HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-06 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. . • ' .. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2003 Back from battle Firefighters from Newport-Mesa all return safe from blazes across Southern California. DHpl Bhar1th Daily Pilot F red Segwin had never seen so much fire In hls entire career. Last week's battle with the bliu:e was not thls Costa Mesa fire captain's first encounter with a wildfire. He's fought fires In ldyllwild, Am.a and even the Bery scorcher in Laguna Beach 10 years ago. "But this one was like all those three fires rolled In one,· said Segwin, who was part of the strike team that went from Costa Mesa to San Bernardino. INSIDE Newport-Mesa's firefighters remind all how valuable they are. Sae Forum, Page A6. in the area· It was like "being in a war zone,· he said. "You hear about the devastation and how everything is totally destroyed," he said. "It's different when you actually see it and are a part of it It's hard to put Into words. It's as if a huge bomb exploded Newpon Beach Banalion OUef Ron Sutherland echoed Segwin's experience. "It's staggering to see so many homes on fire," he said. "ThJs is the most firefighting I've ever done in my 27 years as a firefighter." The Newpon-Mesa strike teams worked almost round-the-clock. stopping to rest only for minutes. Segwin and his team got to what was called the "Old Fire" on OcL 25: They dJdn't leave until Oct. 29. "Through all those days. we probably rested for a total of six hours,· he said. Sutherland and his tearo went almost nonstop (rom 10 a.m. Oct 24 to 6 a.m. Oct. 26, with only two hours of sleep. "We definitely had to battle fatigue,· he saJd. "It was tiring. lt was hot and it was very, very smoky. But we were golng on pure adrenalin." The Newpon-Mesa teams tried to protect as many structures as they cowd. Segwin and Sutherland said the biggest challenge was to decide what to protect and what to let go. "lt was amazing to watch the fire rip through an entire neighborhood and in the end look at one house still standing in the block.· Segwin saJd. "Homes with ille roofs MARK C DUSTIN/OAllY PILOT Costa Mesa Fire Department Capt. Fred Seguin was part of a strike team sent from Costa See eAmE. Pace A5 Mesa to battle the wildfires in the Southland Lincoln special ed program gets state award The Golden Bell Award goes to a kindergarten class that keeps special ed and mainstream students together. M1rl11 O'Neil Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -A kinder- garten program at Uncoln Elemen· tary School that comblnes special and general education students in one class will receive the state's pres- tigious Golden Bell Award. The award from the California State Board of Education goes to "The Golden BelJ covers every dis- schools in a variety of categories eactl trict in the state," Newport-Mesa year. Uncoln's coUaborative class won Unified School District spokes- in the speciaJ education category, woman Jane Garland said. "just to get though the class includes students It means what you're doing Is very in- from the general kindergarten popu-novadve. • lation. The colJaboratlve class, one of six "We have observers come in the kindergarten classes at Uncoln, start- classroom, and they always try to ed four years ago after special educa- plck out the kids with special needs," tion teacher Morgan-Rogers ap- teacher Amy Morgan·Roge(s said. proached lcinderganen teacher "Most of the time they get It wrong." Jeanette Dreyer about creating a This is the first tlme Uncoln has combined class. Morgan-Rogers applied for the award. &ch year,· studied special education and col- about 300 schools apply and about 50 laboradve classes whlle doing stu - recelve a Golden Bell, according to dent teaching and wrote her master's the State Board of Education Web thesis at Cal State Fullenon on the site. subject. Morgan-Roger~ and Dreyer run the class of JO students, along with two teacher'" aide~. giving the class a low sruden1-to teacher ratio. Uncoln also uses an "Early Bird/Late Owl" pro- gram that staggers class time for all ldnderganners. AU 30 students '>hare the classroom for about two hours, when most of the less-demanding activities -such as recess and art and centers -talce place. Students learn the core aca- demics at the beginning or end of the day. P.ach group Includes special educa- tion and regular kindergarten sru- See AWARD, Pase A5 THE .BELL CURVE Rape tape won't be shown to public The victim's privacy outweighs the right to know. says a judge in the case of teens accused of raping an unconscious girl. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot SANTA ANA -A '>Upenor c.:ou rt 1udge presiding over the gang rapt> case mvolvtng the son of an Orange County a,.,i.,tant -,her· lfJ agreed Wednesday to a reque.,t by pro .. - ecutors not to show the public a copy of a videotape ,that reportedly captured '>exuaJ acts three teenagers performed on an un- conscious 16-year-old girl, a key piece of evidence in the case. Superior Coun Judge Franri'>rn Briseno did himself view Wedne!>day a digital copy of the 20-minute videotape. po<;1l1onmg the telev1S1on monitor'I in i.uch a way that the images were not viewed by the audience m the gallery. Briseno watched the vtdeo in the pre'>- ence of proi.ecutors, defense attorneys and two of the defendants, Gregory I laidl and Kyle Nachreiner, whose attorne~ have filed See RAPE, Paee A4 DEVELOPMENT Bayview project approved ., The Coastal Co mmissio n approves plans for affordable senior housing on Lower Bayview Landing. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bl.AU I A '>enior affordable housing complex ac Lower Bayviev. Landing wiU be built, the California C.oascal Commis- sion decided Wedne'iday The 7-4 comm1ss1on vote to approve the city'~ permit request means that wodc should begin within ~Ix months to build 120 apartments for low-income senior; near the Newport Dunes on Jamboree Road near Coast Highway Con.,truction is expected to take about a y~ar. meaning the project showd be done mJd-2005. ~Needless to say, I'm pleruoed that It finally went through,* Mayor Steve Bromberg said. The project encountered an obstacle ear- lier this year when environmentalist Jan Vandersloot reponed that c;everal sites on the property appeared to qualify as we1- lands. While the battle over the project ls now history. biller feelings over the fight See BAYVIEW, P11e AS Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: www.~com Seeking what's left of the Republican Party WEATHER More clouds and IOWI Into the 409. Summ., appears to have finally made Its exit. SMP•&•A2. SPORTS Newport Harbor Hlgh11 footbell tMm ~,..to ftght for tt. playoff life. SeeP11eBl T he sudden and quite remarkable conversion of Orange County GOP OWnnan Thm Fuentes to the World According to Arnold is golng to leave a lot of local Republicans without a phllotophlcaJ base. lt ls rumored that Fuent had bis fingers crossed behind his back while sounding JovlaJ about the election of a Republican standa.rd·bearer who • supports choice for women, rutrlcdon on guru and other violadorts of tho canon laws of the Republican right. But -at lcut on the surf'aco- Fuentea' conwnlon teema to be taXtng plate. JUst thtff wee acxiordin3 to the Lot Angelel Timtt, alter he turned • ~ s,ooo •1o1n Arnold.. lgri.s ahd was snubbed at the Schwal'?,enegger rally at the Costa Mesa Fairgrounds, Fuentet. toldanmes reporter. •t'm as excited and a.s pos.ltive as I can be about our hopes for Callf ornia with a new Republican governor." This is cJ arty JOSEPH N. BELL cheering new. to what puan around Newport·Mcaa for moderate Republlcaru, who<1e local etforte to unseat F\ltnt have been lttlfed repeatedly while ciildidatu such M Bill Simon have gone down the tubes. If Fuentes' love affair with Arnold appears to represent a watershed in local Republican poll tics, those of us who have been around these parts for awhile must be permitted our doubra. WhlJe Orange Counry was electing off·the·scale rf8ht wingers 1uch as Jam Utt and John Schmitz. we've seen real moderate Republicans such as Goodwin Knight and P.atl Watren - buJldlng on the legacy of Hiram Johnson -come out of catltomJa. Orallgc Counry's one contribution to this group was U.S. sen. lbm kuchel, a nallve of Anaheim. who fought o« a vtctou. attack on blS ctwact baaed on a fraudulent police report. Kuchel was the Republican whlp In the U.S. Senate when he was defea1ed In the Republican primary by an wtra-conservnlive candidate with a strong following in Orange County, state schools Superintendent Max Rafferty, who then - shad of em moo -lo l big to Democrat Alan Cran ton. This is just a smattering of the legacy fueling the deeply co~rvatlve core that still holds on to power ln Orange County. Meanwhile, eome Rtpubllcam1 who have moved to Ncwporl M since those early events are wond ij_ng it the party's base here WfO ever be o~ SM CUftYE, P1&• M t .. -·-- POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE The names are in AJlcla Robinson and S.J. Cahn [)atty Pilot Some or I.he candidates who will face Newport Beach and <Asta Mesa voters In the Mareh 2 primary will have familiar names. The business community ls well represented among those vying to ~resent I.he 681.h Allembly distrk:t. whkh includes C.OSta Mesa. Candidates l.och.tde self-desaibed buslnessmen lAny D. AIU.on, a Ubertartan; Al Snook. a Democrat: and Yao 'D1m. a Garden Grove city councilman and a Republican. Also running ls RepubUcan Mutt Leyee. wbo did not deslgnate a profession when be filed but is also on I.he Garden Grove City Council Wednesday wu the deadline to ftle declarations or Intent wilb the Orange County RetPstrar of Voters. ln I.he 70th Assembly district. I.he primary will be a battle royal, wllh sJx Republicans, one Demoaat and one Ubertarian trying to get on the November ballot. The Republican candidates are Cristi Crlsdch; businessman and Anny Major Oluck OeVore; Oloncbol D. Gupta; engineer and businessman Long JC. Pham, South Orange Community College District lrustee Donald P. Wagner; and Marianne 7Jppl. Ubertarlan and voice systems specialist Mark 8aldwtn and Democrat Cart L Martz are also Mektng the seat Voters may recognize 351.h Senate district candidates John C..mpbeD and ~ Maddox, Republicans who now hold the 70lh and 681.h Assembly district seats, respectively. Others seeking I.he senate seat are independent businessman lbnothy Johmon. a Ubertarian; legal secretary Rita Siebert. a Democrat; alijf retired U.S. Marine Col Joe Sn)'der, a Republican. More than a few have been campaigning hard. Expect the election to hit another gear now that the fleJds are firmly in place. Some time off from the political game .. For those not fortunate enough to be on the e·mall llst, here's a little piece of newi; Tho Republican NaUonaJ Committee II routinely. and dally, skewering the possible presidential competition. FU PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa Assemblyman Ken Maddox makes a Point at a town hall meeting. E-mails since just Halloween have shown that •undecided" still leads the Democratic race, even though "he" hasn't spent any money; that senators have skipped votes while campaigning; and that one candidate seems to be going back and forth on his thinking about Iraq. ln all, there have been nine such e-mails beatlng down those who'd take on President Bush next falJ . But the Republicans aren't always busy tossing words reporters' ways. After Tuesday's slightly Informal Democratic debate. the committee shot out an official •0emoaat Debate Fact Clleck. • E.xpectJng a long llst of mlst.akes and misstatements? Don't count on It. •Another Day, Another Debate, Another Desperate Round Of Angry Attacb At America Rocks The Vote Debate In Boston, Mass .. " the e-mail proclaimed. But then it only went on to announce: "After watching eight of the nine Democrat presidential can!iJdates at the debate in Boston do precisely what they have been dolngJor months Oaunch angry attacb, complain, mJschnracterize, exaggerate, mislead, aod generally offer not.hl.ng but pitiful peuim.lam. prote$t. and political hate speech), we felt the only appropriate ruponse was to let them speak for themselves and go grab a pizza. .. The e·mall, which arrived at 6:15 p.m., came complete with one of those ·ww Return• signs that get hung on business doors. Its hands were pointed to 9 a.m. That next e-mail from the committee, targeting House Minority Leader Nancy Peloal of California, arrived at 9:22 a.m. Wednesday morning. POLITICAL CALENDAR NOVEMBER TODAY: The Republican Party of Orange County wlll hold a nteeption from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Avo'a Blatro in Costa Meta. The apedal guest wlll be J. Kenneth Blectw.fl, MCretary of State of Ohio. Information: (714) 656-8555 TUESDAY: Chudt De Vore for Aaembty wtll hold 1 Corona Del Mar Veterans Day ,.,.ptlon from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the •Miiitary Muaeum• home of Kent Moore In Corona Del Mar. The special guesta Include Walter Ehlert, Worid War II veteran and Medal of Honor recipient Information: (949) 472-5414 WEDNESDAY: Balboa Bay Republican Women Federated will hold a general meeting at noon at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. The special guetU wlll be Auemblymon John Campbell and Ken Maddox, candldatea for state Sernste. Information: (714) 557-4122 15: Marianne Zlppl for State Aaembly will hold a funckalalng gar8ge aale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the home of Kelanl and Dale Falaeco In Newport Beach. lnfonnatlon: (714) 84()..()589 17: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee wlll hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton BIVd., Costa Meaa. Admlaalon la fTee, and all Republicans are~-(714) 668-8566 20: Newport Harbor Republican Women are planning a but tour to the Reagan Library for today. The but would leave the Newport Bead\ Country Club at 9 a.m. and nrtum by 6 p.m. Information: (714) 1548-6985 24: The Republican Party of Or.nge County will hold e continental breakfast et 7:A5 a.m. at the officM of the Inland Group et 3501 Jamboree Road, South Tower, Suite 606 In Newport Beach. Spedel guest will be Rep. Tom Feeney from Rorida. Information: (714) 666-8566 DECEM BER The Republican Centtel Committee meeting 11 tradltlonalty not he4d. Daily A Pilot PHOTOOAAPHERS Copyright No newt atorla, MM C. Dudn. Don Leech, llluttnrtione, edltorlll mdef or t<.lt'ltT111pmw ~ hetelncan be reptOduced without written READf.RS HOTUNE pennluion of copyright owner. 19491 e.u-eoee VOL 17, NO. 310 Record your commenta ebout the HOW TO A!AQt US O.lly Pilot or new. tipe. Cln:uletlon lHOMAI H. JOHNSON Newsfdlton Addt98I The Tlmee Or1nge County Publllher Glne AleQn<Mt, Lori Andet9on, Our ldd,_ le 330 W. 81y St., Cotta 18001262 ... 141 TOHYDOOERO Denlel Hunt. Plul Seitowltz. M4111. CA 92927. Otne» houra.,. iWt:ad8114 Edlte>t DlfUelS~ Monday • Frldly, lt30 1.m. • 5 p.m. Q g I I l'.S (IM&I 842-5878 Nflf OETTINO ~~ NEWllTAlfl Con11\111w .,..,.., 19'81142-4321 0...,. ltlerdl It II tt. Piiot'• polley to~ ........ f'tomotJone Director Crime ind oourta r9P011er, ~ell 9'TOfl of aut.t.noe. ..... (948) 574-U20 PleM Clll IM917&M324. (141)842.., mmNOITAff ~.""-l'Sth•t.rlm..aom ...... , ... )57~ l.J.C:. ..... c ........ FYI N9wllfWi lMl&IM170 ~:flno Editor, Newport 8ed '9PC>rt•. The Newport 8NctllCottt M4lll .,... .. (Ml) eeo-0170 CD48 574-4233 (Ml) 574--U32 Delly Piiot (USPS-144-8001 le lotNI: lMllrP'lof•ldmee.com •J.cM>rl• ,.thne&com fune.~ndl•,.rrm...com publlth.s dlily. In Newport hid! ........ °"*"~ loltll ..... Ind COICil MeN, IU~ 11'8 • •l-O..CMl"2-4321 ~~ Cotumnlet, culture repottef, IYll!eble ontv by 8'1bec:ribing to The ......... ,., .. 131·7129 dlt-.004Mf ,.,_com IMl5~ Tlmee Orl"OI County 1800) ......... DuM lo/Jtt.t..,,,.,•1«1,,,. com 252·11141. In.,... outllde of lmu Spottt Editor, 0...Nawm• Newpon Beed'I and Coetl MeN. (M)57....U23 ridlllrd.dunn•t111maa.com ~ Meee 19POf'ter, l94111 PM22t eubeorfpttoni to .,,. Deily Piiot are Joie.I. .... t*lrd,...newm.tn•l«lfNU!Om ev1lltble only by flrllC ctll8 melt for Art Director I Newt 0eatc Chief, .... O'Nal '30 per month. (Prtc. Ind'* ell CMllSU-<W" .E<tuuUon ,.,,,.,, (9'8157~ ~lolbee ltltt Md loCal ........ P\ibllahed bV Tlm.9 Community ~IM!to.•IMllNl.com trMHW.Ot-'l•l«lmM oom POSTMASTER: s.nd eddrtiee Newt; • dMalon of the Lot Angelet ..... ~ .......... T1mea cNnQea to The N9wport PttotO Editor, Newt~ (Ml) PM2ll 8MdVCoeta MeN Deify PMoe, P.O. C'2003 Tlmea CN All ri;hll , .. ,,........ kJll./»NI ,,,.,,,._, OOtrl ..... ~--·~ b 1MO, tote. MeN, CA 12121. r.....-ved \ ' POLITICS ASIDE A sober talking head T here ate two great democracies In the world, Brian Lani>, chief executive omcer of C-SPAN, told the Orange County Forum on Wednesday: are bener because people will act more natuially if they aren't hyper-aware they are being filmed. Switzerland and California Whether C·SPAN has changed the political landscape, it S.J . CAHN certainly has Lamb, who has guided the public affairs stadon for its nearly 25 years, said he was told this years ago because both places have such direct voter-to-government systems, as witnessed in this state during the recall election (and via all the measures and initiatives on our ballots). If it seems like people back East are laughing at us here, "that's just because they can't do it," Lambsa.id. Lamb, of course, has presided over a relatively lausti·free form of television, a point he was not alratd to lampoon during his talk. such as when be quoted various reviews of himself that empba&ized his lack of charisma and color. helped millions of people become more familiar with the process and players. About one in 10 Americans are regular watchers, Lamb said. and 15% are younger than 24, which ·a1ways surprises people.· he said. The goal at C-SPAN, Lamb said, ls not to make money (which he emphasized was rare). Instead, It Is to produce programming that creates smarter voters. And. to that end, Lamb pointed out that regular viewers or C-SPAN wouJd be well-informed about the present pack of presidential wannabes on the Democratic side. The station, for instance, has covered 151 different events that former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean attended. MHe hasn't done anything surprising," Lamb said of Dean. At least to those who have been watching. Although his talk was titled "'C·SPAN's Coverage of Our Government at Work: Has it Outnged the Political Process -or the Mainstream Media's CoD11DentaryofP0Utical Jssuest• Lamb spoke off the cuff (barely a note In sight) and covered as much the background of C·SPAN and its development over the years as Its ln.Ouence on poli~cs. He dJd. at one juncture, make an lntensting comment in response to a question about whether he thought having cameras on the Ooor of the House of Ropresentatives had changed the atmosphere or actions of the members of Congress. Those who have been watching also will know that C-SPAN foUows the money, to paraphrase from Watergate times. •• While unsure if there'd been a change, Lamb turned the question back to the audience and asked whether there was any reason to thing the change was for the worse. as the question clearly implied. I think It's sale to assume that most of us would think that a discussion or debate would be "lowered" by the presence of television cameras. But It's also logical that decorum would rise if participants knew they would be captured on ftlm -lf cpuntertntu.ldve. Of course, equally interesting was Lamb's next comment that be thinb newer. smaller-and thus less obtrusive -cameras MEverything in politics comes down to money,· Lamb said, except for a few issues such as abortion. And, as a result., C·SPAN coven discussions about money or where spending Is being decided. Finally, Lamb also described the proliferaUon of media -whether talk radio, 1V channels or magazines -as absolutely a good thing. More media coverage of the government ensures America's freedom, be said. And It makes people more responsible for their role in society. "We are drowning in lnfonnation. so I.he burden is on us to decide what we're going to watch,· he said. And there's no reason to think those choices will do anything but expand. Ml'his business will not be the same in 1 O years.· he said. So stay tuned. • &.J. CAHN 11 the m1naglng editor. He can be reached at 1949) 57~233 or by e-m1ll 1t •.J.cahn latimn.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Today will be partly ctoudy Expect eome light swell• out : with hlgha from fJ7 to 72. of the w.t-northwest •nd • ' Tonight will be partty cloudy dec:rNalng aouthwelt. with lows from 47 to 66. Weat-fadng brNb will have ~o! waist-high surf at best. The www.l'IWll.nc»a.(ptl Nm. goes for IOUth-fadng brMb. BOATING FORECAST The eurf from the The wtnde wMI be va"able at w.t-northweat IWlfl Pk*a up Fridev end Seturdey Into the 10 Motl or.._ on the Inner ct.l· and ahouldeMllgh Wllttrl. The wewe wUI be 2 range, but the poulblllty of feet or amaMer on a mbced rein m.ttt .. It loot metay. Melt.'°'*' at 3 to 4 Mt and Sundlycoutd ... ~ . wwt et 2 to 3 feet. Tonight. the --~ wtflde wtll be out of the wwt tt www.eutfridtr.Otp 10 kt'°'9 In the 9Wfllng tnd Wiii become vtriable et 10 knota or TIDES ...,,..,, ""-~ wll be from 11me Height the aouthwett at 3 to 4 feet. 1:10a.m. 0.961"tlow Ferther out, the wfnda Wiii be 7:28a.m. 5.M feet high out of the~ et 10 knott. TM W9WI wffl be 2 fMt 1:68p.m. 1.68MtloW or .-ntlter on a mixed .w.11: 7:69p.m. 4A71"thlgh • notthwtlt tt 3 to 5 fMt end • IOUth et 3 fMt. Tonight. the WATER TEMPERATURE i IWlll Wiit be out of the W9lt It + 3to&feet. •d.eu,... •• ·····--, • Daily Pilot .. Christ Lutheran students nominated parent Linda Olson :-for the Mayor's : Award, and she won. I l Merlsa O'Neil : Daily Pilot I : One class at Ouist Lutheran : School got a first-hand tes.Son in : civics when they nominated par- ' ent Unda Olson for the Mayors : Award -and she won It this I week. , : F'ifth-gnide teacher Jen Can· : ning came across the award • nomination form on the city's · : Web site while giving a lesson on : local government In March. As part of an assignment, each stu- ; dent had to nominate someone ; for tbe awtµ'd, and a couple • weeks ago, they got the news tllat ; Olson would be receiving tbe : honors. l· Thursday, November 6, 2003 A3 I Featuring A Liw Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday 0-T1U1tlay 6-9pm Steaks •Seafood • Cocktails I"'' U,·~1 I''"'"'"' ( "'' ('HlJl (l'1(,-'tJ·1 t I (tt.) ... It \ llH" \\\. ., l ''"·I '-h °"•' '"0 Quality Scrviu• .. ·~dy Entenailunenr .. • I''"'''" ••'""J \lu, ••I I"''"\'''• l't• , ,., .. , • ,. . J • "They were ecstatic about her ; getting the award." Canning said. ; "The whole school made a big • sign congratulating her.~ DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Linda Olson shows off her Mayor's Certificate to frfth graders at Christ Lutheran School. ; Olson received the award at ; Monday nlght's Qty Council • meeting with more than two : dozen supporters on hand, and : the school held a special recep- , tion for her on Wednesday. She : has two children, 11 -year-old : Emily and 9-year-old Parker, at • theschool. : "I love this school,~ Olson said. : "It's such a great school, and I ; want to see it become greater." ' : BRIEFLY IN :THE NEWS ' : Arts lecture to benefit : shelters, scholarships : A lecture on "Unique Art ' and Architecture Around the : World" at Orange Coa.st Col- : lege on Friday will benefit two • homeless shelters and three OCC scholarships. During the annual lecture, : fine arts professor Jrini VaUe- A former Parent Teacher League president, Olson has been Involved In grant writing for the school, started science and art programs and served on multiple committees. "She's here, like, all the time and at every fund-raiser and everything." said 11-year-old Oli- ver Lewis. who nominated Olson for the award. •And she's always happy." ra-Rickerson will show slides of hand-painted houses at Ndebele in Africa, rock-cop monasteries in Meteora, Greece, and sculptures in the Tuscany Tarot Garden of NikJci De Phalle. Money raised at the lecture will go to two homeless shel- ters for people affected by AlDS, in association with the AIDS Service Foundation of Orange County, and three OCC arts and humanities scholar- ships in memory of artists P.J. Freeman and David Torosian. Mayor Gary Monahan gives out the award about every month. He said the standards for receiving It are deliberately broad but that, as a parent himself, he apj>reciated Olson's efforts at the school. "I was impressed by the amount of volunteer work and her continued commitment to the school and the amount of support she has from everyone," Monahan said. A food drive is also being held in conjunction with the OCC Sociology Oub and Na·· tive American Oub. People are asked to bring nonperishable food to be collected at the door. The lecture will take place from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Friday in the Robert B. Moore Theatre on the OCC campus. Tickets may be purchased at the door at 7:40 p.m. for $10, and addi- tional donations are welcome. For more information, call (714) 432-5039. Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from •• • electron!CS and plumbers, to landscapers ar:id painters . To Our Community, We wish to thank all of our customers (both old and new) for helping us celebrate Newport and Naples Rib Company's 20 Year Anniversaries. , We are pleased to announce that we distributed over $30,000 to our local communities. We are ·proud to be a part of the Newport/Mesa Community ror the past 20 years and look forward to at least anotller 20 morel ' The Ursini FAmlly L Rib Company. Staif Though the students who nominated her are now in the sixth grade, they remember her work in Canning's class, work that continues In the rest of the school "She runs all the fund-raisers and helps out a lot In the class- room," said 11 -year-old Turi Cal- hoon, who also nominated Olson. "&.l:!e's very organized and a kind anl! compassionate person." FOR THE 'RECORD Tuesday's story "Rehab house irks neighbors· gave the wrong addtesa for a cl.rug and alcohol ~tment facility on Bal· boa Peninsula. That Cad!-· tty ls at 1810 W. Ocean· front. Roedster Watch l"""'c;l\enguble llr9CllllM""" -'" ,...,,,, SJ 9eQ IO 126 JOO ~••h1on l•l•n d ·Newport lle•oh 849/721-8010 . Th• Lodge al Raneho Mirage & Rltz-Cartlon at Laguna Nlguel Featuring a Beach Band Sundays from 11 :OOAM -3:00PM Pete has put together all of his favorite reel~ from his many surf destinations, like: Peel a rat -..1nmp, aay Scallop CfMche, ·a.a can QMcken. Grilled 1r1-11p,, Ginger Pacific 5nappa; Lots of Glut Desserts ~IS lotto-.less Bloody Mary's lindMuda~ ~PBWM ' . M ~. NoYelrW 6, 2003 Two say they didn't sell fakes Couple pleads not guilty to selllng counterfeit designer purses at Orange County Market Place. Deirdre Ntwman OatlyP1lot COSTA MFSA -A Wesun.ln· ater couple bas pleaded not guilty to charges or manufactur- ing and . posse$Sfng for sale counterfeit designer purses that they allegedJy sold at the Orange County Ma.at.et ~- Saltis Kivork. 56. and hb wife Allee IGvoat, 45. entered their pleas on Tuesday in Superior Court In Santa Ana. If convtcced. they race up to 11 years and four months in prison. The Orange County dJstrict at- RAPE Continued from Al motJons to dfsnUsa the case. Keith Spann. the lhlrd defendant. wasnotp~l Briseno'& decision was later criticized by an anomey for the California First Amendment Coalition , whQ said It defeats the El~ Dunn-Well Moty Koppes, MA Lif e!Business Coach How well do you know yourKI£? Do you know what you wani an lafc and how to make th:at happen? Moty Koppes 1nv11cs you 10 examine your He~~ and passions along with your unique gaf1s to weave them into a truly sansfyrng life. To c.xp&ore how you can better align your life and career with your core values, ~li Mory at: Tel: 714-390-9752 • Email: morykoppcs@coacbmory.com Web: www.coachmory.com tomey'• omce·hu beeo Invest!· gating the JCJYOJ:b llnce Febtu· uy, Deputy Oistrlct Atty. Susan Sduoeder said. In May; lnveld· gaton bought tab d~ pwaea from the couple"I booth at the hJah-«Od ~ meet 11 the Onnge County ~ More than 2,478 countemil Items, with btand names such as !Cate Spade and Louil Vuitton, were found lo the IClvodc'I home. On Nov. l, lnwstlgatora qialn purchaaed fake deligner pwse1 from them and later rec:oYeied more than 1,400 counterfeit ltems -which would value $1 million. II teal -In their home. Stuart Suchman, the attorney for Maltet Place praldenl Id Teller. said be wasn't~ of die Investigation into the KIYodc'a merohandlae. Every vendor re- ceives a manual that •YI eeDlng Illegal goods Is not aUowec( purpose of a public court pro- ceeding. The video should have bein shown lO the members or the public and the media p.resent at Wednesday's bearing, said Teny Francke, an attorney with the Saaamento-based nonprofit "lbe whole reuon we have public trials and public hearings Is so that spectators can monitor them -If they're fa.Ir, unbiased and if justice Is being done.• be said. When spectators~ prevented from 5Mng a key piece of evi- dence the judge or the jury sees, it makes It hard for the public to evaluate what the judge or jury may have factored Into their de- cision, Francke said. WThat applies to preliminary or pre-trial bearings loo,• he said. WBecause If a case does not go to trial, then the prellmln81y hear· Ing becomes the final adjudica- tion.• Briseno declined to comment on his decision because the case is pending. Deputy District Atty. Brian Gerwitz argued in court that the victim was a child at the time or the incident and that the video would amount to child pornog- raphy. •Playtng this video of this girl being sexually assaulted In front of members of the public and the media would be like re-vtctimiz- lng the victim.. he said. Defense attorneys JOlepb Ca- vallo and John Barnett said they qreed with Gerwitz. The judge seemed to agree, al- though reluctantly, with the at· tomeys. Briteno said be had questions about not ~g the public view the tape. •unfortunalely, In our com - munity, cases like these have come up before and they have been handled in public,• he said. Briseno said he would be un- comfortable repeating this ex- ceptional procedure during a jury trial unless the attorneys ·• could provide an explicit legal reason to do so. 17STREET' BEAUTY CENTER '1fu. .lal]jt.St, !Fwst, 1riau!Btst 'Beauty SupP(y t!!' 1ulIStroiaSalon In Onznat County Qpen 7 0.,... (9'9) 642,1717 BBST PJUCBS • Bssr S.BllVIC! • BEST SEL!CTION NEW AwVAlS OF Sa 2 f d'r"' t , ,,.. \ \ The prosecution had to weigh "protecting the rights of our vic- tims against the public's right to CURVE Continued from Al to change -and what to do about it if It isn't. I got such a letter some montJu ago from Corona del Mar residents Jim and Jean Coon, who wrote, In part: "We are both lifelong RepubUcana, having been 50 reglsteftd ln every election since 1944. Nevertheless, we are In almost total opposition LO the Bush administration and ill expreued plans for curing the countrYI Uh and. apparently, thote or the rest or the world. Trying lo get this 'loyal opposition' acrota to the Republican establlahment In Orange County would aeem to be an emclae in ruti11ty ...• If you have any loformadon regarding responsfble poupe who mJgbt abate our co~ we would be grateful ror bead.Ilg about them.·• We taJked briefly OD the phone and bad dedded on turtber convenatlon when the war In Iraq exploded and my normal procrutlnation eet ln. But the apparent embrace of tht n.w governor by the local Republican orpnl.r.adon made me wonder 11 tlM Coons considered this an enc:owqlnc llano IO I made a beWed Wdt to thdrhorne. They are oativea of PonSlnd, Ore., whe:re Jlm Coon bid owned • reW1 beadnl · equlp~t bl.dtnell. lrom Which be red.red Ln 1981. n,.ey ltwd in Tuclon. Arbonl and HurtUngton 8etd'l befon moving to a pted COllllDUntty an Corona del Mat a.,_..• They.oted tlllnlt1he Ned ol:lnDMb«Cm~ ClOll9CI It. bed " Sod>man aald. "We police Jt u beat we can, but there are 1,500 lelJen out there, and somedtnel tbefve goc th1np that look W!IY authentic,• SUchman aaJd. Malket Place CUllomttl lhou1d compare the prices they are b4llng ottered wtth the prod· ucta being aokt to avold getttna fake merchandise, Sudunan aald. "If (you're) buying a named Item that you know Is expenatve and lt'a a small pm:entage of that price. you bave to be a little IUSplcloua. • SUc:hman aald. "The import.ant thing ta we will pro- hibit any of chat and will enforce our rulel lf any of that happens.· 'lb pc>lt their ball or$ l million. the JCivorb htd to prow that the money came from a legltimate eowce, which they could not do, Schroeder aaid. I know,• Deputy Dist Atty. Susan Sd:uoeder aa1d. "In this case. we haven't re- leased the name or the victim or any infonnation that can Identify her,• she said "We deeply re· spect the public'• rigJ\t to know, but felt It was outweighed by the victim'• right to privacy .• And the district attorney does not want to deter vlctima from coming forward In such cases In die future, Schroeder said. Cavallo, the lead attorney for Ha.ldl, said outside the court- room that he would prefer that the public not see the video •tor the alleged vic:Um's sake.• ·1 don't believe she needs 10 have her private parts exposed to the public,• be said. Glvallo has already filed sev· eral motions asking that the case against HaidJ be dismissed on grounds of proseaitorial mis· conduct. He has also filed a mo- tion asJcing the coun to suppress the videotape, which ls the pros- ecution's main -piece of evidence. c:avallo's motion states that the tape was stolen from the def'end- ants by their acquaintances. Haldi, son or Orange County Assistant Sheri.ft' Don Haldi, Keith Spann and Kyle Nachrelner, who were all 17 at the time or the Inci- dent, race 24 count.s. Spann and Nachreiner face enhancements ror allegedly inflicting pat bod.J. ty Injury to the vic:Um and using a deadly weapon -a pool rue - to penetrate the victim. Orange C.Ounty Superior Court Judge Hven!tt Dickey ruled In Jamwy that there was enough evidence in the case for the Ran· cho Q.icamonga HJgh School students to stand trlaJ after he viewed the same video. The ind· dent reportedly took place In Don Haldl's Jade Cove home in Newport Beach ln July 2002. The motions lo dismiss the case are scheduled to be heard on Nov. 24 at 10 a.m. at the Cen- tral Justice C.enter In Santa Ana. •DEEM BKAMTH covera public safaty and courts. She may be raactied at (949) 574-4226 or by a-mail at deepa.bharathO/atfmn.com. and they found no solace In the marriage or convenience between Arnold and the conservative Republlcana. Their deep. vlsceral concern ii Bush's embrace or preemptive war as a national policy. And after writing to me, they found ways to express that cone.em. "1\vtce," Jean Coon aaid, ·we stood 11 the comer or Bristol and Von Karman and protested thJt war. It WU a'gJ'e81 mix of people: not rabble rouaers or hippies but lntelllgent. thoughtful dtlum. There were other people our age and people U young U OU1 grandchildren. All of them felt -u we do - that we must do something. And thJt wu aomethlng we could do. We've never known anything like this before." When I uked what ,Republicans they moat admired. Jim Coon Mid they had wolbd fol"Sen. John McCain In Arizona, •oot I'm a raucous kind or Goldwater Republican - ftlclDy but not IOdaUy conaervadve." "l don't think Gol~er'I IOdal views were ever mlly eiplored bec:au.e be tlad to 'f)eod IO much of b.ls campaign time OD foreign P0Ucy." Jim C.0011 Mid. •t tbiDk II he Mn around toda~ be would feel the Mme way a lot of peopM Ub UI wbO llUppOrted him fMl Wi lhOuldn't get Into lomethlna we can't ftnlab; And we ahould be p.ylng our debti tnatead of NMJnc them up.. ·smc. W9 wrote you that Jetter,. Jean CoOn Mid, "welve been meetfns people our own :fi tnd repnOett of party IMi«Mi, IDOlt of them feel pceUy much the Mme• WI dO ~ BUib and tlm wv.• 1be Coone .. not unbtY&lmt lboul the c.t.ch of their .. I PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS License checkpoint set for Sunday lbe Cosca Mesa Police Department will bold a drtven lioen.9e and vehicle reglltradoo ched::point on SUnday. The checkpoint wW be southbound on Pa.IJView Road at Dorset lane and wllJ operate between 9 a.m. and I p.m. The purpose of the checkpoint ls to educate the public about the seri- ousoou or driving without a valfd license and to deter motorists from driving without a license, Officer Bryan wad.kins sald Studies show that unli- censed drivers are 4.9 times more likely LO be Involved in a fatal car accident than a ~driver, he illd Motorists stopped at the checkpoint and found to be driving without a valid li- cense will be cited. will have their vehicles impounded for 30 days and will face POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Beat Street Vandalism was reported in the 3100 blodc at 9:43 p.m. Monday. • Buoy StrMt and Full~n Avenue: An asaault was reported at 3:36 p.m. Monday. •Joann Stre.t: Graffiti was reported In the 600 block at 9:69 p.m. Monday. • Mlsalon Drive: An assault waareportedlnthe1000 blodc at 10:19 p.m. Monday. • N.wport Boulewrd: Grand theft was reported In the 1800 blodc at 4:46 p.m. Monday. • Pomona Avenue: A home burglary was reported In the 1900 blodc at 11 :19 p.m. Monday. •Victoria Stre.t: Possession of drug1 was reported in the 600 blodc at OBITUARY Gene Ryan Grover A l'unera.I for former New- port BMcb relideot Mr. Gene Ryan CiriMr la acheduled for 2.:30 p.m. ~at the Pa· ci8c View OiaPd in C.Orona delMar. Mr. GtoYer, who lived in the city (or 10 yan. died ~ of an unknown ca.UM. He WU 29. Mr. Grova IS turvtved by feelinwi. "We will vote against Bush regardless of his opponent,· Jim Coon said. ·we reel that strongly about what he 1.9 doing,• The Coons are finding they aren't standing alone among fellow Republicans. even in this haven of conservatism. And puttJne a RepubUcan movie star In the governor's mansion fines and tow fees In ~ ofSl.SOO. Newport escapee pretrial hearing set A pretrial hearing has been scheduled for Nov. 19 for Mark Georgantas, the 41 -year-old Newport Beach man who almost pulled off a d.arlng escape from an Orange C.Ounty jall wit.fi another lnmate on Sept. 30, but was ar- rested the same afternoon Ln Los Angeles. Georganta.s has been • charged with one felony count each or escape. un· lawful taking a vehicle and evading officials while driving recklessly. If con victed, he faces four years and four months in prison as well as a stale prison sentence for violating probation on a pdor felony. Another inmate, 24· year-old James William Costpow of Riverside, who escaped with Georgantas, pleaded gullty to the charges on Wednesday. 6:24 p.m. Monday. • w .. t 19th Stre.t and Placentia Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 11 :32 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Birch Strfft: An auto theft was reported In the 4800 .block at 9:31 a.m. Tuesday. • Catalpa Stre.t: A home burglary was reported in the 2900 block at 10:24 a.m. Tuesday. • Harbor Island Drive: A boat burglary was reported in the 800 block at 7:16 a.m. Tuesday. • Hospital Road: An auto theft was reported in the 300 block at 6:50 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Coast Drtve: Battery was reported In the 21000 blodc at 8:56 a.m. Tuesday. ·. .· •' J. •, his rather Allen Grover; •• mother Sybille Grover. daustiter Isabella Rose But- ton; sister Jeontfer Davis; and •, grandpa.rents Wallace and Mary Grover and Lori Voll. • The Dally Piiot w.k:omes obituariee for resldenta or foml8f ~entl of C08t1 Mesa and ~rt Beach. If you want , to have an obituary printed in the Piiot, atk your mortuary to -. faJt u1 lh• information at (9491 84M170 or cell the newsroom at (9491842-4321. j .. • clearly isn't going to soften theif convicdons as ii did Tom Fuentes'. Bui they'd still like to hear about "any responsible groups" -preferably Republican -that share their concerns. • JOSEPH N. BEll 11 a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appeara Thursdays. Oaaty Piiot BATILE Continued from Al burned just as Cast as otben.. It wu hard to comprehend.• Suthertand saJd hJs team was not lovotved tn evacualion. but ended up utglng reluctant homeowners to leave for their own welfare. ~was thls one guy we saw,• be said. "He was sitting on the hood ofhls car staring up the hW. All around him. the fires~"' burnlng, and there was smoke." They asked hlm what he was doing. and the man repl,led he wu wat(:bl.ng bis home bum down. BAYVIEW Continued from Al could Unger. Bromberg had accused environmen- talists led by Vandersloot of using the wetlands issue as a bargaining cb1p to assure that a pa.it planned for the adja- cent Upper Bayview Landing site met their concerns. Vandersloot and others stood ftnn OD their posf doo that their environmental concerns were legiti- mate. . In July, Coastal Commission staffers seemed to be siding with environmen- talists.. Some staff members ruled that several features on the site consdtuted wetlands and, as a result. the city was sent baclc to the drawing board to come up with a project that made room for AWARD Continued from Al dents. The ratio, Morgan-Rogers said, allows the more advanced students to work ahead on an assignment while teachers take extra time with those who need it "It's good for aJJ of the kids," Mor· gan-Rogers said. "There's a small stu· dent-teacher ratlo, and It puts the spe· ciaJ education studen ts in the least restrictive environment. We feel the "We Just told him to goet out of there," SUtherland aald. Andhedkt "lf he'<hta)'ed on there. he would'Ve burned tor swe," Sutherland lald. Segwtn aid the ~pw him a "newfound respect for ftre and what can happen lo the blink ot an eye." He UC> bad to make sure he and othm in hit t.m wett u . AD dreftgbters who were MOt from Newport-Mesa returned home sare. And wbet1 they got back. the magnitude or It all bepn to sink In even more. Sutherland sald. "We tried our best to Ave peopJe's homes and lives."' he said. "But onoe lt's all CM!l', we eJWaya end qp asking ouneNes. 'Did we do aD we could?"' the walands. 1be dty r:esponded by scaling down the project from 120 to 150 units, . changing the way the buildings were situated on the site, agreeing to build and maintain a wetland area on the site and to leave a portion of the bJuff above at·ita current height. Vandersloot lllid Wednesday that he was pleased wtth the commission vore. "I think l1 was a good dedslon," he said. City officials are still trying to learn whether the project can be exempt from state Prevailing Wage laws, which could mean about .$5()(),000 ln added labor costs. The apartments will be avaJlable to low-Income seniors. About two dozen of the units will be set aside for moder- ately low-Income households: lndMdu- als who earn less than $31,700 or cou- Newport Bet.cli ftrdlghte11 Uo came bacCWilh-valuable lellODS, Slltbedand aald. "We have problem arees in our own c:ity, aucb as Newport ~t and Buck GuDy," he said. They have been talldng about cbanglng their fl.ndlghtfn8 plans for thole areas. Sutherland said. "The Important thing ts bow qulcldyi" you can amass a lot of resoun::es, • he said. "We need the most resources we can get as quickly u we can get them. That seems to be tho Py.• • 0££M BHARATH cov.ra public Af8ty :;'!..~~ ~i::,~ reacned at (949) df#lf».bllamh•lltlmMoom. FYI For Information about the Lower Bayview Landing 1enlor affordable houalng project, c.11 the Related Coa. at (949) 660-7272. pies who earn less than ~,300. About 95 of the apartments will be available co Individuals who earn less than $26,450 or couples brining ln less than $30.250. 'Tm very happy that it's over,• sald Dennis Baker. spokesman for environ- mental groop Earth Resource Founda- tion, which has supported the project with safeguards to prevent the city from changing important details o( the plan at a later date. "I look forward to it hap- penJng." Developer the Related C.os. is faking names of people who would like to at- tend a presentation on the project after construction has begun. children make more progress.· The two teachers will receive the The gene~ education students also award at a December luncheon held In benefit, she saJd. because they learn in conjunction with the state Board of a tnont diverse environment repre-P.ducalion's annuaJ educatlon confer- sentative of more reaJ-world sirua-ence. The pair, who spoke about the tloos. program at the California State Kinder- During the first year of the program, ~en Conference a couple years ago. parents needed more coaxing to place will aJso make a presentation their their students ln a class with apeciaJ program to a group at the December education students, but Morgan-Rog-conference. ers saJd that now the program has proven Itself. "Many parents request this class," Principal Barbara Rothman said. "They think it's a good program.· • MAAfSA O'NEIL covers education and .. may be readied at 1949) 574-4288 or by e-mail at m11riu.one//@l11timn.com. Police rule out shelter negligence in dog theft Otlrdrt Ntwm1n Dady Piiot COSTA MESA -An lnvestigatJon into the Orange County Humane Society af. ter a dog was stolen in late October has not turned up any crlmlnal negligence. according to the Costa Mesa Police De- partment. Costa Mesa ls one of two cities that contractl with the society to provide shelter Cor stray anlrnaJs. The society tl> in Huntington Beach. Tracey Dorame, who Jives in Costa Mesa, brought concerns about poor se- curity at the anlmaJ shelter to city lead- ers after a lost puppy she turned over to the society was stolen. The Police Department investigated the shelter's security and ls satisfied with the measures the society has taken thui. far and Its plans to redo the interior ken- nel area to make it safer, Sgt. Oay Epper- son saJd. "We feel very confident that they're treating animals as humanely as pos- sible and are interested In the welfare of animals,• Epperson said. Dorame took the puppy home on Oct 21 after some students found it wander· Ing around the campus of Costa Mesa High School, where she works. She sald she didn't realize she was required to tum the dog over to animal control, so she kept It That weekend, she took it to her veterinarian to get it vaccinated and found out that It was a full bred l>illcy ter- rier, from 3 to 4 months old. 1Wo days later, one of her colleague~ lnformed her that they had contacted animal control to let them know abo111 the dog's situation. When Dorame talked to animal control. she was told that there were no lost dogs that rnatched the description, she said. So she took. the puppy down to the Barkery and spent more than S80 on doggie clothes. On Oct. 27, she was Informed by anl· mal control that she had to tum the puppy over to them because ii wasn't hers, she said. Dorame essentially stole the puppy from Its owners by not turning It over right away, said Conney Dorney. the so- dety'a shelter man-ser. "She did not make tbe animaJ avail- able for the general public to come to her home to find (it).'" Dorney said. "Statistically. most animal owners stop looltlng after a week.· Dorame complied and was told that that since she had given the puppy a nice home, she would get fim dibs on it if nobody claurted It The next day, she found out the puppy had been stolen. "It felt like somebody stole m y child,• she said. \'\'hen she went to the humane society to find out what had happened and to get some information. she was greeted with "extreme defiance," she said. Dorame had no ltgaJ right to obtaJn information about the dog. even with the first dibs she had. slnce that was only a courtesy. Dorney said. The society had recently mvested m padlocks for most of its L.enneb. Dorney saJd. But the set of stx kennels where this puppy was kept did not have locks for a time be- cause the lot~ they had ordered hadn't fit. she ~d rne .. e kennels have since been eqwpped with locks, she added. h'-i unfortunate that the puppy was stolen, but thefts are an inevitable part of runrung a shelter, Dorney satd. "If people really want an anima} bad enough. they bust through everything we have to get in there." l>he said. Cornplaim~ against the sociery h ave been rare in the ..,,.vcn or Ml years the cHy hru. contracted with it, City Manager Allan Roeder said. ·we feel 11 ha<. -.ervcd the city well, notwtth~tand1ng that there may very well be ~ornt• room for improvements, parllcularly on the securiry '>ide," Roed- er '>aid "We're more than willing lo work wiLh the humane society to see what it would take to do tha1." The society could only take as much security precaution as 11 could afford and buying the padlocks was a major in- ve-;tment, Dorney '><lid. M llu1dly, NcMirnber 6. 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUal8HED -LA1111n: M81 to Edhotlal P9ge Editor S.J. c.hn at the Oelty Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Cocta Mesa, CA 92627 •Rt t 1 n Hodn« Call (949) 642..eo88 Fu:: Send t~ (949) 64&4170 • • El'f'Ml:s.nct to dallypl1ot•l«kM&oom •All con-.>oodence must lndude fuH name. hometown and phone numbet (for V9ri1'cation sA.trpoeee). The Pilot teMf'Vtie the right to edit aft submlulons for darity and length. EDITORIAL Respect to you who fight fires E ver since their heroic efforts during the . SepL l l terrorist attacks, It was hard to Imagine respect for OJeflghters cllmblng any higher. That was until last month, when wtnd-whJpped wildflrea swept through Southern California hlllsides and forest&, turning once scenic landscape and homes Into cinder and lcllling some 20 people. Again, firefighters ba<t to dJg deep and perform miracles In sometimes unimaginable situations. They fought the Oames valiantly and dJd their level best to save homes and human lives from a fiery destruction. That's not to say the ft.re didn't win a major battle. At last count, about 750,000 acres of land was burned, 3,500 homes destroyed, 22 people lcilJed, 174 injured and 95,000 people evacuated. - And after it's all said and done, It will cost $2 billion to clean It up. firefighters responded, one paying the ultimate price. · And when the call came, Newport-Mesa firefighters answered, as weU. Newport Beach sent three engines, 12 ftiefigJuers and two battalion chiefs, and Costa Mesa sent two engjnes and eight firefighters. The Newport-Mesa firefighters went to San Bernardino, Upland, Simi Valley and other points throughout the Inland Empire. Our local firefighting teams proved once again how priceless they are. They proved that they are willing to risk their very Uves to keep our cities and homes safe and protect land and property from destruction. We hardly needed such a dramadc remlnder of firefighters' dedicadon, but h's good to know that when the moment comes, we have the very best ln fire protecdon. Fl.E PHOTO I OAILY PtlOT Oh yeah, nearly 13.000 We can't thank them enough. Firefighters walk down a path m Marshall Canyon as a wall of flames towers over them. MAILBAG FU PHOTO I DM.Y PILOT The Tiki goo~styte Kona Lanes bowting aUey sign when it was near Harbor Boulevard and Adams Avenue in Costa Mesa. The alley closed and was torn down earlier this year. Regent hotel receives repeated rejection from residents The d ty of Newport Bea.ch Planning Department staJJ, aupported by City Council membera, continues to Ignore residents' outapOk.en and now angry objections to the propoeed Sutherland-Talia Regent botd on the Balboa Pminsula. The latest outay against the hotel took place at the Oct. 29 meeting In coundl ctuu:nben, whlch WU called by the city to tolidt pubUc Input mated to the formation of the Nodce or Preperadon -a formal document that II mandatory In the bweaucratic procesa and must be written before an et)vlronmental reporL City staJfen property aak.ed for public Input on numerous mattm that needed to be Included In the above-mentioned notice, such u tramc. parting, noise, beach KCea and other relevant polnta of coooem. It turned out that the public Input not only brought out numerous mattm that were not Included tn the prellmlnary draft of the notice, but more Import.an~ nM!&led public angtr aplnlt the propoeed hotel plan ttlelf. And so the 1ap continues -namely, city ataff efl tn partnenhfp wtth the developen YCl'IUS the loCaJ realdentJ. 1b!a latest outcry ls consiltent wtth numeroua put aendmenta apJ.nst a hotel The eoludon to chit Impute wtll become avalllble 1n Nomnber 200f, when wten wtn ha'°' an opportunJty to elect councU memben who wtU reGect the wUJ of the people. Barking for more tliaD a Olle"'stop retail shop I WOUid Ute to float a propoeal wboM tilnehucome. How about uklng th e Segerstrom famJJy to develop the property at Harbor Boulevard and Mesa Verde Drive Eaat In a way that will bene6t the cltlz.ens of the city that hu made them very rich. I would like to propose that they buJJd a recreadon facUJty Including a skate park. t>a.rk park. movte complex and Ubrary. We have read ln the Pilot for yeara about the need for development or upgrades ln theae areu. I'm sure that other people have deslrea and wtah Usts of their own, and I would love to bear from other cltizeru about what would enrich their lives. We don't want or need a Kohls, WalMart or any other big box store on that comer. What we need la somewhere to go to relax, to have tun or learn something. How many more Identical ahopplng centen do we needf My wtfe calls.them •we-already-have-that" centers. Pleue aave me from more Starbucks, nail aalon.s and Subways. I know there la a need for all of the recreadooal fldl.ltlea 1 have mentJoned, and why not ute th.ls opponunlty that may never come around agalnf 1bJa city Is built out. There are no more altea to develop a major recreation area other than the Weatatde lndU$trlal area or Pl.lrvtew Park. I doubt anything wtll change in either of these two areu tn the near future. With the Mesa Verde property. we have land that ls currently empty. centrally located and hlltorically appropriate for thla type of development. We have all beneftted from the development of South Coast PW.a, thi Performlpc Al1I Center area. Home Ranch and the many other commercial developmtntl of the Sefentrom "villon. • t don't think It la unteQOnal>le to uk for IOIM enrkbment for the resJdent.a Who aupport all of theae commercial mdtlet. TOMWllCtl Costa Meta' READERS R~SPOND . Who's afraid of a big bad bridge? AT ISSUE: Newport Beach supports a bridge across the Santa Ana River at 19th Street that Costa Mesa has been trying to quash. W hlle I am c:hedciilg In a bit late with regards to thJs 19th Street bridge concept, I do have a ausgestt.:>n. Slnce alf cttiet Involved m concerned about the trafJic ~ that auch a bridge coukt aeate, how about a compri>m.laef &tend the Costa Mel&~ all the ~to COi1t Hfshway and bUOd the brid(le. That could aolve the cofllNdon problem at 19th Street. Whele the freeway dumps a bult amount of trdlc.. I'm an thole people Who llw "' N9wport lwJl ind me the~ to tmvel to and frGm dillr homes don' _.,,tlnlnl kl .a .mt UWDc on a ddy:~ any more ihln mo. ol ua in Costa Mila do. BJ the time the fieewlly~ rNch Cout fflihway. mlich of the tnllc wamdhlw-.ct)' aited ll l?dl or 18111 ltnl8tl.. lflbl~_..IObe bullt1tdllM1D1diQe.lt WOuld~ ......... options so that no one tranaportatfon artery would beomused. LHOCSETT Costa Mesa 1bis letter la in regards to the building of a bridge over the Senta Ana Riva' In Cotta Mesa. Oty oftlclala and resklenta of Costa Meaa ahould take a look at the beneftll of building such a bd •. The Idea ta that by building the bridge, the city of Costa Mesa would c:Onnect d1rectlY to the ocean and «hi Mate t.cb. Thia would benefit the property ownera ln the ua llld poYe • uaetuJ marbdDa tool b bulU*'8I, rental properties arid Mme ownen. Additionally, the dty has been wo.rtana on • l'Mlnelopmeot plan for the Viia111Me. By.co(lMCdngtbe .. todwiiCead.~ ... WOUid oaainly me1111e,~ownen . ..,..,,... ... ~ and thus upgJading the entire area. lb.ls increase in values would, In tum.~ In more revenue for the city. City pJanners should also look at rezoning to tab advantage of this ocean connection. A relative of ~ lives in a lovely trailer park on Whittier Avenue. Acrosa the at.reel Ja a large bluff overlooking the ocean and Catalina. Rec:ently. the city approved construdion of publk storage units on · this bhdt Had the city had the foialiht. they could • bave approved new single-family homes wfth ~views. This would bsve Improved the area greatly and given a Jwnp atart to the entire Westside r:edeveJopinent project. Local retidenll should thbik about croulng the bridge and amvtng juat • quarter mile from the beach. nu. bridge wUuld iOcieaie their acceta to the ocean and have a direct Impact on the value and future redevelopment of the area. A bddp coukl ere.le the biPminl of a "Mw" and bilaer WelCikle Calta MeM. 11 Rwnt KMCllD Newport Beicb HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CnY OF COSTA ME1A Costa Meet 0ty Hatl, n Fair Dftve, Com M9N. CA 92628, (714) 754-6223 Meyor: Gary Monat.I Councl: Libby Cowan, Allan Man900f', Mike Sdl9afer and Chris Steet Board: Preeldent Arlen. Schafer, Jim fenyman, Ai1 Peny, Greg Woodelde and Oen Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 2'00 KMmue Orfw, P.O. Box 8060, Com Meea, CA 92828-90f50, (714) 96MOOO r . .. . • . • .. • • . • . • .. . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH EMzabtth 0. Partcw, member, Trustee Area 6, Coeta • Meea, N9wpoft BNdl Newport BNdl Chy Hatl, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beedl. CA 12983, (Ml) 84• 3308 Mlyor: Steve Bromberg ' Counoll: Gary Ademe, John~ Dk* Nlc:holt, Steven Rouneky, Tod Rldgewey and Don Webb . NBWon..-.wa iiD 1CHOOL mTNCT 0191itct0tlae~ 215Alterk, CO. MIN, CA 1288, (?wt Ol IOOO • U 1 Ill ti LMeftllertial • .................. t:tuor.~flli1illdlrlt o.w .... a.ta ............. Dlvld ltoob, 1bm ... """" """°°and Undl "'-' ... CONIOl IDITID .... DSnlCT ,._...._llll~Coeta Mw,CAatn(M) .,,200 8illllt •fiiii-._...w.;.,..lt Jim~. Vice l'N11d1 IC a.~. 'fNdv ~ft, Ff9d lodlm•IF-., l'iutE.8hc)ll .... COITA mM INITMY DllTllCT P!O. lo9c .200, Colll ~CA --.1200, (714) ,..., ' ORANGE COUNTY 90MO OF SUPERVISORS Hatr of Admlnittrttfon, 10 CMc C..,ter Plue, Santa • Ana, CA 92701 •Jim Sltva, 2nd District (Costa M ... , Newport BMd\), (71•) 834-3220 • Thomn Wll9on, 6th Olttriot (Newport Coast), (714)~ ITATISEMll Aoei Johnaon (Rt, 39tt'I Dflt~ 18&62 MacMhur .. llYd., hlla •,!MM, CA 82716, (IM8) 833-0180; -(.., aw.e;,..... Secrecary Pllt ~. : : (t18) m-1200 : • ITA1I Allll•ll' John~ (A), 70dll Oletrict, State Capttc)l, Ila...,, CA •14, (118) 31~2010 E.met: ... ~••Mf61y.e1.gov. KM Medd• CR), .... Ol9tr\Cc. se. Capitol, ......._,CA •M, (111) (118) 311-2088; Or locll ofllae • 1IOl loulh COMt om., SuM 20I. C09t8 Mell la2e; (714)--2100; ,_ (714» -.210e ~ KMMllda•Mn.Cl.fOV SOCIETY TOOrsday. November 6, 2003 A7 THE CROWD Shopping for Angelitos de Oro H oliday shopping at South Coast Plaza today through Monday will benefit 8lg Brothets/BJg Sisters of Orange County, if you have the Angelltos Card. The Angelit05 de Oro, a upport group for BJg Brothers/ Big Sisters. is sponsoring a holiday shopping spree at selected South Coast Plaza stores, where holden of the card Will receive a~ discount on merchandise. The cost of the aud Is $50, with proceeds golog to Bi( Brothers/Sisters. It's not too late to participate. cau (949) 642·9883 to order Honotary chairs of Quest 003 Dwight the Angelltos Carci and Sill Decker . .--------. DISCOVERY SCIENCE CENTER The Newport-Mesa crowd turned out In force to support Quest 003, the gala raising funds for Discovery Science Center. B. W. COOK The black-tie affair attracted 360 guests, who dined on the cuisine of David Wilhelm's Culinary Adventures; and sipped martinis provided by Grey Goose. Raising more than $180,000, with funds earrnarlced for the science center's operations and educational programs. the evening was chaired with style by Celate Slgnorlno, David Rofsky and Jack Wuduun. Honorar; chairs of the evening were Silla and Dwight Decktt. Major underwriting came from Janet and James "Wallde'' Ray and the Arnold and M.abd 8eclanan Foundation. SOUND OF MUSIC Canier teamed up with the Sound of Music 01apter or the Guilds of the Orange County Performing Arts Center to throw a lavish fall cocktail reception at the oceanfront estate of Irene and Joe TutnJdmon. Organl7...ers billed the aJ fresco evening as "For Your Eyes Only,· in keepmg with a James Bond theme selected for the major Sound of Music gala slated for March 6, 2004. a highlight of the Newport social scene. Cartier's lovely rep Caroline Jones had her models, male and female, showing off the Cartier collection known as Le Brasier du Dragon. The evening was chaired by the gorgeous pair of Newport blonds, K.e1Jy Hague and ~ Komyet Some 200 members and guests dined on exquisite Asian-theme cuisine catered by the "JGtchen for Exploring Foods.~ out of Pasadena Introduced to Newport by Pelican Point hostess s.JJy Crockett, wife of Randy Croclcett, the patrons raved about the food and its presentation. In the crowd were Leslie and Dino CanceJllerl of the Balboa Peni.nsula. Lori and John Loftus, Trad Martin, Karen and Brett Gregor. Carol and Rick Dalton. Kathie and John Porter, Danni Good. lClmbedy Fernberg. Pamela Lowry, Beth Han, and Shawn Cunnlngbam. MISSION IN REMISSION The Great Stone Oturch monument at Mission San Juan Capistrano will benefit from the generosity of Friends of the Mission's fifth anniversary gala A capacity crowd. many coming from Newport-Mesa to support the architectural statement on the list of the 100 most endangered historic shes in the world by the Monuments Fund of New York, raised needed funds tow-.ud restoration. The gala dinner benefit, known as "Romance of The Mission,· was chaired by Newports Cecilia Nott. Janet Cwd Walsh and PJalne Delman. Other Newport-Mesa patrons Included Mendlth McLarand Qud, Heather Kldn, Amy Nott, Joyce Graham and Kristan O'Donnell. For the fourth year, the evening wdS sponsored by the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel under the dlrection of general manager John DravtnsJd. A lavish Spanish-theme dinner presentation. "La Cocina Avante-Guardia de Espana," prepared by renown chefs Ouiatian Rasslnoux and John RJvera Sedlar, delighted the black-tie crowd. The special honored guest of the evening was Henry Ng. in from New York representing the "World Monuments Fund." • THE ~OWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. "lMNC ftOOM'S lWlNC ftOOM'S So~M' ga,s lAm &. Mtmm Janet Curci Walsh. Dean Corey, Elaine Delman and Cecilia Nott at a benefit at Mission San Juan Capistrano . Shawn Cunningham, Beth Hart and hoste~s Irene Tomlinson at a reception in support of the O.C. Performing Arts Center. Q: My 16-year-old was diagnosed with cancer. ts there o rodlity In Of'onge County lhaf otrers ll'le most vp-to-dote treatment~ ASKA CHOCDOC A: Leonard Sender, M.D. Medlcol Olrecior the CHOC Cancer INlllut• A cancer diagnosis impacts a young adult differently thati an adult tater in life. so it's important co find a canca- cema that apecialiii:S in cancer uatment fur this aae srouP· Caned centm mrically focus on che .... of older petienta . Wiiie. )'\MW edult may tit cxcellal cliiQal CM ...,ltmayDGCbtthe _.._.. ..... ........ tll • QUESTIOM #24 CHOC's Cancer Institute serves aa a regional center for the natment of cancer with I foa.11 Oil young iduha. Our A.d01eica\t Md YOW11 Adult (AVA) propan allowl ldoletcenaa to pll1iciplte in cliniCal 1rilll oft"erina nltmcllll lierttlliWI. ButOIOC~C... r-... doeai't *Pat lhe ... cliir:ll ... lliid ....... 0. ---~ill' I !IN ......... a:., • .......... H .. needs. The AVA program addres.ses qlajity-of- life issues reswting from cancer~ including thOse related to appea:ranc:ic, sexuality, fanijly, college and ~.AtCHOCwc mt die whole child. lt'I whit you'd qpect 8Uaa • ~ Whote'whole wortdis~. ' -M T~, ~ 6, 2003 L I FE & LE I SUR BEST BUYS Friends decide tQ go shopping C o-ownm and friends for 30 yean. Colleen Greene and Jody Carr opened their ftrst women'• bOutique earl1er this week: Len Go Sbopptnc on Bal>oa Island. They reeearched other laland &hope and tried to be a little d.itrerent. Opening day was • blghlt. Let's Go Shoppfna caniet C8iU&I to dJ'CllY clothing, punsn, pasbmlna shawls, evening purses, candlee, wlno 1topP,tf1, jewelry and tM'n Uver lets for the hOlldays. New merchandise Lt consW\tly arriving. Including lampe and Hawaiian theme Items. Let's Oo Shoppin8 II open from 10 a.ro. to s pm. Tumday through Sunday. It bat 114 Agate OD Balboa Wand. Calf (9-t9) 723·ll69. AT HOME At Home ls having a pre-Outstmas sale wilh merchandlse reduced SO'JL. Al I lome hal fun gifts tuch u hand-painted water foUAtalns. outdoor an. Tummy Bahama trunb and containers. kitchen acceaories, minora and Ou1stnw dkor. lt't open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. At Home ls at 404 32nd St. in Newport Beach. Call (9f9)653~. UPSCALE R£TAI. Don't miNtbe National Ol&rlty Leagqe junior's "upscale retail" clodU.ng available the third 1'1W'lday ()/ ewtY month at the 'lkbod<s 11utft ·Sbop. Thtre'a a great GREER WYLDER aelectlon ot gently used designer labels in adillt and chUdrm mes. Prices are bard to pass up. Also, find barp.lna on quality used household ltema and toya. The ndctocker Thrift Shop ls open from 10 Lm. to 8:30 p..m. Monday through Saturday al 540 w. 19th St. in Costa Mesa. Call (949) 646-4024. STORY LADY • U.. Cohen. locally known as "the Story Lady," entenalns children at the A.-Plp'I story hour and otrm creative entertaJrunent at chlldren's pattiet. Themes~ her spedalty. including. princess, pirates. mermaids and tupaberoel. Cohen can come to any loc:atiOn. or chfldleo can have pardet It her ~y hoUle.. Call (949) 645-8044 or vtsft httfi'.Jlwww.~rldds.com .. OPEN HOUSE •0utst:mu in the Ge.rden" la the theme for the annual holiday open .house at Sbennan Ubrary and Gardens from Prtday through Dec. 24. P.ach year, ltJ wlunteer UIOdatloo plans a special ahopp~ event lo the Gift Shop. Olooee from handmade needlewoD., ttte and home dkor, beautlful holiday cards, gift wrap. tap and edecdc &)ft& You can also ordet top-of·the line Paul P.c:ke polnsettlas in red. white or Monet that will an:tve in December. The Sherman IJbrary and Ge.rdens ls at 2647 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. call (949) 673·2261. LUXURIOUS FABRICS TSB (prooouooed say) ls a European fashJon house known for Its luxurious cashmere and ftne fabrics. Oasslc d~ for women lnclude everyday sweaters. perfectly tailored double-faced cashmere coats. and beautiful dressa Runous deslgnttl contribute u ~tive directors. including the lncredil>Je NarcisO Rodriquei:. H1.111tin OWayan and Victor AlCoro. nw latest addition ls Richard ChaJ. a wented d ~ fonnerly at Mare Jacobi and Donna Karan He's ahowiJ1g fabulous looks: pea coats. cropped &red pants, and wide-leg trousetL It's one of the few companies in the world that ~ ~gauge 1uper{Jpe wools (The hJghest gauge wool that moat top de$1gnm use Is in the 20s.) Othet'appard ls made from cashmere blends, silk, ~ and lnaedlble stretch cottons. TSE hu two sales a year: before Olrlstmas and in June. The store ls open from I 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; &om 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. SUnday. Jt'a on Level I or the Nordstrom wlng at South Coast Plaza. Call (714) 540-4664. APPRECIATING CUSTOMERS November ls customer appreciation month at Spa GNgoriee. Specials wiD be offered &om Sunday through Friday, Nov. l-4. • On Sunday. an dty and county employees can receive 1()11(, off on AFTER HOURS the door. lnfonNtlon (949) .Death• will be performed et 8 "Candide• end "On The Town:' Tidceta coat $20 to $65. 440-9873. p.m. Saturday et Winifred Smith Tho concerta start at 8 p.m. Information: (714) 766-5799, eervicel (~gifts and ..inple. too). ~ •Monday will be balf·prlce hydro da)': Book a 30-mlnute h)'drotberapy tJUtmmt and any other spa~ , and receive half OJt I • On Tuesday, Veterans Day, veteraljSl ,. and anned forces and military ..,., personnel wiD receive 1 ()Cl(, off on v services (free gifts and aarnple1. too). • •On Wedneeday and Thursday, face. ., ($50) and body ($60) peels wiD be .. performed by MO Skincare from 11 LO'l->, to 1. p.m. The peels include a $20 , coupon for MD Skincare product I ~on tha1 day. It's a $140 value. • ~ Prtday WW be lucky locker day. 1WQ ,. clients will haw IUIJ>rises in their lockers, and spedaJ values and gllt:s with purchases will be offered from Aroma1lorla. a bath and bodyUne. Spa Gregorles ls at 200 Newport C.enter Drive In Newport Beach. Call J, (949) 644-6672 or visit http://www.spagrrgorles.com. • BEST BUVS appura Thuradays. Send information to Greer Wyldet at \} ,, ' grHrwy#der yahoo.oonr; et 330 W. Bay SL,, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) , 1 646-4170. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZl0 • Walter Lakota and David Alcanw, Hall In UC Irvine. Tldcet1 cost $12, Tldceta are $20 to $35. For httpt..WWW.paclfic.ymphony.org. the New Yori< Jazz Connection • Submit AFTER HOURS Item• to NEWPORT HARBOR $10 and $8. Information: (949) Information, call (714) 755-5789. Duo, play et Mamme Gina et 251 • the Delly Pilot 330 W. Bay St., CHRISTMAS BOAT~ 824-4269. --RESTA NAVIDAD CONCERT E. Coaat Highway In Newport et 8 Cotta MNa, CA 92627; by fax to Beautifully decorated yed\t.a, DAVID CASSIDY Jose Feliciano will Join mariachi p.m. Friday• and Saturdays and • (949) 546-4170; or by calling (949) boeta, uyab and cenoes will aall GUITAR ENSEMBLE David Ce•idy will be performing bandlea$r Natl Cano aa part of et 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. 57~295. along the harbor In the 96th Orange Coat.a College'• Guitar aome of hit greatest hits, such aa the 10th annual Fiesta Navldad Diana Ollri jolna the duo on annu1I Newport Harbor Ensemble, a chamber group of "I Think I Love you• and •Doesn't concert at 8 p.m. Dec. 9 at the vocals on Mondays. It'• free. . SPECIAL EVENTS Chrlstmaa eo.t Par* Dec. 17 mo,. than 20 pl-vel"I, will offer lta Somebody Want To Be Wanted;' Orange County Performing Arts Information: (949) 673-9500. • through 21. Eadl night the 1nnual fall concert at 8 p.m. et 8 p.m. Nov. 21 and 22 at the Center. Tldceta coat $20 to $69. • • HISTORY Of tfTCHCOCK parade will begin It 6:30 p.m. at Saturday In OCC'a Rne Arta Orange County Performing Arts Information: (949) 553-2422, MUSIC AT THE GRILL -I Orange to.It College 11 offering Collins laland and Int two and a ~IH411. Center. Tkbt.a cost $26 to $105. http.i..WWW.phlhannonicsocit1ty. The Bluewater Grill offers live a nl,.part fllm hlltot'y on Alfred half hours. The parade la hotted lnformstlon: (714) 765-5799, org. music Friday and Saturday Hltctlccx*. The Mriet will be by the Commodores Oub of the SALUTE TO AMERJCAN http.il'Www.pacificaymphony.org. nlghtl. Greg Morgan, Nldc Peper. ~ moder1ted by retired OCC Newport Beadl Chamber of COMPOSERS JAZZ TRIO and Kelly Gordian (known 11 ,..> profeuor H. Arthur Taullig. Eed\ Commerce. Information: (949) Orenge Coast College'• Wind ST. LAWRENCE STRING Gulfstream Restaurant In MPG) perform claulc rode, R&B ·.~ '"lion will be held et 8:30 p.m. 729-4400, http://Www.chrl6tma• Ensemble will offttf 1 salute to QUARm Newport Beach presentl a jazz and awing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. ·., ~ one Ff1day each month. The ~tpa_rade.oom. American composers at 3 p.m. The St Lawrence String Quartet trio Sunday through Wednesday Marvin Gregory and MPG will events will be hefd It OCC'a Ane Nov. 18 In the Robert B. Moore will perform at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 25 as regular entertainment et 850 perform claulc rodt. swing and-.. .; Atta HalJ 118. Adm•lon la SB for MUSIC Theatre. Tdeta co.t $7. in Foundel"I Hall at the Orange Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The .. adults end $6 for a.nlora end Information: (714) 432-5880. County Performing Arta Center. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and restaurant Is at 630 Udo Part OCC atudenta.. Fot more CHANO ~SEXTET Tldceta cost $42. Information: 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) lnformltlon, call (714) 432-5880. The ecclalmed Chano Dominquez THE GREAT LEONARD (714) 56&-ARTS, Wedn81day. (949) 718-0188. 675-3474. Sextet will perform et 8 p.m. BERNSTEIN http://www.ocpac.orp. 'A CHOCOLATE AFFAJW today at It the Irvine Bai'day Cart St Oalr and the Padflc WEEKLY JAM MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Young Profeulonala Agalnat Theatre. Tldteta COit $30 and $36. Symphony give a tribute concert VIVALDfS FOUR SEASONS The Studio Cafe present.a The Rusty Pelican offers the Cancer and the Orange County Information and tJdctta: (714) to St Oalr'1 longtlme friend and The Pacific Symphony will Monday Night Jami from 7 to 11 music of Common Ground from Foundetlon for Oncology 740-7478, mentor Leonard Bernstein It the perform Vivaldi'• "The Four p.m. every week. "Wanted• Wedneadll'y through Sunday. The• Chlldren & Femill11 will holt a http.i/Www.thebarcl•y.orp. Or1nge County Performing Art Seasona; Boccherlnl'1 Sinfonia In musicians Include guitar players, band perform1 frbm 7 to 10 p.m. . fund-nilslng event from 7 p.m. to Center on Nov. 19 and 20. The D minor No. 4, and Corelli'• bass players. singers, drummers, Wednesday end Thursday, from midnight Nov. 16 et Newport UCI CHAMBER SERIES ordleatra will perform Concerto Grouo In F major at 8 keyboardilltl and othera at 100 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and' The concert •Proko1'ev: A Symphonic Dances from "West p.m. Dec. 3 ind 4 et tl}e Orange Main St., Newport Beactt. Free. . Oun.a w.t.rfront Raort. Tldteta . Remtmbranoe 60 Years After Hi1 Side Story" and excerptl from County Performing Arta Center. (949) 675-7700. • C09t $76 In advance end $86 et SM HOURS, Pqe At, THE L.IFE &. LEISURE Thursday. NoYembef 6, 2003 At NO PLACE LIKE HOME Throwing the Perfect party ' T Is the aeason to be IOda1. Here are a (ew tricb to throwing and enjoying a great party. The guest list ls the ftrst part of the plan. Mix up the usual crowd and Include fttends from different areu of your Ufe. Make sure you incorporate people with dltferent professions and backgrounds. Th1s ls not the time to be predictable. lnvitadons don't have to be elaborate, but they do set the tone for the evening. Be spedflc about attire, time and theme. A clever lnvitadon that peaks interest ls hard to resist, whether It's formal or casµal. lf you're not of the breed that makes their own lnvitadons, there are plenty of clever and classy alternatives. Oaeck out the opdons at a stationery store and ask for help. No need to muddle through this orryour own, Music Is a must. Don't welt until the last mlnute to malte a plan. Hiring a pianist could be the best Investment you make in a party plan. Uve music takes a solree to the next level. It doesn't have to be the guy from Nordstrom's. TI1ere are plenty of talented students who would love the opportunity to show off and make a llltJe extrct n1oney. If you're using your own music. set HOURS Continued from N3 Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jene on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brundl. The program features a)J your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony'' la at 151 E. Coatt Highway. (949) 673-3426. r- rtbP-ROCK AND fUMENCO lite 6, •funk, rode and Motown ~ performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays •earmelo'a Rlstorante, 3520 E. Coatt Highway, Corona del Mar. Soto guitarist Ken Sanders performs cla11ical flamenco U.nea a1 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and $1ndaya. Free. (949) 675-1922. fATURDAV NIGHT RU ~Id Ishibashi and the Stone Brfdge Band play rode and R&B at Si).m. Saturdays at Sutton Place El'• Trianon Lounge, 4500 cArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. . (949) 478-2001. S:rAGE '?ERRANOVA' .;,-erra Nova" by Ted Talley will be P'trformed through Nov. 16 with ptrlormancea at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, at 2:30 and 8 p.m. s.turday, and at 2:30 and 7:30 p,m. Sunday. It will be performed llt South Coatt Repertory Segerstrom St.age. "Terra Nova" l11et in the winter of 1911-12 as ftve Englishmen •nd five NOrw90i•n1 raced each other to tGe South Pole. The center i1 at ~Town Center Drive In Cotta Mesa. Tickets are available at tha clnter'a box office, by calling (714) 656-ARTS or online at KAREN WIGHT up the list a Cewdays ahead or time. Keep the volume level manageable; no one likes to misaa good conversation. The menu ls slgnlOcant, but don't make it too complicated. Even if you h1re it out, you want to be able to enjoy yourself and not worry about when the rien course should be served. Catered Is cool, but homemade can be great, too. Just keep it simple. Don't try out a new recipe the day of the party. Make a test batch the week before and work out the glitches before the big day. Plan your lighting inside and outside. A few luminaries on the path to the front door are a nice way to greet guests. Inside. bring out the candJes for the tables. buffet, maritles and powder . room. Candlelight is magical. Make sure that you have ample seating. lf that mearis borrowing or renting chairs, be sure that there is a comfortable place for everybody to sh. http:/lwww.ocpsc.org. 'THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES' South Coast Repertory will present "The Emperor's New Clothes." a youth theater production, through Nov. 16 on the Julianne Argyros Stage. The ·musical was created the Tony Award-winning team behind "Ragtime; "Seussical the Musical" and "Once on This Island" from Oct. 31 through Nov. 16 on the Julianne Argyros Stage. Tickets will cost $10 to $21. Information: (714) 708·5656. 'TEN LimE INDIANS' The Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse will present Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indiana" through Nov. 23 at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. 661 Hamilton St., Cotta Mesa. Tickets will cost $10 to $15. Information: (949) 660-5269. http:llwww.cosramess playhouse.orp. 'lWELFTH NIGHT' Orange Coatt College's Theatre Department will stage Shakespeare's gender-bending comedy "Twelfth Night" for three weeks atartlng Friday. Show times are 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. The run will end Sunday, Nov. 23. Ali performances will be In the Drama Lab Theatre on the OCC campus, 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. 'MACBETH' Vanguard University's theater department will present Shakespeare's "Macbeth" Nov. 14 through 16 and 20 through 23 at the college's lyceum Theater. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays and at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. There will be no 2 p.m. matinee Nov. 16. Information: (714) 656-3610. 'THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST Oscar Wilde's comedy of manners will be performed Nov. 14 through Dec. 14. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Tickets coat Glassware and plates don't have to match. Just have enough to go around, and a few eXIJ'8 In case the evening takes on a Ufe of lts own. lf your party b fonnal, white linen tablecloths are always appropriate, but for an lnCormaJ gatht:rlng, you can use table runners, placemats. confetti and folded napkins to set the tone. # Aowers are a big part of the budget. lf you don't want to· lnvest in armJoad! of cut Dowers. buy live plants and put them In beautiful containers. Orchids and topiaries last weeks after the party Is over. Buy loo e branches of evergreens for }'O't1 tabletops, nestle votives and ornaments In the greens and you have an lmtant centerpiece. Goodie bags aren't just for the kindergarten set. A few cookies or candies from a family recipe I placed In a cellophane bag and tied with a ribbon are a nice gift for your guests. Or you CWl save the baking time by ordering fortune cookies with personalli.cd messagei.. The most lmportru1t part? Relax and have fun. Isn't that what a party is all abour? •KAREN WIGHT 11 a Newport Beach re1ldent. Her column runs Thur1day1. $17 opening night, otherwise $13. Information: (949) 631-0288 THE MOUSETRAP Corona del Mar High School drama department will present "The Mousetrap" at 7 p.m. Nov. 19 to 22 at Corona def Mar High School's little Theatre. 2101 Eastbluff Drive. Tickets coat $7 presaie and SB at the door. Information (949) 515-6049. THE MIRACLE WORKER Estancia High School's drama department wtll present "The Miracle Wortcer" at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 to 6 and 12 and 13 at the Barbara Van Holt Theatre at Estancia High School. 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. Tickets coat SB. Information: (949) 615-6537. ART 'TREASURES OF TRAVEL' An exhibition of Capistrano Beach artist Timothy J. Clarie's latett watercolor and oil paintings will continue through Nov. 15 at Nottingham Flne Art, 4229 Birch St., Newport Beach. The gallery ia open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 1 to 6 p.m. Saturdays. Information: (949)833-1770 DANCE 1.0RD Of THE DANCE' The Orange County Performing Art Center will present Michael Flatley'• "lord of the Dence" at 8 p.m. Nov. 26, 26, 28 and 29 at the Center. Tickets coat from $23.26 to $63.26. Information: (714) 666-ARTS, http:/lwww.ocpsc.org. SWING Leu6na are given from 2 to 6 p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing D•nce Club. Information: http:llocawfnp.com. (909) 666-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dencln,g la offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the flm Saturday of each month et Oanaceqe Studio, 2980 McCllntode W•y, Cott• Mesa. Information: (714) 641-8688. NOW OPEN UNDER NEW OWNERS! Wonderful French E>istro Cuisine Prix Fixe Menu ~Courses tor $18 & A La Carte Menu "2.J Newport ~lvd1 Ncwpart f>each (9+9) b75-6')90 • b·IOpm Tues-Sun THANKSGIVING Award Winnin~ PREMIEHE Seafood Restaurant in Orange County at Our extended mcm 1 will incluclc a naclitional Hoas1 Tom 1\ trkcy Dinner! 12 Noon, Thursday November 27th 2 I oo w. Oceanfront, Newport Beach, CA Reserve Now (949) G73-2 I oo www.2 I oceanfront .coin Zagar rared ·111c l>e~t C lv\B LE<iS" <mcl "~vcr-elusive ABALONE': witt1 a GOH(iF< >US OCEAN VIEW BAC KDHOP Live Etllertalnnwnr • Mondt1y Nigh1 Football • Valet Parking Wine Cellar For Priv<ll<' Parties Now Booking I lollday Banqu<:l!-t Anet 2 1 oceanfronrs Anmml Nc:w Ye<1r'~ 13<111 The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/o off ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' ~ FURNITURE RE UP HOLSTE RX •Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers •Patio Furniture •Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads -AIO Tlvsd.ly, November 6, 2003 LIFE&. L .EJSURE TRAVEL TALES niagical adventure on Vancover Island: Pat Neisser of Newport Beach looks for mushrooms in the forests near Victoria and tours the island's wine country. ByPatNel11er A sour intrepid group of mushroom seekers slogged up the m011S..covered slope, our cleated boots sank into the rich damp earth. and we breathed in the plney aroma of the forest surroundtng us. We were gu~ts at the charming l!nglish hotel the Oak ·Bay Beach l lotd and Marina, In Victoria, Vancouver Island, and were led by our tour planner. mycologist Jool Bridle from the hotel. The search for edible mushrooms was an unusual experience. secluded beach where freshly cooked crab and wine are served. Guests gaie through telescopes at the nJght sky as a.stronqmers explaining the various phasea of Satwnand Jupiter. Whale watching. serious hildng and many other unusual creais are planned for guests at thJs delightful ht>tel Bewm of the &esh cookies and cocoa served every night before bedtime. Victoria. the capital of BrttWi C.Otumbla. is filled with historical buildings Including the Gowmment House. whJch ls lighted up at night. and or course. the venerable Fairmont Empress Hotel that serws a high lea daily. The Royal 8.C I . you need exercise, climb Mt. • Maxwell Accommodations Oow : from bed and breakf'ast.s. to • camp sites and larger Ions to my• favorite, Hastings Ho~ located: near the Ooat plane dock and : the main town of Ganges. Ha.5tings House is also a Relul et Oiateaux member. and its amenities are blissful. Thirty acres of velvety lawns are dotted • with cottages, barns and sheep graze peflcefully In the nearby pastures. Its main house was built in 1930 after a 14th-century F.oglisb manor remembered fondJy by the hotel's owner. Old houses were brought from around the Island and converted into the most ch.arming of abodes. We stayed in Post House, a 19th-century post office turned into a delicious cottage with two rooms, huge fireplace and comfortable furniture. We found morel and learned about other edible and not-l>()·good mushrooms, as we climbed up to view an old lighthouse. We were on Dhcovery Island In the f laro Straits, having arrived by landing craft In bright orange fuU Oo1a1Jon suits, whkh we happUy doffed upon landing on the beach. ·n101 night at the ho1el, we had mushroom hors cl'oeuvreir. and a superb dinner paired wuh excellent wines from the Olerry Point vineyard some miles north of Victoria. Museum is a must, and be p1"C4>ared for the shopping of a Ufetlme, since the Canadian dollu bas dropped again. The Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria Harbor. C.Omputers are welcome here with ports available. Each morning, a wicker bask.et of muffins and hot drinks is left at your door to tide you over till the enormous breakfast in the hotel is served. Another day, we were driven 10 winery cownry and we biked through vineyardll, stopping for a bit or homemade cheese and a taste of wlnt'. We al..o cruised over 10 the Ameriam San Juan I land'>. about 40 nunutci. ac:roS!> the I laro Str..UL'>. Whales c.:uvorted aJong the way; killer wh..tl~ Uve there year round. We went through customs and were soon ridJng about tbe largest island, San Juan, exploring parks and the cl1arming town of Friday Harbor. Roche ftarhor Is packed with sa1Jboats and has a 100-year-old hotel lhut can accommodate visitors. One of the most thriJllng excursion., planned by the hotel is the romantic crescent moon kayak.log and i.targa7Jng event. It include!. an easy paddle In kayaks (with guld ) to a You can feny. Oy on seaplanes or regular planes to other Islands, back to Vancouver, or down to Seattle. Another Oak Bay Beach hotel jaunt includes a train ride and a night at the Aerie Resort and Spa. We completed this excursion one day by taking the V1A Rail traJn from the old Victoria Tulin Station up to the top of Mt Malahat. a short 40-minute hop. A liveried van driver awaited us. and in mJnutes, we had arrived at the eleg911t Aerie Resort and Spa. The Mediterranean-styfe hotel hangs above forests touching Finlayson Arm fjord far below, and gives off an aura of being In Greece or Sardinia A Relais and Olateaux hotel group member. this spa is a mixture of modem and Bermudan d~or, with guest rooms or different stytes, most offering hot tubs and plenty of amenities. The hotel has a pool, lounges and dining rooms, while the spa buildings up the hill offer myriad massages. wraps and facials and tnore guest rooms. We were fortunate to A steam pit at a hotel. participate In a special rite that Is offered guests at the hotel. We hiked into the nealby forest and helped In gathering wild plants, digging a stone-lined pit and aJdlng our First Nations guide In putting vegetables, fish and meat4 Into the pit for steaming. We would share In eating the gourmet dinner that was to be served later. Wtne pairing is big In Ot.nada. and James Kendal, the wine director of the Aerie We help you save money and make banking e~sy with our services. V' Account Reconciliation Services V' ACH Services V' Cash Vault Services V' Check Imaging Products V' Courier Service V' Electronic Tax Deposits V' Internet Business Banking V' Lockb'ox Services V' Merchant Bank Card V' Wire Transfer Services Call us at your convenience! Betsy Grose, SVP Operations & Technology 714-431-7004 I free Valet Parldng) Commercial Bank of California 695 Town center Drive, Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714·431-7000 www.combanCal.com . Where Business is Personal SM has an incredibly fine wine list from Canadian wines to the best of the world NeedleM to say. our meal was a culinary feat of magic. The Aerie is ranked as one of the finest small hotels in the world. Winning No. 6 on the "Top North American Small Hotel" list, it ranks hJgh internationally in the C.Onde Nast awards. A couple of us then headed down to the water's edge to ferry OVfJ to oqe or my all-time favorite resorts: Hastings House on Salt Springs Island one of the ~adlan Gulf lsJands. The Gulfs and the San Juans are very close to each other In the straits of Georgia between maJnJand Canada and Vancouver Island. This is the perfect place to veg out. enjoy the scenery. try new sports, eat oneself into oblivion and enjoy smelling the roses. Although it may be an unknown entity to you, I 0,000 happy souls call it home. Salt Spring Is the crown jewel of the Gulf Islands, only a 30-mlnute Ooatplane ride from Vancouver Of Victoria. Sheltered Crom rough weather, these lslands are covered with green forests, lakes and happy campers. The pace is slower, and creativity seems to be the reason for living here. Many really fine artJsts worlc seriously all over the island, showing off their works in weekly art shows. Sheep are raised here, and descendants of the first settlers, many of them Hawaiian, still enjoy the atmosphere of the island. KayaJclng is superb alortg the edges or the beaches, and lf In the manor itself, an enormous wallc-ln fireplace warms the main Uving room, and a discrete bar is nearby. A • casual dining room is on the lower level, while the stunning dining room requires a jacket for dinner. An elaborate afternoon tea is served daily, and thank God the mountain btkcs arc available to t.raverw the i~land, or after a few daxs. you would be bulging. We rented an aging car and visited many artists around the island, also wandering the Ruckle Provincial Park with its open-for-view old homes from 1872. Don't miss David Jaclc. ... on's Tufted PuJfm Gallery. There are plenty or fun eateries, but for superb dining. have dinner at the hotel. Back in Victoria, a lively one-night event happens once a month or so, caJled the AJe Trail. Six microbreweries have gathered together to show off ·' their specialties and you'U spend . See TRAVEL • P•&• Al~; November 7 & 8 Friday & Saturday 10 am to 4 pm Public Invited LAGUNA DESIGN CENTER 23811 Aliso Creek Rd, Laguna Niguel, CA 926n At the corner of Aliso Creek Rd and Alicia PKWY Tel 949.643.7147 or www.lagunadeslgncenter.com • Prl•"" Pi"''" Stt1-Ji1 •SPINNING T/11111tr witll N1• Su11-.f-1l11-Ar1 C1cu1. • 16 Ft1-IJ.tiWJt P1r11,,.J Tt•i,,ns • Chil.tJ Clln '""'-""" M .. S•t. • C0Ht11ln11 P11rii11t • Y•t"• T•i Chi, Stwt• '"'"" • Sttp. P1t1J" P'""I• C•r'11 • Sltot11tr1, S"""" tf r,,,,,4 • 0111 S111 949760-5054 www~ com • www.11nt•llflCI• 2101 &.i POcilic Coaet Hf..y. Corono °"""' ' .. .., -·; a L. .. LIFE & LE I SU R E Thursday, NoYember 6, 2003 All • ON VACATION Elana Peters of Corona del Mar stands in front of the Fort Lauderdale Museum in Florida. Chris and Rebecca Cox of Newport Beach and friends enjoy spring break in Lahaina, Hawaii. TRAVEL You'll taste beer at Hugo's Grill and Brewhouse, the Harbour Canoe Oub and the Vancouver Island Brewery and learned almost too much about the making of brews at the Lighthouse Brewing Company. Continued from Al 0 the night In one of three real Vletorian houses, dining at the Spinnaker's restaurant pub. which owns the bed and orealcfast<;. Dining at Spinnakers is a real treat. Amazing food comes out of their kitchen and homemade bakery goodies even have ale in some of them. A bus carries you from brewery to brewery and your resting place at Spinnakers, so drink up. Each brewerie makes a few f:faJ ale'l (I never dld figure why they're all called beers. ale Is the word most used.) I ,Oipped over the ginger ginseng cream ale at Hugo's, and became •ther fond of a spicy ale made .by Spinnaker's brewerie. • EDrTOR'S NOTE: Pat NetSser is a Newport Beach resident I ~s ~~CHITO BANQUET ROOMS Av•ll•ble for I fu..,~ fe~tive P~rtie~! MEXICAN BUFFETS • Fajtt.a • Camltaa · • Quac•mole • EnchllllCl8a •nd much lllOIWI Cervezas • Margaritas • Live ~exlcan Music ~ . ~~~~ ~¢~( H~lidta~ fiestti N~w! Costa ..... (949)&42· 1142 ............ ..... (714)ge().9698 ....,._,....,_... i== Help kee·p our city ~lean! Nick Rycroft, Jessica Arias, Dan and Barbara Rycroft of Costa Mesa enjoy their trip to Niagara Falls. M-'fj: ... ,,,. Fri: •--'II• Sid: I 011• I /IM John Jennifer We belong to the world's largest flooring retatl group • co-op. We are the biggest floorlng dealers tndlvtdually owned and o~ted. 4,000 STORE · BUYING POWER NOBODY any.where can l»al 011,. #l«tton, prices <W snvtu. H>tl'rw J>dYl"I too """" V you 're not °"'"""~ ,,.. Lifetime Warranty Carpet s 1 •• lifetime Warranty Laminate s2•• L....-.......:~nmr.,Mb~--~~~..._.. Join Our Dueling Chefs .•. Chef Bill and Chef David for an Extraordinary Culi~ry Adventure . Featuflng: A Showc:ase Of Paclflc And MMlttmnean Seafood Served Buffet S!Y'e, Compllmtn~ With A Delec:tabfe Chocolate fantasy Desttrt DlspQy • ~ 1 9 • 9 5 ~~I= Gratuity And Tax , · Served Thursday, 5pm-8pm The Martini and Wine Bar is oi perfect location for oi Pre-Dining Beverage of Choice. Live Entertoiilwnent, Sufo.W MartiniJ, Varidy of WorlctCW. Wines and ~lightful Culinoiry Appetizer flights Complimenta'C!!et Parking ts 102 Rfitaunnl & ~molt ~ Martinl 1nc1 w."' ear iltt loated in Ow Irvine Maniott Hotel 18000 Von KanNn A\'muf, Irvine, CA 9261 :Z For Rnerntiom, ull (9-49) 798-2323 SILVERBERG SUR~CAL AND M; DICAL GR UP .... Reverse the effects of the Sun .... IPL™ Intense Pulsed.Light Treatments • Rosacea • Brown spots • Fine Li Over a hmdt ...._,.a cm mene the effects -that sun damage his aamed with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL TM). To learn more call: Nancy L. Silverberg, M.D. • O.tt 15 ynn nptrl<iltt llffkman 1.-.tt ln~ltutt, l < I • Boerd Ctrlilltd OttlNltotocisl • Prh1lt Prartltt In "''"J>CIM Boc:h 10< u•tr 18 ytar. • Al>O(illt (. lhtlol Piplmor of ~rclldM, l {'I Lynn Bandaruk, R.N. • 0Hr 15 yun nptrlutt Btckman Laur lulll•lt, l ('I • F•IH•ht cll1lcal uprrlHtt I• laur ... ll&hl .~ ... ,, 949. 760.0190 www.sllverbergmd.com Slhtrbt'l ..,urglall and Mtdlaal Groap 1401 A•ocado A\fn~. ullt 703 Nf1•port Bnch. (.'A 92660 Gus Brenda :AAD ... ··-. ~ . .. • '° ,.,. 00 •.,...,o" lifetime Warranty Ceramic s1 •• 100% FREE lifetime W•rranty Wood s2•• ,, No Questions Asked 60 """ exdNm,-. If 'YOU "°"., lllle ~ -will "1pl4ra " FULL SERVICE C111ter T1p1 • Showers • Cera•lo • SttH • Oraaite • Wed Rtli•I•~ ONE STOP SHOP Wi•4ew Coverl• t • Clt1ala Car et & U ~eltte • Pal•tla -l1terltr & bterltr Costa Me•a lrvln• <M•> 890•7878 (M9) 8ll•Ot•t t•• •· t7th '''''Main •a• ·=~::... MON-Fii t ·S ' MOM·Fll 10·6 • SATURDAY t0·4 SATUIOAYS & SUNtAVS t0-4 CLOSU SUNDAY EVUUMIS IY APPOIMTMUT .. ft -• 1 .I/ ~;IY. tff.l"/'tV#/ty/, 'Alrw•;l't/(tfWt •GIA •EGL CerMed Dlamond.I • Cultom1led Orders • EllppmtDt II Wecldinr Rlnp • Repa1re Wb.Ue You Walt • 18 lndependenUleroha.nta .... Jr,Q F r ·,;, ti,r11tJ' ... ' J \ .. t·(/: _-.... ~ --.1. \n) ' . . .' . Y .. 1·..-~1 ..._L ' .... <l)J,' ~°' ,\. .·. r ! -''''l"''lLJ'Jfk r .. 'e ll1" AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN item. to the Diiiy Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Com Meu CA 92627; by e-m I to Jui ~na llltim com; by fax to (9'9) 646"4170, or by ~fling (949) 674~288. Induct. tho time, • date end locatiOn of the event at well n • ooni.ct phone number. TODAY Mo1.Mn Marbt w11 h9W a hM 1emlnar and taste demonstration on wheat· and gluten-free baking by Jan Chermua from 8·30 to 7:30 p.m. on the marttet'a P4tlo Cate. lnaldo Mother'• I• at 226 E. 17th St, Cotta Mesa. Information and reaervatlona: (949) 831~741, (800) 696-6687. FRJDAY . A woodwottdng thaw wit be from noon to 7 p.m. et the Orange County Feirgrounds, In bulldlng1 No. 10 and No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. The ClOlt 11 $9 for adults. Information: (31014n-s521. The VoluntMr Aasn. of S'*"'-n Library end Gardena will have Its annual Holldav Open House from 10:30 11.m. to 4 p.m. In the gift 1hop, which 11 et 2647 E. Coast Highwav. Information: (949) 873·2261. The Fttenda of The N.wport Beach Ubrary wlll have a preview ueed·book tale for members only from 1 to 6 p.m . In the Frtenda Mfftlng Room It the Newport Beach Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Information: (949) 769-9667. SATURDAY De Anza 8aytJde Village wlH have Its annual boutique from 9 e.m . to 3 p.m . at the South Clubhouse, 300 E. Coast Hlghwav, Newport Beach. The cost 11 $10 for a &-foot table to ditplev crafta for aale. The deadline to regittar to sell it In October. Information: (949) 873-G4. The Frlendl of The N.wport Be8ch library wlll have a used book tale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . in the Friend• Meeting Room et the Newport Beach library, 1000 Avocado Avo. Newport Beach. Information. (949) 759-9667. The Costa M ... Historical Society will conduct a docent training clau to train tour guides for the Diego Sepulveda Adobe in Estancia Park from 1 to 4 p.m l11formation (949) 631 5918 A woodwortdng 1how will be g1von trom 10 a.m. to 6 p.m at the Orange Countv Fairgrounds, in buildings N o 10 and No 12 and along the Parade of Produet8. The cost la $9 for adults Information: (310) 471-8521. Walking Natan TOur of Upper Newport Bac:k Bav from 9 to 10:15 1 m . at the Upper Newport Bade bey It the comer of Ea11 Bluf'f Drive and~ Bev Road. lnformetJOn: (949) 786-8878. SUNDAY A woodwortrlng thow wlll be given from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . at the Orange County Fairgrounds, In bulldlng1 No. 10 and No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. Th• cost 11 $9 for adults. Information: (310) 4n-8521 The Orange County Museum of Art will present Kids Dey Out to explore aelf·portrahure end other ways of making Images through various hands-on art projects from noon to 4 p.m . at 850 San Clemente Drive. Information: (949) 759-1122. MONOAY The~ annual Tee Off for Technology wlll be held to benefrt Newport Harbor High It 11 a.m. at the Santa Ana Country Club. lnfonnetlon: (949)794-3832. TUESDAY The Amettcen Legion~ Harbor Poat 291 will have• v.teren1 Dey memorfal service end luncheon In honor of those who hive fallen In the tine of duty •t 11 e.m. et 21616th St The colt wlll be S6 for non-veteran•. BEST BET The Orange County Museum of Art wiU present •Kids' Day Out,• a family arts event, from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. In conjunction with the museum's fall exhibition "Girls' Night Out,• chttdren and their families are mvited to explore self.portraiture and other ways of making images through hands-on art projects and interactive video workshops. Refreshments will be available. The museum is at 850 San Clemente Drive in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 674-5070 WEDNESDAY The Ftilrview Partr FMncb' fund-rai1lng committee will host their quarterfy public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. at Color Me Mine at Triangle Square, 1875 Newport Btvd. Information: (714) 764-6698, http:/!Www.cmfairviewpart.orp. The N.wport 8eacte Public Library Foundation's Manuacripta Book Discussion Group will meet to discuas "Atonement" by Ian McEwan at 9:15 e.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Information: (949) 717-3890. NOV.13 Mother'• Merbt wlll have e free women's support group workshop led bv Cheri Schatz, health educator, from 8:30 to 8 p.m in the Patio Cafe et the Costa Mess store, 225 E. 17th St. Information and re .. ervetlon1: (949) 631-4741 (8001 595-6667. NOV.14 The Costa Mesa Senior Centet will present a beneht performance of "Late N1te Catectiism," an Interactive comectv by Vt<ti Quade and Maripet Donovan, at 8 p.m. In the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tidteta are $35 or S75 for preferred seating. lnfonnation: (949) 645-5080. The SuNn G. Komen , Foundation'• Three-Oav Walk will begin today at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center In Coste Mesa. The walk will end In Lot Angeles at the Home Depot Center Athletic Facility. Information: (800) 825-1000. NOV.15 The Cost. Mesa Senior Center will present a benefit performance of "Late Nite Catechiam; an Interactive comedy by Vt<ti Quade and Marlpet Oonovtn at 8 p.m. In the Robert B. Moore Theetre et Orange Coast College. Tickets ere $35 or $75 for preferred Mating. Information: (949) 645-6080. The Costa Mesa Hfltoflcal Society will conduct e docent tralnlr1g dau to train tour gulde1 for the Diego Sepylvede Adobe In Estancia Park from 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (949) S31-6918. Bade Bay Fhn-.t wlQ hold ... fllst Olvmplc Chtrlty event from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. et 2876 lrvlne Ave., Suite A. Costa Meaa. Information: (949) 631-5587, http:l~.b«kbayfltn•••.com. NOV.16 7 p.m. et Carmelo's Rlstorante Italiano, 3620 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. There will be dinner, prlze1 and auction. lnfbrmation: (949) 650-3461. NOV.17 The founders GuUd of Cue Teresa wlll have ltt annual holidav luncheon et 11 a.m. at the Ritz, 880 Newport Canter Drive, Newport Beach. The OOlt will be $50 per person. Send chec:b pavable to Casa Teresa to Marguerite DiStanltleo, 1430 Lincoln Lane, Newport Beach, CA 92660., Information: (949) 548-2616. Unde Biehl, co-founder of the Amv Biehl Foundation, who will speak about her foundation's work to support a democratic and peaceful South Africa at 7 p.m. at the Argvros Family Lecture Hall at Sage Hill School. Tickets will cost $10 per person or $25 for a familv of three or more. Information: (949) 219-1395. NOV.18 Cerdiac aurv-on Aidan Rane will d1acuu heart vatve repair versus replacement It 6 p.m. at the Hoag Hospital Conference Center. There la no cost to attend. Reservations: (800) 5-14-4624. Mother'• Merbt win have a ffM seminar, ·11 There Life After Pumpkin Pie" by Judith Todero from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The market it et 225 E. 17th St Information and reservation•: (949) 631-4741 , (800) 595-6667. NOV.19 Mother'a Merbt wfll host ·~ Food Be Your Medicine," a free seminar by Charle• Holmes, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the Patio Cafe. The market 11 et 225 E. 17th St Information and reservatlon1: (949) 831-4741, (800) 695-6667. NOV. 24 The Orange County Cheptw of Chlldhelp USA will have a fund· raiser from 4 to 9:30 p.m. for dine In and from 10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m . for take out, Nov. 24 et the Newport Rib Company, 2196 Htrbor Blvd., Cotta Meaa. The Newport Rib Compeny wlll dc:Snate 20% of vour bilf to Childhelp USA. Retervetlona: Nancy Whltlod(. (949) 64M228. NOV.28' the Swedish Women's EducatJonal As$n.wlll have ltl annual SWedish Christm .. event, wh~ promotee sw.dish tredtdoM It 11 a.m. In the Coatl Mesa Neighborhood community center, 1846 Peril.Ave. The oo.t ' will be $2 for children VQUnger 1 • than 16 and $6 for adults end older teenagers. lnfonnation: 1 (949) 788-27.W, http:l!Www • chaptMS-MW.Org/O,..nQ«>OUn,Y. DEC.1 ,, South Coast Plaza wUt have ... 21st annual Tree-Lighting 11 Cerel'(lony It 8 p.m . at Town :: Center Park. adjacent to the Westin South Coast Plaza. DEC.4 The Orlnge County ChepWr of I Chlldhelp USA will have a holldlV .boutique end luncheon et 10 1.m. In the Hyett Regency, 17900 Jamboree Boulevard. Irvine. For rnervetiont contact Nancy Whitlodl et (949) 64M228. DEC.6 The Cost. ,... Men'• Ctub wlll spontor the Falrvtew Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center today and Dec. 7 It the Cotta Meta Golf & Country Club. Entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both dava. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090 DEC.7 The Orange County Merbt Piece will hold its fourth annual Holiday Car Show and Pedal Car Invitational at the Orange CountY Fairgrounds. There wlll be Classlc cart, motorcvclea and trudcs decorated for the holidav1. There will alGO be pedal cart and children'• pedal car races. There will alto be holidav entertainment aod outdoor shopping. The Com M ... Men'• Club wlH apontor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Canter at the Costa Meta Golf & Country Club. Entrance fee will be $75. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090 The MY*1th annual Balboa Island Walking Holldav Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m . at Balboa Island. Tlc:keta cost $20. lnfonnation: (949) 673-4280. DEC.22 The Orange County Marte.et Pie~ will hold Its Holldav Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 pm. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission wlll be free. There will be artisans' and craftera' corner, ph6tos with Santa ctau1 and seasonal entertainment. ONGOING • The N9wport eem.r Toastmaster'• Club can help vou Improve vour public 1peaking 1kill1 or poll1h your business preaentatlon1. Members come from a variety of proteuional diteiplinea and bac:kground1. The group meets every Mondav morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated perki,,Y la available In the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitne11. Guest• are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 721-5732. The N.wport-MMe ettbbege cHtb meets on the second and fourth Wednesday• of every month ' from 8:46 to 9 p.m . et 01111 ' Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. The cost 11 $2. Information: (949) 84&-5293. Pltstor twn Ault.In ~ e Bible study on "How to Become a Contagiou1 Christian• from 8 to 8:30 p.m. Wednndeys et 377 W. Wiiton St, No. 15 In Costa Mesa. All are welcome to come and meet new friends. Information: (949) 722-7498. The ACW of Orenoe County meeta et 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month It the Unitarian Unlveraallst Church, 1269 Vlct.orfe St. In Costa M .... Each month'a meeting will feature• different 1peeker on latuN r•letlng to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714t 957-6107. .......... Help USA.• nonPfOftt c:hlld •buM prevention center, wlff have a beneflt •nd cfeulcal guitar concert by Wertln from 4 to There wll be a ct.y. .... Thankaglvlng sele It the Orange County Market Plaoe from 7 e.m. to 4 p.m . et the Orange County F1lrground1. Admlulon wlll be free. There will be •rtit•na' end crefters' comer, photoa with S-nte Claus end aeeaonttl entertainment Mecy'a In Cotta,.,... lnvtt.. "'' Orange County nonpront orgenlutlona that prov1de Mrvica end program• to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for SM TOWN, Pa11 AU ANTIQUE ROW &G~ENCAFE FiM ,,_,,,,...,,,.,, ~ 6 C.tt.dW,,. T'*""-'11,, C,... <itti-' c,.,Jn, Dti# r.-LMt 11.J DJJw,,. Gmlni Yfo GmJ,,, ,.. f);,,1,,, "'""' ll~t. u.m,, '""-'"" u,,,.. a.. CAFE HOURS: M•n.SU 9nl4/fll ' Ct"'6ts ,. CIM#M/im, Vitti if Rim .. I c.,,.,,. ~ """""" n,,,,;,.,, .,,.,,,. MJ "'id ,,..,. , ! ROWHOUIS: ~ J,_ ( Dady Pilot TOWN Continued from Al2 P.rtlclpation In Macv'1 South Cout Plaza'• Passport In Store fund-raiser. This vear'I event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an app4icatlon to participate, call t714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. Yoea daaNS wm be otr.'9d Tu.days and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine wool(s at WMt Newport Community Center. Regl1tratlon 11 $54 for one cfa11 eoch week or $100 for two day1 a week over nine weeks for Newport Beadl residentl. Others pay an additional $5. For more Wormation, call (949) 644-3161. Costa Meisa'1 R.ctwation Dfvilfon will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 6 to 8 p.m .• Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for dlildren 5 to 12 will consist of lunch/dinner, game1, crafts, prizes, cake with Ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 154-5168. Five new wines will be ser.ied on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor gvery Thurad~y from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . The cost 1s $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. A veriety of private, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High Sd'lool. Options include one on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels For session dates. times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport ~ Recreation and Senror Servioes at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, tHns end ldutt. can now register for summer ,~eationel boating classes offered through Newport Beadl Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees very. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beadl Recreation and Senior Serv1ces a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Protassional end licensed soccer trainers with the All-England Soooer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more Information, call (948) 395-5103. Jewl1h Family Service '9 sponsonng a teen support group for high sdloo~students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper Sdlool m Costa Mesa. For information or to register. call (714) 445-4950 Pre-registration is required The Rrst Page -Ane Children'• Books, at 270 E. 17th St .. No. to In 'Costa Mesa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p m For more jrlformation, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside R..Uu,.nt in Newport Beadl offers wine tasting every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. fpr $16 per person, featunng five new wines eadl week. For more Information, call (949) 721 1222. tf y0ur on:hid Is too big for lb pot. Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale i1 held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Biren St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for Information. blacowr 1h• Mems of C.rbon .c,tnyon Regional Part< as you \il!Blk through groves of beautiful Coa1tal Redwood tree• every S,turdey et 8:30 a.m. Parking Is $4. Call (7f4) 996-5262 for more Information. r..m Survivor, 1 nonprofit organization encouraging women Who have been through cancer treatment to e><ercise, hOltl .~Walk and Talk'" at 10 a.m. the aecond end fourth Friday of the tmonth ln front of NIKEgodes• store In Fashion Island. Members meot for lunch after at Atrium court. It 11 free, end all fitnesa l i.vela ere welcome. For more l lnfonnetion, ctll (948) 275-3888. ' ,~Community Counaelng 1 Center o1fere •way to atop the J cycle of domestic violence through tho IUpport Q1'0UP In S.A.f.E. Handa. S.A.f.E. atandt for aa1tty, .wareneu, faith and empowerment. The group mMtt ~from 8:30to Bp.m. Free. For more lnfonnation. call (949) 721-8079. r....1n MWndt .......... Mith grtdoa a,.. Invited to drop by tho city of coo. Mesa Recnation Center from 2 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday for apof'ts and other actlvitlea. The center 11 et 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more lnformatkln, call ('114) 327-7580. TheNewportlwh WllltngClub meeta at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road In NewpQft Beach at 9:15 e,m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For mor9 information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport hedt C8ke Decorating Club meet.I from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nlghtl at Superior and Hospital Road In Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Spenlsh SpMldng Club meets to leam Spanish quldt and easy. For more infonnation, call (949) 650-1332. TheAan.oflu*-~ hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the 1econd Tuesday of every month at tho Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. '"Divorce: A New Beginning.• a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divoroed, Is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p .m . at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost 1s $40. For more information, call 644-6435. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dresalng rooms. performer's lounge, bacbtage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by · special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext 833. Th• Newport 8ellCtt Newcomen Club holds· a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization i1 open to all women residontl In Newport Beach who have lived In the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922. or visit http:IJ\Nww. newcomers-newportbead1.orp. ·. pencake brqkfatt from 1:30 to 10 e.m. on the NCOnd Saturday of fMKY month. Brukfatt lndudet pancak•, Nuaago, coffee an<S dfange Juice for $3, $1 for dlildren. The c:entet ls at 800 Ma~. Corona del Mer. For more Information, call (949) M4-324'. Miiey'• South eo-..t Pkra pretentl "Worbhop Wedneedays: A Hands-on Cooltlng eta .. Program" hosted by d\ef Alexx Guevara. The class la held from 6 to 7;30 p.m. Wedne9daya at 3333 Bristol St., COO. Mesa. Tho c;o.i, Including matertal1, ia $30. To ra.ervo a spot. call (818) 994-5076. \\)ga end tf1ythm, '"Vogal'hythmlcs'" combines yoga, dance and fun. Tho ciau i1 held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite m. Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) 754-7399. The Nwlport Harbor~ Muaeum offers the exhibit "Joo Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering Califomla11 Marine Art Master:' through Sept. 30. The museum 11 at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Bead\. Free admiuion. For more Information, call (949) 673-7863. Im.faith couplM with one Jewish partner are Invited to participate in a diacusslon group at tho Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. Call to schedule date ahd time. The office it at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join a dis<:usslon group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address Issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, lonolineaa and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. ,. Mondays at tho agency offlcee. 250 e Baker St •• Surte G, Cotta Mesa. Preregistration requlntd. (714) 445-4950. Friends of tM.Newpoft 8wh Pubtlc Library Uled Book Store are asking for~ to donate boob to replenish the dwindling atoc:k Boob may be left at any of the three branch llbrarte. - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona def Mar -or In the book closet next to the Ff'lenda B'ook Store, at 1000 Avocado A~ .• Newport Beech. • All hardcover 11nd petpel"badc donations, with the exception of magazines and law bookl. will be accepte9 and are tax deductibte. (949) 76~9667 .. The Bram. tnltitute °""9 frH computer dauos to people with fading vision who have dlfticulty seelng the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona dol Mar, offers tix sesslona. Cell to sign up for classes. (714) 821-6000. A aplrttual care c:ta11 m-.ta a 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beadl. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Com M ... Chamber of Commerce hosts networking lundleon mfftlngs Wednesdays from 11:46 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A bnin tumor support group meeta the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive. Newport Beach. Free. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illneu. (949) 574-6232. ZA G AT AWARD WINNIN G! INK~RILL PERUVIAN CUISINE NEW 1WILIGHT MENU FROM 4-7PM DAILY Featuring Grilled Steaks, Seafood And Pastal G IFT 1.:lfEC K $5 off Entire Bill w.th • purclu.u of $25 or more on full JmC• ite...-onJy ' l).,... not mcluJ.. T w1l1~l Mt-nu • On .. p<-r table, not In b.. .. ..,J with •ny other offer. turtlngton Bach 301 Mam St., ft64I 714.374.3399 II Ttusday, November 6, ?003 AU FAMILY IS WHY YOU DO IT ALL. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVI .. We all fed chc same co111rnitmcn1 to c:att for ow funilics. As your good neighbor agent, I can help you m«t yout insurance and financUJ nttds Call mt 1ocby. UXE A GOOD Nl?JGHBOR ( ~ STATE FA.RM ts TIU-.. RE."" _,..._ OaitJ Pilot t •' .. ... IP •' . ' i II I ' . QUOTE OF TIE DAY "This is the start of the playoffs." Jeff Brinkley, Newpot1 . Harbor football coach MEN'S BASKETBALL ' 'UCI, VU ' . . 1 10 action · The uc Irvine men's basket· ball team continues its exhibl· don season tonight at 7:05 against visiting Cal State Los An· geles, while Vanguard University opens its men's season today against Carroll College in the Westminster College tournament in Salt Lake City. Spor1a Editor Rlchwd Oum: 1949) 574-4223 • Spor1a Fax: (9491650-0170 GIRLS TENNIS EYEOPENER Dai~Pik)( 5'atl Hal,,,,... C:.-Wn1J11111obii nt """11wtt Nov. lOhonoree JOE URBAN Thursday, November 6, 2003 81 NO dark clouds for CdM Sea Kings earn victory over University to capture a share of the Pacific Coast League crown. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Pilot up with what she thought was her best performance of the sea- son. and her efforts seemed to typify the Sea Kings' 10·3 victory over visiting University on Tues· day. The match was called because of darkness, immediately after CdM collected the clinching set point when Amanda Rubenstein defeated Qillt Rosenavich, 6· l. CORONA DEL MAR -With The Sea Kings are co-champi· and Jill Braverman, and the Young twin sisters, Hayley and Miranda, also posted two wins each. In the first round, Miller de- feated Jessica Janner, 7-6, 8-6 in the debreaker, to give the Sea Kings a boost of energy. She did not rest more than five minutes before her next set because the sun was going down. Miller didn't seem to lose any momen· tum, defeating Marissa Un, 6-4. UCI defeated the FA Sports All-Stars, 94·91, Satwday in its first exhibition. Former Costa Mesa High star David Conte, a freshman point guard, starts for Cal State LA. ST~VE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar's Brittany Holland steps into a forehand return against University's Irina Katzarkov in Wednesday's key match. darkness looming and a share of ons of the PCL. sharing the tide the Pacific Coast League cham-with Laguna Beach. It is the fifth plonship in the balance, the Co· straight time CdM has won or rona del Mar High girls tennis ~d the league championship. team needed all the points it Miller, as well as senior Brit· could get. y Holland, earned two vie· Sophomore Rachel Miller, rles each in singles, while the playing at No. 3 singles, stepped doubles teams of Juliette Mutzke "She really stepped up," CdM Coach Scott Feichter said. "These were good matchups for her. She finished it when she bad the chance, and she really pulled SH TENNIS, Pa1e 82 MUstangs hoping to roar past Lions A win against Westminster will reestablish Costa Mesa's playoff hopes. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot Costa Mesa High's football team put itself in its current pre- dicament when it was upset by Saddlebad earlier this season. But the Mustangs also know one way of escaping that predica· ment. "Stop Brooks," Mustangs Coach Dave Perlcins said, refer· ring to West· minster senior running bad Carlos Brooks. If Costa Mesa can stop Brooks and fight off the Southern Section Division VII, are tied for t.hlrd place with Saddle· bad (3-5, 2-2). Both teams trail Westminster (7 • l, 4-0), ranked No. 4, and Orange 17·1, 4-0) by two games. Saddlebad closes the season with games against Santa Ana (4-4, 1·3) and Ocean View (2-6, l ·4), two games it should win. Costa Mesa meets Santa Ana in th.e season finale. If the Mustangs can beat Westminster this week, they will likely finish 4-2 in league, tied with Saddleback. But the Roadrunners hold the tieb~r over the Mustangs be- cause of their head-to-head vie· tory, so if Mesa wants an auto- matic playoff berth. it must wln Its last two games and get some help. namely from Orange, which meets Westminster in the finale. II Orange can win that game. It would cause a three-way de for second place, meaning a coin Olp would decide the second and third automatic playoff berths out of the league. Of course. this hypothetical situation means nothing if the Mustangs can't stop Brooks and beat Westminster. Must-win case for Tars Newport Harbor attempts to keep its playoff hopes afloat against Laguna Hills. games by a combined 13 pol.nu and in each game' the decisive points were 1COr«! in the fourth quarter • .. Hopefully. this is the week where we hit on all cylinders, .. Brinkley said. "1 think were ready to break loose with a big game. one where the offense, defense and spedal teams all play well.~ Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot It's an old dlcM, but for both Lagu6a Hills bad been carried Newport Harbor High and La-by its defense through five non- guna Hills, It once again rings league games, which never gave true. ~more than 10 points lo any of The playoffl start now. \hose five victories and allowed 1Wo achooJa. once coosldered 1ust 35 ~ in em he~ favorites to knock off deiendJngf combined. But llbCe Sea-\W Sea VieW League play began. the roM& League chaPt· haw allowed 33 points per game. plon FoodUD. They were destroyed by Foothill. are fl&btlng 47-6, which needed a twO late, for thel,f play· fourth-quarter scores to beat Har- off ~ and bor, 31·24. Laguna Hills was also n~ of a vie· blanked by Irvine, 17-0. Lasl tory this week week. Irvine squeaked out a 22·20 when they meet at 7 p.m. Priday victory over the Sailors. at Misaion Viejo Higt). ·(The Hawks have) had a lot of Uons Friday at Newport Harbor High, it will give itself not only a good shot at a possible three-Wdy tie for second place, but will al· most assure itself of an at-large berth if It does not receive the help it needs for the second-place tie. The Mustangs (5·3, 2-2 in league), ranJced eighth in CIP Brooks bas rushed for 131 yards per game and scored 14 MARK C. DUSTIN/DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar tailback Austin Brawner and the Sea Kings hope See MUSTANGS, Paie 82 to move forward in the PCL title chase Friday night at Tesoro. After. starting the season with injuries." Brinkley aald. "They lost ftve straight victories, both teams two or three linemen early In the have lost three straight l~ season. They lost a wide receiver. games and are tied for last plac.e They've had a lot of strange things at 5-3 overall and 0·3 ln league. happen.~ But because of their strong play The losses along the offensiye durin8 the nonleague acQedule, line haw limited a rushing game. the Sallors and the Hawb still BdoJdey said. tb.at ~ 9' have a chance to make the CIF yards. Siaost Mabbufakf leads Southern Section Division Vl the team with 527 yards ru$ing playoffs via an at-large berth. But and five touchdowns. But senior there is only one of those avail-quarteback Oui.s Lamkin has able ln the dlvlsip'n and the loser proved effective (90of160 paMing TH URSDAY'S CHALK TALK PILOT PICKS Fitdav'• games Newport Her1>or at Laguna Hilla 7 p.m. at Miulon Viejo ·Newport Harbor by 3 Corona def Mar st Tesoro 7 p.m at Teaoro ·Tesoro by 1 Estancia st Ot'ange 7 p.m. at El Modena • Orange by 10 Westmlnater et Co.ta Meee 7 p.m. at Newport Hart>or • Westminster by 3 Setulday'• g8IN Caplstnno Valley Chrlltlan st 8-ae Hiii 1 p.m. at Sage Hill Last week's pleb: 3-0 (100%) Seeeon tDtBI! 22· 7 (76%) Righting the ship Corona del Mar attempts to bounce back with a victory against Tesoro. Patrick Lnerty Daily Pilot With two-games remaining In the regular season, the possibil· lties for C.Orona del Mar Hlgh's football team ofthJ.scontest~llkelybeellmi-for 1,123 yards with 10 lntercep- are plentiful nated from P,layoff contention. lions and nine touchdowns). His The Sea "Absolutpfy." Sailors Coach Jeff favorite target Is 6-foot-6, 250- Kings (5-3, 2·1 Brinkley ,6a.ld. •1 told the kids, pound tight end Justin Walsh. ln Pacific 'This st4rts the playoffs for us.' who has three touchdowns Coast League This ta the start of the playoffs." among his 22 catches. play) could . Ji.Woort goes into the "play· The Sailors have also battled in· finish first, second, third or foi?:Ws" Wlth some momentum de-juries, including the loss Qf junior in league, with any of the spite the three--game losing quarterback xaMy' PeterJ to • three opdoos quallfying them ~ The Sailora have played broken collarbone two weeb • the CIF Southern Section:zon well fn each of their three losses. Tum Jackson became the ftrat but have not been able to catch See CdM, 1• 82 any breab. They've lost the three See SAILORS, Pq e 8~ ,. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL1)LAYER OF THE WEEK . / Bt.etf· Via . . ; Former Mesa water boy spearheads defenidve effort against crosstown rival Estancia in Battle for the Bell. P.trlck L•verty • of the ball u the Mustang.t Dally Piiot toppled Batanc:ta. 41-0, for the third atralgbt season. B rett Fam has got The &-foot·2) 220·pound nothibg or\ Brett Vla. aenJot 8*i contributed on the The Green Bay Packers OCher llde of the ball, starting at quanerbac.k may have daftt end. catching one pass for ftalted 198 c:onaeanfve games. but Via 18 yards and bfoddng for a ruahfng hun't mi8led a Coat.a Mesa High atta~ that 81lned 268 yWa. foOtbd ~~he WU l l. Hia e«ortt earned bfin Ody Pilot 'lb8t nfCht, with lhe Mustangs pla~ of the weekhonor1 and the fact pljytQi on HalloWeen, Via chote to go that tt came lipfMt Bltandl. only iJic:k 'or treacm,. mad• it tweeter for ~ 1bAa year, Via played a ttlck on •(lt tnelWI a Jot of~· VIA Mid e.t.Utda HIP one day prior to about the Battle for the lell "tw ~ pi.yed with a buDcb of thoet 1UY1o I ~ hii Im 11art at tlllkle BJ'e'W up wtdl moet of them.: lt'I Dice to Unebiick.iir d\la MMOn. Via wm ~ ot a ~tibt OD thii d fl .... ildl ' ---., ... -. ....... ft .. -• ~-----~ ..L.'.-------- "This is the start of the playoffs." - Jeff BrlnkJey, Newport Harboi f Ootball coach Spottl EcMor lltldwd Dunn: 19491574-4223 • lpofti Fu: (9491 flf-0170 GIRLS TENNIS No¥ lP_hoflo<tt JOE URBAN Tlusday, November 6, 2003 11 MEN'S BASKETBALL UCI,-VU· in action No dark clouds for CdM The UC Irvine men's basket- ball team continues Its exhibl- don seuon tonlg:ht at 7:05 against visiting Cal State Los An· geles, while Vanguard University opens Its men'J season today again.st c.arrou College In the Westminster College tournament tn Salt Lake City. UCJ defeated the P.A Sports All-Stars, 94-91, Saturday in its first exhibition. Former Costa Mesa High star David Conte, a freshman point guard, starts for Cal State LA. STEVE McCRANK I OAll.Y PILOT Corona del Mar's Brittany Holland steps Into a forehand return against University's Irina Katzarkov in Wednesday's key match. Sea Kings earn victory over University to capture a share of the Pacific Coast League crown. Steve Vlr11n Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Wlth daD:ness looming and a share of the Pacific Coast League cham· plonship in the balance. the Co- rona del Mar High girls tennis team needed all the points It could get. Sophomore Rachel Miller. playing at No, 3 singles, stepped HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Mustangs hoping to roar past Lions A win against Westminster will reestablish Costa Mesa's playoff hopes. Patrick Laverty Da1lyP1lot Costa Mesa I ligh's football team put itself i_n Its current pre- dlcament when It was upset by Saddleback earlier this season. But the Mustanwi also know one way or escaping that predlca- menL Southern Section Division VII, ~ lied for third plac.e with Saddle- back (3-5, 2-2). Both teams trail Westminster (7-1, 4--0), ranked No. 4, and Orange (7-1. 4--0) by two games. Saddleback doses the season with games against Santa Ana (4-4. 1-3) and Ocean View (2·6, l ·4). two games It should win. Costa Mesa meets Santa Ana In the season finale. If the Mustangs can beat Wesr:minster this week. they will likely finish 4-2 in league, tied with Saddleback. up with what she thought was her belt perfonnance of the sea- aon, and her efforts seemed to typify the Sea Kings' 10-3 victory over visiting Unlvenlty on Tues· day. The match wu called because of darlmesa, immediately after CdM collected the clinching set point when Amanda Rubenstein defeated Galit Rosenavich, 6-1. The Sea )(.lnga are co-champl· ons of the Pa. ah.aring the title with Laguna Beach. It is the fifth stralght lime CdM has won or shared the league championship. Miller, as well as senior Brit· tany Holland, earned two vic- torlea each in alnglea. while the doubles teams or Juliette Mutzke and JW Bravennan, and the Young twin sistera, Hayley and Miranda. also posted two win.I each. In the first round. MJlJer de· feated Jessica Janner. 7-6, 8-6 l.n the tiebreaker, to give the Sea Kings a boost of energy. She dJd not rest more than five minutes before her next set because the sun was going down. Miller didn't seem to lose any momen· tUm, defeating Marlua Un. 6-4. *She really stepped up." CdM Coach Scott Feichter aaJd.. "These were good matchupa for her. She flnished it when lhe had the chance, and she really pulled S.. TENNIS, Pqt 12 Must-win case for Tavs Newport Harbor attempts to keep its playoff hopes afloat against Laguna Hills. Patrick L1Verty Daily Pilot games by a combined 13 points and In each gamt the dedsM points were scored In the fourth quarter. "Hopefully. this ls the week where we hit on all cytlnden," Brinkley said ·1 think Wf!re ready to break looee with a big game. one where the offense, defense and spedal teams all play well.• It's an old cllch~. but for both Laguna Hills had been carried Newport Hrubor High and La· by Its defense through five non- guna Hills, It once again rtnga league games. which never gave true. up more than 10 points in any ot • ~Stop Brooks," Mustangs Coach Dave Perldns saJd, refer- But the Roadrunners hold the tiebn;aker over the Mustangs be- cause of their head·to-head vic- tory. so lf Mesa wants an auto- matic playoff berth, it mUSt win Its last two games and get some help. nMl'"..ly from Orange. whJcb meets Westminster In the finale. If Orange can win that game. lt would cause a three-way de for second place, meaning a coin Olp would decide the second and th1rd automatic playoff berths out of the league. The playofli start now. \bOSe ftve vk:todea and allowed 1Wo IChoola. once COOlfdered 1uat 35 ~Jn lb9 he ... ....,,~ Cavorltes to knock off defendh>g/ c:omblned. But IUD Sea ring to West· minster senior running back Carlos Broob. If Costa Mesa can stop Brooks and Of course. this hypothetical situation means nothing If the Mu&angs can't stop Brooks and beat Westminster. See vw League play began. the Hawb League c:h&m-have allowed 33 point.a per game. pion FooJhlll, They were ~ by FoothOL are tWiting 47-6, which needed a two late, fur thdl" play-fourth-quarter scores to beat Har- off lNes and bor, 31 -24. Laguna Hills was also need. of a vie· blanked by Irvine. 17-0. Last tory this week week. 1rvlne squeaked out a 22-20 when they meet at 7 p.m. Friday victory aver the Sailors. at Mlaaion Viejo HJgt,. • fll\e Hawb have! had a lot of fight off the Uons Fnday at Newport Harbor I Ugh, It will give itself not onJy a good '>hot at a ~Ible three-Wdy tie for o,ccond place, but will al- most assure lt-.elf of an at-large berth if ii does not receive the help it needs fo r the <iecond-place de. The Mustan~ (5·3. 2·2 in league), ranked elg)ith in CIP Brooks has rushed for 131 yards per game and scored 14 MARK C. DUSTIN/OAll.Y PllOT Corona del Mar tailback Austin Brawner and the Sea Kings hope SM MUSTANGS, Paa• 82 to move forward In the PCL title chase Friday night at Tesoro. Mer. ltaltlng the-season with . injuries,· Brinkleyeald. -i'hey k>« ftve atralght victories, both teams two or three linemen earty In the have lost three straight league season. They lost a wide receM:r. games and are ded for last place They've had a lot of strange tb1ng9 at 5--3 overall and 0-3 In league. happen.• But~ of their strong play The losses along the ofl'ensfve during the oonleague sOhedule. line haw llm.tted a ruahing game. the Sailors and the Hawks still 8riokley aald, tbat aYe!lp9 9' have a chance to make the QF yards. Slaosi Mab.kau.faki lee.di Southern Section btvtsion Vi the team with 527 yards rusltJng playoffa via an at-large berth. But and five touchdowns. But aenior there Is onJy one or those avail-quarteback Outs Lamkin bu able In the dlvtslan and the loser proved effective (90of160 passing THURSDAY'S CHALK TALK PILOT PICKS Ftidav'• gemee N9wport Harbof at• t.AgunaHih 7 p.m. at Minion Viejo Newport H1rbor by 3 Cof'ONcMIM1r It Teec>n1 7 p.m. It TMOro Teeoro by 1 &tanda a Orange 7 p.m. It El Moden1 Orenge by 10 ~ It eo.t.11 Meea 7 p.m It Newport Harbor WestmiMt.er by 3 s.turday'1 geme ~v.leiy Chflltten et .. Hiii 1 p.m. tt Slge Hill Lall week'• pleb: 3-0 (100%) 5-of'I tol9I: 22· 7 (78')(,) Righting the ship Corona del Mar attempts to bounce back with a victory against Tesoro. Patrick L1verty Daily Pilot Wlth two games rema1nlng in the regular le&IOn, the posslbll- lties for Corona deJ Mar Hlgh's football team of thfa contest will likely be ellml-for l.123 yards with 10 intm:ep- are plentiful nated from p}a-yotf contention. dons and nine touchdOWM). Hll The Sea "Absolut">'," Sailors Coach Jeff favorite target Is 6-foot-6. 250- Klngs (S-3, 2-1 Brtnkley ald. "I told the -tids, pound dght end Justin Walsh. In Pad.fk 'This starts the playoffs for us.' who has three touchdowns Coast I.ague ~ ls the start of the playoftS." among his 22 catches. play) could Ntwp0rt goes into the "play· The Sellora have also battled ln· flnlsh first, second, thild or fourth .l'f&" with 10me momentwn de· juries. lndudJng the loa of. junior In league. with ~ _ of the ant a:pite the three-game lo6lng quarterblclc laMy ~ ti> • three options qualifying them (of ttreak. The Saflon haw play.!d broken collarbone two weeb • the OF Southern Section DtYP{on ~ In each of their three loaes, lbm Jacbon became the flnt / but have not been able to catch S.. CdM, ,a11 82 any breab. They've lost the three SM SAILORS, P .. e 8~ I ,/ DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL~LAYER OF THE WEEK Bretp /Via Former'Mesa water boy spearheads defensive effort agaltist crosstown rival BStancia ln BattJe for the Bell. of cha ball u the Muttanat • toppled P.ltanda. 41-0, for the third ~t leUO(\. nM &::fool-4 220·pound Mnlot U.O contributed on the ocbll' eUlt of the bell. •tanlns at ~t eod. catching one pw for 18 yalda Ind bk>dd.ng for a Nlh1ns attack that jlined 266 yuda: Hit etfocu timed him Olly Pilot pla}9r of the Mlk booon and the fact that ft cmM ~ 8'Canda. orily inlde It ..... 1or VII. ~flt melnll & lot of AltJPICt/' Vll l&ld about the ...... for die .......... pla)'fd wtah I bunch of chOM..,.. J pww up wtth ma1t Of them. IR'nice to Contiooed from Bl ltouL• Holland, the Sea ~ No. 1 'llngtel player, couted to bervlc- tol'tet, pinin3 &-2 wlnS om" Ire· Ill Kataavtov an<S Janner. Mutzke and Braverman ~ed 6-0 vie- to• over Uni taoden JeOnJ.ler Hlwlgl'Jrudy Kao end Beuy Wan/Erica Ojen. The Young twin siatera coDected 7 ·5 and M wtN, while Jackie ~ and JamJ Steele eatned • &-3 wln ror CdM (12~. 9·1 lri league), ranked No. 4 ln OF Southern Sectfon Divlslon t. The Trojans flnbhed 10·8, &-"3 ln theJCL SCHEDULE aw-.' BRIEFLY ·Mustangs' Day ~ins Golden West individual title Costa Meta Higtl sophomore Jesm1o Day won the Golden West IAlaue gltls crosa counoy lnd.Mduaf dtJe and led the Wlde- ftated Mustangs to Che league aown Wednesday at C-entral Park 1n Huntington Beach.. Day ftniahed lo 18:41, whilct BmOy Cotton took third (19:29) and Ouistlne BjeOand foOowed ln ftfth (19:51}. Kyla Flores 6n· lshed ~ghth (20:08) and Hahn Sydney Barloon, came ln 6fth. Jeannette Abrego led the Eagl , Qnlshing MWenth (20:08), while Obiry Lomeli (20th ln 22:04), Diana Castro (32nd lo 22:i4) Lucy Leon (341.h In 23:14), Brittanie Starn (361.h ln 23:29), Crystal RlnCQn (37th lo 23:43) and Fatima Carrasco (38th ln 23:55) also competed. While Ernesto C.Stenda ca.me In eighth (16:36). &tanda's Matt lJch tln1shed 12th (16:43), while CJ, Buchmann (22nd lo 17:32), PanflJo PJlu (31st In 18:22), Mar· tin Oiu (35th In 18:47) and Geo- vant Rodea (371.h 1n 19'.20) also competed. Marco Huipe (17:03). Juan Avf· Jez (18:10) and Steve Kosnoslty (18:20) were the top runners for Co«aMesa. volleyball team awept host Saddleback Wedneaday. 30-12, 30-24, 30·21, as OCC Coach Oluck Cuteneue won hJa lOOth Orange Empire Conference vic- tory. OCC (14·1, 9·1 ln the OEC) travels to No. I Golden West on Friday. EDITOR'S NOTE Jiltlt ~ boVI encl girl•-~ Hefbofltl.oe~el~ Sn.t ISell BMdll. ~ a.m. ~ HIQll tdM>OI girle -Newpotl HMbof It Woodbtldvt. U5 p.m.: Nofthwood et CotoM dll Mer, 4 p.m. --~ High-"°°' boVl-Onnoe. £«Incle. , Nguyen (22nd ln 20:36) also competed for Costa Mesa, whJch OnJsbed with 39 polnt.s. Second· place Santa Ana had 48 points. Estancia. which was without On the bbys side, &tancla fin- ished fourth ln the Golden West. just four poiJ:\ta behind third- place Santa Ana. which bad 69 points. Alex Cabuant7J quallfled for ClF competidon. ftnl8blng fourth (16;12) for the Eagles, Cutensese wins l OOth • VOUIMIALL: Oaistine WoUer recorded 17 kills u ·the Orange Coast CoUege women's Due to apece llmltatlona, some atorln end briefl, Including Eatanele and Sage Hill football game previews, will appear In Friday's edition. • LOANSUPTO 110,000,000 • SUPE1' JUMBO ·~UW.S • INCOME PAOPEki ES • NIBBTONYOPTDfl • RUt M'WMENT FaJ\IE PAOCIWI • m.»10 l.PTOS1/IXJIDJ • SXll) tCM1S ~15p.m. Community colleoe women -Onnoe ~It Onnoe Empire Con,,_,_ tounwnent It Goldln w.. Resldentlal Loan Speclallst Lowest Rates and Great Servlcel Call .DD and take advlntage of today's SUPER JUMBO lOWRITE lnttmt Only • montll.Llbot/AdJHtllllt Ritt Start Ratt 2.126% M111ln 1.500% IMmblJIGfWla f111fl'*llllRlll Fri. Nov. 7, 6 p~ to 8 pm Bonita Creek Parle in Newport Beach (located at F.ast:bluff/Un.iversity Drive & La Vida) •Girls ages 5-14 from Ncwporr.Bcach, Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach. •Team practices begin February 2004. •Games begin lace February/early March 2004. • First time registrants arc required to bring a copy of birth certificate. SAILORS Continued from Bl didn't twn the baJl ovm-and we aeated wme tumova"a.• Senior comerback Brian Cam· pos enters the pine wtth inter- ceptions in oonsecudve oontests. eophomcn to start under oenter Helping hold on to the baJJ wlD sfnc.e BrinJdey took <M!f' the New-. be senior tailba.ck Matt End.nlas. port Harbor program 18 yea.rs ago who carried a career-h.lgb 35 and completed 12 of 2.6 passes for times Wt week. For I.he season. 161 yards and two touchdowns. Encinias has rushed for urn Mote Importantly, Jacbon led yards on 196 canies. . an offense that dJd not commit a But he'll be running behind an turnover. On the other side of the offensive lin.e that Is still mis.sing ball. Newport Harbor came up left guard Erle Q.u1is, who Is out with two Interceptions against Ir-· with a sprained ~e. Marie Tem- vlne, a feat they'll look to repeat ple Is expected ro start in his place this week. for the second straight game. "We need turnovers. N Brinkley Another Injury concern for I.he &ald. "We bad a really good tum· Sailors is junior free safetr. Alex over ratio early In the season. Orth. who is questlonable be· We're idll very much on the posi· cause of a back Injury. lf he ls un· live lide, but we need another able to play. sophomore James game I.lb the la.st one where we Coder wW 5tarl In his pJace. THE SAILORS CDM --Yt ,_ N1U lo 08 •10 '" • Tl •1»1 ..... Min .If 'Ml .. , .... 'Ml .. ,. ill ~ ..,,.. • lf ""no Ir LO "" 1'2 .. c .. , -Jlt' "°' WVO 81. RT Continued from Bl week's km to Northwood. He will not play this week and was still on crutches Tuesday. meaning he could miss the regular season ft. na1e against Unh-ersity. ~ playoffs and the latter option Austin Brawner, who along Ukdy JeaVlng them out of the with sophomore Brett Crowtey postleUOO. has split c:anies with .PreSlon this The easle&t route to the playoffs .season. will start at taUbeck. with ls limply for Corona del Mar to Freeman likely using junJor Zach win lt1 lat two games. beginning WIShengiad as a fullback. Junior with a battle at ll!toro. Friday at 7 David Del Fante will 5tarl at cor- p.m. nerbeck. •tt'd be mce: to go out and line But the onus won't fall on those up and beat a team just to show two players alone, rather the en· that we can do ft." Sea Kings tire i.eam will need to pick up Its eo.dl Dick Freeman said eft'ort to defeat a Tusoro team that c.omlng off a 48-28 victory over h.as scored at leasr 26 points In Thaoro last le8900. It doesn't each of its three league games. aound I.lb too dlflicult of a task. The Sea Kin&' ha~ scored But 6eJdlng lmlors for the first more than 26 points just twice time In IChool history, 'lesoro this season. but showed once (6-2. 3-0), ranbd No. 5 In Division again wt week I.he ability to IX. ls a marbdly different team. break a big play. Junior quarter· Corona del Mar Is a different back Tom Welch threw his third team from just wt week. having touchdown paM longer than 70 lost one of Its top two-way play· yards against Northwood and all ers. Wess Presson, to a high ankle three of them have been to differ· sprain on his first cany in last ent receivers. THE lmSTANGS MUSTANGS Continued from B 1 touchdowns th1s season. But he hasn't had to face Costa Mesa's staunch run defense. The Mustan&' have allowed just 69 yards rushing per game th1s season. Tuke away Orange. which ran for 24 I yards against Costa Mesa. and that average drops to 44 yards per game. Bro0ks, running out of the I· fonnation. will look Lo get outside on sweep plays. "We've got to keep him con· tained. keep him from getting outside I.he hash marks," Perkins said The M~ have defensive ends Marc Daniels and Qualle Those receivers -Kevin Welch. Shane Collins and eight end 'fyler Lance -will need to make plays again against Tusoro. As will a defense that allowed 401 ywds to Northwood last week. U.ke the Timberwolves, Te- soro bas a balanced attack that features two backs that have rushed for more than 500 yards and a quarterback that bas thrown ror more than 1,000. Robert Catalano (523 yards, five touchdowns} and evan Handa (503 yards. five touchdowns) lead I.he rushing attack. While quarter- back Nlck Nelson (I 03 of 170 passing fur 1,292 yards) often looks for Erick Hanuen (30 catch· es for 438 yards) and Scott McKnight (34 catches for 426 ywds). The lltans are also similar to Northwood on defense, though. Freeman said, I.hey might be even more aggressive while playing the 46defense. "Tusoro will come at you a little more," Freeman said. But the Sea Vargas assigned to containment and a solid group of linebackers that Includes Jeff Waldron, Brett Via. Junior Epenesa, Luke Sapolu and Gary Gonzalez. Mesa also has an offense that is capable of putting up points should the Uons be abJe to break big plays. which is something I.hey have shown themselves ca· pable of. Seriior tailback Omar Ruiz has more yards than Brooks (1,245 lo 1,051). If the Uons crowd I.he line of saimmage, like I.hey did In W1 season's 11-10 Costa Mesa victory, the Mustangs can go lo the J>aM· ing game led by junJor quaner- back Bruce Wdk:inson (52 of 99 for 749 yards). '"The last two years, our prob- lem bas been trying to get their I 0 guys out of I.he box: Perkins said. THE SEA KINGS OfFENIE t Kings should still benefit from seeing similar defensive schemes in successive weeks. MI hope so,• Freeman said. MThese next two games. Wf!re just going to see a lot of guys at the line of scrimmage.· VIA Continued from B 1 know that I beat them: He and the Mustan~ dJd so thoroughly, and Vla's defensive play was a big reason wh)'i Whether he was breaklng through the line to make a tack.le ln the bac:ltflefd or laying out a receiver to cause an Incompletion. WllVIA offensive line because of an Injury to Rodrigo Gutiem!Z in the first two games this year, Via bas been playing dght end- a suggestion be rpade to Costa Mesa Coach Dave Perkins last spring - since Week 3. throw up I.here. .. Via's prominence In the Mustan~ program is particularly sweet coa.ldering he was a Costa Mesa water boy when he was IO and 11 years old and was a ball boy for ftve years. He's been Involved with the program through I.he Myron Miller and Jerry HoweU's stints with I.he MustanS' and DOW with Perkins as I.he head coach. On offense, be added bis ftnt cany or the eeason on a tljJ1t ~d counter, gaining 11 yaids, lt'a bis play at tight end after starting at guard b1a IOphomore and junior eeuons that has earned Via .mve mvfews. Mer once apln fllllng In on I.he -1 knew I could catch I.he ball.· Via said. -Plus, I knew we had some guys like (junior left guard) Bryce Carlch coming up, some good young players.• Via has shown he can catch I.he ball, providing a third target for quarterback Bruce Wllk1nson after recefvers Jeff Waldron and Jorge Quiroz. "He's not the fastest guy ln America." Peridna said. "But he gets up the Oeld and he'U catch anything you MJust being that I've been part of the program for such a long time and now playing ln the program, It makes It rea1Jy special.• Via said Also special was his first start on defense this season. He bad rotated with fellow senior Luke Sapolu throughout I.he first seven weeks, giving each of the two· way players some tesL But Sapolu and VLit both started against F.stancia and wtU continue to do so. Via got word ofhls •tarting assignment on the Monday prior to the Estancia game. "I knew I would have a big game." Via said. -1 told myself I was going to have a big game." s99es &UP 4TIREI ........ ....... ttll7M1a t1"""1' MnlR14 •14ss I • I .. ' . .. , , ) l 4 •11 . ... 011 llusd'Y. ~ 6. 2003 .., --------.. '-' ..... -l.1111 ..... ......... Mllllt...._ • l.1111 .................. -.... •um• ...__,,.,1 1lu ~S.C.11M-t1Jl1 Not"-la 1* .-~ alven ·~ the uMMl'•llllff tMt • IHllllk .... ol tllt IHl49' Hsttd Mc:t'"4 ptttoMl prOjltrty wlll be htW at tllt llow of (11) o'cf•ck Afll. 011 tlll ( 11111) ThlrttentJI. D•1 of ~M9£R. 2001. County of OHn ... ltilt. ., c:..lfOl'l\11. Tiit ptOOtftY It 1tOlff •1; IHSTOAACl COSTA MESA. loo•IM at 2038 NEWPORT 8lVO., COSTA M(SA, CA92627. Tll• ~ttmt to k sold •r• IZMl•lb' -..Crlbed H follow•: Cfot11ln1. tool• and or other llouMllold lt1m1 alorad by tM iollowlna penons. Unit I N1m1 1372 STEVENS 808 8317 .llrfCOAT JAMES Cl37 ELS8ACH EHSllY E: 8131 SAHCf1El LOUIS 12M FAMA JOSt«.IA 8221 SAMUELE. RAMOS 8375 RUTUO OlMltO l: 8252 ltUTlUO OlMRO C. 8091 JOHN C LENOX 8223 BEATTY OAVIO 8213 PATRIC!( H. K£AANSMI 8271 HEQWi1£'VER KEVIN 8175 ROIW..O L CHNntR 8159 t£IClll£N MTCHU. B226 STANYA MICHAEL 8282 CNIUL MATT B311 GUSKI MKE 8222 MCGOIRf lf.RRY 8241 MCautfl£ TERRY Cl09 Tl«lMP'SON llWUEY C20J IQ.AN MATT 8378 MCOOIW.D JOf Detect: October. 23. 2003 SCMd: Mentiel Sat.meti This rt0bce 11 afvel! 11'1 accordance with tl\1 prowlalons of Section 21700 et. s.q, of the Buslnlu I Profttalons Code of the State of Ctllforni. S.11 S4lb)ed to prklf c1ne1lt.tlon In the ew1nt of 11ttl1m1nt bltwt1n Owner and Obfjpted '111Y· Published Newport kacll·Cosu MIN o.ily "lot October JO end No~•mber 6, 2003 T889 The lollowln1 persons art do1n1 business n : l• Veta Ortllop11dlc Auocl1l11, 725 W. LA Vale, Suite 260, Orana•. CA 921168 P1ul A Beck. M.D .. 725 w La Vau, Suite 260, Or1n19, CA 92161 Ch11stopller A Wilb, Md .. Inc , (CA). 725 W Lt Vele, Suite 260. Or e1119, CA 92868 Sten A Mo<1, M.D., 72S W L1 Yet•. Su1t1 260, Or•na•. CA 92868 Edwerd L c.,,, MD . Inc., (CA), 725 W le Vele. Sul le 260, Or 1n1•. CA92868 Thi'I buslneu Is con· ducted by: 1n unlncor· por1ted usoclatlon other thin • partnership Have )'® started dolna business yet? Yu. 09/ 27/"l002 PavtA. 8Kk Chustophw A. Wills, M 0 , Inc , CIVlstootllf A Wiiis, M.D • Preslclent This atat1m111t w11 filed with Ille County Clerk of Or1n11 County on 10/21/03 200HtHS11 Dally Pilot Oc:t. 23, 30, Hov 6. 13, 2003 Tht80 .......... ...,. .............. The f•wltla 114f•Oll• • 11 d • .,. ~---.. · --· 1) MAIC l11tafpr1Ml. 1111- b} ll'tC Ufll Antl·hdlt -W.llClll r10flHta, c) srtCTRUM , ...... a-· Antl·hlll Tra1ll'llltlt•. -..._ 41) SHCl'ltUM ClflMll. To ell llMa, MMfl· d1t1;, 1) fHOllltH Wlea, VM!lora, COii• tt111ltt1 0..0 S.wka tlrlpnt u .. tora, 11141 CrtuJ. I) l oc11t1ve ptnOM wtl9 111•}' •Ill a."'flb o..it• s,. .. ,_ ., .... M lfltW•~ 111 Gr~, 1> tSCf' MwMn t11t will Or tett, 0t •10 W. l'llll ltrMt, Unh llotlt.L. of: IUCHAAO W E1, Cutt Mite, CA WC~ZI 9MZ7 *4 A l'll'tnoN FOfl l'ltO Mlltll Kt11d11lan, lSlt IAT£ Ml Mtfl tlltd lly Or1111e Ave., Co.le Ct«lsmtl Mfft MAit• "'9&1, CA ~1 LOW In UM Sllt>wlof 111i. bu~ i. con· Cowrt of C1llfornla, clueted lly: 1n ~dMdullf County of OftAHCt. *~ tou •'**' c1o1n1 THE rnmoH Fo1t bu•iflutYttl v.. l'ROBAT£ 11qu11h 01/01/ttlll CHIUSTINf ANN MAit· Mlrk Klndlriltn LOW bl apfl0!11tld •• Tiii• atat1ma11t wu IMW'Oft•I repreU11tatlv1 fllecl with the County to itdll'llnlttw ttll ••t•t• Clwll of Ora~ County of~ dec.cltllt. ot1 l O/l 7 /03 TMf rfT1TION requHb !MM .. tots th• 4-cedenl'• Will 111d Dally '"°t Oc1. ~ ~ codlcll•, It eny, II• Nov I. l S, 2003 I Mllll ldmlttld to probate. TM Wiii •lld •n}' codlclb ere ........ tvelllllla f0< eumill•· .. I I .. .. .. lion In the file kept by tlM court. ~....... ntE 'lTITION rtquetts The followlna pttwn a11lhorlty to adm111lslar hH 1b1ndon1d the uff the ttt•t• under th• ol th• Fictitious Butl· Independent Admlnl•· neu Nim•: The Photo tretlon of btet11 Atl L•bl"ttmlt{ 'llolo & (This Auttloflty wlN •llow Dl1lt•I lm-.lnc. 210 £. th• person•! teptuen 17th St. 113, Coste l1tlv• to t.alle many Miu, CA 92627 echont without obi•"'· Tiie Flctltlout Buslnut Ina court 1ppronl. n•me rtferrtd lo •bow• Before talllnl Clfllln wH filed In Dren1a v«'I Important ectlona, C®~ t-17"°2. FllE however. the perSOhl NO 911?4t r•-l•tlve will be Oevlcl Safla·~llll LH, t1quirlll to llW• notke U Amlsl.acl, Jt•lne, CA to lnllf•tld petsont 9~20 uni.as tti.y II••• wel••d Sindy lly11n1-Hw1 notice or co11Mnted lo Seo!, 2) AmitUd, lfvllll, the propoMd ectton ) CA 92820 Tiie lnd1p1nd1nl •d· Thia bualn.11 Is con· mlnlttutlon 111tllorlty ducted by: husband ind wlll be arantecl un ... t wife en mternttd peraon Sandy Seol fllft en ob)ICtlon to the Tiii• 1t1lemtnt w11 P«tltlon ind .iiows aood '11ed with the County cane why the co111t Cllfk ol Oran .. County lllould not •ant the on 10/10/03 1ulhottt,. 200HH1HS A HEAIUNC on the OaA1 "'°' Oct. 18, 23, petition will be held on 30, Nov 6. 200J Th848 OECEM8ER t 1, 2003 ti .;..;..;-..;..;_;..;..;;;..;.;..; __ ;.._;. 1:45 p.m 1n Dept L13 ~..... lot4ted at 341 The City ... ,......, Df"lva So111h. Ofe1111. CA 92868. Th• followln1 per.ens .,, dolnc bu1ln111 as: Mor11n ' Assocl1l1s, 3383 Fucllsl1 St .. Cosu M111, CA 92626 CllarlH A A Mon1 H. Mor1an. Sr , 3383 Fuehs11 St. Costa M11e, CA92626 Thomu c1ora• Mor· 1•n, 3750 C Beer St., S1nt1 A111, CA 92626 !limberly lluu1po Mot· 11n 359 16111 Pllce, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This business Is con ducted by • pner•I partnership Have you stattU dolna bustneu yal? Yea, 1916 Mon1 H Mo<11n This sletement wea fifed wltll the County Clerk of Oren1• County on 10/24/03 200HtHU4 01~1 Piiot Oct 30. Nov 6, 13. 20. 2003 Thft& Tiie followin& pe1son1 are dolna buslnus as D VS Dtslcn1, 10412 Owl Clrcle, Founteln \11r.1y, CA 92708 OanMll V klloll, 10412 Owl Clrcl1. r ountaln V1ll1y, CA 9270I Tiiis bu1ln1u It con· ducted by• an Individual Kave you start.d doin& buslno1 yet? Yea. 4·2· 1996 Oanlel V Schol& Thia alet1m1nl wH filed with Ill• County Cllfll of Oranr• County on 10/15/03 200HHllCM Dally Piiot Oc:t 23, 30. Now. 6, 13. 2003 Th887 IF YOU OBJ( CT lo the ar•ntlnt of the petition, you snoulcl appeer 11 th• hearlnt flld •tltl your obetlons or Ill• written ob lions with the court be ore the ll11rln1. Yout appear 1nce may be In perton or by your 1ttorn1y IF YOU A.RE A CREOI TOR or cont1n11nt Cf editor of the decuMd, yov must fill Jout d•lm w1t11 th• court end m•ll 1 copy to the p«tonal rtpt ,_,tttJv• 9j)Polnttd lly the i:our I wltlllll four month• lrom tllt d•l• of the hnl iuwane• of letlera H ptovlded In P'rob•t• Code •ecllon 9100. Thi time for fllln1 ctelms wlll not uplf• before tour months trom the heerl111 ct•t• noticed above. 'tOU MAY ElWttlHE lhl file k9')t by the court tt to11 .,. • p1non In t.<esltd 1n tN ntlta yov may flll With llll cowrt • ltequnt for SoecJ.a1 NoUc1 (form DE 1&4) of tllt l11tn1 of 1n Inventory end 1ppt1l1el of estate •1t1ts or of 1ny petltt0n or eccqunt as provided In l"rob1t1 C<HM secUon 1250. A Requut for Special Notk • form b aw.liable from the court cllrll. ·::.":l '-, ... .._I ' :t. ~,._, w1 .. -. w-..... ... "" ~LW ..... ,I~ (($141 41115) tMI M.&a St., Ste. 1100, lnl11t , CA tta14 'ubllahed Newport Buch·Co1t1 Meu Delly l'llol November 6. 12. 13, 2003 fhW913 ......... ... ,......, Th• lollowln1 11«son1 .,, e1o1111 butlneu 11 1) F9 Clfoup, b) Cllc.tl Consultln1. 13924 kal Beech llvd., ~lt1 C, Seal Buell, CA 90740 Click Consultlna, Inc. (CA), 13924 S11I &NCI! lllvd , Suite C, SHI e .. ch. CA 90740 This buslnu9 la COfl· ducted by; • corporat!Ofl Have you 1l1rtld Cloilll buslneu ytt? No Cllcll Con1ult1n1. Inc; .. ltff L1nn1n1. Pretldent Thlt •l•t•mtnt waa filed with Ill• Cou11ty Clerk of Or1n1• County on 10/11/0J t0014t611ot Dilly Piiot Oc1 23, '°i Nov .•• u. 2003 Tlil7J ........ ........ Tiit llllowlllt P«IOfll .,. dolfll ltlltlnttt ..: c ti t' .,,,,._.,,, oom 14t Hay•, lrVIM, CA 92911 RLA Merutlnt OfOt41, LLC (CA).t.-..M H1y ... lrvlM, CA w-mll Tllit l>llllntM la con d11ctlll by: Ll1111t1d l.Wlllty Co. H9we you Alft.M '°"11 '"'*"'-1"1 No flUt ~ °' ... LtC, ltyen U.ndtlllll. ..,, T1lla •tatemfft Wit filld .tu. tN CollntY ca.11 of °'""' c-tY Oft lQ.121/03 ...,...1 .. , Delly . !"lot OCt 23. '°' Nov. 8, U. 200J Tlll78 ........ ........ Thi ..... lllt "'""' .,. dol!'I ...... .. WALC01tlt1 1120 llm Aft .. Celi.a ..... CA m2t Joftll Twra..u Corrls· 1111, 1&20 (flll Awe , c..f• -..,CAQZI Mllll .... .., .. ~I.II • Coata Mi.;;, TMt~lt~ dllct94 •r: ce-JettMt, ..... )'Oii •tilnM dollll '""'"9N r•tf Yn. 10/l/ OJ Jllll!il ltf'I_. C..ltlll Thi. '''""""' WH .... ... ... c.-tr c:i.ra .. °'"" c....., Olll~ ........ , .......... ......... The fottowlllt PWIOftl 1(1 •Ille~ H : Lwah htarttlr11n1nt, 1m lttaldtM:lt, Hew· llOft 8e1Ch, CA t2MO Htl111 H11n1, UH ltaalfucl•, N•wport IMcfl, CA t29IO Cbn\otllltf l1111Yldu. 1m Re.w.ode, New· ,.i lk9dl, CA t2MO T1llt MIMM II con MIN •,: c.. paftnwt tt.ft WM 1t.W clollle ...._,.n"° HellllHIHll Tiii• atei.-nt w11 flltd wttll IM County Clen ef Or1n11 ~11ty 01110,/10/03 200MHll•t Dalty ,llqt Oct. lli.!~J 30, Hov, I , 2003 • T~ ........ ... ,..... Tiie tollowlllt ~aons .,. ~ buttMu u : Compl•f• Oo1111ttlc Servlc... 1020 South An11Htl111 Blvd. 1304, An111el111, CA t2I05 Frencl•co VIII• Jr , 1020 S AMhltm Blvd. 1304, Anllltlm, CA t2I05 Tiiis b111IJM1N !. COii· duct*ll by: 1n Individual H1w )'OU aterted cloln1 bu•lntu yet? No Frenci.co Villa Tlllt 1ut1ment wn fllld wlttl the County C19'11 of Orani• County on 09/l7/03 t00JffH7ot Olly ,llot Oct. 16, 23, 30. Now. 6, 2003 Th857 ........... ....... Th• folloW(n' peraona lrl cloln' ~U H : SOLID ECHNOLOGV. 15119 Supetlof AYI. IA2. Coste Mau, CA 92627 C ' C losbllc l>evle1 Corp., 1599 Superior Ave. tA2, Cost• Ml••. CA92627 Thi• buslneu It con- d\ICtld by: • corporation He,,. yov 1twt9d dolna bu11neu yetf Yes. 07/ 2003 C ' C Loalslie Dtv1C1 Corp , Chni ll"'•· CEO Tiiis at1te1111nl was filed with the County Clerk of Or1n1• County on 10/24/03 IOOUtHtU 0111)' Piiot Oct. 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, 2003 Th89S fktl.. ..... ... -.... The followin1 persons M• c1o1nc busll1ft1 11· 3 tll1rds Productions. 17332 M1d1ra Lane. Hunllnaton Buch, CA 92647 Rlcherd Blrry Wiie 17332 Medera Lene. HIH'ltinaton 8tach, CA 92947 This buslnns Is con· ducted by: an Individual Kev• you sterted doln1 buslntuy1t1 'tnVl0/03 tNrtMtth• Hevt you etllttd doln& butlMU )'It? Yff, 2/1~ OJ lto«>ert W. Olson Thi• aul•m111t WH fllad with the C011nty Clerk of Ot•n1• County on 10/Zl/03 ........... 0111) l'Mot Oct. 231 ,!'~ Nov. I, 13, 2003 l'M71 ......... ----Tiit lollowlllt pwaon1 er1 dollll "'*""' ... Wut Oren1• Cowntr Drywall ltep81r. 2626 S1nt1 All• Ave. •r•, Coste M$t1, CA 92627 lH H1111y Cr1v•ll• Sr., 2526 Senti Ant Ave. 'f~-Corte Men, CA 904:1 Tllft buain.u Is con· d11cted by: 1n lnd1vldu1I Heve you 1t1ftad dotnl b111l!lff1l1t? Y1:1 01/0 /02 LH Haney Gravelle St., Thia sl1ternenl wn flied with Ill• County Clefll of Or1n11 County on 10/11/0l 200NH2107 DeHy Piiot Oc:I. 23. 30, How.6,13,2003 lh87S "'*-..... ... s...... Th• followln1 pttsons '" doln1 buslneu u : •) Th• Cor ner&tone Group, b) Cornerstone RHllf ' lnvutmenls, 3187 Otl Obispo 1205, San >11111 C1p • CA 92675 R•a Nul Oun1•n, 31877 Del 00~ 1205, Sen Jn11 C1p .. CA 92675 Tiiis busln"s is con ducted by en indMdual HIV• yod surttd doln1 buslneu Y•l7 Yn 11/2000 Ru N Dun11n Tiiis 1t1lement wH fll1d with the County Clerk of Oun1e County on09m/03 200HtstH6 Dilly Pilot Oct 16, 23, JO, Nov 6, 2003 Th~ The followln1 persons lft domf buslnns IS llOOKKE PINC SOLU TIONS, 9!>31 Slater Avenut •18. Fount11n Valley. CA 92708 Kelly Malfe Kuhn %31 Slater Av1n111 #18, F ounteln Valley, CA 92708 Robert D1v1d Kuhn. 9531 Sl1tlf Aveue • 18 F ounteln Valley. CA 92708 Th11 buslnHs 11 con dueled by '1usb1nd 1nd wife Have you st.trtrd dome business yet? No llelly Merit lluhn This st1t1ment w11 hied '#tlll lh• County Cieri< of Of'lnl• County on 10/28/03 200HtHSSt Dilly Piiot Oct 30. Nov. 6, 13,20,2003 Th907 Rlclle•d B1rry W1l1, 11...iW-.... 17332 Madere lane, ,_ Hunhnaton Bue~. CA ... se...f 92647 Thia stat•ment WH Thi followtn1 persona flltd with the County "' do1n1 butlnus 11 The PhOlo l.tl/Premler Ci.tll of Ofanaa County Photo'~ lll>eainl. on 10/21/03 v .... ~. JOON .. Ull 270 £ 17th SL •l , 23 JO CotU Mtte, CA 92627 Dally l"tlol OcL • • DSC8 Co<p. (CA), 270 Nov 6• 13• 2003 Th8l2 ( 17th St. 113. Cost• ~..... Mesa, CA 92627 This busln.u 1t con· ... S..... dueled by • corpor1llon The lollowlna persons tilve y® 1tarl1d doln1 •rt dolna bu1l111n 11. business 1•17 Newport Coast Recov· Yes Sept 2002 Hy, 1216 w 81lboa DSCB Corp Sandy Blvd , HtwPOtt hech. Seol, treaaurer CA 92661 This statement waa Celm l'aclftc S.11, UC filed with the County (CA), 2217 Francisco Clerk of Olan1• County Dr1v1, Newport 8eech, on 10/10/03 CA92MO 200SH61JH lh11 bus1n1ts Is con· Deily Piiot Oct 16 23 ducted by • limited 30 No~ 6 2003 Tll&t7 plrtlllf shlP Kawe you started doifll fldllea ..... buslneu yet? Ho Mme se...f Celm l"aclflc S.H, UC, Albert Plr.10, CEO The followln1 persons This stalament w11 ere do1n1 busln•u n filed with tll• County Go Hook, 4500 C1mpui Cle•ll of Oran1• County Or t21S. Newport 10/17"'~ 81ach, CA 92660 ;~htt'iOts Rober I K•ller . 4500 Delly l'llot Oct. 23, 30, Campus Dr '21S, Nov 6,ll,2003 Tllll64 ~ort Buch, CA ~.... P111I Sm1tt1n tSOO ... se...t C1mpu1 Or 121~. Newport Be1e.h CA Tiie foflowlnc persons 92660 .,, dolftl bualMU " This bu11neu 11 con C1pltel Hulthc1re duclld by 1 aeneral lllfflna, In Riverside p1rtn1nlllp Aw•.. S'ulU 1004, New· tine you stetted do1n1 por1 lleach, CA 92663 b111ln111 yet? No I'll• J. Hayn, 325 ltobetl Keller C.111111 A!,!:L_ Newport This stetement was 811ch, CA 1Ull02 fUed with the County Oo111tn C. H1yt1. 325 Cieri! of Or1n11 County Colllna Av!.;.i __ Hewport on 10/2&/03 lkKll. CA 9.alel to0HttJH4 Tllla butlMU It con· Delly l'ilot Oct. 30. Now ducted .,: hlllO•nd •nd 8, 13, 20, 2003 Th904 wlf• Hew pu 1Wllcl doln1 Ac-.. ..... bin!Mu )'*t7 lfo ._,._.____.. 'IWJHey" -Tllll aut-t w11 Th• lollow1n1 penons flled with Ille County .,. Oolnl bllWIHI .. ~of Ort4111 County All In Thi fam ily 011 l0/2l,l03 Coun11Nn1 •ltd l"ayc;ho· toeMMUU tlletepy, 408 Wutmln· Dally ,llot Oct. 30, Hew. tltr Suitt lO·D, Newport I, U, JO, 2003 Tlltol hech, CA t29413 Andrew Holl!H, 408 ......... Wa1tmln1t1r Sult• 10-0. ......... ~Ori lloch, CA Th• follo~aona Thll bualnfft It con· !)' o-.:.\ RIClll( ::: ducted by: en Individual Mllfcll, II) •w 11..,. H•v• yo;i alerted dolll1 rrlua, c) Ht1lll111ll bull!llM yell Ho M«twHolti" ntetprln,_ f) Nortll Thlt 1t111ment w11 f~. •11<1111 bcfna tiled wltll the County ""'*9nu, 0 Lancater Clefk of Orena• County Auodttaa, fS20 S.ltd· °" 10/24('0) c•tlt Ot • COfone Otl IOOhtHt48 Mef,CAta25 Oelll"llol Oct JO, Nov Attllw J, Ucotte, 1820 I. l 20 2003 ~ S.IWleHtlt Df,, Cofone • ,,,_,, Ott Mtt CA tan ..___ a......a....... Thi. ,va111 ... II con· ,__ llUcttd llyl 111 lnl1Mdu1I ........ Hevt 1611 •~-"" dOllll The follOwlnl ptnon1 htllltat yett,._ are doln1 buMl'lua " ArUM J. lKost. t~W•lbay ,ropertln, Tllla ttatttNllt WA II W .. ~., .,tlMl!b, f.._. wfttl tlle Coulll)' l ltodlutet SllMI, C'-' tf Orwt .. t.unty Colt.a Mae, CA 12127 111 10/lOIDI W••t••y ''eti•rtlu leeMfflJJt MlllfPl'ltllt, L"C, (CA), ~ ,,._. Oct; 11. Zl. UI ltKIMller Strttt, IO,~. I, 200.1 ntMf Cosu Meu, CA 12C27 Titit ~II COft ........... lint•• by. l.llllllell ....... Llelltllty C.. JM .......... "''°"' Htw 1611 ttMtt4 c1o1nt 811 ........ ~ .. : k~ ~etl Ytt, 09/ OfMft Mc""Vlc# hltdtf't, HllW HU ..,...,. Tirr., Wutbay l'roptttlH eor-· iMf Mlf, CA Ml~t. LLC, ltl· Ma cllM• A. s.w.11, Solt .....,. w OINll..1 lilt •: ..... .....,,, ••• S.lftMI ';sa~°"' fiW wit'1 IM COMt'y ~,':'·:vic ... zoli Cllrtl et °'lllfl Cov11ty Y_...-............. .....___. e11 lO/HI03 __ ......._ .......... ., --=:·:.:fa COi!• ~, ... Oct '°ti':.O tr o " 1 ess" • ...:;..;...;..11;;.;...:.•.:..,.;..;..;.--.;.-.;;.;;. ..... ........... ..... ....... ... ...... Tiie rollowln1 Ptt.Ont Tll• t01101t1n1 per~111 •r• dotf'll 1lu•l1111a 11: 4 M• dolna •1Ltl11H1 •• S111on1 [flt• Entar fl1111ta ltk:c;I o.l&n•. 20 ttll1111111t, 2002 18 Lyell, Newport Coest, CA Newport Blvd. Ste 1'2. 92657·110? Cotta Miu, cA nt.?7 "•MY l1vole, 20 lyOll, '•trick Mlcha•I Htwporl Cont, CA 1'111uon, 2AO N. ludl• t2657·1102 tllln Wey, Ot•lll•· CA Tlllt buti!IUI II con t2at ducted b1 •.11 lndMduel lhl• butlneu II cen· "9,,. )'Oii al«tld doiftl ~ltd b)'. an lndMdu•I bwalneu )'It? Yn. Hue you •tafttd '°'Ill Marcll of 2003 busl11eu 11t1 Ho 1'111111 L•YOll P1trlc;ll Mlc;h1el Tiii• 1t.tM1tnt w11 1'11r1.uon hied •1111 thoe County Thia 1tetem1nt w11 Cl«tl of Of•lll• Co11nl1 ftlecf wltll th• County on 10/24/03 Cl11ll of Dren11 Cou11ty 200S .. Hth on 10/28/03 D•llr l'llot Oct. 30, Nov 200MtHl tt I, U . 20, 2003 Th891 oaur Piiot Oct. 30, Nov 6, 13, 20, 2003 Th9CJO ft«MM ..... Thi followln1 persons •~• doln1 buslnfta as G. J. M~ Construe: llOll, 310Marbados Pl, Co1t1 Mn1 CA 92628 C. J M1tlln Con· struellon (CA), 3101 Barbados Place, Costa Miu, CA92826 This busln11s Is con· dueled by. 1 co1por1llon Have you 1lart1d dolna business yet1 No G J Mar tm Con structlon, Gre1ory J M1rtln Owner CEO Th11 1t1t1m1nt was hied with Ille Cou11ty Clerk of Or1n1• County on 1on110J 200SHUSU Dally P~t Oct 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 2003 Th813 ~ .... ... s...... Thi lollOwlnc penont 1re doln1 b111ln•11 u . Cold Stone Creamery, f245, 26711 Aliso Cr111l ROlld, 1102. Allao VleJo. CA92656 Cahfo<nl1 Fields. Int (CA). 59 T1rocco, It v1n1 CA92618 Tl\11 buslnen 11 con ducted by a C4rpor1hon Have you started do1na business y1t1 No C1hforn11 ( oeldt Inc Steven Field. Officer Prts11Mnt lh11 st1tem1nt wu hied with the, County Clerk of Orena• County on 10/28/03 200J696U21 Dilly Pilot Oct JO, Nov 6. 13. 20, 2003 Th907 Rdlttlll ..... "-S..... The lollow1n1 p111ons •r• do1n1 bus1n1u u Rol>ohc P1rk1n1 Wul Cout, 901 Dowe Street. Suite 270. Newpor I Buch. CA 92660 Woodpark Develop mint Comp1ny Inc (CA), 901 Dowe Street. Suite i7o. Newport Bue~. CA 92660 This bu•lnns 11 con ducted by •corporation Have you st1rled do1nc bu11nesi yet? Yu, 09/ 01/2003 Woodpark Develop mlfll Co Inc , Garrell Scott C1yn•, Pres Tll1t sl•temenl wts llted with tf'9 CourttJ Cle<k of Ofan .. County on 10/03/0l 1003tff06 I 7 Dally P110t Oct 30. Nov 6,13.20,2003 Th909 ll011CI Of AIPUCATIOll TO SlU AlCOHOUC IMIA66 0.tf .. ~ Oc*' 20, 200S To Whom 11 M1y Concern The f111me(s) of the Apphunll• > 1•/ ... BRANDALISE JASON SCOTT FUENTtS JUAN MANUCL FUEHTtS LUZMARIA The 1p0he1nll fisted 1bo•• .are applyln1 to the Department of Alcoholic Bever11• Control lo 1111 1lcohollc bever•1n 1t 2263 FAIRVIEW RO C, COSTA MESA, CA 92621 Type or hcen11(1) Apphed for 41 ON SAL( 8ECR ANO WINE EATING 'LACE Published Newport Beach·Cosl1 Mtst 011ty P110I Octobef 23. lO Novtmbet 6 2003 T"888 Adi"-..... "-se...I The lollow1n1 persons tre doin1 bualntH IS Abo«M fine f urn1Sh1n1 766 Alderwood Dr . ;is'68orl Buch, CA Mtrll R. Ochoe, 766 Aldt rwood, Newport Buch, CA 926eO Thta bu11n111 11 con dueled by an Individual H1v1 you st1rltd do•nc busln111 y•17 No M1tll R OchOI fllll statement •H filed with the County Clerk of Otani• County on 10/10/0l 200Ht6USO Oall'I Piiot Oct. 16, 23, 30, Nov. I , 2003 TH850 ~ ..... ......... Th• lollowln& Ptraona ltl dollll butlMH H $klnetlca, UO W Stewert Dt.,H01, Of anp,CAtZMI KM• Ann McC.rthy, l4oe Ro1•11 line, Coafa Mtta,CA9?927 This """111•• la con· dllcted by. an 111411wl'ckl.t Hewe rou •l•IN dolfta ~.1•tT Yatll•W Kere McClrthy Thia •t•t•m•nt wu tltH with lhe County Clelk of Or1np County 01110/Jl/03 lOOHtHIJI Ody l"llOt How I , 13..i 20, 27, 2003 llltlll TtlUSAMll YOll &AIA&I SALll II CWSllD M '42-5671 ... s...... lht toHowln& persona .,, dollll bu.tlness 11 Another Vl•w, 401 Wastmlnlltt.1. Suite 10-0. ~Ott DllCh, CA Mar111n K1plan, 408 West.min.tar, ~lte 10-0. ~ort Bt1ch, CA· This business Is con· dueled by: 1n Individual Have you st1rted dolna buslnen yel7 No M1rllyn Kaplin Thi• st1t1ment wu flied with the County • Cieri! of Or1n1• County on 10124/03 200Ht61t42 Oail1 ,Uot Oct. 30, Now 6, 13, 20, 2003 Th894 Re-. .... ... ,......, The follow1n1 persons ere doln1 buslnest IS SL DEPOT. 1733 Mon rowl• ,N, C0tt1 Mesa. Ci.92627 Abt Lu 811lk, 4 ( supade Ct , Newport Beach, CA 92663 This b~inus 11 con dueled by. en lnd1wldual HIV• y® started dolnc business yet? Yes lt·J-2003 Abelff Blelll Th~ st1tement wu loled with the County Cieri< ol OI an11 County on 11/03/03 200HtUtt1 Dilly Pilot Nov 6. 13. 20,27,2003 fh914 ~ ..... ....s........ The lollowln1 Plf•ons 11• dolna business u Hunt1n1lon Beach Wiralen. 9606 H1millon Av• 1'101 Hunhnaton Buch, CA 92646 D11rtn C110 Trinh 800 N Juat1n Pl . Anallelflt, CA 92801 Tllot bustneu It con ducted by an lndlvlduel Have you 1tarted doon1 busmen yel1 Yu 1111/03 D1rren C110 Trinh This at•lemenl v.n Wed with the County Cler~ of Oranae County on 10/28/03 200SHUl27 01Uy P1lol Oct JO, No~ 6. 13. 20. 2003 lh906 fk11119 ..... ... s...... The fonOwln1 persons ere dolrtl bu1111eu n P•ftctlons Auto O.t1H Ina. 708 Beachcomber Seel BHCll, CA 90740 W11n J. Coolsby, 708 Be1ehcomber Seal BHch, CA 90740 Thos buslnus os con ducted by' an 1nd1V1d111I 11•~• you \tarted do1n1 businen yet' Yea 10 I 03 Wren I Coolsby This st1lement wn Med wolh the County Clerk ol 0.1ne• County on 10/10/03 tOOHttlJSI D11ly Pilot Oct 16. 23 30 Nov 6, 2003 TH84J ~ ..... ... s....... lhe lallow1n1 .,.raons '" doln.1 bualnns as CREM£. 0£ ~ CREME HOM( DESI~. 3188 J AlrwAy Avenue, Costa M111, CA92626 Marl• C-tMy. 3188 J A1rw1y Avenue. Cost• Mal CA 92626 '4 Th" business IS con dueled by en 1ndivldual Kave you sterted doon1 business yet? No Maroa Cour tnty This atalernent was filed with the County Clerk of Orenae County on 10/21/03 200HtUSIO D11ly 'llot Oct 23, 30. Nov 6, I 3, 2003 Th879 ~ ..... ... se...t The foi19w1n1 peraons are cloilfa buslneu as B11ch Princess.· 369 E. 17th SI •26, Cosu 1111111. CA92627 ll1tl1 Cl1ut, 324 8roedw1y. Costa Moe CA92627 Tlllt butlneu It con ducted by 1n lndiwldu•I Haw you tterttd doln1 buslneu yet? No Ktrlt Cf1ua This •l•l•menl w•• filed with tM County Clttk of Oren .. County on 10/lO/OJ tOOIH•tHt Delly Pilot Oct. 16: .-2~..: 30, Hot S, !003 T""'° Sill M inuldly,Nowmtltr_6_._200 __ 3 ______ ----------- ........... M ...... ..._ M .....,.._ a. LIPI**" -Ltlll.... -IAplllllca ......... ........ TIMI fOlowitt& ~ •• '°"" IHI ": •> CIHlnolua. II) Clot1n1 "'"· 2113 I alrvi.w '" , S11•t• IOI, C.bMt" CA.,_,1 .,,.. 1er flllldtc•. 124 f , ZOia $ , CHUI Meu, CAt211l1 n.i. bu~ la e.n· '"'™' ,, .,. l .... ldu .. ti.ve ,eu alMIM dcMflC bui1,..aa ,,n No Julia Jt, Mkedo Thia •t•te""nt ••• II*' will\ Ille Count, Clerll ol Ofen11 ColHllY on 10/?llO' 100J .. 621tl 0111, Piiot Oct Nov.Cl, lJ, 200l 23, JO. Tll881 I IHI fohowu11 pe<aon• llf• dOlnt lluailleu •• The NtwjlO• I Cuti om Clelhter 1111 S•nd•I wood, Co'l• Me••. CA 9262S Oou&l.n h•n Ctemer llli S.nd.tlwO<>cl, Coala Meu.CA9~'6 Thll busff!ffl II COii cklcl-4 by IM'I mdMd11al Have you tlMled doto& busl"ft• yet? YQ, Jen I, l!l!ll • Oou1tH t v1111 Cremtf 0111 •••lament wu filed w1tll the County Cleft. ul 0.1n,. Co11nty on 10/ZIVOl 200J .. Ultl Oatty Piiot Ocl 30. Nov 6, U, 20, 2003 Th901 Rim. .... ........ Iha I .... IN'M"' .,. ~ k-. •: AHhed C.1111 • W ?lat, Hewpo1t hkll, CA tlt6J c-1• H I•• It .. 4!1 r"'9ftnta Ava , Lona a.ach, CA !mDl Thit ~ " cell d~ted b1 an lndhrld\111 "'" you •Ulri.d cloln& bUMllffayttf\'11, !2/1/02 C.O.p H 1110 tr Thia 1t1tamtnl ••' ftlod with llle Cou11ty Cwll of Or•n• Counly on 10/17/03 tooJ .. UIOS 011ly Not Oct U. 30. Nov. 6, 13, lOOJ Thl71 nc.. ..... ... s....1111 fh• follo1111n11 perun• et• Oolt1~ bu.itoe&a ts' h1tt11 •ltd lluour u Hetwo1k, 3003 Otub Houu Clrclt. Cost• Mt.a, CA 92626 Cynthia lo H<Hvy, 3003 Club Ho111t C11clt, Coslt Mesa CA9?626 Thi• bu'lnft• ts con dulled by an 1ndmd11•I Have you •lifted dlMnt bUSIMU yat1 Ya, 9/1/ OJ Cynthia Jo Henty I hi\ tl•l•m•nt • ., loltd w1lh th• County Cit• ll ol Or •n1• Counly on 10/17/0J 200J6Htl10 01Uy P~ol Del 2J. 30, Nov fl. IJ, 2003 11117• Policy ........ ...s....... 1li. lolloWllll pet MllU .. ....,., ~ ·~ fwlu,.. rrt-•. 4802 flleptu11e, Newport IHc.11 CA 91"3 .... f •htnt. t&I02 Neplunt. N1wpe1 t hKll. CA tltU Tiils bu.-u II CCIII Miff bJ M llldootld..al tt.ve ,ou 111• IM doinl blnlntsa yelf Vn. J•n 2003 Mint FOftUnt Thi. ''-'""'nt WH f1le4 with ttoe Cou11t1 Clerk of Ot•nae County 01110/28/03 200JHUJt7 Ot1ly P110t <kl lO, Nov 6. 13, 20, ,2003 lh898 flcffM ...... .......... lht foHo•Ull penons Ill ck>lnt lwllllUI ll Swut Mtr1'a, 312 RoblnM>n Otrvt, T"'I"" CA 92782 0905 Mat y Cht1$llnt 01a MOnd, 372 Robinson Dt1vt Tuslt11 CA 92/&2 09C1.> Tiits 1>11S11w1n 11 con dueled by an 1f!d1vtcl1111I Hne yc.u stat led doina bu.inns yet? v .. 09IOl/200J Mery C -Oo•mond rhlS alllallW!nl WH filed with the County C~k of Ounre County un 10/21/03 200J6H2Sl6 Ottly Ptlol CXt 23. JO. Nov. 6, 13. 2003 T11884 1 ht lot1ow1n4 "'"°"' lft Mtlll lwllN&s u · .... Ot91t11 • ,,,, •• 11on, IJO l Cll1110Mt11. Oranp, CA 11181 llonnle MM 111111111. 910 C Chipman Or• en1•. CA 12166 Th11 bu•lnu• It con dueled tty H ll!dM4vel ...... JOll slllflld '°'Ill bu11Mat yetl ...... !I l 91 Bonnie M Hatnt Thia •lal•tntnl WU hied with th9 County Cletk of Orans• County on 10/2•!03 2001 .. Hto6 D1t1r Pilot Od 30, Nov fl, 13. 20. iocll Th908 ll011CIOf AVAUlllYY Of ..WllPOIT The annual r tf101 I of Iha Ebethard faund1 tion. • p<lv•I• lounda lion ia avtllabl• lot 111ipe~llon 11 1506 S Hatbot Blltd Santa All• Cal1l0tnle 91/04, dUttn& 1ecul11 bvslnns houn by any clllnn who request onspecllOn w1thon 180 days after thl\ pub Ice hon Piion• ( /1 •) 9!17 1111 Tiie p<1nc1pal man11et of Iha loun d1t10n 11 Kan D Ebet h11d P'ublt1hed Newport Beach Co•I• Meu Deily Piiot Hovembat 6 2003 11191 7 ........ ...--... Tll1 follow1111 per.on• ,,. dcltna bu-. .. , [PICUMH OlnRISUT~ AND SALCS. 109 YOflL• town. ~w,ott BPUI. CA92MO Sharon H1lr•, 109 Yorktown, Newport 9ffcll. CA 9Z680 Till• busltlas b con ~lad by 1.11 111dlvldwil ... VI YOU •e.ted cloin' bualfltU Y-'' Yes, 191 ShHOft lt11te T1111 •l•l•menl wn hied with the County Cletll of Ouns• County on 10/21/03 t00HtUSl7 Dally Pllol Oct 23. 30, Nov. I, 13. 2003 Th886. ,... ...... ... s........ The followlft1 peraon1 •1• doln1 bu•ass " Oownunder Dt,w•ll Repair 6 Paint, 110 Otnbury ln, Colla Miu, CA92626 Breit Backhouse, 110 01nb111y L11. CA 92626 This buslntu " «:4n dueled by an mdtWidU.I Have you stifled doina bu11nan y1l7 Ho 8,.11 Bacllllouw fhia statement wu hied wtlh Ille County Clttll of Ounae Count, on 10/17/03 tOOJH'2106 01lly Pilot Oct. 23, 30, Nov 6, 13, 2003 "'872 The lo wl l*M•tt llH doine ltu.ineta II ': l) MoY1I Maa, I) WH• IM.s Now Conlput•a, IO ...,IM. IMne, CA 91'1' OMC Co..,,_11._ (CA), lO Mor lflll. Irvine. CA 92112 T~ ~I Is con• dvcl9Cf b1 • C0tpotatlon llave you •!¥tad Mint buuMu~t1No OMC tompe111e1, OtvMI M Couko11, l",..ldtnl Tiils slfltm*'lt w•t flied with Ille CountJ Clerk of Orin&• County on 10/17/03 2001 .. HOH Oalfy Pilot Oct 23, 30. Nov. 8. 13, 2003 Th868 ~ ..... ... s....1111 The tollowlfl1 persons w • doln1 buslneu u . Alnlltcam lnlern1Uonel. 2925 BJIMr StrMI. Costa MMa, Cll1lou111 92628 Amel Kh1lll. 2925 Baket Slteet, Coste Mast, C.hfOfrHa 926.?ii Tllil buslltftl II con dueled b1. an lnd1vklual Hne you slwtecl dotns business yet? Ho Am1I Kh•hl This atata-nt wu hlad w1111 Ille County Cleft. ol ()ran11 County on 10/l"IOJ 200J"'"" D•llJ Piiot Oct 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, 2003 TH8S!I llow·to Place A ~ .... ... a.... Tiie f llo•llll ,_..,., 110 &.1#11 1111"1-H . LNO Co11111111nieaho111 • 411 ri.~. N.•1111tt INCfl,CAtlt&) LOUii N 0.-4, Ir , 411 fltasl\IP, NtWpofl leach Clt2f.ll Tiffi IJUMntH • con. ducted by en llldMdual Have you atMled dolfll bu lnus ~t? 't'N9/l/OJ loula H Ot1mftfld, Ir Thi• ···••mtnt WH filed with tllt Cuunt., Cl4tll of Or•nat County 01110/28/03 200HtUSH Dally Piiot Ocl 30, Nov &. Jl. 20, 2003 Th905 Ac-.W.. ... s....1111 The lollo1111n1 penons ate doln1 bu11nen H M O.aitn•, 215 C11ntl Ave . Newpotl Beach. CA 92662 Janel C Wolenslly, 215 Getntl Ave , Newpotl Beech, CA 9266:.> Thlt buwnen 1s COfl dueled by en 111d1vidu1I H•va 1ou sllfted doin1 bustnesa yat1Yn19911 Janet C Woltnsk y Tiits 1tat•mt0I was hied 1111th Ill• County Clerk of Ouna• County on 10/10/03 200Ht61JU 011ly Piiot Oct 16. 23, 30, Nov 6. 2003 H18" Rem. .... ... s...... Th• follow1111 P«IOllS The Mlowlnc perMllS .,, cto•a l>vwlets a : .,, 4ollt1 bllllnen n : A.Ito All By tt.tper, REO AM£111CA, 901 5146 202 Dtf•tlo Of,, Oovw De-12.35, New liunU1111oa Be.eh, CA ,oft Buell. CA 92660 ..Jo. 916'9 C'fllttlll l'o4oslfl. wl John 0. Hlfl*, 5146 Dovet Of , 12.lrl. Hew· 202 Dot•do Ot , Hun pcwt8eadl,CA92t60 ltn&lon llU<.11, CA 92649 11* b111111eu Is con ''"' blnlneu i. c:on duded by an lndivklu•I ducted by. en lftdlvldual Htv• you stMted dolflt Have you 1uned dolna bus1neu yell No btnlnns ytt? Ho Cynthia Podosln Jolin llHI* Th11 sl•lamtlll was fhl• 1lel1ment wu lllecl with Ille County hied wllll the County Cl•rll l)f Ot111&9 County Clt<k of Ota111e County on 10/21/03 on 10/17/03 200S .. HS09 200l .. H100 Daily Pilot Oct 23. 90. O•llY P'tlot Oct 23, 30, Ho.v. 6, 13, 2003 Tl\876 No• 6, 13, 2003 Th869 ,.... ..... ... s...... The lollow1n1 petsons tt• dolns business •• Revolution Orum A< C1"4>tlH. 903 W 1711' Un1I 70. Cosll MtH CA 92627 Jon1tht11 A Colwan 903 W 17th Unit 70 <Asta Meu. CA 92627 fh<a busman Is l:Oll • du~ted by an tlldtvtdual Hive yuu 1latlecl doina bu11nen yet' Ho Jonathan A Colwell fh1s slalerM.nl was lolecl with the County Clerk ol 011n1e County on 10/17/03 200HH2101 Daily Ptlol Oct 23, 30, Nov 6. 13 2003 Th87D Tel Us About YOUR GWGESALE! In ClASSlflED (949) 64'1-5671 S•U yo1.ir Car in Cla.u1Ji141 ! .......... ........ Thi loll11Wlfll pettoni. .,. doll1C bvsl.-1 • SCHtMA NETWORKS1 1053 Vallejo Circle. Coate M..-, CA 92626 S<oll WHYtt, 10!>3 Vellefo Clrc:I•. Coale Mae,CAt'262' Thlt ""'111tts It C:Oll tlucte4 "y: en 11\dlvldllal Have you allltllld dolfll t>v.ineu yen Yu. JO Z0.03 Scott WHYtt fhls atetement wu l1led with the County Cieri! ol Orena• County pn 10/21/03 !OOHH2S14 0•111 P1lol Oct. 23. SO. Nov. 6, 13, 2003 Th885 Tel Us About YOUR GWGESALEI In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 .----Deadlines _ _...;... Rate!> anJ deadlines are sub.JCCt to change without nollce 1be publ.tshcr reM:f\les the right to cc:ni;or. reclassify. revise or reJCct ariy clas-.ified advc:rt1semcnt Plea-.e report any error that mJy be 1n your clll.'>!olficd ad unmed1a1el y The Daily Pilot acccplS no habthly for any error in an advcn1scmem for wtuch it may be responsible Cllccpt for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Crcd11 can only be allowed for the first in'ICnton. CLASSIFIEAD -Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631 6594 I I""-lntludc tWI lwnt w>J rhotit numbn Mid .. .-11 ull you -~ ,.,1h 1 I""~ 14u.•1· I By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In P e rson: 33-0 West Bay Street Costa Mc\a. CA 91.6rl At Newpon Blvd & 811y ,SI Wednesday .............. Tucsday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm l'clcphon1: 8:30am·5:00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-In 8:30run·Hl0pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm AHNOUNCIMIHTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ENTERTAINMENT Cllendatof &Ira 1!10 EQUAL ltOUSIMG Of'POl11llTT All •HI nt•le 1dvetll\ 1n1 in th~ nt.,P•Ptr I• •ubtetl lo the f'tdeul Fa" Huu,1n1 At l ol 1968 ., amended whtch mekn ti 1ller11 lo •dvatllH ·eny 1>11111 ant e, l1m11111on or d1l1u1m1naloon boecl on taca. color. 1e~11on. HX, handlup l•m•llal 'l•lus or netion11 IM'lln, ot an 1nlen1ton lo meh '"J such p<af-.tenca, limit•· llvn Of dbcr lm•n•loon • Th~ new,_19f, will not knoWlll ly •cc:ti>' •ny adverllMment l0t IHI u late which I\ In viOl•llon of the ltw Our re•dtr• 11e hataby lnl0tl!lld lh1t 111 d'#tll lnp ldvtrtlHd In lhlt newapa!Mf 11• eulltblt on 1n IClll•I Ol>l>IW hmlly bHll . To complain of dl1 ttifnhWlllOll, CIN lfOO lnll f'rq al 1 ·IOO 424~90 147& MIOMnDuc•• nacns "-AIA uvri. rnotl lll'ntl Hiil fact 111lue M9 72J 7 .. 1 .. CAIHMID .. --·--nllUYUTATU ....................... or~s1r.rir.arns 2305·2490 1486 Flfte Un.,.., d1lno & 1llvtt. alunnin(I diamond rfn1. LI cry,lal bowls, I ea u1 car 949 8!l4 !>!>75 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 MISClllaneous 1419 Semca --------CASH FOR STRUCTURED 0--~ 1' h ~ Seltltment/Annu1ty Sil ~ 111. 1818 ~ I'\.. p•ymenh II ~ your Oo\ 8-cb. IV\. 1ttro tum. money! Cet cnh now kltch dulhlls & more. when you need 11 mostl llACMIAT7AM 212011.e'"-v• Clr.L M .. t ..... I.OST ..... aAC _,,., Pm 9*11 MI 00 .. di& -· HP'318 Ho m .._,. I IJOO 1:£3321 ~ .. !hr..__ SdlllnW'll Pt...,_ .. l.(IT/~Y MI (CM.~) COOl TllAVH IOI Entr 1 level Pot.II-• 18• no uiiwwa -..,.2 ..... .-.--. ltanapotl•llon. lodt1111 pr-*id Im .... barla 1111 at Tel Fra a m 'UR. (<:A "'9:M) 1510 APPlWICES DIANIGUUll.aO Dtd .IY .. C c-roto ll1betn21 y11t1 We nMd to .. , • hold of )ou sn.llnas 1oo111n1 '°' ou 562 1n 97"6 DU<lHASOM ,,.,, ................ 0.. apprOll l/tw frecl'I l'h•P«t 811c:11 Cac:el ~fll ltlllll1"t l(lt.l(Mt It IYlt w•twfo"ll rtflllf, ownanhop lnl«MI & •PPf•• .37' .er ol llnf 6 ll!lptOftllllnh + 'CM!' ••'! u,.. cempourMI w/•lt1,1&lut1 tlld ' trtller1 Wnlllltrful rrl 11l1ht 180'• 6 wine tullnt dur1n1 tit.tell HllOll • lllaflr Hit• I 1~111 ror ? f'rll!nch or lllNMottl WASHU Hn11y duly l1t19 capacity '/"'' old $125 Ctll 11 751 4330 HOME FURNISHINGS f1th0f' I eon C•ll Mika l .. lllllil••illllllililll atJ10·5'1 ... S LL your stliff tttQuat1 cl111UiedJ 1 SOI0-3940 ~ filil s09s-saso 3110 3815 MiCB1NEous MERCHANDISE IUllDntO SAU. ·nntl CIHr •nee!" Priced to Sell. No Salnm•n Co Dltect/S••• 20 • 24, $2,900 ~ l 30, Sl,900 30 l 40 $!1,200 35 a 50 $6 900 50 • 120 fid.eoo Otha11 P1on-., ~!IQ2 SCAL '"SCAN} Index HOM6SFOOSALE ORANGE 5400 COUNlY Corona dtl Mii' NIWUSTING5 CONDO 3bt +den & 3 !> b1 lronlbtand new So of lh• hwy Sl.•!>0.000 OUl"UI Jiit Jb1 & 21>1 ?b1 C0tner Ho of hwy Sl.450.000 Ownet/A&•nl 800 6-4().6661 2 llOOlS JO llACHI 329 P0tn11ttla V1nl1p COM 2bt + den, owner boulfll •nolhtf $1,399,000 The S.nfetd Group 714 0 2·89SS ncuntvl usrueo CDMDUPUX 4bt Zba house + 211< l be unit Sl.275,000 Prine only. The Slnl0td Ctoup 714 •12-8955 S..tll .t HWY IOal It It ·2 duplex. Creal op portunlty to build Ntw A&l 9"9-tzt..3785 0,.,.. 11-4 Iner~ lllew on Blu~ 29r l75CSI pvt 'Pl I tllrlum. POOi, pl*' ~ml $379,llOO Ron 't'ouna Cold Clown 71 ..... 32-7871 IN OUSI SAT-SUN 1-4 424 Wlm9IR9 AVl Nl\WIOlr 19Dtfl'S Remod 2br Iba house, on 11101 w/lbr 1 b• sep aunt house Ip, la yuds Gar S909,000 t4t-6S0-071S r ... -by Jliw , ... In popul., fllawpo1t ShorH MH. Newly p11nlld " catpeted, La mastu, 2 daclls $629.900 Cell Judy Martz " lull• Schm11S1n1 •t Ancll0t Ptop«tles 949 720 3900 Oon'I fall lo benefit LHI remal11ln1 opporlunlt)' Buch Cott1.111 949·637 2397 ONHllNlllT CONDO 3br 311• pied «:4mm, new catpeVpelnl Own11 /A&ent IC)0.&40.66C; 1 Opell Hovw .. 1 -11 5, l3 ftltll~ •• 2'~ 2,7841f. fp. Oen :!J..i. I 519,000 MU97·nw Un der the Service Directory Banne r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 AESIOE'NTIAL Rf.NT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Corona del Mar c..pMt .. y .--.. .... lbt )ba unit nail now Sl150!n 609 N111cls•U\ Ptull 949 f?'fj 853!> 21R 21A CONDO, fp Ina. dw, no pels, pool, 1r I loc $1500/mo Avail Now 949 650 6730 Penln•ulo lbr Iba patio, lu~plactt, sharell w/d hkup•. I cer e•rece Agt SI 500/MO !M9 293 4630 2W. :n,., '-" 2/c f/11 • oWdl pft, pnol. New ... w/~ oncJ un IWln Woods $18l> 71~1931925 Cesy Cett... 2'-r 1 llt 2br 2ba nt NP plt!r close wd, Av1~ DK I ulll Incl lo shop\ & rutu111nb S 1300+ dtp 949 858 Ip 1 c car wd hkup• 1254 949 2~ 41!12 SlllOO/mo 949 293.4630 2.,._ , ... Aalt, So ol Hwy OVlf incl ( C81 llt Wd llllups. d1Shwr. no pelt SI 750/mo 9ot9 863 I 390 Ote•11 vlewl Sunny aut)d -*Y SilllC I •t..-r 2IJr • dlln 2be, Ip, .tt.:11 2 c ,,, Canm pool $2& Sm pal di. Kltr! Mirnl 877 70•·86•9 a9~04 wwwklt1npro ~om Ht beaLh/bay 2bt I .5b1 UPP•I unit. I tllt p11tlun1 Ip.Ce Yf ly ... $1850rn Ava~ How 9Q9.79J.6617 ~ l.f1' 2b U.. ocn vu. lrf;p:.lf.corrp~pa JZmln> Im min 4 mo um. 91&4!151UI ~ , ... 11-... quiet etn, newly ralu1b1shld 2 car 1ar. wd hllups. ••. 2INI. Lt Rtmodtllad $2500/mo 949 759 0874 I 1/1 hills to bnth, no/ smk/pals $2~/mo + Cvt• 3bt 2b• tine fam H e dtp 949 675 7591 1e11dtnce. ptllo, steps Buu newly remod 3br 2ba, Z c: 111, new hdwd lln, 1t•nlt1 ctn , appfa, Ip, no smll P•llo $3?50/ mo ~ dtp ~2-493 6126 Sit.rt f eu11 re11tul 3bt Jb1 lloull, 2 Cat llf, wd hku11•. $3500/mo t4t-71 S·IH6 Coltllla to bey. I c l"j •11 $2500 !M9 293 "63 Jbr 2ba m,ps ID bt:h, wd llw 1"9 4Meu Mtlt rile tile fh. Ip, 2 p ~ condo, llll>&Aous oc.vbay l2'2 44tt1 SI up5tan. 2 VICWS, ~ lwn, ""'* dicks. poc.Mt OCll view llQI ax> 949 29346.1l Winlftr $2200/m Yrly S'261n'm 9119-m~ UOO 1SU 4bt 3be home 3br 2ba upper level S35(noo YtlJ tmmte Di- baylronl unit period Son l·JO.• Z2A Vta Ithaca s tyle, iirt vu, I c ear Actnl 949 718 71~ ••• $2800 949 293 4631 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot C lassified section to find services from electronics and plumberS, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot . I ·' ·: h t r. 1 • I ' ~ M ,. ~ I I I I' ,• ,1 1: I I• I' 1: •1 . . I I I I, 1, I I• .. ' :• i; " " .1 ,1 ·I 't '• •I 1, '· '· •• I 1t ,. ' ' I :1 :1 ,I 1, ., . '• '• I '· '· I •' •' " :1 !• :1 ., : f 'I ., . . . :· :1 :• ,, :1 :1 t !1 :1 '1 It Jt I' 1• 1' 1: 11 I• ,, I ., ·: I I I ·1 :1 q d '• .. .. ii ,1 I '• •• :1 ,1 I I ·I I 'I 1, I • 11 •• ·: •• I 1: I ' :j 11 I I I ' :1 •' i; .. " :1 ·' :t ' :1 I :· ., :i I l• I' 1, I. I , I• ,, ., " •' • . , ., ., ·1 ., ,1 :1 I I I I •• I• ,, 1' ,1 1; I ,. ,. ,, :1 I, I I I .......... w ...... M1tklntosh computer ums M•d•c•t Office Newport 8Hch, Sl2/hf leave msc 949-280-8352. ...... "~hs pll" ..... Aocm 1111. l1loClblll. ~ ()a bcdts DA 11tt n* 1 rrut Fu ,..... lo Pit 986e~ CT .... pal@Calorlekln1.com CASHl(I F /rT tin hrs, Guys Mens clotiunc store In F lhk>n Island l'fPB lo set up an 1nter1111w call Rob Clubof ne. 949 7S9 1622 DATA BmrY FT Collet & alft1)il ....... lood dlb tor or*1e & hard aipy lood ~ ... res.me lo P.lil 949-642 8900 or email p1t@Catoroekina com ···~1111un••• =for 2003/l'o•tat a F..,tl llir•, 15 00 "'00+/hr full ''"'''"I'•" t1 u111111 end Vletl!Ol\1, No Hp, llKHUfr l l17.,J19• uu •••. l3l. (CAI.~) - IMW JtS 2002 Sport Pach11. 21.000mltu 949 · 7110 93~ I c.4111ec 'U DeVtlle whlWoetmul llhrr low ml, l>MutJful orltllnal cond midi & out, chrm wl'tb, $3495 Blir 949-5116-1888 www..,.-.- co•v1n1 ... err Auto, ac, 111 power. white/red 1n11r. beau ruM stron1 S8600 Obo 949·244 3324 COYE IOTOllG AUDIA4 '00 Black. w/arey inle1 #V0802 01scounled IMW S2Jl 'OO Bl1cli, w/lan 1nl•r IV2813 Dlicounltd IMWJ211o 'tt Blacli, 1111 1nle• •V9978 Musi Self IMWS211 'tt Brontz, tan Inter D•tVHS PA.IT-TIMI •V!>497 Musi Self Mon·Fr1 011ve nice cars and cet paid lor 11 Call Dan 949-862 7474 IMW S211o '00 Grnn, tan Int• 1VfY:167 OtteOllnled ISTHITICIAN upe11 IMW s40l -.t eMed. eacellenl Newport Blue, arey inter Beach loaltion. cUents •V21 I I Must Sell waltlna 949 S48 5818 IMW 7401o 'OO nOllAl DHIGNll 25 BIKlt, tan Inter hrs a weelt. Musi b1 lully •V9435 Discounted experienced COM 949 644 1413 GINlUl OfflCI fT ~ phor-. procas smll boalt etdlln. file. maNll'I office supplon. sltlh; otlllntlld quicli, coq>Uler Iris ale Need 1Jeal reh!rt11D$. Demon strale ,00 stablrty f u resume to Pat 949-642 8900 or 1m11f p1l@C1loroek1n1 com GOVCRNMCNT JOBS Wtldtde/Post1I $13 21 to S48 per hour Paid tramina. Full b1nel1ts Ho uperM!nce neces ury. Appllcallon & eum mformallon Toll free 1·866·293 9499 ul 850. (CAK•SCAN) MlDICAl ASST/lVN AllerlY Blljo ollot P/I, Clllta M!m. eap pref•red Faa rnume ~644 6491 P /T, ll9'ot fWI .... Wiii work around 'chedule salary ba'M!d on up -0-949 752 0186~ r~ Proctke In NI seeb part lime R/l'f LVN. 0< MA raa resume 10949644~ "NO 0 Calllornla law re quifes that con tr 1<:· tors 1111."'J jobs that total $!JOO or men (laOor or mattfllls) be ltcenled by the Conltecton State llctllM Board State lllw also requires that conlr1cl0<s Include thw license number on all edvertl$ln1. You can check tile status of your llcenud contract or el www c:slb et lov or 800-921 CSL Unll censad contractora laklnl lolU that total Ins than JSOO must slat• In thek' adnrllsem1nt1 that they art not ltunsed by the Contruton State license Bollf'd.~ IMW7401o 'OO Brontz, tan 1nl11 IV9158 Grul Buy HIW 74011 '01 S1lvet. ar•Y •V8605 Great Buy IMW74011'99 Anlhracll. arey IV5063 Great Buy IMW74011 '01 Blue. erey inter fV2843 Great Buy IMW74011 '01 White, ar•Y 1nttt •V3951 O.scounted IMW 74011 '0l Stiver, 11rey Inter #V9942 Discounted IMWMJ 'tl Silver, bl1<:k Inter 1VlB97 Great Buy IMWMJ'02 S1lvei arey mt11 IV3962 Musi Sell IMWUISO 'OJ 414 Red, V17649 Must Sell IMWZJ'96 Black. Ian inter •Vl309 D1\t.oanled JAGUAR I IYPI ' 74 'tf~~CMm-tr Repairs, ralchlna. Install Courteous. any tit• !Ob• Wtiottsalal M9-492·0205 a a OU • = 0 • ~r !' ~11~xC:!•!!!1 imii2iiii1sii1-,•ii1 1Vtea4' ........ w JMMIM $.."" ... w-. .. ... .. ,, ...... .., JMUAllUt't1 ........... IVU41 ..__..4 JMUMIJl'tO .......... 111• .... ~ JMUMIJt'ft ........... fVOHt N.-..4 JAOUAI lUt 'ff ....... r.tw •V7f47 9fMt hy &MIO ltOVll '01 ............... , ... IYHH M1t1t S.I ·~CIDl,CISO 'et at.di, Wedi Wet fVtJ77 Ck_. hy MlaClDU <240 i»2 l~,p.y IVOS6S DIM---4 MDCIDIS CU-JOO 'OS Whlto, Mock lr1t .. •v•11s Dlu_,.., •Dl<IOIS U20 '01 •tea. Wecli ...... llVS4SI M'"1 Sol MllCIDIS IS20 WA '01 0r-.•-lftt• IY4SI 1 .... , s.a Ml•CIDIS MIS20 '01 lledi fVtl 11 Dl~e4 Ml•CIDH MIJ20 '01 llodt, Medi l•t•r IVJ467 DIK-H MDQDIS SSS '02 Sltvor, w.cti l.t• l~S447 Ckeet Ivy Ml•CfDIS SISOO '00 White, ,.., lflter I VOSIO GrHt Ivy rOlSCHitt•'ff ---4f,t.lfUH •V2Sf2 Greet Ivy rottSHI CAUlU 'tt llue,peyhltH IV'°49 Dlu-tH POlSCHlta .. lltA'tt llodi, blod lflfor #V 1061 M11st SeU QUAU MANGUST '01 Sltver, Woc:li 1.tH 1VOU9 MvstSol ..... ~-.. .. , 4AlfOllU, ta111ntw IVWl1 OrMlo.M llllCllH (I ..... --..~inter rl'IJ.11 O.Cto1..W •*8n<14e~ . lurpndy,lfey111t., IYOJe6 = Must Sell ·~Oil-MO 'OJ While, blacll lnlt' 1'16713 Grut Dul •ucun 1120 '01 Bi.di, bid Int .. IVS451 • Crut Deal MllClDH 020 WA '01 Green, tan lnt11 t\'458) Musi Sell MOClDIS •&120 '01 Black f\'9111 Musi Seit •ntCIOH M.Uto '01 Black, black Inter IV3467 D1sc:ountad Ml•CIOIS HS '02 Silver, blacll Inter IV3441 Oltcount1d MHClDIS S UOO '00 While, tan mtlf itVOS80 CrHt 0..1 POltSCHltt6 'ft Burcundy. tan 1nt11 fV2592 Musi Sell ~ICAJIRIU'tt Blue, arey Inter IV6049 Olscount1d rotlSCHlC..alltA'tt 8lac:ll. bl1<:k lntar •VI068 Discounted QUAU MUOUST '01 Silve<. blacll 1nllf aVOt39 Musi Sell VW PASSAT'02 Sllvctr, ftlY 1"1" llV3655 Must Seit • COWIOTa.& IMW 7400'01 Bl~. 1rey inter IV2843 Must Sell IMW 74011 '01 Wlllle, arey Inter MV3951 MCisl Sell IMW 740!1 'DI S1lve<. 1rey inter •'19942 Must Sen VW PASSAT'02 IMW MS •ta Sllvor. ••Y lflter Silver. black Inter IYSHS DIK-9H •V2B97 Discounted Mt-450-5'15 IMW MS '02 Sliver, pay Inter hr4 '65 Mvst•fll #V39tl2 Olscounled Convertible. orlclnal IMW l11SO 'OS owne<, solid car. l!Ult 414 Red, Siii $18,!m dlo 98~29'1 V'7649 Musi Sell J..,_ '00 XII C...t black/Ian lllo. ml, new JS.. factory chrome/ ltres •Int cond $41.000 obo 562·412·8801 LAND •ov1• 2000 Discovery II S07, dual moonrls. rear 1ump seats. heated seal lac w1rr 36,000 ml, Sll.900 V2895391 Performance l TO 949 650 5860 UXUS SC400 'ts Tractt0n control, huled seals. overdrive. mnrl, chrome whls. new tires. Nakamlchl sound sys, 12 chanae ed. spoller. blue/ Ian h11h ml, very clean S9750 949·244·ll24 ••wu ·•• Blacli. tan inter #Vll09 Great Buy JAGUAR I TYl'l '74 yellow #V4024 Creal Buy JAGUAR S-TYl'l '00 Green. tan lnli!r •V7783 Must Sell JAGUU XJ6 '97 Blacli. tan inter fVJ!>.48 Grut Buy JAOUUXJl 'OO GrHn, tan Inter I 1280 Discounted JAGUAlXJl 'tt Red, tan Inter IV0859 Musi Sell JAGUAalUI 'tt MllCIDlS 4001 '92 Blue. tan inter V8. paws, dean, Wiii •V7947 Discounted ....and. cm..c. 119< .... $IHj() ooo 9&613-tllt> 949-65G-S91S Nluot1 '91 Centro XI 2dr, Sspd, aold. NC. am Im cass. orla lady owner boolis, records, superb cond lhrou11hl. Sl900 ~I BM 949 518118 w-.ecpot.t.c- c-...1-., Meli llec:li St-Tiit Concmt. '•Ho. OrlWw.y Fw"*' 880 11.+'s ~y~ E•P· lwry 114 ~7 1* ... Nltt*"I. lANGI •OVH '2000 4.0 SE hli• new, 17 ,000 ml. cd chancer. m1vla• lion system. full taclory warr, black/Ian, SJl.500 V443121 Pe<formance LT0949--65i0-~ 1.1.C. Electric Low Pfll* loc.i c:ontndar, no job too "1111. no job too b& !Ws l4lOf1 ntCJ*l lflCIOilOJIB (714)141-1410 UCIMSID CCHITUCTOI No job too Siii. ,,, ...... Repair, remodel, f-. IPl.-M---31l156 A .... cunoM <iillM TU ~ .... cnmlc. ~ ........... .,, LJ6l2DM Jiit 71«12 -· a.11111 ...... ----- , .,~ _,.,.._~ Brld9e • GOOO AND8AD Nddler wlllilnblc. SollCb dCall NOllT1t •AJfO o K05 &l$lfJ Soudl' I'll lo 11'\le alls Ncwdl C(lftfitmcd lf1lde MlpplJrt indi. caed • miaill\Utll Clft"ift&-bid, icey. Clld B~. whtrc the ~Ult of ~ couou u an~ ~11kd dvte ky Cll'dtl &Dd Nonh '1 Jb tlublf ~ for tJw'iS-nJuDd club coell'OI -cu.bet a doublclOo or t.bt Q\lee" When Soudl detutd dlis, Nonh knew Iha\\ was a club IOICt and settled in the 1maJJ a.lam. o AJ •KO w •Vold o IOUJ2 o ~ 1U4 •Q IOU P..AST •QIU 0 1' o U753l •J7 SOl1TH •K765l i;i A76 o Q •A65l lbe blddin1 : . SIOU111 W1iST .. .... )() .... ... .... 54 ,_ 5• ... 6<> ... ... .... Openlna te.d: Three or o £AST .... .... ,_ .... .... .... South wouJd have been Ible to 1:1llim the mall alam 11*1 ~ not heen 1 trump lolicr. Eve:" llO lhc: slam wu la)'down if !ho defender 'With three 11\lrops bcld no more ttwi 11 doubldOll club. Decliln!r won the tan opcn.ini • lead in dwnmy 111d I I*'° IO lhe k-C revealed !heft -1 trump lok-r. Declarer drew I second round of lbca ~ for a ~Ible c y by casbln& the llCe and tina How would lbc &J'Cat playen ol Y"teryear fan aaaiim,. today's ex.pens? They would holdlhcir own in the play but would be hopde..sly outbid. c ulil followed by the 111:c: of d11· monds Ind u dhamood rufT. Nc~t came: the remoinln11 hlah heart' Eu't n:fu~ to ruff, bul tlllli only dcluycd the inevitable. A lnlmp tuclcd ~t oow the lead and. with no club lc:fl to play, the forced diamond return allowed declarer io diM:attt the ~ina club from dummy ~lute ru1T1111 in hand. SU. spades bid lllJ made:. Hen: is 1 rypical modem auctioo Nonb's jump to IWO DO trump WU a fcn:lna ralre In spadeli &Dd South's thrce-dlamood rcbtd promised a 1ln· J.ncidcnta1Jy, note thal. had Nonh he.Id the queen of clu~. a pand ~18111 1n ~ would hllvo bttn 11n excel· lent. though hig)lly unlucky. cnnlrncl. LAMD•OVll MlWPOttT HACH ..,.,.,,,,.._ 0.-.,Sl.T V8 Only 4111 miles. 7 pus, dual sunroof (4Z!i,1117'5811) $17 .!115 'Ol •MWHSd Premrum sport pli1. Navlclllron System, 2811 ml (~S29.!B5 '""""" ........ .... IM) Et• b1hr•1L (421JV«>E07) SZl.935 'OIG.wy~&T ... C)al .. IM>. rm1 & more! (4Z7.\1185619) $29$5 '""""" ........ ._.HSI lo9dlld, rrn1, co. lo "" (41541413716) S29.!B5 '01 MW S2.SJ ,,_, f'rsTam ~ iport .... (4Z57,aM013) W :H> ,,, ............ MLSOO Only 191 ITi, Hevolian. rose sll!reo & more ( 42751321046) s:!l.995 '01 MIWXJ.f,w.f Only l2K ~ H9v (C2lllf1i~$41.!B5 'OJ ......... S.f.ib Only EK ,,.., c:t.onw (~ J6Z.!lli 'O I .,,.,_,. V8, Tow pli&. ek (2922S9) $21.995 ,,, ........ 4.6. NIN, Dt (44114118) 94U4M44S weaova llWPOIT IUOt Pl•ce your •d to<l•yl (9-49) 6'1-56 78 T,.. Senlc., Y1<d Cleanup, Malnltnence, Sptln ..,. R1p1w. Havh"' {t4t)H0.-1781 . ...v 3.2 llr, auto. loaded. 2 mnrl, •Int cond J6999 y4U)GS4() .. , '",_, ,_.., r.s. lltlt ut ar~ Wdl. only 44k "' -v5W4lllll.1 ...... 't2 Aoresfer, 1uto. all pwr. must .. e to beheve '3199 v38HJOJ6 ••-v ... s.w. .... .,..... only 611< IQ, xlnt IMity cs, x~ c:ond, S5S9'J v4f<V47 0-V ,,, ...... LS ottf llk ni. KB8 $i() .. ""'* "* pra, -. once SIHl9 "5Jll Do4ge ... , __ LE, \16, l Sltr, auto, 7 pass. lc>acNd. xltll shape 16999 IOC 12 ...... ~GS. 116, 3Jllr ~ top of ..... "'* -tolxilevtSIHl9h:I CHI ..... t0Cl2346 Cllevy '" ....... V6 4.31tr, hiclt output, LS ..nes. IOaded. must Me. $8440 •5376 ...._., '95 ~ Sedll\ ·~ shipe l owrr,· ruv1ocks .,... nut -U1!S «M:l2 ...... '03 12JOO, ,..,, 5apd, attt sa m. •Int "'°"' In.di Ot 1st time vd1de ~ -MX1l51 TOMATO AUTO SA&l'S 714-.S7 .. 211S 71...S7-19'1 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLAS Sin ED (949) 642-5678 MOTOR HOMES MaeorHoma· Rent BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOAlSSUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 leet su, 12· b••m 40" len1th Bay lsl•nd Cove erea. waler/power 1n eluded 949·922 7711 LIDO ISU DOU 101 up to 60ft boat El •"en. waler & elect mcluded 949 500 6714 SOft ,,..,,,,.. Dad. In Rh-Channel •v•~ 11/l!> water & elec on Sile S'JOO/mo Tod 949 nt 9"Jl ••-Is'°"' tllr tor up lo 50ft boil, 1111 °' lower protllo powerboat piefe11ed. 949 67!> 4847 an 'lltt•to fttta.lltltou rtpo.ir job1 11ro1111d tltt lto11u? Ltttltt C1'111ifltd Stniet Dirtetory lttlpyo11fl11d rtli4bleltel . * Rt5ldctml + r.cxmm H-• ct....1n.-1.,·c1 Wkly/Bl wkly/Monthly O Job 1bo Small Rers Great r•lnl Imelda a ... llamJ..lton 949-548-42115 949 2J8.QlJ7 9'9-322-8292 Mowll'l I .... AlAM THI HANDYMAN Ab work 1uarentHd ~ Dalcel. Doon.. FWsh t.wll Ilic.~ ..... -TOT'm...,..11 ,. .. -.111Z ~V~Alll la&M'n ..... 7J .... .. . ... " ' t ' I f •, ' ' ~ llST MOVOlS SSS/Hr. Serv1nc All Cities Insured TI63844 323997 1193 32J.630 9971 cell Tlutdly, Nowwnber 6, 2003 15 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • I hr'""'' ""'ft1'1'111 "' '"' 0.11{1l'tfot11 """"""' JllllOll/lt(" l!l'Jj• ltfn<t """ 11 .. 111.blno llfl< bws11111on ltt u.1U """ \EAR< II ti., llJN for 'fl'# II no ruri clvrr,r ·11rul 1o11or ,." tlrt """ 1nJ 11" mp 10 1J.t ( 01m I IHv M 'ltuiw -fn.i. Ilvn qj Cbllllt. 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