HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-23 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• • a1 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2003 Council turiis Off TBN's outdoor cameras . . City Council forces Trinity Christian Center to apply for special permits to broadcast outside a few times a year. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Be careful what you aslc for. You may get what you want. which is not reaUy what you want. Trinity Olristian Center learned that lesson the hard way Monday when the City Council agreed to decide whether Trinity could broadcast outside on a regular basis instead of following the Plannmg Commission's recommenda- tion to delay the decision for nine months. Unfortunately. for Trinity, the answer wa:. Mno.M The council voted unanimously to prohibit Triniry from getting a permil 10 broadcast outside on a regular basts. The center can still apply for '>ptcial evenl permits to broadcast ou1-;1dc a few 1irnes a year. Nearby r~idents who have mm plamed repeatedly about Trinity\ m- com.1dera1e behavior aud cavalier alll ludc toward them rejoiced at the new:.. ''I'm elated with the decision." ... aid !>ta<.)' Schofro "J am hopeful thJt 11 {lran ... tatesl into -.ome peace behind o ur honw ... Aul after six years. I gue.c.s tha1 el<1tton comes with some hesitaucm to be completely overjoyed bet·au'>e we QUESTIOH ? Do you egrw. with the Cott. Mesa City Council's decision regarding the • Trinity Christ!M Center7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-ro86 or send e-mail to da1/ypilot.@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. JU'>I have to a&.ume that ... tht· other '>hoc alway-; drops." John Ca.c.ona. who represent'> 1hc ccn- 1cr and pleaded 11s ca-.e before city offi· c.1ah. did not return calt-. for commenl Trinity had appealed the Planning C .ommission'l> March decision 10 delay a del'l'>ion on the pernut for nine monlh1> to give the center a chance 10 t rcate an operation.., managemenl plan and .. how it could comply with 11 But 'lrintty chafed at the mm• month probation period. Before it l1ttd rnrn pleted th<.· operating plan, II filt·d 1h1· appeal in an attempt to exped•ll' a Ul'1 1 '>IOn by the rnun nl. £hat de1 l\lon ended up 1.ik111g 1lw neighbor.,· complaml'> lo hean w11h \\'.o familiar word-.. UIRegulc1r tJUtdoor broad<.a-.1111g t.1111·-. not comply \\Ith thl' mu111up;u t odl' h1 cau1.e tt ''not harmontoU'> and 1 ompt1l ible (with 1lw netghborhuodl. C num ti man (,ar) \Ion.than '><lid fhe c:e1111·r. ah<> ~11own a., tht• I nrt1I\ Broadca-.1 '-elwork. r.o<.ed 1)11 1r(• "' neighbor;., .1lrno;.,t a;., '-0011d'-11 1tHJ\1•d 111 C.o-;ta \lt·...a 111 I '-1% .• 1n on.Jing 111 pulil11 1e ... 11mor1} at V-dflou~ meeting'> Neigh hor-. bl·g,111 rnmpltu111ng tu Jnnity. and thl'n 111 1 11 ~ offioah. about tr.iffic. no1-.e .ind lightmg trom outifoor hrcMdcasun g .111d 1Jw 1 t•ntt'r'~ 0111.' "1ilhon IJ~ts d~ pl<1> d111111g the Chn-.un~ '-t'a.,un. In 14'1'1. 1he uty told lnnity that 11 n1•ec.kd .c pern11t 111 t.ondull outdoor llfllddt "''"'g on a frequent ha.'•'> llw tt'llll'r 11·lll'>l'U. t.1.11mcng that bt-t.au.,t: ti '' .1 1 l11m h 11 did 11111 hJ\'f' to 1 ornply 11 1•\•·n1u.1ll\ at qu1t•-.l t'd and ..tpplit'd tor 1lw 1wrn111IJtc1<1-.t \l'ilr \llho11gh no puhht hear111g w.i-. rt· q111n•d llfr tlit' pl'rrn11 to broatlca'l 11u1 ,,tft· 1111 ,1 n·gular hd'>I'> 11 < drnl' bdon· 1111 l'J,11111111g ( lllllllll.,'>11111 ht•t JU\e of 1)11' l fllllrll\('f\; il'>'>(f( ldh:•d \~Ith thl' ll'll See CAMERAS. Pa&e A4 Meet vendors claim unf aimess at fairgrounds Orange County Marketplace vendors say there exic;ts no compensation for them despite Orange County Fair extenc,ion. Deirdre Newman Oa1ly P1t at t O\ I/\ :\II\\ \1•ntlor.., <ti 1h1· < >r,111g1 < uunt\; \larll'I pl.Ill' tht' p~1pul.tr \'.l'l'~l'lld '>\'<irfl 11w1•1 .11 the IJll"},'fnund;., ,lrt' inll'll'>l'd 1ha1 lhc lcur huJrd t'\lc•ntkd lht• Orar1gt• < ount\ I ,111\ n111 .m e\tr.1 1wt'keml 1\.1thou1 t.urh com pl'll!><.ltmg lht'm \\ 11h \l'lldur<. to Jlll'\1Jlt' thl'll 1 ont l'rfh 11\er lu-. .. ol re\enw· lrorn th1 l anct'll,11111n of llw IH'l'kend -.v..ap ml'l.'l. SEANHllLER OA!LYP\LOT Authorities inspect a vehicle that went off the road on Irvine Avenue near Pnvate Road k1tlmg the driver on Tuesday. "'Unf.ur. ff\ tht• \l'ndor<.. t l.um111g the· board rl'll~t'tl on J pledge madt· 111 wptem bt>r 1101 lll tOllllllUt' ~llh plam to l'\1t•ntl tJtt· fa11 unlt'"' ,111 .1gn'<•nw111 \hi'-rlt'goUJll•d llw hoartl tll'l'ldl'<.l 111 ~p 1t·rnbt•r 111 extl'nd the lau lrom 17 111 .! I da~.., to capttal ve on tlw lair'<. growing p11pul.in1 \ '>dld -.poke.... "omdl1 Hub\ I.du lo com pensalt' thl o.+00 H•ndo~ who 11ould h<" d1spldt t•tl for I.ht• l'\tra ...,c•c·lend the board agreed in \fan·h to give prior II\ tu \IJrletplac e \'tmdo"' \\ho rho't: to takt• ad\'3.01ag1· Woinan killed in early Inorning crash Police are unsure what caused the single car accident on Irvine Avenue along the Back Bay in Newport Beach. Oeepa Bharath Oa1lyP1lot NEWPORT BE.ACll -A 47-year-old Lake Fores! woman died early Tuesday morning after the car she was drivlllg spun out of con- trol and plunged lnio the bluffs aJong the Baclc Bay. police said. Susan I linton Hau;.,ch W.1' dnving north on ln1ne Av- enue near the inter..ection of Private Road at about 4:45 a.m. when she lo:.1 control of her Ford Escort. said New- port Beach Poltre Sgt. Steve Shulman. The car then '!lid down an embankment. rolling over several times It eventually landed on the bluffs. he said ·we don·1 know what caused her 10 lo~e conrrol. • he said. There were no passenger. or no other vehtcll"> involved. Someone iniually called in the acridenl at 4:46 a.m .. Shulman said When police got 10 the scene they did not see the car. he said. "About IO minutes later, we got a caJJ from a j~er who had localed the car. Shulman said. "Our heltcop· ter W'..lS nor up al that time That would've made it easier for us 10 spot the vehicle .. I le said llinton-Rau ... ch was not wearing a i.afety belt. which caused her to be thrown out of the vehtde She did not appear 10 have been under the influence of alcohol or drug:, or speeding. he said. s .. CRASH, Paa• A4 New commodore ready to serve the race Earning the title commodore of the yacht race comes after a long time of working in the shadows of others. June CHa1rande OallyPilot NEWPORT BEACH -\\\luld- be commodores for the annual Newport to Rntcnada rtce Wolk thett way up through the ranb. Jooldna fOIWll'd to the day they ue honored with the Utle. Afttt yea.rs ol anticlpe.don, they for I 8'ngle yac. But tppng dOwn it nt'\'S I Jee-down bfcaa.ate mm:-~~ t· NEWP.ORT ENS EN ADA tng to 1ook forwmd to. 1Wo yeam laler, once )'UU'rt 111 done. then you can~ back lo the T1lC'C," ~ Pred S1oCum. tJ\11 Y"f~ commodore. ~ all look folward totlW." Uk.to commodotel bfif'on him. Slocuin got lo~ In the~ .. I YOIUnterr /Dr thf Newport S..MCE,P ... M See MEET. Pa&e A4 GUN VERDICT Costa Mesa gun maker at fault Oakland jury says Bryco Arm s was 10% liable for ·flaw · that led to 1994 accidental shooting. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA Ml.SA An Oak land 1ury on Mondav held a local gun ma1.er panially rt> !>pons1ble for a I qq4 alt 1 dental o;hootmg that ldt a '"i Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.~cc:m WEATHER Look fo< more .un tater. S..PqeA2 THINKING ALLOWED ld ... rperat on vacatioc'\. Hefoolumn Wllrttum N:Ktw..t. \t'.lf~old hO\ p.ualv1ed rhe p1·nal11 ph.t\l' of lht• trial. 111 \\.htch the 1ury will deride hoy, murh Brandon l\,fa'<fidd o;hould n•ceive m t ompen'>alOf) damages. be ~an fut-.,da\ m Alameda c ount) \ famil) friend acet dentally .. hot Max.field in the 1av. when he wai. lryinR to unload a 'l8-caJ1ber handgun, commonly dubbed a "Saturday Night "pt•etal See FAULT, Pqe M THANKS, MOM! ABOUT MOTHER"S DAY Moma do it all, from accounting tD being Che f•milv~to prcMding the hugt. Celebrft• your mother by sending • pantgt'llph Of two~ why ';'OUf mom'• so gtMt end• photo to the OalfV Piiot forpubf~on Mothef'I Dey. Send • SASE ft you W9nl h Photo,.,,,., . ~~·The ~fQI ....... May &ind your ...... to~ o.y, Oily PllOt. 330 w. Sly St.. C.olU ~ mtJ:llx to lM>~:or..,.. '° '*""" •• I •-.com. I I I • I . l ------ A2 Wednesday, ~~ 23, 2003 LOCALS ONLY PET OF THE WEEK Butten:up is back up for adoption, but this time the 6-month-old kitten has been renamed Bebe. Bebe was odginally rescued by the Newport Beach-baaed Community Animal Network after an unfortunate ehcounter with the bathroom door that left her pai:aly'Ud and dragging her feet. said DiAnna Pfaff~. the founder of the network. Pully recovered except for some remaining bladder and colon problems, Bebe was adopted. But when her most recent parents were separated. Bebe once again found herself in need ofa home, Pfaff-Martin said "Bebe rides in her fashion pW'Se around town just Like a doll,• Pfaff-Martin said. "She was even recognized by a Daily Pilot reader in a local elevator. Her sweet demeanor and her ability to go almost anywhere make her an ideal companion." Bebe is only one of many cats and their lcittens that have been rescued by the network. and more foster homes are needed. Pfaff-Martin said See other animals available for adoption at www.animalMtwork.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (949) 759-3646 or Community Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658. DUI ARRESTS These p«>ple have bHn stTeSted recently on suspicion of driving undflr the inffuence of an intoxicant They have only been arrested on suspicion of s crime and, as with all suspttets. are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sundrf • Ajit Pal Sekhon, 27, Costa Mesa • Augustin Ocampo, 34. Garden Grove Satunt.y • Jose Luis Delgado-Vasquez, 21, Costa Mesa • Michael John Chambers, 26, Costa Mesa • James Victor Stewart. 39, Costa Mesa • Richard James Walker, 24, Fountain Valley • Felipe Dejesus-Gomez, 24, Pomona Friday • Salvador Jose Garcia, 56, Newport Beach •Johanna Cervantes, 22, Santa Ana Thunct.y • Lawrence Mathew Midtelson, 32, Costa Mesa GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOtYED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. SALVATION MMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree, hold a canned food or toy drive, or make a special gift or donation directly to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SAVE OUR Yotmi The Westside Costa Mesa • Eric James Olmedo. 25, Costa Mesa • Samuel Robert Schwenneker, 24, Costa Mesa • Byron Keith Moralea, 27. Newport Beach • Midtey Gene Kennedy, 28, Newport Beach • Monica Mary Watts, 40, Tustin Wednetday • Jame• Joachim Stari(. 24, Santa Ana NEWPORT BEACH Saturday • Karen Leigh Johnson, 42, Newport Beach • Kerry Gilbert Dalbel, 35, Newport Beach •William Judd Greener. 22, Laguna Niguel • Benjamin Ismael Munoz. 25, Newport Beach ~ • Joclene Ann White, 35, Newport Beach • Kristy Lynn Purdue, 19, Anaheim Wedlindmy •Chip Alan Shiner, 21 , Glendora • Carrie Rag long. 34, Newport Beach youth organization is looking for volunteers to help create a positive alternative for people 12 to 23. Volunteers are needed to help in areu such as boxing, sports, health, fitness, aerobics and academic Moring. (949) 548-3256. SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business profeuionals to help small businesses succeed by leading seminars and coaching entrepreneurs online. The corps is a nonprofit charitable organization composed of 11,500 volunteer business mentors, both wor1dng and retired, who counsel buslneua from near1y 400 offices throughout the country. Call (714) 550-7369, and ask for membership. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 113 THOMAS H. JOHN80N N9w9 Editors Puhr.,_ Gina Aleunc»r. Lori Anderton, TONY DOO£AO Daniel Hunt, P9ul Seftowitt. Editor JOC1t OE111NO O.nlel Swvena NEWS8TAff ~.a.=:r Crime '=9 ~"*· Promotlon9 Olrectof' (948) Ii? ..,,._hMr«h•i.tJm-.oom --=·· N.wpoft rwpon!tr, EDmNOSTAff (Ml) 1574-4232 l.J.Celwl /unt1.~nde•1at1,.,,...com ~neglng Editor, ....,.ClrMft (1148)117 ... 233 Polltlc:e, bueln.1 and environment eJ.Cflhn• li«Jmee.oom ,..,,,.,, (Mt)~ .......... atve-... 1»Ul.dlmon•111t1m-.com tM)79M32A ....... ..... }l!llW&,,,..IMlmacom Columntat. ~lture repori.r, ..... J. ....... (948) 574-427& Art Dff1IC'tOf I Hewe Deill Chi.t, to11ca.,,.,,_•1«1mee.oom Ml ~ OlllMNlwmM ~•ltlllrrw.oom Ca.8 ,._. rwpotter, (M ) 17~1 ...._MICI•* t»ltdr&,,..,,,.,,•1«1,,.,._com Photo SupwvltOf, ~c... , ... ,,........ EducMlon ~.(Ml 174-4281 tctn,phOIO•llttif'Maoom dtMtln&OlitrlHo•l«Jme&oom I FOR A GOOD CAUSE Angela Cortright Paying rent through service Angela Cortright knows the devastating effect breast cancer can have on a family. The owner of Spa Gregodes in Newport Beach has lost three relatiws to the insidious disease and her mother is a breast cancer survivor. Around the time she opened the spa 6ve years ago. she became involved with the Susan G. JComen Foundation's Race for the Cure. the annual race held in the fall at Fashion Island While the spa has been a race sponsor for the past five years, this year it hosted a fund-raising event of Its own for the Orange County branch of the Susan G. JComen Breast Cancer Foundation for the first time. "Pampering Tuward a Cure," which took place March 23, enabled customers to identify themselves as IComen supporters and then have 259'. of their Cees for spa treatments, manicures and pedicures and gift certificates donated to the foundation. The Inaugural event raised several hWldred dollars. Cortright said she is grateful to be able to use her spa's popularity to benefit others. "One of my favorite quotes is 'Service to others ls the rent we pay for our time on F.arth.'" Cortright said. "That's the philosophy that everyone here at Spa Gregories lives by." The funds raised by the event are distributed in the same manner as all donations to the JComen Foundadon, said Kristina Srurman, fund development associate for the JComen foundation. About 75% stays in the county to be used for treannent grants so women who are underinsured or uninsured can get mammograms and treatment: education; and screening. And the other 25% goes to national research grants that the government won't fund. Sturman said "Angela is wonderful.· Sturman said. "She and her spa, they've been longtime supporters of our race and our foundadon. We've really liked wor1dng with Spa Gregories. • Cortright said the event would not have been so successful without her caring staff. "The staff are nurturers and gfvers and anytime I ask them to involved in myriad (causes), they step up to the plate." The first Pampering for a Cure evoked such positive feelings among Cortright, her staff and her customers that she hopes to do a Cew a year for the JComen Foundation and is al.so branching out to support other causes. On May 4, the spa will use the same donadon process to support Serving People In Need. which helps low-income and homeless families and individuals achieve stability and self-sufficiency through assistance with move-in costs for housing and comprehensive case management. -Story by Deirdre Newman; Photo by Kent Treptow NEIGHBORS Donald E. Sodaro, chairman and chief executive of Hanford Hotels Inc., headquartered in Newport Beacti, was installed as the eighth chairman of the Orange County Buslneu Committee for the Arts in Costa Mea at the organization's annual meeting held at the Center Oub. P9ul F. Folno, chalnnan and chief executive of Emulex Corporation was elected to serve a concurrent term on the executive committee as a vice chairman ... Honontry service 11W11rds were given at the Corona Del Mar High School PTA Founder'• Day Tee to recognize individuals for outstanding aervk:e to chlldren, the sdlool and the community. A contribution was mede In each recipient's name to the state PTA sdlolarahip ConlWlllon N-... !dint, (949) 57~298 ~l.wil«Jn•lllrim#.com f'HOl'OORAPHERS Seen liiller, Don l.eectt, Kent Tr9pt0w READERS HOTUN£ (1148) 8'2-«>M Record your comments •bout the O.llv Pilot 0t news tJ~. AM.- Our add,_ II 330 W. Bay St., eo.t. Mela, CA 92827. Otftce hout"I ere =· frlday, .. .30 a.m. • S p.m . ... It Is die PfloC'a pollcy 10 PfOmPdy con9Ct •II trron of 1U'*8noa. ,,.... .... ,..., 71M324. rn The NMpon ~Mele Oalt'f Piiot (USN-1......,) la publw.d deny, In~~ and Qiiea MeM. 1111blct1pdone .,. ~ Ottty by eubectltMng to The T'lmel Orange Coumy (800) 2A..e14t In ..... outllde of Ntwpoft leedl and eo..-... ... tpdoi. to ct..~,..,. ~ on/lrt ~.. meH tor l:JO per montti. (flll1cee lnctud9 ... llPPffceble ..... and 1oci11 ...... 1 fllOS'T'MAS'Tt1, ~ addrtee cha""89 to The Newpolt ~ ...... Deity Pilot.'"°' Bill Bethmann and loan fund The recipients are Judy a.u.y, Nellon Rojas.Denise Weiand. Rk:hatd VJerta, JeMt Cllll1w.Cuof Wetuwand Kim 't\:M.lnnan ... KKE Architects recently created a national business unit. The unit will be dedicated to hospitality, recreation and entertainment and la supported additionally out of l1a o1ftoe in Newport Bead\. Bal a.thmenn j<Mns &Mn ArW and W.. Utzinger In Newport Beach to Box 1560, Cost.a Meu, CA 92626. Copyright No newt lt0rie9, illustratlons, editorial matter or adllertltementl hwein cen be reptOduced without wrttt.n permiulon of copyright owner. HOW lO MACH US ~ n,. Tlmee Or.nge County (800) 252-9141 ~. Ch 11"'1ed (Mil 8'2-61'78 IMlptey (949) &U-'321 ......, ..... , ... ,~ ._.,.. (M) 17.t-4223 ..... ,.., ... ,~t70 .......... , .. , 8&0-0170 ~ ~·l«J,,,..,com MelltO.. D II,_ Olllle (Ml '4.2-'1321 ...,_,_(Mel U1·712t "-'bllehed by nm. Communhy N9ws, • dlvlek>n of me Loe Angetee Tlm.. 02003 Timee CN. All rlghtl NMMld help lead the new business unit ... Ann Budd9y Brown of Balboa recently received an outstanding achievement award from Stanford University for her volunteer efforts on behalf of her graduate class at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Sha was recognized for co-d"lairing the dass gift· campaign for the MBA Oass of 2002 ... The Coast Report. OrMge Cout Colleg9's student newspaper, recently received the General Excellence Award for standard-size newspaper at the annual Journalism Assn. of Community College.' competition in Secramento. The newspaper was choMn as one of seven winners out of 600 delegates that took part in the competition. Four OCC Coast Report SUlff members were individual Winners in the competition, including Newport Beadl resident Mk:hMI Cox. who took fourth place In sports feature writing ... Navy Petty Officer 3fd Class Juon A. Reedy, son of Debbie A. Ready of Costa MeN. • 11 currently participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom In the Arabian Gulf while auigned to the guided missile destroyer USS O'Kane. Ready is a 1996 graduate of Edison High School in Huntington Beach. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements In the community. Please direct noteworthy Information to Coral Wilson by fax · - et (9491 646-4170, or send e-mail ~ coral.wilson @latimes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It looks to be another doudy The southwest and day early, though the sun northwest swells will drop off should break through for a today. but we lhoutd still ... partty sunny afternoon. Highs some head-highs st will top 60 by e few degrML south-facing beeche9. loWI wm t.11 Just lhort of 60. West-facing brwab will ... Thuraday wffl be similar chest-to ahouldef'.hlgha. though a_ deg,... warmer. On Thurwday, the awella will lnfofmdoln: continue their ded "9, though ~.nws.no.e.guv aouth-f8dng buct'89 can ltN1 expect chMt· to Mad-hight. BOATING FORECAST w..t-t.ang bf9llb wtll drop to waist· to dlest-hlgh. The westerly winda will ~ IWlll ant ..... Fr1dly. blow 10 to 20 knots, with 2-to --~ Moot wsvee and a west swell WWW. .Olfl of 5 '-'.The wtnda wtll become northwesterly thlt TIDES .wnfng •nd wtll Mee to 6 to 16 flnotl. Wfth 2..foot W8V88 end• nm. ........ .... of' fMt. 3:12a.m. 4.81 fMthlgh Out fanhet, the Yt-.rty 11:10•.m . -0..20 feet low ¥Anda wlll blow lt.rOnglr at 20 8:31p.m. 3.IOf99thlgh to 21knots,~4-fooC W9'l9I t1:20p.m. 2.81 fwtkM Mde~twetlof3to7 t.t. TNt ..,.,.,no wtn be WATER TEMPERATURE """-· thouoh condhiona wtlf be« down'*~ 57~ A tasty delight Newp ort Harbor High students whet their appetites for culi nary careers by spending time at Roy's Resta urant. Christine Carrillo : ~a1ly Pilot NPWPOITT BlAC ll -(,iv mg culinary '>tudenL'i from Nc•wpon Harbor l ligh School a 1.istc of what'!> really cooking Ill thl' kitchen, chel!. f:rom Roy\ ltestaurant in Newport Heath shared Lhe1r secrl't~ and lh t•11 lime with Newport· \fr'-<1\ fulurt• t·hef'> on Mon- d.1y IMying on the skills they've 11·.11 rn:d in the classroom. the 10 ... rudenl'> '>Jll'lll Lhe t've111ng v.ork1ng along-.1de Roy\ rhef!> for rt·aJ life lc'>'>nm m thl' 1 uli· n,try ,ffh. "I re.illy cn1nyed 11 .md I rhrnk II wa.. rt•.iU~ grccll tu h.1H· thJI hamh on tr.11n111g," -..tld JJ1me (,Ol\/..tlc1 .• cl Nc>w· 1>w I I l<1rbor '>l'lllur rt•t t•nrly tu l'ptl'd to !ht• C ..alifurnhi (.u hn.tr\ Acadt•my 'I wan! to do '0111t·Lh1ng UlJt I really l'llJOY J11111g ;111d I low rooking. .. l lw 'tudc>nl' lwaded ovn 10 rlw re-.1.mm111 bdorl' 11 OJ>l'lll'<I Jnd got a tour of lhc kill lwn. '>Ontr t·ooking lt">'>On'> from llw thn•e chef., and a d1<1111 t' lo ta.,ll' their fim-.hcd produC"t IU'>l hkt• the fl''I ol the re,l.lllfilnt" riatrono;. H11t lhe on '>lit' da,., dtdn t 0111~ lw1wfi1 rh1 .,tud1·11r... 11 Jl-.o gavr 1lw n·-.1au1a111 a ch.1111 l' 111 n•..i1 h out to tlw community and Its pruspec· tive chefs. ·we wanted to provide a new experience for thebe kidl> . . and we thought ii would be a really nice opponunity to broaden their hori.zo~ and for ui. 10 do something differ· <'Ill and tcarh." said lleathcr Avery, a manager at Lhe res· taurant. And broaden the Mudents' hori.7ons It did. ·•They got a hands-on chance to i.ee first hand what ii\ like working in the kitchen, and Lhey gOI to learn some of· the technique'> tb~ cheCs are U'>ang." said Janet Duk~. the culinary trarher at Newport I !arbor. "It broadens their ho· nzon!> and I lhmk ii taJce~ their knowledge lo the 11ex1 level." It also gaw the !.tudents a heller uncJcr!.tam..ling of the cJ.iy-10-day duties of a chef. "h Well> d wonderful ex.peri· t'llt l' and 11 was a bl.t!>l work· 111g an tht: kitchen with lht' other t.hef.,," ..aad Lauren Phil lip-.. <1 junaor al Newport liar hor "They had w work fa.,t and had 10 lw 1111 their toes Lhe t•1111re unw " Wlult.' th1• \ludent' got culi 11.iry lec,c,om rani.,ring from cut tmg fi'>h anti prt•par1ng de'> 'l'rh, lO g1v111g cat h di-.h an at•,tht•U rall) plt·a.,ing rire-.en 1,111011. lht') .11 ... 0 lt•c1r11ecl le' 'on'> ah11111 ho-.pttahty. <,t•rviu· and Lhe 11111t•r working ... of J < ul11t.tr) 1 .1rc·1·1 It frh ~011d twl Jll't' I felt hkt· lhl'} n-.111\ wantl·tl u-. lo lt·am and lhl'y Wl'ff' reaJJv h.1pp\ w11h tlwir 1nh .... (,onza 11·1 \J1d 11 11i...1 m.1de mt· rl1111k of 111y\1·ll ,1hou1 10 year. Imm nm.," BOATING SEASON IS HERE! We are Marine Carbure·· ac. All Marine .c arburetors A~~~ Engine Tested ~~-~1_.;,.~ ... ~11¥11.-....~ \11111,. ( )u111er .. \mce 1965. ~X }ear• 111 (.(1st11 Mestt THE CARBDRrl'OR SHOP INC. 2945 Rando lph Ave (B.i.,tol & BJker) 949.642.8286. 7 14.556.2181 Wf?dnesday, ~ 23, 2003 Q COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL . I !ere are some of the ilern~ the count'il ~'() al Monday\ meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION APPEAL Coundlma.n Allan ~Q Maruoor appealed • the comnUSS1oni. N'f'RO't'£.D approval ut a pennn for Shdly l.conanl LO rt.~blish a bar ont.'t' lcn<Mt1 d.'> Inna's. which will now be cnl.led Avc.l!on. to <,t>fW plcoholic beverages after 11 p.m. and to deviate fmm ~ p.uiong !'l'qutrernt.'OL'>. 'Ille '>fte, a 1 KW V.. 19th "4 • will he 'ihon one parldng "P.1CT' WHAT HAPPENED ··111<: wuncil unammousl} uphckJ tt~ £'1annin~ C.ommi...,.,aon\ approval w1Lh u 111d1llu1h nil' wnd1uo11\ mdudt· n.-quiring a gate lo be: adlk1.l \.\-1th dw pennb.-.ion of 1-aulkm•r, I ..t\1.rnmu1A'l'r Shop two door.. down, 10 blolk .icces..' from 1he l"d.'>I \ldl' and l"('(ttunng Avc.1!011 to jlO',I -.1g1L' <1..Jung parron.'> 1101 111 pa1'k m tht · ne-drt~· re-.1denu;1I .irea. WHAT IT MEANS \lwll\ I t'{)ne\nl ,md Mi.kt• ( onll'V 1.111 nm\. orwn the hilr Among "' tlrinl.. '><'ll•coon'>. the har will h·a\ttri• "<11u a lradi1ionaJ li..ort'<lll hq11or d1-.11ll1'<.1 fonn nn· harlt'} .uicl "'1·1 t p<Jtato WHAT WAS SAID 'lh1·11· .lfl' a 1111 of 1hmg' I hkt· abmn \\,tlun · \tan.<,Oor "'1td . \1y t tlll( 1·rn w.t ... rl1t11 r.irki1114 m1gh1 ht· d!'platl'd. I "rnply want lo hnn~ 1ht">t' ,.,,,lit"> tu fig.ht 111 atlvani 1•. l"'[1t'llaJly hecat1'4.' \\t'\e had ... 0 111.1m p.11t...111g rrohk·rn'> In othc:r p.in' 111 the• n1~ · PROPOSED ZONING OVERLAY An overlay 1.0ne with limits on w~n Is proposed for a 1 ract generally bounded by East 19th Street on the nonh. lrvine Avenue on the east, I &t 18th Street on the south and JU.stin Avenue on Lhe Wel>"I. A group of resident.s m the tract ercated a proposal to limit new l Ol'l!>truction in Lhe rear 40% of lots to only one-story Str\.ICtUre> Lhat are no taller than 14 feet and that have vertical walls that dp n<>I ext:eed nine feet in height. lht> mtenr of this is to pl'l'Vl'nt VlL'W'> from being blocked, "oppression" of neighbonng properties and the loss of a seru.c of '>Cale when two-story developmenl occurs in Lhe rear yardi. of this tract. In March, the Planning Commission 1t·rnrnmentled that Lhe overlay nm be adopwd. WHAT HAPPENED Ille counc.:11 unarumowJy VOlc'll 111 l'Ontmue the. item to a study -.t">.\IOn an July after the Planning < .ommi'>Sion makes its rt><onunendauons on Lhe rt..,1<.lenual design gwdel111e... WHAT fT MEANS l11e propo'>e'd 1.omng overta>' '' 111 be con<Jdered agam m tuly. i\ny apphc:au11ru. regarding thi\ itrt•a that come 10 the city before tlwn will he rnn5idered by the 1 011mu~1on WHAT WAS SAID llm item ic,, intricately linked \\llh the de<>1gn guideline. and ... 1111uld he looked at in tandem w11h them. Councilman Gary ~lo11ahan '3.ld VIEW PRESERVATION ORDINANCE The Pbnrung (~n recommended that !he ooundl mcorporate view preservation Into the residential design gWdelines for new two-story second-story ~.·~ construcllon and ~ additions m areas ....... -~ with~ofthe Pacific Ocean and Upper Newport Bay. mduding Marina Hightand4'. Marina View, Oilifomia Seabreeze. Freedom Ho~ and apptopnate ~pf the~. The commission had separated the view preservaoon out of the rest of khe guidelines for the cound1 to col'lSlder separately WHAT HAPPENED The council unarumowJy voled \o continue this lll'm 10 a study c;ession m July after the Planning \,ommi.s.c;ion make-; 115 recommendation.' on the residenoal d~1gn ~UJdcfrm..., WHAT fT MEANS ·me View pre<.ervatirJn ordJlklnle will be considered m tu!) WHAT WAS SAID At Monahan'-; <,uggesuon, tht· CQun<.:11 agreed Lhat t.ht' i''lll' a.. also 1mrica1ety Linkt'd wilh tlw design gwdeline-. and 5hould be mn;.idered at thl' <,ame ume CALIFORNIA/TEWINKLE ATHLETIC FIELD USE Councilman Ch m ~reel a.'kl-<l for Lhe athletic field uc,e atcm 10 be NEXT MEETING WH.AT: Costa M esa City CouncO WHEN: 6:30 p.m., Mey 5 WHERE: Clty Hell, n fair Drive INFORMATION: (714) 754-5223 placed on the agenda in response to calls from frustrated residents. ror the last couple of years. staff ha.<i been wortong with the Mesa Villa I lomeowners As.so. Some d.'>.'>OelatiOn ~=lli 14-o I lhat use athletic ,,..~ fields spread through the CHY and not 1ust oon~trated in one area. . All11ough the Parlc.s and Reueauon Commission i!. -.1udymg the matter, Steel wanted to expedite tht' discw.sion. WHAT HAPPENED Councilman Monahan -.ugge<>ted moving this item to the nt'xl available .,tudy se..'ilon after lltl' Parlc.s and Recreaoon C ,ornnuss1on makes it'> fl't·ommendation and anvinng all thl' involved parties to attend induda.ng Newpon-Mesa Urufied ~hool DI.strict rep~ntauves.. Tht> rnuncil unanimously '>Upponed rnnunuing the item -OeirdTP 'W!Uman ;~ .. A stellar dining experience:' f tO Chao Oranqe (.ounl)' Bustness Journal Experience a New Culinary Gem Indulge your appetite and awaken your culinary senses as Executive Chef Azmin (,hahrema..n mtrodut es the #small plates" concept. tha t encourages sharing and lively conversation. every evening to the sophisticated palat1.·~ of Southern California Motif delights wtth a world of flavors. mtnguing dishes. and exquisite wine pairings to enhance your dining pleasure. Located just off Niguel Road at One Monarch Beach Resort in Dana Point Please call 949.234.3320 to place your reservation Home to a certain world MOTIF Loca\e<i at Th ST. REGIS MONARCH B ACH . . C.811 ,., •• , .. ,, .. www.atre1l•••.c•• - • . . .. .. . "" . . . . . . . . . FAULT Continued from Al The jury found Bryco Arms of Costa Mesa 109(, llabte after concluding that the company lll8QufactU1ed a defective weapon. said Victoria Ni, an at- torney with Trial Lawyers for Public Justice. Ni works with Maxfield's attorney, Richard Ruggieri, on the case. Ni said Bryco Arms is one of six Southern Callfom ja compa- nies that form the so-called "Rlng of Fire," responsible for the dist.ribution of millions of smaller caliber guns or Satur- day Night Specials. She said the gun has ·an inherent naw" be- cause to unload it, a user must first unlock the trigger lock, which can be quite dangerous. "This verdict was pretly un- usual/ she said. "Juries rarely hold the gun company respon- sible. In this case. they did." Bryco. officials on Tuesday declined comment on the case. as well as on gun control issues. Bryco and other members of the notorious "Ring of Fire" have been plagued by lawsuits sm ce the late '90s. The com- pany's former owner, Bruce Jennings. said rn an interview with the Dally Pilot In 1999 that. at the time, Bryco was named in more than 20 law- suit~ filed in cities across the nation. Jennings gave the Costa Mesa business he founded to bis wife, Janice, as part of their divorce settlement. The law- suits, he said. clajmed manu- facturers like Bryco are liable for gun-related deaths. As recently as October 2001, a New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that Bryco Arms had a duty to make and sell hand- guns with safety features. That ruling upheld the Appeals Court's d ecision, the firs t such appelJate court ruJing in New Mexico, that guns without rea- sonable safety mechanism!> can $.lllil. , "-= .... elm: ....... ~ •• be unreasonably dangerous and. hence, defective. The case in New Mexico was brought about on behalf of Sean Smith, a 14-year-old who was unintentionally shot and injured by one of his friends' af- ter that friend got ahold of a Bryco J-22 pistol. The ammuni- tion magazine was removed from it, but the boy did not see a round hidden in its chamber when he pulled the trigger and shot Smith. Smith's lawyers ar- gued that the gun laded vital safety features, su ch as a maga- zine disconnect. a chamber load indicator or warnings printed on the gun that might have prevented that shooting. New laws have also placed further restrictions and stricter standards for gun manufac- turers. The strongest form of legislation came by way of a state Senate bill that reqwres gun companies to have their products tested by an inde- pendent laboratory. The bill that became effective in Janu- ary 2001 made it a misde· meanor to seU any gun that is not certified. . Janice Jennings. who runs Bryco's daily operations, said at the t1me that the law gives gun companies more credibility. "No one will be able to call us a junk gun manufacturer ever again.· she had said. "When we pass those tests, they will put us out of that category." But the lawswts had taken their toll on Bryco. The number of guns the company produced dramatically dropped from 300,000 in 1993 to a litlle more than 70,000 by 1999. Lawyers would not say how much they seek in compensa- tory damages for Brandon Maxfield. • DEEPA BHARATH covers publtc safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath !-latimes com •Installed With Pad $169 • Mlninun 60 yW:i II ft Travertine 1a· x 1s· ...................................................... '4.29 111• Ceramic T~ ... ....... ... . ...................................... nstal!lc1 "°"' '4.ff 111 • Laminate 'vVood ............................................. nstal!lc1flom '4.99 111• n1Toi*~ .. 'tlo·~ • Prevo .. Pilat•• Studio • SPINNING Theol9r· licen..d • 16 Full nme Pet.onOf 'fnillllWt • Child Core 8om· noon M •if • Ample & Convenient ftorking • Yago, Toi Chi, Strekh clou• • Step, Power Pump, Corelio • Sho~ra. Si.om & Towel. • Shope-Up Skin Core • Shope·Up Holr Core • stlope·Up kupunctur•/, AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN hemt to the Deily Piiot, 330 w. Bey st.. ea.ta M ... , CA 92627; bv fax to (949) 846-4170; or bv c:aHlng (949) 5744298. Include the time, date end location of the event. a well u a contact phone 11umber. A · complete listing ts evallable at www.dallypllotcom. WEDNESDAY A nv.clly, IOO-mlle CNIN exploring the northern Channel lalendt wlll be offered by Orange Coast College'• School of Salllng and Seamanship. The trip, designed for allon with at least intennedlete alllng Kills, coets $626. The Glln de Mar will depart at 6 p.m. April 23 and nttum at 6 p.m. April 27. Call (949,.646'8412 for more lnfonnation. THURSDAY "Undentllnding ~Pathology Report; a free aesslon at Hoag Hospital, will provide Insight Into the meaning of a pathology report and how it's used In staging and planning treatment for lung cancer. The sesalon will be given from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Call (949) 760-6542 for more information. City DKNY 11 leunchlng ha aprtng · collection. and Macy's In South Coast Plaza ls spon10ring a codrtall reception to celebrate the event. Guests are Invited to participate in a allent auction of City DKNY clothing, a ape treatment package from Bliss cosmetics and more. The suggested donation is $15. All proceeds will benefit the Pretend CAMERAS Continued from Al ter'!> original operaling permit The outdoor activity requ ested by Trinity includes live tapings and broadcasts of "Praise the Lord" and other religious pro- gramming. On Feb. 24, instead of granting the outdoor permit. the commis- sion shut down the center's out- door 1V taping activities to give it more time to review the cen- ter's original permit. CJty plan- ners invited to witness some of Trinity's tapings said thta outdoor broadcasting did not negatively affect the neighborhood. In March. the commission re- MEET Coobnued from Al of the f.ur's new practice of in- cludJng new commercial vendors at the fair. But that has not placated the vendors, who are considering their legal options. Hundreds of them are expected to show up en masse at Thursday morrung's fair board meeting 10 demand "equi- table c:ompcn!.<tlion" for the rev- enue lo:..<;. The vendors estimate they will lo\e a minimum of $2 million in gross revenue for the canceled weekend, said Edward Susolik.. the anomey re- presenting the vendors. · "This i!> unfair and ineqwtable for the fair boald to generate hundred'l of thousands, if not millions (of dollars!. in profit at the expense of the mom and pop swap meet vendors who will lose an entire weekend," Susolik said When ii decided to extend the Chy. r-c>r 1'9MfVedona, call (714) 65&-0811, ext. 4231. laemabout c:Nn .................. with menopeuee and aete, natur1l aubat.ance. that can promote heetth and reduce symptom• at a women'• health aemlnar at 7 p.m. at Temple S.t Yahm In Newport Beach. For more lnfonnation, call (9'9) 376-1469. FRIOAY The fifth No Men Hom1l111 ..... Conference rune through April 27 at the Hiiton Coste Meu. The event Is presented and aponeored by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary of Utah. the nation's largest no-«111 organtutfon. Catt (436) &W-2001, ext. 129for more lnformatlpn. SUNDAY A.a pert of en OflglMI progr91n, Sascha Redetlky of American Ballet Theatre will perfonn the pas de deux from "Le Corsaire• It the Barclay Theatre In Irvine. Tldcets are available only at the Barclay Theatre Box OfRce for $18. Call (949) 864-4646 for reservation•. ~cars. tnK:b and motorc:ydee of all years, makes end models are invited to participate in the fourth annual Strawbeny Sunday Fun Fest and Clasaic Car Show. The show, while spotJlghtlng red cars, is open to all makes. colors and models. Entry fees are $16 for pr&-registration or $20 the day of the event Red cars can be entered for free. The show runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the AU1omotive Road of Dreams area ·of the swap mee1. Call (714) quired the center to create a plan to document how it would han- dle issues like traffic, landscap- ing and eqwpment and placed certain restrictions on it. The . center was given 60 days to cre- ate the plan and staff was dt· rected to monitor its effective· ness after six and nlne months. Since the beginning of the per- mit application process. Casoria has cJajmed that broadcasting outside is necessary to promote Trinity's religious beliefs. On Monday. Councilman Allan Mansoor questioned that neces· sity. "It depends on your definition of necessary -not to be like (fonner President Billi Ointon," Casoria responded. "But we be- fair 10 include the firsc weekend of August. the board said it felt the addition of a fourth week.end would provide an opportunity to include new commercial ven- dors, said Becky Bailey-Findley. the fair's general manager. So the board e:xamlned a van- ety of models and added be- tween 80 and 90 spolS for ven- dors to rotate in and out of during the entire fair run. Balley- Findley said. Although the board has a waiting list of about 300 vendors who do not participate in the Marketplace. it decided to give priority to the 81 Market- place vendors who applied for the spots. Bailey-Findley said the fair board has no legal relationship with the vendors. It only deals with Tel-Phil F.nterprises, which conduces the Matketplace and contracts with the vendors. Bai- ley-Findley disputes the vendors' daim that the board made a bona fide pledge to the vendors RACE Continued from Al Ocean Sailing Assn.. an u,,ocia- don of local yacht dubs that puts on the anoual race to F.nsenada. After sailing in about six races ln the Jate 1980s and early 19908, the Irvine resident and longtime member of the Balboa Yacht Oub 88'eed in 1997 to volunteer for the ewnt And thoush his in1t1al mm- roftmmt was pretty casual. the race. the wodarioo and the peo- ple make ln~I addJatve. heaatd. •1ta about the people. ff Slocum. $4, Aki. "When )'OU Ibale I dream or a visioll and. you put In IS many houta ~ M many>-" • we ~ the l'f',latimsbtp. you build are very auong. • AmOng the Invaluable Crimd- ehtpl 9oa.un bas formed In CRASH Contiooed from Al ---------·---~ ...... -... ---.... ~--..... - - see 8422 for more lnfonnetJon. °'9f"9 CountyWld w9 •MOU~ hi ~pfbe wfnners at tt. EIM 0-v oelebmlon et noon et Upper Newport Bey. To enter, petddpenta .,.. Mked to bfing th.tr peapc>t11, whlcti can be obtained It www.on1n11.oocmtywlld.com or at molt local wfldemea perb. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cell (714) 604-9984. Join .... Newpclft 8.y ,..., ...... and Friends on SheHmeker Island for e dey of earth-friendly femlly ac:Jlvltles. musk:el ent•"-'nment, water tours. ahartc·toud'I tanb end more from 10 e.m. to "3 p.m. All ectlvltJet ere free. Cell (fMS) · 923.2269 for more Information. ~y The UC trvtne Clh8ncellor't distingulahed fellows aeries presents •Attwortc of Keith Piper:' e lec::ture end exhlbttlon by the lntemaUonally known British artist et 7 p.m. In the Studio Art Complex. room 160. Best known as a leading ftgure centr81 to the lnceptlon and development of the 1980s Britlah Bl&dt Art movement. Piper wortcs In a broad range of media. Including digital technologies. For more Information on the free event, call (949) 824-7372. TUESDAY Jutla Sween9Y of •s.turd8y Night Live" fame will speak at the 16th annual Circle 1,000 Foundera' Brund'I from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel in See TOWN, Paa• A5 lieve it's pa11 of the exercise of our religious beliefs. So 'yes.' Is it necessary 10 do it every week? 'No.'" Casoria also said the center would not invoke the Religious Land Use and lnstlrutionalized Persons Act to defend its per- ceived right to broadcast outside because he feared that would lead to a "quagmire that the Trinity Broadcasting Network chooses not to: Trinity has until 5 p.m. Mon· day to ask the council for a re· hearing. • OEJRORE NEWMAN covers Costa M esa and may be reached 81 (949) 574-4221 or by &-mail at de1rdre. newman@latimes.com not to extend the dates of the fair until a compensation agreement was negotiated to the vendors' saw faction. "What the board did acknawt- edge in September was that they di.rected staJJto incorporate swap meet vendors into the fair should they wish to participate." Bailey Findley said But this offer does not go far enough, Susollk charged. be- cause it can only accommodate a small percentage of the Mart.et- place vendors, the spaces are 30% of the normal weekend space and the board will cparge the vendors $100 a day for the space. "Rather than trying to mitigate the profound economic impact. they were trying to make money off the vendors." Su.solik said DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Meaa and m-v be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail et deirdre.newman@latlmes.com. )"8J"S with the sailing assodation are friendships wtth last year's Commodore Ron Mastenon and th.ls year's V1Ce Commodore 1lm Johnson. But the job lt5elf is not 80 easily summed up in a few words. •tn a word, the best way to de- scribe what a commodore is 'fa. c:ilJtator,•• Slocum said. "There are about 230 people all wodd.ng to- gether -it's a lot of WOik. -and your role Is really to act as fadlita- tor. • ~ a vast forte of vot- unteerl II one of the more c:bal- lenging 15pec11 of the job. On race day. more than 100 wluoleen are at the ttartlng potnt otf C.0.0.. del Mar SC.te Belch. About 80 are aa- doeied on an boec. to hep keep track rA olldal race ltarta. &ti mote Yohmteen are oo ..,., boal9 that 6Jlow racm to Enae- Dlda and pnMde emawerq .. Daily Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • w.t ...... 8trMt: Petty 1t'8ft WM reported In the 1100 bloc* llt et14 p.m. Sunday. • w.t ..... StrMt: Annoying phoM calla we,_ reported In the 600 blade at 7:47 p.m. Sunday. • ~lloulawrd: An auto theft waa reported in the 2000 blodc at 4:63 p:m. Sunday. • Pedllc Awnue: Vandalism wu reported In the 2200 blodc et 7:99 p.m. Sunday. •~Place: Posaession of drug peraphemalla was reported In the 2700 blodc at 9'.30 1.m. Sunday. •Redwood Avenue: Grand theft was reported In the 2900 blodc at 8:16 p.m. Sunday. •Welt 11'h S1rMt end Pvmone Av9nue: Possession of drug• wea reported at 4:24 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • 8'oed StrMt: All aU1o theft was reported In the 3100 blodc at 7:47 a.m. Monday. • West Coeat Highway: An auto theft was reported 111 the 3100 blodc at 9:40 a.m. Monday. • G1rdenil Wey: Battery was. reported in the 800 blodl nt 7:30 p.m. Monday. . • Gothem Orive: A home burglary wa1reported111 th1; 4500 blodc at 4:55 p.m Monday. • lrvtne AYenu•: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 blodc at 1 :05 p.m Monday. •Udo S.nds o.tv.: A ho1110 burglary was reported in the 5000 blodc at 8:48 a.m Monday. • Newport Cent9f Oriw f.aK A commercial burglary was reported In the 600 blodl at 9:21 a.m. Monday. • <>c.an Boulevard: Vandaliam was reported in the 2900 blodc at 7:42 a.m. Monday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Three flags stolen from City Hall An American. C..ahforn1.i and POW-MIA Oag Wl're rl' ported stolen from th1 masts at Costa Mesa City Hall over the weekend. po lice said. Maintenance wo B:er; 110 ticed that th~ Oags \\L ll missing early Mo nday momlng. said Cc>SLa Mt."'13 Police Lt. Dale Bimey ·nu~ is the first tum• .i..' far as I know that thh h~ happened in City Hall.· hr said. Blmey added tha1 th1., was a brazen acl bcc.1uM the flags are Uluminac~ .1t night as ls the rest of l.11y Hall. which is adjaccnc lo the Police Department. He said there are nu su~ perts and that the incidenc is being investigated as a grand theft. The estimated value of the three flags j, more than $500. The Oags were replaced on Monday. sistance. N.. the race's desttnation. 12.5 miles away. ~lunteers eventUc&lJy take their positions ln boats at the finish lines and SUlfl' the race com- mittee room in the Bahia Hotel Here. wJunteen wort in e4gh1 hour sbiftJ around the c:lodt keep- ing trac1c of and commwtlcaung official race times. And though he's at the helm or lt all. Slocum ldll thinb or hirr'1.Clf as ju.st one of a team of voluntt>ers woddog for the tcwe of the race and the reJadomh.ips.. "We're rewarded throuah pa- aonal lnvolvtment and enjoy- ment.• be aJd. "When ft boob ~ tt'a pretty powinful.. • " .. • JUNE CA.IAGAANDI ~ ... ~· .. uport a.ti .... John~ ~She,,...., be l9IChed 9t 574-4232 or bv~ .t Jc>M.~·~~ • TOWN Conbnued from A4 Newport BNC:tt. Sweeney will &hare her touching, humoroua and heartbreaking account of the lo .. of her brother and her Incredible aurvlval of cervical cancer. Cost 11 $150 per person, and Proceed• benefit the Hoag .Cancer Center. Cell 1949) 574-7204 for more Information. •smart Women Rnlth fUch• la a free workshop with complimentary gourmet catered dinner at 6:30 p .m . et the Art Gellery lntemetlonal In Costa Meta. Limited seating. For more Information, call (800) 876-0963 • or send e-mail to bob.voorheea@aQedwards.rom. APRJL.30 A hM Mml,,.r and book signing for •A Portrait For Healing • by Richard Manley will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reaervatlona, call (800) 595-MOMS. Join Newport S..c:h city INdera, student• from Harbor View Elementary School and a atate forester for the 19th annual Arbor Day celebration at 10:30 a.m . at Grant Howald Park at 5th and Iris avenues In Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644-3154. The IChool of biol09k:al Klencff at UCI presents "Victim, Vectors, and Vaccinea: The Battle Against Malaria in the 21st Century," a lecture by Or. Anthony Jamea at 7 p.m. In the Crystal Cove Auditorium in the Student Center. The event ia free and open to the public, but reservation• are required. For reservations or information, call (949) 824-7252. MAY2 The MCOnd annual Newport Beach Relay For Life, a 24-hour team walklng event, hopes to r11se money and lncreaae cancer awarenen In the Newport-Mesa community. Ten-to 15-member teams can register for $160 before April 28. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at Newport Harbor High School Stadium and ends the next day at 6:30 p.m . For more information, call the Amencan Cancer Society at (949) 567-0634. MAVJ The UC Irvine Arboretum hosts its annual Spring Perennial Sale, featuring unuaual perennials from South Africa and around the globe, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . today and from tt a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday at the arboretum . E)(perts will be available to answer questions. Admission costs S2 for adults. Children younger than 12 get In for free. For more information, send e-mail to ldlyon•~uci.&du. Ocana of On:hida, a ahow and sale sponsored by the Newport Harbor Orchid Society, will take place Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m . at the Coate Mesa Community Center. General adminion is $3, seniors' admission Is $2 and parking Is free. Call (949) 615-9538 for more Information. MAY4 Th'" young IChola,.hlp wlnn..-. will be part of the California Women's Chorus' 94lh annual Scholarship Benefit Concert .. The music students will join female vocalists from throughout Callfomla when the 200-voice chonJa pntaenta ·surf 'n Sing" at 2 p.m. In the Slltton Place Hotel, 4600 MacArthur Blvd. In Newport Beach. Tidtets ere $15 In advance and $18 at the door. Call (949) 262-0579 or (714) 840-4568 for tic*ets or Information. •Happy Vote.I• hom Saint Michael's chlldren'9 cholra, the Cerublm and Seraphim, can be ·heard et St. Michael and All Angels Eplacopel Church In Corona del Mer et 5 p.m. For lnfonnatlon. call (949) 644 0483. rrhe New lr9q. • a pNH4it8don by Huw Anwyt, wtll addre .. what's ne><t, who will be making declalona, and whether democracy will work In Iraq after the war at St. Mldulel and All Angela Eplaoopal O\urch In Corona del Mar at 7 p.m. For lnfonnatlon, call (949) &W 0463. MAYt A NnOWMd Amettcan f"-eng Shul Institute Instructor will explain how element.al remedla are Implemented es elegant accessories thal complement your decor to improve health, relationships and prosperity. Reservetions for the 7 p.m. seminar at Visions and Dreama in Costa Mesa are required. Call (6261288-1669 for more information, ONGOtNG Voluni.w dljvw9 .,.. n4l8ded to help deliver nutrltiouaty prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through ·Mobile Meals,• sponsored by ASH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Cell (949) 645-6050 for more information. Regi.tr.tion la now open for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic 5K Race & two-mile Fun Walk on June 7. Pre-registration fees are $22 for the run/Walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Regiatrat1on on the day of the race is $30 for the run/Walk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. If yoor orchid le too big for lb pot, Green Systems International will ahow you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. DitcOYer tha MCNb of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking 11 $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. T .. m Survivor, 1 nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise. hosts "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m . the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store In Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atnum court. It Is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 276-3888. Newport Community CounMling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of dome11ic violence through the support group In S.AF.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awarene ... faith and empowerment The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m Free. For more Information, call (949) 721-8079. TMM are invtt.d to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for Indoor and outdoor aportl and activities. The Center la at 1860 Anehelm Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newpof1 Beach Walking Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road In Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more Information, call (949) 650-1932. The NrNport'Beac:h Catq Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Sllperior and Hospital Road In Newport Beech. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Na4'p0ft BMdl City Hal a. displaying watereolor painting• by Juan Casado, Ned P11rson1, Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through Marett 28 at 9300 Newport Btvd. For more Information, call (949) 717-3870. The A.wt. of Buslnw s.r.-to. host.I a netWOrklng meeting that dealt wfth education connec:tlon1 from 6 to 8!30 p.m . on ttw MCX>nd Tuesday of every month at th• Holiday Inn at 3131 Briatol St., Costa Mesa. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 806-0011. s.R1ng Price •••••• $21,Qq.S f odory Rebot. ...... ..$3 000 ... c. •Dlvorw. A New Beginning; a worbhop for men and women divorced or getting di\IOrced, Is hefd from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 81 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month Cost la $40. For more Information, call 644-6435. The Newport~ Public Library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children In kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar brandl from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800. Free toun of th• Orenge County Performing Arts Center take guesta to the dressing rooms, performer'a lounge, badlstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, e><t. 833 The Newport a..c:h N.wcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization Is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more Information, call (949) · 645-9922, or visit newcomer•-newportb6ach.org. Oaals Senior C.nter holds • pancake breakf11t from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the aecond Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Mecv'• South Cout Pia.a Pf9S8ntl "Worbhop Wednffdays: A HandM>n Coolclng Ctaaa Program· holted by chef Alen Guevara. The class 1s held from 6 to 7:30 p.m . Wednudays at 3333 Bristol St.. Costa Mesa. The cost, indudlng materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and rhythm, •vogarhythmica• combine• yoga, dance and fun. The class la held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m . Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive Eaa1, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For mo re informatlon, call (714) 764-7399. •Earthquaket -Not If, But When" will be re-broadcast through April 12 on Adelphia and Cox cable systems for Newport Beach. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m ., Wednesdays at 9 p.m . ahd Saturdaya at 7 p.m. Tha Newpo'1 Harbor Nautkal Museum offers the exhibit "Your Majesty, There la No Second: The America's Cup 1851-2003" through April 30. The museum 1s at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admis11on For more information, call (949) 673-7863. lnterflltih couplff with one Jewish partner are invited to participate In a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between Interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families The cost for Let the Name Calling Begin. Us1n9 exclusive TutorA1d math test1n9. we analyze sk is a child has mis~ or not comprehend~ In ~chool then create a program to cl build the foundation required for success Smarty Pant_!) 1n basic math as welt ----- •H adv4nced courses ll~e alqcbra or 9cometry Amazin~ath ----T-.....c>... If you're lool<Jnq to Im~ your c.hlld's &Qdcmlc out1ook In life, now Is ~ time to fl nd out ITIOr'f (949) 645-7900 +88 East 17th Str('fi • Costa Me~ f(Of'll't of ll'Vll'lf Aventif l • THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS . ~ALDEN'S IU>OI ~ A.'ID C\JSTOM Tl>.00. C.00.UZSCS 1663 Placentia, Ca.ta Mea '49+16-4838 The soft folds of V ianette • wwk>w shad!nes (1(111 comt "' ttnc nffW flbn<s tl\it 1ppul lO eYeryOtlC Come see them todcty lkb D 11• ••••••••••••• t ............. ,,.1 ... ,,,,. ............... . three aeaion• I• $45 per couple. Preregmt.tloo is required. Call to schedule date and time. The offlGe 11 st 250 E. Baker St, Surte G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950 Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by J8Wlsh Family Servica to addres1 Issues aoch a1 an)(Jety, depression. relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friend• of th• Newport 8eadl Public Library Used Boolt Store are askin~ for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left a't any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners. or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet nel<t to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperba<:X donations, with the exception of magazines and law boolcs, will be acoepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The ...... lnttftuta oe.. free computer ctaa .. a to people With fading "''ion who have difficulty Mteing the computer acreen The Oaaia Center at 800 Merguerlt Ave .• Corona del Mar, offera soc sessions Call to 11gn up for ctas.ses.(714)821-5000 A apiritual care dasa m..u .t 7:15p.m. ~at 3400 lrwla Ave .. Suite 114, Nowpott Beed'I Cal to reserve a ll88l (949) 263-1462 The Costa Meu Chember of Commerce hosts networtclng luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11·45 am tot pm at the .Costa Mesa Country Club The cost 1s $14 The club 1s at 1701 Golf Courae Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A breln tumor support group meets the ftr•t and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8·30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital. 1 Hoag Onve, Newport Beach Free Registration not required The group 1s designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness (949) 574-6232. Great Legs Wine l'reKnll "~f-},(ip/ !,le (j(J 11t11w1Jr( I'" t111 \\ l , ,,, ,, 11 ~', '"•'r tfwl ' .. \\ !''''' l:...""h 949-516-VINO ThMr""'6, A.~rll 24, 2()(/:J 5:30 to 8:00 P.M. Men john Bl.rgettD Jrom &r9ttto Wi""6 of ~utl """"' tr .. : Ct. H Ip ua c.t .~hnt'< Bar9etto Winera 's 70'" Anniversary. . ' .. ,u I: " I :1t'tti !>an!A (nu ~I 1.iL:>CT'f',i:I Sau"1 0. U \ ' I le will al.o d"~ Wlllt maki1 8269 ~~ 1 IT 1111 IUSl T&Kt SS FWY un FAii Dl. TO MARIO• AJ ~ ~ 10 P'...,, .,i. ~ 90'1"..,,...., ·~ o"'1 ·-,,,, • .._.. <"0'7-!1 °"'' ocotc. ~ lllCC>OfCJfo()(' ctuoc and onv ~ 'cll'nQ et<> :JC t-~ 4'27<03 • @JummRAJuJJ .• CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Acctssoriu For Your Homt Small Buffet ............................................................. Sl50" Round Table & -' Slip-(o\'ered Chai~ ................. $296" Pair of Wing Chair · ................................................ SJO()" Leather of a ............................................................ SJ5,. Tropical Rattan Recliner ........................................ SJ75• Pair of Leather Chairs ............................................ $413" Sage Green Chenille Sectional ............................... $99S- Pair of Down Sof as ................................................. $2()()()" ( • ,,, 'I ... ,, ,,, I ,,. I \ ' , I 'I• • ·' ll\ '''''"":'111 . "'. ,,,j, 4 • 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa Mesa, Located bclnnd P1wn '• huo Phone (949)764-l746 Hoen: Mon-Fn l~S:JOpn. Sat lO: 5 8 18.885 aw ... JCWH7 JOll901 -· - M WecnsdlJ. ~ 23, 2003 • FORUM HOW to GET PU8USHED -t..n.rt: Mall to Edltortal P~ Editor S,J. Cahn at the Dflly Piiot. 330 W. Bay St, Cotta Meu, CA 92627 • R11din Hodlfte: Call (949) 842-8088 Fa: Send to (949) 84&-4170 ~""'' ~S.nd to dallypilotlJllltfmes.oom •Alt COfTftP(>fldenc must indude full name, flometown end phone number (for~ purpoeee). The Piiot reMr'V99 the right to edit ell eubmluiont for dertty end length. Fondly remembering a neighbor of so many years -· As you may know,t Hannon Weston. who lived on Lubpur . Avenue In P>rona deJ. Mar, passed · away late last year. • After serving in the Navy In World War U, Weston taught in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District fot many years, then retired and became active in community events. His major involvements were as a longtime docent at Sherman Gardens and as a resident member of the Corona del Mar Clwnber of Commerce~ He is missed by those who knew him I wrote the enclosed pc)em and read it as his service and thought Daily Pilot read~ might want to see it It was a fun experience being his nexi-dooc neighbor for more than three years. 'HARMON -MY NEIGHBOR AND FREND' If ever a man had a neighbor, just as special, As "spedar could be, MAILBAG C~T£SY Of OOti PHARES Don Phares, left, with Harmon Weston who died late last year. had lots on his mind, And I'd listen as he talked auKl}'! And I'd smile in return as again, I would learn That fun's quickly found blend, Tnro warm memories, and, ihanksgtving to God Thall had Harmon Weston as my neighbor and friend. slate of candidates down to two - Bric Bever and Mike Scbeafer - but deadlocked at that point, much to the chagrin of the assembled muses and viewers. A 8nal decision 1$ planned in two . weep, although there was nothing evident to suggest a way to eliminate the deadlock. Mayor Pro Tem Ouis Steel's feeble last ditch attempt to re-introduce his personal favorite, Dennis DeMalo. as a "compromise candidate• late in the proceedings fell on deaf ears, as did Ubby Cowan's multiple attempts to offer up former Mayor Linda Dixon - the third place vote-getter in the last election -as a solution. A's an option to break the deadlock I offer the following observation. Before the final vote was taken the winnowing process bad resulted in three men left standing when the music stopped -the two finalists and Walter Davenport, who was ellmlnated in the last step before the vote. READERS RESPOND A place to call home · AT ISSUE: Is the construction of condominiwns at 1901 Newport Blvd a good addition to "downtown" Costa Mesa? T he downtown redevelopments of the condominiums, 1 think. is fabulous. It is very good use of that space, and there Is certainty nothing around it that that would impinge on. Hurray, hurray for the couqcU on this issue. ROBIN LAWRENCE Costa Mesa First, Councilman Gary Monahan . should abstain from voting on this issue. He has a vested interest in generating more customers for his nearby restaurant. Well, that neighbor would have · to have been Harmon Wesron. And that man would have had to ~gladly. been me! ' when we take time ro p/.ay. .Davenport brings precisely what this city needs in a council member today. He is held in the highest regard by city staff, citizens and council members -who extolled his virtues foUowing the end of his more than two decades of service on the Planning Commission recently. He is not bun:lent-. by a narrow focus on city issues, he knows the processes at City Hall and his calm, mature, reasoned demeanor can provide the quiet leadership he exhibited on the Planning Commission for so many years. Second, Costa Mesa has dispersed commercial strips in large manufacturing and industrial blocks separated by high-density housing. Yes, I lived right next door to my neighbor, and friend For many an interesting year, And rare were the days thal I spoke with my neighbor Without being bkssed by his unending cheer.. For Harmon u.w totally special. in ways far too many For me here, to SQ)( BMt the ones I liked best were his confident smiles, And the youthful excitement he brought to each day. He always seemed happy. f ( Yes, Harmon coos specUil. · of that wre's no doubt, "Full of life" in so many good cwys. With a dance and a song He went "full-speed" along, . Enjoying each moment as he lived our his days. I almost expect to once more hear my friend Call my name from his yard. below,. With food ro be shared. or with something to show. Or with some helpful thing he had felt I should know. Though this special mads gone where I cannot now go. · Still. my thoughts of him all seem to DONALD PHARES Corona del Mar A third option for the Costa Mesa City Council Third, condos are a cheap, high-density housing solution. They don't Increase the value of anything around them except maybe restaurants. Four four-story buildings a perfect fit? Apparently anything fits in Costa Mesa. Oiop, chop, whittle, whittle - that was the sound we heard as the City Council hacked away at the 26 candidates for appoinonent to the council to replace Mayor Robinson Monday night. History shows us that he can build consensus among his peers. He is, in fact, the perfect candidate for this position on this council at this time. Costa Mesa With an eff~ctive process and solid guidance provided by City Manager Allan Roeder, the four remaining i:;ouncil members managed to distill the original GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa Absolutely, I think It needs to be done. The space needs to be used, and I think ii would be a great opportunity for all the citizens in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. MM GRAHAM Newport Beach I AiilliQifliAOi , ...... ,, r co=on It's Happening dt the Hatbo,./ ~TOOllS ...... ·~···· ~on\ r~;y\:11 .9 ~~I~' ··---·--· .... ± T --.... ._ d .... ----- 23td Annual ~ ~ ~ ~~~1!) Clean Harbor Da} Celebtation 54tutrlq, A;,rll 26, 2003 911111 to 3pm ~ Hdot NiutJu/ Mlatum 151 (111 Pciflc COtnt H'k :r~cs! &Ing the Nhole {llmtly (,,, 1111 l/letnoon of St4-wotthy (Un. You Cdn c1tt1ti '/..'l:r (ol- t 1ns}zwho.e yai bjin}z1 -'Ill# tht ctetl/Ol'd "'loul 5'h §'Mn ~ "~,,,, ~·1n 2003 . ,.,,,~ ..... ~.,,~~hunt. ""...,Lil '/OfJI ~"'ti# -~ "''""""" /ifr"""" t.fl'llt Mtlt wchiM. imsth lrN ._,,, """1' Pf ... .., "*""' """' tllt "'*"""',..,. ... ,11w-.,•~w. Wt. ~""' ~' "" Mt61'¥ Hillillt l4lbol. !rl!>f ffl"' hp firr,. {ot IM ,.. t.tWIOlt. . Plq Jtl111t$, Mn /1ttitf.J It /tJfm how you Cdn hJ~ 11/W ti. My . ~~.,.,.,..,.,,,,.,..,,,....,~ •C\'il'*"f"11# .. .,~-~­.,,.,,.,....., .. ~"~ VIII H9·6~5 (rN mott ln{WmatJon . • ~,_ • BELLPORT ---WI: -------- ·--·-- 6 a 0 A T 5 --~-· ,-.. _.• • ..• Jll lull• 1:1i! , .. :1"' 1tJrt.• QUOTE OF THE DAY "We got bushwack ed {by Tesoro for first PCL.loss in two years]." •• ............ CdM boys &olf Coach 0 EYE OPENER Daily .. lfu. Ac>t'~ 28 llonotee NICK SCHAUMBURG Sp0rta Phone: (9491574-4222 • Sports Fu: 19491650-0170 Wemesday. ~~ 23, 2003 A7 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS _Eagle.s blow past. _crosst_Own rivals In blustery conditions, Estancia proves too much for visiting Costa M e~a Mu stangs, wins in a breeze. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -ln weather more fit for flying a kite than playing ten- nis, the F.stancla High Eagles went along with the elements and soared over crosstown rival Costa Mesa in a Golden West League boys tennis match Tuesday, 14-4. Crisp gusts blew in off the ocean acr,pss the Estancia High courts, causing players to tweak thelr serves and vol- leys. No comeback was needed Tues- day fo r the Eagles, who onJy dropped one set in doubles to Mesa (0-12. 0-9). Olase Raymond and David Do won two of three sets at No. 2 dou- bles while Bryce McKendry teamed with Oscar Nieves and substitute Shane Thompson to sweep at the 'No. 3 spot for Estancia. Thom pson, nor- mally a singles player on the junior varsity squad, was caJled up for Tuesday's m~llch. •This ls the windiest it has been all year,· said Es- tancia Coach Rachel de los Santos, whose team im- proved to 7-8, 4-6 in league. e Mesa's David Le took two of three sets at No. 2 sin- gles whiJe Pham won one set at No. I singles. Dang and Nguyen took one set at No. 2 doubles for Mesa. Nguyen usually plays singles but f farader put him at doubles l'ues- day. •you have to have racquet control on a day like this and not go for risky shots,· Mesa Coach Costa Mesa 4 Estancia 14 Bill Harader said. "The lob is a weapon, but not on a day like thls. • ·1 tried to stay as close to the net as possible and not lob unJess we had to because the wind would throw off our lobs,· said Estancia's Lou.is Valdes, who swept at No. I doubles with partner Chris Cacho. In the duo's final set Tuesday - against Mesa's No. 2 do ubles team of John Dang and Brian Nguyen - Valdes fell to the ground after one point, favoring his lower back, which he said has been giving him prob- lems for a month. ·1 planted my feet and my back seemed like it gave out,· Valdes said. ·1 was kind or slow after that and couldn't hit my first serves fast • Hitting ipeedy first serves wasn·t nece!>\arily a good strategy luesday according to Estancia freshman Scou Bra411Sdorf, who improved to 27-3 on the season with a sweep at No. I singles. ·rr you don't hit It as hard, you won't make as many mistakes," Braunsdorf said. "I tried to do more lob shots so I wouldn't have to worry about messin g up as muc;h. • Braunsdorf came back from a 5-1 deficit to defeat Huy Pham, Mesa's No. 1 singles player, 7-5. "I just changed my strategy and my attitude because, sometimes, I get mad," Braunsdorf said. "Whenever I mess up on a few points, I just change my attitude to come back." "His overall skdb, in· eluding volleys, are a bit better than some of our other guys,· Harader said. "Our doubles playe rs need to volley and serve and he helped us out a lot. "Our kids still don't know how to make that overpowering volley.· Lewis Bradshaw won two singles sets and Garrett Stephenson won his final set Tuesday, 6-0, for the Eagles, who have onJy two matches remain- ing. The Eagles travel to Orange Thursday and play again May I at Ocean View. "We played well today, it was an improvement over last tame." de los Santos sajd. Estancia beat Mesa, ll -7. earlier this season. "We're in the middle with Santa Ana and Ocean View all competing for (CIF Southern !>eclaon playoffl spots.· de los Santo\ sau.J Saddlebdck and Oet•.1n V1l'w wt.ll probably finish Nos. I and l. an the league. she said, with E-;tancia, Santa Ana and Ocean View all vying for third place and a guaranteed CIF berth. . Gotdef1 W... LM&IM Estancia 14, Costa Mesa 4 ~ -Braunsdorf (El def Pham, 7 5, def. Le, 6-2, def. Doung, 6-1; Bradshaw (EI won, 6-3, lost, 2-6, won, 6-2, S1ephen1on lost, 1-6, <Mi, won, 6--0. DoublM -Valde•Cacno IEI def Sneen-Garcla, 6-1, def. Dang-8. Nguyen, 6-2. def. McNulty-A. Nguyen, 6-4; Raymond-Do IE) won, 6-3, 1091, 3-6, w oti. 6-3; McKendry-Nieves won, 6-2, 6·3, (Thompson for Nieves), 6-2. PHOTOS BY S£AN Hl..LER I DM. Y PLOT Estancia's No. 1 singles player, Scott Braunsdorf, above, generates some topspin on a forehand return en route to sweeping his three sets Tuesday. Below, LoUts Valdes, a member of Estancia's No. 1 doubles team, delrvers a backhand while partner Chris Cacho looks on 1n the Eagles' 144 Golden West L~ague triumph over the Mustangs. • HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL COLLEGE GOLF Anteaters three-peat Sea Kings achieve total Contant-ment Lefty reliever helps CdM maintain PCL lead with win over Breakers. Steve Vlrc•n DaUyPitot CORONA DEL MAR -Every time Laguna Beach HJgh came mocking at C.Orona del Mar's proved>ial door, the Sea Kin&' alammed it shut. even when the Breabrs dJd more than Just knock, the CdM baseball team. Blake Contant In particular, si- lenced them. Contanl quieted lagwla Beach, &triking out a batter with the bues loaded In the fOW1h inning. It was the eecond time a CdM pitcher re- corded a lttibout with the bases loaded. The See KJnp fed off that momentum and remained In ftrst place in the Paci&c Cc>Mt Lague with • 9-3 home victory Tuelday. "He's afraid of you. ... Laguna Beach playtt shouted to bis teammate while C.Ontant pitdled In the fom1b.. • "You can bit du. guy." • · Cootant retieved Nick Rhodes In the fourth wttb runners OD flnt and eecond. Coontant struck out the ftnt t>.tter he faced. Then. he loch ad • fly baD to. cmter 8eld. He W1llked the next batter to Jolid the .· • betel and cha Laguna 8eacb ~ coodmied to en- CCR.np hii teammatet. wb.IJe Uc> ~ Contant. . 1be tqw:aa e.ch player didn't me that IO"&tegy ...... AndyWhUell .auck out=~· • tna CdM COldt Johri P.mme to~ ...... d &Del lhout. '"IM't .,i· "If *"" want to chJp. they can." Emme aid. "Wa'le ... to win With the toorebol.rd. We're not here to win a debite. We'N gotrc to keep ow mouthl lhllland~" The S. Diii UCHJ. 6·2 In~ went lbCMat Chelr keQm.,_.M EL DORADO HIU.S -The UC Ir- vine men·s golf team won its thJrd -straight Big West Conference champi- onship Tuesday. toppins the field in the 36-hole, rain-shortened Big West Olampionships at Serrano Country Qub. Senior Mi1t.e Lavery shot 6-under- par 138, including 4-under 68 Tues- day, to earn the individual conferebce crown. He finished one sh ot ahead of Pete Sisich from Cal State Northrldge, who shot 7-under Tuesday. UCJ junJor Vinnie Pondno en· 70- 147) fin.I.shed elgbth and wiuor tum- mate Jeff Coburn (73-7S-148) nth. Smlor Ryan Armstrona (75· 74-- 149) was 13th and freshman Ryne Rind.Oel.scb (76-76-152) 23rd ri r the Victorious A.Dteatera. UC will compete nat ln the NCAA R.esfonal Champ o ·~May 15·17. most libly ln the t ReslOn •• Ailbw'Q, Wub. 1be UCI womnia t am, ln ~ lb eecond year. wu third. The Antnten' 9&-bole loW of 6.18, WU biMled bJ Northrld&e (617) Md...., (al). ua ~ sc• t.ee .._ n. 70-1'5 to flnllh ~ tbNe lhoea oil the pett of eotafe;•ia c:M..pan EHubethAlmol~ ua:hlhmaa~w..m-1o1- 1'3) wu ,...._ IGfham&M• ......, ............ (M.:a-•• ... a-. ~~-· 174)-~ rn+ ·• .._. I'm ••· .,.._.,IM)w'2tialwillll"1 I ea ' I • . . M W~. Ac>rl 23, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBAl..l Sea Kings blast Uni CdM unloads for 21 hits in PCL romp. CORONA DEL MAR -The ba$ came aliw in the middle bw ninp for Corona del Mar High~ softball team Tuesday 4s it col- lected an 18-2 win tn a Paci.6c Coast League game.called after flve tnn1ngs at University. IClanna Jaye. who went 4 for 5 wtth a triple and thne RBis.. as well as Heather Lohrman paced the 21-hlt attack for the Sea KingL t •• BRIEFLY •' ace advances. • VOUBYBAU.: Though five grunes were needed. the Orallge Coast College men's volleyball team prevailed over visiting Bl Camino, 26-30, 30-24. 30-28, 28- 30, 15-8, Tuesday in the opening round of the Southern California Regional Playoffs. Freshman outsJde hitter Poyer J>ola tallied a match-high 23 kills to go with four blodcs for OCC (17-6). Middle blocbt's Dane Gm.Jam and Levi Luster had 12 1nd 11 kills, respectively, while combin-ln8 to post eight blocks. Mike Murphy led Coast with 58 assists and Kaione Scott also taWed 15 digs.. Ing the Newport Harbor tllgh boys golf team to a 210.228 Sea Vlew ~ victory over lrvirle ht Santa Ana CountJy Oub ~ The Sailors Improved to 5·8, 3-4 in league, as junior Michael Benvenuti (41), sophomore~­ vis Pemstein (43), junior Mi- chael Yack.er (43) and sopho- more Brandon Sowera (44) alao contributed to the vi~ory. · Sea ~gs 'bushwacked' • GOLP: Corona del Mer High'a boys golf team •d something It hadn't swall~ in a whlle -a loss in Pac:tflc Coast League play. • Lohrman homered to lead off an elght-nm fourth Inning and went 3 for 4 with three RBis. Me- lanie Cole knocked in four runs, going 2 for 3. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT CdM's Nick Ka~~ (3) is congratulated by teammates after his firsNnning home run Tuesday at CdM.' Coast will now face top- ranked and two-time defending state champion LA Pierce in the state semi6nals Friday at Long Beach Qty College at 5:30 p.m. The Sea Kings dropped d.ei.r ftnt league match since -the 2001 season Tuesday, a 192;2ll2 nine-hole decision to host :re- soro at the par-36 San Juan ~s Golf Course. Alissa Z.oelle ptcked up her fifth win in the circle wtth a com· plete pme and scored a run on Jaye'I ttiple in the fourth Inning. uu1ren Loe added an RBJ single aa did Sarah Stem in the fourth l.nn1ng. QlM (6-6, 2-1 in league) scored five runs each in the third and flfth lnnlnga before Univer- sity (3-9, 0-3) managed two runs in lta half of the fifth. P9Cllc: c... LMpe CdM 11, Un."wnfty 2 CdM Boore ~i.wnr -11 21 2 Uni 000 02 -2 2 2 Zoelle and Tyaon; Wiimer. Davi. end Gould. 28 • Tyson (CdM ). 38 -Jaye (CdM). HR -Lohrman (CdM). Tars throw CDM Continued from A7 business to extend their early 3-2 lead with six runs over the final three innlnp. QlM also gained momentum from answering the Breakers' rwo-run first, when Conley Sampson smacked a two- run home run to put Laguna Beach (5-10. 3-5) on top. However, CdM senior Nick Kar- ~ came back with a home run of his awn. a solo shot Ollllr the right· 6eld fence for his second homer of the season. Then, in the i.ec- ond, ~ King sophomore Wess Presson went deep to right field for a two-run homer, giving CdM the lead for good It was Presson's second dinger or the season and It brougnt in junior Nick Palchlkoff. who had singled. "We've been relying on guyi. . like Keith (Long) and Todd (Macklin) to carry us." Emme said. "But today, (J(arp6) stepped up for us and Blake came in and showed the promise of what he can do and what he should con tinue to do He has been a bh dominant as of late:~ The left-hander struck out seven, scattered four hits and al- lowed JU.St one run (unearned) to improve to 3-1 th.is season. "I wam' heanng that." Contant said of the nunor heddlng in the founh. ~1 WdS zoning in on what I had to do. After I struck them out, that got me (motivated]." 1be Breakers, who stranded 13, al.so failed to capitalize with the bases loaded in the second lnning. 'v.•hen Sampson had the table set. But. Rhodes struck him out swinging. By contrast, CdM took advan- tage Wlth runners in scoring po- sition. In the fourth inning, jun· lor Danny Martn-Finn doubled . He advanced to third on a groundout Then, wtth two out, Long's ground ball produced an error and Marin-Finn scored. ln the fifth, Macklin doubled to bring in junior Barrett Sprowl, who singled. Macklin later scored on a wild pitch. CdM ~cored three runs in the sixth. as Presson, Marin-Finn and 'fyter Len~ walked with the bases loadtd, scoring ~. Sprowl and Palchikoff. who w dS hir by a pitch. Padflc Coat i.....,. CdM 9. ~n• Be~ 3 ScoN lnnlnas Laguna 200 · i -3 11 1 CdM 120 '23 ..: -t 9 2 Herrell, Stllnsbury (6), Sampeon (61 and Hite. Rhod•. Contant (4) and M1rln·Finn W -Content, 3· t. L - H1rroll 2B-Wilson (LB), Harris I LB), Mann·Ftnn ICdM I Maddtn ICdMI HR Simpson (LB). Kar~ (CdMI. Presson (CdM). Diefenbach keys Tars • VOIJ.EYMLL: What a wel- come back for Newport Harbor Hlgh's Jamie Diefenbach. The 6-foot-8 junior middle blocker returned to Coach Dan Glenn's starting lineup and slammed a match-high 18 kills in the Tars' Sea View League sweep of host Foothill, 15· 12. 15-8, 15·8, Tuesday. Diefenbach tore his ACL ln the fall, causing him to miss the entire basketball season and the ftrst 19 matches of the Thrs' volleyball campaign. He returned in fine form Tuesday, tallying eight kills in a 12-0 run by Ntwport to open the match. "It's good to have him back." Glenn said. "He ls a year older, a year stronger and is bigger. He dJd a nice job (Tuesday!.* Die- fenbach added seven blocks, three solo. ·The kids bad never played the course before ... the greens and pln placements were tough," CdM Coach Mike Stark- weather a1d. "(The nt.aAsJ know that course well, so kudos to them. We got bushwhacked." CdM's Alex Oillcovanl was medalist (36), making two bird- ies and just missing a four-Coot birdJe putt. He wa.s followed by teammates Zack Rabinovich (39), Rob Ury (41), run Frohling (42) and Brad Olamberlln (44). CdM (8·4, 6-1 in league) beat Tesoro (5·2 in league) earlier this season. VU's Hall tops mom •TRACK AND FIELD: Van- guard University senior Sa.rah Hall broker her mother's 13- year-old sc.hooJ record by fin- ishing fourth in the 5,000 me- ters in 17:31 .80 Friday at the Po- mona Pitzer lnvltatJonal Lrack and field meet. one away NEWPORT BEACH -Throw- ing errors proved contagioua for host Newport Harbor High Tuesday as four different infield- ers made errant throws ln the same inning to help Laguna Hills collect a 3-0 Sea View League softball victory. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Lightning walks past Brethren Paul Toman added seven kills alongside six from Nick Gluslc. Mike Toole and Morgan Go- vaars each tallied four kills for Newpon (11-9, 4-1 in leagueJ. Adam Schlesinger had 46 as- sists while Toman had two solo blocks for the Sailors. Hall's mother, Sherri Curl, a former Vanguard cross country and track All-American, still owns school records In the 3,000 and 10,000, as well as the Golden State Athletic Confer- ence and NAIA DJstrfct Ill re- cord in the 10,000. She wu on hand to see ber 5,000 standard of 17:40.29, completed in 19'0, bettered by her daughter. The four throwing errors in the second inning helped the Hawks score the first of their two unearned runs. Newport threatened in the thW.. when Jenny Daniela reached on an error, advanced on Shelby Criap'a aacrl6ce bunt and went to third on Ashley Gleason's bunt single. Sabrina Couch walked to load the bases and the Newport dugout thoughr the next hitter walked, as well. CYPRf:SS -The Sage Hill School baseball team earned a win on the wild side Tuesda)~ topping host Brethren CJtrisdan when the Warriors walked in three runs in the sixth to fuel a 6-3 Academy League victory at Oxford Academy. bases. Pinch-bitter Olff SWari- son, Jordan Salinger and Man Komswtet then walked to force ln runs and the Ughtning (10-5, 6-3 in league) added an Insur- ance run in the seventh. Tun Willdns pitched three scoreles.s inn.ing.5 of two-hit relief, slriki.ng out S1X. to earn the victory. his founh in five dedslons. whlle Friedrichs continued tus offensive tear this season, going 2 for 4. Down, 3-2, entering the sixth, Zach Friedrichs and Matt Loper singled. With one out. Zack Shockley walked to load the SCHEDULE The umpires, however, ruled differently and the Sailor runner trotting in from third, thinkin• she wu forced home, was tagged out at home by the catcher when It was ruled it was only ball three. TODAY Basebal at Corona del Mar, 5:30 p.m (approximate). College -Vanguard at Cal State San Bernardino. 6 p .m. Swimming A strikeout ended the rally and the Turs managed ju.st one more hit. an Athena Vasquez single. High school -Irvine at Newport Harbor, 3:16 p.m.; Ocean View at Estancia, 3:15 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Boise Grande, 3·15 p.m .. Newport Eilts Tournament consolation game. High school boys and girl• - Newport Harbor vs. Woodbridge at University High. 3:15 pm; Northwood at Corona del Mar. 3 p.m. Gotf Softball Newport fell to 8-5, 1-2 in league, while Laguna Hills im- proved to 3-0 in league. Community college -Orange Coast et Cypress. 3 p.m. High school boys -Corona del Mar vs. Newport Harbor at Pelican Hill Golf Club tn Pelican Hill Cup, 2:30 p.m.; Estancia at Ocean View, at Mile Square Part<, TBA S..Ylwi...,. ~ J, Newport 0 LAg. Hiiia 010 ~..,. -3 II 1 Badminton Newport 000 000 o -0 2 11 Fah ind Devis; Moore 1nd Cempbell W -Felt.. L -Moore. 4-5. 28 -Cue lLH). High school -Ocean View at Estancia, 3:15 p.m.; Costa Mesa junior varsity at Sage Hill, 3: 15 p.m. Voleyball High school boys-Northwood Community college - Grossmont at Orange Coast. 6p.m . ADVllll5Ul8rf fCll 19$ Subject to conditions p<nctltMd by the un dtn.ilMd. st•lecl bldS for 1 Lump Sum Con· trtct are ln1rrte4 for the followin1 Worll: . ., ......... lOOfS, VIUMO '9.ACI HOUSINO P'IOJICTltO..i soe~~ttt) MOo11f-2tt• UHIVUSfTY Of CALIFORNIA, llMNC IRVINC, CAllfORHIA t28117 PIGllCT Dlsca.TION1 Worl lflellldM, IH.tt It not lllftltt4 to Ille feffowlnr 1t.,.1r lhlnlle rool1 •I boll! t-story Md ltWM• •'Nii bulktlnp (3' tolel tsnJ.T(a COlllTllUCTICNI COST• ........... ...... ,.... ........ ........ _. .... 1 ..,.,...._. .... <-•r•ct •••-•••• .., ............ ~ IWdkll OoclHMnb wilt ... 11v9ileMI to llddv• ......... w • ., ..... ••. ..a 9114 •• ti. IH119' at• f ullltlH ....,.........t. Oll'-MJ ef c:.lifornia, htM. 10 lnllltlll Olf~• lulldt111 (111allfflc ad*eu) 11J'1 JaMlltn• le11l1urd f1>hr1lc•I 1ddn11), lrVN, CA 9*1·""· ("9)124-1* et.cu fot I -h f If ti fw w• M ,..,., ....... "'91!11t ....... ,., ... of liHlnc OOC11~b . a.a.-.......... ...,.... .. 9Tlle~ ttf "9 1Jt4gnl&r al C1ll1ornla." S.11td Bldt will not be 1c:c:1pttd 1ft1r: 2100 ..... on WIDNISDAY, ... ., 1, JOOJ Bid Security 1n the amount of 101' of the Lump Sum Bue Bid, u c ludln1 1ltarn1tn, 111111 ICCOmpany H Cfl Bid. The S11r1t1 luuln1 tfle Bid Bond lhelt be. on tlM Bid 0..dliM, an admitted 1urtt1 Insurer (u defined In th• C.llfornl• Code of CMI l'rocedurt Section 995.120). A IMftdtlory Pr•lld Conf•tll« end l're-Bld Job Wiiii win be con· ducted Oii TNUftlOAY, ANA 24,ta.~ be&IMllll PfOmpUy et 10.00 AJll. l'arlldpanb "''" lllfft •t; ftcllitlM Ma1111am1nt. Interim Office lulldl,. Confw enc• Room 28, U11I· nralty of C1lltetnla. .,. .... (lvffclona • t2 ot1 "4lfttl C1111pua M•11), 19172 Jal!IW•ao.He1r11d ltll!IM, CA mt7 14U, CMI) 124-1404 AnDIDAIKI AT Titl NI--COWlalKI ••• ,. ..... 100 WM.II IS .._.'°"" .. Ml,.... (Oii~ TUCT.._,_am . .. WILL GOii AT , ........ ...., <Oll- TUCYOft AMNNl8 Alna'*,., .... 90f • .... TO PMTICIPATI • ntl I• PtMKltl Al a ,_ CWTMCTOL O•IJ _ .. ,_,,. w111 11•~1 Ill_.,, IN ,.,. ~ CoftfttMOe end ......... "'" eedratr ... " .... ,, I to bid on tht Project 11 ~·-contraclOl'I FOi' f11•lhtr lnform1tlon, contact UCI Cc>11trects Dtperlmtnt Wtlhtll f I cllltles M1n111a1tnt, B1111d1 R Hockenhulltl (949) S2A·l404. Tiit auccusfw Bidder and Iii Subcontt1etor1 will be requlfad lo follow th• nonditctlmln1Uon raqulrtmenb Ml forth In UM 81ddlnl Oocu· mentl ind to Pl1 prn1llf111 Wiit rttn •I the loetlloft of the WOl'k, Tiie IUCCHtlul 81dder wUI llci flQUlfad to hlVI th• foUo•lnt Stab of C1hfcwnl1 C.nttKlor'I llc4n cUJrtnl •I th tltnt fllf IUbm lo4' Of Ille Bid UCPfSI CLASlllKA.TlOtet a.narel lulldlnt ConttKtor UCMSICODL I Ottlefo ........ '"4Jflo1 . ...., ........ ...... ............... •'"" ...... .,Md ......... _ ... ...................... l. The c.illtntl1t .ii.a have "-' Ill iblll ... '"' ~ nente '"' C.lifOf-Conlt • tor'• ll c11u for a 11tlrll!niHll •f :. GOntin11 "°' r•n llf IOf lo the •Id OINl'l"ll ult for thl• ,,. .. , T1M lklflN ...... to Nf fy tNt t•CIW• _. ........ •f ... UIN tw-1-.Ulrelll ., ttle '"'''II< l 1. ""'C9111111Cl• ..... ptolllft • llllnlmum of 1 Ufw.., IOf lltO!ttb lltftilM hi kOfll onl II.II to lfltt ho1KI wlutll II.wt ....., .... c fvlly completed durlnt the p1113 yt1n THC RlGENlS Of THC UNIVERSITY Of CALI fOftNIA Aptil 2003 P11bll 1h1d Ne wport BHth·Cosle Meu Oatly Piiot Aprll t6. 23. 2003 Wl31 AffORNEv 6A PAlitY WITHOUT ATTORNEY """ and Wooley Lll'. 10900 WM1hll'1 Blvd . lo• Ma:alts, OA 90024-6!!01 Tt(E~ NO 310 824 1777 ATTORNEY roR R•ll•nee N1Uonel In dtm11lty COflllllnY NAM OF COUltl IUOI CIAL OISTltlCl Ort lltAHCH COURT, If ANV Or•"r Col.lnty s11111r1oi Collf C.111t1l JudH.lal Oltltld l'l AINTIH · Rallenct Natio nal lndemntt~ Co11111anr OHENOAHT Tl1r1n Svedr•n MOftclOf S.....,..SSAU LfVYINO orrecu 0r 111,. County Sheftff1 0.pt.L '801 Jfl!lf)OI" lht , ""' IOI. e..wp«t 8~11. CA 2MO Hwbor OIYIMOO UVNO OfJtCfl f1U "°· ... ,..,s .. s <OVlf USI .. , ..... 111 •irlue o• O W'ftl lttulld on •• , O'l In lht "6vt Mlcn•M>if COtlft llPOlt I iud&mtnt MtefMI ll • l&.tt f11 ft¥tt of 111411111111 $ttf1tor(1), II tnu Netlonol 111 daftl111t1 C~nt c/o ~11111114 W.Ole'J. • IC*IO Wtl1hlre II• .. l ltll ''"'· I.~ M , CA •oou •nd •rl"'' lulf1m11t de!ucla> T11ra11 Sodtlan .. 65 Belco11rt Onve. Newport Beach. CA 92660, sno'""' • 11et b•lanu of SJS0,903 68 ectually due on Hid fUdcment on the date of th• 111u1nc:e of Hid writ, I have levied upon •II rlltll. title tnd tnter111t of aeld Juotmenl deblO<(•) In th• prof er 11 111 1111 County o Or•n1•. Slate nf C.hfMnl• dt\Cttkd ulollow1 Co1111Mnly Kr>own Ad· dr.~• 65 8elcourt Otl1rt, ~ort 811ch. CA l•l•l 09'crlotlon l'AA Cfl 1· LOT 10 Of TRACT NO U4!IO, AJ ~N OH AM~ RCCOttOCO IH BOO!< 491 , 'AG<.142 TO 46 INCLUSIVE M MIS C£.LLAN[OUS MA,S, IU'.COltDS or OMNOl COUNTY. CAl"OltNlA lttcord Ow11ar1 The SYOdjl.ln Fam!iy L1mittd .. •• Mf..., Thia propert1 la t fwel!tnt If the eub~ of um HI• 11 , .. 1 Pf.,,.,.ty llld ll llH no •tfllt Seidt ... f/11 Ot... tOITI n ... ICJl.l110fl, dirt< liOl!a to lb ~•hon "'•t M oll tainM IY...i the S!lwlffa Offu upo11 '~tl Ptnt• ( '"" bldd"'I •l>Ould ttfflf IO kllo>M 101 110 to 101 no If! lu"v•. of Ille C0411 of Clvll 'r°'""" for Jfllr!Ufft to•.,.,...,c IN t••, '911ClrtHIM, incl off•ct •f .... ... "'' tilt 1 of defl4illl1 bidden HOTlCf 1$ Hr. .. uv CMN ttuit 111 ,._1 I , 2003, ti l l 00 e'Ctodl A .. •l 411)1 MfillbofM Shockley added two RBis. mdud- ~af~8~-~~elllren Ouh -Sailors roll over Irvine Academy LH&419 •TENNIS: Newport Harbor High's boys tennis team moved into a tie for third place In the Sea View League with vlaltlng lrvlne. whJch the Sailors de- feated, 15·3, In a league match Tuesday at Harbor. Sarah Hall came within a half-second of her mother's 3,000 record earlier this sea- son and Friday's effort was more than 90 seconds faster than her previous beat. The clocking also automatically qualified Hall for the N,A.IA outdoor nationals, for which she had already qualified in the 1.500 and the marathon. S1ge Hill I , Brethren Chr. 3 SooN by lnnlna1 S1g11 Hiii 010 103 l -e 11 l Br.ihren 200 '°° o l 15 , Frledrn:h1, Wilkin• 15) and Kornawiet; Warden and Kilbane. W - Wllktns 4-1 L -Warden 2B -Karl IBCI. Soles IBC) The Sailors (9-8, 4-3 in league) and Vaqueros (9-8. 4-3) each trail league-leadJng Foot- hill and second-place Wood· bridge. HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Tyler Deck came up big and Brandon Lutfy and Dylan Es· pley-Jones are beginning to understand each other and come together as a team,* Sail- ors Coach Jeff' Thomson said. She ls scheduled to run hi;r first 10,000 at the GSAC cham- pionships. beginning Friday at Point Loma Nazarene. Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series Also Friday, Vanguard sopho- more Jenny Thune qualfted for the outdoor nationals by post- ing a t'ime of 2:17.04 to finish fourth in the 800. TODAY 2• -Brad La Bau Newport Harbor F-ootblll, 1996. '97 2• -Mario Romo Eatencla Baaebell, 1996, '97 18-Britteny Fullen Coron• del Mir Water Polo, 2003 Rd, rm 108, City of fQwport BHch. County of 011n1t, St1t1 of C11tfornia I wtll tell al public 111ctlon to the hicfl"I bidder, tor t.ttfl In lawful money of tht United Sl•to. all th• r 1&hl. tlUe and lnttrHI of -aid Jvdcmenl clet>l or(•) 111 lht •bon d<tur iOed Pf epeitty. or .o much th«MI 11 m11 b• necHuty to ut11fy u ld eucullon. ••th t cc1utcl lnt11ut end coals. Dal•d Aptll 10, 2003 Dlvl1lon Harbor AnltOllltM l! MIHIMUMlll> '1,451,00000 M.cll ... S Ctron1 $~ 0Hnte Coulll1 ly I/ O. Herp, D NO Do not tab down or dtface 1 poettd noUce llttor• the ult Of aattttecUotl ef ~ ,.,,.1 Codi SectMlll 116 (mtldel'lullOf') l'11bllalltd Newport l••ch Co1ta ..... O.ltJ l'llot •11 It U. IO, 2001 Wl,. ··-........ ,. Y IW81A1Hf1 c.llA.- Wl•AJ1"'7 fo 1n lllil'•. llt111fl cleiln. credlllf•. OOfl tine-t cr .. lon. _, ,.,_, wtlo _..., otlt ....... " Miter 11111 .. tho •ill °' ott.aM, • both. of, CHAALCNl A. JOHN°" A ,CTITIOflt f O" ,.10 IATI lie• ._ f1W i.y , AT ICM CllONlff -- ... Vlft leqve Newport 15, lrvlne 3 Sing._-Khoury (NH) def Perlt, 6·2. def Jung, 7-5. der Le, 6-0. Deck INHI w on, 6-0, 8-2, 8-0. Farmer (NH) won, 8-4, H . 6-0 Vanguard is victorious Doublee -Hochwald-Seryduk (NHl lost to Gomez-Shu, 5-7. def. Chang·Nguyen, 7-8; def. Yeng-Bul, 6-2; Lufty-Eapley·Jonea (NH) won. 8·2, 6-2, 6-2. TWNnl·D1vi1 (NH) loll. 1·6. won, &-2, loat. 6-7 • MSE.B.\LL: Vanguard Uni- versity held on for a 3-2 Golde)l State Athletic Conference base- ball victory Tuesday at Poi.Rt Loma Nazarene. . tvtotschenbacbershines • GOLP: Junior David Mot· schenbacher shot 3-over-par 36 to earn medalist honors, lead- Marcus Harris yielded ~ hits and walked three ln 6~ in- nings to earn the victory. ' Vanguard improved to 22-23, 11-13 in the GSAC while Point Loma fell to26-16, 12-ll. Su!*lor Court of Cell· tornto, Coun~ of OR· ANG£ THE ,ETITIOH FOR ,R08ATt fljfUtlta tllal PATRICK CRONIN lie 1ppofrttad 81 per1on1I rtprHtnlltlv• to •d· mlnl•tw tilt ultl• of th• dectdtftt lHC l'ETITIOH requetb tht fKede11t'a WI" end cod le Ila, fl 1ny, be admltttd to PfMlte Tho Will 111d .ny codlcl at• 1v1l11ble for 01mln•· tlof'I In tile ftlt kept lly Ille court.. lHC l'EmlOH ft411"b a11tt\otltr to etlllmmlater Ille .. t.lt 11ndtt tht lnelepondent Adlfllnta• tratlOll of latet .. Act, (Thi. Alltt1011t1 wlll ellow tlle !*tonal tepreMll· t1t11r1 to tab m1nr IC(lftfla Wtfhollt "lain• In& court opronl • ltfot• ta1111 certal11 _, l,..ort111t ecuona, ............. ,...., .. ,...,_tati.. ... tie required to S'" Mllce lO lflttr111tecf ,.,Miii vnt.h t11t1 ~.,. we1¥0d llCl11C41 ., ,_..," 10 lM pr.,... ectiofl.) Tl!• lllnp•n••• " mlnlllretlofl 1utflorlt1 .... .,..,,ed ~ •n l•t.r••••• p1no11 "'*' Ill! Mje<UOn to ttle ~ lftCI "°*' &004 qYM wtly \"9 Clllrl ~ nol If •nt tM 1\lttloflty A Hf.MIMI 1!t h ~wtlkMM• MA't IS. fat tt I 30 ll•ffl• I• 01,1 LU loeettd tt M1 T1lt c1t1 Dfl.,. South, OW81!1t C4 ..... tr •OO OI Cf II ... lfBl'tillt of t11e ........... 10ll tllould •pe>ur at tht llterl111 and state your •5Uon1 or hie written Ob lloni w Ith the court llci ort the hett Inc,. Your eppur1nct mey be In 111r1011 tlr by your 1ttorne1. " VOU ARl A CRCDI TOlt 01 conttn11nl cradltor or "'9 dec• ... d. you m111I Ille your cl11tn with the court end !Mii • eoc>r 10 tht IHl'llOl\11 •111'1M11l1Uve tppollltld II)' tht court within tour month• from 1111 date of tM llt1t laa111111c1 •f lltt•S 11 PfO'llded In ,rol>at• Code ~Uon 9100 Tiit OIN f0t f~ tlallllt will not Hpi!e kfw• four monlhl ffom the N•lna d1te notlctd above. YOU #AY C'XAMINC t111 file ktpt by tht collf't. If ~ .,.. e pertofl lfl· ttt•-.tlll Ill tM ntal4. J" _, file with tM c-t a ReqUHt fOf "9CtOt Notic. ~--'" OI 1$4) of the lil1111 of 1n illftfllMY and •P~llNI ef ..Utt HMtt or of 111r pelltlOll Ot l«OUnt .. ,, .... cltd "" hMlla Ce0t NCUoft l~ A "•quHt fot Sptelll flMtltt ft<ftl " • .,..tllble "-.... '°"'' '"'"· ~ .. , ..... i .WMI I . IATllT4, a&;. -f & IATm~ "'...L. , .. , ·--..... MfTI 171-1 ce1u a1u, t A ... ., ........ 11 .. ,,,,.,.,, IMdl Cotu ..... Deir f'lot .,, 11, "· H.: 200.1 TllWl4' I __,.COUIT Of ~ ((UflYOf~c..e, .. a.TY ... mil, PIOIA11 <OUl'f OftlA1m.M1111 cm 9IW POST ClflllCI IOJ 1'17t,OU.,CA W lS-1571 flllllDIOf n..-.,_._ fCll OIMll Of_ .. 10_ UISI,. C.-Of- Wl~Al1'7M TO ALL INTEltCITfO P RSONS: 1. '•tltloner. Thom•• Mlftfl fe1111 S.llllOll flltd • tNUtlon •1111 lhl• court fot I OecrM C:beflllnt .. ._ "fcillowt: Tl1011t1t ltin.t F en11 l1n11011 to Tlle1111t Ja_,_ 2 ntt: g()UltT OltO(RS th•t ell J*'IOlll 1111• tsted In tflla IHtt• lft .. 8"J9' Mf0t• tlltt court 1t tlle k•lfot klclieeld ..... lo aMw<'tMll If MY,_.,, Vie~ fOf C:llllfllll et ... ..,.......,._ ...... ,.tt4 HOTIC Of HURINCl 01tt t.13/0, Time! 2 00 ""'Otpt,:"73 fk 844r_. of lM ~t II .. _ M llOtN •"'"'• 3 A C9"f Of tlMt Ur,_ .. ...... ~ ....... pu~etlfftt~ Hell ,wttll t1r foltf' ~--... -ta tlM ...... fOf .... ........ _..! ..... ... ... fo4lowt.I ..... ,.,.. of ,...,.. C:lr II• latlon. ptlnttd In l~ county DAil Y Pll.Ol _ o .... Al'tl 21 IOOI I lKMMD o. llADI. Sl., JllHI Of • TNI SWllHOa (oual l'11bll1lltd fllew"p.qrt O•Kh·Cost1 Me*9 .belly "lot April 23. 30. May 7, 14, 2003 .wte7 Ac-.....: ........ _ The lollowln& ~ er1 do+ll1 llualnlaa •· Admlt1I C'w St._, Z1'01 Forbo ltd. St• · •n . '-1111"' Hllutl, CalltefMI 12971 CBCldoWolle Inc . (CA), 2.a1 c*"*'""· i.. 1un1 Hiiia, Callf~nl• 92553 -.• llllt l>llhla.. It COit• ductt4 br· a corP«ttlon Have 1ou 1tarttt111 dqlrc llualneuyeU... • .,.....l. lrla., l'iUt • n 1sldttlt hit IUttlfttnt trH '"" Wit• ttlt Coel'Y Cltttl of Or1R111 CoiJjlty Ofl o.,,/10/l)i ...,., ... " 0111y P'Jlot • • ,.. • .. u . '°· tool . "'ti _....- b a 1t I, :I r j j • WedWMsday, April 23, 2003 At ~"""=---..... __ .. _ l.llilllol!Cll -llpl .... ......... Uplllala. -llpllolca 2MI l.1111 ... •12"t THE PlTITIOH FOR -•-TO 'R08ATE request. thit --nH-JOHN S. WILLIAMS M •ISWIOfs PUBLIC AOMINISTRAToft ... nlOI be appointed as 11«son1I _, ..... ••t"""" rtprHent•llva to ad-._ iu ,,,.. minister th• estate ot , 4"4 111 Mfr•. b1n1fl· the dec;edtnt. lltdR. «•dltora, con· THE PETITION requests tlnat41t creditors, ind aulhorily to administer penons wllo ftl•Y oth the tllt1tt under the llf't'IH be lntwH l•d In lnd1p1nd1nl Admlnl5· ~ wHI or u tile, or tr1tion of Ettetes Act ~!'!.i_~of: KAREL LUISE (Th" Authority will allow IT~ Iha personal represen· •• Iii-PETITION FOR PRO· tel•~• to take m1ny 8"1E llu ti.in filed by actions without obt1tn· J OHN S. WILLIAMS , Ina court llpprov1I. l>"UllllC ADMINISTRATOR 81tore t1luna certain , 111.lhe Sllptflor CcMUt of very lmporl1nl 1etlon1, c.fifornl1, County of how111er, the pe1son1I y !S,Al!GE. rtprnent1tive wlll be Policy Rates and deadlines are subje.ct to change without nouce. 'The publisher tcserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified ~vertisernent. Please report any error ~at may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot acceplS no liability for any error in an adveniscment for whkh 11 may be responsible excepl for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. . Credit can onJy be allowed for the first insertion. · ANNOUNCDWITS & MISC. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & .. FINANCIAL c....,~ 1010-1770 1419 2305-2490 Oldef Style F"'1llt\n PIANOS A CollKdblrlt ·~ ........... ............ ~~ $tCA8MPAID .. ........... --WEllUY r.aTATD ·~ ........ -.. ,..,.... • 1 corJs1G rmmns I 11qutred to 1lv1 nollc• to lnltf'tatad person1 unltis they have w1lv1d notice or con .. nttd to th• proposad action.) The lnd1p1nderlt •.d· ministration 1uthorfty will b• ar1nt1d unless en lnt•r•al•d peraon ftles an objection to the petition and shows 1ood c1use why the court should 11ot ar int lit• authority A HEARING on the petition wlll be held on MAY 15, 2003 1t 1:30 p.m. In Dept l73 located at 341 The City Drive South, Oranc•. CA 9Z868. If VOU OBJECT to the ~OF ~d r.i'ir~~ EWS CASE NO.·Ai17473 To al heirl, benetk:iariet. ~­OOl61Q1111 aech:n. end peraons Who may otherwise be iolentsted in the wlll or ntate, Of bOlh of MElVIU.E JAMES ELLIS AKA JAMESEWS A PETITION FOR PAOSATE has been filed by JACOUEL YNN L EWS 1n the Supetiot Court of California, Covnty ol ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE reQUHtJ that JACOUELYNN L. ELLIS be appointed as peBONJ representative to admmter the estate of the decedent THE PETITION ~uests authority to adm1ntster the estate under the llldepeudent Administration of Estates Act (This authority will allow the ~ representative to take many actions W!1hout oblall'Vng court approval Before 1.aklllQ oeitain very imponanl aclione, l'owever. the personal r9Pfesental1Y8 wtu be requited to give noCice 10 interested l*10flS unless they hilve waived notice or ooneenced 10 !he proposed ICllOO.) The N ldepel ldef1I administr8b0n autnonty ...,. be granted unless Ill interes1ed pereon files an objection to the peli1ion and stlOWS good C8UMI tNt'rf the COi.ft should nee grant the ll'•ntl111 of lh1 petltlOfl, you &hollld llPP9tlf •t the h11tlnt 111d •l•t• your objedlofl• or Illa w1ltt1n ob1Ktlo11a with IN couft before the 1w1.,1,... r- '4IPUl•llU nlty b4 In person 01 by your 1ttorn1y. IF YOU AAE A CREDI· TOR 01 ~ontlnaent creditor of the dec:nMd, you mu1I Ille your clalln with the court end mall • copy lo tfl4 l)e'tonal repr1s1nt1tln eppolnlll4 by the court within tour months ftom the elate of the fnt luu1nce of letters as J)fovided In Prob1le Code section 9100. The time for filln1 claims wilt not HpW• before four tnOfltti. from Ula "-'"• date notk:ed above . YOU MAY EXAMINE the fll• kepi by the court. It rou .,, a JllfllOn In· tuast•d In UM estate. you m1y file with the cou1t 1 Requut for St>eclel Notice (1orm 0£· l!>t) of th• flline ot •n inventory end 1ppn1ul of estate Hsets 01 of any petition or account U f)fOVtded In Probtll Code section 1250, A Requnt fot Specie! Notice form is avellable from the court clerk. An.-y fw P.tttt-. ......... P. 4e M.,e c ... ...., c...,.... '"" J•••• C. Hervey, D-..tY, 341 n.. City Dr., ,.0. •ea 44H, Ot-.... ,CAH .. I Published Ne•por.t Beach-Co~t• Mesa Dally l'llot Aprtl 23, 29, 30, 2003 Wl'l42 Ml&W. tf u-1,,.,.,, Notice Is lweby &1'1911 thet the und«.ian.d will at public auctfon pur • auant to chapter 10, division 8 commeflC1n1 With HCtion 21700 Of the bualneu and J>fO· fnalona c~e or section 1911 of Ille civil code of TM Stat• of California and r.urauant to com· mare •I code, 1ecOon 7210 (2): the followinc misultaneous household end personal J>fOperty to·wlt Identified by mime and storaee untt num- ber. Rita Eat•ll• lot RS 11103 Jnd Henry Blank Lot HB 7802 Total of 2 lob, storad ill Two Broth11rs Mo111n1, ~t local.Ion of 10'41 W, 18th Street, Costa Meu. C11iforn11 92627, Oranae County. This sale will lie competitive b1ddm1 on the M1y 28th, 2003. at 4.00 i> m., et South How to Place A Coah Auction. 2202 Sout h Jhln Strut, Santa Ana, CA 92707, (114) 957·8133, on said pramlau , County of Ounce, Stet• of Call forni1. Bill)' S l1umphr1tt, Auction"'· license nunlbet 28'1, woll conduct Hie at 2202 Soot h Main Street, Santa Ana, CA Sales ls sold wtth hmlt and rtstrve, th• landlord reserves lhe ritht lo bid at lh11 'Siie. Purchasn must be paid for at time of purchilSe All pur· chued aoods are aold, •n os· and must be removed by Saturday, May 28th 2003 5·00 p m Thos ule 1s sub,ec t lo prior cancellatton on the event of settlament. between Two Brotheri Movona and oblicated party Publl\hed Newport Buch-Costa Mna Oaoly Polo I Apt 11 23. 30. 2003 Wl38 l&Al ll01ICE MOTICI Of PUIUC SAU Of AWDOB PIOPllTY Nollce IS hereby a1ven that the undersoened will sell at public aucllon, pursuant lo Section 21700 of the Busmen & Professional code. the following d~scrobed properly lo wot Elle10 A Pacana 015. Bike, Ru& Rims & Tue~ Hand Carl, Shop VR. MIS<.. Household Chns topher Dale Un11 C97 Baseball Cards. Maea z1nes. M••c Bo<es. Mis' Hounhold, Sus;in Kim ber rahrner Unit 810 Clothes. Coonpoto•. Luuaee. M1n1 I rodge . Cooler Bo>.e• & Misc Household Sile woll be by 'om pelolove ( wrtlltn 1ealed bods may be submolled on advance> on lhe 14th day of May 2003 •t 900 A M al the pre moses where saod pt 011 e•ty has been stored which os lo,al~d at AVRf S SELr STORAGE 1880 Whtl!l~r AH Co•ta Me~ Ca 92627 Landlord 1eserve!. lh~ roght lo bid di the •die Purchases musl be made by cash and paod lor di the lome of purchase All purchased goods are sold "AS ts· and must be removed at '""~ ot H ie Sale •s sub1eL1 to 1.ancellal1on 1n the event 111 ••tllement botw~en l•ndlord and ob1t11ated p41ty Published cin Aprtl 23td 2003 .and on "9rol 30th 20()3 AYRES GROUP 80M>HUM8ER s-400-1684 Ayres Sett Store&• At>eel• RUSo$0 J Lene Rnldant •aer• Scott Man· Publtshed Htwpor t B .. ch·Co1t1 Meu Dilly P ilot April 2l, lO, 2003 W141 cm Of llWPOIJ 1WH lr>1KI IMTMl9S Sealtd blcb mey bto •Ketved at th• offM.e ol the City Clerk, 3300 Newport Boulturd. P 0 Boa 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-891~ until 11 .00 • m on lht 12th day of May 2003, et which time such bods sl>1ll .,. opened •Old r"d for The follow1n1 perto0nl •rt doona business 1s Tl1£ UPS STORE. 2973 Harbor Blvd Coste Meu, C1hforn1a 92626 D 1 Woodard Corp (CA). 1853 Paios Clfcle, Cost• Meu. Cahfornie 92626 Th" bu11nn\ 1$ con· ducted by a torf)(lf atlOn H•ve 1ou ~hwte;d dolnc lluso1111n yet1 Y"\ 08/ 17/1997 0 T Woodaod Corp . Coralee Preltyman Secretary Thi• ~t.ttemenl wu flt.d with the County Clerk ol Ot dn~e County on 04/18103 J0036941S06 O~oly Pilat Apr 23 30. May 7, 14, 2003 Wll9 FldltlM ..... ..... s...... O<lU P•OHT llACH ACCESS WAUtWAYS Tltle •• ,, ••• ., C:-~ect No. 3378 $66,000 fMlneer'a hit-lo lht lollow1n& peri.ons BIDDl:R S UST AVAii are do•ne business n AB LC • O N C.11 V Universal Ma1nten•nce WE.B S I TE h tt p /' Company 77601 rorbn www2 u ly newport Rd Slo 32. Laeun1 beach ca us/pbw!Jodlt•I Noeuel Caloforma 9'1677 default "SP Peter J C.tpdh1elle Approved by 24861 Camberwell la /S/Steplten G. lod..m, euna Hiiis Caloforn11 Put.lie WO<'lo:a Director 926'>3 Prospective b1ddtf\ lh.-llusonen os <on may obtain one sel ot duGled by •n ondovodual bid documents for Have vc.u staoted do1nii $10 00 al th~ offoce ot bus1nes. vtt' Yo 01/ the Publtc Works Oe OJ 19SS parlmenl 3300 Newpo1t Peter Capdrvoell" Boulevard Newpr.rl lhos slatement was Beach. CA 92663 filed wolh lh• County Cortlraclor l o"ense Clerk ol Or•roge County ClaH1f1c .. t1on1 -.1 r• 0110j 10103 quored fnr th" pr•>1ecl 20036936500 "A OR C 12' Oaoly Polol Apr 9 16 far furthtlr infCJrmJ ~ J 30 2003 W127 hon call Lloyd u .. unn Rditlous lusiwu f'ro1ecl Man•b•' al "'-S......____, <949)644 3328 -..... _ Published N•wpr.rt The following persons Beach-Cosla Me'a CJaoly Mt d<•OO& bu""''' as P1lol Aprol 23. 2001 Wl40 Ba,••tb"ll lJnotorm"> Rdltlws "'9ntu Dor <CI 82S Hobou us C6url Corc.n• Del Mar "-5""""9111 Ga11fur no• 92b?'i fhe following pns""" Charle\ l ~ander are doone busonP\S as Mcllrode 8~!> Hob"cu' Jom R•paor, 21 lO N• Co;ur I Conor1• Del Mar t1onal Av~ Co">I• Mr~., r •liftirno• 9?61'> CA 926l7 rh" bu'""''"• " con lame. R B111ell l i jQ tluctrd uv M• ondovodual National Av~ <:ostd H•ve y'>u •.t.irted doone Mesa CA 92627 b"""~'·· yt>I' Nn Th" bu">onr~• " l On Chdll« Mc8rodt ducted by •n ondovodu.it Tho•. tol.,Mnt w•• Have Y"u started doon~ loi•d "'''~ the l.ounty busone•• y~P v., 1994 C.lerk ol 1'.Jr •Iii• Counly lame• R Bizzell 0 11 03, 18 0.1 Thts •latPment w.o• 2003693764 l ltl~d woth the 1.ounly Oaoly Polol Apo 16 23 Clerk of Or~nge C"unly lO M•f 6 2003 W\33 2003693989 1 Hll , .. ---·· tlM on 04/04 03 I •-• __. dlt Oaoly Polo I Apr 'I I b ttM Mrf weyl Pl.<11 23. 30 200J w 1 ·q Clanlfl~ ocl tM.yl (949)M2-S'71 .......... ........ Th.\ folowl111 peoon.l .,. doln& buslneu u l1111&nn liqu0t . 250 £ 17th St. •A, Coste Mesa. CA9262i Bona Hwan HW•n& 1145 Woodbury Or Hatbor CA 90710 Thjs buson"' 11 con ducted by • corporation Have you •l•rl•d dome business yet? Yes, S.Ot 30 1998 Bone H••n Hwanc lh1s statement *'" foled woth lhe County Cle;rk of O!ana• County on 03/27/03 200J6Ua7._ Oa1ly Polot Apt 9. 16. 23 30. 2003 Wl2S Re-.. ..... ...s...... The followona per$on& .,. doona bu,,inen n Smote Offltn Adnnc&d Oenllstry, 210 W Birch SI Ste 203 Bru CA 92811 Sahyan Dental Inc (CA) 769 Voew Lane Oramond Bar. CA 91765 lhl\ business o\ l On dut.tad by • cotporaloon Have you •lartrd doing bustneu yet7 No ~hv•n Oenl•I inc Ab« Sahy•n CCO This stateml!nl w n foled woth lhe Count t Clerk of Or1n1e County on 03/20 03 200S693793 I Daily Polol Apt 9 16 23 30 2003 WI 24 Fic:tltlm ..... "-S....... The follow1n1 µer \t•n\ ar' do1na. bustnt!!.\ "' Loomis Property '"' 5323 Via Apolond Yor Ila Londa CA 9Z886 CSR Cnterpro\n lnr (NV 1 5323 Voa Apohnd Yorba ltnda CA 92886 This bu"""'' os LO" dueled by • corp11r•lor>11 Have you sl<1r ted doon~ bus1ne•s yet> No C SR (nterpro\r\ Maury loom,. CEO ThlS stalernent w H !tied with th• (uunly Clerk nf 01 a nae County on 03 19'03 200369376aS Oatly Polol Apr 16 23 30. May 7 ?003 W\36 SELL your stuff through classified! ___ Deadlines --- Monda)' ..................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday .................. Monday 5:00pm CLASSIFIEIAD By Fax (949) 631-6594 11'\e;i'IC oncludc ) ou1 n.imc anll rh<1nc numbr. l!lld w~ · 11 call ""' Nl~ "'llh I po.c 41><1!~ I By Phone (949) 642-5678 II ours By Mail/In P e r son: :no we,t Bay S1n:c1 Co~ta Mesa. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St Wedne~day .............. Tue!>day 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Fnday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturda) ........... Fnday 3:ooPm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-In 8:30am·5·00pm Monday-Fnday SunJa~ ........... Fnday 5:00pm . ' ~ . I GU v .. w111h<-A 1-"ty TV Stw. We have boolllnp for all top r11llty tMHIHI pro1nmmln1. If you sln1, dance, K1 Of have • passion !Of basic ent1W1•inln1, please call ua TOll FREE 800·318·7920 eat. lOJ?Ot Remem bet EVERYOM: IS A STAR. soos-saso Index . r - -... -~ ' MJSCBJNIEOUS MERCHANDISE ' . .-s-1510 HQt.ES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUN1Y 3165 ConJna ..... STa llDGS 50-10'Mt °" 40a40,50•90,60al~O. Must Sell I Can Deliver I Clll Nowt Rica SI).~ 1'!111 • Y•W ••we•tetl tt ....... •••ywayt "•'9• Clntlfletl..t ,..,. co.ottA on MM Vl..l.A&«, OPEM UT-WW 1-4 Sina lam home, So of PCH 3br 2.5ba. mstr br w/retrHt, olflca/lob w/clual fp. $1,299,000 ~FOR SHOWN; rm W..-TS~ 9806185 98412'32215 , .............. a~:.~ L Oii ~ ia., • l.~.!.·. 00 0 • $1,Jn,UN t&72l-0132 .... lo.A ... 'Y_ ......... .__.. ........ <-* Fallulbul toc:.lloll Of\ °" • ......., . ~ '-"· Oft llrft ~-. w/f,p. ..................... ........ .W,Moltlr, ·--~ Under th e Service Directory Ba1111L'r Reach 80,000 Ho mes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) CaH Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 U ST SIDI OPEN SAT SUN 1 4 282 E BAY SI 38R 28A Be1u cuslom remodel on a quiet St $733,000 BY OWNER FOR APPT TO VIEW CAll Michael 949-280· 7633 ColaDICm PltlMl lSTATIS PAQKJI TINO•I .. AnoNwtol USA ····•56-9105 www patr1elitenore com CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WITH A GARAGE SALE! CALL M.9-642-5618 PLUG IN Plug int o the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters . • :_-~---=-----~-..i;.--------~ ---~--·-- ' • • • Alt Wtdne d!y. Al>f ti 23, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH • Newport Beadl • , __ le View Of'OI SAT-SUN 1-5 oYerlooluoa !*1' buutrful tl.W'n-key lwnhm. uperaded lfruout. hrdwd firs, bev ~class ch, Cf Mitt, new pejla windo-. 2 marble !p's, hiflli ce11\. 11\*'d ptad. $849,000 949-640 9306 llDUCIDI $HO,OOO Grat~~ loalbon 38r 38a r._. and expanded In '97 '°"""""' ktt, IMs/l baths. veloll isl<~. l/setVrty ~ys. room 1o expand. Don Thousn:t. aet 94!Mil5().948l A DQllSll'I S. sa. Mlrwba bq lloar '*"' h1(h ctillnas. curv1n1 sbi"cme. OIAall F p, a .,..-met tutdw\, cusbn "*"'*Y' mcre.Sl."".cm Mlcheel Brinknwl. c.-ar. Reelty 949-~tn ftlly ,_......... DX>sl ltome oo a ovenaed lot wWI :.cenoc ... -. 48'. office, lBa, Jt pr. rR La wrap •ouod ywd Marble &Jame, COIJIW intar>. flat sa_, plasma 1V lll!l Steve 949-4~10 ·~ omu~r-..G~~ 29 Pllt up, H 51 Mullc and ' WMl!h llCUlp4u ... 30_ Comered 52 S"""°'9 12 -, 53 llletld""' 31~ Jrl9 32 o..ndlcd w "Scr*>le 35 8anldnq llieCe ~ '55Whera 38 Some NCOs Ccrnbocta .. ,. , 1nMc1 UQIMfll 56 w~ 43' Type of rug 57 Verdi heroin8 « Tot. Often 58 ,,.,, cl oxon 46 Malle public 59 CW'11411'• baCll 48 Cute 61 TV adjuncl A IUllTIRA R~I' w1I be c0ll'4>ieted th~ sprine S6r 5 56.o wrtl> .. wondertul flow'°' llooo plan Sl.7SO,OO'.l M1t,_. S. ... rn..n. ~ Rtalty 'TM Bluff.' Complete rtt model 3b< 2 Sba rR, end uott auU'<.' from po<~. parll & tut lot lulosrte l lstq Princ.,m Only 949 644 4144 PRIMl lSTATES PAmCltTlNOIU NATIONWIDl USA 949-156-9705 ww w pattlcllltnore com OClANflONT 180" OCIAN VllW $639,900 11 12 13 OPlN SUN 1 5 ltaltan ~lylr 5br 5ba dpj>rO< 18,0()() 10 19.000-..1 SJ ,49S,OOO PLATINUM PI OPEITllS Sl•len1~ Meut !'r !149 71'> II~ PRIME ESTATES PATRICK TlNORE NATIONWIDE USA 949-156-9 705 www pat11d•tenort com ....,......_ p ..... Ct'8d c.Us.tom ~tale Wl11l c.anyon & OCAMl VISW< oti..cl ,, S6,500,000 c ... , ..... ==ta'.949-7$~177 RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE COUNT YOUR LOSF.RS &d\ \'Ulnenbk Soulll deab. Our dcclaRt'could rn du ~u11e lbat biiclly. although the rcwh 11<..., the 5&11'1e Aft« taehin,1 •· conllllCt of luur hcalU on a 1tra1ghc!orward auc- lion, there wen: I 0 tsicb to be Md Dfiet the lead o( the quttO or cluk Bw ~ -.11<111 in h<a)I) pcrl'Of\1C, m•SC!lll tin the JICk n( tam •nJ led a diamond IO tho .. lfll Thal IMt Ill Wett'• lee. and the defender clncrly l'Cf\lmCd I lnlmp. Docia«r conceded slllOdlerdiamood IO WCM. who ailed with ' UUIJJP· Occlam' wti !Ible IO rulT a diamood in dummy. but till NORTH •86-l ., AQJ.9 62 • 8653 ~'T •J94 7 4J AQ 109 . •Ql 10 £Ab,. ~? 107 2 J 74 •K97 4 2 SOUTH •AK S K 10 85 2 o K853 •A .,had to concede allO(her diamond "1d 11 sl)llde. Down one. ' lliOR'TH £.A.ST 2 .... ........ When dummy bit the table. there were only three ~ 1v.o dia- nlOftds and :; spMde A II dcclurer had 10 do wa.s make '4111: lhnl lhert were two tJUmps in dummy for diamond ruffs when the time came 11w can be ai:oomplished easily enough by leading a diamond JWMY from the ltng UI trick two! Opc:rung lead· Queen of • The greal Tere11CC Reese wa.\ miu: dummy at 11 foor-SJ>ade contruct. Declarer sinned with · 11 tricks. 001 afltt a few tnck.\ had bttn p111ye<l he could rruU.c only 10. Eventually. he butchered anrnhcr trid ;ind c:ndeJ up down a Irle .. "'Could I ha'e dooe het tcr."" ht-asl cd R~ R1..'C-.c: \:Ol\.\ldc:red for a 11>0111enl t.ir 111oo "Well," he replied. '"double dummy you 1..'oold lune gone Juwn twc1!·· We>.1 can win lilld n:tum a trump. 'but dcclatcr i~ 11 tempo alicad. After wmnlog tbc hl!art 10 dummy. declarer lca<b nnothcr diamood. theo lili• the -.a.-ood heart on the tahlc Ocdarcr return.\ to h.:ind IWICC w11h a !lp3(lc and a club ruff to trump the rQTWn- mg diamond' oo the table. then l!ets had.. to hand by lnlmpmg .mother dub to draw the I.bl 11\Jmp, .mJ the only otllt:r IO'K!r ••a ,p.i<Jc RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Desert Property 5960 GOU l'flOl'aJJES Sales & Wlfller rerit&b Palm Spt1f14P, Palm o.-1 Abo Washmglon Waterfront Relerra.b.. Mlcliae4 Anter --*-'--*-., tl00-S~23 MISCEWNEOUS RENTALS RentalToShare 6030 last9t..ff Twnhn rurn'd pvt ICJl5fM's hr.Iba. Sit rm/ .. ,,., ray, ~ .mo rncl utols 949 644 4023 Ne/Ilg C-r-twnnse to share. pool/spa, IJ eat eolf LOW'WI VM!W Jbr 2ba; SI~ 9496326318 Newport leoch la<k loy 4br huu~e No smok1n1. fem prof ~ ,_.. 112 utL 9&563.fi.l RESIDENTIAi. RENT AJ..S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Corona del Mar 2111' llioo. l4ll* w/balc. 11115 nod. le 1') WI pr, avatf now, ~ $1f60m 949-222 ~ i.2Sl LevefY Cett-.• ~ corn• lot quiet & pvt, 2 story, 3br. Jbt, I c p w/hty szmn 9&5IY.m; Jlr Arch.Pu,.He1W• bum cell•. skyltahts, frplc's, 11ar. Jarden, w/d. $267Smo 949 7~0«X> .. c............, ........ 2 La e.. 2 ful ti., 2-t pr, ll50d, wd th. La porbo, ~lse~lyr lse. ...... !>/IS 714-962 7366 HAU OCEAN & IAY VllWS 2Br 2Ba, middle duplex, I c encl aar. $2795mo 714 998-0948 Costa Mesa STUDtO An. S795/mo rnclude~ ulthles, near beach, ~undry lac, no peh 949-644 564,2 .._,,. G-.1 Cecuwwwrlt) 11r Ila .... w/pvt pr, fr'e. walk to Jn~ $895,.' ITIO Water /tr tnh pejd. I< ..... ~t 877 704 8649 [JI 9200 .... APT. Sp•ctous, great loc•hon, 1arare. w/d hli.up, no peh $1050/mo 949 644 5642 IASTSIOl 28r houw-fnc.d )'¥d, PET ()< W/O hoot.141 E>W-81 ranee/oven Slnale raraee·Water /lrnh paid· Sl475. $5()() dep-$250 pet 714-545-0442 Newport Beach * YIAJtlY • llASES Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675 ... 161 Newpwt leodt Peninsula Studio Aper lm1nts •vaol Art $700 S950 949 673 7800 Penlftsule Pelnt I br I b•. nice furn, peet. a boo Bay View. ut1I '"'I agtSl350949 673 7800 HAI.I OfJ 1 •t MO llNT for move M1 May I~ w/12 mo i.-Newty rernodl!6ed C"P'! Code style 'ommu· mty w/MW IJlll)Unces. c.arpel & I.Ill amoc hie Washr!f/dtyer. dlsl1witSher & refnaer alor included roside "1)1 I Bt $109r> 28'- $1445 (714) 6U-7S92 Vlllt5M.US OCIAN WWS Ls~ 21!1 28.1 "Ll T 006" Qudl 2t P't.a G.lt.d oomn ~ New~$1650-....,...MdMr'8 949 ......... 770 Prudlntilll Callta""' Realty Dr .. -dodl$i7SCV mo & Dr 2h. la patio $1600/mo ~ M#ltyn w.ns. 9&n1 5049 .. Cnd i-llom. 2llr l.Sba IJlllD, alfMI ~'PL nu !*(. "8 <.all>. 2 c pr. act Sl8J> 9i&QJ. nU> AGT 949-st5-7222 Ranches,farms/ Balboa Ptnlnsula Country Property S91 S 0 CE AN VII W /Pr tr .. COlOIADO IANCH ,........,.. 11, I ... Ip, SAU lS 81. 80 ok P•c~ gar P'k&. 111"""'8/pets, Up to SI0.000 below Sl.550/mo 949 300-8450 awr~osal S.ve $$ now On n.. s...d 'fM'Clacu4ar and own 'IQm<! ot Colo v..,...... ~ c.or;t & down rado's best raoches. En;>y coa.-;t Le 48r } ~ t'-Mnily fabulou<> V11'W'> of the home avail for le.se now Ro,~I<'\ with \lunnina S9,5al/mo ye;wty Cal llCI. wnwts• Al;u-.\ to 60Xl o.y,. Pettrt 9$67J.8l99 ~Tri lent c;4;4; 2br 2ba, "'· forrNll cln rm. 2, att pr, lnlty, comm pool/ spa Sl650ln 949-67~2 Greet 21r, 2 .51e Condo, 2 c car. pool/spa, no/pet/smk avatl 4/25 Sl950m lse 949 95!'>-3156 Jud .......... Xlnl OWiy! E'slde ~ 38r 2.58a, SfR, F p, &J1Wlrl• coontws. 2ur Pl&t. bldl~d, S26imo 9"9-~Jnt. . Newly remod 2br iba condo. 2 c e•r, patro, wd, no peV•noli. Avatl 5 I $1950 '" 949.759 1344 "'V9a .......... Li 28r 2&. dlrl rm b8k. l650sl. 2c prtoc. oaianw, Wllll to heh san., 91)9.598-9347 s.,.. -~ yr1y ,...... 2 nd' sla. 2.5ba. ocn vu, ~. Ip, pir, no pet 1(11 $2400 949-QJ-7!0) Newport Coast live at.eve the <levd•, .. _.,views. I level h-•· 2br, +<le,., Gat-ed comm. $85 1,000 Stunnlft9 owCH'd wl,... ftln9 l raokfleld heme, built In 2000 l br + of- fice. Apprea J700sf. S f,71',000 PLATINUM PIOPHTUS Stefani• Meurer 949-7 15-J 156 acres ol Fed rec •ea. Yftlll aruond ru.od wrth It clec Eat Owns flnllB:tne Call toll tree I 866 ~ 5263 (CAI.• SCAN) Coll (949 U2-567a PUfofewww.t. tew....e.fw -· Hdigton Harbour G....i Ceca Jff W. ...._ home pv1 SOit dodl., Jbr• ofc, Ea. 2'Fps S4(XX)/mo 562 43J.7322 lg Jlr 2.510 lf'I 1eted comm. w/pool, spa• pr1veto Yilrd. S3000/mo Agent 949 856 970':> Rentals Wanled 7880 ........ bec.~lor 2& ~~on Newport B•lboa Penin f .. ri/t.nfw n lor th!: monltl!I ot ~~ & Aug. nivr"'/ pea 714 612 1489 Cuc HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS ....... a. .. _..., c ... tr.aff/ Pwdtos1 .. , Ar"'· " position for m4Mfium si1e home builder. Qualified controller capable of multiple tasks Fluible hours 20 lo 30 pel' wui. s.1 ... y bued on uper .. nce Fal resume to 7'4-SS7-4216 ~ ... /W,..... FT, hwl9 --. must be kl~ '" .. Jl5PICb ol hnq, crywal, callinet falri:abon ~70 a.ASS A <Dl In ~t 2'/, wed<$ T u1tion Paid H.Yq C.pertenced Dr.-s No Ctedlt Checks No r e1ot1S. lmmldlllte Medical belle Iii$ I 800 181 2778 w1r••nwcrsl com (CAl..•SCAN FIDH.AI. lMPlOYMENT Now Heooc Emry P!ofes sional levels $19 $71!/i./Yr• Beneflb/P•rd Tr arnrnr Apply Nowf for tnlo on Av.tlable P051llOI~ 1 llJO 585 9024 .. , 47':>7 (CAL •SCAN> ..... /..-Mllcu*1 ~ Newpot1 Buell RU E~ olflCl' Slbry tom mensur ale w/up f u rt!51.W11!' to 949 67S-2127 .............. "'"". -I per10f'I Offu PT (4-51 5*y cxirrnW15lfilte w/eap Fa~ rm lo 94!Mi7!>-2l27 JOIN OUR TCAM ~nd make • d1ffertnc~ In the Cahf0<nt• Almy Natoonat Guard you can l•I money fCJr LOlle11e and careet tr •1nin11 Call I 800 CO GU ARD (CAL •SCAN) CLWfOUT YOURHOUSf WITHA GARAGE Slll! CAll (949) 642-5678 Daily Pik!t ... -...... - ............... 7U 53.!ik. •t. llC, ps. pw, Myllu ltfll1Y •m. at. moorwoof, a cood. p/p mx>. 714 334 252B '*' ACUU UGIND LS '92 all power, auto, sunroof, llhr, cd player. newer tires. arut cond. $6500 Days, 949 466 9771 or eve~ 714 389 9794 Au41 't9 AA Q~e 2 8 V6, 29" actual mo, auto, f,J>iorkltn& r ed/crey lthr, nmrf, CO. looll• lo •m•ll• ntw Vtt56721 SI 7 ,995 fonanc1ne avail. Blu 949-S16-1111 -w.ecpa .. l.cofft tuldo. l e ad Master s..lmt '96 VI, 471\ actual ""· w!vte/llJ..., n!Y. dwome whl~. pumtum '.IOund, be.luttful ore umlM'lled condition 1• I'\/~ 111r1792412 V ,99500 Ht-sat>-1aa WWW .aqoc9I ._, CADIUAC CA TUIA '91 6 cyl, at. ac , lthf, f/pwr, ~unroof. utended w..,r SIO,!:IOO 562-397-7155 C..tlloc ,_._ '91 3511 Metelli< Ouriiandy Red O•tmeat l thr Chrome Wheel~ ll~auttful O<t& '"""'' AUTO V ... MOf .... '92 8-1.& c:!. Only (I 91'12) Sl.llllO UWS40IS.-'9t Sflwr w/llllQ lltw'. rwe 6~1P0'1 orlftt ":;. •. IMWlnt~'OO Mid Blue W/rf"'( ""'. Mlto jll'tm paclap (192*>) 126.980 IMW 1211 S.-'00 Whitw w,181ado. lttw'-a> pM,.r42Jlm.i. (1921i9) 122.91Wl IMWMSS....'00 Black oo lmmac BIKk lthr, 1(). mt, I OWIW ( l9297C) $59.9fl>. F-'c'!;!:' GT Sllvw w/8laclo. lthr·low miles full poww. (186771) $14,911). ,.,..."' . C*w.f'OI . One Owner °"'Y~ l<N4 (19151C) i59,911l. ,,.._DIC-. '99 Brlttsti R11erc Green W/tan lthr, only 22J( mtln C0 slJldUll' (19289) $39,911) M ....... ._ UOSl 'M Tilts IS a rNI Classie. Red w/T an lealher · Both tops 4 si-d, (18683) $21,911> MUMlUO'OO Lorimer Body & C ahausl Pke (19 348) $29.91ll P~Turioe c-..'•A .......... H .. ry IOf lhest perfect ktw crn~•ee. local one ownef'TinOS UASE«aUY 949-574-7777 <ondot rnn $8,995 J..-00 Xlta c ...... vonS72•t l 949 586 1888 Dark MetallK Red, Tan -w.ocpot.l.c•M ntw int. h11 top, ed. tu• Chry•ler Sebrl119 Conv. l<KI wart. lanta-.ic: Ille• JX '00 llK, V6, Metallic new orltllnal cood Save 11rnn, G1 ey lnl, Black $JSf< $37.995 Fon avail. lop. Buutofot ltko new vinAOJ070 949 586-1888 londll1on S I0.99'> __ ..,......._ von81241'l 949 586 1888 Je.p '00 ~ a-.1<.e -.OCfHlb l.c-6'yl 'l wd )6~ actual DoOGl NION '2000 nu solvc-r /11 ey tnt. SOk ~ m1 l()Ot( I•< warr. •lloys. l•bulous hlle new '> w blur ~r•y 1ntet1or unmarked <ond. 4 year d1t1 Im < d. ~au orgw'I _, avllll, v15ml S13.9!E> rnnd $499!> fr m, IWJ ,.,.. Ir no bl.I 94 '! 5 86 1888 llkr V•45792 94~ !>86 1888 www.e cpebl.ee"' www.ocpabl .• c-Uftcei.. '0 2 Novi ... • o ..... '9• Vey ... r. 1 JOii mr lull fact _,, pas~ wh1te/cny ont, pvt silver und/tan lthr. ct> elan gar•c•d. non stacker chforna whb. smkr, lrke n~w cond •llr• Hal "672518 v457275 SS995 Bkr 949 S27.995 lum. fin & werr 586-1888 ..,_ ocpabtcom nall Bllt 949·S86· 1888 ,_,, Xll V•n "37 15 pau. -.eqooltl.<- •lnt 1.tind anvtm'c~<d Mercedes '99 SJ20 \rJlldvd l sa~ SlO.llXJ/ LWB 52k m1. 3 yr warr obo 949 rn 1247 alt• 5 avail, ~•lver /blk llhr. JUP CHllOUI ·~ buut ur111 ~ond, v875241 Whrle. cherry <undollon, $25,49'> flnanclnt evaaf I owner S6000 private Bllr 949 586 1888 pa1ty 949 122 1353 --....i.------1------ CR~YIER --.. · "'~­... . . . -. . f(W2QB Wt COOPER •BRC' ltather 'Prtmlllll ~ LCASE FOR i1~ PER MONTH• IAX I At These T tr ms On ~o.ed Ctedt -......... . OTIOAT· Sia.AR SAW«>S! ....... +.984s $3780 doe at •ltnlnc 48 month closed end luse oo s.c:urlty dtpo111t. llltl mlles .,., ytllf E actu m11ff (q) 20e per mile (TC42279) . .. LITS MOTOR! lfS Fl.fi •••••••• 55fR££WAY@ EIMJ! SAHTA MA MITO Wil (888) 823-9808 POllSCHI 'tt CA.nib Artie silver matelhc. an llhr rr aphite auy inter, pwr u ats. ho·fl ~ound w~tem w/am Im CD, lo l•c 6" mt, I owner, 1•r•1•d. Immaculate s~.!)00949 675 2869 Teyete CreHl4e '17 Good p•ont, no •c. run• alnl, very relrable $2550 714 235 9150 AUTOMOBll.£S, MISCEU.ANEOUS Warltld 9045 ,..., a,.-.. D...t.r 0.... 40 .,.. ~ eapl wt ~ a ._., Iv pnor lor l'(lol us V.wi or 9"ud. i-i b or not {;.II Dido. Rey @ TO<NllD ~ ~ 7fl. 4J7 l'.lll or 714-]28. 3'l28 CASH fotl CASS WE NHD YOUI CAI PAID fOll 01 NOT PHIWf'S AUTO ASlt Foti MAlCOlM 949-$74-7777 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 unswAVAJUIU IN MlWPORT llACH $2SOOLIASl t49-S00-100S SEU ,.. ... ...., Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 ERVICE for all your needs... ~ Semce Directory "NOTICE TO READERS; Callfornoa law re qurres thal contrac ton IM!fna jobs that lot.I $500 or more (lllbor or mater lats) be hcenwd by the Contractor' State License Board State law elso requifes that contrecton include their Ucanse numbet on alt advertlslna You c.n c:"4lcli. tilt Jtatin of your lrcenstd contractor at www csfll c• eov or 800·32 I ·CSLB Unh cansed con tr actors tat.inc fobs that total Ins then $500 111ust state In llltlr advtr11stmtnts th•I lh•Y are not licensed Ill' tht Contrtetors State UcerlM d " 'MR. BLIND MAN" l carpentry A -l HANDYMAN Install. re feet cabinets ~~ "dfr!. Dou& l 14-546-7258 • waiu.1tt • Custom Built ins. Crown Moldonp, B•w Board~ L'577982 949 709 !1642 carpet Repair/Sales <zCAJtPn 't\'CAIPlT 'tr Reparrs, P1lthln1. Install Courteous •'lY soza ,ot>s Wholuatel 949 492 0205 Compater Services SEll your stuff through t la sified! I ComputerSemces IN HOME & •USINISS •Ef'AJ.S U1>1rad.s. Repairs of Compot4H. Networks E nnongs/WHh nd• Compellltve pr"e' for qualtty •tr vie 949-136-11 75 7 14-92•-4221 Concrete & Masonty l rtclc lloclc St ... • Tl1e Conaete. Pahu. Or1-.way f nplc. BBQ Rer~ 25Yr< E•p. Terry 714 557 7594 Constructn,tont NHD MO .. aOOM? .ADOl110NS 6 REAOlCLl'iG l•577982 949 709 5642 TU• OHGtN YOU«NOMl IMftOVIMINT ,.OJICf? , Call• plumber, pa1ntet. handyman, I)( any of th• arut \lrvicei ltsled hllfl In our StfYtce dlletloryl THESE lOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Bectrical Services UCENSlD CONTUCTOll No pb too sm. M tenllcesl Repair, rembdtl, fans, Sf' -SVC 9&66-36156 Roori""'11e CUSTOM <JllAlM TU tnstallatlofl. s.t.te cswnic, martle, stone. &Wt 1975 l"6l2044 .leff 714-612-9961 UMY si;;;;; ijjjp;ec1 Re11oulln & lnsta1t••1on TILC 0£.AN 949 , 5 71~7 I GanSentna/ • ~ - Landscaplng ......... sw.tnn ... 1..-i win. ywd ~ l'fW1l:lil. "' ht\ ~ Comm/Rn 714-436-1518 levTf'"'•• < ... WetN; IN.it. .... ~ & inst•H•tion 25 Yr. u p ltc:/inwrtd 949-548-4363 DOUGHUtTY UOTHUS 11m f ... Toudl Sinai 19£il .._....1,.~~ Inst/RT " 714 191-8746 FIOOftnWTltl ... Garden Ina/ l.andscaplng DtrtyW.... +c.,e- lawns. l awn Au attn&. Spun~lers, Troublnhoot~ ... Sprona Tune·ops, Repa11 s 6 Upar adu "H•v• us do your Oirty Worlc" 714-715-2121 THl D8'flalNCI IOWUN llAUTlfUL fDOUWTl.a. •u.e-•-'•• •f'-T""" ·~&._.,... U9-SIS-U24 Tr-Sentlc.e, Yatd Cleanup. Malnt1nanct, Spnnkltf Repair. Haulina (t49}HCM711 CENF.ML lflQI 'IWKIF.NAME ·~·~ No JolJ TOO mall DaYeB...tltoo .. ,.322-1291 HandymalV Home Repair CO//U'UTI HOME MAlllTINA#CI No job too smalll Cverythonc from C.pentry to PMlnr. free estimate '·"·-~., 94'-ZH· lfU flX UP 5"oAusT. All types of rep•rn [lee trlCll, ~ doors, .... "'*1.. th ' --2ctwn o..,. 114 366-1881 "-"'C..... '~ Carpentry • Plumblna Drywall • Stucco Pa1111tnc. Tiit & "'°' t 20+ v-• C.pertanc:ot • 7t4-t6t-S776 JESSIY ... UM'S HOMl•Ef'AM SHCIAUST RHtonabM Prices 14 Yra 9•11«lence In all tr*' S,.Cl1flll111 In rllldential illt/ext. 71 ... M1-444tt ~ aOlllHOll COMrANY K*"'"9. w• 8attw'OOll9 M1rll 949 650 9S2!> THIMUDYMAN AH _._ 1uaf1nlffcll ,....... (lilrll1ull,. Ouar\.. t'iWll e? *-....... ....... ,.. ,0'"' ....... 114tl& lll2 AYAA.All.I TOOA"tl Mt67J "" Hoine Cleaning Palnttng .......... c ..... ~ c ......... N4dow 7JVrs exp S..C. ~cul Creal Pricel Cuatanteed 0 C 24Vrs Rel'' 949 work Fret HI l •375602 548 0054 949 617 4113 714 ':>~ 1'>'14 7 390 2945 Hotne c1-~_,· Wt..ly 81 wlllt/Montllly Rers Great 1 att'I Imelda ~548 42m 9fi 278«T1 Ne • llt • Hep? Nbdlti! Wlbrilld lo.a dlri-e ~ op. ~ °" suppllcts 714 444-4143 T-·· •w.--....... ~ Totll 11'1.t. .,...., ~ M wort\ cb11 ~ --,.. 91Ml1·1CM 1 • .,..,. •• P..i..tt.., Top Qualtty. Compelttlve Int enor /h I l 11648228 Call Jay 949 650 5066 l•y·-·· Pat11tl ... lop Quallty, Competitive In tar !Of IE t I L "648228 Cell lay 949 650 5066 IAINIOW ~ MMfT Patnltnc...,-ut. Hou!IW~ Qualtty job! frff t5t1mate llST MOVlaUS9/~ Lr.i69897 714 636 'WIS •eoln1 •II cltlts ln1ured Pll~nn fesl, courteous. careful. "'iiiiiiiiiiii.,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:::='i Tl6J84.4 800 246-2378 ill' PUBLIC NOTICE Tht CaUf. Public tJtllttln Commtulon requlru lhat all used household aoods movers rlnt lhtfr P U.C C1 T numb«. limo• end cllauffturs print l htlr T C.P. number In all edvef • tlMmtnh If you hn • any questions about t ht ••1•ttty o t • mover . llmo or c"•uffeur,c1tl f'Ul&.IC UTIUTIU COMlmSfOtt IOO 877-M67 HOUSE llEPADmNG a WOOD FlNISKINC ~ Platenng. SMco .. s.._.,~..__.. Restucco, Room Addition Patch1n1 Reasonable' 714 921 1647 804-0497Pf Plumbing 1"'Ntlelfaoorft00dl .......... ~·-t::::: Q.WIM tflCIMST 1WllD'f PWlmJG 9'9~2352 -.. flD .. :ril.I:.