HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-09 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot·--~--... _ - -. - . ·-,,. - ... Vendors · encouraged to reject competitor Merchant president claims bidder will raise fee s and admission. Company says tha t will not happen. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA M f'_')t\ -Ilic reprl''>l'lllalrve uf the Orange County Marie.er Plate merchant~ j, malc.ing a concl'ned effon IO d1M:redi1 the curnpelitor to the long·rumung '>wap meet operator and 10 urge lhc fair board to reject lht• competition 011 a le< hntlJhly on I hur-.- day. 'Ihm Aslc.ew, prc'iidcnl ol the Orange C:ounly Marie.er Place Mcrchanr., A'i'>n., ci r· culurcd a flier al the \wap mct·r over rhc Wl'l'ke nd thal charge., 1ha1 American Pa rk 'n Swap wilJ raii,c vendor fr·t·., .ind atlmb,ion pncc'> andlur reduce rhc rnhht-r of op· erJllrn1s 10 uphold ii.. da1rn that 11 Wlll pa} more re nr to the fair board. American is embro1IL·d 111 a high stake" pubhc relation~ baule agarn'>t l ei Phd En- lerpri..,t•:., which ha.<, run U1e i.wap meet ~111n• iti. inception 34 year:. ago, to inOucnce tlw fair board'., decision on the h idding p roCl'h.\. lnur.,day, the board will deride whether to consider American'.-. bid. Amcncan i,uh· 111111ed a bid in April hut 11 wru. deemed in· complete becauM" the company had om il· W<l a documenL American has '>Ince ~uhmmed the document and received a fa. vomble recommendaoon from the ... tale llt'panment of General Service<; when it ap· pealed the rejection of us bid. I ht• state i.uggeMed the board cunsidn American'<; bid because the omi<;o;ion wa.-. uimma- lt'rial." John Fe mbach, prc'i1d1•nt of J\mcnran P·Jrk ·n Swap, c.-alled the scan· tal'lic., 111 u1e See VENDORS , Page A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Fire ignites hazardous material • worn es Hixson Metal Plating Co. was the scene of previous fires, including o ne linked to a le ukemia-related death. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -A val of acid ex· ploded at a metal plating company earty Tuesday morning. igniting a two·alann ftre and causing about $50,000 in damages but no injuries. officials said. f'lreflghters responded to the call at Hix- son Metal Plating Co. in the 800 block of Production Place at about 4:32 a.m. after a vat containing hydroOuoric and nitric acids exploded and sparked a fire, said Donna Boston, spokeswoman for the Newport Beach Fire Department. "Empl~ who were working in the business tried to extinguish the fire with a hand·held extinguisher, but were unsuc· cessful." she said. "They then called 911 and left the building." Boston said ftreflghtm saw smoke and fire Oowtng trom the building. "They determined there was no one in the bulkling and started to fight the fire," she said. The Orange County Fl.re Authority's Maz· ardoUI Materiala 'learn WU Uo called be· ca.uae of the dlemicals UMd by the metal plating company, Bolton uid. The ftre WU under control wtthln 40 mJnuta. lhe Mid. Newport 8eech B&ualioo ClUef Qalg Oluta1n ea1d ftreftghten put up berms on the ltrHt to preYenl nano« from the bull· IMNE,hpM Serving the Ne wport-/vf esa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 2003 PHOfOSB'fMl\Rt' C DUSlll'< ,All' Pllv• After berng absent from the last City Council meeting, Dick Nichols was present for Tuesday night's session. Council debates into the night • Cuauhthcoyotl Madrigal of Santa Alla came out to protest the comments made by Councilman Dick Nichols. Newport council members discusi;ed whether to take action aga inst Councilman Dick Nichols regardin g hi 'i comments about 'Mex icans.'' June Casa grande Daily Pilot "\nvP< lll 1 Ill J\! 11 < ounnl man Dre k "'idiot, .1p1ll:.1rl-<l m publit for the liN 11n1t· lm"'(]a> night -.mu· rnmm~ undt·r fire lor racially charged '>ldh'nll'nt., Cham ber. were packed with t0m111u111ty members imp.t\Mum'll on t'ach side of the 1:.-.. ul'. ( :Ounn l ml'111lwr-debated whetJ1er Ill rakt' ,1t 111111 agam'>t Nichob for num t•rou' t 111nrncn1s they COll\lden'<l 111-..·11 ... lllH' Ill I ~II llOl>. ulh e L'>'>llt' l' hnn){Jng lhlllOllalll\ into a pohcy 1<,.,111· wtwn 11 d1ir.n t belong,· said < oum 1h11.111 < .. m Ad;m1-. rckmni.: 10 Nll'hol•,' pnor rommenh rt~ard111g ""v!e.lJcan<." u~111g t 1 irt111t1 dl'I ~1ar \Late lkath ~I a yor \t l'\.t' Hmm hl' rg ci.-.kecl rhat .i m ·i-.t><l n-..c>luuon n?hukmg \.rchoh ht• n•Jd in full to tlicN.· 111 a11enda11n· • n11-. L'> nul ... ol('I} dbout d "lllglt' comment tlw. ,., about .i pattern of rnmmc111, ... Bmrnl1t·rg o.,aid Lounnl nw111lx·I"> dehall><l mro rhe n1gh1 wtw1lwr to suppon '>t'V eral '>lm ng nll'J.,urt"> u1 opp11.,inon ro whar tht'y 'wt\ ,., d pdllem of rci 11aJ in-.cn-.111vll\ lrom \l1thob to apolugu.e to rrwrnlwr-of the I .i tmo commurnt\ .ind .imonl· l:'L'>t' See COUNCIL, Pa&e A4 A conservative endorserpent with considerable weight Former Assemblyma n Gil Ferguson's.s uppo rt of Maria nne Zippi is expected to give the Newport Beach candidate for the 70th District a boost. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -By securing the suppon of former Assemblyman GU Ferguson . Marianne Zipp i has raised her profile considerably in what should be a hard-fought race for Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ lt'1 Winning up egafn. Higha wiH epproedl the mld-809 inland end mkf..70l ek>ng the coast. S.PlpA2 COSTAllESA The City Coundl nanowty IPPf'OWI. oomrnuNty gMden. ... ,.... the area's stale Assembly <>cat, the candidates for the office say. Zippi, who unsuccessfully ran for Newpon Beach City Council in 2002, is in the hunt for the 70Lh Assembly District now held by John CampbelJ. who ls running for the state Senate. Ferguson's endorsemt>nt carries SPORTS The • ...,. ••••d the CtlPh* '" ..... ,.....home°"'*· ...,...A7 .. -.omt• wi·1~h1. tht> candid.ill"> and ob· server.. agree<l. since he held the seat for five term-.. from 1984 to 1994. Ferguson left politics after los- ing a senate race to state Sen. Ros.-, John· Marianne Zipp1 son. "I think Ferguson·s endorsement or 7Jppi makes this a three-person race.· said Mark Petrat·· ca. wt10 head' UC IMne'<> political 'nence depanment. "Ile\ c;till got a following· ~-ergu.,on not only ha.<. endorsed 7lpp1, he .rnd wife Anita are essen· nally running her campaign. They are her ·.,tratt•gic advisors." 7jppi said. The R.>rgusons, who are still ac· uvely involved m volunteering to help Republican candidates win elections, l'e'Cnuted 7Jppr to run for the seat af. SN ENDORSEMENT , Pace M THINKING ALLOWED Cooling off summer anxiety . s ummer is supposed to be a time to re.lax. MelJow out. Hang by the beach and catch 90me rays. But what lf you 81'! not a carmee student who's lounging at home roT the ~er or a trust·fund l:Mlby who bu no Med to wortf Whal if the kkie att. out of k:hool and one needs & ride lO eocctl' pmc1k:e and the ocher la LOLITA HARPER ~to ao .... With i* pek bu& t.he pool guy II ..,_.t ID *P bJ IOfneUmc In nell 12 houri ID fb f --------... ~--~----------~----------------- A2 Wednesday, July 9, 2003 NEIGHBORS Kelly Frey joined Madeline Zuckerman ..---------. Public Relations and MCV"keting lnc. in • Newport Beach as the new junior accoWll executive. A graduate of Kelly Frey Pepperdine University, Frey will provide public relations and marketing support to the ;. 1:: l ~ agency's client roster ... Jorge Rivero joined CDS Construction as director of construction for commercial properties. Jorge Rivero Bringing more than 13 years of commercial co111>truction expert i~t\ he will be in charge of projects, weekly repons, scheduHng, risk management and bidding. CDS Construction has offices in Newport Beach.San Diego and La Quinta ... Beverly Newton Beverly Newton was appointed vice president of people for John Laing Homes, headquartered in Newport Michael Stockwell Beach. With more than 21 years of experience. sh e will oversee professional development courses, strategic coaching sessions and team- building events for all employee'> _ .. I luman Options, a nonprofit serving Orange County" victims of do mestic violence, has named Mlcbael StoCkweU of Corona del Mar a member or its board or directors. Stockwell has almost 20 years of employee benefits experience and earned a master's degree ln business administration from UC Irvine James A Shepherd son ... JameaA Shepbmbon of Newport Beach was appointed president of retirement services and a corporate senior vice president of John Hancock Financial Services Inc. He will be responsible for sales and marketing of Hancock annuities and life insurance products ... Terrance J. Blandumt, a registered representative with Morgan Stanley/The Blancherd Gr9up in Newport Beach, has earned membership in the 2003 leadership council for the Hartford Life company, PLANCO ... Amy V. Nanney of Costa Mesa was on Willamette University's coUege h onor's list for the spring 2003 semester ... Matthew Stiles McDonald of Newport Beach was one of 100 students awarded the doctor of medicine degree from the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine d uring a May commencement cerem ony ... Prederk:k J. Stemmler of the Newport Beach -based Hopkin s Real &tate Group has been appoin ted to the position of alHance co-chair for the International CoWlcil of Shopping Centers' Western Division for the 2003·04 term ... John Berkhausen of Corona del Mar, Kelaey Long of Newport Beach and Michelle McMahon earned bachelor's degrees from Boston CoUege during a commencement ceremony held in May. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to coral.wilson @latimes.com. DUI ARRESTS Atdlly Carol Chauvin-Fortier L ooking for comfort and support after her husband passed away, Carol Cllauvin-Fortier joined a widows group at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. "[There's I a lot of potential and bright individuals that help support one another in marvelous ways," she said. ' ln addition to finding solace, the experience enabled Cllauvin-Fortier to realize her potential as a dedicated volunteer. She has been lending her volunteering skills to the senior center for about seven years. "I had been actively teaching for 30 --vears," said the former professor of pre-med students. "I needed some~~g to do. Volunteering was natural. Ch3uvin-Fortier's irwolvement with the widows group led her to meet the nurse at the center, who asked her to work with her. She helps .support a Finding needs and filling them diabetic group and also assists wiLh seniors who are handicapped from nerve damage. She suffers from '>evere diabetes, she said. She also helps teach a support group about living wi th chronic pain. "[The group! is so helpful ht•cau-.e they ne~d ongoing support for chronic pain," she said. "II help-. me as much as them.· She also finds prac1i.cal way'> IO help. Ll.ke when she noticed !>emor:> who came to her for medical advice couJdn't get in the front door becall'>l' it was so heavy. "It set me on a mi&.ion 10 have automatic doors," she !\aid. ·· 1 fou nd the [Americans with DisabiJilies Act ) requfred them. So the city did it." When the former manager of lhe gift shop resigned and the shop wa' PET OF THE WEEK Lady Lady is a beautiful calico cat. going to he turnPd into an office, <Jrnuvin-Fortier petitioned the board to reopen it and let her opernte it. She 'ucceeded. .. Now we make $1,000 per momh," 01auvin-l-ortier '-<lid ... AU the money goe~ to the -.enior center. Before, it wa<> rm ronsignnwnt. l'he energetic: 71 -year-old ~aid she derive~ pleaMm· from finding a need and fill ing it. 'Tm f>O ple.u.ed ro have come to thif. center ad help volunteer and make it a bC'tter place: C.llauvm -rortier said. Ami she nedited dirL'C IOr Aviva Goelman and the board wit11 rroviding a ... olid foundauon for ... uc1.·~· ... "Aviva\ done a marveli1us job:· Ornuvird·oruer sajd ... She put us in the black. I can't !><ly enough aboul Aviva amt the board."' -Story l1}1 /Jeirdre Newman. Photo by Mark C Diwin Daily Pilot These people have been Bt1'8sted recently on suspicion of driving under the influtlnt» of an intoxic1mt. They have only be«J arrwt9d on suspicion of a crime and, as with all 111~. are considered innocent until proved guilty. • Brautio Rico Femendel. 38, Costa Mesa •John.,__ O'Connell, 38, Cotta Meea "Her face has a mask pattern like ·111e Phantom of the Opera."' said DiAnna Praff-Martin. founder of the Newport Beach-based Community Animal Network. "She has such wonderfuJ quaHties that are not visible at the weekend adoption events as she is frightened with the crowds pointing fingers at her." COSTA MESA Monday • Leanna Kristen Costa, 22, Costa Meu • Cody Benjamin Gibb, 23, Newport 8Mch Sunday • Benito Serr8to, 28, Costa Meta • Steven Gale Jones, 53, Newport Beech Seturday • Jos1rRigoberto -Gonzalez, 32, Cotta Mesa • Ignacio Gonzalez-Cortez, 42, Costa Me.. • Christopher Sergio JallZ, 33, Costa Meu • Alexander James Vinson, 21, Riverllde • Carmen.Guadalupe Alcantar, 36, Senia Ana 1'hurmy • Selomon Altanendes, 22, Costa Mesa • Marye! Md<lnlev Udiljek, 42, Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH ....... •John Gary Howe, 46, Newport Beadl ,,.., •Mike Wesly fountAlin. 41, Palm Desert • Adem MidlMI Chriltianeen, 21, Anaheim •Tom Jacob Trepanier, 23, Fullerton . ThuncMy • Moreeshaa Cert Manuel, 30, Laguna Beach ~ w.clneedmy •Jennifer Ellublllt1 ZJnsmeyer, 32, Newport Bnctt For that reason. foster families are inviting people to their homes, to see the animals in the loving environments they have provided. she said. Jijgh adoption fees make it difficult to find new homes for the animals, but it is the only.way for the network to cover cosL'i and uphold iL'i pro-life values. Pfaff-Martin said. "Some may think it's ridiculous to pay $175 to adopt an alley cal from us while others know the value of our work and believe they are adopting a family member.·· she said See other anin1als available for adoption at unvw.animalnetr.uork.orgor Russos pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (949) 759-3646 or Community Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662. Newport Beach 92658. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l.eactl, Kent Treptow Copyright: No news stories. illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL. 97, NO. 190 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDODERO Elli tor JUDY OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director EDmNGSTAFF S.J. Cahn Managing (dltor, (949) 574-4233 s.j.cahntl /11timos.com ~Ci~ (949) 7&M324 famos.,,,._.latimaoom IUchent Dunn Spor1.a EdltOr, (SM9) 674-4223 r'KJ>ard,dunntllatf,,...oom ' JoMJ.SerltOI Art Director I N.w. Desk Chief, (!MS) 57'"422• joH.Hnta.OIMJ,,.,.oom • ..,,. MoCfMlt Photo Edltot, (9'9) 7&M358 ft1WO.mccran1t•i.t1,,,.,_com • Newsfdftors Gina Alexander, Lori Anderton, Danlel Hunt, Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Steven1 NEWISTAFF Crime'=9co~rter, (!MS) 574-4226 t:IHpll.bh11rath#Jl8ti,,...,com JuneC••llf'llllde Newport Beach reporter. (949) 57 ...... 232 /uM.cnagnt~Olatlmea.oom ..... Clmoft PoHUct. buainees end environment report«, (M9) 7fJ4."'330 peul.cllnron•IMllnlie.com Loltll ..... Cotumnltt, cultuN repottet, (941)DM275 ~·lw/W•IMl,,._oom .,..,.. ......... ~ ...... ,....,,(Ml) 57'"4221 ..... ,,...,,..,.,,,,,,,.._oom CeNI-.... Hewe......,,., (Ml) PM288 oonil.wMlon•IMlm#.com READERS HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Reoor<t your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. Addreu Our address la 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. C>mce hours ere Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -6 p.m. Co"9Ctiona It is the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of eubstance. Please call (9491764-432•. FYI The Newport Be~ Men Dally Pilot (USPs-144-800) la pybllshed d•ilv. In Newport BeeGtl and Cotta Mela, eubecripdone are avellable only b'f eubeorlblng to The Time. Orange Coumy (800) ~ HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ Q1111fted (949) 642-S678 Diapl9y (9491 6424321 Edltottal Newt (949) 642-5680 8ports (949)574-4223 Newt fex (949) 646-4170 ....,,. fex (949) 6s'o-0170 f.mell: '1•ilypllotOl11t/mw.com MM1°"'°9 ...... ,.... Ollloe (949) 642-4321 ........... fex (!MS) 831-7128 Newpolt 8-d) end Cotta M9N, s ,., ... , .... __ .. I evallable ontv b'f fir9t c1 .. meil for I dh eubecriptlone to the Delly Pilot ere • S30 per month. (Prloet Include all \ eppllcable ~and local. tax•.) P\Jbll1hed bv Times Community POSTMASTER: Send eddrea9 Newt, a dlvl1ion of the Loe Angetea dlengee to The Newport Tlmea. ~ MeN Delly Pilot. P.O. 02003 Times CN. All rlghtt Box 111410, Coeta Meu, CA 92828. ral4lf'Wd. WEATHER FORECAST The day will start off cloudy again, but it'll all bum off tor another gorgeous afternoon, oomplete with highs In the mld-80s in Costa Mesa and mid-708 along Newport's coast Inland Newport will readl80. On Thursday, it should be clearer early on and warmer later on. Friday should be similar. lnfonNtion: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST The winds will blow 10 knots in the Inner waters, with 2·foot waves and 11 west swell of 3 to 5 feet. The tame will be found thlt evening. Out farther, the nonhwelterly winds will blow stronger et 15 to 25 knotl, with 3-to 6-foot wevea and a northwest aw.II of 6 to 1 feet. It lhould be llmllar thi• evening. SURF The southwest swell continues to bade down today, : so we can expect relatively flat ' conditions sudl as knee-to ~ waist-highs. \ ' Not much will change on i Thursday and Friday. / The ne>Ct swell loob to : arrive on 5a1urday and it • should pick us up a tad Into the : dlest-high range. Standout spots lhould see shoulder-highs . Sunday ahould build more. VllltWqualty; www.aurlrider.org TIDES Time 6:56 t .m. 11;401.m. 6:28p.m. 1:49a.m. Height 3.31 feet high 1.87 feet low 6.18 feet high -0.34 feet low . • ' ~ I > • 4 4 ' ' ' -• • • • ' • ' , WATER TEMPERATURE l . - . ' ! • 'Daily Pilot Wednesday, July 9. 2003 A3 Seeds planted fo r ,Co sta M esa garden A split City Co uncil vote enables sp ending $80,000 on a community garden at Charle and Hamilton streets. matcly established that a com- munity garden would be best suited for the site to preserve open space and to alleviate the parking and safety concerns a skateboard park raises. :Deirdre Newman 'Daily Pilot COSTA MESA-A community garden planned for Olarfe and Hamilton streets will finally blos- som after city leaders approved spending $80,000 10 construct it. Monday, the City Council ap- proved the community garden with a 3-2 ·vote. Mayor Gary Monahan and Councilman Allan Mansoor dissented. The garden was in line for automatic approval a 1 the May 5 City Council meeting. but ii was pulled off the consenl calendar and rejected. Monday'!> approval was a victory for Councilwoman Libby Cowan. who nunured the idea and brough1 1he rehearing request to the council. A majority of residen1s 1hat spoke favored adding another community garden 10 the city's bounty, which already includes the Del Mar garden. "I think a garden park wouJd be a vast improvemen1 over what's there,• Terry Shaw said. TI1e city bought t;h e !>ite at Clarie and Hamilton in 1975 with the idea of using it as some type of park. ln 1999, staff began exploring the sHt!' for construe· tion of a skateboard park.. But due to safety concerns from the neighborhood, the council op1ed to look into other aJtematives, including determining if there was any interest from adjacent property owners in purchasing the properfy, which now hoMs a dirt lot. During the hearings for the skateboard park. it wru. ult!· The council approved the gar· den in December 2001 as a way to maintain open space. t:ony- two plots were planned for the garden and 40 interebted gar- deners had expre!>'ied interest in them. .In May,-Manboor puJJed the item. for dbcu~bion because he wa., concerned about ~pending so much in light of the budget constraint'> the city faces. Some reMdentb aJso oppo~e using city-owned land for an· other garden, "I think I tuok a wrong turr;i beLau'e I ft'cl hke we're still in the I laight ·A'>hb ury in the 1960'>,.. :\1dftm ~tiJIJ.Id '>aid. "If you want to do '>omethlng good with it, huild '>enior housing. If you want ..J~ people to have or- BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Airport sees a 4.1 % rise in passe ngers in June Airline passenger traffic at, John Wayne Airpon increased in June compared to the same time last year, airpon officiaJs said. Last month, 745,140 passen- gers traveled from and to Orange County's airpon, a 4.1 % increase from 2002. CommerciaJ carrier flights de· creased 5.9% while air taxi op· erations showed an increase of 162.2% compared to last year. TotaJ rurcraft operations de· creased this year 8.8%. Fashi on Island Conce rt Series begins today The Fa!>hion Island Summer Concert series begins at 7 p.m . today with '80s pop icon Taylor Dayne. The annual event. which began 1n 1967, ha!> been known to draw as many as 10.000 people. fhe series will continue every Wednesday through Aug. 13 and will feature artists Juice Newton , Th~ Mo- tels. The Association, Loverboy and Poncho Sanchez. The free shows take place in the Bloom- ingdale's Courtyard with pre- ferred seating available for $20. For ticke tb or additional infor· mation. contact the Fashion Is· land concierge at (949) 721 · 2000 New programs offered at Back Bay Fitness :. Back Bay Fitness is present· lng three new fitness programs -designed to cater to the sched- :\i.le of the busy professionaJ. Breakfast Oub is a 45-minute cycling clasc; held Mondays. Wednesdays. Thursdays and Fridays at 6 a.m. and features a :Complimentary breakfast after l lass. f-; Lunch Bu ter is a 45-minute ~ycling cla on Mondays and .wednesda beginning at noon ~nd all s participants to order Put a bug in someone's ear Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS a lunch to be taken back to the· office after class. The Fat Burner Series i!> a 6· week cardiovascular/weight program beginning Aug. 6. The program is restricted to four people and wilJ run on Wedneb· days. For more information, con - tac1 (949) 631 -5587. Corona del Mar wi ll host safety meeting The Corona Del Mar commu- nity is invited to a pedestrian safety forum hosted by rhe city of Newport Beach on July 24. Information gleaned from the meeting will be used 1n finalt1.- ing the new m ediai.1 plans for Corona def Mar village as well as the propoc;ed Vi'>ion 2004 plan. for more information. con· tact Rich Edmonston at (9491 644 -33 11. Dean fund -raiser will be held in Costa Mesa Orange County for Dean i" hosting a fund-raiser lO help elect former Vermont GO\ 1 loward Dean for the Demo- cratic nominee 111 the 2004 Tutn A Claaa Above. prc.,idenll<ll electmns. The event take., plan• at 6 p.m Tue'\day a1 the <;har" Club in Co~ta ~lec,a. I lappy hour price'> on well drinh, beer. wine and appelli'- erc; will continue through 7 p.rn with free pool lor the duration of the event. Fur more 111forma11on about Dean. v1 .,it w11•w.deanfurameri- cn com South Coast Plaza begin s Center display ~out Ii Coil!>t Pla1a i" pre'>ent · ing a tl1,pl..i~· leaturing Ooor plam, m odel-.. architecwral rendering.., anti videos of the Orange County Performing Arh Center\ expan-.ion pru)Cct that began on ~londay. rht: flfl)JL't"t IOt'llld.t.'.\ lht> 2,00U-wat lknee and I lenl) ')eger'Strom C oncert I lall. tht ne\'\· home for Orange County\ Panl'ic Symphom and Paciht Owrale. a'> \\tll il'-the 500 seat Samuch Theater. fhe tl1l>play 1~ in the le~\ el Lou rt and will run through July 21 f or mort· inl11rma11on. um tact 17 14l 5'ifi-AHTS. -fom Furl/11er lub. Get a head start for the school year! I •Algebra & Geometry Course Previews • Spanish I & II Course Previews • Writing Compo§ition • Math Facts (Addition-Subtraction-Multiplication) • Zoo-phonics (for Preschool & Kindergarten) CALL TODAY (949) 645-7900 488 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa (Corner of Irvine Avenue) FOR FEET'S SAKE ... • •I Stylish, Comfortable Shoes True CUstom Orthotics 1US ...... M, C... .. ........... ,,._ . ..,..._, ~- ' I I I I (949) 734-2121 ........ SIL I.Im If• ganic carrots, give them gift cer· tificate~ to Mother·~ Market." Cowan reiterated her belief that the garden wuuld benefi1 more than the 42 who wouJd tend their plot~ there. "The bottom line ib a corilmu niry garden i!> an ai.set Lo the en· tire community," <:owan ~aid. "It • reache.-. out to mure than thobe ho~ing corn!'>taliu. ... fn addition tu allocating $80,000 to con-.truct the garden, the council provided direction to staff to encourage vulunteer!> to work in any capacity a\ailahle, to discubS fee!> for U!.mg the garden during the annual lee '>ludy, to consider a lottery or rotation to enable more than 4L people to U!>e the garden and to limit both community gardt·rb tn re!>ident.:.. The current fl'e~ fur the Del "-far garden are S 1 () per year and $15 for nonre\1tleni..., although only one nonre,ttlent. who U'>ed to live in co ... 1a :'-1t''a. use!> the garden FO R THE RECORD In a Sunday 'tory. "lWo Town Center adds touch of jazz." it was in- correctly reported that the Olat Noir restaurant is being bujJt in the 18· story high rise planned for the lWo Town Center · project. Olat Noir bt!>tro and jazz lounge rs pan of the TWo Town Center project. but wiU open in October in an exi~ting buil~ing. There is no set date for the construction of the 18-story building, though the former Ed· wards Cinema and park- ing structure are set for demolition. In a Tuesday <.tory. "Actor and avid -.ailor Buddy Ebsen die~." it Wlli> incorrectly reponed that Ebsen lived on the Bal· boa Penin.,ula. He was a former Balboa Island residen;. ••• -.~ ~ t ' Save 40%, to 90% on Prescription Drugs Helping Americans LJ)w er th(LC9st or Health Care !;_) (714) 841·2779 G~ 04 16 783 Beach Blvd Huntlng1on Beach 92647 D L'..it..d! Office N..,_a, 'fl)u• ~ A LDEN'S ii §I DRAPERY CLEANING AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVING NECE!i!iARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette PrivaC\ Sheers • Silhouette windo\\ shadings • \ ignette \\ indow shading~ • Duette honevcomb shades • Millenia .,~Collection • Jubilanc.e "\1 roman shades • App(ause honevcomb shades • Serenette ·,1 SoftFold~ shadings World's Best ON-SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET ANO DRAPERIES 1663 Pl acentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 Building 4 Reputation For Ouallty dltd §en ice §Ince 1957 I ) 1-. ( ) I ., l>E \l>l.l\L FOH SP\f.E & COP\ Wednesday, July 23, 2003 5 p.m l>E.\1>1.1\E FOH C \ \IEH \ HE \I}\ \HT Monday, July 28, 2003, Noon Al>\'EHTOHl .\I. l>E.\Ul.l\E Wednesday, July 23, 2003 (ro ~a.~I accepted d'te· ".Je"'1,uie ' . • \lll..\S OF CIHCl LATH>\ l''<fCl.l DE: DAILY PILOT · Wednesday, July 30, 2003 ~ ... wport 8f'aC'h • Coroou dt l '1Ar • \(""port f.oU!Ot • c~tR M~ HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday, July 31 , 2003 lluntington tkoc-h • lluntinflton Harbour • .. :uDM"t Be r h COASTLINE PllOT • Friday, ~ust 1, 2003 .. -.... ~na&Nrh 78,000 c1rculatlon "' ...... -.... " INDEPENDENT \ ••&,.• ltH• COASTlJNE PILOT 949-Ml-4321 • CM9-494-4321 ... M Wednesday, Jliy 9, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Home suffers major fire damage A two-alann fire t:Mly Tuesday morning charred the upper Ooor of a two· st0ry Newpon Shores home causing about $130.000 in damages, officials said. No one was hun in the incl-' dent. Firefighters responded to the call in the 200 block of Walnut Street after a neigh- bor. an off-duty U.S. Fore-.t Service firefighter, Lalle<l 911, ..aid Donna Bo:.tun. s1 ok.eswoman for the New· p1 .rt Reach Fire Depart n· :nt. n1e call est.Cllated to f\ i·alarm btu1u'c tht· ti1l \o\ ,.., threatening ho11ll''> nedfby," o.,ht' :.aid lne bla/.e shattt'1~·t.1 \\Ill dows and destroyed ll1l 'l'<' ond Door or the h ome led\ mg ~ned pile!> ol charlOal Bo-.1011 o;aid. l·1rd1~liter' re<.,pondl•u qu1ekJr .md pin out .: •· firt 111 about hall J.ll ho.ii. -.h1· <;aid. She said the fire '' .1 pmverfuJ enou¢1 lO mcll m1111-bhnds and cui t..um. in an adjar ent r 1me. fh~ , u c: tlu:l.11't :.pre ad thank.-. to !he neighbor "ho called 11 m quickly,'' <;he said Tht fdmil~ did not re- que't d!>:.l'>tance from the Red Lro~ for folJlion, Boston '><lld. Twemy-eight firt'fiW1ter<i from New1. r: He<tL!1 and Costa Mec;a r ,pundetl with six engine!>, two truck!>. u paramedic umt and t\\O battalion chieb. TI1e cau-.t· of !he fire ~ still Wlder 111 Vt">Ugation. Police earching for shooting culprit CoMa Me~a Police are looking for a man who may have negligently fired his gun in the middle of a .,treet in the city's West POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Harbor Boulevard: Possession of marijuana was reported in the 2700 block at 11:06 a.m. Monday. • Newport Boulevard: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2000 block at 12:31 a.m. Monday. • Rochester Street: A traffic accident involving iniunes wasreported inthe 100 blade at 7:48 a.m. Monday • Superi•r Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1600 blade at 10:08 a.m. Mo nday. • East 17th Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 200 block at 1:15 p.m . Monday. •West 19th Street: A Melber You Buy or Lease ... You']] Find Incredible Values on Your· Favorite Lexus! side, officials said. Police found four shell casings in tht 900 block. of West 18th Street at about l l :53 a.m . after residents complained that they heard shots fired and a ve- hicle ~peed away, Sgt. Bob C::iszek said. "No one was hurt, but there.was ricochet damage to a parked car," h e said. C.:iszek said the suspec t vehicl~ is described as a full-size pickup truck with a bald man in the passen- ger seat. He said it is not known if the incident is gang-related. Su peel arrested in alleged carjackin g Costa Mesa Police on 'l.1turday a rrested a 23- )'t'ar-old Orange man u11 .,u ... picion of carjack.jn g al tl'I hl' allegedly accu'>tl·d till' \ 1ttim W1th J shotgun a nd tool hi!> car. official!. .... 11d H1Ll~ Jo seph Cooper ap p1 0.1ched the victim at .ibo11t 5:30 a.rn. in the 2100 hint l of College Avenue, ~gr Buh Chzek said. c .uoper pulled up bl·· hiod the victim 111 a black 01evy "port utility vehicle, got out of his car and 1101nted a !>hotgun at the \ 1n1111. he said. Cooper then took the victim'!> ma- roon Buick and drove JWa}. Ci!>zek said. Costa Me-.a Polin• offi u :r., 'potted tht: car travel ing northbound on thl' Costa t.1e~a Freeway and followed the car to Orange. he said. .. rhey stopped the veh1 de near Oiapman Avenut and took (Cooper! into CU!>tody ~1thout mc1dent ... Ct!>i'ek '>aid. Police also believe that another man mdy bl' in- volved in the incident. lw '>aid. Anyone with informa tion i!> a<>ked to call Coi.ta Me-.a Police at (714) 754- 52RI hit-and-run was reported m the 700 blade at 9:43 a.m Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Bey Avenue and Palm Street: Grand theft was reported at 9:56 a.m Monday. • Birch Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 4000 block at 9·26 a.m Monday. • East Coast Highway: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2700 blodt at 6:56 a.m. Monday. • Herding Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 400 block at 3:35 µ.m. Monday. • Scholz Plaza: A burglary was reported in the 100 block at 12:51 p.m. Monday. SPEC IAL SA LE Long Plank Wood FIQoring OAK TEAK • ROSEWOOD STAJNMASTER XTRA LIFE s1999 By Mohawk lutalled wtth deluxe pad 14. yd. t\•va .... II"• II" .............................. -...• 141 .. "" ~ ... _ ... _ ......... _ ................... "-•t. .. ft.. I >et. .............. -... -..-...... ..-.......... '4. ,. -"-' s.,,,,nn m fNll '°' 11w ·0.11 ,..,,_,tmr Al~,.,,,'""''"'"""'· Ila# ...... 0.11111'-. t ... COUNCIL Continued from A 1 who was offended by any of. Nichols' comments; to approve a resolution fonnally asking Nlch- VENDORS Continued from Al flier "Wlderhanded ." Askew was not "vailable for comment. Fembach said he. along with other American officials, met with Askew and asked what tlley could do to assuage the vendors' fears. They never got a response. Fembach said. American officials claim they will give the fair board more revenue whik not raising the vendors' rates. I he bids are currently sealed under court or- der. "We did give Tom A.skew nu- FIRE Conbnued from Al ne!>s to get into the otca.n . "We didn't have a c;pill," he ~aid. The runoff \o\u..> J.U .u-. .. u1ned as a precaution, Oi:~t:1in :,aid. He added that rei.1den1s in nearby apartment home!> were 1101 in danger and that no one wa-. evacuated. All employee:. 01 the business ill> well as 20 firefighter-. from Costa Mesa and Nl'wpurt Beach who responded to thl· call, were l\ent to Hoag l losp1tal for an evaluation . Boston :.aid. "It's been our routine pracrice tor !>everaJ years now,·· !>he said. "It's just the nature of their work. Firefighters are conMantly ex- posed 10 danger and any time we have an incident tl1at Is out or the normal realm that in- volves hazardous material~. they go through a medical evaJu· allon." lhe fire-was not the m st such mcident at Hixson. In February 1987, the busine:,~ was the scene of a much larger fire that re- leased potentially toxic fume:, and forced the evacuation of more than 200 re idents for fi ve J.iy!>. In January 1 195 ~O to 40 fire- fighters qukkl) u .. trolled a fire that officials !>JJd .vere cau<.ed by a maJfunctiomng moftop v-apor ENDORSEMENT ols to step down; and to strip Nichols or his corrunlttee ap- pointments. The controversy began last moo w e.n o a telephone interview that he· didn't want to expand gras,y ar- eas at Corona del Mar State merous reassurances when we met with him, other than disclos- ing the contents of the bid, but affirming to him that what he had heard and som e of the spe- cific claims he was ma.king were absolutely unfounded ," Fem- bach said. "We're qulte confident that he and the rest of the ven- dors would be incredibly pleased if they were to open the bids." The lier also alludes to 1 visit Askew made to Phoenii. where American runs a swap meet. In the flier, Askew makes disparag- ing r811larks about the Phoenix operation. · •A few weeks ago, I visited the [American) swap meet in Phoe- nix and was alarmed at what can Beach because, "Wllh grass. we usually get t>.jexicans coming In there early In the morning and they claim It as theirs and it be- only be described as a Oea mar- k.et or garage sale," the flier reads. !American) clearly has no idea bow to...run. a quality operation. When I asked !hem for a dlrec- tory of vendors, they said they didn't have one because the ven- dors change so often. That tells you l>Omethlng. doesn't it?" Fernbach contends the Phoe- nix swap meet is not on !he same level as !he Market Place. "I would say Phoenix is a 2 ~ to 3-star market," Fembach said "The merchants aren't as stable in terms of tenure with what you h ... ve in Orange County, which i:, • .; I /2-to 5-star mark.et. To say that because you operate at one level, you can't do it at another is Daily Pilot stances of comments made by Nichols about Latinos. ew Airport. She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or by c·mall at june.c.asegrande@latimes.com. an inane comment." Jeff Teller, president ofTel Phil, said he understands if vendors are concerned about new man- agement after three-plus dec- ades. .. rwe have! 1,200 sellers who are concerned that their liveli- hood Is potentially ·at stake," Teller said. "You have a company with a 34-year-old track record. While they may not agree with everything we do, they feel the Market Place is a very well-run, well-managed entity.· • DEIRD.RE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e·mail at ds1rdre newmant@/atimss.com. KENT TREPTOW DAlLY PIL01 Sand berms on PlacentJa Avenue hold back contaminated water that was used to douse an early-n1v111111g fire at H1x5on Metal Plating Co. on Tuesday. collection a nd scrubber unit. Olastain '><ud f uc.,day·~ fire i' The death of Newport Beach still under 1nve<t11ga11un. I le '>aid Police Sgt. Steven Van Horn, lhe repeated incident<, at the who died of leukemia in 1997 is busine~ can be attributed to !he said to be directly related to !he inherent dangt'r or running a "They're dealing with a lot of rhern1caJ, here,·· he said about I lix.-,on. "But they seem to be operallnK as <,afely as they can." Hixson blaze of 1987. Van I lorn metal pla1ing hu,1m''' • DEEPA BHARATH covers public was said to have been tht fust Cllastain ~aid all hu-.ine..,..es in safetv and courts SJ:u! may be officer on !>Cene. Newport Beill h. including I ID(· reacht!d dt t9491574 4226 or by Hixson offic1ah were not ~on. are '>Uhlt'C l IO annual tn e md1I a1 avaiJable fo r comment ~pection-. deeµd bharath <> lat1mes com and bu!>ine~woman Ln!>ti Lris- tich. GOP activbt and aero!>pace executive Oiuck Devore and fr-Continued from Al .... vin e businessman Don Wagner. · In an earUer statement, Fcrgu- '>On said he supports 7jppi be- cause she ic; "a stand up repre- sentative." boast at lea'' a few top names. Hep. Dana Rohrabacher has 1.hrown hi:. .,upport behind De- Vore. Supervisor Jim SiJva ha.' of fered a split endorsemenL of De· \ure and Crisuch. Rep <.hm Cox and Campbell have not en· dorsed anyone. wa} I le cndor.,ed conservative !om Ht·ineckc over Barry Ham- mond and Marilyn Brewer. who \\Oii the :.eat Brewer and former '>tall' lien. Manon Berge">on have crtdor-.ed <..ristich. ter her unsucces'iful Cuy Council bid. They met her c.llld endorsed her m tl1at race. WGiJ has a folio\' .ng of people who have been 1mpres!>ed with him while he wab: 1 office," Z1p- pi said. "I think h1' ..:ndorc;ement is priceless, espelially in this conservative community." 7.ippi is running again t three other candidates who h 1.c an- nounced !heir bids to .. in the seat -Corona del Mar • ·sident ALLOWED Continued from Al replaced. Suzie thinks he is wearing what on the beach.'? Oh. yeah, and the terror alert wdS ju.'>t raised back to Orange. Phew, I stressed myself out just writing that Quick. somebody get m e a Prozac. Xanex. whatever you've got ' Or something else. Allen Green, 1 Costa Mesa doctor who 'ipt.u alizes in holistic medical Ult.rnpirc:, said people don't necessariJ / 1 • •t d a prescripoon to ht:lp them come up for rur. worugs are 11vt the only f to go." Green said. •. . I am a physician. so I do l. l rything but I have a strong belief m !he value of natural m l'dicin -..nd !he incorporation of It 1v!th WHATS AFLOAT KAYN<ING/CANOEING/SCUBA "The la!>t election again re- vealed !hat the GOP must attract more women voters and more women candidates." Ferguson wrote. "Zippi 1<; a well-cdm<1ted , bu!>ri:, voi.:.111 .md a ll~I con - servat1 · c;hl· fits the bill per- fectly." ln the battle lo wm to1 en· dorsement:,, each candida tl.' can conventional medicine." Holi:.L, r 1 Ji, J on't nece&Kli.l, " the place ol phannaceutJLJ.I drugs, but l .. n help lower the dosage of tho:.e more toxic metl1cation:. JnJ. in some caM!l>, forestall surgery or other invasive medical techniques. Green speeiali7,es in natural medical therapies, Including vitamins and herbs from all over the wodd. Valerian Root. Passion Aower, Skull cap and magnesium can all help loosen m uscles and encourage relaxation. he said. People who have a lot of stress can also have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Green suggests staying away from ca.ffeinated drin~. avoiding exercise late at night, steering clear of overly stimulating eotertauunent, uch as action or honor n•ovies. that raise adrenal"·, levels. Oh yeah. and n1e arch conservative Devore, who said he admirei; Ferguson. downplayed h is endorsement. "I have the highest respect for Gil Fergt1!>011." De Vore said. "He ha~ been out ul office for I 0 year!>: the diMnct has moved on." Fergu.,on's prior endorsement lor the seat. in I ~4:J4, didn't go hi' don't watch thl· lll'\v<.. "It often tend' w be negative and people ha' L' become more dfld more wom ed about the world and its problem!>," he said. "(The newsl 1n'>till., fear and fear is not an emotion tJ1at aids sleep." For those who need to stay up to date on world affairs. Green suggests tallring abou't what is going on and venting feelings of frustration or worry. instead of simply watching and internalizing everything. •if you are reeling frustrated or angry or scared it helps to discuss those feeling.'l," Green sald. What about alcohol? "Alcohol can be relaxing for a lot of people \>Ut in the evening it can make people not achieve as deep a leep. ~ Green said. ~out about your stress levels? Worried you are not doing enough to relax7 Must put .. I h~re\ really not o ne single endor!>ement that will win this rate." Crist1ch said. ~This race wiU be won m the living rooms, on !he .-,occer fields and m the co flee o.,hops o f this district." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment business and politics. He may be reactled at 1949) 764 4330 or by e-mail at paul clmton a /at1mss.com maKJle!>1unl on shopping list What ebe in your life is robbing you of precious sleep. weakening yow immune system and Laking years off your life? Relax. Let it go. Here are some things to quell that anxiety. Exercise -but not too late. It is better lo get that heart rate pumping in the mid afternoon. Drink a hot cup of tea -but not caffeinated. A nh1e herbal tea. in a dimly lighted room, with some soft music playing should take some weight oft' your shoulders. Pray. Meditate. Read. Take a hot bath. M~e your feet Or read thU. c.:olumn -you11 be snoo,.Jng In no time. • LOUTA HARP£R writes column1 Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday• and CO'Jers culture and the arts. She may be reedled at (9491574-4275 Of' bye-mail at lolita.harper@latimes.com. information, calf (714)432-1236. 673-7200. Paddle Power efso prOvfdes kayat, surl ski and canoe rentaft. (949) 675-1215. · , ' TIM Upper Newport lily Eoo6a lie .. R1 I I rw ; lmua Outrtgget Cenoo ctub Inv'* adventur~minded edulta to canoe Newport Harbor Hawaiian style. No e)(f>9rience required they'll teach you 111 you need to know. Dress for tho bcadl and bring.a towel every Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star Beadl, 1 White Clitra Otiva, Newport Beedi. For more lWo.ftour byak tours lMgln It 10 •.m. Sundays from Newport Dunes. The 001t la $20 for adult.1 and $15 for children. Kayak rentela and clasaet •lso are available. (949) 729-1150. end Natuce Preserve hottl two-hour kayak • tours of the Badt Bay et 10 1.m. every Sundt..C at~ Newport Dunea on Badt Bey Drive, Newport Bead\. $20. Keyakl mad9 .veilabftl • Slng6e Uy8ec rent.la ($10 per hour) and through Newport Ounet Wlterlront Resort. doublet ($15 per hour) are eveilable •t Balboa Call for reservatlona. (800) 685-0747 or (949) Boat Rentals In the Belboa F-un Zone. (949) 729-1150. OBITUARY. Daily Pilot Wedne!tddy July 9 t'0Cl3 A5 HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., CoS1a Mesa. CA 92627 • Ruders HoUIM: Call 19491 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E·mail:Send to da1/ypilot a lst1mes.com •All correspondence mus1 include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subm1ss1ons for clarity dnd length LETIER TO THE EDITOR More effort Would alleviate need to help animals I .im re .. pond1ng to I 1ct11,1 Hinford\ comment., puhh,lwd r h11r,dc1\ on the I orum p.1gt' Binford t nmplaml'U ahm11 thl· l'\tl'"'"'l' LO'>t tor I illy the k111en 111 h,1\(• SL 'lOO ... urgt·f\ through the< ornm11111t\ \1111n.1I '\t•t\\orl.. \ht· thought tin-llllllll'\ u1uld lw hettt·r U'>l'd to 111 .. 111 lll'l'th t l11ldrc-n-. tl'l'lh I am J \11l11ntt·1·1 f11,1t·r 11.1rt·11i... \\ 11h the< 0111111u1111\ \rn1n.1I :\1·1\\mk .1111.I I li.1H· l·lll'cl for,.., 111.111\ "" h'l 1.11' .iraJ I 11te11' Jt 11111• 111111· I 1111n·111!\ 1.11l· lor lh adult 1.11, 111nu·d111 h11111t'., I \\,1'> 111\olvl'd 111 thl· r,t'\t 111· 111I111\ 'ltl-.Hltilul <.,1<111lt''>l. motlw1. f\,11011.i11 \\llfl m·t•d., .i J1111m• I <11-.o h,1\t' tlm·1· 1 l11ldn·11 .ind l Yoluntt'l'r \\ 11 II 1 h ildr1·11 .• 111d I "or~ lull t1111t' 1 lw i..1·v lww I" I \r1h11111·Pr .111d Llo11.111-. <11111 I ~:t·I 111v11l\'t'd I m ~·\lrt·1111·f\· tn1 ... \ \qlh 111\ t.111111\ .111d / \\orl.. b111 I 1 ho-.1· 111'11l1111tt•1•r .rml llt'lp If l'\l'r\11111' \\I Hild d 11 'llllll'll11ng l'\t'r\ tf.i~ Ill lwlp "lllll'flllt• Ill "lllll' ht•lflg. •It '"nH' levl'I V..11\\ v, 11.11 " he.111t1hd pl.ire 1111' pl.1111•1 "m1hl lw I h \11r1.1 • l'l 11! \l,1r1111 \\l1t111111' tlll' ( flllllllll/11(\ An m.tl '•'t\\11rk ..... 111111 111 ,t 'l'l'11pl1· ,111· Im.,, h,1, 111g 11111111 1111 ,1111111w1 .u1J d1111,11l11g llllll' llf lllfllll'\ I' l\IJI Oii dw1r 111111d' 1111 l.tnl\ I 1lh .. ,1111.1111111 ... tw.111l>1l'.lkt11g .1 ... n lll.i\ lw. I 1lh' '1111-:l'I\ 111'1 I' ll<lt Ill I l'".1111\ .1 I h1111 1• l•rr till' l 11111111un1t\ \111111.tl \,1·\\\111~ I 11)\ ,,,., .11l11p1nl ,111d lt1•1 1w1111,;rwn1 11111111• 1.tllt-cl 1111 tlw \II ti.I\ 111 .dth i.:11.1r.111tq· 11tlo-11·d h\ tho· t 11111111111111\ \111111.11 \.1•f\\ltrl I Ill'<;,~ 10Cl ... 111gen • 11 ... 1 1111 I 111\ l llllld P"''11ll\ lw lw111 r ""'d Ill I .111• 1111 up Ill ~ti 111 llXI ,1111111<11 Ill lll'l'll 111 \(\'llhl.itlttll \,II I Jll,l(lftll 1llllf 11"11·11.11e tr11t'.HI\ lhl'lll tor ,11Jrip1111n I 111\ 1' l11·.i11t1l11I .1111l lov1ng. ho\\l'\l'L 11· ... 1111· ... 111111·1111w' i.. \t'r\ Ll1lh1 ult lor 1lw 11''J"11"1hl1· p1•1\1111 .1111•mp1111g10 111,1k1• the I \(rt'llll'I\ thtfll tilt Llt'l l'11Jl1'> '" 111 \\h,111'111•,1 Im 1lw .uwn,11 .inLI hm\ Ill IN' tht• \t'I\ hrllltl'd 1111111 ... available. Money. unfonunatcly. 1<, always a consideration, but '>Omeunie'>. ac, I have experienced. no matter v. hat you do, live!> are lost. the Community Animal '.'lt•t,,orl..1., a pro-life. non-euthanasia b'Toup What tht" means is that the philo-.ophr of 1lw people involved b not to cuth..irn11· t1n~ .1111mal unle.,., It is fatally ill or lllJUr<•d d11d ... uffering. Money ic. ..Jway' nct>tlt-LI for \etennary care. food and httt'r \t;-r, ltttle t'> Llonated. I n:cently Vl!>lled the Orange< ount~ \111111al '>helter (funded bv our tax dolhtr-.1 and an officer thert' told nw only I 0% of all ca~ gt't adopted. lhev cuthan17e alJ cats Lleemed feral (born \\Jldl. without a chance.) own two tat'> that onre were feral If my bahit•, ho.1d t•nded up al the shelter. they wouldn't bt' here toddy to bring me tlw JOY that 1hey do bring to me. I love thec;e t.il'> aJmn'>l a'> mud1 a'> I low my kicJ.,, .ind ro thin!.. ther might not have been g1H·n a chance \\'ho.11 I .im doing a., a \Oluntel'r rt .... ruer ,111d cart'gl\'er 10 cal'> I'> th.11 I <1111 dt'dnlllg up otht'r peoplt•\ 1rrt''>pon.,1blt' me..,,t'., Pl'oplt· '>1111 do 1101 .. pa} dntl nt'uter their an11nah c 111hequentl} \\l' are 111undated \\Ith ht·Jullful ammaJ... that '>hould hJ\.t' Ill'\ er bt'en born Inc:re art' <,pa~ neukr d1111t'> that '>Lenh1e cat'> for SlO trJ SL'i It wu hd\(' a pet. thev mU'>I be -.tenlved If you v..mt a httt•1 of k1ttt'l1'> \lll11ntcer d'> a fo.,ter family to a homele!>'> mother ..ind her lutten'> And 11· 'ou art' loo lung for a pet. .tlv.11y ... l 011.,1der a homt'lt'.,., adult pet. :-. t 1Jlion'> of animal'\ are dv111g 111 the 'helter e\'l'ry d.1y .... imply lwr,HJ'>l' there art' to mall\'. Jnd 1101 l'nough homt''. Arnmal'> '>hould not bt' 't'x term1nated" hke l11e'> a'> a form 111 p11pula11on rnntrol. rhe .. e dllimal<, did nut a..,k to hl' horn KRISTY NEUBO ~ewport HeaLh MAll~~G Too much development witherin g Costa Mesa I left the Costa Mesa City Council meeting Monday night fnl'>trated and confu.,ed. Council memberc; \Oted 3 10 2 to not lbten to community input on an i'>sue (continued to the Augu'>t 4 meeting} The rationale that tht' puhhc meeting would lal\t over two hour'> and that there were man~· Item., ... uu on the agenda wa .... 11.1 rn~ up1111on, real!} lame < .11 .. 1a :-.te'>a h~ been m\ to\\n '1mt' 1967 Back then, I <JCit \,t'v.1Jor1 Boult'\ ard wa., a campu' for tht' :'\ewport · ~1e'><l <.onunuauun '>thool ·I n..ingle ~quart··· Will> nothing nHm· 1h,1n a largi· parkmg area wnh J 'l.ttltnng ol ground -level bu1ld111g' lwu<,mg 'mall bu.,tne'>'>t''> .md m\ 'nn.,· de1111'1 and orthodonll'>t., olfin·., :\luni\ re ... 1aurant cllld tlw .1tt.idlt'd ..,hopping .. mall" did not t'\l'•t. :'\either did the Lo"" ~k'>a l·n'!'\\d}' '>ou1h Coa">t PlaJ1,l lOll)l'>tl·d of om• long budding. '>tarting at tht' \Inv< ornJJdllY and endtng \\1th '>t'ar-. \.othing but fields <;urroundt'd thl' l'l~v;1 I he ">an Uiego 1-ree\\J} emkd .it I l.uh11r Houlevard I f1111t·'>th I .im grateful for 'ome ol thl' rm ... grr1\\th Cioni.' are thl' diJ\., when we !.aw South Coast Repenory plays in a !.Cruffy building just south of 190 I Newpon. when we attended the grand opening of Opera Pacific at the Edwards theater on Bristol. when we heard the Orange County Philharmonic concerts at Santa Ana 1 llgh School. We·are most defmnely proud of the Performing Ans Center and. believe me, we spend a lot of money there. On the other hand (here I feel like Tevia. Fiddler on th~ Roof). I am not proud of a ma1omy of City Counctl members lending a deaf ear to 1he1r con!.tituerus. I am not proud of the homble traffic jams m our downtown. My son owns a home Qn Oiurch Street, a block awar from 1901 Newpon. Visiting him ha<; become a major h~le \\e nm' dnve arou1ld the back way -Bay w Orange 10 I 9th to Olurc h 111 11rder to avoid 19th and Newpon lhe traffic on the: '>OUthbound (.o<,ta \le .. a I reeway trom Victona 10 IYth ha ... become a nightmare around the clock. Downtown has h11 a saturauon po1111. Triangle Square bu<>ine.,.,es are faltering. Why? lieL<tu'>e you can't get nedl tht place. la.,tly. I am not proud of what ... eemc; to be the Liiv Council\ \\1llingne!><:. 10 bend. O\er backward lor the "big o·· lno, nut " . littJe A. double LA. S"l -de\ eloper'> l:nough alreddy WhJt' 1lm J!ioul 14 Jow·cul>I Wllb at 1':1111 \.t.'v.purt' That'<, Jik~ throwing tht' do~ J ho111· before you '>hoot him \\t: fl' 1101 falling for IL li1Vt' u .. d hrt-J.k Lit\ Counctl. h'>ten up ()11 \ug I \t•ll' no on further dewlop11w111 .it 140 I Newport ~ FLO MARTIN I o..,t,1 \lt-,,1 Pollution at Corona J1:I Mar State &ach '\ov. that '"t' .ill ,1)!r1··· '\1 \\Jll•rt Beach Lii\ C uum 1h11 111 IJ11 t ~irhot" ... ut11·"' 111.m 111•J1 111 11111t111r dt'>ea'>e 11 '' t1r11t· 11 lu< th 11 tilt real l'>'>Ue t'~p•rnLlt·d ~:• .i,., .1: ··.i <11 the lonin;i del \IJI \1.111· Ii• tl 11 ~hould llwrl h1 • 1111 1•11 11 contam111.ited run •1lt 111 11 .. !>v.1mm1ng Jfl'J du•· 111 ti• ma1111e11.111Le ut 1li1 gr."" 1ll'.1 "ll•P Polluttng < Jur ~l'"" p1111 .11 I I>• l1·11d tht'·Ba\ ... houkl 't11d\ 1ti1 ,, .it ,..,,H. . PAT GREENBAUM '\!'\\ IH1rl ll1'<H h Recall will not n: .... uh 111 Nichob · m h tt:r rhe \,1th1JI, II" all \\tll 1 l 1h·n~ That.., 111\ \11tt' 1 r th.11 RICHARD HOUGHTON p. I I HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall 77 Falf Drive. Costa Mesa CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan. Allan Mansoor. Mike Scheafer and Chns Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall 3300 Newport Blvd . Newport Beach, CA 92663. (949) 644·3309 Mayor· Steve Bromberg Council. Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols. Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT D1str1ct Office 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. 1714 1432-5898 Chancellor William M. Vega Board: President Paul Berger. Vice President Armando Ruiz. George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black, Clerk Serene Stokes. David Brooks, Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linea Snt< .. r MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave Cost" Meso CA 92627. (9491631 1200 Board: President Jim Atk1n.,on '/oc.e Pu~1dent Mike Healey Trud y Ohlig-Hall. Fred Bockm1ilf'r ~no Pdu l E Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O Box 1200. Costa Mesd CA 92628-1200. (71 4) 754 5043 Board· President Arlen" SrJldff'r Jm Ferryman, Art Perry <;lr"g Wooos1r11- and Dan Worthington I City of Costa Mesa 's 50-Year AN NIVERSARY i:o.s -3~ngtles ~me.s S u mmer Camp Campaign Brightening the Lives ,_ 'llE _J Doon Open · 6·30 pm Snow Siar1s • 7 00 pm CostaMgzing Years -. Thursday, July 10, 2003 7:00 • 9:30 p& Pacific Am_phitheatre at the Orange County Fair & bposhion Center * It's history in the milingl Help us kick off the Gty of C~ta Me511's • year-long ~yeM Anniversuy Celebration. Enjoy m evening + filled with lhre entertainment md a fimvorb sky concert! · * The first um people to mive will get a slice of history ... Uke tlYt isl Be the first in seven yem to Stt the MWly mipened / Pacific Am phitheatre md experience a fun ttflection of { ~ Costa Mesa's History! " ~ For Further Information Call Amy Kuchta At (714) 754-5065 & IY Splash! '".""""' .. r of Children Give to the Los Angeles Times Summe r Camp Campaign. ~ off9rs a healthy alterTVdve for many low-mcome chtfdren wt> may be strugiin& w1tt1 challences It 1s a place where the gray (•Oud of poverty JS repl;iced by sunny slues U>d the sound of laughter ;ind where ;i posruve perspective an fiNlly be discovered You can brighten the ltfe of a child this summer. The Times Summer Camp Umf>&ll" fwOvldti d1s;idv;intaged ch1ld,..n throl!Jhout Southern ul1form;i " one·-k camp experience. For every dollar you contribute, the McCormk k Tribune Found<ltion will ;idd SO cents•. The Los Anget..s Times and the McCormick Tribune Foundation absorb all ;idmlnistradw cosu . so I~ of your donation and entire matching funds go dir.cdy to ampenhlpJ! Gtve the gift of FUNI M ak e your donation todayt Be _.. to ,...i ,__.., prollel at die ~ lihd orpt.b:idof• ch9t ...... benellt.cl from die camp prosrun In die i:-c-oldie LOI Ms""a T"'-or 'llllt Ot¥Vlillob .._ st _.,., _,_ cOlft/~ ------------------------------------~ I Yes! ~ w•n• '°help• .. , ... _ ...... ~ am ow a 1110 a S2S0 a taoo a °'* •---1..!~!!!.~t!!~~ 0 I lll!lt_,_. "If Cl*i ..... llO .. LA. nn. ...,._O...,~ a .................. _..lllY o-. o......ci.. a---~ .,...... ... I -----·-·-"' ...... -.... -·-· .......... ..._ ~-­_____ ..... 11-··----·-·---...... _ -------.. "'-------·-..-···-· .. -·---·---·-'·-··--·-·--·-· ... ·-,_..,..,...... IJl\91111 ... LA1W,-.J'ln1. tGt • '---------~-------------------------' I t • T-.._ '-..... .,~ L•~T°-f .... 1...r& • .,..etw "" ~'- .. ' f A6 We<Jnesday, July 9, 2003 AROUND TOWN the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to milre.swanson@latimes.com; byfax to(949l 6464170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY .. be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 10 at the Balboa Branch. For more information, call (949) 717·3816. THURSDAY Funnyman Jeff Mertln wiN put on a magic show at 10:30 e.m. et the Balboa Branch Library. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to the interactive program. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. FRIDAY JULY 19 Newcomen to the digital u niverse are Invited to "Tools and . . Internet workshop, at 9 e.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. ~lm.m.t navigetors are invited to register for "Web Walking 102; a free Internet work workshop at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The hands-on workshop is limited to 10 participants. Sign up at the library's reference desk or by calling (949) 717-3800, ext. 2. Daily Pilot on the Beach" aeries offers "Alice in Wonderland" starting at du.k on the Newport sand. Parking also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 27 Jet S.t Introductions liwites the public to an exclusive evening to meet some of Orange County's most eligible singles at its "Where the Elite Meet " mixer from 6 to 9 p.m. at Brio Restaurant in Corona del Mar. The cost is $75 per person. Wear codctail attire. For reservations, call (949) 233-6405 before July 2. "Flemish Garden Styte Designs· is the subject of a floral design class to be taught at Sherman library and G~rdens in Corona def Mar at 9 a.m . All materials are included in the $45 registration fee. Pre-registration is required . For more information, call (949) 673-2261. The Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange end San Bernardino counties will honor Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sand\ez with the Profile of Courage Award at the • Pacific Club in Newport Beach from 6 to 8 p.m. The evening ls titJed "Sisterhood is Powerful.• For more information. call (714) 997-2155. Inventors Forum, an Orange County-based nonprofit inventors' support group, presents a seminar on "Getting Your Product Manufactured" at 7:30 p.m. In Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall. Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. For more Information, call (714) 540-2491. Grammy Award-winning jazz singer1)ianist Diana Krall will kick off the Orange County Fair with her Friday performance at the newly renovated Pacific Amphitheatre , which makes its return after an eight-year ~losure. She will perform at 8 p.m. Friday. •Divorce: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is offered from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. The cost is $40. For m ore information. call (949) 644-6435. The Commodorel Ctub ol the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the 68th annual Flight of the Lasers at 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. 720 West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages !lS you sail to win prizes like bes1 <(Ostume, best decorated boat, first parenVchild team, and first married couple. For m ore information, call (949) 673· n30. . JULY 28 Ma1ure driven can sh•'l*'I their driving skills in this eight-hour class held during two sessions, at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m . at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa July 28 and 29. The $10 classes are limited to 30 students Advanced registration is required. For m ore information. call (714) 557-3340. "Newport Networtcing• events are designed to provide networking opportunities for businesspeople in Newport Beach. The improved Newport Networking events will take place on rhe second Wednesday of each month, and w ill alternate between a breakfast and a lunch. July's event is a breakfast. and will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m . at the Daily Grill in Fashion Island. The cost is $17 with a reservation, $21 at the door. For reservations or more information, call (949) 729-4411 Speak Up Newport will hold its monthly g1meral membership m eeting at the Newport Beach Tennis Club, 2601 Eastbluff Drive. Food and drinks will be served starting at 5:30 p.m., and the program will begin at 6 p.m . This month's topic is HFourth of July - Is the Party Over'" Capt. Paul Hen1sey of the Newport Beach Police will give a recap of the Fourth of July Neighborhood Enhancement Zones Ordinance implementation. For more information, call (949) 729-4404. Funnyman Jeff Martin will put on a magic show at 3 p.m. at the M ariners Branch Library. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to the interactive program, which will Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach" series offers "The Wiz~ Oz" starting at dusk on theNewport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. Patrick Williams, founder and president of the Institute for Life Coach Training and an internationally acclaimed author. will be the keynote speaker at the International Coach Federation in the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa. Williams w ill lead two sessions. •·Life Coaching - M aking the Transition," from 5 to 6 p.m and HDancing on the Edge, Therapy versus Coaching, Knowing the Difference," from 6·30 to 8 p.m. For more information. call (949) 623-8247. SATURDAY Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on rh e Beach" series offers "The Emperor's New Groove" starting ar dusk on the Newport sand. Parking c.osts $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s mores. T.he resort is at 1131 Bc1ck Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-DUNE. MONDAY Elements Music will ofter a beginning course using a new piano·keyboard m ethod from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Community Center at Mariners Park. Registration for thejlve-week course is $105. For more information. call (949) 644-3151. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to ·A Forest Fantasy• at 10·30 a.m. at the ~ewport Beach Centra l Library. The program will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 16 at the Mariners Branch and at 10:30 a.m. July 17 at the Balboa Branch Heart Throb the Clown will present the interactive program, part of •it's A Jungle Out There;· the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reading series. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. TUESDAY "Organic Insect Control," a free seminar, w ill be offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-M OM S. JULY 16 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Forest Fantasy" at 3 p m. at the M anners branch of the Newport Beach Public Library The program will be repeated at 10:30 a m . July 17 at the Balboa branch. Win the B est Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRAHi PRIZE Sit on the players' bench dunng the match and meet rising tennis star Mana Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday. July 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club. from 7-10 p m This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabiha. 1· Pl.Act One Lucky Reader will win 2 spots in the Players Pro-Am Clinic on Friday. July 18 from 5-6 30 p.m. at Palisades Tennis Club, taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday, July 16 match from 7·10 p.m. GRAND PRIZE ancl 1" PL.ACE WINNERS will be anounced during half-time on July 16. FM LUCKY WINNERS will each receive 2 tickets to either th e July 16 (vs. St. Louis Aces). July 20 (vs. Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs Kansas Crty Explorers) matches All matches start at 7 p m Ifs easy to enter. Fill out the entry form belo.w and ma1l 1t to the Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received b~ Friday. July 11 at 5 p.m. Or bring it by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa durinQ.rivmar business hours, · Monday -Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. No purchase is necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified pri or to the July 16 match. fmp~ and ftlfir fllltivts of 1111 0811'; Pilot. Times Commumry News, Los Atigties Timn ll1<J T nbune Company '" 1ne11Q1bit Pictured below: Brian MacPhie 111111111111111111111111 I A EllTIYFOU DAllY PllOT-NIWPOIT IEAot llWDS ON COUil CONTIST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .,.., ..... "'-=--------------- ....-:~---~---~-~~~~----- • Heart Throb the Clown will present the interactive program, part of "It's A Jungle Out There; the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. "Your Mo~ end Money," • free program on the process of buying, selling or reflnancing a home, will run from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Center next to M ariners Branch Library. Local author Randy Johnson will be guest author, launching ·Meet the Author; a series featuring Orange County writers. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 17 Childntn entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Forest Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m . at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. Heart Throb the Clown will presen1 the interactive program, part of "It's A Jungle Out There," the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 18 Newport Dunn Resort'• "Movies on the Beach" series offers "Newsies" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mo res. The resort is al 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beach " series offers "The Sword and the Stone" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking cost s $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 11 31 Back Bay Dnve. For m ore information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 23 A free aeminer and book signing, "Asian Longevity Secrets," will be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. JULY 2• The Newport Beech Chamber of Commerce's Newport Sunset Networking Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pacific ' Avalon Yacht Charters. 3404 Via Oporto No. 103, Newport Beach. The dockside event from 5 to 7 p.m. will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer rs free for members. Potential members pay $10. For more information. call (949) 729-4400. JULY 25 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach H series offers ·Remember the TitansH starting at dusk on the Newport sann. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available fo r s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Dnve. For more information, call (949) 729 DUNE. JULY 26 Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies JULY 30 A free seminar, ·Pet Nutrition Pawsibilit1es.H will be offered by Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa M esa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS. AUG. 11 Registration for th• Orange County Business Council's ninth annual Corporate Executive Golf Tournament begins at 9 a.m. at Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa M esa, w ith the shot gun start at 11 a.m . Costs are $300 for a single player package and $1,500 for a corporate players padcage. Proceeds benefit the Orange County Rescue M ission's Strong Beginnings program, which provides workfo"'8 development for those who have lost hope and need help. For more inlormat16n. call (949) 476-2242. ext 216. ONGOING Volunteer drivers.,. needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound. trail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through ·Mobile Meals:· spo nsored by FISH Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Mesa Verde Country Club to host this year's Tea Cup Classic and Jones Cup Mesa Verde Country Club Head Professional Tom Sargent holds up the Jones Cup along ~ith Fletcher "Ted" Jones Jr. in fronc of the newly remodeled Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa. This year it will be the site of the Tea Cup Classic o~ Friday, July 25 and the Jones Cup on Friday, August 1. In the background is this year's Hole-in-One car, a 2003 Mercedes Benz ML350 SUV. The public is invited to these annual golf tournamencs, sponsored by Fletcher Jones Motorcars and the Dai ly Pilot. Come out for two days of great golf and to cheer on your favorite players from Mesa Verde Country Club, Newport Beach Country Club, Santa Ana Country Club and Big Canyon Country Club . • ' CLASSIC ,. . <;.,.-~ ~ , ........... , ., Pilot -. AOVElmSl!MENT '--- QUOTE OF THE DAY "They brought in the desire to win and I hope th ey come back with the same desire." PhM Bapy, Costa Mesa American Little League Manager ·. Sports Edit.or Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: 1949) 650-0170 WORLD TEAM TENNIS EYE OPENER Daily~Pik>t. Sp<w1aJ 1 lal ol flame ct.f.-.U.ll!flMollH June 14 hooo1ee TIM O'BRIEN Weclnesday July 9. 2003 A7 Circuit Breakers In team's home o pener with Davenport in lineup, electrical problems force a shift in center court. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPOHT Ht .. AU I 1 lw light.., wenl oul. They went olll again I hen again. . But nothing wa!. going to '>lup 1he Newport Beach · Hreakcr-. from de- fea1ing the vi.,i1ing Sacramt.>nto <.api- 1als. 23· I 4, in the ho.,1s' World Team Tenn is home debut Tuc ... day nigh1 at the Palisade!. Tenni!t Club. After 1he Breaker'>' l.ind.,ay Davl'n· port went up. 3·0, in her fi ve -game ~ingles sel agains1 Elena Likhov1.,c- va, 1he lights on cente r tourt wen1 out, causing a grown from the crowd of nearly 2,000 who came 10 wallh 1he unveilin~ of 1he '>eco11d 1mtall- men1 o f World ream l en111., 10 :'l.t'\\ - port Reach . Newpr>rl 1 .... 1 u1mpeted in the circuit 111 1994 Pia} moved 10 an out'>lde lourt 111 NEWPORT BEACH AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE Newport has few answers Laguna Hills rides fo ur unearned runs in first to 12-2 win in Di s trict 55. -.. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot MISSION VIEIO -Ntwport Bt'ach American U1tle League ;\ll·Star pi1cher Mall Morris Wa!i able w i.hakc off the sting of a two-hop comeback.er thal smacked on his lower leg to '>lart tht• second inning Monday 111gl11. Unfortunately for Mom~ and his 1eamma1es. however, M>me fir ... 1-inning fielding miscue~. ~ well as a consistent lack of timely hming, proved more diffi- cult to overcome in a 12 :.! lo!>S to La- guna Hills in an elimi.nat.ion game of the District 55 toumamenl al Curtis Park. Laguna I fills scored four unc.imed runs in the firs1, courte!>} of two New- port Beach errors, to stake Mandou1 starting pitcher Robert Retsnyder 10 all the lead he would need. Newport Beach, which defeated rival Newport Beach Na1ional Little League. 1-0, Saturday to advance in the consola- t.io n brackel, then setded down defen- . s;vely behind Morris, who stayed in the game after being struck by the ball and pitched a solid four Innings. Newport also continued to produce base runners against Retsnyder, whose rising fastball was often difficult for his catcher to contain. Retsnyder also mixed in a sharp breaking ball to keep Newport hitters off balance. Retsnyder did battle control prob- lems. He walked two in the first Inning, one more in the second, and surren- de~ back-to-back two-ou1 singles by Mltch Sands and Mike Freeman to bring cheers from the spirited band of New· port '8Upporters. BUt Newport left seven runners on in the 1lrst four innings, before Laguna HiDlt expanded the iead wtth a two-run rourih. ~ S-0, Laguna Hills Manager nay 8rown1ng elected to relieve Retsoyder and Newport responded wtth is best naDy or the night Sands and Freeman. both or whom went 2 for 2 with a walk. singled with one :out. (olJoMd by a walk to Timmy WhUuna to load the hues. Ryan Spdaer rolcMecl wtth a walk to drive In New· port) Int Nn and prompt another phdq~ .. MW pitcher picked up where tu. ~ left ott Mlldna Monti to In lnOther nm and bring the cyq nm eo lhe ..._ But ClOl*'°JtM ICl'lb- 0.. eriW the lhrelt whkh pnMld to ..... fOIT,,...M conclude the match. Davenport even1ually won, 5-4 (5 I) and 1hen teamed with teammate lo~h F.agle to claim a 5·2 victo ry over 1he mixed doublei. tandem of l.1khov1.,eva and Mark Knowle'\. But talk af1er lhe ma1ch ren1crcd a round the malfunc1io n, which dub owner Ken Siuart de'>cribcd d'> "me chaniral" and a11ributcd 11 IO a "'Y' tcm overl oad." "I hi'> tlidn:t '>how up 011 lht• JU night'> we 1e ... 1ed the ... c liglw,." ~111.ir1 '>aid. "A11 111'>taller will he our tir.,t 1hi11g llh1i.I morning and will '>l..i y Ulltil 10 p.rn. [tonightl 10 repl,11.1· lht· equipme nt a nd will he on i.iu: "a1ur day !the Rrcakcr<>' 1iex1 ho11H• malchl."' Hdorl' 1he malfunclion during Oavl·nport\ '>i nglc'> ·<.ct during twilight tlic light<; nicke red 011 ~t·v eral 1imc., bu1 then finled out. "It 1'> a <.harne because of all 1ht• d fon they put 11110 11 ," l>av<'11p11rt, ""'ho reat hl•d thl' 4uar1crf111<1I'> ol Wimbledon la'lt week. '>aid "I wa'> happ} ICI filll\h tht· Olitlth I ll·el '>Orq• for 1he Ian\, hu1 what rnn you do? fhl') llhl<ie thl' bt''>I \llll<lllOll llllt of11." Brian MacPhie played his !tingles march against Daniel Neslor 1n the waning moment'> where the wantng hgh1 from 1he c,ky wa!t 1he only help 10 kee p play going. "Returning serve wac, lhe ea-.ie'>I 1hing, but when you had LU set up and hi1 lh(' ball, tha t wa~ when it was a problem." he \aid "If I knew we would have had 1he problem -.olvcd. I would have wa11ed 10 or 15 min- Ull''>, hut we had LU fi 1w.h with 1hc light Wl' had." ~..iuame111 0 Loach Wayne Bryan rcmairwd vl'ry uphe.ll cle!.p llt: lht• in COll VC llll'llCe "I hi'> i!t the !mo~L exciting! match I've been involved in," Rryan \a1cl. MacPhie prevail ed, 5-3. Davenport and Maria ~har<1pova swept, 5-0. in women\ double'>, 111 the night\ fir'>I \l't I he Breaker'> impro,ed lo 1-1 after dropping 1hcir openl'I to \..iut1 llll'lllll ~londay 111gh1 I ..in., will be a hit 10 ext hang1· 11ck l't'> lrom I ue,dJ~ 111ght ior 0111· of tht' Bn·Jkl'r' 111.11dw-. Jul}' lb, luly LO, or Jul} L'.i Estancia three-sport perfor · er Karleen Curran left an impression beyond athletic ability. Barry F •ufkner · Daily Pilot R eceot graduate ICarleen Curran. a three-year varsity ~ntrlbutor In tennis, soccer and softbe.11, has been named f.ltancia High's Girls Alhlete of the Year. But coaches who haw watched Quran earn the iespect m teanum11e1. opponerus and ochen clmtnl her alhletic career. betieYe ... ~ Lindsay DavenPort of the Newport Beach Breakers booms an ace serve in her World Team Tennis singles match moments before the lights went out on Tuesday PHOTOS BY SEAN HIU£R, PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY DANIEL HUNT I DM.Y PllOT COSTA MESA AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE Rough start for CMALL All-·Stars Costa Mesa American . allows four runs in fitst inning to set tone as Westminster earns 6-4 will Tuesday. ltfteVlra• Olly PlkJt HUN11NG10N 811.ADi -...... IWll. the 0,... Mela ~ ...... ~ ..... Al·S.. Ill Dtid • t( dw:J Md .. the IDOllM'IMOUD to ~ cw • poor ..,. ...... mameal ~and went.....,,.. c.o.a .... A8 Wednesday, July 9, 2QP3 CMALL Continued from A7 shouted' and seemed as if they wouJd rally for the wtn, lllU. just as they did a few times throughout the contest, the CMALL AH-Stars let their op- portunity slip away. They were retired ii) o rder in the b ottom of the sixth. However, they will have a second chance tod ay. Costa Mesa American will face Fountain Valley in the doubl1:-elimina ti0Jl tourna- ment today a t 5 p.m . at the Huntington Valley Little League fields. "They brought in the desire 10 win and I h o pe they come back with the same desire," !>aid Phil Bagby, ·Lhe Costa Mesa American Manager. "I hope the level of inte nsity h as increased." Bagby said he e njoyed his ream's fighting spirit, which was shown when Costa Mesa nearly overcame a 6-0 deficit. Westminster scored four runs in the fim inning, taking ad- vantage of four straight walks to open the frame. SPORTS "One bad inning sort of set the rune for u!>, • Bagby said. "When you i.lart into a gal'l)e like thi!>, there'!> a lo t of pres- "ure for the kids. Some can overcome it quicker than oth- er!>. That f1r!>t inn ing was im- portant." PHOTOS BY ST[VE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Left, CMALL AJ~Star Jesse Dawson ( 15) makes a hurried throw to first after fielding a hard-hit ball in ttie District 62 game. CMALL Al~Star Mike Molina, right, delivers a pitch. Hobini.on. Costa Mesa's '>tarting pitcher. walked West· minster's fir!>t four ballers. three were after the full count. Westminster also scored one run on a wild pitch and then Mike Molina relieved Robin· i,on, who displayed Costa Mesa's no-quit altitude. nobinson wen1 2 for :J at the plate, scored a run and pro- duced Cos1a Mesa's fi rst RBI. In the lop of the !>ecuod, Westmin&lcr -;cored two run s, helped by two fly balb that a ppeared to cause problems in the outfield becauM: of the sun . However, Costa M•l>a a n - swered quickly with three runs in the bottom o f till' l>l'C· ond . . Mo lina led o ff the bottom of the second with a bai.l' hit to righ t field. I le advanced to second base on a wild pitch and then really showed h is speed after Hobin- i.on's RBI :-:.ingle fired pa'>t the first baseman. Robinson also used his quickness· to round !>econd, third and home after Ryan Bougler's ground ball to the pitcher led to a throwing er- ror. Boulger scored 011 Jake Johnston'i. HB I groundout. Costa Me!>a, led by Molina's pitching, held Westminster '>Coreless in thl! final four in- nings. as Molina allowed just o ne hit. Mike Kelly, Co'>ta Mesa's short!>l<>p. helped pru vide a d ouble play 111 1he third. He snagged a line drive a nd threw out the runnl'r who had left first ba!.e. In the fifth inning, Kt•lly dazzled the 1.i11le League funs with a deft backhand grab ol .i line drive. "Ou r fielding went rough because of lhe wn," Bagby said. "But we did make '>Orne plays. We left too many run- ners on ba'>t' lfour, including two in the f1flh l and ~1· had some bai.erun11ing error,.·· Coo;ta Me<.,a -.cored one run in 1he fifth af1cr Molina\ '>in- gle brought in Jc<,se Oaw<,on AJso in the fifth. Ren Louns- bury might have had a 1riple, but his hit lo left field rolled undl•r the fence, resulling in a ground-rule double. Kl•lly and Molina pruvidcc.J 1wo hll'> each for Costa Mt•'>.i HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratmg the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 25 Blair Hopµe Corona ael Mar Boys volleyball, 1996 97 Mesa ~erde Communi~ Oassic Costa Mesa Communi~ Athletic 1-bundation Programs Monday August 18, 2003 Benefiting the Costa Mesa Community Athletic Foundation in its effort to build a multi -purpose foOtball /soccer stadium at Estancia HS and on aquatic facility at Costa Mesa HS. Format: Foursome Scramble with Celebrity Participants Amount: $ 1 500 per foursome • $400 per indiviClual Players' Names 1. ----------3.~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. ~~~~~~~~~~~- Contact Nome:------------- Phone:~~~~~~~~~~-~~- Address:--------------~· E-mail~----------- Credit Cord#---------.Exp. dote ____ Zip Code ___ _ Signature __ or attach Checks payable to OCAR (S M L Shirt size: Player #1 : __ Player #2: __ Player #3: Player #4 __ _ (Please list Size for Each Player} Checks mode payable ta: MVCC (Enfry Fees and Contributions ore tax deductible.) ----~--------------------- ... Moil to: - MESA VERDE COMMUNITY CIASSIC Mesa Verde Country Club 3000 Club House Rood Costo f'.Aeso, CA 92626 for more inlormation, call: (714) 549-0522 Fabulous Mew Verde lunch on course. Dinner and auctions in the evening. Sponsorships available. NEWPORT Continued from A 7 be Newport's la,1 hurrah, af ter Laguna I lilb scored ~ix in the fiflh to end the game• on the 10-run mercy rule. ·we had some unfortunaw errors 111 1he firs l inning 1ha1 really determined the early rompletion of the gaml'.'. 1'oewport Manager fim ~coll -;aid. "Aflcr they go1 1lw'>e four run!>, we held light for t1 few innings. Whl•n wi:'Vl' dunt• well, we've pl.1ycd togl'thl•r. defcn...ively. a-. a lt•am 11111 t•r- rors have been thl' d1fflore1H 1• in our ftwoJ loi.:-.t;-:-.." Scull abo lamented 1he lal k. of a key h11. a<, hi'> teJm stranded 10 1n fi\I' 111ning' 111 eluding at lea'>I one 1n 1·very frame. 4:). "We• had mullipll' opportu n11ies, bu1, unfortunatl'ly. 1n key .,11ua1wni., we 1us1 did-nut get a hai.e hit." ne ... idcs the pair of hits jJro- dtll'Cd by Sand'> and Frecmjln, only Morri!>, who doubled wilh om· out in the third, then was '>!randed at third by con secutivc 'i tr1keoul'i, managed a hit for Newpori Laguna I till~ pitcher'> ended four i11111 nKl> wi1h a strikeout and fi11...,hcd with a combinc:d '>even t...-. in lht' game. Ret..,nydcr. Jack Michelman and !)hJwn fucker each .had two l11t'> fur the winnero; and l\ticlwl111an belled a 1wo -run honw off 1he scoreboard poi.1· ttont>d l11gh above the left- field feme to punc1ua1e tht:' four run fir-.1. I-our walk... a 1111 battrr and 1hree "inglc'>, lhl• final a two run grounder lhrough the left <,iclt• by Michelman. fueled I a guna 11111,· 'ix run fifth 111 deny Nl'wport Heac h its linal a1 -b,l! 1n thl· "txth F:OR THE RECORD -. ...... ... Due to what a Wor1d Team Tennis representative called a tectlnk:al glitch on the league Web lite, the result of MOl)day's match between the Newport Beach Breakers and Sacramento capitals Was incorrectty reported in Tuesday's edition. Sacramento defeated the Breakers, 2.3-17, behind decisive wins in men's and women's singles. Sacramento's Elena Ukhovtseva defeated Maria Sharapova, s-3, II) women's singles, while Daniel Nestor topped Brian MacPhie, &-1, in men's singles. Sharapova and Eva Dyrberg earned Newport Beach's lone CURRAN Continued from A7 League soccer honoree as a senJor. splitting time between sweeper and midfield . ·She has such a great presence on the field," first-year coach Nadine Rajabi said. ~She was lht' captain of our team and somebody everyone k>oked up to. She could also dominant on the field. She had great slciD and she knew what to do with the baU." Rajabi, like girts tennis coach Rachel de los Santos. fell compeUed to recognize Curra.n's blend of attitude. leadership, woric ethic and ability. Both presented Curran with the Coaches' Award at their win, a S-3 women's doubles decision over Alty Batter .and Likhovts"eva. ""'• .... Likhovtseva and Mark Knowtee · defeated Josh Eagle and Dyrberg, 5-4, in mixed doubln, while Knowles and Nestor defeated Eagte-MacPhle, 5-4, in men's doubles. Rosie Crews, a representative of a public relations flrm employed by wn: aaid a test run-through done Monday morning, listing erroneous soorea and players, was mistakenly posted on the Web site's results page, until it was corrected late Monday night. The initial erroneous posting, accessed before deadline, was reported. rei.pcct1ve postsea'>On banquet. In facl, de los Santos said she created the award specifically to honor Curran, who played both No. I and No. 2 single~ as a senior. Curran, who graduated with a 3.95 GPA. was a co-captain on the tennis team, helping the F.agles finish second in leagu6' and advance 10 the CIF Southern Section playoffs. She won her first-round singles m atch at the Golden West League finals, before being eliminated and de los Santos said she consistently compeCed at a high level. ·she always had a really good attitude and was always eager t.o help her teammates out,· 4e los Santos said. ·she was a coaclis dream.· ii 11 J Ml•Cllrlrtwt,hfe. CA.....,.,,,,__ Wcit<eilllr, ..:.':'.=-MIU- .... Of ... • 10 SllOW CAUSE fCll ... CllMelOfllAll I cMl-.AJlfl'1 tO. All INTERESTED f'U!SONS: l. Petitioner: EMILY MELTON f!l1d • Rt&!l!oo --------UplNallcls with this court for a d•crtt cllanaln1 names H follows: EMILY ANN M T COURT ORD£RS that 111 persons inter· tstad in lhls matter shtll 1ppur befit~ this co11rl at the hurtn1 lndlc1ted below to show caust it tny. why tht petition for chance ol name should not ba arented, NOTICE Of HE ARING Data: 8·5·03 ltmt 2:00 pm Oept.: L73 The addrus of the court 11 same as noted above 3. A copy of lhls Order to Show cause shall be publlshed at lust once ~ the COUit lholild not gnint the llJlhollly. A HEARING on the petition will be held on J~1, 2003 at 1.46 PM In No. L73 located at 1 Thi City OllYe Orange, CA 92913- 1571. IF YOU 08JECT to .,. granting of the ptt1. llon, you should 8'>PN' at the hearing and at.ate your O()jectlont ()( file written OOjectlons with tne court before tne hearing. Your appear- anoe may be In P8llOn or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a cootill- gent c:redtor of the deceased, you ITIUlt flle your claim with 1he court and maw a eoc>Y to the perlOnal repreeentative appoirted by the court wtthin lour mon1tla from tne da'9 of flrat issuance of letlerw aa provid9d In Probate Code section 9100 The time tor filing c:Wma wUI not e~re before tour monthl from tile 'hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAM· INE the file kepi by the court If you ue a pefSOll interested In the estite, you may ftle with !he court a Request lor Special Notice (form DE· 15') of the llling of an inYentoty and appraisal al eatal8 UMtl ()( al arry petition °' aooount aa proylded In Probata Code aed>Ofl 1250. A ~ fOr SpeoaJ Notice !Orm le available trom ttie court d«1< Attorney fOf s-ttuoner: STEPHEN M. LOWE ESQ JESSICA S. DORMAN-' DAVl8ESQ FREEMAN FREEMAN AHO SMILEY LLP 2PARKPLAZA STE 1246 /RV/NE CA 92614 Newport 8uch-COlta Meu Deily CN6832S8 MCNAUGH· TON JI.A 8,9,15, 2003 in t~ follow1n1 n1w1· paper of 1ener1I circu· l•tlon. printed In this county: i'(ewport B11ch/ Coate Mua Dilly Piiot hteiJUN 2S 200J Merf ... le I.air.I Cwter Published Newpotl Bnch·Costa Mesa Dally Piiot Jwly 9. 16, 23, 30, 2003 W115 WWIOOO IOOO Of,P\IUC SAU Of AINIOllD PICnJY Notice Is hereby e1ven that the unders1111ed will sell at public auction, PU'lU1nt to Section 21700 of the Bus1nus & Profen10111t code, the lolfow1na described property to wit. Nadine A V1n Riper. B9 Mattress, Bo x Spr1na . M1trow 1v1, Sewln& Box. Clothes, BONO NUMBER Boxu ·Mtsc., Plctu10, S·400· 16M Golt Clubs. Ayru Seti Stora • petitlve blddlnc written Hlled bids m1y be submitted In advance) on lht 16th day ol July. 2003, at 9·00 A M 11 the pr1m1u• where said proper ty has been stored. which 45 located at. AYRES SELF STOR· AGE. 1880 Wh1tt1er Ave , Costa Men, Ca. 92627 Landlord reserves the r11ht lo bid at the Hie Purch11es must be made by cuh and p11d tor at the time of purchne. All purchaud i OOd• are sold, "AS is· and must bt removed at time of ult. Salt " sub1ect to c1ncell1t1on in the event of settlement between landlord and obh&aled party Published on July 2nd, 2003 and June 9th • 2003 AYRES CROUP Lane Rn1denl Man •&•" P ublished Ne wport Bnch·Colta Meu Daily Pilot July 2 9, 2003 W202 flctlttMllMeu II.as""-" I II• followtna per\ons are doin1 bu11nen n lntearated Acupuncture Center. 4020 B1rch Streel, Suite 105, New• port Beach, Callforri11 92660 ~ry J Snyder, l .Ac .. 4020 Birch Strut, Suite 105, Newport Beach Cahlor018 92660 Th1\ bu\ln~u 1s con· ducted by an ind1v1dual Have you stuted doina bu\oness yet? Yes, 06/ 01/2002 Mary J Snyder, l Ac H11s s talement wu toled with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 06/24/03 20036949459 011ly Pilot July 9 16 23 30 2003 W212 NOTlCE TO CAEOOOR3 ~BtJJ<SALE (LCC Sec. 61 Q5) Escrow No ZTS»MN NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN '1a1 a !:Uk sale fl abaA t> be made. Thi rwne(s) ard ruireea <Kttess(es) r:I ti! selet(S) elate YOOESHK!..MAA P PATHAK, PATS HAUMAAK 9132 ADNl6 AVE. HLN™GT°'4 BEAO-l. CA 92646, IMAGE'S H.AJ.J.MAAK IOclO IRVNE AVE . NEWPORT BEAOi. CA 92600 Oor-g busress as l~E'S H.AJ.J.MAAK 1040 IRVlNE AVE.. NEWPORT BEA0-1. ~ 92600. PA I » HAU.MARK. 9132 ADANS AVE. HLMlNGTON 8EA01, CA 92646 AJ 04t1er busress ~S) ard ames.sle&) used by fie seleftS) \tolflrl ht past nee )'8alS. as slaled by tte selef1sJ. !$"are NOOE Th! b:allo'1 ii Cajfana r:J h! O'llll EJea,1ive Olftce r:J lte ., IS. 1042 JASa-1 Pl.ACE. ow.<lND BAA. CA 91765 Th! ran-E(S) arc:! busiress aa:tess a tte b.t)ets) &are ANrt<:NY R URSN:J, 3)734 PA.SCO AMJRE. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA ~5 Thi assets tierv soi1 are ~ deSatlecl as. All. ~E. FIXT\JAES, ~. INVENTORY •rt do•na bu1tnus u H & H Perfection F •b· rtCilhon. In' , 726 W N1coln Ave . Orana•. CA 92868 H & H Pe dee tlon F1br1cat1on. Inc .. (CA) 726 W. N1eolH Ave , Or1nc1. CA 92868 fhlS bu$1ness 1s con· dueled by a corpor1t1on Hive you started do'"& busmen yet7 Y~. 'j/4/ 97 H & H Perfection F1b11c1t1on. Inc . Oav1d Neuyen CFO • Accoun· tant This statement was llled with the County Clerk of Oranet Countt on 05/19/03 200S694S206 Daily Pilot June 18. 25. July 2. 9, 2003 Wl91 flctlt6M INless 11mes.........i fhe follow1na persons are doone business as a) SOUTHERN CALI FORNIA FIREPLACE. bJ SOCAL FtRE.PLAC(. 2163 Rural lane. Co•ta Mua Cahlorma 92627 Patrick o·Lury. 2163 Rural lane. Co1h Mesa bustriass yell No Pa t11cll O'Lur y This st1tement wu filed with the County Cltrk of Oran&• County on 06/23/03 200J69'90H Daily Pilot June 25. Jul~ 2, 9 16, 2003 Wl9S flcffM .... "-*-' The follow1n1 person\ are dotn& business n Sunrey 21 !>4 B San Michel Drove Wnt. Co•tH Men CA92627 Ronald Gene Nuiient, 21S.. B San Mochel Dme Wut Cnsta Mtn CA 92627 I T hos l>u\onen 1\ con ducted by an 1ncorpo r a led anottatton otll~r tnan a partnership Have you sUrted do1n11 busoneu ye P No Ron Nueent [hos \latement was ltleci with th• County Cl61~ of Oranae County on 06127/03 20036949736 Daily Pilot July 2 9 16 23 2003 W203 FAANCH1SC RIGHTS ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE rd ant locU!d at FOR CHANGE OF NAME Mt do1n1 butineu n do1na 1>us1n1u as Lt11r MedK:t l Center r or 1 I l h • Co n1 o o tar S~1n Rtju¥1nat1on. 3816 H•ndyrnan b ) Computer S Br1Stol St Suitt M fland1 wortu l) P1tarom Santa Ao•, C•hlorn1• Ttth di P1la11m Teen 92704 n<1lo111n 3100 Quartt Ruuell John Kalander l ane Apt 4 Fullerton 18142 Bren1w1ll C11 C•hlurma 92831 11unhnaton Beach, C•h Edwerd Bry>on 8on fornia 92647 nor 3100 Ou•rll I ane Linda Lee Simon'"" Apt 4 fuller ton C•l1 18142 Brantwell C11 to1n11 92831 Hunt1n1ton Buch. Cal• This ousonc" 1\ ton lorn1a 92647 ducted by "" 1nd1v1Cu•I Tti1s l>ullnen ll wn Have you \t•rled aoon& ducted by co•partntr\ bu\lnus 1et' Y" 11 Have you 'tarted doone I ?O 1992 bu.,neu yet? No l d1 .. ro Bryson Bunn., Rusu ll John Kalandor 1111> >l•l•m~nl .. n Th" shtement wn hied "'''h th~ (..our1t; filed with Ille Count1 1 C1erk c.I (Jr •nj[e (l)unt, Cterk of Or1n11a Covnty on 05 l9 03 on 07/03/03 ·· 2003694S2S2 2Q0369S04U l Oa1l1 Piiot lune 18 75 D11ly Pilot July 9 16 23 Ju ly 2 9 2003 WJ'1" 30 2003 W208 NOOO Of ArPtlA TIOM TO fldlt*t lusiltss Stu .UCOltOUC lfVWGf1 llme StGttmnt Oottof fling~ The follow on a P•• \t"" L~ 21 200l are do1ne busonen •~ A ""1 Car aee Door Solul•u" w h" m It Ma 1 2628 Eleen Cost• M•-. 1 "" ••n lht Namers1 Cahfornoa 92627 •' tnt Appl1cant!s1 •s Moraan Me•d 7771• ''" PASTA POMOOORO C 1m1n •l o la• a~ot .1 '<' La11una Hills Cal.tr.rro• Int dpplitants 11\l•d 92653 .r1 ,. ~rt apply1nll 1 Justin Mur<J lf;td tt • !J•i>ar tme111 d Elden CCJ~t" M•~• A 1 """I" 8ev<r•i• California 92&?1 '"tJI ''• ~tit ah .. ut'lolu ltMGE'S HAU.MARK Casa No A219864 1040 tR\llllE AVE . SUQerior Court of fh1' bu~•"•"· •' " NEWPORT BEAC>1, CA Cal1!orr111. Co1Jl11y of ducted by • l'''"' • tlttf!ld·t ~ .. , ?l ! Jj '<E V/P(JRT l.OA:'.>T tJI< ~ partner\h•D 928EKl; PATS~ Petotoon 01 ALEXANDRA Ha.e you ~t" t• t J .... ~ 9132 ADIWS AVE VENOLA SMITH· GINTER 1>us1nes' yet•,.., • ..,, .. ,.,,.~a.i BEAOi lorCha'990f N1me Mor••nM•arl n"' .. '""'' ' TO AU INTERESTED •0 ~ u CA92646 PERSONS Tht\ stoter>•t• I "• Thi blJ\ sale Is f'tB"ded t> l>erttioner Alexandl1I loleO with th• .... 1, be ~ at lte '/~"Ola Sn"1/l-G1nter fileo Clerk ot Or on~• t 1 olfic::e r:J OISCOllERY a pe11hon wotn tn.s court !Or on 07 03 0 i ~CENTER~~ :ao,~~5cr.anQ•rv;i names ~~/:~:to1~~.s'j •'• ,, Ale.anora Venoia Smith-30 2003 N .'I ' SUTE 440, G<mer to Sasna Al1"800•a Hl.NTNGTQol SEA01, Vanota CA 9:lf347 ATTN The Cc.urt orders that' all MAAl. YN perso~ interested on ttn maner 9na11 swear before WE$Tl.()AB.AN0, tl>IS COU1 al the hearing The lollv""'~ ~··' 1 ~ NO. 27~ •nd.cat8d belOw to shOW are dull•~ b •,111•· · '' arc:t tte ~ sale cause ' any wtty th& The Ne ... p1111 1 .,.,., '"' dale&Jll.25,:i!XXJ PllbllOI\ tor C"8nge 01 lnt@grat<'d M• 1• , P The [Xj( sale 18 S.qed b ":::'Bd Shcxild not be I 5 I 9 R' n II ' r "• ~ l.ht:rm ~obee otHeanng 1 Te1tdte r ''"'.'o th'• Md' Camwaat CcOe Seaia'l Date Aug 5 2003. T1rre C<1l1lurnon 'JJU~ 61002 2 PM, ()&pt L73 I Wiiham !. ~I•••&•" Ill r:J The aOdrttS! of tile COi.Xi IS I ~ l 9 ~ 'r" .. D., r • The l"Ql'll8 .0 aaress I 341 The Coty Dm1e p 0 1...... " .... ~·j M•• ti! petr90t1 Wlltl ~ Bo< 14170 Orange CA c .1itror11 , 'JI"'"• darns may be tied IS. i2863 ol this Otder to I This t u•.1"•'' ' DtSCOVERY E!iC:PCJN s: Cauae Sl'\all Ile du< t•<l ''I '" ,,.,.,,' <luo rolF/11-lY, TrTl P\.C>l•Mel! a1 least once H., .. , '" IMl•d "'"', CENTER AV'ENl.E SUTE eacl' wee~ lor tour bu~11•t • 1•·1 Nu 440, ~Ool successive weeks pno< 10 w1111.r" 1 ...... ,.,, ~ CA 92l!47 rd Ile !he dale se1 tor heanro on 1 At .... -.;tt ..... dafnlS~ ThepetiUon•nthelOllOw•ng lni· 1.,1 .... ,,.,, "·'' --r -,. newspaper ot general at"i aadb' rel be circulabon pnnteo on tho& I olod ,., t" 11,. r ••u" I , 24, 2IXXl, 'lif1Ctl IS flit COUl1\Y Newpol1 Cttrk •.11 fJr.,n~r· • "'' 1 i:....ss '1lly before re BeacfVCosta Mesa Piiot on 06 2b r1 • ~ sale am Dale Jun 24 2003 I 2003694 9 s Is ~ ......... -MARJORIE LAIRD D•llY p,1, 1 J11ty 'I lb < ,,,__........,..., CARTER 30 ~()(1~ w I Dllllc1 JLtoj 18, 2003 I Judge of U'le ~r'IOI ' ANTr04Y R. l.R)M), 5~.103 07/09/0:3 ~S) L6all9Z) g~6T~3i03 NEWPORT NEWPORT BEACK- fl ND BEAO-KXJST A WCSA COST A MESA DAIL V DAIL y P1lOT 7filr<Xl _Pl_L_o_r _____ _ N[ NPORI I Qp.• II •?b' l T.,pt r' 11r ,..,,.~ Ai;f."«0 tot 41 1 '< fq £ BH R A Nu W1"<f f A !•NC Pt A<,£ p bl1~htd ~t: ,...,. • ' f( ... Al h C.o\ta M~\~1 Jd ,.., I I ! Jul( 9 200·~ ,/\•:>\Ci T,11 !CJth.1w1f'i~ p~r\l I·, i'e-Jornw bu!l.1nt~' ... A A ~ lai & fjannf'r r , 'JI V>/P•t I'll~ .,,.,., ( •,t.; M•\,1 .• 11fr1rn1a ill:;, I J '), l-lt t1qff'!.( I J~ l ./1\t,; tau 1·t ~· ~v•itt B~1Hh "'' fv1r •d 11,!')r,( Tht\ t>t.i-,trt-. 1 :1111 ftt1 t·-1 l 'ri.i.;! Hc)'/f' '/ ldf fr(' •'J '"i: l~li\Hlf '.'• (t'1 ~ •• 1 1()( J t' ··1l t~ ~'""~. i 'h1 •1fd1f"lf'l,_.1f N.i •11"'' ~t!t th1- ' ~," ,,f fJ• ~· .... t1 (J/ ()3 'J 20036950476 t1• ly P.lvt , " !0 20{H qflt; 11r''f Al• jr r ,1 h\J•,1,1r•• t' -.'"""' lljt ... ,. J' (j /i,J..,n· A,t< '~" Mt""\a '...A S/f~:"h Christophe• J 81ttle This \lt\ement "'"' tiled with the County Clerk of 01<1nae Cuu11t, 011 06 17103 200U94U99 D11ly Pilot July 2 ':i I b 23 2003 WZO.l Rc1ltlM .... --~ The tollow1n& P•'"'n\ 11 • dc.ll\i bu.,nus •• Nod 4 Speed 914 1..tdM. Pih• C1,~t• Mo • C•t1lorn1• 92621 0 ••11•1 J11\eph (.,er l<trl• 914 Ced•r Pl•t• C.o't• Mesa l.al1torr11• 976?1 Th1\ bu,•nc\\ is l vn du<..ltO by •11 md•t10u ... 1 .-.av! ~OU \\~f 1f'f1 dOtnif liu~1no\ /tt11'41 f>1111el r.,,, !a1 ft ft"' 'ltAlrn ~f'lt """' filed n 1~ n ttlt I uunt f tleril\ t (J1•11.rt ''rnt•'r or 01 'J{ CH 20036950287 (Jailt Pilot JUI• 9 it. t • 3( 20U w11~, fktltlous ~s NclM SttttM'll 'hf' follO#U\i; 0fl'V fl• art 0f'1•M2 OIJ\lfl,.\ dS M~\1rr S'"''"' ""' ""'" • ~•\l fllrflH'~! ~ ¢< f.;),tin A~•ri.1 .. ~,.,_,.;. ' 8•0< I A Yl'>f>' Mdt 11. Jt,,t~ 11 , "• 4l r J\t n Avt ~r"" •t H• 1 r ,A ':i hf>' '"''-t.tu~, ... • Ju tr .. t.tt ·•" ' .., 1• . .l' Hd..,.• I u '°'" " J bU\•' t'..\ ,•• "'°' M~tr;i ;.,,, t • .,,n, lt\1\ ' i11 ''I I •1 ... d I/II.. ,~,,.. fl,~, IJf /I l(1rl " -ti tr ' 200Jb94 7Sbb :io y PI• •f , " ;· 1( /(/Jj ~. ' 'YI.,. ~ 11 N "1 • P ti~ "' ,C ... I I ;>.t1,.• • t t "'"' ' , '" ')f\f 1fjr.-1 .. , ""4'"NP t• )j..-t ., t j(f •t"•J A.J ' M •,11 t,(j-...... ,,..,., t H., •llJ.~· 2003b9S01:l8 -"''; f ~ I iO lfJo • t. s.I your unwonted iltnn rile IOSY way! Plou o Cloulfitd ad today! (949) U2·5671 Index How to Place A -----Policy·----~ CLASSIFIEAD By Fax Bv Phom .. By ~Jail/In Person: 1ti4Q1n~I h~'l4 Mf.flSO uos-2... ,....1so P',(4o,t 1'1.1,,,.. "lit.II '\11'!1' ....i~n""*<'.r>J ,.'t U.11_ -N1\).\ "''~ ... l"'l"•l•""' SERVICE DIRECTORY ~\J1' -For All Your Home and Business Needs -1f T -.GOO Homes Eich Wedi For OnlyS32 per wttk (4wttk minimum)• ~a...• ('4f) S74-424S l'ACIFK Vl[W IAYVllW TllltACI SLOTS-All 011 l'AllT '49-494-5015 Sl"ll• t..t-Pac1f1c Vo~w SJOOO 818-986 7322 Lv mse CoUectllllts/ Mernonmllla 1150 TOPS$ 4 llECOllD5 nc Ma. C1mic. Ek. ~s lo 00s Ill Altec, Spkt. tulle ~ Mike 9'9-645-7505 ENTERTAJNMBIT Clltndlrof Ewnll 1!10 '°'* ltOUSllG OPPOlnllTY All rut est1tt advft· t1s1n' in lh1.s newspape1 is &ult1ect to the federal rw tlousina Act of 1968 as 1me11ded which makes it 1lt11al t o advtthst ·any prefer· enct , limitation o r discnmination based on race, colot, reh.alon, so. handi«p. lamllltl sl1tus Of n1tlon1I or1&1n, or a n lntantion to mike any such j)fetere1\C41, limitt· flon or discrimination.• _ Tbis newtpaper will •ot knowinaly .ccept any advertisement !Of ryt 1tt1tt which Is tn ¥iOlaflo11 ot the law. Our re.adera ltt htttby Informed that 111 dwell· lnfl ~dVtfllMd In thi. ..,..,_, are available eo. •• 1qual oppottllnity . _.... •t o compl1ln of dlt• ~atlon, C1all HOO toll· ftk •• l ·IOC)..424-8590, -. 1'83 Cndlt Semen 2480 MISCEUAHEOUS ~~ =" pr~t.n!0 n!: MERCHANDISE WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Fumitur• PIANOS & Collectibles • .,.. ......... T~ • St,....,. • ~. O'l<'• ,~ $$ CASH PAID $$ Ot\tPlllOIOI~"'°"* Wf BUY ESTATH • 1,,.,.,....,..,. fr..ndly .. -. r C~:-~~N:;::N~Si l . All brands on •tock! Free FtdE•·Overn1eht J. ln)nk,ets com Of Call I· 800-tNK.US (~~7) (CAL•SCAN) HEAL TH SERVICES Miscellaneous Metthandlse snn IULDING5 3855 U11fteol Steel Factory invites the pubhc to purchase I 00'1. bolt Hn_S....,.,_.' toeether/mutll purpou 1111 wn-. steel buoldonas at lactcry Clubs 2545 pr.cine. Save Thousands! -------Call (1-888·757·8335) lOSE WllGHT from the UNITE.OSTEELFACTORY comfort ol home pre· COM (CAl •SCAN) scription weieht toss STiil IUILDINGS pills u le. dtscreet & SO· 70'1. OH. 40•40 . conf1dentoal Call 1-8» 50l90 , 60x 120 Mu\I m1689 www.RxChc.com Sell! Can Deliver! Roy · W7 frW1dly a1Sb!w (100) 499-2760 ~ (CAl..•SCAN) .:84M822Gt .... SOUTH cgAsT Medial Sentcn 2515 o,,nn111es AUCTI N · ='P:_ ~~ ..._and __ nez.._ ............................ --ch1lrs Scooters, and ~ - ....... CA 12107 1Mbe11c $UllPfies. Cate tol ....... u .._I.A •N fret I -81i6-242-4748 24 Gnral Announclmlnll 1610 f'rl,,..• Dwck "-tlAf Ch* approx I/hr from Newpolrt Buch. Excel· lent huntlnc adjacent to sbte waterfowl refu1e. ownership 1nt1rut & approx 375 acrn of land &. fmp<ovements • your own e1mp compound w/str11c ture and 2 lraii.rs. Wondtt'flll Fri. nfaht BBQ's & wine tut1111 . durln& due ._ MUon + m1nr utr11I ldut for 2 frltnd& or lalhtr & son. Cal~ Mike It 310·541-08$4. a. ...... 11•• ••tt c.rtll U$ f'tnalofl r""4111C PIJ' catll now f« I ,._, of yo11r f11h11e pension perments. Ctll to0-•· im '°" • FM(, no ollll&•tlon Htlmet1. . 11.tP'1t.-I011f11n4tn1.co111 (CAL•SCAN) hours I de)' to ste _if_ ~ QUllity. (CM. •sc;.AN) \ CAffUCCINO ITAUAN COffH Company u ptndtnc. Distributors Wllltlld. H~·prollt p0. t.nbll My«te can do this! E Xl)AUO ltaila Cal 800-813'.<i625. ~ r9C(d. (CIL. •SCAN) AIUMDANCI ts Hlal .. n $34(• per wttk potanlal will Ill education PfoGlct. wwil ftom home. Fun. e. ~. ,.,t MLM. 800· 704·2286. (CAL•SCAN) AISOlUTI eCM.Da•11 60 Vlfldlnt maclllnts wltll 11e111tnt loe•tlont .. -Slo.915 U>-ZM.all2 HOMES FOR SA.LE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula fOUll NlW,OaT ,.ENINSULA CONDOS O/.en Sot-Sun 1 -4 91 s .,,,., .,,. FltOM $A25,000 213 21TH ST. S &4W.- 4tls.4917 ._. Aw SW.-/J ...... 0.-vlew, ...... ...i.n.~c. 949-930-521 W-o..,69.a I bkrl to beadl. 3br 2ba upi>er, I br Iba lower. 3ur aar. $969,IXXl • 949-57 4-3!5911 Conlna dtl Mar A i....ty Jlt 2lo llonw with c:harnm& pabo "' a wry pnvate tush b.tckywd. All bath$ we re<nodeted w/tile Poon . alt windows are Pela and sobt tinted. roof IS tM & securrty system Berbara Sann111ret Realtors 949-644--4195 Cwt.Mc-4el Mer C_,,_ln'-•· eourmet kitchen. MOU&tlt Iron, c111tom tilt end cab- Wittry. Front IS a 3bl 2ba hOmt & r-IS a 2bf 2!>.. COUT\M fllAlTY Mt-7SM177 eA Ct •r m ":t C-~ to 841 Corona end lootlout po1r1l 48t .... brend ntw ' watomho!M. Olttred et.SZ,950,«o 00.UTUNE R£Al TY •m-oin cm ... OIPlllMOUSI IA T ·Wfl l-4 • ........ St 3bt l ~ .... klt,t,h, wd lh, I to CMJOll l"•rll. Mil l'ewtl Re/ Mu $tlgl00 M -6* 10 .... .... .• ... ..... ~ ... pM/a,t. --""" • O/ff. Mttr ., ...,.... .. dll. Ut w/allll ~ ,.,., .... ott.. cMflte 1'1'911 Cl~ !12-307 1'511 J 10 Wc;1 Ba~ Strw Co-ta \IN. c A l)~f,~· \1 \e"pon Biid &. 8J1 'ii Hours: Telephone !I ~am-~ (.,lpm \fondd~ · Fndd~ \l.al~·ln XJfrJm·' l"Opm \.lunda~ -FndJ~ Huntington Beach O,.EN SUN 1-4 SEAllUDG( VIUAS 20321 Todepool Ctr •202 IBR 18A Conso I m1 to bc;...,Gated comm pool tenms sauna $265.000 By Owner 909·748·1016 Irvine OPEN SUH 1-4 fob lokefront Location lbr Jba One of a few ever to come avail Waterfront suMet views' S859.000 l'lotlnw"' Properties Stefani• Meur•r 949-71S·SlS6 - Wnt Irvine 4br 3b1 2000sqtt . 2 c ear 3 yrs new La yd $629,000 lrvlfte Welt f'Mk 3br 3ba 1300 sqft Detached hom~. Built In 199!> SSl9,000 ~Clara Tu Remu !M9· -9988 Nlwpoltludl ~ "HiITY NOM&ll ~-681 WTaAl'f WWHOMI Lll'J":: 1 Slory on II tot • FR remodl!I llie new Sl. IS9.m> llUPf'S~ lO'Ml.WS :t;' s.e 1-5 TOI> --privatll lot end ... DllDr• "'-1 S14!1.oo> ftI ,~ ... i.e. SfHI.~ WUro*T,._ on:.rtd f/!111 m: lSlarylFldd 21r.:=- ni.,;..._ '"' ..... ,. ........ ...... ,,....... ...... "'_ ...... ., ........ , ............... ........ = •ua.....-. ~..a.-........ ,,__ - ' Newport Coast Cloul1 H1ghHt point w "5pect"uld1 ocean views One ot tho fin8't tomm of lu • ury homes 5br 4 5ba S2 695 000 Strada European •tyle 1tv1ne High 1n the 11111$ a ve1look1ng the ocean lbr • office SI 695 000 Hew ll1tln9 Stunnl"ll mode, like homt w views of Saddleback 4br huodr eds ol up ilades1 SI 6~ 000 OPEN SU N t-S Saota Lucia fabulous lakefront loc 31>• ] 'Jba Overlookone Canyon & ocean SI 779 000 PLATINUM l'ltC>f'HTllS Stefo11le Meurer 949.71 !>-3 l!Mi ....~ ....... c:r.t custom est.all wrtl> canyon & ocun -Offw9d at S6.500.000 Coo1tll110 11eo11ty 949-7 59-0 I 77 VllWCHATlAU 10501 ....... L-. Located 1n N Tustin Hilli l.S 1cr1 hilltop estate 6br 7ba , Clll for price Aat John l oaan 11•·731·1808 Rate:~ d.lld deadlmes are >Ubjt:O:l to ch.i.nge \I. llh(lUl n.~11 • .-Th.: publt,her re,erve~ the nghc ro cemor. recl.;"1f~. re' i-e or retc:d an~ cla~s1fted advert1,ement Plea'e report .in~ error that m.i~ be tQ your da~~tfied ad 1mmeJ1atel~ The Oath PiJ(l( au .. ept' no ltab1h1> for an)' error rn an ad' em~ement for 1i. lm h 11 m~~ be r.:~pon;1ble except for the: C'O\t of the 'pace J(IU.ilt~ '"''up1.eJ b~ the error Crc:dH can onl~ be allo .... ed tor the ftr-1 in'erttnn -----Deadline~-------. \l11ndJ1 frtdJ~ ~ IWlpm rn<1.11 Tuc-..JJ1 \11111dJI ~ tM 1pm '>_.llJJ1lJI 'v\ednc'<IJ1 T Ut:'41d \ ~ ( M >pni '>111hl.i1 Thur....ia1 Wc:Jflc:-.Jd~ '\ l)('f'm RE.~DEI ,~ A,_ q£r., T ,l~S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Costa Mm ~ety Gert.cf c__,,,., llr 1 lo Aftt. w pvt aar froti wblk '" t" $quart $895 mo W~t•r t1ash patd Kleon MMl,.it!ment 871·104-8649 f • t 9200 Lorge I br 1 bo IHllt - quiet Pentn111lo pelnt. Ho •moldng/pth. s 1450 949-293-4631 Li,... llo, lll l61h St P<lhu w d &at aet & \IOI ai,:e S lt;,00 m.:i 71 ~ 943 I 131 M.c:hM!I S11SO 2+2.S Inf U#I/ ~YI l'b1ti Tawmornes Paoo allxh!d e•aee pet t.lo 20 CAnlcD Dr. mm m7'!11~1m l'•lde 1~ loft end unit I llOCK r1tOM O,CIAN D'W le bath larat patiu lt11 2b• remodeled •Pl no pets. S995 mo till E <••oo•I S18!Xl Av11I 8 l 21st St 949 645 7776 ' 9 49.51 S-4229 I lo1tsld1 2bt, 2bo, -.,.t. 211l YEARLY ltENTALS with balcony en wait• N•WpC" t Beath Penon & trash paod no pets S l400 11950 mo ae1 $1250. mo 949 650 3135 U9-67S-7aOO •• .,.. ---2•2/ m ott Bit "' R~ oven ""'. Uplbn COY prl\e. ..... ,.,,.. pd Sl325 Avlll ""' ml dep-Sfl(X) pet MM90ll W4AGf HfJ(t>or &hid @ Mernmac Way. (7l4) !'>45-0442 2lr 2..Slo T wnllOUM on bluffs nr bdl. fncd yd. tp. cti pr+ eatra prll&. Sl496.. -~ ~-9699 •br 2b• HUGI YA.RD W /GAllDINlll. fres!I !*II .. ' GIA. '* ,_... PM! & F....-oi.ndl. Sl950 +dep~l3 Newport Cre•I, 2br 71>~ ? c &ar walk lo bch tonn1~ pool1 ~p1 S2100 mo 949·101-4408 1115 W IAY AVE. lrl ~ 3br 2ba vwll ca Ip w o 2c p . S2500/mo <tat CIYisty 949-500-3648 Sir 2.Slo, Nl'<r .. t, ~&rm« .... well lo bdl cill pr ~ 1em S2500m 9119-ma1 ~,., ............. ~ ""'"9 2-pr pr .. patao. comm pool Yf • f1115.-now~ f.Ol •on fN llUFFS Populat £ Plan 38•. ?1/i8a • f amily Room $.JOOOtmo 949 644-4909 1 lllir•.JJI c l I ~If I r"l" 'i11'tJ4ln I r1J.1• '1w1pm JOBS WANTED •M-•-4111/Mp.• I clu n & ma1nta111 l•rt • homu Cook ()riv• ~II dut1u etdforly ' cl't1ld cart t•P 313 937-90lf! AlO oWecilesday, My 9. 2003 TODAYS CROSSWORD PU77' E Bridge 'l Pubf1sh1n11 PROMOTIONS DEPART MINT Ct!mrnuntly new<lp,'IP"f\ 111 llr""ge (.nutlly ~' I ul r111~ pawn tu 1nlen1t·w M>d Witte sloe~. Pilf\l(.t IJd\e 1n cUflln>Untly evcol\. ueate and l>d0nate 1>31'"" •nd _.hnns l nelll>nt • omtn11111LJ1toon <Ji., work weu with ltw publrt. Koow N' Stylf!. QuatkXPr~s\ f'holoshop, Mutt1 Ad Qr ~IOI f'Tafitient on MAC <1nd PC CC.I d~S'K" e1pe11enle prefefl~d l'rootreading •~I 0. 11g "-'-.!~ reqi.wl'Cl (OE [ictllenl benehl padlage. Em.14 rewme W'l rltng '>311"t!iili4. and \;llafy reQttrremenls t o IM\4 ~(n>latime!> •nm --··-~~ 1.lusy NPwport Beac;ll R~~ l.slale affic.e Salary l.Qfn 1nenw< ah' w/up f d> lt:IUll'e lo 9t9 67'> 2127 semce Directory TIC 0 RfAO£RS Caltfornta law re quwes th11 con If ac lors t<tlun11 iobs th1t tolal S!'JOO "' mooe (ldbOf or materials) be hcensed by the Contrac tors S late lic;ense Boud State law also requ11es ltlaf conlraclors include lhetr hcense number on alt advet"llSln(I. You can checli the Sl<tlos o f yoor licensed contra c lor at www cslb ca eov nr 800 321 CSl 8 Unh censed conlraclor~ hk1na 1obs lhat total leu lhan $500 must state 111 the11 1dvert1semenls lhal they are not ltcensed by the Con Ir actors Slate license Board " FAlnlMG INT1lllOltS KildW1 I Bath I Rmlodr:j MtlD'IL llltw.,.,uuan ll!'ifDJ1!I vs,M: !MQ6t).!l9'j -~ AUINHVAC Alf Cond1llonin1 6 Hutlna Set vice l •808660 949 500 9005 A • Z MA•O't'MAN lnstaM. ref1ce c1bin•h ~ ,,..,. Oq 714-S4&7Zl8 llCIP'TIONIST I ull llmt' pos1lH><1 .iva1l.11Jk' "' l>u\y NB R<"dl l stale """ ~ M r 8..JJ 'i 30 COf11V"ltl1vc PdY dlld b1:n<"hl\ t ti:fll l•lfn pule. Wt>fk lln .. wfo.~ of MS W111d;oJJhl\ fJ• •~ ume lo 949 /I/ 7119 RupPI NOP My\l~rv Shopping 1'5> tu11~ntly retru1tme \ho1>11••~ rn yo01 Jted! Fot murt! mfornMtrun ple~'r v1s1t our web ~ll~ at www t yh ... rshoppfi't•,on fine cCtm ((.Ill •sc./\Nl ~. 0....,.. c_., Fair Vwmen~. tClloldt al \kin ~d•t! products. 7/11 813 f leJ '<l;hedule. r 11'1 $7 2'.> '1¥1 fvn tub' U3-a29-3247, IC.. sm ,_._ ~ ,. 12 13 CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SALE! CAll (949}M2-5613 PLAY OK·Dl£f'END? North !>ulllh vulncrublc Soulh dcllls. Suppo)C you ck-cl to ilC'fcnd. 1.l«l:arer c:ipcun.-s l:.a.st's qUOCfl of d~ io hand with the kC and leJili II low "fllldc. You tliM."ll!J Ille four of t.li1m10nd~ a~ a signal to pnnncr, duouny"s 11CC is played Wld. warned uf thc pos~ibili1y of a bad trump bn:ak. dcd;U\lr coounuc~ with 11 club 10 lhc king and ruffa a club 011 lhc wl>lc. The u..oe of diarnoncb ~ CUl>hed Jot! dccl~r t:lit~ with a ,pade, Eb1 win~ lhe king W1d queen or sp:idcs, CU\bcl> lhc 4lk.'Cn Of dia.nioocfs and n:v<:rb to i.p;idcs. Declarer rum with lhc 4uccn. plJ~' ~ d1amond and m rr- ruff\ anr trump played hy West. rum dummy ; la.\I \pddc wnh lhc at,'t: ul 11<.'rut.~ Ulld tnke~ a trump linc~sc w ri<'L up W1.•\l', rcmaininj! trum("' and drum the {!llmc South lo..c' only lwu \P,11.k:~ and J d1illTK.Kld NORTII •AJl076 K !084 9 7 •96 WF-'if •Vold v J97,,2 F..A~I •KQ983 , Vold K J42 •J872 SOUTH • 5 42 AQ65 A65 • i\ K S 1111.· ht(kJJnj! Q 1083 • Q 1043 'iot I nl \\to .... '1' NUMTII UST INT ~ Z• l'ass 2 "-" Pim I'll\.' l'llS!> ( )J't'lllfll' l(J<.1 l WU Uf • !'ltUlh lht' 1.h,1J!r;c111 allcJ\I.' 1lk·n dci.'ldc Would }'OU rather rlay Of dcfl·Jl<I four hc:in~ ~lier the lead of :.i le•\\ duh'' l h« o1ulllun ~"' rl1Ulinr Afkr ~1111111·, 1111 crump opening, N1111h l'"~ll·d tor a lllUJor •uil Iii am.I then 1•ap1 111 l'•tmc when 'iouth annoolll-cd lour or n11in: hcan.o. 111n:spomc111 the SW) lruJll llkjUil). While dl'.'d.ircr'~ play ww. ~toc­ ul.ir 1hc: cu111r.ic1 l'i.lllW have been dcfe:iwJ Al V'>~k 1~0. We~t muse run 1hc k>~ 'pad.: and rc1um a trump 1 kl'lan:r ca/I win lh;it 1..hcaply 11/lt.1 anJnge 111 ruff two m111or-sui1 canh in dum1m lur rulf •lllt'. minor .ind \l'C~ the .Jl.C of '{'Jlk\, hut Oil Cllhcr hnc dcd.irl.'r lOOIC\ lo only 111nc 1rid.~. A' Ion~ a_, W~'' ..cite\ every oppoctunnv l<• "ln J 1rid in order to 11.'.lll lruf!lf". ~l' rann1.11 fiotl a ~ J) to 10.lnlu, hu1 1f )OU 1:;111. lei U.\ I.now' 9004 Automotive BMW '911 l3 Con" 2.8 , 6 cyl red ldn Ith•. !>spd, btdul hlle 11~w lOt1d •81!>171 Sil 9'1':> f1 nanL1n11 & wMrJnly a'larl Blor 949 '>86 1888 www.ocpobl.<om Codlllo< 'O I Sevlllo Sl S ~river grty l'llu CO rh1111 whl\ gnld pkg, f11ll lacl, h1'~ new. $18.49'> v#~96/4 I fuliln• 1112 avail Bllr 949 ~ ISSR w-.o,pobl.~ '97 CHlVY T AHO£ 4 ct, wtvtt. 4X4. Bro Sol•id syi;tern ol l,Mmo<ld .ult> w? R1• k".tl Stb5 Crnlw I """" wl'tl. ,._19n "l':/} off ro.td lrt~ I ~ _, $ l '> '1(1) 949 A'> 1.63 ..... .,~a-.a. .. VS, 4"'· lllw. CO. nuwf. Vl!fy Oltt• # /7'197.Q $9995 wc-wautn c ""' <;M!l-046 l*7J ..... '% "'"""' a-. .. Vf>. 21N11. to. 'IUl)ef <.le.in. veoy mu·, ~ #2151158 wcw""1101ool 94~/8n lAlrld "-'00 0.-.V S~rrB If whtl• 'Rll'V flt1r JJS 111111 ow11e1 \Upe1 b or rg 1.'lnd Sib 99; vl7%/;I Ilk• 949 516-1888 ~w.ocpobl.co1n M o ida '99 M loto I UllY 41\~ ""· •ull) \llvt·r ldn lop pw 111 A I.' CO suii~• b hl1r new ln11d v#ll9743 SIO,Cj<j'; l1t1dftl Ill~ &, Wdtf<tllly ••d1l ll~1 'J'9 ~86 f8118 ~w.ocpabl.<om Automobil~ 9000 Dodge '99 Dolto to Pu ~up u.t>c.al> ~ ~. V\'.fY ••o> SWJfJ #244419 Wt will.flu com 949 Vlb 18Z7 Morc.odft 9-"91 C2l0 Automotive 9004 Audi '01 TI O....ttro Noa<klH h,dt-tl, 1111~ tll'W. /~ m1 <Irk l'Jf'tn 1op l1U1IV $17 I.IQ() /f.Q. /% /601 ltrtu mmt 11nm ... c: \.l'IJt'f Dodge '99 l"lropld lllH •f,J Ill/ SI0.99'> N~d V6 C.U SUI'~' wtw .... rt111 trllt 'M9 646 '/ffT/ <Ir itn very f\H f If~ i'J/ /'1 wi wilUln mm 949 !>4(,. /'IV/ More_.. a.... "93 19()1 1 I ~·11~fo1" • ar 11111 Ford, '6S Mv•tong 9l~ m111t \'>9<1.> ·~ Convpr l1bk ut •c•n•I w..wituluwm <)!1<1646 JKO uwn" 'l>Uhd ( 11 $19 99S obo '149 719 ?'Jll J IMW '112 633 ol 2ctr p11y t~n. "'"· wn1uol lull pwr ''ll'>UO /M 1178 !.14'>~ fo<d '911 Wln<htar ..... IP."' I Or nW1.-d dM BMW '91 3281 Conv rKe<111I' ffJn> 11619337 r•wlalltc dMk blu~ v•~y wtw.111tn1Im 9'19{,46./877 lthf \Upt.>rb l nnt1 lhlOUfhuul JI ~ 99~ ""'612421 lllu 91$ ~ 1888 w•w.•cpelt&...e~ l•uzu '9S Trooper lid. 414 rmm~c lhroui:hout v~ 1 nic~ '932989 pm M;Wau\.o CQOTl 9ft9 646 1f!l2 BMW '90 37SI hk" n~w l:!fli (dO 4 dr Jaguar '00 XIII Conv ~utu. 11161. m1. at sunrf 44~ m• lull lacl "'"' lull pwr ltltl ( ,, '•"'"' unty Brtlt\h I acrne $4700 /14 £.51 4bf.l i•een/lan llh1 . CO -clirome whl•. l1~e new 8 MW '8 9 1 JS ll $36 995 vf975?41 Bk• t ~athf'r '\Hnrnof v~, J tnencme & warr avail dean Sil995 •86~'>9 949-SH-1888 wtW<MJIU conr 949 M6 7822 w-.ocpobl .c- Morc•do• '96 ClllO l>"dut1f111 blAtk 1, ream fully ll>•ded show• nnm IH 'll $l0}',D 7)4 JS! 2<t&I ---- Ms-"-"95 D10 8'i1llo beaut. all "Ill. """" nil er new ITlolµ ~\II.. S89'li Wl~lTl.'W 9G6'6'lfrll --,.----Mo .. cdot '91 420 SU wh1le/1111•y lthr. chr•tn>P whls low mt. $u11erb cond $69o/J '1•~77111 Bkr 9'9 !>86 I HJl8 w-.o<paltl.~..., Nl11oft '9 S Potltfln4or h4 1mma< whrte V6 very"'"'~ •011299 $~4% wcw...rto tum 949 646 7irO HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ·---· Caf11et Repair~les ....., c.,.. Saw ii .., mp l:nrcl rR1lt' CirPl'I expirt ~IP• CJD oSWr Lll(l!]9\5 7\4 'lcf,4 Kl> (rCARPll •CARrn~ Rep;orrs. P;1tchm~. ln,lalf Cour t~ou$ any s11e 1nb' Wholf"llle' 949 497 0705 I ERVICE (949 642-St.71 rut. fow words to work for ""· IN HOME ' •us/NESS •Ef'At•s Upgrades. R'patrs ol Cnmpuler. Nrlwnrk\ I v~nrng,/W"~ends Compelillvl' 1>111 '' for quahty "'"i< 949-136-1115 114-926·4228 lrlck llodt si .... Tllo Coner et~ .. P aho, Or 1v~w~y I K~lc BBQ Rfh 7'3Y1 C~p lerry 114 '>'>7 /':>94 Tho Ce1nonl Mtw1 Cemenlworlo, B11c~. Tile & Mnre Rehable No 1ob loo \mall 71 4 615-906? IM( OHGIN 't'OUR HOMl IMPROVlMlNT rROJlU? Calf a plumber. parnlet hdndyman or any of lhe 111eal n1v1ces hsted here 1n our '"rvlce d11ectn1yl lllC SC l OCAl SVC PCOPt.E CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI Drywall services ,\t'll V"'" ( ur .!!! ( In' "'J!••d ' WITT HOHT DRYWAll All ph~"'' \rntlr g 1obs CUANI IOyr\ f,rn. fr tie ~· t 41.((J~ /14 6'19 1447 Electrical Services Small Job hpo~tl O•m< "" ( h·t Inc 70Yn. ( •P lix.11 °''"" R~w SffvK r/T!emodeh l •7"'11/0 949 6!>0 /042 America ( octrlc l•vn,rd (fect11uf Conlradnr Small 111b' \IAtling al $79.9S & up. Sp~et~lwne rn R~m,.def11111 & •II hume "''""I need\, Cumm/fndusl/Res 1-100-897-1008 V1829S9 DUTCHMAN lllCTIUC I 1cr NSf O/INSUIU 0 COMP[ Tl TIVE RA ll S LnS9337 949 327 6~ UCINSID CONTRACTOR No ~ too sn1 NI ~Vll:O!S' Repa11. remodf'I, I~"'· spit, ,_ SVC 949 64!> 'lfli6 Aoortnwme QISlOM CJllATM TU "1ilalltloo. "°1te. ar MHI; ~. i.lot• &M 197S l"61ZQIM ..n 714 617 9961 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIES Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDffiONS Rf.MODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY IGtchcn & e·ath SpeciaJists 0 OONSTRUCJlON Lk.-#577982 (949) 709-5642 I AoorinWJjle llMY si.o-.. R~ed Rl'\!IOUltn & ln\lallallon Till DEAN 949 67J 8065 714 846 t526 714 883 2031 Garage Doon *AMEIUCAI* OVJNEAD DOOll •Ga119e~~ :~~ •lOUI &.._ IRH lSTIMAr!S ('7141 .... llTac> tc.11 Gardening/ LandscaplnQ sawas lVIRYTHING & ANYTHING IN A OUDIN. THI Dtf,HlNCI HTWHM BIAUTlfUl & uoumu ... 949-515_.124 frM SorYlco, Yard Cleanup. Mi11nlenance, Sptlnliler Rep11r, H1ulin1 (949) HO-t1t I Glasstttlnon WllldM • lllhr °"" ........... °"" Alt Scmll • S11t11et & Tn Glm~ F•111illlt1 Glall • hlClly Gl1a Sales·Serv10e·Repa111 & ln11aJlatt00s 949-642-0424 WWW harbolt>Clyglas.s 0Dm Handyman/ Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & REMODELING ...... ~ o Job 1bo Smoll Pan llamlllo• M9-JJU292 (I-....... Orywlll Rep•lr. tnVh1 P1lnttoc Fr• htlmwl8. Call Bob 714-170-MJ4 A*nalM -....... .. AUTOIDl.ES. or t I. .... ......,. s mcB.lNEOUS PHIUJf'S AUlO Slue. auto, CO, clHn. 1025771 $1 995 only 1111< IN, Hill. Per· fol INl1Gll wl>teli.. ( t 9394) ltlQURI 01Aaw9 RJ.1 moonrool, loaded! (194bS) $24.!lflO. ,,._XK•C- ~ mile$, chi ome whMIJ, beaullful (194961} $37 .98> ,.,.~uoo c,,.. Charcoal w/Black leall>ef premium wheels. moOllfoof (19&12C) $29,98> 97u.1tw U 400S.-. Gclver w/Crey IMther, moonrool • .i beauty. ( 194~1) $22,911> 00 ,,,,..,. ..... ,... s S.Cva w/8\o~k. l2k miles. slwrp o94n> m.911> 0 I Alltll A4 a-tr.. Black W/sMvet IHther, "'OOfl(OOf ( l 94"62) S17 980 99f.,.,.orl JSS Sllvft w/bk-w;ll Ith< I 4K moles. gflf geous ( 1142.35) INQUIRE •• tJncNt Navigator Grey w/bl<Kk ltlaUlef. po em1Um wtieets (l!Ml9) $2J,911) 949-574-1777 ~AUTO ...... ..-o.c ... .--com ~1822 ottt.111•"''° '" AMfw• 60ll m1, bl1chl&r•Y fthr, mnrl, CD, l1bulou$ cond t hrouehoul SS99S vlnl457219 8kr 94t-SH-1UI ·-·~ .... -s.-'" 9.a c-·· 4911 mi. ""h•la/oatmut llhr, CO. bl•ck top, fabulou5 like new cond, SIJ.995 v-1875261 Bk• 949-SH-tH• ,,,,_. 14-- Teyoto '9• Avelaft, euto, Ith•. mmf, b .. rJ hful $6995 •l2Z2178 wcwauto c::on1 949-6116-78Zl Toyoto '98 Cor..a. ll b••e•. aulo, 74k m<. pw, pb, pd, ps, cc, fl.IC. ilcreo, $9Dl 714-843-!lll I T ,.._ Jiii '" /\6'o8e<w l9ia BNr. by the lilka b Ute modll QI sud• .. r.ez. Mixima. Lexus 9:&544-7133 Volll•wctt•n '00 l••tl• 281< m1, spu~hna btacli / ualmeal, aulo, moonif. CO, pw. pl alloy whls. hke new, vm•4700S!> Sll.499 fin & warranly avail, Bkr 949·'>86 1888 -.ec:potll.<- VW '98 PoHol GlS V6 Wht. auto, nnf. a Sltp!I c.lean. 1252266 SIO. 911.> WCW'AAOIXWll ~nrl'J ON ~e..,. ""'IJlllY • Wl:y ,. price lor "JO'll C8I' Y.n or tndl Plid b or not. ~ Oldl Rey @ lOlllilto Auto S.S. 7(4- IJJ 19:11 or 714-328-32211 CASH foa CMS WI HUD YOUlt CAil PAto~GaMOT PHll.l.WS AUTO ASK f04l MMC~ 949-574-7777 MOTOR HOMES .... Homes· Renl 9355 JOfT MOTOI MOMl FOR RlNT LIKl NLW C ClASS/SllOl·OUT 949 515 230!> BOA1' Power Boats 9615 '00 '"' Duffy Doc1nc boal I o-. docked by 8~ bbnd Must see! $15.500/obo 949 700 2063 '03 OUfN :ll' 1€t'tfWltR 5--IM!I SZJ.(XX) We\!1lry sil> av41Llbk f.45.COO 95644-TJ4 f SELL your stuff through classified! STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Daily Pitot Doc:k .-c• _, to SSh on canal 1n Hewport l1la11d are• W•l11r ti eleclnc $12ft ~ 19J6 ask 101 Sue unsUPAVAU.U IH NIWf'ottT HACH $2500UASI 949-SOO-1005 CllANOUT YOllHOUSE WITHA . GWGESAJ.11 W1 (949) 642-5678 /11r I r,,e,.il l>rpartm1nr111 thr /Jaily l'i/111 ff pk111rd ,ru 11m111u111r 11 nru• srr/llr r f/011' 1111ai/,1bk 10 11ru• bum1nu1 Ut """ fluw .\1-.AIU H rhr 11amifnr 'Yflll at mJ o.tra 1h11ry,t. nnd ia1•1 _you rhr 11111r and thr trip UJ thr Court /louse in 'i1w111 A1111. lhrn. of rn11nr. a{trr thl' srarr'1 u c titnpkud ""' u•ill jik .'fOur fta1twuJ bwinNJ JWmr 1w1nnr111 u•uh thr ( '""'IJ Ciak, p11b/1Sh oncr 11 wak far /011r wain •LS rl'qu1rrd by Liu• 11nd 1lrm /Ill' :rour proof ofpubl1mtw11 w11h thr Counry Ckrk />ktJJr stop by to jik your ft1 t1110UJ bwmm srn1mrn11111 rhr /Ja1/y /11/ot. 3 W U'' &iy .\/. <.(ma Mna. If.you ran nor srop II} plrasr call UJ at (1.ll 'JJ 6-1.! f Jl I anti u•r w,// makt ammgm1mts for you to handlr rim proadurr by mail If you shouU ha1•r anyforthrr qius11oru. pkasr rat/ w 11rul U.¥ u•rll be morr thatt glad to asJIJt you. Good Jud( m )Ollr ntll' bu1rnm' Handyman/ Home Repair '-"'~ ,.ep91 CMpt>nlr y • Pfumhrng 01yw~fl • Slutw Paintma Trk• & lnOfe 20• Yun (l(Jf'flence• JI 714-969-5176 THI HANDYMAN All Wt><ll riuar anleed P\unbnf. I 11!clr10... .... Door~ F trl6h Cdf P ftc. 9f.I M4.aRi Hauling 1UNK TO THl DUMrlll 714 968 1887 Al/All ABll lOOAV• 949 673 5566 v •"""• ...... 'l ~•,ldenllef Conuele Masonry Ser vr,e Slone, B11cli, B lodl 714 965 2824 Open709ys Low Ratte Stonige~ Sine» 1981 949-845-4645 Design · Reftectlons ~,... ....,....,.~ -r=:::..··· 949-459-8270 Movtng & Sblgl PUBLIC NOTICE l h~ Cafrf Pub II' Ulthltes Comm•nron 1equ11es llMI all uled hou,ehnld l(Ond, rnovers 1H1nl the11 P U C C.al f number hmo1 and ~hautteutl p11nl t h~tr r C P numbe1 1n all 4dv~• ll\tmenls If you h•ve •ny quell10nl about lht te1al1ly of • mover . Irmo or theuffeur ull Pu1uc unums COMMISSION 100 .,, .... , Pilot Painting •n CUSTOM rMmNG l'rofl, 1.le11n. qufltly work lnlr<tOt/u t <tnd d(l(kl l•70J.468 949 631 4610 Joy•-'• Pal"''"' lop Qu-ltly, Com11,.1<ttve f11te11or 'I al l •648??8 Call Jay ~9 6SO ~ RAINBOW Cll<1f MIMT Pamhnl(. lnt/exl, liou'4/flpt Qu~hty tob' f ree rstwnate l•~989/ /14 6J6 8888 Plumbing snYll Al9tullOU. (94t) 645-2SS2 """" 'JJdl, ~-~Professional I Painting l.Jc.14~ lntalm/ld$ ~ ......... C*lllt 'kt Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa.. Ca (9'9) 646-3008 c.11 949-387-1480' Pfamlltng PltlCISl PlUMllNG Rtpftr' & Remodefrn~ rR££ CST\MATC l •687398 714 969 1090 PootSmlce ----M .. olt Peel & s,. Svc. W~ekly Servtee l Quip menl Rec>eirs, Insured Cell 949·H2-7 I 73