 square feet of Industrial space in 2002, reducing the city's Inventory to 10.9 mll- llon square feet. or that space, about 7.16% ls now vacant, Hefner said. For the first time In a dec- ade, the city -and the broader Orange County market -experienced a phenomenon known as a "negative absorption rate," ln which the area lost more square footage than was added. In Newport Beach, an area that doesn't have much industrial square foo~ge, landlords added 35,442 square feet to the city's landscape in 2002. The city now counts about 2.3 mil- lion square feet of space in Industrial inventory. About 3.25% of that was vacant at the end Qf 2002. The fourth quarter of 2002 was particularly tough on Newport-Mesa, Hefner . said. Costa Mesa saw a nega- tive 19,020-square-foot quarter, and Newport Beach lost 14,973 square feet, Hefner said. Newport-Mesa has some type of vacancy In 201 ln- dustrlaJ buildings. In Costa Mesa, there are 6.36 million square feet of leasable space. Of that, 332,950 square feet are vacant, leav- ing the area with a 5.23% overall vacancy as of Wednesday. In Newport Beach, 20 buildings have a vacancy. During the first part of 2003, tenants filled 14,973 square feet of space, bringing the city back to zero-vacancy status. While the lease market Is struggling, Hefner said prices for custom-built In· dustrlaJ facilities are going higher. These buildings. made to order for compa- nies, have strengthened Orange County's commer- cial real estate market, the real estate broker said. CURVE Continued from Al overseas early in 1945, I was given a week to travel from Atlanta. Geo •• where I completed my O.lght training in a new airaaft. to San Francisco. So I bundled my wife and infant son into an ancient Studebaker and took off. We had been preceded there by a pilot friend who had found a rental aparunent for his family in a ci!Y where they were hard to come by. He had already shipped out, but we were invited. to Share the apartment with his wife while we loo~ for a place of our own. That search was going badly when l had to check in with the Navy for transportation overseas. There, I met up with a close friend from my own squadron. We schmoozed with the WAVE who handled our papers and asked lf she would ship us out togethel. She said she would tty. • We had to leave a phone number where we were told to stand by every day from 11 o'clock until noon. If we weren't called, we were free for another 24 hours. So that became our life. Stress and uncertainty Wltil noon, and then, when there was no call, my wife and I would improvise a bed In the car for our son and go looking fo r a place for her to live while I was gone. We grabbed our lime together in 24-hour cycles, and"aS the days drifted by, my friend called to tell me he had his orders and to ask lf I had mine. Then he was gone, and It slowly became clear that the rest of the squadron was probably gone, too. In this peculiar vacuum, we finally found a house to rent and moved Into It I continued to return to the old apartment to monitor the phone each morning. but no call came. After ThisWeek@UCI Athletics Feb. 8 Men's Basketball vs. Cal State Fulkrton. 7:05 p.m., Bren Events Center. SS-$12 Feb. 12 Women's Water Polo vs. UCLA. 4 p.m., Crawford Pool. $3-SS Feb. 12 Men's Volleyball vs. USC. 7 p.m., Crawford Hall. $3-$5 Arts Feb. 6 African Amerlc.an Studies and Film & Video Center. The "LA. School" Festival: , Explorations of African American Artistic Creario,1. Filmmakers discuss their works. 7:30 p.m., Humanities Instructional Building, Room 100. $3-SS Feb. 7 & 8 UCI Symphony Orchestra. 19th-and 20th- Century Masterpi«es. With Stephen Tucker, . conductor. 8 p.m., Qaitt 1\-cvor Theatre. $8-$12 Presentations Feb. 10 Humanities Researth lnstltut.. Law and lts Ltgacin. With Adjoa Aiyctoro. N'COBRA; Angda Harris, UC Berkeley; and Jeanne Woods, Loyola Law School, New Orleans. 2-5 p.m., Administration Building, Room 338 .. Frtt. Feb. 12 Unlvenlty Club Forum. Tc"orism: If It Strikes, Wh11r Do You Dor With Terry Schmidt, San Diego Statt Univenity and UCSD. 11:30 a.m., Univer;tity Club. $7.50 dtrc!e weeks of this drlll. two things became dear. Somewhere, somehow the system had screwed up. And because r apparently no longer existed in their ieoords, J wasn't being paid. Money was getting very tight That's when I went in and asked what was happening. I've often wondered since how long this might have played out before they ~nt the Marines after me. At any rate, when J appeared, they d1scovered that our WAVE had stapled my friend's · transportation card on top of mine and filed It So I was oftldally gone. This agitated the Navy officer in chargesu.flidently that he put me on the Quickest possible transportation -which meant that night on the Pan AmeriC'cUl Oipper. There were some emotional advantages in this abruptness. When I got home, we didn't have time to deal with the finality of what was happening, only to pack hurriedly before my wife put the baby in the car and drove me to the Pan American office ln downtown San Francisco. We said goodbye in the car. I stood at the curb and watched my wife and son drive away. The Pan American Qipper Wclb the Queen Mary of alr travel. The Navy used it for sending dignitaries a high-ranking military to combat areas. It was some measure of their sense of urgency to get me on my way that they put a Navy lieutenant ID this company. It was also clear. that when a U.S. senator was a late addition to the Oight, l was the logical passenger to be bµmped. And I was. They booked me'on the next Oipper flight the next morning and offered me a hotel room. I walked the streell> for a half-hour trying to decide whether I wanted to go through the agony -and put my wife through it - of parting again. Then I made the phone call; I didn't ha~e the strength not to do it. I've never regrened that jict, although we were emotionally exhausted when she dropped me off onte again the next morning. This time I got off -with a load of admirals, generals and congressmen. I had no interest in socializing with tlus crowd, but I didn't have my wits about me when an admlral stuclc his head through the curtains of my bunk. and asked If I played poker. I said I did, and he virtually ordered me to fill our a game heavy with brass. My only intere&t was to lor.e what 1 had and get out, so I took outrageous chances and won. And won. I had !teVeral hundred dollars by the time we got to Oahu and was cenru.n the admiral would have me sent out to the worst duty post m the Pacific. Thursday, February G, 2003 A5 FortunateJy, tl\at dido't happen. I came home nine months later with the war won. eager to return to civil.Ian life with my family. an ending which I devoutly hope ·will happen to all of the men and women saying goodbyes ln this . current national crillis. When it Is over, they will have their own stories. as I do. The stones will change with each family's experience, but the feelings that surround those stories will be formed from the same common doth. A deep-down fear of loss that has to be buried beneath a surge of cenainty that it is only temporary. The shock of going so suddenly from the sure and . secure to a doubtful and dangerous unknown. The sudden recognition of all the ~ that should have been done and said and haven't And all this mixed inexplicably with an exhilaration of going about a dlsta!teful job that holds out the promise of adventure before reality sets in. And when it is all done, the memones -some. perhaps, bmersweet -can be harvested and embraced. especially the memones of partings that can be brought up instantly as we empathize with fellow humaru now going through this same agonwng experience. • JOSEPH N. BEU. 11 a resident of Santa Ana He1ghta. H11 column appears Thursdays. ---- ----------------~ MATTRESS OUTLET STORE "Bttur Sleep Through Science. " Get the Best tor Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT . 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Ont· lll0< Ii 5-nuth of 40S Fwy ~ = ~~~..:~• (7141 545-7168 ~ ~ .. ' .. ' !r I ! 'I r ~ . .. . .. .. ;; l • ' 1 l I ~ ' . i ' I ! I i " i -. I ; l I : I t . ·-. . ··~-, -. M Tlusday, February 6, 2003 ON VACATION Daily Piiot . . Greg and Shirley Reinker, Suzie Kramp and dad Dave ~amp rode' bikes 100 miles fr~ Newport Scott and Kathryn Felder of Newport Beach at the Rock and RoU Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland. Beach to San Diego to raise money for multiple sclerosis on the MSl 50 Bay to Bay nde. Davinda Wegamanae, Ryan Eichenmuiler and Michael and Barbara Barnett of Costa Mesa visited the London Bridge at Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Jean and Bill Wenke of Newport Beach visiting their son's family at North Pole, Alaska .. CRYSTAL PRO MENADE .. FAST COAST lilvlfWAY &. CRYSTAL COVE HAI f 81A\H • A THE IWWE a:JllPtW( WAETMLWllE!S ........ ,_ STORES NOW OPEN WTAURANTS& CASUAL DINING ~ .......... . Bil and Doris Garvin of Costa Mesa visited mends on the islands of Kauai. Maui and Hawaii. MARRIOTT'S N~ORTJ:OAST VILLAS _, 8,; fT<H' 9fU. QlJqy/ fTor ,C/{ln, Sweeten the skin and brighten Enjoy the beauty and your spirit with a Jamu Bath relaxation of calming waters and Massage (90 minuta) with a I hour Cabana Massage s 105.00 ($45.00 Sningal) s75.oo ($20.00 Sniapl) ~ SPA GIFT CEIITTFICATES AVAILABLE FOR ALL PACKAGES & SERVICES For a complete list of treatment options please calJ (949) 464-6110 Spa Pacifica is located within Marriotes Newport Coast Villas at 23000 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coast 0 ,, a . ) Daily Piiot .. . FORUM -.. -··-------.- Ttiur~ay. f ebfu.sry b. 2003 A7 E-md: HOW 10 G£'!' ~ED -l.ettw8: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readers HoUin.: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) ~ 170 Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence mutt Include full name, hometown and phone number (for veriftcatlon pOrposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edrt all subm1SS1ons for damy and length. EDITORIAL Don't rush to jlldg~ theater W hether the Port • Theater in Corona del Mar constitutes a h.istoricaJ landmark is a good question. For his part, new Councilman Dick Nichols has done a lot to stir the debate With his proclamation that no t only should the old movie house not receive landmark status, it should be tom down. WeU, that's an Interesting thought, and either way, the Issue has touched off a flurry pf leners and calls. some qreeing with Nichols and others arglling for the preservation of the theater. The only voice missing so far is the owner of the Port Theater. What the owner of the Port wants to do should really be part or the discussion before the debate gets any honer, but that's not going to nop us from putting in our two cents. So here it goes: ls the Port an old and funky an theater that is a nice addition to Corona del Mar? Of course it is. But there are lots of old and funky art theaters that have gone under bulldozers. No one is the wiser, and not everyone really misses ihem. Take the old MMa Theater pn Newport Boult!vard. lf you don't know what we are talking about, that's because the Mesa no longer exists. It b nO\v the home or a thriving Borders Books and CaU. But the Mesa didn't go quietly. There was much uproar over its pending demise and some last-minute pnches to save it from the wrecking ball. But in the ent.l, progress won out, and th~ Mesa, an old, dog-eared building with a peeled-paint facade. went the way of penny arcades and drive-in theaters. Should a similar fate be met by the Port? Well, we certainly aren't prepared to say that. But we also aren't so sure that it has reached a level of historical significance. either, and that it shouJd be saved in perpetuity, especially if the owner has different plans. The Port is one of three historic buildings the city is trying to preserve as landmarks. Separately. the city has two other historic theaters, the Balboa Theater on the peninsula and the old Edward's Lido. that will m ost likely remain as historic landmarks for a long time. As one of the oldest movie houses in the county, the Lido should no doubt be spared from descruction, and the Balboa Theater is soon to be a performing arts center, which. will ensure its existence for years to come. The Port. while not without its historic value. doesn't quite meet the same criteria. So let's keep the debate going. Maybe two historic theaters are enough for Newport Beach. Maybe not No matter what. the city and the property's owner need to work together to ensure that whatever becomes of that site, it will not continue to be a vacant eyesore and will always remain compatible with the surrounding Corona del Mar village atmosphere. That should be the priority. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Greenlighters: friends or foes? By Geoffrey Davis I continue to be punJed and sometimes amused by the leners and comments made by opponents of the proposed five-star Regent Newport Beach Resort Hotel being considered for construction al l.Ae Marina Part site. Some facts thal shouJd be obvious to the voters are: I) A beach-park-onty faciUty wouJd have a net negative Impact on city revenue; 2) 1l1is sl1e is no longer designated as park and recreation: 3) The inc:reued number of 'visitors" to a park wouJd bring along with them more Utter. civil C1Jsobedjence and. on any summer weekend. conservJdvely, 600 l.() 700 -ddidonal cars. • 4) A five-star hotel with fine alnlng would attract an affluent, law-abiding visitor, many of whom would arrive by airport limo. adding only to the S>eninsula's pedestrian traffic and leavfn; nothing behind but the money they pent while ~njo)1ng l>UI dty. Having uJd this. It lx."gS the question: Why are tl•e Greenlighters so adamantly opposed to this project even before envtronmcntDJ studies bave been done? I won~ speculate on the motives of those members who kem to be eearchlng for their '15 minutes of tame.. but or this l'm certain: Much of the C>ppo&itJon " coming rrom C.Orooa de1 Mar and the east end Of the Balboa Pminlul&. Could Ch1t be an effort to coocentnte the ""'9ttor" populatk)n on the -end or our penlnsulaf It lak8I wry knoWtedgeable or ~ bllct'l Wltllll IO Ind their MY IO 1bt Corona del Mir '-di""" It ttwy ate lommete • enough to find a place to park. The Penins ula Point beach is even more isolated, as the residents have for many years fought the addition of 1oilet facilities and/or the extension of the boardwalk to lhe Wedge. Now, you ask: "Davis, you live on the Peninsula Point Do you want this massive inttmion or 'visitors' in yow neighborhood?" I truthfully have to answer no. I feel we have done enough for ow "visitors" and it's time to do something for ourselves. In the past eight or I 0 years. you may have noticed that many young families have purchased property and built their permanent homes along the west peninsula beach. If we continue to restrict any nuisance activity to their neighborhood. the day will come when they will go to the city and demand that Corona del Mar and Penlnsula Point share equally in entertaining these "visitors.· We don'1 want to create an ·enemy" environment with the west peninsula families.. It's human nature that sooner or later they will get fed up and seek justice at the Coastal Commi.woo and ballot box. SCeve Sutherland hM convinced me that he wW be a good ,neighbor and the Regent Repon wQJ be a profitable venture both for blmsel{ and the city of Newport Beach. This small elegant boteJ and restaurant facillty concept bu proven popular In England and Prance and will add a toUCb of dua to the west end of our penlnlu1a. We~ bad many yeal'I ol regretful opericnce with tM Founb of July regWan. l~t'• &Ne Stew Ole support chit he hu IO pOtitdy ttqUetted. • .C "'81Y .,_,.Iii I Ne-...poft 8-id\ ......... MAILBAG r E P11V' DAILY PILOT During an extremely low tide at the Upper Newport Bay, Dick Newell, a volunteer at the Manne Studies Center. takes a dozen people on a bird and wildlife tour. Birds are drawn out by the rare food uncovered when the water level drops Thanks for the in-depth look at the Back Bay situation Thank you to the Dally Pilot for its excellent coverage of the Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends' ·Low TI de Rides· cruise ("A Rare Look at Life,· Friday.) About 150 volunteers are dedicated to raising awareness of. and sensitivity to preserving Upper Newport Bay. one of the few remaining estuaries in the s1a1e. Through free activities such as swnmer "Shark (.amp," regular marine life inventories on SheUma.ker Island, lectures, the restoration of native plant life and mterpreuve tours along Back Bay Drive, the group contributes more than 12.000 hours each year to educational endeavors. At a time when turmoil can seem to swround us. it is heartening to know that the public can draw knowledge. reOection and perspective from t11e resources and beauty of our local envuonmenl. CAROL STARCEVIC Newport Beach Marinapark hotel wil I be welcome addition to peninsula I was very pleased to see Ste phen Sutherland re~pond to the many un1ru1hs stated by Tom Billings regarding the proposed Regen t Hotel. Sutherland 1s working with the Amencan Legion to provide improvements lo their building and wtll also build a new Girl Scout house and community center for local residenls use. The e unprovements coupled wtth the new Regent Hotel certainly will be welcome additions to our peninsula. CHRISTINE DABBS Balboa PeninsuJa Smith, letter writer made strong points on morals I want to thank Steve Smith and Steve Gooden for speaking up. Steve Smith for the value of speaking up when we see 1nc1vili1y or tnJU'-llCe !"Family Time." '>a1urday) and Steve Gooden for \o\-nllng about the Daily Pilot's photo of a man holding a glas., wtth the bare breasted woman on 11 ("Photo lacked decency paper 'lhould uphold, .. Saturday) rhe photo subject was unneceS!tary and lacked a sen!>e of pubhc respons1b1.hty to uplift and uphold ha<,tc social and moral values I wan1 to thank the.,e men for bemg ">lrong en ough 1n their conVJcuons to speak up All 100 often I find myself nol wanung to make wave">. but actually by allowing the e 'llandard') 10 fall away. I am a part of the los\ of moral \·aJue!> in our society Wt mu .. t not be complacent, bur coura~t·ou .. ro upltfl and uphold basic '>onal ;rnd moral \alUe) CAROL LEONARD Corona del Mar Smith column ~uggests \peaking out against war I think \tt•v1• ~m1th\ tolumn from \aturday. • l.1m1ly I 111w ... on 'pealun~ up when lhe had guy win.,'' 1ust wonderful, and I think we .. hould all <;peak out aKain<,t the war I don't see any bumper 'ttt:kt'f., and I don't see any people in the <,trceb and I don't thmk wt.• "hould go lo war agatn'-t Iraq I lhinlc 11 ts a 1emble thing to go to war and I think only a weak country would choose VJolence over rea'>on JUDY Pt.EDGER Co)ta Me!>a Serious thought needed on Marinapark · future As a Newport Reach na11ve. I feel compelled lo write concernmg the Marinapark 1r;sue rom R1Jltngs is nght m stating thal the mobile home site 1s zoned for puhhc u .. e ("I lotel idea for peninsula lacks potenual for .. uccess. • Jan. 25). The mobile home p.irk was never intended to be a p ermanent fixture on the hctrbor. The land always was intended for u.-.e by the puhli<' w11h LEITER TO THE EDITOR public access to tht! water There 1~ only one park on the harbor tn Newpon 11us is located at 44th Stree1 and is. an fact, on lhe channel, not on the harbor proper A larger public park on the water wtlh an improved community center. tenm., couns. basketball court. Girl Scout hou~ and boat access could aU be incorporated into the Mannapark site and wouJd be well used. I do agree that a five-star, low-profile hotel couJd also be an tmprovement to our community, but al what cost? Beside., the Balboa Bay O ub. there 1s no other venue in Newport Beach west of the Coast I hghway bndge to hold weddings. anmversary parue . reuruon\ etc. Our summer. weekend and holiday traffic on the penmsuJa ii; bad enough 'Can you imagine the added unpact of I 00 to 200 people every Saturday or ~unday tor an event? Nol only would the road., he conge'>ted, but also there wiJJ c;urety he a huge defic11. of park.mg !>paces available for re'>ldent'> and beathgoers I fear our .-.ewer c;ystem wtll al'o take on an extra burden TI1e amount of waler used to run a deluxe hotel will surely te!>l an already dicey ..ewer system and couJd cau <.e damage 10 the already pollu1ed harbor I implore our C..tty Lounctl lo think long and hard on th1., ..,.,ue Be c;ure lhe e nviro nmental -.tud1es 1ale all lhe vanables mto cuns1derat1on Improvements are always wekome and are long overdue o n the penmsuJa We all benefit as a community from improvement!i(but lt"1's kt"ep m mind o ur lifestyle aild neighborhood atmo~phere here at the beach And. by the way, 1f lhe hotel l'i approved, let's make sure it 1s in keeping with the sty1e of Balboa (hke the Pavilion or the Cape Cod-style beach homes). Although I love Sparush architecture, which t'l the style proposed for the hotel, I do not think it 1 m .._eeping with the charm of the peninsula. HOUY sr.tlTH Nt>wport Beach S:zve the Port Theater I moved to Corona deJ Mar in 1958 at the age or 9. I didn't move on until 1972. when I graduated from college and married. In those days. the Port Theater was a major player in the dating game. and a weekend hangout for young aduJt.s wanting to see the latest film releases from Hollywood. Dan the barber used 10 cut my hair in the lower right comer of the building. That was an era when UttJe League was the biggest game in town, insttad of P\aystadon or Game Boy. Why, my clAM at_ Corona del Mar High School actually drove Fords and Chevfa instead or Bttrnen and Mercedes. There eeems to be a loud group cheertn& ror the dmilse of this baDawtd theater building. lt\ a shame they can' aympltbirJe with thote ol UI who Ind bN&ny ln hiltodc pi.. They would hive UI teilf d;il ~ dcJwn. only to be :r::: bJ _... ori8nllll NI 11'6 ~ ... poecen In .. windows, or an addJtionaJ wU1eces.sary nail salon, or another car wash that serves cappuccino while you wruL I still wash my own car on the wee._ends and frequently brew my own c."Off~. M well. l'ry it. It can be quite rewanling I live in a nice neighborhood ln Costa Mesa now. primarily becau~ these same yuppl and •0ot-commcrs· haw driven the coa tal rnl estate valu beyond au Sl'nslble le~l Thert art a number of us nan~ who till enJoy seeing sp0 like the BaJboa Theater, tho Pavlllon. tht Port Theater and ~ footbridge owr Baytld Drive when we walk the dtl we grew up In. i1lMn ~ C!'YCO a f ~ ortgf naf residtn lli1I hotcbna out. You can ~pot th by lhdr m I. qui.Int ho on W,. lo They ha n' relt tho call lO •mwmiz.e lbrlr Uvtnj ~·at lht ~of their qualky of I.Mn&· U J'O'I.,. one Of tbelD. ..... them to.,...-JO'I .,._ct.-.., tinle town CclroQil del Meir Ul9d to be. like our own Judge C.3rdner. they can be very entert.amlng. l'YP had the good fortune 10 visit the Roman <Ali.<leum. ~ walled city or Rotbeosburg, Notre Dame catbedraJ ln Paris and otMr historic of antiqult)I. bolh heft and abroad. That trtp taught ~th.at l1 isnl ~to tear. house down just b«ai It buOt nearly a dead This a mJnd«t unique to thole ~ith eilher too much money or too Ultlie mteresa in bow we .0 got to where~ are today. Old places can be grtat pl.le-. Rx al of w who care about our put. pleMI contlder tmnc Pon The9ter. n.t ~ bcMlle mote d\ah old ........... and waJlccMrinD, They hiold ~ too. fU dw.o rf ua Who~ our,_... chm. md di 91' a chlql OUI ol .... lliid .... ..,. wona.tM tM*« ...... lrJIO Ind a~ bhra. ....... . °"" . . ... 4'9,.. .. -··-----· -- Dally Pilol Al Thursday. Febtuary• 6, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD Environmental crowd shows up for all that jazz . T he Newport crowd with a passion for the environment, and speclftcally marine science, supported the Ocean Insdtute last week for a little "Jazz In January." It was the annual Ocean Insdtute fund-raiser created to .....---=-----.. raise money for educational 'programa associated with the Interactive ocean educadon and-research facillty ln B.W. COOK orange County. Oulired by nm McMahon, an executJve with Grubb and l:illis. the party was supported by a host of local cfti.zens. Including Chip and Debbie Brown, ~ and Sulan Dolbee. Paul and Patty G9ede. Sheri Grady, Paul and Barbara Hamilton, P.d and Unda Martln, BW Palmer, Dennll and Pat 'IBylor, Anthony and Janet VlttJ, and Supervtlor Tum WU.On and his wife, Nancy. In an upbeat setting. the crowd joined forces for a wonderful evening of conversation, dinner and the smooth jazz of Peter White. The artist performed selections from his new release, "Glow," as the guests enjoyed dinner provided by a host of Orange County's top culinary talent. Chefs James Hununort of WASA Susb.l. Yvon Goetz of the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel and Amlin Gbahremm of the St Regis Monarch Beach Resort & Spa served a spectacular meal that featured two entrees, squab and a veal medallion. Robert MondlM graciously provided the wine for the occasion. Also supporting the evening were a committee of local business leaden, Including l.nSurance executive StfMt Frtedmann, DennJa Bwnole from 1bshiba, and real estate executive Jena Von Glertd. The Ocean Institute In Dana Point has been a community project for more than 20 years. Fund-ralslng efforts have neared the $20-milllon goal. allowing the construction of the new fadllty, which has been completed after nearly three years of plaM.lng and two years of construction. The facillty opened lta doors last fall and continues to be an exemplary Institution for the study of our precious marine envlrdnment. The PhilharmonJc Society of Orange County held the grand opening gala at the new Hyatt Regency Resort & Spa In Huntington Beach last week. filling the massive 20,000-square-foot ballroom with a sellout crowd of more than 1.200 guests In black tie for a nJght of dining and dancing to the music·of the Wayne Foster Orchestra. The evening, called "Espana.H featured a variety of Prominent Newport businessmen nm McMahon · and John Warner at the Ocean Institute fund-raiser. entertainment to keep the evening alive and vibrant. The PhllhannonJc Society ls the oldest arts organization In Orange County, working to bring music lnto the lives of school children through massive volunteer efforts to raise funds and then create and provide music programs for more than one quarter million Orange County school children each and every year. The ball was chaired by elegant blond Caroline Bell with support from Su.Ian Qagundah, president of the PhllharmonJc com.mJttees. Stew Bone, owner of the new Huntington Beach Hyatt Regency, and Newport's Donald Evarta, president of the PhllharmonJc Board of Directors, were ln attendance. Also In the crowd was distinguished Dr. Chrtatopher Duma of Hoag Hospital. •THE CROWD runt Thuradeys end Saturdaya. DISCOVERY CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE Today's Health fearuring an exciting 30 minute Documentary abouc che heaJch benefits of Tah itian Noni, che world's fastest growing health supplement. Program aJso co air on PAX, Encore, Oxygen, and Bravo channels che first week of February 2-8 Average monchly wholesale volume $40 million. MAY help, -CAN'T hurr, COULD change your life! Accept no Noni suhstituus.J'!/.gj so/J in &tail Stores Available ONLY from a TAHITIAN NONI Inc '! Disc. CaJI 800-554-9642 for a FREE catalog or more information www.AccessNoni.com Distributorships available: referral no. l 056 I AHi I IA,_. NO'IJI Jui« u • 1.-.ckmark of \ionrw!. In• The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURREN TLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your De~orating Needs!'' " FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads · Supporting the Philharmonic Society are Lido Isle's Donald Evarts, Susan Qagundah and Hoag Hospital's Or. Christopher Duma. Orange County Board of Supervisors Chairman Tom Wilson and his wife, Nancy, graced the Ocean lnstitute's •Jazz m January" fund-raising event. Philharmonic ball Chair Caroline Bell with Steve Bone, owner of the new Huntington Beach Hyatt Regency. TIFFANY & CO . •CARTIER • MIKIMOTO VAN CLEEF & ARPELS •DAVID YURMAN BVLGARI •FRED PARIS • BACCARAT• LALIQUE CHANEL FINE JEWELRY • CHOPARD BLACK , STARR & FROST • TOUANEAU BAILEY BANKS & BIDDLE • BEN BRIDGE JEWELER NATHAN ALAN JEWELERS Quality is SAN OIEOO FWY (4,06) AT BRISTOL ST. 800.782 8888 WWW SOUTHCOASTPLAZA COM -----,__ ---....... -Dady Piiot D /\IJ H OOK I r .. r r I ()( A9 DINING REVIEW Bristol Farms' cafe offers food lovers greatf'are IJy Kathy Mader G rocery sto res aren't normally where you' would look to catch a bite to eat. But grocery stores aren't what they used 10 be eithe r, and I mean that in a good way. The stiff competition between markets has caused everyone to step up. You see rem odels all qver town, and the delis in all or our locltl grocery stores are now I.Op n otch. But none are better ttian the deli/cafe at Bristol Farms in Coron a del Mar. First or all, this is a food lover's grocery store -I'm sorry, gOurmet mark.el -with foods &om around the world creatively displayed in various sections of the More. Bui ii is the cafe I am here to ljllk about. 11 is set to the right of the m ain entrance, but 'lOmehow remain.' somewhat understated. You don't walk in and think Mcarc1" But if you are looking for 11. there it is. mvtllng with its small tables and chairs of the same warm-colored woods you find throughout the \tore (which is a good thing, because thi~ is a good-looking store). plus fresh ltttle Oower arrangements and smooth tile floors. There is a •to go" hne that moves right past -.everal cases or pre-made sandwil'h e-. and '{tlshi. but the enllre caffs m enu can be ordered to go. Bristol ~nns serve' Mmormng fare" all 4ay· bageb and lox. lre..h fruit dfld the "Arnold Omelets ... you'U be back!" (SS.95) with c;,ausage. onion .... garlic. '>ptnach and cheddar chee-.e llley pretty much ... erve t'Verything tiom Belgian waffie., to cappuccino\, incluclin~ the 'BAM" wrap. wllh '>lr.tmble-. ~"· andou1lle ...au~ge. <..a1un "J>ICe\, pepper JJ<.k <:he~ and ~urcream. ror lunch, you can find any sandwich your heart desires, trom the baste'> 10 the unique. .. uch as gnlle<l ..almon '>Clndwich with a 1eriyak1 glv.e. gnlled pineapple and pepper 1ack on a gnlled ciabatta roll (S7.25l and my favorite. the buffalo chicken 111 l '\BI Yol'l~#I C1101< 1 l.o< :\11' I ,,. /,, J,·. t I• ,, ) ,. ,, I ''' '", ,,,,.' .Rabbitt Insurance Age ncy AlTTO • HOMEOWNE~ • HEAUlf \ulnhf) '""" 19~ - ~~ ~sr;_, ~ .; 949-631-77 40 441 Old Newport 8hd. • Newport Bcadi (Neu Hoeg Hoepiul) Ou Crillt4 1'1111. Oldte & Tri Tlp S.... WocW a-Cllow*n & CualloL C-...~Alll --~ -' -:..... - sandwich wppcd w11h '>Jlll:y buffalo sauce and >;orgonmla cheese ($7.25). Great burgers and good !.a.lad., (I am alway.., hard pressed to say #great" and '>alad in the same sentence) are also available. But one of the items lha1 makes Bristol Farm'> worth g'oing to is the soups. And I'm a i.oup fan. I w-ds lucky enough to '>peak with the executive chef of Bri'>tol farms. Bruu~ Jacob ..... who told me that over the course of tl1e year. they make more than 70 dHTcrcnl !>C>upi. in-house. some familiar, some funky and all creative. Coming out tomorrow in honor of Mardi (,ra'> is a '>hrimp and andouille sausage gumbo I'll be there. But over the UJUr\e of thl'> year. thne will be a chu:ken and olive '>lt'W, I hcu chicken soup ... aln1on-roastcd corn ehowdcr, and for March. 111 honor of St. l'alri( k\ I >ay. a "Rueben" chowder wuh l!>rned beef. s.iuerkraut and ~W•I'>\ chce\e. "Wal t and wt:," J,1lllh'> \aid. Mii work.. .... " If 1t worlu. anyth111g hkl' thttr wild mu.,hroom .111<1 l rawfhh \Oup. I'll be lmcd up, ..,poon 111 hand. at 7 in rhc morning. Another rnul lhtng c1h11ut Hn'>tol ~arm' care I'> tlw 'Pet tal -tht•mcd " or umdy l'\t'llt\ they hold lle..,ervatlOll\ .trl' Jlwayc; required. You Illa)' rl·nwmbcr tht• lob .. tcr fe'>l la'l '>llllllllt'r or thl'll l1 ,tJ1an n1ght,, ''h1·1t' tlw food.., big and tltt· w1111· ll11\,., un ... tol 1arm'11.1, '' 111t· t,l\tmg t•vr111' t·wry r11t·,<f.1\ Imm)· 10 to 7 Ill pm . ''1th lour Ill""" d1flt•rt•n1 ''1111'' .111<1.111 .1pp1•111t•r plJ lll'I Ila l1111d1 c ro\\cl 1' alway.., hcav11· ... 1 .11 llrt.,tol I ann ... hl'< .tuw ol 1h1· lrn .II IH1\t111''"''" Jntl 1111 .11 ... twppt 1' hut 11 ... m1111h hli..t> din111·r ti ..... '01111· prt'lt) lirw '11rpn,,., I 8'.- J\cupaanc tur c- WurL~ ----------. • l't f\lllilolt ttl ( OUJ:h • \tu""I' \d11.' '>t'>·l~J .J J01J FYI • •WHERE: 810 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach •WHEN: 9 a.m. to 8 p.rn daily • HOW MUCH: Inexpensive to moderate •PHONE: (949) 760-6514, ask for the cate For example. VaJenline\ IJ.ay in the caf~ 1.ounds divtne. with a four-course dinner '>erved w11h four d11Tcrtnt wine:. a od banana Oambe a la mode for de.,\crt for $35 a per...on I am pretty excited about till' catered Valentine'i. dinnt!r, though Coop,, I think I '>poilt·d my ~urprise) with dinner fur two, \ervcd on a .,ilvf'f plattt•r You have your chntee ol hc1 I Wellington with a mu!>hromn burgundy ..auce or '>almnn .111<1 -.pinach w11h a lob\ter \illll t'. both bakc•d 111 a heart-\ha1wd pulTpa.-.try, 'luscany po1at0t•'> '" tantahi'ing l onco<:tion of twict'-h.1ketJ potatoc'>, olt\l''• caper., <tnd d1eese). •mt.I vegetable'> Jilt.I de ... -.en for S4ll 95 You do have to pit~ lh1' up, thm1~h !'hey expe1 t lO do more than 'iOO of tht'!>l' d111111 '' Count llll' 111. A .. I ,,1it.I. Hri,tol rarnl\ mar~et 1s a food lovt•r\ ..ion· bu1 d~arly the rc.1fe .., op1•r,11<·d by food love·r.,, a. .. well At Bristol Farms .cafe ?ind Hussrn holds the Silver Spur salad and thf· ciltforr.10 ch1cltf:-n sandwich tn her nght hand In tier left hand is a turkey asparagus sandwich .ill I '"'I <.rcallVl'. d) n,1mu .• u111q11t and adH•n1umu ... food loH·r... 1 h,,,, •KAT HY MADER s J1n1nq rev1Pw:; dlJpP.ir PvPry otht·r Thursn,1y • ® Get rid of termites the right way! I~ ;J~ 1:t•lt.111 ~ i;1:J Ei i t•l: I Did you know termites thrive n the structure and in rhe foundation of your home2 W th ACG. we II inspecr your home's structure os well os identify ony -1or1011ons of term1les We'll give you o FREE home 1nspe 11on ond o written estimate with o list of environmentally safe products we use Don't be misled get rid of termites the r ghr woyl ltlJ c~~~~.~~~J,~>~ :~~!;~~~3 • Sunday, February 9 Noon -4:00 Oranae County MUSEUM OF ART 850 San Clemente Dr. Newport Beach (949) 759-1122 \ . . J?OJANGE COAST COLLEGE ~~ SWAP MEET. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS ....__ ___ 8 AM -3 PM FAIRVIEW 6 ADAMS COSTA MESA $25 Purc.l'lasi> 'SP 1r •·s 1 adv.;rll.f' ;.if 111 • OCC Comrnu111•, [rJuL.Jl•on Ott r r F .11r110""' ROd1 Pan. nq • • J. C1 1 Or , Community Educclt1on Office Hourr. M nda1 ttu fl r <1 1y q • FruJ<Jy ., ,., ._. Saturd 7 FREE Parkmg & Adm1ss1on for Customers Pa11< on OC< • u-1pus NL v Lots A B (.. ur F -1·rv1ew Rd Lots 0 ff. E or M··rr•mac WJy SWAP MEET'24-HOUR INFORMATION LINE (714) 432-5866 Ff'A1R SPRAY .~n:t:I • Weaving. Paneling • Dimensional Hair Color • Corrective Hair Color • Up Du's • Weddings (714) U0-1877 llUT \U)r\JH F b . ~., ~ ~ e ruary ts ·~ ~ I loag Heart Month ~~ I f vou don't knn"' the "'.irnrn~ "!!"' ul 1 t,, .arr 111.i. l 111 d1 n 1 kno"' rh.11 he.art .J1'><':Ut 1• 1ht· /,-.11/111-.f, .111~ 1111/1,1(/• "' '' "" r•1 rn 1hc l 'nucd '11.Hr\, vou trl' rnv11nl '"I, 1111 111 .. 11 b\ lll\'11.lm!! our ll1mmunirv cdul.at1011, l.a\\C'' ntlt·r. d d11r111l' dH "'""'" •'' 1-chnur\' hu J .omplcrc.11\11111! 1•t 111 I ln~r, I lc.ir1 \1unrl. •' "'C'' plc-.uc vl\1! our "'t:h \lie .11 1c•u·11 loo.i,,J '/'"" m£ If you would like to r99iat.r for ony of these clouu. pl-H r99i• .. r online or coll 100/514-HOAG (4624). Ask the Doctor Yoor quesllOO.• an.,..1'1'1'11 111111M bt....i ·~ U1 dlt 11'r.11/1ll'lll t~ hc-m dl.;•.1." P'ret!alk'd bl lbciw'd ll~dl ... ll ·~~ w.lnudD'J, F*'-Y 12, 6p.m. lMng With eang..tive Heattfallure jolll us IO larw miportn .and ~ me1:Sllm Iha Clll bf ~ IO IDIJ'nM eipll8S *1 .,,Ml lor plUail' ~ ~ lw::ln bdift ~ ~I.ft Cll1'r MD llolt ~ ~,...._,, ... ~ A,d ......... Aonk AnMy.m fM ptrCea1 fi thf llOP'bdoft ~ M llld oldtt w ~ w1lh dlb '*-.ebitAallli .... ,. .. "' *' ., ...... ~ ... tm .... ~ """*"'.., ~ iw.. .. ll Holg-- .... f ,. ,._, "··~ Cho&e1tef'Ot and llood Pressure S<~ II• n11 !>. '" I hlo•,I I'" "In ... m11JJ1,. 1:11<llr>k ,,~ n"'1h• '"" ti. rD.ll'"1 \J\mc • rt'tl'lr.1Utt11 '' Mrul"l'll ""'' A I• ho>ttr l.N " ""••n mc,.•)•I lof ht"<( n"4llt• .,.,. t •' f"S''llhk • 11111!' ·~ ..,.,_, ... ~.'*-Y n.1 -11 0.m. HeaftVfll.,elepaer .,,.......__,.,,, Juill••-" lilt~" ~ lllrsn ~ ITllllll' llld l'f1lbl. 1111111 ~ M \idm ltoW\ M II ,~ ~ ~.,._.,u.•.-. • JUST ADDfD • h b a ft a a • . -· -- AlO Thursday, February 6, 2003 DATEBOOK Daily Pilot \ REEL CRITICS • Keep guessing 1n 'Recruit;' 'Darkness' fai _ls to see hght Good performances found in 'RecruiC A father dies in a mysterious accident. A son searches for the truth. The son ~ a young man fresh out of college, full of questions and highly skilled in computer programming. enter Walter Burke. a CIA recmller and i.elf-proclaimed i.cary judge of talent. Come and work with us, Jam~. he tells the young man. This work is in you. Just like your father. MMy father. CIA?" James thin.kl.. but he h~ obviously thought this MELISSA before. That RICHARDSON I!> all it takes 10 hook Jame-; Off he goes to the I ann, a CIA training facility. Jame!> Oayton i!> "TI1e Recruit." lnere are two rules: I. Don't trui.t auyone. 2. Nothing i1. wh(\t i-. !>Cerni.. Burke telb Jame-. that Layla, another rc1Tui1, i'> J mole. r.er d ow 10 her and find out whom .. tw\ g1vmg the -.euet<., to. James doe,n't want to, but he needs to le.now tht• truth about hi<, father. Rut 1tw. ganw I'> not about truth; all Burlt• ha' ,., <,ecret' Jame., befnend'> Layla, and ht• dot'\n·1 \'<mt to believe what Rurkt• '' .. a7mg. doe<,n't want ICJ bcheH• what he I!> ..ecang Burke i., t rul'l to hun 1.ayla play!> gamt."-.utd tntL'> l11m Are h1., Cnend' the enemy? I'> hi'> teJ< her"' l 'onlt1'>t'd yet? I lopetuJI} That \ what fouch'>tone P1crure'> and Roger DonaJd.,on want you to be llw Hccru11" as low on information and high 111 ~peed Don't thUlk, JUst act. Cohn 1-arrcll, the young lrii.h "it guy," i'> lht• lion 1umping through hoop.,, and Al Pac11w 1<; the circw. nngma.,ter. Pacmo b a great puppctet'r, pulling the right string'> at the perfect moment. 11('\ humorou., and , Inviting one minute and then shuts you out the next. No one knows where be or she stands with Walter Burke. It's no wonder that James is always confused and one step behind the game. The script calls for Farrell to woo the girl, find the bad guy and save the day all by himself -on a deadlinb that is Casr approaching. Oayton runs the gamut of personas: cocky, suspicious, happy, uave, . confused, beaten, and triumphant, all in less than two hours. It's an amusing and impressive thing to see. There is Mthe girl,~ played well by Bridget Moynahan. She's almost as good a puppeteer as Pacino. The whole linle she's a question mark. ls she good? Is she bad? And there is an adversary for James, lest things become too easy for him. Zack is always at Layla's side, speaking to her in foreign languages and never lening James get a moment alone. z.ack thwarts James at every tum and then smirks about it The role is easily • mastered by Gabriel Macht. I le deserves a much more difficult character. "'Ille Recruit" has all the right pieces: mystery. tension, devilishJy handsome stan. and a good pace. Ille only problem i'> the ending. It couJd have and shouJd have been belier. But that's 1us1 a little lap!>e. "The Recruu" 1s a good case of mental gymna-;tics and lots of fun. But that's onJy my opi111011 Remember. don't mist anyone, nothing is what it ~ems. • MELISSA RICHARDSON 1s a Costa Mesa resident and a UC Irvine student ·~rkness Fall s' falls short of great horror I ., there anything worse than a bad horror film? ve ... a had horror film that could have been great. Although '>Orne might disagree. "Darkness Falls" couJd have been a decent p RYAN GILMORE chiller. It has a great villain, a.n ominous spirit that preyg"upon the innocent follcs of a small New England town, Darkness Falls. It has sympathetic heroes, including a man haunted since childhood by the monster who orphaned him (Cllaney Kley), a young woman struggling to protect her little brother (Emma CauJfield of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") and a little boy whom the monste{ has recently targeted for a most horrible death (Lee Comtie). Sounds great, right? Wrong. It 's missing something important. Let me see if I can put my finger on 11. Oh yeah, a • compelling storyline. The filrn starts out with promise. spinning a yam reminiscent of a spooky taJe told around the campfire. · COMING SOON More than 150 yean. ago. old Matilda Dixon wouJd give children coini. in return for their baby teeth and earned herself the nickname "roolh Fairy." Well, poor MatiJda wa'> horribly dbfigured in a lire and became the town recluse. One mght, two chiJdren didn't come home. and the town lynched M.itilda for murder. Before her neck was '>I retched, Matilda curr;ed the town. And from that day on, the murderous ghost of Matilda \.,,ould take her revenge on the children of Darkne'>s !'all' Daredevil (Ben Affleck) looks to bring his brand of iusbce to the streets of Hell's Krtchen ~pooky. huh? loo bad thl'> train d('raalr; ~hortly after it lca\e\ the '>talion. The .. 1ory pack.'> up again 12 yeari. ago. when the Tooth Fairy kills Kyle Wal.,h\ mother after he sees the v('ngeful i.pint taking his last baby tooth. Ai. if that weren't bad enough, Kyle 1s accu'ied of committing the murder and .. cnt to the loony bin. Next stop is present day, when we find Kyle'!> childhood sweetheart, Kauhn, dealing with her young brother\ seemingly irrauonal fear of th(' Tooth Fairy. She make-; a desperate plea for Kyle to return, which doesn't make any sense because r;he and the rC'>I of the town still believe that hr killed hii. mother. The rest of the film '' '>P<'nl by them 1ryrng 10 evade thl' wrathful wraith hy '>hming flashlight<> at it Old Matilda t.in·t 't.ind the light, a holdO\er from \-,,hen '>he wa'> alive and her burned <,kin wa'> '>l'mlli\e to tht' 'un Yeah, I know that docM1't really make any -;en~e. either. If I had to li~t all of the dumb rult•'> .ind inron.,istendes that thb movie contain'>, I'd take up the whole paper and too much of your time. And I won't even go into the tired cheap scares that are scattered throughout ING LIVE AT THE I h1<> couJd have lwen a great horror franch1'ie, and maybe they will do bt•ttcr next tame. You can be sure thl're will be a 'equt•I, d'> thl'> dud wa'> No. I at the box office on ,,., openang weekend thank.'> 10 a lot of bored teenager'>. So take my word for it. and wa ll for a rt'Vlew of "Darknes., 1-ull'> 2 • • RYAN GILMORE IS II Cosla Mesa resident and mov1t1 fan s E N I 0 R c L A s s I c y .. he's even better with a driver. So don't let this funny guy fool you-he's won the Toshiba Senior Classic onca and he's deadly serious about doing it again. March 17-23, 2003 Advance-purchase tickets are $15. Call 949/660-1001 or visit R~DuNN -----·~ CHAMPIONS TOUR ( ·: ----------------.. . . ... -. , :-r.;.~.-:.·;-·· -;•. -·='.;-.:--o-.---....... "'~ ............ -------------------1191111- ' Daily Pilot DAT E BOOK THEATER REVIEW Black comedy, social satire mix in 'Maggie' • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meaa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4268. A complete list is available at www.da1lypilot com. By Tom Thus Y ou might not expect a play titled -·fhe Day Maggie Blew Her I lead arr lo be a barrel of laughs, but this new offering at UC Irvine isn't the absolute downer the title might suggest. On the contrary, Amy Bndges' award-winning indictment of women's struggles in society is one of those rare b irdi. in the theater -a message play. wrapped in farcical clo thing. Issues are addressed via outlandi!>h interpretation in an exceedingly funny produc tion of a provocative but som ewhat incomplete sn tpt. Director LK. Pond pull'> out all the phy'>1cal and s tereotypical ~tops in her colo rful and crazily comp ell111g production. while raising questiuni. in h er somber program note!> on to pic!> u p tu and including the meaning of life. Thb mixture of souJ !.earching and slapstick culminatei. in an uneven but entertaining evening. When fif!,t we encounrer • Maggie !wonderfuJJy portrayed by Mandy chmiederl. '>h e's already done the deed alluded to in the title and has arrived 111 heaven 10 face a final judgment tha t more rc'>t-rnhles the Mad llatter's tea party than a relestial courtroom . Wha l follow' an~ na ... hbach from her lift!. O'iten'>1bly explam111g wh.ll drow he r to '>uic1de. hut offering little of '>Ub'>tanu: 111 tha t rl'~ard 5<.hmiede r. purpo,ely dre-.,ed down and rendered plain-looking, skillfully wrestJes with the trauma of youth and adolescence, as a girl who doesn't quite fit in with the others. Her ambition Is to become Miss America, but the cards of life seem stacked agalnst her. Episodes from her school days. her courtship and her exper ien ce with Weight Watchers d o t the play'i. first act, but it's her relationship w11h he r embitte red mother (savagely played by Amanda Loom er) that really sets her off on a self-destructive path. 1 here'ci aJso a richly con!>tructed sequence in which 'he keep!. her panting boyfri,end (I~J. Wagn er) at bay, -.avmg herself for marriage. The Weight Watchers ladies are particularly effective. UCI will sorely miss IJsa Oayton when she graduate<; and goes 011 to Broadway. This perennial '>howc;topper renders a hil~rioui.ly pungent monologue ca(d ilated to gamer exit J pplause nighlly, and Ma rie Wong excel' as th e touchy feely leader o f the pack. Wagner effectively prec;ent~ two t untra.-.tang faces of the male gender, tender and undc•r'>tanding before marriage .md d beer-gunJ ing lout Jltt·rwanJ -I le grapples w11h l'>,UC''> aho -a revered mother and a hated fa ther, boLh now dl•Jd -rn an extended diatribe that dues little to f\Jrther the plot I he hed\enly ho'it'i are a motley tn o -Daren I lerbert. ll1'tm C l.UJdll and <iam I .iak o d"pen<.t> 1u ... 11ce w11h ht•a\')' IMnd'> and insinuate r·~··-----··-----··-----··-----.··~···-----.··-----·1 I Sydney 1v1iclieffe I I clothing handbags accessories i I t/t-t «1iat !'°a «1Q,ft /o,. tfalurtitre ~ rl"ff 1. l juicy couture • seven • development • mella j facoste • kai • underglam • avenue me • ergo I J ,wlth t!s ~~Fe~!!14th' I J 307 ;If f1/'"1ire. /111-e-l(ae.1 8a/J17a klMd I t 9~9.673.2150 _J. ._. .. ._. .. _.. .. _ .. _.. .. _. .. _. .. 9JOU/!2)_~ku ......... . ':Mt .?emlnine ~ for an ymapes & mes of BEAUTIFUL WOMF.N FLAX S't•tr•l'fiE S•\.l'c!>TeR French Dressing Jeanswear Gifts ff Acceuoms 369 E. 17th St f21, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 FYI •WHAT: "The Day Maggie Blew Her Head OW • WHERE: UC Irvine Studio Theater •WHEN: Closing performances at 8 p.m. tonight and Friday; and at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday •COST: $9 to $17 • CALL; (949) 82~2787 themselves into the na .. hbacl i.tories, as well. Oui!>Lopher Trice plays a scroungy caveman whose true identity is rei.erved for a late -play surpri'>t'. The diminutive l.io;a Schwartz waJtzes through t1 pair of cutesy character~. a po pular cheerleader and Maggie's alter ego. Wagner doubles as the decrepit l.cvuru'> an heaven, while Mar11n Giannini is a sage Solomon red uced to waiter duty in the afterlife. While Maggie\ life certainly il>n't a bed o f rose'>. the event-. that transpire hardly qµaJify a' motives fo r her dra.-.1ic choice. Playwright Bridges faib to establish the "laM <,traw" that drives her pro tagoni!>l over the edge. and the play's find.I moment seem '> strangely anuclimactic. Farce and me~sage are ptl'ltV much oil and water m the theate r, but Pond\ prud urt1on of "The Day Maggie Blew I ll'r I lead Off' comes m ighty d o'>l' to mixing them effectively. • TOM ITTUS reviews local theater ror the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays MUSIC HAPPY BtRTHDAY, MOZART The Mozart Classical ,Orc:tiestra is dedicated to bringing quality performances of c:tiamber orchestra works from the classical repertoire to the people of Southern California. An evening of Mozart dir&cted by Ami Porat will take place at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive. Tidcets are between $24 and $38. Information: (949) 854-4607. SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Cart St. Clai r, will welcome the Pacific Chorale fo r a program by Pulrtze r Prize winner Wilham Bolcom, ~Songs of lnnooence and of Experience'.° The show will take place today at 8 p.m. at Segerstrom Hall 600 Town Center Drive. Tidcets range from $19 to $59 (714) 556-2122. CLAUDIA ACUNA Claudia Acuria with special guest Billy Ch ilds will perform at Founders Hall on Fnday and Saturday at 7:30 and 9:30 p m. Tidcets range from $46 to $49. 600 Town Center Drive (714) 556 2122 ANNE MURRAY '•-•s• FULL BAR \'Ol""' ~,MLS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7626 NEW>ORT 8 £401 Watdil l'lau 1124 "-A" • 11• Slrftl HllN71NcroN 8£AOI ,.._ t'illfl SIU E...., ..... Some annuity owners lose 70% of the val ue of their annuity to taxes! Will this happen to you? It's true. Annuities and IRAs can be double-taxed assets (subject to income taxes PLUS estate taxes). After estate taxes and income taxes, there can be as little as 30% of the value remaining. You can team how to help avoid the loss in the FREE educational booklet "Annuity Owner Mistakes." 1bc booklet i free and hows how to help avoid double taxation and get more bcncfiL~ from your existing annuity value. For your FREE copy Call lenlcw1'eeowo•• (Huntington Be h) 888-233--0904 (24 hours) Aaent Liccme. 0843037 LiDlco/Priv.ae Ledaer· member NASD/SIPC AFTER HOURS Four·tlme Grammy Award winner Anne Murray will Pftrlorm at Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. rictets cost from $26 to $80. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122 PHtl SHANE The multi-talented Phil Shane will bring hta Las Vegas-style act to La Cave on Monday. Shane has been a regular on the Las Vegas strip at the Tropicana Hotel fo r years. The show will s.tart at 9 p.m. La Cave is et 1695 Irvine Ave. (949)646-7944 NEWPORT BEACH JAZZ. PARTY The third annual Newport Beac:ti Jazz Party will return to the Newport Beach Ma mott Hotel Feb. 14 to 16. The festival will feature the Bill Cunliffe Trio, Mary Stallings, the Houston Person Qua rtet and several others The hotel is at 900 Newport Center Drive. Information-(949) 759-5003 WESLA WHITFlELD Wesla Whitfield will perform al Founders Hall Feb 18 to 22 at 7:30 p.m Tidcets are $49 600 Town Center Drive (714) 556-2122. VIENNESE DELIGHT Cafe Ludwig's host p1an1st Chnstopher O'Riley, will take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The show will take place Nib 23 at 2 p m. in Founders Hall at 600 Town ~ Center Drive. Tickets are $45, (714) 556-2122 MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron E&dlete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m . Frtdaya at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beadl S 10 cover (949)7i6-0121 RAT PACK MONDAYS Magg1ano's LlttJe Italy pays tnbute to Che Rat Pack every Mond ay with entertainer D ins Williams and h11 five-piece band There will be complimentary hors . d'oeuvre& and dancing. No cover Reservations recommended (714) 546-9550. JAil. TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beac:ti presents a 1azz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave . Newport Beac:ti Hours are 5 to 9 p.m Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m Monday through Wednesday (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 pm every week ·wanted• mus1c1ans include guitar playPrs bass players. singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Mam St . Newport Beac:ti Free. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT TliE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offe rs live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, N1dc Peper and Kelly Gord1en (known as MPG> perform classic rock, R&B and swing at 8 30 p m Fridays Marvin Gregory and MPG will pe rform classic rock, swing and A&B at 8 30 p.m See HOURS, Paee A12 r ---------------------, 1 NELSON & ASSOC IATES 1 I Let our for mer IRS revt:nue agenr wirh a M~ters in I I Taxa ti on prepa re your income tax rt'.rurn. If we I I prepare your tax return bJ.: Februarv 28. 2003 our: i.fee willb0e~ced0W~~~l J14-614-73~~~ .00 % Yield On Prt11npul of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSURED P..-.1 ~I fl IH 1'0'11\ (9 4 9) 5 XX -4'7 1 1 IAccuralc •l' 11r II~ 11~·21~1,, Pcnalt\ for r .HI\ \\11hd!.Jl4 B.rni.. I en MJ\1 Reduce I .irn1n11' "lot Offer 111 ..,di ..,nu11t1<' \1111U t l 1m11 ~ h~''., IAnnu.11 Pcrccn1.1j.'c '1cld 1111 B.1nl..' 1 01< ln,ur,·d "''" < D Plu' f 1dcl1I\ Ca'h Pa\mcnt ·\1 lnccpllon Annu1t1n JI"' 11t1<'1td I 1Jcl1I\ and F+P Family E'\1.11c lmur.inu: .... ..-n1n.·, ll t<IHK "'~''I '"I \1,mt-cr' of h:Jnal DcJ"I"'' ln,uram.c ( Ol"f"lf!lllVn f l!ANl(tlN C.AllfOl!N A T.i>,7 FPEE ll'H .. 0M[ Fu f"<D gOW TO KEEP MORE OF WHAT YOU EARN. You con keep more ol what you eam when you invest in Franklin Colibnio Tax.·Free Income Fund. And yoo cbn't hcJ..e _, be ~, or dose b retirement b lalce od.uri~ ol this fund This fund con pnMde strong benefih b-most invest:lr$ tn 0 m ~ inoome bx broda!t or ~ En~ the ~ <J-Double Tax.free Income • Molittiy Income Dr.idll.cts • ln"9Stment Grode Poe1fciio f1lANKLIN T£MPL£TON [~ Coll today for a FUE brochure Diversified Securities David B Dov" or John l. Bennis (714) 560-9656 , • .. _ A12 Thursday, FebruatY 6, 2003 HOURS Continued from Al 1 Saturdays. The restaurant Is at 630 Udo Perit Drive. Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant Is at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beech. Free. (949) 642·3431. . WEEKENO BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant io ~ilpOf't Beach presents The a..tboe Blues on Frfday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features jazz and classic rode tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (9491 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND AAMENCO Tate 5, a funk. rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Solo guitanst Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and S1Jndays. Free. (9491 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beaen. ~ee. (949) 476-2001. STAGE •PROOF' "Proof; the Tony Award-winning play by David Auburn. will play at Segerstrom Stage. South Coast Repertory, 660 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa through Sunday. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how muen genius and insanity she has inherited from 8300 OFF her brilliant father. Performances will be at 8 p.m. through Friday; at 2:30 and 8 p.m . Saturday; and at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Previews $19 ta $44, regular run $27 to $54. (714) 708-6655. 'UTTLE SHOP OF HORRORS' The Sage Hill High School Theatre Department will otrer "Little Shop of Horrors'" from Friday through Sunday. The play. directed by Jay Louden. will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and matinees will be offered at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $5, 3443 Pacific View 'Drive, (949) 219-0900. 1FORBIDDEN BROADWAY' "Forbidden Broadway; which serves up 31 witty and ruthless , parodies of Broadway shows In 97 minutes, will be stag~ at Orange Coast College on Feb. 9 at 4 p.m., 2701 Fairview Road. Tickets are $29 advance and $35 at the door. (714) 432-5725. 'FlDDLER ON THE ROOP Vanguard University will present its third mainstage production of "Fiddler on the Root.• The play will open Feb. 20 and run through Feb. 23, and a second leg will run Feb. 27 to Maren 2. It will play at the senool's Lyceum Theater, 55 Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 668-6145. ART . 'ZINE SCENE' "line Scene," an exhibit of zines organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. Zines are publications -like magazines - created by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m .. to 9 p.m. Monday through Fnday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. JANEHIU "Local Scenes;' art by Jane Hill, will be on display at the Newport Beacta Valentine's Day Cookie Decorating Kit (lkfweai Twtlo at lnint A•'C.) (949) 646-1440 Mon-Fri 7:00AM 6PM • S&t 7:00AM-SPM OotedSunda . NGE COAST COLLEGE SWAP MEET \!, I SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS ~ 8AM-3PM ~FAIRVIEW & ADAMS, COSTA MESA $25 Purchase spaces in advance at the OCC Community Education Office on Fairview Road, Partcmg Lot "A"· Casb 0nty Community Education Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday • 9 am • 6 pm Fnday -9 am • 5 pm Saturday • 9 am -12 noon FREE Parking & Admission for Customers Parl( on OCC Campus ONLY Lots A. B, C on Fairview Rd. lots D & E on Menimac.Way SWAP MEET 24-HOUR INFORMATION LINE (714) 432-5866 DATEBOOK FLAMENCO FEVER Flamenco gtfrtarist Paco Pena and his Flamenco Dance Company will perform at Orange Coast College at 8 p.m. f eb. 22 in the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Pena will perform with his seveo-member company of guitarists, dancers and singers. Advance tickets cost $35, $33 for seniors, students and children. For more information, call (714) 432-5880. Pubric Library through FOO. 28. The library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beacta. Free. (949) 717-3001. 'IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' An exhibit featuring the works of Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beaen, through Maren 1. (949) 851·918, www.studiogallery.net. BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Works by famed Mexidln photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Nib. 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Oemente Drive, Newport Beacta. The worlts will be shown concurrently with "The Spirit of Mexioo~ an exhibit e)(ploring Mexioo through the eyes of modem photographers including Henri Cartier-Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m . Tuesday through Sunday. S6 tor adults, $4 for seniors and students. and free for members and children younger than 16. {949) 759-1122. MARJETICA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist Marjetlca Porte will be on display through March 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 Sift Oemente Drive, Newport BeadL Porte's work deals with issues of shelter, poverty and displacement Museum hours are ·Va I en ti n e's 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults. $4 for · seniors and students, and free for members and enildren younger than 16. (9491759-1122. DAN CE ALVIN AILEY DANCE THEATER One of America's most celebrated dance corflpanies, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, will perform at Segerstrom Hall Tuesday through Feb. 16. Performances will be given at 8 p.m. each day, and special matinee showings will be given at 2 p.m. Feb. 15 and 16. Tickets range from $20 to $65. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . on the first Saturday of eaen month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintock Way, Costa Mesa (714) 641-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m . • Mondays at the Costa M esa Library. 1855 Partc Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A enildren's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Cruises On the water · Valentine's Day Cruises Friday & Saturday February 14 & 15 Coll Now For Reservations! $ 1 25 per person Friday, $100 per person Saturday $10.00 off Saturday When You Reserve Onlinel Type in d11eo~mt code TDPOJ when making reservchonro 'fl HOAABIOWER Marino del Rey 310-301 ~9900 C lUI SCS '-tVrN TS www.hornblower.com Newport Beach 949-631-2469 • HARDWOOO • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TIE• VJtm. FLOORING . ·~!!9_ l ·fw§ih'..I SOLA~IAN ~ALAE.e.m at4• SOll> EXOTlC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTEA s441 from 1qa iiil s1 ·41 1qt • Trav-rtioe 1a~ x 1a· .......................................................... '4.29 1111• Cerar,·Jc n1e ...................................................... r"'*1horll '4.i 111• l..arT1irlate \'«>00 .............................. , , ••. n ••••••••••• ltlStlllttl hun't u tct. . ·~--· ·75w . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening seaalona. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEU.Y pORYTEU£R A children's story time Is held at 10'A5 a.m . Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901·8 South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORYTWE A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m . Fridays at Borders Boob & M usic at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. BOOKS V10l.ET WOODHOUSE Violet Woodhouse. one of the nation's top financial advisors for couples, will speak on "How to Preserve A Secure Rnancial Future" on Saturday at Borders Books 333 Bear St. . BARBARA WOOD International best-selling author Barbara Wood will discuss and sign her latest novel. ·The Blessing Stone," at 2 p.m. Feb. 23 at Borders Boob, Music and Cafe at South Coast Plaza. Wood has written 18 novels covering different periods of history. Borders is at 333 Bear St DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m . Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beaen. $10-$15. (949) 642·3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunen from 10 a.m . to 3:30 p.m . every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642·3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chicken parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices. is offered from 5 to 6 p.m . weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m . Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring Wllllber You Burorlease- --.,. Dady Pilot lntematlonaJ seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites la held J from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd •• Newport Beach $30; $40 wfth enampagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTACOffEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at . Alta Coffee House, 606 31st St, Newport Beaen. (949) ~75-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music Is presented dally at the Atrium's Alrporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2no. BISTR0201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beaen. (949) 631·1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE. Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rock Is pre~nted after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (9491 645-5550. DURTY NEUY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2916 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. (9491 75S-0808. HARD ROCK cAft Live music is performed Sunday' at Hard Rock Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive. Newpo rt Beaen. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn. 130 E. 17th St . Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855 HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmienael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beaen. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke wnh your dnnk at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido. Sune D. Newport Beaen. (9491 723-0595. vou·11 Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lex us! COMPLETE AUT8 REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • Injection Service Carburetor Rebuilding • Gross Polluter Repairs ACDelc:o Motorcran · Same Owner Since 1965 38 }'to.,, In CostA Mesa Bendix TH c••11Dft11 ••••-me. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol&. Baker) 949.642.8286. 7 14.556.2181 ·E-mail: carbparts@thecarbshop.co m J iLJMINETTE lilmlne Pt1'.<ocy SheL•n f,hef l•9h1 through solt 1 ~ fabric vanes hidden 01noog II... folds ol ckwtc ; • • 1 ., • r • I " r • • •• ~ See~ at your lo«JI doole. ~ALDEN'S FLOOR COVP.JuNG AND CUSTOM WINDOW CoVEJUN S 1663 Placent~, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 ' ... i.....r......,c .. "'nr UUI U H J "'"· o .... Dalllll llr. ................... Dlll(lill Ille I ONGOING · EVENTS r.en-.,. inYit.d to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more Information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport S.•ch City H•ll ls displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, llfed Parsons. Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more mformation. call (949) 717-3870. ~Aun. of Business~ hosts a networ1ung meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p m on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bnstol St., Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 805-0011 Th• rMwport S..ch Public Library hosts an hour of stortes and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 pm Tuesdays The library is at 420 M angold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800. fTM tours of th• Or11n9e County i Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge. badcstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by special arrangement For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext 833 The Newport Beach Newcomers Oub holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month The organization ts open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have hved in the area fewer than five years For more 1nformat1on. call (949) 645-9922. or VISll newcomers-newporrbeach orq Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a m on the second Saturday of every month Breakfast includes pancali\es, sausage, coffee and orange 1uice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguente Corona del Mar For more information call 19491 644-3244. MKV's South Coast Plaza preMnts "Workshop Wednesdays· A Hands-on Cooking Class Program• hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class 11 held from 6 to 7·30 p m \+.tednesdays at 3333 Bristol St Costa M esa. The cost. induding materials. 1s $30 To reserve a Sf>Ot· call (8181 994-5075. ~· •nd rhythm, -\'Ogarhythmics· combines yoga. cftlnce and fun. The class 1s held from 4:30 to 5:45 p m . Tuesdays al 2850 Mesa Verde Dnve East, Suite 111. Costa Mesa For more information. call (714) 754-7399 The rMwport Harbor Nautical Mua.um offers the exh1b1t "Your Ma1esty. There Is No Second The Amenca's Cup 1851 2oor through Apnl 30. The museum 1s at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beach. Free admission For more information. call (949) 673-7863. l,,umlth couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group l(l the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office The group ii geared toward dealing with itsuea between interfaith QC>oples. such as raising children. observing holidays. syrt\bOls in tfl8 home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is S45 per couple. P,rereglstration is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite ~. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. ~ 50 •nd older can join a discussion group ooordinated by Jewish Family Services to address Issues such as anxiety. depression. relationships. IJ>nelinesa and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. ~ondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St •• Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. 1114) 445-4950. • lfMnct. "'tM N9wport ~ P.\Jblic Ubl'8ry Used Book Store .. atking for.patrons to donate boob to repfenbh the dwindling 'iioct. Boob may be left at arrv of tfle three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del ~ar -or In the book closet next tC> the Friends Book Stont, at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport~-411 hardcovet •nd papert>edt <fonatlona, with the aicceptiOn of 'T'agarlnea and lew boob, will be $1Captod tnd art tax deductible. ( ) 76t-96Gl ........................ ~puter._ to people With ·~ vilb1 who h8Ye dlflk:iu"Y e the compuW 9Cf'Mft. The C...etlOO~ . , Corone del MM, ofrwl tfX I . . 7:.-:-.--~---...----:-~---. .,..-~.--"~~.-...·r#--.·.-.---·~--....... ~.,..----------------~-------..... --........... sessions. Call to sign up for claSff,. (714) 821-6000. A spiritual ca,. class mMta at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suit~ 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club Is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Centet at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group 1s designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St. Andrew's Presbyteri•n Church hosts a mental illness ~UPPort group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfield Hall Cat 600 St. Andrews Road. NewPort Beach (949) 574-2236 The Jewish Family S8fVice of Orange County spQnsors a d1scuss1on group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p m two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950 The Jewish Family S8fVic:e of Orange County has a weekly parenting SUPPort group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children The group meets from 10 to 11 30 am. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St. Suite G. Costa Mesa The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience Prereg1strat1on required 1714) 445-4950 The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7·30 to 10:30 p.m every Tuesday night at 695 W 19th St.. Costa Mesa. S4. (949) 548 3884 Jewish Family Set-vice of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spintual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group m eets at 7 p m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St • Costa Mesa. Attendance 1s free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950 Scnbble Club No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m_ Thursdays at Borders Books. Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. in Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coin •nd Sump Ctub meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244 Jewish Family Service °"9n ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share expenences. hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free. but advanoe registration Is required. (714) 445--4950. Jewish Femjy Service"' Onnge County provides a support and disoussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays 81 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Two-hour~ toura wfth • trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunea Waterfront Resort. The resort Is et 1131 Bae* Bay Drive. Newport Beach. $20, or S10 for California Wiidiife Campaign end Newport Bay Naturellats and Friends members. (9'9) 729-1160. A Y019 and dancia ... i. held from 4:30 to 5:"5 p-.m. Tuetelays et the Center for SJ>irhual Discovery, 2850 Meu V.rde Orfve East. Suite 111, Com Mela. (714) 764-7399. The""~ ftydlman ..... di«:CIMion gn>up ullng me boot .Conwraadonl wht'I God. from noon to 1 p.m. Tuaedty9 et lhe c.nter fot Spimu.I 06tccMwy • DAT E B OOK 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 764-7399. Manhatl's Tu Kwon Do In Co$ Mesa ofter9 free self-defet\$8 classes to alr11ne pilot.a and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom M arshall. Marshall's ls 81333 E. 17th St., Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A Dealing with Divorce support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m . Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa M esa. (7,1-4) 445-4950. The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing. seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m . Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base. 1931 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (9491551-8591. Oasis Senior Center offers ongoing assistance. counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Co$ Mesa Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks expenenced dancers to 1oin 1ts group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. {714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation Instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m~Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club meets at 10 a.m the third Wednesday of each month. The organization is open to all women residents of Newport Beach who have lived m the area for fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers·newportbeach.org. The Thursday Moming Women's Club, a 40-year-old friendship club, is seeking new members. The club, which includes golf, bridge. walking and gourmet sections, meets at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon 1s $23 and includes entertainment. The hotel 1s at 4545 MacArthur Blvd (714) 842-5863. The Newport Beach Walking Ctub meets at 9 a.m and 7 p m. Monday through Saturday. and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The ArMrican Legion m..u st 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings. which deal with veteran itosues and community service. will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The natfonal guard is at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free Mary Holler, (714) 546-2777; or Bill M im1aga, {949) 650-0894. Nightty meetings for thon who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in Costa M esa and Newport Beach (714) 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666 The Newport Sports Museum, • nonprofit 01ganlzation, operates a free museum at 100 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach The museum. which has one of the w o(ld's larg.eit collections of sports memorabilia. 1s open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a m to 3 p m on Saturday (949) 721 9333 or www newportsports museum.org ltui'>dJ, fr.Ir i•1 1 1,3 All • The Estancia High School P-.rent Teacher Student Assn hosti & monthly pa~r drivo every Satu~ay lrom 9 a m to noon in the sd'lool's northwest parking lot on the corner of Estancia Nonh anq PlacentJa Newspapers that are bound loos1:1 or bagged are accepted Cardboard and . bound matenal such as phone See ONGOING, Pace Aloi Al4 Thursday, February 6, 2003 ONGOING Continued from Al3 boob and thidt magazines are not Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the month. All funds ra1Sed go to the association. Free. The sdlool is at 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 615-6500. Oasis Senior C.nter otr.n a daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the basics of Word. Ouidten, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The Costa~ Communbtors Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her pu.blic speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m . Tuesdays in Sgt. Pepperonl's m~ting room, 2300 Bristol St., Newport Beech. Call to make Momma John Jennifer wt belong to the world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. wt art the biggest flooring tkakn individual/y qwned and operated. · 4,000 STORE BUYING POWER NOBODY anywhere can beat our sekction Youre paying too much if you're not buyingfrom us. [!] I~ ~ ~ ~ L·~ ~ [!] Lifetime I~ Warranty ~ Carpet $}99 I~ ~ ~·ll!r• DATE BOOK reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Jwlllh foemlly SeMce ol Orange County holds group meeting• for younger women to discuse life passages and changes, body images, family, telatlonships, communication, Intimacy and .e>euallty, anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m . Tuesdays at the agency office. The office Is at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. Marcy Middler, (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The M ... Menengen Toastmasters Ch,1b 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m . Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Churdl, 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4448. The Blue Rame Toa111nUt1N'9 Club 2717 meets at 7 a.m. Wednesdays at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 1651 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa. The meeting Is free for first-time visitors. (949) 855-4308. The Newport Center Toastmasters Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m . Mondays at the Irvine Co., 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 715!>-1026. Gus Brenda Miles 100% FREE No Questions Asked 60 day exchange. If you don't like it, we wil/ rtpl.au it FREE FUU. SERVICE ONE STOP SHOP Counter Tops• Showers• Ceramic • Granite • Wood Wax 405 Refinish • Cleaning Carpet & Upholstery • Painting-Interior & Exterior ·Costa Mesa (949)650-7676 124 E. 17th Irvine (949) 838-0141 17777 Main "B" MOM-FRI 9-S TUES-!AT 10-S SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 10-4 WEDNESDAY UMTll 1:00,M CLOSED SUNDAYS & MONDAYS EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT tnsi:atlJtlOn avallal>le and mtnlmum SQIWt fOOQQe aoolMIS Mam St The Harbottlte ToastmastAH"S Club meets at 7 a.m . Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (949) 293-4630. Udo Isle Toastmasters meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road. Newport Beech. (714) 964-5314. The 011111 Senior c.nter offers a shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center. Cell to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. . Tutoring is available for persons who could 1.1se help reading English. Hourly rates and times are negotiable. (949) 851-I 739. Oasis Senior Center offers visual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative, by appointment. (949) 644-3244. Essential Weight Management offers Interactive and proactive w eight loss groups. learn behavior modification and other techniques to control your weight. The cost is $20. Groups meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San M iguel Drive, Suite 350, Newport Beach. (949) 718-9848. The Hope lnstmrte, a center for recovery and family education, offers a women's support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol St., C-206, Costa M esa. (714) 432-0020. Oasis Senior Center has a walking group called Walkers Not Rodcers, which meets once a week to en1oy-scenic walks in and around the Newpon Beach area (949) 644-3244 Women Helping Women offers a free peer suppon group for women in transition from 3:15 to 4: 15 p m Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7:45 a m. Monday through Friday in Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguente Ave .. Corona del Mar (949) 644-3244 The Hoag C.ncer Center offers a yoga class at 10:45 a.m . Tuesday at 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237 Body Design and United Studios of Self-Defense offers kict·boxing classes from 8:30 10 9:30 a.m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1000 W. Coast Highway, Suite C, Newpon Beach S8 per class (949) 722-0526. The Alzheimer's Ann. and Gnef Support Group of Newport Villa WesWilla Rosa co-sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m. the founh Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted Living, 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach (949) 631·3555. The Alzheimer's Assn. and Mesa Terrace, a residential community for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. offers a free support group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Mesa Terrace, 350 W Bay St • Costa M esa (714) 283· 1111. Rebec:c:a Lewis leads an animal bereavement group that spec1ahzes 1n the needs of people who have s1ct or dying pets II meets at 3 p.m. Tuesdays at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 311 , Newport Beach. The cost 1s a donation to an animal charity of the attendee's choice. Call to make a reservation. (9491 721-5750. Oasis Senior c.nter conducts blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 e.m . the first and third Tuesday of each month in Room 3 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del M ar. 949) 644-3244. The Newport Beach Psychological Assn. offers a body Image end moderate eating support group at 7 p.m . Wednesdays at 3101 W. Coa~t Highway, Suite 311 , Newport Beach. (949) 721-6750. F.... t'al chi claaes are off9Nd every Friday from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. end free qi gong classes are offered every Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hoag C.ncer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237. A slx-w.tl educ8tional series for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer or for anyone interested Is being offered In two MMion1 with various speakers. The first .onion is underway. The second aession will take place April 1. 8, 16. 22 and 29 and May 6. Sessions are from 10 to 11 :30 1.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. PrHeglstration la required. (949) 722-6237. The Feeing Forward~ Groop meeta from 6:30 to 8 p.m every Monday 1t the Hoeg Cancer Cent.tr, 4000 W. Coast Hlghwsy, Newport BNcn. HM. ... Daily Pilot I (949) 722-6237. AMapport group for those with brain tumors meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of each m onth at the Hoag Caooer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A breast cancer support group for young w omen meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third Tuesday of each m onth at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center is at 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41 , Newpon Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. An evening breast cancer support group meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m . on the first Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center is at 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41 , Newport Beach. Free (9491722-6237. A supPort group for family and fnends of cancer patients meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m on the second Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center The center 1s at One Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. Free (949) 722-6237 A breast cancer support group meets from noon to 2 p.m. Tuesdays at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W Coast Highway Newport Beach Free (949) 722-6237. The Oasis Senior Center offers a Braille class to help with sight loss from 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays in Room 4 al 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar (949) 644-3244 A free cancer supPort group meets from 6 to 7 30 p m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center 4000 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach (9491 722-6237 The Jewish Senior C.nter offers card games from 10 a m to 2 p m every third Tuesday A kosher lunch 1s offered at noon for S3 per person (7141513 5641 The Newport Beach Psychological Assn offers a coed support group at 7 p m Thursdays at 3101 W Coast Highway, Suite 311. Newport Beach 194917224588 The Healing Connection offers a coed relauonsh1p group at 7 p.m Wednesdays at 4425 Jamboree Road, Suite 180-A. Newport Beach. (9491261 8003 The Consumer Bu11ness Networit meets at 7 a m Fridays in the mezzanine at Newport Gateway, 19800 MacAnhur Blvd., Newport Beach Reservations 17141 550-4785 A free lecture about divorce med1at1on. an alternative 10 the trad1t1onal two· attorney divorce 1s offered the third Thursday of each month with attorney Ahc1a D Taylor and psychologist lee H Solow. Space is l1m1ted and reservations are required (9491 955·2575 Revise your lifetJme documents for Advance Health Care Directives at the Oasis Senior Center for $3 each. Cctll to make an appointment (9491644 3244 The National DysleJCia Research Foundation sponsors weekly adult attention deficit disorder support groups at •Is office, 833 Dover Drive, Suite 27. Newport Beach S5 per session (949) 642 7303 Oasis Senior C.Oter ohn preventive health care services lor seniors on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the center's Room HS-3. 800 Marguerite Ave , Corona del Mar Call to make an appointment (949) 644-3244 Feeing Forward, a support group for those people that have lost someone to cancer. meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. M ondays at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. Costa M esa Rre Department Explorers Post 400 meets et 6 p.m . • Tuesdays at various fire stations. ; M embership is open to anyone between 16 and 21 years old. (7141 754-5141 or (714) 754-5106 Maxine Cohen. a marriage and family therapist, sponsors an anonymous help line for persons with relationship problems. Stie is available for free conCultation from noon to 1 p.m. and from 7 to 8 p.m. Mondays. (949) 759-0357. Senion and tow.mcom. families in the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach area can obtain free U.S. . . Department of Agriculture surplus ·• .. food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the second Friday of each month in the rear partclng lot at the Churdl "' of Christ, 740 W. Wilson St., Cocta • • Mesa. Picture ldentiflcetJon la requited. (949) 660-8236. .. ' , .. f A aupport group for women wfth , , gyneoologic cencer meett from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the NCOnd 1nd fourth Wedne.dly of Md\ month It the Hoag Cancer Center, .c>oo W. Cout Highway, Newpoft a..ch. FrM. (9'9) 722~31 ... I• QUOTE OF THE DAY 0 (0koro) has been a key for our team the whole season. For him to provide the energy was big for us." Pat Doualaa. UCI men's basketbal coach EYE OPENER .DaUy.4Pib . SpclfU H&U ol Famr I .... tit .&al•lf' u .. ,,Jh...u1l1U1 f ebruary 10 hol)oree MARK NEBEKER Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Thursday, February 6, 2003 Bl HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL CdM triple trouble for Teroso, 68-58 Sea Kings drain a dozen three-pointers to outgun host Titans for crucial Pacific Coast League win. Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot LAS FLORES -With two teams tied fo r third place in the Pacific Coast League,. both with 3.3 league records, perhaps it was to be expected that threes were wild when the Corona del Mar High boys took the basketball court Wednesday night at Tesoro. Barely more than five minutes in. both l earns had split eight three·poin t· ers and each team • CdM Tesoro sea-.on. 68 58 had six threes by halftime. CdM 's first three field goals of the third quarter were, you guessed it, from threedom and the Sea Kings never looked back, capturing a crucial 68-58 PCL triumph that positions them for the post· "II was rairung threes at the begin· ning." CdM Coach Ryan Curry l>Clid. "I called a timeout and told our guys 'If they're gmng to con tinue to sh oot Like that. there's not much we can do about it. But we could do something about making mre they only got one shot per po:.!>eSSion.' ft One sh ot was usually"enough for the Sea Kings. who hit 25 of 46 field-goal at- . tempts (54.3%), including 44.4% from beyond the 19·foot-9 arc. The visitors somehow managed to string together three two-point buckets to stan a 12-0 run that ended the haJf. The burst, which began with 4:23 left before inLerm.ission and ended with three·pointers by Kevin Mancillas and Rrett Mat.sen. turned a 26-20 deficit in to a '>ix-point halftime edge. Mancillas and Mat.sen were masterful from distance to help the Sea Kings ( 11 - 12) take over M>le possession of third place with three league games remain· ing. Matsen hit a season-best five three- pomters in seven attempts. while fellow senior Mancillas was 6 of 12 from three land. Junior point guard Jay Northridge chipped in another bonus ball to give CdM 65 three-pointers in seven league games, a remarkable 9.3 average. HWe're trying to get more twos," Curry said almost apologetically. One of those twos. a layup by junior Adam Freede, stopped a 9·2 Tesoro run to start the fourth quarter that pared a 50-38 deficit to 52·45. Leading. 54·49, Mat.sen connected from distance to up the lead to eight. then foUowed a Titan free throw with See COM, Paae 83 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL S£M HILLER !DAILY PILOT UCl's Mike Efevberha (23) breaks through UC Riverside defenders Klaus Schille (12) and John Galbreath (4). Feeling OK-oro Anteater junior fo rward comes off the bench to provide the energy and defense in much-needed 78-61 Big West victory. Steve Virgen Daily Pilot BREN EVfNl~ CENTER -For UC Irvine to break out of its three-game losing streak. it went back to the ha\· ics.. And what better way to ~ for the fundamentals than to look to jun- ior forward Maa Okoro? 'Jbat'c; right Matt Okoro. He's not the scoring leader of the Anteaters' mens ~ team. but in tmns of energy and the display of the fundamentals. he5 the 'Eaters' go-to guy. Okoro. who had tallied five points in the ~ four games. :.cored 12 poinlc;, aJJ in the second half. and provided lJO with momemum. Riverside 61 Anteaters 78 Jeff Gloger (I fi) helped lead the Anteaters to a 78-61 Big Yksl Confer· ence victory ~ UC RM?rside ~ in front of a smaJJ ~ of 1,496 at the Bren Evef'ltt; Center. Senior center Adam Parada contributed 16 point.s and IQ rebounds 10 help the Anteaters break out of their longest mainly because of two slam dunks. I~ ~ tn three years. IJO im- In addition, the UO bacb::ourt of Mike !food (game-high18 points) and See UCI, Page 84 GOLF Traditi.onal elegance the .norm Mesa Verde Co untry Club's new clubhouse has a warm, modern feel and could become Orange Coun ty 's next wedd.ing hotspot. T radioonal elegance l11at\ the be'.t way to describe the newly reconstructed dubhou\t' a1 Me.a Verde Country Oub -a $7-million, 4.LOO·'>quart' foot pro1a1 which is cr.i.nsfomung the cl ub. Visitors ~ a difference ~ -.uon w. they drive up with about a half dozen pme trees. spaded off the golf cour>e. transplanted m the fmm entrance The main dining room l'> wide and expanded farther out than the old one, prOVlding '>tunrung views of the golf course. A fireplace al the entrance of the upper-level ctining room is the centerpiece of the two tiered mam lobby area "The concept (of the new facilityl lend~ RICHARD hent.age to the whole DUNN golf co~ with its richness and land.scape. ..aid P.dtil Anderwn of the arctuttcnmtl firm !Marsh & A.ssoclate.) tha1 recon-.1.ructed the clubhouse. "I wouJdn·1 WdI\t to categonze it (the project\ new loo~ 1 1~ driven by lhe placement of the ~ill", the views and the colo~ surrounding the landscape. The overall dec;1wi mtent ,., lo bring ou1 !lhe dub~J hentagt .rnd richn~ ~ Added Mesa Verde General '-1.in;tger Kim Porter: "It\ elegant. bu1 '>llll hke home." The browns give the tn\1de a \o\aml feeling. while the abundarKe of winJ<M, allows onlooker.. 10 indulge \'.1th mvnad views. There are ne\o\' balconies. a., Wt'll. mduding outs.ide of the sptfl\ bdnqurt room (formerly the Tony Lema Rooml. which couJd become Oran~ C..Ounrv., next hotspot for weddmgs dfld receptions. "We're booking weddings now," Porter said MWe're booking weddings like crazy Once we're up and running, we11 be hopping .. it's tough to beat the views." Especially at sunseL The newly constructed clubhouse at Mesa Verde lends itself to the ideal setting for a cool ocean breeze. an endless sunset and the comfort of a clas.5ic, yet warm envirorunent. nestled high above the golf rourse's laodscape. Hit doesn't have the feel of a huge structure.· Anderson said. Hit's an atmosphere more like home the intention of our firm was nothmg monwnental. We just wanted a good. comfortable. functional golf course clubhouse, while also lJ)'Ulg to take advantage of the views.· See GOLF, Pace B2 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Rivalry heats up in Eagles' conquest Byfield helps Estancia retain Lady Bell trophy as Eagles claim at least a share of league title. Richard Dunn OailyP~ot Meta Estancia OOSTA MFSA -Ad.ding more spice on the baibecue. the girls basketball d· va1ry between &tancla and c.osta Mesa high schools bu been kicked up a notch. After the hOit Rlgles retained pos.se1- aion of the Lady 8el1 trophy with a con· vlndng 67-32 Goklen West lague vic- tory Wednesday night to lmptOYe to 14·8 and l0.-0 in league. Colt.a Meaa Coach Jim ~ was fuming becaUM FBtancia Coadl 1lun1 Rappa left htr statten In the game and the P ....... OUt• scored the Mustangs in the fourth quarter, 21-7. "(Weeks) thought I was running up the score, so he didn\ shake my hand," said Rappa. a first-year coach who added tha t she was "very sur- prised" at the Mesa coach's postgame actions. "because he knows more than I do that It's a rivalry." It was a night Estancia hon- ored ics senion. 1\sha Gray and Xochitl Byfield,, during an extended ceremony before tipoff'. "I wanted to get my two seniors the best stats they could get." Rappa Mkl. "I'm leavtng my start· en in to give my eentors the best oppor- tunity to do that. and (Weeks) of all peo- ple should know that. This ls their ~ home game. end the best ~Y to att them the ball is to leave our starters tn." 9yftdd. a 5-foot-8 aenior, sco~ ZS points, her second·besi outpUt of tho DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Nedim Pajevic ,. With a work ethic shaped by his perilous past, Sailors' senior has beco~e a towering talent. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot A big man focused on the little thin~ who re&hes bis opponun.lty to • unsatisfied. bumble. yet oon6dent, the Sailor senior b.u embraced the America to whicb-hls famOy Oed &om war-tom Bosnia when h e was 9. Birt he mnaim 1eery of the compett , but shakes off p~ure and a societal obsession with winning. Nedim Pajevic is Newport Harbor fligb's paradox in the post. ln a culture of excess and self· promotion. the &.foOt-9 center prefers~ lllyto olf gl&t.t to rim-ranting dunb and bolds rebounding and defente in htglla "8'rd than the SportJCmter hjghlights and hype that~ hb hoop generation. Strong. y.:t ft. appi'ldatMI. )'!! complacency be sees ln th<>S&! born into the amenities of atnuenc:e. A late"basb!tball b1oomer whom Newport Harbor Colcb Larry 'iin.t recalls as a~ slctMy freshmtn O)(IR ~ than ..ty. ~ hM plod rrom ~ peripbery and Into the spodigbt of Oivilioo I ~ ... from New MtxiO\ San JoM SU~ Rider and the Unlvenlty i of Sen Fnrideco. ~ 15.5 points aDd lU ~ .&. ~ ~ .. L.-~ ~ -...... -.. ~-~-........................... ·---· .. ·-· .............. _.. .. ......__. --~--- • ! • • • • • • I • --------·-...... w-------- 82 Thur~. rebruary 6, 2003 SPORTS Daily Piiot DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor ba.sketball star Nedim Pajevic is the Daily Pilot High School Athlete of the Week. PAJEVIC Continued from Bl rebounds per game. he has led Newpon I larbor lo a share of the Sea View League lead and, with rwo regular-season games remaining. a chance to repeat as league champion. I le amaM.<.>d a career-high 29 points and 22 rebounds Friday 10 key a 67 62 ovenime league win at Albo Niguel. after pacing the far, With 15 points and 12 board'> in a 51-44 win at Sea View ri val Foothill. ·1 he I >aHy Pilot Athlete of the week made 18 of25 field-goal auempt.s (64%) and wa~ 7 of 8 from the free -throw line in the two games. "He has gone above .ind beyond what we thought ht> was capable of," Hirst ..aid of Pajevic!. senior season, which foUowed a junior campaihrr' that produced second-team all-league honors. "Wt· Ul<.'\\ he Wd5 a good post defenc.kr. who had quite an array of offrn.,ive -;kilJs. But I don't think we'd have ever ima~m·d him having a game with lO rebound .. I think hi '> progres.., i., a te!>tament to him, to how hard he workl•d in the weight room." ' In addition 10 weight training, P"c11evic drilled 1irele~.,1y on the fundamental<,, <;upplemc•nting his already '\OU nd footworl., which he attributes to hi'> childhood pas.,1on for '>Olcer. "I We.IS terrible," Pajern: \<ud of h1<. basl.etball beginning ... m the sixth grade ·· 1 would .,hoot NEDIM PAJEVIC llorn: June 16, 1985 ltHlchs: Cost• Mesa Heftlht 6-foot-9 Weight: 238 Sport: Basketball Pos: Center CCMl<h: Larry Hint Favorite food: •Home cooking" Favorite movie: "No Man's U.nd" hit Mhletk moment: "Winning (the Se• View Le~ championship, the program's first outright league crown since 1985) lmye.r." Athlete of the w..11 VI: S<Ofed a career-high 29 points and added 22 rebounds in overtime le.gue win at Aliso Niguel Friday, two days •ft.er posting 15 potnts and 12 t>o.rds in Sea View road win ~ Foothill. left-handed and I'm a nghty. It wa.'> ridiculmi...." Some of hi' early d\\kwardne.,., w~ due to two growth spum. "Rerween fifth and sixth grade, I went from 5 10 to 6-3," he !>aid. '"By eighth grade, I was 6-6." fl'..i1evic credits Newport coaches. pan1ntlarly assistant Bry..in Cottriel. for helpmg to con'>lruct hi., foundation of fundamental .... I le has taken it from 1here. polishing an accurate shooting touch that indudes three point range, an array of po'>! moves, and the knowledge of positioning and leverage that help Jilin succeed, often again'>t more than one defender. An additional clement of Pajevic's success is poise. ·He has a great athletic demeanor," Hirst said. He never gets ranJed and I've never noticed him to be stressed under pressure. Minutes before our Foothill game last week. a big game for us at Foothill. which had beaten a Woodbridge team we had just lost to, he was in the locker room telling a story about a dancing bear that used to come imo his village (in Sarajevo). That's just Nedim." P.djevic's perspective comes from his childhood, when the perils of W'dJ' pushed the outcome of any game far down his list of priorities. "Winning is not the most imponant thing." he said. "If we lost, as long as everyone was involved in the game. I'd be happy. I'm satisfied just to he a team player." Hirst said Pajevic's lack of demonstrative behavior on the coun should not be interpreted as a lack of intensity. "I le's not the kind of kid who is going to show you his bicep. then punch you,· Hirst said. "I !e's kind of a quiet giant, who i'> ~oing to get under your skin by doing the little thin~.· Pajevic remains commined to continual improvement and said he hopes to follow a college career by pursuing professional bru.ketbaJJ in Europe. "My home is m America. but my love, aJJ my heart and aJJ my (extended) family are back. in Boi.nia," he said. ASUEGA SIGNS WITH IDAHO STATE DON LEACH /DAILY P1LOT Keola Asuega, far right, signs on the dotted ltne to accept a football scholarship to Idaho State on "National Signing Day." Also pre sent are is father, Roy, Costa Mesa High Principal Fred Navarro, and Costa Mesa head football coach Dave Perkins. Asuega is the only Newport-Mesa football scholarship winner to a Division ~AA school this year. GOLF Continued from B 1 The old clubhouse. built m 1959, had a patio and balcony. but few members ever sat there. because was ooe-an breezes were a little too chilly. Now. with the main dimng room pushed farther out. it blocks some of the wmd on , the balcony adjacent to the bar)quet room (capacity 250). The clubhouse also complies fully with state and federal handicap codes. It didn't before. Tile Olympic pool and dMng pool are also out at Mesa Verde. replaced by a family friendJy pool (which ~ open for lap swimming). That same pool area down below near the pine trees, and views of IM golf counie, wUJ be the wedding courtynrd. The stairs leading up to the banquet room will M!t up wedding-photo fiiendl~ One of the most 5toricd BOif du 1n Or.&n County. M ~ hired the same art:hitecturaJ tlrm thitt built the dubhoust at Tilt 8rldgel ar Rancho Sarti.a ~ • ao adulM dub wtcb ~ ' a $250,000 tnitialion fee. Mesa Verde has alwa~ resonated as a picturesque coastal Orange County counll)' duh with one of the most refreshing natural elemenL'> in the history of mankind -an ocean bQle'LC - but Its legacy comes from having hosted a county-leading 12 professional golf tournaments from the PGA Thur, Ownpions lour (Conn . rty the Senior PGA "lbur) and LPGA Thur. The tree-lined. 6,726·yard golf course with narrow £airways and plenty of teeth has also played host to a U.S. Open Regional Quallfier (1973), the U.S. JunJor Girls Olamplomhip ('93) and the Junior Girls Americas Cltp (2001). flle course proved chalJenging for the IJIGA Thur playeis during the Kemper Open (1979·'81) and Unlden Invitational (1984·'86). ln the first Kemper Open. Joanne Carner ~n a five.way playoO' with an 888J"'Ple score of 2· over-par. Despite having almost tD of I.he top 30 moot')' leaden cornpcung elCf) )Ur. no pro broke pu for lhe mtitt fuur·day tournament for any of the three Kemper Operw or lhie .. Unlden lnVltational In 1985 and '86. the lJ>GA fnur increased par from 71 to 72, resulting in the first under-par winners. The real estate at Mesa Verde. built by golf-course designer Billy BeU in 1958, was once inhabited by an ancient clvili7...atlon of Indians and later became part of the great Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana Fatl1er Junlpero Sena visited the arN. enjoying a welcome retre..11 Rom his journeys. The .,mall adobe ca.sit.a he ocrupied till stands on a lofty knoll a shon distance away from the golf <;ourse. ••• The list of early committed playem for the J~ Senior ~cat Newport Beach Countty Oub (March 17·23) lndudes defending champjon Hale Irwin. Tum WaL'IOn, 1bm Kite, Pul.Z)' Zoeller, Gary McCord Lee 1revlno, R4y Ployd. Ben~ Oave Slodcton Md LAnny Wadkini Bruce !Jet:zkr, who has ~competed ln the 1b5l\lba Senior Oasmc. hu also committed thi." year. ncbu: CfM9) eGCHOOL. JC BASKETBALL OCC women .win, men fall at RCC Pirates women's squad gets a 66-59 victory behind sophomore guard Liz Mendoza's 21 points. RIVERSIDE -The Orange Coast C.Ollege women's basket- ball tear.i earned a 66-59 Orange Empire Conference victory over host Riverside Wednesday, while the host Tigers won the men's matchup, 79-69. Sophomore guard Liz Men· doza led the OCC women (23-4 , 8-I In conference) with 2 l points and nine rebounds, while fresh- man teammate lindsay Galasso had 16 ~uding four tJ1ree-pointers. Riverside (14-111 5-4)-led, 3 1· 29, at halftime, but shot just 29% (9 of 31) in the final 20 minutes. The Pirates connected on half of their 24 field-goal anempts af. ter intermission. Sophomore point guard Nancy Hatsushi chipped in nine points for the winners, who re- ceived seven points from fre~h­ man forward Alisa Carrillo. Ashley Haggerty led three I ig· ers in double figure. with 20 points, foijowe~ by· Tamara Thomas (14) and Samantha Thomas (13). OCCs men (16 II. 4:5) tratled only 34·33 at the half, but RJVt>r side hit 15 of 23 secund-haJf .field-goal tries (6S.2%) to take control and improve to 14 11, 6-3. Sophomore Jason Larey .md freshman Brian Bobik had 12 points apiece to lead five Pirate'> in double figures. Fre.,h111cn Aaron Bobil: and Alfon1>o Jame'>. as well as wphomorl' l.arnl'r Brown, each contributed I 0 points for the vhitors. Michael Strawberry and Aaron Lesane had 17 apiece to lead five Tigers in double figure~. J fl Reece and Mohamed < .au1ara had 14 apiece, while Jamal N1rh ols added 11 for RCC OECMen Riverside 79, 0CC 69 Onin~ Coast -Seales 5, Brown 10, Garey 12, B.Boblk 12, Hatdl 8, Jamos 10, Peppers O. Ale11ander 2, A. Bobtk 10, Ba1leyO 3-pt goals -Garey 4, Brown 2. James 2, Seales 1 Fouled out Seales, B Bob1k. Tedlnicals none Riv9'Slde Strawbeny 17. Smedley 3. Reece 14, Lesane 17. Camara 14 Barber 0, Bagwell 3, N1dlols 11 J.p1. goals Reeoe 2 Fouled out -notle. Technicals -none Halh1me R1vers1do, 34-33 OECWomen OCC 66, Rlvenlde S9 OCC Hats111sh1 9, Galasso 16, M11r1av 6, Mendoza 21. Camllo 7, Ou1ro1 2. Shaw 2 Von Tungeln 3 3-pt goals -Galasso 4, Hatsush1 'l Mendoza 1 Fouled out -none T&chnicals nonu Rivenide Moore 1. Thomas 14, Haggerty 20. Moss 9, Thomas 1 J Wall.icu 0 Garcia 0. Dyson 2, lk.i O WhttPO 3 pt goal& -Mo!>!> 1, Thomaf. 1 Foulud out none Technical!. none Halh11nP R111ers1do ~1 29 COLLEGE WOMEN'S WATER POLO PREVIEW Eager Anteaters are ready to turn corner Team is 2-0, ranked 13th in the nation and appears ready to make its move into the elite ci rcles. Steve Virgen Dally Pilot AN1 l:ATER AQUATICS COMPLEX -According to Julie SwaiJ. the UC frvi ne wome n's water polo team ap- pear1> to be on <,chedule. It\ Year "'o. 3. ..ind Swail, the coach who wa., the captain of the U.S. Water Polo ream tha1 won the Mlver medal in the 2000 Olymp1l:s. i'> excited that the Antealers will be able to become the program c;hc envi - sioned from the 1-tart. "In the presea!.on poll~. we were ranked 12th in the rnun- try." Swail said "That wa" a nice Mart. l feel strongly 1ha1 we can break into the top four. J'hat was my goaJ when I go1 here. I wanted us to reach that high sometime in the first five years. And ii can definitely happen this year." Swail i.s confident becau1>e her young team thrived in it'i second year of existence. The An teaters recorded a 16-22 re- cord, earning IJ more wins than in the inaugural season. UCI also picked up its first two postseason wi ns, as the An t- eaters defeated Univers ity of the Pacific and 12th r:inkcd UC ~nta Barbara at the Mountain Pacific Sports Fed- eration Tournament. The win over UCSB marked the highest ranked opponent UCI has ever defeated. The Anteaters finished the season ranked 14th in the na - The Anteaters 1 Sunceray Chamblee Jr 1 Jennifer Moon Sr 2 Lauren Volcan Jr. 3 Michelle Carey Jr. 4 Michelle Shamhart Sr 5 Margaret Feeney So. 6 Aleah Amr So 7 Melissa Fernandez Jr 8 Erica Horman Jr 9 Tiffany Frlsh Jr 10 Hilary Horman Jr 11 Melissa Hill So 12 Karty Trvenan So 13 Errka Ranes Jr. 14 Justine Basom So. 15 Tobi Lyman So 16 Meghan O'Donnell Sr 17 Rebecca Wedemeyer Jr 20 Kelsey Haroldson Fr 21 Adelaide Perram Fr 22 Jadcie McKee Fr. 23 Alexis Fidler Fr 25 Natalie Corry Fr. Coach: Julie Swarl Assistant Coach: Kevin Brantley tion. Wha1·s more. Meli-.i.J Fer nande1 hecaml' the program\ fi rst -ever All American hon oree a., an honorable mention pick by the i\rnerican Wa t(•r Polo C.oache-;. rernande;.-1., now a 1unior who began.play111g for the Ant eaters when the program started. The same goes for 1un- ior Erica I lorman, who ha~ led UCI in scoring the pa~t two seasons. In 200 I. she scored 5 1 goa~.and last year she led the team with 57 goals. Fernande;.-. nt.£ PHOTO I DM.Y Pl 0 T Defending champion Hale Irwin, seen here llrnng up a putt at No. 4, Is on the early ffst for entry into the Toshiba Classte in March. <,l(1rt•d Ii' ){Oill .. l.1'>1 Yl'ilf "iht ., t umtng out and pl.iv 111g vt.·rv .,trong." "iwail .,,11d ol llorm.111 "~he\ om• of tht• Ing gt:'I "onng thrl•at.. 111 tli1 '>(lllrl II\ met> to know <,ht>' 1111 our tt•am - Junwr goalil• ~llllll'f,I\ U1amhlt•t• ha., al .. o playt'd .1 kt'~ role 111 llU <. n'>c th rough 1he p..i.,t two '>Ca<.ons \wJil .. aid C .harnblee h..i'> been 1111 p11rta111 on thl' Antealt'P1 counlt•rattal:I. hC'l'JU'>t.' of lwr oullet Jlil''e~. l>c•ft·nw ha .. ht'l'n 1mpor1.1111 for rlw Anteater'> tn thl' f11,1 l\\O g.11ne<. of thi., .. eason IJC I opl'nt:d the sea.,011 with J ti 1 \\ 1n ovC'r c al ~tall' BaJcer.,f1t•ld .rnd tht•n the Anteater., w1•rt· C'hJ lll'llRCd 111 0 7-5 Vlllllf\ ovN tht 1Jn1ver...i ty of lh·d land., IJ'll Wl'l'kl•nd S\1<<.111 ''ud lwr '>quad d1 pla}t·d maturity aKaln'il lkd lamh. "Our dcfcn-.e 1' <>ometh1 ng that wt•'vc worked on th1~ JM'I fall. -"lwail '>aid "lhe onl\ lime ~"c <,lipped up 15 we al lowt•d fled land'> to come balk ·1 ht' defense wa'i poor on 1h1· comm11nica1ion Hut. our t'>. penentt• came through rht•\ '>howt•d they can defend an} team that ,., out there." I he Anteaters wi ll have an opportunity to showcase tht•ir matunry and their improved defeme this weekend al the UC !:Ian Diego rriton lnvita tion.LI. UCI will face No. Ii' Hartwick in the fir'>t round S.H urday at 9 a.m. ·· 1 feel really good aboul moving up in the top fo ur thb ~eason, that's a very real1s t1t pos~ibiliry.· Swa1J said. "La'>t year, we placed higher than we were expected. This year we're going higher." SCHEDULE TODAY Ba.utbell College women -UC Irvine at UC Riverside, 1 p.m. High adlool boys -Estancia at Costa Mesa, 7 p m. High school girts -University at Corona del Mar, 7 p.m.; Newport Harbor at Laguna Hiiia, 1 p.m. Soc:c.r High school boys -Estancia at Costa Mesa, 3 p.m. High school girts -University at Corona del Mar, 3:16 p.m.; Newport Harbor at Laguna Hiiia, 3:15 p.m. 8aMbd College -Simpson College et Vanguard University, 2 p.m. Community college -Orange Coaat at Southwestern Tournament, vs. Merced, at Southweat.m, 2 p.rn. W.W poto High tchool glrta -Southam Callfomla lnvitttfonel. Alft¥VO Grande at Newport Harbor, 3 p.m., winner v-. Unl~rtity>&perenza winner 8' l p.m., at N= Harbor; Cabrilto et Corona Mar, 3 p.m •• wtnn.. VI. Ag0ur8·Woodbridge wtnnlt. at Corona cW Mar, 7 p.m. . ....,, ___ --------............. . ....... ~ ·~ Dally Pilot ~·. ~--....... ·-~·-·-·---· SPORTS ~£'If I/.• f!AN~ OAI Y PIL ~ Estancra's Tisha Gray (22) attempts a shot undeneath the basket as Mesa's Rickel! Reeves (32) defends in Wednesday night's game at Estarnca High School Estancia won to claim the lady Bell trophy GIRLS congratulate tllem on tlle1r After Rtckell Reeves scored for ter a three-po1111er by M~·., ~u ~nche1 hll a three. l..atey Na-pomt!> m tlle final lrame. while league champ1onslup and tlle CoMa Mesa to cut Estanaa's lead sana Tru1illo, C...ray -.cored two varreue netted a long 1umper pulling duwn IO rebound'>. fivt' m Bell and I hope we can compete to 6-2. tlle Eagles !>Cored tlle straight baskeu.. tllen tlle nval'> (her toe-. grct7..ed the three-po1111 tlle foun.h quaner Continued from 81 c<tmpa1gn. whilt' wntnbuung 11 rebound-.. five -.teaJ<.. om· a<,..'>i'>t 1md one blorkl'd .-.hot. n1e 5.9 (.ray addt'<.1 13 polrlt!\, '>IX rebound<,, two .,teal., and one block. while btanna jumor point guard fmha w~ fini'>hl'd with 10 point'>. U rl:'boun<h ('>UC offen '>rve). 'IX '>leaf<; and four <t!>.'ihts. Ml hey'vt' got a great team and I congratulate thl'm on .i great year." "'1!d Week.s. who..e '>quad fell to 1 I I 0 ri 1 111 league ·They've go1 a great pres'>, great baJlhandler; and a great 1eam I witll tllem next year. That'!> 1t." game's next 11 point.s. mcludtng exchanged tllree-pomters by ~ta Imel and :"\aff <,cored on a rnce Weeks abruptly walked away. ..even unanswered points to end cee Sanche1. (for Me..a) and By· move m the pa1n1 a .. l\1e..a '>Cored f..stancia, which travel., Fnday tlle first quarter. a run ~parked by field ru. tlle bagle'> amas..ro a J.! '>l'vcn '>traight point'> to finalize to Orange before concluding the Byfield, who M:ored five of tlle 14 mte~ion lead the t111rd quaner Golden West seru.on next week. point'). Naff. who poured 1n 16 poini.. n1e Eagle<;. tJ10ugh. weren't claimed a t least a share or the Followmg Estancia'~ 17·2 lead and grabbed mne rebound'>. firn.,hed Bvfit:'ld canned a three league titJe. early in tlle second quarter. Costa scored tlle fin.1 rwo bru.ket'> of thl' ro mgger tht' foun.h -quaner "We have a very good opportu· Mesa turned to 6-foot i,enior second hair. but bt.ancia fol '>urge. then. after :-.:arr -.cored to n11y to close out league unde Rhond1 Naff, who scored her lowed witll r~ biggest -.conng run cul Mesa\ deficit to 51 ·29. I Man- feated. ·Rappa said. team's next tllree field goaJs on of tlle game -14-0 The 'Pun c1a outscored the Muc;tailgs. 16-3. Estanoa oul5Cored the Mw.· coni.ecuuve possessions. was igrnted by Byfield\ tllret• tlle re5t of the way tangs in every quaner. beginning f..stanaa. however, continued pomter with 5:41 remammg 1n l-.'itanc1a s :\anc:v <.a-.tro, who witll a 13-2 burst tn tlle first pe· 11S dommance over Costa Mesa tlle Llurd quaner and crowned bv attempted onlv one ">hot in the riod. Mesa was 1 of 9 from the butldmg a 25-8 advantage on Byfield's d.nvmg layup with 1 2Cf fi~t tllree quartt.>r'> dratned 4 of7 field and committed SlX tum Gray'<. layup to finc.h a rast brealc left to gl\.l' tlle hom an in .. ur from tlle field IO the fourth quar O\er.. 111 the operung quarter. with 2.51 left 10 the first half. Af-mountable 46-18 lead ter <md scored all nine or her . EsUncia 67, Costa Mesa 32 Score bv Quarten Costa Mesa ~ n ,, 1 li Estancia 'l 1<; 14 21 67 Costa Mesa Bnd. O Sancn111 8 Naff 16 Reeves 2 Navertene 3. Landeros 0. K1b1n 0 Tru11llo 3 Vergara 0 Cluff 0 3 pl goals -Sandle1 2, TruJ1llo 1 Fouled out none Technicals none E.stanaa Wa<;,e 10 Mono 8 Grav 13 Castro 9 Byfield 25 PAna 2 Wilson O Garcia 0 3-pt goats -8yf1el11 3 Fouled out -none Tecnn•cats nonP HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL BRIEFLY Sailors punish Irvine Mesa rumbles past Estancia, 6-0 NIWPOHI BIAC.11 IL w<t., unc of thO'>l' night'. when the rnad1 had tht· luxury of making c;urc every pl.iyN got a shot and Ncwpon I I arbor I hgh boy'> ha'\kt•thall coach l .arry 1 lir'>t didn't wa.,lt' the opportunity in a qo "i"i victory over "iea View League foe lrv111t> Wedne'>day night ·The vi'\1tang Vaquero'>, down on their lud.. witJ1 a I ll. 0-8 mark, could not contam the Sail· or<. 111 any department. Season high., were posted by Clase Cameron (18 pomt'>). An· dre Pmesett ( 16 po111ts) and re- serve Nick Glass1c 114 points). and Ned1m PaJeV1c added an- tller double-double to lus bc;t of credits witll 14 points and 10 re- bounds. Also in double figures for tlle Sailor;, who improved to 15-8, 7-1. was Brett LowentllaJ COM Continued from B 1 anotller three-pointer to make it 60-50 with 3:18 remaining. Tesoro's seventll and eight three-pointers helped tlle hosts (9-13) close to within 56-52 with 1:43 left, but a Pancho Seaborn layup and two free throws each from freede and North.ridge in the final 20 seconds. helped tlle Sea Kings avenge a 48·45 lo to resoro Jan. 17 at CdM. Mancillas, who now has 21 three-polnters in his last four games, finished with a season- high 26 points. while Matsen added 17 points. Freede came off the bench to chip in eight points and five U · slst.s, wh.Ue Northrldge ftnlshed witll seven polnta and flve as- sist& Senior Robbie Luce also con· uibuted four points off the bench. •Kevin and Breu. two leflfors. hid big ba1lgam for us lo· nleht.. Qury aaJd ·~ had back-to-blek bucbtl for us ()ate In the third quartet) and Fteede'a peoecndon WU aJ1o key. "Thet\ ow 11th win Wbkh pur. .. into consideration for an with 15 points. Ille Sailor. unloaded me bench with a mmute left in lhe Llurd quaner. Newport I !arbor 1-. at Laguna 1 liU~ as it continut.>~ 1t chase for the league crown. GIRLS SOCCER; Costa Mesa I hgh's nmaway Mustangs racked up tlle1r I Oth straight Golden West League girls "'occer victory In as many starts Wednesday at 1he expense of host Estancia. 6-0. SNV-uacue Newport 90, Irvine 55 Score bv Ouarten Irvine 10 1s 17 13 Newport 2• is 26 22 Irvine -Bradford 9. Heider 17. Jeltema 7. Glaugh 12 Vemll 5. Sampson 3, Ou1t1gua 2 The victory clinches no worse than a share of the league crown for Costa Me<>a (16-1-2. 10-0-01. '>S The nearest challenger; are 90 Ocean View (8-2) and Saddle- back (7-3) wtth two gamel> left on 3 pt goals -Heider 4, Glaugh 2 Vemll 1, Sampson 1 Fouled out -none Technicals -none Newport -Cameron 18, Rorden 8. B Lowenthal 15, Pa1evic 14, P1nesett 16 T Lowenthal 2. Hanley 1, Hunter 2. Glass1c 14. 3 pt. goals -Cameron 1. B Lowenthal 1. Fouled out -none Tectm1cals -none at-large berth ( 11 was tlle minj- mum requirement last season, tllough official word on tllis year's standard has yet to be con- finned) and we have sole posses- sion of third place. which would give us an automatic (postsea- son) berth." The~ Kings finJsh with Uni- versity (Friday), Catva.ry Chapel and Northwood. Tesoro closes out witll Northwood: Laguna 6each and Calvary Chapel Pat Marion led the Titans with 18 points, while fellow sopho· more Shane Keough. the son of CdM graduate and former major league pitcher Man Keough, had 15. tlle league schedule The Mustangs, No. 2 in the CIF D1V1s1on Ill rankings behind tm· beaten Troy, were paced by sen· 1or Sharon Day. who scored tllree goals. along witll single tallies from Jasmin Day. Valerie Gomez and Rachel Ronquillo. Assists were provided by Tosh- ia Bryant, Vera Gale. Ronquillo. Jenny Sparks and two by Stacy Krikorian. Kindra Bailey had three saves. Costa Mesa has outscored its competition in league by a 66-2 margin. Overall it's 86-13. Marci Kirchberg. up from tlle Estancia JY. drew solid reviews witll her play at goaltender. She had 10 saves.. Maria Sanchez., Ruth Olavaro, Karleen Curran, Sandra Lopez and FJise Karro! stood out for Es- tancia (1 -7-2 In league), in its last home match of the season. Sea Kings blank Tttans OOYS SOCCBR: The Corona del Mar Hlgh boys soccer team bla.nk.ed hOit Tesoro, 2·0, in a Pacific Coast League contest Wednesday. Ouis Rlngsttom scored on a breakaway five minutes Into the game and Jerltt Thayer added an insurance goal ln the second half on a shot from 27 yards out. Phil Stemler made six saves for the Sea Kin.p. who lm- p.roved to H-4·2, 6-0-1 ln league. CdM Coach Pat Callqban also pralted the play or de· render Brandon Za.d.&n. CdM botu UnJ~ty Frtct.y. Sailors romp, 17-3 GlaU WAT'D JIOLOI NcW- port Harbor I hgh'> girt., \\att•r polo team wai. a 17 ·~ \\tnm•r over Woodbridge in <1 ~t·J View League game al Un1ver<;1tv ll1gh Wednesday Jenna Murphy (four goal.,,, Annie Wight (thret• goal., and Carolyn Conway !three goa1'1 led tlle way as the Sailor'> r 16 .i , 4-0 in league) conunued 1he1r road to Foothill (Apnl 12) \\hen· the league crown will be ">ettled •Costa Me~ was a 9 4 Golden West League winner at Santa Ana, paced by Kalle Thorsness. who had six goal<> The Mustangs are now ll-4. 4 -1 m league. Sea View Lea1ue Newport 17, Woodbridge 3 Score by Quarters Newport II 6 s o 11 Woodbridge 1 1 1 o 3 Newport Harbor -Murphy 4, Wight 3, Conway 3, Ball 1 Ern::kson 1, Belden 1, Adnoff 1, Ritchie 1, Beebe 1, Taylor 1. Saves -Murphy 3', Wight 3, Cottam 2 M.irrn Lamheros headed in a cornl'r k.1d.. bv Joel Walker to upt'n the .,umng. then Walker drove .i booming '>hot home on a play .. et up by 1earnmate'> Cha'I:' Kelly and I nc Nutter fhe ~ilors improved to 7 · I .1. 5· I ·2 m league as goalie \fark "ipear., got the '>hutout. Bucs sweep JC MEN'S VOLl...EYBAll: Orange Coast College·s men'<; volleyball team posted a 30- 14. 10 13. 30 18 nonconfer· ence Victory over Visiting Claremont C..oast. which im- proved to 2 l. was led by Paul Pomroy (six killsl. Ka1one Scott (mne digs) and Mike Murphy (16 assists) and David Doxey ( 12 a~s1sto;) Pirates second JC MEN'S GOLF: The Orange Coast College men's gotr team opened its season in impressive Golden West Leque fashion, finishing second Costa Mesa 9, Sent• Ana 4 among 11 teams at the rwo-day Score by OuartM'I O Em · C i Costa Mesa 3 3 2 1 , range pi.re on erence Santa Ana 2 2 o o • Tournament, Monday and Costa M..a -Thorsness 6. Bowman Wednesday at Lo Serranos Golf 1. Harris 1. Bunnell 1 Saves -Payne Course in QUno Hills. 9 Kelty Wicks (74-74--148) was Mesa belts u re trru'nster third overall among 161 golfers. n1 to help tlle Pi.ra1es post a 763 WRBSTUNG: Co ta Mesa High's wrestling team (15-4, 4-1 in league) closed out Golden West League competldon with a 48-24 victory over visiting West- minster to finish second to league champion Santa Ana Wednesday. Among Mesa's wtnners were Matt Flores (215 pound ), Ser- gio Cabrera (135). SiMo Estrada • team score, 22 shols back.. Jake Allanach (77-74--151). David Kendall (80-74--154), fa.red Bruce (75-80-155). and Brad Champion (77-eG-157) rounded out the top five for the Pi.rate , who host district rival Golden We t Monday at noon at· Co ta Mesa Golf g, Country Oub. <130>. an by way or pin • and Academic standouts Carle>$ lba.rra. a 19-3 winner at 103 pound COUB;B WATEll POLO: UC Sailors blank Vaquero -.... lrvtne· ooua Flnfl"ock and Phil Ga.rel• have been lected to the Mountaln r.tdftc Sporu Federation Ac.demk: AU-O>n· Cerentt taem for mm· wa polo. • Finfrock. a eepet. II ma· · to hlatCKY and tarted an 27 bad 191 •vn. Gar- da. a~. ICOred 13 pla fof HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daty Piiot's Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 21 -Amber McCarthy Orange Coast College Volleyball '01 23 -Stan11lav Zuiak UC Irvine Bffketball ·02 21-Katia Muller Orange Coast College Volleyball, ·01 the Anteaters. Hawks soar • YOUTH HOOPS· Kebey Woo led tlle Hawk..s with 12 points and several rebound as tlle Newport Golden Hawb beat the lrvme Roadrunners. 22-19, 1n Newpon-Mesa Na- nonal Junior Ba ketball third and fourth-grade girls' acron. Che.IMa Barth and Katheryn Connu a1 o had four point.a apiece for Newport. in other girls' games: • M.p: 22. l..akat 13 lAu.ra ~A.Del Moeco- vltl and Catberlne SuDhwn alJ scored lx points for the Magic in the wtn. Nlld 1Ak and Mary ~ also contributed points. The defense wu led bY s.r.. Slherman and Anna Scott. l!llb ~ and b11)'1; ..._. each WI ed four po1n for the Lake.n. •W.....13,,,....11 ..,.. Sdlro« ( pokttl) abd •• ••• La <rour ~ ~ h Wlt.ardl ln • ,... ................ battle. . The s,ub were piKed bf .\a..&' •. ~...J-M ~~.-·-·--~~ ' 14 Ttusday, Feooay 6, 2003 SPORTS Dally Pilot YOUTH SPORTS CdM 's Nicholson shines He scores four goals in two games to keep CdM unbeaten. • BOYS soa:::mt The C..orona def Mar boys under-12 soccer All-Stal:s defeated Tustin, 3·2, and North Irvine. 4-2, to remain wuiefeated and in first place. Camden Nlchohon. C.dM 's leading scorer. kicked in the go-ahead goal with lest> than a minute to Pia.¥ to secure the win over~ Bunk Hooper scored two early~ as C.dM built a 2-0 lead only to have Tustin come bad to lie it 111 the second half. In the second game. CdM fell behind before Hooper tied the score and then Nicholson scored three goals. • Passing and ball control of forward John Doering and midfielders Ort Tabak and Hunter Alder keyed scoring chances. Tummy Bangert. Wes Bak.er, Conner Bannan and James Cunningham held strong defensively and KmdaD Pick made two key saves. Cory Donavan and Michael McKenna kept focll.'> in winning the bail. Ficenec sparkle • GlRIS SOCCER. Three goals by Blakeley Pkeoec sparked the Newpon gtrls under· l 0 Gold All·Star soccer team from AYSO Region 97 10 two wins last weekend Newport beat South Irvine, 2-1, al. Ficenec scored both goah. and then downed North Irvine, 3· I, after trailing, I ·O, at halftime. Lauren Grupe scored two goals in the thfrd quarter assisted by Amy Kanotz and Callea Eisenberg p~ed to F1cenet, who aced the wm in the fourth quarter. Against South Irvine, Tori Sarris and Kanot7 assisted on both of Ficenec\ goal<; Defenders Gwen Gaylord, Hannah McLeod and Sadye Busby s topped "c:veral Irvine breakaways. Grupe, Beth Barnard, Natalie Swih, 1-.lsenher~ and Mary Yeager aJI had 'hot'> on goal and contributed to Newpo rt\ uffc:n.,1ve outburst. In boy<.> under· IO Sti ver All·~tar actton: •Nolan Mena '>Cored two goal'> and Bryce MannJng added lhe final tally a'> the Newport boys under-I 0 Silver All <:>tar '>oner tt-am triumphed over Yorba I mda. J I, Saturday Landon Gyulay and Ethan Murray added intense pressure at fomard and midfielder'> Adam Kinder and Oavld Verona moved lh<' hilll into scoring pos111on Fullbacks ams Sheppard !'weeper). Hamilton RandJe and Jonathon Keedy controlled the Yorba attadc Aaron ~rvantes stopped 'oevcral 'ohOt'> protecting the goal Good as gold for CdM • GJRJ.S SOCCER· Corona del Mar\ girl'> under-12 Gold All·Star -.ocl.t.•r team mamta.ined 11s unbeaten. firl>t·place 'landing with a:!· I victory over South Irvine f-orward Laura Kopel '-to red to gave <.dM a I ·O lead in the first 4uartl'r on an a'>'>i'>t from defender Megan GaaJ. CdM's Mackenzie Jones 'oton·d 1m a de0t'Uton from the Irvine goalkecper trt the '>econd 4uartc:r and midfielder Lindsay 7..otovkh found the back of the net on a penaJty k1c~ from out.,ide the bo~ in the third quarter. Karly Ogden, Heather Van lllel, A.J. Rome and Kelsey Valley contributed c,ldllL·d pa'>sing Newport plays clutch • BOYS YOUTH HOOPS: Robbie Boyer htt tht' game·winning shot with lwo <1econds left in overtime to break a 40-40 tie, lifting the seventh·grade boys Newport-Mesa AD-Net basketball team to a 43-4-0 viaory over Laguna Hills. With the win N~wport improves to 8-0. P.J. Slmpeon Jed the way for Newport with 12 poin1s and seven rebounds foUowed by Kyle CaldweU'a 10 points, seven rebounds and three . steals. Jamie McGee (10 points, three assists), · Boyer (seven points, four assists, four steals), AU Mesh.kln and Joe Eberhard (two points each) also contributed to the scoring. Eberhard also tallied four steals. In girls eighth·grade action: •Newport 25, Laguna Hills 20 Newport hung on to win after leading aL the end of tbree quarters by eight. Taylor Holden led Ne'Wpon with nine pomts and grabbed nine rebounds. Ivy Melo tallied eight points, seven rebounds and '>ix steals wh.ile Becca Turk added four points. Briltany Oeyan and Ote1'ea McCrea each had two points. Crush coasts to first shutout • OOYS YOUTH SOCCER: The Blue Crush recorded •ts first shutout of the all·sLar season with a 4·0 win over South Irvine Saturday in AYSO Region 57 boys under·l4 Gold soccer acuon. Goalkeepers Phil Bannan and Geoffrey Grant combined to hold South Irvine scoreless. In hi' first s tart at striker, Curtlt Converse took a breakaway pass from Andrew Mason to score the Crush's first goal. An assist by Brian Nichols IO George Logan accounted for the '>econd .goaJ and Geoffrey Grant picked up the thm.1 off a p~s by Kyte Mural. Brian Ucorlsb <oco red the finaJ goaJ on a direct k.ick. I he defense was keyed by Andrew Martinez, Ryan Hultman, Sam NadJman, Ford Noe and Matt Rhodes. Newport dominates'lrvine • BOYS YOUTH SOCCER: It didn't maner whkh Irvine team the Newport boys under-10 C .old All ~tar .. occer team faced lasl weekend, the rc:.,ult wa'> the same -~o ~1ns. '\;cwpon downed South Irvine. 10 I. with thr('e goals from Colton GyuJay-o all in lhe ftrst period f,yulay was aided in the goal scoring by Stevie Mlller, John Bar1on and Ouutlan Ochoa !two goal<o each> and by a stngle tally from Misha Pakvua I our 1.hfferent players scored goah for Nc:wport in 115 6·2 def ear of North Irvine later SatunJay. Timmy Root, Scott Ridgeway. Barton, Miller and Gyulay each scored goals and solid defense wa .. pr0\1ded by Ivan Becerra, Drew Oller, Sean Regan, Taylor WUdman a11d goalkeeper Logan Newett. Newport remains undefeated and 1n fir-.t place. Newport Harbor ties. 6-6 • CLUB ROLLER HOCKEY · On Monday ewning, Ncwpon Harbor Varic.ity Roller hockey tt'dm 11ed I luntmgton High c,chool 6·6. fhe allack wa'> led hr brothers, Cllase and Pr1: .. ton Kelly with ead1 one .,conng two goals and one a<,.<,1~1., Dden,eman, Vincent Mungo added one goal for the lCdlll ~h1le Bre tt Robmson and Calvm Ander'>on added a~sists W11h 18 seconds left in the third p eriod . Cory Adlc:r took the puck to the net and tied the game. Goalie l·lhott Thacker and strong dcfen.,e from Alex Crouse. Collin ln'iley, Kyle Matthew~. and Kevin Wong m ade this a very exciting game. UCI Continued from B 1 proved to 12· 7, &-4 to the Big Ykst. ·~been a key IOf our ream the \\4lOle smQ\ (lnduding) the wtn <M!I' Utah ~. lb idm said d. Oblro.. .JU him to prtMde the en- ergy was bfg for us.• Cb'o abo pnMded Va with defense. which was. perhaps, bis moat importan1 contribution. For most oC the ~ he gu;lrded UCR freWnan sensation Nate ~ ~ leads the Big Wist in scoring (18,3 points per game). Carter fin· ished with a season-la.v seven points. 'Thats probably as good a job anyone has done on c<:aner>: ~said 11 was j\S a matter of simple fundamentals for Okoro. . ·rm jusl trying to cone in e\eY game and play my m'e. ... Okoro said ·r ~ defense and bring en- eigy lO the Bic Welt team l want Utah St. '-c:i1lc UCSB ua Cal Poly Idaho Fullerton Nofthf'ldge Riverside Long Bctl. St. W L 7 2 e 3 6 3 e • 5 4 4 s 4 5 3 6 3 7 2 7 to aeare en· eigy and by getting the dwUs. it's good for the teamS lllO- rnentun'\." uo has beer\ strug- gling with . compla· cency in the second r.alf. mainly tn a 74-68 loss lO Cal Poky San Luis Obispo Saturda){ But Oko- ro put an exclamation point on the AnteatelS' breaJcout in the final 20 minutes. U0 out.SCOrod Uot 19-9, m the first eight m.inutes of the !.CCOnd halt: Okoro ..corod the final four points of the run, tncluding a two- handed jam on a breakawcty he aeat.ed off his own steal. That gave UO a 51-33 lead. Later, wnh 5· 17 n?maiiung, Okoro left the O'tM'd buomg after he took a defender off the dribble and stuffed the ball wnh his nghc hand. ~ UO a 65-45 lead The dunk cal.l5ed the Ante<tters on the U(] bench Lo JWTIP out of thetr seats m celebration. "I le gt>t.S us going with those dunks." said Gloger, who provided ua with l'fl~ 111 the first half. 'We feed off ttlO'ie dunl.., and when Mau pla~ like that he ~ U5 more momentum· Goger and Hood c,corod nine points 01 the first half, when UCJ shot 54.2% 113 or 24) and built a 32 24 lead. The H~ (4· 12. 3-7) chose to dog the middle on ck. .. fen.se and basically left Gloger open on the outside. 'You don' challenge him; I:A>ug· lass w d of the defensive strategy in reference to (~. "He's l't'fl'\aJt. able m ~ far a.. poi.-.e. • UOl actually had to concentrate on the kM ~ on defense Their t:alJest <;tarter b. 6-7. and their uillest player j_t., Klaus !:ichille, who is a &. I I freshman from Bertin, Germany. The 1~c.1er;· strategy paid off the last time the.e 1wo teams met tJCR, wtuch will be able.> to qualify for the Big ~ Touma· StAN HILLER I DAil Y Pll Anteaters' Adam Parada (55) rs fouled on the way to the bucket ment next )""ear. also shol a ~n· tugh 62.5%. but ended up losing. 81 • n. Jan. 11. in a game that had 32 lead ~ The H.tghlander"> are m their !.L'<Xmd year of NCAA OM ~n I ha.'>lu:tball. Ille I h~lders !ia'l'ned to r4ke adv-d/1tagc whl'O the Anteaters wen• u1 a r.one defense m the first hall. UCJ opened with a 9·2 lead, b111 UC.H came back ~ith -.ix Wat~ll potnl'>. lllt' \nteater> thc:n went 011 a l.J 4 nm tu w-J.b d .!2.-12 k.oad .tltt·r 'iOphomon:· lon...-.ud (ire): l:.thmgton -.con'd ul Ult' pa.ult off an d.'>-<.t"' from C>lum Ille Anlt-atl'I'> w!ll ho'>I Bt~ \\t.,l nvJ.I (..al \late rullerton 'ii!tunld\ night a l 7:0'i It wtll 'be tJ(j ... JlrnTit't.UnllllJ.!I 1 lall o t f'anw ~m1e ZOT'S The 1,496 i!Uendaria> tS th. fewest this season and is beta.II iJl"f of the crowdr. of last year lJCI\ 78-61 "" r II tho ~ marlJlf'I of VICSDry on S.. ~ play, ""'5 fat The Anl&alen. " 1 ltl8 sono5 Ollet UCR 18-14 and !hey tldV' won 1351 "• mooongs ua tS 8-0 wt>o r soonog 70 ponu or more Tht! Ari wte<S cJm itlso SO when shooting a1 ll~1 • ~ •• M> "'"1v shot 56.6"-,. IM>dMSlid, 1M•n•nc1 Bia W.st Confwence UC Irvine 78, R~ 61 UC Riverside Galbreath 3 C;11wr 1 Hdn!Js 2 Wf!s~ I 7 Butler 6 P .. 1rr 4 Or•(Jn 0 Sl:tull1• S S..11 15 Moll1•r '} ffolTl'lrJ (' '.3 ot Q:>J s B•.t 3 F'Prer., '2 GJlliruJll 1 F <1•111 .. J o •JI nor" lt<t'lnrc"I' f'tlJnc UCI Zutd~ 7 Hdrrt~ 8. Par.i11,. '" Gloq..r lb HO<)(l HI. S111ph1or1~ 0 Sd1•11o<for 0 Peace 2, Baskau•~-t~ 0 Efovborhd 2, O~oro 12. Eth1nqto11 2 3 pl t!O&I~ Gtog('r 2 Hood 2 Foulod Clut -nont' T•'Cl1nit.t1I~ nune Hulft1mt• UCI 32 24 "The Art of Making Pizza., WE DELIVER NIGHnv 5.9 PM l!gal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal NoClca 2MO Llgal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I Legal ~ces 2640 I Legal Noticn 2640 fie'"'-a...u flctitiwl lmtss r~ ~ fidlliM ..-0 ~..... Fldltl. latu fldlllM ~ flditiws lvsims FiditiM ~ Fidilm a.i.ss -~ ~~1 -~ -~ -~ -~ --~ ~~ ~~ ~~ The following p~rv1n•, lh• ,,,, ., ... , , .... nM lhr followm11 prrv1n\ lht lollow,ng per•on\ lhr lolk\w1nc prr"OO\ Thf' lollflwrnr prr\On\ lht fo1tow1n& prtWn\ lh• ,, 1 ..... ,., nn-.·n• I•• ''"" W•n/ , .. ,, .. 1.. • •• I ollnw1n1 I'"''''" ~re d-O•ne bust.ne!.'\ as .,~ tk11nr lt1r 1rn~ •~ af r 001ne hu'\•ht''\3. ii\ ~rP doina bu,ine's •\ •rt d'''"I bu~nt\S •s a'' do•na bu'-'""~' .1\ ._,~ dotn& bu\lne\~ '' ..,,. \Jo·fl~ tJu' tifll\' 41P~ .... t101t·-,u ,,, .. , -4\ "'f' 1111tl'\ll thJ'.ttit\' ,,. learn J? P•ck•11n1Co SCI NI l'!IOOIJCllON OplrmAI R•rvrnr 161 I lNlRGll 1 1301 Mtrl Cadtnllle11alMed1cll 61 A) Mi R Wer"llaar Ann Mochael\ UC) l\rrtt•A· flp•.11n\ I/toll .,.,,,,, • .,11 ••. ~,. nrn ~II '•••••, f!Ath•f\I· p lllA'>O flor1 Or ·tor ha 1041 W lkt!I \I •B 10'> ll'lh 'it •31 C:n\I" Orrvt (;oron• del Mar A10,t1no Irvine CA and Son V>0lon Shop PO•fl\ellra C0ton• d•I M•ltl•• l anr •4 llu11 Ou•• ~11.-1 .,, Ir 1'>11 ?Qlli 1 ll••nCtlh•lft·• ltnda CA 92886 Co~t• Nit~· I A 'U6'l7 M~-. CA 9?627 CA 92625 92614 Inc B J Werohur Viohn M•i CA 926l5 tonrlc>11 e~••h CA 92647 N •"'""'I 8 • " h c A l'l.ileuti• CA 91870 B•rrr Lee Wolturd Hyufl lufl~ W J F1a11khn fred Ch•1T1l0rr Mo11"'11 Renll Ro~enthal fr•nh C Rote, 61 Aeo Shop. lflt C 1 Wei\ An11 Cowden. J~I H•1tl 4ndllH Som•,llY'· 1211>9 'JZWJ '••"" P•ddlelotd I IA•f11 184!!0 flora Or V1>1h• Ml\h•I At"" V•~I" 111 IMll Ill 161 I ltllh \I I IOI Keel Ortve Coronit 5hno.lrvrne.CA9?614 \hur Vrotrn Shop 1163 Urr•e Lorona del M,H \yl .. 11 Riv., litne •lbl Ballet lh•·ll•\•11 ll·-~11 111.r~\ll tn !rad Oi trndaCA9ll!Sl6 q?6•.oft •11 Co\18 M"·'· I.A tl•IMM,CA9?6?!> 1h1\bUMOl\\1,con Oraniie AvfJ Cn\lll f.A976?'> lounlarn Valif'y LA''"'" 11•1rr•m• \•r r,.1.,naCA'l?AAl lhr\ bu~tnP.\~ I\ '"" lhr•. l111•.1n••\ I\ <nn 97671 lhl\ bU\ln~u '" 'on dlJCltd by lln rndt••duel Mesa. CA 9?6?1 Thi\ bu\lne" t\ rnn •)?!()II 1t11@s Cl Al 901 ()oyp lo\le Padl11•fnrd I Jll~ tlrrtlecl bv a11 .ntt .. uluAI t'fmtrd hy All •11d1v111ual lh" llu\ln•" " to11 du,led by •n rndiwrdual H .. e you \la•led do1n11 M & R W111nhHr and ducted by an rnd..,dual flo'l•1nr• \ooolloo~~· 17169 Stre•I \u1t• l~fl NPw But~\~•fl Ir rd Or Have you \larttd dotnQ Ha•• yuu \tMled dotng du, led by an mdmdual Ha•P you \tarted dornt bu\rntu yet' No Son Vrolrn ShoV '"' Have you star ltd dv1n~ "v I•• n R 1 ••• 'l G J 11u1t Btddt CA 91660 Curona CA 'li'IUI 1 bu•m•\\ yet' 'l'e\ l /IJ bu""''' yet> Yr\ Havti you .t.uted do11111 bu••ne\\ yet' No frank C R1tr CCA), 1763 Oranat Avt busmen yet' Y•• 4 I F nunt•ir• Vall•v CA Th,. bu""'H , on !hi\ bu\OnO• " ,011 Ol lunp Wmin~ Hrun bu•rnt.>n v•t' Nu Marton Renk Rosenthal Thi\ statement wu Co\I• Meu CA 926?7 1986 91108 dutlr•I by ii w<pOtdhnn 11!1< t•d by hu\b.,id •nJ B1rry l~e Wollord lhr< <l•l•·mtnl ,.,. Frank Fred Ch•nlbf't lhl\ sl•temtinl wn filed wrlh the County Th1\ b11srhn\ ,. con Ann Cowden llu\ bu\rnn' " ""' II••• Y'"' \l••IPd du•n1> ... 1, lht\ Ullltment wa•, f·ltr! wrlh th• l,nunty l•tn Ill hied wrth lht County (;lerlo. ol 01an11• County due ltd by ll COlpo••lron lhl\ sfaltmt nt , .. , rl•H l•tl by hu,h.tnd and bu<mP'\\ y•I' N• It••• ynu . lltltd d<lrn,• hied WJfh '"" <:1111nly ( ••rk 111 Uianv• r .. rnly '"" \hltmf'nt .... , Cl!'•~ of Orange Counly on 01 06103 H•vf' you slarlNI dotns Med with lilt Cl'>only ..... ft·~·· 1h<Jm1•n A• """""" , • ., v., I }'• Clrt ~ tJf Orantr County unOl 18 OJ fried with the Cuunty onOl 31.03 200J6t216SO busrneu yet> Yn . June Cler~ of 01lln111: County Havr you <tarl~d 1Jo1n1 \OClal,., 1nu11an1• S.,.1 01 on I 14 OJ 2003693Ul1 Cle•~ ol Oranll" Cou11ty 200J6tJ 1166 Darty Pilot Jin 16 23. 1995 on I 14/03 l>u••ntu yel' No •Kn k>si• T Piddlelflrd 200J692tS72 011ly Pilot Ian lO Feb of101t280J Ollrly Pilot feb 6 13 JO fi b 6 2003 lHlOO M' R We1uhu1 •nd 2003692t660 Bnnn1tSomogy1 lrft•n•~ O 9.,0 n lhi\ \lat~nienl w" Darty Pttol l•n 16 23 6 I) 20 lOCll Thl38 200!1693133S 20 17 2003 Th143 Son Vt0hn Shop. Inc Daily Piiot Jan t6 lJ Th,, s l•lrment w•\ fre.uurrr lil~d with the Cuunly JO I di 6 ?003 lh089 Oa1ty Pilot Jan 30 I ~b M1~e We11•hur Prut JO f tb 6 2001 IM>H6 frt~d wrll't th~ County Thi~ \Ulrment ,.,. t leth ol Or .eni~ C.ounly Th• lolluw1na po:r wn\ ar • domr """"es' u Ger nu R1,mu\Hn Soll ware Soluti<>n' :?I 5 20th SI Newpotl 8H'h <:.A 92663 M<k McCowen 115 10th SI . Hewl>Ofl Bud1 <:A 91663 Ill" bu<111en "' '"" ducted by •rt 1nd1•1clu•I H••• )'1)11 11Mted clo1n1 buslntH yet' Yt> 11"/0I 2003 MIC~ MtCowen l h°' \IA"mtr1I w•• ltlt1d wrlh fhfl tnunly Clt1~ ol 1)11nR• Cl'lunly on Ot/24/03 200HU09JI Dally Pilot l1n JO F •II Ii 11 :m 200J rht:>ll The lollow1n1 !"HOn\ al't doifll bUllt'ltlU H M 8re~y ~rte Ith< ICMI W 18th St Ste A IOll Cnd.o ~u CA mu Bork ind S1t.11.or . Inc. (c:A). 1041 W 18th SI . Ste A 109. C111t; Mist, c:A 92627 f11ls tw kt"' I~ con dUcttd by • corpoutlM HH• you at.tied dooot blf)IP )'ttf Ho IOfK .. S.l111f, IM. Jn41l S11Jr«, Prtaident flllt lltlll!Tt Ill WH filed wllfl Ille CounlJ C*H-of Oret1c-C1H1nty en01/2C.-OJ ,.. ........ Oatly Pilot Mn JO. r eb I 1' 20 200l n1IJO lht h1llo11111na pt1~011~ •r• darnit hu\lnF~~ "' S1mplt Artt\' Cnn1ull int ?~'l8 I Ail war Dr Cn~l1 M~\a CA '176?1 Oanrpl Wh1!4kor ?~'>8 f a11w•1 Or r '"'~ Meu rA 9lf>l1 Thi\ hU\ln~'\ '' 1 un du• ltd by 111 utdmdual lfA•• yl'>ll \I Al IPtl tlolnt h"""'" y•I' YH I I I lOOl Cl•nirl Wh1l~~•r fh" •htrmrnt wn Med w1lh lh• County C:ft.r ~ ol Or dnee Countr fln I 14/03 200l692U7J Oarly Piiot l•n 16 23, j() I tb 6 lOOJ Th090 Ill• l11lk1w11111 1i4't1Wn' •• • do•n1 b11\1nn1 n y,iq rroe>«ht~. 4?1 Jhl SI Hllwpmt Buth r A ~~) Vtltl R,,11.tl' Inc \CA) 4'17 lht SI . Newl)MI llucll CA 92663 r111~ llu~inol I\ t nn rlucled by • corpoullon Have you •t•t1 ltd doin1 hu~1nn• ,.,,, Nn VIII• Rtnl•I•. Inc I'll Charnllerlarn Pr~\I •nl Thrt '''''"""'' "" f"-d Wtlh lhl Counfl Cit• k of Or 1n1• County onOl/21/0J ,.., ... ,,,. 0.11~ '"°' litn lO fell 6 u 10 2003 lhll• ' 6 11?IJ.700l lhll'> fldtll.s...... dent t.:IMk nf Or.en&• Countv filed with the 1.r11mty M01 241~3 fictlllels...... "-S.... lhr~ \l11t•m•nl wn nn Olt?ll 01 Clerk of Or•n~• f'llunty 700J6tl09JO I llP follnwrn11. p~noM are doln1 bu\rn~\\ a\ 81h8y Na irn Rf',lau••nt 160 W l1nwln A•t An1h~1m CA 928D'j KRU< Cnrpotalrfln !CA) 160 W L rncoln A•t Anah@1m CA 911!0'i I hrs busrn~" 1\ 1 on ducted by • • <i<PO!ilrOll Ha•~ you \l••l~d do•nR busrnen yet? No KRTK Corp Wolma lhpohto (I 0 lhrs ~tateme"t wn filed with the County <:lerk of Oranee County on 2/4/0J 200!J692t0-45 Ddlly Piiot r tb b . I J. ?O. 21. 1003 II 11'1~ S......tf M ' ttflhuf ~ ........ Thti l1>1tnw1n1 per1on 1111 abandon~ tile U\e of the F rct1lklu\ Ru\t 11•n N1mt Ntwporl Cont Patnt1n1 1020 Monro••• Avt C<nl11 M11u t A926U T1111 fl(lllrnu 8uw1en n•me refeued to 1bo•• wu lll•d In Ot 11111• Cnunty no 7 6 'JI flt t NO 1"'811J4llO 8t•tt P CltrMlll 7070 M11ntov1a Ave Co•I• •u ,CA9161/ fhn bu)lnn' ... , con dueled 11, an lnd1•Klu•f Bt•tt ,. Clrtment fhn 1tate~11t Wts filed with lh<I• Cot111ty Cltfll of Or•n Cou11t1 on 02J04l'Ol 2otMtHI07 0-"' ,.llot Ftb 6 . 11, 20. U , 200.J fhlM "'-,........___. T f hied 11111111 the County llOTICI Of Alf\l(.UQITO 2003693 UJT on 01/24103 Oa1lv Piiot Jan 30 I • ., ---h~ ollowrn1 per,ons c o c D p ' ~ let k ol r11n11e ounty S81 Al<OllOUCllVllAG6 a1l1 1h1t J•rr 30. r,.b 20036930921 b 13, 20, lOO) lhlJJ Ttie follow"'' p~rsunJ art doin11 bu~rneu H f rot en Ropes of Ir ••ne 190?8 McGaw. Irvine CA 9?6()1) Knrl Wilham J.aye 4?3 Fe•nlul Coron• del Mu CA 92625 Th" busmen ~ ron due led by an tnd1v1dual ll1ve rou started d01"1 bus1nMs yet' Ho Kurt Jaye Th!l statement wn hied wrth !he Countr Clf'•' of Of 111ee County on 01/28/03 200369JU21 Daily Pilot l•n 30, I eb 6. I J 20. 2003 Thl22 I h• lollow1na penont are dorna bo~na" " L 1l1hne Ch11oprect1c. 1111'> f'•lrvttw Road, tott• meu CA 91616 Stant11n Chtroprecltt. In~ (C'A 197'> f •1tv1ew Ro•d. r.o~t• Men CA qz62t1 Thh bu\1nn1 II con d111 led \ly • c01poutlon ll•v• you t11rted doln1 bu'"''" yet7 YH, tin I 7003 St1ntnn Chiropucllc, Int Or 8rtan Sl1111on. DC CtO Tll11 't1t1111<tnt wn hlH w1tll Ille Covnty ci.r-ot Ofll\ll c-1, Ill 01/llJOJ 200UtJlttO 01111~ ,. •• r.11 6. u. 20. 77 1003 Thl46 arc doina bustness u . on 01/ll/03 Ii IJ 20 2003 lhJ20 Daily Pilot Ian )(), f ~b C84 Photoaraphy. 1245 20036ts1176 Dahtf ....... 11111& 6 13, ro ?003 11111~ I 01en Av• Studio r · Daily Pilot f eb 6 13. !--.. •1,-Costa Meu , CA 92626 -1• ~ FldltiM~ C11I C BrucelV,2520 20.V.200J Thl40 lo Whom II M•y Merk lane. Costa Meu , fldlll...... Concern. Th' Hun•(') -~ CA 92626 of tlle °'PC>ltCant(1) " The lollow1n1 per~"' Th" busrneu 1s con -~ .,. LCOHARO SHI I l Y ••• dorn1 busrneu ., du, led by an 1nd1v1du1I °"' lnllowina ptoon1 CAIHf RINE New Order ltchnnlncrn Have vou ,,.,ted dotnc Ille •Pplteal'b hsltd 181>/l r rich Av~. Irvine • 11e dotnC bu.inns n C 92614 bu11neu yet' Vn. 12 Ho••• lnttttors 2307 above are applytnc to .a OIC021C B IV laurel Pl.tet. HtWPotl Alhl• hDelpiarlBment ol ,~:nlf2~~r:n ~~ ar rucc Bea<.h, CA 92663 cn o c ever •I• Th" s tatement wn Juhe C Ho•n•ntan. 2307 Conltol to sdl akohohi C<l\l• Meu Ca 9?6:>7 hlf'd with Ille County l auret Place, HrwpOll beveraces 1t 820 w This bu .. nu' ts ron· Clttk of 01.en11e County Buch CA 92663 191H ST. COSTA Mf:SA dueled by an 1nd1vldu1I un 01/31/03 ThtS buarneu 15 con CA 92627 Have you \ltt<led do1n1 200J•tJt"S ducted by an lndrwldual Type of hcenuO) businen Y'11 No Ot1ly Piiot f eh 6. 13, Applied for 42 ON L1n1fOl'd Oel•no M~Jl 20. 27. 2003 lh142 Han you •tarted tloma SAU. BEER ANO WIN( 1111• Thi lollowlnC PtrM>nS •rt d61na blltlMH H N1tlonet R.dll Croup 11430 Ward Strut, founlaln Valley, CA 92708 Th• ~nilth 011id9, Inc (CA). 11430 W•r <I Sltttl, rount1ln Valley, CA 92709 Thlt bu1l11111 11 con du,ted by 1 c<1<poutk>n Hive you tlllfltd dolrlt b1"1nto 1•11 No rht Smith Gulde, Inc '91'ne\ r Sm.Lii, ,.rlll dent Th11 tltle-nt WH ftftd With lfle eo.inty Clerk of Orlftf• eo.inty on Ot/17/0l tooMtMllO Dltfy Pilot Mii fl, JO, I ell I. U , 200l ThlOI buslnns yet? Ho PIJBLIC PREMISES fhl\ staltmenl wu Julle C. Hovnanl•n f'ubfl\htd Newpor 1 fifed with lht County Tiits statement wn 6each Coal• Mes. O•Uy Chtr~ of Ot .,,,, County filed with tilt County p 1I0 t re b r u er y 6 , on 12126/02 Ct.fk of Duns• County 2003 ThlSl 200Ht2712S ;~~;r,~2 0111r Pilot Jan 2J j() Otily Poot rtb 6 13. flcll...... Feb 6 lJ. 2003 Thll I 20.27,1003 lhl.J9 ... s.... The lollow1n1 perw.nt ,,. dotnt b11slnen n f1r1t Cut, t017 HewPotl Th• tollHrllll P•t JOn• CMter Otwt, H11wC>1>t t ••fl doine butlnen " Beach. c.-92660 ABC Ou lie I, 4370 C f lr•I Cut .t Kkb, Inc Btue .. 11ttf Cir., Anaheim (r.A), t7 rer,.nd, Hew 111111, CA 02807 port Cont, CA 92"'7 Robert l.. Ntl,on. ll!fl bll$1M$S I• co11 Q70 C 8tuew1titr Cir ., Mltd by • cotpoHlion Anaheim Hllh, CA 9?807 tint JOU , .. ltd dOtlll lllh II\! h It con hutlfteu Yfl1 No fueled by 1111 1"411111dual r 1t1l Cllt 4 Kkb, Inc tt.-. JOll tt.tftM doi4IC L•nct J,opi, Pt"'dttlt bulfnna r•tr tilo Thia atelttMnt wu 11°"'1 t M Mtl.tOn f'*I .. tit tM Cou11ty TII~ &ttlu•ent •ff Cwtl 01 Ou11r <:Gunty fifed wllll the Cou11ty 011 Ol/ZltOJ CMI'~ of Of1nc11 ~.,, HIHtllJH ~~17"7 Delft f'tlot Jan 30, Feb I• 2• 6, ld,,20, 2003 Thill 0.11, f'llot Jen. v, ~. _ ae>,hb fo,XIOl Tll102 ------- Th• tntlow1n1 1Mtrton1 ..,, do1n1 bu11neu H CetDnllr1t Today. I Maut·hly. 1nr1ne, CA 92618 T11nothy O~ry Ktn11Jbu1y, 8 Cllf1lw1nd, Alt\O v .. jo. CA9"'~ Thi\ bll~lflU• 11 COii cfUcted lilt an '-diwidu1I Hive JW 11.Mttd dolll& blltllllU yet f "o T1Mo1tlly Gtty Klnl" l>ury Th" tlet-111 wu hid •• 111 '"' c-11 Ct.rll ef °'"'" C11111ty •n 1/09/0l tt0Ht2tlM Detlf Piiot 11n 16, 2J. )0, eb f, 1001 1hOl7 Ille fOlk1wrn1 PH .Oil' iar• d0tnc bu"""" •·· ltli) ( 1prt\< ?01 l<flh Street New1"" t 1l1,,. h CA9266l Kar 8eaudo111 Xl7 ~h Sht-et Newpn1t Buth, CA9266J lh1\ bu\tnf'n " rnn dueled by ~n mdrv1dual Ht•e you ~IMltd ck1tni bu~lnn' yet' Y~s. 1/29/ 03 l<ll•B•eudou. Thll \lll~m•ttl wn ltl@d with tl>e r.ounty Cl••• of Otanc• County ottOltll/OJ to0'6tJll61 O••lr "•lol f HI 6 I J. 20 Z7 200J Thl44 The fullowinc ptrr.on' .., • dolna bu1o~, 111 Rut·~ Con,lrut tlon, 19~ Shtrtnaton Pla(.o, •ft06, Hewf)ll<I R .. rh, CAIJ266J Rut Je•oph Dalflt, l '}3' Sh«ln1ton Piao lff 106, Newpot t 8etc h CA 9*J Thr-bu M'l1 IJ COii• dutlt4 llf' 111 111dlv.OV.t Hnt JOU •l•tt4 """' l>lmnes1 yttf Vn 1990 11...tO•cM Th•• •Ctttllllllf 'IHI flied with the Cou11t1 c1 .. ~ of Or•111• County on 01111/03 tooHtJOIJI D•ttr ftllot Jin 2J, JO, ho &. 13, 200.J TlllO"I The lollow1n1 per •un• "• cloinc binrnen '' Advancl'd Cln\I• ' •nd Ku,tom\ :?lll llden Awl' 0 C:Mta Me"'• f A '1'1611 t..h11ll1•n louph O• Sil•• 2313 [Iden Ave •l r...,,,. Me" CA 9'16/ 11111 bU~Ul•\'\ I\ tl'>ll duct•d hy 1n 1nd1v1du•I HA•I' you st•r "d dolnt 1>us1ncu y111? Ho Chr•shan 01 Sllv• flll1 \tll•rllMt WI\ lttt<I with th• County Cietk nf Ouna• County 011011'8/0J 200UtJU27 011lr Pilot Jan .o, Feb Ii ll. 20 200J Thi 19 I -.. . . .. . • ... -~· .1•-·. " . . . . ..... Daily Pilot Thur~ay, febru.1116 2<~3 I S •I t.,.i... -llplloka 2MI Lepl Natica N&f1CE OF A HEARINQ on Ille Fit .. 02·17S,oll-D( 2MO Upl Notiea 2"CI P£T1T10N TO pellbi Wll be held on llO_.. TO,__ ADMINISTER CYJJ27K1J it 1 30PM In uu ~•~ ESTATE OF: Oeot L·73 located at ..._,,shtllit BOOUTlNALDER ... e·... 341 THE CITY DRIVE, STATE or MIClllCAN, . · l'VY' ORANGE CA 92863 Probate Court, County DON~DAVID IF VOU OBJECT to ltle 01 Macomb h l1t• uf . 8 R granting of the pe111ion AME 0 E. 0 lo R fAi 0 f . CASE I · A217273 lhould 1P9Mf 11 h a/tlh AMEDEO ALBCAT To al heft, ~ Ind aule )'OIJr RCOOl, eN• AMC0£0 ~. aecMora, E "' 1111 wnnen A. RE.NOC. Oecea"d ~ c:redlofl, and 'Mitt the court 0 1tt of b1rth Jufle 10, pel'IOfll Who may ttw hHtlng Vour 1921 ott.-be ~ appearance may be rn TO All CRCOITORS in h Wiii Ol etta'8, or peBOn or by ~ NOTICC 10 CRlOI boCh d DONALD 0 attorney IORS lho del edeut BUTLER AKA OONAA.O IF YOU AAE A Amedeu A Rende • V a DAVID BUTLER CREDffOR or a Amedeo Albtll Rende. A PETITION FOR oonllngMI cteotklf of the 1 1~/a Amedeo A Rende, PAOeATE has beef'I deceased who 11 .. 0 11 1810 161h filed by DIANE E HAUN cla ' ~ must hie Strut, Newp1><t IJeuh In 1t1I ,.,........., Coul1 of ~ im WI 11'8 court CA 92663 dttd October ..._."" and ma~ a copy lo the callfomia. County °' pef'50n!ll 19presenta1Ne 1. 2002 ORANGE """""" Credito" of the d~ THE PETITION FOR a.....,. ... ec:J by lhe court •eden! .irt 1111ttl1ed th•I PAOeATE requestt that wrtl1jn lour months from •II cl11m\ •&•\n,1 the DIANE E HAUN be Ille date of 111•1 tsaoance "''''' '"11 bt tu• •ver ~ u pef10fliJ of lett8B It PfOYICled rn b•Htd unlns preuntod ~~ Probate Code sec1IOn to M1thnl Ren~ n•m~d administer Ille te of 9100 The time lor filing per~un•I ••P1t\t11l•I••~ the dlc:edenl dawns WI~ not expire 01 P•"pn·.td "" wn•I THE PETITION ~ Ill belont lour months lrom '"l>'"•nt•tive, ur tn IUlhOlltY to · lhe lleanog date noboed b•1th lht 11rnb•t• 1 uurt ll'e Mla18 under the above •t ?IR'JO Dunham H114d lltdepeildenl VOU MAV EXAMINE the Mou11t tltmtn\ M1d11 Admtnlstrabon of Estates file kept by ttle COIJl1 tf &dn 4804 J Mod lht Ac1 Wltl'l limrled autnonty )'OU are a pel10f't n•m•d prnp11Hd por (Thee aulllOtlty will aAow inlflff!Slfld In tne estate. •uro•I """''"'•'"" the peBOnal )'OU may hie WIUl the wothm 4 11umlh\ ~II•• repr-11ative to take court a Request lor the d•t• "' '""''" •''"" many actions Wlll'IOut Special Notice (IO<m 0€· of'"'' nnt1LP obtll1nlng court apptOVal 1$4) of ll"le hkng of an 0dl• Nuv•mh•r 2/ Betofe lalung oertatn 11111entory and apprai$11 7007 VflfY tmpOl'lant acllons, of estate assets or OI any J RU~C.rt I l AllARGl llOweY9f lhe penonal pelrtlOn OI acoounl as JR All~ Pl6l~I 1481'1 ~ll\le Wiii be provided an Prooate I •ltlf' Ma< t. Ave '.u1te required 10 grve notice to Code Section 1250 A /00 'it Cl•11 !.h..,r\ Ml , teresllld penona ~1 lor SpeoaJ 4l!080 <'>l!bo 111 1111 uniesa they riaw waived Nolice form is av<11ilal>le M1t hnl Nrnd• f'rr noCJce Of OOfllSeOled to lfOm ttle OOUtl Ciet1I ~ u n •I Ht J.10. r n I 1 I 1Y o lhe proposed acilOn) Artomey IUf Petrtlone< I 04 J w~\IV"" Bloom The wldflpetldelll BUTLEJ:I. OOUGlAS l1t1<J H1lh Mt 4llitl4 admnstrabOn aU1tlOnty 28441 HIGHAIDGE RO • 148 > 1>4'1 t<l/'1 Wiii be orantfld unless an •303 N .. ,porl ti•d " l.t1\I• tnler1191ed person 1i1e9 ROLLING HILLS M~·.a [J••ly 1'11 .. 1 I •~r '' an otlf8dJOn 10 Ille ESTATES CA 90274 , .,, Ii II It 100 I petition and 11/lowS good 0113C)1)'J, ' 01r.lll03. !l<;l 1 '14~ IHWl4'l cause why lhfl coun ~t200U shoold not grant lhe NEWPOA'T BE.ACH~OSTA ShrttMlll of authOrlty MESA DAILY PaOT I ~of Uw of NOTICE OF PETl-gtanl the aulf\OiitY Fiditiws lvsiltn ..._ TlON TO ADMINIS. A HEARING r...n ttie TER ESTATE OF pe1oto00 Nlil oe tw>IC oo LUCILLE A. Febl'Uary 2Q 2003 .it t 30 P M on Dl1>t N ,.... ~ •·•·• THATCHER l7J 31PO .it :s.i1 Hie Case No A217200 C~y Orrvio 0<.1f19'" CA To 1H hetrs benell 92tit3 1571 cianes. creditors Conlin IF YOU 00.JECT II' Q80I Cfedl!OIS, ~nd per tilt' Ql.1111111(,1 ,! It•" l)f'll ~·~' • :;::;•rd ! !IOf1S wno may OlllerWtse ''°" ~u Sl\oUIO dppear I " ... , y "" l l ', I) l I II I be rr)lerested in the w1M a1 tN> 11ea1111Q arid \late I Nu 111111111\'dlo.' I or estale. or bath ot your obtN:llOO!o o< Me , " , , • w , , , LUCILLE A THATCHER wr11e-n c.t11el't10f1~ w m r1.,1<1, , ''"" ', d ,..,1,. A PETITION FOA 11.,., •ourt Dei<><P 1ne , ""' , .. , , M• , 1,. PAOBA TE has ~ tlecniog YOl.lr .ippear 't/f,. '• Med by Modlaet 8eOoo' lfl ar-:e rn.Jy be '" pe1!>0!1 11.1•· "'"' 1 ,,, , ,. 11w lllfl Suoenor Cout1 o1 "' ;f your anomev .,, •'" ' • ' ,,, I Ca •IOtr~a Couoty .A IF YOU ARE ,. """"" " •:• The fOllowlna perM>ns The followln1 pe<wns l he tollowln& P••\Onl 11e do'rnc bu~11en n are doma buslnH\ •s 1•1 do1n11 bu$lnn\ •~ Munt O• & Auoc1ale\ Stop Preda too Auatllary M ffredl•Y BPll< Stone, Altotneys at l •w, 41 5 Netwmk. 1800 [ 16tn 1041 W 18th SI SI• ltdru 1t Lil . l 11un• St , •HJ IO , Newport A-108. Cu\ta Ml'• CA 811ch, CA 92651 Baach, CA 92663 92627 Pat11cla Mu"'°" Cltm Abdul Athyalt, 1800 E Bo•K. & s .. 1.01ar "" t ns, 415 l .otorl ln , 16th SI, IHJIO, New (CA) 1041 W 18th SI le1una Beach, CA 92651 port Bt1lh CA 9?663 Ste A 108. Co•I• Meu Thi$ bullnen " con Chueh Hott, 175~ CA92627 ducted by an unrn~or Shettnt1on Pk •Wl13 lh1\ bu\"14'~> 1\ tu" por•l•d a'social1on Newpu rt lleHh t A dutted by • curpuoatoun uthu lh•n • parlMr\htp 'll66J H .. e fUU SIM t•d ""'"' Havr you started doon2 Sulle Hull 17!15 Sher bu•1nrn yet1 No busone ... \ yet? Ye'. 11/11 0111111111 f'h #W] l l Born~ & Sal•t•• Inc Ol N•wpur t lh•r h CA lnu~ S•l•l•r Prt\l~Ot Paint•~ Munro• Cle 9266 l Thi\ \l<itemenl w"s men~ Tho~ \lalemenl was llled w1tt1 lhe County Ct.rk ol 01 anae Cuuntv on 111<1/0J 2003692957 5 Ud1i y Pilot J•n 16 I J JO. f ~b 6. 200J Tl>O'Jl s ..... .t ~a I 1llf.fU1uf fktitiM lusirlns ... Thi\ bU\tne\\ '' cun lcltd with th• tounty duded by "" unmcor Clerk of Ouna• Cuunly por t l td U\Oll•toon OIJ 01 /24/0) other th•n • parlneo •h•p 200369 30940 H, .. e you \tarted dume Od1ly Pilot J•n JO r eb bu"flO\ yet' Nu " I>. I J. 20. ?OOJ !hill Abdul Alk•yah llm st .t t em en l w I\ Rc1lteus llllMKs llltd with the County 119 S""9e11t L181 k ul O••n1tt Cuunly Tho lollowm1 pel'OO\ on 01 74 03 ••• Oum1t bu~mn\ ill\ 200J'9:SOU4 I A 1 On OVO 8 I fJn CU D••ly P1tot J•n JO. f eb I SlJI ~iirn111d•I• St b l I. lO 1UOJ Thi j4 Hunton~1,n fSuth t A I h~ folluwrne ptl\un fldlti.s a.slaess 92649 h,I\ •banduned lh~ u•~ Cynth•• I\ Phll!111' nl tht r •chllou\ 8u" ... Siii__, I S2 J7 <.1111n11da1. 'it •It'' N ° m ~ CC & Thf' lullowmt P•"on• Hunllngton fl••• h <.A l.urr1pAny 0•,1en\, 1601 ar• dnlrt~ bU\lnt'\ ;!\ \12649 H•1.idert Terrace. Lo A ) G1fhtur"• Lom BJ lhl\ bu• 111t •' " •on rono del Mar. CA 9262') Cih\toii•a 1048 i ll ducted by •n 1nd1Yod11•I lht<f IC hhous Bu"""" Ir von~ A.. . N~wpnr 1 H.tve yr1u o,forl•d dom~ ll•rnt o rlerr~d lo abo•• ll~•<h t A 91660 bo~'""'" yrt > Y.-o., w•' Ii ltd '" Or ~"II" Canr •d l u1•, M11ttdo. 2. 1998 luunty an 04113 'l8 IZ6 P.r~ Ciesl ln CmdyPtulhp\ f Ill NO l99867S>4~ Nr "'P'" r l ,,.,t t:A Thi• • l.tl•m•nt ""' l.a1ol11 S Skoro. 1601 '1?6')1 ftl•d ,.,,h !lit· 1 •11mtv ff•1•dt1,. T~tr~le . Co 1 ltu\ bu\int'\'. 1~ "-"" I Ll~r~ c;I Urttn~ .. 1 ouuly rond dtl Mllr CA 9l62~ ducl•d by 411 ind•..,lduat un t 14 UJ C01ur tnty f ""'· 2612 11 .. , you ,,.,,,d da•ng 20036929596 !.1t•.IY1ew Newport bu\nl•V,yet'N• O.tily f'1lot llln lb '/< fluth r A 92663 t 11111.tJ Lu•\ Ma, odu JO f eb 6 /00 l I h!Nb lh1\ bu\IOU\ " '''" lh1·. \l•l•m•nt wa\ Fi'.....,--a . ....r....... due l~d by cu P•r 10•" filtrl wl.th the C.u1111ty I "n.-. __,J r·d11ol• S S~orv •.lcrk ul O•M•&• l."u11t1 N..Shlte!Mnt 1111 . \lat rme11t Na\ I 14 OJ lilttf with· lh• Luunly "" I I 0• f,.111•"'"'~ ''"'""" 200J6929S99 ~r• rl11111~ b1t'olfW~\ •' l.l•rk ul or.nee Cuuntv !Ja1ly P1lnt J•11 lb l~. l.ilU• I•• liA" '·""'"'"" •Ill CJ! '17103 ' ' 20036930115 IU. f tb b. IOIH fh094 I Aru I und l/IJI Cl·••• !Jd1ly P1lut '"" 11 j(j flCtitillls l111ineu '""''' '<nip lt~) N ... ' I ,..,. ' I p .. r • H•A t 1 A 1111.1,11 Id>., I Zuol> Ill 04 ...... Stat.Int HrArll•1 W '" 11, ff .. lullu#ln~ ~~r\un \/tJ1 (J o;t \ht-f"f li•t"" _.,,. dt in1 bu:,mt'\\ ct\ llJfJ ,..,...,..i· .rt f'tt'1tt. t t A •,.1,,,., f(lt • ')i)1'; /I Y.'.'660 11 tll f I dw Hc1 f~h1ll1p­ I',/ t/ ~,,,, 11tai!tJ 11~ '11 ~t1Hthnr.l•d1 fi..,,., t1 1 A 'Ul,i\'• th1tla;t"J>•·•I HJ N""frtf1••'' IO• I f A't!b',/ M 111 on U ""•' t '"~ t i fir1rt~,.,,.,,t kd Nr .... 111.rt 11 t t I A ~/fl')7 lt11 ti •'\mt \ t'\ 1111 du1 ,, c1 t I Afl n1J .. ,11fhMI H ,..,,. 'f••U ... 1tth·11 h11f1~ b11 111 .. 'itrf' N 11 M.tf1M1U,,,111"'" J 1h~ fh1' 'l#tf"fflf'Of Wt' I (Mii ' ~ f'I ll•ll f1trrl with tt1t" f u1Jnt1 I'~ 0 \t f 1.,, It ut Ot 11111~t> f " ,,., f I A ,,,,Ill II I) I 200l 69l 1178 fl •'• f'1I I I rt 1, J 1 • , ti .'tllJi 1t ~l ''• I. I It•'" 11Ot1 l_.1 , n UI 'Ii IJ t 2003&931320 II• 1y I , ,, l.1 t, Ii >fa 'lflf1' I f rt II I 4 ORANGE C~EOITOA QI a cont~ It 0 • n• THE PETfTION QPf•I oeaito• ol Ille lu '•il 1 , , L Ht111tny n l4io FOR PROBATE rp ooc.e.ise<J you rnus1 '"" 1 , ~, .. Lt• SUMIOMS Ofl CJOS~ =~ andtN~arOI~:~ your cta•rn woth lf'IE' oourt OJI;! "' • ' • ' '"'~'' ~ l'holl" COMPtUlfl ed and maA a copy ro rhe 1• . 1 ,1.,. ,, ... 111 1 •IP•t·•n' .. ,, (COACJOH AJDICW) be 3PQOlnt as per Pf"-;onar 1epr-nta1 •e ,,. 1 .. ., "'' 1n1, 1 .,1 .,,11 th• t. .. '"'' SCl'lal rl'l)(esenta1111e to aopo,,.1ted by 11\e 00\Jrt , I••' '' U• ..... ' uu11 ' I••' ·• •Ir •n11• ' """'' r.rN1'1'1,.1lr•~N i' o ':"R<.J ·, adrnlnlstet 1"9 estate ol wi1ncn tour montns trom ''" u 1 11 u 1 14 o " "' "· 1 ttiedecedeOI llit1diil .. oll1tSl lSSlldru 20031>931859 II I All''''"',,. <1 M '!'ti'•• THE PETITION ol W>nArs as o1ovl0e0 in fl"'' ',,, r '.1, '• 11 20036929597 ti•1111•·· ' ''' M•rk I I ~ . t,,, on• . '' '''" requests tne decedenrs Prooatt Cooe SKt1on >1i 11 ·1•11 t '" 41 r:,:": .:"1~'1 _.:X,~ 1~ 111~111 ~=~;'",.\~,' ..... ~.'."~'.;,.r;.,, :;• w14I and COdlCils rt any 9100 nw tim,. 101 fhOQ ~•· 1 ...... , ,1 A11,,,.,., be adm!tte<J to piobate Claims w I not et<p<re .1a1•0 1 ~i., ,,., , u. 1MJI The wi• ar<I any c:odiols befote ''or mon~ from Anthon1 '"""'" ti , , are ava11atlie tor eaami· ~ '1eanr19 <Sate riotrced NOTICE OF TRUS. w td County, descrrbed ' • '' '", n j Co • '' ' natlOll 11 tne Iott "'~ by aoove TEE'S SALE TrustM as • whOle as lollOWs H• mn 'lh.uh•• Wol•u • tnecoul1 vou V>.Y E::XAV. Sale No 9056n Loan Parcel 31 as shown on "'"'£• t1r1•' •~••r• • 1•'••• •••1 ... THE PETITION 11><[ !~ toe oept DV tne-No 0068090802 Tltla the Newport Beach lot 1 "~ •nd Rill S I .'O • 1•t1 "111 "r on•, requests <11utnooly !O COU'1 ti '1fAJ are a l)efSO<I OrOtr No ~14 YOU Ltne Adjustment No In '"' •• ., • '1' ' • ' • 11 fhe lullow1na per\Qn' Ill• tutlow1n1 pe1'on~ fl1• fnlluw111. p.1.un' ere dmn~ bu""~" •~ •r• tlu111~ bu•111n' n . .,. doma buJlnHs o A ) lh tth Cthn Con N•wporl l'•t•flt f'e111t furn Aiuerk.•11 Culflt.<1(1 •ltud1on Comp•ny, 8 ) 11111 890 W l!ith St. Cenl•r •2. 20591 f'••·UI The St(lle l:•re Sp" New1.iorl Huc h, CA W•1 l4kt flll'tll, CA c 1ah\h 300 P•ctfu 9l660 926l0 Cont H11hw•y •118 Coastal PectfH. P•1nttn1. A •nd H, Inc CCA). Huntln&1nn Bu<h. CA Int. <CA), 890 W 15th 10'>'11 P•w:at Way l Ille 92648 Sl 1 113. Ne wpor I f 1><est, CA 9?6l0 Je ll l l<oontz !17 e .. ch,CA92ii60 lh" bU\lneH IS ton Bennett A•• M , l 0111 This bul1nnl 1s tun dutrod by • t•1<ponhon Be•nh <.A9080l dutl•d by • ttlflkJ'•''°" Ha .. yuo \IMll!d dome fh1\ bu\mus " <un Ii••• yuu \tarted du•nM bu\1ne\\ yfl 1 Yo 2000 du<.lod by •n 1nd1v1du•I bu\lnn' ytt' Nu A •nd H hi• Have 'IOU \t•rtcd do•n1 C:.oa~tal P •• •ti1 t••1nt W11t. .. m .-...-nf'>fu11 bu.,ne\\ yet> Ye\ 10 mt Int lh1 \l•ten1•nt ., .. ll.'2000 Steve (;1pull• t;h1ol hlod w11t1 rr. .. l.;uunlt >ell Kc>eint1 r 1n•nc1al Olf•ltr f,lerk .,1 U••r11~ C.ounty l ht• s l•l•m•11t """ lh" \l•t•m•nl w•S un OJ 11/(Jj filed with th~ (;ounty hied with lh• t;ounty 200J69J01 t• (;l~rk ol Oraoee t;uunty Clerk of Oran~P County Oaol7 Prfut Ian '} J. JO. u1101/24/0J c11101/Jl10l let> 6 I l /003 ThllO 200J 69J09"1S 200J69Jll72 D••IV Pole.I I•" )(), f..L D•1ly Polut I •b 6 13 RctttM.l ..... 6 ll ?O. 2003 Thl/6 lO 71 2001 fhl38 --~ fidltiee a.si.ss RdtllM ~ 11>< lun1 ••n1 per'""' ilf~ f1otnt! bU\th« .. \ ·~ ... S...... ...S...... f.IWUN(tflll(ll IJI W lh .. lollow1ne pel\on\ lhr lc.llowme P•<">Un> 8 •1 'it • ll C.o\t• •re du•"& busone•> •• •re dom" '""'"•'~ •> Mn• t.;.A 'l/t/l7 ~tud10 41lb 4$6 Old Gotdo11 p1.,c.c1t1e\ J0<1.i '""" A••• ~~''"" 111 N~wl'<'rl Blvd N•wpml W M•• Arthur Blvd St• W k •y \1 • l k I eo\I• 801 h f.A 'nb6J Ill '>•nt• A114 97704 Mr-. 'A '1lh'11 l l.ap l.orpor.hon ll.A/ ll•lhr e .. r..r 10l8 I llu ""''"''' '" ""' ~ Jlrd St N•wtJUrl Hoy•• I •11• t.o't" M~,~ dm led Icy ... 111diw1du~I ll•a<h CA9266J CA'f/6ll, ..... V'U 'ot•rlrd llu•nv Thi~ l:Ju')1nes~ I\ ltJn I Jim fi1.-ihr1 JO~H Roy•~ 1Ju•.1Hr\.\ 'f"'' ""' '• J dud~J by • "1r1iorat1on Lan•. I '"·'• Me•.• I.A '!JIU UtlVff j UU \.ldffed drnrtit <J;t6Jf, }1,tm W.tf'o•tn bU\Hltt!> .,. .. ti Ye• I J', ftt1\ l11J'Ul"\~ t\ con lt11!. t,.1r111,.,1t •• 'fl du< tt:d t1f 1 1J .h.-ud dUd f11H1 -N ·1' '''"' .. uift I Cdp f..otJJ•Jf alum wdr r .. ,... t IJI ' 1ai.. CJ mt t l •U(4 ( .tJJJJ~tf rlt 4 U•w!' ~UI 1,,f.,1Jdn1n• nOI ]k CJ Pr c odnrl IJ•J' ••·\\ yrl I tr I# 200J693 I 3l4 fh1 \tdtt'n1rnt A-A!. 'J'l 1W s Ott 11 ·' I.A ri if f et. f11ed lflH• lt1r (;(I ,nl:;i t< .. ,. H.tt,,.1 b i 'Wi 1f ( lrt1' ut Ut4n)lt' ' HJf\11 ft, ri ... 'l "''' -;r.• ''" I 14 OJ 111~<1 W•ll tt • ' (>Y•tl f 200Jl>929S76 I ·•rl. ••I Ot•nft l.•11•"'1 04•1y Pilot l•n JI, l J "' U I /II 0 I JI) F •b _6 ~ lh09' 2003'0 I U 3 fldirious lusiness 0 1111 hi ,, l•n llJ I rt Mame Stvtll9Wll lhf' lollHWifl' pn<,(JI\. "' .. d111H( hu'rn"'~ tt~ f,.,,1 .. f" \tttnatur..-\pA l 10/ L1mtu ,,.,. \111h· I ~.,.W~11'I tj,,.ttt• t A • f,1,IJ t ~· ,.,, .... ''"1t "'t• ••• I t .. r\. f lH ~ ,.,. l'I II 20036931967 0 ' .... 1 , ... •JI • ". I lo ·~·. J 1 t• 1' •t• d f'la, 1 •r • t' V.,.t W •1rk . \! ,iJ ,, .. 4 i~ t ,11Jh1" l t t M.-, ( "-j/t_. 't, l I oy I t 1ttH1~m I I\. '41fi'/(J I U\ff'f l u.t 1 1 hJ\ bU\tnf"•,• 1• 14 It "' 1v1 t ... r1 hy 1 11 "1d1..,td11 • >b It' fl•U ,t,t{ ft'd .-1 flht 1J1,-.1,,,. .. ._ ,,.p N~ ""' f Lfu\h r ,.,,._ tAh·n1 .. nl ""• ft f'd ,,. ''1 U1r I •, ~'" f CJ • ' t ' ' "01 I I 2003 .. 30119 b 11 /11 '001 11•11/ f111tl """ t11,. ,,. ,f t ,r •~'-' ' I I ·1 I 20036979 595 u.,;, r ! d t1 /U.Ji H fill"''""''\, I ,. J ""' Ut l. c td• t • , ~ • ,. ( fj~ i 2003'9290 4' If "' '• I 2003'929S94 I•' 11 ~ ... ' .. ,. ,1 llt . ,._,. l Jl I I f 2003''30 1)) O~· v f' ·' I •t I, I .. .... I' ' fl I • 3drntn1Sler the estate •rl'l!1'8S!ed ,., ltie esl<lllt! ARE IN DEFAULT UN-NBLLA 83-3. rec:oroed 10U ARI llllNi. SUI I " l I 14 I under Ille Independent ylllJ may hie With !hi! OER A OEEO OF May 23, 19&4 as tn-1-!Y (;kUS'> r OMl't Al" 200St.9l0932 fl••1• f'ol I • I I 10 AanlnlstratJOnol Estates coun a Request tor j m usT OATEO atrumentNo 84-21'°33 AN I r1. •"' 11.111 JO'"" 1•b b IJ ''Jl•l '"'" ftditious IWM\s ,._s......, Ad. (Tm autllOnly Will Speca.llNOllCJ"llormDE· 02/200002 UNLESS of Ottlc11I Records o1 1A 1111 I• r•.ta •J•11w1ot b ti .'l• ''XI! 1 ~11 fiditioullusiness allOw the ~f rep. 154) ol lt1P f~o"Q 01 an YOU TAKE ACTION TO said County All oil. oil •11d11J flnn,•'rt W•ll•~" I ft<fitiMlvsiltss reMOlaM IO talte many inventor; and aopraisal PROTECT YOUR rtgl'lts, mlnenils , min· A"'"""' lb. Shrt....t ac:t1onS wtttiou\ obtatntng ot esl.ille assets ~ Of PROPERTY. rr MAV BE erel rlgl'lts, netural gas V1111 h·•V~ U1 I At IN M-Shrt-.t I hr tnll""'"• ~··•' r1· ooun appl'Ollal Betore ~"Y peht!Qt\ or accourd I SOLD AT A PUBLIC rights, end other hy-PAii OAV~ •"" t111 !h• 1 .. 11,.win~ p~r'"'' J•~ ,,.,. •1 ~· .11r ' •' tu"""' Cf}f\atn VM'V tm a.s rvC7t't0eCJ 1n PrObate SALE If YOU NEED df'ocarbonl by wha~ \ummon· j ".,,..,,.,f Ofl .. , ... d .. 1,-,v bw Int\'\ .. , N4ktft'1. h 1, 'I ti(• 11 ~... ~·1 ... ""n' HUffON "" ewr name known, you'" ..... lyprw11ttrn If•• I 11i1. R··· t (,.rl I 01 "'"'• ""• 'A 'J /114 portant actlOOS. llOw Cooe sec2JOll 1250 A AN ...,.,....,...,,. vr ' M 1111 -· 1'le ~1 r-e-o--t lot "'~·• TIE NATVRE OF THE gaoll"•<mal 5lelm and ••\PO"" ~t th" tniirt t:umpdny H ll ~ 1 ''"' lo~• •••dtt I S ,.... __ ~... """""'"' -PROCEEDINGS other ~ r.. A lelltl 1>< phoM <i ll •nllnp An•ht •m C•ll 11 .. .,. 01 s.,.t, A"• LA senta!Jv! Wll be reQUlled No(JOe lorm •S ;ivallable iour<:e& u denned In I ''"" not pro ff'< t '"" for no• 9280!> Ql104 IO ""9 l"OllCe to lf'ltet· !Tom Ille COU'1 d8'll AGAINST YOU. YOU Caltlornla Public A-. four 1yptw11ttpn rt lyn•tlt CJ1.11etty ll.11 S ti,,, bu~•M\\ ' < •n estecl pef100S unless Anorney lor petitioner SHOULD COHTACT C::, IOYl'tel Code Sec1Jon \pon•• mu\I bt on Clemonllnt A1111he.m dur t•d by An "'•I ••J•••' tl'lr; nave waived no!IOI! TMOMAS E l>ARAIHG-LAWYER 6903 and following, prop.or tt•' 1,,,m 11 rou I C.il1lorn "9lllO'J Han·vvtJ ''""'d j • • Of oontenteO to Ille TON ESO 02l2ll2003 al 02.00 PM, lhet may be within or "'•"' lht uourl lo t•oar Ch11\t1J•• Su•od 1uld Du\111r\s vtt7 N proposed actJOn ) Ttie TOMPKINS I PAR-~w~IA co':~~ under the P11tcele o1 your 1 nt '>2~ Mofl11n11 Ou•• f'l•< t ~'• Mpnd•1 ft•r f 11 'N•n• l'f"f 111' ., .. d1unt j orll .. ~' ... 1 I NI lf\41 W ll'tll• 'jt -H 111•. t' I' M•·. (,. tty .J I M Ir• f 'h'>b lu"i \l't I "''"'" y,.,,., LA 1 tot-. bu\U•t-~' \ con !1U( '"d bv 1rr tnd1\f1rtual H<l"" f'OU ,.tarted do1n5 bu\I~,.~~ t•• l' •~ O'> ·" l'.1'16 lunt W'1ii•"' Hyur'I: fh1\ .. ,,.,"~,..,.,, .... , Hh• 1ou ''•'l•d ""'n£ bu"nf'\\ 1••' N1 Mont• !.1 "' ----~ 1 .... s..... lh• lulivw111.: II•'~""' •• • IWl"I bu• 11 \ • 'ikyY1e w .. ome • nr11 N..161 SubU1b1a 1 •n•, Huntmtrton IJ••< h (.A IJ~ r ltza!Mth Maty Alf"'nl ;>()561 Suburb•• ~ •n• Huntincton Bn <h. (;A 92646 This bu~~ " ~"'' due. ted by •h 1no1 •• o ... 1 Ho~ 'fUU $l..,l<HI "'''"' bU\ll>HS yet? No [ll1•t>eotn Ament This ,t.tefuent ••• filed w•lh ttlP f.ountv Clerh of Ol •nC" LuuMy on 01 24 03 200UtJO•t4 D•lly f'•tot Jan i(J, f eb 6 IJ >O. i.'003 lhl?/ fki1iM ..... ... *"'-" f h,. iolluw111e pet-:..un• ... ,. ljmn, bU\tO.,,~ •• p,..,,, l •o<d/ 71 Wuod ,.., .. J w l••'t Al ~u V1• 10 tA 92b'>b ~t'A'• M • vr1n .. u.,. II W•>4Jd lfttllol#r' I •'•~ ~·l'Jol! v ... ,., t.A9~!.t. Thi' t,u·~•n .. ~· a• rhn du It'd "' •ti tnd1v1du• Ha,,,. 1t1u • ••rt~.:1 (j111r·~ bU\tflf'" · .• l~t) ~t' 'i~•n M f.unnrlly Th•"' 1 dl~m ... nt """ fif.-d ,_,,h fflt: I jJll If t f 1er• l,t u, •"II!'" ( ,,,, 11' .. , nt I l tJl 2003'929 S02 L~ t P • I• I I t t /V.. Ir rr tl(TI!lM BJ\I"". Htrlf ~IG1tmell 200.)611. ll~lf ' ' St~oi 'I M• ll"depeni>eri a<)nl"ltstra· RINGTON u the duly appolnl.ad tend harelnaboW ct. I If you"'' nut Mt ynur Bru C•h1Mno4 "18ll lh•~ ~t•l•m•nl "" l>Of'I authOrlty Wiii oe 320NGARFIELDJ.VE TrualM unde! and acrlbed, together wfth ropon·t on t•m• you Th" bu""'\ 0 '"" l1lrd .. ,,,, ,~. lllll •1 granted unless an inter· ALHAMBRA CA 91801 pursuant to OMd of the perpetual rights of may lo"· thr <Ht, and ducted bv • ee11.,1a1 Lt•r~ .,f Or Jn£• (.,un11 Tt11' \tAl~m•nl wa•. t,ittJ "',1th th• County fi•ed with thf' Lounty t1ird _. •r-tht l•Ci'' •, 1 1rrk u 01 m11• Lou11ty Ll•r• "' Uflnt1• t ountv l l~r• c;f ur .. ~t• t u •, ""012801 >n01 7803 r1nOltlO< eSled person flies an N~ Beacl'l-Colta Trvst RKC>tded drtlllng mining ••pl«· your ••en mon•y •nd 1wtner\h1p on 01 .'4 03 and ahowS QOOd cause CN6702A7 THAtCHER • lns~I therafOf. and atorlng In w1thnul lurthu w.unone bu""'" ytt> Nu Oa•tv ~·lot Jan 200HUl312 l 2oos••su21 200S'9ltH1 Oa1ly P1k>I llln lO r eb Clatly P1i<>I Ian Cl r •to I Oaoly f"1lot fen 11 I t ~20. /001 ~ 6 11 ?0, i'OCH lhlH llJ 27 ZOOl ltd&~ OOjectiO'l to tne petition Mesa Dally 02/2&'2002 Booll P&91 Ing And of,eratlng prn11trty m•y b• 11hn tldvt tnu ··••rted 0•>1ne 1 200369309 13 wtlyllle counshouldnot JanJ031.Feb6,2003 2o02o174138 ol officlel lndramovlnglhe Nme lrum thH11urt. lynttttQu1a1 .. y 6 II .o 2003 ---~~----------------~ ~~of homu~~dor~y lher• ~• .,~., ~~ lh~ M•te~~ ~' ~=~~~~~~~~===================~========~ =="""~='=:;;;o:;::;::====~===.=::;:="T:'::::::'="' ;:ont~ of OA· other i.nd, including rtqu11emt11h You may hltd w1t11 thl' County NOTICE OF Wiil be granted unless <In ANGE County, Califor· the r'9l'll to wtll1J9tock w~·•t to• •II 1n 11torn"y Clerk ol Or anr~ Lounty I PETITION TO lf'llerestec:J penon hies nla. ex~ try-or dnc:tJOnllly drlll 11aht 1w1y II you 'o oot on 01 23 03 ADMINtSTER an otJiflC1Jon IO Ille HONG S. PARK. A and mine trom land8 ~now an 1ttorn•y you 20031>93079* ESTATE OF: petibon a nd ViOws good MARRIED MAN AS HIS other tnan ll'lose l'lent-m1y ••II an •ttornoy D••ly Pelot J4 n lO. f •b VICTORIA G. cause ...tvy !tie ooutt "'""""ANO SEPERATE \~ deacrlbed oil •eletr•I _.,.,u or • 6 ll 20 100J Thi \c, IRVIHE AXA should not grant me ~RTY. u Trusior, ex g.a wells, tunnel• ft1t•• aid other fh\ttd n -Fictlti.s ~ VICTORIA L authOnty WASHlNGTOH MU· and shafts Into, the phone book I IRVINE. VICTORIA A HEAAING on Ille TVAL BANK. FA, A lhrougl'I Of ecrou the O•,puu d~ que le "-S..... G. LOHMAN IRVINE pettliOn wiM be '1etd on FEDERAL AsS<>ClA· suti.urlace of the land •ntrtau•n "'• c11""'" lh~ lollnwin1 pel\nn\ AHO VICTORIA ~ a l 1 30PM in TlON, u Beneflcla~, haralnabove described 1ud"1•I U\led toene un ••e d11in1 bu"""' "' GYGER LOHMAN ()epC L 73 localed at - r and to bo t torn 1uch plOlo dt JO DIAS CAL Or a nit~ Cuunty Sl1clini CASE NO A217380 341 THE CITY ORJVE. win Mii II publlc IUC· wnlpetocked Of t:lll'WC:· lNOARIOS para p1esen Ooor. 81'1J l<mrfl\hf'r • ORANGE, CA 92863 lion eai. to !he highe•t tlonally dttli.d wella, t•r un• ••'Punt• ts Dnvt, Huntrnlflon Buch To all hetl1, IF VOU OBJECT to the bidder lex cath. cuf'I. lunnet. and 11\afta u1t• • m1qu1n1 en e\b Cahtnr111a 9lb46 benlficlatles, credlorl. ler"I chick drawn by I under !Ind ~ or cor It p ,rn 1 1 h 0 ma\ o ~ oon1111ge11C cre010n. and granting of h petrttoo, 1111te or nalloflal benlr., beyond the H1enor Uni cert a o una Guelle, 8197 Kineti"1tr pel10l1I who may )'OU ShOlilcl appear al the I calhilf'I chedl lknlU thereof. and lo ll•mada tttelomc• no le OfoYe, Hu11trnston Bea• h ~ be ircerested heanng Ind II.lie 'PJf «awn by a slate or redrlll, .p. maintain, ofreuu PfOlecc1on \U CehfClfnta 92646 111 h Wll OI estalt, °' obfedl°"' OI file Millen ~al credit union, or ...-... dMpen and rHpunte esc,.ta a Tho mu Allen 0 , boCtl of VICTORIA G obfllCllOllS Wltl h CXlU1 a cuh6ar'1 ch9cll '._.. II m a q u 1 n • t 1 en t q u t 8 92 IRVINE AKA VICTORIA bebe lht l'INnng Voot ~ try a elate ex opent8 tny IUCh -1 cumphr con IH f1><m1I Guell• I "'"C1"htr L IRVINE. \ltl"Tt"WOI& G ~ may be Ill l9dw1ll artlnnt1 and 0( 11\Jnee wllho'11, how-1dade\ teoales •Pfl>P•• Of•ve Hunllncton Bu'h '"""'"'""' ........---• ..,.... -· Iha rtgtlt IO drill. da• ., u•t.ed qu~r· qu• Cahf0<n1a 92616 LOHMAN IRVINE AND pereon °' by 'fO'K loer'I aaoc:ledon. ....,. mine. 110re, explore I•• ;011; ucu;ll; \~ Th1\ t>u\onu\ '' con VICTORIA GYGER at!Dm9y Inge -..ocldon. Of and ocierate through ducted by • 1ene111 LOHMAN IF YOO AAE " ~ .. •pecllled Che SUlflCI ex the ~ CHO partner\lllp A PETfTl()N FOR CREDITOR °' a In Mc:Uon 5102 of Che pet' 500 '9et of Che St usted oo pusenl1 Hnt you •tarted do•n& PAOeATE Im been 00f1Ciligenl a1IChlf al tile ~ toCodldo ... ~ subeurflCI of Uld su re59uesl• • toempo, lius111ns yet1 No llllCI b¥ THQM,t,S E (1 decealed, you must Ille ..,.,...,..,.... .,...... land. PAACEl. 8: putd• P4fdH ti caso, V Paul Of' Guetle SlA.UllAN In the )OtK claim Wlltt the CXlU1 nffl In Ihle •late. Sale eu.mente 11 ct. 1• pueden quitar su This statement wu ~ Court of and mall I ct1f1'I to Ille Will be he4d by Che duty ICf'lbed In. and lex the ul•io, su dtnelo Y otru filed with the County ~ __.....tiYe =llld llUSIM n cousdt su propoedad ~ •• .,.,£• County al ~....---';:::'':::-'":....... ._...._. of .,1 ~· Ml lor'th In "" 811160 ad1<lonal ..,., Cte•k of On n1e County ~ .,, .... """"' ...,....,...! MIC:lee II and Ill ol tt\111 .. -· on 02/04/03 THE PETITION FOR lout monthl trom right, llUa, ano lntara•t '*'8111 restaeed Dec... part• de la corle. 200,.02261 Pf:IOeATE requesll thll the dale al flrll iuuance ~ lo end now f1ltlon of Covenante. htsl•n otro• requ1s1 Dally Pilot F•b. 6, IJ, ,....,.,,. •• e E. (J ,... .___ .. --'-held ._ lhl tr\lllel In ,.---.., ........... _....._ Ins tecalu Puede que 20 21 2003 Thl'>l • ~ "'p...::!.'::.• ~.,..~ Che "her.m.ner di-..,..._.....,,. ..., .-v..... us led qu1e<a llamar a un ' ' Sw.NAN be ~ 9;00 Thi'°';. lot filing acnbed property undlf :,;«~ 1ns:.!: • b o 11 dso '"mt d 11 ta Altlllm lllslllllss 11 pec'IONI d.lrtnl ,... not ·-and pursuenl to lhl No. 114-21~ ol ~ mt nte 1 oo tonoce 1 --~ •=M lo ...,....-0-.d ol Trull Thi'* un a bo1ado puede ~ .--........ h estate al ~~ r;.::"' ~ wlM tis made, but wllfl. ~~ ~~ llamar • un wvoc:k> lk • .., _.. •• ·-·-.., out ~t ex -· """"'"' : relerencla de aboaado~ THE PETITION :r:: fboYe ·-•...t 05 Amounc of unfMlld o a una oftt1rn1 de •"Uda W'\i I uay .-.. •• -.."°the rwrty, e,....-Of ._._ and octl9f ' .. dlatdln(• Ind li~.t''i'.=by~oourt.no:; II Implied, 1'99anllng llU.. --. ..,., (VH 11 dlfKIOflO ~ I ....., .... ,. .._. ... ~: $474,374.~ telelon·-o) ....,.,,._, -·•· ""' poeM•llon. ex encum-~ ...... ......-. su.t -admitted 10 ptOOllt )'O'l 8f't a pel'IOf1 brancM, to pey the l-•-1 CASI NUMla.. The wll ltld an/ ooc1c:i1s inCerMted In the Htllill, ren1alnlng princlpel tddrMI and oCher tN--..., <• .. ) are available lot you may Ille 'Witt\ 1t11 •um of the notl(~ common dMJgnetlon of otcc 07490 · ..__ in -""-court I AequlSt lot the IMI~ 524 ni. nam• and addfeu Che court ,_ "'"" ,. • of the cour t '' (rt lll.lmlnlUUI• ... ·-~I u .......... (·..._OE· MCU'9d by IN [)Md VISTA E NEW ~ 'ETITION rf!QUMll i-1,!.. ~ .... ~!] !."t:e:C,"'"1 ~· POflT BEACH, CA ne>mbu y dlmclOn M administer """"-' .. .., --,..., ll2MO APN Number. ta cort• nl ~: irdtf the dettalaastetSOfofll'fl( ~T,:t..:xJ:': 444).1~ TN "'*'·· 0tan11 County StJP"oO< ptC111ot1 ot C1CCOUrtC N ligr'9d TNIM ck-Court C.ntr al Justice =:,,,of E.liatN ~ it1 Pl'Obdt ~ lfnOUflC (M Che d8'fM ""'I l8bM1y tot O"tfM;t. 700 CIYIC C.nttt Act (T'11 dlOflly Wiii bode Sedlon 1250 A ::: J"o. ~ :: .:=::::.,:: ~~;2:~11. Sant• An1. tltl1w. h ~ :=:-torm ~ : Sall) IWONbty •do 04tW COfMIOf'I dMlt-The name. addr1n, f'IPNWllltlllhe lo lake rt 1-.d '° be .et fOf'lf\ rwdof\, " ,,,,.,, ~ and t1.ltpll0ne num!Mr of meny ldlor-. """°"' fl'Om 1t1I :u;:.=. betow, The ""°""* '*'9ln. TN ptOp9fty pliilntlfl ' lllflfMY, Of ct>Calrq (IOI.ft llCIPfO"al ~ IMY be ....., on ffll ~ ~ II pl•tnttll wttllo11I a n Bttol9 lakirlg °"*' HENRY K WORKMAN dly of ..... P&ect of ~ llokS •• ... • •ltOfM J I\ ([I "°l"IW•, *'I impon.nt ldlOIW, SUl.UVAN, WOAl<MAN Salt: TlC NORTH DAtt:: ~ .. dlrK Cton., 11 OUIMfO llQWelttt N pttlONll & DEE. UP FROHf ENTRANCI! TO CAUFORHtA AECOH-de t•HllOl'CI ,., abopdo ,..,....,..,.... _. be ~~ FlGUEROA ST TIE COUNTY COURT· VeYANCE COtl/PAHY , dtl 1Mm1nd1nte, o dtl ~lo Ql'll ~ LOS ANGELES, CA ~ ~ = • T~l t301 Cotbln du1tncl•nt1 qui no lnliil1e1lld ,,_...,,.._ 900 7 Awnul, Mail~· N thtM abopdo, n ) ~ lf"Yor ~~lo ~ CUK1. :r~ .. SA.._ .. ~A 03 02 04. Tlmotlly I Clbll•. The ,..,...... __ _, mf12m .....,.. CA t112"511) • (llbk Lew f 1rm, llf No IN PfOPOlld ICtonl -. .. ,,. ION72 ,.,._ 7121 Of (714 m.1• U7H1, 1 lO E nt The ...... ~~A C£L Ao.~ 11 end..... OOOfWt A-.lda ,..Urad• Sutt• ui•Mlbl pottkln of Lot 12. ~ VU ~!J.. tt c .. -m •. CA of T'9d No tnO. In.. CAL.IFORNA MOON-\-) "2·»50 SELl your stuff ttwoudl classified! °'Y .. """°" ...,_, mNG COlll'JMt -.n. er ... > 110V " CoulWy • ol °""9. • A DOT COUIC. l'MI ..... fl c.Mei1 .... • TC>f' ATTlllPflG TO MM RAT... U.. ......._OR• llllp .. • COU.ICT A DOT. ~~ " ... -,... 10 ltH'( HQMIATIC* .., .~ s. QM, .......,_ 11, ........ 09TMCD WU. M ......., (9 I ;1 I ) .. Mlwel I 1..... &SD'°"' THAT,.._.. l'vltll•h• N••itttt In .. OflDa ti h fllOIE. AUPSW"7 IMCfl.C..I• ..... Delly .:;;;;;=1..-..;.;:A;;,;H;;;l;.;dW;;;;..~tl-.i!U'o.a.:.;l::a.::M'CI=.=..__._.._ '"°' r •-Y 6, U , 20, V.10CU nim Th• lollowon1 pen<0n• Mt dotn1 bu"n•" H All About l'o1tu•• 24" E 20th St Costa Miu CA 92627 Bonnot Mi<htlle Austin 24" [ 20th St . Cent• Mtu, CA 92621 l hl\ bu\1nt"' ,, • on dud ed by 1n 1ndtvtdu•I Htve you •ta1tttd doh'll bustneu ytll No Bonnie Mic h•lt. Austin This 'ltatem•nt ••• f1kod Wl\h the Courtly Cllfk of On ll&" County Ofl0l/7Mll IOO,UHUH Ot•I~ Piiot J1n 10, I 1b 6. 13.70,2001 n.111 .......... .......... , .... I l 0 ITf1lrTiiTi1Tr n 111 20 Characters pet line VOJ may use d A Wies l0t larger ldll call an ad\le~ f'CI rooayl ' '"''w wuuk it ti!! FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name -------~-______ Ptiont No Pill my Vlse....--- Ctedt Ca""------------->~ Dale Everyday is a gr at day in Classifi d! Be a part of it place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 Policy How to· Place A __ Deadlines~--- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publishe r reserves the right to censor, rcclasSify, revi:.e or reject any classified advertisement. Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible c:>.cept for the cost .of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first inseTtion. CLASSIFIEIAD . Monday ............... r ...... Friday 5 :00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 6~ 1-6594 \l'lca'-C onclu<k )'OOf 011111<' 111w.I phone number wld "e'll call )VU Nd with u pnc-e <tUOtc ) Telephone IU0am-5:00pm Monday-Friday By Phone (949) ~2-5678 I lours Index By Mail/In Person: 330 Wes1 Bay Street Costa Mesa. C' A 92627 Al Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Walk-Jn 8:JOam-5:00pm Monday-Friday Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5 :00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ~ IULESTAR llllW.S ANNOUNCIMINTS [~) & MISC. 1010-1110 ~ GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabllla 1160 TOP SS 4 RECORDS ETC lm. ~ De. !ils & 00s !Ell Alta. SjJlli tube ilmP'> Mike 949 645· 7505 EQUAL HOUSllG ~ All redl ~•Id!~ adver· hstnj.! 10 lh1s newspdpe' " .ullt•< t tn th~ Feder al r ,.., Housonv. Act of J 968 ~s drt1enrlelf which nld~P ' ot •ll~gal to Ad11er h'P anv pr et er· .. '" P t1m1t" •u1n or dt~u1mmat1on btt~flld on r ao• r nlor 'ehy:1on .,el., h~ndocap tamohal '' alu<, ·r nat1oodl on~1n, "' ·Hl •nl~ntoon fro make any wch pr elere11t e. ll1111la t1on or d1~rnm11t..•t1un • 1 hi\ lltw,pAp~I Wiii nnt knowonglw do cepl HIV adverhsenoent lor real e~lale wh11 h " on vlolatoon of lhL ldw Our redders di• loereby 111torm11d lhal all dwell mg< adverff\ed 111 th1\ nt'wSpaper ar P a•Aolabl• <1n dn equal "Pl"'' h1111ty f'ht~t\ To compl.ion <ti d" ,,,m1nation, oall HUD toll lree at 1-800 424 8590 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Collectibles ·~_,,, ............... .. •\t•...,. • /w'.,. •()14 .•• ..,,,. "". $$ CASH PAID SS WE BUY ESTATfS • lmmed .. ta fn.,ndty ,..,,..,,.. "WE PAY MORE$ FASTER• I ~64M922-SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202So.flWltk S....A-.CAt2707 ~ltl ·, '-P.1-i Garqe/ YudSales 1489 N.1. Mooting W..Sal to ?Jaloty leather & oolo. furn. TV. household 1fem~. g.Yden tools. dolhone, 20.11 Visu Carn 949 ~1984 lost 1505 lOST UMALI DOG Costa Mua, @ 22nd I. llden. retnever/lhep· htrd mt•, rust color, white chest 4 wh1tre paws. Call 714-803·1Wo" f'Ound -510 FOUMI DOG, Sllort har Sheplwrd lllll lall/l>lad tb ~. Sooth Coast Metro 1rea. t4f.722·11" General AnllOllamenb 1610 COLLEGE AT HOME St1ndord, U S C , Duke 500 t.alllm•te schools E1rn luny ACCREDITED colleae de11rees from home B•chelor /Doctor 1te l,()()().+. field• Why w • • t 1 WWW clinlt~~ GOm (CAL •SCAN) FREE RESEARCH RC PORT on any stock NASOAQ. HYst. OTCIJ6 or AMflC Send symbol, n11~. PoSlll •ddfess & em•lf to rewltrc;:h@ thew1llstreetan1lyiLnet (CAL •SCAN) •••,t,NHOUNCCMEHT••• NOW ll111nf lot 2002/ . 2003 Potu ,,,bs t l3 21 $28 16/ht>Ur rutt ~nt ftlvpetd tfallllllc/llO up n•ce•o•y Acceptln1 ctllt 1 MY• (8'6)144 .. 9 l & 9 I l {,J J <CAL• CM) -ClllllDISE 7402-7466 ~ FOi SAlE 1489 Al ESTATE R SALE ti] 230S-2490 furniture 3435 1 Furniture 3435 : *t.toiEsi~JtroR\:: * UQUIDATION * ~ SALE! ~ ! CLOSING AFTER ! * JOYEARS * * Wick e r Hattan Seating.! * Lamps. Tubl<"s * and Muct1 Moret * *264-0 Avon St. Nt'wpon Be<lch* * Oii Hi\l'Ntk• & t>,u 1ltt ( f)(l ... 1 llW\ * * 949-642-2255 * **************** FINANCIAU PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY I OPTICAL SERVICES Miscellaneous Personal Loans 2490 Accessories 3735 Sen1u1 ~· Supplemenl 1n<..om,.. with RPver•,e Mnr lg•e .. ·· Age b2+ You rtldke 1111 P•YrtH•nf\1 r.ovftr r11nt>11l fn\ur t'd Se•ttl~ Nlrrrl•P.• C"rn pdny r.uRI Nf)Jl'il4'>6 Call fnr a fro .. tu '1• hure no obligalron I 800 489 0986 <CAl "SCAN ) HEAL TH SERVICES Health Foods/ Products 2540 Wo .. ted: 29 Serlou• µ~ople In lo11"e wP.•ghl li\a lo~t lO lb\ All Natural. Or 1 aommended Gallnnw888 713 9741 HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture 3435 LIVING ROOM sn lll!ly jl(lOd r "od .. 11. 7 t.h.W'>. crttoman. ulffflt!. 2 ~ftt*'-.24'N~ Brt!llkl~ 'il'I. alrrO'il new w~ /ctyt!f 9ot9-720-81(!) Glrh Rm r urn Whimsical pa~tel "lk screen & hand P•lnted de\l&M on wht lacquer 4 porcelain knobs. 9/p..:; Adotable set Wr.e n<!w. 949·466 6567 .......... Wood~ ~ stereo cab<llets, Class do<Jf w~ & drawer Plllld S400 , Sacrrfice $100. SteYe 949-642-611 !! ,IRStAN RUG. New, Yf!IY Eleprt lABRIZ. ~ist See. Wor1h Sl()(+(retal), asldng $!).(XX}. 949-225-1836 JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-st Celn N-d• Old Coms! Gold, sllver, )llWeil'y, watches, anh~ collectrbles 949-642-9448 OFFICE FURNIT\JRE/ BUSINESS P11ol Table with acres & Lover S 1500 obr., 'l d11~k cha11\, ra1 e boo-col lee loon 949·644 1480 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 I Rl[ 2 ROOM UIRLCTI/ 'iy•.f Pm w/ m~tdll~lton' .l month~ free HBO & r1nPm.-x CS66v•lue) At""' l25~ <hdnnP.l\1 01g1t.al 1111ahty 111clure1 sr.und PMkage• SJ I 99/ rno I 1m1ted I 800 360 403'1 (CAL "SCAN) Busineu Oppommlties Businesses and Franchises 3905 PlRSON WITH MlM, '>ales le•chrng, or m•naee1111 b1tck11round, to 1nvoduce product which ·~ breaking alt Hies re<:ords. mterna honalty Musi be capable of handling excephonally lar&t incomes Only those f)ff'sentty employed need apply Call Ms Melancon 877 318 2690 AAA COMPUTER WORK S500·Pl/$25.000 FT/ month! free inlo 1 888 635 1508 WWW Ce!MoneyYouWant.nel (Ctl~ AnEHTtON MOTHERS & OT~ERS Wor king from any location Earn up to $150(h pe1 mo working PIT SS.000-per mo workin& f1 r ree bookleV full tr arn1na I 877 888 2 2 5 2 www.forACoodl1te com (CAL0 SCANJ Olllces for lease 4540 IACK BAY CENTIR 2651 lrv111e Ave. enlf view, rela1I and Of· flee ava11714·573·7780 Office space ht ftlce lndusl park 1600sf, 70~ oft 1001 W 17th SI. CM , ...... 50 ... 287 HOMES FOR SALE EQUIPMENT ORANGE 5400 omce fflulpment & coum S41pplles 3575 _Ba_N>ol_Plninslt __ la __ * IUSINUS * MOVING $All II RUTAURAMT IGU•MlNT, OffKI IQU.,MINT & OfFKI SU,,UU . ~:~::.-W..D 1"11/Mffti. c.. ... _ 3111 • 0c ......... .,.... .... .. .-1. 381' lBa plus a 28f lBa. ~ tllldotm ,.,. Priced •t $1,750.0lX> c.. .t_at. Jim Jecob1 for =eet~~1 21 C-lltllllr • llAUTlfUl • Oram1tlc S,y1t1" Hin otcutlve hOme. Ho expense w•• tplftd Ftbulov1 Oce1n View. •er Offered el Sl.6~.000 Seti.r t>oualtt anothtf homt Mutt S.ll 1wf1r ll...,, llr t•t·IT•·H 76 3010-3940 ~ soos-saso TRIE HOUSE SECLUDED RURIAT AMAZING PRICE AGT. 949-723-B 120 Costa Mesa • 8....tff\11 38r ?' t 6a df>t..t.ti.>d fam1ty t.,wnhome bwlt on 1994 2 mar bte Fp~ lg mstt [Ir. Move on Londlbon AV.onR $410.<XXl C.•JI a~. Rfl">I' Sm11Py II( Cad Colvey tor ilfJllOOnl. mt•nt 949 671 11563 OPEN SAT-SUN 1-4 1 J4 A Ml)rlle ll1sto 3br 'l 5ba DlTACHlD ''"i lam hom~ H1 nol \ c1 own muldong shut tel\ 805' sound sy!>tem $519,900 Mary~ Pwel Re1Mu 949 646 9670 Irvine OPEN SAT 1-4:30 TURTll ROCK ,OINTl P..nnr. golf • min Vlf'WS. b hoolt' ~ilde'.' ·~ loiltlt. bis ot stor Ill!" Pool w.i. l.llldl.tdpe etc Al..'IV.- mLOYMENT ~ C1f01111111S aoos-as10 llTOMOTM& ~ maomnoN •R-2 LOT Attenloon buotd .. n Older beach llOU~ Rurld 1 dllpk:• I 1 ondol\ ll< " '>lngle tan11ly lw.mP "-<tld ~ ... IS at l<tl Vdlll(> A<J.1ng Sl>~.M t:all ~gl . lun h'ub'> flM dppl '14<1 673 31:>63 •/I • Newpor1-Bay Tow.,; I Br • ·~•dor w Hay Vll!W~ Camm IJl)OI r on! tfll) ci.,~k w ll<lll<W.tllftt V..,_ rif Ill<:' t .... b.• Serur otv bu1lrl'1'1£ W, boat \ltp<. dVdll ~onp $42'.)(X'() ( all d&!h Rr.w !>m1ley ur S..ny Htllrs lo< an i!C>IJI 949-6/3 "Vi63 BONnA CANYON - OPEN SUN 1-5 10 w 1 .. throp 3BR ? 58A h•>nt~ S~µ era tr ulhce11;uest suit• By Owner SI l 7').000 949 644 8288 l ASTBlUff llAUTY 4RH JOA, 1emnd k1t1 & h• f't.lnl •hUllP,., F' pan~o·~ Vl<W Of g1 een bett lurnkey $67">.000 Agt Ha111et ti.di 1 900H7SO Corona del Mar CdM VIiiage /\lr Iba w.!Ulted t ell>. wd. ...ar purl, Ip w.,.. loe-~ Slfii01nl0 949-278-1003 so-:-of-Hwy f"1matvldl" ?hr ?bR. Ing, w d, ""''° I "" 11arage, Slli50;mu w •In incl 949 '/78 lOOJ Mo;.g.;;;~ 31 r /71a lu>U•V ,efurb homt: lJ('S(in Aho I.tr gt: r W ;'flt I a... flt'w car pet & plltflt SI /Inn 949 71~ 351 l Lovely 31r 3' /> la, _.)ll'O'. 2'20lJ rt•M '"-~' W.."W twnhse fl e>lled Cl•lfll wiped SJ4'ibno n•1 I yt k;, AVl.!IA 411 71~ Zll.I Costa Mesa Beoutlful. Nwpt ll1thh ~ ¥\r 21>.< h~ den lR DR ln<ty rm. fp tVICI l><tlu 'Jc eM . quiet ""-'1411.wlr hood 9'19 ')48 5646 cun 7t. 2ba o:r.e l/\ tilt bead1 pafJo "'~ ~1Mr4!mom Agent !149-673 nm Under th e Service Directory B~nncr Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 BAYFRO T · Community ("Bluff 38r 2lo ...... ~It t.....ky•d Wi li"-tuf de \it(, QUlf't neoghlxirhood ilke 1...w S3200/mo+ ...,._ Av .. J/ I'> W 949-W> <!>22 !Mg C....,.... CC on farway. ?lK b lvly fl.m. 2 f Employment 8500 a.etKAl " 20-JOhr-. office warehouse 1><1' re:spon ind wst •vt.. "<» "'11r-y wnµiter "'' (Jplr heavy pilone!.. liRtll w~e hou.e ~ ~y ta• 1es 949-631 !694 DIMISlllDID VAl.OITE DAY ftllUAIY JC YOUIOWMU.OIVAM COSTAMlSA 714-S.llJS DRIVERS f •pd lne1p'd ,1a11 \ecurt' SIAV u~urP• Graf pay ~nelrls lea•e purch•St" CDl/A wt8 mos OTR req dt r~nllal Ret11d11 ~roted 800 727 5865 (CAL "StAN 1 lAID 01 f N[(O • 1oh We hav~ ope111n11\ 1n m11nv lo~ld\ T • "'n"'~ with eood '.>t4• tine ~•lar ( and ben~111, H111h Sthool 111 ~du•les. •&'"' 17 l4 c .. 11 I 800 277 6289 (CAL ·S~-­ Medlcol Office Clerli P I M f 2 ~pm . NH Gredt t•l~phone \11111' requ11ed l1ton11 lo'"~ \t hedul1nii. no typ1n~ l11endly •lm11sphere $10hour (94!!/ 640 4031 HIU•U, ,.,,.Tl••. dthre Seftler ttte-d. UH my <or. S I 1/hr. 949-644-40SO RU All VAUNTINIS T.,..porory Helf ....... 2/10-7/ 4. COSTA MESA 714-S40-3US Salon BOOTH RINTAL Co,11 Meu buuty salon Renonable Call Al 949 64!> 0662 S.32700/mn~ Shrley Cir1w141 94'J.W>4 1010 ~SI ltul 949 '*'2 %70 9'19·933 6189 WWW~ w......,._ '-"Y :& 2Ba w/ltl'fflfy Bay Voew 01JOO ltoorplan lots ''' wondo.,....., '>4)itCIOu5 i..11 '>hJdlo. I 115'" to 001. Ill attarti g;ir ~ t.qJaded rlld w/rcn vu lutm.nette, S.3200 949-510 2!'iOO DRIV[R S,CD L (A) $10 000 l onatv1ty honusl SOlOS to J9 ctn ts 1 eam~ tn 41 cenh 0/0' to 87 cenh Condos f Of 800 925 5'>'>6 or ll LL M com (CAI "SCAN) [ XPRlSSWAV S TS S l 000 "i" on bonu,t OlR driHt\ need•d 1mmeC11all'ly' (IC ellent pay Ct.ts. A COL t~ qwred I 800 83!> 9471 Laguna Beactl 'ipec l.lcula1 l•;t w1t11 'llt'WS up lh~ f:Ocl\.t HI 'ioulh I aeun.t flp,f \/JIU• 1n !Jr •nge Count v OCEAN VIEW G.>lll'>llf1•xl!1l off O....r••kl Pl.A THIM MlOriJt 1115 Stela<IOI' Miu .. 'MS-715 31'16 OPEN HOUSl this we ekend! Ouhtdnd•ne ov.111 Vll'W\, 41>< l Sh A l detks. 7 tar attMh gar SI .J9'1.000 Jof>n f Mr(JW Re Md• 949 37.2 09 J? ------- Opeft HouH this weekend! New llstlftgtl out.-tondln9 Otft views. 4br 2.Sba 3 dedis, 2 car ottoch gar. S l,39S,OOO Johft farrow Remoa 949-322·0932 Laguna Niguel Knl Hill NORTH Of LAGUNA NIGUEL OPEN Sat Sun 12 5 28812 laeeer Or Sing le~el stone & br1'k 4br home Many ameno lies 8y Owner $615.000 949.13 I -9B44 Udols!e ~8Wl5' PlllCE ON UDO ISLAND O,EN SAT-SUN 1-4 HACH COJTAGI 117VIAHOU 2br 1'/.lo2-c~, bch & ,.,. club JS lot. Reduced to $869,000 Agt 949-759...050S M 714-307-4214 FAIUlOUS llACH COTTAGES! fAIUlOUS NlW,ORT HACH llflS TYLI II New 2-Stery Sir 210 w/1« ... (17UC '31 fSA/I ') $150,000. RN'locleled 21 r 21• (U144XXU/XX) su ,ooo. Wetervlew 21r 210 w~flr..,loce S200U) 91,000 llASID LAND int~ W'l>. Sl8>.0CO/Ob1• Miwy Wond ae;1 949-'iAA 5811. 117 9816 PRIMfiSTAns PATRICK TlHORl NATIONWIDE UU 949-8S6-970S www p.ttr1cktenort!. cum OCEANFRONT RlTREA T OCEAN & BAY VIEWS AMAZING LOW PRICE AGT. 949-723-Bl20 OCU.NfRONT FIXER NOT FOR THI fAINT or HEART AGT.949·723·Bl20 Newport Coast OPEN SAT 1-S 5 Terroia A lourh of Italy Jbr • bonu\ dpprnx ?700• ~t marble & many custom le•tur~s S 1, ltS,000 OPEN SAT 1-S 3 S..premo I level home 2br. • den, Galed cnmm $851,000 24 Catetllfta A touch ol llaly 4br 2 5ba Sir ad.<1 home $1,729,000 PLATINUM ,RO,IRTIES Stefanie Meurer 94!!·715·3156 ,RIMI ISTATES ,AnJCK TlNORl NATIONWIDI USA 949-BS6 -970S www patncktenoce.com MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Shlt-e 6030 l.llJllCJ "''""""· nu cap/tlllnds aet mi !149-673 nm I Ir'• frnrn $875 mv w ""' Ill lovtly e•ted w mm neM Tri Squ.ore fr Kie<' Indy t ...-olrty K"""1 Mrli!!.J!_77 704 lf\4CJ •9?1.ll Ne wport acrou the ._, "6t I '\HA ";11 n;. Pf'l\ ii 1%,mo 1665 k VIile AVf' • J 949 7 l\) 9422 be< 28t I 8o Condo l 'sod<> w 'f p, P•I yard .. rea o.m.ill tonlf.He• of univ 4 ltml$ w/poul lndr y I~< $l#Jm<1 lfl(.l(k Utl\ 141 Mo•krdy I A~ 94Q 675 S/14 av.I fBt Condo, ,._ carl)e'I fl(.•111, f"te'W d'W & fdl'frt 2• R"' w/d IT'ii. w.tll. tr• IA11~r.,unds avall now Sl.'iOOlmo agt Ste.~ 714 741 llilJj u ..... Porli T owrthom•, 2br • d~n. 7ba po•il. tp lu\h patio. l < llM nri p~t. $1600 949 631 6239 Laguna Beach Vllage/C.ttage 28r Iv YMd. Pf''™' toc:atrnn1 very tlllf' $4!200/mo inclM ut~ agt Lu 949 464 :J>14 Newport Beactl IAYFRONT ON LIDO PENINSULA NEW 21r 21a COTTAGES P11vdtf' 8f'•Ch, Pool a11d Spd Walk to Ocean, Shops 1md Restaurants lease 6/mo 2 yr • Boal Strp A•allable 7 I 0 LIDO ,.._K DR. 949 673 6030 or 949-723-5830 furftJshed Shon-Term Reftlolt Ou•Gftfr-ont & ltryfrGftt Avollable Now ASSOCIATID RIAL TY 949-673 -3663 NI, Sf H-• Multi M1thon SS loc 2 rooms for rent $8(X) .. utis. Ywd, sauna. )i1CUZZI 949-515-0ln HP on tte bay, steps to bd1. shops, restl11 Ba.I ~~pvt ba, ~ * YlA9tlY * Gatai $1'J) 95-65().7123 LlASlS ·Bill GRUNDY R[Al TORS RoomsforRent 6040 949-675-6161 ' • Pdt/s-.,.n-vm. l .W. CM Twnhme, pvt ~ w/oui & b9y Vlfs. ':Jr· n/:rs/=· C; patio, w/d, pool & terinis. pret'd, l\v•il 3/1/2003 Sl!Hlmn 949-J78.l9B6 S725m+'hutls ~ .. $il;Wf 3br 2bt, flU 1J1111Vawpet. 2 ( pr, Ip, wd l'llu.4>. 2i42 Ced!lr S2l!i0+ dep. '*" ~ 9913 RESID€NTIAL RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Coll fM ..,.lftfm ... t Bal......_ &.l.....t 0.Aloe ~ V... UVG-IU !ID 0.-& 8"y w ex8C 2br <!>II oondo, hib remod, pted 1P. comm ~ SZD> 9& 12J.} l!i9J ~49)6~S-IJS1 A MANUJACTID HOMI COMMUNITY o.,,11111 7 n.-Ill .. 2 1/IJA 6•y vu lfiOOsf, 2c ii•. buill In 1990, no pet, S'l700mo Ast 949>677 ·'Zm BllbolPlrhlla I~ llew/,.t.1,... N·-~·-~ ...... 706 I. 1...-.. Uttft IS $950 /M ... ttr ASSOCIAtlD awn ...... ,, ..... TeO.....att• nu crpVpnt. 'p, w/d, d/W. fncd Pttio. c.vrd capcwt. SUl95m ri IM9 31M413 2lt ... 2c ... f)Mio. w/d, d/W, ~ope, OHll. bw. IM'lll. 'lDft 2<lth $l lt71l&rro 9& nJ.1186 JM 21 lOliiit 1c .... w/4.,S20MIM .. ., ... , ... ASIOCIATID UAlTY •••-tn-1 .. J I New,,.n Helflttt Sir, 210, Heuu totally rernud. fp. yd 2·c•r a11• $2.llXVmo ~I· l&D 221 P"'"8 St Slng6e f-ity Rnldence NIWPORf SHORES ONTHI WAll• 41r ~.Slo, 2c..,. gcwage $3400/mOfltt. ASSOCIATED RWTY 949-673-3663 BIG CAHYON iR1 2 '>ha. J; Ar 11ar di!• JOOO+~I $4200/ma M..,y Ott.en. Apnt. 949-SS2-6700 Private Tutoring 7990 SEU htheth loft/Moua9e n.r..ist. Thr Newitor1 lkdy Beaut, r' IWfnll • loyal~ LOOVrot It'd dO!I prort Pft'Y>fl tu perfc,r m body Ir e.il.ITW'nb #1 Oii P'~teuu-<Jwl#lWlfl s.ilorl T OCJ ~ y tor top rnclMOul C..I !!<19-640-448.:4 COVCR NMl NT JOBS Now hu 1ng fur W1ldl1!• Postalt fHetoehter • Pohcl! Offic..,, $40tl yur Paid train1n1 Mon r" 9am l()pmJlS T I 8004648991 r>t lJ !CAL "SCAN) (flatbed1 1 866 313 0 418 \•ans 1 !CAL •SCAN) yOUI unwdnlt:d items thrnueh o.lnsolred ...._ ............ .......,, le'1m lo earn income w')'OU' own home ~ f rfl<!! Boolllet lllS-a l«JIJ NOW lllRINC SHARI' Uulgorn~ 11eopte tn 11.tvel enlore US rndud t11V CA. fl . NY & otluu 1~sml areas 1epruent on& lop wort, IAShoon ~ nl'w\ publlcat1on' f ' Pllll\" P•ld lra1111n& with b.a\• 1uar1nt•e D•1ty weekly monthly b<>nu'"' Ir ,on\ & hotel p10~1ded with return tflp &uran t11ed r or 1nl~rv1ew I •II Mu and" @ 800 'l8'l 0381 Call today Star I tomorrnw <CAl •sC4N) Run your ad in the Newport Beach-COsta Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card# or mail with a check todayt Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run It for another week FREEi All for just $20·. D YES, SELL MY CAR -, De~ a......._ a..,.,_. rw-DH a,__ a,.. ........ ----• a-... a'-••• 8,,....o.... a • .,.. a ... • •• '--"" a.... a...,, ... a ...... D•C.--ba...c... llMr-8~-ea.. sa.-i--.- "'"-~------ lll•UU!t •uu INDEPENDENT --------------~~.-._.-:....'--"~----------a .... .-~ ........... """""--.-..-.,..-..e-..m..;e....,• .... e ..................... ~,-· ............. ~OOOl# ............ ¢11 .. 0MGIGlll9 .... 0 ..... 0 ................. ~S .... C...,0 ... 0lloillG ... SSICllli•s .. rt ... ._..m ... •~m .... A•~J~ -· 40 Da~y Pilot v , ....... , .. "._ •t 1 11eat 01n1 Pojnl AMlomodve Hotel. FIT 6 'IT. Clun OMV C1ll 213 628-9500 Aubnobiles 9000 hr4 • t6 11,1.,., Sl>O<t 2wd, Al mrvf, blV frtY Hhl ¥452136 $5995 CM Ot ffdwd 96641> 1822 fw4~M'"l•"t V6 Red, Sspd, •~. ~c. 1lloys, l4ll* clMn SllBr> '1?154115 CM 0. Rdwd 949616.7822 fO.D PaOll lS 'tO - Runs alnt, 6 cy1, Auto. IC, ens. WNOOI, pw, ps, lilt wheels new tltt\ I ClpS Blue ~ $3225 sell $2600 P11v.t• party 714-534-7601 fOIO a.ANGia lllT '99 Ciba Cab, Auto, CO 691< n11 , V6 bodhner P11nl• Party S1~ 949-6·42-SUO ,., .. '96 W1t1411w Gl 1 PIS\, red/hn mt II, IC, loeded lJ99!> v21 I f>87 CM Ot Rt:hird 949641> 18Zl GMC lNCk ~Sien. 'IS Auto white, fully equ!p, •m ftt1,smowd Well m1onl11ned S~ 9.t9·760-19SO Autom __ CJtl_ve __ 9004_ '-'99 X.111 4611 ml, IMW •a2 S2I• luff f~tl warr, 811lish lOO-.scood,runscoodl •'l•n£ ll•••n/oalmul }OOI. mile l 2SOO llhr CO <hr m whl~ •49-650-1217 bout. 111\e new <end v1496121 S29 99'> ftn IMW Sm. "97 an~ ava1l Bk1 949 ~ 1888 lat1, !\Aly loildld, 6 dl5k cA w-·•q>Oltl.c..., ,_ tn:1,.ibr~ 1'5k nw. j -l<OI mo _, Perfect1 _,_ '99 XJ• 461. "''• Sl8.900 949-~I full fat I w<411. ll11t1\h latllli a1on/oal ml'1I IMW '9t J2JI c_.. llhr CO , hfm whls, '>"l>d 4)1. m1 ~Iver blue, be.out l•k• new 1;und arey lthr heat•d uah ¥•496171 S?9 991.> fin lull facl wa11 su~rb ••••I Bkr 949 !>86 1888 $ll .99S l1tm •362421 fin www.ocpoltt.c- •va•I 6111 949 !>86 1888 Jo..,_ ;q-9 XJI V•nden -w.ocpoa.I.<-l'la\ 341.. m1, •P•rklin11 IMW ••s S401 100!< blk l•n lthr. CO t hrm mt bl.11 k/blk, buultful whl' lull tut w111 hke 0J111nal cond l1nan<1n1 n • w S l 8 'l 9 '> I 11 '" & w•rr '4Ull wl249167 I •1:>4/~ I' lln•n• '"• ••••I S9 99!) 8lu 949 !>116-1888 k kt 94'1 '.kb I !WI IMW 7'9 7401 69k ,., www.•<potlf.<•M )y1 w.011 au1I. \lfY~•i ,.,.,.., 'ttX•I Conv i••Y lthr CO hke new 141' mo, lull I•• tury w"" tond, •'>19241 sz~.m •P••kl1111t bla1k 'u•tm••I Ion •••~ ™'• 949 'i86 1888 llhr 1.0 ''""", ,.hi www ocpol.c-Ilk• •f " 1h f /1 '"I IMW '•9 7401 6fl< ,.f, S I'> Y'-1'> 111•.on "• •••11 lyr Wllf avail "Iver llkr 9'9 ':181> 11188 11r•y lthr f.O loh "'"" -w.ocpoltl.c•• 1 ond, v'l/'l 41 $7') 'A'> Jeep '9S Grand o-.i... ''" •••'' ai.. '14'1 '>ljl, 1 rn 4•4 VI! 'l 2l w111. ,.., I 8A8 I ''" .. ,.,... .n I <l(ffj 1h4' h Co4111oc '02 OoVllle ( M CJ• RU...d '14'1Mb nv1 74k "'' full 11<1 ..... ...... ·--'99 o-... ... wy whttt u••m·•• ltt.f t n """ N ~' /~ I •~m t ,, t UnSt~t "-Y\lt-m ~t 'llilf',jH t.. a~._ t tn r4l whli. •1111<'/'>19 $14 ·-1;1 11 • du•I mnrl ,.., '" "'nVU. 8111 96%JIM$ ''""" ··~•I• I rJ IX www.oc,poltl.<•"' 1 111"' whl•. l1k~ n~w. -• 11/IYl" $71 '19'1 lor no Co4111e< 'It D•Vllle Ion ••••I li~r ')4'1 '>146 ~~ur:l>o:..,"'~d ,: N/~ )~,...,.._. ~i:;H111 n1 wht blu• lllu •hot buJ, A m.t< , •d ' ">611< •! Sliff> Rkr MY '>8t l>Wi -1<pob1 ...... Ca4111e< '07 DeVllfe '4' mo. lull 1 .. t .,. • ., w hlll' oaln·••' 111>1 r ll t.a..cl ._ Ohc:eo.wy ..,. ~ ........... ""' ... '"" ..... lf,rllflf1 ,, .. ~ ,,.. IJlrfll ,._., f, rd 'h.;11~ .. , t ll..-1~ P""'I, ... , ,.,W •f•kJ Unit S'j( mo Sl4 'kl.I <rllr 111'1 >l!C/ 'llO/ c.rp llnSI•• \Y\l•rt 1 1 leutt '00 lS 300 'll wtil-., v-s7r 0l f $.'~ f# "" •• Llrf llr' ..i.~ S2t.il I"' ~'ihlM-"'"'' 0 lull tA l'''Y ··-- PM1Wtf'S AUTO AcwuNSl ,.,. .. ·oo Speed Vellow· 121. rnlln (119005) $63,9!!0,00 IMW JUI• c...,..·tS Black auto low m1ln ( •18S181)SI2,980,00 IMW 7401 S.4- '91 White w/per feet creme Cuther ••rll fled BMW !>"k moles < 187 JOJ S17 980 00 IMW llS 2002 White f ••tor y Prermum Wh~~ls ( 18920) $4 2,980.00 IMWU c-vortlble '96 Red w/fmm•culate black lthr '> spc:ed <•ISllO) Sl2 980 00 Joni hpodlll-'99 loaded, n1c e famlty SUV white lu nul~~ <•IS7!M) SIK.980 00 lo•v• lS'OO s. ........ 7 VS lu•ury \eddn lull pu..,f'f l~11lh~r' (•l8J411 1 Sl!l,980 oo l'on<ho 996 Coupe '02 Su Crey Only IOK moles r •<I Watt I (1190701 $69.980 00 'onche 996 Coup•'99 Oce.on Blu~ uni~ 4'>K 1n1les! TopltOllll' (#I 7S1'>) $41 'lllO 00 IMW SUI Sport s ....... '00 Co~m»· l:ll.tlk w 1111ck r "" r -.tor 1 wa" ty' l 11w m1fe\I 1•l!M'i!I< JS l? 9HO 00 Hu"'"'•' H2 '03 ,.a~ i' t'f!'t w whedl lulhM lkrrnl ..... t •l~O S~'.1 'Jll0.00 Joguor XJS. c_,,ortlltle '9S Br"'"" H•• 111~ Grten Nl pe<lr1 t l.••m~ I ~Alhrl '>{,k m1 1• IH9'1'1< 1Stll 4SIO 00 M•r<•det l•n• SlSOO aoocl•t•r '99 ,, k.. ,,,,., w f'•s hn1f't1l I t-itlh ,., H111h ''1.''' 1-i .. .t11t 'I I • lll'l!H) l l>I 'ti!(} ()(I Saolt 900S '98 " r .. 1Pr ' On y t• II: no(,.\ 11 l'llll Sll':IAAOO for4 Mv•t•nge Coup• '99 V6 It ,_, .Jif ,.f1 .. f [) Pl..iy.-1f111 J '""'"' t • IXY,11 S'l ""' 1.rCJ U9 S1' 1111 www.ocpGltf.co"'-,..,, l•hr M .. •••,r,111 PHIWl'S AUTO M•ru4H 'II S60 Sl whll1/tan, 1mmac ~ nn.,-.,__.~ ~ $14,.!D) 7JA.1!il ... ... +·.. °"""'-'II lS '00 lu•"Y ntw, .. ealJa d'fom. '-Iii, Diii OWllW, """'*'· $1!>,995 . .,..n, w714-9~ NEW2003 MINI COOPER! • lfASEFOR $249 p11 month + tn 2 al these tetms on appiovedaedit • Sl'.><IO dnwn 16 month lo\•d •nd leue nu u tU11ty depo\1t 10.000 mil~\ I>~• yur, ?0¢ p .. 1 mile tor e1.res~ nillt-\ Tt:4?718. fC41916 • LEfS MOTOR! lfS FUN 55 F RUWAY @ ID'«'.ER SANTAANAAIJTO MALL (888) 823-9808 Nl1104't '91 S•ntro Gll l •k~ ntw lu~ded .oult m<•<>otuof •lloy-. klw 141. m1 $6')()() /14 1~1 :?41>4 Olcl1.,.~llo '9S Avr•r• VS, 1mni•r lodded, llhr, al Cl Mt $49'.l> ""34/20 ™ ~ Rrlwd 9&64& nm l'orache '99 lo• l•r f' n... lH m ' f1d .. ~ Ir ~r~y llt•r •u I 11 t f W.lr f y.ttdli;t"d nr1n .n kl l•~r llrw v 17669'> fl/ ',fl 8k1 'WI W°• \AAR www.ocpabl.<om l'oruhe '99 996 Colt I h t d i> b•d k lthl .,..,.~ t ... !1• ljl4 .. ~ct '"IRl l n11ll l '>lj '>00 '14J 1!14 l'l'I'> I aange a over '99 4 .0 Ill :1>11\ "'' I ;II '"'I """ bl•c ~ IAn llhr b1 ... k, ~•Pint! f)f"'AUI t•f It , '" j S7b 'l'l'> ,4~4.' lli l.n ~va·I 8111 'J49 !>Bf> 1111!1' w-.1<paltl.<o"' tod9er O.Vllo '99 I •J 111 II'> hrn' Ion ""'''I 1111 toul•.<om 1 •emo•.I 41)1. mi ~ .. ,;,rr kt1 ••r +49 '>l!I• lllAA 1 aongo aovor '97 4 I, www.ocpoltl.com -It .I foOlt mo m•t•lh< ... ...,, .. 1 .,.,._ lllU'.I Mo1da '99 M lafa ...... c•trn IMlrn~dl 1111J .,.,.. SIK '>CfJ "'~ 119 llti4 1 l•utt '00 lX470 VI, I Cnnv 14~ m , • ~·1 Ill whl , '""'""' • Al I :.ilia l kb•• 'fl Mint tori A t ii hr lull pw1 b••• • nt ~ I -ii ~·' I '••' '•h•1~JU I und S 11! 4'1', ~1llodo ,,.,, • ...,. Oliftr •111 In ~" f "" ur i: L rnd v'J Hl'4 I "'"' ,.~•,'>114 I" w•11 1D 4/!JJm ~ Sll<ll 1• f~'ill jl!<lfAO'>lll S'l'M t.r 1· & "a" ,., H'r 149 '>Rb 1888 9f9~ I 8J ·jit<HLJJ t ll • Lincoln 'O I N..,1,.... .,.,1 Hllr 14 ~ '•Iii• 1~ /h m. lull '"' t ,..,, www.e<peltl com S..V... '9S Sl2 Rod Y.pcl Co4111ec 'I I s ... 111. Ill• ~,~,.v llh1 I 0 ovo --~ ..... '90 .... 300( I In tm I 0 • a\\. took\/ Iona \ and dr "'~' 1111 • ,0 , 11 '" wMI• "' 11~,.. I lb bl\, t.m ttiw ,.,t pw ~ ,.,.. 11wd '747'> v71'!84/ •1~ sm I M rllo •/f•l'>IZ S:?9'l'l'>l•t•O~ pdl AC S4'H> t/!4011 •.Mr.>•~d ~/82'1 R .. h•rd 1)49 "46 lfrn l<a r q4 9 't8b ISS8 CM!lt Rldwi!<M'tMb/W VW IUfU '67 New Clwytl~ '•7 Cl~ f> t www..oq>GW...-~"IO a... 4S05l r·•'"' .Cut· h br.oll•' • 1uto, A l vw r !II l11tcob. •0 1 """'rr'.. vw1 ..,.,, "'-"" t!PJdy • ,1 10 •<, $1900 0110 '•on w lll~<UI l fl.1'.r 1 ~ '11' n full '"" ,..,, vll~ S..fllXhb Rttn..d lwq ,.rly 71 4 754 1111 O~ R• hdrd 94'1 f.46 /8 ' bl• k ~rry llhr r 0 OVO Crl5b Me'-,a Dt ljlfJMf>/871 D .... '9 7 lntr-..,W 3.SL., 'O """' whl' I\ nrw, M•rcodu '96 C280 •t t./l H k><Kled, r ir>dn v/frl'il:? S?'J'l'}'l Ion •••ll beauldul bl1,i. t 1.,•m vS9981>4 s~ R«:.hAld llC.r 'J49 !>!Ht 181!8 fully lo•d~d \hUWI Utom l,()l;Q ~ ... (I> ~181} WWW ......... ~ l'VIM. $11..9'. /1 4.7'5) 2464 VW '99 Pa11ot GlS Ulu~ 4t yl I urbo <D, ........ 4" mo '-" S12CffJ "21/lil> lM ~ 9'564&~ • • 0 ----~-------,......---··-- Thursday, f eb1U1rr 6, 2003 17 By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH . , _....,...,...-.;,,TO.-.-.-.DA~Y~'S ....... _.rim---CROSSWORD PUZZLE VOU .BF. Tilf". JUDGF. Both •ulncrubk 'Mluth dcah NOR'nr •A 5 4 A K974 Q9 • J 10 4 W•.,T f.A.°"T • K 9 • Q J 10 8 7 6 QJ 86 108 65 l 754.l •KQ • 98 7 SOtrl H • -' l ·' A II. J 10 2 •.\6SJ2 lkb1dd1ni,: !>Olrm WI:.'• I l'- OltrH I 1• 3• ~· Pa<.c, ~ .._ ""'"' .._ Dbl 4VT ,. I >pcntn)' 1.:.xl "-'"¥ nl • \cud\ 111': h1tlJtn¥ and plJ) nf lh" d..'.11 then <.lc~u.k Did an)UOC err'' II ~I. 11.h11' V. nh 1hrn· qu..-~ In•~' and J pr11h olhk rulhnf \;iluc rn heart\. South "">'hi l1o1'<· hc...-n ""1\er In .1<:.:cpt !'\unh ' douhlc of lhrec ~pa.Jc:-With tie,1 tletc~ thJI wntroct gOC<. <.lown AUTOMOBILES, MISCElUNEOUS Wanted BOATS thrtt tncll.. JcmonSl.nlll.ng Iha! Ea~ W~t'5 l:OfftJ)dJU•e JU.ia::!l ""en' run rung w1kl. When South pulltd lo four dub-.. Nonh can hardly be. blami:d IOI con1111umg t.u the ,maJJ \lain hold mg key '>Cl(;oodary hooon m buch of p;ut.ner\ \u1b IUld three cmennl! tnd .. , m the mllJtn w~ led the k.int< of ,paJt,, W.cn ..-1th the Ke Dcdattr Ui\heJ dummy\ ai.:e Wlll Ling of heart' for,, 'lpade tJJ'>CMd, then r11n the J:i.. k of club!. 10 We\I'\ k1ni\ We,I Int'() lU cibh a spaclc tnck but dcclan!r t'\lllcd .uxi, MDCC thc nuic: of club'i w&) nu" tng. could not repeal lhe trump line~ lmicad, dot.larer IU.\ lun.c:J to bang llov.n the ace of cl~ and all wau well ""hen the queen came tum bhng do..-n Six d ub<. bid and made Hud anythinl! wuo..-ard happcnc.J' Ueclarer ..-a., fonunaie 111 be able tu bong m dub\ for JU~ one k...cr, tiu1 c~en luck.ter lh<it the dcferu.e twJ not h«n up w p;At lmle<ld of !ht fuult" ait.empc .u J \p.idc ind .. Wo1 'houkl lul'c n:tumcd • hcan. ~ t'\llh omJ, 1( dtx.lan:r mcm.ctf,, .i ~ond trump mck ha' Ileen prnmo11:d Im 1hc tkfcndcr. Noic 1tu1 .a.Jimg tht: .i..c ol du~ .II lnt.k lour ..l)d le.idtnj! anuchcr 1 C\jUelll} luulc '<>"" r .bl II. 111 t>..· Jhk to ruff .i hc..n fur the ...emng ll'l•k BOAT REPAIRS/ 9515 SERVICES ~ o,..-1 ~ ,,.., .. ~ e.pl ... pay IHt•n Wltolor 1987 I !>11 Super Sport, 70hp Yamaha, no lratler, SS,700 949 724. 1810 • •>trY la. rru for you 14 Van c. II udl pMI tor OI not Cal 00 Rey @ I Otnllo Auto S.. 7 Ji. U11931 a 714 32Sl228 CASH fOa C.US We nted your , ~• paid for ur not Ph1lhps Aulo Ask fur M1lcolm 94'1 574 1111 SELL BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES \)(; l(f 9'lOO I JIOO 1TRA CAB. TOYOTA TRUC>i P All ml MAKf OHER Wll SELL CllAP 714 174 8793 uG Hf JIOO XTRA C>B. TOYOTA TRUCK. P Av S8Xl MAK£ Off[R V111.l SELL CfU.P 714 374 8793 SMIGlOP TIOO XllA W, TOYOTA TltJCl. , AIJ SIOO S81sso714-374-1793 MOTOR HOMES Matot Homes • Rent 9355 ltV {W9'NOAGO --, t... IUHT, lOft C 0...1, Xlnl (...... CAil fOlt your stuff through classified! ''" ~""'' Car 1n c U..snrud • ""Employee. H "Empleado. ~, .. A rbe il neh m e r. '"En1ploye. ·~ ACROSS 1 Cu1'alr1 tienoe< 4 ~rftUll 8 H\fOllTIWM 12 f I09!y ClOlll '"(j 13 Slary.._ktg dll1'Qll 14far~ CMllTU!ly 16~11lf!<Me (2wOS) 17 66 and I 80 18 Haflilt 10 lllld 18 ~lhy••llll 20 Moll°")' 22 Romltn OI' o • :>4 Obsc<-J 2S Ca"°"" h-..+ 26 R.aioer ~la"'O WOfd 28 °'~~ .. .,.,. 31 Emcee.. 34HaNM' 35 srien ~· • ,, .. ~lie 36 lmpOtla('I CIOcOOc'. 370.1')~ 38 PM'V~ '.\8 F...,. ""'" •4 40 5erJl"f'l6 41 Land lom111• o••• •2 1'Jv-f'" '3 f onn< aC<d ptoctuc:OI~ 44 S~vln..t 45 Paod.e 'l'A#'S 47 Vo<t>a 01 o-r 5t w~=·t~w<h l ~!i RirNne.'J ~·"iwt !>(J lwl.illea (MoWfl !>I Actto -S. ..... !>llG""' 'II Stw...,y llO G'O'Mln on tt.0t1 111 Lewi ano Ctc<"1w!n 62 Fr tlOly "'omen 6J 6olMlnU1 M Wltl< .. •""1 """ DOWN 1 Sta """ "l SaA,,..,.tttw 3~''-" • Drew .c. s Ct•CfffWlff 8 f!.lliJwrn ,,, 0••-7S...rltill•I• 8 ~ ...... ~<MK 9 ~A,.,,,,. 101~\D."1; 11 Sq"'rrllla~ 12 ""'"''• I~ W• •r1 Jy 2() ow l• ""' v~ ,, ..,,,,, .. 23 l<al'S5 Pa,mc.- ;j!{j k$0.-.0IN~ U Acqr DailY'Pilot ptcxb»I• 29 '\.Onllly Bo( )() ~'T' JI Wflll U9 now U &Nbdll _..., __ J.J Moetptle .. r.,.,, • br•• 3'> S..n Pll<lt" ) 7 8r"1Ttl "°"'"' .£ • LaD W""'8I$ l3 SGenlS H Pv()tly mllde NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT. CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. DfTA&S. 949-44a-7114 l ._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~J HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS SeMce Dlrectoty ~NOllCl TO R£ADfRS Callfornt• law •• quwes that conuac Ion t11t1na lf>b' lhat totel $500 OI more (labOf 0t maleflals) ti. hcenwd by lh4' Contractors Stale llunae Boatd State taw el10 •eQutrn that contractor~ Include l~lt llcen:i.e numwr on all advettmna. You ~ check the stalus of your licensed contractor a t WWW CIUI ca IOY or SOO 321 CSlB Unh c1nsed contractors llklna lobs th1t total ten than SSOO must state 1n lhett 1dvertbements that they 111 not ltcenud by the Con tr actors Stale license Boerd." ,~ .. ,wm KAdlln / 8.itl I RlrrGdll Jd9ar& ....... UJ4ITI &Bi'5 '1i'C 98M'i'Jf.5 .,., Slrvlca AITORNEY a~i1 mlllnl. tMitaS law. I care. land· I~~ odw qniemonts. 20YwsrKp Rea~ nll.tJ, 2 SELL your stuff through classified! ~ ..... ~ AutoSerrices • WAJU 1-'r °"-',., JO lWrs AuTOllOllU SovK1 .....,,_ ...... s..w TUHl~SHOP (949) 645-4641 ~· kl• ll •lllrtltl Boo*beplng • WelUMts • Custom 8u1IHns, Crown Mold np, BIM Bo1tds l #577982 949.837 5642 ATOl NPYMAN Install, reface cabinets ~ mollllJ. Do:s 714-5"6-7S car,.--~ Q-(MPl'f ;)CAllPfT~ ReptW\., P1tthlnr. Instill Courteous 1117 sl11 lob•. Wholtsalel 949·491.0205 ~--...... c ......... .... _ ~·0.-·~ ""' 6't.( ,.,._ ·-,......, 4f. ~u... .......... , ..... c. ... _..~ (141) 54Nlll Sfll ,. ... .......... ERVICE COW'VTE• ~l/TIO"'S l!f)ffJr.rfl<" RtY"''" ( U\I• "1 I'{ ' /lul// "Je/\\11'4111~ /n/r·rll<•t '-eru/l ·""' ,,,,,,,,,/! <\.!( 'f F•H 1 IX'IWl1rt11m Ull JtH 949-510·4130 Concme&Mascny n..c.,._, __ Cementwork, Brick. Ttle ·&More Reh•ble Nn tob too amall 949 !148 6746 Ir I s1- Conaete, Pabo. Ot,_y fl'eplc, BBQ Ref's 2SYrs (lp Terr 714 561-7594 v ...... c.-. •• & ... _., RllSHSenh•I Brdl, Stone, Block, Tile. ld747448 714 96S 2824 ~ N•w <•n•lrvctl•nJf& ._.._All Trldn, Fr .. Cstfmeta. JO Y Hf$ hp U337169 !M9·631 ·2345 ~,.- WITTMOln NYWMl All pha__, ""/Ill lobs CUMI 20vta, felf, ftei .t. LAOOO.'J1714 &» IW \ Electr1cal Services s...a '~ IJIP..-1• Oun< an [lecbic 211'1'1\ ( •P l•.....itQooc.Jr. R~ Stor•r<o/R..-nodet\ L •77'>870 949 660 70C2 lf•mlc Sorvlc.t N~;;. Remodel & Repair rret E ~llmate JO Year\ ( •p l •337169 949 631 234!> UCINSlO CONnACTott Ho '°° too Sil\. M '!4nlt('SI Repaw, remodel. f•n~. '!pl, ,_ WC ~Jli!l6 in ,.,_ ~Drain, l'IMtts & Lawn IMtali.tJon. AIJo Llptltts. -.... -.. .. . GanSenlflW landscaping ~-.... Sl!>-S20hw On1cn Plant Po t P1op~c•t1on Prun•ne (•aillwrt ref'\ 9"9-!>1~81124 Troo S•rvfco, Ya~ Clonup Maintenance. SP' 1nltfer Rec>~•• Haullnc (94t ) 6SO..a71 I HandymlrV Home Repair THI HANDYMAN Em•rnn Service Ok! PluMlq. Eltabl. Car 9 Doon etc. 949 439 7554 2oy_..;f Q...rtty c..uft--· .. u.N741&J {tU) UO-ts2S Mwtl tor.'°" needS ... Heallll & Beauty Les. "" Te 20ll.. , __ ... I Triple your •nero O....,SJl.ts Cell Lisa t49-64S-6677 PUBLIC NOTICE The C11tf Public U11ht1es tommoss•on requlfn that all u~d ho11uhold c oods mover1 p11n1 their PUC Cal T numbM, limos and chauffeurs pr int their T C P number In all ad\rw tlMments U you have any qunhons about th• terality of • mover, limo of ch tu Heu•, call· PUB LIC UTILITIES COM MISSION 714 !>58 4151 WAMno •OV9MJOllS Smalfoflarce HNew ..... Sw eaml9442/lnsur.d 949-71&-0691 714-616-1300 flVTI LlSSO.S Eap'CI tHchet has new open lnp '" C.ta ..... ~ Use Sid 949-574-0517 Painting ~,1.PPY DOG """"' I..--=--PET SITTING DOG WALKING --..... -· (-n-4) 37EH!531 .......... ~ ... --- 800-93~ ..... ,. - Master Windo~ Care ft; ..... """""""'"" • '\r,n~ Linn ni: • \.11111 8111\J \tu'-, 949 ~13-4 '1h CUSS/Fl ED It 's tht solu- tion you 'rt starching/ or· whtthtr you 're seeking a homt, aptl11· ment,petor lltw OCC I sm .. .... ....... 2003RIO "· I ' , I 1 '