HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-04 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot- . , ·~ • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2003 A CLOSER LOOt< · .. Outlook better for Bayview project The delay in building the affordable senior housing may not·cost Newport an additional~$500,000 in · labor costs. June C11a1rand1 Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The Lower Bay· view Landing senior affordable housing project, which hit some serious road· blocks this swnmer, could be in for some good news. A hitch that would have cost the city $500,000 might be avoidable, city offi· clals said. And supporters are becoming cautiously optimistic that the plan is on track for CoastaJ Commission approval. The California CoastaJ Commission In July sent the city to revise plans for the }\ousing project after a local envi· ronmentalist raised objections to the development slated to go up near the Intersection or Coast Highway and Jam· boree Road. The move appeared sure to cost the city an extra $500,000 because of impending state wage laws that would increase labor costs for the project If the city didn't meet state dead· lines. Now, however, the state agency that grants some of the funds for the afford· able housing project might extend the period during which it accepts grant ap· plicalions, gi\ling the city one last chance to get in Its request before the new wage laws lclck In. "It appears that the state prevailing wage law may not apply," City Manager Homer Bludau said. The Coastal Commission on Wednes· day will revisit the city's request for a permit to build 120 units of affordable housing for seniors near the Newport Dunes. Unlike at the July hearing. in which some Coastal Commission staff had objections to the city's plan, staff have now recommended that the com· HOLIDAY .LIFTING mission grant the permJt. City officials have been carefully scrutinizing 17 conditions that the commission is recommending before they approve the project. But so far, It appears that the conditions will be ac· ceptable to the city. QUESTION Whet do you think of the Lower Bayview Landing dordable Mnlor houalng project? Please apell your name and tell us your .? • "We've worked pretty hard with Coastal Commission staff and some concerned citizens to make sure we're on the same page,~ said Dan lfimble of the city's Community and Economic Development Department hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. Jan Vandersloot reported that several sites on the property appeared to quali· fy as wetlands. Commission staff agreed that rwo of the three sites should be treated as wetlands. Most of the conditions appear 10 be routine, he said. The project encountered an obstacle earlier thJs year when environmentalist City planners have since revised the Stt BAYVIEW, Paae A4 Special ed students kept home in protest Parents say there are too few teacher's aides and too much vermin in Corona del Mar High School class. Marisa O'Ntll Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Fourteen of 16 !iptciaJ education students in a Corona del Mar High School class stayed home Mon· day as part of a walkout parents staged to protest what one called the "controlled chaos" of too few teacher aldes and a classroom infested with rodents and cock· roaches The parents told school and district offi· dais that they would not send their chil· dren 10 the :.eventh· and eighth-grade clru.s until they i.ec improvements. They said they had notified the disuict of prob· lems but have no t yet seen any action. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /DAA..Y PILOT -Workers guide the 90.foot holiday tree. which was brought down from Mt. Shasta, as it is hoisted into position at Town Center Park. Hl'm prepared to do this lndefinitely,H parent Diane Marx said. "Our requests are simple, but they don't do anything until we go to extremes." Rocky Harn uses a chainsaw to trim the trunk of the holiday tree before lowering it into its final position. ~Up it goes I t's a long way from Mt. Shasta to South Coast Plaza. It's also a long way to the top of the plaza's Holiday 1\'ee: about 90 feet. The tree, which arrived Monday morning after a trip by tractor-trailer from the Northern California mountain. was propped into place by a 200-ton crane. During the next thrM-wee.k.s, some • THE VERDICT 15,000 colored lights will be strung on the tree, which is next to the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel near the intersection of Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard. The tree will be lighted at 6 p.m. Dec. 1. The Lighting ceremony will include the All ·American Boys Otorus and an appearance by honorary emcee Jennifer York from KTIA·TY. Besides rodent droppings, cockroaches See STUDENTS, P11e A4 CITY HALL R eh ab -house irks neighbors Peninsula residents are asking the city to deaJ with a treatment center that they caJl a nuisance. The possibilities a re staggering Daily Pilot ATA GlANCE Junt Cas11rand1 Daily Pilot .NEWPORT BP.ACH -The question of how to deal wtth nolse, clgarette amob and other nuisances from a peninsula m!dentlal drug treatment center could come before the City Council a.s soon as Wednesday. When I first heard. the term •staggered work houn, • an image instantly popped into my mind of all these people staggerlns to work. Having experienced the e:xcea.ses of Prohibition. It didn't seem that ttranae to me. . I soon learned, though, that the term bad nothina to do wtth drtnkl!'I and rierythlng to do with trdk management. aometbJng I'm all In favor of. However, t don't think the cummt ldea IC* far enouati. • ~. a 11.rie percenc.p of our popwation worb houn other than 9 to 5. It wOuJdn't hurt the mt of u. to c:hai1p our work habJtL Why not put IOdety on a thret-lhift bull -daytime. lwlne ind pa~ We did It dUrinl World War II to great effect, comtngfrom being unprepared for battJe to winning the war. l'm now retJred, ao It wouldn't affect me. but I would have liked ROBERT ~~~~1 GARDNER all day on the Dnch. t only got into rn1lchlef durlng the swing shift houra. anyway. I wouldn't h&ve liked the gra~ lhlft, bUt then. I'm not a nllf:lt ... penon. but fOr thOM who are. they could apend thetr days enJoYlnl thdr .. Cavorile recreation. have the evening for carousing, and then off they'd go to wort. hopefully not staggering. Our Uvea are governed by habit& Bas are considered aomething you eat for breakfast, ateak for dinner. There'• no l<>iical reuon for this, so why not make ft the other way around? The aame with cocktails. We have cocktail hour in the evening. Why not tn the momlng'l'Slnce I ietired. I often haw a drink befo~ noon, and I can't teD you how lt tmprove1 'my day. So why not~· the 9·to·5 habltf R. C Hollet advocated staggered work houn for yean when he wu pubUaber of the Regilter. It alwaya ... VlltDtCT, P ... M ON THE WEB: www.da/M>IOtwn WEATHERS> Cloud1, then clearing. S..Pa1eA2 FORUM R .. dert ere divided over a 19th StrMt bridge. Sff P111M SPORTS Coton• del Mar mldtnt la 1 bedt In tht codcplt. S..P111A7 · City ataJf are creating a report that will lay out for the council what e.xactly can be done to accommodate netgbbora of Nar~ canon, a 32·bed residendal dNa and alco- hol treatment center at 1810 W. Ocean Front and at 1812 W. Balboa Blvd. "This has been such a nuisance prop· erty for ao Iona." aald Unda OrOico, a netgbbor or the fadllty who ls lading a clwp to get the city to atef in. •0ut ma· Jor i..ues are the denslty o that property and all the problems that it tnvolw. - noise, traftlc." Orozco and other nelghbora have com· ... HOUli,PapM A2 luesdly, NoY8mbet 4, 2003 ... KIDS TALK BACK Costumes that are still scary The Daily Pilot visited College Park Elementary School and asked students in Jennifer Cheffer's second-grade class, 'What did you want to dress as for Hallow- een?' "A princess. I'm going to wear a dress and a wand and a crown." SUZV ALCALA. 7 "I'm going LO be a cheerleader, ' because my mom bought It for me. I want to bea cheerleader for basketball." KIMBER.LY ROORIQUEZ,7 "I'm going to be a witch, because my dad bought It for me and It's cute. It has a spider-web ~NA CAMPBELL, 7 "I'm going to be Frodo, because 1 like the movie 'lord of the =· ROYBAL,7 "I'm going to be a vampire. because I like vampires. I don't like blood, I just like the costume." NATALI CENENO-CHAVEZ, 7 "I'm going to be the Hulk. I don't have a costume, I'm just going to paint myself green and wear ripped-up pants.. ANnfONY CRUZ, 7 "I'm going to be Golcu from 'OragonbalJ z• He has an orange suit and black splJcy hair and shoots fire out of his hand." BRANDON JENSEN, 7 , -P11otw and ln~rview by Marisa O'Ntil • • ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM DON LEACH I DAllY Pl.OT Second-graders Breanna Campbell, Brandon Jensen and Diana Cruz, from left, hang their spiders on a Halloween-theme graph. A creepy lesson in spider lore Mnlsa O',.tll Daily Pilot C reepy-crawlles don't give too many of Jenn.lfer Chetfer's second-graders the creeps. The College Park kids think the arachnids lend a helping hand -or eight -In keeping other bugs under control. As a special Halloween-related lesson last week. Cbeffer'a class learned about spiders and made a graph to demonstrate euctly how they felt about them. "I want all of you to thlnJc about how you feel about spldera," Cl>eff'er told the class. "The first word on the graph Is 'scary.' But why would someone thln.k that spiders are 'interesting'?" After some conference with their neighbors. most of the children's hands shot up. •Because they walk with eight legs.• 7-year-old Natali Centeno-Oiavez said. •And why would someone thlnJc they're helpfulr Cheffer asked. More conference. "Because they eat flies.• Breanna Campbell. 7, responded. Other people, Cheffer said, might th1nlc tbat apldm are disgusting, because they don't know much about them. But for this graph, she added, the students should only worry about how they feel about spiders. There would be no right and no wrong answer&. The students took out their graphs with five possible answers - scary, helpful, dangerous. interesting and disgusting-on them and a corresponding drawing of a face. First, they had to mark their thoughts. "Look at that scary face." 7-year-old Gabriel Uribe said. WEDNESDAY looking at his paper and mimicklng It with a "Home Alone" hands-on-cheeks pose. "I was going to write 'interesting.'" "Me too," Natali agreed. Once the choices were made, Cheffer called on each table to grab a black construcdon-paper cutout of a spider to place on a red graph taped on the wbJteboard. Bach school of spider thought had its own COIWTUl. Anthony Cruz and Dylan Havens promptly put their spiders in the "interesting" colwnn. Diana Cruz defiantly cast her vote for • disgusting, .. But as more students voted, "helpfur seemed to be running away with the title. •Axe these things black widows?" Brandon Jensen, 7, asked as be picked up his splder. By the tlme he walked over to the chart, the "helpfur column ran over with MONDAY spiders. Brandon jumped up and tried to reach on his tippy-toes until Cheffer made room for bis black widow. Back at bis desk. hJs paper showed that he thought spiders were "interesting." ·rm in last place, I can tell.· Mark Roybal sighed, looking at his vote for "dangerous." Cheffer cast her vote last. ''When 1 was in second grade, 1 thought spiders were ... disgusting," she said. At the end. the students tallied the findings. Final vote: 10 for ~helpful." six for "Interesting." three for "disgusting" and one for "dangerous.• •IN THE Cl.ASSROOM 11 a weekly feature in which Dally Pilot education Writer Marisa O'Neil vlaiu 1 campus In the Newport·Meaa area •Qd writ• about her experience. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU Th• Newport-Mesa Unlfted School Dl1trict offers menu c:holcet each day at elementary IChoolt.. Students may chOOM a vegetar1•n entree. The aelectfon mey Include a salad, uridwtc:h or hot entrM. School lunches are $2 each. Here's wha1'a being terved thla ~ Munc:NtM Lunch Sellld; or gala)(V d!eese pizza; Jlc:em• lddc9 with ranch dip; fresh fruit: pretzel goldftth; and choice of mllk. Munctiable Lunch Sellld; or c:hlchn patty sandwich on a bun and green betna; freth fNit; end d1ofc:e of milk. TODAY Munc:habla Lunch S.lad with Yoplalt VoOUrt or bean •nd c:heMe burrito; com on the cob; rel.ma; •nlmtl ctadcera; and choice of mllk. nusoAY Vegetarfan Health S.ndwld!; or hamburger on a bun INlth l.auce arid Pk**, and potato rounct.; fruit tumowr: Ind ctioa of milk. FRIDAY Munc:htbt• Lunch S.lad; or c:hl<*en teOdwl and cnep gr.en ullld with 111nch dresalng; peac:f'I .. ; -.nd dlOlc:e of milk. • The Munc:Nble Lunch Sllid cX>n\alna toeaed g,...,., cheny ton\ltoel, ~and protein aourcea IUdl • cne... ~ aeedl, fwult yogun end ~ peenuts (•peenl.lt butt*' on eelect d..,a). No child 19 dl«:timllVf«I agMnflt "-*',. of race, HK, ooloi, Mt/oMI origin, 11119 or diublllty, ff It II 1-lllllled • dtil4 ,,_ bHn dlctmln•ted agalnlf.. wrlte lm~to t1-~ry of Aorlcultu,.., ~~DC20260. • Daily_ A Pilot PHOT'OOAAPHER8 . Copyright: No newt ltorlet, SURF AND SUN Merit C. Dustin, Don lAldi, lllu1tretlona, edltorlal matter or Kent Trwpt0w 1dvert1Mm4Nltl ti.rein can be REAQERS HOTUNE reprodu* without written WEATHER FORECAST at night. pwmllllon of c:opyrlght owner. (IMS) M2-«188 The 24-hour rain should SURF VOL 97, NO. 308 Record your comment9 about the HOW TO REACH US have run Its courae. It might THOMAS H. JOHNSON N.wt Edltora Dally Piiot or newt tips. Clroul9don rain ageln Frld•V· A burlt of aouthweat energy AcSct.... The Tlmet Orange County Publlth• Gina Alexander, Lori Andereon, Our ldd1'911 It 330 W. Bay St., Cotti (800) 262·9141 Today, though, It'll be pertly will bring chett·high aurf, end lONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul Saltowitz, M .... CA 92827. Offlce hou,. are ~·Ts ctoudy In th• momlng, but It rrieybe a little better, to Editor JUf1V OETTIHO Daniel Stevena ~riday, 8:301.m. • 5 p.m. Ctmlled"91 eq.15e79 will clear. The hight w111 be 1outh-faclng breaks. The ~~r ~ NEWllTAFf ~ (IM8) eq~21 from 61 to 68 degrees. northw.at awell will continue 0..-llweth It le the Piiot's policy to promptly .... At night, It'll be mostly clear. to put walat-hlgM up 0n10 Promotlona DI~ Crime Ind QOUrta raporttf', OOfT9Ct 111 enore of substance. ,....,. Lows Wiii be from 48 to 63 WMt·fldng break.I. (IM9)57~ ,..... call ('49) 794-4324. (949} eq-6690 EDmNOITAFP ~ blulrstti•t.ti,,,.com ..,... (9491574-4223 degl'Ht. EnJoy It while It 11111. The Ll.Clhn JuneC111 ... Mte fYI N9wt ,_ (9411 MM170 lnfonnatlon: IOUthw.tt will peak ~Ing Editor, Newpon Belch reporter. The Newport leedVCoeta M ... ..... ,.. (M9) 815().-0170 WWW.nwl..nc>Ml.(JOV Wednetdty, and the ( 174-4233 (949) 574-4232 Dally Pilot CUSPS·144-800) It l-mel: tUllyp/lot•l•rlm-.com northwest will be ba<*Jng •J.c.hrl• '-''"""·""'" /uM.CMl#Q~•wtl,.,,...oom publlthecl dally. In Newport hld1 Ml*lotftee BOATING FORECAST down. DeneaeGcMM Lolta Hltpef Ind Cotti Mell, IUbecriptJont Ire lullnw ()Mee (94118'2-4321 W.....quellty: QyEdhor. • ,.,.. ,.. IM&l 831·712e (M8) 7&M32.4 Columnlat. cultul'9 reporter, ev1ll1ble only by aublc:riblng to The There wlll be no change In www. eurlrld•r.orp ~QOIMt•,..,,,_com (949) 157+'275 T1mee Oianoe County (8001 the weet Wfndt on the Inner ....... °""" lollta.,..,,_.l.rl,,,_com 25:1·11'1. In ,,.... outllide of waters.. Thev'll be et 10 to 16 TIDES Spc>ftS Editor, (Ml514-U23 DeWra N.wmen ~ 8elch and Co9ta Mela. Mot.a throughout the day. The Time Height rldwd duM•IMlnw.com eo. MN raporw, (M&l 574-4221 aubeoripttont to the Deily Piiot ,,. weVM wlll be 2 feet or smaller .-.J ........ ~.,,._,,.nlllMJrrw com IYllllble on4y by flrit dlel ma41 for on• weet twell of 3 feet. 12:10a.m. 0.37fMttoW Alt Ofrecw>r I Newt DMk. Chlef, ... O'Neil t30 per mOnth. (Prtce9 lndudl Ill • F1rthir out, the wind will be 6:A2a.m. 6.20 fHt high CMl 174-4224 EducMlon repotW, (M9) 574-42tl IPPl!oeble etatra and Ioctl t.l'*-I Pllbllthed by Tll'TIM Community from the nortHWett. beginning 12:4ep.m. 1.43fHtlow /OM ..,,..,. ...... t.'Onl INrlM OM11•1«1mH.oom ~: lllind lddreee • Newt, • dlv191on of the Loe .AngMe It 10 to 20 knob, but ptddng . a:~p.m. • 4.741"thlgh ..... ~ T1mee. ~ldltor. .... ,... . nr,..e '°The Newport up I Motl In the ewnlng. The ,.., ...... NMI -'ttlN, CMI 174-4211 ~Mele Delly ...... '-0 aoo:t T1met CN All rights WIYll wUt be 1 to 3 fMt on • WATER TEMPERATURE ~• ........ ciom ,..,,....,.,,,,_ aom b 1•, COiia Mete. CA 12t2e. NMrwd. norttMMt _....of 4 '°a fMt. The WIYll wtll be a foot '-rvet f DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT During a break in the action, a cyclist peddles off past a reflective puddle near Harbor Boulevard left by afternoon rain. Area gets a little rain, but it helps Newport Beach gets about 0.11 inches of rain. It's really welcome at the sites of several wildfires in the Southland. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT-MESA -The first raindrops of the fall sea- son fell this weekend like the tears of fire6ghters washing away the destruction they have witnessed. Newport Beach received about 0.11 lncbes of rainfall for the 2A ·hour period ending Saturday at 4 p.m., said Frank O'Leary, a forecaster with the National Weather Service There was a quick drop of rain early Monday afternoon, adding a small, untold amount to the total. While the rain in the New- port-Mesa area was a wel- come change from the heat of the Santa Ana winds. it was a godsend for neighboring counties where fire has been raging with a vengeance for more than a week. "It's dramatically helping." Newport Beach Fite Olief nm Riley said. "There's been a dra- matic decrease in the amount of flame activity and potential for Dame to spread. Based on that. there's been a pretty dra- matic demobili7.ation of re- sources.• The rain's dampening of the 6re's fury allowed 6re6gbters in Ventura, Los Angles, River- side. San Bernardino and San Diego counties to begin con- taining the fires they are b~l­ lling. As of 11 a.m. Monday, the Cedar 6re in San Diego was 99% contained; the Grand Prix fire in Fontana was 97% con- tained; the Paradise fire in San Diego was 75% contained; the Old fire In the San Bernardino mountains was 83% contain- ed; and the Piru fire In Ventura County was 65% contained, Riley said. Conditions hampering total containment included steep, rocky and inaccessible terrain, Riley added. While the rain ts a boon to 6ghting the fires, it also poses some hazards. such as flash floods and mudslides, Riley said. "The 16re6ghtersl have 10 be really cognfaant of where they are at all Limes i.o if a flash Oood or a mudslide comes through, it doesn't take firefighters over the cliJT or into a ravine with ii,· Riley said. The next chance for min in the Newport-Mesa area b late Thursday night, O'Leary said. Community policing is a go BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS The council OKs the chiefs proposal for a radical change in the way police officers patrol the city. Deirdre Newman OaityP1lot COSTA MESA -City leaders heartily embraced Police Olief John I lensley's philosophy of community pollclng on Mon- day. The City Council voted unani- mously to adopt a resolution supporting community policing. a partnership between the po- lice department and other city departments to tackle any num- ber of problems, whether a sud- den cluster of crimes in an area or a rash of graffiti. It is the first significant pohcy change initiated by the depart- ment since Hensley took over in June. The quick decision by the council demonstrated its com· rnitmenl to Hensley's proposal. "I'm very appreciative of it," Councilman Allan Mansoor said. "I think it will be highly ef- fective.· Hensley said the council was so amenable to his proposal be- cause he solicited their input. "I think it went so well be- cause all of us in the police de- partment are listening.· Hensley said. "The bottom line ls, this Is what we all want." The department currently uses a small degree of commu- nity policing with of\)y one offi- cer assigned to each beat, and the rest patrolling the entire city. Community policing will have all officers assigned to beats in the hope that they will become more familiar with the areas they serve. "You don't want Mrangers comlng to your house when you have a problem,· Hensley said. It also Involves using data to detennlne where most crimes are occurring and dedicating re· sources to those areas to prevent them. Under this approach, offi- cers would be spread equally throughout the city, I lensley said. The officers are expected to start working their beats early next year, he saJd. Councilwoman Ubby Cowan said she would like to see the philosophy of community per- meate all of City I lall. ·w.th your assistance and guidance, there can be a broad- ening or this philosophy for cv· ery department to do the best customer service,· Cowan ~d to Hensley. GEITING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOUIED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For Information on edding your organization to this list. call (949) 674-4298. ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The task force Is recruiting volunteert for the Interfaith Council Networtc to wortc one on one with homeless adult.a In a program on basic life skills. (949) 263-1n4. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNt'TY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a variety of functions. (714) 839-6199. Feet Hurt? We have the Solution! ll Arthritis ll Diabetes m Geriatric Conditions la Hammertoes la Bunions FREE FOOT SCAN s75 VALUE II Col'.lScniw Deformicics ll Arch Problems II Prolonged Standing II Narrow/Wide Feet m Foot Trauma ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART Leam more about ert becoming a docent at the Orenge County Museum of Art. A volunteer docent guides adults and sd'lool groups through the galleries and teec:hea ebout the mute0m'1 collectlone end exhibitions. (949) 769-1122, ext. 204. IXi ve for fire victims finished The city of Newport Beach l'i dlscontinuing its donation drive for vic- tims of the Southern Ollifomia wildfires, ef- fective today. City Hall will no longer be a drop-off site for do- nated goods or money. Residents who want to make a monetary dona· tlon can make out checks to St Vincent de Paul Vil- lage and lndlcate "South- land Wildfires DonaUon" on the checks. Mail the donations to St. Vincent de Paul Village, 3350 E St .• San Diego, CA 92102. For more lnformation call (619) 525-2210. No ma!lef ~ you're doing. 'PX homela.vn newspaper ms 1N... Daily Pilot • 011tr 80 Piu11 of Eflli/''""' • Pri11•tt PiLlus Str4Jio •'SPINNING Tlu•ltr wi1ll Nt• St•tt-oftlu-Ar1 C1cl11. • 16 p.1i1;,,,, p,,,.,..1 r,.;,,,,, • ChllJ C•rt 8•,,,-1100" M • S.t. • c.,,,,,.;,,,, p.,.;,,, • Yot•• r.; C/Ji, Str#lch CLlun • Sttl• Po111tr P•"'I• C•rtllo • S'10111tr1, Stt•M 6 To"'lu • D•J S1• , Tuesday, November 4, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tn'bute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday t!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • C'.ocktails --QuaUcy Semce ... •••N'agbtly 1!1uau.i.nmcnt• .. I 01 A'1.·1.·,·1,11iu1u t ~II (91t9) 646-794~ lhCJ~ In int"'''"-..,, <.o,l.t 1\1-.•,,,. n ...... "wu • .a \.tna ,., Cp. .. \114) ............ . I ~s -=~ClilTO BANQUET ROOMS Available for I fu.ri~ festive i'<Arties' MEXICAN BUFFETS • Fltjat.a • Carnltea • Guac•mole • Enchll•de• and much moNI Cervezas • Margaritas ~~ Live Mexican Music ~ . B ¢¢~ ~¢1t1r H ¢ti~~~ fi esttA Now f Cosb MeN (949)642-1142 Huntington Beach (714)960-9696 Newport Beach (949)675-6855 • Ac•1•11tt'4rt/Ma11•11IC'1iro/rAt,.r ~eNS 1135 ......... Celtlt .. ...,__,...._,,.,_ ... UPSse.eJ (949) 734-2020 ~---S..11•••· @ ....... M Tuadly, ~ 4, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES .COSTA•SA • AMheim ~ lndec:llnt eicpoeure wu rep0f1td In the 1800blodtet 1:64p.m. Sundey. • Nwlport lcM.tlwltd: A ~.-old m.nwu •fTMted on IU9pkJon of petty theft ln the 2000 bled .. 4:20 ~·Sunday. • NiMpcwt lout~Atl eiaNUh WU rtpOrted In the 2eodOlcd .t 7:42 p.m. Sundey. .......... ~A 22~manwu al'TeSttd on luap5don of pc>uealng a controlled 1Ubetanc9 In tN 1800 bloc* at 9:28 p.m. 54.indr(. • w..t Wl9on l1rMC: Art uuuft WU reported In the STUDENTS Continued from Al and anr.a In the cla.woom. Marx aaJd she has alao eeen aides ln the clusroom not la.king health precautions to prevent the apread of Olnesa In the class· room. AD teachers and aides an trained In universal heaJth p~­ cautJons, dJstrlct epokeawoman Jane Garland said. •(The parmr.a) have been dis- cussing some Issues with the diatrlct and we are wortcing to eolw them,· Garland saJd. ·niey just want them sotved quicker than ls feasibly pos- .ible. • For the class of 16, parent Gre- ta Anderson-Davi.I said that there b one teacher and two part-time aides. Some studenta In the clase require one·on-one attention, and because of the high student·tO·teacher ratio, some studenta' educational plana are not being followed. •Baaically, It's controlled chaos in there: Andenion·Davis saJd. •Nothing'• being done, and no learning Ls getting done: The dbtrlct has started a teareb for another aide for the classroom. and district omdals agree with the parents that the dus needJ one, Garland said. However, ahe warned, the proc- eu of finding, lnt11rvlcwing and hirlng one wOl Ukely take at least three Wl!eb. ·we've heard that every week for the put sh weeks.· Marx laid. •There are things that were promised last year thal haven'! happened yet this year.· HOUSE Continued from Al plained at the last two coundJ meetings of everything from noisy delivery and service trucks In the alley to cigarette butts, smoke smell and vomit- ing nolsea coming from the fa· dJlty. Narcanon's Southern Califor- nia F.xecu1Jve Director Larry l'rahan1 said that he's eager to work with neighbors to iron out problems and that be plans to contact Oroico and other neighbors to wost out a 10lu· non. •tt there's any kind of situa- tion, we want to remedy It.· Tra- hant laid. "The way lO retol'Ye thlnp tlke thla la you alt down and you talk to the community.• VERDICT Continued from Al bothered him to toe all those government buildJnp llandlng Idle twc>-ttilrdt of the ~ It certa1nJy maket aente for the couru. The~ day could 10tve a bunch of problems. All the peop._, wtth day joba wouldn't haw to tab dme off from woc'k to mtb a court appeARDCe. and It would be much euer for Jw.Ot1-and thetr employer:a -to ~rform thdr dvk: du~ l dU.ok the pub,lk woUld ICCrpt mcb a~ readlfy. I doo't know about I.tie J\ldlea. When 1 Joined me court. th. bowl \ftn! from 10 Lrn. to noon and from 2 to' p.m. YOO should have beard tbe tcftamt Whei1 ti WU JI • l!d that tM houre be cha"lf'd lo 8:30 a.m. to noon IDd 1:30 to s p.m. IJowl!wr, the dianfe wu • ictopted; and ~ idapte¢ and ol courae. Dftla' Jbd&iei dOn't blow any cbllleftnt. so my.. don It that ~·should paw the "">' wtlh Che chree lhAft.t. and then lf bulfneN and lnduatry ~ Wd blW! only ono-thlrd ............. ~~- ' 300bled112:39 a.m. SuncS.v, NEWPORT BEACH ·~o.t.Aboet butglaty WM Alpoi19d In ttw 1300 blodt at 12:A6 a.m. Mond.y. •Mell\ 8"9llt: A boet b\lrglary was reporttd In the 400 blodt at 1 :40 p.m. Sunday • ......... """'*An ... Utt with I deadty WMpOn WM rtPOrttd In the 300 blodt It &.14 p.m. Suncs.y . • ftartc ~ Drtw: V.ndalltm WM repor19d In the 1800 blodt at 10:27 a.m. Monday. • "'"'9lde ~A burglery wn repofted In tho 400 bk>Ct 9t 6;48 p.m . Sunday. 'I don't want my child to go bad< until I feel it's safe and healthy to be there. That should be a parent's bottom line for everythinb.' DlllMManc parent 8ecawie the classroom teach· es life aJcills such as food prepa- ration, Garland said, ll Is more prone to infestation by rodents and lnsects. The janitors who clean the room before students come to class need to take pre· cautions against vermin, she said. The carpets ln the classr(>Om will be cleaned on Friday, she said. lb see rat droppings and an Infestation of coclcroacbes - this la one of the richest schools In the district,• parent Mark Fer- nandez said. Fernandez and Anderson-Da- vis saJd they are also prepared to keep their chlldten out or the school until they see changes ln the C.Orona del Mar classroom. U he feeb nothing Is getting done, Fernandez saJd be will make his views known at the next school board meeting. "I don't want my child to go back Wltil I feel It's safe and healthy to be there,• Marx said. -ibat should be a parent'• bot- tom line for everything.· • MARISA O'NEJl covers education and rNY be reecned 111 (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail et marlu oneil l•tifTlfJ•.com. The city anomey's staff report should help make clear what powers the city has to control residential treatment facilities. Because much of .their business 15 reguJated by the state, mu- nJcipalit.ies are often unsure what recourse they have to en- force mnlng and noise ordlnan· ces and occupancy limits. The peninsula rehabilitation houae la part o( a national chain of Narcanon drug and aJcohol treatment centers founded by a former prison inmate who based the program on princl· pies taught by Scientology foun· d& and •Oianettca• author L. Ron Hubbard. •JUNECASAGRANDEcove~ Newpon BNctl and John W.yne Alrpon. She may be rNChed et (949) 574-4232 or by e-mell at juM.uugrarnh•t.tlmAcom. u much traflk: on the freeways al any one time, and we won't haw to build new freeways or new govemment or omce bulld.lnp or plants for a century orso. And Juat ln case you think th.ls ls pJe in the lky, l have pel'IOnal eaperlence wfth the matter. ~I WU dty judge of Newport Beach, I uaed 10 do an occasional nl&ht1 or rather, mom!ng coun. lf I wa going ftahfn1at3 Lm., I would awing by the court at 2 a.m. and bold court. J1 wu YelY eflkleDt Most or the people were in ji.11 for being dn.inlt. and tM.te if no better time to ~ a plea ol gWlty &om a drunk than whlle he~ atil1 drunk. It~ bard to deoy JOU're drunk wheo two cope are holding you up to M!ep you from flllin1 down. Of count, • few people dallned the nexf day they hid no recon.cdon of pleadinc pilty the ritFt before. but that tuappeoa ewn when they'te &Mb Ind iobft. IO that thouldnl be an argument .,.tMt the thR!t-.bi.ft day. . Longtime monsignor at St. John the Baptist dies · Daniel Hugh Brennan had been with the Costa Mesa church for 26 years. Lult Pefta Daily Pilot Msgr. Daniel Hugh Bminan. who was wlth St. John lbe Baptist Catholic Olurch in Colla MeM for 26 years. bas died. He WU 85. BAYVIEW Conbnued from Al project to accommodate envi- ronmental concerns. scaling down the project from 150 to 120 units. The dty hu also agreed to change the way II will develop the bluJf above lnto a park. ln- &tead of lowering the entire bluff to improve views of the property AROUND TOWN • Send AAOUM> TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bey St, Cotta Meu, CA 92627; by e-mail to luls.~@latltTHt$.com; by fax to (949) ~170; or by calling (949) 574-<USe. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well es• contact phone number. TODAY Hoag Holpital dWll Rk:hant Reilly will present •Heart-healthy Cooking: Holiday Culalne" Reilly will demonstrate how to meke heelthy holiday favorites without fat and sell The cost la free. Reservations: (800) 514-HOAG. The Costa Mee. s.nlor Centlar will present a health fair from 8 e.m. to 1 p.m. et 645 W. l9th St There will be flu shots, health education, resourcea, heelth eervicea and heelth acreenlnga. Information: (949) 646-2356. WEDNESDAY Fell Mw De\'8109'Mftt Centlar will hold its 12th annual Ho Ho Ho-lldey Boutique from 8 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. at the Fairview auditorium, 2501 Harbor 81\/d., Coate Mase. There will be homemede craft.a, Jewelry, floral•, and apeclal holiday dlloor 1nd gift Items. Information: (714) 957-6188. On.nge County for Dean will "Oft a Meet-up In support of presidential hopeful Howerd Deen et 7 p.m. at Kart Streuu Brewery, 901A South Coest Drive. Information: http.:l...WWW.ocfordtt11n.orp. THURSDAY AngeAloe. Oro wffl be ..aing its Angelltoa Cerd through the 10 at South Coast Ptaze. The cerd allowt buye,. to eave 20 percent at over 100 South Coest Plaza atorea. The cerd cost la $60. Cards can be purchesed with the conderge at South Com Plaza or onllne. Information (949) 642-9883, http.:l!Www.biQbrooc. orfllfllndralsers.htrnl, http://Www.11~1/tOMJttoro.orp. FRIDAY A woodwOftllng lhow wt11 be from noon to 7 p.m. at the Orenge County F1lrground1, in buildings No. 10 and No. 12 and ak>ng the Parede of Producb. The COit la $9 for adults. lnformetion: (310) 477-8521. The VoluntMr AAn. of Shennan Ubniry and Gardena will have Its annual Holiday Open HouM from 10-.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the gift shop, whld'I ii at 2847 E. Cont Highway. lnfonnatlon: (949) 873-2281. The FMndt of The NeWpott Beach Ubtary will have a preview UMCM>oolc .... for membetl only from 1 to 6 p.m. In the Mtende Metting Room at tht Newport Beadl Ubfary, 1000 Avocado Aw •• Newport 8eadl. lnformetion: (949) 769-96CJ7. SATURDAY 0. Ana Bay9'dt Wege wll htlW Its aMutl bWtlque from 81.m. to 3 p.m. at the South Oubhoute, 300 E. Coast Highway, News><>" Beadl. TM COtJt It $10 for• &-foot tlble to dlapley cnfta for ..... The deldline to register to Mii ia In Octoblr. lnfonnltfo!t! (949) 873-4084. 11'9,... of The N9wpcMt 8etd'I Ubntry wll ~. UMd book aakt from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the ffMrlde MMtlng Room M the N.wport hid\ Library, 1000 Avoc.do Avt .• N.,'PQft Beed\. lnfonnltlon: (Mt~ 11'9C...Meea11 ta J1cill Sodtty wttl conduQ. doclnt trllnlng eta. to lrlfn touf guldM forN Diego ~Adobe In E~• Plrtt from ' to' p.m. lnfonNdon: (Ml) 831·6918. Aw..odw°*lntlltc.w•bt given ftOm 10 a.m. toe p.m. at Bmman died Thursday from conp.st1ve bee.rt flilurt, aald the Rev. Mai'dn 8enz.onJ of . John thee.pdlt. 8muum WU bom Jan. 18, 1918, ln Welt ~ulppl. Pl; He waa ordained u a priest for the OIQCele of .Pttuburgh on June 6, 19'3. Heserveduputorand u- aiatant putor In d1tfetent churchel ln PenNylvan.la and was the dlrector of communtca- tiooa for tho Dlocaea or Pins.- burgh from 195610 1976. for passing motorists. city om· dals ~to I~ only a por- tion of the bluff. Last week. Vandersloot and clty omdals A.Id they were cau· tiou.sly opt1mlstic that the com- promise will satisfy both sides. • 1 thJ.nk this ls defln.itely a move ln the right dlrecdon, • Vandersloot said last week. The conditions for opproval indude a requirement that the city ~d and monJtor a wet· the Orenge County Fairgroonda. In bulldlngs No. 10 end No. 12 and elong the Perade of Products. The COit It $9 for edulta. Information: (310) 4n-8521. Walking Na1Uf'a Tour of Upper Newport Bede Bey from 9 to 10: 15 a.m. at the Upper Newport Bedt bay at the comer of East Bluff Drive and Bede Bey Road. Information: (949) 786-8878. SUNDAY A woocfwot1(lng show wll be given from 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. et the Or1nge County Fairground•, In buildings No. 10 end No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. The cost is $9 for adults. Information: (310) 4n-8521. MONDAY The fWth ennuet TM Off for Technology will be held to benefi1 Newport Harbor High et 11 a.m. at the Senta Ana Country Club. Information: (949)794--3832. NOV.12 The FelrAew Putc friende' fund-raiaing committee will host their quarter1y public meeting from 8 to 8 p.m. at Color Me Mine at Triangle Square, 1876 Newport Blvd. Information: (714) 7~6698. http.:l!Www.cmfairvittwpart.orp. The N9wpoft 8.-dl PubUc Utnry Foundation'• Menuscriptl Book Di~ Group will meet to dlacuu •Atonement• by Ian McEwen at 9:15 a.m. et the Newport Beach Centre! Ubrery. Information: (949) 717-3890. NOV.14 The eo.t. Meu Senior Center will pretent a benefit performence of •Late Nite Catechism," en Interactive comedy by Vicki Quede and Marlpat Donovan, et 8 p.m. in the Robert B. Moore Theetre et Orange Coast College. Tld:ets are $35 or $76 for prefened seating. lnformetlon: (949) 645-5080. The Suaan G. Komen Foundation'• Three-Day Walk will begin todey at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center In Coate Mese. The walk will end In Loa Angeles at the Home Depot Center Athletic Fecillty. Information: (800) 825-1000. NOV.15 The eo.ta Meu Senior Center will preMnt a benefit performance of •Late Nlte Catechism; en Interactive comedy by Vdl Quade end Merlpet Oonoven at 8 p.m. In th~ Robert 8. Moore Theatre et Orenge Coest CoUege. Tlc:tett are $36 or $75 for prefen'ed aeatlng. Information: (949) 646-5080. The eo.t. Meea HIRMtcal Society wtll conduct. docent training dua to train tour guldff for the Diego SepullJ'edl Adobe In Estanda Partt from 1 to" p.m. · lnfonnetlon: (949)631-6918. 8Mlk Bay FtbMU wtl hold ttt tint Ofymplc Chartty went from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2875 lrvfne Ave .• Suite A. Coste Mese. lnf<>rmatlon: (949) 831-6587, http:l~bllctl»yfim.a..com. NOY. US ~nnan attended the Secood Vatican COundl while wortlng for Wshop John WrfCht. who later became. canikW. In 1977, fkennan came to the Olocete of Oran&e and to St. John the Baptist. Sister Mary Vla.nney or St John the Baptist aid that Bmtnan W1lll l remarbble man who WU able to make all people reel equal. He was an eft'ecdve teach- er of Bible c1uaes, bringing a positive. upbeat style to the hlnds area on the site. The city would also be required to plant a native grass known as coastal sage scrub near the wetlands and to keep an eye on the plant's progress. City officials saJd they expect that they will be able to comply wtth those requirements., Local officlals are eager to aee the project built to meet stale re· qulremenr.a for affordable hous- ing. The State Department or Unda Biehl, co-founder ot th• Amy Biehl Foundat.lon, who will speak ebout her foundation's wortt to support e democtatlc and peeceful South Africa at 7 p.m. at the Argyroa Femfty lecture Hell et Sage Hill School. Tidtett will cost $10 per person or $25 for a femily of three or more. lnfonnatlon: (949) 219-1395. NOV.18 C.rdlec aurveon Aldan Rane wifl discuss heart valve repair versus replecement et 6 p.m. at the Hoeg Hospital Conference Center. There Is no cost to attend. Reservations: (800) 514-4624. NOV.24 The Orange County Chaptw of Childhelp USA will have 1 fund-raiser from 4 to 9:30 p.m. for dine In end from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. for take out. Nov. 24 at the Newpon Alb Company, 2196 Herbor Blvd., Costa Mese. The Newport Rib Company will donate 20% of your bill to Chlldhelp USA. Reservations: Nency Whitlo<*. (949) 548-4228. NOV.28 Theta wiU be a ~after. Thenksgiving sele at the 0rang9 County Marttet Piece from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admlaalon will be free. There will be artlsena' and cnrfters' comer, photos with Sente aaua end seasonal entertainment. DEC.1 South Coat l'taa will have lb 21st annual Tree-Lighting Ceremony et 6 p.m. at Town Center Partt, edjecent to the Westin South Coast Plaze. DEC.4 The Onlnge County Chapter of Chlldhelp USA will have e holiday boutique end luncheon et 10 a.m. in the Hyatt Regency, 17900 Jamboree Boulevard, Irvine. For reservation• contact Nancy Whitlodc et (949) ~28. DEC.6 The Costa Mela ~··Club will sponsor the Fairview DevelopmenteJ Tournament benefiting Pllrview Developmental Center today and Dec. 7 at the Costa Mese Golf & Country Club. Entrence fee will be $70 today and $135 for both days. Information: (949) 846-2886,(949) 903-9090 DEC.7 The Oninge County Malbt Ptace wfll hold Its fourth annual Hofidey Car Show and Pedal Cer Invitational at the Orange County Fatrgrounda. The,. will be Oe* cera, motorcydea and tNdca decorated for the holldl)'a. There will also be pedaJ cera and dllldren'a pedel cer raoea. Thens will elao be holid1Y entartalnment and outdoor ahoppfng. The ea.ta MMe M.n'• Cklb wll IPO"IOt the Fairview Oevelopmenul Tournament benefiting Fairview Oewlopmemal Center at the Cotta Mesa Goff & Country Club. Entra~ t.. will be $76. lnfom\111on: (949) 846-2886,(949) 803-8090 11'9.,.... annual Balboa Wend ,.,_.Help USA. a noHpeult cfllld abuM prevention center, will have. beMftt and .... , gutt.r concen tiv Wli1lf'I from 4 to 7 p.m. at c.nn.lo'a Rlator'"1te ttaM.no, 3520 E Coelt HlgtiMy. Corona d9f Mat. There wMI be dlnnlf,.,.... and 9uc:don. lnfon'riedoft: , .. , ll50-3481. • Wafldng Hoby Home Tour will be from n 1.m. to 4 p.m. It Balboa ltlancl. lk*ttt COtJt $20. lnfonNldon: (Mt) 973-4280. DEC.22 classea. Brennan had rOITD81ly an:- nouriced hll retirem nt recently. Thtte bad been • party ached· • uled for Oct. 25 to celebra1e his diamond Jubilee as a priest. but tt WU po&tpc>ned wt\rn Brennan fdl Wand ~I m to the hospital. P\.tneral ICIVlces are scheduled for this morning at to~ a.m. at St. John the BapdSt, 1015 Baker Sl. Brennan will be buried in the Olocese of Pittsburgh. C.Ommunity Hou.sing and Devel· opment hu estimated that 254 more units of affordable housing ahouJd be created ln the city. The Lower Bayv1ew project would get the city nearly halfway to this goal. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach end.John Weyne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 674-4232 or by e-mail et June.uuorandtl latlmn..com. dlaclpllnea and badtgrounda. The group meets every Mondey momlng from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Valideted parking Is evallebfe in the parking structure neXt to 24 Hour Rtness. Gueatl are welcome. For more lnfonnatlon. cell (949) 721-5732. The Newport-M ... ~club meeta on the second and fourth Wednead.ays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. et Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. The cost is $2. Information: (949) 646--5293. Putof Hein Ausdn leads• SU. study on "How to Become a Contagious Christian• from 6 lo 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays et 3n W. Wilson St., No. 15 In Costa Mase. All are welcome to come and meet new friends. Information: (949) 722-7498. Jewish FemHy ~ls offering a support and discussion group for women 50 and older the second and fourth Mondey of every month from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Jewish Femify ~ .. offering e women's divorce and separation aupport group at 7 p.m. Wednesdeya at the Jewish Federation Cempus In Costa Mesa, 260 E. Baker St. For more Information, cell (714) 445-4950, ext 114. The ACLU of Orange County meets et 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month et the Unitarian Univeraalist Church. 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Meae. Eadl month'• meeting will feature a different speaker on luues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. •a..ch lancbcapea: an exhibit featuring digitelly manipulated aerial photographs of the Hewallen islands by Donna Ruzidte, umbrella beadl acenes by Cerole Boller and Beck Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept 30 et Newport Beadl City Hall. lnformetion: (949) 717-3870. Macy's In eo.t. Mesa Invites Orange County nonprofit orgenlzetiona that provide tervicea and program• to the HIV/AIDS community to epply for participation In Mecy'e South Coeat Plaza's Passport In Store fund-relaer. Thia year'• event wtll be held on Oct. 4. To receive en application to participate. call (714) 656-0611, ext. 4231. Yoga ct... wll be .... Tueadeys and Thuredeys from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeb at w..t Newport Community Center. Registration ls $64 for one claq eld'I wen or $100 for two days 1 week over nine weeka for Newport Beach ruldents. Others pey an eddltlon•I $6. For more lnformetlon, call (949) 844-3151. eo.t. Meu .. ReaMtlon DMelon will pro'lide a lhfee.hour theme birthday perty for up to 20 guosta It 1he Baleeric Community Center weetdaya from 6 to 8 p.m., SeturdlYI from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ot .. to 7 p.m. Ind Sundllv9 from 4 to 1 p.m. Pertiea for dlildl'9n 6 to 12 wtal coneiat of lundlldlnner, gernea. cnfta, pNae, cake wtth lea CltMCTI Ind IUP8Mlion by ataff. Partiet COit S2tlO or S300. Fot more lnfonnadon, ctR ('714) 764-5158. AwieMW--wllbt..- on 8.y9ide~teMCt NCW.17 • The,......GuldofC... r .... w111 tWwte:aannuai hobY kJndteon • n .. m. It the Rltr~ .0 N.wpon Center Orfw, The Oliil'9CoUMvMlttllt .... wlff hold ... HoMdlv Mlrbt Pl8ce from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orenge COUnty Felrgrounds. ~ wMI be he. l'hefwwlll be....,.. and Cnlhrt' comer, photos wtd't ~Claus and eeaeoNI ...... ""*"' . ~ng N9WPQftH1rt>Ot wwv ~ "°"' 6:30 to 7~ p.m. Thi coec le S15 per penon. ~Beech. The COit wt• be sao pw person. Send ct.u ptylble to c... 1 .... to Mli'gU9rtte OIStenlttto, 1430 Llncoln t..ne, NMpon 8eedl, CA 928$0. lnforml1ton: (M) 648-o251S. For mort lnfonnetion, Can (Ml 721-1222. J I I DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT Onlookers watch the Newport Autumn Rowing Festival on the Coast Highway bridge in Newport Bay on Sunday morning. Rowing event raises funds for aquatic center About 1,700 rowers compete in the 16th annual event at the Newport Aquatic Center. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -Week· end rain showers and smoke from wildfires didn't hamper the annuaJ Newport Autumn Rowing Fest:ivaJ, whkh drew a record crowd to the Newport Aquatic Center on Sunday. About 1,700 rowers competed in 36 team and solo rowing events, a turnout somewhat higher than the 1,300 partlci· pants drawn in other yea.rs, TOWN Continued from A4 Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona def Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151 , or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Chlldron, teen• end adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, orvisitthe Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Professional and llcenMd socc.r trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one. small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Family Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper Sdlool in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration Is required. The Flm Page -Rne Children's Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 In Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridayt and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10'.30 a.m ., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. F-or more Information, cell (949) 645-6437. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for$16 per person, featuring five new wines eadl week. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222. ff your orchid 19 too big for lb pot. Green Systems International will show you how to ,.pot your plant during their free · orohld-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for Information. Dlacowt the MCnrt9 of c.bon Canyon Ae91onal Pirie as Yol.I walk through grcMIS of beauttfUI • Coastal Redwood treta ~ Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Perking It $4. Cell (714) 996-6252 for mo,. Information. TiNm Survhlor¥. nonptOftt orgenlutJon encouraeing women who havo been through oenow treatment to exen:I•, hottt "Walk and Talk" et 10 e.m. U,. MCOn~ and founh Fr1dty of the \ event coordinator Alicia Cole said. The athletes, from 13 to 73 years old, included college row- ers from across the West Coast and German rower Marcel Hacker, a 2000 Olympic bronze medalist and winner of the sUver medal In this year's World Row- ing Cluunpionships. Hacker, rowing for the New- port Aquatic Center, took home the top prize in the men's open single. Teams from USC placed first In the women's open eight month in front of NIKEgodeas store In Fashion Island. Members meet for lundl after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community CounMling Center offers e way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. S.Af£ stands for safety, awareness, faith end empowerment The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more Information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens In NVenth through ninth grades are Invited to drop by the city of Costa M81a Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for sports and other activities. The center Is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport BMCh Walking Club meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beadl e19:15 a.m. end 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport Beach Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road In Newport Beach. For more information, cell (949) 650-1332. The Spanish SpNklng Club meet& to team Spanish quldc and easy. For more Information, call (949) 660-1332. The Aun. of Bualnea s..va. hosts a networtdng m eeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Hollday Inn at 3131 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (949) 805-0011. •Divofee: A New Beginning: a workahop for men end women divorced or getting divorced, 11 held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Colt la $40. For more Information, call 644-6435. Free toun of the Orwlgl County Performing Art. Center take guest• to the dretling rooms, performer's lounge, badcl1age end on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednetday end Saturday et eoo Town Center Drive, Costa Meu. Group tourt can be held by lpedel 11T1ngement For more Information, cell (714) 668-ARTS, txt.833. TMNewpoftlwh~ Club hotde a gentn1I meeting on IN third w.dnetdly of wtry month.~ Of'Qlnlmlon la apen to ell women retldenta In Newport~ who h.ve lived In 1he tf'N fewer thin five yell"I. For mON lnfotm.tlon, cetl (94*) MM922, Of' vttlt hap.:!~ ~fd>M:tt.Otg. ! and the men's open four. The top team in the men's open eight was from UC Davis, and a Sacra- mento State team won the women's open four. Sunday's regatta. the 16th to be hosted by the Newport Aquat· ic Center, featured the first-ever Dash for Cash, in which the top three finishers in both the men's and women's open single-scull races vied for two $5,000 purses In a 500-meter sprint. The winners were Hacker and Mary Obidinski of New Jersey. About 1,000 watched the events from the Coast Highway and Via Lido bridges and other points along the 2.7-mile course, Cole Oasis Senlot Canter hokts a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for dllldren. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mer. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. Macy's South eo.st Plaza presents "Wortcshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by dlef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m . Wednesdays et 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, Including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and rhythm, •vogarhythmicsH combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 6:45 p.m . Tuesdays et 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit •Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine Art Master; through Sept 30. The museum Is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway~ Newport Beadl. Free admission. For more Information, call (949) 673-7863. lm.rfelth couplea with one Jewish partner are Invited to participate In a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. Call to schedule date and time. The office la at 250 E. Baker St , Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 44M960. Women 50 end older can join• discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Servlcea to address iuuea audl as anxiety, depreulon, relatlonshlps, lonellness end family. The group meeta from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . Mondays at the agency oftlcea, 260 E. Baker St , Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4960. Frienda of the Newport Bw:h Publtc Ubrary UMd Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenlah the dwindling stoct. Boob may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mar1nera, or Corona del Mar -or In the book clOHt next to the Friendt Boole Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., N9WP0rt Beach. All htrdcover and pepet'bedt donltJons, with the e>cceptlon of magazlnet end l.w books, wUI be ~Ind al'9 tax dedOctfbfJ . (948) 76M88l The ... """""' fAt'8 fret computtr ct• ... to people with fldmg Wion who hfVt dHftculty eeelng 1he computw tcrMn. The <>ult Centw It 800 MtrgUtrftt Ave., Coront dtl Mair, offw9 lfx ..-one. C.ff to llgn up for datett.(714)12,-IOOO. said. The races concluded with a barbecue lunch. Cole said the rowing festival raised more than $30.(XXl for youd1 programs in canoeing. kayaking and rowing at the Newport Aquat- ic Center, a nonprofit organization. lllal's nearly twice the amount raised by previous regattas, a boost Cole attributed IP the use of cor- porate sponsorship this year. The cooperation of the weather was Lhe Icing on the highJy successful even t. uLast year. we had a two-hour fog delay, which really threw a wrench in things,• Cole said But this year, she said, ui t went off without a hitch, really." A spiritual cel'9 das1 meets at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., St.lite 114, Newport Beadl. Call to reserve e seat (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts network.Ing luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The coat is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Cou'rse Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. S~Andrew'•Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Sundays In Dierenfield Hall C at 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish F9mlly Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult dlildren end their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Coste Meas. $10 per person. per session. Preregistration required. (71 4) 445-4950. Tuesday, NoYembet 4, 2003 A5 State checking up on federal funds Education officials are visiting the district's three Title I schools this week. Mulsa O'Neil Daily Pilot OOSTA MESA -Three schools are getting the once- over this week by state offi- cials looking to make sure campuses are following the guidelines necessary to re- ceive certain federal funds. A C.OOrdinated Compliance Review team arrived at Wil- son Elementary, TeWmJde Middle and Estancia 1-ligh schools on Monday from the Callfflmia Department of Education. They will present reports of their findings to Newport-Mesa Unified School District officials on Friday. ·we've dotted every I and crossed every T, so we're look- ing forward to seeing our work validated," director for elementary education and cuniculum Bonnie Swann said. "But we're looking for- ward to hearing any sugges· lions they have for US-n In preparation for the re· views, the district conducted self-testing last summer as a dress rehearsal. Everything should go smoothly and without problems for the schools, Swann said. lbe reviews take place for each district every four years as part of the state's public school accountability pro- gram. The state selects the schools that will undergo the inspections. WXURY HAS ARRIVED ,. ........ 1111111111 lllL • VOlUME SEL£CTION •OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE • GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED "It's such a tremendous amount of work." school board member Dave Brooks said of preparing for 'the re- views. •But it's good because It makes you take a look at yourself. We know what we're doing. but we have to make sure it's in compliance in all the ways they want you to be in compliance." . OnJy schools that receive Ude I funds for programs get checked. Inspectors check to see that the money -in Newport-Mesa's case $11 mil- lion -is being spent prop· erly, on the appropriate pro- grams to benefit students. Some programs to be re· viewed include adult educa· lion, gifted and talented edu- cation and migrant education. The state regulates Title I and other categorical funds at stake, which come from the federal government and are designed to aid low-achieving and at-risk students and stu- dents with limited English, among others. The review is designed to check district compliance with !lie programs and moni- tor use of the money. lf any problems or discrepancies are found, Swann said, the re- view team will present guide- lines to bring the schools back mto compliance. Repeated offenses, she said, could result in removal of federdl funds. "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Types of Window Treatments • VaJances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Sh utters • Bedspreads Complimentary Con1ult11tion in Yo#r Hom' 2()'X, >I· I .1ho1 & \0.lu1<1l I .il111<' C_l F. .... 1\ 1il1 d11"11I I ii \.,,, 11ii1. I 11 ~lllli ?~~ DESIGN CENTER ~Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 ~~-Zi.c~~ i t I ' i . :.. • I ~--~---------- M T~. NMmOer 4, 2003 Olly Piiot FORUM HOW TO OET ..umJIHEJ) -~Mall to Edftoriel Plge Editor s.J. Cllhn st the Deily Piiot. 330 W. 8-v St., Costa Meet, CA 12827 • "• • llin Hodln« c.t1(M9)84.2-«>88 Aue:: Send to (949) &CM170 f.mel:S.nd to ~lypltot•l•tltn#.com •All con.pondenoe must Induct. Ml nwne, hometown and phone numw (for wrtftcdon purpow). The Piiot reMfWI the right to edit ell aubmi.MJon• for dufty and length . COMMUNITY COMMENTARY. 'Sexile' and other . . phrases your kids will learn at college By Sue Clark chbuQPe1fup1 S teve Smlth's latest rant concerns protective measut'!!S he wants l.nst1lled In the supermarkets to ahleld his kids from anything he doesn't like. This ti.me. the enmiy Is the blatant sexual messages on magazine covers. I'm still wondering why he Isn't worried about their exposure to admJtted sexual predator AmoJd Sc:hwanenegger. Maybe ~ls OK with SmJth If m.-.-bas family values. T6a1 being said, f fear for Smith's stress level Theres a lot or sex out there waiting to fudnale our children. I'm oat happy about It, either: But I was the child who surrepddously took apart my mom's house wttil I found her copy of"Lady Chatterley's Lover" hidden In a paper bag In the broom doset. lt's not an easy wk to keep kids away from the forblddm. One of the bonds I share wttb Smith Is the de&ltt to protect my daughter from anything hannfu1. 1t waa bad enough when her preschool taught the kids about "bad stranaers. • f wu 1ad for the chlJdren'1 loss or Innocence. But the bombardment of expllc:lt messages WU only getting started. and one such Jnddmt WU my own fault If I could change IOmething that happened when ihe wu 8, I certain.ly would. Here Is that Incident: 1 got a call from my ex-husband one afternoon after our daughter had been taytng at h1s place. Appattntly. she and one of her friends had fowtd an old book or mine from my collegt days. the "Kama Sutra." which contained blatantly explicit sexual graphlcs. I'd forgotten the book was even filed away In the bookcase. and my ex had found the girls looking at the plctum.. "What do you think we should do?" he asked. Needless to say. he wasn't comfortable talking to two little glrls about the book. I called the friend's mother. and abe remained calm, being a lald·back eon. When I picked my daughter up, f had done a lot o( thinking about what to say. f reaUud I had the optJon or Ignoring her questions, or being honest and very embarrassed. I choee the latter. "Honey,• f &aid. "I heard from Dad that you and your friend weR looking at an old book of mine. I'm sad that you saw thole pk:turet. becaUte you're too young to think about eex. HOWUYer, l'U a,nswer any quectlons you have @out anything~ wondering about~ She had eevera1 questions, and I Cwtth great dilcomfor1) answered them all Retuctantly, I asbd ff the.re wm any other th1np &he wanted to lalQW about. There vma. ~ talked about homoMn~ and why IOIDI ~ ~ aiaJ ....... ~ dJli:UMed the IUbflc:t flmale Ind~ ----Arid. .. the t ask her to ask me certain thinp !hey didn't lhtnk their parents would tell them. f usually called the parents and let them do the answering. but the point b. the lc1ds wantat answen and they wanted the truth. And they wett exposed (Do pun intended) to sex every day. from friends, the med.la and simply everywhere. When my daughter got to UCLA. she continued to talk to me regularly and often. She was inimedlatdy dropped into a churning cauldron of sex-Infused dorm and apartment file. However. forewarned is foreanned. and not much surprised her. She still enjoyed giving me a shock. now and then. too. "Mom. I've been sexiled. • she'd ay. (8exiled means locked out of your room while your roommate is fooling around.) · ·1 wouldn't date someone on my ftoor. Mom.• she'd tell me. "'lbat would be donncese The next year. when she moved to an apartment in the Westwood student enclave, she continued to feed me discomforting anecdotes. The glrl on the Ooor above her had her boyfriend over so often fer loud sex. earplugs were a necessity. A drunbm guy they knew exposed himself during a party and was forever ttfemd to afterward as PG, the "p-word" guy, and 10 on. I listened, bit my nails uid listened some more. f always lcept the communlcadon lines wide open. And I'm glad [did. Smith and f share the desire to protect our children from loss of innocence and precocious sexuality. I took responsibility for forgetting about that book at my old house. And f reluctantly chose not to slide sex under the carpet afterward. As a therapist and teen counaelor, I'm convinced that family seaets and denial of reality are more corrosive than telling the truth. Your children are going to hear about sex. regardless or any "activism" against magazine covers. I just watched one of the beat movies I've seen In years. ~ystlc River.• One of the most po~ ecenes Involves Tun Robbins' chantcter, a sweet·natured child who's found and brought borne after being held by sexual predators. No one talb about it wtth him; he doesn't get therapy. His peers only know half·truths about the lnddent. The aU'Odtles committed on this little boy are almply not dlsawed, with him or anyone else. U1dmate!y. this man losea his toul and wtshet to die. In this town. secrets have a life of thelr own, and problems are Just thrown Oiterally) into the nearby river. Knowledge b power. ShoYtng sexual material out of the way of your kids' vtsJon Is OK tf It makes a parent feel better. Bui -., talking to your lddl. They 11'1 gotng to .. ind bes lb:aut aex. ~Olyuur pioteaM C'UltOdy: And If you tnlMr' ~-PnMde• goocnw-..i Of boriorable 8M ~ aau.lity for Chen\ mey will not go fir lltnly when they hit the world or •ctoanc:elt" and •eedleil. • With MY tuck. ttM!)"D dO )'OU &he IUpdf1'e hOnoi' ot coodnuinJ to talk wtdi )'OU llboUt their teen and ldWt dedlkma-whether you Wint mem to or not. • IUla.AM le a Newport ...,, ~and• high ldtoof guldlnct °""'*1IOr 9' Creebldi High SdlOof tn IMne. . MAILBAG -FILE PHOTO I OAJLY PILOT A miniature train loaded with passengers head~ through the mustarckovered hills of Fairview Parle.in Costa Mesa. Woods' Fairview letter captures the tree bugger's voice Congratulations to the Daily Pilot The paper has ihown that the Forum editor can go beyond the typical reader's rantings and print a truly satirical essay. Wallace Woods tongue-in-cheek article dded "Fairview P8lt is more than just a potential playground" on Oct 30 as the treaty or a "tree hugger" was very entertaining. lt ls worthy of space in the New Yorker. It was more fun that reading about some BANANA (Bui.Id ~t nothing anywhere near anything) or NIMBY's (not in my bade yard) trauma de jour. The sad part Is that there are some folks out there that actuaUy subscribe to Wood's mantra. They should get a life. BILL JOHNSON Costa Mesa Oit-of-towners should mind their own Ps and Qs In response to "Let's Make A Deal" in the Nov. 1 Forum aection. Ardy Hurs1 has "hit the nail on the bud.• When will Costa Mesa take a stand to protect the best interests of Im residents from the constant barrage of "carpet baggers" that seem to control its future? Those who wish to decide where and bow our infrasttucture ls to be built in regard to the Costa Mesa Freeway. the 19th Street bridge and the Gisler Avenue bridge present their oplnJons as fact. With regard to our dty policies and day-to·day affairs auch as low income housing. cliarlty operadons, public·supported housing and code ~nforcement, Newport Beach residents pontificate on the cond.Jtions present on READERS RESPOND our Westside, but when our city attempts. to correct these condJtions they demand to be exempted from those efforts, such as redevelopment. Others bring their businesses here. and when residents object, they sue our neighbors for acting responsibly and speaking out, as was the case ln the 1901 Newport development Through their influence. the names oi those places -such as South Coast Plaza. Orange Coast College, John Wayne Airport, South Coast Metro. and the Ust goes on - that we could point to with pride are presented to disguise the fact that they are in Costa Mesa. Sadly, this is an all too predictable outcome when the "city with a heart" follows a "stakeholder" philosophy._ MIKE BERRY Costa Mesa Bridge meant to connect the region'is dividing it AT ISSUE: Newport supports a bridge across the Santa Ana River at 19th Street that Costa Mesa has been trying to quash. I Imagine Newport Beach would like the bridge -to make it easier for people (shoppers, tourists) to get to • Newport. I suggtsl the transportation authority continue the bridge to go over the intersection at Harbor Boulevard and 19th Street, where there's already too much traffic. to get onto the Costa Mesa Freeway. Make those In favor have to go through the intersection at 7:30 am weekday mornings. This will also slow the northbound traffic out of Newport Beach on Newport Boulevard and eventually up the Costa Mesa Freeway as a result of the additional cars coming from Huntington Beach. Yes, I'm all for more traffic and a slower commute. VICTOR BROSKI Costa Mesa I just looked at my map, and ..____this_ s not just a bridge across a ver. This Is a bridge that crosses a river and then will have massive road construction across Talbert Reglon8;1 Park to get to 19th Street. OUr park land ls predou& to us. and I don't think that we should destroy It so that someone can save a few minutes to gel to where they are going. Let's keep the park and ditch the bridge. JUDmfBERRY Costa Mesa Cities act ln self-interest. That's what they're supposed to do. But when a city's interests conflJct with another's, then some accommodation needs to be reached. So far, between Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. the latter's interests have prevailed. Newport Beach's successful opposition to men~ the Costa Mesa Freeway to Coast Highway caused a borrendow Jam-up at Costa Mesa's 19th street terminus. Simply put. Newport Beach would rather have the traftlc jam In Costa Mesa than on Coast Htgbway, and they had the money and polltfcal lnOuence to accomplish that. They might have found during the plannlng stage of the Costa Mesa freeway terminus that a three-way division of the freeway at 19th Street -one to Dover Avenue. one to Newport Boulevard and another to Superior Avenue - each ending at Coast Highway. would have been a more practical solution. But that's history. Newport Beach wants the 19th Street bridge in order to divert Its own east-west Coast Highway traffic through Costa Mesa to Huntington Beach. Costa Mesa opposes that for two basic reasons: First, It woulCl attract a considerable amount of additional traffic to Costa Mesa's already serious 19th Street congestion. Secondly. today's 19th Street traffic ls generally Crom people who live ln the area or who want to shop on or near it. A 19th Street bridge across the Santa Ana River to 8annlng Avenue in Huntington Beach would make that road &imUar to Jamboree Road -strictly a trafftc corridor -unfriend.Jy to either ratdendal or business needs. The city of Hunllngton Beach, directly west of both cities, has stated publicly that ft opposes a bridge across the Santa Ana River that would connect with Banning Avenue ln that city. Officials there also want to avoid addltlonal traffiC- into their neighborhoods. But the real reason Newport Beach and Costa Mesa can't reach a compromise ts that each is compounding the problem of traffic. Both seem addJcted to encouraging additional large businesses - whether hotels, resorts, or mega·stores. That desire for more and more tax dollars into city coffers has Increased traffic problems for both cities. ALAN REMINGTON Costa Mesa I'm opposed to the 19th Street Bridge mostly because of the extra-heavy traffic It would generate t.n our already overloaded city. Of course Newport Beach Is for It. If the extra traffic were going through Newport Beach, they would be totally against It. As with the pollution producing lnduslries on our Westside, you can bet Newport Beach would allow none of them. The people of Huntington Beach would love to be able to cut through our city to get to the Costa Mesa Freeway, but I would bet that we won't get anymore business. DICK MATMERLY Costa Mesa HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY Of COSTA MESA Costa M ... City Hall, n Fair Drive, Cotta M ... , CA 82828, (714) 764-6223 ~Gary Monahan Coundt Ubby Cowan, Allan Manto0r, Miq Schtafer and Chna StMI CRY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newpon Beac:h City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., NeWport Beacn, CA 92643, (M9) M4-330I . ~~Bromberg c.unol: Gary Adema, John H9ffemen, Ok* • Nlc:hole, St9Wn Rotantky, Tod Rldgewey end Don.....,., COMT COIMNTY COUIQE DISTRICT Dl8trlc:t Oflloe: 1370 ~ lw9., Cotta Meu, CA 12828, (11•1 .u.-. a.t11l1r. Wlllltm M.,... ... OIT-41UAWW11DICHOOL DllTM:T Olelitoc Offlol: a.A ... St.. Cotti MM, CA emt, ('714) G4 .a ............ t ~ lerbot Boerd: Pretldtnt Marthe F'tuor, Vice Pl'Mident O.na 81~ Clerk Serene Stok .. , David Brootca, Tom Eg11n, Judy Franco and UndeSneen · OltAHQE COUNTY 80MD OF EDUCATION 200 l<.llrriUia Dt1vi, P.O. 8°" 90l50, Coetl Mela, CA 92821-to&O, (714) 8'8-4000 Etlzabettt 0. Ptftcer, mtmbet, Truttee,.,,.,. 6, Cotti MM. Newport BMCtl OMW COUNTY IOMD Of-....... H8ll of Admlnllilridon, 10 CMo Center Plau, Sei*AM, CA-* • Jim ... 2Nf Olltrtol (Co.ta MeM. N.wport lwttt, (714) D1-1220 •Thom.I wteon, llh °'9trtCt (N.wpott COlit), (71., IM-IMO Sactemento, CA 96814, (918) (916) 319-2068; Or local otrk:e et 1503 South Coett Drive. Suite 206, Cotta M ... 92828; (714) 668-2100; e.,,.,all: Klln.M•ddox•um.ca.llOV U.S. HOUSE OF REPMSEHTATIVES • Chrla Cox (R), 47th Olttric:t. 1 Newport Pteoe, Sutt.~. Newport Bead\, CA 92680. (949) 768-224'; or 2A02 Rayburn Bulldlng, Wethington, D.C. 20616, (202) 225-6611: tax '848) 261·9309 (repreaenta most of Newport Beed\) E-mtll: dtrlftOpt,.r.coxtltNll.houN.gov • Dane Aohrabedler (RI.~ Olttric:t, 101 Mtln St., Su"9 3C, Huntington Beac:h, CA 928'8, (714) 990-&483; or 2338 Rayt>um ~Wethington, D.C. 20&15, (202) 22&-M1S: fex:.(714) MC).7808 (Aepteaentt Cotta Meu end w..t Newport) E-mafl: daN•n•ll.houH.llOV PRUIDINT GeofvitW, 8Ulh (A), Whn. HouM, 1800 ,...•.,anla Ave .• WMNngton. O.C. 20600 Hodlne: Ce a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) .... 1111 £.m.11: ptel/dtlnl·~gov , 't. QUOTE OF THE DAY ''That was a 20-yard sprint and they beat me and I had a 5-yard head start." Dn• Petklnt, Costa Mesa football coach Daily Piiot · HIGf1 SCH()OL FOOTBALL PLAYERS 'OF THE WEEK WEEKS CHOSEN BY THEIR RESP£CTM COACHES OOSTAMESA David Vemotlco 6--0 245 Sr. Provided the lead blocking fora good portion of Mesa's running plays as a pulllng guard. Tony Krikorian 5-8165 So. Partofa dominating defensive effort by the Mustangs, provided strong play from the comerback spot. OORONA DEL MAR Shane Collins 5-10168 Jr. Scored the Sea Kings' lone touchdown on a 73-yard reception and provided strong play on defense. e e e David Del Fante 5-11163 Jr. AlsoCdM's kicker, picked up a lot of the slack In the secondary after the injury to Wess Presson. ESTANCIA Yousif Muradlan 5-10 205 Sr. Provided fortitude up front for the Eagles, snapping the bait and preventing any sacb. Chad Sherrell 6--0 225 Sr. Gave a strong effort on both sides of the bait and helped fill the void left by the injury to Gary Strawn. NEWPORT HARBOR Tom Jackson 6--0152 So. Completed 12 of26passes for 181 yard• and two touchdOWM, nearty pulllng ofh comebadc victory. Spotts Edltor Rlctwd Dunn: 19491574-4223 • Spo1'11Fax:19491650-0170 After retiring last season, Kenny Bernstein will be driving the Budweiser dragster again this weekend at the NHRA Finals. Competition's no drag CdM resident Kenny Bernstein may be making his final run, again, at the season ending NHRA Finals in Pomona. Patrick Laverty Dally Pilot Y ou can take a person out of competition, but you can't take the competitor out of ~e person. Corona del Mar resident Kenny Bernstein and hls son Brandon have both experienced that this year, though for vastly different reasons. After a year-long farewell tour, Kenny, one of the top drivers in National Hot Rod Association history, retired last fall after 65 career victories, allowing Brandon to take over in the cockpit of the famous Budweiser King top fuel dragster. But with the season-ending NHRA Finals at Pomona Raceway this weekend, it is once again Brandon watching Kenny drive at speeds of more than 300 mph. · The NH~ Finals will be run at the Pomona Raceway on the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds beginning Thursday with qualifying and continuing through Sunday, when ellminations begin at 11 a.m. The season began with the elder Bernstein, the team owner of the Budweiser dragster, itching to return to competition. He did so, though. not in the way he would have liked Now Brandon feels that same itch. Brandon Bernstein, 31, started off the 2003 NHRA season, his rookie year, strongly, picldng up victories in Phoenix. Gainesville and Bristol, Tenn. But two races after his third victory, Brandon suffered a season-ending crash at Englishtown, N.J., fracturing and separating the vertebrae ln the T-3 upper back area. •tt was the first round and we were the first pair out," Brandon said. -1 hit the throttle and immediately smoked the tires. Your first reaction in that situation is fo look over and see if your 'competitor is in trouble. I saw John !Smith! was sm oking the tires pretty good. I kept trying to hlt the throttle, but every time I hit It, our tires would smoke. It just got out of control It started to drift over and it hlt the wall at an angle where my butt hlt the wall. The instant the car hlt the wall, I felt the pain in my back." The car grinded on top of the retaining wall, but never flipped over. coming down safely on the grass on the other side of the wall. Within 30 seconds, Kenny was on top of the car. talking to his son. He asJced Brandon if he could wiggle his toes and then his fingers. Brandon could "He said, 'You're going to be OK.'" Brandon said. "That was really comforting.? Prior to his son's crash, Kenny. 59. had been actively searching for another sponsor to run a second car, which would allow him to return to the driver's seat. Being around drag racing had only made retirement harder on a guy who had been driving race cars since the late 1960s. "It caught me off-guard,'' Bernstein said. "l thought I was ready for the retirement side. But I think still being involved with the car made It tougher. I think if I would have gone off to the mountains somewhere, I would have been fine. Being exposed to it just made it harder." It's the natural reaction of a competitor leaving his sport and simply missing the competition. Just think of Michael Jordan. •it's the same thing," Kenny said. ·1 don't know Michael, but I know how he felt. He quit at the top of his game and we quit at the top of ours. He missed it and I missed It." • Obviously. it was not the circumstances in which Kenny wanted to return as a driver, but when Brandon was injured, there was little question of who was going to take over. "There wasn't even a thought process," Kenny said. "It wasn't even a decision." Brandon, nominated for the NHRA's rookie of the year award, had led the NHRA points standings after the Atlanta race and even after his first round loss when he crashed in Englishtown, he was in second behind Larry Dixon. "It's very disappointing," Brandon said. "This team and all my guys. they did an awesome job at the beginning of the year. l felt like I let them down. And I let the sponsors down. "I just tell myself, 'You're very, very lucky to be walldng.' I'm so lucky to be ·here and be wallting and be able to drive a race car again." Because of the injury. his father was driving a race car again. But a driver has to accumuJate his own points, so Kenny had to start with nothh1g with one-third of the season gone by. Remarkably, the legendary driver enters the season-ending event at Pomona in seventh-place in the points standings and has an outside shot at moving as high as fifth. If Brandon and Kenny's points were combined, they would be second behind Dixon. Kenny has capped his comeback. and possibly his career, by winning three or the last four races. He would love to add to that by winning at Pomona, thus. rewriting the previous ending to his career, which was a first-round loss at the 2002 NHRA Finals. ·rm happy if It ends three out of five," Kenny said. "Four out of five would be Icing on the cake." Icing or not, there's not a question as to who will be driving the Budweiser dragster when the 2004 season opens. Brandon rid himself of a neck·to-waJst brace that be was forced to wear after the accident a month ago. The brace, which he wore at all times, SH DRAG, Pa1e A8 EYEOPENER No11. l O honoree JOE URBAN Tuesday, November 4, 2003 A7 FOOTBALL Leav ing best da y's behind? --- I t was fun while It lasted. As the close to the 2003 prep football season becomes ever clearer on the horizon, it appears there will be no championship banners for Newport-Mesa schools. And, unless some unexpected scenarios play out, the only route to the postseason for Costa Mesa High, Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor will be through their respective divisions' at-large window. F3tancia is merely playing out the string and, with primarily peach-fuzz players, Sage Hill is more concerned with survival than contention in the Academ y League. Since at-large teams usually draw a top-four seed, or at the very least a league champion in the first round, advancing to the quarterfinals would BARRY be a severe .· FAULKNER challenge for any Newport-Mesa entrant. In the event a Newport-Mesa team makes the playoffs -CdM has a chance to finish anywhere from first to fourth and Mesa could wind up as high as second -a second straight season without one playoff victory from a Newport-Mesa school remains probable. Last year. when Newport Harbor and Costa Mesa were eliminated in the first round, it marked only the second time since 1986 no locaJ school had won at least one playoff contest. Conceivably, the CIF Southern Section playoffs could be contested ·• without the presence of a local entry. a first since 1986. Indeed, since the five-year drought from 1965. when Estancia began as a varsity football combatant, to 1969, there have been only three seasons {1972, '75 and '86), when Newport-Mesa was not represented in the postseacion. ••• Newport, even with victories over Laguna Hills and Woodbridge, could do no better than fourth place. The Sailors, with two more wins, would be 7-3 and a prime at-large candidate. But Gahr, a free-lance school in Division Vl, brings a 6-2 record into its final two games against Suburban League powers La Mirada and Mayfair. The Gladiators, coached by former CdM assistant Greg Marshall, would, in all likelihood, have to win out to keep a 7.3 Sailor squad from the at-large berth. All CdM needs to wrap up the Pacific Coast League's third guaranteed CIF Division IX berth is to defeat University in the regular-season finale Nov. 14 at Levine High. Should the banged-up Sea Kings win out, they could still claim at least a share of the title. if Tesoro beats Northwood Nov. 14. Costa Mesa needs wins over Westminster and Santa Ana, then a Westminster loss to Orange, to gain at least a three-way tie for second in the Golden West League. The same scenario, combined with a Saddlebaclc loss to either Santa Ana or Ocean View. would give the Mustangs the leagues No. 2 berth. See FOOTBALL, Pa1e A8 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Two-minute drill • C.Osta Mesa Coach n.w PeJtdne aune ~onto the field with his team Thursday, running through tbe pregame banne[ with his players prior to kickoff. "That was a 20·yard 1print and they beat me and I bad a 5-yard head start," l>etkina said. "J think I need to work on my condldonl.ng. • Perkins said be took the ldea ftom asal.stant coach Tum Baldwin, who did the same thJng when he was the head coach at Santa Ana High. Baldwin saw former Oregpn .State Ct>ach Dee Andros do the same thing to fire up the tro<>ps. "Mllybe that will become a tradidon," Perldns sald. · • Most of the fourth quarter of the Costa Mesa-Bltancia con test was played with a running clock after the Muatanp had taken a big lead. A stmilar acenarfo played out at the S. Hill·St. Margaret'• game, where the teams used a runn1na clock In the teconc1 half. •Newport Harbor baa Iott thrie con.cu~ tpUM$ for the first time alnce 1998. ft ls only the fourth JOt(na ltrelk of three pm• or more that the Sa1Jo11 heve bad in a 8HIOD al.nee Coadi ...,~look~ in 1986. The Sailors lost Ow •tnl8ht pmes In 1988 and 1995. • COlta Meta'a three-game wtriri1na atrMk in the Battle for the Bell matches It.I Jongat wtn ltretk in the eerlei;'Whlcb Randa leads, 20• 16-1. Tho Mustan19i Who have won all of the IMt eight between the Schoo.ls, a18o won IMDM.L,,._.AI - ,. ' Al TuesdlV, ~ •. 2003 HIGH SCHOOL FOOlBALL Game busters High ldlool pl9V9 of 30 yarda or more • 71 -Shene Cotlna (Coron• del Mar) paaa from Tom Wekh • M -Oevld MoNno (Estanc:le) Nn. • IO-Geo MKJaa (Estancll) Interception retum. • 44 -N. Rodrigua (Co•ta Meu) paaa from Gary Gonz.aJ.i. •a-Oudo Vergu (Cocta M ... ) touchdown l'\ln. • 3' -S.,.,..., Unk (tffwport Harbor) pa11 from Tom Jed&Mn. • JO -5pencw Unk (Newport Harbor) klction r•turn GAMESTOPPERS Last week'a b ig defensive plays • CQSTA MESA -SenJor eomerback l.u1t Goualcl make!! an interception on E&t.anda's second offensJve play and re1ums It 22 yards to set up Costa Mesa's ftrat touchdown ... Brett Via and Erle Re,. top the baJJ carrier for a 2-ya.rd lo ... Unebacker Jeff Waldron a tops a p· Ina play for no gain .•• Luke Sapo- lu and Marc Dan.leb throw the running back for a lo ... Gonu.ln nearly comes up with a second lntercepUon ... Via atop the running back for a abort gain on third-and-17 ... In the opening moments of the second half, Vla atuffa a running play for no gain . . Sapolu recoven a fumble, aettJng up a Mustangl touchdown ... Via lays out an Estancia wide receiver, forcing an lncompletloo ... JamLM>n Morris makes a touchdown saving tack.le, maintaining Mesa'a ahut- out ... JunJor Epenesa brea.b up a pass play . . WaJdron C{l{Des up with an ln- 1erceptlon on fourth-and-12 . . Rey~ and Goru.ale-L hall a runnlng back ln the backfield. • NEWPORT HARBOR -Junior linebacker Tbornu Martin intercepts a pan at his own 5-yard Une and returns It 9 yards ... On Irvine's next offensive play, Brian Campot makes a sliding Lnlerteptlon over the mJddle ... Martin, Ales Orth and Matt Bndnlu combine 10 srop the ball carrier for no gain ... Oefen· slve end SUml Khallflan and Martin combined to limit the running back to a short gain ... Unebacker Greg Mlnt'r, with an assist Crom Ryan RJppon, throws the running back for a 2·yard loss. Marlc Temple, aasi,ted by Miner, holds the back. to a l·yard gain. • ESTANCIA -Cornerbatl blanJ Teo throwi; the quarterback for a 1-yard losa ... Cornetback Juon Johnston holds fhc ball carrier 10 a 2-yard gain on third· and·long ... Nelton Leon stuffs the quarterback for no galn on first-and-goal ... Mike CahUJ and Bubba Kapko combine to throw the ball carrier for a 3-yard loss ... MJb Sorta. assisted by Gary Strawn, sacks the quarterback for a 2·yard loi.s. rorctng a fteld goo.I ... Teo make~ consecutive plays, stopping a running play for no gaJn and batting down a pass ... Geo Madu Intercepts a halfback pass and return~ 11 50 yards ... Teo and Cullen Crom force a loss of 2 yards ... Landon Pu1lz:r.I ant.I Kapko throw 1he hall carrier for a loss of 3 yards ... Ian Morton stunts a nmnlng play in the backfield, making u tackle for a 2-yard loss. • CORONA DEL MAR -Sophomore Matt Burgner tackles a running back for no gain ... Sophomore Shaun Mohler puts down a running back for no galn ... JunJor David Del Pante sprints down 1he field on punt coverage and tackles the returner for a 2 yard loss ... Junior Zach Wlshengrad plugs up a hole and tad· les a running back for a 2·yard loM .. Junior John Shanahan tackles a running badt for a I ·yard loss . Junior cornerback Shane Colllnt jumps In froni or a re- ceiver and knock.11 down a pass that would have weni for a first down ... Senior Brian Dunn and JunJor 'fyler Lance team up 10 1rap a running back and bring him dcrwn fore 2-yord loss. • SAGB HIU -Senior end Marcel Sohl taclcles a wide receiver on an end around for a 7-yard loss ... Sophomore Morgan Brief tackles a running back for a 2-yard loss DRILL Continued from A 7 duee Ln a row from 1996-1998. The longest winning streak m the sent?!>. wtuch began m 1966 and has been played every year excepl 1976. is sewn, accomplbhed by the Eagles from 1979 to 1985. • Corona del Mar Is l ·2 when completing a touchdown pru.:. of 70 yards or more. The Sea Kin~ longest pa.ss play of lhe \cason went for 79 yards from quarterback Tom Welch to Tyler l.aooe in a 36-21 Victory over Laguna Beach Oct. 16 Welch aJso connected with his twm brother, K.evtn. for a 76·yard touchdown, whlch came in a 29· 14 loss to Back Ray rival Newport I !arbor. Shane Colllnt recorded a 73·ycll'd 1ouchdown recepuon from Tom Welch m the 35·7 loss to Northwood Saturday. • The Sea King.\ game against Northwood foa1ured '><>me hard hittmg. MThere were a Int of hard hit!.," CdM C,oarh Dick freeman 'laid. M But lht.>y OUt·hit US." Sophomore Shaun Mohler definuely ~or 111 one 'lhot that was a highJ1gh1 for the CdM special team~. Northwood's Erik 8o8shart broke ewny on a punt return and had a clear parh down the home !iidellne after running for :\2 yards, bur Mohler ,topped hJm. a\ he dlpped his shouJder 1n10 Ros.'>harf'I chest and the Northwood player fell back. leaving his feet. Mohler '>tood over him, while the crowd gasped. MOhhh!" • Sage 1 llU ~hool Coach Tom Monarch said he would talk to head of school. Olnt Wllldns, and mention the idea of hh team moving 10 a freelance scheduJe next year. Ml Wllllt the team to have a compe1l1ivc schedule and for them to be 1 omperitive, • Monarch said. • Monarch \aw one of the mosl hil.arre plays Ln ht'! daY' of coaching high "hool football whc•n St. Margaret'" 4'COrt>d on a broken play early Ln the second qua{ter The Tartillk., scored on a 3S·yartl touchdown pa.,.,, but 11 was actually a 60 yard play There was bad snap on tht• lc11tans' shotgun formalion and the ball ho unced to 1hc !'it. Margaret's 40, where quarterback Sebut.lan Bacon picked II up on the run, avoll.led a tackle, rolled Iowan.I his sideline and found Andy Morrllon open about 10 yafd's Ln front of him. Morrison ran straight dnwn the sideline, following hlockcrs Into the end 1.0ne as if rhc play were drawn up. SAGE-HILL PLAYERS OF THE WEEK Eddie Huan1 s--a 1es Sr. R~aeven timee for 48 yarda playtng both quarterbec* and 'running back. Alao started a1 safety. Marcel Sohl 6-2 190 Sr. Playing defensive end, provided a couple of tadtln forelou, including a 7-yard 1011 on a reverse. ® SPORTS BRIEFLY CdM wins girls golf title Corona del Man glJ1s golf team captured ill ti.r5t leagu.e champJon- sh.lp Monday wtth a victory ewer Unl- vaslty ln a three·way match that also doubJed u the ftlll roWld of the Pa· dfic Coast t..e.gue individual finals. The Sea Kings. who bad not Sost a match during the regular aeuon. were forced to mab Up contests against Ul\hlerslty and Northwood because of the smoke from the ftres last wet'k. Corona de1 Mar (7-1) lost lO Northwood (6-3), but defeated UnJ~Jry (5·3), 449--458. It was CdM'• best 18-hole team score ever. Leading the way (or the Sea Kin~ was sophomore Katie McKltterlck. who shot a n on the par-72 Butter· fteld Stage course at El Prado Golf Coune In Chino. McXltterlclt holds a one-stroke lead over Northwood'• IJ· Uson Wing and a !WO'-shot ~cage ewer n.oroa Amanda Aubin heading into today'• second round. Of the 28 golfers who played Mon- day, J 2 advanced to the final round, including three others from CdM. Ka- tle Albright shot a 92 and Veronica Friedman and c.a.ltlln McDonald each canted a93. Jonna Kim and M.lcbelle Albrecht missed the cut by Just one stroke, fin· lshing with 94 each, while Maggie Nelson shot HM. Smooth sailing in Sunset • PIElJ) HOCKEY: Newport Har· bor High's field hockey team tuned up for the postseason Tournament of Olamplons that begins today with a 2-0 victory over visiting EdJ. son Monday at Harper Community Cenler. The SaJJors also regained the Sun· set League championship they won in 2000 and 2001 before fd1sgn took the top spot last fall. The Olargers (3· l ·4 Ln league) fin1shed second to Newport In the league this season. Newport (17·1. 7-1 In league) be- gins Its post.sea.son today against visiting Glendora, the fourth place team from the Golden West League. Newport outshot the Chargers, FOOTBALL Continued from A7 Coln Hips would eliminate one team 1n a three-way tie. But, even with a split, a 6-4 Mesa squad would be among what could be a couple of other 6·4 at-large candidates. ••• This recen1 Jack of sterling success on the gridiron extends a two-year down cycle that effectively entrenches the IS-season period from 1987-2001 as a golden age of Newport-Mesa football. · During tho~ 15 years, local schools produced four CIF Southern Section crowns. 10 league titles. and made 36 trips to the playoffs. including 41 wins in 74 postseason games. In' addition 10 the aforemenlioned CIF championships (CdM In 1988-89 and Newport Harbor ln 1994 and '99). there were three runner-up finishes (all Newport}, four losses In the semifinals and six setbacks ln the quarterfinals. There were at least two Newport-Mesa playoff participants In every one of those Seasons except 1991. • •• At the center of that sue~ has been Newport Harbor Coach Jeff Brinkley, who took over the Sallor helm for the J 986 season. Now Ln his 18th year at Harbor. Brinkley is 150·62·2 at the school. Including a previous stint at Norwa.Uc High. he ls 178-111-6 aa a prep head coach. Well atop the Newport-Mesa career coacblng victories list (Dave Holland's l 06 wins ln 20 seasons at CdM rank second), Brlnk.ley bu guided the 1Us to 13 playoff appearances and a 25· I l postseason record. Brinkley's 25 postseason wins equal the total posted by CdM (15), Costa Mesa (seven) and Estancia (three) in their combined 122 season&. ' .. 17-6, lncludlng •lng)e goals by Reese flftb, paced by freshman Moille Slmmona and Tiffany Vandersloot. McCiann, who fin ished seventh In both coming in the flnt period. 21 :23. Vanderaloot assisted Simmons'• The boyl, canked No. JO Ln CIF goal while Victoria swtgart a.fded on Southem Secdon Division V. ad - the second goal. vanoe to the ClF DivlsJoo V pttllml· •Edison la lhe only team to pack naries, Nov. 15 at Mt. San Antonio 11 pJ•yef'f IOJ!de the circle on ua, so , College. ft is bard to tcore." Wolfe said. "We · cUd no't get c'attled." • • Newport goalkeeper· Am'1Jda Pair of Sailors advance Wittman made rour aves wh1Je the tenacious defense of Dana Owad, Lauren Curtis and DanieUe pfalf llmlted the Otargers' chances. "They made some super saves and rwbed up for balls, M Wolfe said. Wolfe also praised the efforts of forward krlsten Jendruslna and mldftelder Jenny Curtis, aJong with center halfback Jllllanne Whitfield. Sage wins inaugural crown •CROSS COUNTRY: The Sage HiU School boy8 cross country team won the first Academy League champlonshlp in not just the his- tory of the program, but the school, Monday at Irvine Regional Pa.rte Ln Orange. Junior Michael Voge paced the Ughtnlng with a third-place lncU- vldual finish, completing the three- mlle course in 17:25. He was 42 sec· onds behind champion Kyle Hughes from Cap tStrano Valley Christian. Sophomore l.ach Olandy (fifth in 17:31), senior Ouis Otlbouca.s (sev· enth in 17:45), sophomore Tim Le· Oer (eighth Ln 17:5 I) and junior This- tan Cordier (14th Ln 18:02) helped Coach Nate Miller's IJghQling avenge a duaJ-meet loss to St. Mar- garet's and claim the team crown. ·s1. Margaret's has been the team 10 beat aJI year and, at midseason, (the Tartans! were substantially ahead of us," Miller said. M But we showed up really focused, every guy gave everything he had and, lo a man, they all ran their besl races of the season." Sage Hill's girls team finished DRAG Continued from A7 kept his back in a table position allowing It to heal wtthou1 surgery. I le began rehab when the brace came off, starting with pelvic lilt exercises while laying on a table, and has now moved on 10 weight training. On November 18, exactly six months after the accident, Rrandon Is expected 10 be fully cl~red by his doctor. His return to the cockpit wouJd come during the Lime trials In Phoenix in February, in preparation for the 2004 season opener at Pomona. Feb. 19·22. It all points to a 11CCond retirement for Brandon's father. "II sure looks like it," Kenny sald. ·11 certainly will be with the Budweiser e GOLF: Newport Harbor High sophomore NataJJe Draganza shares the lead and junior teammate Kay- leigh Hom Is third after the first day of the two-day Sea View League in- dividual girls golf championships Monday at San Juan Hills Golf Course Ln San Juan Capistrano. Draganza shot 12-over-par 63 to Ue a competitor from Foothill, while Hom (89) was the only other Sailor to make the 18-player cut. · The top six after today's second day earn medals and the top two advance to the CIP Southern Sec- tion individual tournament. Today's action, weather permit· ting, is scheduled to tee off al 9:45 a.m. at the same site. Ashley Jacobs (102). Katie McKay ( 107) and Jennifer Ryder also com - peted Monday for the Sailors. Sage golfers move on •GOLF: Sage Hill School fresh· men Natalle Craft and Emma Koh each sbol 11-over·par 46 Monday lo make the 12·player cut on the first day of the two-day Golden West League Individual girls golf champi on11hips at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub. Estancia HJgh freshman Una You shot 45 to advance, but no other in· dividual results were available. The LndividuaJ tournament continues today at the same site, beginning at II a.m. In addition to the Individual com· petition, Estancia ~feated Sage Hill, 246-250, Ln a makeup match that had been postponed earlier. You wa.s the medalist. King/Lucas Oil car because Brandon will be the driver next year." He went on to say It will probably be the last weekend period, though, he qualified that statement, saying he doesn't rule anything ouL ·1 thinlc now, (reliremen1) will be easier, M Kenny sald. "I have been exposed to that slde of it I know whar to expect." Some of those expect.at:ions have Lo include that feeling of mi.ssing out on the competition. It's the same feeling Brandon has experienced while watchmg his fat.bet drive the last few races. MSittlng on the sidelines is 1ough because I want to be out there competing." Brandon said. "It Wt.IS easier when I had the brace on, because I couldn't do it. Now I feel good and I wan I 10 be out there." Just like any competitor would. OCC PLAYERS OF THE WEEK JASON VALENZUELA WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS N M C 't F d D I ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your ewport • esa ommun1 y or ea er Moto~rane 011 and Fiiter Change 17 ges r::.'1:,. Service THEODORE ROBINS FORD Wiii MEET or BEAT YOur Beat Deal on NAME BRAND TIRES F.ront End & Brake lnepectlon f ,, • l.1111 .... Policy .. l.11111 ..... ISCl*I IOTKI Of Pl11TIOll TOAD1m111 ISlATIOft WAlla I. lllSSll lb WAI.Ta IAll llfSSI tb WMYa lllSSll WllO.A221142 To Alt hews. benef1· clauu , credlton. con Un1•nl credtton, end ~SOM who mey oth trwise b• lnl•r*'l•d In th• will or estate, 01 both, of. WAL lER M BRESSEL eke WAI lER MARK BRESSEl •k• WALTER BRESSEl A PETITION FOR PRO BATE hu been filed by VIRGINIA DOUGLASS In the SuptrlOr Court of C11tforn11, County of ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE rtqUHll VIR GINIA DOUGLASS be eppointed u person1t r1pru1nl1tive to 1d· monlSter the u11t1 of the decedent THE PETITION requesh euthorlty lo 1tlmln1ster the est1t1 under the tnd1p1od101 Mm!n11 tn tlon of I ttet.. Act (thlt AutllOfity wlH ellow tilt jlfrtOl\lll 1tl)f11•11 ttbvt lo teh m1ny 1ctlo~ wlUtout obi• n ln1 court 1pprou1. lltlOft t1klr11 ui leln •••1 lml)Or 11111 iklion1, ho .. i'tl'. IM ptrlOMI repr-tatlw• wlll .,. requlftd to 11•• notkt to 1111.-esttd l)traOll• unltaa 11\ty ll•v• w•lvtd notf(f e>t connoted to tilt proposed eotlon.) fh• lnffpendut •d· mlnlstret1011 eulhotlty will be ve1111d u11fes1 10 ~t11nt1d person hies .,, object Ion to the pelltlOn end shows 1oot1 CIUM w!ly the COll(I should not trtnt the eulhortly. A HEARING on the petition wlll be held on NOV£MBER 20, 2003 11 1.45 p.m In Dept L73 loc1t1d 11 341 The City Dtlva South. 0<1n11. CA 92t68. IF YOU OBJECT to the I' 1011111 of the petition, you should appur 11 the hurint end st1t1 your objeclie>ns or file wrttten obltc:tlons with the court before the hea11n1 Your 1ppearance m1y bt In Pt,,on or by your 1ttorn1y IF YOU ARE A CRlOI TOR or cont1n1ent creditor of the decuwd, you muil hi• 7our ct11m wolh th• cour 1nd mill • copy to the penon•I repreMnt1tlve 1ppolnl1d by the court w1th111 four months from the d111 of the first luuence of let11n 1s provided In Prob1te Code 11cllon 9100 The lime for hlona claims will not npore befo,. four montt" from the hHrm1 d1te noticed 1bove YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kept by the cour I If you are 1 person In lerested 1n the estate. you m1y Ille with the court a Request for Special Notice (form OE IS4) or the f111n1 of 1n inventory •nd 1ppr,.lll of estate 1uth or of 111y pelotoon or eccounl IS provided In Pr obalt Codt t~l•on 1250 A R111u .. 1 for $p1cl1I Hot1C1 f0t m I• 1v1ll1bl• from the cou1t cit!• A"-Y fer ••tttt-t w. '· "0.lty, .. ~ .... ,,.., (pdt .. v ........ , .... SIM IHOSS US21 ,_ 41. Ve- I-'• T .. M ... .St1. ttl '--Hiik, CA HHS fubllahtd Newport BIJl(h•Costa Mtu Dally Ptlot Octobet 21. Ho· •tmti.r 3. 4, 1003 TMl31 __,.CMTOf CAlMIA, COllfTT Of hip S4 t n. Cly DrM °"""' CAttM& PmTIOll Of WUO JOI (Wt.&..,. L SU. .. RllllO JOI j&l& ..... wn) fOI OWIG( Of IWll OID8 TO SHOW CAUSI fOI OWIGIOfUl WI NUllai WOI06 TO All INTERESTED PERSONS· I Petitioner Kazuo Jotl 1nd F umtko Jut1 filed en •mended petition with this o;ourt for 1 deer" ch1n1tn1 n1me1 11 follows a KAZUO XUI (1 k 1 GEORGE K SAKURAI) to KAZUO X>JI b FUMIKO JOJ1 (I k 1 FUMIKO SAKURAI) to FUMIKOJOJI 2 THE COURT ORDERS that all per'°ns Inter est•d on this milter shill 1pp11r before this court 11 the he111na 1nd1cated below to show ceuse If any why the petition for char111e of name should not be ar•nl•d NOTICE Of HEARING Date 11/ I 8/03 Time 2.00 pm Dept L73 The 1ddron of th• co111t It ume as noted 1bowe 3 A copy of this OrcMr to Show C1u11 shall 111 published at IHsl once each wHll for four SUCCl:!SiVI weeks prlOf lg the d1l1 HI !gr How to Place A llttrlftc ID the pttltlOfl In th• foHowln flt'llt•· peptt ol 1tntttl clfctJ· l•llon, printed In thla county. l'Mwport 8uch/ Cott• Mesa 0•111,1lot ~0Clot200S raowac•.~N. "'°°'°''"' WftltOll <OUIT Published N1wpor I 8eadl Cost• MH• 01111 Piiot Octoti.r 14. 21, 28, Novembtr '· 2003 T820 ........ ... SW.. Th• follow"11 persons ere doln& business 11 888 llqllOf. 5tl8 w 19th Strt1t, Coate Men. C11tlornl1 92627 lol Vi n Hoen1. 13082 Stfford St • Garden Grove, Celllornl• 92843 Th~ busit\HS Is con ducted b1. en llldlwldu1I Have you at1rted doln1 bualnus yet7 No lot Van Ho1n1 This 1t1t1men1 w11 flltd with lhe County Cieri! of 011n1• County on 10/16/03 200SH'20tt Dally Piiot Oct 2\, 28. Nov 4, 11, 2003 T829 flctltlM ..... "-*'-" The follow1n1 persons •r• dome llUSIDIH H LllTlberh Marones Can vas, 1130 Pomone St No 14. Costa Miu . Callforma 92627 l•mberto Hl1u111, 26405 Smoke lrM lane San Ju1n Capos tr ~no. C11lforn119267!1 Atm1 Ro11 H11uer1 264(Y.) Smoke Tree l 1n1 San Ju1n C1post.,no. Cahforn11 92675 Thos busmus os ton ducted by husb1nd and wile Have you started dolna busonesa yet? No Lamberto Hl1uer a Thrs 1t1t1ment wn filed 1111th the County Clerk of Oranae County on 09/J0/03 2003696032 011ly Piiot Oct 14 21 28. Nov 4 2003 T82 I ~. ~ '· 2003 At __ ...., ______ _ -lelll**" -LlplNallcll -IOWCIOf PUIKtaSMI Nolie• II h1reb1 1lva11 per Ste tlOll 11700 11 MCI· of In. CellfC>fll t lklalnen ' 'r•f .. stonll Codi lhtt the U~· sttnad SU1'ElllOR MINI SfOR.AGf. loc:ettd et 1600 Superior Ave , Co1ll M111, C1llfon1la, County of Of1n11. Stale of C1Hf0tnl•. will con· duct 1 publlo Utn ul1 of the p11101111 property dtKllbtd below 11 J 30 p m. on the ll d1y of Nov1mbe1. 2003 Tiit Und1nl&n•d Wiii t ccept cash bids to utisfy • llln 101 p11t due rent end lncldenlefs Incurred The ston11 spaces aenerally consist of the foliowlna· 1ppll1ncu. elac:tronlcs, household furniture 1nd bed•, limps, c1btnets. 'lpOrtlna soods, b1cycll1 to1s • blby otems. t loth1n1. olhu equipment 11ld furniture hand end power tools. vehicle P"b 1nd ICCISSOfltJ, bous (contents un known). muslcel mstru ments and other mis c1ll1neous Item• NAM( OF ACCOUNT SP~C{ NUMBER John Thomu Hosllo, Jr 137 Phillip W Roe 243 Oanoellt S Putn1m 373 Rick Motrow 401 T1n1 lou1sa Cron 418 Humberto Per11 642 Oomonte lierrer 1 643 Auctioneer s N1me· James R. O'Brl1n Bond Number 158525941 Auctioneer s retephone Number (909) 681 4113 Publ11h1d Ntwpor I Beach Cust1 Mesa D11ty Pilot Nowember 4 11, 2003 T834 FlctltlM l4llillta N.aS......, The follow1n1 per sons are do1n1 busmus u Optima P1rform1nc1 Pertners 11 Ooheney laa•n• Nt1u1t Catoforn11 92677-5635 8111n1 R Ornbur1 11 Pghcocy l aayna N11y1I Clllf0t1111 92671 ·~ ~ Ann•tte C 0111bur1, 11 Oohtn1y, L1&un1 ~ Nl&vtl, C1lll0tn~ 92877 563~ This IHlslneu la COii • d"'ted bi' • '''""' 1>41' lMr ship Hive you startld doinc buslneul.tf y .. 02!0 (l(X'IJ BlllM R Ornbur1 This stet11111nt wn flled with th• County Clerfl of Ot1n11 County Of1 10/10/03 100H9614a2 D1ity Ptlot Oct 14, 21. 211, Nov 4 2003 T823 ......... "-*-" The followin1 persons 111 doln& bu11nus at· Ou1 Tech Store. 2150·B Sin Michel Drive Hsi, Costa M1se Cehf11q'li1 92627 G11nc11lo DI <;1110, 2150 B San Michel Duve IHI, Cost• MHI C1h forOl.11 92627 ThlS business 11 con· duct1d by an lnd1v1du1I Have you slatted dome bu11nen yet? No Glanurlo 01 Citro This s tatemenl wn fifed with the County Clerk of Or1n11 County on 10/10/03 200H96U 9S D11ly Piiot Oct 28 Now 4 11. 18, 2003 T83l FldlttM ....... ... s ...... The followlna pe11ons 111 doina bualnen as Vista Colnleu L~undry 839 West 19th Street. Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 The McQ Group Int (CA) 2338 Pueo Cu culo, Tustin CA 92782 Thll busoneu os con dueled by I CDtpOllMn Have you sttr t1d do1n1 bu5tnos yet7 No The McQ Group, Inc . Mlchael L MtQueeney. President Thos stet•ment wu flied with the Cuunly Clerk of Orana• County on~/~103 2003690071 Oaoty Pilot Ocl 14 21 28. Nov 4 2003 T819 Rt-. ..... ... s...... The foltow1n1 peuona 11 • do 11f bUUl!t._ " 8 0t1tlq!if fo You 11 OohellY, l11un• N1111•f, C1llf0t111192811·563) Annett.a C. Ornbura. 11 Oo+l-y. l•cun1 No uel Cal1forn11 92677 56l 8111ne R 0111t11111. ll Doheney, La1u11e Hlcutl, Callf0t"l1 97677 ·5635 This buslntU It con t dueled by • 1ener1I partn11sh1p Have you stertecl do1111 llusrnns yet1 ' Y IS 02/01/2000 Allnelt1 C Ornbutt This suteonent wn hied wtlh th• County Cleik of On1n11 County on 10/10/03 200'6961410 Diiiy Pilot Ott 14 ?I 28. Nov 4. 200J T822 FkltlMW.. ie-s...... Ille follow1n1 perion\ 111 doon1 busmtu " 011n1e County Talent Or11n11ahon, 1280 Boson Ste 89 #JS. Newport Bulh Call forni1 9?660 Sandy Youn11men Knerhtet. l 118~ Vie F oneu Monoon V1t)O C1l1form1 92691 Thi\ bu\•neu 11 cun ducted by 1n md1vodual Uave you \l111tf'd doin1 busmen yet? No Sandy YC1un1n11n Kne<hl~I Tho~ •l•lent~nl was !tied wolh the Couoty Clerk ol Or•n~t County on09260l 20036959714 Daily Polot O• t 71 28 Nov 4 11 200J T827 SELL your stuff through classified! --Deadline Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. 'The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified adverti5cment. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error m an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space acruaJly occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the firn mscrtJon. CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm By Fa x (949) 631.{;594 1Pleaw 1nclu.k yow rwne .nJ phone number lllid we 'Ii ult you back 11r1th 1 pncc qu<>1c 1 Telephone 8 30am-5 ()()pm Monday-Fnday By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours Ind ex By Ma il/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Co~ta Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd & Bay St Walk In 8.30am-5 OOpm Monday-Fnday Wednesday ............. Tuesday S:OOpm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 1:00pm Sunday ...................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCIMENTS & MISC. lOH>-1770 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ENTERTAINMENT Clllndaraf Ewnll 1310 lQUAl HOUSllG owowm 2305·2490 3010-3940 ~ lli!l AuctJ =~ons~~-1413iiii _Found ___ 1_51_0 _APPUAN __ CES __ m_ MISCEUANEOUS 1"'ll POUND ICINMO•I WASHH Ml:Dl'UHIDISE WANTED CO<llATIU SANTA ANA H1avy duty 11111 Ul"""'1 TlnUEs COUNTIY <WI c•p.c1ty 3/11" old --------!l--11 •-~•-ust s1zsc1M11 m 4330 Mlscellaneom Old« Stylo fumlturt Gtnlnl Merchandjse 3856 f>IANOS ' ColloctltMt Announcemtnb 1110 HOME .t-Sflll I UllOINGS • ...,,...-• -• Up to 10~ offl 30, !IO. ··tc~BH·~;; OU<tl SUSON FURNISHINGS 40x60. 80x IOO Can _ ,,_ __ ._ ~~;·;:,~~~~~ Fumlbn .,..,11: Oeltvert Rov ~ 499 7160 WE BUY UTATIS Newport S.Kh £1ctf· -Buslnas • ........_,.._.,,_ tenl huntin1•d1tc111I to Hlr ..ii.. l1tete Seto "'--... ltl- l CONSIGrJMENTS I A1191'" st111wattr1owf11lur· Mewpot't Id!. Franch ::!!a"'....::!"and owntrslltp 1ntwnt couch•. wincbldl cheirs -·- , . I I . . "" . IPP'H 37S •<rH of lend love saats, Ir bf & di fnlndlllts &. Improvements + your Tommy B1he111• lu1n1 own cemp compound lure. dresdl!'J. brontts, w/struclur1 and 2 Tiffany llrrcll. lllOlo ~ lntllera. Wonderful Fri. 'JI oi .-U.. 11e IM&- nl&ht BBQ'• & win• 61JMi.-.> · lulln1 durln1 duck 111ion + m1ny uttnl ~al for 2 fr ltndt °' father & aon C1U Moke •1310-$41 ~ MOVIHG MUST SIU· 11<£A ofl1C1 set, sofa bod, Ur 1tool1 boollctse, endtbls. file Clb, frll Balbo1Is9'9·290·9190 WANT YOUR AO pl1cld In muftlple newapaperl St.11t1wlcle7 Seen by !'> mllllon C1llfornl1ns Call now I 866 800 2672 IOt • tree 1nform1tion ptck111 C•l·SCln HVll you time and money WW'llt eel ICID com (CAL•SCAN) 9000-97SO LOTS/ACREAGE 4740 COLORADO LANO SAlC 160 HI U $49 900 USbclow 1pp111ul RurAI hnch, priv1t1 111t1way Nut lo 6,000 •C•• rec 1111 yr round eccn1 Tel/elec C acel ltnl llnancln& Ctll toll free 800 696 S763 (CAL •SCAN) MISCBJ.ANEOUS RENTALS l l nder the Service Di rectory BHrrncr Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For.Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Oce1n view! Sunny cowtyd entry 5c>K I mry 2llf .. din 2ba. Ip attxh 2 c pr Conwll poof $2«i0 Sm Pit °" Klliri ,,.,... 877 704 8649 •9~04 wwwklelnpto com Buu newly remod 3br ?b1, 2 c 111 new hdwd firs, p1nlt• ch s, appl's, Ip, no smk p1Uo $3250/ mo • d~p !>62 493 6126 1• 11A w lb!C flrn. Cute Jb1 2b1 una I.;;; A.do w/lrurht"""' ptod re.1denc"' palt11 \laps comn. clb i-. poof & llll lo b1y I ~ 11r 111 ~ 95.D).Dfl S2!>00 949 2'.13 4631 2H 21A CONDO, Ip, frt1, dw no pets. pool, art toe $1500/mo Av.11 Now 949-650,6730 '•nln111le lbr lbt p•llo, h11pt1c1, shared w/d :Jll 2lw ~·lo lxh we! hltfhfp '1 pr~ L22 44th SI ~' 2 dldls. poO.el ocn ..,...., Winter $7700/m Yrly s;>fi(XVm ~!»>7.fl-1 hkups, I car 111111 All 3br 2ba upptr le•el $1500/MO 949 293-4630 btyfront unit p111od Shen """ ,.,.,.i 3br ityle, 111 vu I c '''" 2b1 house 2 c11 pr. ... "..., 4b' a. 14iJW, 111 S2800 949 293 4631 wd hkups. $3500 ·mo I t"llf, Fp. -apt. Ht-715·114' hill !ft SlM'n !IPJ ,.,_ M. Untt 8 949 84S 9913 Newtw ,,_....... • .... R."'-1 To ... __ 6030 2br t1>1. ~,,..,, pttlo, tiw iJllGR ~'"°",..,,_ Sl400m 2br 2b• nr NP pier clo" to shops & r11tu1rentt Ip, I c 111 wd hkupt $1800/mo 949 293·4630 JOBS WANTED All rul utate advtrlll· Inc In this new1p1per Is •ubject to lh• Federal Faw Housln1 Act of 1968 11 amended which makn II 1111111 lo advertlM •any prefer enc1, 11m1t1tton 01 d1ac:rlm1n1tlon bind on r .c1. color. r1fl&l0tt , .. , h1ndiclp, l1m1llal sl•htt 0t n1tlon1I otl&ln. or an Intention to mellt 1ny 1uch preltrenct, limtt1· lion or dlscrlmlnttion • Thb new1411per •Ill not knowln1ty 1ce1pt '"' tdvwtlsement for ruf utttt which 11 In vlollflon of the ltw OIH fHdlfS trl hlttby Informed that ell dwelf• fnp ldvertlHd In tni.a Dt....,,.pef .,. , .. liable 011 111 1ciu•I opportunity b11lt. HOME IMPROVEMENT All CASH CANDY Route Oo {ou 111n $800 In 1 d1y Your own loul c1nd)' rout• Includes 30 m•clllllta end candy AU for S~J.!95 Multlvtnd, LLC !NIU Or1nd 81vd 0.... Perk, NY 11719 Nl/OcMn View •- Ootrifront/22nd Prl Hie rm unfu1n 1h1rt b1, ut11\ paid. n/amk, ll1tthen11tlt. lndry lblll lo Newport pier , S730m Cell Sem 949 278 7905 (belwHn 9llm·Spm) SUMMIT-$lto0/twe Empw.r 2br, 2ba, 2 c11 .I", pool, pted ~n. ~ An)ou .... f4t·75t·fS41 8200 • To oompfaln ol die Cflflllnatlon, CIN »U0 toll tr .. at J·IOO··i14o1."190 ·147& MteHTYOUCICS TIQllTI ,LAU UYll fnOll 1•11111 IVlll I•~ nlu• 949 723 7141 • yeur •nwanted It••• the easywayl Place a ClaHlfl••"•• tMlayl Ml-5611 1411 IU<MMUMI '''°'~­(~· -r "'-.._,_. .... ~-~lo~ .. ,.,. nla, ~ tommy 8ttllmt dllwll room 9't Cllfl Ollti, .i & Info 714 1'51 **> SERVND 2IOO ...., .... ..... -$SCA.SH$$ Cuh now for •II UCllll td .. 111 n'ltnb, t.11nulliM end k111111nce p1yo11ts 900 794· 7310 J 0 W•lllWOfth , J 0 Wtnlworch mta111 c11h now for 1tr11ctured 11tll1m1nt1 (CAl.0 SCAN) 1• AITQB ·----'----' '-1 ....._ Yelow· II••••• Amuon 111 vl,11111)' of Hetbor & 01\lel CM, ~ ''""" • t1•ot1ve Hime Arrhfe , ... , ufl 114 4,. '~ '"'"'• <HIUY SUIGH 110 5'lld ~ lll'nl ,_In 11111. ITUl -WDr1ll ID>•eiO~ JEWBJY/ 3480 DIAMOHDSI PRECIOUS METALS IOOMV£NO (CAl0 $CAH) ....... - RCSIOENTIAL RENT Al.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY 2tw ,.._ ._., s. or Hwr f'I.. li\d ( Clf ltr, wd ltkut>e. ll!MIM, Ill pah. " 1!i0fllll .. • l l90 \ YIAll1 Y UASU li.r JM ltwto, quiet !?!' ~~Y ... HOMuT..!! .,.. newty relurb••h•d ---_.. 2 car llf, wcl Mu1p1, t4M7M1t1 S2500/M094t·7H·Ol74 CUANOUT YOllHOUSf WITHA GAIAGfWll (All ~49) 642-5671 Ix, <MA. Ref COM, HIP • & tl8 11th .,... In home : cw• D1y INfl prelwrtd Contect M 1149 ~ 2311 -......... ..,,, ........... MIOllllO\h Ulflputw skill' ,,.,d!Uf Olflu NeWPotl 811ch. SIZ/hr IHva m11949 280 IJ'? CAJHHl P /PT fie~ hr\, Guys M1n1 cl11th1n1 ''°'' Ill r11hK1n l••~nd N'8 To HI up '" 1nt1rvt1w ult Roll ct .. bofflfl .,. 1~ 11tt I t • Bridge BY CKNl.ES GOREN with OMAA SHARIF and T~ HIRSCH WATC'ff 11fORF. POTS STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • NOllTH •KQH ci IC KOlOl •Altf w rr •At l".I A IUl6J 0 173 .. ~,. •132 0750 0 '5 •K' •Q74 S()tmf •J IOU () J c) AH .-Jl53l Opcnina at Ace o1 Uecllln:r's ld~an~ 1n the pby uf the ''ll'lb is tn.'llc acts lo ICC all hia ldc's lllCts wblle the dcfcndm ace ooly ball of Win llld half ol declar- er· a. Skilled dcfcndcn counte1 this by "leUina" their puuxn what they hold in lhc cboioc of lhc cards they play. Ocfcniive signallna ia the IOlll SEll your stuff through classified! IMWU1002 Sp or IP 1elle1•. 21,000mllH 949-760 9351 (o4111ec 'ts 01VIU. wMt/oelmtal llhf low ml i-utJful Of .... cond 1nsa & out. ctwm wtm. $3495 s..r 949·!186·1888 __ ,....__ co.vm1 't\ cr1 Auto. ac;. all power, white/red Inter, beau, runs slron1. $8600 obo 949 2.-. 3324 lk f.Ltal lHpiutmmt 11t tht Dally Pilot u pltauJ to 11nnt111n« a nt'W snvict 111w1/Abk fll nt'W btuinmn •• ,4 •• , ••• , ... 1 Converltble, or111n1l owner, M>ltd car. ITUll 111 '1UD a • m2!M.l. ~ ,,,,u 'IOU ~l:AJ<C..H tlN n11rM far Jfl" at no txtra char:t. 11rui UtW JO" tlN "''" .. 11111/11 trip fll 11N U,urt Housr rn \ttnw AM. 7'hni. t1f ro1mt, ajitr tht fflln h 11 t'llmplnttl r« wiU flit JO"' finmt1us bturness Mmt st111tmm1 11.111h tlN CounlJ Cltrlt, publish t1net 4 wttlt for four wttb.tU rtqu1rtd by '4w and thtn flit JO"' proqf t1f publicatton with tht CounlJ C/.rrlt. /'lt,1.' ''"P by 10 flit JO"' flctitit1111 bu1rnns n.am" statnnm1 at 11N Daily P1uJ1, J. 10 W H.Jy St. Co1111 MtJ1t. If JOU cannot srqp by. pltau caU us at (949) 642-4321 111u1 Wt will maltt armngtmtnh for JO" 10 handk this proctdurr by mail If!"" should h4w any farther 'l""lll"m. pltau caU us and Wt w1U bt morr than 1WI to amst you Good /~It rn yo11r neu1 btumm! 1...-'00 HI c-vt black/t.n Jlk ml. new 11" factory chrome/ llfH •Int cond $41 .000 obo ~·412·8801 LAND IOVH 2000 Olscove.y II SOI, duet moonrh. ,.., 1ump se1ts, ht1t1d seat tac warr 36.000 ml, $21 .900 V?89539t Ptrlormanct l TO 949 6SO S860 SELL your stuff through classified! ~ERVICE Slrvlct DlrldDfy DllMapPll»lllNnt Roortnt'Jllt ,.CMf'n-A-<AatlT1:f CUSTOM c.ATIYl tu Repan. P'atch1111, ln1t11l YOUllMOMI lnlblilbon, ...... ~. Courteous. any 1111 Jolli IMNOVIMllO nw1lll, i1one. .... 1t7S Wholffllel 949 492 0205 NOJla? Ul613>44 Jflf 71"12 Bl C1lll11tlllt I•• ,. Call • plumb«. q<llrft that COfltT~· p11ntw, h1fldy1n1n UM'( ..... == ton t= ioll• tllat Rlf ou1in & lnsta I- t hi Of -· CH any ol tht "'"' n.: DEAN 149 67J GS (MIMI ot ~t"ill ) On M r..pat. fVftlllll MnlCn listed'*•"' 71~ 71.4-E-2031 be ~ by ""' our llf'Ylct d .. c:toryt l"'8a.ntno. lHCS( LOCAL SVC Contrectora S t1t1 PEOl'lE CAN li(LP L1<.env Bottd Sitt• &ollt•~ YOU lOOAVI lew lllto r •ciu• '* 11\et s,...., contracto11 lntlu~ ~.tllaz 0 'I C.-tl>M lion.. l1IHllbW Dlywll!S.W. on •II ld'l•lilllle. Yw Sp nklen up1r•dH, c • chtcli. thl t.t11e W1ntt0tn HYWAU. R .... l~lfW, of yowr "''""' a.nicia. Tr• Str11icM. c1nlractor •• All""''" •m/lf~lobs. = S.W. & mor.i W•w Ulb ta .OY Of CUMl~a, f1 , "" Cl>~Mtrfl' IOO J21 CSI. . Ur1ll .. , l 714-6-1447 714-71 ctnM• contr1clort fJatcll ..... takln1 lolls thtl =::a::=·~ total ltu th111 SSOO UiAU JOa IDnf llll'lll "'° wt. .. lllC. Mutt et.ate In their Lout, C)11kk Responi. •dverttMll'ltllla thtt Hoftlt, Ytf• & Doell Elect ...... ..,,.,,.~ thlt "' not lktnHd ...... z ~cw.c.n tJa1: Tr" Senrlc:e, Y*1d b[ the Co11tracton MMllO<JOCZ s at• llc•nM eo.d. Clt1n1111. M1lnlentn'9, 1.1.c. dettrt• 1.ow sita. Spt1nli1tr R~ Haullfl& .. local -*.cD. "° "* too <9••>• 7•' M•1ul --. "° ;. '°° ~ , .. ..,..., llPQll~l.C ........ (7'4)141-,410 "'-R1,1tr ,__~ ltHl .... S....r. UCIMl9 COWTUC1'0I Miii ............ Collattoe. ,. ..... OtMiwlly ND ..... 1m. Al Ww:.1 GIND.U.mlll R.,.ir, ,._..., ltM, =:ve...-tCOftl flreplc, ~ lltt. ~Ytt 611AM!N.VD ~ .... m f•e· T•rz 2• ~1 '* ............ ........ • Wilmlil•Uilmiiidil SIU Jo610o ...... - LAMD IOVU 'O 1 4.6 Bronu. tan i11ter IV8822 Grut OHi MlaClOIS C2SO '02 Black, bl1ck inter •V9277 Discounted MlllCIDlS <240 'O~ 8urc•ndy, &r•Y Inter IV0365 Must Sell MlaClDH Clll·SOO '03 While, black inter IV6783 GrHt OHi MQICU>IS 1120 'O 1 Bleck. black lnle. fVS4~ GrHI Deal MIUlOIS 1120 WA '01 Green tan inllf IV•581 Mu.st Sell MlaCIOIS MIS20 '01 Blaclc IV9118 Must Sell MIRGDIS MIS20 'O I Bleck, black inter IV3467 Otsc:ountecl Ml.CIOIS SSS '02 Silver. black 1nttr •V3"/ Omounted M llCIDU S 1 SOO '00 White, tan inter •V0580 Gre•I Otal rOISCHltt•'tt Buraundy, tan inter IV2592 Musi Sell roasHE CA111u •tt Blue, if•Y 1nte1 IV60'9 OtSCOunted re>a1CHICAllllA 'tt Black, black inlet IV1068 Orscounted QUAU MAMGUST '01 Sdvet, black lllltf IV0139 Must Sell VW rASSAY'02 Silver arey inter •vl655 Mu\t Sell SELL your stuff through classified! HalldymlN HomlRepafr. MAM THI HAMDYM.Alf All w0tk cuarantetd l'Unlq. Oic:lrtr*. Oocn. Frilh ClfP *-9&a48Dl ~ &~ Catpentry • ~ Otywal • Stucco PlilltNIL Tiie & more ~ V•n Eal.'S11nc1t Ja 114-H -S77• 1 wll C'll ~h••tw ....... yewr ••••· Serepe celllflP, lotur' ,,,n., Cerpenlly, TUe C. ~·, Floors. Jty ~I -~51 20,... • .,..._. ,,.. ...... ,... .... ulreod11t•lr•. Locallr OWntcl & <>r:g•ttd Since 1-.:S ---~75 ....... NM TO 1"I OUM" II 71.,N 18g2 AVAILABLE YOOAYI 94967355M HMIClllllll ....... c:..... a.... ~c.-.~ . ,,. .. ..w......,., '411' ~,· !L~ll!!•~__!-!!!1 ft b la -!tlllllb ~Plot ......... - aMIOllll .......... t1e• •/ff•'f llll« h'Ol07 Otttekl"ttd aMWJUl'M Bl.Ide, w/t•n Mit.r •vnu • OIM;OU11t•d aMWIUl.i'ff ""'· 1111 1nhw 1\19971 M11st $ell a•wna.-.a 81t<10, ta11 Inter ·~1 M.ltt Sell ••wna..'00 Gt-. tan lntw •'IO!l47 O«ounled IMWS40f'" tklt, l'•Y inter •V21 ll Must Seit aMW740M'OO • Bltcll, tan Inlet IV905 011e:ount1d aMW740ie'oO Brontz, tan Inter 1\11158 Gtut Buy IMW7~'01 SflVW,lft)' iJVlli05 Greil Buy IMW740lt'" Anlhnell. lf•Y IV5063 Grut Buy aMW740M'01 Bl111. srey Inter 1\12843 Crt1I 8111 IMW740tl'01 While, pey Inter 11/3951 Discounted IMW7'0ft'01 Srlvw, pty lnler •¥9942 Otseoun ted IMWMl'tl Sllvet. blacl>. inter •V2897 • Grul Buy IMWMS'02 Silver, pey Inter •v3962 M11sl Sell IMW 11 lSO'OS 414 Red, Vl7649 Musi S.11 IMWZl't6 Bl1ck, tin Inter •Vl309 Obco11nted JAOUAI I TYrl' 74 ytllow IV4024 Musi S.U JAOUAI S.-TYPI '00 Green, ten Inlet •vn&J Gr11t Buy JAGUAI XJ6 '97 Bltck, ten inter •v3548 Discounted JAOUAI XJI '00 Gr Mn, tin Inter 11280 Cr11t Buy JAOUAIXJl 'tt Rtd, tin inter fVOBS9 Oitcounted JAOUAI JUI 'tt Blue, tan 1nlef IV7947 Great Buy LAND IOVll '01 4 6 Bronll, tan inter rv8822 Musi Sell MllCIDIS C2SO '0 2 811ck, black Inter IV9277 Greet Buy Ml.CIDIS C240 '02 Burc•ndy, &rey Inter •V036!> Discounted MHCIDIS Cll-SOO '03 White. black 1nt.e< •V6783 OtM:ountld MllCIDH U20'01 Bleck, black 1nttf IV5458 Must Sell MllCIDIS U20 WA '01 Green, l<1n inlet IV4!'>81 Must Sell MlllCIDIS MIJ20 '01 Black #V9l 18 Discounted MllCIDU Ml320 '01 Bleck, black inter IV3461 O•scounted MlllCIOIS SSS '0 2 StlYet black inter IV3"7 Cre1t Buy MllCIOIS S l SOO '00 Wlltle, tin 1ntet •¥0580 C:reat Buy ..... , ... Open70ey'I t.owAatee ~~ llrlC918'1 94SMS45-4545 llHMOYIUSSS/Hr. S.111111 All Cihea Insured Yl63944 323-991-1193 323 6.10 1971 ceN p BLIC NOTICE Tht Call! Public Uhllllu Commlaalon requlrn that all vMd houulloi. aoods "'°"''· rrlnt their PUC. Ce T numkf. I"'"'' an• chlllffeun prtr1t thtlr l .C.P. ftUll\W In tll tdlt• • tltemenu If you lleY• anr ,u .. tlona •~t th• •1alltr or • MO\/tf , 111110 ftf ch1uff1ur. c111· f'UIUC ununn , ___ 177 w,. ......... =....,. ..... .. .... (MltMt.wt POa<Ml ... 'ff a111rll41, minter fYm GtutBU'/ l'CNltHI CMllM 'ff Biiie, l'•r lnl•r •¥6049 Dl.counltd POISCMI CMllflA '" Black, bl~lo. lnltr fVl°'8 Mu\t S.11 OUMIM....utT'OI Sllv•, lllaclt 1ntt1 IVOl lt Muit $ett VW,AU.Af'01 Sil-, lfl)' nter IV•~ l»M:ounled MUSt-StlS lAJIOaOYD MlWPOltY HACH ""'-'•-~SIT VB Onl~ 4lk 1111t., 7 pau, dUal wnroof (~ $17,ilS 'OIMWllSd Premium l1IOl't Pila HIVtpUOn System, 2.aml (~ $29.911 ..,,,.., ........ ..... (M) Entstlmw1I. <~ Q3.e '010...,,~'' "" Ql.lld fOlb, rM>. rmf &monll (427~619) S29.9'.li. ..,, .......... ._.HSI l.OMlad. nnf, (]), lo mi. (41541413116) S2991Ji VIMWnsl.., Pl'wlull ~ ..... ..... < 4251 i1lM113> ro-. w ......... All.RIO Orix Uik mi,~. roa....,amcn ( 42'15/l21045) Ul,911& VIMtWXS.f .. Orly 321( mt.a. Hiw , (~~$41,!!b W ...... $430 Orly QI. mla, dwome (429V78Jlil59) 162.~ ,,,__,, 'Al, Tow,.._ lie. (29'l29J) S21.995 ,,, .......... 4S·:a.l"' ( ) '49-64M44S IMDIOYll llWPOIT IQOf RAMGI IOVll '2000 4 0 SC ltke ntw 17.000 m1, cd chanaer. n1Vt1a Iron system. lull factory wlf'l', bla~/tan. SJ 1,500 V443121 Ptllorm1nce l TO 949 650 f>860 ....... ~ Bt.ttk (19625) $17.• 'nMWstlll Blatt! 09621) I ll.MO '01~11,,,. .... A at.all (l9614) $21,9111 ,,.,...,.&$400 StlYer w/lfey 1ttw CO, llWf moontOOI, Per• feet Condi (1~31) Sll.911> 'O.tM_ .. , Cliff.JO, ... $bw Flawless (19654) Sot2.980 '",.__.. suvo .... ,., Smoke Stiver (1971') U>.980 "01 l'Mtlec ,,_ ... ~ . lOaded (19744) 22.980 'fJT~C~· C~Wlrlt. Oti>endablt end f' uni (194781) $7,980 .,.v ........ #ew IHtle llw Auto (197281..) $11,980 '00 ,_,.,. f I I , .. ..,. Silver (19441) $54,98) .,, c otlll« ,,..,,,,. Pearl Whitt (19791) $15.980 O.t ... MWJ.tSQ Reel (19826) $29,!lm M9-S14-m7 Ptll1fS AUTO. ,, ....... covt IOTOlllG IMW740ll'Ol Blue, ife)' rn ler •V2843 Must Sell IMW 740ll '01 White. pey inlet IVJ95 l Mu.st S.11 IMW 740fl 'Ol Sliver, &r•Y inter l\'9942 Mutt S.H IMW .MS '91 Silver, black inlet #V'lB97 01scount1<1 I.MW MJ'0 2 Sliver. ll•Y inlet IV3962 Oi.scounted IMW R1 ISO '01 414 Red. V'7649 Must Sell IMWZJ't6 Black, tan inter IV1309 Great Buy JAGUAI I TYPE ' 74 yellow LIXUS SC400 '9S Great Buy Traction control, h11tod #VJI024 seets, ove1d11v1 mnrl, JAGUAI S-YYPI '00 Green, Ian Inter chrome whl\, new ltres Nakamrcht 'ound sys. 12 china• cd, \po1ie1, blue/ IV7183 Must Sall tan h1lfl mt very clean JAGUAll XJ6 't7 $9750 949 2.-. 3324 Black, l•n inter , ............ ......... ...... ,,,, Shtf~ll. Autu LO'# .. <12Jm> $24.'°° ....... , .. WM., Sport Wit~ IQvl,lffded (l'l~S4) Ui.900 WMIWZ-3 8111/B ... ~.co. ,.,. t.ctCM (ftl•/2) $23.900 "O.t ~ ,._,,.,_ ""' 811v'B .. Convt. 2 t...,.s. only a mllff (172758) $29,900 '00 Le.ww Gs-#0 W'11/f1n, Platnum Mt'IM,Loadtd (099216) $25,900 ... , • ..._..Qlt. SJ AMO 8111/Blk. Loaded, CO, Onty Ilk inrla (18006&) Sot9.900 'OOM~S-430 8.;f In, Pllone. co. Hlvl, Low milts (073237) $41.900 'fT MHc ... 1-4.tO Srnolle Sri vet, V8. CD. loaded (4"'967) $19,900 'fS l'ond# "r CM BIVBlk/Blll, T 111tron· le, CD ( 342986) $36,900 ,., ,.,., . ....,., Silv•. 5 sp, CO, low miles. put prtc. (623482) S23,900 MU~2m ........ _...... AUTOS WANTlO MOTOR HOMES MotarHomn· Rent BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES 9355 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 MllCIDH 4~ ''2 • IV3S48 Great Buy 1-t Sllr 12' beam 4().. W. ~. dun Mt JAGUAI I.JI •oo l•neth Bay Island Cove ~ dllllc. 11'111,.. Green, Ian inler area w1te1/power in filS)obo~IQlb •1180 Or.scounted cluded949 911 7777 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 ~no ~· ..... V'm:r C e Price! Ouatl!lllt WCHh r '"est LU7!J602 714 538 1534 7 390 2945 ICl'S CUSTOM 'A.lf11NO Prof!, cton, qu.Jlty work lnl•lof /e1I •ncl cloch U703468 949 400 1054 ,.,...... .. '"""'~ lop Que~, Com,eto 111• lnterN>r •t l"41221 Ctll Jty 949 6!IO SOU u.owcma__, ~·==~L~:r. QUtflt lf'r .. ~• l 7114 636 PllalHlll 11t1Yl=OI MlfJ W\ SlWlll Jf'TIIHO llfCTROMC St.AB llMDtTCCllOH f 11411141~ S.Ylee ··-· ·-···· - 1 JAGUAI I.JI '99 Red, tan Inter IV0859 Musi Sell to ft allp .,;all Dec 1 •t $2800/mo Commercial localton 949·675·3101 JAGUAR XJI '99 UOO ISll DOCIC for up Blue, tan inter to 6011 boil EZ •~cess, IVIS4l OlscountPd waler & elecl included. ~5915 949 500 6714 PIUmblng HOM'S1 a MASOMAIU Pl.UMBER l'5065IS. r ... E&USlll~ OClfCU Dile. 714 91S> N1cn1rw••• Repaln & Remodtlull FREE ESTIMATE L"87"8 714-969·1090 SOft """"'"' Dode on Rhone Channel. avail 11/IS w•I• & el« un site $900/mo Tod 94'J nl 94!KI I ........... .tip '°' up to SOit boat, sell or lower profile powerboat prelerr1d 949 675 4847 TrHs.mca Big Mike's TrH 5ervke ~---. =~= r.IC,... . 49 277 Cr1tl1t11tl.Jel Jeec'-' avail lot tut01ln1 In 1H tubjecta K·I Rtftrtncttt H$tl Ot,ne 949°'89-7194 ,.,. a ..... ....... Cuttom Htnd Ptinted ""*' ...... = NM tor hrt !DMlll fHUTU'Plll Sc••hzlnt In We lpepr RtrM\/•I l•5812•1 949·360-1211 eOLDlllWUT W..OWSOVKI S.h1factl0fl Cuar111ttM .. "'lJl-1542 .. SEU.