HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-23 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot... Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATIJRDAY,AUGUST23,2003 THE SLIP WAS THE EASY PART KENT TREPTOW I DAILY P1LOT Tommy Smith, 6, endures a harder-than-expected landing on a Shp 'n Shde at TeWinkle Memorial Park on Monday. The slide was set up for kids participating in Camp Costa Mesa. El Toro move will go in phases Air National Guard squadron would take a t least two years to vacate Costa Mesa base. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The Afr Na- uonaJ Guard base stationed in the city since 1950 will gradu- aJJy move to the closed El Toro Marine base, officials said Fri- day. The 222nd Combat Commu- nications Squadron. adjolning the Barie Park on Newport Boulevard near the Costa Mesa Free\.vay, will move in phases to a 32-acre site at the northeast corner of F.I Toro over the next cwo years. said Lt. Col. Gary Aten, a civil engineer with the AJ.r National Guard in Sacra- mento. "We're working with the Navy to make this move: he said. "It wiU take some time to renovate and remodel.· The Costa Mesa-based squadron has 92 men and women assigned to st. TWenty- eight served in the war with Iraq. They do not Oy aircraft. Their duty is to provide tactical communication capabilitie!>, in- cluding e-mail and Internet, to troops deployed overseas, Aten !>aid. The unit needed to move pri- marily because of the develop- ment around 11 that obstructs communication. he said. "There's the freeway, and there are several buildings and aparunem complexes," Aten said. "When we first occupied that site, there was very little development in that area. and it was easy for the urut to do their communications." The group obviously needs more room now, he said. The Air National Guard has already secured the federal ap- provals needed for the move, Aten said. .. The next step will be to get federal funding." he said. TI1e biggest challenge in the process has been to get ap- provals and permlls from v-clri- ous agencies, Aten said. "It's taken us six years to get here,· he said. Aten said the Air National Guard h a5 been talking wilh Lhe city of Costa Mesa. which wants to expand Lhe Bark Park. as well as olher developers who have expressed interest in Lhe prop- erty. "It could be several months before we decide how to dis- pose of that facility.· he said. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deeps bharsth a./at1mes.com Monahan might run for • supervisor Costa Mesa mayor says he's considering seeki ng the seat when his council term is up in 2006. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA ~tE~A -rhe rumor has been burning up the Goat Hill grapevme fur v.eeb., and now Mayor Garv \fonahan ha\ said that he ,., rnn<.1denng run ning for .i c;eat on tht' count) board ol '>Upem..,or.-, after the end of h1'> (It) C ounc1I term in 2006. Monahan said Thur .. day that he would ne11her confirm his candidacy for Supervisor Jim StJva's pos111on nor deny that he hct~ been <;enously consrdenng a run at the second d1~trrct seat He will '>t:t ho"' things go m the next couple of years. he !>aid. · Its no1 hke I am an offic1aJ tand1da1e or anything. but I am going to talk w m>· wife and '>hake '>Orne hand'>.·· \fonahdn '>a.Id StJva\ '>eat will nor be up un· 111 L006. the '>clffit' ) ear Mona han\ term on the Costa Me'>a OCTA OKs freeway study Plan bei ng conside red would exte nd Orange Freeway seven miles into Costa Mesa. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Orange County Transportation Aulhor- 1ry board members have ap- proved a $I. I -million srudy of eXlending the Orange Freeway along the Santa Ana River 10 the San Diego Freeway and possibly the Corona del \.far Fre~'a). of- ficLals said. Staff presented to bocUd member!> on Monday a prehms- QUESTION Should the OCTA eX19nd the Orange fTMwey Into Cost. Mesa7 Call our Readers ~ine M • ~ 7 • (9491642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypilot@fatimes .. com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for venfication purposes only nal) !>tudy that sho~red that "there c. a traffic demand" that jusufies extendmg the freeway from the Santa Ana freewa}. QCLA, spokesman Michael lJt· sch1 said "The exten. .. 1on will affect Catalina Classic fights cancer with paddleboards Newport resident Mark Schulein and others will set out for the fifth year to raise funds in the name of late friend Suzanne Leider. Deirdre Newman Daily Piiot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Pad- dling 32 miles on your knees and stom ach is a grueling test of endurance and per- severance. For 11 peo ple participating in the Catalina Oassic on Sunday, the paddleboard race ts not just a physical challenge but a way to honor a Newport Beach woman who valiantly fought cancer for 10 years. The 11 paddlers a.re part of the Ocean of Hope Campaign, which raises awareness and funds for those wh o suffer from synovial sarcoma, the rare form of cancer that took the life of Suzanne Leider last year at age 35. Leider was an inspiration to those who had the privilege of knowing her, Ocean of Hop e Olairwoman Mark Schulein said . ·she was p robably Lhe m ost inspirational person I ever met.~ said Schulein, a Newport Beach resident. ·she had can- cer for 10 years, but you n ever saw her without a smile.· After being diagnosed with the sarcoma, Leider. a nurse. was frusrrated at the lack of in- formation for laypeople about the disease, Schuleln said. So she gathered some of her fellow nurses and friends and created a clearinghouse for in- formation for the public. Today. the Sarcoma Alliance Is at the vanguard of support, education and guidance for those with the disease. •tt's not research,· Schulein said. "h 's information for pa- tients, families and caregivers. It's really a testament to what (Leider) could do. all while ftghting It herself.· ln 1999, Leider and friend Keith Munemltsu created the Ocean of Hope Campaign to FAMILY TIME FYI The Catalina Classic starts at 6 a.m. from the Isthmus Catalina and ends at the Manhattan Beach Pier. Hundreds of survivors, friends, family members and supporters of the campaign and the alliance will be there at the finish to support the paddlers. The alliance's Web aite is www.sarcomaalliancs.org. I# DON lEACt1 I OM.Y Pl.OJ Paddlers Jack Hamilton, left. and Mari( Schulein will paddle across s.. CANCER, p ... A4 the Catalina Channet for the Ocean of Hope campaign. promote the alliance and ~e funds for it. They decided to use the Catalina Oassic for fund-raising because It is one of the premier paddJeboard races In the country. Schulein, 34, who has logged SPORTS Parents can help where state money cannot Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE It'• time to lat• • doeef' look It E.....O. Hlgh't ~ S..P..-11 I t bas taken Arnold Schwaneneger and Warren e. Bu«ett to ~ once ap1n bow Calilomia'a acred Propostdon 13 hat tmn food from the mouths o( children and ha caused children to be ahortchan&ed in their educadon and beeltb can!. Buffett. II you may recall. mendoned that Chi 1ta11'a property Wiii WW'l IOO low. =--~"=Che oomment. but the dai'nlp wu clone. STEVE SMITH $10-billlon surplus? Over the put 25 yean. out laiy leglalt.ton and a le!ies of gowmon failed to adju.t to the loa of Propolltion 13 money. And when they did tab aak>n, the panicked met the chlUellfl with the knee-jerk rw.1ion of legtl&aton ~-,wbel'e dMY railed tua v."19 now pl!Jtns a ~ pelCIDtlll a(lncome tawfbW* ......... .... __ ..., .... .. ..... ..... ftnei arid'- ba• lbty haVt not-- .. tD do .... "'6'/be ... • ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ""' be jult fight 10dlv: higt'9 1'* ~IO lnlend end In "'-mid-7°' ~the ooelll. S.PlpA2 . ,.- GOllG TO DOGS COMPUTER TIME Senion c.t becot'nt mot'9 computlr ..... ttwOUQh. Pf09llm ..... ..,__., Ouctt ofh ~ ........ A2 ~ .Kl s.hwday, Ausust 23, 2003 ~ • • :Members of Presbyterian Qiurch of the :covenant of Costa Mesa are helping bring :seniors into the computer age . • :suzl• Herrl1on :Oaily Pilot :H ard drive, mo use : ror~i: ~~~ ~e : many people. became prevalent everywhere. This whole n ew vocabulary .seems natural for school-age 'Children; they are growing up ·with it. But to many, especially :Senior citizens, it can be intimidating. Computers inspire a feeling of trepidation and intimidation. To help seniors get over this fear and to educate them in a comfortable setting became a mission of some members at the Presbyterian OlUrch of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. They have been holding beginning and intermediate classes for more than a year and a half. Hanle Panian said that this program came to fruition with the help of four people, those on the church of the Covenant local organizing committee. It's definitely a team effort. he said. "I'm the communicator of the group," Panian said. "Harry Larimer is the official go-between with the program and the church. Forest Werner is the point person for raising funds. He's o n the sustainability committee. And Bob Campbell is the super volunteer from church who tutors the program." Werner, Panian said, has gotten a grant from JC Penney for $5,000. He also has the challenge of raising S50.000 with an u nnamed person willing to match the funds. ·So the challenge is out there,· Panian said. Campbell has spent five days a week, two to three hours a day, tutoring. •1fwe had a couple million Bob Campbells, this world would be a better place," Panlan said. Alma Marquez is a key go-between for everybody, Panian said. "Once we got the computers donated by the Harbor Boulevard of Cars Assn., there was nothing going on in the morning," Panian said. "We decided to open up classes fo r senior members of our congregation." He said the committee that he was on took a survey of about 100 people, asking the question, "What do you think we should do to reach out to the community? How can we help you and seniors?" "It's a community outreach program, and our philosophy is 'How can we serve our community,'" be said. They started with helping youth in the Newpon-Mesa Unified School District at Costa Mesa High School in the afternoons. "The first tutorial program started for the seventh-and eighth-graders at the high school," Panian said. It is a program to help s tudents who are failing, and they've made great progress, he said. "Six children in the sprin g sem ester made the honor roll," Panian said. "It sh ows how people can turn around when som eone has a concern for them and a place to study.·· The church, which is next to the high sch ool. has helped these students succeed. Panian said. "There's usually three to four tutors, seniors like myself," Panian said. "The YMCA oversees the program." Also facilitating the youth program are two to three more tutors who don't qualify as senior citizens. AUG.31 .. Daily Pilot • .. -. e STI:VE McCRANK/DAILY PILOT Hank Panian, front, and Bob Campbell, volunteers at the Presbyterian Church if the Covenant in Costa Mesa, Mor other seniors in using computers. The program also teaches computer skills to students at Costa Mesa High School, which is across the street from the church. "We've had upwards of 40 students per session," Panian said. "We've touched the lives of a lot of people." However, he is distressed because he doesn't know how much longer the program can continue because of financial constraints. Donations are needed. The senior computer classes began more than a year ago to use the empty computers and to aid with revenue. .. A lot of seniors were afraid to s tart," Panian·said. "They were thrilled with the opportunity to learn how it works." They have served about 48 people through their mon1hly program, he said. "We can only serve al> many people as there are computers." They have invited three other local congregations to join the computer classes, offering classes for $35 per person. The classes are held from 9 to I 0:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a month. "Ifs so convenient. The church and the parking is BOOMER CALENDAR empty 80% of the week," Panian said. ~Why not utilize the church? Th at's where the computers are located fo r community need." His wife, Barbara, took the beginning and intennediate clas es and was pleased. "A lot of the seniors like the interaction with other members.· he said. "They are pleased that <,omeone understands their needs and has patient:e to work through th e technology involved." Barbara pointed out that she knew some people in the beginning class wh o were a little frightened. "The class was small and the instructor worked with each person individually,· she said. "It's a low-pressure environment. a mall group. You can ask as many questions as you need lo. They are there to help you.· She said both classes were very pleasan1 and she got a 101 out of them. To find out more information or to enroll. call Pan1an at (7 14) 979-1803. The ne:tt ses ion starts Sept. 16. •Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Colle Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mlke.swanson @latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dsilypilot.com. To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Cente r will present "On Golden Pond," the last of five free screenings In August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mer. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. p.m. Admission costs $3. The center, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar, will be accepting donations from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays from Sept. 8 to 23. Information: (949) 646-4131. ONGOING Oa.sls Senior Center holds a pancaM breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage. coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for ctiildren. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center et 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. The Cotta M ... Senior c.nter has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There ere no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish F.mlty Serva of'f9n ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness end loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets et 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There's no col1 to attend, bu1 advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. TOOl\Y The Cotta Meaa Senior c.nter wlll be dipping ice cream at an ice cream social at the marketplace from 9 e.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. All proceeds will benefit the Center. Information: (949) 645-2356. SUNDAY To honor KatheMe Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center wilt preeertt •Gueea Who's Coming to Dlnne(,' the b#1h of ftve free 9CnM!lnings In AuguM. et 1 p.m. All ere invited to enjoy the moYlee end free popoom at the oentef"'a Hepburn Alm i=e.t. et 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. for more information, call (949) 844-3244. SEPT.12 The Costa Mesa Senior Center. In celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary, presents the CostAmezing Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Trevis Parker Band, dancing and barbecuit, from 4 to 7 p.m. The Coste Mela Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. The cost is $5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Tldcets go on sale Aug. 15 at the center's front desk and at Costa Mesa City Hall, on the third floor in the Recreation department. Information: (949) 645-2356. SEPT.26 The <>em Senior Center will hold a preview rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues sucti es anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets fro m 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Brellle Institute of'f9n free computer classes to people with fading ~ Jftvlsh F.mlly S..W:. of O,.nge County sponsors an ongoing heeling support group for the ctironi~lly ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage Illness and Its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St, Coste Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration Is required. (714) 446-4950. The Coln and Stamp Club mMtl from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in The Costa Meaa Senior Cltinn Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join Its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mau. (714) 545-5669. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news atorles, SURF AND SUN Marie C. Dustin, Don Leach, Illustration•. editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertisements herein can be READERS HOTLINE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST SURF permission of copyright owner. (949) 642-6086 Condition• will be slmller to The water's not too cool, and Record your comments about the VOL 17, NO. 235 Dally Pilot or news tipe. TitOMAS H. JOHNSON News Edltofs ~ P\.lblia~r Glne Alexander, Lori Andert0n, Our eddl'MI le 330 W. Bay St., Costa TONYDOOEAO Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, Editor Mesa, CA 92821 Offlc:e hours are JUf1'f OETTING Daniel Stevena Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. ~~ NEWISTAFf eon.ctk>nl Crime ~co~rter. h 11 the Pllot'1 policy to promptly Promodons Director (949) 57 corT9Ct all errors of 1ubltana1. ~~m•tlltl,,,...com Plea1e call (9491 ~2'- mmNOSTAFf June=,.. LJ.Cehn Newport repolt9r, FYI ~s1fdltor, (IM9)67~ The Newport~ Mesa 4M233 }uM.~•llltl,,,...com Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) 11 ~.cMin• i.u,,,.c0m ..... '*"'°" publiehed dally. In Newport 8Md'I ........... Politlce, butlneee eod environment 1nd Cotu Meea. 1ubecrlptlone are =f4Cf, -'19M324 reportef, (9'8) ~ IV&lleble only by eublcriblng to The ~ "*"-oom paul.cllnto11•1M1,,,...com Tlmee Orange County (800) ....... .,... Lolta ....... 252.-8141, In lf'MI oui.lde of 5poltl Edla, Columniet, culeure ~r. Newport 1eaCt1 Incl eo.c.. MeM, ~~ . tMIPM27S eubecriptlonl to Che 0.lty Piiot ,,. • ..,,,_oom ..... ,,. ...... lo/lta,,,.,,,..,.,..,,.,c:iom avtilable odv by ftl'lt cleas mell for M Dlraclot 1-. 09.t Chief, .,...,__ GO per month. {PricM lndude all ,_PMZM Co.c. MeA ,...,.,, .., ~1 eppllc:eble -end locel ...... , lo#, I _ ..... oom P'OS'TMASTfR; Send addrwel ....MIC' .. dtlirdr9.,..,...,. • ..._.com ,._ldllor, c....-.. c:Nngee to The~ ....,,:".=:.com Newt ... 1 ... .-. ... , PM29I ~ Meee Dlffv PteOc. '-0. oontl....,, • .,_,oom b 1110, C.. -.. CA tatae. HOW TO REACH US Clfculation thote Men and felt on Friday. The Times Orange County Highs will stay a little closer to 80 In Costa Mesa and Inland (800) 252-9141 Newport Beach, while they fall Adwftislnt Cleeelfted (9491642-5878 jult below 75 along the coast. Dl9play (949) 642~21 Lows wilt be about 62. Edftotial On Sunday, It lhould get. News little wtnner, with highs In the (9491642-seeo mid-IOI. lpo"9 (949) 57~23 lnfomwdon: News Fu (949) e4&-4170 WWW.nwl.noa4'.gt1'11 lpo"9 Fu (949) 860-0170 EofNll: d•llypltot•l•tlmM.com BOATING FORECAST MlllnOll'loe • ... ,,... Oll'loe (IM9) 8424321 The w11hN1y wlndl_wfll lka1lneee ,.. (IMi) 831-7128 blow 6 to 16 lcr'°'9 In~ Inner ....... todey, with 2·foQt wtY91 end I mixed IOUtfi .W.11 of 2 to 4 fMI Ind welt Mell of 1 to3f1Mt. Out....,,1he "-bllltled by Tlmte Community not1h\u 1111rty wfndl will blow Newt, a dlvltion of the Loe A,,.,,.. 11 llnolt. ~ ,...~ TllMt. and. ma.ct IDUlh .... of 4 .... and noflht ...... of 2 to C2003 Tlmea CN. AH 119m. ...... The .. Wllblow ......... ..... ~ the weves are on, ao get out there and get busy. There should be aome waist-to chest-highs from thla latest aouthwelt swefl. The oocaaional chest-high should be eeen as well. Standout apots wHI 1M aome shouldef'hlghe. On Sunc»y, the IW8fl wfll peett, 10 It should be just n gr.et. If not beaer. Mondey loob decent. w......-v: www . .urfriW.CHg TIDES Time ........ 8:&8a.m. 3.70 .... h'9h 1:02p.m, 2.t 1fMllow 7:10 p.m . 6.MfMlhW' '2!371.m. ..O.OlfMllow . WATER TEMPERATURE ., ...... . . . Datly Pilot Howm A bunch of party animals take to the Bayside · Village clubhouse to celebrate a friend's birthday with a luau. Tom Forquer Dally Pilot NEWPOITT B .. ACll -"lie'!> jusl a party animal, f.o his mother gives him a party," Mane Hassell said of birthday beagle Beasluy. Beaaley's friendf> a11ending hii. seventh birthday at the Rayside Village clubhouM: could accu ralely be described ab a pack of hounds. I lusting the party for the third year in a row were hi!> own - ers, Nam.)' and Dick I loagland. The gu~t lli.t for the beagle's pany on Friday w~ MJmcwha1 selecliVt!. "They're JUSt Beasley'!> fnend'>. 'lllere'f> a 101 of dog-. who aren't invited.· Nancy ..aid. With the dor:\ 13 canme guest'> came about 20 owner!>. most of whom were dres!>ed for the pany\ luau theme. l.ru.1 year's theme wa'> patriollc, alter Sept. 11. The Hoaglands -.aid that Beru.- lcy has acted a .. a canine net- SOY DREAM OrgmDc worker for them, giving out a bark when dog& walk by their home, in effect connecling the owners. "I know aJJ the dogs' names, but it took a while to get to know the owners' names," Nancy said. Several party guests said some· thing similar. Sharon AntJe and her Pomera· nian Grdcie attended for the sec- ond time. "It's so nice because it affords us bO many extra friend!>," she -.aid. While the birthday was a good chance for the people to enjoy conversation , food and drink with their neighbors and friends. the occasion offered a rare op- ponunity for the pooches. "lt'i. a really special Lime be- caw.e it's the onJy time dogs are allowed on the beach." Antle ...aid. Ille community'f> manage- ment \uspends the ruJe for dog!>' birthdays, she said. The dogs took full advantage. using Lhe beach to play catch, dig Frozen Dew:rt • HaYenlv At -Mocha or v.wla • Rodiiet Ban -Oiooolate or Vanilll • Dre.amwich - Y.milla REG. l1.Z9 'l BIOCHEM .. ~ \. Sport:$ L fitness Systems /~ YOU SAVE S4 00 ULTIMATE Saturday, Al.Igus! 23. 2003 A3 • Sc >LJS l ~\'EST.'1E. ·Ts & 'R 1·:. 1 ~1· ~· KRJSTIN M. Sous • Liarucd Real Est.au Ai.ent • S~cializing in Newpm Mna Rmdniruil &al Estatt ERlc A. Sous, CFP • I 7 Ytan &prrin1ce • SUKlts & Bonds • Mutual Funds • Annuitin • £.mu, & &rimnmr Pl.anning • lnvtttmmt Bankint • SmaJJ Milkik Manet Companin OON lE ACH I DAil Y Ptl (JI Nancy Hoagland, middle, holds her 7-year-old beagle as he greets Gracie, held by Mane Hassett. right. at a doggy luau at Bayside Village in Newport Beach . and hor..eplay. Dogma. Owner!> were treated lo re freshment\ and appetizer ... and each dog gol d tennis ball, dog bii.cu1ll> and a bandanna that I !~.,cit had crafted. ~People dft' .,o 11110 lhl·1r <1111 mah 110\\ Jt'., d huge m<1rl.tt." .,,mJ V1ll.J Armyne, owner ol Mal). a 0 1ihuahud 1.>ol>t'mian pin'>< ht:r mix Featuring A Live Tribute To fhough tlw. dog pany may i.eem UllU'>UJ.I, ii is !>Offil'What close to lhc nom1 in an area with dog bout14uc'> such ~ the Bark- l'ry and Lht• newly opened Bt·a .. lt'y., hinhda} \o\<I., m-.p111·d by Hay.,1d1• V1ll.1gt•\ l1Jlll111un1ty luau. A.., tht· wmmun11y h1Ju \o\ 111 take plau· toda). till' 1>1r1lula~ pany wa .. Jho J \o\armup Frank Sinatra SOY DELI Baked Tofu • Honey Sesame •S<M>ry ~ • F'iw Spice $ •Teriyaki ~ • Hidrory Smobd REG. '3.89 6 az. Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails .. 'Qu.Jiry Suviu .. · Fer R..,,._11--CJ/ (949) 646-7944 I~ lnin~ Att--C-tA Mru u-11....,,_ ·"""-\.19• I•·-"""' ... Nightly tnt~nainm~nt ... DR. ATKIN'S The OritinaJ Low Ca.rb Lifutyle WW CARB SNACK.5 Cnmchers •Original $~49 • BBQ • Ndcho • Sour Cream/Onion 1 az. SUGG. '2 .39 each Natural Ch o ice Fat Free Dessert Organic Sorbet • Mango •Blueberry •Lemon • StnndJeny 29 REG. '3.29 MSM -1soo mg (IJgnisul) ~U..99 • Heart to Heart • Go lean Dunch • Go lean Slimmin . • Seu!n In The $ Morning A '6.58 VALUE Coral Calcium P1fllll Oldnau1a with ~o ~9 CARB PHASER 1000 SUGG. '15.99 ....... V 1111 tabs SUGG. '17. 95,.... c:::::llJ; rMS Phase 2 Starch Slf!PPel' '1lie natural+ goa need to support gour weight loss~ Blunb n. el1ecb of calorla ""1en eating -SUGG. '12.99 FARM FRESH PRODUCE Garden , , f Life J A s o N ' s Sun Block ·., ----~--------·--------..,----------------~- M S.Uday, Auaust 23, 2003 No injuries in home fire at UC Irvine No ooe ~ hurt in a Ore that broke out on the second floor of an on~ home at UC Ir- vine eadyThursday ~or­ &:ialll said. Plrdgbters from the ua. Newport Beech and ltvine . fire deplrtmenu responded to the call that came in at about 2:15 a.m. from Murasaki Street in the University Hills area, . UCJ Police Sgt Lamine Secka said. Both residents managed to run out of the two-story home as soon as they heard the smoke detector go off, he said. The damage to the second Ooor was extensive. Secka said. 'We don't know what exactly cal.19ed the fire.· be said. •eut one of the residents guessed that it could have been a hot plate that was left on." Seek.a said that ahhough the propeny is owned by the univer- sity and is considered on cam- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • BNtol Straet: Petty theft was reported in the 3000 blodc at 9:47 a.m. Wednesday. • Fair DTM: A ~icle burglary was reported in the 100 blodc at 10:69 a.m. Wednesday. • Harbor Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2300 blodc at 11 :40 a.m. Wednesday. • Meu Verde Drive East: Petty theft was reported in the 2700 blodc at 1 :08 p.m. Wednesday. • lUstin Awnue: Grand theft was reported in the 1700 blodc at 10:47 a.m . Wednesday. •East 15th Street Grand theft from a vehicle was reported in the 200 blodc at 11:14 a.m. Wednesday. ., pus, the homes are owned by the residents. Residents on both sides ~ evacuated as a precaution, he said. Man arrested after two freeway accidents calilornJa Highway Pauol officers ;arrested a man on Fri- day afternoon on susplcion of driving under the inOuence after he reportedly caused two traffic coUisions on the San Diego Freeway, officials said. The first one occiirred ·o n the northbound San Diego Freeway south of Bristol Street and the second happened on the same freeway north or the Costa Mesa Freeway at about 4:15 p.m., CHP Officer Katrina Lundgren said . No one was in· ju red, she said. She did not identify the sus· pect because the report had yet to be filed, but said h e drove a black Dodge Ram. NEWPORT BEACH • Bade Bay and Univenity drives:lndeoentexposurewas reported at 9:47 a.m. Thursday. • Heliotrope Avenue and East Coast Highway: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 4:41 p.m. Thursday. • MacArthur Boulevard and Villaglo: Vandalism vvas reported at 8:08 p.m. Thursd ay. • Main Street: Loud music was reported in the 100 blodc at 4:30 p.m. Thursday. • Pait Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 1000 blodc at 2:18 p.m. Thursday. • 38th Street and Marcus Av.nue: An auto theft was reported at 11 :19 a.m. Thursday. Continued from Al associated with a oew tax. preferably on people who have Worked bard fo achJ.eve somethlng and on businesses. Scbwanenegger and candidate Peter Uebenoth have sensed that a key to the state's · salvation is to stop cbaslng business out of the state. Nevada has learned, for example, how to attract business, even business not associated with the gaming lndustry. Our business-unfriendly state has succeeded in exporting huge numbers of movie industry jobs to other states and Canada, and other industries are relocating because or the anti-business atmosphere. Bringing businesses back to create jobs is crucial to our short and Jong·tenn fiscal health. If the health and education of MONAHAN Continued from Al City Council is up. It's a long way off. but political aficio· nados have already begun strat- egizing. and Monahan was among their top choices. Monahan said it was sug· gested to him numerous times by people he refused to name, and it has become a very real possibility. "I am feeling the waters," Monahan said. "I am intrigued because it keeps me in the area.. Monahan had once made it seem as thou.gh he were through with politics all to· gether. ln October 2001. he an· nounced he wouJd not seek re· electfon in the 2002 race for City -------------------- ------ MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best tor Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT becaUle of Proposition 13, but because our leaders have failed to lead. Ally family facing the kind of cuta presented by Proposltlon 13 would have done what Sacramento did not do - they would have cut back. They would have canceled the cable TV service, stopped eating out. taken less expensive vacations and done wbateYer lt took to keep the household intact. But that's a scenario in which people are playing with their own money. In Saaamento, legislators play with our money -not theirs -and that makes a big difference In the declslons theyinake. If the health and education or our chlldren is suffering. another reason ls the faOure or parents to reign in their remote-control parenting habits. Instead or making sure that kids learn how to eat right and get enough exercise instead of watch 1V and play video games, l , ..,,. Ii . -Q, Council. His mind quickly changed after he saw some of the poten- tial candi- d ates. Mona· han reentered the race to pro- tect the rights Gary Monahan of property owners and the qverail "character" or the city, he said. He easily won his third term on the council, amid cries of foul play by those who hoped Monahan would foUow the spirit or the lWO·lerm limit in· stead or serving on through a loophole. He ignored the nay· sayers and regained the mayoral seat, after losing it to former Councilwoman Karen Robin· son, who left the dais in April to become a judge. Although Mon ahan is argu- ably the most popular Costa Mesa politician. his service to the city would have been over come2006. Except for this revelation. "So there. That is something you can splash o ut there as the CANCER Continued from Al more than 400 miles of training in the last three months, said dealing with the elem enti. in the race is one of the most challenging aspects. "lf you run a m arathon, you always know the road is in front of you,· Schulein said. "With paddle b oarding, the road can be hitting you in the head or washing over you. It's a big variable.· Jack Hamilton, 26, another At1 American nm business stnc.e 1953. Ollr family sen!fng your family f or 50 years ~~"' Momma John Jennifer Gus Brenda ft belong t.o tbe lifetime lifetl111e • world's largesl flooring retail group -e<>op. Warranty Warranty 1J(r tllW lbe biggest Carpet Cera•lc floor*tg dea,.,., ""'*""""' own«l $1'' $1 '' 111111 OJ#rtlll!d. 4,(J(J(J STORE BUYING POWI!.R llfetl•e llfetl•e •. ,, .. ,, Warraaty Lll•l••I• Wood $2'' $2'' .. ·., overburdened umy of teachers. Instead of maklng time each night to help lckb with their schoolwork. and thereby reinforcing its importance ln the home. they come home Wed. having given so much of their eoeigy to their employer that they have nothing left to give to their family. lbday, ln about 709L or the two· parent homes with school-age children, both parents work. Today, teachers need help from parents at home. On Sept 2, parents all over Newport· Mesa have a chance to start fresh. School ls soon back in session and the cleaning that is produced by this new broom can mean the difference between success and failure. Parents, honor thy teacher. Make a little time each night to worlc with your chiJd. This will help your child and give the teacher some badJy needed support. Honor thy teacher by standing latest buzz." Monahan sald. "J am willing to confirm it is a pos- sibility." Silva, who will be termed out, said he has not taken an official position on who should replace him. A few names have been dropped, including Monahan's, but the supervisor is just "step· ping back to see who is inter- ested." The Costa Mesa mayor is certainly an accompUshed leader, Silva said. "He is a very dear friend, and I think he's a very competent elected official," Silva said. ·He represents Costa Mesa weU and has done an outstanding job.· Costa Mesa City Manager AJ. Ian Roeder said Monahan had mentioned possibly pursuing the positfon, but onJy in pass- ing. The two would muse about the possibility and then move on to real business. Roeder said he is glad that Monahan is considering the post and that the issues Mona· han has dealt with in.his years on the Costa Me!Ml dais are good training for the diverse issues in the county arena. Roeder considers Monahan one of the most gifted leaders to emerge from the local pool. Newport Beach resident par- ticipating in the race. said the toll the race takes on the pad· die boarder · bodie:. is trivial compared to what Leider and others go though. "When we get tired and feel sore, I think about Su1.ie and all the pain and suffering she and others go through, so paddling for eight hours isn't such a big deal,· Hamilton said. This is the fin.I year Sch ulein has chaired the Ocean of Ho pe Campaign. l le focused o n re· cruiting new team members. resulting in team participation FREEWAY Continued from Al Costa Mesa only in that it will connect with the San Diego Free- way." he said. MWe have no on- ramps. offramps or exits planned in Costa Mesa.• The City Council has ex- pressed its support for the proj· ect as long as It does not extend south of the San Diego Freeway, city traffic engineer Peter Nagha- vi said. "The extension itself will be of minimum bene6t to Costa Mesa,· he said. ·11 will definitely make a difference in the traffic congesdon because it will reduce the congestion in the area near South Coast Pla7A • But the city will never pennJt the extension south of the San AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Item• to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bey SL, Costa Meta, CA 92627; by e-meil to mike.~tll«imn.oorn; bv fax to (949) 646-4170; or by celling (949) 57~298. lndude the time, date end loclltion of the event. u well•• a contact phone number. A complete llsdng It evallable at www.dMlypllotcom . TODAY The UC lrW'9 ~le hoattng lta annual Summer Bulb Sele from 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. Getdel-. wffl tMNe the chance to buy wlntet ........ donNnt bub end Mlect eummet end e-v•vr•• ..,..-.1n c:ontMntre. E)(peft ecMce end tendacep6ng kMel will be av~ The o.t; Plot I that la, show your you and tbe teacher ue on the same page. that you are an unbreakable partnenhtp. Aod lf you do bave any dJsagreemenll with a teacher. you wtD be IW1! to express them to the teacher in private. never ln front of the student Most of all, parents and legislators and anyone elae, you can honor thy teacher by stopping the incessant whining about the 25-year·old effectS or Proposition 13. The noise you make ls old, irritating and unproductive. Proposldol'l'l3 was enacted 25 years ago -get over It Once you do, you'll have figured out something even a billionaire can't understand. • STEVE SMrTH ia a Cotta Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. QUESTION WoutdGery Monehen make-a good county .upervi9or7 Call our Readers Hotline at ? • (949) 642-6086 or send .mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. "I am pleased 10 hear that o ne of our local talen ts has a real. sincere in terest,· Roeder said. Councllwoman Libby Cowan and Councilman Allan Mansoor said they had not been privy to the gossip, but both wished him well in the endeavor. Mansoor called it "interest- ing" and said he was Msure he would do a good job.· Cowan echoed his senti- ments. "I wish him th~ best of luck if that is what he wants to do,· she said. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at ~949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lo/its.harper al/slimes.com. increru.ing from four to 11 , with paddlers o uts ide of Orange Counry joining the 1eam for the first time. On average, the race raises about $35,000 10 $45,000 for • the alliance, which goes toward support groups in San Fran· • cisco and Los Angeles for sar- coma patients and toward find· ing people necessary to run the alliance, Schulein said. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e·mail at delfdre.newman a1/atlmes.com. Diego Freeway. a move that would affect several residential neighborhoods, Naghavi said. Utschi said the preliminary analysl.s found that the extension could carry between 111 .000 and 148,000 trips each day by 2025 if it connected with the San Diego and Corona def Mar freeways. "It will also de6nitety result in reduction or traffic on the Costa Mesa Freeway.· he said. The seven·mile project could cost as much as S 1 billion, Utschi said. "But we're still in the initial· st.ages,· he Sltid. "We've only talcen the first step.· • 0EEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reac.tied at (9491 574--U26 or by e-mallat deepa.bharath l.rime&com. Arboretum i• located just touth of the comer of Camp.it Or. end Jamboree Rd. on the nOfth campus.. Admiaion 11 $2 end '• dlildren under 12 are free. For more Information, tend &-meJI to • Jdlyon.tluci.«Ju. ........... Inc.... ..... .. · . invites the community lO aa.nd • •A Fair at the Square• fot' 1he : • lights, aoundl end grNt _.In •! the outdoor meltletplec:e wf'6le :f taking advantage of .,,.,,ont •: aped ala from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. : : •• The Nell>pMt ................. 1 dlMf 8qUad wttt hoet Junior • 0-Camp from 1 to 3 p.m. : Aug. 23, 2e Ind 27 In front o1-. • j high~ encftot. The cc.a.. .: $86, ~ C0\11111. T4Nrt, ;! ... TOWN,PlpM~ • Datly Pilot victim set for Sunday Proceeds wo uld go toward a wheelchair that could be operated by the 5-year-o ld girl, who was paralyzed in a May 2002 car crash. FYI The second Walk for Leilani will COSTA MESA -. Last year, be held from .no.on to 4 p.m. . Le ilani Gutierre· ·s f ii d'Ct . S~nday at Fairview ~ark. Parking z an_i Y , 1 n t • will be.at Estancia High Sch\)ol. know.If sh~ would make II out For more information, visit Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot of the hospllal. www.ourleilani.com. But come Sept. 2, the 5-year- old wiU start kindergarten at Newport Heights Elementary. On Mother's Day in 2002, Leila- ni suffered seriou1> chest and ment and diaper.,, srul.1 Vicki Gutierrez. Leilani·., grand· mother head injuries when a vehicle "We're now trymg to buy her that ran a red light 1>1ruck the an l'lectric wheelchair that '>he Ford Explorer he and her mother, June Gutierrez. were 1n. The car roUed and eiected Leilani from her car seat. rhe Costa Mesa girl, who woke from a coma in June 2002, wa<, leh quadriplegic. On Sunday. family and friends will hold the <,econd WaJlc for Leilani at Fa1rv1ew Park in Costa Mesa to raise fund., lor the girl. who is now back home. Iler mother has not bl·en ahle to return to work and. although she has medical insurance. 11 11> not helping pay additional L'X penses -;uch as co-payment-.. med1cauon, medical equip· TOWN Continued from A4 snadts, pom-poms, photo, extra fall practice and performance at a high sdlool football game on Aug. 28. Students 1n grades K through eight ere welcome. For more information. call (949) 673-1989 The Newport Harbor CRA will have its annual wine and cheese reception WTth Congressman Chns Cox from 2 to 4.30 p.m. at the home of Debbie Allen, 1021 White Sails Way, Corona del Mar. For information end reservations, call (949) 646-9127. The Newport e .. c:ti Sunrise Rotary Club will hold its annual fund-raiser, ·As Time Goes By." at .. - can operate \\1th her mouth." !>he !>aid. "We're trying to ral\e money for that through '>un- day''> walkathon ... l.e1lant 1~ home. but -.he t:an only "tall and eat. (,uuerre1 -.aid. Tiffany VaJen11m·. \\ho man .tge., t:very Bloom111g I h1ng Om;,er '>hop 111 C O'-HI .\le"'· 1~ one ol the spon'>Or'> "Leilani ha!-. got a gn·<.11 '>UP· port "Y'tem," -..lw '>a1cJ. "Shl'" got a lot of enerf..I'\. Hut -.hl'\ a ht tic girl. anti n\ tough for hl'r " l eih1111 ha-. bt'en home ~l'hooled for tlw lil'>t lt•w month'>. bul I'> Vl·ry mmh Ion!.. the Village Crean. The event will include dinner, music. silent and hve auctions and the chance to win a diamond and emerald bracelet For more information. call 1562J 743-4906. The Costa Mesa Senior Center will be dipping ice cream at an ice cream social at the marketplace from 9 a.m. to 3 p m Everyone 1s welcome All proceeds will benefit the center Information (949) 645-2356 SUNDAY A celebration to mari< the opening of the first phase of Bonita Canyon Sports Pali< in Newport Beach will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 p.m Sports clinics. contests and door prizes will run throughout the day Leilani Gutierrez, 5. can only "talk and eat," her mother says 1ng lorwartl ICJ w11ng to '>thool , V1ck1 (,ut1l·rrt:•1 '-<lid. "A'> long "" -.hl'\ leehng well. '>he'll ht' al tilt• w,ilk, 100 ... <,u - twrrt•t '>..ltd ~hl' <,u1tl lllOIH'Y I'> the b1ggt:'>t challt•ngt· for tht family "I ventuc1ll\, Wl' plJ11 to huve a lounda11on 111 ht•r 11.1111e -..o we tclll help 01her d11ldrt·11 Jll'>t 111..e ht·r," C .ut1t'ne1 .... 11<.l lnformauon (949) 644-3151 The Orange County Mari<et Place 1n Costa Mesa will host the fourth annual Endless Summer Class Car Show and Elvis Fest celebrating the hie and music of Elvis Presley, from 9 a m to 3 p m General admission 1s S2. and parking 1s free For more information. call (949) 723-6663 To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" the fourth of five free screenings 1n August, at 1 pm All are 1nv1ted to eniov the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave 1n Corona del Mar. For more informa11on, call (949) 644·3244 Saturday. August 23 2003 A5 Tal<e an extra 10°/o off already reduced prices! Through Tuesday, September 16, 2003 H.J. GARRETT FURNITURE .. A family tradition of prov1d1ng service and value since 1960 .. 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646-0275 Full Design Consulting Service Available MON -SAT 10 - 6 • SUNDAY 12 - 5 M ~. Auaust 23, 2003 No injuries in home fire at UC Irvin~ No one was hurt in a fire that broke out on the second floor of an on-campus home at UC lr· vine early Thursday morning, of· fk::tUsakl Alelgbters from the ua. Newport Beach and ltvine fire depMtmenu responded to the ell that came in at about 2: 15 a.m. from Murasaki Street in !he U~ty Hills area. UO Police Sgt. Lamine Secka said. Both residents managed to run out of the two--story home as soon as they heard the smoke detector go off, he said The damage to the second 6oor was extensive, Seda said "\Ok don't know what exactly C8U.'8d the fire. H be said, MBut ooe of the residents guessed that it couJd have been a hot plate that was left on." Seclc:a said that although the property is owned by the univer- sity and is considered on cam- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • ~ Street: Petty theft was reported in the 3000 blodc at 9:47 a.m. Wednesday. •Fair Driw: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 100 blodc at 10:59 a.m . Wednesday. • H..t.or Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2300 blodc at 11:40 a.m . Wednesday. • Me.. v.rde Drive East: Petty theft was reported in the 2700 ~at 1:08 p.m. Wednesday. • lll9tin Av.nu.: Grand theft was reported in the 1700 blodc at 10:47 a.m. Wednesd ay. • East 15th Street: Grand theft from a vehicle was reported in the 200 blodc at 11 :14 a.m. Wednesday. J>U.'. the homes are owned by the residents. Residents on both sides were evacuated as a precaution, he said. . Man arrested after two freeway accidents California Highway Patrol officers arrested a man on Fri· day ahemoon on suspicion of driving under the influence after he reportedly caused two traffic collisions on the San Diego Freeway, officials said. The first one occurred on the northbound San Diego Freeway south of Bristol Street and the second happened on the same freeway north of the Costa Mesa Freeway at about 4: 15 p.m .. CHP Officer Katrina Lundgren said. No one was in- jured , she said. She did not identify the sus- pect because the report h ad yet to be filed. but said he drove a black Dodge Ram. NEWPORT BEACH • Badl e.y •nd Univershy drives: Indecent exposure was reported at 9:47 a.m. Thursday. • Hello1rope Av.nue •nd East Coast HiihMrf: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 4:41 p .m. Thursday. • MacArthur Boulevard •nd Vlll•glo: Vandalism was reported at 8:08 p.m. Thursday. • M•in Street: loud music was reported in the 100 blodc at 4:30 p.m. Thursday. • Plllit Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 1000 blodc at 2:18 p.m. Thursday. • 38th Street and M•rcus Avenue: An auto theft was reported at 11:19 a.m. Thursday. Continued from Al associated with a new ~ p~erably on people who have worked hard to achieve something and on businesses. Schwarzenegger and candidate Peter Ueberroth ha~ sensed that a key to the state's salvation Is to stop chasing business out of the state. Nevada bas learned, for example, how to attract business. even business not associated with the gaming ind us~ Our business-unfriendly state has succeeded in exporting huge numbers of movie industry jobs to other states and Canada, and other industries are relocating because of the anti-business atmosphere. Bringing businesses back to create jobs is crucial to our short and long-term fiscal health. If the health and education of MONAHAN Continued from Al City Council is up. It's a long way off, but political aficio· nados have already begun strat· eg:i7Jng, and Monahan was among their top choices. Monahan said it was sug- gested to him numerous times by people he refused to name, and it has become a very real possibility. "I am feeling the waters,· Monahan said. "I am intrigued because it keeps me in !he area." Monahan had once made it seem as though he were through with politics ail to· gether. in October 200 I, he an- nounced he would not seek re· election in the 2002 race for City ------------------------ MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ..• becaU9e of Proposition 13, but ave umy o t ers. becawle our leaden have faOed Instead of making time each to lead. Any famlJy facing the nlgtlt to belp kids with their kind of CU18 pmented by sc::bootwork. and thereby Proposition 13 would have done reinforcing tta importance in the what Sacramento dJd not do -home. they come home tired. they would have cut back. They having 8"Jen so much of their would have canceled the cable energy to their employer that 1V service, stopped eating out. they have nothing left to give to taken less expenafye vacations their family. Tuday. in about 70% and done whatever it took to of the two-parent homes with keep the household intact. school-age children, both parents . But that's a scenario in which wort. lbday, teachers need help people a.re playing with their from parents at home. own money. In Sacramento, On Sept 2, parents all over legislators play with our money Newport-Mesa have a chance to -not theirs -and that makes start fresh. School ls soon back a bli dltrerence in the dedslons • in session and the cleaning that they make. • . is produced by this new b room If the health and-education of· can mean tile difference our children ls suff erlng. between success and failure. another reason is the failure of Parents, honor thy teacher. parents to reign in their Make a little time each night to remote-control parenting habits. wort with your child. ThJs will lnstead of making sure that kids help your child and give the learn how to eat right and get teacher some badly needed enough exercise instead of support. watch TV and play video games, Honor thy teacher by standing Council. His mind quickly changed aher h e saw som e of the poten· tiaJ candi- dates. Mona- han reentered the race to pro- tect the rights Gary Monahan of property owners and the overall "character" of the city, he said. He easily won his third term on the council, amid cries of foul play by those who hoped Monahan would follow the spirit of the two-term limit in- stead of serving on through a loophole. He ignored the nay- sayers and regained the mayoral seat, after losing it to former Councilwoman Karen Robin· son, who left the dais in April to become a judge. Although Monahan is argu- ably the most popular Costa Mesa politician. his service to the city would have been over come2006. Except for this revelation. "So there. That is something you can splash out !he re as the CANCER Continued from Al more than 400 miJes of training in the last three months. said dealing with the elements in the race is one of the most challengin g aspects. "If you run a m arathon, you always know the road is in front of you," Schulein said. "With paddle boarding. the road can be hitting you in the head or washing over you. It's a big variable.· Jack Hamilton, 26, another latest bU7.z," Monahan said. Ml am willing to confirm it is a pos- sibility." Silva, who wiJJ be termed out, said he has not taken an official position on who should replace him. A few names have been dropped. including Monahan's, but the supervisor is just "step- ping back to see who is inter- ested." The Costa Mesa mayor is certainly an accomplished leader, SiJva said. "He is a very dear friend, and I think he's a very competent elected official," SiJva said. ·He represents Costa Mesa well and has done an outstanding job." Costa Mesa City Manager Al· Ian Roeder said Monahan had mentioned p ossibly pursuing the position, but only in pass- ing. The two would muse about the possibility and then move on to real business. Roeder said he is glad that Monahan is considering the post and that the issues Mona · han has dealt with in. his years on the Costa Mesa dais are good training for the diverse U.Sues in the county arena. Roeder con'>iders Monahan one of the most gifted leaders to emerge from the local pool. Newpon Beach re~ident par- ticiparing in the race, said the toll rhe race takes on the pad· dle boarders' bodiei. i'> trivial compared to what Leider and others go though. "When we gel tired and feel sore, I lhinit about Suzie and all the pain and suffering ~he a nd others go Lhrough, so paddling for eight hours isn't such a big deaJ," Hamilton s.Ud. This is the first year Schulein has chaired the Ocean of Hope Campaign. I le focu~ed on re- cruiting new team members, resulting 1n learn pan1dpation FREEWAY Continued from Al Costa Mesa only in that it will connect with the San Diego Free- way." he said. "We have no on - ramps. offramps or exits planned in Costa Mesa· The City Council has ex- pres.sed its suppon for !he proj- ect as long as it does not extend south of the San Diego Freeway. city traffic engineer Peter Na:gha- vi said. and the teacher ue on the same page, that you are an unbreakable partnenblp. And if you do have any disagreements with a teacher, you will be sure to express them to the teacher in private, never tn front of the student Most of all, parents and legislators and anyone else, you can honor thy teacher by stopping the incessant whining about the 25-year-old effects of Propos1don 13. The noise you make is old , Irritating and unproductive. Proposition" 13 was enacted 25 years ago -get over It. · .Once you do, you'll have figured out something even a billionaire can't understand. • STEVE SMrTH it 1 Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. QUESTION Would Gery Monehen mau. good county aupenri9or7 Call our Readers Hotline at ? • (949) 642-6086 or send &-mail to d11ilypilot@l11tim6$.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. "I am pleased to hear that one of our local talents has a real, sincere interest." Roeder said. Councilwoman Libby Cowan and Councilman Allan Mansoor said they had not been privy to the gossip. but both wished him weU in the endeavor. Mansoor called it "interest- ing" and said he was "sure he would do a good job.· Cowan echoed his senti· me m s. "I wish h im the best of luck if that is what he wants to do," she said. • LDUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays end covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e·mail at lo/1ta.harper (C11 /at1mes.com. increasing from four to 11, with paddlers ouL~ide of Orange County joining the team for the first time. On average. the race raises about $35,000 10 S45,000 for • the alliance, which goes toward suppon groups in San Fran- cisco and Los Angeles for sar· coma patients and toward find· ing people necessary to run the alliance, Schulein aid. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre newman 4/a11mes.com. Diego Frecwcty, a move that would affect several residential neighborh~. Naghavi said. Utschi said !he preliminary analysis found that the extension could carry between 111,000 and 148,000 trips each day by 2025 if it connected with the San Diego and Corona def Mar freeways. "It will also definitely re5Ult in reduction of traffic on !he Costa Mesa Freeway.· he said. The seven-mile project could cost as much as $1 billion, Litschi said. "But we're still in the initial stages,· he said. "We've only ta.ken the first seep." Momma John Jennifer Gus Brenda "The extension it.self will be of minimum benefit to Costa Mesa." h e said. "It will definitely make a difference in !he traffic congestion because ii will reduce the congestion in the area near South Coast Plaza.· •DEEM BHAAATM covers public safety and courts. She may be raached 11 (949)574-4226 or by e-mafl at B belong to tbe llfetl•• • world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. Warranty fi are lbe biggest Carpet .fl!Jorlng ...,.. 'll'ulMlllUllly """'-' $1 '' and operal«I. '4, (}(J(J STORB BUYING POWER lifetl•• Warranty ......... $2'' lifetl111e Warranty Cera111lc $1 '' life ti•• Warranty Wood $2'' But !he city wiU n~er permit the extension south of !he San AROUND TOWN • Send AROUM> TOWN ltema to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Coste Meaa, CA 92627; by &-mall to mike.swan*>n8 /atimn.oom; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. u well n e contact phone number. A comptete 119tlng i. evallable et www.dallypllotcom. TODAY The UC lrvll'9 ArboNlalm le oo.ting tta ennual Summer Bulb Sele fTom 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. Gan:tenera wff1 haw the c:hence to buy wlntet apede9 .. donNnt buM>. and Hied aummer end ~lpedeeln~ Expert~ and lendtcap6ng ldMI will be evallable. The deepa.bhllrath !•times.com. Alt>oretum ia loceted just toUth of the comer of Campus Dr. end Jamboree Rd. on the no'1h cempua. Admllaion 11 S2 end •: children under 12 ere free. For more lnfonnation, Mfld .-mall to ' tdtya,,.e uci.edu. ........... Inc-. ..... ·. invitea the oonwnunity to dllnd "A Felr It the Square" for 1he • sights, IOUnde end gl'Nt deele In •: the outdoor mattecplece wt\Ne :~ taking edventege of<MOte"°"'t ·! apeciela from 1t a.m. to 4 p.m. : : ... The Nawpoft ...... """ a.ool 1i cMer~wflf host~ I Cheer~ from 1 to 3 p.m. : Aug. 23, 21 and 'l'1 In front cf.. • • high ldtool't encN>r. The~.. ~ •• ~ COYW9. Hlhlft. ·: •4 ... TOWN.,.._AI;~ ~--::-~~~----:~-:-~~~~~~--.!...;.........:;........_~~·· : • 4 ~--~,.--,-~------~~~------------~--------------.............. ~ Oatly Pilot victim set for Sunday Proceeds would go toward a wheelchair that could b e operated by the 5-year-old girl, who was paralyzed in a May 2002 car crash. Oeep1 Bh1r1th FYI Oa1lyP1lot . COSTA MESA -Last year. Leilani Gutierrez's family didn't know if she would make it out of the hospital. But come Sept. 2. the 5-year· old wilJ stan kinderganen at Newpon Heights Elementary. On Mother's Day in 2002, Leila- ni suffered serious chest and head injuries when a vehicle that ran a red light !>truck the Ford Explorer she and her m other, June Gutierrez, were in. The car rolled and ejected Leilani from her car seac. ·1 he Costa Mesa girl, who woke from a com a in June 2002. wa<, left quadriplegic. On Sunday. family and friends will hold the second Walk for Leilani at Fairview Park in Costa Me'la to raise fund-, for the girl. who i'i now back home Her motlier has not been able to return to work and. althou~h she has medical insurance. 11 h not helping pay add111onaJ ex· penses such as co-payment'>, medica11on. medical equip· TOWN Continued from A4 snacks, pom-poms, photo, extra fall practice and performance at a high sdlool football game on Aug. 28. Students in grades K through eight are welcome. For more rnformation, call (949) 673-1989 The Newport Herbor CRA will have its annual wine and cheese reception with Congressman Chns Co>e from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the home of Debbie Allen. 1021 Whrte Sails Way, Corona del Mar. For information and reservations, call (949) 645-9127. The Newport BHch Sunrise Rotary Club will hold its annual fund-raiser, #As Time Goes By:' at .. - The second Walk for Leilani will be held from noon to 4 p.m . Sunday at Fairview Park. Parking will be at 6stancia High School. For more information, visit www.ourleilani.com. mrnt and draper,, said Vicki Gu11errez. l.e1la111\ grand· mother "'Wt'"re now 1ryi11g to buy her an electric wheelchair thal .,he can operate with her mouth," she 'aid. "'Wt' re trying w rahe moncy fo r that thmugh Sun- day\ waH.athon." I l·tlani I'> home. but '>he can only "talk and eat ... C1u11crre1 said. T1ff.rn> \'alcn11ne. \\ho m<m · age'> I:\ ery nlourn 1ng I hrng nower '>hop Ill CO\ltl l\fe,d, IS one ol 1he -.pon,Or'> "I t•1lani h.i-. got a grt'at -.up- por1 ... y..,1em. ...hc -.aH.f. "She\ gol a lot of t•nergv. Hut -.hl'\ a httll· ~1rl. and 11\ 1nugh for ht:r. Lctl.1111 h.i... hl't'll home· '>chooled for till' 1<1.,1 fev.; munlh'>. hut ,., ven inuc.:h look the Village Crean. The event will include drnner, music silent and lrve auctrons and the chance to wrn a diamond and emerald bracelet For more informauon. call t562l 743-4906 The Costa Mesa Senior Center will be dipping rce cream at an ice cream social at rhe marketplace from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m Everyone rs welcome All proceeds will benefit the center lnformatron (949) 645-2356 SUNDAY A celebration to mar1< the opening of the first phase of Bonita Canyon Sports Park rn Newport Beach will begrn with a dedrcatron of the sports fields at 3 p.m Sports clrnrcs, contests and door prizes will run throughout the day. Leilani Gutierrez, 5. can only "talk and eat." her mother says. ing lorn iJrd to gorng w st.houl. Vida C1uticrrc1 !>aid. "/\'> long ii'> ~he'!. feeling well. -.he'll he iJI 1he \\illk wo:· C ,u. t1errl't ~aid She c;a1d money t'> the bigl-(l''>t challt:nge tor 1he lam1lr .., wntualh \\t' plJn 10 hd\t' a foundation 1n ht:r n.une -,o \\l' tan help olhL·r t hildrt·n IU'>t lrkt' hcr,'' c.u11errt'/ ... ml lnformatron· 1949) 644-3151. The Orange County Mari<et Place tn Costa Mesa will host the fourth annual Endless Summer Class Car Show and Elvis Fest celebratrng the hie and musrc of Elvrs Presley. from 9 a m to 3 p m General admission 1s S2 and parking 1s free. For more rnformation, call 1949) 723·6663 To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" the fourth of frve free screenings m August at 1 p m All are invited 10 en1ov the movies and free popcorn at the centPrs Hepburn Frlm Fest at 800 Marguerrte Ave rn Corona del Mar. For more mformation, call (949) 644·3244 Saturday August 23 2003 A5 Tal<e an extra 10°/o off already reduced· prices! , Through Tuesday, September 16, 2003 H.J. GARRETT FURNITURE "A family tradition of prov1d1ng seN1ce and value since 1960 .. 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646-0275 Full Design Consulting Service Available MON -SAT 10 -6 • SUNDAY 12 -5 M Saturday, August 23. 2003 Daily Pilot - HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -lAttwa: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNderl Hottine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 6464170 E-mall:Sflnd to dsilypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. MAILBAG Troubled bridge doesn't even reach the water Why does the Daily Pilot repe(\tedly publish letters and commentaries from Robert Graham on the same old topic of why he wants a 19th Street bridge? At> a reader of you paper for many years, it seems that at least once a month for the last few years. you publish leners/commentaries from Graham pushing his own personal desire a 19th Street bridge. Please give your readers a break and stop publishing the leners from Graham about the bridge issue. They are old, tiresome and a waste of space. Thank goodness the City Council has the wisdom to see through -Graham's own personal desires and listen 10 a majority of the people who live near 19th Street and do not want a bridge. ln his letters. Graham talks about extending 19th Street to the beach. The 19th Street bridge will end at Brookhurst Avenue, and the last time I checked. a beach does not exist there. Graham doesn't seem to have any regard or concern for those that live on the Westside. I le seems to think that the increased traffic and the displacement of people from their homes and businesses along 19th Street is perfectly all right, just so he can get to the beach more quickly. The shortcut 10 the beach he C. talking about already eXJSts and it is called Victoria Avenue. Victoria Avenue is sicuated pretty dam close to 19th Street, cro'-SeS Brookh~t Avenue and even has an exit off the Costa Mesa Freeway. A c;ign should be put up on that offramp directing Huntington Beach traffic 10 use Victoria Avenue. This would !iurely reduce the traffic on Newpon Boulevard and Coast I lighway. Also. people cutting through the residential neighborhoods of east 19th Streel are not going to Huntington Beach, they are going 10 Newpon Beach. A bridge will result in all of 19th Street (the ~tside and the ~tside) suffering from an unnecessary 4ncrease in traffic as people from the ' surrounding areas use it as a shoncuL His talk about all of the economic benefits that will result because of the f>ridg,e is nothing but a bunch of baloney. The major market and drugstore that he talks about would already be here if there were the customer base to support them It's not 1ilce the 19th Street area is sparsely populated. Quite a few people living around 19th Street already. Conunuters driving on 19th Street would not generate the business needed to support a market or drug store. Prople Uvin~ in a neighborhood do that An extension of 19th Street will not solve the problems on the Westside, ii will only make them worse. Please, no more letters from Graham on chis matter. JEANNE ERICKSON Costa Mesa Bark Park users refu se to roll over for skate park It is amazing to me that the editors at the Daily Pilot were able to weed through the complicated issues involved in the decision to build a skateboard park at the corner of Arlington and Junipero drives so quickly and definitively. Nevermind the uaffic increases. the parking chaos, the overuse, the loss of dozens of beautiful trees, the fact that there exists a better suited location in TeWinkle for the park or the dangers of p lacing skateboards and dogs in close p roxim ity. What it all really b oils' down to, according to the Pilot, is w hether we want to "side with our children" or with Costa Mesa's dogs. No matter how many times we hear this rhetoric -and anyone involved with opening or administering a dog p ark hears it all the time - it never gets any less annoying or any less ign orant. As much as I would love my dog to tiptoe out of the house each morning a t 7:30 a.m . and drive th e family Ford over to the dog park to Mc;tlonel -..: $24 90 now: $1330 exercise himself a nd iiocialize with his friends, it Is never going·to happen. Saying the Bark Park is just a park for dpgs Is as ridiculous as saying the skateboard park is a park for skateboard s. Bark Park is a facility where humans gather to exercise their dogs and socialize with other dog owners. It is the recreational choice of these people, and ii is every bit as legitimate a choice as baseball, soccer. tennis and even skateboarding. The Bark Park Foundation estimates that about 1.000 people use the dog park every week. On the weekend and after school hours, children also accompany their parents. This little piece of land gets more foot traffic on a daily basis than any other recreational facility or park in Costa Mesa. Th e dog park is completely handicap accessible, and we have disabled. elderly and mobility-impaired patrons who. without Bark Park, might not be able to share their lives with pets or service dogs. I laving a dog park in the city cuts down the number of leash-less dogs in residential neighborhoods and other parks. The tons of dog waste we pick up is disposed of properly in!i tead on landing on your front lawn. Dog parks socialize dog~ and educate dog owners. which re~uhs in fewer biting and aggre!i~ion incident~ everywhere. The Bark Park has been in existence for almost nine years and has always supported itself with donations and fund-raisers. The park has become more popular than anyone ever imagined and has been successful in every way. II deserves to be recognized by the city, the ci1i1ens and the Daily Pilot as the important asset and worthy fa cility that it is. Bark Park is overused and desperately needs to expand. We had an expansion park on the Fairview Park MaMer Plan for c;ix years. which was recently unceremoniously taken away. At aectlonal WM; $440Q now: $2700 that time, we were promised that an other site would be found, and now that site is in jeop ardy of - once again -being given to someon e else. We can relate to t'\le frustration of th e skateboarders over broken promises. The TeWinlcle Master Plan includes ru1 expansion for the tennis court facility, and the Bark Park is equally deserving and much more desperate. PATRICIA BEU Costa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: Patr1c1a Bell was actively involved with the Bark Park Foundation from its inception in 1994 to 2001. She continues to write its quarterly newslener. HThe Free Pooch Press:· Proposition 13 controls loose purse strings Joe Bell, in his blind devotional 10 the Democratic Party and Sen. Barbara Roxer. suggests a need to revisit Proposition 13. I le must have forgo11en the reasons that California taxpayers supported the initiative in the first place: Our elected leaders continue 10 fail IO live within the limi1a11on<> of revenue and will <>pend whatever they can get. Besides, homeowners '>ellmg their dramatically inflated propeniec; in parts of California increase revenue through reassessments anyway II 1s not the quantity of lax d ollars creating the problem; it 1s the quality of the spending programs approved by our lawmaker&. Just look at our neighbor'! in I luntington Beach. who are in deep financial distress becau e of an approved retirement plan for safety employees. II provides lifetime retirement at 90% of current saJary at age 55. The German Soc1aJ1s1 Repuhlic has such a plan. and thl'y are going broke as well. THOMAS E. KOLANSKI Costa Me'>a HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES crrv OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 71 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 764-5223 Mayor: Gary Monahan' Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sc:heafer and Chris Steel crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams. John Heffernan, Olde Nichols. Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNrTY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 Chanc*lor: William M. Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Madeline Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNIAED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., CoS1a Mesa. CA 92626. (714) 424-5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Board; President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black, Clenc Serene Stokes. David Brooks. Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, (949) 631-1200 Board: President Jim Atkinson, Vice President Mike Healey. Trudy Ohhg-Hall, Fred Bodcmiller and Paul E. Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200. Costa Mesa. CA 92628-1200, (714) 754-5043 Board: President Arlene Sc:hafer, Jim Ferryman, Art Perry, Greg Woodside and Dan Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050, 1714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Pancer, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa. Newport Beach), (714) 834-3220 • Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast), (71 4) 834-3550 sectional wa~ $1 725 now. $920 aola & chair $1710 now; $912 . • f ,· /, I I I I ' . ' I • I I ' I • • I' I :. ' -t ' • •• • • ,• • Dally Pilot • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa M esa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4295. A complete list is available at www.dallypilot.com MUSIC 'A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will condut:1 "A Night at the Oscars" at 8 p.m. today. It's an evening of legendary film classics proiected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the sound1radc live. The concert 1s produced by nine·time Emmy Award winner John Goberman The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Tickets cost $75 to $375. For 1nforma1ton, call (71 4) 755·5799 or v1s11 www.pac1ficsymphony org 'SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out audiences around the world. "Sing-a-long Sound of Music' 1!> coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 7 p m today and at 1 pm Sunday T1dcets cost $12 to $22 and can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For mforrnation, i;all (7 14) 556-ARTS The Center 1s at 600 Town Cfjnter Drive m Costa Mesa. SPYRO GYRA CONCERT Contemporal)I 1azz legends Spyro Gyra will perform at the Hyatt Newporter at 8 p m. Sept 5 T1dcets cost $32 50 to $57.50 and are available at any T1d<etmaster locatton. The Hyatt Newporter is at 1107 Jamboree Road m Newport Beach Information (949) 729 6013 or www summer1azzsof!es com K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k d tang will perform at thP Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p m Sept 6 T1dcets cost $46 to $70 Th£-center 1s at 600 Town Center DnvP in Costa M esa Tickets are available at the Ct!nters bo.>C office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or onlin(' at www ocpac org. TCHAIKOVSKY'S GREATEST HITS Conductor Cart St. Clair leads the Paofic Symphony in ' p.m. Sept. 13. Special guest pianist Varden Mamikonlan will perform the Piano Concerto No. 1. The evening starts with the Polonaise from "Eugene Onegin" and the suite from "Swan lake,· and ends with the rousing "1812r Overture, with cannons and fireworks. Tidcets cost $75 to $375. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine. Information· (71 4) 755-5799, www.pac1ficsymphony.org. CHRIS ISAAK Chris Isaak will perfonn at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Sege?stroni Hall at 7 p.m. Sept 14 Tickets cost $46 to $82 The center 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa. Tickets are avcl1lable at the center's box office, hy calling 1714) 556-ARTS or onhne at www ocpac org 'NEXT UP!' Thu ''Nexr Up1 1..u• ert will kid< off the Ecl1 1 J range Fos11val 'r• 11 1 µ m Oc t 4 at Town Ce,, :1 P,,. 111 Costa Mesa. The 88. Bedroom Walls and Tom Broc;!.eau will perform "Next Uµ1;• formerly Unsigned Indies, is a showcase of independent local art1c;ts presented by KCRW FM (89 91 The tree, all-ages concert 1s di Tow11 Center Park in Costa Mel>a .Jr ross the street from South Co ,c;t Plaza Information· (949) 553 2422 or www £. clcct1cOr ange org JAZ.Z TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a 1azz tno Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertcunment at 850 Avocado Ave . NPwport BP.ach Hours are 5 to 9 pm Sunday and 6 to 10 p m Mondi.ly through Wednesday (949) 718 0188 WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night J<1ms from 7 10 11 p m every week. "Wanted" mus1c1ans include yu1tar players. bass pldyers, singers, drummers, l<eyboard1sts and others dl 100 Main St , Newpon Beach Free (949} 675· 7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p m Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 pm Sundays and Mondays D1dna Dttri 1oins the duo on vocals Tut•!'oi dav~ Pu!-i ta '\f i~ht~ /, I ' \, ,. No Corkage \Vednesdays $1:tt>9 -: t ~ :r;:, .;:i99 _, ,..... 1..1 • • Q2!_" T'-'e-•\S• UtroY h Su" I N I LR A Vl , #3"' t-fl N I JNCTON B EACH C... 92647 Io• "'f ,/ ,,, 111.1 u ,,,,, 1,u,.,,,,. )1111.,, ,,., t1IJ' / ,,.., MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, A&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic roc:l. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Parit Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. Thff band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant 1s now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players 1s at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover ctiarge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Fnday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone Anthony's is at 151 E Coast Highway. (949) 673 3425 POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and M otown act, performs at 9 p m Saturdays at Carmelo's R1storante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd . Newport Beach Ffee (949) 476-2001 STAGE 'THE SNOW QUEEN' South Coast Repertory is featunng "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen today and Sunday with performances at l and 4 p.m. both days in the Nicholas Studio. Tidcets are S5. For tidcets or Information, call (714) 708-5555. 'CHICAGO' Kander and Ebb's hugely popular HChicagow will be performed at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and at 2 and 8 p.m. Aug. 30, and at 2 and 7-:JIJ p.m . Aug. 31 at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tidcets cost $28. 75 to $65. 76. They can be purchased at the Center box office or at www.ocpac.orp. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive m Costa Mesa. Information: (7141 566-ARTS. 'TltE LAST NIGHT OF BAllYHOO' South Coast Repertory will present ·The Last Night of Ballyhoo" at Segerstrom Stage from Friday through Oct 5. The perfonnance 1s set rn 1939 m Atlanta, when the war on the minds of the locals 1s the Civil War. as depicted in "Gone w ith the Wind:' But for Lala and her !amity, nothing could be more important than her debut at Ballyhoo, a dance thrown by the elite Jewish Society. Tidcets are S19 to $55. Call for rurtain times. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information or tickets: (714) 708-5555 'FOREVER PlAJD' "Forever Plaid# will be presented at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founders Hall Sept 2 through 14. Shows will be at 7·30 p.m. Tuesday through Fridays. 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m Saturdays and at 2 and 7 p.m. Sundays A four-man hannony group on the way to therr first professional gig in 1964 are lulled ma car crash But the squeaky-clean crooners get a second chance on eanh. Tickets cost $46 to $49 The Center is at 600 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. 'SHAKESPEARE'S LADIES' Fans of the Bard are 1nv1ted to 1ocn performing artist Dorene Ludwig for "Shakespeare's Ladies:' at 7 p.m . Sept 4 al the Newport Beach Central Llbrary Co-sponsored by the California Center for the Book, the free program will include dramatic readings featuring the dialogue of w1tcties, wenches, virgins and Queens 1n Shakespeare's plays. The Newpori Beach Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Ave For more information, call (949) 717 3816. SPECIALIZING IN NEWPORT'S ARCHITECTURALLY DISTINCTIVE ESTATES & WATERFRONT HOMES KNOWLEDGE: 43 VEAR NewPoRT ~ RESl)ENT EXPERIENCE: 14 YEAAS UCENSCO N REAL ESTATE CEO GLOOAI. AfnfTECl\JW. DESGN FR.A MANAGING DcRECT~ CAPITAL. Su1SSE PROPERTY OrvlSION PROFESSIO&L; ~ AssoclATOI OF REALTORS ANE.~ INsTTTVTE OF AAcH'TEcTs NACC -~~(): Ttt=:YEAA SlWPHIN A. SUTHIRLAND CONSULTING REALTOR ~ Prudential c.litonlia Re1 lty R EPRESENTl"C DISCCRNIN C UUYERS & ~EUERS C•u .. ow Fon A "o-cosr MAllNE T EVALUATIO .. 949-278-3052 ~aturddy August 2 3. 2003 A7 Due to overwhelming response extended to Sunday, August 31st 1 Oam-7pm daily or call for appointment Our Biggest Sale of the Year on ... Trina Turk , Nanette Lepore, Tracy Reese, Calypso. Marc Vachon, Jessie Della, Fem1na. Milly, Liya Cynamone. Tom Nguyen, T-Bags, Alice & Trixie. Huzz1 , Diane von Furstenburg , Eva Fortune. Billy Blues. Petro Zill1a Tamara Gatz and more ... 270 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa 949.646.5652 'y I ~ • • . . CeMi1t9 ~See1t! Sept Zf-Paclff& ~11tpfte~ elrcltestrll GRANT HOWALD PARK www cry oewpo•1 peocl· co,) se ec• C 'Y Wf'b~''"S Ar·s & C ;•tore or o I Co"c" •s • ,.,,. Po··~ rlo! ,.,,. 949 644 3?11 e, 1 50 or Newporl ococ• C. .. l•~ro A11s 0 11 v Yt.9 717 3870 r.111-----------------------,. ml~ Spo•so•t~ b1 C 'Y or NEWPOR' BEACH A~ S COMMISSION aJ11.W and b~ c do"o' o~ lro"' ••e NEWPORT BEACH AR S FOUNDATION LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DINNER SPECIALS ' rw••+F 4 Al Satwday, August 23, 2003 SOC I ET Y Daily Pilot Festival of Children set to begin Fiseber-Schulein T he second annual Festival of Oilldren will be kicked off with a patron party on Sept. 4 at South Coast Plaza. Sponsored by Bvlgari and Ermenegildo 7Algna. the evening will take place in a tent in the Nordstrom parking lot. Organizers have given the kick-off event the theme "What A Wonderful World," and guests will be requested to expres.5 in writing their feelings on B.W. COOK contributing 10 wthis wonderful world." 'Throughout the evening. different response:. will be read and shared with the crowd. Buu and Unda PllCber of 'Ima and 'Idaho announce the engaee1nentoftheir· daupter Juliet mtzabeth Piacber of Long Beach to Douglas Hale Schulein of Long · . Beach. , 1b~ bride-elect graduated from the SchoolofCread.ve and Performing Arts In San Diego and UCLA. The future Juliet Elizabeth Fischer and bridegroom, soD of Douglas Hale Schulein Jeff and Unda SchuJeln of Newport Beach, graduated from Corona del Mar High and attended Tulane University. An Oct. 12 wedding is planned at Pacific Oub. Schnaitter-Minton The Festival of Oiildren i!> a monlhlong series of events, exhibits and celebrity appearances that will commence Sept. 6 and nm through the month under the leadership of Sandra Segerstrom OanJels, a managing partner of C J. Segersuom and Sons. Attending the Claim Jumper grand opening at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa were.Kim Beaudette, Kristi and Bill Hustedt, and Corinne Morgenstern . The evening raised more than $20,000 for the Queen of Hearts Foundation. Alayne Brooke Schnaitter and William Whitehorn Minton exchanged wedding vows oD Aug. 9 at the Marbella Country Oub in San Juan Capistrano. The festival is designed 10 give information lo children and families on issues of health, wellness. safety. education. sports. literacy, arts and entenainment. A variety of children's charities participate in the festival. One million people are expected to anend the events throughout the month. For more information on the kick-off party, plea.!te call (949) 644-4n7. ... More than $80,000 was raised by the Sandpipers in suppon of Hoag Hospital at an annual summer jazz festival at the I lyatt Newporter, wh.ich was attended by more than 450 people. The jazz event was headlined by keyboardist and composer Keiko Matsui. A VIP poolside reception at the Hyatt was attended by major I loag benefactors, including event co-chair Carolyn Reed and her husband, James Reed. Debra Irizarry. Allen and fJUe Jaffy. Anne Earhart. Kellie Smith. Khosrow Mahdavi. David Eggjeston and Randy Bohart. Funds raised at the festival will benefit the I loag Cancer Center. ••• The Queen of Hearts Foundation, started by local women declicated to fighting ovarian cancer, rai:.ed an impressive $20,000 at the recen1 opening of the Oaim Jumper restaurant in Costa Mesa. More than 500 guests anended tht: opening party, celebrdting the Oaim Jumper's 32nd restaurant and supponing a worthy cause. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. ..... .., 116491~ Blvd. (' 10) 373"°'42 ~9't-.1J()p ,_..,, IZ.5p c .... MeM .......... l'5 NOf1h POI (949)4~51 MOit-Saa. 10.-6p I 59$ Ncwpon Rlvd. (949) 642-2(00 Mon..S.. 91-5;3()p Sunday. ll-jp s-day.12-~ The bride, daughter of Judith Laurance and Roger H. Scbnaitter of Bloomington, Ill., graduated from Indiana University andworbasa project consultant at Washington Mutuai in lrvine. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Minton of Wiliam Whitehorn Minton and Saddle River, N .J. and AJ Brook Sch 4 :.+ Poole Vedra Beach, ayne e namer Aa., graduated from St Paul's School and Harvard College. He received a master's degree from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA He is the marketing manager for Taco Bell Corp. in Irvine. The couple now lives in Corona del Mar. Terry Callahan, left, and Lin Auer. Sandpiper committee members, helped raise donations at the Sandpiper's jazz concert. The event raised $80,000 for Hoag Cancer Center. More than 450 guests attended the event at the Hyatt Newporter in Newport Beach. • WEDDINGS ANO ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, please call Coral Wilson at (949) 574-4298. f'menl tbit Id lO Illy YOO Hemlrt lneerion 1to.e to rnta • dra•lna for ow dwn' IC) 'llftn • 8wtwa Beny c«kuiJ ..... ...... ,....,. ............ NOTICE OF VACANCIES The City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications to fill vacant positions on the Coastal/Bay Water Quality (CBWQ) and the Environmental Quality Affairs (EQAC) Citizens Advisory Committees. There is one position vacant on each committee; however applications are kept on file and considered for two years from the date submitted. The deadline for filing applications is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 5, 2003. Application blanks and additional information about the · committees can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, 3300 · Newport Boulevard, or will be mailed or faxed to you by calling 949- 644-3005. The application and information about the committees can also be accessed through the city's web site at: www.city.newport-, beach.ca.us under "General Information/Citizen Participation Info". For more information contsart the City Clerk's office at 949-644-3005 . I I • ,. .. • • • -~ ~ ~ THE MORAL OF THE STORY He is always watching over us "You tkJn~ really uruJ.ersumd human nature unl£ss you bww why a child on a mmy-go -rourul will u~we at liis parents every time around -and why his (Xlf'PllL~ will aJUXl)'S UKWl' lxu:k. .• -WIUJAM D. TAMMEUS L ast weeJc was fiUed w11h fun times with children or watching them, some that I knc.'W and some that I didn't. On an early morning walk.. I passed two young families a.'> lhcy played at a nearby parlc. A l"Utc Uttle boy and girl gigglc<l a'> tht'y played on the swings while lheir father watched and pushed a stroller with a sleeping baby inside. "You have a pretty L'llle crew tJ1ere," I saJd to the happy, but tired-looking father. "'Thank!.. They keep U!> very busy, and very tfred, too. Rut Wl' are very bll'l>.'>Cd," he anc;wcn:d "I'm giving Mommy a littll' break." .. You're a smart man:· I ..aid a\ I continued on. I rounded the comer, no-..~ a dirt path and watched •.everaJ little rdbbits hop about Some let me get quite do-.c before hoppmg away. "It's OK. I won't hun you," I said, but they didn't seem to under..tand. As I headed down anotJ1er path. I wdtched two bo~ nding btkes. They were on a din path bt!neath eucalypt~ and pmc· tree\, '>UITTJunded by lavender and CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON lrl>t.~" other plants. They rode on din mound!> and off wooden Jump~ One ol them ..aid, '"I Icy, we've got to fib'lll'l' out how 10 !>top Cid.'>hing into lhc<;e nw utl1er laughl't.l and ..aid. "No ladding. man. I'm urc<l ol f.iJJing." Lt.'' than two ~und'> lalt'r, I ht>Jrd a thump. I che<:kl>d to '>t'l' lhJt lhey were aJJ right. llll' om· who fell popped up qwekly. dui.tt.-d him-.elf off and '>aid. "I h'llt''> my dad was n.;11 about 1ht."M.' hdmet.5 helping our head .... hut don't teU my mom .1hout llw •. ( )!("/'" Over the weekemJ. I \\l'lll 111 rash1un Island with our daughter... h wctS grear 10 tw \\1th tJ1em and we walked pa'>t tlw Ill'\' C-dn>tt'>«!I. Ouldren rode up Jnd down and around, '>m1ling Jnd wc:1vi11g at lheir parent'>, who 111 tum waved back at thl'm. On Saturday afternoon. our extended family played at tht· beach. and the liule 01u>\ <>WJm or romped in lhe w·Jrt'r, J.l\\"JY' ready with '>lnilt"'>, giggle-. .1nd wavt.~ ~\9d~~ MIKE'I ~~e °cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring ~arpet v~o •2u Featuring ALLOC N o G lue Installation Wood Flooring Refinishing & New aq ft Installed Berber Carpet y~o~ s1 ee Installed Sq ft On Sum.Jay. we 1•n1uyt.-<l children 5ingin~ from tJie front of church. ~me h'1d the wordi. and hand motion'> lih'ltrftl our. Other. \'\-t:re more mten"">ted 111 w<1ving to lhe1r parent... who WJVl>d hdck. One of lhe '>peak.er.. -..ud, "Wl' can follow C.o<l. wht•rlwr wt.•'n.• m -,chool ur in tht' pool " Before I firu .. hed wnung thl'>, I rctunwd 10 1h1· bu'>y l'<Lrou-.cl. One mom wawd "' lwr -.(111 and said to her friend, "Ill'\ got the !>mile and wavt• tlung Juw11. I t.h\mk <A><l and prny for him t"Veryday.'· Severdl adorablt· h11lt· Wrl'> ~•lh ptnlc txM-.. in lht·ir h.ur mdt' on the V"dflllll'> u1lor1ul JlllrrlJh Many rutl' llllll' hoy... cn1oyl'tl rheir m.lt-.... 111<1. Om· 'lllll'alrtl ~1th ~l'l' ,md wavl·d 10 lw .. f.tlhl•r, who pu..,ht>tl a ... 1rollL·1 Jrour1d 111 11m11 with thl' 1-;ur111-.(•I. I ht"ard gJWt>\ and -..aw "ll "111g lt•t·I lmn1 tltl' '>troller Wt· dun'! .tll nd1• 011 1.trlllN 'I'>. but wh.llt'\t'I llllr .t).(1', Wl' l JJI .,milt' .tnd wa\l· 111 011r lw,1rt~ 111 (,ocJ 1 lwn \\1· 1.111 \\.tll h Jlltl -..('t' IHI\\ our hl'd\l'lll> r.11twr '-llllll .... .111d wa\ I.>\ b.1d. ,11 u.., And you 1.m 4uo11: 1m· 1111 1ha1 • CINDY TRANE CHRlSTESON tl> a Newport Bead1 re!>1c11m1 who i.p•"aks frequently lo pa1E!ntinq qroups She may be reamed via ,. m.111 ill cmdy "onthegrow com ur 1hrouqh rhe mail at 537 Newf)Ort Ct•ntP.r Onve, No 505 Newpori B....ith CA 92660 Ceramic 'f ~o'tA s 1 50 sqtt Vinyl Flooring o"tJ.$1 H y~ ... ft ~ ~ Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls ·• Ceramics • Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 ' 'S1/te44 ~ESIGN. CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY •Custom-Made furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads I , I ! '' r· '. \ '11, ' 1 r , ·, , ' • I I ~ lj h ~ 2 -~ ~.t ( )( ) SatlKday August 23 2003 A9 FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS RETIREMENT CELEBRATlON The Rev. Barbara Haynes, minister of Resurrection Beadi Metropolitan Community Churdi for the past five years, ' wilt"be rellnng aMr more than 20 years of active ministry. To honor her the diurdi will host a buffet at 5.30 p m Sunday in the social hall Her fdrewell celebration will begin at 7 p.m. in the Sdnctuary It will tnclude special music and speakers. Afterward, there will be a social hour w11h coffee and dessert. The diurdi 1s ar 1259 Victoria St in Costa Mesd. lnforma11on: (714) 539 7727 HISTORICAL IMPRESSIONIST Historical 1mpress1on1st Peter Small is coming to Temple Isaiah of Newport as Thomas Edison from 2 to 5 p m Sunday. Admission is free and donations are welcome Temple Isaiah of Newport Beadi 1s at 2401 Irvine AwJ Information· (9491 548 6900 SHABBAT ALIVE UShabbat Alive' d new style of 1au and pop services first created in South AmP.rica. will be held at 8 pm Fnday Aug 29 at University Synclgogue Rabb• Arnold Rildilt'> focus will be on sp1ntual1ty dnd Cdntor Bra1er will be accomp.1111ed by a combo of mus1c1dns and the University Synagogue dlo1r The services are sponsored by the Roslyn and Joseph Baim Family Foundation University Synagogue 1s at 4915 Alton 130 EAST 1 r-S1: • COSfA MF.sA Al M • aw I .,,. Snm Parlcway. The public 1s cordially tnvited to attend at any time. Child care is provided free of diarge. For more Information, C8ll (94S) 553·3535. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their di1ldren. The group meets from 10 to 11:30 am the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G 1n Costa Mesa Information· (7141445-4950 Pre-registration 1s required THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service 1s offering a support and discussion group for adults whose diildren or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug add1ct1on The group meets from 7 to 8·30 p m Tuesdays at 250 E Baker St , Suite G 1n Costa Mesa lnformatton (7141 445-4950 Pre reg1strat1on 1s required BAHAJ FIRESIDES Members of the Baha1 faith hold informal public d1scuss1ons on spmtual topics at 7·30 p.m every Frtday and at 11 30 the fast Sunday of the month. The talks include brundi or dinner Also interfaith devotional meet111gs will be held the last Saturday eventng of the month Call for tocauons (949) 759-0999 for Frtday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting. and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m the first Sunday of every month at 120 E 18th St. Costa M esa $50 (949) 722-7818 A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the fife of Jesus Ch rt st titled ·Journey to the Cross" 1s taught at 9:45 a.m Sundays during the Homebuilders Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Churdi. The study parallels the four Gospels 10 present the story of Chnst The diurdi 1s at 1000 Bison Ave Newport Beadi Free 19491 760 5444 DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Churdi en Newport Beadi holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p m Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Bead. 1949 219 1408 MEDITATION LESSONS A free "fecuo d1vma" meditation group meeting 1s held at 7·10 a m Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Dnve, Newport Beadl Lec110 is a style of meditation thar includes usmg Scripture or a special readtng as a stimulus The Chrtst1an Medttallon Group See FAITH, Page AlO ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE l-1"'' llflml' f11m11l11n~ '411flqw1 C-( olbc 11blr1 lr.u/mo=l tu ( OllJ~t (·~fl> Jrul (,.JTtf.nr I Jrc ur U tsl• I ut JnJ l..H/iury- (1arrk11 r .ujr (,artlrn """" I;,,.,,.,., .,.,,,.,,.~ l1mvrjllJt L...".d1. fo1 11rul "" &pml41 8.u CAFI:. HOURS: M o"·!,1n1 9am-4pm r.,uuJJ,, ro ( h11rul.r/1rn, l wl c-l&rr BooltJ ( 11.JIOllf 1'1mJrr fr11mmg. /-11m1111rr kt11or11f/on .ind murh morr ' ROif! HOl'H~. r~-~1 /0am 5pm (949) 722-1177 LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT FIT? TEMPLE BAT YAHM IS YOUR ANSWER. We ofTcr spiritual educaticnal and social activities for families, singl~ young couples and e mpty oesters. Come and worship at the most beautiful Temple in Orange County with two sanctuaries fille d with warmth. new classrooms and re nowned preschool and religious school programs.. &.-_pie Bd F.ula-famllles enjoy ..... . A Reform Con~on wltb tradldonal services 'IWo run Ume Rabbis Parent-Toddler clM8e8 Outstanding pre&ebool ID a warm, 8eC1ll"e enruonmenl When children explore leaml.ng Acclalaed &ellglous School t.eadllQI ~ewlsb Yalaes Fun-4llled Summer Camp Dynamic Yoatb Groupe More t.baD 26 edsdnc Claavarot .. __ d\l'I TBY Book Clab . .-.. oJ,,_,-.· Addltectaead~~I!:'..~------------.... 1111 tDeluck SUeet Co111e • • elplri W, CA • Bat Ya Jo11a oil,. ... _.,.flt <949Jl.M-lm A,,, Ftlltlil,. ~?.':~~~~ ~~ .Y:. p- - AlO Saturday, Aueust 23, 2003 PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY & ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CORPORATE EVENTS W EDDINGS BAA/BAT M ITZVAHS CUSTOM EVENT C OORDINATION Al l O CCASIONS BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES SWEET 18 PROMS GRADUATION craycraft entertain ment 949.644.1549 www.croycraftentertalnment.com ALDEN'S roN-!ilTE ·· DRAPERY CLEAr\111\16 AJ\10 MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN6 NECE!i!iARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Co\ll!rlng• Including: • luminette Privacy Sheerst • Silhouette• window shadings • Vignette' window shadings • Duette• honeycomb shades • Millenia™ Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette™ SoftFoldTM shadings World's Best ON-SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 "'"'"""' \"''''"'"''""I (II """''''' ·"'" "''''" ,. ~'"'I' 11 1•,; ' Our authentic yoga exercises strengthen your body and our unique Ute Mastery-techniques c.alm your mind, uplift your spirit and feed your soul. * Classes every day * Prenatal yega *Retreats * S20 off with this ad * The premier Orange County Yoga Center since 1970 FREE DEMONSTRATIONS Wed., August 27 10:00 am & 7:00 pm Stan Classa Any 1lme (949) 646-8281 www.yog•c.enter.Ofg ,..5 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa tocotal "' tlW At.lontJC SllnO ~lQ. """"' rust-.""" lrvlM ~ J bloctl ,., (//Modlin ...... •G£Mt 4£ QUESTION: How does your religion view divorce? Is it necessacy. in certain cases? The very first pronounce· ment concerning the human condition in the Bible Is, "It is not good for a person to be alone." Marriage Is then ordained as the goodly relationship designed to overcome the condition tha1 is unot good: The ideal of marriage is a permanent union, but Judaism understood that sometimes marriages are unsuccessful and divorce is the best recourse. As the old adage has it, uLove is a sweet dream, and marriage is the alann clock." The marriage bond is holy, but while it is inviolable, it is not indissoluble. While every divorce is a personaJ Lragedy, the rending of a fabric !hat has been woven between two -and usually more -lives, Judaism sees no justification for Jewish people involved in divorce to feel !hey have neces.sarily acted wrongly FAITH Continued from A9 meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk a nd a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVEN TS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a s upport group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. 24512 Moulton Partcway. The service is also forming a parenting support group to meet · the firS1 and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus. 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 4454950. GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough peo ple are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTlCAL ANO SPtRmJAL The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service s1arts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 681 ·2290. or judge themselves as sinners. After all, most people who many do so for a mixture or heaJthy and unhealthy reasons. In some situations, the unhealthy come to dominate. When divorce becomes inevitable, each partner must accurately assess the reasons for failure as well as his or her own culpability. Tu not engage in such honest accounting, or to place the whole blame on one's spouse, is to risk that the same or a similar mistake will be repeated. RABBI MARK MIUER Temple Bat Yahm Divorce in Islam is permissible as a las1 resort, bur yel is considered an extremely undesirable anda detestable action in the sight of God. The d1vorce procedure is strictly observed. It could be a long and exiensive process, and lhe reason for this a re-membering group al 6:15 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center is at 2046 Ma r Vista Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 548·3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays o f each mo nth at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chu rch meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in Dierenfie ld Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community are welcome to attend. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631·2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life passages and changes. body images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. 250 E". Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. HELPING TME HELPERS J ewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderly parents. The group will be offered Tuesday. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St. Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY/DEPRESSION SUPPORT Is that divorce has consequences and repercussions, not only upon cbe married coupje. but upon the children and unavoidably the immediate family and society. When aJJ efforts of reconciliation are exhausted and there is oo chance for the couple to lead a progressive life, then for the safety of the couple and the children involved, this unsuccessfuJ marital bond has to come to an end. . IMAM MOSTAFA Al.-QAZWINI Islamic Educational Center of Orange County G·d ccea1ed the institution of marriage to allow man and woman to unite etemally. BecauM! of lhe demands of our physical world and because of the intricacies in any relationship between two people. there will surely be obstacles to overcome in a marriage. We musl address these with lhe most vigor, patience and fo11jtude !hat we can INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service is forming a discussion group for interfaith couples where one partner is Jewish to speak about issues affecting an interfaith relationship. Call for times and dates. Jewish Family Service 1s at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. (7 14) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach holds weekly Friday night services at 8 p.m. with a fellowship hour and refreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 548-6900. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support a nd discussion group for adults dealing with the aftermath of divorce at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Call for prices. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP St. Ma rk Presbyterian Church hosts a faith·besed, nonsectarian abuse support group from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays at the church, 2100 Mar Vista Ave., Newport Beach. $5 or donations. (949) 721 -8079. PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a support and discussion group fo r people dealing with the issues of anxiety, depression, relationships, communication, life changes, loneliness and family at 10 a.m. Mondays at the agency offioes, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. $15. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. ... IJ "\ .. muster, for marriage is meant to be, in the words of our sages, .. "an eternal edifice." ~ Divorce should only be ~ considered an absolute last •"1 resort, if a couple has exhauste4 '" 1 every possibility of · C reconclllallon, and If they and . • ~ those they trust have decided ,,,, > that is the only remaining 1. , 1 option. ' • .... • We must see 1his time of "• ., raQlpant divorce as a signal from heaven to firmly address the ,,1 • • root causes. Let us decide to , ~ acknowledge Uie need for G·d in •1 our marriages. I.et w. commit to, . 1 maJdng our marriages divine. to , 1 malcing our family'~ home a place that help~ fulfill our G-dly '• mission on earth. Remember, how we marry .. and culrivate our marriage de1enmne:. not jw.t our own welfare. but the welfare of our , , children, our grandchildren and generations well beyond them. lake your marriage seriously. ll rl I f l is not jw.t a commi11nent . i1 between you and your spou...e---;-, 1 it is a comrnitmen1 between you. ,1 your spouse and (.-d. ~uch a , I unity gives off a light that shin~ , rt throughout lhe world. .. .•. RABBI REUVEN MINTZ . 1 01aba<l Jewish l:t!nlf~r. ·t o f Newport Beach . o1 ' I J I• !, Covenant's men's fellowship • .. ,. group meets from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesdays at the Village " J Farmer restaurant. across from , South Coast Plaza m Costa Mesa. (7 14) 557 3340 IU .NESS SUPPORT GROUP . '· Jewish Family Service of Orange • , County sponsors an ong0tng . , Jewish healing support group for , 1, people expenencmg dlrornc .. 1 illness. The group meets at 7 p.m. '! Thursdays at Jewish Family " Service, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G. Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4960. AT A CROSSROADS Presbyterian Church of the Covenant hosts #Crossroads" for sixth-, seventh· and .. eighth-graders from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. The program. includes dinner. games and Bible study. $2 donation is •' suggested. (714) 567-3340. ' ,• " HELP Willi HEALING Jewish Family Services of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group at 7 p.m. Thursdays for ·• .: people who suffer from chronic illness. The group's purpose Is tel provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to help manage the effects illnesses have on people's lives. Meetings are at 250 E. Baker St.1' Suite G .. Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. " " ' " WEEKLY KIDS PROGRAM. 11 '' .. Presbyterian Church of the Covenant presents "Children of Our Lord," a weekly Thursday evening program. for first- through fifth-graders. Games. a ',~ speaker and dinner are Included for a $2 donation. The church is at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. (714) 557-3340. • Is your dlurdl or place of worshlJ> , planning a special event? If 10, 1f send the typed information at leaa.t two weeu before the event to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St .. Co1ta Mesa, CA 92627, attention. Paul RE·MEMBERING GROUP Saitow1tz, religion editor.; fax to ..... ·,..... MEN'S FELLOWSHIP GROUP 19491 646-4 i 70 or send e-mail to U The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety and or depression at 9 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. Our Lady Queen of Angels holds Presbyterian Church of the dsilypilot@latimes.com. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1'151 ows.com Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games • Replacement & New Construction me Pricing & Purchasing Pb&lllll-494-9069 Fu: 562-494-2069 ~;4*Jiittor Refernh • All Malor Credit Cards MEPHIST(JM THE WORLD'S FINEST WAl.llNG SHOES Last Fri~, Saturday & Sunday of the Month: 50-75°/o OFF ·we•ve fWded the Best Closets In Orange Colmy ... Quality Consignment Apparel : CE .. ~ ~~he Style~ 389 E. 17th St. Coeta M•a CAcla•• from RllDh .. M.if 1CMI, I& 1N, lun. 12-4 642-1844 Daily Pilot T be speaker at Wednesday night's meeting of lhe Rotary Oub of ~rt-Balboa needed no introduction. The speaker was 34-year member and retired Marine (Arps Gen. Robert ()wem, who wilh his wife, Fran, Is moving to Boulder, Colo .. this week to be closer to lheir ' children and grandchildren. Owens, 86, gave his (jnaJ cr.Ut talk tu an overflow audience. Many pa,t club presid~nts, former members and spouses joined lhe Rotarians In honoring him. The Anchor Watch scribe for lhe evening, Terry Rouaelot, sald: MOwens staned out describing graduating from college at 18 years old, lhen into lhe Marine Corps career at North Island, San Diego wilh legendary Pappy Boyington, serving as an honorary pall bearer for Dwight Elaenhower, aading golf tips wilh Arnold Palmer at a Newport Beach reception, commanding lhe Marine Corps air wing for the Western U.S., arriving with Fran at Scoffield Barracks, I lawaii on Dec. 7; greeting Spain's Klng Juan Qutoe and his queen at El Toro and supplying the couple with a much-needed carton of Camel cigarettes upon their departure. briefing Robert McNamara in Vietnam about choosing the correct targets of supply barges on lhe river." Owens served as Rotary Oub president in 1974-75, led Rotary Group study Exchange team to lndfa in 1976 and has remained an active member of our club since that time, said &I Rennie. club president. After a career in I.he Marine Corps. Owen'> became a Realtor in Newport Beach, found time for golf at the Newport Reach Country Oub and joined a number of other groups, including Amjgo Viejo'>. I join with many in the communiry wishing Bob and Fran Owens the best in their new adventure. AN AMIGO FROM AFAR FJghty members of Amigos Viejo gathered at the Newport Beach Country Oub for their regular luncheon meeting on Wednesday. including Don "Muk" McCallum, who had arrived from Tahiti. The group enjoyed a delicious barbecue, felJ~hip around the tables and the humor of President lbeodore "Bob" Robins. Robins introduced McCallum. who provided the audience with a 10-mmute update on his life since moving to Tahiti in 1960. McCallum was Newport Harbor High School student body president when he graduated in 1948, a year after Robins graduated. I le built a number of hotels in the islands of the South Pacific and now just has one in Tahiti Itself. Time and distance may prove to be a barrier, but when we gather, we are still Amigos, Robins said. WORlli REPEATING From Thought for the Day provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council: MUve not one's life ~ though one had a thousand years. but live each day as the la!>t. • -Mara.a,, AurelJus GETTING INVOLVED • GtrnNG INVOLVED runs pe'1odlcally in the Deily Pilot on e rotating basis. For Information on ad4ng your organization to this ll1t1c:all (949) 574-4298 . . ~YEAR IN AMERICA COl9 Meta femmes can host e G+en student end eem up to S1.tpo toward • number of t,...._.broed programs. Danielle Ca no, (800) 322-HOST. COMMUNITY & CLUBS to a SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS llilSWEEK TIJESDU' 7:30am.: ·n1e 40-member Newport JIM Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub DE BOOM wiU m eet at Five Cruwns· for a program by Beale Utz of the Marine Mammal Institute (newportbeach s u" rise rotary. orgli rulex. h tm) . 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport I I arbor Uons Oub wilJ meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. WEDNESll\.Y 7: 15 a .m.: The I 0-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub (www.routl1coastmet rorotary.or~; and the Newport Harbor Kiwanil. Oub wilJ meet al the Univer!>ity Athletic <Jub. 6 p.m.: 111e SO-member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear from Rotary ambassadorial scholar Amy Angelo, who studied la!>! year at ongtzme the University of St. Andrews (www.neivport-balboa.org). nlURSll\Y 7 am.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uons Oub wiJJ meet at Mimi's Caf~. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub wiJJ meet at the Holiday Inn (www.ki1vanLs.org/ cl11blcostamest1J ; the SO-member Kiwanis Oub of Newport Beach-Corona dcl Mar will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub; the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newport I !arbor will meet at the Newport I !arbor Nautical otarzan Museum to hear Don UdahJ; and the JOO-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium I lotel to hear Martyn Hopper and Assembly candidate OuistJ CristJch discuss WThe Business Qjmate in California· (www.nirotary.org J. 6 p.m.: The Exchange CJub of the Orange Coast wiJJ meet at the Bahla Corinthjan Yacht Club for the installation of officer.. and directors. • COMMUNITY 8r CLUBS is published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting informauon by fax to (949) 660-8667 or by e·ma1l 10 jdeboom a aol.com ( lllrr lor llr"-tu\t11111cr' onh ple.1"· Hi.t:ul .. , pnlc S 10 (wl11d1 ",,~1 d1c.r' Dirty Ooa Wash 714-960-7002. 504 Main Street. HB. Oc>en Til 7:00PM H E REDO SatU<day, August 23. 2003 Al 1 14 Truckloads Of The Finest Up hol stery Have Arrived . THESE ARE OUR FINAL MARKDOWNS, WITH UP TO 70%* OFF. Come see an overwhelming selection of Henredon's freshest, most exquis ite and beautifully made upholstery ready for immediate deli very. You have the option to special o rder in your choice of fabrics, with four weeks delivery.*'" This allows you to create your own sofas a nd SAVE 40%* ... PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 20% *OFF. Factory-Trained ASID-CID Designers Will Help You Realize Your Dreams HENREDON/RALPH LAUREN ltloV\.4..e f1A.rLl\.tsVit~s aLI\,~ 'tll\,ter-tor ~est0LI\, (949) 450-111 2 81 TBC ll NOl,OG Y DRIVE . IRVIN~:,,.;,,~, vr l ·fi off Afton rk"YI f A12 Saturday, August 23t 2003 'Wt woufi [ikJ to ~en4~1iis itwit4tUm \ to fli.sist our 'l>uifiMr Ou.tfet , . featurl"IJ 7500 f quart. feet of . · fint farniture for your t rititt. fuime or office at 6efaw tftsiorur prices. 'Ifie t])e,sigtur Outfet is open to tfu pu6[ic. 'MOTU(ay tnroupfi Satuniay from 10:00 a.m. · 4!30 p.m. ~ .. -----• -.. --.... r ----.. -'Sir : 7fJH> I ·-25" 10FF:10PP:,0FF ...-.-O' I ' Jfnilnaf fWnt I Jtnaoin ,;- OttDIMlll I I !PifltlDll I J 'Dutf • -..-~ -----I - --------• - - - - - -I ancf mucli morel ---- SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPfSCOPAL 'A e.o...ity Wiied to Loritf-' Serri1f Jefti amt If i.;-' S.rior' The Rev. Proveen Bunyon, Rector 3209 Vio lido Newport Beoch 949/675-0210 • 7 JO om Troditionol 9 om Cootempororr. 9om Church Schocil 11 om Chori$1TlCrlic ond Wednesday Noon l'l<I ~BY 11 RI\:\ ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worshi p 9:30 J_1mbortt & Eastblu tr In 'e-wport BtlK'h A r 11rrgrrx1111011 of tJ,, A11gl111111 ro111mumo11 BU/WING OUR FAITH LOVING CHRl'iT AND !>F.Rvl/VG OUR W MMUf'l'ITT. I he R<-v'J Prier [) Ila' Ill~. Rcuor 'iltNUAY \l HHJL'I ~ II Jm -Hull• 1-.udlJml 'I •m -'iundJ1 ~hool/AJuh ll1hlc ~ruJ, to Jill Chor .J Lud1Jml .VI 'R.~1-RI UHi AL~ILAl11 I- \II llH l f>()! 11 \ \ ( 0\1 \ll.\I I) R11urr11tl11t 8111h t2S9 Victoria Street, Cost• Mm Retirement Bdfet for Hay11es at S:30 PM Special ~orship se ~ice et 7:00 PM Sa11d1y ev111i119 se ~iee tt 7:00 PM Rev. 81tlt1ta Hayn11 • Telephu 1714) S39-n27 E1111il RBMCC@~i9foet.eo111 Wcmh.ip and hear this pracncal, Chrast-c:cntcrcd, biblical ITlC\sugr. Dr. 'Vdhm L Aanapn PwuJnng "THE GLUE THAT HOLDS US T OGETHER" s~NDR,t:W'S (John 15:1•17) PHi llrtl t4!< (.Ht I t It Sacurday, Augirn 23, 2003, S:JO P.M. Sonday, Augirn 24, 2003, 8:30 6c IO:IS A.M. (ecrou from Newport H.rl>or High Sdlool 11 l"'itte and tSth) · 600 Sf. Andrrws Road, Newpon Beach, Califom111 92663 532.S (949) 631·2880 E-MAIL info4htandrewsprn.of1 WEB www.standrewlpret.org 100'6> !!.1''°• 48 os . Cat nerber lHl'C-~Pll•• ... NyloaPlaab Berber Loop HARO SURFACE FLOORING SPECIALS lamin_a~e Flooring Ceramic 11le HanfwoodAl-n~ RecS8.19-..ft. •4:t, ....... ........ ....-. •4:1. ........ ........ , .. Jl.~ ...... WORSHIP DIRECTORY \II I 1101 >I\ I Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 160 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Margueriic and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 8am Quut l'Vonhip Service /Oam Worship and Children's Sunday School Youth meeting u1eeltly I l . I II I.It·\\. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.LC.A.) 708 Dover Dr. Newport Beech Tradltlonal Lutberan Pastor Char1es Endter Worship Service with Holy Communion Sunday 9:16 am C .. LOCAM AVAILAllL..m (949) 548-3831 MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Dr Richard George Rev Stephanie Toon Sen10r Minister YotJth Minister Christ Church By the Sea United Ml"1ho<lo1 14ll0 W. Balboa Hl,J., N<-wpon Reach 8 4\ ~ m Adult \ul1<!J> \. hool 8 j(l lJI 111 • m ll.oonhtp .wd I holJmi, \und.• """'" The Rn. Dr. George R CrU-p, r anor (949)673-3805 ! WeHave A Healer Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlaclplea or Christ) 2401 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach, CA (949) 645-5781 Millller. Dr. Dn11il Sllolt ,-. ,.-...._. < I Ill I\ I I \ '\ \I 11 ·, < I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST.SCIENTIST 3303 VJO Udo Newport Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 Church 10 am & 5 pm, Sunday School 10 am w~~?JOpm -,4 ...--~-~ SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Padfic V'lew Dr Newport Beach 644-2617 or 675-4661 Church IOam Sunday Sohool 10 am ~~730prn t UC Wodne9dlJy 12 nocn ••• they lhcall teach no more fM1rf man his neighbor, ancl fM1rf !Mn his brolMr, scryine, Know the Lord: for they shal al know me, from the least of tt.. ""'°the ...... of them, ..... the Lord: Jeremiah 31:34 IMy (to 2nd 1) 8nmbcs of The ModleJ Olllrdl ·The Fmt Olurdl o( <ml.~$ • 8oslon, ~ r--A'. ~-, -=· .. • ~ I: ( l •. 1 \ . ' l \ I I I 1 l I 11 11 '.\ I ', I I - -~~----.-...---.-·~.._...-.. --I Our Lady Queen of Angels A + •A Cod-anrcrcd parish community. inscructcd by the Word of God and renewed by the Sacraments" 2046 Mar Vma Drive Newport Beach, California 92(>6{) (949)64-WlOO Fax (949) 644-1349 Rtv. Monsignor William P. Mcl.a.ughlin Putor LmJRGlES: Sarutday, 5 p.m. (Cantor), Sun.day, 7:00 (Quitt). 8:30 (Contemporary) 10:00 (Choir), 11:30 a..m. (Canror) and 5:00 p.m. (Contemporary) . . TEllPU ISAWI OF llEWPOIT 11.ACH Pll1mS: ..... =....._, .. ~­........... H,•19P& ... ...................... ................... . .. ............................ .. a'W. t a .. ...._ ..,, ...... •. , .............. ... C..S...W,.ws•• ..fMft,.... I • WORSHIP DIRECTORY CAU.. 949.57 4.4249 INVOLVED Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may woit on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) ~ 1~. AMERICAN <;ANCER SOCtETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the ynlt's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 26'1-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIET¥ DISCOVERY SHOP The America" Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwant8d goods sucti as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's • researcti, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of ctiarge. The required commitment is a few hours eacti week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's li~nse and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261-9446 or scomer@cancer.org. The American Cancer Society is also looking for volunteer speakers for its Speakers Bureau program. whicti offers a free service to communities, schools and corporations by providing trained speakers to address cancer issues. The organization will train all interested volunteers at a special session on Dec. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. at the Spectrum Club, 1535 Deerpark Drive in Fullerton. For reservations, call Florence Dann at (949) 567-0604 by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Assn. is looking for volunteers to perform various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERICAN HOME HEALTH HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emotional support to terminally ill patients and their families in the greater Orange County area. Training is provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) 540-2545. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The ctiapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency situations. Lynn Howes, (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon arrival. Dogs and cats are also available for adoptlon.(949) 759-3646 or www.animalnetwork.org. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE Of NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed to help the organization with its goal of helping ctiildren in the community. (949) 645-6929. ASSN. RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group sponsors and supports outreacti community service programs, sucti as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are needed. (71 4) 54().6803. BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organization is look.Ing for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adults with developmental disabilities. As a "Citizen Buddy;" volunteers will visit with e buddy ( friendships entirely over the Internet. Volunteers for that • program muJt be at least 12 yeal"li .. old. (714) 546-1826 or www.bestbuddies.org. BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local ctiapter is looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived in Orange Coun for at least six months and have been on the job for at least three months to serve as big brothers • 1 big sisters for ctiildren ages 6 to t from single-parent homes. (714) • • ~ 544-7773. ; ~ . ., BOY SCOUTS Of AMERIC1 thA INC7 l Volunteef opportunities or e Orange County Council include ! -1 fund-raising, program t • 1 development and training to i i existing troops and padcs. (714) : 1 546-4990. • ·' I• I I I .. . ~ ... BOYS & GJRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need • : volunteer coacties and arts and • : crafts woricshop teactiers. Call fot• • locations. (949) 642-2245. ! : ORANGE COUNTY CENTER : 1 BRAJLLE INSTITUTE'S j' :: The nonprofit organization is :1 looking for volunteers with a ba :j knowledge of Windows 95198, • • Microsoft Word and a willingnesa! ~ to learn the adaptive equipment • ~ used by its students to participate: " in various activities at the Oasis ~ ~ Senior Center in Corona del Mar. • j Volunteers will tutor legally blind: ·' aduh students using computers ·i ·~ and other adaptive technology. : :1 ext. 2113. 1 : Mary Johnson, (714) 821-5000, ·1 '. • CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION • ; ' Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer.! ' ~ counselors and medical staff for : ~ Summer Camp and Teen • 1 Adventure Camp. The 1 ·~ organization is dedicated to ~ :1 providing educational camping : :1 programs free of ctiarge to .. ~ children living with HIV and AIDS :• Call (323) 653-5005. ..-• ... COMPANION HOSPICE I .,• .... • • I " ... The Hospice is now recruiting • , .. volunteers to become a friend tor: • someone who needs that extra • • special caring at the end-of-life. ; : Become a member of a team : : whose goal is to promote quality • • of life and comfort measures. ; Eacti applicant will receive 16 • hours of orientation and training.: •: For more information, call (714) 1 1 : • 560-8177 or e-mail volunteers@ • CompanionHospice.com. l : .. ,, ..... • COMMUNJTY ANIMAL NE'TWORK • • ... The network needs volunteers to • • help control the rising popt.ilation: ~ of wild cats in local : ... neighborhoods. Volunteers would ~ 1 trap and deliver cats to local • • t veterinarians for spaying or 1 :l neutering, and then release the •, back to the property where they • • were found. The goal of the , : program is to save the lives of • • stray cats. (949) 759-3646. : ~; . ' COSTA MESA • .• CMC PLAYHOUSE ! : The playhouse needs volunteers • : for ushering, backstage work, • ' mailings. typing, controlling ligh11i , and many other duties. (949) 1 650--5269. J. COSTA MESA 1 : HISTORICAL SOCIETY ' " The society preserves and : ·: promotes the history of Costa • • • Mesa and the harbor area. : ~ Volunteers are needed for the ' .. arctiives, library. museum, doceni : and public outreacti programs. .l : (949) 631-5918. ~ - COSTA MESA ? ~~ LITERACY COUNCIL • The Costa Mesa Literacy Center • : needs volunteer tutors to teach : == English as a second language. ! • People who want to learn English• "' • • as a second language are also • .. encouraged to call. Call to regist84 ! ;;;;.;~.:~··~:! volunteer tutors. No profession : teactiing experience is required • To attain certification, a series of ! .. ~ training classes must be 1 ·~ completed. For more lnformatiocl • contact Literary Services at the Newport Beacti Library, (949) 717-3874 • '96 VOLKSWAGEN '02 MITSUBISHI '00 MlTSUBISm JETIAGLS LANCER OZ RALLY SON 40 GALANT ES SON 40 (011397) (116844) ( 17363~) (041399) 10!!~'711 s7499 sss90· s9s99 s10199 s10299 '99 MITSUBISHJ '00 MITSUBISm '01 JEEP '03 FORD '01 HO DA ECLIPSE GS CPE 20 DIAMANTE LS SON 40 WRANGLER WINDST AR LX MINIVAN PASSPORTLX ........ ~'!l!r""~~~-~_..,.........._....------...~-~~ '< , -, . ' - ' Al4 Saturday, August 23, 2003 Daily P~~ I Shlblm atcmsllis • COmb01 WllBISkis • llt ,~••· l•bad$•Wb8UllS • 1'owabtas•11· .......... :.~' lli18J I-SIS• Bash Gl181d$ . PGOEICCeSSOlhls M.~'M'-1,, WQMEM'a ~ *tel!i Swi01wcar& Sandals ,. sne . 558 .... Rockies II 90 & 100 Packs -~178,H Daily Pilot ONGOING Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mlke.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and localion of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dallypilot.com. The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaklng skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and backgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Cenler Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721-5732. Jewish Family Service is offering a support and discussion group for women 50 and older the second and fourth Monday of every month from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in CoS1a Mesa. Pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Jewish Family Service is offering a women's divorce and separation support group at 7 p.m . Wednesdays at the Jewish Federation Campus in Costa Mesa. 250 E. Baker St. For more information. call (714) 445-4950. ext. 114 The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 95/-6107. ~Beach Landscapes; an exhibit featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzicka, umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller and Bade Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept. 30 at Newport Beach City Hall. Information: (949) 717-3870. •Tennis in Art," en exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis instructor and coach Jose Mendoza. will be on display in the Newport Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's work is known for its manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration on tennis. Information: (949) 717-3870. Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through •Mobile M eals." sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Swim lessons Int available July 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halecrest Park, 3107 Killybrook Lane in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 557-7234. Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to girls who are considering abandoning their babies, is in need of ongoing volunteers. For more information, visit www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. M acy's in C.sta Mesa Invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coest Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an appl ication to participate, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. ~ c:ia .... wilt be ofJwed Tuesdays end Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weetcs at West Newport Community Center. Registration Is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeb for Newport Beech resident-. Others pay an additional $6. For more Information, call (949) 644-3151. ca.ta Me.a'• Aea'N1ion OtvWon will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guestt •t the Baleeric Community Center wtekd•Y• from 5 to 8 p.m ., Saturday• from 11 1.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m . and Sundays from 4 lo 7 p.m. Parties for children 6 to 12 will consist o lund\/dlnner, games, crafts, prizes, cake with staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more Information, call (714) 754--5168. Five new wtn• wltl be Mf'Yed on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overtook.Ing Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 Q.m. The cost ls $15 per person. For more information. caH (949) 721-1222. Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach• will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests efe invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parking is $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A variety of private, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, teens and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newpo rt Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151 , or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Professional and licensed soccer trainers w ith the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Family Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets M ondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m . at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register. call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The First Page -Ane Children's Books. at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa M esa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m ., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside Restaurant in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p .m . for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information. call (949) 721 · 1222. If your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m . every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the sectets of C.rbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m . Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. THm Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts ·walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of tfie month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free. and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. New,>ort Community CounMling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment The group m881s Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Ft11e. For more Information, cell (949) 721-8079. r..n. .. lnvtlled tlo drop by the city of Com M"8 Recrutlon Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monc:Jey th~ough Friday for Indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) The Newport Beech W.lklng Club meet8 at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport Beach Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Spanish Speaking Club meets to learn Spanish quidc and easy. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Assn. of Business Services hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information. call (9491805-0011. ·oivon:e: A New Beginning.ff a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month, Cost is $40. For more information. call 644-6435. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge. badcstage and on stage at 10·30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization 1s open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage, coffee and o range 1u1ce for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar For more information. call (949) 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "Worlcshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef Ale>OC Guevara. The class is held trom 6 to 7:30 p.m 0Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot. call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and rhythm. "YogarhythmicsH combines yoga. dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m . Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111. Costa Mesa. For more information. call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit ·Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's M arine Art Master.ff through Sept. 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more information. call (949) 673-7863. lm.rfaith couples witti one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office ls at 250 E. Beker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women l50 end older can join • discuuion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to addreu issues such as anxiety, depression, relatlonahlps, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Beker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration requited. (714) 446-4950. fttench of the ..... ;rport Beech Pubfic Library Used Book Store are alking for patrons to donate boob to replenlah the dwfndllng stodt. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbadc donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Braille Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def M ar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care class metrts at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (9491 263-1462. The Costa M esa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from'11 45 a.m . to 1 p.m a1 the Costa Mesa Country Club The cost is $14. The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course Dnve, Costa Mesa (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p m . at the Hoag Canter Center at Hoag Hospital 1 Hu<11J Dnve, Newport Beach Free Registration not required Tt.1. See ONGOING. Page A16 with this I COtlPOfl I not Villd wfttl I my other ofkf. I bdudastdn care prodUcts. 1 Weac~• 1 com~s coupons. __ -~!31~3 -_I FULL SERVICE SALON See Us FOr All Your Color Questions. Senior Citizen Discount on Sundays. • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence Installations • Chain Link Fence Repa irs Sert1in9 Oran9e CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 License #31331 l Did You Know? "That we are a full 5ervice nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to 'J~ Nurseries and let us show you how.11 NURSERIES, INC.---• COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2 700 Bristol St. 5at Jr(lay. Augus' 23 2003 A15 }Pff £'r\ill~ & f \11•1•11 f.1w1~ <"O ..... l>O S •\Lt.S AR ... .\'I' A"' Al I. TIME HH;H I l)w In• ir.S I.'" 11111·1~·,1 1.;t~·, tfi.11 l\U111f)I)~• tctdf1\I flh (l•J J .._•,l.Jh f\l,tf~t·f h.n• "' .,1. 11 , ... ,.,.,1hh fc>t 0 I I.It\. ff ,\ I 1~1 f 1t,1 t jf l\"f • lf qt~\A. h~.t\l"T\. (1 1 put ti.•--'. !ht'JI nv..n h111f 1\ 1l1\' IJ)lt•f itf1 1td~ihh.• ht1u-,1u;· fqf IH'' 1Hllt titt\\"I' tlht d11V.ll'->lllll\1 r'lllf'I\ 11\.'\h r .lH •111dt111iu.i 1u1' uul I n ... 1hH\l "'4'' flt• iH1'v1'fU•'fi • ii 11r!l1 tUIHt\ II\ Ill>' I ltlf,I• 'II L tt11 1t1•1t~ t.lth11·nt hu\ r i \;t\1 ti H1 stl It._ 'h• ! illl•I I lB,111 \\1111 •U. j tr1.1"'-1..'1 n1. r 1 1 .. 1 ll•· 1, ,,., -' t fl 1r Ui ft• 1J , '.1h. ,,,ti.: ti\ I• .,~·I 1lt '"\ p1·11 1 i 1 l,,,, ., 11 u1d u 1t Ht ''\''' 1.11t11. ' '.' y I ·"· It O\l1t._,h 1,4111 h JH•flh '1v, '"" t \I I.,. t I tfJI I " I i 'llT H1· l· I J ti it' t ' .. ti I I 1, ~ 11' " • 11 I, ., h r 1 ~ t 1 1 I u ,, "' 11 I 'J I l.11 t 1111[ .. ti •Ill I Hft" I 11 h 1.11 . " J \ !1 .1 ' ' 11 '1._,.t I I 11t I'' 11t. '''"' at ,, , ~ h, 1r .11hu1 ~11h .tit\ ,,,, '1 .tl ,..,f.H• tit lfJ' I ~11 fh1 f \\ff\I,.: ,jf ( iq .. I ''·" f:t11rt c ,f "''flt~'""'-' r .11 ,,_.,. ~.;,; ,t'"'iu, Tnt! Ew ri~· A•r• C-:iasi ·~;,·11pr)r' ProDe" y c =' -.,a,... f' ,, 2fJC' (71 4) 754-6661 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING • 2800 "'· Tu'\t1n Ave. (714) 633-9200 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowerdale Nursery -Costa M~ Master "-lursery Profession41 LICENSE # 308553 ~lllllillft,uas 1ne. • anas • leW • PllllCll DOOll FREE ESTIMATES 50°/o Off : ENERGY SAVIN< I : ~~. \ r', ............ k•-111· f\p~ -~ ~· • WWW'I ........ ......... Ml-4760364 ·~--- PATIO FURNITURE FACTORY OUTLET SAYE 25·50% OFF RETAIL 1741 Newport Blvd . • ~osta Mesa• (949) 548-2449 f, ·1 .. 1n ORANGE 171~1 47_. '1«~·.1.1.,d SM~ JUAN CAP1~'7RA~C· ,'q • l'.'l\ ·: \ -. ,. -.. AH Saturday, August 23, 2003 ONGOING Continued from Al 5 group Is designed to help patients and their families understand and c6pe with the Illness. (94S) 574-0232. learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The rou meets from CLASSICAL DANCE CENTER St. Andrew's Presbyt9rien Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays In Dierenfield Hall C at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mon ays at the J~wish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. I 2026 Quail Street• Ntwport &ach Eliiabeth I luebner, ,·lrmnr /Jtrr<tor /l.iflm1t.J 1'{ ,;., {t//n') 11.J//n Sptcial~zing in Children's Classts Ba!Jec • Tap • Jazz · Age 2-Adulr 8eg111ner through Profmionttl Now Offering f~ e 11,.,,,, ?l<>r Taught by *Huggy" Ford l /'// 010 wc·lhtft' l' ( /11, ,,, ,,/t/,1111 n c 111r·1 '0111 II you're ready to take the nert step in )'Our career, Vanguard Unove~tly can help Q.;1 c; '"~ 1 for P1otP~~1cmal Studtt" 1 ,r ~<lVdll< • 11 1 111 •11• rnrU~Pt' ld(f.' Wlfh r:r1nvH lf.''11 :iW1 'ontl•rf•h1-'nt, Vf ~ r-ompi,.hnn i!mtl r-t"-"'1h• nt·ott l."''.,"''tt"' hJlt' < drt-er rwr11Jl"'d c.•--c pl! n t "' ' ' l ; ... v.v 6 'r'f hnnl<iigv • tlur i1f1r1r1' .~rt .f !"' fl\ L A1ltJ1l10ndl ed•JLdl•or ~.,.ys off It h~'I" 1011 ,f<l\ on top of \hP chan~1ng market an1J "'" h1•' you personally An1J 1' V~nfil"1Jnr11 ¥.• un 1,~, 1 tr• I -.,ow r 1•• <1\ tl" ,,; \l\ic '" r f r 1 ft tr .J ""' r .. Hf!y 'NP (J..-~ipr rt Oltl ••Ji H r > 11• t W1·t·KI •1 1 ( l,1 \t:S tu flt y111H i ti('•! 1h· t RPttllv t , ta;,t-' yr .. w { dfl·Pf 1nd 1fe t •t, 1, ti IP"'\.•17 Cunlat c u~ Wt,, rit-olt; v·111 ,, 1ia.1 I , 'l r11•1 "" VANGUARD VI vanguard.edu/sps U .. 1V lllf1 1' P 1.888 .9DEGREE <933.4733) I .. , • .,1 .. , , ... The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for aduh , children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the JeWish Family Service · office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. ·' The Jewish Famity Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa. · Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St .. Costa Me~a. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish RosEYs AUIOBODY ~ You have the right to ....... '-~. -choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision Center Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 ROSEY'S AUTOIOOY~..-* 121 Industrial Way • • Costa Meso ,_. · White Front Pharmacy -Serving Orange County for 32 years - Convenient. foll service phannacy with low prices Diabetes Awareness Free blood sugar testing and consulting feacuring Dave TayJoi: The 2nd and 4th Wedn esday of each month from I O:OOam umil 3:00pm Cards • Books • S1111dries AU Insurance Pl.a11.s Accepted ;._= 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 55 FAIR DRIVE, COSTA "ESA, CA 92626 lbe Cafe & full of surprises, not ham. now ~ou and ~o.ur luneh buddies can sb>P. b9 The -Hon~Ba.ked ~fe for a surpr\.sin.Hl!J wU:Je ar>NJ~ of delt.('!.t.0u_s,; made from sc.ratch, lull.ch ~mf~tl.ons. T~ our H o ne_yB'a.ked el-t.l.cKen CoPaon Bleu, Beer WeUw9_b>n, or ~ork Fuletli Wt,'th Fresh Bldc.kber~ ~f.a_ee. Or etjo~ a f re~h, c.ri.sp9 ~~ ... eh~ Salad. Anti., if break/last' \.a to !)OW> ll.Ki.ng, we serve l.t aU da9 Long. Wt-th chot.ees l"ke ow> ~t' and fluff9 flone!JBded Omelet;Qata wt.th T u.rKe~, Avoca.do and Swiss.eheese or sc.rumrt't.ous Sruffed French Toast. . So next: time 9ou do Lune~ do Cxm ~le a1:The flone9Baked Cafe ... where - 9ou'll ft.rid avers~ del1.c1;0us thi.naa-.(lo..-. Lunch, be.Ulea our amazi.na ham. C.Om see us ~9· We're ~t"nOxtdoor b>thatfamous ham ~. QpenMonday ·~8a.m.·6:30pm THE HONEVBA Thwsday • 5-rday 8 a.m.·9 p.m. S4rlday 8 a.m.·2 p.m. ...... 1J771 Na•llltk # 13 .... : 714-731 .. 16 All :714-731407 111 a 1•· lllda 190'l2 ._.aw.«..._ n...w114 rtil n4\JJl.m6 l Family Service office at 260 E. Baker 51., Costa Mesa. Attendance Is free, but re lstration Is re uired. 714) 445-4950. Scnbb&e aub No. 360 mNb from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St in Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coin and Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. ' Jewish Family Service offers ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m . Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish Family Service of Orange County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Two-hour kayak fours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729· 1150. A yoga and dance class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (7 14) 754 7399 The Rev. Connie Ryclunan leads a discussion group using the book "Conversations with God" from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery. 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (7 14) 754-7399. Marshall's Tae Kwon Do in Costa Mesa offers free self-defense classes to airline pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three·l!me U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's 1s at 333 E. 17th St .. Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A Dealing with Divon:e sopport group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting. navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m . Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642·6301 or (949) 551·8591. Oasis Senior Cent er offers ongoing assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mna Senior Citizen Squ8(e and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa M esa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation instnactor Hillary Stone Jeads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513·5641. The Newport Beach Newcomert Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The organlzatlbn is open to all women residents of Newport Beam who have lived In the area for fewer 1han five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers-newportbeach.org. The Thunday Momlnt Women'• Club, a 40-yeal'Old friendship club, is seetcing new members. The club, wtlk:h incfudes goff, bridge, walking end gourmet sections, meets at t1 a.m. on the sec:ond Thuradey of.,_.., month It the RedtMOn Hotel In Newport Beach. The lunc:Non "$23 and lndudel enteftatnment The hoMI It It 4646 MeeAlthur Blvd. (714) 142-5883. TM,....... ...... WD .... CW> MMll It.'·"' and 7 p.m. ' Daily~ Monday through Saturday, anti 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection uf Ho ital Road and Superior The American Legion meets 8l p:m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings. whltlh de with veteran Issues anti community service, will be hekl at the Costa Mesa Air Nationo~ Guard. The national guard ls aJ • 2651 Newport Blvd. Free Marl' • 1 Holler. (714) 546-2n7; or Bill :, Mimiaga, (949) 650-0894. • : 4 Nightly meetings for those wtiO: ~ want to overcome nicotine l addiction are offered In Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. (-714) 774-9106 or (800) 642 0666. i The Newport Sports Museum, a nonprofit organization, oµer ate'\ • a free museum at.100 Newport • l Center Drive, Newport Onad1. 1 lwo museum. which has one of 11 ie ' world's largest collectiuns or ~ sports memorabilia, is opl'!11 froitN 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekda'(s m11l 10: a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (919) .. 721-9333 or www.new11111tc;111>tft;~ museum.org. • .. The Estancia High School Parent : Teacher Student Assn hosts a • monthly paper drive every 1 Saturday from 9 a.m. to noc.•n in l the school's northwest pa1 ki11g ' lot, on the corner of Es1.md,1 J North and Placentia. Nt>wsµ iµ.•1 that are bound. loose ur l1a4ye,tl ~ are accepted. Cardboa1d a11d ~ bound material such il'> plto110 .1 books and thick magaz111l'r; are j not. Also, bins are availalJI" for .; drop off every day of th•! 1n•111!11 , All funds raised go lo 1111• : association. Free. The •• hnt>l 1~ .1t • 2323 Placentia Ave , Custa M ros.i.: (949) 515-6500. : ' Oasis Senior Center offers a daily~ telephone contact proyi .m i fur 1 seniors who have a 1i11111•·d l11c;il 1 support system. They .,,..,,, v ff,., ! ongoing computer eta<.'>'''> tt..11 1 teach the basics of W<J1• t. 1 Quicken. Print Shop nnd l1111·11t1 ~ • usage. (949) 644-3244 :~ 4 • The Costa Mesa Communicators~ Toastmasters Club m f't•l '> f1 n111 ~ noon to 1 p.m. Wednesd.Jys at ; the Orange County Depart1111·ur ~ of Education, 200 Kalrnw; I J11vc. : Costa Mesa. Meetings a11~ 11pm1 to anyone who wants tcJ 1111111ov'}: his or her public speakiraJ .. ~ills • (7 14) 444-8783. The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastma51f'f s Cl11'1, 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p 111 • , Tuesdays in Sgt. Peppcrurn <; • : meeting room, 2300 B11stul St, :..t Newport Beach. Call to 111ake ~ reservations. (949) 646 17 M --j .I The Jewish Family Service of ...J Orange County holds yru11p ~ meetings for youngei Wl•lll"' 1 I•,• discuss life passages 011d • ch d . • • anges, bo y images, f:i1111fy, , relationships, communic ;1tirm1 :.: intimacy and sexuality. an vi1•ty • • and loneliness. The group "'"O'S.: at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at !1111 o)ljl'!WY : office. The office is at 2ti0 r Bakiw• St., Suite G. Costa Mes.1 : Preregistration is requirr d Maro Y'. Middler, (714) 445-49!;0 ··~• 1111 : ~ • The Mesa Messengers Toastmasters Club 691 "' (.oqa , M esa meets at 7 p.m l11r•stbys at ' M esa Verde United Methut.l1'it • ~ Church, 1701 W. Baker St ,< 'oqt.1 : M esa. (714) 540-4446. ... I The Newport Beach ~ • Distinguished Toastma<>h•• r; Club: 1300 meets from 7 10 !J µ"' ; Tuesdays at Platt CollrgP, 1901 : M acArthur Blvd., Newpurl Oead1.~ Call to make reservations (949) ~ 646-1274. ~ . ., The Zingers Toastmasters • : Club 615F meets for breJkfJst 01~ l Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 a .m i\t • 1 the Village Farmer, South Cuast ! Plaza Village, 3851 S. Boar #617. "' The meeting is free for lust ti1w1 .! visitors. For more informalion, ~ call (714) 241-1109. • ... ... The Newport Center • .; Toastmasters Club 231 mecls :; from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Moridays at the Irvine Co., 610 Newport • Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 756-1025. The Herboftite Toastmasters meets at 7 a.m . Thursdays at • Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 344Q Coast Highway, Corona dol Me-. (949) 293-4630. Udo l9le Toutmesters meet f1'9 6:30 to 8 p.m . Mondays at " Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beat) (714) 964-5314. The Oatis Senior Centet offerH shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also tek member• to the center. Cell t make an appointment. (949) 644-3144. ......... ........... '°'~ who could UM heap roedln" English. Hourty ratea and tlm .,. negottat>M. (948) 851~ 1739'i a..-.... c.... ............ aid ......... wtth. Bf• lnadtute ~.by eppolom'9nt. <•> ~44 I ' I I ' 4 ' ' l ' I I ' ' . I I 4 • • • • • • • . • I • ' I ~ t ' ' • ; It ; • • • • • ' • • ' f ----~-~ .. 0 ··-·----------- - ----.. ----- -------------- B'RI 1111 TO SAY Yll . . LABOR DAY •aooo . Ford Rebate c¢1 IF'-A.P.R.* For_ BO ~ns. on approved credit on SELLATHON 2003 EXPEDITION , Explorer 4-0r, F1 50 Reg. Cab I Supercab (excluding SVT), Ranger, Windstar, E-Van /Yew ((1AJ Ranger ra1zna Air cond,:J.OL V6.~ s~.fog lamp.$. Sales Price: 1131_975 AU·Tarilln 11~.co1"' keyed bw9pen. Ford Rebate: •l1!1!1J /"I IJASll 6 IJl.-.c Cl> rahJed h• Bonus Gas,.,.:: _jlQm~L_!d'J~ili~di~dr! 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Residency restri ctions apply. Expires dose of business 8/26/03. 1Yewf1AJF150 XLT Supercab ST/~ EDITIOl'V lknwood Sotlnd spiem..c11rome ,..._ Sales Price: Mq Nn.'°9 ....,,..co1or Rred '*•Jen. ~ord Rebate· bllldt grlJl.clvoate e.rhallM Up.air cond. r i · -1oa«1c tn1u,remoU entry.pwr wind/ Bonus Gas,.,.: 1«.b.Wt.av&e '22875 ,,/j1z,11J m11111J JYewk1~JExplorer ·XLT: Tow Pkg Sales Price: • '25~975 Fotrl Rebate: • 111111 Bonus Css,.,.: m11'11J l"\/H.,/t ti 1'1..,C Cl> /Yew kl>.J F 150 XLT SUPERCREW " IHSll 6 DISC en Tow plls.~.~~ LS axle.11-· IO ,poltc a/umlawn wffeel!l.f"27~/60R· I 1 OWL tires.air cond,remotc entry.powa wfndows/dr locJo.tllt..cnd~.~-Ooon ID KAS1llO•D llXt ill> ID K!J>U•ID KN~ I)~ Sales Price: •• '24!175 Ford Rebate: •~t1l1J f3onus Gas,.,.: ~~....:::::;=..-. llJ'ildd New '03 EXPEDITION XLT :Leather Ii I 'H 111 /I I 'Tl Ii I I/' 'II 'I ., , .. II 'I ,.,,, fold lid l'Ofll ..C.at a..,., D6K (J), res ... ~,..,,,,,,.,_,, 7~ LS Dk. pwr *'""• .-aad ...,_.pedals. :1wr ::i==!z lnlOte oey. ) jl> ,.,...., lfllZ.Uoll 11"19WI 0 *WSI "' HllU'91 Sales Price: Ford Rebate: Bonus Ca~: 6 1964 Amphlcar Red Full Restoration! $45,000 --·-~- 2000 Ferrari 456 GTA Si1¥erllordeam JK Miies $134,500 °Kids seem to be walking arowtd with a little more sense of accomp lishment, a T1m ParHI, Estancia boys athletic director After a successful first year in Golden West League, Estancia boys look to continue to take wing. Patrick L1Yerty Dady Pilot E standa High's boys athletic program has been a model of continuity this summer, with one exception and it's a big one. While other high schools have watched the revolving door of the coaching world continue to twirl, all of the boys coaches at Estancia have re- turned for the 2003-04 school year. AD except one. 1980. That one comes in football, where former USC quarterback and Oregon State head coach Craig Fertig will coach at the high school level for the first time while trying to lead the Eagles to thelr first winning season since 2000 and their first playoff victory since Yes, Estancia has just one new coaching change on campus this year, but It'• an important one. ~ ls important to the whole IChool, • Es- tancia ,AthJetic Director Tun Panel said. "'Ihe better the football team ls, the better money we bring in. '8w jtdt a general feeling of students being inwlved tn IOOMthlna to be proud ot both athletes and non--athletes.• Money " • pardadarly important t.ctot. 1boulb 8llanda. and the Newport-Me.. l1niled School Dlllrict u a whole, hasn't had to make drutic cut- t.cb due to budget cuta. the F..p. dkl 1o1e a luge Income aource this year when a prM1e. anooy- mou. donor, who had contributed bemly in recent yemt._ ended bis charity. On top of that, &ltancia la hopeful of buOdlnl an on-ampm "8dhm In the commc yess. The s..-nqw =:· Newport Hubor Hilb Ind at 0....,. COMt "1hlN hM hem a plln for the IMt or Ive ,... eo llC a ....... an our llld. • ,.... llAcl. ...,.. 11 a ..a. rm not .... ~ c1o1e • ... to •I' clnaM lut. lbllM.a..bil .... ab~ •i1 'fllNIDtolt.llwailldbealiMllf_.., ID lbe ~S.000 -., 1bilR tbl ... plla I ....... Spotts Editor RidlMt Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: 1949) 650-0170 CHECKING OUT PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I OA!..Y PILOT • e rise Some Estancia boys coaches with the tools of theW trade. From left, Chris Sorce, Char1ie Appell, Rachel de los Santos, Steve Perez, Tracey Heims, Craig Fertig, Steve Crenshaw and Jon Green. EYEOPENER .Daily .. Pi~ • ,, Sporutt.lotF ... ~ .. 11 .. ...a.-1 JOHN GOLDMAN Saturday, August 23, 2003 al GOLF Irwin claims crown 0 n the heels of the Jones Cup. we can already start talking about next year's pro-am extra vagat\7.a. Mesa Verde Country Oub crowned II'> newest men·s club champion Sunday a'> Dave Irwin held off a charging Steve Rhorer to claim the three-day tournament by three shots. Invin shot an I I -over· par 224 (i2-74-78) to nip Rhorer. who carded three consecutive 76s to finish at 227 on the par· 71 cour..e. With Sunday's win. Irwin 1s ebgible to compete in next year's Jones Cup. an annual tournament that paJIS the men\ ~~~champion<, BRYCE :--:ewpon.\te!.a-. four ALDERTON private course" ,,,th a member of that club·., golf '>taff 1n cl. bener-ball-of-panner"> format Big Canyon Coumn. <Jub has "'on three of the last four Jone'> C up'> afler Mesa Verde claimed the inaugura.1 utJe 1.11 2000 Bob LoveJO) and amatt·ur partner WlU Tipton earned a onl' ... uoke victory over the host ieam uf Me'-<! Verde head professional lorn ~gent and Rhorer Aug I. Irwin now joins Pete DcJ.ley and Rhorer as the only playel"'> to hold both the men's and seruor club championships at the same ume. One strolc.e separated Irwin and Rhorer as they came to the l8d'l hole. a par-3 measuring 200 yards froP> the championsh.lp tees. Rhorer pulled 1us tee shot to the left of the can path. ma.lang for a difficult chip. Irwin. meanwhile, pushed his tee shot to the righl and below the Oag. H15 chip nearly found the bonom of the cup and he lcnocked in a three-footer coming baclc down the slope for a par and the championship . Irwin. who led the champ1onsh1p from stan 10 finish, had to hold off both Daley and Rhorer Sunday A 6·over 42 on the from nine by lrwm on !:>unday allowed both Daley and Rhorer to move within rwo strokes of the lead after they both shot 38. Dale Willem also fought his way Into the mix. playing the first <>even holes at 2-under. But Irwin righted lumself and shot a I -over 36 on the back nine Sunday to post victory. Poor Rhorer. He bas been OG 1he shon end of two dose finishes •t Mesa Verde in a month. Lately, wherever he plays. thrilling golf IS sure to foUow ••• The start of the rwo-day. 54-hole Southern California Golf Association Mid-Amateur Olampionship - beginning Monday at Mesa Verde - marks the second consecutive year the tournament has been held at a course in Newpon -Mesa. Big Canyon Country Oub in Newpon Beach hosted last year's tournament. won by Scott McGihon, a former UC lrvine golfer. by one shoL McGihon rallied from a 10-shot deficit to claim his second Mid-Am tide. Newpon Beach residents David Franey and Ed Susolik are entered and will each tee off at 9: 18 a.m. Monday on No. 1 and No. 10. respecdvdy. The two are then scheduled to beg1n their second 18 holes Monday at 2:48 p.m. Mike~ an SCG.4. publk:ite. uid it was merely drcumltance thll tb6a year's Mid-Am. relepted to tboee 25 and older. mowd about 15 miles &om Big Canyon CM!I' to Mesa Verde. PrtYale and pubtiC QOWllll face ==:m-~or tf)oee openin& ..,. wallets for IP'9fJD re..Pectlakl. "Ooe day It ~dedkllled to ~.,.., 131 balm!.· Pec:t md. "The IKt our menibii dubl •.,_to daw (the~ to put oa IM ................... _ al.Wt .. ....,dlD halil .... , ., ......... -........... . .............. _. uar ••wJlllftn• .. :J:19_, ..... l(XM ...... ~---~-----____ ... ___ -..---........... .,,. __ _ . . . ~uxucy Imp.oits & Exo~ic Sp~~ts Cars. . . . + Tax Per Mon1h For 51 Months $3999 Drive Off, 11 , 294 Miles /Yea (194051) 51891 + Tax Per Month For 6J Months S 15,000 Drive Off. 11,429 Miles fYeor (696256) + Tax Per Monrh For 51 Months ~3499 drive off. 11,294 Miles/Year. (19112) "Co~e visit Phillips Allto and experience a level of service and commitment to cscellence that has made us the #1 independent luxury and exotic dealer in Orange County. Since 1984 we have sold over 20,000 of the finest automobiles. I invite you to take a test drive today!" '1HAkol#e ~~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * Consignments Welcome * ASE Certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your Car * Warranty Included (on Most Vehicles) -* Competitive Finan~e ~ Lease Rates 7 4 TRIUMPH TR6 (1961~q P.orel White, Cleon .......................... $13, 980 •1165 6 7 PORSCHE SPEEDSTER (19422C> Replica, 9K Miies.. ......... $13, 980 + Tax Per Monrh For 51 Monitls 9 7 MBZ E3 20 (19423> Low MJles, Chrm Whls, Mint . . ......... $19, 980 $4999 Ortve Oft, 98 LEXUS GS 300 (1941&>lowMJles, MusrSee ...................... $21 ,980 11,290les /Yta (1~9•) 93 MBZ 3QQSL (19608) Low MIJes, O&an, Must SMl... ........... $22, 980 99 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR (19419) Blk, Loaded, Low Miies .... $ 23, 980 00 BMW 323Ci (194~61 ) Sliver/Olk, Sreprronk, Premium Pkg, 2:3K Mlt..$23, 980 + Tex Per Monltl 00 PORSCHE BOX.STER c194263>511ver. Whls. Low Miies $28,980 for 51 MonltlS $3999 Drive Off, 01 CHEVROLET TAHOE (194781) Loaded, Blk $29,980 11. 294 Miles Neat 01 JAGUAR S-TYPE (19112) Loaded, Low Miies. Mint . $29,980 (1951j() 00 PORSCHE BQXSTER S (19607> Sliver on Olk. 6·Spud Low MJles' $35,980 s.759 00 BMW 7 40i c19616)Low Miies. Nov, Charcoal ... $39,980 99 911 CARRERA CPE c193~0> 6 Spd. 24K Miies . .. $47,980 + 1' ox Pe1 Month ... For 51 Monrru 00 91 1 CARRERA CQNVT. (194'1) Low Miles. Slvr. Mint .$59, 980 ~3999 drive off. 11.294 Miles/Yeot 88 FERRARI TESTAROSSA (19~ P.ed on Ton, 19K Miies! ...INQUIRE! (1 9567() ' I ' I Dllf'J Pilot SP O R "l ~ FROM THE SIDELINES 1942 team successful during turbulent time T he biggest World War ever was underway when Newport Harbor High's 1942 football squad was preparing for a powerful motion toward capturing a Sunset League Ownpionship. Many knew the military call to duty would be there after the season in December and numerous seniors would be missing graduation ceremonies by June of '43. The draft was taking young men at age 18. Newport had never won a varsity grid tide before and its players were often limited since it was one of the league's smallest schools. Jt only had ll players before the '41 season started. but Coach Wendell Pickens' draw of four middleweights from the Bee team lifted the total to 17. He could only count about 24 by the fall of '42. On the bright side, '42 marked one oft.he strongest turnouts in school history. The backfield was paced by fuJibac.k Harold Shefiln. quarterback Vernon Fitzpal.rid. blocking bad Lorey Langmade and hal1bacb Ed Miller and Pclul Myrehn. All were fast and clever in running patterns. Keith Engelhardt was an exceptional reserve, who once ran for three or four touchdowns m one game. The line featured stout players like tackle-end Manuel Muniz. tackle-end BUI Neth and tackle Bob Gaynor. end Carl Oberto, guards Tom McCorlcell and Don Tripp, as well as center Wendell Crawford. Other vital reserves were tackle Roger Neth, tackle Dick Freeman, centers Don Bingham and Joe Shafer. end DON CANTRELL Harold "Red" Caas. tackle Bill Bertuleit and guard Wilber Van Rlpei: Operating out of the old short punt, the Sailors upended · nonJeague foes St. Anthony. 42-0; Ulguna Beach. 50-0; and Santa Ana. 7-0. League rivals who feD before the Tars included Fullerton, 41 -12; Orange, 42-0; Anaheim, 54-0; Excelsior, 26-7; Long Beach Jordan, 7-0; and Huntington Beach, 52-7. The Sailors finished the regular season with nine wins and no defeats. scoring 319 points. The reward was a trip to the CJF small schools playoffs. where the Tars met Bonita High on the Bearcats' field near Pomona Bonita sparlcJed with versatile halfback Glenn Davis, who would later become a I fe1sman lrophy winner at An ny, but Newport's 215-pound fullback. Shellin. kept him at bay until an anJde injury took Sheflin out of the gam~ just before halftime. With key Newpon in1uries on the board, Davis foll free to scamper for several scores and Bonita won. 39-6. During his Anny career. Davis once told Time Ma.gazinR that Sheflin was one of the finest players he ever confronted. SheOin was named the No. I AU-crF fullback for the ..ea.son and his mate, Muni7~ was voted to the second team at tackle. Langmade was second-team All-CIF 1n '43 while tackle . Freeman was voted to the All-OF second team in '44. Numerous Tuts advanced later 10 star for Sana Ana Junior College. including~. Obeno, the Neth brothers, Myrehn and Otud Dennis. The Dons won a title in '45 under Coach Bill Coolc. Bill Neth, in time, became an assistant football coach at Santa Ana, serving for seven years. I le also became a lifelong career man as a distributor fo r the Los Angel~ Times. Prior to that, he was offered a player's position with the pro Hollywood Bears, but turned it down. The dreadful war spelled numerous setbacks for Harbor gridders. Fi tzpatrick was k.ilJed by Japanese fighter pilolo; whtle parachuting over L.eyte, Philippines in December of '44. Sheflin, a deck gunner, was blown off his ship and suffered a lung mjury. Muniz wru. wounded on the island of Okinawa. After the war. Sheflln playl-d on a limited bases with Sana Ana, while Munil wenl on ICl play four yean. at ArV.onJ ~1atl' and was once voted to a IJlllc All-Amenta team. I le wa ... offered a po:.1uon with the pro New York (,tants, but dechrwd due 10 le.nee in1wies suc;ta111c<l in college. Pickens was drnwn into thl' Navy a:. a physical iru.truct1011 officer. I le WCI!> released ;tftt·r the war and returned to coachmg at I !arbor High In 1948, he accepted the po'>t of athletic dirl'Clor at Ornnge Coast College. MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Vanguard's best intentions I Deep and talented Lions may prove be the top team in p rogram's history. Bury Faulkner Daily Pilot CX>STA MF.SA -Bigger is not only better, it may mean che best season ever for the Vanguard University men's cross country program this fall. Coach Bryan Wt.lkins enters his 16th season at the helm with a deep, tal- ented and ex- perienced ros- ter, boasting an all-time high 1 O athletes. Wil- kins also brings some lofty ex- pectations into the sea.son-open- lng Cal State Fullerton Invitational Aug. 30. "This is the biggest group I've ever had and I think It has the potential to be as good or better than the last two teams we bad qualify for (NAJAJ nationals (1994 and '9SJ: Wilkins said. Senior Tony Magana. the No. I runner a year ago, returns, as do the remainder of last year's top three: senior Mike Larsson and sophomore Matt Meyer. In addi- tion. senior Robbie Jones. the No. l runner for the Uons ln 2001, is back after sitting out last ran with a hamstring Injury. L Junior Erick Garcia. who quall· J'led for the Community College . . RIEtlONS °"'* Amllen Fr. Alu C.-0 Fr. &tc*Gela. Jr. Robbie-'°'* Sr. ~~ Sr. Tonv Meglne Sr. ..._Merer So. Jahn~ Jr. Zld'I PoMlt Ft. °"""" ~ Fr. c:..oh: Btyen Wllldns, 18th veer state championships last sea.son at Santa Ana College. is another athlete with prime potentiaJ, as is freshman Derek Arnesen, who starred at John Jay High in Poughkeepsie. N.Y. Junior John Nelson, the No. 5 runner on last year's SflU&d, is also bad. giving Wilkins enough ammunltJon to battle the elite teams in the Golden State Ath- letic Conference. ·1 would say by the end of the season, our top six guys will all be running 25 minutes or pos· sibly 26 minutes for 8K. • Willdns said. "last year, we only had three guys under 27:00. I think this team bas the talent to quali- fy for the nationals, where we ha- ven't been since 1995." Magana. a product of &tancia HJgb and Orange Coast College. sat out the track season last spring, after earning All·Amer1- can honors by finlshing sixth ln the 10,000 meters at nationals in 2002. His best 81( time ls 25:32. He was All-GSAC and competed at the NAIA cro s country na- tionals lru.t fall. Jon~. whose harn~tring injury took six months to heal. talcing him out of cross country compt·- tition lac;t fall, is still trying to re- gain hie; top form. Ru1 Wilkins believet. Jones should malce srrong progress throughou t t.hJ5 seawn and eventually challenge for the top spot on the team. He clocked a 26:04 over BK in 200 I . "lie has a little ground 10 maJce up, but he seems to be pretty healthy and he has the taJ- ent. • Wtlk.ins said. Larsson. an All-GSAC per- former in 2002, ran a sea..c;on- best 26:04 last fall, while Meyer posted a best of 26:30 last sea- son. Meyer followed up his debut cross country season with a strong freshman campaign in track.. lie was seventh in the 1,500 at nationals last sp rin g. Willdns said. Garcia's best was 26:05 at Santa Ana. while Arnesen went 17;<>8 over SK as a prep. Freshmen Alex Castro (Callfor- nJa High in Whittier). Zach Pow- ell (Cosla Mesa High) and Dustin Wtlliams (Kamehameha High in Hawaii), round out the roster. "We have several guys who could qualify as individuals for nationals, but we want to qualify as a team,· Wilkins said. "We were fourth in the GSAC last year. but J think we have a chance to finish in the top two this year. Azusa Pacific won it last year and it's the team to beat again.~ · Thu 11V11t-t.r•l'ltUwJ11 ..ioo J MLJ 50 SUV rs fu.n1tl fl« h·J and www\11 J11r "'* f J\ I 1 < .hr11111. ~"lied.~. · Bo"' NtJ"J m/11 •c;9 r.opu<·n1 •. "" "" I 1 '' ,,, ri .-.:J Twrl ~ ., M:<Ulll\ l'I I \j • ..,.., ""I " r. t 11 lri\'I: utl '" rr.Jc; t<1u11\ ;1 ~ • 4 I 'I r ,,,,, 1 '""""'klll.~ ~ 20/nu 1tr K. S.Z511111 i1 .. ,,J,1t• \111 .~. 1, ('\\ /, .. , ...... ,, [l,'~•ll { \d11 II I /11 '· ( , I l\.i' \'t't c:an rm[,,., ... l"lltCM'C' '" t.·a\c: [I nu.d '>HUY • ''"'I reqwrcm.mt.\ \X l llu1.,. 1 11 m •·I ( -( hH to choosit from . But yrn1h'm.1 hu"l (.;r 1.Jm frrt'llf"- .ioo3 C:i40 \t-""11 l I I \1mnr .. "f 84 Sabxday, August 23, 2003 Jon o..n . b111bell Chrte ..... -b ..... CMfle Appell -croa COUMry 0-'g Fertig -footbeU Art flWly -iolf 5-Oenehew -toclC8f' John C.,rpenter-swimmlng R8dW de lo8 Santos -tennis Steve Crenehaw and Cherfie APP-It -tnlc:J( and fleld Trecey Heims -volleyball Jotln Carpenter -water polo Steve Perez -wrestfing EAGLES Continued from B 1 little more sense of accomplish- ment, a lime more sense of pride." lf Parse! can get Fertig and Green to stick around like some of Lhe other veteran coaches a1 Estancia, Lhat shouJd help too. While Fertig is a walk on coach and will remain such, Green is finishing his teaching credential. OnJy one other coach. volleyball's Tracey Heims. who teach~ at La Quinta. doel> not work on campus. "We have a good percentage of coache-. on campus, as high as it has been at any time in the laM 10 yeaTh," P-dI'Sel said. ·------. ---. -----.....,.--·:--------·----·--. ........ ----...... -...... SPORTS • I --The on-campus coaches have plen1y of experience behind I.hem. Ularlie ApeU h~ built the cro~ country program inio a yearly contender and has ·track and field coach Steve Crenshaw lead the Eagles to a league cham- pionship last season. DON LEACH /DAILY PllOl Estancia High boys athletic director Tim Parsel, shown here on the newly painted gymnasium floor, looks forward to more Eagles' success in the 2003-04 school year. Crenl.haw, who coaches the boyi. soccer team. hru. been an on-campul> teacher for more Lhan five years now. Water polo and swimming coach John Car- penter is a longtime teacher, with 20 years of experience be- hind him. Golf Coach Art Perry hru. also been the school's activ- ities director for many years and 1ennis coach Rachel del lo San- tos, who also coaches the girls team. is o~campus. Basketball We COJ1 ch011ge the way you play ba!IJ<etball by changing your body By mcreosing your qulcJt.ness and vertical leaping obi/tty, you'll score more point• and pull down I more boards. WJJO Wl:ARE At Velocity Spons Pertorrnance. our prole.sirtonally cerriffed coaches deliver sdentilically proven tralnmg prOflTfllllS m rrate-ot-the-ort tactlrtles. We Will Improve your athletic performance CALL NOW TO ENROLL 949-381-1333 Coach Otris Sorce b entering his third sea.son. "Our principal has been very supportive of trying to hire peo- ple on campus." Parse! said. "The more continuity you have. the more bUCCe!>l> you're going to have." ff Fertig and Green can stick. it wouJd end the carousel in foot- ball and baseball. Ferug is the fourth head coach for 1he Eaglei; football team since 1997 and Green is Lhe fifth baseball coach the school h~ had in the last I 0 seasons. A<o Lhe l:.agles enter their sec- ond year in the Golden West BRIEFLY League, Lhey'll be looking for those two coaches to add not onJy to their continuity, but 10 their growing reputation as a <ochool where athletes can prol> per. U Cl's Pelzel producing at World University Games Anteater vo ll eyball star helps U.S . men defeat Canadian team in five games. The U.S. leadb tll> bracke1 with four point'> while Canada, Denmark and the Nethcrlandl> each have three. fean1 USA i~ scheduJed to face Denman to- day. 1he Netherlands Monday and South Korea Tuesday be- Jimmy Pelzel, a UC Irvine fore I.he playoff'> begin Thurs· senior, slammed eight kills for day. the U.S. men'-; volleyball Learn lWo olher local athletes wiJI in its five-game victory over compete in the game-.. IJCI jun- Canada Friday in its l>t'Cond ior Rick Merlo and the reM of match of the World University . the U.S. men') water polo team Games in D~egu, South Korea. will face Greece today in Lhc Team USA had to rally from a opening round. Merlo scored 2-I deficit in games to win. 25-15 goals for the Anteaters last 27, 25·22. 21-25, 25-28, 15-13. fall. its second straight victory to Nicole Mackey. a Newport begin play in Grou p B. one of I larbor I hgh graduate who will the even's four brackets. enter her fr~unan year at the Pel7..el, a first-team AJJ-Ameri-University of I lawau. will com- can for the Anteaters last sea-pele III the 200-meter individual son, added one block and had medley III the swimming com- two service aces. petition, beginning Sunday. The U.S. rallied from a 2-0 deficit to earn a 23-25, 24-26. 25-19, 25-20, 27-25 win over Ukraine in its first game of the tournament Thursday. Pelzel tallied two kills, Lhree blocks and two service aces. Parada aids victory Adam Parada. a 7-foot cen- ter who will be a senior at UC Irvine I.his fall, scored three points as Mexico defeated Uruguay. 80-68, F'riday in pre- liminary-round action of the Americas Olympic qualifying tournament at the Roberto Oemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Parada made his only field- goal a11empt and was I of 2 from 1he free-throw line in 13 minutes of action. The sec- ond-team All -Big West Confer- ence . honoree also grabbed three rebounds. Mexico led. 39-37. after two quarters before outscoring Uruguay by 10 points in the fi - nal two periods. Mexico. 2·0 in Group A play, faces Puerto Rico at 4:30 p.m. today and will play Canada at 11:30 a.m. Sunday to complete the opening round. The 10 teams in the opening phase of the tournament are divided into groups A and 8, with round-robin play occur- ring in each. The United States, which features a coUec- tion of NBA all-stars, is in Group B. The top fou r teams from each of the two group!> will move on to the becond round beginning Monday. VU alumni contests Vanguard University will hold alumni contests 111 women's volleyball. men's soc- cer and women's '>OCcer today. The volleyball match is scheduJed for noon at the Pit, with Coach Erilli GuJbranson's Lions taldng on former Van- guard players, who, along with their families, will be created 10 a barbecue after the match. Men's soccer coach Randy Dodge. a Vanguard alumnus, will compe te against his squad in I.he 7 p.m. clash against for- mer Lions. The men's soccer game will follow I.he women's alumni soccer game, scheduled for 5 p.m on the renovated Van · guard soccer field. Admission to all alumni contests is free and alumni are encouraged to compete in their re peclive sports. WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Vanguard awaits command decision Lions' fate may rest on whether HaJI elects to compete. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot absence would be a severe blow Lo a program trying to improve upon last year's seventh-place finish in the GSAC. "If Sarah doesn't run, that will hurt," saJd Willdns, who, with ·Hall on board, wouJd welcome the top 6ve runners back from COSTA MESA -The ability of last year's squad. the Vanguard University "I think we have potential to women's cross country team to be stronger than last year, with joln the upper class of the Gol-our top five women back and the den State Athletic Conference couple of newcomer& we've may be compromised by a "Hall added to the mix." said WdJd.n.s, pass" this fall. entering his 16th season at the Senior Sarah behn. Hall, with only HaD earned NAIA All-Ameri- ooe eeinester of can honors ln lr8clc and fteld last collegiate ell· aprin.g. when lhe rewrote the glbl1Jty remain· echoo1 dJlwlce record book. She in& must de· had a team-bett time of 18:46 ln . clde whether to the SIC lut fall · .pend it on the upc:x>m.IQg ttOM •5u1b bed a ~ counuy campaign or MW It for · ttlld: ...,.. • )W wl lbe the track and field season In the could do eonv pn:ay incndlJle IP'fn8. thbwl. , Ilia track next 9Prin1J, • JHEUONS . "She'll decide by the laeason- openlng Cal State Pullerton lnvi- tadonal. ICheduJed Aug. 30J," be llkL lf +taD doesn\ compete, it will increase the load carrled by jun- ior retumen Jenny Thune and LmHulpe.. son was 18:50, while Huipe, a product of F.stancta Higb and Orange Coast College, clocked a season-best 19:30 last fall. Junior Bridget Lonsdale. I.he No. 4 runner last season (wilh a season-best 21 :18), could be a blg surprise this year, Willdns aald. . "I think she Is, going to Im· prowl tremendously,. WUkins said. •She WU quite 8 ways be- hind the top three last year, but I th1nk she's going to close the gap." Sophomore c.ame Mcintyre WU the No. S runner lut aeuon, when lhe polled • 5X best of 22!26. Uons c.o.ch Bryan Wilkins .wu.lnatlld. •tlbochlnkehebat aakl ThUQday It WU a 50 50 beeli betdlns a Utde faGpe OV9I' ,......_ ..... , ... ,,,. ..._. ... ,.,.,,.., proposttJon and that he would Che...,.. md n'I d noc '"--. • uia..-,........ •,..,. ~ ....... -.... auppon her choice, ettbei' I~ iald on wbither or not lbe -s..&w.iutb•,mr• "'realon.,.,.. ....... Jenny-2111 and Lia Ml 23rd," Wl1k1na llAd. ·1 tblnk aD three~ an HClienl lhot at beUil ID-l'elfioe lift lbe M» 10 • ~ ff they pUt la •Oll!hK Wllldm bilWwel Dewa>med ClylCOI McDonald.. • Junior traDlfs hm Loi~ Soulb- A mm o• ... ••t on a . 11111 Je•""lil laloll:. 61111hmtn ourofMll hf¥1a91D om. could help the Ualli era lhe '°' 1ve 1n ihe coa11r-..,.. ..., Wiiia; • hehcMn OUl GI Mat .. rouDdl OUI tbl . ~~~!"""'---~-......,.._....._._ ... __ ..._ __ ......__,_ WIWna. bowewr,~tted ,:;t lhollkl run, ... tall!. ..... 'Ibey .. haw cha .... .. 11u>e\.,... .......... -- • ·= ·-a • a ft Daily PllOt a..n••atr" ...... t1 ... ·• ...,.,w.-4, ..... ,.. .... ..-c01111Sa All9A .......... s.,.-. '-4, 2003. 6:30,.. I SUBJECT Flemln&'l P rime Steah house (PA2003 182) 4!15 N1wpo1 t Center Drive SUMMARY' Request for a UH Perrnit pursu•nt to th• Alcoholic Bever aae Outlet (ABO) 01d1 nance to euthome the nle of alcoholic bever •au for on sott con sumption (Type 47 beer wine ' sporob) wolhtn an e apanded u ea at an e K1stin1 r estaura n t within f u h Ion Island AP P LICATION Use Permrt No 2003 028 CC QA COMPLIANCE Th" P•oiec:t hu bun rev .. wed and II hn bt~in c<1t1eo11cally tompt under tht 1equ11ements of the Calofo<noa £nv1· ronmtntal Quality Act under Class I (Monor Alter •hon ol Ea1slln1 Structu11s) 2 SUBJECT Autort 11sodence (PA2003· l 1$) 2204 West OcHn front SUMMARY Request to enclose an open sta11 way un •n u1ston1 non ~onlor m1niz, multiple family r es1der1t11 I structure located within a c.ommerc1al dosttoct AP PLICATION UH Perrnrt No 2003 019 CEQA COMPLIANCE Thrs pro1ect hn been reviewed and II has been determrned that 1t Is cateeo11cally uempt under the rtQuoremenls ot the Cahtorn11 Envo ronmenlal Quality Act unde• Class 1 (Minor alter•t1on of u 1stm1 Policy Ratei. and deadlines are subject to change without notic:e. The pubLisher rescrvel> the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any classified advcn1~cmen1. Ple:l!>e n:pon any error that may be tn your cla,sified ad 1mmed1ately. The Daily Pi lot accepll> no hab1hty for any error in an advcna~mcnt for ~h1ch 11 may be re'>pon~1ble except for th~ cost of the '>pace actuaJI)' occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fint tn l>t'nton. ANNOUNClMINTS [q ] & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANQAL 1419 230S-2490 Collldtbles/ Memcnbtlla 1160 Allctions Amerrca n Mol orcycle ~ (Olil.Wld ~) l.tte 411'1.. 6 y-\ al ~pr&() .. , ~ Cooew~.P, ot member wearrne -~ ~acsed um ""ViOO 714-!>31 JD) TO, SS 4 •1co•os n c -'tzz. ~. (le S(h & 8h .Ill Allet Scll<t tuble •ffillS Mokt 949 64~ 7505 fQIJAl ltOUSltG °"°'1lllTY All real estate adver t1\1nc tn th11 new,p1per 1\ sub1ut to lht Feder al F aor HOU\lnl ACI ol 1968 1s amended whrt h m11ku 1t 11teea1 lo ad•ertose ·any prefer ant e f1m1 lat1on or d1,crom1n1tM>n bned on u1re color relrcron th handllap tamohal tlatus or nalronal orr&on or an rnltnlton to make any •uth preference hmota hon or dl\t11m1n11ton • Thi\ newspape1 woll not i.now1n&ly atctpl 1ny adver ltnmenl for reel utatt whKh Is In v1011t1on of the ltw Our readers t r• hereby rntormed that ell dwell· m11 1dv11 hs•d in this newspaper are avtllable on an equal opportunity burs To complain of d••· C11m1nat1on call HUO toll free at I 800 42• 8S90 ... WANTED QUES Ol<l.f Sty'4.F11rniture PIANOS & C.olloctJbles ·~~· .. _......... •!i.· ............... O'lic:.,~ $S CASH PAID $$ or-.,.._ • .,....,..~ WE BUY !STAT!.S • ~at• ~ 'f \e"YlC9 "WI PlY MOM t FUTUI" ~ ~~~:~l!~~.~~.~~~1 I .· .•. 1,,, ..... A'lil>"' I ,,. , ...... .,, ...... All 1 J'1' ••• l . ;:MM922e soumcgAsT AUCTJ N imto. ..... lt. ..... AM. CA 12707 ..... 6 l --~· .. ,; 1419 • • ~T S 12. Ui Cc*ltrYod. bb " ~ .nl d!slilJw dlh'& • 8Bll ~ ctws.. .... d*tws boDa. Milli ,.. dJll. aaat11111C. S•U your Car In CUa..1({1,d J structu111) 3. SU8J£C1 MIUlf Moo·s Ic e Cr••m (PA2003 140) J02 M.arine A~enu1 the approot ol a Use Permit by th• Plann1n1 Director per m1ll1n1 th• tslabhshment of a t1kl out H rvlee, lomrted food uu spec1al111n1 In the H ie of ice crum and deserts APPLICATION· Use Ptrmit No 2003·020 C£QA COMPLIANCE lhlS pro1ect h•s been reviewed, and ol hn been determined that 11 1s c;ateao11cally 1umpl uneler the r1qu1remeni. of the California Envl r1Jnmtntal Qu1llly Act undtr Clan I ([•lstona f at1l11ies). Published Newport Be.ch Co1t1 Mei• Daily P rlot Aue ust 23, 2003 Sa47!1 SEU your unwanted rtems lhrou&h class1fl•d Nttwotk B} loi n AdvoClt U 28241 Cr own Velley Peri.way •492. L•aun• Nitu•I, Cahforn1a 92677 Wilha m Ry•n As h worth. 680 Wo t Main Slteet, l ustin Cehlorma 927 IJC) 8500 lym1n J Bllhop 2S601 f.I Outt L•eun• Noauel, Cahtorn11 92677 This busoneu 1s con ducted by a 11encnl 1111 tner shrp Have you \tarted d1J1n¥ business yet? Yu 08/01/2003 William R AsHwotth This ltltemenl WH filed w1lh th• County Clerk of Or nnae County on 08101103 200H9SJS78 Oarly P~ot Aue 2 9 16 23. 2003 S••6 2 S .tl your Car in Cla n ifi,d ! Groll 880 Monro ... Cost• Meu CA 92621 R1ul [nL~tprrsH C-Ot porat1on (CA). 1880 Motw1v1 Costa ~ •. CA 92627 Jh1s business " con· ducted by • corporation H•vt you star led tlo1n11 bus1neu yet• Vu. 071 05/2003 Raul [nt~rp11su. Cor porat oon. Raul ( Moreno Owner fh1s staternenl wu toled woth the CO.\i!fY Clerk ot Oranae C.y 01107/)0/03 200S69SS)t7 Oaofy Pilot Aue 2 · 9. 16 23 2003 Sa461 fldltiM .... •s....... 1 h• followone per wns are doone business as Newport Needlepoint. 17t9 Westclott. Newport 2MO llplMoelca Saturday, Auaust 23. 2003 85 2MO -l.lp-, .... ----2MO-Llpl Motlctt 2MO Buch. CA 92660 Wtiolesalt Plfty Oec0< Inc (CA) I()()') Br M>so Drove. Costa Ml!U CA 92627 ducted by • corpoutron H•ve you started dorn1 busmen yet' No Wholesale P11ty Decor Inc , Peuy P Orlando President This st•lemenl w.s t.led •nth the Counly Clerk of Oran11e County on 08/20/03 200S69SU74 Daily Pilot Au& ?l 30 Sept 6 13, 2003 Sa472 Published Ht•port Have you started dome Bea<.h Costa Meu D•llY busrneu t•t' Ho Pilot "ucust 9. 16 23 V•rt0lrn1 t~ RKhard 2003 S•463 A r rnn. V1e1 Prtsr<Mtnt lilfd wrlh th~ County Clerk uf Oran&e County on08 70/03 200S69UUI D11ly Pilot Aue 2J JO s.,1 5, I~ aQG.J 5-472 llOTICI Of APPWTIOll TO S81 AlCOllOUC IMUGIS hhtf ........... J.17r2003 Io Wh1lm II May l:Olllern the Namelu of lhc "pplll <lllt(S) IS •r~ lPllZA CORP The •PPlototnh hst•d lhe followmc per)ons above are apply11111 lo are dorn& busonen a\ lhr DtP••lmenl o t VARLINK . INC 180 Altoholoc lhver611• Newport Cen ter Or · Cuntrot lo sell allohol11 •180. Newport Buch bever1&H al 19!1~ C.A 92660 PACIFIC COA!> T HWY Varoof111e Inc (CAI, NEWPORl BrACH CA 180 Newport Center Or 976!>7 •180, Newport Beath l ype ol l•l ense< \ 1 CA 92660 Applotd for 41 ON Th" busrnes\ " tun SAll BH R ANO WINI ducted by a corpot•h<>n E..ATINC PLAC( Mtll Circle Hunltnrton Buell Cahfor nre 9264/ Mmes Oun<.•n Cato wall 17321 Mill C1ttlc Hufllm1ton Bu~h C•lr I h1\ tu\.lnf"\\ 1• r,n dut t•d tit an 1nd1w10v4 H•'Jt fOU ._, .. ,,,0 d01ll,..: bu\rn.-\ 1el > Nt. I •ur11Jro11 U fhtl st•temer•I #O 111•0 wrth th• (,uurtl ) C .. rk 111 0. •nc~ C.ount r un 08 06 OJ How to Place A ___ Dead lint\~ --- CLASSIFrn AD Bv Fux (9491 6~ l-6'i94 1 Pk.oc tnduJc ' 1ur t..Uhc .ut1.J rl\<>llt' numi..r .mJ ,. < r ' 11 H.Y ~ .. ~1lh .1 J'fU.C' "tW•tlC' lell.'phom: 8 lOam 'dlOpm ~onda)-FndJ) Bv Phone c<i4916-12-567l! I lours Ind ex BY \lail/ln Per~on: ''0 "'C\I Bc1}' StfCl.'l ( O\tJ Ml.',.t. CA 9162., \t ,~ . .,.. p.m Bh J & BJ) '>1 \\.ti~ In ll 'UJJTI 'i OOplll ~1ondo> Fm.I.I> ~ 7402·7466 . h1d..t) 'i OOpm Tue ... da~ \1ond41) 5:00pm .Tut•,da)' ".OUpm Thur ... J..1\ FnJ..i~ S..iturd..i~ I nJJ, ~ CK 1pm Sund..i~ J nJ..i~ '(Hlpm U ndcr the Service Directory Banner L ESTATE R SALE _, 500S-Sl50 1419 APPUAHCES 3050 Mobile Home Palb ........... ~w. Sat, .... , r """16 e Xmon deeor*>n\. clohs ~ ~ ~ & ITICf'e' 420 Serr11 Or Corona ~ ~ ~W.J~el tr-t!S. dtshes. fl.rM\H, spot\. aoar elc Sal 9 'l 717 Poppt CdM (on alley) Genetal Announcements 1610 """•'• Dudi HUftlln9 Clv" "ppr o • I ht fr om Newpcnrl Beach E llCel lent huntrn& ad1,.cent to state waterfowl retuae owner5h1p 1ntere\t & 41ppro1 JI!> ures ot ltnd & improvements .. your o wn camp compound w structure itnd 2 trarlers Wonderlul r11 n11ht BBQ s & wrn e tastrna durini dut l>, r.u wn • m•nt e•lrn• lduf tor 2 h rends Of lather & son Call Mike al 310 St! 0854 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Newport Cott09e 211r 2 .. a. 2001 S1lveru nt M1nutn to beach Cor ner lot f p de•" w d Mup Affordable sp•ce rent f 1nanc1na av•1lable 714 212 0213 Plot.-Iv m!oi c-•• Coln Neod1 Office for loote Old Corn•' Gold silver. Approumalely 400st 170 iewelly, w•lches antiques E 17th Strut 'ollectrblu 949 642 9448 Costa Mesa 949 '66·6b23 3610 :zoo+. K1TTBCS, a rs. oocs WWW~Oti F a5'\IOn b.ln1 hWlf S(JK trum ~~TH CUARNm1 9'9-614-'lZ19 Sp.y mommo cat ~ lo' ~ 9&817 66.12 Pet Adoptions 0-Shotlhrth •II colon all "'" for •doptron to qu1hf1ed homes w-IS'tt<Ue o<& °' cell 714 113 S91 ~ HOMES FOR SAlf ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula UJ8 aOSEOUTI PIKl llD4JCD FOi Otn SAU otl Y 1 UJT OPEN SAT I 4 4915 Rover Ave l b! 3ba Wu S82S.OOO Now $799000 fhe Saywrtz Co 949-930·7!>28 AHTlQUES MISCEWNEOUS ~Wlfllld 3025 MERCHANDISE CASH Joa ,.OTTIRY Bauer. C•l•llna. Rooll· wood Lul>,ens etc ~~~13t3 Mlalllneoa Mttdllndtse Oc-View srn1lt slOfy 2br • de" on veenbelt 241hr Caurd 11te. comm pool ' tennrs "•' .loan Burke 949 1S9·93 I 4 fO• SAU IY OWNER ClrTJ!rJ 9wns tbnl l8T Ooso -. i.,,.. -~ ~ lri/ 9&}11)()110. D,IN SUN 1-S I069 C_.e..-... Av1 Canyon Pari. 3br r1tn0d home hdwd fin. ulra perktfll for RY or boil $469.900 Mary Fewel Rt/Mu 949-646 9670 H77V-tt..Dr 5bf lb1 3020sf . 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I ~A"'4 91 Sl~ 714.~~ '14-"4&1/fb PROPERTY 0<.un ., • ., l .vel, I l9• ll r It o 11n1t • FOR SALE \lory 2Br lB• • d~n ou•~I P~ ·~\via Pooot Ip all._h 2 a• i •' ·I No •m• 1>•' Sl')IO 11 • ·n-~-·rt-0.....--....,----J •'Urlya•d tnlry omm ultl 949 :>9! 4'>31 U1JK , '""""J 5960 pool Small ~I • S34'.>0 ---------mo "'Iron M2m1 HIGH OlSHT 887 7Cl' 86'9 , Cl' Chonnl"ll 21r I l a A,•1 Now p, I Sch !Oliff .AtUl1ll Cl dC Si'lo J;8 ... ' ~ -IO!tl>. & -,_ ' tk """" ,.. CJb-D>~~ MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 I watei ~ rt ~ llM-4br l 5b• &O<PKOU\ \Intl SJ')')()m 1 \# 94'l II!' ,4 • lam houu .rppru • ')l()(Xt 4 fp s pool spa H I WPOttT HEIGHTS qu1el l ul de sac $7000 , , mu •ii 949 8'>7 16b0 C..,tt•e• .br lb• D Mwd flt\ I?~' •'"A' pl,'t f" Costa Mesa s 1900 me <14~ "4 •4AA 2' COttMO•ANT Ct• •NI )( -lrg mcnler /"• 3br 2 Sba detach horn• SS?Om • 1 1 utol \ • d!ll 1• & 2lk do>t home l I 1200.t, '2tr 2to , ra to beadi va.A <:e*" I Be.lcon Bav lull •I , r stoYe. Irie, ctol 1~ mor~ bait. •t~ I• ll<h l>o"" '"' $85()n I br & S 11 IOm lbr SI 9'JOm 'f' ;y 't4<j 'H> '1'PP totally remod 11i.e new' IJ()()l liC>i w d c..vport $939 000 K•ren .~th t~il "' \ml< pet 133 ( 16th St Ask tor Soec1a1 949 548 2421 Ersenber118i.r En•Ort 1 avaol 9 l 949 '.>48 1818 Pr op 949 721 0783 lovely Gated Com(flunily IBr lBa Apt w P•t &at f11c wal~ to Tri SQuut S895 mo Wal•• tr"" paid Kleon Manaiemenl 877 704 86(9 [ t I 9200 -------, ... 5hn Qsw1 ~ SAT & SUN t-S ?· 2 hnmt l bl~ to b1y 201 TUSTIN AVI m1r>n1 Yd Ip pool $69'.> JBr 'ZBa Spectacular • ulll a~ 949 613 6~5 .,~ .. x l•a '"' & •oom tor e.pan\1on b.11\ Ale.or> """9 49 6•6 2011 or 949 683 8911 •e..,odelod Sitt 2t.o wrlh l•bulous w•ler voew New wup around patio ~ S.t & Sun I 5 208 TUSTIN AVE. .loan "ll1son B~r 949-6e6-2Dt l 9&683.ml l Newpert Helehto II 339 c ... tahna Or Open Sal/Sun I 5 Ocean Catalina Views Oour Clark CIU$1C Ru lt y 949 6)6-1995 3br 2ba Patll lrdo townhouse, nr Hoaa pato 2 c I "' ec pool $1~949-293-4630 3b r l ba Park lido townhouse n1 Ho•& pato. 2 c c•• ac pool $1995949 293 4630 HAHotl V1IW NOMIS 4bl 1'/rt>1, larp lot near Khoot (949) 640 5664 ,..,mans Pl'9Cll meall MnotlW91UIA ......... ,. . ._.,..,......_,_ PESiOCW •Al.. qp f' A.. S 2Br 28a lower unit pair J la undry I car &•••ii" Aaenl $1 17!> m ORANGE 7400 9'9 293 '630 COUNTY I Trlr•• 21tr lite, quirt Balboa Island IO< l•undry room \1nilt ---------aar•c• Sl200 mo 376 c 2 "-" tr-l>ey. 16th St 949 !>48 1511 Abo>• i., 6()(At Quttl G•OUND ROOll 2br lb1 y11y $1250 mo No l JOO ~qft ,. incl ear fm-'pel 949 675 2256 n•" carpel St2'j()and A -lltr ,.._ W eel. up 949 51!> 4881 AJ(:. w/d 1111. 1TI1Cro d. w. r ............ _ a.-2b 1"11 ap(/pslt. ~ ~ __.. $1~" ~T.UIB lbt tncxl yd 2< .ct p Ml th Sl'.llOii n:t ad wtr no smk!pet 949-642-4~ (l-WINTIR RlNlAlSu delu1e 2 ' Jb1·s furn, rncl a•r w/d. Avail now No pets 949 645 ~ * HYftONT llOG * Unbn ~ reb boll* lbr !bl -f 11. rm1 ard. vny • m rm STl'5 TO O<IAN & ,...._ tbr Iba yearly SI 100/mo Aeent Shaton Swanson 949-71S·t!ll9 •oclAJt & HY VllWS• IL .. 9. .b. 2111. ..., ""' • Uy,.,.llll/d, .... " bbq ram ~7§19 I Side Rivi-To..._, 31H 'l !Iba custom re· mod lovrm Ip sunroom pool, sp•. tennis. avail 9 l $2195/mo •et Donald Platt. Coldwell 8anllH 949·133 601• l 'tldo Tr ... 11 Ar, ft.-. Fp d/w. ~11ndry room. tented yard. no pell, 12200/mo 94~7J63 ~41rlh4". d1n>n1foom. fenced yiwd. 2 c 111 .12300'mo (!M9) ~2861 2tr 210 Sl"9I• l•v•I unit# i•l~d umn, ,,, I r &~• 1 attach•d ,. 1 1 tho& ht1ht & b"~M ,2000 "'" 949 blfCl 7011< Hntport Hel9t.fl tF 28• •'if' ··~ 'f J~•" ? r 11r i3'•i~ a: ... 1 >s I S ~400 mn 949 1~9 II I (. 0\1 \.1l Tl ... ., ...... -··=------~ ............ , =·· ........ _ ....... ._ !llNteft'• ..... ,....., ................ OClAH WWI .. , ',....,.,..Y"' .. t7• .,,,,,,,. • JIL t .. .. """ '-w S."t f MO A••• <; >& 41' .,...,., -........, . , ! b h .,,.. lt'Ji .. t I "W.,. f"1 V.t\tlo"'" a Q,t" ir;t '-It ~ \t.tlf1it-ii.:.. u..1• ~J" ... t '>j, •,mk ,~1 ~. '1 I ~r, .... , I& i.t "h HIW,ORT HftGHTS 't .. 4' Rt11 t\ft S. ,..., • m 90 U'I •700 ti• • It ~ "' l •'' """ .,, ~-t s 'f)'> i4't . .,. 41 ~ f ., l•ou l l r 7'/•l o H~• I>' vale cul 0. U• no<t yatd g1ut ''.o<allO Si"ho m" 4'«; 4 ,.., 0017 Horltot View H-•• .18• .?ll• ••,.. 1>,1oae1 J JilOO"' A.,1IJble 9 1 "l' "'" 1'>9 37'lft Pl '' • W lRI \1URL k": a lluru. 86 Saturday, August 23, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 lllec:NeNnlllullw s Vinlmll amount 9 lnvtnlOf •3~ 14 auan 15 Pepetteu •111111• 17 ToCstoy twome 18 Gemblor's towr 19 Blockbu81et 20 Sweeper'• need 22 t.«ake • •aoe 24 Hodoola rt 2b Got berutr 26 "1911-4" llllh<Y 29 Duos 31 Sparcl•111 aoom'Tl80t 32 Judge·s aHlrc 3:J fork OVltf 36 Here 58 Construct 69 FOO'l'll O!'C 1 61 Jftn St111n i-lllller 62 Ponab'e i'IOlne IS3 Bulle< 1UOll1MI 64 trmated 56 Sunset co~ 66 Mend • 90Ci< '• IOI tl7 T oboggAfl' DOWN 1 --no.ooa·· 2 Restlll.4rant l!<V'<IOul 3 ColnM 4 Spniod hboro ly s Halla 1oca1e 6 Bue>< -o' •HN H•w" 7 Metal In plWler 8 Thn illO fol mons;eu' 3f SpeM:ttleSS 40 t.lep abl:>< 9 More OP'Y tO·Fragrance5 tl Ot shps 3? Sourdo119t<'e :iO Cf1n~led ta0<1u 51 -maid 41 Ear1h s siar 42 Jom !Of Ce~ 43 "Thi! Ho luw 12 Cu· Ille cal.e 18 Pod cont€1'•' 21 Rice d1sn 33 g':i':ure 53 Engine COVOI !>!> f Iv 8 to ..ome 56 lrtlla11Ci Men OOCI 45 ~ nancLal :>3 Ce1m11r1 11ve1 28 Soul smger Reddng i1 Little Caesa' 34 S•t1"P ~ke - -35 8 gloot's roJSltl 38 Makes Sllo<o 39 Stvie 4~ Unruy 5 7 0uh;Sh Ot cal1ll I 60 1)11111 ~I '8$0\.UCeS 4S ProtcetO<I, • 1 Shri'T1p d1,./i 48 Clllrb fCl8 as a yard 48 Weds s 1 Kmy s comment 52 Mel<e llhme 28 Mourpfu1 cry 29 COol places 30 Tw ~ted •1 Add Hawr 54 Vore prompt Newport Beach On The River < • 1 /S Condo lJuple• ~Jl'lOmu 3M U1Jg1d kll maible Ille. ~ar 3912 R1v.r Av" Chad 714 751 l787 • 280 JO Property Mri~t Inc 'IAYfRONT 4& Help In IClll'lle ~9 Mo<• ()lftfjn Seldom ovoil Granville Condo, gdl~d . g<11f c.our\e l•J\ cf11llm pool \pa ?k1 IE!• de11 S4!lCO mo Agt P~ul 'l49-644 7"ll!1 HAR80fl covt e'"'1•h>fl<li ~ 2 '>tJd pr 1v SP'! cnmm pool, id1"° $4000 Piuden~I Ca Riiy Al 9'19 nt-0137 VACATION RENTALS Vacation Rentals Exchange 7930 38 r ~~:a~h';'; )'l'iy Newport Coast Beaut Moul ICoonopoll Beach ocean front condo, ~The Wholern 2br 2bo penlhouu condo fr•• golf. lCubo, diving, f11hlng Incl. 626-297-6262 FANTASTIC VlfWlt 3br 2ba for lhe fuHIHt & petleu. r or lease l yedt ilf mo, t: $3995 open to olfer s SUN 1-S TROVARE 2b1 Zb• 2 < &M ga te11 community pool. dgl $7 300 949 293 4&J l TROVARE 2b1 2ba 2 1. &di. gate<! 1.ommumly pool. al{I S?300 949·?93 4631 Kent M cNou9hton 714-612-0006 I Private Tutoring 7990 TlAOiER of PIAHO ·a·,·1·d .. g·e ......................... ;~;••n11iiiii.~1~ .. iii• ............ -c..-. ........... Conv , 54at actual ml, By CHARLES GOREN books, r•cotd•. or11 with OMAR S,HARIF owner Hrl wht/red '..urtMITO WEEKLY BJUDGE QUIZ Q 1 • Both vylnerablc, you OOJd: •J 7 ' A94 ~ AKQ76 •AQ8 What Is your opening bid? The biddioa tw ~ NOlml bS1' SlOUT8 WEST 2•" ,._ ! .,... What ace.ion do you ta.Ice'/ Q 2 • Both vulnemblc, you hold: Q 5 • As South, vulnerable, you hold: • 8 3 Cl 9 5 J 10 6 J • K Q J 9 5 4 Punner op;m~ the bidding with lhree oo trump (25·27 poin~}. What do you re5pood '1 •J93 t>AK762 o 6J •KJ4 The bidding has orocccded: NORTH EA,li,T SOUl'H WEST Q 3 • A~ South. vulnerable. you hold: I• P-. 2CI i... h ,_ 1 Whut do you bid now? •8762 KQ105 743 6 8 3 Q 6 • Neither vulnerable, as South ~~~inc~r~~; WEST you hold: · I • l'a'.15 I PMss •95 •JIJ72 •J QJ763 •92 2N'I' l'as_, Whal :i..:1ion do you Ullcc:'' The biddin has' ded: WEST N~~ SOVTB Q 4 • ~l· Wc:~t vulnc:rJblc:, ~ South yoo hold: I• Dbl PM5 ! What do you bid now? • K 10 6 2 <:> 5 J 9 8 6 4 3 • 7 2 look for attm.'f!rt on Monday. Employment Wanted 8200 Prof'I couple, Ill b•JJ1d tn~ur~d 1 J mdnn.:e your Nrwp->1 t llch home ,,,.d or buat ta lied G•n~• al <:nntrdtlur & cert1f1ed P1 np Mng1 449·64? 1939 Employment 8500 loot dod1 uew wonted n PT Aµpl~ 111 J>tl\'ln 1801 8.;y,..<1t Or Corona del M.lr. Wed·S4t. lOa 2p lookkHper P /T for sm btis. aa1'! ~ir~t Pie!> & P'"''>'bl<-lu\Ufe construt'IV'>I' • • cg IM ht '"i work tu yuu r _.. to re:sume 94'HA? (ml flOlAl DlSIGNll 25 hrs a week. Must be fully experienced. COM. 949-644·1413 ,_ f'T ,.. deslgfl/ ISSll'ltbly of holdey cards and WMtatlooS, COlt1l ~ r~ Paula 949-721-5733 MUSIC POSITION et ptivate $diool. irM1eciate ~. S.12:.Jl. striq piano, conducting vocal skJlb a must. COOt dlnala yearly mus1ea1 p<odoctlon. c .. 7l 4-962.{j145 NURSIS IMMlDIATILYI atiA's. a.'s & ~ needed tor live-In/Hourly A.ctl-lt..itt.C•• or-.• Ceunty (714) SS7-221S OFFICE MANAGER Po,1t1on F /PT. personal tr aonrne: center COM Call Lisa 949·&75-328/ Automobiles 9000 1-..f Sdat\ S!lac:e dYH able for PT Hdr' DI-& JIQU8f Maocmst Gall fo1 det.a1ls -------- 949 631 1194 (st 30ya JAGOM 'aS lt.6 Series 3 llalhroom v• Captaii Sliver. •eal beauty, dream Cl.....-m 111 laile forest tCI drive, AC.. CO all l'lflW Creaf SU tor ttrter&ebc int $65CXl 949-67:S.8'755 i:>en011 sn .S!f>-0443 CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SAll! Automotive 9004 IMW'90 32SI like new Blk/tan 4 d1 auto. ac. sunrl, full pwr tint Ca smoe S3650 114·454· 1698 I MW S211 '99 Sport Waeon ~Int cond warranty, loaded $25.995 949·887·4644 I MW '91 Z3 c_,., auto white/Un lthr. CO. beautiful hke new cond $16.995 "59724 fin & w-.r avail Biii' 9$58& 1888 www.ec,e l.cern n..,; cand, 'stlll smells new, must•'" to ap· prec:lat• tttls rare cat that wlll •PPr"late In value, $14,994 vm7e56 Bkr. 949·586·1888 www • .,-1.c- ~'94 MllwY.tr.. 3.5 ~ 1 ·ownet, Ok aotuel ml. books. records, me(alllc tur- quoise/ten llltr, fully loaded,. 11111 ~4795 \1111667218 8kr Ull!8 -w.ecper.l.ce• c-.. ·•• zn c-. Y(ttt, 62k mi, new tires & ln'terlot no dioo SlQ.<XX> 949'645-9345 after !jpm <•r-tt• '19 Ceup• 1uto 60k+ ml, metallic red/tan lthr, $Uperb cond throuiltout, $9,995 Bil,r 949-586· 1888 -·Mpft'·'- Cerv•tt• •tt c • .,,. auto 60k+ ml, melllllc red/tin lthr. superb cond throupout, 59,995 Bkr 949-586-1888 ___ .,_.1.c- roao rxn.01na '" wttll•. 1 o'A(ner, 6 CO player, art cqnd. 6311 ml. $9850 949-644·8025 ............... c-. Icy!, aUU>, A/C, pb, pw, ps._ Ml·fm. c:ct whl cov•s l.1000 obo n+962 1447 ler4 ••s M ust••I Convertible,· or111n1l o"""· $Olid cer Sl9.995 obo 949-119·2943. le11cl lever 't • lon91 •o •e r While, fully loaded. all marnlen•nce rec, S16,900 949-887 0729 LUIA ES Dl Billlbll. books & rec flom le~us, ... . •ill cond, al or& l27k mi, $695() 949-YJ0.52!l? MllCIOIS I HZ SUO '03 Fully loaded, black on black. Perfect eond 3000 m1, $64.500 967'$-!ail a ~ .,.,....,.._.n ACA nid on black, low miles. tofpousl (l~l) • ~.- •-W IUI Silver •/black lthr' Steptronlc (\93871) $21,911> ,,lnoS.- Whlt• w/t.addle IHttt· er, moonroof (194&3) $17 .911>. OIJ••: sr,,.. Sea Green w/uddle tttw, 2IK ml, mooiVoof (19112) $29.911>. HMwcMNSU no Blue w/bl.adl, il•Y • sports pl\& (19416) $27,911>. H IMWUllS Red w/black lthr, 5spd '19470) $18.911> 011'wad.1w6o fiptton+c, only Jl!k milts, navaption ( 19394) INQUIRE Ht....OSM» Gold w/-'<lle IN!her. clvOITll wttetls {19418) S21.91ll OZ "9nd. GTZ Blacl< w/bblck only 100 miles ( 19697C) INQUIRE 01 M.rcetl.• QSOO Silver w/erey, navi· pt1on. only lfllc. mi (19545C) INQUIRE 00 l'ondt. •• .,,.,. Silver w/blac~. 6spd. low miles (19607) $35,980 949-574-7777 PHllJIS AUTO "E l " mp oyee. "Empleado. Merce4H 'OJ JJDI 20k ml, pewte<. perfect cond, FletclMI' Jones svc xi ,..... '9t c.,,.,. 4611 rnl, btl\/blk lthe, CO, chrome whls, like new $39,995 Vf622057 h- nencin11 a. wtrr enll Bkr 949-Sl6 ·1H I -.ecp.a.i.c- •-.. l ever 't• 4.0 SE 28k actual ml, books, records. l ·owner 'wttlte/ tan lthr. co. r unnina boUd$/brush &eurd5, Hke new cond, v272848 $18,995 fin & warr 1nty av•il Bkr 949·586· 1888 -.eqefiil.~ s..r. •oo " c-v stk ml, full factory warr. rnetelllc sllver ereen, oatmeal lthr. auto, CO. huted seats, superb like new c ond, S16,99S vf861926 Biii 9&fill6.. l.888 -w.eqier.1.- Teyeto '91 Tacoma 4x4 New oH rd tires, 3 1/2" lift kit. pl w/1J11m mini cond $7900 949-675-5744 feyoto Tercel DX '9• 4 door, alt options. wo1ks p•rfectty, S6K rn•. ideal kid·2·coll•&• car. $3900 949·6'5·1418 AUTOMOBILES, MISCEUANEOUS Wanted 9045 F...ly o,..n...I ~ Owr 40 ye1n exp! Wiii r»Y ~ Yf!J'Y fw p<ICe fut V!U C3f ¥illn "' trucll pilld for ()t not Cal Didi Rey (ii) Tooialo Auto SM5. 7f4. 437'1931 or /14-J28.3'Z28 - ........ -Riii • .... , 2000 30ft.. ' 2003 22ft., lmmac. sle•ps 6 a. 8 optlonal tent, plnlc tbl, btiq. Toy t11lle1 a. tellt trailer 949-295-0356 or 949·500· l.2G6 BOATS ,..... •15 DU,,Y rt.ICTRK 't• CLASSIC 18F T tu.fly rntored. best ofter Rick 949·348-9'24 •3 '78 COIAlT 11n Trr·lloul, op4111 bow, Mercury V8. w/tra1ler $3800(949)646·1162 ff/ Bomt .. ~ 5'xrt 15' JO., Y.,,.,., no .... Bebia II. $53.X> -11 96r.l'-llllO 9f.Mi73.l'91l8 2lllOO 1711 Clnslc electric w/tea~lly deck, var ni~hed wood 111tlf. surrey toe> & hill covet SSOOO. Needs minor TLC but rum areatl 949-500-3250 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SU .. S AVAll.Alll fr-SS-9Sft h1 New,..rt 1 .. di. loose 949-500..1005 208 TUSTIN AVE Joan Alll•on Bkr 949-64&-201!.~891 I IAYFRONT WINTlR RlNTAl 4Br, 21/180, 2-cor gar, fully h.ml•hed S4000mo Auocloted Reoltv 949·673-3663 Spec ocn/horbor views 3br 2 '>b• l1~e ntw. w/CI, ret11g \30">0 mo Trovart Cor1du 949 23J bl46 Mw y de Pascale. rn m Now ~Ct.!>hni Studeols forfalt[rw~t ORIVCRS WANHO Newport & Huntlf1V!on k1 h Set you1 own ~cherJulc1 Part or full l1m~ avdll•hl~ $7S •. d.Jf full t•me Call 888 001 WORK !Y ll{Jfitf @ WWW l)-0.t UYTl CALL (949) 642-5678 IMW '99 Zl Conv, 2.3 V6, 351>. m•. 5spd, CO. 2 tone blk & tan. lthr int. buulifuf. ltke new cond, $18.995 v555721 f1 nancina & waminty •va•I Bk1 949·S86·1888 "Arbeitneh mer.., "Emplo:Y!." ~eftot NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN FINO n. Service Directory Accounting CE TO ADE S Cahforn1a law re· quires thal contrac· tors tak•nia 1obl that tol~I S!JOO or more (labor 01 "1dlerials) be licensed by the Conti actors State L1cenu Board State law also require• that contrac lo•~ include then license number on all ddver\ls•nri. You can chec~ the status of your licensed contractor "' www cslb ca 110• or 800·321 CSL B Unfl· censed contractors tak 1n1i 1obs t hal total leu than SSOO musl state 1n their advertrsements that lhey are not licensed by the Con tractors State License Board." o..tct..._.. tra1n1n11 & tuPC>Ort/lrouble shoot1n11 ~-bLen!S& Of personal 949-548 2S38 AlrCond~ AUIN HVAC Alt Conditionlne & Hett· In• Strvke tW:l8 AwCMld l...., 949-500«XIS &,.., Trovore Medlterroneon Condo Olean view 3br 2 Sba. •PPlrance~. av"ld mned u:fj.)n 714~7 Carpet Repair~ales ~CARPno CARPlT'U Repair\ Patching Install Co1H teous any stz~ 1obs Whole\dlt' 949 492 0705 Cleaning Touch of Klass ~ur11J"'.1n I 'f1Crl m House Cleaning 20 )t'.tr' '" AU\Ult'\\ L 1ct'n,t'<I & Hnndc:d Prnft"111n,1I team' U"t)!nt:d In Your Home (949) 548-0097 Free f::.,11matt:' R.:h.-renL(.'' Spn ng Clell/1111g Speciah & IUSINISS ltll'AMS Uperades, ftepairs of Computer. Networks E venl11ra/Weekendl Comp1ti\1ve pricb for quality servlc 94t-U•-117S 714-92 .... 021 949-6/J 2174 94'.l-81J.274fi AT·fAS( Womvn's Store al F ash1on Island 1s now ~111ng e~p d f T Anl1 t'T salP~ A'\\"' P"'...a--~ l'Qr'ffac1 --------1 l!le /Wt"" 9f;!;.J<»l'BJ Computer Services COMPUTER H ELP! • Pl1Ym or Croup 'Marlnt • At yu llOlllt or offla •PC or Mac ·~ •'lltl;.~:U.9aS9'J ·-OS..~~Wtrn . .,..,.. ... ~~ ·~""""'FtOD"'-• 'RMSCart>A!I'°'~ ~ UC e...i...ey Gl..OOSte, 10 Ynt Compute< U... 714·612-2786 Concrete & Masonry lrlclt Block Stone Tiie ConCfele. Patio. Onveway f orieplc BBQ Refs 2SYJ\ E•ii lerrv 114 557 /'.>94 The Cement Ma" Cem•nlw.,rk, Brtc~ lile & Mo1 e Reliable No 1ob too small 714 615 9062 Drywall Services WITTHOEFT ORYWALL All phd\e~ ~m, lrg 1ob' CUANI 20yr•. fair. h•e est. l 4CXX130 714-(,39 144 7 ElectJical Services DUNCAN EUCTRIC l r•c;il Qu•d Re~pon\e Hume Yard & Ooc~ flert ZO v,. E •P L 1c/lnsured l W27S870 'H9 650 7042 UC£NS£0 CONTRACTOR No toll too $fl1 AA -VIC.m.1 Repa11 . remodel fan\, i.pa, new WC 949-645-lfi56 Flooring/Tile RenolHace Offill" & CUSTOM CRUTIVl Tl.I Const IOO'lr. perfectton I lr>$l.alllrtlon, ~bl. G«Mllt, toll at a tmoe S~ve Martin marblf!. ~one ISM 197 s L"82Z214 949-582 'Hl2 l"6l2044 Jeff 71"612-9961 Tl 0 GIN YOUR HOME IM .. ltOVlMINl ,ROJICT? Call a plumber. pftlnler, handyman, or any of llie arut \erv1cu listed here In our serv1te dtre<:toryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! HAROWOOO FLOORS Repairs lnst.tll•t1on & Rel1ni.h 1949) 351 26"6 UMY si-.... Repanct Re11routu1 & ln.'51atl•tlon TILE Of.AN 949 673 8065 714-846 8526 714-883 2031 Glrdenln!V undsclplng lev TorrH LOll4s~ w.i<ly nia.it. lr118 lrWTWWC & mslall1t1on. 25 Yr1 t>ap Llc/rnsured 949 548·4363 LANDSCAPE SERVICE Qualil)'""' • 19¥~ &p. full Scn'lu, M1lnr1l111 'Yar.iO-up. lrw l;;mmr11 .. !lc>fin~'" CollltMm.A/R'aidcntW, c-. R«-·--7 14.436. l SJ 8 Slll your unw1nt1d Items tllrouah 1.len if11d Gardenln!V landscaplng OlrtyW~.Cem Sp11nklers uparadu R~pair\ Troubleshootlfl&, Cleanups, Tree SerVICes, f'lanllni Services & more• 714-715-2821 Summit S oit• • p Gel your yard lookrne its be$l for the summer. Ywd clean-IC!$. ~ u.ne.i.os and ~ weekend & eve quotes Xtro Hencl Se rvice• 714-'27-«MO Tree Service, Yard I l•:rnup, Maintenance, Spnnhler Repair. Haulln& (949) 650-1781 Handyman/ HomeReplr RCSTORC • RLPlllR & IUMOOfl ING www.O<f!C'bl.c- HandymalV Home Repair GENF.IAL IEPAll 'MAINl'f.NANCE • ~. Canmm:tal No Job 1bo Small Dave Bamllton 949-322-8292 COll't Do It? o-·t w .. t te cle It? We Cln & WI wlll 24fT 4 all ~ l1c>me 1ap1rrs 714-348-S.30. nx UP SPECIALIST. All types of repelrs. [lee· tric1I, plumbirc. doors, water healln. ties & men 24hrfldap 714-366-1881 ~ '~ Carpentty • Plumbinc Drywall • Stucco Palnttne. Till I more 20+ Yurs E•perlencel JI 714-fft·S77' , ..... ~·· H-• .,.. S,.cWfst Interior &. 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UIU< UTIUTIES COMMISSION 100 177-8167 Painting Str\11 & ...... ,..., Custom Hand Painted ""* & ftux. P~ Artll5t tor IWe ~l {ifi64 u. """" e,.. ~Professional Painting lJe.. M94350 lltalcr/lltedor Dec.wldftNDdaC lime ..... Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa, Ca (lM9) 646-0006 Cell lMH87·1480 Painting Pools.Mee Ml"S QISTOM PAINTING Moselc "-' & Spa Svc. Proft, clean quality wort. Weekly Se1v1ce Equip · lntenor/u t and docll.\ ment Rep111s, Insure<! L'703468 949 631·4610 CoH 949-292-7173 Joy.-'• Poltltlftt Rooftnt'Gutllrs Top Quality, Competitive Interior/Eat l •648228 Cell hy 949·650-5066 U INIOW c.aJ MAINT Pa1ntin1-tlV9ll ~~ Qu~lity )obi Free lt'ltimate l "5691197 71 • ·636·8888 Plumbing SlWll MD DUii QWltG (949) ... s .2ss2 •lee • dlvtafon or M8T J Ballgert SEWER JETTING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAi< DETECTION Fr itndly Serv1<.1 9 4 9 -•7 5 -9 304 -·~"'°'" l •762491 insureo TREES TrlM•blf, Rnenal &Y1ri <=I.•• 714.435, State :=:~:: tllt'y. 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PcMW~ CD&Low I: ,.., (4882'/709228). . . . . . . . . • -wa•••--.u ~Al.,,,. ~ l'rwrtUn ~ (J Mort/ (4497/16f823) ........ ~ Exceeding Expectations Since 1967 1111111 • PONTIAC • GMC • BUICK• CAD ILIAC Mon . ..sat 9am to 9pm •Sun. lOam to 6pm 2111 IAllll ILD., COSTA MESA ........... .... .. • . .• l'..411..411_ .... Moo.-Fri.7amto6pm•Sat.8amto5pm ('!I,. J ~ Subject to prior sale, plus QC)\'ernment tees and taxes, 8f'i flnlnce charget, any dealer document preperation charge, and any emission letting chlrge. On approved credit. No dellert or brokerl, retaN purdllll only. ~ ..._ day of publication. _., t:l"•M--.U tC«1ill«JJ Fu1 Poi-. ca~~ S23 ICM LMtt.fJA~(4677/216878) JVVV _, aw••--.u Ful PrNw. ca OnStlr, L#thtlr 8 *23 935 A1kJysJ (4807/198499). . . . • . . . . ' w t:l"ltl--.U flt . ~ PrMw. ~ PrwnUn Socnt ~ ·~ Pttm ~ lJ Slwpl (4496/203141) .. 29,835 ,.,,.,..., Auto.,_ Ar. CD, lMtlw. 3trJ SNt ... R - Moonroof (J """"(4638/144840). . . ~, W CUllM llal.MI (<Mfili«I)~,..., Ak. ~ $tnlm •24,• IM1lwr & Mort/ (4453/181063) .... ,.,.,,, .. " Auto.,...,». 3trJ s. ca Alot's & S28 - Showroom Frwhl (4638/183904) ' ., ..... u Fl.I PrNw. ,..Ilion~ tjl• •20 8 AAbys. (F41186) .................... ,.. "Se H•bl• Esp11ftol"