HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-17 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2003 • t 25 enter pool.:for:.city Council seat Process to fill out council after departure of former Mayor Karen Robi'nson expected to start Monday. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The Ci1y Council will need the brutal honl!l>ty of Simon from "American Idol." the coru.ensus build- ing skiJls of "Survivor" island dwellers and the cool diplomacy of "The Bach- elor" in choosing someone 10 fill former Mayor Karen Robinson's seat Which candidale will oulla~t all the others? There are now a whoppmg 25 hope- fuls 10 choose from. The council will be- gin the selection process al 11s meeung Monday. The lis1 of hopefuls is daver..e in age. ethnicity and experience. Eric Bever. 43, has been ac:uve in community issues for the pas! four years, including partlcipaung on the Community Redevelopmelll Aclion Comminee, which he resigned from re- cently. "I'm interested (in the seal) because I ttunlc that Costa Mesa Is at a turning point and i~ heading in the right direc- tion,· Bever said. "I would like to see that it continues in that direction. I think I can help to bring some unity 10 the council." Mirna Burciaga. 43, is a Westside business owner who was instrumental in getting the Newport-Mesa Unified School District to develop an English language development program so stu- dents who don't speak English as their primary language could learn it without missing out on core curriculum classes. Burciaga has also been involved with other commun11y groups, including Mothers Costa Me~. a support group for Latina mother\. "I think I've been mvolved a 101 with different <:omm1 tmen1S to my commu- n11y. e~pecaally with the schools," Bur- ciaga ..aid Michael Otfford, 55, ran for council in 2000. I le I'> part of the Community Re- devclopmeni Acuon C..ommJttee and wa!> al<,<> involved with the Westside ~pel afk Plan Clifford '><lid he became mvulwd 111 locaJ poliuo. when he moved to till' Wew.adc m 1998. "I rcali/£d how important locaJ poli - tic!> an~. wilh lhl' way our quality of life PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pl.OT Shelly Ross, far nght, reads the Haggadah as the women of the family pray m his Corona del Mar home dunng Seder at the start of Passover. Freedom to celebrate As Passover begins, Jews in Newport-Mesa commemorate the exodus from Egypt Lollta Harper Dally Pilot F reedom from oppression Freedom from poverty. Freedom from financial constraints. It is with these ubiquitous themes trust area Jews celebrate the most triumphant l.aberation of their heritage during the tradition or Passover. Regardle$S of religion, or lack of religion, the concept of breaking free from restrictive shackles is prevalent. From historic events such as the liberation of Iraq to Lhe daily triumphs of completing a research paper for a core coUege course, Newport-Mesans are reminded of the labor of freedom. Al sundown Wednesday. Jewish families acro<iS Lhe area and the nauon gathered 10 light candles, sing. pray and reDect o n the Hebrews' exodus from Egyp1 more than 3.000 years ago. As is customary, the first night of Lhe eight-day observance. also known as Erev Pesach, families gather within their homes to commemorate the exodus of the On the table at Sh~ly Ross' home, the matzah, or unleavened bread, See CELEBRATE, Paie A6 1s covered in preparation for the Passover Seder on Wednesday. QUESTION 7 Who should be the new Coste Mesa City Council member? Call our Readerfi • Hotline at (949) 642 -6086 or send e-mail to da1/yp1/or aJ/ar1mes com Please spP.11 your name and include your hometown and phone number, for venf1catton purpofies only It'> l'"(H.'l litllY \llll 1' I 11111\ l'd to \\t''>I l~th '>trl't't: C J11f11rd ,,11d 'J lwn·' .1 11\-hole ne"" ""orld u\l'r l u·w I 111111~ 11 See COUNCIL, Paee A4 Candidate takes heat for support of Clinton Another Republican in Assembly rare critici7e~ Cristi Crhtich ·.., backing former pre~ident ·.., 1996 reelect ion Paul Clinton Daily Pilot "'rWPOHI Ill,,\( II I he i.:1111 ... 1 111 Ball l ]in tun P""' '' h,wn11ng till· pww111 or 1\ .. -.emblv 1 and1d,11l' < n ... 11 c rt'>t11 h ( n!>tlch, a Corona dl'I Mar rM1den1, I' one of four Ri>puhh1 .111 1 .111d1d.111·' 111 tht' \IJn:h :.!001 pnman lo n plat t' Johll <..impbt.•ll 111 tlw ;01h \,,t·mhh I >1,tm t .\.., 'he .,.,.l'l,,, lwr JI.Ill\·, 1111d 111 11111• ol the m11,t 1 on't'r'\:«11\l' d1,t nu ... 111 tlw '-late, t n'llt h m,1.,. J>J\ .1 p•1h1 11 •I pm 1· See CANDIDATE. Paee A7 0 N T H E HOMEFRONT Newport soldier gets boots wet June Casa1rande Daily Not l'lil:WPORT Bl-AUi lra4 ma} have been Lhe last plact' ht I 1 H\.tn T \\'ii hams though! he'd end up When he gradualed from We<>I l'mnt an 1001. the fonner Corona dd \far l ro.,., counlry runner and member of the ( oruna del Mar High 03.'>.'> of 1~7 n-qm~u-d a po sition an Gennany See SOLOtER. Pa1e M UC Irvine admits its largest freshman class THE BELL CURVE Largest increases are in college's engineering and social sciences programs. Chrlltlne Cerruto Daily Pilot UC OMNI! -The unlvmity in- vited a mx>nf number of protpee- dve Anteeten lo join Its freshman due for the rau. The number of atudent1 admitted to the W'\lvefllty -I 7.926 -In· cieued by more than 880 from last YMt wid'I tho tMaest boolt or atu· c1en11 ·ao1r111n1o the ~ Sllmueli SchOof cit-: F~ and the School of Social Sciences. ·0ver the I t few yurs. we have implemented several high tech ar- eas _ . . mteareh fadlid tho Na- tional Fuel CeU Research Center . -_ This tw l.ncttucd the ~utadon or the Sdlool greatly, .. uid NJcolaos ~opoulos, dean or the school of erigfneering. •Overill. this attrac:ts more student&• FoUawmg the atat.wtd Increase in the numbtt of aruderlts ~ tho untVersity of Califoml& system. uc1 ~ 34;359 appUcadons from hl8h school .en.lor9, up 3,764 rrom last yur. ·uc1 la on a continuous upwald trajectory .••• Right now, lt-S a ft1Y ... ,. • ._.,_..M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTitEWEB: ~.~can WEATHER The mn'• bedt. S.Plc•A2 ROAD VICTORY Newport htc:h Potice win di~ in Werto Vltgea rece. S.PllPM SPORTS A picture of pre-annexation Santa Ana Heights ... QIM, ..... A7. r • A2 Thlnday, ~ 17, 2003 .. POLil?ICS • ~ THE .POLITICAL LANDSCAPE • SITVEMcCRN«/DAILYPlt.OT Marines lift the flag off the casket of Marine Cpl. Jose Garibay during his burial at Riverside National Cemetery. Supervisor Jim Silva and Ken Maddox hope to create a 'Wall of Heroes" at the Hall of Administration building in Santa Ana to honor Orang~ County residents in the military. Teaming up to honor_ the military Paut Clinton Daily Pilot Supervisor Jbn SDva and Assemblyman Ken Maddox have teamed up to honor U.S. military men and women serving in lraq. Silva and Maddox on April lO said they would create a Wall of Heroes in the county's Hall of Administtation in Santa Ana Families of military members are asked to submit a 5-by-7-inch photo for the wall, which will stay up only on a temporary basis. MThi.s Wall of Heroes will help us put a face to the names of the many brave troops fighting for freedom." Silva said. Mlt is an honor to know that so many local Orange County residents are currently serving our COWltry." Joee Garibay, the first Orange Cowtty casualty in Iraq and a one-time Costa Mesa resident. will be honored on the wall. Photos should be sent to the Orange County Veterans Service Office at 1300 S. Grand Ave .. Building B. Santa Ana. CA. 92705. Maddox. who represents Costa Mesa. served in the Army National Guard from 1981-89, receiving a commission as a second lieutenant in 1984. In October 2002. Maddox reenlisted. He is assigned to the Headquarters Company, 40th Infantry Division. Silva's two children and son-in-law are now on active duty with the Air Force. READY TO TU Off FOR ASSEMBLY SEAT Assembly candidate Marianne 7Jppi sipped tea this week with a group of Republican ladies who have endorsed her higher office. Zippi is running for the 70tb Assembly District seat to replace outgoing John Campbell, who is seeking a state Senate seat. Cristi Crtatlc:h, an Anaheim businesswoman and Corona del Mar resident; Don Wagner. an Irvine businessman; and Quack DeVore, an Irvine City Council candidate, are also running for the seat z.ippi beaded out for a noontime "high tea" on the Royal Princess Yacht on Newport Harbor on Wednesday. Zippi spoke at the monthly meeting of the 223-member Balboa Bay Republican Women Federated, which is endorsing her. MShe has a lot of integrity," said Judy Dobeon. the group's president MShe loves Newport Beach. She would do a good job." The event also doubled as a fund-raiser to generate funds for the group's student-scholarship program. In other news from this race, FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Marianne Zip pi is running for the 70ttl Assembly District seat. Zippi has pinned down the endorsement of former Assemblyman GU ~n. In an April 10 st~tement. Ferguson endorsed Zippi "The district is one of the most Republican Ip America and It deserves someone who strongly reOects our values an<l will not be reticent to speak out tn support of those values." Ferguson said. •tn Zippi, we have a stand-up representative.• Ferguson held the 70th Assembly seat for five terms, from 1984 to 1994. Marilyn Brewer held the seat until 2000, when Campbell won it. GET YOUR PIECE OF El TORO Now that the political battles over how to use the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station have ended, the developers have entered the fray to collect the spoils. Rep. Outs Cox and the Navy are hosting an informational meeting April 28 for developers who hope to purchase one of the four parcels of the land for condominiums or office development The Navy sliced up 3,500 acres of the property, as a first step in auctioning it off to th.e highest bidder during an onllne EBay-style auction later this year. Colliers Seeley International. a madteting agent for the Navy, is hosting the event Cox is scheduled to give a one-hour presentation at 10 a m. The congressman was the first to suggest the idea of the auction in the mid-1990s when the base closed. Others scheduled to speak are Wayne Amy, the principal deputy assistant secretary of the Navy; Peter Stambon, the regional administtator of the U.S. General Services Administtation; and members of Colliers Seeley. Irvine officials will also speak. Orange County has given the city the green light to annex the base. Daily Pitot ' ... -• -... POLITICAL CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS The Republican Party of Orange County will hold a special meeting with Sir Eldon Griffiths, former member of the British , Hoose of cOmmons, from 6 p.m. 1-:. d '. to 1 p.m. Mf?ooay. The ev4'nt will precede the April meeting of the central committee. ft will be held ~' In the Lido Room at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel at 686 Anton Btvd., Costa Mesa. ASsemblyman Ken Maddox will hold his kidc-off reception for his run for state Senate from 6:30 to 7 p.m. May 8 at Siiky Sulllvans In Fountain Valley. The special guest will be Assembly Republican Caucus Leader Tony Stridcland. Information: (714) 731-2233 Cristi Cristich will hold her kidc-off fund-raiser for her state Assembly run at 6 p.m. May 8 at Scott's Seafood Restaurant. Information: (949) 717-n55 Assemblyman John Campbell I ' 'f '·' . I will hold his kidc-off reception for • his state Senate run from 6 to 8 p.m. May 29 at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach. Information: (209) 847-6200 or e-mail: dstoneoak@aol.com · APRIL Monday: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Ptaz.a Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 656-8555. 24: Newport Harbor Republican Women will hold a general meeting at noon at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. The guest speaker will be Karia Downing. Information: (949) 644-0539 MAY ., ,, ., '1 ~ ~ , 8: The Cristi Cristich for State . ~ Assembly fund-raising kidt-off :.1 celebration will tMrheld at 6 p.m. ~ Information: (949) 717-n65 1 17: The Orange County ~~ f.ederation of R9pubtican Women i': will hold its 2003 Western Night • , from 4:30 to 9 p_m. at the home ' of Colleen and Budt Johna In ' Newport Beach. Information: : (949) 498-n44 • 19: The Republican Party of : Orange Coonty Central : Committee will hold a general • meeting at 7 p.m. at the South • Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd .• Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8555. JUNE 16: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8555. POLITICS ASIDE S.J . Cahn is on vacation. His column will return next Thursday. He can be reached at (949) 6744233 or via e-mail at s.j.cahn@latima. porn. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' , , ' \ , , ~ l j . i ~ I ' 1 Daily A Pilot ContlWllson News assistant (949) 574-4298 coral. wiflondllatlmes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1660, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news stories, illustnrtions, editorial matter or adve1tlseme111a herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN I VOL 97, NO. 107 H.wsEdleon Gina Alexander, Lori Anderton, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowltz, Dani.I St.vene NEWStrrAff Crime~~ .... (9491 57«228 dflepa.bhanfh•l«lm..com .... =·· Newport report«, (M)~ ")JM.~nde•11tt1,,,_com flllulca..o.t fiblld9l lfld ~ recioner. (M)'MM330 ,,,_ d ieone~com ............. Cc>Mnnllt. eult\int reporter. (IMl)PMm IOltt..,..,,_.,,,,,,,,_com ...... ........_ c.o.a Meta rtPOf'llW, (M) 17~1 ~ .• .......,, ....... ciom ~c..-. Educildon ,...,...,JM)~ ~--· ....... """ Sean Hiller, Don Leech, Kent Trepmw READERS HOTUNE (949) 642-«>86 Record your commeota about the Deily Pilot or news tips. Add.- Our eddreM 11 330 W. S.y St., Costa M .... CA 92627. OftQ houra are Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. ~ It 11 tt\41 Piiot's policy to promptly comlCt all tm>ra of substance. PleeM call 1949) ~ FYI The fWwpolt BeedllCosta Meu Deity Pilot (USPS-144-800) is pubtWhed deity. In Newport hid\ and Coeta Meu, .ubectlptione .,.. evallable ontY bv eubicribW!g to The Tlmea °'91'199 Countv (800) 252.f141. In.,.... OUt9id9 of NewPon 8Mctl end eo.c. Meu. tubectlptlone to the Deity Piiot .,. IVal~Oftty lJv flrwt dale tna1I fof $)0 per month. '""'* lnd\Jde ell eppllc:ebte ..... end locel ..,..., flOITMASTlA, lend~ ~toThe~ ~MMe QelY "'1oc. PO. HOW TOR.EACH US ~ The TliMa o ... nge County (800) 252-9141 Adwlti ... 19 ~ (949) 642·5678 °"4*Y (949) 642""'321 EdlfotW News (~) 642-5680 Spotta(949)57<M222 News,... (949) ~170 8pofts,.... (949) 660-0170 E,.me1: dallvollotOl•tf,,..oom ,....OllM·r .....,.. (MAo. (949) 642"'321 ....... ,.. (949) «131-712$ Pubtltt*I bv Tlmee Community Newt, a dl"'-'ori of tht LAM A.,_ Tl"*· CQ003 ,,"* CN, AQ iighu ...... "*f. • WEATHER FORECAST Another strong chance of showers arrive. today, with highs near 60. Lowa will fall ahyof50. On Friday, the dlancea of showers are less, though still · pc>Mlble earty on. Highs will hit the mid-«>t with lows around 45. Expect a wonderfully sunny MIN end. lnfomtation: www.nws.m>a.fl'N BOATING FORECAST The w.telfy wtndl wtll blow 5 to 15 lcnoe. In the inn.r 'Mtert, with 2.foot wevee and • mhted aouthw.t .welt of 6 *'end IOUth llWell of 2 ~ Out r.i1her, the w..wty wtndl wtH blow 10 to 15 knota Mrfy, wfth 3-foot MW1 and I mbc9dw.t Mtl of I fMt and ~Mel of 2 Ml 'foNOht, .. Wlndlwtll locn111to15to 20 ... with 4-fooc ~ SURF Northwest and toUthweat swells anive today, though sooth-facing t>Nab are the best beta, with dlest-hlgha. West-facing beadles can expect waist·hlgha for the most part. but aome chest-highs should roll In. On Fndty, both aw.ft. lrfcre&ae, with ahou~ possible at IOUthem ~ Weat-fadng breab can expect dlest-to head-highs. Saturday drops off. W...qu81ty: M.w.e41rfricter.()(Q TIDES Time 4:28a.m. 10-.381.m. 4:1Sp.m. 10'.:28 p.m. ........ .0.83 r..t tow 4.74fMthlgh 0.82fMtloW e.31 fMthlgh J • ! , ' ' I • Dally Pilot U.S.-French rivalry moves to the water The powers clash again at big wave surfing awards, brainchild of Newport's Bill Sharp. S.J. C•hn Daily Pilot NEWPORT JJF.ACH -There are a few long-running i;tvalrles In the sport of surfing. • The United States versus Aus· tralia: Hawaii vecsus California. Northern California versus Southern California. In Santa Cruz. even, Its west side versus east side. But France versus the U.S.? Thar's a new one. And it will be on full, international display Fri· day night at the Billa.bong XXL Global Big Wave Awards. The big wave awards. the bra.mchild of Ne\"l)On Beach's Bill Sharp, have shaped up this year, strangely. along lin~ that might have gone unnoticed had France and the U.S. not divided so noto· riousty over the U.S. war In Iraq. "I wouldn't want to be accused of exploiting an international in- ddent: Sharp said Wednesday. houn; before he wru. to meet and decide the award's winner. "But I recognized that some joumalis~ would see 11 in a broader con· text." That recogruuon has been a hallmark of Sharp's career as a leader in promoting big wave surfing. It was Sharp. a Corona del Mar High graduate, who saw the potential for big-wave surfing hack in the 1997·98 El Nu'lo win- ter and staned what is nO'N a five- year contest tradition. The event carefully sanctions ~urfers, who are typically pulled [!]~Dunn-Well into waves behind personal watercraft, and bJ'tnp together a panel of judges to determine which wave Crom the winter wa,, the biggesL This years five finalists for the $60,000 prize are Fred Basse, of France. for a wave ridden at Bel· harra Reef, France on March 10; Oieyne Horan, of Australia. for a wave at Jaws, Maui. Hawall on Nov. 26, 2002; Noah Johnson. of the U .s .. also that day at Jaws; Se- bastian St. Jean, of Prance, Crom the day at Belharra Reef; and Ma· kua Rothman, of the U.S., for the day at Jaws. Uke the contest's waves. the event itself builds blgger and big- ger each year. • lhis year we decided to ex· pand the XXL event to a global format, and it has become truly that,. said Graham Stapelberg. vice president of rnarkeung for Billabong USA. "We've seen huge waves in Hawaii, California, france and Mexico, ridden by burfers from the USA. Australia. f.urope and !3razil. It's given every key area of the surfing world something to cheer abouL • Surfers from all those areas will have a chance to see the awards ceremony. After· an unexpected amount of interest (and far more than the 1,500 seats available al the Grove Theater in Anaheim, Sharp said). organizei:s decided to do a live Web cast. scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday at www. Bil/.abongXXLcom "It's really grown up Crom a lit- t.le. clidcy thing.· Sharp said. "We"ve worked hard to create a really marure show." Next years cont.est, he added, will be bigger. once again. with more categories. "We're looking at ways to ex· pand the concept,· he said. Stp.rt With , Co7Pifl~untary thamp11gnt, MimosaJ and fmh Orangr juia s,,,iierf Sa/min with CAptn, Cream Chttsr, Chopped Eggs. ~ Onirms 'nd Mini Bagrls "'4,tfJ'rJ" 'Fit/J Gtmu-Salad with RoaJttd PirrachioJ and ~. 0Kwmbt11 ~ma. Hram of Palm. Roquefort Cht« 4"" l.,sorttd Drrssmgs Clutmd ~ '/kU 1'9pm. Cilantro. Grttn Omons lillmJOllWMJ~ip /1 G/Jipoil.t Dressing OnolflslrJS4iJ..wiil'Kiz11"'41a Olim and Sundrud 1 .. ill.• &r. Dns.smg R«Jt~p ~St~ SdJi!l ~ Gri/kd Vf!ttabln and "' ~t~ Drtsting &mes 07'Uktus Mlllk To ~with Bacon cf SaUS1Zgt Tray FCJ /Jvitdict ~'I.{ lk/tum Waf!ld with M.4/k 'SrP and Whipped Crram I\:. , \ Gtrvtd to OtWr ~d Prime Rib of &ef \~\\\h Carwd to Ortkr Jfast Lit of lamb ' '~ ·:~ \~ Mtxican StlllMu ujth a Tomatillo & Ancho \: ~· Chili S4uct Ovtr a ltd of Nopaks &fish Ga& M~fo111toa ~~ ~-~~~'1~~.~ Pdfio 4"" GDurma Dasmi ... ~ I'~~~ • Thursday, Al>rM 17, :>003 Al i Girls Inc. provides taste of Vanguard ChrlltJn• C•rrlllo Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Stepping onto the Vanguard University campus and waJk:ing into the open anns of Its students, faculty and administrators, a group of girls from Girlo; Inc. of Orange County got a taste of what the Oui.stian college is all about. Seventeen students from Costa Mesa and fatanda high schools spent Wednes· day at the school, during their spring break. as part of Girls Inc.'$ ongoing ef· fons to "encourage girls to take risks and mao;ter physical. inteUecruaJ· and emo- tional challenges.·• For the second year in a row. Vanguard hosted a career day specialty established for the Girts Inc. youth. University officials educated them about their collegiate op· ponunities at Vanguard and elsewhere. as well as the best way to get there. "They had the opportunity to see that going to college is multifaceted and not JUM about academia," said Rosanne Freil- ich. director of the wuversity's career cen- ter. "I thmJ, n's nice that we can do these pannen.hJp activities with the commu- nity It really gjVes them a feel for wha t Ull'> campll!) is about." ~tarting off their day with morning chapel and a performance by the Van· 1-,'Uard orchestra. the girlo; continued their Vl'>ll with a tour of the campus. lunch with 1>1udent~ in the dining commons and ended with an informative presentation by administrators, faculty and students wuchjng on all aspects of college life. 'The most imponant thing !about col· legel i~ that where you're happy is where luXURY I! Pntico J 8 Splendore l 'iA. INC.:.. ll\1111 "i\ [l·aoPI \' AHi l<[t. R[f' N uA.l'f'Pll ')l Soha He1dan. a student representative and sophomore at Vanguard Umversrty, addresses girls from Girls Inc as part of the second annual College Day you'll' -;uppo'>ftl 10 bt•.'" -..ml 'l<1ha I le1dan. a '>Ophomure at v.111g1.1tml -vou h'UY'> are goin g to bt· morv 1ha11 fl"I .,onwbo<l~ Don'1 let anvmw '>top you Don t let money '>lllP you. The goal o f rnllt•gt• <l.t>• ho•.tl'<l b> Van guard''> carcec t t·ntt•r an<l \"omt'n\ cau CU'>, i.'> to '>how local .,111<lt·11t., tht-reaJ pos· sibilities Ll1at ht• lw forl' them wtult' erd.'>ing ~ome of Llw 1111,l oncl'p110n-. 1hey may have that m1gh1 dt•tt·r lhl'm lrom 1:011tinu· ing their educ:a 1ion. thelI fu1urc. '>dld < >rlt.'<ia Ro.t. (,trl., Inc volunt~r toordmalor for conunuruty ou lrl'ach "\'w r~ 11·\1ng to WH' 1lwm h.n formauon the\ llld\ not Kt'I .11 '><:hool or they ma> nol gt·t di IJ1mw \\1· n· tr)ing IO help Lhl'm gel 1ht·rc·." And for '><1m1· of thl' \01mg girl<.,, 1he t'f fon -. of the t1111 .. <:r'>ll\ .111d 1lw organv..i tion were a <.,uu l"\'>. "'When I L<tnll'. 11 n·all~ openN.I my ey~." ~d I~, year old ( ...irmt•n ~avarrcte. a Costa Me'><I I ltgh '>ophornore ·· 1 hope to I I "It°!. imponant for tht•111 to prepart• fo r he here m 1wo \ 1·Jr,. _J Call Today Toll Free 1-888-4 79-3784 You have a choice. Canada Direct Pharmacy is an o rganization of Canadian pro fessional pharmacists that can dispense safe. high quahtybrand name medicines conveniently -for much Jess local phannacy. !fil!51 than you are cunentty paying at your ~ ,_.._....,... Visrt www.CanadaOlrectPharmacy.com An American run business since l <J"i i Our /amt~)' sen•i"}!. vo11r /11mflv fitr "iO l't'clr~ John Jennifer Gus Brenda Lifetime Lifetime 100°/o Warranty Warranty FREE· Carpet Ceramic $199 $199 No QUestions Lifetime Uf'etime Asked Warranty Warranty ()() tJtot "acbange. 1 .. miaate Wood 'lf:you .. , ,.,. -, UJJl ....... 11 $299 $299 I I M Th.rsday, Aoril 17. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA blodc at 1 :48 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH •Adams Awnue end Haabor . •,West S.lboa Boulevard: A Boull'V9f'Ct A hit-and-run tilt-ancfrun waS' rQp<>rted in was reported at 1:28 p.m. the 1500 blodc at 11:16 p.m. Monday. Tuesday. • Governor Street: • Baywood Drive: Auto theft Vandalism was reported In was reported in the 200 the800blodcat 1:58p.m. blodcat4:46p.m. Tuesday. Monday. • Briltol StrHt North: A • Onnge Avenue: A vehicle hlt-and:run was reported In trur;plary was reported in the · the 1000 blodc at 7:40 p.m. 2600 blodc '-t 1 :13 p.m. Tuesday: Monday. • Goldenrod Avenue: An • ~Prive: Forgert asa&ult was re~rted in the was reported in the 2800 , 300 blodc at 10:40 p.m. blodc at 12:04 p.m. Monday. Tuesday.' • South C:O.st Drive: A traffic • Irvine Avenue: Petty theft accident was reported in the was reported In the 1000 900 blodc at 7:37 p.m. blodc at 12:34 a.m. Tuesday. Monday. • Pert Newport Dnve: •Stetting Avenue: Battery was reported in the Vandalism was reported in 1800 blodc at 10:38 p.m. the 2100 blodc at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. Monday. • Poinsettia Avenue: A • Victoria Street Annoying burglary was reported in the phone calls were reported in 700 blodc at 6:32 p.m. the 500 blodc at 1:52 p.m. Tuesday. Monday. • Santiago Drive: Petty theft • West 19th Street Petty was reported in the 2000 theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 8:28 a.m. Tuesday. Qas&fied ads work for 11 1111 111 .Y2UJ · THE Daily Pilot Cldss1f1ed Community Markt-tpl.ice THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HU SBANDS . ~ALDEN'S Fl.oat~ A.'iO CUSTOM WI.Nooe-Con:IUN<'.\ 1663 Placentia, Corna MHa 949-646-4838 ·--..... -· ......... The soft l'olds of Vitflette• window wdings now tome in ttne rw:w fabrics that appeal to everyone. Come see them tod.iy. .............. ........ , ......... . .,,,, ''''' ..... '''''· The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery * ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s SOLDIER Continued from Al Stationed in the city of VU- seck. near Nuremberg, Wil- liams watched as the war in Iraq grew from a distant con- cept into an explosive reality. But It was too late for the eager young career officer to get in on the action, mother Erika Wil- liams said. His German assign- ment in charge of four Bradley fighting vehicles and 36 sol- diers was solid. Then, just a few weeks ago, Erik.a got an e-mail fro,rn her son saying that·his l~t Itllantry Division, nickname4 "tl)e Big Red Oqe," might be sent to ICir- lcuk. lraq, to p~e backup to the 173rd Division .that had to be deployed out of Italy be- cause Turkey had refused to al- low the troops ground access to Iraq. For about 10 days, his e-mails home included the caveat that soon his e-mails would prob· ably stop. And that would mean he was in Iraq. "I knew he was there because I stopped getting e-mails," Eri- ka said, adding that she believes he arrived in Iraq on Monday. ·And then, the other day, I h ad a sighting. I saw him in.some of the news footage on 1V of sol- diers in Iraq. "I bad a tape in the VCR and I COUNCIL Continued from Al should be just as safe to walk around here (at night) as it is in Mesa Verde or somewhere else.· Oi.tiord also said be would donate any stipend he receives, if appointed, to the city's Police and Pire departments to com- pensate for expected cutbacks. Julia Cross, 38, was on the board of directors of the Monti- cello Community Homeowners Assn. for more than three years. She said the board and city offi- cials have worked well together to rebuild MonticeUo after two fires ravaged the neighborhood last year. "I just sold my townhome a month ago and moved to the Eastside and am looking for something to do,· Cross said. "I've gotten to know a lot of people in the community and the community itself and would like to be involved in some of the good things going on around here.~ Walter Davenport, who is in his 60s, served on the Planning Commission for 22 years, until February, when he was not re- appointed. Davenport said the vast amount of expertise he racked up on the commission makes him extremely qualified for the council. ~It certainly has given me a lot of experience in the area of land-use issues, which is part of what the council has to do Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW ' 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made furniture • Sllp Covers • Patio furniture • Draperies. Shades. & 6edspreads 'I know he was anxious to get his boots on the ground. This is his career.' ErlulW..- Army 1st Lt. Ryan Wiiiams' mother managed to get ft on tape," she said ... It was excldng. He was all neat in his pressed uniform - they all looked new because they just got there. He looked happy and eager to do what he had to do." Erika said it's not likely she'll be in touch with h er son any- time soon. She estimates that it could be anywhere from six weeks to six months. before Ryan, pow 23, returos to Ger- .many to enjoy.luxuries such as e-mail. In the meantime, she's sending care packages -toilet- ries mostly, especially mois- tened towelettes to ease the discomfort of not having show- ers. "We can't even be sure he'll get them, but you have ro try,'" she said. Though it's natural for a par- ent to worry, Erika said that the family is supportive. If Ryan is happy to be there, then the Williams are happy he's there. "I know he was anxious to get his boots on the ground. This is his career,~ Erika said. ~we're proud of what he's doing and we with," Davenport said. "I think my experience would also help with issues outside of Jand use." Dennis DeMaio, 55, has been on the Planning Coqunission for two months. The county sheriff who acts as the Villa Park police chief said he is interested in the vacancy for the same rea- son he wanted to be on the commission. "To get involved in the com- munity, to help with goals," Oe- Maio said. "(We're) in the stage where lwe'rel moving toward re- development and revitalization for Costa Mesa, and I want to be a part of it." Katrina Foley, 35, is on the Planning Commission and ran for the council last fall. Herrea- sons for wanting to be ap· pointed are the same as her platform during the election, she said. •·1 believe we need profe:..· sionaJ leadership to continue to improve Costa Mesa." Foley said. "I aJso believe that during this economic crisis, we ne~d people who are going to work very bard to maintain the kind of services that we offer our residents while still managing the budget." Tamar Goldmann, 57, is an English professor at Orange Coast College. She served as de- partment chair for six years, which honed her problem-solv- ing and negotiating sJcills, she said. She moved to Costa Mesa from Los Angeles in 1975 and wants to help e nsure the city she now calls home grows re- sponsibly. "I know that It's important to protect one's city very carefully and have it develop and grow in a careful and measured fash- ion," Goldmann said. Jennifer .Kuo, 25, grew up in Costa Mesa and lives in Wim· bledon Village. She said she was concerned when she went to one of the city's Human Rela- tions Committee meetings and witnessed discord among the members. Kuo works for the Orange County Asian and Pacific ls· lander Community Alliance and said one of her interests is the 13.6% of Costa Mesa's popula- tion of Asian descent. "I'm just interested (in the va· cancyJ because I went to school here, grew up here, and the best way to get' involved is serving on (the councUJ." Kuo said. ·1 thought, 'Why not try it?'" Robert Love, 54, was on the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion for two years and was the chairman last year. He also is involved with three Newport- Mesa Unified School District FRESHMAN Continued from Al dlfticult time to be completely optimlsdc glven the state budget,• said Manuel Gome:t.. vice chancellor of student affa1ra. "We are on ol the growth cam- puses for the Un.lven.lty of Cali- fornia. • • • We wlU continue powlng." 1he number of student.a ad· mined Into the tcbool hu Jumped by about 637 ~ 2002. Only about 58 more students were admitted from 2001 to 2002. UnM::rafty oftld.alt attrlbUte th.at ll(plUk.ant lnc:reue Pd· i:1lariJy to the debut of me IChool'a blurnedical ~dn8 Prowun for un~te.. WhUt ua hid ~ tumJ> lti ttu· dent admlaetom overall. It allo 1 Daily~ First Lt. Ryan Williams stands next to a Bradley tank. Williams, ' regularly stationed in Germany, was shipped Iraq this month. certainly support the war. This is his career, and you have to be •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers happy for your kids: Just hope for the best, because this ls what he wants. We just say our prayers for him." I Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. committees. THE UST He said his experience work-Karl Ahtf ing .for the county for 25 years, Eric Bever including five years as chief of Terri Breer staff for the second district su-Mirna Burciaga pervisor, will serve him well if Michael Clifford appointed. Julia Cross •1 know the second district,_ Walter Davenport which in cludes Costa Mesa Dennis DeMaio pretty well," Love said. "I know Linda Di><on schools and issues and want to James Fisler stay involved with community Katrina Foley issues, so I think I have a unique Bruce Gerlich background for (the council) Tam~r Goldmann given the experiences I've had." Jennifer Kuo Matthew Malcin. 30, is the Wendy leece grandson of former mayor and Robert l ove . city historian Bob Wilson. He Matthe"':' Makin serves on the Redevelopment Frank Michelena and Residential Rehabilitation R~l~h Morga." Committee. Wilham Perkins "I al d . Art Perry . w.,ays w~te .'0 g~t mto Mike Scheafer politi~s. Malcin said . 1. was Heather Somers pl~nmg to do som.ething a William Turpit while back, but couJdn t run (for Larry Weichman the council l last year because of work obligalions. So now I work out of the house, 50 it's easier for me to dedicate the time the city would uced." Ralph Morgan, 82, was an avid supporter of an airport at El Toro through bis involvement with the Airport Working Group. He has a Jaw degree and has taught at the community col- lege and university level. "I think I could do a better job than the (otherl people who are going to be running because I've got a much better educa- tion and have a lot of experi- ence teaching at the commu· nity college level," Morgan said. Bill Perkins, 27, has been on the Planning Commission for more than years. He ran for the council in the fall. Perkins said his experience serving the city will allow him to bring leadership to the council "With a cha nge in the cou11- ciJ, there might be a chan ce for more leadership and unity," Perk.i ns said . ~I think Karen did a great job as mayor and las a l leader, but I think we need to direc t some efforts to im- provements on the Wests ide. Something as simple as just putting complete sidewalks down 19th Street on the West- side would make a huge differ- ence." Mike Scheafer, 49. is president of the Costa Mesa-Newport Har- bor Lions Oub. He has served on the Parks and Recreation Commission and was a director for the Costa Mesa Sanitary Dis- trict. ~I've done a lot with the com- munity," Scheafer said. ~1 was born and raised in this commu- nity. I've lived on the Westside for most of my life. I think that will be helpful coming up. I'm just had a jutnp in the number of students it had to tum away. The university had to tum away 16,433 freshman appli- cants, even though two-third.a of them met the UC eligibility re- qulrementa. Although university offidals would lllce to accept more ltUdents, they undentand that the l;uger a_ppUcaoti)OOJ al· tows the univcralty to be more aeleclive 1n lu admls&fon proc- ea "We are proud lba1 UCJ II tut becomJna a campus of choice for many ot the eca.te'a most t.al· ented and tdgh·adUevfns stu· denta,.. Mid Mldulel Go«hd· .on. ereCutJve vice chancellor. •1.a we face the~ of a ~Uy redueed awe bUdDt. we Will continue ID retY 0o the support of the UC Re- ll"ll. the communttY and Pd· ... donod tu be able fD llCCUll• ...... ~~ • DEIROAE NEWMAN covers Mesa and may be reached al ( 574-4221 or by e-mail et delrdre.newman@latimes.com. ! expand our academic f:acili and programs and improve hJgb quality of the UCI ed tlonaJ experience." Since the average SAT aco of admitted students reached 1246 and the point awrages 3.87. the com • don among the unfveralty'a • dent.a hu been taken to the level. With that. the un has had to cw it.a compctlu whh other UC campUlel unfvmitlet ID the om level "'Wdrc in a very comped poaltJon in large put becawle the growU\g maturation ol campus, prndse and our detnic progr11111," Gomri •n meana • lot moC't ttudmc. the~ 1 lot morB llfe.'" tttO Al • CllllllNI CM"' •O c:owrw ~"'"' m9¥' bi~. t I.Mt) ~Of bVHniM" ..... ...,. ........ cam. .I. Pilot I I ' I I ' I .. I I • • . ( . . Ttusday, Apnl 17, 2003 AS stock up. comets come around more o~en than this. the 11IKEA hardly ever has a s~le'' sale event. save up to 50o/o off select items throU:ghout the store. sal~ starts Friday. -· Ill J 1~OyC..600 N. San femandO et.id (8l8} IA2·"'532 ICIA C.W. 405 fwy ID~ Wild bl P10t 5P.u32 ... 0, .. > ' t f l 60 ~to AMII M 962619'2-.sJ2 . .... ...... ~JoMbotM IW. Exit, Tllttln ~ (1141131-4000 ........... Mofi ·ft• lo.· 9". $-. ,_.. ,,.._ SWft ~ • e,. M ........... ~ s..r. VWt ICIAAIMI ' E.W..~ Dileo 0 INll' llCEA ~IV 2003. ~ ................. ......, ... --,,---·------------·---- M Thuttday, Ac>t11 1 7, 2003 Merrill Lynch pl~dges loans to small businesses Newport cops are tops in relay race The company helped Costa Mesa-based Wahoo's expand in the mid-1990s and p lans to help others with $490 million statewide. Paul Clinton oaity Pilot NEWPORT-MESA Merrill Lynch & Co. has set aside $490 million in cash statewide to lend to small minority-owned businesses like Costa Mesa's Wahoo's Fish Tacos. The taco-stand chain, with 28 restaurants, has tapped into Merrill funds to help finance expansions since 1996. when the two struck up a partnership. Merrill's announcement, on April 10, marked the third time the financial services company has set aside capital to lend to companies it describes as "nontraditional.'' Merrill also said it would hand out $10 milli<?n in community grants. been aggressive about lehding to the small busi- nesses. The traditional banks have more strict guidelines for their lend- ing.~ When Lee came to Mer- rill's Sanford Coggins, the 'financial advisor Who han- dJes the restaurant's ac- count, Wahoo's had eight stores and wanted to ex- pand. But funding the ex- pansion out of its operating cash was slow going. Cog- gins said. "What we were able to do is accelerate the growth process ... Coggins said. uwe helped them manage that." Newport Beach Police win their division by 3 minute$ in the Baker to Vegas relay race. . 0Hp• Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -They didn't have to endure swirling sandstorms or guard ~ajnst en- emy missUes. But the desert laid out a tough challenge for 20 Newport Beach. police officers who ran the Baker to Vegas 120-mile relay for public safety agencies over the week- end. Temperatures vacillated sharply from extreme beat to freezing cold. Winds gusted from 30 to 50 mph. But the Newpan Beach officers trampled through these adve~ conditions and were the first to cross the finish line. Newpon Beach beat the Orem. Utah, Department of Pub- lic Safety by 3 minutes and 11 seconds to grab first place in Its division, which comprised de- partments with 150 employees or fewer. It was sweet revenge for the of- ficers, too, because the Orem de- partment had edged them out last year. even beating a race re- cord that Newport Beach had set and held for several years. nus PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Newport Beach Police Officer Vlad Anderson crosses the finish line in Las Vegas carrying the American flag and wearing a military •cover." Anderson is a former U.S. Marine. year, the team from Newport fin- ished the race in 15 bours and 43 minutes. wit's always nice when we win," team co-captain LL Mike Hy-.uns said. ~u takes a lot of teamwork. energy and enthusiasm.· Hyams said the team of 20 had about five officers who were run· ning the race for the first time. It also featured veterans such as co-captain Sgt. Ron Vallercamp and Capt. Paul Henisey, who have participated in the compe- tition since the deparunent's first team in 1982, back when the contest was held in Death Valley. The conditions are always wpretty arduous" in the Mojave Desert, but this year, the biggest challenge runners faced was the wind, I lyams !>aid. "It was a true test of endur- ance," he said. "The win was prerry satisfying.~ Also noteworthy is that the team stood third overall. More than 200 teams from throughout the country participated, and several of them had 1,000 or ntETEAM Officer Mertc Atzpetridc Officer Jeff Munsell Sgt. Neri Hervey Officer Mike O'Belrne Lt. Mike Hyeme Officer Brien Schrieber Officer Matt Graham Officer Bob Fo11 Officer Darrin Joe Officer Eric Peterson Officer Bob Watts Officer Jeff Lu Officer Penny Varela Officer Jqhn Lewis Officer Evan Sailor Sgt. Ron Vallercemp Officer Dave White Capt. Paul .Henlaey Officer Bryan Moore Officer Vlad Anderson more employees, Hyams said. Sgt. Rob Morton went with the team as part of the support crew. MWe've always had a great run- ning team,· said Monon, who has run the race thrice. MWe don't have the record now, but we're going to get it back from Utah." Costa Mesa Police Depart- ment, also a regular in the race, did not participate this year. In 2001, Newport Beach came first in their division. and Costa Mesa came second. MThere's always a lot of healthy competition between us and Newport," Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Bob Siz.elc said. "We're glad they won this year. Good for them." Wahoo's -founded in 1988 by brothers Wing Lam, Ed Lee and Mingo Lee in Costa Mesa -has bor- rowed from Merrill under this program since the late 1990s, Mingo Lee said. Merrill has provided $1 .2 million in capital since then, he said. Even though it was suc- cessful, Wahoo's struggled to pin down funding. Some lenders were scared off by the traditionally volatile restaurant industry and un- predictable customer niche of surfers. The waaky marketplace," Coggins said, wasn't a con- cern to Merrill when lend- ers learned about the Wa- hoo's story. Co sta Mesa nears quick approvals for remodels MWhen we were looking for a partner, we tried the traditional banks,· Lee said. "But Merrill Lynch has In the latest pot of funds. Merrill expects to sign deals of $100,000 or more for an average of five years, Cog- gins said. The terms of the loans will vary depending on the business. Planning Commission and city officials continue working to change design guidelines to expedite the process. Deirdre Newm an Daily Piiot COSTA MESA ~ It could take as little as a wee.le to gain ap- proval for a residential remodel if city officials ultimately approve preliminary changes the Plan- ning Commission made Mon- day. Now it can drag on eight to I 0 weeks, minimum. -~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~- The changes are part of a slew of modifications the commission made to the city's zoning code and residential design guide- lines, covering issues such a!> floor area ratios, second-story construction and design review procedures. MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT The commission on Monday gave direction to staff to make the changes that will be recon sidered at a future comm ission meetihg. The Oty Council wiJl also eventually have to put its imprimatur on the changes. The new expedited proct''>-' has its advantages and disadvan tages. commissioner Katrina Fo· ley said MThe benefit is, it ma.Ices the process more efficient for re<-1 dents. because it doesn't take ac; long.· Foley said. "The disadvan tage is that we're now con!>ider- ing eliminating any notice 10 anybody that the remodel i!. go CELEBRATE Continued from Al Jewish slaves from Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Ramse'> II. Whinnie Ross of Corona del Mar gathered generations of her family in her home to pay homage to ancestors and celebrate the historical freedom of the Jewish people from bondage. Mlt is a very special occasion," said Ross, who is an involved member at Temple Bat Yahm 111 Newpon Beach. Adults and children gathered around for the first Seder meal of the holiday, and listened intently to the ceremonial blessings. The traditional meal omits breads and pasta-type foods from their diets -a sacrifice that honors thelr ancestors who were unable lo taJce Oour and yeast for bread as they fled from Egypt. In the Book of Exodus, Moses, a simple Jewish shepherd, was tng to O('(:ur." Councilman Gary Monahan wa<, the fir..t to inJOate review of the wning code and gwdelines. The heanng on Monday was the second public he&ing the com- mission has conducted on the is· sue. It h~ also held two srudy ses- sions on the comprehensive topic. The process for residential re- models u-.ed to include giving norice to neighbors within 500 feet, a minor de<,1gn review by the zoning administrator and po!>sibly a public hearing. The procc'>'i the commission would m..e to see is an estab- l~hed threshold for Ooor area ra- tio and a percentage of second story over the ftrst story. If this threshold 1s met, Planning De- partment staff can approve a project without notifying the ne1g.hborhood, Foley said. The comm1-.sion also directed staff to .. 1a.,h the pesky language of "harmony and compatibility" and replau~ 1t with Mdes1gn excel- lenc.:e" in areas including site planning. landscapmg. location of windows and "any other ap- plicable c.:leMgn features. - In addiuon, l'oley added the requtrements of prec;ervmg a suf- ficient amount of open space and considering established neighborhood-. m!>lnictcc.:I by t.od to go to the pharaoh and demand the freedom of the Israelites. The plea to wlet my pt>ople go." was ignored. and Mo~es warned Pharaoh that God would unleac;h h1" wrath on the people of F.gypt 1( the braelites were not freed. I he warning fell on deaf ears. l<,raelJtes were told to mark their homes with lamb's blood, .,o the senec; of 10 plagues would Hp~ over~ them. As the Bible repons. they were spared from blood, frogs, lice. Oies. blight, boils. hail, locusts. darkness and the slaying of the first born. It is this salvation that is celebrated during the first two days of Passover with the traditJonal Seder meals and is the focal point of the celebratlon, religious leaders said. The next four days of Passover are what are known as lnlermedJate days, and the final two represent when the lsraeUtes left F.gypt. They cro ed the sea of reeds 'The benefit is, it makes the process more efficient for residents, because it doesn't take as long.' Knina Fotey planning commssioner "I thmk we still have to look at the underlying neighborhood because something might be a beautiful design, but might be too much for that neighbor- hood." For second-story side set- backs. the commission recom- mended an average of 10 feet, but no closer than 5 feet Crom the sJde property line. Foley suggested an exception for an Mestablishecl pattern in the neighborhood• since there are a lot of neighborhoods where these panems eJOSt, Foley said. Commissioner Bill Perbns said he is satisfied with the way the changes are going. "I just think the staff did a good job on ltheml." Perkins satd. "I think they really need to streamline the process and think that's what we're doing. I'm happy with the majority of the alternatives." FYI This is the schedule for Passover 2003, or 5763. as it is recorded on the Jewish calendar. Today, Second Seder: Light candles no earlier than 8:04 p.m. Friday: Light Shabbat candles before 7:08 p.m . Saturday: Shabbat ends at 8:06 p.m. Tuesday: Light holiday candles at 7:11 p.m. Wednesday, the seventh day of Pesach: Light holid•v candles no earlier than 8:09 p.m. April 24. Acharon Shel Peaach: Passover ends at 8:10 p.m. and headed toward Sinai, said Rabbi Reuven Mintz of Ola.bad in Newport Beach. It is then the Jews became a people and in the promised land that God gave them the Torah. .. • lDUTA HARPER writes columns Mond•y1, Wednesdeya end Frid•ya and covers culture and the ert.a. She may be rNched mt 1949) 574-4276 or by ~•II mt lolita.h•rper•l•tlme1.com. WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS • ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer MotorcNft8 011 •nd Fiiter Change ~flvt quartl of Mot04"0raft-OH. Tun and d fM9 mctrl. a.. DHl..-.hlp for~ ... valid wtth coupon. Elcpll'H 4130/03. s799s r~'::= hrvlce Motorcraft' Praftrr9d Value oedt, ftont or rear. on moet can or tight trucka. THEODORE ROBINS FORD w111 MEET or BEAT Your Beet De•I on NAME BRAND TIRES Front End &Bn1ke lnapeotlon .. . ·~ . . '• I I I .... t ... ••• I ' • I . . ' .. I ' ' ''· '. ' ·' . I ' . '• . .. . ~ ' r " lhurs.ddy, Ai><~ 17 2003 A7 CANDIDATE Continued from Al Zippl and Ir vine busine s man Don Wag ner have al'lo said they'U seek the seal. 'Her point in supporting Clinton was not Bill Clinton, but the things he stood for. Those issues are again important.' hm ~llva h,.., Kfa.Jllcd J ·1om1 endor'>enwr11" of l>eVore dnd Cnsllth ~ome polttlt al rnmuhants say UeVore's LrHlqUt' or ( .r1stu:h won't carry muc.:h i.way with I/Oler\ tht' thtn e ~tuod lor: P"adb t'f'K lM!Jd. o!>t' 11.sut's are agam important .. Devore w ai. a Reagan Wl"ute I lou..e appomtet-tn the Penta gon from 1986' to 1988 and '>erved as Hep UU'b C..ox\ M'rt ior 3-)'>!Slant pnd fir'>I staff member for her decision In 1996 to en- dorse the former president. Eileen Padber1 De Vore'& steady criticism has taken cen Cristi Cristich ter stage In a consultant for moderate Repubhcans "Thal is not a good thing to have in a Reput>Ucan primary," Newport Beach GOP fund- ralser Buck Johns said. "That's a downtick. • Not surprisingly, her Republi- can opponents have already made considerable hay over Crl1>tlch's ties to Qimon. Otuck OeVore, a former Ir- vine City Council candidate and public relations manager at a Newport Qeach aerospace firm, has sent out file~ with a I 996 newspaper article about Crii.- tich's leadership role in a Re- publicans for Olnton group. Former Newpon Beach C1ty Council candidat~ Marianne CURVE Continued from Al the manure as a golden find, a direct line lo revita.l.izing our growing things. This is a loop I steadfastly avoid. but my wife - as I dlscovered later -gratefully accepted the bag of manure Howard gathered and distributed it In her tlower becb. l\vo days later, our not-very-dlscriminating dachshund, Coco. got qu.ite sick. dragging about with her tail between her legs and refusing to eat. After several days of this and a S300 veterinarian bill, I saw Coco pick up something from the flower bed and carry it behind the garage. Since then, there has been a cam palgn still nearly a year away Crom elec- tion day. Her endorsemenl of Ointon, he says. is unpardon- able. -11 Is prohibitive in this race to have that past." OeVore said. -ay the '96 election, most of us knew who Bill Qinton was and knew what his faults were." Crlstlch brought the issue to light In March, saying she had made a mista.lce In endorsing Ointon. As one of the fo\lndlng members of the moderate New Majority gro up, CnstJch said running contest to find and remove all of the horse manure from the flower beds before Coco beats us there and runs up another hospital bill. Somehow, I can't see that drama playing out In Newpon Beach. They would surely pa...' a law against it. Same thing with the ducks. They come visiting regularly from the place we have known warmly for two decades ~ the "duck farm." a block down the street and overlooking the Back Bay. For two generations ol children in our family and scores of visiting kids. the duLk farm has been a mandatory '>top and -no maner how many limes revisited -a certam dehght Besides a vanety of duck.\. there are aJso geese and Olnton's handling of econom1L issues appealed to her. By I 998, Cri tich said i.he wa& so disgusted with 01n1on be cause of the Monu.a l ewm'>ky ~candaJ that she '>Upported hb Impeachment. -1 made a nrn>tiike,·· lmtich said about the Uint'on endor'>e ment. "My opponent want'> to stay on the Clln1on is~ue. The voters want lo hear ahout what we'll do for the future <>f Orange County." The New Majority cun'>isted mostly of Republican hu ... ine!>'> leader\ dbillus1uned with their party\ harping 011 d1vh1\.t: '>Cl· chickens that poke 1hrough thl' rail fence to commw1e with vi!>llurs, especially small one'>. 1ne dud. farm bat the lugh end of a half-don:n estate'> along the bluff<> that dt·fine '>dnla Arld lteighh llll' w1ldhfl'. \\h1d1 include .. d pa ..... el or rahhll\, wander about an l'Xpan-.iVl' green pdrade ~round \~llh rl l/ll'\.\- of the Bad, RdV that real l"•late '>a.le<,men wouid ~ahvatt· ovt:r lnere are nu gate' hl'rt', Jll'>I an upl'n driveway w1lh ,1 wt•ll worn hou'>e <,enJcd romtort<1bly at tlw end amid i.I general fct'lmg of longe111aJ di\array. ll1e owner ol th" '>Prt'<Hl wa!-. a.'> open and generou' .111d earth} ac, tJ1e '>pread 1twll 1 ll'r nanw ,.,a_., Pat< .ox. and '>he dwd la'>! ''eek o.lt tht> age of Ii I \he \topped a couple of llml'' in her tar VI hen I wa ... !tanging out tn Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find servKe\ frcyn ThisWeek@UCI Celebrate UCI April 19 Open House. 25th .innual event feature~ fun for the whole family: Way?gousc Medieval Fai re, car ~how. tram tour<., Earth Day celebration -indudtng mural painting with famed marine life artist Wyland -class reunions and mm.h more. 10 .i.m.-4 p.m., Wayzgoose c.ont1nue-; until 5 p.m .. Aldrich Park. Activities and parking are free. Arts April 18 Film Society. All About My Morher By Pedro Almodovar. 7 & 9 p.m., Crystal Cove Auditorium, Student ~nter. SJ SS April 18-26 Drama at UCI. Lady Windem1n-e's Fan. By Oscar Wilde. 8 p.m. Wedncsday-fortday, 2 8c 8 p.m. Saturday. Claire Trevor Theatre. $9-S 17 Presentations April 22 Nichols Chair In Humanities •nd the PubUc Sphere LectuN. TM Future of the Humanities: ThoughtJ for the Next Dcaade. With Sanda Gilman, Distinguished Profcuor of LlbaaJ Aru and Sciences., and of Medicine at the UnivtTs1ty of rllinoiJ, Chicago. 7 p.m ., Beck.man C.c:nter. Pree Aprll 23 UO Ubrarln. Shakuptart. From Pap to Stap. UCI studenta with Robat Cohen, Claire 'lttvor Profasor o( Drama. S:30 p.m., Main Ubra.ry. Frtt Chancellor's Distinguished Fellows Serles. Thi AutMrics and Scmantia of thl Fant111tu in Litcralll,. • Thb>ry, Hi.st~ An4lyris. With R.matc Lad.unann. profeAOr of literary Iden~. UniYttlity of Constance, Gmnany. Noon. Hwnanltict lnttructional Building Room 135. Frte cial issues 11.ke abortion, prayer m schools and federal funding for private-!>Choul .lttendees via voucher5. DeVore, a five-time elellur to the Republican Party of Or(.lrtRe County\ vauntt:d ( e11tral <.om miuee, seems to haw gc1rncred Lhe l.ocal GOP'i. rno~t ardl'nr support. "His longtime leadttr'>h1p 111 the party has gained him a lot of suppori and endori.cmt.'nt!> among elected llcpubltcan offi ciaJs." said loro J uenll•<i, the county party'i. chc1uman Rep. Dana Rohrabarher h.t., endorsed Oe\'ore ~uper"'''" my front yard to teU me '>he liked ~omething I had written It Is one of my great rc~rct., that I didn't know her better One of my ne1ghborc, who knew her verv well indt.:t'<l wa .. T reb He1J1mi the balloun man who would fre411ently ''"P and \l'>ll \\ith her when ht wa'> ,.,.aJkmi:: Ju., do~ in the Bad.. Ba\ I ne\.er kttt:\\o what I would find when I .,topped, hl' .,,ud "but she was alway-. inwre.,ung It wa.., a high '>pot i 11 my day when I could '>II and have a gl<t" ol wine with l'at " 1 he acUVJlle"> li'>ted 111 twr ohllllaJ') ,.,ere dti\.\-llrt~hr exhausung to reJd <)hl' gradudted Crom Stanford '>l'f\t'U a .. a lieutenant 1r1 tht· :\a\} 111 World War II. and wa., a ranked tcnrns player and a \ hdllUllJfl goiter She fought oft "ariou., ·1 don't tl11nk (Ill <.reatei. much of a t ut11ng t'dge." said Mark Pel.ran.a, the chairman of UC Irvine'!> pobucal science de· panment ·she\ t lean.· Eileen Pad~rg, a consultant for moderate Republicans who uwm Irvine hc1'>ed Padberg Con~ulttnl(, said ( rt'>tach\ en~ dor~cment of Uinton shows the 1mportam·l' ol .. a-called "gen- der-gap" i..~ue1> that separate women voter'> from their male counterpart~ I hose Include gun-control. reproducuve tho1ce d.lld protecllnK the en~­ ronment "I Irr 1m1111 1n 'upporung C:hn1on wa' not Bill C..hnton. bU1 form' of L•11u.:cr for three decade::.. a11d !>he .t.nd her hu.,band r..u.,ed two children belorl' '>h<' wa.., widowed. ~lca11wh1le . .,ht• gave gem·tou.,ly of hcr..ell to every ICJcal en\.1ronnwntd.I cau'>e r;u-..:d tumh for tw.H cl dol'en pubhL '>er.1u• org,uiv.auoni. and grouµ .... and \\d., hunurt'd h) l'lannt·d l'.irl·nthood tor ht'r ,.,.·or~ 111 1 i... hl'l liil I Jmo11g man\ u1ht-1 dl" of giving '\u1 the lea.'>t \\.a' tht.' joy !the ga\t' tlil' hundn·d.., of children \\hu um1mu11ed with her ducks and get•w ,md «h1cke11'>. learning tolt•ram t· among other \1rlUC'> I rorn tht• hkt'"> ol '"(]luck 1tw I lut k: "ho f<1rn 1ed h1m'>t'll ,, dmken and hung out de1erm111edlv w11h ll ll'm de'>plle entwa111:., lrom fl'llrn,., duck... l'.11 l ox \\<.1.' a lo'" prnlill' The controver'>y over C ns· uch's past has re1gn11ed a debate about which consuruency holds thf' mo'>! ~wcty In the Republican Party Man.Iyo Brewer, a relauve moderate, won tl1e seat 111 I 9Y4 and has endor!'ted <.much C.muth founded Anaheim electron1c~ manufacturer Cns tek Interconnects I.rye. in the I 'flj()\ • PAUL CLINTON.covers the . environment. business and poh11c!> He may be rt:dciled a1 (9491 164 4330 or by P mail at pdul Cl•ntun a /at1mB!> com UJrHll't tJve between the hor-.e'> who \\al~ our 'tree!'. and tlw dut l '> who gabble on our lawn'> -ye'>, and lilt• dog., who bark di them tor tlw rt·4u1rt'J ;u11ow11 ol proh''>I llllll' l1J11 lle1mng l allt•d lwr Lhe Jrumlwilt ol th1 ... <'t let tll ne1ghborh1111d , .mu the dt>'l npuon l 1>11ldn 1 bt· more <.tpl I he gre.111·.,t gill< ox gaH' twr rw1ghhor' \\oa'> tlle wa~ '>he h\ed, t•xprt'..,..,111g tht• frt•t· VI heeling, non1uJg11w11taJ dlld le1s1y .,en\1l11h1w' 111 ~111a An<1 I le1ght'> II 1., our grt>at Jo.,.. that 'he \\ 11111 ht· around 111 makt' ... ure 111.11 thow 't'll'>lb1ht1t.>'> \ .. 111 1 .1rn on dt•..,p111· .a ndme thcillge • JOSEPH N BELL :. a re!>•Oent c t San1a And Ht1ghl!o H s 1.olumri dppears Thursclav~ In chis era of bank merger , isn't it nice to know First Bank will never be so ld? First Bank guarantees a refreshing difference. As one of the largest privately held banks in the country, we can confidently say First Bank is Not For Sale. This means we are free to do what a bank should be doing -devoting all our energy co ·provitling you with superior customer service and premium produces. Simply put, First Banlt is Not For Sak. AnJ that's more than a promise, it's a gruirantee. Stop by and visit our newly relocated Costa Mesa office today to rediscover what banking should be like, and ask about our Nau .Account SJ>«M/I for new personal and business checking accounts! Not For Sale Costa Mesa Office (Coma olH..-lhd, ud 1Wlii) 3001 Harbor Blvd., Ste;. C 714-668-30110 \ ~I <' ' ' .. l Al Thursday, April 17, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -lAU9ra: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. ~hn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meu, CA 92627 • RMden Hodn« ~I uMs) 842-8086 FD: Send to (949) 846-4170 E-mail:Send to dailypilot@Jatimss.com •All co1T9SpOndence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification pu~). The Pilot reserves khe light to edit all 11UbmlNion1 for dartty and~ EDITORIAL Fired up for . n ·unes fireworks L ast year was all fizzle. First, I.he owners of I.he Dunes announced that, because of liability costs, they would not be holding the 44th Fourth of July fireworics show over I.he waterfront resort. Then, city efforts led by City Manager Homer Bludau could not quite nail down one of three options for keeping the bright-in-the-night, beloved tradition alive or replacing it with a simiJar show elsewhere in the city. After the fireworks-less Fourth last year, Mayor Steve Bromberg made a vow: "We're going to have fireworks one way or another." Yes, Newport Beach is. And residents -not to mention their Independence Day guests -largely have Bromberg to thank for bringing back the sparklers. City officials announced earlier this month that they are committed to covering the $20.000 cost of the 20· to 22-minute show, though they likely will seek sponsors to offset the cost {and certciinly, there are plenty of people who would like their names attached to this community event). Equally important, the company behind the planned pyrotechoics, 1.ambelli Fireworks lntemationaJ, has agreed to pay the premiums on $1 million worth ofliability insurance for the show. The cost of that insurance was a major reason why the former Dunes owners decided to quash the show last year. Like its winter coWlterpart, the Newport Harbor Oiristmas Boat Parade, the Dunes fireworks lets Newport-Mesa gather in common purpose and common merriment. While it is pan of the larger, patriotic custom of celebrating the birth of this nation, the show has grown into a special locaJ tradition. Many who grew up here are quick to add the description ullfelong" to their thoughts about It. Now, there is fresh life in this celebration of the nation and of this community. For that, the city, Bromberg and Zambelli all deserve fireworks. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Not always marks, but there are signs mood swings, withdrawal. fearfulness and excessive crying; • bed wetting. nightmares, fear of going to bed, or other sleep disturbances; • EDrTOR'S NOTE: This is the third of four commentaries that will run in April, which is child abuse prevention month. The last will run on next Thursday. John J. Collins is director of community programs for Childhelp USA, a Coste Mesa-based nonprofit that works for the prevention and treatment of child abuse. •acting out inappropriate sexual behavior or showing an unusual interest in sexual maners; JOHN J. COLLINS • a sudden acting out of feelings or aggressive or rebellious behavior; •regression co infantile behavior (such as thumb sucking); C hild abuse is usually not a single act. but a repeated panern of behavior. l1tls is true of all types of abuse: physical, emotionaJ and sexual Disclosing abu.c;e may be extremely difficult for C'hildren. They may be trappe<l hy secrecy and fear and often do nol know how to tell about the abuse. They may be influenced by special treatment or gifts, lhreatened or made to feel they are responsible for the abuse. All through their young lives. I.hey have been programmed to obey aduJts and keep promises. Often I.he child 1s very confused, uncomfonable and unwilling to talk about the experience to parent-;, teachers or anyone else. But they are more likely to talk if you have already established an atmosphere of trust and support in your home. Tilese symptoms are offered as general guidelines to help identify a child abuse victim. • Physical abuse and neglect: Bruises. abrasions or laceratJons appearing on the body that have no apparent reasonable explanation could Indicate physical abuse. C.Ons.lstent laclc of cleanlln~. hunger, always sleepy. lack of supervision or severe anxiety could indicate neglect. • Emotional abuse: Since emotional abu.'le often has no visible physical sJgns, It is often difDcult to recognize and Jdentify. Indicators of emotional abuse include behavior that Is antisod.al or lnc:Ucates apathy, depression, low self-esteem or hMWty. • Sexual abuse: 'Ibe tgns and symptoms or IClQJlaJ abUle ue usually not blaJanL Tbe guidelJn gtvm here for detection aro by no m~ mmprcht' iW:. They Ibo could lndkact othct problem but ~be C::httll:.td out to find If thq represe111 a COn<lt'm that ntedl IO ht~ With 1h dJlld. blk:adont of lexwd ~ lndUlk ........ tn behavior. ellmn ( • unusually seductive behavior with classmates, teachers or others; • exces.5ive curiosity about sexual matteJS or genitalia; • detailed, age-inappropriate understanding of sexual behavior; • sudden acquisition of money, new clothes or gifts with no reasonable explanation; • pain, itching. bleeding. fluid or rawness in the private areas; • drawings or writings with bizarre sexual themes; • school problems or significant change in school performance; · • excessive aggression (particularly in boys); • unexplained fears; • unusual avoidance to touch; and • a fear of certain places, people or activities, especially being alone with c~rtain people. Oilldren should not be forced to gtve affection to an adult or teenager lf they do not want to. A desire to avoid this may mean a problem It is important to remember when children report information related to sexual topics or suspicious activities, they need to be taken serlously and the ls.rue should be cautiously explored. It may be a o:y for help. leach your children that they can protect themselvel aplnst abduction or exploitation. Mab your home a place of trust and support that fu1ft1la your child's needS -so that he or she won't seek lave and support &om someone elae. Here are some good lnfonnadon IOUJ'Cll; ChDdhelp USA-800 4--A-Om.D or www.thlldhelpuso.ori National Center for Milling and F.xploit.ed OUldren (714) 506-0150 Prna\t 01'ld Abule OrangG Coun~ (714) 258-2272 Of WWW.pt»OC."'I . en.. County Child Ab\llO Rqilst1y (714) 940-1000 Or contact me at (714) -'8108312 ' MAILBAG Construction of IKEA furniture store near Harbor Boulevard in Costa Mesa. Kohl's would fit nicely with the new IKEA Why not put Kohl's in the DC&\ area since anangements have already been made for freeway access? The draw of two large stores should be successful for both and It shouldn't have any additional traffic impact at that location. Now, for Kona Lanes Isn't there someone out there interested in preserving a great and historically significant piece or architecture. I thinlc an entertainment center that was refurbished could go there. and the skating rink bas trained some· Olympic-class skaters. It seems a shame to lose that distinction for C.Osta Mesa. And while you're at It, throw in a skateboard park. There must be someone out there with money, imagination and foresight community awareness and commitment, has familiarity with city budgets and an open-mlnded approach to the Individuals and issues. The one person who currently fits this profile and already served on· city council and lost the last election by a smalJ margin, gives the present council a jump start. I propose Heather Somers. There are a large number of voters who would also applaud Heather's appointment as a logicaJ answer to the present problem. ELEANORE HUMPHREY · C.Osta Mesa No beating around the dais to suggest a council member NANCY PERKJNS Llnda Dixon would be the best for the Costa Mesa council to appoint. Council should go back to the past for its future Mlght l suggest a citizen who fulfiUs the exact qualifications for Karen Robinson's vacancy. This person has the strength. intelligence, the knowledge of how government works, and interacts. many times demonstrates the JANE DICK Costa Mesa Don't want to wait for a new election? Use the last one There is a way to fill the vacancy on the Costa Mesa Ciry CounciJ that would respect the will of the voters almost as much as holding a special election. NOTEBOOK fl ii l ., STEVE McCRANt</OAILY PILOT ' . while avoiding the expense and delay af actually holding one. Since the voters expresaed their will lo a general election only five month• ag~ council members should carry out that. 1 will of the voters rather than their own -: personaJ preferences. ', The person who fills the vacancy ,, should be one who has demonstntted substantlaJ public support, in addition • to having the experience to be an effective council member rlght away. Experience matters, because It generally takes about two years to learn the rop~ and become an effective council ; member. A "newbie" could spend the • entire year and a half that remains of .J Robinson's term just learning the job.· > The first runner-up in the Council I election held just five months ago has f already shown that she ha.s the supporv. of a large portion of the electorate, :; having come in just behind Allan Mansoor by a razor-thin margin. She " already has the experience of a full fow, years as a council member as well as a year as mayor; she already knows the • job. The council members should give effect to the will of the voters and appoint the next-highest vote-getter, Linda Dixon, to fill the vacancy. . ~ ELEANOR EGAN Costa Mesa ! A song built from pain .. .I 1 I guess it's more than fair to say that I'm a fiustrated rocker. I've got an A-minor bent that hooks along all the major chords. I've been writing songs, mostly Olristian worship songs. for about 20 years. I first played guitar when I was 17. In Brazil, my mom's native country, I started writing songs. As with most songwriters that I've known, I was sure that my songs were bener than anyone else's. Not everyone agreed, it seemed. I learned journalism and became a reporter. I learned the Bible and became a preacher. l still do both, with a heavy emphasis on the latter. But every now and then, a melody jumps out from inside or from outside in and it starts choking me. I have to let it out somehow. I strum my guitar and start sihging until I hit the right note. l don't like U2's Bono much, but there's one thing he said once that made sense. He said you write songs when something hurts. I don't believe that's the only time you write songs. and It shouldn't be the whole focus of the song-pain. Pain can in.spire, but It should be an arrow that points .omewhere out of the pain. Too many aongs are Just a memor1al lO pain -people hear, cry and empathl.ze, but end up. staying there. Music has the ability to point. It's gentle or not·so-gentl" perauutven can polnt people to somethlng. aomcwhere, tomcone. Slnce I 1ve been In the 'Holy Land. rve written Jou of IOnp. Usin3 Boneta •90methlng hum" theory. a lot huJU over ~-One or the thlnp that bun me tho most WU the death or young Mohanuned ~·Ouna a few S°ean ago. Watchl.rm cbo de.&th of the 12--year-old symbol of the PaJ tlnlan Intifada lnsptred mo to wrf ti 1 song, •An Angel Nlimed MohUnmed.'" It waa ·h.t.lf MblC and half Bngllah. trom tbe wotdl O( chi wlte King Solomon. Jt WU i HUSEIN MASHNI played for several months on one of the most popular Palestinian radio stations in the West Bank. Having lived in Gaza for a year and a half. a lot hurts here, too. Almost half of the people are refugees who were drtven from their homes or lands in one or the many wars that have visited these parts. What's funny ls that the thing that buru the most is not something that hurts a lot, kindness. The people are 80 kind. Against the backdrop of CNN's relentless deplcdoll$ of Hamas rallies and ·there's no room for songs about peace• coverage, this kindness shines even more. Every foreigner I've known who has visited Gaza h(JB loved It Anyway, there's a song that I've written about hefore called ·Salaam." Salaam means "peace." Most people will recognize the oousln of "Salaam," it.a Hebrew equivaJent. "Shalom." I flrlt heanl the aong Salaam about three years ago during a home-church meeting neu Ramallah. The song aaya, in Arabic, "The peace you pve ua ls not like tho peace the world givee. lt lives In us and it's not poaalbJe that it faO. And bec:au•your aplrtt Uwa ln ua. Your peOple are always at peace. Peace. peace · ro the people of the Lord ln eveey place." While ltrumming my: pUW and lnglng It one day, I added eome of the namea of the~ and dtfe. of the Holy Land to the eong. For tnttance, J would alng "Tb 8ethWWn 1nd Nebhla.'" and I poup of chlidnn would tLoa. "Se1aam Allah," whk:h means "'Jbe Feec.e OlGod." The IO~ WU I hlt With kidl •I everywhere I sang IL 4s I sang It, they would sing aJong. Every time I'd show up at a school or kindergarten, they would ~ ask me to sing "Salaam." One young boy In Gaza once told me, "You taught us 'Salaam.' And not just us i but a1J the Palestinian children." I kn, that wasn't completely true, but it felt lt could be. About a month ago, l finally took a l group of kids in Gaza to the recording studio to record "Salaam." I bad some I help &om one popular local singer who sang some harmonies. A rew days later, as I was leaving ' church, a young man wbo worb at one elf the most popular radio stations in Gaza t came up to me. He invited me to his •i work. which happened to be near the recording studio. On the way to the radio atation. we • stopped in at the recording studio, and 1 f bad blm bear •Salaam: He liked lt and said lt should be on the radio. We took It to the radio stadoo. I wu invited for an interview on the 11adon a week later. A few days afterward. people started corotng to t':lt!:: at the Gata Bible Society and me they heard my 80"8 •s.Jaam" on the radio. It •tarted happe:ntna almolt daily. lb tell the truth. I adll bavm't beard tt on radio, but people keep tdl1ns me they heard tt. rw even bid people ttom u away u the Welt Bank tell me tMy It. I gueu tt'I one of the tnatelt bllht a mu.idan When •tong you recorded getJ played OD the radio. IV. alwqa wantad to touch a lot of~ and there .,. few UYll chat l want to tOUCh u m u the lives of klda In Gau. • HU-. ........... fofmtJ ""°""' fOr CWV"'°' Who CllMi'1id ~.Ht._. do,,.... woft In dMI Middle E•Mct ~~.,·~ ( ~. -T he annual "Crowd" spring fasbJon preview fe~g the Sophisticates or ATSC fh>tographed at the recent 2003 luncheon fashion show "le Beau Boudoir" displays a diverse dressing attitude; from conservative to daring. "Orange County Is not Los Angeles," · said Newport's Una OUlQdler,a former Sophisticates president "Black is not our only fashion choice," ed the pretty blond Oumdler is active in O.C. civic circles. The recent luncheon-fashion "Arvent, staged at the new Hyatt ency Huntington Beach, cted more than 550 guests • d raised more than 175,00.00. Underwriting chairs ra Brown, Sharl Clko, Debbie 19ewmteyer, Eve Komyel and Stevens were extremely ud of the success. "We had an exceptional out, tremendous derwriting and, in the end, ng financial success to help e children and families of • Komyei said. Nordstrom, South Coast Pl87.a died the fashion duties, nting the collections of nna Karan, Roberto Cavalli, nard, Michael Kors, Dolce & ana, CelentD Missoni, . h Lawen's PUrple Label. ,.Qianni Versace and Quistian tacroix. Nordie's Khn ClmJno, vice president at South Coast Plaza. introduced the show to the crowd. The day of fashion began with ra· massive silent auction accompanied by a martini bar hosted by Grey Goose Vodka. Denice Mock. Sophisticates president, led the charge along with Grace lbelen. fashion show chair, making sure the crowd had a spectacular time with food, fashion and commitment to the cause. '( The event was dedicated to 20 ~ of past presidents of the Sophisticates. Many local women attended, Including Ev PuTeBa. Carlyn Callan. Cindy Galardi. Mary Saba1Ulo, Dutene Drummond, .o.rteen Manc:lan. Jannie Lawrence, Marianne MM:Donald. Martha Green. Qatby Lowden. Pamy PoK. Sue Cannon, Nancy Weisbrod, Barbara MagDell and Debra Mcbl. "We are all dedicated to the ATSC mission." Mock said. "Arrest the problem, not the chlld It is all of you who enable us to provide the urgently needed funds to enable ATSC to counsel local children and r.tamiues." ;, .. Established in 1974, ATSC has treated more than 10,000 -faml.)jes and has never charged a fee for service. Major support this year came from Mercedes Benz, USA Inc, Donna and John Clan. Unduy and Shawn Green. and a host of community leaders dedicated to k.eepingchildrenonapathof opportunity and ~itive growth. "lliE CROWD runs Thursdays end Saturdays. PlUG IN Plug into the Pilot C~ section to find ries from electrooia ~ pllm>efs, to landscapers ~ panters. Daily Pilot SOCIETY THE CROWD Sophisticates spring into fashion SIMPLE AND CLASSIC: Newport Coast hostess Annamarie McGee shows off Escada. SHORT AND CHIC: Shan C1ko wears Polo Sport. SEXY IN SILK: Eileen Hanley in a blue class ic satin cocktail dress from M1 Place. Thursday, A(xtl 17, 2003 Al AN EMPHASIS ON FEMININITY: F ash1on Show chair Grace Thelen wears St. John. PRETIYIN P1NK: Renae Fladeboe wears a pink silk 1acket over black pants and top from Nordstrom. • Al.O Thutsday. ~ 17, 2003 By Stephen Santacroce A lthoUgb it's easy to forget the orlgj.nal or true meaning of many holidays. most or them seem to have some sort of meal or food associated with them. Thanksgiving. the mother of all food holidays, is or course the turkey day. Valentines Da}1 Olocolate, of course, often accompanied by champagne. Christmas doesn't have a certain food associated with it, but'a traditional meal is always a center poinl. Labor Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July fall into the summer patriotic category, and barbecue is the order of the day. ll doesn't man er if it's hot dogs, ::.teak or tofu, as long as it's cooked over !>earing coals, preferably with too much lighter Ou1d. . Which leaves what I call the hrunch holidays. f.aster and \.1other\ Day. Brunch on Mother\ Day as somewhat obvious· ( ;ive mom a break from kuchen du11es (at least that web the idea when moms were still relef.'3ted to the kitchen), and take her out first thing lo a long, leisurely meal. Newpon-Mesa residen~ have plenty offine choices for a rt"ttaurant where they can enjoy brunch on f:aster. In Costa Mesa, dLner.. can l'llJOY Easter Brunch at the Clubhouse (3333 S. Bristol St. 1714) 708-2582), where they'll find an extensive buffet of tasty offoringi. for $29.95 per person. In addition to the traditional omdet and waffle stations, the Clubhouse will offer a sushi bar, chilled M!afood station and a carving table fearuring prime rib or baked ham. Other selections include chicken piccata or halibut m a pineapple and papaya ~sa. mere will be an ample d~n table for tho ... e who gave up '>Wl'el'> for Lent, featuring asi,oned cheesecakes and chocolate covered strawberrie!>. l'he clubhou~e will be serving brunch, lunch and dinner. Call ahead for times and re<,ervauoni.. f-or true golf fans or those looking for a spectacular view, the Grill at Pelican Hill l2265 I Pelican I Jill Road South (9491 760-0707) will offer a brunch chat's priced at $58 per person. which is pricey, but well below the cost of a round of golf! Despite the lofty price, the Grill. which is run by the Four Seac;ons. I'> almost sold out. l'here's no doubt that you'll dine well for your entry fee. enjoying such dishes as marinated ~on with sorrel ..auce, leg of lamb with a mint au jU!>, or arugula agnolotti with DATEBOOK DINING REVIEW An Easter observer S guide to brunch " salad with fresh goat cheese, T f4 endive and balsamJc vinegar, " • and a refteshing fruit salad with ( 1 mint and Tahitian vanilla. Entree selections reature, • among others. Bayside's version . . of eggs benedlct, which ~.: ··~ substitutes smoked salmon for ~ " the more traditional ham, a '• ·~ seared quail over scallion · ',' ''. ' " . pancake, or a·petit filet mignon" , served with a Madagascar · ''·-' pepper sauce. The brunch's thiri11 • course is a <dessert choice of 1 1· • .,, '' either chocolate souftl~ with • • ·h> amaretto Ice cream or white , • chocolate praline feulleti.Oe (sorf',: 1 , of a pu.tT pastry tart). : • lf you dine on Bayside's patio, : ' your brunch will be .. " e accompanJed by the island '' 1 r ,, sounds of live steel drums. • •. My Easters as a child usually , .' , . involved coloring hard-boiled eggs (which no one ate) the : ' ·' · night before, and searching with · , , • my sister for tiny chocolate ~ :. (which everyone ate) that my " parents hid around the house ' • .t •. • •• F.a.ster morrung. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Chef Paul Gstrein w1tt1 steak ullO egg sandwich, a choice many will make during Easter brunch celebratipn at Bayside Restaurant. Whatever childhood traditions you may have had, the areas restaurants make it easy to start a new famiiy tradition. one that centers around a long. leisurely meal in a luxurious setting. prepared by some of the areru; best chefs. marinated vegetables and prosciuno. The Grill will abo ht.• offering a full selecuon of breakfast items, dl> well ai. su!>h1, pates and salads. For those intimidated by alJ you can eat affain., and seeking a more traditional sening. Corona del Mar's venerable Five Crowns (3801 E. Coast Highway. (9491 760-0331 ), is offering a two-course menu on Easter (and Mother's Day). First course choices include a bisque of wild mushrooms, the famous onion i.oup or the signature pride of the ( .ro\\ 11'> salad among others. l·nlft:e'> feature several OJts ol their signature prime rib; the p11pulJ. Five Crowns cut ($33.95), the extra thick Henry VIII cut ($36.QS) or the -relatively lighter C..alifomia cut ($29.95). It will also be serving cnspy rod!>I duckling ($27.951 and poached salmon ($29.95). A selection of dessertS will be featured. If you want the famous chocolate souftlc you're advi..ed to order it with your meal. Another traditional favorite for special occasions is the Ril7.. (»80 Newpon Center Drive, 19491 720-1800), where brunch will he served from 11 a m. to 3 p.m. for S45 per person. The four-course affair start.., appropriate!~· with the la1P HI Ril7 egg, a cleaned ou1 c,heL stuffed with fluffy scrambled eggs and smoked salmon roppl·d Buy One Nine Pack Of Hot Cross Buns & Receive A Second Pack FREE Wit.4 encpo11 o"1y /.i1ri11 -~ nutn16 • &,tro 1)41 / Y.'OJ with a doUop of Osetra caviar. After that elegant starter. diner.. can choose from among scV<'ral choices for their appetizer. including a Maine lob'lter bisque with sweet com. or cream of asparagus soup with chanterelJc mushrooms. Entrees include poacht.'<.l eggs served atop medallion~ of beef tenderloin draped with a bearnaise sauce. or sirloin of lamb served over mashed potatoes with crupy onion ~Lraws. A ~pier plallt:r 11f de.,.,eni. finishe!> the meal In Sweden, Easter 1s one of thl· mu'>l celd1rated chun.h hohda}'· ,ind (,ustaf Anders (:~51 !:>. Bear St 11 1'1] 668-1737). is honoring 111,• lwhday by olTcrin~ a <.,pc•c·1<1I '>lllurgasbord for $:i9 per person The traditional buffet will feature a cold table ot t ·1viar. shrimp salad and several varieties of smoked fii.h. Warm dishes will include leg of lamb and Swedbh meatballs. The Smorgasbord will be served from 11 :30 a.m to 8 pm. For Catholia., r.ru.ter. which celebrates Cllrist'!> resurrection, signifies the end of Lent, a 40-day penod of .. acrifice that begins on A'>h Wednesday. Durmg Lent. Catholic!> give up ::.omething that b important or a luxury, such a'> chocolate, or for adults. wine or other alcoholic beverag~. Lo honor Jesus' suffenng. Perhaps cogn1.1..ant of diners' having givmg up aJcohol for 40 da}">. Bayside Re!>taurant (900 Bayside Dmc.1949) 721-1222) will start its Easter Brunch menu with a selection of Bloody Marys and fizz~ lo whet 1he palate·. For a reaJ t•yc opc•ncr, try the Pacific Rim. l'ire Isle Mary ($6.501. wh1rh feature'> pepper-flavored Ah'>olu1 Vodka and a jalaJ>4!110 stuffod olive. 111 addition to some lrvcly 'ipints, BOATING SEASON IS BEBE! 294 5 Randolph Ave (Briscol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 7 14.556.2181 Bay5ide is offering a three-course •STEPHEN SANTACROCE'S brunch for $32.75 that includes restaurant reviews appear every free Oowing champagne. other Thursday. Send him your First-course choices include a comments at wild mushroom soup. a beet sdsanta'P oc-dmmg.com. Olli 'angku ...... . • Kn J'rmlnlne. ~les for all • ~apes 0c • )fies of BEAUTIFUL WOMEN See what's NEW for Spring & Summer FLAX ... ~ ... Ul(I ... Ctudl ... Wbrwlrrm. Gifts & Acussories 369 E. 17th St t21, Costa ~ (949) 642-5459 -- ,~-I l-111"11!11! <1•·1·\t1·" !1'l l11l1l 1i(I "' I -.... (•OHi •' '"' "" •' •1,l ll'l '\11"' •Famous F.gs • Sugar-Free~ Bunnies •Baskets •Cancliies 0 • ltlstal«I wldl Pld s 111 • Mlninu'rl llO ~ eql Travertile 18' x 18" ..................... " ............ " ..................... U •t Ceramic lie....... . .......................................... ......, ... u •l L.arrW\at• \'lc>cxt ................................. , ••••.••.••••••• ~--u ~l. nroafllrh'DDI~ ' UCirvine Joi• s"""' S.1111"11 and our expert Jeam for lnf<>rmatlve semi nan, O and A sessions on uiomen s bM/Jbcate lssws, and an l.qlrwtioul l,,,.U jlrnnUJlolt. • Bx/»rlS discuss I# pros and cons of """'1ons ~llbera/Jy • Comp#menlaty and alUtmdltvl lbml/>W- wbal~""' ,.,.,, • lff),,,.,. ~ ti jfJ#r " bellrt llJiiM#-~IU. lnMS'rlnlS""' ""' ta/#. • ""1fl#' '*' /.::. fon«mJ-"°"' """"1 IM IMst Uln an, "*"''km ad~ • Stmswl o"1! R#llX, wt btlvl *"' """' "' Wpl .,...,..jtWM I 11Handay, May 8. 2003 8.-00 a.m.-2:30 p.a. 1he s.ao.a ... 8*I 4SOO MatAtlhiir, Newport a.m ............ •100 fC.r ,._ (#J•d 6 IMJ f .. i " " • •. ... DAT E BO O K Thursday Aprtl 17, 2003 All ' THEATER SCR greets middle age with ihree lineups AFTER HOURS Sy Tom Titus B ack in 1964, a year before starting up operadons ln Newport Beach under the ruuQe South Coast Repertory, the company now firmly ensconced at 655 Town C.enter Drive in Costa Mesa had a summer Oing up the coast a ways in Long Beadl. U)e Actors Workshop, as it was llleo called, mounted three productions -"lbe Host{lge." "Major Barbtlra'" and "The AlcbemJst" -after which it was decided that the group of young and energetic performers would seek its fortune in ouc back yard. Thus, the upcoming slate of SCR plays, which concludes in 2004, ls being dubbed the 40th ~season, even though the name South Coast Repertory won't actually tum 40 until 2005. 1bis time, they're striking out on mm separate fronts. In addition to the six plays announced for the Segecstrom Stage and five more penciled in foe the Julianne Argyros Stag~. SCR has reached out to its future subscribers with a three-show program called Theater foe Young Audiences, also to be presented on the Argyros Stage. The 2003·04 lineup includes a world premiere by Amy Freed (who wrote "Freedomland" and ~The Beard of Avon" for SCR); a new work from Nllo Cruz (author of "1\vo Sisters and a Piano," who just woo a Pulitzer Prize for his body of work), and revivals of some certified "oldies" -Sophocles' .. Antigone" and Edmond Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac." David Emmes and Martin Benson, who founded the company and remain its artistic directors, are calling the upcoming season their most ambitious to date. It will require a company of more than 100 actors and as many as SO designers. "With the completion of the Easter Brunch Chef Daniel Jimenez .Presents S.t.M ~ 'DdJ, ~ &...e ~"'' f/IAleC. ~ S.~·'" .... iD-w.. 'l• ,,_..A-' ...._.._ S..e ~'"~':: ~"-tJ.lflff ;o.e..,... e.--St.ht/. • ~"'-& --"'··-SticC. .. t-! tJ.w 0.-fldlJe ~ "'""' ~ &et## s. .. ,. 1'14•"*" ~-' • jD~ t!'-••,• A-'~ . ._ 1lt.tul SerOedfrom Sam -3pm $UMGdulC. $J2.88 cll.twrwl l-J2 CNldiwa .....-: a urna ~tarJI -UparldNJ ~..-~a.rt. ,.,..... ,... • .,;;a ........ JJ_ . .,.. Meire a11wvatlcl• .... n.1144 llSl llllok-Ddw • •u;111t•11ela ... Polino Theater C.enter and an premiere of Cruz's •Anna in the infusion of new enhancement 1topics, • directed by Juliette funds from several foundations. Carrillo (Oct. 3 to 19). Marcos as well as SCR's expanded Loya's "La Posada Magia" will be endowment, South Coast back for its 10th anniversary Repertory has entered the most staging Dec. 9 to 24. A new (or at exciting -and most productive least unfamiliar) play. John -era in its history," Elrunes Strand's "Lovers and declared. Executioners," gets the new year The Segerstrom Stage Season under way at the Argyros under launches the new sch¢u1e with Bill Rauch's direction (Jan. 9 to "The Last Nigllt of Ballyh.oo" by 25). Alfred Uhcy, <Urected by Warner All SCR favorite playwright. Shook (Sept. 5 to Oct. 5). Next is · Alan Ayckbopm. will again be Ted Tally's ~Terra Nova." dlrected represented, this time by . by Benson (Oct. 17 to Nov. 16). "Intimate Exchanges." directed The 21st edition of "A Ouisonas by Benson (March 12 to 26). Not Carol" is booked for Nov. 29 to to be confused with SCR's lat~t Dec. 27. offering. "lntimale Apparel," • Antj.gone," dicected by Kate opening this weekend. "Intimate Whoriskey, opens Jan. 30 and Exchanges" is a circuitous will run througll Feb. 29, comedy first staged by SCR in followed by the premiere of 1993. The theater will bring back Freed's "Safe in Hell," directed its two stars of that show, by Emmes (April 9 to May 9), Richard Doyie and Kandis and "Cyrano," directed by Mark Oiappell. for the new version. Rucker (May 28 to June 27). The final Argyros Stage The Argyros Stage season will production (April 25 to May 16), open Oct. 3 with the West Coast a new play that will be part of (~i[~ING) RESTAURANT ~ Celebrate Easter on the Water and Join us for our Champagne Easter Buffet Brunch Four Seating Times Available 9:00am • 11:00am t :OOpm • 2:30pm • cx_~s Bntrdll t (-Umtlmt &r • Smolud Sawsatrs t.-Sid~ Duhu • hrsh StafooJ & PaJta • Gl•ud Ham & &ef Carvinx .\1at1on • Frah Fruit & Salad Bar • Gourmn Dwms & Crrp<s Ad11lt.s: $13. 95 Childrm: $11 . 95 Plus lax a11d .~"11111y Call Today for Reservations Outdoor Dimng • W..itnfam1 ~a11ng .41t11ilahlr IUtvtitet··· •Chilled Seafood Bar wtth King Crab, Oystm. Shnmp and Sushi •Garden Fresh Salad Bar • Omelets Made to Order Station • Breakfast Favorites •Chef\ Gourmet Enllees • Cc1Mng Station wrth Pnme Rtb aod Hooey Glazed Ham • Mouth Wateong Des.wns • Special Chtldren\ Buffet • Unlimited Champagne. Fmh Orange JUl(t and Statt>utts Coffee 949-675-2373 SUJ E. Edgewater • N e\.\'POrt l3e;ich Newport-Landi.Dg.com • Egg~ With h ~tunny It 1' Q), 12 Jlhnd 2 CXlfM -~~Ma\fl(t p~ and Ffittl'lg 2oo •Jaa~bJI• ~ 8.Yd flom 11 JOOAM • 4 OOf'M the Pacific Playwrigllt.s Festival. is yet to be announced. The third element of SCR'~ 2003-04 season, 1lieater for Young Audiences. will get under way Nov. 7 with "The Emperor's New Oothe~." playing through Nov. l 6. The next offering will be "Sideways Stones h orn WaY5ide School," to be staged I-eh. 13 10 22. A children's cla&jc, M lhe Wind in the Willows," .ha& been adapt~ for the s_Lage bySCR's Richard HeUesen and Michael SiJversher. Thi~ <,how wdl he · offered from June 11 to 20. AIJ in all, the "big 4-0 o,eason" '>hape~ up to be big tndt!ed with a total ol 14 production'> in the new Folino Theater Center. Pero;onally. I'm lool.Jng fo rward tu the reaJ 40th <.,eac;on -and my own 40th of tovering the locaJ theater '>Cene -o,tamn~ 111 2005. •TOM ITTUS' columns run Thursdays anc1 Saturdays • Submi1 AFTEA HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is a"ailat>le at www.dailyp1lot.com. SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY POETRY f:ESTIVAL The second Orange County Poetry 0F-est1val is going on through the month of April witti a variety of events throughout Orange County For inform ation about events and locations, call (714) 564-6526 or 111s1t www ocpoetryft.st1val. com Most events are fr .. e See HOURS. Page Al2 "' .. ,, ., .. -.... ', . .,.,.. ..... ""' .. ·~- {Formerly the Tale of the Whale) Easter Buffet Brunch Located in the Historic Balboa Pavilion on Newport Harbor 400 Main Street • B<llboa \ !! ..... , Coll Today for ~tion.s Wattrfront &atinx Awiilablt 1iDo ~ating Times Avoilsible 9:00am • 12:00pm • f.AA~ Benedict. Omelt>ttt" & \\allh • • Gourmet Fre<.h Salad!> • hr-.h Seafood '-t>lt•ction • Gl.ut>d Ham & 'imoleJ T urlt'\ • Gourmet Des.serh & ( rl'pt>" • Frr.h \egeLlbles & Side Dhht"- $20.00 per person Large Parties Welcome! Celebrate Your East r · Moro can St • • • ---------------+ .,._ .. ___ ----~~-- DATBBOOK REELCRmcs ·-. 'Cowboy Bebop' is anime the right way, 'Phon.e Booth' keeps you OIJ. your toes 'Cowboy &bop• fits the big screen nicely A chemJcal truck explosion releases an unknown disease on Mars. A bloterrorlst attack ls suspected. and the government offers a huge bounty of 300 million ..-----....,.... woolongs for TRICIA BIHLE 'the capture oftb.e peq>etrator. ' The bounty hunters of the spaceship Bebop set out to catch the culprit and claim the money. They encounter more complications than they ever expected. novices to enjoy. •TRICIA BEHU! 11v .. 1n Newpdrt Bead'! end wortta •• e aoftware validator. 'Phone Booth' keeps you guessing Colin Farrell can always be counted upon to hold your widely in the film, even from character to character. Sottte characters are drawn lo a fairly realistic fashion, while some are ln the typical anlme style of females with a big bust, a button nose and large eyes. The backgrounds span from shadowy noir to rich colors. Somehow. all this variety works together and makes the film feel visually lush. The.animation in the opening credJ,ts alone Is wonderftil. . , attention, evetn while standing · · In a phone booth, Farrell has a short opening .scene io establlsh·b.i.mself as a fast-talking ~eler and dealer The plot ls fntrigulng up to a point bui losu Oow and _ coherence later ln the film. If you don't think too hard about the gaps in logic, it Isn't a fatal flaw. Just accept the story as It is, and instead concentrate on the fantastic music, wry humor and futuristic scenery. named Stu. ~---~ Hia morals .,. demonstrate why there are words like "sleazy" in the English language. .. COMING. SOON The animated movie "Cowboy Bebop· is based on the Japanese anime 1V series of the same name. I have never seen the "Cowboy Bebop" 1V show on Cartoon Network, but enjoyed the film so much I'm going to start watching the series. My friend who went to the movie with me is a big fan of the 1V series and said the film is on the level of one of the decent episodes, not up to the best, but definitely not the worst. JUN~ FENNER Weare also introduced to what the narrator informs us ls the last standing Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson) and patient Dave Buznik (Adam Sandler) engage in some Fans of the 1V show will already be familiar with the crew of the Bebop -Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, Faye Valentine and Ed. Previous knowledge of the 1V show isn't necessary to understand the movie, though. phone t>ooth In Manhattan. The booth it makes it possible for Stu to place calls to his mistress without them showing up on his cell phone bill. As an unconventional therapy in •Anger Management." _', , The animation style varies .8269:ir: 1 ATmlllAIE YlN•591280 While "Cowboy Bebop" will undoubtedly appeal more to fans of Japanese anime, there is enough here for even anime • •11£11 IEllE • ..._ CIEllT S 1999 CVJbnor cmh i:M S4500 foetory rcbbtc oquah Sb4W lofol die ol i.c,..gnwig •IOI ond i.e.. ... No t90llity dlpoJll requ.red. l-t~ ot ""-..d for m11.ogitt .-I 7 000 ,.... P-' l"W1f" nt 17• pw ...... .._....,,._ --..11m ...... .. j JeepTCHRYSLER ClllA L IA . --(177) 321-5137 TAKE SS FWY EXIT FAJR DR. TO HARBOR M ...tilclM dJ,ect to prtor Ide l!M government lees ond ta.es. ooy lnonce charOll ony cb:lb-dooimont prcporO!ton chor!IC ond any CflllS5IOn tmmg charge Oprcs ~3 added gesture of hypocrisy, he removes his wedding ring before placing the calls. One of Stu's conversations is interrupted by an irate man waiting to use the phone. During this encounter, Stu accidentally cuts off his HOURS Continued from Al l FASHION SHOW AT MACY'S M acy's South Coast Plaza Is hosting an evening of fashion from 7 to 9 p.m . April 24. City DKNY is launching their Spring Collection and Macy's is sponsoring a oodctail reception to celebrate the event, enjoy an evening of oodrtails and hors connection. When the phone rings again the voice on the other end informs him that the spealcer has a high-powered rifle aimed right at him. To prove his story the spealcer points a red light right on Stu's chest. With Stu still in denial, the speaker shoots a · man walk.ing past the phone d'oeiM'eS, music, Models on the Move fashion presentation, and free gifts. All proceeds fr.om this event will benefit the Pretend City. Suggested donation for attendees: $15. Mecy's South Coast Plaza is et 3333 Bristol St. For a 1'9S8rvation, (714) 556-0611 ext. 4231. SOUTH COAST PLAZA FASHION SHOW St. John Boutique and South Coast Plaza are having their eighth annual luncheon and booth. Now Stu has two problems: a man threatening to shoot him and a dead body the police believe he is responsible for. HJs onJy ally is a police negotiator, played by Forrest Whitaker. From here on the plot becomes a cat-and-mouse fashion show to commem orate the Guilds of Orange County Performing Arts Center and their 25 years of enriching the community'• cultural life. The event la at 11 a.m . Wednesday at Hyatt Regency Irvine. Tickets are $125 per person. For reservations, call Dianne Howe at (714)556-2122,ext.224. MUSIC OSCAR WINNER MAUREEN MCGOVERN Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team 1 · d Hl th 4. ' d s of i' 1 a t · to· 1 o • Ha 1 g. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Branch Manaier , complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties David Krantz 949·251-4902 Privarc Mortpae Banker . . • Interest-only loans ~A•• M..- 949-25I-44S3 PriYlle Monpae Bank.er ·Main omce (949) 251.QM7 Cltrtldne M. Saadenon 949-251-4452 PrivaseM~ Banker Klm ~Doutla 949·253-4236 Privllie Mortpgt Banker Gary Parker 949-253-4221 Construction Manager Lawnnu Drefko (800) 6134PMB PnvaliC Mortg11e Banker game. The voice on Lhe phorle seems to have anticipated every tactic either Stu or the police will try. Believable? Maybe. Entertaining? Sure. • JUNE FENNER. a Costa Mesa resident. is vice president of a work-force training company: The singer with the Stradiv~s voice, Maureen McGovern, •• makes her debut at Fou~ Hall through Saturday, with performances at 7:30 p.m. Tidt~ are $49. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mdla1 For more information, call (714) 740-7878. ' I JAZZ BY FRANK POTENZA Guitarist, oomposer and educator Frank Potenza makes his Scott's Seafood Jau Club debut with the Shelly Berg Quartet featuring Red Hollow4,Y on April 25 and 26 at 7:30 an(j 9:30 at Founder's Hall. Tldtets 'for the late show are $46 an $49 'tor the early performance. The Center is at 600 Town Center ' o'rive, Costa Mesa. For more • information. call (714) 740-7fJ78. CUBA'S ORQUESTA ATAGON• Hear the rich sounds of OrqUMta Aragon at 8 p.m. May 3 at the • Barclay Theatre. For more than 60 years, this legendary ensemble has introduced the sounds of. • Cut>an jazz to countries around the wor1d. Tidtets are $35 and $29 and are available through th~ • Barclay box office at (949) 854-4646. , .. . . Rab~in Insurance Agency AUTO• HOM.~• HEACl1J St.ilnblJ -~'"' 1957 4,, QUOTE OF THE DAY "I was right to argue it. It really wasn't much of an argument because I had the right opinion." Jon GrHn, Estancia baseball coach Sailors display ·· muscles Newport Harbor wins two games to finish fifth in Pride of the Coast Tournament. Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot ]'lEWPORT BF.ACH -Hours of labor in the weight room make athletes ~t as they exert their muscles, attempting to lift pounds or iron. Grueling work at times, but an exercise that pa.id otJ~esday for the Newport H.arl>or High base- .. ball team. ------The Sailors powered 11 SCOREBOARD hits and came back from two three-run deficits lO • beat visiting Garden Grove, 9-5. in ~ ~ in the fifth-place game of the Pride of the Goa.st Tbumament The game was called at 2:45 ' p.m. to give Pacifica and G. Grove 6 Dana Hills the best possible Newport 9 chance of beginning the tournament championship game near the 3 p.rn sched· uled st.a.rt. Newport and Garden Grove. scheduled to start at noon. began a half hour late. It had t.alcen New- port 12 ~to defeat Santiago. 7-6. in the fifth. pl.ace serrufinal that began at 9 a.m. Wednesday. "It made a difference," Newport Coach Joel Oes- guln !>aid about the newfound workout routine he ;uid assistant evan Chalmers implemented the day after last season ended. The Sailors do ·an intense lifting session" Mon- day and wod with medicine balls and jump ropes. among other exercises. two other days a ~ In addidon to running, Desguln said. "Tu be able to play 18 lnnin&' Is an accomplish- mear and we weren' dragging." he sa1ci ·klds are p.og to hit the way they will hit, but, by getting stronger. they will be able to hit it harder and throw It farther." Newport produced five extta·base hits. two in a three-run fourth inning that lnaeased the margin to'S-5 OYeJ' Garden Gr<we. £enter fielder Ryan 1bmy bWted his first home run of the season - a solo shot -over the left- center-6eld fence to lead off the founh inning.. The rally continued as second buernan Mike Mc.Lean sirlgied In a run and shortstop Dave f.rlckson doubled in another. Mclean and f.rlckson each went 2 for 4 with two runs scored. : "': fzicboo said Newport (7-11) rook exna batting • .J!')ctice before Tuesday's games, but he also :~led to the defense as contributing to the effort • -~ CJe.rden Grove PoUshed fidding only gave Newport starter Joe Cantarella the support he needed to go the di&- tanee against Garden GnM, striking out sbt in 5¥1 Innings to pidc up his third victo~ • 7" PmtareUa shook off a three-run second Inning : e Argonauts, In which they tallied four hits, to -..--. only one run the rest of the way. The junior -hander struck out the side In the fourth in· -: .. •J was nervous the first couple ~ ... I just .. dd to be accurate with my pitches,~ Cantarella .. _Siod. • And accurate he was. fooling the Argonauts into ' =· I' t SM SM.ORS, Paa• 82 Spotts Phone: (9491574--4222 • Spotts Fax: 1949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL EYE OPENER Ap<ll21 honotM MARK LORENTZEN Thursday, Apnl 17, 2003 81 STEVE McCRANJ( E>AilY ~ c• Estancia coach Jon Green argues with the base umpire after being ejected from Wednesday's game against Tesoro. The Eagles lost the game, 13-3 Green ejected in Eagles ' lo ss Es tancia coach protests call, which was n't only thing that went against Eagles Wednesday. St•v• Vlr1en Oa1lyP1lot C.OSTA MESA -Perhaps, it seemed fitting. po- etic even. that Estancia High baseball coach Jon Green was thrown out after argumg a questionable call in the seventh in.rung. The scene. after all, was the climax of a game that included 13 combined errors. Green's ousting was understandable. yet it was the umpires' error in judging that Estancia juruor Cullen Crom did not tag Tesoro runner Derek Craddock on his way to first base. Tesoro defeated host Estancia. 13·3. m a 13th- place semifinal of the Pride of the Coast Tourna- ment Wednesday. as the Tttans used a seven-run sixth inning to take the life out of the Eagles. but not Green. With his team trailing. ll-3. Green never wa- vered in his decision lo get in the base umptre's face. Apparently, Green had good reason to argue. NI was tagged.• Craddock. said after the game In the top of the seventh, Craddock chipped th~ ball toward the mound. Crom scooped It up and appeared to have tagged the runner because dust went lnto the air from Crom's glove when Crad- dock ran by him. ~(Croml tagged him." said Tesoro as- sistant coach Aaron Cohit. a former as- sistant at Corona del Mar. Coast Tournament before that The Eagles are supposed to play Balsa Grande in the 15th-place game. but be- cause of Monday's rain. the team·s are left to schedule that game at their con- venience. The game's base umpire did not make a call on the play and the plate umpire ruled that Crom missed the tag. But that prompted Green to question the call and the two umpirei, who would pro- vide neither their names nor postgame comments. conversed near the mound. Green stood about five feet away. Af- ter the umpires broke discussion. they went back to their positions, never giv- Tesoro Estancia 13 3 'fyter Hoffman went 3 for 4 with two runs scored for the Eagles (3-13) He displayed great speed in the bottom of the third inning. when he smacked the ball to right-center 6eJd for a tnple. ing Green the ruling or an explanation of the play. Green soon realiz.ed that they ruled Craddock safe and the F.stancia coach went to argue with the base umpire, who quickly ejected him. "Both guys on the field missed the pitcher tag- ging the runner; that's just unacceptable," said Green, who sat in the back of his pick-up truck some 20 yards behind the backstop until the game ended. "The umpire is out there gMng me his re- sume telling me that he's a (NCAA Division I] um· pire and that he's this and that To miss something like that Is just uncalled for. He made the wrong call and I think I Jet him know it. He's got to live with It. I was right ro argue it. It really wasn't much of an argument beca~ I had·the right opinion.· Grttn cannot be at Estanda's next game. which wt11 most likety be April 23 when the Eagles host Golden West League foe Ocean View. However. F.s- tanda m.igbt play its last game of the Pride of the The TI tans (5-11) scored three runs m the third. but the Eagles answered with two runs in the bottom of the frame. Senior Tony IppoUto drove an Hoffman after a two-out single, then scored when freshman Mike McDaniels' grounder resulted in a throwing er- ror. F.stancia tied the game. 3·3. in the fifth. when McDaniels singled to bnng an Hoffman, who reached on a base hit after an impressive 12-pltcb at-bat Pl'tde ., ... c... TourMrn.lt 1~Mmiftn81 TeecMo 13, ~ 3 Score by lrwq1 Teeoro 003 ocn 3 -t3 n & ENneia 002 o,g 0 3 I I Hill, Tn.11illo USI and ~. MeOamell. Crom 161 and Hart. W -Hill, 2-4. L -McDanlM, 0-3 28 -Andarten m. Hamr911 m. Jacobe fTI 38 -Hottman IE) HR -Andelt9n m DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK ... ' Josh Bradbury Corona del Mar junior standout has become a force both on mound and at plate for Pacific Coast League leaders. tam1I. He bu bueJy pJcbd up a ncquet ma and. be eays, cSOeS not mm \be eolitary apon tn the leut. He doef Mlmlt. bowe•llf that tennis CM)' hawe helped bone hll mental locu&. And, ol couree. mete WU that two-binded blCkhand. •1 dkln't plly PONY~ W.w I took two,.... olf blllbll to 1'*. ""'*-" Bridbuly.ut. *l «m'111dto i1bida ad nra.foit~ f Wll plljlai• CML lull dlia"t .. Wlril--out .... • oppoeed to ~on a 1111m..1 ..... wanl8d to ID Will 1*.t on mr .-..-· but l _.,, ~ IDd woc'*'aon !DY ....-tnb~uhl: ..... llY.Pllil• , t . ' SPORTS BRADBURY Continued from Bl This n. Bradbury bas made it hls ~e to lift IM Sea Kl.np. whJch he did last week ln two cruclal Pad& Coast League win owr Univer&lt)' that h~ped CdM cllmb ewer the Tu>jans to the top of the PCL standings. 'Ille Dally Pilot Athlete of the Week yielded just one hit in ax shutout innings to key an 11--0 victory April 8 at Uni. then went 3 for 3 with two home runs and four RBis in an 11 ""8 home triumph Thursday. the wetght room to p1n strength. Ke hat., ldjUlted hls IWing to generate more poMlr.. Lul season, Whn:i be ea.med AD-Newport·Mea Ind aecond-team AIJ.PQ. honors. he hit .324 with 11 RBll. He had no homen, ~'and only four of hJs 24 btts went extra-base knocb. His ~homer game apln.st Uni not only propelled him (Qto a de for the teem Ind, It also~ his growing rq>utadoo as a power &0urce. He added a 2-for-t performance In a Saturday Pride of the Coast 'Jbumament lo&S to Bade Bay dval Newport "We had a coach rrom Long Beach State here the other day to look at (senior abort.stop) Kblth Long." Emme la1it ·1 put Jo-1'\ In the same hitting 11=~~~~~~~~~~ group wttb X'elth and of dle 18 L.: batting practice pltchee Josh Harbor and bas emerged as not only Coach John Emme's pitching ace, but also one of CdM's most potent hitters. . ' saw, J think he hit 15 over the fence: I've never seen anything lib IL" • In additioJl to bis added muscle at the plate, Bradbury bas sharpened his control as a pitcher. He walked 18 and strudc out 12 in 25~ Innings last season. but bad fanned 22 and walked just five his first 19 inn.l.np this spring. Through Tuesday, he was. hitting .545 with four home runs 13 RBis and 19 runs. Of' his 24 hits, U had gone for extra bases. On the mound. be entered Wednesday's action 3--0 with a 1.11 ERA. with 22 strikeouts and only five walb in 19 innings. •The key has been getting ahead of hitters and wod:ing out of jams," Bradbury said of his pltchlng this season. Hlhings have just come together for him," Emme said. HHe has matured physically and he has the experience of playing on the varsity as a sophomore." While pleased with his per:fonnance thus far, Bradbury said it bas only motivated him to continue his already exemplary practice habits. The 6-foot-2, 200-pound Bradbury, who plays third base when not on the bump. worked hard in "If l swing by school on an off day, I can almost always count on seeing Josh in the batting cage,• Emme said HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Sage Hill edged Mustangs NEWPORT COAST -Sage Hill School senior pitcher 7.ach Friedrichs got far worse than he deserved In rhe Ughtning's 3-2 baseball loss to visiting Western Christian in the first round of the Sage Hill Spring Tuuma- ment Wednesday. master both runs for the Ughtning~ · 5-1), which plays Liberty · · tian Friday at noon in a CODSO· Ma tad ores talion semifinal. · Friedrichs pitched a com- plete-game three-hitter and walked none, but was victim- ized by six Sage Hill errors that led to three unearned runs. Friedrichs also went 2 for 2 with a double and drove in Friedrichs lowered his ERA to 0.78 in 27 innings this spring. s... ...... TourftlllW1I w.-.n a.. 3, Sllg9 ... 2 W. Chr. sec:~..,. -s 3 o Sage Hill t01 ooo o -2 4 e Parnell, Allison (S) and Oar1ing; Friedridls and IComswiet. w - Allison. f>-1. L-Friedrichs, 1·2. 2B - Friedridls (SH). Diablos blank Sea Kings CORONA DEL MAR -Mis· sion Viejo High junior pitcher Steve Grove limited Corona del Mar to four hits as the Diablos defeated the Sea Kings, 9-0, in a consolation baseball semifinal of the Pride of the Coast Touma ment Wednesday. HGrove just dominated us," CdM Coach John Emme said. "The game was a lot closer than the score, because in the seventh inning they just blew up. Josh !Bradbury! pitched great and went for five innings. SAILORS Continued from Bl several called strikes on check swings. The opposite was aue of New- port hitters, who connected for seYe11 of their 11 hits off GrOYe relievers. Cantarella walked twice. singled and scored a run. Serrlor Ryan Rowe scored twice And walked three times to go with one double while th.iJd baseman RJ. Muller singled and doubled in four at-bats with one run scored.. P"U'St baseman Nick Sacco walked three times and showed his Oexibllity by doing the splits to sroop a ball headed for the It was a pretty good game until the seventh inning.~ CdM (9-6) will play for 11th place at a later date against an opponent to be determined. Pride of the Coast TOIA'T\amant Consotation MmHln•I M!s$ion Viejo 9, CdM 0 Score bv lnnl"ils M Viejo 100 ho S" 9 11 o CdM 000000 o 0 4 1 Grove and Fadley; Bradbury, Contant (6), Ounzer (7) end Presson. l(elly (6). W -Grove. L - Bradbury, 3· 1. 2B-Cullen (MVI. Lucas (MV), Sprowl (CdMI. HR - Cullen (MV). dirt as Newport anempted to tum a 5-4-3 double play in the sixth inning. CAtcher Jeff Sanchez added an RBI single to right in the bottom of the sixth. Appropriately, Sanchez singled to right to score Rowe with the game-winning run against San- tiago. Rowe had walked to Jead off the inning and advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt by Ryan Heenan. A strikeout and a walk to F.riclcson set up San- chez's hit to end a game that lasted more than three hours. Newport scored six runs in the the fourth. though Santiago an- svmed with six in the fifth. Sophomore Patrick Keehan earn bis first win of the season in relief of Turrey. who finished COSTA MESA-Costa Mesa High senior Nate Hunter set the tone with a lea.doff home run and the Mustangs beat Bolsa Grande, 11-0, In a 13th- place semifinal baseball game of the Pride of the Coast Tuur- nament Wednesday. Plt.cher Justin Pttenon bad the wtn. yielding ~ five hits to lmproYe to 4-1. Sophomore Jeff waldron was 2 for 3 with two doubles and three RBis. while Derek Gerda and Alex Pisarski also had two hits for the winneB (6-9). Hunter's homer was the first by a Mustang this season. The Mustangs will conclude the tournament al a later date against an opponent to be de- termined. Pride of the Cont TOllr1\llfMnt 13th~ Mmfftnal Cosu Mesa 11, 8olu Grende 0 Boise ooo ooo o -o s 3 Coste 541 001 • " 12 2 Mesa Curran, Moreno (6) and Smith; Peterson and Hunter. W -4-1. L - Curran. 2B -Waldron (CM) 2. HR - Hunter (CM). with four strikeouts. f'lotde " .. c.... rcun.nn Rfth~ N9wpoft 9, Grow 5 Sco9a,,1rw*9 G.Grove 1~ ooo -& a 2 Newpoft 113 311111 -t n o J. Coron., R. Corona (3), t..v.Que (4), Chellar (5) and Rios, MMelll (51: Cantarella and Senctl9l. w - c.ntanllla, ~ L -R. Corona. 28 (ndeeh) J. Corona (GG), Ericbon (NH). Muller (NH), Sdlaett. (GG). HR -Tomrv (NH). ~Mmllnal N9w'pon l Sanllago I Santiago s:oiw~ ~ -8 I 4 Newport 000 IDO 000 001 -1 10 3 Silva, P9tw 181 and Rodriguel; Toney, Keehan (6) and Sandicz. w - Keehan. 1-0. L-f>enaz. 28-Semel (SI, 0. Ericbon (NH), Penlz (S), Tomrv (NH). HR -Pwaz (SI. ,.._..... HAUoutl vtlW checks or cuh will be S<HOOl •ocepi.d) --~ MOOllNtlATION Pursuant to C•llfornle The follow1n1 P•••ons ,IOJICf labor Cock 11773. the ••• dolna llu.slnen as llO 01aOJ04., Oiu1ctor of tiie 0.pert Erin A.slil<!y, 111">4 S ll4 Podi ... • 1, men I of In du Sir I al Cont HilllW•)' l•1una o....-....,& Rel•tions of the !t•te of Beech, CA 92651 At..t-, C•llforn11 hH deter· Erin Aalller, 966 Cn1't ~ mined the 1enerelly View O•lu, la1un1 l.C:Zl,ASl,HAZ prev•1~n1 rates of per Budl, CA 92651 In accordance wrlh the diem w11u for the Suun Palm•r, 966 provisions ot Cefifornla localtt1 In whoch the CClut View Otlvt, l•· P11lllk: ConlrKt Cod• W0tll is lo be !*formed. aun• l..ch, CA m51 §3300, th• Olatrlot Copin of ttHIH chltet· Richard ~. 1166 requtrn 1111t lllHer• mtnet1on1, tnlltled Bid Security or Bid Bond 1n an •mourft not le&• thin TIN PlllCl•T (10,.,) pf the mufmum •mount of th1 Bid Propo5!'1• 111Clus1ve of llfl1 •OCJ1t1¥t AltWll•t• Bid ltlfll(a) Any blddv shall not wilhdr.. bid propoul for a pertod of "111ety (90) de)'• alter the openma of bids Cont View Dflve, l•· pc>st.nS the 1~tptltt11 "l'AEVAll.IHC WAGE 1un•8Hcll,CAt2SSI clu1lfleatloft(1) of SCALE" ere malnt•lnect lb'* •u•..,. .. con• Catlfor"" Co"trutOJ• et th• 011trlct offke end lfllcted •1 c•·,..t-• llcenae 1t the tMtt t ... t ere 1ullebl1 at the Hll•eroult.W*4na U.. Colltr•d tot tM followlna •••al te· buslMU yet? ... Woftt ia •w•ded ,... WWW dfr C. .... It tMlt Rlellafl H«*nn pr..ocw•t. llurt-•• be 1N11d1torr "'*' the Thie 11.il•IMfll .... nol•d •fttr lit• lld IUCCIHfUI blddlf to flied .... tJw County Pld... TIU.. .... wllOrn IM tOflltlCt ,, Cler'll at Or•itlll Cou11ty end mort tlltn oit• ••8'dtd, end llPO" any Ofl 04/01/0J lk8.nM1 m•1 be rt41Ulfed 1ubc:o"l/ecfor !lated. to toO,..Mlf' Thia Ill t In no ••Y P•1 not 1811 th•n the O•lly 1'*'4 -.,, i, JO, rettr..a tM C611trec.tor appllt1llle PflUllllll 11. 24. 2IOJ THlOC> ftont fu~t of any w•1• tel• for t11e Mimi let•I ff411 r.mt11l or cla111flulJon of l111of ~ ~. f• pfovtded .,, their , •• -P•• '"'''""-•ofllill-1pectlo werlltt• '" Hotu .. ...,,.., ..... ..,. I ., loll ... praM<ullon '"d UKU• lh1t U. ~ ~ wl&I lie -ducted Pft tlool of IN W«ll ttle kMo1 Oiltfttt of 0r.,._ Afitl JO. 2002 et I 00 Ocu" Vl•w School Co•11ty, C1llfer11I•. p.M •l HerNW Yltw Otatrkl M l11lhttH en4 ....,, .... "* retwred te l*'-twy SthMI. OU will •nforce • lalMf .. •otlflllCT'. wlll f'kllwlcll C1tclll, Hvn CoMpll•"" f'ro1r1m. , ... .,,,. ~ ~ utt t1"1to" tucll, CA. Tt\11 pto~t "fuMtll rn to berl llOt l.w th•n 92'tt "'"* °' In P•I witll l 00 , "' .. 2'llltl .. , lid, ,,..,,., .,. con State Mnll f1111ft. 111d, ol JM.1, 2003, •t ti. trac.I docarttents ,,. tNiafora, ttM Oltthct O l ~tr al*-• .,......_ 1t tM tn4I •• •nd1• n-. .__ •Ill Offc.e., 1nao ,.......,.,, " Altfil :ao 200:s ror • lie 09«atif>1 • "'* Ilda a. Hu11t1"1to11 ,., t•r ~ .t '""'~""'""Oft hKll, CA ta47. At' 110000 ,., Mt,'..,. tflrt "'"'' -urw."t to ,_ •et• ul ~., .W. .. OUM 'ftlW l allor Cod• 111Uon .... ... .. ,_...,..1, ICMOOl ••nun. 11111. ...-,_. ''°" to""•"' • "'"'*' "'" ·~..;!!C"1 !!:~~~==== ~· Ofll~ (Ill P'"'?• .... .. • .., T bch 81d muat con· form •"d be r•1POn•ln onl1 to Ill• bid docu· <Mnt. •nd •l'••ment In lb entirety, H provided by the Olattlct The District ra"rvH th• ri&hf to reject •n1 ~ alt bHll w ta w.W. ... , lrr.1at11,., or Inf«· matttlat In eny llid'I ~ '" tlM IHddlr>t prouu. ,._.Lf_..._, 14 .... •••"1ct ,..,,.,... ...... , O-Vleww-1 .. *kt O•tu of f'11bllctU011 = 17 81\d Afitll 2.4, DAILY f'l..OT BRIEFLY Lion pitchers throw blanks • SOPl'MLL: No matter who pftcbed for the Vanguard Univer- sity softball team. the result wu the same Wednesday: no runs allowed. Vanguan1 pftcben Jill Jessen and Celina CUnarillo each pitched shutout victories Wednetday ag;ainJt vlaidng WbJttier ID a' nooconferenc:e doubleheader. Jessen pitched a one-hit. lfx·bit shutout in the second pme, an 8--0 trh.uQpb. She mo lplliJed at the plate. knQckfog two b.lta and 4rtvihg In three IUDI for the lions (2$-'22-1). . . c.amarmo added two hits end two RBk while Beth Burchell tal- lied three hita ID the second game. c.amarmo showed her pitch- ing proweu in a 3--0, three-bit shutout In the 6.rst game. All!on Smidt and Undsey Dyer each had two hits. with Smidt knock- ing a double that drove lo one run In Vanguard's two-run sixth inn.Ing. Rae.bad Rolle and JlD Ramaey each tallied one RBI In the hosts' nin~hlt attack. Whittier Calls to 4-29. 6-ne, ~ J, wttltlW 0 Whittier 000 ~...,. • 0 , 2 Vanguard 0t0 002 II -J I 0 Lum and Thcomb: eam.riHo end Rofle. W -c.m.tmo. 3-1. L -Lum. 3-1t 28 -Smidt M. Glrne2 v.z:l,~=0 Whittler ooo ooo -o , 2 Vanguerd a 003 -• 11 1 Lum, Caldera <'> end Tltcomb; Jeaen encl Smidt W-~ 3-2. L -Lum, 3-12. 28-Meuro M. JeeMf'I {V). 38 -Camarillo M. Costa Mesa denied • SOPTBALL: Costa Mesa High'a rally came up abort, as host Saddleback won. 2-1, In a Golden West League softball battle for first place Wednesday. 1Iaillng, 2-0, Ann Marie Topps smacked her seventh home run of the season, a solo shot in the top of the sixth. But that would be as close as the Mustangs (10-6, 4-2 in league) came. Saddleback improved to 4-2 in league. Golden w.tt Leque Seddlebedl 2. Cosu Mesa 1 C.Meaa SC:~"T-1 • 1 S'bad: 001 . IOO • -2 • 1, Butler and Miiier; Fernandez and Paniela W -F-ernandez. L -Butl8f, 9-3. HR -A . Topps (CM). Sea Kings second • GOLP: The Corona del Mar High boys golf HA" team fin- ished second with the ·s· team taking fifth in the two-day Trib· ute to Youth Tournament in Springs that ended Tues- bert Ury, Tun Frohling, Brad Olarnberlin and Nick Sherman combined to fire a 273 over the two days to lead the .A .. team, which finished two strokes behind winner River- side Poly. TOOi\Y a..... College -UC Irvine at UniverlltY of the Peclftc, 1 p.m . Community College -College of Sequoln Tounement Orange Coast • va. Cabrillo, 1 p.m.; Orange eo..t vs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Matt Story, Ben nlsen, Zach Rabinovich and Alex Ollkovani combined for a two-day total of 283 for Coach Mike Stark- weather's Sea JCings. Kendall keys OCC win •GOLF: Behind medalist Da- vid Kendall. the Orange Coast College men's golf team de- feated Golden West, 381-«4, in an Orange Empire Conference match Wednesday on the par-72 Los Serranos Golf Course in Chino Hills. Kendall blrdJed three boles and parred No. 13 to shoot a 1- under 71. He was followed by Brad Olampion (76), Kelly Wicks (77), Jared Bruce (78) and Jason Hethcoat (79). OCC (12-9, 8-8 in the OEC) next plays Riverside in a confer· ence match Monday. UCI overpowers UCR • TENNIS: Jenny Bowman, Anna Bentzer, Christie Posner and Veronica Fermin won in singles to help lead the UC Ir- vine women's tennis team to a 5-2 victory over Big West Con- ference host UC Riverside Wednesday. The match was originally scheduled for Feb. 27. The Anteaters (13-9, 5·2 In conference) won the doubles point, sweeping the three matches. UCI's Turpin sits third • TRACK AND P1ELD: UC Ir- vine junior Annmarie Turpin Is in third place after the first day of competition In the California Invitational Heptathlon at Azusa Pacific University. Turpin totaled 3,111 points Wednesday to trail Missouri's Fionna Asigbee (3,270) and SCHEDULE West Hiiia, 6 p.m. SoftWI College -Vanguerd at Cal Stste Bakerlfltlld, 1:30 p.m. ,..,,. College men -Venguarcl at Savannah College of Art & Oeelgn,' p.m. c~ of UM Clt1 of Coste Mtu; •nd shalt forfeit pen•ltlu pre- 1c r I bed thuel" tor noneompli•nH ot uid Code The City Covndl of ttte C1t1 of C.1t• Men r-vn the rlcltt to rejilct an1~~ .. INda. JUUi rotes. ~~~ f'ullll•htd Hewgort 8Hch-~t8 ..... •lly ~t A-rll 11,~ ISU2'11 .... .._'° ll ...... ~-.-<Ml•A2*'7 To ell tien, beMfl claflea, «Miion, COft• tlrlt••t uaditon, •"d PttlOftt llfllo .. , otll· ••IM M lltt••ted 111 tlle .. • ntnt ., lleltl, of. CHAllU NI( A JOHNSON A PlTlllOfi '°" PtlO tATt hH Nee ..... 111 f'ATltlal C1tOMN In h ,.... .. C:-t .. c.- ._ .. , Co11r1ty •• oi.- MOI. THI f'UITION f.Olt f'tlOaATt,.._...._. PATltlCk . CltOMN 1M t;oet Id • ,........ , .. _ .. ...,, ..... .................. ........... THl PlnY11* , ....... ................ CHlellt, If HJ; ff ........ ,_ .. Abbe Oboeck (3,194) in the 27- athlete field. Anteater senior Jessica Stafford ia ill eighth place with 2,911 points. In Wednesday's action, Tur- pin recorded mark.I of 15.03 In the 100-meter hurdles, S· 7Y. In the high jump, 36$ in the shot put and 25.94 In the 200 meters. Stafi'ord had marks of 14.76 in the hurdles, 5·5 in the high jump, 30-3~ in the shot put and 26.40 ln the 200 meters. n>ns dominate Pirates • SOP'llli\LL: Hmllee Bodi· ford sma.shed ·a solo home run in the first Inning, but Orange Coast Coll~ge's softball team couldn't keep that momentum and dropped an Orange Empire Conference game at Santa Ana Wedileeday, 10-2. Santa Ana's Elaina Alcaraz improved to 11-2 on the season with a complete game two-hit· ter. The Dons (18-17-1, 10-6 in the OEC) pounded out 13 hits against Coast (9-15, 4-11 in the OEC). Oranc• Empir9 Conf8191ice s.ma An• 10. occ 2 Score by Inning• occ 100 01 -2 2 0 StnUI Ana 103 11 -10 13 3 Methes and Sharum; Alcaraz end Orteg1. W -Alcarez, 11·2. L - Mathes, 6-11. HR -Bodiford IOCCI 49ers drop 'Eaters • WATER POW: The UC Ir- vine women's water polo team closed out their regular season with an 8-2 loss to host Long Beach St., ranked No. 4, in Mountain Pacific Sports Fed- eration action Wednesday. The Anteaters (18-20, 1·9 in the MPSF> were led by junior goalkeeper Sun Olarnblee who ·held. the 49ers to a goal in the opening quarter. UCI junior Re- becca Wedemeyer tied the game at 1-1 in the second quar- ter. Long Beach scored two un- answered goals after to take a 3-1 lead at halftime. The 49ers dominated the second half with sl.x goals. Moanaln PKMc $pof1I F.-Mdo.1 Long BMdl St. I, UC llrv1ne 2 Score by Ouef1en UC Irvine o 1 o l -2 Long Beac::ti 1 2 2 • -a UCI -Wedemeyer l , O'Donnell l. Saves -Chamblee 6. LBSU -Stewart 3, Wawnynaki 2, Azevedo 2, Garcia 1 Sava. - Hewtins 9 Northwood sweeps VU •TENNIS: The Vanguard University men's and women's tennis teams dropped noncon- ference matches Tuesday at Northwood University in Aorida. CalJe Mumsden, Calle Holm- gren and Philip Mardh earned singles victories for the Uons in the 5-4 loss. Olga Hiushcbanka won in singles and teamed with Alena Votavova to win a doubles match in the women's 7-2 set- back. The Uons' men are 12-9 and the women are 11 -10 College women -Vanguerd It Savennah College of Art & ~n. 5 p.m. ..... end field Community college men and women -Santiago Canyon, Fullerton It Orange Coast. 2 p.m ............ ... a.... The fonowlna petsona •re clolnl bUUnllaa es •) Soma Mi11lttr1a b) Tll• Wind, 4107 "'•trice Rd., Nawport 8Ndl, CA 92663 Mark lewis McAnli.. 4207 l'•trlc4 Rd . New port .. Kii, CA 92643 Thi. llM.IW-It co" dtlCited lly en lndMclual H111e ~ atarled dollll buttntu 1•tf v..., J ? Ol MMllLowtalllcAnh This atatanMllt wH fi!M wttti Ula c.vnty CMrll of ~ County on03/2lJOJ MeMtMlts DalfJ •t1ot •, J, 10, 17. 24. 200J THlOt , Dally Pilot 2MI l.1111 lallell Zl40 ~I MaGca 1111 fotto11ttn1 persons .,. dolt•& b111lotta ... 11.lmbelf Coec:htna. Count.elon a. r 11nd1. 3085 Corte l>ooolmo. Newport Buch, CA 92660 326~ • .......... ... i...... nc... ............... ... -... -~ C Atthuf lam.H lOI$ Corti POftOflno, H1Wpott 8u~h. CA 92660·3265 fh1t. bus1nau I\ con ducted by "' 1rtd1v1duat H••• you •llrted dcm•a bu11nu .. yel? Yn, Jin 10.2003 C Arthur J1mu Th" st1t1ment wn filed wrlh the County Clerll of 011n1e County on Olfll/03 200Htll07S Daily Pilot M•r 27 ~' 3, •10, 17 2003 lh294 lti. lollowin1 PlfM>ns ere dolPI b1ulneu H P aclf.c: Marll1t1111 •nd Con111llm1 1071 Town ' Countiy Rd Otanp, CA929&8 Timothy ldward ~derSO<"t. 1078 Town ' Country Ad • Oren1•. CA 92861 Tiiis bu~nes.. ~ con duct.a by en lnd1v1dutt Heve you 11Mt.cl dom1 b11i.1n"" r•tl "'° f•m A11d.,son Thts statement wu tiled With the COUl\ly Cler~ of O"n&t County on 03/21/0J 200UtU07• Darty P1l()l Mar 21. ~ J 10 17 2003 Th290 TM foUowma '*""'• .,. dotnt buslnna •• f11rarl 5.,.,1c;. Qf Cott.• M•u 2141 Newport Blvd Unit 8. Coau ... ,.. CA 91627 MIChael Joatph11• Ro ttnslr•l•n 21'8 lie• Poff Blvd Unit 8, Costa Mt\#, CA m27 Thil butJneu 11 con· ducted by an tnd1vtdual IV•• you atatld doll'I buslneu y«l? Vu. luly ll. 1995 M•<hHI J Rozensttaten This \tal•ment wu hied wrth the County Clet~ ot Onnae County on04/04/03 200JHHtff ' Oatly Pilot Al>f I 0, 17 24, May l , 2003 Th3~ UllVllSITl Of WIOlllA, I* WIM MOTICI IMTllG: 1"41 followlflt ci.rwn• .,, doina busineu a1 CanlP• lh1t1peut1t1 16' 1 L uc1anlo Ot1va H1111t1n1ton a .. <.11 CA 92641 l1lllem £ M•ll••• 66• I l uc1anlo Ortve Hunltncton a .. ,h CA 92647 This busmen " con duct•f by an 1nd1vldu6f Have you ~tar lid do1111 buslneia yet1 Y•s. 512000 l tlhen E Melt""' !hrs •l1l11manl wu filed w1lh the Cuunly Clerk ot Or anar County on 04/04/03 20036939120 Dally Pilot /\pr 10 11 24 Ma1 I 2003 lhU2 W<TllW. GWllG, NYAC (WIT & DIY), IASOtST, PWllltG SUl<omACTOI NfOCWIKA Tai QUlSllOMUlfS FOi COMSTIUC.1IOIC Of UO COMITll S<DCI 1111 l PIOl<TMO. tt21JO -Alll 2003 NUflCl IS Hf 11( 8V GIVF N lltat Subc.onltKIM P1equal11iutlo11 Out!Sl10n11111es hi' lletl11tdl lil111n11 HVAC 1 Wrl ' Or y 1 Muunr y •nd Plumb1n1 Sobcon1tac.t0ts will t>. 1ece1'<lld by ""' Un'"" '''Y "' l AlolruniA Ir Yone Camvus. f,,. qu~hf1c.ilton to btd u 1 subconlnctor on con~trutl1<>n ol Compul«r ~tencr Un11 J p,,,,.., I No 9911JO All ll~<lr•<al Gl•11ne. HVAl <Wei & 0.y) Masonry and Ph1mbmt Sub<MhA•l0<s whn ••~ 111111nted 1n prPqu•hfy"'I l0t ttn' Proi«t ind wish to obtain tti.. Subcl')(llt~t.lor f'•~QuAloftedltl)n Q.,.\tlonnair~ m•V t.111 e1lh~1 (949) 82• 8117 or (949) 874 803.4 SUtMnM.l OlAOUMl AHO ,aoc:rouus. Subtont1utc11 Prequ1thlt• •hon Qu~t ... nn1111•\ mu\I bf' <tt<.t•ve4 •I thf> Olfo~t' 'I [lf'\•Kll & Ct1n,t111ct1un Se1•1<l's b y 4:00 r .M., n,..,.....,, Mey I, 200J. P~it~ \end Su1><11ntrnlot P1eQual1ltutt0n Quf'Slt0nna11es o follow• Att_, ... , ,,....._ 0v-. 01m1n &. Con,hu~hon Sero:rs Un1ver.,ty "' Calll0<111• Irvine ~201 Cahloontl Av.. Su•l• 2'SO Irvine C<1hlo1n•• 9l697 2450 Sub1 u111t n lo• Pt e11u•hl°'•hon Q11f'st1011n•ir"s sh•ll bf' submitted 1n val~d rllvf!lnp~' ""'"•d on fht outs.cit' •sulCONtllACTott PtUQUAUflCAtlON OUlstlONNAlal, (NAMI Of lit.ADI), Computer StleMe Unh J .• MANOAtOH ... l QUAUft<AttON CONfllllNCf fOlt llfCTalCAl, Gl.UIHG, HVAC (Wei & Oty), MASON•T, ANO rLUMllHG SUICOlflllAClOllS1 A 11t-4otwy l>re-o...lfflcotl-COftf~-• wllt ... c-ducte4 .., Tlwn4oy, April 24. 2001, be11nmni: prumpllr •I ••JO A.M. O"ty 'iubconltacto" who p1<1tcipo1tt' 111 lht Cont,.r•n<• •n •h ent11<rly wolf be •llQ .. f'd to \ubmot Prequahlic.th11n Queshonn.011•s •11d 11 qualth• •Iron '' uhrtved wolf be 111cl11d•d on lh~ Requf'St 101 Prnpoul Do< umenh •s approved l ltltn~at Clu1n2, HVAC (Wei ' OryJ Mno111y •nd Plumbina Subcontracton nl wh1~h ell P1eQu•hl1ed Prnpnse•s must u•t f0< th• Wmll P11toupo1nh must •rt••• "' or beto,. 9 30 AM Pf'rsons •rr111rn1 lalt'< th.on 9 l'> A M will not be allowect to subnut Sub,Qnlractor Prtqu .. hl1C•hOI' Quf'shonn••rt\ 11nr bid on lht Prniet.l n wbcontr arto• s P•1t1cip1111\ sh•lt meet •I Ul'••t"•lr of C.thlo1n1a 11 •In• Of\11tn & t::un,hud1on S.,rv11 ts SlOI C.11l1t11r,.•• Avl' Suite ~ 'iull1,.n & Wlf&hl Conftrenrr Ronm• lrv1nl' CA 9?h91 24'i0 1rntn•• ot Cahh••nt• ""' a. 81~nn Avl' ) for tu1th•1 inloc m•hon cont.tel Un•••• "''f s """'""'nlaltn. Branda Outn" "' t94CJ) 824 9S8o OISC.WTION Of'"' raOJlct: The ptupond Compult• Sco•n'• Unrt l proi«l won const111ct 87.400 llS! '"' the S<ho·il ot >nl0fm•tt0n ind Computu S<•ence 11ent••I "'''1t1unent ctusrnnm\ and t.ompu\ tu11ded sura• sp;a,, The School ot tPIOfmalion and C11rnpul•r S<;rence <ICS> will occupy 48 060 "St ton\1stma nf •Iii\\ labn<•IOtlU, resnrch split" •r•d•mK. olhca 'l>••e. •nd adn11n1\tr1love ott1cr •nd •uMK><l \.PaU A total ot 13.340 A\f will bt provided for 11e11f'lel us11nment ~lusronms, hou""ll 7~ total •HI\ 1n ll room• of .. 110u• •11n An 1dd111nnal 26.000 ASf of 1141.,bt. "sut1t" \j)ace will ,;IS•t be provided Ou• to sole co11sh11nh 1n the En1oneetlna/Compute1 Sc1tnce Q111dren111 '"" propaSA?d 1>101ect cons1sh ol conshut hnn of tW1> M1) .. rele slrut lu1H • small leclUt• h•ll bu1ldm1 of 11340 ASf and• main bulld1111 totahn1 74.060 ASf, that w•lt house ICS 1Kllv1trn t nd suree '191Ce •• '"'"lftt· W1lh111 UM m•1n buotdtnc. fhh PfO,.CI •I" provide • total of 211\0 ASr ot 1ase1<ch 'P•C• ll>f the School nf lnl0tmatle)fl and Comput•r Scte11u. rnctudlnt 75.110 ASf of fleuble 1nurch l111bo11to1y/olllu sp11c" Thr\ •PK• wtll be conh1u1ed In several "'" ol rnoms trom 280 ASf up to 600 ASf Tiit' room• w•ll be outfrlle4 with racawey ;iround tht pt11mete1 fo1 tetecommvn•utions cabh111 111d elect11ut w1r1n1 fhese \l)left win accotl\mOdate • wide ,.,,,. of •tltv1Un. 1nctud1n1 emot11 nlhen, l&bf•ohon ol new computer llardwaie system\, d1v11opmenl of 'oftwere apptle~ltoP-t11d networt. architectures tOnilrUCtlOtl of m•chlnes with 111teltl1ent syJtems. •lld de .. 11t:tprMnt of td .. nc.ed lr(llnolotte' that m•h dttlp and menufedllft of CM'tf>Vt• \Y\lr!M l•ster •nd t hH,,.. 011\ef 1esea1ch spacn tu be provided (2.600 ASf) lnctvde reuerclt teem workroom-1111d '""''"I rooms. end a '•'I• confet1nce 1oom fn •fd1tlon to lhcl r•~•nll 1911ce, • 10111 ot 1 900 ASf ot tins laboratOfy sc>•<• wrlt •I•<> be provided to 11<cl)mmodate two tofn9Ultf lebo .. IOflas '°' tcS Eld\ teboretOff will hou~ JO c~lf tl•Uons. •M will be aqu1pe>1d with white boards. PfOl•dt011 scrffns, end c01t1put•1 llfOi.<t1t1n -.~nt Office tp•u for 1111 S<.ltool of tnl0tmet111n •M C.1111>11ttf ScMnce l1•dudl• lnutt1 oftlcu 110.12' ASf') el\d admtnlslrtttv• oftlcn 11nd 1el1f1d JUIJ90fl \PKH (8,m A$t), 1nctudin1 Kc.Ommodehort• fOt ICS's 0Hn't. ofltte end Ptpwtment ••tit functions Sutt• ap1ct ptClvldad by 1"-ptOt>Osad PfOfKI wlll couµst of office end dry labofalOfJ w•ce and will b4I conh{Vled ln • flea!OM nulnMf lo "'"' flM MIHb of • v.,1tt1 of pottnl,.I 0<c~nh a.,..,_ lw114Hlt. Tllr•• ta111 clas\IOOnll Will be ptCIVldold >n this atruc.lure, tncluclln& a 1!oO , .. , IKtwe h•lt • 12' IHI l"Cture h111l, •n4 • ~ uet t1M·t.lud7 room All Uu .. l11elllt1&1 wilt bt lnN snt 10Qfns Wllh s'°91d Of ~l.,.,_ 11-'s, uttl'ltlvt 1cou1IKal trutmenl elld •l~ movabla clla,.boardl Th~ lftcture llaflt will •fM> 1nellide PfOlllCllOf' booths All 100lflt wlll be wnd fOf 41ta and 1qtllp1>ed to mccornmoclete llttvJ audt0·vmiel 1 equnmenb, 1nclud1n1 dual p1a1tc.tl.on Krten•, •"'-end 6111• INOIKhon, llitll quellty MUnd •r1t4n1, •IA: C.Mf•I Hll(tWHnt danre>Oft'tt to be llfO~d IMtllfe • U.sut cl.tnroom • ~ "'' use sbtdy fOOm, and •1"11 30 M•I Cl•'ufoomt. "" 50-,.. •• fOOM Wiit be • lh'.td , .. , t1Clltty Wtth • tttpC>td flout 111111111' to tM cne 'ludy room uM4 abov•, the reme1ttfn1 room' wlff II•,,. tt•t Hoot •114 loo\4 1ut1111 Tiie &~ wtt d•vrOOllll '"" be uff4 prlfllletUl' l0t dn .. s .,.....,.flJ • .,.,,.,., or ... una contcwr•lioM All 100111-.... be wnf tor date •ncl -ou•l>Pff w•ttt w•1toar1t •114 Pf•i-ttlon scrM1tt lwo clawoom r.uppotl •KH will •Ito be p.rovwtff. n. .. rOotn will pro11!4H • to 1t0f• '"''*'d pro~lon. ~ pcojtctou. VCfta, •ltd olti. ~·0-1 ltJlcf .. .._ ""°"tor th clnwoomi &~o...tp -'C-'"'"._<•tiH~ ... .-..oo tl.K11lKM con 1JT'lliAT• 11.AOO.oooAO eune. (Off ISlWAO. $' S40 ..... ... N'IAC [W., a Dory) (OIT n111iA1' "· , ...... ... llMOMtY <blT UnaATL t7M ... :.. ,_._ ... COITllWH1$l,i.M, ... to IWCCNfl'IAaOl "'10MUf'ICAnolt NOC'D-lt I. S111>contr1cl0f p,.q1u1hf1U\lon Q'*'llOMltr•~ will !lit aM Ille......,_.,,,.,,. 171 ..... •t \t>e ~tee •f ()oslp & ContbvdlM ,.,.,_, U""'9nlh of ~11la. hifte, ~20l Cetir'"* AM. S~t• ~. tnll,., ClltlforNI 91'97·2.W 1119 'r....-lifk•t-Quflllonnalte t..i ... ~ k> ;2:lr,i1v• tu.bcontr•clora un•b1-\o e&ll•ln tfMml In ..,_." "' I (149) 124 1111 « ( > 2 lri. •~•twet10n I soi.tr fOf Ille lflJWfOM ot ,. • .,...,.. whlcll ~ •• ..._. 4111alir,. fOf _..c.teHM ,.,1or1111nu of IM t)pe el'""'._....,~ t l"Jolkl 11 • tlM,W fMMet lllQ ...... INkldld \II tl\9 • ..,.,, '°' P'toooul Oo<w!Mtlh " eppro.MI ~leOrlcal, Cl•ll", HVAC (Wtt a Ory). *'°""'• .,.. '"""'""' ~lfect•o •f ~ •" ~,... ftfllflO•• Mint uw tot tlleWorll l. lht Un1v1t11t1 ,_.,.. tt1e ri&flt, •It• ce•••Nll tM ~Kt• """"' tMNI Qlielt!Ofl!'•ltn. I• re l •IW mid•• Qlle&llOftflatr• lo we!Yt .,., lftfOtlNM-t lit the Ovn1iellllalt ...... !!tt'lte .,..., enlltitd *-'"«'*• i ~ ............. "~ "~· h ... ...," .,..,,...,.,,.. ... .,, • flMV"t , .. 1'1'9"Mi ~~ .... ••*'611 ........ pilffMft .,,., ..... ill .., M •COfTS Of lHC UMM.tSm~ ~--~ t e-~ Cmt•..,... o.t ,.. , ..... ..... ... s..... Tiie loflowlnc o.o wn1 are dot"' bu"'1!an •• Your Sotn1ate" torn !IOI fu\ttn Avenue Nawp~I •••th CA 92663 Cynlh1• R1dl•y SOI lud1n Ave Newport Buch CA 92661 Tllll bus11111n n con ducted by· 1111 111dtv1du•t tl.ve rou ll•rlJ>d dotftC bu~•nau yeH Yn, 2, 10/ 03 Cynlhr• Rtdley 1h1,. \\atement wn hied with lht1 County Cteri. ol Or a nee Courlly onOl/21103 200U9JtOS4 Olltly f'1lol Mar 'l7. Apr l. lO. 11 2003 Thl87 BID PKG. NO. 2 --6 7 8 .-----9 ---10 11 12 13 ..----14 15 16 l7 Th• fotto•lrtl "''°"' Ille dolPt 11 .. alllftl H YaRl 0.M&n•. I t00 M.afft StrHI, Ste !JOO. Irvine CA92614 Slepl\•n,. S Yaf\Cle Veer, 1900 M11n SltHt Ste 500 f1v1n11 CA 9Ml4 1h1.i b11>1ness 1~ con duthtd by •n lndlVldu•I li•v. you .. tarted doms bus1Mu yat1 Yu l l OJ Stet>l\anta S Yeef fhrs statement was lol•d with lh• Coant y Cte1k al Orana• County 011 OJ/21/03 20036tH07t 0•1ty Pilot Mar 27. -">• J. 10. 17. 2003 lh292 TITLE S11e DemolrtiOn. Grad1na & "3Phal\ Metal Framing, lnsulatton, Drywall, Painting. Doors & Windows. Lath & Plastef Acoustical Ceilings, Are Proofng. Ftnl&h ~---;-;~ .. & C8aewo~ Sheetmetal Roofiog Glass & Glazing Butldtng Spec1anteS -Marker Boards. Vinyl Fabric Tack Boards, Toilet Partlttons, Identifying Devices. F11e Extvlgucshers & Cabln913. Toffet Acx:euones. and TelevisiOo ....... -;t:;-,w Swtem. Cerpeting & R•llleot Floonng C8famlc Tile Fire Sprinklers Plumbing HVAC & Energy Management Control System Electrlcal & Are Alarm LICEHSE(S) A B. C9, C35, C28, CS1 as applies B. C5 CS1 as aoooes B. C43. C61 as applies B.C39 B,C17 B. C2, C61 as applies B,CIS B, C54 B,C16 B,C36 B,C20 B,C10,C7 ln accordance with the provisions of CalJfomja Public Contract Code §3300. the Distnct rcquues that Btdden possess the appropnatc clusification(s) of Cabfomia Cona-.cton License at the time that the Contract for the Work is awarded. Appropna.te hcen.ses arc noted after the Bid Pack.A~ Titles above. and more than one bcensc may be mqw.rcd. llus ltst in no way rellevea the Contractor from fulfillment of any legal mquuancnt Of hccnstng necessary for performance of his won. Non-mandatory Job walks wtll be conducted on Apnl 23. 2003 and Wednesday. APfll 30, 2003 at 2.00 p.m at HMbour View Elementary School, 4343 Pickwiclc Cude, Hunongton Beach. CA. 92649. Bid, plans. and contract documents arc available at Douglas E. Bamhan, lnc. (ConstrUCUon Man.ager), 3588 Bryan Avenue, lrvtnc. CA 92620. (714) 832-0104 °' 10760 Thommlnt Road, San Diego, CA 92127 (858) 385-8200, aftet·Apnl 21. 2003 and will be av1.ilablc at the job walk for a relllndable deposit of $JOO 00 pct let. payable to OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT, company orca.stucrs checks only (no penonaJ checks or cash will be 1CCepted). For bidders wishing plans to be forwarded to them via U.P.S., an additional ICpm'lte noo-rd\mdabte check. payable to Dou&lat E. Baratw1. loc. in the amounl of$7S.OO per sec foe shipping and handling, wiU be required. Btdden wishing to pick up docwncnta lhall notify John Bcnwdy. Douglu E. Bwnhait. Inc. (858) 531·2010 and should telephone first to eiuurt an adequate number of aeta arc on hand. Pursuant to Cabfomia Labor Code tl773. the Director of the Dcpuunent of Indusfn&I RelllJons of the Swe of Califomsa tw dctcnnincd the gencnlly prevailing rata of per diem wa,ccs for the localiiy ln which the Work is to be petfonncd. Copies of tbcte detenninaoona, cnbtled '1'RBV All.ING WAOB SCAIE' are rnalntainod • lbc ~c:t office and arc available• the foUowina wcba.itc: www,du.g.goy. lt shall be mlftdmtary upon the aucceufuJ bidder to whom &be c:ontraCt ia awarded. llDd upon •Y tut......czctor listed. to pay not 1eu than lbl tpplicablo provailina wqe rMe for the clw.ifiadon ~ lib« provided by their ftiapoctivc wortm in proeecuboo and aecation of tbe Wed. The Ocean View School .[)jllrict bat lnitiMrld and will cofOfQO a Labor c.omptilD"' Prop IDL 1lua project ia funded In whole 0t in plJt with Sl8IO bond furO.. Mid. lt.adaio, ~ District and/or ita deilfpee YiiU be opmdng • 1&bor complianco ptOllW oa dlis projc:a punuant to Labar <:c.tD llC'dan l T1l.7. &ch Bid PtopoaaJ ahaU be ~ by 8id Soc:urity ot d 8cod • llDOllM llOl taa thm 71:N PRaCIHI' (lK) ~ lbe muimum llDOUDt of cbo Bid ....... illdmi"9 ol my edditi,. AlterMltl Bid ....,). Ally b4ddc:r shall DOt wkbdtWW bid pupoMI far a pedod "'llDd)' (90) .,.. ,,,.. cho ..... of bida. . &ell 8id 1IMlll ccafOl"ID 9d bo ..paa.iw only co Iba bid doca:uuD md .-• ia 11 Clldtay ... pnmded by ... OtMrict in. DiMDct ...... die .n.,. IQ ~ my Clf Ill bidl ot IO Ow ID)' lrnpllrr' ar illfmwWKiee in •1 bidl «In .. l!Wilia ....... T ..... Bd. D .• 1>61iri« Sl ... 11••-MW-. 00.. V• Sd9od Dilaia u ............. tr.u ... ,w-~1tf'r Hu~ ,l•tt:"'"'''' ""• t11, d wtth "''" c Mtnh t '"' k of U• '"~'" l cwnh ur I 28 OJ 20034938971 Q,11ty P1lvl l\jJ1 I )\) I/ 74 t00J tt I ., Thursday, Apnl l 7 t 2003 Daily Pilot UptNGllcel .............. .. llpl ...... _ ..... .. ............ "--... 2Mlllpl .................. ............ S......tl M , ,_, .. .. ActlM ... ... the lollowm1 penon has •b•ndnl>td the use of Ult f~'•t!O\IS 811,I• nn1 N1m1: f errwrl Selvlet of Costa Mau, 2148 Ht"W~t Blvd Unit 8, Coste Mui, CA 92627 fhe ric:htiou~ BllSIMSI 111rna 11fe1red to tbove wo filed In Oranc• County on 7 10 98, Fil£ NO 19986764206 M.lflt Auto E11t..-p1i11s, Inc., (CA). 2148 Newport Blvd Unll B. Co1t1 Met.1,CA92617 Thi!!. bu,lnese Ji• con ducted by a corponlJon MJR Al.Ito Enterprises, Inc., Mlc.'hte.1 J Ro1en ~lr•ltn. Pr M . This st1tem"1t wn flied with lht Count~ Clerk ol Orana.• County on 04/04/03 200S69SHIO O•lly P1tol /ulr. 10. 17, 7~ May I. 2003 Th326 flditllla .... ... s ....... The lollow1n1 perM>ns are doona buStness as Apple Promotoons. 3828 S f lowrt SI ~t B. San•• An• CA 9?707 Lisa Sain. 3828 South Fluwe1 Street ~t B. San la Ana CA 92707 81lhr Buenhen. 3101 South f1irv101 Road •83 C\an la Anol CA 'l2704 Roc~v Allen, 16982 8th Str~"' "'11 C., Sunut B~ach. CA 90"'7""4""7 __ _ NOTICE OF PETTTIONTO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: MELVILLE JAMES ELLIS AKA JAMES ELLIS CASE NO. A217473 To all heft, beneflcaanet, Cfe<h>rl, c:Mlngenl mcbn, and ~ v.tlo may OlhelWl5e be intl!fllllli!ld 1n the wiU Of esll1e. Of botl1 or MElVIU..E JAMES EWS AKA JAMESEWS A PETITION FOR PR06ATE nas been t led 0y JACOUEL YNN L ELLIS Ill the Suoei1or Coort ol Calltmia, Coonty ol ORANGE THE PETITION ~ PR06A TE requMts tNt JACOUEl YNN L EWS tie appointed as personal ~ to admtnist« the allale Ol lhe decedent. THE PETITION ~ autnonty to admiMler the est.ate unoer the lndepeodefll Adm1111Slratlon ot E&Ullcle Al.1 (This authonty will allow the ~ r~ative IO take many actoor. wrthoiJt ootainmg COUit approval Belo<e taklrio certaln very lmpol'lan1 ~. tiowever. the pef'90nll r~eseotatlve WIH be reqwed to QM! notioa to interested perlOnl unless they hive waived nobee Of consene.d IO the p<oposed ldlorl ) The M ldepei Ider II admlMlratlOn auctlonty Wll be~ !neat II\ inter"esled l*'900 files an ~ to ttoe petJbOn and shows good CIU9e wtiy .. court shoulcJ not grW1I fie IUSIN£SS & fflWKW UIS-1"t S.....tf M ' rtlU.tf Re-. ........ Tiit tollowln1 per son his eb1ndoned th• use of the Fictitious Busl- neu Hime: Sl•t fl· nancltl. 3300 Irvin• Ave. •120. f'tewport Beac:h, CA92660 The Fictitious BulitllU n•ffle ttferred to 1bove was flied In Oren1e CQUnty on 6·25·02. FILE NO ~907851 New Am1r1c1n RHJ E. sllle Men•cement G1oup, Inc (CA). 3300 Irvine Ave. '120, New· porl Beach, CA 92660 This busineu 1s con- ducted by • corporetlon New American Rnl Estele Maneeement Group, l11c Cr1nt Welker Kine. Prn1denl Thrs statement was hied with the County Clerk of Or1n1e County on 03/28/03 2003'UH72 Dally Polot ~t l , 10. 17,24 2003 Th3JO Index .......... ......... The followl'IC l*'Mfll 11"1 ~buJllMfD a1: 0 A S uter Con• aull•llh, 2 75 MHI Verdi f'·fl06, Cost1 Meu, CA 92626 01111ld Edward 01111111, 2775 Meu Verdi f'·fl06, Cost• .._..,CA92626 $t.ven N&U)'ell, 15400 8el1r1d• St.. '1112. Westminster. CA 92813 This llllMIMu Is c:on· d11cllld by: 1n i"d1vldu11 Hav• you stwlld clolnc buslnns y1t? Yn. 3/V 2003 Donald Denltls This 1t1tement wu f11td wf)h the County Clerk of Ofanr• County on 04/04/03 llOOHHHH Dilly Pilot Apr. 10, 17', 24, May l, 2003 • Th328 ........... .... s...... The lollowln1 P•aons ere doin1 buslneu as; Wooly Bully Products, 237 Pal,,_ Strut. Costa Mui. Californtt 92627 Scott Anderson. 23"7 Palmer Strett, Coste Mesa. Cahlorn1a 92627 Andfu Anderson. 237 Pelmer Street. Costa Mesa. Calrtornta 92627 This business Is con dueled by: a general pat tnenhip Hne you started do.ni: bus1neis yet? Yes. 03/ 02/1995 Andrea Anderson This statement wu filed woth the County Clerk of Oranae County on 03/03/03 200S6HSSN Daily Pilot Mar. 27. Apr 3, JO, J7,2003 TH299 Adltt.sllsii!ISS "-*-' The followina persons are dolna businn s u Johnnie's Towlna. 788 w 18th St , Cost• Mesa. Cehforn11 92627 Johnnie Elhs Godby. 2854 Andros. Costa Mesa, Cahforn1a 92626 Pamela M11y Godby, 28S4 Andros, Coste Mesa. Cahlorn1a 92626 This business 1s con duded by husband and wile Have you s tarted dome business yet? No Johnnie Ellis Codby This 'Statement was foled with the County Clerll o!l>nnte County on 03/25/03 200S6tUS32 Dilly Pilot Apr l O. 17. 2•. May 1, 2003 Th3Jg Fkti!Mls ..... .-s...... The followina persons are doona business as Charle Street. 2015 Chatle Street. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 First Step Hous. ol Or otnge County, Inc (CA), 2015 Ch&rle Street. Cosla Mesa. CA 92627 This buS1ness is con- ducted by a corporahon Have you slarled doin& busmess yet7 Yes, 1967 first Slep House of Onnae Counly Co l1nc1a Menk. Chairman of lhe Board This statement wes hied with the County Clerk of Oranc• Count1 Oil 03/28/03 200)69Ut7• Dally Pilot ,\pf 17. 24. 2003 SERVICE DIRECTORY Poclfk Vl-C••••1I• Crypt. l 1aun1ta Court Srrin• Surround1n11, ""pt1lt.il Cart b 2 L~ Partnert 949 65J 0261 Colledtbles/ MemorabUll 11&0 TOP $$ • •rcous ITC -Cllac. [le. !Os ' 8's Ill Mee. ~. !Ubl .. Mike 949 645·7$0!1 ENTERTAINMENT Clltndlraf &Intl 1310 fQUAllOUm& OWOINm All real t•h• •dv•· "'°"' 1n th11 newspeper •• sUllflM:t 'o the ftdf>fal fH Hou""& Act of IMI a• 1me11ded whlc:h mehs 11 111•&•1 to tdv•t110 °1ny prefer· trice, lllltlhtiOll Ir drscrlmlnthon ~ 011 t fa. CC>Jiili r IOll, II•, hllfd ;,p 1m 111 •tttut Of n.ihot11I ortf.)n, or 111 int nhon tu malo.1 '"' wch "''''"""• llftt1l11 ''""or d1M.r1nilnohon • fhb lltwtP<ll>tt w\11 11111 llnow1n1ly ecnpt eny ldvlf t"em.nt tor 1ul uut• wlli«h It lft llK>laliun of the .. ,. Our I .. if ell •te llt1el11 nf11t1Mf Ultt •II fwell• trip ...wwrtit44 '" ... .. ~ ... , •• y .. .. Ofl M 9C1u•I ~tllftlt; bni. ,. ~of•· crllt!IMtbi DI HOO W • t1eut1iDl>..i•- ANTED TIQUES Old« Style Fumlture l'1ANOS' Col~ . .,.._._ • '"'"" • .._... Oflllll f~ U CASH PAIC> M --~·.,.. .... M BUY ESTATES .............. ~- r COrJSIGNMENTS 1 1586 L..t T<Hrl<K -4/U, Comer Vac:tor1a/P1raons. 1nswers to Todo, needs meds. ._.. 949-8117. OOl1; 7 lA-633-0011 al 471 6-11 -----1110 v .. w111ec-• lt..tltyTVStw.Wt have boolunes fOf 1H tOfl r111ity based IH oar emmln1. It you sine. danc:e, act ., have • pesMc>n IOI basic entertllnlfll. plMSt call 111 TOLL FREE I0).378-7920 ut l037CM ftelMm· lltet £YERYONE IS A STAR .......... ......... Thi toao.-1111 ,.-aons .,. lkiinc kllntat •• · lhtn~ow Con111ltlnc S.¥k.u, 2l54 ""'-Ill~ •103, Cotti Mtu, C.ltfor Rll 92121 Hader ~"'· 2~ HwllCw 11-'. '103, Coste Me11. C.hlornla m26 !<#Ifie Merc9ll c-1. 2354 .. .,._ 11¥d 1103, Coste "'"8, C1hf0tnll 92626 This business le l:Ol\· ducted by· llulbend ll'ld wife Hev• you 5lerted doln1 bUsWlffl Y•t1 Ho Hider l(Okh1vl Thi• stat•m•nt WH llted with the County Cferk of Of•n1• County on<M/04l03 l0036Htl19 Dilly Piiot Apr, 10, 17, 24, May 1. 2003 TllS33 .......... ... s....... The followin1 per sons are dolnc buslntls es: Eltctronlc Sein & Ma•li•lina. 3920 Birch StrHt, Suite 1105, ~;&68ort Buch, CA WCE Martt.tin&. Irie: (CA), 3920 Blfch StrHt. Suote flOS, Newporl Buch. CA 92660 Thrs business is con ducttd by • c0tporeUon Have you sterltd dotn1 business yet7 No ' WCE Marllehn1. Inc .• Shel Wiener, Stcrellry This statement was Med with the County Clerk ol Or•nee Coupty on 03/31/03 2003HH1S1 Oally Piiot ~r 3, 10. 17. 2•, 2003 TH307 RdllM ..... ... s........ The lollowln11 pe1 sons are dome business es: Allanta, 21022 Broolihursl St , Hun t1naton Beac:h. Ceht. 92646 EKJ Inc . (CA). 21022 Brookhursl St , Hun =n Buch, Calif This bus1nen os c:on ducted by an corpore hon Have you started doln1 business yet? Yes, 3/30/ 03 EKJ Inc , Mark L1tsen Pres This stattmenl was IMed w1lh the County Clerk of Ora111• County 01104/04/03 200SHSH18 Oaoly Pilot Apr 10. 17. 24 May I, 2003 Th334 Rt:tflm ..... --~ The lollo 1Vln11 persons are dotn& business as. Red Po1nut11a. 505 C1tnaUon Ave., Corona del Mu CA 92625 lames and She1t1 llaviani, 505 Carnation Ave , Corona del Met CA 92625 This bus1ne\S 11 con ducted by e hm1ted perlnershll) Have you st•rled d0<n& busmen yet1 Yes. 12 I 00 Shetl• Kav11n1 Thi~ <Statement was hied w1lh lhe County Clerk of Dranee County on 04/04/03 200HUtlt• Oaoly P1lol Apr 10. 17. 24, May J 2003 Tll336 .......... ... .... The follow'"• P.aona lie dol!ll bllllAUI H : I) W•letll Pacific RHI bttl• 1n4 Hol'\9 Loem1 ~) Loin l"r oc111h11 Auocllm, 11s1 Aitw•Y Annue •F-101. Costa .._.,CA92626 KlmberlJ KaHll 0.· Broo, 3057 Y11kon Av-, Co1t1 Mesa, CA 92628 Thia bushleu Is con- 4uded by •n Individual "8ve you aterttd dolnt bUlll)HS yet7 Yes, 08· 14.01 Klmkrly Kas•ll D•· Brou• Thia st1tement wu filed wltfl the County Clerk of Oranae County on03/28/03 2_00HHat70 Dally f'tlot •. 3, 10. 17. i4, 2003 TH311 .......... .......... The foltowln& persons •rt dolna business as· Archw1y Salvep Set· vices. 1041 W. 18th St fl08. Coste Meu, CA 92627 Boric elld Salazar, Inc . (CA). 1041 W. 18th St '108, Costa Mes.a, CA 92627 This businus Is co" duded by • c:orponhon Have you started clorne business yet? Yes. 2 1 • OJ Boric 1nd Selazar, Inc , Juus Salazer I President This statement was hied woth the County Clerk ol Or anee County on 04/04/03 llOOSHSH11 Daily Pilot ,\pf 10. 17. 24. May I, 2003 Th3JO Fkfilm .... ... s....... The follow1na persons are doll!& business es. •) Ber fist er Pt oduchons b) Burlster Educahonel Studenl Traon1n1. c) BEST.. 8J3 l/2 E Bay Ave • Newport Beach, CA 92661 P1ul Barry 813 Jn E Bay Ave . Newport Beech, CA 9266 J This bu51nus 1s con ducted by en 1nd1v1dual Have you stetted do1ni: business yet' Yes. ~/ 87 Paul Barry This st•temenl wn fli.d with the County CIMk ol Onna~ County on 04/01/03 200SHS928S Daily Pilot ~r J 10 17. 24, 2003 TH303 ,.... ..... ... s...... The lollow1na person$ are do1n11 buslnes~ n Mor l&•&• Advisor Nel work. 24263 Rur o., C1u1um, L"1un1 N11uel. CA92677 Lender l 1ve Networ k, Inc . (TN), 4500 Cherry Creek Drova South #200, Clendale. CO 80246 Thia business 1s con ducted by e c:orpor<1hon Heve you started doma business yet? No Lenderl1ve Network Inc • Richard R Hoktlaw Secretary This statemenl was ltled with the County Clerk of Oranae County Otl 03/19/03 200SH47714 Dally Pilot Apr 17 24. May J, 8, 2003 Th351 ...... ..... ...s...... Tht follow n1 pw sona we dolftl bu11neu " t.end 2 U Morl1•e•. Soultl Co11t DJ. Sult• 220, Co.ti Mn.. CA 9262$ Marl\ Boyd Bold! Jf .. 19958 ~It Ave , Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 W11tiurn Malone, l9958 ~I• An., Coal• Mee1, CA92627 This business Is con· duct ltd by: co--partnlf'a H•ve you sttrted dolr'I business yet? Ho M1rli Boyd Boldin& Jr This stalemant wn filec! with lhe County Clerk of Oranae Courity on 04/01/03 ' IOOH9Hl06 Dally Piiot /lf>r. 3, 10, 17,24,2003 TH304 The followln1 peraons are doma busmen n ; The P1w Spa, 2090 Loa••· Newport Stach. C1hfor nl• 92660 Jo·Ann Dee K1lstame 11-. 2090 Loal•. New· potl Beach, Calolorn1e 92660 Dino Pete. Kals11mt hs. 2090 lo111••. l'fflw· port Beach, Cehlornoa 92660 Thos bus1rness Is c:Otl dueled by husband and wile Have yoo started doma busmess yet' No Jo-Ann Dee Kotts1 ameths This sl.ttem1:1nt was tiled with lhe County Clerk of Or a nae County on 03/03;03 200S6USSU Dally P1lol Mar 27. "4>1 3. 10. 17, 2003 Th285 fktltiM l4nlMss "-S........ The following per sons are do1ni: busor1n' as World Mortaaae Con sullanl' 'HS Anion Blvd , Costa Mesa CA 9262f> Josephine C Sewell. IS09 [ 8Jlbn.i Blvd Newpor I 8<"a< h CA 92661 This bustn~s\ is con ducted by an ond..,dual Hne you 't•• led do1n1 bustnes• yet' Ye\ 03 01 OJ Jonphine G Sewell Thi\ Sldltme nl WU hied wolh the County Cler~ of Ot an1e County on OJ ·28103 200S69SH7S Deily Pilot ~1 J 10 17 24 200.l THJl"> FkffM luslleu "-S...... l he ff\f1(1 "'1ni: per ~orts ate do1n11 bu .. nen ;n Payroll S~rv1cn Group/ Na11ons Sl•lltn& 1768? Mltrhell No S111tr 2Q2, Irvine, CA 9?614 Ap ollo lnd11slo1.,~ Int <NVI. 17682 M1lchell No Suite 202. 11 Yine. CA 92614 Tht\ bul!ne~s os con duded by a corpo1•lton HavP you started dom1 bu\ineu y~t, No Apollo lndust11" Int Pholhp S Curley Pre\1 dent Thos \t•lem~nt wn loled woth th@ County Clerk of (Jr1nae Caunly on 04 01 OJ 200369392'6 D11ly Pol01 Ai>• J 10 17. 24 lOOJ THlOI ...... .... ......... Tiit foiloVrlllf pertoN If e doiftt llutlnMI .. •> ............ ~) Al>lt ltllln Cvtter Cllt1n1111 AM R .. lr, c) Metroe>Olttlft, 501 Mth Slt .. I, ""' llOf t lel'h\ CA 92M3 R P Finley Inc,, 801 36th StrMt, NtWpoft G11ch, CA 92tl6J 1'1111 bua NU la ~ · ducted by; I COfpofltlon Have you sterted doln& buslneu Ytt? Yn. Jill 141999 fl P-Flnlly Inc., Peter R Zotovlch, Prtsldent This atetemint wH fli.d with th• Co11nty Cllt'll of Orenc• County on04/0l/Ol 10016Ht214 DaflJ Piiot •. 3, 10.. 17,24,2003 Ttt302 IOJla Of APNCA'llOI fOIW•OWI .. OfAUGIOUC • ..-1ms1 ... .......... 1 Aprtlt• To Whom It May Con· c•n· The Neme(a) of the Appllcent(s) ls/ire: MOMNORAlA. The •Pt>lk•nta listed above •r• ~ylnc to tht Dep1rtment of Alcoholic Bntr•I• Control to sell alcoholic bevera1n 11 1880 MONROVIA AVE, COSTA MESA, CA 92627 Type of hcense(s) •PC>hed lor 41 ON· SALE BEER AND W1N( EA TINC PLACE Publlshed Nt wpor t Buc:h Cosll Mesa Daily Piiot April 17, 2003 Th348 Th• tollowln& persons are dolna business H : Patina Antiques, 3001 Redhill Avenut Bid&. I l Unol #106. Cost• Mesa. CA 92626 Fmn 0 Olsen, 4577 Rolbury Ro1d. Corona Del Mer, CA 92625 ThlS bui.1n11os os c:on dueled by an tnd1vldual Hav• you 1l1rted do1nc business yat7 No Finn 0 Olsen This stalement wu hied with the County Clerk of Oranae County on03/28/03 200S6H .. U Oelly Pilot Apr 3, 10, 17 24 2003 TH3J' ......... ... s....... Ill• foltow1n1 penon1 ar• do1na bu,.ness es S Star Clnnen. 121S B•ktr St , Costa Mes.. CA 92626 Chien V le. 12698 Dale Streel, Carden Grove. CA 92841 lh1s busmes1 1s c:on dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you sterled doone bu11nes1 yeP Yes. Marc:h IJ, 2003 Choen V le Tho\ \tatement w11 loled wt th the County Clerli. of Or1n1e Counly ono3nt/03 200SHUOS7 D11ty P1lol M6t 27. A{)t 3. 10. 17. 2003 lh288 Ac-.. .... ... s...... How to Place A CLASSIFIEIAD By Fax !949) 631-6594 1"'-cWrJOS- ....... ..i. .. "'·1a1,,,_w,... ..... I By Phone (~91642·.56 78 By Ma il/In Person: HO Wtst 81y Stn:et C'O\U M~ CA 92627 "1 \t11.J'C)rt Blvd cl 81y St JEWBJIY/ -DWJONOSI PRECIOUS METALS C-te.i.t ....... MIW i..n.r-• ...._ Dapd with ~ pllrwq by ~ buldl!n '-"-l..ocMad c.i ovw1mld lot lli.~49,000 & $1,179,uw ,,t. BJ .lilflneoll 949-421-0132 Old Colnsl Cold, 111'1.,., ..._ ~ 2Br l'/a =.:r~~-= ...., ...... liDrlCI lo "' '-!ti. l.ocal*1 on h Cits 3111 Sout.-" POt. Mf9Jm *"" MMwl. Coedll ~-... s --'/• ~ 9&758-0177 •-otd f1melt needs new homt Cuddly Lep CHINO SOOMI Cat C.11 714-901-8844 C...-C.-... _ (I I l 0 I <O.Ul\M MMTY Mt 7ff..0177 WT SIOf 282 E BAY St 39tt 28A 8e1u ws tom 11ln0Cliel °" a quiet St 17SJ,OOO BY OWMR '°" Af'PT TO VIEW CALL MICheel 949-ZJO 7633 a.r ... ...._~ ........ bllh. mvir.+ ~ ltr2D Ctourdl SI, .. al5 ClllDIClll ,_lllTAT1S PATllU lOCMtl ur-•••M t<ff~M·t7•' ·-erldi-a cOl'll ....... I lours: -Tckphonr 8.1&n--5~ Mond1y·Fnday Wilk In 8 . .lOlm·S~ Mondly-Fnday •.a.ii. "-s-•• f'..ti Specious lurnlShed lb1 Iba. n•wly remod I& covered patio comm pooVctub house VERY LOW RENT SJl ,000 By o .. ne< 949 644· 1852 A lfAUTIRA Rasidlttce Mlbe~U. sprq. 58r S.!i8e with 1 -.derful ftowtne floor plln. Sl.J!IO,<XX> Mid\1111 Brlr*111111. Conllint Realty • 0#1 FOJO •OAO LWIJdt Balboe Model, 3100st, 48t 3 58•, :x. ... ~ y11d. ,, .. t foe. -p.wk 11.350,<XX> aet O.ece 9&)t7 90J4 NIMllSTATIS rATIKll TTit04U NAnotfWIDf. USA t494St-t70S -w ptlrlclitanor• com oaMROfllT , ... OaAM vtlW $•H.900 AOT t4t·HS..1tU LmO ISU HCMHS J4AVAllAIU AOT te•·ITA·IOH lllllllltCOlll •TUSTIN MUS Local8d on one of tht most "-Jtllul ~ SIC streets "-" '*"°'° • pocl home offwJ • ..,.. ,,_ .,... peboe _. lot.II prlncy. Offered at 11.17!..000. .. Liii c. er-tllbll 7l4-4i65-n21 HOMESFOA SALE RIVERSIDE COUNTY l .. lCUlA WW.I COUNftY MIA Kr•tM Vitti, 702 1/2 .._, i&Old A!!:J_ Co!' one dtl .._.CA 1ll9D Tiiie ~.-... .. C:Ofl· Hctecl ~ "' lftdMOUal Hllve ,.., .urted dolnt IMIU-.r-tf ... l<rttt• Vitti Thia atat.......-t wes flted with ttM c~mty Ctenl of Or111te Coun'' on 03/21J03 JOOMtSN67 b111Y f'llot ...... 27. •· 3, 10, 17. 2003 th293 ........... ... -.... TIMI foltowln1 pet'SOllS .,. dolnc buslneu 11: Ivy Rou Cottace T11 Room. 810 Eltctrlc Ave., s .. 1 B•ech, CA 90140 D•nlelle Bo11ill• Arlin· Ian, 936 W. Ulth St. I03, Cute Mew. CA 92621 Tllb bustneu Is con· dueled by: en lndMdual Heve you steJted dolnt buslnus yet7 Ho Da1delll 'Bonilla Artln1911 Thia at•ttment was fifed with UM County C!erli of Onfll• County Oii 04/IM/Ol IOOl6HH21 D11ty Piiot Aft# 10, 17. 24, Mey I, 2003 Th331 ...... .... .......... The t0How11tc persons lfe doin1 business as: Hyperon Software, 1613 Wlnterpeen PL. Cost• Me111.CA92626 Martin Dowd, 1613 W111terv11n Pl.. Cost• Mesa.CA92626 This business is c:on · ducted by. an individual Have you st••ted cloin1 business yet? No Muhn Dowd This al•lemenl was hied with the Cou11ty Clerk of Or anae County on 03126/0l 200J6HM21 D11ly Pilot Apr 10, J 7, 24. M•y 1. 2003 Th338 Ac-.. ..... ... s..... The t0Uowln1 perSOfls ere dotn& busineu es Iron Oarsman, 440 E 17th StrHt. Costa Mesa. CA92627 Xeno R Muller. 375 Bay View Ter , Costa M4i111. CA 92627 This busin.ss is con· ducted by an indlvldu1I Have you st.-ted doin& buStneu yet' Yes. 02/ 15/03 ...... .... ... ...... The follow"'S ..., sons .,. 4eifll boltllllU 11: THE BODI( ST()ft[, 130 1:. 17111 St. St. L. Costa ..._,CAta21 llf•clfOtd WayM Wll llOlt, lf42·A ~le11def Dr., Ccl$ll Mae, CA 9262' ll\11 bus!MQ la ct11 · ductff by: an ln4ivldull Have you stertecl cloMa btnlnau yell Y .. , May 1992 Bredford W Wlhoo This state"*1t was filed with tilt Cou11ty Ct.rli of Orence County 011 Olt/08./03 200Sff4014& Dally Pilot 10, 17, 2.4, Ma l, 3 TH323 rte-.. ... .......... The followll'll persona •r• doln1 bulllnesa u Donald fl. W"d lnVHI· rnenb, 2110 Newport Blvd. fl, Cost• Mesa. CA92627 0-.ld R. Werd, 2110 J'Mwport Blvd fl, Cosll Mesa, CA 92'27 This business Is con ducted by en lnd1vtdual Have you starttd doln& business yet? Yts 3/19/ 03 Donald R Wlfd Thia statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Df•nee County Otl 03/2 l /OJ 200S6ts1MO Daily Pilot Mar 27. "4>r 3. lb, 17.2003 Th291 MIM..._ '-S...... The followlne persons are Ooln1 busmen o Ryan Community Con sultants, 635 Spnna brook N. Irvine. CA 92614 Nancy Ryan Prosser. 635 Sprinat>roo~ N. ltv1ne, CA92614 This business os con dueled by an lndlvlduel Have you st•rled doma business yet1 Yn. II/ 97 Nancy Ryan Prouei This statement wn hied with lht Counly Clerk of Oranee Counly on 04/04/03 200HtsH17 Dally Pilot ~r JO, 17 24, M1y I . 2003 ThJ35 .......... ... s...... X.no Mullet T111s statement wes The follow1n1 persorn hied with the County are dotn11 busmns u C I f IUGeb for Safe c:om o!"~~•nre County 3500 Greenville St Cl9 20016tU974 Santa Ana CA 92704 D11ly 1"1lot Apr 3. JO. Darrel R r er1uson 17 74 2003 TH316 3500 S. Grtenv1lle St · 'Sant• Ana. CA 92704 fldMm..... TlllS busmen I\ con ... S..... ducted by an 1ndlvtdu•I Heve you sler ted do•n1 busineu yet? Ho The followin1 persons are dotnc business •s C lush. 255 B Road••)' St . Coate Mau. CA 92627 Charin lu~h. 255 8101dw1y St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This business IS c:on ducted by: an lndlvtduel Heve yo..i slal'tad dotnt buslfleaS yet1 Ho Charles lush Th1!1. 1talemtnl wu hied with thtl County Clefli of Ofanc• County on 03125/03 200Htsas~ D••ly Pilot Apr 17. 24, May l . 8. 2003 Thl49 c..~.-.. ~..,...,. Darrel R F er1uson This st•temenl was filed with lhe County Clerk of Orenae Counly on03al/03 200HHM>78 D•1ly P1lol Mao '17, ~pr 310,17,2003 lh289 Re-.. ..... ... s...... The lollow1ne per 'Min' ate dotn& bustnen •~ Ruby Sloy T echnoto11t• 2140 £ Ocean Bl•d Newport Beach CA 92661 Ktishe K Harce. 1140 E Ocean Blvd • lilewpor I Buell, CA 92661 Thea bus.neu " con duc1!!d by an md!vtdMtl Hin yull slarttcl dutnt bUllMD yetf ftto K11the K. HWlllf Thll sltltltl*nt wn filed with tile Counly Clerk of Ofen&e Co11111y on04/04/0J IOOJ6Htl07 0.11~11. ... 'lali.,.......)11, lliltS...... lilt l0How1n1 peuon• 11 t d<)1n1 bu\llllt' •• nawcan yon1r •Ph 1c • 2220 '(Isle Do11do Newport B11ch C•h IOtflla 9264i() Robtrt W Wolfe. 21?0 Vista Ooredo, N1w11or t Buch, C11llfor nit 92660 This b'usloen "' con ducted bW en lnd1v1du1I Hive you i li.11 led dntn11 buslne11 yet? No Robe1 I w Wolfe This statamenl wa• flltd with Ille Counly Clerk ol Or1nae County on 03/11103 200HUH60 D11ly Pilot Mar 21 Apt 3, 10. 17. 2003 lh/8J Rt-.alwiltu ...s....... The lollow1111 Pf'nons ere dOtnl bU\lrW!\\ "~ C 0 Aulomullvt JOlll M<1n1lob1 S111t• An~ CA 9?704 feltx Martm~t l'HIJ PlilCenll• An •6 '> Cos la Me\I CA 9'1t.ll Hus b1n1m••• 11 • un Jucted by •n 11nl1•1<lu•I H•v• you \IMtrd dn'"' bll"Oe\\ yet' Nil r eha M~1 l1111ot Tho~ sl•l,.no.111 .V.I\ hlf'd with 111, l"11011tv Cl1rk ol 01 •n1t• l """' v on 04/04/01 200SHS9108 D11ly P1lul ""' lll I 1 ?4. May I ?OOi lld1' RctltlM~ .._s......_. lh~ f(lfltt .. llllo( I"''"" a1 e do1n1 hu,uu •' 1 l •w l 1b1 •• ( ,,.,.,. • 244"J l•11dhMll llrt•• Cn'\t~ Mf'\a r.A ·~ "'~ 1h Cht1\I••""" I 1 .. 1brl•1 K111\ 144 I I • dh•lll Onve, c,,. t.t M,. ···' A 9/67+, f h1.-. bU\Ht .. \'\ a t 1 I dllt t,.d by ·•" 1r11t1v11tu ti ft•ttt you '\t..utc,t ''"'1•• b'''""'\' Y"'f' ,,. l I 01 Chr>slo•n• "" ~ fh1\. 't 1tt-n1ttnt hll'd with Ill• I Clrr~ ol Or••• • nn 04 04 <tlJ 2003'tsta1s 011ly P1lul A11 ~4 May I /fl<J < ... u.ml'f ~ 11u1 I , II 11 lhtl'• Nohe• t hNt-ti, It''~..-·• lh•l IM "''d"''"''\'''" t w1U hf" "'Id ..ii µuM" f\11 t1! '' un May I '!JUI 1.11v111, S<hol .. u \ Mutt lnr,,.,,. 19'>7 Nrwp.11 I HI••' l-<>~I• Me"-' c ~ 11,'t./I <949Jbll jiJ•j #70 !<J b I •ri II ll~&J(lf HOU\•hllld lltlll'\o •li t 201'1 • ''" '"' Raile y Uuu,t111hu1tt I''""' l ,tndlu'd ,, •• ,.,,, \ lh,.. ri1hl tu bod •I \oll• 1\I unly ~1th• ,.., •.uh1•1. I , t •nt. tfl thuu m lh, ,.v,..ol nf \rtUfltt• .. nt '•'"'°•" l•ndklrd .tnd r Mt ~•f .. rt pa1t1 St•tVlllj( ~ h ol•r M1111 Stot•I(• Publo• hrd N""" ••I 6ea~h Cn\IA M•\ fl 1 1, f'1lnt A11111 'I I~ l001 "' ""' SEU -----Policy----- Rales and deadlines are subject to change w1thou1 nou cc TM publisher n:serves the right to censor, ~lass1fy. rev1:.c or rcJclt any clanified advertisement. Please report any error that muv be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot illwph no liability for any error tn an ldven.iKmenl for which 11 ma~ be responsible except for the cost of the pace actually nHup1\•d by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fir,, m~ni<•n -----Deadlines---- Mooday........... . ... Friday S:OOpm 1'1aday ... Monday S:OOpm Wednesday......... .. Tue3day S:OOpm Thunday ·····-··· Wednc3day S:OOpm .... TMYTowm 2 ... trwll ....,.,, ~. lit, -. '*"· ....... on l•J, llw/dlll r 111 lll*S4 Oltt& Sl"1!VIN> MN1Ml•·~-- Fnday Suurday Swiday - Thun..LI\ '\ Otlpm I ncLl\ \ O!lprn fnd.t~ \ oorm IAY,.OffT OH llOO P£NINStJtA NIWHr 2h <OnAOIS Pr1v1tt Bt1eh PIK•I 1nd Sp .. W<1lli to Oct1n Shopt •nd R11tl1ur anh l ••\t 6/mo 2 yr • Boat Shp Av11l•ble 710 UOO PMllC DI. 949 67 3 60JO or !M9 123 !)8JO • YIAJIU' • UAHS BILL GRUNDY lit~ IORS ...... 7J-'1'1 01ily Pilot Th1KM11y, Aef'Jl 171 ml IS •Bridge TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE TtlUslbo.t YOUR GWGEWEI 11 ClASSIRED (949) 642-5671 JOIN QUR TEAM and mlka e dlfferonce. In tho C.lltornl• Almy N•tlonel Cuard you ctn ae.t IJ'Ollaj IOJ cotle.. aQd c111eer tl••mna. Cd l · 100 -GO -CUARD . (CAl•SCAH) a.-......... , u U5k, ... IC., .... pw, ...,._ -*Y •m. ut, -oof. i-<;ond, pip ~ 714.~252.Scel ACu.A llelND lS 'U 81 PoWW, euto, kltv96f, 1111r, cd pleywr, new., tlr"· 1Jht cond l6500 O.rs. 9il9~9771 °' ..... 714·389 979' ,..,... 'ff 44 Q-'fro 2.8 '16, 29k ectu•I ml, auto. 59wklln1 red/er•'/ llht, mnrl, CO, looll1 & smells new Y45672 I Sl7 ,995 llnenclna evell. Bkr t4t-sa•-•••• _..,...I.COM CADa&AC CAnaA "91 6 cyt, et, IC, lthr, l/p#I, sunroof, extended wwr Sl0,500. S62-H7-71SS C..-c.tw. 'H B . MetallK Bur1andy Red. Oatm .. t lthr, Chrome Whffls Beautiful «le condition. $1,995 vin572412. 949 586 1888 -.ecpe1o1.c- awy.tor~C...... JX '00 l7K. Y6, Metallic IJffft, Grey Int, Black top, Beautiful ltke naw eondltlon S 10,995 vinl72412 949-586· 1888 -. ..-w.c- DODGI MIOM '2000 SO.+ mi, IOOI( fee w•tr. 5 sp, blua. arey lnl trto1 •m·fm ed. bml orpi cand . $fB'j """ ftn _. Biil VM579Z 9&586-1888 -····- STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • NlWPOKT AUT070RT 949-574-5600 IMWUOCX"ot ~WMal 8tec:t IOll ..._ Al Optiofa (1191262) $4!1,400 hit-v-.w "U ~l0Mim18e, The f nt On The 8todl (500150) '",.soo ferrwtJSS 5 W AStMI (\10620) Sl09 ,......"''" T.tn li.sbo IK M1t. Al ()ptlOns Gowlc fut (685686) SI 19,500 fenwtlUTS '8t Red/Tan 20( Mllw A <:rut Buy Oniy ~9.500 (082609) 'i;'r ~uralPl&t PC~ Available (f46852) Only $44.500 • _.M-'02 Rad(8Jedl l5K lllltn. 'iW'J Hsd lo Find Must See (CXX>l7l) $34,58) M.I? SUS 'OJ Sllvs/Astt IK ~. Peno Roof, NA Opbons. Wont l~t (035719) Sl49,500 IMW 760U~ ~l.adl 15 w.s Very limited Produc· llOn C. 8uy T odily (1<10'2!i6) SIJ8.500 ttart.yO-W.-'02 Classi.. WMe/Black Only 26 M·I~ 1609167) 'Prll»d Rietit Sl8,'i00 NEWf>OAT NJ roSPORT t49-S74-S600 SEU your unwanted J!!!!!.S throuah clnsllied The l..ri11I Department 111 the IJ111/y !'dot iJ puaJed to announce a nn1• ur111u now ava1/abk to new businmn. ~ wiU now SEARCH the flilme for you at 1io extm charge, and raw you the ri~ 11nJ tlN trip to tlN Court HUUH in Sant11 Ana. Thm, of course, aftrr thr 1t11rch is compkttd we wiU fik your ficritiow bwinns name statnnmt u111h thr uunty Cini. publish Ol'ICl a wult for four weelu llJ rrquirrd by law and thrn fik your proof of publuation with tht uunty Cl.ult. Pkase sUJp by IQ fik your fictittous businm rrainnmt 111 the Daily P1w1, 330 W &] St. CMta Mna. If you canMt stop by. pkase c11U ur at (949) 642-432 I anti U't wiU makt 1U111ntt'TM11ts for JOU IQ haruik this proadurt by 111111£ If JOU shtnt/J haw any fartlxr qimtions, pkase caU w anti ~ w1U br morr than :lad"' IWJSt JO"-Good !JJClt m JO"' nnu lnuinas! C•hfwnja I.• w r • qulr• thet conb ec ton Ul'"t lot>• thet total S500 or "* • (labor or m•t•iab) be bnMd by IM Contractors Stele lkoRM Board St•I• low abo reQ\Wu that contnctor s Include their lkonte number on II advottJslnc YOll CM dlock tha st•tan o f 1our llconHd contractor e l -•.c1lb.n aov or 900.n1 CSLB. Unll· ce,.ao4' eonlractore hlllna lob• that tot•I to11 lll•n $500 ''""' 1tet• In thaw a4'vort1Mment• tllet tf'lt'I •• not llc•n••• h ~ Contrectore Stet• l~ Bosd . Daily • Wol\Wta • Custom Bultt Ins, Crown Moldlnp, Base Boards l "5 7791112 949-709. 5641 C.,.. Repalt/$11a 'tr<AlttlT~CAU'IT~ Rapeln, Patchin&. Install Courteous tny alza )obs. Whot.salol 949-492...0205 C.....&Maacny Mdtla.d!S'-9fle Concnte. P•llo, on-ny fln1ptc, 880 ltef""L 25Yrs l •e T•? 114 557-7594 ~ Pilot I 0 YOUllMOMI &IU'tlOVl.Mttn nOJKT'f Call a plumt>.. pa1ntlf, handy-n, or eny of the 1net s.ervic.:es ltsled her• 1n our setvlce dlroct0<yl THESE lOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HUP YOUTOOAYI ••1Ww• ....... -lewns, la-Aerat1n1. Spunk*'· T~ .,._ Spr1n1 Tune ups Rep•ln • Uparades .. H•r• uJ de 1our Dirty Wor•M 714-71S-H21 lltlHflfttKI lllWIOt IUUl'WUl a UOUISITL. • .._..,_c_ ...... ,_... ......... .._,_.,... 949-SIS-UH U•1al n1 1f1A a CHto• aa•o•u A•e Hst•• Al l TMOlS, JO VlAltS DI". L•l37169 Mt t.Jl ·2345 .. . ' ADUTDG&~ U~77181141-7ot 5642 Cl 001 sn. 'MR BL IN OMAN c By CHARLES GOREN with OMAA StWQF and TANNAH HIRSCH 11".CJIN-iQUE PAYS OW Bolh "ulncrable. We-t de8J1, NORTH ~ S1m1Wty, N•lf1h would not he ..tu out ot the autuon Wllh IWO *-1: llDd fivc-ard ~ppan for die Wll ID wtudl pinna ~m:alleJ, anJ bid (OUt ~ 11 a two-way 'lhnl II mi&br makl or it couJd be a clap ucnra apna four hc;irt WHST • v..d 7542 K 72 •••• 765 Al 6 A91 •75 •A K J IO tl SOUTH •AKQJ4 2 "7 K Wcir-1 coTioct.ed thc ._1n1 llllJ ICC ur clubl and U.flled en 1 tan. "'00 per f<>f'U In the cto.cd l\lllld The problem wai. IO hold lhe dwnood lolen. It) one Thi Wiil> complicak:d by lhe fa.;t Chat We41\ upenill(f btd and Jump to aame in ~am almost ccrwrdy maru:d ltwN defender Wllh lbc kJQi. Declarer found a nor way out of !he Q HJ •64 ~dd~ F.ABT SOlrfJI imc. drew IWU ruundi of tnl!llJl', endina in dummy. 1k ace of hcatt' was Qsbcd for 11 diamond djieatd and a heart ruffed h1Jb \lnppcd that SWI from boch decJ~\ fl.and and dummy. A ttump IO lhe ten provided the enll)' tu the Lltbk ru lc<ld the c 1&)11 uf ~ F~t 'o'cml de..epovc ly wilh the Jack. NI dc:darc1 Wll.\ not to he deflected frum hu radmt. ol the po.ltloo E.a."1 wic. ILlluwcd to buld the in.:k.. S1oct .i he;irt ..x dub "'ookJ allow a ruff-\luff. ptrm11un1Soulh10 ducard 1 dwnond from c1lhcr hand "'hilt ruffing m lhe other. f.a,1 "'~ forced IO return a In"" d1.unund Declarer rou.n ... ed 10 .. and the con tf'IC1 wa~ home "'hen Wc\t, .. , upeclCJ. prodlA:cd lhe l1n11 .. ,_ ·~ ... ..... Jl"l •• ... ,_ Opcoin& lead· Kin& of • If Ihm: " one gtfl experb ~' tha1 scu them apen from the average player. It IS judgmtnt. Add d\111 IO 50UQd l«fwque and it coofen I 000- \lderable .tV1ntage The b1ddmg was 50Ulld aU around. ()a.pile bavmg • minimum Openin,s btd m lenR\ of point count, West \ dJ\Ulbu.tton ga~-e lhe combined hold- ing ccxwderJble trick-taking abtliry. and lhe leap co four beam -good 90CM _AllD_m_ice_wt __ _._ BOAT REPAJRS/ -. ._ ar-1 a-.-SERVICES 6cyl, 2 wd, 3Q actual NEW ml Mitt r.ooPER 'BRG' Leather & Preawm ~G. LEASE FOR i1~~ PER MONTH • lAX I At Thest Terms On /wMI Ctei*t ·• m1, s1lver/1rey Int. •••••••• elloys, fabulous like new unmarked cond. 4 year w.arr -.1. v7!i1121 Sl.3,9915 f'nn Blw. 949-586-1888 www.e cpelol.c•• UIK9liio '02 .._._.. .. 30k ml, full fact w1111. sliver sand/tan lllV, CO slicker, chtonM whls, utra seal, v672518 S27,995 hrm, fin & w•r nail Bkr 949-586-1888 _...,...._,_ .... , ..... 'tt U20 LWB 5211 m1, 3 'f' warr an1I, s1lver/hlk llhr. BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ l.JUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 tin SUP AVA.LULi IM MIWPOlll HACH $2SOOLUSI 949-SOO.. IOOS •a-~eal loca 11on1 13' I ti beam, leflath unltrnlt.cl, '" Bay b!and Co-.• • 949-922-7777 beaut °'11 cond, .a7!i2• 1 S£ll S25.495 flnanc:int avail 8kr 949-586 1888 ,. ... ,.;:-:.;t•:;r.,_. ~ .. ~_ OTilRAT SM.NI SAW«iS! "' Wiii ~ °"' ;::::========================================:::;==================~ •· • 98¢ S3780 due at s1cn1ne 48 mon1JI cloud end lene no security deposit I 09\ miles per yur [ acess miles c@ 20¢ p., mile (Tc.42279} •· ITTSt.«lT~ IT'S Flli •••••••• S5FRE£WAY@ £IlfaR SANTA NIA AIJTO MM.l. (888) 823-9808 De .... 'ti Voy~. 7 pau, wh1te/crey int, pvt &l•u. 1•••1•d, non/ ~mkr. hlle new cond v4!>7275 ~995 Bkt 949- ~ 1888 WWW ocpa0o com ,_. XU y_, "97 15 pass., • lnl c.ond. am.llm/CGS/cd. ~dvd. 2 ta--.s Slo.ax>I obo 96722 1247 aft. 5 J...-00 XU C-. On Meblic Red, T .n ltlw rrrt T .n top. ed. ful fact WWT. fant:Mlc .. ,.,. or~ cond. Saw S3!iK $37,!J!l> r., ..., ... vinMl3010 949-5116-1888 _ ...... _ lllP CHDtOUI '94 WMe cherry condition. 1 owner $60()() JWlvate p«ty 949-722-1353 -·""".,._~ Ire$. SUDl. 9t9 64469119 ,.,_ c...lm ... B. "'_. ~ orw -. n.ns.,. -~ Ins. SlD. 949~ AllT-..a.ES, MISC8J.MEOUS BOATS 1515 13ft61it ...... WWw SICk consote stw1nc. -40 HP ovtllo1td mot« Used 1n frnn waler dnt cond' Treller 1ncld SJllOO/obo 949 675-4606, 800 247·8209 21 n . OUffT IOAT 16 a.a... 48 I/di. ~ ,_ wnlowi. dlll1 • new! Sl5,IXll 818-612~ MSSIYAMMf'S ,.,,.,,.,.,. #'fOM.ISf .......... ,., .. lA YrsHps-111 ...... ~ 111 r .......... ..,. .. .. ,. ..... ..... '"Employee . ., '"Empleado. " '"A rbeitnehmer. .. · '"Employe. ,. NO llAlTER •YOUSAYR, CL.USllEI CM Fmrr. ..... a. 1 .. 1q·4 c,.,,,,, •• .._..,. ~a-....._.. Wkly/Bl wtilr/Monlhlr c..,..,.,.,. now ..... ~. lloonl ~. ltef's. Gteot rat•' lme6cM loaf rf!fs. IMi Ill/wt. al l'atcfu111 Reasonalllet ~ 9&2714137 949 112-4620 lean tnsg 7l4-92MW ID4-0e7pr . ' Mldlita G.llbr9d in. dln-t 3)j, -. "'7cl -114-44t~l4l ,_ .............. OtJrw-.. l* --.. -~ ,. • --tlDl'9 by --,.. 91Ml2-l'Ot .......... IUT •ovrn $59 /ttr unrlfll aH cit-. Insured fHI, c-'-•· careful. Tl 13144 ICJO. 246-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE lha Callf l"ulllle Utll1lle1 CommiuJotl requlru Ulet ell uMd llo1nehold 1ood1 ll'Oven print their I' U C. Cal 1 nu ....... limn an4 dMHl"-s prh1t tlleit T .C.I', --In •• ......,_ """'"9fttL " '°" ...._. "''~.-it Ille leaahty of • 11t•vtr, 11111• or ~.tall ~ ....... CO"-I .,, ..... , '99VWJETIA CD, PNI, P/l., Loaded 4137164183 '9995 '99 DISCOVERY II '00 DISCOVERY II VS, Leather, Dual Sun Roofs CERTIFIED 41191241211 '22.995 '01 DISCOVERY SE VS, Uhr, Dual Sun Roofs CERTIFIED 4092/723223 '25,995 '02 DISCOVERY SE WE NEED YOUR "TRADE Ill PAID FOR OR IOTI f I