HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-03 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2003 Corona del Mar could: be _split in redistricting City leaders are trying to keep the 'Village' in one c<roncil district as they redraw Newport Beach's political lines, but the task is not easy. sent to the full City Council four pro- posals for redrawing the city's seven election districts. The districts.• whJch are supposed to contain roughly the same number of residents, have been severely lopsided smce the city arlJlexed Newport Coast in January 2002. About 7 ,000 residen ts were added to John Hef· fernan's District 7, which already con- tained about 9,500 people. Now. leaders are looking for ways to balance out the di'ltricts. But every scenario they can come up with requires slicing up Co- rona del Mar. dent of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce. WWe're a little beach en- clave. We call it the Village. I'd hate to see it split up.~ Yet there may be no other way. l ne most painless proposal could be to cut the community of Irvine Terrace out of the Corona del Mar council district and add it neighboring District 5, which now stretches from Bonita Canyon to Balboa Island and IS represented by Bromberg. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf'ACH -N. city leaders use high-tech c;oftware to redraw City Council district boundaries. one un- pleasant reality i'> becoming ever more clear. Corona del Mar wdl not stand as a single district. by members of a council !>ubcommjttee requires slicing up this cuh esive com - munity that n ow comprise!> District 6. "I don't want to alarm anyone yet. Every scenario i.uggei.ted by the com- puter and every alternative envisioned We're ~Lill loolcing at alternatives. but we're not seeing any way to keep Co- rona del Mar alJ in one dio,trict," said Mayor Steve Bromberg. chau:man of a council sulxommittee over.eeing the first stagei. of redistricting. Subcommittee member. hope to pre- "It would be a sham e to break up Co· rona del Mar.· said Bill Sinclair, presi- But that'i. far from ..et in stone. The matter will likety be the subject of a council study session sometime soon. Evenrually. it will go on a regular council NO DOGS ALLOWED SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Dude, a 10.year-old chocolate lab mtx, and Daisy, a 3-year-Old pug, take rt easy on a bench outS1de the Crab Cooker restaurant in Newport Beach while their owner, Tracy Bennett of San Clemente, picks up some takeout food. Festival can be big break for small films Ntwoort Stach Film Ftstival 2003 After winning the Award of Merit at the 2002 festival, documentary maker Trish Kinney's film is screening in New York City. Lolita Harper Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT BEACI I -ltish Kinney sat on her hotel bed Wednesday star- ing out the window at the lwnines- cent lights of the famed Madison Square Garden , thinking about World War U. the Korean War and Newport Beach. Kinney is not a veteran and she is not a Newport Beach resident. Those top1ci. weighed heavy on her mind be- cause each were cornerstones of her acclaimed documentary "Crashboats: Air Fon:e Sailors in WWU and Korea.· which lS now screening at ~ New York lntemationaJ and Independent Film and Video Festival. Her film concepl. which sprouted THE BELL CURVE Baseballs call to action is needed once again Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONllEWEB: ~~com B ueball arrM?d quletly last weekend. aJmoct u If lt was uncertain about lottuding 00 • bereaved and quarrdtome WniJy. It needl to understand how much a good many memben of that Wnlly- baott8d with • tdm.sed war -wekome the lnliuak>n. For the pat two 1\-e hid the 1V tn my oftke turned on .imo.t aroW'td·the·dock \)fttdU.na mOldy IN BBC -which ... bJ.., In my eidma~ prcM4lria the .... briiedth and the beec. . . clearest and least controlled coverqe of the war ln lraq. But J ldcbd this habit lo watch. the Angels opener on Sunday night and thai tpmt the entire next day watd\i.ng a whole ucnce of Other bUeball openena ln Which I had only academic Interest; Well. not exactty wecd\lng. J kept i.hfl eound muted and wu more awve of tht games than ancntiw to them. And It f eh very ,OOCS. Now, I know this wlll apPiD ew ... CURW.P•M WEATHER ~ Anott.r epting day •rriva, oomp.te with aun and doud9. Highs wUI holfet In, the mkHIOI wtiti. loWs fall just ttrv of 50. S.Plc•A2 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT INSIDE For Film Fest schedule, see Page A7. in Newport Beach, told the story of war veterans whose sole p~ was to sail the seas directly under allied flight paths and tend to the fallen planes. Kinney also credits her mvitaoon to the New York venue to her Award of Merit won last year at the Newport Beach Film Fesnval See FESTIVAL. Pqe A7 VlcliWylri ~ ----Newpoft bO¥t "*> .. Wit\ arw. ........ ...... See ..... 11 QUESTION Could redistricting ruin Corona del Mar's community identity7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642·6086 or send e-mail to ? • da1/yp1/ot a la times com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only agenda for lin<tl approval. Rt"'>1dents wiU have a chance to paruc1pa1e 111 discu~­ s1ono, at both of the<.e meeungo, See SPUT, Pa1e M 0 U T H E HOME FRONT Garibay awarded citizenship The Costa Me~a \iarine corporal is honored posthumously under a law passed after Sept. l l . Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA Ml V. -Jo-.c Ganhav realvl-<l his Welong dream of becommg an Amen can c1uzen Wednesday for glvmg hi!> hfo to ser\e this count!"\ (,anhay. a 21 ·year old Manne corporal from Coo;ta Mesa. and lance Cpl Jo'>e t.uuern.>1 of I JJ mi ta received po't humou., c1tl7Rn\h1p from the Hureau of ( 1ti7.en-.h1p and lmmJgrallon ~!'Kl"'> Jose Garibay in I 4guna Niguel after being killt'd 111 the war INSIDE For more war-related news. see Page 3 \\.1th Iraq. offic1ah said Ron Roger.. the burt•au '>poke ... man. '>aid Gan bay-... dpplil·auon for t 111 tensh1p "'a' -;1wit'd Wedne..day afternoon. offinaUy cla'>.\lfymg him as a ( 1l11en < .anba.,. ~~ eligible for c1uun-.h1p through a law pa'-'l<.'d by Pre-.1den1 Ru'>h not long after Sept 11. LOOI. that railed for expedited cllvt•no,hlp for mil1tarv '>('1'1te members 11w Ganha) famtl). through the Camp See GARIBAY. Pa1e M PLANNING Trinity appeals per1nit delay 1V ministry says havi ng to wait nine months for city's permission to broadcast outdoors represents an 'undue burden.' Deirdre Newman Dady Ptlot COSTA MESA -Trtnity Oui.stian Cal· tcr does not haw tM patience of Job. Nine months too lona to l fof the dty'a pennisalon lO broedcut outstde. 91Y oftk:la1s for !ht world' TV DilDl~ the ty ~Netwodt. So on cen nftkiala lppMled the Planning ComnWiioo .. poaponemem Ol 11ty • oo ~doar ~ fut' montt.. I.Mt week, b ~ unml· mou.1y COC\tlnued cm bu a 11npowt 1n PcbNary 00 the In~ ........ ,,.. • outdoor mo.dcelfj untl it lhe cw- tty to te rn.dMocel k hli QI &U:t b • ( J I I • ' . A2 Thursday, ~ 3, 2003 POLITICS ,, .. THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE .. Money for Center Line looks to be buried P•ul Clinton Daily Pilot Despite his best e1forts, Newpon-Mesa's County Supervisor, Jim Sliva. says he doesn't expect to see any federal or state money to help build an underground tunnel for the Costa Mesa section of the CenterUne light-rail project. Silv-.t said he has spent a lot of time lobbying stare and federal officials for fund.c;. ·we're still trying to find daylight,· Silva said. Ml don't see the money coming forward... • Silva also said he is not optimistic that public money will be used for the project's estimated $100-million price tag or for a $3·million des\gn study. Officials from the Orange County Transponadoo Authority, the agency ·~ mounting the project. and Costa Mesa •• have been at odds over the projecL :: Developers. led by C.J. Segerstrom and ;: Sons, suggested the tunnel idea so the rail ;:-project wouldn't interfere with other developments in the area. including South ~ Coast Plaza ~ ln October 2001, the transponatioo agency voted to move forward with the $1.5-billion rail project. Silva is one of 15 members of the Lrdl\Sportation authority t boa.rd. • • f' The route in Coi.ta Mesa would cross "' Anton Boul("V"dfd and then head north on Bristol Street. .. .. • NO TIME TO COAST FOR BERGESON · Marlon Be.rgaon, Newport Beach's • former state assemblywoman and state ;_ senator. has been installed for a second one-year tenn as president of the Orange :. County Coast Assn. .. Bergeson will continue in her top spot for a group whose nuc;sion has been tcJ stimulate debate about coastal issueio.. ·I'm pleased to be able to provide service() to the coast association.~ Bergeson said. Mii's probably one of the oldest orgamzaLions that has been a tirelt''>-'> devotee of coastal issu~." She was installed at the associauon\ .._ ~ March 26 m~ting. The group. which was founded in 1913, maintains a who's who mf'rnher list of elected officials, bu ... iness leade~ and other community leaders. last Thursday, Bergeson, who was also the states Secretary of Educauon under Gov. Pete Wilson. became the latest to endorw A.ssemblr man John Campbell for the area'& state Senate seal She is picking ; Campbell over Assernblyman ~Maddox to replace Rosa Johnson in that seat. .. • Johnson 1s being tenned out. ~ t ~ THE TIES THAT BIND, OR AT LEAST W1N .; ELECTIONS .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. •. ·. ·. . :1 . .. . ' ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. •. · . . Assembly candidate Otuck OeVore. 11 rums out, can drum a tie to Nl'wpon Beach, a city hl' hope<. to rcprc-sent 111 the state l..<•gii.lature. Devore, who lo<,t a mce for his hometown Irvine L1ry Council. workc; a' vice president of c.:ommunications for .1 local aerospace firm. He is one of four announced Repuhhc.:an candidate'> 10 replace John Campbell Ill the 70th District. <..ampbell is seelcing a state Senate ..eat. In addition tu DeVorc. fo""er Newport Heath Ciry Council POLITICAL CALENDAR APRIL Toct.y: The UC Irvine College Republicans hold a meeting at 7 p.m . at the McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium. The guest speaker will be David Horowitz. Information: Bryan Zuetef at (949) 856-9045 ~The UC Irvine College Republicans hold a ·support Our Troops· rally at the flagpoles from noon to 1 :30 p.m . llle guest speaker will be former KENT TREPTOW /OM.Y PILOT Marian Bergeson, a former state senator, has been tapped to head the Orange County Coast Assn. for a second one-year term cand1datl' Marianne Zipp!, C oruna dd M.tr C ,op fund raiser Cristi Cristich .u1d Irvine bu,ine .... .,man Don Wagner arr nmnmg for thl' '>l'31. for the past 11 year'>. DeVore ha.., worked for ~M&A, a publidy hl'ld comp.my that lr.tde\ on Nasdaq undl•r,he w mhol WINS I >£•Vore also manag<·' 1he rcwarch dt'JMnmrnt of the delt•n,t· and :11 ro .. pan• t<>n'>ulung firm. I h'> 1ob h as ~wn l11111 fil1111hamv Wllh a puhht role, sine<:' hr 'ervt•.., a~ tht• 1>ublit late ol rlw cor11pa11~ I le ~Tiil'' Ill'>\\ rl'lt'a'>t''· managl.''> tilt" rompa11\ '\\1·h '"l and help'> wntt• tlw c 0111p.rny·., fi11t11111;1J re pon s. One of the more lOll'c'r\,\llvt· l .1ntl1dJh'' in the race, lleVnre l1a-. .11.,11 "l'rwJ .1., .m i\Im)' dlld Natrona} (.11.11d rc,tri.1,1'""1· l!JIH. ,1 Rea~,111appo1111t·c·111th1·1'1•111<.1g1111 lr11111 14IIB to '88 a11cl 1 ll\1 lmw dnttu I•• tht lkpuhhtall l'.trt\., I •'lltral ( ClllHllllh 1 Assemblyman M 1c*ey Conroy, a veteran. Information. Bryan Zuetel (949) 856 9045 13: The Orange County Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 6·30 p m at the Westme South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costd Mesa The topic will be liberals vP.rsus Hollywood conservatives Information (949) 475-5559 or www.ocyr org 16: The Balboa Bay Republican Women Federated will hold a high tea al 12:30 p.m . on the "'Royal Princess· Yacttt The gueS1 will be Marianne Zlppi, a candidate for 70th Assembly Dlstrk:1. Details Judy Dobson (949) 515-8677 A UNIT£D FRONT ALONG THE COAST U .!>. Sens. Barbara Bour and Dtane Feinstein have joined Gov. Gray Davia i.n protesting the Bush Admlnistration's opposition to the blate's review or 36 federal oil and gas leases. The leases were L'iSued between 18 and 34 years ago. but have not been developed. In 1999, Davis joined the California <.oa!>lal Commission in suing the U.S. Department of the Interior over the ,.,.,ue Boxer. Feinst ein and Davis say the rt'\ 1n" " a <;late right. A victory by the fl'd' """uld musl likely re .. ult in more dnll1ng off the coastline. rhe two sena1ors ... aid .., .ahfnrruan<, are w1ited in defense of uur rna<;t," the officials said ma letter to l'rc .. 11!1•111 Bush No ~late has been so ,IJapt•d 1hroughou1 1t11 hi'>tory by its coast, 111t.l n11 .. 1.1tp\ c 1111cn'> are ~o dependent on ... are 11111 lwalthv 1 tht.'>lal waters.~ 21 : The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee wilt hold a general meeting at 7 p.m at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd .• Costa Mesa Admission 1s free. and all Republicans are welcome (714) 556-8555 MAY 19: The Repubhcan Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd .• Costa Mesa. Admission 1s tree. (714) 556-8555 :: . . .. .. DailyAPilot Co...iWllson Nttw'> n~1stanl (9491 !>74 42~ ··oraf wifson la times com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller. Don L8lld1 Kool Trepcow Box 1560. CO$ta Meu. CA 92628 Copyright. No news stona. 1tlu1tra1ton1, editorial metler or advortl1ernent1 herein can be n!Pfoduced witholtt written perm1ss10n of copyright owner .. .. .. .. .. ... . VOL 97. NO. 93 THOMAS H. JOHffSON Publl•her TOt4Y DOO£AO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertl•lng Director LANA JOHNSON PromotlOl'll OlrectOf News Ed11x>n Gina Ale1tandef. Lori Anderto11, Daniel Hunt, Paul SeltOWtU • Dentel Steven1 NEWS STAFF Crime °:er ~rt.. (IM9)57~ c1eepa bha,..,hlll#rlrrw.oom June Cauanlllde Newport 8ell<ii r'C)()Mf, IMS) 574-032 /u,,..cut111r11N#e 1atim#.oom PIMll c;a,ton Pblilk:e and environment ntp<>ttef, (a..&) 7&M330 p.wl cJ/t'tf011.labm-..'°"' Lole9 ..... Columntst. culture r990rter, {949) 51<M.276 lolit._,,.,,,_ t.«1m. oom ~............, eo... Meee Porter, (M9) 67U221 dflfrdN MtMNl'I IMfmM com ChtldrW canllO Educatlol'I repotW, llMll 17• dlrlllfiMot1mlJo Mt oom READERS HOTUNE (9491642 6086 Record your commonta about tho Dally Pilot or news 11ps Addl'M9 Our llddr•• I• 330 W Bay St., Coata M .... CA 92627. Office hour• are ~Y Friday, 8:30 a m -5 pm ConecdoM It '9 the Ptlot'a policy to prompOy correct all •rrort of aubstance Plea .. cell (9'91 ~24 FY1 'Tl'l4I Newpof\ Bac:NCotta M ... D.ily Pilot IUSPS-144 a>o> 11 publlthect dtlly In~ 8Mch end~~. tubtctlptlone are .V.tr.tM9 o'1lly bV ll.lbec;riblng fO The Timee o,.nu• eou,,tv 1aoo1 2Sl·9141. In.,... OUU•de of N-oc>tt 8Md'I end Cotta MMe. ubkrrpt10n. ro tti. Deily Pilot a~ eva1l11bl only by firat cl•N "'"' for SJO pet month CPtK* Include all epPllca~ 1 t end local tax•• I POSTMASTER s.nd add,... d\eng ton. Ntiwpon dv'Cot\a M 0.ilt P I. P.O. HOW TO REACH US Clrcui.tlon The TlmM Orang. County 18001 252·9141 ~bing ~ (9'9) 642·5678 ~y 1949) 642 "321 E:dHGMI Newt (949) tMH680 Spom 19'9) 574-023 tMwt ... (949) 1146-4170 Spom Fu 19491850-0170 f.meA: d.ltypllote latlm# com MllM<>MrA au.... Ollcie (9'9) 642-4321 "' ....... (949) 831-7129 P\iblt~ by Tlmee Community Nowt, • dMtJon of tti.1.ot ~ Tlmee C2002 Tlme. CN All ttghu r.....ved. POLITICS ASIDE Shake-up coming to Costa Mesa Somewhere out there i.n Costa Mesa. the next City Council member is reading this (I hope). We just don't know who it is. Mansoor, said at the time be had no plans to run for the council again (he ran in 2000). The news this past week thal Mayor Karen Robbuon finally S.J. CAHN Ustlng their names does not mean they are necessarily Interested, but at least a few are actively lobbylng for Robinson's got her long hoped for judicial seat has added a polidcal twist to a Costa Mesa City Hall that already was shaking and shimmying enough to rest the building's earthquake retrofit. Three twists, really. The first is just how Robinson will be replaced on the council. Early indicators seem to be that the council will appoint her replacement, in part because holding a special election is just too costly and ti.me-consuming. Of course, depending on the interest, the appointment process might not be quid: and easy, either. Just more than a year ago, when former Huntington Beach Councilman One Garofalo was forced to resign after pleading guilty to conflict of lnterest charges. 36 hopefuls applied for the spot. Of course. Huntington Beach is known for having massive political fields for a few council (and school boatd) seats. so that huge number wasn't surprising. But It also Suggest& that the remaininS four Costa Mesa City Council members -Ubby Cowan. Allan Ma:naoor, Gary Monahan and Outs Steel -might not have the smooth ride they think. The second twist is, if the council chooses to appolnt. just whom they might pick. Most of the names Ooating around are not too surprising: • Fonner Councilwoman Heather Somen, who narrowty lost reelection to Robinson in 2000 . • Planning Commissioner Katrina Foley, who ran for a seat in the fall. • Fonner Mayor Unda Dixon. who lost her reelection bid in the fall. •Planning Commissioner BID~ who has run for the council twice and has close ties 10 Monahan. •Planning Commissioner Joel Faria. whose name I hear the most, but always ln the form of the ·darlc horse.· Faris. who was just appointed to the commission this year by spot. One name to cross off the list is new Parks and Recreation Commission member Byron de Arab.I. a former Dally Pilot columnist. ~No interest." he told me. The key will be getting the necessary third vote. Perkins and Foley could likely get rwo (Monahan and Mansoor for Perkins, Steel and Cowan for Foley) but would face a tough climb for the decisive third. Faris, it seems. could get Mansoor and Steel's backing, which would leave it up to Monahan to decide Faris' (ate. The trouble. depending on your point of view. with the five names above is that all would have to do a lot of politicking before getting i.nto office. And then even motti after, especially next year when the seat is up for grabs and that person could run as an Incumbent. Fonner Mayor Pder Buffa. who said ·1 would guess they would appoint,· suggested that a · nonpolitical pick -In other words, someone who would promise not to run for the sear In 2002 - would take the politics out of the equadon. (Of course. in each of the last two elections in Costa Mesa, one of the lncumbents -SomC!CS and Dixon -did not get reelection, so incumbency may not be the winning spot It usually is). That ls what the ... Huntington Beach council ended up doing when it appointed a former mayor. Grace Wlochell. The third twist Is who the council names to replace Robinson as mayor. Steel. as mayor pro tem, is technically in line for the position, but he may not get it The meetings he has run have been a bit chaotic, plus he's simply still learning the council ropes. Moving him aside leaves Cowan and Monahan. both of who have been mayor in the past. The question may end up being, will either of them want to be again? • S.J. CAHN Is the maneging editor. He can be reached at (949) 674-4233 or by e-mail at B.J.Cllhn@larimft.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be pattty cloudy egain, wtth high• In the mld-60a end lowt just ahy of 60. Friday wHI be aimllar, though there .. the slightest cttance of reln Friday night. The mance of rein wUI contlnu. Into s.turdav momlng. thougt'I htgN wm fall toebotn83. .......... a: www.nws.noN.f/OV BOATING FORECAST TM westtt1v wtnde wHI btow 1fj to 20 ~In the lllner ..... tN9 ebmoon, wtdl 2· to '4ooc~ end •w.t .welt of 4 to a,.... uw, the Wt1ve1 wttt drop to 1 to S fMt. Out ftnher, the northuuMl9'fy wlndt viMI blow 15 to 20 knoll, wfth 2~ eo .._foot W9WI end w..s _...of 1 eo 1Q tMt. The .. wll blow "'°""" ... .wnlng. .. ,, to 29Mota. SURF The IOUthwest swell will peak today, 80 the tooth-facing beec:het can expect the IMt day of heed-htgha end ave~ Some northwest .,,.rvv wm pie* things up 8t weet·fedng brMb to the cneat· to ahoo~. Ftid.yt looking lib ct..t-hlgha 9t.., beec:NI, though weet-fedng .,,...... wftl «*d'I the occulonel ~ Wltlf.,.mty: WWW.IUl'frld#.Ol'Q TIDES l1me ~ .. m. t0:03a.m. 3:41 p.m. 9:53p.m.. ........ 0.30fMtlow .. 09teilthligt\ t11r..loiN a.oe,...._,. WATER l'tMPEltATURE .. . . ' • ' ----..._---....--.----·--,.-~- Armor supplier seals $14-million deal with Army Costa Mesa's Ceradyne Inc. will send more body armor to the Army in June. Paul Cllnton . ...-Dally Pilot . OOSTA MESA-A ceram- ics rnanufacturer and war supplier said Tuesday that it has signed a Sl3.8·million contract with the U.S. Anny to aid soldiers with Its body armor. The luaative deal comes on the beets of two other contract.a ayer the past four months that bring Ceradyne lnc.'s total revenue in that period to $26 . .S million. ShiprnenlB are scheduled to begin ln June and be com- pleted by the end . of the year. •everyone at Ceradyne is excited over receiving the largest single order to date of any lcind for two reasons/ said Joel Moskowitz, the company's chief executive. "First, our company takes great pride in directly saving American lives through our soldJers' use of Ceradynes lightweight ceramic armor; and secondly, tlUs order pro- vides visibility and continu- ity for our production area· In December, the com· pany signed a $9-million deal wilh the Army to pro· vide lhe b<lllistic armor plates that are inserted into the front and rear of Kevlar vests. Ceradyne inked a $3.7-million contract in Feb· ruary. Ceradyne's pt-rsonnel ar- mor, made of boron carbide. is the lightest, haidest ce· ramie known. horAiiioNT Last year. 29 u .s. soldiers survived machtnegun at- tacks overseas with armor provided by Ceradyne. Mos- kowitz received a letter from an Army ranger stationed in Afghanistan who said he was shot in the baclc with a Russian-made A1C-47 assault rifle. The bullet was ab- sorbed by the ballistic ar- mor. In addition to the body armor, Ceradyne produces ballistic siding for the H-60 Black Hawk and other mili- tary helicopters being used ln Iraq. Over the past several years, Moskowitz has seen orders for his ceramic-based armors increase substan- tially. ln 2002. the company grew sales 35%, from $45.3 million to a record $6 l.2 million. The company, which has been in Costa Mesa since 1975, is one of three in the city that have been supply- ing hardware to the military. Argo-Tech Corp. s Costa Mesa branch has been sup· plying fuel-valve equip- ment. and ICN Pharmaceu- ticals has been providing a nerve agent After Wednesday's an· nouncement, shares of the Ceradynes stock. which is traded on Nasdaq, rose 11 cents, or 1.18%. to close at $9.48. The Original MIKE'I CARPETI OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA Thufsday. ~ 3, 2003 Al Cox joins hunt for JWA reimbursement Airport still seeks $34.3 million that it spent to meet post-Sept. 11 security r_equirements, and congressman plans to help. Paul Clinton cm said money oould be avall- Oally Pilot able in President Bush'• request for the more than S70 billion to JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT -finance the war in J.raq and bol- Rep. Ouis Cox has joined county ster security on the home front supervisors ~a push to secure "There could be money avaJJ- full federal reimbursement for able in the next several days." the costs of adding security skein Cox said "Security costs to pro- to tlle airport. tect us aplnst terrorism should Airport rt}alUlier& shelled out be shared by all Americans. The $34.3 million, mostly 1¥1 year, to requirements to protect us from meet the post·Sept. 11 federal •. terrorism are too substantlal to rruandate to screen 100% of all be funded by what we haw baggage. Bomb-detection devices euphemistic:ally called user fees.~ wen! installed. along with a bun-Instead of raising landing tees die of new measures, to halt any or other costs on travelers and potential terrorist threat other airport users. Cox and otl}- BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS ICN making nerve gas antidote for military The about 250,000 members of the U.S. military in the Persian Gulf have been equipped with a nerve-gas antidote supplied by Costa Mesa's ICN Pharmaceuti- cals. ICN is one of three Newport- Mesa companies supporting the war effort. Ceradyne Inc. and the local di- vision of Argo-Tech Corp., both in Costa Mesa, are also equip- ping troops. Ceradyne manufac- tures ceramic-based ballistic body armor and helicopter plat- ing. Argo-Tech makes fueling equipment for Navy and Air Force aircraft. The Department of Defense has ordered about 200,000 packs of Mestinon, also known as pyri- en say the yar-old Transporta- tion Security Administration should lhouJder dleie COit& Supervisor em c.ampbeU met wilh Cox Wednaday to lobby for the reimbursement. Supervisor Jim Silva also said be has dis- cussed the matt.er with Newport Beach's congresmwi. Silva's sec- ond district includes the airport. "We want to be reimbursed.~ Silva ~d "Since we were one of the first airports to go onllne with ttlat. we want to be one of the first to be JJ!imbwsed • JWA was one of the nation's first airports to comply with the Dec. 31 f~ral mandate the se- curity administration had set. With Cox's help, the county hopes to p\Jl down two separate funding outlays. Of the $343 mil- dostigmine bromide. Each pack contains 2 1 pills. The drug combats a nerve agent called soman, which could be used by Iraq in a chemical at· tack. lion. airport man..-n haft • cured an Sll-millioo tdminiMn- don gJUJt and a $10.mOUon pant from the Federal Avtadon Adm.in· istradoo. They hope to ftnd Sl3.2 million for the remainder. The airport I.I al.a .looking for • Sl-million payment for addi· tionaJ ongoing cost1 auodared wt1h the work. such u mainte-nance. power and other udlities. On Tuesday, supervi5on en- dorsed a bill . inaoduced by two House Detnocrals tllat ooukl. in addition to the, Bush propoat also cover the S 13 m11Uon. "The legislation ii needed be- cause theie 1s· nodliog current that provtdes f6r the reiJDbune. ment, • Deputy Airpon Dbect.or Ouistie McOanlel said. "We need specific language.~ No matte< \'llhat you're doing, 'fO'J' hometown ~ ~ Daily Pilot ITS SPRINGTIME AT GARYS ISLAND! BOYS AND GIRLS 12 AND UNDER JOIN IN THE FUN AND ENTER THE GARYS ~SlAND COiORING CONTEST EVERYONE IS A .WINNER! ITS AS EASY AS 1-2-3. t SUIMIT YOUR ENTRY TO GARYS ISLAND IN FASHION ISLAND ON OR BEFORE SUNDAY. APRIL 13TH. l PICK A PRIZE·FILLE D EASTER EGG FROM THE GARYS ISLAND EASTER IASkET AT TIME ENTRY IS SUBM11TED ). SH YOUR COLORED PICTURE FEATVRED IN THE GARYS ISLAND EASTER WINDOW WONDERFUL PRIZES FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS! THE GRAND PRIZE WINNERS WILL IE SELECTED AND CONTACTED ON MONDAY, APRI L 1-4TH AND Will IE FEATV RED IN THE DAILY PILOT WEARING THEIR PRIZE... AN ALOHA SHIRT FROM GARYS ISLAN D! NAME AGE __ TELEPHONE ------------- - --- ------...., • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CEN·TER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOLSTER~ • Custom-Mede furniture • Slip.Covers • Patio furniture • Draperies. Shades. cl~ PAkT1CIPA""TS /'Nt.Y COlOk nm N(WjPA•U A.0 Ol PKk "'A'"°" A.T GA1l'n ISLAND IN M~HK>N IUANO NO GAlY'S ISlANO PU'kHASl NKUSAAYTO INTIL U.¥.IT ON( lNnY 1na 1;111QN u OR UNPlll. JOA MORI IN~T10N. PllAS( CALl M~ • ~ llusday, ... 3, 2003 OBITUARY PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS of Dove Street. said Donnll Boston. pubUc lnfonnadon ot!Wer for the Newport Beach Fire Department. Fair Board member Randy Smith dies Fue damages office in high-rise building A fire caused about $10CM>OO in mostly SQloke and water damage to a 10· story Newport Beach build· tng early Wednesday mom· ~ ofllclals said. No one was~ in the 5:10 am. blaze. Plrefigbters located the Ore in «n office suite on the ninth Ooor of the hish·rise building in the 1300 bloclc POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bmlol StrNt: Petty theft 'Mi!S reported In the 3300 blod:: at 12:45 p.m. Tuesday. The bulkling'tf ~rinklers kept the 6re In control. but the water damaged sewral noors of the building. Bos- ton said. 1\veoty ftrefigllters from Newport Beach and the Orange County Fire Author- lty1 including a battalion, chieJ from Newport. re- sponded with four engines and two trucks. Invesdga- tors saJd the fire was electri- cal. -D«pa Bharath • West 19th Street and Harbor Boul4Mlrd: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 12:51 p.m. Tuesday. • Fulefton Avenue: An NEWPORT BEACH Identity theft was reported in • East Balboa Boulevard: A tM 2000 blod:: at 10:57 a.m. hit-anO-.run was reported in Tuesday. the 800 blodt at 4'01 p.m. • ~ Boul4Mlrd: A Tuesday. commercial burglary was • Ctilf Drive and Riverside reported in the 2600 blodc at Awnue: Vandalism was 8:44 a.m. Tuesday. reported at 5:43 p.m. • • Pleeentia Avenue: An Tuesday. uaault was reported in the •.Hilaria Wiiy: A loud party 2300 blodc at 9:64 a.m. was repotted in the 4100 Tuesday. blodc a1 2:50 a.m. Tuesday. • ..__...Drive: Petty theft •Via Genoa: Petty theft was from a vehicle was reported reported in the 200 blodc at In the 500 blodc at noon Tuesday. 8:22nd33 a.~~sdnday~•-.-.. • Wlllece Awnue: Graffiti • ~~·a .......,, was reported in the 1900 Ocean Front An auto theft bl<><* at 11 :48 p.m. Tuesday. was reported al 12:41 p.m. • Eat 11th StrMC A Tuesday. hlt-and.-run was reported in •31st StrMC Grand theft the 400 blodc at 7:33 a.m. was reported in the 400 Tuesday. bfodc at 7:47 a.m. Tuesday. l _____ _____, No matter what you're domg, your hometown newspaper 'ill: Daily Pil ot Don't Pay Too Much For Your Brakes.. . .CALL US · PERFORMANCE LTD 2037 HARBOR BLVD. 650 5860 COSTA MESA CA 949 , ~ c< •,: JF T~IANGLE SCUARE WWW PERFOAMANCELTO COM ----------------------- Former Republican lobbyist known for his sense of h umor will be honored Tuesd ay. Randy Smith loved wmring Hawaiian shirts so mutb that he had two different categodes - regular and~ Smiths penchant for tropi.eal motifs will be honored at his m~ morial service Tuesday. The Orange County Fair Board mem· ber passed away' &.today night. His cause of death Js Wlb1own. Hewas55. · The colorful shirts served as an extensJon of Smiths Jovial per- sonaJJty. said Em.Uy Sanford, who served with SmJth on the boald. "He was aJways looking for the GARIBAY Continued from Al Pendleton Office of the Staff Judge Advocate and deslgnated "casualty call officers." applied for consideration of post - humous citizenshlp, said Marine LL Daniel Rawson at Camp Pen- dleton. "I am glad there is a program established that allows families to do that," Rogers said. "lf they had a family member that indi· TRINITY Continued from Al its neighbors. Trinity officials say the com· mission's delay "impos~ a sub· stantiaJ Wldue burden on tthe network's) ability to conduct its religious services in a manner it chooses without a valid, justifi- able or legaJJy v1able reason,~ ac- cording to the appeal filed by John Casoria. who represents the center. The appeal a.bo suggests that neighbors have an agenda that "has nothing to do with quaJity Rabbitt Insurance Agency AllfO • HOMWWNERS • HEALTH \14ln/Jrp .'vlt<~ I ?"i- ~ Id ~Sf'1~ 949-631-7' 40, 441 Old Nt-wpon 8hd. • Nnrpon Badi (Near Ha.c Ha.pical) positive in thinp. and lo our life- time, we really need that,· San- ford Sald. Smith made his marlt as a lob- byist and Republican fund-raiser, worting on the expa.nslon or John Wayne Airport in 1990 and a contract for Motorola for a ceuntywide emergency system. The Yorba Unda resident served on the fair board for 13 years and· focused on making the fair all-Inclusive, said Becky Bal- ley-Findley, the !air's general manager. "There was never a commu- cated that they wanted to be- come a U.S. citizen, It is great that that wish comes true." Simona Garibay, the mother of Newport Harbor HJgh gradu- ate Jose, had said it was her son's dream to become a citizen. He loved the countty and wanted not only to serve it but to offi· cially belong, she has said in ln- teJViews. The certificate of Jose Gari· bay's citizenship has yet to be presented to the famDy, Rogers said. Military officials will COOT· dinate with the Garlbays to set a of life issues." Neighbors have complained about problems with traffic. 09ise and outdoor lighting since the center moved to Costa Mesa in 1996. "I don't think they should be outside before they get their act together with.the original permit, and !the co~ion) put a lot of conditions on that.· neighbor Lars Sivring said. "They violated the first permit for years. I think ic's completely right to prove first that they can live within those conditions before (the city! gives them anything more.· Casoria did not return calls for commenL The center raised the ire of neighbors almost as soon as it moved to Costa Mesa. according to public testimony at various m~ Neighbors began com- plaining to Trinity, and then city officials, about traffic. noise and SPLIT Continued from At Corona del Mar has a Jong and colorful history since its incorpo- ration into Newport Beach in MATTRESS OUTLET STORE CURVE "'&tur Skep Through Sdmcr. " .---~-~:-­ !!&" Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ~ ........... Continued from Al Smith, especially with the approach of tum-off-lV-week., but each of us must seek therapy wherever we can find it And baseball worb for me. My annual baseball column is a week late. The Angels have already raised their Wodd Series Oag while sleepwalking through their opener with Texas and then blasting the Rangers two days later after collecting their commemoradve ~ Reportage of their opening day los.s was cwiousty negadve, as If they were expected to pick up precisely~ they left off last October. Sunday's losing pitcher. John Lackey-who won the final World Serles game - acknowledged these expectadoos when he told an inquirin8 reporter plaintiveJy, ~This ls only the first game. man." Indeed. And there l! considerable comfort In knowing there are 160 or so more to come. The BaltimOre opener was played in a nOW&ton:tl that took me back instantly to the openers I attended at Comlsk.ey Puk lb Chicago. where the snow bad to be shoveled oft"~ Oeld before the pme tould begln. The llrst demand of buebaD ln those days -and now. too, apparently -wns that It begin the 6rst week 1tl April whatever the tber ~t be. For tbOIO of ua who 1Jved a cold c.Um4i -and thll was Jona befote eodoMd urns - began ~With the bueb1l11 opener. By \bat drilt.. we hMI iuntved five months or lllOW and (rip:l temperatures and we W1191't about lo compromile ~by ~ dle IWt of b1tlbd. WU always a drMdful month In OlkagO. danjlna the carrot Of wwm tne. one day and then eoddftl UI w1dJ a bUaard on the nm. 1 ~ '* reporu or iprins llllntna In HoHda to,..._ mYMlf that help would aoon be on m olty organiudon or a small bustoessperson that he could .ever say 'no' to,• Balley-Plndley said. "He always wanted' all of them lnvolved. even when we were n.qmlng out of room.• He was mo one of Centennial Farms' strongest supporters, Sanford said. Smith was the kind of person who could lighten up any situa· don, Bailey-Findley said. "He was a very 'calming pres- ence," Bailey-Findley said. "He was extremely intelligent and sensltiYe, but nobody enjoyed a good joke more than him. He was very witty and, lf we had a really tense situation in a board meeting, he could always find date for the ceremony. he said. Simona Garibay brought Jose to the United States from Jallsco, Mexico, wben be was 2 months old. He received residency, but was shy or h.ls quest for citizen- ship. Jose Garibay lived the llfe of many citizen children, attend- ing public schools and playing high school footbaJJ, but felt an even greater calling to his adopced homeland: He wanted to serve in the anned forces. Jose Garibay joined the Ma· rines at 18, just out or high school, and was based at North lights from outdoor broadcasting and the center's One Million lights display during the Ouist- mas season. Jn 1999, the city told Trinity that it needed another perm.lt to conduct , outdoor broadcasting on a frequ~nl basis. The center refused, claiming that because lt is a church. it did not have to comply. It eventually acquiesced and applied for the pennit late last year. Although no public hearing was required for the perm.lt to broadcast outside on a regular basis. it came before the Plan· ning Commission because or the controversy associated with the center's original operating per· mil. On Feb. 24, instead of granting the outdoor permit. the commis· sion shut down the center's out- door 1V ta.ping activities to give it more time to review the center's 1923. It's one of those pans or the city -lilte the Balboa Peninsula or Balboa Island -with its own identity and character. Though the 7JP Code and other factors that help define that character would remain unchanged. ~­ dents and business leaders way. And so we shoveled snow to the edges of the field and played. Thus did baseball take firm root in consciousness as our savior from winter, with the promise of fresh~ for players and foUowers aliJte. This season. r make no demands on the Angels. Last year. they gave me the most exciting October I've ever known. and I was at Edison Field to enjoy much of it The same players are back for a curtain call. Tilat is enough. A few weeks ago, my oldest daughter. Patt. and my wife gave me an early birthday present. a padtuge of Angel tickets for the upcoming season. So. II the Angels reprise last yeats achievmi.ent, I'll be watching a lot of It happen. AlJ of this set me trying to remember the role of baseball during World War IJ. Right off the rop, J realJ ~major events the year "'8tl Harbor was attacked: Joe .DiMaggio's reawbble string of hitting safely in 56 consecudve games-still never surpe.saed - and the A06 betting average or a 22-yeac-old named Thd Williams. Both would be In milJwy lef'Vice a )al later. 1bere was some feeling that grown men shouldn't be playing games wh.m fellow c:ountrym«I we~ cfytng In benle, but Pra.ldent Franklin Boolevelt wrote the a>mmltsiooer of baebell that be felt lt was best to teep bueba1l aoin.J. and eo u wu done. Althoulb more than 300 major a,ue p&lyef'I went • lnto the armed eervkle -many dJstinluW!inl chern.elYet In combat-the pme oondnued at home~ the Wit n10et)y With paayera too old. too )'OUDI~~ for the bUt not for bufbell Alot~81bktea apeot WM' a,.... on mllltary tellm .. ~ bnndMt ot Che ..... M8ttay cm ,.,....,., ..._. ,._ dUty ..,_ ........... ~= c-.r,..·1111joeb ~ ,._ .. ~wer the~ I"""' FYI The memorial eervlce will take p(ace at 2 p.m. Tu.-day at the Orange County falrgroundt, Building 12, 88 Fair Drive, Co9ta Meta. Casual dreu auch H Hawaiian ahlru la wek:ome. In lieu of ftowera, the famfty requesis donatk>N to The Centennial Farm Foundation, cJo Randy Smith Fund, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa 92628. the right word to not only make a polrtt, but to add a little bit of hu- mor." · Supervisor Jim Silva said "the county lost ·a good friend" In Smith. -Deirdre Newman Carolina's Camp Lejeune. He and six others from his base were killed March 23 near Nasiriyah, lraq, after encounter- ing an ambush by enemy troops, officials reported. Jose Garibay is the first Orange County casualty reported in the war. "The right thing to do in this situation is to exhaust every av- enue available to expedite the awarding of United States citi- zenshlp to these Marines who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefield in defense of freedom," Rawson said. original permit. ln March. the commission re- quired the center to create a plan .. .. ~ • . . ... to document how it will handle is.sues like traflic, landscaping and equipment and placed cer· ta.in restrictions on it. Th.e cent.er was given 60 days to create the , plan. and city stalf will monitor its effectiveness after six and nine months. when the coinml.sslon will reconsJder the outdoor broadcasting permJt. The appeal <WertS that the center has already started putting into practice "all of the conditions in a good fa.Ith effort to show its cooperation.· But Sivrlng accused the center of already violating some of these restrictions. He has lodged three complaints about the center op-- eradng machinery in the eve- nings. he said . ~' The City CoWldl will consider the appeal on April 21. ntight still have reason to protest district boundaries that take a bite out of thelr community. Dick Nichols, the coundbnan for Corona del Mar. was out of the state on Wednesday and could not be reached for com- ment Bew a USO company headed by Danny Kaye and Brooklyn Dodger manager Leo Durochec to a series of Pacific islands. So baseball hung in until the players started to come borne in 1945. And those or us who had fonned the baseball habit before the war went instantly and gratefully back to it. Those were different times. and we were fighting a different war with different needs. The whole nation was mobilized then. and the military in the Held was mostly made up of civilian-soldiers ptesaed into servia. That happened again in Vietnam. Let us hope that it doesn't have to happen in Iraq. Meanwhile, we~ the SUU1 of a new baseball season edging into our vision. If J bad any doubt a.bout that. my brother-in-law, Dan Angel. brought it home for me. Dan has spent hJs entire life preparing b.imselt to be the general ma.nagu of a major league baseba.11 team. While be awaits the call. be mm. his Uving writing and producing~ aeries andftlm& He Is praeotly in 1bronto abootlng a 1V pilot. and wbctJ we called h1m on hla bU1bCt,sy last Monday, be toJd us be WM gMog himlelf. pment by aoln8 that eYeOJng to the lbronto opener against the New \bet Yanbel. 5eYaaJ houri later, I WM watching that pme 00 ~ when~ dng. II WU Du\ on hit c:el phone from the Toroftto ~ lber8 Mel Jwt been • :t,unnc colWon = 1broolo catcher and ..... shortstop, and Din couldn\ -Cbe acdon :l..swel lrOQJ bll teat. Soi. to Ind a..a 11 J WMWlll~IOI could better . ID him wt1il b.d,.. &Men pllce. lbllkind ol ~ID ~-~.,..,,,..... a&><*Nll.to...., ...... =-dUltal .... 80,... .. II can hlilp "°"" too. . . - .1 ·'' .. . . . I t. ,H ' I "' . ·-.. -,.., .. -., -J ... ;, .... ....... .... . \, ...... ...... " ... # ... -.. . . • -. t Thursday, Af>(~ 3, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW 10 .GET PU8USHB> -LAalln: Mail to Editorial Pege Editor S.J. Cehn et the Dally PilotJ 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meaa, CA 92627 • .....,.. Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-fMl:Send to dailypllotfllatlmn.com • All correspondence must Include full name, home1own and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all wbm1SS1ons for danty and length EDITORIAL rfread. Jightly in teaching war W Ith unprecedented news coverage of the war in lraq on nearly every channel, and antiwar protests and pro-war rallies on numerous street com ers, schools are raced with a difficult situation. When and how should teachers and admlnJstrators talk to students about the war? Many elementary schools in Newpon -Mesa have decided that they will not broach the subject with those young pupils unless asked questions about IL For children that young. this is the best course or action. Most would agree that elementary teachers should not bring the topic of war up with young pupils. Still. they must be aWa.re of what their charges may already know and think and alen parents to worrisome activity that may arise in the schoolyard Teachers also cannot ignore questions and concerns brought up by young children about the war. However, they should appreciate that some parents may not want their children exposed to the harsher realities of life at such a tender age. For elementary school children. it is a topic for parents, as they are the ones to d ecide what their children are exposed to and how the subject is hand.led. Once a child is in middle and high school. it is a different matter. Students are presumably reading the newspaper and watching the news and will mos t lllcely be bombarded with information and Images of the war. Undoubtedly, they will need to talk about it Older students, especially of high school and certainly of college age, should learn the history that they are living through and the history that led to the war. They should be educated, not just by the media, about who the leaders involved are. Schools in Newpon-Mesa seem to be on the right track and treading carefully. We should au suppor1 our schools in this troublesome time and be wary of what we say in the presence of children. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Attacks on Greenlight show its success I t is a sure sign you are winning the debate whe n your opponents give up on factual arguments and start personal attacks. In the Daily Pilot of March J 9, Mayor Steve Bromberg personally attacked the Greenlight residents' group ("Greenlight hopes to put reform on ballot"). On March 21, Dave Ellis, hired consultant for five of the present city councilmen, personally attacked again l"FJlis charges Greenlight leader OJC'd city grann. What provoked these attaclcs was a recent announcement that, in Ught of the city's failure to pursue any type of meaningful conflict of interest or campaign reform, Greenlight and concerned residents would now place an echJca in government initiative on the ballot. What the personal attacb prove is that there seems to be some fear on the council'• part of any meaningful reform that wUl be proposed and that they have clearly no factuaJ arguments to combat them. To set the record straight. as a volunteer of the Airport Working Group, I was a member of their board that bad b.lre!f EW.a as a coosultanL E.llia, in essence, actf'd as a lobbyist for the group to the Newport Beach City Council for the grant from which be, of coune, wu to be paid. Buie funds for Bll.la were voted by four of the pretent councilmen. By Elli.a' own admllllon, he made more than $300,000 ID profits u a reau.lt of th1a contnct. The dlfferentfadng factor between myself.b a volunteer cf duns' board member and Billa' ary Coundl c:Uentl .. that the council had formed a d.uaJ matlonahlp wtth e.w. both u pantore of fundlna duough be. a lobbylat for the AJrport ~rtina Group. and then the UM of him U their Cl.Dlpajcn hit man. Bec:IUM the money that mu. lobblH tor on behalf of the Aa,rpon Wort.tna c-::f:" panted ln doMd and became be 7:"°ted ~'of couDcO both befo .. and after thil ~e. ther. it an appmenl appearance or lmpropc:lety and coneict of l.bt._L Members of the City eouncu ..... llD'*lllDIDI ~la ............... -.......,abMs klalD..., colwdNtntl to notd nen rhe appearance of conflict of interest. Not ju.st avoid a conflict of interest. but also even the appearance of any impropriety is required. GreenJight and con cerned residents seek a strong ethics in government ordinance. including safeguards against conflicts of interest, similar to those in many other cities th.at would require full disclosure of this possible misuse of taxpayers' dollars by individuals who have a fiduciary responsibility to manage and maintain same. If our proposed reforms were in effect during the last two years. at least two councilmen would have had to recuse themselves from voting on the Ellis grant, and two of bis new councilmen clients would have had to publicly disclose their relationship with him. However, these n eeded reforms go beyond thaL The campaign reform part of the ethics in government initiative would discourage negative campa.lgning and personal attacks like those made by Bromberg and Ellis. We want candidates to stick to issues and back their statements wttb data as opposed to emotion and lnnuendo. We think that the candidates should report their campaign 6.n.anclal interests forthrightly and not deceptively hide them, as wu the case ID the last election. In conclusion, we are dismayed. but not cowed by the personal attacb made by Bromberg and Ellis. These negative atltcb are only turtber proof of the need for ethJca ln government, including conOJct of interest and campaign refomu. The eled!on ls behind wa. and we have aeen evidence of wrongdotn& and tt ls time now 10 move forward. Th those that oppoee thlt ethlca ln eovemmmt program we ut what ... you Ura.Id on The tn.athl Honesty or wraclt}'l For those &bat Join \19, we Wefcome you Into buOdJ.na a better dty government for the dry of Newport 8eecb.. we wtll now ~to wort on an lriitialt¥9 to help rettore tbt etbk:I and the lntfll1'Y to the Newpon Be&ch dty govemrnenL ..... ,,,.., .. "°'...,.,, • ... °'_.... ....... ,,... Commla• MAILBAG '· .. The construction of the Cannery Lofts is in full swing in the Rhine Channel across from the Blue Wate r Grill Lofts not a look to like in Gmnery Village This is to applaud the recent letter by James Person regarding Cannery Village ("Cannery Lofts create bhght at community's expen~e." Maq:h I 5). I am a resident of the area and look with di.m\ay at the lack or concern I~ the Newport Beach Planning Department and Cny I !all for cru. .. neighborhood. From the exhibal!> on display at the sales office ror thic; pmjl'(I. the powen. that be have allowed "ticky tacky" military barrack·type structure. to be erected in the hl"cl.11 of a uruque. quaint village area lm tead ol demanding an individuality m ~pmg with the established butldang>. thc>y have approved rcM housing. Of COUN'. it is too late now. for the gate!'. have been opened to the greed of the developer. but one can hope that the next owners will have the fores.ight 10 preserve tlus heritage. Along these same lines ~houJd bt' mentiont!d the approval of the construction of four huge h ome!. in the commercial office area of Via Lido. These ma'>Sive homes face a11 offit e bualJmg .ind .id1oan ahc parking lot ol another. In '>pate ul J l,111q four·culor hrochurl' and u 1wn huu.,c-.. thec;c merpru l'd. m1-.plan·d one famtl~ home' have '><ti VJt am and un'>old for almoc;t a year. re0ectang the t0mmon sen<,t• nl lllO'>I people. Perhap., the'>e pla11m·r-. .,hould get off their comfonahll· chair., from ttme to tame to V1-.11 whal the\ w allO\\.l'd to be crea1ed in a finc.> are-.i DON YOST '\ewp<>n Beath City should keep a little dirt at Fairview Park Ju.,t whe n I thought l.n ... 1.t Mee;,! h,1d com e 10 11-. w n'>e". I rc•ad that toncrete ic; to tome lu la1rv1ew Park after all ("Park tratJ a la tlle more com:rete," h1day1 Dot''>n't L osta Ml''>a have l'nough concrete ~idewalk'> alread y in p lace for people Mwho don't feel com fortable nav1gaung the granite and d irt trails in the park?" Wh} ,., 11 we h.ive to pave o-.er all n,11tirdl dirt path., becau'>c '>Orne µeoplt· ".aren't 111to c;po n sr Thl•re are malt·-. and null'' ol l 0111 rett' and -.rdt'walL, 111 I o\la ~k .... 1 lor 1n ltm· .,1.;,l\l'" walke r'>. and -.troller pu ... 111·1, \\ h\ l .m·t h1 l1•r., han· tlw lillll' d1r1 1h.11.., ll'lt' Din path \ .. aJ 1<.er .... l11l..l'r-.. l>1l l'f' •tnd c11mht•r., are taxpa\.Pr-. aho What c.111 we do to ll•t•p 11 natu ral and paH·tP MARILYN FRENZ Renaming canyon -would honor questionable ethic-.. \Vh-. \\Uttld \\.t:' renamt• Hontla C ,111\00 p.trk to re\efl' th1· latul.11 hl'.ad ul det l·ptl\ e p11h111., 111 'llewport Heath ("lkname Bonit,1 < a11yon par!.. to honor Paul '-aldt 1 ? lit., l1reenhgh1 lmpll'ntl'ntataon <.omm11tee ru ... e t·o.,1 our ut\ dldfh ne\\ b1uer lmal inlight11ag. Ill'\\ dt•c·1·pt1\e elt•t lion prm 111 t.''> aru.J even a OE'\\ <,t'll'>t:' uf d1 ... 1ru'>I ot thu't' who wen• t•let ted tlwn and '>tnu \\e :.hould nut monumt•ntah/t -.uch p oor t•thatal 111dg11wn1 and q m•.,110nahlt• moral re-.p11n-.abelat\. AL COSTA Nt•\\ pun fh ,uh COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Child abuse defies conventional portrait • EDfTOWS NOTI:: This is the first of four convnenteries thet will run on ThursdltYt in Aprif, which is cflild .,.. ~month.John J. Colina• dnctor of community progr9ITl9 for OMMtlp USA. • eo.t. ••• , b••d~1hiltwotbfof 1tte pwyention and ~t of child .... JOHN J. COLLINS ... . • • .. .... ., : ... . .. -· -· ip ... •• ... • ·= .... ' -4 M Tivsdly, ~ 3, 2003 Lack of parking resolved in Mesa Verde Costa Mesa mayor meets with property and parking illegally, a dty lnvestiption foWld that cars owner to ensure students of Paul UIOdated with the scboot UCl management . students put their ideas to the test · Mitchell academy won't be parking in and wtth other nearby busJ-·ai nesses took up to ~ of the residenti neighborhood. available readendaJ parting. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot Sparb aald the new "resf- curred, when the school . dent·oniy-restrlctiona ln the mOYed in two years ago, he area will force students to wie said he couldn't do much un-avallable commercial parking tll the city intervened. along Adams Avenue and Fourth annual Business Plan Competition teams students with working professionals for experience and mpney. ing about a problem that tHey didn't have befon!, • aald Bl\l(:e Hallett, a partner wlth Miramar Venture Partners in Corona Clel Mar and a member of the com- ?df.8A VERDE-A meeting with the mayor baa lighte,d a ftre under a property owner to help tolve the parking aunch caused by one of his tenants.· • On Mardl 26, Tom Sparks met with Mayor Karen Robinson to follow up on a palling crisia the Paul Mitch- ell Salon and Academy had created. Students of the academy were overusing the residen- tial paikiog on Elm Avenue between Royal Palm Drive and Lemon Street and on Lemon between Elm and Ponderosa Street. In re- sponse, the Oty Council agreed to place "resident- only" restrictions on these streets in February. While Sparb said he has known about the parking problem alnce it first oc- What Sparks ls offering Mesa Verde East. now ls to let some of the em-"By the city taking the clos- playees of Paul Mitchell part est resldent181 spaces and next door tempotari.ly and to making them resldendaJ- convert a vacant lot nearby to onlf, it will hdp redirect the additional park1ng. 'fhese students to the.· spaces that moves should free up about don't take up space from the half of the 70 parldnf spaces residents,• Sparks said. "That that are needed, Robinson will be most of the solution said. to the problem." "We spent an hour and a The dty will also take away half pounding out evecy op-one of the two yellow loading tion we could think about," zones on Elm Street to aeate• Robinson said: "He seemed more parking for students, very sincere and very eager to said Peter Nagbavi, ttanspor- help improve a situation be tation manager. acknowledges is pretty bad," While the parking squeeze Robinson said. illustrates how much success Representatives from Paul Paul Mitchell is experiencing, Mitchell did not show up at the city should also focus its the meetiilg and did not re-efforts on monitoring rum calls for comment. whether the school is exceed- After residents Complained log the number of students It about students monopollzlng is allowed to have, Robinson an the parldng in their area said. Christin• Carrillo Daily Pilot UC ffiVlNE -E.ntreprepeun start with an Idea They tum their Idea into a . business undertaking. They orglµllze it, manage 1.t and assume a certain amount' of risk holding on to the high hopes of 'turning around a. profit. Thia cue iJ no different. 1binkTank and UC lrvine's Graduate School of Manage- ment have, for the fourth year ln a row, given students an arena to teat their entrepreneur- ial talents through its annual Business Plan Competition. The competition, which be- gan in January, allows students cam~uswide a chance to test their creativity, teamwork skills, research abilities and commlt- ment Now, three months into the competition, which has consisted of workshops, busi- ness plans and presentations, FRANKLIN CALIFO RNIA TAX-FREE INCOME FUND ~\ Diet, Lear. (\)o ~to\ YoUr ~ If ow 'To ~ HOW TO KEEP MORE OF WHAT YOU EARN. c.,o~ eight-Fot ~\\'- • No Starving the Body • No dnip Or Surgery • Eat rttUlar Nom11I Foods • Ont-On·One Pllyllcl1n Clre • low Prlet1 . • Statt-of·tht·Art Nutrttlon1I Supplements • Mtdlcally Tested & Approved THE PROFESSIONAL WEJQHT LOSS SYSTEM 949-725-0000 · Ultra Lite b This health np was brought to you by: ~--'l"""P~ 105 Crescent Bay Drive, Suite 0, Laguna Beach 92651 You can kllep more cl what 'PJ earn when ~ if'l't'eSt in Fronld'm California 'bx-free lnoome Fund. And yoo don't her.., b be ~' Of dose b A!firanent b kJ1ce ocMnoge cl this fund. lhis fund oon pnMde 5*'0ng benefits for most inYeSion in a m federal income • tax btoc*et Of higher. Enjoy the benefits of: Double Tax·FrM IMon• • Month.Y IMon.e DmcM.Mk • Investment Grode POl1folo FRANKLIN TEMPLETON INVESTMENTS <GAIN fltOM OUll PlllS'lCTIVl' > Call today for o FUE brochure. Diversified Securities David B. Davis or John L. Bennis (71 4 ) 560-9656 tFor inveslors subiect to Ifie olwno!Ne minimum lox, a smoll portion ol lh~ d1V1dends !MY bt loxable. Oistributions of capitol goinl ore generally toxoble. Please coll for a free prosped!Js conloini119 more ~ i1dannation 1nc:ludi~ aoles charges, ~. and risb Please r90d ccnfvlY btlore 111¥8Sting OI sendi~ monty only 15 teams remain. And they still have more than a month to go. "Wdre really expanding the educational as~ct of the pro- gram and reaching out to more students," said Nicole Scarcello, oompetitloh director. "There'4 a lot of really great Ideas at UCI, not just in the (Graduate School of Management), so we're trying to help entrepreneurs by ex- panding it out. Ideally, a lot of these finalists will go on and start these com- panies," she said "They're all very serious." . The teams, now worlcing on fine-tuning thelr business plans, pres«¥ttatlons and finan- cial pitches, will gain the assist- ance of local business profes- sionals that competition officials expect will give partici- pants an even deeper under- standing of what It takes. "Hopefully, they'll all say that it was a good use of their time and that It helped them develop relationships and ways of think- • nuco petition's advisory board. ' . Hitting the gamut of local business leaders, the advtaory board will uslgn coaches .1- bualness p1ofeMlonab., -to eac,h. team during a reception at UCI tonlgbt. The coaches wW be . expected 'to mentor and. guide the teams, which conailt of anywhere from three to nine members, until the comped- tlon's winners are decided in May. The first-place team wtD 'Wtn a $50,000 cuh award, and aec- ond place will win $10,000. Al- though those awards can help the winning teams tum their plan into a reallty, the process of the competition will leave them with much more. "The discipline of the compe- tition really pushed them to have both a better appreciation for the difficulty of what th~ doing and a sense that in what- ever they do in the entrepJe. neurial world that they'Ve reaDy learned something lmportanf ln the competition," Hallett said. Splendore USA. IN Orchid Sale . Orchids ssoo to s2soo :· APRIL 5, 12, 19 & 26 Newport Be~ch 1s onli Orchid Nursery . ·Hurry! Our firat delivery is id\eduled for Wcdndday, April 9. Bread mwt be purcha.std by Monday. April 7 to be included in this delivery. FESTIVAL Continued from Al "Here I am in New York right now, about to go over to MadJ- son Square Garden for the open- ing nlgbt. and I would not be , l)ae tr It weren't for the fnaed. r Ible support we received fiom • t-lewport Beach on so many . ~·Kinney said. f'EEJNG THE EFFECTS Janney said her win at the ,Newport Beach F'llrn .Festival made tangible the gripping effect of her small-budget documen- . tary. She felt the emotion, the en- , CfSY· the history, the pain and the · glory of the featured soldiers : tluoughout her work on the film, but it was not until the Newport Beach awards ceremony that she ,iocepted its effect on others. •It made me realize there was a whole 'nother way of thinking ;d>out what people want to see in a theater-going experience,• Kin- ney said, comparing her small piece to other magnificent, hlgh- budget films in the same cat. egory. "They like 10 learn. They want to feel. They want. to know a Utlle something about the hu- man condition.· , J-ier film was largely shot In ,Newport Beach, on the Dream Malter Yacht. which was formerly the P-510, or "Plywood Express,· , ,yhile serving in the Aleutian ls- . l~ds during World War II. · Kathy Leek. director of public relations at Adventures at Sea Yacht Olarters -which now < owns The Dream Maker - worked with Kinney in her film. making and helped get the vet· ~ to tell their story. : Many of the veterans ca.me to· • pther to make the piece and • were touched to relive vivid : riemories with former col- : ltagues. Many more veterans • will reunite Friday. at the New : York screening of Crashboat.s. • SOme will be those invotved in • the filming. and others are · bringing loved ones to learn more about thetr adventurous i'outh. : ·nus is really a succes.c. story.· t..eek said. "It is a success story of the Newport Beach Film Festival 'We didn't even enter this festival, we w ere invited. It is just incredible when your little piece spreads like that. You know that it is something people care about.' ntlhl(lnney and this 8bn and the synergy surrounding every aspect of It· TAKEN 'TO NEW HEIGHT'S Had it not been for the public- ity Crasbboata recdwd from the Newport festival last year, It would not have caught the atten- tion of the New York festival pro· moters. • ·We didn't even enter this fes- tival, we were invited,• Kinney said. •it is just Incredible when your little piece spreads like that You know that it is something people care about• Now Kinney can continue to promote her film, tell the story of these forgotten veterans. give people a slice of "the human condition· and possibly sell the documentary to a cable channel And thanks to experience at the Newport Beach Film Festival, she is more prepared to endorse her piece in a larger venue, such as NewYorlc.. Even if the film does not come out a winner and does not get picked up by a larger agency. Kinney had the opportunity to share her wort with others and continue to reunite the aging veterans from the overlooked war heroes. "We are completely satisfied with just telling the story, giving these men the sense that people really do care about what tl\ey did for the country and reunited them with old friends.~ Kinney said. • l.OlITA HARPER writes column• M ondays, V\fednesdaya and Fndays and covers culture and the arts She may be reached at 19491574-4275 or by e-m111I at /ol!ta.harper@latimes.com. THE .. Al I NEW".' 2001f RX 330 Now Available Boutique Sale ApRI •tll, tOam·Jpm De1igne• AppaNI Sportswea• • Home 1tem1 AT VERY LOW PRICEI Don't lliss ntis ,.,,,_ """" cam ontr . • 111111 111na1 Come see the new f.Yet'W:>od' CowmySfde blinds rrom Hunter ' Douglu. Overlapping sl~ts create a t>eaurtful board-on·board de11an. And che 'Stef>'UP' took addS deptl'l. dlmens on •1•"'1""' and character to any· room. And : Ever\\Ooij CouncryStde wUJ noc • warp. crack. peet or flCk Even In tunld areas or dk9Cl..,..,.. ecwn. lee dleR bCuN bUr* IOdly. Ttusday. Afi/~ 3, 2003 A7 NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULE TODAY Edwlrda Big Newport 7:30 p.m . Opening Night -Miranda• FRIDAY ,....llllnd __ n •.m. lWo St.unmen 1 p.m. S7 Time for Shorts 3:30 p.m. S3 Crwy About Our Shorts 5p.m. Lost wMS Found ICoa Roll 8:30 p.m. Lltlno Spotlight -A Beeutlful Secret (Un Secreto De &per.nza)• ~w.nd -Oold 11 •.m. S6 Get Shortsyl 1 :30 p.m. The CheeM Nun: Sliter Noelle'• Voy~ of Discovery 3 p.m. Through the Night (Voru 0 Katcete) 5:30 p.m.l'Julle Walking Home 8 p.m. S:t Get Into Our Shortal UdoThMmr 11 e.m . A Podtet Full of Dreams 1 p.m.Boxed 3 p.m. 100 MUe Rule 5 p.m. Ofessing F-or The O.C.ra 6:30 p.m. Swell/Hean of the SN 8:30 p.m. 20th Anmveraary -The Outsiders• SATURDAY Adventures at S.. ThMterl 9 e.m. The Princess and the Pea 9:30 a.m. Touctiing Wild Horses 11 e.m. Children's Shorts Edwardl lsl9nd -eaue tt a m . Ganga from Rosano IRotarigas1no1) 1 p.m. Ctnemetographer's F-orum 3:30 p.m. Standard Time 6 p.m St Gangs of New Short.a 8:30 p.m Eddie (Edi) Edwwda Island -Gold 11 a.m. I Love Johann Noon Women Without Wings 2 p.m. Saini Monica 4 p.m. Just Do It IHamyeondoendal 6 pm Friends and Family 8 p.m. Reel Trousers The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen• Udo Theater 11 am. SlO USC Shons 1 30 p.m. l.abynnth IL.avinnll 3:30 pm. Spellboond 6 p.m S 11 Oscar Nominated Shorts 8:30 p.m. Castle In the Sky' Onnve CGunty MuMUm of Art 12~20 p.m The Sweatbox 2 p.m. 8-17 Flying Legend 3:30 pm. 515 Journey Through Shorts S p.m. The Kress Lounge 6:30 p.m The Last Zapat1stas. F-orgotten Heroes ILos Uh1m0fi Zapatlstas, Hero~ Olv1dadosl 8 pm. 519 Mending Shons SUNDAY [!]~Dunn-Well 1820 Monrovia A1111 eo.ia "'-·CA 92627 CwpcllS & W>o/$18tY ~&,,,~ Robert Dunn w..., OiwnaQe ~ Tel: M9.IM&.9373 QwJ)llf ~ 714 54e 3434 -••o.-w 1110.. ,. Ntwport Btoch Film Fw1val 2001 11 :JO a.m. Phylanthropi IFilantropteal 2 p.m. A Dream in Hanoi 4 p.m. In Joly (Im Julll 6 p.m. S8 There'• Pride In Our Shcms 8:30 p.m. 512 Short-Arumetlon-O·Rama Edwwd$ ~ -Gold 11 a.m. Tribal Journ•y· Celebrating our Ances1on 12:30 p.m The Bunal Soc1aty 2-30 p.m. S9 H11W1111an Shons 5 p.m. The Book of S1ors 7:30 p.m. Lfltters tn the Wind INamehay Badl 9 p.m. Sweat ISuaursl Udol'hMtef 11 a.m. The Magic Boie (La Bolte Magiquel 1 p.m. OT· Our Town 2:30 p.m Outpatient 4:30 p.m. Tibet Cry of the Snow Lion 6:30 p m Song of D Jew1~h Cowboy A Home on the Range The Jewish Chidcen Ranchers of Petaluma 8 p.m Tnb<Jte lo MacG1ll1v1oy ~eeman Films 40 Years 111 thP. Making• 9:30 p m Solitude Orange C-Ounty Museum of An l1 a m The Harriman Alaska Expedition RetrDcPd 12:30 p.m Gotham F1l>h Tales 2 p.m S20 What Wonch•rlul Shon" 3:30 pm. Lolita Slaw' to Entenainment 5 p m S 18 lronclatJ Shuns 6·30 pm Pipe Dr1,;1111s 8 p m Tho Wu11d1•r of Phil MONDAY Ectw.nis !stand -Slue 11 a m S 1 Gang\ of NPW Shons 2 p m Flyfish1ng 3 30 p m The Flats 6 pm The Anarct11st CC1o1~1.x>o~ 8 30 p.m The Gateko,..pc·r Edwards Island -Gold 11 30 a m AnnP B Ro .. 1 1 30 pm Joyful Panaktny 4 pm S22 Som<>thtt•q fl'J,.•1qn "'thf' Shorts 7 p m Final Dr.111 8·30 p m French Spotllflht ~,.,c1 Pour Le Chocoliit' Lrdo ThAdter 11 30 am M11a11d" I 30 pm SS fir rn "tior1 "The Art of Making Pizza,, WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5·9PM IEWWWI IEAQ4 ~ CXRllA Dfl MM i1YSTAL COVE PAOWNNlf 3423 \1A l1Xl 3001 E QlASr tOf.'Jf.'f ~ en.....• • ..,,•I>.' 949.723.0707 949.675.4100 949.715.1117 ---------- LARGE PIZZA .. SMALL SALAD 1 $3 DFF FREE I ~ • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I • GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CH(11CF F-REE 4 p.m The Month of August 5 p.m 527 Short Stadt 8:30 p.m The Trip Orange County Museum of An 2 p m. Strange Fruit 3:30 pm The Sh•man'1 ApprenbOe S p.m. CCNylm Comrade Stalin 6:30 pm 516 Sat11fy1ng Your Short.a 8pm Drive TUESDAY Edw9nll Wend 11 a.m. Whether The Storv of 12.30 p.m $.4 01 Shorts? 3 p.m . West Bank Br~yn 4:30 p.m. No Slflep 'til Madison 6:30 p.m P.S Yo\Jr C..t Is Dead 8:30 p.m S14 And Your Little Shorts Toot Edwards W.nd -Gold 1111 m New Guy 1 p m Liberty, Maine 3 p m The Seventh M an 5 p.m Window of the Soul IJanelil da Alma) 6.30 p m Town Diary 8 30 p.m Italian Spotlight -The lnv1s1ble Collection (La Collez1one lnv1s1blat• Udo Thelltet' 11 30 a m. Her Name h, Zeld.i 1 pm The Girl From Paris IUne H1sondelle A Fan Lo Pnntempsl 3 30 p m 9 Dead Gay Guys 5·30 p m S23 S1,( Oogreos of St11Jns 8 pm Bnttsh Spotlight My i<1ngoom• Orange County MuS'Jum of An ~ 30 p m Ani.mdn Focing tti• Aud1cncc 5 pm S17 Faith 1n Shons 6 30 p m No D1stancf< Too Far 8 p m Hip Hop Hoc.w WEDNESDAY Edwards Island -Blue 11 a m The Road 10 Rr.o(.ontcil1a1ton 12 30 pm Ct111<1rrm of 111' Crncorl " 2 pm. S2S Drnam1n· of Short~ 4 30 p m S 13 L1fn ls Shons 7 p m L1f1 Ahar W;u 8 30 pm S24 ShOflus Orama11tJ"> Edw.,ds Island -Gold 11 J m SJ r;1ry About J ,, Snc,-. I 30 p rr 81Jnl!rfly M .otn 3 30 p m Don t Tt·mpt MP !i 30 p m Truth and Dara 8 p m lnah Spotlight How Harry Becamv a Tree• Udolhe4rWr 11 30 a m ~v1n Goos ID Dinner 1 30 p m Purau11 of Happlneea 4pm Went 6 p m Daughter From Omnang 8 pm JapaneM Spothght -Wat~ Boya• Or.nge County Ml-.wTI of Alt 2 p m In Smog and Thun<Jer 3 30 p fl• Thu N1111 Oft1cers Wile 5 pm Ouest for the Grail b 30 p m Cold War Love 8 p m S2 l A Generation of Shona ~PRIL 10 Edwttrd~ Isl.ind Blue 11 J m UntouchatJI& vs Aryans Tho 0 .. nlfl fbf the Soul of India 12 JO pm Francisca ( De Que Lade. btd\I • 2 lO p '" Jur,.p.nq for Joy 4 JO pm Cti1l<1H:in On Their B1nnd~ f1 '.iO 11 m BPtwf:t:n Strangers F3 JO SJ 11 54 01<1 Som4'0ne Say St.oni.' Edwlflds Island Gold 11 J m SS Etkmill Shons 1 JO pm '>l c, .. 11nto Our $hons• ,i p rr1 Pl .. lt.I J;.11n < JC p n, ';26 P JlyHSffJr Pt1nce Road Show !:l 1> m s.,.irr;t11ny fr;r Pdrat11~ lido The•ter 10 4!.. .i ,, , n ... Nd""' o f BuddhJ I JI r m f ., r.., 5tAWd•rfoss Goo~ ll') H1 ...,,., T<1•li1b I.db Aldfdtas Van Al C11u · jc p ,, Mo,,r.y Atdn 1 rn f 0 ii ~ r, I V,., 8e1 Ro 1 p rn Trw IC 111 5,, 11 JO 1 m r1 ,._., y Pll14ht 5m.j I Jo11 , • ., ~~ti M 1nt.nq T11119 ' OnmgaCounty Museum o4 An '"-" C:.· lti ,o,, J JC. I• n H1o C.I •1t<1tr,wn F•I•" 'JI• rl C_,1,.lty Pit it!.Urt-' Tht- E ,,,,.,,r I r .i•v •Nt.rl<l nf Oon" ,,<J- Du rr • t '' p I ,Ir. t••n 1 TnffJuQt'l rn..., Srtr•rt APRIL 11 ~ t H h t'c4• J\f~.(,f1 ~pt h /I"" """ 4' •• •oenotes Special Event State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I e >w l 1fJ 1:13 j) ::IJ) J'l1I1J ·Id.ti~ 11 ~ i,13 ii COMPLETE SMOG REPAIR TUNE OP \,nm• Ou 11~r \ma / 96.:;, '8 } / t 1 111 ( 11 t.t \ f t••.1 THE CARBURETOR SHOP INC . 2'>q'; R.inJolrh AH B , , 1\J , 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We R•palr Gr-hU.tera i{ Dressers 25°/oOFF A-p y1i 1pnl Aprt! 9 f"'l 1 >Cr'~ Night Stands £kdflV Z?,0~~ ~f ~ • fine fumicure at de\1gner price~! • 1 Everything at belo" \.\a.rehouse price~! New merchanJ1c;e uri\e~ dailv! m .,. • . • Grand Opening for Dinner at NEWPORT DUNES RESORT'S ]J. ]J1\Y l111rulll1•.w.;nt-11 .. H3l W..,0..W.•tlunpt .... , Al Tlusday, Ai:>t"~ 3, 2003 SOC I ETY e>.iyPiot THE CROWD Taking care of their PALS at the Lodge T he "in crowd" all came to • the in spot, otherwise known as the lodge Restaurant at the Qunp In Costa Mesa. 1be young, and not so restless, Orange Coast 30-so01ething crowd who have joined foroes to become the Orangewood PAIS converged on the lodge for a ' midweek mixer that raJsed nemfy SS,OOOto help r-------. support the children cared for by Orangewood. PAlS, Providing Assistance Love and Support, is an auxiliary organization B. W. COOK that has anracted a growing contingent of young executives in the community. Many PALS members are not married and have no childre n of their own, yet they have become dedicated and caring members of the community at-large, working to make a better Life for children in need. funds for the PADRE FoWldation. Tickets for the Garden party are $100 per person. To reserve your spot, please call the PADRE office at (714) 532-8330. HEART~. GALA SET The American Heart Assn.'s "Heart to Heart Gala" is set for May 17 at the Hyan Regency · Irvine.. This ~ar's elegant eveni,ng is dedicated to the memory of John P.ntwistle, bass player for the Brjtish rock group the Who. Entwistle died in June under care for a heart condition. It was reported that his death was from a heart attack brought on by drug use. Entwistie's family, including his former wife Max Harlow, are joining forces with the Am erican I Jeart Assn. to raise awareness of heart disease and strokes, and perhaps more importantly, wave the red Oag of danger about dru~ use. "This is a wonderful tribute to John and his memory while supporting the work of the American Heart A..,..,n.," Harlo'"' said. Orange County leader Tom Nielsen will chair the gala Spotted in the crowd at the Lodge were Barbara FJdson, Karen RasmUS5el1, Keri Dugan. Keith Bohr, Marty Dutch and Rich Dutch. "I run a longtime fan of thr Who," Nielsen lklid. "Entwistle\ music will live on. and this upcoming evening will add to hi' legacy accomplishing two goal!>. helping reduce the toll of heart disease and urging others to sta) M>ber.·· Barbara Eidson Karen Rasmussen and Kari Dugan joined forces at the Lodge in Costa Mesa on behalf of Orangewood PALS. The Pediatric Adolescent Diabetics Research Foundation will host its 14th annual Fashion show dinner on May 3 at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa. In '13 years, the event has raised more than $I million through the PADRE Fo undation. beneficing diabetics research and educallon. This year, the organizers are billing the event as a "Garden !>arty. tt Olaired by Penny Lopez and Kathy McGulgan. with support from Susan Savage and Sue Cannon, the evemng will be sponsored by Fashion Island and Washington Mutu aJ and include dinner, a fashion show and auction opportunities. Robinson!>· May \vill handle the fashion extravagaro,a. The highlight of the evening will be the m odels showing off the latest spring fashions. Oiabetlc youngsters from -age 2 to 20 will hit the catwa11rto help raise A number of singerc; and bands have agreed to donate per;onal items for ~I lean to Heart charity *ti Memombilia WillX e highest bidder. Items ~c bl'l'll donated by PattJ LaBeUe. Eric Oapton, Billy Idol, Carlos Santana, Bon Jovi. Oleap Trick Counting Crows. No Doubt, Kenny G, Jim AltJert and Daw Glnk. The 22nd annuaJ I leart to Heart Gala prom~ to he one ol the major black-tu:' even1-; on th<.' c;pring sociaJ calendar. Attracting a wide<,pread contingent of community leaders, the ewning '>houltl r.11"· subi.tantiaJ fundc, for thc American Heart A.,<,n lit l l't' .ir1· $300 per person. l·or reservations, plea..e call Lri ca Cart.a at (949) 86.5-3555. • THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays. Orangewood PALS board member Keith Bohr and friend help raise $5.000 for the chfldren of Orangewood. Meet the Well s Fargo Two exceptional volunteers, Marty Dutch and Rich Dutch, join a friend at the Orangewood PALS evening at the Lodge. Private M ortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hands of Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bank ers liv e and work in your community ~nd excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home fi nancing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and prefere nces, and -0ur unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. , • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investm ent properties • Interest-only loans David Kravit7. 949·2~ 1-4902 Private Mortgage Banker I • I DATEBOOK ltu~1. Aiit~ 3. 2003 "' • THEATER First stop for 'Orphan Train ' is SCR 8yTomTltu1 W hen South Coast Repert. ory opened Its new Julianne Argyros Theater last November, the occasion was a world premi~. Richard Greenberg's new play, "The Violet Hour." • Not to be outdone, SCR's Nicholas Studio -the former Second Stage renovated and reconfigured aa a 95-seat theater -will offer itJ first production this weekend, also a world premiere~ And a home-grown one, at that Latµie Woolery, an a~. director and.the director of the theater's Young Conservatory. program, I$ also a playwright and has created a play especially for her srudenrs. It's "Orphan Train; The Lost Otildren," the story or a group or poor, homeless and orphaned children who were sent to the American West from the mjd-l9th to the mid-20th century. "Orphan Train," set in the early 1920s, was inspired by stories of children taken off the streets of New York. set on a perilous train journey across the country and placed with homesteading families. Young Conservatory insttuctor Steve OeNaut is directing. "When I started worting at SCR, I noticed that -just like the main theater -the Young Conservatory sought to bring new work to the stage," Woolery said. "The only thing was, there wasn't a lot of interesting material beyond the Disney stuff or fairy tales." As It happened, Woolery was working on the script of "Orphan Tram," although she originally intended it as a vehicle for aduJt performers. She had gained the inspiration from her brother, a historian, who had told her about the westward m ovement of young people to complete pioneer famili~. ·1 liked the idea of kids telling a true story about other kids," she i.aid. "Especially when it's still happening m countries Wte Afghanistan. The play hopefully will educate and Inform, and ma.Ice people, both youngsters and aduJts. to feel and 10 trunk.· "Orphan Train" centers on a child named Clarice, who spins fantastical stories to ease the fears or her sisters as they wait huddled in the train station. Others gather around, and she becomes a surrogate mother to the frightened children. who imagine themselves as the characters ui her inventive stories. Even the young hoodlums hiding in the station become caught up in the magical tales. "Our goal in this production, and in the YoungConservatory. is helping people find their loner voice," Woolery said. Woolery has found her particular voice as a playwright with some 15 scripts behind her in and out of Southern CaJjfomia Three years ago, she received a commission from South Coast Plaza presents Laurie Woolery SCR to write and direct "Rtiss,· which received its world premiere in I.he spring of' 2000. Her award-winning production of "Our Town· won "best 'icene" honors at I.he 2001 Kennedy Center's Amcncan College Theater Festival. She's working on a modem adaptation of "Don Quixote" and b the playwright in residence for Hollygrovc Otildren's Home in Los Angeles. Rccentty. she perfonned her solo play. "Salvadorean Moon/African Sky." and panicipated in SCR's Pacific Playwnghts Festival in last summer\ "California Scenanos • n1e-.e days. however. her anent.ion b on "Orphan Tram." even lhougP she's not m the director's chair on I.hie; one. The ca'>t is composed of "ht•r lod-., • I.he one'> 1n the Young Conservatory at SCR. Members of the con!>ervatory's Junior Players -an en<,emble group or acung students ~lccted hy audtt1on after compleung two year> of Young C..onservatol) training -compme the last of "Orphan Train." 111ey u1clude K.aylm Miller and Kalltvn Smith of <..o'>ta Mesa. Canulle K.azempoor of Newpon Beach and Hrina Dokich. Ale>Js Gomez and t laytey P-.llmer of Corona del Mar. "Orphan Tniin. TI1e LoM Ouldren • wiU be presented at I and 4 p.m. <iatun1ays and Sundays beginning thl'> week and runnjng through April I .I lit k<'t!. MC S'l and may lw purcha-.cd thrmt~h thl' ~( :H box offi«l' .ti (714) 708-5555 •TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursday!> and Saturdays March 28 -April 19, 2003 Ent<W t:h.irat:tcr d1spl.1~ !Tom Lewis C..urnll's Alrn: 1n Wondcr~nd in .& hc.rnnful \J)nngnmc sctnn~ .is '>clulh Coast Pl.iu l.Omcs .il1"c with "Spnngnmc in \\'nndcrlJnd Walk through Ahc.:e's door inw ;lll cxooni scmn~ fillld with Aoral d1spla~ and the bclo\'ed dura..:tcrs 'l'ou·11 mncmbcr fTom the trc.i.surcd duslC we Children will en)O\ ll'.&11 ~lll\lllC\ at the Craft Party in urOIDCI Court. The enorc f.umh ... ,11 cntoy spcaa.J mus1ul pcrform;lllcn Easter Bunny Photos: Have a photo tak.en with the Easter Bunny m our \w.&uulull\ decorated spnng g;w:bos located in Ur\llJ.SCl Court .rnJ in the Crate and Barrel H ome Wing, first level Craft Party: Children will love these: fun springtime cn.ftsl The Craft Pany indudc:a designing and dccoradtlg garden vilJon, garden -~~er Bunnies and more. E njoy Special M usic: Pami1ia att uwitcd to attend iipcdal chon.I and Oiddtl al pubmanccs fcarunng talented duJdrcn from our local communities. Join us in Carouac:I CA>urt on Saturday, April 5th and ApnJ 12th for tpccial ptrf'ormancca Quality i. San DicfO ~ (406) at lruiOI t. '14.•H.219' Ccfticr Hourt: Moo -Pri: 10.00ain -9 :00pm : 10.00am -·~ SW,: ll.00am -6:30J1m WWWICMI~ com DINING REVIEW Jerry's Deli offers the taste and feel of New York By Kathy Mader I 've said it before and I'll say it again: New York cuisine has a lot to offer Southern Californians, and Jerry's Famous Deli seems to be making it Its business to offer it all -.all at once, and all in the same place. · Jerry's .,Famous Deli on Palk Center Drive, near the Orange CoWlty Perfonning Arts Center, has the biggest menu I have ever seen, and believe me. I have seen -and ordered from -a lot of them! I tried counting the number of items, no extras and no sides, and qwt when I hit 100 and hadn't left the upper left hand comer of the menu. I thtnlc it wouJd be a fair guesstimate and no exaggeration to '>Cly there may even be 1.000 item!> on thl'> menu. The menu itself is aJmo!>t 2 feet high and even lon~er Ill width. The menu quote!> and seems to live by the word!> or 1.0., Angeles Tunes writer Max Jacobson: "Some is good, more is be«er, too much is ju't right." If this seems daunting to you, foUow this game plan: Thmk of something you want and order iL Short of Romanian 'kin <,tea.le -oh wait. that's on therl' - Jerry's will have 11. Now, I have eaten at a deh a.nd a diner or two m New York, and following the menu's ma'>'>IH' lead, I will ~y that four or fivt• of these diner> couJd fit 1n10 du., Jerry's. It is a hugt' restaurant. and I am lhtn1cing that thl'> t'> where the Cahfom1d mfluenn• iies: sheer bigness. hlce I loml' Depot big. Well. not quite, but you get the picture ~pea.le.mg of picture,, the decor of Jerry'<, i'> b.N.•d on when New York <..11y 11•ra.' thl' PLUG IN movlemabng capital. Giant old-tune movie posters adorn the walls, and roUer-coaster-1.ilce track. lighting with bright colored la.mpi. runs throughout the deli. up and over the red leather booths. I.Ike New York City itself. Jerry'i. ii. bag. noisy, bright, busy and pretty expensive. You eithe1 love it or hate it If you love ttems lilce gefilte f!!>h, chopped liver. b-eplach and pirogen. Jerry\ LS your place. And you un get them all to go! llte!>e aren·t JU!>t no\.elty item) at Jerry') either IlU!t i!. '>Wldard rare You are d.bo 111 luck if you Jove 8-mch lugh chocolate mousse ca.le~ and carrot cakes, fresh bageb and bnslcet. lcnockwurst Rcu~n ~dWlche-;, cla.sb1c Monte < .n..to., and the Brooklyn egg cream. wluch, as luck. wouJd h,1ve 11. ha.'> no egg m 11. I JU'>t took another look at the ml'nu. tha' tune the "To Go" menu, which I!> JUSt as big, tned to count just the headlines or each wuwn. and <;topped at 20 on the front side. After hot dog'>, piu;1<,, nb'>, smoked fish planerc; and ··nosh." I 1ust couldn't go on It "all lhere You can order Imm .my '>t'CUOn, any time. and agam. All of II l'-available for catenng or lo ~o. But ho\\ I'> tht• food? you a!>k I h" tnp wa.' .i big '>UtCt'!>.'> nic 1..L,l t%a. .. n·1. lhe 1np bt>fore \\'~ hkt' :-.;ew Yorl 1t<.t'lf. It c J Im.le IUUt hand go But the crowd' IO\e 11. dlld thl' old f,c,h1onl'd thoroldtt' 'od<t'> alorw m.0..e 11\\onh11 Jt'm'' h,L\ 10 lot,llllJll'. llflllt' Ill :\t>\\ 'turk. one in I l11nt.ld I beht•n• the \'..111 ,,an tnuned 111 ;'\.l'\' 'rorl. ctJW"J) -.onwwha1 lm·ndly, but t>llilll'lll ct.' .ill get FYI •WHERE: Jerry's Dell. 3210 Parle Center Drive, Coate Mesa •WHEN: "lat e hours· •PHONE: (7 14) 662-3354 • HOW MUCH: Moderately expensive out. If you don't know wha~ you want. they're gone. With a menu that reads lilce the mCMe aedm m "Gang<, of New York.· you probably won't lcnow what you wan1 the first 1wo times they a.'>k.. !'ailing to get 111 the advenruro~ spant and dl\XJO~ to plea!>e my server with a wnely thoice. I ordered the ctulJ rheese omelet ($8.65), wluch wa.c; 1us1 great, -.erved Wldl fnL><l potal~ and yow cho1te, mme reall). of toa!>t or 1omat~. I ate 1l Jll Hna.n had the corned bet:! lt<L.Jl (S9 65). wtuch he could have had in an omelet, and there wa<, no mt.'>La.lc.m~ this tor that na..,ty canned .. 1uJT. TI11'> WJ.l> '>hreddt>d corned beef. fne<l up ..... 1th potalO and onion~ and 'l'rved '>trambled er.gs aud thl' '>dme c.ho1et:s I had ·nus Wa.) JU!>! a touch Kfl'ct!>y, but '>Otnl'Urne<> on a Sunday morning after a I year-old\ h1rthdJ\ party, that'' JU.'t whal tht> dot tor or<lnt•d. \ Jcrrv., l'amou!> Deh ongma.J 1-. tht• breaJd..L,t pv.7.a with \our fd\Ontt· ~ d1'>h ..ened on J p11.1..c1 cnN \\lull' Jerry\.., 'Onll'\' hal l'l\J>t'll"\I;' '>andw1chl'' L<l'>t from S'I to SI I -1ht> portion, are big .• md 11 11 I'> an Jutlwnm pJ.-.1ram1 t hop1wd lh1d..t·n hwr and umon '><lll<l\"l h lh.tl \OU \\iirlt thJI I'> '' h,11 \'llll Kt t • KATHY MADER's d1n1ng reviews appedr t>vPrv 01h"r Thursday P1ug into your community Find O<J' \\l',tt' 10''1Q on" r.jr ,,.. Daily Pilot Pdrl(s, churchf..">, \Chools, entend1nrr pr: "'"J wori, Rt'dd 1~t' How to reach u~' Call the Daily Pilot di 641 43.21 ThisWeek@UCI Arts April 3-20 Beall Center for Art and Technology. l 1je by /Jes1>!11 · l w:-ryda>' l>1g1tal < ulrurt!. 11 a.m-5 p.m. Tue'ldav-Sunday, 11 J.m. 8 p.m. Thur'ld.iy. BcJll Center free April 5 Chamber Series. \tlrul•frt\ l •Ht h·,11 W11h :\ind &llln1k.. p1.ino ~ p.m • Winifred ~mith Hall $X SI~ Athletics April 4 Women's Water Polo. UC/ n !lt<J11f11rd 4 p m .. n. Cal C..,tart• ,'\orthndg~ "· m rm~ Aquatics Complex. SJ SS April 5 Women's Tennis. l'( I i·s < ·ar p.,1, ..,, o 11 .i.m .. Tenni' Stadium. Frtt April 8 Baseball. UU vs. Pepperdmr i p.m .. Anteater Ballpark. $4-$7 Presentation April 8 Dean of Students. Honnr Thy Ch1ldmi. On~ Family's Journq to Whoknes.s. With AJ and Jam Nakatani. Noon-I :lO p.m • discussion Wlth thrt Nabtanis. Cf'OS.\ Cultural C.enter. 3-5 p.m .• main program with film. Monarch Bay. Student Ctoter. Plft April 9 --- ~Distinguished fellows Series. T~ hlmlLllJ. n.Mtional SubjttrJ and tht Spa« oft.w. W'aih 8arban Yrwwwrn. pro r or anthropology. Ha.mrahltt ' p.m .• Monarch 811- Stucknt <:enter. Frtt Information: Ml. .... ...... ~-· • l f f I I [ I •. --... . ·: AlO Tlusday, ~ 3, 2003 DATEBOOK REELCRmcs , 'Basic' lacks from top to bottom, 'Head of State ' is smart, fµnny 'Basic' is basically awful ''B asic· is a military action film that taltes place ln the jungles or Panama on ·The Day of the Dead,· and is a movie with many drug .---------overtones. ~ It involves an Army Ranger unit that has suffere<l several deaths in a wild shooting eptsode.A military ELAINE interrogation ENGLAND team is called in to son out the details of the deaths. typlcaJ Jackson fubJon. The plot is somewhat convoluted and dlmcult to follow because of the many characters involved in the jungle shooting. The character development is sparse, and the ending is ludicrous. Bottom line -a weak effon from otherwi8e well-respected. stars. At times, It feels as if they just phoned ft lo. . •ELAINE ENGLAND lives In Newpon Beach and own9 a gift-basket business she operates out of her home. 'Head of State, offers cornrnentary,hUIDor ' 'H ead of State• is the funny Ouis Rock film many moviegoers hoped he would malte. cllcM temtortes - the jilted girlfriend, the laborer "' • with the heanofgold (jeez, who ·-willillllllJllll~ will make a "'-........ ....__.._ better First flaccid. Lady?), etc., the film becomes rather On the nthir hand, when Rock and the movie focuses its resources on widced political satire does the mm run on an cylinders. Highlights include a commentary during which Gilliam asks how crack cocaine can be cheaper than prescription ~ asthma medicine. In another inspired rum. Gilliam's opponent's • campaign motto is "God Bless America Wld no one else: .. , Tum Hardy (John Travolta), a former Ranger who left the military under unclear circumstances, is called in to help with the interrogation. The leader of the team is Capt. Osborne (Connie Nielsen). who plays a frustrated female officer in an overwhelming male bastion. She is unhappy when she loses control of the investigation to Hardy. like Richard Pryor before him, Rock intricately weaves social commentary into his humor. However, fans of Mr. Rocle will have to wait for his version of ·uve on the Sunset Strip" or ·Blazing Saddles" (Pryor was a co-writer with Mel Brooks), as "Head of State" is an imperfect film with glimpses of what could have been. John Travolta, Connie Nielsen and Samuel L. Jackson star in the military thriller ·sasic. • Rock is probably one of the best visible comics-political • • • commentators around. While ,_ this first attempt ("CB4" doesn't • count) at having a large creative : hand in a film was a tepid and : irregular affair, the flashes of - brilliance can only create an anticipation of better projects Each p erson questioned during the investigation has a different story, which is amplified by flashbacks to the original jung.le event. Samuel L Jack.son is cast as Sgt. West and plays him in In "Head of State," tlie presidential and vice presidential candidates of an unnamed party are killed when their campaign planes crash into each other less than two months before the election. ln searching for an expendable replacement candidate, party heavyweight Sen. Bill Arnot (James Rebhorn) decides to •throw· the election and select an obscure Washington . D.C. alderman, Mays Gilliam (Rock}, whose only claim to fame is his saving a cat from a burning building. Of course, Gilliam has no chance of winning, but the unnamed political party will undoubtedly score political points for selecting an African American as its candidate. The movie and campaign begin in earnest when Gilliam rea.l.iz.es that he shouJd not be constricted by .what is acceptable to the nation's centrists. but should actually stand for something. It is only ater a head slapping by his cousin, a Chicago AFTER HOURS •Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL 'WANr The Newport Beach Film Festival will show the Southern California premiere of Michael Wohl's daring feature film debut, "Want.• at 4 p.m. Wednesday at Lido Theater. The film takes an unflinching and provocative look at the dartc underside of dot-com mania. Set in Silicon Valley during the dizzying last days of 1999, "Want• follows a hapless software engineer hiding from reality through an increasingly dangerous sexual obsession. 2003 PROM FASHION SHOW Macy's South Coast Plaza and Seventeen magazine will host a 2003 Prom Fashion Show at 2 p.m. Saturday. See the latest looks modeled by gir1s from the National Charity League. The fun takes place in the THISIT shop for Juniors. Call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. The show is at Macy's South Coast Plaza's Women's Store, at 3333 Bristol St. Make Those Patios '1 Entries Beautiful Let J 1m J cnn mg~ i.rutall \Our complcu: \JrJ land-cape • Expert bnclt, -cooe, tile&. J.u wurlt. • \..an recnmmenJ qu.:iliry Jt'$1gner.. & lanJscapcrs. • Dram.11:c problem', We solve rhem • Call no" and have Y<lUr hou"" reaJ\ (,n 1h1s summer' Why klU a c"°"" and be~ c.aa the ~ tN.rt "°' ' ~ 1000'• of au&omas "" owr .U )'em'S. Momma John Jennifer ~ belong to tbe world's largeSt flooring retail group • co-op. We are tbe biggest ·flooring dea#rs Individually <>Um«l a'nd~ NOllODYa ...... can b«it °"',.,. trtiiw. JJrl!.G or..,.,,,,,,_ You 'nr JNfJY11W fDD mlkb lf.)'Oll,,. .. bu~~- Lifetime Warranty Carpet $1 " Lifetime Warranty l,amlnate 'I OU! rangku ~ ~ J7emtn1.ne • S(),ses for all ~~~esol BEAlITIFUL WOMEN See what's NEW for Spring & Summer FW-ttiii '"Lin ... Cnn:h···Whnrrm . Gifa 0-Accessories 369 E. 17th St 121, Com Mesa (949) 642·5459 Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $1 " Lifetime Warranty Wood Brenda bail bondsman named Mitch (a grossly underused Bernie Mac) does Gilliams campaign start in earnest. The mm aspires to the heights scaled by Robert Redford's "The Candidate" and Warren Beaty's "Bullworth." However, Rock is betrayed by the overall strength of the material. When the film ventures into standard movie ahead. .,, • ROB OROZCO ts an attorney with Morris. Polich & Purdy. He lives in Newport Beach with his wife and two cats \\,.ant ,.our l .. ost St o c I\. I n '·est 111 c n t I~ al" k '! .fill: Fact: Many investors have suffered serious loss due to unsuitable investments or unsound advice 56% of all stock loss claims are won by investors (NASO) Don't Pay Too Much For Your Brakes CALL US i'•:JEPf'."•,:p;T SERVICE PERFORMANCE LTD 2037 HARBOR BLVD. 650 5860 COSTA MESA CA 949 2 BLKS NO OF TRIANGLE SQUARE WWW. PERFORM ANCELTO.COM 314• SOLi> EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE s441 !!!!..!!I! s 141 from ~· 1111111 ~· ., " ... ,,. • I • • • . .. ,, ... . ... --. ~ --·....,;;.;;;;- QUOTE OF ntE DAY "I couldn't believe it. It was marvelous." Mike StartcwedNN', Corona del Mar High golf coach, on Rob Ury's double eagle TENNIS Kourni-. . Clona, anyone? Russian teen Sharapova, drafted by Breakers, could be the sport's next pinup. L indsay Davenport, we knew abouL John McEnroe and Martina Navratilova? That's two more sellouts at PaHsades Tennis Qub. But Russian teen phenom Maria Sharapova? There's the golden nugget promoters are seeking. There's no high-price tag for Sharapova (not yet, anyway!. and after Wednesday's World Team Tennis draft to fill roster spots on the league's 10 teams (two men and two women on each team), it appears the league's newest fruchise, tbe Newport Beach Brtillers, struck. gold. . RICHARD DUNN While Davenport (a Palisades Qub member! is the ideal marquee player for the Breakers, paying for the rights to have McEnroe and Navratilova VlSil Newport Beach in July is a huge boost for the franchise. Selecting teen heartthrob Sharapova, however, could be the steal of the draft. At least at the turnstiles. "She's got the Anna KoOmikova-look.. • Breakers General Mlflager Lisa Fortman said. referring to ehe women'• tour's first Russian plqer to hit Madison Avenue, yet Sh4fapova comes with credentials of maybe acrually winning a tournament in ber career. MMy goal is to win a Grand Slam and to be No. I, M she has said, a 5-foot-10 blond who is interested in fashion, and, among other th1ngs, sells her own tine of wallpapers and screensavers on her Web site. ·1 think it's going to be a big party,· Palisades Oub owner Ken Stuart said, referring to the Breakers' lineup with Sharapova, wbo is expected to draw a large male audience. ·1 respect Anna (Kournikova). But I don't pay attention to her or model mys~lf after anyone. I just do my own thing." Sharapova told reporters last year. Further, for the Breakers to pay an undisclosed amount for the rights to host McEnroe {of the New York Sportimes) and Navratilova (of the Philadelphia Freedoms) is a huge bonus fo r local tennis fans and an investment in the franchise from the league. Billie Jean King i.s the league's di.rector and co-founder. ·Bmle's no small time. She's going to take care of her own team.~ Fortman said. For local residents, getting a chance to see Sharapova and the 16-year-old's development ls the hottest thing to h1t tennis in this area In several years. Spor1a Editor Roger Carlson • (94915744223 • $t»oftl Fu: (9491650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING PHOTOS BY K£NT TREPTOW I OAA.Y PILOT Newport Harbor's Andrew Cole establishes an earty lead during ttie·first leg of ttie 4QO..meter freestyle relay Wednesday. Tars forge tie Sailors' boys follow coach's lead and win last event to tie potent Irvine, 85 -85, while Newport girls succumb to Vaqueros' superior depth in the Sea View League swim meet, 108-62. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot NEWPORT HARJDR -There's more to Newport Harbor High aquatics than a ball and cage. AI. least. that's what the Newport boys swim team proved after their thrilling perform- ance in a ~t-like bout with visiting Irvine Wednesday. The Sailors. typically known for water polo in regard to aquatics, went 1-2 In the 400-yani freestyie relay. leading fQ an 85-85 tie with Sea View League rival lrvine. ·we're basically a water polo school and I'm trying to get them excited about swimming,· said Newport Coach Jason Lynch. who is also the coach of the boys water polo squad ·we competed with (Irvine) and that was our goal. For the fu- ture, it gives us confidence. I think it's going to be a fun league championship meet fMay 9). • After Newpon finished first and third in the 200 free relay, the Sailors and Vaqueros were tied, 62-62, with three events remaining, Andrew Cole, a Newport senior bound for the University of Utah. won the 100 back.stroke (53.90. ~auto­ matic qualifier), yet l.rvlne finished second and third, and the score remained lied. 70-70. Cole also won the 100 free (48.10, C~automatic qualifier). The Vaqueros. who have won the Sea View League title the past eight years, swept the ,oo breaststroke, which left New- pon with the challenge of going 1-2 in the 400 free relay in or- der to end the meet in a tie. Newport's top 400 free relay team. consisting of Cole. jun1or Michael Bury, senior Ross Slnda1r and senior Nathan Welnei:, were expected to win, so Newport's ·a· foursome had to step up. Junior Bryan Auer. freshman Oay Jorth. freshman Kyle Sherman and jun1or Andrew Belden finished In 3:29.22 to Newport Harbor SW1mmers cheer as the boy's 400-meter SH TARS, Pqe B2 freestyte relay teams finish first and second to gain a tie. EYEOPENER Daily.ttPin Spo1111 IW flPaml , ............... ........... Apttl 7 honotee PAUlORRJI Tlusday, ~ 3. 2003 11 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOU£YBALL Corona del Mar sends message to PCL foes CdM may be team to beat after rallying past Laguna Beach in the PCL opener. Barry Faulkner Dally Pilot LAGUNA BEACI I -After the sup- posed showdown for Pacific Coast League supremacy Ii.a.led to an anticli- mactic end, Corona del Mar High boys volleyball coach Steve Conti mvok.ed a somewhat gnzzly metaphor to describe the commanding 9·15. 15·9, 15-9, 15-6 comeback victory over host Laguna Beach that may prove to be the rurrung point of his team's M?a.S<>n "It seemed like all the zest was out of it," Conti said of SCOREBOMD a less-than-intense fourth game. m which the Breaker. unexpectedly emp tied thelr bench. trailed, 12 -2. and were firushed off by an emphaoc stuff CdM 3 block by CdM sen-Lag. Beach l ior middle blocker Eric Jones. "It was good to see we were the team applying pressure and that we were the ones going for the jugular. rather than us being the team with our throat slu. bleeding our aJl over the court.· Conn said. "We've been (the victim) m that si tuacion before this season.· lndeed the Sea King.s recovered from a first-game lull to generate cold- blooded efficiency. ruming consastentJy accurate passes into a quick transition kills with a de~tallllg middle anack led by senior Miles Yowman. as well ai. Jones. The 6-foot-2 Yowman. who bad JUSt fow k.ills the first 45 aunutes of the 90- minute match. ti.rushed With a match- higb 18. The 6-6 Stan.ford-bound Jones. playing in onty his second match of th.e seuon. added wne k.il.ls and a match- higll 6w stuff blocks against a Laguna unft with a glaring hole in the middle. "We lost ow starting senior middle blocker yesterday to academic ineli- gibility and we have a backup middle who blew his lcnee out in soccer: LA- guna Beach Coach CUrt Hamon said. "We were scrambling out there to find someone to put ID the middle and wie didn't block a ball ffbe Sea Kings) were more steady than we were and they ex- p.lolled us (in the middle! We bad one day of pracnce to try it out. I'm no magi-cian.. CdM managed linle mas;c in the opening game, when tbe hosts erued a 6-3 deficit and pulled away from a 7-7 deadlock to win the 31 -minute pine. But. after bui.ldmg an 8-3 lead In cha See YOU.EY8AU.. ..... 12 TENNIS McEnroe, Navratilova tQ. play at Palisades. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Joe ntarella Tennis legends, along with Davenport, are headline~s, but Russian teen Shavapova will be a r~ar for Breakers and cquld steal spotlight. RloMrdDunn OaityPllOt NEWPORT BBACH -The Newport Wc.h Brnkert lcnew about Undaay Dl,.eoport and her t'WO·matcb com· mltment to the 2003 World 1Hm ~· U: eeuou thla MdDlllef ac PlllNdet n•a. aw. but folloWtns Wednel· dafl player draft. the ...... newett fnDchlit annoUnCed It WW a1ao boet vWUDs p&ayen JC)bo Mcllotoe and ,..un. ~ dwinl tbe .... IOD. TM w...ee tebedule bu yet to be ...... •d and ibe 8reUert ttOI ........ named a coach, but former USC men's tennl.a coach Dick Leach and Newport Beach Tennla Cub Director of Tennis Scott Davi.a are the final candidates. accocdlng to an ln.atder. In addJdon to Davenport. the B..tert telec:ted Marla Sbavapova. the 16-year-old Ruulan pbeoom who wu nominated by Teen Mapdne to the March 111\M u •one of 20 teen-acera th.at wUl chan .. the world.. Sbarapova, at 14 yean old. wu the younsett player ever to reach Au.a· trallan ~o JWlior 8nalt. In ber youq pro career, tbt hu already proven the can wtA bY defeat11\1 top·50 p1ayen Amy Fruler and Laura Granvill 1be Breakm alto featunt Brian M•cPbJe. Joeb P.ap. and tinaJ Pwi'y. fAlle, an Aut1rUlaD dcMlblet ~ wttb ttYe cloublee dd. (tblM ol wbk.h came in 2002), I.lid M.ldtUt, a Su OemeDte Nlldent. a.re,.._ dou· billl pu'IDen OG die mm .. tour UMi cumady nnbd J1'b. More serious approach has keyed breakthrough success for Sailor at center of streak-busting Win. . hny FautkMr Dalttl>iot I 12 Tlu'sday, ~ 3. 2003 SPORTS ' HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING . Mesa teams roll through Estancia Mustang boys and girls post big victories to re.main unbeaten in GQlden West League. Bryce Ald•rton Daily Pilot 3-0 in league play with convincing vic- tories Wednesday In a league dual meet ln the Eagles' pool. The g1tls won. 115- 55, while the boys netted a 112-55 vic- tory, this after the meet was delayed about 15 minuies because there was no official. Fstancia Athletic Director Tun Parsel called in Jack ~cber. a long- tlm~ track and field official, to oversee che meet' Busacbu profllptly shot off CX>STA MESA -Defying preseason his pistol to s.ignaJ the start of the races, predictions, Costa Mesa Higb's boys and which were controlled by Costa Mesa girls swim teams continued to glide for the most part. through the Golden West League waters • •1 think we're dolng pretty good," said again Wednesday. this time against Mesa's Allison Bunnell after exiting the arch-rival &tancia. water following her win in the tOO-yard Picked to finish in the middle of the freestyle, an event she said she normally pack by the league's coaches. Mesa's doesn't swim. boys and girts teams both improved to Bunnell teamed with Allie Gravis. TARS Continued from Bl provide Newport with the tie, which staggered and stunned the Vaqueros. The Sailors won their first Diyision I dtle in swimming last year, but they are now without Aaron Peirsol, the world- record holder in the 200-merer baclc- stroke who is now competing forrrexas. "I wasn't expecting this meet: to be this close," lrvine Coach Ken Dory said. "I was really impressed with Newport. I kind of see them as winning this meet. They deserve to win lt. They out-swam us.. .. Newport won four individual events, and were also victorious in both free re- lays. The meet was not only decided in the final event, but in fractions of a sec- ond, as the 50 free proved crucial to the overall result. Bury, who is aJso a standout on New- port's water polo team. won the 50 fret in 22.94, ahead of Irvine's Evan Hsiao. who finished in 22.99. "lt definitely feels like a win." Bury said of the tie with Irvine. "When New port can tie lrvme, thar says a lot It is extraorcUnary. • Ouistine 'IWobJg and Jessica Steenhard to win the 200 freestyle relay In i :oo.06 while Allison Hanis, Qtryen Nguyen. SteeMard and Sarah Bowman also placed first In the 200 medley relay in 2:10.31. "Mesa girls won eight events to Fstan- da's three. Katie Thorsnes.9 took first in both the 200 individual medley ci:33.86) and the 500 free. Steenhard ~n the 100 butterfty ((:13,38) while~ touched first in the ~00 free (2:15.43). Carolina Barnes won both the I 00 backstroke (4:02.5) and the 50 free (29.47) while Marilyn Reich prevailed in the 100 breaststroke (44.34). Mesa improves to 4-1 while Estancia faUs to 4-4, 2-3 in league. Shupp shuftled his lineups for both teams. giving swimmen. a chance to swim different events than they nor- malJy.do. The strategy paid off. Sophomore Adam Douglas doubled in the 200 free (2:00.23), the first time.he has SWIUI1 the event, and the 100 free (53.3). He also soUdUied both re.lay wins .for Meli8 (5-J). HI started the 200 in 53 se<:onds, but went longer on the final leg.• OOuglas said. "J didn't pace myself too good: Tums out, Oougfas and his team- mates held up just line. Douglas, along with Evan Spen· cer, Brian Tipton and Kyle Thots- ness won the 200 medley relay (l :52) while Douglas. Anthony Adamowicz. Thorsness and Spen- ln addition to Bury. Sinclair. Weiner, Jorth. Auer and Belden also competed for Lynch's water polo squad. which won the Sea View League tide in the fall Sinclair won the 500 free (5:04.58). "We dJd swim better than expected," 4'nCh said. Irvine ls (ranked] No. 3. I don~ think we should be lDll1lnked. Do your SEAN Hill ER I DAil Y Pll OT CdM's Clay Stone (33) digs the ball out in the first game of the Sea Kmgs· match at Laguna Beach Wednesday. Lynch also saJd the Sailors entered the meet with confidence. considering the Newport Coach provided a plan that pro· jected Newport to win by two points. All the Sailors had to do was meet tynchs standards.. F.asier said than done. Lynch was also pleased with the Newport junior varsity boys team. which surprisingly enough tied with the Vaqueros, 85-85, after the Sailors wept 1-3 in the 400 free relay. The Newport varsity girls were not necessarily blown out, but lost none· theJess to traditional powerhouse 1.rvl.ne. J 08-62. The Vaqueros won all but two events. Newport senior NicoJe Mackey. who has verbally committed to Hawaii. won the 200 individual medley (2:06.53) and 100 butterily (56.85). Mackey's time In the 200 IM is the fastest swim in Orange County this season. In the 100 Oy, ahe narrowly de· feated Irvine sophomore Elllk.o Heim· bach. who finished in 56.90, though she owns the county's fastest time this season in 56.44. "I thought J was going to be slow,~ said Mackey. who has been dealing w1th illness the past three weeks. "I'm surprised I did that I knew what I had to do to beat them. but I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it." 1be Sailors ~ without senior Hay- ley Peinol, who Is competing in the Co- noco Phlllips Spring NationaJ Ownpi· onships lo Indianapolis this week. Mackey skipped that meet because she saJd she could not afford to miss school. The Vaqueros were also minus a swimmer, Counney Cashion, who Is also "'lndianapolia. GOLF Woodbridge tops Newport • Woodbridge H1gb\ boys golf team continued iu llndefealed seasoo with a 188·211 vk:tory aver Sea View League Coe Newport Harbor Wednesday on the pu-38 Rancho San JMquJ.n Goll Course. Davis Pelmtdn led Newport with a 39, followed by a 41. from ~ Palmer and I 0 by MJcbaeJ Vacbr. BnndOn Sawat lild Mlcb:ael Ben~utt each lhot 4' (or NeWpott (3-4, J ·2 ln league) which tc9UmeS play aga1mt Villa Pm todly •• Ca.nyon Country Qub ln • no.nleague match. VOLLEYBALL Continued from Bl second game, the visitors never let Laguna come closer than four points, evening the march and seizing the momentum. "Thls team has shown ftashes of brilliance and Dashes of inconsis- tency,· Conti said. "(The latter! was apparent in the f11st game, when we missed six serves. didn't pass well and didn't defend well. But, after that. we started to control the ball and establish the mfddJe. • Conti said he was also encouraged that CdM never relinquished the mo- mentum in the final three games. ·1 liked the way we not only closed them out in four, but won rhe fourth game on a stuff block on our first match point. To beat a good team on the road in a match between two teams that are going to battle for the PU lti1leJ is th~ kind of win rhat could be very good for my team. This -,houl<J help our confidence." Conti praised \ourman\ ability to hit with power and intelligente and was also pledsed Wlth senior o;etrer Greg Gabriel'c, willingness to feed the mJddle en route to 51 a,. sis ts. Sophomore outside tuner KeVln Welch kept Laguna hlucker'> hone<.,t by adding 17 kilh for the winner' (6·8, 1-0 in league). while '>opho more Tum Welch t·hipped in seve11 and senior Bart Welch contributed six for the CdM brother act. Matt Anderson, a 6-5 senior who earned All-CIF honors lao;t year. paced the Breakers I 4-8. 0-1) with 11 kills. Elsewhere in high school boys vol- leyball Wednesday· • Costa Mesa fell 14· lh, LI 15, 15-9, 15-1 J, J 0-J 5. in a Golden West League m:itth a1 Wcstmmsler. The Musl;ings led the fifth game. 7-6. befor<' W~tmmster rc1ttled off c,even conwcutJ\'t' point'> to secure the victory. Mesa l I 9. 0-4 in league) trailed. 13 5, in the first game before rallying to force the 16· 14 decision. Danny Kriko rian. Adam Nili and Garrell WaJ1hers each led Mesa with eigh1 ltills while ( .abriel Gow.ales collected seven stufT blocks. Mitch Mandel tallied 20 digs and Krikonan also had five servile ace-.. • Junior<. Josh Kornegay JJ'ld w1s Banwell recorded 14 lull!. each tu help lead E.'>lancaa to a 15·4, 15·2. 15·8 Golden West League victory over visitmg Orange. Sophomore seller Trevor Holmes amas.,ed JA <L!>Si'>l'>, while 1unior Brad l.Mscn contnbuted 10 digs. The l:.agle~ remajned undefeated in league play. improving to 5·0. and they are 11 2 overall. HIGH SCHOOL AND JC SWIMMING SUMMARIES Sea View League Boys Newpoft •.!Mr.. 200 medtey relay -1. Irvine. 1 :47. 200 free -1 Kim (I). 1 :48.89; 2. Sinclair (NH), 1 ·5169; 3. Belden (NH). 1:53.11 200 IM -1 Pvllsta (I), 2:09.09; 2. NatallllO (II, 2:09.51; 3. Shemlan (NH), 2:15.96 50 free -1. Bury (NH), 22.94; 2. Heieo (I), 22.99: 3. McGhie (NHI. 23.30 100 tty -t Clartt Ill. 56."6; 2 Wilcox (I), 57.63; 3 .. Bury (NHI. 58.56. 100 free -1. Cole (NHI. 48. tO; 2. Kim (I), 48.73, 3. Weinef' (NH), 48 82. 500 free-1. Sinclair (NH), 5:ot.58; 2. Jorth (NHI, 5:09.33; 3. Puata (I), 5:09.43. 200 frM re1..., -1. Newport (Cole, w.lner. Mc:Ghle. Bury), 1:3UO. WO beet-1. Cole (NHI. 53.90; 2. Clarit (I), 58.57: 3. Slmpeon (I), 1•0198 WO btMS1 -1. Ill. 1 01 11; 2 Ill. 1 04 •7. 3 Ill. 1;05.50 400 free relay -1. Newport ICoJe. Sinclalr, Bury. Welnw), 3:7'/tTI Gllta ~-N9wpcwttr:l 200 medley relay -1 Irvine, 1 !63.48.. 200 free -1. twmbech (II, 1:53.18; 2. P8role 01, 1:5781; 3 T.pm. (NH), 1:57.9" 200 IM -1. MtdceV (NH), 2:08.63: 2. Hwting <ii 2:11.72; 3. Nielson (I), 2'.20..28. DO he-1 McManu• Ill. 25.31; 2. U~ (I), 21.99. 3. P9role (NHI. 26A6 100 fty -1. M.cby lNH). 50.86: 2. Heimb9d\ (I), 66.80. 3. ~ 111. 1 :oz36. 100,,__t ~10. 5'.55; 2 u~ Ol. !l!.2'1; 3 Pafole INHI. 51. ~- 500 ,,_ t ;Mnkltl (I), 5:1UO, 2. NM.tllzio II). U2.00; 3. Murphy (NH), l:.33 21 200 he rttay-1. lrWle, 1M.70, 100 bedt-1 McManUI (II. II.~ 2. Tellme (NH).1-00JI>, 3 8daranl (I), 100.A '°°..,.... 1 HMtlg Ill. 1:0e-. 2 Mwphy (NHl, 1:12.». a. T-vtof (NH), 1 11..Ql. 400.,.. Nl.tv-1. ·~ a:.4\.21 Golden w.. •..,. .. . CollaMIMT11. ....... 2DO tnedlly ,.._ 1 Mi.-'"'*"' lpeiar, ~ T1ilortnw), 1.12 200 he -l. OouQlae (CM), U>0.23; l. 1Cuneit (E),2~1 ~(CM),2.0U:2 200 IM -l Spencer ICM), 2:23 30; 2. Tho,.nesa ICM). 233 60; 3 Goodman (El. 237.r:n 50 free -1 Gamboa (El. 25.4', 2 Hernandaz ICMl; 3 Knox ICM), 26.66. 100 fty -1 Choi (CMI. 1.05.50; 2. T1p1on (CM), 1 06 •7: 3. Goodman (El. 1 l4 03 100 free -1. Douglas (CM), 53.3, 2 Gamboa IEI. 56.59: 3 Hemendez ICMI. 58.66. 500 tr~ -1. Spencer (CMJ, 5:28 29. 2 Kunert !El, 5:28 34, 3. AdamowlC:Z (CM), 5 39.88 200 freo relay -l. E (Gamboa, Goodman, Collier, Kunertl. l'.<'3 69. 100 bee*-1. ~(CM), 1 076, 2. Clevef (CM), 1;'13.53; 3. Todd (El. 1.16 16 100 breestltrote-1. Tipton (CM), 1:11.98; 2 Ja~ (CM), 1:18; 3. Gell (CM), 1 19.25 400 frM relay-1. Mau(~. Adamowic:z. Thoranea, Spencer), 3:51.28. Gllta c-.. Mesa 111. ~ 55 200 rl'ltdlev relay-1. Mtea (Harrll, Nguyon, ~. aowm.n1. 2!10.31. 200 he-\. HMil (CM!, ~15A, 2. Twahlg ICM), 2:21; 3. PMlf IE}, .2".2'3.!U 200 IM-\.~ (CM), 2:33..&e: 2. ~(CM), 2:31; a. Reid\((), 2:31.$1. 50.,... • 1. c ....,,.. m. aA?. 2. Bowmen (CMl, 21.21; a.~ (CM).. '°°ttv~i.~(CMl, 1:13.38;2. GtMlCM), 1:tlfl0;3. flll&l<El. 1:20.!IO 100 hit-1. ...... ICM), l. 80wn'lan {CM), 1!04 .. J. ~ 11).1:08.19. SOO"--t ~(CMl;Z.~ (CM), e:1a,t1&; 3 Fey ell. IM.Al 200 he rwy-1. ~ 1Gf9Yll. lWOtllg, ~. luMel!J. 2;1>0.41, 100 be-1 8-1* {£), «).25, 2. W. (CMI; a. HirTte tCM), ._ tO. 100~ou ~1. fWd\ Cf), 44.34· 2. NouYWn tCMt; 1:21..13;1 GtlMa CtMI. «>O "-,_, _ t Ml9t ~ 8cMmarl. ~ Thor1n .. ),~1ue. °"'""' ~ Colillletl09 occ-. .......... 400 ~ ~-,, ""'· 3:3118. 1.000"--l hlnen(GW\, 10'4A8;2. ~ (OCC), tt:l'7. , 1 ~ IOCCI, "'°·· 200he-l~(GW), 1Al».2. Frankenberger (OCCI. 1·52 16; 3 Blue (GWJ. 1;55 06. 50 free 1 Beamer (0CC). 22 35, 2 Sendlez !GWI, 2,2.64, 3 W:mg IOCCI. 2• 10. 200 IM 1 Maron IGW), 2f1772; 2 Celinder IGWl. 2:08 14, 3 Hetlt\' IOCCJ, 2 10.JO 200 fly-1 T idly (GW). 1 ~ 02, 2 Meyer IGWl. 2:06 18. 3. Henry (OCCI, 2.11.99. 100 free 1 Frankenberger IOCCl. 50 46, 2 Saocnez tGWl. 50.53. 3 Jolly (OCC). 50 58. 200 bDd! 1 Mangham IOCC). 2: 11.64, 2. Brennen (GW), 2:16.79, 3. McGrath IOCCI. 243.76. 500 tree 1 Maron (GW), t'i-<19.&c, 2 Brennen (GW). 5:21)6; 3. Chandler (OCC). 5:34 27 200 breasts1rote -1 Oriodef (GWI. 2 1519, 2. Wong IOCC), 2:20 S2, 3. Henry IOCCI. 2:29.89. 400 free rofay-1 OCC (Beemer. Franlceobefver, Jolfy. SWanaon), 3:18 44 JC women occ 1-. OoMert w....,, 200 medley~ -1 OCC (Frith, NNlillo, , N&hlon, Wood), 1:56.35. 200 IM -1. Mltchell (OCC). 2:$71; 2. OCC 00. 3. Killor8n (GWl, 221Z7 !50 fnJe -, EJy (GW), 26.32; 2 Lowden IOCC), 26.M; 3. Comn (0CC), 28.A 100 bedr -1 Nmllrlo ((>CCI, 1 :03.57; 2 Cattllan IOWl. 1l03 81, 3. Mitchlll (OCQ. l:OC 2S. . 100 brMlt-1, Ely (OW), 1;10.93; 2. Sw..ne (OCC). 1:1ttt. 3. V'«>od (OCC). 1·15.89 200,,.. _ 1. ~ (0CCJ, 1;61.3$: 2. Soolt (GW). 2:G2.lll a. Abe CGW), 2'04.64. 60 ftv .. l Neleon tocc). nee: 2. Lowd9n COCC>. 21.31; S. ~ IGWl. 2l.S3 100 ftw. 1. Fnth (()CC), 55 19, 2. Abe (GW'), A•; J. Nkhol9on (OCC), l5U8 100 nv-t ~<CCCI. 1:0:1.W, 2. Lowdtn (CCC), 1'03. ~ ~. CardeMI (GWl, UJUO. to bifc*-l. NMlllllo (OCIC), 2U1; 1. ~(GW), 30..'5; a.~ IOCCl. 34.a W0tM -1...,_.(0CCt1~2.~ (~ ~ "1· ?~~1,..,.,.,<c:~,.: !.1C?_~_ .......... _,, ,,__ "'"' ~'1~ -· ... __, (OCC), Ult.37. I. Saoe (~WI, 1:21.to IO br.--t. fly tGWL n•; 2. ~ (OCC). ~ 3. Wbod IOCC>. M.10. 200 fnMt l'llaV • 1 OCC ~. M NM!lhrio, N~). 1;AUI. ~c·. cer took the 400 free relay ~o 3:51.28. Spencer won the 200 IM in 2:23.SO while 'fyler Cl>oi bested the fieJd In ~ 100 Oy () :05.50). Tipton took ftrst in the 100 breaststroke (l:ll.96) and was joined ln the win colwnn by Thorsness in the 100 bad. (1;07.68). &9tancia's Frank Gamboa set personar bests in winning the 50 free (25.44') and... taking second in the 100 frM (55.!>9). Cllad Kunert also broke personal marts with a 2:04.44 iii. the 200 free (goo<1 for. second! while shaving six seconds off his previous-best time to finish second in the 500 free (5:28.34). • Gamboa. Sean Goodman. Paul CollleT and Kunert led the 200 free relay team that took fin,1 in I :43.69 for Fi;tancia. CdMputs Breakers away Girls team uses Plan B and wins in Laguna Beach. LAGUNA Br-ACll -On a day when several top perfonners sat out. the Co- rona del Mar High girls swim team de- feated hosl Laguna Reach, 113-51. in a Pacific \;0~1 League dual meet We<infi- day as the Sea Kings improved to 2-1-l. 1-0 I in league. Individual event winnt!rs for CdM were freshman Ashley OlandJer (2:03.2 in the 200·yard freestyle and I :06 in the 100 backstroke!. sophomore Ann Win- ner.. 12 3 l .97 in the 200 indiVldual med· leyl. senior Jackie McCoy (26.6 in the 50 freeJ. senior Jessica Harlcins 11:11.88 m the 100 buttcrOyJ. 1unior Kim McKay 157. l in the 100 freel. semor Christina Hew\.o (5·36.58 in the 500 freeJ and ~phomore Jordan Anac 11 15.54 m the 100 hreasrsLrokel. P.aftc COlllt LMpe -----Glrta CdM f13, l.Muna e..c:h 51 200 medley relay I CdM (J An&e, Me<:oy McKay and Bowlus). l 56.62. 200 ffee -1 Chandler (CdMI, 2 03 2. 2 Harkins {CdMI 2:04 0, 3 McAdams ICOMI. 2 16 200 IM l Winners ICdMl. 2 31 97 2 Ellion ILBI. n I J Bilder ICdMI. 2.33 32 50 free -I McCoy (CdM). 26.6; 2 Moore ILBI. n.t . 3 Doud ILBl. nil. 100 fly -1 Hartms ICdM) l 11 88; 2 Bilder ICdMl. 1 13 38. 3. Evans ILBI. n I 100 tree -l McKay (CdM). 571, 2. Ead1ngt.0n (CdM), 59 S; 3 Moore (LBI. n 1. 500 free -1 Cr Hewlto fCdMI. 5 36 58. 2 JonM (CdMI. 6 04 69. 3 Cronin lLBI. n t 200 free relav 1 CdM (J Anae. Chandler. Liao and Bowlus), 1:45 '6. 100 beds Chandler ICdM), J 06 O; 2 Elhon ILBl. n t . 3 Fullen (Cd~. 1 06 O 100 breast 1 J Anae ICdMl, 1 15 54, 2 A. Rodenhu1s (CdM). l 1769, 3. Evans (LB), "1 400 tree relay 1 Laguna Beadl. n t JC SWIMMING OCC topples Golden West Coast men and women remain undefeated in dual meets. COSlJ\ MESA -Orange C-oast Col- lege's men's and women's swim teams each defeated rivaJ Golden West Wednesday in Orange Empire Confer· ence dual meets on the Coast campus. but in varying fashion. The Coast women, ranked No. 1 in the state, improved to 7-0 (4-0 in dual meets) with a convincing. 165-73, tri- umph. The Pirates won JI or 14 even-..~ The men's meet came down to I.be last relay, with Coast taking first to -.. cure the 109-lOO victory. 'fyson Beai:ner. Paul Franken~r. BWy loUy and Billy SWanson .completed the -400-yard free- style relay in 3: 18.44. Klmbedy Frith trlpled for Coast. win- ning the 200 free (1:58-36), 100 ~ (55.19) and 500 t'tee (5:18.99) ~ Jenny Nelson. Sara NatallrJo and Mitchell all doubled. Nehon won the Cil) butterfty (27.59) and lod Oy {1:03.H) while Natalizio took first ln the 100 bacblrOke '1:03.57) and 50 ~ (29.51). Mi tchell wbn tJie 200 tndlvld\ial medley (2:19.71) and JOO IM (l:OS.92). Prith. NataJl1Jo. Nebon and Wood took Om ln the 200 medley may: (l :SS.35) whJlt Ashley Lowden. Natali·: r.lo. Mlt~JJ and Erica Nicholson won • the 200 free relay ln 1:45.09. C.OUl took· second ln both e\'COta. • • 8camet won the SO free (22.35) while: Frankenbeigft placed 6m ln the 100• he (50.'5)' and 1'ri>n ~,. toutbtd first In ltie 200 bitc:k <Z:H.&I • - Cout c..o m dual meeta and rul(jll; • ln IM sta top four) Pl.oed Swtmmm In ltcoOd ~ . Proben In die 1,000 free (11:17 Ptankmbe:rgn ln the 200 free (I :52. and Rogel' ~ ln the 200 bir'fll9t9bl9C (2:20~'i2). OOul nm will compd In tho PMI· dena lttWatioNI AOft I l ·l2. • S P O RT S Tlusday, ~ 3, 2003 SI HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GOLF PREVIEW TARGET PRACTICE Area high school golf teams ready for league play with Corona del Mar and Estancia the leaders. Bryce AJderton Daily Pilot With the weather warming and spring finally here, area golf courses are primed for the traffic they have and will receive until May and maybe beyond from high school golfers leading their teams into league play. Corona del Mar, Newport Har· bor, Estancia, Costa Mesa and Sage Hill have all started league play with the race to CIF under· way. Corona del Mar CdM come!> off an unde feated season In the Pacific Coas1 League and is 3·0 so far this season withra ve teran corps that includes seniors Nick Sher- man. Tim Frohling and Brad Olambe rlin who helped CdM finish in the top 10 a t the Ur Southern Section South Coast Division golf championships. Sherman and Frohling ad- vanced to the CIF Individual Sectional Tournament with Shennan taking third place. I le shot an even-par 72 on the North Cour'>e at Coto de Ca.7..a Golf & Racquet Oub. Junior Alex U.ikovani joins the aforementioned trio a'i players who have qualified for Clf\ which requir~ a golfer to be in the top five in scoring av· erage in league. Juniors Robert Ury. Colby I laden and Billy Bettingen. a!> well as sophom ores Ben Ttlsen and Z.ack Rabanovtch, give CdM added potential to make a run at the league. and CIF titles DON LEACH OM.Y PILOT Senior Jason Cassidy is the key figure in Estancia H1gh's lrneup as the the area's five high school boys golf teams move into league compet1t1on rn the 2003 campaign. "They want to win CIF.-saad Cd.M Coach Mike S1arkweather, now in his rafth year with the program. ·Tuey are all really good, but we need to slay fo cused ... It's a process. These guys plot everything: fairways in regulation. putts, ups and downs, sand saves. Olarting those statis1ics tells them what 1hey need to wo rk o n.· Newpon Harbor lt's only the first week o f Apnl and the Sailors have equaled their win totaJ (3) of a year ago. Marianne Towersey enters her third season as the boys coach with junior Michael Ben- venuti and sophomore Davis Pemstein leading the charge. Garrett Whitfield and Jeff Ler- ner are Newport's only two sen- iors and join juniors Michael Vackar and David Motschen- bacher along with sophomores Rhett Palmer, Chris Wtllard and Brandon Sowers.. "Davis is our strongest player with Mich ael being No. 2," Towersey said. ·After that, • t'H~ryone ehe o;houh 4L to .t4 We've been tWl'clk111g with lhe order a little b11 aft rr Nus. I and 2, even bringing up kids from !Junior varsity! I<> rahe the level of play to where the varsity players are at. rhcy .,ccm to be capable of that level, but tim e will tell.- Newport headed ant o it:. match Wednesday against Woodbridge I · I in the Sea View League. The Warrior~ -the de fending CIF champions -are r.mked No. 3 by 1hc Tunes and pr~ent a stern challenge 10 the Sailon.. but Towcrsey remains confident. "I think we can challenge for f.econd or third." !.he '>aid. "We have potential if the guys com e 10 party each llme - Estancia A Golden West League utle 1s certainly not a far-fetched pro- postion for the Estancia High boyi. golf 1eam this season. After battling for years m the PCL with CdM. the Eagles now get a chance to s trut their s tuff agamst the likes of Costa Mesa. Westminste r, Ocean View and Orange, and have fa red well so far. Coming anto Wedne'>day. the hagle:. are 6· I, 3·0 an league. and return a '>trong lineup Semor Jason Cas'iidy lead'> 1he team with a 36.7 scoring av· erage followed by senior Ryan Brown. also an AJl-PCL golfer last \ecc,on along wtth Ca'iStdy. as L.<otanc1a fi nished third an that league Junior Jason Le!> wa~ abo part of the team that fini<>hed fifth al the CIF d1 vi- s1onal championships last spring Cassidy qualfied for the u r mdavtdual secllonal tour- nament. freshmen Greg Les, Marcus Sostak and Austin ~rr give Coath Art Perry, now m his 18th sea:.on wtth Esiancia, added hope Junior Niel Lettaern lransferred from a school an Pen nsyJvanaa and had never played golfunttl thas sea~on He 'iho1 a 44 as the seventh man fuesday. ·I Sos talc) hlls the ball a lo ng ways, ls a good puner and prac- uces hke eight hours a day.· Perry said. Perry also menuoned the Eaglt>s combine for a 3.67 grade point average. Estancia will play an the 40· • learn l.a .. 1er lournamenl l.11t•r lhis month 111 Ata~cadt•rn cllld also in the Oak. Parl lemma menl Costa Me~a fom Raldwtn 1'\ JU'>t glad to ht• out of the PC I. Costa Me .. a I hgh's hoy'> goll coach 1s an hh. !>eventh yea1 with the program and expt•ci.. J season of tran!.1Uon, IPadini; 111 what he hopes will he J hnghl fu1ure Baldwin ha'> five "enaor\ tha1 include Newporl Harbor tran .. fer Nick Zimmerman. Ad.int Donovan, Alex Mulhern, Jot>y Edwards and Aaron King to go with junior Bnall Reach and freshman Btlly Jack.<,on Mesa eniered \'\'edne,d.i\ with a 4 7 marl.. I ·O in tlw Golden West League "I'm happy wtth the progrc<,<, the~ making,· Baldwtn ~.t1d. "They arc playing much b(•ltcr than I though t they would We couldn't compete aga1mt (Pl I foes) CdM. Laguna Beach and Northwood Now, we re pla'.t1ng Westminster, Ocean V1e\\ .ind Orange, so we can compert• "Right now, the kid'> .tre • ·The Sea Kings The Mustangs The Eagles The Sailors The Lightning Nldc Sherman, Sr. nm Frohling, Sr. Blad Chamber11n, Sr. Alex Ch~ni, Jr. Robert Ury, Jr. Ni<* Zimmerman. Sr. Adam Donovan, Sr. Alex Mulhern, Sr. Joey Edwards, Sr. Aaron King, Sr. Jason Cassidy, Sr. Ryan Brown, Sr. Jason Les, Jr. Michael Benvenuti, Jr. Davis Pemstein. So. Garrett Whttfietd, Sr. Jeff Lerner. Sr. Michael Va<*ar, Jr. Jake Strong. Sr. Colby Hadtett. Jr. Bllty Bettlngen, Jr. Ben Tllsen. So. Brian Beech, Jr. Billy Jec:bon, Fr. Coacti: Tom Baldwin Ni<* Lettierri. Jr. Greg Les, Fr. Marcus Sostak, Fr. Austin Serr, Fr. Coecti: Alt Perry David Motsc::henbacher, Jr. Rhett Palmer, So. Alex Cochran. Jr. Blake Brewe<, Jr JohnNea.So. Nasser AJhamad, So. Jeff Cnrttenden. So. ~hChen,Fr. Zee* fW>lnovlc::h, So. ~ Mllte Si.ttwNther Chris Willard, So. Brandon Sowera, So. Coadl: M•rianne Towersev Assistant SClCrtt Temow Bryan Komsweit, Fr. Ryen Sctiweitzer, Fr. Coectl: Erik Gnegy ~hooting .! lfi, z Ii <md z Ix, b ut ,11t> t apdhll' 111210111 n5 on .i good da~ "We dun'1 grt k.1d., who haVl' playt>d a lot Bnan .tnd Billy pla~ w11h tlwir dad'> on thl' \\l'l'k.end-. hut '>Omt• havl'n I touthed a gull dub unul v.e ~ot tht•m I d\\anh and k.mg had never pl.iyt><l golf until three monlh<. ago "" lo 'hoot a 45 '" really good I'm happy \.•,nth 1ht•1r progrt''' .. /.Jmmerman h.i'> '>hot a I un- der 34 while Reath and la< kson have turned in round!> under 40 "If they all do that on the '>Jme day. we t'<ill c.o mpett•." BaJdwin !>aid .. Hut the tr1t ~ " ma1r11ainmg that l'H'r\ Jay wlmh 1!> d1ffi <ult Sage H ill Aero!>.'> the pn'>llnt.· man1 t ured f.urwaY'., of ~trawberry l·arm., Golf <Juh an lrvme~tep'> the ~ge Hill ~t hool ., bo}\ golf team ready for 11nprU\emen1 \"llh <.econd yeJr t oach Frilt (rlldg) at lht• helm fhe former IJU ill>~1Man1 lO men'> coach Paul ::,mohn.,u. < .nalO' '>ald the lJghtnang, 4-4. 4 1 111 the Academy League as of Wl'dnesday, ha-, vastly im- proved, wtth an increased fo l'U'> "We wam to develop ~ge Hill into a competauve program,· \a ad < .nagy. who as a Profes- '>IOnaJ Golfers Assocaalion ap- prentice under Davtd Wright at Pelican Hall Golf O u b an New- port C.oast. Gnagy hope!> 10 be· lCJme a certified PCA profes- \1onaJ upon compleuon of the program and aspires 10 coach at a 01V1s1on I school Sage Hill 1c, ht., first h1gh school coaching po!>1llon. !>age features semor Jake ~trong along wtth iunfors Alex Cochran and Blake Brewer. \ophomores Jo hn Ness. Nasser .\lhamad and Jeff Cruttenden 1010 freshmen Josh Olen. Bryan 1-..orn,weil and Ryan Schweitz.er. Don loum was the only Sage Hill golfer to make the UF individ- ual championslups lasl season, but ha.'> since transfe rred. l'lonetheless. Sage Hill bas go11en producoon an the early going Josh Olen leads the IJKhtmng wi th a 41.7 scoring awraRe followed by Cochran's l I Jnd Ness' 47. Gnagy said . "The Art of Making Pizza• WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5 -9 PM ---~--·· ~1 E £llAST tfOf.NAY 79S5 E ~ HOfHIW 149.815.4100 141.111.1117 ---------- 1, s3~~~ZZA S~fiADI • BUY ANY MEDIUM PQ7A & I I GET A SMAU. 6Al.AO OF I ~ CHOCE FREEi I COlJPCN ""°' v.....ci wrtH ...,..,.., on... 0> • e a ""' ~TtG ~ I ClNL.Y ~T 0.. ~....,. ~ ~CS T~ .....,,. APJll\.Y MUST ~ CCJl.JPO"I AT 1-Oii' ~ .. CD.FON DNlll!lt ,.,...__ 30 8CICl3 .. ---------.-.--- WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS M ( • F d D I ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! 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Facing his catcher from his elevated perch in the center of the dia· mond. he is more about punch-ours than punch tines, more about gripping the stitches than inducing them with his wit. ·rve really seen him maturing in the last couple mo nths." Desguin said. ·niere is a time for joking around and a time 10 be seriou.s and compete. He likes to compete.~ Mixing and spotting his fastball, curve- baU and changeup, Cantarella has gotten the best of the competition thus far. And his willingness to compete was never more evident than in Friday's complete-game, two-hit shut- out in a I ·0 Sea View League victory over visiting Laguna ~~ . • 1 was very motivated 10 get our first le-ague win,• Cantarel· la said of Friday's triwnph, which snapped the program's 19- game Sea View League losing streak. dating back to the spring of 2001. ·we all wanted that win pretty badJy, because it had been a 19-game frustration." Cantarella sailed through the first six innings, facing the minimum and benefiting from a fifth-rnning run by the Sail- ors. But, he said, the one-run lead only heaped more pressure onto his 6-foot, 155-pound frame. "When we got that one run, I knew I couldn't make a mis· 1alce, • the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week &aid. "Some of my SPORTS Newport Harbor High baseball standout Joe Cantarena is the Daily Pilors High School Athlete of the Week. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT teammates were trying to keep me calm." A walk and the second Laguna Hills hit put runners at first and second with two outs in the seventh. but Cantarella induced a pop-up to the thini baseman to protect lhe shutout. The win evened CantareUa's record at 2-2, lowered hi.s ERA to 2.74 and sparked a joyous cele- bration. "As soon as our third baseman caught it, I ran right over to him and jumped on him." Cantarella said. "It was the best. I've never had a bener feeling in baseball my whole life.· Baseball has been a big part or Canta· rella's life since childhood and control has always been his biggest asset as a pitcher. "He goes right after hitters. works ahead and makes good pitches,• Desguin said of his right-hander, who has fanned eight and walked seven in 23 innings this spring. "I've always been good with my me· chanics and I've always had pretty good control,• Cantarella said. ·But when I came to the varsjty, l really wanted to focus on keeping the ball down and limiting my mistakes. because these aren't little guys hitting the ball anymore. If you miss your spots at this level. guys will start lcijling the ball.· Cantarella said the shutout victory over Laguna Hills was extremely satisfying. but even his approach to success has now changed. •Last year. I would have been bragging about it,· he said. "Now. I want to keep quier about it I just l<M!d being a part or (the win). but I want to just let it go: By letting go of a more casual approach to the game, Can- tarella has freed him.self up to not only achleve, but enjoy and appreciate his mound success. NEWPORT BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE Reds come back, 13-8 They outscore Yankees, 9-4, over the final three innings to claim victory. The Reds erased a 6-4 thJrd-inning deficit to earn the victory over the Yankee ... 13-8, in six innings in Newport Beach lJttle League Majors division play. Mlct\MI Borchard collected two hill>. two RBli. and had two runs scored with Sean Thkuyama and WlD Morrow each tallying one hit with two RBis and two runs scored. Borchard and Joe ~ combined to strike out six Yankees combined while Brent Wdnberger pitched wlidJy for the Yankees. Matt Monia, Brlc Morris, Weinberger. John OuistJan and Nico NapoUtano each hit well for the Yankees. In other Reds action from last week: •Reeb 6, Marlners 3 Frey. Tokuyama and Borchard all pitched for the Reds In the victory. while the offense was led by Matt Pay, e..n Mc.Nemey. Tokuyama and Borchard. Parbr Watlne gave up two runs in three innings for the Mariners. Shortstop Nldt Pnielml1 displayed strong defense and offense aJong with Werline. WUllam HaJ1 and John Ooerlng. • Reda 12. G1aD1.I 4 McNerney and Borchard each threw weU on the mound for the Reds. who received solid defense from Joey Booth, Mam. au.o-tar.oo and Morrow Kevin Wang led the way on offense wttb timely hitting and aggresSive base running. Pattfdt ~rwadc pitched well for the Giants whfle the offense was led by Jeny ~Scott Cook and Zak ~&icbon. 'kazm.lenakblutcd a two-run homer over the rigttt·field rence. In NRU AAA action: • Olamondbacb 9, Braws 6 ·lbe Diamondbacks used back-to-back four-run innings to come back from a four-run deficit. lhl.iling. 5-1, aher three innings. the D-backs began thelr offensive assault to get within 6-5. A walk to Austin Barvtn in the bottom or the fourth inning set up Blake Miller's double to lie the score and Cort Hastlnp followed that with a ~ingle to bring in the go-ahead run. The D·backs also got hns from Paxton O'Brien, Trent Boras, OwldJer Mitchell and a key double by Edward Burgner. The Braves were Jed in hilting by Dylan Plevac, Austin Allen. Clarll C'.ashfon and Cluta Ebner. Miller threw three innings fo r the D-backs, allowing only one run. • D·bacb 16, Cardinals <4 The D·backs sandwiched six hits around several cardinal walks to produce 16 runs Miller, Hasting'>, Sandon Grlflln, Mitchell. Zach Haber and Bdward Burgner all hit for the D·back.s. while Darvin and Rodney ICeOer each made solid defensive plays to help the D-backs improve to 7-2. Max Carpenter belted a two-run home run and Georp lCennedy added a ba.M: hit for the Cardinals. • Yanbia 16, Giants 14 The Yankees' offensive display was led by Thn.ner 1'1luthan home run along with contributions from Mich.el Haerl and Preston iu.er. who both delivered muJdple hits. Bry\:e Aah.too came on in the bottom of the sixth Inning with the bases loaded and strudt out the final batter to preserve the wio. Nick Gooding. 'J'rfNor Mc:GhJe and .1adl Murphy anchored the defense and Patrldl ~n al~ made a solid catch on a foul ball. Gncme ~and Risser combined to strike out eight batters and limlted the Giants to six hits. •Dodgen 10, Yanba 9 Pearson and Risser struck out eight Dodgers while allowing only six hits in the loss. Ashton and Risser each hit home runs to lead the Yankees' offensive attack while Bric Prader and Jeremy Pox provided solid defense. • Yanbel 14, Cardlmlll 14 The Yankees' offense was powered by a two-run triple by Risser and a double by Benny TowDeel)d. Ashton. nauthen, Gooding and Fraser combined to strike out nine batters and was helped on defense by Murphy and McGhie. • CUbe 7, Cantlnm 8 The cubs edged c;iut the Cardinals by one run after trailing by six in the second inning. In the bottom of the last inning, btc c.abm hit a towering tJy ball that fell In and Gaughan had a swinging bunt that drove Cabin in for the winning run. Reid Johmon allowed no runs and struck out the side in the third and Connor Gaughan pitched three scoreJeM iruUngs to hold the Cards al bay. Devid SllYat>erg had two hits and three RBis while Johnson also tallied one hit The Cub6' defense threw out two runners at home and received strong individual plays from Anthony PrandKo, RYU o.nld. Alex Glody, Parbr S-men and Collin McNemey. The Cards received strong pitcJ:\lns from Geotp Kennedy, Rym Grable and~ MarW. who ~ted a ~run home run and a double. The Qudina1s also got base h.fta from Mu Carpmta, Rm.tan ~band Grable along wtth a doubie from Kennedy. Mu Stecai made an unassisted double play for the QudJna1I. who got strong contrlbudons 6'onl J1auaJ Romy. Carpenter and Dntd ,..._ BASKETBALL Injury knocks out Sage Hill's Fitzhugh COLLEGE SIGNINGS Mackey, Cole decide BRIEFS CdM's Ury sizzles with a double eagle Corona del Mar junior handles 537-yard No. 7 at Aliso Viejo GC with two . strokes to pace Sea King~' win over Laguna Beach. • GOIJ1: Corona del Mac Hlgb Junior Rob Ury made history Wednesday, re- cording the school's first double eqle in dramatic fashion to lead a 191 ·203 Pa- ciflc Coast League boys golf victory over Laguna Beach at Aliso Viejo Golf Oub. Ury blasted a drive an estimated 325 yards into the wind on the par-5, 537 - yard seventh hole, CdM Coach Mike Starkweather said. then benefited from some good fortune to hoJe his subse· quent iron shot ·1 was watching from the tee box on the sixth hole, so I saw the whole thing Crom aboul 150 yardc; away," St.art- weather said. "When he hit hi.s iron into the green. l saw him release his left hand after he finished the shot, which usually means you miss it pretty badly. But it banked off the front of the green, rolled to the back of the green, stopped and rolled back down the hill to the cup and disappeared. I couldn't believe it lt was marvelous. And to see the elation from the ldd ... it was enough to Ught up the whole town. He was so excited.• Ury, as weU as teammates Nick Sher· man and AJex 01ikovani finished 1 • over-par 37 for the nine-hole match, three shots behind medalist Mike Cava- lari from Laguna Beach. · Brad Chamberlin (38) and 1..ack Rabi· novich (42) rounded out the scorers for CdM (7-3, 4-0 in league), which has now won 15 straight league matches, Start- weather said. wild pitch. Orange scored lWice ln the seventh and bad the tying run at ftnt before running out of gas. Mesa is 6-4, 2-0 ln league. Orange falls to 2-1 ln league. GMdlfl ... LNpe Costa ~ 4. °""'99 3 Score by lnnlftp Orange • OlO ooo 2 ~ J e 1 Mne ooo 400 • -• • 1 Zboril end C.lderon; Butler ind Mltlef W - Bu!Mr. 1· l. l -Zboril, 7-3 28-Zbor11 (0), Yamamoto ICM). Concordia nips Lions, 3-2 • B\SBMU.: Vanguard UnJversity rallied with two runs In the sixth to tie, only to see visiting Concordia score in the top of the seventh. the final inning, as Concordia recorded a 3·2 Golden State Athletic Conference baseball vie· lory Wednesday, Concordia loaded lhe bases wtth none out and Brandon Cox produced a sacrifice fly for the winner. dropping the Lions to 18-l 8, 7 -8 in the GSAC. Concordia improved to J6-22, 8-10. Joe Carnahan was Vdguan:l 's lea~ with a 3-for-3 effort, and lason Brunet was 2 for 3 with a.n RBI. ConcordY 3, \fantu.rd 2 Scorw by Inning• Concordia 000 200 1 J lO 2 Vanguard 000 002 o 2 IS l Avila and Cox; Caston. Lopez (S), Hani1 (6) and Bower W -Avila, 1·0 l-H1ni1, 3-4. 28 -A1os (Cl Sharum keys Bucs' 8-6 win • SOFrBAU.: Kelly Sharum made a diving catch on a pop-up, then Orange nips Mustangs, 6-4 sparked a three-run rally in the sixth • BASBMU..: Costa Mesa outhit inning as host Orange Coast dealt Orange, 9-6. but also had 3-0 edge in SaddJeback an 8-6 defeat in Orange miscues, and to the Mustangs rnisfor-Empire Conference softball action. tune, all three enors came in a four-The defens ive play was the key to run sixth inning as visiting Orange raJ -holding Saddleback scoreless in the lied to pull out a 6-4 Golden West. sixth and the Bucs (9·11. 4·7) nt- League baseball victory Wednesday. sponded with a three-run ratty. keyed The sixth-inning blues spoiled an by Sharum's leadofJ single. otherwise solid Mesa attack. high· Orenc• Emsift eo.• enc. lighted by Robert Rodrigue-L (3 for 3 occ 1 ~ i with two RBIJ and Adam Beltran (2 for ~by lnnlne• 3 with two runs scored). S'* 131 100 o e 10 • .Nate Hunter (double) and Dan Bitler ~nton, Strow~ •nd~ladi~; ~~ (smgle) accounted for the other two Matttewa (71 end Sharum. w -Soc:teraon. RBis. 2-0. l -Strom, 1-4. Sv -Methewa (1). 28 - Costa Mesa falls to 4-6, 0-2 in league. Wakeman (CCCI. Go6defl .... LNcw Onnge •• Cost• Mes. 4 Scot9 by lnnlnp Orange 001 004 o • e e o Meu 001 020 1 -• s 3 Morones. Lewrence (S) and Guelle•mo. Wel1h (5); VargH. Pete~n (61 end Hun1er. W -Lawrence. l -Vargis, 2·2. 28 -Hunter (CMJ. Saints def eat Eagles. I 0-2 • SOFl'MU..: Seven errors contrib- uted to the Estancia High softball team's downfall, 10-2. to Golden West League foe Santa Ana Wednesday. The Saints scored five times in lhe sixth inning. taking advantage or a litany of fielding errors, said Estancia Coach Marc Rodig. Estancia (8·3. 1·2 in league) scored two runs in lhe fifth inning to get wtthln three. Pitcher Muriel Mason singled to leadoff the inning. stole sec- ond and Hilary Ockey then sacrificed her to third. Evelyn Flores walked, stole second and after a pop out, Hillary l.al$en slngled 10 the right side to bring in two runs. 0.....Wtttleilpe Santa Ana 10, Esi.nde 2 Scot9 by lnntnp Eat1nc11 ooo 020 o -2 1 1 SAne 003 20!I • -10 e 2 M11on and Aco1ta; Flor•. Merquaz (4) and Deleon. W -Floret, 5-t l . Mason, 5-2. 28 - C.rdenes (SA). 38 -Alverado (SAi. Mesa stops Orange, 4-3 • SOPTMU.: Cotta Mesa Hlgh's host Muatanga were 4-3 wt.nna:s over Orange ln Golden West League softball Wednes· day. exploding for four n.uu in lhe fourth 1nnJ.og to cla1m the decbk>n. Down. l-0, MesaB Jane-E Yamamoto opened the fourth with a doub&e and 8Ulie third. thal Ano Made 1bppe walbd IDd st°'8 .xJod to tee up 1'dy 1hppl. who ddlw:red a ooc-GJt Rm tingle. JCeUy Topps stole eecood and Jennl- ftt Jordan followed wfth a pound ball ingle up the middle ro "°"' both runners. Jordan then stole tb1rd and 1eored the even.rual wtnnlng run on a Eagles drop 9-3 decision • &\SEMIJ.: The Estancia High baseball team surrendered four un· earned runs, which led to a 9-3 Golden West League loss to host Santa Ana Wednesday. Junior Jeremy Hauser collected two hits and scored two runs while junior Cullen Crom added one hit, two RBi. and a sacrifice Oy for the Eagles (3-7, I -2 in league). Santa Ana improved to 1-1 io league. Go6def!WettlNpe Santa Ana t . &tMda 3 Score by lnntft9a Estancia 10I cno o J 7 4 Santa Ana 301 122 • • 1 • 1 Young. Ippolito (6) and Ctom; Mendou, Jim41nez (6), Cenesco (7) end Del.eon. W - Mendoza l -Young, 0-3 28 -M~ma ISAI HR -Guzman (SAi Warriors best Sailors • MS£M.LL: Host Woodbridge High trounced Newport Harbor, 18·5, in a Sea View League baseball game Wednesday n!ght at Windrow Put. Ryan Torrey, Ryan R~ and Karo Maberjian had two hits apiece for th~ Sailors (3-8, 1-3 ln league). Jack Rye hit two home runa and earned the pitching win for the Warri- ors. s.. View LMipe WoodbtWge , .. PMwport 5 lcofWby~ Newpor1 122 000 0 -I I 1 Wbrldge 464 llCIO a -11 17 f TotTWY. l.1. EN<Don (3), H"nan (II) and Sanchez, Miner (5); Av-. Runo fll), ~neo" (7) and Sandaemyer. W -Rye. l -TotTWY. ' l-3. 28 -Heenan INH), Toney (NH), AoW9 , (NH), Makaef)lan (NH) 2, S.ndeemywr (W), HNdl"t10m CW). Atlc:t.reon {W), Hoyer (WI 2.. HR -Hoyer (Wl. Rye (Wl 2 Orange Coast falls, 12-9 • MDMINl'ON: Orange Cout Cot, Jege clropped a 12·9 ~on to vtattt Ing Bl Camino Wednetday In women~ badmlnton. IQvl.og both teama wtdi S.3 recoida. SCHEDULE &.....-------- Peill Pilot .. lllll llallcll .... ~~~~~~~~ ......... ........... The follow1n1 ptnons •• doln1 bUtlnet\ ... a .. 1 lffljHlr kl f C . I 235 w. flnt, $.nte Ana, C.Ulornl1 92703 · Te;lot Set.zar Huerta, 2109 W. Flonl.... Santa Alla, Calif or nil 9;u04 Tiils bu1l1141.ss IS ton ductM bJ: an tndMdu1d Hllve you stetted dcllr1a lws!Mu yet? No Te)lk>f Salazar Hu ... ta This 5tat1m111t Wf\ ru.ct with the County l;t.fll of Onn1• County Oft 03/11 /OJ JOOSHMU1 l>11ly l'llot M11. 13, 20, 71, AIK 3, 2003 ThUO ............ ......... The tollowin1 p1non1 we doinc bnlnua u Vlltl's C•lluy. "14 lht $tr .. t •l, Newport &IKll, CA,92663 K11&t1n Vittt, 102 1/2 M11laold Ave., Co1ona 4•1 Mat, CA 9262!> This bu11nns os con ducted by an lnd1v1ctual Have yov st.fled dome busl!MSS yet1 No KtisUn Vitti Tbts 1bt1ment was hied wlttl the County Cten. of Oranre County or 03/21/03 2'00-S6fH067 O.tly Ptlot Mar 71 Apr s. 10. 17, 2003 lh29J The foflowlnc person• ere dotnt butln1tn H Club Oe r utbol Ame1 lea So Ctf , 123'5 W. fnt St • Santa Ant, CA 92703 Teylor S•l•ZM Huerll, 2109 W flora St . Sante An1. CA 91704 This business " c:on- "uctlJd by· •n tndovtdu•I HAve you st111ted do1n1 butlneu yet? No T eylot Salarar Huflfta lflls llatempnt wn hied wtth the County Cler' of Ounae County on 03/07/03 ~UtsU2• Daffy Ptlot M11 13, 20, 27.~ 3,2003 Th265 ,.... ..... "-*'-' The foffowin& pe1soni u e dofne business es: Iron Oetfman, 440 E. 17th SttMt, Costa ~sa. CA9262l lttno • R ~uller, 37!1 Bay View 'fer., Costa Meu., CA 92627 this businHs " con du~ted by· an tndtvidual Have you started dolna busine:u yet! Yes. 02/ 15/03 lteno Mullet This statement w1s ftled wllh Ille County Clet k of Or •n1te County on 03/?8/0J 200369U974 Daily Pilot Apr 3. 10. 17.24 2003 fH316 Completely descnbed In said deed of lnJSt The street a<ttess and otl'8I common deslgtllltion. ~ any. of hi real prope!1y descri>ed abO\le .. purpc:lft8d to be 20381 S W ~ SI Newport 8eacll Area CA 92660 The ~ Trustee dl9daims any lillblllty for any 1ncotrecll'leU of the stree1 address and OChef common designation, ti any, shown herein ~ ule Mil be made, bul ..ttnout covenant or warranty. e icpress or implied, regardng b11e, polS8$SIO(I, coodotJOn or eooumbraooes. including lees. c:Nrges and expenses of the Trustee and of the 11\.1513 cre.ated by said Deed OI Trust. to pay ttie remaining pnncipal sums al the note( s) leCl#9d by UJCI Deed al T Nit to .rt $478,699 11 wtttl lnleresl !hereon trom Oc:1obe1-0 I • 2001 at 11 950'JC. per annum as pnMd8d Wl saKl note(•) plus COSl8 and any oanoes with tt1t-.i ESTIMATED TOTAl OE.BT $579,697 21 The benefiaary uncle! said Deed al Trust hetetolore e.cuted and dellvered 10 the u~ a M1llen Declaration of Defaull and Demard tor Sale, end a wnnen NoClal " Default and Elecllon IO Self The undet$9*I caused said Notiat c1 Delault and Eledlon IO Seit IO be rec:or<led in the county where hi rNI propelTy IS localed For sales · tnlOmla!ion MQM=n 90Qam to •OOpm (619) 590-1221 Cal-West.em Reconveyance Corp ' 525 East Main Streec. P 0 Box 2200.t. El G.1jon, CA 92022 .gc)()4 Dated March 17. 2000 T ru.-e Sale Officer Ahondl L Rone (A· 94319) 03127IOO OW3I03 1)4/1 o.'03 ttMt flnt MulMt of letta<s .. PfOWldld In P1ob1le Cod• sect.on the followl11& persons 9100. The time fo• ftlln1 •re doina l>u1lness H cl.11m1 will not expire f.rln Mh.ley, 1854 S bel0t• f1>u1 month~ lton1 Cont Hlal\••1. Laaun1 the he1r1111 date notlce1d 8e~h.C.A°92651 above flln Ashley, 966 Cont YOU MAY EXAMINE lht View Drtve, ~a1un1 file lltpl lty tt.. co11rt II Buch. CA 9~1 you •re • p«son In Susan P1tm11, 966 t1r1\l1d In the ttl•le, Coest View Orin, La you m1y t.i. with the 11una Buell, CA 92651 court 1 llequt1t for Rlchald ~Imes, 966 SpecUI Nolleit (IOf'm 0( Coot View Orin, L•· l~} of lhe fl1t111 of an 1una Buch, CA 92651 Inventory and apptatsal Tiits busrn1&1 tS con of estate au.ts Of of ducted by. co·p1rtnon 1ny petil10n or ac:count Hive you started doina u pfov1ded .,. Ptobate bus1neu yet? No Code ~ectt0n 1250. A Roc:nard Holm1t1 Request tor Special Thts statement •as Notte• fll'm 1s 1111ltable Hied with the County from the coUft cletll. Clerk ot Onnc• County Att~ney f0t P1t1Ui>ner on 04/01/03 nna J, llUI~ ISO. l0016fH2•• ((18.lt7"45)' 01111 Piiot Apt. 3, 10. •11 & Ml<Jk>ls, Lil, 17. 26, 2003 Ttt300 ·IU CUffl....al WAY, .., 1•13 TU'JT•. CA ttJ~ •A n •Publlsbeel N•wport llOOO Of ftlmOl lO 8ead!-Cosl• Mes.a D1ify ADEISlllESTAllOf: ~'.'2:io':erc:h 27· tif':zl6 IAll. I. ecms WllO.Allmt To .. I heirs, be11el1 c11rlea, c1ecltt0ts, con· llnaent' c:redit0ts, • end ~sons who may oth· erwi\e be interested 1n the Wtll or ntate. or both, of ISASEL M OOBBS A PETITION FOR PRO BA Tl has been filed by MICHAEL V 0088S in the Supe1101 Cour l of C1hforn1d County ol ORAJIGl THC PE lf TION FOR PROBATE requesh that MICHAEL V 0068S be appointed u pet sonat represent.alive to ad m1no•ler the eslale ol the det.edent THE PETITION requ~h the deu:denl s Will and cod1c1ls. 11 any. be admitted to probale The Will and any 1.od1c1ls are au1lable for uam1na hon on· tht hit kept by the LOUll THE Pl rlTION requests •Utho11ly to admm1ste1 th~ t!\l•I• under the Independent Admon1s 11 at1on of £°\tales Act ( lhts Auth0<1ly will allow the -per~onal reprnen tat111e to ta~e many at lion> wrthout ob ta on 111& court appru•al Belote talt.ine certain very 1mport•nl actions. however. tht' personal representative will be requ11ed t<• '"" notu::e to 1nl.,•sted persons unless they h••e waived notice or consented to the propo~ed adt0n l 1 he independent ad m1n1stratron •ulho11ty wttl be &•anted unless an tnternted penon files an 11b1ectoon lo the pelll1on •nd shows aood •a u"e why the court should not grant the aulhonty A HI ARING on the Pf!ltlton will be held on APRIL 74. ?003 al I )() pm 10 Dept l73 located al 341 lhe City Drive Soutll. Oranae. CA 92868 If YOU OB.(Cl to lhe 21 anltn& of the pel1t10n you should awea1 at the hearrn1 and st..,te your obj<jt. t1ons or ltle wr olten obiechons w1lh the court before the hurona Your appearance may be on pe"on or by your a ttorney If YOU ... RE .., CREOt lOR or cont rncent credtlo• of the deceased, you must hie you• ct11m with the court and nu1I • copy lo the penonal <epresentat1ve ~·nted by the coutl within tour mo11ths ffom the dtle of mTCI CCKTAllSA OUlaCMIY, (MJCml mnt'llMl9195 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that se.led pro Posals for fur n11hm1t all l•bor matetoals. equip men I . tr anspor t.ahon ano 1uch other l•c11tties u may be reQuired for CONSUUCTION Of PICNIC TllUIS AND OTHH SITI IM,IOYI· MINTS AT MESA vn. DI ,AAIC, 1795 SAMA.a AVENUE, City 'ref-' Ne. 03-01, will be 1ece1ved by lhe City of Costa Meu at tilt Offtce of the City Cieri., 17 r.., Drive. Costa Mt'll. Cahfornra untrl the hour of 10:00 ....... Ajiwfl 7, 2001, al which ttme they will be opened pubhcly and read aloud in tflt Counttl Ch<tmbers Staled propouh shall buo th~ lllle of the work ••t<l name ol the btdder but no other d1st1niu"h1ng marks Any bid reuivtd alter the \Cheduled clostn& time for the r OG~•PI of brds shall be returned to bidder unopened It shall be the •ofe responstb1hly of the bidder to ue that his bid rec e1ved on ptoper time. .., set of Bid Oocu mtnh may be obtained al the Office of the City [ n&tneet. 11 f II( D11ve, Cosla Mesa, CaftfOfnia. upon .. enrefen"e"I• ..,_t ef $ 1 S.00. a.. ..U1tt...a ct..p ef SS.00 wtll be made 1f handled by marl Bod Documents and olhe• contract documents may also be eumoned at the Offtc.t of th• City Clerk of the City ''' Cost. Meu Bod Documents wtll not be m.t1led unless the add1t1onal SS 00 t h••&• is included with payment Each btd shall be made on the P1090sal form. Uieeb P I throu&h P 9 pto•lded 1n the contract documents, and shan be •ccompamed by a cer lrfred 01 cashrer's check o• a bid bond for not Ins than IO't of the amount ol thelt bid. made payable lo the City of Costa Mesa No proposal shall be con· SJdeted unless accom· p•nlfld by such cashlef's cnec1'. cash. Of bldaer's bond. No bid sh.tll be con· stdHed unless 11 ~ made pn 1 blank form fur OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE n!Wd by tti. C•t~ ol to.ti Miu 1nd ts made lrt acc0<d•nc• with th• prov1.ions ot t"4 Pro poul requlfemtnn Each blddtf must hive • Cius •A", Centtal Cnlin_.1111 0t Class •9• C.neral 8utkhna 'on lt actor's licenses, •nd lfMl be 114'tqu•ltf11d n raquwed by law The City Council of the City of Cdsla Meu teMr'HI tllt r1&ht lo te,ect any or 1H bt(b The Co11traclor ihall comply with the prov1 st0ns of Section 1110 to 1780, onclustVe, of the Clllrf0tnla labor C~ the preva1fln1 rate •nd scale of waces estab· fished by the Crt y of Cost• MeH , Whteh .,. on !tie with lht City Cletll of UM C1ty> of Cosl.8 Mesi; and shalt forfeit penathas pte· sctlbed therein tor noncompU.nce of sa11f Code. ' JUUi HKCJa. D..-, City a..ii City etc ........ Published Newport Buch·Costa Mesa Dally Pilot MM ch 27. Aprll 3. 2003 Th298 ISC 12912 ll01ICI Of Pmml TO ANmTllESTAnOf: IUITLlllAIOle WI llO. U1114l To all he1n. benel1 cl•rles, credrtors, con tineent credtlOI$. and per\ons who may oth erw1se be tnterMted m the wtll or ntate or both, of MARY I DIA MONO A PC llllON FOR PRO BATE hn been filed by HUGH V DIAMOND tit 111 the Superior Cour I of Cahlot n••. County ol ORANGE 1H£ P UlllON f OR PROB.., TE request~ !hat HUGH V DIAMOND Ill be •ppoonted as pe"onal representaltve to ad mm"ter lhe e\ldl• of th• decedent TH[ PETITION reQue•I~ autl!Oflly lo admon1~te1 Ille estate under tilt' Independent ..,dm1n" tr•t1on of btates ..,ct ( fh1\ Authority •111 allow the personal repre\en tatove lo ta~e many actions wnhoul obtain on& court •PPIO¥.tl Before tall'"C certain •ery 1mpo1tant a(t1ons. howe•e•, the per •onal repte,•nl•ltve will be ••QtJ01ed tu 11ve notice lo interested person• unte-. they havt' waived nolt<• or consented to the propo!oed action I The ondependenl ad mon1•trat1on ~uthonty wtll be &•anted untM~ an interested pe,.on Illes 411 obiectton to the petition and shows eood CdUS• why the COUI I 'hould not gr ant the •Utho,,ly A tif ARING on the pet1t1r>n will b• l\etd on APRii 74 200! di I JO pm 1n Dept l7J located at JAi The City Drove South Or an&t CA 91868 Ir YOU OBJECT to the 11• anttn1 of the pettt1on. y11u should appear at lht hear tnl •nd stale your ob,ect1ons or fife w"tten obiect1ons with the court before th~ hear in it Your appear •nee may be 1n petson o r b y your atlotney tr VOU "RE A CREOI f OR or cont1neenl credtlOf of the decened. you must Iii. your cf.aim with the court and mail a copy to U•e persr~•I ccprpcotatnc 1uoomlcd THE COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING/JOINT SESSION WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE 1901 NEWPORT PLAZA RESIDENCES PROJECT LOCATED AT 1901 NEWPORT BOULEVARD IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL (PDC) ZONE. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: ANAL EIR NO. 1050. THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED: For Dave Eadie, Rutter Development, authorized agent for property owner Kennedy/Rutter Development, for a 161-unit residential condominium project, as follows: 1) Certification of Final EIR No. 1050. 2) General Plan Amendment (GP-02-04) and Title 13 amendments for a site-specific floor area ratio (FAR) for the commercial component (0.35 FAR allowed; 0.70 FAR -proposed), for a site-specific density for the residentiaJ component (20 du/ac allowed; 45 du/ac proposed), and for the proposed 5-level parking structure [applies to General Plan] (4- stories allowed; 5-stories proposed). 3) Final Master Plan approval (P~--02-.11) for t~e proposed mixed-use • project and variance from res1denteaJ parking ~equire":'ents (455 residential parking spaces required; 415 residential parktng spaces • proposed). 4) lnclusionary Housing Plan for the 1901 Newport Plaza Residences project. This public hearing will be held as follows: DA TE: Monday, April 14, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter PLACE: Pofice Department Auditorium 99 Fa.Ir Drive, Costa Mesa Public comments in either oral or written form may be presented durtng the public hearing. For further information, tetephone (714) 754--5245, ~visit 'the Development Services Department, Second Floor of City Hall, n Fair Ortve. Co8t8 Mesa, caJlfomla. The office ls open 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE ... • • Thutsdlx. Apnl 3, 2003 IS by u .. court within rout monthl from the date of tlie fiut IUu•nce of letters .as ptovlded In Probate Code section 9100 The time lot hlln1 tl•tms wlH not opve befOf• fo11r months from the he111n1 dat• noticed •bel•• VOU MA'V f.MltoUNf. the ltle llept l>y the court If you ••• a petwn tn lerested 1n 11111 ot~t•. you may rue with lh• court • Rtquetl for Special Hollo (10<m 0£ l~) of tht hltna ot '" inventor 1 ind appr atul of u late assets Of of any petotron 0t 1ccount as provided tn Probate Code sec hon 1250 A Request tor Special Notice lorm ts avatlable from the court cl4<h Altotney f<>< Petltioiaer· ....... , ..... ~ l.w OffkM ef ~ ......... 11140 LM A'-ltH ltw4., Ste. 205 lea AleMltea, CA f0120 Publis hed Newport Beach·Cost.a Mesa Oatly Pilot M.rch 27 ~II 2. 3. 2003 THW296 IS( 12'10 llOTICl Of "1mll TO AD•ts111 man Of: IAIY l TAYlOI WI IO. Alll27l To <tll he11 >, i.en•I• c.;1ap.,~ creditors, c.oo tin1ent creditors. and persons who may olh erw1u be 1ntern ted rn the will or estate, or holh of MARY £ TAYLOR A PE llJION FOR PRO BA 1£ has been !tied by JA~ R IAVLOR 1n thP Supertor Cour I uf C•lt forn1• Count~ ol OR ANG£ JHl PCllTION I OR PROBAH requesh J ... Y R T ... Yl OR be appointed dS personal •epruenta live lo adm1n1stu lll' eslale of !he decedenl 2003 at IN t.1ff-of LAWYt:ltS TITU. Alln Kathleen Hunhm•n. 18!>51 Von 11.a,,uan Avenue 1100. Irvine, CA 92611. Oan11d l'A 93030 Th" bull< ~•I• 1\ 1ubf8cl lo Cal1forn1• Uniform Commerc1.1I Code Sect1e>n 6102 2 If so w bjtKI, lht name ind 1ddrni ul the P•"on with whom claims may be ftled 1-s LAWYf RS llTLE. Attn Kathleen · Hunhn1en 18651 Von l<••m •n Avenue I 100. lfvtne CA 92612, 0£n.aro, CA 93030 and the lot d•y ol lthnl ~la•m• sh•ll be Aprtl 18, 2003, Whtch IS the businus day before tile sale date specohed •bo•e Dated Febru11y 2". 2003 RAKR f ooct•. ln.c A Caftfornia corpontt0n • .,, IS/ a.t • .w.,,_ ........ ,,..i .... aYs /S/ ll-'t , ..... Seuetwy Publis hed New po• t 8Nch~Co\l• Mes.a Oaily Ptlol Apt1f 3 2003 CNS519J32 Tli309 Nollc-e 1s her•by given that thP unde"11tned will be sold •I Pubtoc: ~coon for unpaid rental on Apr 11 14 7003 •I IO 00 AM at All~p.itt. C:o,I • Mr~• 1'>3'> Ntwport lllvd Co,td M"~d CA Au1.1ton \ervtee' will b• provrd•d by K f AUC:. flON S£ RVIC( •; f' (J BOX 87., RIAi llJ t.A 92377 ~()':! 8/"l 0144 ... UC:ltfJN BONO • 17 3 4! 19 Sd1d Auction will be-mtld~ Pllf\uant to selt1v11~ 'll /01 lhrnugh 2171 'J IOllU\1¥~ 'II lh• Slat• o l t dlo lorn,. 8u\1ne"i~ .ind Pre.le:"> s1un~ Cvdt •.e• t•tJr• 7 238 ol lhe t.nmmn< 1at C11de Se<. t&on i•t the St.it' •if r ahlornoa P••1at C.od• A?90 ~1a1~ ~ '11t..n Stewort liroJ" thftr' lablt 1i1Ju•ehuhl C.o .. J•, Suitt A~c:· A'· 01 lt1d Bv•e!> A?fil, Gd• y l ar 11•t1et1e C.h~"' ~nd table A\ \ortf'l"d 601 I!). Hou~ehuld Goocis Pu. tu1 t"S, f n1~ B 149 Kathlc•n ferl(u ~on Fu• nahu e t •sht f • • tu1 t'\ PidOO A•,,•ff 1 ed Boa.e~ D~c.e>r ctl1w1• Pu.:.ti,Hf!'~ l.hdtf'\ ... 11!1 lvylt KIU\'<fl A-.orted llo•e\ foy•. f l!>hlni f dCkle B40/ Paul Thompvin furniture s1 .. 1t11 hie >11~UH'\ VCR, WetW.hl~ I abl• Chao'> Lamps A\'>lll led 8oH\ Hnu\e hold G<Jods N,.wriort Beach Lusta Me'" Daily Pilot April ) 9 ?O<H WI 14 Atldt .. """"' '°" This 'l•t•menl wn hied with the County Cl•rk of Ou"-11• Count1 on03~) 200h•Hn• l>atfy Piiot M•r 77 ""' 3 10, 11 2003 lH299 ......... ... s...... Tt1e foflow1n1 per son• •• ~ dotnl bus1ntt.1 es Moftu,,,ant Clothtn&. Inc , 1760 Mollfovla An 11<:2, Colli Meu. CA 9?627 Monument Clollttnc . Int. , (CA) 1160 Mon ro•ta Ave •C2. Co,t• Mes•. CA 92627 fhrs busm .. ~ os ~on ducted by a coq ioratt0n Have you st••tect dome buslntts yet? Yes jan 1,2003 M~num1tnl Ctothm •. Inc , David Matt, Prest· dent Th11 ~t•lement wH flied with the County Ci.rll Of Oranee County on 03/14/03 2003HJ11't Oa1ly Pilot Mar :to ". Apr l, 10, 2003 lh:t/9 .......... ... s...... file loflowona persons are dotn& busm~s a~ Happy Endmes Doten & Oecor1tlrn11 Co 1549 Plac•nl1a A•e 't'l I Nr wporl BeHh fA 9?663 Altce M Robb111s l '>49 Pl•c.entta Ave '711 Ne wpurt B••• h !°A ':12663 Th•s busrnt~\ t\ t "'' oucted by an .nd1•1du•I Hne you st•• l•d dr111111 bu~ine\s yet? Ye' I 10, OJ ..,hr• M Robf>tn' I h•' ~tottw1~11t w." fol•d wtlh U1• Cntmtv Clt'r k ut Or ~111ie < •JUfllv on OJ,07 Ol 200'6916216 Datly Polul M•r I) ?O l7 Apr l ZOO J Tlll'b l fhe tollowin~ ptr~on"' "'' (10lflt LU'\tnf"\' d\ t" •fHbttll fr -tt h1flg_ Loun\elo" & f ur•tl i08!> l'nrte Pod 1fmu ,_.,. wp <Jf f 8'!cll ti l A '.12660 lib') f' Arthur )Mn•~ 308~ C.\.Hf~ P•.-ftnfinu Nt'<Nport R.,., 11 CA 97660 UbS Paul 8.rr,, SU 1/2 [ tf•Y Ave Newpert 8u,h, CA 92661 flllS bl.Wn.u " con <Wcl•d by an h!dtvldu•f fltVt yov Stal tetf cloo\a busl/la.u yet) "•'· C15/ fl7 l'11ul llarty This st•t•ment w.as frl•ll wlttl tht Counly Clflr k ol O• ant• County on 04/01/03 200HH9US 0111'1 Ptlot A#>' l 10 17.7•.2001 fH.tnJ RcllM ..... ......... The lollnwmc """"'"' ere doina. business as Vanl Onr&M 1900 Mlltn Street St.,. 'iO() Irvine. CA 92614 Ste.phante S V.ande· Vee<, 1900 Mlln Street, Ste SOO tn,.ne, CA 92614 . ••thrs bu .. ness IS con· duct~d by .,. rndllltdiul, Hive you started dOtflC bustnl!S,, yet? Yes. ) I· OJ Steph•n1e S Vande· Veer Thrs \tatement wu tiled w1lh t~ County Clerk ot Or an&e County on03. ll/03 200HUI07' O•lly Pilot Met 27. •. 3 10 17 2003 Th292 I h~ lollnwtnll, per '>Olis ,.,e do1nll bu~in~~.\ "' Lc.nd 'l tJ M .. rta•~e Snuth (.uni Or Suitt no eo~1~ M....... c.., 976?6 M••~ Boyd 8c;I01n~ !< l~B Maple Ave f.,,ta Mt~". CA '.12677 Wolbut n Malc>nf' 199'>6 Mapl" A .. C.u•lo Me•• CA 9L67l Ttu ... h11•.1n,.v·. 1 .-on t1U\..t ... (1 hy l u tldft,l .. f~ th'llt: 't 10 \tArltd <1um~ bu•.-tn,..'·" Y*''1 ~' Mdd• Boy·1 Brildin~ J' Jtil\ •.l•tt'mt·nt NA1" t.t..-d with lht-(,_ 1unty l led1 ,,f fhtt11ll.~ r1111ntv <1 n 0411.>I OJ 20036939306 0dlly P1lut Apr I 7 ?4 ?OOJ 1 II) JHj()4 IH[ P[ Tl !ION reqursl\ aulho11ty to •dmonl\ltH th~ e~hte uno:fer the Independent Admin.- tr AltCJn of f \tales At I ( rh1s Author•ly Wiii allllw th~ per\onal represen laltve to I•~• m•nv ~ct1on'. without obtam •na l uur l dpproval Before ta~ona trrla1n very 1mporhnt action~ however the personal represenlalt•e will be requ11 ed to c1ve notice to interested persons unle\s thev have waived notice "' • f)O•ented to the µroriu.ed action J lhe independent ad m1n1\tr aliun aulho11l y will be gr anted unles• an ontere•ted person f1IM ~" nb1ecl1on to the pttl•turn dUd 'how~ good tau\e wh 1 the tourt \h,.ulel nnl grant the 1ulho11ty STATUl8f1 Of WITilllAWAI. flOM PAITlllS1lf OP&A 1116 UMIB RCTIOOUS IU5llSS lWlf lht followin6! per\on~ •m~tt1~ fh~ followtni; pe-r~1.,u· A HEARING on thP ptt1ttr1n wrll be neld on APRii l'4 2003 •I I JO p on 111 Oep t L 73 lot•t~d ~t 341 rne Coty 011ve South Orange CA 97868 If YOU OBJ{ Cr lo the er an tin& ol the pellltun you \houtd appear at the tiea11nr and slate tour ob~ct1on\ '" Ille w11tten Ob)Kltons wtlh the court before the hea11ne Your appear anc• may be 1n per$On or by vo111 attorney If YOU ARl A CREDI TOR or contona.,nt cred1to1 ol th" deceased. you 1nu~t flit' your claim with the court and maul a copy to the per'!.Onal 1 ep<esentallve a1>901nted by the court wrthon lour months lrom ttie date nl the ftrst 1ssuancr of lf'tle•s as pro••ded rn l'rnb•le Code section 9100 fhe tune for ftltna dArms will not eapue belure lout month~ h om the hea11na d1te noticed dbOn YOU MAY l AAMINF the Ille hept by th• court If you are a person 1n terested •n the e•tate, you may life with the cou• I a Request for Spec1•I Notice (form 0£ 15") of the hltn& ol an inventory and appraisal of estate •~ls "' of any pelrt10n or occount as provided 1n Probate Code wctton I~ A Request tor Spet.111 Notice form 1s avarlabl• ltom the comt clerk AtlOfney IOf Pet1hooe1 c .... c. AJea...ter, 1 ..... SIU & aHAMll. «OO Mec.Arttow ltv4 .• Ste. 320 Newpert 8eecli, CA •2uo Published Newpor I S.acfl·CMte Mo• 011ty Piiot Mtrc:h 27, ~ii 2. 3.2003 TH\11?97 IOna 10 Cllll11llS Cl DISMI (5KU 104.6105, lLc.) bcrwWr. ..n.a Notice ts hereby 11ven to c:rlditOf'\ o1 the wlthtn n•med s.i. ltl•t • bu• ult is •bout to be -• of the useb desctl"-d he low Thi nllMS end bu'll nus a6dreues of the s.hf are· Wildc:Md Inc 815 W. 15th Strfft 95·0 Newport a .. c h CA 92663 TIM location In C111 lorn" I'll th• chltl a H e ullYI attic• of !tie Stll•t 11: S AMl AS M()V{ ~ ll1ttd ~ S."-• · ••othefl111 -eltd ltd«-usad 1>1 llM W9' Wittlin tfwM JHfS lMtlOH the dett •udl ... , --· Of del1¥ere4 to ti•• lkl1f" ., •. 211 c hilt ......... Su.-.. l•llC 8-h. CA llOIOI. TM -1ftd b1tW -.-..... ol u.. lurer••: Wll r~ 1M U.UI 1/2 C..W Alf•llvt, Attnl• CA I070t Thi ...... " told .... ....,M41 In ..... • Fw~' 111--. aqv•Mt. '"' tlltfy, .................... it.a. ft•ndllM. ..... ·-. .,... """ .. ·~ .,. ....... '*"' ..... -. ............ t. 491& Ca~ St. ............_CA ,_ ....... ··-.............. ....... lie 0-U-"t GMillfl ... "'"' ~ n. ...... drt'" dlJIOi bu~10P\~ a"\ I fh• \tAtfl'mf'nl ...,,., ..,,,. dt)lf'l~ bu\me\\ ,., Lharte 5tre<I JOl~p•ttrl ,.11h th• 1 '""''" 1 ''•1 Bu1lde" b1 Atolr Ch61 I~ Strt-f"t r11,tA (_ ... , ... t Urani"' l ouu\y H~1n Guttt1 rwan,1ng Arh1 Mt'\a <.,A9?627 J ,,101 OJ O! ~•µAir ' M•t1._.,,.,1otM1 The loflow1n11: perwn h>\ wothdr •wn as • gene,.t parl11er lrom the partnership operat•ne unoer f1cl1t1ous. bu~en.,\\ name of Sunchold al ?08 Luit"nta Str•el Suite B Newport B•Hh C.A 9"663 I 11\t Step fi1•11\f' •ii 200369lSSl4 I '>Ol l6th ~tft'tl Nf'• Or~nge County Inc o.-ily Pilot Mar 71 Au• I pod e..-"h r A lj26f>j (CA) ?Ol'r l'~••I• ! 10 17 ?OOJ 111?8'5 R P ftnlt, Int 'illl Sir tel Co\I• Mc•,~ 1 A l61h ,t,.••t N~"'~"lrl 9'1b/7 fiditlws l4lsilns B"ac h LA ~-'1;63 Tht f tet1t1uu~ Bu~m~s\ Name refP1red to abo•e wa' toled •n Or •nie Ctlunty on I0, 16.'0I file No 20016880090 f ult Name and Address of the Person With Or awing Donavon M.u ton fran~enrer t~r 20750 Gunder"°" Or . L aeuna Buch. CA 92651 Oonoon Maritn f ran lo.enre1ler This stalemenl w.-s ltled wt th the County Cler lo. ot Ora nee County on l '78103 200.1HS&971 Daily Pilot ""' 3. 10 17 24 2003 THJI 7 Rttllle9 ..... ... s...... lhe foflow1ne persons are doine busines• n II.SB Prnperlies 16 Pur pf• Sa1te ln11ne C.., 9261? DOURIH B On1dson 16 Purple Sate Irvine CA 92612 Greaoi y S Davidson 31851 Grand Canyon laauna N1euel. CA 92671 Br•dley fl D••1dson. 1481 Howard Placenll•. c ... 92"80 Thts bus1ne\\ is con due led by .in un1ncor po• a led assoc11tron other than a pertnerShop Have you slAr led do•nt: bus111en yeP No Dourlu B Oo•ckon this •tatement was hied with the County Clerk of Ou1n1e County on 03118103 200UfHt67 Deily P1lol Apr 3. 10, 17. 24, 200.3 TH112 s......• 'I ' rlfU.uf ~ ........ The follow1n1 Pt'OOn h•s ebandoned t"-use ot the r rcttttous Busi ""u Nerne Star (I nancl•I, 3300 ltv1ne Ave 1120, Newport Beach. C:A92660 llM rtetthous Busl..n• na~ reterr.-d to above was filed In Ofen1• County on 6 2~ 02. FILE NO 20026907&51 N•w Ametlcan RHI l •hi• M•n•jltflle"t Croup, Inc:. (CA). S300 ltwlnt A... 1120, New port Buell. CA 92660 r~ bus.inea la con duel~ l>J. 1 «>tporettOtl Ml• A_.tUn lt••f htth Mana11m111t 0 10 •11. t11c , Cra11t Wa-!(Joli. 'rnldl!nt T111s st•t-nt wn ,.._. flfltfl t11e Co11ntv C--o'C Or•nee Co11n1, °" Ol/7ll03 Mt.Mtatrt O.lly ,._. •· S. LO, 17 flt, 2003 MlO rht• bU~IOI'>*,~ (' I (ti dut t .. d by A '11t put •lton H .. <! you started 1lo1f1lt( bus1n~,., ytf? v., l9fo7 f "'t Sltp ~·l•US• •I Or•nge C«unty Co l ondd Men~ fh.i" man ••t lh~ Jjoard Th" '°"al•m•nl was l!led woth the County Clerk ol 01 an11~ County on 0312'8/03 200l .. U976 Oaoly Pilot Apr J I U. I 7 24 2003 11131J ,..... .... "-S....... The folluw1ne pe• sun• i1f e doing bu1.1n•s~ "' l!Ht1 on11 S .. 1-. & M-ar~~t•n&. 3920 Strch Stre•I Su•lt •10'>. New1101t Beach C.., 9?660 WC£ Mar~ .. t1n11 Inc ICA) 3920 Btr<h Slretl Suite •IOS Newport Beach CA 9?660 This bu,onns· " con dueled by a coqxir atron Have you •tarted doina business yet? No WCE Market1ne toe Shel Wien~ SMretary This datemenl wn hied with th• County Cieri\ of Oun&• Counh on 03/31/03 2003'tsflSI Oatly Pilot Apr 3 10 17. 7" 2003 fHJ07 Ac-.. ..... ... s..... Ttie foltow1n11 person• are do1n1 bus1nu.\ as Babybooboo, 164 Buo; St Costa Meu CA 9'2'6'17 H!nnrfet Lynn Crowell, 164 Buoy St Ca•I• Me~ C ... 92627 Chrtslopher Mtchttl Co•. 10.t\ W 18th St •At06. Costa Mn•. C.., 92627 lh•s bu.smess ts con· ducted by co-pwtneo Ha•• 1ou sta<ted ctoon1 bus•nas yet? No Jenn•fH Ctowelt Tittl> d.atement WH ftlt!d with tltw County Clet'll of Or anae Covnty Oil OJ/07 /03 ~.,.,,, Oaily Ptlot Mar 13, 20. l7 ...... J.2003 lt\269 ........ .. s..... flM follow1ns penon\ lft dolnS bl31nHS H a) w-..t .. 11 Pae1tK Re.ti 1:.state •nd Home l0.11• b ) loan Pfocen1n1 Auocilt ... J l5 l ,.. •• , Av-tf IOI. c-t• Motu,CAtltZt "'"'"'tJ Kutll De 8ro1111, JOS7 Y11h" A-. CoUa llilln•, CA ~ lllla MslMa b con MUii ..... -lndnllduM ..... ,_ '1erttil 4lo4llt ~ tef? v-. OI• 14-0l llllllktly • ..,.. 0.-·-· ........ ......... ni.r..._.,..._, tw ....... ..._ M ' et.II ef Ot ..... c:.u.tJ ~~~;:=::.,. ...... Cldlllw• 12117 Ddw ...... ,.. . • 10.. kiMt ~ u1 t1. t• uun ,. ............. C..stl ......... . c.uw• 1 a.;..o;.........--.. Ail*w ~. U1 --,..._.. Roet, C..b Tiie ........... ...,._. Ml'M, c.Mlllnil ... ... ........ It.: Thie...._ la-· e)S#tiabt,_.._.... MM!t ., • .... •) ......... I• II Al ......... ..... tra ..... cl ..................... IL.11,.llll/ll ... ... , .... fJjJ ............... u ..... St.I.- th~ t(1llu\11ong per\On\ ·"' thl•f"t& t'tLJ\lnt>•.\ .t"t t .. t*rtt\I lntfrlainmr"1 ·1r; I flld Newo .. rt Rl•<I Su1tf' 409 Newpf\11 8~•• ~ CA 9?(,I.. < Glenn Schu•tnm,an 351 Old Newl)()r l Blvd Su de 409 Ne .. pur I Beach CA 9?663 Brentt J Ar .emenl. 10202 SA1t1t ! l'1o1d Ave C.r:.wan II• •llhl s CA 92705 lh1\ b\1•,.n.-i'' •!. con dtu .. 1f'd by arnnt we-nture HA•e y1111 ,, ., trod do.na bu~•nt•. ~~ rPl ~11 C,l~nn ~thu\tt!fm4'n lh1s ~111t•rn .. ttt "'"'~ h•ed with the-t our1ty Iler~ ot Ounee c • 11nl¥ '>n0Jd l 103 2003'U&&2• Oa1lv Prtrot M.l• I l 10 27 ... pr 1 i'iJ03 T hl61 fidltimllliltm ... s..... Thi\ bU\UU!"'3 t!:. < n •julltd by " orpor •hon li.t•,. vuu stuted dotni bu .UU!\\ t~1 1 Y'e"' J,1n 14 1999 R P f •nl•v In, f'~trr R /oh1~1Lh f'r•~•dent Hu• 'latement WA., hied with the Counh c•~•k .,r Or •nee COUl'l ~ nn 04, 01 03 2001493'214 DAtlV Potot "4>r 17 ?4 }()()j J. 10 IH302 MIM..._ ... s..... Int lollowm& per•nos trt" dumg bu~m~~\ llS Patin• Antiques JOOI l<f'Oh1t1 "•~nu• Bide • l llfl•t •I 06 t.o\I• Mesa CA 92'62'6 f onn 0 Ol'C!n 4527 Ro• bury Road Cor l'.'na Dt't ~ar CA 92'6l' f h11 bu<>.tntt\\ ' con dlJL t~d b'il an 1nd1\1'1dual Hav• ;ou •tart~<! duinc bu~1n~s\ y•t > H< r '"" 0 01,.n r he lollow1ng """On'> flus <i.tement .... .u • d"•n11 bu"n"u as fried woth the County fl•tt l:l"Y' w~ .. -•nder Cler• l>t 0.•ne-e County c.,.mp 18012 Mitchell on Ol 281J3 Averruf' South lrvo"• CA 200J4fHt7l '12'614 D•ily Pilot Apr 3. W Oun11• County' Unit 111 14 2003 lH31' ~d Wn fl.Al 18011 --..____ ............... Mitchell "••nu• South ,___ ,..,,,. c ... 91614 ... se....t ftu,. bu~m~~s '' i Qtt I th~ t0Uaw1n1 ~' '\nn'\ ducted by "l Of POUiton ••• dutn& bU\flMU ,, H•ve you •l•rt"d d<lln~ Oyn•mt. At1 Sy,l•tll> bu'llrness •"t ' No. &JI tl w Bo C,.o't" Olanae Co;unty • Unt1 M~•" C.A 92'617 ed Way Sr If p & MArt Mn<aln 0 1 H Cf O {mmanuel V W tio Str"l Co~I• l allana CPA Me-.• CA 9'1677 · rh1\ •t•lt~nl .... ftled wtlh th,. C1111nty Cletk of Oun1• Couftly on 03/01/03 ~U42 1S O•rty Pilot M.ar 13. 20. 'l1 Apr J ;!003 t 11264 ......... ... s..... ln1• bu'~' " ~ dU<t•d b¥ 111 1nd1vt4ua t H•v• you 11..,tf'<I d.>on& b11un~' y•t' No Mir~ More~\ lhi. ttatement wu f~H wtlh '"" Counh Ctet'll of Ounp County "" (ll, l l/03 200M•M4U Dally Pllol Ma< IJ 20 v .• ), 2003 Th2'6J ftlllm ..... ......... .. !!M!!d'Y, Air! 3. 2003 ........... .. l.11111..... .. Liiii ..... ................... .......... ......... The fvMo._.. .,.,._. Ml doiftl IMltJileM IS: OclMlilf It. Wn lftve1t· m•nll, ZI 10 Newport )Jlv4 11, costa 1118u, CA92G27 Oonlld R. Werd, 2ll0 NJlwporl Blvd. II, Cotta 'IHa, CA 92627 1111\ bUM,_. Is COii• Jut l•d by: M lndlwldllll tun you u.rted ..._ llU"'1411A yet7 Yn. l/19" )J Ool\Md R.Wwd This 'tetefnent WIS lol•d with the County ~l•t It. ot On1111e County >11 03/21/03 200J6tHO&O D1ll1 l'llot Maf. 27, Aflr. 1.10, 17,2003 Th291 The follOWlnt l*'MM .,.~~ .. : 9UI lur11i1 Constructloll Senllces, '22 S. Ciwt1 Dr., Sant. Ane, CA 9270& Wllll1m Clarance Bwns, 622 South COtt1 Orlv1, Santa All•, c ... fornla 9270& Thlt bu''-s Is C:Ofto 4ucted by: 8fl llldlvldual .._we 10ll ltartad dolftl b~ ,.t? Yes, 1/37 03 Wl"lam C. 8111r11s This statement Wu fled wlttl the County Ci.ti of Or•nc-Co.inty on03/07/03 100MtMU7 Daffy Piiot Mer. 13, 20, 27 ••. 3, 2003 Tll266 Policy 1"M fotiowlnc penons •• llOlnl bu:slness u: l'ac:lflc Coast Auocletes, JOOO W. l'ecl~ C:.-t Hl1hw1y, Newport le~h. CA 9266! l'e\Alf J-· CHIWOll, J05 Vista ... uerta, Newport 8-h, CA 92l80 n. .,.,.,_ .. c;- duc:ttil lty: en Individual Have rou •tert.cl .,... bualneu ,.u Yes, 03/ 01/1918 Peter c. c-on This statem.nt WIS filed With tfle County Cl«tl of Or1111• County onOJ/14/03 200MtJ71SI Dally Piiot Mar., 20, 211 Apr.3,10,2003 Th280 2MI l..1111.... 2141 Llllllalcll The followlflC peuon1 •• doln1 bua!Mu u: Teu1d1 Tr1n1l1tlon1, 2551 S1nt1 811b•• Ln. Sult• 17·107, Coste Mesa, CA 92626 kwp ln11da. 2551 Sante 8arbw1 Ln. Suite 11·107, Coate Mesa, CA 92626 Tiiis business Is con· 41udH by: 111 lnclivld11al Hive you 5tlrted doina buslllas ,.u No .lorl' l•sseda This 't•t•ment wu tiled with tlM County Clerll of Or 1n11 County on 03/07/U3 200.a6tJHIO Dilly Pilot Mer. l~ !0.1 27, Apr. 3,.2003 1nowi .......... ......... The f0Uowlri1 per1M1111 .,. dolnl bldlneu u : Pac:lflc M1tli•ll11& and Con1ultlna. 1071 Town lo Count.rt Rd., Oun11, CA9t161 Tlmoth1 Edwud An6erson, 1078 Town & Countrt Rct., Or•111•, CA 92868 Thia builness la c:on- duc:tld by: •n lnd1vlctull IWVI you started dolna business yat? No TimAnct.non This statement wu hied with the County CWll. of Or1n1• County onOJ/21/03 200HtM07t Dilly Piiot Mar. 27. A9r. 3, 10,17,2003 Th290 ........... ......... 1"M 1011ow1nc persons are dol111 bustn.u 11: 1) Som• Ministries b) Th• Wllld, 4207 Petric• Rd., Newport Beac:h. CA 92663 Mlrll Lewis Mc:Anlls, •207 P•trlcl Rd., New· port Buell, ~ 92663 This businns 11 c:on· ducted by: tn lndlvldu1I HIVI you slW'ted dolns business 1•17 Yes, 3-2· 03 Mark Lewb Mc:Alllls This slelement wu flied with th• County Ci.rll of Or1nse County on03/2l/03 200HtH10J Deity Pilot A9r. 3, 10, 17, 2•, 2003 lli306 How to Place A ..... ..... .. ,.... Th• followlnt persons lfl doin& business I I: Your Solnlsten.c:om, ~Ol Tu1tln 4venue, ;263ort Buch, CA Cynthie Ridley, SOl Tustin Ave,. Newport Beech, CA 92663 Tilh bUJolnns Is c:ion· duc:lld by: en lndMclull Have you a tertH dlMl1C business yet7 Yes, 2/10/ O! Cynthia Ridley This 1t1tement wes filed with the County Clerll of Or1n11 County on 03/21/03 200HtJaOS4 Dally Piiot Mar. 27, Apr. 3. JO, 17.2003 Th287 OllJ Cito\ 2MI l.1111 .... .. .......... .. .......... .......... The lollowlna penons .,. dol111 buslnfta es: newun1on1rephlcs, 2220 Vlst• Doredo, Newport Beec:h, Cell· for11l1 926eO Robwt W. Wolfe, 2220 Viste Dor ldo, Newport B~h. Celltornla 92660 This busn-.a la con· dllc11d by. 111 fn4Md~&I ~ you &lW'tH ctolna bus#leu y.t7 No ltobert W. Wolfe Thia &let-t Wll hied with the County Cler1I of Or1n11 County on 03/ll/03 200J6t,.... Deily Pilot Mw. 27. Apr. 3, 10, \7. 2003 Th2:83 ........... ......... Tti. followlna penona .,. dolns ltu:tlllftl u : 6 Star CT11nera, 1216 Biiier St., to.ta Mea1, CA92126 Chien V. L1, 12'98 Dile StrHt, Oerd•n Grov•, CA 92841 This buslt1eu Is con· ~ed. by; 111 llldlvlduM tt.v• you 1i.t.cl 4olfla bu1ln1n_ 11t7 YH, llterd1 13. 2003 Chien II.Le Thb dlt.-nt WIS flied •ltJI the County Cterlt of Orenp County onOl/21/03 200HtNOS7 Dilly Piiot.Mar. 27 I •• 3, 10, 17, 2003 lh288 ..... ..... .. .._.. : Tiie followtn& jMROlll • .,. dolfll buslnua tt: • Orlflll' C-t ClanlllA.-tM V•nda St., Cosf9 ....._,CA92121 - Eu1tollll Vet.ncil, ~ • V1lencle St., Cott.a Mesa. CA t2J&2I This~ .. con- duct.cl lly: 1n Individual Hewe rou st.194 dollll • ~i•t?No : EustollllV~ • This 1t1U-nt ... - filed with the County • Ci.r11 of Or•na• C011nty .,. onOl/11/03 t00Htl66al D1Uy Piiot Mer. U . 201 27, A9r· J, 2003 ThVI ..----Deadlines--- Rates and deadlines are subject to Lhange without notice. 1llc publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, n:vise or reject any classified Jdvcrtisemcnt. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. 1be Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an ath crt1semcnt for which it may be r\·,ponsible except for the cost of the 'II.Ile actually occupied by the error. l 'rnlrt can only be allowed for the first 11 .crtion. CLASSIFIEJAD -Mooday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 By Fax (949) 631-6594 (Plu.c include: yoor r~ lMl<I phone nunib<r mod we'll c•ll you blck w11h a pm.~ qU04c.) r ,-,~.I . . .... , , I E Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday· Friday By Phone (949) 642·5678 I lours By Mail/In Pe rson: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Walk·ln 1!· lOam-5.00pm MonJ.iy.fnday Index ~ lilil 7402·7466 Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00prn Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm .A !010.3940 ec - ~ ;J.!i!l soos-saso ' ' ' : . ' •' _,L • -IOOWS10 900CH7SO Undl'r the Sen ice D irccton B<11111cr Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) c• lonaine at (949) 574-4245 1510 Dana Polit h111wecwl•t• Newport ""' c.-6t Open Sunday ..... 19 (~ Updirted & 11ve us • call Roomy 38t Zell .... plus Jc •• pad 3 dedl' & more (no pets) A•al Mey 15 $4400/ mo. Call R..,ltora 720 9004 or 760 346-7940 NP Hts le quiet studio w/~m•ll Iott. lutctienette, shared laundry A1t SllOO 949 673-7800 a..ct. CltlM rmdl P/T ~tom·~ .-0. "-! ID ..,_ lutw ......... Podflc V..... C & 0 sdt l.y ... kit 61. ~ r .. ru. ()Wll be~ "' 21111 both 949-218-7224 Cotlectibles/ Memorabllla 1160 •or SS• •1coaos nc "'· Cllsalc, Ek !i1s & 81s FOUND l'fT IUU l'Uf' I MDI CM NMGI & 2.0•••--~S-7530 FOONOPUC CALL ANIMAL NETWORK 949-697-6632 TO CLAIM NEED vn RECORDS 'I Allee:, Sl*r. tube "'1l' HOME ''"" 949·645-7505 EHTERTAJNMEHT RJRNISHINGS Calendar of Events lltAND NIW r•w-1310 ,.,. a---s11re4 1.41 --------...... s ·~· ... , s.11 (QUAl llOUSll6 $700. H9-67J-1002 OPPOIMITf All rHI nt1te 1dvet '"'"II In this newsp .... r wbjKt to the Fede<al • "" Hoµslna Act of 1968 ,. ame nded which 11 1k•·· It 11111111 to 11tvertl•11 "any prefer· •••ce, lltnllltlon or '11-.crtnw1~l10n based on • •• '· color. rellelon. st•, t1 .. nd1cap, f1mlll1I st1tus '' n•honal orleln, M 1n ~•entlon to m1li.1 any .urh prelert'nce. llmlta· ••un or d'KrJm1nahon • 2.dt.ri. C..te. Chlkts Bed Twin size. HI• ereen & antique white S900 (949) 759-9679 3460 ~Y/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-tc.-N ... Old Cotnsl Cold, s1lvt< jewelry, Wltcha. ~ c:ollecttbles 949 642 9'48 3610 •••••••• CfA P'OtSIAN IUTTllfS 2 Re4T......,M.i.. $400/ledo Alst..t..1-.... & ,......,. t4t-451-202S •••••••• flits MWSl)epfi Wiii •c•I li.nowinctY accept "'~ • .tdver tisement IOf I'll H tatl WlllCh Is 1n ""'•loon of th• l1w Our raders are hereby nlormed th1t ell dw•ll· ""' advertised In this •1P'#~llj)lf lrl IVlillbfe ~n An equel oppof1unlty ~it\I,; .,..,..... ..... To rompl1ln of dk www•••""iilt-1t..ars Pets In Nile ........ <, 1m1nahon, cal HUD toll· F mtion lllllnd 966442279 free et I 800·42•·859Ct Audlans 1Cl WANTED TIQUES llSCS.lMEOUS MBDWIDISE NEWUSTING <>i>-n Sat·Sun 1 ·4 Owtsfwl4hot oc-, c-tn..•i.-. ""' •• & view .... 4edl, 2 car atteched 1auce. $619,000 John Fanow ReMaa 949-322·0932 lrvlne onN SUN l-41JO ru•ru •oca "°"'' 1 Plnllf, 117' • min vlew.s.. h home l4V"adesl recess IWib. bis " saar.,. Pool, 3P9. llfldsape elC. Aatx SJllS:.V-~ ShrleyC-0,., 96354-lOlO 91!MSI • 1200 LagnBeach Of'DI HOUSE SAT-SUN 1-t H2SUMMnWAY Ouhtandone ocun v1ew~l 4br 2.5ba 3 decks. 2 cer attec:hed 1era11. reduced to $1.275.000 John farrow ReMaa 949·322·0932 NOUH LAGUNA NAOt remodeled 2Br 2Ba on corner lot. LR w/Fp. ps1-:t retreat w/Mlduded pa1-and wrr>dlr1c twic:ll "'-"ways $1,.150.000 ANOtCMl NUHaiE t49-720-.Jt00 5 17 "'"' lWe s-4, Of'lN SUN I 2-4 Built by Joe E Brown In 1931 only rem1inln1 3 • 4 tower estate on entire l~land 4br. 4ba, three stones +tower 3 cer aer. pvt doclr. for 2 boats ltrs••eav~ ~SJ.J~ 9'9-497~ JU). 742-GX> .-.mAm PAlllK1ln9IOM UnotlW .. nA .......... ,., w-PtVlliltt11of1.COM llWIS 19UCI • m. ._. -~ -~, .... ..__ ... y. ............ .. ~ end unit 2Br 2.5 be condo $449,00) -rt. 714-~ ~ ....... »201 OrcWil St.6+8r 5.!i&. 5534 sf. SI .25 Mii &d\ar 949-251 9'M4 -.. HilRaelty.ore OCIANFltONT 110· O<IAN VllW $6J9,to0 AOT. St'9-72S-1120 Newport Coast I level i..-. 21H, + "-"·'"'-'-·· $851,000 A t-ct. ef tNty •w 2.s~.stre4e!M.e. $1,72'..000 tt_,._ •tyle 5IH 5M, 9f'1H'e• 11,000 .. 19,000sf. SJ,O S,000 St-1 ... -wt1wt.- 11lft9 ............. '--· i..11t 1., 2000 SIH + ef-flce . ..,..._. S700d. Sf,}19,000 l'lA TINUM NOf'OITIU Stefeftle •-er 9'9-7U.J156 l'tUME ISTATl5 l'ATIKJ[ flNOIU NA TIOWWIOI USA '49-U~-9705 www p:trldltenore.com MISCEUMEOUS REJfTALS RmlToShare 6030 I SW. CM Zbr l.Sba lwnhm ahlfl w/youn1 prof fem. ftplc Ger S7SO 2446 Elden 909-289·3406 Rooms tor Rem &CMG • e IASTSIDI CM Twnhrne Cr11t privet• room & beth, vwy cle1n Car •c•. w/d, n/pets/ a mlr.1. f1m1le pret'd please S700mo+ 1/rutls. ... _.46-4065 Costa Mm t• .. ,_Im ID i-:tl. YIU aih. ~. " Qllil fin. nae. Sll2Dm. ID [. 16111 St. ,. -Sp;c;Wsl 98648-21421 Cat c... WAJJI TO Titl-SQUAal. Lovely pted cooun !Br I Ba lll)t. cwd crpC. Nit & tr., SlfJ5lmo ...._ /'ltmh s-t. Kiwi ~ VI 7()4.&;49 ta I 92Jll E Side 2br Iba li.1tch, ear laundry encl yard Musi Sf'e 169 Walnut SllOO/mo 714 662 311 I 714 540 J666 1·.w.a.. ....... 1 ... w/d hlu4>s, qiat ~ IPld oil sl ~ ~smh S 1350/mo 9'9 !>t8 5 l 6J Jl r, 21e ,........, 2 .... 1••, new carpet/paint. bullt·m . Sl700mo ~t o1i. LM>n Prop 714 378 1469 ......... ....,. ....... 2.sa.,. fR. r p. hr6ood lk. nu ...._ pr w~ & cnfl rm $2..15()t1o 96m-MJO •0...-,. ...... 2..51.o i-.. din Z"J8 La l'lllyl Ho. SZA'A'mo A¥lll 4/1.0...W .... ~ ...... f49..7U..07' ........... Xlrrl ~ E'slda Nllw 38r 2.5811, SFR, Fp, arrie aium.rs, 2lc ,.. .... b.idly•d $27!iOm AVll\f> 96~ Hmtngton Baell 1.-.. 3!ibl STil mod li.ldl, hitad • . rftop dldl, '-RI ~ 2 c ., •/Ila PDl~71Ul u••llYfr-,., a. snoo.. ~ 626-2at-77d . RESIOENTIAl. RENT Al.S 626-297-6262 ORANGE 7400 llnpoltllldl coum ... .,.., ley ,__.. 2blh from ferry to Bllbo1 Isl. 18r, IB1, MC. •Int bey vie¥!1, u~fld .,.-axnn ~-OIM ...... '-" .._, -... 100ft ..._ ..... J ll6odls '° .... ~--P'· "1rt lS-Od L l32ID9\ 9'1MU1910 di c.r..mi• ----- IA~ OH LIOO f'tNINSULA NIW~th conA .. s Private 8Mctl, l'ool andSpe. W•• to Oc:a1n, Shops and Rast1uranB. Lease 6/rno 2 r + Bollt Slitl Av1il1ble 7101.-o PAQ DL 949-173"°30 or 94~723·5830 •H~Y• UASIJ Bill GROM>Y REAUOltS ...... 7 ... 161 w• .. ._.&~ Duau ... ; 1 & 28r. LOWiy Cape Cod style comm Remocllled w/,. ,_ llJPls. carpet. CS"llN: Ille 4/W, fndee, midi w/d. e I Br SI0915m • 28t SI 295 71"'33-7592 1• ON lHI WATa ,.. .... 4t yd. "" bOllC di nm~ 9&72l-911J6 -S960-J'EJ a 1"'-Pvt i-ti -,_ ltlrtlcr Ill 2DJll ID b9y T4lnS at. l» art/ SI i'mn lwlVunfurn 949 718-I «X> VlllSAM.US O<IAN VllWS. S 1,7SO. l$ 2l!r 2811 '\AT cu' .... l.JdSw ()JieC ,,,... G*I~ ~ ..... ... ......_..no Prudrml OolllDmle AMty NP c.. .. t twnhom, p1tto, 2 sl«•n . new p11nt. t"41. and cerpet, 2 c 1er •st s 1llOO949-673 7800 l.p-t ..... .._upper unit on h1rbor w/boat dod<, 2 bib to bcti Jbr 2ba fp, wd, 11 vu deck I_ c sar. dock & ~ nd UUVmo 949-51()81 SELL your stuff through ctassified! W'S se..c-..... & ..... W..,__ , /To# /Tl Downtown H.8 Sfr~ retail. cust°"* -w.. & con.,utw ... CCIJ'Y""11 •apw a ....,.. F • • resume 7 l 4-96G-8630 0r glr at 412 ()Ive ,.VI Cllm<Al Heed luN·tlm• p•non to aulst with Vlflous dutil& Mu't be ebil to Input at IHsl 50wpm acc1Hat•ly on c.omputef. po111u stron1 customer serviu sailla, end be ctep.ndlble $9 P1< hour E Jcellent ban· el1t pack•1• COE Send rnume to Judy Oett1n1. c/o D•ilY Piiot 330 West Bey StrHI, Costa Mese. CA 92627 Of ematl to ...,,.~ ....... .. 98642·T.lll "' lOO woauu -· ...... cnfb and wood ..... Meelr1al prov To,_.. t-. Ir*> pre. 2' tn. !Dl-G-4Bll6 e Receptl••l•t/ •' ,, ...... ~ positior1 fw e tuy RMI btata Frm In 1.ecw11 e..cn. Typt111 •lb a must. One full time positjon & -pert time ..-.nd position Ill ...... F •• r-to S l.nnon 1t !M!Mi44-3423 Aaet . .._.... .,,,./ aON Upscale OW-"' Newport Beaeh ...as CfHllve, Hpel'leneed and responMble ACM tor BOH OPS lo conbnue to "Wow" our cust-s Won cloMly with GM 1n aH Hpects of bu$lness. l\nowled1• of food prep, line up, In· ventory & cwderln1. • fu re: 9&72.J.ll41 SNAY TAii WOii In CdM .-els PT employ11 ---~&­......... 719-.. ~ IOIH OUR TtMll end IHh a ~met. In the Cahfornta Army Habonal Guard you c an cet money fOf cotlep and car•• tu1n1n1. Call I 800 GO CU AR O (CAL •SCAN) -, .. .. .. .. ... .. " " ' D YD, IBL llY CAI t l Run your ad in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail with a check today I Run for a weekl If your car does not sell, we'll run It for another week FREEi All for just s20·. ... ,,. "' .. .,. INDEPENDENT ~ ~ '- • I .W.11•1111 - Volbnten 99 Pnul Wan. 23'1. Mo (4FZP117) Whl• w/lan lllw $16,625 (949)645 2579ep a-. '9t M o-ttro 2 8. VG, 2911 actual m• auto. spwlltm1 red 11ey llht, mnrf CO lool.\ & smelh new V456721 $17.995 lmanuna .tV•ol 811.r t4t-Slt I a1a -.eqteltl.<- ·- o..... . ,, 1 '"''•'"' Si>oft 3 ~ V6, 47k m l, white/t rey int 1a• •.ied, n/s, hke new S649!> finand n1 & W•rr avail Bkr 949 ~ 18S8 -.K .... l.l- DODGI NEON '2000 50k+ m1, IOOK flit warc . 5 'P· blue. ll"Y mlertor am Im ed. baai urr oond Sfi4'l5 m r1ail et.r W45'92 t4t-S... , ... WWW 8 ft'..,. '°'" 'U T1111 .. 1u Cl ~owrnom cond white lulty ln;idtd pwr suh SJSOO 7 14 751 2464 J-. .,., G.wicf ~ 6cyl, 2 wd J(ik .ictual m• silver hl• ey int. alloys f;ibuluu' hke new unmull.ed tond 4 yed• _, llV..A v7.>ml Sl3.9!l> !Wm 111<1 949 586 1888 www.ec,eltl.cem Lunn '99 RX JOO '>b '>11 mt a Int ~ond \1lvt1r / ii••Y leather ont~iwr S?l .!'!00 949 bJ I '>434 IN PER MONfll • 11\X IAl ~Ttrrm On ~oledCrt<fit • OTlf.R AT KAR SA'IM:S! . . + 17c S?980due at i.11nmc 48 month do~d end leue no •ecurotr depos11 IOI( mole\ per yu1 £ u.eu m1l11s (<V 20e P~I m11~ ( I C47?79) • LITS MOT~ IT'S FUN ******** ~FRUWAY @ EOOW SAHTAW AUTO t.W1 (888) 823-9808 Plug into the Pilot Classified sectiqn to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NllNf QK I Ht l\( H • '.J I" l,1t " Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace • I I hu1 '>d.ty ~I 111 i 003 11 ,_ .... 1 ••••• , s Bridge By CHARLES OC>f\EN wrltl OMAA SHArllF and Tl\NNAH Hlf~SCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE '2000 S.lv~ wJl.h•HOAI IUlf lo w~rr•oly C.leb .. ty OWl'•d ( 119218) S l'l 'IHU vw .. ouot '99 Gra~ w/'lJl'Y ,,,, .. ,.,., 2~ nu tmmJ1 ol et1• (1197'°17! $111 '11111 Vetve940S..,_'92 lhl\ '~ ,.,, .. ')' ., ... ' feet Volt/., tu uwi1 l<>w moll'' <•19'311) Sii ~J Mil Sl320 Rooclst•• '97 tmma•uldlt• Whoh• '!1/Gtf!y lthr l lk 1n1 x .. 111111. tiuth 1•11 (1 1929'.>C) INIJlllf!l I Jag-S Ty,. 1..1-·oo lmma~ Wl11t• w l.111 lthr j(,~ 1•11 '-''"ol ~t"tVH fl tt'( flfll~ (•I 9?98f) $/~. 'llf.) Poruhe 993 Turbo, Coupe '96 Whitt wlr "" h•·•u llful I lf'dll·~• 191o nn I# I 9/06C 1 St>'l '<!JI lord lapedltlon Eddie lover 'lOOO lull puwrr 41 ~ ,.,,1. Rtl~nt 11 ,.t, t11,, t•ll!%11J Sii 'Iii!) lnllnity Q4 S Sedan '97 P14Hl TN c tcl1t1..-Uhf lull puw" '>~• '" (#)~~I i I tlO Hummer H2 "2003 Wholl'w Yllul• 111 moouruol ·r\(' 11 (#l971H I \',/ 1.,i1 BMW 840(1 Coupe '97 ~h111~y Ill". W luUlt.1< ,r1 1 t1I Uhr ._'.f• ..ti / • 1 t 1 • l '<IKIJI ! BMW 3281 Sedan '2000 Wh1IP w t.n nu 11111 d t tun m.Hn f *'" t t.i Bum"•' ""'H, t•l'll'l41 l/14 ·i~i. Joguor X Ill Sedon '1998 lh1 14i t w u• o p ... ,t .. I tw t 1.-.*to S uµrt ChH•t"\J 1£.11111 . • , .. .,..,,lllt" 1•1118".Jlll \II IXll ,., 574 1171 PHILUf'S AUTO phllllp•outo tom 1_ llncoi.. '0 2 Novlgolo< ~ m1 tu I I,. "''"'' HH1 fj ti It lr.t°t t hf• tr 'NI f tdr"" '\•.er .,f I '-)1" $/l! 4'1'> ''" I'. • • •• ' tH1 'H'.J•,11,1~~ w-oq>abl tom \ '' Mf'MI"'', l\l \tHH~ Of' P"'iOPl.AV' AC..09$ \\I ' I • 5 J J ,, •;.i <)" 71 • \I) Ill NON 111 •JK 7tl ~ 1011 J ''"' l . '" -..111111 • \ (J 111 I \'I • I\ y .? "'" K5 4K 7 (.~\1 \ 0 7 J 2 \KI ... I\ 'i i.i.. """''"~ "<>t 111 I \I \OIOll I-\\I 24 1·-l .,....~ l 'll°I ,.Iii"\, I Pa... _,. I'•"" '" ........ 4• .. "-'' f•a,, .... ........, lllt.'h' '' 1 lu·1ut thluu .w..h.,nlJ>!e 1n t t J\tll.: Uh. Ulk"llitlr "L .. 1 UUlk: up •• , 01'. ''""'~"' h:.1kl ,, 1.~1111 llJ\l "'" ~t.:• • tx 'h, i:lu •r..iflof ,,, lh•lf rlfln • ljl \ ll11t II I J(',tl 111•111 I 1111 Ill IUhll 1l1u111I l"'H' l\dlf "111llh .. , .. ,, 1\\ I tu.I d~"-..:fltlt.ll ,, l\tl,uaxJ 11.tnd ul 1 I l.j p11u11· I 11,.. 1 ~f" • "'""llh ul pn11"' '•Ill ,ulJ tit< t1llh e POIM edclr- lt<'J.n !!11"1) n\.IJc< up 1111 hc.-11111 "JMHnt 10 Hud '"!Uy "~"' •lltlfl lfl lug.h •• uJ, , ,..,lflh tw1,krred 1• Of-i H • It• 'l"ttl.:' .ulli rhcn ,1w1w.-d 11 h.11.mccd 11011e h.ulJ h~ n'.l11J<l111}' thr«< '"' trump :~ ~ Suutli """' ... rulfo·r \Jiu.· 111 • lull-17 Love gro-ev .. ,.,,,,,,., 111 four ,,, .... i.,, 11 ~s w ... ,, .,...,, t'n.l11fa)cJ aL "" ~ on('' dUot \111 '11lUlll)! f.aJ "·'' f"lllg I•• fl'l' t9 F-l,-. l.ir, r .i. hdplOJ' h.111<J \\, ,t , t~....: J 20 IW.i..._'l<JI, '"""/' Jfl<l dt't. !JJl'r ... J """ '" lll••:n n f .. ,, ..... , ... ! 24 ~,.. oro:i "'" t" t..t<.I.. lrun1 ''""""l plJ) "'!! 26 Piwu•,..nt '"" ..... ulJ huH Jul tu Ilic lUlllf<lLt·, 21 s..1 ... 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U1 Lee s .. ~, Lo1fflC lh..-..... l.nj.' .111<1 o1111Jlh 41 V&lil er 1ho1lll<11iJ \\c,t "'' "1 "llh IOc •IUt'<'fl •<' 0.~"\•' l"'Y' ,., hut "'"' Jg.iin c111lpiJH'J \11i.c " 43 ~~~J hc~n ,,, duh n:turoo vo11ultl h .. nJ 44 s. .... ··~ .,,, .. t"' 1kdo1r«r the <1111tr ... 1 Wc•t n•tl'J 45 Mel.1J .n llf'Wlt>I v. 1th .i J1J1t1<•nJ. hut that 11111> I'"'' 4b I OOWd ''°" ~ - 1• •111.'J U1<.· 1oc• 11at>k \11ulh ll'tl J, !uh 411 Sf""' t• •the: l..1111) .tnJ '""" hu1 .tJ11·r '·"h•flf ~~ ~old·•' tht <llM'l"fl ol duth "'"''' h • .J lu I"'' ..,... i:. •• .,.. .Jn. l.1rrr on Ju mm~ "'1th .1 duh rull 59 Bo.vONI ~,.,.t lnr k..J J h.·art ont11 \1~111 , ni;iJ"' tL"n~•'-c.: J \\ t..:o th'-· IM .HI hrk.·'"-\Lk. tl'C•k.I J.-.:lar~r ''"' 11111' t"'" ,Julh 1 , •• nJ .1 11"'"" IOJ I ·• I Automotive 9004 1 Automotl~ 9004 • ==:::i:::=====::; '87 Mu1tang<o Comt U PORSCHE ·()()911 ~ ,t r.t·u~t """' .1111 CAB d •• "'•n•1 SI 19'1 lo;,,... ~ .i I lf11 \\tit"'. s b ~p!'f'd svr~ Id.,,' 1165??59 $52,900 MBZ '95 SL500 CON VT fl<; I.; r.i'I "" Jo 1J,~ qv ' .01-Ki 11113:· bl $28,900 LAND ROVER ·97 DISCOVERY 4X4 LO'lllt~ < " 'n11>-.114 t al a q1c.1t l '' :e ll'J4q423 $13,900 BMW '99 M3 CONVT c;:, • sp.~' ~a·•tir IC mies ' I< .,. 11(;,l.);lr," $32,900 MBZ 95 S320 SON ( D -=·li'J·-1 ITJ(J()fl c. cJn ; • t.1J 'rJ ·,.j lc1. I 1124'-1 , $18,900 '• 1 I '141 Ml HI.II Ninon '9B Sen110 GU 1 1 t.•· 11~-... lo.,.t,..d tUl • fr 1flt11 f ttlOJJ' 111~ /~P In• 1'>'1C~ 714 l'.1 74M PORSCHl '99 CARRERA ' f\1 t h 1lvM ffl .tt.llltf .111 Uh •' ·phtl,. ;'fl"I lfl't·f pwr .. ;t~ tu h •.uund • ;•tt·m"' -\m fn1t IJ lo Id' f,li rm I 11Wlfru•r ~ H '• t d lmtn.u ul th· l' \ .,,., M'• I>.''> '~'I AUTOMOBILES, MISCEUAHEOUS Wanted 9045 F....., Operated o..6or ; • ., 4' ft'•· r •'1 Wiii pay , ~ 1 I tr ~ t 1111 .,. •• ,.. ',., • rr1-.t. CJ-ltd trw ,, "" I ... o.; R• 1 ( I r,., .. 1. A.Jt,. .,,.... /14 1111 l'Ul •• 114 1711> ~ CASH FOR CARS Wl NHO YOUR CAR PAID FOR OR NOT l'HllUPS AUTO ASIC FOii MALCOLM 949 574 7717 ~~z ~ ~~ A~:o 1-BO_A_TS ___ _ !r. 't:J I • bJrr~J·n"" Power Boats 9515 Nt·t~ t.ir· 11016?2'> $18,900 '91 llft Oulfleld n•w CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SALE! CAll (949) 642-5678 Merced .. '91> ht>.,''''" t t' .. tull1 11 ', .. 1 C280 1 MBZ '90 300E SON I -- l11t1hl ... \t-1 lf L tit .. ""'"· i.11 •I I m 11nl.t111nt s>t 4<J'1 949 673 093S ' .. 0\ <.11 $1• ,.,. Mercedes ''i9 1320 ti iii n11 Al~ t mnrt '' ,..td bedUI I•"• H~~ c fl I t II ... , BOAT REPAIRS/ ~21001s $7,995 SERVICES I • "f.'1111>/o l 1'1'. v'J7' '4) l , rtJ, lul IV I &t 1~11• '.l'ft l>Q.-:-' I T1t...c·s 1---1 !~~g:::~t: I BOATS SUPS/ o._ 50 c-"' et.°'* MOORINGS/ ·· 1·:m1Jl1'a <11 >. ·· ,, rlwit neh 11wr. . · rJ·m />lo l l'. www.oq.abl ,_, Mercedes '99 S320 I l Wli 5/~ " ~ ,, . ., ev iii 1hn f ., bf"d1lf Oft' I 1tftJ w>'-11 11 SIS<J'Jl"i huo• 1 ~ .. u Bkr '4 • ,.,.. ><)oJ- www.ocpobl com • 1 8(.0 'J98 !J 1~4 lAUNCHING/ I 1.11.•b Bit. .. : I STORAG •'l'NN tit 11 u~ l. 01 E 9680 M.,r< .. dH lift S60 Sl .._)I fl 1 U ti lfl H f\ .i ,,, , ,1 Ill •v. .. ,. ..... dr ,.,. 111 ill 711 I' I .,,,_ •Boat ~p Lt• ol I . I h•m' Ii ft b .tm Ii. nrtt, unl1m1tl'J m Bay fot,t.:.11d I IV~ • 949 922 7777 u! 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