HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-27 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. A Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, NO~MBER 27, 2003 THE BELL CURVE From deep troubles come deep thanks W e will have -I am told as I write this -25 people. give or take a few, for Thanksgiving dinner this year, thus paying homage to the concepts of extended family and traditional Thanksgiving. JOSEPH N. BELL Tradition works in two directions. It gives uc; warmth, !>lrength, structure, certrunty, and a sense of identity that helps us remam steadfast through difficult limes. The last Thursday in November 1s alwa)'!> going to \ be Thanksgiving Day. whatever else may be happening to us. But It carries a downside, too. Because of all those virtues, tradition doesn't welcome any fresh looks. Whatever worked for Grandma can certalnJy work for us is the message. and we tinker with that system at our peril. OOUGlAS ZIMMERMAN I DAa.Y PILOT Volunteer Anna Arroyo hugs fellow volunteer Mane Lawson after she wms her wish by breaking off the bigger piece of the wishbone of the turkey. I don't like turkey very well, for example, and I find the pro~pect of two weeks of turkey leftovers deeply depressing. Still, I would never suggest a prime rib a'I the main fare on Thanksgiving. And so we will have turkey today as the rules require. . Offering up a feast What the rules don't explain to us is that we can manage quite nicely on tradition alone at Thanksgiving when thin~ are going well. But when the world is as troubled as it is today, and God seems to be off tending to other matters. we look a lot more wistfully for comfort to the people who grace our table on Thanksgiving Day. Deirdre N,. ...... ~., Daily Piiot M yra Valdez rummaged through a pUe of clothes that filled a long table, holding them LO front of her to see if they would flt. Soon, she had a pile of shirts of various colors and patterns stacked on her shoulder. Volunteers at St. Joachim give food, clothing and toiletries to hundreds at a Thanksgiving f east on Wednesday pie. They also got whole pies to take home with them. "This Is excellent,· Consoli said as she surveyed the satisfied crowd dining on their meals. Consoli said she hopes the attendance drops in the future as the need declines. Although they are also very much a part of our tradition, they can't be type cast as rigidly as the Thanksgiving turkey or Grandma's cranberry sauce. They not only share our human problems, but perhaps come to our table seeking the same comfort we do and are thankful - as we are -that they have a place that isn't threatening. a place where they can feel the balm of love applied to their concern'>. So maybe a pedal measure of sensitivity and energy is called for this year to bridge the distance between the traditional way we define the friends and family around our table and the people they have become since that defining was done. We will still reminisce and tell family jokes and dtiscnbe adventures at work and sneak a look at the football games on 1V and perhaps throw a football around ourselves. The mother of four came to the St. Joachim Thanksgiving feast for those in need Wednesday and was thrilled to see a smorgasbord of clothe!> as well as a hearty meal. "It's really nice what they're domg -the food and giving us clothe,,'· Valdez said. This Is the third year the parishioners have hosted the fe~t to share their abundance with the community, the Rev. Joe Hobillard said. "Each year, it's gotten better," Robillard said. "The fi.r;t year. we Ready, set, go Holiday travelers leave by planes, and some by trains, but mostly, they're in automobiles. Oetpa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT·MESA -HoUday travelers are probably going to party longer this year. "We anticipate a busy travel sea- son." he said. "Our carriers have particularly noticed an expanded travel window. People are seemingly leaving earlier and staying later.· Last year, 112.000 travelers passed through the airport between Wednesday and Sunday during Thanksgiving weekend. This year, that number is likely to increase, McCusker said. Early afternoon on Wednesday, pcwengers were snll trickling in. had more food than people. La!>t year, it was better organiwd. rhis year. we have toiletriel> and food." Co-chair Regina Consoli said the church anticipated serving more than 400 people Wednesday. Those who came dined on a sumptuous feast of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes. vegetable!>, cranberry c;auce and Elvia Moreno brought her four chUdren to the feast. "I think it's great,· Moreno said. "I've never been to one of these.· Feast organizers encourage parish chUdren to help out during See FEAST, Pa11 A9 But while we're doing the dishes or walking off the pumpkin pie or taking down tables or idling with a glnM of wine, we might be moved to See CURVE, Pa11 A9 Many residents Oying out of the area have left earUer this year and won't be coming back until after the holiday weekend, John Wayne Air· port spokesman Justin McCusker said. Jennifer Hoon of Long Beach, who was about to Oy to SeattJe for her family gathering. <;aid she was surprised that the terminals were MARK C. DUSTIN I DM.Y PILOT Travelers who have arrived at John Wayne Airport pick up their luggage s11 GO, Pai• A9 from the carousel at Terminal B on Wednesday afternoon. Cops look i.nto school threat City will ask about Daily Pilot Police and school officials. ves:n going on.• ATA GLANCE role in JWA, harbor confirm that a PoUce and school officials R Barbot, the superin- student's threat was confinned Wednesday that a tendent of the Newport-Mesa ON THE WEB: Corona del Mar IUgh School un1ne<1 School District, was www.dalyplot.com Newport council landmarks on and in its bor- sent over the Net. student made a "terrorist equally unspecific. agrees to approach ders, possibly by even ta.king threat" last Friday. "It was simply a threat." the WEATHER over John Wayne Airport. Newport Beach poUce Sgt superintendent aald. "We are the county about The Oty Council voted Lolita Harper and Steve Shulman said his depart· not happy about it. but h was Give thenkt for the • mot uthority in unanlmou.sly on Tueaday to Marisa O'Ntll ment was lnvestlgattng the fwt a threat" beautiful day. create a committee to begin Daily Pilot ~at but did not Identify the Barbot 88.fd he heard the SeePa1eA2. county services. tallca with county leaders on boy and refused to conftnn If tbre&t WI.I made via the b'uer-four 'ubJects: tidelands. the NEWPORT BEACH -M~ the tudent had ~ taken l1t't but had )et to cor\flrm IL A SPORTS June C11a1rande Santa Ana Helgbta Redem- on the Corona del Mar HJ into custody. Au.dent Who t\ad recetved the Oa1lyP1lot opment Agency, the Coyote School campus are thankful "We can't release the name threat reported It to sdlool of· Th.,.. are no turk:J! Quiyon Landfill and the air- this week that a tudent'• ot the student because he is a flcfals; and mlddJe school Prln· tm~ Nt~rt-eaa high NEWPORT BEACH -CSty port. The vote came amJd lit- threat of violence, reported to Juvtnile," ShuJman said. "We dpaJ Brook Booth took appro-~ 1 foot II 0r .. m officials will Wike up a dla· tie dllCUSSlon. with the only Team. haw been Issued Wednesday. can't ~ lnto the detl.ll of the priate actions, Barbot Aid. Sff PqeBl logue with county leaden to voiced objectlona centertna was thwarted by the quJck ac· threat or what statcmenta were learn how the dty might play dons or tu dent.a, pa.rentl and made because there ban In· SH ntMAT, Pap A4 • bigger role In controlling 8M.NIA.P81•M A2 ~. ~ 27, 2003 PO.LITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE FU Pt«JTO /OM.Y PLOT A fltght delay kept Corona def Mar resident Cristi Cristich from a debate for the 70th Assembly District candidates. Debate undone by plane delay Allele Robinson Dally Pilot A forum for Republican candJdates for the 70tb Assembly District seat that was lo be held Monday night didn't get off che groWMI because one or three expected candklates was apparently sdll In the air. The Newport Beach Republican Allembfy planned lbe forum at Coco'• Restawant in Fash.Jon lsJand and candidates Chuck DeVon and Don w.gne, were in attendance. But candJdate Crtld cn.tkh d1d not malce a promised appearance becauae her flight from Maine was delayed. Crtstk:h's campaign director Gtoa Zart said. Another candJdate. Marianne Zlppl. was Invited but dedined to anend. sald Newport Beach Republican Assembly President kwt Bnglllh. Group memben would like to rachedule the forum 11 the candidates can agree on a date, he said. A chance to learn bow safe you arc in your homeland Sixty-eighth District Assemblyman Ken Mllddox will host a town haJJ meeting Tuesday to discuss the state of homeland security since the Sept 11, 200 l, terrorist attacks. Officials from the FBI, the California Otnce of Emergency Services. the National Guard and the Orange County shedlrs department and fire authority will attend the meeting. It ls scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. at Vangu.ud Uolve.rsJty, Smith Hall room 101 , 55 Fa!r Drive, Costa Mesa. IX>n Wagner: He 's everywhere you want to be 70th Assembly Dlitrlct candidate Qon Wagner announced the launch or his campaign Web site on Tuesday. The ilte features biographJcal Information, a list of Wagner's endorsement&, a statement of his poUdcaJ platforms and a collection of hb writings, including an essay about a road trip be took with his son and book reviews. Vlewera of the site can also, of course, donate to Wqner'1 campaign onJine. ln addJtJon to Visa and Mastttcard, W-aner accepts American f.xp?US and Discover. l"NtllUrant In Corona def Mar. Information: (949) 7&e-2620 Cristich dials in 60 Gs from Anaheim fundraiser The public relatlons machine for one of Wagner's opponents, Oisd Crisdch, sent word on Tueeday that a recent fundraising event t.sted by Anaheim Mayor Qu1 Prtns'e netted more than $60.000 for Oistich's campaign. The event Js apparently "the flm ln a long line offundraisers" to supply Crlstich's campaign budget of nearly $1 million, but there's no men don of whether she takes plastic. A poll by any other name would sound as sweet Orange County Supervisor Tum WU.On, a candidate for the 73rd Assembly Oist:rlct seal, issued a scatement Wednesday announcing he Is endorsed by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, a former Assemblyman. The statement also notes that ·early polling" shows Wilson has •an almost lnsurmountable 26-polnt lea.er In the Republican primary, In which he facea Jim Glblon and Mimi Walten. h doesn't say who conducted the poU, though. POLmCAL CALENDAR DECEMBER 1: Belbot 8IY Aepvblloln Women Federated wlll hold a "We~ng Home Tour & Boutique" from t1 a.m. to 4 p.m. lnforma\lon: (949) 72U387 party at 6 p.m. at the Bahio Corinthian Y.cht Club. The special guet!t will be USC Hell of Farner Anthony Davia. (949) 616-8677 JANUARY The RepubHcen ~ COmtnibe mwtlng lt~nothtld. J: Q1td 01tddt for~ ~I hold e holldey~ end tund-f'ilslng reception et 6:30 p.m. et Ave Crowna 1Ck Newpoft ~ Republicen Wom.n will hold• OwMtmaa petty tit 11:30 a.m. at the Batbot Bey Oub. lnronn.tk>n: (949) 7IN088 1t: Th• Republican Party of Orange County c.ntral Commltt .. will hold a general meetJng et 7 p.m. tit the South Coast Plaza WMtln Hotel, at 686Anton Blvd., Costa 17: ~Bey f\9publlcan Women ~ wtn hold• Chr1~ Boat Parade M .... Admiafon lt free, and ell Repobllcan9 are welcome. (714) ~ Daily A Pilot ,.._.,.... Glne Amnder. Lori Anderlon, Denlel Hunt. Paul SeltOWtU. O.nltil S'tev9na NIEWll'TNIF 0-....llwtllh Crime and courts r9PC)fttf, (9411574-We .,,,,_~.,,,,,,,,..com JllMC1rr.,.••1 Newpoft ...,, rtpC)fW, • (Ml~ JuM~·ldm#.com u..~ Colllf'Mllt. CUllUnt f'IPO'*, 114tt57'""211 """9.,.,,,.,_.....,__com .,.....*1Aln• eo... M.-~.Ml l'N-422t .,,.,..,.,,.,,.,.,,,,. ton1 ...... O'Nal fducltion f'9P(1411r, (Mii ~ merNOltell • ..,,.._.,.,, ... ,... Niwl ........... ,~ ,..,_.. • ...,,,__com PHOTOGRAPHERS Matt c. Dustin. Don Leadl. Kane 1'res*Jw MADfRI HOnJNE IMt)&tl-11)88 Record your comm4ll1ll about the Dally Pilot or MW1 tlpe. ~ Our edd,... le 330 W. 8ty St., Cotta M_,, CA t2eZ7. Of'rlct houf'I are Mcndr( • Frldty, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p. m. Con'9CdoM It It the Pll«t pollcy to promptfv OO"'*lt all tn'Ore of aubatan09, "*-cell (949) 79Ul24, m TM JWwpoft~Mell o.ity !'lot (USPS-14'-800) le publilNd dally, In Newpon ~ end ec..a ~. 1Ubea1P'i0n9 .,. weiJlbte oillv by eubecribing to The 'T'lrn. Orang. County llOO) 252~l141. It! ...... ouUktt of N9wpoft 8-dl •nd Co.ta ~ • .. ~to the Dllily ~.,.. .......... only by flrat ... mall for '30 per monct\. (Pricle ~all • lt)plbbletta'9 Ind**' ..... , POSTMASTE" Send addr'lee chano-10 Tl* NMpon IMdVCoiat "'-it 0eMv ~PO. b 1NO, C-. Maea. CA l2t2t Copyright: No MWa ttorlel, llh.1«J•1tloM, 9Clltofiel mder or edvefti..m.ntl herein cen be ~without wnu.n pem..ion of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH U8 ~ The Titnea °'*'09 Coumy teodl 252-9141 ~ ...... O•lfed 19491 M2-W111 .,...,..., (9'9} 942~1 w..w ..... (&49) 942·5680 .... <Mil 67U223 ..... ,.. 19411946-4170 _..,., ... )~70 l.fMI: ~·l«/f'rl#.40m MlllnOlloe ..... 0..(9411942~1 ..... ,.(949)1S1·7t29 POLITICS ASIDE Not so fabulous · anymore . governing. F or25~ ~of NeWpon Beach bad lhe fortune to be the dominant foroe In Wbat came to be koownuthe •FabuJous Plfth. • the county SUP.ervisor district mat stretched along the rout from Newport to San Oemeote. Gen. Tum O'Neil said he's not ove:r--estimating hia chances, which be pointed out are limited by bis lack of close ties to the county Republican Party and personal wealth, as well u by his status as a Conner Newport Beach S.J. CAHN mayor who was notabty Riley and tbeo Marian Bergeson provided the dty'a power punch to county goyemment. That all changed ln December 1996 when Gov. Pete Wilson appointed Tum Wilson to replace Bergeson when she became the state's top educadon official. Wilson. the first non-Newporter In the seat since 1971, lmsnediately vowed to fight plans for an airport at El Thro. establishing the dividing line in the county that still awaits rapprochement. With that, the Newport~dominated Fabulous Fifth was pretty much over. The nail in the already-closed coffin came two years ago after the 2000 Census. Because of the growth of South County's population. the 5th District, with Wilson still at its helm. abi.fted truly south during redJstrk:ting, reaching only as far u Newport C.oast Drive. Newport was suddenly with Costa Mesa in the 2nd District Even more politically important, Newport now shares a district with Huntington Beach, which -whether you think It's a well-run city or can stand up to Newport's cache - bas about three times Newport's population. With that population comes voters. and with voters comes lnOuence. The potential scope of Huntington'a lnfJuence started to crystallize thJs month when 2nd District Supervisor Jim Silva. a former Huntington Beach mayor, and Assemblyman Tum Hannan, who represents Surf City. essentially ad:nowtedged that they plan to swap seats i.n 2.006 when Harman is termed out of his Sacramento digs. It's a powerful one-two punch, not only because both have the strength of lncumbency but because they are familiar names ln voter-heavy Huntington. 1Wo other names I've heald attached to a 2006 aupervtsor run are Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan, who's publicly stated his Interest. and former Newpon Beach Mayor Dennis O'Neil. who has been quJetly mulling a run. Monahan said he'd •relish the chance" to head Into an election ftght with Harman, but that his decision to run will be based on factors other than Harm.an's candidacy. "It's just Uke these guys can't get a real job," be la.Id of legislators who are going &om state to locaJ seats. add.ln3 that ~ the mess be sees the state in. he wonders why they wouJd want to return to local pro-El Thro airport. "l think it will be a long time before Newport has another supervisor,• be saJd Plus. O'Neil noted, Newport ls now a smaU plece to the district. "I don't thJnlc Newport Beach has the political lntluence it once had,• he saJd, while addlng . that such power ebbs and Oows.. Seemf..ngty. that power has ebbed for the time being. Where Newport will always have lnOuence is In the pocket book. of course. An extremely well-financed candidate from the city could best an open field by sheer strength of spending_ Such an election would break down into a ~rrlfk Internecine battle. We1J have to see if the powers-that-be are able to avoid such a brawl ln 2006. A VIEW FROM SACRAMENTO On another front, I received a first-hand account of Gov. Arnold Schwanenneger's inauguration from Corona del Mar's Laura Dietz. "It went off without a perceptible hJtch," Dietz told me in an e-mall. "The clouds kept the sun off the crowd. who was told to assemble earty. • Security. she added, was Incredibly tight "They even confiscated my towel (just In case the seats were wet), which is a first. at least for me," she said. Dietz. also saw at least one reporter of note: "Judy Woodruff of CNN was wean.n,.a red suit, chatting away with everyone she could, like columnist Dan Walters." And then, there was this: ·Almost humorously, during a ·very quJet moment during the ceremonies, I and others felt a little shaking of the platform, concluding that It was a very, very mild earthquake as there was no other visible reason for the 'swaying,'" she said "Overall, though, the ceremony was. as suggested, 'low key,' and the content of Arnold's speech was excellent,• Oietzsa.id. Dietz. also was lrnpressed by the con-Republican In the Schwarunneger home. "The reading of a poem by Maya Angelou by 'Mrs. Arnold' -Maria Shriver -was something of a surprise. O don't know historically if other first-ladies-to-be dJd the same thing. making some comments during the swearing Jn ceremony)," Dietz said. "They are a very Intelligent. savvy couple." • S.J. CAHN la the managing editot. He can be rudled at (9491 5744233 or b\t e-mail at •.j.cahnOlarlmn.oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Happy Th•nklglvlng. It thould be sunny with hight ~ 73 end 78. TM winds wtH blow out of the nofthetst at 10 to 20 mph. Tonight wtll be partty clOY((y with lowt from 48 to 64. The wtnde wtll be out of tht nol1heast at •rollnd 10 mPf\. lnfonMttoft: www.mw.~ BOATING FORECAST Tht wtndt will be out of the notthNat et 15 to 20 knob Wfth 3-foOt MVM Mer the C0'1lt In 1M morning. otherwiM, the wtnda wUI be 10 •noca. oomlne out of the WMt tn the lhmoon. The WWWI wlfl eMnl to 1 foot on aW91ttwelf ofSto5fMt. Ton'8ht, the ..... wHI be ~et 10 llrtott or...._ FMtMr out. the Wlndl .. beoutofthe~•-• 10to 16 knot.a and wlll become aoutherty et 10 knot.a In the afternoon. TM wavea will be 2 feet or 1malltf on • northwest swell of 6 to 7 feet. Tonight, the winds will be out of the aoutheut et 10 knota. SURF TM aouthwett awell will become mo" predominant, but ltlll only waist high . CM.to-high M\a will be potSlble when the tide It just right. w.e. qualty. WWW.aJrfrlder.OIJI TIDES nm. 12!2ta.m. 4:29a.m. 10:51 a.m. 8:3S p.m. Hellht S.78f.-thlgh 2.74f.etlaw 8.24'"' hfgh -0. 77 f9et low WATER :rEMPERATURE IOdegrMe Giving a little to th~ victims Newport·Mesa schools collect toys and books for victims of last month's fires. MarlH O'Nell Dady Pilot What started as an Idea lo brighten the holidays for some of the youngest fire victims giew into a massive drive that sur· prised even its organizers. The Harbor CoWlclJ PTA eat· Uer th1s week delivered two trucks full of toys, boob and stuffed animals to children ln San Bernardino, many of whom I~ everything in the raging fire- !ltorms last month. PTA officials set up drop-offs at Newpon- Mesa district schools and got more than they bargained tor when they ~livered the toys. "When we 6rst started (the idea), we thought the two of us could just take the seats out of our minivans and take a couple loads up,• Harbor CoWldl PTA President Patty Ouistiansen aald of herself and co-PresJdent Ellen Carroll. ·Then we ended up with these two trucks ftlled to the brim. When we pulled up with those trucks and they could see they were full, they were like: 'Oh my g05h. I can't believe 1t:• All the donations will go to help the children who Lost every- thing to fire, smoke or water damage. As llWlY as 400 chil· dren will benefit. said Kat Schall from the Fifth District PTA ln San Bernardino CoWlty. At one sch.ool, 110 etudents wen! displaced. Schall said. Her family lives in Del Rosa. on)y a few blocks from one of the burned-out areas. She put a call out for help after taking a walk through one of the devastated areas. "We've been ftooded with e- mails from people who want to help.• Schall saJd. •Tue Fourth D\strlct PTA (which includes the Harbor CoWlcll PTA! has been the best. I can't believe how many people came through.• The Harbor Council PTA JQt Lnvolved after Newpon Helgbta Elementary School parent Gail Standt approached her school's PTA about helping the fire vic- tims. Harbor CoWldl stepped Lo and set up drop-off points at aJ. most every district school Newport Helgttts atudenta also made cards and drawings and wrote letters to the 6re vlctbm. Standt said they had them bound and are presenting them to the Fifth District PTA for the students to read. Four parents picked up all the items from district schools last week and dropped them off at Ouistiansen's home. Donations included new and nearly new boob, toys, bicycles, scooters and construction sets. "The inslde of my house was ftlled, my driveway was ftlled, stacked seven feet high with boxes.· Ouisliansen said. ·We had a mountain of donations. It was a great, feel ·good day. a great opponunity for us ln New· port-Mesa who have so much to give something back.• ·students off er view of tribal life Students at Wilson Elementary School listen and learn about Native Americans from their fellow fifth-graders. MarlH O'Neil Daily Pilot COSIA MESA -Forty SIU· dents. a couple of teachers, some fish, a buffalo and a bear filled 1he multipurpose room al WtJ '>On Elementary School \his week. Carol Redfords class hosted the ru.sembly about Native Americans for the other fifth- grade classes, re-creating differ· cnt aspects of Uibal life. Paper ftsh and students In wild animal cosrume helped complete the lesson. "She gave us time to get ready. and we staned studying about Indians," said lO-year-old Maria Munoz, a student in Redford's class. •we made this all our· selves.· Each of the four group<> in Redford's class represented a dif· ferent geograph.icaJ area and tribe. Munoz's tribe came from the Mississippi River area. On the Ooor in front of them, they had a large piece of paper with a wide, blue stripe painted down the middle to represent the river. Fish made from paper floated in the middle. Students from another class crowded arowid the station and listened intently as Munoz and her group described Mlssiss.lppi Indians' foods, clothing. housing and culture. The women of the tribe cooked beans, pumpkins and squash, she saJd, while the men did the hunting and fishing. Jose Naranjo, 10, displayed his fishing prowess by throwing a spear made from a stick. hitting a fish square in the gills. The students watching the Tuesday morning presenLation filled out their as.'>ignment sheets, which asked questions about each Uibe. Letting her class research and present the materiaJ for other students provided an unusual learning experience, Redford BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Schoolbooks on display for public consideration Textbooks under considera· lion by the Newport-Mesa UnJ· fied School District are on dis· play through Jan. 28. The public may view the Eng· lish, home economics and phys!· caJ education books being con- sidered. The textbooks are for seventh through 12th grades. "World Literature" by Susan W. Albert, published in 2001 by I loll Rinehart Winston, is being con- sidered for nm Popstiff's 12th grade English class at Costa Mesa High School. "Culinary Es· •' HOLIDAY CLOSURES These are some of clo- sures for the ThanbgMng holiday: • Costa Mesa City Hall ls closed today and Friday. • Newport Beach Oty Hall and aD library branch- es will be closed today and Friday for the Thanbgivlng holiday. • 1\'ash piclcup will not take place today but will re- sume Friday. •Newport-Mesa UnlfJed schools and district offices Tonk' D1¥0n are closed today and Fri- day. • Costa Mesa Police De· partment's ftont desk will be closed today, but people can call the business line at (714) 754-5255. • Newport Beach Police Department's front desk will also be closed today . Vl.sftors can sdU get tn the building by calllng from a telephone outside. An offi· cer will come up to the front desk to take reports. ,,_ $2600 IO U3,AOO ht\Dt1f~Al1 ~••f'llo" ••••nd•N••~•r• ••••h Menat-•010 The lodte .. ~ ....... ""'~ .. ~ HIO'* sentials." published in 2002 by Glencoe McGraw-Hilt, Is being considered for Janet Dukes' culi- nary arts classes at Newport Har- bor High School. "Fitness for llfe" by Charles Corbin and Ruth Lindsey. published by Human Kinetics in 2002, is being consid· ered for Julianne Nielsen's physi· 841d. About 90% of them speak Ehgli.sb as a second language, making the assignment an even greater challenge. But students doing the presen- tations clearly, if sometimes qui- etly, explained their respective tribes. And a little play-acting helped liven thin~ up. As the Pacific Nonhwest tribe told students about their local wildlife. 10-year·old Alberto Pe· rez, an animal skin thrown on his back. crawled around on all fours, catdung paper fish with his mouth. A hunter, l l ·year-old Jose Tejeda, felled him with a spear and took his skin for cloth· ing. He then showed off his ldll, pa· rading the fur in front of the stu- dents, who giggled with delight. caJ education classes at Estancia High School. The books will be on display from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Sanborn lnstructional Media Center at 2985-C Bear St. ln Costa Mesa. Call (7 14) 424·7551 for an ap- pointment Tlusday, NoYembef' 27, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday q Tuestlay 6-~m Steaks • Seafood • c.ocktalls •••Qaality Scn1ce·- u~c1y l!etatalJlmcDC-" / ,,, /I,.,,,·''""'' ( "'' ('>·•'» (1't(1-': .. Jlt•f lh't "\ 11\Hh" \\i. , ( U'\t.\ \h,.\ I 1 1 , ,! \\, , Io ,, • l'•I U ., .... t ' ofl PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS C.Oyote spotted in e:lSt Newport ~ ne.c Btold- way and byrDond md J 9lb m'Nb rqJOnedly w • COJOIP romd1c around i.D &heit ~ borbaod OQ Wedaiaday aftemoan. The __,... wn re- pof1Cld on the ~ u ~ 12115 pm.. Gou Mesa Pclliicr lJ °* 8irmy uid. Anilml Cooo"OI ol&oen ~to the call bur ~DOI and tbr ~ ~Slkl. ca,otel 8l'e c:ommon llO the -lide al dw c#y btcu.w ol ...,. Back Bay resef''e. olldaSa laid. but Uw aJ)'Dte .. al9o ''al much -wbmJ IOimal. il.nd mmy cm br .eaJ cornlonabty tylrJg cbrn un Crom )...nb or·~ duwn a miidmtial lttM.. To procen small pets from COJOlr .nacb. olfi. i: ~ raidmu mua k.ttp 1hdr prU '1ldoora aJ lime. and neYft" leaft food or tras.b lying uuWlCI 11'1 rbril )'altk POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Aneon'-••-d Gland ~ .. iepofted 11'1 Che 500 bloc* M 2:13 pm Tue.dey. •Wllllt ........... Md C.-...,..._ A tratk a::odliMtt ~ ......... ~.s 41>6 p m . Tueedly. ...... a...: All .no .,.. .. repot1Bd 11'1 the l300 bb*at 1:~ p.m l~. ·~Aomt Vandelisrn wa repot19CI Ill b 2?0() bloc* at ":21 am.T...s.y. • .ao... ........ ......... ,....Grdill Wat 1epottad • b9 &11\. T~. ..... C...o.t..:A. hlt-enckun WU lepon:ed in the MOO bloc* at ».53 am T...-V • &.I 17111 s.....: P9ey theft ,.. repoc19d in the lOO bloc*• 2:M pm l~. •W...19119\ ... Pwy .... _~If\ the 800 bloc* .a W'.47 a m Tuetday. NEWPORT llEACtf • Q:wtlldge...... "'°" Ridge o.t..--= ~Wa&NC)Orted at a 4Z Lm. Tueeday • ~ Orhie: 8-"ery was ~inthe100~ .c 4<16 p.m Tundav. • Ntwpo.1 Cenw o.tw.: Fwy°*' -•llP00"9d 11'1 the t100 b6odt ., 10:58 a.m.. TueacSay. • ~ Ntwpwt Oriwe! A hit~-reportld Wl .. 1200 bbi llt 12: 19 am.T~. .......... ~ Trap-IQ was l'9ipOf1l9d In .. 1500 blodk .. 7'56 a.m.T~ •W.ce•on..tA twt~wrepon.d 11'1 the 2l00 bloc* .. ":2A am Tu.day. ~lier cif are :z;, 9'9-6·4.4-4477 THREAT ~frcmA1 •A Ill.I• nm n-. -00 '° la. 1bcrc W1ll • ruo:iar "' • pn. ... :t cme.· No p.m brtM..ldJS on cam· pus. and no funhft ecnuo wu Ur.km bJ llw SIUdrol .tttt chr lllU- tial B.tMlt .xi Thr par· mas d ctw ~ Wl5'l' ~ ro- ~he wid. JWA CoMnJed from Al arowxl rt.r b.ndfill -why uJd )~ ~'lml a laod· fill with lmnmdo\.b liabilnyf"' as.led rei.ident Madrit>ne Ar'aU· IW.. ._tlO ran for ufTJtt last ~..,. n a Gttenb&ht candJdale Mayol' Slew Bl"Ofl\bttg ~- AROUND TOWN •Send AlltQJ#IJ TOWN uan. to lhe Oeit,t Piiot. 330 w. Bay S\.. co.a. Mesa, CA 92627; bv ~ '°~·~byf8x to <9491MM170; or by callng ' Sl4-4291. lndUdt .... ..,... ct.le and~ of die ....... - ..... COIQCl ptlOM number. ~y n...-beadayeftllt· ThanbgMng ... the Or.nge County~~ from 7 Lm to 4 p..m. at the Ortlfige C.ounfy F9orgrounds Admission-· ~ t.--. Therw will be .. att!SanS' and cnften' comer. pho10S with Santa Claus and~ ~ SAJl.R)AY The Or-. County Colony of M~ Descendants will hew i1S annual Compact Day Luncttaon • lO'.JO a..m .. Ole Holiday Inn 3131 South Briaol Cosi. Mesa. Anyone who .. dncelded from one of the 26 ~ hetds of tamlHes am fO!n ln1orrn9liolt (9'9) ~71 . htrp:).-...WW.~orp. A.a l*tof S.. ~· c:ustorn. ~month, rt -" hllt9a~compday1n whd'l IWO dMrilS wi1 ~ ~ ..W. b fJ1llt at 200 N8'Wport CArt'8r em. lntonn.non and ~.(9'91~ SllmAY n.. er-.. County a_.. of tt. s ... cllh Women'& Educ:.donal AsP\. will have rts .,....., s.-Hi Ovtssmn ewni. ~ promolaS Swedish tnciiiona at n a.m. mu,. Costa Mesa~ commurwty mnter, lMS Pert Ave Tiie cost ~ be S2 for d1ildr-.n younger ttwi 15 end SS fof edults and o6dilr ~ lntom'i8tl0n 19C91 ,.2734, hQp./.~ ~·WIM e>rp-'ora~nty Aape11of s..~·· c:wtomer ~month." Wtl haY9 a T-. and TW9Cn9 0..,. .. 200 N..;uport Cent9" On-..e 'Their. -b9 fnle sU\ care d.na and do-ft-VoU'Wf foot cr.u1*1ts. ~and haw ~eed\fMSS "1fonNUon and~ (M.9l 6U-$)72 llCN>AY South COMt "'9za wtl ..... lb 21• arvlU8ll T~ C..••KMV .t 9 p..m.. "1 Town c.ne. Part.~'° .... ~ ~COMl fltm:a. The 91)-foot ....... wll be ldofNd by 15,000 llghlL llw WI• I IOI pt wltf feetur9tt.M ~ea.,. <hwue end an..,_. ... by ~., ~Jenniitf Valt "'°"' Kl\.A-~. A •11• •In 111••*'-' t>9n'OOC>llllc preeidei .a.. cerddlle ~ K. a.rt .,. held. 7 ~.the Hatp"""' 130 E. 17'h St. Cceta,....., ~wll .... Wot"*9ol1 and a.t's po11tiona on it., • 1210 a .... B·J • ~•r« tuc• "6.!f!!!., -"*-'-N.wr -.. "29 ..J J/JllJ c.s-w.,... ,,,.,,.~ ...... ..... ,,__ s-ws. ... ,,,,,,.,.,_ '""'1j , ....... -,. ,.... s--, , .. __ .l•1; 11::9 ,.. -j.#,.... • ,....~ Ft.J-.....,,...-'""""-'----~-.. ,.,,, 11lit - ol k> ...... .mu. die iindl~ Uidr cNldrm ar odm pll'tnQ. Olkia did nuc fonml) naUty parmb old.-..... A (.omria dd Mii' r.her. .,.._ nae robe ~ cam bb JOr'I lll&d • ...,.. wthe lltd. aid actws p;arerm <*cf bim ~ ~ ol NII\• 21 tu warn 1*11 al poaibk lJuft1S .... hk IOrL He im- mt-dim:ty pJ« oa dw phooe •ilh tht-Nrwpxt Bmcb ~end'°' in tourh •Uh tbP dpr~ han- dling thr cme. He Aid hr .,,,. sured hft that the •'OUld ~ dnignal 10 ~ tlw p and c:oru of the oty pbyini an acow rok> m the county bcill- u~ indudmg whdhtt to t.lle O\"tt rn&Ull&lnlng ~ mf'lhane- ptududn«i s.d~. "\w·r~ nu• aahn& OftT any- t1ung nghc "°"' · Brombttg ~ ~~bat ~~·re ll)'Ulg w do here is ftnJ ~-e-• to Qut:$- u~ • 1uues.. lnfonnabon: info YOlon~com. hlfpJS\nwW ~00"'1. A..,_..hal11 ..... sgon homeland aecuritv will be from 6 108 p..m. at Vanguard ~t Snv1h HeU Room Mrl. 56 f.., Otwa~I(.., Maddox Costa Mesa Cowd"'*'I Alm MalWOOf and MicNel Sc:hMfef, Califomlil Natl<>NI Guatd M.,. Gerl. Peul 0 Monroe Jr . Cosi. Fire Ch'-f James M Ellis and ~horn Ul9 Onsnoe CounlV Shentr1 Oepanment.. Caftfomia Ofrice of E mervencY S.,.., ioes and the FBI w-11 bt on hand WEDNESDAY The Anb-SAT movwnent wtl ho6d a meelJng from 7 to 8 p m. in the AS8 room at Corona del Mar High SdlOOI Then Wiii be guesl s;pealteors. an open forum fOf commeou and qoestlonS. end an outline tor 1mpt.emec1ting educatoonal reform. Students parents liOd tN<hers ant welcome to aaend. lnfonnatt00· Amanda Rubenstetn, (9491 719 1756 DEC.4 The Or-. Coun1y ChaipW of Ch1t<llelp USA will have a holiday bout>Que and luncheon at 10 a m 1n the Hyan Regency 17900 Jamboree Btvd Irvine fOf ...seNao<>ns contac:l Nllf'CV Whftkd al 19491 548-028 The a.Id& Jones Ge9lry ., 0-. Alnum Coun of Fe5h.on Island wtll preMnt en e.n.btOon of att o4 the antmated film ·0r 59\Jss' How the Gnrld'i State 01nS1mM· With voec:. ac2.1'es:s June For-v 9"d 8i'llmataon produoef and diredaf Ptul RotNn. The exhibition WIG be from 5 to B·JO p.m The gaftetv 11 a1 .t01 Newport Center Dmra lnfonnatJOn. (9'9175.9-0758, http.:t.W-dtudt/onacom The Or-. Coun1y Coailition -Youth will host ·lAl Your \loloe Be He.rd• from 4 ·30 to 8 p m ... Che CosuMeu~ CommunftyCenter. 1845 PaA. eos.a Mesa The wem .. to t.t youth liQOe thetr ooncems, ta about t..ues and to influence poky deCISIOnl. lnformacion: ~ edd.Qgcv A.a pmt of --GlegoM'a ~ eippreoa110n montl'I " wll hsYe a r~ from B ~on h8nd to petfonn ~fecials and ... aNtylil from t1 UT\. to 6 p.m The ~ 00.-sso W'th a $20 coupon tow9"d B Kamma ~~onmeume day. lnbmatJon and I-oialb IL (9G) 644-Ci672 DEC~I n.ee... ........... Q.lb .. lpOf.,. 1he r .. <'llw OevelJtlf1•ltat Tournament -~FWMw o. .. l®C•• Ital Center at tt. eo.z. Mela Golf. Country Oub The entranae fee will be S70 today.._, SUS tor both~ tnfomtAoic ( 616-2886.(9'91 803-9090 WllilbfSdlOOl ......... b win. H11siva1from3 to 81> m. It Z3l50 Cll1YQft Oriw. n.. wW be .....,,.. cnl mating. mutlC. lhellt9' end~ toad. nw.. be. naininel cNrge .. 1tlie ~c tM9) 574-7734 TheAl•1tM•...,_ ...... •be...,.0.&30 ~ mas• OUr "-~of Angdea. 2046 .... ~Drive. The prwyw btMtSatt .. ,_,,. 9UtlSt ....._Madeline Tucci TaMllhm, tot"1dw of • Gllty"t Pbce few l(1dl. There. be. poirieema .... ................... The ........ ii IPOll!eOlled by dw c.. ..... ~Guld.The c:io. 11 • StS dOiuiilllah. ~CMtl~ n..c..Fe ..... ~ ...... dl811 .... 411Np.,., ._.. ahOtd per alwhOrilf tlOltl '° un. tog p.m. • .. °'*"' Ccunty f'*• ~.c..r.n.~• ...... .,221ollhe~ ... ~Clllll·be ... Tuesday" \Ulr ctftlC'd the ~ b:wrs Cormmutt. com- pus.rd of 8rombng and Coun- dlmeo Tod R.fdp'ay and John Hdfttn.an. Thr rommitt~ "''ill nd • ~ler to countv rep~ sei•&tn~ them 10 mttt lO dcs.cus.s 'I'~~ that l~ Clty rn.JPir play~ roJr in thr four ~­ sues oty leaden Soa)' fall mto the Newport Beach's •spheff • Bur how f.u ~ ta!b cuuJJ ablg with rwcue ans and lttllel"S loobng for • home mfonnauon (858) '5f>.9l90. ~ U.lliuwwilr'sC.... tor Cub.ural and E1hnic ~Will pr~ -n.. Allure and Segnrf ICalee of Body Art from l0'.30 un to 12.:30 pm at N~ °""'9nl1y. 3390 Halt>of Blvd lnformnon (7141429-5408. lzutae nu edcJ Piect ............. Olnstmas Fair will be from 9 a m to 4 p m. There will be O'Vf1I 175 booths of rop •rtJSts wnh un.que handc:fiJfted 11ems 1ndudmg live muDC, food end enten.a•nment lnformaoon 1714} 641 3112 http.1."WWw P'~""'•~rs com DEC. 7 The c.t felacMrl As9\. will h-. • d\amp10tldl1p and household pet cat show from 9 a m to 5 p m at the Onmge County Fan & (kpOS!n<>n Center The e-.renl wtll f .. 1ure up to 225 of the worlds finest pedtgreed cats wilt be there a'<>ng witi. retlCUe cats 8f'd 1'inens looking fOf a homa lnfOfmation fBSBl 45>9390 ~ d1r1' arv.&al Otnstma FarW\llbefrom9am 104pm Dec. 6 and 7 There will be over 175 booths of toP artists wrth untQUe handcBfted items mduding live musK:, food end enterU.inment Information· 17141 641 3112, hfTp. \ot'WW Pf«Jtl(TlakMS com The Co5ta ~ ...... Quh wil ~theF•nnew Oevelopmen~ Tournament benefiting f~rvlew Oevelopmen~ Centec at the Cost.a Mes. Goff & Couritry Oub The entraooe fee wiU ~ S75 lnformabOn 1949164>2886.19491 903-9090 The MWndt ...... B.aioa tst.r1d Waiting Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 am to 4 pm at Balboa Island. Toets OOSI S20 Information: (9491673-4280 n.. city of NNiport Bw:tt'1 14th annual Wint9f Wondenand will take plKll! from 10 a.m 10 1 p m at Grant Howtand Par\. Stt1 Avenue and Ins Avenue There Mil be more tt\W\ 30 tons of snow dumped onto the Qrounds for the enf(JVl'nent of the oommumty There will be ac:t1vrues wdl as wrntllf cannal ~rnM aloog With Santa Information 19491 644-3151 OEC.10 Body o.igr\ w4I oftw. free seminar liOd demonstnnion on the latest I~ on ce'lulite trNtments from 7 to 8 p m at 100 N1!WpOr1 Ceotllf Onve. The event ii pr9Mflted by Maty Oeflene, a m-. thenpllt. lnfonnation a-.d ~ (949) 722-3555, ~~IV. Hoaa •-........ wll "---en eYeninQ lung caooer aqJcxt Qf'OUP cfi9o1ss1on ~ • c.opinQ wilt\ the Ho6ed9ys. from 6:30 to 8 p.m •t 1he Hoag~ c.entm. Con ....... Room A Information C!M9l 78C>-55ol2. DEC.11 11-c.mp.. CDl•f'IW al ~ <:o.-Coneoe weu hokS a luncheon'° ,... funds tor the OCC DiMbled Students~ from 11 a.m. to 2 pm. .t OCC Thete wlll be ennwtainment provided by~ Ho1f end .Oro K.ito. who .,. plsying Wllh 1he H:anv .._, Gnol s.eele Oilchn Ceriter. The cost .. 50 per penon. lnfomwtion: ~Jiit hotmalcom DEC.12 ................. , Aacto 1MI halt• holdly toy drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.tn.. In 8kJocJW lgdlie'• Courtyard. cu.. ..... enc:our9ged., drop off.,, unwt*Pli*I new'°'¥ ., be plDd urldlr .. F8llHon ll&lrld~-- lnbmllion: 721-2000. The,_._lwtt$41f ... Dr•utll'f' Mertdl *IPPOft group ·pn:~.., as pilm lhe -n.. imi:~lion I Fl " chaf 11 "' • CIJ far ht!i\. Monty said. ~~ Dmbol aud the r..ther Oq ~ rdirwd that sru- dmls reported IM incidenl ID of. 6ciab. M> the proper Slrps could ~ l.ilkcl. ~ PTA pres.idmt sa.id w'd heard Crom her "'~ lhat the itutJeni wamtd he wuuJd cany OU1 his t.hnm on \Ytdnetday. go I.\ &n)i>od)'' guess. In ~ IDO'\l ~ r,unario. 11 could n-ers mean the cuy taking ~r operaoon of JolUl Wayne Air· port. But first. local leaden. would h.a\'l" to prO\i! to w 8oaJd of Suprn t~r~ that the plan would ~ tx-neficiaJ for the city and the county. Count) Supem'><>r.> Jim SUva and Tom W'1hu11 lut\e both wd the) would be \\iJJing lo Sil will meet at 7 p.m at Cocos, 2760 Hart>or Btvd • Costa Mesa lnfOl'Tllation: (9'9) 650-1212, (71 41 491 9400 DEC.21 Fashion Wand will host lu .Jnnual Menorah Lighting Ceremony at 3 p.m at 8'oom1nQdale's Courtyard The event will be hos19d by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Olabad Jewish Center in Newport Beadl lnformatJOn 19491721-2000 hnp www. shopfashKX11sJand com DEC.22 The °'*'99 County Marbt P\ace will hold its Holiday Martel Place from 1 a.m. to 4 pm at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Adm1ss.t0n will be free There will be artJsans and crafters corner, photos With Santa Claus and seasonal entelt8inment The Environmental NaWre Cent« will prnenr a Holiday Craft WOfitshop in wM::h paruopants CCtn create then own special hohd.I'/ season gifts for family and fnend$ usmg a variety of materials from 9 11 m 3 p.m. The COS115 $140 per 51udent With a 10,,. dtscount fOf members There will be a S2S matenals fee. Information (9491 645-8489. DEC. 23 The Emtironment.al Natu19 Ceni.r will pre~nl a Holiday Craft Workshop in wtud1 participants ~n c;reale their own s.peaal hot1day se&$0!1 gif\5 for family and fnends USlllQ a vanety of materials from 9 a m 3 p.m . The cost IS $140 per Sludent wrtti a 100,. discount fOf membeno There will be 1 S25 matenals fee lnfOfmabon (949) ~ OEC.24 Th4 Environmental Natura CenW will present a Holiday Craft Wortshop '" whdl parnapants can create their own 1>peaal hohdav season gifts for family and friends U$.lng a vanety of mate11afs from 9 a m 3 p m The cost is $1.e() per student With a 10"' .... da900Unt fOf members There wall be a S25 matenals fee lnfOflT\abon (9'9164>&489 DEC. 26 The ErMronmemal Nnaa CenW will present a Hohdsy Craft ~'" wtiich partlapants can c:rNte their own special hohday season gafls fOf family and fnends usmg a vanety of malenals from 9 a.m 3 p.m. The cost 11 S 140 per student wrtti a 10% discount fOf rnembef'1>. Thare will be a $25 matenals fee. lnformalJon· (94916'5-8'89 ONGOCHG The Neiwpoc't Center Toas~er·1 Cub can hefp you improve your puh'ic speaking wlls or polish your business presenttttons. M.mbers come from a variety of profeasJonal ~phnes and bldgrounds The group meets eYefV Monday mommg from 7 to 8:30 a.m ., 610 Newpot1 c.nter Drive, Newport 8-:f\. Vabted pillting is avalabte in the~ lttue.1Uf9 MX1 to 24 Hour Rtnea. G~ we W9lcome.. fof moc. infomlattoo. caU (Ml) n1-5732. Sole~ end a.... ...... hrote tMmed up to help~ In need by CIOftecting .,.. from Dec. 1 through 31 st Sole ComfOft. Colona del Mw Plua. 836 AYOQdo Aw. Lan\ Hou. .. Qon'1l1l41llad to enc:lng .. cyde of domeltic: ~and ~Ing families. In~ ( ) &64-5939. n.. Neltl"""18-" ...... l..lbrary. holding b ~food drivt through Ole. 12. Tlwe Will be Shk9 Our s.tY.. bins -Che litnfy for donlldola oC canned goocl9tnd~ Oonatbw C9l'I be dtepped"" Uing,......, liRnfy hours from tun tot p.m. MoncUy dwough Thur8dlly; "°"'. ~ '°. pJ'n. Fddey end Salufid9y .net &om noon to6 p.m. SuGy. lnfue11..ec.a: 7t,.,.,, • LOUTA tWftR Wf'* colunww ~~·and~. St. m-v be,..,,., .. (9491 574-«111 Of bv ~ .. ~ ,..,.,,.,elatitrwa.oom MANIA O'NEIL cowrw edl at ion and 1NV be reedled S1 (~91 S7~268 °' by tHNt!at ma,,.._on.11@Jal.Jm#..com ReportM ~ Btiarath contnbut.ocl to 11'111 stoty duwn and talk with Newport ~at:h representatives. But Silva s.ald hr had some serious con- cerns about tinkering with what he descnbed as one of the best- run airports in the country. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead! and John Wayne A1rport She may be readled at {9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une CllUgran~ <»larimn.com Santa's Village throogh Dec. 24 at Carousel Coun. Shoppers can make crafts at the Alpine Wood Shop, Holiday Trimmings Shop and the Village Bake Shop. The cost varies per craft lnfonnation: (714) 435-2083. http:/lwww scuthcoastpl8Z8.com. South Coast Pfau will haw Its famous carousel transformltd from horaes to Santa's reindeer until Dec. 28. The cost for a ride is St Information: (714143&-2083, http:llwww.southcoa1tplaz.a.com South Coast P\aza wm h.ve Santa s Express Tram running throogh Jan 4 at the Crate & Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing on Level 2 Information: 17141 435-2083, http:/lwww.southcoastplaz.a.com. The Newport-MeM cribbage dub meets on 1he second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6·45 to 9 p.m at Oasis Senior Center, 800 MarQtJerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. The cost 1s $2. Information: (949) ~293. Pastor H.in Austin INds. ea. study on ·How to Become a Contagious Christian• from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Jn W. Wilson St, No. 15 in Costa Mesa. All are welcome to come and meet new friends. Information· (9491 722-7498. The AClU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universahst Church, 1259 Victona SL in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a dinerent speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (7141 957-6107. Macy's in Costa Mesa lnvitn Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide seivices and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Pa$Sport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be hefd on Oct. 4. To ntee1ve an appllC8t1on to participate. call (7141556-0611, eKt. 4231 Yoga dasses will be o«.red Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks st West Newport Community Center. Registration is S54 for one class each week or $100 for two days • week over nine weetts for Newpon Beach residents. Others pay an additional SS For more information. call (949) 644-3151. Costa Mesa'•~ OivWon wm provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests attn. Balearic Community Center wee~vs from S to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m or 4 to 1 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for chUdren 5 to t 2 will consist of lund\ldinner, games, crafts. prizes, cake with K:e cream and suf)efVblon by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. fOf mof"a infonnation, call (714) 754-5158. Aw new wtn. will be eerwct on B-v9ide ~1 .. temtee OYerioobng ~ Haft>of rilefV Thu~ from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $16 per persoo. foot mo1'9 lnfonnatlon. e41ll (949) 721-1222.. A *'*Yol P'Mte. ~ end~ swim leaons will be o1fenad 1hit IUmmet at the Marien~ Aquatic Center st Carone def Mar High Sc:t1oo1. Opciofw NldUde ~-one nst1UCltion on Seturdaya .net a Mondty \twugh Thut'llday ptOgt'efll fot .... and~ H>t -.ion datw, timea and COlb, ca (949) 844-3151, or ,.....In~ M Newpon 8oed\ ~and S.Olof Servicea M 3300 Ntwpon Blvd. ~-......... -now~tocaummer recr•tionlll ~~ oflftd ""°"Utt ,_.~ 8-d'I Aeciillllllul1 ~a.... begin JNlly 1Z. F-. very, c.tl C1eJ MW1S1.0fYieit1tlie Newport ...,.Aecl...., end Senior ~.3300 ... port 8hd. tot man~ Tlusday, November 27, 2003 AS FORUM . HOW TO GET PUBUSHe> -ua.ta: Malt to Editorial Page Edltcw S.J. Cahn et the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hodine: Call (949) 642 6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-f'Ml:SMd to daflypilotfillatime&oom •All oorrespondence must Include full neme, hometown end phone number (for verification purposu). Tho Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIAL We've come along way T he first American Thanksgiving feast was celebrated over a three-day period in 1621 in Plymouth, Mass., with European settlers sitting down with about 90 Native Americans to meals consisting mostly of wild game and fish. lhe fact the settlers were eating anything at all was probably the greatest cause to celebrate that year -the first winter in Massachusetts had wiped out fully half of the original Plymouth colonists. It was a far dHlerent lime of thanks in America than we find today. The gratitude expressed around the turkey in 162 I pretty much involved the very basics, such as "Boy. am I thankful I didn't get the smallpox this year," and "Boy. am I glad I didn't starve or freeze to death last January," and "Gee, am I grateful I rau faster than Bob when that bear was chasing u'>." Tunes have changed considerably since then, as have tl1e kinds of fortunes for which Newport-Mesa residents can count themselves thankful. There is, for sure, more to be grateful for than the gift of life. We can be grateful for a vast network of volunteers who provide goods and services for families and people who are faced with low incomes or who are homeless. Volunteers deliver IWlches to senior shut-ins, not just on holidays, but throughout the year. Other volunteers coordinate fund-raisers that benefit their churches, the YMCA and local schools lo supplement educational materials and equipment Year-round, volunteers help the American Cancer Society and lhe Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation by donating clothing and running in the annual Race for the Cure. At the holidays, they add toys and girt certificates to lhe list. Local service groups raise funds so that local charities can continue helping the homeless and less fonunate, putting together literacy projects for young and old. alike, and running programs for the developmentally disabled. And we can be grateful that we live in a commuqity that prides itself on its commitment to maintaining its quality of life and ensuring this is one of the best places to live As we sit down to whatever feast we've prepared for ourselves, let's hold one another's hands and say It like we mean it ~Today, I'm glad to live in Newport-Mesa." Happy Thanksgiving. everybody. READERS RESPOND A cornucopia of gratitude AT ISSUE : Readers write in to say what they are grateful for this Thanksgiving season . I am thankful for my two wonderful daughters, Page and Megan. who bring my husband and I joy each day. TI1ey are both kind and caring children and fun to be with every day. I am Utankful that my husband. Mark. is able to stay home with them and care for them so they don'! have to go 10 day care. Mark is on disability with extreme back pain and degenerative discs. and although It pains him just to get out of bed, he goes on with his day the best he can for the ~ They are his life's motivation. I believe the girls benefit having Mark at home with them, and it gives me peace of mind that since I have to work. tlley are with him. I am thanJcful for my extended family as well, my mom and Prank. sister Krista and her husband, Dave, and my In-laws Virginia and Don S. LAURE KEYS Newport Beach Adorable grandchildren. good health, fall color and the Mtidptu.lon of good thln~ to come ore some oHhe things I'm thankful for this TbanbgMng a!On. NANCEE L WRIGHT QJl'ona del Mnr Aloha. I just ~ntJy had the chance 10 vtsll iny brother Ou1s Shewmlo and hil wife, u.a. ror 17 days on iauaL TheY •Ved for nine montha ind made the tnove to thetr new condo. I am Vltf"/ thankNJ lO them for moving there. I am espeda1Jy thlilkful to my ~r. Doua. for prOvldtns me wtth a dckot to Ff tbete. Aleo. lam thankful for my family and friends for being so supportive of me and helping my husband with any driving 10 and from school. I am alw thankful 10 Jami Paley for introducing me to ·n,e Purpose Driven Ufe, • which gave me confidence enough 10 make this trip tl18t I have dreamed of all my life! DEBI DIFRANCESCO Newport Beach I am thankful for my family. My dad has a great scnte of humor. My mom makes me laugh when she gets mad. My brotller wrestles with me. My sister plays on the computer with me. And my other sister plays witll me. That's all. SHANNON GRIFFIN Newport Beach I want to be thankful for God Because I love God God loves us. And I love Ashley, Kelly, Blalr. Delaney and all m,lAAuslns. LAUREN IE GRIFFIN Newport Beach I am thankful for my friends and family . They are really loving, kind, and they help me and support me. When I need a hug. they give It to me (espedally my lltde sisters Shannon and Laurm). My brother Ryan, tack.les me but I know be still loves me. My friends keep me entertained (which IJ. Ye')' i;x1~~ Newport Beach I run thanJcfUI for our new •1ease on llfe• here &I Amcrtcal\ J..egjon Post 291. 11wlk you to the dty or NewpoC1 Beach and thanb to all of our memben and &ienda who helped lO make tllis new lease become a rcalJty ... COIWERAPP Irvine • B>fTOft'I NOT'!:~ Rapp It I flnt vice commendet"' "" Americen l.tQion NeWpoft Hlt'bot Polt29t COMMUNITY COMMENTARY A community treasure to be thankful for By Tony Petros L eaves turning gold and red before dropping 10 the ground. A chill in the air. Football games on television. Familll!l> gathering. Fabulous aromas from the kitchen. TI1ere Is so much lo be thankful for and at tllis time of year thJI we traditionally pa~e to rcnec1 011 our bow11y, it's important to take 11ot1u.• of the many assets we enjoy in our community. We are fortunate tu live i11 lhis beautiful coastal community. enjoyi11g its spectacular climall'. 'iuperb community M:rviC("l,, ou"ltmdmg educaUonaJ institutio11s and incredible recreation.ti upponunillc"· .. We are also fortunate to live 111 a cummunity with vi.'ionaric'>. Our co111mu11i1y':. uw11 Lnwo11men1al Natun• < t•ntcr. a 3.5-acrc !>aflctuary, tutkcd 111 an elongated piece of laru.l~·apc adjatenl lo Newport llarbur lligh School, is an example of the vision st'<'ll 30 yeani ago by a group of detlatated and de1em1ined science teal her'> and student vulunleer>. 0 11ce a liuer-fillc<l guUy ur excavated din from cu11<.1ruclio11 or an Olympic-sin• s,,_imming pool at the high 1>ehool, ii is now a faM.inaling combination of l 4 California nauve plant communities, wildlife habitat ru1d walking trails -Jva1lahle fur all to experience and en1uy. J:or over 30 years, llw nature center has been shapccl and carc!>-c;ed into a landscape for learning, a sancruary from life's pressures and a place of preservatiun and instmr1lun. nus year. more than 15,lXJO M11Llc11ts and thousands of visitors have experienced its treasure'i, helped maintain It, nurture ii and learned £rom lls resources. Relying on funding provided hy individuals, corporate gifts, educational awards a11d opcrallonaJ gran~. this not-for-pro!il educationaJ renler offers numerow. educational programs based on na1uml ..c1ence and Native American .. 1udics. Thousands of Orange County students partlclpale in Environmental Nature Center programs t.>ach year, receiving more than 32,000 hours of inslructfon. FllE ~IOTO /OAllY Pl OT From left, Sally Felling, Frank Feller and Environmental Nature Center founder Robert House examine pine trees during a tour of the center. People have the opportunily through school tours, community group tours, student enrichment programs. nature camps and nwnerou'i other aclivlties to experience native hahilats firsl·hand And as a result. they can netter understand nature's complex syslemi., the balance of nature on wl\ich we all depend and our re<.ponslbililit•s to our naturaJ world. From U1a1 original vision seen :W years ago, Lrt.-e. have grown, tlle plant rnmmuni11cs have matured and expanded, and the students havt' learned. And. yet, as exciting as the 1·enter is loday, the vision continue& Future plans call for a new, pennanenl building lo compll•ment and reinforce the lessons 1augh1 outdoors. Our plans call for a design that allows us 10 optimize teaching and learning opportuniues. It Is a plan that will enhanl'C the na1jve plan! commwlities and offer expanded learning experiences for students and commuruty neighbor; over the next 30 years. This is the lime of year lo pauw ' GIVING THANKS from our busy lives and \Chc<lulc'l and lo thank those who had the ongjnal vision -and the army of volwlteers -who. over the past JO years, have run the programs. r.used the funds and helped mamlain the planl communltit.'S. And it Is also an appropriate rime to encourage those involvt'd today, as wcU as those who we hope will become Involved 111 the future, 10 commit their vismn, dedication and resources 10 maintrun and enhance the Fnvlronmental Nature C.entcr -a rnrmnwlity jewt'I for uJI of us to nunure and enjoy. I lappy Thanhgiving. • TONY PETROS 1s the president Env1ronmentel Natura Center board of directors Harbor View thank-you notes Students from Wendy Jawor's first·grade class at Harbor View Elementary School wrote the Pilot to say what they were thankful for. I am thankful for my dog Bingo, ~use WtieD I am scared, he makes me braw and llcb my tears. }{e llkei mo because be Is In our fa= I 11111 th&nlfUI fOr my family for helpl.ns me. I am than.kl\d (or the tlreft&httn for puttiQg out tllc Ores. I am diaakful for the policemen for llftdrii lhe bid guys.Jam thllllkfuJ for my t*'-ror teldllng me. DAVID for my brothers. rm thanklul for my famlly. KEUY t an1 dllnkfuJ for my llistf'r. r am thankful for my family. I run thonldul (or God. I om thankl'ul (or my cat MEGAN I am lhankful tor my sister and rny an named Olurrhlll. I am thankful ror my mom and my dad and Mepn. I am thankl\&I tor my &h DaY I am thankful for my famUy and Crienda. I am 1ha11k!ul for lhc cop&. I am thankful for the aun. everything. GRACE l am thllnkful for my family aml friends. Especially God -he's my life. MICHAEL f'm thankful for my llfo. my f3mUy, my friends and my sister. BRETI I wn tllanlcful for my fnmlly and my frlcndt -they are nJce. I'm thankful for my cl · I'm thllt1Uul for rny brotllcr. EVA J am thankful for my family and Cricod.,,. They art vcty nla and kind. I nm lhankfuJ for the greut t teachtr un ewth. Ml Jawur. Shell 1'<1paL1 want to be in her clasa agafn. 1 am thankfuJ ror the (>ollCe and lftfl&h1en. I un dl1nkful tor my~ waoa.1 ... 1hUllitW ror ~.,. • ....... .... I 1m thldlttul 1bt Mktlael the..,. lndibe"'9. PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Coyote spotted in eust Newport ~t.s near Broad· way and Raymond and 19th streeU reponedly MW a coyote roo.mina .. round In tbelr neigh· bortlOOd on Wedrlelday llfttmoon. 1he anlnlaJ WU re potted wa.lklntJ on tlle r.lrect at obout 12:05 p.m.. eo.ta M PoUce '' r~ BlmcywcJ. Animal Control offtccra rt'Sponded 10 the call but \.-uuld "°'find the ooyote. hr tak.l. (~ ure common In the east 1lde of the dty ~use of the Back Bay n~rve. o.tndals &aid, but 1.hc coyote II alto wry much an wt>an at\.lmal. und many can be ~n curnfort4bly Jylng down 011 front ynf\ll or walking Jown a m!idcntlll ueet. ro prottct amau pets from coyote attack& om- ( l.tlll say. retJdenu must lttp thclr pets Indoors at ull times and nevtr ~ve focxJ or t.ru.sh lying uround in their yard~ POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Anton~ Grand theft was repofted In the 500 bfodt al 2·13 p m Tuelday. • w..t 8elcer StrMt and Colege ~A traffic aocidont involving lnJurlM WH reportod at 4:06 p.in. Tueadav. • 8'fstol StNet: An auto theft Wat rep<H1ed In the 3300 bfodt at 1 :45 p.m. Tueadey. • Felrvlew Roed.: Vandollam wu reported In the 2700 bloc* at 11:28 am. TUMday. • Jo.nn 8trMt and ~ Allenue! Graffiti WN rtpOned at 2~48 a.m. Tuotday. • 9outti Coat Dtt¥e: A hll·and-run wa1 reported In the 1400 bfodt at 10:63 a m. Tuesday. . e... 171h S11Mt: P9ttv thtft was reponed In the 100 bfodt at 2~4' p.m. Tuetday. • w..t 11th Strwt: Petty theft waa reported In the 800 blodt at 10-.47 a.m. TUffday. NEWPORT BEACt1 • Cteetltdge end Newport Ridge OM w.t: Vendalltm waa reported at 8:42 a.m. Tueadav • Dowr Dltw: Battery wa1 roported In the 700 blodt et 4:05 p,m. Tuelday. • Newport Cef"9r Dftve: Petty thefl was reported In the ltOO bloc:t. ot tO:fie o.m. Tuoadov • PINtt Newpor1 OtM: A hit-and-run wa.1 roporte<f In tho 1200 blocl •t 12:19 a.m. Tueadev. • Placentia Avenue: Trespossing wa11'9pof1ed In tho t600 blocl et 7:55 o.m.T~y. • W..tdll Drtv.: A hlt.,.nd-run wa1 reported In the 2100 bfoct et 11 :2.4 a m Tueld.ly. THREAT Continued from Al ~ dolna Ill l.nvcst.lglltlon ~" Barbot eaJd. •A &IU dent made eoma th CJ. Thero was no "*lry to tt. Tilete was a rumor of a gun. but that wasn't Uw • No gun brought on u1m pus. und nu further ocdon wa.'> taken by the Mud~nt after tht' In.I· tial threat. Oarl>ot '!Ukl lbe par en~ c;( the boy Wl'll" wry co opcrau~. he 'laid. JWA Continued from Al aroumJ the landfill "Why wuuJt.l yuu wont n land nu wit11 tremcndOU') habUlty?" usktd relllJent Moddcnc Arake· lion, whu rnu for uffiu· I.isl yt'ar ""' n Grct'nJight canJll.lute. Mayor Steve Bromberg as· AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN item• to th• Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bey 51., Cotta M .... CA 92627; by e-mail to luls..pena t.Cimfll..com: by fax to (9'91 &ee-4170; Ot by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, datt and location of the event. es well ea • contect phone numbef. FRl>AY rt..wtllbe•~­ Thenbglving .ale at the Orange Coonty Markel Place from 7 a.m to 4 p.m. at the Orengo County Fa1rgroonds. AdmisSton will be free. There w1ll be an artisans' and craftera' comer, photos with Santa Clau1 and seasonal entertainment SATURDAY The ()qnge County~ of Mayflower Oe&cendant1 will have lt1 annual Compaci Day Luncheon at 10:30 a.m. ot the Holiday Inn 3131 Sooth Brl1101. Costa Meaa. Anyone who 11 descended from one of the 26 known heads of families can join. Information: (949) 648-6871, http:l/www.ocm11yflowt1r.org A. p111t of Spa Gregorie'1 customer appreciation month, It will have • customer comp day in whk:f1 two cllenls will get their leMoet for free at 200 Newport Center Otlve. lnfonnation end reaervatlon1: (949) 644..(3672. SUNDAY The °'9nge County Chaptef of the Swedilh Womon'1 Educational Assn. will have Its annual Swodish Christmas event, whkt\ promot" Swedish tredltlon1 et 11 a.m. In the Costa Mela Nojghborhood community c.nter. 1845 Part Ave. The cost will be $2 for children younger than 16 and SS for adults and older teeoager1. Information: (949) 786-2734. http:/lwww chspt11rs·$\Wa.orplorangocounry Al p8'1 of Spa Gregorie'1 customer appr.clation month, 11 wlll have a Teens and Tweens Dav et 200 Newport Center Drive. There wlll be free skin care clinics and do-lt-yooraelf foot treatmenll, maaquea end hair masquoa, eech for $5. Information end roservatloni: (949) 644~72. MONDAY South Co.st Ptua wUI haw eta 21st ennu•I Tree-Lighting C•remony at 8 p.m. at Town Center Par1c. edjacent to the WMtln South Coast Plaza. The 90-foot wtlita fir will bt edomed by 16,000 lights. TM cerwnony will f"tul'9 the All American Bova Chorua and an appearance W hon<Qry emcee, JeMl,.t YOft from Kn.A· 'tV· A n**'t In eupport of Oemoc:r.tk: prealdef'IO•I eendklete Wesley K. Cl•rt wtll be hekf It 7 p.m. et the Harp Inn. 130 E. 17th St., Costa Meae. Votuntt41ra will ahare lnfonnatlon end O.rlt's posltlona oo key ~·/Id otf rm :Z::"l'fil 90·6'•·••77 • 1280 Bieon B-l • Newport Buch "Illa Sa lekend r•"" MJJnolMI fJ _!!!.!£., ........ e1 .. ~ 2& 2' """'JIJlj/ Giii SlrirtNI .. ,.w JIJJJtlt C;J ~ ........ St.rs Htn1n: """""" • Mtltii lll:OO ..... T:t10 ,.. .... ~lt#&•-1•~ ....., 11..#,...-J. .. ,. ..• ,,...~ ,. ,., "'*-"" ltlfl'I-~~,.._, -~• .. AMI The fa.bed thr conttms ol other ·pareom. who happened to hear about Uie lndd nt ftoin lhelt chUdrl'n oc other pu.rcnts. om 1 JIJ not formally notify p.vl"f1ta of the thre;:tL A Corona d J M r tJ>et', wt\OM u..ted not to be ld utlflcd be rnUM· hb """' was alltged.ly listed as a~ uf the UAck.. mid olhtt Jl; rents cWkd hlm the weetend or Nov. 21 to warn him or possibJe thn•at8 n&iitl: t hts son. He lm· mediately l(l>l ou the phone with th~ Newport Beach Polkt tlrld got m tout h with the d<.'lcct.i~ lwl· 1.lltng the rose. lie said he was sure<l her 1hat the talks would be des1g11t'tl to weigh the pros anJ cons o( Utt-city pluylng an ;it tlvt' role In the cuunty faclli · tit"&. hlC'ludlng whet.her to tab O\er maintaining the methane· proJuci.ng lie. "We're nut tal-Jng over any· thlng ri)(ht now.· Bromberg ..aid. "Whut we're trying to do here is Ond answer to 4ues· lions.· lasues. Information: infoitfvolcmtHrsforclarlc.com. http://www.mHtup.com. A town hall mMtlng on homeland 1ecurttywlll be from 6 to 8 p.m. at Vanguard University's Smith Hall Room 101, 55 Fair Drive. Assemblyman Ken Maddox. Costa Mesa Councilmttn Alan Mansoor and Michael Sdleafer, California National Guard Ma/. Gen. Paul 0. Monroe Jr., Costa Fire Chief James M. Eiits and repreaentativ&11 from the Orange County Sheriff's Department, Colifomia Office of Emergency Services and the FBI will be on hand. WEDNESDAY The Antl-SAT movement will hold a meeting from 7 to 8 p.m . In the ASB room at Corona del Mar High Sc::hool. There will be guest speakers. en open forum for comments end questions, end an outline for implementing educational reform. Students, parents. and tead'lers are welcome to attend. Information: Amanda Rubenstein, (9491 719 1756. DEC.4 The Orange County Chapter of Childhelp USA will have a holiday boutique and luncheon at 10 a.m. in the Hyatt Regency, 17900 Jamboree Blvd., Irvine. For reservations contact Nancy Whitlodl at (949) 5484228. The Chuck Jones G.at.ry In th9 Atrium Court of Feshion Island will present an e1thibitlon of an of the animated film "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Chrlatmas· with voice actre11 June Foray and animation producer and director Phil Roman The exhibition will be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery i1 at 401 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 759-0758, http://www chudcjones com The Orang. County Coalltlon for Youth will host ·let Your Voice Be Heard• from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center. 1845 Parll, Costa Mesa. The event is to let yooth voice their ooncern1. talk abotJt issue1 and to Influence policy decisions Information· rle'9odd.oa gov. A1 part of Spa GrwgorW1 cuatomer appreciation month, it wlll l\eve a representative from B. Kamin• on hand to perform mlnl·faclal1 and skin analysis from 11 e.m. 10 6 p.m. The mini-facials 001t $50 with a $20 coupon toward B. Kamin• producta purdtaee on the ume day. Information and renrv•Uona; (949) 644 6672. OEC.6 The Coeta Mela "'-"'•Club will sponaor the huvlew Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview 0.V.lopmentol Center at the Costa Meaa Golf & Coontry Club. Tht tntnlnc. '"wilt be $70 today Ind $135 for both daya. Information: (949) 645-2886.(949) 8()3..909() w.ldotf 8dMIOt wtl .,......,t tl:a Winter festival from 3 toe p.m. at 2350 ClnyOn Orlvo. Thort Wiii be ... 90nel cnft making. mulk:, thoettl' and lntemaflonal food. The.-. will bt a nomlnnl charge et the ~te. lnfomlatlon: (949) 674-n34. The Anfeletaa,.,., lkMldMt w\11 bt after the 8:90 a.m. maaa at OUr Ledv Queen of Angelet, 2046 Mar Vlftt Otlve. Tho prayer brtekfa.t will ftaturt gutat potker Mtdellne Tucd Tennttllll. fouiidtf of "Ger(•~ for Kkts. lllert wtll be • poin..ura plant Nie tfttr th• bfNkfeat. TM ~t It eponaol'9d by the C.aa T.,_. Foundeil GuOd. Tht cost It 1 St6 dOnatlon • ln~(t49)~ The'*,...,, Allri. .......... ~""tit> end hoUMtlotd '* cat ahc1W friwri lO a.m. toe p. m. et 1tMi Ot'ange CoUnty F,.r • Expoefflon Cent«. Thi fV'tftt Wiii ...,,. up to 225 of the~ .,... Pfldlg!Md cats. be Nt'9 bwq;ry ror any lnfonnadoo t could about t 90n~ safety and ~ dliappolnttid tl ' this 'ud.lns news auuc fru11l • Crlrod, not an official from the dfsuict or tM-police dt1>'1J uncnL ·1w been on the phu11~ wHh th~ pol °" w..y too much lately," hu lid. JW Money, prcsidt"11t of the Co· rona deJ Mar Pa.rent lt'achtt A. n .. had aho I~ about the threat~ u uetwork or par· enta and student!.. Sh\" 1.:\llle<l high school l'rincipa.I Sharon I ry on Tuesday 10 ~ what was be- ing done a.bout It. 1\.lt' day$ VU(t' Clt'lllCd the Sphere Issue Cummlllt't'. t.um tJU8ed of Brumberg and C .ou11 ci.lrnen Tod Ridgeway and Jolm l lcffeman. The con\mlttcc wlU ~nd a Jetter to t·ounty repre· '<'lllurlve:. askJ.ng t11cm to meet to di•cu11S way-i 1hJ1 thc Lily might play a role iu thl' four is sues d ty leaders say fall Into rhc Newport Ueach's • ~phcr<.'." But huw far tho~e 1aJl-. rnuJd along with rescue cats and kittens looklng for a home Information: (858) 455-9390. N.11on•I Uolvenlty'1 c.nt1t for Cultural and Ethnic Studies will present ·Tue Allure and Slgnlfteance of Body Art from 10;30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at National Unlvera1ty, 3390 Harbor Blvd. Information-(714) 429 5408, lzukas@nu tKJu ~.-..· annu•t Christmaa Fair will be from 9 a.m. lo 4 µ.n1 There will be over 175 booths of top artists wllh unique handcrafted items includ111g hve music, food and entertainment Information: (7141641 -3112, f1trp:llwww.p1eccmalcers com DEC.7 The Cet Fendera A.sn. will have• championship and household pet cat show from 9 a.m. to 5 p m at the Orange County Fair & E>eposition Center TI1e event will feature up 10 225 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along witlil rescue cats and kittens looklng for a homo. lnform1Jlion· (858) 455-9390 ~aken' annual Christmas Fair will be from 9 a.m. lo 4 pm Dec. 6 and 7. There will be over 175 booths of top artists with unique handcrafted items including live music, food and entertainment. lnformalioff (714) 641·3112, hrtp:l!www p1ecemslcers cc•m The Coau Mela Men's Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. The entrance fee will be $75 Information. (949) 645-2886.(949) 903.9090 The MVenth annual Balboa laland Walking Holiday Horne Tour will be from 11 a m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa Island Tickets cost $20 Information: (949) 6734280. The dty of Newpo11 BMch't 1'th annual Winter Wonderland wlll take place from 10 a.rn. to 1 p.m. at Grant Howland Park, 5th Avenue and Iris Avenue. There will be more than 30 tons of snow dumped onto lhe grounds for the enjoyment of the community There will be activities such as winter carnival games along with Santa Information 19491 644-3151. OEC.10 Body Design will offer• free sominar and demonstration on the latest technology on cellulite treatments from 7 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Drive. The event 11 presented by Mary Dellene, a masaage thereplst. lnformatron •nd reglstratioo: (949) 722-3555, getfit<..'tbodydealgn.rv. Ho-si Ho.pita! will haw an evening lung cancer support group discussion about ·coping with the Holiday•" from 6:30 to 8 p.m. et the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference Room A. Information (9491760-5542. DEC.11 The C.mpu1 CollNgues of Orange Coaat Colloge wlll hold a luncheon to ralM funds fOf the OCC Diubfod Student. Center from 11 t.m. to 2 p.m. tt OCC. There will be enter1olnment provided by Tyler Hoff and Klro Klro, who wUI be playing with tho Heny end Grae. Stoele Children Ctncor. The cott 11 S9.60 pet perton. lntormetton: .iandardtlnt hotmoll.com. DEC.12 ~l ...... lndStarl8.7 Radio wlll hott • holldey toy drive from 10 a.m. to• p.m. In Btoomlnple't Courtyard. CUltomert •rt tl'ICOUttgOd to drop off en unwrepped new tov to bt plac.d under the FalhJon tt&.nd Chrittm•• trM. trifonnlltlon: (949) 721·2000. Mp:/Mww.ll>opfflhloit 's/Mtd. com. TheW.~ [)/iltrOilhV fMndl tupport group Fry wed Money that Sooth tuuJ "dft\lt with It and everything l d bttn handled: Money SClld. Couusck>rs wen.• luvolwd In tJie proc:cu. o weU as 1he stu<lt'flt 's p.>.r-.-nts. she ~1kl "1lte Imp ion I got was that It was a cry for llt:lp. • Monty said. Mon~ Barhot am.I the father &Wd they wen• reUe\-ed that sru· dcnb rt'jlOrted the lncklelll ro of· Oduls. tiO th~ proper step3 (.'()U)d bt· t'11u>n. l11c 1'11\ pl\-sMt>nt said sheet heard frurn her sourt-es that the srmfonl wamt.'tl he wouJd cany uul his threat un Wednesday. go 1s anybody's guess. In the mu<,I extreme M.:enario, ii cuuJd t>Ven llll'illl the oty 1aking over opt'rntlon 11t John Wayne Air· purt. liut tirst. local lenders would have lo prove to the Board of Supenio;urs that the plan would be IJeneric:ial fur the city am.I tbe county County Supervisors Jim Silva and lorn Wil:.011 have both said llwy would be wllh.ng to sit will meet at 7 p.m . at Cocos. 2750 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 650-1212, (714) 491 9400 DEC.21 Fashion Island will host Its annual Menorah Lighting Ceremony at 3 p.m. at Bloomingdale's Coortvard. The event will be hosted by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Chabad Jewish Center in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 721 ·2000, http://www.shopfoshionislsnd com. DEC.22 The Orange Counfy Martcet Place will hold its Holiday Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and crahers' corner, photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. The Environmental Nature Center will present a Holiday Crah Wori(shop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family arid friends using a variety of materials from 9 a m . 3 p.m The cost 1s $140 per student with a lO°'n discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645 8489. DEC.23 The Environmental Nature Center will present a Holiday Craft Workshop in which participants can create 1hecr own special holiday season g1hs for family and friends using a variety of malorials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cos1 1$ $140 per student with a 100.4 discount for members. There will be o $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.24 The Environmental Nature Center will present a Holiday Craft Workshop in wh1d'l participants can croate their own s~ial holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of mate11als from 9 a m. 3 p.m The cost 1s S 140 per student with a 10% discount for mombers. There will be a $25 matonals fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.26 The Environmental Nature Center will present a Holiday Crsh Workshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts forfamily and friends using a variety of materials from 9 o.m. 3 p.m . The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. ONGOING The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help yoo improve your public speaking skills or polish your busineas presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disc1pllnes and ba<*groond1 The group meets fl\Jery Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parting 11 available In the parltlng structure next to 24 Hout Rtnea.a. Guests ore welcome. For more Information, coll (949) 721-6732. Sote Comfort •nd Laun'• Hou.. have teamed up to help ttlOM In need by collecting sh<>tt from Doc. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfo11, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocldo Ave. laura's HouM 11 committed to ending the cyde of domestic vlofeoc. and 1tntngthe11ing fomllin. Information: (949) ~ 5939. The Newport 8eectt ~ Lil>f•ry Is holdl~ ha holiday food drtve through Doc. 12. Tho,.. will bo Sha,.. Our Selves b4nt et the lib,.ry for donttions of ctntied goodt and non~ Oon•tJona can bt dropped off ®ring regultr llbraty houra: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thurtday; from. a.m. to 8 o.m. frldey end Stturd-v end from noon to 15 p.m. Sunday. lnformetlon: (9'9) 717-3801. SouU'I Coat ............ Ille)' n~"\Cle a threat. and that bad enough.• Barbot ~ "Wt! wunt tu top (anything from hap- pe11lngl and get S()IJ'e help for him.· • LOUTA HAAP£R wrnes cofum~ Mond•ys. Wedneed•Y• and Frldeva. She mav be reached at (949) 574--4275 orb'( ..mall et ioma harptH latimea.com. MARISA O'Nfll cover• educellon and may be reached at (949) &74-4268 or by e mallet mar1u.oneil@lat1mea.com. Reporter Oeepe 8harath contnbuted to tn1s storv. down and talk with Newport Bench representatives. But Silva said he had some erious con cerns about tinkering with whot he described as one of the best- run airports ln 1..he country. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491574-4232 or by e-mail at 1unt1 csssgrande'8 l11t1mss.com Santa's Village through Dec. 24 al Carousel Court. Shoppers can make crafts at the Alpine Wood Shop. Holiday Trimmings Shop and the Village Bake Shop. The oost varies per craft. Information: (714) 435·2083. http:J!www.sourhcoas(plaz.a.com. Souttl Coast Plaza will have its famous carousel transformed from horses to Santa's reindeer until Dec. 28. The cost for a ride 1s $1. Information: (714) 435-2083, httpJIWWwsourhcoastplaza.com South Coast P\aza will have Santa's Express Train running through Jan. 4 at the Crate & Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing on level 2. Information: (714) 435-2083, http:/!www.southcoasrplaza.com. Th• Newport-Mesa cribbage dub meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. at Oasis Senior Center. 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. The cost is $2. Information: (949) 646-5293. Pastor Hein Austin leads • Bible study on ·How to Become a Contagious Chns11an • from 610 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 377 W Wilson St., No. 15 in Costa Mesa. All are welcome to come and meet new friends. lnformation- (949) 722·7498. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month al the Unitafian Universalist Church, 1269 Vtctoria St. m Costa Mesa. Eac:ti month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (7141 95H>107. Macy'• in Coste Meu invites Orange County nonprofit organi1a11ons that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for partic1pat1on in Macy's South Coest Plaza's Passport In Store fund·raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 556-0611 1 ext. 4231. Yoga da ... s will be offwed Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks al West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days e week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an addttional $5. For more information. call (9491644 3151 Coau Mesa'• Recreation OM1km will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekday1 from 5 to 8 p.m .• Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Partie1 for children 5 to 12 will consist of lunch/dinner. games, crafts, prlze1, cake with Ice cream and supervision by stan. Parties coat $250 or $300 for more informa1lon, call (7141 754-5158. Five MW wlnet wtn be HIVed on Bayside Rastaurant'a teTtaCe O\lel'look.lng Newport Harbor every Thurlday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . The coat ts $15 per person. For more lnfonnatlon. call (949) 721-122.2. A ve"-tyof Pffvlt'-, Mm~ end group IWlm leaaona will be offered this summer at the Marian Betgeaon Aquetk: Center •t Corona dol Mer High School. ()ptloN Include ona-on-one lnttructlon on Saturdaya end a Monday through Thurlday prog,..m for all tgtt and level•. For leUlon dat", time• •nd com. call 1949) 644-3151, or register In peraon et Newpon Beach AecfeatJon end Senior SorvicH at 3300 Newpo.t 8t'ld. CNdrln. ..... Ind ...... ., now reglttM for summtt recrntlonet bolting d ..... offered through Newport~ ~s.Mo..et.­ begtn Juty 12. F..e vary. Call (949) 044-3151, Of Vltit the Newpon ~ Atcreetlon and 6-nlOr Strvtc:.. 3300 NMport 8'Yd '°' mar. lntotmtrtJOn. ' - Thursday, November 27, lOOJ A!S FORUM HOW TI> GET PU8USHED -a....tllera: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Oaity Piiot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • R..d.n Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 64M 170 E-mail:Send to dailypilot latimes.com •AU correspondence rmnt Induct. ~I name, hometown and phone numbef" (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIAL We've come along way T he first American Thanksgiving feast was celebrated over n three~day period in 1621 in Plymouth, Mass., with European settlers sitting down with about 90 Native Americans to meals consisting mostly of wild game and fish. The fact the settlers were eating anything at all was probably the greatest cause to celebrate that year -the first winter in M~chusetts had wiped out fully half of the original Plymouth colonists. It was a far different time of lhanks in America than we find today. The gratitude ex.pressed around the turkey in 1621 pretty much involved the very basics, s uch as "Boy, am I thankful I didn't get the smallpox this year," and "Hoy, am I glad I didn't starve or free1.e to death last January," and "Gee, am I grateful I nm faster than Bob when that bear was chasing us." Times have changed con siderably s ince then, as have the kinds of fortunes for which Newport-Mesa residents can count themselves thankful. There is, for sure, more to be grateful for than the gift of life. We can be grateful for a vast network of volunteers who provide goods and services for families and people who are faced with low lncomes or who are homcles_<;. Volunteers deliver lunches to senior shut-ins, not just on holidays. but throughout the year. Other volunteers coordinate fund-raisers that benefit their churches, the YMCA and local schools to supplement educational materials and equipment. Year-round, volw1tecrs help the American Cancer Society and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation by donating clothing and runnJng in d1e annual Race for the Cure. At the holidays, they add toys and gift certificates to the List. Local service groups raise funds so that local charities can continue helping the homeless and less fortunate, putting together litera<..J' projects for young and old, alike. and running programs for the developmentally disabled. And we can be grateful that we live ln a commu'lity that prides itself on its commitment to maintaining its quality of life and ensuring this is one of the best places to live As we sit down to whatever feast we've prepared for ourselves, let's hold one another's hands and say it like we mean It: "Today. I'm glad to live in Newport-Mesa." Happy Thanksgiving. everybody. READERS RESPOND A cornucopia of gratitude AT ISSUE: Readers write in to say what they are grateful for this Thanksgiving season. I am thankful for my two wonderful daughters, Page and Megan, who bring my husband and I joy each day. TI1ey are both kind and caring children and fun to be with every day. I am thanlcful that my husband, Mark. is able to stay home with them and care for them so they don't have to go to day care. Mark is on disability with extreme bad pain and degenerative discs, and although It pains him just 10 get out of bed, he goes on with his day the best he can for the girls. They are his life's motivation. I believe the girts benefit having Marte at home with them, and It gives me pence of mind that since I have to wort. they are with hlm. I am thankful for my extended family as weU, my mom and Prank, sister Krista and her husband, Dave, and my in-laws V1rgin1a and Don $. LAURIE KEYS Newport Beach Adorable grandchildren, good health, fall color and the nntJcfpation of good tbinp to come are some of the thin&-' I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving season. NANCEE L WRIGHT Corona del Mar Aloha. I just recently had the chance lo vlalt my brother Outs ~and hb Wife. u.a, for 17 days on lCauai. They aYCd for nine months and made the move to their new ClOndo. I am very thankful to them for mcMrig them I am ..pecialty ttla'nkfu1 to my n~ Doug, tor~ me With a dcktt to aett!Mft. AljQ, I am thankful for my family and fnends for being so supportive of me and helping my husband with any driving to and from school. I am aJso thankful to Jami Paley ror lntrodudng me to ·The Purpose Driven Life," which gave me confidence enough to make this lrip U1at I have dreamed of all my life! DEBI DfFRANCESCO Newport Beach I am thankful for my family. My dad has a great sel18e of humor. My mom makes me laugh when she get.s mad. My brother wrestles with me. My sister plays on the oomputer with me. And my other sister plays with me. That's all. SHANNON GRIFFIN Newport Beach I want to be thankful for God. Because I IOYe God. God loves us. And I love Ashley, Kelly, Blair, Delaney and all my cousins. LAUREN MARJE GRFFIN Newport Beach I am thankful for my friends and family . They are really loving, lcind, and they help me and support me. When I need a hug, they glve It to me (especlally my UttJe ters Shannon and l.Aumt). My brother Ryan. tackles me but I know he still loves me. My friends keep me enter1alned (wfilch Is vcry~GAN~ Newport Beach I run thankful for our new "lease on Ufe• lltte al A.mttk:aA Legion Post 29 l. Thank you to the dty or Newport Beach anc1 tbanb to all of our memberl and frlenck who helped to mab th1a new leue ~n!81J~ ll'Yfne • BJITOR'I Na1"E: Connie Rapp It. flttt vtoa commander Of the Amerbn lAg6on Newpon Herbot Polt291. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY A community treasure to be thankful for By Tony Petros L eaves turning gold and red before drtJpping Ill the ground. A chill in the au. Football game' on television. Families gathering. Fabulous aromas from the kitchen. TI1ere Is so much to be thankful for and at this time of year th.ii we uadilionally pause to rcllC(.·t on our bounty, it'i. lmportant to take notitc uf the many assets we e111uy in our community. We are fortunate lo livc in thi'< beautiful coastal community, enjuymg ilb spectacular climate, ~upcrb community service1>, otll <.,tandin~ e<lucauunal instilution' and incredible rccrcaticmul opportunillt·~ We a.re also (ortunate 10 live in a LUmmurnty with VL'>it111.irie!>. Our commuauty\ uwn l~VJronmemat Nature <.enter, a 3.5-acrc '>Jllctuary, tmked m an elongated piece of lamlst:ape adjarc•nt to Newport I !arbor I ligh School. is an example of the vision i.cen JO years ago by a group of ded1rntcd and deternuned <,cience tea1hcr<, and student voluntee...._ Once a liner-filled gully ol excavatc:.'t.i dirt from con.,truction of an Olympic <;i;r.c s..ti111111in~ pool at U1e high school, it is now .. r.i.winaling combmalion of 14 Lahfom1a native plant communili~. wildlife habitat and walking trails -.tvatlahle fur all to experience and en1oy. For over 30 years. lhc nature ccnler has been shaped and r.ir~ into a landscape for learning. a sam .tua.ry !Tom life's pressures and a place of preservation and instnil1111n. ll1i'i year, more than 15.000 i.lmlenls tUHl thousands of visiton. have experienced its treasure'!, helped maintain It, nurture It w1d learned from Its resources. Relying on Funding provided hy individuals, corporate gifts, educational awards and opt•rational granL'i, this not-for-pmfit educational center offers numerou'i educational programs based on natural science and Native American ''udies. Thousands of Orange County students participate in Envlromnenlal Nature Center programs each year, receiving more than 32.000 hoUJ"S of imtruction. fll £PHOTO I ONLY Pit 0 I From left, Sally Felling, Frank Feller and Environmental Nature Center founder Robert House examine pine tree s during a tour of the center. People have the opponunity through school tours, communi1y group lours, student cnricluncnt programs, nature camps and numerous other actiVJlles to experience native habitats fin;t ·hand And as a result. they can helter understand nature's complex system.s, the balance of nature on wi1ich we aJI . depend and our rcsp011!.ibiliti<•, h> our natural world. horn that ongmal vi'ii<m seen :l-0 years ago. tree' have grown, the plant lOmrnunilie.; ha\.C matured and expanded, and thr students have learned. And. yet, as exciting as the center is today. the vision continues. Future plans call for a new. permanent building to complement and reinforce the lesson.., taught outdoors. Our plans call for a desig11 that allows us to oplimi7e teachJng and learning opportunities. It l'I a plan that will enhance the native plant commwlitles and offer expanded learning experiences for students and commumty m•ighhors over the next 30 years. This is the time of year to paw.<· GIVING THANKS from our busy lives ;ind !.chedult•s and to thank th<M' who had the onginal vision -aml the anny of volulltccr'i -who, over the pru.t :Kl ycan., have run the pmgr.ims, ra1.,ed the funds and helped maintain the plant commuruties. And It is also an appropriate time 10 encourage those involwd today, as well as those who we hop<· will become 111votved in the future, to commit their vision, dedication and reM>urccs to mamtam and enhance the Environmental Nature Center -a rornmunity jewrl for all of us lo nurllm• and enjoy. I lappy Thanksgivmg. •TONY PETROS 1s tho president Environmental Na1uro renter board of th rectors Harbor View thank-you notes Students from Wendy Jawor's first-grade class at Harbor View Elementary School wrote the Pilot to say what they were thankful for. I am tbanJdW for my dog Bingo. because when lam scared, he maket me brave and lie.ks my tear& He likes me tx.uuse he Is In our fa~ I am thanJUul for my remlly for helplnc me. I am thankful for the ll~len tor puttins out the flres. I am thankful for the polJoemen for ptdlli dw bed guys. I am thankful for cny Uttdler for 1eiachtn1 m . DAVID for my bcothea I'm thankful (or my famlly. KEU.Y 1 am thankful for my al~tf'r. 1 ntn thankful for my fMnlly. t nm tbl\Jlk!ul (or God. I a.m tl1nnktul for my cat. MEGAN I am thonkluJ tor my sister and my cat named OlUrthllJ. 1 am thankful for my mom and my dt\d anti Megan. I am t!wt.Uul for my 0.11h. DaY l am thankful ror my family and friends. I am th11nkfuJ for tho cops. I am tJuu\U\al tor tho aun. SMA • I am lbanllfUI for my tanllly and my ftwna.. l 1m llllnliful for rood UMl I• ._..Ill lw.-ybnlcMl'and my wtler. ...,. .. ., .... lndcnylDOlll. ....... ..,, everything. GRACE l am thankful for my family and friends. F.spedally God -he's my Ufe. MCHAEl. I'm thnnkful for my llfe, my family, my frlcuds and my sls1c1. I um thankful for my fnmily nnd my friends-they ate nice. I'm thankful for my clasa. I'm thnnkful for my brothct EVA I am l.hankfuJ ror my family and friends They are very 1\fc:t and kltKI. I am thankful for the pate5t teacher on Ntth, Ml Jtwor. ·h I so great. J want to be In her cl Qg&in. SOCIETY THE CROWD Being positive and thankful on this day ''P eople an! more powedUJ than the barriers they face.• said Da Rogal. president and CEO of Goodwill lndustrtes. Orange C.ounty. lbday Is Thanbtlfvtng Day. and Rogers comments at the annual Walter JCnott Service Award luncheon held at the Four Seasons Hotel. Newport 11-"' sJgnUlcant words of reOecdon on this all American hoUday. Tha.nQgMng really ls a universal celebcation, Its message one .----------. of unJty and that of reaching out to people of dlft'erlng backgrounds working together for the common good. It is a most B.W. COOK appropriate day to share the words and the feell.nga expressed at Goodwill's Walter Knott luncheon. A sold-out crowd in the Four Seasons ballroom celebrated Thanksgiving early sending the . universaJ message of the indomitable splrlt of mankind overcoming the worst that life can deal. Four people put the important thinp in life front and center as they accepted honors for their achievements. Jetee Blllauer, Trecy Broughton and Vallnda Martin, who are in wheelchai.rs after being injured in accidents, and RKhel Scdort.. who is bUnd, all received standing ovations for their inspirational words. Martin. a woman with a smile broad enough to light up the room, confined to a wheelchair as the result of a boating accident, la the owner of an art gallery and gilt store on Balboa Island she has named An for the Soul. *I feel blessed,• Martin said. *There are a lot of able-bod1ed people who cannot say that.• During a vtdeo of Vallnda Martin's .. ory, the crowd of mo.re than 500 Goodwill mpporten wiped away a tear when Martin thanked Mi father for hJs uoOqgln• support through her qrde41. "l don't believe in disabilities," she said. Martin wtJl open a 8eCOnd gallery in Laguna Beach this month.. The waiter Knott luncheon was guided by muter of ceremonJes Peter Sulfa. former mayor of Costa Mesa. A humorist with the later-day wit of a Wlll Rogers. Buffa said on a lerlous note. "That the most lmporunt thing we have Js time.• Blllauer knows the meaning of B~\ words. At the age of 17, a surfing accident destroyed his dream to become a professional surfer and placed him in a wheelchair u a quadriplegic. Now 2.4, the handsome surf dude wlth a &haved head and diamond studs in his ears made his way onto the Four Seasons podium in his chair to tell the audience that •life rolls on." and he's rolling with lt every lnch of the way. Blllauer's mother, grandparents and cousin were in the audience to suppon him. A video message from his dad, who was unable to attend, was featured. It was evident that they were inspired by hJs • affirmative attitude toward life, and equally evident that he was a young man fortunate enough to have a loving family behind him. Broughton, a beautiful young woman put in a wheelchair as the result of a car accident, refused 10 allow her situation to interfere with her ambitions in life. Broughton became Ms. Blad California in 2002, and shared her belief that the barrier of a wheelchair should not reduce people from living produ~ve and independent lives. ·1 wouldn't write my life this way," Broughton said. "But I wouldn't change it, either.• Powerful words from a person or tremendous inner strength. Broughton is the mother of two young sons. and will let nothing get in her way. SC<loris ls one of the world's most accomplished atbJet:a. intemadonally~ u a leader in the sport of aled-dog racing. In March 2004, Scdorls will compete at the very highest level of her sport. partidpadng in the puellngAlalbn IdJtarocL Scdoria ls blind. She stepped up to the Four Season's podium and shared her story with the audience, not once mentioning her blindness. It was the story of a young woman with a gift, a passion. and a will to sUcceed. again lovingly supported by a CamUy. and In~ her father who has coached her since childhood= sport she loves. Anotherm of achievement against all odds. waiter Knott. the late founder of Knott's Berry Parm and an Orange C.ounty pioneer remembered for his civtc service, la often quoted with the admonJtion, "Whatever we vtvtdJy Imagine. ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthuaiaatically act upon must eventually come to pass." His words echoed throughout the Four Seasons ballroom in the presence of his surviving daughter, Marlonc and her husband, 10ny r.Jontapert. Also in the crowd were other Knott family members, including DuTeJ Andenon of Newport Beach. Daniel Armstrong. chairman of the Goodwill board of directors, joined renowned local artist Bob Schur, Ra Hudler, Betty Belden Plllmer and Ronna Shipman, ln handling the p~nt.ations of the day. The massive event was chaired by a most capable Janke Markley, with support from an event committee that Included Cecelia Knott and her daughters Amy Knott and Trecy Gottlieb. MelanJe Flt.ch. Gina Pergwlon. 19d Baku, Zoe Hadley, Ann Sulllvan, Brin Trund. SuAn Tierney and Heather ICletn were also participating. Rogers tofd the gathering that it was a day to celebrate creativity, achievement and express.Ion. "We celebrate the human splrit and raise vital funda to Walter Knott Service Award 2003 honorees Tracy Broughton, Jesse Binauer and Valinda Martin, seated, from left, and Rachael Scdoris, standing, with master of ceremonies Peter Buffa. provide those with disabilities and other barriers, with job training placement and the tools to achieve individual success." he said. It was a day to reaffirm the importance of self-respect. And to put it bluntly, "The joy of earning a paycheck." Rogers said "Jn America. a good part of our freedom is tied to the joy of achievement. and the joy of independence," he said. Quite a message on this Thanbgivlng Day. As you join with loved ones to share the holiday meal, take a moment to share ln the bounty of blessings ~ your Uves. Appreciate whatever you have, and know that all things are possible if the dream is based on a foundation ofgoodwlU. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays end Saturdays. F ranees Knott, Stephen Knott and Mrs. Russell Knott. -~-....;.;_;; ___ _..;,;,. ___ ....... ________ .__ ____ ..:.....,.-.:..---.;--......;..-----------=--........:...~ ----- S top by Helman Mara.ti Oil Wedneeday Coran auloSJ'.8phed copy of the Neiman Man:us Cookbook. The book. wrttteo by exec:ud\le chef Kevin Garvin, Is filled wfth treuUred recipes from Neiman Marcus restaurant& With each cookbook purchased, yOU'll receive a complJmenwy pair or butterfly-shaped napkin ringf. More than 150 favorite recipes of loyal customers are featured. along wfth beautiful photographs, interesting customer stories and Neiman's culinary history. Some recipes come from the debut of their fust restaurant, which opened In 1953. Now you can make their famous firecracker spring rolls, Thal ctUck.en satay; the popular orange souffM; chlclcen salad: Mediterranean vegetable wrap; smoked salmon with red onion relish sandwich; and even the often requested chocolate chip cookie. The book costs $45. Neiman Marcus is at Fashion Wand In Newpon Beach. Call (949) 759-1900, ext. 2333. CHRISTMAS JEWELS Wm. Harold Jewelers will have Its annual pre·Oiri .. tmas sale Tuesday through Dec. 24. Most Items are reduced 30% to 50%. The family-owned and -operated jewelry store speciallz.es in fine estate jewelry and designer vintage watches. It also has hlgh·quality diamonds, precious stones, unus ual settings and fresh merchand1Se AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bey St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 64&-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College la offering a nine-part film history on Alfred Hltchood<. The aeries will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The ewntswlll be held et OCC'a Ane Alta Hall 118. Admlulon is $8 for edultl and S5 for seniors and OCC atudenta. For more rtiformation, call (714) 432-5880. RAW FOOD GOURMET HOLIDAY BAU Celebrate the holidays with an e4egant evening from 7 to 11 p.m. Dec. 6 at the Halecrest Pavilion, 3107 Klllybrook Lane. There will be five raw gourmet appetizers, delectable deaaeru, live music, dancing all night, roaring tire, candlelight setling end a cash bar. The cost la $55 to $60. l!lformation and reservations: (949) 650-0672. RtNG OF LIGHTS The Commodorea Club If the Newport Beacti Chamber of Commerce will host the Ring of Lights home decorating competition In December. All home, buslneu. and yacht clubs lining "'9 harbor are invited to r,,articlpate. Decorations must be n place by Dec. 8. Information (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yectita, boets, kayaks and canon will sail along the harbor In the 95th annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Colllns Island and laat two and 1 half hours. The parade la hosted by the Commodore• Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. lnformetion: (949) 72&-4400, http://wwW.dlrlttmH boatpa,.<M.com. MUSIC ARTURO SANDOVAi. Gr.mmv and Emmy Award wCnner Arturo Sandovel wtll perform 8t 7:30 end 9 p.m. Friday and s.turday et the Orange County Perfotmlng Arta Center'• Jaa Club. Tide• cost S'S and $66. lnfonnatlon: (714) 656-ARTS, ll(fpj'tWww.oq»C.OfP. . ' M LIFE & LEISURE ThUfsday, Nollember 27, 2003 A.7 BEST BUYS Cooking the Neiman Marcus way GREER WYLDER -new pieces amvedally. Bring ln estate pieces; •they're always loolc.lng to buy unique pieces. Wm. Harold Jewelers offers exiiellent customer service; It's becoming a retail landmark - 33 yea.rs on the Newport peninsula. Expert service offered for jewelry repairs and pearl stringing. Wm. Harold Jewelers Is open Tuesday through Saturday. It's at 3116 Newport Blvd. in Newport Beach. Call (949) 673·0365. mEEUGHTlNG MORE SHOPPING FOR TH£ SEASON lbe Orange County Marbt Place has added two shopping days o lts regular weekend schedule. The special shopping days will be Friday and Monday, Dec. 22, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The swap meet featurea thousands of holiday gift. ldeas, and there'• an Artisans' and Crafters' Comer for handmade Items. The Market Place ls at the Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive In Costa Mesa. Call (949) 723-6660 or visit h1rp:11www.ocmara1plact'.com. SURF SALE Becker SUrf •Sport will have Its famous annual Thanksgiving sale starting Friday through Sunday. Prices on most everything are reduced 23~ (excluding surtboards. O'Neill wetsuits and Ugg Boots). Ir's a great time to find bargains on holiday gifts. ~r Surf & port is open from 1 O a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 am. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and One of Orange County's favorite holiday traditions, South C.OUt Plaza'a 21st annual tree lighting, will happen Monday at 6 p.m. The All-American Boys Oiorus provides beautiful holiday entertainment, and the special honorary emcee will be Jennifer York from JCTl.A. TY. Guests can enjoy the spectacle of Santa's cheerful arrival and the visually l>tunnlng 90-foot Olristmas tree from Mt. Shasta. More than 15,000 twinkling lights illuminate the tree. The event will be at Town Center Park. adjacent 10 the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel. near the intersection of Bristol Street and Anton Bouievard. • from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. BASH2003 The 33rd annual Orange County Live Music Festival will be from noon to midnight Sunday at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club at Fashion Island, 900 Newport Center Drive. Tldcets will cost from $14 to $28. Information: 1949) 640-4000, http://Www.ocmusicisns.org. V1VALDl'S FOUR SEASONS The Pacific Symphony will perform Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons;' Boccherini's Sinfonia in 0 minor No. 4, and Corelli's Concerto Grosso in F major at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 4, at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tidtets cOS1 $20 to $66. Information: (714) 755-5799. http:ltWww.pacificsymphony.org. 'A JOURNEY TO JOY St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will host Santiago Canyon College's music departments annual winter festival concert "A Journey to Joy" at 8 p.m. Dec. 5 at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. There will be a 100-member chorale badted by a professional orctiestra. Tid<ets coat $16 per person and $12 tor seniors. students and children younger than 12. Information: (714) 628-4828. KINGS SINGERS The King's Singers, England's premier vocal ensemble, will perform at 3 p.m. Dec. 7 at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive. Irvine. The cost will be from $30 to $35 per person and full·tlme student are half price. Information: (714) 740-7878. http://www.thebarclay.org. FIESTA NAVIDAD CONCERT Joae Feliciano will join mariachi bandleader Natl Cano as part of the 10th annual Rests Navidad concert et 8 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Orange County Performing Aru ~nter. Tidtets cost $20 to $89. Information: (949) 653-242.2, http://www.phlharmon/Cfocit1ty. orp. ORANGE COUNTY WOMEN'S The Orange County Women's Chorus will perform ltl 2003 hollday program. "I Sing of a Malden:' at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The chorus will perform wor1cl about the Vl'l)ln Mary and meny more. Tld<eta cost $10 to $15. Information: (949) 45HS690, http:l/Www.ocwom.,,«ltorua. org. JAZl.TRIO Gulfatreern ~rant In Newport Beech preeentf 1 jlZI trio Sunday through Wednuday • It's al 314-0 E. Coast I lighway ln Corona del Mar. Call (949) 720-0533. HOLIDAY AT CANNERY VILLAGE Don't miss the festive Cannery Village Holiday on 31st Street Ewnt from 4 to 8 p.m. today. Wonderful food and drinks from the Cannery Restaurant and Alta Coffee \Wl be i.crved at panlcipaong stores. Holiday singers will proVlde a1 regular entertainment at 850 A ... ocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe preaents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, beas players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. DUKE'S PLACE Jan and coclctalls flow daily from noon to midnight Sundays through Thursdays and from noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and SaturdaYt at the Balboa Bay Club & Resort, at 1221 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beacti. Information: (949) 645-5000 MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and Da ... id Alcantar, the New Yortc Jazz Connection Duo. play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway In Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. SundaYt and Mondays. Diana Ditrl joins tha duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673·9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Frldey and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nld< Peper and Kelly Gordlen (known as MPG) perform classic rod(, R&B and awing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Mervin Gregory and MPG will perform clanlc rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. SaturdaYf. The restaurant Is at 630 Udo Parlt Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (9491 676-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sundey. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursctay. from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Frldey and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant Is et 2736 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beecti. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant la now offering live muslo from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and S.turday. Player• la at 612 W. 19th St .• Costa Mesa. No cover ctiarge. (949) 846-6616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthonv'• Al ... ert>oat Restaurant In Newport Beech presents JUH on the MX on Friday end Seturdey evenlnga and Sunday for brunch. The program teaturea entertainment. And you con enter a radle to wtn a reproduction vintage tricycle at the Paper Hou~. Call (949) 566·9863. AX THAT COMPUTER C:Omp Squad lnC:. is a home and small business computer repair company that serves Orange County. James Watkin!.. founder of Comp Squad, Is Incredibly padent and unlike me, computer savvy. "Computers are just like automobiles, and they need to be tuned regularly to perfom1 at peak levels." Watkins srud "Computer compani~ want buyers to constantly upgrade to new machines 10 solve performance problem, • Comp Squad can extend the hfe of your computer and he-Ip e-nd frustration Its infinitely better than taJJcing to a technical ">Upport stranger on the-other side of the world. Co mp ~uud h new diagnostic software that rapidly Identifies problems. It al!tO has the latest tools in virus detection and removal. Most problems can be fixed with Comp Squad's S50 tune-up, which Is recommended twice a year. The business will remove lntemet clutter and junk tUes; clean all debns from desktop to hard drive; repair missing shortcuts; repair disk.sand scan for virus files; clean all drives; configure the registry; restore all invalid registry items: repair !.ecurlty linlcs; repair and compact all drives; and configure the system to original faetory specs. All services are completed without hamung documents or personal data. 1n addltJon to the tune-up. Comp Squad offers removal of VlCUses and spy software c mall programs thqt record and report all your search entries); software installation and upgrades. hardware Installation OJ'ld upgrades; tutorials for computer programs and software~ wtred and wireless networtc.s: firewall setup for privacy; modems for cable, DSL. dJaJ up and video; computer1V; baby monitor; video surveillance systems; custom computers for gamers; music and entertainment machines; home theater systems; and Web site construction and maintenance. "We also started n tiervice that cakes your old computer and donates it to assisted-living. disabled, and needy people. All hard drives are wiped clean and all data is removed. The donation is tax deductible, usually the onglnal purchase pnce, • Wat.kins said. Call 1949) 394·2905 • BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder a yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or by fax at (949) 646-4170 NOW OPEN UNDER NEW OWNERS! L I v E E N T E R T A I N M E N T Wo nderful french 51stro C uisine Pnx Fixe M e nu X, Cour-se:s tor $18 & A La Carte Menu ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE fmt Ho.,,11 Furnuhrnt.>· Attll'I'"' 6 ( o/J,mbln, lri<d11t11•wl 10 Cottar.~ Gtfi, 1111d (11mk1t lH<or. Wuh l ut 11NI J>,/,. ,.ry (111rtb11 C,,ft C11rtb11 P11110 D1n111t. u-n•int. 8rr11ltfim, L1111ch, r~a 1111d '"' &pl'r'UO Bar C.AFE HOURS: Mon·SH11 9am-4pm Candles to Chnndtlitrs, Ustd ¢ Rart Boo/q, Custom Pinure Framinx. F1m1iturt Rmorathm 11nd much mort ! ROW HOURS: Tiu-Sat J011m-5p1t1 (949) 722-1177 HAVE YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY AT H 0 L I D A v p A R T I E a THE BLUE BEET WE CAN ACCOMMODATE 5 TO t 50! WHETHER IT'S JUST COCKTAILS AND APPETIZERS OR STEAKS AND SEAFOOD; WE CAN FIT ALL YOUR NEEDS! IT'S YOUR PARTY •TELL US WHAT YOU WANTI --··~------------------~-'-"-------------~~~-------~-"----- BANQUET ROOMS Av•llablefor fun~ Festive P <Artie~! Z A G AT AW A R D W I ~-J N I N (; 1 INK~RILL PERUVIAN CUISINE HEW TWILIGHT MENU FROM 4-7PM DAILY Featuring Grtll~d Steaks, Seafood And Pastal 1.i I I T l' II I C K $5 off Entire Bill w1tl1 •pun I...,, .. of $2<; or"""" on full pro<·~''""" only ' I l,,.., "''' .,,. l.,J~ , ,.,,l,.;l.t ,O.l,n11 • l.)n,• I"'' t•l.1 ... n<>I tu lk ..... J w1tl1 •"Y .. 1lwr ,,fl.., Huntington lc«tt 301 Mltn St., "641 714.374.3399 Cost.Mes. t60 Bristol St., "616 714.444.465i LIFE cl LEISURE H appy~ving. lfyou are oook.lng today. your mind I fllJed with time tablea: how long will the turby take 10 cook. when do you 11ar1 the mashed potaloes, will you have enough time 10 Ox the gravy? lbday would be a good day to have another SCI of arms, or another good ------cook in the kitchen. Speaking of lime tables, l'U guess thal anolher project today wunds Uk.e a bad idea. bu1 if you haven't sel the dinner table, I can give you ideas for a 10-minule cenlerpiece tha1 will mm your table a feasl for the eyes. Seasonal hoUdays make decoraling lhe table a snap. Send the kids ou1side with a brown paper bag and find the n~t liquld amber tree. Have them collect lhe niost interesting leaves they can find. 'Ille leaves that have fallen off the trees are beautiful shades of red. burgundy and gold. Fill the bags -you mny want a few extra leaves for the mantle, underneath the plate chargen. and the buffet table. I lave the kids rinse off the leaves in the bathtub and pat them d ry. lf you have leftover pumpk.tru. fmm Halloween or nuts in a bowl. set them aside for your project. I Jove magnolia leave\. lbe front is glossy and green and the Wlderslde Is fuzzy and brown. If you have a magnolia tree, put a few or Its leaves to good use~ they make great fiJlen. HOURS . Continued from A 7 all vour favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is al 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND ftAMENCO NO PLACE LIKE HOME Ten-minute table • PHOTO COURTESY Of KAAEN WIGHT Fallen liquid amber leaves, small pumpkins, magnolia leaves, walnuts~ candles and some festive confetti combine quickly to create· a memorable tabletop. between the pumpkins, fall leaves and nuts. If you have a few strands of gold beads that you use for the Ouistmas tree. get them out. Pull out a few candles or votives. I like gold candles, but th.ib year, I added orcUlge to the golden glow to keep the kids happy. Anyone can arrange the table; there's no ·right" or #wrong" with chis centerpiece. If you're using a tablecloth. put it on lhe table and then start creating a long and narrow collection of leaves, pumpkins, nuts and candles. Having a long and low centerpiece will not at Corona del Mar High School's Theatre, 2101 Eastbluff Drive. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Dec. 5, at 1 :30 and 8 p.m. Dec. 6 and at 1 p.m . Dec. 7. Tidcets cost $2 to $11. Information (949) 644-3151 ,http:/~. geocitie$.COmlnawportbeach reportorytheater impair conversation, and everyone will get a piece of the visual action. Nestle the candles and voL1ves among the Ooral and. voila, instant centerpiece. A!. an extra nod to lhe kids lhis year. I sprinlcled orange gliner confetti on top of the leaves and tablecloth. We have nature in alJ its gtory, candles to create the mood and glitter to prove lhat its a party. When you serve dinner, dim the overhead lights or just bask in the candlelight. The glitter reflects the light, the glossy green leaves look UJwninated, and the leaves add just the right p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of eadl month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintodt Way, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 641-8688. POETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY warmth that this holiday is all about. Start to finii.h? I figure after the kids collected the leaves and rinsed them off -I 0 minutes. And It k.ept them busy ror a while. The most beautiful pan of this project? You can lhrow most of It away when you're done. Concentrate on your food. but take a little time to decorate your table. A great presentation nourishes the soul the way a great meal nourishes the body. • KAREN WIGtfT 1s a Newpon Beech resident. Her column runs Th ursdays. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St. Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING THE SINGLE GOURMET ' OU/ .. ~ ,. Tata 6, • funk, rodt and Motown ART Two Idiots Peddling Poetry, Steve Ramirez and Ben Trigg will offer performance poetry and Ryan • Strassburg will provide llve muslc81 accompaniment at It p.m. Tua.day at the Alta Conee House, 506 31st St, Newport Beach. Information: (714) 564-6626. (714) 649-7012. (949) 472-9028. Single Gourmel members, upscale business and professional singles In their 30s 10 60s, will be getting together at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Five Scyle is not a site ... It's an attitude! New FaU Styles Amt.ling Daily! Fun, Feminint S~ks for AU Shapts & S~es of Beautiful Womm. · 369 E. 17th St., 121, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIMEl Whhttte Daily Pilat O.ASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Rlstorante, 3520 E. Coaat Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitanst Ken Sanders per1orma da.sical flamenco tunas at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) eJS-1922. SATURDAY NtGHT R&.B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play roc;ic and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturda'f9 at Suuon Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Batch. Free. (949) 47&-200t. STAGE 'THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST Oscar Wilde's comedy of manners will be performed through Dec. 14. Performancet will be at 8 p.m Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Tldtets coat $17 opening night, otherwise $13. Information: (949) 631-0288. TH£ MIRACLE WORKER Estancia High School's drama department will pre.ant •The Miracle Worker" at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 to 6 and 12 and 13 at the Barbara Van Holt Theatre at Eswncla High School. 2323 Plec:entia Ave .. Costa Mela. Tk:km cost $8. Information: (949) 516-G637. 1TS A WONDERFUl. UFF ~ eity of Newport Beach will preeent the Newport Repertory Theetre's eighth annual production of the pfay • tra A Wonderful Life" Dec. 6 throoqh 7 S. SAM PARK The artist S. Sam Park will have an exhibition and book signing from 5 to 8 p.m. Dec. 6 at Juno's Fine Art Gallery, 326 Marino Ave .. Balboa Island. Information and reservation: (949* 673-0939. ARTFORUFE Artists from ~will eell their work to rabe money for lsra.i·. Red Crou at Art for LIFE frQm 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dec 16 at the , Jewlsh F-ederatlon of Orenge County, 260 e. 8a"'8r St. Among the artltta ~ wfll be present are set.1lpture Frank Meisler, Jewelry designer. Amit.al Kav and Rachel Gera. Information: (800) 323-2371. http:/~.armdi.org. DANCE 'LORD Of THE DANCE' The Orange County Performing Art Center will present Midlael Aatley's •Lord of the Dance• at 8 p.m. Friday end Saturday at the Center. rtdc.a1s cost from $23.25 to $63.25. Information: (714) 656-ARTS, http://www.ocpac.org. SWING Lauons are given from 2 10 6 p.m. every Sonday at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Bead\ by the Orange County Swing Dano. Club. All 9get are welcome, and no pertnera are needed. Information: http://ocswing.oom, (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing I• offered from 8 Tilo's European Autohaus and Robin Hood Auto Brokers HaJt'e Teamed Up To Qffer You ~Best Service! PERFORMANcE POETRY Courtney Montgomery and Jaimes Palacio will offer performance poetry and live music at 8 p.m. Dec. 10 at the Alta Coffee House. 606 31st St., Newport Beadl. Information: (714) 564-6526, (949) 675-0233. l(IDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 yeara old are invited to pacticipate Jn eo09s and finger-puppet plays at 1 p.m. · Monday• at the Cotta Mesa Library, 1856 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS ANO BOOKS A children'• story time la ptesented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10-.30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport 9each Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening seulons. Free. (949) 717-3801. Crowns, 3801 E. Coest Highway , . and at 7 p.m. Dec. 17 at the Chart House, 2801 W. Coast Highway. Information and reservations: (949) 854-6552, http:/~. singfegourmetlaoc.com. SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunsel Dinner11from4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ' every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beedl. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chidcen parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices. is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Callers offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m . WEEKLY STORYTEU.ER Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. A children's story f1me la held at · Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. 10:46 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro CLUBS Pointe, 901..S South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A dllldren'I 5tOl'V time la hetd at 10 a.m. Wedneadaya and 10:15 a.m. ALTA COFFEE Mualcal acts perform at 8:30 p.m . ThuradaYt through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31 at St .. Newport Beadl. (949) 675--0233. Some diners give birds a bieak Turkey's still the T)lanbgiving staple, bUt many shoppers are branching out tliese days. Alicia Robinson Dally Pilot Turkey for ThanbgMng din- ner is a tradition for many, but it'• not necessarily a must. Area food service businesses have been bustling with holiday bu lness this week. but they're not just purveying drumsticks and wings. The Honey Baked Ham Co. ln Corona del Mar has been doing a booming business and, con- trary to what the name suggests, It does sell turkey. •(But} the majority of what goes out of here is ham.,. store supervisor Colleen Skalla said. People also have been buying side dJshes such as baked FEAST Continued from Al the event. Elizabeth Cornejo, 12, handed out toiletries such as Kleenex and shampoo while her mom. Sandra. helped out in the kitchen. "It feels good because I know GO . Continued from Al beans, cheesy potatoea and po· tato salad for their 'Jbanbgtving dlnnen. she aald. ·wot everyone llket twtey," agreed Josephine CaJent:lno. owner of Calentino's ltallan Dell ln Costa Mesa. Her customers come ln ban· kerlng ror the fmh Italian RU· sage, meatballs. eggpjant par· mJglana and pasta her store offer& "We've been here 35 yean. so we have a Jot of regulars that come In for dill'erent things.,. she said. Another haven for people who don't want turtey la Mother's Market and Kitchen. The store sells vegetarian roasts and other meatless main courses such as lbfwby, chief marketing officer Sharon Mac· gum said. The dell at Mother's prepares "all the trlmm.inS'" for a Thanks· giving dinner and even makes wheat-free and sugar-free pies for people with special diets. that people may not be that fortunate and we can give them supplies they need,• Elizabeth said. After the feast ls over and everything ls cleaned up, the adult organizers usually ask the parish children who helped out what they thought about the experience. Their answers illustrate their compassion, Rae Pirrello of lrvlne was wait· Ing to receive her twin sister, brother-in-law and nephew, who were about to Dy in from Ollcago. not as crowded as she expected. "It's a gorgeous day to travel," "This ls awesome," she said. abe said. •1 usually go to Chicago "This Is why I always Dy out of every Thanksgiving, but this Orange County. Because It's not . dme I made my family come to as crazy as it ls in other air-California.• ports." Th.ls year, more travelen will Rajeev Agnibotrl. who was also hJt the freeways despite waiting to travel to London, said higher than a~e gu pricea, he came to the airport earlier, said Jeff Spring. spokesman for anticipating long lines. the Auto Oub of Southern call· "But this Is nice,• he said. fomla. , CURVE Continued from Al open new conversational doon that help us reach beyond the platitudes to get better acquainted with our family and friend& We may find that the old baggage by which we defined these people was never accurate or Is Jong gone, and such fresh Insights could send us all home with a special feeling or thanksgiving. This year reminds me of other times when we were collecdvely In deep trouble, and Thanbgtving seemed a kind or irony. That was especially true during the Great Depress.ion when drought and disease and poverty and hunger were the order of the day. Thanksgiving dinners for those who could afford them were spare, but famllies still collected to ahue resources and brace spirits. We heJped one another during those yea.rs. often giving of what little we bad to strangers whose needs were greater than ours. So in an odd sort of way, the spirit or thanksgiving giew along with the trouble we were all sharing. r don't have a great sense of that taldng place today. Perhaps the wealth of a few ls obscuring the poverty of many. Perhaps the relentJess good news being fed to us is obscuring the realities of war. Perhaps we have to reach a greater sense of urgency before the thanksgiving spirit of the Great Depression kicks ln, Meanwhile. we have the people around our festive table today offering a bridge to that spirit A bridge, by the way, thal we don't have to wait for Thanbglvlng to cross. Both the Pilgrims. who celd>rated the first Thank.sgivtng. and President Abraham Uncoln. who made It a national holiday, were looking Ill pretty bleak pictures at the time. Uncoln was trying to bring a fratricidal war to an end amid growing dally casualty lists when he tel a day of national thanksgiving alter two pivotal Union military victories. The Pilgrims. two yean after they abated a famous autumn harveat (tut with the Wampaooq Indians. celebrated the flrlt fonnal Day of ~vtng when-In answer to their fervent prayera r';Jr7j Dunn-Well -a supply sh.Ip they thought was sunk arrived on the aame · day as a ra1nfall that brob a drought and saved their aoJ)4. We pray today for our • hypothetical abip to come ln bearlng peace and prosperity for our chJldren and Macgum saJd customers come to her for organlc pro- duce, and those aeeld.ng a holi- day blrd can choote a turkey that's fresh. certifted organ.le or he~ And the customen have been coming in~ she saJd. "Tbanbgf;vlng ls traditionally the biggest food shopping day of the year,• she said. "It's been nonstop for three days.• Chris flores, kitchen manager at Big Belly Dell ln Newport Beach. said he's been ma.king a lot more delivertea than usual this week. in the days before ThanJcsgfv· Ing, "they're ordering pizzas be· cause they're cooking turkey at home,· be said. Aores expected a big crowd Wednesday night because or students coming home from college and going out to reunite with high school friends. The dell hasn't gotten many tudcey orders, but people have been buying potato and maca· Robillard said. "They usually thl.nk (at first) that poor people live somewhere else," Robillard said. "The first year, they were a little intimidated. Now, they're more comfortabJe talking with the folks. They love to be helpful" Margie Castillo Is not aflllJated with the church, but came to help the homeless. as she does Out of 2.8 million Southern Californians expected to travel this year, 2.3 million will drive, he said, 2.4% more drivers than last year. The average price per gallon of ~ gasoline ln Orange County for Wednesday wu $1.70, about "'15 cents more compared to the same time last year. California HJghway Patrol of· flcera are also on "maximum en- forcement" mode for the holi- days, Officer Stacy Willita laid. -ibat means we have more grandchildren. We will have four generationa eating turkey together, and if the big view before us inspires &0methlng less than gratitude. that Is all the more reason to look around our dining tabJe and give thanks that we have a family and good ronl salads by the quart. he said. WhUe most of the buslneues interviewed an closed today, Ouistlne Brtee at Le BWritz Deli and Catering Aid abe'll be wott:lng. Brlee'a Costa Meta business will be ftxing meala for other businesses that are open. In the last few weeb abe'a prepared a lot ot turkey for busl· nesses who planned their em- ployee feces a few weeks before Thanksgiving to avoid compet· Ing with holiday meals at home, she said, But now that the holiday sea· son has begun, she expects more unique request.s. On Wednesday, she catered a meal of Maine lobster and New York steak for an electrical company. For Brlee, Thanbglvlng atart· ed. in mid-November, but ahe won't see too many more cus- tomers asking for turkeys this year. By now, she said, ·most or them want to stay away from it. They're all turkeyed out.· every year, she sald. MI th.ink we're all human beings and we all go through bad times in our life: Castillo said. "'The little we have, we have to share It.~ • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail et deirdre.mrwman <s la11mn.com. officers patrolling the freeways and also special units assigned for DUI enforcement," she said. Willits said local freeways were jammed late Wednesday afternoon. •There's nothing much hap- penlnt on the fieeways because no one can move," she said. "Bverythinf: gridlocked.. • DEEM BHARAllt COV«9 publ)C Nfety and courts. She may be ruc:hed 8t 194915744228 or by •mail at dHpa.bha,.th•latimH.com. friends to fill that void, the resource$ to put this sumptuous feast on the table, and the health and strength to enjoy It. •JOSEPH N. BEU ls a r9Sldent of Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays. llusday, Novembef' 27, 2003 At I ~.~.9Jf~~ • GIA • EGL Certlfted Diamonds • Customiled Orderl • IDppmeni. Wedding am,. • Bepl1n While You Waft • 18 Ulercbantl 17STREET B EAUTY CENTER 'l1it Largest, TmtSt, 'rriendlitst 'JJeauty Supply & 1uflStrViaSalon In Oran[Jt County Open 7 Daya • (949) 642-1717 BEST PRICES • BEST SERVICE • BEST SELECTION • QUOTE OF 1ME DAY "Honestly. football is my /if t. I tat, drink and sletp football." Sumi~. Newport Harbor joolor defensive end • Newport Harbor's Spencer Link, a junior wide receiver who caught 53 ~ passes for 945 yards and 13 touchdown s, is the ltDOllt{Pt>t Dream Team Player of the Year. Costa MesA's Jeff Waldron (36), below, Is the Defensive Player of the Year after making tackles like this one on Westminster's Carlos Brooks. Fil.£ PHOTOS I DAILYPll.OT EYEOPENER • Dlily~Pikt. Spartl Hll ,,,,.... ~.,....._,.. ()ec, 1 honorH BILL WETZEL • Spoftl lcMDr RJdwd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu l949) 650-0170 llusday. Novembef 27. 2003 81 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Newport Harbor's Link is 2003 Player of the Year; Mesa's Ruiz, Waldron round out honors. P1trlck l1vtrty Daily Pilot T he hush that came over the Newport Harbor High crowd every time junior wide receiver Spencer Link touched the ball told as much as any statistic. lt was as if the Sailors crowd was saving up their energy for an ensuing roar, with !he expectatiqn that Link was about to do something special. He often did, turning short passes Into long touchdowns and mak:lng near-Impossible catches along the sidelines. H1s importance to !he Newport Harbor team, !he only Newport-Mesa school to make the CIF Southern Secoon playoffs. was actually magnlfied in !he Sailors' first-round loss to Los Altos. The C.Onquerors, who Uke most teams used a safety over the top of a cometback to cover Unk. were !he only team to shut out the junior receiver this season. Aa a result, Los Altos shut out the Sailors. But there was no denying that had tt not been for Link and his ability to tum short gainers Into Ions touchdowns, Newport Harbor would not have even had the chance to play top-ranked Los Altos. Mer a season In which he caughr Costa Mesa High's Omar Ruiz (32), the leading rusher in the Newport-Mesa School District this season with 1, 548 yards to finish a three-year varsity career with 2,330 yards, is the 2003 Daily Pilot Dream Team Offensive Player of the Year. 53 passes for 945 yards and 13 touchdowns, Unk bas been named the Daily Pllo!'s hlgh school football Player of the Year. He highlights a dream team of25 players from Newport Harbor, C.Orona del Mar, Costa Mesa and Bltaocia blgb achools. Also earning top Individual hol'lOri Were Costa Mesa senior running back Omar Rutz, the Offensive Player of the Year, and Mustanp junior linebacker Jeff Waldron, the Defensive Player of the Year. The team wu led by nine players each from Harbor and Mesa. with four players selected from what was an lnjwy-dddled C.Orona del Mar team and three selected from Estancia. which did not have a repl'eSelltadve on the 2002 team. In a season where the majority or teams, with the excepdon of Estancia. were led by younger players, there were 14 seniors, nine juniors and two sophomores selected to the team Newport Harbor had four juniors and a sophomore chosen, Mesa had four juniors selected and CdM had a junior and a sophomore on the team. One of the 14 seniors, Ruiz was another player who could often be counted on to make the big play. The S·foot-8 running back ran for a dJstrlct-hlgh 1,548 yards this sea.son end Onished his three-year varsity career with 2,330 yards. He was aided on offense by Waldron, who had 27 catche5 for 395 yards and four touchdowna u a wide receiver, but made hJs true Impact on defense. A standout rebounder on the basketball court. Waldron, an outside linebacker, wu one of Mesa's leading tacklers. but .seemed to make his most important Impact with turnovers. Aa an outaide linebacker In Mesa's three-five alignment, Waldron often dropped back Into coverage and came up with five lntercepdons. The Dream Team offense is led by Harbor junior quarterback Kasey Peters. who was on his way to a fantastic debut varsity season before his collarbone was broken In Week 7, late In the game against Aliso Niguel. As the man who delivered the ball to Unk. and often did so wilh strong precision, Peters was 69 of 125 passing for 936 yards and 13 touchdowns. Despite missing Harbor's last four games, Peters still led all Newport-Mesa quartel'backa In touchdowns. Joining Peters In the backfield ls his own running back. Sailors senior Matt Encinias, the district's second-leading rusher with 1,308 yards and nine touchdowns. Playing running back for the first time since his freshman season, Encinias literally carried the Sailors on his back at times. Uning up In front of EncinlaJ Is F.stancia senior fullback Bubba Kapko. who provided a span out of the backfield for !he Eagles. bolh as a blocker and a rusher. l(apko led Estancia with 601 yards rush.Ing and also scored nine touchdowns. At wide receiver, a pair of juniors joln Llnk to form an impressive trio that will all be returning next season. C.Orona del Mar's Kevin Welch proved himself on both sides of the ball for the Sea Kings. catching 28 passes for 591 yards and eight touchdowns and leading CdM with 74 tackles, three interceptions and two fumble recoveries. Also a standout volleyball player, Welch has already~ some Interest from UCLA and should be strongly recruhed next sea.son in both football and volleyball. At the other wideout position Is Costa Mesa's Jorge Quiroz. the Mustanp' No. l rece1vtn3 threat ln a run-oriented offense. Quiroz caught 27 passes for 472 yards and scored one touchdown. Blocking for this skill-position set ls a mammoth offensive line, led by three playen from C.Osta Mesa. including two Juniors. Mustangs center Luke Sapolu, the son of fonner San Francisco 49er and current Mustanp offensive line coach Jesse Sapolu, Is one of five SH TEAM, Pe1e 82 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYER OF THE WEEK Sa,ami Khali ian Newport Harbor High defensive end looks to bulk up in the off-season after an impressive junior season. P1trlck Lev•rty OallyPtlot S aamf IChaW1an admfta be didn't know much about football when he decided to play the • Friday 11 JChallftan WU a part of four Sallor1 ucb on b1a way to earninl OeDy Pilot Player of the Week honors. At 6-foot· l, 185 pounds, IChallftan isn't an oves:Whelmlng sport for the ftnt dme as a frelhman at Newport Harbor High. But lhalUlan knew aactJy what he wanted to do. "I juat told .veryone, I want to be the one that bits the~· JChaWWl Mid. "'Ibey told me to play defentlw line." • He became a defensive end and .. a ataner for the Sallon t.bJt teUOn hlt the oppoelng quarterback plenty of tlmet. A number of thoee came In 'Newport Harbor'a ftnt-round Joel to 1.QtAltoe presence on the defensive front. but he ts among the futer Harbor players. His apeed alWYted him to put consistent prellW'e on oppoelng quarterbacb th.ls aeuon while linlna up lplnat tacklea who were ot\en 50 to 75 poundt blger th.an hJm. Apinlt Lot Altot. he noticed the Conquerors' o«enalYe line WU ~hhla a run play or pua plq and When thOM llnen1en tet up on tt1* ------------------~--......... -------------.:.~~--------....... ~--~-........:....:-~~~ ~ ---- f 12 ~. ~ 27, 2003 TEAM Contiooed from 81 pi.yen to make the l>re4ln 1Nln for the aecood COOleCUtM leUOn. joining Unk. Wek:h. End.niu and Mesa l.liiebeck« Junior F.peoea. polu (S·ll, 250pounds}, being recruited by the Univenlty or Hawaii. wu the leader or Mela~ front ftve, whk:h also included Dream 1Nm ldecUons Bryce Cartch (S.3, 255) and Rodrigo G\ldem2 (M, 275). The other two members 0( the o1fenstve line are tackle1 from Newport Harbor and Corona del Mac. Senior Nick 'Watkins (6-3. 244) wu a coMt.ant for the Sailors thJs aeason. protecdnc Pettn and opening holel for Fndn1 Senior Andy wJan (6-3, 270) was one of many Sea Kings ro miss dme due to Injury thJs MUOn, but when he WISS healthy, Corona deJ Mar's otrenae took on a new dlmensfon. Adc:Una an extra bloc:m to tbls group. Costa Me.a dgbt end Brett Via a)eo joins the Dream lam. A prd In pnMoul. IC!UODI, the 6-3, 225-'.pound tenk>r ftDed In fot Guticaa In the Ont two pme1 of the aeuon. then moved to dght end. where he also poeed a palt-allching threat. On defense, a plethora of strong linemen puts the Dream 1tam In a W\Jque ~three formation. led by bookenda Matt BUISJlU. a 10pbomote from Corona del Mar. and Saam.l Kha1llJan. a junior from Newpoct Harbor. Burgner wu one or the leaders of a Sea IClnp defensive unit that featuM<I just two lt!OJor tarter& Alter putting up 35 ladles. eight l8cb and recovering a pair of fumbles, be should continue to be a leader ror the unit In the com.log years. IChaWlan could have made the teem &imply for his performance ap1nst Los Altot, ~ ho dominated the offensive line or the Conquerors, compllln3 2~cb and two other tackles for a loss. But going into that playoff' game, Kball8an bad already made eight sacks on the season. Malclng up the interior of the defensive Une la the Newpon · Hubor senior duo of Mm Thmple and Austin Melo and &tanda 300-pound« Gery SUawn. nmpae and Nieto were conltants ror the Slllon cWenae ~the seaon. with 1'mple allo ftlllng ln admlnbly OD the offensfw line. Stnwft, also a lt!Olor, was the ElgSe'• btg defensive &topper before golng down with a teperated shoulder in the final weeks of the .euon.. A1 Und>acm. f.pef\C!A. the top college recruit from the Newport-Mesa area. (<>Jlowl bis teammate Waldron. A run ltldfer at middle linebacker. Epenaa also .wed at Cuilback. galn1ng 389 ya1* ICIOring nine toUChdowns and oftm providing the lead bloclk chat opened boJa for Ru1z. He is being nlCl'Ulted by USC BYU and Artzona State among ocher ldlOOb. Newport Harbor junior Tbomu Martin was the Sanon Uocbpln 1n the middle of the defense and also their leading tackler. He also made appearancea in the Newport Harbor blddldd ln lhort-yardqe an.Uc>M. Uke P.penea and Mart1n. M1b c.hUl WU a two-WI)' player for 8IUiDc:ia who llood out at lineblcker The aenlor combined with Kapko and Strawn to earn the~ dwe vlctodel tbls teUOQ, two mo"' than they bad tn tho preytoua two ye&n comblned. In eddldon to hla linebacker wott. he pined 391 yan:lt uid acored a pair of rushing toucbdowos. Leading the 1eCOndary are a pair of seniors. C.OSta Mesa'I Luis Gonzalez. s«ond on the Mustangs to Waldron with three lnten:epdoos. and Coron.a del Mat's Mordy Orngui.e. Gomalez. a comerback. led Mesa's three-man secondary tpl.nst opponent'• pua1ng attacb. Omgme. who plaYed a strong Afety type posidon in Corona deJ Mar'• alignment. wu one or jtwt two aenJ.or starters. but tet an example for the ,. youngsters to live up to. RoundinJl out the leOOncWy and the defense Is Newport Harbor sophomore Ryan RJppon. Like most of the rest of the playen on the Dream Team, RJppon will likely be a two-way player ln the comlng years. but this season, he played aolety on defense and excelled at strong safety aa one of the Sailon' leading tacklers. BAUME & M ERCIER ---ODMW•1AO --- ... QUU.WPLAYER •TNEYEM OmarRuiz PLAYER OF THE YEM Spencer Link 2003 DAILY PILOT ALL-NEWPORT-MESA FOOTBALL DREAM TEAM PLAYER OF THE YEAR WR -SpencerUn~NewportHarbor 6-9171 Jr. OFFENSNE PLAYER OF THE YEAR RB -Omat Ruiz, Costa Meta M 176 Sr. DEf'ENSNE PLAYER OF THE YEAR LB -Jeff Waldron, Costa MeN 8-3 215Jr. OFFENSE · OB -KMey Peters, Newport Harbor 6-2198Jr. RB-Matt Encinias, Newport Harbor 5-10176Sr. FB -Bubbe Kapko, Estancia 5-9 230 Sr. WR -Kevin Wek:h, Corone del Mar S-2190Jr. WR -Jorge Quiroz, Costa Mesa 5-10 170Jr. TE -Brett Via, Costa Mesa 6-3 225 Sr. OL -Nidc Watkins. Newport Harbor, 6-3244Sr. OL -Luke Sapolu. Costa Mua, 6-11 250Sr. OL-Rodrigo Gutierrez. Costa Mele. M276Jr. OL -Bryce Catkh, Costa Mesa 6-3 255Jr. OL-Andy Lujan, Corona del Mar 6-32705'. DEFENSE LB -Junior Epenea, Costa Mesa 6-3225Sr. LB -Thomaa Martin, Newport Harbor 6-0 215 Jr. LB -Mike ~hill, Estancia 6-0 230 Sr. DE -Matt Burgner, Corona del Mar 6-11186So. DL-Mari( Tempte, Newport Harbor S-11 220Sr. DL -Austin Nieto, Newport Harbor 5-9202 Sr. OL-Gary Strawn, Est•ncla 6-2 300 Sr. DE -Saami Khalifian, Newport Harbor6-1186Jr. DB -Luis Gonzalez, Costa Mesa 6-9 170Sr. 08 -Ryan Rippon, Newport Harbor 6-0190So. DB -Mordy Ornguze, Corona del Mar 6-0 195 Sr. FU PHOTO /DAA..Y Pl.OT Sparked by senior running back Matt Encinias, Newport Harbor High was the onty Newport-Mesa f ootbaff team to leap into the CIF playoffs this year. •159s.=... NEED WHIRLS? Compllment.ry OM o., Rent.I C•r WHh 30K, 60K ot IOIC tnlln,.,,.,_ No CMt'I vw.. OM to• a.tomer. OM per trlif*ICtlOl'I. £JcplrM 12fJ1 /2003 I ~ other title for Ga~-Ueach KHALIFIAN Continued from B 1 heels. signaling a passing play. ICba.lifian turned to his speed rush. "I'm faster going forward than they are going backward," Khallfian said. The junior was a part of three sacks in the lint half and two other tack.les that resulted in a loss. He teamed wnh senior tackle Mark Templt' for two sacks on one series that resulted in a combined los.'l of 25 yard!> after Los Altos had reached the Newport Harbor II -yard line He added an 8-yard sad with the help of senior tackle Austin Nieto late in the first half and recorded a sack In the second half for a loss of 3 yards. Next season. as one of seven retuning starters on defense. Kballfian will be one of the leaders of the squad. Because of the nwnber of returners. his expectations are high. "Personally I want to go all the way next year,· Khallfian said. "I think: we have the speed and agility. Now we just need to work on our size.· Building siz..e is prioriry No. I for Khalifian as he gets ready for next season, preparations which got underway with a Tuesday morning weightlifting session. Khall6an wants to add 20 pounds. while not losing any of his biggesl asset, hi'l speed. "That's going to be m y biggest goal. to gain 20 pounds: Khallfian said. •People would gel a hand on me and push me and that would run me off course. That's the only way they can disrupt my speed rush . I think if l gain 20 poundi., h will be a lot harder for them 10 push me off course." While he had much success on the field Liu!> season. the size difTerenual was notable against opponents like Foothill. Khallfian said. Linemen who combine size wllh speed could keep Khahfian out of the backfield. But after dominating Los Altos, KhaJHlan ends the 2003 season with 11 burst of confidence. "This game. going into It, I thought Los Altos mw.t be GoUath5. so I jlJ5t got myself really pumped up.· Khali.Oan said. ·I was shocked. Their offens ive line wasn't all that great." As a result, Khaliflan outplayed Los Altos defensive end Brigham HarweU, a preseason All-American who has committed to UCl.A. Khalifian's teammates wondered whether he was up to the taak m the week leading up 10 the gam~ and he proved he was. He's also proved that he was right on target when he declared, his freshman year, that he wanted to be the one to htt the quarterback. That young player ha!> turned into a football junkie. "Honestly, football is my life." Khaliflan said. "I eat, drink and sleep football. When we win. that's all I think: about all weekend. When we lose, that'i. all I think about all weekend Football probably takes up 70% ofmy Ufe." rlvsd.tf, Nowmbet n. 2003 83 CELEBRA TE ON THE BAY. THIS H OLIDAY. Corne 1oin us rh1 s holiday s<.'a~on f\per1ent<.' th<.' perfec.t mt'ill with your fa mily and fr1cnd<i ,,t r hanbg1v1n~ Jnci Chric,tm.,.,. Delight 1n the Joyous \Ounct .. ol th<.' All AmerH .in Bo','s Choru\ on the night bc•fore Chri\lrnJ'> Eve and rtw <.,1!,1 Nt·w Y1•,11 ' Eve Ball 1n th<· Grand B.1ftroom Only ,11 rlw Hmt ol rlw Lo.i't For iniormat1on and re~ervat 1on!> pied~<'< ,111 'l4!J 6 rn.4 I~ r; ,~ ~ ,P4ar:i(}« ~tr,! ~I j : J{r,JtJ71 \ 1221 West (oa\l Highway NPwporl Beach t .1\1hirn1a lJ.'f,f, \ 9 49 645-5000 Fa x 9411 b Hl -4:Z 15 wwv. balboabayc lulu om 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2&40 Legal Natlca 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Ac-.a ..... ... s...... The followin1 peuoo• are doln1 bu•1ne~\ n P1enlde Gellery l l C JOO PCH Su1t1 107A Hunllnfton 811ch, CA 92648 Plenlde Gelle• y l l C (CA). 300 PCH Suite t07A. Hunt1naton Bu th. CA92648 Thlll busmen " con ducted by l imite d l11bilrty Co. H•ve you Uerted doon& business yet7 Yn 10·1·03 pjers1d1 G1Uer y l l C . io. llubui, M•n•aer ThlS 1t1t1m1nt WIS filed wrth the Co11nly Clerk of o, •na• County on 11/18/03 200S6'6S4H Deily Pilot Now 20. 11 Dec 4, 11, 2003 Th940 t Rt1111. .... .... s...... The follow1n1 per sons Ill doll\& bultnH S 0 lmprtsSIVe Pr1nlln1 .. Crephlcs, 63<1.> Cellel Way. Yorbe L1nd1, CA 92887. lmpresiv1 PJinltn& .. C11ph1c1, Int (CA) &30S Gt lltl Wey Vorbt Lind• CA 92871 This bu11n111 11 con ducted by • corport hon HaYe you s tertld dome busoneu yet? Yes Octoblf hi lmprullve Prlnttnc &. Grephtcs. Si ndt f thrny· Presldtnl This st1t1ment WH llltd wilh the County Cletk of 0"111' County on 10/14/03 tooH .. tnt 0.lly Piiot ~v 13. 20, 27, Dec. 4. 2003 Th929 The follow1n1 ptr son\ The lollow1n1 per sont are dooni bu•1n111 n ere doln& bu''"'" •• al P11ktreil Pertnert l nhan,t d Performance b)Pul\lreil Proptftoes Centeo 234 f I/th St t) Puklrltl Capllal #100. Cosca Mau, CA M•n•a•ment, 24586 VI• 92627 Del Oro. La1una N11uel, 01n1se Ann Lockhart CA 92677 1433 Supertor Ave 1206 Grant f Wun11 Nawporl Bu ch CA 24586 Vt• 011 Oro 92663 L•aun• H11u1\ CA 91611 fhl'lo bU'lolnf!U .... ton P•ul Folz Gibbon 7118 dueled by •n 1ndov1d1.11I Santa Ana Ave Costa Hive you sl1rttd do1111 Mesa. CA 92627 busoness yet? This business " con V11 Ian 2000 dueled by· a &enftr al Oenlse Ann loc~hart parlntrshtp fhot st1l1menl wo Hava you starttd doma filed with th• County business yet? No Cltrk of Or1na1 County Grant F. Wtrner on 11118/03 P•ul Fri.I Gibbon 200HtU426 Thrs st•lemenl WH 011ly Polol Nov 20 '/} hied with th• County Dec 4 11. ?003 Th937 Clerk of Oran11 County on ll/18/03 2003' .. S4U O•tly Pilot Hov 20. 27 Dec. 4, 11, 2003 Th941 The followm1 penons art dolna buslnns n S.....,ef Sjnclelrtck Publlu llons, Ali • , .. flf H.--' 207• Cont•n111tal Av~ •• • ·--"' Cost• Miu. Cl. 9?627 ~......... Robert R Rtsmuuen The fo1tow1n1 perton 2074 ContUlental AVI hH •bandoMd thl uh Cosl-t Mes•. CA 92627 of thl FICtttlous BUSI lane Hyde. 2074 C"" nus Name. h t Vision lfnenbl Av1 Coste Auto Gl111, 2800 Shin Mes•. CA 92627 t.r Or , Co\l• Mtu . CA This bu11n1u ., con 92626 ducted by husb1nd 1nd The Fictitious 811slnH1 wife n1m1 flfetred to 1bov1 Heve you 11.Mled doln1 w11 Hied In Or1ns e bu1inen y1tf Vn, 1111 Cou~ 7-12·02 FILE 03 HO 9097118 Robetl Rumusun Eit1porn Voollnawfft This st•l1ment wes 2800 Shantar Or . Coste fried with the <:Gunty Miu. CA 92626 Cler• of Oranp County C I •-o c II on ll/14/03 •r y.. ofnw. ' too16t61110l 2007 T lhuh1 T ''ran ~ COfona del Mir. CA Dilly Piiot Nov 20. 27, 92625 Otc.4, \\,2003 Th949 fhl1 bu.sines• I• con ducted by· 1 ,.,,..,.1 pattnenhll> Elllporn \'ootanawin This stat1rnent w11 filed with tl1t County Clef~ of Of1n11 County on ll/14/03 200MtHH7 Dall) Piiot No¥ 20. 27 Dtc. 4. 11. 2003 Th9'5 The tollow1n1 p1o on1 ere doin1 buslllff• •• •) Ola rnon«.ot.com • > l"ettO· Tttll Di.trlbutln1 17155 Von l<•1t1•n Awe., lull• ll2 Ul, ll¥ln1, CA $2614 M>M Olttrlbut1111. Inc (CALIF), 171&5 Von K1tmen Ave,. Suite 112· l U , Irvine, CA 92914 This butlntM i. eon ~\ad by: • cotporatloil ... ,,. )'Oii • tarted Hin• 11111 MU}'ll1 Yet 10 Ol·ll Tiie follow1n1 persons ere dolna bullneu H l e SilHt Helpta l l C. 18242 McOuflnolt, SI H. !Nine, CA926t4 f'tciflc Orend Consl Inc., Mtn11ln1 Mtmblf (Ct lll), 18242 M<:Dur· mott SI H. lrvlne, CA 9261• This 1>1111nan la con d11Cltd by; I COfpDJttlon H1•• you 11at11d doln1 businat yet? '"October 2, 200J Ptelllc Otancl Ctntl l11c., "Oll•ld C. l 'llf•nd, ,., .. lb'-1tttt1ntnt WH flltd with the County Clerk of Ot1n11 County on 11/18/03 fOO.MtH4tt Daily Piiot Nov 20, 27.1. Dec 4, ll, 2003 ThMz bus•ness y•t1 Vu 10.?l.'03 I ho mas R 1ndall Thts s tatement wu loled w•tll th• County Clerk of Or1n111 founly on 1012t/2003 2003696262t Oaoly Pilot Nov ;>(), 2 l Ott 4, 11. 2003 fhll'\I; ~ .... .... s ...... Tht lollow1n1 pe11on1 •• • doon1 bu"""' " Paws N Paw1. 1 Pro lnsoonal Patcart Seo Vitt. 70 Par~ Crnt Newport Coul. Cl. 92657 Broda•• Sue Ion.. 70 Park Crut. Newpo1t Coot CA 9?6')7 lhos busonen " cnn ducted by an rndovoduel Heve you ll11ted do1n1 busrnus yet' V11 Sill 02 Brodaet Sue lonl\ . lhrs lh lement wo filed wrlh the County Cltth of Or1n1• County on 11/14/03 20016965091 011ty Pilot Nov 20 27 De<. 4 II 2003 Th9'41 Rdttl. .... .... s...... The lollowln& persons 11 e dotna b11sln1n n Creative Pl1y D11l1ns, 170 E 11th St . Coste Mesa. Cl< 92627 Rep11 8 l•ckson, 170 ( t ]lh St , Co\11 Mn a CA92627 Lonnie 0 Von 170 E 17111 ST Cost• Mtu CA91627 Curtis J Blan~anb1lltr, 170 C 17th SI Costa Mesa, c" 92627 This business ls con ducted by. an individual Hive you alerted doln1 b1111ness yet1 Vts November I 2003 Curtis J Bl1nkenbllllf Th11 sletement wu llltd with lht Counly Clerlt. ol Or1n1a County on 11/18/03 J OOHtU42S Deily Piiot Nov. ?O, 21, Dtc. 4, II. 2003 l h936 fldfftM .... "-S....... TM followln& pttMH\I "" dotnc bualMn o f'roceclu11 E111l11ttr'1 Inc 23141 V11clu10 Or , ,10!. l 1111na Htlls. CA 11m3 l"ECROUP INC .. (CA). 23lU Perdu10 O' , •105, L11un1 Hiiis, CA 921$3 ll(ljol Dlstrlhl""-Inc •• ftlcllard Wtlur 1011. f'rtsldenl Thi. llvt111n1 11 con d11cted lly. • corpor 1tlon Htv• yov 1 t.nH lk>lna llutlllm y1t7 Yu. 11181 l'l~OtW lf4C , 8tuc. I ltllll\llfff, ;,:lllCfllll Th• folll>'llrl.na ptflOM Tiii ····•~nt WU Tiii• •t•t•m•nt was lltd wltll t~ Covnty Clerll or Drlf!C9 C.untY Ofl l l/11/0J • to0MffS4N Dally Pilot f'Co¥, 20, J.l..J. O.C. 4, 11r1003 TllNll .,, doln1 bualn•u •• llltd wltll UMt County Oranp Coest Con.ult Cltfk of Or•1111 County •Ill•. 1420 [. Cdln111 on t t/14/0) A1r1, 1212. Senti Ant, IOOl6tHOt4 CatlfomletVOS 1 Ot'lly Ptlot tto'I. 20, 21.1 'Tlloln•• Devlcl ltaild.. Dec. 4, II, 200l fh'5l 1117 l OytJ ltott tlM, Stnt1 An• C1llf0fllit Sm W70S Th bait! It eon. your •nwlMllH lluctad br: an M•ldtill 1, itelM Ulrour cl1u1f11td • -H•it you •Wtd MIM ~~ .... s...... The tollowtn1 p11 ton. •rt do•nit bu11nu s as !he 1-dvocacy Croup l/80t Ceflwrl&ht Road trv1111, CA 9261 4 l h• Or•nl• Counly Advocacy Group. Inc (CAJ. 17801 Cartwrirht Road, Irvine. CA 926 14 Thti buS1nu s " ton ducted by a c0Jpo<1hon Have you slarlld do•llQ buslneu yell Vu 11/03/2003 The Or1n1e County Advocacy Group, Inc Debra l Tr1b11ton1. Pre\ fh11 tl11tment WH toled with the County Clerk of 011n1e Counly nn 11110/03 200J69'4S91 Daily Pilot Nov 13 20 27. Otc 4 2003 Th9?6 fkftm ..... ie-s....... The lollowln11 persons 111 do•na busln•n 11 l tectroac;orpjon com 2277 Ha1 bof Bouleverd, ~22. Costa Mua. CA 92626 Eddie s MclMM, 11.71 Ha1bor BoullveJd, 522. Cost• Mew. CA 92626 Ousko Ntkohc, 2277 Herbor 804.lleverd, 52', Co1t1Mesa,CA92626 Th11 buslnus Is con dueled by co·ptflners H.t v• you started dolnr busrneu yet7 No (ddle Sllooll Mel ... Th11 statement wu llltd willl the Cou"IY Clerk of <Xena• County on 11/10/03 iooHt44721 Di lly Pilot Nov 13, 10, 27.°".4,2003 Th921 ~ ..... .......... The lollowln& pertons •r• dOlnc bu1.1nn1 11· Shanti ltvln1. 1071 Saola Row Ave • Co1t1 Mtu, CA 92'62' Dh Ellrlede Elltebilth "'"'· 1071 Senta Ro" Ave , Costa MeM, CA 92626 This bu11n... !ti con· ductacl by· en lndlvldu•I Have you 11Mttd dolnt bu-n yel7 v... 11 04 03 flllt Elfritell lllNNlh Kell fhl• 1t1t1n11nt w11 flltd with tllt Covnty Clef~ of Or•ftl• Cou11t~ on 11/14/03 200HtHO .. Otlly f'ilot No¥. 20~J!i. D.c 4, ll . 2003 l ""-J ~ ...... ........ The followl111 !*HR• '" dolnf ~ualnau n · Sklnetln, UtO ¥' Sttwart ~~'· Or· :f,CA9~ era An11 McCltUly, fto~~" Lent, Coel• '""9,CAl2IU Tiii\ ~u•lneq 19 con d!Klld lty· .. ~tl Ht,,. JOU 1..nM Mffl& ~llt8'J•ll Ynllll Kif• McC.tthr IM m••m•nl WU •• filed with the rnunty Clerk of Oranae County on 10 31/0J 200J69Ul22 Daily Pilot Nov 6 13 zo. 27. 2003 111915 flctltNll~ .... *"-' the tollow1n1 pet,M\ »rt doona busman H Hud H11h Ct .. tton' 2014 Pl•cenll• 1-va Costa Meu , Cl< 92627 Mall Adtlsohn 201• Ptacent11 AVI Cost• Men,C,.92617 Thts bustneu I! ron ducted by 1n 1nd1v1dual Have you star led doona buslnen yel7 No Mall Adetsohn Thts slatemant wu hied with the County Clerk of Oran1• County on l l/\8/0) 20016965421 Oaoly Pilot Nov 10 27 Oec 4.11.2003 ~ Rd!IM ..... ... s..... The lollowjna per1M1ns are do1n1 buslnen as Duckhorn On 11n 12 Jupiter H1lh Ofln . Newporl 8th CA 92660 Mertha Hoa in t tholl 12 Jupiter Hills Or Newport Bch CA 92660 Thi' busoneu •• con dueled by 4n 1ndtvodu1I HaY1 you 1181 led do111a business yet7 Ho Martha H lllooll Ib11 atatcmanl wu l1led with th• founly Cler~ ol 011n1r 1,;ounty on II 01 "()J 20036964409 D•oly Polul Nuv I J 10 l7 Dec 4 200J T h9? J fldltlM itclslNss ' w..s......., I h~ tollow1n1 pa"un~ •r• dOtnl but1ntt• o •I Whowel111ow,,.lwor~ u•m bJ WWllN mm 1927 H.ltbor 81\od 1(,()6 Coste Mes. CA 9'15Zl Oen Sarrett I '>8 I ultp ln Unol C Costa Meu CA 92627 Th" busoneu '' con dueled by an 1r1dlv1dual H••• you 1t11 l1d do1n11 business yet7 No O•n 8err•ll Th!i statemenl wn toled woth \hi County Clef~ of Orana• County on 11/14/03 2003'9UOIS Dally Piiot Nov lO 27 Oec 4, ll, 2003 Th'l'>I ~ ..... , .... s ....... Tht followtn1 Pl"Ons 11 e do1na buslnus u SL 0£POT. 1733 Mon rovoa •N. Cost1 Mua Ca 92627 Abt Lu 8111~. 4 Escap•d• Ct.. Newporl Buch, CA 92663 This busineu 11 con ducted by· •n lndMdual Have you started do1n11 business yet' Yas 11 3 2003 Abt l •e Blaik lhos '\alement "'"' fried wtth Iha founly Clerk ol Or4nk• C•ttH•IY on 11 03 OJ 200369U99 1 O•llY P1l11t Nov lo I I 20, 27, 2003 lh'JI~ FlctltlM lvsiltss .... s ...... The foUowmJI tJll\011\ tre dorn1 bu""''' " h t V1soon 1-ulo Cl"'· 2800 Shani•• O• C:osla Mui CA926?6 Eil•porn Youta11•w111 2800 Shdnt•r 01 I rt\t,1 Me•a, CA 9;iti}t. Ttus buslne" I\ • tuo dulled by An 1nd1Y1du.1I Hdve you tlAr l•d dum~ hu"neu ~aP V•~ 11 I 1,03 f tloporn Voo1an•w1n flu~ \tatlm~n! WA\ loled with thl County Clerk nl Or•nra County on 11/14/03 20036965070 Dilly PllDt Nov ?O ?I Dec 4 11. 2003 T h95 l Flc1ltiM lvdltss -s .... The tollowm1 P••SOns •re do1n1 busone\\ ai lh• Oh•na PrD11cl 1 /llO Ortole Or Costa Mn a, CA 92626 Peopla Involved Inc (CA>. 1780 Ortol~ Dr , Co\\i Meu CA 92626 l h11 bu\lne\\ " rnri ducted by 1 cor p11rtt•11ri Ha•• you star l~d do1n1 byaincu xcll Yts 10! STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • 1; OJ Peopl• tnvnl.-d fn1 Jodo Wolframs f'lfS•d•nt lhl\ \l•t~m~nt W•> lol•r! wolh lht f.uu11ty ( h·rll of Or Jn~, f mtttly un II 14 0 l 200S696S09S ll~1ly l'1lul Nov 10 .'I ll•1 4 1 l ;>001 111'14'. flditiM~, -~ T hf! tolfow1n~ ,1,., !.fin\ ,.,,. ,)11101 bu-"mt '' ., 0&0 Oepo\ttu111 kep"' 1 M> 216 fir•1.ilw ·~ Lo\l,1 M•" I .lhfr>1n1.1 9?671 Ot1in1~, M~' '" t I.Hunt- 7'/IJ2 Bt<i.Uh••y 111111 1 S•nt• An.1 c.;~1.t,,1 '''' '.12101 fh1s bu\1nt\' I\ on duc.:.t•d by HI •nd1v1d1tAf Have v<•U ••••I~~ d ""' bUSlllHS ytt' N" 01111se M~rr• 0Am1o It lh1s stattm.,11 w~\ toled with th~ (."''"'' r lerk of Ornnaft Lo11nt¥ nn 11 '25/0J 200369662 t S O•oly Piiot Nov 27 u-. 4 II 18 2003 Th957 SELL your stuff through classified! Tht U,•l IHp•rmtntt •t tht DArly P1'41 "pu~J t4""114'"''(11 ntw rvvi« MW llwtil.bu to 1tnll lnuittnJtl ~ wi/J n#W SF.ARCH tht Nlmt for you 1Jt "" txtm c"'1"f!. 4,,J 111w Jf/" tht ti mt 11ntl tht tnp to tlH C#Nrt Housr in Sitn111 AnA-Thtn, of rourst, a.fin 1IJ1 1'11rth ii rompl.tttd UM Uti/J fill J#'" fimtious bwrnm """"st~""' with tht CA11nty Clnlt, pub/Uh """ 11 ruttlt far four UJttlu .s fY11uirrJ "1I.aw111'11 tl1<11 fil~ !""' !'"/ •! ,-lkttn•n with IN C.11n1J Cink . PIN.1' '~I "1,. fill J#"r fatitiow lnuinm ""''" ti.tm1#111 ., tht Dci!J Piut, .330 W. &, Si, UJU Mtu. If J#" t11nnH stop~ 1110 ~Jl IU 111 (949) 612....fJJJ """wt will tMltt """""'"ma far r u ,. """'" this pro<"ttrt "' ,,uil. . If!'" 1ho«IJ haw ""! fart/J,r fWltio,.,, pkli.I' t11U w 11nJ wr WJIJ bt ,,.,,., 1"411 P4,, "'" Jf"' G«>J fu.tlt ;,. J##r flU'W hi 'ffllS.' Pilot • l.1111 .... .. 1..1111 ... . .......... -Llpl ..... 1MI ~ .............. Coenl1 0.Ur l'llot Now, ~ !1! .... .... .......... Policy ......... ... SW-. I he lotlo#lfll Pill IOnl ,,. dol111 buslnea n lubelle Rou, 1210 tl1on, $1111• 89497. ::.tgort llHch. CA Alla !ttter1, 1110 ........ ......... The f.ilow.na peno11a .,.. llolfll bll&ll\HS ••. Ynuyo I HH, W l 17th St Ste IS. Co•t• MN&. CA 92627 Ye1uyo hddto, 18102 Sp11111d1le St II, Huat111cton '41Kh CA 92Mt TMa w.--• Ha. ~ ..... ......... l!M lolowona 11«to111 .,. M4llt 1111~ aa. Oetot a.1, lt v1111-. •• lq!Hle HoC11tl. CA 9297/ lilerr A P1101. 16 Vi11te1e, L 11un1 H11uel, CA 9ell/1 This bu•ln.ss '' con ducted 111 en l!ldivklu•I Hev• yov 1t11t9d dolna llllsiMsa yet1 No ...,.,, .... Thlw stete-• wu How to Place A DK. 4 11, 200J TlmllV .......... ....... ~ f.ilo ... ,..MM .,e ..... "" ..... . CetellouM, 17 cw-·· Newport Cout, CA 92'.;7 Klmhflr R•nt Cholen. 57 Cltr lfMNlt. lftWJurt Co t.CAatS7 Thill 11-11 C.Ol'-~ llr: u~ lilff )'04' a.Utle4 ~ ~n.u,et1"9 K1"'llerl1 lh11ee CIMtt11 Tiiis •l•t1m1111 WH flied Wlttl lllt Co1111t)' Clltlt ol Ouna• County on ll/06)03 IOH69MMS 01111 l'llot Nov. 20, 27, o.c. 4. n , 200J Tht54 __ Deadlines---. Ratt-~ and deadhnes arc ~ubp:r 10 change w1Lhour ooti~. 1ne publisher n:serve~ 1tx nght 10 cenM>r, reclauify. revise or n:jt'ct any classified adver11M:mcn1. Please tt'por1 any error that rnuy be in your d.is~1tied ad 1mmcdlatdy The Dady PtJol accepts no llah1hl) for any error m an advert1..cmen1 for wtuch 11 ma' be re!>ponMblc except tor lhe rnM of the! space actually on.up1ed by the error. Crl'llit u u1 only be allowed for lhe fir.t IO!>CrllOO CLASSIFIEAD -Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm lNNOUNCUAINTS & MISC. 101CH170 GARAGE SALi BUSINESS & FINAN CW 1160 '°"SS • UCO.OS n c Ila. a... Ek. ~ ' flh a ,,,..., Sc*t wo. 9"l• Mt~" 949 64S 1SOS OOBO'AINMENT Calendared Ewenb 1310 fQUAI. ltOUSM OfPOITUllTf All rut "'•I• •dwell" "'' '" lh ...... ,p.llpef " ~Ubf"d lu tt.. r trletal I H H.•U\IMI AA I ol 1968 • •mtndet1 •htch onak•• ti 1fla1al lo •rtvHll•• ·any ""''' tncfl l1mtl1t1on or d1.c11m1nalH1fl hH•d un rn•. cof<lf tAk11<>11. ••• handlup l•mllt•I •••tu\ °' •uflc>n•I "'•'" or .tn tnltnhon lo ma'• 1111 tiKh Ptfrl•renu 1111111• 11<1'1 or d~11m1nahon - Th~ n••IC>l'IH'f won not know1n1ty •u •Pl eny •dverllwm•ul "" rot nUI• whirh I\ In voolalton 111 th~ ltw Our 11•d•" •• • hereby 1nf0fmtd lhtl •II Ow•ll mp IHlver l"•d In lhll ne~•IM!• •r• •vall.tble Ufl •n •QUaf oCIPOf lullity bt 'f\ lo compl••n of di• «1m111•linn cell lfUO lol Ire. ti I IOO 424 9!190 SELL your stuff through classified! 2SOS·2490 14&1 WANTED ANTIQUES Otdef Style FunlltuR PIANOS l Coledlbltl ·-·-·-·-·0-...-$$ CASH PAID .. ...... ., ........ WE BUY 1:8TATa.8 ............ ~-· ~ I '• ' '' . -_' -... J 1419 c,..,1. Equjp. bUhlva. fllfn, frla. new 11ntp kcb loMlllltta, Iron om ml ftlrw•ydrvCM S.1112 4 ,..., ~ ........ ll*t&.. <In. •t. dlldten' ~ i.oy,. 9'J2 ~ ()Ha Fri 6 Jal t4 PmOf BYMlllll * AH1tAALS ltUCUfO WllH NO OWHCRS MOHEY OOHA TIOHS HUMANISOOnY C/Ol'AWS 2-0 E lllCHLANO SAit SCRHAROINO 92404 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and f plumbers, to landscapers and painters By Fax (949) 631-6594 \l'lc&M' ""''..Jc, ...... _ .w rn...~ nwnbn ond .. t' II call >°" be&.l '"'"' 1 rn« qUOk I By Phone (949) 642-5678 Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Sttcct Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Friday .................... Th~day 5:00pm Hours Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30-.un-S:OOpm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Index .... . • ' , I . , I . -........ ~- ... . . ..... --. . .. ~."Ji . ' ' ·--............... 1'> ••• •••• 7412-7466 ... ,,so l :1 Hkr !he Scn·icc Directory Balllll'r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cclll lorralne at (949) 574-4245 w_,.,. ,,,_.._ hy Thun How , PB eru 3pm lo epproa 7 a OOpm '50/hr to Pf•P•rt I h1nb1JVtn1 dinnet, mnll•d pc>I• lou, JwHtpoletou. !MIS ' onions. 1tuffm1 In TIHt.•r. Grevy. C••v• Turkey. I will hevt the lurt.ty '" the oven 11 1000.m 949 833~1 busll~H • JEWEUrf / 3460 HOMESFOA~ MJSCEl.lMEOUS DIAMONDS/ ORANGE 5400 ROOALS I SIOI CHAUllNG, hke new 2bt I Sb• town houM style 2522 Elden $1375/1110 949 642·5488 WHtdlff1 lr& 2bd. 2ba condo Upstatrs, c11porl, 1256 Rutland $1350/mo ... _,,_, ........ 1.y- .... , Just co~ ,.modtllrdl 2bf 11 /rba. Hup So faclllC 1Mtio. $2500,/mo w/dodl. evllll PRECIOUSMETALS COUNTY ----Rml To Shn ll030 3br I 58• uitalde llollst w/d In hM, d/W, fr1t. Fp, I c I". bacliyetd Sl800m. pet& $25 ntra mo (949) 371 3606 •714·832 1766• for edcl •• 6 ""' lease. Dave/Act 714 812 5668. Geraal Annoancemtnts 1610 oua SlASON l'r._..o.cti.._. .... 0.. tpptoa I /tu lrom Newport BHcll Cac.i i.nt hunhn1 .tdl'Ctnl lo al•I• ••l.,fo#I rtlu1t. own.,1h1p tntetesl & •PP'O• 315 aCtH of tend & 11nptovementll • your own c amp compound w/1truclu1t and 2 ti~• Wond.,lul Fri nl1ht BBQ'• ' wine tn11n1 durina duci. 1tason • m1n1 •a lte1I lde•I for 2 t11endl or •••'* & aon Cen Mtk• el310~ ~ HOME <-•<•N-49 Old Coins• Gold 11lvar ~J welt.ha. ant~ colltc1Jbl.t1 949 642 9448 •OA IC'-fw ~• Gor..-. tow., .... Persoen kilttnl Rtd. Torl~I .tit \hob ~:Zl ... SllS IUSCUl t 1 I l tie 1 Uncert•tnl111 Happtnl Pet Ownen Ht<ld Help Well Menntr•d Adult Cell ' Older Ooas nffd r•ew llomu Adocif Adult Ammal1 lhts Xmas! 30 day return Policy www an1malnelw0fk or1 Wlfta..,.. & CATS BIA ftd & ttir.i ,_, h aq ,..,.._ J) °'¥ ,__ ... '*'°" ....... ,....,..., lhltl,, ~.,, ~ ~--... w.a !WI a..,.12,.,~ www.anlm1fn1twork or1 IMPROVEMENT MISCBJ.NIDUS SERVICES 2a MERaiANOISE MilclNanloa .............. cooL Yuvu Joi Merdmudlll 3855 Enhy level l'o1Ulon1, A NEW COMPUltft7 But 19•, no etlllrilr'o -no Cash? Approved • ..-,, 2 ..... pm nn-& GuarenlMdl• ~w fHl- lr•n•P<Wl•lton, lodtln1 Fe1110111 llr1nd Ho ~ Ill? ..-. llaru Credit Cllkk. !Mid credit ID *l Tel Frw azn OK I 100·411 ·4680 UR ('Oft.~ •clleQ1n1 eccount ,. qvw9d (CAL •SCNO - ConndelMar Of'IJC SAT-SUN 1-S JI 10 <-try<""' NEW ON THI MAUlTI M." Verde lb• 2.Sb• 11mod houM. new toi./ nrpel/wlndows .tp111's. paint 1n1Hlt & out. 2 Ip. art fem fl• plen Ovw ••ltd backyd $689.000 Jim & lHllt f lul Tum NMt:D1 8-f'I n4342 Ul!l6 o.-...... s-. 11-4 Newport IU.nd 81yfront w/Pt•vele bo1t dock Unsur paued qu1lllyl Total remodel In '99/00 2br 2'hb• • eac:•lionel dtn. 3112 Chennel Pie:. $2,075,000 Alt OIYkl 114·112·5eGI DCJTtMO WAfta VllW Ml u.k'-tl~•H Ct ec LIV W/24Hlt S(C: 29ft ZSllA $1,250,000 lido Patlt 1t .. 1t~ Met r Lou Kt.Iller 949 67& Z700 Ito ISIAM• PAaAOISI AYTHltUCN UMOll H00,000 AeT. ••• tlf ,UH '-s.t..S-ll~ Sl• W 8t Aw Dan'1 IM ID ..... ldl~t:lai:o ""9111tClllt llit place II Ille nrld tl-.ulll c.11.-,_':C'.c.· ill . c -5171 l Side <••'• .... Ular• lownllou1t m1tr suite w/ba Comm pool/ spa a-ttd Cetaae $750/ mo949 642·~ Nl/Oc-VI-1-0cunf1onl/27nd. P11· val• 1n1 unfurn. share ba, ulll• paid, n/tmk, ktlchtnelte, lndr y, I bl!< lo HtwPotl p1tr. $730m. Cell Sem 949 218 790!> (balween 9am Spm) Newrorl Beach c room av" . cl9se to beach Perlecl '°' 1urltr/K•reli '850/mo 949 S-48 63S3 Jbr 2b• upper level beylronl unit perood ,.........._ lbt lb• petoo. style, Stt vu, I c I". l111pl1te. shared w/d •st $2800 949 293 4631 hkup1, I cer I" •t• ~t $1500/MO 949.29 ·'630 Ttochlng p•• ov•ll, OeerMd ' Ctedentlaled w/moddle ichool exp Soc,.J Studoei & Lin SU.-"'ts • plus Apply et Grace Church ,. Scllooll. 6931 Ecllnetr H8 CUSSIFIED N..,.n a.. .. 2br 2ba n.war C1tP41I, !*I ' bit 2 c lendtm da" wdhk· == -upa~:~:s:: ... 11/ .... 1 pr, 1 c;.spor I. 1~. MW IPIJI lo a pl 3 Wif\Cbonl crt $1950/mo 714-.J» 5«10 It 's tht solu- tion you 're searching/ or· whtthtr you're seeking a Lerp clo1tl & beth. NH 24 hr ttorap. 400-s.unny upo•11<e, $1000m ~f unlb M1y store Act 949 67!> 6161 ¥9'hlclu. lews rain c:.11 ~ 98&J.llll0 s.....,...,.,.._,_,,.. secure ... , ICCUI, would suit boat. RV. euto. nu11111)' or otlltr bU'JlntH (949) 5!JJ•ll563 AESVENTW..AENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY llior, tile, Unfurntalltd, w/d, stove, Irle, AvalV Jan I YHrtrlHM e&:i&-79H695e <1 ........... •06 llelioltope (F tont Cot· taft), COM. 211d. llMI, ntw krtc:htn & bllll, Ip, hrdM ,.. Ill A~ }!! Af!!.i. SlwtdW/O~ •-.le A4Jtal loHI)' Cited Co"'m, 11ur Tri.1111t Sctu11e.1br lbt w/ur a tr~ itOlll, ll>f llN w/oeho, cerpott, llOf•.&e -....... ~Id lllttn Mii•••• ,,,....,. Utlll> .,... ............ Or, 01111e4 c101, tllrtlatlb, ... ato .... tr fa;-•ltl• allower' Ul'1llt M ,._, .,..., ... ptf ...... ,,. 1'41 Or• lit 12!1·1- llr Af>t. I Y-Ot4, uura & iatelkte TV patd. J.lor JM llws•, qu1tt W/O. naer Hoal Ho59, erH. MWI)' refurbtWd $1300/mo 949 631·4984 ? cer 1er, wd llllups. $2300/mo 949 769-0874 UC! Athlellca 1nh OweclOf lor Community/ Youth Proe Visit trtl//www lthlebca.uo tdli b IXWl1> ~ ..,...,,. ,..., .. , ,_.......,., ttiYe to F*1on m-1, ~ chld fl-om 1dlool. dlln. prcJlr8 ,,...._ Mlat '---~-19!18 ··oRtVERs•• MAY TRUCKING CO "Is your road lo wcceut •vans· 11 Wesltrll I0().547 9169 13217 •RHlen 41 •t•t" IOtJ.!>47 9169 •321tl 0.dlcetld te1m runs Ownw openlors ....... www.m•rlruckfn1 com (CM.~ home, apart· ment,petor ntW occupation! The Classified Advcnising Depanmcnt will be closed on Thursday, November 27th & Friday, November 28th, 2003. We wiJI re-open on Monday. December I st at 8:30 a.m_ ' If you,d like an ad to appear in the newspaper from Th,umiay, November 27th thru Monday, December 1st, you must call by 3 p.m. on Wednesday. November 26dt, 2003. JIAV.EA HAPPY'FHANKSGIVINGI 949.642.56'78 lliilyAPilOt AllDmGIVI -... '01 u -... ;t.o. 5spd, 2311 m•. tuH (let warrtnt). sllvu /blk tuir. CO, mnrl, 19in wttb. beeutllul 1111• new ,ond, fin evad ¥995621 ~.9!115 &kt 949-585 18118 -··"''-( ....... c.t_SOti !'II, blVMll lthr, blll sarri.,. roof. aos. co. t111.f11t, dlrin wbll, lold ~I. bOokt/records, hke 11tw S8995 ¥557281 Bllr t4t·SU-1'H ---eq.M•.- c-41n., •ts o.vm. whitt/oatmHI lllv, low 1111. be9utltul oriainel cood m.de & out, ditm whls, $2995 8kr. 949 5116 1888 -· .. --<h""'9t '" ...... c.no 2« coupe, V6. JOK actuel ""· silver/IJffn metalllc, CO, buullful loll• new cond. S6995 11172491 8kr ~5861888 _...,._ ~ ... s.1»1.., l~ Conv, 1811 aclu1I m1, inetell1e sreen l•n 111\r blacl1 top, b .. ulllul hb new cond $7995 firm vi~ 8kr 9&586 1888 _......,._ COltVlnl '16 CPl ~uto. ac. all powt1 wh1te/1ed inter, buu, runs stronc S7500 obo 949 244 .J324 fer4 '6S Mu•t•"t Conv•• ltbl•. or111nal owner, sohd ter. nul .. $l&!ID lb> 96 719 29C. FORD TEMPO '90 $750 714 957 0705 ••< Surt.utiton lSf 1500, 4wd 71>11 • m1 ~tan ltht lit• uat $Upetb 0111 cond $1',995 v552461 Bk• t4'-5H-1HI ' -w.ecpelll.c- ..... , '00 Mor41-lS 3311 metalllc sllvet blue er•>' lthr fully loaded, 1\11• new tond SI0.49!> ~ Bier 9$586-11188 w-.ec.pelll.c•• ........ 't7 Acc ..... ldt coupe EX, V lee en11ne. M btacll/&l'•Y llhr, snrl, buv.t1tu1 unllla•kod cOlld, e•r•1ed, non &mkr $8495 v#Ol267SI Bkr ----~ ~ '00 s Tno-s.o -Al, ~ ml. full l1ct wlft, silver/o•tm .. l llh1 11\nrf, CO. memory pli.1 bu11t lib new unm11 li.ed cond, $23995 v•752262 8kr 949 586 1888 _..eqoo111.c..,. r Calllornle lew ,. quires lllat conlrec: .tfn takJna IObS th•t total l!iOI> or mora (leb« or mtterltlt) l>t hctnHCI by tile Contreclors Stele llcenn 801rd, Stale I-1tso requites that contrectors Include u.lr license numbtt °" '" ed\ltrthln1 You un dltcli. Ille status Of 1our llcenHd contr1c t or el WWlW.cslb u .1ov or I00-321 ·CSLB Unll cen"d contraclo11 taklna job• lh•t tot•I IHI than S500 lllUJI al•le In their •dvtirtl$Amenh lh•I they .,, not lk:t nstd lly the Contraclora Sla1e llcenM Bowd " COlfAMISA UllCOUe ..... , -~~ ,.. ~l)fa.~ .... _,lfltl.~. lul POWW, lllllC.ll & olwjt (lll'939) SZU'IS -o.10.•u T Clll of Ille lwle. fj)Ort '*I. moorwoot. c11r-. U-OCllll ltd\ (8013154) S23.!195 -~,..,.,..... Top oftM bne W/NltV~liofl 'yslem, duel su..,., enter i.1111nt1nl, lollcltd (J42024) 24,9115 '01 u-.liiU Spoft Pq w/-.oof, CD, loeded (605391) $17.850 "Ol~Slfr­c., c.tdiad, 6 yrs, 1!111 mi. wwrenty. moo«oof. a> (671059) $19.985 'Ol~C-H· --MoonRQof, CO, stwp (61191Z) S19J75 W""-'t....., .... T C1P of the llnt, ult! m.te pl\&. OYO, Nev ~ Mooorool, LOAded & llncoln Certltied (ml&l) S41.88S 714-540-SUO COSTAllSA llKOUl lllOIY COVE IOTORl6 AUDIA• '00 Black, w/arey tnler •v0802 Discounted IMW J211o 'tt Bl1ch l•n tnlet 1\19918 Musi Sell IMW S211'91 Bronlz l•n ml• •VS49/ Mu~t Sell IMW S211o 'OO Creen, l•n Inlet IV()!)67 Drscounted IMW Slot 'Ol Whole. ten '2"66 Must See BMW !>-401 99 Blue, 11r1y inter IV2111 Musi Sell BMW 740.a '00 B1on1e/tan 19158 Discounted IMW T•Olo '00 Black. t•n mlti •V9435 Ol~counted BMW 740tl OJ Blue/erey 12843 Most See IMW 74011'01 Stiver, aoey •V8605 Grut Ruy BMW 740!1 '01 •3951 While. erey Creal Buy a...TaM.'02 Black, arey FVC/67 CteelBuy Mor1el, Do" foltt 't2 Id, blACk IV8109 01scouoled 949-650-StlS sm ,.. ... ........ ~.~ ... , •JS41 Otut O.•t 't~'" rt"41 DhekftlN ........... Creon, tan •1280 Must Sell J...-Xjt'tt Rtd, tan f0859 CrHI Deel •mCIOH CHO '01 81.U.blacll IV'¥l17 Discounted MUCCEIXS U20 'OJ Bladl. Blecll 1"5458 Discounted MERCEDES E320we '99 CrMn, tan IV4581 Crut Dul MERCEDES MISS '00 su .... blM:ll t JS!,9 Gttat OHi MERC£DES S5CO '95 White. tan •3650 Dtstounltd MIRCU>IS SISOO '00 White, tan I0580 Mu•• Sell MINI COOPD '02 Blue, lf•Y "°962 Must S.11 PMSOtlCwt'oro'tt Bleck, blacli. IV1068 Discounted l'OISCH( Corrore 'tt Blue, &llY #V6049 Must Sell Qvale Manaull ·01 S1lu1,blecll •V0139 Olscount1d ~ms PHIWPSAUTO 'H•MW J21US 56lt ml (1900) $16,980 .,, .,_,, v..w. l'tAS 3711 '"' (19812) $27.980 ,,, loop a-.1t .. A Steal (198081) S9.980 ,, '""' ts400 S1lvt1. low mt (19"531) Sll.980 'ff Men-"" CUOO 4911 m1 (19751) $49 980 '99 Mette"-9 fJOO Deisel, pr teed lo sell (19842) $23.980 '9S Mene<l.1 S400 Wtute 6411 m1 (19836) 25.980 "fl //Aerc.J.o SU20 lt-.htw Uk mo (19859) US.980 •fMenOf/etSUOO ,, ... ,., Whtie (19020) S?l,980 ,,. SAA• fOOS c_., 67km1 (19852) SI? 980 'ffV••:r How•- (l9728) S'3 980 949-574-7777 PllllfS AUTO , ......... FIND .. :;-~ - -~'MIJtV_.. l"l.tt inetalloc red t&11 llllr. beautiful OtlCH\al Qofld, m111t '" to 11PP4'etlatt, •• , •ltd. flOfl •mllr. S6995 ¥702571 Bli.r ~9 5118 111111 -........ - MERCEDES BNZ '01 SL500 loaded sliver. S9cwb pllf, AMO whit. 9K ""· ihoWfm concl, 302 ltp. SSZ.750 714 9119-1117 ••n•4 .. 't6 CHO Btautllul llalck/ettam luny loaded, showroom Wout $9211() )14-75l·:MM Bridge :r.n~~ Wld T.ANNAH HIRSCH JIOBSOH'toi CHOI OOUI vulaenblt, N<.#\1\ drats NOtml •Afl4 o AKJI OU • K4J l'.AST •2 97 J 10 7 54.l •A985 WEST .... .... .... .... llusday, November 27. 2003 85 TODAY'S CB05SWORD PUZZLE Mer~•ll•• 'ts IHO Opening lead: Three of • Blocll/btll buut, •II 04JI. l10f1e '*-• now rlltljor SVC, SI0,250 71.4-75\ 2464 •~'ttuooa.o orlc own« full booi.s & rOCOfds, bftl lthr. dwom. Wiii, bn111llul Ofle tond, must -to epprec:late $4995 "96873" B-r t4t-s .. -1H• ---ecr''·'- PHIUIPS AUTO "'9V~H.w ( 19728l) ~.980 '00 '"" ,....,.,,. Whtie. low mt 09n61> SJ6 980 '00 l'endte ' I I ,_ S.tver 351\ m1 (19441 ) $52,980 '9S Mwc."'1• SJ10 Lone Wheel Bue (197890) $21,980 '9t Mw-'9• Uff White. Very NICe (19123j) $23.980 'OJ lor4 ,..,.,_. or St.ck, 2311 m1 (19663) $16.980 'OO~XKI C.w Bt.c:ll, lllli. ml (l9818) 43,980 -02SA.Aa•-s Red 22li mt ( 19869) $25,980 "01•MWJ1SO Reel, Only a m• ( 19826) $29.980 '01 •MW 740lf. Sport S1lvm (19849) $37.980 .. , J_,, a..,..,i. •• Astul (198081) 19.980 m-s1~1m P111"5 AUTO 1·"1 .... PwedMI '01 '-non1 4 Blk/lan tnt. Ae10 ktl pita. every opt POHlbl•. •h m1, never spent 1 maht ouh•de 01 re1n1d on ~.500 obo !M9 321-61"8 5,.11 ;,our Cor in ClanlJl•d I There •• a ~yins 1n 1he Old Country: .. If you <lnnl lhc waler )UU die, and 1 f }'Oii don' I dn nit the waler you die'" WI found out lilt meaning of tJ\ij on lbc deal aOO\ e 90CM _Aulllndlvl ___ IOIM_ BOATREPAIRS/ Tllo'1lvr..,.Ofl Aut ...... '"~ Auto. leethet CO. PrM! Whk (6!19275) Sl2,goo 'OZ~'°"' VII Sil/Gfey, Custom Whls, CO, ?611 nu (116527> SIJ,900 '99 5'-.SOO Sport Piii/AMC. Bose MuH1C0,2 T~ ( 107291) S.19.900 '9•C2'0 Whl/tan, Auto. moon N1c1 C•1 (099216) $14,900 '02 '"-'Am Sf Auto, /\IC, CO, Rur Splr (2'63427) SI0.900 "94~•­ Ltmiled, Loaded, Sale f>nced (094773) Sl6.900 'OOOS300 Wht/l an Pt.Unum S.rlea, low Ml. CO (099216) $25,900 '99GUOO BIVT•n. CO. Na~• Audt0. L uadtld (046903) $21 .900 '97 E-40 So'- 1 op of the L 1ne. Bo\e. co. V84 ?t (444967) $19,900 '9' ........ .,., 4.0 HSI Auto, 4WO Mulll CO lo•decl (326806) $14,900 11-. 11e •• , ••• 4.6 HS£ 4811 m1 full feet •arr blk/blt. llht 18 chrm wllls. SUJH•b LDnd lhrouetit. $73.99!> • 11 /101 8kr 949 S86 1888 www.••l'•lo.l.c•m 11.... ltov•r •oo 4,0 SERVICES SE 1611 •dual ml, full f1ct warr. blk/c11m1I •••••••• lthr. buutlhrl hke ntw cond Must n• to ~ $28.!m v017&96 ~. 9495861• __ .....,"_ It .... 11 ... , 'ts 4.0 SE 80k•mt. bi.c.,/tan llllr, superb c ond throuelll. book1, records SI 0. 995 v046829 Oki 9"9-586 1888 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ lAUNCHING/ STORAGE 75ft IOAT SUP, Sublet tm Dec & Jen $2.3 Pit ft • on XMAS IOAT PAllADI ltOUTI ~ -w.ocpell.con1 SllPS AVAl\AIU, T-v• 't S Gl whit•, double sizes, In Hewpot I loaded all option~. Bt1~h & Huntin11on tmmac:ulate $2500 Harbor, 949-67S 4347 7U -751·2•U Teyeto '97 Cw-'lo OX 60ll • m1. auto. pw. pl. er u1se, whrte/111ey tnl. sup~rb S-4995 vl57829 Bhr 949 !>86 1888 -· .... "'-TOYOTA MU 't 1 while, owntf since ·9z, r•1 m11ntenance must SH to apptatlltle $3800 obo 949-321·S292 ••• v ... ,. ....... u •• hn, Ntw motor, runs er eat! S3200 obo * 714·458-0612• V.Aitw ..... 'OJ leotlo Conv turbo~. 1100 mt 1mmaculala cond, $25,500 949 6~ 8808 AUTOMOBlES, MISCB.WEOUS Wad 9045 AUTOS WANTCO SELL your stuff through classified! "E l " Jmp oyee. "E l do " mp ea . '"Arbeilnehmer." "Employe ... II 12 NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY .'!1 CWSIFIED Cu FIND n. HoME, HEAi.TH NfJ SUSWEss .~ .... A -Z HANDYMAN lnslell. relece cabinets ~~ nd:llw. DOlll 71 ... 5ot&-7Zi8 On" c.Plf, FVTWUt ·~Cllrilg. &•-~ s .. wtM 1·100.Hf.7111 s:.== Ft-.fstrdl -•ff\ 1, . ') • \ ' • '.' . ,. ' .. I o .. Concnel&Mmwy kklt la.dis-Tllo CGnct•. Pllllo, Drlwww•y fuplc, 880. Rera. 25Y" (Jlp, Terry 1J4-5S1 7594 YOUIMOMI IM"°vt•INT ,.OJt<n Call a plumt>et. p1ifltar. hendyman, oc eny tf tht If Ht ""'"'• lltlltd '*•kl ow Mrvko dhdoryt THFSf LOCA4. SVC l'[ort,[ CAie ..... ,. YOUTOCMYI Floorlf9'Tll• WITTHOln OIYWAU llM\' ~ Repwed All phases 1m/lr1 jobs Recroutln & lnslana110n CUANI 20yr1, l1M', free Till DEAN 949 673 8065 ..t. L«XXlX> 71~14'7 71~ 71"'8113 '°31 SMAU JOe IXPUT Loe.I, Qulclt Ru,o11M Home, Yafd & Dock fleet 2D Yrw Ea" ~ Clll:lnc ll2'J581Q !MIMfJ0.10f2 QISTOM CllAlM lU ~ ....._ os-'*.; _... ......... ,, Ulll!* lift 71 .. 111 &1 a.al .... ! ' 'I+ ' I I, ' • I , ""'", r • = -- J 'r'/•"''"'.._; 1", ,1• r')('l1 Tr-Swvtce, Verd Cleanup, Melnlenenc• Sprlnllltr Rep1lr. Haulln& (949) Ho-171 \ 111 ~ TOHI • RI PAIR A-RE °""Oll 1 NG f ,,, All "r'1 ,,, ~.I 'I' I' ' \' I). l 11 •• o~. l "''' "" .... :"Y."' • O< I I HandymarV Home Repair CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 y,, fxl> • Glllt Alf's Al PlllSIS at Construcllon ~AlnlOOll~ ll5ma2 949'"305-7699 CDlf.IAL 'IU.IN'IEWD • a.esidimi ·~ o Job 1bo Sma.U DanBamlltoa 949-3%2-8292 A&.AN THI HANOYMAH All work cu•r •nlud l'bnbq. a.ctJ!Qj, Oocn, flhlltl tar\I *-99aM R 1UN1 TO TMI DUMPlll 714-9'8-llll AVAtlABLE fOOA\'I 94917l 5~ needs ... HoUl8 Cleaning "-""· c ... n•t• & M..-y Brtd, Bloch, Slone. Concrtrle R~ L1747WI 714 965 2824 DUl ll5Tl.o,111m(110H hute1tt Drue Tntl1tt Dal ONN, Pl-•~ 1~~ HOUOAY Hill' Home & f>•tly DecOf Tree trim mlns. Room M1keo¥0<s, Sllot>c>tlll !M9 459 11210 IHT •ovus SH/Mt. StfVl"C ~II Cthn IMllftd Tl63M4 323997 1193 323-630 9971 °'" Moving & Stonge PUBLIC NOTICE the C•llf f>ubllc UtlhllH Cominlr.ston 1equ11es that ell UMd household 1oods mo .. rs rrlnt their PUC Ca T number, limos and chauffeurs print their T C P number 1n 111 adver tisemenh II you hoe any quesl1on1 •bout the leaallty ol • mo vet , limo o r cheutteur cell PUIUC UTIUfllS COMMtSSH>N 177-H67 Palnllng 9Cl'S CUSTOM PAINTM Pron. clean. qu•htJ' wot1I tn1er1or/e1I incl doc:ll1. l•10:M61949 400 1054 Palnllng ltAINJOW C9Qf MAllT Palntln& lnl/eal, Ho11w./~ Quality tob! r lei! ~lHMll L 156989 7 71 • 6J6 8888 1dMslonOI l\lllTJ ls.ot>Uert SEWER JEHINC ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK orrr c TION r rtendly Setvict t4•-•7S-tS04 -.~.cum ~ • 1!l2A9t tn'\<•f'f'd SlWll AleDWIOlAmlG (949) 645-2152 Trees.vtce Sli1p & ........... C11slom Hand Painted lllU• l Faix. P.._ lllilll b 1wt D4i81 GM TIU Sflt.tfflRI S11«ialiiin1 In Wa~R1mov•I Ll518241 ~9 360 l211 Window Clllnlng .__...._a..... Senke. Ell*ilnc.ad I ~ Ttacki, sm~. s~r .. nt 714 95~ GOlOllfWIJl WltlOOW SOvte• S1t11fKhon Cu1rtnl"4 • 949 631 1562 .. SELL .• L ,J • ~ J . I I ~ . ------ % off entirfl ~tock ~r~~bng 333 '6.1tt 17th ''?eet. eostt 'Mell. e:A 9?6Z7 Po lie confi studc sent Lollt1 I M1rl11 Daily Pil NEW on the School this WI threat Cl have bf WU th\t tions of Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,NOVEMBER27,2003 THE BELL CURVE From deep troubles come deep thanks W e will have -I am told as I write this -25 people, give or take a few, for Thanksgiving dinner thls year, thus paying homage to the concepts of extended family and tradi11onal Thank.sgiving. JOSEPH N. BELL Tradition works in two drrections. It gives us warmth, i.trength. structure, certainty, and a sense of identity that helps us remain steadfast through difficult times. The last Thursday in November is always going to ' be Thanksgiving Day, whatever else may be happening to us. But it carries a downside, too. Because of aJJ those virtues. tradition doesn't welcome any fresh look.s. Whatever worked for Grandma can certainly woric for us Is the message, and we tinker with that system at our peril. DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT Volunteer Anna Arroyo hugs fellow volunteer Marie Lawson after she wms her wish by breaking off the bigger prece of the wishbone of the turkey. I don't like turkey very well, for example, and I find the proi>pect of two week.s of twXey leftovers deeply depresslng. Still, I would never suggest a prilll4t rib as the mam fare on Thanksg1vlng. And so we will have turkey today as the rules require. . Offering up a feast What the rules don't explain to us Is that we can manage qwte nicely on tradition alone at Thanksgiving when things are going well. But when the world is as troubled as it is today, and God seems to be off tending to other matters. we look a lot more wistfully for comfort to the people who grace our table on Thanksgiving Day. Deirdre N 1w ... ., Daily Pilot M yra Valdez rummaged through a pile of clothes that filled a long table. holding them an front or her to see U they would fit. Soon. she had a pile of shirts of various colors and patterns '>lacked on her shoulder Volunteers at St. Joachim give food, clothing and toiletries to hundreds at a Thanksgiving feast on Wednesday pie. They also got whole pies to take home with them. "lllls is excellent," Consoli said as she surveyed the satisfied crowd dining on their meals Consou said she hope the arrendance drops in the future as the need declines. Although they are also very much a part of our tradition. they can't be type cast as rigidly as the ThanJcsgiving turkey or Grandma's cranberry sauce. They not only share our human problems, but perhaps come to our table seeking the same comfort we do and are th ankful - as we are -that they have a place that isn't threatening. a place where they can feel the balm of love applied to their concern'>. So maybe a special measure of sensitivity and energy is called for this year to bridge the distance between the traditionaJ way we define the friends and family around our table and the people they have become since that defining was done. We will still reminisce and tell family jokes and descnbe adventures at work and sneak a look at the football games on 1V and perhaps throw a football around ourselves. The mother of four came to the SL Joachim lbank.sgiving feasr for those in need Wednesday and was thrilled to see a smorgasbord of clothes as well as a hearty meal ·11·., really nice whar they're doing -the food and giving us clothci.," Valdez said. This is the third year the parishioners have hosred the fea~t to share their abundance with the community, the Rev. Joe Robillard said. "Each year. it's gotten better." Robillard />aid. "The first year. we Ready, set, go Holiday travelers leave by planes, and some by trains, but mostly, they're in automobiles. Ottpa Bh1rath Daily Pilot NEWPORT· MESA -I lollday travelers are probably going to party longer thi" year. ··we anticipate a bu\)' travel sea· son," he said. "Our earners have particularty noticed an expanded travel window. People are seemingly leaving earlier and '>laying later.• Last year, 11 2.000 travelers passed through the airport between Wednesday and Sunday during Thanksgiving weekend. This year, that number is likely to increase. McCusker said. Early afternoon on Wednesday, passengers were sttll lrickJing in. had more food rhan people. La.'>I year, it was better organized. Thi~ year. we have toiletries and food." Co·chalr Regina Consoli i.aid th e church anUcipated ~rving more than 400 people Wednesday Those who came dined on a surnptuou!> feast of rurkey. stuffing, mashed potatoes. sweet potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce and PJvia Moreno brought her four children 10 the feast. "I think It's great: Moreno said. "I've never been 10 one of these." Fea~t orgamzers encourage parish children to help out during See FEAST, Pa&• A9 But while we're doing the dishes or walldng off the pumplcin pie or taking down tables or Idling with a glass of wine, we might be moved to See CURVE, Pase A9 Many residents Oying out of the area have left earlier this year and won't be comlng back untU after the holiday weekend, John Wayne Afr· port spokesman Justin McCusker 'laid. Jennifer Hoon of Long Beach, who was about to Oy 10 Seattle for her famlly gathering. Raid she was surprised that lhe terminals were MAAK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Travelers who have arrived at John Wayne Airport pick up their luggage S•• GO, Pae• A9 from the carousel at Terminal B on Wednesday afternoon. ps look into school threat Daily Pilot City will ask about olice and school officials. ve tig<itJon going on." AT A GLANCE role in JWA, harbor Police and school officials Robert Barbot. the superln· onfirm that a confirmed Wednesday that a tendent of the Newport-Mesa ON THE WEB: tudent's threat was Corona del Ma.r High School Uni8ed School District, was www.~com Newport council landmarks on and tn its bor- ent over the Net. studenr mode a "terrorist equally uMpectJlc. agrees to approach ders, poMlbly by even taking threat" last Friday. •1t was simply a threat.~ the WEATHER aver John Wayne Airport. Newport Beach police Sgt superintendent aaJd. "We are the county about The Oty C.Ounctl voted llt1 Herper 1nd Steve Shulman said hJ d part-not happy about lt, but h was Give thanks for the • more authority in unanimously on Tuelday to 1rtu O'Ntll ment was in ligating the Just a threat." beautiful day. create a committee to begin Uy Pilot thmit but did not Identify the Barbot ta.Id he heard the SeePqeA2 county services. talks with county leaden on boy and refused to conJlnn lf t})reat wu made via the IJ'lter· rour subjects: tidelands, the NEWPORT OP.ACH -Many tho tudent had been wen 1let but hacl yet to conftnn it. A SPORTS Jun• Cataarande Santa Ana Heights Redeve~ the C.Orona deJ M~ Into custody. stUdt'r'lt who had retelWd the Daily Pilot opment Agency, the Coyote ool campus att "We can't releate the naroe threat rcporttd It to IChooJ of· Thef• .,. "° t\H'tt:x:.. Canyon Landfill and the &1.r-• week wt a tudent's of the student b«au he Is a tidalS; and nltddle school Prin-amo~ N=clt· high NEWPORT BP.ACH -Oty port. The vote came am.ld lit· t<:hoo • foot II Orum reat or violence. rcponed to juvenile.• Shuhrian .Wd. ·we Cipal Brook Booth took appro-Team. officials will trike up a dia-tle discussion, with the only ve been Issued Wedneeday, can't go into tho det&Us of the prune actiona, Baibot said. SeeP11eBl logue wtth co\lnty leader& to volced objections oentertng thwarted by the quick. ac· threat or what statements were learn how the city might play n of 1tudellt1t paren and made becaUM there ls IUl In-SM THREAT, P .. • ~4 a blsger role ln controlling SMNIA.P•M '\' ~ ; J • PO.LITICS THE POLmCAL LANDSCAPE FU PHOTO I DM.Y PILOT A flight delay kept Corona del Mar resident Cristi Cristich from a debate for the 10th Assembly District candidates. Debate undone by plane delay Allcf 1 Robln1on Dally Pilot A forum Cor Republican candJdates ror the 70th Assembly District seat that was to be held Monday night didn't get off the ground because one of three expected candldates was •pparentJy till in the a1r. lbe Newport Beach Republlcan Allembly planned the forum at Coco's Restawant in Fashion Island and cand.ldates CJnd DeVon and Don w.grier were In attendance. But ca.ndJdate C:rlRI CNtlcb did not mab a promiaed appearance b«ause her Oight from Maine was delayed. Crlstich's campaign director Gina Zari said. Another candldate, Marlanoe 7Jppl. was Invited but declined to attend, sakl Newport 8e8ch Republican Assembly President ICu.rt Bngtllh. Group members would like to retehedule the forum if the candldates can agree on a date, he said. A chance to learn how safe you arc in your homeland Sixty-eighth Dlatrtct Assemblyman Ken Meddox will host a town hall meeting Tuesday to discuss the state of homeland security alnce the Sept. 11, 200 I, terrorist attacks. Officials from the FBI, the Callfomla Office or Emergency Services. the NaUonaJ Guard and the Orange County shertlf's departtnent and fire authority wW attend the meeting. It ls scheduled frorn 6 to 8 p.m. at Vanguard University, SmJth Hall room 101, 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. IA>n Wagner: He's everywhere you want to be 10th Assembly District candidate Qon Wagner announced the launch of his campaign Web ite on Tuesday. The sJte features biographical lnformadon, n list of Wagner's endorsementJ. a statement of his political platforms and a collection of his writings, Including an essay about a road trip he took with h1s son and book reviews. Vlewen of the site can also, of course, donate to W88Jler's campaign onllne. ln addJtlon to Visa and Mutereard, We.goer accepts American Express and Discover. ,_..,,ant In COtoN def Mer. Information: (Mt) 75&-2620 Cristich dials in 60 Gs from Anaheim fundraiser The public relations machine for one of Wagner's opponents. Qisti Qistich, sent word oo Tuesday that a recent fund.raising event hasted by Anaheim Mayor Oat~ netted more than $60,000 for Qistich's campaign. The event 1s apparently "the first ln a long line of fundraisers" to supply Crlsdch's campaign budget of nearly SI million. but there's no mention of whether she takes plastic. A poll by any other name would sound as sweet Orange County Supervisor Tom WU.On, a candidate for the 73rd Assembly District seat, issued a statement Wednesday announcing he Is endorsed by Los An.geles County Supervisor Mlchael D. Antonovich, a former Assemblyman. The statement also notes that "early polling" shows Wilson has •an almost Insurmountable 26-point lead· In the RepubUcan primary. in which he faces Jim Glbeon and Mlml Walten. ll doesn't say who conducted the poU, though. POLITICAL CALENDAR DECEMBER 7: Mboe 8ltY R,epublic:an Women f'-ederated wm hold• ~ng Home Tour & 9out1que• from 11 1.m. to 4 p.m. lnfonnatlon: (949) 723-«M7 party et 6 p.m. at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht C1ub. The epeclel guett will be USC Hall of Famer Anthony Davia. (949) 516-6677 JANUARY The Rtpublicen Centl'lll eomtmlM meeting It tradttlonellv not httd. I: Cristi Critticft fot AIMmbtV wtel hold I holiday celtbtatiOn Ind fund-reltlng reception et 6:30 p.m. et Five Crown• 10c Newport Hlfbor Repubflcan Women will hold• Chl1ttmat perty at 11 :30 e.m. at the 8alM>e B8Y Qub. lnfon'nltlon: (949) 79-3088 1t: The RepYbllcan Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting et 7 p.m. et the Sooth Cont Plaz.a Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa 17: 88'boe a.y ~blk:8n Women Fedetet9d will hold 1 Ctuistmu Boat Parade M .... Admlllion Is free, and all Republlcana are welcome. {714) 656-8556 DailyAPilot ~17,N0.331 ,....~ Gina Ale>l.endef, loft Anderton, Deni.I Hun\. P9ul Saltowftz. ~~ --lfNIF .,..... ..... Crlme and COUf1I nlC)Ofttr, (941)5~ ..,,..,.,..,..l«l"*-"Om J9NC1111 r Cr Newpoft 8eac:tl reponar, , .. )174-4m N'*~•l«lmeacom a.......,., ColumnlM, culture repot111r, (M9t57<M27& lollla.,.,.,,.,.llltl,,..oom .,... ......... Cotta Meea ...,,..., (IMtl ~21 ~,...,,.nelMlm-.oom .... O'Nll !ducetlon '9f)Ol'tllt. (949) ~ mlll'lf.&OMltelMlm# oom L..-Me New. ...i.c.nt. M) ~ RM.~•""1fJW.oom PHOTOORAPHER8 MM C. Dustin, Don Leid\, ~Tr.ptow MADEM HOT'UNE 19'81 842-eoe& Reootd your oommenta about th• 0.lly flllot or newt tlpe. AddllMa Our tddf'IM 11 330 w. Bay s1.. ea.ta Miu, CA 928:17. OtflOI hounl are Mondrf -Frtdrt. ~30 a.m. -5 p.m Coftl~OM It II the Pilon pollcy to promptly OOfftCt ... etron of ~!)stance. ....... oetllMll~ FYI Copyright No news 1torlea, lllu1tn1tlon1, edltorlal matt.er or advertl .. mems herein can be ~without written perrnieelon of copyright owner. HOW 10 AEAa4 US ~ The Tlmee Onlnge County 1aoo1 m -e1•1 ~ Q 1121\ed 19481 M2-M78 ~(948)842-4321 ~ ,.... (9'8) M2.fie80 ~(9'81574-4223 N9ws ,_ (9'8) MM170 .,.,.. ,.. (IMl) 9f!0.41'70 E.mal: df/fypllof eldmel.com Melf!Olloa ...... o.. (9491842-4321 .,._ r.. (IMS) S31·712e The~~Meu o.ltv Piiot IUSPS-144-tOOI II publllhed dell\'. In Newpon ~ and Cotta Miu, IUbaU\rldOfW 8f9 available ontv bY eubaetlbl09 to The Tlnw 0rMge County (IDOi 252·914tlnaraaeouttldaof • Ilg Newport INd\ •nd eo... MtM. · i es eubtcriptlont to the O.lly Piiot ere aveltlble on4Y by flnt c1-men tor '30 P9I' month. (Prtcee ll'ldude all appllca.,.. ttata •nd IOClll tax ... ) POSTMASTER: stn(f ~ cNngee 10 The Newport 8eedVCotta MM1 o.ifV Plto.. P.O. lox 1180, Cott.a MeM. CA 1292e. Publ~ by Tlmta Community Newt, a divltlon of the Loe~ Tlmet. C'l003 Tim.a CN. All rtohta ree«Wd. POLITICS ASIDE Not so fabulous anymore F or 25 )'Ml'I. govemlng. residents or NeWport Beach hid the fortune to be the dominant force In what came co be knownutbe "P&buloua fifth.· the county supervisor distttct that stretched along the coat from Newport to San Oemente. Gen. Tum O'Neil said he's not over-estimating his chances, wbJch be pointed out are limited by b1s lack or close ties to the county Republican Pany and personal wealth, as well as by his status as a former Newport Beach S.J. CAHN mayor who was notably Riley and then Marian Bergeson provided the city's power punch to county government That all changed In December 1996 when Gov. Pete Wtlson appointed Tum Wilson to replace Bergeson when she became the state's top education offidal. Wllson, the first non-Newporter in the seat slnce 1971, lmmedJatelyvowed to fight plans for an airport at El Toro, establishing the dlvldlng line in the county that still awaJts rapprochement. With th.at, the Newport-dominated Fabulous Flfth wa.s pretty much over. The nail In the already-closed coffin came two yean ago after the 2000 Census. Because of the growth of South C:Ounty's population, the 5th District, with Wilson sdll at its helm. ah.lfted truly south during redistricting. reaching only as far as Newport Coast Drive. Newport was suddenly with Costa Mesa in the 2nd District. Even more poHdcally Important, Newport now sh.ares a district with Huntington Beach, which -whether you thinJc it's a well-run city or can stand up to Newport's cache - has about three times Newport's population. With that population comes voters. and with voters comes Influence. The potential scope of Huntington's ln.Ouence started to crystalllze this month when 2nd District Supervisor Jim Silva, a former Huntington Beach mayor, and Assemblyman Tum Hannan. who represents Surf City, essentially acknowledged that they plan to swap seats in 2006 when Harman ls termed out of his Sacramento dlgs. It's a powerful one-two punch, not only because both have the strength of incumbency but because they are famWar names in voter-heavy Huntington. 1\vo other names I've heard attached to a 2006 supervisor run are Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan, who's publicly stated his Interest, and former Newport Beach Mayor Dennis O'Neil, who has been quietly mulling a run. Monahan said he'd "relish the chance" to head into an election Oght with Harman, but that his decision to run will be based on factors other than Harman's candldacy. "It's just liU these guys can't get a real job," he said of legWatora who are going from state to local seats, adding that given the mess he sees the state ln, he wonders why they would want to return to local pro-El Thro airport "I think it will be a long time before Newport bas another supervisor," be said Plus. O'Neil noted, Newport is now a small piece to the district "I don't think Newport Beach has the political ln.Ouence it once had,• he said, while adding that such power ebbs and Oows. Seemingly, that power has ebbed for the time being. Where Newport will always have ln.Ouence is In the pocket book. of course. An extremely well-financed candldate from the city could best an open field by sheer strength of spending. Such an election would break down into a terrific internecine battle. We'll have to see if the powers-that-be are able to avoid such a brawl In 2006. A VIEW FROM SACRAMENTO On another front. I received a first-hand account of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenneger's inauguration from Corona del Mar's laura Dietz. "It went off without a perceptible hitch," Dietz told me in an e-mail. "The clouds kept the sun off the crowd, who was told to aMemble early." Security, she added, was incredibly tight "They even confiscated my towel (just in case the seats were wet), which is a first, at least for me." she said. Dietz also saw at least one reporter of note: "Judy Woodruff of CNN was wearlna-a red suit, chatting away with everyone she could, like columnist Dan Walters." And then, there was this: "Almost humorously, during a very quiet moment during the ceremonies. I and others felt a little shaking of the platform, concluding that it was a very, very mild earthquake as there was no other visible reason for the 'swaying,'" she said. "Overall, though, the ceremony was, as suggested, 'low key,' and the content of Arnold's speech was excellent," Dietz said. Dietz also was impressed by the non-Republican in the Schwarzenneger home. "The reading or a poem by Maya Angelou by 'Mrs. Arnold' -Marfa Shriver -was something or a surprise. (I don't know historically if other first-ladles-to-be dld the same thing, making some comments during the swearing In ceremony)," Dietz said "They are a very Intelligent. savvy couple.· • S.J. CAHN Is th• managing editor. He can be readied et (949) 574-4233 orbye-mallat s.j.cahnlllatimn.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Happy Thanksgiving. It ahoold be aunny with hlgha between 73 end 78. Th• wln<b wlll blow out of the nofthea.t et 10 to 20 mph. Tonight will be partly doudy with Iowa from 48 to 54. The wlnd9 wlll be out of the n<>rtheMt at 1round 10 mph. lnfonnetlon: www.nws.no...gov BOATING FORECAST The wlnde wlll be out of the northelat •t 1 S to 20 lcnota with 3-foot wevee neer the coett In the momlng . ~ ... the wlnde wlll be 10 ~.coming out of the WMt In the 1ftemoon. n,. WIVM wlll lhrink to 1 foot on 1WMteweffof3 to 5 ..._ Tonight, the wlndt wftl be Vlrilbl9 It 10 lcnotl 0t ltet. flf'thw out. the wlndt wlll be out of the not1Mill It 10 tO 16 knot• and will become t0utherfy et 10 knot• In the afternoon. The wave• will be 2 feet or tmaller on 1 northwett SW911of6 to 7 fHt. Tonight. the wind• wlll be out of tho southeut et 10 knota. SURF TIDES T1ftM 12:288.m_ 4:291.m. 10:611.m. 8:3&p.m. ........ 3.?efHt high 2.74 feet low 8.24 feet high -G. n feet tow WATER TEMPERATURE eoc1eg,... Giving a little to the victims Newport-Mesa schools collect toys and books for victims of last month's fires. MulH O'Nell Daily Pilot Whal started as an Idea to brighten the holidays for some of the youngest fire victims grew inlo a massive drive that sur- prised even its organiz.ers. The Harbor Council PTA ear- lier lh1s week delivered two truclts full of toys, books and stuffed anJrnals lo children in San Bernardino, many or whom loiu everything in the raging fire- ~torms last month. PTA officials set up drop-offs al Newport- Mesa district schools and got more than Ibey bargained for when they delivered the toys. •When we ftnt started (the ldeaJ, we thougbt the two or us could Just take the seats out of ow minivans aod take a couple Joads up,• Harbor Council PTA President Patty Olrlstiansen saJd of herself and co-President Ellen Cacroll. "Then we ended up with these two trucks filled to the brlm. When we pulled up with those trudcs and they could see they were full, they were like: 'Oh my gosh. I can't believe IL'. All the donations will go to help the children who lost every- thing to fire, smoke or water damage. As many as 400 chil- dren will benefit, saJd Kat Schall from the Fifth District PTA in San Bernardino County. Al one school. llO students were displaced. ScbaU saki Her family lives In OeJ Rosa, only a few blocks from one of the burned-out areas. She put a call out for heJp after taking a walk through one of the devasuued areas. "We've been Dooded with e- mails from people who wan! to help," Schall saJd. •The F<>urth District PTA (which includes the Harbor Council PTAI has been the best. I can't believe how many people came through.• The Harbor Council PTA got involved after Newpon Heights Elementary School parent Gail Standt approached her schools PTA about helping the fire vic- tims. Hamor Council stepped ln and set up drop·off points at al· most every district school Newport Heights students also made cards and drawings and wrote letters to the fire victims. Standt said they had them bound and are presenting them to the Fifth District PTA for the students to read. Four pa.rents picked up all the Items from district schools last week and dropped them off at Christiansen's home. OonaUons included new and nearly new books, rays, bicycles. scooters and construction sets. •The Inside of my house was filled. my driveway was ftlled, stacked seven feet hJgb with boxes.· Christiansen saJd. ·we had a mountain of donations. ft was a great, feel-good day, a great opportunity for us In New- port-Mesa who have so much to give somethlng back.· ·students offer view of tribal life Students at Wilson Elementary School listen and learn about Native Americans from their fellow fifth-graders. Mar isa O'Neil Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -N>rty stu- dents, a couple of teachers, some fish, a buffalo and a bear filled the multipurpose room al WI.I- son Elememary School th.is week. Carol Redford's class hosted the as.'>embly about Native Americans for the other ftfth- grade classes. re-creating differ- ent a'>pects of uibal life. Paper fish and students in wild animal costume helped complete the lesson. "She gave us lime 10 gel ready. and we started studying about Indians: said 10-year-old Maria Munoz. a student in Redford's class. ·we made th1s all ow- selvcs. • F..ach of the four groups in Redford's class represented a dif- ferent geographical area and lfibe. Munoz's tribe came from the Mississippi River area. On the Ooor in front of them, they had a large piece of paper with a wide, blue slfipe painted down the middle 10 represent the river. Fish made from paper floated ln the middle. Students from another claS-' crowded around the station and listened intently as Munoz and her group described MlssissJppi lndians' foods, clothing. housing and culture. The women of the tribe cooked beans. pumpkins and squash. she said, while the men did the hunting and fishing. Jose Naranjo, 10, displayed his fishing prowess by throwing a spear made from a stick. hJlting a fish square in the gills. The students watching the 1\Jesday morning presentation filled out their assignment sheets, which asked questions ahoul each lfibe. Letting her cl~ research and present the material for other students provided an unusual learning experience. Redford BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS I I Schoolbooks on display for public consideration Textbooks under considera- tion by the Newport-Mesa Uni- fied School District are on dis- play through Jan. 28. The public may view the Eng- lish, home economics and physi- cal education books being con- sidered. The textbooks are for seventh through 12th grades. wworld Literature" by Susan w. Albert. published in 2001 by Holt Rinehart Winston, is being con- sidered for Tun Popstiff's 12th grade English class al Costa Mesa High School. ~culinary Fs- HOLIDAY CLOSURES These are some or clo- sures Cor the Thanksgiving holiday: • Costa Mesa City Hall is closed today and Friday. • Newport Beach City Hall and all library branch- es will be closed today and Friday (or the ThanbgMng holiday. • nasb pickup will not take p lace today but wW re- sume Friday. •Newport-Mesa Unified schools and district offices Tonk Divon a.re closed today and Fri- day. • Costa Mesa Police De- partment's front desk wW be closed today, but people can call the bus!neas line at (714) 754~5255. • Newpon Beach Police Department's front desk will also be closed today . VlsJ tots can still get In the building by calllng from a telephone outside. An offi· cer wllJ come up to the front desk to take report& f!Olll '2,600 ID 133,.AOO TitAn1 ~~ f'••hlon l•l•n•·H•w111ert •••o h •4•1111·f0t0 TM .... M fll8nGM~ & fll~-Cw11ion•t ~NIOIMll !'-~------~~------~~------~--~~~~ .... ' -y sentials." published in 2002 by Glencoe McGraw-Hill, is being considered for Janel Du1ces' culi- nary arts classes at Newport I !ar- bor High SchooL "Fi tness for Life* by Olarles Corbin and Ruth Lmdsey, published by Human Kinetics in 2002, is being consld- ered for Julianne Nielsen's phys!- ~ct About 90% of them speak Ebglish as a second language. making the assignment an even greater challenge. But students doing the presen- tations clearly, if sometimes qui- etly. explained their respective tribes. And a little play-acting helped Uven things up. As the Pacific Northwest tribe told students about thelr local wildlife, 10-year-old Alberto Pe- rez. an animal slcin thrown on his back. crawled around on all fours. ca1ctung paper fish with his mouth. A hunter, l l-year-old Jose Tejeda, felled him with a spear and look hJs skin for cloth· ing. He then showed off his kill, pa- rading the fur in front of the stu- dents. who giggled with delight. cal education classes at ~tancia High School. The books will be on display from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Sanborn Instructional Media Center at 2985-C Bear SL in Costa Mesa. Call (714) 424-7551 for an ap- pointment. Thursday, November 27, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every MonJay Cr TuaUy 6.?J>m Stab• Seafood • Cocktatls ••°Quality Scrricle•• ... Nightly EatauiAmcn~·· 1 .. , u ...• ,. ,,,,,,,,~ (.di (9 ·t9) (1•!6 7 '>1•·• lh'>'l '"'"' '" '' "'"' ""' .. l I• t "\f, I• > ' • 11H h. , .. l• I I ttl • PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS O>yote spotted in east Newport Reskknts nev Broad· way and Raymond and l 9th •~ reportedly w a coyute roaming around ln thctr nellth· borbood on WcldnctlCL&y aftemoon. llte aulnw was re- ported walking on ~ 111.reiet at a.bout 12:05 p nl.. Coil• Mesa ~lie~ l.t. Du.le Btrney saJd. Anim&I Control oakm 1 ponded to tht cAll. bul 'ouJd not Ond tht! coyote, hesaJd. Coyotta Cini ('l>fllnlflll In the east side of the city because of che Back Buy rest.>rve, omaals taJd. but rhe coyote ls abo very 111uch a.n urban animal. and nw1y can be e«n rnmfortably lytng down un front yards or walld"3 down a ~dential 5treet. Tu J)rotttt smaU pets {1om coyote anads. om- l iu.li say, n:sidt'.nts must l\eep thetr pets indoors at nJI Um~ and new!r leave rood or masil tying urolUld In their yards. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Anton~: Grand theft waa reJ)Of'ted In the 500 blode 1112:13 p.m. Tuesday. • w..t....., S1rMt Md Colege Awnue: A tratric ocddent Involving lnjuri.a w .. reported 11t 4:06 p.m. Tuesday. • 8ttstof Street: An auto theft wn repof'ted in the 3300 bk>dc at 1:45 p.m. Tuelday. • Fe!Mew Roetd: V11ndallam was reparted '" the 2700 bk><* et 11 :28 o m. Tuesday. ·Joenn~and ~~:Graffiti was reported et 2:48 a.m Tllelday. • 6ou1h Coat Ottve: A hit-end-run wet '9J)Orted In the 1400 blodc at 10:53 11.m. Tuelday. • Eut 17th StrMt Pwt1y theft w .. reported In the 100 blodc at 2:44 p.m Tue.day. • w..t 19th Str-Mt: Petty theft Ml reported in the 800 blode at 10:47 a.m Tuesday NEWPORT BEACH • ~endN9wpott Ridge DIM w..t: Vondall.m wa1 ~rted ot 8:42 a.m. Tuetday. • Dov. DIM: Battery waa reported In the 700 blode et 41>5 p.m Tuelday. • Newport c.nter Dwtw: Potty theft waa reported In rhe 1100 bfodc at 10:68 o m. Tueadey. •Pllltt~~A hit ond·run was reported In the 1200 blodc at 12:19 a.m. llHtsday. ·~~ Trespesalng wn r9PQrted m th. 1500 bk><* et 7:55 a.m. Tu...S.y. • W..tdff °""9: A hlt ... nd-run wn reported in the 2100 blodt at 11 :24 a.m. Tuesday. '5&1/u O({arz: ~~ 90-6H.H77 THREAT Continued from Al "\Ok 119 doing on lnvcst.iguOOI~ ound'f'el. • Bad>ot Mid. •A tu· dent made IOID ~ta. There no rcallry to lt. ~ a cwnor ot a gun. but that l~ tho • No sun was brought ull c:run. J>UJ. and no f'l.uther actJon wot$ mun by tht Jludt:nt after the lnJ UaJ threet, Bo.rbot wtld. Ille pat· enu of the boy were vt:ry w opcrativt-. he AA.Id. JWA Continued from Al around du: lnnJflll. "Why would you want a land fiU With tremcndoU:f li,thlHty?• 4Uk.td ~ldent Madelene Aruke- llM, who ran for office last y~ar llS a Grcenlight c1mdlda1e. Mayor Steve Bromberg a:.· AROUND TOWN • Send AROONO TOWN Item• to the Dally Piiot. 330 W. ~ St.. Costa Meu, CA 92S27; by .-mall to lul•.1»Nf!Jl•linln.oom; by fax to 1949) 846--4170; or by celllnv 1949) 67M298. lncludo the time, date and l~tion of iht event. •• well aa • con111Ct phone number. f'RtoAY ni.... will a,. a~­ Thanbglvlng sale at the Orange County Martet Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 111 the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admisalon writ be free. There will be an artisans' and crafters' comer, photos wirh Santa Cloua and seasonal entertainment. SATURDAY The Onnge County Colony of Mayflower Oeaoendanll will have Ill annual Comp&ci Day Luncheon al 10:30 e.m. 11t lhe Holiday Inn 3131 Soulh Bristol, Cotta Mesa. Anyone who Is detoonded from one of the 26 known heada of families can joln. lnlormatlon· 1949) 548-6871, http:l..WWW.ocmayflower.org. M part oC Spa Gf'l90'ie'a customer appreciation month, It wlll have a customer comp day In wtilch two cf lent.a will get their a&Mcet f~ fn1e at 200 Newport c.nter Dtfve. Information and rflOf"letlons: (949) ~72 SUNDAY TI-.~County Ch•~ of the Swedish Women'• Educational Assn. will have ii• annual Swedish Christmas event, which promotes Swedi•h tradition• at 11 a.m. in the Coate Mue Neighborhood community center, 1845 Part Ave. The coat wlll be S2 for children younger than 16 and $5 for adults and older teenagers. Information: UM9) 788-2734, httpJlwww. dlapttHS-swea.orglorangBCOunty. As patt of Spa Gf900rie'1 c:uatomer appreciation month, It wlll have a Teena and Tween• Day at 200 Newpart Center Drive. There will be froo skin care clinlca and do--lt·youn;elf foot treatments, masque• and hair maaqoos. e.cti for SS. Information and reM!Vetlona: (9'9) s.&4-667 2. MONDAY South eo..t Plaza wUl hew lta 218' 1nnual Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6 p.m. at Town Center Partc. adjacent to the Wectln South Coast Plaza. The 90-foot wtllt'e fir will bo adomed by 15,000 llghta, The ceremony will fMture the All Amertc.n eov. Chorul end an appeorance by hOnOratV emcee, J.nnlftr Vofic from KTLA-1¥ A l'nMttng In~ of Oemocretlc ptetJdtntlal (;lndJciate Weslev K. Clartt will be held at 7 p.m. et the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Co11a Met.a. VoluntMf'I will lhaNt lnformotlon and Clar1t'a position• on key • I lllO Buon D l • Newport Buch , .. J~9M.-) ..,..,.. ..... ~24. 29 oJ Jt)lj/ Gt s-'lliJJ -,.,,,, ~G+f.,,., ., ... M-. SttnY S.llnl ,.,,,.., • /Wtltli 10:00 .... -1:00 ,. .. ~llkOl.r.a-1.#f:.• ~ ll:# ,.. ... -.J:IJO ,... • """"~ ,_,.,~,.,__,...,,,.,,,..,_ -~·,..."""' The IJllJC the conct'f1 of other par:mts. who ~ to ~ about tho In tknt from their chlkJren or otJlef ~n~ OfDdals did 1101 fomuilly 1wtlfy IMU'Cnts of the threat. A ComM dtl M.u rather, whose 11~ not to be klentJfted be- en~ hlJ M>ll wa aUC'ftcdly l ed a! a ~t of the auiaclt. lldtl oc.htr pwt·11t11 cnl.led hlm the ~ of Nov 21 tu wnn1 him of possfb threats ~~ his *Jn. I le Im· nM:Jiarcly got ou the phone wlt.b tJ1t· Nc:wport Beach Pollet' and got in touc.:h with tl1e detet:tl~ han· tlli11g the <:aM". t le snld IM: W1l't surw her that the talks would he Je1;ig11ed to w •lsh th" pma •inJ cons of the city ploying an active role in the county facill· Li~. 111cloJl11g whether co take over maint11lnlng the methllne produd.ng site. "Wc'ft' not 111.kJ11g over nuy- t111ng righc now,· Uromberg o;uid. "Whal we're trying to do here l'I find answers to ques- tiuu'\. • Issues. Information: info tlvolunteersforclark.com, http://www.meetup com A town hall meeting on homeland security will be from 6 to 8 p.m. at Vanguard University'• Smith Holl Room 101, 56 Fair Drive. Assemblyman Ken Maddo1e, Costa Mesa Councilmen Alen Mansoor and Michael S<:heafer, California Notional Guard Maj. Gen. Paul D. Monroe Jr., Costa Fire Chief James M. Ellis and representatives from the Orange County Sheriffs Department, California Office of Emergency Services and the FBI will be on hand. WEDNESDAY The Antl-.SAT movement will hold a meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. In the ASB room at Corona del Mar High School. There will be guest speakers, an open forum for comments and questions, ond an outline for lmplementtng llducatronal refonn. Students, parents. and tead1ers are welcome to attend. Information Amanda Rubenstein, (949) 719-\756 DEC.4 The Otefl9• County Chapter of Childhelp USA will have 11 holiday boutique end lund1eon al 10 a.m. In the Hyatt Regency. 17900 Jamboree Blvd., Irvine. For reservations oontact Nancy Whillodt at (949) 548-4228. The Chuck Jones Oallefy •n the Atrium Court of Fashion Island will prKOnt an exhibl1ion of art of the animated film •or. Sou11' How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with voloe actreff June Foray and animation producer and director Phil Roman. The exhibition wlll be from 6 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery la at 401 Newport C•nter Drive lnf01mation: (949) 769-0758, http:lt\Nww.dlu<*jones.com The Onnge County Coalition for Youth will host "Let Your Voice Be Heard• from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at the Coata Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Part, Costa Mesa. The event la to let youth voice their concerns, talk about l11ues and to influence policy decisions. Information· rletl#edd.c. gov. "-p4N1 of Spa Gregode'1 cuttomer appreciation montrt, It wlll have a repreaontatlve from B Kamin• on hand to perform mini facials ond aldn analysis from 11 e.m . to 6 p.m Tho mlnl·faclals cost $50 with a $20 coupon toward 8. Kamlna productl pt.tf'dlase on the same day. Information end reaervetlon.: (949) 844-6672 DEC.6 TI-. Costa Mele Men's Club will aponaor the Fairview ~tel Tournament benefltJng Fairview Devek>prnental Center at the Coat.a Mesa Golf & Country Club The entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both day1. Information: (949) 646-2886,(949) 903-9090 ~&hoot wll.,......,,. lta Wlnttt Festlvel from 3 to 6 p.m. at 2360 Cenyon Orfw. Thore will bo MllONI cnrft making. music, thMter and lntem.ilonel food Thtf'f wlll bee "omlnal charge et tM gtte. lnformatlon: (949) 574-n34. Tlwt Antet.ta. Pnlywt 8tHlcfal1 wfll be efttrthe 8'.30 a.m . ma11 at Our Ledy Outen of Angelet, 2048 Mar VIS1e Dftvo. ni. prayer ~•11 will feature gunt ...-ker Madelin• Tucci Tannehill, founder of •Gary's ~ace for KJds. ii.. w411 be a po4nnttle p&ant At. eftM the bf'uldaat. The bnlKf91t It aponaortd by the C.u Te,.. Foundt,. Guf Id.'"'-cost It a S16 donation. lnformetion: (949) 94().0886. Thec.t,..,.~. w11 ...... cntmploritNp end houtehold pee cat ehow from 10 e.m, toe p.m. tt m. Orange Cou"'Y FV • ~ Cif'lter. The evtnt wtl fMture uP tom of the~ "'*"~Catt wtfl be there 0 hungry flJf any lnfonuo.tlou he CO\iJd >Ut hb ton's cty and polotcJ 1ha1 this lhoddng news au11e f1u111 a frfeod. n I an officlol l'rom the dblrld ur the fJOl!Cf\ ckp.1rtmcnt. "lw been on the µhunc With Ille police wuy too much latdy." h "3.ld. IW Money. p~ldt>11t of the Co- rona dd Mar Pun.-nt fr-Jcher Assn.. hnd aJso hcwd about the t.hteat ~ :t network or par- ents and stude111c l>11t> called high school Prindpul Sharon Fry on Tue$day to see what WWI be- ing done about It. 'l\lesc.lay's vote creatL-d the Sphete l u~ O>nlmhtt'l', LOm· pos~-d of Bromberg .ind <:Uu11- cilmen Tud RJdgewoy and John 1 lcffernan. 1 he \'Otnmluec wlll send n Jetter to c·oumy repre- sentatives ask.lng them to nu .. ~t to discuss ways that the city might play a role i11 the four is· sues city leaders say foll Into the Newport Beach's "sphere.• Bui how far those talk.<. could along with rescue cats and kittens looking for 11 home lnformetton- (858) 455-9390. National Untwntty's c.nter fOf' Cultural end Ethnic Studies will present "The Allure and Significance of Body Art from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd. lnformetion (714) 429-54-08, lzukas@nu.sdu. P*-naken' annual Christmas Fair will be from 9 o.m to 4 p ni. There will be over 175 bouths of top artists with unrque handcrafted items mcludmy hve music, food end entertainment lnformatioll' (714164 t 311 2, http://www.p1ecemalct>rs 1:0111 OEC.7 The Cat Fanciers AHn. will have a dlampionship and household pet cat show from 9 o. m. to 5 p rn al the Orange County Fe1r & Ex.position Center The evelll wrll feature up to 225 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along with rescue cats and kittens looking for a home. lnformalton: (8581455-9390 P~aken' annual Christmas Fair will be from 9 a.m to 4 p m Dec. 6 and 7. There will be over 175 booths of top ortis1s with unique handcrafted Items including live music, food and entertainment Information. (7141 641-3112. http:llwww piocemalcers wm The Costa M.sa Meff1 Club wlll si;onsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. The entrance fee will be $75 Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090 The MYenth annual Balboa laland Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 o m to 4 µ. m at Balboa Island Tidte11 cost S2U lnformotlon. (949) 673-4280 The city of Newpart Beech'• 14th annual Winter Wonderland will take place from 10 o.rn. to l p.m. at Groot Howland Pork, 5111 Avenue and Iris Avenue Thero wlll be more than 30 tons of snow dumped onto the grounds for the en1oyment of the community There will be 1tc11v1tles such as winter carnival games alor'Y with Santo lnformalloll' (949) 644 3151 OEC.10 Body Design wlll ofter a free seminar and demonslratlon on the latest tecnnology on cellulite treatments from 7 to 8 p.m. 111 100 Newport Center Orfve. Tho event ia presented by Mary Oellene. a massage therapist Information end registration; 1949) 722 3555. getfit@bodydosiQn rv. Hoag Holphal wiR heve an evening lung cancer support group dl1et111lon about ~coptng with the Holidays• from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoeg Cencor Center, Conference Room A. Information (94?) 780-5542. DEC.11 The Campus Con.aguet"' Orengo Coa11 College will hold a lunctieon to raiae funct. for the OCC Dlaabled Studonta Center from 11 e.m. to 2 p.m. et OCC There will be enton•lnment pt<>vlded by Ty1er Hoff ond Klro Klro, wtio wlll be pl eying with the Hany and Grece St"lo Children Center. The co1t It S9.60 per Ptreon. Information: •tlMl<Mrdtint hotmail.com DEC.12 ~ l*1d end Sttre&7 Rlldio Will tio.t a holiday toy drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In Bloomlngdalo'• Counyord. CultC>n'*t af9 encouraged to drop off en unwrtppod n4tN toy to be ptec.d undtf th• Feshlon I.tend ChrtatmN trio. Information: (948) 721·2000. hoP~thopf1.i11on1.,.nd. ciom. Tht ....... 9wmPI ..... ~ frteodt •upport group Fry ured Money that Boodl had "dcAlt wil.h It and evtt)'thing b.nJ been haJld.led.. Mo11ey aeJJ. Cowll! !ors wt:rc lovolvN In ~ procos, as weU as thl" student's paumts. &lw wW. ··111e lmp~lon I got w:i.s that II was u cry for help.• Money said. Mon~-y. O.-ubot and the father said they wt>re ~i~io-d that sru- denb repo1 ted the lllcident tu of· fic:Ws. w the proper liteps could bt-taken 111e PfA pre Jt•nt said she'd herud trom her soun.~ lllAt the stuc.lent wumed he would carry out hl'I threat on Wednesday. go L'I anybody's guess. In the most cittreme scenario, It could even mean the city taking uver operntiou of John Wayne Air· purl. Uut first, local leaders would have tu prove to the Board of Super"isors that the plan would be l>e1wfidaJ for the city and rhe county County Supervisors Jim Silva am.I fom Wil/.011 IMve both said they would be willing to sit will meet st 7 p.m at Cocos, 2750 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 65<>-1212. 1714) 491-9400 DEC.21 Fa&hion Island w\11 hol1 tta annual Menorah Lighting Ceremony at 3 p.m. at Bloomingdale's Courtyard. The event will be hosted by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Chabad Jewish Center In Newpart Beacf'l. Information: (949) 721·2000, http J!Www.shopfashionisland com DEC. 22 The Orange County Mll'ket PfaC9 will hold its Holiday Morket Pla<:e from 7 a m. to 4 p m at the Orange County Faugrounds Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and crefters' corner, photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment . The Environmental Nature Center will presenr a Holiday Craft Woritshop in whidl participants can create their own special holiday season gilts for family and friends usmg a venety of materials from 9 a m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information· (949) 645-8489. DEC.23 The Environmental Natl.Ire Canter wrll presenr a Holiday Crall Workshop in which participants can create therr own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a vanety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 matenals fee . l11forma1ton: (949) 646-8489. OEC.24 The Environmental Nature Center wrll present a Holiday Craft Worttshop rn which participants can create therr own special holiday seaaon gifts for family and friends usrng a variety of matetials from 9 o.m . 3 p.m. The cost is S 140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 m&terials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. OEC.26 The Environmental Natl.Ire Cenwr will present 11 Hohd11y Craft Workshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends usrng a variety of materials from 9 a.m . 3 p.m . The cost is $t40 per student with a 10% discount for membera. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-3489. ONGOING The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your publrc speaking skills or polish your boslness presentations. Mern.bera come from a variety of professional disciplines ond badcgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m . at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newpart Beach. Validated perking i1 ovollable In the perking structure next to 24 Hour Atne11. Guests are welcome. For moNt information, cell (949) 721-6732. Sole Comfort and L.aun4a Houte have teamed up to help thOM '" neod by collectlng Iha.. from Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfort. Corona del Mor Ptau, 836 Avocado Ave. laurt't House la committed to ending the cycle of domestic vloleoce tnd strengthening femllloa. Information; (949) 644-6939, The Newport Beech Pubfk Ubrery It holding tt. holiday food drive through Dec. 12. Thort will be Shere Our Solv .. blnt at the llbrery for donatlona of canned goods end non-perl~ • Donation• ca" bo dre>ppod off dllrlng rogular llbrery houra: trom 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thufldly; from 9 e.m. to a p.m. Friday end Sfttrday end from noon to 6 p.m Sunday. lnformatfon: (N9) 717-3801. South CoNt,... wit.,.._. ... "They made a threat.. and that b b.&d enough.· l\art>ot said. "We wwu to stop (anydling f1on1 hQp-penlutcl and get &0me help for hlm. • • LOUTA HARPER Wfttet cotumna Mondaya. Wednesdays and Fridaya. She may be re&elled at (9491 67..,.275 or bV .-mail at lolita.hM'per ladrnes..com. MARISA O'NEILOOV«seduaitlon and may be reed\ad ll (9'91 !57-M268 or bv e-mail at marlsa.onell lat1mes.com. Reporter Deepa Bharath oontrlbYted to this stol)'. down and talk with Newport Beach representaLJves. But Silva said he had some serious con· cerns about tinkering with what he described as one or the best- run airports in the country. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.cssogrsndt1ifl!latlmes.com. Santa's VIiiage through Dec. 24 at Carousel Court. Shoppers can make crafts at the Alpine Wood Shop, Holiday Trimmings Shop and the Village Bake Shop. The cost varies per craft. Information: (714) 435-2083. http://WWW.southcosstplsza.com. South Com Plaza will have its famous carousel transformed from horses to Santa's reindeer until Oec. 28. The cost for a ride is $1. Information: (714) 435-2083, http://WWW.southcoastplaza.com South Coast Pfau wiU have Santa's Express Train running through Jen 4 at the Crate & Barrel/Macy 's Home Store wing on Level 2. Information: (714) 435-2083, http:l!Www.southcoastplsza.com. Th• Newport-M au aibbage dub meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mer. The cost is $2. Information: (949) 646-5293. Pastor Hefn Austin leads a Blble study on "How to Become a Contagious Christian" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 377 W. Wilson St., No. 15 in Costa Mesa. All are welcome to come and meet new friends. Information: 1949) 722-7498. The Aet.U of Ot.nge County meets at 7 p m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Church. 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Eadl month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. Macy's in Coa1AI Meaa Invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for paruc1patton in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct 4. To receive an application to participate. call (7141556-0611, e1et. 4231. Voge cfHH• wlll be offwed Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at Wes1 Newpart Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class eacf'l week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, cell (949) 644-3151. Col1a Meta'• Recreation Division will provide a throe-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m .. Salurdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist of lundVdinner, games, crafts, prizea, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $260 or $300. For more Information, cell (714) 754-5158. Five MW wirM9 wtll a,. Hf'Vld on Bayside Re1tet.rrent'I temtce overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The COit .. S16 per person. For lll<>r9 lnfonnatlon, call (949) 721-122.2. A VIMty of pdwtia, aeml..prtvat. •nd group swim latons will be offered thi• summer at the Marien BerQetOn Aquatic Center at Corona del Mor High Sdlool.. Optlone Include one-on.one lnatructlon on Sarurdaya and a Monday through Thurldey program for afl ages and levela. For eeulon dat ... tlrna and OOl18, call (949) 644-3161. or register In peraon et Ntwpon 8Mch ~ .. tJon and S.nlot S.rvlcea et 3300 Newport Blvd. CNldr9n, tetns llnd ..... an now register for tumrM<f ~tlonal boating du ... offtrtd through Newport Bead'I AtcreetJon Servlcn. o ..... begin Juty 12. Fen vary. Call (949) &44-3151, or vlalt the Newpon a..dl Recreation end Senior SeMcll 1 3300 Newport OM. for moN lntonn.tJon. T -, - Thursday, Noven'ber 21. 2003 A5 FORUM HOW 10 GET~ -UDln: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the OaUy Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ANders HotfiM: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 6464170 E-mal:Send to dail)'pllor@latima.oom • All con-espondenoe must lndude full name, home10Wf'I and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submlaslooa for darity and length. EDITORIAL We've come along way T he first American Thanksgiving feast was celebrated over a three-day period in 1621 in Plymouth, Mass., with European senJers sitting down with about 90 Native Americans to mea.ls consisting mostly of wild game and fish. Tite fact the settlers were eating anything at aU was probably the greatesl cause to celebrate that year -the first winter in Massachusetts had wiped out fully half of the original Plymouth colonists. It was a far different time of thanks in America than we find today. The gratitude expressed around the turkey in 1621 pretty much involved the very basics, such as "Boy, am I thankful I didn't gel the smallpox thls year," and "Boy, am I glad I didn't starve or freeze to death last January,'' and "Gee, am I gralcful I m11 faster than Bob when that bear was chasing us." Times have changed considerably since then, as have tJ1e kinds of fortunes for whkh Newport-Mesa residents can COW1t themselves lharikful. 1 here is, for sure. more to be grateful for Ulan the gift of life. We can be gralefuJ for a vast nelwort of volWlteers who provide goods and services for families and people who are faced with low incomes or who are homeless. Volunteers deliver lunches to senior shut-ins, not just on holidays, but throughout the year. Other volun1eers coordinate fund-raisers tha1 benefit Uleir churches. the YMCA and local schools to supplement educational materials and equipment Year-round, volunteers help the American Cancer Society and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation by donating clothing and running in Ule annuaJ Race for the Cure. At the holidays, they add toys and gift certificates to lhe li!>I l.ocaJ service groups raise funds so lhal local charities cru1 continue helping the homeless and less fortw1a1e, pulling together literacy projects for young and old, alike, and running programs for the developmentally disabled. And we can be grateful thal we live in a comrnuJ\ity thal prides itself on its commiunent to maintaining its quality of life and ensuring this is one of the bes1 places to live /\s we sit down to whatever feast we've prepared for ourselves, let's hold one anotller's hands and say it Ii.kc we mean it: loday. I'm glad 10 live in Newport·Mesa." I fappy Thanksgiving, everybody. READERS RESPOND A cornucopia of gratitude AT ISSUE: Readers write in to say what they are grateful for this Thanksgiving season. I am thanlcful for my 1wo wonderful daughters. Page and Megan, who bring my husband and I joy each day. 1l1ey are born kind and caring children and fun to be wilh every day. I am thankful that my husband, Mark. Is able to stay home with them and care for them so they don'1 huve to go to day care. Mart is on disability witll extreme bad pain and degenerative discs, and although It pains him just to get out of bed, he goes on with his day the best he can for Ule girts. They are hts life's modvatJon. I believe Ule girls benefit having Mad: at home with them. and it gives me peace of mind U\at lnce I have to wort. they are with him. ram thankful for my extended f'nmUy as weU, my mom and Prank. sister Krista and her husband Dave, and my in-laws Virginia and Don S. LAUR1EKEYS Newport Beach Adot8ble P.JldchDdren, good health, fall color and the ancJdpatlon of good tbJngs to come are aome or th~ things J 'm thankful Cor thl• Th4nksgivtng seuon. NANCEE L. WRIGHT Corona dcl Mar Aloha. I Just reomtly had the chance to vlalt my brother Ow Sh~ and .. wlft, Uta. f'ot 17 days on~ They .aved for nine monw and made the move to lbeir new condo. I am ""')' thanW to thetn ror muvtng there. I un ~ thankful to my ~r. ooua. (or pmildtna me wtth a t1dret to pt there. Alto. 1 atn thinkful for my 1----, family and friends for being so supponive of me and helpi11g my husband wit11 any dnvmg to and from school. I am also Uiankful to Jami Paley for introducing me to "The Purpose Driven Life,· which gave me confidence enough ro make this trip that I have dreamed of all my life' DEBl~ESCO Newport Beach I am Ulankful for my family. My dad has a great sense of humor. My mom makes me laugh when she gets mad. My broUler wrestles wiUl me. My sister plays on the computer w1Ul me. And my oilier sister plays wiUl me. That's all. SHANNON GRFF1N Newport Beach I wanl to be thankful for God. Because r love God. God loves us. And I love Ashley, K.eUy, Blair, Delaney and all -uslns. LAUREN E GRFF1N Newport Beach I am thankful for my friends and family . They are really loving. kind, and they help me and support me. When I need a hug. they give it to me {espedal)y my little ers Shannon and Lauren). My brother Ryan, tackles me but I know he atill ICM!S me. My friends keep me eocertalned (which la a wry r;1~Jff... Newport Bead\ I am thankful tor our new "leue on life" here at American l.egton Post 291. Thank you to the city ot Newport &acb and ltw\b to all of our members and fiien& who helped to man thJI new lease become a l't'ality. _ COfl•RAPP lrv\rie .. BJn'Oft'I NOT!: toor.lt ~ '*. flrte Yb commantW of ctie ~~Ion NewponHlfbat f\)tl2tt. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY A community treasure to be thankful for By Tony Petros L eaves turning gold and red before dropping to the grounJ. A chill ln the air. football game'> on television. Famille<. gathering. Fabulous aromas from the kitchen. There is so much lo be lhanlcful for and at this time or year tJiat we tradJtiooaJJy pause to reOt.'Cl on our bowlly, it's important to take notice of the many assets we enjoy in our community. We are fortunate to hve in tJus beautiful coaslal <:ommuruly, en1oy111g it!> spcc1acular climalc, superb community service:<,, oul!.tanding l.'Jucational lnslitutio11s 1111d incredible recreaLional opportunit1t·"· We are also fonunatc to live in a rommunity with v1..,ionaries. Our communny\ own Environmental Nature Center, a J .5 acre sanctuary, tulketl in an elongated piece oflandscape aJjacent to Newport I !arbor 1 ligh School, i'i an example of the vision i-t'<'n JO years ago by a group of dedicated and determine<.! science teucheri. and studen1 volunteers. Once a litter·fille<l b'UllY of excavated di.rt from (Oll!>Lruction or <111 Olympic-size slotimn1111~ pool at the high school, 11 is now a flL<.emating combination of 14 California naLive pltull communities, wildJife habi1a1 and wu.lking trails -,1vailable for all to experience and enioy. For over 30 yea~. llw nature cenler has been i.haped and caressed inco a lan<hcape for Jeam111g. a i.anctuary from life's pressures uni.I a place of pn.>servarion n11cl irt..,truction. ·nus year, more than 15.000 students and Ulousands of visitor.. have experienced its treasures. helped maintain it, nurture II and learned rrom its resources. Relying on fundJng provided by individuals. corporate gifu. educational awards and operntional grclflts, this no1-for-prnfi1 cducalional center offers numerou' eclucalionaJ Prowams based on natural science and Native American <,tudi~. Thousands or Orange (.;ou111y students participate in Environmental Nalure Center program!. each year, receiving more tllan J2,000 hours of Instruction. flt.'Ople have Ule opportwlity through school tours, rnmmwlily group tours, studenl enrichment programs. nature camps and nwnerous other activities to experience native hab1tacs first·hand And as a result, tlley c.in beuer understand nature's complex systcmx, the balance of nature on w11kh we all Flt.£ PlfOTO/DM.Y PltOT From left, Sally Felltng, Frank Feller and Environmental Nature Center founder Robert House examine pine trees during a tour of the center. . depe11d anti our rc<;pon.,ib1htie<o to our natural world. From tJ1a1 orig111ul vision M:en JD years ago, trees have grown, Ille plant rnrnmu11i1ies have matured and expanded. and the Mudcnts have learned. And, ye1, a!> exnling as t11e lenter is today, the vision conlinu~ Future plans call for a new. pennanenl building to complement and reinforce the lesson:. taught outdoors. Our plans call for a design thal allows us 10 optlnli7..e leaching and learning opportunJt1e.\. It is a plan thal will enhance lhe nallve plant communities and offer expanded learning experiencC'I ror sludents and commuruly nei~1h<>N over Ule next .Kl years. Th.ls is Ulc timt• of year to pause GIVING THANKS ' from our bu.o;y liw'> and .. che<luJes and 10 thank those who had the original vision -and the army of volunteer!> -who, over the past JO year.., have run tlw pmi.:rams, raised the funds and helped maintain the plan1 commun111es. And it ~also an appropriate time 10 t"ncourage lhme involved today. as well as t11o~e who we hope will become Involved u1 1he luturc, lo commi1 their vision. dedication a nd re!oourccs to main1ai11 and e11hance tht' I nvironmental Nature Center -a rnmmunily jewel for all of us to nunure and enjoy I lappy Thank.'>giVln!( • TONY PETROS is the president Environmental Nalure C:enter board of directors. Harbor View thank-you notes Students from Wendy Jawor's first-grade class at Harbor View Elementary School wrote the Pilot to say uvcrythlng. what they were thankful for. I am thank/UI. fo:r my fnmJly and friends. F.spcdaJJy God -he's my Jlf e. I am thankl\i1 for my dog Bingo, because when 1 am sea.red, he makri me btaY9 and llcb my tears. lie lOr.d me McaUlll he ls ln ow famJl. l un lh&MfUI ror my fnmlty for helplng me. 1 mn lhlnkf ul rot the lreftlhten for putting out the flrcs. I am thuklt.il for lhe poll men for pttk1j dMi bid pyt. J am tbauJd\d foC' ~ 1e.dw 10r t-.:hlnl me. DAYID for my brothers. I'm thnnkful for my Wnlly. KELLY I om thankful for my slliftr. I am thankful for my famUy. f am tllankt\d tor God. I am than'lcfuJ for my cat. MEGAN MICHAEl; I'm thankful for my utc, my Cam.Uy, my friends and my ~l<ltc1. • BRETT I run lha.nJcfuJ for my ramUy nnd my friends -they are nice. I'm lhnnJcful for my d J'm lhankfuJ for my I o.m thahkf ul for my ~lstcr and my brother. rar named OlUrchlll. r om lh1nkfUJ for EVA my mom -.nd tny dad and Megan. J am thank.ful for my Q.'Jh. • I am thankful for my tamlly ond BaY friends. They att \'ery nloo IUld kind. I am &hankful for lhe giut c t chef on r am th4nldW for my family and nrth. Ml5s Jawor. She Is 10 gtoa1. I friend& I eJl1 t.bankfUI for the cops. I ~tn WMt co be In her cl In. ~for the un. HOPI I am thanldUI for th«r poUCC' •nd ftn:fllh1tr1. l am thankful for my WnUy ilW Goil. I am hiiMal for my Ut .. , --- ...................... ~a ........................... ._._._. ______ ~----~~~.--.------:--"."~~--~-~----- M Tluldly, ~ 27, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD B~ing positive and thankful on this day ''People~ mott powerful than the ban1en they f:lce,. &aid Om Ropn. president and CEO of Goodwill lndustria. Orange County. lbday Is l'banbfJvfng Day. llnd Rogen comments at the annual Walter Knott Service Award luncheon held at the Four Seasons Hotel. Newport are 5'gnlftcant words or reOectlon on this all Amttican hoUday. lbanbgivfng ttalJy Is • universal celebration. Its message one ------.. of unity and that or reachin8 out to people of differing backgrounds working together for the common good. It Is a most 8. W. COOK appropriate daytoahare the words and the ledl.np expressed at Goodwill's Walter Knoll luncheon. A sold·out crowd ln the Four Seasons ballroom celebrated Thanksgfvlng early sending the . universal message of the indomitable spirit of mankind overcoming the worst that life can deal Four people put the important things ln life front and center a5 they accepted honors for their acl*vtments. Jaee BUlauer, Tracy Brouchton ;ind Vallnda Martin. who are In wheelchairs after being injured in accidents, and R9chel Sedona, who Is blind, all received standing ovations for thelr insplrationaJ words.. Martin, a woman with a smile broad enough to light up the room. confined to a wheelchair os the result of a boating accident. Is the owner of an art gallery and gift store on Balboa Island she haa named Art for the Soul "I feel blessed," Martin said. "There are a lot or able·bodJed people who cannot uy that.• During a video ofVall.nda Martin'a atory, the crowd of more than 500 GoodwW supporters wiped away a teer when Manin thanbd her fat.bet for hia unftlQinl support thtougb her Qrdeal. ·1 don't belleYe lo d.lsabWdes. • lheaaid. M.artln wW open a eecood gallery in Laguna Beach this month. The Walter Knott luncheon was guided by master of ceremonies P9tel' Butra. former mayor of ca.ta Mea A humorist wfth the later-day wit of a WW Rogers. Butra aa.ld on a lerioUI note. "lbat the most Important thing we have Is time." BWauer knows the meaning of Buffa'• words. At the age of 17, a awfing accident destroyed h1.s dream to become a profeMJonal swfer and placed him In a wheelchair as a quadriplegic. Now 24, the handlome surf dude with a shaved head and diamond studs lo h1.s ean made his way onto the Pour Seuons podium In hls chalr to tell the audience that "life rolll on,• and he'a rolling with it ewry Inch of the way. Blllauer's mother, grandparents and cousin were In the audience to support hlm. A video message from hJa dad, who was unable to attend. waa featured. It was evident that they were in.apired by hJa • affirmative attitude toward Ule, and equally evident that he wu a young man fortunate enough to have a loving family behind hlm. Broughton, a beautiful young woman put in a wheelchair as the result of a car acddent, refused to allow her situation to interfere with her ambitions ln life. Broughton became Ma. Black California In 2002, and shared her belief that the barrier of a wheelchair ahould not reduce people from living productive and independent livu. ·1 wouldn't write my life this way." Broughton said. "But I wouldn't change It. either.• Powerful words from a person of tremendous loner strength. Broughton ls the mother of rwo young eons. and wW let nothing get ln her way. Scdoris la ooe of the world'a most acc:ompllahed athletes, lntemadonally rec:ognlr.ed u. leadeT in the tpOrt of Ued-dog racing. In Much 2006, Scdorls will compete at the very blgbtst level of her lpOrt. pattidpadnc In che grueling AJasb.n ldftarod. Scdotla ts bUnd. She atepped up to the Four Season'• podium and &bared her story with the audience. not once mention.log her bllndnea It wu the story of 1 young woman with a gift. a pusion. and a will to aucx:eed. qaln lovtngly supported by • famlJy, and in pardc:ular her Cather who bas coached her lince chDdhood "1 the sport she kms. Another meaage of achievement aplnst all odd& Walter JCnott. the late rounder of Knott'• Berry Farm and an Orange County pioneer remmtbered for h.la dvlc eemce. is oft.en quoted with the admonition. "Whatever we vividly imagine, ardently desire, sinoerdy believe, and enthusiastically act upon must eventually come to pus." His words echoed throughout the Four Seasooa ballroom In the p~ce of h.la survMng daughter,~ and her husband, 10ay ~mpert. Abo In the crowd were other Knott family members, lndudfng Dmrel Andenon of Newport Beach. Daniel AnmtroQg, c:ba.lrman of the Goodwill board or directors. joined renowned local artist Bob Schur, Ra Hudler, Betty Belden Palmer and Ronna Shipman. In handling the presentations or the day. The massive event was chaired by a most capable Janke Marldey, wfth support from an event comm1ttee that Included Cec:eUa JCnott and her daughters Amy boCt and Dw:y Gottlieb. Melenle Fitch. Gina Peqmoa. 'hd Bebr, 1.oe Hadley, Ann SuDMn, Brin Tnmel. Swan 'llemey and Heather Ddn were a1ao participating. Rogers told the gathering that It was a day to celebrate creativity, achJevement and expression. "Wt celebrate the human spirit and raise vital funds to Walter Knott Service Award 2003 honorees Tracy Broughton, Jesse Billauer and Valinda Martin, seated, from left, and Rachael Scdoris, standing, with master of ceremonies Peter Buffa. provide those with disabilities and other barriers, with job training placement and the tools to achieve individual success,~ he said. It was a day to reaffirm the importance of self-respec1. And to put It bluntly, ·The joy of earning a paycheck." Rogers said. ·1n America, a good part of ow freedom is tied to the joy of achievement. and the joy of independence.• he said. Quite a message on this Thanksgiving Day. As you join with loved ones to share the holiday meal, take a moment to share in the bounty of blessings ~ yow lives. Appreciate whatever you have, and know that aJl things are possible if the dream Is based on a foundalion of goodwill • nt£ CROWD appear1 Thursdays •nd Saturdeys. Frances Knott, Stephen Knott and Mrs. Russell Knott. S top byNelnwl ~on Wednesday fOt an autographed copy of the Neiman Man:us Cookbook. The book. written by execudve chef Kevin Garvin, Is ftlled wllh ueuUred ~pes from Neiman Marcus restaurants. With each cookbook purchased, )'9111D n!<lefve a complimentary palr of butterfly-shaped napkin rln8lJ. More than 150 favorite recipes of loyal customers are reatured. along with beautiful photographs, interesting customer stories and Nelman's culinary history. Some recipes come ftom the debut or their ftrst restaurant. which opened in 1953. Now you can make thelr famous 6.recracker spring rolls, Thal chlcken satay; the popular orange soutD~; chicken salad; Mediterranean vegetable wrap; ainoked salmon with red onion relish sandwich; and even the often requested chocolate chip cookie. The book cost.s $45. Neiman Marcus is at Fashion Island ln Newport Beach. Call (949) 759-1900, ext. 2333. CHRISTMAS JEWELS Wm. Harold Jewelers will have its annual pre-Oui.mna.s sale Tuesday through Dec. 24. Most items are reduced 30% to 50%. The family-owned and -operated jewelry store specializes in fine estate jewelry and designer vintage watches. It also has high.quality diamonds. precious stones. unusual settings and fresh merchandise AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Coata Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY Of HO'CHCOCK Orange Coast College Is offering a nine-part film history on Alfred HitchcodL The seriN will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each seulon will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events wlll be held et OCC'1 Fine AIU Hell 116. Admlulon la S6 for edultt and $5 for seniors and • Occ ltlldents. For more lhformation, call (714) 432-5880. RAW FOOD GOURMET HOLIDAY BALI. Celebrate the holidays with an elegant evening from 1 to 11 p.m. Oec. 6 at the Halecrest Pavilion, 3107 Killybrook Lane. There will be five raw gourmet appetizers, Clelectable desserts, live music. dancing all night, roaring fire. candlelight aettlng and a cash bar. The cost is $55 to $60. Information and reservations: (949) 650-0672. ·RING Of LIGHTS The Commodores Club If the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Ring of Lights home decorating competition In December. All home, buslneaa, and yacht clubs Unlng ihe harbor are Invited to participate. Decorations must be In pfece by Dec. 8. Information (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yachts, boats, kayalca end canoN wlll aall along the harbor In the 96th . annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Colllna Island and last two end a half houra. The parade la hosted by the Commodore• Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commeroe. Information: (949) 729-4400, http://www.du1stmas bc»q»rade.com. MUSIC ARTURO SANDOVAL Grammy and Emmy Award winner Arturo Sandoval will petform tt 7:30 and 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Orange Countv Petformlng Atta C.ntef'• Jazz Club. Tlc:bta cost S49 end $58. l!"fomiatlon; (71 4) 568-AATS, hap:/tWww.ocp«:.otg. ··--· G.6NM ~ la u1••...., . ' ·------ . LIFE cl LEISURE BEST BUYS Cooking the Neiman Marcu·s way GREER WVLDER -new pieces amvedally. 6rlngln estate pieces: =~ buy unique pt~es. Wm. Harold Jewelers offers excellent customer ~rvice; It's becoming a retail landmarlc - 33 yea.rs on the Newport peninsula. F.xpert service offered for jewelry repairs and pearl stringing. Wm. Harold Jewelers is open Tuesday through Saturday. It's at 3116 Newpon Blvd. ln Newport Beach. Call (949) 673-0365. TREE LIGHTING MOR£ $HOPPING FOft TME SEASON The Onnp Counc:y MaJbt Plllce bas added two shopping days 0 its regular weekend schedule. The special shopping daya will be Friday and Monday, Dec. 22. from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The swap meet features thousands of holiday gift Ideas, and there's an Artisans' and Crafters' Comer for handmade items. The Madet Place is at the Orange County Fairgrounds. 88 Fair Drive In Costa Mesa. Call (949) 723·6660 or visit http:/twww.ocmarkerplace.com. SURFSAL£ BecMr Surf tr Sport wiD have Its famous annual Thanksgiving sale starting Friday through Sunday. Prices on roost everything are reduced 23'Jli (excluding surfboards, O'Neill wetsuits and Ugg Boots). It's a great time to find bargains on holiday gifts. ~er Surf & spon is open from to a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday; from l 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and entertainment And you can enter a taflle to win 11 reproduction vintage tricycle at the Paper I louse CaJJ (949) 566-9863. AX THAT COMPUTER Comp Squad InC. is a home and small business computer repair company that serves Orange County. James Watkins, founder of Comp Squad. ls incredibly patient and unlike me, computer savvy. "Computers are jl.l.'lt like automobUes. and they need to be tuned regularly to perform at pealc levels." Watkins said. "Computer companies want buyers to constantly upgrade to new machines to solve performance problems.~ Comp Squad can extend the life or your computer and help end frustration. It's infinitely better than talking 10 a technical suppon stranger on the other ~ide of the world. Comp Squad ha.a new diagnostic softwnre that rapidly Identifies problems. II also has the latest tools ln virus detection and removal. Most problems can be 6.xed with Comp Squad's $50 tune-up, which ls reconunended twice a year. The business will remow Internet clutter and junk files; clean all debris from desktop to hard drive; repair mlsslng shoncuta: repair disks and scan for v1rus rues: clean all drivei.; configure the registry; restore all invalid registry items; repair security links; repair and compact all drives: and configure the system 10 original factory specs. All services are completed without harmiJ1g documents or personal data. ln addition to the tune-up, Comp Squad offers removal of virmes and spy software (smaJJ programs ~t record and rcpon all your search entries); software installation and upgrade~; hardware installation and ThursdJy, November 27, 2003 A7 upgrades; tutorials for computer programs and software: wfred and wirel~ networks; firewall serup for privacy; modems for cable, DSl. dial up and video; computer 'IV: baby monitor. video surveillance systems; custom computers for gamers; music and entenainmenl machines; home theater systems; and Web site construction and maintenance. "We also started a service that niles your old computer and donates it to assisted-living, disabled. and needy people. All hard drtves are wiped clean and all data Is removed. The donation is tax deductible. usually the original purchase price." Wallons ~d. Call (949) 39'4-2905. • BEST BUYS appears Thurldav11 Send 1nform111on to Greer Wylder at grtterwylder~'yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St , Co11t11 Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 6464170. • from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. One of Orange County's favorite holiday traditions, South Cout Ptun 2 l st annual tree lighting. wiD happen Monday at 6 p.m. The All-American Boys Olorus provides beautiful holiday entertainment. and the special honorary emcee will be Jennifer York from KTlA· TV. Guests can enjoy the spectacle of Santa's cheerful arrival and the visually !>tunning 90-foot Olrlsunas ttee from ML Shasta More than 15,000 twinkling lights illuminate the tree. The event wiU be at Town Center Park. adjacent to the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel. near the intersection of Bristol Screer and Anion Boulevard. NOW OPEN UNDER NEW OWNERS! BASH2003 The 33rd annual Orange County Live Music Festival will be from noon to midnight Sunday at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club at Fashion Island, 900 Newport Center Drive. Tldceta will cost from $14 to $28. Information: (949) 640-4000, http:/..WWW.ocmusicians.org. VIVALDI'S FOUR SEASONS The Pacific Symphony will perform Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons," Bocdlerinl's Sinfonia in D minor No. 4, and Corelli's Concerto Grosso in F major at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 4, at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tickets o0st $20 to $65. Information: (714) 755-5799, http://www.pacificsymphony.org. 'A JOURNEY TO JOY' St Andrew's Presbyterian Church will host Santiago Canyon College's music departments annual winter festival concert "A Journey to Joy" at 8 p.m. Dec. 5 at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. There will be a 100-member chorale backed by a professional orctte~ra. Tickets cost $15 per person and $12 for seniors. students and children younger than 12. Information: (714) 628-4828. KINGS SINGERS The King's Singers, England'• premier vocal ensemble, will perform at 3 p.m. Dec. 7 et the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive. lrvlne. The cost will be from $30 to $35 per person and full-time student are half price. Information: (714) 740-7878, http:llwww. thsbarclay.orp. FIESTA NAVIDAD CONCERT Joae Feliciano will join m11rlachl bandleader Natl Cano 81 part of the 10th annual Fiesta Navidad concert at 8 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Or1nge County Performing Arta Center. Tldcets cost $20 to $69. Information: (949) 553-2422, http:llwwW.phiharmon/CfociBty. orp. ORANGE COUNTY WOMEN'S The Orange Countv Women'• Chorus will perform lta 2003 holiday program, "I Sing of a Malden; at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 et the N.wport ~rbor Luthel'8n Church. The chorut will perform WOfb ebout th• Virgin Mary and many more. Tidceta cost S10 to $15. Information: (949) 451-8590, http://Www.ocwomfll'l.U.Oru•. Of'(J. JAZT.TRIO Gulfltream RNtaurant In Newport Bead\ pretent9 a Jau trio Sunday through WedMtday It's at 3140 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. Call (949) 720-0533. HOLIDAY AT CANNERY VILLAGE Don't miss the festive Cannay Village HoUday on 31st Street Evftlt from 4 to 6 p.m. today. Wonderful food and drinks from the Cannery Restaurant and Alla Coffee will be served at participating stores. Holiday singe~ will pro111de as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wedn65day. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 1 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted• musicians Include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others et 100 Main St., Newport Besch. Free. (949) 675-7760. DUKE'S Pl.ACE Jan and codctalls flow daily from noon to midnight Sundays through Thuradays and from noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays at the Balboa Bay Club & Resort, at 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Information: (949) 645-5000 MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gln·a at 261 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Oitrl jolna the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's fnHt Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT TME GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday end Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordlen (known as MPG) perform classic rodt, R&B and awing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory end MPG will perform cla11lc rock, swing and A&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant la at 630 Udo Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT TME PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band perform• from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednetday end Thu~y, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bead\. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant 11 now offering li"9 muak: from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday end Sewrday. Pleyera Is at 612 W. 19th St., Costa Meaa. No cover charge. (949) ~6816. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant In Newport Beech presents J"" on the au on Friday end Saturday twnlngs and Sunday for brunet\. The pn>grem features L I v E E N T E R T A I N M E N T Wonderful French 51stro C uisine Prix Fixe Menu ~Courses for $18 & A La Carte M e nu ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE !-mt l/o,,~ Fumulm1p, .~t11111un 6 0ilkrt1bln, Jrolll111n1w/ 10 t otU[:r G1/i. •111/ c. .. 1rdni D«or. Wi1b Lui orul f>t/11 m (,Jrdtn C.ft G1mJrn ('"110 D'"'"K sn111nx 8l'f!dfiu1. I untli, ka """.in &pl'f!uo &tr CAFE HOURS: Mo11-Sun 9am..fpm Cmulks to Ch11nd1lim. Uml & Rart Boolt/. ("stom Picturr Frammi. Fun1if'Mrt &storation anti m"'h morr .1 ROW HOURS; Tiu.&t /Oam-5pm (949) 722-117l HAVE YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY AT H 0 L I D A v p A R T I E s THE BLUE BEET WE CAN ACCOMMODATE s TO t sor WHETHER IT'S JUST COCKTAILS AND A~PETIZERS OR STEAKS AND SEAFOOD; WE CAN FIT ALL YOUR NEEDS! IT'.S YOUR PARTY • TELL US WHAT YOU WANT! • Al Tlu'sd.W, ~ 27, 2003 BANQUET ROOMS Av•ll8blefor F~"; festive P tirties r Z AG AT AW A R 0 W I N N I N (, 1 liNK~RILL PERUVIAN CUISINE NEW TWILIGHT MENU FROM 4-7PM DAILY Featuring Grilled Steaks, Seafood And Pastal l;lt·T l"lll:l'K $5 off Entire Bill Woth • pun h. ... nr $25 nr m ore O il full pn<'<' ile'm• only • t 1,,... "'I .,,.1 .. J .. l"-1nl1~ht ~\rnu • 1..'ln, ,,_., 1.hf .. '"' I I • h. 11..-d w1lh any .. 1h.-r ,,ff., HuntJngton leach 301 Mlln St., 91648 714.374.3399 CostlMaa l60 lri1tol St., "616 714.444.4651 l IFE a LEISURE H appy Tha.r:Wgfvl.ng. If you arc cOoking today, your mind is tilled wtth time tables: how Jong wU1 the tu.rby take to cook. when do you 6l&lt the mashed potatoes. will you have enough time to fix the gravy? Today wouJd be a good day to have another set or arms, ()( another good ------. cook In the kitchen. Speaking of t:lrnetables. I'll gu that another project 1oday sounds like a bad l~a. bul If you haven't set the dinner table, I can give you Ideas for a JO-minute centerpiece that will make your table a feasl for the eyes. Seasonal holidays make decorating the table a snap. Send the kids outside wtth a brown paper bag and find the nearest liquid amber tree. Have them collect the most lnteresting leaves they can find. The leaves that have fallen off the trees are beautiful shadei, of red, burgundy and gold. Fill the ~ -you may want a few extra leaves for the mantle, underneath the plate charge~ and the buffet table. I lave the kJds rinse off the leav~ 1n the bathtub and pat them dry. Lf you have leftover pumpklru. from I laUoween or nut.s in a bowl, set lhem aside for your project. I love magnolia lcnvci.. J'he front is glossy and green and the underside is fu7.zy and brown. Lfyou have a magnolia tree, put a few of its leaves to good uSC: they make great fillers HOURS . Continued from A 7 all your favontes on th• .axophone. Anthony's ls at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP·ROCK AND Fl.AMENCO NO PLACE LIKE HOME Ten-minute table • PHOTO COURTt:SY Of KAREN WIGHT Fallen liquid amber leaves, small pumpkins, magnolia leaves, walnuts; candles and some festive confetti combine quickly to create· a memorable tabletop. between the pumpkJns. rau impair conversation, and leaves and nuts. everyone will get a piece of the If you have a few strands of visual action. Nestle the candJes gold beads that you use for the and votives among the Ooral Christmas tree, get them out. and, voila. instant cenlerpiece. Pull out a few candJes or volives. As an extra nod to the lcids this I like gold candle!>, but this year, year, I sprinkled orange glitter J added orange to the golden confetti on top of the leaves and glow to keep the lcids happy. tablecloth. We have nature in all Anyone can arrange the table; its glory. candJes lo create the there's no "right" or "wrong" mood and glitter to prove that with this centerpiece. it's a party. lf you're using a tablecloth. When you serve dinner, dim put It on the table and then start the overhead lights or just bask creating a long and narrow in the candJellght. The glitter collection of leaves. pumpkins, reflects the light. the glossy nuts and candles. Having a long green leaves look UJurninated, and tow centerpiece will not and the leaves add just the right at Corona del Mar High School'• p.m. to 12:30 a.m . the first Theatre, 2101 Eastbluf'f Drive. Saturday of eadl month at Performances will be at 8 p.m. Oanscene Studio, 2980 Dec. 5. at 1 :30 end 8 p.m. Dec. 6 McClintodc Way, Costa Mesa. and at 1 p.m. Dec. 7. Tlcl<eta cost Information: (714) 641-8688. $2 to $11. Information 1949) 644-3151,http:llw\N\IV. POETRY geocitles. comlnttwpolfb6sch reportorytheater PERFORMANCE POETRY Two Idiots Peddling Poetry, Steve warmth that this holiday is all about. Start to finish? I figure after the kids collected the leaves and rinsed them off -I 0 minutes. And it kept them busy for a while. The most beautiful part of this project? You can throw most or fl away when you're done. Concentrate on your food, but take a little time to decorate your table. A great presentation nourishes the soul the way a great meal nourishes the body. • KAREN WIGHT IS a Newport Beach resident Her column runs Thursdays. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. ff'ee. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING THE SINGLE GOURMET Single Gourmet members, upscale business and professional 1lngle1 in their 30s . • .. T•te 6, • funk. rodt and Motown ART Ramirez and Ben Trigg will offer to 50s, will be getting together at , SAVE MONEY~ SAVE TIME! WICta the Daily Pilot Q.ASSIFIEDS CALI 642-5678 act. perform• at 9 p.m. S.turcS.ys at C.rmelo's Ristorante. 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist 1<en Sanders perform• classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tue.days and Sundays. Free. (949) 875-1922. SATIJRDAY NIGHT RU Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&S at 9 p.m. Saturdays at SUUon Pl~ Hotel'• Trianon louiiue. 4500 Mtc:Atthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'THE IMPORTANCE Of BEING EARNEST Oacar Wilde's comedy of manners will be performed through Dec. 14. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Thursdays, Friday• and Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Ttdlets cost $17 opening night, otherwise $13. Information: (949) 631-0288. TliE MIRACLE WORKER Eatancla High School'• drama department will present "The Miracle Worker" at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 to 6 and 12 and 13 atthe . Barbara Van Holt Theatre at Estancia High Sdlool, 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa MMe. Tldcets coat SS. lntormatton: (949) 61f>-6537. 'ITS A WONOERf\JL Uf£' The City of Newport Bead\ wtll preMnt the Newport Repertory Theatr.-. eighth annual production of the play "It'• A Wonderful Ute" Dec. 6 through 7 S.SAMPARK The arllst S. Sam Park will have an exhibition and book signing from 5 to 8 p.m. Dec. 6 at June's Fine Art Gallery, 326 M1rine Ave., Balboa Island. Information and reservation: (949+ 673-0939. ARTFORUFE Artist.a from ls/Ml wifl.eell their worit \0 raise MOhey for Israel'• Red Cross at Art for UFE from 11 a.m. to 9 p.rn. Dec 16 •t the Jewiah feQenitlon of 0'9flge County. 260 E. ~St. Among the artists Ill/ho will be pt'eMnt are sculpture Frank Meisler, Jewelry deslgne,. Amital Kav and Rachel Gera. Information: (800) 323-2371. http://w\N\IV,armdl.org. DANCE 'LORD OF ntE OANCF The Orange County Performing Art Center will present MicNet Ratley'• •tord of the Dance" at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday et the Center. rldtets cost from $23.26 to $63.26. Information: (714) 666-ARTS, http://wWw.ocpac.oro. SWING lenona are given from 2 to 6 p.m . every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Bead\ by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All Igel are welcome, •nd no partners •re needed. lnformetion: http://OC$W/ng.com, (909) 666-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing Is offered from 8 Tilo's European Autohaus and Robin Hood Auto Brokers performance poetry and Ryan · 1 p.m. Tueadlly et the Five Strassburg will provide Uva CrOYms, 3801 E. Cont Highway I musical accompaniment at 8 p.m. and at 7 p.m. Dec. 17 at the Chart Tuesday at the Alta Coffee Hou&e, House. 2801 W. Coa5t Highway. 506 31st St., Newport Beach. tnformatlon and reservations: Information: (714) 564-6626, (714) (949) 854-6562. http://w\N\IV. , ,,, 649-7012, (949) 472-9028. slnglBQourmstlaoc.com. PERFORMANcE POETRY SUNSET DINNERS Courtney Montgomery and The Ru$1y Pelican offers Sunset Jaimes Palacio will offer Dinners from 4 to 5:16 p.m. performance poetry and live Monday through Friday at 2735 music at 8 p.m. Dec. 10 at the Alta W. Coast Highway, Newport Coffee House, 506 31 It St., Beach. (949) 642-3431. Newport Beach. Information: (714) 564-6526, (949) 675-0233. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday ~IDS brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ' every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast STARLIGHT STORIES Highway, Newport Beach. (949) Children 3 to 7 years old are 642-3431. invited to participate in songs and TWILIGHT DINING finger-puppet plays at ? p.m. · Mondays at the Costa Meta A twilight dining menu, featunng Library, 1856 Park Ave. (949) dishes auch a• chicken 646-8845. parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, 11 offered from PJS ANO BOOKS 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 A children'• story time I• to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova ptesented at 7 p.m. Mondays and Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast af10-.30 a.m. S.turdays et the Highway, Newport Beach. (949) Newport Be9d'I Central Library, 642-7880. 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamaa to the evening WINE TASTINGS sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. HI-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. WEEKLY STORYTEU.ER Fridays and from 1:30 to 8 p.m. A children'11tory ljme I• held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays It Barnes . Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. & Nobie Boobellera at Metro CLUBS Pointe, 901-8 South C:O.st Drive, CoS1a Mau. (714) 444-0226. ALTA COFFEE "STORY TIME Musical acts perfonn at 8:30 p.m. Thuradaya through Saturdays at A cNldfen'a story time la held et 10 Alt• Coffee House, 606 31st St, a.m. Wedne9daya and 10:16 a.m. Newport Bead\. (949) 676-0233. Some diners give birds a break Turkey's still the Thanksgiving staple, but m~y shoppers are branching out these days. AIJcla Robinson Daily Pilot 'l\trkey for Thanksgiving din- ner Is a tradJtion for many, but itl. not necessarUy a must. Area rood service businesses have been bustling with holiday business this week. but they're not just purveying drumsticks and wlngs. The Honey Baked Ham Co. In Corona del Mar has been dolng a booming business and, con- trary to what the name suggests. it does~ turkey. "(But) the majorlty of what goes out of here Is ham,• store supervisor Colleen Skalla said. People also have been buying side dishes such as baked FEAST Continued from Al the event Elizabeth Cornejo, 12, handed out toiletries such as Kleenex and shampoo whlJe her mom. Sandra. helped out in the kitchen. "It feels good because 1 lcnow GO conooued from Al not as crowded u she expected. "11\ls is awesome," she said. "'Ibis ls why I always fty out of Orange County. Because it's not as aazy as It is in other air- ports." Rajeev Agnibot.rt. who was waiting to travel to London, said he came to the allport earlier, anticipating Jong lines. "But th.IB is nice, .. be said. CURVE Continued from Al open new conversational doors that help us reach beyond the pladtudes to get better acquainted with our family and friends. We may find that the old baggage by which we defined these people was never accurate or is long gone, and such fresh insights couJd send us all home with a special feeling of thanksgiving. This year reminds me of other tlmes when we were collectively in deep trouble, and Thanksgiving seemed a kind of irony. That was especlaily true during the Great Depression when drought and d.laease and poverty and hunger were the order of the day. Thanbgtving dinners for those who couJd afford them were cpare, but families still collected to share resources and brace spirits. We helped one another during those years, often giving of what little we had to strangers whose needs were greater than ours. So In an odd sort of way, the spirit of t.banbgiving grew aJong with the trouble we were al) sharing. l don't have a great sense of that taking place today. Perhaps the weaJth or a few is obscuring the poverty of many. Perhaps the relentless good news being fed to us is obscuring the realities of war. Perhaps we have to reach a greater sense or urgency before the thanbgtvtng splrtt of the Great Depression kicks in. Meanwhile, we have the people around our festive table today offering a bridge to that spirit A bridge, by the way, that we don't have to wait for ThankasJving to cross. Both the Pilgrims, who celebrated the first Thanksgiving. and President Abraham Uncoln, who made It a national holiday, were looking at pretty bleak pictures at the time. Uncoin was trying to bring a fratricidal war to an end amid growing daily casualty lists when he set a day of national thanksgiving after two pivotal Union mWwy victories. The Pilgrims. two years after they shared a famous autumn harvest feast with the Wampanoag Indlam. celebrated the flnt formal Day of Thanbglving when -in answer to their fervent prayen f-=l~ Dunn-Well beans, cheesy potat<>et and po· ta to salad for their 'Ibanbgjvlng dinners, &be said. •Not ~ne likes twtey," agreed Josephine Calendno, owner of Co.Jentino's Italian Dell in Costa Mesa. Her custome11 come in ban· kerlng for the fresh Italian sau- sage, meatballs, eggplant par· m.iglana and pasta her store offers. "We've been here 35 years. so we have a lot of regulars that come in for different things," she said. Another haven for people who don't want turkey ii Mothe(s Market and )(ltchen. The store sells vegetartan roasts and other meat!• main courses such as Thfwkey. cllfel marlcedng olfker Sharon Mac- gum sakL The dell at Mother's prepan!I "all the trirnm.in~" for a Thanks· giving dinner and even makes wheat-free and sugar-free pies for people with special diets. that people may not be that fortunate and we can give them supplies they need,• Ellzabeth said. After the feast is over and everything is cleaned up, the adult organizers usually ask the parish children who helped out what they thought about the experience. Their answers · illustrate their compassion. Rae Pinello of l.rvlne was wait- ing to receive her twin sister, brother-in-law and nephew, wbo were about to Oy in from Ollcago. "lt's a gorgeous day to travel," she said. "I usually go to Clllcago r:very Thanbf)vtng. but this time I made my family come to Callfomta.• 'Ihil year, more travelers wm al.so blt the freeways despite tpgher than average gas prices, a.id Jeff Spring. spokesman for the Auto Oub of Southern Call- fomia, I -a supply ship they thO\.lgbt was •unit arrived on the same · day as a nUnfaU that broke a drought and saved their~~ We pray today for our hypotbedcal sblp to come in bearing peac.e and prosperity for our children and Macgum saJd customen come to her for orpnJc pro· duce, and those aeek11'g a holi- day blrd can choose a turkey that's fresh. certifted organic or free range. And the customers have been coming in droves, she aald. '"ThanbgMng Is traditionally the blaett food shopping day of the year,• she said. "It's been nonstop for three days.• Cluis F1ores. kitchen manager at Big Belly Dell in Newport Bee.ch, said he'• been making a Jot more deliveries than usual this week. In the days before Thanbgiv· tng, "they're ordering pizzas be- cause they're cooking turkey at home," he saJd Flores expected a big crowd Wednesday nJgbt because of students coming home from college and going out to reunite with high school friends. The deli hasn't gotten many tulby orders, but people have been buying potato and maca- Robillard aaJd. '"Ibey usually think (at first) that poor people live somewhere else," Robillard said "The first year, they were a UttJe intimidated. Now, they're more comfortable talking with the folks. They love to be helpful.• Margie Castillo ls not aflillated wt.th the church, but came to help the homeles,,, as she does Out of 2.8 million Southern Californians expected to travel this year, 2.3 miWon will drive, be said, 2..f41f. more drivers than last year. The average price per gallon of regular gasoline ln Orange County for Wednesday was $1.70, about 15 cents more compared to the same dme last year. Callfomia Highway Patrol of- ficers are also on "maximum en- fon:ement" mode for the holi· days. Oftlcer Stacy WillJta said. "'That means we have more grandcb.lldren. We will have four generadons eating turkey together, and lf the big view before us Inspires sometblng less than gradtude. that la all the more reason to look around our dlnlng table and gjye thanks trui: we have a family and good ronl aalads by the quart, he said. While most or the businesses lntervtewed are closed today, Ouistine Brlee at Le Biania. Deli and Catering saJd she'll be working. Brlee'a Costa Meta business will be fixing meals for other businesses that a.re open. In the last few weeb lhe'a prepared a lot of turkey for buaJ· nesses who planned thelr em- ployee fetes a few weeb before Thanksgiving to avoJd compel· Ing with holiday meals at home. shesaJd. But now that the boUday sea- son bu begun, she expects more unJque requesta. On Wednesday, she catered a meal of Maine lobster and New York steak for an electrical company. For Brlee, ThanbgMng start· ed In mid-November, but she won't see too many more cus· tomers asking for turkeys this year. By now, she said, "most of them want to stay away from iL They're all nut.eyed out.• every year, she said. "I think we're all hwnan beings and we all go through bad times in our life,• Castillo said. "The UttJe we have, we have to share it" •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Com M ... and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newm11n@latime1.com. officers patrolling the freeways and also special units assigned for DUJ enforcement." she said. Willits said local freeways were Jammed late Wednesday afternoon. "There's nothing much bap- penfnt on the freeways because no one can mowe. • ahe said. "Everyth.lng'• gridlocked." •OUM BHARATH cover• public ufety and courts. She may be rNd1ed et 1949) 574-4228 or by a-mallet d .. pa.bha,.the latlmn.com. friends to tllJ that void, the resources to put this sumptuous feast on the table, and the health and strength to enjoy it. • JOSEPH N. BB.l i. • r•ident of Santa An• Helghta. Hl1 column eppear1 Thurtdayt. ... 175-rREET BEAUTY CENTER '11it .Large.st, !FUtlSt, 1ricullitst 'Btauty Supp(y. & 'Jull Servia Salon In Oranfie Cmmty Open 7 Da11•~9)641-1717 nu1c:1ay, NowJmbet 21, 2003 At r BEST PRICES • BEST SERVICE • BEST SELECTION londOn to Jdln Wayne Airport: flight N-CAM3 • I • • ~OF1HEDAY "Honestly, football is my lift. I eat, drink and sleep football" Sumi l<Mllftan, Newport Harbor junior defensive end Spencer Unk, a junior wide receiver who caught 53 passes for 945 yards and 13 touchdowns, is the --~,. Dream Team Player of the Year. Costa Mesa's Jeff Waldron (36), below, is the Defensive Player of the Year after making tackles like this one on Westminster's Carlos Brooks. Fl.£ PHOTOS / OAA..YPILOT ()te, 1 honofM BILL WETZEL • 9portl EAor lt\ctwd Dunn: (949) 57 ... 223 • Sporta fp: (949) 65()()170 Tlusday' November 27' 2003 81 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Newport Harbor's Link is 2003 Player of the Year; Mesa's Ruiz, Waldron round out honors. Petrick l1Yerty OailyP1tot T he hush that came over the Newport Harbor High crowd every time junior wide receiver Spencer Unk touched the ball told as much as any statistic. lt was as lf the Sailors crowd was saving up their energy for an ensuing roar, with the expectatiqn that Un.k was about to do something special. He often did, turning short passes into long touchdowns and making near·lmpossible catches along the sidelines.. His importance to the Newport Harbor team, the only Newport-Mesa school to make the ClF Southern Section playoffs, was actually magnified in the Sa1Jors' first-round loss to Los Altos. The Conquerors, who lilce most teams used a safety over the top of a comerback to cover Unk. were the only team to shut out the junior receJver th.Ls sea.sob. As a remlt, Los AltOI shut out the Sailont. But there was no denying that had It not been for Unk and his abllity to turn short gainers into long toucbdowm. Newport Harbor would not ha~ even bad the cha.nee to play top-ranked Los Alto .. Mt:r a SU80n in which be caught Costa Mesa High's Omar Ruiz (32), the leading rusher in the Newport-Mesa School District this season with 1,548 yards to finish a three-year varsity career with 2,330 yards, is the 2003 Daily Pilot Dream Team Offensive Player of the Year. 53 pasaea for 945 yards and 13 touchdowns, Link has been named the Daily Pilot's h1gh school football Player of the Year. He blghllghts a dream team of 25 players from Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa and Emu)da bi8h schools. - Also earning top indJvldual honors were Costa Mesa senior running back Omar Ruiz, the Offensive Player of the Year, and Mtutangs junior linebacker Jeff Waldron, the Defensive Player of the Year. The team was led by nine players each from Harbor and Mesa, with four playem selected from what was an injwy-dddJed Corona del Mar team and three selected from F.standa. which did not have a representative on the 2002 team. ln a season where the majority of teams, with the exception of F.stancia, were led by younger players, there were 14 seniors, nine Juniors and two sophomores selected to the team. Newport Hubor had four juniors and a sophomore chosen, Mesa had four junion selected and CdM bad a junior and a IOphomore on the team. One of the 14 seniors. Ruiz wu another player who could often be counred on to make the big play. The 5-foot-8 running back ran for a distrlct·high 1,548 yards this season and ftnisbed bis three-year varslty career with 2.330 yards. He was aided on o1fense by Waldron. who had 21 catches for 395 yards and four touchdowns as a wide recelvu, but made hJs true impact on defense. A standout rebounder on the basbtba1l coun. Waldron. an outaide linebacker, was one of Mesa's leading tackler&, but seemed to make his tnOft important impact with turnovers. As an outs.Ide linebacker in Mesa's three-ftve alignment. Waldron often dropped back Into coverage and came up with five interceptiom. The Dream Team offense is led by Harbor junior quarterback Kasey Peters, who was on hJs way to a Cantutic debut van.lty season before his collarbone was broken in Week 7, late in the game against Aliso Niguel. As the man who delivered the ball to Unk. and often did so with strong precision, Peters was 69 of 125 passing for 936 yards and 13 touchdowns. Despite missing Harbor's last four games, Peters still led all Newport-Mesa quarterbacks in touchdowns. Joining Peters in the bacldleld is hJs own running back. Sailors senior Matt Encinias.. the district's second-leading rusher with 1,308 yards and nine touchdowns. Playing running back for the first time slnce hJs freshman season, Encinias literally carried the Sailors on his back at times. Un1ng up tn front of Encinias ls Estancia senior fullback Bubba Kapko. who provided a spark out of the backfield for the Eagles, both as a blocker and a rusher. Kapko led Estancia with 601 yards rushing and also scored nine touchdowns. At wide receiver, a pair of juniors join U.nk to form an impressive trio that will all be returning next season. Coron.a del Mar's Kevin Welch proftd himself on both sides of the ball for the Sea Kings. catch.Ing 28 passes for 591 yards and eight touchdowns and leading CdM with 74 tackles, three Interceptions and two fumble recoveries. Also 1 standout voUeybaD player, Welch baa ahudy received some interest from UCLA and should be strongty recruited next season tn both football and volleyball. At the other wldeout poaltion is Costa Mesa'a Jorge Quiroz. the Mustangs' No. 1 receiving threat lo 1 run·odented offerue. Quiroz caught 21 puses for 472yardsand1eored one touchdown. Blocking for this akill-positfon set ls a mammoth offensive llne, led by three players from Cotta Mesa, including two juniors. Mustangs center Luke Sapolu, the son of former San Francisco 49er and cunent Mustangs otrensive line coach Jesse Sapolu, it one of five Sff TEAM, Pqe 82 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYER OF THE WEEK Stiami Khali ian Newport Harbor High defensive end looks to bulk up in the off-season after an impressive junior season. Patrick L1verty Daily Pilot S wnJ IChallftan admf ti he dJdn't mow much about football when be decided to play the • Friday U Khalift&n WU a part of four Sal.Jori tacks on hJa war to eamina Dally Pilot Pla~r o the Week bonon. At 6-foot·l, 185 pounds, 1Challftan tsn't an owrwhetmlng 1pon tor the ftnt time u • freshman at Newport Harbor High. But kha1lftan knew euc:dy what he wanted to do. •1 jult told everyone, l want to be the one thitt hlta the quartelback. • IChtffftan ii.Id. "They told me to play defenllve line." • He becUn• 1 defenllw end and 11 a atarter lot the s.dorl tbla MUOn hit the oppoelQI quarteiblck plenty of dmee: A number (J( thole came tn 'NeWpon Harbor'a fttlt·round loa to Loe Mot praence on the defensive front. but he ii among the Cuter Harbor players. H1a apeed allowed him to put corWltent pressure on oppolfng quarterl>acb tbll seuon while lln.lna up aplnlt tlCJdel who were often 50 to 75 poundt blger than blm. Aplnlt Loi AltOe. he nodced the Conqueron' offenllw line wu telelnPh!nl a run play or paa pl.y anc:t when tbOle Uriemen let up on their ' a Tlvsdly, ,.,...,. 21. 2003 TEAM Contiooed from B 1 players to make the Dream n..D1 for the aec:ooct COllleC'Uliw eeuon, joining U.ilk. Welch. Encl.nlu and Mesa lJ.riebKktt Junior f.penea Sapolu (5-11, 250 PQUDds), being ~ted by the Untvmlty of Hawall, WU the leader of Mea'a front five, which alto Included Dream 1tam eelecttons 8cyce Cark:h (6-3, 255) and Rodrigo Gutim'e% (6-t, 275). The other two memben of the offensive line are tackles fiom Newport Harbor and C.Oroaa de1 Mar. Senior Nkk Watlc1ns (6-3, 244) was a constant for the Sallon t.bJs leUOR. protecting Peters and opening holes for Encinias. Senior Andy Lujan (6-3, 270) wu one of many Sea Kings to mist time due to Injury th1a season. but when he was healthy, C.orona dd Man otre111e took on a new dl.menslon. Addlna a() ema blocker to thla p.1p. Calta Mela tight end Brett Via allo joins the Dream Team. A guard In preylout eeuom. the 6-3, 225-pound eeoJor ftlled In for Gutierrez In the &st two p.mel ol the &eUOn, then rDOYed to ttght end. where he alto poled a pasa-catchlng threa1. On defeme, a plethora of strong linemen puts the Dream 'Jtam In I unique fl've-th.ra formation, led by bookeoda Matt Burgner, a sophomore from C.Orooa dd Mar. and Saam! lhallftan, I junior from Newport Harbor. Burgner wu one or the leaden of a Sea KJ.np deleoalve unit that featured Just two senior ltlrters. After putting up 35 tackles. d&bt sacb and rec:overt.na I pair of fumbk!a. he lhouJd continue to be a leader for the un.tt lo the coming yan. Khallllan could have made the team simply for his performance aplnlt Lot Altos, when he dominated the offensive line or the C.onquerors. complllna 2Ksacb and two other tackles for a Joss. But going into that playoff game, KhaUftan had al.ready made eight sacb on the season. Making up the Interior of the defensJve line ls the Newport • Hatbor senior duo or Mm Thmple and Auldn Nlito and Eltaoda SOO·poww*. Gery Strawn. 'J\!rnPle and Nieto were constanta for the SaOotl defeme throUgbout the .-.on. wttb Thmple alto ftWng lo ldmJrably on the olrenalw line. SIJ'lwn, also a eeolor, wu the~ big defensiw stopper before going down with I tepanlted lhouJder lo the Ona1 weeks of the season. Al linebacker, P.penea. the top college recruit from the Newport-Mesa area. folloiws his teammate Waldron. A run ltUffer at mJddJe llnebackef. P.peneu. also ttared at fullback. galnlJl8 389 ~ ICOJ'ing nine touchdowna and often providing the lead block that opened holes for Ruh. He ls befn8 reaulted by USC BYU and Arizona State among other achools. Newport Harbor junior Thomas Martin wu the Sallon llnchpln lo the middle of the deCtnse and also their lead1ng tackler. He alto made appearanall ln the Newport Haibor bKklJeld In lhort·yudlge lituatJom. Ub P.i>eneea and Mltdn. Mike CahilJ WU I twQ.way player for P.stlDdl who ltOOd out at Unebldet 1be eenlor combined with Xapko aOd Strawn to earn the Eades three vtctorlel th.ls eeuon, two more than they had lo the pmious two yean combined. In addition to bis linebacker work. be pined 391 yards anchcored a pair of ~touchdowns. Ing the secondary are a pair of seniors. Costa Meld LuJs Gonzalez. second on the ~to Waldron with three lntercepdons, and C.orona del Mu's Mordy Omguze. Gonzale7.. a cometbeck. led Mesa'• three·man secondary agalnat opponent'• puafng att.leb. Omguu, who~ a strong aaCety type position In Corona del Mar'I •ll111rnent. was one or just two eeruor atarten. but eet an example for the younpien to live up to. Roundfng out the eecoodary and the defense is Newport Harbor sophomore Ryan Rippon. Uke most of the rest or the players on the Dream Tham, Rippon will llkeJy be a two-way player In the coming years. but this season, he played solely on defense and exceUed at strong safety as one or the Sailors' leadlng tacklers. BAUME & MERCIER ---~·__, __ _ JorpQuioz .. PLAYER OF THE YEM Spencer I.ilk 2003 DAILY PILOT ALL-NEWPORT-MESA FOOTBALL DREAM TEAM Pl.AYER OF THE YEAR WR-~ Unk. Newport Harbor 6-9171 Jr. OFFENSIVE Pl.AYER OF THE YEAR RB-Omar Ruiz. Costa Meu 6-8175 Sr. DEfENSIYE Pl.AYER OF THE YEAR LB -Jd Waldron, Costa Mesa 6-3 215 Jr. OFFENSE · QB -Kasev Peters, Newport Harbor 6-2198Jr. RB -Matt Encinias, Newport Harbor 5-10 175Sr. F8 -Bubba Kapko, Estancia 5-9 230 Sr. WR -Kevin Welch, Corona def Mar 6-2190Jr. WR -Jorge Quiroz. Cost.I Mesa 5-10 170Jr. TE -Brett Via, Costa Mesa 6-3 226 Sr. OL -Nidc Watkins, Newport Harbor. 6-3244Sr. OL -Luke Sapolu, Costa Mesa, 5-11 260Sr. OL-Rodrigo Gutierrez. Costa Mesa. M276Jr. OL-Btyce Cerkh, Costa M ... &-3 266Jr. OL-Andv Lujan, C.Orona del Mar &-3270Sr. DEFENSE LB -Junior Epenesa, Costa Mesa 6-3226Sr. LB -Thomas Martin, Newport Harbor 6-0 216 Jr. LB -Mike Cehill, Estancia 6-0 230 Sr. DE -Matt Burgner, C.Orona del Mar 6-11188So. DL-Mark Temple, Newport Harbor 6-11 220 Sr. DL -Austin Nieto, Newport Harbor 5-9202 Sr. DL-Gary Strawn, Estancia 6-2 300 Sr. DE -Saami Khalifian, Newport Harbor6-1185Jr. OB -Lula Gonzalez, Costa Mesa 6-9 170Sr. DB -Ryan Rippon, Newport Harbor 6-0180So. DB -Mordy Omguze, Corona del Mar 6-0 195 Sr. FILE PHOTO I DM.Y PLOT Sparked by senior running back Matt Encinias, Newport Harbor High was the only Newport-Mesa footbaft team to leap into the Clf playoffs this year. '15 95 ~ NEEDWHllLS? COmpllmentary One o., Rental Car Mflt 30K, flOIC °'IOI( ma/ntenMc» No c.t\ vlllue. One to a cuetomer. One w nrwuon. 12131'2003 l'lusclay. NcMmt>er 21, 2003 as CELEBRATE KHALIFIAN Khallfian wants to add 20 pounds, while nor losing any or his biggest asset, his speed. O N T HE BA Y Continued from B 1 heels, signaling a pMSing play, Khaliflan turned to his speed rush. "I'm faster going forward than they are going baclcward, • Khallfian said The junior was a part of three sacks lo the first half and two other tackles that resu11ed In a loss. He teamed with senior tackle Mark Tumple for two sac.lcs on ont' series that resulted in a combined loss of 25 ynrds after Los Altos had reached the Newport Harbor 11-yard line. He added an 8-yard sack with the help of senlor tack.le Austin Nieto late in the first half and recorded a sack in I.ht' second half for a loss of 3 yards. Next season. as one of seven retuning starters on defense, Kha1l1ian will be one of the leaders of the squad Because of the number of returners, his expectations are high. "Person.ally I want to go all the way next year," Kha.Ufian said. "I think we have the speed and agility. Now we just need to work on our size.· Building size is priority No. 1 for Khallflan as be gets ready for next season, preparations which got underway with a Tuesday morning weigbd.ifting session "That's going 10 be my biggest goal. to gain 20 pounds," Khallfian said. "People wou1d ge1 a hand on me and push me and that wou1d run me off course. Tha1's the only way they can disrupt my speed rush. I lhink if I gain 20 pounds, it will be a lot harder for lhem to push me off course " While he had much success on the field thJ~ season. lhe size differenual was notable against opponents like Foothill, Khallfian said . Linemen who combine size with speed could keep Khalifian out of the backfield. But after dominating Los Altos, Khatifian ends lhe 2003 season wilh e burst of confidence. "This game, going in10 It, I thought Los Altos must be GoUaths. so I just got myself really pumped up,· Khalifian said. "l was shocked. Their offensive line wasn'1 a1I that great." As a result, Khalifian outplayed Los Altos defensive end Brigham Harwell, a preseason All-American who has commined to UCLA Khalifian's teammates wondered whether he was up 10 the task in the week leading up 10 the game and he proved he was. Hes also proved lha1 Ile was right on target when he declared. his freshman year, that he wanted to be lhe one to hit the quarterback. That young player has turned into a football junkie. "Honestly, football is my life," Khallfian said. "I eat, drink and sleep football. When we win, that's a1I I think about all weekend When we lose. that'i all I think abou1 all weekend. Football probably takes up 70% of my life." TH IS H OLIDAY . Corne 101n us this holiday season hper1ence the pt•rf1'\ 1 meal with your family and fr1C'nd ~ <ll ThJnk~R1v1ng .ind Chr1.,1m.1c,. Del1~ht 1n the Joyous 'ound, of the All Amem .in Bo\:~ Chorus on the night before ( hr"1m,1s Eve and llll' c ,JIJ 'll'\\ Yt•Jr\ Eve Ball in th e GrJnd H.1llroom Uni~ .11 lht• I lo" of 1h1· l n,"t For information and T(''>l.'fVdllOfl'> ple;p;(' l Jll t14y b rn.41.i c; ,~ $ P/J~ !JJllJ-I ~d §: ?;fr,Jwl \ 2640 Legal N~ces 2MO Lepl Nottca 2MO Leval Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 The lollowina persons ••• doln1 business as Pttrskle Giller y L L C . JOO PCH Suite 107A. Hunt.naton 8Hch CA 92648 Pleraldt G1ll~wy l l C (CA), JOO PCH Suite l07A, Hunlintton Beach. CA92648 Thtt bu11ness 11 con· ducted by ltmlhd llab1tlty Co. Heye you 1111 led dolf\I buslneu yet? Yea 10·1·03 Plenlde Gellary L L.C., Jot ftub1n, Man11er Thia atetement wH filed with lhe County Clerk of Ortna• County on 11/18/0J fOOHtH 42t D1olr Pilot Nov 20, 27 Dec 4. II. 2003 Th940 Th• lollow1n1 penon$ are dotnt bu11nes1 as lmprssalv1 Pr1n11na & Grephlcs. 6305 Gellel Wey, Yorb• I Ind•. CA 92887 lmp<1S1•• P11n11n, &. Grephlca Inc (CA) 6305 C•ll•I Wey Yorb• Linda, CA 92817 ThtS bustnua 11 con· ducted by • corporellon H1v1 you slllfted do1n& business yet? Yes October lat lml)f111lvt Prln1tn1 &. Grephlca, Sandi F1hrny Prealdent Thia 1t1tement was filed with th• County Clerk of 011n10 County on 10/14/03 20036 .. IHI Dilly Pilot Nov 13 20. 27.0.C.4,2003 Th929 The lollow111e penott\ ere dotna bus1neu H •) Pe1ktre1I Partner\ b)Peaktu1i Prol)*rhes c) Pealllra•I Cep11a1 Manaeement 24586 V11 Oel O.o laeuna N1auet. CA92677 Grar>I F Warnu 2•586 V11 Del Oro Letuna N1auel. CA 9'1671 Peul Fitz Gibbon, 21 II! S1nt1 Ana Ave , Co,t• Mau, CA 92627 This bustneu Is con ducted by· • a•neral Pltlnenlup Hive you \tarted do1111 busines' yer7 No Grant F. Worner P1ul ftll Gibbon Thii st1tem1nl WIS hied with lh• County Cltfk of Oren11 County on l l/t8/03 200Ht 6S4'5 Deily Pilot Hov 20. 27 Dec 4, 11. 2003 Th9A I S......tf , .......... .. Fldltt.W.."- The tolfowlnc person hes 1bendontd the Ult of the Flcttlloua Busl neu H•m•. lat Vision Auto Class. 2800 Shen lllr Or , Coste Mesa, CA 92626 The Flctit10u1 811il,,.n neme rtf•rtd to above wu llled In Or1n1• Cou~ 7·12·02. flLE HO 909761 Eltiporn Yoolenawln. 2800 Sl!•nter Or , Coat. Me>a, CA 92&?6 Cartylt 0 . CornW911, 2007 T•huha Terrace, Coton1 del Mar, CA 92625 Tlllt butJneaa Is con- ducttd by· 1 atntr ti p1rtntral!ID Eltlporn Yootan1wln Tlllt tl1t1mtnt wll hied with tlle County Clerk of Or1n1• County on ll/14/03 l OOMtHOl7 011ly Pilot Nov 20, 27, Dec 4, 11, 2003 Th9$5 ......... ......... Tiit foltow1n1 ptraona .,, doln1 butlMU u · •) Dlamondlot.com b) P1tto·T1cll Ol1trlbutln1. l7l5S Von Klf1111n Ave .. Sllllt 112 11 J, lfvlnt, CA 92614 ROM Olaltlbutln1, Inc (CAI.IF ), 1715S Von ltetmt11 Av .. , IVftt II? \ U , IAlne, CA 92$14 Tlllt boltliwa It cen ~ltd lly • C4'r'°'•l-..... yov altfted clolnj bVtlMu yet? YetlO•tJ ftOM Ol1t110uliftl. Inc .. Rlcl11r• Welvtrlon, ,,. ....... 'fllfl 11•\elflenl Wit f111; with 1111 County Cltftl ot Of•11P County on 11/ll/03 • tooM .. 14M 0 1111 P'llot No•. 10. 11.J Dec. 4, 11, 2003 Thin . SIU. YMrllftWtnted ltemt OltO!f!! cl1niflt4 RdttlMllslMu .... s ...... The followln1 persons 11• do1n1 business u I nh1nc.d Parformance Center 734 f 17th St t\00, Costa Mau CA 92627 O•n1'4 Ann lodo.ha1 t. 1433 Supe<H>r Ave 1206 Newpor l Buch CA 92663 This busrneu •s con ducted by 1n tndtwtdu11 Have you al•rled do•na bu11nu' yel7 Yes l•n 2000 Denl'l4 Ann Loc~ttart Thia statement wes fll•d with the County Cltrk of Ortne• County on 11/18/03 200SHU426 Deily Pilot Nov 20 21 ~ 4 11. 2003 lh937 Ad!IMI ...... ... s....... The followtna person' tr t do1n1 business as Sln11ttr eek Publtc1hon1 2074 Conltnenl1I Ave Costa Mew. CA 92627 Robert R RHmusse". 2074 Continental Ave Coate M111, CA 92627 J1n1 Hyde. 2074 Con llnent1I Ave , Costa Mut CA92627 This bualnen 1s con ducttd by husb•nd end wife Hot you started doina b1111n111 yet1 Yu, 7/l/ 03 Robtrt Rumua"" This tletement wu I.Md with ltte County Ct«k ol Or1n1t County on ll/l4i'OJ '°°"'"101 Dilly Piiot Nov. 20, 27. Oec.4,11,2003 Th949 Fie-. ..... .... s...... Tht followfn1 peuons •I• dolfl1 bualftes1 11· LI Sletr1 H11rhtt llC, 11242 McOur-tt. St H, lf¥1M, CA 9281' Peclflc Gtend CCHtat. Inc., Men1t1111 Memblr CCefff), 11242 McDur· molt St H, lf11l11t, CA 92814 Tiii• butlneaa It c:on c111ct1d b1: • corpo1atlon HIYI you •llrltcl dolnc bu1ine»ytt? Y11 Octobtt 2, 2003 P1c!llc Grand Conat Inc .. Aontld [ l 4tlfat1d, Pru. fllll l tttl!Mllt WH flll4 with the Co1111t1 Cllfk of Or•nft Co1111b Oft ll/ ll/03 IOOMt6541t Deify Pttot Hov 20, 27, Dec 4, ll, 2003 Tht42 ......... ......... The foltoWit11 persona .,. dollll 1111111\tft ••. Or•lllt Cotal Consult· •nta, 1420 C. ldliipr Ave. 1%12, Sant• Ana, C1llfornt. 12705 fhomH 0.~id lt8nclt• 11)1 r;, ~ti' ROM 1\11, St"t• A111, C1llfof11lt 92708 Tl\ IKIM119'1 II Ctll • ducl9" ~: toi ~el Htu GM •l«ttcl.dcllntl bu11neu ytt7 Yes 10/l'l/OJ Thomes R1nd1ll Thh l tatemenl was flltd with the County Clerk of .Or anae Cnunly on 10/21/2003 200S'9UUI Dttly Pilot Nov ?O. 21. Dec I 11 1003 Th9'i6 RdliMhstlln ... s....... Tht lollow1na person' •r• do1n1 buitntu es P1ws N l'ew\ 1 Pro luslonel Petcett Ser vice 70 Path CrHt, N1wport Cout, CA 92657 Brld11t Sue JonH. 70 P81k Crul Newport Cotst CA 976!>7 ThtS bu11nus 11 con· dueled by 1n 1nd1v1du1t Have rou sltrted dom1 bustntn yet1 Yu 51131 02 Brtd&tl Sue lo11u Thts 1t1t1m1nt "'" hied w1lh tilt County Clerk of Oren&• County on 11/14/03 200SHUOtl Delly Pilot Nov 20 27, Dec 4, 11. 2003 Th947 fl<tlllM '"'-t .... s....... Th• follow1n1 persons ., • doln& busln111 •• Creellve Pity Dnl1n1, 170 C 17th St . Coat• Men CA926'7 Re11ie B 1-ckaon. 170 C 17th St Co\tl Mue CA 92627 Lonnie 0 Von 170 E 17tll ST , Co'h Mt11. CA 92627 Curtis J Bl•~kenbllltr. 170 E 17th St Co1t1 Mn1, CA 92627 This &u1lnen 11 con ducttd by. •n indlvldual H1v1 you atttled doln1 bu1lneu yet? Yea Hovembtr I. 2003 Curlis J Blenhnblllef Thll 1t1lemtnl wu flltd with th• County Cltrk ol Ouns• Cou"ty on 11/tl/03 !OO)H UUJ Delly Piiot Hov 20 27, Ole: 4, 11, 2003 Tll936 RctlllM--.U ...s.... The follow1n1 persona ere do1n1 bu1ineu 11 The Advocecy Croup 17801 Cartwr11111 Road hvlne CA 92614 The Orana• County Advocacy Group Inc 1CA). 17801 Cerlwrictit Road, lrvtne. CA 9261• Th11 business IS con ducted by a c0<porellon H•vt you •tarted do+nt buslneu yell YH 11/03/2003 The Or anat County Advocecy Group, Inc , Debra l Trab1t1on1. Pte\ fll11 sletemenl wH filed with the County Clerk of Ortnae County on I 1/10/03 200'69'45tl D11ly Pilot Nov lJ 10 27. Dec 4, 2003 1h9'6 Rt-. ..... ... s....... The follow1na P•"ons 11 e dolna llusintn IS £I« b lC5COfJllOn com. 2277 Harbo< Boulevard, 512, Costa Miu, CA 926~ Eddie s. Mcleese. 22n ~ar bo< Boultvtrd, 522, Costa Mesa, CA 91'626 Dulko Nlkohc. 2277 Herbor Boultvwd, !>22. Cost• Miu, CA 92626 Thti business Is con dueled by co partners Heve you started lk>lfll business ytt? Ho Edd11 Shook Mcl- Thl1 statement wH hied w1lll the Cou"lY Clerk of Or1n1• County on ll/10/03 200'6'64721 Delly Pilot Nov. 13, 20, 'll. Dec. 4, 2003 Th928 ............ •s....... Tiie followln1 persons lrl dotn1 buslMU el' Sh1nti l1Y1n1. 1071 S1nt1 Rosa AYt ., Coste Meu, CA 92628 Elllt Elfriede Ellatbtth Kell, 1071 Santa Row Ave . Collll Mett, CA 92626 Thia busln111 la con• ............ ducted by· en lndMdu•f .... S....... Hen you at•tecl '°'Ill l f I bualntas yet? YP, U Ill ollow n1 pertona 04 03 •rt doln1 bullllen 11: [fh [ffrltd• Ellllbtth Proe•dllrt [ ntl"Ht'I Kell Inc 23141 Vlfcfuao Or , Thi• 1t1t1m1nt w11 ttM. lllJlln• Hin,, C~· flt.d with tlle Co1.111ty 926" Ctetk of Or•nt• County Pf:GROOI' INC., (CA), on t l/1'103 23141 Perdu10 Dr • fOOS•t•SOff 110$, l.111un1 H~la, CA D1Uy l"llot Nov 20. 27, 9~ lluslneu ii con D.i: 4' ll. 2003 Tl!Ml dlict.td b)I. 1 c.,r"'etlon ...___..._ Hevt )''41 attrttd do<119 ,_ • t11111n•1 Y.et1 YM, 11181 .......... l"tOROUI' LINC., Irv<• The followlnc fHHIOll• 111111111 .. 1, l'rttleltnt lfe d0ln1 ~•lneu ": Thi• •Uttmtnt WU Sklnttlcs. UlO w. flltd wllll tM County Stewlft ~!:.1!507, °'" Oltr-of Or•llt' County •n1e. CA !llll!MI Oii 11/14/0I l(lrl ~" *Cattlly, MlttttM4 J44 Roy•n Lene, Coal• Delly f>flot Nov IO, 27. Mtu, Cf. 929%7 Otc.41 ll, 2001 Tll9S2 TMs bullnt" ta wn fllct .. b1: 111 llldl't!idu1I ..... yOll ,,., ... lloll't bualMnyeU v .. 11-•· ICMI MctliUlr ------__... .... ~-----.,__------=---'""' filed with the County Clerk of Orena• County on 10/31/03 200Ht Ul22 Oetly Piiot Nov 6 I 3, 20. '17 2003 lh91 !> Rctl!IM ...... "-*'-' !h• follow1na penons ere doin1 busineu u Hud Hl&h Cruttons 2014 Pl1cenlo• Ave Coste Mete. CA 92627 Mitt Adelsohn, 2014 Placentia A•• Cosll Mesi CA926U Ttt11 bu11nen " con ducted by 1n 1nd1v1du11 H1v• you stertad do1na business yet' No Melt Adelsohn lh11 st1temenl wn flied wllh the Cou"IY Cltrlo of Orana• County on 11/18/01 'ZOOHt65421 D11ly Piiot Nov 20. 27 0.c 4, I I 2003 Th9l8 ~ ...... "-S...... The followln& persons '" dol"I busintu u . Duckhorn Dulin. 12 Jupiter Hills Drive, Newport Bch, CA 92660 M1rlh1 ll111m llllott, 12 Jupiter Hills Or., Newport Bch, CA 92660 Th11 business 1s con ducted by an lnd1•1dual Hive you ''"led doina buslntu yet' No Marth• H Elhott lhl• at1l1m1nl w11 ftl1d wtlh the County Clerk of Oran1t• County on 11101103 20036964409 O•tly Pllol Nov IJ, 20, 27 Del 4 200J Th9l3 flctltlws .,_, • .... s,.... !l'le lollow1n1 person• ••• doma business n I ) Whowellnownerwotk tom b) WWKN tom 1927 H.wbcx Blvd #606. Coste Mesa, CA 92627 Din Berrell I~ r ulip ln Untl C, Co,ta Mell, CA 92627 This bu\lnes1 " coll dueled by 1n lndMdual Have you started do1na but1ne11 yet' No Din 811<rttl lh1\ \lalemenl wn hied wrlh Ill• County Clerll of Oran&~ County on ll/141QJ f003ffUOl5 Daily Ptlol Nov 20 21 D.c 4 II, 2003 Th9SI Ac""-.... ... s ...... The folfowln~ ptr sons •re dolna business as SL D(POT. 1733 Mon· rov11 llN. Coste M111, c. 92627 Abe L11 Blelk . 4 Esc•p•d• Ct . Newport 8Hch. CA 92663 This busmen la con· dueled l>y en lndMduel Hive you 1tw ted doont bustneas y111 V" u l 2QOl Abt l ee 8111k fll11 •t~l•m•nl Wot\ ftled with tile C n11nty Clerk of Oran11e f11111tly on 11/03/03 '2003'90991 Oatly Pilot Nov 1, ! 20, 27 2003 lh'll4 RdltiMINIMl "-™--Th• follow1n1 pet\Qn\ 11• doina bu\lntu " ht V1s1on Autu Ctn\ 2800 Shentar Or Co\ta Mua.CA926l6 E1t1porn y,.111ao.1w1n 2800 Shanlar Or I n•l.1 MHI, CA926?6 Tht~ bu1111en 1\ • "" ducted by an 111d1vuJual Have you •l•rt•rl dome busine•-. yet' Vos 111 13:03 [ 1\lp<>rn Yootanawtn !his •lll•m,nt wn hied with the County Cler~ ol Or •nrf' County on 11114/03 200J69U070 D11ly P1lo1 Nov 20 2 l Dec 4. 11. 2003 Th9!> l Fldltlws~ ,...s ....... The lollowlna person' •r9 do•na bu51nen es th• Ohana Protect. 1780 Oriole Dr , Coste Mesa, CA9~26 People Jnvolved, Int , (CA), 1780 Onol• 01 Coal• Meu. CA 92626 Thd buwien 11 con ducted by • corpoutton Htve you 1terttd dol"I buslona y1!1 Xu 101 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • l'>.03 Peopt• Involved Int Judt Wtllt8m• Prt•Ulonl lht\ \l•ten1enl WI' l1lrrf wllh thr Lou11tv t:l~r)\ vt f>t•n•1t-lounh "" II 14 II I '2003'9U09S U.1 ly f'tl ·I Nnv 'I'\ 'II 11• 4 11 lOOl lh'J4'i fk1itieus IW.tss N.eStatt.Mt lhe tntln,.,11~ p•rson\ •t t· 1Jtun~ IHt"etnt"~\ .,~. O&O !lepu\1!11111 Rtp111 I rt\ llfi llroddw•v Cn'\ffll M,.,,_. ( ,lhtOt n11t 971iil ll•nt,. Mo111· O"m' h 7/07 Hrn•cJw•y Unit 1 S•nt.1 Aru (~hton11• 97701 ltu\ h11\mr\\ 1\ nn Out l•d bv .•:. rnd1v 1111•1 tflv, y.1u "t4'r l•d dnin~ bu11nt<• ~"'' N.1 Dem~ •• M111c O•unc h 1 ht5 \l•tf 01,.nl '#A •. ,,d 'With th"' f.0•1ttl'f Cle1ll nf (h an~• Co11ntv ''" 11 ?'>OJ 'Z00!6.6UtS D<tly Ptlo>I Nov ?I De• 4 11 If! 200J r11q57 SEU your stutt through class1fled! TIH Ltt11l Dtp11rrmm1 at tht D1tily f>il<>t ii pkAs<ti co '"'"ounrt a nrw strviet """' 111Nti"7Abll to "ntJ lnlsints1t1. ~will nOUI SEARCH tlN Mmt far!"""' no txtrt1 thll1ft, 11nJ uw J'"' 1/!t """ 11Ni tht trip t.o tht CA.tn HoMH '" 5111""1 Au. Thns. of rPlll'ft, 11/ur t1N 1ttm/J ii cgmplmJ ~ will fik J#'" ftm~ lnuinns Mnu 1u1m1m1 wtth tht ~JC/] CJm, pMb/uh OtUY d wtt~ far four wttltJ II.I ~M1mJ,,, /Jrw llnd tl'f11 fik J'I#' prwj' •f !"l>botrun witJ, tht CllM"'J Ckrk. f'ltAu s14p "1 14 fill JO•" ficmiOllJ l>.41irtnt "°'' """"""" "' tlH D11il) Pilot • JJO W. &, .sl, CAs1'I Mr111. If'°"""""'' "'P ~ plu# "'II 111 •t (9-19) 6124321 11"4 wt will-'" """"f'1M"ll far JO# ti lundk this promlurt ltJ ,,,.,L If JO" 1"""'4 luw IUIJ fort/Nr f"fltio1t1, pit#.# t.U Ill 11Nl WI will bt 111.ort th411 tfM to ASSist J61L Good luek ;,, J6"' """ ~ "'111 Policy t II• lollow1n1 P., 114"' .,. do1n1 busmen ». IUbtlll "OH, 1210 81Hn, Suite 894'7. ~oft hull CA All• ....... I I HO ........ ........ Tllol lollowl"I IHlfMHI• ... "°"'' bv .... I& ... Y•~1e1 ' tt.w. 33J l t 1111 St Ste '5 Coste Mewl, CA 92627 Yau1yo TtllO.O. 16102 Sp11n11hle St 19, Hvnt111rt011 ludl, CA 9t6ott Tllhl IKl•lneu .. COii. ......... ........ TM ICllow•l\I ,.,_ • Ne clotl\I •u~ H 0.Cor l1y, ll Vlllll ... L11un1 H l\ltl. CA 92671 Mer1 A Pejot 16 V•ntl(e, l •1un1 H1&11tl. CA92671 Tiii• buslnu.a b ton ~led by en lnd1•lduel Hive ,..., alarted ~ blnlMia r•tl No ... ryPelot This 1t1ltment wn .............. ............. ,... ...... Otlty Pi6ol Now 10, 11 • .,_ .. 11, 200.) Th1eO How to Place A CLASSIFIEAD - By Fax (1)49) 631-6594 Cl'k•x 111tluJc your....,,IC'.nd J'IMIC' """'"°"'and .. c·u call )UUhak ••them<<~ I By Phone (949) 642-5678 I lours By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St -~~--- o.tyl ___ Deadlines __ Monday ...................... Friday 5:00prr Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00prr Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5 :OOpm Thursday ............. Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Rate and dcadhnes a.re ~ubject to change without notice The publisher ~rvts ~ nght to censor. reclassify, reva)C or reject any clbsified advertisement Please report any error that mny be 1n your cla.ss1fied Pd un.med.iatcly. The D.uly Pilot llCCCplS no habs111y for WlY error in nn advcruscmcnt for which 1t may be responsible CJO.lCpl for the coi.t of the space octuaJJy occupied by the error. Credtt can only ~ allowed tor I.he fiTht m~rt1on. Telephone 8:30am-5;00pm Monday-FnJay Walk-In 8:30am-S:OOpm Monday· Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUIKllDITS & MISC. GARAGE SAll BUSINESS & FINlNCIAl 11llO '°"JS c a<ons nc -Oil*. Ot. ,;J, ' l;lh .. Abe.,~.'*~ ... ~. 9411 645 1505 BfTBITAINMElfT Clltndarof &Ira 1310 EOUAl llOUSllG OPfOIT\lm All 101 t•l•I• 1clve1I"· lftS In lh11 n•••p•per ts \Ubje'I h> tltt f edtfll f •II HOU1IOI Act of 1968 •• •mtndtd which m•-n 11 •11•111 to 1d11ert"• "•ny Pftfer e11ce hmll1t1on or d1u.r1mm1tlon h•a.td on race, color reU1ion. •H. ll1ndicej1 l11n~,.1 tl•lu• Of nahonel «H lt1n tit an Intention lo m•lle 1ny 1uch preleren1.1, llm1t1 tlOn I>/ dlic11m1nal!on • Tll~ ne~ woll not -no.,1nsl1 •«•Pl 1ny 1dverl1Mm•nl IOf rnl utale wlllch " In •mlatk'ln nl th"' law 0.w •••dtl\ ••• h•rtb)' 111fC>fmed that •U dwtl lhrs ad••• hsed In thb new11>aper 11e •~•ll•b,. on •n equal Oj>por I unity bHI\ Io cn1npl11n ol di•· t.11min•t""' eel HUO tol flet 11 I 800-424 8!>90 SELL your stuff through classified! 2305--2490 Old« Styte '"'nlbn l'WfOSl~ . .......,._.,...... .,...... . ..-.o..~ $$CA8HPAtof$ ............... WIE BUY l8TATE9 ·~tr ... ir......._• "WI ;~~~~.~~~~ I ·,,,.,.. • I 1 1, 11,,, L _ ___"_• _•I ~64M922· SOUTHC8AST AUCTI N 1419 Cmpl• Equ,.i, l>Mhlv•. turn. fr11. new vntce -els .,_..,. WOii -'l!:HJ falrW•rdo-"CM S.tl 12 . ,...., "'"" _._, Ible, cln. t1i11tt cMlhn'• ~ """' 96J2 ~ Orte rr1 &s.tM Of mas BTOUllBlt 400 AHIMALS RCSCUFO Wirt! HO OWHillS MOHf.Y ~TIOHS NUMANI 500nY C/OPAWS 240 E HIOHlANO SAN BEllHAAOINO CA, 92404 PLUG IN Plug into the Piiot Classified section to find services from efecttonics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. ,f I ' 1 I 1 I '" fJ fl,, Index I , • ~ .,,,,, ' . . ;' ·•'\." • :~...J--:...... _1 ~ .. --........ ~ - soos-saso • I -~ 0 I I . , __ . .... 750 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 w-... n...a..- Oey Thur• Ho• PB"" Jpm to awro~ 7 8 C)Opm $50/hr to prepere thenb,w1n1 d1nn11. muhed pot1 loea. ••eelpot1loea. "'" & onion,, 'tulltn1 In Tu1~tr Coavy, Carve JEWEi.RY I 3460 t<JMESFOR SA.LE MISCEUANEOUS DtAMONDSI ORANGE 5400 RENTALS l SIDI CHAAMIMG, hh new 2br 1.!lb1 town house 1trle 2!>22 Elden Sl 375/mo 949 642-~ Wntdlfft Lre 2bd, 2b1 cbndo. Up1t1lrs, c11port, 1256 Autllnd Sl350/mo M•wperf hlwt4 1.y- f r-t Just comptelejy r •modeled' 2tY. I' /Iba. .... So flc'"I p9bO $2500lmo w/dod; avlil for ldd lee 6 mo least, D1~AQt 714,812·5668. •714 832-1766• PRECIOUS METALS coum -Renll-IT_o_Shlrt ___ _ 3lH I !iea usltlde llouw w/d 1n hll, d/w. trl1. Fp, I c 111. bukyerd, SlllOOm, l"la S25 Ubl mo (949) 378 3606 '"'"•r I w1U heve Ille turkey 1n the u•en al IOOO•m !M9·8Jl 11441 bU\llleSI I 6"*11 Announcemlntl 1610 OUUHASON ,, ..... o..dl .._. ... ci..a. epp<e11 I/hr trom Newport Buell (atel lent hunllnc •djaunt to •l•t• ••taduwl relUlt ownenhlp inl•nl & approa J/!i acrn ol l•nd & lmtlfO¥ementa • ynur own t•mp compound w/slructure end 2 \1.....,, Wnndetlul f11 n11ht BBQ'' ~ wine lultn1t du11n1 duck HUOll • m1ny ....... Ideal tor 'l lntn4-or l•ll• & SOft Cd M·k• •I 310 5'1 08S4 HOME c-stC.-Nee4e Old Coln11 Qcild, •llvtt. 11W91rr • ...tct... an~ colled1blea ~9 642 9CC8 3610 • a,_....,.,_~. Got ..... ~ .... Peralan klllena Red. Tort_,_. at shoh S«X>M._211-SllS aUCUI t11 lil•'• Uncerte1nt1u ttappenl Pet Ownan Nttd 11.ic> Well Mannered Adult C1b & Oldtt Doc• nee4 new homes Adopt Adult Anim•I• this Xmul 30 d•r ••turn Policy WWW 1n1m1lntl•Of-Oii wtna ..... &U.15 Ba1111 Fed & ttn1 ,_, '1 an-c mn.. J) °" i.-.. bbld~nUnit .-.~w~ ~aitm ... w.a ,.., a tfh 12~ ~2'1J9 WWW •nlm•lntlWOf~ ••• IMPROVEMENT MISCBJNIOUS SERVICES 2600 MERCHANDISE Mlallaneoas SeMca -Mllclfllnloa C 0 0 l TU V ll JO I Mtrdllndlle 3156 lnhy le~tl Pci•lliont. A N[W COflt>UTrA? But 11+. no ~ -no C1sh7 Aporo~ed • -r. 'l..., pm....._ Cuer1ntffdf• Hew-Fest· tr•n't>fl<l•tion, lod.1111 r •mOUI Brand No ~ fiX> ..,. bClrua Credfl ChKll, bl4 crrtdtl lo ltWl Tai Fr• 8/lllZTl OK I 800 411 -"80 'llJ2 (CH. "9'.:Nf> •t ... clllnl IC(OUftl re HOME fURJllSHINGS quired (CAL •SCAJll) - ,........ -Rllt&llel tf~-11,.. lttete hk ii .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii42S0iiiiii Ne...,-t IJI. rrencll rovdlt. wlnCblldl cliffs, R t1wte lovt Mala. If bt & dr Tomm, 81ham1 lllfnl fnves .... I tllte, •••dtn, bHllltl, Sfil .. t Mclney llbll """"1111r!111. .... t:hftlL ,.,,. ltrilld Alntkl. 31 a1 ....... • n'" r .. ., n ~•I pl.tee N «lt> In the US to lnvHt ln rulultlt find out wllr vi.it. CGnlnl dtl Mar a.9f SAT-suN I~ 7'55 Allucado 2llr 2lw alnlt>, So ol l'Oi. ~ Sue Thon. S5ID( -~Z!!M OPIN SAT~SUH 1-S s11oc-,...,c1u1. NIW OM THI MUIUTI Mt'9 Verde Jbr 2.5111 temod houn. new Ille/ c11pel/wlndow•, 1ppl'1. pe1nt Int.Ide & out. 2 Ip. 111 l1m lit plln O~er "'eel back1d $619 000 Jim & lHht fifst fHm ,.,,..... a-fl n4-JCZ llJfi IASTSIDI (eoto MeM O .... a .. ,.._, c-4, "-ftl J~ Mt• wltti ._... ... rrtnc...t., $705,000 Ae-t71C-tH-2194 81111 luy n E Sdt CM we bm rtmOd lb' horn11, iww Wwt ' i.. $4C8,llJ) Eada lfd, Eat & Wt T9}'b 91fv.i74-Ell o,_ ...... s-. 12-4 lttwport lflen4 8ayfront w/prlvate boat dock U11surpnsed qU1tltrl Je1t1t 1emodtl lft '99f00 2tlf 2'/>tl1 + H cec>tiOnal dtft. 3112 Cll1nMI Pk . S2,075,000 Aat· David 714 812-5863 llOTINO WATll VllW 601.U.P..tlDflSI Gttc LIV W/2CtiR S(C 28R 2.58A Sl.250.000 lido Ptrk Rntty Mtry louKlellllt M9 8761100 I St4e (Mt• MeH sll111 townhouse. milt 1urte w/b• Comm pooV ~·· a•t•d. Gerace $750/ mo 949 642·5620 Hl/Oc-VI-•-O~unlront/22nd, p,. . ••It 1 m untUfn, share ba. ullls p11d. n/1mk, k1tchenell1, lndr y, I blk to Newpoft pier, S730m. Ca.II Sam 949-271·7~ (between 9am-!)p111) Ylill\' UAHS .... ~NOMU llJ. GallNOY UA&.tom 949-67M161 lbr 2ba upp11 level b1yfronl unit pe11od ,..._. lbr lbe p1ho, style, 1rt vu, I c a•r llrepl1ce, shared w/d •el $2800 949 293 4631 hkups. I car ear•a• Aal S1500/MO ~9-293-46~ T••chlnt p•• ov•ll. Decreed & Credellt1.11ed w/middle u hool up SocUll SludiH & l 1n SU. Arts • ptus Appl' 1t G11ce Church a. Schools, 6931 [dlnpr H8: I Newport BHch room 1ve1I close to beach Perfect for 1url11/K1rllil Newpwt sa.. .. 2:br Zb1 .$850/mo 949.548 6353 newer c.r.,.1, pa.I & hie 2 c t1nclem 1w, wdhk· •. 21/ ... I pr, I C.pofl. lm+st, ,_ '!>Pl & apt. 3 wwldlor1C at SI !l!'l(Vmo 714-390-SIDO CLASSIFIED SblgelG-119', •rt ~9-293-4630 Space for~--UDO tSU STUDIO L¥t• closet & b•lh. NH 24 hf &torep 400-wnny uposur1, $1000m 600sl units Mly •lore Aat. 949 675 6161 .. ... ., 3111 """"" 2 rty. I'll~ 2 ~ wd......., 2 c fW, CDTI pcd SIZI) !M9G'3<CXZ It's tht solu· tionyou're searching/ or· whtthtr you're seeking a home, apart· menJ,petor new occupation! vtehlCIH, Iowa rates Cll~~lB> Stw ...... ol .. /Nftl4e secure, eny 1cce11, would 1ull boil, AV, •ulo. nur,,.ry °' othtf bvslntH (949) $53·1$53 AESIOENTIAL RENT "'-J?. ORANGE 7400 COUNTY •,ta... UnfurnlsMd, w/d. stove, lril. Av11V Jen l. YHfll IHM. et2f. 79?=369&e UCI Athletics Heh Dwtelor fC>f Community/ Ye>ulh Proe VtSlt htt:/ /www..u.tlca ucl.911U tor COlll> job claa1>tlOn ,...,., I,_.......,., O'M "' Fullr1on m-f, ....., cMd hm 1ChoOI, dW\ prl!WI ITllli ..... ._ O'M'I -!M!MZl· 19158 ••DRIVERS•• MAY TRUCKING CO ,,, )'Otlf roed to succual •vans ll Wntern. 11()()..547· 9169 13217 *RHfers · ...... , ... 800-!147-9189 J32l4 o.cbc1ted ··-I UM Owner ope11ton ..... www.m•,truclllna com (CM.93CNO The Classified Advertising ~cpartmcnt will be closed on Thursday, November 27th & Friday, November 28th, 2003. We will re-open on Monday, December lst at 8:30 a.m. ' If you'd like an ad to appear in the newspaper from Th_ursday, November 27th duu Monday, £?ecember l st, you must call by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26th, 2003. HAVEA HAPPY 'FHANKSGWINGI 949.642.5678 I nailY~Pilot I > .. OOpm OOpm OOpm av all, nhaled AldDllClbllel - Wdw -.. w '01 u -... ~o. 5spc1, 2311 ml, Tull I.ct wwr•nty, al~"/MI IUtr, CO, mnrl, l!lin Whb. beautiful Ilk• new cond, fin 1v111. v995621 124.995 Bllr 9ot9-5116 111118 -.. ··-~·ttc.t-5°" 1111. blll/blk llhr, blll ~lete ~f 8oH CO, flrt clli'1'1 whll, Cold ,,.,. books/rtcorcb. 1111• .,,. $8995 ~S728181u 9'f.JH-llU -.~.<- Ca41ttac 't) DaVllla wtiltt/Oltnlell tthr, low ll'i. beaulJlut Of le ... cond Inside S. out. chrm wtib, S29!IS Bllr. 949 586-1888 _....,._ ~t .,, •• ,. Cillo 2dr coupe, V6, JOI( ectual ml, slllltr/srffn mtlaHIC, co. bt1utrfut lib new cond, S6995 v872491 Bllr 949 586 1888 -Mpallt.c.n Ootyslar ... s.~ ... lXI Conv, 1811 1ctu1I m1, 1nelaft1C ttatn tin lthr blad• top, beeuhlul like new cond, S7995 l1rm vl56nl Bilr ~1888 __ .... _ COlVlTll '16 (Pl Auto, ac, all power. white/red 1nte1, buu, runs strona S7~ obo 949·2«·33?• ,., .. '65 111, ....... Convarllble, or111n1I OWIM•. solid Cir ma .. SlUD dlO 96 719 29U FORD TEMPO '90 S7SO 714·957 0705 •ac S11,.11rlla11 lSl Z500, 4wd, 70C. • m1, ColdJl•n 11111, •In ~et surerl> or11 cond Sl ,99!> v!)S2461 Bkr t4t-Sl6-IHI -.M,alll.C- b" '00 llla,.i• LS J3k metallic silver blue rrey lthr fully loaded, llllt new; cond SI0.49!> ~l 8llr 9&511tH88fl -.. , ....... , .. '9 7 Ace•" 'ldt ope EX. V tee 1n11ne. b«Kk/lfl)' llhr. snrl. ~1U1tut unllllfktd ~£. preaed . ..on 1mk1 184!:1:> v#Ol2117S1 8kr 98SUlll -.Dq'Jllb.t.un ~ '00 S TY'f'O ),0 ~. 35' mt, lull led _,, S1ln1 /oatmul Ith< tMrl, CO, memory ~I· bffvt like now unma1t.ed cond. S23995 v•752262 8kr. 949 S86 1888 -.M .... t.- T TO RS· CaUfornle l•w ti llUWa lhet contrac ton \.ak_l!IJ jObt lhel tot.al S!lOll °" -· (Wiot Ot m•t.,lall) ~ llctnMd by 1M Contractora Stile license 8011d. Stele ... llbo lllqllttel 111•1 ~ontr•ctors Include their loc.anse number on ell ldverUslnf You CM c'*ll bM lllllllo tr rour licensed conh1c101 1t -w.cslb ce 1ov or 800-3?1 ·CSLB. Unit c.nnd contr1cton tlklnr joh thet 10111 Ins then $500 muJt slit• In their '4hltfl1Hmtnb lh•t lhtt "' not tlcen1td lly th• Contrtclor1 State llunM ~11d " .,.11.a A•••••lllta CotfA~ ~Ulaln ........ ......., ~~,. .. '"" lllty. ll!OellrlOf, 1111~. bllcA& ... p_ (i!/9.l9) $21,97S wu.....u Top of tilt lint, sport pl\c. l'l'IOOfWoof. dwomee, .,__, ... (fr073M) '23.995 wu..........., Top oftM 11M w1"evlption •:rsttm. dU., w .. n, enter lalnment. loaded (J42024) 24.985 "O I "'-'tt U Spofl ,,_. w/moonrool. CO, '-*' (605391) s l 7 .850 'Or~s,.r­c.. c.tified, 6 Yf', 1!jk mi. -renty, moooroof, co (671059) $19.985 ,, , """"' '-"· _,,,,, (~· CD,ss:;'J,s ,..,~ ...... .... Top of the .... ulb-mm '*8. ovo. ttav Sys. Moolvoof, lOildld S. Lincoln c.rtifled (mi63) S4 l.885 714-540-5630 COSTAllSA llKOUI lllOllY COVE MOTOllG AUDIA4 '00 Black. w/arey Inter •V0802 01scounted IMW.Ulla'tt Bleck, tan 1nler •V9978 Musi Sell IMW S281'tl Brontz, l~n mler IV!.497 Mu\t Sell IMW S211a'OO Green, Ian inlet •V0567 Discounted IMW UOl'OI Wh1t1. 11n •2466 Must Se. BMW !>tOt 99 Blue 11r•Y inter •V21 ll Must Seti BMW 140it'OO Bronn/tan 19158 01scounled llllW 740la'OO Bleck tan 1nte1 •V94~ l>Bcounled BMW 740tL '01 Blue/arey 12843 Mu\I See IMW 740tl '01 Silver. erey #V8605 Grett Buy BMW 740!1 '01 Wh1t1. 1rey •~I GrtalBuy 0--1 ...... '02 Blick 1r•y IN~1 cre.t8uy Morley Dov follt '92 Red, bl1ck •V8109 Discounted HM~StlS A· Z HANDYMAN lnslJOll. refece cab1nell ~ mdcq. Dour 714-~n!ill c.,.r Cttanlng •i~ .~ r ' •, ' , ' . ' . .. . .. 3 toomt .. lldwlY ..... lllc*IClle Ol«)OlldlllOl!flf w T'DOA'f. CUAll """ Kavin 71'-a&HCZ ontc17 tt CllJ'I--~ ---~,._ .. , •>548 Gfut Deal ~~".,, IV11M1 Dt1uunta4 ,..... .... c ... ,.. ,.,. #12!0 Musi S.11 ,...., .... ,, ""· ttll IOllS9 c. .. , 0..1 •llCIDts CHO '02 llllCll,MKll IV'n.17 01~nlad MCRCCOU E320 '01 Blad, Blacll lvs.458 01SC:O\lflled MERCEDES U20wa '99 CrMn, ten •V4581 Crt1l Dael MERCEDES MISS '00 S1IY9f. blecll 138S9 Gt .. I Dul MERCEOU SSOO '95 Whit•. tan 13650 01M:ounted MOCIDIS SISOO '00 While, tan I0580 Must Sell MINI COC>f'O 'ot Slue, pey .a962 Must s.u JOltS<HI (WYOfa '99 Blecll. black IV1068 Orscounted POISCHI Cerr ... a 'tt Slue, any fV6049 Must Sell Qvele Mancusi 01 Silver. bltck IVOIJ9 Ors.counted ~stlS ,.Mtl11PS AUTO WeMWUM 56lr '"' (19470) Sl&.980 '9fJ...-V-'- l'US 3711 m• (19812) S27.980 'ff J_,, a-.. .. A Steel (198081) S9.980 '1 texw UfOO Silver low m1 (194SJI) SI 7,980 'ff Marta<IH a.soo 49'1m1 (197!il) S49.9llO '99 Marc.Jn 1"10 0.1sel, Pflc•d to stll (19842) $23,980 '9S Menff.. UOO While 6411 ml (19836) 2',) 980 '91 Mere ... SUfO .... _ 4lk mr (19859) S28.980 f4 Mar<_.• SUOO •-'-tar Whtie (19020) S2I 980 'fl SA.U JOOS C.... 671r.m1 (19852) SI? 9llO 'HV..tr • ....,_ H ...... 11. (19728) S9.980 fff-574-7177 Pll1IS AUTO ,. ....... fl ND .:;:::.. c..a-.y Mdi8'adtS'°'"Tlle COl!Cfete, ,..IJD, Dtlwwey fHJlk, 86Q ltef'I. 25Yra Eicp. Ttrrr 714 557 7594 c....... -..y w.... c:.-t. 8ndl. Slonl, Tit. ~--RIW*,"9 "* -1111111 714"l>!I062 YOUIMOMI IMNOVIMHff NOJICTf Cttt • plumber, ptlnltt, h1111d1m1n, Of eAy of lht lfUt tlrV"-IS foSl d htr1 ifl OW Mr,,K.l dhClOfr' TKSl LOCAi. SVC f'tOf'U CAH HlU' YOO T YI llusday, ~ 27, 2003 IS -Bridge 8V CHAN.ES OOREH whh OMAR 8tWW TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ,...-..u.v .... PIH INtdlc rlld l111 llhr, ktr\lhfUI onctn.al cond, Muat ••• to IPPftClll!c l!f•pd. flOn 1mkr, ~ v70i57l 811r tttW t• -. ..-..- MERCCOES B,.Z '01 Sl500 lotd•d •tlvtr, ~ I*&. AMO whla, 9K mi, shoWrm COllCI, 302 hp SSZ,7!0 714 II& 1 lf7 aan-4.e 'ff <HO Buuttful ll•kk/crum fully lo1dtd, ahowtoom Wout S9250 n4-7'1il 2• Marca4ea 'tS 1110 8tectv'bfll bt1UI, Ill opl, none nlclt, ntw ~ S'le. SlOZ,O 714 ~1·246-t • .._....HllOOS.0 Ofic own« ful bcloks & 1tcOl'ds, b4lt. lthr. dwome whl, 11 .. ubfvl Ofll CO/Id, must ,_ to eppnclal• $4995 "968734 .,., ,.,_,.,_ .... www.ecp!ftt.c- ..,. v.a;.::-,,,_ (l9728l) $9,980 '000...C.-..na White. low nw Cl9n61> SJ&.980 '00 ,..,.. ,, , ,_ S.tvtt. 3511 m1 (19441) '52.980 '9SMarr .. •U20 I one Wheel Bue (197890) $21,980 '99 M°'~ fJtO White, v .. ~ Nic:41 (191231) $73 980 'Off-' .... ,.., OT Black, 2311 m1 (19663) Sl6,980 '00.,...,., XIII c- Black, 18k ml (19818) 0,980 '02SAAa •-S Red 22kmt (l 9869) S25. 980 'VllMWJUO Rid. Only 8k ml (19826) $29,980 'DI eMW 140& Sport Sltve< (19849) $37,980 .,, ) .. a..r.l .. AttHI (198081) 19,980 Nt-S7~7771 Plll1IS AllTO ;II\•••• Parsdta '01 c..,..... 4 8111./len int, Aefo kit pks. eve1y opt poistbte, 4k m1. nev1< spent e n11hl outside 0t r11ned on $62,500 oOo 949 322-6248 Sl!ll ,011r C.r In Clalllfl*d I Md TMNAH HIRSCH lf<>ll.WN'S CHOICE 8oCb ~ulocnblc Nnnh clcab NO mi •• 084 rv AKU 0 92 •KO Opcnina lracl: Thrtt of • 1bett i~ a i.uy1ng in the Old Country· .. l( you dnnL. lhc waJcr you die. and if you don'1 dntU. the walef you die!" Etit fOWl<I out the mean&ll& ol thi• on the dml abo•~ _Am_m_iat_w _____ Auloc_m_dtl_• ____ BOATREPMRSI .,. .... Auto. IMtlw. <D. PremWhb (699275) s 12. 900 'OtA.ttw4VP SIVCrey. Custom Whts. CO, 261< ml (116527) Sl3,900 'ff St-SOO 5'>or1 f'llc/AMG. Bose Mulll CO. 2 loin (107291) SJ9 900 '"'"" WhVten, Auto, moon N1e• Cat (099216) $14,900 '02 o.-4 Am Sf Auto, f\/C, CO. Rur Spit' (263427) SI0.900 ,, .... _ lHNled, loaded Slit Pnced (O'J4773) Sl6.900 'OOGS300 Wtlt/l an Platlnum Stties, low Mi. CO (099216) $25,900 '"GS300 B"/hn CO. Naki Audro l oadtd (046903) $21,900 .. , f-40 Hflert lop ol Iha I 1ne, Bo•e co. '11141\. ("4967) Sl9,900 .... ...,,. •• ..,., •. 0 HSI Auto, 4WO. Muth CO. loeded (326806) $14,900 a-.. ltaver '99 4.6 HSE 481< m1 tufl fact Wllll blk/blt. ltht 18' chrm whls, supetb tond tmluiM $23 99f> Vll 7101 8kr 949 S86 1888 •-·•<,.Ill.ca"' •-.. aever '00 4.0 SERVICES SE 1611 e<:tual ml, full fact warr, blk/cttmel •••••••• lthr. buullful hh new cond Mu1t see to awecilta $28.9!1> vOl 7896 Bt.r 949 Sl6 18118 --~-11-.. lover •ts 4.0 SE &.-ml black/tan lth1, superb cond tllrouahl, boob. record$ Sl0,995 v045829 Bkr 94~ 586 I B88 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 7Sft IOAT S&W, Sublet tor O.C a. lln S23 ps fl. on XMAS IOAT ,.MADI aoun ~ -.~.c-SllPS AVAl\Alll, T-11• '95 GL wlilta, double slz11, In Hewpo<I loaded all options, Beach J Hunt1n1ton 1mmecul•t• S2500 Harbor, 949-67!)·4847 714-751·24'4 Tayete '97 c.,.._ DX 60lr. + ml, euto. pw, pl, CIUlse, whltfl/KteY Int, supttb S4995 vl57829 8k1. 949 586 1888 __ ...,..,,,_ TOYOTA MU ''1 wh•I•, owntf since 92, r•a me1nten1nc1. must ue to apprec11te S3800 obo 949 322-5292 ... v ... .., .... ., •• lan, IMw mol0t, ru11s lfHlf $3200 obo • 714·458·0612• v ........... ·0J1 .. tt. Conv T1Rbo ~. 1700 m1. 1mmacuta11 cond. $25.500 949 675 ... AUTOMml.ESI MISCEllMEOUS Wad M AU10S WANTED SELL your stuff through classified! "E lo " mp yee. ''Empleado. " "Arbeitnehmer." "Employe. " WtnHOln HYWAU LIMY sa.-.. R1rpmed All pheses sm/lrs )obs R11Jouhn a lnsten1t10n H_..eClaOfthtgebp'cl Wkly/81 w~ly/Monlhly Ref's Creal ••tu! lrneldl 9&~ 9'9m«JJ Mowtng ' Slorlgl PUBLIC NOTICE CUAHI 20y,., faif, frat nu: OUN 949 673 806!i est. t«XXXWJ 11~1A47 71~ 714-Ml 2031 BGtcllStrVtca SaaAU IOI UPUT loal.Q~l~ Hor!M, Ytrd & Dock Elac:I 3> Yrs [Jiii Dllam [lime t.IZ1!ilW 9851042 CUS10M CllA1M 1U lnltllllbuft. ..... ... .,.., ......... 7J l.l&UOM .WI 714411 a.tkll .... '' ' I I' I"' 1· ":o' .~ = - : o I 111 '~, I I • (9'\ Troe Sanrlca, Yard Cleanup, Maintenance. Spt1nlll1< Rtp•lr, H1ul1na (94') Ho-1711 Hf<, HJHF • Hf PAIP x. Rl \1001 l l~f. 1 , •r t~ II (, '\ 1 • Hr 1•11 (-<,I 111 o~.1 ·,,., '" , .. f:"t • '• I CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18Yrs~·O.R4ft M Pl-. OI Conltlruc:llon ~Allnodll&jn ll5~ 949-305-7699 :== • Raidaal. Olardll 0 Job 1bo Small DatieB...alto. M,.HWJ92 v ..... ,. (•«••• & M .. _.y Brick, Block, Slone, r.oncrm RWol'Comm ll747448 714 96~ 2824 ... llSllNG/lll'llCllON IHl••f Dr•t fuf!"t Oat. rMN. Pt-1!ployrnonl. ~~ HOllDAY Hll,. Home a P•rly OtcOI Tree Trim mtna. Room M1keovars, Showfftl 949 ~8270 11n aovm sss/Ht. Servint ~ C1IOM lnsurall 013144 323-997·1193 323-63()-91171 Cllt fht Cehl Publlc Ulrhllas Commissloo requires fhtl tll UMd household 1ood1 movers r""' tlltlf P .U C Ct T number; hmos and clleuffeun print lhtlr f C P number In all edvtr· Usemenls II you htv1 tny quesllon1 about the l•a•lltY of 1 mover limo •r chauffeur. Liii PUIUC UTIUTllS co••rSSH>M IOO 177·11•7 ll'D-OI ·-....--·~ .... ,~ , NOMAMR HOW JOU SAY .f!i CWSIFIEDC1111 FIND IT. Pa~ng UJN•OW c:.<U MAICT Palntlna '11/e•l. Haw>/~ Qu~l 1 ree atmale l '11• 636 8888 •lllvlslOnOf MllJllnoen SEWER J£1TINC ElECTROl'flC SLAB LEAK OCT(.CTION Frtendly Service ···-· 7 ,_, J04 -.mm l062A IMU(l'd SIWll M9DUlfau.& (t4t) .,.,_,,,, ._. .... a-.. s-t.. c.,.lencad 1· ......._ Tret~s. Sills, Scr1en1 714 9S7·J-'Ol 4HM.DOtWISl WINDOW HIVKI S.trifa,troo Cu1r1nl"cf * !Mii 611 1562 .. SEU. your stuff thrOUgti class1f iedl • Ttlndly. ~ 27, 2003 Tweedy Kirk State Fann Martha's Jim Jennings PlU01bing Dawson Buddy R. Beubower, Book Store Custom Masonry Agent The Neighborhood Fletcher Jones 2850 Mesa Verde E. 3081/2 Marine Ave. Since 1969 Plumber! Motor Cars Sui te P, Costa Mesa Balboa Island! 1 OOO's of satisfied customers 949-645-2352 949-718-3039 714-546-1701 949-673-7185 949-645-8512 The Golden Costa Mesa Mi Casa Mexican Newport Dunes Renato Truftle Lincoln Mercury Restaurant Waterfront Resort Ristorante 1767 Newoort Blvd., . 2626 Harbor Blvd., 206 E. 17th St., 1131 Back Bay Drive, 2304 W. Oceanfront, Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Newport Beach Newport Beach 949-645-9858 714-540-5630 949-645-7626 949-729-3863 949-673-8058 The Harp B·alboaBay Hi-Time Villa The Local Inn Club Wine Cellars Nova PlUDlber! 130 E. 17th St., 1221 W. Coast Hwy, 250 Ogle St., 3131 W.Coast Hwy, Costa Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa Newport Beach .l 1 949-646-8855 949-645-5000 949-650-8463 949-642-7880 949-675-9304 ~ • ' • i: • .. Theodore Camelot .The UPS Cal's Garden of Robins Ford Restaurant Store Caddyshack Miniatures 2060 Harbor Blvd, 3420 Via Oporto #2 2549 #B Eastbluff Dr., 1784 Newport Blvd, Specializing In Finer Quality Costa Mesa Newport Beach Newport Beach Costa Mesa Dollhouses & Accessories .. 949-642-0010 949-673-3233 949-644-5822 949-646-7714 949-722-1132 "' ~ ~ ~ Bamboo Center fo r Golden Newport El Tarasco Bistro Spiritual Discovery Dragon Beach Plaza Mexian Food { 2600 E. Coast Hwy, 2850 Mesa Verde Dr. 2023 Harbor Blvd 1455 Superior Ave, 2201 W. Balboa Blvd., Ste 160, CdM East, Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Newport Beach Newport Beach 949-720-1289 714-754-7399 949-642-7162 949-645-6833 949-673-7311 Commercial Grandmas Cottage Christmas Kittens, PerformanCe Jaguar Photography Bank of CA HeirlOom Antiques Cats, Dogs &LandRover by Sharon Kay 695 Town Center Dr., 670 W. 17th St, www.animalnetwork.org 2037 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, Suite 100, Costa Mesa Open Tues-Sat 10am-5pm, Ooscd Costa Mesa Sunday-Monday by special app~. 714-431-7000 949-645-9258 949-644-2279 Ditffy Mon .Ne~ort Cove Tivoli Electric 'Antie Slip Rentals Motoring Terrace Boats 355 Bristol St., 117 Via Lido Soud, 1666 Superior Ave, Raaic umnted funy friends. Traditional Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Thanksgiving~ $20. Bring your pee 949-645-6427 714.;5~5700 949-675-4847 949-650-5915 949494-9650