HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-01 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. ------r-· • a1 ,servir,ig tfJ.e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,JULYl ,2003 City in top 50 ·r or the Fourth Survey of hotel bookings finds tha t Costa Mesa ranks 30th ·as a Fourth of July d estination. Paul Clinton Oa1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -Costa M~ rank.'> among the tpp SQ desti- nations for this Founh of July, hut no one knows why. City officials and civic lead- er'> offered a number of prob- able explanations for the city's rank as the nation's No. 30 des- tination -a ranking derived from a list of booked hotel rooms -for the holiday. To Joe DeDio. the general manager of the city's Holiday Inn and president of the Costa Me\a Conferente and Visitor RECREATION- QUESTION "'-? Why do you think Cot1a M-.. ranked 30th ... Fourth of • Juty desiination this year? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 o r send e-ma/1 to dailypilot@latimes.com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone nuratler, for verification purposes only. Bureau, the ran.k.U1g 1!> a valida- tion of the city\ location and affordabiJJty. "You are getting .1 heck 'of c1 value (in city hott.+•I. and we are centraJJy locatrd," l>cl>io said. A night'!> stay [n 0 11<.• of the city's 2,038 hotel roo1m can '(Ull ~tween $89 and $121.f. De- See FOURnf, Page A4 S o l u ti O Il sought for park misuse Newport City Council i~ looking into hiring ra ngers to patro1 the city's parks. /f June Casa·erande OailyPrlot NF.WPORT BF.ACI I -IGds on a soccer team arrive at their reserved playing field to find a group of adults determined 10 continue their rugby ·game there. ResidenL'> near Lookout Poinl in Corona del Mar watch as a supposedly alcohol-free public park turns into what one neighbor caJJs "a night- club." Ma11y agree 1hat there\ a problem at the city\ parks and playing fi elds. but they di!><tl{rt'e on whether a proposed i.olu- tion going before till' City Council will make a dilforenct.'. At their next meetjng on July A. the Ory Counul will con- \tder hiring rwo part-tim e peo- ple to patrol the city'!> 57 parlc!. and t">pcciaJJy the 31:1 wnh play- ing field~. ·niese rangers would n·- i.pond to caJls and i.how up randomly to 3.Sl>We tha t park visitors are using the placei. properly. One of their b ll{&C'>t jobs would be to make '>Urt: See PARK, Paee M • . SEAN DUFRENE I DAILY PM.OT From left, City Manager Alan RDeder, Engineer Todd Switzer, Capt. Doug Wdson, Capt. Jack Schuitt and Fire Chief Jim Ertis. 'I PHOTOS B'r' 11£ Nl TREPTOW DAfl V Ptl < I The Costa Mesa Police and Fire Honor Guard delivers the new city flag iust before its rarsmg at Costa Mesa City Hall 50 years unfurl ~ \.J Costa Mesa kicks off annive rsary celebration with new flag and fo cus on vo lunteers Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot A new flag unfurled as city officials kiclct><l off Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary Monday by turning the '>pot.light on the volunteers who have helped the ciry run for half a century. While the exact anmver~ of eo ... 1a Mesa's incorporation w Cl.!. Sunday, Monday ldclc-started a year full of festivities that will culminate with a celebratory dinner in June 2004. A'> ciry official'> reflected on 50 year. of history. they emph.:l.l>i.zed how impo rtant volunteer. are to keeping the o ty running '>moothJy. "Vo_lunteer.. help extend and expand ex1Mmg city program '> by providing <;kills. experu.-.c. fre'>h tde~. ob1ec11vc viewpoint!> or an extra hand," Councilman Olm Steel sait.I. "Volunteers bring with them varied backgrounds, interests. experience and slcills that are of great benefit 1u the etry." Costa Mesa~ incorporated in 1953 after a failed a11emp1 in 1947, I listoricaJ Society hil>torian Mary fJll'll Goddard said. Ciry Councilman Mike Sch eafrr. who cas1 the deciding vole on the new Oag. raised the new city emblem at 1ht: ceremony. It feature'> C..oi.1a Me~\ "City of the Arts· mollo below the The new Costa Mesa city flag words "Cosra Mc~· on d tableau of a mec;a overlooking th e ocean. The city\ u1lor" of blue and gold are em phac,l/.t'd. along with magentd dnd i.:old Tne old Oag featu red the c11y\ See YEARS, Paee M - Answering the next call: retirement Three Costa Mesa firefighters caJJ it a career, leaving the hoses behind to spe nd their time searching for places to visit. life.· " l11ere\ no other wordi. to de- Withln th e department. Wtl-"rnbt• 11." he said "I c;unply loved son enj~ed mentoring jumor < oc,ta M~. • firefighters and a got warm ft't'I Altho ugh he lives 1n Mission ing in his heart each time he saw · V1ero now, Schu111 grew up m Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA-Many memo- ries are fre h in Doug Wtlson's mind. The Costa Mesa fire captain, who retired on Saturday. said his 28-year career with the city Dash- es in his mind's eye as he hangs up his heavy boots and yellow suit There was the toughest call be ever 1oolc -in 1981. when an iirplan~ crashed in the middle or THE VERDICT Victoria Street, killing four peo-those he mentored receive acco-Costa Mesa_ He and hi.s wife at- pie. lades and promouon:.. tended Newport I !arbor High "I was a lire engineer then." "But l don't. feel Hice the old n ~chool. Wilson said. "It was a difficult guy in the department.· the 53· ·Ille most memorable pan of call because the scene was pretty year-old Wt1son said with a bt'lng ht're for me was the people devastating. with body parts laugh. •My body does. but I feel I became friend5 with.· he said. scattered everywhere.· young at lieart. • ~vou hve. eat and c;leep together_ Then again, there were the 1Wo other long-timers also re-You be<-ome family· feel·good calls that accounted tired on Saturday -Capt Jack ~huin said he always derived for the majority of Wtlson's ca-SchuJn and Fi.re Engineer Todd a lot of satisfaction from the re- reer. · Switzer. spect he commanded as a fire- ~The cardiac saves usually Schuin was nick.named "the man. leave you with a good feeling. M dinosaur" in his department be-"I thua people were appreda- he said. MYou feel lilce you"ve cause be h eld the record for made a difference in someone's serving u,e longest . I remember the warm weather and I want Samoa Daily Pilot ATAGl..ANCE ONnEWEI: www..,,.,..can WEATHER .My41...,. ol)lll .. _ lhould: ..,.....,_ .... S.P'*9AJ. SPOltTI • ' ·s.UMMER TIME .. KIDS TALK BACK Season for fun . . .fun .fun ·· The Daily Pilot caugh t up with chfldren from · .· Child's Place day camp at the Downtown Recreation Center in · Costa Mesa and asked, 'What· is ·your favorite thing about summer?' w No school and no homework." ANGIE RODRIGUEZ, 12 Costa Mesa wsummer camp. because I get to meet new people and do fun things." KIARAMORA, 11 Costa Mesa '"I like the free time to go camping. :.wimming or go to lhe beach." SINDY > RAMIREZ. 12 .Costa Mesa "Surfing in Huntingtoa Beach.because it is fun and relaxing." WESLECLAY, 12 Costa Mesa "I like staying up late and doing whatever you want." PEE DEE MUNIGUIA, 11 Costa Mesa "Going to lhe pool and to !he beach.because it's fun and you go wilh your friends.· MARCO MATSU0, 12 Co<>ta Mesa "Going to !he pool and to lhe beach and no school. That's all" JAVIER HERNANDEZ, 9 Santa Ana -lntervi.ews and photos compiletl by Lo/i111 Hnrper ' SUMMER LEARNING -= -= =--= • DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Senior lifeguard Summer Hammons, left, catches 3-year-old swimmer Ryan Moran, who gets swim lessons at Costa Mesa Recre~tion Center. Strokes of summer · Cos ta Mesa offers several ways for yo ung ones to cool off and s tay aflo at during the hotter months. which foster. plt'nty of ind1V1dual attention. Swimmer~ partake m magic carpet ride~. where they get pulled around Lhe pool by their arms. They lean \ how to propel !heir legs like a "motor boat." and pick up the pace 35 the motor boat. "steps 011 the ga!>." Lolita Ha rper Daily Pilot T hey come up out of lhe water. gasping for breath, hap~ to feel !he brec1.e on thctr d1eeks and proud of their accomplL'>hments. Water mil' from lhe top:. of !heir heads and into their eyes.. A'> tht.'y wipe it off, they look to their µmud parehts. sitting SUMMER CAMPS NEWPORT BEACH • A $10 fee will be added per class $75 and ol)er and $5 per class $74 and under for non-residents. SUMMER DAY CAMP Children entering kindergarten through the seventh grade are welcome to attend a Community Youth Center Camp in Corona del Mar or Balboa. A trained recreation staff will provide an environment conducive to individuttl achievement. self-esteem and - SJ*>rtSmanship. Camp fees, from S90 to $110 per week, inclucte a weetdy excursion to a l0cal theme park or sporting ~ent and various beach poolside and a'k.. '"Did you see nw7" They are the future swimmer<; at one of Costa Me~·s many swim camps de'iign.ed to get local children \vater safe for the 'iummer. Lesson' run Monday through Friday every half hour, in two-week interv<1.b. Olildren learn the hasics of swimming in fun and interactive ways., with enthusiastic teachers. Mos.t cla~e!> are relatively s.mall, activities. Pa rticipants need to bring a lunch, sn&eks and sunscreen. The camp runs from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, call (949) 644-3161. · UuJe bellies 'uck out of.the water dS !he children pmctice Ooating. Water splac;h~ everywhere a:. students work. on :.Uong, powerful le.ides. And strapping musdes. abound as. the little swimmer-. execute "big arm\." that win giYe them experience S11iling · in e.ight-foot sabots. They will leam basic sailing skills such as rigging and boat maintenance. Participants must bring a Coast Guard-~oved life 'l«os PAoot.E CAMP Children 8 to 12 can learn the basic kayaking and outrigger canoeing stills as they paddle to destinations around N~rt Harbor. They will also enjoy crafts and a potludt barbecue at the Newport Aquatic Center on Fridays. Life jac:t-ets will be provided. Sessions run from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and begin as early as June 23. The fee is $165 per week. For more information, call the center at (949) 646-n25. .. ~d:et each day, as well es a daity snack. A $10 material fee will be due on the firS1 day. The camp, which COS'la $185 per session, runs from 9 a.m. to noon or from 1 to 4 p.m. ·For mo,r.e/ information, call (949) 644-3151. SAIUNGCNM' Children ages 8 through 12 can participate In ~n eight-day sailing camp SURFCAl/P Weeldong surf camp u •Ions for people age 8 and older wtU begin June 30. The clanes will te.cfl pettk:ipants the basic sldJls of. surfing and W8tet aafety. Wet suits ere lb'Ongly recommended. Suffboerda .... provided. Participenll lhould be capable of handling .............. celmtv in the wster. Ar1 ocean ewtm wffl be FYI Check the city's Web site at www.ci.cosra-mesa.ca.us for details. Or call (714) 327-7564. And of course, no swim camp would be complete wilhout learning to stick ypur head underwater and blow butjbles. Lessorf; are S30 for two weeks of watery merriment. They are ottered 1hroughout the summer. Gasses for ddults are also offered, minus !he cutesy water games. conducted on the ftrst day of dea. A $3 material fee la peyeble to 1he instructout first elm. The 111110.-.. which eott ta.~ hnt 1:30 '°. e.m. or from 9 to 10:30 a.m.. Mold9Vto · Frld9y. For "JCft In~ Cll .. ~161. Daily A Pilot Coral Wilson News assistant. 19491 574-4298 coral wilson larimes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach, Kent Treptow Boic 1560, Cotta Mesa. CA 92626. Copyright No news stories, illustrations. editonal matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without wnnen permission of copyright owner SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST We'll start off July relatively warm, with highs in the lower 80s in Costa Mesa and the mld-70s in coastal Newport Beach. Lows will fall shy of the mld-60s. We')I eee some dlouds very early and Yery late. SURF The southwest swell will J>Nk today, bringing us mostfy chest· to ahouldet"higha. There rrlay.,. a fffW heed-tlighs. VOL. 97, NO. 182 THOMAS H. JOHNSON •Publisher TONY DOOE.RO Editor ·' JUtlt OETTING A~~r t , Promotlons Director NewsEdlton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt, Paul Saltowitt. Danlel Stewns HEWSSTAff 0... lhnth -Crime end courts reporter, 19491 574-4226 dHpa.bhar.rhf/llatlme..oom JuM c ... ,,.. Newport Beach r9P0rter, .(Me) 574-4232 ' /UM.~~·/at/,.,... com ,...Clntott Polltlc9, bullMU and erwironrnent r9p0rter, (949) 764-4330 paul.cllnton@latl,.,....com Lolb...,,., Columnist. culture reporter, (949)57~5 lolita.11a,,,_.,.,,,,,...fOIJI O...New1w eo.u Meu repottw, (Mii 574-4221 deltdfe.,,..,.,.,,.,.,,,,..;...oom a........Cenllo E.ducedon ,..,_, IMI 51....._ ohrltJIJh&CMrlHo•latim..bom •, • READERS HOTLINE (9491642-6086 Record Vour comments about the Daily Pilot or news ups. · Addr9M • · Our add,.... I, 330 W. Bay Sl. Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.ni. Conwctions ' It ia the Piiot's policy to promptly correct all errors of 1ubstance. Please call 1949) 764-43~4. FYI The Newport~ Mesa Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) 11 awblished ct.ily. In Newport Beach an<! Colt• Mesa. aubecriptiona are available only by aublcribing to The Tl"lff Orange County 1800) 252·9141. In •rut outside of Newport e..cn lnO eo.ta Meaa, aubec:ffptlone 10 in. Dalty Piiot .,. Wlifabte only by first daee mtll for S30 I* month. (Pric:iN I~ ett aJ>Pf~ .ut• ar)d Ioctl taX91.) POSTMMTEA: Send~ d\eogea '° Th9 Newpon ~ Meea Oaity Piiot. P.O. HOW TO REACH US Clrc:uletlon The Times Orange County 1800) 252-9141 ~. au.Hied (949) 642 6678 Otsplay (949) 642·4321 ~ News (949) 642-5680 8pons l949)574-4223 News fa)c (949) 643-4170 St>ona Fu 1949) 850-0170 E-meM: dafl>tpi(ot'1Mtlmn.oom MelnOMoe lwlnea 0Moe {IM9l 642-4321 ...... Fax (!Mi) 631-7126 'u~ by Timee Community N9ws, • dlviskm of the Los Angetee Time... aooa Tlmee CN • .\11 right• r'""'9d. VVedneaday should be a tad warmer. tnfotmatlon: www.nws.noa4.gov BOATING FORECAST The windt will blow 5 to 10 ~ Mriy In the Inner w.tera, with 2-foot wavee and• mf)(ed west fW8lt of 3 to 5 .... and IOuttl Mell of 3 feet. Later, the winds wltf build to 15 tnoca. <A.I fenher, the nc>f1hw~ wtnde wMf blow . tllrOnger at 15 to 26 knots. wftt'I 2-to 4-fooc wevea and• mbc9d welC awaft of 5 .... and IOUlh ...el of 3 fMt. The IWefl wlM become we~ lt"8 evening Ind wll build to 8 ...... ~ltill loob decent. with more d'9tt· to shoulder-highs early on. The s~I will bedt down in the eftemoon. Thul'9day, ihe IW9f1 wlU bedc down, but we lhOufd ldtl ... some w.latl to cfte9t-hlgh9. The next 8weft roh ln t.t. Friday. --~ WWW • .U~OtJ1 TIDES TIIM 5!38a.m. 12:28 p.m. 4';28p.m. 10'.A6p.m. ....... .0.711Mtlow 157'-hW' Ul'-low ·8.0t '-hW' WATER TEMPERATURE --- Daily Pilot lue!>day Aly I. 2003 A3 Ready for takeoff l~l~f\11>f f 11 .1.'S --IH ' ( I" &. ( :\I{ p I I " After months of work, the .sand lot plane at Lions Park has been fixed up to approximate its o ri gi na l look. Delrdu Newman Daily ~ilot . COSTA MESA -Tbe plane at Uonc, Park -whlch has been off limi t" for the past two months for re\toration -is finally back innr11on. Wlulc the plane has been re- 'tcm•d to its former glory. the t lly 1\ 'tiU planning to add a hand1cdpped -accessible ramp lt·:u . .hng up to it. J -T . Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm· Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality Service' .. ... Nigbdy Eotcrta.ioment .. • F•r Rn~r11t1tiom Call (949) 646-7944 169) Irvine Ave .. Co,u Mc,.i Diucr n r.cnr-4 Mti.1 \,it fru•t ; '3 • ft.11 n °l"9 &J ' \0 But th~y didn't want lo dc- pnw kid~ or one or the most pop11l,ff allractions at the park a ny lungt·r. said Joe Bogart, sen-, 1or maintenance supervisor. So thl'y removed the fence on • S£ANIUl l ff-(JAi ,, I -WC'dllC)day. The plane at Lions Park in Costa Mesa has a new paint job thanks to a restoration pr~ct "Judg111g from the activity out thl·rc· thl' la\t couple of day~. tlwy'rt• t•nioying 11,'' Bogart ~1d. Om· of thC' landmarks at Uonc, l'.1rk. 1h1· rtane has been planted 111 lht• c,and play area ince the l.111· 190<h. <J11u· bngl y v. the plane I 1.i'> 1>1'l'll rec, ored tu the orig111al blue and military 111'>ign1a of an F491' Panther, a type Oown hy the Navy during thl' Kon.·an War. i.a1d Brutt• llartfry. rny rnainte nance ~er\.ltt:'> ma11agl'r "We wcn1 through a N.1vy Wl'h :-.itc anU trad .. l'd down tht' l'Xart lypt• of plane anti what II wa:. U'>l'd tor and 11\ il\!'.1gn11w111 and color rnark.ingc, and everything and tned to duplitate it a~ bt•'>t we could," I lartley -.;ud. fhe mamtenance div1'>10ll 1., worktng on gelling a recycled tire grant from thl' California In tcgrated Wa-.IP Managl'mt•n\ Board 100 it rnn uw rl't-yded rub her for the ramp Tlwn they will A little dab does a center The 25,000-square-foot El Camino Plaza undPrgoes a face-lift aft er a Costa Mesa rode enforceme nt officer's s ugges tion. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot ~II <., \ IJI I \lt\fl -A h1tll' pr11r11pt111g t.in lmng the d1·c,1rt'd fl''>llh • 1 lw m\ner of a Mesa Dd Mar o,hopp111g t l·n ter has fmalln·d .i n·1·a111p ol a huikhng that rity of ,Iii 1,i1, h.111 i.:111npl,Lined wa' a11 I'\ 1''01 l'. \\'111~ w1.1pp<'d up th!\ wn·k on I I C •11111110 l'IJ.1-<1, whkh I'> on I I '< .. 1n11110 I )nq· m·a.r I ..a Salle Av- 1·11111: \.V(· hJd to get that plat:e up to cl ( or B ...... ucJ Jtm ( 101fu .... a l OUl' l·nltm l'lnl'lll offit t·r "It hJd got 11·11 lo ,, D" (,olfo.., 11.1<.I rnp~1<.lered li111ng 1 <.·111t•r 0\\ nt:r 11 Camino Partnl'r'> ht·rall'l' of thl' volume uf u11n- plaint'> from re~ic.Jent~ in tht: ~k'a lll'I MM ncighbmhood Wilh Gullo,· proc.Jd111g. OH·r \eer ... Alden Managi:mcnt < .mup launched a fate-lift 111 April ol .1 l 'l.000 c,q11.1rc-foo1 \hoppmg t entt•r built 111 the edrly 19711\ I he group, work.mg frorn c.1 budgl'l not IO CXCl'ed $75,00U. rt• pclllllL'll 1:1 Camino PIM<!, rt· pdved 1he parkmg lot. liXl'U wood tnm w11h cxten'>l\'l' dry rot and Jt1Jl'd new ~ignagl'. "I thlll~ the lPllll•r luob rnuth, much helter." c,<11d \lo hammed Baghdad1, a \ 1n· prl'" cfrnt v.1th the group .. I hl''l' \\t'fl'rl°t major renovation,, hut 11 look!. much hetter for the rom munll)'. Now v. e ha\l' d p.11 l .ige 111 \l'll " Hight now. about a quarter of lht• renter rs vacant. I hl' hulld ing' ea~tl'rn end ha~ four empty ..rorl'lront~. While the renter\ wood ''"" 'These weren't major renovations, but it looks much better for the community. Now w e have a package to sell.' Mohammed Baehdadi A vrce president with Alden Management Group gll• rouf didn't lll'l'c.l upgrad~·'· ll<lghdad1 ~d. mui.:h ol the rc·,,1 of 11 did require upgr-Jdl''· It bl'gan with the c:ho(1..,111g ot c.1 Ill'\" color 't:hl'nW -l'mploy111g 1 rl•me, light brow11 and gn'l'll 111 '>lead ol faded blue and wh11e lor the exterior New h'Tt'Cll .111d- wh11e c,1gn<; \"ere ac.ldt.'d ahm e th<' roolhne 10 ma.kt• them mort• v1c,1blc. 1:1 (.ammo Partner-. purcl1ac,(.•d the center ahout ·two year. ago with plans to. tear c.Jown the cen- ter and huilJ hou:-.ing. (;olfo.., c.<1id. Tho-.e plarn. newr r.une 111 anything. paint \OOIC grn ph1C\ Oil II Ill fl'· '1·rnhle J runwa}. I lartl1·\· ,,ud <Jn t-nday. lid-. \Wfl' '< 1 am hl1ng aJJ IJVt•r lhl' pJ,11ll' 1111 lh 1,111, In the <<JI kpll cllld tlll ll1t• w111gc,. "11.... l'CJOI... I CJ year old I\ .111 Hamm•;,r c,a1d .iboLll thl' pl.1111·, lll'W look. Produce • Seafood • Deli ""'" ~ ~· \iorrtn( 1/11' <u mmm11ry for JO )r11rs (I' ' ( rll'u111111 ---CfUSTINO'S H OMEMADf SAI ADS MARJNAOF..5 "" t1!wnys 11 /Jig I lit' A\Hlll( ~' f"'Ol\IC• RI ~., l'or~10. fot 1 ~1 1~ \1 1 '~' "' \\I> P\\J\ 'I \ .$3 99 ' lh_ Alu1ay1 M11lte 11 Big &mg 1 \1'1 I lo. 1111 ltl\ flt II 1)11 ( lill kl\ & l'l'l '1'1'11 \II lltlt H ,,._\It.At. \hi I llJll\, I I \Ill\ (,~11111 "'Kl IR\, Pl\111 Oii (,"U Ir lh.\11 ( 1111 kl\ ,, \11'1 l..A"lll lo."11111\ FOR THE RECORD \uJ 111 ""'"f."' J 1il· ,, '' H 1• REEK MARINATED VEGlliBU KABOBS Services for Clladyi. Downs Bird wen> listed incorrectly in Saturday's paper. They will be held al 2 p.m. Thursday at the mortuary chapel at Fair- haven MemoriaJ P-Jrk in Santa Ana. ln The Older Crowd column that appeared in Saturday's paper. an 111 correct date was given for the Costa M~a Senior Center's . Jnd ependence Day barbecue. II wiU be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday. CUSTOM PIJ\ n ERS A1•111/able 111 111/ 11us Vt c,1,11 I ~ 11 ~II\) & ( 111 l \t l'i 11 11 K\, 51'1\Vll ,II l lli• \II \llkt>ll 01dn }1111ri F11rly1 ( ".,kst Ill() 's HOMEMADE SAlJSAGf.S Celn1111o's l11n Jl 1•,1rinin of I lomnnlul~ \1111.sagl's. • Brarwurst • Italian • Polish • Linguisa $3 99 lh. Gre111 1111 the y:rtll' HOT DOG Had a Great I lot Dog Late~y? Drop fJn by and try one' T/,ry go real!., jtJSt fl Ordrr early' Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRANO PRIZE Srt on the pla yers bench during thP match and meet rising tennis star Maria Sharapova for an exclusive phOto opportunity on Wednesday July 16 when the Newp0r1 Beach Breakers meet the St Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club trom 7·10 pm This lucky reader will also receive Newport BPach Breakers team autographed memorabilia · 1•· PLACE s:=-Em One Lucky Reader w1 w., 2 ~oats in the Players Pro· Am Clinic on F-nday Juli 18 lrom 5-6 30 om a1 Palisades Tennis Club taught 0by a oro coach or oro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesda t Julv 16 maltn tr om 7-10 p m GRANO PRIZE and 1· PLACE WINNERS Will be anounced during half-time on July 16 F1vr LUCKY WINNERS will each receive 2 tickets to erther the July 16 (vs St Louis Aces) July 20 1vs Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs Kansas City E•plorers) matches All matches start at 7 p m It's easy to enter Fill out the entrv lorm below and mail t to the Daily Pilot (mctude Newpon Beac;h Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope 1 to be received by Fnday July 11 at 5 p m Or bnng rt by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W Bay St . Costa Mesa dunng regular business hours Monday -Fnday 8 30 a m to 5 p m No purchase is necessary. Winners writ be picked by 'random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match Emp/oyefS and tlle1r rtlatrvts ol lht Daily Ptlot TtmtS Communttv NPws Los Angtles TimtS and Tnbune ComtMnr art intltgtOlt Ptctured below: Bnan MacPrne -...: ______ _;_ _____ ~~~~~----.,., ... ....._ ______________ _ ....t: __________________ _ ~.~ ~ '· KIDS TALK BACK Season. for fun fun fun The Daily Pilot caught up with children from Child's Place day camp at the Downtown Recreation Center in Costa Mesa and asked, 'What is your favorite thing apout summer?' "No school and no homewmt!' ANGIE RODRIGUEZ, 12 Costa Mesa • ·summer camp, because I get to meet new people and do fun Lhings." KJARAMORA, 11 Costa Mesa "I like the free time to go camping, swimming or go to the beach." SINDY RAMIREZ, 12 Costa Mesa ·surfing in Huntington Reach.because it is fun and relaxing." WESLECLAY, 12 Costa Mesa "I like staying up late and doing whatever -you want." PEf DEE MUNIGUIA, 11 Costa Mesa "Going to the pool and to the beach, because it's fun and you go with your. friends." MARCO MATSUO, 12 Costa Mesa "Going to the pool and to the beach and no school. That's all." JAVIER HERNANDEZ, 9 Santa Ana -Interviews and photos romplled by Loli tll Ha~r SUMMERTIME • • SUMMER LEARNING . .. =--== --=--= DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Senior lifeguard Sommer Hammons, left, catches 3-year-0ld swimmer Ryan Moran, who gets swim lessons at Costa Mesa Recreation Center. ~ . Strokes of summer Cos ta Mesa offers several ways for young ones to cool off and stay afloa t during the hotter months. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T hey come up out of the water. gasping for breath. happY 10 feel the bre<.'te on their cheeks and proud of their accomph5hments. Water roll'> from the tops of their heads and into their eyei.. As they wipe it off, they look to their proud parents sillillg SUMMER CAMPS ·- NEWPORT BEACH • A $10 fee will be added per class $75 and over and SS per class $74 and under for non·rosidents. SUMMER DAY CAMP Children entering kindergarten through the seventh grade are welcome to· attend a Community Youth Center Camp in Corona de~ar or Balboa. A trained recreation staff will provide an environment conducive to individual achievement. self-ilsteem and sportsmanship. Camp fees, from $90 to $110 per week, include a weekly excursion to a 16cal theme part or sporting event and various beach poof.,ide and a'>k. "Did you see me?" They are the future swimmeri. at one of Costa Mesa's many swim camps designed to get local children water safe for Lhe summer. Lessons run Monday through Friday every half hour. in two·week intervals. tllildren learn the basics of '>Wimming in fun and interactive ways. with enthusiastic teachers. Most classes are relatively small, activities. Participants need to bring a lunch, snac:U and sunscreen. The camp runs from 7 a:m. to 6 p.m. For more information, call (949) 644--3151. KIDS PADOL£ CAMP Children 8 to 12 can learn the basic kayaking and outrigger·canoeing skills as they paddle to destinations around Newport Harbor. They will also enjoy crafts and a potluck barbecue at the Newport Aquatic Center on Fridays. Life jackets will be provided. Seuions run from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and begin as earty as June 23. The fee ls $155 per week. For more ~i;;:~n, call t~e center at (949) SMJNGCAIM' Children ages e through 12 can participate in an eight-day sailing camp '· which fosters plenty of 111dividual artention. wimmer., partake in magic carpet ride5, where they gel pulled around the pool by their armi.. They learn how to propel their legs like a ·motor boar," and pick up the pace as the rnoror boat "step~ on the gas." U1tle bellie5 '>lick out of the water as the children prJctice floating. Water splashe-. everywhere as students work on i.trong. powerful kicks. And i.trapping muscles abourid a~ the li1tle i.wimmer5 <•xec:ute "big arms." that'Will give them experience "sailing in eight-foot sabots. They will learn basic salUng attill11uch as rigging and boat maintenance. Participants must bring a Coast Guard-epproved life jacket each day, as weft as a daily. sn~ A $10 material fee will be due on the first day. The ~p. which oosta $185 per session, runs from 9 a.m. to noon or from 1 fo ~ p.m. FQt more inf~ion, call (949) f>44..31S1. SURFCAl/f> Weeldong surf camp '"9ion8 for people age 8 and older wHI begin June 30. The classes Will teech ~ the basic skills of, turfing •nd ~ safety. Wet suits are tVongly recommended. Surfboefdl ,,. provided. Pardcipantl lhould be capebfe of handling......._ calmtv in the water. AA oceen ewlm wM be · FY1 Check the city's Web site at www.ci.costa-mesa.ca.us for details. Or call (714) 327-7564. And of course, no swim camp would be complete without learning to stick your head underwater and blow bubbles. Lessons are S30 for two weeks of watery merriment. They are offered throughout Lhe summer. Oasses for Jdults are also offered, minus the cutesy water games. conducted on the ftnt *v of c:llel. A $3 m8'erial fee la peylble 10 the INtNc:tor et ftrat dw. The..-•• whid\ c0.a ta. ND hrn 1::90 to I a.m.. · or from 9 to t0:30 ....._Handly ID ·frid9r. For,...,,. ....... 1111' .. Cll .. &M-3161. • -· D9ily A Pilot' ContlWlbon Ne'M as11S1ant, 19491 574-4298 coral.wilson@l(ltimes com PHOTOGRAPHERS " Sean Hiller, Don Leadi. Kent Treptow Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news stories, 1llustratlons, editorial matter Of" advertisements hef"ein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright ownef". SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST We'll start off July relati.vely warm, with highs i=e lower 80s in Costa Mesa a d the S~RF The southwest swell will .peak todey, bringing u, mostty chest· to ahoutdeH'llgha. lfhere may be a few heed-highs. . VOL. 97, NO. 182 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publlahef" TONYOOOEAO Editor . JUf1't OETTING Adveltlaino Director LANA lOt4NSON Promotion• Oitecto, -... Gina Ale~nderson, Daniel Hunt, P8ul Saitowitz. Daniel Stevens NFNSSTAFf 0...,. 8'w1lth Cdme aodwwrta reportef",• (949) 57f-'226 dHpa.bh•rathtlfatlmt».oom . JuneC1119rwlde Newport e..cn repo'1ef". (IM9) 674-4232 }U,,._Ol/Ullrtlflde l•tlma.com ,_..camun Polltlc:a, bullneea and environment ,, reporte<, (949) 764--C33o paul.clinton•Jatl,,.,.com ~......., Columnllt, culture repotte<, (&t9)57~5 lol1ta.hll,,,.,. ,.,,,,,. "°'" ·o.w..• ...... Coeta Meu ,..,,.,, (Ml ~1 de/rdfe,l'lllMNn·~ Qi:klluC.... EdUc9doftNPOtW, ( .. ) ~ ~t»frl11o•1a11maoom REAOERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Record your comments about 1he Daily Pilot or nows tips. Addrese Otlf" addresa 11 330 W. Bay St, Colle Mesa, -CA 92627.~ houri are Monday -Friday, 8: a.m. -5 p.m. Correction.. l It Is the Pilot'• pollcv. o promptly correct all error1 of 1ubstance. Pleate call (94917~. FYI The Newport ee.ctveoltll ~ Dally Pilot CUSPS-144-8001 It published deity. In N.wport BMCh and Co.i. Meta, 1ublcriptlona ere available Oflly by tublcribing to The Tlmee Ortnge C9untv (800) 252·91'1. In a,... outtlde of Newport hadl •nd eo.c.. Meu, eublc:riptionl to the DeJtv PMot .,. ....,...... ontv by ftnt daa mell for S30 per month. 1Pric91 fndude ... ~ ........ ltod IOcel ..... , POS'l'MMrER. S4nd eddrwl ~toThe~ ~ Meee Dalty P110t. P.O. HOW TO REACH us· Clteullttlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwrtl9it19 a...ffled (949) 642-5678 Dllptey.(949) 642-4321 EdltCNW News (949) 642-5680 8pofte (949) 574-<t223 News Fu (949) ~170 8pod9 Fu (949) 960-0170 E-.1: dllllypllot•tarlma.oom Ml*'l<>Moe .. .._ OMce (949) 642-4321 lullw Fu (949) 631-7126 Pllbti.;. by Tlmee Community Hewe. • divilk>n of iM Los Anoelee Tima e2003 Tl"* CN. NI r1ottt. '"91¥9d. mid-70s in coastal N rt Beach. Lows will fall ehy of the mld-00.. We'll see 90me clouds very earty af\d very late. Wednesday should be a tad warmer. lnforin.tion: www.nws.noaa.(JOv BOATING FORECAST The windS will blow 5 to 10 knots •rtvJn the Inner....,.., wtth 2-footw.ves end• mixed WISt ewetl of 3 to 5 feel end IOUth swell of 3 fMt. Latw, the winds will build to 15 ~. Out f1'1her, the not1hwe9terty windl wll blow Mre>Ager et 15 to 25 ~ wtd'I 2· to 4-foot W8Y9I end. mbced W9lt ..... of & '"'end'°""' tw'911of3Mt. The1W9"wll becolM •••11.ty""' ~ end .. build to ..... Wednetdrf atiU k>ob decent.' wtth men ct--to Jhoulder-hlghs earty on. .The swell will beck down In the afternoon. Thursday, lhe swell will bedt down, but WI ahoukl ldH ... IOfM Wllist· to d"'9t-Nghe. The next lwell role In Ille F-rid9y. W.....-lty: WINW • .Urlr0er.Ol'fl TIDES 11Me 5:31a.m. 12:28p.m. 4;21p:tn. 10:45p.m. . .. Dally Pilot Ready for takeoff After months of work, the .sand lot p lane at Uons Park ha~ be~n fixei up to apprmomate its original look. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -'Ille plane at I Jons Park -which has been off limit!> for the past two months for re'itoration ._ Is fmally back in action. While the plane has been re- 'tored to its former glory, thE; rny b stilJ planning to add a handicapped·acccssible ramp ll'ading up to it. ---=- Hut they djdn't want to de- prave kids of one of the most popular allraclloni. al the park <111) longer, said Joe llogart. sen· 111r mainienam:e !>Upervisor. So lhl'y removed the fence on W<'dnc,day. ')f AN Hill [k r)A l' ;;1 r • The plane at Lions Park in Costa Mesa has a new paint job thanks to a restoration pro1ect. "ludgang from the activity out thl·n· the lill.l couple of day<,. they'r~ cn109'{lg 11," Hogart said. One of the l\ndrnarks at Lion!> l'.1rk. tht' plane ha'> been planted 111 tht• -.and play area since the l.m· I %0~. <>nu· bright yellow. the plane li,1, been re.,torcd to the original -.. blue a nd military 1n..,ignia of an color markings and cverytl11ng J-=49F Panther. a type flown hy and tned to duplicate it a'> ht">t Lhe Navy durin~ the Korean War, we could." I lartley '>aid. !>aid Hruce l ldrtley, cny mamte· The m:untt·nance divi.,1on 1., nam·e 'l'fVlle'> ma11.1ger working on getting a recycled "Wt• went d1niugh .1 N<ivy Web tire grant from the Califor111<1 Jn '>i tc yntJ tratked tlown the l:'Xact tegrated War.te Managt•mrnt type of plan<: <111d what it wa!> Board i.o 11 u m use recycled rub uM·d for and 11> iL\\1gnme111 and ber for the rdmp. Then they will A little dab does a center The 25,000-square-foot El Camino Pl aza undergoes a face-lift a fte r a Costa Mesa code enforcement officer's s uggestion. Paul Clinton Dally Pilot ~IViA Dr.I MAR A li11lc prompting can hnng the drs1red 11·.,uh I h1· owner of ~k'><l lkl Mar "h11pp1ng n•nt r ha., finalvcd a 11·\arnp of< 1ld111g that city nl · 111 1.il' had con1pl.iined was an t'\ 1·.,orl' \\or\.. vrn1ppt'U up till' \'llt't'\.. 011 I I < .11111110 l'IJ.1..a. v. h1d1 1., on 11 c ,111111111 l>me m·.ir l..:i \alle Av t'll\lt With (,oJro .. · rrotld111g, over· "eers Alden Managl·m1•r11 (,r oup launched· a face-hf1 111 1\pnl of a 25.000-">quare· foot 'hoppi11g l l'llWr buiJt in the t:drly I 'li'lh l1ll' h'fOUp" WOrltng from .l budget not to exceed $71.000. re JMlllll'd 11 Camtno Pl.vJ. rt'- pavt•d tht• park111g llll, li>.l'J wood lfltn with extt'll'>I\.!' drv rot J/ld .1dded new '>lg11.1gt· "I 1h111k the ll:'lllt'I look.-. 'These weren't major renovations, but it looks much better for the community. Now we have a package to sell.' Mohammed Ba£hdadl A vice president With Alden Management Group gle roof d1tln't need upgr.ick.,, 8t1ghdJd1 'aid. much ot the rt'' of it did rl'411ire upgradl''>. II hegan w11h the choo'>111g of J nl'\'1. color ... chtme -cmploy111g trl:'me. llWit brm·vn and h'Teen 111 ~teat! ol faded hlue and v..hllt· - for lhc exterior. New green <llld wh11t· ''>9'" \Vere added abow thl' rooOtne to rnake them 1111irc visible. paint :.onw grnph1r' on 1l to· rl' .,emble a runway, J lartle~· 'a1tl On I nday. kid., Y-erl' '>t mm blmg all owr thl• pl.me -on lh 1.lil. 1n tht· t orkp11 <and 011 1111· w111g~ "It\ (()Ill." Hanurc:r <,a1d l\l'W lt1Cl.X I() YPJr·oltl I\ :111 about the plH1H' ... .FOR THE RECORD Servtce~ for Glady!. Downs Bird were l~ted · incorrectly in Saturday's paper. They wdl be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the mortuary chapel at Fair- haven Memorial Parle in Santa Ana. · In The Older Crowd column that appeared in Saturday'<; paper. an in· correct date wa& given for the Costa Mesa Senior Center's Independence Day barbecue. It will be held from 10 am. to 2 p.m. Thursday. • Tuesday. Jtiy I, 2003 A3 Featuring A live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality Service .. ' ... Nigbdy Entcrta.inmcot' .. for R,uri•atio1u Call (949) 646-7944 1695 Irvine Ave., Cu~•a MeY 0..... ,. vn..4 \CM !.M ftom \.JO ' II., II .,... II I lf Ctlestino's ""~I~ . qu.i1 11,· \IE ,\·I S Produce • Seafood • Deli ~1ff1~ ""' ~~ ~'int the ( 11mmumry for JO years 1 /I' . . (.,/m11w1 CELfSllNO S HOMEMADI-. SAJADS MAruNADf5 art' always 11 /Jig //111 A\l~RI( ...... PCll\I() °RI ·~· " PoH10. Cot 1 S1 111 ~1 ,, 'k• "' .. ,lJ P\\H ,, I .$3 99 . lb. \utl "' bn"t" dnlr 11 tl·t ,, •oJ.i, CUSTOM Pt.Arr ER5 tl11aifllbu 111 11/J l/U'S. \'11 ,1.11 l n1 ,\fHI & ( 1111'1 P \I llM\. St'l'-" II \I I fl I \I \lllCI 10 Ortbr ~ours f,11rfy ' <.elrs 1111 o's H OMEMADE SAUSAGES Ceustinoi 1111.s 32 1111ri(ties of I lomnrwtb ~11Usagn • Brarwurst • ltaJian • Polish • Linguisa .4/way.c M11Ju a Bix Ba,,r.f. \1\\ 11\\tlOR\lSllJ llll ( lllC I.I'\• & r 1,l\1•1•11 ~11 lllJI F1 '"' l,ff41. \ht 11<111\, IJ \lll\ (,\JCI 11 h.111011\ l'l \I" 111< (,\kJJC lh.\11 ( 1111 1..1' \\'l'I \11,r l.A.'411 1\.~\lllll\ GREEK MARINATED . VEGETABLE KA.Boss $3 99 lh (rr(at on th~ grill' HOT DOG Had a Gren.I Hot Dog lau~y? Drop o'i b_y and try 011e' They go T't'af1.y j1u1 So Ortkr early.' "\\'t• had 10 get th.11 place up to .1 C. nr H " ..a1tl hm < 1olfo .... a code l'ntnru:mc111 olTilt'r. "It had got· tl'll Ill <1 1>: < .olfo-. h.td rnn.,.dered 11nmg t e111er O\.\ ner I I< .c:1mmo l'dftncr~ twcau...e of tht• \olurne of com pldmt~ from re.,1tlcnt' 111 the ~fr-..1 DI.'! Mar m•1ghbnrhood. Hlllt h, much Octler," '-did \lo hammed Haghdad1. <l v1n• prc.,1 · dt•nt w1lh lhe group -I lll'!>e ~l'fl•n't ma1or renovatum.,, but ti looh much be::tter lor thl' tom- munity. Now we haw a package to \t'll." Hight now. about J (.jllJrtcr of tht• Cl'nter 1i. vacant I he bu1ld- mg' ea.,tem end h.i., fuur ernpl\' .,.orcfront• .. l:I Ca1n1110 Panners purcha-.ed the center about two year'> a~o with plani. to tear down the cen· 1er and build 1:!9using, Colfo'> ..aid. Tho-.e plails never came to anyth111~. Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. 'N'hile the center\ wood ,h111-Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRAND PRIZE Srt on the players bench during tne match and meet rrsrng tennis star Mar a Sharapova tor an e'<clusrve photo opportunity on Wednesday Ju•v 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St Lollis Aces at the Pahsacles Tennis Cldb from 7·10 p m This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beacn Breakers team autographecl memorab11ta 1" Puce .... ._ One Lucky Reader w1 ,., 'l 2 ~.pofs in ttle.P1ayers Pro Am Clinic on Friday Ju~, 18 from 5·6 30 p m at Pa11sacles Tennis Club taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday July 16 match from 7 · 10 p m GRAND PRIZE and 1· PLACE WINNERS Wiii be imounced during half.lime on July 16 FIVE Lucn WrNN£RS wrl each rece•ve 2 tickets to erther the July 16 (VS St LOUIS Aces) July 20 IVS Sacramento Caprtals) or July 25 (vs Kansas C1tv Explorers) matches All matches start at 7 p m It's easy to enter Frll out the entry form below and mail 11 to the Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope1 to be recerved by Fnday July 11 at 5 p m Or bring rt by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa dunng reQutar business hOurs Monday • Friday. 8·30 a m to 5 p m No purchase rs necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match EmployetJs and thetr relatlveS of /flt Oi1/'t PllOI Times Communtty Nl'WS Los Angtles Times and Tnbu~ Company m mt/ip1ble Pictured beJow: Briafl MacPhie v , M Tue5day, Jti-J 1, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY .. " Gallery_ n~e.ds a riew · home after fire Square Blue Art gallery and nearby studio suffer $50,000 in damages in Newport Be~~ blaze on Saturday. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot ~hingle .roof · and b¥ the common attic space, Bos- ton said. NEWPORT BEACH -, "That's why the fire had a Bradford Salamon i,s ahn.id lot of potential to spread to look undec the mound of and become a major fire," rubble in his sturuo. she said. His lithographs, archives Boston said firefighters and Life's works are in the nm only doused the Oames studio on Old Newpon with water but identified Boulevard that a late Satur-hot spots in the structure. day night fire ravaged and using thermal imitgery to that, officials say, caused find and extinguish fires SS0,000 in damages. thl\t were still burning in Bot fortunately for Sala-the inner walls, but not vis· mon and for Jamie Wilson, ible. who owns Square Blue Art The cause of the fi re ii> Inc., a gallery adjoining Sa-still under investigation, she lamon's sturuo, Newport said. Beach firefighters acted Wtlson said she is thanlc- quickJy, and the fire, which fuJ that her building suf- couJd have resuJted in a far fered onJy smoke damage. greater loss, was snuffed All her paintings were al- out quickJy. · fected by the smoke. but The blaze began shortly can be salvaged, she said. after 11 p.m. Sarurday. Fire· "The works that were on fighter~ responding-to the display are irreplaceable call saw 15-to 20-foot because the artists are de· flami:!> shooting up from ceased," she said. lhe roof of the structure, Wtlson, who rents the hre Department spokes-space. said she would have woman Donna Boston said. to move her gallery else- fhe fue had l>p re'ad up where. ~ the outside wall of the two-"I'd love to stay either in story building on to the roof Newpon Beach or Col.la and into the attic. sh'e t.aid. Me:-a, .. she said. ""fnis area f"ighLing tJ1e fire wa~ also hall ;,i certain funkiness to it complicated by the wood that is desirable for me." POLICE FILES COSTA MESA the 400 block at 5:43 a.m Sunday. • Adams Avenue: A vehicle NEWPORT BEACH burglary was rep(5rted in the · •West Bay Avenue: Battery 1600 blade at 1 :48 p.m. was reported in the 1400 Sunday. · , blade at 10:09 p.m. Sunday. • Anton Boulevard: A vehicle • West Coast Highway: burglary was reported in the · Battery was reported in the 500 blode at 12:44 p.m. 2600 blade at 1 :49 a.m . S'unday. Sunday. • Bristol Street: Grand theft •Jasmine Avenue and was reported in the 3300 Ocean Boulevard: Illegal blade at 3:22 p.m. Sunday fireworks were reported at • Harte Avenue: An auto . 8:39 p.m. Sunday. theft was reported in the • Newport Boulevard: Petty 2600 blodc at 9:14 a.m. theft was reported in the Sunday. ...._ . I d . 1 W d _ 3200 blo ..... at 10.36 p.m. • n ustna ay an S da Newport Boulevard: ~n if..V-VI 0 . Possession of drugs was • ac 1~ iew nve: . reported at 1 a.m. Sunday. Vandalism was reported in • Joann Street: vandalism the 3200 block at 8:06 a.m. was reported in the 700 Su~day: ~ block at 9:03 a.m. Sunday. • R1vers1d~ Avenue: A • Victoria Street: A commercial burglary was hit-and-run was reported in reported in the 100 blade at the 900 block at 11:26 a.m. 7:46 a.m. Sunday. Sunday. • Sherington Place: Burglary •East 16th Street: A was reported in the 2100 hit-and-run was reported in block at 1:48 p.m. Sunday. - VERDICT Continued from Al Now. on an island the size of Samoa, you know most people, so I had met hei before. but didn"1 know ber that well. We chatted. and <>omehuw the convers.ation got around 10 Maugham and the story he h ad written. !>ense of humor. She" took me seriously and gave m e a strong lecture about marriage, its responsibilities and my duty toward my life. l'm sure c;he meant to give me a life les!>on, but the only lesson I derived was to be sure of your audience when you tell a Joke. I promptly suggested that we take up where Maugham left off. only she wouJd be the missionary. and I would be the faJle n one, in this ca~e a man Unhappily, the lady had no Meanwhile, as I sit bundled up against the'dank June weather, I think wistfully of Samoa. 250 inches of rain? I can handle it as long as it's warm. • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former 1udge His column runs Tuesdays SPECIAL SALE . STAINMASTEI XTRA LIFE s 1999 By Mohawk lnatalled with deluxe pad ... ,d. FOURTH Continued from Al Diosaid. Priceline.oom. an Online do-it- yourself travel company. reie.sed the list of top SO locadons on June 23. Costa Mesa placed above such high-profile locations as Miamis South Beach, the Las Vegas Strip and San Francisco's fbhennan's Wharf: Newport &tach. which has a YEARS Con~ed frotn Al previJis mono, "Hub of the · Harbor Area· The Oag-raising. accompanied by a trumpet, was anti-climatic, as the flag jllst hung there motionJess, all furled up. for a few minutes. A gust of wind finally unfurled the flag in all its colorful glory, inspiring a loud round of applause. "What a great-looking flag." said Scheafer, who focused his comments on the city's ability to maintain its quaint charm. #{Wei celebrate a ru\{erse and tolerant commufiity." Scheafer said. "Costa Mesa is a place for everyone. It embodies a small towh atmosphere, but allows for change." Steel also lauded the city for its ruversity. "We're fortunate to have diversity .here," Steel said. "It"s PARK Continued from Al tl1a1 pl!ople who prud for speciaJ- event permilS or who reserved playing fields aren't sen! packing by people who showed up first and simply don't want to budge. Some say that two part-time rangers couJd go a long way toward· deterring ·misuse of city parks and ball fields. Others say they wouJdn't make a dent. "They will not be expected to hit every park site every day. That's pan of the point," Re- creation and Senior Services Di- rector Marie Knight told the City CALL Continued from Al tive of us even before ~pt. 11." he said. Schuin said he plans 10 i>pend his retirement traveling around tJ1e country with his wife. Switzer was not available for comment.on Monday. Together, the three men re· presented about 85 years of ex- perience, Costa Mesa Banalion Olief Ouistopher Riley said. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@fatimes.com; ·by fax to (94S) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete hstlng is available at www.daifypifot.com. TODAY ·eeach Landscapes 8t Rowers· will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through Sept . 30. The exhibit features ~gitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islaods by Donna Ruzldea and colorful umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller. For more information, call (949) 717-3816", Artistry will combine with passion for a popular sport in ·rennis in Art:' an exhibit of paintings by Jose Mendoza, on display in the Newport Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. For more information, call (.949) 717-3816. WEDNESDAY Otlkhn .,, ..... flnt through sixth grades are invited to "Storytelling Safari• et 3 p.m. at the Mariners Brandl Public Library. The program "wm be repe•ted at 1~ a.m. July 3 at thtl Balboa Branch. For more 1nfoi:matlon, call (949) 717-3816.. ntURSOAY Otlchn .,,~. flrt111\rough 8i>Cth gredet •re Invited to •storytelling S.ferr •t 10:30 a.m . at Balboa Brandl Public Library. f'.or more information, call (949) ,717~6. . UC hint wfl houee a.,._ yop ltudiea open "°'6M thlt offwt a general lntl'Oduction Ind explanetlon of puJa end__,,.. how bllic PfOC 11111 c:en trlnlfonn your~ ... bi,' ptecing It lh. conteawt of expending Mff·~ The ct.. runt ftom 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. In Univenfty Extanelon A. roOm. -~ number of Fou.nh of JUJy acdvlties, did not make the list. In addition to the Newport Dunes Waterfront Desort~ annual flreworts display. a boat parade CWl also be seen Jn Newport Harbor. And West New- port is mwilly party central. Oddly enough. no major ftre- woJb eveJtts are scheduled ro~ Costa Mesa, even though It's one of the few dties where one can LC: gaily~ fireworts. . Are tourists booking hotel ~ Y, Costa Mesa and beading to Newport Beach for lndepend- ence Day festMties7 "Not really... Newport Beech Mayor Steve Bromberg said. "I can't really explain that one. We've got so many events going on here." Oe.Dlo and others attributed the city's robust boo~ in part to a bureau promotion that has, been offered since April. As part of the "dive and drive" promotion, guests receive a package that in· dudes a discounted room rate. S4;() toward a m eal at one of 15 restaurants and a S25 gas voucher. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Former Costa Mesa mayors Jack Hammett, left, and Mary Hornbuckle salute and applaud with Hornbuckle's grandson. Ben Chretin, 4, as ttie Costa Mesa Police and Fire Honor Guard prepare to raise the new city flag . very reflective of the state and the county." Byron de Ar~. a volunteer who serves on the Park!. and Council at a study sesl>ion on the maner this past Tuesday Leaders of a number of com- munity youth Sports groups spoke in favor of the move. Some shared stories· of how· !>p orts teams from other areas come to use Newpon fields without reser- vations because the word is. out that the city has no enforcement WTh6-0ther communities know that there's no enforcement here." said' Olarlie Massengill, Newport Harbor Baseball Oub president. "There' aJI soru. of ac- tivity going on at Mariners tl1a1 shouJdn't be going o n." But the council is divided on lhe proposed solution: a self· funded park patrol !Jf two offi- "That's a lot of years." he said. "Jt's going to create a huge vacuum in our depanment. We're going to miss t.hem." Riley said aJJ three were "very well Jilced and well respected" during their time in Costa Mesa. Wilson, who had quite a com- mute to work from his home in Lake Arrowhead. said the com - munity in Costa Mesa m ade the long drive worth his while. "Working with thb community was the funnest thing for me." he said. WLiving in Lake Affowhead and working in Costa Mesa ga\'e 101 and l~ore informa~ion •. call )949) 824-5592. FRIDAY The American Legion Yacht Club will host the 481h Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of dedeed out yachts parading along the waters of Nevvport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories eligible for awards. For more information, call (949) 673-3546. Recreation Commission and a former Daily Pilot columnist, said he was moved by the ceremony: cers. Mayor Steve Bromberg wor- ried that the city might encounter problems ar even legal liabilicy if the rangel'1> got into an ~gly con- frontation witl\, say. someone il- legally using alcohol. ·111e rangers wouJd be ttain.e<l by the Police Department and by the Code En- forcement Oivtsion to handle a variety of problemi.. rney would have radlo con1mun1calions with police for lll'itances t.hat caJJ for trained offiter.. <..ouncilman Tod Ridgeway wonied that the mo officer'> wouldn't have enough of an ef- fect: But Gary Adarm pointed out that the program is worth a try became youth sports groups huve aJready agreed to pay~· por- me the be'>! of both worlds ... \\l"ll<,on wa<. r~ponsible for starting the !-'ire Department's annual golf tournament and worked lo proVJde academic schola,.,h1ps at the c11y's high schooL Wilson .. aid h1<. reurement was a little premature hecause of his knee injliry • · '"I don't ha\'l' any immediate retirement plaris. he said. "The first thing I need to do 1'> have knee replaceme111 surgery on both knee'> ·· But for the tnjury, he wouJd · Mother's Market, 226 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. JULY9 Jet Set Introductions invites the public to an exclusive evening to meet some of Orange County's most eligible singles at its ·Where the Ehte Meet• mixer from 6 to 9 p.m. at Brio Restaurant in Corona del Mar. The cost is S75 per person. Wear codctail attire. For reservations, call (949) 233-6405 before July 2. •Aemlsh G•rden Styte Designs• is the subject of a floral design class to be taught at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9 a.m. All materials are included in the $45 registration fee. Pre-~lstratioh is required. For more information, call (949) 673-2261. On the Pricellne.oom survey, Chlcago's North Micbl&an Avenue took the top spot. followed by Or· lando' Dlvley V.Orld. midtown ' Manhattan and downtoWn Se- attle. WashingtQn. O.C. barely inched out Costa Mesa. coming in al No. 29. • AWl. CLINTON covers the environment business and polrt1CS. He~ be reached et (949) 764-4J3o or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.oom. 'Costa Mesa is a place for everyone. It embodies a small town atmosphere, but allpws for change.' Mike Scheafer Costa Mesa city councilman "I'm not one to get too emotional, but it was really touching to me because I think Costa Mesa, having reached kind of a mjddJe-age point, I think fundamentally at its core, it still stands for people to come to a town and make their own way by having tl1e freedom to make t.he cho ices tO pursue a busineS!> or raJse a family.· de ArakaJ said "It's corny. but it"s what an American city ought to be." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled at (9491 574-422 1 or by,e·ma1I at detrdre newman a,/at1mes.com tion of the $52.000-a-year co~c The rest will be paid for with m creased rental and reservatLon fees. "They've com t up with a ~Ju tion that doei>n"t cost anybody but tJ1e users, and the users arl' willing 10 pay fo r it." Adams said The council agreed to pun.ul' the 1dl'a fu nher After staff come<> back w11h som e rnore infonna- uon, the rnunctl will vote on the ma11er 111 a regular council meet mg •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beecti and John Wayne Airport She may be readled at (949) 574 4232 or by &·marl at /Une Casagrande a" /at1mes.com have '>ef\ed fur two mure year-.. \\ 1ho11 !klld Still. reu rements are b1rter- <,wect When positions are left vacant. o ther!. get promoted. RJ- ley o;a.Jd. uwc have very quaJified and deserving people being pro- moted tu chose· position.,," he said. "Thi., t'i good f~r them ·· • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts She may be reached at 19491 574-4226 or by e-marl el deepa.bharath a latimes.com Internet worlcshop, at 9 a.m. at the Balboa branch ofthe Newport Beach Public Lib rary. For more information, caff (949) 717-3816. "Dlvo~: A New Beginnlf1i; a wortcshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The cost is $40. For more information, call (94S) 644-6435. JULY 23· A frM aemln•r and book signing, •Asian Longevity Secrets,# will be offered by author Ping WtJ from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at Mothe r's Market, 226 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. JULY 30 A frM Hminar. •P9t Nutridoo Pawsibillties; will be o ffered by Fonner stau Sen. M•ri•n Bergeson will be grand marshal at the 30th annual Independence Day Celebration at Mariners Par1c. Riding in a hay wagon, Bergeson will lead bike riders and walkers of all ages. who will begin auembling for the patriotic parade at 9:30 a.m. at Mariners Drive and Commodore Road. Mariners Partc Is on Dover Drive at Irvine Avenue. For more information, call (949) 644-3"151. SATURDAY JULY 11 The Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties will honor Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sanchez w ith the Profile.of Courage Award at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach fro.m 6 to 8 p.m . The evening is titled ·sisterhood Is Powerful:' For m ore Information, call (1'14) · Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'ti Martcet. 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) ~ Newport Dun .. Resort's "Movies on the Bead'! .. series offers "Robin Hood" starting at dusk on the Newport aand. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort iut 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (9491 729-0UNE. ~ tothedigttal universe are Invited to '"Tools and Tricb: Internet f01 ," a free Internet wortcahop, at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Ubrtry. The beglnnlng..ievel overview will be repeated at 9 a.m. July 19 et the Balboa branch. For more Information, c*I (949) 717-3816. Jll.Y 8 ,,.. dty"' Newport ..... wll ~nt 1n ofttclal proclamation ~the !0th •nnfveraery of "'911&3 ~Jamboree et 1 p.m. The ceremony wfll bt 11 coundl dwnben It Newport ... City .... Fot mor. l~t, c.tl (7M) &4M990, pt.142. 596-MOMS. ONGCMNG . 997-2165. JULY 14 Elemanb Mulk will otr.r • beginning course Oslng i new piano-keyboard method from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the Vincent JorgenMn Community Center at Mariners Park. Registration for the flv•weetc course Is S1~. For · more lnfotm1tion, call (949) 644-3161.. Volunteer drtYets .... needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, fnll or tflderly clients Incapable of sh~W!ng or cooking lor themselves throllgh •Moblle Meals; apontored by ASH·Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag -Hospital. Can (949) 645-8060 for more Information. JULY 15 '"Organic tne.ct eonwe,• •free semlntr. wlll be o~ from 6;30 to 7:30 p.m. It Mother'• M1rtet, 2.25 E. 17th St., Cotta MIA. To mtlct rMervltione, call (800) 695-MOMS. ~ ... wtl be oflared tu89daya and Thursdayi fn>m noon to 12:AO p.m:"fot JllM weeb at.Wea1 N8Wp0f1 Community S.. TOWN, hi• A5 • Daily Not TOWN Continued from M ' Center. Registration is $54 for one class each wee~ or ,$100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Bead\ residents. Others pay an additional $5. Fos more inform&tion, call (949) 644-3151. The metd'tanta of Balboa Villilfl9 will hold a seaside Craft Merchant and Farmer's Market at Penins.la Park near the base of the Balboa pier in Newport Beach'every Thursdal( through Aug. 28 from 9 • a.m. to 3 p.m. The martet will include fresh organic produce, freshly cut flow ers and arts and crafts. For more information, call (7 14) 536-2213. Costa Mesa's R1ae.-ation Divii ion will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, games, crafts. prizes. cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (7 14) 754-5158. Frve new wines wiil be served on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . The cost is S15 per•person. For more information. call (949) 721 -1222. Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beach" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite curs of meal The resort will provide the rest for $795 per person. The films wtll be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4 Paft(mg is $8 per car. For more information. call 1949) 729 DUNE A variety of private, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Manan Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on·one 1nstruct1on on Saturdays and a Monday ttirough Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates. times and COSIS, call {949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Tutorin A Class Above Chllchn, '""' and tdutta c:an now ~lster for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151 , or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Professional end lk.nsed soccer trainers with 1he All-England Soccer "'cademy are available for· one-on one, small group and . large group f{ain7ng. For more informalion. call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Family Ser.I~ sponsoring a teen support group . for high school students that · meets M ondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For · information or 10 register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is ri!quired. The First Page -Ane Children'• Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa Mesa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturday~9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m . For more information, call (9491 645-5437. •Abstract Wo1its on Canvas and Paper;· an exh1b1t of art by Jan"et Rosener, will be on displf)y at the Newport Beach Central Library through June 30 The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener's "Washed Away'' series, crealed by dripping, splattering or pouring additional pairrt and mediums onto an original painting and washing 11 away to suggest the passage of time. for more 1oformat1on, call 1949) 7f7.J816. Award-w inning wortts by Orange County artists working in an array or two·d1mensional media will be on display al Newport Beach City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhib1t1on. For more tnlorma11on. call 1949) 717 3870. Bayside Restaurant in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for 515 per person. featuring five new wines each week For more information. call (949) 721 1222 tf your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will stiow you how to re-pot your plant during'their free orchid-potting seminar ar 2 p.m. every Saturday A plant sale 1s held from 9 a.m. to 4 pm at the 20362 Birch Sr facility Call (949) 756-1211 for information lob Get a head start for the school year! • Algebra & Geometry Course Previews • Spanish I & II Course Previews • Writing Composition • Math Facts (Addition-Subtraction-Multiplication) • Zoo-phonics (for Preschool & Kinderg;uten) CALL TODAY (949) 645-7900 418 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa (Comer of Irvine Avenue) All Types of Window Treatments • VaJaoccs & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • VcrtlcaU • Shuu crs • Bedaprads c.,,.,u~,.,, C•'"*""ti•• ;,, .Y••r H••• . ...,,)Ct -c. < l I · I v~~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 °Hatbor Blvd., C06ta Mesa ~ (949)642-8400 :r=:= Oiaeovw th• secreu of Carbon Canyon Regional Partc as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for mQre information. 1 Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cc;incer treatmi§nt to exercise, hosts ;walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion )sland. Members meet foe lunch after at At1ium court. It is free, . and all fitness levels are welcome. ·For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness. faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens ere invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more mformation. call (714) 327-7560. The Newport Beech Walking Club meets at the corner of Supenor and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9: 15 a m . and 7 p.m. everyday. For more tnformatlon, ca ll (949) 650·1332. The Newport Beech Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach For more mformauon, ca ll 1949) 650·1332 The Assn. of Business Services hosts a networkmg meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m on the second Tuesday of every montti at ttie Holtday Inn at 3131 Bristol St ... Cost{! Mesa. For more mformat1on. call (949) 805-00lt performer 's lounge. bac:btage and on stage at 10:30 a m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556·ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beiich Newcomers Club ·holds a general meettng on the third Wednesday o f every fnonth The organization 1s open to all women residents 1n Newport Beach who have lived ir;i the area fewer tllan five years For mote information, call 1949) 645-9922, or v1s1t n!tw_comers-new portbeach. org. Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7·30 to 10 a.m . on the second Saturday of every month Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange fUICe for $3, $1 for children The center is at 800 Marguente, Corona del Meir. For more informauon, call (9491 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "Workshop Wednesdays. A Hands on Cooking Class Program hosted by chef Alexx Guevara 11w class is held from 6 to 7 30 IJ rn Wednesdays at 3333 B11stol St Costa Mesa The cost, mcl1Jdtng matenals, 1s $30 To resr!rve a spot, call (818) 994·5075 Yoga and rtiythm, "Yogarhy.thm1cs" comhines yoga. dance and fun Jhc· <.lass 1!> held from 4·30 10 5 45 p m Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, SU1le 111, Cos la Mesa For more 1nlormdl1on, call (7 14) 754-7399 The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers lhe exh1b11 "Joe Duncan Gleason Red1scovenng Califorma's Marine Art Master;· through Sept 30 The museum is at 15 t E Pac1f1c Coast Highway, Newroort Beach Free admission For more informatton. call (9491673·7863 Interfaith couples with one JewlSb paancr are.invited to part1c1pate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of ·oivorce: A New Beginning; a Orange County office. The group workshop for men and w omen IS geared toward dealtng with divorced or getting d1vorced.J.lllllllllllllsues between interfo1tti held from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p~~ouples. such as raising children. at 180 Newport Center Drive on observing holtdavs. symbols in the third Saturday of every the home and rela11onsh1ps wtth montti. Cost 1s $40. For more extended fam1ltes The cost for information, call 644-6435. three sessions 1s $45 per couple Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. Prereg1stratiQn 1s required Call to schedule date and 11me. Ttie office is at 250 E Baker St , SuttP. G. Costa Mesa (7 141445 4950 Welco me to the: 2003 Paclfk Coi.L,.t T rfathlo n foe~.sy. Jufy 1, 2003 A5 Save 40% to 90% on Prescription Drugs H•IRlrtg ~mer/cans t.owor Pm ~ (714). ~~:;~~g CareG.!: 16783 Be~ch Blvd Huntington Beacrh 92647 l) tl .... di Oft•<" Nttut Yt>U) ~ \.. You Can Buy A Luxury Beach Community Home For the Same Payment You Have Now NEWPORT Bf.AC H, CA A h ee 2 t hour Consumer ;\ w.irene~~ Hotline ha, ban est abli)hed tu help families th.it WJnt to mo't: to beach communtties bu) their drea m home' for .l)ll more than they .m· paying for their current home . "" r Ill ore info rnlJUun 1.all the ConH1mer A\o\Jre n c '/) Ii od1nt' an~'lime, 24 hour\ ptr d . .n. l 0 h t' a r t h t: r r t:t:. prerecorded mc.!l'age .• u 949-222-66 11 I h" free .!>ervi1.e i) ~pumureJ b\ Corona del \1 Jr Propcnie~. brol..er\. ADVE.RTISEMftH ALDEN'S DRAPERY CLEANIN6 AND MORE I No TAKE DOWl\I OR REMOVl!\16 l\IECE§§A.RY I Certified To Clean All Hunt:er Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers • Silhouette wind O\\ hadin~ • Vignette window hadings • Ouette hone~comb ~ad£" • Millenia1" Collection • Jubilance 'v roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serene.Me "Softfo~ 11 ~adin~' World's Best ON-SITE Drapery Cleaning System ~ALoeN·s CARPET AND DRAPERI ES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 Bulldmq .\ HPpur<ttlcm Far Ucu1llty nnd 5Pn it P. 51111 e 1957 . . th.-hth \nnu1I t•,..tft.• c-..,...1·n •• tf1"•• ~111,. ...... ..,,.,. •• ,,, , ..... .., •• 1.1 ... ,., .. tho\••• W.--•Uh11•.-''°""~ •• ..,,.,..,.,,,,.,th• ............. 1 ,-,.. .,.... tt4;.-""ft•t"'"' f, • ...,. .... ,u ""'' • _..,.._.., .. If" 41 t~ t• .. ti .. t ·o.nt 1 •••tl•t.ttfl «f h'"' lr u • f h •utit• °""lu11 ,,,,... 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Cl,...,__...,,.~ .. ,. • ....,.,... ______ ..._~ ...... ---........ ...-._.,....._......, ...... ..,., .......... ...,._ t ................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~°"~~~~~-----~ ......... ~ _ _.... _______ A81J.__.,_. _ ooa.-1 Oltllil'lll .. -T .... _ 8 M L JI.. ____ ...,_,.... ............... 'I 1 ,. ... M Tu•sday, .lily l, 2003 Dally Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PU~USHED -Letten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahlt the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •React.rs Hotflne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send ~o (949) 6;'6:41~~d len th E·mall:~nd to dallypllot@latimas.com • All correapon~ence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all submissions for c anty g · READERS RESPOND. Developing a · , . debate about 1901 Newport AT ISSUE: Plans for a condominium development at 1901 Newport Blvd. in . Costa Mesa. I just finished reading the letters to the ectitor section Sa~y on the condo project planned for the end of the Costa Mesa Freeway. Once I got past the adjectives of the opponents, I sat and felt I had to respond. People keep coming to our area. People need to have 'homes. Homes are in short supply since we under·build our need because of low·densi zoning. How do we provide e omes? Do we simply away because away? Not eve ne c ove to some other are as yet unspecified. Everyo e wants things to stay just the y they are once they get our s ce of the pie. I live in a wond , high-density condo pr on the "Westside." I am teful that it is dense and allows more land-around it to be saved and savored by the neighborhood. The park at the end of my block is wonderfully used every weekend by families. The park below me on the river allows all to enjoy the open space. The only way to do this is with high density here for no density there. You cannot build the whole world with grand front lawns and grand back yards without any shadow ever falling on your petunias. I choose to live in a real world. If you don't want any development, then tell the people who need the homes to go away; just remember, the people you tell this to are the people who buy at your business or employer's business and contribute to your charities. One more thing. next time · you call a developer evil, check your property history. It was ., probably a developer who built the home where your beautiful child sleeps every night It dldn't grow up out of the ground. GARY MAXWELL Westside The city of Costa Mesa has the responsibility to all its citizens when making . long-lasting decisions within the city. The decision to grant an amendment to the general plan fdr the IKEA development has become a nighonare due to traffi<; and congestion, and this is before the homes have been completed. Many in the city vi~ this development as only affecting the community on that side of town, yet anyone having business in Costa Mesa feels some effect of the congestion of the freeway construction and the development The comers of Sunflower and Harbor and South Coast and Harbor between the hours of 3 and 6:30 p.m. are horrendous due to ndlc congestion and limited altematt\le routes around the gridlock. Now again. the city of Costa Mesa is entertaJnlng the i~ea of pla~ another overly large development at one of the most congested intersections ln the city-19th Street and Newport Boulevard. nie shopping center across the ,..__., at capadty when you factor tn all the car ~ps dealing with the health dyb uone. When Triangle SCJuare again replns higher occupancy, the CU" tJtpt will . ~ dramad~ The city muet dwqe their myopic vfew IOd look at 1 lonpr vfew In dewloplng l\Mr\uet, tuc:h u more r.edewlopment money for all the buab*8el on 19th Streit Placing OYahead e&ectrical Unes and new ttreec lamp tW1danla la not enough. ... nus proposed development.will leave lasting effects on the main thoroughfare to the beach and our'rnain area of revenue, outside of South Coast Plaza, 17th Street Please refrain from deciding this Issue July 7 and gather more alternatives for revenue for the good of all citizens in Costa Mesa. JACK GOMEZ Costa Mesa • I'd like to fill in the whole picture regarding Mr. J.B. Litvak's letter justifying .high-density housing ("A bigger picture needed for condo project,~ June 19). As an environmentalist and a community activist, I also believe in the holistic approach. What is done in one place has repercussions elsewhere. Higher density projects in urban centers can benefit if they preserve open space elsewhere, are engineered properly to minimize traffic (and if people can and will walk to work, shopping and entenainment) and may provide affordable housing. However, no project-should be a burden to.the exi\ting community. It must be well integrated into the available infrastructure, and the local quality of life must be preserved. Let's examine the 1901 Newpon condo projecL This developer, Rutter Development. plans to build in Trabuco Canyon, destroying 56 acres of pristine oak woodland, jeopardizing 75 acres of coastal sage scrub habitat as well. Five hundred native trees will be destroyed. I haven't heard him offer to sp~ more mature oak trees or oµwtspace if we support a mega·project in Costa Mesa. We swe aren't going to halt any urban sprawl by letting him build high density in our city. Traffic analysis precticts 6.8 trips per day per unit That adds 1.095 trips a day, or 398,580 a year, near one of the most congested intersections in the County. Cars idling in gridlock produce high levels of vehicle pollutants. Does it malce sense to say that in order to save traffic we first have to increase ttaffic? There are few jobs in the vicinity that provide sufficient income necessary to purchase one of these "upscale" condos. There is no grocery store nearby. Entertainment we've got, but the area is not ~esigned well for pedestrian traffic, and there are very busy streets to cross in all directions. The condos may be priced at entry level .for c:;osta Mesa. but a smaller project would provide the same thing.without such severe traffic impacts. Housing can be provided at other sites and accomplish the same goal, without concentrating the negative impacts. The residential neighborhood to the north will be especially hard hit with overflow parking and increased traffic. The way · their front yards would be shaded by this project is completely llnfair. Those are • already affordable homes. One family saved for 12 years to buy in Costa Mesa and finally found their entry-leveJ home. Their quality of life is about to take a big hit As Utvak said, we all can think of reasons why this project should not be built lt't called quality of UCe! 1901 ls a nice project -for Lot Angeles. A smaller project would be more approprtato for Cotta Meta. I ttroogly believe . protecting the ltil110mewhat aubwban. law·rile, low·demity character ot Cotta Meat la lmponanti too1 R611H LEf'FLD COIC&Meea MAILBAG . . ~'=...t.. { ' .. I FILE PHOTO I OAIL'i P1LOl Former Cypres s Police Chief John D. Hensley began his new job as chief of police for Costa Mesa on June 16. Welcome Chief Hensley, now about those parking tickets To new Costa Mesa Police OUef John Hensley: Welcome to the city of Costa Mesa. One of thfC things r hear about you is that you want to assure that the police department in Costa Mesa is viewed as a resident·friendly group that keeps the peace while maintaining close and helpful relationship with the. community. I applaud you for that. I have a suggestion for you. One way you can improve the relationship is by putting helpfulness before making money for the department by issuing parking tickets. Some months ago, we consented to having.our street (Texas Circle, with six houses) designated as limited parking. We dld not really want this, but compUed to help a neighbor on Utah who wanted permit parking "desperately.• Since that time, only our~ visitors on Texas Circle have been ticketed, no strangers or parents from the school across the street My cleaning woman has gotten a ticket. A neighbor had guests present at a party, all ticketed. Our street has become an easy mark f~r parking tickets. • About six weeks ago. I went to the transportation department to find out what would be necessary to lift the permit parking. They said to send a letter of request. I ctid that, and the neighbors signed the letter with their own observations. We have not had ·a reply. last week, while graduation services were in process across the street at TeVVinkle School. I observed an officer ticketizlg the parents' cars on our street What a graduation present from the city. If I had realized what was going on earlier. I would have placed a pernut on each car. but the tickets were already written. I_ spoke to the officer. calmlv expressing my views. I felt thi~ young officer's discomfort as he said. "I am JUSt doing what I was told to do." There are ways that you can make the citi7.ens and your officers more comfortable and law abiding. Be c;ure that common sense reigns and that the rules take into account the ordinary activities of tiuman beings. Swift action hy other departments of the city would help us all ELEANOR KLEIN (osta Mesa Hard to judge Joe Sixpack if you· re not in the same boat Just when Steve Smith was emerging as a liberal who occasionally had some thoughts that pass the giggle test, he jenisons off to another planet again raciaJ diversity. Does gathering together every Sunday morning with other Catholics mean I am in tolerant of Lutherans or Methodis t!>? If I was born in Iowa. hut I love California, meai-1 I have to hate Iowa? If LA Jew5 prefer to live in the Fairfax district. does It mean they have an intolerant. bigoted attitude toward Gentiles'{ Shouldn't Smith be asked to explain what 1s m·the soul of someone who u~es 1he term Joe Six:pack, as he did 111 hi'i column Certainly. he wouldn't have us believe that it's the same as saymg John Doe or ~tr and Mrs. CitJZen. Doe'> anyone h<1ve a mental picture of Joe Sixpack different from mine? Beer·swilhng, unsophis ticated, potbelly, tattooed. nonvoting. uninterested in social and p_olitkal is'>ue~. That's Joe. \'v'ould you go.fbhing with Joe. Steve Smith? Or do you have <,ome prejudices tha1 need exposing? GARY DRIES Costa Mesa Smith right on with his column . got to the point ("An indecent act in a decent city." Regarding Steve Smith's Saturday Saturday). column ("An indecent act in a decent Did he really look into the souls of city," Saturday). every resident of Newport Beach and .r-. Magnificent. Well-written. Right on find no one who lives there because it'~ target. Beautifully concise and very lily-white? Not even the old coverall mucl't to tl1e point What a pleasure to term "most people," he says every one read. Thank you Steve. of them. Now I need to move into the.. HENRY LOURIA barrio to prove that I'm truly tolerant of Newport Reach COMMUNITY CQMMENTARY Removal of Nichols not about poli.tical correctness, but a!Jout w hats right R ecently. when a Daily Pilot reporter spoke with Newpon Beach City Councilman Richard Nichols relative to beach improvements to be made at Corona del Mar State Beach, Nichols stated "with grass, we usually get Mexicam coming in there early in the morning, and they claim because it is politically correct and we want to be everything for everybody, so to speak. it as theirs, and it becomes their · personal, private grounds all STEVE BROMBERG day." Nichols says his comments It is inappropriate to characterize people by their ethnicity. For those who disagree, I would simply ask you to take Nic~ls· comment and remove the word Mexican and replace it with African Americans. Asians, Jews. Catholics, Otristians, Mormons and keep on going until you run out of virtually every were taken out of context, although when I spoke with him. he stated that he actually dld use those words. I stated to him that, in my opinion, what he said was extremely offensive and insensitive to a particular nationality and was adverse to the best Interests of this city. After a further in-dep1h discussion, I suggested he resign his position on the City Council. The entire City Council has now asked Nichelt to resign, and one resident has already begun recal.l proceedings against him. The purpose of this article la to set forth a brief review of the events that occuned and alto d1acu.u facts, misconceptions and a Cew mythl. . lntereldngty. there are some who feel Nichols' eommenta were appropriate. ll you bavt been reaWng Che lettm to the OaOy Pilot, -Chae folb support Nlchot. becaUM "he 1peab hit mind. and be apeab the truth" and •by the way, What II the big deel. cbe Mmcena do tab over the belch/' So; llnce Jt'I "true," what'a aD the tu.T We l1lo beer t.rom tome that my co._.... and I haw Mbd Nkholl for .. ~don llmpty Identifiable ethnicity or religion. Anyway you look at it. it is wrong. Now. tty the word *people," and see if that changes your opinion. My comments and the comments of the other council members were not made out of polfdcal correctness or pressure. To the tonuary, four of us asked for his resignadon the slune day the story broke in'the Daily Pilot, prior to being contacted by anyone. Our actions thus far come from common sense, logic and most of all, decency as well as respect for human beings. Speaking one'• mind ls a good thing, b.owever, when you are a public ofticlaJ, co attack a partlcular cthntdty bued on their behavior is simply wrong and un&cceptable in today'• dvtlized todety. lbl• la not the ftr1t. tnatanoe that Nichols referenced "Mexicans" ln •.derogatory manner. The use of the word Mmcan by ttaelf la not deropcory, u It Is dncripdve and ldentlflea ethnicity. However, that chanpt when the word Mexican ~ma pejondve. Nicholl appeared before a public audience when the toplc of a propc>Hd development at Banning Ranch was discussed. He said that if a high school was built in that area, only Mexicans would go there, because the white kids would be afraid to. He stood in front of the City Council in December 2002, after he had been elected, but not sworn in, referencing a traffic accident that occurred in Corona del Mar on Coast Highway. He m*ie reference to ~a Mexican~ that caused the accident. although he subsequently admitted that he had no idea what the nationality of the irtctividuaJ lnvolved in the accident really was. He also stated, ~vou know. it's t,he Mexicans that do these phony accident rings and rip off the;: white people." When 1 asked him how he knew that, he simply said, "Who else would do Irr I asked him if he had a problem with Mexicans. He said he did not. The problem we have here Is Nichols Identifies minorities in a derogatory manner and in a very casuaJ way. He does It as common as if I were to say to you "how are you doing today." And I will submit to you that reUf>nabJe people do not subscribe to th1I type of cooduct and that reasonable people are the strong majority that Uva in this clty, · a.rtd we are hearing from them very loudly. r really don't believe that the fffW people supporting Nicholl are raclsu or bigots. I also reallz.e that these aupponen were not awan of Nlchol•' prior del'OptoJ')' commenta.. I know th.ls beea.uae I have cormponded and 1p<>k.en wtth 10 many of them. Here's to tolerance. • ITIVI IROMllM lt the mevor of Newport~ I • QUOTE OF THE DAY "Ever since I did it. l got hooked. You just can't sit there. If you do, life gets so boring. To sit there all by yourself! No, no, not for me." . ' Christy Crandall, 5K runner Daily Pilot Sports Editor Richard DuM: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-01 70 RUNNING \ N·OLIMITS Newport Beach resident Christy CrandaJI, who has cereQra] palsy; has developed a passion for competing in SK runs. Steve Virgen Dail~ Pil?t J ust Like any other runner, Otristy Crandall becomes nervous before a race. Bui she's not JU~t any other a~e~ · Take a closer look. You'll find a smile that will make your bigge~t worry become tiny, your largest complaint in life will wither. That ~mile is as real and true as the challenges she ha, overcome throughout her life. Crandall, a Newport Beach resident, deals with obstacles on a daity basis. She has cerebraJ paJsy. When she is among the other athletes before a 5.000-meter race, she says she pretends she can run as Tast as everyone else. Yet, as lrite·as it may sound, Crandall does not have to pretend that she can win. When she finishes the 5,000 meters, she wins. "Every time I'm in a race. I try to do better than what I've done before," said Crandall, who finished a SK race in April and is planning to take on at Iea.'it five more this summer. "I have these little-c~ know reality. I know that I.have a disability. Sometimes people hit you in the head with reality, like you're so . stupid you don't know you have , . cerebraJ paJsy. But that's why when I compete, I compete against myself." Since 1985, CrandaJI has been using her crutches and h er strong will to · finish SK events. During caces, she has faJJen, but she has never stopped. Conquering S.000 meters? For mos~ non-athletes, that's difficult in itself. For Crandall, it's something she accomplishes every time she enter'> a rac~ ' ' CrandaJI takes it on aS a challenge. She enjoys it. Barely 4-fout taJI with I~ that are disproportionate to her upper body. CrandaJI, 40, has developed a pas.'>ion for finishing SK races. "Ever since I did it, I got hooked." she said. "You just can't sit there. If you do, life gets so boring. To sit there aJI by yourself? No, no, not for me." CcrebraJ paJsy is a handicap, a disadv-antage .. but don't tell that to PHOTO COURTESY or JIM VlLLHS Christy Crandall competes in 5K runs despite having cerebral palsy. Among her admirers is Corona del Mar High School See CRANDALL, Page A8 cross country and track and field coach Bill Sumner, who sees Crandall at many of the events she competes in. "' PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS - EYEOPENER • Daily.lllli • Spana llall ol Fune ( •·~dif WftJ( d• UiWli.1•111JtH July 7 hQnoree CtfARLES CHATMAN Tuesday, July 1, 2003 A7 GOLF Conway finishes second Newport Beach resident Steve Conway fini shes behind hi s teammate in SCGA An1ateur. IA JOIJA -Steve Conw<1y, a ~l'\\ port Heach re.,ident, '>hot 4-undt'r par 284. to fint\h in second platP 111 till' 104th Southern California (,olf A~ou.i tion Amateur Championship 011 <.,tmd<t; at Torrey Pine'> <...ulf Cour;e A senior-to-be .at UCIA and a gradu ate of Hancho Santa Marwmta 1 ligh Conway finished two stroke'> IH'hi11J Bruin'> teammate Roy Moo11. though lw . pressured Moon w1lh a pair of h1rdlt'., on the fmal two holes of the 7 L he 111· tournament. played on the south uiur ... e at 'forrey Pines. Conway was tied fur seventh afln the fuc;t two roundl> 172· 74). but ca111e ha• k to the forefront with a 6~ in l'ad1 uf f11., last two rounds. After making nine tun'>t·cutl\'l' par' 10 open his round Sunday. he lini'>llt'd with birdies On 17 and J 8 tu put SIJl!lt' rno-. sure on Moon. who wa., plc1y111g 0111· group behind Conway. "I was leaving all of my puw; o;hon on the front nine,'' Conway ..aid on the '°" C 11\ Web site.. "So I changed my pumng ..,truke a little and everything began tu drop." But Moon wal> solid at the fir11'>h ,1., weU. He crushed a.:lOS-yard dnve 011 till' 524 -yard, par-5 finishing holC' and thl'n hit the center of the green on h1o; '>t'u1111.l shot. He two-putted fur birdie dlld a rwo-stroke victory over Conway "lle's as good a putter a ... anybody m1t there." Conway told the '>an Diego Union-Tribune about Moun. -"But he ... always struggled with his dming_a ht tie bit. But that drive he hit on 13 -that~ not the same Roy as two years ago.· Conway was a different play~·r U\'t'r the weekend compared to the l'lr.,1 t\"J da~ of the tournament. He playt'd the final 36 holes in 6-under pas, mcludmg a 3·under par 33 on the back side on Sunday for tus finaJ score. . As a junior at UCL~. Conway aver· aged 7 1.2 strokes in 34 rounc,js. I le wiJn two tournament!>, the Western lntcrrnl · legiate and . the Oeveland Oas.sic.· I le also finished in the top 10 six tim~ and the top 20 eight times. cJveralJ. 18 of !us 34 rounds were under ·par and he ~hut 13 rounds under 70. . Al Tue,_., ,My 1. 2003 SPORTS CATCHING UP WITH .. . Former Newport Harbor quarterback, wife, close to establishing Bible school in Maui. B?.c• Alderton Daily Pilot 'A quarterback throws a· Hail Mary down the field, praying the timing ls just right between the ball and the receiver's hands to secure the reception. While Gary Parrish -a former quanerback from Newport Harbor High and tight end for the University of Ntzona -no longer takes snaps from under center or runs a 10-yard out as a tight end, the words "prayer" and "devoted" pop up several times when describing his lifestyle. Along with wife Audrey, Gary, a father of five with a sixth child due in N<Wember, has ai.pirations to form an accredited Bible school in Maui, where he has lived for the pasf seven years ~mce moving from Tucson, Ariz. The Parrish family plays host to weekly Bible study groups in their two-story horn~. seeking to maintain a community of believers who can meet and live life together. ult is a non-denominational meeting in our home,• Parrish said. "The Bible teaches · throughout. that the church is not a building, but rather is relational-based. We want to grow to the point where we are meeting outside on our basketball courts." Gary and Audrey are also writing a book titled "Blown Away" in which they anal}'7..e the Book of Revelations from a ·different point of view." "lt is important not to be blown away by every doctrine and teaching that is popular," Parrish said. "We're going against the popular opinion." No matter the odds -or opinion -Parrish, 39, bas persevered, using the Bible as a roadmap. LITTLE LEAGUE After what he described as a "nightmare senior season• at Harbor in 1980, when Parrish had reconstructive surgery on his throwing (right} shouldN-10 treat bursitis -an inflammation of tiny, fiuid·filled sac that cushJon pre$sure points between bones and tendons or muscles -he turned to the Bible for direction. "I found something to tum to when things got bad, H he said. "I met up with someone in my home church and was emotionally and mentally restored from the devilstatfon of not getting recruited. I knew I w~uld play again." The surgery forced Parrish to miss half his senior season at Newport. His parents divorced when he was 5 and Parrish lived with his mother, Carolyn, who re-married. Parrish remembers .his f~ther, Paul, enjoyed football and used that interest as a guiding force. ~ "Subconsciously, I had a need met through football," Parrish said "It toolc the place of a STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Newport Beach National Little League's Reed Zachman slides safely into second base during a 13-2 victory over Aliso Viejo Saturday in the District 55 Major Al~Star tournament. NBLL returns to the field tonight. 3gainst Rancho Mission Viejo at Curtis Park at 7:30. COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL UCl loses JohnsOn to USC LOS ANGELES -Milce John- son, an assistant coach last sea- son with the UC Irvine men's basketball team, has been hired as an assistant at use the Tro· jans announced Monday. · Johnson. 34. helpe~ the Ant- eaters post cl 20-9 record in 2002- 03. including a second-place fin. ish in the Big West Conference. Johnson's 'assignments at .. Levine indudcd ·working with the posi players and recruiting for Coach Pat Douglass. Prior to coaching at UCI, he spent nine seasons as an assist- ant at Cal State Nonhridge. the final three as the program's first ru.sociate head coach.' He worked with the Matador post players and also coordinated the offense. He also served as recruiting co- ordinator at Northridge and was responsible for the 1997-98 class that included ijpan HeinJe, the programs career scoring leader. HeinJe is playing professionally in Europe. A 1991 graduate of Purdue, Johnson was an undergrad1.,1a1e assistant for Boilermakers Coach Gene Keady for three seasons, from 1988-91. PONY BASEBALL . NHBA Pony All-Stars will play for title Newport Harbor .Baseball As- sociation's Pony Division 13- year-old all-star team won a pair of games over~e weekend to advance to the chan1pionship of the Dana Point tournament. Erj.k Bonn, Spencer Smith and Jerry Whitney combined to hold Laguna Niguel to two hJts over seven innings in a 4-l vie· tory on Friday.. On Saturday. Newport Harbor exploded for seven runs in the third inning · and went on to win, 1J--4, over Dana.Point Newpon Harbor improved its record to 3-0 ln the tournament and will play in ,the clwupion· ship game on WeWiesday -at Dana Point at 6 p.m . ln Friday's game, Bonn bounced back from a solo ho me run he allowed in the first inning to pick up the victory. He allowed two hits in four innings and struck out five. Smith and Whit· ney combined to. hold Laguna Niguel hJtJess over the final three lnnin~. Bonn also contributed at the plate, driving in a run and scor· ing another. Smith added an RBl on a Sacrifice Oy. Peter, Hapke, Garrett Gordon. Niko Hernan- dez, Troy Seeber and Olue Behr each picked up a hit On Saturday. Newport Harbor toolc a 9-0 lead before allowing four runs in the final two in- nings. . Tyler M.ct<'W and Hapke each pitched two scoreless innings. with Hapke picking up the win. ·Hapke also conbibuted with two singles. Gordon added two singles, two runs and an RBI. while Bonn chipped in with two singles and two RBis. The offensive attack was also aided buy a pair of singles from Behr, a single and a .double and an RBI from McGill. a double and an RBl by Seeber and a sin- gle and an RBI from Smith. father, which i didn't have. That need was later met through the Bible studies." With a foundation in place, Parrish spent the next two years at Golden West College, where he learned to play tight end. " "The coaches encouraged me to play.light end, saying 1 would get a scholarship,· Parrish ~d. "They said 30 players bad gotten scholarshJps the year before and that I was better than they "were.~ From the field general while a quarte?baolc. to ru.ontng routes, the lninsfer was nothlng·more than an experiment that turned into goki for Parrish. "As a quarterback. all the responsibility falls on you good or bad," Parrish said. "It was fun having all the weight lifted off my shoulders. I could focus on running and catchJng ... it was simpler." He also learned how to block while at Arizona, boosting his stock for an attempt to enter the NFL. Several NFL teams sent Parrish letters. As a junior at CRANDALL ·Continued from A 7 Crandall. "Don't tell me I can't d o something. becciu .. e I will do it.~ she said. Twelve year~ c1go. LrandJll heard loud chants of can't. While walking in fro111 of the emergency unit at Hoag Hospital, C~andall was run over by a fire truck. She broke her left leg. Somehow. she sull found a positive in that sttuauon. "Fortunately all the right people were there lo put mt: back together." '>aid Cra11da ll. who was JU!>t at her \ccond day on the job at the Lhtld ·care unit al Hoag. "I never thought I would be able to do a SK again. But I lcn ew if even they amputated the leg. I would still be able tcrcompete in wheelchair races." Naturally. Crandall has been inspirin.g many people throughout her life , 111cludi11g Bill Sumne r. the cros<> country and trade and field coach al Corona del Mar I ligh. Sumner has been involved with many SK runs that CrandaJI hac, been a part of. Once, Sumner !>aw Crandall , her legs and arm!> !>craped with blood. before she wa., about to finish a SK. Ounng the rqce, Crandall attempted to finish by hersell and by the time Sumner saw her:shc.had fallen several limes Sumner asked her how many times she had fallen. Crandall responded. "I fell three or four time-;. and I got up five 01 !>iJC timl'-.." Sumner was puzzled to hear that al first, but realized for her. rising from a fall 1!. equivalent 10 pushrng your.,elf up twice. Yet that did not c,to p Crandall. Crandall. JUSt a:. she ha~ with all of the SK events she ha5 been in, finishl'd the rare. which was a feat that inspired Sumner. ''I'm a confident k.111d ot guy and that goes with the territory !of coaching high school and ru11n ing)." Sumner said. "B~t J'JJ tell you what, you want 10 be humbled ? You go taJlc to.Quisiy CrandaJI. If she doesn't inspire you. something is wrong with you . ·1 couldn't hold a candle to her," be said. ·she was sent here to us. She is very special.• Throughout the summer, while she is training and entering SK races, Crandall will also maintain a busy Arizona, he finished second in the Pac-10 in receptions before injuries cropped up again his senior year. On the first day players could practice in pads preceding the 1984·85 season, Parrish pulled a hamstring.~ter in the season a separated ~boulder hindered Parrish's pursuits. The year was culminated by a broken leg. suffered in a game against UCl.A that decided which team would adV'clOce to the '85 Rose Bowl. UCLA prevailed and Parrish was injured again. After taking a year off, Parrish worked out for Washington )l{_ Redsld.ns scouts, but that ~e closest he got to the NR.. "After [the workout) I wanted fo go in another direction," Parrish recalled. "I just tried to f111ish my degree." I le ch~ged majors three umes and finally settled on pre-law. receiving his degree in 1995. Audrey and he own a window cleaning business, focusing on commercial establishments. Gary and Audrey married in Daily Pilot Gary Parri~h 1993 and honeymooned in Maui. They knew the Lime wa!> near when they would call the Aloha State home. "I loved the Newport summers and that is how it i'I here year-round, though the nights (in Newport! are cooler than (in ~ Maui]. Eleven year., of 110-degree heat [in Ari.zonal i!> about all you can take." Now in Maui. Gary and Audrey are building a foundanon fo r a school they hope will gcnemle interest in srudying the Bibk "The foundation ur autho r ol our lives is the Bible a11d we let 11 be a guide to our rm:etings anJ lives," Parrish saJd. "It ... e1 .. J foundatJon you can alway-. burld on and re tum to.·· PHOTO COUR1fSY 0r j1M V '"' Christy Crandall has devefoped a passion for running 5K races \ ' ... you want to b~ humbled? You go talk to Christy Crandall. If she doesn't inspire you, somethjng is wrong with you.' Bill Sumner Corona del Mar High cross country and ltack and held coach 'iChedule. She wori\s a~ a CPR 111~1 rue tor for classes taught at Hoag llospital. She's also a volunteer at the heart in§titule at I loag and she's an on-call preschool teacher, as well. One day out of the week she has a physical therapy session at Laguna Beach Health Oub where Dick Wolf works with her. She asked for his help after the accld~nt 12 years ago. I le was her instructo r at Cal State Fullerto n, where Crandall e.arned a B.A. degree in physical educatiQn In 1989. "He has been working me out with my balance,• Cra ndaU said . "My balance Is improving. I can take steps without crutches. I never thought I would ever be able to do tha t, c..,pcltall) aftc:t tht· 1u:cident But I don't put hmrt., . on myself hecau .. e \'OU Ill'\ t•r know wh,11 you lUn do un11I you try." Of her many goal'>, ht'r current one 1'i 111 .,Jll.,f\ herselfw11h d trl'.tl for-her own worl. "My goal th•'> ye.ir '"tu stand up lung enough w1th11ut c rutches to eat an H l' cream -calorie!> and ev~rything." she said "I like my crutche., but I think ll would be reallv cool if I could do '>omethinR without them ." HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete orthe Week senes I ii ~ j I TODAY 21 -Caytan Letlle Corona del Mar Girts tennis, 1~98 .. luesciay, ~ I, 2003 AJ ........ -LlplNoelcn AllMViai1i11iiimiCJ01il9SiiS 2l40 ~·' Nollca 2M8 Lepl NDllca 2l40 l.lllf Moaca ... O.JICT OIS<UTION1 11\IAC, fi1• .ale1m. ltl• ~hone, data. e nd ~lumtilna uptf•des, new .. 1sework and n11llwo1k, P•tchin1; and new lin1shu , 1ncludln& acoustical c elllnes .. 1es1hent floorma. cerpet. and paint. ISTIMATID CON - S1'UCTION con. $4'0,000.00 MOY no_l_lt_•_•l-l-9.W..,.--fe-, -----------------l.lglf NatiCln 1MI up Naacls ~ -·"· 81dd1n1 Ooc11menu will r•f-4el.le fa., will '"' l11fwmatlo11, •'"''~•• Ul.t •V ALL 1,; (,.l .>I LIJ requud In th• •mount Contract• Department PERSONS of $25.00 pet ut of within Dn11n a. Con I Pehlloner Metthew Subjtct to (Ondttlons ptttalMd lly tll• un· ~ned ...... d blch for 1 l11me> Sum Con· tr ect Me Invited lor th• to11owl1_11 Worlt: The pro11ct wtll reno vale the bu•m•nt of Bulld1n11 IA. the e.1,11111 readln1 rooms 1nd ""'lt1na rooms wtll be relocated so that • new CC 1.5 T MRI can be built •n the 1.020 ASF of releuad space. The MRI unit itself Is b11na installed by vendor Work will lrlclude de molitlon, c erpero try. h11a1 dou' material abatement 1l11.t11ca1, be av11lable to Bidden on T"t"9y, My t, 200J, and wm be lnued at DESIGN & CON· STRUCTION SERVICES, lJnl~erslty of California, Irvine, 5201 California Avenue, Suite 250, Irvine. CA 92697'°24SO, (949) 824 6630. Blddlna Doc umenh. Uructlon Servi<.•• Jamu Caputo 6 Vic:tor111 The tollowf"I perwn• Th• follow1na per.one Tti. follow1n1 ,,.rM>nt Checks an to be mede Zoomy Nauyen et (949) Ann Rull C1puto on ••• do1na bu,1nus as •t• dotn1 bu"nn• o . •re lk>illl bu•IMU u payebl• to "The Resents 824-4775. behalf of Brunn• Nicole Contal lnnovltlOM, Rncuecom, 2618 Bun Dn11ns By Alicia. JO~ of Ml• lJn1vetilty of The succasslul Bidder Aull filed a petition with IS35 Superior Avanue, &•low Pfau, Corona del Crest• Way, l •&un• INPUSTIU<TUl.I PllOJICT a, Mil PllOJICT NO. tt4S 10 - 1•PACl.Mll 2 UNIV£RSITY or CALI· fOflNIA, lltVIN£ MEDI· CAt. CENTER Cal1fornle. • ind Its Subcontractors 11111 court lor ~ dacru Suite #31. Newport Mer. Callforma 9262~ Buch, CA 92651 114'9 wll lie recelve4 will b• required to follow t han11ns names o Bnch.C•hforn1•9266;l Virtul•k Computer Jerdon• AJlcie Muon ...ty 9'1 the nondl.c11mlnat1on follow~ Brunn• Nicolt M1rk l Ev1n1, lS~ Services <CA) 2.618 303' Cruta W11. l • 81d Bo•, front Counter requ1t•menh &el forth Rull to Breanna Nitole SuperlOf Avenue, Suite Bunaalow Pl.ct Cornn• 1un1 Buen CA 92651 DESIGN a. CONSTRlJC· 1n the Blddlna Docu C1puto •31. Newport Buch. del M•r CA 9262~ Tll1s bintness '' cun TtON SERVICES, Unlver-men ts and lo P •Y 2 TH£ COURT ORDERS Cahtornle 92663 Trus bus1r1n\ 1) u1n Cl"' tad by an 1nd11t1dldl ,uy of Cahforn1a , Irvine, prevaihn1 wa'• rate• at tnal all petsons inlet Th11 b111meu '' con dutted by • to1pou1 .. ,11 Have you start4'd clo1111 Nete: Prlt.. .,.....,. Ket u-, (Ht) 824-COUNTY Of OflANG£, CA!.(fORNlA .... '-.. t "'e•t tt\e ..,.tlflc•tlffs I• "'• """•t Oecto•uh 5201 C-11forn1a Avenue, the location o the Work n t•O 1n ttu\ milter shall oucted by an The ree1str•nl tom bu.,neu yet, Yu 6/IS Suite 250 The SU<;Cenlul 81dder °'PPUr btfOf" lh1s coUfl tnd1•1du.I me need t•» tr.,..,., 1 98 1111 Checb for • - lt•lne, CA 92697·2450 will be requtted to hive et tht1 hurme 1nd1cated Have you started doona bus•n•u under lh• I ~•dont AllCli Mi.on OSTAC l'IOTICE OF plttum or tomlCUICIJ) NO'"CE OF Phone No. (!M9) m the lollowini State of belo"" to show t aus• 11 bu"neu yet7 No llchtoous bus•ne n name Th1) st•tement was TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S !iald Sak of propaty •111 be PETTTlO" N TO llJlhOlftv 6630 l;ahl0tn1a C'ontr eel or \ •ny why the pehhon IU< Mwk Evans or n1mes 11\hd •bO•• filed with tne County "o: ~ •)211•~ Ulllt _.._ A HEARING on lhe ""' """' lie re-license cuuent at th" than•e of n•me should This statement wn on Jun• 16 200J • Clerk uf Oran•• Cc.uni• ., " • u-m u 1• COlldlllOll ~INISTER -..... wi. be ..._... on • .. 1 Code A Loan No WJthoul ,....._, '"""' celv•4 -er liefMe time of submis.,on ul not~· 1r•nttd hied with the County \lirtule• C.omput.r on CY.. 12. 03 BEHR AP No. 049-2~1·. COCMll&m or .-.ar-STATE OF: 07/'l4/03 I! 1·4Sf>M In 2.00 P.M.. WIDNIS-the Bid. NOl IC.C or H(AlllNC Cieri. ot Onnee County St Mtr. Aly\SI Milman 200SH4UH ,, TD SERVICE l"lllly, upreQ! qr ~d. JEFFREY s.. OeQI, L·13 located at DAY! JULY "· 100J U<INSI Utle ] t9t03 Time 2.00 on 06/06/03 Whit• s e,retarv I D1t11 Pilul June 10, 17, rtptdina b ~MOO. KOGAN 34i lliE CITY DRIVE. II•• wlll "• ..-ie" Cl.ASSIJICATION1 ""'Dept L 73 200Ht47 ISO Tn,. state'11ent w•~ 74 Jult 1. 2003 Tl.a =AN~;.: .!:r ~ Of eOCWJtnoas, to Pl) dlC CASE "NO. A219757 ORANGE, Cl\ 92613 • t 2 1 OS r . M,, General 8u1ld1n11 Th• •ddr~u of the court Dail~ Pilot June 10, I/ flied w•th th• C11u111y foUowiJ n:malllllll pnnctpal swn Of ro all hen, IF YOU OBJECT'° lll9 WIDNISDAY, JULY 16, Contractor "'""'• .u noted above. 24. July I. 2003 ll47 Cler~ ,,, Orana• County Flctltiwsa.iMss oUowilll clucnbed Deed of !ht 001.eM ~ by Slid oeneliciaries, credim. granting of h pedll6n, 200J •h DESIG N & t ltClNSl COOls J A , •;µy uf th•• Order on oti 16 03 ..... S..... Tnlil WIU.SEU./.T Deedoll'rusl.•1lh"*'Ut C0011ngentcredltora.and rc>u~_,..,IMthe CONSTRUCTION SER--· B tuShow1aun~h.ollbe fldftlM~s 12003'4usss I P\IBUC AUCTION TO as ID ,,.Jd llOIC PflMded, persons whO may ~ and ..... 'PK VICES. Un1ve1 s1ty of Othet-P.r•l•ct Spetlftn1 1rnbl1sh•d •I lu st onLe -~ D~ilt Pilot June 74 July llie followina person\ THE HJGHEST BIDDER Ml\ILOCC> 1( aJJ) Wldct !ht Olflel'f<jlse be interMted E Ot flltl Wltailr'I Cahtorn••. Irvine. 5201 11"4•r Ouallfhoflen• tot ti week for four 1 8 I~ tOOi ll)(,l •rt do•ni bus1nt n as IUil CASH On dlr foma temll of Yid [.lttd o( TMt lfl the WIU or estate. Of with the court C1hlorn1t A•enue, Suite c.ae .. fer I• ... ou... .u• 1 e\""' weeks prtor The lellowin1 person\ ---New Ide.I\ SAO! Don w*ll U'C lawful l.cllder hies C""'°Fl ;nd upt-• both o1 JEFFREY S t.anng. YOUf 250. Irvine. CA 92697· "''"e" ef ""'• ef bid t< t~c 11 .. te set fur are doina businus •s f~lvsiftns c Ht er Hunt1n1 ton IO dlr Umkd SGlea) aodlor of lbc TMltt Ind of lhe KOGAN ~ may be In 24SO tndv4e, i...1 er• ,,., lot•t1ni m tha pet111on Alhed lud&m•nl Re· <Jv Benh CA 92646 ~ ~ ~ ....... ~ °'-."11SU tl\';ttd b; >•Id Deed A PETITION FOR petlOll OI by 'fOAJI Bid Sec1ur1it0v. in1 the nelceT1~erClly 11,,.lt•d te: n tt·e lono .. 1na ne ... s ~':st~7~:.~9h~l~l~~~•ta fne~o~~"·"''S D~7~'n~=~mp~~tin8'0llto: -~ ... ....-'...., olTnut ~uJl4r wiUl>r PROOATE haa been lftOlnly amount o "o the .. e ontrutc.• sn111 "'""' ot 1cne1al ""u .. ~ CIYll Code Section 292Ah held on Jt L ~ 7 ::OOl hled Dy DIANA M IF YOU ARE A Lu1t1p Sum B•se 81d. ha•t been '" bu\•n•~• 1.1,. n p1 "lied 1n this 92627 art <l<""l bvs·nt5' •' Budl CA 92646 (pl)'lbk 111 fWl at !hr llmC AT 300 P\1 •(J' nu; KOGAN 11'1 lhe Suoenor CREDITOR °' I enlud11111 alternates under the \arflt n•m• « 1 ,,1 Ncwpc.rt B••<h Rici. Dekk•• 1!121 I.I 1£Nt£ 18~1b V;IWI• Thi•. bus1nen •S con " '9le to T 0 Sc:Mcc airfumia. =· et*"°' of the shall .t<.tompeny each and Cal1forn11 Contr •• r '"'•Mt•., D••ly Pilot Hu bor Blvd • 11~ """''"' Hunton~tt1n B .. ch Out ltd bf 1n md1Vldua1 C--"Y) aD n .... u·'-and fltO'l HT~ TO TIO Coun ol Ca ' , ..,., --....., Bid The Surety 1nu1n° tor's lotense 1111 • Date: JUN 20, 200S Cost• Mesa Califurn•• l.A 'Ub4f> H••• you ~tartttd do1n¥ -.--U< ENTRA:-.C f or TitF Countv °'ORANGE ,_,. ...... -• 92627 Q I N b t1 "' t convt)"d to and ... , )Olll dllm witn tne oourt th• 81d Bond 5hell be, m1n1mum of $ L<>ntmu MOtj•· -lolrd Cort•r .,. ,, u•n euyen I u~one~s Y• ... o :::c'b£1d by it lllldtr u)(! ORA,~(.iE \IVI( CES THE PETITION FOR and mail 8 oopy lo the on tht Bid Deadline. an ous years prour to tNt 1 Puo1, .. o Newpor 1 lhi\ busine-.-'' '"" 18~11> ••ll•rt• Ori•• Jeff Thc.mpsc.n Deed o( Trust IO lilt prop-TEll 300 1 C't·IAPMA:" PAOOATE requests that ~1 tep"esentative 1dm1tted surety insurer bid open1n1 d•I• lc.1 thl\ I !le•C11 lu la Mesa Dally ducted by .,, 1 llun"''i1on 11 .. , n CA Th•~ \l•lement ,.., ertfi!reinlfter de· ORANGF CA ~1 !ht DIANA M KOGAN be ::--..:;::-.,.-.... by the court (a s del111ed in the Protect The l1<~1i-t u•.td f'1l1•t lunt 24 luly I 8. rndiv1du•I 'zl.!b4f filed with lhe J;ou'lt~ llllr of the UllU..I publk• apPointed as personal ~~. __ ......,. from Cahform• Code of Civil 10 ~atisfy th" r•riu.,t· 1~ /l~H I06J Hio yc.u slafltd ~u1n2 T•w b"'"'•~~ " '''" Cler~ ul (Jr;in11r <.uu'lty acn Tru.· uon of.~., -~c ...... IUC•I •~esentatiVe to ..,.,.,, """ 1ttutou., p d s ~ f ' l>u$111ess yeti No du r.,j b• •~ 1nd1v•du•I on O!i 21 03 iorWIUJA.\i J BEHR. uu ·~ ""' !he date ol first lssuanc» r o c e u r e •c t 1 on ment s .. all bt u th• • lrOOlllll of !he l!llP'ld 1141 J 1naster !NI estate ol _, ,_ __ ... ..._.. tn 995 120) same type reQu1r ed bf R1tk Dekke1 ,...,. 1ou sta!l•d du"•R 200S694S427 ANN M~ Re· ancc uf tlr ob~&Alillf• ll1e decedent .,. ,..,..,. .... prov"""" A m•ndatory Pre Bid the conlr•tl fi<1itiovs IWllMs lh1~ st•temtnt .... LJu """yet' Nr O•"Y F'11ot Jun• 20 V cordrd JO, 2000 )«=d b1 the ahc»c THE PETITION requests 9ProbalOO teT .... ~ ~ Confe1ence ind m•nda ? lne Contrdt lro• ~ti•ll Nome St ... __. filed with Ill~ c,, .. r,,, 'J""i .<u11 Neuvt~ ' '4 11 2003 f 99':1 H lllStr No 200001SYT1l dr""~\I Dec<! ul lnui •nd me ~111'8 Wiii and . '"'1 "''"" '"' '""'V tory Pre 81d Job W1I~ I provide d m1n1mum 111 $ .,,.._,, Clerk of 0,.ni< Cuulltf Th \tlltrtttnl "" 111 Book -· Pl1Jr ... o( C>Ult>iU:d CU\U C\~IU<'> t..Odlcils • ~ any. be ~ ~-~e= will b~ ~onducted on rtlcrenc~' hu llfl·ltll• '• • ''· '"' "'~ pr<'un' un O!> l 2 Ol ' ··1 "•~ lhe 'u~ 11 Of'fiaal . '° ctr 100 4d•'-lltc' •> aommed to PIOC>ate =-..:.= '~":°te''" ......__.~ WlONlSOAY, JUlY 9, s1m1la1 1n stope 6 ll \11• "• d• 11~ t.~~·"~'' as 200S6t442SS •·~ ol Or•nitr ""'' officto(ctrR«order ot ~14,1/,:9 -, 11 ,,l"~'ibrl"ltreWlllandanyCOdlGlll ""''-"'V ... ,..........,.. 200 s. b •i•nnina tu th•~ Proitl t "'h" • 24 C.a·11 D AC1ass 011lyP111.11Jur\ell :1 '"'Jbl!(< ORANGE Uiumy. po.nu lhoi u 11< IAIT'C of ••le lhr are av~ tor lt>Oole promptly •I 9100 AM hdve b••n W(_.s.iu 1 A • 1 •'" • ' ~~ewpor! 24 July I JOOl s, 1t>036947730 1111 lO ctr Noocc o(DcfJult optnJtg hkl IN) be lcu exam1N1b0n 1n ltle file' YOU MAY EXAMINE the Par ~nh \hall mul comptettd '"th• pol 1 •''""£ t. "'P•nv. d• fklffious lllllntu C..• t P•• 1 I int 17 .4 &ad Ekctioo to x U thrrt-thin the rot.ti indi:bt•"->' keptbyltleoourt file kepi by 1118 COIJrt II at 1'9(·MEDICAL CLN Y••rs •< r."'""' Gvu•mtt •1 Ju't I &. tOUI • lo" llllller ~orded Mvt'.h S di.It O•tt Jut1<1i,....~l THE PETITION reqv:ests )Oil are a person T(R 101 The City D"ve THE. R[GltllS tJI THI ,,,,. '"' l o'or1n~ l1 24 "-Statlfftllll , r:.....:--•·-:......., 200) U lmll 'o T 0 S' "\ l' f ( ()" 1 .... ...,..,,,.., 10 admWattr lf!tereated lfl ltle estate. Bu1ldmo 53, Aud1to11um UNIVERSITY Of I.ALI '""1 • ater1r.1t by I T• f 11 rt<111-. ...,_., '-" ' " I ~-~··1 t"· wlttl tile • ti• ,on ' 24 I •rr•JI\ "" n u "1n~ l't" "" 10030002412'9111 BooL · PA.'I) n ,olld TM ltc ttle estale under Ille '100 may A":.,._, f()( Or1nae. CA 92868. (949J fOR NIA , •'•~r'"• A•id Evtnf\ •I• doinw hu~"'~'° • N.M Slll!t!Mllf • Pl.,: --o( Oftic1il f'RASC l:.S lll:l'AL\1A .noependent coun I ....-~ 82A 6630 luly 2003 , 111• , llN••utl Drovr.1 [loctron1 r "•" " lhr fl)lfl>w•n;. µi-• "" Reconh Ill lhe olflt.C of ASSIS r A-'T \H l(f -;.dm1nist1at1Qn of Estates Special NotJCe (form DE-M•p ava 1 l•ble upon Pu bl11he d N. NIJtH I ,,,,,,,,., ,, a~ •• h (.al• I Ser"'" (,(,,u~ l 'IJIJ • -OOIOi tu~ir·~· ., I.be Reconler o( ORASG[ rARY r ll "~\'It£: I AC! (Tm autnonty will 1f>4) of tile filrng of an requesl Beach Cosl• MHa Dady ' ~7• 4b 11rv1nr Avt • 120 Ni-n Aur,, Park~ Plu· ;1ss (OWll). YOt: ARE L" lllow ttie personal fflentory and. appraisal ATTINOANCI AT THl Pilot J~ly I 8. 2003 T(Jf;'J '~',; 1 ~"' Ritt•o•d !:\en por t Su en ( P. ')~f>t,1 ·&"'• isab~ Av• r \Id DEFAULT UNDER A LOMPA' y i~Z:O L 1epresenta1Ne to take ol lllltate assets or ol any l'ltl-110 CONflltlNCl """ 't <'~. tlollw•,<Jd I New ""''"'"" ?ta M•,• Ca•olorno4 ·~F.'ll DE.EDOFTRl.iST DAn.IJ FIR.ST ~T ')l ITI llO many aCtlOlls wrtf\out pehtton or acx:ount as ANO l'ltl-llD JOI I SIJPBIOt(OIJRlOf 1,,,. ,.. '"''"ll'un Beo<h. £,11u Ma na.i•n .,., Moh•mm•d tr•"• d OCTOBER 14. 200.I f' o Bo\ I l988 cbla1rvng coun approval PIOll1ded "' PrOt>ate WA.llC IS MANOATOltY rtl~l , , , ""a ~/f,4& G•oup Int c A1 <11.lO 1',ll s~nt• 1 •b• A .. UNLESS YOL' T"IU: )~"T" "-'" 1 "92111 Belote talung certain Code Sec1>orl 1250 A FOil AU l'ltlMl CON-.._........., lrvt'le A•e •170 ~.,, <'la M• a t..••fc·'"'" ACTION TO PROTKT 19Kb -.a q } ~lJ? :&ry ll'nportant ac11one. Request lor Special I Tlt.ACTOllS. THl MIU-COUNTY Of OIANGf 1 (~.:" (. ,~·:~~d!Je~·;~.1~· port Bu< h CA 9.?b6fl ~Lf:.:1 YOUR PROPERTY. n V.c arc an11uoc !ht lkntfi "lO'M!IYef the per10NI Notice foml IS available ING WtU ClOSl AT J.4l TlieCityDriw I\.-. 11 '"'nil'"" BH,, Call Th•• bvs•nt". s ·"·~ 0 ,~ "~\ ,n \tAY BE SOU> Al A '""' o,ollt•t •dtbl oll>d ·~11Ye will be lromtheoourtclefll 9:0S A.M . ANY CON-,,,,,..,., 1 , a'l~l;.4f, dutltdbt '"':~••'" dut•dbf an lld••du• PVllUC SAU IF YOl 10~ ctlfonn.uoo "' obwn 1equ.,ed to Q1'19 l\OllOll IO A= lor PetJtJOnef TltACTOltS AltltlV.NG CA 92&61,i.-Mlll Jvs-1,,. b ·~·n~'s •\ , ''" Ha•~ y '" ~:•• ro do ••i H.tvt tC.u \•1rltd cl '"~ ~AA EXi'tA.''<· .. 11 br u.Kd fflf th4t (Jtef8Sted ~ ROeE T W LITTLE. AFTllt THIS TIMl WIU I li<t(lllttf Ji ··~rt ~u·Dand onJ 06ou\0on1e\0\3t•t •·~ ou· .. n"'tet'No f10S OF THE NA n'RE ~ -.hether r«mcd nteu they have waived ESQ NOT ll lUGllll TO 1 Mohimm•d 1111 •• ,01 ' • G onlJ -nu•• If • AOOERT w umE. A '-'ltTICIPATI IN TH( PllTTlOtlOf Matthew " • N... A'f •• ... fl•al Tt '141~1l'•n• .... OF TI{E PROCEEDl' I "' Ill '* . ., . .opce or ~ed IO LAW CORPORATION 110 ,ltOClSS AS A _J ,. ••• ,. u ~tarted d"'"" I [ M AGAINST VOL. YOl' ._..,i.Mc ~ f\pt•"'J lhe prQPC>sed ~) 610 NEWPOf!T ,ltlMl CONTltACTOll. Janie,(aputt-Vldorio ,, , • .,. ... , ""' No _ G~~•,.1• ,,.•:'"'~~:~: l·i•d with th• Gou,,lv SHOl'LD CONTACT A opc111ni ti.d •ndlor J>O'll The ll'ldepenOent ,_._.._./_..,. L.L.JI :.1101" Ste."• B•'lnett W 1, P. L Cl••• ul U••n~e C.ount1 LAWYER :I09 SIGSAL poncment in!OfmlUoo ml) <1dminis1tall0n autnonty CENTER DA 129() Only b1doer \ who -a.uu-....,... •• on-1,,, -'~leme'lt .,., a••• ""'i , rr\IOtnt rm Ob 11 03 ROAD. f''EWJ'ORT bt obt.uncd bj ••UJng !ht Wlllbegrantedunleuan NEWPOf!T BEACH CA partttipate In b1>th tht I oUr....oNkoleRuitfOI II d th tn Cn nl I lh1" '131·~·r~t ... ~ 20036947680 BEACIL CA 92663 Ill follo"'llll ~lcphooc nutn-i lnleruted person files 92660 p,, Bio Conlerentt •nd CHANGEOflUME ,·,~.~ ~.· O•~n:e C<•~nt; l flied w 1n tr1t Cr•unty D.11y P1!1>t Juno I/ 24 1 JCl«I addtus °' conxnoc ~11ll 00 t1¥ day brfor~ !ht an OOj8CIJOr1 IO the 06!»'03. 07/0MXI. tho Pie Bid lob Walk 1n ,,,, fJI, , OJ 1,lork of IJian~• C.ou,.t / 1 1 8 2003 TOSS de.lip.-of propcny u u1c 11<11.&805690 l'At • petlllOn and stlOWS good =~ ~1~~.~n,.•11et6,d :~' ~= OIDUTOSHOWCAUSUOI 200369'7679 8 1c ~~~~;,~~92 .......... abovt, DO ""41Tm} 486663( P\ B 6117Al" cause ....... lhe court N-----SEACK-COSTA .rt.IA ..... rOf .. ,... Dail/ P11 ... 1 July I , ....,_u -.. , """"""' Pro,eLI s p11me ton UUU911\ ,._, U ?OOJ T066 D1oly Pilot July l _ts_P_"'_o_•_co_.u ____ 6r._~_3_7_Al_l_.O_l ___ ~ ___ noc __ IJll'll ___ the __ MDA __ o_M._Y_PIL_O_T ___ ttactor~ For further CASlllUMJll;A219793 22. 2003 f~e followrna P•r'°"' ~•• ao•ndoned lilt U\• uf tl\e r lll•tiou• Bu\ 'Ir\~ Name AUTO PAR T' PLUS 1000 S Ct<nl Or Nr, VIOb. Costa Me~• C ah for "'~ 92626 Tne f1Lt1t1ous 8u\1<1e\ namt rtferr~d tCJ •DOvt ., •\ folt d n Or anict 1 <-vnty on ()') O!i 1997 f IL( NO 1997371987() r .ir·~ '" Haton•t» 1000 •\! D• • l •.16 Cu\I• Mr\a (4 fc<'1 l ~~b/t; ln.~ bu\,•f'\t •• • cun dud~d o,, \ no ,_1do• f•r1C..O,ZHdlt •D lr'll\ 5.Uit"'""""' ... tiled ~ ....-fft c,, .J t, r ltrk ,f Qr4n~t C: JV~t, .. n()b II OJ 200369'7681 Cl•.iv ""'rt Junt 17 l 4 Jutv I 8 .!OOJ !Ost. SEU Pol i«Y Ho"' to Plae~ \ ..-----Dracllin e~ __ _ I< .11.. •• ,,J .., .. dt r: ..ire 'u :er:, 'O d1 ... 11~~ '' Hhu 1 h o1'!1: .. :1cr CLAssuu.aAD -d '.\I, .. u .. , l . n.J.,J.• 1H>p.1. IC""-J H .. ") lh.: ft!:Jh ''' '~'°":' . ..:~=r:,' revise or rc1L·Lt .Ill~ L Ll'"llit:d ;.1J\\. llh.:llli.:11t i ... ' LMt ma~ h.. .. , .If .. 1.1 un nl<d I uh. 11 nu )Jjhiltt) I t" 1J.1d) l'1i"' •. . ·1 ,,,, \..lt\ll 3lh CrthCtnl.:lll l.11 \\ h1. h II "' '. (>,, n:..,1 ,in,1hk ........ ·pt 1111 lhc. J< :I, 'l"·•l .... tdUJll~ ,~,up11.ll 11.: '" r .,._ Crcl.111 .. .ui u11l) tx ..ilf,,., ,,j ll. :11 • , 1 ,, llhc nion ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINAHCIAl 1419 2305-2490 I lic..,uu) ..... .\-Ju11uu.' .).lJUp111 th .\lail/(n Per~ou : B ~ PlhHH \'/~Lj I b4 _ 'h th t· a:\ 1•1J1i 1 ti I j ()"lllJ ''' '' '' Ba' Su \I 'J .CA4_r •• .1 \I' I • Bhd & ti.I\ \I f·nd .. , ............. .. Thur,da~ 5:CJOp111 ffcHH:o-~..1tu1da1 .............. Fnda) 3·0<tpm h'kphu110: Ii ~O.utt .., llOp11. ,\l .. 1nJ..1) ~ml .. , \\.i.il. ln I'\ \0.1111 • •J1•p111 Mllnd,1) hid ... ~und..1) ....................... Fnd..t) 5:00pm Al ESTATE R SALE 3010-3940 .. soos-saso -·-- F ... ~ •A•- , \, ·~ . , .. ' ,. -~-.-A- .......... ~·· 1' ' ....... ~J..... ' 1407-/466 aoos-as10 & 9000-9750 Under th e Service Directory Banner Rea<th 80 UUO Homes Each Weck Fut Only $32 µe j week (4week minim um ) Call lo.-raine at (949) 574-4245 S ...... ~t-P1<.1flt View $30lX>. 818·986· 7322 lv 1413 HOME JEWELRY/ ~w===A==N~T~E~Diiiiii IMPROVEMENT DIAMONDS/ Audions 3460 Pit Adoptions -8llSlness Oppof1unities o-~•,,.all colors, all 11zes for adoption to qualified homtS W_.,.,e$CUt Ofl or 71•·77H1915. ..e;iOENTIA.1.. ~~ ORANGE 7400 NtwpOft Coal __ .....__ O..tlthe ...... lleh I .-;:c-~,.c-111VV!:.~~ .:>RSA..£ I ~-.. \trLfl 10 Bra I ORANGE 5400 .... " 1 ~ ~ .Jt pu<nt ""' Collldlbln/ Mtmorlbll 1160 '°" $$ .. •KottOS nc .Im. a... Ek !as ' Sh .tll Mtc, ~. tlA>e ~ M1kt 949·6•5 1505 BrnRTAIMNT ClllMlrof Ewnes 1311 IOUM HOUSING OffOlnllTY All rHI e1ta1' adnr· tlt1n1 In this n•w'4>•Per Is eub~I to IM Fecle11I Fair Houlllll Act of 1968 u a1T1ended wht<ll ma~u It lllea•t to '4'1ntlM • eny CH eltt 111c a, 111111ut1on or d!Krlmlnatlon 1>•"4 Oii rac., color. reltcielrl, s.u. hll'ldlc111>. 11m111.i •ltt11• Of 11atlon1I or(Cln., or 111 lntentlot1 w ... •• •n1 IUCll ptti_,enu, llmtu tlon Of dllcrknl1'11lio11 • Thia n•111 pac>er wlfl l'IOI kl'IOwln&IJ ec~p' en1 ednrtfMrn•nt for rHI Ht••• wflk:ll ls Ill vtot•ttof\ of '"' In· Olll r11d1n ere htrtb)i lnfttMM llttt •U dW•ll· tn11 ~I .... ln thlt MW ... •• •ttlilHte 9llt M .... WOflllnlt't ., .... To CGMjll1111 of ~· ct......_,c .. HOO ~ ,,.. .. ,..a tuo.u ... ANTIQUES SERVICES 2600 PRECIOUSMETALS MllCltllnloul c-•• c.1 .. Need• Older Style F11rnlture PIANOS l ColltctibMt ... . ........... •) ,~ $$ CAS" PAID $.$ -WE BUY ESTATES . ..-..._ ... -Old Coins! Gold, silvtt. StfVlca .. _ lt...-Y. watdles. antique$ PHOTOGRAPHY/ 3610 OP11CAL $600-$ 1520/WlllllYI P ostal positlon•/•n ~ lfCl81 [11Tf· i'rofeu1onel i.vel No collectlbln 949-642·9"8 1'*ic'nce -)' PMI ti amlnl/"<acatrons Call t.'oondey Seb.cr~ for "fl4l/ Info 1~1401 x103 (Mond•y S.turd•y) (CAL•SCAN) w.-,,., & Or,w, both new. MUit uctlhc ,.,, "50 fOt both. Cal ~ 640~17 OI 949'6~ ....... ....... 3735 -S·lft&W•IS Up to~ om 40d0, 50a t00. 51d10 '"' • Ott.ti Clft Otli'9tf I Roy (IOO) -2780 IA11Y 11.l<Tlt( WNlllCMAll. ~l 1100. LN Nl'W. IZMIO.' 080 MH.tl2.m yow stuff ttwcMilft classified! 'Br 4 58 bf d new Batneauand fftnchlses COUNTY ~13ton• '""'"' J9Cl> I 'lei td .1 SZ.950.000 All CASH CMOY Hu0t.e Do you -n $800 01 • dty1 YtM own 10c.a1 C«1dy route ~ JO ma cf*-I/Id Uflllf Ni. fur $9,995. ~end. llC 88) Chnd Blvd. 0-P-11 f('( 11729. 1-800 998 V£.NO (CAl'°SCAN) iiiiNoi'Nu t~ Hlltl -n ~ r' ,._ !)01*llll 1toM A>l ~t.1011 product ..olk 1r.,. .. hulne F 1& 0. we .. f1tl* NIX MfM 800 104 2l86 (CAl"SU.N) CO•ERCW. PROPERTY FOR LEASE 4502 --Balboa Penmwl1 FlNlNSUU. CONDOS ~o,.. .. s.n-s-1-4 4'1 S ltlvw Ave FltOM sau.ooo JU :!aTHST. l &4 ..... ... ~11--... , ..... /, ..... Or..= ... ~n. Ca 94 S2I COAS TUN£ RlAl T) 9'9 7S')-Ol rz C--'91 •• l.uxwy ••• ,.. c ....... 1., ........ )o.8(, low~ peymenll. 24>"°" he •-dlld ~ eor-• Mir l'lllC*'tl& .. 222.fllll E.~4. ... s.-..... o. ... ~ J6i den o. ,... non COUNTY "'"" l>OOI ~. BBQ & P<t dj)P<O> 4CJXAf. 10 000. Bal .. _ W....il lt>l Sl.166.<nl ltil. l..._." --111 l eatD C)&!i(8.8'J2.j 1 • ... + ..... P"flo, --prtr.t Slfli(Vlno • ,._ ltlMl UTATIS ._ crpt. ~ lrdy. PABKK TINotll SI~ ~ NATIONW101 VSA 90-aH-t70S 1111111 ,., ... "*" ~•tn.:kt•nor• com ....,.... ..... c.- aatDm .i.tl ....... e..,on & _, ~ Dftwed ... $6.SOO 000 c-•tt .. e ....., ,..,. .. ,_,JM.,, c..• .. -' AlO Tuesday, My 1, 2003 I . .\ . TODAY'S C~QSSWORQ PUZZLE ACROSS t 0.C.-..mec! IAP 5 0.-meo Wipel 10 BtQlld belfl '"!~ICh 1 s Fb,ed tie pilol 16 Writ« K~- 1 T AlaiAlf IM1Jxe t{I Mlll>Olt ~ • mcMll• (3 wds.) 20 Ctieslnuts and 22~ macflinf!s 23 Vet cilef1I 25Gop.tc:ti-26 C8Ullic solulloo 27 • ~ Ocubttlre· 28•Banet 32 Faelen boards 33 Swtrl<le so~ me..,,.s 51 Ellalunle 54 GNo lestons 65 Ride .... 57 l'l.MWet. g. 61 Coupd -82 Oo4eon 63~ &4 T fllllTI at Shole 65 AlecNon 66 Slaokon oll DOWN t Shak8$j>88f8'5 oolh 2 And, torHll'I$ 3 Af-or enl\8noe< 4 Nevet·ending 5 l(,n:I o! 35 8olow 36 Devotee 6~~-. Cfeotor 7 ·woersmer 8 Freedom, in 28 Ouzo fla9ol 27 SIQnlfled invootof 51 lllro81..Qeanng 31 -de oolc;lgoe 38 Mall bwtlrage 39 Warm up loo a '.iogene 9 Least fte511 10 Daydream 29 Lois of cash 30 TtNly 1nemlieu1 31 ~ro sound 52 LOQlltion 53 Now in the OA 54 Boxing ,.bout 41 WatcheS OYQ( 43 N11me111 8988ytl I t ASian nanny 12 Bad habJI 3-4 BenellClillles 40 DilcarO. . 41 0el81'he<O 42 Fleece taker <13 Bubble over trf~ S6 Solemn vow « Tn he, to Brutus 45 COiumnist Buchwald 13 Que9oons 19 Rested (2 wds) 58 teachfllS' org • 59 Capone too 21 Strike - 23 B1melle!t <I 7 Chedcout ID 49 Wood <ll&lidue 50 Slee! plow 60 Type of 48 Tr&dled 48 Canning Hems ?4 Ct.1ty•111iled dogs 25 ln'!POStor neeldrrie Costa Mesa •• °""" Most• 2+2/ PfT OK Btt-rn R3t•li"./n""'1/ 1lw, U,,.la•~ C(N ptllg, w.1t.. ilr ash pd Sl32S Aval! ~~f ~do!p $500 Vf'l HAll90tl VIJAGf ll,01lxir Blvd@> MErroma<. w .• y (7T4> ~-044? 711< 2.SBo iwnhous4 on l.iuffs rw bth. toed yd, Ip, !ILi g;w • exti a Piii&. Sl4'li/ mu agent 94'}.647 -9699 ' Almost "-fl<J'il"OO" 2Bt ~ '-,6,, honx:. HUG£ 3c all '"", Ip Ac. W/O, gJ<lnl U~ kt. $2(lll)tv1 Kie•< Mngt ll// · 704-lJ;49 (xi 9745 Huntington Beach Newport Beach UDO YEARl Y LEA.SE & UOO SUMMER HOMES Bill GRUNDY R£ Al TORS 949-675-6161 UDO rsu b~yh ont bldg. IR studro w/slove & fne Sil 95 incl ga~. water. & elect11c 949 675 0120 A STW IBR S 109S/Mo '/•OH tfM ht mo R- for 6mo luse Newly r emodcled w/new ilj)pfs, t••pel & ceramic trte W1U •n•.Kle @ unrt D/W & Ing 2Ur $144'.:J <:all Lou 949 646 2224 01 714 6.U 7592 No dogs. 21R YEARLY RENT A.lS Newport Beach Penin $ t 400-S 19!>0/mo agt 949-673-7800 Lite New 2br 2ba coodo, fp, patio off lut & msb Br. l'ocige 2c gat. l 5mi to bch. wall to F .tslt Is. •& mart\81 S21mno. 949-Mlll69 £XCP'110NAl 2U 29A, 2CA.lt GARA.Gl, NlA.lt FASHION ISi.AND. $2050/ MO. ogt, 949-121~132 Newport Crest, 2br 2hd, Z ~ gar. walk to bch, tennrs/pool/spa, $2100/mo 949-707-4408 IRr IB<>. $1450/mo 146 11 I S W IAY AVE. Vlllo Point Drive, w/d, I& U!>P6" 3br 2ba, vault cell, p,A••l:" agenl. ·earbdfd Ip, w/d, 2c gar, S25CX>/mo. '~'''°" lbr lbil <:Ondo neit Sw1ndall 949 500 1861 agt Chrrsty 949-500 3648 I fl l'Olf. comm po<~. w.1, w.t •1 u.1<1 l~Wd pk)( /IP.I St!W ~'>-6/3 7lW large l~ Ibo unit on 4fUl•t Penln•ulo point. No •moklng/pets. S l<ISO 949-293-4631 FOR 'RENT IN llUFfS Popular E Pt an 3Br, 21/18a + Family Room $3000/mo 949 644 4909 I . Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH PL.A Y OR Ofo:lo'END? ~ yqlocrabJe, South deab. WEST •J86 4 'V 9 7 NOR'J'H • 102 \I AKS o ASJ • J 9864 EAST •Q7 v K9764 •A3 '\) 10864 2 0 J8 •K 752 SOUTH •AK953 ·~,QJ3 t) 'Q 10 2 •QIO The biddmf(: · SOU11i W•~ST .. ,_ 2NT ,_ .._ Pass NORTi, £i\,ST 2• . PllS\ JNl' ..._.., Opening lead: Six of . Study the cliagmm above. Would you mlhe.r play or <lefen<l three i;io trump after lhe le-Jd of the oill of dm· mon<li.? The a~tion Wfl.'> routi~. Wilh 12 po1nl• and u live-card wrt. "'~ cn<.IOf'-.C Nunh ·~ dcci,ion m pn1Ct'Ctl to game. 41r Duple• '" o lvsl- n .. • Pork. Office or guest ,l\pt on It nt unrt, Compl refurb Lii. bkyrd, storg bide al rear. $3200 $3400 949 760·9637 . Sur:fpo:,t: ~w d~(.'t 111 pluy. You en.pc.me Ea\t 'jack of diamond• with lhe quCIL'o, crm~ to dummy with tbc Ung of.beMts uod lead a luw club. Unfortunately. Ell~• i~ ~klllod ci11>og_l1 W ~hout up with Uw. kinll of clu~ lflll n:"eJ1 tu dlUJJKlllds, anJ yoo c1111 du nv ~IWr thun eight tricks hy pe11>1st· ing willl dub• -t.lowo uoe. However. yuu cno improve 1.JO 1/1111 hnc "1111ewh111. Suppose thlll ut trick two you eloct lO lead a lqw ~p;ade 10 the ten. Thut will hcin1t t11n11c lhe bocon whcnc\N; ~p>141es arc 3-J or West holds a <.k111blc10n honC>r and you ~~'!t'.<l tv n.111 the ten next. Nothmg work.\, and Liu' line re'>l.llt:. 111 down IW<> when Ea.~l wius the o;p;Klc und rl'Wtl.~ tu a diamun<l. Bl'flHC you \lccidc tu ~witch to defending.. take anol.hl·r ltM1k at the diagram. Suppc.ll<C you "ere tu allow !tie jack of d 1um11n1.h rn h11IJ the f.in.1 · trick •-.;1,1 rctun.-i1 di:u11011LI an<l West pcnniL' you Ill win the sc•'Ond tric.:k with the.: ti:n. Nt·\t. lca<.I th<t 4m.'t'.n of du~ If Wcsl all\Jw' Ea.-.1 to win the.: uii:I., Ea,,1 due' 11111 have a diunM>nd tu re tum II w,,_1 "''"'. W1d forn:' 1JUt lhc la'' OIJlllllltJ 'ohlppi.!r, the dck11dcr h:c. nu fa.,1 entry 111 ,.u,h th<.· J1umund w111ocr.. Either "'llY ·dt.'\:IJicr com.-, 11.1 JU tritl.> DtlMR/CDl (Al Havnot-~IO.OOCI .tlh~ 5 yeais! SOL OS to JLJ 1 enl~ I earn In 41 ! +'Ill\ I 011h 31·(0f'!. to 8/ r•nl• f1H•f sow· chl11 l'e~ Clll Cr dd\ welconw l LI( IO) 925 55')b u< Kl I M 1..u n1 \LAI. •SCAN) Publishlnw PIOMOTIOllS OlPUYMINY. Community ~· In Oraoge Couoty seeb Full .,.,,_ E to lnt•-and Wf' e stories, l)lfticl- pall! in w11u11ity eveots. create and p;l&!Mte 1~n and llf!Ctions. E.llcelenl COlllllllHllCalllOO ~. worll w~ 11<1tb the public. Know N> Slyte. Qv81Ul'rl!S$, PhotOShop, Multt·M ere-ijtor. Proficient oo WC -.nd PC. CCI desiiin ea per lence prefeHed. Pr oofrud111g test Of1111 sa~physacal r....-ed. tOl Eacellenl benefit P«llitlll! £mail 1esume, wrihna \ar~les and salilfy requi1e111e11 ts ··IQ l.lrta iofw,on@lat~nes.c;om .... ,. ••II-...... 8u$y ~t °"~' Re.ii Eslate otl;e Siilary com rne11sur ate . w/etp. fax resimi to ~Zlll ~ b.cMM..,...... Home. 2Br 2&, ?-cat gat, pvt beaches. A/C, S3500oo 114·998-17!>8 7l4-365713 Monthly Rental AV'lt4 ~­ Aile 4llf 2ba hse on P.efin Pornt Very flee fu'n agt SJ500 949-6JS.46.l) Clah ttmnn/Pr i,,,,,, ue~ Automob1·1es 9000· Nogjil Audol will Ir"'" dflllly '" ~,.,..,,,.,19'>1 N~Wfll)fl Bl Newport Coast SOflterre 381 7. 5Ba s1h& lam hm, yard, wd hkup, 2 l 11a1, comm pool. S3000 949-851 8345 ' VACATION RENTALS JOBS WANTED 8200 BeactvWatemont Renta" 7905 EmplQ¥ment Wanted Newport 8eo<h Besl Oceanfi oot kl<., 2 .. z '1>ffoce. SlOK/mo . 6/mo or Sl2K/ mo · 3/mo 909.337.204~ ClA·SSlflf D It's the solution ., you're searching for·whether yob' re see~ing a home, apartment, pet or new ' occupation! . * Ho.,Hmon/Mgr. * l·cleon & m•1nlam la•ll~ homes Coo~. dlfv•· ·••I dutres. elderly & child tare up J;>J 93/ 9038 Employment 8500 Driven· SWll I IRllNS· POR 1 A TION, 1\ h111np, ex(>l!fleflled & lfle•l"'ff eoced di"'"' s and U/U COl TraH1111g avillldble W• pay 10< eapenence, R<P.<I benefits ·l'"' O'J<l\JSf+'11t mrle'!. I J!lif> 333 &!lO I (CAL •SCAN1 OIUVERS Uwne< ~ • l<n. I~ Y''" owu bu1J<' Looli11111 tr. lrlJt' ~ (Jenee? larl0$lar Ila' lhe loats/lretgt1I In m.4o.t Y'J'I WC<.l!S'-luP (All fQil ~9 066 lANU!>lflR (Clll •SCAN l DRIVERS PART -llM E Mon Frt Drrve n•tt 1 •rs and eel pMd for 11 C:all Dan 949 ';,14-/4/Cf Co\la M~-..1 'l4'H1'r0 79'l':I Automotive 9004 MORTGAGl llUSINl'SS $ boonwig, 1...id '"'" CoorJ 11'\00eY potlc11ti.il l1dll11~ tJtovrd~d f ull/l'l f J • rt•IOnlP 114 ')/f, t<1fl> • P/nME-RUJU MAH-: AGIR. Irv. ''"'JR" fa< drty on CM Mnntl.1y lh1~~ay, t rtday Offll ~ ,)n'1 MP cieJlllllP f •t> dt Cdtl IUI 111f1J1111Jl~•ll 714 43/ 911.X) NBCC Now hiring PT IJ.rlendPr /I. W'<I '>l•ff Ar1ply m 11•1 ~"" .tll~r 2 OOpm M"nday I rrday l 600 l . Coo•t ltwy NB P ort~time Security position Mon r 11 17 '>Jim SIU/ht f:Jll ~'I '>48 1181> I asll 11.11 Shd~""" ludl ·oo A6 38k ml, full '"'I ~Arr m .. talhc drk blue/v,rry lthr. CD. """' \uperb tond SlY,79'> v#874241 Bkr 949-586-1888 www.ocpobol.com -·--- BMW '97 3284 Con¥. '""" l'>k ml mdalh< dr k ~rue . I!' ~Y 11111 . l•lJUlull\ cUflU lhr,.ugh uul vl5'.llt>I $16.!jq') 1111 & w•rr dV.tll Bkr 949 '>IJ; 11188 WWW Ck:tJdbl t 001 BMW '89 73Sll ledltwr \umuo1. very '""'"· $'1!1% N8654S'.1 W(Wttttf PI Pm 94CJ 646 "lUJ_ IMW '91 23 Conv 2.8 h • yt '"d tan llh1 . 5~prl b.-1'ut l1k.. nf'w tond •81'>7ll Sl7.995 11 nancong & wa11 anty avail Bkr '.1~9 586 t881l www.ocpobl.com ---· ALOHA! EARN EXTRA MONEY • f.rid!u'..J.Dh.11 -Suod.iy. 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HOME, ffEJUirH AND BUSINESS ----•., • • I Service Directory Accou.itng NUllCf IO RlAOf RS ( ,1f1lorn1a law re q111r,.!. lhflf con tr tt• '"'~ t~kong tnh'. that l•olaf $500 "' more (l,obur or m~le11als) he h1 en\ed by the I ro11lrd1..to1s State t 1trn~u BnM d State l.iw alw requore• Illa! lontl actors rnc lude lhdr hcense number "" .111 advetlmng You < dfl tlw~k the status <Jf ynur htenud cnn tr;ic tnr a t www c~lb.~a gov or 800 321 CSL8 Unlr censed contractors tal\iflll 1ob~ that l'!IAI less than $500 """' ~late In lheor .1dve1 ttsements th al th•y die not licensed by the Cun tr actors Slate License Board " Additions& Remodeling fMT149tG INTDllOilS Kitchm I Batll / RlmCldej Af"di:ns. "'' .. Bus.am 16'(815~~ 'Air Conditior"4tnt A.LUN HVAC Air Condihonin(I & Hetllne Service I #ll08660 949-500-9005 A-ZMANOYMAN ln~laU, reface c:1tbineh ~ ~-.. °""' 714-se&-7258 Carpet Repair/Sales c1 CARPIT l'l' CARPET,-:., Rrpa11 ~ Patchrnt.t. Install CrJur t~ous <JOY Silt fobs Whole~ale! 949 49? 0205 Cleaning Sqveol.y Cleon Quahty Htru~e cle<1n1ng Alfo1d able rate~. W•Yrs,[•p free Estimate 714-ISl-6667 . Drywall Services Rooting/Tiie IN HOME WITTHOEFT DRYWAll UNCY ~ Rep;!#e<I & IUSINES5 ttEl•AtltS Upgrades, Repairs ol Computer, Networks Evenrngs/Weekends Competrtrve prices for quahty servrc 949-836-117 s 714-926-4228 All phases sm/lrg 1obs Regroutrn & lni lallallorr CllANI 20yrs. la11, free Tll( DEAN 91\9 673 80tl esL LQXDJ 714-639 lil47 714-&16-8526 714 883 2031 Concrete & Masonry I rick llock St.,.• Tiie' Conaete. Patio. Driveway f1teplc, BBQ Refs 25Yrs r.p lerryll4-557·7594 The Cement M.., Cementwork , Brrck, Tole & More Relinble No 1ob too small 7l4-615·9062 Ml 0 GIM YOUlHOMI IMPIOVlMINT PROJECT? Call a plum bet. parnter, h~ndyman, or any of the 11eat services fisted here rn our se1 vice directory! THESE LOCAL. SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! Electrical Services Smotl Jot. .bp•rtl Duncan (leclrrc '10Yrs [Ip locaVQvlCk Respame Service/Remodiels l #2 l!i870 949"650-7042 Am-lea I ctrlc Licensed Electrrcal Con tr actor. Small 1obs start1011 at S79.9S & wp. Speclalrunii rn Remodehne & all home worrnt needs, Comm/lndust/Res I ·IOO-lt7-100I l'782959 DUTCHMA.M lUCTRIC llCENSCD/INSUREO COMPlltllVE RAT£S L#759337 949-322·6250 UClNSlD CONYltA.CTOI Ho ~ too Siil. ,. services! Rtpaor, remodel, lens, spl,MWSVC~ Aoortnl'Tll• CUSTOM <MAIM TU lnsblLJtion, slsle. C*11111ic, rnwtle, stone. &llllii l97S Llll6l2044 Jeff 71~12'9961 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIF.S Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDmONS RFMODEl.S CUSTOM CABI.NE'lllY Kitchen & Bath Specialises a OONSTRUcnON Llc#57798l (949) 709-5642 Garioe.~ *AMERICAll* OVENEAD DOOR ·Garaoe~ :~ • l Ol.af ' Aellat>le FREE ESTIMATfS (7t4 ..... 11730 l 1 lov T orrH l.ondscop• Weeilly ma.-ot. IJee bnrnq & inst11flalron 25 Yrs up lrc/msured 949-548·4363 ,.. HIOltJltCUl n&V sa*8 EVERYTHING & ANYTHING IN A GARDEN. THI OlfflltlNU llTWllN llAUTtF & IXQUmTL. 949-S 1 S-8124 lftf --up Gel your y11d loolllna Its best b' the 5l#T1lnl!r Y•d ~ li1Jrlr$ler tanH.tps and ~ weellel'd & eve qoole't JIM tt-4 S.rvlcH 71...Ctl.ooeo y,.. 5.nlc•, Y•rd Cle•nup, Melnle"ence, Sl>/ Inkier Rep1lr, H11ulln1 (949) 650-1711 ....... -..... ............. ............ .......... r.-. ... ...., .... Salft·8efvlce-ftepeirl ·~ 94SMM2..o424 I Handyma!V Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & REMODELING W'Jl i1 rm ~ do~n NOi ttlOUJ;h u OK! I >on'< lu..: tbt rigli1 1nou! I'll t1.a111ornonvw. , Yoda. Yawb, Yacb Xm Hand S<nica 714.427.0040 Md.er 1iletn ll"l'f'Y Christian Handyman f05h Cirpenter fenoe<.. d.-ywal slva;o, a.Al flocn Wllldow'V~. -· lasoc.a '-1J$ & pairrmg S!lnr<>" <11soourrr r file estmate Cal Jclwl 714"-636-8235 GF1tFJlAL llEPAll 'MAINTENANCE • Rtsxtntial • Commcrdal No ·Job Tho Small Dave Bamlltoa 949-322-8292 c,_,. ........ Or)wsll Repair. lllt/lA I Ptmlina Free Estimate. Call Bob 71'4-270.UM AX UP Sf'lCWJST. A.II typo of r~irs. Elec lrtctl, plumblnfl. doors. wat.~IM&lnln 24hrfldays 714-366·1881 Handyman/ Home Repair HANDYMAN All I v11e\ 01 Work '""cf~ vr Out C•ll left ur IJo>nrns 114 427 OOllCI IVl&'4tKl ROllNSON COM I' A.NY K~d1M1'>. W'*'. fMhroum~ Mark-94'1 6!>0 9'J2'l Tltl HANDYMAN All work gu~1a11le~d P\m1IJ101t, (leclTital, Dotrr\ f1lf'h ~"'" "11. 919~ Hauling JUNIC TO TH£ DUMl'tll /14 968 1887 AVfllLABL£ fODAY! 949 673 5566 House Cleaning ----DANA'S HOUSE OlAHltG l m'(lear1 S!!tW.e tr. l 'J ye.n, r clcYl!tee\. l.icl!nsed 114-S42-4656 ----. . .. ~ . .,, . ·. .. ,, 1• Open7Diiys Low Rates Storage Spec:tels Since 11181 949-645-4545 HSY MOVUS $SS/Hr. Scwvina All Cities Insured fl6384' 800-246-2378 323 630 99711Cl!ll Daily Pilot .... AllDmalM ~~~~~~~~ .. PEIUPTIU:D . lvkli 'H ...... Or-4 Sport 2dr coupe, 3.8 V6 5911 ml, me1tellic btue, 11 •Y int, fuMy loaded, orla owner. superb like new cond v 752971 Sll995 8kf 949,586.)~ ·-··~···-Co4111oc '01 S.vl .. SlS silver/11i11y lthr. CD. ' chrm whls, aold Ilk&. lull lac ' like new, SJ8,99S v#50074 I fm11ncin11 avail Bkr 949·586· 1888 w-. .c,.a.I.<- CHEVY TA.Hor lT '02 l lK mt, al eitras., On Siar, 51! tlr. 71< low !*ii. pet I oond. SL6,<m 949 ~110 Ferd, '6S Muat••I Conver t1ble, original owtft!r , solid ear $19,995 obo 949-719·2943. HONDA. DX '9S Gr-c-dltlon $1800/obo. 949-S1i-1 I S6 lavau '9 7 Ro.teo l S. 4x4. iwto, xlnt cond. CO, alloys, 1391-mo, s.6900 949-S00-963 I ~ '03 S-Type 4.2 VI, 151.. mi, wlute. oatmeal IUw . CO, cfvome wheels, 6 'l)0e(I aulo Save I hi<, $38,99!> v#m'.>5!1.>5 949 586 1888 8k1 www.ocpol.com '"" '96 Gnind a... .. V6. 7Wd, CO, "4Jpet clean, ~ JIU, ~ 1()1!>458 W«.waul•J <t•n 949-6116 /f92 leJIVs '94 lS400 Champagn~ siold/l.1n lthr. CD. v.old tJkK sup~rb o t1g coutt. SI 0,/9';, v#76/..,1 7 fr 11an~1n1t avail llkr ~9 ~ _:~ WWW nq~~b~~'l leaus '90 LS 400 1mm,u.. lhrnmf" whts.. llhr, look' & th rvl!\ hk<' MW $(;9')() 949 J!>(l '>?07 ---------uxus lX470 '98 Bldt!.. l~•lh~r . lnddt•d, 1 Int u)nd 6 t;D player $1?,000 /14 336 13')4 PHll.Ul'S AU{O 01 ,,_.. ,..., "' ooly 181< mt, HRE Per· f0t fll&OCt wheel$. ( 19394) INQ!llf!E I tn Acwo n J.1· moorvool, IOIM:fedl (1945!>) $24,B ,oo ........ u B~ w/8elso moon roof, chtomed wheeb (193811) SIS.B Ol~A.f~ only 1411 rni. leaU1er. moontool (194/8) $26,!81. HU20W ..... White w/Crey leather. chr Oil IC!lwheeb (19429) $27,900 9f J.,._ XICa c.,,., 321< 1mloo$:chrorne wheels, beaulrful ( 194961) SJ7,!8> 9.fMeu..lnUOO c.,.. l,;ha1 cu.ti w/Sladl leather pte1mum wheels, nwonroof (19!>12C) $29,!8> Ol IMW740I lltat k w 1llack, only 31K m•les ( 19485<;) $44. 9ll) 91 LHtn U .fOOHdor7 ~"111~1 w/Grny lNther. llHIOIUO<JI d be.nrtv (1!14531) $22,!8> 03~tZ02 c-tt• Solver w/1ll.t1 k lk mo, tMt dlt'IJ Mid ~l>ll(ffil.J\ (19'n> I INQIJ!Hf 00 Pondt. Bon,.,. S Srlver w Utark .1711 mill''., ~h.t111 ll'J4'U'l S.39.980 949.574.7717 PHailPS AUTO ~o.c-. ,,.... Lot 11 A...-clw""'/1l€ &>.. hy U•• Wu: It• lat.~ lll<di ..,. .,...., .... Mil. o uvr A.aOU0-9 47fl S.AUOAT, lull loclulr rm prlv11eces. Harbor MMln• $1000mo 9&22,8J'21J 78>~10 aon MOTott HOME fOR RENT. LIKE N[W C CLASS/SLIDE·OUT 949-515-2305 BOATS Power Boat:I 9515' '00 1 aft DwHy lledric boat I owner, docked by Balboa I~ Must see! Sl5,5al/obo. 949 700-<D>J '78 20ft Duffy llectrl< loot Cla~SIC "[ d1son ro· w/varn1shed teak lnm $6000/obo 949 675 8831 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 93 FT SUP AYAH.A.Ill IN NIWPORT HACH · $2500 llASI 949-SOO· IOOS SUP HlEO(D lor 40tt boat July & August Newport Harbor 9'19 n1 9199 Lei 3J0-291 ·9'ZSJ) l.elW$ '99 ltX JOO 4X4, eokJ fllYMl. ntw. 1~1<..t \eats, full$! rad<. tow pl\g. Sl4.!UJ 949 W 5<'02 Moado '99 Mloto C.unv 4'>~ nu. autu. ~•IHI l.m top µw: pl. A/C LO. >Uperb lrh~ 11ew '"nd v•l1974J Sl0.'19~ ftndnc "'t! & wan ""'Y .. v,.1 llkr 949 '>llti l 888 M. ..... I<\ ll'1l6 ~1:1~ 1rn CLASSIFIED _ www.o<p~~l.co~ r Meru.des 8-x '93 190£ "I J. gurC,.IJU\ L,Jf . tlh1 . 97k mnr f S!>99!i •~1'>4 w; "'"'"'" ( .nlll 9'19 F"16 /'flf1? Merc•dH '96 C710 bl'ttut1ful hl.tLk " reAm full~ luad•d. shnwrtH•m. rv'oul. Sl0.i'50 11 ~ r>I ?dfJ4 MHu du ·oo C23 Kon1pr~s~or S~dan :?lk nfl, full fo11 I Wdfl, bldCk uatn1h1I ltfn sunrunt bf'l'tllllfUI ftk~ UPW f tHtd vPi/'>791 S7lk ltn•"" •n~ ""'"' llkr 949 'i8b lll88 ~.ocpobl.com M ercedH ClSOO '2007 Brolli•nl Solver, I lK 1111 M1111t Hiii $75,000. 949-887-1603 ~ '9S 020 llt.,bl< ~aut till vpt. 0011t" hK cf., ,_ IT.... WI. Sl.2.,'lll ,,.._.,...AU>flT-~~ Volk•wogon '00 e .. tl• 781.. nu .,parklmv. bl•lk/ 1),tflll,..til rlUtu m(lfJOrf. Ll) IJW 111. dlloy whl,, hk• n•w v111#4/(l(l',') SI I 41.l'i frn & Wolff<tOly dVAJI. Ilk! '.149 586 18811 www.ocpabl.com AUTOMOBH.ES, MISCEUANEOUS Wanted 9045 Fomly o,-a.ed Dealw <>N <ll ye;o e•rJ ,.. l"'Y <I "'·"Y f.,. price Irv 'fUUI Utr V dl1 • • twd1 pM! far ~ nu! t.• OwJ. R"Y @ loo'liltn r..rtu s..-. Ill 43/-t93l,. 114 ~.V.J8 CASH FOR <.A.RS Wf NlfD YOUR CAR PAro FOR OR HOT PHIWPSAUTO ASIC FOR MALCOLM 949-514-1717 SELL f-your stuff . through classified! M .. c..tH '9S U70Blli/ blk bedul. dll opt. nmw 1 n1LN. new mdJUf .,vl ._ ______ _. $17 500 714 l~I 24&4 Moving & Storage -------- PUBLIC NOTIC Th~ C<1 l1f Pubht lll1ht1e'!. tomnll\\rnn r equu ~5 that alt IJ'>ed hou~ehold iood\ t110V"t \ &Jt1'11 tht!H I' U t Cal I mrmbe1 hmo' ,.,.d <hdulfeur s p11nt lh~11 I C P numlJt'r 111 alt adver flsem,.,,h II yrou have any que<.hnn~ ithout fhP f~l(.lflfy 01 ~ mover , limo or chauffeur. call PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION aoo 111-1861 Palrtlng ~ & ...... ,..,., C11>lorn . tland Pamled Murals &o rau~. ~ Arll'lt kw hie \m~l m64 Ch""9'• ........ 7/Yr!. e>"P Great Price! GuManle"d wotk. rree est. L#J7560? 714 531l 1534 7 390 2945 Plumbing T • l oto Plvm ... r iJCll\l~f(')nf)' ""81JS..n9t'("I SF WrR If I TING I tr CIRONIC SLAB If AK DI llC:llON r rrend7 Ser VIC< 949 -6 S -9304 www~rboram l • 7S2d97 tn._'l.urfl'tJ Cioni< Plumbing New & Hemodelmg C;os t rne, C.oppcr Reprpe, ~ ~ l •516/83 949 675 5035 ltONlSl & REA.SOH.AtU Pl UM8£ R l •!>06!>86 frec.lstl Sm~ OCTFCU !Mc. 714 Z35 9150 PRICISl PLUMBING Repairs & Remodehrr& rRll I SllMll re I #687398}14 969 1090 PoolSeMce Mosol( ,_, & Spa S•c. Weekly Service, Equip ment Rep alt' s. Insured (off 949-292-711J lll'S CUSTOM PAINTING Rooflnt4illllrs Prof!, daan. qu1Jl1ty worll R......, R....tMia R«oofing lnterlOf/ut and dodls. & Repai1s A~ttal/ ll703468 949 631 4610 C..nnYTI Sirce 1937 Ll«i1937 Joy ...... , .. "'"'• r op Qu~hty, ComveUhve lntetlor/t Kl Lt6482is Cati lay 949 6SO ~ lAINtOW at01 MMfT PalnUna lr~t. ~ Quality job! Free estimate l#S69897 714-636·8888 SlWll .... a... (949) 64S42H2 ~-5840 ll«i>B-3136 It's the solu- tion you 're searching for· whether you 're seeking a homt, apart- ment, pet or new occupation! Sell vnur Car in clu.<.<ified ! • TREES TrfMMll!f, R.nNNI &Y•nata.,. 714.435 I S1a1tUc:. THIS....-01 Spec111it.ln1 In Wellpaf)f Remov•I Ll58824l 949-360·12ll TtlUsAJ.t YOll GAIA&E SAllt II CWSRD 949)642-5671