HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-10 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot0 .. Serving the Newp o rt-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2003 ' DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAJL Y P1lOT Mickey Wade, caregiver for Myrtle White. who turned 101 years old on Tuesday, places the candles on Myrtle's birthday cake at the Seaside Villa residential care facility as her daughter Colleen Gifford, 76, of Newport Beach looks on in the background A century plus one Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSfA MF4~ -Myrtle White never had a birthday party as a child. Her JOlsl birthday party made up for rhat void in spades as family members and feUow residenL'> of the Seaside Vi11~ residential care facility Celebration of Costa Mesa resident's JOl st birthday alternates between awe for her longevity and joy at the good fun. showered her with love and at- tention Tuesday. "You would think it wouldn't make any difference, but their attitudes and the ambience Is different when they know peo- pie are here )celebrating)," said White's daughter, CoUeen Glf· ford. 76. Mickey Wade, who owns Seaside ViUa<1, threw the party, with help from live-in c:are- givers Mila Lacson and Joy Grospe. A birthday banner adorned one wall and Gerber daises and a yeUow tablecloth brightened the room. Red bal· loons hovered above WhHe, who was dressed in a red velvet dress and pearls with a red bow In her hair for the festi\te occa· See CENTURY, Pa11 A4 Dance,22, sentenced tQ life term Former UCI student's request for new trial in case involving sexual assault was denied . Deepa Bharath Daily Ptlot SAN.IA ANA .LLJutlgc on 1\Jt•,day det lirwd :~mer U( Irvine student\ rt•quel>t for a new trial and sentenced him to life in prison calling lhe 22 year-old defendant's testi mony "laughable." Superior Court Judge Frank Fasel said he cUd 1101 believe Brian Dance's staternems that a 15-ycar-old girl wh om he met on lhe Internet and took to a IJCI parking lot asked lo be whip ped and humiliated. Dance's new at tomey Stuart rabcr argued that his client's former attorney Marlin Staple- ton Jr. misguided and misrt'p· resented him by tell ing him 10 opt for a non jury triaJ. "I lad this case been pre· sen1ed to a jury properly, had (Stapleton) inves11gated his witnesses ... there Is a suong likelihood that the outcome may have been different,· Fab· er told the court But fasel refuc,ed to accept Faber\ argument I le c,aid dur mg hic, verdict that 1t was obvi ous to him that Stapleton did the best he could for Dance. "This ca-.e 1c, a lawyer·i. nightmare." he -;aid. "Here, you have a client who con fe1i'icd that cwrything hap- pened. There wa' nverwhelm - tng evidence )StJpletonl wac, in a legal and lartual box. I le had an c>.lr<'nwly difficult de t 1-.ion to makt• ·· S1aple1e>n hirmt·ll lei.tilied on rriday for dost.' to three hours whl·n he told the court that he .. aw nu other way for hie, chent but to opt for a non- jury trial. I le also said that Dance had nc•ver mentioned to him tha1 tht· sex was con sensual. Dann• did not teMify during the trial But on Monday, he took tht• srand and i.aid that the 15 year-old victim, who he drove from the Block at Orange to the UCI camp\I'>, begged him to whip h<'r and have sex with her as pan or a "humiliarion" role play. Dance had admi11ed several times that he had beaten the girl with his bt:•lt. carved a swastika on her face with a knife and 'e"u.tlly assauJtcd her. "When I stoppet.1 whippln~ her i.he said 'Whip me. Whip me. Is that all you·ve got?'" Dance said. See DANCE. Pa&e A4 Forget the hanging chads, ballots go digital Newport Beach acts as a test site for the county's new electronic voting machines that are set to de but in the spring elections. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NFWPORT BEAU I -Visitors to City 1 lall on f\Jesday were 1he lir'it people in town 10 rry out the new electronic voting machme& that will be the county's official balloting method beginning in the March primary election. "It -;eems simple enough. not at all confusing or difficult," sa1tl Lance Cpl. Paul Robhins Jr., one of the people who tried out the machines. Newport Beach is one of nine election sites selected by the Orange County Registrar of Voters as rest loca1lon for th e new eSlate voting machines. Brett Rowley. spokesman for the registrar. said that the mock elcc1 ion was set up as a dry ru n for po ll workers to assure that everything goes smoothly In March -especially things like setting up and breaking down rhe voting station., an d tabulat mg the votes. At the same time. the dry run provided a unique opportunity for City I laJI vlsi- tors to try out the technology they will U1>e to cast official bal lots in March and thereafter. .. Anythini.; that smacks of computers for non-computer people could be a little intimi- dating," said I .aura Diet7., a Re· publican activist and former City Council candid ate. "To me the beauty of this is the ability to check how you voted before you cast your final ballor. • Voters used the new eSlare machines lo m ake their picks In several hypothetical races for candidate-; such as Shirley Mac- Laine and Jack Benny and also for two fkt1onal ballot lnitla- Uves. See DIGITAL, Pae• A4 Ridgeway returns to Newport mayor's seat Daily Pilot He served as mayor in 2002, and held the post of vice mayor in 2003. Gary Adams, who was mayor in 2001, will serve as the vice mayor. June CaH&rand• DarlyPllot NEWPORT BP.ACH -Ciouncil members on Tuesday voted lo elect Tud Ridgeway the new mayor and Gary Adams vice mayor for 2004. The proc~ became unusually con- tentlo1is when C.Ouncilman John 1-feffeman stated that he would oppose R1dgeway's ap- polntment without clahomting on why. FreeNewport.com spoke11man Brian Oark· son ali;o added some controversy to the pro· ceedlnp by peakfng out against Ridgeway and ccua ng him of being beholden to do- veloper money, amonJJ other things. "I've never seen a mayoral eJectfon go quit like th1s." aald rudgcway. who none lhtl a: red ~ d nt• he would ho dill· gmt ln hl dutiet. •1 will wo llttl !\ly for thb clry." Outgoing mayor Steve Bromberg said that he had wanted 10 nominate Heffernan for the vice mayor post, but that Hef- fernan had declined. In· stead, Bromberg nomi· nated Adams and Heffernan nominated Bromberg. Adams won the vote of his colleagues, Tod 4 to 2, with Heffernan Ridgeway and Dick Nichols sup· porting Bromberg. Ridgeway was mayor ln 2002. and them re- umed the post oC vice mayor in 2003. He was elected to Ms second tenn on the coun- cil ln 2002 representing the Balboa Penln· sula. He will step down due to tenn limha ln 2000. fUdgeway t\ICS on a number of commit· t and boards both within and outidde the dcy. lie co·chatra lhe dty': C'.oastaJl8ay Wa· let Quality Cid:r.ena AdVisory Committee nnd serves on the city's Airport PoUcy Commit· t • •mong othef1. He alto rep cnts New· port Beach to tho Southern Califo rnia Asin. ... ~AY,P ... M AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.~wn WEATHER The sun and the cool momlng• continue, and the surf is on the edge of a swell. SEEPAGEA2 NEWS Cities brace for budget woes. SEEPAGE Al SPORTS Corona del Mar High defeats Sage Hill, 1-0, In a high school boya l()q:er game. SEEPAGEA7 r~ I . THINKING ALLOWED Lolia Harper It on vacation. Hor column will retum on Fridty. , Absentee voter coordinator Lorena Come10. left. shows Newport Beach resident Nancy Skinner, center. and Newport Beach Councilman Don Webb, right. how the new eSlate voting machine works in the Newport Beach Council Chambers lobby Tuesday night. MARK C OUSllN/ OAllYP1101 Kaiser moving day postponed Delay of the construction-re late d shift calms p arents who are upset about how Measure A work is proceeding. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Moving day will wall until holiday break for Kaiser PJementary School teach- ers m classrooms due for the next phase of Measure A renova· tlons. Plruu had called for teachers in seven classroom to m ove everything. including Otristmas decorations, OW?r the coming weekend -one week before the school beak.' But after com- plaints from teachcts and par· ents, pro~ manager McCarthy Construction changed the move QUESTION t1 M .. su,. A worlc going lm()Othly enough? Call our Reader's Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or ? • send an e-mail to dailypllot@fatimes.com. P1eah spell your name and tell us YoUf hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. to the weekend of Dec. 20. "A lot of people at Kaiser were upset,· said Bonnie Manln, project manager for McCarthy. • fypically we try to work around the teachers. w~ thought they would rather move the week.end of 13th and no\ have lo come In on tl\el.r time off. But if that's their preference. lhal's On~ Wt can work around It~ Parent concerns about con linulng construcllon under Mca· sure A. the $ l\ 0 million bond SM KAISER, Pqa M ) ' , r ,. - ... A2 WtcNtdly, Decenw 10, 2003 LOCALS ONLY ., NEIGHBORS John Gonnty of Newport Beech wnnemed president of Ottman• Conatruc:tlon Co., Gormly hu beenwtthtn. eonttructlon company for 28 John Gormly yurt end held the polltion of vice prfti~t 1lnce 1985. He It • graduate of Cal. State long Beech .•• "-lie Blank la now teachJng mathematics computers Ind Web deelgn at Orange Coatt Collea•'• Middle College High Sdlool. which la for underedllevfng high tchool juniors and aenlore ..• 0.ry end Otynt. Hotrm.n had the third edition of their POPUiar Gary and Glynis Hoffman writing raource ~ •Adf09, Strunk end White• luued. The Hotfm11\1 are both Engflsh INtlUCton at Orange Coast College ••• ~ Anehu1z of NtWpc>rt Beech wu named to the O..n't l,.ltt during the 2003 spring term at Mlddtebury College In Vermont ... Pwl Schmidt ind "-thet Aewf'9 rec.ntly joined Johnson Grey ~rtlsing In Newport Beech. Sc:ttmldt It en eccount supeN!sor1nd Revenl joined e11n1CCOunt executive ... Nonna FerMnda, 1 UC Irvine profeuor Rajia Blank of music who hldMtVed•• Interim dean of the Ctelre Trevor Sc:ttool of the Arts, wee named dean of the tchool. Fernendez hu been et UCI tlnce July 2001. • NEIGHBORS 1potllght1 Khlevement1 In the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Luis Pena by fax It (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to lul1.pena~latlmes.com PET OF THE WEEK Rottwei ler mix puppy Ow rescue efforts exceed donations that are greatly Beau is a 10-month-old needed to support the cause, spayed female Rottweiler mix and we will need 10 make some puppy with plenty of personality. decisions as to slow our growth. She has a lrue people-pleasing or Increase our funding to pay attitude that is easily trained. our veterinary medical bills. She is well behaved, We would like to consider a house-trained. loves children, con<iignment store 10 support other dogs and hor dogs as a local animals. or to have treat. She would be the perfect someone in charge of family dog fund.raising events. During the day she loves all If we did a consignment store. the activity that surrounds it would enable us to have an children at play. in the evening inventory without using cash he settles down to Jeep and and use the profits to help liltl"S to be cuddled and hugged. support CommunJty Animal She will make the adjustment Network. well into her new home. We would like to ask if anyone Her ado ption covers her lead would be willing to donate a supplies, toys and puppy retall space in the training with professional dog Newport-Mesa area or set us up train er Patty DennJs. with some tease payments.. ••• •The Community Anlmal Network Over the years. Community 11 • communlty-aupported anlmal Animal Network has continued organization linking people and to grow by priorlllzlng the need pet• through community aC1ion. to help animals and getting local SN other animal• available for people involved 1n the solution. adoption tt http://www.animal Thank goodness the pet-loving netwott.orp, or atop by Ruuo't pet communJty has been lcind In store at Faahlon l1land between sending their financial support noon and 4 p m. on weekends in recognition and people have Information (949) 759-3646, or been wWlng to support WI with write to the Community Animal our high adoption tees, as we Network at P.O. Box 8662, Newpcrt have been too busy to have a Beach, CA 92658. traditional fundraislng event. Daily A Pilot VOL. 97, NO. 344 ,,, TI40MAS H, JOHNSON Newl Edfton Publl1hef Gina Alexander, Lori Anderton, TONYDOOEAO Daniel Hunt, Plul Saitowltz, EdltOf 01nlel Stevena JUDV OETTING ~~ NfWS8TAff Deepe 8htlNth Promotlona Oltec:tor Crime 1nd court• reporter, 1849157~226 fl>IT1NO STAff """".bhMat11•1.r1maoom l.J.c.hn JuneCMlgnlllde Man1glng Editor, Newport Beach rwporter, (948) 67~233 (IM9)5~ 1.J.f»hn• l•tlm-.com )UM c.ugrt1nt#.fetftn#.00frt Den.a. Goulet City Editor, .... ....,., (949) 7'4-4324 Columnltt, cultuN r~or. daMa..t104J'-'ll1'11m#oom llMlll 57""'275 Ak:NrdDuM lo/1t11. ,,.,,,.,.,.tifMa.oom Sports !d•tor, 10491 57«223 0.....Newmeft rldlMd dllnn llftltn#.com Cotta M .. reponer, (Miil 574-4221 JOMJ.laMDe 1*Jrd,. rtrwm11n•'«'"-com Ari OirectOr I Newe Deak Chief, MM"80'Nel (9'9) 674-4224 Educellon reporter, (949) 57~291 JON.Hntoe.IMfnw.com merlu.o'*'•""'"*'oom ... MICniM &Mk,... Photo Editor, Newt ...... ,,., (Miil 574-4M (9411 "4-4361 '"" ,,.,.a•11tt1nw.oom 1tt1ve.mocf9nlc•l•tlm# com ~ FOR A GOOD CAUSE KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Volunteer Shana Jenkins, 18, is surrounded by gifts donated to Project Angel Tree at Orange Coast College on Tuesday. Without the help of even one elf 0 range Coast College freshman passion for community service when she senior citizens at the Costa Mesa Senior Shana Jenkins is finishing up volunteered to head the Angel 1ree Center. her first semester in a big way. Committee. 1n high school and through To organire the collection, Jenlcins and Jenkins, 18, chaired the her chun:h. she has helped organire other committee members made 4,000 Associated Students of Orange Coast canned food drives and community tags with receiver informadon, including Colfege's commJttee for project Angel outreach programs. age and gender. They hung the tags on nee, which brings toys to needy local "I really enjoy helping people," she Ouistmas trees set up around the children. This year, she estimates, they said. *It's something I've always been campus for studeAts and teachers 10 take will give out 1,000 toys and 300 stuffed interested in and It seemed like a good as a prompt for their gift selection. animals. opportunity to get involved." Associated Students advisor and "It's been such a big deal," Jenkins Last week. the Associated Students professor of leadership studies Greg said. "Somellmes it's kind of hard and threw a party at the campus children's Oarlc said that the annual toy drive is things seem like they're not coming center to distribute the first round of one of many leadership opportunities on together. But once they do and you see gifts. The school's Extended Opportunity campus forwilllng students. the smiles on children's faces, it's the Programs and Services program will Jenkins, he said, was eager to lend a most amazing thing -helping a child distribute more toys to children In hand. who otJ1erwlse would not get families it is adopting for the holidays. "Her energy and commitment to this something." The remainder will go to children in project really captures spirit of servant As a member of the school's leadership local foster homes. leadership, which Is something we really program, which sponsors the toy They also collected about 500 items promote," he said. collection each year, Jenkins followed her such as blankets, games and books for -Marisa GNeil DUI ARRESTS These PfK'ple h•ve bHn •"nted recently on • Matthew Adam Weaver, 21 • Daphne Melina Winter•, 40, Palmdale 1u1plclon of driving un<Hr the Influence of • Leslie Ann Baumgardner, 22 • Philip Matthew Craghead, 26, Huntington an intoxicant They h.w only been arrested • Stephen Cummings, 31 Beach on suspicion of• crime and, •• wfth 111/ • Michael James, Steppe, 29 Sanday 1u1pecta, •re con-1dered Innocent untll W9dneedey •Jeremy James Conkle, 29, Costa Mesa proved guilty. • Ramon Abel Chaidez, 25 •Megan Jean McClelland, 20, Irvine • Estrella G. Perez, 22, Norwalk COSTA MESA • Editor'• Not9: No cities of realdence were Friday 8undey available. • Candice Suzanne Hilz, 40, Irvine • Jongl 01nlel Ledbetter, 30 • Charles Edward Stokoe, 57, Garden Grove • Bemerdo Jimenez, 24 NEWPORT BEACH •Walter Lee Sexton Jr., 31, Huntington • Roberta Jane Johnaton, 32 Monct.y Beach Seiurct.y • Katherine Lynn Head, 27, Newport Be3ch • Beverly Ann Bunn, 49, Orange •Armando Gonzelez, 31 Sunday Thu'9dey Fttday • Jacquelyn Jean Lingelbach, 25, Newport •Martin Rudolph Lomberg, 41, Corona • Victor M1rtt Cenchol1, 42 Beach •Jim Michael Carlson, 47. Newport Beach Thundey • Phlllp Travis Leulhere, 29, Newport Beech • Kevin Timothy Crofton, 49, Orange PH<7rOORAPttERS Copyright: No news aton.t, SURF AND SUN Mart c. Quatln, Don leedl, llluttratlona, adltorlal mattar or ic.nt TreptOW advertleementt herein ~n be reproduoed without written WEATHER FORECAST SURF READERS HOTUHE permlulon of copyright owner. (9'91 &42.eo86 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US Expect tun, with high• A aouthweat swell will hit Delly Piiot or news tips. ~ between $6 Ind 70. The with chett-hlghe. Wect·feclng Addtell The TlmM Orange County morning will have northeatt break• might get part of• Our addreu 11 330 w. Bev St., Com (8001252-9141 winds from 10to 15 mph. new nonhwut ewell by the M .... CA 112827. ~ hours are ~ Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. -6 p.m. h will be pretty clear 1ftemoon. By Thurtdey, CfM111ed IMS) M2-6e78 tonight. The Iowa will be from ~ ~(M9IM2~1 w.ve. from th• northwest It 11 the Pilot'I policy to promptly EcMoMI 41 to 47. The windt will be OU't thould be overhead and COINCI all errors of aubltanoe. ,.... ofthe IOUtheett. from 6 to 10 doubt~. pet'hape ,..... c.911 (Miil 7'84-432A. 19481 M2·NIO mph. higher at Mlect brMlca. ~(9411)57-Mm lnfonnedon: ~quelhy; FYI ,.... ,_ (Miil 94&-41?0 www.nws.no.•.oov www.1utfrldtlr.org The Newport a..c:NColta Mete ..... ,.. (948) 860-0170 O.ltv Piiot (U~144-IOOl lt &.fNll; daltypllof•~.com BOATING FORECAST S>Ubllthed ~u.,. 1n Newport 8Nd'I MllltOllet TIDES ....... Ollot (IMlll 142~1 end Cotta Meal, eubecrlpdona .,. ...... ,... (Mii) 1131·7128 Winds wlll vary at 10 knoU avtlltt>i. only bV aubecrlblng to The or lighter on the Inner wttert. TkM Height Tlmet 0..-. County (800) The wawe will be 2 fNt or 2:401.m. 2.83fMtlow 21241141 In.,... oiJtllde of emalt.f on t west twell of 3 to 9:02a.m. 6.901"t high Newport ..,.. end eo.ta Meea, 6 fMt. F•l1her out the winds 4:36p.m. -0.35 feet low eubecriptlOM to the Delly Piiot ere wtn continue to v1ry et 10 11:28p.m. 3.44 fMt high evallebte ontv by flnlt daee mell fot knots or...._ w,,.,., wtll be 2 P> per month. (Pl1oee Include 9'1 P\.ibflahed by TirMt Community fNt or tmtli.r on a northwMt WATER epptloable tfate and ~I ttxa) Newt. e dMtlon of the Lot Angtl .. twetl of 4 to 8 fMt. Tonlgh\ POSTMASTlAi Send ldd,... Tlfnl9, windt be out of the eouth TEWERATURE «Nngee to The Newport from 10 to 20 krlott. There It • INdVCottt Meea Delly Piiot, P.O. C2003 Tlmet CN. All rightl d\enot of rain. 81~,.... Box 1seo, Cott• MMe, CA 92828. rlMMld. ~ • • :· I ' Cities losing ~illions Lack of reimbursement from the state for missing vehicle license fees totals $7. 7 million for Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. th1rd of what the city would have gotten before the license fee roJJ. back. Recent projections show Newport Beach netting only $1.1 million. QUEmON How COMemed .,. you llbout tM ~· budgete7 Call our Reader'• Hotline et (949) 6'2-6086 or ? • Allcla Robln1on Dally Pilot NEWPORT-MF.SA Even more bell tightening may be In order for local officials. Budget cuts exceeding $7.7 million could begin to'hit New- port Beach and Costa Mesa as soon as this week as a direct re- sult of Gov. Schwaneneggers re- peal of the state vehicle license fee ln~ When the guvemor annulled the Increase In November, cities and counties were promised the state would make up any revenue losses with m oney from its gen - eral fund, as it had before the li- cense fee Increase was put Into place. But the legislature bas not yet voted on a proposal to reim-. b urse, or "bacldill", money to lo- cal governments for funds they would have collected from larger vehicle license fees. For the turrent fiscal year Costa Mesas loss will be about $4.8 million from the general fund. or about 5% of the city's $94-million operating budget, City Manager Allan Roeder said. 1iirnmi.ng the fat from city op· erations is an ongoing process, so the City Council will have to deal with the state funding cut by set- ting prioritia for dty programs and services, be said. •"We have literally for the past 10 years implemented as a way of doing bustnest the very typical cost-cutting strategies/ Roeder said, such as downsizing admin- istrative positions and contract- ing out services. ·A lot of the typi· ca1 adjustments you would make have kind of become a way of life In the Costa Mesa governmenC The d ty does have a $14-mil- lion reserve fund, but drawing on that would only be a shoct-tenn solution and would also affect the city budget because the re- serve generates Interest that goes into the general fund, Roeder said. The hit to Newport Beach fi- nances won't be as painful. The city could lose a bit more than $3 million for the fiscal year if no state bacldill comes through. That represents about 3% of the $100-million operating bud- get, b ut officials factored most of the loss into their budget projec· tions. "When we prepared our bud- get £or the year, the city assumed the worst," Newport's City Ad· ministrative Services Director Dennis Danner said. The budget assumed license fee revenues of Sl.45 million -a While the city may lose more than It planned for, it could have been worse, Danner sald. For now the city can afford ro waft to decide on making cuts or sbiftfng funding priorities, he said. The funding cut Will affect cit· Les ditJerently depending on their other sources of revenue, but many may feel the impact ln their public safety budgets, saJd Michael Coleman, a fiscal advisor to the League of California Cities. Coleman provided cities with projections of how much they stand to lose based on state data. "Unfortunately the reality Is for most cities, police and 6re serv· tees are 60CJL of their general fund operations or more," Coleman said. Roeder sald Costa Mesa public safety otficlals have expressed concerns about the revenue loss, but In the past they've always supported the city's budget trim· ming efforts. "Police and fire have to be pan of the solution just like all the other departmen ts,• he said. Slate legislators have drafted a bill lo provide the baddin money to local governments, but 70th Dlslrict Assemblyman John Campbell said Democrats have kept it from reac:hing the floor for send en e-mail to dallypllot§latimn.com. Pleeae spell your name and tell us your hometown end phone numbers for verif\catlon purpo ... only. a vote. Democrats plan to hold up the bill until they see the governor's budget reduction proposals, which are due out In January, Campbell said. Newport Beach Councibnan Sieve Bromberg said he's expect· ing state legislators to make good on their promise to provide back· fill money, but he may be alone in his optimism. "The way Sacramento's been operating these days, I guess I don'1 have as m uch confidence as the mayor does,• Danner said. Roeder noted that legislators haven't yet acted on proposals to issue bonds to fill the hole In the state budget uunless there's a measure that goes forward the state ls in no position to pay for the backfill ing. • he said. • AUC&A ROBINSON covers business, Politics and the environment. She can be reached at (9491 7644330 or by e-mail at alicia.roblnsonti1llarimes.com Planning commissioner resigns Joel Faris, a former candidate for Costa Mesa City Council, says he is moving out of town. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Planning Comm1i.- sioner Joel Farb announced his resigna· lion from the commission Monday. Faris is resigning because he and his family are moving to Fountain Valley, Start· ing an odyssey that may take them back F.asL Faris expressed regret at leaving the city he has Uved in for five years and served as a planning commissioner since February. "My wife and I have decided to move," Faris said Monday from the dais. "It's not a move I want to make. I love Costa Mesa." Councilman Allan Mansoor, who ap- pointed Faris to the commission, sald he would announce a replacement soon. lie commended Faris for his contnoution to the city. "I am very appreciative of the Lime Joel Faris has put into the Planning Commi!>- sion and wish him the bes!."' Mansoor said. "He was an asset to the community and will be missed." Faris' colleagues on the commission lauded his thorough effort in gelling to know the issues the commission consid- ered. "Nobody works harder than tJ1is guy," said Oiairman Bruce Garlich. "I le comes here with a suitcase every (meeting) with all his homework done." Faris said he and his wife. Suzanne, s1arted contemplating moving out of Cali- fornia about a year ago because they feel it's too crowded. They got an offer as soon as they listed their house last summer, but got cold feet and pulled out of the deal, Fa· ris saJd. So Faris, 35. began doing more intensive searches of potential places to live and honed ln on tJ1e Carolinas and Virginia. Al this time, there's about a 75% chance lhal they will take the plunge and move back East eventually, Faris said. "I'm going to go out there this summer and touch it and feel it," Faris said. "Then if it feels right, I'll take Suzanne out there.· The couple decided 10 put their house back on the market -it closed esnow Tuesday -and first looked al renting a BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS house in Costa Mesa. But it turned O\lt lo be more expensive than they expeued and Faris decided to buy a house in fountain Valley. "We bought it with the hope that pricei. will either go up or my wife wtll change her mind again (aboul moving!," Faris said. "She's from Garden Grove." Leaving Costa Mesa will also be tough because Faris was thinking about running for City Council next year, he <iaid. '"I really think I'm going to miss Costa Mesa." Faris said. "I've only been there for nve yeaf!>, bul it feel'> hke home ... Faris said he and hJ~ family will rerum often to Costa Mesa since "Fountain Valley doesn't have a lo! to do." It would also be tough to leave Orange County, since he has a job he loves in Gar den Grove teaching sucth grade, Faris said. 111e family would also have a difficult time leaving their church. Newport-Mesa 01ris- tian Center in Co~la Me-;a, which they will continue KOmg lo after they move, fari'> said. The couple, who have three adopted children and are planning on adopting a fourth. are '>laying with their in-laws 1n Garden Grove for a month before they move into their new home. Costa Mesa toy company up to Duff September. While the doll aisles of 1oy stores are crowded, Duff has the advantage of a huge media presence with a recently re· leased albu m. a movie due o ut this O u istmas and her Disney 1V show, "Lizzie McGuire." Goldblum said. personal interests: animal res- cue, fashion design and yoga. Roosevcll l~nvironmental Award, given by lhe Assn. of California Water Agencie~ to projecrs that highlight environ- mental 'lolutions 10 water quah· ty issues. Costa Mesa toy manufacturer Playmates Toys is capitalizing on the many sides of teen star Hilary Duff with a hne or dolls showing her in each of her ca- reers -lV star. movie star and slnger. Playmates vice president of marketing Nancy Goldblum said the company jumped at 1he chance to produce the 11 ~-inch fashion doll. which has been on the market since And the line of three dolls out now ls only the beginning. Goldblum said 1hat this spring. the company will put out new dolls with updated outfits, and next fall. three new dolls with more clothes and accessories will highlight some of Duff's The dolls can be seen on Duff's Web si1e at http.·// www.llilaryduff.com and are available at Kmart, Toys R Us. Target. Wal-mart and Umited Too stores, Goldblum !>aid. Water districts earn statewide award An urban runoff s1udy by the Municipal Water 01:.trlcl of Orange County and Irvine Ran ch Water District earned the agencies the Theodore The runoff study looked al the effectiveness of satellite· controlled ·smart" irrigation systems In residential commu- nities. Findings ot the study in eluded that smart irrigallon system., can reduce runoff from residentlaJ watering by as much as 71% and pote nlially can savr single family homes up 10 4 I gallons of water per day. Wednesday, December l 0, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday 0-Tuesday 6-9p1n Steaks • Seafood • Cocktalls I 111 Nr••·1 J.,,,;,,,,, f fill (9 ·t 9) ltlt6-71H •I •••Qu4.Uty SuTicen• ... Nighdy Entertainment ... lh't1J •• ~ ""· /\\1,:. ( '"'·' .\h~ a-..-........ ~\'-a ~· ... -~tu·n,. .. ..,.. •.• ,tO 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale $1099 Reg. '14.99 Now through December 21 COSTA M~ ...... I 111 ... IM!I I l'Rll\tP•ADEICOll'l klll 11111 \ '"''" \''\ Tl ~1"tN MARKh l"PLAt ~-• l'IKq.I C°AM.\NORIAl •1'~ARKlll\IU '' C ROSSROAD CF'"l"rF.R IR\ r .... ~ 11' 6'\MM ..... ( ... 1-(800) 541 -6176 AVAll.ABLE ORDER NOW! (f'umplrm. 11~Ad1 d-Appl•!} H ERB R OASTED CHICKENS $5 99 t'.l. 5 LB. R USSETI POTATO BAG $159 ea. Wholes om~ V EGETARIAN SANDWICH $3 99 ea. $2 99 lb. (HBQ J'">m &It, J50--//Jr} GARDEN OR FRUIT SALADS $3 99 ca. "" ·,11 "' \I .... 1. • I 1 • I I I ' • ' • , e , , • I I />,/,,,,,,//l.11/1 ' , Most people don't want to broach the subject of lite Insurance, beciuse rio one wants to Imagine the unthinkable. But just as you work hard to provide for your family now, life Insurance can take over that duty If something should happen to you: caring for your children, p1ying for college. covering the mortgage. Vhllt Our Open~ S.tun:lay, Oecernb« 13, 2003 Sunday, Jenu.y 11, 2004 Call for r1IOl9 Information. A well t hought-out. affordable life insurance 1tr1tegy that works within your over11t financial plan can help meet your needs now. and t ake ca re of your family's needs later. To find out how much life Insurance you need, or for a f ree review of your current policies, call (Mt) 117-5300 or (800) ~ns2. . 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newpon Beach, CA 92660 THIS II WHO WE ARE. THla ti HOW WE CARN IT.• ~~ f I r , POLICE FILES COSTA..U ..... -....:: v.ndlli.nt _. rwpoftlld 1n thl aoo ~ "6-Aa.m. Mondr/. •Pin 1 c 11111 Dltws A Whide burglety WM rtpOltlld In the 2800 btodl .. 12'.31 p.m.. Mondey. .......... ...,..I:~~ .. NPOfllld In the 2300 blodt lt.3:1G p.m. Mondly. ........ ~~ ~-..:A hft..nd-rvn wtt l'9POftlld M 1~1 1.m. Mondey. • v.....-....: F9lry theft WM l'epofti9d in1he 800 bloct M 11:07 a.m. Mondey, •&lit 11'dt 811..-: A comm.dal burgllfy was reported In dW 400 bk>ct •• 1:411.rn.~- RIDGEWAY Contmued from A 1 of Govemmenb. where he plays an Import.ant role representing Newpon Reach. espeaally in transportation matters such as John Wayne Aupon. Ada.nu wu mayor in 200 I. Uke Ridgeway. he wu re-elect- ed 10 the dals ln the 2002 elec- tion and will have completed hia council ~rvtce to the dry in 2006. He also serves on a number of city committees Including the General Plan Update Com· mhtee and the l:conomk Advi- sory Committee, and he re- presents Newport Beach to the League of California Cities. I le represents District 4, which in eludes the airport area and moM communities c11C'ircllng the Upper Newport Hay area. City Coun- cil members are paid $984.33 per month excepl the mayor, who receivet. S 1.396.52 per month. Gary Adams Bromberg 'wd it was an honor ~ as mayor of the city in 2003. •it's been a hO()t of a year for me. I've en1oyed It and I feel like I'm going out on a high note,· he ~d. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadi and John Wayne Airport She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.CJJsagr11nde1a lst1m8S com ------------ DIGITAL Conbnued from A 1 The mac.hane' loo~ hkt· an elel·tronic d1pboard with a <;creen 'ilmilar to a computer screen. l,.tch mal:hinc has .i dial lhat allows voters 10 navigate between races and a button thal actually casts the ballots. Those who didn't gel a chance lo test drive rhe new machines on Tuesday mlghr nol have missed the boat en - tlrely. City Oerlt Lavonne I lark AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN ltem1 to the Dally Piiot. 330 W. BIY St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to lul-.pen.tll11tlme&com; by fexto(949)646-4170;orby tailing (949) 57~-Include the time, date and IOCltlon of tM event. ••well a • contact phone number. TODAY Body DM19n wffl offer 1 frM 1emln1r Ind demon1tr1tfon on the l•t811 technology on cellulite 1re1tmenta from 7 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Drive. The event 11 present.ct by Miry Oellene, • m1 ... ge therapist. Information end reglttrltlon: (949) 722-3666. (ltltlit.bodydnlgn.tv. Hoag Ho...., will haw an evening lung cancer •upport group dl1CUalon about "Coping with the Holldav-.. from 8:30 to I p.m. It th9 tto.g Catie*' Center, Conferenc. Room A. lnfonnl1fon (M9) 760-6542- JomthM Mof9no, profeaor ind director of the Center for Blo~I Ethlet It the Vnl o1 Virginia, will pretent HlttOtV Ind Ethfc:I of Human &perimentt from the NIZlt to the U.S. Mlntery• at 4 p.m. -'the McDonnell DouglH less !>aid 1ho1 the t.11y 1s working witJ1 c:ounty elecrlon officials to arrange to have one of the ma chinc<o placed in the city clerk's office prior 10 the Marc.h elec· lion Members of lhe public can also get a lesson in U'>ing the machines at the registrar's Weh \Ile, llltp://wurw.oc.ca.goultlec· lion •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadi ind John Wayne Airport She may be reac:tied at 1949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.cas11gr11ndet@lotimes com. (949) 824-9296. The Newport Beed\ Pubtlc Ubnary Foundation will hold ns Menu1eripi. Boott Oiacu11lon Group at 9:16 a.m.11 the Newport Beach Central library. The book Nlectloo for thl1 month 11 •The Secnlt Ufe of Beet• by Susan Monk l(Jdd. Information: (949) 717~. THURSDAY Th• Campu9 Cohegue1 of Orange Co1at College will hold a luncheon lo ralM funds for the OCC Oinbl.ct Studenu Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will be entertainment provided by Tyler Hoff and Klro Kira, who will be pl1ying with the H1ny and Grtce Steele Children Center. The co1t la $9.60 per pef'IOn. lnform1tlon: ,,.ndardtint•hotmall.c:om. The Thur9dey Momlng Senior Women'• Club will preaent it1 Chri1t1n11 pany lund'Mon end 1 musical thow at 11 a.m. 1t the Newport Beach Rldlaaon Hotel, "645 MICAtthut Blvd. Thia will be $23. Information end rete1V1don: (71•1 842·6863. FM>AY Felhk>n WMd end Star a7 Radlo wm hoel a holld1Y tov drlve ffOm 10 a.m. to• p.m. fn BloomlnQdel•'• Courtya1d. Cuttomlf• .,.. encouraoect to Auditorium. 1t UC rrvlM , , n •tr,f'!,... , •1ron tJff n 11!W!f111m "Wf n~ tov .. 'You would think it wouldn't make any diffeuncet but thtir altitudes and the ambience is differt!nt when they Jc.now ,nople are here {celebrating].· ' Col•• Glffwd, 76, on birthdly celibtltions It the Seaside Y-llaas residential care faciitY DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOl Irene Franks has a few words with her grandmother. Myrtle White. who wrned 101 years old on Tuesday. CENTURY Continued from Al !>ion. White, who L'> nearly bbnd and can hardly hear, still has a hearty appetite. as she dug into the manicotti Wade cooked up. I fer family and fnends remi- nisced about White's stoned life and swapped anecclotes about some of the amusing things she has said recently. White was born in Detroit Lakes, Minn. and grew up m San- born. S.O. She had four brothers and ~ters and worked hard on a farm as a youth. She taught at a country school for a few years before getting married. She had KAISER Continued from A 1 passed in 2000, go beyond the move. Niki Parker. chair for KaJ ser's Measure A Site-Based Com- millee, 1Mtid the altering moving plan was 1ust the latest in a series of problc•ms that has tlicm so fm'ltrate<l. members are consid- ering re!>1gning en mru.se. "We were the first !group of <tehoolsl. we were the guinea pigs,· Parker said. "There arc e1gh1 members on my commit - tee. We've spent hours working on thing., 10 no avail We fl-cl that we're not a pan o f the pnKe~ • Ille rommiuce'., main con- cern, Parker said. I!> ..afcry of chil dren on campu'>. Oocks and the paging system arcn'r functioning and it takes three people to lurn m1 the fire alarms, she :.aid. "We'n> one 'ilep away fmm ili !><l!.ter," Parker ~d. rhere are three separate alarm ~rems on campw. one in the portable classrooms, the old sys tern and the new 'i)'Stem -bur all are functmning. Martin said. I veryth.ing b "ab')()lutely up lo to be placed under the Fashion Island Christmas tree. Information: (949) 721-2000 hrtp:/lwww.shopfsshlon island.com . The Reflex Symplth9tlc Oyatrophy friends eupport group will meet at 7 p.m. at Cocoa, 2750 Hert>or Blvd .. Costa Meaa. lntorm1tion: (9'9) 650-1212. (714) 491-9400. SATURDAY Sharlly'1 Wood-flr-.d Mexican Grill will have • grand opening celebration from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to h•lp Newport Coast Car1s rmlso tund1 for La Hacienda de 11 lnm1culada, a 1mall orphanege In Tlju1na. The co1t will be $10 for 1dult1 end $6 for children. Sh1tty'1 l1 at 21119 Newport Co19t Orfve. Newport Coa.t Shopplog Center. Information: (949) 4'33-7879. The City of Colltlt MMe Md Torelli Ruhy ere aponeoling the city'• 1nnuel Holld•v Snow Hiii, which will be ftom 91.m. to noon 8t the BllMrlc Community Centet, 1875 81IHrk: Drive. The event wlll lndude eo tont of 1now, hay ride• and a apecl1I vlalt by Senta. Santi will 1rrtv1 et 10;30 a.m. by h.tJcopter Information: (714) 754-6168. 0..,.. County....,.. tor Anlmala will have a IJlent auction, live mutfc, a gUMt pe1tker, end OCPA't 1nnual ) two children, Gifford and fanet Mcflroy. She also has four grand- children, five great grandchildren -one is deceased -and six great-great grandchildren. "She was in control, a lovely mother, a caring per;on and could aJways handle herself." Gif- ford said. l ler grandt.IJughter, Irene Franks, came to celebrate Wlute's birthday from Ari7..ona with her husband, Joe. Franks said she is in awe of her grandmother ex- ceeding the 100-year milestone. "It's just unbelievable." Franks said. "She's always been really special 10 me. I was her first grandchild .• While the guests lavished at- tention on Whlte, she noncha- lantly took it aJI in ft.re code" and shouJd be inte- grated by the end or the year. she said. Communication. or a per- ceived lack thereof, among the district, parents and teachers "continues to be a problem." ad- mitted district spokesperson Jane Garland. Parents at Harbor View El- ementary School, also undergo- ing Measure A work. have ex- pressed frustrntion rhat their concerns were not being heard property by the district. TI1e sire-based committees were set up to provide account- ability, co111rnunica1jon and rep- resentation, Parker said. but she feels that they have Little say in what acruaJly happens on 1heir campuses 'The site commillecs need to have a better defined role so there 1sn·1 n disconnect between expectation and reality," said Mark Buchanan. chairman of the Measure A Citizens' Oversight Comminee. ·"!McCarthy Con- struction! was taking the ideas and preferences of the site com- m111ecs and doing the best they couJd with rhe funds available to do the wor1t on the campus." ·Peace for Animelsw community ceremony at 6:30 p.m at the Ayer1 Country Inn & Suites Hotel, at 325 S. Bristol St. The cost la $40 for members and $50 for nonmambe,... Information: (714) 751-0CPA. http://www.ocpauu. ory. The mwcha.nu of Bllbot lmttt. you to watch the students of Newport Elementary School •• they participant In the 11nnu1I marchant Chrtatmu p1lntlng progr11m from 9 to 11 a.m. at the fun Zone area B1lbol VIiiage In front of the F-erTlt wheel lnform1tlon: (949) 676-0501 , http://www.balboan.wport belldl.com. Costa ...... High Sdlool wffl "-"• • communitywkte c.mpue deanup d•v from 9 a .m. to 3 p.m. 11 2660 F1lrvl~ Road ~pie will meet Inside tha main entr1nce by the l.yceum. Adutea and teens,,. welcome. lnform1t1on: Ricardo Dence (714) 751-9858. The,..., Ind Mary Muth Interpretive Center will ho1t e hands-on event f11tul1ng ropulee, amphlbfena and arachnid• from 1 to 2 p.m. at 2301 Vn1V9t'ltry Onve, Newport Baich. LMm meemerfzlng fects 1nd myth1 lbout lheM creaturee. The cost wlll b4t $10 fot eg .. 6 •nd up. Information end "'9f9tradon: (949) 923-229!> "She's really funny.· Wade said . "like just now, I said, 'I want to get a picture of you.' And she said, 'Oh no, don'r do thad' She's to1aJly with it." While is very "l'lf-.,ufficicnl. Wade said. She can help feed herself, pivot in her wheelchair and bnL'ih her teeth. She also is fully capable of lc.'I ling otJ1ers know what she need'>, Wade added "She'IJ tell you what she wants." Wade said "She gets her needs met by being verbal · While she never had a yen for smoking or drinking. she has a penchant for coffee and sun shine. Grospc said. The party contained 1he typi- cal musings on tl1e secret of White's longeviry. Lacson and DANCE Continued from A 1 He rold the court that he obeyed the victim because she threa1ened to file a complaint against him for staturory rape -a Lhreat which made him an- gry and fruslrated Dance said he tied her hands with duct tape to fuJfUI her "bondage· fantasy. I le whipped her with his belt for "several, <,everal minutes on her pelvis, back. face and neck. he said. Dance. answering the prosecu tor, "3.ld he was concerned about her shedding blood in her parent\ car. He also told the proi.ecutor that he never felt auracted to the victim and that she was "ugly.· After the episode, which lasted about two hours, Dance forced her out of his car afler threatening 10 bomb her house if she told anyont' 1hat he raped her, he said. Dance said he took money out of her wallet ·1us1 out of an- ger and frustration." Police arrested Dance two days Inter when n friend of thl' vicUm. acting as a decoy, talked to him in a char room and lured him to the Block at Orange again. Judge Fasel told Faber that his client wouldn't have stood a chance wilh a jury with the tes- timony he gave in court Mon- day. •There is no way any rational trier of fact wouJd find your cli- ent not guihy, • he said. The vlctlm, now 17 years old, stood up and made a statement about bow the incident has af- fected her llfe. ·0oes he have any Idea what J had to go throughr she said, reading from a prepared sgeech. ·0oes he lcnow how nauseating It wu to have to swallow the spit and phlegm he kept hacking into my mouth? Or how palnfuJ It wns to be whip· ped lime after time with noth· lng to relieve the excrudotlng sting but anQther trike Crom hl3 belt1. The victim said she wanted to be killed to end her suffering. "He deserves to spend the rest or his pathetic existence ln pdson till be dies." she said. • ... I hope everyonibere can mee what an evil cruel beall he Is and newr have mercy on him beatuae Goel knows he didn't have any on me." • Da.nce, who a110 spoke. wd be I •90rry for evefythlng that happened." ·rm t<>ny ror an lhe In ulu I cut on h~r. • he aa.ld. •tt I had 4.; Grospe ventured a guess. "She'i. very patient." Lacson said. "That's probably how slw got 10 be 101. She's alwa~ lool.. ing out for other people." "Her fuse is very long." Grm.rw added. After cutting the birthday ca.let• adorned with white frosting and yellow roses, White opened her presents, which included a pink and gray scarf. The lively atmosphere and music inspired one of the res1 dents. Tum Belote, 81, to get oul of his wheelchair and dance with Grospe. • OBRORE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by e·mail at deirdre.newman@/at1mes.com. the opportunity. I'd go back and undo everything thal happened Lhat day. Most of all, I'm sorry I ever mer (the victim)." Dance, who was dressed m a yellow jumpsuit, sat still with nu facial expression as Fasel read out the sentence. Dance's mother let out a rry or anguish as Fasel said Dann· will not be eligible for parole until after 25 years. Right after the judge ad journed the court, Dance's fa ther, Larry Dance, yelJed out "This is R.S. This is not right • lfis boomf'ng voice resounded on the court's corridors as hl' ranted about the unfaimes!. of the judge's sentence. "My son didn't kill no one," he srud. ·There were no injuries. There was no death. My son had no prior criminal record." Larry Dance said the district attorney "overcharged" his son ·ufe in prison for assault?~ hl' asked. "A person who commit'> murder gets away with 25 year<. in prison. Where's the juslkl' here?" I le said he wouJd appeal 1hr judge's decision "all the way" ii he needs to. Dance's mother said her son is a "good and honest boy." "I could have accepted thjs ii he was a gang member 01 something.· she sajd. "He was a good student. He went lo church." Both of Dance's parents said they believe their son's story. "Me just met the wrong girl and got Into the wrong ch-cum stances.· Larry Dance saJd. "I'm not saying he'1 not guilty of as- sault. but life ln prtsoo for as sault? fl just doesn't make sense It's wrong.• The victim's mother &aid she ls happy that justice h48 been served. ·rm glad he's been put away and It's aJI over,• she said. "The hardest pan for us was to drag her through aU this for this long. She's an Innocent person.• The victim &aid he agreed to help police because she •wanted hlm to get caught, no matter what.• "J didn't want him dolna this 10 other girls," she said. The victim. who recently •p· peared on the John Walsh Show, said she hopes to help other glrls who have gone through such honor. "ll't 10methlng I want to do In the tuture, • he said. "I thlnk f can help them.· •OUM 8"ARATl4 cov1ta public 11ftfV and couru. Sh• may be reached It (Ml) 57..,.228 or by •mall It ..,,..bMrllth• tat1mn com. ' PP a ) e 1<.I •d I a 0 d e le c..I (' ,r \ ~ l: f: • •• '• t: '• •• •• ' • ' I .. I " ·' ·' '• '• I' . .. ·' f W.dnesday, Dtcember 10, 2003 A9 COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP INSID E CITY HALL FYl Here are a few of rm Items c0mmissionen WHAT: ne1<1 Planning Commlaslon meeting WHEN: ~:30 p.m., Jan. 12 decldaJ Monday: WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive PRINCE OF PEACE INFO: (714) 752·5245 The commission corulderect adding three ~ lanllne denled lhe .,.,..,.on conditions to the Prince or ~ Cl\urch's Mayor Gary Monahan ap· master plan: one that would hold the dty pealed that decision lo allow blameless for any damage thl cornrnission 10 revtew the ~ caused by lhe 6cus.,,.. on lhe project in accordance with the church property; one that new residential design guidelines. would set a maximum n~ Vd.lantine denied the project because It did or 315 students for the school, not meet two crilerla of the new guidelines. without llmltlng the number of which became effective Oct 2. Those criteria preschool·versus elementary school students; are a lO·foot second-story side setback and a and one that would allow use of a wallcway second-Ooor·to·flrst-Ooor ratio of80%. next to the Baker Street driveway WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED The comm.lsslon reveJ1ied Valanune'i. derual The commis.sion approved the chang~ 4-1 and approved the expansion. 4-1 with Com· with Commlssioner Katrina Foley dissenting. misOOner Bill Peltins dissenting. It also directed planning staff members 10 in· spect the root barriers that church officials WHAT WAS SAID haw already had installed to make sure they were put in properly. And ii asked staff mem· w~ felt that the modification that they were proposing to malce met the intent of the bers to work with church officials and neigh· bors to resolve some neighbors' concerns with zoning code and guidelines and was consis· tent with the prevailing style of homes in the a dawn-to-dusk light on the chw·ch property. neighborhood." Planning Olairman Bruce Garllch said WHAT WAS SAID The KuhJmanns also agreed to additional "1 am concerned that if we don't have the Improvement.!> to soften the side elevation of trees removed, that while the indemnity con· their home. Garliclt added. dition prevents the city from having 10 pay for a lawsuit, ti doesn"t prevent the public health and safety problem thats more than likeJy to PLANNING APPLICATION occur as a result of the ficus tree\ bt>ing plant· TI1e co~lon considered a reque-;1 from ed so close to the sidewalk." Foley ~d. Tim Roberts. representing the Ussoy Family Th.Jst. which owns properties al 168, 172 and APPEAL OF EXPANSION DENIAL I 78 Merrill Place. TI1e Lissoy ~ family WIHllOO ID build a""" The commission heard an appeal from wlit, two-story project with an Doyle Forth. representing property owners exception to average individual nm and Liz Kuhlmann, who want to expand lot area requirements. the second floor of their hou.'>t! at 3379 Fuch Each lot contains a single- '>ia St. family re.1dence. The existing residence.-, On Oct. 30, zoning adminl!>trntor Perry Va-would bt• demolished and the lo~ combmcd Presenting Sponsor Simple Green Official Sponsor Estates West Magazine and tlte Commodores Club of tltt' Nt·wport Beach Chamber of Commerce 11w1te you lo attend lite !)51h D~ ~y'wd~ '&h/j((4bna4 1Pl3oat ~~ {!/Jecenth<'Y 17-:t ~ :!OO:J 6':.JO f .n1. eac/{ euen1i1/! "0r:( 0/~clay ~ea,cA 'fie4l>'ali<»1 11 and tl1( Presented by Pn,dential California Realty for lllllft' mfi•rtrWllVll ,., '" ff'qU~I un rntry fitf'ttl rltr& call tlu-Nt'U!pnrt /J('ll(h (Jw111/lrr of (111nmrrtt ttl (949) 729-4400 or Nit wuwthn.tniR /ltlillllflmdtf0111 PrudentJal ........ 10 consuuct the five.unit project. WHAT HAPPENED TI1e co1~on appl"Olled the requesL WHAT WAS SAID "We felt the project they proposed was con· sisien1 with the inrent of the small-lot devel· opment guidelines tha1 the dty has worked on a couple of times over the last few years.• Garllch said. *By all means. ii would improve the neighborhood by replacing some of the older homes that would be taken down to maXe room for this project• ST. JOACHIM PLANNING APPLICATION Kluger Architects. representing the Roman Catholic BWlop of Orange for St. Joachim Olurch al 1943 and 1964 Orange Ave., re- quested permission to reno- ~WI< The bishop proposed to renovate what Is now a convent to indude living quarters for priests and associates upstairs with community service and meeting facilities downstairs. Ille bWlop is also requesting a permit to al· low use of otf·sile church parlcing by people attending meetings across the street on the convent site. WHAT HAPPENED 1l1e commission approved the request. One of the. wnditions of approval was that the city will be exempted from any liability regarding property damage. injuries or death from peo· 725 BAKER ST. (at Bristol) • COSTA MESA pie crossing the streel to the off-site parldng. 714.540.5061 WHAT WAS SAID "The main thing was some folks were con· cemed about the crosmng, hul this usage they wanted to legalize ~~ been a problem and there ~ a hold harrniei.. ... agreement that everyone was comfortable with.~ Garlich said. -OJmpiled I~ f)t'1rrifl' Newnum Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce The Business and Community Resource /\ hm111t" 111 g.uuut '"" .. r 1ln"''' l .1 KIO '"'"'!"" rti•1C"Cnlmg •w<r 7.'i.000t111plm'<T'. rh<" ( Jurnlxr ~·•"·' '"uh II\ ""'' 1.1!-. loc..al btr•lll<"'<'l• .and tlw •0111111unor' "' l.rg<· h• pr11111"1t rh .. lo,,.I nonomr Welcome to Our New Members A Las.r Printer S•rvlce l'l41l)'i1>ll ')\()() ActlvltlH, Inc. ('I !'II(, ''i 1.~UU American b .preu Financial Advisors I '> .. '1>11(1 I ')<\Oil Better Publlshtnt 'I l'I)\ "-+ '1'- 81uffd 1'>011ll(.C1·'I 'i I Exotic Waterworlds 11>4'>)-l11'i-(ll'i'i Grace Divine Real Est.It• S«Ylces ('14'J)\OC. 'i?M KQ GlotNI ServtcH 1'>19)724 01111 Jim Kaner Insurance 1'>4'»<>42 Hl'I K.urft er.wins One Cup at a Time (?49)4(,(1 \(121 Linda Rider, Cllnlcal Hypnotheraptst New 8eglnnln11s Prosthetic Foundation ·1-1'11 11.tl 'Ill I ~trNt's WI~ IMrchant a Bar 1•1<\9)'ilo( •)I(,\ Prudential California Realty· Patty Lane •11•11•1\I I I Qulck, Rios & Ort .. a l11"1'))1'i! ll'>'IU Santa Ana KIA 1-1.\)\Hl 1"1111 Temple Bat Vahm 1•11?)(>4~ , .,.,., TMrapy Soluttons, Inc. ?4'))(,44 •JM H Tild -r.1N's Ent.nalnment C.o. !"'14122" 'i•IU \ Zter1nt1 ~lc1I 1'141))71')·()').\'I ( ltAMB(R rvr NT', Promot• your bus#nn• & ia#n v#s#blllty In tM community by attending on• of our ~•ntJ Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Wccln~.day. Decem\wr 1-• Sun.Uy. Dcumbcr l 1 6:.\0 p.m u ch f"Ynln& Spont01nl ll\ ,,,..,/,(,,.,.,.and h1 .. tt'\I h1 1ht < ,,,,.,,...,1,,,,.. < luh. du• .... mmunuy 1raJ11ion dr•"'• '"''"" 011~ m1lh,u1 "<"''°" lknrat~ "'•tccin•nl honw1 a,.J hu>1Mtw>• al.o p.imc:1porc on 1hc Rins of l •td>l• '"'"J'ClllMln, Newport Hetworktna B,..akfut Wordn•r• J1puu'Y 1•. 7:J0..9rJO a.m. Dally Grill l'a~hlon hlaJid (957 NnuJt*'1 (imm l>r.) Pro1001< )'Ultr bu11nfl• "m1n1..-sro lfyft'" while '"""""IZ "'" ho""~" ~i.uunthl1• Rt>frv•110nf •~ -urnmtn.kd Chrt1tm.s Boat Parade Awards Dinner & Auction Frida)\)&naary 16, 6 p.m. mr S...Otu lfotcl N-pt•" 8-c.h (690 ~ <fti11r f>r.) 11ti. peny hcino" the-WtnM'" ol tlw ( ·hnttl1'.A• 8na1 l\riwk 1Jtd Ru~a of l ifho. Join u. fo11 "'''" of dinntr, bncins-.,..1. "'"" 1"<11, .. 1u..toon PM...h btnd"ic nn1 fUf'• Nl'°IO>'J"Ott H.lrbor lhrwl'Nlll Bo.1 r.,.dr The foll owl na bu sf nesses have renewed thetr tnvestment f n the local bustness communtty Al Wednesday, Dee~ 10, 2003 Dally Piiot FORUM • HOW10GETPUIUSHED -a..a..: Mall toEdttorlal Page ~dltor S.J. Cahn at the Delly PllOl. 330W. Sey St, Ccma Meta, CA 92627 • Aeed9nHodlne: C.11(949)642-6086Fex: Send to (9491648-4170 £-matt.Stnd to d81typllot•i.~com •All OC>n'MpOndencl mutt lndOO. full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purpoHI). The Piiot,........... the right to edit all .submlalont for darity and length. Teachers can not be blamed for low test. scores. Everyone would aclcnowledge that good teachers are the most important element ot successful leam.lng. Yet. on Dec. 3 on Corona del Mar High School's campus, a group of people dedded to rum their bacb on Newport-Mesa teachers. They c.la1med that teachers choose to focus only on teaching standards yet do these people not reall.ze Lhat most teache11 would welcome the freedom to have more meaning-centered teaching. It seems like a giant contradicdon on the critics of Newport-Mesa teachers. I low can on one hand you say that there Is an overemphasis on standards and on the other band state that teachers are to bJame for poor test scores. A teacher cannot win if they "teach for the test• then you don't allow for the meaning-centered teach.Ing while If you do approach teachlng with a more meaning-centered approach then you may not have as high of test scores. It seems ludicrous to be targeting teachers as the problem when teachers are the ones who are feeling the greatest effects from increased restrictions by the state. Under these conditions. doesn't It seem feasible that clas.\el, with bad test scores may actually be the classes who are taught by the teachers bold enough to main tam some sense of a meaning-centered approach? This Is not to argue that test results and meanlng-centered are murually · exclusive but to many teachers It often feels this way. We should be building partnerships among parents. teachers and students. ll seems it is easier to blame others than to wort. together 1oward solutions. Some participants went Wednesday nlght thinking they were going to be part of a group of interested stakeholders who wanted to improve our education system. but It seems they were alone with this hope. MATTPHIWPS Executive Olrector, Newport-Mesa Federation of'Ieachers MAILBAG MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Senior Amanda Rubenstein gives a presentation during the first meeting of her club, No Child Left Behind, at Corona del Mar High. The club is Rubenstein's senior project, she and 1s seeking ·to redu ce the importance on grades. Creating a new golf course built on the former Scholl Canyon 3. Maintenance problems. Methane ti N landfiU. absorbs nitrogen and thus stunts the Its ewport Beach to a tee The problems we encouniered were growth of trees, brush and grass. Extra I think !putting a golf course at extensive and costly, especlalJy to the nutrients must then be added to Coyote Canyon landfill) ls an excelJent city of Glendale. The questions that compensate leading to extrem ely Idea. Newport Beach needs another must be addressed by the parks polluted runoff. Replaced divots rarely public golf course very much and it department and city council are survive. would be a great absolute advantage to many. The most common headaches I would recommend the .. the city and a grut attribu1e to the city. we encountered were: maintenance be handied privately. MRS. ROBERT AL.SHULER l. Methane odor. Some days it was City parks departments are not Newport Coast so powerful that som e people got sick. equipped and lack the expertise to Hold the cheers for a new set of links in town 1 was a concessionaire partner at the Scholl Canyon Golf and Tennis complex in Glendale in the early 1980s. Thls recreation facility was 2. Ground-settling. The grading of handle a golf course. An expert the golf course is essential to its full -lime greens keeper is essential. A playability and PGA rules. Landfills driving range is a must. The range was will experience ever-changing grade. the main monQymaker for the city and Imagine tea boxes and putting greens concessionaire. I lowever, as a reven ue turning Into 15% plus slopes within a generator, a golf course is pie in the few years. Drainage problems also sky. The best the city could hope for is then ensue. to slowly recoup its construction costs Read Newport-Mesa Arc you concerned about the low test scores at our schools in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach? During the past four yea rs, the efforts of the Daily Pilot and the Rotary Clubs of Newport-Balboa, Newport Irvine and Newport Beach Sunrise in support of che loJ Angdes Tunes Reading by 9 program has raised more than $24,000, including $10,000 from Daily Pilot readers to deliver 16,500 books co kindergarten through third grade srudcms at Pomona, Whittier and Wilson Elementary Schools. These schools have the highcsc percentage of limited-English speaking students and lowest test scores. The Daily Pilot and the three Rotary Clubs arc launching a campaign this fall with $6,800 committed by clubs, to be matched by an equal amount from Daily Pilot readers chat combined, will purchase an additional 7 ,800 books fo r chc three clemencary schools. The real diflerence in improving reading skills is you, your employees, or members! Join the Daily Pilot in a new program, &IUI Nnvport-Me1a by giving one hour of your time, once or twice a month during the school day, reading to scudcnts at either Pomona, Whittier or Wilson Elementary Schools. Make a company, club, community group or congregation commitment to RelUI Nftllport-MUA and encourage interested employees and members to take an hour once or twice a month to read to students at one of the three elementary schools. They can do it on their lunch hour, coffee break time or during work hours. Companies, dubs. community groups and congregations that make a commitment to &IUI Nnvport-MUAwill be recognized in the Daily Pilot during the school year. Srudcnts arc available for &"" Nl#IJ>ort·M.u beginning at 8: 15 a.m. until 2 p.m., Monday through Fri~y. It's easy, it's fun and it's very important if we are to help students ?'aster reading by the age of 9 and become productive citi7.Cns of our commurury. with rents or percentage fees from a private concessionaire. . STEVE LEACH Newport Beach Supporting neither Bob nor Dina, thank you ~Whom would you support: Dornan or Rohrabacher?" Neither. I would support a progressive candidate. THOMAS MCCARTHY Santa Ana Heights What happened to Costa Mesa's fiscal smarts? I once read that Costa Mesa was one of the most fiscalJy conservative cities in the nation. always very frugal with its money, carefully spending its citizen's tax dollars on much needed projects. Well, you can throw out that label for 20-04. By the way. the Costa Mesa Planning Commissioners pay went up from the minimal $75 a m onth to the Oat fee of $40-0, you would think our economy had fully recovered from the recession. But please correcl me if I'm wrong. the state is still in a major fiscal crisis. Gov. Schwarzenegger has not issued blank checks 10 local governm ents; on the contrary. he's attempting 10 solve the problem wilh a short-term bond solution. Yes, we love you Costa Mesa Planning Commissioners, but how about $10-0 a month instead of$40-0? I know Mayor Gary Monahan is trying to be nice to you (perhaps so you'll support hlm more, maybe even help him when he runs for slate Assembly) but didn't you take this job out of compassion and loyalty to our city? Gosh, it never ceases to amaze me the double-talk of politicians. They pretend that it's so hard to cut spending on social services and public infrastructure:but they have no trouble rushing to raise their own salaries. At least some of us will have a good Cllris1mas. WALTER DANZIG Costa Mesa Dcket Plan It's easy for you, your employees or members to panicipatc. Just call one of the three schools listed below and identify yourself as a RelUI Nnvport-MUA volunteer, identify the day and time you have available and you will be scheduled with a classroom teacher at the school you c:alled. The tuchcr will help you get started and provide Reading by 9 books to use with the students. State: __ _ Al out tne following wltn ony ol IM ~heme games 'fO'J wont. from in. l"IOme ~above Pomona -(949) 516-6980 Whittier - (949) 515-6990 Wdaon -(949) 515-6995 _Yes, count on -----------ro support RIMI Nl#IJ>ort-MUA. Yourname __ ~~~~~~~~~~~---Phonc __ ~~~~~~~~~- FAX E-m~I _________________ __ FAX this fo rm to (714) 921-86.5.5. For mort lnfomution, all Jim de Boom at (714) 921-866.5. ReaJinS Daily.APilot fl ........... ----Phc>M:( Form of lltyment:(drcle OM) VISA MASTERCARD CHECK -------bp. Oat• 1. 2. 3. 4. ~ dl9clcl pey9ble to UC ~ f. l'IM'ft IOI UC ......, AMrnCS MDN~...-ncur,.,..... OA1MQlD IW.1 N1W41.CA'*7~ (II Mqw'411 ....... C't4') IJW.Jal .. ..,~ ' • QUOTE OF THE DAY "/got kind of lucky that it deflected off the goalie's hands." Dominic Rubino, Corona det Mar senior soccer Standout EYE OPENER . ~'-----. Daily A Pik>t Spor1! Hall of Fwoo C""'ft:•~Ovn~11 um Dec. I !> honoree • WIUIAM C. WARMINGTON $pof1s Editor Ric:Mrd Dunn: (94915 744223 • Spof1s Fax: (949) 650-0170 Wednesday, December 10. 2003 A7 GIRLS WATER POLO Mustangs hoping to stay on rise After winning a piece of league crown last season, Costa Mesa looks to continue success. Q Azusa Pacific University and solely concentmte on teach- ing at Co1>1a Mesa. But he didn't want to let down the players. "They asked me 10 coach and it was worth it," Posliff Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot The rise of the Costa Mesa I ligh girls water polo program began rather simple. A lot of Lhe credit goes to Coach Tim Poi.tiff, who enters his second season with the Mustangs. But. it was the playefl> from the school's varsity team that made the inJtiaJ move that paved the way for Mesa's pivo1aJ sea- son last year. The players went into PoslitT's classroom last year and asked hlm to coach the team. The coach had planned to earn his master's degree at said. "They are great kids. II wm. a real good decision.· The players paid back their coach by earning a third of the Golden Wel>l League 1ille last sea!>on. their first year in the league. This '>Cason might he a rebuilding year bt>cau-;c of the youth on the team, PosllfT said, but three re- turnees might have r-.omethinR 10 •my about that. Sarah Bowman, Jessica Steenhard and Allyson Ham'> earned all league honors last year and will be an impor- t.ant part of the team this season. The same goes for senior goalie Quyen Nguyen. See MUSTANGS, Pa1e A8 BOYS BASKETBALL DOUGlAS ZIMMERMAN I OM. Y PllOT Newport Harbor guard Andre Pinesett, who scored six points in the Sailors' win Tuesday night, goes up for a deuce against Compton's Michael Price (2) and Richard Munns in the Bill Reynolds Classic at Newport Harbor High. Short-handed Sailors still a powerful team Newport Harbor dresses just eight players but comes up with a victory ~ainst Compton. Pttrlck Laverty Dady Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Even with Coyr players suspended for a violation of•team rules and three others lck. NewpOrt Harbor High·• boys basket· ball team didn't miss a beat lri the opening round or pool play Monday In thG Bill Reynolds Oualc. • The host Sailors convert~ better tn.n 68" of their field goa1a In the aec- ond half to pull away from Compton ~~ta 66·52 victory to remain un· defeated this season. Newport Harbor (3-0) used a 23~6 run that began with a Ja· mle Diefenbach Jayln with 2:26 remaln.lng In the third quarter nod ended when Compton's Ml· chael Gordon hit a three·polnter with 1:48 remaining ln the game. Gordon's shot ended a st.ring of 12 consecutive m1$Sed fieJd·goaJ at· tempc. by the~ (2·3), who had ded the game midway through the third quarter on a three-pointer by Richard Mwms. Munns, who Jed Compton with 2.4 polnta. acored with 7:11 remaining In the fourth quarter to sh.rink Newport Hubor'a Ind to 49-43, but the Sailors ta>red the next· t l points as tho Thr· babes coWdn't ~t a lhot to drop. 9" SM.ORS, P .. e Al •• BOYS ·SOCCER PHOTOS BYKfNT TREPTOW DAI Y Pl OT Corona del Mar's Juhen Cerutti (5) leaps above Sage Hill's Richard Gadbois ( 11) in Tuesday's nonleague match. One goal enough for unbeaten CdM Trying to penetrate past Sage Hill goalie Arriaga, Sea Kings edge Lightning, 1-0, in nonleague match. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot NEWPORT COAST' -A loud group of students continUAlJy cheered for the Corona del Mar 1 Ugh boys soccer team and delivered some sparse heckling for Sage Hill Tuesday. But the CdM fans were basically sUent when It came to Ce- sar Arriaga. I le would be the stand· out goalkee~r for Sage Hill. He made 17 scops. yet one got by as CdM remained undefeated with a 1-0 nonJeaguc vic- tory on the Light- ning's Oeld. CdM senior Ooml· nic Rublno &eored ln the 37th minute 6n.lshitag off an assist from feUow tcn- lor Jerilt Thayer. Rubino fired a shot from abOut l O yards out near the vtsl tol9' sideline. His alrlke found the right comer or the net and Artiaga ( K(Hl TI!EPTOW I OM. Y Pl.OT Sage Hill School's Kent Kuran, left, chases down Corona del Mar's Dominic Rubino In Tuesdays nonleague match at Sage Hill. CdM won, 1-0. nearly pulled fl down. •tte'' awesome,• Rubino Wd of Ar· rtap. "It was a good atrlke, bui It really W11Sn't where I wanted to put le. l got kind oflucky lha& It deOectod olf the goalie's hands.• Arriaga. a ~or who wu the Academy lµguc' M t Valuable S.. SEA KINGS, Pace Al Al Wech$d.1Y. Oecembel JO. 2003 SPORTS SEA KINGS Continued from A7 l'tayer as 1 eophomo~. lm· pn!lUed many and typlO~ an improved equad. Last year the ~ Kinp defeated 5a8e HW, 7·0. CdM (4·0) I In Divt&lon D ln boys soccer, while Sage HW ( 1-2) competea In Divtslon VJ. *He wu very aggressive and could punt the heck out of the ball," CdM Coach Pat Callaghan said. "He kind of kept u on our heels. .. · CaDasttan was not aware ,or the sage Hill's goa.Ue'a rwne until alter the game. c.aJ.1agban actu· 8.lly COG(hed Arriaga'• . older brother, Hilario. who was lnstru· snental tn leading the P\rates to the state champlonahip match In 2000. Hilario. a goalie, also helped lead the 1999-2000 &tan· cia boys aoccer team to a ClF Di· vision VI championship. At OCC. Callaghan was an assistant. Now, Ca.Uaghan l.s the head coach of the Sea Kings and has grand expectatlons for hll team tbat capt\lttd a share of the Pa· cific Coast League crown last year. CdM defeated Sage 1 UJJ. but the Sen King coach saw plenty of room for Improvement "We just didn't play very well," Callaghan said. "II wasn't about the score; it was just how we played as a team. l don't thin.le we did things very quickly. I don't think we played with o lot of en· e:rgy early on. We jus1 lcl.nd of sat. We just weren't sharp. It was a sluggish performance." Callaghan also saJd he was pleased with his teams second· half effon and the fact that the Sea Kings won most 50·50 balls. Julien Cerutti, Rubino and Thayer controlled the midfield, while forwards Chris Ringsttom and Danny Whitaker were ln· volved in several offensive at· tacks. For 'Sage Hill, senior Jordan Salinger. along with freshmen Alex Edelstein and \.onrad Whl- KENT TR£PTOW I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar High goalkeeper Andrew Dialynas, nght, punches the ball away from Sage HRl's Richard Gadbois on a comer kick in the second half of Tuesday's nonleague game at Sage Hill. taker provided defensive support for Arriaga. ln the 5th minute, Arnaga was out of position and he was down with an injury. A player stepped on his hand, whlch had already had a broken thumb prior to the game. With Arriaga down. Edelsteln stepped up and lclcked away a shot by Rubino. The Sea Kings had 22 hots, while the Ughtning produced seven. CdM's goalie, Andrew I':>iaJynas. recorded four saves. "I was very happy with the kids." Sage Hill Coach Noured· dine El Alam said. "They played a good game. l lhink if we play the way we did (Tuesday) against our level I think we will do very weu.· HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING Trials await Costa Mesa With limited numbers, first-year coach planning to grow program by word of mouth. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot StiJI embracing the novelty of his first coaching experience, Costa Mesa High wrestling coach Lee Romo ls undeterred by the chal· lenges that face his program this season. And his ability 10 do the job may rake noth· Ing less. .. We have seven or eight dual matches and we're not going to win any one of them,· said Ro· mo, a walk-on who steps in to guide a program that made the QF Southern Section team play- offs last season, but Is starting virtually anew this year. "But, hopefully. the kids we have are going to have an enjoyable ex· MUSTANGS Continued from A7 Bowman will be depended on to score. The junior two-meter player recelved first-team All· Golden We t League honors as ~ll as aecond·team All·CIF Southern Section Division IV laurels. "She'a extremely toJented and a blg girl for a junior," Postilt said. "She' coming along well ao rar. We expect big things from her: Harris. a junior, collected thlrd-team All·OF Dlvt Ion IV honors and second-team all· league honors, whUc Steenhard was a flrsHeam all-league per-- former. Steenhard and Nguyen nre the team's onJy aenlors.. "Inexperience wW be our big· TODAY ......... " SllVIO E9"CM Sr. Joe Amburgey Jr. Junlno ~ Sr. Mite \Yeber So. Br.ndon Wood So. MaNln Ramirez Sr. Chril Knox So. Vlonl• Tubblola So. Coed\: lee Romo (first veer) perience and the word wiU spread." Romo and the Mustangs will need strong word of mouth to build the ranks. which, heading into their season-opening tour· nament last week. included just eight athletes In the entire pro· gram. Senior SUvlo F.strada is the leading link to last year·i. success. He was second ln the Golden West League at 130 pounds last season and ls the lone returner among seven Mustang league fi. nalists ln 2002. Estrada will compete at 140 or 145 this season, Romo said. and h~ work off the mat and in the practice room, may be essenuaJ THE MUSTANGS s.tah Bowmen Jr. ..-.ic. S*nhard Sr. Quven Nguytn Sr. AltylOn HMrla Jr, Chrttdne 'IWohlg Jr. Annlel.a So. Unneee~ So. ~ Melaplra So. ~ Sc:f\upptn Jr. &endr• Stokll Jr. ~MW. Jr. Mer19tMUang ~r. Coelh: llm Po.un (MooM year) in holding the program together. "Silvio has taken charge and b doing a good job of leading.• said Romo. whose wrestling ca· reer at Estancia ln 1'le early J 990s was hampered by injuries. JunJor Joe Amburgey (189) has been in the program and M!nior Juruno Diaz (135· 140) is back af· ter taking last year off. Romo said. Sophomore Mike Weber (112) also has some varsity experi· ence. while newcomers include sophomore Brandon Wood (152), senior Marvin Ramlrez (17 l). as well as sophomores Ouis Knox (119 125J and Vinnie Tubbiola (125). Despite the limited numbers. Romo said he has !.avored every moment of his first coadung as· signment. "I'm having a great time." he said. "The kids are great. We had a couple of issues in the begin- ning. but we got them ironed out lllld things have been great." The Mustangs, with only tour· nnments scheduled outside of leo.gue. open Golden West League action Jan. 6 against Saddieback. Mariel Afuang have been quick to follow Postlff'<j lead and his stresslng of teamwork. "We an? a team, which works well for us," Postiff said. "There are no individuals. They seem to be working well as a learn. It seems all the girls we had from last year and the new girls from this year seem to be on the same p1ge and they are there ror the right reason." Postiff saJd the Golden West League title wLU be up for grabs as Santa Ana, Westminster, Saddleback and Orange will most Ukety be omong the con· tenders, along with the Mus· ge t chaDenge to overcome: tangs. Westminster nnd Sadd.ie- Poslllf said. "We're heavy with back shared the title with Mesa aophomores and JunJors." last year. fhe sophomore , Annie Le, Costa Mesa et!rns to have an UIU\lff Pederson. and Owldra , advanta.ge In speed. considering Malaplni. and lhe junlors <lU'is· the Mustang.1 won the Golden tine Twohig, Palrlcia Schuppert, West League title ln swimming Sandra Stokes, Sabina Wee and last spring. SCHEDULE S.ge Hill et Falnnont, 3'.16 p.m.; Ntwport Harbor at Unlvtrtlty. 3~16 p.m . High tchool boys -E1tancl1 va lo. Amlgoe at High IChool glrta -Eltande at Sage Hill, 3:1& p.m. Le Qufnt• tocJmamant 3:30 p.m.; Corona del Mer va. Sarna An• Valley •t La Ovlnta toumamant, 8:30 p.m.; Sage Hiii et La Jolla Country Oay toumament High ed100f g rla -Coatt MtA vt. Mire Cotta at Fountain V.lley toufntm.nt, 8 p m. 800Cie6' High ac:hoot bOya-Edtton at Estancia, 3 p.m.: ' I W..polo High ldlool gh1a .. San Clemente at Corona del Mer, 3:16 p.m.; Sage Hill at S.ddlet>e« 4;15 p.m.; Centu'V at Eltlocla, 3:1& p.m. W..ttnw t4igh Khool -NtWpOl1 Harbor at Or1niJ• f~l'way, 5 p.m. BRIEFLY Sailors win s~ason opener The Newport Harbor High girls wt.tet polo team opened tts tea· son whh a 16-3 nonleague victory OY'1' host ~penw.a Tuesday. Anne Belden led the Sallom with five goe1s while Jessica Ball added four and Leah Robe21son scnred three. l(ayde Qa.lb coo- ttibuted two goals and Melma Wheeler and C.arolyn Conway bad one each. Goalie1'im House- pian zecorded five saves. The game was odginally sched- uled to be played at Newport. but a decision was made last week to compete at Esperanza because the Sailors' renovated pool was not expected to be ready for w;e. But the pool Is ready. The Se.ilors trained in it Saturday. team overcame a !our-goal. fourth-quarter deficit to defeat oonleague visitor IU Modena, 9-8, 1\se&day. Senior Jessica Steenhard scored ber th1rd goal whh l ;49 left to give the Mustangs (4-2) their first lead of the game. Costa Mesa was down, 8-4, after three quarters, but outscored the Vangua.rda. 5·0, ln the final quarter. Chanda Malaplra scored two goals for Mesa. while Sarah Bowman, Allyson Harrl&, Ann.le Le and Ouistine 1\vohJg added one each, Senior goalie Quyen Nguyen had nine saves for the Mustangs. Costa M.., t, Et Modena 8 RJgh bead man John Vargas, 9-7, In overtime In the titJe game Sunday at Stanford's Ave· ry Aquatics Center. Welner, a reserve at two me· tera, acored thtee goals for the 24·3 Trojans this season. Tars drop first game • BASJCB'111AW Victoria Swi· ga.rt sqored 11 points, including three three-poiD(ers, but the Newport Harbor High girls basketball team suffered its first loss of the season, losing. 62·28, ln the second round of the Uni· verslty tournament Tuesday. NonlMpe ~ H..t>or 18, Etpennz. 3 SooN bv au.tin Newport ~ 5 I 3 • II Espenlnu 1 o o 2 a N9wport -Belden 5, Ball •• Robertlon s. Craib 2, Wheelef 1, ~ 1. S.ve1 -Houseplan 5. CdM blanks Seahawks 8cON by Quart.,. El Modena 11 s 1 o - Cotta Mn1 1 2 1 ' -EJ Modena -Yanez 4, Srepp 3, Torre. 1. Newport Coach Jen Thomp· son sald the SaiJors (2-1) had averaged 13 turnovers in thelr flnt two games. but comm.ined 26 against the Aztecs. e "That was the big difference," 9 she said. "They were the biggest and most aggressive team we have played. We had a good second q\.farter, but we didn't come out and play like we should have played In the sec· ond half." Costa Meu -Steenhard 3, Malaplre 2. Bowman 1, H1rri11, i..1, Twohig 1. S1vn -Nguyen 9. Tars meet their match •SOCCER: Corona del Mar Higb's girls soccer team allowed just one shor and capitalized offensively for a 3·0 nonJeague vlctory over host Ocean View Tuesday. •SURFING: The Newport Newport will continue tour·' Harbor HJgb surf team met its n"' action at Uni Friday at 6:30 match and then some Tuesday.p .. facing Foothill m a fifth· when the SaiJors lost to San Oe-place semifinal. Jessica·Mazura, Kelly Morgan and Tanisha Senaratne all found the back of the net after each shot from a similar spot near the top of the lB·yard box. Taylor Fallon assisted on Mor· gan's goal, which made it, 2-0, in the 27th minute. Morgan then drew the foul that led to Senaratne's goal to cap the scoring. mente, the defending state champion. San Oemente won all four events over the SaiJors. the Sea View League champions, who fell to 8·2. Newport's Erica Hos· seini grabbed first place in girls short board and third in one of the boys short board heats. Tanner Prairie finished second in boys long board. while Dan· iel Matthew came in third ln the body board competition. Jill Austin and Lisa Turk fin. Univ~ tournament sec:ona rouna E1peranza 82, Newport Harbor 28 Seo,. by Ou1rter1 Newport 5 12 a e -zs Eaperanla 1e u1 11 12 -&2 Newport -Swigart 11 , Stoltz 3, Whitfield 4, Miller 2, Eddington 5. Slater 2. Lawrence 1, Trobman 0, Koon 0, Devan 0. 3-pt. goals -Swigan 3 &p.ranz.a -Roberts 7, Felbab 10. G1la11I 20. Scarff 7. Kaufman 2. Ngo 2, Jone• 2. Attiway 4, Chin 6, White 2. Vanessa Fallon and Amanda Srockstlll keyed the defense, CdM Coach Bryan Middleton said, in fronr of goal.keeper Ka· tie Schlesser. who made one save. ished third and fifth. respec-M 11 · tively, In girls Jong board. Joey esa ro s m tourney CdM (I· 1·1) begins the Mater Del Invitational with a 2 p.m. game again!.! Aliso Niguel Thursday at Centennial Park. in Santa Ana. The Sea Kings will face Martin Luther King Jr. at 3:30 p.m. Friday and Capistrano Valley at I 0:30 a.m. Saturday to wrap up pool play. Chargers jolt Sailors •SOCCER: Two second·half goals carapulted the host El Toro High girls soccer team to a 3·0 nonJeague victory over Newport Harbor Tuesday. The O\argers led. 1-0, at half· time but received subsequent goals from Katie McMannus and Katie Carney in the final 40 minutes to finish the scoring. Newport goalkeeper Kara Oe- MiUe made 15 saves while Tay- lerGiacomaro and Stephanie Lambrakis were kept busy on defense. Reese Simmons con- tributed at midfield while Jenny Thylor and Krystal Wright led the rront line. Newport (0·3) faces Dana f lills at 2 p.m. Thursday to be· gin pool play in the Maler Dei invitational al Cenrennlal Park: In Santa Ana. The SaiJors then play Long Beach Wilson at 3:30 p.m. Friday and Northwood at noon Saturday. Steenhard wins it Head, Steve Fanner and Cllarlie Buckingham were fourth in their respective boys short board heats. Two .Bucs on first team • SOCCBR: Allison Apodaca and Blaire Nakano were first· team All·Orange Empire Con· ference selections for Orange Coast College this season. The all-conference team, an· nounced Sunday at the conclu· sion of the stale tournament. was led by most valuable player Cynthia Pinkney from Cypress and coach of the year .Pam Le· win from Fullerton. Apodaca, a freshman from Edison HJgh, and Nakano, a freshman from 'Fountain Valley High, were the lone Orange Coast representatives on the 19-player first team. Pirates freshman defender Katie Santora was selected to the second team. as was fresh· man forward Jenny O\av1s. Also on the second team were Katie Roche. a sophomore at Cypress from Costa Mesa High, and Lauren Loe. a freshman at Santiago Canyon from Corona del Mar High. Weiner on champion •WATER POLO: Newport Harbor High product Roben Welner, a junior at USC.. was a part of the Trojans' NCAA championship team this sea- son. •WATER POW: The Costa USC defeated Stanford, guid- Mesa High girls water polo ed by fonner Corona del Mar SAILORS Continued from A 7 ·we started switching our defense a lit1le more in the fourth quarter and that got them a UuJe Oat· fooled,~ Newport Harbor Coach Larry Hirst safd. While Compton couldn't buy a basket. Newport Harbor couldn't miss. Diefenbach. a 6·foot-8 aen· ior, and 6-2 junJor Taylor Young led the charge. Diefenbach ftnlshed with a game-blgb 28 points and added nine rebounds, while Young scored 16 and grabbed 13 boards. •BASKETBALL: Costa Mesa High used a strong defensive ef· fort to limit Valley Olrlstian 10 11 points combined in the sec· ond and third quarter and post a 56·37 victory in the opening round of pool play at the Valley Ouistian boys basketball tour- nament Tuesday. Sophomore Scou Knox led the Mustangs (2·0) with 23 points and is averaging better than 25 points per game through two games this season. Junior Brandon Aleson came off the benc to score 11 re· bounds and grab eight re· bounds and junior Jeff Waldron chipped in with 11 points and 12 rebounds. The Mu11tangs. who return to tournament action at 6:30 p.m. Thursday against St. Paul. bullt a 42 · 19 lead after three quar ters, holding Valley Qu-istian without a bucket in the second half until there were approxi mately two minutes remaining in the third quarter. Vlllay Chmtlan toMmament POOi ptay CostaMnaS6, Valley Ctirlltlan 37 Seo,. by Qu1rters · Coate Meta 1' 13 1e 14 -!>b Valley Chr. a 11 & 11 -J1 CM -Molina 3, Knox 23, Gandia 0, Weta 0, ll:rllcorian 3, Aleaon 11, Lefebvre 2. Waldron 11, Stankovic 3. 3-pt. goal1 -Knox 4, Molina 1, Krikorian 1. VC -Spurting 6, Parrl1h 6, Partin 1, Cl1rlc 6, Poe 5. Golalr 8, De1ong 2, Crammer7. 3-pt. goal1 -Parrl1h 1 Combined. the two Sailors missed just one shot from the floor In the second halt scortng 24 of Newport Harbor's 36 second-half point& Diefenbach scored &lx consecutive points to start the 23-6 run, twice scoring off lob passes from Young on Inbounds plays. When Diefenbach missed the free throw after hls third bucket, Young was there to grab the re- bound and score the putbaCk. OOUGl..AS ZltJMERMAN /OM.Y Pl OT Newport Harbor center Jamie Diefenbach (50) fights for a loose ball with Compton's Keena King in the Slll Reynolds Classic at Newport Harbot. Young, a receiver and Unebaclcer on the Sailors rootball team, added Harbor'• only three-pointer to open the fourth quarter and later scored an· othet" pu1back basket and a Jaytn after • ntce ln· tenor p from Diefenbach. "(Young is) one guy we'te brlriglng &Jong lowly,• HJl'lt saJd. ·we're ~ng It llowty With the Cootball guyi because It rakes a wf1Ue to get your ~ball regs. Wf!/re right around the three·week mark now, which Is about when thlnp come around." YounJ'a mlnutea lnaeaaed drun&tic:ally Monday because of tht tack or depth. whk:h Included the abetnc. or Harbor' other football player, Alex Orth. wbo wu ill Olld Mac~ • 6·5 tenloi; alto ml~ the game bec.aUIO or Wnesa, ~ DeYid Allee dteMed detplt~ being sick and scored two points. All eight playera ln unltonn ecored for the Siilora whh Oenhlt Heenan and Al¥W Ptnaett llddlna lbt polnl.l each a.MS AafUI ~ COlnlnl through with four WINS and a1x ~ ·I'm extremely happy," HJnt .aatd. •AU our (lU)'I had to play a lot of minutes. Compton. co thetr credJt, at*Yed alttr us. t have to admit. when their guy Ued. the game with that three-pointer I said, 'Uh oh, here comes the momentum change.' " But that momentum ch4nge turned out to b\i created by Diefenbach and Young and \ht short· banded 0011 proved they were deep cnolJ8h for Yktory. =141=f=llolca===·= UplMotlca -l.ltll.... -~-­ SELL your stuff through classified! .... ol'&n ........ <- "" &ltlW llWWI . II *-*"lo lllllfln:.o) \""'-~ <.ASIMUMaDJ N011C( TO OCn..icMHT, ~ .. c...) (A.., • Ao;i""'9) Stt.M ~CCt7US ?:':..,,:,~ ~~ '"°='=.:' "-20 O~f.<11 Y'Oll ARE 8llNO SUfO lhl n•IM end 1ddreaa (DAV ~ .. ~~.. ..___. ot 1M COUit ta· {Ct .,.., - _ • ...,.. nomllu 'I da'ec:c1011 di endo) S., l-. .U..iy la COflt n) ~ by Md ltwlllotlll 1111 SUPERIOR COURT or IJ*dwn ltd llt"ll1 S., U1: CAltfORNIA. 700 C111lc: .loomy Huynli. by Ind Cent., Dfiv• Wq l, P O. lhr"""1 r. 11\Wdlitfl ad 601 838. S1nt1 Ant, CA lltem S.ity le, T .i Vo, by 92702 S38 tl'1d lhlouill his Ill*~ r « County of Or1nct, Id lrtem l11n ~ Va11 Ce.n\r•I Ju'tk:• Ce.nlw You """' :.i CAlflClAR T111 ntme, eddrus. MYS ltfta U. ~ encl ttlephoM numtMf o1 " WW!CI oo ..,_, to ltla • plalnhH's •ll«ney, Of l~ollen r~ al plalnl11t wllhout •n l!l6 COt.t"l 11lor111y Is (El nombfe, A lo!tll!f or phone c.1111 la dlfec:olon y el numero wi• not protoc.t '(oo, your de tolelono del •boeado lypewfrt\en respoow nmnl del domandanta, o del bl in prcper lepl form " demandanl• que no you "'""' Uae cOUfl to tte111 abo1•do. •~) •-your case Sun Le. Stete Bar Ko " )'OU do not ,. 'IOUI 108451. (714) 891 snz. •IOPOR5e "" tme. you (714) 891 6693, SEAN may k.se lfM. rl'lf, Mid LE &. ASSOCIATES, 9061 your W8j!H, moriey llf1d Botsa Avenue. Suite 200 IJIOl>tftY m~y be lllkl!n A, Westminster, CA wctlluul lurtllt'f "'*"1111 92683 trum tf1tl_.t DAT11 (fui..) JUM o•, Thtre •~ oU. ..._. 200S tl'qU11ernet* '!'bu may ALAN SLATllt, Clerk want to '"' dl1 attorney (,\ct_..). •'11'! .swtiy II you do no\ lty GUSTAVO Hll· know dn attorney, yoo NANDll, Depvty may call an .itlOf ntly (Delerd•) rtlendl wv .. e "' .1 kit•I Publ"h•d N@wporl old ott1u (lt'iltod on IJ1ll Beach Costa Mesa Oaoly tihooe bo<4.) Ptlol Oecunbeo 3, 10, Oespues d~ 1111~ le 17 24. 2003 W'l.62 ttnltf'VU'!!O .. ,. l•\kton ~d1oa1 11'lnd '"""" un pl.uo de :w:> DIAS LAL £NOARIOS p.ir• Pfi':Sl_'fll.Jr Ulld fesp\ll'\lo1 •"'.1(;11la a mdltuona eo !;'\Id r ntle Una cart.t o w1a 11.tm.td<t lei!'foo.A ttO Ir Oht'\:l~H pruteccoon "'o o~ _, ..... """'""" ,_ qur cumpllf '"" In lurm•lldad•\ l•&•les ltpf °""""" ... "" tl'd •t•ll•••. lllH! la t Ori.. ISLlll.I"' 'II t.151J S. U'IN otO pr<')('ftW W •t~~ta a ltemt••. llUtOde j)t;fJt'f Cl C.t<oO y fe i><M'den QUl1ar \II ~leuo. 'Uo .i.w.o y o•lt•\ o~ ..,, prop"'<lad •.Jt• avNl .KIN •Wl.11 ()Of Jlolflt lie la •OOlf' s......" Ali•• • •"Use" FidltlM~ .... The tollowm11 penon ha\ •bandoned the use of the I 1etohou~ 6u"' oess Name (l TAN, 7353? Cl loro Rd •5 l•ke r urest Cal1forn1a 92630 the r l<.hlw1us Busoneu 11ame r et err 11d to above wa~ tolftcl 111 Oran11e County 011 01/18/03, f Ill HO ?0036933743 Condy Yu l Cel•1~ Ir vone Cahfornoa 92602 Thos bu\lntu 1\ ~on ducted by an ond1vodual Condv Yu Thi' \l•lcmrnl was hied with tht Cuunty Cl•rk of Or •nae Cuuntv on 11/03/03 200'6963911 IM.-m ..,,. UMIAIM• NOTICE tS If IUIY GMN lh•t tM 8oll'd ol E cluc.•tlon of the Haw• pot\~ IJ1>itltd School Dlatrlct o f Oren11 County wlll tecelo ... IN bteh up to UhOO --~ 11, JOCM. 1t tlM l'wth1a1na Of flct ot said Scllool Obit let, touted 1t :l98$ 8 8111 Strfft, Cotti Mtn, CA 92626, •t Whldl tllM s•lcl bids will M publicly opened end rudfor ............ .. ,c ........ - OlattfdWI ... - tl-&M•t«l.i ll0 '10t-04 All bids. ••• to be 1n 1ccorcl•nc:• with Condi lions, lnslructlons, and Spec1flc:ations which are on ,,.. In IM offtc:1 ol tM PurchHill& Oltector of uid School District. 298!> 8 811r Strtel, Costt M11•, CA 92626. In 1ccord1nce of \he PfOVl,t0ns of Calofornfa Public Conttacl Code Section 3300. th• OI$ lrlCI reqUtrH !Ital llte bidder posuss all tile followin1 clas1illult0n ot conh actor's licenses •I tit• lime that the •Ontratt Is awarded· <to. CH °'"' C4' E uh btd shall b• M.co111panied by a bid securttt 1n the form ol cuh • cerllt1ed or cashier's check or bid bond In an amount not leu then ten percent (10'1.) of the $200,000 00 total bod prtct, peyable to the 01slr1cl Performante and Payment Bonds will b1 requtted of Ill• awardee No bidder may woth draw his bid for a peroud ul roRTY flvt (45) d•y~ alter the d•le >et loo the opemne ther eol The Board of l due• hon of the Nowport Me\a Un1foed Sch11ol 01slroct reserves th11 •l&ht lo 1e1ec1 any or •tll blrh •nd not neces~droly act~pt the lowo\ bid. •nd 10 waove any 1n formality or tfreaulaotly lltst~tt ntru~ uoqul'i•lt" k):d""-Pu.J. ljUe U'-'l-d ~\\lltt a Httma• a uo 11><>,tlldo lf1lllt'(la.llamt'ntf' S1 no conoc ~ • un db<o\:d<lo ~ ........ • Oaoly Ptlol Nov Oec 3, 10. lOOJ on any bod •eceoved 19, 26 Tho Purchnmc 01 WlSI ptrlmonl will be cloud from December 2:2, 2003 lhrou&h la11uary 2. 2004. un ~.,.,., do: oelcr••tc~ de •boeado~ o a una Poliey ---~ u t11et1 are 1nw tech· ... quutioM lflllldlflt Ill~ llld, PluM COfltad Tim Manh In the MllntlnaMe ltl'd Opet 1Uo11s Dtp8tlmtnl et l•ltohonl 114 424 7'!/l7 MIWPOllf-MISA UW&lD SCHOOl DnTat<T ,j c:a::: t-=., d~ ........ .... ..... w ...... .... (714) 424-$077 Publl1h1d Newpo1 t 8111ch·Cost• Mesa Dilly Piiot ~ember )0, 11, 2003 W768 .000 TO Ollf'IOlS Of llUSMI ~'104-410SU.t(.) lSCIOWMO.i lff6S.W< Nolte.• is hereby 11ven to c:ted1ton of the w1th111 named seller(~) th1t • bulll sale " 1bo11I to be made of lhe nsels described below lhe name(s) •nd buaineu 1ddressu(s) of the seller are. Hto Ok Juna. 4900 Irvine Blvd. 110), l<Vtne, CA 91620 The locatt0n Is Calt fornoa of the <h1ef uec:ullve ofltce ol th• seller ts 4900 Irvine Blvd, .. 05. Irvine. CA 91620 As listed by th• seller. all other bustn•u names and aoddreues u,.1d by the salltf wtlhon thru yeao s before the date such fist wn \enl 01 dehvered lo the buyer are HON£ I he name\ ~nd bu.i nus addreu of the buyet(s) ar1 Chong Soe Lu. 51SS Arute Ottve, Buen• Piuk CA 90611 The auet~ \o be wkl •rt deSCflbed tn cener1I d\ F urnttute. h•IUflS. t(1u1p111enh, tradename, aoodwol, lease, lu.ehold tmprovemeot\, ¥rtd " localed al 4900 h vme Blvd , •tOS hv1111: CA 91670 lhe bu\onen n1me u~8d by the "lier(\) ~t lhal loc atton 11 B111 Dan's Donuts The anllcopated d~te ol tho bull\ sale Is l? 30 03 at \he office of llanmo I Slfow Co hi< '130 Wot Olymp1< Htvd Suole 400 Io• llnairtn CA90006 The Bulk S~le ,. sub1ect tu Caltlurno• Re-. ...... "-S..... 1.11• fotlowlna ptt100n$ •r• dome buslntst as· South l'olnt• lnvtsl· ments, 949 South Cotst Drlv1, Suite 600. Cosi.. Meu, CA 92626 Ar nel Development Comp1ny, • CehlCKllla Corpor1llon (CA), 949 South Cont 0r1 ... Suit• 600. Costa Mesa, CA 926,26 GLA r 1n1ncttl Cetrpo ration, • C•tllo•nfa Corporation (CA), 949 South Coast Drive, Suite 600, Coste Mtse, CA 92626 Tt11s bu•intu ls con ducted by a aener•t pertntrshop HIVI )'OU stMtld dotn& bustnHs yet? Yes. 07/29/1981 Amel Ootlopment Corpore\lon, Rudy J Baldoni, Eucultve Vice President This atatem•nt was hied with lh• County Clerk of Ounae County on 11/06/0J 2oos .. u 2to Petty Ptlol Nov 19, 26. Oec 3, 10 2003 ~2 SUPmOI <UT Of woau. coum Of OIAll6I IAIOIUlll JUSlkl ceml -PIOIAll, 341 n. °" Drtwt,,... Offlctka 14171r°""P• CAt28'J-IS71 PfTmOlt Of SOlOIOll DAVIWAll f<ll OWIGI Of 1W11 OIDll TO SHOW CA&ISE f<ll CJWIGlOf Mil llow to Pla<-e A We<*lesday, December 10, 2003 Al -Lapl "*" -Upl Models Wl-AttUtJ 10 AlL INT(RfSlEO l'EltSOHS. J P10tiontr SOl()MOfll PAVIO ¥'AR£ ftftcl • Ptlltlon with 1111• c01.tr 1 for • dlttH ch•n11na nemn o followt: SO-LOMOH OAVIO WAAE to SOLOMON DAVID fAUlfTlEROY WAR£ t THE COUlfT ORDCRS tMt Ill f)e(IOllS Inf.,.. 1111'4 111 this metter f/M" •Pllt•t b•f«• this court ti lh• h .. rlna lndlelttd !Klow to allow ctuM II any, why lh• pelt lion for 'h•n&• of name U\ould not be 11•nted NOllCl Of HEARING oete JAM 20 2004 r1rne ?PMO.pL l73 The address of the court 11 ume 11 noted •bov•. J. It tot>Y ot thi\ Order to Show c.uu \hlll bt p\lbhTohed et lta\t onu 11ch WHk for lour successive weeks P''°' to the dale s.t for h1111111 on the peltllon In the tollowtna news p1pet ot 1ener1I ctrtu l1tlon, printed In this co11nty· Newport Buth/ Cost• Meu 01111 Pilot Oet11 DIC 01 200S JUDOI SHlllA fill, JUDOI Of THI SUPl- llOtt COUaT Publt1h1d Newpnrl Btach Costa Mesa Oatly Ptlo\ December 3, 10, 17, 24, 2003 W26o4 Adlllm ..... ... s..... lh1 followina persons ere dolna business ., NWP Services, 18231 Mount Baldy Cucle, F nunlltn Valley CA 92708 Vault Data Ser Vt<.U Inc (DC). 18231 Mount 81ldy Ci<clt, r ounla1n Valley, CA 92708 Thts business " ton ducted by a corpo«•llon tlave you star\ed doma bus1nu1 yet? No Vault Pall Servtcn Inc A 0"1nts Her nan dei, Gener al Mena1er lhlj Slllemenl WU hl~d with the Counly Clerk ol Or•llll" County on 12/04/03 200SH'709\ Oaoly Polot Oec 10, II, 24 ll 2003 W267 SEU your unwanted items lhrou1111 cfustf1ed Rell.-..... ........ TIM followfnl per.or11 ., , '°''11 11u&l111u u 03 MotorJ.PO(tt, ti 161 $later /l'ft , f Ounllhl V1tfey, CA 92708 thrcelo G1tto1tlu, 11161 St•ltr An f'ounl•ln Velley, cA 9270I Thl9 business IS COii· dllcted by en Individual Heve YoU s\Mled dolnt buslnns yetT YH, ll 17 03 Mercelo C1t101tio This stat11111nt WH hied with the County Clerk or Oran11 County on 11/20/0J 200UHSll4 011ly Pilot Dtc 3, 10, 17, 24. 2003 · W2Q• "'9M ....... ... s..... The followlnc penons .,, doinc business as· •) Sii al&hlhn• Spec ta I· 1sh, b) St11t1hlltne Speclal1&h Racina. 5641 Plan del Amantes, An1h"m Hiiis, CA 92807 Scott Alex1nder Spence. !1641 Plau de Am1ntes Anahetm lhlls. CA 92807 Th•s bu11n1u t\ con dueled by an 1nd1v1du1I Ha~e you 1lal!ed dolne buslneH yet 1 No Scott A Sp1nu lhtS i.tatement wH hied .,,1th the County Clerk of Oranae Co>unty un 11/24,iOJ 2003 .. 46U6 01oly Pilot Nov :>6, Oec 3. 10. 17' 2003 W1!>9 RdltlMW.U ........ fhe l1>llowonc per10ns are doing bu~ine\S " llol~ Equipment 16835 Aleonquon SI Suite • 144', Hunltnflton l\ea,h, Cahlornoa 9?649 Mich•el Stephon llull !SOI Cap11 Cor . ~tun tmeton 8eAch C1lol111 noa 92t.47 Th11 bu>ln4'>\ I\ cun duded by •n 111d1v1du4I Hav@ you \IAtled dom& b11s11>0\s yeti No MILha.:I Hull Th" ,t,1tem~nl w11~ ltltd wtlh the cuunly Clerk ut Or •nae Cuunt y on 10/28103 200S69U30S Oe1ly Pilot Nov 76 Oec 3, I 0, 17, 2003 W2!18 ~ .... "-S..... Tht follow n1 ,..,son~ .,, dotnc buslne~$ " JV H1ndym1n, 52~'h O<thld Av• , Coron• dll Mtr, CA 9261!1 llm V foa, 5211/t Ofcltlcl Ave .. CorOllll cltl Mar. CA 9262$ Thrs bu11nnli it con ducted by an lndlvlcluat llavt YOll &lll'tld doll\I buslnHI yet? Yes, 5 ll 01 Jim V Foa Tllis sl11etntn1 wn fi11d With lhe CQunly 'Cltrk or Ot ana• County on 11/ll/03 20016 .. UU O.ity P'tlol Nov 19, ~. Dec 3, 10, 2003 W?Sl RdllMW.U "-S..... 1 Ile l11llowtn1 persons 11e dotna bu?.lness u SMA flNANCIAl SER VIClS, ?0111 Ct 1t11 Cr , Hunttn11ton Beach. CA 92646 Sharon M Au111nsteon, 20111 Cr aler Cr . llun- ttncton Buch, CA 92646 This b1111n1ss tS con· ducted by •n tndtvidu1t H••e you 1t1rted dotn1 bu11ne~~ yet' Yes, 1/98 Sh~ron M Au11en,\eon rh1~ st&l1ment ... , hl1d with the County Clerk of Ot 1111~ County on 10/28/03 20034tUJSI Dall>' Ptlot Nov lb. Oet: 3 \0, 17, ?003 W7S6 FldftlM~ "-S....... I he lollt1w1n1 petsoM are dom1 bustnl!\S as Sp1tkl• HIVtn. !>332 Kenilwm th O• Hun ttnaton Rt h. CA 92649 Sh•tesa MM1e (attHt !>33? l<erulworlh Or Hun\tn1tn11 Bth, CA 92649 Mot !<>ft~ Sue (a ton !>JU llenolworlh Or Hunltn&lnn 8th CA 92649 H•v• you Sl•rled d<11111 bU'\tnf''\'\ ypt >No StoM~·· I JIOll Tiu• •IJh••n~nt Wd\ hied with th~ County Cletll 111 Ot •n11~ Cuunty on II 19 OJ 200U9UU5 011ly Point Oet 10 11 24. 31. 2003 W26!> Tll• lottowt111 per Mn• If• doofll ltu,lntH H 119' ttap f Int Art. b<I' 11111 Str .. t, Huntht&ton 811ch, CA 92648 Katherine An11 HonlTo, 509 11th Sh .. t, Hun l111tlon O.ech, CA 92641 Tiiis bUSH>OI •• c1n dueled by an mdmdu11 Have you s1artld clolfll bus1n111 ytl? No llttheflne Nortk This slatunent wu fltod with the County Clerk of Or1n11 County on\ 1/21/03 200J69UtJl Oatly Pilot Nov 26. Otc J 10 11, 2003 W260 ~ ...... ... s....... fhe followlna persons •re do11•1 bu!UMSS H S.ywerd M1nist11es, 1204 lt11el Place Cost11 Meta CA 92616 lames £ dwerd Aber cromb11, 1204 Ha11I Pla~e. cu,la Meu. CA 9?626 lt1v• you started do1n11 bustne\s yet? Ho lamt~ £ dward Abet unmbM1 This statement wn ltled with the Counly Clet k ul Ot anae Col•n\y on 12/08/03 200SH'7422 o .. 1y 1'1101 Oec 10 11 74 ll ?003 WX.9 CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SALE! CAll (949) 642-5678 __ Deadlines----. Rate' and deadline~ arc i.ubjecl to change wJlhoul no11cc. The publisher reserves the nghl In censor, rcdass1fy, revise or rcjcc1 any classified adven.1i.c.-men1 PleaM: rcpon any error Lhat may be tn your class1f1cd ad 11nmcd1atcly. TI1e Dall}' Pilot acccpls no ltability lor any error 111 an advertisement for which 11 may he rc:o.pon~iblc except tor the t.mt of the \pacl' actually on up1ed h}' the error. Credit c:m only he alh>Wl'd for 1hc first m:o.crtion CLASSIFIE AD Monday ..................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesduy.: ................. Monday 5:00pm By Fux (9-l9) 6.' 1-6594 t1'1tL'c 111dudc yoHJr 11"'"" 111oJ ph<lflt' num~r IUld "t'lf cnll '"" N<.k "'tth u rn<r quotr I " By Phone (949) 642 567R II our~ By Mail/In Person : HO We~t Bay S11ee1 Costa Mesa. CA 92627 /\1 N~·wport Blvd & Bay St Wedne,day .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thun.day ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday .................... f-rtday J:OOprn Telephone 8 .lOarn-5 ()()pm WJlk-ln K 'Oam 'i OOpm Monday l·nday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCUUNTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Mlmorlbllla 1160 TOI' $$ 4 ltECO•DS £TC Mu. ca-c, (IL !.ih &. COi a N1ec. spu, tube "'1'4" Mike 90 64!> 7505 ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarof EVentl 1310 EOUAl tlOUSltG Ol'POl1\lm All rt1I tslet• edv•1ll1 Inc In this n•w•p"per ~ IUb,.c.I lo the r tdlr•I ralf 11ou~1nc Art of 19611 ti' 11m"ndAd which M•ko It tll•t•I II) •dv.rtlse •any pt ,tat 1nc:1. llm1t1t1on or clu,crlmln1t1nn b•••d nn rate, color r~l14t00 ••. h•ndtt'llP fam11oal ''''"' o< n1tt0n•I llfi&tn. nr tn l11tenUon lo m•k• 1n1 \Uth p11lt1enu, llmll• tfon or d11crlmlnwllon • Thlt ttt•ll>•Plll' woll nol know1n111 accept any tel\'ertl~m1111t for r .. 1 utate whl~h It tn vlv~tton or tllt l•w Ollt 1•1•t1• Ill l\lltby lnlornotd that all dwtll lnp •dvttl1'1td In 1111\ OIW\Plf>tl' arfl ahfa on tn 1qu1t OPP n1t1 b••lt To cornpt11n ol d11 ct-\IOll. ta• 1100 lt>I 11 .. al I 800 42• 8590 SELL your stuff through classified! $ 230S-2490 1483 Ptnanal ===============~ Amouflclrnlntl 1llOO WANTED ANTIQUES Oidtf Style F11rnltur1 PIANOS l CollKtibltl ."'-" ....... .......... ·~·-.....·~,_ ... .._... $$CASH PAIO $$ .. ,,..... . ..,.,.,_,.. wt BUY E9TAn9 • llT\rMdoouo fntwdy - ... AITDI" rm Of Fii V1CT11S 119YOUI118'1 eoo ANIMALS RESCUED WITH NO OWNE.RS. MONCY OOttATIOMS HUMAHI SO<llTY C/0 .. AWS 240 E HIGHLAND SAN BERNARDINO CA 92'°4 SELL your stuff through classified! Monday·Fnday Index T~- • I' .I,, I '· -'<t' l .I' 7402•7466 S010-Jt40 ( ~ , I . ~ . •' -.-' ' . \ .. ___ ......_ IOOH510 t soos-saso 4~ .... • I ' · ol ' I I ,.. ....... ~ 900H7SO Genni AmoRemlntl 1110 ANTlQUES HOME FURNISHINGS ... bSall 3010 DUCJISIASOM Prlvtit1 Dvc.tl H-•l"t Fumflllrl 3435 Ck* eppro~ I /hr from Newport 8e1c:h. heel .. GIOV(S. ltnt hunhn11djac1nl lo 0.W..W,.ll.t41t QUUN MATTUSS sn ltlte WtletfOWI refur, Ol1hoc*lc. tnnd -Ill .,.. .. D.clldlf lnilllldcw~<b ownership Interest htllt v~ c.ltte w. QlldllM :"toa 375 ecru of land & m11fov1meflts <-tour t4f..716-7 ltl .. CHEHY SlQOM llD own cemp compound ws..i.,Ml'f..a Sold wood. brlnd -In w/•lructure and 2 bol nut -WOr1ll trelfen Wondtrlul f rl. ,,.,.....,~ $lkX).: $2!50 ~ nlaht BBQ's .. win• tu tine durln1 duck JEWELRY/ 38 Meson • many •alrasl APPUANCES t•ar for Z lrlenft or 3050 DIAMONDS/ f•lhtt I eon. C.11 M.-1 et 310-50 Ql5.4 ~ m> 0.,., S200 PRECIOUS METALS Would lilt• to conttttt e Oi:stlwdw Jn> [lllW· IOfllWrttin1 ~1nllt, In ~atm>O... c_.tC.lto M...,_ althilr bluu, u. Hlk\t ~ l<'O> 9'9-m CJlli Old Cofnil Gold, &llvw, °' pop, If rou lf'e, HnCI ~1· .,..atches, 1ntlqu9 !'hon• • or m1flln1 BlJlDINW coUlcttbln !M9 642·9441 lcldr9", wtler1 yOll 11111 GMDetUPLY/ M '411'11Kted. to 0 L = OFACE c:/o 0 M. Adil-. l TOOLS Adams Ave Costa Mela, FURJITURE/ CA 97826 3.16G T ....... 3135 BUSIHESS ... nMllS TOOlS TOOU EQUIPMENT ...aveeT Cuttmens foots. tbt smvm -uw, $:r?i Sm1llt t.tt ~· ~ Hltecllf Ito, a1w, Ill ~ -......... Pl•. Otlt•IJ•"4u.,, loh of m1ae li.nd tool AtOllT IU<TllC _...... -d1ys 114 74!1 1653 eve WHIUC144•S Mtwno 049'45 .. ~. Cllllt lo yott If ~-COOL ruyn JOI :::-~..: MtdfCllrt ICCI~ ~s 8tld lnlry l••.. ..osltlont, dW'\ C-.wllr •6,. 'Wt 1•~.111~ .... .,,2 .......... car" -, lnlld hit JOU ffftl.f 1 ,,..,~ t&MGDl ~s. (IOO) 13'·.Jl~ trtntfMlft•tiOfl, lodt•n1 -.:NC) prVlidad IQ)~ 1w,_ ...... ._ '»lllllt.Tal f"9 n 1T1l (t'A~ s.r,....-.-... ,_!?"~ .. w,... ...... ,... '0..'2..""' ,_. IM9'~ .. ....,. Ce.""'""'' .. ....,. !Mt\MJ.$67' (Mt)Mt-S6rt '~ Und l:r th e Se n ·ice Direc tory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Cltl 3610 AUOlUTI 00\.DMINll nine Storl~ 60 vendtnc m•ch1nu Space f1lf Rent 6060 ltUCUI "1 t of• ' wtlh uceflenl locatt0ns TU•TU •oc• CAMl'US Unurh1nltn tlapp111t Musi Sell 800 234 6982 VllW lltOADMOU ..;.. 2411t Sll,,.Et. 400 Pel Owners Need lftlp -J homts 3 ' 4br S!'>49,000 $615,000 liOOlof unrts. Perfect lor Well Manneted /\dull lecol vendl"111 ,..,,,. vehoc14!1, low r ales clllt CB\I & Olde1 001• ttted 80 machmn location\ S6t'4.000 C•olyn !M9 863 1390 new homH AOnpl Adult 1nduded. •II fo1 S 10.99!> Ow1111r/~I llnlmalt this Xml\1 30 100-Sot 7t0t 300 640 I d1y reltlfn Policy RE:SIOWT\Al~ALS •-enlmetne\wotlP. 0•1 llnpoft Coast ORANGE 7400 8uslnm Opportll11ty W1C1a tarr1115 & CAlS COUNTY 8allt fed .. 1.-.i ,_, ., Semces 3910 STUDA 11 001l:UH\ c.,q Im-. :JI Olly ._, (JI lbr dwn m•b. 3.5b• ... lltJod ...,, ,,....,. All YOU MA1C1NG $1COl JSO(nf, Fly~• Vittual fou1 Corona del Mat .. -.mm. tv ~ I* WNl\1 ,, Cati ~ WWW VU hORlfl'> tl\m Nl\'flllbl ~ ~ ,., routes with fll'tme iix:.11ons Sl,610,000 BRN4>rEVI~ a .,.... 12.., 919Q4.2'1J9 available nowt Under Alt/owner 949 637 0300 2b 2!bl wd. .. ~ ~.CO>~,...., www •n1m1lnttwork «a .. ~to.clh.<'Gl C4111 Tiii f rN (1' 1) II» -did!~ ...... CJ6.l.ai64 (CM. -scAH) MISCEUAHEOUS MISCB.lMEOUS l3lX'\ w6 ID btJ1 Nill RENTALS w1l~'Jl9.~ MERCHANDISE Rlll&lltl CostaMlll ....... 4250 Rental To Shin 6030 ........ ,..,, lt.....a ........ ....... 3B ~ .... tffft.m-t 21lr RMllstate QIM .... ~ llW)I -Zb• home II llvrm w/1p, 199:'l Ch•dl Sl ~ 114 •HOpl *009>1 •tf0pl Pot1 lnvestonl vttw park1na 12500/ine 2Q'i 6.lOI a. 707 a..1111 u ~mto"-s & 1•• PMO sm•rt ""°""' M•c· t4t-.JU·1l17 Secret shoPC>«• ""did ..... ·~ IBt fC>f loc1t .sl11,.t, r ... line R•nll..i Au1t 11, u• .... ., ... ....._, =-~~~ l•urents a lh11tlft Tuaa" tlM fl plec:1 .i... 2br 21>• home 11 ftulble 11,ours. h11U Ill lilt U $, to lllYlll lfvrm •/It m bath Otdll~ '~"" t llOO *'9024 Ill r .. 1 u tete SlOOO/rno 9 1117 u I04t (CAI. •SCAN) l' Ind ~I Wfl>' Yit.lt M':ftle A•••t lovely 1-snntU1LPtNes BUY~ Mt/0-. v ..... ._ Oe •• Comm n1., 36•.JI. !iO•IO 70•lM> K•nn"tn~ Oc11nlrorit/t1nd, P'rt Tfl•ntte Sqvtre, 11lr 1 be Newt Haver b.11v .. tdl wat1 rm, unlurn. it\111'1 w/111 a fttf. s1m. tbt •erH04tf#t1H !5\7"'2~ 'jj\ b•, utll1 pelcl. n/emk, lbl '#/Pttio, CllflOft, 1'lltlt11ntltt, tndrr, lblll •lur111• 111!> "*· Dill ..... ~ to Hewi>Ofl pier~ S730m. ;;,111. Kl•ln Mm••lri Cell Stm IM9 78 7905 ~ C..tll'll> oi.cnii•11 16.ES F(.ASM,£ (Ntlf-'"Spm) ··~ Ill - ... 59 & SllM CRAltM ... , I • new 2111 1 !'>Ila tow11 t'ttMtllll -COlllTY .. Clll bd! .. "'" Ito.I"' 'tylt ~1.2 Ckk'I ~ :a.:wr::.:.. "1t SU7'1/mo '4t '42 WM •1 141\ttn.it frt111tllKt . c• oppnrtunll'I to tltu•• .... . ..~.,p.u.~ U.-lelcll loollina to •011' lnO.• pencltnt11 $8t< lllfflt• ......... .,.,. ....... .... _. .,.,, In :1t ~·1tw,3b•, 1Mnt r•4uw.ct kKWM .... ltW JAi "° .,... --~pl--l!OfM, ""' 11tllll ·~ewt. llaM!ilt •lld ~· "" su~-l8l6 ~ "" ~ ··~· ~ .. • wiatte llKU, frenthttn werldwtd•. " no tut .llnl ~ol 11t1I 9'll 6~~ 5 loll rr .. l -~ 17J1 llDJ)q ,.. IJt ----: • ..... I " I - AlO Wednr.Aay, Oecetmtr 10, 2003 ~B.OSSWoRP PUZZL&; I TODAY'S f2 ,, UDO ISU STUDIO $SOO off ht ,_ 2lit '1ba LMllU cloHI & b•th. Ill ,.., 1*J ~ In Vq>\ Laguna Niguel 0.-._., 1.11 .. ...,_ •unny uposure SIOOOm & rlllballlb Ip. I l "' ..... ).....__ ._. Act 949 67!>-6161 WI\ Sl&l) 9&~ -~. __ e---. pets .. .f!IOO/lllO ... 111 lf.llll Atit 9ot9 240 <tH1 ,eftl11aut. lbr Iba patio. ltreptace shered w/d 3tir, 2' lrlM. 1 Pl· I hhups. I car i·~ ~I urpor1, l«X>ttt. MW 11P1>1 ..... & upl 3 w1"dsof1c U"I $l!IOO/MO 700 46 Sl900/mo 7t•-J90.5810 Sbf si. hovu, quiet ar•a newly refurbished 2 ur sar wd h._ups, S?300/mo 949 7!>9 0874 /b1 I 7~b• 1111 lhc w•ltr Ill p•IH> de< lo. up~r •cl~d k11Chen. wd hkup, ~~· $?4~ 949 ?'l J 463? a-, h 2'itlol wnW 2 •llsy 2 c ~ ,t....._ ocn ~...... ~ puoV\.,.,,. ..... "' br1l ,,,,. .. 3 s;ie:n rm 114.f.7 47100 .... u.t.. "" ......... Jbr 7IM 1 CM te-• loond fM. ch k avM Sl'lm I br I b.• iM patq an! lk Sien> A .. ~ lln-1 9&/Z?-973:1 lbr 2ba up1•er t-.~I b•yloont unil pttwd •lyt• II' I •u I • 111 1111 $7800 94'1 ?91 •6 ll Bridge By CHAAL.ES GOREN with OMAR SH.ARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH I l'loaTH •A Q'5J J IJ k.t;UCONTRO • AK OJ 10 .. ~.,. • K 961 JU 0916 .,. sotmf •JSS A 72 AX JO S l •7J ~b1lkhn11,. S<Kml Wf.S'T I ,._ l ..... .. .._ ,._ .._ Opc11111tt k-.tJ Four ol • Don't 111. lulkd IOIO CX)mpl:iccncy bc\:au'IC " h•oo loot. Cb}'. lln.:ai-k.'\I pn1hk:111~ ...an bl lurlma. 1111: Jin.1 round or Ult auction w~ rou~. After Soot!!'> IV>l)o{biimond rdtKI, ""ll 'fldlk' h) Nonh would have Ileen m11urel amt hm:ing. NOl\h ·s JUlllP tu 1hn:e ~p..Jc:. wl'I cull\ cnuun.d, 'i.flov. '"lt ..htll111Ci..\ in \j'Mdes while e.\Pfl:'""ll tnk'l'CM tn II ~ploymem 8500 Automobiles ~, ......... 9000 1ura rc1 Sabi tf1ICi u Alltomotlve our ,_ i-y jlilrt. OiMw OC*1l0ts. Eaperienced --------ct"'-.... ""'-. Ind IMW '01 ZS ,_,.., wn-AJdslts. Cal 1· 3.0, 5spd, 2~ ml, lull llJ>.MlAE.PAY O~· f1ct warr•nly, 'llur/blk P'l!i1) (CM.~ llhr, CO. m"'I, 19'n ...... Fmt alb AWlllrt lor bu~y Endocrlnoloty ull1u 111 Newpor l llch r,.,..,,,_~ tits '" baby/chlldrtn'1 lurHlture store Opentn& In South Colst Plua ~ Uperlentlt • 'ala1 y • bonu~ • m~doc:.al 9'49 496-4~ l Sell your unwanted items the easywayl wh.ls. bNulrlul like new cond, lrn avail "9956?1 $24.9!15 IJl.r 9&586 llllll __ ,......_ <e4llooc '91 C.t.,o SOil mt, btll/blk llhr. blk ca11j .. e 1001. Bou CO. 1m tm, chtm whl$ aold pka. boolt.l/rec:ords. hke new $879!1 vS57281 Bkr 949-SH·tlll www.oc ... ltl.c- O.evrolet '99 Monte Carlo 2dr Goupe V6. JOI( aclu•I mi. solve• 'areen melelhc, CD. bHullhof llkt new cond, $689!> v872491 11111 949-~ 11188 -~ Cervelte '92 C•nv Whtie orrarnat owner tow mr 1mmKul•l• Lond Sl!>.000 !>62212•11/ flot soo • 1•70 sood cond new bt ulle'/ clutch& 1hocks $5000 949-Ul-795• Autonalve 9004 COVE IOTOllG AUDIA4 '00 Black. w/arey 1nler •V0802 Drscounled IMW J281a '99 Black, tan rnler •'1'.1978 Musi Sell IMWS2'1'91 Bronli. tan rnter #VS497 Muil Sell IMW SUlo 'OO Green. l•n inter IV0'".>67 01scounled IMW UOl 'Ol Wh•IP, Ian 17466 Mu<I Se• BMW S.COo 99 Blue. 111 ey inter •V2 t II Mu\t Sell BMW 140ia 00 Bronze/tan 19158 Doscounled IMW 140lo 'OO Btacll, ta111nte1 •V9435 Orscounled BMW 740IL '01 Blut/1rey 12843 Mu>t Ste IMW740ll 'OI Silver KftY IV8605 Grul Buy BMW 740it ·01 Whil~ pey •.)9'jl Crul Buy Chev fohoe '02 ijl~tl• JrtV •\14 161 Great Ruv Harley Dov falh '92 R•d black IV8109 01s~ounl•d FORD TEMPO '9() S600 /14 'I~/ 010'.> GMC Svrllurba11 l S( 2SOO. 4w1l 70k • mr. aold/l.an lthr • h J seal \Uperb or 111 tond SIJ,995 v5!t2461 Bkr 949-SH-1811 www.ec:pol>l.c- Place a Classified ad today I 9 642-5678 f•rd ••s M•••••I '9S "-'a Accerol lX Converl1ble, orr1tnal 4dr , !>8k m1 Gre~I uwner. solid cat. l!ud Condition• Very Clean !Ill Sl8:Dl cill> 9&719:!1U S7999 ull 949 642 0189 JfOME, HEAL.TH ,.,,, 0 R Nl£RS Cahto1n11 l•w re quire' thAl ronlrac· '''" l•k1n1 tob• th1t tol•l ~ "' mclft (t.abor 01 m1teutl1) bt llunsl'd by Ille Con tr et to•• late l 1u11w 8nard St•lf' law al~ requlfl!S U11t contrArtnf\ include thew locen... numbe1 on .. adver II ..1n1 You cen ch°'" lhe \talu1 ot 1out llcenud COhffl(.tor •I •w• c$lb Ct IOV or 80I 311 CSlS Unll nstd tc111h11CIOI\ llktnf )Obi lh•I total fen thin $500 mu11 ••••• In ''"Ir 1dv11 ll11me11 b t11at lht1 ••• noc llct11 td •r the t111111ecto11 ll •It lken\t BMrd • ."""Ill .. ~ERVICE A -Z HANDYMAN tnitAll rrla1 ~ cabtneh ~·~ mr-. ~ n4-!'146-7258 Clrptt Cleaning ~--~----- llO Air 0111 I I'. C.1111PI Cle.rn111q S·' 1H ,. . ' Compu11r SeMcel COMPlJfER HELP! .......... ,..... .. ,._ ... •lit•-...... "°'*'° ........... •......m.aa.Molilll ··~ ..... Ma ·»Nll=~Hlill UC ~ 10Y .. ~1Jip 714-612-2786 I lf lGIN YOUltMOMI IMrlOYtMINT ,.10J1cn r. all 1 p4umblf, 11.inte1, h•ndyrn1n, llf 111y ot th• &rfft , .......... ~"" '" Out .. tY1Ct dlrtdOtyt tllfSE t OCAL SVC Pr OPL l CAH H l, VOU lOOAYI Eledrtcal Semca SMAU JOI Drllf l out, Qu1<k Res.ponse llome. Yard & Dock ri.ct 20 Y~ hp 0uni.am £111ctnc l #275810 9'9 95(). 7012 CUSTOM OllAlM 1U ~.\lot i.-. ~. stone. a... 1975 l'6120M ~ 714 612 0081 UMYsa.--.~ R•ll!I oultn & lnltttl•lli>n Tit I. D£AN 9411613 IOGS 7l4Wf&'S 114 8113-2001 TrH s.n.1u, Yard Cit an Up. M1inten1nce Sprinkler Repair, llauhna (949) U0471 l Hllldfmll~ HomtR1t11lr Ill S TORl • 11£ f'AIR 8. REMOOH ING AU.N THI HANOYMAN All work 1111•r1nl1td ~ flKtrbl, Door• JIMl'lt!pell:.~ r . ,, 1\11 v. ",, fi1l'l11 I' I , I [) '\ l _,, ' " ' . ?"['• ... ' • Handyma!V Home Repair mtEW. mJ\11 A IWNIENANCE • ...,...t.orwail No Job 1bo Small o. .. Bamllioa 949-322-8292 6-tl~ ·~ Ctt~tr' • Plu111bln& Orywt • SblCf.O l"ttflltna. r• & rnni• 20+ ... ..,. b::;1;~' JI 714 ..... ·-'71• Haullnli JUHi TO lMl DUM,.11 714 968 1182 AVAILABI E TOOAYI 949 6/3 5566 Hoaea.fllt "-• a-•i',C'!':r;"' Wkly/ti wkly •n hl1 Rere Gt eat r et I tm.tdl M)~!MtM~I __, V1t1t•n1 C-rtt• & M"~ Urkll. Ul0<k, ~Canlnllt~ 1 no44I 114 9'i5 m• .. Alllllldwt --------COWi~ ,...,.,,..,., 1111c-.. l1n fl,._ crut o.a1 ,..,_Qa'" • 81ue, fan • #V7!M7 Olacounltd LUUS Uf470 '00 U4 •t1.:.ll lftY tt11w lrolaf, tow ~I·. •:IK ml, 01.150 9411 Y.>Q-5202 t.llUS 'ff U MO,..,, Whitt, 4114, lltUtd tHh .. .silo''"" conll . luu flCk, tow pk&. $199009411·350-~i ,__xi-"00 •aaaon •tt aoon e1Mn, t•n W1aon. euto, *untoof, •128U Mu•lS.tt. 3rd M•t. wM• uni J..-.,_'ff illl•oet, •10,500 125K RM, tin ml 714-549 9942 GtHI Dtll • MOUOIS CUO 'ot Bl•tll. bl1<11 •V9277 Discounted M QClDIJ IUO 'O I 8tack, 81n., #VS458 Ol1counted MllClDIS U2°"9 '" Grffn l•n 1V4581 Grut 0111 MllUDIS MISS '00 Stlv•. bl•c., 13859 Grut Oe•t MllCIDIS SSOO 'ts Whole, tan • 3650 Discounted MEICIOIS SISOO '00 White. Ian •OSSO Musi Sell MINt coor111 •02 Blue aray •0962 Mutt Seti rolSCHI Correro '99 Blelk black •VI068 Drscounled rolSCHI Car-rero '99 Blue au)' IV6049 Mull Sell Qvafe MOft11"''' 'O l Solver. black #VOl39 Discounled 949 ... ~StlS "-4o ••1 A.c.c.,tl 2dr coupe IX V tee tn1111e, 69" black/11ey tlhr, ~nrt. beaulolut unmao ked Lond. car aaed non smkr S7995 hrm v01267SI Bkr 96611>18!111-,oqJl!bcx:m J•11-'00 S Typ• 3.0 6. 3511 m1. lull lace warr, silver/oatmeal ttlu, rnnrf. CO memory pka. beaut hke new unm.arked rond, $23,495 w•7S2262 Bkr 949 'i86 1888 www .ecpabt.cem J09var '•7 XJ& Brr11sh 1 awia areen/tan llhr. CD fabulous t ulld lhrouchoul SI 1,995 "59721 blu 949 586 1888 _..,,,oqoa1o1 ...... J..-'94 XJ4 V-4oo Pin melalhc red tan lthr, beaulrlul orralnal cond, rnusl see to appreciate. 1•r•1ed. non smkr, $699!) v702571 Bkr 949·!>86· 1888 www.ecpooltl.c- PNlld"S AUTO 'OIMWXSl.01 WM,,32'( (1~) $35,980 "01 f.,.J ..... ,... ~ Sdv11, 7K mi (19770) $25,980 'ff J...,., V-"9 "'-Only 3711 mi Silver, 35lt ml (19812) S27.980 -..-...,vat C.shmefe, 441< ml (19824) S26.980 '97L•xw 400 Silvet (194531) Sl7,980. '94 Mere .. • l4ftl Whrte ( 19823) Sll,980 'OIM.,_..UOO Sliver. Low mr ( 19403) 52.980 "ISl'endltlfll Whole, r op T rontc (1975?) $34,980 .,, "-* •.•. ,.,. Stiver 27t. mr ( 19875) $?6.980 '9S fey.to C.U" Conv White < 194781) S!>,980 'O:Z fo,.,J l1r-4/tl- Blact. 2,K mr ( 19899) S26.980 949-574-7777 MlfSAUTO ~ .. ORSCHl '01 CAIRlllT, l111lronk , mini cond1tron, 8!111 miles . one owner $62.000 PP 949 3'".>I 1719 Ran9• lover '99 •.6 ttS( 48k m1 lull fact Wirt blf\/blk lthr, 18" thrm whls. superb cond UwlKCfll, $22,995 vll7ZOI Bkr 949·586 1888 W-·•qoaltl.CeM LAND IOVH 2000 Discovery II S07. dual moonrls, rear 1ump seats, he1t1d seat lac warr 36.000 ml, $71.900 V2lmBI .km 714-2'22 5161 ... E1nploy,•r .• , ·• Empleado. ,. -AUTOMmU ........... '00 ... o MllC81AN8 SC 1a 1clu1I ml fuU .... , WIH. bll/Clrmal w.... llhr, buullful hilt MW COIHI Mutt u• to IAllWllll 121.e 110l 7a BM 949 5116-18111 -~·-a-.._., 'H 4.0 SE ilOli +'f!ll, blecWltn lthr , 1uptrb cond throuahl. boob. rKOfds Sl0,495 ~ 8kt Ml 516 1111 -·ecr•··- W:UIOCC-54"811, Auto, Hlv Syr;tem, Xenon, loed- ed (839Sl89) SZ9. 900 '00 740« WM/Blk, Navj, CO, Sport Whls <'15454) SJ6.900 '01 Jt-S J.O BMVCry Prem Pkl CD. Low Mr (M61231) $34,900 'O:Z c ...... &""-"-.... Pewtwt, Loaded, Mo<mRoof. Low Mr (122184) $39,900 'O:Z Ytl'l-Sl T Pewter, loaded, 221\ mr. Perlecl' (202894) S26 '900 'OOGSSOO Whl(fan Pt.Unum Seties. Low Mo, CO (099216) $25,900 ''9CUl-UO B•IBlk. Aulo. CD Bose. Creal Price (048525) S23.900 '02 <H-..J Alto SE Aulo. AC. en. Re•• Sptr (26J.427) S9.500 '03New•-"-c-"' Only IOli mi. CD, Blue/ Blk (30020';) $22900 '9' S...f:ZO Super Clean! CO. Like New (431928) $28.900 949-U0-2222 ru.·.1w.....-Aut..._. Toyota '97 Corella DX 60k • ml. auto, pw, pl, cruise. wh1le/1rey ont, sus-b $4995 vlS7829 Bkr 949·586 1888 www.ecpot.l.c- IA.NG( IOYll IH3 LWB, 1151< m1, btue/la11, e11 suspens1011, immac· ul1te lhrouahoul $6495 Pll6l818) .lm Jl4.22'1~161 AUTOM01M PARTS/ ACCESSORIE SERVICES lOIRS MORTt>AGES. A CRAMS! F~e ·< lions/Pr• Appro Cash Fast' Co1 Debt! Purtha ntnc1na Bad C oo problem! l I LEND WWW blsl N11ton•I le• Q11atll11d L11 l•nder (CAL •sc MOTORCYCU Motorcycles '91 Harley D• Roadkina Imm condrllon. Sl2 0 5622124117 BOATS Power Boats Muterc;rafl ·95 S wJlh tower, ~ custom tover. : 5622124117 ... Duffy Bectrf nirrt l:Olld 11.-Y refu batter~orp/><lht...­ clotl'Ues ooty 17 Sl4.~ 949 !Jl5-02l Sall boats 1'116 CAlAI INA 271 ftwl .iuto ~. Bl'N •oboerd. llA Q)lll'r bollom paint r ~•lensM! 149~ I & out ~ 949-!JOC BOAT REPAIRS1 SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE Ne_,.-tleoch ' Slip available SIOO call e 949 723 31 .. 11 rbPitneluner. •• .. EmploJr. '' ~.Pilot NOMAntR HOWYOUSAYf CIASSIFIEO CAI FIND IJ. Misc Servtces Pllnttng Plumbing Trte Service MOUDAY HILi' Home & SIWll Big Mike's Party Decor free Tnm· A19DUllQEmlG m1n1 Room Ml!leov•s. Tree Service Shoppina 949-459 8770 (949) 64S-2H2 =:t..'-'.• =a.~~ r .. c,...~ 49 2 l ~·· ..... 'Zl'Mup Open 70.ya G • Prk'el Cuat1ntHd LowR&M •Ofk flff "' ll37~ Stonge Spedala 714·538-1534 7.39().2945 Since 1981 ICl'S CUSTOM ,MmNG 5-454$ Prol'I, clt811. qullllty work lnlerlor/ul and docks. Ll703468 949 40C). 1054 llST MOVllS $SS/Hr. 1.AJHOW CIK1I MMfT THI SHff',.11 S•vHll A.II Cltlft ln1urtd Pein""-iru.at. ~ Sptcl1hzrna In 1163844 323-991 1193 Cf_"~bl fr• •lb• W•llP•PI' Remnval 323 6JO 9971 c.a 7 714-636 8188 L#588241 949 360 121 PUBLIC NOTICE Pllmblnl the C111f rubllc ... ttOtdST & MASONAIU ........ .... a.... Ulllltrb Commiulon fWMIP ~ hperllllQlll requnn tll1t Ill 11\td r,.. lltl Sm "'*'" ~ Tntkl. Srll household 1oo~h OClfCU Olk 714-ZJS 9150 Screen~. 714 951 3JG monrs f)rlol lhtlr PUC C11I T numb.,; PllCfSI f'WMllNO hmM and ch1uffeu11 GOlDlNWISl print their I C P lttljlatrl .. llt1Y10clelln1 WINDOW SllYf(I n11mber In 111 '"'" · rRU. l:STIMATC Satlsf1el11111 Cutt antee- Ustmtnts. II 1uu l\lvt L"Oll7 a98 714 969 I 090 ~63.MW 114-S.904 "'' ir.:t.on• '"°"' th• •t•lllY of • mo wet, llmo ot SELL clltuff ur. Hll' "'9tK UTIUTIH your stuff COMJltHIO .. IOO 117·U61 through classified! t: , Lagctna Nlguel Ge.-.............. 4llr ~d: mnl'I'. ... 11111 ?/I -Alt 949 241).9007 NewpoitBndl YlA.llY LIASIS .... MIWPOllT HOMlS Ml GIMCDY ltUlTOltS •••·475 .... ... .,.,, "-" 21>1 lba MWtf UrjMI, Piii & Illa 2 c t1ndcm .JJ"r, wdhk upt, 11t11 IM9 l "6JO s.¥tct Directory Calllorn11 t1w rt• QUtrn 111•1 contfK• ton tlk1n1 IObs that total ~ Of more (11b0f °' m•tetllll) bt HctnMd bJ' the Conlratlot f lt•I• llunH llo"d State i.w also requ11n that contrar tMs Include thetr lkenw number on Alt lldver umc Yoo can cl\Kll lht t l1lu1 of your ltctnt1d conlr•clo r •I ww11¥.c.ib U 1ov nr eG8 321 CSlB Unll ftnHlt eoRh •cton 10.lllJ jObl lhll total ''" then $!100 muat sl11tt In tllfl1 1dwioll••111tnh lh•I lhtJ "' not llctnHd 'l.. the Contractors ~ te l k.""9 bOllrd " UDO ISU SlUDIO l•rc• lloset ' bath wnny Hpn\ur•. SIOOOm Act 949 61!> 6161 ........ lbr l b• p.1160. lwaplaca, sharad w/d h-~ I car f::f: ~t $1 MO 9ot · 46 On Tilt 8d'I .., bn air ..... ., ~ ...,_,,..,.,...., llWStrfiOD-~ 2lt 19' MW l*JVar!lllC. 2cat ...... ~d, l/l i.Jdl lo OOM\ must -SlllXVmo 9&2"JIJ.7D al '*-' !llint-5pin only II 12 I) ssoo "" ht -2llr 2lw nr N> 1W cblit lo ~ ' r1!Sl11•-Ip. l L p wcl 118.X> -~ a., 'l'l ... 1 pr, I Clfpor1. G>+sl, -~ '~ Jwlnelsqcrt SI mo 714-J90.!i&IO NP M-'tillh 2br 2ba IWT'l'm, Ip, hdwd th Piii Y•d. Set 2110 Cor.i Ava. S72!lOnlo 9$642-5488 Sk 3~ "-••· quiet 11 ... ntwly refurbished 2 ctt a•r, wd hku~, S?JOO/lno 949-759 08 4 2br I 75b• on lhr wdter la pst111 deck u11a•aded l11tche11. wd hkup. aet $?4!>0 949 ?93 4632 Beau .b 2.Sba aindo. 2 Uor)' '/cp 'Jbnqocn view. Assoc~ .... ID bd1 A'n/A an 3 s:IEIXVmo 114.QJ. 11a; .._. U., un camel b ;>\», I UI p , lllLWlll lac. ~ .... S2ID> llJr lb9 ""' ~ ...., lac Sll'.XXI AY11A 111111 9/&TO-<JnJ Jbr lb• upptr ltYel b•ylr uni unrl pt11od \lyle. 11rt Yu I < ear •1t S?l!OO 90 193 4631 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIP end TANNAH HIRSCH • North Swth •ull\l"l'IMe. ~ cblt. f\OR11t •A QUJ Ill • AKQJ 10 W'F.ST FAST • 0 10 7 4 J • K 9 6 l i IU J 9' ' ()1176 •1652 •94 SOlTTll • Jll5 A72 AK I05 2 •73 ~h1dtlin11. SOUTH W&"1' I ha l .... 4 .... .......... <)s..:ninr kw.I r ...... "'. D.in'1 ti.: lulled into compL.a.-cncy be.: .iu..c • h.ind luotu. rby. Uni:,Ju:lc.'\.I f"\lhlcm• '"'" be luli.1ng Tiil° flN mund <>I the auction v.iu rouunc. Aficr Sooth ' tv.u-dtlll'IOlld rd>td, 1v.11 'flOIJr' h) Nunh "'uulcJ "-\~ hrcn natural and l<l<\:1n1 North's JUmp lo lllf'l'(' ~~ v.as wo"cml11""'1. "'""ins ..lllJ11ntl-.\ In ~ v.bilt C~~\'>!Ojl l~I In a ..... fra'll alb .......,. 10< bu•y Endoctrnoloay ollru 111 Newport Bch 1 aa re1aJmes ~lllfl6 I Ill in baby/chlldrtn'a lurnllur1 a lo rt openlnc In South eo.st PINn ~' eapt1111W1Ce • 'al11r y • bonu\ • med1Lal 949 496 4;41 SAUS1 Oute-11 ,..n_ w/phone 11fn f!lp (Mn U* ' up p/100e 949 862 7474 fllx 949 86? 741'!> Se your unwanted Items the easywayl 9000 IMW '01 :U cavpe, 3 0, !ispd, 23k m1 full fact warranty, 1llwe1/blll llhr. CD. mnrf. 19rn whl1, be1ut1ful 11111 new cond, hn 1vaU. "9'Y.>621 $2~ 9l<r !M9-5e6-1888 -......w.c- C...tllec '" Cetera Soti ml, blk/blk ltflr. btk carri.ae roof. Bose CD, am Im, chnn whl,, aold pka. boob/records. Ilk• 111w $8795 v557l81 Bkr t49-SH-11H -w.a<p0lol.com Chevr.i.t •t• M-1• Carlo 2dr COUP9. V6 JOI( actual ml. srlver/creen mttalhc, CO, btautrful 1.i., n•w cond, $6195 van491 Bkr 949-!>86-1888 -·~-Cerv•ll• ••2 (env While 01111nal owner low ml. rmmaculal• cones $1!i.000 '>612114117 fltt soo • I '70 aood cond new b11•ll1s/ clutch' \hoch $5000 t4t-Ul-7t5' Automotive 9004 COVE IOTORIG AUDIA4 '00 Black, w/arey inter •V0802 01scounted IMW S281a '99 Black. tan Inter #V9978 Musl Sell IMW S211'" Bro11l1. t.an mte1 •V5497 Mu~t Sell IMW S211a ·oo Gre~n tan Inter #l/0567 Or.scounted fMW S30t,'Q1 Whole tan 17466 Musi See BMW S40I '9'J Blue grey Inter tV711 I Must Stoll BMW /40ia 00 Bronze/Lan 419158 Orscounted IMW 740le '00 Black Ian inter IV9435 Discounted BMW 740ll '01 Blue/11ey •2843 Mu~I See IMW7401l'OI Silver. ar ey •V8605 Great Buy BMW 74011 '01 Whole, tlf•Y 13951 Creal Buy 0.ev , ...... '02 fl.lack 1t1ey lfl/4167 Grl!al lluy Harley Dav faltt '92 Red, black •V8109 01~nuntod ••~ms --- FORD TEMPO '90 S600 114 %7 01~ GMC Surlourloaa lSl 2500. 4wd. 70k • m1. eokl/l•n Ith• •It• uat. superb or1c cond SIJ m v552461 Bk• 94•-Sl6-llll --~1 ....... Place a Classified ad today I 9 642-5678 f•r4 '6S Mw1taa9 '95 H-6a Acc•r4 lll Convertlblt or111n1I 4dr !>8k mo Grut owner. sohd ur, nut Condrtron• Very Clean wl $18.!D) chi 9"97S29Cl S7999 call 949 642 018'J ---ERVICE .. Al*nllw ---,,.._ ... , ILull, la11 IJS41 Cr .. t 0. I '---~'" IY1941 •,-. ~~ounllld J..-lf''OO -tr .. n, tan 11280 Mull s.u J..-Xfl'tt Red. tan l.llUI Ul47e '00 04 11*.l, 11ay ltN lnlw. tow plla. 4!1l ft'W, Sll,750149~ ~202 UJ.1tt ..... ,.. ,._, Wlllto, 4114 , llut1d ...... "'°"""' tond • 11111 r•cll. tow Piie. $19.I00949·350-~102 •••cues 'tt 1t0T1 Weaon, euto. w!V'eof, lt-' IQt, Wblte tin/ "11Mlor. Sl0,500 125K ml 714 549 9942 <ltHt0 .. f " MUClDIS (230 'OI BllKk, black llV9271 Dlscciunlad MIUIDIS HIO 'O \ Blai.k, 8tac:Jo. •VS458 01scounl1d MlltCIDIS UIOwa 'H or .. n, Ian #V4581 Grtal OHi MllCIDU MISS '00 Sllvtt, black 13859 G111I Deal MlaCIDIS SSOO 'ts Wtute, Ian 13650 Otuount1d MHCIDlS SISOO '00 Whit1, l1n l(Y.)80 Musi Sell MINICOOPll '07 Blue. 11ray t0962 Musi Sell POISCHI C4W1'era ••t Black, blac- l't'1068 01u:ount1d POltSCHl C•rera '99 lllu1. ar•)' #1/6049 Must Sall Qvafe M_,.,•t '01 SllYet. bletk tVOl39 Oh.counted t4'-650-St1S H-da '9 7 A«or4 2dr toupe LX. V tee in tine 69k bla~k/arey lthr. snrl, beaulltul unmarked cond, a•• a&ed, non smkr $7995 firm v0126751 Bkr 9e$ UBI www,oqllll>mn J....,_ •oo S Trr• s.o Y6, 35" m1, lull far I warr •llvet/oa tmul lthr. mnrf CO memory pk&. be.iut toke new unmarked .oolt' S23,495 wl752262 Bkr 949 'i86 1888 w-.9<p0l>l.c- J09vor '9 7 XJ6 B11trsh r ac1nc creen/lan llhr CO fabulous cond 1 h• ouchoul S 11 .995 ¥59721 bkr 949 586 1888 --~··-J..-'•4JU6V...._ Plas metallic red Ian llhr. beautiful or1&itull cond . must '"" lo apprac1ale, saraaed, n<>n •mkr, $6995 v702S71 Bkr 949-586 1888 w-.ecpa1ii1.c- -----.. ,....,_.SAUTO 11>1 IAfW IS Ut Whlt•,JV< (196690) • S.15,980 'Oll-4Mw,_. ~ Slhrtr, 71t ml. (19770) $25.980 "fl...-V...,_ ~ly37kml S1t11tt, Bo ml (19812) $27,980 .,, """"" /(Jal Co$11m«t, 441< m1 (19824) S26,980 'f7 t. .... 400 Sllwlf (194531) $17.980 "•M•rc.-.E4IO Whrlt ( 19823) $11,980 'O I MwC-..1 SSOO s~ ..... low mt. (19403) 52.980 'fSl-Nfll WMe. Tlplromc (19752) $34,980 .,, ,.,..cit. ..... ,.,,. Sll11e1, 27k mo (1987!>) $26,980 '9S r•yoto Celka Conv White (194781) s:,.980 '02 Forti l1qHtlltlon Black, ?JK m1 ( 19899) $16,980 Ht-S74-7n7 Plll1'S AUTO ,, .. 1u. roasciit •0Tcl"i1t1ur. hptromc mini cond1loon, 851\ m1lu one owner S62.000 pp 949 351 1719 ...... e ·-·· ·9· 4.6 tlSl 4811 m1 lull fact warr blk/blk llhr, l 8 chtm whb. •uperb cond u. OICtit. $22.995 y I 172!Jl Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.acpelol.c- LAND ROVER 2000 Orscovery II S07, dual moon• h , rur Jump seats heated seal lac werr 36,000 m•. S?l .900 VlfBJ.'BI lm 714 'lZl 5161 ··1-.:mploye<•."' ..Empleculo. ·· ..... ._ '00 4.0 st ]fill ectu•I 11'11, fud IKI w .. r. ~11111 tUw. baMt1f.-Iii• ... COllll. Must SH lo .,.... lill..& 1<()17& BM. M9W.I• -.eqoei- 1-.. ...,_... 'tS 4.t SE 8Clll .. ml, b!K~ ltllr, IUfltrb COlld tlw..,rhl boob, tec:cwdt SIOi.495 w<Ml5l29 ~ 949 ~ • 6 1 a a 1 -. ..-.c- WU,OCC.wt SIVBll. Auto, tull Systarn, xenon. Lotd· ed (839'J8'J) $29,900 '00 740« Whi\/Bfk, Navl, GO, Sport Wllb (P15454) $36,900 '01 X-S ,,0 Blk/G<y, Prem Piie. CO, low Mi (M61231) $34,900 -02 c..,_ &"'-la .... f'ewtwr lo•ded, MoonRoof low Ml (122184) $39,900 'O:/ Y-'-Sl.T Pewter. l~. 2211 m1, Perfectl (202894) $26,900 '006$300 Wht/T1n PlalH'lum Seties. Low Ml. CO (099216) $25,900 '" cut-310 Blll/Blk, Auto. CO, Bose. G1eit Prrce (°"8525) $23,900 '01 c;,-J Am SI Auto, AC. CO, Rear Splr (263427) $9,500 '03 New 8eetle Convt Only !Oil mo CO, Blue/ Blk (300205) $22,900 '99$-420 Super Clean! CD. like New. (4319l8) $28.900 949-450-2227 Tl .. 's&r....., ..., ...... Tty•ta '97 Certlla DX 60ll + mr. auto. pw, pl, cruise. wf11le/pey mt, SUpttb $4995 111 !>7829 Bkr 949-586-1888 .__,..,-..- RANGE ltOVH 19ts LWB, l lSK mo, blue/Ian, alt suspension, 1mmac ulate thr.ouahout $6495 P'628IB'.> .tm n4-222~161 AUTOM011VE PARlS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES lolnl 8221 MORTGAGES All PRO GRAMS! frte consult• tldns/l're Approvel' Ca CHh f11tl Con~olictal 01btl Purchn1/Ref1 nenclnc B•d Crtdll 1 no problaml l 800 138 LENO www bls lund con lht1onal Leader I I Qualified l11cenn• lender (CAt•SCAN) MOTORCYCLfS Motarcydes to '9J Hwt•y Devi ..... Roadll1n1 lmml1Cul1t1 condition. Sl2.000 cal 562 212 4117 BOATS PowerBoats 951f Mut~rtr31t '9!> Ski boa w1lh tower, ~ter eo custom coY~• $1 7 ,()0( 562 212 411 7 16' Duffy l1adrlc ._ nwrt cood rutty r ehKl>Med batteries/uphol~IM"Y/ en clou5ures only II /mo tlk $14,'Xn 9"9 !'>l!> 021lB Sailboats 952( 191'6 CAIN.NI ?111 rah lwl auto pt,t. PMN de.o l'lbolrcl, "" CCMf lre<J bollom p.i111I r~«ml e1~ IW'°"' U-..1 ' & out. ~ 9'19-!i00-.2tl BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 ,. • ...,._..1aoch so~ Shp 111allabte SIOOO/mo ult •949 7ZJ 3143• NOMAmR .. Arb<>itnel111u•r. •· ··t:mpToy''·" ~.rllot HOW YOU SAY _f!1 CLASSIFIED CAN flND IT. Wll~needs .... A ·I HANDYMAN In tall rtlK• ubon•h ~~ ,,...,... Dote 114-!>67258 Cll'9t Clanlng ---IHI A' IJ, '!Ar. 1•11"1 C ... HIH' I C\ 1 .. 3 rooma & hallwly • ti lncludet ortCOnOl\IOfllnQ CAU TOGA' • CWll fOOA'f ltlYlll 714-32HM2 It 1 • 110 c.,..,...~ to <Aa,ll<tl'<AIPIT o Rap•ir., P•h htr1t. tntt•ll Co11111out. ~ny tllt lob• Whol1wi.t IM~ 492 ~ ~ ..... Computtr Semces COMPUTER HELP! Mlllll .... ... ... ,.. ..... .... llC•91C ~ . ._._ ...... ·•••caoat~ c..~ . .... ._. ... '-='~'== 10 .,,. ea....-r.. 714'-612-2786 ConcmelMasonry lrldl ti.ell Steote Tit. Oonuet., Patio, Dr~ay (llepk, IJ80. Aets 25Vrs hp. TtHy 114 557 7!i!M c..... ......,w ... eern.it. Ord. Sb.. r•. ~etc.R**No JG loo .... 714-61!>-!Qil I TOH YOUIHOMl tM,ltOVIMllfl HOJacn can • pluf'llbtt P•tnlaf, l1tfl4fym.1n, Of lnJ t i llN «JHl ta{YtCO$ tmM liilre ifl our Mf~ d•-elOt'JI TH£S!: LOCAi SVC pt OPt.I:. CAl'l llt l, YOU TOOAYI EledrtcalSIMca SMAU JOI lXPlat lotal Qur<k Rupon .. llom1 Yard ' OncH lacl 4!l 't'n_hp !bum Cllcft l l'UlflO 919 (liO 10'2 ACTIONUNl lUCTllC ff ............ . llllloor&,.4 ....... .... ........ w*. 714·846-6130 IUSISIU 1.l .<. IJ1<1tlc low pr1ca locel eonll'ltlot. no ;ib too snwi no lob too bW. rw, l4)(ln ~ UClo.&IOXB J 714}142-14 ID UCINstD CONTRACTO- No job too '111. M i.avtcel Repltf, remodtt. ta~­..,._._ wt 9'964S~ RoomWTill OllTOM OllATM TU ~ ilalt cw-. mwblli, 1111n1 hM 1'7S l'6120M .Ill! tl"12 I LIMY._,.~ R•r1>1111n a 1t1sta11tc.>11 Tl [)(AH 949 673 ~ 714-..W 714102031 T ,_ krvlc•, Yard Cleanup Maintenance. S1111nkl4!r R1pa1r tlaullna ('49) U0-1711 lllSTORl • llf Po'llR & REl\'IOOEI lf\IG WltfltlHMDYMAM All WOl'k 111a,.nlted ~ (IOINll, Docn f inlltl Clrp * --- I ,, A1: Y • •t I' \I ' t I CJ·. r .. . • ,. . • G»tF.lll IF.ftII "IWNTf.NANCE • P.t.lidattill • Qmmniiil No Job 1bo SnuU.l Daft Bamlltoa 949-322-8292 6-WC...... &¥'J Clr1M'ntr1 • Ptumblnt Orywa" • Stuc:co Ptll'lhnc. Tiie a. mot• ~ Y•111 C ~i>«lenc•I JI , ....... ,71. Hiiiing IVNI fO THI DCIMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAtLABlE TOOAYI M9·61J 5566 v ........ <-··· & ._., Buck. Blcx.11. s... Cma1lilt ""'1)- U747441 114 96S 2824 ....... --- MOlJDAY MllJ' Home ' Party 0.Cor TrM lrlfll mrna Room Mlk90wets. Showm1 949 459-8270 ll(l'S CUSTOM PAIN11NO Prof1. cl11n. quality work lntetlor/u t and docb. L17034e8M9 400-1054 llST MOVUS $SS/ltt-. RAIMIOW CllO.l MMff S#Ylfll AR C1tits ln1ur1d Palnllf!a tnVt~t. Hof.-./~ Tl63844 32.1-997 119.) Qvalily ]ob! frH •tlm1te 323 630 9971 ceU U5691197 714 636 S1SS PUBLIC NOTICE Tiii C•llf l'ub llc Uhhl .. t Commltaion requNes lllal all u"41 t1011uhold too-'• movers rrlnt lfltlr PUC C1 l numlltf, hll'IClt 11\d tllaulf1utt print tlltlt T C I' munbet In all •dvet• llwmenls If you hllv• Mlll ,llMllDM •bo11l lh• •1•lltl1 ot • M ower, limo or th•u"1111.ull .....C Ul1lmn COMMI"* .,, .... , Plumbing SlWll Ale llUllQIAm& ('4•)M S-US2 TreeSeMct Str\11 & ..... ...... Custom Hand l'•1nled Mll'• ' r.,., 1'1111111111-Mlll lor .... !n'Mi81.6f.64 lHlSTltlrrHI Speclalltlflt 111 Wallpapr Remonl L1588241 949·360 1211 JI. I . o.ctrk lloat ~,~ te.y/ en lOly 17 /mo old !>l!>-0288 9520 9680 -cl> so ft le SIOOO/mo 723 3J4h -p-- .• I I I I • 't I I I ry/ en '/mo old !88. -9520 FT. rcl!r w~ '· trm reunt clean ll I).~ -)/ - 9680 I 50 ft XlO/mo 1143 • 'IT, AH I i's ice =. (Q 7 .... >•in led !'all1lq, ll-«164 ., In ""' 3 1211 -I ~ , Sills, '.J301 n tlCI In teed 66-9040 l 1 f l .. 2 ~ J OV F RSTRE ET'S bar and wine merchants • I ~at C>Ycntreet's Bar -not a place, not an address .•. a state o( mind. Owners Dennis and OuU CNmt.rttt haYe ~ j .:( aatcd a wonderful respite for their. rustomers and friends who enjoy an inviting letting (or sipping their &voritc beverage, disaMring a wine, sampling the menu, lj mtcning to pt jazz and partaking in al stimulating C.OnYCr$1\ion. ~ This intimate and aophUticated bar, tucked 1'10 in at the cntrancr of Udo Marina Village. · faatwa 25 fine wines by the gl;m. pmnium lpirits and liqutUrS &om around the wodd. I >-Wme tasdng ICIDi.nan and wine dinners are o8'ered throughout the )"& Whdher )OU prdU to sink into ~ O¥mtu&d chair, pmcr at a <X>Udi letting or rcndaYous at the bar, the atmc ltllpbcR ids •• private dub. Ber cuisine features salads, appeam .. cntrees, dmuts and ~ cbtea. OYa~«t's is ideal Cor private patiies & corpont.c eYCllls. CMntnidJ Wine .Mmhanl:s ond ~.s Bar. 3400 Via LJdo, Newport &odL ShoppitJg houn: ~ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; ~ -~ 11 a.m. ,,, 11 p.m.; Sunda)s noon *> 6 p.m. Gift wmp; ddMty tMJi.labit. Bar houn: ~ -~ 5 to 11 p.m.; Friday -~ 5 p.m. to midniglrt. }a:tZ houn: 11tunday-~ 8,,, 11 p.m. AT-EAS 'E f - newport beach Victor cashmere sport coat, XMI cotton dress shirt and Zanclla flannel dress troUSC'l'S with T~o Cosmo paisley silk tie, Ma.Ian leather belt and "'Ganaessa• shoes from At-Ease. At-Eue women's & home 5torc features Zanella for women, Cutter & Buck and Barry Briclcm for womm. At-Ease, elegant men'.s sportswetir, is located in Fashion Island. Newport &4ch. Call (949) 759-7979. At-&se,. womm's 0-home store, Atrium Court. Fashion Island, Newport Beoch. Call (949) 759-7985. 1 I The holidays arc here! So it's time to relax and have some fun, right? We think so! The First Page is making it easy and fun to shop for the holidays. We all know that shopping with youngsters can be a challenge, so The First Page children's bookstore was designed with curious little ones in mind. All books arc displayed by age category and faced out for easy shopping, and our expert staff can help you find exactly what you want with no THF FIRST · PAGE a cmlcf ren 's bookstore delay. We carry titles for new babies through 8th grade, pregnancy, parenting, and the top literary picks for moms and dads, such as The Secret Life of Bees and Tltt Da Vinet Code. We have theme baskets for every little boy and girl -from down on the farm to intergalactic, and from prince~s to dinosaurs -which include books, toys and activities to make the season bright. Don't know what to get your pre-teen niece for the holidays? Try our spa sampler and a newly released book, all wrapped up with care. In a hurry? Call ahead and let our staff be your personal shopper. And don't forget, Tiu First Page offers fret story time Monday throllgh Fnday at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. for all ages. We will also be having a special visit from Santa Qaus on Saturday, Dec. J J, 2 to 4 p.m., and a Oianulcah event Monday, Dec. 22, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. <All the store for details at (949) 645-5437. . .. "tll Uike my eggnog on the chaise, darling.,, Rdax on this custom indoor/outdoor chaise lounge by Beach 'n Backyards. Choose from a varidy of gorgeous fabria. When you lie on this baby you'll think you •died and went to heaven." Cm:y is an iliic:lri'ttatcment. &ads 'n ~ is loaited nOi to Ross at 291 E. J7dt St-QiM Ma& Oall (949) 645-SPAS (7727). "' 8 w • • Jo(e_. holiday. Orange County's Premiere Comfort Shoe Store For Men and Women Featuring: Taryn Rose, Mephlsto, Dansko, Ecco, Naot, Allen Edmondt and many more. Corona del Ma Pbzo 836 A\l0i500t:J A.«l.18 I ~ Beocfl I Neer atstci Fanis 949 644 5939 f Www.sofeComfortshom.com ,-. .---.. ... ·- WHEQ J:'S the parfy? Where's the Party? is bca>ming ont of Oran8C County's fiM>rit.e stops for all of its party needs. Whether it is the perfect invitation or a unique gift for a special someone, ~·s the P'arty? is ready to provide it Since Where's the Party's? cxpansioo, the store owner said she is, "'so excited about all the services we've been ab&e to offtt our loyal aistomcrs. • This holiday sca.900, you can find beautiful and ~ tab&ewart to oomplcment your officx and boat parade panics. For intimate ptherings among f.uni1y and &iaKb, let Where's the Party? help mate the a~ that rdlects your own personal style. Where's the Party. offers a large selection of gift wrap. nbbon and holiday gift ~ If rou fed too busy this holiday season. let Where's the Party? wrap your presents in a way that is sure to say how ITl\Jdi you care. Not only are the holidays their specialty, but the owner tabs pride in offering a wide 5dcction of invitatiom and party pxb for baby showers. ~birthdays. ~ bar and bat mitzvahs and any CYCnt that needs custom designing. With 2004 just around the oomer, Where's the Pa.rtf.· is ready to provide balloom, spcciahy hats, horns, b&owm, a>n.fctti. banners and all the extra toudles to ~ your New Year's E\'C party a splash. As the owner lilcts to ay, "Just mncmber ... it wouldn't be a party without ~" Stop by oix of C>ran8C County's most unique, custom invitation, stationery and themed paper goods stcn. Visit Whtns h Party? at 27rJ E 17th SL,~ Mesa. QUJ (949) 722-1803. Hours are Monday through ~ 9 a.m to 6 p.m. • • · .. ·,~·.y:.·.,~ . ,..·-\~ ·' .. ... .,,..rt~ Westdlff fltua. lrvtne Ave. at I 7th, next to Starbucb su~free newel ties party favon corporate sifts caramel apples volume discounts .... u.,toft .... Manna V\llap Edtncer & Sprincda1e toll-fn·c (BOO) 167--1 2..ao www.helcnj0?1·:'\Cc.com BLA_CKMAN LTD . 10W81ers It's that time of year again and Bladanan Ltd invites you to oome in so they can asmt you with your holiday shopping. Ptthaps a ~ animal from Africa, Bali or Thailand for the animal lover or whimsical naturalistic ~ from noted British bronze sculptor Brian Arthur for the nature loYer. For the Duffy owner or nautical 13.n, a limited edition signal flag Baccarat dt.anter and set o( tumblers or a Oidsca shipbell • dodc. If you have a newlywed oouple or a new baby on your list, oonsider a silver tray, frame or other keepsake hand engraved by their ttsident cngravc:r, Susan. Bladcman Ltd. has a beautiful sdection of gift it.ems and ooUectibles -Royal Copenhasen china and ~Georg Jcrucn ~g si!Yer, limoges baxrs and stating siM:r ~ from Milan, Asian art and estate jewelry, as wdl a,, jewelry from Europe and the Orient Jewelry always brings a holiday twinkle, and Blackman has some special pit.as: a strand of south sea pearh, a del.icat.e f.a.iry pin by Ma.1iera. a pink sapphire bracdet and matdting ring. a canoed Amdrine pendant set by local i.Wnd artist Jean Franrois Albert, to name a frw. You an have something designtd by their ~ goldsmith Georgl:, who brings mott than (JO years o( cxperiencr in designing and maJan8 fine jewelry. Start the new year off with a new Rdex! Bladanan Ltd. has the latest 6tylcs. C'.omplimentary ring deaning while you shop! Bladcman Ltd., 34al-1 Via Oporto, Newport &adL D«ember hours: Monday - Satwda)s 9-JO a.m. to 6 p.m; S11ndays by appointmmt. QB (949) 673-9334. Happy Holidays from Bladcman, Ltd. - Bruce, Th.sh, Bonnie, Gemxe, 1'kx, Linda and Nikol, your family jeweler sina 1957. WINE MERCHANT • Overstreet' s Wine Merchant specializes in pe rsonal and corporate gifts, custom made on the premises, and fine accesso ri es and stemware fo r yo ur entertaining and lifestyle. -Since 1972 Deli uer}' -Loca l and Na tionwide rasy ~hopping by Phone 949.566.9463 • 3 10.278. 7 322 o r vis it us at www.wincm erch antbh.conl • 8 w I • lr f f f f Full a Half Day Packages Massages a Anti-Aging Facials, Wraps, Salt Glows and Mo~. Spttlal Holiday Plckagts As low As $45 Est1blls~ Since 1980 ;}!_vonne~aiciena The Retreat Da y Spa visit www.YMSpa.com SAVINGS Of UP ro J J J &reat &lft lde11•I Hand Bags by Mary Francis. 1 ~ satisfylmylsoul his. hers. heme (949) 376-7163 l.aQlllO ........... ~ 8-Bctl ... -·····-····----.... -.... -·············- GREAT GIFTS FOR THE HARD TO PLEASB 15th to 18th Century • Bibles & Religious • Aml'nCJnJ • Autographs • Art. Archlteocture & Photography · Blogrdphy • California & llJW.lll • Antiques & CollectJhlcs • Fine Binding~ • History • Juvenile Serll':, · l.ltcrJturc & Plction lvfrd1cal & Sdencc · N;itur.11 History· Poetry • Rcfcrc:ntc · Miniature Hunting. Fishing & Sports · 1 ravel & E>.plorauon ·Children & lllustr;lled HOLIDAY SALE 20%0FF ALL CLOTHING Ind ACCESSORIES Blkl bnnds .. CllffJ! Pinarello Colnago Intense Tomac Mann Airborne Blcycles Orebea Bikes LOOK Bicycles You can hide your purcM#d bike In our bam untll Chrl•t!M• Eve/ IUDS -I~ .... ONLY$125 llloelrnds .. Cllfrf! . Northwave Adidas SIDI 150/oOFF SELECTED BICYCLES Clltlll119 lnwlds .. carry: Assos Adidas Biemme (Pwfecr tot 5p1,. a-ti Bergamo Perentln1 clolh1ng WWW l,1qu1t,tc yCl('ry net • Nm & leg Warmers 1 $15()() I l!IJ!Ll'U •Winier Gloves $15.00 NllW Store Hours: Mon·Fn 10am-7pm Sa110am-6pm Sun 10am5pm Give the gift that keeps on giving ... WJNEOF THE M ONTH CLUB *CHEF.SE, W INE AND A ccF.SSORJ F.S • NEW!! AsK ABOUT OUR Gwr REGISTRY PROGRAM ~----------~---------------------f SENT Tiii\ t (}ll~N I OR \A VI NC.SI , I UNARY 10°/o OFF MER~~~E · 1 WITH THE PUllCHASE OF I A GIFT CERTIFICATE OF $50 OR MORE! . --~ ~===~!.2'-=~~:..~~ .. :~~!o:'_<>~:~==-~:.. __ J GOURMET C:l1£f.Sl:..SH.~C6.U .... ~ l ./\C.PNAC ANYnN i.u.-.n I AC .CINA 111 JI< 11 ( i\ '11<>' I 949-494-4006 COOKING CLASSES .l:1N.L t:QQ.KWARE Sll)R.E ,._,," ll II CC t "" llWY~ !>I ' IJ\( .l N.-. nl_.,( 11 l.A 926\\ ;-dUtch door .. One-of-a-kind H ome & Garden Accessories Bnng this ad for a I 0% discount thru Dec. 24th Eastern Euro,,. Antiques • "Bedhea'f' Pajamas Exclusive Majolica from Russia • Unique cards & candles Baby Gifts & Children's room accessories • Lamps, Pillows & linens Ceramics from Italy • Loal artisan's photography. &lass & ceramics 949.497.7899 Loar.cl In the lumberyard Mall 3&4 Forest Avenue, Sui~ 9. La&una Beach • M·' 1 o t..SAT. 1 o.s. SUN 11 ·S Propri«or Diann SN.1er <'--' rift ~ G McColo ltXJ ....................................... • ~*~ Pr~7((11a (13('rt(l' Sf'A ATHENA !JAY SPA (949) 376 7918 (spa poclcO{)tJS l WONNE MAOCIENA (949) 497' 5':114 (spa pocllOQOS located tri too Bloodwar Plaza> ACCZSSORJES (NEW) THE DUlCH DOOR (949) 497 7899 CULlrtAllY LAGUNA BOOU BARNABY RUDGE (949) 497 .4079 (unsuol books) SATISFY MY SOUL (949) 376.7163 (his. f'IMJ, home) ~~ 1 I Q_ Ci. Cl> "< (/) :::r 0 'O 'O 5 ao ~ ;::o. VI co ct> VI ..... )> ~ )> 2-'! "' ct "' 5 OQ (/) c: 0 0 iii' 3 .,, ~ 0 .,, n .,, 3 er ~ N 8 w I J J • ...., 8 N I C4Jloll 'Rw.rShc. A70 OlelTAL C A ME•A • canon . i475D ~ canon i860 DeAtop Photo Prtnter &<lft49 canon BINOCll.ARS 18x50 IS/ 15x50 IS ALL WEATHER Newporl Consignment Gallery, convemenlly located at the end of the 55 Freeway in Costa Mesa by Triangle Square, has just opened their 8000-square-foot showroom. It is loaded with beautiful antiques, upscale furniture, pianos, office furniture, retro vintage pieces, art and home accessories, lighting and chandeliers, statuaries and fountains, and NEWPORT consignment gallery much more! In addition to their spacious showroom, Newport Consignment Gallery also offers many other services. They include liquidation of your estate, legal appraisals, estate auctions, business liquidations, pick up and delivery 5ervice, house caUs and consignment or cash buy-outs. AJI this is topped off by 20 years of prof~ional experience. Newport Consignment Gallery is also licensed, bonded and insured. • -.'I· • . . '·. ' ~ ~ ' 11,-~. .-\·: -7,j ·:.c• . ~· '!{'{Ii! ~: .• . . t····. .. . . ttJ ·--~ ·~'.·:_ -.. . .., .. ,, , ' So if you have a single piece, a room full or a house full, are in the market to sell or buy, and you desire fair market value, call on the experts al Newport Consignment Gallery. Feel free to e· mail us or bring in a photo. Ntwport Consignment Gallery, 1941 Nt'WpOrt Blvd., Costa Mesa. Qll (949) 650·4670. Visit the Web site at www.newportconsignmtntgallery.com. r-11!""'------------.... ----------------------._.-------------------------~----~~~~~~~~~ -~ - SPA gregorie's Who wouldn't welcome the gift of peace and tranquility this holiday season? That's exactly what you can offer when giving a Spa Gregorie's gift certificate. Spa Grcgorie's is an exquisite jewel of a spa in Newport Center, featuring serene surroundings. abundant amenities and a staff of dedicated professional therapists acclaimed for their skills. A comprehensive menu of services includes: massage, facials, body scrub-;, body wraps, manicure/pedicure, hydrotherapy, electrolysis, endermologie, waxing and a full selection of mother-to-be services. Spa Gregorie's gift certificates come elegantly packaged and can satisfy any budget or gift -giving need. Receive a free Spa Gregorie's travel candle with any gift certificate purchase of $85 or more. (While supplies last, in-store purchases only.) Visit Spa Gregorie's at 200 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Gill (949) 644-6672 or order on/ine at www.spagregories.com. 1835 Newport Blvd., Ste A107, Costa Mesa (near the UPS Store ln the Co.ta Meaa Courtyards) (949) 734-2020 • Award Winning Titles • Great Gift Ideas • Special Events • Free Gift Wrap A special visit fro m Santa Cla u s Saturday, Dec. 13, 2 -4 p.m. & a Chanukah event Monday, Dec. 22, 4:30 -5:30 p.m. 1 ' f. u I I ~ t t [, • I Balport Lock & Safe "When only the hest will do" Happy Holidays! We have expanded again! Visit our · new showrooms with intera ctive ca mera and card access displays Also check out our newest line of "Royal" safes by Burg Wachter. (Custom made safes and interiors available.) Bal port Lock & Safe I 77 Riverside Ave. Suite I Newport Beach , CA. 92663 949-642-3585 Uc.# 713827 ln its continuing suppon o( breast cancer research/awareness and the Susan G. Komen Foundation, New Balanc.c NEW BA T ANhCE newport oeac Newport Beach donated $5 to the Komcn Foundation for every pair of NB shoes porch~ with a reference to Race for the Cure during October -Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In conjunction with New Balance Athletic Shoe, 1nc., NB Newport Beach, an independently owned and operated footwear and apparel retailer in Corona del Mar Plaza, showed their support at the reunt Orange County Race for the Cure. The store donated 40 pairs of shoes; 20 of which were ~ for prizes for the top women's teams and 20 awarded to top pledge raisers for the cause/organization. According to storeowner Olve Reynolds, it is important to support the cause in as many ways as possible. "This promotion was in honor and recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and served as an extension of our commitment to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and its mission." New Balance Newport BNCh. conwnicitly loaJted near MacArthur Boulevard and Pacific Oxist Highway itt Corona del Mar Plaui, offm a full liM of New Balance footwear, apparel and acassoriA The new retail Concept Store c.arrits all New Balance prodl4CtS all the rime, and specialius in fitting different shapes of feet in athletic shoes that are mnde in a vamty of widths - quite a rarity among atl1letu: slioe mamlfacturtrs. Gift Solutions ... gift certificates On Sale NOW at Titanium Tickets, receive a FREE Bath & Body Works Gift Set w/mm purchase. Certificates are sift boxed and accepted al Jll stores w/ no expiration I ,~, '1~ 714/841~36 • www;5pobitSplaza.com Jl!lim.-------------------------..... ----------------------------------~~~--~~~~-~-- CAL'S l.AMERAS ana video Cal's since 1962, has been a Southern California haven for the amateur and professional photographer for almost 40 years. The store's line of 35mm, medium and large format cameras is extensive, backed by service and support with dealer demos, camera clinics and extended warranties that benefit the resulting in the purchase of a less expensive product than was imagined), as well as offering a competitive price, and then supporting that purchase with after sale instruction. Cal's carries most every manufacturer's accessories for a product, both new and old. The store's customer. Whether you're in the market inventory is enormous, and if Cal's is for an inexpensive vacation camera, a hobbyist's dream camera. or a professional's tool of the trade, visit Cal's, where sales professionals guide you through the mau of jargon, specifications and features. Offering.service, education and fair prices by providing the customer a comprehensive package, Cal's educates the buyer before the sale (often times out, it's because the manufacturer is out. But, they will be happy to order any part you need. They are computerized for efficiency and tracking, and dedicate an individual for monitoring those orders. <Al's <Ameras and Vuleo, 1770 Newport Blvd. in Costa Mesa. Hours are Monday -Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed Sundays. CAil (949) 6~-9383. Buy Early, We have an excellent variety of Beautiful & Exotic Plants % off entir~ ~tock Not valid on sale merchandise Must ~nt this at time of purchase Not valid wrth other offers or coup<>ns Some rcstncbons apply ~ ~rrc"' Dcc.emlx-r 21-th, 200'> "~rush yv elothing 333 E.tst 17th ~tt'6et. eostt 'Meu. CA 92627 9'!9·611·33~~ Mon-WI.Ci to-rpm • Thura-f'rt 10-Spm • ~turdeCJ I0-6pm • iundeeJ 10-,pm - 11 ~ g. '< ~ l. :::> OQ l ~ r:.: "' g' ~ ~ I OQ I ~ I "' 8 w I ' I u II ~ HELF.N GRACE f cllocolates THE SPA ancf fitness center Therapy to massage away tension and stress. The Spa offers a signature line of skincare products, candles and neck pillows to create the perfect spa ~ Need last minute business gifts? Helen Grace Chocolates has a terrific selection of Wty premium chocolate assortments, English toffee, gourmet fudge, and more -perfect for corporate gif&s, holiday events .ind client thank yous. You save 30 percent on volume order1 with free delivery and fast turnaround. Helen Grace Chocolates offers low minimums, Cree gift wrap, baskets, tins and novelties. They will even mail to your client list. Visit their local stores at Marina Village, at Edinger and Springdale in Huntington Beach, and in Westcliff Plaza at 17th Street and Irvine Avcnue'\n Newport Beach. The ideal solurion for your company's holiday gifts! Oil/ (800) J67-a40 for more information and conwment ordering. V-r.sit www.llckngracc.com. The Spa and FitQeSS Club gift card is the perfect holiday gift It's more than a gift ... it's an experience. For those of you who can't bear the hassle of trying to decide what to purchase someone who has it all, The Spa and Fitness Qub offers the gift of stress relief to both the frustrated shopper and deserving recipient. The Spa, Orange County's m06t exclusive day spa and lifestyle dub since 1994, offers personaliud gift cards in any denomination for luxurious pampering treatments that nourish the mind, body and spirit. More than 60 different beauty and body treatments are available. For the ultimate spa experience, we recommend the Deluxe Spa Pedicure to revive and reju~ate, a microdermabrasion treatment that includes a relaxing Hydrating FaciaJ, or the Hot Stone ~nvironrnent for the home. All products can be combined with gift cards to make ideal gifts for family members. co-workers or friends. . The Spa and Fitn~ Center has 14 treatment rooms, state-of-the-art fitness equipment, group exercise classes, yoga, an outdoor swimming pool and deck, caf~. luxurious l~ rooms with premium amenities, whirlpools, steam rooms and saunas. Memberships arc available for saving on spa treatments and unlimited use of the extensive fitneM facilities. The Spa and Fitness Center is located at 695 Town Ontcr Drive, Costa Mesa, adjaant to r~ Performing Arts Center in Ora.ngc County. To purchase gift cards, simply c.oll (71 4) 850-0050 or purchase on/inc at www.thespa1mdfitncssclub.com. HOLIDAY FLOORING SALE • 100°/o So~utia Wear-Dated Dura.soft® Carpet • Matted Finish with wool-like appearance • Non-Pattern Berber Cordial Reunion Regularly s4595 sq. yd. Sale $ 95 sq. yd. c PLAZA jewelry mart The newly expanded showroom at Plaza Jewelry Mart features 16 independent merchants who feature quality jewelry at wholesale prices. You will find GIA and EGL lCrtificd diamonds, and engagement and wedding rings. They also offer custom orders and repairs while you wait. Plaza Jewelry Mart, 3723 S. Bristol, (1'ttwun Sunflower and MacArtliur)."CAll (714) 979 5335. Hours are II a.m. to 1 6:30 p.m., Tuesday through Sat11rclay. --- NEWPORT l.ENTER orthopedic For a unique gift this holiday snson for a friend or loved one, think about giving a fashionable walking stick. Specializing in the largest selection of canes in California, choose from styles from all over the world, including Africa, England, Germany and Italy, to convey someone's distinctive tastes. From distinctive handcrafted woods to the compact aluminum Traveler model, there's a walking stick to suit any budget and taste, with prices ranging from $10.95 to $695. If yo u're looking for an original stocking stuffer idea, how about a whimsical, yet practical shoe~orn? Beautiful custom gift wrap is available at no charge; shipping is available worldwide. Newport Center Orthopedic is /OCDted at JOO Center Drive, Ste. 101, Newport Beach. CAii (949) 615-0065. Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sanirday, 9:30 a.m. ro I p.m. COOKIES 1n bloom Since Cookies in Bloom opened the doors of its first store, the quality and integrity has never changed. Every day, they sift their own Oour, crack the eggs and ~ all-natural ingredients. Fresh, fun and unique . cookies are their specialty! What better gift than delicious, hand decorated sugar cookies? Oloosc from more than 300 diffemlt shapes -all made to order and in whatcvtt design you can image. And all message cookies can ~ made to express any thought or sentimalt. Whether it's a bouquet of cookies for the party hostess or a gift baskd for that special corporate client. let Cookies in Bloom create the perfect gift for giving this holiday season. Cookies in Bloom is located in the 17th Street Promnuule, 270 P.. 17th St., Costa Mesa. QU (949) 548-8323. Visit www.cookiesinbloomca@yal100.com. Mention This Ad For ExtTa Savings· .. :::J 0 > RECOMMENDED BY PODIATRISTS athletic shoes • lifestyle apparel • performance fit Get the best of both worlds Nationally known, locally owned. Expect professional shoe-fitting service in the brand you trust. Hard-to-find sizes are easy here: AA to EEEE and woman's size 5 to men's 16! achieve new balance f'•W balance newport beach Otang• County's Only new balance Store Mon-Sot. lOam -7pm Sun. 1 lom -6pm 932 Avocado St. • Newport Beach • CA Corona Del Mor Plaza • 949-720-1602 newboloncenbOool.com S- i I I 8 w l . I I • Ii-lime. for 111vour111••1'11 and 111111111111 needs. Beer, Wine, S11rb. llfts. 11111w1re, 111~ Miiers, etc.. CRl JSH c1otfung Crush Oothing provides extraordinary five star service, along with the latest fashion trends and an unbelievable concept, of .. so muc!t at $20 or Jess." Our customers shop two or thrtt times a week in order lo take advantage of the daily deliveries of new merchandise . A small section of the store is dtvoted to upscale off price designCT apparel with savings up to 75 percent off regular prices. Many of the designtt labels that arc sold at Crush are also available at the major department stores and boutiques for much, much more. Our customers come into Crush looking for complete outfits and we can accommodate them with our fabulous selection of jewelry, lingerie, shoes. velour sweats, trendy career sq>arates, denim jackets and jeans, clubwear and dressy scpJratcs for special events. Cru.slr Ootl1i11g is IOCDted at 333 E. 17tJ1 St., Cosu1 Mesa. Call (949) 631-3303. ~ COIT nRAPERY, carpet ancf uPflolstery c1eaners Winter is just around the corner. A~rding to Jan Carney of C.oit Drapery, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners in Orange C.ounty, it's well worth it to winterize inside your home. Not only are you guaranteed a home frtt of drafts, dust mites, mold and leaks, but you save energy and money, too. Here are tips for winterizing your home from the inside out. • Weather strip around windows and doors, and caullc crac.b in ;di walls; this will save at least 10 percent of~ur heating bill. Choose a caulking material that will remain flexible as the tempenture changes; a caullc that driei out will become brittle, quickly crumbling. then falling out • Eliminate as much polluted indoor air as pouible. The BPA estimates the level of hazardous pollutants indoors can be up to 70 times greater than outdoors; this can be a ma/or problem for the more than 35 million people with allergies. Vacuum carpets, area rugs. drapes, upholstered furniture and lamp shades, thoroughly. If it's been owr a year aince you've had your drapes, carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned, do it now. An average seven-foot sofa may have up to a pound or more of embedded dirt in it, plus up to three ounc.es of iluid aoil -oil, water and resin. • Have your furnace's air ducts professionally deaned, particularly if it's been over thrtt years since you've had them done. The reason is simple: Air ducts ue a perfect btteding ground for mold spores, bacteria, fungus and mildew. Every time your furnace is turned on, these contaminates arc ~ into the a.ir. • Olange fumaoc filters.. Most filters trap about 20 percent of dust and other · particles, but that's better than nothing. • Be ture·the fittplace damper is closed betwttn fire$. Pi.replace drafts will draw warm air right out of the room and up the chimney. • Consider installing window ahades. A atudy oonduded that a properly .. installed drawn window sh.de can prevent from 24 to 31 percent or heat lots. • Consider installing cornices. While adding a finished. highly decorative look to windows, cornices block the flow of air currents from the ceiling down between the window and draperies. Coit is loc:Awl at 1297 Logan Allt!., Costa Mna. Olli (714) 54()...1366. < J 8 JcweJcrs. specializing in hand pid<ed elegant and exotic jewels, recently celebrated its grand opening at 8888 Warner Aw., (COO'la' of JB l'EWELFRS of tbunta1n valley Magnolfa Street) in rountain Vallcy. A family-owned busines.\ for thrre ~the Jaswals arc graduate g<.'Ologi.\ts. jewelry appraisers and diamond graduates. The family's p.ISOOn for jcwcl.s is ~ in the diamond jewelry c.olJcction, indudmg ncddaces. tx'rldants. tcruili bracek.1S, bangles, engagement tin~ wcdd.ang band,) or annivcrsary gifts. ln addition 10 .i wide selection of I 4k and 18k jewelry, there arc 22.k artistically Clrved hand-made pieces. They offer on-site diamond education, jcwclry appraisal, cu.~om desigru, bead stringing. jewelry, watch and ~ repair. As a newly acquired Citizen Watch Dealership, they .are offering 30 percent off any Citiun Wdtchcs from their collection of Eco lAive, Quartz or Lady's Diamond Collection, or custom orders. ARTCARVED ~ rings are another exclusive, and graduates can visit the store and apply for a scholar.;hip offered by ARTCARVED (no purchase ~). Fountain Valley Mayor .k>hn Collins cuts ror more i11formatwt1, call (714) the nbbon at JB Jewelers' grand opening 848-3308. LAGUNA cuflnary arts . ,,. . Laguna Culinary Arts is a muln-faa.>tcd coolong school offering hancis-on ooo&ang progr.uru for cooks of all levds of cxpenel'KC. Whether ~ are intmsted in becoming a food ~ professional. OT just looking lo improve )QUT home cookins. their programs are~ to meet )OOf needs. Wme Tasting and Food & Wtne ?airing ~ are taking place at their new location in Laguna Cart)Qn. Whether ~ are just ~ to develop your wine palate or are an avid wine enthusiast. they're sure )'OU'll find these ~ fun and infurmative, and the food will be great! Laguna Oilinary Arts tw w1YCiJed its Gourmet OlttSC & Wmc Shop and ~ on Laguna Can)OO Road. The score is a:ntmd around a dazzling display of cheeses, o1iYes and delicacies from around the worid. Fabulous saodwidles, ~ and soups are madt on the premises and are complcmcnkd by beautiful handmade dessert~ They arc am~ with ~" a local p.annet fuod <X>f11P311Y· for deliciou$ salads and sandwiches. This new taa1ity is am homr to their ProfesOOnal Cooking Prosram This intmsiYt szx-month ~ Oki Program is designed for individuals wWling to punuc a carecr in the fuod ~ il'ldwtry. Clas.1 si:ze is limited to eight The new facility will abo provide at.aing savia:s. OI009e &om gourmet c:heese, wine and ~ menu itelm, or meet with their Dittictor of Catering for rustornmd party fiue. Al their "home dlcf' ldlOOl, situated in the original .location on Paci6c ~ Highway, a ~~thHrt dassroom kitchen offers sweeping ocean and town views. Filled with top-of-the-line appJiancts, high quality oookware, and toob and lcniw:s, students ~ ban<h-on ~ in an environment with eYer)' advantage. Cooking dasses are limited to 10 students per d1ss, and at the end, students will mjoy a full meal they pttpUtdJ Their fine oookware store u housed with their home chd' sdl<d on Pacific Coon H.ighwq. Students at boch locatiom Rb'iYe a IO perant discount on all it.em.1 purchased the <by of their du& They only sdl the products that are actually used in ~ and stand ht.hind the quality and~ of~ item Host )OUT next social~ or axpomtz tmm builtling ~at dtnr facihria. QIJ (949) ~45 or vUit ~uJQ1)01ttmm. • 15 :::c Q. Ci. QI '< en =r 0 "'O "'O ~ QI -.,.. Cl> OJ Cl> Cl> - "' 8 w .. 11 -· JOHN BLOESER carpet one The expanded showroom has just what you're looking for. Serving California since 1879, John Bloeser Carpet One has a wonderful selection of name brands including Karastan, Lee, Armstrong, Liz Claiborne, Mohawk and more. Come visit the newly expanded flooring/window covering showroom offering a comfortable, spacious environment to find just what you've been looking for. John Bloeser Carpet One treats you like family -continuing to provide you with unparalleled customer servic:e ... as they have done for more than a c:entury. John Bloeser CA~t One is located at 2927 S. Bristol St., Costa Mesa. CAJI (714) 751-2324. Open Sundays. Additional store locations in Long Beach and Los Angek5. ·0n the 12th year by Oarl< lllvid and at Skin Deep ... " Usher in the (mt approaching holiday xason with a vi.sit to Skin Decp -The . Body Spa in the heart of Huntington Beach. Skin Deep is cdebrating its 12 year annivm;ary at this location. where this acclaimed day spa's miMion statement remains to be ... As SKIN OEEP ttie oocly spa Halo's. A Skin Decp Gift Catificat.c makes the perfect holiday Illy Makers of Skin Deep, we arc devoted to giYe our gift of touch and ~ to each and every Guest." This represents the eott values upon which this spa was established. according to Deborah Woods, owner and founder of Skin Dttp. Experience the Asian feel which permeates every room through the use of E'a,,tcm d«or, serene music and trickling .rode fuuntains. The Tea Room, located upstairs, offers a quiet, comfortable plaa to relax betwun treatments or to enjoy lunch during your stay. The interior design of the spa utilius the ancient art of Peng Shui, cttating an environment for health, prosperity and happines& The lobby tw an array of Skin Decp's Signatutt Une of Skin Que Products 8c Premium Makeup. Great gift ideas indude AJora Ambiance Air Diffusers 8c Body Sprays, soothing Aromatherapy Candles, beautiful ~ gift! Among the newest offerin~ are the Hot Stone Massage; three exciting new Specialty Facials: the Acne-Oearing Facial, the Anti-Aging Facial and the Japanese Stone; plus an entire menu of services designed for The OUcriminating Gmtleman, such as the Tranquility Package for men. Skin Deep has ~ accolades in top national women's magazines. Look for owner Deborah Woods in the Sevmtmi, Dec. 2003 is.we. The spa stiff of 25 includes 18 nationally board-<:ertificd therapists with up to 20 years apcricnce. The owner is committed to providing tttatments which encourage total mind and body healing by enhancing relaxation, restoring vitality, improving circulation, eliminating harmful toxins, and toning skin and muscles. f..oaut.J at 7862 Warner AYe., Suiks /, K 6' I. (<:t>r'Mr of Warner and &ix:h), ask about holiday spttiaJs. Visit www.e-skindtrp.mm. or ml/ (714) 841-3313. ;;g; zw;z_ 5 r nIN TS Pfaza A family of stores serving families like yours, center gift certificates are accepted at all stores without an expiration date and beautifully gift boxed with a free Rath & Body Works gift set.• Gift certificates arc on sale at Titanium Tickets, The Management Office (located behind Dell's) and The UPS Store. There arc 36 service-ori.cntcd retailers for".111 your home decor, family fashion, entertaining and gift giving needs. The "all the stores you want, all in one place" center takes the strcSl> out of holiday shopping. 5 Points Plaza has been voted a "Best of Or.mgc County" award recipient for the past seven year~. Look for upcoming events such as 5 ~oints Plaza's LocaJ Chef's Night, The Surf City Shoppers Shuttle, Sidewalk Sales and more happening~ that support local charitie~. New residents and visitors arc wckomed year-round with free gifts al many of the stores. • While supplie.s last, with u minimtm1 purchase, ~e stores for details, some restr1ct1ons apply. f nO T solUt1ons Your feet don't have to hurt! Your feet take a pounding every day, but most people don't give them much thought unless they arc in pain. One-quarter of all the bones in the human body are in your feet, making the feet very complex structures prone to problems. Improper footwear, poor shoe fit and inadequate support contribute to \Ore or tired feet and related problems such as knee, htp or bac.k pain. Statistic' o;._1y 80 pen.ent of all people are wearing improperly fitted shoes. Seeing a certified pedbrth1st (CPed) tS the best approach to ensure you arc getting properly fltted shoes and custom inserts. CPeds are extensively trained ~the art and science of foot fitting, shaping and support, and arc qualified lo do fittings, shoe modifications, custom shoes and inserts. To maintain their credentials, they are also required to undergo continuing education in such areas as dise~. patient care and new technologies. Today, state-of-the art computer technology facilitates a customized solution to foot support and pain reduction. Advanced foot scanning technology used to produce true custom orthotics ensures optimum support, comfort and maximum performance. These custom shoe inserts can be produced to work with most t~s of footwear and are movabk from one pair of shoes to another, tailoring the sh~ to your feet. With two CPeds on staff, state-of-the-art technology and an extensive selection of foot health products including very high quality shoes for athletics, work or dress, Foot Solutions in ci>sta Mesa can handle most all your needs in one stop. Poot Solutions is also a Medicare provider for the Therapeutic Shoe Benefit for Diabetics. Under Medicare ~overage, people with diabetes are generally eligible for one pair of shoes and three custom-molded inserts each yCc!J", usually at very minimal cost to the paticnL Poot Solutioru features the utmost in customer care and service. They have products to hcJp your fttt in tvery way, whether at work or play. Poot Solutimu iJ loa1ttd at 1835 Newport Blvd. (comtr of Harbor and 19th) i" Costa Mtsa. Olli (949) 734-2020. Opt" Mot1day thro11gh Saturday, JO a.m. to 6 p.m. Vulr www.foot.solutions.bi&. ·------~-.. ------. --..._ ·ns THE SeAION TO OIVIE! AROLEX. There ·s nothtna l1k.e the eift of an elqant Roaex t1mepte<:e to ~I that ..,.aa1 someone. hc7.Y you feel. And no mattef' wt.ch styie of Rolex you choose, you11 be &.Mnl a sift of lutina quality. beauty and desnbllity. When you make your Chnstmas. list this year, c::hec.k 1t tw1ee. And see whO's nice enouah to deserve a Ro&exl ~ w_:~,~-- -Widt JP«lo/ 11~ bezel wldt Riplod cloap ond .-'°" t.~ ~ broceW /',..swr.prool IO 1,000 /Ntl. A-'fobl. in U1>1n/ef.I ""'· lloinlua u..i ond I Ski yellow gold or I 811 yellow gold ROLEX BLACKMAN LTD. {~:~JEWELERS • • • • 3408-1 Via Oporto, N ewport Beach 949-673-9334 i; 17 ~ a QI '< (/) =r 0 ~ 3 · OQ ~ ;::;. VI °' Cl> VI . - !> ~ 11> d '£' :> 00 g> 0 "O re ... 1 !( 11> ~ "' 8 w ... . .,. ...... .. ·················-··-·-··-·····--·~--- !!5 I i ~ l 11 ... t • ' - t ... -----. ~ .. ~ ---""""""-----....... Costa Mesa Courtyards blends festive and fun for the holidays. With a unique mix of stores, restaurants and personal CO STA MESA courtyards services, the holidays arc the perfect time to explore Costa Mesa Courtyards . ..--------------., You're sure to find just what you're ____ .. , looking for, without all the hassles that come with holiday shopping. Discover amazing options for everyone on your gift list Pamper ~---someone with a relaxing spa package from Salon Janna, new furniture from the stylish assortment at Ethan Allen and Sherwood Furniture, or maybe a new mobile phone from •IMlll Cingular. Wireless. How about a great educational toy from The Right Start or a state-of-the-art washer and dryer from The Maytag Store? Then take a breath and savor the options at Mimi's Caf~(Rubio's Baja Grill, Quizno's, Cold Stone Creamery, Diho Siam, Jamba Juice or The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Visit our newest stores, Renewal by Andersen, featuring custom-sized, quality window replacement and Tweeter, a home and car audio superstore. More selection for you! Find all the convenience, value and selection you need to mm this holiday the best ever. Ring in the holidays with a new attitude. Shop. Relax. Rejoice. It's Costa Mesa Courtyards -the perfect spot for the holidays and everyday. Costa Mesa Courtyards is located at the junctwn of 19th Strut, Harbor and Newport Boukvards in Costa Mesa. Balport Lock & Safe, a family owned business located in Newport Beach since 1984, has expanded its operation to include two new showrooms. One showroom is stoclced with one of the largest inventories of safes in Orange County, starting from the simple fire safe modd up to the most sophi$ticated UL rated TRTL30X6 jewdcr's type safe. The other showroom has a state-of-the-art camera system and computer programmed card access control systems. Visit Balport Lode & Safe to view their new showrooms and have fun trying out their new camera and card system displays. Balport IAck 6' Safe is located at 177 Riversuu Ave., StL I, Newport Beach. Call (949) 642-3585 or visit their Web site at www.balportlockandsafe.com. HI-TIME wine ceOars With all that goes on in the world throughout the rest of the year, the winter holidays bring thoughts of home and peace, family, new beginnings, reOcction and celebration. From Thanksgiving to New Year's, most North Americans will find themselves at some type of gathering -religious or secular, traditional or informal, and good food and drink arc an important part of the occasion. Why not bring a gift basket to share or for the host? Featuring the' finest wines, beers, spirits and champagnes, Hi-Time has a basket or gift set to make your holidays brighter. A beautiful display is set up inside their store with plenty of photos on their Web site (www.hitimewine.com) and a full-color spread in their current newsletter. If you're the one hosting the party, Hi-Time is your "beverage central" for aJI sorts of party supplies, from keg beer to bulk ice, drink mixes to specialty olives, plastic ware to crystal. .. December is I Ii-Time's traditional month for picking out their favorite wines released the previous year. Their selections, from Australia, Italy, France and the United States, arc featured in their December newsletter and Web site. When looking for an appropriate gift for the wme fan 111 your life, these lists are a great start to finding the right wine in the right price range. Whether it\ one of the highlights of the Bordeaux 2000 campaign, an up and coming "down under" Aussie Shiraz, or a bouttque California Cabernet Sauvignon, Hi-time has it covered {and their lists reveal it all.) Hi-Time has one of the top champagne selections in the nation, so don't forget the bubbly! Hi-Timt Wine Cel1"rs, 250 Oglt Strut, ·eosta Mesa. Olli (949) 650-8463. For 011l111t purclwes, visit 1vww.l1itimewint.ntt. Antiques & Collectibles • Pianos~ ONE PIEcE Upscale Furniture • Artwork ~ roz.f :gusi WEOFFER ~' Consignment or Cash Buy Out • House Calls Pick Up and.Delivery • liquidation of your estate Business liquidations • Estate Auctions • legal Appraisals licensed, Bonded & Insured • CVMA d~u~ /c96!? Iii~ u fNDT JUST1 ANOTHER PRElTY fACt INTRODUCING THE IMPERIUM n IERF ·~, MOnE TO CYMA Tl tAN MlCTS Tl I[ l'J'l I tJC )T ONLf AH[ n If.SC STRIKING "IMPERIUMS" AT I IOM[ IN Tl IL BOAnDHOOM OR AT n H HC ACH ii IEY ALSO on=ER LUXURY UNDENIABLE OUAl I TY /\NO YEAR N 1 lR Yl AR ACCURAGY, St.PER WATER RESISTANT TO 165 FT v.m I,, SAFETY lllDCXN a.ASP SHOWN IN STAINLESS STEEi $176. LAOl[S' \i\llTH DIAMOND BEZEL $?1'i0 CHARLES H. BARR l 803 Wcsccliff Drive Newport Beach, C.ilif. 92660 (949) 642·3310 !'ax (949) 646-0('64 11 :t: 0 5. Q) '< (/) :::r 0 "O "O 5 OQ Q) .... ;:o: (/) al n> (/) ...... ?;' l> ~ ~ ::> OQ .., .... ~ '2. <1> 3 a w <1> 3 CT ~ N ,-, ...... w .. • • .... ... ------ 20 ~ SIR CHARLES ~ liquor ~ . I i .? -V> ~ V> ~ -"' ao c: ! >-~ -g :x:: Order early for your holiday parties at Sir Charles Liquor. This great l<x:al liquor store stodcs a variety of beer, champagne, wine and liquor including 45 vodkas, 25 tequilas, 15 single malt scotch, Dom Pcrignon and Crystal champagne, J. Walker Blue, Royal Salute, 100 wines and much more. The convenience continues with lotto, c.ashicrs checks, an ATM machine, magazines and sundries. Mitri Manneh, owner Owner Mitra Manneh claims to have the largest colJcction of miniature liquor bonles in Orange County. They are all displaytd in glass cabinets for the customers to enjoy. Sir Charles also has a large variety of miniatures for customers to purchase. Call Mitn at Sir Charles to order kegs, cases and specialized orders, all at compctitiw prices. Order early for your holiday parties and ask for your multiple ~discount. Sir Otarles W,uor is klcared at 2981 Bnstol St., Costa Mesa, (close to Baker). Open daily from 7 a.m. to II p.m. Accepts Vtsa., MC AMEX and Disc.over. Olli (714) 545-2724. 949 .722 .1803 MON THRU SAT 9,6 ,_~ ~ .----... ---. ~ ----- Clients relax to soothing sounds and refreshing aromas while receiving treatments that range from relaxing massages to strong, super-effective, pharmaceutical grade versions of glycolic peels and chemical peels at Gayicc Signature Spa in Newport Beach. GAYLEE signature spa Gayltt Signature Spa offers the Signature Facial, the European Facial, the CotJagen Nourishing Facial and the Hot Stone Therapy Facial, along with unique body treatments includmg the Green Tea Detoxifying Body Wrap and the Grapefruit Body Polish. The spa also offers wax)ng and make-up application services. The spa primarily uses Gaylee Skin Care products, exclusively formulated by owner Gayie Hanson. Using her knowledge of chemistry and skin care formulation, Hanson cr~tcd her products using the most powerful, anti-aging ingred)ents found in nature, including neroli, raspberry and camphor. Gaylee products are non-comcdogcnic, hypoalJergenic, and they are not tested on animals . Hanson has more than 20 years experience in the skincare industry as a skincare/makeup educator, a product developer, a leading skin care and salon expert and is knowledgeable in paramedical esthetics. She blends her experience and professionalism with warmth and compassion while continuing to be on the forefront of skin care technology. • Holiday Photocards • Greeting Cards •Gift Wrap • Holiday Home Decor • Stationery • Paper Goods & More! According to Hanson, wh9 is passionate about skin care: "Your skin determines the way you feel. For me, helping people feel good about themselves gives me energy." For more 1nformat1on on Gay/« Signature Spa, or to make an appointment, call (949) 640-4093. For mformation on Gaylee Skin Gire products, contact the Spa or visit www.gaylee.com. .. C,HARLES H. BARR jewelers Lotions & Lace, otherwise known as your local "one stop love shop" has a large for exquisite lx:auty, pc.'l'I k'' qu..llity and gili.~ to trm\Un: tlm hohtLiy st"a!olln, Charles 11. Barr kwder; m N("wport Reach mv1t<..., you to cxperienu· their fine Jtwdry c.-Ollt.xtion. With more th.m 44 ycan. of c.~ricrn.e serving the loc.,ll .uid surrounding wnunurutk.'-Owks Barr spccial17.l"\ Ill fine watd1 repair, jewelry de.ign. bc.-ad ~nngmg. hand engraving and appraisals.. Their cxpc..'nmu'tl w,1tdunakcr and J~er wn n1)air ,md create a design for you on the premises. Owles 1-1. Barr Jewelers IS kx:atnl at 1803 Westcliff Dm'W', Nt·w1)(1rt BeuclL For more infonnatio11, call (949) 642-.3310. LOTIONS & lace selection of lingenc, wigs. ~hoes. DVDs. videos, cards, adult toys and I much more. Don't know what to get for that special person m your I life? Lotion.'> & Lace has gift certificates. Vtsil any of our thn.-c convenient Orange C.Ounty locations and don't forget to purch.isc I your special adult gift wrap. Look for our ad for your 30 percent off coupon! Open dilly. Lotions & Lace: 743 Bakrr St., CostJJ Mesa, (714) 429-1911; 6912 Warner Ave., H11nnngton Beach, (714) 848-0900; atul 1860 Tustin Aw., Orange. (714) 974-3539. PLANET hair salon & day spa Planet I lair Salon & Day Spa -when· d1c.·11t \at1,f,1t lion is their No. I prionl y. They .ire <k<l1lJle<l to providing a umquc cx.pcrienu.· that help' l'nh.mlC well being and scll-1magr through the h1ghc~t level of care and qualit} service'>. Tht·1r w.irm \ta ff and welwming ~urroundings ~tnvc to m.tkc every d1ent feel ead1 return v1Mt 1s JS speci.tl al> the fir.,t. The Salon feature" .idvanc.ed wlor and cutting technique~, as well a\ cxperti~e in Jlrylit~ .ind nail art. The Sp.1 h,1, hl'lOllle known in the .1re.1 for 11s comforting environment combined with highly trained individuals in skin care, expert eyebrow Jcs1gn, massage therapy and naturaJ nail service~. C.Omc indulge yourself JI Planet Hair 5alon & Day Spa and let tht \l re\li melt away. or give .1 thoughtful gilt to your luved one' either with a gift tertificale or J gift ha.,kcl. Planet Hair C\a/(111 & Uay Spa LS located 111 Fm111tnr11 Valley 01118970 Brookl111rst St. at Garfield. You can mil (714) 968-8811 to H't 1111 1111 appointment, or drop /1y far a tour. Fine Furniture Makes Fine Gifts. Ba rc a\gunge r· A large selection of Barcalounger reclining chairs can be fo und at H .J . Garrett Furniture in Costa Mesa. What a great gift idea! Many fine brands to choose from. Vis-it our spacious showroom today! 1u 111 h'.1!..'..11 H. J. Garrett Ft1rnitt1re < >pl·ll ( ()IJ\lllt Ill~'. \ 11111 ~.II I() (II ,, \l·r\lu . 22 1:::; f l.1rhor Bhd .. l ·w~l.l ~l t·,a • (9 ·t9 l frl(l.02~') ~1111. 12 10 :;, 21 .. ~ n i "' 8 w .. • i :I I I • • ..... 22 .. , RE BF L . womens wear ana accessones It\ no wondt·r why 1ho11\,111J, of ,1yle·1.t1n'>t1ous women have tu rne<l mto loya.I Rchd rt1UM'r\. Rebel offer, J wmr.mtly Lh.tngin~ .irrJy of rnntcmporary w1111H•n\ wear and JllC\'41flC\. Tht• npcncn1.cd \lall t\ Jlway~ h.ippy to nwke 'u~e,111111,, ~pc1.1.1l or<la llll"rlhJnd1,c or gift wr.ip tho..c ~P<'Llal goo<lit''· Rdit•I Jim rwa lornt11•11» .N<> Nc111p11rt Center /)nw, Fml11cm ls/1111tl, Ne111por1 H1•11t /1, (94<1 M() ~WO 11111/ / '>!S t\111111cwC1 A1't', 5011111 Mn111c11, ( l /0) 451 1699. MESA upholstery f-or line quality furniture, ~ rc-uphol,lery, ,u,tom o draperies and (U~IOm :x: bedding visit Mesa Uphol~tcry in Cmt.i Mrsa. They h .. wc been '>Crving th r beach lilies for more than 50 years. M1kt'\ C.irpet<., now owned and operated by Mesa Upholstery, offered quaJtty l.irpct, lU~tom area rug~ (mduding ~1salJ\C,1grass). lc1mina1e and wood floors, vinyl and tile. All c1t great prices. Come v1S11 tlwrr one-stop sltoppmg sliowroom /ocatecl ut 1998 Harbor 8/vtl., two /Jlcid .. l fmm Tr11111gle Squarr, Costa Mesa. Gill (949) 642-8400. Ne\lvport Center ()rthopedic, Inc. .\ kd il·.d & Su r~il .ii l..\u pp! in ,,,, ~_;, ...... 11 ~lttH• I,· (~:, ..... u;f ~ .... ,,,._, s. , 1(,,, I .. HI",.\ I A'.I'' • ·.~.1•''•' I 11, • ··dj I ,.t t ,,,., Canes from all over the world $10.95 -$600 Cust.om Gitt. Wrap at No Cha.ree UPS at No Charge • Mail AU Over the World ---------·· GREEN SYSTEMS international Spcu.1li11ng 1n Phalaenop~ts orlh1ds, c1J,o known al. the bullcrfly orchid, Lome Ji\Lover them m J v .. mcly of colors: while, white with red "ltp.,," cll·cp p111k, 'lripc<l pink and ydlow. Thcrt· I\ J wide wlcct1on of other type' of orchid~. including Onnd1um: 'omc ,mdl hkc chololatc; Den<lrobium: often used for l lawa11,1n lei!. JnJ lorsagcs; Epidendrum: outdoor loving; Cattleya: often with gorgeous gic1nt bloo1m; Paphiopedilum or Lady Slipper; Miltonia or pamy onh1d; Brasia Re,, c1nd Colmanara Wildcat with bright yellow, burgundy, mahogany anc.l deep violet blossoms. Gre.e11 Systems lnternar11111nl is open every Saturday to the public. It is located at 20362 Birch St., Newport Beach. Gill (949) 756-l2ll. , 4' COSTA MESA CHRISTMAS DAY BUFFET Celebrate Your Holidays Away From Your Kitchen Bring Your Family To Kaplan's With Unlimited Christmas Buffet For Your Family THURSDAY,DEC.25,2003 Buff1t Hou11: 12:00 Noon to 8:00 pm (Kaplan's Open From 6:00 am to 10:00 pm On Christmas Day And New Years) T1tE TRADmOIW. BUFFET SPREAD OF: *Whole St11mahlp Round ot Beet *Roast Butter Ball Turby •smoked Christmas 60011 with Orange Chutney "'ltallan Meat Laugna *Vegetarian Pad Thal Noodle *Honey labd Ham *AID AU THE T1UMM118S Turtey Drenlng with TUrtey Gravy, Fmh Baud Yams, Mashed Potatou, Toned Green Salad, Soup of ttte Day, and Green Bean Anott1d Ch1111 ind Cra&t111, Chrbtm11 Coot/11, Cak11, P/11, lei Cr11m $11.95/pp ucluslYe of tu ud 1ma1ty, chlldnl •Ider 10/$8.95 You may also order fi'om our regular m"'u C.t1rlng for 11/ your o"'" p1rl/11, Holld1y n11d1, Bit I 811 Mltw111, ,,,,... ..... W1 "'"In your hom1or11 Kapl1n'I p11m/111 . -..... ...... H.J. tGARRE TT urn1ture HOlJSE Ol t1k1 Visit H.J. Garrett's showroom for a large selection of Barcalounger reclining chairs. A perfect holiday gift. H.J. Garrett Furniture, 2215 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. GtU (949) 646~0275. Hours are Monday thro"gli Saturday, JO a.m. to 6 p.m. arid Sunday. noon to 5 p.m. The Original MIKE'8 CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MllRKED DOWN 30o/ooff House of Tiki is a very hip store located al 1860 Newport Blvd., across the street from Triangle Square in Costa Mesa. Thls Polynesian pop culture shop has everything from tiki mugs and bars to beautiful bamboo and rattan furniture. They recently celebrated their successful second year, and are planning to expand and open a tropical showroom, nearby. The man responsible for this unique Wes Johnson, owner store is Wes Johnson, a California native and 20-year resident from Orange County. He has a passion for travel and the outdoors. After serving as a medic in the miJitary, he earned his contractors license and moved to Lanikai on Oahu. The lifestyle he enjoyed here for three years sealed his love of the islands and all that tropical paradise represents. Being an independent store owner and furniture designer has long been Johnson's passion, .;o when he moved back to the mainland, he applied his artistic talents toward opening House of Tiki. His long range plans include designing furniture and importing various goods from all over the South Pacific. He attributes his creative talents to his grandfather, Truman Bailey Sr., who wai. a successful photographer, designer and writer in the 1930s and '40s, who traveled extensively throughout the South Pacific. Bailey's work appeared in Life and National Geographic; he wrote a book, called Poly11esian Vent11re. He also founded the Institute of Manual Arts in Lima, Peru, where he lived out his life and his dreams. Hou.se of Tiki is open Monday through Saturday, JO a.m. to 6 p.m.; S1111day. 11 a.m. 10 5 p.m. Purchase unii111e gift items /iy visiting www.ho11seoftiki.net. CALL NOW 642-8400 •GIA & EGL Certified Diamonds •Custom-Made Furniture •SllpCovers • Patio Pumlture • Draperies. Shades. & 6edspre11ds •Customized Orders .•Engagement & Wedding Rings •Repairs While You Wait • 18 Independent Merchants ·-v 8 w ... -.. I l l • ' I ....., ~ j . I .r j • THREE DOG bakery Three Dog 8aktry in Newport Beach opened its doors more than five years ago. lt started with "'two guys, thrtt dogs and an 89 cent cookie cutter that has turned into the. world's greatest howling suc:cns!" Pounders of the Newport Beach in the Corona dcl Mar Plaza, Sandy and Rogu, built the business on the philosophy of balancing the highest quality merchandise, foods and fun with an ~uaJ devotion to helping dogs and the community. - Pooches can enjoy ~h baked treats, made only ~ _A,_ from wholesome, natural, closc-to-thc-earth-ingrcdicnt.s, without salt. sugar, chcmi......., ·I artificial preservatives or animal fat -all developed for the discriminating palate. There ~ are Boxrr Brownies, Pup Tarts, rrrrRRRibs, Fetch 'n' Sticks and Drooly Dream Bars. just to name a ftw. Chcdc out the big dog f.avorite: the monstrous •Dino Booe• for the j Jurassic Bark. Unique merchandise includes; collars, bowls, sweaters, toys and even a few i: things for two-legged visitors. &veral times a year the bakery holds Pct Adoption Days. Vollinteers from local animal shelters and various rescue groups come together to find families for these lovable but homclC$S dogs. In addition, a ~rceot of Three Dog~ profits go to canine charities. Don't miss special events throughout the year: a summer pool party, a Howl-0 -Ween costume part)' and a visit from Santa. 771ree Dog Baury, 924 Avocodo Ave. (Corona del Mar Pl4Zll), Newport Beach. Cnll (949) 760-3647. SOL E comfort The holiday sewn is fa.st approaching . With many of us planning to attend offic.e parties, family gathuings, friendly get-togethcrs, as wdl as shopping for gifts. plan on spending many hours on your feet. The average person will ~nd about 48 hours on their fttt this holiday season, so it is important that your feet are wcU ptqJared for the gruding hours ahead. Many podiatrists feel that ncgJect. a lack of awareness of proper foot care and ill-fitting shores can lead to foot problems. Problems with feet arc often the initial symptoms of other health conditions such as diabetes. arthritis, and nc:rvc and circulatory disorder$. Poot ailmmts can be the first signs of a more serious problem. Women hlM about four times as many foot problems as men, which means it is important for women to find a balanre between good footwear and fashion. This will lead to good foot health. Podiatrists suggest that women wear shoes with beds of different heights and alternate them daily. Comfort. not fa.sh.ion, should be the primary factor when ddermining which shoes to purchase. When sdccting your holiday footwear, remember the shoes that you ch°'* to wear are almost as important as finding that perfect gift. Whether attending an dcgant offi<:c party or a family gathering. it is important to be fa.shionably.co~rtable. Don't give up comfort at the expm.sc of your feet. One out of every six women has foot trouble -don't be that one. GM! your fttt the gift of oomfort. Sok C.omfort, 836 Avocado Ave. (C.orona de/ Mar Plaza), Newport Beach. Cnll (949) 644-5939. GuFSfSFOll m£Ho1mAY? ClFAN UP wnu corr SEIMCFS! 35°/o OFF I All COIT CLEANING SERVICES 1 WEEK ONLY I CA.RPIT • UPllOl • .,IT.RV • AREA Rl1(, • AtR Otrc.T I • DRAPrJCv • nu & G1t0t T Cu:AN1Nc. • ~iintmum dJJ'l(l' ;ipph~ C.111 I ~10 n >R·COI r l11r ch:1;:111' Offer e\ptrc:. 12/20 03 I Call the man in the shiny black van at •.• 1-soo-FOR corr l 800 367 2648 HAYES Jewelers Hayes Jewelers has been a cornerstone of business on Forest Avenue in Laguna Beach since January 1962. For more than 40 years they have been your family jeweler. ln 1986, Kelly and Mike purchased Hayes Jewelers from their parents, Grover and Harriet Hayes. Their reputation has been established on the principles of exceptional quality, honest values and personalized service. Through the years, they have been Kelly and Mike Hayes, owners blessed with many customers that have grown to become good friends. After much thought, they have decided to dose their family business and pursue other interests. In order to complete this task as quickly as possible, they are offering their entire inventory of fine jewelry including diamonds, precious gemstones, l4K and 18K gold chains, bracelets., earrings and more at tremendous savings. Visit Hayes Jewelers at 246 Forest Ave. in Laguna Beach. <All (949) 494-3513. Glenflddiah or Glenlfvft Slnfle Mali 5coich GIFT SET· INClUOES 7'!50Ml D01Tl£ AND TY«> Gl.AS5ES •25:~ .. NORMA .JEANE Co~Serie" Great Gift Ideal 7eo ML. S4 299 ftor11 • I +Tax AIH Mll.llN Ma. M.to\ t23"' Remy Marcin • Kettl Jack Daniele Courvoleler & Othere fro!14~Tax Kaplan's is a good spot for a quick powedunch or for family dining. Enjoy daily specials, a sports bar and dining on the patio. Open daily at 6 a.m., including all holidays, late supper is served, with breakfast, lunch and dinner served all day. The New York Kosher-style deli, voted the No. I deli in Orange C.Ounty, serves all of your traditional favorites. Catering is also available for your office party, office lunch, party needs, buffet platters and holiday parties. The Original Kaplan's Deli, 321 I Hf.Wbor Blvd., ( cot1veme11tly located just south of the 405 Freeway, Costa Mesa. Call (714) 557-6611. Pamper Yourself with 11 MJUS1tg~, FuUd or Special T~lllmmt Our 6J>«i"1 HoliJAy PM!t.ata Kiw JO* 111vings plw Sp• DolUln far extr• p11mperinf inflWlimts ... FACIAL MCICAGU fto1 $160 FOi. 'TWO 80 MIN. MCWS TO $650 FOi.,... MCW.$ GIFT MCICAGE $300 -A $55 SAVINGS 3 SM. HouP.s ... $I 00 ~ 0ou..w· IUPEll GIFT PACKAGE $5 l 0 -A $I 00 SAVINGS 6 SM. Houlu + $I 00 SM. Dou..Ms. GRAND GIFT MCKAGE $900 -A $320 SAVINGS 12 SH. HouM + $200 Sl'tt. OouAM• ~ rr:MAAD GAnu SM "IOOUCT'S. • " th~ J/yatt N~"'P''*' Nrwpt>" 8Hill, Col4fonua ...:..· =' ·:.c:::.:....:...~:..o... ~V"11!f MUIMO 1117 jt,..l>•,.t ~tMI. S•HH •>. N-..rt tftt11, CA '2 ... (M)'4MOtl ~- ' 25 :I: 0 0: I» '< (/) :::J 0 'O 'O 5· OQ I» .... ~ I/I OJ <1> (/) .... ?:' ~ .,. d !a :3 00 (/) c: "' l .,. ~ ~ 0 .,. 3 er ~ "' 8 w ... . j PELICAN HIL9~,h~9 OAK CREEK • I QD " j ~ -.,, ~ ., ~ -co tlO c ·~ ~ >-~ ~ Pelican Hill and Oak Creek Golf Clubs provide the promotions. ultimate gift for golf lovers. . "In the pa.st two years, we occasionally enabled The 2004 Players Club Program offers unbelievable Players Club participants to bring three guests at the ~vtng.'i, special privileges and world class golf. Players Club rate. The response was so tremendous, Award-winning Pelican Hill Golf Club in Newport that we decided to extend this value to our customers Coast and Oak Creek Golf Club in Irvine, Orange for the entire year. It's a fabulous offer that gives our County's only public 1 om Fazio-designed golf customers three world-class Tom Pazio courses to lOursc~. are offering more benefits than ever before choose from," said General Manager Hansjoerg with their combined Players Club Program for 2004. Maissen. who oversees operations at the two clubs. For the first time in the Program's history, Players "The Players Club is an unbelievable program Club participants and their guests all play for the providing incredible value," said Kent Jordan, a same special rate. In addition, participants will be able to tee off one hour earlier than the general public during super twilight hours. They also wiU receive 20 percent off all non-sale Golf Shop purchases and range baJls, and will be invited to take advantage of special events including quarterly clinics and food and beverage I I I I I I I Lotions & lace One Stop L•ve Sfiop Hours: Non-Thur 10-9 • Fri-Sat 10-10 • ~ 11 -6 IMftUleTON IUCM COSTA W Ol0 Me1 6912 Womer Aw. 7"3 lcdter sn.t 1860 ._..Ave. ltolptu c.ntw 1 llodt W. Bristot AJ:ro.t m.m I( Mort (714) Ul-0900 (714) 429-191 t (7141974-3539 Also in: Riverside, Montclair, Ncrero Valley and Son Bemodino Oak Creek Golf Club, 12th hole Newport Coast resident who plays twice 'll week at the two locations. "These clubs take care of their valued customers. The fact that you can play two g.rcat venues with unparalleled service and . exceptional benefits is why I join the program year after year." For a single annual calendar year fee of $500, The Players Club offers the following privileges: See GOLF CLUBS, page 27 .. ,~ GOLF CLUBS, continued from 26 ranked Pdican Hill as one of the country's "Bcit Golf Resorts, .. honoring •Pelican Hill GolfOub (Two 18-hole the club with its "Four Star Award• for Tom Fazio-designed golf co~rscs): both courses. -Weekday Green Fee of $1 35 Oak Creek Golf Glub, with the same (Monday -Thursday}_ $40 savings service and course condition standards -Weekend Green Fee of $165 (Friday of Pelican Hill, has quickly become a -Sunday} -$85 savings favorite among avid Orange County •Oak Creek Golf Club (One 18-hole golfers. Oak Creek Golf Club features Tom Faz.io-designed golf course}: one of the most extensive and -Weekday Green Fee of $75 (Monday well -developed practice facilities in -Friday) -$20 savings Southern California. Practice Center -Weekend Green Fee of $99 amenities include 65 Hghted Bemmda (Saturday -Sunday) -$36 savings · grass hitting stalls,.a large practice Leading golf publications have bunker, two putting greens, a practice consistently retognized Pelican Hill as chipping green and expert instruction one of the country's top golfing from eight PGA professionals. destinations. In 2003, Pelican Hill Both Pelican Hill and Oak Creek Golf ranked third behind Pebble Beach and Oubs arc owned and managed by The Bandon Dunes in T 0-L Golf's Reader Irvine Company. Su,rvcy for Best Resort for Course For more infomwtion about Pelican Conditions, Golf Staff Attitude and Pace Hill Golf Club and/or The Players Club, of Play. Io 2002, Golf Magazine placed call (949~ 760-0707 or visit . both courses on its list of the ""Top 100 www.pclicanhilLcom. For more Courses You Can Play" in America. Golf information 4bout Oak Creek Golf Club Magazine has also named Hole 17 on an.di or TM Playm Club, caU (949) the Ocean North Course as one of the 653-5300 or visit . •aest Holes in the World.• Golf Digest www.04kacekgolfdub.com. ~ELE l<Allkl~l<A" HAUbLI MAl<AHlkl HOU .. (Merry Christmas & Happy New Year) FROM THE «~QSt ~t li~.f TH.E ULTIMATE STORE FOR ISLAND DECOR ·BAMBOO ·TIKI BARS · HAWAllANA ·ETC ... " ::r 0 0: QI '< en ::r 0 'O '2. ::I OQ Q) -;:::+ VI to CD ~ ?;' f a. IQ ::> (IQ f .a ) ~ I 8 w ... ... • ..., ~ j • I I ~ • ~ -~ ... CV ao J I " .t comn on Tu can p functi John ' The Tuesd mittet might minist s~ The• trust plan affili. fund M1rl11 DailyPil COS1 CoUege Wednet ~ ahei ounda· from th casdng ~