HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-19 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• 10 Serving the N e wpo rt-M esa con1111uni1 y sin ce 1907 WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY 19,2003 Parking lot not ·· in Fairview plan Cou ncil voted against a lower-level parking Jot and a road connecting it to an up p er level. Deirdre Newman Da!IY Ptlot COS1A Ml::SA -Jim Kerin!> used to bring his mini archeo- logical kit on his childhood uul- ings to Fairview Park, savoring the opportunity for exploraupn and discovery. Now with five children of ht<. own. he wanted to ensure they wouJd have the <;amc chance. But a proposed llddiuon of a lower-level parking lol and a road connecting ii tu the uppcr- lcvel parking lot 1hrealcned the '><lnctity of the park", rnl1ural .,li e<.. So Kerins. brought his con- cern'> lo the City Council meet ing Tuc<.day along with other en- vironmentally con.,ciou .. residcm<.. I le was elawd when the coun- cil voted 4 to I nol 10 include the parking 101 and the connector road in the final de<,ign of the l·airvicw Park ma'\ter plan. "Pulling in a road breaks up the '>pec1al dimension and the '>pirituaJ d1rnen.,ion a-, well," Kc rim, !>aid. "Om:c the '>pace b gone thl•rc I'> really nothing left lo ta.kc our d1ildrcn IO for explo- ration and dt'>covery_" ·n 1e tl eci ... ion wa.'> a lo<>!> for the dbabll·d, who ltopet.I the parl would proV1de them hl'ller ac cec;<.. fhe counlll\ Jpproval meam 111<11 till' final de'>tgn Mil meet the CuaMJ.I < .oml'rvancy grant See FAIRVIEW, Page A4 NEWPORT BEACH • f'>; '-,!-,_ yp Professor John Stupar hurls a self-rnade paper airplane into the wind to the delight of several of his studen ts as he competed in 30th annual paper airplane compPt1tion at UCI in hnnor of f ng1neering Wee~ Mayorhas an optimistic outlook Bromberg says the most important issue now facing the city is the general p la n upda te process. High flying into uintr<>\er .. y hy addrl''-'>tng what he "-lid l'> a problemall\ at lllmJe among a Engineering Wt'ek at UC! /Jr ings out the kid in profess ors and th e professor in students, as co 1npetitors uie for bragging righ ts. June Casagrande Da1ly P1lot Steve Bromberg <,mall numher of re,1de1m Without '>Ill ghng out any in d1v1duah or even mention ing the ttf) \ <.n~l·nlit(ht moVl'tnent. he l.ud out ht'> po.,111un that a makun lt•nt at111ude l'Jn actually ht· J threat 10 4ual1ty of life when tlung., are good. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot J uhn "ilup.sr \ .. ~nl JU'>l ctn} lumpl'tllor Jt tltl' mth .1111111.11 l·ng111ecn11g Wt·el< g.1me., 1h,11 heg.111 luc•.,cfo\ \ht•r •ill, lw ha-. year'> of 1·ng111el'n11g l''<pt•r11•11tc· Jnd t'\llt'rll'>t' on hi-. 'idl' and t'\l'll ell It'd ...... 1 1udge IJ'l \l'.tr tor thl'' 11111' p1..1p1·r J1rpl.mt· 1 ornpc1111or1 h1• 1111\\ n1111pl·tc•u sn d1·-.1gn-. l,1,1 \P,11 1111 I le II\ 111" 1·1tKllH'1·n11~ p1ol1·-.-.1ir 1..ft ,,, ti 111· h.1d ,s lt·g llJl 1111 1111 ft''' qf Jll, 111rt1p1·111or-. 11111J'1111 1lt111\\111g 111 tlw pl.mt, 1 •Hllllll'llt l'tl. h1· n-.sli1l'd tli,11 till' lq4 11p ill' hJ'> on 111-. '1111lt-11h ;1pph1·' r11c in• sn .s 1 l.1-. ... 1011111 ..,,•llmg 1h.111 111 the 1 ornp1·11ts\l \\cir1d 111 .111 .1111111.11 1·n·111 lwltl'r ~1111\\ll "'I \\c·1·~ NfWPORl Bf AU I -Mayor Steve Rrombe rg'c; ~peech al the annual Speak Up Ncwpon Mayor's Dinner on Tue<-.day night was delivered 111 a cla...s1c '>lall' of-the ct ly .,rylc. ofTcnng a ~n.1p o;hot of the c1ry\ recf:nl triumph" and the challenge.. on the nl·ar horizon. ~Thi!. 1-. the ultima te schmooze Ami th111g'> are good. llrorn berg -..ud . ~mt· h1ghltgh1~ ot the la-.1 year or two u1clude '>teµ'> to ex tent.I the John Wayne Set1l e111ent \o, 1.tk111g lull ,uha111.1g1 01 ,., he thollght. of t'\l'I) th mg Ill' l<tH>\" Ii\ d1•vl'rl\· 111uupor.11111g '0111e 11t llt1 elt•m1·nh ol thl' ... 11111111g ;mpl.sm· I \\1·d I' 111gt·11t11I\ .111d 11 gm' \\tlh 1·11g11H l'rtng." .... 11d "111p.11. 11lto \\d' pit .l't'd It I, ... I htldrt II l,1~111)' p.trl Ill tl1t· l tl/llllt'llllllll I \\1•1•~ I' A student's paper airplane didn't quite live up to its expectations as 1t See FLYING. Page A4 ended up tn a tree event for Newpo rt Reach, Rromberg said. Bur Bromberg willingly wadl'<l See MAYOR, Page A4 Improvements go round and round Fashion Isla nd, in the m iddle of a "eri es o t revamps, soon wi ll be ho m e to an o ld -fa shio n ed carousel. hob up .111d d11\\11 t11 three ro"' I lw sr11wr 111und111g hoard" \\Ill 1111 h1d1 p.imtc>d "Cl'l1t''> from \'111111', t1,1h ... ., wl'll J' Jlternal 111g t.11 ,., of J mal<' gondoltl'r and Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPOHI AIAUI -A' the centerpiece 111 a package of im provernen1s 10 ~a ... h1on Island, the Irvine Co. 1~ 111s1alling an old fashjoned carousel a t the shop- ping center. '><'lid H11"' I owe', tht' In tl1l' t 11111 km.111· 111 ,1 < .inwvalt· Ul'>tutne pany\ '>t'n.1or \'Ile pre'>11k11t of llhtmmatl.'d h~ I .. WO \\hill' opc·rn11on,. "It bridge'> itll k111tJ, light' JI 111gh1. tlw c·aroll'>t'I wlll of c ullttH''>. II\ ,111 old frn m ol hro.sdc ,..,t HO pn• rl'lorded mdo 1111c•ralt10n d1r-.. wl11d1 Jrc· taken from .tn Worker., .ire no\\ building 1h1· m1g111aJ hand 011:an camU'>l'I. wlmh will mea,urf' lH I he ldrtlU'>el.t!-i C'XJlt'cll'd to ap '.fret atro....,, 111 the courtyard 111 1wal tu children illtd the youn(( frc1nl of lhl' Hoht1Nlll Mav <le at ht'art. Irvine C o oftln,il-. \cild partment "lOrl'. Ilic carousel w11J "Wt• .ire C'Xlllt'd to offor a fun feJtun.• 12 fihcrgla'>'> hor<,('<, and l'lernelll '>uch a-. a Y.h1mc;1cal menc1gt•rie ammalc; based on . carou ... cl lO Fa1.>h1on bland vi'>! Denl7cl\ whim!-ikal dc~1gn'> tor,," said Tanva lnomac,. the COURTESY or THE llMNE COMPANY All old-fashioned carousel will be installed at Fashion Island. The carousel. expected tu open in the .. umm er, will be based on the well-known design., of Gustav Dent7.el, who pio- neered the look of the classic carousel in the I 870s. "A carousel is quite timeless." from a century ago. l.eapmg vice pre<i1dent nnd general man horo .. e!-i, a 1ehra. cat. rabbll, llger'>. ager nf the renll'r. "C.arou,el'> dft' hear. and cvcn a seahor-.e will alway<; J favorite aura1 tiun THINKING ALLOWED Home sweet home is out of my price range I distinctly remember an early morning conversation with Councilman Ollis Steel in the parking lot after a council meeting. It was after 2 a.m. and I was wired after forcing myself to stay awake through an eight-hour meeting. For some reason we got to talking, debating. chatting and the topic of affordable houslng came up. Steel and I are on opposJte sides of the picket fence. I was trying to explain to him how depressing it was to know l would never be able to QWn a. house ln my hometown. "Why. you don't think you are golng to be uccessfW1" he asked me. ·1 plan on being suece&Wt. I just doubt I'll eve! be rich.• I countered. . ' , .. LOLITA HARPER There is a blg difference. I feel successful now. I graduated from a great college (some would argue It's the best - Fight on.I) and landed my dream job in the field of my major. The sad fact ts, up until just recently, I qualified for government housing. Unfortuntuely. I have chosen a profi lon, wh.ich I absolutely love. but one that for now doesn\ pay me enough to afford 4M1l a condo ln thJ area. Journalists aren't alone here There are a lot of people like me who don't nece~y make the worst neighbors. Ukc my best friend Heather, who also graduated from USC and is now a teacher ln Rosemead Or the officers at the Newport Beach and Co ta Mesa poUce depanments. the teachers a t our schools, friendly checkers at the tnat'k:et ... the U t ~ on and on. According to a 5tudy by the Public Policy Jf\$litute of c.alifomia, tltl :d Co.lifoml ' Ho~ eltm.:tu Law. Th ue oft .ex:: 1 Noncomplltmn!, a third of C'.alifomia cities are out ol compttance with the 111ue' aff'orilible hOua.ing la Author l'aul G. SM AU.OWED, Ptp M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www~.com WEATHER It m ight rain tonight, but enfoY • partly aunnv afternoon. - S..PaceJ.:J. SPORTS .. \.\iorl er. completed lhe fir.I pha..'>e of improvement~ to Fa'>h mn Island in time for the holtda\ -.hopper. The ~ond pha.-.e ,., underwa~ and '>hould he fin tl>hed t>y the t1mt· the carousel open-. I.owe ..aid. fhc l.'ompany aho 1s m<.talltng neY. whue-o n-blacl dtl't"CtionaJ <,1gn ... extenc;1ve land-.captng, in- dudmg pot-; and plants. fresh prunt. ltgl111ng. fum1rure and brick paving. · Lowe decli ned 10 pro.,.1de cost e<>ttmates for the v.'Ork_ The improvemen ts at Fa.sh.Ion lc,land are pan of the company's six-year effon. begun in 2000, ·to improve 20 of its shopping cen· See ROUND, Pqe M , A2 Wednesday, February 19, 2003 Dally Pilot LOCALS ONLY NEIGHBORS Janis OlnwiddJe of Cosla M~ 1s the event planner fort.he Orn.nge C oast CoUege small Costa M~. J le fonnerly served as the food and beverage director at the Doublecree Golf resort in San Diego. Pfeiffer has been wtth I IUton for about nine years. He received his culinary t(aining in Germany ... Navy Petry Officer 3rd Oass Thorin 0. Mayba of Costa Mesa is on his sLXth month of deployment in the Persian Gulf, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. Mayba, a 1989 Estancia High School graduate, FOR A GOOD CAUSE bu!>ines.\ t!XpO. She hill> produced more than 4,000 event'> and ~~da.li.w. Ul high-end fund-raiser.. for nonprofit organiuuom •. She is also a Janis Omw1dd1e small bu sine'>-'> O\\ ner Lanct' Corporal Ian Voss u( ~t'wpon Reach \\a., deployed t<1 Kuv.a1t t'arlier lh1-. month from Mard1 Air Force Base A 2001 Corona del Mar High gr.iduall', Voss. was an eagle 'COUl With rroop 90 al the Newport Heat'h Sea ~out Bill>t' He al<,o dltended \tanne Military At·,1derm 111 rexa., durin~·lw, 1un1or yedf of high school. I It• 1., .a Manne Corp'> rescrvL'>l 111 < lMrlil' Company. 1 ... 1 Tank Di\Non, in Twenry-ntnl' Palms. I It• i., till' -.on of Bruce and Robin Vos..<, of Newpon Beach and Marsha .md Neal Steinbrenner of Newpon Coa-.t ... Jan PfeiJTer l1c1<. been named executive thd of the I hlton is one of more than 8,000 sailors and marines aboard the ships of the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier BanJe Group ••. Nancy TuchJbana of Costa Mesa graduated tn June 2002 with a bachelor'5 degree in telecommunicationi. management from the DeVry Universiry ..• Brian Carlson, fom1er food and beverage manager at the Bahla Corinthian Yacht Oub, h~ returned to the club as its general manger. I le wa'> most recently general manager of the Univer..iry Oub of Pasadena. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 640-4170. or send e-mail to coral w1lson a lat1mes.com. PET OF THE WEEK ~rNr 'Rf p·rw .,. 11 From left, Knsty Neubo, her daughter Chnstma, 13, and her husband Craig watch China the cat lounge wrth other feline friend s m their home on Tuesday. The Neubo family rescues abandoned cats and rehab1htates them for adoption Samantha Samanth.1 I'> a beautiful tabby cat. Sht> wa-. found pregnant in a local tn.llll•r parl.. and re~cued by the \/~~port Bt·ach-ba~d Community \mmal !\etwork She ~"a' .. utknng from a ~e\.erl' upper re.,p1ratory 1nft>ct1on when -.he gaVl' b1nh and her four lot11·11., had to be bottle-fed Because of 1he c.onta¢ou., nature of upper rt''>p1rator} infectwn .... nu H't hu.,p11al \\OUld atlmll ~m.tntha in In an efTon to save her hft'. vewrinan medical emergency rn.,t., amountt'd to almu-.1 SJ.O<IO "In order to <,ave Samantha\ life and our bank i.l<"lOun t, the <,leep depnved fo'>ter momma wa., 1r1.lined hv the vet to forle feed and givt• '>ubcutaneou-. fluids datl}' to \amantlia, -'>aid founder DiAnna Pfaff-Martin. ·· fhe fo<,ter mom ma's effon '><lVed her life," 'he added. 111l' kitten-. were not so lortundtt· All four l.Jttem dc\oelopt'd the inlernon and \\l'fl' not ahll• to hrl'athe properly. Thev rt'fuc;ed to feed from Lhe bottll' and didn't haw enough strt'llh'lh to -.urvive As l...ille11 "''il'>on ha' '>tartl·d. Plaff-Marun ... ay<, thl' nel\\ork\ donation fcu 11-. IH>\\ i-. c1 program, "f eed the Kittie'>," c..le!>igned to providt• temporary home5 to pregnant rdl'> and kittens found in the bushc5, m addition to rat'>tng money to pay for Samantha'<, vet bill'>. Samantha \\.ill b<.' up for adoption <,0011 and Pfaff-Marun '>3}"> .,he will haw a purebred l'ek.mc~e dog, avmlablc tJ11., wl'ekend. \el' other an1111at... .1\a1lable lor ,1dopt1on at wu•u• ammalm•tworA..org ur Hu<,.,o\ pet -.tore at I a\lllt1n f'>land between noon and 4 p.m on wt'ekend<, lnfom1a11on. 1949) 75~1 1646, or { .ommunity Animal Ni>twork., l~O. Box flflfi2, Nl•wport BcaLh, CA 921i5H GEITING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs µeriod1cally in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis For mformat1on on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN The organization provides support for needy women to become self-sufficient by gaming employment. Volunteers are needed m the organization's Professional Clothes Closet to assists clients and sort clothing The orgamzatton 1s at 711W.17th St., Suite A-10, Costa Mesa. (949) 631-2333 WYLAND FOUNDATION The Wyland Foundation. which encourages greater awareness of ocean conservation, is seeking volunteers for clerical and computer help and grant writing. (949) 497-6723. YMCA The YMCA's Bu1ldmg Life Options Mentor Program 1s tookmg for volunreers to mentor and tutor teens. For more cnformat1on, call (714) 838-0181, exl 110. VOL. 97, NO. 50 THOMAS H JOHNSON Publ11her TONYOOOERO Editor JUDY OETIING Advert1s1ng Director IANA JOHNSON Promotions Director mmNGSTAFf s . .J. C.hn Managing Editor, (9491 674-4233 1.j.cehn lat1m. com hmeeM.- City Editor, (NJ) 764-4324 J¥rr-.,,.,.,., o llltimacom Roger C..teon Sporta Editor, (949) 57"4223 ~C»ltlon,.,.tl,,,.com JoM J, '-"" An 01r«:t0t I Newt DMk Chief. (941)5~4 ;o.. nlOI i.t1"'*'-com ... McCNM Photo Supel'Vitor. (949)~ rcn ptioto•1•tinw1 com News Editor• Gina Alexander Lon Anderson, Paul Sa1tow1tz Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF ~BNlreth Cnme and court1 reponor, (949) 674 4226 dPepa bhararh /11t1mes com June C.ugrande Newpon Beach reponer, (9491 574 4232 1une.casagrando lat1mes com '-'It CUnton Poltt•cs and environment reporter, (949) 764 4330 f)llu/.clmton lat/mes com Lolita .._rper Columnist, culture reporter, (949) 574 4275 lol1ta harpor lat1mes com Deirdre NewrNn Colta Meu reporter, (9'91 574-4221 deirdre newman lllt1mo11 com CMltJne Cenltlo Education t9PQftM, 19491574-4268 dm.tme.camllodPl•tlmn.com Kristy Neubo Cassady Jeremias Daily Pilot Surviving a fur-Ji fled place to live l\lanu lo oJW311 iJ l11v111g .1dop1 I\ c· fam1lv "'' l.1r 111111 "\t•uh11' cal' ha\t• l1111nd .1 h11nw T he hou.,t• " full ot feral cat.<., a dog. .ind three lud!.. But. dt>1>p1te tlw pie turC' that pau1L'>, Krh1y Neu bo\ hiHl'>t: 111 N<:wpon Beach 1., nor a m~. But here, cat!:> are treJJt•d ltke fanuly despite their rough backgrounds. and 11 feel-; more hl..e a cory muwum for anunal lover. than a halfway hou'>l' for wild cat'>. Neuho and her lar111ly work witJ1 the Cummun11 v Animal Network, a volunlel'l nm organi.t.auon tJ1at n·-.1 uc·-. \.\.1ld lilt'> and trdln<, them to ht• l Oll'>t' pets. .. We are a pro hit• rganv.ation, othl'f' .ire· ro humdllC 1111'~ pr.tl I Wt' --- tnJgt• JJJd choo.,e the .im111;1I' \\ho hH· and lhO"-' \\ho Ull'. .. 'he '>did '\o l'JI rt''><.LJed h'.r till' C ·ommumtv Arnmal l\etwork "eulham/l•d. The wt-. that JITTH' at the hou-.l'11old h.1v1· been trapped by voluntc'l'f\. i.oml'11mt"i on a up lrorn concenwd t lltn·n., lhe l<lh are di...per.l't.I 11110 voluntt•t•r' home-. to he tamed anti 111.ulto "adoption 1.1uahty" k.n,ty ,ind her hu!.l>.11HI. c .. raig, dJughll'r'o Kri.,tma ,uHt A'>hlcy .111d '>Oil Kmtoplwr an• tht· only volunt(.·er, 111 till' urga1111 .. atmn 10 take 111 c.at., that \\fl'H' born \\1ld anc..I nt•\tr touchl'd h} human ......... ud D1An11a l'fafT Maron. tlw loundc•r and d1re<:t11r ot 1lw orgarn/AllllJll ''!>he h.t' ht·t•n .1 god..,.:nct 111 till' organ11.1111111 '-hl· h.t'> ht'lped 'l)lllt' 111 tilt' 1110 ... 1 un1oucht1hlc· t ,11 ... " 'he ....ud Once 111 1lw hornt'. tht• l·ll' "an gl0tl1ng 11•.1d}• for thc1r lll'W famil1t"> r!lt' fir.t '>ll'p "a t.dgc, M'>t't h.a.. thn·t> -.et up 111 the II\ mg room 1w.u tlw firr•plJCe I hey art• not lMJ,111\ ~1·pt 111 cagl">. hut 11tht·rn·1.,t· 1lwpJ h1dl· lhl' "h11lt· 11nu" .111c.J thn h.tVl' lo g<'I Ullt'W';llt'd '>0 thev 1 an fl't'I 'Hilt• lwn· \.,,!:' h,mdl!· Lhtm dall} .• met ft•t•d them wh.itl'vt•r \\t' ,m· t-.111ng ·· ;\;t"ubo "ml After ahuu1 .1 111onth tncN car-. art• tkl'11wtl pel 411Jht\ and are 1.1l..1•11 111 I ,1-.h11111 I lw hmuh had .1 h"tory lwlp1ng otllllllilh. hut II \\J"i d.mghtt·r "-.mt111a 1 lurmn~ .1h110.,1 I I. \ ... ho got the f.trrnlr ... 1.1rtc·u ;11 1ht· Animal l'frtwork h\ d111ng t om111un1ty ">l0rv111• 1 hrou..:h lwr '*hoot \trlt t' tltt•n tht• fam1h hcl'> 1·11dun·t.l 't ratchet.I furr111un• nhlrrt'<l 'lin hltl''> dnd tht· non rMI .ad1u..,t mc•11t' ont• 11i.tl..1· ... \\hen u1hab11.11111g \.\Ith .illll11'>l a 00/l'n Cdl.., 11111 111 '>!)lft• of th.11 1h1°\. low 11 · 11 1' ll'\\ardmg h1·t Juw }·ou '>l't' 1111\\ 111ud1 tht•) t h.mgt: I h<"11t·\1' 1hut•" no '>Ul h thin~ •" ,11 JI th.11 "unt h..tngt•.ahll·" I r.11g "'l'Uho '>aid. DUI ARRESTS Sa1Un:lay Mesa T'Mse people have been arrested recently on suspicion ofdriving under the influence of an intoxicant. They have only been arrested on susp1C1on of a crime and, as wrth all suspects, are ronsidered innocent until proved guilty. • Scott Gregory Sequin, 30, Costa Mesa •Amy Dee Bawden, 37. Anaheim • Stacie Anne Ortega, 26, Newport Beacti COSTA MESA Sunday Friday • Hradl Richard Saryan, 49. Costa Mesa Thundlly NEWPORT BEACH Sundlry • Usbaldo Cost.anon, 30, Costa Mesa Saturday • Kristopher Robert Mccue, 24, Tustin • Kekl David Johnson Mahlow, 23, Huntington Beach • Stanley Dean Fuhr, 55, Costa Mesa •Juan Jose Avalos--Serrano, 28, Santa Ana • Eliseo Zaragoza Valadez, 43, Huntington 8eadl •Ari Ben Bati, 21, Irvine WednMday Frid-v •Ethel Lesa Memll, 51, Dana Point • Jesse Edward Jobe, 29, Orange • Scott Anthony Solverson, 40, Costa Coral Wilson Nows assistant. (9491574 4298 coral. w1lson a la11mos com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach. Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642 6086 Record your comments alx>ut the Daily Pilot or news ups Add ..... Our address 11 330 W Bay St.. Com Meu, CA 92627 Office hours are Monday Fnday, 8.30 a m 5 p m. ColNCtlont It 11 the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of substanco Please c.tll (949) 764 4324. FYI The Newport BadVCosta Meu 011ly Pilot (USPS-1'4-8001 it publt1hed daily In N9Wp0rt Be.teh and Co1t1 Maa, 1ubtcriptJon1 are avaltable only by 1ubtcrlblng to The Time1 Orange County (800) 252·9141. In •rus outalde of Newpcrt Beec:tt end eo.t. Mela, 1ubecrfptlona to the Daily Pilot ere 1v11t1bte only by fim clest melt for S30 1>9r month. (Pnc.t Include ell epptic:eble ttat• end lc>QI texea.) POSTMASTER· Send eddl"UI dl•ng• to Tho Newpcrt BeldlJC0tt1 M ... Dally P110t, PO ., Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Copyright: No news stones. 1llustratt0ns, od1tonal matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written perm1ss1on of COPYrtght owner HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Times Orange County (800) 252 9141 Ad"-rtlting ca.uffled 19491642 5678 Oitf>l•y 1949) 642 4321 Editorial News (949) 642 6680 Sports (949l 574..it223 Newt Fax (9491846 4170 Sports Fax (9491650 0170 E-m11t• d111/yp1/ot lattmes com Melnotnc.e Butineee omc. (9491642 '321 Bu""'9M Fu (949163 t 7126 Pubhthed by Times Community Newt, • d1vltlon of the Loa Angelu Tlmee !02002 Tlme1 CN All rightt r ... rved. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be one of those days The swell conttnues to bade when we awake to fog early down today, but we'll be studc and enjoy partly sunny skies m whh waist-highs so it full the afternoon Highs will peak might be wiser to stay high at 60, so it'll be on the chilly and dry. side. Definitely a day to keep On Thursday. we'll see a the sweater on There's a shgh1 slight bump in northwest chance of rain tonight. though energy, but we won't see much it won't cool much. Expect more than the chest·hlgh lows in the lower 50s. range. lnfonnatlon: Friday won't be any higher www.nws.noaa.gov nor will it be better. The nex1 swell will probably BOATING FORECAST amve on Sunday. The northwetterty winds will W.. quality: www.•urfrlder.Ot'(/ blow 20 to 26 tnota early in the inner waters but will become TIDES we5tarlythl1att1moon, with 2· to 4-foot Wltvet and a we.i nm. tWgh1 swell ef 3 to ' feet. 4:30a.m . 0.87feetlow Out farther, the 10:32a.m. 6.~feethlgh northwesterly wind• wm blow 6:02p.m. -0.32 fMt iow stronger at 26 to 30 k.nota, with 11 :26 p.m. ... 91 feet high 6-to 7-foot wavea and a west • ewell of 8 to 6 fMt. The WIVM WATER TEMPERATURE will ea .. to 3 to 'fMt thlt evening 80degreet d * rt =. rt I .J ... . • • ' • WINTER SHORES r'l t 1r~ I 2 A3 Businesses turn to cleaner alternativ e Concerns tha t p ropertie"> on the \:Ve..,hide might b e d rawn into a redcvt·lopmcnl zone are driving efforts ro ~pru ce up the a rea. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot ( O\IA Ml.Si\ ~tung h'f tlw pru'>pt·l t th.11 llll'ir prupl'rllt'' rnulJ hl· dt•l l.in·d hhghtt·d. '>Umt• Wc't"dt' propntv 11\\lll'r' arl' wa'>lt11g no llllll 111 1 l1'ct11111g up their tll t. I he 1J\Vrwr' .irl pMI uf o.1 1 11 a1 n.· art·a that tlw 111v\ lll'dt•\t•I opml'llt /\gem v " 1·011~11l1·r111g adding to till' d11w11lo\\ll rt• Ut•\C'IO pllll'lll 11111<' 111 do ..i1 111 dq>t'ndl'nt 11J11,11lt.111i.. 1111hl '>hO\'\. th.II lhc '" p111pc·1111·' .1n hhghted pl1\,n1clh .111d 1•111 llOJllll all) I ht· 111.,11111p dhirt 1, 111111«1 .i tight l1l'<idl1111 ol'> th•· ·IJ.(1'111 \ \\.Ill he 1 t1Cl\l'l1111g .cg.1111 1111 :\l,1n h Io to dt·11Ul' \\ lw1I11·1 111 .1 ppron till' prd1111111.t1) lu11111d.tr11· ... 11f tli,11 l.\<t> 1 .111 d11 1111111 than 1u ... 1 prott•\I .111d .irt· "1lh11g tu m.i"-l' lclllg1hlt• d11ft•rt•11c I''> Ill 1111• m·1ghhorl1•1111I ,,11tl J11hn I f,1\., IJ•\, tilt' 11\\111'1 11( f<.t1Jrn.1~t'I'> • \\(' \\cllll lo "11111\\. ,J ~t'll'l' Ill I II Opt'r.tllOll 1 lcl\\olt•\ I fl ,111 I d \\th "It II .1lt•r1 tht• 11tlwr hOll phi.. fHl1lll'rl\ tl\\lll'r' 111 tlw111 11poo,1•d .uld1111111 Ill tht• th11•,11 111 lt'dt•\t•l11pmc11l I It • I' ll"lll}; tl11 \\1•h "'' Ill I'\ h1111 111 he •r 111d11 tn.11 prnpnl \ 11\\1wr' 111 111.1 ~·· .1 "};111llra111 d tori 111 'l"tl 11p 1l11·1r pr•1p1•r111·' \1.111\ li,1\1 111 I ft d '"' i •• 11 I f .m It•\ .,,111 I l11w" Hill llrt\d \\h11 h1' 11\\llt•cl .r ''"P \\llh ~o 1111.1111, .ii lltt• ( 111111•1 ,,, 111111 .111cl l'l.11 1 "''·' 'II IC 1 I 'I 11! FYI Tho Reduvtiloµment Agn1cy will co11s1cJcr tht1 at.JcJ1t1011 to the downtown 10llt1 at l.i 30 p m Mar 10 at thP. Costa MP.sa Commur11ty tentf'r, H160 Anr.ltu1111 A11f' 111• 1· 1111111111•111 the llh'd't111· lw I'> 1,1h11J• \\Ill ... 11Jtt tlw odd' '" '"' l.1\111 \\.h1•11 "" l''''P' II\ ... 1" 111): ... 11111 I'll 1iir i.1.w1t1 11· ... ht•f'IJ Ill\ '" Jl•'l 1"11• ,. 111.11 11 \IJIJ I' ··1· \11111 l1111ld11lj!.' Ill g1J11d -.h.1p1 o111d IMlllll'tl \ .. di ,11111 :lo 1111 d llp \\Ith 11111 ,c l•ll r I ir ..... I \I• I II 111.1.1111 llit'">I. I 111d of ll1»f1 qt 111~ 11·11.1111"1 _.11111 ) I '" 1 up.1111 v .111tl I lit •'l 1 111111 II 111 1111\lt\ ""' 11\.f I 11 • t 1<l.1t1 cl h11\I •'ell 11.t !rti111 ii , 'I r1111·r:\ I," ,1,1111d t lit pt 1111 I j 11 <it! l'< I 11 1 t JI 111\ o•d MICllA[t BttrKNEH [JAii f1•11 Dylan Crossland. 11. of Anaheim (nghtl preQares a handful of sand to bury his brother, Lukas, 10. near the Newport Pier Other be~chgoers toss a football in the background ' till' prupo"·d .11ld111t111 ,111 Bo\tl 11·11·1111) l1.1d 111' pr(1p l'll\ p.111 I'd Ill Ill 1111.cl 1-.ir1h 111111 111111 1h.11 \\0111 J·ll 1111' '''ll't ... Ill P·"'I I ~11 .. I It .it ..... I \l1•11cll'd .111 Ill\ 11.1 II• 1, 10 II rlw ·, 1\ I 111111• r BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport Ommbcr will ho!'ll hu siness expo II \\ill he bu'>> tonight on th!' tw.u h .i.. till' "\t''' pun Ht•a1 h 1 h.11nlwr of < omnll'rt t' ho...i, 't'i ann11JI Hu'>lllt''' 11 tht• lk.tth Bu'lnl''' I xpo at tht• \.t•\.,port He.H h \fitrr11111 IV l<-n 1i.. c luh J he t•wnt , \\hll h \A.ill 'hm., 1 ,,,,. nl'arly 70 lot:al bu,1m·"1·-.. •'Ill lwgm <II ;, p.m at tht· h otl'I, 1t 1IOIJ \lt•wport C t•nter I>nw Adrni-.,11111 '' frt:e, a' '' food I h1·n· .tl,o will he SI 0.000 111 gt\t• .1 \\<t)'> mdud111g orll' 1' et·k 111 ,1 \1l ·ot an \ 111.1 •• 1111111.11 p•h'l'' to Di..n1•yl.md, ,, m,1, 'Jgt· a month for a Vt'.tr ,111d I 0' Angelt"' C.11pper, t1ckl·t' fnlorm.111f111 l' ava1l.1hlt• hy l alhng tlw t harnbt•1 ol torn men:e at 194'1) n4 4400 or go <ll "' \\'eh ... itt'" u111•w.l/l!t1•110r1 lww 11 <om UCI expert lo !-1pcak. at Roger\ Garden-. 11.irold l-:11111m''"''' rt·'>lh'l tt•d IJc lrVllll' pr11ft•.,...or .1111l111r cllHI 'IH'<tker. will lt'l lt1rt· .11 Hogn\ ( .. trd1·n .. Ill ( Ofllll<I dl'I \far ill 11 ,1 m. ">unda) \lo.1rd1 .! I ht• topic Wiii hl' "( II\ 1a' .md 1lw1r C ul tun· Koupm-.i11 h,.-. \Hlllt•n l\\ll boot.., ( ll\1," .rnd "Or 1 l11d' .ind I ht 1r < Oll\l'f\\tllon. cllld ,, 1·tl11t1r Ill l h1t'I fur thl' "()rdud 1>1gt·-.t .. ( OlllJlt (111'1) hlO 'iHOO lht• cvl'11 t 1' I rct• Take part in Co\la Mc~a\ banner }Car co .. ta \It .... ,, ... \(11·1•1 "llllll'f p rogram l••r th1· nl\' •II 11· ir .i1in1v1•r,,ir\ ·c '"1.1\l 11111g tell'lua11on h • .-. h1·1·11 t•\p.111<frd to 111dudl' l.11rnh1·, 111dl\ 1cl11,1J, .11111 otht·r org.in11.1t11111 ... \trt·1•1 h..tfllll'f<, \\Ill b1· 111111)\ <111 111\ '>lrt't'l' d1m11g 1lw • l'l1·hr.1tio11 tor .1 period ol l1111r to I.! lllllllth' 1111111 Jlllll' .!IHI I through Jurw .!IHll II \1111 ,111• 11111•1!',tt•d Ill hl'lllg p .trt of lht• ( ll'>l,1\l.t1 ing" tt•ldlf,111011 l 11111 di I \Ill\ ~u1t111.1 .11 n I 7'i I 1llhi to rt· CLEAN UP Wrm TimE SAVINGS FRoM Corr! GET 1 ROOM OF CARPET CLEANED, GET ANOTHER ROOM CLEANED FOR ONLY O NE P ENNY* • 1.1:1 rh, t . .r,,·,1, •ri.-11 I 11, uw 1ri 1,1, 1n, I 11 1h, ,, :111.11 r"" L"-' 1!1t "-'\."n.I Lori:bl d1•,1fl\\l l..r ~1.) •'I l 'llkr t:\[ '''" I I 'I \l1mm11m ,l~or:1 1111\ 11111 < 1ll I ·:"il.X' R. 'R< l)IT I r J..1.111• ------------GET 1 UPHOLSTERED PIECE CLEANED, GET ANOTHER PIECE CLEANED FOR ONLY ONE PENNY* • ( ie1 tht• l,1rJ.,'t"ll .. r OI• .. , l'\('l'rl'll' j'll'.<' "' 11rh11l>tl'"' 'It lllt\I JI r1"\.'1Jl.11 prttc. f..'l'I che n1•\t I'"'' , 1,.,111"! t. •r S0 l'I l )ff,·r t'\J'llt ... 1/1/l) I Minimum ~h.~~ nw~ ·'N'h < .111 1 11t\1 FOR CL 'IT !1>r J,·1,11L, -----------GET 1 AREA R UG CLEANED, GET ANOTHER R UG CLEANED FOR ONLY ONE P ENNY* ' lll"t the L1ri..~1 Pf"''"' t·~rt·nmt• .m~.l l\li! de:mc.'l.l .11 R').'IJl.11 pm1·, i.~• the nex1 ,1re.1 ni.: dc.mt-d l11r $0.01 Otter aptm l/1/01 M1n1mum cha~ may .1pply. D ll I ·800-R)R COIT lof tk1.11l~ ---------G ET 1 DRAPERY PAIR CLEANED, G ET ANOTHER P AIR OF DRAPES C LEANED F OR ONLY O NE P ENNY* Peopk & Eqt!dentt You Can Trurt.• Call us today for ~rrice in your area ... 1-8 -FO COIT 1 8 0 0 3 6 7 2 '6 t I '\ \ ' ' \ I~ I \I I \I ', ' It \ \' . I 'I • ', (' I -' I) ' . f I ( \ 1 . I f ·"" t ' ! I • '11 ' I • 1 11 ' t' t • I I ' t I 11 ' 1. I t ·"I . ,, . ·,, udd '>h.t1wtl .11 ... 1 11111ghh I 1111 dered h\ 1 ~11h '>lll't't, \\hrllwr \\ l'lllH' .111d \\1 •'l I 11th °'' ft't'I. \I ... wi..t· clft' lftt• 111\111'1' 11111'>1 \ll,tl <l''l't', •I' till \t'I\ ptopo rl\ tht•\ 11\\ll I 1Jt1ld he• t,1!..1•11 111•111 11!1·111 1l1111ugh 1•1111rn·111 tl•1111.1111 In th1 P·"'· 1lw pr11p1·111 ro\\11 •·r' h.1\1· d1·111c•d 1 h.11}:1·, tlll'1r hll'>lllr'''''' .111· lihgh11·d .11111 t \ flrl'"t•d ,11!,1111.1111 oppo,111011 111 hl'lflg llH i11d1•d Ill tl11• rt•dt•\1•l11p m1·111 .tr1"1 I Ill' 1 lt·.mup 1·1f11ri r1·pn· .... ·11h .1 'h1f1 111 1hrP1 111111 " tht' ll\\ll1'f' 111.1~1 d J:ntHh\111 gt•, lllfl' II! I Ill l1•,11ft'I' tll1"tr Jllltg lhl'll do 'lrl' Ill 11 ill\t•fl,llt' lilt cHl',I 0 '\\1 \\,Jill ft) ,jltl\\ lilt' 111, '. .. , /<I I • FITS IN. Dailv Pil ot " f 111, " llllJlllfl,1111 b1•1 .Ill"' tlwrc .11t .1 111 111 111d11 .. 1r1o1I 'Jl•H t'°' th.11 .tr1 p tlllll"ll \\,It I.\ tt1l111' '"•\<'I\ pr11p1·11•, I'""' I'-potllllt tf Ill 11111 11q1111,t11• ll) ''' I 111p• 111 d t 11'1111· tor t lllhl\I• 111 \ lio\d ,,lid 111· .cl,., 11.1' I• 111111tlt•d hh It'll .tllh 111 ftl.1~1· '>lll< tho•lf tr.t'>h I°' cl1,p11't•d 111Ill1)11 JH11p1 I pl.11 I" .ind le I 1lt•IJ\1•r\ drl\t'f'-~r11'*' 11111 lq hln1 ~ rir.:h• 111 \\,1\.., 1~11\d I\< \l'll )'Olllg d '"'P l.11 lllt'r -..c\lllg ho• \\Ill ... 1np1 tll" p11fll1t nghl 11! \\,J\ .H1'.1 It I ,,,.I II lll•Ht I l<'Jr I It .tho Ill I• 1 d '' , ,1,11 II • lc·1H, 1r11u11ll th1 \ 11tl lit. I '-.i 11\\lllg II"> ,1~t II' II 11• I" \. IJ I .... llt1• II• d• \1•l•1p11w 11 \~•·11 ., 111 1.11 • .1 I II I II I JI• I .... , tit••\ I ,11 ~: '' ti 1 ir mput ' 11 ,.,11.11 thn '111""'' r hhgl11 I t.11.I··} .... ud Ii• 111d 1111 u1l11 r 1mll"tr1.1I prop I 11\ I/\\ II• " 111.1• tll'P"''' It dt \t•l11111111•111 \\1111ld 1lw11 II\ ft I \t'll fl\1•t1 llllJIH llt I' (IJ fl'flll'oJ\ 1h1 11 11,1ghll11w ..... 111 tit" .ir1•:1 I 1111 tlft ,•I \ll.111 ,\lt111-..1J111 Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members t • Semc-Prvcste lo' Mf>n & Vlo-:i -n • Lots of Equ•pmenvFrfo?P We J •s • P11a1es Studio & Mat Class"' • SPINNING Tt1<>a•·~r L1c<>n~"'<! • 16 Full T1mP Pr rsom1t Tr~111Pr;, • Child Care Sam noon M F • Ample & Conw 111en1 P,1rlt1r•c. • Yoga Tar Chi Stretch cldsses • Step Power Pump Card10 • Showers Steam & TcwP s • Skin Care • Shape-Up Phys~I Therapy Cent<>r • Permanent MakP Uµ • Shape-Up Ha r Care • Acupuncture Acupressure W"f"1ec;s Chri1c ulhe Biological Foundations of Ethics " Prtstnt«l by Dr frollCJS(O Ayala Bren Ptolm-sot, School al Biologd SoerJCeS U( /rme and 200 I NoflOflOI M«laJ of Science ieop1enl WeclMsdcry, Felncwy 26, 2003 7:00,. le<twt Crystal Cove A•cfitoriu•. StH.et CHttf, UC lrvbM "Victl1111, Vectors, and Vaccines: nt. .. ,,,. A,.l••I .. ,_,.,_ I• th 2f1f CH"'TJ Pmfnted by Dr Anthotry James Depottmcnt al Mollcuh llOlogy fl1'ld Biodtfmistry School ol liolotff Son.s UC Inn ~.A,fll0,2003 1:00,. l.edwt Crystel C... W..._, S""'-t C..t•, UC IMlt • M Wednesd3y, F et>niaty 19, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol StrMt Petty theft was reponed in the 3300 blodt at 4:32 p.m. Monday. • Me.a V.rde Drive Eest: Possession of marijuana was reponed in the 2700 blodt at 12:54 p.m. Monday. • Newport Boulewrd: Vandalism was reported in the 1800 bloc:t at 12:29 a.m. Monday. • Otympk AV9nue: Annoying phone calls were reponed m the 700 bloc:t at 1:08 p.m Monday. FLYNG Continued from Al engineering celebrated.· Now m its 30th year, E-Week. gives students, prof~rs and anyone else with an ingenio~ crund a chance to compete against one another for a priu, for fun or, more importantly for student.'>, bragglng rights. • 1 think it brings everyone together and you get to see faculty act like kids and kids act like adults," said Maryam Rajab, vice president of UCI 's Society of Women Engineers organization. which hosted the competition. Dall'/ Pilot campus has sparked the engineering bug inside him Looking to foUow in his father's footsteps and conlinue to beat hl'J felJaw egg-drop competitors, Evan's invoJvefllent in E-Week represents a slice of what its all about. Just ab this year's theme Indicates. it's about "Seeing the lnvis1ble, Achieving thl' Impossible.• "It's pretty cool, ... it shows we can have fun and do other lhings besides worlc together m study groups," !>aid Vincent Wong. a fifth -year computer engineering major. "It's more about having fun and we need that especially after the last couple of weeks - midterms.· Giving the students a chanc;e ro step back from pounding out the classei. that will get them to their engineering goal and inspire others to foUow an engineering path. E-Week brings out lhe engineering i.puit In everyone that attends. • Plal.ce Avenue: Vandalism was reponed m the 2000 bloc:t at 8:28 a.m. Monday. With competitions ranging from the Rube Goldberg event -where students create the most elaborate and complicated contraption to do the sunplest task like put toothpaste on a toothbrush -to the I 0-story egg drop, the Engineering Student Col!ncil, wtuch sponsors the event, shows the rnmmun.ity what engineering lS really about. "The first thing ts leammg how to make it," 9-year-old Evan Ehrenberg !.aid about his paper airplane design. "Then you have to keep practicing." DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT UCI engineering student Derrek ShoJi, nght. tests his paper airplane by throwing rt into the wind prior to competing in the paper airplane contest. "I'm proud to be an engineer because everything around us IS because of engineering.· said Stupar. who teai.:he'> engineering ethl~ at lJCI. "It g;ve<, me a real sense of hope for the future . I •hew students! are the seed of tomorrow .. • Eest Plaulerino Avenue: A commercial burglary wasreported1n the100 blodt at 4:28 p.m. Monday. Evan, who loves the ingenuity involved in E-Week. beat all the UCI engineering c;rudents last year when he won the egg drop competition. Although Evan's anempts at winning the paper airplane competition this year djd not prove as succ~ful. partk1palmg in the events and competing with engineer..-m -training on a university • CHRISTINE CARRIUD covers educalton and may be reached al 19491 574 4268 or by e mail at dmstine.camllo a lat1mes com • W.llec. Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 1900 block at 10:32 a.m. Monday. • East 17th Street: A commercial burglary was reponed 1n the 100 block at 2:09 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Columbi• Drive: Cell phones were reportedly stolen from two unloc:ted vehicles par1'ed In the garage of a home in the 40 block at 9:54 a m •Court Avenue: A purse was reponedly stolen from a car m the 1900 block at 8 a m Monday • P91H:.n HiU Roed: A purse was reportedly stolen from a car in the 22000 block at 7 45 p m Monday • Sente An• Avenue: Miscellaneous Items wonh about $246 were reported stolen from a car in the 300 block at 12 15 p.m. Monday ROUND Conbnued from A 1 ters. So far. work h8.'> been com- pleted on 12 centers, including Corona del Mar Plaza, Bayside Center. Westcliff Center. East - bluff Center and severaJ other. ul FAIRVIEW Conbnued from Al deadlme. The FaJ.Tview P-citlc master plan wru, adopted on Dec. 15, 1997. Smee then. numerous aspects of the plan, including propo!>ab for paved trails. parking struc~. a culturaJ museum and botanical garde~ have been debated in Lity Hall. City leaders have <,pent hour. in the last few yeari. reviewing ~ALDEN'S f-1 OOR (OVFRl:'-.C. A."lD CUSTOM WINDOW CO\'ERJNCS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 tbl~ ...... , ...... . ftHEll 61CAI I OOMS 11'11 c """'•' DwQlil rie , ~~ ut•eo I•-" oe l1un!aJ Oougln inc • @/mnnwtJuJJ • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings&: Accessories For Your Home Oval Coffee Table ............................................. $95• OccasionaJ Chair ............................................ $200- Drexel Heritage Square Coffee Table ........... $200- Sofa .................................................................. $225• Pine Buffet ...................................................... $350- Pair or Occ:a'llional Chairs/Ottoman ............. $375• "'l land Style" R~liner .. .uu ........................... $500- Antique Table w/6 Chairs .......... : ................... $550- \ Consignmtnt1 a«•,,Ud by appoinJm1nt only UMi.111lo1111d .,. ltMd 369 E. 17th Street # 10, Costa Me a. Loc.icd bc.btnd Plum '• Pl& Phon (949) 764-1146 Man.fri IO:OOD-S:JOpn. 541JO-oo.n.S~Sia 10:00n-4'00pn ' Newport Beach. Work is underway at eight 01her centers, Lowe said. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics He may be reacned at 19491 7644330 or by e-mail at pau/ Clinton a /at1mes.com. quesuonable i1ems, holding pub- IJc hearing., and hiring experts to conduct commurnry workshop!>. Counalwoman Libby Cowan dissented. repeating her feelings lhar 11\ the city's responsibility to ensure accessibility to the park. In add111on. lhe council al.so voted to rerouw a proposed trail around the vemaJ pool instead of through it. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled al 19491 574-4221 or bye mail at de!fdre.newman a lat1mes com WHArs AFLOAT • WHAT'S AR.OAT 1s published penodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submrt the information to the Daily Pilot. 330 w. Bay SL, Costa Mesa. CA 92627;by faxto(949)646-4170.or bye·ma1I to d111/yplfot tl)/at1mes com SAILING CLASSES o ... nge Coest College is offering new credit end noncredit sailing classes this spnng. Most classes a re five weeks m length, and boats range from udo 14 dinghies to la rge ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beech. (9491645-9412 or visit occsa1/mg.com. o,.nge County employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enioy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to wor1' with the on-board instructor on different sailing tedlniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS a.ctric boat rem.i. .,. ewileble by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newpon Beach. All boats ere equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental ls $76. (949) 64!H>812. MAYOR Continued from Al Agreement, the annexation of Newpon Coast. the agreement to annex East Santa Ana I le1ght'> and the signing of a 50 year lea..e for lhe American Legion post on the Peninsula "People in tlui. ctty have !.Clld they want the best and we're will ing to pay for ll," Bromberg 'Mild After '>peaking on the!>t' recen1 uiwnph!.. Bromberg !>aid that the ALLOWED Conbnued from Al l.ewt!> outlme-.. a numbt.·r of factor.. that would conlnbute to noncompliance. includmg .,honages of available land. expl1ci1 ant.i·g10wth pollcie-. and an aver..1on to affordable hou'>in~ among wealthy communHies. Gee any of the..e wund familiar here? Newpon Beach ha'> tat kJed m affordable hou<,mg quandary by adding more i.enior ho~ing but none fo r lower to m1ddle-income fanult~ And many Costa Mc><x1 leader'> and ~1dent'> feel the nt) has done ii.'. portion to aJlt'Vlate the regional hou'>tnfo: prublt.'rn and don't W-dlll J.ny "low mt.ome" residenl.'. Lewis '>aid Uic 'tale'> hou<,ing law l'> Oawc.'Ci be<.au..e It a<,b lol'dl pol.Jtmam to go again .. 1 Lhl'tr comt:ituenl\. ·It got.~ against the grcun., of local poUllc'> to asking cities to plan for Uie neech of lhc wtdt•r region, not ju.,1 tho...e of rum•n1 city resident,," the <,ludy reud ... Newport·Mt."-.1 provide'\ llw perfeet example of th1., a., Clly r...ouncil member.., who a~ elected by the res1denl.'., are often unwilling to pu ... h for affordable housing when the mas,<,e<, are raJJymg again'\t 1l What I don't undcrMand I.!> why people are ~ agam<,t allowing middle-income families to move into their neighborhood'- Affordable housmg would cater Lo people such as mr;elf and my teacher friend and all of lhe people my age who find 11 daunting to have to save up $40,000 to $80,000 just for a down pa)"O'lent According to a i.urvey fmm 1ht Orange Coast Assn of Realtors, the average seUing pnce in .Coi.ta Mesa was $401 ,650. and $946,381 in Newport Beach. lf I i.omchow WdS able to pmch enough pennies to save $300 a month (yeah right, but let's just play the game anyway) it would take me 26 years to save up a I 0% down moo,t importanl i.!>Sue now facing the city is the general plan up date process. The city has been undergoing 1he g~anruan task of updating i .... generaJ plan for a jictJe mo~ than a year and will ~.bnlinue to work on this projel1 to the fore - i.eeable hori2.on. The documen1 officially c,ets !>tandards and goal!> for the city. !Tom .rorung of '>pe· ct.fie area'> 10 is...ue-. !>UCh as tour· 1-.m and traffic ·~me people '>t't' this proc~~ a.s '>kc ... ,ed. bul thJ'i.., a !>mall, \O· cal rmnunty of p~ple." !HlJd paymcn1 for 1.hc awrnge Nt-wport Beach home and I I year. for LO'>W Mt.">d I leather and I have often ranted and raved abou1 home price .. and a ... kl'd where we are 'IUppo'>l.'tl to be able to rai'it' our fanulJ~. Sht.' 1s l'rom Walnut and w1JJ al!>o never be able to afford a home there 8.'> long as she\ a lea<. her !By the way. she quit her high· paying career in marketing becall-.c !>he wanted to teach I I Kft.'W up on AJben Place in l.o .. ta M~ and had the luxury of having d huge badcyard, l\\-'O dog., and a quiet st.rt·e1 10 ran" b1k~ wilh thc neighborhood kid\. We bought the then. 7'5 year old hou\t' for SI 09.000 ui 1981> I \en'°· my mom. aunt and grandmnr..her ~pht the mortgage to aftord 11 \\'hen mv aunt gor ma.med. wi> had to move '\:c.M. that ">Clme hou-.c would t·a.'>lly go for S'lUJ,000 t11ld I k.rlU\\ I will never be able 10 offer my \On the ..ame mcmont"> I had. Well not a .. a homeowner anywc1y.. Nol tt.n.le-.\ there were '>Oml' '>Url of aflord.1bll' houc;mg :wa1lable Peoplt• rnn<,tJJ1tly tout thc 1 harn1·1cr of C A">'>la Mc'>a and Nl•WJlort Heal h. lltcrl' i.-. di\ er.i I) in Costa Me..a -beyond race dlltl dru..'> and the c11)• ts fuJJ of fun lnvtng charat1er.. who are candid and pa'i.Siunate 'llewpun Beach al'>O ha.'\ an eclecuc naturt" with 1h bungalow \1)1e beach home-. and a fun nux of young dlld old beach llNer>. A lot of the<>e colorful 1nd1vidual!>, who e<.tab hYied the area'<, famatL'\ laid-back '>tyle - whC're flip Oops and board short.:. are worn almost anywhere - were 'limply lucky or '>man enough to have bought here before the real ei.tate boom. As the pncc<, move higher and higher, you will see Jes.-. diver.11y and more cookie-cutter communlut.-s. Residenl.!> will lose out on tJle opportunity to live and inleract wi1h people of different backgrounds and great people who have chosen low-paying but NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETI NG NOTICE IS H E R EBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach has been scheduled for T hursday, February 20, 2003, a t 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of holding a Study Session meeting for the purpose of a joint meeting with the General Plan Update Committee Scoping Sub-Committee. The meeting will be held in the Newport Beach C ity Hall Council Chambers, 3300 Newpon BouJevard, Newpon Beach, California. IS/ Patricia Temple Planning omml ton Ex-OMclo Secretary City of Newport Beach Dated this 14th day of February, 2003. Bromberg, who encoumged con· cemed re'>identi. to come for - ward ro d1 i.cu!>.-'> i~ues Tht• mayor'~ dinner w-.i.s held .ill the Newport Beach Mamo u In fa.c;hion !!.land. ·nie annuaJ event is put on by Speak Up Newport and the master of ceremoniei. \'Vall Oally Pt.lot columnL'tt and former <..o.,la Mt">a Mayor Peter Buffa •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpan Beecn and John Wayne Airport She may be readle<J al 1949• 574-4232 or bv email al 1une wsogrande '' lat1mei. com 1mpon.u11 and wonderful taJl•cr.o. will nu ..... OU( on )(TOWtng up In parads-.c I WJ.IJ wadi) rent for tht' next I '.i year. 10 kt•t•p my \On 111 th1., area. m good '>l hoot,, am11nd my faintl) d.lltl a 4wck bike ndt' from l1ll' bt.·ad1 It\ JUM !><ld that I -a local gJrl who wnte\ for thr local papt>r dlld low'> the area - have to pay c,omeonc el'>l'\ mortgage ro aflord my '>Oil r..he ..ame magruficenl 1.h1lltl>u<><l I had • LOLITA HARPER writes c.olumns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and thl' arts She may be reecned a1 19491 574-4275 or by,. mail at loltta ha1pe1 a lat1mtis com OBITUARY Alice Adell Fiva SeMcet for longtime Orange C:Ounty and Bal- boa Island re5fdtmt AlJce Adell Fiva will be held at a later dale. Ms. Flva dled Sunday or natural causes. She was 82. She ls sur· vlved by neph.ewa Leif and Gary Hi.die. Burial will take place In Sedona. Ariz.. • The Deily Pilot W96comel obltuenes for resident.a or tanner reeldeml of CoN MeM and Newport 9eech If you want to "-ve en obituary primed In the Pl~ etlc your mortuary to fn u1 the 1nform1tlon st (949) ~110 or call the newsroom at (949) 76M32 ... GRANITE, Bryant GRANfTE, 8ynlnt, 71 , IUMveO by hla loving Wife of 51 y..,.., Salty: ton, DMlel; d.ughtert, Barbara, Shelly (Todd) Boltander, Rebecca (boug) Johnson, 5 grand children; Slater, Susan Rotellnl; Btothtr, Nell (Elalne) Cohen Md many lovtng nlecle and nephew9. Btyant was born In East LA., attended UCLA Md Hrled In the U.S. Nevy during th• KONan Conflict. He was ·• popular high achool teacher, coach and "*'tor. He WU • true patriot and hi• famlly, friend• and countiy w..-hfl Qf'MtNt.,...... SeMc.. wll M Mid at Pecttlo vi.w Memorllll Pn 1n corona det aw on 1lvldlly F~ 20ttl M 12:00 noon. In llllU • nowera, the '::Z wtehee donaUone M to 1M ---· c.no..,..,. • FORUM ... E •1. HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor SJ Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • Reederl Hottlne: Call (9491642-«>86 Fax. Send to (9491646-4170 -mat .Send to doilypilot 111lat1mes.com • All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for venf1cat1on purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submissions for clanty and length .. .. " .. I • t ' t I r t. I 1 : : •• ' r t , r l MAILBAG Bay troubles arc not only from cities, \treets I c.•c.kr.11 lunding to re:.turc the ctoh>h'Y ol Upper Newport Hay hy renH1v111g dirt doc., nothing to remove tran.,port .11rpl.111c., wh1c.h '>pray do\'on 111x111.,, pJrlldc.·., and no1..,e, d1.,rup1111g the dt·l1ratt• IMl;rnu· or tlm ernlugil'ill prt''>l'rve. ("I '\c"port pro1ecl'> in hue fur SI million, \aturday J By 1 on1 l'lllraung on water qual11~ unly, rntlwr thJ11 101.il c.•nvmrnnwnial qu.ihtv 1•rntowc.al planrwr'i are 'l'ntenunl( tht• tranqu1th1y of tht' h.J) lo be.• •111yth1ng hut tranquil We knm' till' hulk ur th1· \hlll'f pollutll)ll lOlllC'> Imm lrv11w ru1111fl. hut what ahout the llUl'>l'' I he.· l>c.·part1111~111 of In tenor and I t:'dc.•ral /\~1.1t111n AJm1n1'>tra11on havt:' dotlt' .1 good 1oh rc.•movtng airplane' from till' (.rand <.an yon and Nallw 1\nwnc.,111 hah11ai... hut netth er ha-, tlonl' anything to rurta1I a1rplant''-frnn1 Nt•w1111rt Bay hy opcntng thl' much nc.·t•tlt·d pl.mrwd 11 loro lr1tt>rna1111nal Airport DONALD NYRE -.;l'" pm t Hl'arh '>lamml'r whl'n hl' provolc.•d till' wrnth of Judgt' ~t11Jnn1· ~haw too m.111y 11tnt''>, promp1111g 111111 111 lll'l' to I,,., V1·.:w .. l h<1v(• lrtl'd to gc.•t tlw uty of Nc.•wport Beath to tondt•n1111h1'> hu1ltJ1 ng •• ., un ... aft', or "'urr.wtl11ng, .. 'u J 111c. t c1fltrl' devclopm1·111 l ould prm 1•1•<.J on 1lw prupertv. /\ l11t.1l 1,1rdtar r111·d11 JI g11111p ha'> built a l11wly hu1IJ111g m•xt d1111r, hut 111 t1111r..1• t,1nt.1nkt•ro11<, \1d woulrln t lwar of '>t•ll111g '>o the.· d11c.111r., l oulcJ li.llt• m t•r h1'> propl'rl) J' \\t"ll l'lmv h•t' 11111\l up thl' \lrt't'l to 1111· lormer l11l'at11u1 111 l",1v. ,1 grt·111 rC'>l.lUf<Ull ()\\lll'd hv \11J' l'>. v.1f1 \\hu It hurrw<.J dm"ll urult·r ,u.,p11111u'> t lffllffi'ilJOl l''> .11>11111 .! Vt'.tf'> JgCI I hi'> hu1ld111g ha., n·m,urwd h11.11d1•<.J up '>llll'l' tht· lirt'. .111tf "trul\ .111 l'Vl">lllt' /\gJ111, tlw N1·wport lk,11 h nty fJthcr' mu\I ha\l• hltndfuld' 1111 ,1., both ol lht',I' h111Jd1ng'> dfl' l11dt0lllJ'>. I\ 1tll'ntl\ \\,tll..1ng 1>011 Wt•hh h.1\11 t walkc.·d h\ 1111·"· h111ld111~-. 1·11011gh t1111e' 11.1 g1·1 thorough!~ d1-.gu'>tt·d Now ol 111111 w \ttl "·"'<lid hi·' lOllllllg b,1< (,. Ill ft'OIH'll lhl''>l' fl0 \IJ1tra11h 'illfl' ... lllt l' ..,,d I'> .1 d1·v11l1•d n.·.ufrr ol lhl' I );11l~ l'tlut. I would 'av 111 h11n th..it \\t' would 111\t' to have.• h11n Ulllll' h,11 (,. .11111 1t·11pl 11 tht·-.i· n•.,t,111r.ir11' But I 'a\ tlw d1;11ac.·' 111 lht'> olft' 'lllll Ill llHllt' Sid )41\1' t1' .1 lm·.11.. .111d h<'lp 1h1· 111v tt·.tr dtl\\ll \tllll ht1ild111g' .111cl Jllll '011H'lhlll)4 \\IHlh\\htlt• tJll lhl''l' live.-on 19th \trect a11J am Vl'rV pro Mann<1park. even 111 ''' '>C.:illed-down vcrl>ion It q.111 only t•nhanc.:e and improve the area, 11111 to llll'llllon lhc t:'lonomit c1dvanlagt· 11 would bring tu N~·wporl Ht:'ach KATHRYN E. TERRY '\t•wport Bea< h Subcommittee ~ound) like a way around puhlic opinion My rt',p1111.,e to tht: '\t\\ port Bt•Jt h C.ll}' C.ounul 'uhu1111mlltt·t· 1111 Martn<1pJrk I'> that bt'l<tuw rno.,t ol tlw t ounnl "pro dl'\t'lupmc.•111 v.-11h nuhud} from C,rt•c11l1gh1 hcmg on till' .. ub111m111itt1·e. 11 'l'l ""Ith· 11 "g11111g to he d railroad lor thl' < It} < oum 11 to go .1g,1111 .1roun<.J tin publil di..pla} 111 thl· nty of '.t''"POrt Bt'<H h public. \Oll'r' bec.all'>l' the u1mm11tt"t' .i111I thl' ttllllllll haH· rout 111el) '>t1ggt·,1t·d 111 puhht .md tlw m·v.'>papl'f'> th;it tht•\ .irt• lor tlw hotl'I and rou1inely \111t•tl .1ga1rt'>I \\h,11 the popular \Ott• I'> 101 tilt' uty ol "-lt0 \\ port Bt·at h. ~''my \lit1• i'> 1111'llh1 omm1Jlt'l' hc.•1 au'e lht·~ Jll' < 0111pl1·rely b1Jwd .1ga111't l\1,1rn1.1 P;ir~ STUART PROCTOR '.c•wport Bt·.11 II Council need.., tu he fair in COMMUNITY COMMENTARY M arinapark fact~· are largely unknown Stephen Sutherland T ht'> '"in re-,ponse to the ~rllld} \1a1lbdg lt'tter from Adele and Mel MJnn . "l'oll'> '>how that puhltl '' agatn'>t hotel propo.,al"} In tht' \tJnm letter. thl') da1rn that public opinion ha., bet•n negJt1\" In fact. mer but Ill realtty •~ 1a1111l'd ll1t' 'vtdnfl'> lunher '>Idle thdt at a Mdn h ;,mOL work.'>hop and d '>epltmht•r .!OUL met•tJng of the C .entral B.ilboa , ... ,n .. vott:''> Wt'rf' takt'n '>htJWlflg oppo'>lllOll to thl' proJl'l t Wlldt tht' MdOn., fail to point out ,., th.dt the lec1dt·r. of Lht• a'-'onauon l .dlt·t.l their rnembt•r ... urwng them lo attl'nd thl">t.' mt·t·tmg' ant.I oppow tht• proJt-t t Rc.·'>tdt'rll' trom thl' Mannapano \lob1lt 1 lornt' Park dl'>o attemJ .. d tJw,t' rnet'ung'> Wtlh all of lh1' tJ1e\ rnuld only mu .. tt·r 5f1 \'Oil''> a1 ont' meeting Jn<.l ';'I al tht' l)tht'r Mo'>t uf the ,,tm(• pc.•<1ph· attended both lllt:'l'llllg'> A pica to rc!\torc the character of Old Newport Boule\ ard pntpt'rl "'' PETE RABBITT Man nap.irk dealing" thl' ld'>l month,, letter'> '>ent Ill the Daily Pilot hdve '>hown '>trong '>upport fur the Regent hutd bt'ing propo!ied for Mannapark The Manne; point out that a telephone -.urvey tonductcd lal>t November '>how'> oppo!>llmn to lhe Hl'gent In th10, '>Urvey the 4u1·'>t1on wa!> a'iked: ··should a hotd he hu1lt 10 Mannapdrk"' '\;111l'ty percent of "-:ewport B1'Jt h rt''>ldE:'nh <.Ju not kno\' wha.t MJnna.par~ 1., nor do tht'\' hJ\t' 111forma11on ahuut tht' pl.mned re.,ort When .J'>kt'd Jbout \lartndpark. rr111'>t rl''>tdeni... tlunl 11 1s a JMrk I he\ don I ~no" 11 I'> a mohilt' home p<1rlt.. When .1,kt'<.l Jbout J hotel the} 11wrl' Mt' thuu,ando, 11! re'>1de111~ ll\1ng on thl' HaJh11.1 Pl'ntn'>UIJ ant.I 111 \.\c,t !\.t'\'oport 01.t·rall v.e h,1\ t• more th.Jn ;r, .. oou 1hou,J11d fl'\ldt·nl' II\ mg tn our 1 11\ Although tht• \l,11111., 111.1\ dt..,dgrt•t:, I twl 1c.·\ e rt''>1tJ1·111' '>huuld h..ivt· tlw Im'' lld111t thn ..ire.· il'lwd 1•1 md<k dt:'ll'>lllll'> ;.itlt-11111g th• llllllrt' of IJUr t II\ I rt'.1d \ .. 1th t 1111,1d1•rJhll· mterl'.,t tht .1rudc.· n11H 1·m111g '>01111:' ol the bltght ~ 1lhlllg OIJ :\c.0\'\ port Boul1•\ .trd, 11J111t•I\ l\\11 huil1h11g., lwl1111g111g to I ~1' \'t•ga-. · I )\'o 11 'i11J \ollt•r \1} hrotlwr .t11<.l I h.1w hJd 11111 llhtir.mc. t• ,1g1•11t) on Old '\t'\\ port for n1ort thJll .!ti )t'Jr,, Im .Jtt•d lll'~I door to th1 lorrrwr \\l11'>l1•\ Bill' "hit h h1·1 .11111· "\111., wh.llt'VN rc·'>t.1urant I h1' l>u1ld111g h.1-. ht•t·n \,11 .1111 '"ml'"" )'l'<lf'> .1ltt·r ..,1111 ould not ru11 111., rc.·,1.1ura111 ,1., .1 ll1g1t1H• 111 I<" \t•gJ'> You "''' \1d n.irrowl' l''>t arwd ,, long 1t·r111 \l'>ll 111 tlw Or.111ge ( 1111111\ '\t•\\ P• 1r1 lil'dt h Mann..ip.1rk future looJ...., '-lacJ..cJ to <HK' ''de f h1· .1pp1111111·d tlm·t to 11111~ .it \l,1fllJ.1(l,11~\ lulurt \1,1\tll ~lt•\t Hmmlwrg .ind t •>11111 tlnw11 I >.,11 \\1 hi> ,111d lod H1dgt'\\,1\, -i·1111 .1 1.1d ,t.11 l.1·d It \\111 lw d1ll11 ull 10 g1·t .111 1g11·c.·11w111 \\llh th1·..,1· thn·t· r111·111lwr' .ind lhl' ,11111 d1•\ 1•l11p111t'lll '1tfl' "'" \\111 .t ... 1l1dge1,,t~ \(,flld-. .d11t1t· lt'Vl'll tf l\lt11111lt•tg ,,I\'' ht•,' 11111111' lt•rtt t• I I .irn J l1 JjCJr 'llfllHlrtt r 111 tin• pl.111111•d l<1·gt'nl pm11·• 1 I 1l1111l 11 ,., lw111~ pla11ntd 111..111 .m·.i th;it,., fll 1bo1hh tilt' fJHl'>I ltghtt•J ,lfl'd Ill I 1llf l 11\ I \\IJttltl -.upp11n .1 11n1nnl -.ubt11m1111111·1· 111 ,.;uttlt· tht· appro\,tl pr111 ,.,,for 1111, prow1 1 I ,..,i.. 11111\ 1 h.11 tlw gu1d.tr11e11! 1111-. 1 •11111111 'uh111111rn1t11·1· lw t.ur 111 tl1·,tl111g \\ 11h tht• prop1111l'11l ol lht• 1iro11•1 t dlld l.11r 111 lh ,..,,,.,.,Jlll'llt of lh• 1111port.111u· 111 1111 ... fHlllt'll lo .111 ol th1· rl' .. 11h·nt'> of 1':1·\-.purt Jka1 h ' RI CHARD FORTEVILLE H.dho.1 ( ll\ l'' 111..t'I~ l'0\1'l(Jfl ii high rl'>l' 1 oncretl' '>lrul 1ure a pho10 of J high rt'>t' '\e\,pon <enter ,hotel wJ'> 111cludPd 111 a nt\ -.ponc,ored nc.·v.-.lc.·t11·r1 '\01 knm,ing that in laet the pl,mncd Hegent I'> i.l one· and two .. wrv lo" dem1tv 11 IJ room luxury re\ort a n•,11Jc.•nt l'> ltkely 10 1hink that .1 high ri<ie hotel ''to be hutlt 111 J r.uk. A '>Urvt>y Wlthout rt''>tdl'nh lu1ow111g the fan-, m.1y hr "hi.It the Mann., want I ht· k1·w·n1 '\1•\"1>on ll•·.1t I• a' planrwtJ \\lll 11ot t•\1•11 tnggt•r ii \1111· 111 n •,1d1·11t• undt•r tht < 1n·t•nltKht I.iv. ht I Jnt on tht• r1•1 11rd 'ann~ re'>idt'nl' -.hould h.i\l' the. final '>d\ I ,,,k \tfrlt and \h•I \.1ann 111 10111 11tt• m 111~ c,uppon r1f lt'tt 111~ th• '1111•r., deude the fat1· nf 1h1· lm.un re'>ort, Rt•gcnt '\1·" port B1•.i1 h • Stephen R Suther1and •s " Newport Beach rP'>ld,.nt Jnd Regent Newport 6f'!h r (J<trtnPr WITNESS HISTORY It's Your Business ... A special advertising supplement featuring Business and Financial experts. IN THE MAKING WATSON TREVINO RODRIGUEZ CRENSHAW McCORD & ZOELLER Are coming to Newport Beach , March 17-23, 2003 for the [Toshiba Senior Classic Be a part of this very spe cial section of the Daily Pilot on f Friday, Mar'h 14, 2003 Just treat your phone like that two-foot putt : .. PICK IT UP . And call: 949.642.4321 TOSHIBA· Pilot (.....,,_ ~ ... ,_ •1111un1•0...,..Z: e» .. TOPICS: • How to choose a Financial Adviser • Reap the benefits from Tax Returns • Estate Planning -Wills, Trusts and Probate • Starting a Small Business •Tips for buying, improving and refinancing your home • Revive Your Stock Portfolio • Are your ch ildren college bound? It's more than tuition • Hidden Money Savers: From credit ca rds to credit unions • What has your bank done for you lately? ADVERTISERS: Let our readers know who you are, what you do and how you can help them manage their wealth. In addition to your advertisement, you will receive a FREE listing in our Professional Directory. PUBLICATION DATE: Friday, February 28, 2003 SPACE & COPY: Friday, February 21, 2003 CAMERA READY/RELEASE: Thursday, February 27, 2003, Noon ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE: Friday, February 21, 2003, Noon Call your Advertising Representative Today I (949) 642-4321 Pilot .. ' ' I I M Wednesday, February 19, 2003 State re~dies approval of Crystal Cove vision Parks and Re creation Commission could give go-ahead Friday to pla n to rent out 29 cottages by fall 2004. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot CRYSTAL COVE -The state's Parts and Recreation Commission is set to con· sider, at a Friday meeting. a plan to refurbish the his- toric cottages at Crystal Cove State Park and rent them out to the public. The hearing, which will be held in Newport Beach, comes after two years of public input into how the state should use cottages it pW'chased from the Irvine Co. in 1979. ~The public input process has been . . . almost text- book in how it has opened doors to a multitude of creative ideas for this spe- cial place, H said Acting State Parks Director Ruth Cole- man. "Those ideas have helped us create a plan that is truly a shared vision." At the Friday meeting, which will be held at New- port Beach's Radisson Hotel. the commission will vote on an amendment to a 1982 general plan that needs ap- proval before the restora- tion can occur. The commission will also be voting on the reuse plan, which local environmental· ists endorsed after an earlier proposal to buHd a luxury 'State Parks have incorporated something for everyone in this plan.' Laura Davick resort at the cove wilted un- der tJ1e heat-lamp of public opposition. "State Parks have incor- porated something for everyone in this plan," said Laura Davick. a fonner Crystal Cove resident who now acts as an activist in its restoration. "They have a good understanding for what is wanted and needed · down there." The state released an en- wonmentaJ report of its plan in October. If the commission ap- proves the amendmen1 and plan, the state would move forward with extensive re· habilitation that could be- gin as early as the fall. The first cabins could be avail- able as soon as the fall of 2004. A total of $ l 2.1 million has been set aside for the work. which would fund the restoration of 25 cottages for overnight use by indi· viduals and four cottages as dormitories for groups. · '•-•sJl FULL BAR !"\ ~ ~KTAILS Si. MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949 ·64S ·76l6 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Orange Coast College will host fair in March Recruiters from dozens of col- leges and universities will be at Or.s.nge O>ast College's Spring College Fair on 1\Jesday. March 18. Representatives from public and private colleges will be avail· able to talk with students about transfening. scholarships, fees and expenses, transfer require- ments, athletics and housing, The recruiters will be stationed in OCCs Quad from l 0 a.m. to l p.m. CXX: is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Susan G. Komen hockey night here again The Orange Cuunry affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation will host the fourth annual Komen Race for the Cure Night at Arrowhead pond to watch the Mighty Oucks and the New York Rang- ers. The "free hat nightH event wiJJ begin at 7:30 p.m .. reserved seating on the Terrace Con - AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY The Newport Beach Newcomers Assn will present a fashion show Melber You Buv or lease .. course will be available for $J9.50. The Komen foundation will receive $6 of every ticket that is sold to support breast cancer research. education. screening and treatment in Orange County. Call (714) 940- 2816. UCI psychologist shares memory research UC Irvine cognitive psy- chologist Elizabeth Loftus will present her latest research on memory recaJJ at the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Denver. The symposium "Re- membering Traumatic Experi- ences in childhood: Reliability and limitations of MemoryH began Sunday. Loftus has done research for three decades proving that memory is highly susceptible to distortion and contamination. She has shown that people can be led to remember experi- ences even when they had not occurred, also showing that eyewitness accounts. notably those in given in court. have often been proven inaccurate. She has served as an expert wit- ness or consultant o n high pro- of the latest spring clothing and shoes. The show is 11 a.m. at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 645-9922. The Newport Rib Co. and ASH Harbor Area Inc. are holding a fund-raising day at the restaurant. Twenty percent of the proceeds will be donated to FISH to assist low-income families in Orange County. The restaurant is at 2196 Harbor Blvd. For more information, call (949) 515-3815, ext 231. You'll Find Incredibl e Values on Your Favorite Lexu s! ADVERTISEMENT PAT SACKINGER 'S DREAM CAME TRUE In one week Pat Saci<Jnger (pte· tured) lost siJC pounds. In three weeks Pat lost 17 pounds. And, m five weeks Pat dropped four dress sizes. ·1 was ma beauty salon and over- heard a woman talking about how she slimmed down with massages and had kept if off for somellrne now. So, I did wtiat she did and went to The Body Beaute. Pat Sad<inger IS not an isolated dient. In three weeks Susan McCoy, public relation consultant, lost two sizes. "I've <110ted and exercised on and off all my adult life, but never has it been so easy and so fast, as wrth the European Shmming Treatments at the Body Beaute. In two weeks, Laura Brady, Pharmaceutical sales. lost 16 pounds. 'When I first heard about The Body Beauty, I knew I had to lose weight for myself. Now. I am a size four. I look great and most importantly I feel so sett-assured." And Piff ColHns, school tead'ler. dropped a size in four treatments. i am from the Berwyn /wa, and I would not trade anything for The Body Beaute's treatments. I've done quite a few programs before and nothing works like The Body Beaute's Program." European Slimming These women slimmed down and lo6t inches fa&er and easier than atrt that The body Beaute takes a differ- ent approach to slimming. Here, a woman comes o relax, get pampered and enhanoe her physique. Some of the secrets to these popular shrnm1ng treat· rnents 1n Europe No amount of exercise or diet can el1mmate fat as fast as this method" exclaJrns McCaim1e. ment works muscles to bum the fat taster than humanly possible Electronte massages contract the muscles and bum off unwanted fat. In minutes you get the benefit of 1500 sit-ups. The European Now women can get help for tie1r detoxificabon treatment individuals figure problems 1ust by increases your me~ letting our treatments zero 1n on spe- lism to bum more fat cific areas where they want to lose because of its coocen-inches." McCam10 says "And, our !rated amounts of lymph drainage treatment massages IOd1ne The IOd1ne to stimulate the circulation to carry stimulates 1he thyroid this fat out of your system" and the thyroid turns on the metabolism. The seaweed detoXlfication also cleanses the body of trapped water, waste These treatments are comph· mented wrth our exctUS1Ve 2 Hlay dining program that allows you to eat as mud'l of the prescribed foods that and toxins retained you want. 1rs supermar1<et fOOd that month after month dur· your whole family will enjoy. ingmenses Pat Sackinger quotes, "Now. I have very ~llhy eating hab- its, sometimes even indulging a bit And, I still manage to stay a size 8." •TM mectwC:ll ..-,,._..."""'*'tun.ft' ~ aArl(f 1he eating Pf'OIJlfn ~ you~to- file trials like the Rodney ~Ing beating and Bosnian war trlali;. Bahia to introduce the harbor patrol Thursday Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub will host a seminar "Meet the Newport Beach Harbor Pattol" from 7 to 9 p.m1.:rhursday. Oatly Pilot Scouts a $100 dOnJltion at its meeting on Jan. 9. The funds were raised from tires sold from a Model A car that had been brought in to the tire recycling event held by th~ District. The funds will be used to support scouting activities. such as the annual community camping event. Microsoft to use Costa Mesa company's device The event is free. and will fea- ture new representatives from the harbor patrol including Lt. Greg Russell who will discuss new approaches to homeland Emulex Corp., on Monday. security, and Deputy Pat Doug· announced thal one of its host las who will discuss firefighting, bus adapters has won quaHfica- lifesaving and boating in gen-tion from Microsoft Corp. eraJ. He will alMJ demonstrate Microsoft wiJJ use the Costa some techniques on firefighting Mesa tech company·~ Ught· and Jifesavi11g. A Harbor PautrPulse two-gigabyte-per-second fireboat will be docked at the · LP982 PCl-X device as part of yacht club for attendees to Windows Server 200:l operating board and learn about the boat. system, which is expected to be "Going to Ensenada the P..qsy launched in April. Way," another seminar in the Microsoft, after a rigorous Pacific Trends Series will be on testing period, decided to hand March 12. and ~circumnaviga· the device its "designed for tion with Kids Aboard." on Windows" moniker. March 20. The networking device is Sanitary district gives Girl Scout s a gift compatible with Fibre Olannel applicati ons. Emulex trades on the New York Stock Exchange as EIX It's shares closed Friday at The Costa Mesa Sanitary Dis· $18.51, down 7 1 cents, or trict gave the Costa Mesa Girl 3.99%. A 1'" seminar called •Healing All ·StarsH will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Ross King presents and signs HMichelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling• at 6:30 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St .. Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 689-2665. Macy's South Coast Piaza presents ''Workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program· hosted by dlef Alexx Guevara. The class is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost. including materials, is $30. For reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. THURSDAY The public is Invited to meet Adeline Yen Mah, author of "Falling leaves;' MChinese CinderellaH and ·watching the Tree,H at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. For more information. call (949) 717·3816. Leam about the plant communities of Ca lifornia while enjoying the beauty of the Environmental Nature Center. A free, one--hour tour will be offered at noon at 1601 E. 16th St. in Newport Beach. Bring a sac* lundl for an optional picnic and wear closed-toed shoes. For more information, call (949) 645-8489. The Coste Mesa Chamber of Commerce will host a "90 Minute Breakfast Boost" from 7 to 8:45 a.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club, 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa. Prepaid reservations cost $13 and $18 at the door. For information and reservations, call (714) 885-9090. FRIDAY Global trend tracbr Jeremy Rifkin will present MPetroleum. Politics and the Hydrogen Economy" at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beadl Central library. 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Tidtets are $55, including a buffet dinner. Register in advance by calling (866) 301-2411 oronline at www.newportbeachlibrary.org. The Costa Mesa Women's C.ub witt hold its monthly meeting at 11:15 a.m. et theirolubhouse, 610 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa. with a luncheon and entertainment. For more information, call (949) 642-1162. SATIJROAY A worbttop on ·undemanding International TredeH will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials. For more information, call (71 4) 550-7369. Global trend 1r8dcM JenKny Rifkin will present "Petroleum, Politica and the Hydrogen Economy" et 2 p.m. at the Newport Beadl Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Tl<*ets are $18, lncludlng refreshments. Register in advance by calling (866) 301-2411 oronllneat its annual open house from 4 to 8 p.m. The nonprofit organization serves over 2,000 women annually by providing clothing to women in transition and seeking employment, Refreshments will be served. The center is at 711 West 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 423-0057. A free seminar celled ·n.e Connection Between Inflammation and Chronic DiseasesH will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Mari<et, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. A worbhop on "Martleting and PromotionH will be held from 9 a m. to noon at NatJonal University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The $25 f~ includes materials. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. FEB.26 A free seminar and booll signing called •Anti-aging for Baby Boomers and Beyond· will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will host a •Bualneas After Hour Mij(er• from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Kari Strauss Brewery Restaurant, 901 South Coast Drive. Free for members and coS1 is $10 for potential members. For more information. call (714) 885.-9090. FEB.27 A free eeminar called •HofTnofM9, Rejuvenation. Nutrition and Detoxification" will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martel, 225 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Dllring ·stm.gi.. tor tnvesting in Today's Market," internet stodc analyst Tom Taulli will discuss vanous investment strategies at 7 p m. at The Newpon Beach Central library. 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newpon Beach. For more information. call (949) 717·3816. The monthly ·ea,..., N.twof1dng Resource" meeting sponsored by St. Andrews Presbyterian Churdi for those who are unemployed, will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at 600 St. Andrews Road. Newport Beach. Free. For more information, call (949) 574-2.2.36. FEB.28 Baja hesh will don.-15% of an sales to Share Our Selves, a nonprofit agency serving low•income families, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. through March 2. Aler Is required for the donation, download the flier at www.shareourselves.org or call (949) 642·3451 for more information. MARCH 1 The Malibu c.t Club la sponsoring a cat show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Orange County Fairgroundt, Ex~ibition Building 10, 88 Fair Onve, Costa Mesa. Admiasion is $5 fo r adults and $4 for children and seniors. For more information, call (909) 372·9079. ... ...... : : : : . . ... .. · .. . ... ... . . . , . ... : :·: . . .. . . . ••• . . . . . .. '• . . . :• . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. ·.· ... ... -... . . . . . ...... . ..... ... . . . ~ . • f .... lades' slimming and trim· ming is The Body Beaute's program of good nutntlon, exerOiSe and wt'lafs called detoxifica- tion, Ac:cofdlng to Oebotah. president of Newport beach's premieNl European Slimming and body Treatment Salon. Next !tie European trained technicians massage essential oils. sfimming gels and reducing creams into your body to emulsify and breakup hardened tat tissue. Imagine these fat cells hke a oold stick ct but- ter. Our European treatment melts layers of tat like the warmth ct the stove mens butter. Take a diflerent approach to slimming and oo what Pat, Susan. Sally and Ptff did. Can TODAY· (949)640-4469, Make your appoint· ment fOf the Body Beaute's Get Acquainted Preview. ' www.n•wportbead>librsrt.org. TM pubffc la lnvtted to view 1he Amer1C8n Cowboy; an exhibit of dramatically llghtod photographs by Howard Folsom, on diaplay through April 30 at the NOWPQrt Beed'I Central Ubrary, 1000 Avocado Ave. For mor. lnfonnlJ';IOn, cell (949) 717-3818. "Detoxific:atton. Is one of the most "Udies Just love bei~ pampered with the massages and special oils." McCamie says. "and !hey teal'/ go wild when this method helpS them eliminate unwanted fat and lndle8 Ft notmeataft." Onot this tat Is ii a ~ stato. oor medlanical exerme 1!'111' ) £\'t~y (~eaute n.l' ....... W.. J ri.IHO!f laAll> • &VDJYRllJJ • ~ 011 ...... ..,.-~, -. MONDAY A GfMt Dtdtiont dltcuMlon of • 1ntematlonal food Wars: Growing Controversies· 11 the fifth in an eight-week serfea on U.S. foreign policy topfca. The di.custlon w111 be held from 7 to MARCH 2 8:30 p.m. It St. Martt Presbyterian The 8'*" of AdDCJ4*1 PN• wta Churdl, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport "Room for One MO,.: Three Beec:h. For more Information, call famlli" lhare their~ (949) 760-1691. of opening ~r f'MNlrts end 'ft 1re11>.av hotnets from noon to 2 p.m. In the ',.._~, tew.rt Lounge. Ft-. For'"°" Womeli...,... Women wll hOlt · t~,cafl (948) 831.e7M. .. .... t -~ ... -... . . . • • • i . .. ·. . . . . . ·. ..... .. . . . . • ... . . . . . . . . . . ·.· ... . . . . . ... ·.· :·: ••• • •1 ... . ,. .. . . . . ·. .. . . ·, .. • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . • • . . . . ... . . . . .... ·=·: . . . . . . . . . . . .. • . • . . . • ...... ----·-~~--~~~--~------------------~----.------.......... ---...........,~~------------~ ------=-----ir ~ r:"" • -- Wedrtesddy, febrUdry I 9, /(j/JJ A7 Wh ere do kangar oo s get their glas ses? SEEKt.i~J~?FIND r ltHJ fHC £.:>L WORDS IN THI: PUZZLE BELOW. MACAW MARMOT MOOIUD:N MALI.AKO MARTEN MOOSE \tA"fl A MEJ.:RKAT MOUSE \IA RM<>i.• f MONKEY MUSKOX fHE W011(06 ll(EAb U ff: 00WN ANO l\~0619 -- (,) M 0 0 M E E R T y M A R M () s E T 0 u u L 0 M 0 u s E M w s L p L R M 0 E R E K A y z H M A c A w () R E M E E R K A T x D K A N M N 0 M B E c N N M 0 0 s E v R T 0 T M E E R c A M () M A R T E N M I Find the star. HI PICTURE C o lor in each ~pace tha t cont;.iiri-.. d kttcr. fi Join The Fun ~''~"~ °V' in March Call Annie W-illey to Advertise in the Kids Page (949) 57 4-4249 ST. JOACHIM CATHOLIC SCHOOL • Pre-Kindergarten to 8 grade • (~ualified . credentialed teac hers • ~Lhool accred ited by WASC • On -\ite extend ed day care available 1964 ORAN CE A VENUE, COSTA M ESA (949) 574-7411 PLAYMATES PRESCHOOL Since 1964 Contact: Cathy Dressln • Developmental and Earty Childhood Education Programs For 2 Yrs. thru Pre-K b b b 9 e a • 7, b b t:> ti 16 • 17 b 18 - 6 5 21 ,,.., r-1 . ~ ~ ; • 2 St.art Here • Special Emphasis on Kindergarten Readiness at the . K Level , ~C«~/JitO g,lY:e/4/lr"fJ • Potty Training Availab Full Day & Morning Hatt-Day Monday thru Friday 6:30om- ,% .%an;wA;? JJf;i/£ ~rt//1y Y,;,;,11.; Director: Arlene Shapiro (714) Stote License # 300600796 795 Paularino Ave. •Co ssions :OOpm 40-1919 Located Between Bristol & r St . Affiliated with Park Private School btt 7 had In "" Ptll~ 5uD:wnl Lamond. M.A. Ed . READtNGll.ANGUAGE ARTS PAOGRAM EMPHAStZING PHONICS STRUCTURED FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS ONE & TWO·YEAR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM EXTENDS> CURRtCULUM TEAOfERS FOR: • r-.._ Education • S~nish • Swi'!'ming (pool on ~ • P.f.",_... • Nt • MusK "-Ml eo.-.mon in eompu r lab ond Ckmrooma. Clouroom ~ & cotftP.UW W. Oft prlfP1 .... l:O.,, ltJwen(e & Aud~ Vis~ li~ premises. er.a.ntioled lilaClws. Smal • ~ode dosses. S1bl1ng d1KCM>nts. Core lefote & A"-School 6:30 AM-4 P Non ·Acodemic 5ummer Comp Full Time• Part Time 7:00 am to 6:00 pm AMI Affiliated Ages 2 to 8 Back Bzay Monte~~ori 398 University Dr.• Costa Mesa (949) 548-3771 Christian Montessori Schools and Academy We Accept Children 18 Month to 12 Years . 258'=lve. 1130f.ZAve. 94M31·9749 • 714-7~1578 ' Onngt 1539 Mayf111r Ave 714631 9749 • ' • QUOTE Of 1IE IMY "/ 1/iink our school has as muclr hi.Hory as any basketball program 1111he (Newport-Mesa Unified) district ... '' Chris~. Estanoa ~boys basketbal coach A8 Wedne!>day, February 19, 2003 Sports Edttor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-01 70 EYEUPEIEi Daily~Piklt Spona Hall al Fame 1~11 .... -..... FebruatY 24 hooOfee MELISSA SCHUTZ Dady f>l!Ol ' PREPS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS . ~ Mesa loses Carney's retirement brings end to a long, di stinguished career as a tea cher and coach. J ohn Camey. a fixture at Costa Mesa I hgh tor parts of five decades and arnong the favorite coaches I've \\.orkt'<l with in my Daily Pilot lt>t11lll'. ha.-. -.igned hb last roll sheet on hi-. way lo rt'tirement < .. 1mey coached M"Veral sports at the -.chool, mduding '>lints as varsity football coath .ind, m~t recentJy, boys and girls trad .. 111d field. Al" .i~.., quick wi th a joke and extremely p.ilic111 with tu-. student-athletes. I marwl1-d at hC> ability to get the most frum ,1 \\1de variety of personalities. t.">p<.'t:1J.lh till' difficult ones. I fu. freshman foothJIJ playl'r. seemed to l'l'Vere him and won Uw1r '>hare of league championships. mclud1ng la.<,t fal l In addition. < 4Illey knew most everythtng that was happening on campus and, if he hlced you and trusted you. he'd throw the oc~1onal tidbit your Wdy. Best of luck. John. You've done weU more than your share. ••• BARRY FAULKNER C.amey won't get away. however, without being thrust 111to thl' 'J><illight Um week. He'll be feted a1 a rl'llrcrnent party Sunday, then will arrnmpany '1csa buys athletic director DJ\e Pcrklll'> \1onday rught to take part m thy Orange County Athletic Directors A...,..,ooallon\ tribute to retired coaches. Other Newpon -Mesa retirees who will be honort-d Al Irwin and FJJen c.aricof (:'lot'\\'J)(1n I larborJ. Paul Orris and Jim lomhn I< .orona del Mar); and either Bob I lunter or Jules Gage (Costa Mesa). ••• l or Uw lourth '>tr.ught year. there is a -.oucr ll·ague champion at CdM. But. for tlw fi l".I ume during that run. it's the boys tram. not the girls !>quad. C . .oach 1~at Callaghan's Sea Kings (I fl c:; .!) • who open the OF Southern ~'< uon D1vi'>1on D Playoffs Saturday aga111-.t vt\llinK El Dorado. went 9-1-0 in le<1gue lo '>hare the crown. fo put tlm accomplishment in per<>pecu1,c. com.1der the CdM boys won nine lc-.1gt1r games. combmed, the prev!OU\ (•1ght Yl'<ll') ••• I or the lir.t ume m years, boys IJcL'>kethall l·oaches were allowed to exLhange mfonnation sheets Sunday at tJ1e pairing-. announcement at the ~uthem ~on office. For at Least the la~ decade, thlS mformation had been for mecfta memben;' eyes only. The sheets included rosters and season I~ but UttJe else. Some teams identified their starters on the roster sheet. but only a few included statistical data (sent as an addition to the sheets. which did not have any room for stats of any kind). Only coaches whose completed infonnation sheets were on file were allowed to leave with their first-rotmd opponents sheet& For years. sportswriters have complained about the number of schools who did not bother to submit these media mfonnation sheets.~ that figures to change, since coaches now have something to gain by taking part. ••• ~ I:.standa High benefactor fun Scott WcLS in fine fonn at the po6tpme meal he and wifi Joan fund. fulJowtng the annual boys ba.9cetbaJ1 83ttJe for the 8eD between Costa Mesa and Estancia Feb. 6 at the Newport Rib C.Ompan)t Scott led cheers. made player Introductions. complete with nicknames, • and generaUr cawrted among the ptaym.. coaches. parentl and community members In 1tttendanoe. It was end Is one ot the best t:raditiom in Newport-Mela prep sports. ••• SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Pancho Seaborn (14) and the Corona del Mar Sea Kings vie m the CIF Otv1sion Ill-A Playoffs tonight at Ganesha High Sea Kings tackle Ganesha in CIF Div. II I-A opener tonight on Giants' floor. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot POMONA -Home may be where the heart is. but, with 1ust one home Victory m two seasons under O>ach Ryan Curry, the Corona del Mar I ligh boys basketball team has become passionate about hittmg the road. The Sea Kings ( 12 ·I 5) will do just that in the first round of the CLF Southern Section Division IJl ·A Playoffs. visiting Ganesha (15-12) tonight at 7:30 p.m. CdM, which won a thlrd-place Pacific Coast League playofT with Calvary Olapel Friday to end a three-game los· Ing streak. has won its last seven CIF openers. Its last seven trips to the play- ·offs -the Sea Kings watched the post· season from the sideline last year, as well trai s as In 1997 and '98 -CdM has won tWO down with an anlcJe injury that cost him section titles (1993 and '95), had one the last nine games of the season. runner-up finish (1999) and bowed out Seniors Brett Matsen and Kevin Man- in the semifinals three other times. cillas, as weU as Juniors Pancho Seaborn Another extended run is not expected and Jay Nonhridge. all guards, have vir· from this year's unit, but a quartet of po-tuaJJy shared the scoring load this sea- tentially deadly three·point shooters son. could make CdM a tough out for even Seaborn. the tallest starter at 6-2, the most talented teams in a deep clivi -leads the team with 12.2 points per sion. game. He has 52 three-pointers this sea· Ganesha. runner-up in the Valle Vista son. League. does not appear particularty Im -Manctllas, who has, at times. come off posing. The Giants' starting five averages the bench. averages 11.6 point& and 5-foot-10 and Coach Joe Tremblay listed leads the team with 66 three-pointers. just eight players on the roster he sub· Matsen has averaged 9.2 ppg and con- rnitted to the section office. Further. 5-9 trlbuted 34 three-pointers, while North- guard Long Hoang and 6-1 forward An-ridge. the point guard. averages 8.1 ppg tonio Taylor are the only seniors on the and has 35 three-pointers. (llorthridge abbreviated roster. hlt 6ve threes en route to a career-high "They're not a seeded team and 23 points in the win over Calvary Olapel. they,'re not a league champion." said Junior Adam Frcede, another 5-10 Cuny, who was able to obtain some guard (6.7 ppg) and 6-0 senior forward tapes of the Giants in action this season. Bart Welch (4.2 ppg) have also been A scouting report on the Sea Kin~ huge contributors, while Sherick-Odom, would begin with balance and the afore-Cuny said, may return this week.. mentioned long-range shooting that has Tunight's winner would meet either been their strength. particularly since Banning (25-2) or Gladstone (9-15) In 6-3 senior Brandon Sherick-Odom went· Fr16ay's second round. First-round "' fever hits . , the Eagles Estancia visits Gabrielin t\ tonight in a CIF Division . Ill-A battle of the Eagles.: Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot .. SAN· GABRJF..L -Still one season awdy from its 10th birthday, the Gabrie· lino I Ugh boys basketball program. with three league titles In its last four seasons. appears headed to where Fstancia High used to be'..' Estancia. which beglnning in JsB9 made 12 straight trips to the post.season. including a stretch in which it W1>n 9 of to first-round contests, is uymg to lint.I tts way bade. to the lofty ~tarus it heJd throughout the OF Southern Section rOr most of the 1990!.. ' The two programs cross path5 tonight at 7 m a OF Division Ill A first ·round game at Gabriehno'.'> new $4 million gyTtl· nru.ium. Fstanoa (1 6-10). the fourth -place tea.b'i from the Golden West League. LS looldr)g for its first playoff win <,mce reaching ll)e 111-A semlfinals In 1998. The 1-..agles lost m the lir.it round in 1999 and 2000, ~ the playoffs in 200 I and were elimin~t~ in the wild-card round lao;t season. There remains, however. a proud'~ tory, including a Division Ill st.ate cbaJV· pions h1p in 1991 and a Ill-A section crown in t 990. lhe Eagll!l> made theu third straight uip ro a section titJe pine In 1992, but have stru~ed to find the posL~ magic sinC'l'. "(Assistant coach Larry Sunderman) points to the banners m the gym and talks to tJ1e lads about the hard wort.that goes into winning them.· Estanaa Coach Ouis liorce said "I thJnk. our i.chool has as much history as any baslcet.ball pro- gram m the (Newpon-Mesa. Urufied) dts- tnct and I think we've got thJngs RQi,flg back. m the nght direct.ton.· -r Gabnehno (14-11). which shared. the Mt"-'>ton Valley League utJe tlus year. has JU'>l one playoff )\fin m its bncf history. a.U of wtuch has OCCtUTed under the tutelaae of Coach Scott Brummett Malcing its sixth straJght playoff appearance. Gabrie- tino, which shares the nJclmame Eagles. was ehrninated in the first reund tM> years ago by visiting O>rona del Mar. These f.agles will anempt to overcome' a height disadvantage tonJght ~ Gabrielino's starting lineup averages just les.s than 6-foot, while F.sta.Oda's starters ~nclude 6-8 i.enjor center Joey Lindquist and 6-4 sophomore c.artos Pinto. · "They pose some matchup problems,· said Brummen. whose leading scorer is 5-10 senior Jeff IJJTI ( 13.5 points ):>t!r game). Danny Carrasco. a 6-2 senfur. chips in II ppg for a team averavJng ~.8 pomts its last eight games. Estancia. meanwhile. has averaged 58.8 this season. led by Pinto (13.8 ppg) and Lindquist (12.1 ppg). Seniors lAdc NOYllk (8.4) and Man Cachola (7.4) have been consistent baclc.court contributors for tile f.agles, who boast an 81·29 Dece~ tournament win over an FJ Monte sq~d that competes In Gabriellno's league. Gabriellno defeated El Monte, 55-44 and 53-42, in their two league meetin~ Tonight's winner advances to Friday's second round at top-seeded Bishop Montgomery. The Knights (25-1), $- pions of the Del Rey League and bid for a fourth strnlght section champib - ship, have a firs't-roWld bye. · 'I OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK CIF ROAD MAP How to get there . ,• ' I I \ t ...... .. 1lot . ,. . I !' >n. to Its ~ qi, I1d 111 Un .Qg .he ' m ~ :\'<1 ~'i rv· on I. oeiI <rte :he lll) nd "lat ICh \aS f'O lis-rg the 'la\ all t "ie- les. Wo far. e'a ~ Ibr, .tf.6 a.a IJld vtlk ~ tfie ~ JAd -"4 ,: ifs aop 1'i· ~ 'I -J ... J ·' ... ... .. . I '" .. ,, ... D ... • • .J ... .. .. IJ. . , I . HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Sage Hill makes debut from afar AN7A Yeu've got to dart some- where. even if it's a remote River· side County town few Orange Coun· • tians have heard of So. lhe \age Hill School ~ bailetball learn makes its debut m the UF- Southem Section Playoffi. al I >iv1- sion IV-A foe I lamihon I h~ to- night at 7:30. ~J'U call in our ~uhs on a '><llel- lite phone," quipped ~gt• 11111 Coach Steve Keith, who lt•a.r rwcl the round-trip may require about five hours on a bu., Even at 4,000 feet. howl'Vl'r, the Sage I till !>quad, .l.li they '><l\. 1i. to be there th's !Jghtnmg (I 0-llJ fin third in the At<t<ll'rny ·~~to~ IL\ fir.t po.,N•a.-.on taUon in two \'at"ilrY 'it'J.\On'>. year, the IJgtllrung lo .. 1 a third-place playoff gaml' and mi$.sed the playoff-.. , J,lamilton (Ii' 4) " the 4u11Ht." sentiaJ mystery opponent. llw Big sq League champion.,· 1Jlll'.,t pl<\yer IS 6-foot .I '>t.'lllor l t·nrt·r Jared OaVIS. but. heyund that. 1111 detail\ could be culkd. Sage I till's !><:0111mg rt'pon 1t .. 1 , tUres 1.rttJe my-.tery Ille I 1ghtn111g ~on 6 3 -.enmr point guard \II chiel Fitzhugh (:!.!.I po111t' per pmeJ and 6-3 1urnor wmg Kt·vm Jqyce 04.6 ppg) for ne-.trt} .tl.I of Jhf!ir productmn ~o other pl..t\ er still on the 10-man ro'll'r ha-. ScOred Ill doubll' fi~J"C\. Sage Hill wenl 6 6 m IL'> fin.ti 12 season game. and hd.'> )et to put a three-game '>ITC<IX together .. .N. a team. I hkl-d the \\ii} "e looked tn February a' opp<>-.t~ to hpw we looked tn I .>t·n~mlx·r ..t11tl January.· said Kenh 'Tonight's winnl•r will \'1'.11 Im Angeles-bru,ed Ye<.luva. \ ... h1d1 fl'· ceives a fir..t -round bye. m I nd..iy-. . second mund. -by Barry Faulkner l.i l'OKI\ COLLEGE BASEBALL j J Vanguard pitcher Joe Carnahan nails the baserunner at home plate after an errant p1tc~1 1 Lions upended Point Loma Nazarene pin5 7-2 loss on Va nguard, ju">t 24 hourc; after Cal State Domingue!' Hills win~. 7-]. C 0"> I•\ \11 <., \ \.t11gu,ml 11111\1 r .. 11\., 1>.i.,t•b.ill ll'ttm droppt·tl .1 7 .! I 1•1ldl'll "il,lll' \thlt 111 C 11nlt·rt·11t l' deu,11111 ru \1\lllng 1'111111 I UJlld '\.i1.1n·111· llll''>d..t\ 1llt•rn111111 '" till' \o\lllrll'r-. pm111Ll1•d 11ut J I I h11 ,111..11 k 111 clrop \'anJ.,'lt;ml 111 H I,.' I Ill till' ( ,•..,.\(. llw wr<.1111 1.um 1u'1 11111.' tla\ Jltt·r l .. u \tate Oonungu~ I hlh p11m1·d .t -; J 11um on ll'rt•111 t· '""' on 1h1• I Jon ... \ 1011do1\ \angut1rd ">lntd. lor l\\-O ntll'> 111 the· fir.,I 111 rung 1111 lul'..,dil\, h111 ,,m. 1111' l1·ad \,111 .... 11 m llw lo11nh \\ lll'11 P111111 I 0111,1 'Intl~ tor lour nm' \1.111111g p111 lwr lot ( Jrn.1h<111 h.111 .1 n.in .,111n11g tl1111hl1 111 tht lir ... r 1111 1111-: .• 11 d '>u111 \1an111 h.id .1 l\\ll IM~t·r H11h1•rt I n11 .111d Ju .. 1111 <.,t•aJll' l'<H h \\f'lll .! 1111 I Jut! 1<1rh.t11h \\l'lll i lrn 'i \\'Ith a tw11ll' nm. t\\O nu" '>lllrt•d .mcJ l\\11 HHI tor 1'01111 Lorn,1 "'h11hpl.iH·d1·rr11rlt·" dl'l1·11w In ~1011d.i\·\ g,1tlll' \Jngu,1rtl \\.t\ -.1lu1 do\o\n 1111 f11ur 1111-. \l,111 l "1h.111111wr \..,1·111 .! for l \o\llh ,1..,0111 h111111 r 111 Ca.I ">ta11· Dom111h'lll'/ l ltlh """ 1 \,111g11,inl., flr .. t llllllllg tall\. With ll\t' Ill 1111• '1'1 lllld .trill 11111<,IWtl \\lilt .t d1111 1 l11h ;mtl t·rri ,r1 .. ,, dt'11•11 'l\t' pla\ Golden State Athlellc Conf Point Loma 17. Vanguard l Score by Inning~ Pu r t lr;m.i v ~ V,ingudr!S ,"{; JCJhn!.on WoyU1o~ 17 Gutmdn I:! •fl•l N•·wt~ •rv Cd•fldflcm FrJnoo S Klein n Frnnco 7 Brun•" i, .in 1 Bnw"r W••:.t•·rf Pf<1 W Jot!• s n Carnll• ' 1 79 VH1 t1.r PL Ro t J< js PL '1 Jr! , P C.irn.il1.•r• V MJrt;r V HR Rrc.h tr<I .. PLJ Nonconfereoce Cal State Dominguez Hills 7. Vanguard 3 Score by Innings CSDH • r V<1Pguar11 Mdtd Van Id .; Do• '' 5 Ml· Iona b ~t botl .i .m<1 Valle. Cdston. Kio 1 7 Griyy•. 8 • rar c.o • dnd Westrrfold W Mrlld 1 0 L C..1~1em 1 1 28 Rorlr1quPl OH Cl'\JZ IV Hfl Ed.1 IOH T sit ,,...,, • • VI A9 COLLEGE BASEBALL UCI. taken down, 9-5 ~Hf\'\() flit· tH Jr\trlt:' bal>t:ball tf'am 11.-.t a s o k.11J d'> nonLonh·n·nu· hoi.t I rl'\1111 ">tatt: uwd .1 ,I\ rnn lifth 111111ng 1IMI ht·l1wtl ..:rah .1 y .~, \lllor\ I m·,da\ 111gh1 111 lr11111 ol ''it i .ti lk1d1·11 I 1l'ld 1llt'1\1111.,111·" .!. 11 h11d1 ,, i I k..td ,1ft1·r I 11111111g ... J I IC I lrt·,hma11 ;\.1.1 ~ \\.agnt•r 1111 IPctetl .111 HBI ... 111glt· an<.! ,,.,..,,1 J1111 llorw111 '111n•tl 'Hl a h.11~ 111 tlll' lop ul tilt 't < 1J11d NOHCONFERENCE COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBA LL I Anteaters fall to No. 3 ( l<\\\ICll<ll 11\11 ln.11ll' 1111·11' \flll1•\ ll,111 11·;1111 It'll •>Ill 'P 11 111 '\11 I 111 1lw l.111·'1 I J ..... \ 1111!.1\ 1\\ ( • \ ( I I I( Ill'' 1'1111 I or 1h1 ltr\I 111111• 1Ji" 1e.11. IJ< I tf1tl 11111 n·t l'I\ I' ol lil\I pl..tl I \ 1)!1• l'1·ppud1111 \\tu h ri-1111111' lllllll'ft'.tlt•<.I II \IJ'<.,f fl • Jilt! h.1, 11111\ (11,1 111 thl' A1111 tll'r., 11111\1·-. 11111. 1h1· '\11 I 1''"1111111 USA TODAY I AVCA MEN!> VOLLEYBALL POLL First pla<;I' vot~ m p;;rPntht:~'> ., ,,-J' • ·l l Hd..Vd1 3 UC Irvine I f• f , < ' .~. COLLEGE MEN 'S BASKETBALL Vanguard bow s, 78-67 .\damL7ak -,ivleo, 111 a losing cau!)e for Uon .... 1•111111 l Jlllo.l '-.v.m·rw' 1111•11, b.1•1 t ti>, I h'.1111 r.1iltl'd \..,Ith ,1 '"IHI ,1 tu11J h.11! t11 P• "I •• :'H toi '1•1ld111 "I.tit' \tl1lt•1t( I 01111111111 \ltlfJI'\ f/\f'I ho'I \.in g11.trd I lr1t\• r .. 11\ ltw.,tl.1\ rugl11 v:11w11.11t1 -.11111 1io·• 1111111 ,,,.. !rdd I ti I fJr,I IMlf Ill t f.11111 ol \/) r; t't.l,..:t \\Ith ( omad \d 11111:1.J. tlu· IOJ< .11 p111111 \\llh I I po1111' l'1·· t.ifll1·-11111ll'd l:l lh•· 'I'\ 1111J h,tlt A' 1'111111 I 11111.1 ... 11.:111• I Iron thl' llt'ld I/, -lu1t1111: .,I,. r' '''\1•1 Ir 1111 h<'\1,1hl rlw m Potm Loma 78 Vanguard 07 Potnt L.omo • ~ 2o \d,11111 /,I~ I l11fl-d \\llh I ""• '' fl IH~l .!.! 111 1111., 011'l11! I fr •" th• ht•lt.J ,11 d pot ~.t°'J IJ> 1 olnl 111i.;1 ,., ''hound.,, \\l11lt 1.1111;•., ~ I IJn111.111 1 hipped 1n \\!Iii 111 COLLEGE WOMEN 'S BASKETBALL Vanguard pulls it out, 54-45 Steve Vireen Daily Pilot ~IA \tf..'v\ rlm 1.., the team th.it (.ol<kn \iate Athleuc Conference coacht"> p1ckt><I to fin- ish ninlh in the 11 team le'Jb'lll' m the p~n f°.;O\,, tht'> L\ the \earn that ~ onl' wm aWd) from dinchmg al lea .. 1 J ~han• of Lhe GSAC champion,hJp. and It plJ)"i leaJT15 at the hottom of tht· confer- ence for 11.S next 1~ ... o game-. llle team, the V;m~c1.rd women·~ basketball ">quad. over- came a bad. cilld-forth ...econd half. and defeawd \1..,,.Ltng Prnnt l.Dma Na7Menc SI 45. at rlie !'it Tuesday. llte I jon.' (20 8, I '1 2 tn the GSAQ, ranked 15th Ill the NAIA. recorded tJ1e1r third con- secutive victory and they have won JO of the pa.'>t 11 with three conference games remaining. fhe Crusaders (10-7. 12-4), ranked 19th in the NAIA. rnis.sed out on It-> chance to sweep the Lions this season and perhap:; missed their opportunity to Mn the GSAC championship. ':We just play with hean and de· teJTTl.ination. • Vanguard Coach ~ DaVIS said. "We refuse to lose. I'm really proud of thi<> group. We were picked to finish ninl.h. It's an unbelievable accomplishment. but we have more wort to do.· Davis called l\.te!>Clay night's game. "a blur:· perhaps because of the seesaw action throughout. espedaJ.ly in the second half. There were five lead chan~ and three ties in the second half. Nei- ther team led by more than four points Wltil the final minute. That's when ~ca Lenderman, the Uons' senior guard. nailed a three-pointer that gave Vanguard a S0-45 lead 1he Uons outscored Point lDfna, 11-2, in the final 4:00. Van- • guard shot 349' (I 0 of 29) in the leCOnd half, while the Ousaders were at 24% (6 or 25) in the last 20 ' .. DllllUti "•Look at the scoreboan:l" Lenderman said. respooding to bet thoughts on the coaches' pre- ICISOI\ poll "Look at the stand- ings. That's all ~ haYe to~ We1J ~ lt at that That's aD that mat-ters. .. I .endennan ac:ored all eighl o( ~ poin tndudin& two three- pobtten. In the l«Ofld hall VUI· guard eenlor Robb4ll Di.ttcnblr, who .med GSAC Player of the ..... bonon ~ led the u. :ICll Wld'i 11 pc*la. 14 M>ouftds SfEVE McCRANK /DAILY P1LOT Vanguard Urnversrty's Robbin Drttenbir (34) crashes through Pomt Lorna's Corey Zimbelman (31) and Zaneta Drungllarte (55) Tuesday and four assists. She penetrated plugging away at IL toniglit. • and dished out the assist to The !Jone; will NM dw\r chance Lenderman for the nail·tn·thc 10 clinch al l~t a share of the coffin three-pointer. GSAC title Sarurday at 5:30 p.m .• Oittenbi.r was 3 of 5 from be-when they ~1. I lope lntema- yond the three-point line. When it uonal which is in last place in the seemed Point l.oma was about to conference. Vanguard can wt.n its pull away with 8:21 left In the sec first outright GSAC chrunp1omhip ond halt Dittenbir came up with n since 111<' 1999-2000 season if it three-pointer that pulJed the defi beats I lope and then records a dt, 37-36. wm at last-place Christian Uerit- With a little under IWO minut~ age Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. remalnl.ng and Vanguard up. 47- 45. Dlttenbir grabbed a def en.slve rebound. She pushed the ball in lnlnSibOn and delJvemj a long lead pa.u to Lenderman The pm ~ to be going out of bounds. but Lendcmum saved It by pesgng In mid-air while glldmg past the ba.1Clina nle Uons were able to c::aJJ time out Lo up the three-pomtcr shoe attempt l'r,' Lendorman. "We just sddt l her as a team.. Lenderman aid. "1bal our Style team ~ W: )\.Ltt kql< UC IRVINE BASKETBALL UC Irvine vs Cal State Northridge Thursday, Feb. 10, at 7:00 p.m. Ua Rip'an Eaters Foam Hands Night - ..... ,...._ .. NecM • "1tip ._ ......... Foem"-d, ~ ., ua s-s.mo.. UC Irvine vs The University of Pacific Saturday, Feb. It, at 7:00 p.m. , ••• IJd to .... GalM Promodon - ................. , ................. Cllkte . •.. .., ................................... _ ............. NCMt1llllA .... _..hMAIWfeaew (TAIMI) ..... WWW•' lllly, .... ti, "JM. ......... 11 .-1 ,...., .. ,.... • ._~ ...... '1r ., .. .... ....... __.. ................. """' .... .. .... C..W.JM.MIP,. I .. ~ ....... ._. .,.••1•••1•1• .. -fll,_:t ••,...•1111• , . ..., ............. . 1111•-all (Mt) ua Wllll or visit•• .ww . ....,cda.uct..- Pilot AlO Wednesday, FebrUMY 19, 2003 OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK KEINAN BRIGGS ' .a.1om: Sept. 22. 1983 e &=r;::t-i Sport: Track & Field £wnts: 110 hurdles, long Jump. high iump, trip&e jump v..r. Sophomore High 5Chool: V•lencla eo.dtes: John Kno~ Erik Moreno and Allan Hodgert Ma!jor: Business Favortt. foo« Mexltan Favortt. mcMe: •Glory" FiMlritla mlt"9tk nlOnW'lt: • Jumping against and bNdng Olympic champion WiHte 8Mlb." A~ of the We.ec VI: Brol<e Orange Coasat College's 100 high hurdles record with a hand-timed docking of 14.2. Dlily ~ Collector spottt CMd serin OJ. S . . JASMINE GEIDER ..a;.mom: J1.1ly 1&. 1984 ·&=S-fool·S 130 Spott: Trade & rietd ~Centrr !v.nb: ~ intermediate hurdler$. ~. ~ lleptathlon v..: High : Estancia Coilid\: John Knox Mliof: Undecided fftOtttle food: JUiian. any fruit FIWOritie ~: •Knjghts Tale" ,..,u.._.-..man•wt "StidUng my first ;..np on a WM boenf.• AthlM!a of h Week VI: She~ first in the javelin against Rivef'sl~ and Santa Ana. and first In the 400 intermediate hurdle$ in her first~ attempt at the event Dlly Piiot Collector tPOrtJ ard series OJ.S COLLEGE SOFTBALL Vanguard salvages tie (<>"I\ Ml ~A -V<tlll{U.trt1 lJnl\t.'r ""Y ,1 ored lhre<> rurh in 1ht' bottom or llw 't'\e111h inning Ill ,,1lvagl' a 4-4 lie with v1.,1tmg Point l .urn.1 Ncvarenc 111 C1oldt·n ..,late Athletil C onferencc -.oft- hall lut>\day after dropp111g tht· lir">l g<1nu ut lht> douhlt·he..idt:r, 1--0 I our unearned run\ Ill the fourth 111 111ng ll'U IO Vanguard\ Jt•mt"te 1n 1lw CIPl'lll'I A'hh•) \l.iuro, who h.1d ii douhlt· 111 each g,111w, <;)U~l'd .J lW<HlUt, IWO- run ">lflglt· to lift Vanguard into a tie in !ht· 111gh1t ap. called bt•t au"· ul dark- nt•.,... Vanguard b nCJw h 2 :!, 0-I ·I in the (,!\AC. Golden State Athletic Conterence Point Loma 4, Vanguard 0 Score by Innings ~otnt Loma ooo 400 o ' " Vanguard ooo ooo c. o l Ludlow and Field, Ball and Rolle 3B Rapo1a IPL>, Mauro IVJ Va,nguard 4, Point Loma 4 Score by Innings Potnl Loma :100 001 1 4 w u Var1guard ooo 100 J • ., l V.indurvoort, Ludlow 171 and F1old, Keltnur ilnd Rollf' 28 -Bolding IPU Mauro IVI SPORTS BRIEFS OCC nets two wins • JC MEN'S TENMS: Orange Coast Col- lege's men's tennis team was a 5-4 winner at lrvine Valley in Orange Empire C.Onference play Tuesday, keyed by the play of N~ l and 2 singles standouts Rohen Olu and Jared 1 laley. who both won their singles matches, and teamed with Denny le and oms 'Irepte, respectively. to win two of the three doubles points. 1\"epte WdS also a winner in singles. Orange Coast improvet. to 2-1 overall. 1-0 in the OF£. ~ ~ Coi••ice Onlnoe CoMt 5, lrYlne Valley 4 Singtee-Chu (0CC) def. Kula, 6-4, 7.S; Haley (OCCl def Ronoo, 6-3, 6-2; Stewart (IV) def. Solomon, 6 1, 6 3; Trepte (DCC) def. Bui, 6-4, 6-3; Douglas (JV) def. Fullnlnante. 6 1, 6-1: Floros (IV) def. Le, 6-1, 7 5. Doubles -Chu-Le (OCCl def. Kula-Stewart. 7 6 ( 12 10), 62; Ronce-Bu1 UVI def Fultntnan~Solomon. 6-4, ~ 7. 7 5; Trepte-Hakly (OCC) clef Flores-Douglas. 6-0, 6-2. • JC WOMEN'S TENNIS: Orange C..Oa.'it C..ollege's women's tennil! team had no trou- ble with vLo;iting Irvine valley in Orange Ern- pirt> Conferenct' play ·1 ucsday, sending the ~ a-.er.. home with a 9-0 lt"-"tOn to improvt• IO 2-0. 1-0 in the OH. Leah rkcker, A.mley Nebon. Sabrina lana m el. Rachael Seswm, Kru Monyama and M1- l'hellc· Wer;lci all played tlommant role-. Oran&• EfT1ll"I Confarence Onlnge Coast 9, Irvine V&tley 0 Singles Sedler (OCCJ def Fu111a. 6-3, 61, Nelson IOCCl def Lambert, 6-0. 6 1, Tanamel (OCCl def Smart 7 5. 6-1, Sessum (OCCJ def Brandt. 6-1, 6 3 Mony.ima IOCCJ def Ellsworth, 6-1, 6-1. WarsJ.c tOCCJ def Noor & 1 6-1 ~ Sedler Tanamel (OCCJ def M.1111a Sman 6 1, 6-0, Nelson Sessum <OCCJ def lam'-1 Biandt, 6 I. 62, Monyama W&r!>lu (OCC) def Ellsworth Noor 6-2, 6 I • COLLEGE WOMF..N'S TENNIS· Van ).'I.IMC.I Urnver;iry w..i. ... a fl l "mner at li1ol..i rn C .ultlt.'n "Idle A1.hle11r Lonfcrence womt·n", tennis Tuesday, led by Olga I Uushut:hanka. Gokler1 Stllt9 Alttl9dc ~· Vanguard 6. Biota 3 Singles-Hlushuchanka (VU) def. Kelsey, 62, 61, Votavova (VU) def Scott. 7-6, 6-3, Yohnet" (VU) oot Vano, 6-0, 6-1, Bradley (VU) def. Shingler, 6-0, 6 0, Satgent (B) def Temen, 6-1, 60; MeiS1er (Bl clof Krohn, 6-0, 6-0 • Ooubtes -Votavova Hlushud)anka (VU) ool. Scott-Kelsey, 8-2; Bradley Vohner(VU) def : , Yano-Shtngler, 8-3, Sargent-Nauons (Bl def Tenien-Krohn. 8-1 • 001.LF.GI!. WOMF.N'S GOLF: Ill~ UL Ir , vine WOrJ)en's golf team is in fourth place fol lowing the fin.t day if the I.UNA tiay Af(>a Oas.sic at the Hiddenbrooke Country Club iii Vallejo Tuesday, · Tenth-ranked California lead~ the touma ment with an eight-over 296. Sophomorl' Stella Lee led the Anteaters with a four over 76, good for eighth place. Angela Won i-. J ~Ol behind, c.a.rding it n. Olanning IJJvt')oy ~ 26th with a i.core of 82, while ~lwlly H.1 worth Le; :12nd with ..in 8:1. Sara I lulx.'r \hot .m R6 Monday to pl<ll'C 43rtl. lltc tournament concludel) todJy • OOU.EGE MEN'S TENNIS: rhc lJ< Ir vine Anteater. (7 J, 2-0) defeated tht• San h ·cillc&o Don'> 4 J rn San FrcillCJMCJ ~1nd.ty llw Dons won rwo of three doubll·' 111J1<.:ht-.. to cam the tlouhlh potnt Junior i'.om.n l<-o· me, a prudUl t uf Orange Coa'>l Coll~l" de· leate<.l Joachim !Jen, 6-2. 7-'l. Noncor••a ua 4, San Francisco 3 ~ l(orac IUCIJ def l.Jen, 6 2. 7 5. Endnk.11 IUCIJ def AmaSiln. 7 6. 64. Pires dP AJme1d11 (USFI def O'Connor, Morton IUCI) def. Van R1llas. 6 1 6 7 7 5, B1ortman IUCI) def Fuller, 6-4, &J. (II,,,~ IUSFI def Surapol 4-6, 7 6, & 2 Doubles lier\IFullor IUSFJ def EndnkJLMono11 8 3, o·connor/Korac tUCll def uPfX•n'Etv1k B b Amaserv1>1rr°"' do Almt·1da tUSFI def B1orllmart1Surupol ~I Daily Piiot HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week ~enes TODAY 21 • JdSOll A11,1nm Orango Coast Swtmn11ng ·01. 'O? 24 Moltssa Snow Newp0rt Harbor Volleyball, '96 97 '9 Chad Vahlt Costa M1111a Basktilh11fl '01 02 23 All1i.un Alrl'lllu•y Cosw M osa Sw1n11nt119 'HB 20 Ryan M11i1•r OrangA CoJi.t Footbnll, '04' SCHEDULE TODAY Basketball Community 1 Oll•••t• '"' 11 Oc.roq1• Co 1 t dt S.iddlPt..in. l 30 µ m Commu1111v c1ll•·•W wom~11 Or~n<t•' Co<1st 111 s.1drllf'IPd< 5 30 p"' High scho11I li<'V' Clf Drv1St<H1 Ill A Pt,.yott<> fll»l IOJUltd f ~ldfl<..ld oil Gab11ehno 7 µ rn ( nron~ •itll M,,, .cl Gdnesll.i 7 JO p m SJqe Hrll 11 Hr1m11to11 7 JO r• "' 8a!K'bltl Conttnutut)o (' "'!fl•• Or dflCJt-' "d'lt ;.,1 Palom41 11• nt Volleybell Cc.11nn1urn1v r r,11,~.. f I C.rtnw1 11 Orclfl'JO (.;(Jo)~1 ] 0 II Ill Tennis CuittJqJ: wuou 1 Ul ''"1"•" ,,, p,.ppr>rcl1111 11•" GoH ._011u11u•11t r ' lh Jro' ·•--11 l~fl'' ~ti Sdnt1aqo <.:0•1~011 5,,,11.111 l•u• tt or" l' Cc,a~t Ct llP.<J•1 .11 c; o ta 1\11 1 ( ut.•' "" Clut. 8 -l~dm Legal Notices 2640 fkttticM IWness fltlllt Stat....i Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 fktitiovs lusintss Nohe t-1' herPt>y t'IY"" 111-11 111o und~r\1~n•d '"'" Leo~=: l~~~~ N~~~:t .. , ~ ~~0~L~~::.. ~I ~~I ~~:d•r r= ..__Slat_... hl•rl w1lh lht I "unly cl•111.111t1.rnl• QU• not tu •ll•ntl lh• •nlu• l"I' Legal Noticei 2648 Legal Notices 2640 j Legal Notices 2640 SUPfllOI COUil Of WIOblA. coum OJ OIANGl 341 TlfHJTY DIM P.O.IOX 14170, Ir·• Y1 ti' luy fktifiovs luMnHt NC1111 Slllenllfll tr• ·•·ltl ., P""'" Auo 111 " ,..... __., I .. , .. '' Urdn~t f11111fy ,, •. ,l .. Jb"~·•<1• l"\J Wllk Hid lllftt ... , .. , ,. Wfll fht f fWlfl) 'Hf If t_tFt-rt II h•I tnf"\ .. tf A I Cla " llu!hor ~~ R 1 l.r,..ttlvt" IJ.1llm •• t ) Aut 1" t1vt '1ut1 .. ,.i- O 1111 kr d !lull"'~, t J If lh ~ U 1tl1w~-. f ) 1 •• llull• ,.\ t.1 ffo•I 1 )1Jtt• ,~. • 1 , r, .... ,,,., fflitl11nltf,, /IJ')fJ f ut1 ... rt:111 Av• t • t o'tt.t M..-\d t11 11 .,,,..,,, I'\. t111 1111 ,, ,f. f ,,, 1tht1._.,J1t.tt t4AV• ~, 1 l.u trtt rl<1•n•~ fuP.mr yrf 1 Nu f1.411ft11f11trtW•-.tl.•ll flu\ \t tltUH•llt '""' t.i,.,1 with th.-CmJ11tv t ''°'" r>t Or l ,. Cru.rity on 01 Iii U l 2001'9313'2 fA•lf f. ti ,t I.at rJ t .. tJ I> 1 0111 we bl flditiovs IWntfs Mcl'lll s tGttflltl1I fht l11ll11Wltl>' "1' 151,n~ ,,,, 1f\1tO tJ11 Hit'"'\ t • I 11-fnt111JI• l M+•I • ( uu • Nr'WJ,_1111. k H It r A'J}'1f,! btt llH "-• '\i lUt1 1t1u ,., t t• t Art n1t1w1t111 ~• ., •\'•' y til I lffH1 '"'''• bw.u'• ' v• t N1 ''"', llral.rn1l1 ftH.,. "·"''' 1m••1I N •• ....... , ......... tt,.. f t)llttty f,h tit. ,f II UI ·t ( to1U1f.r 1101 '4 II 200369 J0911 ftu t H yor1a. ~Jt·• "1•JI ut Mu 'J :>OUJ St JI""'•' ,.,,. rf1·1 'i. tiu .,,.,,, .t\ St hul.,1r ~ Mtru ~lor.t~t! All11IA Mill' 11111 kotl l'l'i7 N•wpnrl Bl•d H1•t "•""'" tr'"" C II C u\I~ M~~d r.d 92'127 l/f 14 '1491 bH Hl'J l(oyclly •ll"IM•ll~ 1111 •?11!4 lv~fyf1 lon11 rlAI I/Ill fl .. d Hill tln<l\rh•1lrlll•m• At11 tt111 lrv11u.-LA 9lbl1' #h lttn,•t ('.ltt1P Hou .1• 1111 lrn !Ot,. f1t11cf lft-nt• ctw ltd hy ,, "''I'''' tfMH •lH l(,.lt1y r.unow~kt tt ,.,.. 100 • t •• , h·d tto1·h llod .. t101•1 ltr-1n' lt1\1t1r')\ 'f• •I 'fit •ffHC.t '(H.4a 1 .. •ht' J-4' U 1ry I l~ ( I .itt,,n lt11u\ ... hnld lll"ft \ Huy 111.,. c.,,.,.1 • OA t "":r ult l •ylut h1 U11tr.,,.hnld lt~nt It w1 J'1wt •If l ttf11,U4Jtd f~\PtYf'\, lht I "'""r 1.111111" "' r '•hi lu bid Al •alt (,•'" , ,_, t '''""'~"' .,.,.. t•nfy \•If' I\ \Ublt'( t to 111,.d 'ft'llh tht' C..rnutl t t AIU t·tf.ttlOU Ill thta '"'Vf"llt f f•·fl-. '' 4H tn~t Cuu11tv ut \rtt1,..m1-nt bt"tw .... n 11nOl //·Ol 11.11dlurd Jnd ubhp,al•d 2003c.930S92 ( P••ly l••tly hlnl l.1n ?9 If'~ 'ii•• ''"lo! St hul.u 'Mino ' l<t 'Olli WO',)! Stut.J~t J tit lnll~ "11~ •a;? P+'I \UU!,. .t•r d1•m). tiu--.m..-v d'\ At• 111• "' 101t 1n1ut 'f ( t11111 •411'11! f"~· 1lu l:1u1•, fltthW>4'f .. to B lJHI t J •JI I ~lft1Hnt.• )It,., II• ~11 ry I' l't .. ,,11 J4 lt1 Wul.t'f ',.,,,,..,n Mt u_.,, f'tof t r 1tl1tnrn;.11 I I/'! Publt\h~d N~wp.,cf B•a,to <~"'' Mr'• Od1lv P1l1t f ,.hr11.ry 19 'If, lOOl WOli 'tu f;1lluwtrtr. ~~··• •HI ,., • dum~: Lu~m,., .. A t /\11 n1-.t f, • 111r1 I 01 ... 11101m•f"l• B , 11 •v c,t 14'11 t I Ar I" I vrnt 1'10<11 <tr""' ? ll•M C, f I ' '"'' l ·•tt R1t • 't.tJ l ~°h• dHt •·rt '" ' ntJ .. "'hut f ,,,, t I A 'tlh lfl '41 .,. ltr lt I l•illt' Mu 1 H•lht1•,u1 lhl.t l1•1•110 .,,., NI , ,,,.. 11l'-1Hi' VM 't t 'I' t ti ,.., t1ff1 j H , llWI If • " f11111 ( ., .... 11 Hiil 'A I fll I th" "'•It -n I 't7t,1•1 f1j, 11 ..--1fh flu t 1t1Hlly fr11 ttU\.IHt .. · f lt-t'-t IJf.th••• I 11Uf1ft 11111 1r1 l tf I! 20026928061 rt. 1ly l'tl• t "n 'ifJ I .-b It r11 WIM I 11u h 11 l11 .1t lld1•'fJIJ•i II •t tYI y11!1 \t.,1 ft,.' j tf ti"ir! b 1\•ttr~ \. t,t I ;;,.\. A11n 11 lr• ~M\ l't// A,1 I ,,. tit l'rl1•h1t ft•H~· 'Ori< I' II~ l•llJ•ot1•d '' ~ It ",, "' 1 .. ,, /001 M.t1\.1 Hutur, • fJ1I., TRI !.Tl"~., ..... u ~11tl t .~II "'nt ll•I"-'" 1 <, • I 1~ 1 I .111rm lluulnJBI '"''1•111 1\1'1'< I (f..l7 .ll 11 lit. o•h C •hli•lllM f)lro '111 AIO I' '" J..1 1po.o) fru•i.·" lll·I \I I I I '"'II II •ltvum11 U•) bah1~h l>I J t> I ti I Ml ~I le• •ny ""'''""°~'""'' of [>.\Tl I> Juh 'I 21.01 II• <11\'tl a.Jdr.-" md l 'IJ '>"t YOI IAKI nOr1 «xnmnn \( no-.; 11 I df\ly1 .. 11on ti .n) 1'1(011 ( 1 Ylll II •l•n•n lrmn 'i•1d '·•Ir f'ROPI k 'y. Ir "' '' • .,f l'lUJlf'n) ... 11 tll' hi '>Ill I> \ I t\ m1ulr 1r ·., " l'lllllll 'All II etrrtohllnn wntiour YOll Nf-J I> AN lll\trunt 1~ woiJTa,.)'. 1111·-• l1•lt·rrw111 w.t\ f1l.-1t with thf' f l"Hlttty f j,.,~ I II• .J'I•,.. I u1ty ,.,, 01 71 01 20036930140 fl ol• ~· I l•n j() I •I• L I • ,.. 'll(H WM!! l'IMl't' 'nur io<I loclu\'! I '14V t f• 1i-~6 7K 1 h• lr1ll•1'4l!f1ne, (,lt-f\•rn· tf~ iJfl•ll~ f1t1'\l'1~'.;' ' Amt"1U,tr1 lnh4't~d S.n1r., IM1 ... 11Al1u11 I }I!> ( 1 .. u•h11 i <",t An.ttit 1n1 f'A 'l/kl.t'J .. 11ir1d·· k If\ 1111 I NV) I 11'1 \ Ctt1ud111• St llnAh~rm f.A 9/ll•l'l f 111' lUJ\lllt'\._ •:. l (tit dUI frd by I cmcmtithun HAv• tuu t "' l•·d durnc t11J• .. tot'\._ "''' 'rt~ IU Ill ,"0()7 • .. ,und~ k U' Int Kt1".t n.t f<•m :i.rrr.-1.try lh1' "'.l.1t~m .. nt w•C. ltlrd w•lh lllP 1.nunly ( '"'" ot lhAri~_f. fnuntv 1)11 01 ll 01 20036931242 fl••ly J'1t•1I l•n ?q I •b .., II 9 MlOl w<M9 1ht full 1w1rw ,,,.,,.,,. ·"' J111n5• hu• 1•tf'"" t\ 1,1111 AWANNA 70fd JI 81r1 h l:lfllr Yutb.t l H•tl• I A 9?1186 '.111• C.lrurn l06lll ll1rd1 I 111 I• Y•11b.1 I ind• I.A 'JIHHt, It I ti 11u11, .. , '°' 1 no tu• h· 1 tiv ..,, md1y1du.,1 U.hf Y'ltU l.Jtt1 J d ''''( tlu .11,,."",. "' t' ,_.., 1;1 Uru111 fh• 1.1 .. n1t-nl W;1\ t1!1 'J <N•lh th!" C11uotyi t ltollo 1t fll.-10.:fl ( utmtv .. u Ill I I Ill 20036929534 11~1•v 1•11111 I PL II I 11 11, M.11 ., /00 l WOllJ Actitiws~ ,._.S"'-tt r1u loll •'W•nr on'""' 1f r rlOlllV bt,\.IOIP'\\ -l'> r111td nt c,pnr t•~ Wnfht 11 fH I I f fmtno ( 111 IA Mr,~ l.A <t1!.l(i N··~" RMlh•tt lllf! l I f .unioo I oil .. Mt-\.t 1 A 'l't.7t.1 M~IV.d'"I II B.irll•ll 11 Ut I I t Armuo f,,-,.t i M~ \ 1 I A CJ?f1i'l1 u.... hu\mf'!'.!. I' l 00 rl1tlll'd by hu·.b•nd ,md w1h• HAv~ )'t1U ·-t u tt"d ctntnt' IJu\ln•" y•P N() Nu~ S 8d!Jl~l_I __ l·Xl'LA"llfl0"" Ill t•f11Cl\ nr t01>hcd 1 Jtl '" n lU r>t ,.,.1• ,,.,,~r 1111t. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No 1044371 · 1111 f'llOC lJ 01'11 "'''"'""'" °' U8 APN 422-382-01 TRA 15039 LOan No t\! .... IV)I YOl H>l t1>,.1Jmhr•~O 11> r•~ 100666276 REF Soecovlu1, Dirk IMPORTANT ~llOl ll> C n'T M 1 thr-"'""'"'"' prir• 1pal I NOTICE TO PROf>l:RTY OWNER. YOU ARE IN "IAWYrll On '-!or· h •um nl 1~ ~11 DEFAULT U"°ER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED ~ 200'. •• 1 00 fl m W',und h) .... d Oecd of Augu1I 24 2001. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACT10H • m Mh•<'~ lru\t "'"h 1n1trc•I" tn TO PROTECT YOUR PROf>ERTY.:...'! MAY BE Ht<on•r>~ru· I n .. •t•l 11u1r Jl«mdrd. SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. If Yuu NEED AH < •hl11m11 I "'V'"~"°" •i.l•1ntt• 1f •n). undrr I EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE ~· dul~ .1111111111ted LI..-crru..-ol -..id lked PROCEEOINO AGAlf':IST YOU, YOU SHOULD T ru•lu untlrr ·•nd Df TMI ~· dw1fs COHTACl A LAWYER. On March 11, 2003, at f'U""""' 10 I Iced ol .mi.I upcn.I(\ of ~ oo ()()am, Cal·Westem Reconveyanctt CorpotabOn. ft\lit r«tlfdrJ Aul!I•" rrw1tt •Dd or 1ht ll'll>b .u duly aooointed IMllee under and purauant to 11 2tl01 ~• ln•truffW'rll uu~d by said Ottd of De8<I u4 1r\4t reco<ded August 31, 2001, as inlt ~o 20010~5'411~ '-" Tt\lit At thr umc of thr No 20010813685, ol Qtlldal Recordl II\ the otftee Pllit· 1'f off""' ttconh cnni.cl ruhl..:AIKlfl of Llul ol lhe County~ d Orango County, Stato al cucwtcd by Rotln\ J 1'1()11<.c, thr lllt41 •mount Calrlom&a execvled by Ott\ Specovius. A Single ' T •mtny •nd I r»Cy l. uf tht unfloli<I !MIA"'" ol Mal\ Ml teff at~ tuctlon to hlghes1 btddef lot r •mtnv husblnd •nd the ohh(t"llOn .ec.urcd cash, cast119f'1 check drawn on a at.ate Of Nllonal ,.,ft•• "'"1"'"'1· '"•hr hy tilt •bo•c dc\Cnbcd t>anll, 1 check drawn by a at.ate Of federal Cf9dtl off~«' "' tilt 1 ount Y <Ired of rnnt and unk>ll, Of a ctleCk drawn by a atate or lede<al R~mlcr uf o .. ,,~ tcd 1 County, 'Ii.ate of cuin• c~" aavings and loan associatiOfl, aavlngs assooallon, C"1hlorn11. wru. SELL U p«'nKl and ad••ro:c. Of NlltngS bank specified In Sectton 5102 of ll'le AT Pll81 IC Al f"Tl()'ll ., Sl .206 IHll 00 h " Ftn1ncial Code and authonzed to do bulll9ll In 10 llJGlll:.ST OIDDF.R flO'tlblt lhll II tht umc .,,,, ...... AJ the enlrlnoe lo the OflnQll City,,. •. FOR CA'ill ("')abll' at of .. tr lhr op-n1n1 bill 300 Ealt CNtpman Avenue OfanQll. C.loma, al umr ni ,..1r ';;i lawful mo bC' ltn th.on tht r9ll b1le and lnt(l(est COl'IYtY9d to and row hetcS by -~ of tht l: n.ltd rnul tndrl>ttdlX'-' <tut II undet llld Deed al TNSI ln the propeltt eitulted Sllttr1 1rd/111 thr Tllr btntfici.try under In Mid County and State de9ctl>ed as ~lely cl\llott'• "rultcd or •~td rirrd of 1 nlil h) delCnbed irl aaid deed of trust Tht slreet addreu oc>w ctwd.• •pn:rficd '0 "'" or • h<e.1eh of and oltlef COIMlOn CleSlgnltioo. rl 1ny, al ltle real 1n C1¥1I C"odf 'io<cllOn dtl•ull tn l1'r prooet1y dHct'ibeCI lbOVe 11 putpOl18d IO be 899 l9lAh (V.plllr 1n full •1 uhhpllofl\ '"' uml WHI Wiflon SlteeC Cotta Mell Ca 92627 The the t111w uf wle1 A I on ~i:,.~:i., •1•1 ~~r·~~:;: unde~ Truatte dleelaltM any liability lot any lhr Iron• Jtc~-. 10 lht: to tilt u11dm1sntd • lnOOf'9ClneM ol the S1rMI aodr9ll and olh« r!llnillLr of tlr On!!Jt' wnnrn ll!K~"''" of common de1ig11aboh, If any, ~ heflVI Slid Ccu.: ( tm-r, lOD f' Oft•~'' •nd nrn1and lor sale Wiii be mac». bUI "41~ ccwenant « (twp'lliln C)nn~. ~Ir. inJ wnllen l"olocc W&ITMly, ·~ OI itr'CllltO. r~ hlle. C1.t.forn11 •II trS)ll. !Jilt nf ritfau-ind n1 polHUiOfl, oondtliOn Of encumt>tanc:M, n::ltJdino Ind·~ I con~)'N LO I h.hOfl 10 CllM the ..... cNIV'I and •llP9flltl °' tf\e Trustee and cj ,,.,,, now hflJ by 11 1nldent&nn1 111 "'" utd the trUlla c:t•ted by NJd OMd al Truat, to pey lht Ulldrr 1w11d Ottd of pl"Uptny 10 tiattdy uKI remaining prlndpll IUIM of the note(I) MOUl'9d by !.""'1111~.!"1"~1dpr!lpc(·-·!2 obllpuons •nd tald DH<I of Trull to ~1991,02!r~ wtlh lnlerelt .. "" -~, tllrlf'dlt'f the lhtfwon from April 01, """"., t "'1V10t per tlVIUl'fl ind :\IJIW 0.-~nt>rd U undtrlllf't(I Cl~ .. id u ptCMded In tald note(I) ~ COits anCI any I.ob S.Jld 6 Biol .. IU -.iatia of ntf~vll and adva.ncM wlfl tnt9'911 ESTIMATED TOTAL DEBT el Tr•U No 1\4. tfl Ilk ( ll'lt-I<• ~II ID bl '2?:),598 82 Tho '*"4laary .... &aid Deed Of r::.t1 ol Nf'......., Oncb. rt>.mlcd 111 lhr tovn17 TNll IWetotln l.*"'9d and ~ IO the c.-y "'On11~· ~1•w .. hf,. 11w ,..., ~n,. ~ a wrllten Oec:lnllOn of Oet.llAI and el ( altlunw ~ l'l1' • loc .-J · IM,; DtmlnCJ lot S., Ind a wntttn NoOce OI D9td _.,I' ..... ~',,: )~ klw-, \ :00 and fllQion IO Sel Ti.~ caUMCI ...CS > ..-. l.t 11 JU YI f. IA Nollc:e al Dlf auft and OectiOtl IO Sell to De :: .,,:,::-~(P'o¢M~ UCOW>;YANC& tWOOrdtd In h counlY ~,. 11'19 *I j)rOp9l1y II .,_._,.,, M•h°""'> ro. 1111 r t ... r-1ma IOClll*' F0t ... lnfononatlon Mon-rlt e oo.m to ~""..~ IJf'IM end AW-111\WI~ <•a • ~ (819) 5llO-t221 C...W..ittn ;,;.., • CCMMlOll ~ '71 • 632 9'00 o, ~ Cotp I 52& rut Main Slreet. p 0 if of \Jwrlty f'Gkts TA<'_, Bo• 22'0()4. El ~. ca l2022-90C)ot 0et.s ~on •llY .. "llD PUI JIU. ~ 11, 2003 T,..... Slit Otlclr RhOndl L jf.,.llliiflll,£lll~L..11..Mm:~IL..JL-....i:L:1~:.c..-........ .;;;...;--~.fll05) Q'llltm Q2Q&'03 OiW5IJ ""n l4 01 Mil ION B IC NNANI t.• d .. rmd .a nu1tr• 2003600929 l '.Q I 'I>'"''"" IJtdcl~r •••d "'" 11 .. 11y hi ·I ._,, -~ r'" llJHN R SCHI[ LING Af'f I... II\ t.ra rthorr1~11 '> ll l'.1 .'UOJ W1h6 ~''"' R Sctullir·e h•1 I ""''""' d Fi.....,_•·-'--• AAk •ll41'>'>J 41J1'> 1·, ... ~u o.,,.,,.,, •ii• or• "'"....,~.. M.t1._Aflhm rr111rt Swt" ttl ftlt'! ..,., Uw1l1t1titlnn Ilene Slatlnlellt '11J(I Nrw1"'1 r l:IP-" h k~"1 h Un"'" 111~h \\f111o.1 '''" lullow1na penu11\ 1. .. t1lurn1.t 9?1>f>O 1>1-,111< I .11 lh1 cilttr"\ "" d1111w b1H1n,. • ,1\ ('l4CJ1811 AAlJ I ·•111••• c;toh\loll kt"1111re• CJ/l OATlr (f•<ho) MAii 21, Ill''"' I'"' .... 11. 1111· Ai..tlf'.t lh lti'\t~ Mt""-• 2002 t>t 1v1'"'"' Ill tiu,1nr -.. !;di'""" 1 'U62f> Al AN SlA Tllt, ct .. t. •n•J l'rolr\ ""' r 1 I• Un • K11ihndn•tl' tl•1 fH2 Aia •• 01 r.u I~ M• \• C.A 'J/blt. lfrl1•. tiu .,,,.'5>'\ 1\ tort lt111 tf"d hy .. u 11trhv1ctu.1t ~tdVt' \'ttU t trtf'(t rjolO~ tJtJ',lfH •,• •r•f 1 ~O Un1.t ~r1,h11~nuu lhv ""' \l•ttmrnl w.-l!l~d w1111 lhP f l•llrtlV t.lttrk of IJr Jni"' f 0111•ty on 01 14 Ol 70036931020 011ly P1 1t r~b l<t ~t. M•r '> 12 200J W081 SUUOMS (CflAOOfl QICW) Nttlll'I IO l)fll N 111\N I t twos•• • II< u'• 1111 • 1<1 NRICK I ICOklSlf ,,,. 11Hhvutu.1' Aud OOE S I ll•IL•U~h J 0 n1 lu\••• Yllll Aki Ill INt,; SUI lJ liY 1'11\INllll I A Uri 1 .. • I• ,J~tr< •rtd •totlul VICIOklA A Wf Nfll I I An mdovrduotl Yuu h••• 30 (.Al( N llAfl llA 'I'' .. llN 1111~ ''llflrfhHl\ 1 .rt v1•d on you ru 111 ...... typ,.wntlf'!n lfl,CJt1ll'tt' •l fhJ!. lUUrl A lrll•r ut J'h1tt1e <-•II Wiit 'l•ll lll11tt".'CI 'IOU yuur tya,,.wult• 11 t t \It t ' m11,t tu .,, 1-''"P' l("a.,.tl lotm ti yuu #4ftf 111... (11ttl tc n ... u vnur .~ '·"' If you ftn nnt f1lr ynut It · •l•Hl\t un 1tnw yuu ft••Y h1'f" tht' t d"·' Altd VOUt Wdff' rlmtwy ,,nJ µ1 nJ)f''1y l'ti4y h., 1.iikfln w1thflt1I lmth,., w.unmv. hhff th.:\ I Uf I fttf"ff lH. tfhtt l•Qll ,,.qv1r1·nu tit\ Yuu mty w..,,I lu .all drl •llnrnry 11r.ht 11w,t.y II ftJ11 tt1t ool k11uw rlll •llnrnry ynu m•v •All •n ~tlr1rnrv rrff'Hill •ttfYU~ Of 3 legal did ullltc 111\lcd in lh• phun~ buo~ I o~'llll"' d• QU• Ir rnhf'&Urn est• ut•<11111 1ud1Jtal t1illil ttd ''"" .. un pl•tn dr lO DIAS CAI I NllAHICJ~ para prn•n f+tf UOt6 ff!\liUf"'•I" r\ lllld • maquma rn •~111 cmff'! 1Jne1 cnrta o una llamada •~lrloniL.a nn I• of,.., -r A prolrtrcon ~u rf'\PU••I• enr11.. • mu1u1n• 111,nt qua < umplu con la' formal •d•dr \ lr1•lf'\ Jp1op11 di• \I u\led qulf'fr qu~ la cortr r•cu<:hr \U ••~o S1 u\lf!d nn prr•enla w fO\PU('\l a a hempo. pur•dp per de1 rl caso. y I• putd•n Qullar \U , 1larn1 •u dmem y olr~\ cn~•dt •u pioptedad \IO av"n 1dte1onal po• Pilll' de 1.t u>rl~ I usl•n olrns r equ1\1 to• lr&•le' Puede qup U\l('d q111er a llama• f un .. 11nr~t10 1nm•d11t1 "ttnl• Si 1111 1 n11oc11 11 un •boaado, pu1d1 ll•nlKI ~ 1111 \l'IVICH) de ••fl'rtn<ll de abo1odo\ o t un" nhun" cl.-oude lr111 (Vu el dlf•<IOfkl felftton" n) CASI NUMIUh CN-•••4e1Ce.e) 02CCCM'37 JUOGI GllAlO O. JOHNSTON Ol'f.(29 lhe n1m11 and addritu or th• • nurt ts (ft n11mbr1 1 dll •~don de la w11t nl SUf'CRIOR COURT or CAtlfORr.tA C~TY Of' OllANOl , CE NTftAl IUSTICf Cl Nl(lt, 100 Ctvi• C1111IH Ot1Vt WUI, Santa Ana, CA Y2101 fht 11•111•. tddt ••• ind t1~hon11 number of olalnhlf • 1tlor11ey, or 11111n111f without •n •ll1>1111y " (Cl nomllf'e, 11 111trec<111n , el nw-• (Actworle), '•• l11ott /O/R I'> .. ~I l.y CORAZON IOltSAY. 1·1b1 !;111111, 1 f• ol~ Oepwty (Oelegoclo) tL II 111 I !!CO lh• f/t'. N 0 TIC l T 0 T H l fllll I r "II•" •I 111 •I 1t11 PlltSON SlltVfO; y.., l11d'1• r II •• \\ lht or• ••rvecl o• a" ti.11 .. w1nr '1 .•• dt • lncllvh,uol defendant f111n(\ t tf t ,,otr '' tur ' 1•utit1•h,.c1 Nrw1111r t lflt''''''t·,.1 .•f th1 tur1 .. 81 .nh Co'\ld M~\ 1 f>oitily Ht• hul 1\ ~uL1111lt• 11 l'1tul f •·bru~ry •, I~ l'l ti•\\ < II Any lurlth r /h .'{)IJ l Wf•,'J Ufll \.0 1t ••O t ii dt ltlt" MOOOOf MW OOtC SAU lv!Mess • Profeui. Code Se<. 21700-71707 N .. tll • I\ hl'fl'by V,1••11 by lh• under \lljnrd lh.11 • 11ubl1l \di• ul 111 .. 11nd•• hSl•d do~1tb•d pr•s,.nat prop•rly woll hr ''"'11 41 lhf hour nl 1II1 u '""Ii AM 1n thr ( 7•,, da1 ul of r •br u•• y /11().l Counly uf 11r•nrr <;1 .. 1t ul Ldlolurn1a lh• prnprr ly •~ >l1111·d uy IN'i TORAGE COS I A Ml SA lno all'd al '10 ~ Nf Wl'Ok I 81 VO cor; 1 A Ml ~A l'.AI II UR NIA 'l'bl/ lt•r 1lfm~ 111 bt \uld .tff" Rf'Ol"f otlfy dttt.t t1bf'"<I .. s. l1tlluw' C:luth1na lu•1h mil or other hou\~hotd 1t1 m'\ ·.tor •d by thr l111t1,..,,,,~ .,..,,,,""" lln11 • ll 111 R11byn M•h•ll~y tl/H luAn Ol1v•ra Hlf,;> MMll Wy•or1& Rl67 Anlornnr11e G.tl l•ehrr fl Jlll R•ymond Crotr.111 R lli8 P•lh W~yn• till'> Ruth1lc:i lll1veff• C l?O Sl•vrn llntl11 jllWyt h r 1 l/ f n•l•y I 11\lld<h !Jalrc1 f ~IHIMIY 4, 1001 "'RllMJ Manurl Salam•h lh1\ not1L# n, 11ven rn A( I UI d.411( f" Wlfh th~ P• uv1\t0n• of SPc lion ?1100 el S•q ol th• flu\lnr " & Protu\lun\ C'rid~ of fht! Stale ol C.1htnr n•a Sal• Sub1et I lo ""°' t •ncellat1on 111 lhr P~flnl ol •Ptll"'"~nl belwern OwntH •nil Obh11ted P•r ly Pubh~hed Newpm I Both Co\I• Me\4 Oarly Ptlnl f ~bru.ary 11 18. 19 7003 1040 MOTICI CAWN6 f<ll ll'S [)1-lr1<1 Hunt1n11ton UP1•th llmon ltlgh School 01\trnl Bcd Ot1dhne Thul\ d1y M<1.ch IJ. 2001 200pm Plau ol Bid R~ceipl llun11n11on Beach llnton Ht&h Sc hool Oistrn I Purch•"'"I Ot111rtmenl 107!>1 Yorlilown Ave Hunlmatnn Beach. CA 9~6 Prnl(!ct· Btd •896 I onlball r leld Renova lion Hunt1n1ton Buch H11h School NOTICE IS HCRCBY CIV£N lhal the Hun Un1ton Buell Union Hilh S<hool 01\lfl<.t uf 01'8n&• County. C11Hf01 111•, •t tine by 111(! throu1h ll• Cov.i nln1 Board, fTttelnalltr 11 ftrml lo 11 "DISTRICT", wlll ttctlve up lo, but not ttltr than tJle •l>on· ,uted dtldllne, u•l•d ~ •t the pit« !deft• l1f11d 1bov• for the 1w11d of • conlf.ct IOI tilt 1bovt Pro,.cl Iller• wlll 1>41 • min dllOI'~ jttb ... 1... '"" conflftnce 1t 9 1m, T!luod1y, February 27, ioos 11 Hunlln,ton o .. c11 H.i" SfhOOI ~ M.tln $!rut, Hvn~nctOft ,.. ool •II t n11· I ttn f, I •1•11111._ w1I r-.. '"Wt l11t 11., ,,. i•o"'''-'' I HUt' " (1f th,. ,. '""" r Alf wu1"-u1u•.t t,. 1 ''" 111,.tHt w1Ut1n t\f ,.,,, 'I H1tY• I .1h·11tJ ti ····~ ''""' th• d .. ,, •.51to• lft• .1 un ttltt Nntn tt tu f'uu .,,.tt 1•,\urd by lh• Ill-Ir" I I 11 h l"d h cl r, .. "1 l llUlpltlff"d by hlf1 ~t« 11nty to It• I 1t10 ,1 • o4\h • C• r Ill·• t t,1,nd tf 1 'l ''h•wot ttol ,,.!J• tn .. I! t1 I llf"•tf'tlf ( 10 I nl lh• 1011 'J 11111 ~JI It t lMYAMt to fhf OISTRll,J lh•· IH';IRIC 1 '"'""''• th• 11~h! lro I>!'!• I •ny or >tll tuch u• In ""11111., lfl"Y H ff'a'lllo111t1ttfll \ rlf '"'"' m•"I.,~ tn otn't bn1· 01 111 ll•r b1dd1r1t p10 (, '' I h• ~ 11rfrorn1a 0•11•" I "'""' 'I f '"""''I Id I Ht-fdllOO\ hdc drf,.I mm,.d the ""n~t ·'' pt,. V•lllll~ 1 lit\ ,,f p•r d1pn1 w•I" lor lh~ lo• "Illy m wht' h th~ wur" '" tu fit I l><'rlflfml'd fri• lh• t'rot fl( t ( np1tt._ ttl thP\ .. w.t.:fl t 1tfl d~tr• "''"" hon\ •nlillrr1 l'tt.,.rhn~ W•R• S< •IP otre mdlll IA111rd •I ll•e OISIRll 1 11111<1 And ~,,. •v••I •lllr •• 1 the lollow1na wth•.11< WWW 1ltr l d KtrV II '" 111 IJp m~nd8lury 11~1011 lh• \lltl r 1\llll 1t1dd1•1 In whom lhP lOlllra• I '" •w~•drd dnd upun dllY \ubtunlrMlor hsled In O·•Y nut le\\ lh•n tltr 0111 •Pf'( 1f1ed r aln In all wnrk•" rmplny•d by lhPm fn1 lhr Projl't 1 No bidder may wtlh drrtw •ny bid lor • pe11od of M•ty <60> I 1tltnd11 d•Y\ •flM lhf' data HI tor 11111 open1n1 of bid• l'u,.uo1n1 to Publ11 Conh.ut Code Sr<l~in 22.lOO the l\cteemtnl w1tl conl•1n prov1\1on\ llP<m111ina lh• •m' "" lul b1tlde1 tu •1111,111111~ \~c vrtl•n Int •ny mun 1t\ wllhhtld by the OISTRICl lo '"'urt ptrformanc.e undl'I lh• Acretmrnt or P••m1lltnl payment of reltnl1Dn\ •uned due<lly 1ntn @'crow BY Covernme 80;11d S11ne<1 1S1 Su\c hklanr Otr ector Procu1pn1wnl/ ! nt111v Cnowrvttton l'ubltth•d NAwpor I 8u1 II t;o,lft M1"1 0111~ Piiot I ebru•rv 19 711 2003 W014 TtUUsAbout YOUR GWGESAlEI In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 .1 .. 11 11 , "-S I I I -llttnlmf OIAHG£,CA.t'Z61J..1S71 ,,.,.,., '"' ''"•' ow I '" I.Ult tlU ,.,,,. ""'"""Of:•-T • NIIMI I If Al.I !lllN' F'UlllUl'I • "'" 'ron '.l'AI I Nl/MH ,, f()ICllAN6(0flCAML I ••Ill' It IU!td lift OIDU TO SHOW CAUSl f<ll I "'" " M•t• 1• I I ~ ii '"'"" >/4 (JtAlt6f Of MAME CASI MA•. w ' • , I It 11 • llJIJll:A217'37 I tl,)!t/I "11 '''" 1111 A ''f' f,11h ~ It 1 INIJHf 1111 MMl l>J!l l•14!1< Ill Al I 1'1 H\llN I •·~ l1tmu.-r fh,..tf t "" hlf'tf Jt ""''''' Ill ""'"' fto ! Utt fcu .f h•i ,,.,.. ~111n~ lflt' fl,t lOfO\ I '.. lulh•w ~r• It r f'cJlf t' firt ll I 1t ll11 ,,, I I H' I OIJl!l OHO! k • ,. t~t "' 1ru11 Al411 .. r h4f 4.,,,, •.. , t I.,, .. U1t 01ttt •I lfu t• tt1 •t Ith• 1l1t1 l•t'litW l·.t '.h ift I 41 \f' tf o4t1 t why tJ1r w t tt11 1.,, 1f;.111i• ,,f n.111•1 .t· 1uM "''' h,. ff lntf"lf N(Jllll Ill lllAktNc, II.ch 4 I Ill I 111~ '00 I>" (h •·' l / 1 ft1• •·Jdtr \ t HH t Oil~ t II\'\ tn"•.,_ 14· 'l 1fiPc1 Ah °'fll i A ( Ot'Y ,t th1 Of!l~f fr C,f flW I d1f P fl.tll hf" ,H1li I' htlJ lt 1 ...... I nnt,. .. ,., fl Wt',.k tn1 tour 'U' ( .... \IYf wee"'> pt HH tu II,. d.ilt \ft tor tu•4f int un tht; pel1lmn 11t lhf" tollowmtit n~w·, p.t~lf'lf nt a~ne,..tf I lfl fl 11111•• n µ1111te:d 1n lh1 r """'Y 04tlj Polul OATl: fH 10. 2003 JUOGl ltlCHAltO 0 fltAZU, SR., JUOGl Of THE SUl'llUOlt COUllT l'uhfl•,htd N• "'I"" I Hr lt h ro,ta M~~~ DAiiy Pclul r cbtuM y I 'J "' M"rrh'> 12 ZOCH WOil MOTICIOf PUIUCIDSAU ,.uh1 f' f1 herf!IJy i'Vf'n ""' Sf'< hnu ?I It.JO •I ~•q ol the C• 1l1·11••A Ru"iln'°\') & Ptuftt •,fon.11 I 1tM lh,,t lht IJnd1 1 \1Kn,1f ',llf'I HIOll MINI Slllklll>I 11!1 ,,1~11 ,,1 I GOO Sut'"""' ,. tu't" Mt'" l' 1111111111 .. I uullly "' l)r•npt s1 .. 1, ol ( Ahlormt -Ntlt (1Jn du• I .. oubl1< hrn ~:Ill' nl lt-.f" Jlflr!.r1n~I f'rt'>P,., ty """ rcb•d b"luw •I J 7 lO I• Ill nn I h~ !) dAy QI MoH r h /O-OJ I he tin <IN \ltned will ACUlfll I ••ft l>1d• lO \o!h\f~ ~ htn for Pil\I due r~n• And 1nudtntal\ 1nt111rf'd '"" -toraer •P•< '' cener alty con"'' ol tht lollowrnc dpphanct\ rlt<lronte•, houlehold lurn1tu1e •nd bf'rh, 1.1mp~abmet~ ~ H ,f, '" h Jr r .._ I./ I At1tft1 ,,_,.~ ~111• t.1 u'\k UHr11t1 fl 11ut Numt,.., l',)l',/'.'t41 A,,, 1• ,,,,,.,, 1,.t,..pt ,, ... l'j111tolor1 <'l'f<t (,M, ~I I 1 f'ul 1~1 • I N • "I ,, t 1-4,,. t l.1 Mt , , , Pih 1 t rt llj.tl 'I I t '' 71)1 1 w /1, hou\#hold i4ttd luftl• llM AnMlll' flen ''" u C:l•1th1ne rnd bore' ? l J'i Ounn.i l•nn1111t l\1k~ \U!lt~"" 1 lt1llo • rnrl bo'"' Published N•"'fl"' I Buch Co•ta M"'"' !l••I¥ Pilot r~bru•llY lq '/I) 200J WOl'> STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • .,,,.,, ..... '" '. .. •n1 'ftt1 II ti t• I rn 11 ~ I •1 ''° .t th • ~ .. 1 I c 700J697&7U I I ft I I •II ,., r.'J SELL your stuff through classified ' Daily A Pilot y s :u~ I ill ti •\ .. ' . ,, I " Ht! .. .... 1, ] . . ·I OlilY Pilot Wednt\d.iy f ebru,,uy 19. l003 All 2MO legal Notices 2MO I Legal Notices 2MO legal Notices f;,., NOllcll 26'0 llgal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 26'0 Legat~ ,........ Fldtlle. w--FlditiM iw.n Rcftm ..... 2640 legal Notices ._s...... M..s....._ it..s...... "-S....... '"• lotlowlii1 per"°"' Ito lot o•""I 1,0, on\ 111 do11na bus•neu 1, •r• d<""K ""~"'"" •• The lollow1nc 11t1scu1s lrvflle l'elnllfll a. Coat N.t .. "'• lntlot•r lOl'.l ue do•n& bu,tneu a. S40!J All p h u Po!I 801 N1wp0< I JSS7 l"C'· on ., A\trtl r1111. Hur.1111rtu11 H1tth St Newport w•y 1336, lrvme, Cali Hud1 (A 'l/f>.4r1 Hue h CA 9;o66() loin" 92604 N•lh•u ll•y liotrrll •Ym1n Suuk Kun, 6 St•v• Mk:hael r entun, I U 1 Ii l A 1 "' 11 • 1.' Whtl"~luud, It v1nw, CA t'168 Ml~h11en, Lai.1 llu111111~l1111 110,., 11 LA q7614 fatest, CaJ1lorn1a 9<J6.t8 9lio1f this bu.in•" " c.on lhn busrnn~ Is <on lhr-. ~u"""' ~ 1i • 011 • dut led by 111 1nd1v1du•t dufltd by an lnd1v1du.il <1111 INI hy .,, rnd1Y1tlu .. 1 llavr you -t..trt .. d dom11 Hav• you started do1n11 II••• t• u ''""•.t <k""ll bu\tll~''• y~t' N<J 1>uo.inHS yet? No .,., '"• fN 1 Y•• I? I Yuuh ~ooll Kun SI••• Fenlon UI I lht" •l•l•m•nt Wll\ This st.tement wn N•lh•11 H•t 1,.,, It ltlPd with lhr t:ounly I.Md wtlh the Couri11 It• ,IJh "'••11 WA' Cl~rk <•I OllllK• t:ounly ci.<11 of Ounce Count t 11,.1 ,, 111 "'• 1 111.,.11 ,,,. 0/ 14 01 on 02/14/03 1 "~ ••1 111 • ·~· c ... ,,,11 700•693'"505 20036t3JS76 ''" IJI '4 UJ .. .. OaUy Pllol Feb 19. ,(b I 700J69SI049 OJ1ly Pilot I ~11 llJ /6 Mlf !>, 12.2003 WUSO D•·ly I <1l ftl1 1•1 /b M•1 '> ll /Ofll W0/8 1111., 11 t l /llt) j >N0/9 Pol ic•\ The fpllow1nc person\ 11• dutnl busineu u 00 Cu&tom Cabtnelty £ Con•lrucllon, 2112 Cana1y 01 , Co,ta Mesa, CA 92626 David Oellect1111e, 2112 Can"y 01 , Co,ta MeH , CA92626 Tlus bus1nen 1s 'on ducted by •n md1v1duel Hove ynu starl•d do1n1 bus1nen yet1 Ho Oew1d Oellecl11••• !his sl•lemenl wu hied with the County Clerk of Ounce County on 01/24/03., 700S69S09ll O•oly Pilot Jan 29 f tb '> 12. 19, 2003 WO!)J 1 he lollowrn1 p11 son' •r • doon1 busmen u Htppon Couns.ettnc Cen tel I !>J9A 8at.e" Costa Mua, CA 92626 David MtthHI Su•pmo, 651!> Pull Royal Cltcle, Hunhn&lon 8HLlt, CA 92648 fhts bu"nos Is 1.on dut led by 1n tndtvtdu•I Hue ;ou alatled dotnl l>usinen yet7 Nu David M Scarpino MO flus statement was lll•d with the County Cletk of Onnae County on 01/14/0J 70036979611 Daily Ptlot Jen 29, r eb 5, 12. 19. 2003 W050 Tit• lotluw1n1 P•"un\ ••• dorna bus1nns •• I eno"o C nv11unm1nllll Consutllne, 660 81il•r St , Ste 313, Co>la Men. CA 92626 Ce.n• Cuat1v1.1 I enurio, 712 San Pa°"'u•I Ave f25, los An111n ta 90042 fhls bus111e\S " tnn dueled by 1n md1w1Ju•I Have you sl•rl•d dom11 bustnns yeti Nu Cnar G lenoriu Thts slatemenl .,.,, ltl1d w1t1t th~ t:ounty Clerk ot Or •n11• I ounty onOl/('4/0J 20036930974 Daily Pilot Jan ?9 f elJ 5.l 2 19.2001 WO!>l I low to Plae<~ A RditiM ..... .... s..... The lollow1n1 pet '><•If• are doina 1Ju>11t .. \ u Ander $On Au h1te. fur •I A\,01.1.atn, 1?0 ( lfltll Street C.o>I• Meu C.A 9?627 lohn 0 Ander>on 16!>/ labr•d9' Drrv•. Cosio Mna CA926?b Tht> bu\mtn ,. 1.011 du~ted by •n 1nd1v1du•I Hoot you ''"' ted d<111111 bu\tnns y•I' Ye' I I 03 John Andd '>Ull !ht\ \lillemenl ... , filed w1lh the 1,ounly Clerk ul 011n11• Counly on 01/17,03 70036930145 Daily 1'1lol Jan /9 I •b !>, l2 19, 200.l WO'JI FlditlM .... "-*'-' I he lulkiw1n1 jier• uo\ 41 • drnn1 bu\Ult'\\ •~ Oon Nu1 m•n ln•nl ri-1•nt •. '>/ OU•n V1>l• Ntwpor t 8••tl1 t A 92660 Donald M1u11c.e NUf m11n, '>1 O~un Vista H•wpotl 8ei1d1 C" 91~ I Ill> bu,.ne>> I\ Lnn du< lid hy an .nd1vtdu1t H••• /UIJ \l•fl•d Or•lllV bu~•nU\ yet' N~ Oon• d M No1m•11 I h1\ \tAt~me'1:t ••' hied w1tl1 tl•e t::ou11lv Clerk ol Ou••t• r . .,unly 1Jn0124 UI 70036930977 Oatly Pilot l•n l9 I eb !> ll. 19.7001 WOS6 IOTKI Of APPUCAOOl JO Sill AlCOHOUC lfVWGlS 11•1• ol I ''"'I Al>Jih t 8tlOtl '•nu•IY '/t.J l()Uj lu W11u1n It M•Y t:um cm ft1• N.t11,.( •) vi lhe Af>pht•nll I l•I •11 WllO IJAIS MAH Kl l~IH(. lh" •P11l11 •nh 11,.'11d •buve •r• •PPly1n1 lo tt1e Oep•t tn1enl ul Air ohuht lh•., •IC" Cnntrr1I tfJ \ell Ah uhuh( b~ .. '"l''~ •' lOHJ HAkllUW Bl v(> ~II 0 C CISIA Ml A f'A ll"ff; RditlM a..i.u "-S....... f "' f0Uuwm1 11•' ""''' •' • d11mi hu~tnt\\ ., '· I NflUll ( Ufltf ., t ... _ \~r vi&. t a. l'.AA f .. ,. w~y l.11 • r,,,t~ M• " ~A 'J/t.U 1.~1 •Id Noun /~IS~ I •11 way Or , "·"''• Mt .. 1,A 916'1/ lt11\ LU'\iUtt;..i. i\ t.Oi't do< teJ by an ntl ••Ju•• tt ...... 1f •.••• , l•d df111.: I •~ 1••' f• 01 I I <Jql •t-•.1h1 N. n f tP• ut "<ton\..,., fh••. t.1~n r r "'' A.N•ht-d I... 7tJ Uf J t f"d ,. tti. th• II., \Al I Ill I I ANIJ Wtl'jl ·•r 11 t IJt •• ~· 1 , '"', u •. 1, P1k·I r •b '.. 17 •fl 01 j tJ 1\1 /001 WOblS 700J69S7091 l>.t1I) ~ 1111! I rL 1 l'I /6. IW• ____ l)eadlirw~ ----. Rate' and dc.1tll111,, .1r.· 'llhfcl 1 111 lhangc ~ 11h11u1 111111,l' I fol• pul>lhhl·r rc-.erH~' the n~hl 111 1.l·11,111 11.1. l.i• ''"· rcv1-.c llr rc1c1. I .111\ t f,,,,,ltl·d .idvcrt1~nw111 l'k,1'l ll poi 1 111\ 1 rr11r 1ha1 ma) ht· 111 '""' , 1.""'' J Lid 11nmcd1atch. I hi• I> uh l'tl111 11.l q1h (VISA I • CLASSIFrniAD \lond.1~ l-r1J.1) .:; Ollprn no hahtftt\ 1111 .111\ l'11111 111 .111 B~ Fax 1111111hll 6594 1·1 111,lc. I tjf fl.Hilt' -..11-.I ,.11, rn.: rn1111hu uHI ""'' 11, •• 11 I ' M,. \ 11~1 I f'fh. 1• •tll II• lh· Phont• ( ti.l'J I (>.I:! 'i() 7X I lour~ lh· :\lail/ln Pt•r:-.011 : 1 lO V.l',I H.t\ "ilrt•t 1 Cm ia Mt·'" < i\ 4'h '7 .\r 'l'~ri111 Hhd AB." "it . \.1turd.1~. I nd.1\ ' OOpn .tdvcrtt\ClllC!ll 1111 "'ht h II Ill.I\ flt r1.·,porv .. 1hk 1.•\\t'Jll 1111 11t,• l" 1 111 111, 'pac..c auu.111\ •I\:• llJ'lul h\ 11.. c '"' Crcdll c.lll 11nh Ix .111•''-'1.'tl 1,., 111 • 111,1 1n..crt1on I dl'phorn: >< '\Oam 'i llOpm \1oncl..t\ I nda> V. ti~ In Ii 111am "' OOpttt \111rula\ ·I nil.r\ "'iu11Jj~ . I nd.I\ "i Ollp111 ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1770 MERCHANDISE FOR SALl 1 ~l 3010-3940 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 1489 $ 2305-2490 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE lost 1505 Cats 3610 4'wit "" .<!P.alfw .. ,. lOST ~ P•-. ,... ~,. ,.,, .,....,. lrr.Jl'Y1 be.Mltfi,A Wr.1 t ut l t:X 10' I 4""• t•. r~m ~ ........ •• , Sl'l(l) ~II{' •,,, ...,, Collectibles/ Memonblfia 1160 LEGAL SERVICES TOf' SS 4 RlCOllDS £TC 1--------~. Clr&. h. ':JJ, & HI• AdopfiOfl & Ill Mee SiA<t 1~ 111•" Foster Care Mt~• 949 b4"> 7!o0'• S • .a e"1ces 2650 ENT£RTAINMOO Cllendarof Events 1310 f Ot.W llOOSllG oniol1UflTf All r•.ot P'l•I~ Adv•• 11 me m th1• nr-w• C>itllH t'\ \ub,.et.1 to th'" f .,d~ttt! I '" Hou"n~ At I <JI I '11>8 "'-•mrnrt•d wfllt t- flllkfl , it '''"~•I ,., itcJvl'f h' II •toy fU t· f.-f Pnl~ l1m1t11t11111 '" d1·.t ummAhun hJ\~cl 1111 ••t.• tnlof rrli.,:111n '"' '1i•ndK.•P f41m1l1.i •.t~•u~ CJf rtAlton•' ot1i "1 01 '" 1nttnt1un 10 ma9'.f' ""°' ' uh Pft-t•reru ,,. hm1t.t t•"fle'W dt\.Utmrn.AlltJfl 1 h" nttw'p .. Jltof -., I n11t knowmlll1Y • < 1pt •''Y •dwtr h\~m ... nt f, ,, 1 ~•I ttl•I~ whlC h tn Vtnlal10n nl lh• l.tw Our V*"-1 Mtclecl ~/mtwC•t ......... -llO<J1 • ,...,,""' 11 "'-' ' .. ~~ f, t .t '••h-t4'! '\• tt.f1:C"J oi•ff I•·"•• "° 11"' ,,,,..tf_, I '!. I on""''"'°"''' k•I·• n~ f& 2S f,l\l, f\. "'fl ,..,, ..... '*-ti 114 I "'"""""' 114 .. ll t'lll~:'.1>4"41 BICYCLES Bicycles For Sale P'ou9••I Ill<• Mt••t.-a1 I ,,., n nly lr.t11•r h1mann ,,,ft,. S200 7W /l~I HOME FURNISHINGS , .. d.,, are 11~r•hv furniture 1nlu1 med lh•I dll ""'"" "''~ adw.,ll~11d "' "'" Deuble bo• 'llr •nR O«W\p,;tptl M• ·~\lfthl• 11etll• & trA"'I' l'K:W. nn 1n equ•I 0111,.,1 t11111ty $.HI w 11... , "'.t.;, $50. bn.. 1 ,, .. ro ~ ~·· , .. , S50 1,, 'nmpl,;orn or d•~ l c'I Ir · S "..O 0.. llumtd crimn1atron 'all HOO lnll 11• SIJ't Down ..,..~,. lrtt 11 I aOo 424 8590 • '-S?'>IJ '14'J M.' ~ Auctions 1483 ANTED LAR GI OVlR - SfUfflD COUCH Motlp1 n M•rnun ltkl' new Sl7!> 949 '>I'> UlJ7 ~ ,tft-I 1 t ... "d I It ,.t~r ,.,,, 111 '11 h., ... /..I '""'l•fl .- 1 1 Ar ' t N.-1~ 1• ..lt'il(}.11 Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises 3905 IMlll'jt.IC • IWI I 'iSKJNl\i ~I NfJll'j , HIHJll I I •••I "'th i, l!0(1 l•pll\lt l ••• ""' Mt' tu1 1o .. 11 r•1t1f4· J I ,.,, .. RI Ml!< ' II.Al• 1.Nlt AA.A VlNOING ltOUTt 1i, ...,..11 •~·t· r~ ..... k. 'di• ..... Rl'Jt l .. ,_, "' dolWTl ""' lfO r-11> '1111 AISOWTI GC>UHMfll 60 ~ f9lddi9www w4lh ........ -........ ...... SIO,"S. ~~2 ANTIQUES Old« Sty!. Fumttvr• PIANOS & Cofi.ct1blft RvalEstltl 3460 Misc. Otten JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS . ._~., ......... ................. 0-..~.,. $$ CASH PAID $$ .................. ...,.,,,.. WE BUY ESTATES .-.....1r.....iiy_,,. .. ~~~~l~~T7l I "' ...... i 'i J,· --- CM•I Cel11 N••"• Old Cn1n<&I Cnld "Iver ,e..--, w11c1 .... •nhqloes col• .. !Ible\ 94<1 641 9448 3610 -o;p~_... _.... ........ twort. <YI Pm 111 l'\Allrr ~ f <l.lhUI llW'fd ~'1Z19 WHY P'AY IUTAIU Soreln from St'l,990 Oo •bin S18.99'5 Triples Ire• m $48, 9'1!> plu' del •or y lo ut r op Qu1°kty Homes at Cuar 1nteed l owtst Prrte C•lt l 800 242 0060 ~t•SCAH) Ne..,,.n 9-dt Oftk e to '"•r• Furn11hed. full stnnce. ()ovtr Or $500 ,_WAY 1or momma CIA/ SIOIX>/mo 949 689 0857 t1f1 al klltlr• .,..,.i homa 96~n-0411 f!l!'!lt ·J!i!l 5005-5850 ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar COMING SOONll ,...,.... ... s.,n..g 7003 s 16 & s 16.S .loomlne $995,000 & $749,000 & 4 I 4 & 414.S Ncrckls.wo SI, "5,000 & $799,000 COASlUNI RUl.TY 949-759-0177 ~ 16.ooc>sf let, '" on ••f t~ ltlfir\1 in ilA•bo~ ~~w Hill' ~un IW.,.. '"'"'"" BUiid • fif[lhtktut new fn,tdeoc,e " t••n<odo-11~ ~JISllfll Off wed at SI ,495,000 COASTUHl llN.TY 949-7S9..0177 8-lf\ll her.. w/.....y oll1rw'L 48f 4 Slla. J .......... j dt-ll" w O<.eM\, uty Mld 1:1111_~ G• .... """""" H.t->........ ' I It'> ¥1d H,;ody t~ .1~ $10 37f>.8871 SHOlllWOOO UAl TY Tall HOUSI UClUOID HTllAT AMillNGP'IKI AGT. 949-723_. I 70 Costa Mesa P'ANOIAMIC VllW 7-llDIOOM l(TillAT $799,900 AGY.949-721-1120 Laguna Beach Spectacular lot w•lh v••ws up lh• cont 1n South L.oauna Best V1lue m Onnce Counly OClANVllW ~Olldl oft Ownond PU'INJM .... iti ~Mruw 9&nSJl56 Udo Isle l8WlSf .... U ON UDO !St.AND OP'IN SAT-SUN 1--4 HACH COTIAGI 117 VIA llOU 21w t•/• lo 2-<~, "<h a,_<.,. as i.t. l .. ce4 t• S-69,000 Ar 949-75'..0SOS w 714-307-4214 fUUlOUS llACH conAOISI JUUlOUS NIWPNT llACH UHSTYU II New 2 StOfy Jer 28a w/1~a1• {l 76AC l3115A/B P) $150,000. Remockled ZBr 29• (131..UXU/U) $0,000. WatetVi.w 281 28• wlfirip&K• (S200S3) SH.000 UASJDLANI ..... CAll'f1Mt on9ISAJ.-.1 , .......... lt.UMllolM.S..,· .... •ffke/ptt .... ly~ll,111,000 ......... ~ Index IWESTATE llllWS P'RIMI ISTATIS P'ATRICll TINOll NA YIONWIDI USA 949-8S6-970S www P•tr..:...,tenurr t.om VlNTAGI llACH HOUSl ON THl WATlR. CAU NOW AGT. 949-723..-170 Newport Coast P'RIMI UTATIS P'ATllCll TINOll NAYIONWtDI USA 949-156-9705 www pat11clo.1enure com ""+""""" ....... Crest < U\tom eosu.t~ wf1tl c.Ml\'llfl & 11U<¥1 view<> Offt!fed at S6 !>00 000 <•••tltn• :::z.949-759..0177 MISCElilNEOUS RENTALS RentalTo Share 6030 Rf5lf llllAl RHHALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula 71r De, 'le pr patio w d d;w, .,.... crpt pall11 lowt11 Ullll 27'3'. 20tt1 St $1 1'bno 949 723 1186 ......... 2hr 2ba 14l!JS~ till lo bttt W/decll. !illy 'Ulb.. w/d, Ire, p $21CX)TI 94!Minmo.~ Corona del Mar rtrn l rrv, ----~·~ 740;·74:., I ~~SERVICE DIRECTORY -For All Your Home and Bu5ine5s ~ecd5 - Under the Service .Directory Banner (~") Reach 80,000 H omes Each Weck 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4wcck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 BAYFRONT Community Hu~e I SR I BA w/Harbor Vie-w SlOOO Gorgeous 28R 2BA w/Harbor View $2500 lal'lf ~ Pados • ~ £.lttritt • cances Wood ~ flr~cm • Private Bua & Marina • Splltba S.tmalq PMI • l.116~ Tniplcal lat<bcaplJI& • Secoeck to BalbcM ltlud. 8Qllde Sbopplac Ceoter. ,.....11'-d '°'"* del Mat Lu• Prn111 ?br lb• '"~' ltvrm w Ip !:lay Vtf"'" lrm m\lr ltvr m 1••f1<1 7 car pk1112, lrtr wtl •Jll S2600 949 6/'i 7!100 Ptntn\ul~ Pooni ,f R ltH I lba • loll, "" Jtahn yd nrw p.mlt blind\ l•nd\< 2 c ear wd hkup •rt S2650 949 611 1800 Newport Coast UYSTA1 COVl UASl/NIW, 2 STOIY ,. .. pan,1vtt 'lhr Sb• • clrn. ~··• eu1r~d Many u•.tom fulurrs thru out 0~~01i110f fnu,ht> el•bnral~ tand\• now undet way AVl/I. 4 I Q.l S]WVmo IJ! 949.fih 2311 Private Tutoring 7990 flUTI LIS SONS ( • p d tuch~• hil\ new open ' ~-&P'crt-... Sale• P'eoltlont ~·'~" 'k.~,,. ..... , ...-• ...a~ f.«111 ~ .,,,,..... Jill t.mt>r..-•If> twvnlld ~~m .mri M<'tJ . ..nr l'l<wt I() lt\-.'4•1 ....... ~.'82J)lll> <0RA\l •ARn 1•P£ RA TOR. '" Nrwpor t fho·.J h, n~ A1rpo11 J l' f'.ttf time Wit I 1 ,1 ' ~4q !!J l 9790 Sal .. /Gotler y, Ralbo~ ~....i 4.,.,. .... ·~ ~ ....... JH""'' ~ p~ • ..,., Pf{~ ••P Sdl..r, • ""~ 'Jot'l•.H•"l'J.E ,, IOOTH ltlNTAL "''"' Mfl'·.t1 1P•J'" •Ion Rrd 11n.ttJ1~ C.111 At 'M'i 1>4'> tlbttl Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 IMW 97 3211 •, ......... lf11' ~., .,.,,., •• S • J .,._,,. '"+ I ~Pt Ua:n 1 tfHP >'' IMW 99 l2J1 Conv '--...,1 .tu:., , .. , t jttt.. tht ,,~ ,, ... ~ , ,1 1ull '"'~· NH Jfl~r l.'l~~J•tn iu 4 • ··~ H" 14 I ·~J l~J' WW"W Ot,ttttt teM IMW 3781 c-.,..l .t"I ,,.. l... •Joo). .... • J_ ., .• lAfo "° t .,...., ~·t IMW 9S S401 llo '• , ~ A ""'• • ,_. • $'<# • '4• .. ~ IMW ·~a 740il • • • r ,. .t ~... ' • v c '.. l -l'~ ,. 4 4 M _. l«M d W•"-'• i'Y.> 21 R 1 IA Al'T •niis tn Co\I» ~ \lu<l<O Over I CM e•r '#dllt.ups, Lise Slttk 949 '>74 11.> 17 no pets$ I 7SO, mo call w~days 949 863 1390 Mer111erlt1 Jlr /21• luaury relurb home $325l)n Atoe lartt ,.. 2Br I&. ,.. carpet lo paint Sl700m 9&71!>-3513 OCUN/IAY VllWSlll New home 4br 3.!>ba 2 story, deco,.tor perfect tn ewuy wey. Only foot steps to ocean vlewon1 bluffs ind yacht h•rbof ent,.nc1 chanrwtl Sun loon .. /t••ece An1I mid Mlrdt ~ S1 UDY OOo Af'~ZJll 1 Ir • lrom $17!1/mo w/p In lovely pt.cl comm ,_ Trt 5qise. ·-Indy txilty. KWn ~ 8'77·'°4-86491<9200 ll1I llr. new carpet 6 p1lnt, cwd carport 277 i6th PIK• 113. SI 100/mo no pet• 949 720-9422 JBr 2..58e. Flt f p, c.~ r9mOdlll, MM rn. '* ~ ~ '° 'M:A 12l915mo !MNQ 99)9 -.,.rtllldt * YIAMY* UASIS llll GRUr.oY REAL T°"S .... .,, ... ,. , Run your ad in the Newport Beach-COsta Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card# or mail with a check today! Run for a weekl If your car does not sell, we 'll run It for another week FREEi AJI tor Just s20·. -., D YES, SB.1 MY CAR --.. -.------Ml:dll----s:.~ 8::.:-;z I':..":.. §_,,_ g _...._ ..... --...... 0-"' ..... ' --o .. c.....-.a -a.__ 8-...... s--g-~ .......... --............ - -_. -.... ._. ._. --._ II '' '" • lllf• INIEPE~ ' l 12 Wednesday, February 19. 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ACROSS 1 NttW W~ .... .,. ... 6 TMlled 10 8ow end $Qrlj)8 14 Lu.M.tw~ 15 Mine uutpul 11:1 Bogus bullOf 11 Do ft !Qoldlalpo 18 '"S#&n ,_,. .... c:osunc 19 Nasn~~s -McC.nllte 21.l ~ leal!J•ll n ,..,,. ;rJ r,..., .. ,.f ""'' ;>4 CoHee 11Mma1..e 26 Ra.ny~ ~Vlng'J ll YwdS I JO Help<ng J<t~ 36 Swampy wees J6 -Wto~t 1u1e~1 37 lnlu.llOO 38 Bclt\llChes .., L4 Mott.1 OI bo•ing • 1 Had dwvwlo •2 A<nUll Wl'8ftll!I "3 Wa5 luf~ 44 C>a!Cf '°"'' 46 TwU"Sreel name 48 Ml¥! &bllr 49 Hawdo Plu t·e your ud t u duy ! C94ff) 642-5671-t l'hu· .. \lillr'Ud lod u .. ~! 1'1 .. '11 f•·tl·!'i67H _se..;;rv;;;;;ice;;;;;D;;;iredD=;;;ry=;;;; I Carpet Repalr&les Accoonting NOllll TO RfAOfRS (; 'flfUfflld ldW ff* Qllllt1\. th.ti (f111h .. , h11~ t.1ktng t<>lo' lhJt tnt.11 S'l'JO "' mooe l lrthur uf f0,1tt?f 1.11' l tu· lu t-11<.ed by tit'" I 11tlr ti'"" Sl,ol~ I tr rot"' f!o;ord Sl•I,. I.ow '''" 1 P11u11 ~· that •unit tCl11r~ trn ludt Ito'' he,.,...... numtwf (II '" utyPf11•.tng l'OU ( .u1 d1t'• ti tht \IAIU\ uf YOllf h fl'rt ... f'd ( 0 11 I, d Lt,,' ,, I ""WW ' II l-' )!llY UI kUll ill I l>I R IJnh '' n rd C"11n•rat tor l 1~1nK 1nb' flldl 1 .. 1 11 I••· lh11n S500 lllU"tt • t 1t1 tO fhPtr ,Uhlf1I 11•,f•lflfoflf~ lhAf th••v Af .~ nut l1t.~O\f"d b y 111• l.unlr.1l IUr"> •ltdh lu.t'n~ Board Additions& Remodeling f ARTH9tG lfTOllOltS K~ '""' lHll R""•idol M;lb::n b 1 "lJ*n7'l1' ITI ~ \/S.M:: 919(,.f)!lv.J Carpenby • WollUnlh • l'u•lnm Built tn• rruwn Mr1ld1n11s. 6a<>t' Board<. l •'>7798? 949 8J7 5642 Bootkeeplng TAX RETURN ON WHEELS ( ;JI for free CJUOIC 949.422.2863 1-tO ll'OU . Moblle notary & boollk-per for emallbu•tn- fu1 Frie a A&nlabk s.I ywr •w.te4 lfl!IH tilt my wtyl Pleet 1 'Clnslfle4 t4 ''"'' jt0)642-S678 CARPET CARPET H>pJor\ P•tch1n1 lnst•ll C.uur lo •1u• 41ny '°le JObS Whult'\.tle0 949 497 Oi.>05 Computer Services • Carnputar ltapolre • Suflw.11;. Upa1adl's lutn1111a lra1n111a r.ooµJtr<r () ~ ~ COMl'UHR SOl.UTIONS I ,..,,,,,11 ... Nr·µ.u" ( U•f!llJI /'{ • flui// ,t.,\\u1£.1n,_ lntcrr,,.t 'w·t1111 j.,.,,/ \h 1rm1: '\~( " Tilt r , ""'"''·'""" (A.II Jiff 949-510·41 J O :.~:.puC•r \(Jft, 'l 1r1101r ~ l1mtt1,.ll • f 1_._.. •I unu•lnng I ~rii ,_, , _, •• • _....,.. t,, '" • • Jllllw ....... 1ci-11• c.iu ... _,.,a.- (949) 548-9595 Carpet Cleaning SAVE 35%0N Carpet • Furniture Rug Cleaning Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATE 23 YEARS EXP. BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800-559-7181 FIND SEU your unw3nt11d 1lem\ through clautft~d Both vulflCJ'11ble We,1 ~h (b :Wring at four hcani. doubled. NORTH • AJ 96 -108 64 2 K WEST • K Q7 £AST With We-.t openang in tu, be\1 1>Ull, North W!!iely cllOtle 10 ~ 00 the first round. then emerged wuh 1 bll· anc1ng double when & e's one no llllmp was passed back IO him Sance partncT did not need 10 have a 'ood hand for lh41 acuon. Jaso;cm cho6e lO ~imply compc1.e wuh two ~ after East rclteated 10 wlllTlOll<b. hu1 whl!n North promi~ Mltlnd value~ by raj,. ing freely. South procccdcd II> game • doubled b,v Eitst an the hope of dil'C<lt· ing a spll(le lead. ·~r54 • 10 A S A Q2 • J 10 7 6 54 J • 9 53 • 108 2 SOlITH • KJ2 .I QJ9J " 98 -.AJ64 F.Mtl INT l ,_ Obi Opening lead: Fi\C of • SOUTif ,._ 2 .. ,._ West dutifully led a "l>llC.le und Ea.5fi. ien I~ lO tbc km!\· 'n1cdangcr of a spade iutT was looouog. Su~ declarer led a uump. Ea.q would will with tbc ace, lead a diamond 10 West'\ ace and ruff a 'pade to rocn· pleie the defensive book. Wes1 's kmg of beans would be the serung U'IClc. Declarer found an elegant COtJnler. In the mld· 19<.i<h. Po land bcc:amc 1hc fi"1 Iron Cunain .:ountry to .:merge "' u fon:e in bncJgc. and lhl-y h.t\·e remained in the forefroo1 ut in1cmu1ional pluy e\cr \IOCe. llen.· " one of thl!ir ~lam Kry\lOfl Ja.,..cm. Four roundJ of clu~ w•rc played. West ruffed with th"t seven and decl3rcr diSClll\lcd dummy'• ~mg o f d13mOll<b. W~t duly gave EaM a 'pade rulT. but no matter whn1 Ea\1 ~rumed deCIUJ'l.'r would gain the lead and play a trump. wid grc.11 would ~ the fall thereon. All dcclan:r ltl'll wn' three irump trickll. twc• by way of ruff~• Cadlllac 't6 Savilla Gr~ ltlY. loob/runs pf'rl $6995 v541895 CM Dir Rochi<d 949 646 7822 IMW '99 7401 Ok ml, 3yr wari nail ,,Iver e• ey llhr CO. hke new 'ond, v579241 $24,995 r1 m fln av~~ Btu 949 586 1888 -w ocpa1 tom Chevy btandad Cab '91 IMW ,98 5401 Super new paont, new hr~. dearo, blk/tdn llhr, 63k, 0<tilndl owner S4,500/obo itUIO, SZS,995 v512698 CM 949 6S9 !i5lKl Dir Richard 949 646 782? C~lar-,9-4-W...--lng--lX-I IMW '99 Ml Conv, 5wd 621< mo blue/nh llhr. S'l7 995 vCAJ277 CM 0. R>.hird 9664& MO I MW '94 3 18'•1 C1ut ea\ mtlaee 2dr 5\pd P"> 6& mo. slereo <a\'l red ldn int \he~p>Jlin AC. pw '"'' .. 1101' I owner , smell\ new musl \e~ •Int •Ond Randy I.IP $9.700 871 582 2578 01 949 548 424 1 Coov. V6 54k mo, J y1 warr •vaol. sparkehne blV tn Ith• CO superb Ilk• new cond v259 721 $6995 Ion n ail Bkr 949 !i86 1888 www.oqoaW.com Dad9e '97 Intrepid Sp<ir l 3 5 116 47k mt wh1tt 'a1ey '"' 11a1a1ed, n '· li ke new $6995 lin•ntong & wan avail Bko 949 !>86 1888 www.0<pobl.com f.,..d '00 bcwelOft XlT VIO. 2911 m1. ~•lvtr/arey llhr. CO runninc board~ tully loaded, hke new v872581 S:?J 995 11 nancona av•olable Bkr 949-S .. ·18H www.oqoobl.com FOID nOlf lS '90 Runs 1lnt, 6 c~. auto, ac, cm, sunroof, pw, ps. lllt wheels, ntw tr es & caps. Blue boci S322S sel ~ P11wale party 714-SJ4-76Cll FORD PltOll lS '90 Run• alnl 6 tyl '4uto ac. ca\\, sunr<wf pw ps, 1111 whf'f'I\ new lore\ & cap~ Blue book SJ'}'}'> sell S2600 P111 .. 1lt pa1 ly 714-534·7•08 ERVICE Concrete&Mascny Irick llKk Stone Tlla COl1'ftle P•IJO. 0.1vtway f1tepk BBQ Ref\ 75Yr\ (•P lr11y 714 5511594 Tha Cement Man Cementwurk 811tk lilt & Mooe Rehabll' Nu 1ob loo small 949 548 6746 COnstnldnlContrttrs NUO MOit( ROOMl AOOrOONS & Rf MOOC l INC l •577982 949 837 564'} Desttop Publlstilng TIM£ TO 1£GIN YOUltHOMI IMPltOVIMCNT PROJECT1 r dll a plumber pd111ter handym.rn 01 any 1>f lh~ e•~•I •e1 vu ~• h\l~d he1 t' in ow \er voe e dor •t ltor y1 lH(Sf LOCAi SVC PlOPLC CAN HrtP YOU lOOAY' Electrical Services Smotl Job lap.rtl Ounun [lec:lJoc 'lUYr\ [ •P local Qud Response Seo voce/Remodl'li I I 275870 949 650-704? LICENSED CONTllACTOR Ng pb loo sm /ll ~VU•">I Repair remodt'I, f~n\. i:pil, rew SVC ~ :f'Li> AoorlnWfile CllSTOM CllfA TM 1U lrnbLIIJon. slate Ct!f MTW. 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CO, chrm whls. lull fact w111, ltke new $28,995 f orm v842614 flnancina avail Bkr 949 586·1888 -.""°"1.c- J ...... '99 Xlll c-v 34lit m1, fuH lacfory warr . spatllhne blacll/oatmeal lthr, CO, chrome whls, like new , v 677295 $34.995 f1nanc1n1 •w•ll Bkr 949 586 1888 -.acpobl.c- i.-1 11-'9t Discovery Ser-N 27~ mo. lull fact watr. bl•ck/oatmeal lthr. dual mnrl, rear a11 . rump seats. CO, 18" cl!rm whls. hkf' new, v332099 S21.995 l11m. Ion avail Blu 949 586 1888 -w.~bt c:om i.-1 ._ -.1 Dhaoway SC.7 In !'IV <tan. weeiv'b<1 ltlw. dial nm rut ll'"1> seats I-M C0 !oUpl!l'b «I& cond ~7291 Sl3.9'X> f......une & Wall ilVM. 8lu 949-~11&1 __ ........,.._ &.-d ._ D9c>oYwy ... SU Mlow llJflefl, ~ lttw. dual moon roo~. reitr ~ sea~. 6 cd chaliger . l;loaded, per:fec:t or ie <.ond Orlly !al mi Sl<'.!lX>/CJbo 94~887 9107 )lp Laau• '00 IS 300 221< m1 "'•er 111ey lt hr mnll, CO lull lacl0< y warr ltkt! new vl 57'jJ?I S21.49S l"m Ion •v.011 Bruker 949 586 1888 -.0<poltl.carn lea.u• '00 IS JOO :?:?k m1 "lvrr i• ~y II hr mnrl CD. full l•t.IOI v wair ltke new ••5?5721 S21,99S lorm 1111 dVdll Broker 949 586 1888 w-.ocpabl.com I Csa II · Ok Default 0.. 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'99 E320 .Ilk mo wh1te/1t1ey llh1 mnrl Lh ru me whl• b~aul hke new cond •~7??41 S<'8 m fin ••aol Siu ~51f'> 1888 WWW~ Marcadu '99 s:no l we 5'lk rn1. ] yr w•ro avail "lvf"• blk lthr b~•ul 11112 trind v87'l24 I $?6.99'> h11•11c1ng AV~tl l:lkr 949 ~ 1888 -w.ocpabl.com Painting Ch-t'o ..... 'llYr'>"AI> Creal Pro<eo Cuitr.onlt!l'd work r rtt ~t l •l]'j6()2 71 4 !>J8 1534 1 390 2945 IU'S CUSTOM PAINTING f'rol l 'lean. quiOlty work lnlerKH /u l itnd doclos l •703468 949 631-4610 •AINIOW atQJ MMfT P~1ntona lnVell. Hou5e/~ Qu•hty tob0 rrt~ eshm~lr I •"69897 714 636 8888 llOUSl: REPAJN"llNG lie '1'000 ANlc;HINC. j'\~~r­-=tJ_ ·,L~ '-7.f;;;t'-" --- '// l '"' l~ll~lll 949-645-9957 • IDT•Nlllm . IHTCRl()A EXTER~ --~ "-C'°"'I -..,, -~ -i=--·---,...,_ "J--.. o-... ---714-622-5660 ~~-~ ~ -PET SITTING DOG WALKING ............. .._._. (714) 376-1~31 ,.,. ....................... lllAIN ' sr.. ·-:;-CUNMG SPtaAusT TWEEDY PLUMBING 949-645-2352. -. - s.c..n a....cv ., t 21145 l -Slfi,581 Acwa '00 11et_.,. 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IOU U SSOIS 2 FOi 1 SHCIAl STUWllll'ffMm THI STltlPPlltt S~uato11nc on W•llP•Pr Removal l •588241 949 J60 1711 Window Cleaning U ... Wl ..... wC'-lftt Re5denb;ij Maell lq. & Resaiit ~ LIJC.ll re b 'rJ 714 91!}.lJr.; 96 i. 31211 CLASSIFIED It's the solu· tionyou're searching/ or· whether you 're seeking a home, apart· ment,petor new occupation! CALL LORRAINE Ar .. A GOOD AD! Call (949) 642-5678