HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-24 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Fumed over gas prices B ought gas lately? I have. Notice the price? I did. I .ilce it? I don't. l11e average price per gallon in these pans has gone up 26% in the la. .. t three weeks. 'lllat's a lor. ll1a1\ a loL. fast. Lei's do the math. If your $1 ,250 house paymcnr went up26% in the last three week.s. you(J cough upSl.575this month. The pncc of that Hlackberry Pm you've lx.-en eyeing would have gone up [rum PETER S5SO to S693. lruu romanl:IC BUFFA dmncr for lwo that Wt you bade $245 thn~ weeks ago (it was the wine) would hdvc coM S308 this month. Yikes. I Jo you see the problem? lWenty-six percent is a lot. ·rnn.>e weeks ago. gas was about S 1.67 a god.lion. On Friday -at the moment I !>lid the credit card in .t.nd out, quidc!y, punched in my np code. slowty. hit emer, firmly. then pushed for regular grade - 11 W'c:LS S2. I l. lhat's not good. In fact. it's so not good. that when the pump handle went "click,· the total came to $31 .65. And keep in mind. we're not taJkmg dbout a big manly SUV here. We're talking about a llrtJe wimpy·girlie lnfinjti with a 15 gallon tank. Speaking of gas pumps, why du they have to beep at you? You're mindmg your own busines.'>. pumping your g;i:. and the pump decid~ 10 get charty. "Heep -Like some coffee? Come on inside!" "Beep -Nee<l a C"cif wash? Press·~·!" "Beep -1 lungry? Come on inc;ide!" Actually. I don't want any coffee, l'U decide when I need a car wru.h, and if I even I were hungry. which I'm not. I think I'll pas." on the microwaved dog and the 64-ounce Shi.shee, if t.hat'5. ok. But it isn~ just the price of gas lha1 makes me crazy. Its the fact that no one. no one, can ever explain why it happens. Its one of those great mysteries of life. like why can't you lidde yourself? How does dry cleaning worlt? What is that third credit-card receipt they give you in restaurants now? And, ror our purposes. why does the price of gas go up and down like a yo-yo every now and then? Every time it happens. there are See COMMENTS, Pace M INSl>E THE PLOT INSIGHT It's a bird ... it's a plane •.. no, lt'a In Sight Guy, end this week's page proves comic boob ere full of good art, good liter.ture end ere not just for kfds 8nVf'll0'9• s..,...,. Newport-Mele Unffltld SdM>Ot Dlltrict eupetk• .... Aobeft llfbot. ..... hie lhoughts on the upcoming ld'tOOt yw, •well•eomeoftht d\••• flV'I """ the dllltrid Meda to O'llf'Cl()fM. ....... ---~--- SUNDAY EDITION S erving the Newpo rt-M esa community since 1907 AUGUST 24, 2003 SUNDAY STORY Ov1'4LLAC'1 DAiU PILOT Sean Comer laughs wrttl Sally Kanarek at Santa Ana ia1I dunng her recent visrt. Visrtabons hke this are rn penl because of Parent Help USA's funding shortage Doors open, for now Sally Kanarek 's work helping abused teens is threatened by lack of funds. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot be ... 1 11 tern 10 preveni child abu.w cUld keep familiec. together Accordmg to a new promouonaJ vtdeo for Pareni I lelp U!>A. there are 84.000 1,;a~ of duJd abu.'>t' under \UpervtS1on t'Vt'I)' d..ty in LA. md Orange counties and each day m the US, five 10 12 r hildren are murdered by their parenl or caretaker When it first started. Parent I lelp caiered Lo mot.her. who were medically fragile. termmd!Jy 11J and teenager.. "I fell they were most a1 risk for ahuse because they didn't have the n><;<>urc~" ~1Mek '>did S ally Kanareks sister wen! from an abusive family to an abusive husband. She commi tted suidde when !>he was 23, leaving behind two children. St:ill reeling from the pain. Kanarek became a volunteer with Teenage Survivors of Su1dde. She was 24 al the time. "I teamed mOM who had anempled suiade had been abused,· Kanarek said "The stories were so SlJTlilar to my own family." Sean Comer rs one of the many people that Sally Kanarek and Parent Help USA assists. The nonprofit's Mure is in 1eopardy due to a lack of funding. Based on the huge number of ca.ll5 \he received from '>OC1al workers abou1 abu.">rve parenl<,, she started offenng parenting ~ But .Jie refused 10 charge for them because <>he know-. her d1ent., would net"d the money for basic su.rvrva.I nem-; Like gas and food The classes encouraged pdfents to take care of themselves first becau.o;e abusive tendenoes could come from faugue, she explaint>d. lhrough her volunteering, she became more interested In child abuse and its repercus.sions. She felt that not enough was being done to help the families where chiJd abuse occurred over the long-1enn Richard Dick. The organization has moved four timt.'!> in the last six years and now its current property -a1 330 W. Bay St. nexl door to the Daily Pilo1 offices -is slated to be tom down to make WdY for housing, thrusting Kanarek once again into the clifficuJt position of finding an affordable location. "IJo nothing except enioy bemg a human being 1ru.tead of a humiln do mg. • Kanarek said "There's no shame in that for rarents 10 lMIY they need time to rest and relax.· Like many visionaries, she started woridng in her garage In Huntington Beach in 1985. Her efforts blossomed into a non-profit called Pa.renr Help USA. now located in Costa Mesa. The lade of funds has forced P'arent Help USA to d ose its food bank and stop offering cWses. Kanarek. as the only paid employee. has given up more than half her salary, as she feverishly writes grants asking for more funding. These days. in addiuon to pounding che pavement for funding. Kanarek L<; trying to help a 22-~-old who was in and out of foster homes. and is now in the Santa Ana Jail ttymg to tum his life around. He was alTeSt.ed for possession of stolen mail. But the agency that tries to help others is in dire need of help itself as It tries to raise enough money to stay afloat Kanarek is operating the agency on a budget of sro<XX> In space donated by landlord Sean Comer ~ taken away from his parents in Huntington Beach when he was nine because of the MI have faith it will come through." Kanarek said. In the meantime. the agency is trying to continue as SMOPEN,P.ceM TOP STORY Latino group convenes in Newport California chapter of LULAC decides to hold annual meeting in city after 'recent racial comments' made by Dick Nichols. Lollta Harp•r Daity Pilot NEWPORT BP.Aai -The largest and oldest Latino c:MI ri&ht1 oa:gan11..adon hdd ltl an- nual at.ate boaJd meeting S.rur- day here to ~ "cridc.11 agenda items,. which Included Newport 8elcb Qcy c.oundl- mul Dick Nldloll. OrpnJr.en OI die c.wom&a ct.pter of l.agl.ae ot tJnbed Latin American Odlenil. com- monly bowtJ .. WlAC. QIOWJd lU u1eWlde board .-........ to the NeWpon 8MC::h ....... In In etfait to c::onfrOm Miid~ issues of ~ce and culrure that challenge peo1* In the area to- day. Lague oftlda1a ~ Newport ee.cb as "on of the mOlt coottoveni&l communi- det in Calilomla today,. largety because ol public rmwb made by Ntchols reprdtng MeDcant Uli"8 the put areu at C'..orona del Mar Slate beech. "We (weft! tn¥lted to New· pon 8"d> by Wt.AC a.men cbatart~ol....i r. mi CCJ11•wo11 rrom a local d'Y counc1rmn.· .. , dincror Mk:lde l.uDI 8"cL ·ro.. dllp-..., . ..,. ...,.., .... . c.a ... Ol 111 ........ Ii.Ml will always seed to be a positive source In resolving any chal, lenges facing the Latino com - munity in c.aJifomia." Nichols' Mexican comment. tn.lde in June during a phooe intemew wtth 1 reporter from the Deily Pilot. puked a dty- wtde controYef'ly and drew na.- llooal media anendon. The coundlman said be oppoied expanding psay areas at r.o- rona del Mar State Be9d\-one ot the numerous cbanf1!S lllated. b' the lite -became •wifh ... we mualy Ft Mcdc:lr-. mmkll In ibere t,ady lo the ~ Md Ibey dUn it .. then -tt becaimee .... .,.. ..... ...._.a•dt.a49y.• .. COi r.,.w.....-M m 1 lftd ,.._. 'blilck b _.. OI llM:h Of Iba pollt· cally-col'Tect speech largely found ln the peaceful -but ~elmlngty Caucasian - beach community. Nkhola pined spirited IUppOrtel"I. ve- bemerlt dettacton ...ct ooo- caned mddents wbo wanted tO spread more toaermce. wt.AC members ~ 8IDOGC thole who hoped Mt apn.d IOI· en.nee lo.._. fidllt n1•ctw lituadon _. ~ lll:MRat bis comment s.tuidliy. motmnilf before odlier topk ........... oa me~ "°'8 •· doo -Praptllidao 54.. VliNI iineiit ibcMJI ....... ot~ IDd bow to com• ...... people cbe L8llno ~ltftCllone...__ ...... a+• iee!! .., -•• ... .... ~ ..... M A2 Sonday, Al.lgust 24, 2003 -COSTA MESA Proposed overlay zone for Eastside rejected · The City Council rejected an overlay zone for an F.Sstside neighborhood that would have restricted home remodels. It also made-substantial changes to the residential design guidelines and the residential development standards in the zoning code. The en<i result is that the process for home expansions will be simpler and faster. One o( the major changes is that those homeowners who want to add a second-story floor area that doesn't exceed 50% of the first-story floor area can now obtain an over-the-counter approval.' • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (94.9) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. NEWPORT BEACH City attorney Bumahm will retire in the spring Bob Burnham, a city employee for 23 years, announced he will retire next spring. Present and former colleagues praised his performance and professionalism. Mayor Steve Bromberg said he wants to set up a committee with fellow Councilmen Tod Ridgeway and John Heffernan to discuss expectations for Burnham's replacement • An Awtralian sailing club won the 31th annual Governor's Cup Junior Match Racing Olampionship on Sunday. Despite the lagging winds over the four-day event. the Cruising Yacht Qub of Australia posted the best record against JO other teams from throughout the world and nation. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacn and John Wayne Airport. She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. BUSINESS Marines bring home flag for well-deserved Arches owner A group of U.S. Marines honored the owner of the Arches restaurant on Sunday for his efforts during the war in Iraq. Newpon Beach resident Dan Marcheano didn't fire a single weapon, but he gave troops such as Staff Sgt. Cass Spence of Costa Mesa the ammo they needed in the form of cigars and whiskey. ·As we were storming Baghdad, we grabbed a little memento," Spence told the 63-year-old Marcheano just before handing him an Iraqi flag signed by members of Golf Company. The ceremony was part of the Arches 21st anniversary party. • Gas prices continue to rise in Newpon-Mesa and soared above the $2 mark during the week.. Prices are expected to rise more because of refinery problems and an Arizona pipeline rupture. Labor Day, the last holiday of the summer. will also play a factor in gas prices in the coming week.. • Daily Pilot staff. To contact the newsroom, call (949) 642-5680 or by e-mail at dailypilot §latimes.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Two men wanted in separate Costa Mesa bank robberies Costa Mesa police are looking for two men they say were involved in two separate bank robberies in the city. officials said Thursday. One of the men has been identified as Hector Rodrigo Soto of Anaheim. Soto reportedly robbed First Bank on Harbor Boulevard on Aug. l. as well as a • --·-----~------~---------~-~ PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'TIME FOR A VICTORY DIP' .KENT TREPTOW /0AILYP1L0l Sailing is one of the more tricky sports to shoot. To an eye untrained in the art of sailing. the boats seem to be cruising back and forth at a leisurely pace. It b easily to overlook the subtle movements and it is hard to caprure on film the sailors' ability to read the windi.. We often return back to the office with serene pictures of the boats, but the event is more energetic than what our photos had been depicting of the Governor's Cup. TI'lis year. photographer Kent Treptow decided to stake out the docks at the Balboa Bay Oub after the races were over to see if there would be celebration by the winning team. Not only was there celebration, there was the tossing of Australia's Cruising Yacht Oub roach David Adams into the water. 1he enthusiasm on their faces tells the story of this four-day international youth race better than any action shot ever could. -Steve McCrank EDUCATION Harbor View Elementary to open one week late District officials announced Tuesday that Harbor View Elementary School in Newport Beach would start a week late. This prompted some parents to ask the district to move the student body to another campus since construction will also continue for the first few months of school. Supt. Robert Barbot said he didn't think that was necessary, but suggested concerned parents meet with an assistant superintendent to monitor the situation. Also thjs week. the school district has filed a lawsuit against a state commission that licenses teachers to find out if one of its teachers lied on his job application by withholding that he had been accused of molesting female students at a previous job. Craig Kinder, who taught industrial arts at Costa Mesa High School for two years. was found not guilty of the charges in Missouri about seven years ago. But Ille Newport-Mesa Unified School District wants details of an bank branch in Fountain Valley on July 30. Police said he used a note and the threat of a gun in both incidents. In another robbery. a man. who police have not identified, is said to have robbed about $3,900 from a Wells Fargo Bank branch at Harbor Boulevard and Baker Street on Aug. 6. No weapon was seen in that incident, police said. • Polke arrested two women and one man Wednesday after a possible drug transacpon wen~ awry at an area home, with people going at each other with baseball bats and one woman firing a handgun. polke officials said. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Assistant Supt. Steven Smith. far right, talks to parents about problems that are delaying the reopening of Harbor View Elementary School. investigation into the charges conducted by the California Commission of Teacher Credentialing, sai.d Steven Montanez, the attorney representmg the district. Klnder was specifically asked in his job application if he had ever quit or been forced to resign from a previous job. and he The bi.1,arre episode began at a home in the 2 I 00 block of Raleigh Avenue at about I :45 p.m. Wednesday. when 22-year-old Gary fnman Jr. of Huntington Beach entered the residence with another man to buy drugs, Costa Mesa Police Lt. Oale Birney said. "As soon as they arrived. they became involved in a physical altercation with several people in the house,·· he said. "Inman Jr. was struck with a baseball bat." About half an hour later, the man who went into the house with him • ani.wered no. he said. "The school district has an obligauon to students and their parents to find out the truth." ~ontanu said. • Daily Pilot staff. To contact the newsroom . call (949t 642·5680 or by e-mail at da1/ypilot '! latimes.com returned with three more men. all armed with baseball bats. including Inman'& father, Gary lnman Sr .. Birney said. Inman Jr. was still inside the house, and the men·s mission seemed to be "to rescue him," he said. I.aura Shaffer, 40, one of the people in the house, fired a gun to scare off the armed men, Birney said. "And apparently it worked." he said. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readled at (9491 574-4226 or by e-mail at deeps.bhsrsth 1i latimes.com . Dail't Pilot NOTABLE QUOTABLES "J.s it perfect? No. But /~ng} is nor good for the kids. I invite you to look ar thedara." -Robert Barbot. Newport-Mesa Unified School District superintend.em, in response to parents asking that their children attend another school for a week after the district's solution to postpone the beginning of Harbor View Elemenuuys school year by a week because of construction problems on the campus ''.As we were stom1ing Baglu:Jad, we grabbed a lict/£ memento. 71UU1k ~u for sending us a bit of heaverL" -Cass Spence. Costa Mesa Marine Staff Sergeant. while handing Arches owner and retired Marine Dan Marcheano an Iraqi fiag to thank him for sending Spence and members of his banalion agan; and whiskey during war "/do believe this area has a I.or of character. But I believe the /ooerlayJ will destroy ft because it will take out of the hands of archirects and property owners the ability to bwld t hf.' best /louse they can. .. -Gary Mo nahan, Costa Mesa mayor, on why he voted with the majority of the City Council to reject an overlay wne that would have restricted home models on the city's Eastside ''My husband died 33 )'Mil ago. and f had to work hard to pay for my house and support my noo cl1ildren l 1vorked three-part time jobs and went to college at night in order to train for a job in .seotrrarial science. It wasri't MS)'. but I kRpt my house. and my children grew iip ... _ .. flt!:f'e. -Sarah Sullivan, a 64-year Costa Mesa resident, on why §he doesn'I support the city's possible use of eminent domain when it comes to her home of 38 years "I've totally given 1tp trying to figure it out. Its definitely a ronami for me because of my 1.ong commute. Bur what can you do about it?" -Alexll Schwan, who drives more than 80 miles one way from Costa Mesa to Hesperia every day, on the latest rise in gas prices Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Mark C. Dustin, Don ~. Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. 236 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Pubtiaher TONYDOOERO Editor JUOV OETI1NG Advertlalng Director LANA JOHNSON Promotion• Director N9ws Edltora Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Crlme~oo~porter, (949) 574-4228 dHpa.bharathtllatlmn.com June C-ninde Newport Beacfi reporter. (IMS) 574-4232 /uM.CllNflr-.nde•l•timet.com ..... ClntOn Politlca, bu1ine11 and environment reporter. (948) ~ PIHJf.Cflntontllatl,,,.com L41ta....,., Column!~ culture ,.rt&r, (948) 574-4278 lollfll.MrptH•t.r1,,,...com Deltdr.NllW'IMft Cotti M..a repo,., (148) 574-4221 dtlrdre.,,....,,.,elatl"*'com c...e~ N9wa •1~ ( ... )57~ ""'91. """°"•""""-""'" Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Record your comments about the Daily Piiot or news tips. Addreu Our address is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Me&8. CA 92627. Office hours are Monday -Friday. 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Correctlona It le the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of substance. Please call (949) 764-4324 FYI The Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Deity Pilot (USPS· 144-800) It pobllshed daily. tn N11Wport Beach and Costa Mesa, 1ubtcrlptlon1 are availeble only by aubscrlblng to Th• Tlmes Orange County (800) 252·914'1. In arue outside of Newport 9eac:h and Cotta Mau, tubtcrlptlona to the Deity Piiot are avallable only by flrll clHI mall fot l30 per month. (PtloM Include all 8')t)llceble ltlt9 and IOGlll tax ... ) POSTMASTER: Send addreet chang .. to The Newe>0n 8NchlCotta M ... 011tv Pilot. RO. Box 15e0, Co1ca M .... CA 1212& HOW to AEACH US Clrculatlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-91 41 Advertising Claatlfled (949) 642-5678 Display 1949) 642-4321 Edhortal News (949) 642-5680 Sporta (949)574-4223 NewtFax (949)646-4170 Sports f8x (949) 850-01?'0 1:-mell: dal/ypllotOlatime1.oom Mein Offtce 8utlMN omo. (949) 642-4321 8""""' Fax (949) 831-7128 Published by Tlmu Community Newt, e dlvlelon of the Lo• Angel•• Tl met. C2003 Tlmet CN. All right• ~. WEATHER FORECAST Today • little dlenge ls In the forecast fbr Newport-Mau. Expect ~rtty c:k>udy ski .. wtth patmv tog In the morning. Hight In the mtd-10t tt the beedlet to 90 degf"9 Inland. Overnight, more clouds end fog; Iowa In the 80a. Mondey should be lntere9tlng with• 20% dlence of ahow9n Md lhundentonnt i...1n the dly. lnfamM!dan: www.nws.no1&QOV BOATING FORECA'IT Ctote to shore tM ~WM be light, incrNslng to 10to 16 knotJI from the WMt In 1he afternoon. W.vet at 2 t..t or leu With tw'lllHt 3 fMt from the wnt end touth. Out ftl1her the wtndl wHt be ~twtttl 10 end 20 knoCt wtth wavn from 1 to 3 ft9t and twellt It 6 feet -... out of tM northwMt A 9°'lthem -.U thouJd be from 1 to 3 '"'- SURF Today Is the peak of the southwest swell with the size expected to remain near the chest-to.shoulder-high range with standouts pulling In some he~"hlgh Mt&. Most noticeably, boarders can expect 1 bit more consistency to the Mt&. Mondey lhoold eee continued eouthwest energy from 1 combfnttlon of system• in the IOUthem tMmiephere, w.lst· to chelt-Ngh. WtltlrqlMllty: WWW.f4.lrlffdM.(Jl'f} TIDES l1me 9:171.m. 1:Aotp,m. 7:51 p.m. 3:07e.m. WATER TEMPERATURE ~ ..... J Dally Pilot CHECK IT OUT who know books best A s summer winds to a close, you won't want to waste any of your precious beach lime on books that bore. Oleclc out these winners from "Librarians' Picks 2003.~ complJed by those who know books best at Newport Beach pubUc li braries: Dean Koontz's "By the Ugbt of the Moon" -A mad doctor has injected itinerant artlSt Dylan O'Connor, his autistic brother and struggling comic Jillian Jackson with an unknown substance that leaves them wi th visions and otherworldly abilities. After their assailant's assassination, they dart around the West to escape the same fate in a 24-hour chase bulJdlng to an unexpected finish. Fast-paced action and memorable characters make thli. one of the best from a master of suspense. John Follain's "City of Secrets: The Truth Behind the Murders at the Vatican" -Did the Vatican carry out a huge cover-up in 1998 after a wt~ guard. hie; wtfe and a vi ce I -· corporal were found dead, the apparent victims of a double murder/suicide? Read one theory about the sensational crµnes, based on a fo ur-year investiga tion by a Rome-based correspondent for LOndon's . Sunday T'unes. David Liss' 1'be Coffee Trader' -In a tale of historical intrigue. an Edgar Award-winner transports readers to >7th-century Amsterdam's immigrant Jewish community. From th1s qmfined com er, Portuguese Jew Miguel Llenzo joins forces with a Dutchwoman to capture the coffee market. The suspenseful saga is as sure to keep you up at night as the caffeinated substance in its title. Martin Booth's "Islands of Silence'' -A young archeologist dii.covers a life-altering secret on a small Sconish island. Soon afterward, he's shipped off to war and ends up as a medic aboard a ship about to storm the beaches of Gallipoli Told in first person narrative. in chapter~ altemaung between pre-.ent and a : . ' .. .:. Reg. Price Sptcial Prict BOIOX 39S 29) .. ((JI! .~(,fll 375 37S .. ':"' ~ 39) 3)0 . .. ~ (Hf /,\ Pf fl) 130 10) . ~ lOS 75 .... . , .. -~ -',PIDfR If INS 19 5 125 ~~ .. od.PJJ. tfl()() P.. ('()(Ur Hit/hlllOJI, Suik 200 • Cnrona del .\far 849-7•1---161 IOTOJ'•·~~·--··· past, this mystical love story explores a broken souJ's search for redemption. Trisha Ashley's "Every Woman For Henelf' -It may be menopausal ~chicle lit," but it sure is fun. Divorced, childless and in poor fin ancial straits • CharUe Rhymer is forced to move back to her childhood home. After accidentally killing her ex-husband's bes(frlend with a frying pan, she returns to Yorkshire to find her father's mistress sleeping in her bed, her sister practicing blaclc magic and her reputation threatened by an angry widow. John Katz's "A DogYear. 1Wdw Months, Pour Dogs and Me" -If you don't own a dog, you may adopt o ne after reading this celebration of the special bond between people and their pets. With witty anecdotes and touching reOections, Katt captures the personalities or two low-maintenance Labs and a pair of more demanding border collies. Coming next week: More good reads for Labor Day weekend. • CHECK IT OUT is wrinen by the staff of the Newpo11 Beach Public Library. This week's column is by Melissa Adams 1n collaboration with Susie Lambs. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www:newport beacfllibrary org PRINTING Open Monday-Saturday 435 N Coast Highway Laguna Beach b1gunapr1nt.cceasv.com Pick up & Delivery Fut Quality Savb • We Print on !he Pnrmws • Heidelberg Ptesses • 1-3 Colon or more • Foil • Enlt>oM!ng • Full Color BLUEPRINTING • Large Vdlwns • Cad Ploning • lg. 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Please Call LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 610 Newport Center Dn've. Suite 900 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 720-8901 /antz.bell@rbcdain.com THE BOWERS KIDSEUM Explore the world's fascinating cultures! Experience our summer an classes and camps! July-August 1004Kt N71oa 80 oa. Thick Teldure Pluab 100% ~lon 48 oz. Cut Herber • .,.,.. CoatJ.o--nta..-• Nylon Pl10h Berber Loop Fniza HARD SURFACE FLOORING SPEC IALS Laminate Flooring Ceraafc'ftle Hardwood .,..,.lrv =r.w. R«e $8.119 ~.ft 100% WoqJ......................... 13.H ... ,.. Deco-~hlc ....................... 12. ....~ C..-erc1al Carpet ............... SS.9 ... ,... Vln11 _., •••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ 89e ... ~ Ceralll.IC nae ..................... ~·······"~ ... ft.. Carpet Remnanu .... From .2.00 ... ,.. •• , Materials Only • While Supplies last · Fine Antiques Country Pine from Ireland Frw Sh/~tJ m.Jdto to Orange County, Los AnRles County and SJn Diego County ~{enmoRe Antique lrlsh Pine (9q9) 1J97 6938 1178 No"'1I (AW{ ~ ~ °"""'" CA '12651 ' , '· Daily Pilot PUBblC SAFETY • W8I COITAIE~ In 1he 400 block at 7:16 p.m. Wednesday. tht 200 bloc* at 1 :39 a.m. Fttday. • Wiit 1• 911..e; Peay'thefl was reported •Udo a.. DIM: A vehicle burglary·WH • Clllf9o "'9llt P9tly tt'9ft WM reported In tN 200bloc:k8t 1:!8 p.m. ~- In~ 800 bk>dt et i:25 p.m. WedneJ<jay. • niported In the 4900 blodt at 11:66 a.m. Friday. ' NEWPOltT BEACH • M9cAltlu 8ou1Nlfd. A vehicle burglary •~DIM Md &It Coast Hlghwly: A . wa• reported In the 4600 blodc at 11:94 a.m. • cao. ... 9llMI: An ...... rtpOtt8d In .,,. 800 bloc* 8t 5:59 p.m. Wedheeday. • HetW loul~ A robbery wea reported in the 3000btodt8t1 :5' p.m. Wadneaday. •,._...DIM: AA euto theft wa• repor'*CI In the 2800 bloc* at 6:21 p.m. Wldneedey. traffic aQcldeot Involving Injuries waa Frtday. reported at 11 :09 a.m. Friday. • Main StrMt: Petty theft wa• reported In the • Wiit Coatt ~end 1lmtn Avenue: 100 blodc at 6:36 p.m. Thur.day. OPEN Continued from Al hazardous living environment be was exposed to. For the next nine years, he bounced around from one foster home to another with frequent visits to juvenile hall. He ditched school and began smoking marijuana. "It was an easy way to malc:e . money and stay high." he said. "I think I stayed high so I didn't have to face reality. It was an easy way out. n Along the way, he became a skinhead, picking up various tanoos based on who he was hanging out with. The tattoos are now a reminder of his wayward past, a past he would like to transform into a more stable future. "I can't do anything with [the tattoos)." Comer said. "No matter how much schooling (1 have) or how I act, I can't be a productive member of society now. Kanarek is trying to find a doctor to donate his or her services to remove the tattoos. "He needs a brealc: and people don't give breaks to people with angry tattoos" Kanarek said. "Ir's a way to tum the clock back and start over." Comer eventually obtained his G.E.D. and has participated in Narcotics Anonymous. He has been drug-free since he landed in jail about six months ago. He also has a 19-month-old daughter, who he has only seen once. Kanarek sent him a book called the Impact of a Man on his Family. Comer has been reading it and has taken its message to heart. He has even been passing it around the jail. "If I had known that [stuff) growing up, it would have been a lot different.·· Comer said. COMMENTS Continued from Al some vagaries from oil E?CPerts about rising crude oil prices. unrest in the Middle East ... blah, blah, blah. That's special. But there's been unrest in that region for thousands of years. and since June. the price of crude oil for the U.S. market bas gone up 8%. Besides the price of crude oil. the~ that decide how much a gallon of gas costs are: the cost of refining it, distributing it and retailing il. and taxes. The costs of refining and retailing have gone up or down a few points since June, and taxes haven't budged. The gas station owners -the bottom of the petroleum food chain -have been making the same five to ten FUN STUFF TODO • RJN STUFF: From football to conoerts, a wide variety of community sports and activities are planned this summer in Newport-Mesa. COSTA MESA TRAINS ON THE TRACKS On the third weekend of eadl month, engineers climb aboard their trains and travel on three miles of track at Fairview Parit to dieplay their steam and dietel englnM. The JX'bfic " wek:ome to A hlt·and-n.ln was reported at 1:49 a.m. •Via Andbes: An auto theft Was reported In Friday. • the 100 blodc at 8:21 a.m. Friday. DON L£ ACH I OAJl Y P1LOT Sally Kanarek watches a video of an inmate who she 1s trying to help through Parent Help USA, a Costa Mesa organization ttiat educates parents about child abuse. While Comer said he still feels like part of what happened to his family was his fault, Kanarek reassured him that it isn't. "All this is because your parents let you down," she said as she hugged him during a recent visit. Corner said he is grateful for Kanarek's help and for her organization. "I lhink Sally's great." he said. 'I think it's good trying to help parents, instead of talcing kids away." The agency also offer5 parenting suppon groups with counseling by licensed professionals, but because of I.he budget crunch. the counseling is now only offered to individuals, Kanarek said. One program I.hat b still cents a g-d!lon they've been rnalc:ing for years. Let 's review - an 8% increase in crude oil prices since June. but a 26% increase in gasoline prices in the last three wee~. Unless my math fails me. that leaves 18% missing. unaccounted for. AWOL. gonzo. poof. bub-bye. Where did it go? See I.he file under "Why can't you tickle yourself?:' You will never know I.he answer to either question, not now, not ever. Of course, if the platinum-plus gas prices around here continue, the politicians will eventually kick in. They will hold hearings and press conferences. They will demand answers. TI1ey will want lo know exactly what's going on and who's causing it. They will say they are as "mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore. tt They will say for a schedule of days, times and locations of the skate partc. NEWPORT BEACH UPPER NEWPORT BAY ECOLOGICAL PRESERVE AND NATURE PRESERVE intact is the Parent Aide. a home visitor program v.-hcre aides work wi1h parent!'> of at ·risk infants and children. They also serve families living in moteb. Through I.he years, Kanarek estimates that her agency has helped thousands of families. In 2000. it was recognized with the Life Achievement Excellence Award in public policy from the California Assn. of Nonprofi ts. She is aJso working to get state legislation passed for K-12 students that wouJd make children aware of abuse so it could be discovered at earlier stages. Currently. all the Jaws involve reacting to abu'>e after it is discoV('red. which is U'>ually 100 late. Kanarek said. "They would learn that hilling isn't appropriate and that I.he people uf Caltfonua v.ill not be used and abused -to say nothing of gouged -as long as they have anything to say abottl· it Unfortunately, when the hearings are held, oil industry expen!> and representative') \ ... ~11 say things like 1.his: "It's because. in some SOut.hem L.aliforrua counties. rack pricf'\ for unbranded are above tho..e for branded, and possibly thor,e of dealer tank wagon. while in otht>r counties, branded rack pricNi exhibit their 1rc1di1innal relationc;hip of being higher than unbranded." At which point. the politician'> will say lhings like. "Oh ... OK. .. and by the time everybody is done saying things. gas prices will drop and everyone will go about their busincs.c; until the next lime SHERMAN LIBRARY &GARDENS indppropriate touching i!. unhealthy becau'>e a lot of chiluren live with I.hat. and don't even k.now that·~ nut the way they ~hould be taken care of ... Kanarek said. Kanarek said she hopes people in Orange County realize what a serious and pervasive problem child abuse is. "People don't realiu that their help matters whether we'll be here to help another famiJy or not." Kanarek 'aid. "They think it's optional or superfluous. that it's not ab!>olutely necessary to the services that children and families need and ii i~ ... • DBRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at de1rdre newman ., lac1mes com. pm:es go through the roof. I.hen drop -except I.hey never quire drop back to where tht'Y were before the late-;t round of going through the roof. do they? Of coun.e not. ll1at's the game. and we all play it. and whatever they charge. w<>'ll all pay it. The price doe;n't maner. Is thl're anything we can do about it? No t that I know of . Because around here, you are your car and it LS you. Sure. there are times when I dream about the days when the waitress gave you two copies. not three. and gas pwnps didn't talk. but you can't stop progres.s- Dnve on. I gotta go. • PETER BUFFA ts a former Costa Mesa mayor. His column runs Sundays. He may be reached by e-mail al ptrb4'rt.ao/.com. Continued from Al important to spread knowledge of the vast differences between the various Latino cultures and to inform people who spealc: with prejudice that the Latino community ls a viable and edu- cated community. Canoe and kayak tours are available to experience six diverse habitats for more than 200 bird species that either live there or visit during the birds' Pacific flyway migration. Qlmpfire programs are also offered. as are free two-hour . walking nature tours departing from Shellmaker Island fNery first end third Saturday at 9 a.m. Call the Department of Ash and Game Join them It the perit at Placentia et (949) 640-6746 or the Friends of Avenue and Eltanda Notth. The · the Newport ea; at (949) More than 2,000 plant species. from desert cactus to tropical flowers, can be found in the gardens at this educational and cultural resource center dedicated to the study of the Pacific Southwest. The conservatory on the two-acre paroel has tropical plants and a koi po·nd, and the Discovery Garden, specifically designed for ttiose with impaired vision, appeals to the sense of toudl and is accessible to wheeldlairs. Oooent tours are available. The gardens are open daily, and the library Is open on weekdays. 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (949) 673·2261. UDO MARtNA VILLAGE Boutiques, gift shops, custom jewelry stores, art gallerlea. boerdwalk c8fes and restaurants feeturing oontlnental, Me>Cican, It.alien, Greek and Califomi• cuietne can be found on the trw-llned cobblettonee paths of Vie ()s)9rto In Newport Beed'I. 8400 Via Oporto, Newport Beed'I. (949) 675-8882. Members of the California chapter of the league will con- tinue their conference in the city today. LULAC was founded in 1929 and has a national mem- bership of 115,000, with more than 600 ceuncils in nearly every state and Puerto Rico. Callfomia has always been one of the larg· est chapters. officials said. Orange County Model Engineer 64&-8009. program started In 1989 when engineers wanted to ~~r enginea Ind educate and entllfteln the community about the'*" (948) 548-7246. M011.E SKATE PMK The AecrMdon OMtlon'a Moblt Skate Perit trllWll to Yerba perb 1hroughout the dlrv three~. VWlet to provide IUtllboerdera ~,,,.... ........ ... of'1he ert Ibis pelt. The moble Pl't~oftwo ~fnew.dgtl.two ...... '""bole end ...... ~ lf'8 requfred to hew I liglied wWwr end,... form to Ult the l)lrt. ~ uf9ty equipmlnt, lnaludlng • helrMt. elbow end~.,. reqwhd It .. tlmll. 'Jltlt N dly'i Wlb Ills It WMtlCd.~c:a.~ to flt I bm. Cll (714) 12').7'M0 f, UPPER NEWPORT BAY PETER MD MARV MUTH INTERPRETIVE CENTER Adults end dlildren can explore 15 heflda.on interac:tMt exhibits end communicate with lhe Newport Bay NlltUrlllllla end Friendl 1hrough ~lr'e educdonal opportunldel or W9tdt a "vleuat poem• of Upper Newport Bay Pl wntlld on five manll:>fl. ~ u:tt lets .. blfdt In tight end 1N ftow of runNno WMlt' In In -.ary. The 10~1nWpredw center .. hanc»-on oppottunitlel to~ tN Inner WQftingt of tn tttutry. 2301 UnMrefty Dftvt. Newpon BMcn. The'*'* It open deify, •Olpt Mondlvs end rNijor holidlya. from 10 1.m. to .. p.m. (714) ~. CMNEJrf VILLAGE A hltloric v'illtge tudted flMY on the uppl! Bllboe PenlntUle, c.on.y VllllQt ofl'M en endaw of thope containing envtNng from Ff9nd1 prov'incill furniture to sand SCYlptures end ..UOg allver ltema. The v'illege It bounad by Newport Boulevard. 31 It Street, IAflY9fte Avenw Incl 29th StrMt. Pat1(tng It tvtlltbte on 30th Street betwMn vm1 tnd Newport ~rd. PIEllCI 810,,_ BBlWADWAY Mortuwy * CtMIP9i Cremation 110 Broadway, eo.ta M9M 842-9180 • .. BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? PATTY Harvey 714.501.6110 Prudential Callfornla Realty 23 Corporate Plaza, Ste. 190, Newport Beach, CA 92660 buysellre@yahoo .com ~ Lora Vance R~!~~r ~ Specirdizing in: """' Sales & Rentals throughout Newport Harbor Cekbrating 26 Years Lora Vance Marlys Vasterling (949) 673-4062 (949) 551-6789 Fax (949)673-4062 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Ca. 92662 MARY Lou KIEBLER BROJ\t.R Lido Park Realty "Lido Park Specialist'' 60 I Lido Park Pr .. Suite 2-E Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 675-2700 ~ ww.lidoparkrealty.com A/ice Brownell -Broker Associate ''''""' /.11•.1/ j ,(,If I ;- Specializing in Balboa Isla.nd Direct Line: (949) 294-6495 Home Office: (949) 673-4547 Email: alictbruwnell@mail com Julia Bland Selling ... MCastlcs co Condo's " Integrity. Knowledge, Commitment Cl!LL (949) 632-7210 • PrudentiaJ c.liWMellMlty R E A L T Y 5uAnne Sdlok PMJfkV ...... Realty 28202 Cabot Road Suite f 35 Laguna Na,uel. CA 926 77 949.631.0163 If You Think It's Expensive to Hire A Professional ... Wait Until You Hire An Amateur! I am a 15-year veteran in the real estate business I ha11e helped 011er 1900 families buy or sell a home My bragging nghu are hard earned I'm convinced that the answer to ensuring your home sells fast on!} for more money boils down to hiring a real estate authority ... A Realtor with a verifiable track record, who is a skilled negotiator, and in constant pursuit of real estate knowledge. Alter all who do you t.hmk will produce better results A lesPJlar serious agent <lev~r y tell•at you whu you want to hear or a TEAM of professionals with dozens of proven home marketing systems, superiot-customer focus and unstoppable dedication to delivering the results that will sell your home? KE.Y ~LLIOTT Broker Associate 949-574-3534 Office Direct "Working hard so you hardly work" Call or email 24 hours Mickex@m ickevel liott.com 949-887-4376 Cellular I euarantee to eet your home..J.Qf.siJ9r top doLlor -m 38.:_QQys or less -or I'll pay you' Profit from it' Ask me about a Free Home Mortgage. C O LO\V [ LL BAN KER Desiree N. Hart , h,l'llfN' f(1r/h ff ,,J/lffr' WMtt< REAL ESTATE SERVICES Newport Beach (949) 760-5000 (949) 378-0513 dhart@hom soc.com Mink Realty · MAXINE MINK CRS , SRES Relocation & Seniors Specialist Office: 949.722.8609 Dayna Pettit (or your '1New around the neighborhood." "Co,·ering Balboa Peninsula & ~ewport Beach" Bus: (949) 673-3899 Cell/Pgr. (949) 433-0998 Fax. (949) 673-6805 Cannery VIiiage Realty Inc. Pam Ward Broker Assoc. 949-235-2226 Specializing In Newport Beach & Costa Mesa Home Sales ~ Prudential • CaUfomla Realty lOur priorities ... are my priorities/ Kadie Karcher Ru/ Emtu Monx11p Sp«iAJist Ntttl • H1IU or• UMa.. p wu • c.O (714) 457-1560 Fax (949) 718-0357 m ~ciic:Karchc~addph1a.nn llfJIUOll Call 949.642.4321 . . Diane Coltrane, Broker (949) 836-3730 cell Kathleen Dennis Assistant SPECIALIZING IN NEWPORT BEACH & CORONA DEL MAR Prudential California Realty Coastal Cottages to Mansions Stacy McCullough 949.887.1 199 . 949.644.6200 StacvReahon"' aol.com www.(,o~1al<..01ult~To.,,1.imions.com JACOBS REALTY John Jacobs, GRI Broker 29 Years in Newport Bus: 949-642-4400 John's Cell-463-9100 johnl·arol.jacobs@sbcglobal.net ~ Paulson Realty Inc. ~ 9' 4630 Campus Drive • ~Newport Beach, CA 92660 Nora lee Broker Real Estate College Degree 949-760-6097 Selling Your· Home? To Obtain Top Market Value GllMI Jiii C~ll The Experts COLDWeLL BAN~eR L.J , M Sooday, Aulust 24, 2003 ·~--~--·--------Dally_Pilot __ 1 • lt thel'9 a topic you~• to ... uplorlct on this pega7 Contact Jose J. Santos with questions, comment.a or Ideal. He can be reached at (949) 6744224 or ;ou.antoa@latimn.com. ----- Reading 'The Amaz,irw Spider-Man' isn't just a grade-~hoolpa#time.Comwbooks_...,..__ ...... ____________________________________________________ __ offer jantQstJC tales fur all ages. T ............ Oft......._ ...... .. 2A _...old -MlwV9 .... cNld ........ for tMt ..... .--nt undw .. ChiWtnlM tree. nw-.,... latw, I w1._ 1Mt ewt __,t I decided to ......,_. my childhood pw6on ffw Cl all Gtil'9 oomlc booka.. • -........ In. movte theet«, euffwtng ttwoUlfl......,. for eome tMn fUcka. Then _..... .. h pp1necl. A preview ffw mtyan ....,....x ...... ·-.~ ....... ••tadon of the ........ 11a1y -tul Marvel comic. hh the -· The eight of Hugh ...._ -the ... end brooding Wotv.ine popping hie adanwttlwn c1-a on the aipllcae of Udy Llbefty'a h11dd .. ..m ..... ........ Ne.d atop, comic book ahop. I've read hundreds of comic boob since then, and have seen more of my childhood CCUITESY Of FOX RABI> FAN: Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. heroes graoa the big screen. There was "Spi-. Men, • "Daredevil,· end my pereonal favorite, •Hulk.• ~wn ,.... like Tom Haru.' ·"Road to Perdition end 1"9 llt<fv '9W fGftolt ~· W9fe besed on cc.nlc Ooolll. Despite v..-in~•rttv bee'* ol t!JCC8S9o ful movie ad-"GM wtd 1he CW9fltUn'l leep In quality of todl','TcollllcDoot ltoritl, I .ill! cart't ..em to shake lhe ...-;i-.19'.i OCCut$ wtlenever I tell someone I'm an~~ I elwavs assunte peop61'1 perc1ptloo of me morphs into the Comic look Guy from "The Simpeons. • l"Wol'lt In Sight everl"I But there Is nothing w rong with my passion for the medium. I think more people should pick up comic boob. First. the Intellectual reasons: Sequential art is one of the most primal forms of storytelling. There are words, and there are drawings, a method tllat hH existed since man first drew on the cave walls at L.etcaux. The writer and artist rely on these two basic ections to relate concepts sometimes profound and other tlm" amusing. Cornlea generate modem mythologl"· allowing people of all agff to share in either• laugh, • ahoclt or a cry. It is a clear reminder that a simple narrative can connect people from different backgroundl, cultures and creeds. Then there are the not..o-intellectual reasons: The stories can be read quickly. the boob are rel• tively cheap (when'• the lest time you paid $2.25 for a movie ticlcet or CD71. and you'll be the life of the perty when Hollywood makes that ne>Ct big comic bookflia. There really Is a comic for everybody. Just walk into the comic book store near you and ask for some help. Tell them what you like, and they'll point you in right direction. Nothing beats that elation of wondering what happen• to my favorite charecter and then finding out ea the stori" unfold month after month. It's like Christmas every Wednesday. -Jose J. Santos BIG 5 Here's a rundown of today's comic scene: MARVEL COMICS (www.marvel.com) ldandty: "The House af Ideas" end the mott popular oomic: publisher today. lt9 oanon of cherac:tera was bom In the mind of the legendary Stan LH end conttnuee to be • fon:e in l>09 culture . ....,.., ----· 8IMI boob: Spider-Men, F1~ Four, Der9dtvil, the Hulk. the X-Men, Captain America, the Punisher "8aa-1nd8'1otie: "Ultinlate Spoder-Men" by Bnan Michael e.ndis end Marie e.g1ey (Imagine If "Smallville" W8t .t>out Spider-Mani and "X·Stetix" by Peter Milligan end Mike Allred IA colorful, •muling utire on IOCltty di9guiMd a en X-Men apinoff) D.C.COMCS (www.dccomics.com) (www.inaiecomics.com) ~ A group of lndepel ldel'lt WT1IMa Ind Mttsa who geMl'9'l8 comlcl beeed on their own ctMtlonl. lmaea II holt to many dlf'lwent kinda of lllDriea. ............................ Stiewn. Sevage Or9gon. Wlldlblade, lJberty Me1dows. G.L Joe, l'owerw DMK HORSE CO.CS <www.dlrlfhorse.com) -....,: A publWler lhlC apeciallne In ,.,_.og boob Gl.-d by indl*'Y ""*"8nl, NnUd to movie frandllael ot wrtaan about '°ID that.,..,,, woc18'1d wlfl ~ ~--bootll. ........ .... .. ........... Haltboy, MedrNn, lln Qty. ----~ '°¥1 Alarw Va.,.,... eoncr.. CROSIGEN CO.CS {Www.CIOSlfln.Com} I ........ ltlOfttar•O.UQu; ......... ... •• ....,.._,.,.,. .......... __ a ~ .............. ~ ...... n. ........ ln .................................. ........... ........ CNI.~~ .........,,, ~ w., fllh .. . , ~ MY COMIC SHOP IS SU9rOR COMZIS. A GREAT SHOP 'THAT OFFERS DISCOl;t.1TS TO AE~AAS. f'IEW REAOER.S SHOlt.ON'r BE BASHFUL. IF YOU CHECK THE we, SITE WWW.DIAMOND COMICS.COM, YOU .CAN FINO OVT WHAT NEW COMICS Wn.t. BE IN TI-4E STOQE BEFOAE YOV Mkf THE TRIP •.. QA YOU CAN JUST W~ IN ANO BROWSE. PialNG A flEW 800K IS EA.sYI SEE MMT aA8S Yo.Al ATT&ITION. MAYIE n's T>E ca..oAS. OR MAYIE T>E ART WORK ts AEAU.Y COOU fUP THAOU&H SOME P•s, Aste QUESTIONS, IUT #DST IMPORTANTLY, HA~f\A&SS:QSS: !PID8l ~ wn.L~ YOUA~WAY, AWW,MAN I HOPE THEY STru.: HA VE A COPY OF l>AREDEVD... ITS TH: LAST PA~T OF A REALLY COOL.STORY . SUPERIOR COMICS ON NEWPORT 80VLEV AAO, COSTA MESA • • -r I • DJilY Pilot LOOKING BACK Daily Pilot S lineage The newspaper has had many names and incarnations over the years since 1907. Kris q•oonn•ll Daily Pilot W hlle Pavlov was studying ·conditioned reOexes and the Lumiere brothers first marketed color photography, 1907 saw the birth of l:he coastal area's first· • newspaper, the Newport News. • In the years following, many papers were born in the harl>or area. Larger, financially dominant papers. including the -Oaily Pilot, absorbed nearly all "When I started at the Pilot. in 1962, there was us (originally called the Costa Mesa Globe-Herald( and the News-Pres6 (originally called the t¥ewport Harbor News-Press before It merged with the Pilot!.· said former Pilot photographer Lee Payne. The Pilot covered Costa Mesa while the News-Presi covered the harl>or news. The News-Pres.c; was at 2211 Balboa Blvd. in ,Newport Beach. "In the early days, the PiJot was a bi-weekly and each paper was identical except with different from pages, as this was done to accommodate the Newport Beach readership,· said Payne. "Our circulation (in 19621 extended from Seal Beach to San Oemente.· late itt 1962, the two papers were officially joined under one name -the Pilot. "Newport-Mesa was a qwet area'then, • Payne recalled. ·we couJd get a front-page story about painting white lines down the center of the st.reel.· Many often wonder how the Pilot got its name. In 1955, the Globe-Hercild launched th~ Marina, a smaJJ SeaJ Beach newspaper. The Marina acquired the small Coast Pilot or Southern California newspaper, also in Seal Beach, from its founder, former Navy Admiral John R. McKinney. In 1957, McKinney sold the name• Pilot to the Globe-Herald for SI, asking if they liked the name and wouJd use it well. Thus was born thrGlobe-Herald and Pilot that in tum become the Orange Coast Pilot ' There have been various mastheads used for the Pilot: the Orange County Daily Pilot, the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, the Newport Daily Pilot atid the Daily Pilot. In 1961, runes Mirror acquired the Orange Coast ~UshJng Co. [Orange Coast Daily Pilot), but later sold il. For 15 years, the principal owner and publisher of the Orange Coast newspapers and chairman or the Board or Orange Coast Publishing Co. was Walter ONGOING • • Send ONGOING items to the Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to miktuwan.onltlatlmn .oom; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing 11 available et www.dailypilotoom. FIL[ PHOlOiDAllY P1LOT The Newport Harbor News-Press was at 2211 Balboa Blvd. in Newport Beach, which ope~ated from 1954 to 1962. LOCAL NEWS SINCE 1907 The Newport News (1907 to 19371 The Balboa Bulletin [March 1922 to October 1925) The Costa M esa Herald [March 1923 to May 19361 The Costa M esa Courier (1923 to May 19361 The Balboa Times (March 1925 to August 1937( The Costa Mesa Globe [Oct 1934 to May 1936) The Newport-BalOO. News-Times (1937 to 19541 The Newport-Harbor News (1940to1954) The Newport Harbor News.Press (1954 to 19621 The Corona del Mar/Newport Ensign (1 947 to 19871 The Costa M esa Glot)e.Herald (1936 to 19571 The Globe-Herald and Pilot (1957 to 1961 J The Daily Pilot (1 961 to present) The Newport News (1991 to1992) The Costa M esa Breeze and Newport Beach Light l 1995 to May 2003) The Current (May 2003 to present) Laughlin Burroughs who, in 1957, moved the plant to iLc; present location on Bay Street. In June of 1960, the Pilot went daily -by 1971, 850 boys had jobs as Daily Pilot carriers. Burroughs remained at the helm of the Pilot until 1968 when he was replaced by Bob Reed. In January 1989, the Pilot became a morning publication and, in 1993. Tunes Mirror re-acquired the paper as part of Coast Community News. Today, the Daily Piloc and the Current, published by the Orange County Regisler, are the only two remaining papers in Newport -Mesa. • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays. Do you know of a person, place or event that deserves a historical look bad<? Let us know. Contact us by fax at (9491646-4170; e-mail at dailypilot@latimes.com; or mail at • clo Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. The Newport c.nw Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated partting is available In the parting struC1ure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721-5732. Rafln1ng Root Clre Products Since 1927 PALS(949)645.7257 2299 Harbor Blvd . Costa sa 'B r e a f. J a .s t , L u n c fi & 'D 1 n n e r ILou la Favorite! Since 1995 . 1WO TESTS FOR AN ADJUSTABLE WAN? By Dave Wong Fim, how dob the ihitial paymeni compare with that on a fixed-rate mon gage of the same size? ls 11 significantly lower? If not, it's very likely not rhc umc: 10 b< considering an adjustable rare mongage. If, for ex.irnple, the yield curve as 1nverced-w11h long- term rare) lower than shorc- term rares-the iniual payment amounr for an ARM as likely co be .ibout as high as the paymcni on .i fixed-rate loan. The intere~t rare on .almosr .aJI ARMs 1s aJiu)reJ to J short- term in11:re~t r.111: Jttln(!. .LS an index . .afier ;ill. But lei\ 'JY th,11 rhc 1n111aJ p.1ymcn1 .imo11n1 1s very Jll r.itllve compared w rhat on a fixed -rare loan. I .er\ 'ay that, JS a cunsequcncc of this .ind the fdct th.11 qu.il1fic.H1on for an ARM is generally easier than it is for J fixed -rate loan, you can qu;il1fy for more of a loan w11h an ARM And let's say th.11 you don't su r;11es )k}rotkct1ng rnv11mc 1n the lurcseeJble future Then 11\ 11me to lool.. di ARMs And when you Jo, and youre compuang daffereni ARM prugr.ims. p.1y special atten11un ro rhe "sprc.1d" or "m.irF,rn u~ed an t .ilcula11ng 1he interest rarc-rhe amount ;idded ru the lo;m\ index. The ~nldller 1he nurgan, the lower rhe re,ulrin(!. anrerest rate: .. JnJ rht" h.ippic·r you will be! Qursuom?, JUH L.111 me at ')49-'133-1200 or visit my wc:b~ites JI d.ivewun(!.4 .com or onefordroad.cum Daw Wong h11; bun Jf'lltng homes m Nrwpon 8t'arh smrt' /<)8<) and u w11h Coa.sr Nt'wpon Propmm/ColdWt'il &nlur. Sunday, Aueust 24, 2003 A7 _., __ I OFFE RING Gteoi Leng!n hair e.1118l'lllOOI I Al•emo ute StlOl(1rtenrog &-,stem I IAlON HOUIS Mcroor ~ 9 lOaJt> ~m • CIOl8d i.roo. :n:n E Coost Highway Surte 204 Corona de4 Mor CA 926~ 949 723 4048 SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in seconds! 50% OFF: 1st Session $15 Value I I I ' Expires 9/2/03 t "-----------~ UJl toJ4y "' seWJe your "Ppoinlmmt (949) 719-2896 27 44 F.ast Coast ffighway, ,, -JUODCI Boot" . c:orou dd Mar, CA 92625 Anniversary Sale Due to overwhelming response extended to Sunday, August 31st 1 Oam-7pm daily or call for appointment Our Biggest Sale of the Year on ... Trina Turk, Nanette Lepore, Tracy Reese, Calypso, Marc Vachon, Jessie Della, Femina, Milly, Liya Cynamone, Tom Nguyen, T-Bags, Alice & Trixie, Huzzi, Diane von Furstenburg, Eva Fortune, Billy Blues, Petro Zillia, Tamara Catz and more ... 270 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa 949.646.5652 --s·uCHOT SERVICES .......... p.m. Oft .........,, Sept. 20th, "-bbl •••r'• Lecba'9 a:a .,...., e:ao p.111 ....... .ltllC.c .... M Sunday. Avgust 24, 2003 HOW TO GET PU8USHED -t..a.r.: Mall to Editorial Plge Editor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92677 • R11 iMr9 Hodne1 Call (949) 642-W FMl Send to (949) ~170 E-m•il:S.nd to dal/ypllot@latimes.com• All co~ndence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verlficatl9n pu~ea). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all 1ubmiuion11or clarity and length. EDITORIALS Cooperation key to imprOvement W e have often been critical of the Costa Mesa Community Redevelopment Action Committee. We saw the committee as too big with too many personalities to deal with to come up with any meaningful direction or change that would benefit the Westside of ( 'osta Mesa, which it was asked to improve. And some of our concerns were rnme in the early days of the 1 ommHtee, which has since paired it.,elf down by more than half. J laving said that, we must take a 111inute to give the committee a thumbs up for now. It's not that we ,1gree with all or even some of the :w recommendation s the rn111 mittee has forwarded to the City Council's Redevelopment 1\i:;t>ncy. However, we agree with the spirit of the effort and i:ummend committee members - who are all volunteers -for atte mpting to create a vision the will benefit the future of the Westside for years to come. Some of the committees ideas are grandiose and improbable, 3'n~ the members have run into a buzz saw of opposition from some Westside residents and business owners, who are steaming mad over the idea that the c ity could dictate the fate of their property. We urge those business and home owners to let cooler heads prevail. l'he committe·e has no power to 111Jke changes. only suggestions. ;1111..I as city leaders have indicated, 1 he lie tails are far too sketchy right now to say anything is concrete. llul some of the arguments have ltlerit. Would the Westside be better served by a new shopping center on 19th Street with a supermarket? Are the bluffs that currently house industrial offices and manufacturing plants better suited for high-price homes and ocean view neighborhoods? Would a bridge over the 19th Street hurt or help the area's economic well being, security and safety? It is not possible to adequately answer any of these qu estions right now, but it doesn't hurt to a t least put them up for a lively but civil debate. One thing is certain, we reject the notion that nothing s hould be done to improve the Westside. That the Westside is not b lighted and n eeds no effort to clean it up is just a denial of the facts. Another thing that is certain is we would also stand on the side of resid ents and business owners who want to protect the property rights they so cherish. We agree that no home should be lost and no business closed, unless of course those property owners are willing sellers who are compensated fairly. Since that day is clearly a long time coming, if it even comes at all, we urge au to stay involved in the debate and not lose focus on the goal. h doesn't have to be one way or another, there is a happy medium that rhetoric and name calling cannot achieve. As the Community Redevelopment Action Committee members h ave learned and can attest to, there is too much work to be done and too much at stake to get bogged down in all of that. Tales of Balboa site worth keeping up F reedom of speech is a wonderful thing. People can take what they will from any s tatement, but l'veryone's welcome to make one. Last week, a few comments were 111ade in Newport Beach that nearly produced an unfortunate side l'I f cct. 1\t a m eeting of the Balboa Business Improvement District. a lli">cussion rose as to whether /11/esofBalboa.com. which ,1dvcrtlses and links to Balboa Peninsula businesses, should drop i1s advertising of and link to l·weNewport.com. Some merchants said they thought that an affiliation \\ ith the latter group, which has uiticized the city of Newport ll1•ach on occasion, was in< onslstent with the merchant group's goal of promoting local· ltusiness. The merchants asked their city liaison his thoughts on the matter .md he said it was Tales of Balboa Webmaster Jim FournJer's choice as wd l as "the choice of the [business improvement district) who they link with. and those links and sites ">hould be consistent with the [district's! mission." Fournier didn't take to the comment and responded thereafter by posting on his site that it would soon end. It was a shame that Fournier reacted that way. His Web site has much to offer the area and those afar, who can check out six different Web cam views of the peninsula. "I really shut down the Web site becau se I was frustrated with all the politics," he said. "I spend a lot or time putting everything together and l lose money on it every month. And all I get is this massive amounl offlalc.~ However, Fournier has since changed his mind and made the right decision to keep the city's and merchants' asset going. He said several people wrote to him to protest his decision. The Web site has had more than 100,000 visits since its beginning. further .proving its worth. Fournier will continue linking to FreeNewport.com. advertised as "The Web our leaders don't want you to see.~ It really doesn't m atter whether Fournier links to the Web site or not His own Web site is worth the visit and keeps visitors busy with Balboa and Newport history, handy information, feedback and weather readings. The site has found a niche and Fournier should be encouraged to continue it for as long h e can. THE LAST WORD That F word dirty no more S acrebteul Wasni It just a few months ago that anything Prench wu .ibout os palatable as day-old bagu<.'ttes? Viewed u Wy-ltvercd opponents to the war ln Iraq not so lon.g ago. Che Ftench ~the tooree of .com and ridicule. frenc:b wine was being poured down~ French frfa were ttoamed freedom ftJes. and the f~ ~ PrenchJ Mult.vd tnuncbed a public rl!ladons unn..., to denolnce any ~ lO lbs t'OUl:h·rmltTt«f aaropan mtkxl. .I -------..... --~_._ -- BOLTON READERS RESPOND Reader should rethink redevelopment AT ISSUE: Possible redevelopment of Costa Mesa's Westside In this week's Community Commentary regarding redevelopment, Ila Johnson makes a most remarkable statement toward the end of her opinion piece. She states: "I am a property rights advocate, but property rights are not absolute and really cease when they begin to interfere with the rights of others' enjoyment of their property ... "What? Can you say convoluted? lf she isn't enjoying someone else's property enough, then that property owner's rights should cease? Johnson, you've got to get a grip. Earlier in her commentary. she tries to make the point that Westside industrial use is a holdover from the past. when it was justified. Bu t today, she calls it inappropriate because we need new housing "in these highly desirable locations." The next sentence gives you all the insight you need into her th.inking: "Costa Mesa should not be held hostage today by decisions of the past". What are you advocating, the equivalent of a City Council mulligan? An official "do-over?" Let's see now. There are all these commercial and light industrial businesses infecting the Westside. Many have been in the city longer than Johnson, of course, but that shouldn't matter. The vast majority operate entirely within the laws and the codes, but I guess that shouldn't matter either. They employ thousands of workers and produce tens, maybe hundreds of millions in sales and huge amounts of taxes. But, because the breezes blow on the bluffs and Johnson thinks we need some more houses. we should seize their property scrape the groWld Oa1 and build a few hundred condos. Fairness shouldn't enter into this, I guess. These Westside property owners who have their entire lives in their businesses should just quietly fold their tents. Where. I ask. do these businesses go? Where do the jobs go? Where do the thousands of newty unemployed find wort? Does Johnson care? If Mayor Gary Monahan is right and there's no money to pay for an eminent domain seizure of these properties. coWlt me among the very pleased. And, as a small WestBJde business and property owner, I hope it stays that way. Let me add in closing, I don't give a damn whether Johnson ever enjoys my propeny or nol It's my property. and I Intend to enjoy It enough for the both of us. CHUCK CASSrTY Costa Mesa Sadly, I read the all·LOO-vi.slble colwnn wrlnen by Ila Johnson -e clear eq>C>M of the heartlesanas, and·bulineta and IOdaliatic thinking pattema of the \Dlinfonned lfben1. "The lndUltrlal Ute (of the Wesulde) needs to go." ebe tlnp loudly. Johnton bl1b lhe line u if theie were no economlc bene8t to the Prt'9t!fKle of lfgtdmete bu8lneM that pay aublcandal cu. and wboee owne11 haw m.ed In the f\.LlUl'I fA. lheJr bullne9I end the reUllb6ltty~dW d(l< ~ daae IO U\llCfns ftw pqMilty C*1 be ptfth I 3 Id With. U. term~· mlnd -thi . ..... . -··-·-· !t only way in which its purchase can be justified How dare Johnson take the whip to businesses allegedly releasing toxic pollutants, that sh e claims are "potentially capable of causing cancer and a whole host of other ailments." without documenting her ill-informed and politically liberal sources. Reasonable thinkers are sick of this McCarthyistic belching, so typical to those Who think businesses have no right to operate in California. yet encourage hand outs comprised of businesses' taices for the beneficiaries of our unending entitlement programs. Watch out for the South Coast Air Quality Management District. which p uts small companies away at alarming rates these days in its effort to "clean up" the air. They've become experts at convincing people such as Johnson that the worst pollution in the basin comes &om businesses. Not true. The district's own statistics confirm that vehicles produce the majority of pollutants. Shut business out and you have a problem. There will be no money in the coffers to give away. You'U injure far m ore families -taxpaying ones -than you realiu. And where will the locals who work for such companies find jobs? What about the pollution they will contribute by driving much farther to a new place of employment? I own property just outside the section o f the suggested redevelopment area on the Westside and I've been paying for it for.half my working life. Its more than frightening to know that whimsical thinkers like Johnson may be at the root of someday displacing my business and, at the mom ent, feel free to attac~ those like me whose are inside the dotted lines. What a sad commentary. Johnson thinks "simply rezoning the area" will easily facilitate the changes she advocates. I encourage her to become better educated on the great value of sm all businesses -companies synonymous with the spirit of community -of which there are so many in that section of Costa Mesa. l also encourage her to listen without bias to the arguments of business owners, who she condescendingly calls "industrialists." Maintaining an open mind. she might learn something and then be able to make an educated decl&on to run out legjtimate businea &om a long-time, properly zoned industrlal area. DOUGLAS E. TEMPLIN Newport Beach Probably the single most dl.sl.ngenuous statement l have~ seen printed in the Daily Pilot WU Ila fohNOn'a clalm that she ii a property rights advocate. I guess she thJnb that throwing a aentence into her anti-property righta diatribe aomebow ameliorates bet precedJng'ltatementa. I ed.mJre any member of the community who pubUdy erpn!tlel their Opinlont and who puddpate in vklJ dialogue about the ftnure oleo.. Mela. I cannot.~ ltlOd by while IOmfOne adYoc:alee complecely atrtpphtg away the~~ ol fNf1ly property owner In • lar'8 llCdorl ol ColCa Mell Ind then datrm to be a proplltJ .... lldvocm. Se-.1 af Jallmadt All Te• de-wi&l._1 •••aiild ........... ct.KM ... ... •4"¥"-• ,1 Westside Costa Mesa business owners as "industrialists" who live in Newport and cavalierly poison Costa Mesans. while •exploiting a permanent underclass" of undocumented immigrants who must then depend on charities for services. What son of nonsense is this? It srnaclcs of socialism, and is en tirety inappropriate in the context of Westside redevelopment. Most jobs created by redevelopment would be most likely be service oriented at the new shops and restaurants that would supposedly spring up to serve the new homes. Lets use the new Harbor Center as an example -Albertson's, Rite Aid, McDonald's, and U Maxx are good examples of the types of businesses that would populate any new shopping center in the redeveloped area I can almost guarantee that the many current jobs generated by the Mindustrialists" pay considerably raore than any of these retailers. Next, Johnson states the current land use in Westside Costa Mesa ls entirely inappropriate because the city is almost entirely built-out This also defies logic. How would tearing down all the businesses -which provide jobs and tax revenue -and replacing them with another shopping center and more homes solve any of the numerous woes that Johnson says afflict Westside Costa Mesa? Who would buy these homes? People working at the new shopping center? Eliminating jobs while creating more traffic and congestion makes absolutely no sense. Finally, Johnson characteriz.es the Westside as a toxic dump, with air unfit for humans that bas been "contaminated" by the "industrialists who care little for the health and well being of the citizens of Costa Mesa.• These are incredible statements that fly in the face of reality. California has rigorous environmental standards, and the regulatory environment Is notoriously strict. 'The South Coast Air Quality Management District. along with the Regional Water Quality Control Board. the Department of Toxic Substances Control, the Environmental Protection Agency, the • Division of Occupational Safety and Health, as well as the d ry and county (among others I am surety leaving out) all regulate the activities of each and every business that handle toxic sub6tancea. Any redevelopment or revilaliz.adon of Westside Costa Mesa will dramatically and adver1eJy atrect the vety property a1ghta Johnton daima to advocate. 1beJ will loee thdr ~and bomet 10 that other more •appropdate" bustneseea and bomee c:u:i be built. I cannot lml8lne a more ooerow ICbtme. Redevelopment "a>ntlO¥er8'11 and i. often Uled •• ');f!lp)n ..... ta:bln blfFl. Tbe .,,.._ lllil4e does DOI fk Imo Cl* ~W..llaunique-. ............. tobolhll(lll bbayllld...._......._. Wtna prolKt ... clswllt IDd ... c.. w..rn.n...-.-.-.... eoolf:li,.QllW....,.... ~ 1be <*)' eo..cl ... Myto pmcec:t the .. al wb ... .., Pl'Dl»MY ............ wa10. . ...... ,, ..... ,. a.11111. ~~~----~----~----.....;~~~.·--- I ____ ...,.,..._,_ ___ _.._.... ... _ ~---....,_... _______ _ Daily Piiot ~10 Age: 57 Position: Beginning sixth year as Newport-Mesa Unified School District superintendent, 18 years as 8 9Upenntendent Education: Two bachelor degree, two master's degrees, five creden11als; and a doctorate in educa11onal psychology and school adm1rnstrat1on Residence: Laguna Beach for five years Family: Wife of 35 years; one son; one daughter; and two grandchildren with one more due any day now Hobbles: Reading. hiking and 1ogging: f1sh1ng EVERYONE 'S INTERES T ·We 're one of th e n1osr dil•erse. eco110 111icallr and o th envise .. \chou/ district.~ anyu·here in the world. We ha\·e extren1 e wealth , extre1ne povert y, so 011r goal is for everyone to work togeth er for th l' co1nn1011 interest of every child.· PORUM Sunday, August 24, 2003 A9 There are countless factors that p rove challenging in running a school district, but Newport-Mesa Unified Supt. Robert Barbot seem s to be holding his own A ~~~~Mesa Unified school will rerum to class on Sept 2 and the district was busy over the summer renovating and updating several campuses and reinventing the curriculwn. On Friday, City Editor James Meler met with Supt. Robert Barbot to cliscuss these improvements and changes to see what the school year has in store for Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. Plrst or all, tell me a Uttle about what improvements were made OYer the summer that many students and parents will notke when they return to school this year. I'll '>tan with the construCtJon We'U hJ\C Newpon Coru.t trJementary ~chooll completed. Tilat rm•am, a wholt- additional wing ha!> been added 10 it. We've ..iho done some adjustment!> m the das.\room'> that we needed to do and cla.Sl>·sin.> re<lucoon. I'm not going to go '>Chool hy school because we have too man}~ We have eight '>Choob. ~ewpon Harl:>or I hgh because of the conde~nation by the state. We haw actuall oved all of the student'! and are f1111sl· ·ng this week the adrrum'>t lion to relocatable'> wfule we take on the task over several years of rebuilding the mam hall. People are work.mg day and rnWit and have been. ·me othi:r -,choob that are under construu1on -11 K~ on till November. We are firn.,hmg off the ..idministraoon wini.," We've run mto wme difficulty at 1 larhor \'iew. You know that. But gmerallv .,peakmg. m<>'>t ol the <.<·hoots h.a\ e ht.'t'n complt·tt'tJ I H~n I larbor \'1t.·\\ 1 .. re.lll} do..,t.• to rnmpll'llon. It\ 111.,t rh,11 we didn t fl't'l lOmlon.ihll· hnnging m tht: kid., 11.ahor Dayl week. \\1\JI rhev'll '>t't: \\t1en 11' all done 1-, 11·dll\ t Jmt>d thruu14h our '>Lrdlt>gil plan ,111d \ k,l'>ure A .ind '>0 on Tiw 1 l.t'>'>morn'> art: gmng to be moderm1.ed, brnu)(.ht ur to 'lillldard'>. Thl')'·re gomg 111 loolo.. good. TI1ey'rt' going to ha\e new p.i11u Job' electnc-dl \\~cLS read1u'>ted. the \.\ .tJI, \\ l'rt-guned. nt'\\ lighung. ynu nanw 11. lney literally stripped lhe1r w,tJJ, In W'l' vou an example. we've moved 11 Ii t la ... .,mom teat.her; this '>ummer .1lnrw in .111d out of relocatabk .... By the way. 1Jwy re nice relocalahle'>. llwy have air conJ111oning and all of that. Hy October \;<J\.-ember, ~ \\e fi1w.h off Phase I. \-1.e'U have -.chool<. that really an> modem. addres.!> safery need , h.ive clean da.,.,room walls. n~-1. hj.(fiun~ new eleunctty. Thdt''> 11 for construcuon I umLUlum·\\1.'>t:. '>lratc.-gitd.11~. ''hat we'n• gi11ng 1n ~ d11Tcrent I'> we did g1•1wraJlv wry well 1111 our lt:'l '><:On''> hut \\t' olJ\.1ou,ly loo!... at them "><> \\('01'1.' ha,111g our adm1111.,trntor. tJw ..... ummer 111el't1ng ,,,th 1cac her.. about arc '>lrtngtla~ and weak.ne....~ IA'>'>t.,tant ">11p1.1 ~U'><.tn Ot...,pcn~. for example. a., ''l' .,rw.ik L'> meetmg \-1.1th tlw pnnopals. \\ll.11 Wl're gomg to do I'> look. at what we do \\.l'll d.lld \\ ht:rl' we need to turtlwr improve and we'll focus our 11~tn1t11on on th.it V.l\Jt we have ..cen. generally speaJunt(. ~our biggest area of need is 1n the reacting and language aru area. You havt• to under.tand. We get a lot of new ~tudcnts at school during the yt>ar. Certain schools will rum over 67% ot rht' .. rudent populauon. Even though people , .. 111 say uvou fixed it once" like being in a ho.,p1tal. these aren't patients. What we're doing is adopting new language ans 'tandards. Unlike mo<,1 d.t'>tncts. we've really made it a pnom~ to purcha:.e IS 1.5 million to $2 mill1<111 wonh of nev.' language arts curricuh1m lhe re~on we've done it 1~ becau'*' they're 100% aligned witJ1 the new language am 'tandardo. K-12. which helps every cluld If they're advanced. lhey'U move faster fhen there·~ our Reading 180 progrc:tm for the high school kids. -me 'ie\'t.'nth through runlh grader. are our primary targets bt•cause we don't wa.111 them coming 1ntu hlgh school not reading what we want them to read. It\ very cliagno-.t.Jc mdnidual w\!>1: .md focu'>t"ll on makmg '>Ure our <.tudt'nl'> are perforrnmg .,.,-ell and an• readr for colltogl'. "><> lanh11iage an'> and read111g .... ,111w ab-.cilutely aligned \\1th '>Wll'. n..inonal Jnd world\\-1de 'randanh It\ comm~ together real '"eU What tl11:y're al!>o going 10 see char lhe pre!><.'.hool program has been expanded. lhey're going to o,ee is that the '>late ,.., demanding more iil1d more papemork. to be filled out b\ them in order to register for school So we're working on that. They're going to see that we did some technological thtn~ to reaJJy even funher adv-clilce contaci us if their child's absent. We did it the last few .. years. but we've really dramatically oghtened 1t up. Pn>ny much. we're gerting to the point that at mo~t of our ')Chools, parents and teacher; can e·mail back and forth for teedback tla> and night. Paren~ are wooong and want to know what's gomg on 11lere will also be a ne\<\ '>He where parent~ can sign up for d.t'>tnctwide e·m.uls. We want to encnur.ige them to ll5e 11 becau-,e we're putting all of the new material..!, about what\ going on \\1th con'itruCUon. the new 1.mguage aru cumculwn, what'oi gomg on at t'Vl'I)' school on the Web page. Day and rnght. they can gel into it anti they can actuall} have those opporturuo~ for feedback. lf tht.>y have a quesuon. WI:' can give them an answer. We al'>O want feedback about the Web Slit"; usefulness. The key IS to have a commurucation between the parents and the schools. That's the key to our succec;.s, that they know whats going on. We want to stop rruscornmunication. FROM THE NEWSROOM Ra\1t .tllv. \\l''re ,L..Jw1g all of our leacht'f\ a.ntl c;ta.tf 10 rocw. on v.l 1.sl '> gmng on in the da..sroom to m.tkt' 'ttrl' that the thdd LS. !mt of aJI ..aft' Jttd 1h.11 the tn'>tn1cuon •~ locu...e<l rm thl'1r particular need'>. \\'e"w aJ,o pu1 111 .1 number of ddd.monal ..et:umy ~ ... ue .. Cena1nl}. cl!ld I want to remand tht' parent-.. no one '" allO\\E:<l lo t'nter our '>lies unit .... ., they fiN c.:het k into the adminl't.rnuon buitdmg and get \1"t11r tag'>-Tildt\ '>Omethtng. you kn1M, UlJt t-.,o }'t.'ar., you wouldn't have thoui.:t11 aOOUl It. \Ve·ve had grt>at lOOJ><'ffilllJll We aJ.,o have re<,ourn• ofliLer, ;.it tht• lugh '>t:hool'>. Another elemenr "d 111a1or counseling grant. \\t::\t' gone alter '>Orne grants because mnne: 1~ 11Wit th1'> H·ar \Ve have one of only '>l.'\l'll grant.-. for roun'>t·hng 111 the \\hole c ou Ill!) \ \ t• rl' 1\0\\ llY1"K 111 lwt'I up ti t' Jltt'r '-< hr>ol Ol llfC;.tl h gr.1111 \\t> rt> •Hll' 111 1lw n lt"l d1\l'N. economH <111~ .u1d 111111•1'\\t.,t' .... ttwol dt'>tnct., . .ut\'Wh1·n· 111 lht \\orlt.l \\t.• haw extremt· \\t•JJth. extr1•111t· pmert\. '><lour goal I'> tor t'\e~niw to \\ork togt·tht'r lor the common mwlt'q ot £'Wry C'hild. It-; not our pl.1te lO 1udgt• \\'('tell our '>faff thaL Poht1uans talk <1h11ut whether '>Omeone belong-. here or not But our JOb LS to educate t'\en chdd that comes on our door.tep. In\: pol1t1c..~ of 11 belong_'> to ':>Omeone el-.e. What wt: rt· ming to d1115 work. with ~·erv woup around U'> A major thmg tha1 we h.i\ e had, hut "t· re going to expand our collahor.1t1on with every agency Jnd W"IJUP \\ lwn 11 meeL'> our educatu>n.tl agend.1. not their>. \Ve \V-dJ1t 11 to hdp l'tlucate l.Jd., md help J')drl'nL.., 10 mak.1 1111 .. a -;trong commumry \\le'rt• al'>') l'C'ally focu,111g on I.he 111di\ 1tluaJ rll'e<h ot t h1Jdren. Ille W\J r duldren m·w a.c, muth .L'> the underac h1t.>\1ng .,n1dl'nt'> \\'e find thE'1r needs ro he J' g?"t'dt, "o we re really beefing up our (11\11-pru~..un People ..i.~..,ume the ~'llted d11ldren do reallv well. hut the\ aJ...o ht1\1' d1fficulur. and L"<.ues. \\t• rt~e"-ed 'umt• wams and dollar-.. lor thaL We've lwen reall~ .. un l'.....,,ful pa.ruwnng \\lth otht.·r group~ \\e have to CTt'dJt our ,tJ.ff .md commumue<.. .md parelll'> Our PT.\.., h.1w helped U'> get some grant!> and other thmgs. It., rm t' when people pull together. Also. one thmg people don·t realv.e 1.., how manv homeles.'> lods go to our '>C:hools. la'>t year. we 1dennfied 1q3 kids. We abo had 129 who left dunng the year. We 1ust received a $100.000 grant for them. C)thel"Wbe what~ have are famili~ walking the <>tree~ with children Thar\ 1~1 not accepW>lt:. So we're trying to reach out to those lads. What we have , fow1d, contrary to what poople rrught think. tS 11 doesn'r draw people in. The,t> d.l'e people who homeless in tlus communjty. Abow 99% of the ume. they've been here They can lose a Job and be out on the !>treeu. or the husband and wife can get into a fight and ..omeone can end up on the ~creetr, lllat''> what~ happening. They don 1 mOVl' far to go out on the streets. Tiiat nouon ts inaccurate. So we're worlong with '>Ome of theM> interfaith shelters to really get them to the schools or k.eep them 10 the 'iChools. We don~ wam 11 to be a bre-cihng point for them Pt.·oplt' t.hmx 11., JU.'>t the poor communiue'>. hut 11\ not. It''> as11aY.mg. What are the plans for Harbor VteW Elementary students to makr up for the four lost days? We have to lin.Uv.t-them. but WI:' met \\1th the '>taft cl!ld have talked to '>Orne 111 the parent~ hut we'll fina.lu.e them 011 \fonddy It appear. what they're idther do than four day.. at tht:' t>nd of the year I'> we have a couple of day<> an 1-ebl\ld.r\ one m the begmJUng of the school }'ed.f that\ for staff devdopment and then 1hey·re gomg 10 conden:.e when they dC1 parent conferencmg, :.<J they'll be able to pltl.. up the four day-. withour extendmg the year Thats the proposal \\e beht'Ve that'> what the parenL'> would h.ke. hut we·u find out on Monday I Ul1~mg off \lea-,ure A and dd1venng on th£-\1Wm .,.,e ti.II had \\'e'r£-prem muth 1111 t~et It'> dealmg \\1lh the unkrl1Mn \.'hen we open up J "><.hool tlunng rnmtruruon We're adopung as1d "ill prt">(.'nl lht- boartl lue..da\ ni¢1t d balanct'd budgt>1 \'1th ii full rl"'>t'r\t" or j.i.:-p1u .. 11 ... balanced m Lht· total -.cn'>t' We hawn t laid off any 'itaff and 111 the pron.">~ h<1\ t: kept all tl1e program'> m pl<1ce. !>Cl -... e rt proud of thal But one of the thm~' \\t: have to watch 1s firushmg up reconstrucuon and the unkn<.r.•m' ut hO\'\ the !>late can impact u' A second pan ut \lea!>W't' A I!> m March. with the bond doUars an Prop 47 Were real concerned that that pas.~ be<.all'>t' w-e need that. Cenainly, there"• a lut of turmoil going Oil around U'> . We're also real focused on 'Mlfeh and secun ty. as " e nl't"d to be. \.\ t> ha' e good plans. bur we hd.ve to L.eep an eve on that we·re in a ven· unsafe world. lt'U be a challengmg year. but I m opumL'illt I'm not pessuru_.,oc like people are staU."\\lde We all hcr.t· a Im o f good n.">Ourre<. and good thmg-. can happen. If'<; not a mdtter of· Jne '>k) 1., falling·· 11·~ loolang at what vou tan do Any final thoughts? ~ the year goe ... on. we would reall) encoutage our parenL., and reured teacher; m the commumty who rea.lh wam 10 worl with lL'> to gi\.'l' the ~tnct a call ... We have M> man) kid'> m~mg one or both of their parents who could use role models. These school., do belong to the community. They're not o~ We're the caretakers. bu1 tht."\ belong to them. The children are their children. So any help they can give ~. ~·u Lake it. Error policy created to improve accuracy I wa .. silting With two of our top editor.. awtule bade and we were di1>eu">Sing a .,patt• of errors thar had plagued !ht' neW'lpaper. Misspellinp, rypos, busted headlines, wrong information in capdons. How can we stop these erTors, I wanted ro know. vl'o me it aeems neJtherjrullfuJ or morale bu.lldiJ'\s Lo Just verbally beat up my tafT each time an error ocaars. rt doe n~ really stop the errors and In 1ead can create an atmosphere of tension. Furthermore. I mow my sta«la hud·wortdng and cries to ~fd em>n anywa~ so there had to be a bener way to clcian up our act. I cd th tw0 top editors. Man.aging &Utor S.J. <Ahn 11nd ~Oest ()lid and Art ~or Joey Santos. to gtvc me lions. 1'11 rM bow we can hold people accountable fot the ml$Wk they makt but do It ln • fair and equitable wsy, I pl .-w ..... ..., C8mt' up WUh ....... ........... ~ hrWWOOml bUt bl'*!\ bt.n ftMd beri ti"I iU \ my Lime with thbpaper. They came up with a policy that spells out the consequence of malcing errors, while L;;;..~--..__-J giving room TONY DOD ERO for mistake that all of us are capable of. Well. maybe not alJ. There are a oouple readm. e1pedaJJy former F.ngl1sh profes10d, who take gtee In pointing out our errors. But I gueM they are dtber perfect or have ~r worlced 1.t a n~t wbm l.bey'd have a more-than-bumbling epiphany I'm sure. So without ft.irthtr ado, here b the Diiiy Pilot's oroclal m'Or policy In Its entirety: right will erode our readers' sense of our fairness and balance. our commitment to quality and our place as the newspapers of record in the cities we serve. Formalizing t\OW we handle errors will improve our papers substantially, in a variety or ways: • First, or course, by reducing the number and frequency or errors. • By establishing the need to address how and why errors happened. dis<:ussion and monJtorlng will cmtte an environment where problems can and ahouJd be a.dd:reeeed CmmecUat~ • By tn!&dng a fair and balanctd ~)'to deal wttb problems that. In tam. crear a fair and equitable wort environment. BASIC GUl>E1JNE The tnor poJk:y IUows for ht ·major" enon In• thlee-montb period before correcdve ICdon end/ or coec::hall art Wen. P.naaill...-IMlllJ cm ~ ..... 8 CXJIRICdM .... em:irt M Imo two~ categories: • Minor errors: These include minor typos or other insigruficant mistakes, as judged by supervisors. 1Wo such minor errors within a three-month period will count as one "major· error fur tracking within me error policy. •Major errors: These include errors or !act misspellings or names or places; incorrect locations in stories; Incorrect dates. These also include typos or mllspeU1ngs in front-page cutlina or IUbbead tm and In any hNdline u well as other miaCaka In display type. ~ERttORS A lepU'lte categoiy of mot1 are one1 that att. ~ caught be6>ce they make lt Into print. I~ ~ted m6ts c:.ulht bemre publlcadon oan be c:onddered. ·~ enor. OltmllMS Odw tubecantl&l problmu. =.....,_orwlllful ..,, ....... •• auyflour,.....A._ ,,, ......... mcap1umh•lhl~ot the papers or stories that. as a whole. pruVlde an erroneous portra.i t of the news also will be dealt with seriously. SOURCE Of ERRORS An important aspect ro this policy is the fair amibudon of errors to the appropriate palt)t Enors would be tracked back to the person who made it. whether It be a reporter. editor or photographer. In some cuea., perhaps no one will be assigned blame. ln an extreme cue, more than one pmion might be dete.rm!Md to be at fault. reu. rT TO THE EDtTOA Tony Dodero is the edctor. He welcomes your comments on news ~ege. photography Of ottter ~lauet.tf you have a metSNge or a letter to tM edhof, Qll hia direct liM 8t.., 0Ma ortheRutr ,....,.at MMGll. Mnd It bv e-mail to ........ llllliitZllllm« dalrt;latellseli II 11-.. Of eend It bv maff '° 330 w. Bey St.. COlltlt MeM, CA. 12121 IHAOr CAHYOW ..,_,._ 34 Blue Heton •Open House 1--fpm front row location. Golf course view. French ProYence home. Hinman • Hinman f.f9.759.3705 CORONA DeL MAR SOUTH sr,AtS,0000 500 Dahlia • Open House J ...fpm Perfectly gorgeous! Comer location. '4 bd. 3 ba. Donna Wall 9'f9.759.37 I 7 NIWPOU Bl!ACH $2,891,000 Spectacular custom S bd. home, panoramic golf course and city views. Carole Allison 949.718.1526 N I W,OlllT COAIT $1 ,441,000 O riginally a model home with $220k in upvades. '4 bd. 3.5 ba. with office/den, three car garage. .49.644.9060 IHAOrCANYOW ... 2M,oee 29 ~ Heron • Of>en House 1--fpm S bd. custom comer lot home. Many fXUU. Pool and spa. Hinman Ir Hinman 9•9.759.3705 NEWPORT BEACH, $1, 100.000 2009 Yacht Mischief • Open Sunday 1-S Single level home with views. 3 bd. 2 ba. Gazebo and spa. CORONA DEL HAR Back on the market. ·~ Sydney Gielow 9•9.64 ... 9060 $1,750,000 949.400.1320 HAAIOlll YllW HILLI $1,JH~OOO Perlectl Tot21 remodel. '4 bd. 2.S ba. Wood floors. French doors. Ewln1 A Ewln1 9•t.7St.l716 u.LW••ND $2,17',W JOS Sopp1tfte Aft. • Open House I ...fpm 8nnd new home on Balboa Island. Quality th~AIO! f.f9.759.3716 HAaaoR RIDGE 2.f Ciwentry •Open House 12...fpm Mountain and city view. Single level 2 bd. 2 ba. in gated community. Mina Haghaml 949.718.1731 CASTAWAYS U .ttt,000 Highly upgraded family home with bay and city lights views. Rick Langevin 949.759.3759 ST. LAUltlNT' $911,000 l.arpst fltan~J, 5 bd. 3 ba. I bd. and I ba. down. Needs a little work. Linda Reed 949,a1.•n• COllONA DEL MAA St..nt• JBOOToptide Ln •Open House 2-Spm Great lot. Ocean views. '4 bd. 3 ba. Pool and sJ)a. Ideal location. Gisi Thomas 9•9.759.3714 THE aLUFFS 416 Ondo • Open House 1--fpm Valuable one story model on a prime cu.I-de- sac in the Bluffs. Coby Ward 949.759.3724 NEWPORT BEACH $I, tso.ooo 180 degree panoramic golf course and harbor view. Sydney Gielow 949.400.1320 IT. LAUltlNT tt4a1tff 3 bet. 2.S ba. Uparaded Plan I. GAat loc:adon, and gated entry. 9"tM7.4171 DailY Pilot t --- --~ _____ _,...... ·---··------. --------~·~~._..--------~--.._ ___ _ QUOTE OF THE DAY GPA, you get to ca rry the shovel to class, and it stays next to your desk." Crel1 Fet111, Estancia football coach THE BIG EASY Stepping it up a notch F lrst-year F.stancia High football coach Craig Fertig was recently quoted as saying. Ille best coaches in the nation are on the h1gh school level,· backing up something I beUeved since I was a 12-year-old when "we" (Monrovia High) had Bob Blackman and USC had Jeff ROGER CARLSON Cravath in 1948. If that doesn't ring a bell, weU, trust m e. Fertig. a 61 ·year-old "roolcie" on the high school level. will be getting his chance to prove it this fall when his Eagles try to reverse recent misfonunes. Fst.ancia has produced a I · 18 recortl over the course of the last two Sports Editor Richard DwWI: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: 1949) 650-0170 CHECKING OUT EYEOPENER ~~ 25hoooret JOHN GOLDMAN Sunday August 24 2003 Bl seasons. ln league the mark is 0· 11. It would have been l · 19. but the Sept 11 tragedy allowed an escape clause to avoid a certain squashing by Aliso Niguel in 2001. You might wonder what would possess a coach of Fertig's experience to tackle such a task. It's son of like running through a "bag drill" all day long. daily. Building a foundation "Since I was a little ldtf'hVways wanted to be a high scheoi-Coach, • said Fertig as he and his l~es await Monday's first day of conditioning drills before two·a·days get under way. Fertig has become f:stancia's I 0th head football coach since the school opened its doors in 1965 and it began to materialize when his daughter-in-law. Us.a. told him of the coaching vacancy during the family's Christmas dinner. "She said the previou.s coach was fired. and I told her there were only two types of coaches I know of; those who have been fired, and those who are about to be fired.· said Fertig, a master speaker. It appears there was some ground wort laid because Usa. a member of the Estancia teaching staff and the wife of Fertig's son. Marc, said Estancia's principal. Dr. Tom Antal. would appreciate some input in tenT\S of recommendations from Fertig. "Setting the trap" migh1 be a bener description of "input" One thing led 10 another and Fertig eventually look the bait and revealed he had found the right man: Himself. Fertig, a Newpon Beach resident. was an ~t coach at USC for 11 years and was an as&stant on the pro level for four seasons (one with the PonJand Stonn in the Wortd Football League and three with Tu.mpa Bay In the NAJ. And. he was the head coach at Oregon Slate for four years ( 1976· 79) with a See EASY, P•&• 82 Sage Hill's g irls teams emerged in 2002-03, while more a thletic fa cilities are on horizon. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot W ith the improvement ~by some 11f the girls spon.s team'> at Sage I liU School this p<t'>I year, Athletic Director Nate Miller\ v1 sion for added faaJ1tie<. might have 10 come lo fruition sooner than t'XpCC'led ClF playoff appearanc~ by thl' ten nis, softball and baslcetball teams high· lighted the year in girt-; spom at the Newpon Coa'>t pn v-dte ..chool. which will go on its founh year of ex1s1cnce when c;chool re· sumes in the fall. The tennis team. coached ~A.(;. Longoria. a teaching profcs.<.ional at Mis.5ion Viejo C.Ountry (]ub, fmL..tied 13·3, 10-2 in the Academ y League. good for second place. The Ughtning went 2· l. advancing LO the CIF Southern Section Division V quaner· finals. Freshman Katie McKinerick won 53 of 57 singles se~ and advanced to the semifinals of the league tournament. The three-spon star earned fir;1 -1eam J\ll-Arademy honors in tennL'> and was nanwd the '>Chool's Girl<> AthJe1e of lhe Year. McKiucn clc was an outfielder on Sage's •,oftbaJJ team. which lost a wild- card playoff game to Western Oiristian jn<J finc.hed the ..eason 10-10 under ftrst·year Coach Jim Percival. The I Jghtntng won nine more games than the previous year. Jessica Torina re- presenLed the Lightning on the All- Academy firs1 -team. Shanna RenJcin led the Lightning's girts basketbaJI team to ilS first OF playoff appearance in the program's -.econd year of existence. Sage finished 13 8. lo'>tng tn the first round 10 Con· neUy tn the first round of the OF Divi- sion IV·A playoffs. Freshman center I laywood Wnght earned first-team all· l<'ague honor;. Both '-Oftball and tennis teams prac- uce and play at off-campus sites. Miller would like to have as many team'> a'> possible on campus. but reaJ. 17.es there is only so much space and money. "The new academic building super- cedec. everything else," Miller said about the stru<.'1Ure the school hopes to add in two to three years. "Once that is underway, maybe we can add some tennis couns." Sage tennis practices and plays at Part Newport while softball uses a field on the comer of San Joaquin Hills Road and Newpon Coast Sage's water See SAGE, Pae• 83 CATCHING UP WITH Norma Veal Newport Beach Tennis Club member and tournament organizer takes Palm Desert job. !'le• Aa.rton DaityPi1ot 0 oe of the rusons tennis appeals to Nonna Veal 10 much la the game affords her dle opportunity to travel. The director of an annual national emlor father/10n tennis tournament at tbe Newport 8eac:b Tennis Oub wW let tblt chance llpln, but dU time It wiD be on a more permanent bMll. ve.a. & Newport Beach Nlider'it for the.,.. nine,... and oqlDlzer of the Q11tedS..... ...... ~ .......... tourmmlnl ... the N8IC IOot. Job. & ...... I cw...W at .... Mn Dlie"t 'nlrliW Oub and will move there in November to begin the seasonal wort that rum from October through May. She will coordinate matches. assist ln the pro shop and teach. But Veal, 65. won't sever des with Newport just yet. She will till mall entry forms, verify players and form the drawl for the 10th annual father and IOll tournament next June. •1 lib to see It continue at a good venue [NBTCJ and the participants appreciate what la done for them.• said Veal. a llin8Se mother with two grown cbildren and rour grandchildren. Nor coune I wW mlaa the ocean." ~ ueed to o(pllize the national lelUorwomen'I 851, 751and8Ss chunpionehlpl when the tournament WU held at NBTC. She remaJ.na an actM dub member. She hM been~ n..anly to IJO'IPI. on and off llace the I 9'709. ... --.,...a Sage Hill School in Newport Coast 1s built to state-of the-art spec s with th e late~t in design and technology in place for 1ts students The athletic field s continue to blossom At left. Amy Werbhn practice~ k1ck1ng f 1eld goals during Sage Hill's spring pra ctice. Werbhn, a kicker on the football team wh o will be a 1unior in the fall. also plays girls soccer MA'I~ C ' DA l' P1 • .. ' 82 Sunday, August 24, 2003 .... ·---..-=------""<"",,.,...,_.,.. ...... .._~.._. VEAL Continued from B 1 including instructing classes at UC lrvine. • From 1994 to 2001 she wo~ full time at NBTC. Before moving to Newport Beach in 1994, Veal spent time in West Virginia, Washington D.C and Venezuela, the site of one of her most memorable tennis accomplishments. Veal won the singles. doubles and mixed doubles events io Venezuela's national champlonshJps. In 1980 Veal, who has six senior national tournament titles in doubles and mixed doubles. and .her partner were concurrently ranked No. 1 in U.S. doubles in the 35s and 40s age divisions. This year Veal is currently ranlcE;d seventh in the 65s and has a chance to improve on that mark. She has been chosen as an alternate 10 play In the Godfrey Cup in Turkey at the end of October. Teams of four play three singlei. and two doubles matches In the event. Veal said. Both doubles and singles offer Veal different experience on the coun. "I like them both,'" she said. "lt"s great playing doubles when you geLa good foursome with a lot of exchanges. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Craig Fertig, a legendary former USC quarterback, has taken over at the helm of Estancia High's football program and will begin his first season on Sep~ 12. '"I do like to work the point in ~mgle!> and there is a satisfaction in testing my abilities.· Veal began playing tennis at age 15 in her hometown of Marblehead. Mass. With the harsh winter weather all to common in the east, Veal grew up playing indoor badminton and eventually became a nauonal champion in the sport. EASY Continued from Bl 15-13 victory over bowl-bound UClA in 1978 probably the most notable moment He still has God-like status on the use campus where he works in administrative services and is a commentator with Tom Kelly for the Fox 1elevis1on network. A very flexible "'three-day work week" makes it a relauvely ea!>y t.ransition. N, for the godliness. one of uses great~t conquests was by the 1964 edition under Coach John McKay, wtuch erased a 17-0 deficit and broke the heart'> of Notre Dame with a 20-17 victory. The hero: A quanerback named Craig Fertig. fl ruined a perfect !>eason for Coach Ara Parseghian"s Irish. who entered the game at 9-0 and were the top-ranked team in the nation. As a result, Bear Bryants Crimson Tide of Alabama. at 10-1. was named national champion, the first of a three-year , run. So Fertig knows what it's like to be down, and how to overcome adversity. and at Estancia, there has been plenty of that the past two years. His "secrets to success" are pretty basic. Surround yourself with soHd assistants. get some messages across. DON'T FUMBLE and play some decent defense. He is starting with a staff which consists of defensive coach Dave Olson and his dad, Roger Olson, whose responsibilities will be with the defensive line and running backs. Also, two who know the true feeling of 1-18, Ernie Bushare (quarterback and defensive backs) and Joel Hirn (offensjve line). Success has already arrived in terms of eligibility as the Eagles have overcome 13 academically ineHgible cases and will be at full strength when the season begins. Fertig is not Into "political correctness." urn our first meeting.'" said Fertig. ul grabbed an old shovel, gold with cardinal and gold stripes on the end of it, and told them if some people don't start (getting with it). I'm going to show you the grlp and how to use it because you"re going to be using it the rest of your life. "Whoever has the worst GPA. you get to carry the shovel to class, and it stays next to your desk." During spring practice Fertig had 13 desks installed near the weight-lifting site. and movable to the practice sidelines. where the '"Diny Dozen" spent its time with the books while the rest practiced. Fertig says hell not change anything in tem\S of doing business. I le considers himself the technical director while his coaches are encouraged to do their thing within the framework of the master plan '"I get aroWld to every position and every kid. and heck yes. dominate if I want to make a point,'" said Fertig. "But I.his is a ·we· thing." He's had his squad on the USC campus to see what it takes. and he continues to expose them to the likes of Ron Vary, Oiarles White and Dave Levy. among other USC notables. Fox·television has a half-hour weekly speciaJ on the preps planned I.his fall and guess which is the first school to be featured? "That's right, the 1-IBers. I le'll probably be taking his Eagles back to USC again I.his fall to further drive some points home. ult's one of the smane!>t things I've done, .. said Fertjg, Hes well aware of the lime factor and the fact his last coaching post was about two decades ago. "As a TV commentator for the past 13 years with Tom Kelly I've spent (a lot of) lime with tapes and talking with coaches." cites Fertig. "So I've kept up with the game." Don't be surprised to see Estancia's look 10 mirror SC\ unffonns. with black shoes and no name'> on the jerseys. °That°S aJWd}'S been USCs way. Many believe succe'>.'i is JUSt around the comer for the Eagles. The only question. really. is timing. And the clock ·is ticking. Meanwhile. the dog days are nearly over as the Green Wave to the east (Dave Perkin~ and hil> Co!>!a Mec;a Mustangs). Dick Freeman.and his Corona del Mar Sea Kings and Jeff Brinkley a11d his Newport 1 larbor Sailors begin stirring. Hey! See you next Sunday! • ROGER CARLSON is the former sports editor for the Daily Ptlot His column appears on Sundays He can be readied by e-mail at rogeranddorothea a. msn.c:om. Moving to California in 1970 suited Veal just fine because she could play tennis year round. She graduated from Loyola Marymount University in 1984 with a bachelor's degree m busmess administration and competed for two years for the Lions· tennis team. A high school classmate of her daughter's and a girl he coached whtle at Los Angeles Harbor commun11y college were two of Veal~ teammates at LMU . Two year~ prior to graduaung from LMU. Veal and a small group of tennis mstructors visited Olina to give clinic~ 10 children there. Last November Veal participated in the Friendship Cup in Japan. a doubles invitational tournament represented by 12 countrie!. from the Pacific Rim. '"I enjoy the social and personaJ contacts a sport like tennis affords."" Veal said. '"You can do a lot of traveling and make friends all over." And the journey con11nuelo. BEA PART OF COSTA MESA'S SOT" ANNIVERSARY A special§~~ ~!~par~t~!!~}om ing football season for the high schools in Huntington Beach. Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach; also Golden West and Orange Coast ColJeges. IN ADDITION TO REACHING 75,000 HOMES, WE WILL ALSO DISTRIBUTE THE SECTION AT ALL SEASON OPENERS. Space & Copy deadJine: Friday, August 29, 2003, 5 p,m. Release date: Monday, September 8, 2003 Distribution dates: W~esday, September 10, 2003 -Daily Pilot Thursday, September 11 , 2003 -Independent Friday, September 12, 2003 -Coastline Pilot For advertising ilif ormation, call: ff\•TIW•TO~ llACH INDEPENDENT 949.642.4321 , ( ~ ' DailyAPilot l••' •• •••<• COASTLINE PILOT 949.642.4321 949.494.4321 Costa Mesa CostaM,¥ing Years - YOUR NAME HERE As part of the CostaMazing SOth Anniversary Celebration, the City of Costa Mesa is seeking Costa Mesa businesses , organizations or indiiiiduals who are interested in purchasing a street banner that will be displayed on some of th e most highly traveled streets in our City. The 3 foot by 5 foot banner will feature the CostaMaz.ing l.ogo along with your name (left). The first set of JOO banners are up and a waiting list has been started for the second set that will go up for six (6) months starting in December 2003. After the CostaMazing CelebratWn banner is removed, ii will be given to you! The cost of the banner is $200. This opportunity is available to the first 50 respondents. If you are interested, plea~e compleu the informatlon below and return to: Amy Kuchta, CostaMa):ing Coordinator, (714) 754-5065 City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ·--------------------------------------------· Banner Display Name:, __________________ _ ContactName:,~ ___________ Title~· -------~ Address ... · __________ Telephone No.· ..... ------- Number of Banners you are interc ted in: ____________ _ ,,__, ,.,rl1tt II UMIUd t.o 3 U1t11 ti/ #XI ~ 110 "1fo1, 1 $ tltlltwdln ~ lllN. Do NOT,_,,,.,_,..,.,_ ·--------------------------------------------· • ,. . - Diiiy Pilot Continued from B 1 polo team plays lts0games at night at Qr ro~ deJ Mar High. . It is a challenge to be off-campus,• Miller sald. ~Some sports lik.e golf and track will always be off-campus. It all de- pends on how successfuJ we are in raJs. Ing money for the school. It ls not a per- fect scenario right now. but it ii. an agreeable one." This year. 33 seniors graduated from a student body of 350. That leaves many players eligible to re- ~ next year, adding to Miller's opti· rrusm. WOur girls teams were very good with the freshmen they had. which should add to their Strength," he said. win tennis we have three !>lrong freshman girls com- ing back and there are a number of ~ighth graders who are interested in join· mg the program. I think softball lost only one player and volleyball was a very young team that will improve.H Girls volleyball went 4·8, including a 3· 7 record in league. good for fifth place. Sophia Hillgren gained second-team all· league honors. Water polo finished 10-8, while !>Oecer took fifth place in league. Amy Werblin and Laurd Gqrdon earned first-team aJJ. league laureb in soccer. Swimming fin. ished 3·6 while golf ended last sea.son. 2- 13. I ·9 in league. Senior April Kim made the All-Academy l:itst team after she fin. ished second in the Golden West League finals. Gordon also shined for Sage'i. track team, winning the 300 meters and triple jump at the league finals. Both crack and cross country feature several young athletes Miller. who coach· es both spo~ m addition to teaching a calculus cla.!>S. hopes will improve with ume. In five years. Miller, who has been at the school since it opened in 2000. ex· pects enrollment to be around 500. That figure is still significantly lt'l>S than most public schools boast, giving kids that want to play sports a chance, Miller said. "MoM [people thinJcing about attend- ing Siigel want to know if they have not had too much experience, could they make a team," MiJJer said. w A few teams haw tryoutc; and cuts. The kids from many different areas makes us unique as well." Last year, Sage's freshman clas..\ equal- ed 120. with students coming from 45 different schools. Miller, 33, came to Sage after spending seven years as an assistant athletic direc· wr for Lake Forest Academy in Illinois. Even though he only taught one class last year, Miller treats that time as gold. -Keeping that classroom connection wllh kids lS Lmportant," Miller said. Most of Miller's day is spent by sched· ulmg matches and games. overseeing equipment and facility needs and secur· ing off-campus sites. "It is not one or two duties. but rather eight to 10 multiple tasks." Miller said WFifty percent of the job is dealing with thing; that come up. trying to find im· mediate solutions." Building a winning athletic depart· ment is hardly an immediate undenak· ing. but MiJJer, a Corona del Mar resi- dent. ~ the foundation is set. .. S P O RT S .. ' , Some of the coaches on staff at·Sage Hill. above, surround athletic director Nate r11111er (s1tt1ng). while one of Sage Hill's standout basketball players, soon·to-be-sophomore ' Haywood Wright, left. takes aim at a iump shot Below. Kellie Ammerman enioyed a standout season for Sage H1ll 1n girls tennis playing No I singles. Sunday August 24 2003 83 .., WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS • d I . ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport • Mesa Community For Dea er Free Batte·ry Test Visually inspect and test battery using Rotunda Micro-490 tester. Ofter valid with coupon. Tues extra. 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Own • doll., slort Mtn1mum I ~Qllll td S20K. t'QUll y 1-100·227-SJ1 4 AAA VINOING llOUTI fl) ~ lhb. PYme b- calttl\ $lf6() '"-I ~~ ()""'' -11»396-9311 AISOlUll GOlOMINll 60 nnd1ne motchines with eoc~llent loutions al tor SIO'R> lm-734«AP Auctions 1483 Mobile Home ;:=:======~Parb WANTED N --• ..,-,..-,,-,-.,-,... 21tr ANTIQUES 2 ... , 'lOOI S1IVftUf'\I Minute\ to beach Cor -ner lot r p, deck w/d Older Sty!. Furniture PIANOS & Collecbblet •Aopt""""" .... ,.......... •\t ......... ....,....~.,., .......... S$ CASH PAto $$ ~~or...,, .. '°'*' W£ BUY ESTATES • ......,.O.ott ">etdJ-• ... :!649-4922• SOUTHC8AST AUCTI N Z2'2S.. .. k S...AM.CAt2101 ~II ...._(.At ..... Genenl Announcements 1610 ,.rlvote Dud. 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Jill 7b• rent.al cut" COM dupln caraiie w/d hoot.ups Aet $26!1() 9'9 293 46 lO Ocean wiew lovely I story 7Br 'lib • d~n tp attach 'l c11 I"' courty•rd •nlry comm pool Small pet ok $34501 mo Klein Meml 887·704 8649 a910t 4br 3.5b• aoreaou' sme lam house. approa 5200sl, 4 tp·s. pool, ~P•. quiet cul de·sat $7000/ mo art 9ot9-857 1660 1•&·---· "' lo i:-11, vat-' ~ st.we, ~C. cri fan, more Slf.()n 1br & SI l 70m 2bt 133 £ 16th St Ask IOf Spectt! 949 548 ?411 Lovely Gated Communrty 18r 181 Apt w/pvl tar. lr1a. wallt to Tt1 Squ1rt $895/mo W•ler/trash P•ld Klttn Mtn•1tment 877-704·8649 h t 9200 28'. 281, lowe1 unit, patio. l.aunclry. I car ..,,,. Actnl $1115/mo 949 293 4630 Tri,a .. 2lw I .... quiet loc. l.t1undry room, i1n11t p11a•. Sl200/mo 376 C 16th SI 949 5411 151 t Houeeo ROOll 2br 1300 sqlt w/ln<l 111. naw c.rpel, $1250 end up. 949 515 4881 r ......... a.-21r lM. tncd yd, 2-< .ti ... wet h Sl&n h:I sd/wtr no,ltmli./pet ~.4M) I SW. atvtwe ,......., 3br 2.!MI• cuttom re l'll04, tiwm. fp, 1unroom, pool, IP•i. ttMlt. aw•ll t -1 $?llll5/mo •1t .. OoMkl Pfefl, Cot6wtll 81nlltt 949 7U 6074 ..,, .... lllTAU ..... ,,..... ""· tk. ......,.lit--f p, d/W, 11undr, toom, -ftftcecl ·~ ftO ,;·· .. ·~·--,.. WDO{Mo ... llJ taOll + lll llW• .. -~· .. ... ......... ~ ............... --"'~· c.11 ult, w-'I• 1 .. ..,, ti.,_ <"'> .... .,.. .....,... .;;. ... .;;;;..;;:;.-~·---------- • w .. t,.r ....... It H 1h t t'~ Sl'>'.0.n I·> '14'' 11111<111 NlWl'OllJ HllGHH (.nft t~,. /t,1 It -4 f11 ho1#w flf \ ~ ., •'' .... , ,.1 • Sl'f'Wl "'" ..,., , • ., , '1VJIJ 1200.I, 21t 210 111 (k~ UI li I• tol ~1t tf ~ "'1r f '•t~ I -~,,,. $1'6\n 1'1'f "'' U lt9\ 21r 210 Sln9le l•v•I unit, •'tll,. t • a l l ¥,Al I •ti•· h• J ""' " '""·~ ,,,... & t•t1_;,hl S.'OC.IO no CM'! t.l!'< llj 39a 2M I /2 -.OOC lO ll'Sl 11.Adt ""' .-ft ,, • f II) w<l 1 t • lit.I V''H " WW!ln &/ ')il'J II/) CJ\I\ I Newpor1 Helehh <Ill 7R• 1.6•.tr t11m11., '''"'" 7 .., .,.,,,... IVA•t ,.. I S/41IO mo 'M'I 1•,•1 II l I NP HI Jlir I ~1 .. • u'""" .,......_,......,llr" lo bd1 2llr 11... .._ 111111 ~t @l 47th \I kttl W/\l.W~ W ' ••11'•1 N<l ,,,.._,P. I Av•~ 9 I S19Xl mo /1' t'f> 'J'JJ/ NlW,Ollf HllGHYS lnwnh•1mt lb• ? '\11A 11., 11•• ~~~ Si'f.00 11•1 949 619 '200 Jbr lb• "" a .. 1b .... Ptnm hdwd 111, Ip P•ho. 2 ( e~· 4Voill I! I art S26!>0 9'9 J<J l 46 l I '°' le•.. Jlr 21 /••• H-pr1ot~ cul •I~ '"' n1'8 yard arul lo dll(jll S'/950/mo 949 4/'J 0011 Hlrt.r vi.. ....... b 2111 hOJ9 ? ca p....,. wdhM411.•~ywd "'1'l() Jlf'I Iii\ ~~512'/ Heritor View H-•• 3flr. ;>Re. Carmel Model. $3000/mn Ava1IJblt 911 Aat 949 7'>9 3126 Oft The a1ver l • 3 7~ Condo Duple• Sll~mo 3 !vi UPlld "''· ITl~rbl~ Ille, gu 1917 R10 1 Ave Chad 11' r.it '1781 • ?t() JO Prop11ty Mnat In< IAYFaOMT ~ n. $3200/-yrly 6t6-2H·f 7"1 626-2'7-t.262 F ... TASlK VllWll Jbr 2ba !Of the • ., .. Jfft & ,.tk ... rOf lu1e t ye.r 0t ITl<lff' 1J995 ooen To oft~" SUW l·S 20l TUSTIN AVf ,_ .... _ ... , 98646-201~~11 IAYflONT W.TUalNTAl ..... t 1 /th, 's;.c.; wz:::::~ • ....., t4t-671~HH .... --..- Condo oean view, lbr Ube, IPP ... ~ts. Miii ...... PllOm7~ ........... bl~I 711 7138 ......... ll-.,.tl ... ,.. ., ... , ..... , ,...... "TM Wheler"' 211r 211• ,. ... , ... ., •• ...... ,, .. ,.,., .. ., ... , Mv• fl•!.l"f lftd. llet1t McN-.fttott 7t4 ... 12..0006 """'Tltlrtng 7990 TIAOll ti NII() Mll_:y d9 Pasc:M, m m How~ StlJdt.nb tor f .. Enr ~nerit ....... .._.., P'/T for Vil blA KC1I. Sl)f~ l)rtP & ~ lul .. e ~truction ac:cta re br~ "'°'11 lO yoo Fa• lo •e!Ul119 gcg.{,42~ A T-IASI Women's Store et F •5hlon Island 1s now 1t11h1a up'd rt a"ci Pl Ult\ AU()(; f'te.-e CiUf'lbd la Im .. ~1!19-19ti FloaAl DHIGNlll 25 hrs • wuk Must be fully eaperienced COM 949 64A 1413 FOOD SlllVICl Sub \ltlule Nutr1tton Servou Worktr\ I Jh,. clay• ) Newpor I Mei.i Schu•il~ SIO !>I/hr Be ener"1zed by wurl11riR 1n ••lluul calelerin• Apply 1n per \On ?!Ill'> Be.r St Co\la Me\A (C"1irner ol Bear /Baker) 01 onllne '11: WWW nmu\d ~ ll <4 U\ F-P'T po• dn12n -nbly DI llOllda f C• II'> .-Id 1m1Cat1orr, <lf!\l ~ .. req Pa;a. 949 Tll '11 J3 MUSIC l'OSITION at prrvate "hwl 11•1111•clo.tte ~ 8 ll .fl \ltong l)lolnO t11ndu1 I••& ••Aal sktflol. a ITIU\I ttJl'lldonale yearly .rno1$1< •I ll'OO•lll<>n C<'IM 714 ~ 1,145 NUllSlS IMMlDIATll YI ()t~~ (.NA\ & lAAl""'•Jll'> needed lor l••~ 1n Hourly ActlOfl Health (or• Or-90 County (714) SS7 2213 OFFICl MANAGER Po"ll,,n I PT 1>u\ooat trJ11ninR 1enl•r COM C•ll LI\~ 949 1,7'> l:Zll/ ----""ANNOUNClMlNt·· ~Fot am f'aU l\SHI!> f -m.r ~t Sl>m+111 Joj ~Pad lr•q & ~,llul\ ~. l •P Nl1 I 817 0s.tll AIW> your stuH through class ified! Automobiles 9000 Jaguar JAGUM 'IS .u; S.• 3. SAii/er rNI beauty drum to drove N: CO ti new Ill S65(Xl 9t9 673'87'55 IMW '90S2SI like new Blk/lln, 4 dr, auto, •L. sund , full pwr. t•nt. Ca smoe S3650 714 45A 1698 I MW 5211 199 Spor t Wa1on alnl cond w'" a11ty loaded $25 99!> 949 887 4644 IMW '91 U Co1tv. 4uto while Ian llnr CO buuhlul like new cond 116 99!> v59724 Ion & ..,.,, .tvaol Bkt 9'&586 1888 www.ocpol.cem 8MW '99 Z3 c ... v, 2.l V6 J5k m1 ~pd, CO. 2 lone t>lk & tan Ith• 1111 buuhful, hku ne w Gond, Sl8.995 v555721 11 nanc102 & warranty av•1I Bh 949 !>86 1888 w-.ocpalil.<Offt 01 .... ~01'1 ACA reef on l>L1dl. low ml!H, aorJIOIH.I (IM>Sl) $57,980 OOMWUM SW. w~ ltlY. Steptronic (1931'71) $21,980 nuios.- WM• w/seddle leillh •· moorvoof ( 19'43) S27 .9l!O or i.-s rw-s.. en.n w/~, ltlY. 28li mi, moonroof (1!1112) S29.9fll ,, •• ,.._sue 2~' Blue w/black, erey sc>Of'b i>lle (19416) $27,98:>. 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Mercury Vk "" I •1'4111 $3800 r 94 'I f,dl 11 f,7 2000 17'1 Clos• ''""1" w tea~ lt<illy d'l~ 1a1 rwr:.hed wood ulttr llft • v top & lull <O•#r S':IQOO Needs monoo1 fl C bul run~ a•ea11 9A9 ·~x1 il'>O Clasrif1td i1 CO.\'l'E.V/I·. \ T a.•htthtr )OU 're buying. stllinx. or ju5t lw~tn~. rlassijitd ha1 a.·haJ you nud 0 CLAS lf/W 19"9) 6-ll-567A HOME, HEALTH AND BUSINESS ~ ....... By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Sunday, August 24. 2003 IS' BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ A U.~'iON JN 11-.l'lt'lilQl •• STORAGE 961) SUf'S AVAILAlll fr-SS·f5Ft lft Now,..rt l•o<h, l•h• 949-500-IOOS CLEAN OUT YOURHOUSf WJTHA GARAGE SAU! CAll (949) 642-5678 lioth 'ulncrohlc \11ulh Jc.ii, ~·-'' .. I\ 7 J 10 A J 9 ""OKnt •A8653 1,16 5 IH •Hl 6J H~r .. J 10".? Q • KQJ8H ti. Ill 7 5 -I \ .. "2 ~II rtl .. (,I 4 AK!i7-I J2 (}" • "5 n1c: h1J.til!J.' 'IOITH \H-.1 '0klll f \'1 I 1• ? Pa"' J .,,..... """' ... _ I 1pt·non,. ... 1 ll.1ror •I • ''"'c 111<-11111, Ct "'"J' MJn h." bo..'l.·n .. rr1.11r1,IJ' 111 the hcn.:h ~urlJ-. hJmro11in,h1p tt"•n" Th~ )<:·"' J1• 1~~ ""'"' 111 hJ\C' J 1n1111eJ f11, 111•1"C'• \\Jtd1 rh< ,1,,11 he J•' pl.1~nJ "" 1h1' "'"" lro>rn th• 1tJU~ V.o1rkl Ofl<'" I'"'' ''inh hllJ ... , lmk J' tJw I.iv. p..•r tnu"' tor hl' '-'"lllJ"ICU1t\1.: rJhc.' '" 1v.1~ lleJII\ 111.1 cllt"•'"d) I.cpl t-'1\I LIUI 011 th<: JUl111111 "ul p<:r>.uJ.kJ \.1utl to tioun\.e mH1 I• u1 lt."Jr' .. , l11u1.h\ '-"' lrJo..I Jl h,,•,I ~c:.c k<J !he Lina vt club\ "'lucl\ cb.larer ,dluwcd to win. A d1111nor~ \lull nu&)l( lia•c w1tlc:d Ult t>Mlr in f4\Qr of" lbt ddcow, but II w• - tmp"'tbk f~ Wes.I. 10 find South v.on lbt duh ronunuauon ollld ro111 "' ruun.h nl ll\lmp-. "·ardull) unbl<A L '"t' Jumm) ' n1nr in the rw•11.c" hrtrljltn,!! .A/'lo1111 IDl• "'"''''"II .. I\ 7 .. .\ 8 8 2 •IO •Q-1 2 () h . - • J IU 'I K 10 ·- 011111< 1~ 1 U\lmr ~ .. ,, "'"' 1°~"' lo I.I"' ~J " Jr,v11ood H3J V.e,t r.:tJJno:J rho. a..~ J..., laru "'o ·.ilJ • , ph f\J'<' nttoJ "llh • d1.monJ cnJ pl~\.Ultt "'r ... 1 '" ......:•trC i\*tu 'f'JJ..'"'\ .JI th1. i."11\J •I• \l.c-1 fClfl\Urto:J thJ •.llJ 1'umn" 1.:r o! duh' lid.I .,.;r • .,J 11 rUf'l"' •'< JJkt "J' no'"' J1""-..ihJrd .m~t _.,1 h.t<I '" J>.111 "1lt. J p.i•I• \lJr linl\h.-J lrlJllcr-utr pn:111h I')~ lc.,.1 IO)! lht4 ~lU..'t.'fi \II ,p.,.Jc, \\1.•'' 11\. L•rt.'cJ dumnt\ • Jt..t.' IAon ..tOJ t J't '-'J rhr"" n an ..: 11h the r .. rr .. 11n1r:~ 'f'J I• T~ Jck1 le· «•ulJ ,.,,h the I 1 'l' "' di.all,. •11\J hu' Ht'" 1h( "'"\ l 11 Ji.J m. 1<h 11<· ..,,.., Ille ' H I 1n1 r ~ Weddiny 5~ c5£owcase Our Wedding Showcase Publication Date: Sept 24 2003 Space Deadline: Sept 17 2003 Advertorial Deadline: Sept 17 2003 Copy Deadline: Sept 18. 2003 Full Page ............ $700* Half Page ........... $375* Quarter Page ...... $250* Eighth Page .......... $135 21'2"131'2" ............... $85 R1ach 41,• 1111,,,.llM FJrl Beach, Newport Coast, C... dll Mar, llliil ldand, and Costa Mesa. Call Ann Gendrolls 949.57 4.4249 Daily ~l Pilot ~.ERVICE ~ TICE TO REAOCRS Cal1lo1n1• 1.,. re qvirn that conlri11. lor\ ta~tnl! 1obs thal totll S!>OO or mort (labor or mate11als) be lit.ensed by th• Conh at tors Stale liecn\t Board Slate law •lso requires that con tr actors Include lht ll llCPllSC nllmbef on all advHttwni You can check the status ot your lrcensed conlraclor al www cslb ca 11ov or llOO·l?I CSlB Uni! urned cont11c.tor\ t1k1n1 1obs lhal totel less than SSOO must state 1n their 1dve1t1semenls lhal they are not ltcensed by the Contrectors Stitt ltcense Board." 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UC flonMey OrMl.oeto. 10 'l'rt CompoAM hp. 7 1 4~612-2786 Concrlte&Masonsy lrkli ...... st-• Tiie Cew>crete Pano O""eway Fireplc BBQ Ath 2!1Yrs 'lap Terry 714 !>!>/ 7!>~ The(etotet1tMM Cemenlwork B11ck, ltle & Mort Reliible No )Ob 1oosm1ll 7l4 61!>·9062 c~ YOUll NOMI IM ... OVIMINl ... OJICU Call a plumber, painter. handymen. or any ol lllt arut aervk:u listed ner• In our service dlrectoryl THES( LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN ..CLP VOUTOOAYI Drywall SeMces WITTHOln DltYWAll All phues sm 1111obs CUANI 20yrs fa11 frp~ m l AOXm 71~ IAAl Bedrical Services DUNCAN lUCTlllC locel, Quick Response Home, Yard & Ooc~ (lect 20 Yrs C •P lie/Insured L •215870 949·650 7047 UCINSID CONTllACTOll No~toovn M-' Rep1or , rt model Ian' 51)1. ,_ Sii(: ~-Jr66 Hardwood 1le. Linoleum, Sub Floor Repair. Molding 949-682-aaee 714-925-3249 HAllOWOOD flOOIS Rtp11" Installation ' Relrnr$11 (M9) 351 2646 LIMY...._~ Recroutln ' lnsteltetioft TILE DEAN M9'673 8065 71~71~2031 = Ganlenlna/ Lancbcaplng OlrtyW~ .... c- Spr onkltr s UPi' a des A~' Troublr~9' C~OUP'> lrtt Ser...:es Pl.tnllft¥ Sef v~ & more' 714-71 5-2121 ummer S ope -Up Cel your yord looluna lb best la lhe 'IUr'l'lnS. Y •d Llfwn ~ SCJrrilttr tune IP Mid ~ wrekend & we quotes Xtro Hoftd S.rvfcu 714--427-4040 free S•rvlce, Yitrd Cleanup Mainten~nce Sprinkler Repair Heulrn& (949) 650-1711 Handyman/ Home Repair Rl'>IORl • R[P.\IH II Rf MOOf t INC. CONTAACTOA HANDYMAN 11Y110lp • Gl9 AIR M ,,_OICOI•._ ICll:MJllll ........ lJ577ll2 94•30&-T• Handyman/ Home Repair WJI u nn ~ don<'' '1,oc~umt Doe t 1uw tk ngl1111M>l11 I'll R&rt IOntOrrll'" Y..b, \ad.a, \Mi. Xtra Haod Scno<.a 714.427.0040 Mak tk. tt,.,,. GmiAL RF.PAii llU.INIVtANCE • ltt-'<l!r'>.1 • ( .. No Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 c ... ·t De It? D..-'t wa&lf _Hou_se __ Clea_nlng __ j Moving & Storage HouH Clo0fll~1tp'd W~ly 81 w•ty M nlhly PUBLIC NOTICE Hth C1'-a1 "l•\1 tmt lOa The 11.r Publ < 949 '>'8-4185 949 :711~1· Ut1hl•• 1 »mm.\\1on r•11u11n lhar ~II us•d Interior Design houu hl)fo ii 01Jd\ I In Hom• Con•ultlng Mlord•blt Slyl1- 949 644 4b40 A-H-• /l 4 962 187 l lftt•flen Moving & Storage ------. ; .. ' t' I· • •~' t.' v1•.c .J •• i • ;, 1l Open 1 Days Low Rat .. Storage Special$ Smee 1981 949--645-4545 niuwH\ r'I 1nl thtir P U C Cal f numb•• hmo' and c hauH•u" pront th• r l (. P number rn 111 aclvu t~emenh. II ynu h••• any quesltnn\ •l'>oul lht le&lllfv n l ~ ino11er limo or ChlUlftur C•ll P'UIUC UTlllTIES COMMISSION 100 177-1167 Palrtlng to do It? Wt can & we HST MOVRS SSS/lk. W!I 2A'7 4 II 'f04ll home Serv1ne All Crlln lnSUftd tePAllS 71 4 348 UJO Tl63844 800 2~ 2378 ~, ....... .......,, Custom Hind Painted ~ & F..,•. p~ Artist lor .... !m-QJ\ .Ql64 flX UP' SP'lCWIST. All types of reoetn Clec tr le.I, ptumb•na dOtw a w.ur ~ tm& more 2At1rn d1ys 714 l66 1881 JeueyAM--'• "-11.,.ir s,..clelltt lntertOf 'C •lertor Rtpa11s 714 501 6466 THI HANDYMAN "" "°'" a11a11ntffd ~ Oedr!Cll Door$, ,,..._, ...... '""· c-..... a ,,....._ GMttll Clanup, l rtetOf Senlct Awtll•b• Ca• ,.,.,.._ 714 •·1449 -TO TMI ... Piii ,.. 961·1al AVM.Allt TOOAYI Mtt7355el 323·630-9971 cell Home lmpnMmtnt Awllon R1mHelin1 Specijllzlng in Additions & Oualfty Remodeling Since 1970 71•-309-0783 ............. Llllnn,111 SELL your stuff throueh classified! ~"""'~· Professional Pa1nt1ng Lt.~ Aotrlttbell · Ownet Costa Mesa. 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