HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-10 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot:. . .. . • •• • • a1 10 Serving the Newpo rt-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY,MAYl0,2003 A hew Westside for stabbing victim 16-year-old had neve r been afraid groWing up in that part o f Costa Mesa. • A NOTE TO OUR READERS: This story, which details a stabbing that reportedly occurred last month in Costa Mesa, contains some graphic language and descriptions. The names of the victim and his mentor have also been changed to protect their identities. Wa!> shocked by a random auack when he was juM "mmding my own business." Deepa Bharath Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -John grew up in the tough neighborhoods of the Westside. The 16 -year-old played on Shalimar Drive as a little boy and didn't think twice about it. He knew gang members walked th ose streets. I fe'd heard of people getting beaten up. But John , wh o moved away from that neighborhood six months ago. always used common sense when he lived in the Shalimar area. He'd avoid eye contact and walk straight down the street without turning right or left. John still hangs out with his friends in his old neighborhood. He tJ1ought he was in tune with his surroundings -until the night of April 15, when he says two men brutally attacked him, stabbed him several times and chased him down the street. Police i.aid the two suspecti. belong to a Costa Mesa gang. John says he has never been in volved in gangs. The bookish teenager, who dreams about a career in computers, says he John says hew~ wallung with three other friend!> near 19th Street and Wallace Avenue at about 9:30 p.m. April 15 when a man on a bicycle '>toppt-d and started tallcing with one of the boys. "I didn't know who thi'> guy wac,," he !>aid. "He looked at me. I looked al him. And then, I turned away." That's when ii happened. John said. "Suddenly. JUSI OUI of lhe OONLEACH/OAllYPll.OT Father and daughter George Watts and Le she Avalos are longtime participants of the Balboa Island Artwalk. Watts' watercolors are inspired by nautical themes. especially rough seas. wtuch he encountered m the Navy in World War II. Painting in the streets June Cas11r1nde Annual Balboa Island Artwalk FY1 Daily Pilot WHAT: The Balboa Island will include the work Artwalk. eJs=tha1 when of-more than 90 artists WHEN: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today ugh er Leslie WHERE: South Bayf ront. on ~ 6 years old she would . Balboa Island. pid up some of the myriad wans· an is deeply artwalk are plein air painters. COST: Admission is free . . house, haul them outdoors experience as a Navy gunnery very talented artists here. And available at the Newport and create. Nearly five officer of the coast of the you can get great deals.· .Harbor Nautical Museum . decades later. Watts' artistic Philippines. During one of the Watts and Avalos. both where a shuttle will take influence on his daughter's worst typhoons in military Mission Viejo residents. have passengers to the artwalk. Ufe endures. history, Watts watched as shown their waten::olor More parking is available on The father-daughter team three destroyers and about paintings together for about Ba lboa Peninsula , from will participate for the fifth 700 men were lost at sea. 18 years. Together. they were w hich attendees can take the time this year ln the annual Violent waters have since founding members of the ferry to the artwalk. .Balboa Island Art Walk. an dominated his art. His Mis.'llon Viejo Fine Art Society INFO: out.door exhibit and a11 sale ironically named wateroolor and they now show in the www.b11lbo11isl11nd.com/ by mo~ than 90 artists. •Gone P'IShing" shows a boat Mloislon Fine Art Gallery in events.cfm "It's a great event to be a being violently jostled by an San Juan Capistrano. part ot • said LesUe, whose angry sea .. The annual a.rtwaJk ls artw.aJk," said Mayor Steve ~ name is now Avalos. Avalos. noW 54. Is the plein organized under the guidance Bromberg, a Balboa Island "lhere's music. It's beautiful air painter of the family. or Island ~l Debra Huse. resident ·n grows every year out here." •A lot or people ln here the 'Tm very excited about the and gets bener every year.· FAMILY TIME Bravo to the irreplaceable moms AT A GLANCE Daily Pilot painting the best possible spin on the trips. ON THE WEB: -.dltiiticom WEATHER blue, this guy punched me, ht' satd. "And I was like. 'Who.t' What's gomg on here?'" And then the man pulled out a pau of sc1sso~ and \~aved 11 menacmgly at him. John ..aJd. "lie started ...aymg '>luff Like I owed him money." he said ·1 hadn't seen this guy. I didn't know who h e was.· The situation escalated when a car pulled over with men who seemed 10 be fri ends or the man John ..aid attacked him. "A guy got out of the passen• ger <.eat and came runnmg al me," he .,aid. rhat'c; when one of the m1•n 't<thht·d 111111 1o1.1th llw '>t l'>'><H'> 111 the hl0<1J .u1d ltJnJ "I le dl ... o '>IJhlwd rnt' on tht bJck 111 tht' llt'Lk, ht· '>did .. Hui ll "'"' "" '>Uddt.'n Jnd '" '>hut k mg I touldn't t'Vt'n le1·I thdt l 111 on my neck John '>dld 1he m<1n .il-.o h11 h im on tht '>Ide • 1 could ftod tw. H'l'th gl·t 111 and Olli of my bod}'." lw 'w.lld n1111 hrnK "It hurt By 1111~ llmt', .tll till' hoy'> ht· wa., with wer<' '-tart-d lor 1lw1r liw .... John -.c11d See STABBING, Page A4 Redis tr icting vote delayed several weeks Under two scenarios council will consider, most of Co rona del Mar would be in one district. June Casaer ande Daily Pilot NFWPORT RI.AU I -Cny ofli· ciat.. have po'>tponed until May 27 a plan to consider cwo scenario.. for redrawing City Counol dis- lrlcts. In both !><:enano• .. mo<>t of Co- rona del Mar remai~ m ill> pre- <.ent discnct. except for lmne Ter- rJce, wt11ch becomes part of a ne1ghbonng cow1etl district. "No mam·r where you are m the city. your village d~1gnaoon dot"> not change. your /'JP code d()('<, not change. The only thing tha1 changes 1s the political boundary... '>aid Mayor Steve Bromberg. who c;ervec; on the council'<, -.ubcommllll't' for red1<i· QUESTION 7 How should Newport Beac:tt rednrw the City 8 Council districts 7 Call our Readers Hothn°e at (949) 642 6086 or send e-mail to da1fyp1/ot "lat1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for venf1cat1on purposes only IIlLUng_ The counctl di.,tnu .... n<·t>d 111 bt· redrawn 10 halame out a lof>'ldl'(l c;iruaoon lohn 1 lt-Ot'man\ I h'>tm1 7 added about -000 nt"\\ n'\1 denL'> to the q,500 aln:a1.h ttwn• .ii ter the l1f\ clnlll'Xl>d \;l'\\ pon l.oa.<,t o\uortlutJ,: 111 l 11\ gwdt'l111t ..... counnl d1.,tm 1.. rnmt hJ\(' mughlv tht-..anw 11urnht·r ol pt.'<> pit'. lo bdlanrl' thing, 11U1 1h1· umnt.11 will lOl1!>1dcr t~ .. o dlllt·n·nt -.cendilO'> dr.t~Tl ~1lh Lht' hl'lp of See DELAYED, Pace A4 Fento n fans want to rededicate field onor ormer orona del Mar football player ki ll ed in a car accident in Janu·ary. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NF.WPORT BEACH -It's where former Sea King Sean Fenton played and sh owcased his athletic prowess. It's where many Corona del Mar High Sch ool fans and Newport-Mesa community mem bers got to see him in action . And now, those same fans Sean Fenton . .ind lnmmu nil\ mcm he" an bandm~ to get her to honor the younK man they refu'>e to forget by naming the football field after him Fenton. a 2000 Corona del Mar 1 llgh graduate, wac; known for fiis In- telligence and athletic abilities. both of which 1ool htm to Yale University. where he played on See FlELD, P11• M 0 ne or the best things about being alive ls having a mom . While people In the bu..iness world are easlly replaced, and even our heroes com e and go, there la for c!ach oh.1.1 only oiy mom. but equivalent work for the family, but It's not the same. Moms are the gtue that holdl 1 When we came out to Los Angela ln 1963, lhe promised me that I would never apin haw to Uve in the snow. So fat, I haven't seen a *'Ile anowftake around any of the~ I've Uved tn Southern CllifOmia OYef the put 40 ,.an. The eun~ beet. though h'a dabltcool. Oh, IUJe, dad• are very lm,portant. but let'• be honesL When you tttlly need to rety on 1c>meone to do 1c>methlng around the boute or pt• famOy matter 1tra1gbteoed out. •ad tum to mom. Mott dads would love to teU you that they do Lhelr share or the lauOdry and \M diabet. or tel you lhat ~do dl&ient '--~--"c.....--~ ~L STEVE SMITH Mymom held our family togecher for many yeen. Al our famO)' mOYed ftom New Yodt to St. LoWa to Cl*.IF to lot Atr'11, mom w lhe one Al I've wrtnen, our daYt befON CalifonUa were toUab. WeU. they lhOuld ...,.. been toujh. But the fried bolOpa dlnnen and the holet In the aolet of my lboa were ... llmY; ..... M ... ..... A2 ALZHEIMER'S ua ....... '°' ltllln Aging ~ ............ ., ~ ........ In 0 1PORTS ,....... ...... ._,.AS • I L A2 Saturday, May 10, 2003 FAITH. THE MORAL OF THE STORY There is always time to pray Sewing the seeds with. hard work and patience "Prayer is for the rel'8fous life what original research is for scimce -by it we get direct oontact with reality. We pray because we u.iere rnatk for prrryer; and God draws us ow by breathing 11/mself in." --.. -P. T. FORSYTH L ast Thursday was a great day in many ways. It was the first of the month. it was the first of May, and it was May Day. I love May Day. When I was young. my friends and family members often gave or received May baskets, May 6owers or big tasty May cookies. Occasionally, we even danced around maypoles at a friend's house who lived out in the country. If I close my eyes, I can still picrure it all, and even remember how warm and fresh the cookies were as they quickly melted into my mouth. Redeemer Presbyterian Church's Bible study group has grown in to a congregation of more than 80 members. By Mlchele Marr T he Bible sometimes speaks of spiritual matters in agrarian terms. 1n a story lcnown as tlie parable of the mustard seed, Jesus said, MThe kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field." And St. Paul told Christians in the early church, MWhatever a man sows, that he will also reap.• He was quick to add that the harvest would come Min due season ... if (you) do not lose heart.· FILE PHOTO/OMY PILOT Last Thursday was also a day of deeper significance. There's certainly nothing wrong CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON If planting a field crop and seeing it to harvest takes patience and hard work. planting and harVesting spiritual things takes every bit as much. Jlm Belcher, senior pastor of Redeemer OlUrch, can attest to that. Pastor Jim Belcher of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Costa Mesa. with those, but life is about more than just playing. There is a nrne for praying, too. Last ThW'Sday was a day covered in, filled with and focused on prayer. It was the SJ st annual National Day of Prayer. After the Colonies' victory in the American Revotution, there must have been a sense of optimism and excitement There was also a sense for the need for God and for prayer. 1n his first inaugural address, George Washington said, "It would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first offici.al act. my fervent supplications to that almighty being who rules over the universe.· People aaoss the country were encouraged to take mome.Qts during the day to spend time alone or with others in prayer last Thursday. Some celebrated the day with songs of praise and worship in homes or neighborhood gatherings. others went to churches and met with pastors or sang along with live or recorded music, or even media-guided prayer. Others prayed qulet.ty alone in their homes. Since even before the war began. we've all prayed for the heaJth and safety of our troops and the innocent lives caught in battles. Last ThW'Sday was a day to continue to pray for those overseas, but also for clear godly wisdom and guidance for our nation's leaders and decision-makers. Boys and girts and men and women of all ages and stages in life knelt on their knees or at least in their hearts to pray for the needs of the nation and many for personal needs as well President said, .. The National Day of Prayer is a vital part of our national heritage, because prayer is a vital part of our national life." On my morning waJJc last ThW'Sday, I overheard one littJe boy say happily to his mother, "I'm praying for the new baby in you, for our president far away, for our flag. and for a new puppy for me." I smiled at the sweet honesty and reality from such a young child. No matter how busy we are or make ourselves, we can always make or take some moments to pray, whether it's the official day to do so or not And you can quote me on that • QNOY TRANE CHRJSTESON is a Newport Beach res1ddnt who speaks frequently to parenting groups She may be reached via e-mail et cindy '@onthegrow com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beach, CA 92668. Belcher had served with three congregations of the Presbyterian Omrch in America in Southern California when he was seni to Costa Mesa two years ago on a mission to plant a new church. Since then. a Bible study of six to eight young adults meeting in private homes has grown into a diverse, multigenerational congregation of more than 80 members. Those who attended that early Bible srudy and those who were the church's early members were by and large young college-age and working singles or married couple~. A few were young families with infant and preschool children. The church has now attracted more families whose children are in high school and who come to church with them. There are also parents who have already raised their children and couples who are now grandparents. "We have much more of an age spread now. We are becoming a multigenerational church and comjog out of a Gen-X program. I didn't want to be a generadonal pastor," Belcher said. "I wanted a church filled with not only ethnic diversity, but also generational diversity, and we are starting to see that." A number of the church's young FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS INTRODUCTION TO ZEN WORKSHOP The Zen Center of Orange County will offer an "Introduction to Zen Worbhop" from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The Zen Center is at 120 E. 18th St in Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 722-7818. 'LOST BOYS OF SUDAN' One of the "lost Boys of Sudan" and the Sudanese bishop will be at St James Episcopal Olurd\ 813209 Via ConllWlllon married couples have had their first children in the past two years, and Belcher is anticipating more newborns in the next few years. "I think we are going to go through a huge baby boom in the next two or three years,· he said. Belcher is seeing the fruits of his labors, as weU as the fruits of the commiunent and tenacity of the church's mem bers. but only nine months ago the small congregation had little more than 40 members, and they were scraping at times to make ends meet. It was hard for them to pay their pastor, to pay their rent for the rooms they meet in at the Westin Hotel. South Coast Plaza, and to pay for the professional musicians who play for their worship se!'Vlces each week. But they never lost hope. Recent Holy Week services drew record numbers and garnered more new members. ·we are still tiny, even a rrunuscule church compared the mega-churches whose shadows we are in, but we've doubled in size each year.· Belcher said. Belcher sees some advantages to being relativ~ly small. People get to know each other more easily and more Intimately. During the week. members meet in even smaller Udo In Newport Beadl for an information and prayer session from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Sonday in Trane Hall at the church. lnfoonation: (949) 675-0210 or www.stjsmesn~rtbeach.org. THENEWIRAQ Or. Huw Anwl will be giving a presentation asking the pertinent questions about what Is to come of Iraq at St Michael & All Angels Eplacopal Ch urch at 3233 Pacfflc View Drive at 7 p.m. Sunday. Information (949) 644 0463. ARST SUNDAYS AT FM CONCERT " St Mictiael & All Angels Episcopal Daily A Pilot News aulstam, (949) 67._.298 coral.Wilaon'1/t1til'Tl#.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Com Meu, CA 92626 Copyrlght No n8WI lt0ri81, illultr9tloM, atditOflal metter or adVertlHmenta herein ain be reprodue.d without written perml11lon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 130 N.w9~ Qin• Alexanct.r, Lori Ander90n, O•niel Hunt. P.ul S.ltowitz, Daniel Steven• NEWS l'TAff Crime '=9 ~reporter, (M l 574-4228 ~-•1«1,,,_oom """'=·· Newport reporter, (IMI) 574-4232 /4JM.'*'lg,.""-•t.t/"*-oom ...... CllMM ftolltlc:t, butlnw and envitOl"llT*1t NIPO'W. (141) 7loM330 f*J/,d#ntOn•IMl,,,_oom ............ Sean Hiiier, Don l..eactl. Kent Trwptow READERS HOTUNE 19'91642-«186 Record your comnwinu about the Dally Pilot or new. tips. Addr9M Our atddre11 11 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meu, CA 92627. Office houn are Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -6 p.m. eon.cUont h II the Piloe'I policy to promptly correct ell errors of .ubstance. Pleue cell l9481 ?&M324. FYI HOW TO REACH US Clrculetlon The TlmH Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwrtlting Can.Hied (949) 642-5678 Dilp&ey (949) 8'2-4321 EdltolW ..... (!Mi) M2·!ie80 8pof18 (!Mi) 574-4223 ,.._. ... (!Mi) tM&-4170 Spoftll '-(M9) 650-0170 £-tnel: dllllyp/lot•l•t/ma.oom Mein<>-. .,.,,,... OMee (!Mi) 642-4321 ......... (!Mi) 831-7128 community groups to study the Bible or other topics of interest from a biblical point of view. One group has been studying the concept of just war. and another is studying biblical principles for handling family finances Next week, a group of graduate students will launch a discussion group fai skeptics at the UC Irvine. Members also get together regularly for social events such as barbecues and potluck dinners. While the congregation grows, its mission. by design, remains much the same. From the beginning. the church aimed to worsl\lp In a way at once ancient and modem to connect with the immense history and culture of the Omstian Olurch. Belcher is convinced that Christians from many of today's generations long to be rooted in and nourished by the rich traditions and spiritually of the 2.000-year·old Ouistian church. To that e11d. the hymns and prayers of the church's worship may sometimes be as old as the church itself or fairly contemporary. Music 1s accompanied by grand piano, sax and Dute and sometimes violin. Belcher describes the music as having a jazzy. classical feel. In the coming months, he hopes to introduce music from Ouistlanity's Church will present "Happy Voices .. with the St. Michael's children's choirs at 5 p.m. Sunday at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information: (949) 644-0463. 'CHRISTIAN MEOrTATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 - Leaming to Find God in a Busy Wor1d. will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) 644-0463. Affn.SEMfTISM TALK The Social Action Committee 81 Temple Bat Yahm in conjunction with C.eltic and Scott.Lsh traditions, including bagpipes playing hymm. such as ·Amazing Grace." His sennons are· expository. Last fall he preached through the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. and in the spring he preached from chapter 11 of the New Testament book of Hebrews, sometimes called the hall of faith. Jn the weeks before Easter, he went through the passion narratives, the story of Jesus' last week on Earth. This Sunday, mothers will be honored and thanked [or the work they do caring for their families and raising their children. "Our goal, though. Is to build strong covenant, healthy families. not just once a year on Mother's Day, but hopefully we are building the foundations for being good moms and parents every Sunday by giving them in-depth teaching in God's word," Belcher said. Belcher will soon start a sermon series on "The Llfe of Joy and Peace,· based on the book of Philippians. "I think people are hungry for depth in Scripture teaching,· he said. ~e are trying to reclaim that in depth, historical, exposidonal preaching. It's done most places anymore." the Anti-Defamation League of Orange County will offer a program on anti-Semitism, "Threats to the Jewish People Today;" at 7 p.m . Tuesday. Kenneth Jacobson, national senior associate director of the Anti-Defamation League, will be the guest speaker. For reservationa, call (949) 644-1999. • Is your cnurch or piece of worship planning a special event7 If ao. send the typed Information at least two week. before the event to the Daily Pilot .. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, attention: Paul Saitowltt. religion editor.; faJC to (949) 646-4170 or send e-mail to dailyp/lot latimes.oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'• a ll about contlltency. And the weekend, as well as the next week. loolca like slight fog h't the ·earty morning and 1un thereafter. Look for highs hoveri ng around 70 and Iowa near60. It'• probebfy tfme to get lhoM car wuhet now that It's elto looking pretty dfy. ~: www.nws.~.(J(IV BOATING FORECAST n,. west9rty wtndewlfl btow 15 knots, with 2·foot W9Yft end• WMt IWtfl of 6 to 7 fHt. ~ ~ wfll bultd. foot tNI ~ng. SURF There's a lot of good news today. The water temperature hat warmed to 60, end tn. latest .outhwMt swell arrives todey. Expect .ome hatd-hlgha and ovetheeda from this swell, which comet to UI from Ftenc:h Polynesia. The swell continues to prov1de eome d*lt· IO head-hight on Sund1y and Mondly, but wfU loee 1tNm by Tueedly end w.dt leldly. --~ www.wrlrlder.org TIDES ,..,.. Column-. cwltl.trt reporter, (IMI) 5M-42'7I loliU.l'llttJW•IMl,,,_oom .,.........,_ eo.t.e MeM f'IPOf*, <Ml ~221 dardfi.,,..,,,_,•,.,,,,._com ...... c.... (cb:Miort ,..,,.,, , ... , ~ • The NMpott 8MdllC09tt Meea Deily Pilot IUSPS-1........00) la publlthed deity. In Newport a..dl end Coste Mete. eubwiptlont ere evelteble only by eubtcriblrig to The TlmM Ora"O' County"(IOO) 2tl2·114t tn .,... outtidt of NMpott led end eo. MeM, ~to the Deity l9ltot.,.. .vellebte onty by ftnll a. tNll '°' $30 f* ~. 1"1ole lndUdl 111 appl~ .. encl tcx:ef tlQe,) flOS'T'MASTE": s.nd llddr9ll cNnoee to The Newpoft ~ ..... ~ PMoc; P!O, Pubttlhtd by TlmM Community New.,. dlvtek>n of ttlt Lot ... ,.... Tlrnee .• OUt Mher.1he not1tmi'9Mrty ~ wQI blow atJQI...., et 15 to 26 knots. wllh 2-to 15-fOOt w.we Ind. mbced wttt 1MM of I to tO fMt Ind 4:•1.m. n:a1.m. e~p.m . 12-.22 a.m. ........ 4.ltfwthigh 0.11-.eow U.f.-high 2..0&fwtlow dtrlltrlt».'*"#lo·~ C2003 Tltntt CN. All rtehtt l"9MfWd IOUth ... °' .. ,__ Wlftdl • ................ end we"91 .. drop I foot. WATER TEMPERATURE ., ..... Dally Pilot Alzheimer's patients tell their Stories at conference The UCI Institute _for Brain Again team s with a county group to bring panel discussions on the disease to Newport Beach Marriott. 0.11ady Jeremias ing off in a nursing home, but here, we Daily Pilot see that they are not much differeni than you and I." NEWPOifl' BEACH -I leartfelt testi· The speeches came at a conference monials from people lMng with Alzhei· Thursday and Friday organized by the mer's disease drew teari. from an aucti-Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County and ence of tnore than 400.at the Marriott . UC lrvine's Institute for Brain ~g. Hotel on Friday. "We started it to show people in the One middle-aged woman told how communiry what research was bemg she had to stop working. as a lawyer as done on Alzheimer's and to highlight she would find herself at the office from UCls accomplishm~ts," said Carl Cot· 7 a.m. to 2 a.m., just to keep up the man. director of the Institute of Bra.in same workload as she had before. Aging and Dementia. Another man, talldng about not being Nit opens up practical opponuruoes. able to work anymore, struggled for like something as simple as how to take words. and his wife filled in the blanks. a shower," he said. ~They get to hear Cordula Dick-Muehlke. executive cti· other people's approaches and strale· rector of Adult Day Servic~ of Orange gies." Counry, moderated the panel discus· 11le auctience was filled with re- sion. seardl~ psychologists and Caregiver... ·The public doe. not have a good Among them ~ Violet l.az.arescu. an knowledge of Alzheimer\." she said. administrator for Sunflower Garden<;, an they picture them as people wdJ1der-as.sisted living facility spedali71ng m Afl. SEVENTH GENERATION Liquid Laundry Detergent • Fre;h & Clean ~ •Natural Citrus -v99 SUGG. '8.99 1ooaz. $AVE $2.00! ~ m.r1m METABOLIC RESPONSE ~ T" MODIFIEU YOU SAVE $18.99! Very Special Tum Pack ~~l~o=J!~~ Iron Free. 90 Veggie Caps DIGFSf..411. 100% PLAN!' ENZ)'ME Supports Complete D~on* Alleviates Gas & Bloating Maximizes Nutrient AbsOrption. A '43.94 VALUE 100 Veggie Caps FY1 The 24-hour hotline from the Alzheimer's Asan. is dedicated to helplng people deal with the disease. even at 2 a.m. Scheck said they have heard every question and are there to help. The number Is (800) 660·1993. heirner's and dementia care. "It was good hearing from the people who are actually living through it every day," she said "We are caring for them, and we want to learn more and do whalever we can." Other panels focused on treaunent.s, pathology and prevention. The Alzheimer's As.sn. and UCI said they hope to make it an annual event. Lmda Scheck of the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County stressed the impor· tance of aclcnowledgmg the disease. "Today. there are three dru~ and more m the pipelines to halt and decline the disease," she said. "What patienL'i don't realize is that if you educate. you can wallc that path a lirtle longer and a IJttle healthier:· DR. ATKIN'S The OrlCinal Low Carb Lifutyle Low Ori Snacks Cnmchers Original $ : HBO • Nacho 149' 49 •Sour Cream/Onion .& SUGG. '2.39 Alpha-Lipoic Acid lOOMG =~" S.,orl . SUGG . .,3.90 60 Tal!S Saturday, May 10, 2003 Al t BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS UCI neurobiology chair will discuss memory Monahan will now present th• Mayo:r'a Award on 1 monthly b The elty is accepting nornliia· tions on a continual !or the award. Th1a award n!Cogniz81 peo- ple In the communJty who have made 1 dl.tference by perfotming an ouutanding act, semce or deed. Award reciplenta are honored The Irvine Health Foundation with the presentadon of a Mayot'a and UC lrvine's Center for the. Aw.ud certificate, recognJdon let- Neuroblology of Leaming and ters from local elected oflkial& and Memory will present Thomas J. Ca-other ~peciaJ gifts. rew, chair of the UCl Department The award presmtatlon gener- of Neuroblology, as part of Its ninth ally occurs at the ftnt City Council annual lecture series on b~n. meeting of every month, which la learning and memory. the first Monday. The lecture on May 20 will fea· Letters submitted hould fn· ture the topic "The Molecular elude the name, address and Architecture of Memory: · phone number of 1he nominee, as Carew will use the aplysla, a sea well as a brief statement as to why animal from the CaJlfornia coast, to the person deserves recognition. IUustrate the molecular machinery The lener should also note the that creates memories. name, address and phone number The program will begin 7:30 p.m. of the nominator. May 20 at the Irvine Barclay The city's Web sue, www.costa- Theatre. 4242 Campus Drive, Ir-mesa.ca.us, includes a Mayor's VUle. Award Nomination Form. For information, call (949) 824· Nomtnations may be submitted 4275 or visit www.cnlm.uci.edu. by mail to: Gary Monahan. Mayor, Ciry of Costa M~a, P.O. Box 1200. Monahan makes Mayor 's Costa Mesa 92628-1200. Or it can Award monthly be faxed to c1141 754 -5330 or bye- mail dt cmcounfilre-c1.rosta· Newly elected mayor Gary mesa.ca us Squaw Bread ~ Organic Fat Free Refried Beans • 7roditionol :~iii ~ REG. '1.39 771& oz. Continental NON-FAT ~':/: YOGURT Aod<Jpluus 16 Flavors to Choose •Regular • Lactose Free REG .99' ~::Natural .. , A Cheese MSMtSOOMG (Lignilul) Fast Acting ~ftft OOin/Jtgivtion r77 SUGG. l15.99 1DlltD - • FARM FRESH PRODUCE G~ Ho~ 1)~ G~ to,,,, Yo~ Ho~! BEAUTIFll SOAP COMPAIY Mother's White Chocolate Bar Soap ,,.. """'··-..... .,..,.. .... Bwldwtl"""' .......... Mii AIM y.., l'tn ~· -"• ... ,,..... 99 ,.,,,._ REG. '6.99 J~ 5dt.! Juices .,,, __ M Satl#'day, Moy 10, 2003 LYD.!l Blei1 Van Sweden Vlllladon far 32.,._ Coaa .._ nrld1a1 Ima llin VU~u ...... dbeWdatlOa.m........,•C.. Me.a9econd Want. s. ....... 11 ..... Wednelday. Mn. Min S-dta cllld l1lulMaf of ca.ar. Sbe waa 81. She iii IUritwd ~ JNlbmnd IObeit: c:bldNn Cbad and A&Wtl: and rwo pandchlldrta. •The Delly Piiot welcomn obltueriM for reeidentl or former llt•ident• of Cott• M ... end N.wpon lleach. It ¥OU went to heve en obftu1ry printed In tM Piiot. elk yOUt rnortuery to t.x u1 th1 lnform1tlon et (949) ~ 170 or cell tM newsroom et (949)7~24. D ID You SUFFER LOSSES IN THE STOCK MARKET? Were your investment objectives Income, Safety of Principal, and long-Term Growth? Did your stockbroker recommend unsuitable, high-risk stoc ks? Did your broker over-concentrate your investments 1n technology stocks? Were you a victim of the wall street analyst scclndal? IF SO, YOU MAY HAVE A CASE fOR FRAUD AND BREACH Of flDUCIARY DUTY AND All OR A POaTION Of YOUR LOSSES MAY BE RECOVERABLE. 111 IN,, r~~ ~n111nd1""1wl m~ u/J for• MEE oonsult.11JOt1 f\Rf\ I I'\. \1. 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Jose Guadalupe·1.aragosa was arrested without Incident, poUce saJd. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Weet Beker StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported In the 1100 block at 7:09 a.m. Thursday. • Colby,...: Petty theft Wit reported In the 2600 block at 12:06 a.m. Thursday. PUBLIC SAFETY The victim is in her "°5 and Jail In Ueu of $50,000 bail the incident reportedly hap· pened at a business in the Police seek two vard2000 SblocBok obfClH~!.,Bod ule· suspects in muomng , gt. sze .. OGJ • cc~· Force was used, and the Costa Mesa police are look· woman suffered cuts and . Ing for rwo suspects they say bruises, he said. Guadalupe· robbed a man who was walk· 1.aragoza, who was an ac· ing near Pomona Avenue and quaintance of the victim, is 19th Street at about 8:30 p.m. being held in Orange County Thursday, officials said. 11 :22 a.m. Thursday. • Harbor Bouleverd: An assault was reported In the 2100 block at 1 :05 p.m. Thursday. • Newport Boulevard: Grand theft was reported In the 1600 block at 10:49 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Boulevard end 11th StrMt: A hit·and·run was reported at 12:49 p.m. Thursday. 2:49 p.m . Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH t Cagney Lane: Petty theft was reported~n the 200 block at 2:46 p.m. Thursday. • Cllff Ortve: A burglary was reported In the 2900 block at 6:27 p.m. Thursday. • Newpon Center Drive West: The victim was approached by rwo men in their 209 who appeared to have a gun. Sgt. Bob Clszek said. "It was a simulated gun," he saJd •. "We don't know if they actually bad a gun or not• The victim handed over his wallet, which contained about $150, Clszek said. No one was hurt in the Incident, he said. • P11c.ntl1 Avenue: A hit-and-run was r&Ported In the 1600 block at 9:06 a.m. Thuntday. • Port Edward Clrcle: A vehicle burglary w11 reported in the 1900 block •t 8~7 a.m . Thursday. • Setenatde Tent1d: An auto theft waa reported In the 1600 block at 5:58 p.m. Thursday. • Ftilrvlew Ro~: Petty theft was reported In the 3000 block at • Eut 17th Street: Forgery waa reported In the 200 block at A hit·and·run was reported in the 900 block at 4:27 p.m. Thursday. • WHtcllff Ortve: Petty theft Wit reported in the 1600 block at 3:48 p.m. Thursday. STABBING Continued from Al ·we just started running,· he :-aid. "My shoes were corning off. But I just took them off. I ran without my shoes.• But the men chased him down the street. John said. "They were speaking in Span· ish, and all J could hear was this whole thing was a 'deer hunt,'" he said. John: who was slill running, panting and bleeding from the attack. looked behind and saw one of the men pull out a knife, he said. ·And I was like, 'Oh crap!' I ran into a friend's house nearby and Jocked the door behind me,· he said. The friend's brother called the paramedics, John said. He was admitted to Hoag HospitaJ, where he was treated and re· leased in the morning. The incident, which hap· FAMILY Continued from Al minimized by mom. ( "You'll live" was constantly rolling off her tongue. My mom was right. I did live. And her admonition has gone a long way toward keeping my sanJty, helping me to understand that most of what we consjder important in our lives doesn't really mean a dam thing. J know that it is no consolation to the phone company when I'm a few days late paying my bill or 10 the dry cleaners when I don't pick up my clothes for severaJ mooths, as I did recently, but when I prioritize what's important and what's not, I can't seem to get around to some of this stuff. I both blame and thank my mom. We parents want to believe FIELD Continued from Al the football team for two years. But on Jan. 17, while driving with friends on the East Coast, Fenton, a 20·year-old computer science major. and three other passengers were killed in a car accident. When knowledge of his death reached Newport·Mesa, the community lent the Fenton farnUy Its support. Now, the community is worlcing to keep his mem ory alive. • "We've been needing a score· board for quJte a while and we thought It would be a great honor to bestow to Sean to ,bring the scoreboard ln his rec· ognltlon and basically be part ofa healing process," said Brent pened barely a week before his 16th birthday, was a "shocker,· John said. "It totally ruined my spring break." he said, with a wan smile. Costa Mesa Police arrested one of John's alleged attackers, 20-year·old Juan Gabriel-Cam· pos, on April 28. But another man is still at large, Lt. Dale Bir· ney said. He said the men are members of a Costa Mesa gang. Police don't know what prompted the reported attack, Birney said. "It's very uncommon to have a random attack." he said. "Usually. it's gang·to·gang fights or someone insulted someone. There's usually a catalyst that spurs the attack." That said. Birney added, it is aJso possible that something that would appear normaJ to a lay person may upset a gang member. "Something as simple as a look or a glance may be con· that we're aJways ~etting the best possible examples for our kids and that that is the best way to raise our children, but moms are the one who really walk the taJk. Moms are kind and forgiving and posse~s a far stronger will and stubbornness - a good thing -than dads. Some moms have it tougher than other moms. They are the single morns who often have to depend on others to do what couples take for granted. The moms I know are independent people, and I believe that it bugs the single ones that they have to rely on others. But they don't complarn. The single moms I know don't have time to complain. They posses~ a single·mindedness, a clear sense of purpose and determination that would be a fine example for many business leaders. Tomoqow is their day. too, for this is not Mother's Day for Ogden Jr .. a volunteer footbaJI coach for the school and the leader of this tribute. With the school's Parent Teacher Assn. maldng the first SS,000 donation to support the new scoreboard bearing the II· tle "Sean Fenton Field,· people throughout the community have shown their support for the proposal "I think that everyone feels this is a great addJtion, and to do this for Sean. It's just such a perfect thing to epitomize Sean's life." said Sean's father, Robert Fenton. "We truly are overwhelmed .... The support has been amazing. Sean was a very special Jcid, a setness per· son, and that's why this lwouJd bel a great thing for him." But the new $30,000 score· board is more of a hope than a FYI The city'• Planning Department will make mapa available for public review sometime before the May 27 council meeting. The Planning Department can be ruchtd et (949) ~3200. Coundl 1gend11 and 11eff reports ere evellable onllne ...... ral d1V11 before each council meeting et www.city.newport-beech.ca.u .. dents wW likely be remavad from Bromberl(a district and become pil't of Gery Adams' Oistrtd ... "Thi$ eeemt to be the best ao!u· tion to a YeJY dfflk:ult prob&em," Brombt.rg said. • JUNl~OCMW"I NNpot\ Beed'I end John Wlyne • AJrpon. She 'fW¥ be tMChed. (948) 5'14-4232 Ot ~ ~. ~·~ strued as disrespect,• he said. A Cosra Mesa resident who serves as John's mentor said the incident horrified tum. "To attack someone without any provocation." he said. "That's just horrible." The mentor said he is trying to get John and his family to an· other community where they wlU feel safer. The mentor is also working with Jot\n and a Costa Mesa church to organize a "gang summit" to provide a forum for the issue. John is expected to share his experience and speaJc against gang violence during the summit, which, the mentor says. Is planned in the near fu . 1ure. John said he had never felt threatened in the Westside neighborhood where he grew up. "I knew everyone there." he said. "I never felt scared. I just m ed 10 keep it cool with every· body." two-parent homes. it's Mother's Day for all moms, including the incredibly courageous moms who have gave their children up for adoption because they knew their kid would be better off. I don't ~cllll a nauonal holiday for those moms, but I wish they were recognized in a bigger way. These days. my observations of what moms are and how they handle family life are based on watching my wife. Cay. the mom to our two children. Watching the joy she had working on school projects with our kids in~pired me lo jump in and try it. She was right -the chance to work closely with a kid in school isn't just a teachable moment, it is fun. For the past few months. I have been involved in a subs tantial wriling project. one that has taken up far too much of my time, but that I fully reality. Before the school can put the honorary scoreboard in place, it must receive approval from the Depanment of State ArchHects and the Newport- Mesa Unified School District. According to board policy, nothing can be done in memo· riam at school sites unless the individual has been dead for at least two years, aJlowing time to assess whether the memoriam is appropriate, said Jaime Cas· tellanos. assistant superinten· dent of secondary schools for the district. Since Penton does not yet fit the criteria, Ogden plans to pre· sent a proposal to the school board for Its approval. .. rt makes my hean sad to think that someone's lift has been cut short." said Sharon Fry, principal at Corona del Mar But the April 15 incident was something he had never ex· pected. he said. "It felt like a dream," he said. "You don't expect to get hit when you don't do anything and trying to stay out of trouble." The incident has changed his life in some ways, he said. "My friends don't let me take the bus by myself," he said. ·1 try not to walk alone and walk onJy in places I'm familiar with." John says he still thin.ks about that night. But he believes his life is back to normal. I fe's even gone back to school. "I thought, in the beginning, I was going to be mad about this." he said. "But I'm not. I think I'm OK with it. I'm ready to move on." I DEEPA BHAAATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e·matlat deepa.bharath .e-l1111mes. com expect will provide some significant benefits in the near future. The project runs concurrent with all of my other work. During this time. Cay the mom has shown our kids what it is 10 be haJf of a parenting team. She has pid:ed up the slack around the house and Is very padent while I work to get over this hump. That's what moms do. And when I complain abou1 working too much and not having a moment 10 myself anymore, sbe will check me. reminding me that all of this as voluntary, telling me to "get over it." That's her version of •You'll live." • STEVE SMITH 11 a Coste Mesa residen't and freelance writer. Readers may leave a menage for him on the Daily Pilot hotline 111 (949) 642·6086. High. ~Whether it's a field or a plant or something else we do to remember him, somewhere in my heart, I know these are good things.· Many community support· ers, as well as the Fenton Family. can't think of a better tribute. "CertaJnly for our family, it's a great honor, and it's something that I know Sean would have loved,~ Robert Fenton said. "He was very, very committed both academ ically and a thletically to Corona del Mar High School. It seems like the most fitting thing that can be done In his honor." • CHRISTINE CARRILLO coveri education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by •·mall et chrlstin1.c1rrillo@l1tim1B.com HOW TO . CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES COAST COMMUNfTY COUEGE otSTRICT Oft1riet Office: 1370 Adema Ave.,~ Meta, CA 92626, (714) 432-6898 a.1111low. Wllllam M. Vega lk»Mt President Paul Berger, Vice Pr-'dent Armel\do Ruiz., O.Oro• Brown, Jtny Pltlereon end Watter G. Howtfd; etudent truttee Derek Shelty NIWPORT'-MESA UftFEO ICHOOl DISTRICT Ol9trlct <>me. 2986-A .,.., St., Com Mele. CA t2828, f7Ml 424 6000 ............. Aobtft Barbot loefd: Pre.ident Mirtha Auor. Vice Pretident Dene Bl~ C19rt Serene StokM, Oevld Broob, Tom Egen, Judy Franco end Unde Sneen STATE ASSDRY John C.mpbtll (A), 70th Dlttrlct. 5'M• Cipftol, Stcrttntnto, CA 9581,, (918) 319-2070 E-m.11: L dl«rlct'IO ...-mbly.c&QCW Ken Mtddok (A), 8ldl DIRic:t, StMe c.pttof, ~.CA 95814, (118) (118) 31 .. 20ll; Or locel ofllce .. 190S ~ COMl Ofio4, Suhl 20I. c-. Mele taae; (714) ... 2100: ft)c: (71•) ... 21°' BEACHCOMBING •• "Quality Scrvic.e ... •••Nigbdy E.otertainmcaf" .. Satwday. May 10. 2003 A5 KENT TREPTOW I DAit i P11 r) T Lisa Brietigam of Garden Grove doesn't let the cool weather stop her "treasure hunting" at the Newport Dunes. SOFIS CHAIRS BEDROOMS DINING ROOMS Will IRIS ACCESSORIES &MORE WHAT'S AFLOAT •WHAT'S ARDAT 1s published periodically. If you jJre planning a nautical event, submit the mformauon to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or bye-mail to da1/yp1/ot i»/st1mes com CRUISES Electric Boat Tours on.... two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle is available for weddings and receptions. cocktail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for eactl additional hour. (949) 361 3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 45-mmute cruise (adults. $6; ctlildren. $1 ) and a 90-minute cruise (adults, $8; dlildren. $1 ) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 mmutes from 11 a.m. to eff EwinR & l yleen Ewing NESTING INST(N(,IS The impending am val of a new baby 1s an important catalyst for many couples to plan a move. You may need more ~pace or prefer a larger yard or a street with Jes!> traffic. Having a baby represent!> a profound change in life, and your thoughts about housing suddenly begin to include considerations about schools. neighborhood playgrounds, and other families wit h young children. If you plan to enlarge your famil y in the near future, it is a good idea to assesi your real estate needs early in the planning stage. Jf you have a condominium or smaller house which you have to sell in order to buy a new home, talk to us about placing your current home on the nwtet now. It could take a while for it to close, even if we find buyers relatively quietly. Lyleco and Jeff have 31 consecutive years of reaJ estate experience in Newport Beach. For prof mloaal service or advice with all your real estate Htds call the Ewillp at Coast Newport-Coldwell Banka' at (tff) 7Sf..3796. The h1tnga Ne C09lll NR'POft Plopwty'l 11 ....,. For ID01 ......... 7 p.m. daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; ctlildren. $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. (949) 673-0240. Catalina Pas~ Service runs 45-minute harbor cruises (adults, $6; ctlildren, $1) and 90-minute cruises (adults. $8; ctlildren, $1 ). departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. MEPHISTOM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES 1727 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach • 949-642-FEET 12 MONTHS SAME AS CASH IA " l.IW S • AX PVl<OiASE 0 A r FREE LOCAL DELIVERY ·~ t.:• llE.,'Q, l<[ir-Ofl l'llEf Of_ >'EPV Al<L BE MT°"~" 1.1u IWlllJS FURN ITU 3030 H&[bOr Blvd Costa Mesa INe•I l<J rARGfT GREATL.AND Dy 405 Fw; Eri!e< ott BJ~M <J< Harbo< 81,d I (114) 154-6348 Open Mo<' f" 1 Oarn 8pm • Sat 1 oam 6pm • Sun 1 1 am 6pm ALL WE SAID IS $1000 OFF. MOVE INTO NEWPORT 8 EACH PLAZA BY JUNE 30 , 2003 AND RE C EIVE $1000 OFF YOUR FIRST MONTH 'S RENT* Imagine the comforts of home without the challenges. Experience the finest guest services in your luxurious apartment home. Newport Beach Plaza has it all. Start living a carefree life, call today. (949) 645-6833 .\ I \ \ I 1( ) I\ I I; I ' ( I I I ) I \ / \ 1455 SUPERIOR AVE • NEWPOllT BEACH WWW.LEISURECARE .COM .._ ' .... M Satlwday, May 10, 2003 Dlill'J Pilot FORUM. HOW10 GETPUBUSHED -~Meil to Editoriel Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Deily Pilot, 330W. Bay St. Cotta Mesa. CA92627 • A11iteraHodlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 648-4170 E-fMl:s.nd to dailyp/lottllatimn.oom • AJI corTespondenoe must Include full name, hometown end phone number (for verification purpoMt). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all 1ubmluion1 for ciarlty end length. ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Ducks are ready for the next test LE 11 ER TO THE EDITOR JWA flight pat~ should alternate • EDfl'OR'S NOl'E: As a special feature, Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach resident and former goalie for the Mighty Ducks, will be writing regular dJaries about the team and its experiences throughout the playoffs. Well it didn't take long, and It should not hBYe come as a big surprise whom the Duclcs would play. Yes, the never-say-die Minnesota Wild have accomplished something that no other team in the history of the NHL has ever done. That is, being down three games to one in each of its first two rounds and then coming back from the brinlc of elimination to win both game-sevens on the road. nus was no easy task because of the teams that stood in their path. First-round opponent the Colorado Avalanche, a favorite to make a run at their second Stanley Cup titJe, boasted stars ·such as Joe Sa.Ide, Peter Forsberg. Rob Blake and Patriclc Roy. Round two agaJnst the Vancouver Canuclcs, with the big line ofTodd Bertuzzi, Markus Naslund and Brendan Morrison along with Thevor Linden and Ed Jovanoski, certainly pitted stars against the no-name Minnesota Wtld. These no-names won each of their first two rounds by simply playing as a team, with each player playing his role as directed by coach Jaques Lemaire. They play a flawless defensive style and attaclc when other teams get frustrated. They clog the neutral wne. protect their goalie and play a simple game. While there are really no big names on the Wi.:1 roster. there are a few tha1 you mighl recognize, like youngster Manon Gaborik or veteran Cliff Ronning. Or most likely. former Ducks Jason Marshall, Richard Park and Jeremy Stevenson, all of whom will cef!airtly be looking forward to this match up. . The Wtld have gonen balanced scoring from a number of players, and for a defensive team, they have certairtly been able to score goals in bunches. Goaltending has been mostly in the hands of journeyman Dwayne Roloson, who hru. played solidly for the Wtld and will need to continue to do so as the stale.es get higher. lf Roloson should falter as in the first round against Colorado. they GUY HEBERT will use former No. 1 goalie Manny Femandez. Most teams like to stay with their No. 1 goalie, but Minhesota has been able to keep both of these guys happy and motivated in their tandem situation. As a former goalie myself, I know this is no easy task for a coach to get two goalies to share the.duties and still be successful. Again, this is a team. The team comes first, and when they keep it that way, they have succ~ Just aslc Colorado and Vancouver. Teamwork simply outplayed skill. WeU, what can we expect from Minnesota in the next round against the Ducks? Plenty of what has gonen them to the Western Conference Finals. Hard work. sacrifice, team-first attitude and, of course, keeping It simple by playing their style. Do not underestimate the Wtld just because they don't have the marquee player names that Deiroit, Dallas, Colorado and Vancouver have had. If the Ducks make that mistake, it will cenainly come back to haunt them. The Ducks will cenainly be the more rested team. since they finished out their series on Monday rnght and the Wild had to go to game seven Thursday night in Vancouver. This is a huge advan1age. and the Ducks shouJd try and seize some early momentum. I am sure that Mike Babcock and the coaching staff are making the guys painfully aware of how good the team they are playing really is. Both teams have performed weU and have earned the right to play for the Western Conference title. The teams are qui1e similar in the defensive style I.hat they play and both counteranack on turnovers that result from constant pressure up ice. It wiU really be a chess match out there. Coaches will be pairing lines against lines and taking advantage of opportunities in the offensive w ne with their best face off men to create chances. The Ducks will rely on Steve Rucchin again to play a key role defensively and most likely play against Marian Gaborik's line. Other key players will be Petr Sykora. Adam Oates and Paul Karlya It is tribute to how good the Anaheim team ts that they have gone two rounds and have not • had their best player making an impact. Paul will need to raise his game and show why he is one of the highest paid players in the league. J .S. Giguere may not have to be as spectacular between the pipes as he has been, but he will be called upon to make the saves when they are needed. nus sometimes is more difficull than getting barraged by shots because of the time in between action. The mind has a tendency to wander. so focus and concentration will be at a _ premium. The pivotal area for these two teams will be special teams. Anaheim has gotten away with a very sporadic power play to this point. but will need to create more scoring in this area if they are to beat the Wtld. Kariya, Oates, Sykora aJong with Sandis Ozolinsh and Niclas Havelid certainly have the talent 10 put the puck in the net. Puck movement is a key when on the°'jfower play to get defensive players caught out of position. Once this is accomplished, the Ducks need to put more pucks on the nel and outnumber the Wild defenders down low. This allows for more tips, screens and rebounds. Tune and space will be limited by stringent defense and the best opportunities to score will no doubt come from the man advantage. In contrast. the Minnesota Wtld have had tremendous success with their power play unit and have had dramatic changes in momcnrum coming as a direct result of their scoring ability here. Once again, the Ducks penalty-killing unil will be on the spot. and defensemen Keith Carney will lead the team m this area. No one could have predicted these two teams being in the Western Conference finals. They have played beyond anyone's expectations except possibly their own. The National Hockey League and the Western Conference has a new look to it. and it looks good to Orange County fans. No one now should be i.urprised by the success that these two teams have had. Their match up will certainly get some anention from its eastern rivals. Not only is there an increase in the number of John Wayne Airport passengers as reported in the Daily Pilot on May 7, 2003, there also seems to be an increase in the blll.Z of grumbling comments growing in the community ("Number of JWA passengers increasesj. From Huntington Beach residents to Corona del Mar and Balboa homeowners, complaining about the airplane noise and shifting fight patterns is the conversation that's got It going on. And. of course, (here's not a word from our quiet lrvine neighbors to the south. lrvine residents, who loudly profess to care for the equality of all human bein~. are unquestionably silent egalitariwis when it comes to sharing the benefits and the burdens of our Orange County airport. Here's one solution I haven't heard discussed relating to Orange County residents' complaints about planes now turning and flying over their homes. I would suggest this neutral and equitable approach: Olange the lligbt path every five years. So for the next five years, from 2004 to 2009. arrival and departure of 6lghts wouJd "make a left" and then "make a right" over Irvine. in 2009, flights would make a turn over Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. Then, from 2014 to 2019, ifs bacJc over Newport Beach again. We'll find a spot for Newport Coast, too. It is time for everyone to share the benefits and burdens of convenient air uavel here in Orange County. Many in our surrounding commun!des who didn·1 want to listen to their Costa Mesa and Newport Beach neighbors are finally "listening" to the air space above them. Irvine ~Jdents love 10 Oy out of Orange County and plop down in those seats only 15 minutes from their home. When they were growing up, didn't anyone leach them to share? . Let fairness prevail. Let's all support this "new approach" to local airline travel in Orange CoWl ty to share the air. VICKI ZIMMERMAN Newport Beach SPECIAL ORDERS ARE INCLUDED! This is the sale you've been waiting for. Lexington collection. And with our BEST PRICE GUARANTEE, it's always tantalizing to shop at Treasures. Don't forget: Our expert designers will help you make the right choice, every time. ""-•eoU.00. (Ml) 727·1212•101 Technology Of1Ye (Eltllollo60tfMon~) IAN OleOO lffOW..aoM: (858) 588-1900 • 7480 Mlrlnw Ad. (Aa'Dl9LotRafll,.,.,,,_N111t ...,..__. HOURS Mott.· ltt.. 10 AM_, /tllt, &rt 10 AM.f /tal, b. 11 AM 4 /ttl VISIT VS ON THE WE• www.treuurhfurnlture.net r pai1y Piiot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUNO TOWN items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by &-mail to milce . .wanaon latime&oom; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete llsting is available at www.dailyp1/otcom. TODAY lf"h• MC;Ond annual hws Around the Park fund-raiser, a walk that raises money to provide dog drinking fountains In Fairview Park, will begin registration at 8:30 a.m. for $20 per walker. The first 200 registrants for the one-mile or two-mile walks at Fairview Park. starting at 10 a.m., )Nill receive an event dog tag, a bandana and a doggie bag. For more information, call (714) 754-5698. The Friends of the N.wport 6each library will hold a used book sale, open to the public, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1000 Avocado Avft'., Newport Beach J3oob will be pnced at "A Buck a Bag." All proceeds are donated to lhe library system For more information, call (949) 759-9687. fhe executive c:tt.t and owner of Apron Strings, Lisa Parisi, will Inspire all attendees to use Calphalon in a 1 p.m. class at Bloomingdale's Home Store. For more Information, call (949) '729-6854. The Oasis Senior Center will hold a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Sausage, coffee and orange juice will also be served The cost is SJ for adults and Sl for dlildren The center offers the pancake breakfast on the second Saturday of each month at 800 Marguerite in Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. Com Mesa's "Women Helping Women• will host rts Volunteer Appreciatt0n Luncheon at Coastal Canyon Park Oubhouse in Newport Coast from 12:30 to 3:30 pm. h will include a special award presentation to Stella Gerk for her unending dedication to "Women Helping Women:' For more Information, call (949) 423-0057. Low-income women 40 •nd older can receive a free mammogram, dinical breast exam and Information on breast heahh at the Harbor Omstian Fellowship in Costa Mesa from 8".30 a.m. to 12:30 p:m. No "*"'81 .. neoeeaary. but ppointments are required. Call I 935-9720 or (714) fa).2037. For e infonnatton about breast ~hh, caN the ~san G Komen east Cancer Foundation at (714) ·9157. I a; •• YIK::ht Charters Is on.mg • Mother's Day cn11se and buffet lunctieon from 1 to 3 p.m. The l:ost 1s $35 for aduhs. $15 for S;tiildren. Another cruise will be lield on Father's Day, June 15 ~all (949) 650-2412 for reservations . • MnNDAY [·~ about the Sierra Club and Its many activities at Its Jnformation meeting for liewcomers and members at 6:30 J>.m. Meet at the Costa Mesa t ommunlty Center, 1845 Park "ve., for food, e><h1brts and table ti1splays. Newcomers can 1om the Introductory fee. For more nformation, call (714) 517-2467. • A community preMnU1ion will ~given at Newport Harbor Hig!Y School in l.oata Auditorium at 7 p.m. Newport-Mesa Unified School District administration officials will report on Measure A plans for the high tdlool. Arehltect.a from LPA will also present plans for lhe new Robins Hallll.(>ats Auditorium. A que~n-.and-answer session will follow the presentation. In attendance will be ldlool board trustees, high school administrators and MeaSYre A Site-Based Project Review Committee members. TIJESDAY A frM ..minar on "Mu.dea In Motion" by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-M OMS. WEDNESDAY The Orange County Chapter of the California Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists will sponsor a workshop called ~chronic Trauma Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment" from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University in Costa Mesa. The workshop costs $30 for students and interns, $55 for clinical members and $85 for all others. For information, call (9491 645-2964. THURSDAY A tree seminar and book signing of "Stop the Clock Cooking" by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. le•m about the gynecological and surgical procedures available for hysterectomies at a free seminar at 6:30 p.m. in Newport Beach's Hoag Hospital Conference Center. Reservations are required. Call (800) 514-4624 FRIDAY Cost.a Mesa's Ch•mber of Commerce will have its Les Miller Scholarship Recognition Breakfast at 7:15 a.m. at the Hilton Hotel, 3050 Bristol St. Attendance is $22 per person. Call (714) 885-9090 for details and reservations. MAY17 The St•riight The111re Comp•ny will hold auditions for its all-student summer show, "Mary Poppins; from 1 to 3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can sing a song from the show or bring taped accompaniment to a song they've prepared. The theater is at 1125 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. For more mformat1on, call (949) 645-7827. The Costa Mesa Historical Society will host an open house from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m. at 1870 Anaheim St. m Costa Mesa. It includes tours of the facility and exhibits of photos and artifacts. Free. For more information, call (949) 631 -5918 ·oivorce: A New Beginning." is• workshop for men and women who are divorced or getting divorced. It is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beacti. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. The Newport Harbor N•utical Museum will open a new e><hibit featuring the work of Joe Duncan Gleason (1881-1959), known as the West Coast's r i r maritime s ialist among early 20th-century artists. The exhibit will be on display until Sept. 30. For more information, call (949) 673-8915, ext. 111. Th• Newport Beach Ubnllv'• Balboa branch wnl offer 1 worbhop called "Tools & Trl<b: Internet 101 :' an ln1roduction to navigating the World Wide Web, st 9 a.m. For more lnfonn1tlon4 call (949) 717·3816. The W.ldotf Schoors annu•I Mey Faire, an Imagination Celebration event, will be from 11 1.m . to 3:30 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Drive In Costa·M eaa. Admiulon coats $3, and c:ttildren younger then 2 get In for free. Parking la free. For more information, call (9491574-7734. Costa M._, High School's Cheerleading department Is hosting a one-day cheerleading clinic from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. for $18 per person. Squads and anyone without cheerleadlng e><perience are encouraged to attend the clinic, taught by the United Spirit Assn. Registration will begin at 8:45 a.m . in front of the high school's gym. MAY18 ToJclck on this ve•r's Festival of Children. a Volunteer Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at South Coast Plaza's Carousel Court. To introduce Orange County charities and youths to each other, the Festival of Children Volunteer Day will allow a variety of nonprofit organizations to display information about their services. For more information, call (949) 644-4777. The Southern C•lifoml• Kol Club will have its annual koi pond tour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., including tours of Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar and Santa Ana. CoS1 is $8 per person. For more information, call (949) 646-1685 MAY19 Ho•g Hospital's Cancer Center Is offering a presentation by a group of e><pert clinicians to learn about the use of surgery for treating colon cancer. There will be time aher the free 6:30 to 9 p.m. presentation to network with other colon cancer survivors and discuss common concerns. Registration is required. For more information and to register, call (949) 760°-2103. Mature drivers can sh•rpen their driving skills in an eight-hour class in two sessions at Presbyterian Churcti of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes will be from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. May 19 and 20. and are limited to 3011udents. The co111s $10. Advanced registration required. To register, or for more information, call (714) 557-3340. MAY20 A free seminar •nd book signing of ·why the We1ght7 Oare to be Great 1 • by author Jean Kruegar will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Film Night will feature surfing films. including the newly released •3 Degrees.· It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Surfrider public meeting at Margaritaville, 2332 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Come and learn what is going on with local water quality issues and see some co su 1 s. or more information, call (949) 644-7443. See TOWN, Pqe AB --Did You Know? 11That we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to 'J~ Nurseries and let us show you how." NURSERIES, INC.---• COSTA MESA SANTA ANA TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PIO Manager 2 700 Bristol St (714) 754-6661 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 flowerdale Nunery -C.OSU Mela Master Nursery Professional COMPtETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE II 308553 • &.nctuet Room (20·90) • Tak.t-o AVllila ~r10 am A Complimentary for Every Mom! --::;..-.. --... 2196 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa call (949) 631-2110 for Information & reservations www.rfbcompany.com PlckUp I Bucket or Puty Patt 1:-1.m f>.ik.' lnrll~lr B.il7' WrJi i<llJ'. IJ(j(Jtl• hdrn. l.u.wiwlLt.._Ml ~ ... rnm.2~r1m'lrt-ad lhY\i!•~ Til .J tl& llm'lf. Bucket Party PU.a of Ribs Pig Pak Bog Pak 1..:::-h<nl.,.j lln'dl.~ -..ci II s2s915 s59915 V/ 4 915 ANNOUNCING THE HARD SURFACE FLOORING SPRING SALE 12 months, no interest *, no payments WOOD • CERAMICS LAMINATES & MORE JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE "Southern Calif omia's oldest flooring company." 2927 S. 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Zussman I 0 I 00 53rtfll Morua Blvd .. 8th 1'1oor Los Angtk:s. c.A 90067 TOWN Continued from A7 MAY21 A free temlnar and book .... ,.., of "The Digestion Connection• bv Or. Mark Stengler will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'• Mar1cet 226 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595--MOMS. SuepenM nowllst Marth• Unikel will speak at a Newport Beach Newcomers Club meeting at 1D a.m. Unikel is also a member of the club, which Is open to all · women living in the area for less than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9'722. UC Irvine's ac:hooi of biofoglcal sciences and the Howard A. Schneiderman Memorial Bioethics Lecture Series present "The Good Life at the End of Life; a lecture by Or. Joanne Lynn, at 7 p.m. in the Crystal Cove Auditorium. The event is free, but reservations are required. For more information, call (949) 824-7252.· Mentor, coec:ti and trusted advisor Dave Gentry will speak at a PCMA meeting about his search for an authentic life at the Westin in South Coast Plaza from 5 to 8 p.m. Registration is at 4:45 p.m . For more information, call (714) 637-5524. MAY24 A booll signing and personal appearance by author James Balch for his book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Mar!(et, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Coast Cares' first •spring Fling" fund-raiser to benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation, an organization that raises money for children in Baja, will be from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m. in the Newport Coast Shopping Center. The event will have games and rides for children. Admission is $1-0. For more information, call (949) 476-1144, ext. 358. Three acclaimed authot"I and scholars will present "African American Speech in Global Culture;' exploring the effect of African American speech on modem conversation, poetry and music. The reception, performance reading and book signing will run from 4 to 9 p.m. at UC Irvine's Cross Cultural Center and Crystal Cove Auditorium. For more information, call (9491824-1948 JUNE4 The Friends of the Newport Beach Library will host a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m. in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison. author of more than 70 books, will be the speaker. Reservations are required and must be made by May 28. Call (714) 596-5276. ONGOING Volunteer driven are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals;' sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. The Arlt Page -Ane Children'• Books, at 270 E. 17th St , No. 10 tn Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday.Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .• Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Call for Details &al/main PIJIJlllplphy Sill« 1947 "AMtrac:t Wottt9 on CarwM end Pape(,' an exhibit of art bV Janet Roeener, wi• be 00 ditplay et the Newport 8eadl Central Utnty through June 30. The exhibit will feature eelecdons from Roaener's "Waat*t /tway" aeries. created bV dripping, splattering or pouring addidonal pelnt end mediums onto an original painting and washing It rtWrf to suggest the passage of time. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. Award-winning work1 by Orange County artists working in an arr av of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June,27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Registration 11 now open for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic 51( Race & two-mile Fon Walk on June 1 Pre-registration fees are $22 for the run/walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on the day of the race is $30 for the run/walk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. Bayside Restaunint in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721 -1222. tt your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Di•cover the 1ecret1 of Carbon Canyon Regional Par!( as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for m ore information. Team Survivor. a nonprofrt organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts •walk and Talk• at 10 a.m. the second and founh Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members m eet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Communtty Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety. awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets M ondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teena are invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. M onday through Friday for indoor and outdoor spon s and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information. call (9491650-1332. • The Newport Beach Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m . on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The A11n. of Buslne11 Servicea hosts a networi(ing meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m . on the second Tueadav of every month at the Hollday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. "Dtvofoe: A New Beginning," a workshop for man and women divorced or getting divorced, 11 held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p .m . at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost i1 $40. For more Information, call 644·6435. The Newport Beach Public Library hosts an hour of 1tories and craft• for children In kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del M ar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. .Tueadava. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave: For more information, call (949) 717-3800. Free tours of th• Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, bacbtage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturdev at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS. ext. 833. The Newport BHch Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on tha third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information. call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbesch.org. Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage. coffee and orange juioo for S3. S 1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. Macy'• South Coast Plu• presents ·workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m . Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa M esa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot. call (818) 994-5075. V09a and rhythm, "Yogarhythmics" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 M esa Verde Drive Ea st. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714! 754-7399. "Earthquakes -Not If, But When" will be re-broadcast through April 12 on Adelphia and Cox cable systems for Newport Beach. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m .. Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit "Your Majesty, There Is No Second: The America's Cup 1851·2003" through April 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway. Newpon Beach. Free admission. For more information, call (949) 673-7863. Interfaith couptea with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples. such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols m the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration Is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office la at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Father's Day is June 15th I Dady Piiot COMMUNITY & CLUBS Donations delivered to Marine Corps base A fter the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council's National Day or Prayer breakfast on May I, Margo Allen and I loaded some 22 me JIM DE BOOM boxes·and trash bags of goods donated by Daily Pilot readers, members of locaJ churches. temples and synagogues, Interact club., from Saddleback and Garden Grove High schools in my sport utility vehicle for delivery 10 Lhe Marines and their families at the Twenty·nine Palms Marine Corps base. The vehicle w~ loaded from floor to ceiling, from front 10 back with thousands of dollars worth or phone cards. eye drops, suntan lotion. tuolhpas te, bauerie ... lip halm, beef jerky, peanut.,, grocery coupons. blank post cardo;, letters of support, cros,word punJes and boob. and maga7lne.,. ·n1ose who dropped off the donations on Saturday. Apnl 26. were most appreciative for the opportunity 10 support the Marines and their fam1Jics and were thankful the council and Oaily Pilot organized lhe ~ stated JalmJe Day, Interfaith Council vice preMdent, who with Susan MunseU and Allen sorted out the donated items on collection day. Al Twenty-111nc Palm-., I was greeted by Beverly Miller in a white government pickup truck to which we transferred the donated items. filling the cargo area and the passenger '>idc of the cab. "The Marines and their families are mo'>I appreciative of the donations and support." Miller said. In checking with the Adopt·A·family coordinator at the lWenty·nine PaJms Chamber of Commerce, I found that they had received several calls from Daily Pilot readers offering to adopt families, but finding that the distance between the base and our area was a problem. And yes. DaiJy Pilot readers did send in donations 10 the Operation Enduring Family fund. That's what they still need. funds to help pay for housing. food and child care costs. Olecks may be written to MCCS General Suppon, c/o Dennis Larson, P.O. Box 7881 SO, MAMGTF Training Command. MCAGCC. Twenty-nine P-.tlms, CA 92278. No amount is 100 small. I join with the Marines and their families at Twentynine Palms in saying thank you to all who car~ and helped with Operation Enduring Families and in other ways, to support of our troops and lheir famiJjes. OASIS OF COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE At the meeling of Computer Friends of Oasb on May 14. Tom Underhill of Creative Continuum will present a program on "Scanning and Photo Retouching Bru.ics." mis program is designed for bt-g1nner to advanced computer u..e~s. Now is a good chance w learn Lips and lrick.s from a profe:.'>ionaJ who has more than 5,000 scans under his belt and probably more than 10,000 enhanced photograph.,. 1op1c., to be covered include image enhancement and basic photographic retouching technique•>. The meeting begin:. at I a.m at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona dcl Mar. Coffee and cookies will be served after the presentation. EXCEU£NCE IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Congratulations to Newpon Beach resident and owner of B. MAGNESS AT NEWPORT NORTH SHOPPING CENTER CHANGES NAME TO BELLA MARE One of Newport's favorite women's boutiques, B. Magn~s in Newport North Shopping Center, has changed its name to Bt!lla Mart!. Meaning "beautiful sea," Bella Mart 1s appropriately named for the fashion :.avvy coastal commu· n1ty 11 serves. Bt!lla Mart! carries aJI of the fashionable Imes that B. MagnC!>:. was known for, wtule also mtroduc· mg new European dcs1gru. that • · are sure to bc just as popular. summery norals, pastels ao, well as bright colors, and styles from chiffon d~s lo casual athJehc wear such as comfort· able yoga pants. Capris, cargo pants and other summer fashions are also in demand. Bt!lla Mart carries designs by Votrc Norn, BuffaJo Jearu>, Allt'n ~lien, City Lights, Esscndi and Wayne Rogers. The store also recently brought dresses by Rebecca Taylor and Nicole MilJer into the store's I Visit s.I,. .,.,. and sH th8 latest spring fashions and sportswear. , To celebrate the store's new fashionable collection, Other name, 8t!ll11 Mon wiJJ have a new lines include Sharagano, a I reception on Thursday, June 5 fashion·forward line from from 5 to 7 p .m. The evening Paris. will include informal model-The boutique also carries a ing, a tn.tnk show of the latest variety of accessories, including SUJJUner fashions, refreshments jewelry, handbags and shoes and door prizes. from designers such as Onyx, In addition. a portion of sa1es· Sacha and Diego Deluca. from Thursday, June 5 through Bella M11rt is known for its Saturday, June 7, will be donat-unparalleled customer service, ed to The Sophisticates, which including personal shoppin~ upports ATSC (Assessment service, complimentary. gift and Treatment Services Center) wrapping, customer profiles in Newport Beach. Nancy that are maintained for gift Olson, the new owner of Bell• giving, free delivery on MIJl't, is the president elect of minimum orders, compllmen- thls non-profit group, which tary hemming service# VIP provides professional evalua-rustomcT reoept:ions and will tions and counaellng to at-risk aoon be adding a complimentary youths and their lamilkl. bevenge bar. B1ll11 M11r1 ls currently 8dl11 M•rt ls loatcd in showing the latest apring fash-N•wport North Shopping Iona and ~r, tn femi.. Center at MacArthur rune flbricl, colorful prints Ind Bou~v•rd and Bilon. The. delkate detailing. SwruMr *-can bt reached at (949) loob will be arriving IOOI\, but 6'M4'7'1. ahoppen (al\ alreedy ftnd ~andptidfufby~ four store Discount Dance Supply Rhon~a Tolar, who received the "P.xcelJence in Entrepreneurship" from the Orange County Business . Journal. f'olar is fleet captain at the Bahia Corinlhian Yacht Oub, where she coordinates races and co-produced their club musical, ~showboat." MOTHER'S DAY I.ct\ make Mother's Day a happy day for all mothers. I wa:. surprised a few years ago when I wordmated a brunch at the Newport Center Marriott for 120 older mothers who would have celebrated Mother's Day alone except for the group that '>ponsored the bnmch. Most of the mothers came from local nur!>ing home!., some in wheelchair!> and others with oxygen lank.\ at their sides. They t'njoyed the brunch, the food. the attention of the Marriott !.taff and the entertainment provided by Newport Heach'!> Mr. l.ntertai111f'lent, Jim Roberts. Share part of your Mother\ Day with that neighbor, the mother from rhurch or the one you Imm" m the nur.,mg home. Your at1cn11on to thC'm will nldke tlwir da) WORTH REPEATING Provided by Greg KeUey or the Newpon Meo,a lrvme Interfaith Council. *In order 10 keep a true pef"pcct1vt• of one\ 1mponance, everyom• 'ihould have a dog that will wor'ih1p them and a cat that will ignore them." Dereke Bruce SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK TUESDAY 7".IO a.m .: I he 40-member Newport Beach Sunri'>e Rotary Ouh will meet at Five Crowns ( ntwportl>eMlis11nrisuo1nry.orgl index.htm). 6:30 p.m. ·111e Costa Mesa Newpon I !arbor Uons Oub will meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. . WEDNESDAY 7: 15 a.m.: The 20·member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub wiJJ meet al the Center Oub ( www.southcoastmet rorotary.of'fP: and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub wiJJ meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-memher Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast wiJJ meet at '>anta Ana Country Oub for the A.C.I:. Award. 6 p.m.: The 60-member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa wiJJ meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club for the city of Newport Heach Track Awards presentation. TiiURSOAY 7 a.m. The 20-plu'> member Costa Mesa-Orange CoMa Breakfast Lions Ouh will meet at Mimj's to hear mt' di'>cu\S my trip to Otina Noon: The 50· member (,o-.ta Mesa Kiwanis Oub wilJ meet at the Holiday Inn; the SO ·mcmber Newpon Reach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub wiJI meet a t the Bah1a Corinth1df1 Yacht Club I www.lc1wa111s.org/dub/ costamesa); the 80-membcr Exchange Club of Newport I !arbor wiJJ meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical MU'>CUm for the A.CE. Awards; and the 100-member Newport Irvine Rotary Oub wiIJ meet at the Atrium Hotel to hear an update on the Griffith Qb.,ervatory Hestoration. (www.nirowryorJP. • COMMUNITY & Ci.UBS IS published Saturdays 1n the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting 1nformat1on by fax to 1949) 660-8667; e-mail to jdeboom•aJaol com or by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol, Suite 201, Newport Beach, CA 92660-1740 SatUl'day, May 10. 2003 U @!LJun Floral & Gifts 0~0~&~ {cv Mother's Day CU&IUM ti OltAI.\ GIYT'> -·-llOllO l>tl OM Mon-t'ri 10-6 •Sat 10-5 •Sun J0-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 I Au"'' fr•Nn klllph• I I • 10 Saturday, May 10, 2003 RESTAURANT - FISH MARKET "We '-re fanatical about freshness" This Mother's Day tre.at mom to only the best! Take her to The Original Fish Company for a succulent 14oz Australian Lobster Tail or buy her a beautifully boxed Gift Certificate. Happy Mother's Day from all of us! (562) 594-4553 11061 Los Alamitos Bl vd. Los Alamitos, CA Gift Certificates available online at www.originalfishcompany.com SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL '"A c...Jty WaftJ It Lmls-' s."9f Jtm CJrist • Leri-' Slriw"' The Rev. ProYeen Bvnyon, Rector 3209 Via Lido =~ 7.30 om Traditional 9omCon~orx 9om Churth $c::hoOl 1 lom Charismatic and Wednesday Noon ST. MARK PllsBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship 9:30 A C811{"!antm tf tht Aflt/i""' C-11111111011 BU/WING OUR FAITH: LOVTNG OlRJST AND SERVING OUR COMMUNITY. Thr Rrv 'd Pcm D. Haynes, Ri:ctor SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8 am • Holy Eucharisr 9 am · Sunday ScbooVAduh Bibk Srudy I 0 am • Choral Eudwist NURSERY CARE AVAIWLE TEMPLE ISAIAH OF NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE COUNTY'S FRI EN DU EST SYNAGOGUE PRESENTS A 4-WEEK COURSE OF ADULT EDUCATION (949)548-6900 4 2401 IRVlltE AVE., ltl'WPOO IEAOf • t.ctwr. ....... , ...... ,. "CREATING JOYFUL MOTHERHOOD" (Proverbs 23:22·25) ~ hUltTllJ,Ot (H\.ICH Seoad.y, May 10, 2003, S:JO P.M. Df.jol!ia A ...... JI'. Sanday, May 11, lOOJ, 1:.JO IC tO:U A.M. f're«lmt, W.t.aday N"lllit Bibk Saidy 7:00 P.M. (~&Olp Newpcl(t H.arbor .._ Sdtool •Im. md tSdll &00 Sc. A.odftwt ROlld, Newpoc'I Buch, C.ltfonua 'lUJ·SllJ ,,.,I 6ll·llt0 £·MAIL1nfo4hta~ WElwww~ + •A God-wucrcd pariah communiry, insttuetcd ~the Wotd of God A and rcncwtd by the Sacraments Our La~y Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive · N~n Beach, California 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 ~.Monsignor William P. Mc.Lau&hlio Putor LITURGIES: Saturday, S p.rn. (Cantor), SUnday, 7:00 (Quiet}, 8:30 (Conmnporary) 10:00 (Oioir), 11:30 a.m. (Cantor) ud 5:00 p.m. (Conranporuy) ( i WORSMIP DIRECTORY \ 11 I II l l I II\ I Newpon Center United Methodist Church RA:v. Cathleen Coou, Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Bam Quiet Worship Service JOam Worship and Children's Sunday S<hool 11Juth muting uxtltly Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (m.LC.A.) 798 Dover Dr. Newport llwh TrwclltlonalLutb•ran Pastor Chartn Enctter Worehlp 8ervk:e with Holy Communion llunday 9:15 am .... ,, ......•...• 1259 Vietoria Street Costa Meta, CA 92627 SH~lf IVHi•9 Hl'ViH It M>O PM . R". lar~ara Hay111 Telep~•• (714) S39·n27 E•ail RBMCCOu11t .. ll.1et FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303VbWO Newpcrt Bead1 673-1340 or 673--6150 Ou.uch 10 am & 5 pm. SUnday School 10 am ....... , ...... ,3011" MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Biiker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Or RIChard George Rev Stephanie Toon • SenlOf M1ntSter Youth M1r11ster Chrut Chu.rcb By the Sea United Mnhodi1t 1400 W. Balboa Blvd .. NC'W)Xlrr lk~lh g,45 .. m ·Adult ~y 5.:hool 1:,30 & 10 Ul. • U'oniup and ChJdrm1 ~nd.o. ~ The Rev. Or. George R Crl.ap. Putor (949)673-380S As Well As Your Yeart Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlsclplH of Christ) 2401 lrvlne Ave. Newport Inell, CA (949) 645·5781 Mlliller. Dr. Dnlll ~Sllort 3100 PacltJc VJew Dr. Newport Bead'I 644-2617 or 675-4661 Church lOam Sunday School 10 am '#I0*1af ~' '°""' t l•~r 12noan ".now It la high ttn. to .wake out of ilMp ....._. 13111 now (to:) ... GETTING :INVOLVED • GETTING INVOUIED runs pertodlcalty In the Dally Pilot on a rotating basis. For lnfonnatlon on adding your organization to thia llst, cell (949) 574-4298. <>Mf«iE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART Learn more about art and share with your community by becoming a docent at the Orange County Museum of Art. A volunteer docent guides adults and school groups through the galleries and teaches about the museum's collections and exhibitions. (949) 759-1122, ext. 204. ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Docents are needed to lead tours of the Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. Learn about the history and the development of the Center and the workings of the back stage areas. For more information. call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate In life management and employment training workshops as a sucoess coach to foster teens 16 to 18 years old. (949) 509-1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for stray and lost animals in the Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar areas. (949) 722-1357. ORTON DYSLEXIA SOCIETY ORANGE COUNTY BRANCH Volunteers are needed to teach reading skills, wor1c on mailings and coordinate the adult group. (714) 999-0118 between 9 a.m. and3p.m. PACIFlC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orchestra's Volunteers in Education Opportunities program needs volunteers to assist children in a variety of hands-on musical activities. Volunteers spend a total of six Saturday momings with the children. (71 4) 755-5788, ext. 244. PARENT HELP USA Founded by mothers and others against child abuse, Parent Help asks the public for help and volunteers to inform the community on vital issues affecting children and the family. \ I Dally Pilot For more Information, call (949) ~3481 or (949) 87~ 6271. PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF, whktl reiMS money to support pediatric cancer research, needs volunteers for 1 variety of duties. (949) 859-6312. THE PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE The Institute Is looldng for volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoldng. To learn m ore about the program, call 18881 n4-4873. PROJECT ACCESS Project Access la a nonprofit organization that llnks resident of low-income housing · developments with beneficial social services usually through resource centers. Volunteers are needed to tutor children, teach crafts and computer skills at the various centers. Paul Shapiro, (949) 253·3120 ext. 229. PROJECT CUDDLE Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization, serves the needs of abused, abandoned and drug-exposed children. In addition to office help and once-a-month, 12-hour hotline shifts. volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group, fund-raising committees and to help distribute stidcers to stop babies from being abandoned lri trash bins. The organization also needs donated gift Items for mothers and babies. (714) 432·9681. PROJECT TOGETHER Project Together seeks adult volunteers to establish a trusting, one-to-one relationship with children stressed from family problems and abuse. This component of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the children are economically deprived. victims of neglect or both (714) 850.a.444. READINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunreera to read to students in kindergarten through the third grade. In Costa Mesa: Pomona Elementary School. (949) 515-6980; Whittier Etementary School, (949) 515-6898; Wilson Elementary School. (949) 515-6995; and New Shalimar Learning Center. (949) 646-0396. need help for student& In reading, wnting and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m ., and after school from 3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. .. Daily Piiot San.day, May 10. 2003 All 00 Embracing his deafness through art . . Casey· w eber will perform his play 'My World and Yours' at Ora nge Coas~ College. Coral Wiison Daily Pilot C asey R. Weber walks. eats and stud.Jes alongside his classmates at Orange Coast College, but because he is d eaf, he said, he lives in a completely different world. "I have always wondered about who I really was,· Weber said. "Som etimes, f ask myself. 'Who am I? What is the purpose of m y being alive?'" goal-driven, but he said the feeling of separation Is sometimes overwhelming. Weber was raised in a hearing family. People could not accept him for who he was. he said. They tried to change Weber instead of trying to understand him. With renewed passion for life, Weber is now on a mission to help others understand the unique deaf culture. "We have a culture of our own." he said. "We have our own language. values and culture. It need not be changed." He will be directing and performing in a one-act play that he wrote called "My World and Yours." The play will be presented dunng Orange Coast College's annual spring One-Act Play Festival from May 2 1 to May 25. FYI •My Wo rld and Yours," by Casey Weber, will be presented at 8 p.m May 21 to 24 and at 2 and 7 p m May 25 at Orange Coast College's Drama Lab Studio Theatre. 2701 Fa1rv1ew r Road. Costa Mesa The play portray., Ryan'> !>Lruggles to be acu:ptt'd by G1ace. her faiher aml the hearing wo rld People shy away from him or walk away. embarrassed and awkward, leaving him feeling lonely. The 25-year-old student is young, healthy and After taking sign language and deaf culture classes with John Yingst at Golden West College, Weber said, he came away from his studies with new dre~ and a clearer understandmg of himself. "l finally realized who 1 really was. I'm Casey R. Weber and I'm deaf," he said. Durmg.c.be play. Weber will be '>inging and signing h1'> poem. ·As I Dreamed ... " lie will play the lead role of Ryan. a deaf man who falls in love wilh a hearing woman named Grace. In real hft'. \\ebt>r I'> 111 love wi1h a deal \\OmJn ltd.med Jennifer Sieber <111 i.III .. 111cknt in St. Louii; Mo On a latgt•r .,<..ale. the play t'> .il>ou1 what 11 ,., hke Lo be deaf 1n Amt'rtrn "l hie; play ,., /'i'"<, rnc .ind :!5% See DEAFNESS, Pa&e Al 7 KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Director Casey Ryan Weber. right, who 1s deaf, signs to hts friend, Max Lawrence , while actress Heather Leanna looks on during rehearsal for the play "My World and Yours." 'Lyrics are big to me, lyrics that say some1hing I always felt. httl could never nr1iut!a1e ancl 1h111k. •·w m \', 1f11s 1.\ what I felt and meant." I like finding .wngs that speak ro _vour heart 1hat u ould be grea1 for1he \ott! · Brook Lee, Costa Mesa mus1c1an KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Singer and songwriter Brook Lee performs regularly at area venues. including the Harp Inn tn Costa Mesa. Tapping into the Brook Lee 's heartfelt music brings to mind Bradley Nowell and Jack Johnson. •Y Sui:I• Harrison baily Pilot F rom hip-hop to alternative, aco\J5tic and folk. Costa Mesa musician Brook Lee has a wide range of experience In the m!Wc Industry. ·At the Orange County Music Awards 1 was nominated for 'Best Male Performance' and 'Best Uve Acoustic Male,'" Lee saJd. He won "Best Uve Acoustic Male," and Is grateful for the ~ts. It put him on a roll, and he's been playing more shows. "One thing to say personally. it helped so much. and it's onty been three months." lee saJd. "It did a good job getting people interested. and has helped networking. It was nice to get a nod, something to put on my bio. and gives me some credibility. The awards are really a posidve thing to have in ~e County,• Lee bas been performing for 12 years. starting when he was IS~ old \\;Lh the multicultural hip-hop quartet "Psychouc Tu;st of Rhythm." TI1c band played throughout Orange ('.ounty from 1991to1995. Next he w~ into rap. While m high school he got a record deal that ended up falling through. Traveling to Canada and joining an alternative band as a drummer from 1996 to 1997. he was IJl a couple of different follc bands.. While playing in Europe and Dublin. he developed his own style of mixed folk and his skills on guitar improved. as dld his sense of melody, which fostered his ability to write songs. SM SOUL, Pace A17 THEATER 'Jenny Chow' takes theater into the cyber world at SCR By Tom Titus W ith Rolin Jones' "The lntelhgen1 Design of Jenny Oiow" noYJ en1oymg its world premiere at South Coast Repenory's Julianne ~ Theater. the theater has officially entered cyberspace. What hes ahead. one can only FY1 lD'lagine. Playwright Jones. a 30-year·old Yale Drama School . student, posses.ses a prodigious unagination. not to mention a Ouency 111 cyberspeak. which could boggle the minds of the more seasoned members oftus audience. Fortunately. he's created some provocative characters to inject period.le doses of humanity between all the bits and bytes. WHAT:•The Intelligent Design of Jenny Chow" WHERE: South Coast Repertory, Julianne Argyros Stage, 655 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa WHEN: 7·45 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays, 2 and 7·45 p.m Saturdays and Sundaysuntil May 18 COST: $27-$54 CALL: (714) 708·5555 Where he misses the rnarlc is where mast playwrights encounter pitfalls in their earlier works -in pulling tus story together with a cogent and sansfactory conclu.s10n. It's the same Haw that mars the otherwise excellent "lnnmate Apparel" by L}nn !'llonage. now betng <.caged on SCR'<i Segerstrom Stage -unsurpnsmg. smce Jones studied under Nonage dunng tus aeaoon of "Jenny Olow. • (He e\.'en sneaks her name mto tus play's dialogue.) With an unagmative approach remiruscent of an early Steven Spielberg. Jones has crafted a balanced piece alternating among comedy. drama and passages only a true computer geek could fathom. OirKtor David Olambe:rs takes this eclectic menage and ttanSfonns it into a richly imaginative production. •Jenny Oiow" actually doesn't make her appearance Wltil late ln !he first act-as the robodc creation of a housebound young woman, Jennifer Marcus -Chlnele by birth. American by adoption -who Is determined to find her birth mother. A formidable task. since leaving her Cabbesas house. let alone wnturing to China. is a trawnatic experience of the flnt order. Behind her computer. howe\u. Jenniier cap conquer the unMr5e -or I! least ae.te a new lile fonn. Going Dr. Ptankemtein one belt.et she UleS various See THEATER, hp A17 -. A12 s.turday, May 10, 2003 SOC I ETY THE CROWD Coming together in support of the arts ENGAGEMENTS Chapman-Brogger Four dedicated Newport women -chairwoman Janet Ray. ~Oury. Nora JoagollOl'l Johmon and llllz:abdh Vlncmt- attracted more than 7oo local guests in support of the Orange County High School of the Arts. The annual s'Ia.whkh unfolded last weclcat the Myall Regency Huntington Beach Resort, was billed as "The Roaring '20sandAll That ]a1:L" The evening netted B.W. COOK inexcess of $300,000, which will be used by the Orange County High School of the Arts to suppon its conservatory progra.rn& The blade-tie gala evening began with an underwriter's coclctail reception that attracted benefactors John and Sandy Danlels, Blakney Bogs. Jim Lewis and Peggy and Rick SCephens.. As the crush arrived, they were introduced to an auction that included more than 300 items gathered by dedicated moms and dads ofOCllSA students. The· auction fever continued after dinner with a live auction heJpingto bring in additional funds. The "Roaring ·20s· theme came from an original production wtinen and directed by the schools artistic director, Susan F.gan. a former Broadway acues.c;. A major fin ale paid a musical tribute to American composer Irving Berlm. Now in its 16th year, the Orange O>unty High School of the Arts attracts students from all over Southern California providi ng a unique aunosphere for the development of promising young artists and performel"i. Prominent members of Newpon-Mesa society supporting the gala were Donna and Ronald Phelps, Madeline and Len Zuckerman, Grace and Brad Blls. Katrina and Tony Wong. EJw and ) . ~andJean <;bapman of IMne announce the engqement of th'elr dalipter, Allide~of lrvlne, to Clatke Broger of Newport Beaclt. The bride-elect graduated from Quartz Hill High School In Lancaster and has earned a master's in clinlcal peychologyfrom Vanguard University in Costa Clarke Brogger and Mesa. Annie Chapman The future . bridegroom. SOD ofYoU a.r\d Bob Brogger of Newport Beach. graduated from Corona del Mar High and CaJ Poly University in San Luis Obispo. • A June 14 wedding ls planned al Soulh Coast Assembly in San Juan Capistrano. Gerstenbacher-Chubb Pictured at the Orange County High School of the Arts gala are John Daniels, president of the board, Sandy Daniels, board member, Sherry Opacic and Ralph Opacic, executive director. Al and Regina Gerstenbacher of Tumersville. N.J. announce the engagement of their daughter, · O u'istina Nicole Gerstenbacher of Tumersvil.le, N.J .• to Tedd MJcbel Otubb of Corona del Mar. James Copeland, Sally Crockett. Laurence EJsenberg. Mllce Gordon, Ken and Uda Gerenraich. Craig FemJss, MJke Mekjaln. Martha Newtdrlc and Kate and Jay SL Oalr. ••• South Coast Plaza and St. John Knits presented the annual fashion show and luncheon in suppon of the Guilds of the Orange County Performing Arts 'Center. The 25th annual celebration held at the Hyatt Regency Irvine brought together some 800 guests donating S 125 per ticket and more in suppon of the most significant aspect of Orange County's cultural life, the Performing Arts C.enter. The striking Patrice Poldmore served as the chainnan for the fashion show and luncheon, which opened with a late morning reception and continued with a spectacular runway show featuring the spring 2003 coUection of St. John. Among !he classic knit fashions displayed were a selection of Capri pants fashioned out of soft white shimmer fabric. Another feminine eye-catcher were the Oowing chiffon pants, which received applause from ladies in the audience. . · The ru1Tle was very rnuch-a part of the 2003 line being used as the trim on a fuU-lcngth coal along with blo~. ~ns and pants. The colors of the St. John season include vibrant coral, soft <;ea breeze celadon. plenty or black and w111tc and a touch of twilight pmk. Dignitari~ in the crowd induded founding Center Ola.irman Henry Segerstrom. Lcnter President Jerry Mandel and Gerrie Gooclmw. chairman of the GuiJdc; of the C.enter. A major part of the event included the introducuon of the past 25 years of chairmen emeriti. To the applause of the sU,able crowd, the ladies were introduced and fonne<l their own impre.sivc lineup. 111e honored in attendance included Betty Belden-Palmer, C.arol Wilken, MIND, BODY & Jo(e.. Rejuvenate your Sole with style ond comfort. ~{t.Jco"''ort ~ t t f t fll t 0 "0 V I t I 1 1 Oimge (Qny' s Preriwt (omfort ~ Sm for ~en! Wooien leallmJ lmyt1 R111t, ~o. Wo. EHo. Naol, Alel1 ~ •• Pcmiio en! lllCl1y men (949) 644-5939 (orono del No Plazo 836 Avocado Ave Newixxt Be«h Noll Bristol loons Patrlda Rowley Roberuon. Joann BosweD. Ciel Woodman. Sharl Esaylan. Janice Johmon. Plona Tudor, Marlene Short, Sue Feldman. Janette Kleltit. Diana C:Onner. MJcky Shannon-West and Patrice Poldmore. The Guilds of the Center comprise nearly 2,000 members in 33 chapters. They were the fi rst. and remain the largest suppon group of the Orange O>unty Performing Ans C.enter. Supporting Poidmore in creating the successful event were dedicated comminee members Shari Paylan. Betty Bddon-Palmer, Carol Wiiken and Ciel \\hodman, to name a few. Spotted in the aowd were Rita Gunkel. Joan W1llWns. Reta Hawkins. Janie Klnpley, Jo)u Urone. Low.e Mdltntoc:k. Mary Lou c:oleman. q1a Rogers. Anne Neish, Judy Kaley, Unda Bourne. Theo Slack and Diane Cruzen. •THE~ runs Thursdays and Saturdays. The bride-elect graduated from~ Tedd Chubb and ~=o~gh Chnstina Gerstenbacher School and the University of Southern California. The future bridegroom, son of Larry and Swan Chubb of Corona de! Mar, graduated from Corona del Mar High and the University of Southern California. A February 2004 wedding is planned at Lookout Point in Corona del Mar. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, please call Coral Wilton at (949) 574-4298. TAKE 55 FWY IXIT fAIR DR. TO HARBOR AH pttcei eiclude goy11<nmenl IMS and to•es any ftnonce thor9ft any dealer document ptepo•otoon charge, and any em<won testing charge E1por81 ~ 1 OJ03 ~\~~~ MIKE'I -TOTll UIUIDATIONI ALL MERCHANDISE ~~~°cARl!ET$ OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Flooring Te xture-Plush Ceramic MUST BE SOLD! E ARE MOYINGI 35%-50% OFF ALL CLOIHIS Featuring A LL O C No G lue Insta llatio n Wood Flooring Refinishing & N e w ~arpet f~o •2u a q ft Insta lled Berber Carpet 'f~otl-s1 ee Installed Sq ft , Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates 'f~o~$1 so s q ft Vlnyl Flooring 0~•1 ° f~ a q ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S1Jte4a . ~ES.IGN CENTER #For.All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSIERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furnit ure Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads J l t L · t ( ' r '· .. \ "' t 11 ' '' r 1 ' 1 ' 111 • · · · '14 'j I () -i 2 -~ ~-i ( )( ) • . FUR ITURE .~ • • LIQU DATORS ~ f 8966 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN VAWY ........_1 _ __...,___..__~ SALE HOURS: ' Mon.·Fri. 10AM·7PM Saturday 1 OAM:atM Sunday 11 AM·5PM (71 4 .848· 994 Behind Chevron Gas Station Comer Of M~nolia & Warner \ . . .. ... --· '·. _...._ -., ... ;• SAVE 25-50°/o OFF .RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory The HoneyBaked Cafe is full of surprises, oot ham. n ow ~OU and ~our Lunch buddies can star. b~ The +lone~Ba.Ked ~f e for a~rl.si.n~L:J w\.d,e ar>Fa~ of dehc.i..ou:"J mad e fN>m scratch, Lunch ~m.rtatt.on.s. T ~ our +lo n e a.Jled ehl.c.ken C.Oraon Bleu, Beer We LLUig_tA>n, or f<)orK Fillets W'Lth Fr esh BLac.Kber~ :C"· Or erjo~ a fresh, c.rl.sp~ lllas~r eh~ S alad. And, f brea.Kllast l.s to ~our LLkt.n3, we sewe it a ll da~ Lon8. Wi,th c.hOwes lLke our l~t and ~ +lon~Ba.K.ed O melettata wdh Turke~, Avocad o and Swiss eheese or sc.rumptl.ous Stuffed Fren c.h Toast. So next time ~ou do Lunc:11 do l,t l.,rl ~le atThe +lone~Ba.K.ed ~fe ... where ~ou'U fi.nd over s~ deLi.c."°us thi..n~-f/o r Lunch, besi..aes our a.ma.ci..n8 ham. C.Ome see us toda~. We're r~ht nexi-door to th.at famous ham store. OpenMonday-Woonesdayaa.m.-6:30pm THE HONEYBA ThllMay -Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sonday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin 13771 NewportAve.#13 Phone : 714--731-fJ616 Fax :714--7314907 tu61)tDn Bead! 19022 Bead! aw. #C Phone: 714-96J.6174 rax 11.i..mu16 We belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -c<>-0p. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated. N OBODY anywbere can beat our selea/On, prices or service. You 're paying too mucb If you're not bi.lyl_ng from us. r: Lifetime I; I Warranty 1.· I .. Carpet ~ $199 Lifetime Warraitty Laminate iJ {: Lifetime : Warranty b Ceramic Lifetime Warranty Wood Brenda 108o/o FREE 60 day dcbange. If you don't Uke It, we ullll refJ!oa It FULL SERVICE C111ter Tept • S~1wer1 • Cert•I• • St111 • Or11it1 • W114 R1fi1i1~ ONE STOP SHOP Wi141w Ceveri• 1 • Cl111i1 Cer t & U ~1l1t1 • P1l1tl1 -l1terltt & Ederier 05 Costa M e•a lrvlne , ... , 890·7878 (M9> 818•0t•t t •• •· t 7tll t 7.'l'l"I Main •a• lllOll-fll f.s •Ol-FRI 10·6 • SATURDAY 10'4 SATUltAYS I SUNtAYS 10·4 ClOSEt SUMIAY lWEllUIU IV APPOIMTMllT 1· I • ~ _,, ..· Datt~ . AFTER HOURS hit fallen Ill end will be repl~ by French pf en lat Jean.-Yves ! Thlbeudet In the Mey 21 concert .... • Submit AFTER HOURS Item• to presented by the Philharmonic .; the Dalty Piiot. 330 W. &av St. Society ofOrJnge County. .. ~ M ... , CA 92627; by fax to Jean-Yvea wlll be performing• ; (949) ~170; or by celllng,(949) progrem of Chopin, Oebu .. y 674--t296. "A complete Utt Is and S.tle In Segerstrom Hell et S: available at www.dallypllotcom. p.m. Tlc~ets ere $45 to $35. Information: (949) 553-2422. MUSIC JAZZTRIO NEl.SEOAKA Gulfttreem Restaurant In Newport Beech presents a jazz Pop legend Neil Sedaka joins the trio Sunday through Wednesday Pec:lflc Symphony Pops in concert as regular entertainment et 850 in Segerstrom Hall et 8 p.m. Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. tcxt.y. Tidlett coat $26 to $80. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday Segerstrom Hall i• at the Orange and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday County Performing Arts aen1er, through Wednesday. (949) 600 Town Center Drive, Costa 718-0188. Mesa. Information: (714) 766-5799. WEEKLY JAM PMISSA MIJ TtE DASTAN The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 1~ ENSBa.E p.m. everv week. "Wanted" The Philharmonic Society of musicians Include guitar Orange County la presenting the players, baas players, singers, Parissa and Dastan Ensemble in drummers, keyboardists and concert at 7 p.m. Sunday at the others at 100 M ain St., Newport : Orange County Performing Arts Beach. Free. (949) 676·7760. Center. Tickets cost $100, $59, -$55, $40, $29 and $19 at can be MAMMA GJNA WEEKEND JAZZ ': purchased at the Center's Box Walter Lakota and David Office at (714) 556-2787. The Alcantar, the New Yo rk Jazz Center Is at 600 Town Center Connection Duo, play at Mamma Drive, Costa Mesa. Gina at 261 E. Coast Highway in OCC SYMPHONY Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays The Orange Coast College's and M ondays. Diana Ditri joins Symphony will close its 42nd the duo on vocals on Mondays. season at 7:30 p.m. Sunday with It's free. Information: (949) a performance featuring works 673·9600 by oomposers Mussorgsky, Ravel and Beethoven. The MUSIC AT THE QRIU concert Is in OCC's Robert B. The Bluewater Grill offers live Moore Theatre. Tidcets are $10 music Friday and Saturday to $6 and are available at the nights. Greg Morgan. Nidc Peper Community Education Office. and Kelly Gordian (known as Information: (714) 432-5880. MPG) perform classic rode, R&B OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Costa Mesa. Marvin Gregory and MPG will SOPRANO ISABEL perform classic roclc, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The BAYRAKDARIAN restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian will Drive. Newport Beach. Free. debut in the Orange County (949) 675-3474. Performing Arts Center's Voices in Song series at 7:30 p.m. today MUSIC AT ntE PELICAN in Founder's Hall. She won first The Rusty Pelican offers the prize in the prestigious Placido music of Common Ground from Domingo 2000 "Operalia" Wednesday through Sunday. competition. Tidcets are $00 and The band performs from 7 to 10 are available at the Center box p m. Wednesday and Thursday, offtee or online at from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. www.ocpac.org. The Center is at Friday and Saturday and from 2 600 Town Center Drive. Costa to 6 p.m Sunday. The restaurant Mesa. Information: (714) is at 2735 W Coast Highway, 755-5799. Newport Beach. Free. (949) OCC'S GUJTAR ENSEMBLE 642·3431. Orange Coast College's Guitar MUSIC AT PLAYERS Ensemble, under the direction of Players restaurant is now Joe Poshek, will perform a offering live music from 9 p.m. concert at 8 p.m. today in OCC's to midnight every Friday and Fine Arts Recital Hall. Tidcets are Saturday. Players is at 512 W. $7 to $5. OCC is at 2701 Fairview 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover Road, Costa Mesa. Information· charge. (949) 646-6615. (714) 432-5880. BAVARIAN RADIO SYMPHONY WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant ORCHESTRA in Newport Beach presents Jesse The Philharmonic Society of on the sax on Friday and Orange County presents the Saturday evenings and Sunday Bavarian Radio Symphony for brunch. The program ·-..orchestra playing a whole lot of features all your favorites on the Brahms in Segerstrom Hall at 8 saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. E. Coast Highway. (949) The first night's program is 673·3425. Brahms' Symphony No. 3 in F major, Symphony No. 4 in E POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO minor and Symphony No.. 1 in C Tate 5. a funk, rode and Motown minor. On the second night, the act, performs at 9 p.m . orchestra will perform Brahms' Saturdays at Carmelo's Symphony No. 2. Debussy's •La Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Mer" and the suite from Richard Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo Strauss' "Der Rosenkavalier." guitarist Ker1 Sanders performs Tidcets are $19 to $59. classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 Information# (949) 553-2422. p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. OCC CHORALE CONCERT Free. (949) 675-1922. Orange Coast College's SATURDAY NIGKT RU 120-voice chorale will close out Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone its 2002.()3 season with a concert Bridge Band play roclc and R&B at 8 p.m. May 17 in OCC's Robert at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Sutton B. Mbore Theatre. The concert Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, -will feature &lhubert'&beaut#ul 4500 Mae.AmrurBlva .. Newport and moving Mass in G, and J.S. Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. Bach's Cantata 4, "Christ lag in Todesbanden." Tidcets are $8 to STAGE $10. Information: (714) 432-5880. fRENCH PIANIST ONE-ACT Pl.AV FEST JEAN-YVES THfBAUOET A dozen one-act plays, many of Italian pianist Maurizio Pollini See HOURS, Pa1eAlS Going Out of Business ITALIAN CHARMS 30°/o OFF FOR MOTHER'S DAY f DallyPdot HOURS Continued from A 14 them original. will be performed May 21 through 26 In Orange Coast College's annual Spring On-Act Play Festival. The plays will be staged In OCC's Drama Lab Studio. Curtain time Is 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tidcets are S6 and $7. Information: (714) 432-5640, ext.1. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. PACIFlC PLAYWRIGHTS FESTIVAL The South Coast Repertory will be having the sixth annual Pacific Playwrights Festival, featuring worb in development by emerging and established writers, Friday through Sunday, May 18. Fully staged world premieres by Lynn Nottage and Rolin Jones are joined by readings and worbhops of plays by Nilo Cruz. Arny Freed, Howard Korder, Donald Margulies and Jeff Whitty. South Coast Repertory is at 6.55 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information or tickets: (714) 708-5555 or v1s1t www.scr.org. IMPROV AT OCC Orange Coast College is presenting a hilarious improvisational production under the direction of OCC theater professor Alex Golson. The 40· to 60-minute production 1s modeled after the popular improvisational TV show, MWhose Line is it Anywayr Performances are scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday and 1 p.m. Tuesday in the Drama Lab. Admission 1s free. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road m Costa Mesa. For 1nformat1on, call (714) 432-5640, ext. 5 'INTIMATE APPAREL' South Coast Repertory will premiere Lynn Nonage's "Intimate Apparel." a drama about an African American seamstress in 1906, her divergent thents and the love she finds through her letters, on the Segerstrom Stage through Sunday, May 18 Tickets cost $19 to $54. South Coast Repertory is di 655 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa. For tickets, call (714) 708·5555 or visit www scr org 'SHERLOCK HOLMES' IN SONG "Sherlock Holmes & rhe Giant . Rat of Sumatra," a zany musical by Tim Kelly and Jack Sharkley, will be staged Thursday through Sunday, May 18, 1n the Drama Lab Theatre at Orange Coast College Performances will be at 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and at 2 p m on Sundays Advance tickets cost $10 for adults and $7 for students and seniors Tickets will be S 12 and $8 at the door. OCC is at 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road, Costa Mesa Information· (714) 432·5880 MAC HOMER The lrvme Barclay Theatre Wlll be bringing back ·MacHomer. The S1mpsons Do M acbeth" at 8 p.m. May 21 to 24. Tickets are S32 and $26 The Barclay 1s at 4242 Campus Drive.in Irvine. Tickets: (949) 854-4640. BEING DEAF IN AMERICA Casey Weber is directing his own play, "My Wor1d and Yours; about being deaf in America. Ths 21 to 25 with curtain time set for 8 p.m. every day except 2 and 7 p m. on May 25. It will be performed at Orange Coast Community College's Drama Lab Studio Theatre. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (7 14) 432-5880. 'CATS' ·cats,· the longest running musical m history, returns to Rabbin Insurance Agency AUTO • llOMEOWNERS • llf.Alllf ~111/111 Sinrr I 9S7. Orange County to the Orange County Performing Arts Center May 27 through June 1 in Segerstrom Hall. Tickets are $19.50 to $54.50. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center 1s at 600 Town Drive in Costa Mesa. ART 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil his series of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County art ~ne that are making a difference in its evolution at an artist's reception from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, May 17. The exh1b1tion will run through June 15 at the Blue Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Information: (949) 548· 1101 DANCE THE EJFMAN BALLET The dynamic and innovative Eifman Ballet of St Petersburg returns under !tie direction of Bon DATEBOOK THE . SOPRANO E1fman in "T cha1kovsky -The Mystery of Life and Death• Fnday through Sunday, May 18, at the Orange County Perforrmng Arts Center, 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa. Tickets cost $20 to $65 and are available at the Center box office or by calling (7141 740-7878 PRIMA BALLERINA CYNTMIA GREGORY Pc1ma ballerina Cynthia Gregory will be the featured speaker at Ballet Pac1hca's inaugural Signature Event at 11 a.m Thursday 1n the Grand Ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport. The gala luncheon will be a re1rospect1ve of Gregory's dancing career, including special photos of her life and film clips of her most acclaimed performances Information-(949) 851 9930, e>Ct 111 SWlNG Le<;Sons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p m at the Avant Garde Ballroom 1n Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed For more information, v1s1t ocsw1ng.com or call (909) 656-0119 The Orange County Perforrrnng Arts Centerwill · present young Armenian- Canadian soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian m its Voices m Song series at 7:30p.m. today in Founders Hall, 600 Town Center Drive. Bayrakdanan won first prize mthe prest1g1ous Placido Domingo 2000 ~operaha" competition. Tickets for the recital are $60 from the Center box off ice. For information. call (71 4) 556- 2746. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing 1s offered from 8 p.m . to 12:30 a m the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McChntock Way, Costa M esa (714) 641-8688 POETRY 'TWO FOR LOVE' Poets Lee Mallory and R1ck1 Mandeville weave a sensual tapestry of words from Mallory's "Bettin' on the ComeH poetry book and earlier favorites. Also performed will be Mandeville poems. including "Beneath My Bed." Music will be performed by Courtney Montgomery. The free event is at 8 p.m Wednesday at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St , Newport Beach lnformation- (9491675--0233 KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to part1c1pate 1n songs See HOURS, Paee Al6 Sclturday, May 10. 2003 A15 ·RosEY's AuloBODY You have the right to choose your rep~ir facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Colli.ton Center Insurance Approved Shop IOSff'S AUTOIODY~ 121 Industrial Way (949) 642-4522 Costa Meto TwENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL The 949.252.8200 ~~ Bill Fallon • Purchase • Ref i • Construction 15 years in 0 .C. Celestino's <1uc1l11~ \11'...\"I ~ Produce • Seafood • Deli .'Vn•111x thr Commu1111) for JO yra1, · 'T rtat your Jt1' om to on~ of lier favorites ... • Fresh Tu rkty • Fi/Jrt Roasr •Lamb Ltg •Ham • Prime Rib •Lamb Rnck • Stuffed C1mu Hms • X. Y. Stnp • Port Crown Roasr • Pork Trndrrloin • Sabnon • &mtlm Port Roa.rt • Swordfish • StJJffid Pork Chop1 \1•1J •t'lllf 1Jt•tJ,J { 11// u,l •/11 u 1// I'll""" _'1om' ,'u_iJ111 ,/11111• In a Hurry~ lf.MOI\ HERB ROASTED CHICKL~ Need 11 sir/1• dish? l .. il~ Bal<cd Pou11..-- ( •Ari1t Mlihcd 1'01.ico•·, \ullo~ Powot.., \tild Ri1( '11uffin~ 211J \Aull' < 111/ 11111·.u/1 fRES H SEAFOOD • HAI ll:H l • 'i< \l I <>I'\ • 'iAL 'v!O°'i •'\H I{ 1\11' • ~~< >RDFl\H • l < >B-...1 l K lkliwnd Oai('f THE Tor 10 WAYS You CAN TELL RoGER's GARDEN DESIGNED AND INSTALLED YOUR LANDSCAPE We're still here for you. Roger's Gardens Colorscape has been in business for tnMe than 30 years, through economic ups and downs. We'd like to landscape your present house and the one after that. When there is a problem, we'll be here to fix it. You can count on us . ~Price .. Factory Rebate NetC.. 824,995 11'1111111- VIN•s-3887 427 38873q I 38874)9, 3as7,.q3 3gqso13 . ROGER'S GARDENS CoLORSCAPE ••• O UR L ANDSCAPE DIVlSION BOI SAN JOAQUIN HILLS. CORONA OE1.. MAR. CA 926.!5 949.640.5806 821,495 •1'11 llllW VIN•t. JA]eq4Q 3AU755 3A9J083, 3A93159 •1&,495 \ · IATlml.-a • 1038Q02 • I J !Mother's 'lJay a specia(gi.ft for tnat special person ... Mom Orchids can · bloom up to 4 months! • OPEN To THE PUBLIC • ·orchids $500 and up 1,000'S IN STOCK Newport Beach's only Orchid N ursery 20362 BIRCH STREET • NEWPORT BEACH THE SE NEW FABRICS / Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBAND S. The soft rotds of Vignette' window shadtn~ now come tn three new fabrics I that appeal to everyone. • Come see them today DATE B OOK Daily Pilot FAREWELL PERFORMANCE COURTESY Of ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Orange Coast College's Symphony Orchestra will close out its 42nd season May 11 . The concert will mark the symphony's final performance under the baton of OCC music professor Alan Remington. HOURS 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & 10 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Continu ed from A 15 Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast ATRIUM MARQUIS Bear St.. Costa M esa. Free. (71 4) Highway, Newport Beach. (949) A variety of live music is and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. 432-7854. 642-7880. presented daily at the Atrium's Mondays at the Costa Mesa A1rporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) DINING/TASTING WINE TASTINGS Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833·2nO. 646-8845. Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. BISTRO 201 PJS AND BOOKS SUNSET DINNERS Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m . Jau is played at 8 p.m. Fridays A children's story time is The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and Monday through Friday at 2735 SUNDAY BRUNCH Coast Highway. Newport Beach. at 10:30 a.m Saturdays at the W. Coast Highway. Newport A Sunday brunch featuring (949) 631-1551. Newport Beach Central Library, Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642·3431. international seafood and salad 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may buffets, roasts carved to order and DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE wear pajamas to the evening SUNDAY BRUNCH breakfast favontes is held from Instrumental music is performed sessions. Free (949) 717-3801. The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place after 9 p.m . Thursdays, and pop brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., and r<><* is presented after 9 p.m. WEEKLY STORYTELLER every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Newport Beach. $30; $40 with Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1773 t-oi C \ ~ •'1\ll\IJ1..l(tt\IH 1.. A children's story time is held at Highway. Newport Beach. S8-S15. champagne. (949) 476-2001. 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes (949) 642-3431. Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. r ••• ~ ..... 4 • .,1 ..... 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,. ,,,,. Give him a gift that both of you will cherish far a lifetime. I Gift Certificates Availa.ble I (949) 675-3130 ru I .. Pacific C o.m Hoghwar •Corona dd Mu, CA 92<12~ vuil our w~b 1ddrcu fl' www.johnblomphorograpby.com l & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive. TWILIGHT DINING Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chicken STORY TIME parmigiana and calamari picante A children's story time is held at at reduced prices, is offered from Jiapp y :Mother's 1Jay 'Free 9/ass of Italian Cliampagne to all .. Yf otliers Noon to 7:30p.m. I Inside or patio seating A la carte menu CLUBS (949) 645-5550 DURTY NELLY'S ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Live music is performed at 9 Thursdays through Saturdays at p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Alta Coffee House. 506 31st St .. See HOURS, Pase Al 7 m • • I I ~..._ ..... __, H.J. Garrett Furniture. TtH'sday. :\1ay I :t :!OO:~ \1·\\1to1t B1"11 h . ( \ • Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing Service and Value Comi11ant Good PrictJ Everyday. ANTI-AGING TREATMENTS ~-/ FROM HEAD TO TOE U Forum Consultation w1 th Cosmetic Sur eons This Informative health emlnar features topics featuring StatHJf.the-Art Prevention & Treatment of Aging. • The Science of Anti-Aging Ufe9tyle Management • lnner·AgeTN System-Scientific Measurement of Biological Age • Weight Loss/Management & Nutrition •Human Growth Hormone to rever se aging from t he "Inside out" • BeautHul from Head to Toe • Treatment of Baldness • Facial Plastic Surgery · · • Cosmetic Dentistry • Photo-Aging -Photo Rejuvenation -Laser s for Skin Rejuvenation, HaJr Removal, Removal of Veins & Removal of Tatoos • Injectable Fillers • Question & Answer Session • Botox Treatment • Body Cosmetic Surgery -Breast-Implants, Lifting & Reduction -Body Liposuction -Body S urgery • Treatment of Leg Veins • Cosmetic Foot Surgery -Bunions, Hammertoes -Birth Deformities • Personal Comultion of 'J1m I Ready?" • Computer Simulation of What You Could Look Like Full De•ign Consulting Service 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 0 o Mon. thru Sar. 10 to 6. Sun. 12 to~ Quality Service Value • Sun Damage Report Card P8DdPlt~ H. QeolJ(' Brennan, MD. f'A~. David Lee, DPM, Alt'll Martin. MO. FACS. Simon Ourlan, MD & Jonatti.n Shlll't'n, MD DMe: Tue .. May 13, 2003 1\me: 6·30 p.m, l«aUoe: tlyau Ntowpc>r14!r, Ntwport Stach. CA At ''doat f1lE£ ~ts Call today for seminar reservation 94M7Z.1819 I v ( THEATER Continued from Al 1 tmported components to JDIUluflcture a girl in her own Unaaie who will rep.resent her In her farnWal quest, and who doelo't need a plane to Oy across the Pac.Ulc. Melody Butiu in the central role of Jennifer thn.wts her interpretive engine into overdrive to deliver this sassy, conflicted character with her elevated strengths and al7y'srna1 wea,ble&ses. Budu's stage energy DEAFNESS Continued from Al 1 fiction," Weber said. "My goal is to help the hearing world understand that many deaf have been facing oppression.· Some mental health service officlals make the claim that deaf people suffer from aggression, he said. And a speech therapist once told Weber that the deaf should speak instead of using sign language. SOUL Continued from Al 1 Lee returned to Orange County to record his song.,, which were released on his first record "Sorry I'm Late." "I've been playing !>Olo acoustic the last few year'>." Lee said. "I've done the band tlung a long time, it's tough to be on the same page and know where you want to go. Now I'm self-contained -I get back whatever I put mto It " Lee said he grew up in Orange County, graduating from Costa HOURS Continued from Al 6 Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave . Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808 HARD ROCK CAft Uve music Is performed Sundays at Hard Rode Cafe, 461 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach f9491840-8844. THE HARP INN Uve music Is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn. 130 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855 HOGUE BARMJCHAEl'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Udo Cigar Room. 3441 Via lido. Suite D. Newport Beach. (949) 723-0695. MMGARfTAVIUE Live music Is performed at Margeritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highwey, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 6 p.m . OATEBOOK sparkles throughout. fMfl when her character's tank Is running on the fumes toward the end of the play. It's a dream role. and Butiu soars with il Another terrific pedorrnance Is rendered ~ SCR regular Unda Gehringer as Jennl!er's 1)'pe A adoptive IJlOIJl (wbo doubles as her real mother in China). WDl1am Francis McGuire Is believable as her ~thetic but clueless dad, an unemployed house husband who now amuses himself watching meteor showers. Stealing his scenes in a variety. of supporting roles Is J.D. Cullum. who represents all of Jennifer's sdmtiflc compatriots and ls palticu)atty pungent as .Dr. Yalrunin. a mad aciendst if~ there wu one. DanJel BlinkoJf la her mote down-to-earth buddy. a emU·stoned pi22a delivery guy who's fluent in Valley speak. Jenny OlOW herself (ltteitl) ls presented in suoceedlng stages of robotic advancement by Aprtl Hong, who's transported aaosa the ocean with a logic that would bafDe the most advanced technophile. Hong's gradual lnfusloos of humanity are skillfully delivered in a delightful "Some people have no respect 25% to 45% by reading Jips for other cultures," he said. versus 95% to 100% by reading He said when parents have sign language. But he said even implants put in thelr deaf his own family never learned to children, it is a form of oppression.sign, leaving him feeling like an instead of learning the child's outsider. culture, parents force them to "in a family home, how can a conform. he said. deaf person handle all that ·I will not tolerate anyone family maners without sign calling the deaf hard-of-hearing or language?" Weber said. hearing-impaired becall¥ it "Gestures work. I guess, but I makes it sound like we can't do am talking about being in the anything at all,· Weber said. "To heart of the family. Getting to us. it means damage. destroy, know Mama more was handicap, hurt or ruin.· something special for me. lf she Weber said he only understands knew sign language. she would Me~ High School. He jokes that the city can't seem to get rid of him. I !e's getting ready to release a new album called "Losing faperanza (F/64)." "F/64 refers to an aperture on a camera. r ve been dealing with where I'm at -it took a long ume to record. a year,· Lee said. .. Amel Adams started a photography group called F/64, who '>tayed m Lrue form of photography." That aperture I'> u<.ed to take a picture as natural as po~1ble, in its c;impleM form, Lee said. "Thai's what I thought I was daily at MarTakesh. 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mees (949) 645-8384 MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the M amon Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000 MULDOON'S doing with folk acoustic, and a one-man show,· Lee said. "The duality of F 164 is literally an aperture setting with the longest range of depth of focus -losing 'Esperanza' but keeping your idea on the long-term thing. the long haul of music -that's the idea I was loolcing for. - The date of the CD release is uncertain. He was going to his last recording session on Thursday. May I . He thinks it will be an early June release. Lee said that he likes the creative part of music the best - coming up with an idea that speaks to him or someone else. perfonnance. Jt'a after the mission ls accomptiabed that Jones' progJ'llD requbes rebooting, An ardflclal conflict ls followed by a fuzzy miolution. which ls unfortunate, since the production soars up to that poinl A btt of aammlng with his former professor. Nottage (whose own play could stand some tinning up at the conclusion, too), would do both playwrights a world of good. • TOM TITUS' reviews run Thursdays and Sat\Jrdaya. be.my beSt friend.~ . It happens again.and again when people come over to tal.k.. Once they discover that Weber is deaf, they quickly make excuses and wa1lc away. Weber spent a lot of his life trying to fit In and feeling lonely, until he found his true family. "The deaf is my family," Weber said ... Anybody who understands and participates in the deaf culture are considered family, too. Without the deaf language. there's no bond. Without the deaf -I'd be lost." He also likes performing live, the immediacy of having people react. "Lyrics are big to me, lyrics that say something I always felt, but could never articulate and think. 'Wow, th.is is what I felt -and meant.'" Lee said. Ml like finding songs that speak to your heart that would be great for the ul .. so . Lee conJinually plays in Southern California, sometimes up in LA.. but mostly in Orange County. To find out his schedule and more about his music. go online to www.brookleemusic.com. Muldoon's 1s an Irish pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4110. o u"C'......'..2£.''10pm 0 ~"••!>00-1000 OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and hght rode acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry L.nding, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 675-2373 TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121 TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m . Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 M esa Verde Drive East. Costa Mesa. (714) 435-9367. VILLANOVA Rich Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p.m. Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece jazz and blues band Misbehavin' pla'(9 et 9 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Villa Nova, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. 19491 642-7880. 1561 Cf.NTER AVE, 1137 H I AH'lllr<I rn ()fr/ 11 t>rld I 1/11 I ' ' ' ' ! ·" .. I _. www.cllampla• n IDl••tal.cem (714) 434-0133 We rent & sell both cars & trucks! 1202 S.E. Brt.tol Street, Santa Ana Hts., CA 02707 II.Mt . ~--­_L~CHITO. FIEsrAS .. \ .... m.~ Sizzling Fajitas Bar Strolling Mariachis e Margarita & Cerveza Bar .... ,11.,. ... catering (Mt) 645-0209 Saturday, May 10. 2003 A17 ' \\.ant ''our l .o,t S t o l. k I n v cs t 111 c n t I~ al' k '! b.tt: Many inves tors have suffered serious loss due to unsuitable investments or unsound advice 56o/o of all stock loss claims are won by investors <NASO> ~ I ( )( I' I .OS'.'-. I . \ \\ ' I· IC< c) \I bi........ ..... l-X77-.-, IO< Iv \ I I \ • GRAND OPENING for 50°/o or O FF PERSONAL TUINING .jj_, Back Bay Fitness [r , I G '" ' . !jr nt) \ ~•111'\I focil1ly t • ~ Bark BalJ (enttr .~ ~ 11 ;~ 949.631.5587 , I II . U•·• - \ ' -·- 2002 Lamborplnl Murcl1l110 lllclc/llaCk JK MU• UnbtHIVllllt Hurryt . °"" 1249,100 2002 PoncM Twin Jurbo Yellewlllect& SK Mlln $112,SOO •' •. 2002 ,.,,.,, 360 Spider PI Yellow/Tan 611 Mllt1 S2Jl,OOO 1998 Ftmrl SSO Maranello -· · lladc/llack 6K Miu One Of The f\Mltl Only $' 57 ,500 I I QU01E OF TIE DAY "It's sad to say, but we kind of knew what to expect coming in." Ken Ullont. Newport Harbor girts swim c~ HIGH SCHOOL '.BOYS VOLLEYBALL · Sailors savor Wctory spoils Newport Harbor wins Battle of Bay in four games; Cd.M's Jones hurt, again. B•n"Y Faulkner OaitJPilot OORONA DBL MAR -In a match • with all the variables or the OF Southern Section playoffs, but none of the consequences, visiting New- port Harbor High seized the re- wards that go to the annual winner pf the boys volleyball Battle of the Newport 3 &~ ~M 1 The Sailors, who claimed a share of the Sea View League title with wins this week over Woodbridge and Foothill. closed out their postseason rehearsal with a 9-15, 15-8, 15-11, 15-9 triumph In the only meeting between the crosstown ri- vals this spring. See SAILORS, Pace 83 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD SEAN HU£R I DAILY PLOT Newport Harbor's Jillianne Whitfield competes in the shot put in the Sea View League finals Friday. Newport sparkles in Sea View finals Senior Burlingham wins two events, qualifies for CIF in two others, while junior Wbjtfield wins discus. Steve V1r1e.I OaitYP~ot IRVINE -Newport Harbor Hlgh's Amy Budingbam and Jllllanne Whitfield could be concentrating on their spedalty sport. IOCCef' and basketball. respectively, but instead they are malnta.lnlng their competitive fire. At the Sea View League track and 6eJd fin.aJs, Burlingham and Whitfield put on their game faces and showed what they were all about Friday at Irvine. Burlingham won the 200 meters and 400 (58.74), and also bdped the Sailors qualify for the OF Southern Sec- SM TRACK, '-I• 83 • Spot1a EAlllor RicMnl Dunn: !949) 574-4223 • $pof1s Fax: (949) 650-0170 EYEOPENER • Daily~Pib • SS--.... "''-~ .. ........ May 12 hOnorM BRUCE IBBETSON Satllrday, May 10, 2003 11 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SWIMMING STEVE McCAAN+\ I DAILY PU.OT Newport Harbor's Andrew Cole en route to his win in the 200 individual medley in the Sea View League finals Friday. Sailors hone in on title Newport Harbor just misses knocking Irvine off its perch, losing the Sea View League crown by one event. Mel•nle Neff Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -All that stood be- tween Newport Harbor High's boys swim team and a Sea View League title was a breast- stroker. The Sailors fell just 7~ints shy of knocking lrvine out of its nJnth straight league crown in Friday's finals at Newport Harbor High. The Sailors held a 458-415.5 lead heading into the breaststroke event, but without any swimmers in the final, Irvine quickly pulled ahead and held a 17 .5-polnt lead going Into the final event. the 400 freestyle relay. "We need Irvine to [get di.squall.6edJ, • Sail- ors Coach Jason Lynch said before the final race. "It's just too close.• Newport got victories In both the champi- onship and consolation finals of the 400 relay, but It wasn't enough to keep the Vaqueros from taking another title. ~ Irvine ftnlshed wfth 523.5 points. Newport was second wfth 516, followed by Foothill (372.5), Aliso Niguel (218), Woodbridge (186) and Laguna Hills (I 79). "We all feel great: Newpon's Ross Sinclair said. "We went into the prelims 63 points down. We made up 47 or something ltke that. and today we almost did it Everyone swam their best times and we are all going 10 go to OF. That's pretty good considering we are all a bunch of water polo players.· Senior Andrew Cole, the only club swimmer for Newport, won the team's only individual titles, but several of his teammates posted ClF Southern Section automatic qualifying times. Cole, who swims for the Irvine Novaquatics, jumped out to an early lead in the 200 individ- ual medley and never faltered. He held of Foothill'sl'Barron Benjamin in the final 2.5 yards to win the title in 1:59.11. Newpon's Brent Armstrong recorded a consideration time, fini.shing fifth in 2:08.00. In the 100 back.stroke. Cole blistered the field by more than four seconds, in 54.05. Ir- vine's Steve Simpson was second in 58.44. Both tide runs for Cole were automatic times. Armstrong earned consideration with a third- place time of 58.89. Cole also helped lead the 400 and 200 free relays. which both won titles and qualified for the prelims Wednesday at Belmont Plaza. Na- than Weiner. Sean McGhie and Mjchael Bury joined Cole on the 200 team that won the title in 1:29.70. Bury. Sinclair and Weiner rounded out the 400 that won m 3:16.49. Sinclair was all smiles after both of his races. He dropped almost five ~ond'> ofT h1'> prelim time in the 200 free. taking !>eeond in I :47.21 and automatically qualifymg. lrvme'!> Jason Kim won in I :45.67. ln the ~e rale. Newpon's Bryan Auer and Oay Jonh both posted consideration times with third· and fifth-place finishes. respectively. In a closely contested 500 free. ~indair picked up another automauc benh wnh a time of 4:53.32. dropping more than eight M'C onds off his prelim time. Kim was first in 4:52.27, and Foothill's J.W. Krumpholz ~ second 4:5327, just out-touclung Sinclair. Jonh and Andrew Belden earned considera tion times in the race. Jorth firushed fifth in 5:00.00 and Belden was sixth in 5:00.34. Weiner joined the automatic qualifiers with a second-place finish in the 100 free in a ume of 48.97. He led Aliso NigueJ's Austin Luther heading into the final lap, but LutheT edged out the victory in 48.82. •1 thought I had rum: \\leiner !>aid ·1 fell better on my last lap than on my thud. but I'm happy with how I did: In the 50 free, McGhie took second place behind Luther in 22.43, a consideration time. Bury was third in the 100 Oy in 56.18. also a consideration effort. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK :s Josh Kornegay He overcame thumb injury and realized expectations to help lead Eagles to share of first league title since 1984. I IZ Luxucy. lmiJoi;ts & &otic Sports Cars "Come VWt PhllU,p Auto and eq>~ce a leyel of service and . . . . commi•ent to ex~lenc.e that has made us the #1 ' in~peade1:1t I~ and emtic~ dealer in Orange County. Since 1!184 we have sold over ·20,000 of aie finest aut~mobiles. . . . . 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AV!o toaory Wmry $24, 980 00 ML430 .<t~>While lorlnzer Pk9' Beovryl $29, 980 · 00 BO XSTER (t9346)8kd wlflol Ttp • • $32, 980 00 328i SON wn.of00oty'tlmry $25,980 99 CLK 320 CAB (t9CW&C)lf'hltel~ LocolOwner $33,980 98 7 401 """""'8k ,_ $26, 91l! 99 5500 ,,.,.,,.,_ ""'°""" $34, 980 1 99 996 CPE """"'°"-""' w _...,, $44, 980 00 328 SON (t9t93~mmoc \Vhtte W'Too AUIO. 25K $27, 980 00 SL500 c19~,Sllver. Mulr Cond low Miles $46, 980 I 99 911 COUPE <1~~ Oecn. ~Owner $46, 980 99 3281 CONY cims)illoc!I Auto . $27,980 01 SL500 (t<n)),SllvedSlver Lowenhon. 10KMi $59,980 99 996 CAB (t9t99C)Tnplelloodc. lowMJes $52;98Q· 01 3301 SON c19'.l.&:ii1llodu'1)1oe11 AUTO Wrnry $ 29, 980 00 S430 (19361~ Ptf'fo Cooclrloo INQUIRE! 01 996 CAB c1m1qP.o•nfoiesi Gleen w'1)1k 10k Mi $59, 980 01XS4.41 (t9304)Celeb0wnt"dllowMiles $45,980 EX OJI CS 96 993 TURBO c19221QWh!le'lmmoc 19kMiles $67,980 03 996 COUPE 11~s1qSl01e Giey Merol!K Only :lk Ml $ 71 , 980 JAGUAR 64 MERCEDES 23QSL ct~~ This P.ote Oeouryl ~ $19, 980 00 JAGUARS-TYPE (t9:114)il!V. Only27K~s $27,980 93 FERRARI MONDIAL II (t~,F1 Stiffler .. $49,980 00 JAGUAR XJ8 c1mo>Whtte, 42K Miies Only ... $ 28, 980 89 fEAAARI TESTAROSSA c19361qll.ed. One Loco! 0wMr1 $ 72, 980 I 00 JAGUARS-TYPE c1<nas~ldCteom, 15KMa.s $29,980 01 FERRARI MODENA SPIDER <ttW~·lia OP!s'. INQUIRE! 99 JAGUAR XK8 CONY ct~ 0111. 0vm m ... $39, 980 03 HUMMER H2 (t'23X)"'-Xnool ........................ INQUIRE! OTHERS OVER 25 lMMACULATE OTHER MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Daily Pilot KORNEGAY Continued from BI orders and defied Ole odds. "I just Laped It up and played," said Kornegay, Es&ancia) team captain. "I just wanted to play. We were doing really good. We were headed Lo CIF and I really didn' want to stop playing.· Kornegay said the thumb is healed. However, he's banJing the Ou lhis week.. The challenges never seem to cease for Kornegay. Yet, overcoming obstacles seems to be the best reason he has fulfilled the role as team captain. ·11e is perfect for that role." Heims said. "He's my most stable player and you need also brought excitement lo their school as they prepare for the CJF DM.slon m playoffs. "I've been on varsity since my freshman year," Kornegay sa.ld. "And. rigllt now It ls awesome. It's complete opposite from my first two seasons.· Kornegay was qulck LO credit his teammates when dbcusslng why the 2003 season has been so spedaJ and groundbreaking. He said several of the Estancia players competed in clubs during the off-season. There has also been more camaraderie and chemiscry than in seasons past The Eagles developed relationships during the seawn and during tournaments, such as one in las Vegas during spring break and another in Redondo, last weekend. that in a leader. He knows when to hold his players accountable and when to leave them alone. He's a steady player and he definitely leads by example. He knows Lhe game so well and he's good at communicating with the team, the referees and me. The guys on the team respect him because he leads by example wilh hls attitude on the court." Kornegay amassed 5 J lcills in six matches at the Redondo Tournament, as he illustrated the results that have come from F.stancla's team chemiscry. Throughout last week. Kornegay, the Dally Pilot Athlete of the Week. averaged I 0 kills per match through eight matches. He collected 14 kills to lead F..stancla to a four-game win over Orange May 5. And, the very next day he recorded 15 kills in a sweep ofSanla Ana. Komegay's approach to 1he game has improved each year since his freshman seru.on. He played on the varsity team a.-. a middle blocker and did the same as a sophomore, enduring 1wo losing easons. However, the f-.agles, JUSl as Kornegay thrived with his new p<>\illon a<. uppo'>1te, broke out in the Qolden West I ..eague. ·1 have a lot of talented guys. but he is really multi-talented," Heims said. "He leads the team in solo blocks and he's up there In kills. His jump serve has been on. In the back. row and the front. he has been contributing. He is sman and he knows exactly where to put the ball. Hitting and blocking are his strengths, but he can also set He really brings a lot 10 our team." &Lancia captured a '>hare of the league title, iLS first championship sin('e 1984. 'll1e Eagles have TRACK Continued from B 1 lton [)1vision II prehminan~ an the 400 and 1.600 relay.._ New- pon won the 1.600 relay with Kl· ley l laJJ, Amy KJippen. Elda I fer nandez and Burlingham. Whitfield won the discu.'> ( 124 feel, 9 inches) for the second· slmight year and finished -;econd in the shot put lo abo advance 10 tJ1e CIF preliminari~ May 16 at Mt San Antonio College. Junior AIJyson Stoll7~ who took o;econd in the pole vauh (9 fet>tl . 1unsor Elizabeth Oayton. runner- up in the triple jump with a ~a­ son-best 35-7, sophomore Counney Marshall. who finished third in the I .600 and alc;o ad- vanced lo Lhe ClF prelims in the 3,200. and sophomore I iall, with a per.anal-best I :00.53 for 1h1rd place in the 400. will represent the Newpon Harbor girls at the CIF prelims. Marshall also com- pleted a personal-record 5:15.98. lowenng five c;econd<> off her pre vlous be.t. Some times were no1 avaalahle becallbe of a computer problem. including Burlingham's time in the 200 and team scores. On the boys ~ide, senior AJt!C Urrusu~tegill finished second in the 800 (2:01.73) and 1,600 SAILORS Continued from B 1 • 1 love playing tho~c guys and it's pretty exciting when we onJy me<>I once and it's at the end of Lhe year,· Newpon I I arbor Coach Dan Glenn said. ·nus has been a great week for us.· It could be far less memorable for the Sea Kings. champions of the Pacific Coast League who, once again, w~re banen by lhe Injury bug. Having overbur- dened the trainer all season witll various ailments, CdM saw 6- foot-7 Stanford-bound middle blocker Eric Jones Ump to the bench twice. the second time - late in the first game -never to return. Jones. who missed the fint three weeks or the season with the same right ankJe injury, left a huge void in the middle that &..a Sailor junior Jamie Die- fenbach was more than happy to •expJoit Diefenbach. who missed the first several weeN-of the season while recovering from recon- structive ACL surgery. collected all but two of his match-high 2• kills with Jones on the bench. Dtefenbach also bad a match· high six stuff blocb. (4:31.36). He won the Sea View Though her spring season is just League titJe in the 3.200 last year. as busy, she decidccl to return. In lllis ~ lhe first year he qualified 2001, Burlingham won the Sea for CIF an the 1.600. Junior Nkk View League utle In the 200 and Miller won the 3.200 and his time she also advanced to the CJF m the 1.600 was good enough for prelims in the I 00. Ur (4:32.34). bu1 he finished "She has bten dedicated to lhe fourth so he u. an alternate. team," Newpon Coach Eric 'iophomore Jon 57.ea.i finished Twei1 said. "It hasn't been like, ..erond in the shot put, while sen-'I'm a soccer girl doing Lrack..' 1or Jaclc. Skahen ~ t.hiid in lhe Righi now she's a 1rack girl doing '>hoL Both advclJlced Lo CIF. ' track. We couldn't a<>k for any- The Newpon Harbor boys had thing more. She has been a posi- won or shared the Sea View tive role model." League championship for the Whitfield has also been main- past three years, but that came t.aining a bl.1.5)' spring schedule. to an abrupt end this season, as She competes in club bask.etbaJI the Sauors finished out of Ole for the Orange C.Ounty-based Su· running. However, first -year perftow and on Sunda~ she plays coach Nowell Kay said the SaiJ-in an adult field hockey league. ors' future has promise with "I'm competitive: Whitfield Miller corning back next season said in regard to the reason she and leading the way. competes in the throws. "I have Burlingham, who will play 10 come back for more each c;occer at the University of Texas year to make sure I '>tay on top m the fall, led the Sailo~ by [of the Sea View League!." qualJfymg for the Clf' prelirns in Tweit was also impre~ four events. She will not com-with senior Elda I lemandez. pete in the 200, instead turning who also helped the Sailors her focus on break.ing the M:hool qualify for CIF in both relays. record m the 400 and contnbut· Overall, 1Weit wru. pleased ing to the two relay teams. witll the Newport girls' showing. Burlingham trained with the and he took. pleasure in Oay- under-19 national team this sea-ton's performance in Ole triple 'iOn and she also plays for the So jump. Oayton has been dealing Cal Blues soccer club. with nagging injuries. including Last year, she ctid not compete shin splints, this '>eason, yet she in Lrack. and field because of her is nearing her form as the year bw.y club soccer schedule. winds down. "II obviously hun them to lose the big guy: Glenn said of Jones. .. ln ere is 20 kills they don't get. I feel bad for him, especially be· cause he's a senior. I hope he is able to play in the playoffs.· Hoth teams will continue in the playoffs. for which pairings will be announced Monday. Newport I !arbor ( 19-11 and on an upswing) will compete as a longshot in Division I. The Sail- ors are not rank.eel an the lop I 0. CdM {17-11. including a 10-0 league. reconll came into lhis week ranked No. 2 in CfF Divi- sion II and is expected to make another extended run. The Sea Kings saw their streak of five straight CIF title-match appear· ances ended In the Division IV semifinals last spring. Jones' availability, as well as the Slatus or senior Bart Welch, whose sprained ankle limited him to one serve Friday, could hinder Coach Steve C.ontl's post7 sea.son plans. Thinp 'went as planned for CdM ln the first game ~t the Tars, as they scored the first four points, turned a 6-5 deficit into a 14-6 lead, then closed It out after a brief Sailor~ ·1 thought we played with so much emotion in the first game. we expended a lot oC energy,• C.Onti said. ¥When you play wilh a lot of emotion and things don't go well, sometimes you hit the bottom of the lake. Before the match, I talked about us playing with a balance of emotion and composure. But all the credit goes to Newport.· Conti said the Sailors' defense determination wore down the Sea Kings. "!The Sailors! dig a ton of balls and they play sman, • C.Onti said. ·They're very smart about not trying to do too much.· The visitors led the entire final three games, though CdM cut into a 14-4 second-game lead, before succumbing. The Sailors ~upplemented Diefenbach's prowess in the mid- dle with senior outside hitters Michael Toole (15 kills). Michael McDonald (nine) and Nick Glas- sic (eight) as weU as senior mid- dle Paul Tuman. Tuman added five stuff blocks 10 his seven kills. Newport }unior setter Adam Schlesinger a.mas.<>ed 58 assists. CdM had double-figure kill outputs from sophomore Kevin Welch (20) senior Miles Yowman (17), sophomore Tum Welch (14) and senior Brandon Sheridc- Odom (10) to help senior setter Greg Gabriel ~t a match-high 63 asQsta. Saturday, May 10, 2003 13 14 Sat\wday, May 10, 2003 Dally Pilot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIMMING Sea Kings win league Bowlus, Shue each double to lead Sea Kings to Pacific Coast League championship. Bryce Alderton DallYPilot CORONA DEL MAR -When pushed to the brink. the Corona del Mar High girls swim deliv- ered. The Sea J<ings saved their best for last at the girls Pacific Coast League finals Friday in their home pool. ldcldng with their lep, swinging with their arms, winning their first league title since 1994. Senior Brittany Bowlus an- chored the ftnaJ leg of the win- ning 400-yard freestyle relay, swimming a 52. 71 split, better than University's Sara Fitzsim· moos (52.80) and the Sea Kings defeated nemesis University, 558-550. Joining Bowlus on the winning relay team were Jordan Anae, Kim McKay and Alexandra Shue, who all helped gain a 3:37.30, good enough for auto· matic qualification into next Fri- day's CIF Southern Section Dlvi· sion D preliminaries at Mt San Antonio College at noon while also earning All-American con- sideration. The Trojans came into Friday's finals undefeated (3-0-1) and atop the league standings. CdM came in 2-l·l, its only tie to University in the teams' dual meet Man:h 26. "It really bun," Bowlus said about her swim in the 400 free relay. "I went out fast and felt my legs stop, but I just kept on go- ing.. Jubilation, coupled with ex- haustion. infused Sea King swimmers following the an- nouncement of their league title. "It is awesome," McKay said of winning the league tide. ""I feel happy for (CdM Coach Doug Voiding]. He really wanted this." The final relay capped an extraold.inary day for Bowlus, who set a meet record in the 50 free (24.72), while also brealdng a ·school record in winning the 100 free In 53.31, each time earning automatic entry into the CIF pre- Ums. Bowlus' time in the 100 free broke Kate Salvino's 53.33 set in 1988. Salvino's brother, nm Salvino. coaches CdM's boys varsity swim team and smiled when he heard the news Bowlus broke his sis- ter's school record. "All records are made to be broken: he said. "I love the fact that someone like Britttiey did it She is a great person." Bowlus, bound for UClA to play water polo, also swam an- chor for CdM's winning 200 free relay team along with Anae, Viv- ian Liao and Shue. which also set a meet record in 1:41.91. "You blow me away," CdM senior teammate Oui.stina Hew- ko said as she enveloped Bowlus in a hug. "I looked at Brittney and said, 'This is your thing. let's go out and do it,'" Voiding said. "I didn't doubt her." Team camaraderie swarmed around the pool for CdM Friday and lt had every reason to. The Sea JCi.ngs took first in seven of the 11 events, including two vic- tories by freshman phenom Alexandra Shue in the 500 free (5:06.72) and 200 individual medley (2:09.98). easily gaining automatic qualification into the CrF prelims. Shue was joined in the winning parade by freshman Tumua Anae's first-place clock- ing in the 100 breaststroke (1:10.38). University, which had won the previous three PCL titles, led all of the meet and gained a 401-390 edge after ~e 200 free relay. Jordan Allie took second in the 100 back followed by Hew- ko's fourth-place ftn.isb (1:04.88} and Ashley Chandler (slXth in 1:05.27). Jackie McCoy (1 :14.24) ftn· lshed in fourth behind first-place Tumua Anae in the lOQ breast- stroke as Ann Winners Swam in 1:17.29. "We came out of that back. stroke eight points ahead," Void- ing said. "If one of our girls doesn't do what she dld, then we would not have won. It was a classk example Of 8 team COD· cept." Coaches named Bowlus and Shue Co-Swimmers of the Meet. Voiding said 13 girls either qualified automatically or gained consideration for individual ~ots of lhe CIF prelims. Jordan Anae in the 100 free (54.m and 100 back (1:00.70). Bowlus in the 50 free (24.72) and 100 free (53.31), McKay in the 200 free (2:00.25) and 500 free (5:24.02) and Shue in the 200 IM (2:07.88) and 500 free (5:06.72) all auto· matically qualified for the CIF prellms. DanJelle Carlson in the 100 back (1:03.27), Hewko In the 200 free (2:01.m, Liao in the 100 free (55.48) and McCoy in the 50 free (25.45) all gained automatic entry into the p.relims. Others earning consideration include: Tumua Anae in the 100 free (56.34) and 100 breaststroke (1:10.64); Kathryn Bilder in the 500 free (5:42.91), Clumdler in the 200 free (2:06.18) and 100 back (1:03.27); Jessica Harkins in the 200 free (2:06.19) and 100 back (1:06.69); Hewko in the 100 back (1 :04.88); Uao in the 50 free (25.66) and McCoy in the 100 breaststroke (l: 11.63). The CIF finals will be held be- ginning at 4 p.m. May 17 at Bel- mont Plaza in Long Beach. STEVE McCRANK/OAILYPILOT The Sailors' Hayley Peirsol takes first in the 200.yard freestyle in the Sea View League finals Friday. Record swim for Sailors' Peirsol . 500 freestyle with a time of 4:40.41. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SWIMMING Newport finishes second, qualifies seven swimmers for CIF Southern Section preliminaries. She didn't brealc just any re- cord either. She broke El Toro High grad and Olympic bronze medalist l(ajtlin Sandeno's re- cord of 4:51.11 set in I 999. ~That was a great swim for her. especially when you conl>ider who e record she broke," La- Mont said. a third-place finish an I :55.07. Ir· 'vine won the title in I :49.45 Mackey. Annie Wight. Anne Bel· den and Murphy ftrushed second to Irvine (1 :40.74) in the 200 free relay to advance with a ume of 1:43.42. In the 400 free relay. Mackey. Tajima. Parole and Peir sol clocked a 3:43.97 to finLc;h second and advance to the pre· ltms. Melanie Neff CdM saves best for JV Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The Newport Harl>or High's girls swim team knew corning into the Sea View League finals it would take a minor miracle to defeat Irvine. Peirsol, who swims with the Ir· vine Novaquatics, also won the 200 freescyle in an automatic time or 1:5 1.87. and she swam on the 200 medley and 400 freestyle relays that both posted auto- matic times. Tajima was unable to take home an individual Litle, but re- corded two impressive swims to qualify for the prebms. She fin. ished second to fellow Nova Di· ana Mac Ma.nus an the 100 back in 1:00.34. MacManus swam a 58. 7 l. ln the 200 free. TaJltTla qualified with a fourth-place fin . lSh in 1:57.10. Sea Kings finish last in PCL finals, but win N competition with their 'top swimmers. Bryce Alderton DailyP1lot CORONA DEL MAR -What Corona del Mar High's boys var- sity swim team lacked in partici: pation at the Pacific Coast League finals Friday was more than made up for at the junior varsity level. Cd.M's varsity squad finished in last place with 14-4 points out of the five teams competing in the CdM pool. University won the title with 616. CdM varsity coach Tun Salvi- no inserted his "faster" swim· mers on the junior varsity level for Friday's finals and they re- sponded with 669 points to win the division. "My main goal was to have the kids swim their best times and qualify for CJF." Salvino said. The best a CdM varsity swim· mer fared was third place -in the consolation finals. Gregory Meyer clocked a 2:06.95 in the 200-yard freestyle while Chad March finished the I 00 back- stroke in 1:10.63. Thomas Pear- son in the 200 individual medley (2:26.63) and Hunter Sheetz in the 100 b~troke (1 :18.66) each finished in Tuurth place for Cd.M's varsity team in the conso- lation finals. Three relay teams from Cd.M's junior varsity team earned CIF consideration. James Strack. Artie Dorr, Jason A MOTHER'S~ DESeJlVl!S 8XTllAOllDINAAY QUAUTY. 1 This Mochet'1 Dlly, flow how much you c.R with the lift «an -..it Rolex tm.- piece. No matter which style « Rolex )'OU c:hooM. )'OU1 be aMt1I A lift of quality. beauty and durability. Think of how your mocher b.a you. Then td her how much )'OU ble ~.with a Rolaic ~L 'if BOLBX ,..,,-------.. ',-... , \' - 1 I , I ,/ t . ; II~;~,' DiRocco and John Money clocked a I :35.86 in the 200 free relay while Daniel Niehenke. Benjamin Sanders. Beau Stock- still and Scort Sanford swam to a I :35.48 in the consolation fi. nal of the same event. CdM's JV team of Bryan Buhagiar, Nie- henlce, Money and Sanford raced to a 3:33.86 in the 400 free relay, setting a league finals re- cord. F.arlier in the meet, Buhagiar set a meet JV record in the 100 back (57.90). Roben Fries in the 200 IM (2:14.12). Niehenke in the 100 free (51.97) and Strack -the twO-time defending league var- sity champion in the 500 free - in the 50 free (23.36) all set meet records as well. Strack said he hadn't trained for the 500 all season. They didn't get it. But in the end. the individual performances helped keep everyone on the team smiling. Irvine won the meet with 489 points. followed by host Newport with 41 7, Foothill (314), Wood· bridge (267), Aliso Niguel (264) and Laguna Hills (257). "It's sad to say. but we kind of knew what to expect coming in,• Newport Coach Ken LaMont said. "So our goal was to malce sure we held on to second place and improved our times." Senior Haley Peirsol, who won two individual titles and posted automatic CIF Southern Section qualifying times in four events overall, had the swim of the day. breaking the league record in the "All the girls swam really well today.· LaMont said. ·A loL of girls that already had considera- tion times made them better.· Nicole Mackey, also a Nova. was the only other individual ti- tle winner for the Sailors, match· ing Peirsol with two. Mackey :,wam a 1:07.80 in the 100 breast· stroke and a 2:06.03 in the 200 IM. both automatic times. In all, seven Sailors' swimmers automatically advanced to the "ection prelims May 14 at Bel- mont Plaza. thanks in part to the relays, which all posted qualify- ing times. Mal Tajima, Jenna Murphy, Peirsol and Ashley Parole quali- fied in the 200 medley relay with BRIEFLY Belden. a sophomore. lowered her time m the 100 back by two seconds. swunmmg a 1 :04.22 to win the consolation heat and earn a consideration ume. Bel- den posted a consideration time in the I 00 free in the prelims. She finished seventh in the race Fri- day (56.07) and Parole was eighth in 56.65. Murphy came away with two consideration times. just missing automati~ in the 200 IM and the 100 breast. In the IM she missed by 0.42 seconds. finishing fifth in 2:14.42. In the breast. she was 0.52 shy. taking fourth in I: 11.02. Corona del Mar clinches share of PCL title Corona del Mar Higb's base- ball team hit back-to-back home runs in the bonom of the sev- enth inning to defeat North- wood, 6-5, on Friday and cllocb at least a share of the Pad.fie Coast League title. The victory assured the Sea Klng.'i the top seed heading into conference) took advantage of the Titans' four errors and they also collected 11 hits. Brett Smith improved his pitching re- cord to 8-3. as he struck out nine and allowed eight hits ln 62h innings. It was Fullenon's first loss at home this year. the OF Southern Section playoffs. Bia West Confttenee Keith Long led off the seventh UC Irvine s. Cal State Fullerton 3 with a single and Josh Bradbury Score by Innings followed wtth a two-run blast to UC Irvine 001 011 ooo -• 11 o ti th Nick v .. ~ Fullerton 011 ooo 100 -3 10 • e e score at 5·5. -r-Smith, Edell (7), Sdlroer 171. bJt a solo shot to win the game. Raullnaitis (8) and Wagner; Littleton. Long ftnlshed the game 3 for 4, • Ingle (7) end Pilittere. W -Smith, with twO doubles. Barrett Sprowl 8-3. L -Littleton, 6-3. Sv. -Raullnltls added an RBI single in third in-(1 ). 28 -Dalton IUCI), Klemm (UCI), ning for Corona de) Mar 05_8, Costa (CSF), Burgos (CSF). 10-3 in league.) Gordan Barn d bl Blake Contant came in to re-' ett OU e Ueve lbdd Macldin in the sixth and earned the victory to lm· prove to 5·2. ~C....LM&ue CdM I, Not1tlwood I Nonh-ao:by=-r .• 12 1 wood CdM ocn ooa a • • 10 1 ~~ loncMr (I) and we.~. MtMMn, Com.tint (81 and PNMon. w. Cont.Int, 1-2, l -Bonder. 28 · Cafrl9r 2 (N= 2 ~CdM), Madelin (CdM). (CdM). HR: M. Nlko6enllo IN), C. NttcoleMo (N), Br'ldbury (CdM), K.lrp6 (CdM). UCI tuns Titans • MSRMU.a UC lntne upset No. 4 Cl1 9bil9 PUlenon wtth 1 5-3 r'Old wtn tn 8(g Wiit Confer· ence b111bell aicdol1 Friday._ The Anteaten (20-30, 8·8 ln • TRACIC AND PllllJ): Sopho- more Laura Gordan of Sage Hill School woo the girls 300 bur· dies (51.0) and trTple jump (33 feet, 6 ¥. l.nchea), whtle junior Braden Barnett captured the boY' ahot put (44·5) and discus (123-3 ~) for the Ughtning In the Academy League track and Oeld ftnala Frtday at S&ddleback College. ln the thot put. Bamett broke his own league record or 43-0 set last week. "He has gotten propU1lveJy better flYtry meet," said Sqe Hut_ Coach Nate Miller, whote athJetet ad· vanced to the CIF Southern SedJon DMMon rv preliminar- ies May 17 ai Ml SM:. Other lJ&htnlill leeg\le final· llU wen rn.tJman JCeJMy Roee (ftftb IA dMt pt. 200 In 27. 7 iOd sixth in the high jump at 4-2), freshman Tim LeOer (sixth in the boys l ,600 at 5:04.6 and sev- enth In the 800 at 2: 17. l ) and sophomore Kevin Emarnian (eight in the 100 at 12. l and eighth In the long jump at 16· 7). Saddleback sweeps Me.53 • VOLLEYMLL: The Costa Mesa High boys voUeyball team completed Its season with a 15-1, 15-12, 15-12 loss to Golden West League visitor Saddleback Friday. Senior Danny Krikorian had six ldlli for the Mustangs, who finish 2 -16, 1-11 In league. Mesa Coach Dave Sorrells pralaed the play of sophomore middle blockers Garrett Wal- thers and Gabrlel Gonzalez. Brors cost Sailors • MSBMU: Host Wood· bridge scored the winning run ln the bottom of the seventh l.n- nlng on a Newport Harbor throwing error to cap a late rally u the Warrior edged the SaiJ- on, 4·3, in a Sea VJew Lea.gue game at Windrow Park. ffyan Rowe hJt a twO·Out. solo home run ln the sU:lh to Sfve Newport (8-16. 3·10 In leque) a 3-0 ~. but Woodbridge~ thtte NnS In the bottom of the lilth to de It, rwo ~on an oudleld error. ~--Joey c.ntve11a Wiii the bird·Juc:l IOlef, wbDe i.mmate RJ, Muller went 2 ror 4 With rwo RBI&. s.. View L•erue Wood~e 4, Newport Hert>of 3 · SCo,. by lnnlnge Newport 001 011 O -l 1 • w ·brldge 000 003 1 -• 10 2 Centarella and Sanctiez: Swan1on and Sandzlmler. W -Swanton. L - C.ntarelle, 4-7. 38 -Muller (NH). HR -Rowe NH). Panthers handle Eagles • BASBBALL: The Estancia High basebalJ team outhit Orange, 6-5, but walked l l and hJt two Panther batters to drop a 10-6 Golden West League road baseball decision Friday. Jeremy Hauser went 2 for 4 with an RBJ double and Matt &nquillo was 2 for 4 with two RBis to pace the saps (3-19, l-9 in league). Orange (12-9, 7·3) clinched a CtF Southern SectJon playoff spot wtth the victory. a.w.. Walt LMpt ~ 10, htMola. Estencla SO:.,_...,. . • • 1 Orengt 4'• 000 • -lO • a Hoffman. lppollto l•I and Cromi Moronee and~-w. Morontt. L-Hof'fmtn, 2-t. 28 - HauMf (II, MoroMt 10). SCHEDULE T1XW ...... Cohge-UC lrvtne It Clf State Fullenon. I p.m, ........... CCJlege,..,. lrid ~ - ~-~ .... tm..,•Oi_.., 3 p.m. Policy How to Place A ..----Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to cen~or, reclassify, revise or reject any classified adverti ement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot aa::epts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEAD Monday ..................... Friday 5·00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00p1 By Fax (949) 631-6594 I Plu>e 1ndude ~our name wld phone nwnbcf Ind "'rll ••II )Oii ti.ck with 1 pm.~ quoet t Telephone 8 lOam-5 OOpm Monday-Frida) By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours Ind ex By l\lail/ln Person: BO Wc:'r Bay Street ('0 ,11.1 Mrn1, CA 92627 At l.'.wpon Alvd & Bay St Walk-Jn R \O.un <; OOpm ~1ond.i)·Frid.i) Wedne~day .............. Tue.,day 5:()(lf J Thur.,day .. .... . Wedne,da} 5 ·(J Friday ................... Thur5da} 5 {)(~)fll Saturday .................... Fnda} 3 OOprn SundJ) ....................... Fnda} 5 OOpm ~ ~ 1111.ESTAn 181111.S AHilouNCEMINTS -[~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL MUCllOTKI cm Of llWPOl'T llACH °"cm a..wa "" Otytf...,., ..... lJllO ...,., """-4. ...,., .... ~COUISSQ AGOIDA ........... ..,n. 2003 • 6:30,.... I SUBJCCl Qu1ei. F"ood Restaurants al Ille Bluth Commercial Cen ter (PA2003 08<J) I JOO B•50n Avenu• SUMMARY l lle •PPl1 cal1o n reQuesls an •mendment to Use Permit No 2001 020 to 1ncruH lh• number of UMt Permth lot eatina and drink1n1 ut•bh\h menh that th• Plann1n1 011ecto1 can autho<11e from 7 to 10 Addthon ally Ille appl1'ant Hei.s to increase Ille 10111 aru occupied by th• utabll•llmenh by 11!1 sq h lite requut al.o 1ncludu th• patentoal ule ol alcOlloh' be .. , aces (ti.et and wine) tor the 3 eddohonel nlab trsllmenh APPLICATION Amend ment to Use Permit No 2002-020 CCQA COMPLIANCE Th•• PfOtet l "" bH n reviewed, and 1t llH !Men determined that •I 11 catecortcally uempt under the r aqu1rements of the Cafllorntt lnv1 ronmental Quehly Act under Clan I IC ustm1 Feclltllu) 2 SUBJECT Ct farnco (PA2003 04!'>) 2201 West Balboa Bou levard SUMMARY Requut lor e UM Pt1m1t to ellow a Full Ser•ICt, Hlah Turnoor eat1n1 and drlnkln1 nl•bhshmenl with On" beer end wine d a w11vtt of Ill• .d of1 strHI parlun1 APPl11.ATION Uu Permit No 2003 006 CCQA COMPLIANCE This p10,.ct hn bun reviewed, and II hu n iJiTif mlneo ffiif 11 " cattc«lcafly nempt und., the requlrernenls of the Cahfotnta Envt ronrnental Quahty Act under Clen I (C.1st1n1 Fac1h11u) 3 SUBJECT Ciraulo RuicMnct (PA2003 067) 202 S. S.y Front SUMMARY Request to permit a 127 1quart foot. third level portion of a 1ln1le la mlly ru ldenc• to u cMd th• 2•·foot base h•lahl 1fm1t The structure prutnlly e xlsb •nd wu con str ucted without th• benefit of • bulldln1 permit. APPLICATION Variance Ho. 2003·003 CCQA COMPLIAN CE Thi• project hH bHn reviewed, and It hH bun determln.cl that ii It cete1orlcelly uempt uncMr the requirements of the C.llf«nla Envl rorunental Quality Act unct.r Cina t (C.lstlnt F11e1llUH). 'ubflahed Newport Ba11elt-Co1te Mep Daily Piiot Mer 10. ZOOl SM49 QUNOUT YOllHOUSE wrntl WWII <All (M~M2-5'71 ~ 1489 2305-2490 'IKlflt View M-•'-'· Double Crne One of tlle best locatton\ Mu\t S.11 949 939-3091 Collectibles/ Mtmorabllla 1160 TOP SS ' ll<O.OS UC aa. Oll!lt. 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(949) 160-09 , .. .,,... a-tflA ,__ has 4br 2 '>b.t. otfic~. newer wmdow\ & ptumb•na 2~ ancl mort l61S,00l Cal .laff RftJ 714-500 ll55 NP Co•SI fJcean ;rew pvt roum & bath up stao" aa• t. laundry no pets sm<i~"ll, PllOI ~P• Sl650 949 718 1•12 lmne L.....!·~~~~~!:::li!!S....:.:.I Turtle lld9e br•nd ntN I HAlf O" l 1t MO llNT llACON IAY/IAY "'°"1 1 -----;.;;;;.;;;~.;;;;­ lbr 2 Sba wd tria f0t move .,, May l!">st I up1.la1rs 21>< I 5ba 11) Employmeft 8500 ,. loll. •m yd 2 c alt w 12 mo lust Newty 11ar wd hi.°" f' l'MI Laguna Beach ORANGE COUtm 7400 g.tr SZIOO 949 37& 1797 remodtltd C~ Cod> style S2fo00 mo 949 &73 11411 ADMIN ASST PI t. ., adwtrh,.. "ahy prtft• COAST YOUTH e nce ltmot•tHrn or FOO"''" "MP MISCELLANEOUS l11uot1 Oul9n-Oteon do\Cromonahon ba-ed on 19Ml\.NR V'9wt on w iet <ul de sac mt. color rtltf lOn u. lips a .. 14 MERCHANDISE •bov~ Wood ea.. wttti 4 lido ble I wmmunrty w new ~ lt.t.. ....... i..... 3br M••a craft d ' t ••• ' urpet &. c er am< tile 2ba. ,.,, room IM pclOi, d.. u o d M w • IAYfRONT TllPUX Wasner dryer c!Mwasher SC». pdener rd. .._. Cattl lnter"et •II JI< l lo S3200/-yrty & retnaeralOf" onclu<led 1 S27'bn 714-ID290011kt 10 12a m 714 r.tl -480ls Balboa Penlnlula h•nd1<.tp fan•rh•I status llflSTARS,&...M-1...,ust1C. wtwte ... ,., •- or national or•ir•n or an .__,, Ml"911aneous lbr J SOa 2 eotn room. rntrntt0n to mai.e al\Y ...... 6 I t.. Me_.,'"ndlse 3855 I a pmPI hrtcr>en _,.., 2 surh preterencr 1orr11t• (.tl--a..(..1..-JlofMI ••• do'<';to• 41(1 W;,yr>e t.on or d15crtm1nat1on • -·r -r Treeolmlll Consumer BIJlin 9'l9-497 5111 Th" neww•P<I• wrll •2lin .... 27 Guide BEST BUY not ~n'"''"l1Y acupt S.. lpa Health Club Qu.tlrty any ad•ortrsement for ..........1.. l•fetr"'e Wa1tanly New real e\tale .. iuch ,, on CtllRd: c-Slit!L v1olato0n of lllt law Our In Bo t Compair .ti reader• are hereby 71 ... 37-Slll f2600 Sell FAS! Only 1nformtd tt.•I all dwell f•S17S $99!'> 888 950 3200 rn rs adort1Hd '" ltlo~ c;;;;;J.,. Hem• Gy ... new~paper are uarlible Wto&hl Machine Brl.1 on an equal oppartunrty ANAHClll I StaHmnter never UHd bails llV.J SllOO 9'9 760 6717 To complain of dos -PROFESSIONAL Busl uomtnat.on, call HUD toll· SERV1CES nm fru at I 800 42•·8!'>90 Oppof1unftles •··cti 1483 Businesses and ;::-==ons=======; Ananclal Franchises 3905 Planning 2465 FiNAN<tAl nuns or WANTED ANTIQUES Old., Style Furnitvrt PIANOS i Coll«bblfl • a.ic: •••• ··~-... .................. ". iJI' • ,,,,,... • .,. FINANCIAL SECRETS Of tt.e Super Weoltt.yl Ten tfte Super Weoltltyl fen Tei hnoqun the the Ttc lln1qun tile the wulthy ll'WI everyday to wealthy uu everyday to WIC.lew the• Wi!allh tt you tnae:se ~ .. wulttl If you truly ~~,,. lo achtVe truly de!>lle to achlve lrnancoal security You f1nanc1al secu11ty-Vou must haw ~I I 877 891 SI CASH PAJO $$ must have thnl 1·877-891 3260 S20 V1MC/OISC by 3260 S20 V /MC.i1llSC by Pa tr""'" LeM!eu • author WE BUY ESTATtS Petro leMieux. auttior of lnMtl!Mn1 Basics Free . .....,..;••• i.-., .. ...c• of lnatment B~ Free S/H (CAl "SCAN> AITDr' S/H (CAL 0 SCAH) STUT A SUCCISSfUl O O home 8IAll'tU INrt millH ~ I • • •t I' I I" ' •'o l I .... , .. ,, .. "" , .......... ,,,,, ' \ -l ,., '~ &t*Sala vw~::''""'· 1000 sNrta IW> Hedltm & Haodb-.p Arr'·''' ... ~s1 lfflrf• Sele Sat onl~ 9-1 Arn11fn1 1tuffl Quit• vlntepl ~ Beyslde Dr. CdM Closs St C1rn1tlon LEGAL SERVICES money Ill the fnt monthl $5.®$20.W> per month 2650 HOME r ecorded mess•c• (CAl •SCAN) Wl MADI S U6,2S7 IHI monttl Colfinc. vec;a l'°""11. wor11.,. only wt.I •• wanted We c•n polllMly INCi! 10" to do the -R-Pfoaf 1nt•est.d7 f>50..867 ~I 9 (CAL•SCAN) 1ag FURNISHINGS MESA VERDE IEI-URAIE SALE AJI of Me.a Verde Trld Cross Streets • AdamllMea Verde, Glelef /Halt>Ot • 5aturday. May 10 from ari>O to 3:00 PM spor"°'9d by" 1'cnut Realty See tor9llireelty.con. for~ 714.5411.llR Newport Beach U"ll NlWf'OU IAClt IAY OPlN SAT-SUN 12-S 2S07 Vlo Morino H11h on 10,000 sf lot Vrry private 3 1£ br 2 full ba $824 900 Bv Owner Co Op wttll Realtor~ 949 5'8 !'>758 live '" N•w,_. 1-ct. lor Sl6!'>.000 De Anza Bayside v.11aae mobile homes. ,3 W3lerfront. backb1y vtew Cozy. t harmona. Cabana mo bile home Ip. 23 yr 1st S22l71mo Call Cottaae HomH OPEN SUNDAY I~''"' 71 •·t.2•·U62 .1x,....tt. c...-..,... The Best of C~ tn this 5')ICIOUS 48r 2 58e w1a --ceU., lobfary A'ld panoramic~ lrom th IS bluff toe> home YOU mu't see tit" one S2. 799 ax>. llCI Joan ~707 4"*l ~·1•.~ elevamr. -.ured enclld t.2 .. 212-f1u ~ "Pt. \8r SIO!b 28r ~................ WWW pa1· t nloD.. " t.2._297_.2'2 SI~ (714) ..U-7592 b home 2_ pr P'"' Aa..i.t n. Ode.tyl ~ I>"'&. IJ ut ..,_,,, boitt cXO. iN71il.dlfl ~120 N_,... n~ch Peftln•.,._ 2br 2ba clou par.a comm pool Vt .. , ~ I• •ta1 •t "°~ A v-.. 1111 l1V4' to pter ~h'lpS PattO S2!l25 .... ...,.. ~ ~Ille>. a.a i.o ~ " I car aar #dtik ups A'rt clucl<nc ,..,.i...-d •..O ••• Sl600 949 673 7800 ls llr 2.Slo "' 1ate4 ifl •I CQIT'CWP,,;, r•t.,., ,.... ....... .,,. to bo.t• ~ nt!11i7' 2!ir lt>a newly rernod. own pt & CS1lC'1 $2IXXl mo 714-256-050 Corona del Mar St11clle w /kltchelle, larae bath bfl&ht open pvt entr So of Pch S69!'>m Act 9'9 533 S312 IAYfRONT ON llOO PCNINSUlA NlW 21r 21• con AGES Pr valt Beach Pool and Sp• Wallo, to Ouan Shops and Restauranh l ust 6 mo 2 yr - Boat Slop Avarl•ble 110 UOQ PUK Ol. ,.. 2Sa, a.ro pallO ,. d I 949 673 60JO or hlluPS. le a•· " Pl!b '-949 723·5830 pamt, •va•I 6 I S1661l mo 94~673 2721 . [ Yl!S I UDO YlAll Y UASl ~l ...__ C.-2c ~ !fill GR UNDY RE.AL TORS ~ '""' . p .. ........ 949-6 75-t.161 <i°IW by ~4 S...-d Rd lley at~ ID pvt buc.11 New,.rt leoch Lse S240.m 949-673 9J;j) Prnonsula Studro Costa Mesa s6so s9!'>0 949 & n 1800 I Ap•rtmenh ayatl A11 1 & -.. ..L... .............._ I ... ttl'• I& lbr lblt re. .., --rn ·cnnaee· -~ -*" to beacti. ,.,._, ~ -~ Pllf pe11o quiet. aw " eel flirt, mm. m>m. & 11., Sl060 """ .... ., ...u. I Br & S 11 'llrno. '2Br 133 ' ....,..._ '"""" E. I 1'#1 St A.94 !or Specatsl 96-5"18-2421 c.i ()\. Penlft•UI• '•l"t 1 br I b• nor.ely furn"hed. sh•r•d laund ulll incl •~IS ll'lO 9'9 671 7800 G.rp 1 Ir. cw -;;-;;: tlow to beach !'>02 l6t11 Sim mo 949 ~ l68J comm w pool sp•-Shl!f ~ .;, ~.. •• Gr.-28r llU unrt "' private yard S3000 mo LL 14 J7~ i.,; 8a11"0Clfe LI & br!IM. dOse Aatnl 949 ~ 9705 1 to f"mhlon 15. Sl65Qlmo VACAnoN lllNTAl Hs1lcr IOAT OPlllATOH act. Kau 949-291 ml I View ~ ~ Pn Boar <>Pt'' •I<>• •• • for h•rt><~ •P•' ti .. .._, ~ F".it bead>,_ I.SO I mt llO bet! 7 I tlY\I Two H•rbo•\ C•'• n• IW1xl' ~ 2& lBa. mt HH s:wl 71~l2-8JOO lsl•nd HA'bor Patr o• •~11 :;7~~9'f.8~ LWe .,.117 Via en.to SllorPboat w•th 61 ~ t s. I 48r 2..SS.. le. pr Fp. !'>O ton t n\e lu~• "' N' O t:s'I """""' pll!ll) courty•d IJPSf;llrs \'19WS, Io, o" t I o 111.: t • arn mmn 2br 1.5«» ~ llOOI.' SSCXXl mo 'M9-~~ or >ent•O people f,.. 1110 \Pit. 111.1 peint. tit/cap 2 c ltfie hi• leyfrn t calf JIO SIO •204 pt act SI 77!> ~}. 7lDl w / dodt.. )br 31>.s. turn ---- .. ~ 2br 2be Co'ldo, l n/pets, '1flY 1w S7000mo l~f tuple. 2 patio\. :gt 949-718 27 .. newly <Jecorated w/d N ,...,...,... ~ Sl89!im 7l'-l9M941 ewp1111\IUH& Ntwly remod 2br 2ba 1-c.r,.td--C---w-ll-.. -lo-lt>e- l Ondo. 2 l 1•• patio beacl1 fllP/ OlaM1 _.. wd, no ptl •mk Avatl 6 \ & ~ Ii ll•lrt tone $19!'>0 lse 949 759 1344 48r 15&1 fR. snro.mo Spodoo'9 '-a.., 28'. ,,,,_now ISi 949-7lS.2742 2 full ball\ bait be.tell. - ~!"'1 ,! .:!· VACATION Av.,. 6/15 ~566-99118 RENTALS ... .. ...., yrty rental 2 mSlt ~ Z.51le.. OCl1 vu. MIM'Dln Rerals 7925 ~Ip. p no 1191 llCI S2400 ~7). 7llXl ..,....2Br 2Ba. dost m i-tt ,_, r...-.idllltd. aft Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In ClASSIFIED (949)642-5678 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • • Tht Ltgal Depamnmt at tht Daily Pilot i.s pka.std to ann11unrt 11 MW snvict now availabk to nnu businesses. ~ will now SEARCH tlN Nl11U for you at no cdra charir. lltUi SllW J"f' 1/,, timt anti tht trip to tht Court Hmm in S.nt4 An11. Thm, of~•l"ll, llftn' tht starch is complmd we will fik your fiaitilJus bu.sinm 1W1tl lUlmlmt with tJx County Ckr/t, puhlish on<e a iwtk for four wttlts 11.l "'l.UmJ ~ l6fu lln4 Ihm fik your proof of publi~ with JN <A#nty Cln*. Pkast stop b] tlJ fil.t 1""' foti~ btuinas stAlmlml Ill tl1t ~ Pi/or, 330 W. &ty ~ Cost4 Mna. lf y<11' ("1fll0t stop"> pkAM '""'Ill Ill (949) 6'24321 """IL~ will m41tt 11rronpen11 for JO" to JM,.& this procttlMrt bj ""1il If!"" shoiJJ "4w ""1 fortMr qwations, pktm c11/J 111 ind we will IN mort th.n t/aJJ tQ IUSUt JON. GooJ /w~ in J""'" MUI /nujnmf . • It $aturday. May 10. 2003 i _...,.~~~~ ..... ----1 ~~·GOREN l with OMAR SHAAIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Carpont• Party Plann•na " Cateflf1C Co. Now H1rn1& Servers & Bartenders for ~/T Work. Ca~ 800/742· 1858 lo sel up interview l*Vai OWNER Ol'fR. ATOI. Have y<ll.W own iruck7 loolune tor !fide· pendence? Landstar has the too1Vfre1111ht to make l!ou successtull CALL [MDSTAR 1188.&15·3858 4iCAi. •SCAN) lO(X; lien-on bonus. We ~ CT-°'"""'9ftl a ve 1 lot O•natd, CA •erminal. Armelilli Express J,.ines l .ax>-428-0343. Ref i101 (Email: recrut· ina@8(rrienoni.com) -«l/fTd/v. {CAL -scAN) ~ OWNllt Ol'Ol- ATC>lti Hlw V!>ll' own Wuck? ~ for tnie mdependenco 1 landstlM' !\as the ~t to INl<e yoll soccessful? l · iOJ.n1·78 (CAL •SCAN) ' DlllYDS WANTID bewi>cn.a ~ 6dl set 'tO'lf own scMdlile! Part orf\;11.tl'"' •nllal>le , $7'+1_, fv!MlrM Call 888-bol·WORK 111 aw; @ wwwD-0-l.ciom "NOTICE 0 Callfornla law re· quires that contrec· tof a Wlifli jobs th• tobl $500 or more (lebor or mateflals) be licensed by th• Contractors State l icense Board State law elso requires that co11tractors include thew licensa number on all advertlsona. You c•n check the status of your licensed contra c tor at www.cslb.ca.aov or 800·321 ·CSLB. Unll· c•nHd co11tr actors t.klna jobs th•I totel less than $500 must stale in their edvertisements that they are not licensed by the Contrtctors Stai. llc:e.nw Board," = • ,.,._ INT-.S ~ / Blttl I Remodel ~ ...... bs.mn .aB15 ~ 9tlfi4\'JJ25 '-•ping • • wtnd 32 Sid lift (11ypt1.) 33 Omlnou.iy 34E~no 48 C.ughl the Ill 47 Eddy 48 Scrapooolo. ilem 49 Annan of lt1e U.N 50 MCMe 9'>001 51 OcNn flltn org. 35 RlgN away 37 Jcudown 311 RedSu feedef veslld 39 Type ol been 43 lfr#y thon 53 Ooro\lly's dog 54~ 58 Cable noitwork 58 Idly II.Ill 44 Spyorg. 45 Hudson Rlvtf Qty 11 •2 13 ISLANDEM,lOYMINT OWNER orlRATOR Two Harbors, a unique TlAMSI COl w/Hai-Mat seaside destination at & Doubles req. TermiMI· the West End of Catall11a TelTllNI. Ofop/HOOll. Hore Island. We are loolllna on Bonus, Hilllh Miles In}. lor out1101na team· 909-5664 ext 210 or1e11ted people. with ~(C=-AL-·=-SCAN-~) ___ _ excellent customer PT OPf>Ortunlty. Work service slulls for the from your home. Real followma season1I po· Estste related, comlTllS· s1hons: Restaurant Short· slon +salary 562·856-1684 order Cooks. Servers, Pubhshma Dishwashen. Accounti11a rlOMOTIOMS'. Clerk, General Store DErARTMINT Clerks, Janitors, Camp· Community ~s 111 1round R1naers & Fuel Clfariae County seeks Fua Dock Attendant. For Info rme person to interview call: 310·Sl0·4204 and wrrte stones. partlct- or 310·510·4202 pate 111 wmmunity events, tu: 310·510·8690 create and paeinate paess www..ldoo~ and sections. Excellent OWNH orHATOl COfTW1lUfllcatl skis. won. TEAMSI COL w/Haz-Mat well wrth the pubk. Know & Doubles req Terminel· AP Style, ~rlSS, TermiNt Orop/HOOll. Hre Photoshop, Multi·Ad Cre· Oii Bonoa, HVi Miles. In}. alol, Proficient on MAC 909-5664 ext 210. and PC, CCI des1an (CAI.. •SCAN) nper1ence preferred. OWNH orHATO'l t.°°..!'~.i:ir: TlAMSI C0t. 11tt1W:Mat EO£. Excellent benefit & Doubles reQ. Termin~· ~-Ema• resurrie, TerlTNWI. DropMook, Hh wr111n11 sa~ and salary °" ~ lilalt -..... 800-909-5664 ut 2lO. r e qu irement s t o (CAl-scAN) lloa.johnson@labmes.coni A -l HANDYMAN Install, reface cabinets ~~ ~ ~ n4-546-7258 • WOUnltt • Custom Built·ins. Crown Moldmp. Bne 80Mds L "5n982 949· 709-5642 Carpet Repalr~la -0-CARPO~CAl,n~ Repairs, Patchina. Install Courteous. any sue 1obs Wholesale! 949·492·0205 Compuflr Services H Ml .I IUSINISS lt,,AlltS Upar•dts, Repal15 of Computer, Networks Evenlnaa/Weekends Competitive prices for quality servlc. 94943'·1175 114-926-4221 EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C.20 520089 (714) 114-2007 HI 112-llOO ... (141) 720-0717 1•• of lllltlllltlons .... s111C11"3 FURllACE SAIE R + fHumeict & Many C«lt UpotllOtt 71,• ITU ff911 '1• t•,• ITUAwl St• Plllt ~ 1*'11111. ' COClt """'°" 914 2001 FREEltl~ .~ .. Conmte & Masonry lrldl llock St..,• Tiie Conaete. Palk>. Driveway Fireplc, BBQ. Refi. 25Yrs E•e. Terry 7l4·557-7594 ConstrucWContrdrs NEED MOltf ROOM? AllOfOONS & REJMD£LINC Ur677982 949· 709·5642 Carpet Cleaning SAVE 35%0N Truck Carpet• Furniture lug c:zss 5alitlodion Guaranleed IM4nd FIEE ESTIMATf 23 YEAIS EXP. BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800-559-7181 WEEKLY BJUDGE QUIZ Q 1 • Vulnerable, you bold! Tl'eo blddi111t bas DtOCttded: SOtml \>fEs't NOllTH lo Piii 2NT ? Partner opens the bidding with one diamond. Whal do yoo te6p00d? What do you bid now? Q 2 • Both vulnerable, you hold: Q 5 • Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: • A 8 7 3 " 7 O A 10 9 54 • 15 2 Partner opens the bidding with ooe spade. Whut do you respond? • K Q 7 J \7 Q ,<J K 6 • A IC Q J 6 S Tbt bidding has proct.eded: SOtml ~'T NOR1lf EAST 1• Pa9 I• Pm Q J · As South. ~uloerable. you hold: 4• P.,. SI:' Pw ? Whal do you bid m\w'/ oJ86Sl , 8 OAKJ6S2 •7 The bidding has prvceeded: Q 6 • As South. vulnerable, you hold: SOUTH WliST NORTH EA!\'T Pass Pll!i's I• ~ •A76 -:J9 S4 o AICJ73 •6 ? What do you bid oow" The bidding tw Pl'OCteded: sount w~ NORTH EAST 10 •• 21? Pu! ' Q 4 • Boch vulnerable, a.s Soutb you hold: What do yoo bid now? •17 . 83 v AK983 •AJ72 /.,JJ()k for an.rwt rs on M 011day. IUClrTIONIST needed for upscale NPB Day spa. F aK resume to Spa Greaoroes 949-&«.6323 StRVtRS & COOkS needed Apply bi pers011 217 Mam St tiunhnet0r1 Beach 714·960·1896. Secretort/tK ..... in N8 Real Estate offlc:e, ~ & real llSlllb! ·~ No lie nee. 949·671·5680 JOIN OUR TEAM and make a difference. In the California Army Nationtl Guard you can aet money for colle11e and career tralnln1. Cell l · 800 -GO ·GUARO . (CAL•SCAN) JOIN OUR TEAM and make a d1tference. In the Cahfornia Army National Guard you can 11el money for colle11e and career tra1111n11. Call I· SOO ·GG ·GUARD (CAL•SCAN) JOIN OOll TtAM and make a difference In the California Army Nabonal Guard yoo can aet ITIOlleY tor collep and career trainona. CaM l .SOO-GO'· GUARD. (CAL •SCAN) TUl-RlPS Af>pt. Setters/ Confl nner• /Rehn hers $9.00-SI 9,50 i1AW • hotltr+ COl11mi-bonuses. Pd Mll!kly n/f'T. Expw pref'd. Reines welrorned 25 yes Co H.6 Honest;t:leell & ~le Enwonment. Cal 1·8»763- 400> a~ PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 Desktop Publlshlng TIME TO IEGIN YOUR HOME IMPROVEM£NT PROJECT? Call a plumber, painter, h1ndyman, or any of lhe 1reat services listed here 1n our service directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN Hf LP YOU TODAY! Drywall Services Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Audi '99 A4 Q.,..ttro 2 S V6, 29k aclual mi. auto, sparkhna red/erey lthr, mnrt, CO, looks & smells new V456721 SI 7 ,495 llnancina avail. Bkr 949-586-1818 w-.ocpobl.com IMW 740ll '96 Be8ut!U Soren! BUVTan, Clwome whls, 72k rrM, P-aeecl. mist -saJ.500. 949-378-9946 IM W 7 40ll '96 8eaut1tA Sorent 8lJefT an. Ctvome ~ 7211 mo, ~ rrust see S3l.500. 949-378-9945 IMW 7401l '96 Sliver w/arey lealher on· ler, fully loaded, $16,000 949 675·6006 Codllloc '99 Sevllle SLS 40k mi. pearl wile. oatmeal llhr CO aa· raaed. non/smlu 11~e newV592641 $14.995 Bkr 918fAl). J& www.c.qielJuD'n Chrysler ~•~ring Conv. JX '00 37K. V6. Melalhc ereen. Grey mt. Blach top, Beaulttul like new cond1t1on SI0.500 Vln872412 949 586-1888 -.ocpobl.<- Flooring/Tiie CUSTOM CRLATM TU lnstAllabon slate reramec marble. stone &tab 1975 lil612044 ,k,t1 714-617 9961 Kita;;;; & Bath R;;;;ocw; floor>. Count@rs & Showers L#591315 rrre Esllmate 949 481 20'J7 l.EAICY V-.. Rtf>8t<t'd Regrout1n & Installation TILE Of.AN 949-673·806~ 714-846-8526 714-883 2031 GardenlllQ/ Landuaplng WITIHOEn DRYWAll lou Ton'H land1<op1 All phases sm/lre jobs W«ii.fy malflt. trt!tl lnTwrwll CUA~rs, fair. free & 1nstallal10n 25 Yrs exp est. l 71~1447 loc/rnsured 949-548-4363 Electrtcal Services S...all Jelt bpertl Duncan Electric 20Yrs Exp locaVQulclc Response S.V1Ce/Relnodels l lfZ75870 9C9-6SC}. 7042 Act10 .. ltne ilectrlc troubleshootina specialist aft S«Vices. No jOb loo sm. L'515863 714-84&QJ) ._.,le. dflc licensed Electrical Contractor. Small jobs 1lart1n1 at $79.95 a.., . Speclahzlna In Remodelina & all home wlrln& need1, Comm/lndu1VRu 1-800491·I001 L"7 9 COMPUTE LANDSCAPING Desian. cleanups trees sod. spr lnklers. Maintenance as low as S9/week. L1censed 714·222·8425 Nick DOUGH[RTY IROTHIRS Thee ,,. .... TOt.ldl Ss1CI 1961 ~ Tree 9«:, ~ lnsVR:epaw 714-791-8746 FtnC8l/Decb 9004 Ol"ewry'OO H VS, Certified 1242046 $20,995 Mercedff'Ol lena cno like new, loaded 1014208 $24,ttS Dl1<every '02 SE VS. loadJ(I l lk ml, Prior Rental •150601 $3',995 Discovery '00 II VS.leather.Dual Sun Roofs. Cer llhed '24122 $20,995 Dla<overy '01 SI V8.Leather.Oua1Sun Roofs, Ctr tit1ed #723223 S24,99S GM( '01 Yukon D•noll leather. Sun Root 9 Pauenaer 1199120 S3S,99S Dluovery '00 II VS, Leather. loaded, Certified •242189 $20,995 GMC '00 Yul.on D.nolf 414, low M1, Blk/Blk Cust Chrorne Wheels #2214' $26,995 Range Rov•r '03 Ultimate lurnry SUV •111495 $67,995 Dl1<overy '99 Only 23K M1, Cer llfitd tt2059S8 S20,99S WIDROVEI MfWPOtT IEAOI 94' MG-644S Jo9uor •o 1 XJR 2 I It ml, CO. nav111al1on. full fact warr , Winchester blue, oatmeal lthr. ch1ome wheels. like new u ve $30k v22136 $42.995. 4 5 APR fin avail. broker 9$!:8> IEB! www.ocpib.o.:m Gardenlna/ Landscaplng OlrtyW~.­ Lawos. lawn Aerat1n11. Sprinklers. Troubleshool· '"'IL Spr in& Tune ups. Repairs & Uparadu. "Have us do your D1rty Work" 114-715·2121 Spring C •--Up Get your yard loolllna Its best for the surmw. Yard clun·ups, spr1nlt.ler tune ups and ladscapona Xtro Hen.I Service• 714--427-0040 Tr•• Senolce, Yard Cleanup, Maintenance, Spr1nkler Repair, Hauhna (949) '50-111' FIX UP SPICIAUST. All types of repairs Elec· lroc•I. plumbln&, doorS, w.iter heatln. Ills & more 24ht/7days 714-366·1881 Gl?NEIAL IF.lAll 'IUINTENAN(E • ~. Ccmnen:lal No Job 1bo Small D.-.eea..nroa 949-322·1291 ---......... ~y ........ Phil 40ll ml, full Itel Wlfr, whltt/oaf1Mtl ltlv, CO, b"utilul like new, ori1 cond v810142 $28,~Blo.r.-.llllf ,,.. -;;;;Scz;... 6cyl, 2 wd. 3611 actual ml, sllver/1ray Int, alloys, f•bulous like' new unmarked cond ,4-~~! wrr Mil.~~-~ firm O·Oown.LquallJled buytr's, 4.6 N'K Brolw Ht-H6·ll,I www.ecp••l.c- U11cetil '02 lttrV~ 30k ml, full f11et warr, silver sand/tan lthr, CO shlc~er, chrople wilts, u tra sot , v67251S $27,99!1 firm, fin & w•rr 1v1ol. O·Oown quellfled buyers, 4.6 ARR Broker 949-516-llH ~ • .cpo~l.c- Mercetfas '96 C210 beaulilul black/cream fully loaded, showroom, Wout SILS 714-751·2464 MlllCEOIS SOOI '90 Buraundy. 1 owner, ucellent cond, new. tires. rec~ds PP $6500 949 .. 31-•540 MetcedH 4sOSl '71 c-. low 93k ml. llattt blue/navy llhf. very nice, S7500. 949-493-0379 MercedH '99 S320 LWB 52~ ml, 3 yr warr avail, sllver/blk lthr, bHut oria con4, ~75241 $24,995 tinene1na avail Bkr 949-586-1888 www.ocpallt..dNW Me"e;l;s 'II' 560 SL white/tan, 1mmac ~ rua ,-. rew d q,, dnmllS, SIA,IXlJ 714-151 ·lll&t CREYIER ~1·F NEW2002 MINI COOPER SUNROOF, PR£MlUM PKG. 16' AIJ.OYS1 Ct) ~I~,~ I Al THIS PRICE (l!XJIB) ... ···•····· OTHER AT ~MILAR SAVINGS! .. ~ ..•...... · LITS MOTlW!! IT'S FUN ******** 55 FREEWAY @ EDltW SANT A A* Al/JO MM.1. (Ill) 123-Hol P~AUTO IMWXS4AI '4>1 ~.,. w/Gley c.1et>r11y OWIWdJ F utlY LCNdedl (19334) MUIKI. ,..,...,......,., ~ ShliWY Biid\ w/pert.ct lthr lntt Ottly 52'( ml Btautyt (l~} $24,18) ,......,z,, c ...... lllllck w/~ tan lthr, ful rtc«d$ rat• find (19288) $13,980 ~ This Is a buutylMoonroof (19314) $27,911) MIW74'11 s.-. ,,. One owner, loql Newport Sedan, areal records, chromed wlll$ (19340) $22.980. '"'" 1-41nl '02 Only 496 mflff (19384C) $33.980. X~!., ""?,f Shiney blk, met w /lmmac lthr ctwomeo whl~. ( 19209) $39,98a0 UJCwLUOO ~'00 Blacl\ w/cream lthr 111· ter. Only 1411 rm, S.36.980 (19278) $36,980. MIZ Ml.430 '00 SUV wt11te w/loron?er pk&. low m1 ( 19348) . $29.980 Mneld10 c..-w Blac~ w /blk lttw. chromed wllis. (lill2) S26.980 ·--'-" "' •"Y·-· 949-574-7777 'HJWl>S AUTO pit ........... ,_ Niu-'91 S.ntro GU like new. loaded auln moonrool •llnys iow 74~ m•. $5900 714·/51 1464 PORSCHE '01 I OXSTlR Black W/Rrey 9.000 nu perfect cond '39,9'\0 949-723.0!70 PORSCHE Cobrlol•I '62 1ed. 1estrir•d beau $20,000 or best olfei 949·675 6006 PT CRUISER '02 Umlted, loaded, 8000 m•. Clnn1 •mon. per! tond PP I $17,500 949-431-8540 Rambler '64 Cloulc Station Wo9on Blk 1nllne 6. 64~ Ofli m1. areal surf w•aon, $6000 949·631-6059 Everyday is a great day 0 inCla~edl Be a pan of It, place your a<f rodayt (949) 642-5678 Handyman/ Home Re,ah', COM,U11 HOME MAJ#TINANCI No job too small! Everythln& from Carpentry to Paintq free 7st1t1ate Col ltot1t#y I0-1'S-'66• c.tncfill '~ Ca1pe11try • P1umb1na Or ywaH • Stucco Palntma. nit & more 20+ Year• Experltncel JI 114-.. f-5176 JISSEYMUM'S HOMflgAM UICWIS1 Reasonable Pr leas IC Yrs H perl9nce in •II trades. Specltlilina In residential In ut. 114-501 iliiQ4jjj ROllNSON co•ANY Kitdiens, W., 8elhroorns Mark 9'9-650-9525 HIUllnt IUNk TO THI OUMPlll 714·961-1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI ...:a:w.56& Moving & Stotage llST MOVERS SS9 /Hr s11rvina all t1tln Insured fast. courteous. 'a1eful Tl63844 800·246·237S PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Public Ut1hhu Comm1ss1on requires that •II uHd household aoods movers p11nt their P.U C Cal T number; limos and chauffeurs print their T C P number In all adver tisemenu. If you heve any questions .. bout the leaallly of a mover , limo or ch•ufftUf', call PUIU< UTIUTllS COMMISSION IOO 177~1167 •• lt. r • • • ' . . ~ • ;: ()p«I 7 Deye Low A-. StorllQ9 Speciel1 Since 11181 949-645-4545 NIWPOIT AUT05'0lt't ........... WI PAY WH FOi fUllAllt'S POllS<Hl.S LAMIOAGHIHI llOU.WIHTUY QASSICCMS IWIUYS ............ 'OJ Vlittr Red/IJW lOMdet (5007,0) $99,500 '02 Owl!il 991 Lea4M, Low Mtt .. (0159~2) S IS,900 •03 Ferd Harley Trudt Oellv"'Y Mlln S.,charted (064142) $39,SOO NfWl'CMIT AUTOSPOflT 949-574-5600 Cla.uifitd is CONVENIENT 11•htthtr ytm'rt buying, stUing, or just looking, classijitd has what you nttd ! CUSSIFIEO (949) 642-5678 ; Dailx Pilot ,... ap-.IM .... OWi 40 yon ·~Ill wl p1¥ • ytf~ ,.. prk:e tor 'f04ll car. V111 ar b'llCk plic1 tor Ot not. Clll ob ~ d& Tomato Allio S*. 7P. 43"1931 or 714-32111-3221 CASH rOi (iti WI NllD YOUtt <Alt ,AJO '°"Oil NOT ,HIUIPS AUTO ASK fOll MA.lCOlM .... ,,4.1771 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICE$ BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCKING/ STORAGE 9611 93 n SU, AVMLAllf IN NEWPORT HACH 52500LlASI 949-500-1005 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot .. Classified Community Marl<r·tplace -------1 .. ..__,.. Painting 1 Rooflng/G Chung'• ~ VVt' .. ,, Randol a-r· 1•18, Gt~dl rroc•' C11oHJnl••d & Ptpatr\ • .do:11U.V work free ••I L• H'>60t 1 t.<J1TWn Sr« I~./ L"4519J7 714 '\38 1514 7 ]<¥) (<)4', .14!! f,44 ~ 714 fi58.3136 JoY'..,'• 'aln1ln9 lop Quality. Crmop•hl•v• Interior/[• t L #648228 Call Jay 949 650 5066 R.AINIOW ORQ1 MAINT Pa1nt1na lnt/ut Holi'>e/Apt Quahty jobl freti ~'1mat• 1 l•569897 714 6368888 1 Plumbing PLUMBER lt506586. free E.stJ Sm repan. OCTFCU OIK. 714 235-9150 PRlCISl PlUMllNG Repalts & Rtmodehna FR([ ESTIMATE l#687l98 714 969-1090 SAVO AND DIAlt ClWM (949) 645-2352 -==--.:...:::;;:=:.=..._,=.., All T Tr.° ill Roofs It ·~tlal·Ce...a.I (949) 548-0769 .._,.,.hun f. m Window Cleaning llclo Wlndew a.-Jet Rm.dlntlll Mid, Rill-& ~ Loc:ll 1'111 ~ )'11 714-919-B5 949-~ Wall Covtrlnp '00 DISCOVERY II 'DO DISCOVERY II VS, Leather, Dual Sun Roofs Va CERTIFIED 4119/241211 CERTIFIED 41321242046 $19,995 $20,995 '01 MmEDES BEIZ C240 'iJO GMC YUKON DENALI Like New, Loaded 4X4, Low Miles, Blk on Blk, Cust Chrm Whls 4143/014208 4136122146 $23,995 S26~995 '00 RAISE ROVER '01 GMC YUIOI DEIAU 4.6 HSE, 38K Miles Leather, Sunroof, 9 Passenger 41551434602 '41411199120 s35,995 s35,995 4X4, Automatic, V&, Power Package, Moonroof, Premium Sound, Tilt/Cruise Etc. PRE-OWNED Ma 995 SERVICE LOAN CARS ..... &i I 1 Only AT This Price (382940) '00 DISCOVERY II '99 DISCOVERY VS, Lthr, Loaded Only 23K Miies CERTIFIED 41171242189 CERTIFIED 40451205958 $20,995 $20,995 '99 RAIGE ROVER '02 DISCOVERY SE 4.6, VS, Luxury, Loaded VS, Loaded, 11 K Miles, Prior Rental CERTIFIED 39761426094 4084/750601 "'29,995 . S31,995 '03 RMIE ROVER WE NEED YOUR . TRADE IN! PAID FOR OR NOT! • .. t . 'I J ' 'l . • ,.,, 211113 Bua Cantuty Manuf. SutltJ. &tail Prictl ............. $21, 780 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $2,,792 Selling Price ............. s 1 f!tfJBB FACTOlfr REBA TE .................. ~,000 'ettlll• •15 988 r,:!~J MET COtlT • L AS SAVl_W-> ....... Lii Auto,#, E.ay on au & Motel (701485) 56960 ........... v..a. Aut>. M-, p,,.., ~. CD, .UO,.. & Low~ {510615) 59950 MINIVANS ._PL~ WYMEll '01 POllllAC ..rAllA Uib&IED AIAD, Rat Ai, 2nd SifrW Door, Pwr Gnqi. ai.d ~ A'°>"' Law Mil (2153t/O) . 513,770 r:orJVERTIBLES ._ CllYILB 8-.m Ac*>, AAr, Pow.r Gioup, PfM'llum co Leather & A/loytll (282606) 513,775 'IZ CllYILB ••1 u ~.Air, Power~. CD wftll Premium Sound & Mot9/ (132.fOIJ) 514,770 SEDANS/COUPES '00 lllCl llEUL LS Full Power. CD, LNfhM & Prwnlum WhNla/ (246352) 511,750 ........... Auto, .0, Power~. CD, T-8M & Prwnlum ...,...., (21 llOOll) s12,880 ...... ,, In Lisa if FactoryRBbatB on SB/ict Mew 2003 GMC's, rs, POMTIACS ft t:AD~- CADILLACS .. c-.uc IRl1I 111 PIWl'llum wr.... & Sound (361381) 520,775 • c-.uc llW.1E as Ful Poww. LMllt#, co .. Q1'y stlK .... / {14«f03) 520,845 •• Ci'" I AC lllUI Ful PO'IM, LMtl!Mr, Tniolllon CctWo/, Alo)'9 & ..,,,,., {11«J1') 520,885 "'c.a-•ac IEll.1E I'll Ful POMr; CD,.._., 016W, I.Miis. ~ (11fm.'I) 524,635 '12 CA" I AC lllUI Ful Poww, I.Miit«, CD, onsrw .s Al:>)lsl {253fl<JeJ 526,950 suv· ... ._ CllllY aAZEI LI AIA:>, Air, """'°'°"'· co. Rod RD-, .U,,. & CW)' 31K Ml~) 510,960 .. ...... Cl&L••LllR AIAI>. Air, ,,.., a.a.. co. AIDJ9. *°'"""" ~ S14,&50 ,.,, Zllll3,,.,,. Sunfn ~ Manuf. SutltJ. &tail Prictl ............. $16,496 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $Z,ll07 Se/lino Price ............. 1 1 ~fJBB FACTOlfr REBA TE .................. ~000 1 .. ... . •9988 =J METCOtlT Mnr 211113 SMC s.t.ti Catt/I! V• IMnuf. SIJ(Jg. Ratal/ Pri<» .....•... $22,819 NABERS DISCOUNT ............. $3.831 Se/lino Price ............ ' 1 f!tfJBB FACTOlfr REBA TE ............... ~000 '...... •15 988 =J MET COtlT • M.w 111113 SMC Si#ra SlE Manuf. SutltJ. &tail Prictl ............. $28,091° NABERS DISCOUNT ................. ~ 581/ina Price ............. 12yss FA'CTOlfr REBA TE .................. N.000 ,....... *19 788 =J llET COtlT •