HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-17 - Orange Coast Pilot. . . -.. . . ~ DWHil CUil SUNDAY MAY 1 i 1<iH1 Nozzles faulty, drivers fuming , 1 YOUNG ARTIST -Six·year-0ld Sharon Straight of Laguna Be ach demonstrated some fancy steps before an ap· preciative crowd at the Newport Beach City Arts Festival Saturday. Sharon. of Brenda's Dance Studio in Laguna, was , YIUI 11111111 DlllY PAPIR ()RANGE c 0 l IN I y I . A l I~ n Jl NI A ~o c F N I <, . By lODJ CAbENHEAD Of .. ~.......... • Keith Sutllerland ot Newport Beach already had a quarter tank of tuollne when he pulled into a aervtee atation alon1 Pacific Coaat Hitb ... •y laat December. It wasn't unW bl cot bome th~t he reallied be had pumped 18.l.. gallooa ol gu into hla 12 1al.lcm tank. On Feb. 1' Ken Jobnaon ol HWltlntwn Beach stuck the new vapor recovery no11le Into hie .-tf ercury Cou1ar and ?>umpe d ln 29.1 gallons ot 1aaoiihe. The problem was, hie tank only held 18 gallons. Accordln1 to re· 'ports on me With the co~nty Department o f Wel1hti .and Measures both °"n CAH• .. Ho were victl.ma of analfunctionln1 vapor recovery nonl11 now ~ul.red in all service stations in California. Indications are that the malfunctions may not be that rare. Man"91 Gonzales, deputy abler, reporta bl• county depart· meot receivea about 35 complaintl a month from customert who believe _they've been cheated at the pumps. quently ls conslderin1 taking le1al ac· Uon to prohibit the future sale of OPW nozzles ln California and possibly ban them entirely. Compl.mt.J were runnln1 double Jut year before written torrua were re- quired, said Gohzaies. AiM>ut 20 of the 35 are substantiated. Jnatead of merely recyclln1 vapors, the malfuncUor;»ng pumps send •asollne In releasinl the statewide findina•. officials cautioned that the hieh percen· ta1e of failure was only an indication of how serious the maltunctloninl problem can be and was not necessarily a renec- Uon of how many nozzles are actually r ecycling gasoline. SUNOAY SPECIAL bacll Into the station's underiround "As far as we 'r e concerned the nozzles need to be replaced, repaired or banned," said Measurement spokesman Ez Delfino. "The situation has to be cor- rected." storage tank.a. · The most frequent culprit la the OPW style nozzle, manufactured by Dover Corp. of· CinclMatl, and inatalled ln 61 percent of the ~te's service 1tation1. Last week during a statewide survey teat by the Division of Measurement Standards, the OPW nozzle failed 22.5 percent of the time. A .$SO million class action suit filed Mar ch 25 by Sacram ento attorney Daniel Lorenz claims that the faulty nozzles h av e c heated California motorists·out of millions of doUars by' recycling the fuel. Lorenz is seeking reduced gasoline prices until consumers have recovered their alleged losses~ The Attorney ~neral's office conse· (See NOZZLES, Page 3) Pope condition still improving ROME lAP > -Pope John Paul II sat up in bis hospital bed and got a shave Saturday as doc· tors expressed "cau tious op· tlmism" a bout his condition. T urkish police warned Italian authorities that accomplices or the terrorist char ged with shoot· ing the pope may tr y to break him out of jail. T here ·were reports. uncon· firmed·by police, that the pontiff may have been hit by t~o bullets inste ad of three as reported pre- viou11y. A hig h police official in Ankara who requested anonymi- ty said Turkish security officials sent Itailan authorities details of Mehmet Ali Agca's escape from an lltahbul prison in November 1979 while awaiting t rtal for the killing of an Istanbul newspaper editor. He said the Turkish officials warned that "the persons who accommodated and fed Agca" durln1 hia wide trave ls in Europe before the shooting of the pontiff •1might stage another escape attempt for Agca." Wednesday in St . Pete r 's Square. was showing "pro- gressive improvement," and his damaged intestines have re- sumed normal, spasmodic mo· ti on. The doctors s aid fluids d rained from t he pontiff's body were free of bacteria. ·'This is a very good sign that there 1s no persistent infection going on. although I cannot rule out the possibility one will de· velop later," said Dr . Luigi Can· dia, director or Pollclinico Ge m elli, the hospit al where John Paul is convalescing. The pope's vital slens were sa id to be "stable and aatisfac· tory." He was running a light tem perature, was in some pain and was "perfectly lucid," doc· tors said. They described his ge neral state as execell ent, coupled with an extraordiuary presence of mind ... ..., ........... ..,,,........._. one of many talents on display at the festival at F ashion Island. Others included musicians, potters, calligraphers, painters and sculptors. Italian police were searching five citi~ for people who may have met Agca, and Italy's big- gest newspaper hinted Libyan leader Moamma r Khad afy was involved. Reagan flexible on taxes? WASHINGTON (AP> The ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- Prosecutors sa id they believe accomplices footed Ag ca 's bills as he traveled throug h West Germany, Spain, Tunisia and Italy afte r his prison break. Bu lean., Hungary, France and Switzerland were on the list of possible hide-out sites. a Rome police spokesm an said. and Tutkish authorities s aid Agca hltCl also been in Iran. Reagan administration sent out more signals Saturday it is In· terested in discussing new tax propos als. when its budget director acknowledged that its commitment to a three -year. 30 percent tax cut could belt.er be described as a preference. Mideast peace effort: intensified RI YADH. Saudi Arabia CAP > -President Reagan's special envoy met with Saudi officials Saturday in a stepped-up effort lo defuse the Syrian-Israeli mis- sile crisis. Libya said it was ready to deploy its own missiles In Lebanon. and the Kremlin warned that Isr ael's "implaca· ble stand" couJd lead to war. Reagan's Mid dle East en- voy, Philip C. Habib. met with the Saudi foreign ministe r , Prince Saud al-Faisal. No de- taUs of the talks were released. Reports in the Lebanese press said Habib planned to ask Saudi Arabia, a major money·'backer of Syria, to try to persuade the Damascus gover nme nt to U.S. envoy seeks help from Saudi Arabia; Soviets warn lsrael wit hdraw t h e miss iles it deployed in eastern Lebanon's Bekaa Valley . M ea nwh ile. Tr easury Secretary Donald Regan m et w ith S audi Fi n a n ce and Economy Minister Mohammed Ralkbail. Informed sources said Ralkhail pressed Regan, here for three days. to give the Pa lestine Liberation Organiza- tion observer status at the In- ternational Monetary Fund. Habib flew into the Saudi capital from 'Tel Aviv on the 10th day of his diplomatic shutUe between Lebanon, Israel and Syria in a bid to end the crisis. caused by the~ deployment of Syria's Soviet-m ad e, anti· aircraft SAM·6 missiles {n the Bekaa Valley April 29. The missiles were deployed a day after Israeli jets shot down two Syrian helicopter gunships attacking Israel's Christian al- lies in Kahle, 30 mlles east of the Lebanese capital of Beirut. On Thursday, one of the missiles shot down a pilotless Israeli re- HB stylist keeps snipping Ortiz near halfway mark in 350-hour record bid Nearing the halfway point ol his marathon ordeal, Hunt.i.ncton Beach hair s tyliat Pierre OrUI said Saturday be it "han1int in there" In h1a bid to snip, cut and , layer tor a record 350 bOW'f. "I'm creating an Insomniac condltlon," said the 42-year-0ld stylist who naps periodically for a few minutes. The standards of the' Guin.neat look ot World Recordl permit two hours real per 24 houri. • A1 word spread of the at· tempt, delillMCI \o ralle mone)' for the N"a&.ional lhltlpl• 8cJero1i1 loelety, more ud ........_...;::;;~"::..~•have come bJ Mil .KANSAS CIT\', llo. <AP> - Former ll.nt 1acl1 8tN Tnunu, aUU belt.Uni compllc:atioaa from blp Surpr)' 10 days •10. WM Ill "lm£A:9d" but atlU sertoua ea• SalunlQ, lier .,._,... d•tald. salon near Hunt1n1ton Harbour. "It's getting to be sort of a carnival. . .it's like a fraternity here." said Ortiz, a native of the Spanish Harlem section or Manhattan who said he aeml- faated for weeks to. prepare hlmaeU for the marathon. He •tarted May 10 shooting for about 14'1'. days and worked 48 hours ltralihl before hi• first r•t. Tbe salon i• busy durin1 tbe daya, and ln the e~rly mom· l•I boan, when he bu fewer cu1tomer1, be prutic11 bis ........... on dola.' halr. • lie doeH't mind the time tflllt wOrtdnc CID die doll.I. ·~anatew ... l•ant. to lrJ," 1M aal4. '1'ormallJ, I .... , ha" Ume a.& te ftCUn our HW dfllicm and pattern.a . "l :ai ••Ula, •omenta of dtpnuion, but 1nap out ~ !~t be addld. ''TIM 1taff It ......, betptq me out.'· Ortis Ud ~to 1teeD for two boUn I YiJ;lteacr·o< ftv• ~,, minµtea per hour -either of whlcb ls permitted under Guin· ne11 standards -but he (tNpd it preferable to take brief naps ln· atead. "I 1et better rest takln1 abort cat nape. I aet more benefit out ' of them. When I seem like I 1et tired or cranky, 1 alt down and 10 lnto a bypnotic-llke aleep. I wake up feelln1 refreshed. ·"Tb• main thins la, people stricken witb MS bave to live wlth tUt physical dltcomfort :tel days a year. I couldn't Im· 11lne ,., throup what they 10 tbrOUth llld toa.rau., It.'' TUition ba" OK'd SApaAME!ft'O <AP> -ID an attempt to bla tulttl9 llt tlle Uatvenlty of C•Ufonla, tbe Senate baa approved a bill tbat would cul UC'1 atate aid bJ Uae ~,.ouat •I ••r taltloa cbar~ to Caltlorma ..... -... connaisance craft. tsrael has threatened to take military action if the Syrian missiles are not re moved. and Syria has warned it Is ·•ready to do battle" if the Israeli threat is carried out. Western reporters in Bekaa said Syrian troops and Chris· tja n mllitiarrten ex c hanged artillery fire in Zahte Saturday. The two sides also exchanged mortar fire in Lebanon's central mountain tops that overlook the Christian-held Mediter ranean coast north of Beirut. the re· porters s aid. In Tripoli, Libyan leader Col. Moammar Kh adafy said he was prepared to set up anti-aircraft mlaslles ln southern Lebanon. near the Israeli border, to put an e nd to "Israeli aggression." Libya's news a1ency reported. There was no comment from Lebanon, Syria or Israel. Leonid Zamyalln, head of the Soviet Communist party Central Comm.lttee's department of in- ternational information, blamed Israel for provotln1 the crials and charged that a · •. . media· . lion mission by a certain Habib . . . h.Js actually turned http support ol larMf'a dem•acfll. · "It la necessary to atress that the Israeli 1overnment . . . takea a totally implacable ltand of ultimatums," and thl1 could lea.st to war, he aald In a Soviet televlalon commentary. Meanwhile, tbe Eayptlan PafUunent's Forelan Relatlona Committee expreued concern at the tncreaalna Soviet and • . . naval military uDlt1 ln the MtcHterranean. Tbt eommltt•f uld that Syrian tn\enenUoD lD ta.. attalrs of LebaaOCl ud llrMU '1'ted for LebUMM temtor)' "are prime OIUI .. of &be '-'OU , , • The con1equ1nt movement of. aupe,,.,..... naval unlu In ta.. arH II MrtGUa," accordtq to..,. SUlelMM tirrtld by tbe .· llJcldle Salt Nftl APDc1. Authorit ies he r e weren't describing their evidence. but they said arrest warrants for "unknown persons" who may have conspired in the pope's Btiootlng were out. One arrest was announced -by Turkish police who said they had the holder of the passport allegedly used by Agca in enter ing Italy. An official in the central Turkish to wn o f N eves h i r sai d authorities were trying to de· termine if the man, Faruk Ozgun, had any links lo Agca. Newspaper s continued their speculation on whether Agca acted alone, as he reportedly has claimed, or whether he was the chJef actor ln a conspiracy. Italy's la rgest and most respected newspaper, Corriere della Sera of Milan, In a lead headline sugge~ted S aturday that Libyan strongman Khadaly was behind the assa111inatlon at- tempt. Doctors said the pope. shot ON THE INSIDE ., •T&S8'1'•1fJ8t:t -Trutl Tbomu Bl'OI. llap Co. otf}.ciali to find the 1eocraphic center ot their markettn1 area. Tllat's Irvine where• emplo)' ... keep updatiu the ~ and at1alel tor drlvers loat between freeway1. P11e Cl. LA&GB LOGIC -"Fat-and· qly a. not one word,'' aa~ • faabloa a4•1aer wbo further W'I .. women to .. at .. JCMll"MJI ~ to be beauW111, tldn or not.'' To slH up tlaelr w•rd,._, ... P• .. 87. B&IGRT IDEAi -Brlaa Backer,14, maklDI bh Broadway debut • a '"Miiiin• maalda Ii "TIN noatlnt Utbt Bu.lb, idlda ... WU IC .. to dea"-.M.ltlGGlna for WOOdf Al· le'n ..... BS. . "No one writes a sacred text for budget. tax or any other policy that doesn't get some kneading and shaping as it mov· es through the process," said David Stockman, director of the Office of Ma n agem e nt and Budget. Stockman made his remarks as he initiated a new public rel&· tions effort -a weekly meeting with reporters to issue a score· keepin1 report each Saturday on how the administration 's economic efforts rar ed in Congress over the previous seven days. During the past week, a varie· ty of administration offi cials. from White House chief of staff James A. Baker III on down, have signaled their Interest in hear ing new prpposals, spurred apparently by word from House Republican Leader Bob Michel that he could not muster the votes to pass Reagan's plan un· touched. a&BEL'S CAUSE -It the starvation tactlca of Irish Republican actlvlats are un- aettllq to you, conalder. the r.npedive ol Noel CUlhly wbo . vltttinc In Anahelm. lie wu a cellma&e ln the notorious llue Priaon. P-ae A.5. I ,, l 2 5 a a SOSO •• .. . --.... ,U( Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /&.lnd•Y, May 17, 1981 -~ .. \ ~ What recent Curbs on vide~ games eJed Lori DeRusha purchase or experience has brought the idea of inflation home to you? ttu1" Brown Cost• Mew, w•lter: "Getting my cenepalred. ltcost me $300 to fhc •very small dent on my fender end they want $600tof Ix one cylinder. " Costa Mesa, waitress: "Mycamere. I thought I could get .. eve~lng I wantedfor$200or$2SO, " but when I went shoppl ng I found It was $250 Just for the basic camera end lens. By the time I got everything I wanted,· ltwasupto$4SO. l'mgolngtolnsurelt too, when you pay that much for something, It's good to Insure it." Glenn Lodwig Tom Haren Huntington Be•ch, gH station manapr: "I 'venoticeda lot of people coming In herespenc:Ungmoremoneytrylngto make their cars get better mileage. People are keeping their cars longer and keeping them in be\tercondltlon too. A lot of people will spend$300or $400togetanextratwo miles per gallon. I wonder if It pays off In the tong run." Costa Mew, salesman: "I justboughtanewmotorcycle. It cost me $3,.tOO and It was the same model I bouQbt In 1978for$1,800. I was luckyto~tthe$1,800backwhen I traded the old bike In. I think the Hon- da 7SOlsagreatblke, but I don't know that It's actually worth twice the price now." Marget Weller Carol Cohen Costa Mesa, student: "I went car shopping yesterday and thepriceswereexpenslve. I knewthe prices would be high because I was. looking at BMW's, but still it was sur- prising. If I get one, I hope it's worth It." Costa Mesa, clerk: (' "It seems like gas and clothes have gone up a lot with Inflation. I can re· member when gas was so little and nowlt'soutrageous. I work at a c lothlng store so I see how high the mark up ls sometimes. A lot of people maketheirownclothesbecausetobuy them is so expensive." Dick Henderion Huqtlngton Beach, industrial de- signer and part-time gas station at- tendant: "l'venoticeda lot of people pull Ing upandgetttngthreeorfivedollars' worth of gas. And a lot of people are us- ing the self-serve pumps to save money. l'mleavingthlsareabecause of1 nflatlon and the cost of llvlng." Glenn Schroder Costa Mesa, bank teller: "Gas. I paid a dollar fifty-something recently and I couldn't believe It. I can rememberwhen I flrstgotmymoped I could fill itupfor60cents. I gotrldot . the moped and I don'thaveacar anymore. I like to walk." NY bomb kilh one NEW YORK (AP) -A pipe bomb exploded Saturday in a restroom al Kennedy Intema· Uonal Airport., kUling an airport employee, and a second, more power(ul bo mb was found almost nine hours later in the same building, authorities sald. . A jetllner was evacuated after the explosion because or a false report or a bomb aboard the plane. Both tbf airliner and the Pan American World Alrwa)'• terminal were evacuated saf~ly and no other serious injuries were reported. A man Wllh a Spanish accent saying he represented the Puerto Rican Armed Resistance Group telephoned airport police minutes before the explosion at 9 :40 a.m. to warn th1_t ~ bombs -one at t he-I> a n American World Airways terminal and a second aboard Pan American FU1ht 403 bound tor Guatemala -would explode within 15 minutes. TEL!PHONE , T~sP.H•ley .... --Robert N. w.td ........... M. T"°"'8s t<eevll r. .... Thomal A. Murpl'llnt .............. C..rot A. Moore ............... c'''''-"' Ifft Or•ttt• CHU l'Vllllt•l111 C•MIMlllY• ,.. ••• .............................. ., .... arttwec•sll ...... ,. m" tile n•••••<•• Wllllt•t UiUlel ,.,.,., ... ~..,.,, .. ' • ' Mt,,,.. ..... ,...: (714) M2""'821 a...-... .......... ,: 142-1171 Of'PICU c...-..: ...... ..., .. ,... L...-INdl: ""7 Ne. CM• HltfMey ....... ,, •• , ---· ,,.,. llHcll ....... .n ' BY PBIL SHEIDE&MAN ............. Facln1 an Invasion ot 1pace 1amea, aever1I Oran1e Cout cltlea are cori•lderln1 new r .. aulatlona that would aovern where electronic amusement machines may be located and the number • non-arcade bUll· ness could operate. Amusement centers, which can contain dozens or coin· swalJowlng plnball and video aames, 1enerally must obtain a city plannina commi11lon'• ap· proval before openin1 . Complaints from nearby homeowner& and adjacent bual· nesses have led plaDners to deny permits to arcades in some tases. But what worries some city ·or- fl cl a Is is the l'\tt mber or machines light1n1 up at liquor stores, convenience markets, coin laundries. restaurants and even gas stations. "We're being inundated with these games," observed Savoy Bellavia. a senior city planner in Huntington Beach. "It's amaz. ing how many or these things have turned up in six months.'' Although amusement arcades are governed in Huntington Bea c h , Bel l avia sa id a restaurant or market needs no special permit to install two or three video games. He said the city's planning staff is preparing a report, however, that may recommend limiting games at such busi· nesses by t h e number of machines or the size of the shop. In Fountain Valley, city re- gulations a re more s trict. Anyone who wishes to install even one electronic game in his business must obtain a condi- Contractor arrested in pool fraud Orange police arrested a Fallbrook contrac tor on 26 counts of fraud and theft that left at least 40 homeowners with incomplete swimming pools and unpaid bills. Allen Lee Winters. 46. presi- dent of the now-defun ct Blue Fountain Pools at 20 1 E . Katella Ave. in Orange, was arrested Friday by Orange police and San Diego County deputies. The .arrest culminated, a 19· month iovesUgation by Orange police stemming from allega- tions lhe company president col- lected more than $100,000 from customers wt\ile failing to hire subcontractors to do the work. ·'In many cases this resulted in liens being placed upon LM homeowners' property. causing them to pay double for their work, .. said deteclav~ Randy Mc Mahon. Police said more than 40 com- p l-a 1 n ts were received from homeowners in O rang e, Ri verside, Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties Winters was held in Orange County J ail in heu of $.50,0C>O bail. Pettyjohn services set for Monday Funeral services will be held Monday for Laguna Niguel resi- dent Gary L. Pettyjohn, who di ed Wednesday at the age or 39. Mr. Pettyjohn had lived in Laguna Niguel for 13 years where he was active in volunteer work for the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts. Little League and youth soccer. He is survived by his wife. Judy; his son Kenny, 10, and daughters Lanette . 18 , LaDaughn, 16, and Keri, 2. Services will be held at 1 p.m. at McCormick Mortuary. 25002 M«tulton P arkway in Laguna Hills . A graveside ceremony will follow at Pacific View Memorial Park in Corona de! Mar. A memorial fund to beoem Mr. Pettyjohn's family has been established. Those wishing to con· tribute can make checks payable to the Gary L . Pettyjohn Memorial Fund, care or Monarch Bank, 30100 Town Center Drive, Laguna Niguel. Garwood acquitted in sex case JACKSONVILLE, N.C. (AP) -Marine Pfc. Robert Garwood, his arm arouhd hl1 f\lture wife and his e~es brlmmlnt with tears, uld Saturday he had "finall y com e home to America" after belnt acquitted of aexuaJly mofe1Un1 1 7-year- old llrl. Garwood. who la appeallnl hla military convlctloft for col- laborattn1 wtth lht enemy dur· ln1 H , years In Vietnam, wa1 found ~ent by a 1tat• Jury on cbar1e1 that could have broucht 1 Ult Mat.net. Hla milltary con· vtctlon carrt .. no 1>rt1on term . • Coast officials considering :restrictions on locations tlonal use permlL from the plan· nln1 comrJl}1111lon. Don Cootraman. a Fountain Valley planner, said some stores and other bualneases hav~ In· · stalled such machines without the proper permit. When in· formed of the city's rules, however. most buslnesaea have complied, he said. Still, the city attorney of Foun· tail\ Valley has been instructed to prepare a n e m ergency ordinance that wlll give the city Oellf l'ttM ....... ..., ~•tttc• O'~I RACE WELL RUN -Alfred of Fairview Hospital got a congratulatory hug from a well·wishing clown. Barbara Wyman, a Fluor Corp. clerk/typist. Fluor sponsored a track meet Saturday at Irvine High &hoot for more than 400 disabled athletes from local schools and agencies. '· even more control over where the games turn up ··we're not look.in& for an out- rtaht ban." explained J ohn McKnight, c hairman or the Fountain Valley Planning Commission. "I think we just want to make sure the games are used In compatible areas " McKnl&ht said some city of. fa cials believe th e video gam es, which are played ex· tensively by youngsters. should not be located in liquor stores or al service stations Costa Mesa does not require a permit when a business offers a few video games as a sideline. But Perry Valantine, a senior Costa Mesa planner, wonders where to draw the line between a s andwtch shop that includes a row of video games and a con· ventional arcade. lie said the city may impose a limit on the number of electroni c games a non·arcade business may offer without obtaining an additional permit. In Newport Beach, city plan ner Bill Ward said no s pecial permits are required at a shop th at operates several video games. although the city does ask owners to provide a list of how many machines are on hand. Ward said he as aware of no major complaints regarding the machines in Newport Beach. He added, however , that th e city attorney has been asked to prepare a more specific code governing such games. Larry Hogle. di rector of com. m.unity development m Irvine, said no special permits are needed there for games operat· ed by a non.arcade t In Laguna Beach. electronic · games are permitted only in C-2 commercial zones, according to city planner Kyle Butterwick. Both representatives said no complaints regarding the games have been voiced in thei r cities and no additional reguJa. lions are under consideration. • PREVl~W 11 :00 A.M. -2:00 P.M . • AUCTION STARTS AT 2:00 P.M. A 1• 900 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH I I FEATURING * ANTIQUE FIREARMS AND SWORDS * MODERN COLLECTIBLE FIREARMS * DIAMONDS/JEWELRY * ANTIQUES * IVORY * ANTIQUE ART * ORIENT AL ART * COLLECTIBLES • OVER 250 ITEMS WILL BE SOLD! CATALOGUE Will BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR I NO RESERVE Bl 1 NO BUYER ' I I I I ''YOUSE GOTTA COME0 AHD SEE .SUMMA DIS II HEAT STUFF!! I 777 so. MAIN, SUITE 32,' ORANGE, CA. 92668 • TELEPHONE (714) 972-4926 I ........................ .. . ... . . . 22% benefit cut seen Social Security proposals slash twice as much as needed WASlUNGTON (AP>-Presl· dent Reagan's P.roposed changes in Social Secunty would save the troubled pro1ram twlce aa much as lt needs to operate ln the black and would cul benerlts by an average 22.3 percent over the next 75 years, a top otricial con· firmed Saturday. 'Ihe controversial package Reagan unveiled Tuesday waa designed to avert an imminent financial crisis in the program's old age and survivors' trust fund, and also to prevent the system from slipping Into even more serious Cinancial woes in the 21st century. The centerpiece of the cuts would be stiffer penalties for those who elect to retire before age 6S and cutbacks in who can draw disability checks, as well · as a rejiggering of the benefit formula that amounts to a 10 percept cut in benefits at age 6S for future retirees. Robert' J. Myers, deputy com- missioner of Social Security, acknowledged i,_. an interview that the full impact of the changes amounts to a 22.3 per· cent reduction 10 Social Security's current benefit struc· tur4! over a 75-year period. "This is the combined effect of everyt.blng together." be said. "For the system as a whale it's a 22 percent reduction ln average costs over the next 75 years." He added that the savings would be "somewhat leas in the beginning and somewhat greater toward the end" ol that period. Reagan's budget director, David Stockman, tried Saturday to cast doubt on the fitures, Hy· ing they are "very arti!iclal and misleading" because they are based on economic projections dealing with inflation and population growth over 75 years. The latest Reagan proposals have stirred up controversy io Congress, particularly among Democrats who previously have been able to llJUSler little opposi- tion lo the president's cuts elsewhere in the federal budget. Some of h.ll critics are cbar(i.ng he la seeking bigeer cuta than needed in Social Security to help narrow the whole budget deficit. The ayatem'a actuaries say that to pa)' for promlaed old age and disability benefits, Social Security on the average needs 13.7 percent of taxable payroU over each or the oext 75 years. Under its current structure it is 1.52 percent of taxable payroU short, or $19 billion a year in current dollars. But the Reagan package would pare twice that much 3.06 percent or taxable payroll from Social Security's benefits for the next 75 years. However. Myers also said Reagan is seek.inc biecer spend· ing cuts than needed because ."the administration believes the Social Security tax rates should be reduced." The Social Security payroll lax is now 6.65 percent on both . employees and employers, ·a total of 13.3 percent. A little more than l 4percent of that pays tor Medicare . From Page A1 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT,SUnday. May 17. 1981 ................ John Bonk q1 curtomen at hU Coda Me1a 1ennce station find tM required ft.OZZU• hard to handle. A mite probe revealed another verlion, tM OPW '1l0Ml, 10metime1 recycle1 go.a wteod of fume1 RECOVERY NOZZLES IHDE RECYCLED GAS . • • Delly ...... ,_.." P....UO'~ DARTH RACER - A gigantic insect? The dreaded Darth Vader? No, it's just 12-year-old Todd Lamer speeding down th~ track in his qualifying run at the Orange Crate Derby Saturday. Finals are slated for today from 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. on the Sand Canyon overpass of the San Diego Freeway <I -405) . Most or the gasoline recycling occurs when customers attempt to top their tanks thereby up- setting the delicate balance sys- tem built into lhe device, said Gonzales. ''When a complaint is verified.the nozzle can't be used until it's corrected,·• said Gonzales. "But we've tested it right after the guy puts in a new nozzle and it still recycles. "We know it's recycling. There's no doubt about it. .. Since 1979 the gasoline re· covery nozzles have been re- quired as part of the Clean Air Act in California and Washington D.C. In addition to the Department of Measurement Standards. the program ls certified by the slate Air Resources Board and Fire Marshal. Complaints against the nozzle include: -It fails to automatically shut off, thereby recycling gasoline back through a second hose intended for vapors. lt is heavy and awkward for customers to handle. -It requires more main· tenance and replace ment by service station owners. -It spills gas and creates a fire hazard. Criticism of the nozzles has It~y votes on abortion ROME CAP> -Italian voters are deciding the fate of Italy's permissive abortion law in a re· rerendum today and Monday that may prove as much a test of a bedridden pope's popularity as it is of abortion's legal merits. Even before the attempt on his life Wednesday, Pope John Paul II had staked considerable pre· stige on the bid by a church· backed group to virtually outlaw abortion. Snow falls • ID Rockies Tornado, golf ball-sized hail reported in Louisiana WaskJl ta!ather ···~ Velley •1141 Ceftlr•I Plelns. end .. 116.6 .... illi.llM.a.ill 'T~~~~~ ~i:::l llM Smell crett OdVl-y from Point Con<eP41on .. .,. MHkM ~ Outer weten ,.,.._ •I-IS 10 IO 1 llnots tCIUy-IO to 20 kftOll tonltftt. ComtllMd -decrHlll'l9 to s to • , .. , l)y ""'9111. I-.... ,. •• ,, Hull\ern l"leln&, producl119 ti\• poultllllly of some l\eevy tllun- dentorms. .. wllldl IS to 2J ktlOb, IOcol ~b to U knots Mrlll of Point Oume. ComltlM<I MOI S le I IMt decrMSlllO ,,,._,, Winds decreo1t119 lo ton lllon 10 knot• 1t1rouQ11 tonlQftl u ctt14 ...c lo nortllwol& 12 IO JO knots 11\lt ofter. -· w..-1., •-I 2 10 • '"'· Felr todoy. l11<reol1n9 low cloudlneu leftl9llt. U.S. aummary A wlntw ....,,,, •-nt we1 In ef. '9ct S.lur'dlly !ft l*'ll of ColOf'eOo end'#'°'""" es,......., -fell._ 11'9 _..,..,, llOCllfff, Wiii\ 1111 to 10 CO.It -1\ of "41Ul-.,-9dv<e41 1tron1 wlfld .-a !Ml t.ftlff • clrcu•..,....,..___.~ ............... tMll Of ... "-· , ... IWllll ..._ ..... u ...... . T9'ero _,. --. 01141 tlu"" ----· .,..... .. Mtulel ... Southem Cplif omia 6UT/ report ... ._. ..... Zumo I ..,. .. MoNca I "-.-n 2 IMO .... C:-V • 4 Ovt ... lw ,__.,, UttM dMftet. ... .... • • ' • ... ... It ,. 11 ,. ............ A ... MN Ulr 1 I W 1 I W 1 I IW I I W We're Llatetilng ••• ~.:,.·. What do you llh about t.be Dalb Not? What doe't JOU Ute! / Call the number below wt 1V'l1 ..,....,. wtU bl rtaqrdld. t.raucrlb..t and delivered totbt 1pproprlate editor. , TM MIDI M-bour au....tna Mnfce may be uHd to record letltn to UM eclltor on Inf t.osi'c. llallbox eonlributon must ID· elude t.Wr name ud telesbae number foe ffftllcaUDe. No clrcalatlcle calla, pleue. Tell U1 what'• on your mind. -' .. Tempemturea Altlally AIWttue Amorlllo An<llor ... it.Mewlll• AtllHllO AtllHltlc CIY ae1u- a1""''*"" a1t111ordl ..... ...... ._. .... hff• .. CNrblnSC CMf114111W'I a....-Cflluee CIMlftMtl CleftleNI c:-.... o.i.,. ... o.-O.. M91Mt Ottf"Olt ~ Pel...-. HOftf'9N H.-0 .......... .._... ,,,..It JOCkMYllo J-•-C"Y &MV ... ........ ._. ....,,..,.... .......... M&eMI ......... _...14,p . ,__ NATI«* u" 71 .. IS SI 62 .... 71 .... 72 .. 72 .. 67 JO ,, 47 •• JO U IS 64 S7 • '2 11 •1 n 11 • .... • 41 7S 41 n • U4' ...... ... S7 » .. 71 • 71 " 41 11 u .... .. . .s 41 n 14 u .. 71 4• U SI .. .... .. SS 7J 11 .... 71 " .. " " .. .. . 1' SI prompted Assembly Bill 127 by David Kelley, R-Hemet, that would do away with the program until it is adopted in all states. Federal approval seems unlike· ly under the Reagan admini· stralion. Last month the measure was approved by the Assembly Transportation Committee and is now headed for the Assembly Ways and Means Committee. The controversy over the new nozzle rekindles the familiar war of environment alists against business interests. In a report lo the Legislature last January ARB authorities said the program has effectively eliminated 420 tons or hydrocarbons from the air each day' a 15 percent reduction or the prime ingredient !n smog. In addition, the recovery nozzles reportedly have saved 49 million gallons of gasoline an- nually that are converted from the vapors. Bill Sessa. a spokes man for the ARB said the recovery system bas been the most cost effective program for reducing hydrocarbon e miuions . In terms of installation and main· tenanee, costs average 30 cents per pound of hydrocarbons. "It's unfortunate that most people are judging a good pro- gram by the performance of one nozzle that has problems." he said. Unfortunate or not, the OPW nozzle is the most widely used system. When the program was first required in 1979 it was the cheapest one to install, $900 for si\ pumps, compared to the re· latively trouble-free vacuum as· sist program that runs $8,500 for six pumps. Although there have been <><.'· casionaJ reports of customers being doused with gasoline as a result of pressure buildup from the nozzles, officials say it's rare. "We feel we're gelling less splash back then before," said Eldon Landback, a spokesman for the state Fire Marshal's of· flee. ''We don't feel it's been a fire hazard. But it may be steal- ing so me gas from the customers." The sharpest criticism comes from service station dealers and customers who complain that the nozzles are cumbersome and s"ometimes costly. A survey last month of more than 1,000 dealers represented by the Southern Californ ia Service Station Association found that 90 percent opposed the devices. Orange Coast service station owners were highly critical of the system they contend is ex· pensive to install and costly to maintain. ··Let's get rid of them. Everyone hates the m ," said John Bonk, owner of an Exxon outlet in Costa Mesa. "You lose more gas than you save. You can never ~ell if your tank is full. ··People can't use them. They're too heavy, especially for the ladies." Tommy Thompson, an atten· dant at Balboa Mobil Station mentioned tha\ occasionall)' they do recycle gasoline and the hoses have lo be blown out to keep them working properly. "I would be in favor of doing a way with them," s aid Rod Lloyd, manager of an Arco sta- tion in Costa Mesa. "The nozzle requires more maintenance. They're just a pain in the ne~k." About the only complai,nt Culver Union station manager Dan Binaz had about the nozzles was the increased overhead. Out of 16 pumps one nozzle has to be replaced every three weeks. ·'They seem to achieve what they were des igned to do:· he said. "It has cut down on the smell. Vapor fumes have been cul." STHANNUA_L CALIFORIJA STATE CBAMPIOISBIP CHILI COOEOPF THURSDAY, MAY 21 , 1981 · 4:00 PM TO 11:00 PM _0_,tl_6~R~-~~·-~ l_~~\i_Rl,_!ls......-8.~ . • .P~---------5 CHfLf" c ooKER.S L.E.8RiTy JuocsE7 EWoRK~ ·5KY01 VER' .. .-._ OE of lotJTESTANTS S:30 ~~ K~c. WE\.COM!S · --~!!',,:J CALIFORNIA STATE---. ---Cffrt..t 8£AUTYCoHTf5T-· 0 PRE"E C:H1L' ···--_----.. ~UNTR'( WfSr£RH 5HOW&1JANfE i -:..---ff.Al\Jbl6 . ------r-A~ ,, D 00&'' WEBER. .---~ ""TR'S \MT IA .. 1> on ~OllBOY_ ~A~~---·--·· BedgM Avallebae At: WJ eTHE RITZ AE8tAURANT ~J 2108 W, 0.:..nfront I ---- e JW't COWBOY . .. .. .. 1721 8. MlncMltlr Anllhetm,CA ALSO LMTED BADGE SALES AVAILA8L! AT llfE GATE ATTENDANCE UMrTE.D Come DrMMd In Your w.-,n Dud91 r•10,::w~1 FOR ADDIT10NAL . INFORMATION-CALL (714} Mi-5000 EXT. 181 ' ---- I I I 1 I j I l I I I .. ~ ~ I I I I • f" • "* .......... -. .. . ...... ---.... ~--19!!-... -...... 111191 .... _________ ,... _____________________ lllf9 ___________ _ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday. May 17, 1981 Lido living showcased Mediterranean architecture, Mideast furnishings By MARY JANE SCAaCELLO Of .. .,., .......... When the Frank McKen%les invite their friends to "drop in," they really mean just that -there's a swimming pool ju.st off the entry of their Lido Isle home. "The builder wanted a pool. so be used every inch of the small lot," says Mrs. McKe~e of their sunny, two-story house. Mediterranean architectural styling blends well with the decorator items and furniture the family brought from their travels and living ex- . perlences all over the world, particularly in Afghanistan and Iran. "My husband was attached to the Iranian embassy while in the Air Force," Mrs. McKenzie said while showing copper cooking pots on the wall next to her kitchen, "and his replacement there was one of the hostages." Their college-age son and younger daughter attended high school in Iran, which they left almost three years ago. Their mother says, .. Even though there were restrictions on thell\. Jt was a marvelous experience." The den showcases turnlture made ln Pakistan, hunting trophies of anlmals McKenzie shot in Afghanistan, woven donkey ba11 from I ran and a huge-, lidded copper {ice pot used u a coffee table. As might be expected, Penlan rup /wltb their lntricate patterns brt1hten Wed floors. · The living room, more European in flavor, has a coffee table wlth a wrou1ht Iron base Crom Germany, where it was used as a tree guard. An English Wedgewood planter and jade from Japan min"le with European antiques. On the couch is a needleooint pillow wjth an Arabic lettering that was a farewell gift from a friend in the Middle East, Mrs. McKenzie ex- plained. "ll says 'Enshallah, a popular phrase that means, 'God willing.• "It's a true expression of their philosophy in that part of the world.·· . ,. --1s1s·a } Sun warms upstairs patio, off the kitchen and above the pool. 5 homes on tour The McKenzie house is one of five homes open for the Lido Isle Women's Club's 24th an- n1,1al Home Tour and Tea from 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday. Tickets, at $7 each. may be bought at the clubhouse or by calling 673-3304 or 673-5001. Proceeds will benefit the Harbor Area Day Care ,Center which of- fers care and therapy as an alternative to nursing homes for the elderly. Save $500 on Chandler~s newest Sectional. . ' .. -..::---- • 1r11 darin)(I~ llilfrrl·nt A total l'olkc:tlon. TI1c: modular w oup wich Ocl,.,. MtmplUOll!I hi)(h Ul'l>i)tn t:omcr and armlc:11 mollulc::. plu!I cnll ~c:Lion11 fr.imc:ll in hcm11itul hand c:r.tftc:ll n:nur.tl rnuan. 'hu'll urr.tn)(e und rcarranf(c thcm in m:any different \\~.t)'S. O.trc.:alounf(C:r c:all!I thc:-.c modl1lar.. llll· IJvlnJ( Enll. lkt:au:.c: chc:rc'!'I :a KUrprtsc in the t•nJ sec:tions -thl')' open to )(IVC: )'1)L1 a chair and ouoman. Yl'S. llarc::alounftt:r h:t.'I huih a lu~llrtous chair w ilhin a chair at t·ac.:h end -·111c Uvinl( End! The: tahlc11? The: i1amc: rlc.:h-tont-d imponcd. hand t•r.aftc:d natural r:urnn. topped with temawrc:d 14la.~. Aho~ethc:r-one of rlu: moM ~t1u1iful t't>n,c:mporary furnilurc: colle<.1toM \\(t°\'C cwr seen llurl'): Whtie our tncroc.luctor}' prlc<.""' ~ Mill In c:tft·c:t And ,_;,·c: )illtr home :.i Munninl( nt-w look. S.Ve •'4><> on ~I\.' ~clonal; fr1':1u<k~ RJ(lht & J.d\ Arm Chair & Onoman. 2-Annk"' :tnd l·Comcr unil Rt.~ Sl.~')~ .. Now $1895. SANTAANA Main Street at 17th Street ~one 714/541-4391 -·---"" "''\ ... .. FINE FURNITURE • INTERIOR DESIGN lAGUNA HIU.S Alicia Pkwy at S. D. Fwy Phone 714/951-7101 I ll'('oj ,. "'ftM vs I ... .-·--~~ ................. _... __ _,,,__ .•. -~ . ·-· ··-··---.. ..,. .. -\ ·~ Orange Coast DAIL:Y PILOT,SUnday, May 17, 1981 Prisoners' pain, protest told Visitor explains why fellow I rish activists starve, reject criminal status By MICHAEL DOUGAN Of ""' OeltY ...... -The news came on and a look of pain -the kind you feel inside, the kind that makes you sick -washed over Noel Cassidy's face. It was all there on the screen: Francia Hughes, 25, was dead aod there was fighting in the streets of BelCas t Cassidy stood in a living room in Anaheim and watchc.'<I, his head bowed and his Ups drawn tight, until the report ended The volume was switched off and he was quiet for several mo- ments. It had been a lousy day. Hughes was Cassidy's compatriot and Ireland is his home. lie had learned only hours earlier that Hughes was gone, the second person 1n Maze Prison, Long Kesh, to accept death by self-starvation over a fate decreed by the British rulers of Northern Ireland. UNTIL LAST SEPTEMBER, Cassidy was one of the "blanket men" living naked and un· washed in Long Kesh's notorious Cell Block H. Now Cassidy is an illegal visitor to the Unit· cd States He is conducting an underground public relations tour to "counteract British pro- poganda," to make Americans understand why he ·and his fellow Irish Republican activists c boose death or life in stinking cells over British-imposed s tatus as common criminals . "I spent 23 months ·on the blanket·" Cassidy told the Daily Pilot in an interview at lhe home of a Republican sympathizer. He meant that rather than wear the standard-issue prison uniform -the garb or a criminal -he chose to wear no clothes at all. Hughes internment at Long Kesh folJowed 13 months in jail awaiting lnal by a "Diplock Court" where no jury is present and a single Judge can sentence alleged Irish rebels on a minimum of evidence. CASSIDY'S CRIME -AN D he swears he is innocent was crossing the border between I re land and the six northern counties under British domination with alleged intelligence in- formation 1n the Pocket of his iacket. Names of North lreland collaborators with the British. An Iris h Republican Army hitlist. • .. , had no knowledge or this document at any lime." he claimed. "The first time I seen it was a~ the lr1:.1l I believe I was arrested for my Republican S) mpathies." · Those he d9esn't deny. "I was a member or the Irish Republican movement," said Cassidy. "I have been a political activist all m y life and I always will be." But Cassidy does claim he has never belonged to the I RA. the movement's outlawed mi h tary wing Cassidy's ordeal began on Feb. 7, 1978. He was handed by border guards to the Royal Ulster Constabulary, the Northern Iris h police, and held incommunicado a t a nearby station. "I WAS INTERROGATED aJmost constant· ly and got about four hours sleep in three days," .,· he said. "They beat me on I don't know how many occasions I didn't count. lo tell you the truth. Almost every time I seen somebody new I got a beating. "I got my fingers and wrists, elbows, arm joints and knees twisted and bent into dlrterent shapes and they bt'at me on the head to gel me to confessthatl was a memberofthe lRA." Cassidy was held without bail until his triaJ be~an March 7, 1979. la the Diplock Court, he said. "I didn't have a jury; special rules apply and I had,to prove I was innocent. That's the kind of court it is. "I GOT UP IN1'0 THE <prison) blocks and I . s ll 11 had on my three piece suit," Cassidy re- called. "1 look it orr because I was told to, but I told them I wasn't going to accept the uniform." Cassidy and the other Iris h rebels at Maze considered themselves political prisoners. not criminals Until March 1, 1976, the British government had accorded them that status. They were al- lowed to wear civilian clothes. exempted from trans ........ funcllng FULLY ASSUMABLE INTEREST OHL Y 2nd TRUST 'DEEDS 0 WMER /MOMOWNER OCCUPIED Call Wilham B M itchell C elli loday tor quote • No obl1ga1ton (714) 975-1128 Irons noltonol fl.Jnd1ng Irons nofl()('IOI fl.Jndlng Irons nohOnOI fl.Jndtng trans notionol funding It's A Good Reflection On You Announcing the GRAND OPENING OF A FAMILY DENTAL OFFICE a .. \' •'nie One Dentist For , the Whole Family * Children Welcome • Preventive Denistry •Insurance Plans Welcome (including Oenti..CSI) * Nitrous Oxide Available '* Only Necessa!Y X·Rays are taken ROBERT PETERSON D.D.S. OtoMll•i: ....... #210 J6tU Oii. Pllwy. IJ1·2J21' Mh ....... • o.11, ..... , .. " ....... Noel Cassidy says 23 months ·on the blanket' in a cesspool of his oum mak- ing in Ireland'sCeltBLck Hat Maze Prison has made him more tolerant. prison work details and given weekly food parcels a nd visits and unrestricted mail. Some 300 prisoners at Maze, arrested before thal dale, still enjoy political prisoner status. Those arresled after the cutoff, including Cassidy, have been treated simply as criminals. Thev now number around 400. ·'Everybody in Long Kesh is locked up in their cells 24 hours a day," he said. "The only time you were allowed out was for Mass on Sun- day and for a single' half.hour visit a month. "\'OU SPENT FOUR HOURSoutofyourcell a month. five minutes a month in the fresh air. and that was it. People who refused to wear un· iforms wore blankets. There were no civies -it was blankets or uniforms." According to Republican literature supplied by Cass1dy's hosts (who asked that their names not be r evealed >, prisoners weren't allowed lo wear their blankets outside the cells. They were (See Vis itor, PageAJ3) ... Seminar schedule d Coastline Community College will hold a free se minar dealing with aging parents and adult children May 30 The seminar will be held in Finley Learning Center, 13521 Edwards St., Westminster from 9 a m . to 1.30 p.m. Registralion will be taken at the door. In· formation ca.n be ob· ta in ed by ca lling 903-0811 Save 25% to 30% on draperies, linings and more! . . Save now on cuslom draperies end tOP treat menls 1nclid1ng fabric timng and labor Choose lrom over 100 pallerns oncludong antlQue satins sheers. open weaves rexlurea. 11amask and pnnls Installation al no add1hona1 charge Save 30% on all our 1 '' Horizon blinds, vertical aluminum blinds. and 1 '' and 2'' Sierra wood blinds. We do windows' Beaulrlutty and we do lflem just the way you want them Wttll style wonderful w<>Olmansrwp and al very reasonable pnoes 25 % off .custom shutters. Sleel< Oramahc Homey Elficie111 Your custom s"'-!ltera can look lhose styhsh ways and more Save gas ... save time. Call for a free in-home appointment! A"CAOIA 1%Ut ••~M tot:ll• 'Allll IP••t •z-•o CAii.OM tJ .,, n•·ttoo CULYlll Cl~'I' ·~o• Hllll' (tUt tff.t•t OOWllO (201 KM'41 '~L8fO(lt (1UI llt-4141 MALL Of OllAllOI (7141 ttl•t700 OllANOI •nc CllY' (lUl U•·IMO 'AlM '"""01 (7Uj UMHI 'AIAOUIA (JIJ} 1t .. 7Tt7 'Ullltf !Ill.LI (JI )J ttM>41 1111/UllOf (71•1 M l·>olO IAll ltllllAllOllllO C7U l tl .. ftU tHOutANO OAl\t ttoSI 4tr .... t I TOllllAHCt 12111 )11 .. $71 WUT COYlllM ltl2J ... )Pt t WHITlWOOO t2UI t47-Ut I Qlp0Al.I '0ALL(lllA'J1UI 2•HIOO HUfftlNOtC* ••CH (11•1 MHHI LAGUNA "tll•ITUl .. 1·7100 LAlllWOOO (2UI U•·TOOO MONTCLAM (1UI 1114111 JCPen~y ll(Wf'OllT •AC" (rt•) .....,JU llOflflilllOCM tJU) ... , ... HO "OU YWOOO (JI 8j 1..-.tt) NOW 10.00. T heN-M Cotton Knit Shirt. Was 20.00. W ith a the collared placket front -green . ra!>pberry, periwinkle, burgundy. red, pur- ple or banana What about aJI ~even tor every !!>Ummer day of the week! Size~ S-M -L. Spon Shop. NOW 6.00. N-M Butterfly Ashtray . NOW 10.00. Porcelain Mugs. Set of four. Was 20.00. T welve ounce mug~ dain11ly decorated wtlh a Mrng bird motif in ~oft, pal.tel color.. Completely da!'.hwal>hcr ~are. The Gallcnel>. Was 12.00. A golden N-M but- te rfly ha!I alighted on tha"> pure white po rcelain ashtray. Bum· ii,hed in .22kt gold trim. An ideal jewelry or pin tray for bedside and drci,ser. 6-1 /4 .. square. The Gallerici,. All a1e final. No ma or phone orders. please. N-M Nc"'pon lk.-.h, upcn 10100 M.Jn. Tue,, WN, ~111. IUtoY Moo1, lhu1'. f n . ~un I.! 1t1 $--'"' 1 I ..... . ·-_.... . . . . Orange Coast OAJLV PILOT/Sunday. May 17, 1981 Ah, wUdenwss ta~d.1 by Caspers adJ.itions They've "remodeled'' the Ronald W. Caspers WUdemea Park in south Orinae County, and park ran1ers want the public lo come out and see the improve- ments today until S p.m. The wilderness park, located seven miles east or San Juan Capistrano just off the Orte1a Highway, recently underwent $1.5 million in improvements. The 5.500 acreiJ were pretty rugged las t year before the county began adding basic amen· I ties that will be shown ore today There will be nature hikes throughout the day. haywagon rides, dozens or exhibits. some . community booths and tours or the new 2,520-sq uare-root visitor's center and lookout deck. It used to be you couldn't even get drinking waler at the rugged park, but new improve· ments include some rustic com- forts. For instance, campers at the 80 campsites and 30 equestrian campeltes will now have access to bot abowens, with Ute heat pro- vided by solar enerir J>lnels. Electrlclty to Jbe comfort ataUons will be generated by a wlndmUl. The moat visible improve- ment ls the visitor's center. which will provide viewers with a bucolic look nl Bell and San Juan Canyons. . The park alRO boasts more than Ul miles of trolls ttu-ouah Its scenic canyons, r ock filled creekbed s and winding ridgeUnes. And It's all Cree today Beatn- nlng Monday. day users will pay $1 and campers ~ per d'U' . Park rangers sugiest visitors bring picnic lunches for today's \ opening dedication. To get to the wtl~erness park, take the San Dl eao Freeway south to the Ortega Highway (Hwy. 74). and travel east for about seven miles lo the park en· trance Support spurs succes_s The United States. once the dominating force in the develop- m e nt of n e w in"dusl rial technology, is now starting to take a back seal to the Euro· peans and the Japanese. That's the message that was hammered home in a speech at UC Irvine by Dr. Philip Handler . president of the National Acaaemy of Sciences. The eminent scientist has a good p<>inl. It is now becobl.ing in- creas ing I y apparent tha t technological adva nces abroad have led to dramatic foreign in- trus ion into markets once ruled by the United States'. Thi s i ntrusio n hurt s American business, which is in- creasingly ca!Hng for protection against the foreign products. But. as Handler points out, protec- tionism isn't the ultimate answer. U.S. business must succeed in the future as it has in the past not by being protected from foreign business. but by successfull y competing against it, he contends · That means that there has lo be more government support of improvements in ind ustrial technology. A good relationship between government and busi· ness in Japan has in large part led lo many of its industrial s uc- cesses, Handler pointed out. And cooperation between various business enterprises has led lo a degree of success on the part of the European Common Market. The Reagan adm inistration has indicated a willingness to be s upportive of big business. It will have the most success if this sup- portiveness is directed in such a w a y a s l ·o e n c o u r a g e technological improvements and cooperation among businesses. Protectioni s m a nd shortsighted profit-t aking s hould be discouraged as being against the best interests of this nation. , Spend your time wisely Last Sunday most Americans were concerned with honoring their mothers on the om cial day for s,uch recognition. They may not have realized that May 10 a lso was Tax Freedom Day for 1981. That 's the day when, ac- cording to experts, American taxpayers stopped working for the government and started earn- ing money for themselves. The theory is that if the average worker set aside every dollar he earned from Jan. 1 to May 10, he would only have made enough to pay all his local, state and federal tax bills. The fede ral government. of course, takes the biggest share. The same experts calculate that 1t lakes one hour and 56 minutes of each eight-hour work day just to pay federal taxes. That tax lake has increased 67 percent oyer the past five years, while average hourly e arnings, adjusted for inflation, have declined 5 percent. Clearly something is out of balance here. Back in 1930, Feb. 14 was the day the average worker had made enough to cov- er his tax bills. By 1960 the date had moved up lo April 18. Last year it was May 4. Unfortunately, the r e 's no real reason to hope Tax Freedom Day will fall on a much earlier date ne.xt year. Even if the Reagan administration's spend- ing and tax cuts a re approved the net effect will simply be to re: duce the rate of increase that now seems lo be built into the system, rather than lo roll back spending and taxation. But let's enjoy the rest of this year anyway, now that we're working for ourselves. L.M. Boyd/Affectionate loops The woman whose handwriting shows long large loops on her y's and g's is known to be exceedingly affec- tionate. The longer and larger the loop . the more arfectionate, in ract. Or so contend the graphologists. As people grow older. their moral outlook changes. They get stricter about some things, more lenient about others. Age toughens them up ~gainst robbers, kidnappers, per· 1urers, crooked politicians and me rcy killers. But it softens them som e against lende rs who charge un- fair interest rates. factory operators who permit dangerous working con- ditions and married folk who gel caught in infidelities. tl's among t.he Seasoned Citizens where you find the most intense desires to crack down on violent crime. Ir a woman's name ls either Pearl or Ruby, you can be fairly sure sbe'a retired or ready for retirement. That's the claim of a scllolar who stud.let name-change trends. Two food chains In Chicaao c11h moro checks than all the city's banks combtned. Fower Americans dJe ln Au1u.tt than ln any other month. And more ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat (jie in March than any other. Winter weakens. say those who try to ex· plain it. The 1920 e dit io n o f lh e Encylopaedia Britlanic a printed this : "ln South Carolina at the age of 30, a wom an appears as old as the age of 50. In that exhausting climate, the hair becomes entirely white." That sam e report said North America's prettiest women lived in Philadelphia. To his Ust or redunda ndes, our language man has added "Sahara Desert.'' Q. Can you wake up a hibernating bear? A. Much too easily. A snapping twig can do it. Stuttering is exceedingly rare among American Indiana. Scholars think thla may be because Indian parents traditiooaJly never conect their youngsters' speech. A newborn elephant drinks about two and a half f allona of mllk a day. Tflom.s P. Haley Publllhet' ThCNNI K"vll Editor Barta.ra Krelbkh Edi torial P~ Editor .. Car quota could shift policy WASlllNGTON The negotiated J apanese auto quota. ·hammered out an Tokyo jus t before the deadline of Prime l't11n1ster ZenJco Suzuki'!> v1 s 1t lo Washington last week, left senior or ficials in the Reagan administration a p prehensive about the fuJure and angry about the way they were treated The Cabinet's pnndple advocates of free trade Tre<isury Secretary Donald T Regan and budget director David Stockman had no idea what was happening in Tokyo until the quota was announced. At no time was a pro· tectionist policy determined by the cele brated Cabinet process Protection for Detroit was dictated by President Reagan, without even informing the free-traders. Their a pprehension st ems .from the precedent for the future. While telling ordinary Americans lhey m ust stand on their own two feet. the president was willing to bail out incompetent auto management and inefficient auto labor. The administration now will have a more difficult lime turning away lhnrt institutions a nd other t roubled in- dustries lining up at the federal handout window. PRO-QUOTA OFFICIAl..S call the Japanese deal a special case caused by Reagan's campaign promise an Detroit last year. Thus. their justification for the quota 1s wholly political, which gives special interests a cleat' message· Ronald Reagan can be susceptible to the disease or poliUcal expediency that has plagued recent presidencies and destroyed Ri chard M Ni~on's. Reagan, who r everes 19th century free-traders. was thought faithful to his ideology on this as on other issues Conseque ntly . w hen Secretary of Transportation Drew Lewis recom mended Japanese import quotas, free· trade economic advisers thought he was running out of control. Later, these free- traders at Treasury and the Office of Man u~1·ml·nt and Budget (OMB1 thought he Wlf.!. in full retreat under at· tack whl'n Lew1i. turned over the auto quota t!:isue lo the Cabinet's foremost prot N·t1ona s t . Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige ThP rreP traders were wrong Lewis wa-. getting CJUt of the auto quota busi· nt·s ... not het·au!:ic he had lost but frr:. l-VA-NS_/_N_OV-AK-t3'.t because he had won~lndeed . Lewis has maintained privately t hat he never would have re<'ommended quotas had he not rec(•ivcd marching orders from Hea~an . Thl' president's actions since lhl'n i(1ve credence to Lewis's claim. ft EAGJ\N PERSONALLY ordered that Ambassador Mik<:' Mansfield as k the Japanese government lo limit im· ports to specific levels, which the free· trader::. had incorrectly interpreted as Secre(ary of State Alexander Haig go- ing at alone Since there were no more calls for meetings on auto imports, it was assumed al Treasury and the OMB that the protecllonists'had lost. Actually. Don Regan and Stockman s imply were not being invited lo meet· ings It was a sensation familiar to Drew Lewis As Reagan's 1980 deputy national campaign chairman, he once bucked the lade by advocating presiden· 11al debates. and found himself omitted from future discussions of that question. NO FREF.·TRADE RS were around when Reagan instructed Special Trade Reprc!>cntat ivc William Brock on his mission to J apan. With senior presiden- l1a l aides James Bake r and Edwin Meese present. Brock was told : Start at 1 4 million car.s a year and yield to 1.6 m illion ir necessary <compared with 1 8 million last year l T here was stunn ed dis belief at Treasury and the OM B when the 1.68· million-car quota (Just 80,000 cars over the secret bargaining li mit I was an nounced in Tokyo Whale described as ··voluntary," tbe terms of the agree- ment are clearly those of a negotiated settlement Don Regan, in describing the quota to news men as "voluntary, .. could not stifle a little smile. "I am .smiling," the secret<iry of the Treasury admitted. At a meeting by Reagan with his out s ide economic wiseme n. Milton Fried- man forcefully argued there was no dif- fe rence between "voluntary" and "in- voluntary" quotas in adverse economic and poli tical effects. When Reagan replied that there were political reasons for a quota. Friedman shot back that politics was the worst reason for such a decision. THE PRESll>ENT s miled and cocked hi s head. which most present interpret· ed as acquiescence It was not. He has now departed rr<>m ideology for the sake of politics to push reduced auto im ports from Japan and increased grain exporL"> to the Soviet Union Departing rrom the 1dcological consistency t hat has brought unusual coherence to his first hundred days, Reagan in those two exceptions has db turbed his ra1thful ad- mirers .T h e rationale for both was l hal Reagan was fulfilling a .. campa ign pledge and lhere are no more outstand· ing pledges that v1olat~ Reaganology Nevertheless, when the president r~ Jected the advice of economic experts for political gain, the signal was clear. Even without a campaign pledge, other pressure groups will be at his door seek- ing exceptions to Reagan's rule that ever y body should stand on his own two feet . Save, don't knock public. education To the Editor: The May 7 meeting of the Laguna Beach Unified School District Board, a s hining example of concerned parents in action, unfortunately turned out to be the usual emotion-charged "Let's s houto- insults at the superintendent of schools, the school board members and the s peakers who don't agree with our personal feelings;" and let's chuckle whe n someone mentions state Parent Teacher Association Convention MAILBOX . because PTA is just your local cookie and milk, and morning coffee associa· lion ... which couldn't be further from the truth. Starting at lhe top, the superintendent as an employee of the public school system must adhere to the s tate Educa· lion Code; he must follow those die· tates. referring lo the school closure committee or the fact finding con1mil· tee -who cares what we call it? -the job had to be done. Secondly . lhe school board has been addressing the real issue : Where has all t he money gone and how will we get more froni Gov. Brown? The school board has been grappling with school closure and budget needs since the passage or Proposition 13 and the Ser- rano-Priest deciJlion. Many parent! are not famlUar with the ramifications and details of the Ser- rano-Priest decision and tM severe ro· suiting funding c uts Laruna Beach Unified School District, a once wealthy district. s uffC!red. ( use Unltled' wlth tongue ln cheek as the tone that evening waa anythlnc but unity. ARaln the real lasue la lack or funds. Someone joktn1ty said, ''Lel'a <'lose aoothe,r school nut year and the nHt to keep lryln& to balance the • L•Otn ,,_ .......-••• -~. Tiit rltfll toe...._ ... . i.t• .. flt ... w ........ ''-•• ,_......, '"'""'' .. .. ---., ... Wiii • ·-... ~. All *"",,. !ft. ct~ tlll'ttwe an9 tNlllfll ,__ '°" -NY .. •II""'''.,._ ,,..,.., II MflcJtftt ,__ .. ~. ,_.,,. .ill ...... 111*1 ..... ~11•• .... , lie ............. .a.... Ht----IWlllMr ti.,_ C•lri..,_.. _ .. .,_ ... ,,..lll(•tl•,..,...... budget " That's not too funny. Unless we find more resources. it may well be the case. Public education ls on its way out folks, unless we act ! r submit to all. tell your legislators how you feel. hurl threats and insults at them ; rally on Tuesday to join PT A members. s tatewide, by participating in the Crisis in Educational Funding Day. Go to our local leli!islalors' offices in Newport Beach, to personally urge passage of AB 777. which would in· crease public school funding by about 10 percent over Gov Brown's proposed 1981 -82 budget. Let's get Brown next time around! He has consistently s hot down public school funding bills and, by the way, drug abuse legislation. loo. We only get one chance to educate our children, and raise them to the best of our ability. Rather than threaten to withdraw, enroll in private schools, or bail oul lel's join together and tell Sacr amento how we feel about all our s chools, and how we feel about keeping them ALL open. JENNIFER YELLAND PTA Council President. LBUSD Impressions register To the Editor. Complalnl11 from youth are never taken into account anywhere ror the simple reason that teen-agen are "too young" tlnd "t oo impressionable." Feeling that the youth or this country deaorve more credit, this Is a letter of protest. · I a tn 15 years old and it bas already been decided that when I become 18, h h•ve t.o register for the draft. Thouah my schooUn, Isn't complete, I don't have to shave. and I do not do very well In m)' 1J1ebra ( ca.las. I feel that J ahould have a choice on whether l ao Into El Salvador to ahoot people, maiqi people, or rule the chance or be· Ina kUJed or lnjured myself, rather than • havln1 my file determined by a pln1ponc baJJ. Somehow the fact that a lottery draw will say that I have to 10 fl1bt the rebel soldiers makes me want lo pack up and leave for Canada right now, which I will probably do anyway. Since it will be the youth who will be representing the Unit· ed States over in El Salvador, why isn't the decision of whether we get involved with the fighting ours 1 T HE WORLD is in bad shape. We know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. Innocent babies a re being born and they don't even know that the Soviet Union has a nuclear bomb that is going to annihilate us all some time soon. We watch the news and what does the youth see? The Soviets have three times the fire power that NATO does. Some mad· man who is in love with Jody Foster s hoots the president. Connie Chung's report on a ll of the killings in El Salvador. Children in Atlante being killed and thrown into rivers .. lf our minds are so "impressionable" that we can't see all the blood and gore in a movie because we are nol 17 (we s ee it on television anyway). it seems strange to think that the world is "im· pressionlng" us into thinking we might Call over dead any moment just because we drank a can of Diet-Pepsi which bas been known to c ause ca ncer In laboratory rats. SEAN KENEFICK lllllY Ill Accordln« to the latest report the ma· Jorlty ol Callfornlans now f1vo-r the "Peripheral Canal. The raaJortty of thia nation favored freeing the alav~1 too, but it atJU took a ClvU War to MWt the llaue. F'.K.. •:' :: ................. ____ ,_ .. -----. -:--.. ·--. ~--... C.i t -• • • -.. • • - Readers detect column writer's feet of clay Bf TOM KEEVIL .......... o.tf ...... An idol has rallen. .. Well, be didn't fall au the way, but my complacent, ever-strong faith in col· umnist Sydney "Harris has been badly shaken. He made a mistake. Actually two mistakes. Right here on this page. As many Daily Pilot readers know, Harris writes a general-Interest column that appears on one or the Daily Pilot editorial pages once or twice a week. Those who follow the column know he has one of the most com· preheruiive ranges of knowledge you'll find anywhere -and that he writes literate, witty and wise com· ment on topics that may range trom snowfall on Mount Everest to the fuel efficiency of a rotary engine. Harris often presents little quizzes that will bumble even the most arrogant EDITOR'S LOGBOOK intellectual. The questions sound so simple. The answers are so difficult. But by golly he's not infallible, as two sharp-eyed Daily Pilot readers have pointed out. Here are the questions and answers Harris submitted. Q · The En,lish and Scots call it t he ''North Sea,' a lthough it is east of them; what do the Dutch call it? A · The Zuider Zee -or the •'South Sea." WRONG, SYDNEY. A native of the Netherlands, Mr. Vanderboes of Irvine, points out that the Zuider Zee is an in· land sea shut off by dikes from the North Sea. The Dutch, like the Scots and English, call the North Sea just that -the North Sea. Q • Who were the earliest inhabitants or Palestine? A · The Philistines. Not so, says reader -historian Henry Lewis. The earliest inhabitants were the Natufians. who lived in Jericho around 9000 B.C. Considering the prolific output from Harris' typewriter, it really isn't much to complain about. In the 12 or so years we've run his column, these are the first factual errors a reader has com· plained about. And he produces five columns a week. OUR PROBLEM WITH editorial page columnists is much the same as our problem of having too many first·rate editorial cartoonists -deciding which ones to run when we have so many good offerings to choose from .. In the general-interest area, Harris' closest parallel in the mail of Editorial Page Editor Barbara Kreibich is the erudite Charl es McCabe. This craftsman wordsmith, who calls the San Francisco Chronicle home base, pours out tightly written columns on topics ranging from the classics to his AND NOW.ii MORMON mERNACLE CMOIR ...._ WIU. Sltl ANOTMER UPL\FTING HYMN ... personal pet concerns <women and Republican presidents among them). Also out of sa'n Francisco ia puckiab Art Hoppe, master satirist and creator of some terribly funny dialoauea bet ween characters who exist in his whimsical mind -but who bear start.J· ing resemblance to true life personalities 'On the news pages. For hard-core commentary rrom the nation's capital, the Daily Pilot's mainstays are Jack Anderson, muckraker and proud A>r it, and the team of Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, who specialize in accounts based on what's being said on WashUlgton's Inside Track. THEN THERE'S NICHOLAS Von Hoffman, who writes like a bear who had thrown his bead back and roared. Nick's syntax may get a bit involved at times, but once ,you've untangled the sentence he offers meaty and often hilarlous commentary. More? . How about Richard Reeves. He's a clear, thoughtful writer who generally sticks to national affairs. And George Mair, a liberal-side commentator who can compress a refutation to von Hoff. man in one-third the space. On state affairs, we have Sacramen· to-based Earl Waters, a veteran among veterans who knows every body and is· sue in the Legislature. ln the same arena, California politics, there are the thoughtful, perceptive analyses ol Dr. Charles Bell, political science proressor at Cal State Fullerton. Twice ayeek we offer Thomas 0 . Elias of Santa Monica, probing north· south divisions of voters' opinions, ex· posing support group tactics and pre· dieting effects of pending legislation. On Saturday's Comment Page, the Daily Pilot brightens the day with tbre~·dot journalism out of the typewriter of Herb Caen, the prince of Baghdad by the Bay, who ships us a weekly report of lively accounts from San Francisco. NEW TO THE EDITORIAL pages Is Andy Rooney, whose face, voice and gentle barbs are so recognizable from his familiar spot at the end of the Sun· day "60 Minutes" show. He's wry, he's everyone's finder-or-pet faults -and he's good. There's still one more source of col· umns for Sunday's editorial pages: local writers. We frequently publish free-lancers' commentary on about any subject that enters their minds. Granted, we someUmes feel surfeited by this array of talent and we anguish over the columns we didn't have room for, but I thought you'd like to know that the Daily Pilot goes to some . lengths to give you the best columnists we can find. ONE OMISSION: How did I forget Gloomy Gus? He's there every day with a grump from one of our readers. And before you ask, yes, a staff member has been known to submit an offering to Gloomy Gus. But it isn't a staff-written feature: it's a reader· written feature. ... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT,6unday, May 17, 1981 'Tough lo e ' supply runs out By CAROLYN Z. GOLDMAN Carolll" Z. Goldman i• a re.utent of Laguna &ach. As the Comprehenslve Employment and Training Act rails to the Reagan budget ax, no one bas come up with an idea to take its place. The problem of youth unemployment and the conse· quential violence continues to grow. Twenty-rive year old Millicent, a CETA placement counselor, says, "I ,had a problem much the same as theae dropouts, but I licked it, and I'd like to see these kids have the proper training, more education. It can save their lives and cure the mess we're in." M lllicent works in Orange County, where CETA has done a succesdul Job with its rehabilitation program. She tells about 20-year-old Ruthie. "SHE LEFT AN UNHAPPY home , situation to move in with her boyfriend. She bad been there only a few days when stie was raped by a neighbor. When Ruthie told her boyfriend, hls answer was, "You'd better learn bow to handle yourself." "His indifference was a shock, the end of the romance, and the· start of blt· terness. She couldn't atop thioldng about the rape, her disillusionment and rejection. She was depressed and suicidal." Somehow Ruthie contacted CET A and met Millicent, who enrolled her in the CETA program. Millicent, wrr& her sympathy, experience and integrity. went to work. '·First, we realized she needed so°" stability, something to work tow'ards," she said. "We put her into our five·week training, where each participant earned $3.35 an hour. We showed her that she was in control of her own life, she and no one else. ... "WE A~ED HER not to center her lite on another person, but to get in command of her own circumstances, by her own efforts. We didn't really go into psychiatry, but we are all trained in the essentials of psychology. •'After she graduated from our course, we got ber a job as a bank teller. Today she makes $700 a month. She's a member or a respecteCI busi· ness. She's independent, she's not a burden to anyone; she doesn't cost the taxpayers a cent "She has a goal and values; she's a different person. We had an almost 100 percent success ratio, but now there will be no one to help kids like Ruthie." Millicent explained that the dropouts enrolled in this CETA program were 16 to 20 years old, out" of school and in an economic bind. They were indoctrinated in bow to in· terview for a job. Then the recruits did a self-appraisal, they were helped in an analysis of their tlme management, their goals. THEY DISCUSSED their faotulea and were given a smattering of psychology. Thia all bad to be done with a minimum of writin&, because a large percentage of dropouts are illiterates. This bugs MillJcent. She pointed to a recent Los Angeles Times article which disclosed that Cal Stale Fullerton now requiL'.~ that stu· dents prove they can writei before they are allowed to graduate. When CaJ State Long Beach tried this, they had a 4() percent failure record. MiJ llcent derides our educational system. She thinks that too few elementary school principals use the new technique called 'mastery learning' which allows a student to proceed at an individual speed, while not advancing in a subject until he has mastered the preceding level. WONDERING WHY educators do not recognizce individual potential, she says, ''Consider Johnny who came to CETA as a sad, slouching untouchable boy. He wouldn't meet anyone's eyes. ''He was a 10th grade dropout psychologically resistant to testing. He had the usual defeatist attitude, he was failure oriented. He had never held on to a job. He was the typical low esteemed, stupid, lazy, depressed kid. He didn 't even have a driver's llcense because he wouldn't take the test." Millicent found through subtle ques· tioning that he was neither lazy nor stupid; he just looked that way. She found that he was simply scared to death. JOHNNY WAS PVT into a five-week program where he showed an interest in photography. He was enrolled in two classes. we had found his ruche. Then it was Millicent's job to find him an ap· prenticeship. With CETA's future in jeopar.dy, so are Johnny's chances. But now, at least, he can go for an interview without qualms. He can walk up to a prospec· live employer, put out his hand and say "Good morning, sir " Which is more than he could do before. Without CETA 's parental guidance courses, parents will have to learn cor· reel parenting on their own. They will have to know when and bow to guide some of their offspring to trade schools. They should also be scouring the want ad columns. • MILLICENT OFFERED another challenge: "Scratch the surface of aJ. fluent Orange County and you'll find un· believable areas of poverty, almost a skid row environment. "There are youngsters who need clothing, shelter, transportation. At CETA, there was always someone who would accompany a tr<fubled child to a court hearing. "Who will do that . now that CETA is dying?" Oo you know that there is a nomadic youth population? Kids tr avel from friend to friend. they sleep in caves, on the beach, in cars. There's rampant teen-age prostitution of both sexes. Apartment houses with opulent facades .house groups of a dozen kids in one apartment. NEWLY DIVORCED couples have homes where the husband pays the house payments. The building looks good on the outside; inside, the wife and kids can't make it. She sells some of the furniture. The . refrigerator Is empty. Yet on the surface, all looks well. These psychological cycles are not evident from the street. It's an invisi· • ble, insidious disease. Millicent says, "We've had kids from all levels of society. We've had boys not loo different Crom John Hinckley, the young man who very nearly killed our president. If Hinckley had come to us, been led to us, I'm positive we could have helped him with additional psychological t;eatment, or whatever was necessary fo straighten him out. "ALTHOUGH HIS PARENTS are wealthy, he's a young s>dult who de· generated into a life of abject, sordid noverty. Here is a good example of a boy from an affluent home who de· teriorated, who should have bad more treatment, who should have been followed up. "At CETA we used the term 'tough love' because we were demanding, forceful counselors. We accepted no ex· cuses, and we tried to guide with a minimum of criticism. They've all had enough of cnticism. However, we gave them plenty of 'tough love.· "Without CETA, these kids are on their own. and I'm concerned that many won't make It. I worry about the John Hinckleys. When CETA dies, what will take its place,?" Is there a crime wave or are laws aimed at· unfounde d fears? 87 CHARLES G. BELL Chorln G. Bell " 11 Pf'O/H.ot' o/ political sdfnc~ at Cal State F-ulUrton. How real ta the current "Crime Wave?" Has it become more of a political issue than a social problem? And what wtll the Leclslature do about it? . Certainly. people are more alra1d of crtme now than .lbe)' were ftve or 10 years ago. AdvertlMmenta for tear 1aa elaua, home security 111i.ma, and private patrols are comm()t)plaH. ACCO&DfNG TO A recent special 1tudy prepared by tbe Calilomla Poll, aJmost 90 "rcent of tbote IUl'W)'ed lo tbe 1tate riported that tbe clan,.,. of crime II sre•'-lD their bome city now tban lt wu lut year. Aad It II obvloua that elected olflclall -both Demouata and RepobUcam -are wontaa tbe crime a.ue tor alJ ll'• worth. wt. lalt monU.. m .... ., and order' MUI .... t..U, ,.._. in tbe a. .............. -to tbe AINlllblJ. .,.., ... -... ·;~ AJnncl. m~nt 7, would make it more difficult for the courts to throw out evidence ille1a1· ly obtained by the police. Two other bllls would limit the de· tense use.of "dJmlnlahed capacity." Be· Ing under the lDIJuence of drugs or alcohol could not be used to show that the defendant in a criminal cue waa unable to know "rt1ht" from "wron1." A companion bill would UmJt deflnitl()t)a of ''ldfocy" and "lnaan1ty" that the ac· cu1ed could use aa a def enae. Another bill would sharply Umlt the u1e of plea barCain1n1 wblle two othen would t11hten the penaltlH for bur1lary and robbery. Atl·in·all, the Le1l1latute la clearly respoadiQs to publJc feara about crime. WHILE THESE aJU.8 were aulbofed by Democrat• and 1upported by Democrall la tb• 1tate Senate, Repabticam bave malatalned a Nady drum ftre ol mtidam at tbe IQJortt.J paJ'.ty. For, m r.et. &be Democrm.,. lrJUIJ to tteal tM 11erime J.uoi'' lnlD ta.GOP, Historically, Republicans have tried to "toughen up" the state's justice system. Asaembly Minority Leader Carol HaUett, R ·Atascadero, hH repeatedly challea1ed Gov. Jerry Brown and Democrats In tbe Letislature to act on the crime lnoe. Three months a10, .Attomey General Geor1e Deukmejlan a1ked Gov. Brown to call a special le1i1lative Miiion to deal wtth the crime lNue. Democrat.a bqa clearly responMd lo lhe Le1i1lature ~d tbe 1ov«aor ll aeriCHlll.Y coaaldeitq • apeclal ctatAt· wide elecUon later tbla year wblcb would include A.CA 7'• evidence pro- vt1iona. But, la there re.ally a crime wave? Or, LI au ot tht. acUvity a reapome to un· fou.nded fean? TO BS SUSB CU.S rat.I are up. The lllliHaa1 FBJ rtPOriJ 1bow natioul crime rat. on tbe lacr ..... 1.ut 19ar, Callfanda'•~l ...... .._.MI auual rilport 9bowtq crt .. n1e1 JD UM 1ta1e ~to rtM. The problem with the FBI and at· torney 1eneral's 01\lteS is that they are based on reports to the police. Critics of such naures have Joni argued that their increue atmply means that people are now more likely to report a crime but that t.b6 real rate ol crime bas remained essentially uncbanaed. Tbae critics cite tbe sharp rise ln re· p0rted rapt9 u an example. UntU re· c.ntly, a woman •bo reported bein1 raped wu tubjeeted to an embarrass· lnl pbyalcal eum and often treated like a criminal lo any 1ub1equent court trial. Many women did not report belnt raped. Recent ch&llf e• ta social alUtudu 1and te,al procedures ttave abarply re- duced the embarrusment and fear that women once lelt. The rate ot reported ra~a to the police baa 1one up sharply. BUT THE ACl'UAL rate ot rape. has not 10M up. Accordlu to tbe U.S. Departm.t of , ...... , which cooductt an UDUI pablle 01fnll9 1une1 aerou the utlail, ..... ....... .... 0( ripoc1.ed rapes went up· less than 3 percent between 1973 and 1978. Similarly, the frequency of other crimes reported during the interviews conducted in some 60,000 national households per year bas remained es- sentially unchanged. • So, is there a crime wave? The Department of Juattce data su11eata not. But there are two limlt.s on t.hia in· terpretatlon. First, the U.S. Gata is two and a halt years old. SECOND, TR£ RECENT Callforni~ Poll crime study 1how11 a abarp ln· crease in reported vicUmlutlon belwMD 1973 and 1981. The reported. rate of burclary and theft hu 1one u~ from 12 to 27 pecent ln that period ~ tJme. Much ol t.bat lncreue C9U1d hav~ occurred In the lut two yean. t Whether or not tbe"' la a ertme wavt1t -people believe there la and they wan~ somet.hlnl ~ a.bout lt. WJwt.ber ~ new laws will bne &ll1 enect oe crim la unn.a.m. But they m11 have aa *' feet on nut year'• electloaa. J .. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 17, 1981 Can aging be delayed? THI KUf' JOIMT IHO~~c.· ...... 645-0llO DAILY PILOT CLASSllllD ADS 4if2-M78 Experts say nutrition, exercise may bolster potential By JOEL C. DON °' ................ Marvels of 1enetlc enitneerln1, or1an tranaplanta and yet-to-be-dl.lcovered biochemical mechanl1m1 may double or even trtple our averaie lifespan. And smallpox, bubonic pla1ue, dlp- tberia, typhoid fever, aypbllls and tuberculoala bave been eliminated or con - troned. But are we any closer to tbe lege,ndary Fountain of Youth? Not really, con- tends Dr. Lawrence Crapo, assistant pro- feaaor of medicine at Stanford Medical School. "The maximum age is unchanged since antiquity and there are Dr. Robert Wi8weU good arcbeological re- cords to indicate that the max1mum lifespan of human beings has .not changed," said the geron- tology and endocrinology specialist. 1'Durin1 the 1900s we've seen the decline of acute illness as a cause of death and we have seen an amazing-.increase in life expectancy from"47 at the tum of the century lo 73 years now.'' BUT, HE ADDED, "We still have no more people getting to be 100 now than we did at that tim1!." Crapo, speaking al a panel discussion on slow· ing the aging process, said some organs - especially kidneys -begin to deteriorate after age 30. Though no one has found a way to revitalize kidney function, he said cardiovascular and lung functions can be boosted by nutrition and exercise. "I emphasize that there la no evidence that we will be able to prolong our maximal lllespan," be told a conference of food editors and science and health writers at Yosemite. "I think there is plenty of evidence that we'll be able to improve our well-being in our late years." ALSO ON THE PANEL were Ors. Robert Wiswell, assistant professor of physical education at USC and Robert Marcus, us~tant professor of medicine iJl Stanford's divisions of gerontology and endocriliology. The two-day press conference on nutrition and health issues was sponsored by the Dairy Council of California. The council, supported by the CaliComia dairy industry. promotes educational programs on diet and health. Echoing Crapo's suggestion that a person's potential lifespan can be bolstered with proper nutrition and exercise, Wiswell said a third factor plays a major role in a person's longevity: smok- ing. "It is obvious in animal (studies) that if you wanted them to die soon, smoking would be a very easy way to do that,'' the physlolo1ist said. OTHER LABORATORY studies have shown an interestlnk artifact: Animals live longer when they are starved during their early years. "U we could starve ourselves in youth we would live longer. primarily by delayin1 matura- tion," Wiswell said. "I think we are too late for that now, so we may have to loot at other methods of increasing longevity." Stressing the need for exercise at all ages, Wiswell, who also serves at USC's Andrus Geron· tology Center, said the elderly overrate the benefit of light sporadic bowling, bridge and other s uch activities. But, he disagrees with a colleague who says if you don't run six miles a day, you may as well not exercise. "ONE EXERCISE Ii NO better than another," he asserted. "While endurance exercises received the most attention in the past, there is no que•n that mobility and flexibility exercises may become increasingly important." Ht:AD"'11S ftlATMSNT aNTla or OIANGt OOVNTY 13312 Newpert Ave .. Suiter Tualln, CA (n4) C ·2IO$ David E. Soeln, M. D. Dlrtctor THE LAW STUDENT Consider your possibilities If you are determined to become a lawyer. and you want to be the best, consider attending law school at Western State University College of Law. Al WSU you will study with superior and municipal court judges, government and private attorneys and resident law professors with years of legal experience. Attend classes as a full- time student or schedule part-time courses days, evenings or weekends whiJe you keep your present.job. Study at the nation's largest school of law and become the attorney you always wanted to be. FulJy accredited by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of Calif omia and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Dept. A.N.O. lll1 N. St. CoUqe Blvd. FuU~.OAl:llAl (714) 738-1000 Please send me the WSU Bulletin. Addrnt------- f And, be ur1ed, "'l'bere ll DO a1e at which Im· provesneot cannot be seen.'' In a study ol tbe mental health of re1ldeni. at Leilure World in Laauna Hilll, their J>~~·'2 of Jo11tn;, calistbenic1 and sbuffleboa~ere monitored. ' The lnve1ttiator found "llplflcant reduction ln depression and anxiety (that) was not dependent on (the) type or e¥erciae." BOOSTS CALCIUM Dr. Robert MarCU! ------- "EVEN THE GaOVP In 1buffleboa.rd aeemed to show the 11me slenlllcant differences," Wi1weU said. "It appears that exerclle of any intensity may be valuable it we are lootln1 at it from a psychological perspective. SOUTH COAST PLAZA "Exercise involving jolnla and movement aa In flexibility may be more valuable for the llged than we have considered," be said, addlne that endurance exerctaea. such aa runnine, sWJ shouldn't be neglected from a reiutar fitness pro- gram. Dr. Marcus, focuain1 on bone degeneration or osteoporosis, noted all people 1radually are plagued by the disorder with the exception or the black population. THE DISORDER' AFFECl'S women sooner than men, prompting Marcus to su11est calcium requirements should be increased aa women - and men -grow older. An Extraordinary Art Show ALL MALL AREAS Arranged for Public Viewing by O.C. Dept of Education Robert Peterson, E.d.D. Suptd., Schools May 10-20, 1981 Osteoporosis contributes to an elderly person's AGING GRADUAL (See DIET IMPORTANT, Page AU> •221 co\orTV 10" D\aO· Meaa. 1V 100% ~·ble col<>r ~~~~·1101.e1•06K Dr. Lawrence Crapo \ Our Reg. 2.96 . Ladies' Shorts Your Net Cost After Rebate 10.88 -3.00 7.8812.44 In popular terry or cotton blends. Many styles. Wake 'N Warn II Detector Comes wllh money-Mvlng 9-V ballery SOiid atlle eleclronic horn. flashing L E D Test bullon -~~~JJI~&--------------- 2.27 Ea 3.97 Jr. Boya• Shirt• P01yet111r I co11on crew le• shirt with color "Super Hero" design Crew Sock• Cush1on·llned conon/ 11retch nylon "KM EconomiMr" 4-ply Polye1ter Cord Blackwall• ~.!~377 21.97 PU F.l .T. ua Ea. e Fut 78 Wl9I trH<I width Al Tiree l'tut F .E.T. bcn Mufl4Mt ~eNeTr.-... •hq11lred t tWOIQC.'e t'onl D•O~ e ; r,~~OfOft l lr\tO«'CClllll>t'' ..... Pt'f'dir°"*C ""enl &~~~:"" • C1'eckfto"'9'•0•• ••001 J~IMOtl .. ·-· I "ro«l t"°' """'01 ICI' •ffl tOdOhOftd (Ott uo.., '"t" . . . The 'Redial Plus' :.:::.~':'.::::,..., ltNI lelt.d "9dlel TINI •:::-·-.. -=-----=-=-------""1 l•MMM• r,'as'7:1a 49.97 '°"" ff,l.T. 1.ta la. I ,tf 'Jflf c, I,,.,. < "'"l""'1hlv Prir "d ltMPr1oe 44.88 Dteo••· lpeetel Front only l or 1N1nY U.8 cata. S.YI at Kmart. Computer .. IMolnt Hlgh·apeeel bllance. many *" 3-Pr Pkg 1~aa Work Glove• W<Nell collon canv11s tor OU1door• 2.12 Magnetic Album Ptloto album hOldt favorite tur• •month .. tt., With t11chenge. For many cart. llatl4 I Nclc I. ll_.. Alh'IRSW~POllCY Handy Metal Storage Shelve• S1urdy 4-sh~f unll organizes space wisely. grey finish 12•xJ8•d1&• Save 9.97 Kmart '400' SplncutRHI and '73TRod Reel NI 80-yd capec1ty ,_;, 1 of 81 IHI hne 2·pc. rod ~ -I :::l ~ ::' wilh chrome wire guid~ PI091! PlllNTiia a b•O d•llerence IO• 36mm users• .. . . . . . .. .. • . .. ., • ·-· ...... •I'. ... ,,. ~ •.,I"' ... 1 ... , ,.. '''" ••• "• •• ·~··· • • t ••• , •• ,... •" ........... ,. • • Over 35% mOfe plc1ure •rH. • CIHr•r. •harper p<lnl1. • Profe11lonal 9lo11y flnl•h. • ~laUy dHl9ned pachgln9. • Exlre cert end alfenllon by our Hlehly •-Ille<! technlclen1 Your Choice Wheel • CoverSale Slmulaled leather, Of t•rrv cloth for many stear lng wtleell. 1.46 .. ,, .. 1-o-..• Armor Al Protectant hu epray noule. u.. In your home or C9f '"'Oz. °"'---· .. ----::-........ ~-... --.I'll-· ...._ ...... .,..,_-. _ .. _ ...... ..._ ............ __ .__., ---.~ .... .....,_ ... ___ _... ..... ,_._ .... ,,_.e_..,_.-.. .,.ew,..... .... .,..,. __ ...,. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOC AL Kmart Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 17, 1981 WheJ.e all roach lead to Rome By STAN DELAPLANE "All Roads Lead To Rome" W atllng Street bee ins in central London at the Thames. So insignificant it shows onJy on detailed maps. You'd never guess this was the great Jloman road that r an straight as a sword's edge Jhrough England to the forts of Hadrian's Wall. The chronicler of "A LltUe Geste of Robyn Hood" knew it. He had Robin send Little John and Will Scarlett to fetch a fat churchman for dinner and his purse. Said Robin: "Go ye down to the W atllng Streete and -. '"Theu b!J•hopper1 and archbfl•hopp.1 ye may bete and tlind, '"The High SherJl/e o/ NotUnghame kepe ever on your mind." l drove up in the summer on a blowy day when the winds tore white clouds apart. Eneland's a re· warding country to drive In. Steer off the roads with one number M·l or an A·3. Stay parallel on back roads with a B -followed by four numerals. Pubs stop serving midday meals at 2:30. Stop early. In bookstores buy the pocket·siie "Beers of ~rilain ... A hundred local beers and the pubs that -serve them. Best to order : The Ploughman's Lunch. Cold meat. Cheddar and Cheshire cheese. Tomatoes and cucumbers . If they have sherry ask lf it's "in the wood." Io a cask. If it is, order a schooner -Here at Hadrian's Wall is where Legions held back tribe11men in 16th century la r ge site. You'll be delighted. r At the bookstore buy the Ordnance Survey map "Roman Britain." Use it with a Shell gasoline map. You'll qave the time of your life. MaJ 1 l thrU 19 The best maps in Ireland are Ordnance Survey they sell them in every bookstore. In the 11 9 ·smallest towns I've found maps so detailed that Open °• y i - tbey s how footpaths across farmers' fields. Sund•Y• 10-7 I stiU haven't found historic maps to match SMS 19S England's. Too bad, for Ireland's background is 111111~ ... , painted on grand canvas. I've seen a Danish stone In Runic in a church in Killaloe, but I've not been able to find much about them though U).ey held the Sh annon for 300 years. w The best dnving maps /or Eur~ -on the conti· nent -are made by Michelin, the tire peOJ)U. They come t:y the who~ country or they come in <Utai~d sec· hons They're great /or bike nders, /or they show elevo· ttons and grades on the roads. "Read them and you won't nde out of town in the morning to find suddenly you're pedaling up a mountain," says my biking cor· respondent. The Michelin red guide that covers hoteu and re•taurants has excellent map1 of the bigger towns. After gomg through Pompeii'• ndnl an Italy wilh a guu1e, I (lot out the Michelin guide'• mop of the town and did it all over again by myul/. Well worthwhi~. The Michelin guide /or England i& good. But I think Egon Ronay's guide to hotel&. rest'Frant• and pubs o/ Britain is superior. Ir maps fascinate you, there are a half dozen musty, wonderful s tores within a block or two of the Palace Hotel in Madrid. They're full of colored replicas from the Archives of the Indies, that depository of govern· ment paper work from· the New World in Seville~ -I bought copies of maps of Mexico City and Cuzco in Peru. They were done in the early 1500s and they're framed on my wall now. In the ruins of antique ItaHca, I bought paint· ings of the R.Pman floors they've uncovered. A map of the city as it was when Hadrian (of Ha~rian's Wall) was born there. As a boy be fished the river. Remembered it as Emperor. ·'Hadrian wrote the first book on fishing with dry rties," a Spaniard told me. Such things you pick up passing by for a sunny arternoon of pleasure. r l m ak e notes on maps : "Best moules marienere on the Normandy coast of France ." Io the Caribbean at Anegada Reef: "Place where we found the British Warship cannons, about 500 yards bearing N.E. 15 degrees from the bow of the wrecked ship above water." "Tum right at lst crossroa~ter airport for Irish bill fort." BEST OF CHINA 19-0ay Tour -151\)aya In China -Aug. 17-Sepl4 6 C111es -81111mg, Sharlghal. X1"an. Hangzhou, Gwlm. Tianjin For information, call Going Places (714) 641 -8064 MAY IS A GREAT MONTH TO CRUISE FROM SAN PEDRO OR LONG BEACH CATALINA Isle of Relaxation & Fun Depart S.n Pedro at 9:45 •.m. d•lly: from Long BHch at t •.m. and 1:45 p.m. CA TAI.I/IA CllJ/IEI Orarfge Coast College Presents ... MODELING AND FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY IN WESTERN EUROPE Summer'll 14.44 Save On Super Hot Cycle Model• Boys· Super Hot Cycle or Girls' '"Powper Putt." With safetv handlebars. low seat. 1.99 MHic.n Lunch.on Wllh one chill 1>urr110 w/cheese. one dressed reco, Spanish rtce. retried beans 99c 75 Count N•ptdna W11h cookout design Reatty handy tor oordoor meals 4.50 ~'9~ 2 Pk g.$ 1 K.,,.m.,, Slip-On Swlvet A.zora 1.14 B•n•n• Lounge Many position folding toonoer. Zinc plal· ed steel frame and vinyl tubing. foam rubber headreat J 9.88 S.r~u• Grlll Ple•tlc Cup• 18 ··Big 011nk"' cups on large 16-0J 5'za Exe ent Opportunity for POLICE OFFICERS In Northern California' 1 "All American City" VALLEJO, CAUF. Entry level or Lateral Entry Available Salary A!ll!t; !!!.t.¥ :.y·~!&~ '2!~!~~~!t fll'9t salary at•p. U ... ra l ... n.tlta whkh Incl ude PllS, CH' fltan, hlthett year. Min. Req: 60 s...,. Units of Collea•· At• 21 t• 35. lqu•I Opp. lmploy.,. Mlnorltlet and wom•n encouraged to apply. K marl Sale Price Less Factory Rebate • Your Net Excellent Climate ... Ample Recreation Good Family Community lecrvltlng representatives wll he at A.nahei"' -May 20, 1911 -Hollday""' 1850 S. HariM»r ltvd. l eiw ... tt.. II-. of t :OO ...._.ct 4:00 ~ To answer any questions you may hove. No Appointment Nece11ary. .......... 4_47 ·· -1.00 ~ K m•rl• ADVERTISED " 1 MERCHANDISE POLICY °"' '"" """""0"' 14. \0 ~·\'· .... ....., td·« ~414"'\lf'l~onovr.VW""M tf lif'I .,qf\IHCf • .,,. ,, l"OI ·~.....o .. iO' pi,,• ~ (PllH O\;e iO •"~ \ilnlQteH*f\ 'tnot\ ...-1(~ .. ...,.,A.,,.C"'<•O"·~! tQf JM #lif#tf\llOM •{'W'\f 114"'"1 <I Htot' ..... ..-.~t lOOtDV<~·~~ ..... or<• ~·· ••• «"" P' • w '°"'''~"°"'Qu•.1 .. 1'9"' ···~ tab't r~.un.,, or<• 12.97 .... ,..,op, ronlng •--leveiaa•••r .,...,d •r--menr Sturay Cost After Factory Rebate 3.47 S•vel Teeter'• Choice Coffee 9·0z. ·net wt. 1ar of freeze-dried coffee for delicious, freshly·brewed taste. 5.44 NylonHoM 2.57 Poof Chemlc•I• 'fr:AJr chOoce ? Gallon· hquod acid or 2 Gallon· liquid chlofone s1 Sn•ll & Slug Killer Atrracrs and kills de· atructive snells end slugs. 21? povr>dS. • ·-"' ..... on 100 K mar1 11nc ,..,....,eomo. June 17-July 3: only 5 ... ti teA COit •1986 . .......... , ...... ,., ... ,. ENGL.ANO FRANCE SWITZERLAND IT ALY YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT TH E SAVING PLACE A • t t• A. -• ... .,..,_ • • • • '--• • a -• -• •• • ,. •,. • • • •• -,. •• ,_ .-• ...-...... -• t s . l f • :-. • : -..... ,. .. ... -- --I , , " ... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sund•Y· May 17, !981 __ ,,,,,_ ________________________________________________ ~--------------------------------~ .... , ............... Utsava Rajneesh Meditation and Holistic Arts . Center leaders, Swami Prem Avinash and his wife. Ma Prem Punda. Faith's colored Ecumenism celebrated, cult denied By JOHN NEEDHAM Of .. .,..., ...... , .... Some 200 ,000 s trong throughout the world, they are popularly known as the ·'Orange People" because of the colored garments they wear to sym bolize the life-affirming tenets or their faith. Among themselves. the dis- ciples or Indian spiritual master a nd mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh a re known as san· nyaslns, or initiates The group has establish.ed itself in what was the Church or Rtligious Science on LagJJna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach, far from its ecclesiastical hub in Poona, India. The church, called the Utsava RaJne<'s h Meditation and Holistic Arts Center, is led by Swami Prem Avinash and hls wife. Ma Prem Punita, who ar· rived from Washington state in Novem ber They take over operations from the former pastor, Dr. Henry Gerhard, who retired to Sacramento. The shift from mainstream Christian doctrines to Eastern religious precepts launched by Gerhard after a piJgrimage lo Rajneesh's ashram (safe place) in Poona last year angered the former 600-member congrega· lion. (See 'ORANGE,' Page A11) The Best j••················· E_L_D_O_R_A_"_D.-0-: NEW CHEVY TRUCKS!. : i AN IMPORTANT i MQ~EGOINGFORITTHANTHEIMPORTS.... STEP AHEAD. : Right now, during our "Pride of Cod1lloc Doys;· we hove a great $Oled1on of 1981 Cod1llocs with o wide vonety of ovo1loble equ1pmenr including o good ch01ce of Eldorodos No luxury 1mpor1 offo11 you moro advanced technology thon Eldorado s srondord VB o 4 engine Or more moon 1ngful features like front whuul drive But that's 1us1 the beg1nn1ng m you II see when you wme out to help us celebrore "The Pnde of Cod1lloc Doys · lake a look 01 Eldorado's unprecodenled engine choice indud1ng ovo1loble V6 and Diesel engines Compare Eldorado's 1ntenor 1oom1n~s that beats most luxury 1rnpor1 models. occord1ng to the EPA lnrenor Volumti lnde~ • Whether you buy or leme one from us during ''The Pnde of Cod1lloc Doys'.' Eldorado will give you more Cod1llocs ore equipped with GM built engines produced by venous d1v1s1ons See us for de101ls PRICE AN ELDORADO DURING OUR "PRIDE OF CADILLAC DAYS:' * Beautiful selection of over 15 El .. r••• · Ready for immed~te delivery Blarrltu '\' .. Dlet1el9 VIMl•flt NABERS I 260q Harbor Blvd., · Costa MesQ----CADILLAC (714) s4o-9~oo • "Is your new , Chevy truck • • . th• • e In IS e : Newport Beach SALE GROUP?": * New '81 Chevy : LUY Y2-ton Pickup! • Ser 2954° with 110 8 • C 1.0 engine 4-speed $ e ~:;t~;/d~~r~~.~~ t;:~~I 5 9 2 8 • bench, etc S6278 tess • S350 rebate• ' e :!===========================· * New '81 Chevy El Camino! Ser 3570 with auto trans , pwr steering. sport mirrors radio radials white. etc $J998 * New '81 Chevy Silverado 4WD Blazer! 798 * New '81 Chevy Y2-Ton Fleetside Pickup! r:~.:~~;:~~l:·i:~ $ 6 49 8 shocks. gauges, etc Keeps Getting Better * New '81 Chevy 1-Ton Hi-Cube Van! just opened: Abercrombie & Fitch (Houston) Le SportSac (Westwood) Coming soon: Bailey Banks & Biddle (Philadelphia) David Orgell (Rodeo Drive) Haagen-Dms ]. Jessops & Sons I La Jolla) Miller's Outpost Rizzoli (New York) ,. SOUTI-1 COAST PLAZA For more store 1nfo rmat1on. call 546-6682 Limited offer. Now through May 24. You can save from $800 to $1500 depending on the discounts you select. Long-tenn financing is available. Lets you buy now, get maximum discounts. { ig} Save $800. On any Anthony custom pool } 0 Save 1500. On any spa when included with your new pool, 0 Save 1200. On natural gas pool heater with your P?OI Get'°"' pool bullt qulcklr, enjoy maximum swimming time this year, yet saue up to $1500! A heated spa is the most popular addition to any pool. It gives therapeutic hydrojet action for total relaxation. Get a heated -- pool and spa now at this fantastic diecount. You will save $800 on any custom pool. Include a spa, save $500 more. Add a heater, save $200 more. And in addition to the $1500 you can save now, you'U probably save another SlOOO by beating predicted higher prices. ChooH Antlton, with Confidence. AB the world's largest pool builder and 11 manufacturer of a full line of pool equipment, Anthony gives you the security of .. •Anthony-built quality equipment •one aource for all wa rranties • 1ure completion, future service •a more beautiful pool design •fast, expert construction •always compel1t1ve price• •financing is available. Call nowt Don't mlH thl• gr11t 11500 dl1COUntl Don't put It oft ... ~~· s3p9::~g;:•hm1~~~~!· $14 39 8 ve. gauges. a1r cond radio. pwr steering ' and more 12 It body * New '81 Chevy %-Ton Van! ~!~/2~~r wl!~e~~~~: $ 8 0 9 8 chromed front. tinted g l ass . loc k ing ' d1fferent11I, etc. * New '81 Chevy 4-Wheel Drive SamurtJan! ~rj o1.62~r :~t=, ~Ml~o $] 4 7 9 8 :=e:~~~~~~~~~~nI . ' _,~rea::;..r~se~at~&~m-o•r••'.._--~~------------· • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • BIG SELECTION TOUGH NEW • CHEVY TRUCKS! : LEASE or BUY! : [@1 s:a~ • : CllNllAL MOf'CilMm mvllDI • "Keep that great GM feeling • • with genuine GM 1>1rts ! " • ) ' 4•- ..... 2 2 2 2 222 !(£ 122 2 1111111 •.. ··21 ..- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT,SUnday. May 17, 1981 All , . ' 'ORANGE PEOP~E' FOSTER UFE, LOVE AND LAUGHI'ER • • • (From Page A 10) Tbe eeeter'• new leaden aay Sunday "celebratlona" now draw about 30 people. , Avlllub and Punita say al· te1auom that the church bu been taken over by a cult are not true, -but that a path of ecumenlam, or unity amon1 re· Ugiona, u beine 1ou1ht. The couple -allo describe bow they were like tbouaanda of other Americana and Europeam who were dlsillualoned with the religious teachinp of the West, and turned to the seers and sages ol India for an ana•er to their spiritual lon81n11. They said their ·'tell-chosen spiritual muter RaJt>eeah, ady vocatea a balance ln llfe between the quest for material security and a person's rellatoua needs. Hia teachin11 are described u a blend of Eastern mysticlam and conte1nporary encounter 1roup acUviUea, with cllaclplea ur1ed to live fully and not to aacriftce themselves. "We are not the aame al the Moonies, Kriabnas or the Jim Jones cult," Avinaab 4aid. "We don't go out on the street and sell 'SAVE soc 12 oz. CAMS Pak of s 1.1 SPECIAL! PALMOLIVE LIQUID HTEllGENT CINr,... ... 410LIUE 1.99 SPECIAL! FRESH START LAUNDRY DlnllQDIT CJICJ Ill~ ( ...... .. f ... lySiaP..W .......... FAMl.Y books a.nd we don'\ brainwash or drat people in here. It's our belief that dlsclplea muat 1atbel' to the master of their own choice." Th<>H who choose to foUow the teachin1a of RaJneesh, a U. year-old former pbllosopby pro. feaaor, wear clotbin1 with the "fire ol red in it." The color la considered We affirminl, and abadea raa1e from almost yellow to plum. Another outward alan of devo- tion ls the 108-bead mala, which la wom around the neclr a.ad bu a port r'8 it of R a j n e ea b AD PRICES PREVAIL: suspended in a locket. Perhaps the moat visible of Rajneesh'a disciples la 29-year· old Ma Amrita Pritam, born Shannoo Ryan, and the da\llbter of Leo Ryan the U .S. Congress urdered by members the Peoples Temple cult in Gu a. In liter ure distributed by tlie center i Laguna Beach, the former as Ryan denies there are any similarities between the followers of Jim Jones and tboe5e travelln.g to hear the teachings of Rajneesh ln Poona. The dark tales of . torture, deprivation, illicit sex and suicide drills which emanated from the Peoples Temple are not to be found amona dlsclples of Raflleesh, Punlta aald. ''Here we have the three L's; Ufe1 love and lau1ht.er." Sbe sala there ls no moral decree a1ainsl sex, and it la up to the followers to express themselves sexually as they see fit. Visitors to the center in La1una Beach are 1reeted warmly, and addressed as "love." The handful of "oran1e peo- ple'' at the center smiled euily, . and embraced wlth 1eemin1lY sincere aff idion. They appear tranqull In their aurroundinp, and ln no way re1emf>le the paranoid, ra1ln1 followers of Jim Jones, u witneaaed in nJm foota1e la.ken ln Guyana. "I hope we won't be looked oo as some crazy cult and 1et stuck with the free sex tbln1," Avina.sh said. "We don't want those things to color our relationship with the community. People who came here do so out of choice, and are free to leave at any Ume. There is no repression." BUY 2, SAVE 15c REYNOLDS WRAP ALUlllNUM FOIL 11 oz. SIZE 1.4 WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! SAVE •1.07 THERAGRAN ., THERAGRAN·M ............... M a st er C ord SWITZER'S LICORICE or · CHERRY BITES CANDY 200L8AG 99Cu CAREFREE PANTY- SHIELDS Tnal Size _,, NTPICY WTAmFCMMILA 100 PLUS 30 TABLETS 6.88u SAVE•1.oo CLAIROL CONDITION •AUTY,ACIC JIU.,,, For Troubled Hair SIZE 70u. 5.00 SUNDAY, MAY 1 7 th THRU TUESDAY, MA Y 19th PAKOFS 4i$1 ~2.99 SAVE&&e CONTAC . 'SAVEsoe NIVEA CRIME LOTION , •• Care ot De a. ~ SPECIA~! u. ST AN DARO CHARmAL ~,KETTLE COOKER 221/z" &Rill QUALITY_.Uf'OltllMCE.OUltABIUTY 59.95 llllC 2231 SAVE30~ PARADISE AIR MAT WrTH'PILLOW L1ghtwe1ght vinyl in embossed colors 111• SPECIAL! WOOD RECLINING SLING CHAIR Ad1ustable and folding great for beach or yard 16.95 -- PRE-SUN ~:W'J~ .. • '" S. 4 LOTIOll (4 u.) • ,,. S... I LOTIOll (4 u.) • Pre S. I CllOllY (4 u.) • Pre ... 11 LOTION (4 u.) YOUI CHOICE 3.49a PHOTO SPECIAL SERGEANT'~ SENTRY V FLEA & TICK COWtt for Dogs & Cats 1.69 .. CHll PRE.fOLDED DIAPERS ~ OUllDEE MO. WE:MIHT 7 9 9 FEEDER 99" ONE DOZEN • BIBS " u. LIPSTICKS ~~~~" 1.49a "Lon1'n Lush" MASCARA ~~~~~:~~.s. 1 49 .45 oz. • BUY la SAVE 17~ .. , .KAL KAN · DOG FOOD Assorted Flavors SAVE•t.50 RAVE "BODY ONLY" PERM left ....... SAVE so~ TICKLE ROU.-ON ANTl-PlltSPlllANT DIODOllANT _...,,,.., .. ~ SAVE48e DI. GEL -:\m'f,rJ., ~ Dl·GEr ANTI-GAS/ANTACID ~ = Allt.dll 1.49a enalties tiglder 1 elderly victim DIET IMPORTANT ••. (Fro"' Page A8) poltnUal ror bJp and other lkeletal fractur .. , ht aald. DENVER <A P> - ov. Rlcbard Lamm baa igned legtslatlon to im· ose additional criminal enaltles on those who teal from people over years or age. The measure dre w rilicism from some awmakers on Its trip tbroulb the S.natt and House of Repuatnt· atlvea, with opponenll notln1 that In some case.a, a aoo th~ from an elderly person •o\lld carry a harsher ~nelt.y t han man1lau11\ler, second-and thlrd-de1rff assault and all ••fol' every 100 people who 1uatain a blp frac· ture above the ac• of 70, 15 percent are dead wiU\ln three month.I u a compUcaUon reaultlna from lmmobWaatJon or other medical consequence orthefl'acture," beaald. "Thi• la a pubUc health problem ot enormo"8 m11nhude ln th11 eountry." ~-------~ cate1oriea or 1exual ... aault except ror that ln Marcul alao recommend• women past menopauae 1bou1d couume about one and a ball 1ram1 ol dietary calcium per day, or about the amount ol lhe mlneraJ contained in a three plnta of mllk. a.low afe 50, a woman should couume about a sram o calcium per day. PACIAC VtlW NIMC>llAl. PMW Cemlt~ Mof'luarv Chapel-crematory 3500 Pacific View Onve Newoort Beach 6«·2700 McCOIMK:al MOITUAlllS LaQuna Beach 494-9415 laQuna Hills 768--0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495 1776 KUIOI Llt.Wf+-MT. OLIYI Mortuary • Cemerery Crerretorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 PIHCI llOTHHS HU. llOADWAY MOITUA~Y 110 Broadwav Costa MeH 642-9150 IAL Tl IUCHIOM SMITH & TUTHIU WISTCLlff CHAPfL 427 E 171h Sr Cos1a Mesa 646-9371 PtHCl llOTHHS SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Hunl!nQton Beach 536-6539 A the first decree The measure appllt>• only to crimes com· milted "in the preaenc• AN ELDEaLY PEaSON'S diet a.Lao abould be of the victtm," 1\lch aa r1>mpoMd or foods that are nutrlent·deue rather purse·snatchin1. That than contaJnln1 the ao.called empty calorie• or w o u Id prevent the fats, auaara·and alcohol. harsher penally from Al we grow old, our calorie requirements being Imposed In such decrease but our nutrient requirements remain the Instances as car theft, In same. which an offender did A balanced diet from the four basic food not know the ate or 1roup1 -milk, meat, fruits and ve1etables and identity of the victim. 1raina -can help fl&bt the most common nutrl· Under the bill theft , tlonrbaaed disorders of the elderly: obesity from an elderly i>erson anemia and calcium deficiency. ' of less than S200 would And Marcus insists people abould be able lo be a Class 1 m isde -aet the minimum requirements of vitamins and meanor, with a max· minerals from foods without resortin& to pill sup- imum of 24 months in plements. jail or a flne of $5,000, while theft of more than $200 would be a Class 3 felony, punishable or up to four years ln prison. Boss named SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -Alan C. Furth, president of Southern Pacific Co., was named to the posts of chairman and chief executive of· fleer of a subsidiary of the railroad concern. TOUCHING ON A MO&E controversial l11ue, he refused to discourage elderly people from eating eggs, which are blah in cholesterol. "There is no evidence that modification of cholesterol intake in the older population has -"Y Impact on morbidity or mortality," be said. 11Tbe egg is a remarkable food, the highest quality of bioloiica.U,y valuable protein." Dr. Crapo pointed out that reports of persons Jiving well beyond 100 in Russia ·and Ecuador were found, after extensive studiea, lo be fallacious. "Up lo about 70 years of age in the (societle.s) the stated age and the actual age were about the same," be said. •---------"Following that time, the stated age took off dramatically to be greater than the actual age . There was not one person in (those societies) that was over 100." . Neatme Society CMllA11'i --eulMl AT 846-7431 ••• , ......... """' •tMI .... ,.. •••l•lotr---· •• , • ----~--....-,._ ~· "We age one cell at a time," Wiswell said on the question of increasing our longevity. "Y~ do not wake up in the morning with an old liver. It has hapJ>!ned over a long period of time." PRE-PASTED WALLPAPER BUYS • QUICI & WY TO HANGl . • PAm.1 FOi UY .. , • ECGIM .. Al TO IUIT MJIY :n.,99£ 6 • •• • • • • • • • • I • COMPLETE LIQUIDATION! PIANOS• ORGANS SAYE 20%, 30%, 50%~~:E ALL SALES FINAL SOLD ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS! ALL R.IMAIMIM& STOCK IMCLUDIM& IAMKRUn STOCK TO IE UCi)UIDATED AT .OME TIME OMLY PRICES! SOME USED, MOSTLY MEW, ALL MEW STOCK INCLUDES RILL FACTORY CiUARAMTEE! CHOOSE FIOM KAWAI. WURLITZER, EVERETT, KIMBALL. GULBRANSEN, HAMMOND, THOMAS, AND MORE! PIAN OSI I G ND PIANOS INCLUDING KAW Al! UPTO HALF OFFI FROM ORGA SI ·FROM UPTO HALPOFPI ,... ... -· " r!nge Coast DAILY PILOT,&inday, May 17, 1981 (From Pa1e AS) 'forced to 10 nak~ or wear prison uniforms. • Instead, their cella became tbetr tolleta. • •Guards have taken to weari.n1 proteeU¥e mub · and clothing. Of course, what's happening on Cell Block H is merely one aspect of the bloody turmoil in those six counties pf Ulster. Are Irishmen really killing each other over the Prince of Peace'f Cassidy saya not. "IF YOU WANT TO cJus it u a rell&Joua war, that means Vietnam was a relieioua war because all on one side were Christians and the other side was Buddhist," he said. "And you could say that the American Indian wara were religious. It's a question of bi.story.'' Instead, he termed the on-gotn1 battle in Northern lsland as a "war aeainst an army of OC; cupation and all organizations such as the Royal Ulster Constabulary. which is a para-military police force." Cassidy noted that several of the blanket pe<?ple are Protestants. So waa a commandinc officer of the Provisional IRA jailed In 1972. HE ACKNOWLEDGED, HOWEVER, that most Protestants in Northern Ireland are op- posed to unification with Ireland proper, in part because they do not want to be ruled by laws based largely upon the dictates of the Roman Catholic Chur ch. And there. said Cassidy, "I agree with them . I believe that 1h a new Ireland you would have lQ have a new constitution -one that represeots Catholics, Protestants, Jews or any other religion -irrespective of their religious outlook.·· He said he is "100 percent certain that all the Catholics In Ireland would support" a con· stitution separating churth and state. Although Cassidy scarcely concecls his con· tempt tor the Brililb "ocoupaUon., troope, be exprMsed oo animoait.Y toward U. EnaMlb. ... BAVB GOT AN .\WM lot o1 respect tor Enalltbmen," he Hid. · · "Sixty-four percent of the !'.DJliab (in a r• · cent poll) ca.lied on their owo 1overnment to take it.a troops out of the aix counties. I've sot a brother who la married to a London &lrl ; abe'a a great &irl. l 've eot an uncle who's from Liverpool. I know and like a lotof En&llabmen." What affect has Casaidy'a career •• a blanket person -a pruoner in a ceupool of hit own makin& -bad on him penooally? He It an l.Dtenae, nervous, somber man, 1eemln1l1 COP· sumed by bis cause. But be will only speak of his ordeal ln the P<>sillve: '' ll has improved me. in inany. ways,'' be s akt. "J reckon I'm a lot QlOl'e tolerant. I aee most of my own fpults. In that respect, l don't regret prison. I would do i1 allover again." IF HE HAD THAT OPTION, would be take a ·different bol'der crossing? "You bet," he said and, for the first lime In an hour-and-a-half. Caaaidy lauehed. ln five weeks he has vblted New York, Wa s h ington, Chicaeo, Phoenix, Detroit, Milwaukee, Toledo, Cleveland, ''somewhere in Kansas" and San Francisco. In time, Cassidy plans to return to Ireland and continue bis crusade for unification. He pre· diets that will come in two to five years, "It's at a turning point," be said. "I believe that everybody here in America is going to get !ijck of it and everybody in England and Ireland ls going to get sick of It.•' What about British cJahns that a blood bath would ensue ii troops were removed? Cassidy sald that violence might break out, but that it wouJd probably subelde within a CC>U· ple ofweeks. A graduation gift from Polaroid. Polaroid'• Time-Zero SX-70 AutoFocua Polaroid'• Time-Zero Pronto AutoFocua • The world's finest instant camera. now with elegant new styling. • Automatic focusing by sound waves • Never needs batteries: folds flat tor easy carrying. • Versatile (extreme close-ups; extended flash range). • Automatic focusing by sound waves. • Ligbtweight; compact, handsome new styling. • Ne\'er needs batteries. • Uses new Time-Zero Supercolor SX-70 him. Buy any model Autofocus camera, get this Texas Instruments watch (Only Sf.00 postage and handling.) Buy any Polaroid AutoFocus camera between now and June 30, 1981, and PolarOtd will send you this handsome chronograph timepiece from Texas Instruments. Come in for complete details .. _ (Polaroid Sonar cameras also qualify.) ' FEDOO ROCO LA CIEltEGA (213) 837-4487 ' 3535 S. la Cienega Blvd . Los Angeles 900'16 FEDCO VAN NUYS (213) 786·6883 1 14920 Raymer St""" Van Nuys 91 05 FfDCO PASADENA f213J '49·8620 3111 E Colotado Blvd . Pa$adena 91 07 F'EDCO CERRITOS f213) 880·1711 11525 South Slreet. Cerritos 90701 noco COSTA MHA {71') 979·2560 3030 Harbor Blvd , Cos1a Mesa 928M F'EDCO SAN OtEOO (m) 262·2411 5'41h & EIJci'd. San Diego 92105 FEOCO SQ RMARDINO (TM> 888·•081 5'70 S Mt Vernon Ave .San Bernardino 92410 • ,KODAK COLOR PROCESSING . I :QUALITY WORTll ASKING . FOR I 1J~~? ]\/ J_ L\J l KODAK ~···~ Mailers for home delivery. For bright~ clear color ... just the way you like it. •Just place your roll of exposed Kodak film 1n a KODAK Mailer. add postage and drop in mailbox • Mailers ore available for Kodak Slide Films and Kodak Kodacotor II Film. • Mail your Kodak film direct to Kodak in a prepaid processing envelope. •'>"' r(,A COLOR PROCESSING a• Kodak • Re.ceive quali~ color processing by Kodak. •Finished prints delivered by mail • For 110-. 126-or 135-size color prints. Trulli all yqu~ mamor1as 1iO ·KDDAK Film Thtnk of all the happy times you've had. The parties. The Proms. G raduations The wedding The firsts ... apartment, car. home ... Trips. Vacations. The baby. Birthdays. Anniversaries. The famlly t imes ... the 4th of July ... the holiday weekends Remembe~ , Trust all your memories to Kodak film and give yqur memory a rest. And remember to always keep a spare cartridge on hand. That way, you won't miss the memories. 15 1. EEDCO MEMBERSHIP DEPART1MENT STORES llllCO LA CUE8A f213J 837·'487 3535 s. La Cienega Blvd , Los AngeleS 9001& RDCO VAN IWYS (213) 786·6863 . • 14920 Aiymer Street, van Nuys it405 fllCO ,_IADBIA f'i13J '49·lfe20 3111 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasaclfn. 81107 ,fl!OCO CIRRfTOI (213J 8tJ<>.7711 11525 '°"" SCreet. Cerritos 90701 RDCO cotfA .U (114) 979-2~ 3030 Hatbor Blvd .. Cotta Mesa 92626 fEDCO .. llEGO (fM) 262·2411 &4th a EUCld. Sen Otego 9210! NICO .. •NIAMllO (71') 811-4181 570 S Ml Ylr"°" Ave .. San Bematdlno 92410 STORE HOURS WEEIC OAYI 11:00 AM to 1:08 PM • LA Cl£MfGA • SM HMAROtltO ANO UN IMHO STOMS 12:• MOOtf 10 t:oo PM• Cl~TOS • COSTA MHA • ,ASADDIA AIG VAN NUVI STORES SATURDAYS• AU ITORH 10:IO AM tt 1:08 PM SUM{)AYS • All ITORES 10:00 AM to 5:00 "'8 AU ITOMI cMKD W£0ttH'DAYI Ai.WAYS 8Atft6 YOUR MEM8ERSHIP CARO WITH VoU wttftt~ SKOPAT FEOCO ' . . ' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 17, 1881 We're dealing lik8~ never before ••• Discount prices clearly marked ••• No hassles ••• Unheard of prices ... So don't miss out •. This may, be your list chance ~ because of import cutbacks. So huny to Ike! m E Fully reconditioned used cars. RGC _l(.aono• PRl(ESI 4 cyl.~ ~u~~m!.1~ ~r~~Ua!,H SAPPORO vinyl roof, steel radi~1 u:S~ii~·FM radio, morel Sporty & stylish! (819UPW). ted glass & s4999 1974 VW SUPER BEETLE Econom ical '4 c 1 • transmission radio ~I~ ,engine, & apted tires. Runs "LIKE N'ew..Y in\rlor & wttltewall (017LPF). · · · CONOMV PLUS! ·$2999 1978 AUDI 5• • 5 cyl., automatlo Irena air ing·brakea-windows, tl~'ted gC:,:!lf .• ...,. trol, AM·F~ stereo cassette & more( (~~~r- 1971 VOLVO 145 WAGON · iioCX1'n· genglne, 4 speed transmission .. air condi· · power brakes luggage k & rbom tor the family! (2J1DVA). rac lots of $2699 1974 MAZDA RX4 WAGON Equipment Includes 4 speed transmission ~~d~fa Pt~trlpes. wheel well moldlngs, buckei (005NLF). ow mites. Excellent' condition! 4 1976 BMW 2002 at!l~ 4 •Pffd trana., faQtory sunroof, ~M-FM tor'a lte=~v'~).ted glass & ~rel Collec- 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 cyt., 4 speed trensmlulon radio vln I '" t(~rlor, whitewall tires & more1'econo'm1car luni 86803). $2999 1971 VOLVO 145 WAGON Economlcal 4 cyli d transmission, tinted ngl:~s e~~n!,;._8FuMt0".!!tlc (7500CJ). nm r,...to. $2499 / 1974 VOLVO 145 W.SON "4atcyJ.I, •utomatlc trana., factOtY al~ cond pwr "'ng, stereo luggage rack ........ ·• · & morel (592MMO). • at_, radial tlrff 1976 MG "B" CONVERTIBLE ~~Fl.M, 4sstpeed trans .. power·front disc brakes ereo cassette e 1 . · condltlonl (406896) · n w op & in excellent 1975 TOYOTA CDJCA· GT 4 cyl., 5 speed transmission, vinyl roof, AM·FM ;;~:o~).ssette. steel radial tires and morel 1974 VOLKSWMEN BUG Economical "4 cyl. engine 4 lpeed vinyl Interior & whltewall i1res. (892~;)." radio, • ...., ,. ........... ,0..., ·- Indiana's Bobby Knight fields questions from the more than 300 coaches who tur:n~p.:dut at .DCC for his clinic. ToKnight show . . . and heeeeeeeeeeere' s Bobby By CURT SEED EN Of UM Dailf ~Ml SUH It takes a little irnagination, but pretend you're discussing something other than basketbaJI with Indiana Univers ity's un- flappable head coach Bobby ' Knight. • Jn the middle of the dis· cusslon. Knight s uddenly stops In mid·sentence and bar.ks: "There's 20 seconds left on the clock, you've got the baJI and two of your teammates are 6pen. Who do you pass to?" YOU PAss THE ball to lbe J,etter shooter. of course. That would please Knight, who de· mands nothing less than perfec:· lion from his players. Knl1ht, along with former ~n i versily of California and Olympic Coach Pete Newell, were at Orange Coast College this weekend educating coaches on nearly every level and from nearly every town in Orange County and even a few out-of· slaters on the finer points of the sport. Both are considereUwo of the greatest theoreticians of ba.sket· ball, and after just a couple of hours with the duo most of the coaches probably wanted to stage a fast break to the 1981· 82 s·eason. Knight obviously puts his theories to good work. In nine of his 10 years as the Hoosiers' head coach, he has guided In· diana into post·season touma· ment play nine times. Hls 10· year record at Indiana is a elossy 228-68 ror 8 . 770 winning percentage. the 1979 NIT crown. Still, the No. 1 priority Knight stresses is fundamentals. "We're not going to diagram offenses and defenses," he told coaches gathered in OCC's gym Friday night. .. We're here to teach kids how to play basket· ball." No matter how complicated the sport of basketball looks, Knight's sucoess is based on simplicity, and he passed along a few of. his theones which in· deed don't require a lot of Xs and Os an.JI squiqqly lines on a drawlng board. "A TEAM THAT can handle a basketball can play against anybody," be proclaims. Add.I Newell, "You have to get better •bots than your opponents and you have to make more than your opponents." Knight isn't afraid to make enemies. He doesn't mind if he's not liked. Ironically. he likes that, particularly in regard to his role as coach. "It really isn't important for you lo be liked. People who need to be liked cannot be effective coa cbes, ·' he points out. Knight's not saying that all ol his players despised him over his career, which stretches back to 1966 when be coached Army to an 18-8 record. But he certainly garnered their respect. "YOU HA VE TO set.up a good set of team rules," he notes. "What I'm trying to do is to con· struct a shell around the' sport of basketball, and team rules play a big part in it. "One thing I don't want to do is suspend a player. My theory HE'S-PICKED UP SIX Big 10 championships , two NCAA titles. including this year's, and is if a kid's a pain in the ass you Orange Coast College players aided Knight in his demonatratiom. <See KNIGHT, Page BZ) Hulst's mountainous cliriib ~~to the top As a prep, there was none better, but then came the injuries Carlsbad. The result? Well ... "The problem was actually in my bac'k," explalned the 23- year·otd Hulst the other day. ''The muscles on the lower left side were tight which caused mv LOOKINGIUCK everything is taken care of for you," he said. "I'd like to regain my old form but, right now, it's not~ r~ consu~ng desire. ''I'm nof IU~ whether it's worth ll or not. t don't think be· int • rtiaJ great runner ls going to malte me a happy person." Hulst, a born-again Christian, contends God wlU ulllmately de- cide his fate. ''He gave me the ablllty to run in the first place," Hulst tells you. "Jn tU&b school I was r~ JOOCI lril Cot a lot of attention. Then there were the injuries and the disappointments. I wondered if maybe God took it all away." J:luist .,._t oo to explain that in hil early day1 hi• tralnine of more than 100 miles a week made b.11'-Ule runner ate .,.as. He also tells you in the same breath he's not sure he has that same dedlcaUon. now. Hulat competes in ~e 5·K ud 10-K rum for AIA. His 5-K best baa been t•: 16, while bis 10-K la 30:0•. Neither lime reflects <See IR1Jf'I'. Pace '2> I ' .. .. University's girl! track team seems like a solid choice to win the CIF 3-A. See 82. A colony of options But Pleasant Colony wins BALTIMORE (AP) -The Preakness finish line was loom- ing up and Pleasant Colony was having difficulty passing Bold Ego. "I said to myself. 'What's going to happen?' '' said Jorge Velasquez. ~ Pleasant Colony came up with an answer that pleased his jockey. He finished one length ahead of Bold Ego to add a vie· tory in the Preakness to his triumph in the Kentucky Derby and move a step closer to the Triple Crown. PLEASANT COLONY reared In the post parade and trainer Johnny Campo. clad in a rust. colored suit, ran up and down the track shouting instructions to Velasquez. But once the gate opened, Pleasant Colony was all busi· ness and, at the end of the 1 3·16 mile race, the trainer they call "The Fat Man." was beaming instead of anxious. "He's a great racehorse, and don't nobody forget it." said Campo. "He's three.fifths of a second off of the track record and he played with these horses. He's playing now . Just wait 'til he gets good. "This horse does it ror fun." Pleasant Colony and Campo will try to have another good lime June 6 in the Belmont Stakes. the final leg of the Triple Crown. Pleasant Colony completed the race in 1 :54 3·5. The stakes and track record was 1: S4 by Canonero 11 in t974 . After the first three quarte~ of a mile. Pleasant Colony wd sixth as Bold Ego led the lSr horse field. Then on the tum, he made a big move on the outsi<tt -he had gone inside with ht; winning move in the Derby J: and he moved to challenge t~~ leader. With an eighth of a mi~ PRE4KNESS remaining, he was second an? two lengths behind Bold Eg('t and Velasquez was beginning tp have some doubts. BUT PLEASANT Colony would not be denied, and he col· tared Bold Ego with less than 70 yards to go, then drew away to his length victory. . Bold Ego finished two lengths in fr ont or Paris to, whose owners had paid Sl0,000 to sup- plement the coll mto the race. Thirty Eight Paces was anolher- five lengths back. Pleasant Colony. owned b)' Thomas Mellon Evans. paid ss. $3.40 and $3.20. J . D. Barton a"4 Joseph Kidd's Bold Ego. whR had finished 10th in the Derbf after engaging in an early speed due l with Top Avenger , paid $4.60 and $4.20. Pansto. a 70·1 longshot, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fineberg, returne& $17 .80 and earned $20.000, whicb at least paid back his owncrlr faith in him. Once Velasquez got Pleasant Colony outside of the turn, 1t was smooth and fast sailing Angels, Rau ma tiled by .the Tigers, 7 -5 DETROIT (AP > -Lou Whitaker continues to amaze Detroit Manager Sparky An· derson. Sometimes the Tigers' second baseman even surprises himself. Whitaker hit a three-run homer to highlight a four-run second inning and J ohn Wocken· fuss added a solo shot to offset three Angels home runs as the Tigers defeated the Angels, 7-5 Saturday. "I DON'T HIT many home rufPs and when I do. something comes over me . It feels so good." sald Whitaker, a slender 5·11. lOO·pounder who has never h{t more than three homers i" a season. • · l hit that one good to- day, but there were a lot of long balls today, so maybe they were just carrying good. · · 1 was kind of surprised to see it go oui. l've only hit two home runs this year and both or them have been off left·handers." Anderson, puffing on a pipe, broke into a wide smile when asked about his left-handed hit· ting second baseman. "LOU'S AMAZING," the Detroit manager said. "You can't play second base any bet· ter than he does. But people forget he can hit, too. "That's the first lime we've had a homer with more than one man on since opening d~y." T he Angels got a second, inning run on Bobby Gricb'g- double before Detroit r~ped up Doug Rau, O·l, maklnl bis American League debut. Wockenluas led off with a dou- ble, Lance Parrish walked and Tom Brookens stnsled home Wockehfuss. Whitaker then drove the next pitch into tJ\e up· per rllbt.fleld seata. The Angels scored twie9. in tJa4' ' "" third on solo homers by R Carew and Dan Ford off Detr t starter Dave Rozema, th~ Butch Hobson home r ed wiW'I Larry Harlow aboard in t Angels' fourth, giving the Ang a 5·4 lead and chasing Rozem Dave Tobik. 1-0, came on Kevin Saucier, who took over the seventh, earned his th save. IN T H E BOTTOM of tfle fourth, Al Cowens worked Rial On TV today channel 5 at 10:30 for a leadoff walk and C<\ around on successive single~ Parish and Richie Hebner, ly the score 5·5. John D' Acquls came on for the Angels and P rish came home on Brook sacrifice fly, giving the Tigers 6·5 lead. Rau was making his first bi " league performance in near two years. He needed surgery his pitching shoulder in 1979 w u released by the Los Angel Dogers prior to sprlpg train He signed a contract with Angels last week. "Doug wasn't really sharp day. but I thought he did OK said Ange ls Manager Jl Fregosi. "He'll stay In the r tioo, He'll pitch again Tbursda "That was the first Ume t;een on a major league field two years. He didn't do t bad.'• Rau gave up five hits and runs, all earned. In three nings . The vetera n le bander was removed after f lng three batters in the fou all of whom reached base. walked three and struck none. ' I f I ...... • • ,· .. -• .,.. AC4IL • c o a c a a a a e a 0 "' 2 0 • 0 c a •• . . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 17, 1981 ' Valenzuela a smash off the field, too From AP dispatches LOS ANGELES Chalk up II about 2.000 new victories ror sensa- tional rookie pitcher F ernando Valenzuela of the Los Angeles Dodgen. who charmed a happy, cheering throng or people at a basebaU clinic Saturday in mostly Mexican- American East Lol> Angeles. Shouts of "Viva Valenzuela" were heard from the aficionados young and old -who cam e to see and possibly touch the 20-year-old Mexican whose perfect 8-0 record Ln his first eight pitching s tarts 1s on e of the ra starts in the spor t's history As a sheriff's helicopter circled City Ter· race Park above the well·behaved crowd of about 2,000 people. Valenzuela attended the <:linic accompanied by dozens of Los Angeles County deputy she nrrs and park security of· ficers "Everyone'!Y relaxed. We don't expect any trouble." said John Dansby, one of the park of- fi cers watching the proceedings. Three othe r Dodger st ars and the Dodger balling coach, t>aseb1tll's all·llme pinch-hitting leader Manny Mota, also took part in the clinic but almost all the attention was devoted to the youngster from Etchohuaquila, Sonora. who re· cei ved a bouquet of roses from three tiny children. Quote of the day Gene Bartow, University of Alabama- Birmingham bas ketba ll coach. on whether 7-4 Virginia center Ralph Sampson shouJd have declared himself eligible for the NBA draft· "If he were my kid. he wouJd " Zoeller takes Colonial golf lead Form er M astets c h a mpion n Fuzzy 1.oeller managed a I-under-par 69 despite an ailing back to take a on e shot lead Saturday in the rain-delayed second round of the Colonial Nat ional lnvita· tional golf tournament in Baltimore, Md. Zoeller was the early leade r in the clubhouse as most of the fi eld just finis hed off the first round they started Friday. which was inte rrupted by a seri.cs of thunderstorms .. Pat Meyers shot an 8·undcr-par 65 to catch Alice Ritzman after two rounds of the Coca Cola Classic in Paramus. N .J . Meyers had nine birdies in all . From Page 81 Cooper leads Brewers over A's CeeU Cooper tripled home the l)" II ln1 run lllld ploc.h·ruooer llarillaU Edward.I scored the wlnnlna run on un Infield grounder by BH Octhle in a two-run Milwaukee seventh lnnlna lbal boost· l!d th Brewers over Oakland. 6-5. to hl1hU1ht American League action Saturday . Jim Morrison and Bill Almon drove ln two runs each In a five-run second Inning, and Harold BalDH collectl'<I four hits and scored three times to lcud Brill Buna1 und the Chicago Whlte1 So1t to a 9 I victory over Te1t· as . Reggie Jacksoa'1 first triple of the season knoc ked in two runs and :sparked a four-run, first In· nlng rally that s tarted the New York Yankees to a 7.5 win over Seattle . . Dave Coo,nr Ford hurled seven innings of shutout relief and Rick Dempsey hit a two-run home-run and two doubles as Baltimore blitzed Minnesota, 7-0 . Jackson Todd pitched a six· h1tter and Buck Martinez drove in three runs to spark Toronto to a 4· l victory over Cleveland . Wllllf' Aikens and Hal McRae triggered a s ix-run fourth inning with consecutive homers and Kansas City he ld on for a 7·6 victory over Bos ton Infielder Lenny Randle of the Seat· tie Mariners has had his original fine of $500 rut about in half by Lee Mc Phall. Ryan posts win. Reynolds ties record Houston right-hander Nolan II Ryan scattered s ix hits in seven in· nings. allowing only one unearned run. and Craig Reynolds s lugged three triples lo lead the Astros to a 6· l triumph over the Chicago Cubs . Reynolds drove in four runs . His three triples tied a major league single-game record he ld by many and ac:· complished last by the New York Mets' Doug Flynn last season . . El se wh e r e in National Le ague action Saturday, Mike Lacoss scattered five Pittsburgh singles a nd Ron Oester and Mike O 'Berry ea ch doubled home a run as Cincinnati extended its win· ning streak to five games with a 4-0 victory over the Pirates M ontreal's Ryan Charlie Lea, in his fi rst start s ince pitching a no-hitter last Sunday against San Franc isco. four-hit the Giants Saturday as the Expo!> !>napped a four.game losing s treak with, a 5·0 victo ry . Georg.e Hendric,k sma:.hed a two-run homer and also had a run- scoring single lo back right-hander Silvio Martinez to his first v ictory since last Sept- tember. a 6·2 decision over Atlanta ... Terry Ke nnedy !>troked a two-out, bases-loaded single in the ninth inning, giving San Diego a 2·1 vie· tory over Philadelphia and Tug McGraw <l·3>. Broderick Pe rkins, lea.ding the National League in batting, exte nded his hitting streak to 15 games with a s ingle in the second. The P adres' first baseman had one hit in three trips to the plate lo lower his average to 410. KNIGHT GIVES HIS VIEWS . • • get rid of him If he's a good player. you run his ass into the ground for about five nights un- til he understands what he's do· ing wrong," he adds . Knight's hard-nosed image seems to weaken just a bit when he talks about giving each of his players a copy of Rudyard Kipl- ing's poem. "If." "The poem is symbolic to an athlete who wants to be suc· cessful, and I've seen m y guys reading it before bi~ ga mes," Knight admits . "A PLAYER'S involvement with the team is also impor- tant," he continues. "Ever ybody should have a well·defined role before the season starts ." If Knight's got a senior who's not going to play, that player is told before the sea son begins. "And in all cases, except one. those glcys have said. "that's OK. I'll slick around anyway·," be says. Likewise. before the season has begun, Knight's got a goal one that is within the reach of bis particular team. .. Don't ever adjust a goal downward," he warns . "You're jus t admitting defeat Som etimes, a goal of mine may be the NCAA championship. I tell the guys I' don't have any in· terest in the Big 10 cham- pionship. Anything less than a national crown and we haven't done it." "YOU HAVE TO have the will lo prepare to win. It's muc h more important than jus t having the will to win. A team with fiv e John Havliceks won't win if it's not prepared." Knight ~aims. Here's a sampling or Knight's lhougl\ts on creating a wiMing basketball team : On running: "I don't make the players run. They know that on Oct. 15 (first day of practice), they have to be ready to play. If they need to get in shape, they go to the track coach who puts them on a 15-day running pro· gram before they get here. "'Anyway, I don't care how much you've already run. you still have a Little bit le ft in you. If I . see a kid laying on the ground, aJl tired out. I tell him. 'don't worry, you usually pass out before you die'." ON DISCIPLINE: "It's the most ill-defined word in basket· ball. There a re four points to basketball discipline. Do what has to be done. Do it at the pre- cise moment. Do it as well as possible and do it with cons isten· CV .... On education: "When we're on a plane. l tell the kids I want to see them eithe r s leepi!Ql or read· ing . I always make sure there is r eading material in the locker- room . We have a checkout list and each player is supposed to record the books. periodicals or what have you that he's r eading. "YOU HAVE TO demand classroom work from the players . If you let a kid slide in the classroom. he's going to s lide in practice, too." Indiana Universit y bas ketball players obviously don't slide. They just win. While at the un- ive r s ity. Knight's toughest season was 16·11 in 1977. His best was the year before when the Hoosiers were a perfect 32·0. -______ ....;...._ _______________ _ Baseball today On Wt date ln baseball IQ 1979: Chtca10·1 Dave Klntman belted three home runs, tNhlJe. Phlladelpbia'a Mike Sc:bmldt bluted two. lncludlnt the 1•me· winner ln lbe loth lnnJn1. as the Phillies beat the Cuba, 23·22. in one o(the wildest 1ames In major lea.gue history On thls date In 1970: Atlanta's Hank Aaron beat out an Infield single 11aJnat Cincinnati's Wayne Simpson to become the ninth player In bl1 league his· tory to t!ollect 3,000 lifetime hits. Despite Aaron's heroics, the Reds topped the Braves, 7·6 in 15 innings, to com{>lete a doubleheader sweep. On this date In 1963: Don Nottebart of the Houaton Colt .45s hurled a 4-1, no-hit gem 1&gainat the Philadelphia PhllUes. On this date in 1953 : Manager Casey Stengel sent 23 New York Yankees into the game as the Yanks nipped the St. Louis Browna,6-Sln lOIMings . Today's birthday : Ha II of Fam er• 'Cool Papa'· Bell is 78. Unser grabs pole spot at Indy INDIANAPOLIS High.flying • Bobby Unser captured the pole posi· t1on .for_ the 65th Indianapolis 500 with a sizzling four-lap qualifying run of 200.~6 mph Saturday at the· Indianapolis Motor Speedway The 10-mile spr int by Unser. a 47-year·old ~eteran from Albuquerque, :-.J.M .. gave him the first over-200 mph qualifying speed since 1978, when all three front row cars were over that magical hurdle. The speed was well shy of the qualifying re· cord of 202.156 mph set by Tom Sneva in 1978 but it was fur m ore than he needed to put bi~ sleek Norton-sponsored Penske PC·9B at the front of the traditional 33-car field for the May 24 race. Plucknett sets a world record Ben Plucknett of San Jose tossed • the d iscus a world record 233·7 Satur - day at the Modesto California Relays at Modesto Junior College. Plucknett's throw .• on his final try. eclipsed the old mark of 233.5 set by Wolfgang Schmidt of East Germany on Aug. 9. 1978. in Berlin . . The University of Pitts burgh said it had r enewed the contract of head footbaJI coach Jackie Sherrill, signing him to a new five -year pact . Ray Mancini shut Jorge Morales· left eye with a nine-r o und punc hing barrage to take lhe North American Boxing Federal.jon light weight championship . . . The Seattle Seahawks signed four free agents Saturday including de fensive bac k Dave Mollica o( Southern Utah. Mollica is a product of Orange Coast College where he was a quarterback . Quarterback Rich Campbell, the Gree n Bay Packers' No. 1 choice in the NFL college draft, won't r eport to training camp in July without u contract agreement with the team, his agent says. From Page 81 HULST. • • Hulst's ootential. .. When I run now I still go out fast but I slow down a lot at the end a nd that's j us t a matter or conditioning," said Hulst. who works for a stained glass com· pany in Costa Mesa. Hulst s aid he had no difficuJty adjusting to his three years of frus tration. although . he often times pictured himself running against some of the greats today -people he had competed against before and beaten. "With gobd training I still think 1 could come around," he promised. "J haven't really de· cided yet what I'm going to do. I know I couJd do it. 1 just don't know if I have the devotional energy. •'I was fortunate when I was young to r ealize that winning a race is a very immediate thing. -It's there, and then it's gone. Jt"s · Uni girls shine at CIF prelims Plumer, Mills lead brigade By JACK MINT•:R Of Ille D•lty ~lloll lwlf University ll1gh's T rojan g1rl:i tnack and field lt'um took a sohd step toward the 1981 CIF 3A t.c11m t'~um pi?n~hl ps with ten qualifiers in Suturd11y s preliminary rounds at Valenria High The)' will advance to next Salurday·s cha~· pionships al Cerritos College Polly Plumer. Laura Mills Teresa Barrios und Annelle Rogers led tht· Troj~n brigade Satur· <lay. Plumer, the defending 1600 meter state cham- pion. won her heat of the 1600 with the fastest TRACK dol'king of the day in 4 59 2fl She was the only girl to break fi ve on the cold, windy afternoon Senior teammah.• Mills clocked the fastest 100 m eter low hurdles times of the day ~1th a 14.73. clocking over the sticks lier lime was the only one under 15 seconds Mills also qualified 1n the high j ump with a 5.3 jump and as a member of the qualfying 400 mete r sprint relay. Other members of the Trojan team that ran 49.16 to place second in their heat were Robyn Rogers, Celine Regalia and freshman sensation Annette Rogers. Roger s won both of her sprint heats in dock· 1ng a 12.53 in the 100 meters and u 26 02 1n the 200 meters. Her 100 meter lime wa)i the top 100 of the day for girls and her 200 was t he second best of the af- ternoon. University's other frl's hmun star . Barrios, won t wo races Saturday In the 3200. or I wo mile race. she was only a tenth of a serond off the best m ark of the day Barrios won her heat, with no c·ompetilion. in 11 . 02 I while Shelley Hazlett of Saugus won her heat of the 3200 in 11 02.0 University also qualified Sue Armentrout in the 3200 and the 1600 relay quahf1ed into the finals Corona del Mar's Shawn Gallagher ran the fastest 3200 or the du} 10 running away from the held 1n the final mile Gallagher ran 9 08 03 and turned 1n a 4 30 last mile -U ni versity's Brad Mc)t'r f1n1shcd second in the Qther 3200 heal. pcolt La Crosse ol Costa Mesa advanced in the 1600!meter race. Running shouldrr to·s houlder with Upland's Phil~prr. the Mustang senior outle<ined him at the tap! to record a 4 20.68 victory Orr's brother Don ran the fas test time of the day in the following heat al 4· 17 99. OCC, UCI • • win 1n crew VA LLEJO UC Irvine and O r a nge Coast College, both powerhouses in college crews, made their presence known at the Western Sprints c rew races in the Marc Island Ship Channel Saturday Both won their heats in the Junior varsity eig ht d ivision wh1lr Orange Coast won its heat in the varsity four and UCI won its heat of the varsity eight division Finals will be held today with 19 college crews competing. In the junior varsity eight pre· l1minaries. OCC recorded the fastest limt! of the day with a 3 :00.74 over the s ho rtened 1,000-m eter course. UC Irvine had a time of 3.02.4 . In the varsity four and varsity eight division , both OCC and UCI won their heats easily with no time reported. , not a Jong term type of joy.·' E:ric Hulst ---'-----------~ The races were held in heavy winds Saturday with s everal s hells tipping over during the course of action Baseball standings AMERICAN LEAGUE West Division W L Oakland 25 11 Texas 18 13 Chicago 16 14 Angels 18 18 Minnesota 11 21 Seattle 10 22 Kansas City 8 18 East Division Pct. GB .694 .581 4 l2 533 6 .500 7 .344 12 .313 13 .286 12 Cleveland 16 9 .640 Baltimore 18 11 .621 New York 19 13 .594 11'.1 Boston 16 15 .516 3 Milwaukee 16 15 .516 3 Detroit 16 16 .500 317 Toronto 11 22 .333 9 .....,., .. ~ O.trolt7,...,.....S TO'onto 4, ci.w lMOt t 1.111.-.1. ~.-.o K•l'llU City 1, iottClfl • H-Y"1l 7, IHC119 S Mll• ..... 6.0M._S c .. 1e ... t. Tau11 , .. ,..0- ......... IF9rlctl J.11 et O.tnlt (Wlleoa J.21 Torottlo (Stelb Jo> •1141 G•rvln CH I et CMvtl•lld Cetyle-. 4-1 •nd W•ll• I-JI IC•llMt City (~nl M l •I ... _ (TIOdW Ml S.ott .. 19-ltt., WI •t Ht• Ywtl l°"'*Y +O TtaOI (MIMyellltMI ., CNueoe , • ......,,.., 2~ • hill,,,..... ( ... lm9r Ml ot MlllMNto <•rkll- 14} OM..,_ CL.Mllett 4·il et 111111.,..,, .. CHM4 NI NATIONAL LEAGUE West Division W L Pct. GB Dodsers 25 9 · . 735 Cincinnati 19 14 .576 51-'l Atlanta 18 15 .545 612 San Francisco 18 19 .486 8'"' Houston 17 18 .486 8'h San Diego 14 21 .400 11 1".i East Division St. Louis 18 9 .667 Philadelphia 20 13 .606 l Montreal 18 14 .563 21".I Pitts burgh 12 15 .444 6 New York 8 21 .276 11 Chicago 5 24 .172 14 M-Y"lk-0.,....t,HewYOt'llO Clnc:l-1 4, Pl«MurQll 0 Mo11trMI s. S4ttl Fr...clkO 0 SI. 1.0lllU, At!Mlt.1 H O<lllOfl •, Olkaoo I S.11 0'-90 l, Pf1ll.at1phla I T...,.10- HN Yorit (bclwy •I~ lllwsa a.II Clnc:l11natl '(Soto HI •I Pit~ I~ 2-21 St. 1.eull I~" M l M Att.ftt. IP9rrt M l ClllQ9o IKNll-141 •I H_ .... IK"-"'* M ) Pllll"-11>111• IEaolllOM l·Jl ., S.n OI ... (EICM~).I) ~tt'NI (9wrl1 241 •I S.n l'r•ncllco CAie• ender s-21 .. , ~·-~•ll"'.'.""':--•~--............... 9¥110.,...._••--~•...-----..... •-·~-_.......-~•,....,.•--.....,•.-.o,....o--•o._. ____ ~~·~------•.--w.._._....._,~ • ..-..... u,....;~+,....•~•--~• ... u..._o;oo.,_c_,, .. ( { '~ . AP..,.... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT&nday, May 17, 1981 Rustlers' hats -vanish But G WC still alive for crown while Satldleback wms title By CURT SEt;DEN °' .. ~ ............ WHITTIER ln lheir lasl eighl games, the Golden West College RusUers had managed to scor e In double figures on seven occasions. So it came as quite u shock when GWC dropped its Southern California rinale here to Rio Hondo. l·O Saturday. Not only did the loss serve as a dramatic de- parture from the usual base hJl extravaganza sup- plied by the Rustlers' potent bats. but il also put them In the.inevitable situation of backing into a one-game playoff with LA Harbor to determine the· conference's second-half baseball champion. Harbor, the first round champs, traveled to Los Angeles CC Saturday, needing a victory to clinch the league championship outNght. "Isn't this an\azing having to hope that Los Angeles CC beats somebody?" asked GWC coach Fred Hoover following the narrow defeat. Well, as luck would have it Hoover got his wish as LACC stunned the Seahawks, 1.3-12, setting up a B4SEB4LL one-game playoff between the Ruslters and LA Harbor Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 al a neut'ral site to be named later. ' The sudden-death contest is to determine the second-half champion. about the fifth time they've beaten us in el&bt ycurs, .. Hoover said . Rio Hondo's only run caine ln the fltth when Spooner got aboard on an error by Sprin.rer, moved lo second when Raul Abellano walked and' then scored on a single by Byron Smit.h. "We never let down, not today or during the season. Even when we started the year at 2-8, we told the guys they'd have to work hard. And they did," Hoover said. GWC closed out the regular season with a 21 ·15 overall record and a 10·4 second-hair mark. At Saddlebac k, the Gauchos captured the Mis- sion Conference championship with a 10-5 victory over San Diego City College behind a three-home run parade. Pete Harrell, Steve Schaeper and Ben Amaya all cracked homers to lead a 13-hil attack for Sad· dleback and give pitch pitcher Brad Kjnney more than enough to work with Kinney allowed JUSl eight hits while s triking out seven in running his season record to 4·2. Saddleback advances to the state community college playoffs May 27·30 at Long Beach City College and Cerritos College. The playoffs are a double elimination formal Saddle back I 22-14 l scored on an error in lbe third inning then, after San Diego CC tied it in the fourth, the Gauchos scored two more runs on Harrells' first home run of the year to left-center field in the fifth PERFECT START? -Not quite, for in this split second start in the 6-meter nationals Friday. John Bertrand, sailing St. Francis VII (No. 108) made illegal contact with Dennis Durgan's Ah, Si Si (No. 110) and was disqualified after winning the race. G wc•s defeat certainly wasn't due to lack of hitting. The Rustlers pounded out a sufficient 10 hits against Rio Hondo's John Sessom. And just -a bout ever y Rustler in the lineup hit the· ball hard. The only problem was the spacious Roadrun· ner ballpark 1410 lo center and 385 to left and right field alleys) and a brisk wind that held up just Anteaters split conference finale Angels highlight slate Golf, Indy 500 time trials also featured By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tllle °*'~ "*' llaff F"ol IQW1ng are tht: top sports events on TV tOdcty. Ratl!'O y I I ex· cellent\· { .f .f worth watching; I I fair ; I forge it. lll 10:30 a.m., Ch•nnet 5 v' ./ .,/ • ANGELS BASEBALL: Angels al Detroit. Announcers: Don Drysdale Bob Starr and Ron Falrly. ' The Angels will try to salvage the final game of the three-game series to- day when Manager Jim Fregosi sends ace right-handet-Ken Forsch (5-1) to the mound to oppose the Tigers' Milt Wiicox. The Angels, after sweeping the Brewers three games In Miiwaukee, have found themselves cooled by Sparky Anderson's Tigers In Detroit. (f> 1 p.m. , Ch•nnel 2 ./ ./ GOLF: Colonlal National Invita- tion. Announcers: Pat Summerall, Jeck Whitaker, 8'n Wright and Ken Ven- turi. Fuuy Zoeller managed a one-under- par 6 despite an ailing back and look a one-shot lead in the rain-delayed second round Saturday. Zoeller played his entire rOllnd, whlle most of the elite invltatlonal field of 102 only finished off the round they started Friday, Which was interrupted by a series of thun- derstorms. 9 5 p.m., Ch•nnel 7 ./ ./ .( ./ AUTO RACING: Final Indy .500 time trials. Announcers: Jackie Stewart and Chris Economakl. Bobby Unser grabbed the pole posi- tion Saturday with a sizzling four-lap run of 200.~ mph. The entire 33 car field was filled Saturday and then the bumping began (faster quallflers get to oust the slowest car). There's a 60 percent of rain forecast for today with the slowest qualifier going Into the closing session of the trials being Bill Whittington at 18-4.833. taped at Martinsville, Va. Mike Joy and Ned Jarret report. 2:30 p.m . (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN -Champion kayakers Kathy Hearn and Eric Evans take part In an expedition down the Jatate River in Southern Mexico. Also: Former world dri vino c hampion Jackie Stewart hunts grouse In his native Scotland and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. participates in a shark-tagging com-petition in the waters off Long Island Sound .. Curt Gowdy is host. (22) - SOCCER. 3:30 p.m. (4) -SPORTS AFIELD. 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD - Eddie Mustafa Muhammad <38'.-4-1) vs. Renaldo Snipes (20-0) In a scheduled 10-round heavyweight bout, taped at Atlantic City, N.J . Also: The women's world bodybuilding championships, taped at Atlantic City, N.J . Commen- tators include': Ma r v Albert, Dr. Ferdie Pacheco, Mike Adamle and Usa Lyon. 7 p.m. (28) -TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE -Coach Vic Braden dis· cusses the offensive potential of a well- timed lob shot. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Detroit, 10: 30 a.m., KMPC (710); New York Mets at DodQers, 1 p.m., KABC (790). (The O.lly Pilot Is not '9spons.lbM for late chatn9es.) UCl's Carey PCAA's best LONG BEACH -UC Irvine's Ed· die Carey was selected as the Pacific Coast Athletlc Association's track and field athlete of the year. and Kevin McNair or UCI was awar,Ped coach of the year honors, but the team title went to San Jose State in Saturday's championships finals. Carey won the 200 meters in 21.29, finished second in the 100 meters at 10.52 which, incidentally, was the same clocking as the winner, Ken Thomas of San Jose State. and ran the anchor Jeg on UC l's victorious mile relay team. which set a PCAA OTHER TELEVISION record of 3:08.48. 10 a.m. (2) -SPORTS SUNDAY Despite his accomplishments, The finals of the 31st annual h h s American Bowling Congress masters owever, l e partans edged the An· championship, telecast llve from Mem· teaters in the final standings , 88-78. Six-meter regatta final today about ever ything hit in the air. SANTA BA RBARA UC Irvine concluded tbe "The problem was we hit the ball hard with Southern California Baseball Association season two outs all the lime," Hoover explained. with a bang Saturday, pounding out 24 hits for a Jack Settle singled with two outs in ~he first. 14-10, 12-inning decision over UC Santa Barbara in Larry MacArthur did the same in the third. Bob the second game of their double-header here. Grogan doubled with two out in the fifth and Da n In the opener, The Anteaters couldn't hold a Larson cracked a two-out single in the seventh. 6· l lead as the Gauchos scored one in the seventh "We had rallied so many times with two outs and five times in the eight to pull out a 7-6 victory. this year. I honestly felt we were going to come In the nightcap, UC I got a break in the lop of By AL LOCKABEY Oi11, ............ wr1w back the whole game ... Hoover admitted the 12th when Jim David"s throwing error at third Even when Steve Springer. representing the base on a ground ball by Carlos Rivera allowed Rustlers' last hope in the ninth. hit a grounder Mark Stowell to score the go-ahead run The 6-mete r national title regatta goes down to the wire today with two local skippers tied on points going into the rinal race. which Roadrunner second baseman Jim Spoon-Catcher Ron Elliott then followed with a two- er bobbled, Hoover said the first thing that popped run single and Dave Glick an RBI double. into his mind was a pinch runner for the bobbling Dennis Cowan. in relief of Larry Hicks in the Springer. 10th, went the fi nal three innings to post his first Tied with s~. points a fter four races are D e nni s Durgan of Newport Harbor Yacht Club sailing Ah, Si Si for the San Francisco Sail- ing Association. and An· dy Rose. Balboa Yacht Club, who is at the helm of Ranger for the Fort Worth, Tex. Boat Club. Spooner, however, didn't give Hoover t he win of the year ~ chance. as he recovered to throw out his man to In the opener, Uave Woodhead ran out of gas ena the game. It capped one of the better lO·hit and Josh Randall couldn't hold a fi ve-run lead as shutouts seen at Rio Hondo the Gauchos touched the former Cerritos CoUe~e '"l "m s ure (Rio Hondo Coach} Jerry ace for the tying and winning runs in the eighth SchlemHch felt good about this. I think this is only_ inning. __ _ Still in the running with 11~ points is Brian Garrison wins Tof C Wertheimer of Seattle Zina Garri son o f Yacht Club, sailing War Hou-ston. Molly Van Horse. N o s t r a n d o f ln Saturday's race off Brightwaters. N. Y. and the Newport Pie r the Tatjana Schrobsdorff of sextette of s kippe r s San Francisco were the seeking the title ex · d ivision winners Satur- p e ri enced the b est day in the sixth aonual weather of the series Seventeen Tennis with winds of about lS. Tournament of Cham- knots unde r c learing pions at Mission Viejo. skies. Garrison d e feat e d Winner or Saturday·s Kathy Rinaldi of Jensen race was John Bertrand Beach. Fla., 6-4, 6-4 to of St. Francis Yacht capture the 18-and-under Club in St. Francis VII. title ; Van Nostrand It was the second win topped Beverly Bowes of for Bertrand but he was Lubbock, Tex., 6-4, 4·6, d i s q u a Ii fie d fr o m 6·0 to win the 16-and· Friday's race. und er c r o wn , and Rose placed second in Schrobsd orff downed Saturday's race a nd Ginny Purdy of In . Durgan was third. Both dianapolis, Inc., 7·5, 5·7, have sailed a consistent 6·3 to earn the 14-and- series with Rose record· under championship. Ing finishes or 1-3-3·2, The champions of all and Durgan has scored t hree divis ions were finishes of 3-2-1·3. _seeded second. MERCEDES-JAGUAR-VOLVO SPECIALISTS Free Oil Ffthr w/$14.95 OH C .... CHECI OUR COMPmTIVE PRICES ARST le GRAND ARCO 8354049 1222 E. I st loff 5 Fwyl 1-5 be.pt S.. •,.-~~~---~----------~~~--~------~--------~ TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PVIZLB ACROSS force miatalcM moth« ae Turn1totl'le t FKt 71 Marcet t24 Marble 18Mlled'I 110n right .8 PrM. Marcee<1. t285cn.me 19 Citade4 97 Plld Truman'• for Ol'l9 t28 Snitteo 20 BlllCI< board 11 .... t .. blr1h· 72 Wu once 130 Brldal 27 01 bird• 98 Otllce pl-73 Deposit •. "'°""'9f .. 29 81bllc:al lllA(llp 11 Hlghwaya 75 &lends 132 A Gabor t~ 99 Eastern 18Mlne 76 Joan of Arc 134 Audilory 33 Chemical princM entran099 Abbr. 136 Siikworm ~ ending t01 Blotted ou1 21 Former flaJ. 77 Cllemlc* 137 Slbllngs 35 Matncutate I 03 Provid«t Ian~ tyffix 141 Oslo COin again that 22 Honolulu 78Soon« 142 White 38 Suit makers 104 Ale ma«era hello 79 Managa HOUNnMM 39 Expoee 107 Potyneelan 23 Reciord 81 Office 144 Hindu god 41 v .. 11ge power 24 Word ol h<>lder• 148 Feudal 4301aGraat t08Ceue mouth 82 Young wont« Laka 110 Blaze 25 Behold! p9noo 148 Pr--.tly 45 Seth'• llOn l l lC-10· 28 Med ICh 83 Dwells 149 Old Eng 47 F .. lnee Mith aubl 85 Malden t50 Forward 49 French' t 13 Firing pin 28 09par1 lie Sharpen 151 Article summer 1 t4 Go It alone 2 word• 88 Ferm headings 50 Soak 118 ni.y: Fr. 30 Printing worke-. 154 Distribute 52 Speck• t t7 Fish eggs measura 89 Arabian gull card• 54 RedpllMt 1t9Mauurea 3t 8ur,,,_ 90 Charl,aor 156 Prlnoe 55 lndoneaJen ltep native Ann Charlie'• gel I ti end 121 Added up 32 Shouldlf 91 Clock 157 S«J*'I S6 Think 123 Trumpet Comb. form feature t59 Worn away 57 Junior•. e.g. IOUnd 34 Above 92 Coagulates 160 Rub out 59 Produc:t 125 Oodgee 36 Englleh 93 CapturN 162 Reec:uee lromagar artfully monk 95 Pedestel 164 Doctrine 81 Nubby yarn 12 7 POlyneelan 37 Encounter• per1 185 Cul through 83 Famou1 "Adam"" 39 Wager 96 Special per-155 Egyptllrl 64 OellOhtlul 129 German 40 SaHor formence title 'POIS baffads 42 Arrow 97 Chaff a 167 Alngle1 68 WttnMMI 130 Percn poison meeting 67 TrM llulda t31Paac. ~ Fiii to repie. 100 Pub DOWN 69 Fork prong goddMI lion pol ables tAegun 72 Brttllh gun 133 e-t1e 46 Saratoga. 101 Famlly itl•nd 14 -OtcM 135 Walklng lor one member 2 Brownlsn Stioppe 1tk:lt1 47Concem 102Female color T8S~lll4e 138 At home •8L-.... ,Ive 3 " -<Mum" 18 GrMk 139 For• hOlders 104 Small naJI 4Ae1r ... rMlltenc:. lhadows 51 Taar 105Scol"a cap Mertcll OP t.c>C'-tray uunde< t060~'1eo 5 Hand: II 19 Chicken ol 1 levortta S3 Woman'1 107 Allot• 8 Oorment ton t42 OlllNed robe 109 ProfMlionlll 7 AciOI 80 FINlle rocil 143 Pad! 55 Give charge Pacino 82 Palm llbert 145~ 58 Coconut 1100utot 8 Epigram 64 Rom.,-. dll• laland palm 111 Frenklsh 9 Blbllcal king 85 Youth t4T Speedy 80 Way In or peuantaof 10 Garden 87 Wood eorr .. 150 EkllgeNn out yora tool• ee Attend to weigh1 82 p,..hlltOllc 112 And: Lat. 11 Akin 80 Rhythmic 152 Helm poe. phis. Also: The World Aerobatics Other UCI winners included Tony championships taped at Oshkosh, Wis., Wells in the 400 meters as he de· •UTOMOTIVE REST-•TIO ..... S and the Mr. Universe bodybuilding fended his crown of last year with "' """" " championships, taped at Manila. Host run of 46.65. AND R•AIRS Is Brent Mus burger with commen-tators Including Dick Stockton and Phil Chapman also took the high COMPLUE AUTO MAIMTINAHCI Frank Glleber. (50) -SPORTS jump at 7-0, with teammate John C AMERICA -Highlights of,the Scheerer winning the rugged de-~ ADILLAC &CORVETTE Rochester International Bonspiel Curl· cathlon with 7,163 points. ~~ ·~ SPECIALISTS!• Inn champlon•hips In Roc .. ~ter NY Fi u h ~~-... '"~--,~...:-· I • • ·~ , · na y, l e Anteaters' Joe Young ~ -~ --....... 10:45 a.m. (34) -FUTBOL posted a personal best as he won the UES • TIME-UPS • fllCllCa mT£M 11 a.m. (SO) -SOCCER MADE IN 1,500 meters in 3:47.79. GERMANY. 1111 • MUii & MINCl IEP• •IL TYftS. Nl)C)n (11) -THIS WEEK IN "Our team has come a long way He•'-kkll HeC___,Mt~Wertl BASEBALL . this past year,'' praised UCI's Tntn1T011u-IM1lot"!lla•..W.edwac1 1 :30 p.m. (7) -,,., VIRGINIA• McNair. "We broke numeroUA school n1w.11111 ST., CISTUISA 0141151.fm 1 -Hlghllghts of the 1911 V;.:l~rg~ln:.::1::•_:500~,~~r~e~co~r~ds~w~h!!l~ch~w~e~a~l~l f.Pr~o~u~d~o~r.:...'_' ---~~==============i====~ Royals' Bre tt apologizes ~------------------, PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 BOSTON CAP ) Kansas City Royals third baseman George Brett hu apologised to a pboto1rapber wbom be struck with a crutch Tuesday night. · · l fell bad this mom· Ing and called tbe 1uy up," Brett aa1d Frlday. "Al the Ume I didn't feel bad at au. It was ob· vlous the way I went out there -my head down I and l' m on crutches - that I didn't want my I picture taken. Tb• 1uy ran in front ol me and I be'• down there t&ktn• I pleturea and I Jut& •bopped him.'' I ne lnddent occurred I H Brett WH IH•l•I Ro1al• Stadium alter 1tr .... : lwam•t.I In bLI not ilnkle. • in me tOtm cl 0 proO.Ja/~e pholo • plus o well Wf1ne<i press release ponied 00 Yo-¥ 1eiremeoo (•f "°"Wish) •~('PT envt'lope 1f yQJ Wish). sromped • 00&~ each ro me ~1f1C pubhcor~ ond rtielr ed·roo mo• we Wiii ~ (wlltl yOJr ogeoemenr of c~) ond • moiled Or handed ro .,o.i for m0thnq • Vov II know rhe prlCe. per pocllOge before Vw'Offl begins • ond. bes! of ou. mos ~ i\ prad ro be offordoble ro A SMALL BUSINESS beCou5e YTIOll ~ need ~essionoily ~ l)Jbli<; l't'lottOnS moreno'5 Cl on affordable pnce Con I ~ 'PJ smotl ~ gow? GM me o coll O'-.cl we'll !Olk • Norvrolly, ltlefe's no obl1gonon (714) 842·9002 I ... ...... perlOd: 113 Abllltlea 12 lndlvldual 91 AIPIC11 153 UMd• 2 WOfdl 115 ~tepa 13 Ancient 92 Mettle rodiler 65 Qulcldy 111 Wild talker country weight 155 Meley 88Theatet I 118Complaln t4P.-93Small 1&11C •• y ptatlorma 120 Hom aound l)'!Tlboll candle 68 Actor 122 Chopped 15 Nape 94 Wing«! 181 MllP dffl:t. hoUtlng• cabbage 16 Simian• 95 Appoint· 183 Odin"• TO Alleged 123 Siiiy 17 Equine ment brother ~ . . .. .. tCAN LaAQUf ,. 7, Anp•I• 5 ~ IA OHllOIT •r•lll •r•lll 4 I I 1 J-•· rt I 0 0 0 i t 1 t lw!\lftrt. rl I 0 0 t t ~ ~ ~ T'-"''•• Ht 0 i • 1 0 Kemo, If • o o o J1 10 W9C.,. ... , 42J1 1 O o o ~-.<I I 1 t 0 4 0 1 1 ,..,,,.,., .. , 1 I 0 t I O O -· 11• 4 0 I 1 I OOt areMt.a ) II l 4 I I I Wltli.&r, lit J 1 1 J fot.al'l M 5 I 5 Tot.elt JO 1 t 1 "-" ...... <AH~ Ol2 JOO 000 -s O.l#ott ... tlO 00. -1 OI' -c.i1w1111 1. o....i1 2. Loe - C .. I ........ M, OWwlt 4 2a -~kll, Ho4IMll. Weetr--. H• -CWlw Cll. l"lr'd (7). H.-..i m, WNl.INr m. Woca.nfuu cai. sa a.ytor. SI' -•·--~ ll'M a 1a 88IO R111 (L,O.ll J S 4 t I 0 A<q11lato , 2 I I I t AIM 2 10001 °""'" Aoam1 J\4 7 S S To&la (W, t.01 J O 0 0 S.11<lerCS,ll 2~ I 0 0 2 I at111 ,.k:Nd lo J 1>1~ In 4th. WI' - TMlk. T -1:'9. A·lt,tl4. Hetl- Burl- LYM Ciera Clre• Forrl Hert I• Oo•"'"ll Ot1 Grl<ll HoMoll Benlo.,.I Cempenorl1 Petek 8ey1or Tolel• Ae .. ZeM Heuler Aenao For Kii Sench•• Hlferaon Witt Tra_,e ri D'Acqulsto Riii Tolels An99l 1ver1ge• aATTllllO 48 a M Ma aa1 !'cl Ut•00 .400 146 16 4S 2 10 •• 104 11 ,, s " ·"' at S 10 I t .• •• 24 JI I •1 ... 117 It JO I IS .191 24Jt12.Ull n 14 t> • n .Mt ,. s " 0 • .:!AS '°' 11 u s •• .m n t 22 I 11 .D1 " 1 10 0 1 .11> 22 4 0 , .111 ., ' 0 1 .167 IOI 10 " S It .10 1117 15' "' ,. 141 .JAi l'ITCMllfO 11' M aa IO W•l IRA 21\t " • 11 1-41 0.41 41 42 It It W 2.SI 2Jlh 11 " 11 J.1 2.10 lJ 1' t IS J.1 2.n ~ ., 10 2J S-1 J.00 llh n • • 0-2 J.43 >fl'> • 1 10 1-4 ,.., ., • It 1l ,., us '"' 14 4 s 0-1 .... " 11 10 I 0-0 uo J S 4 l 0-1 ILOO Jlt J07 101 IJ2 1~11 U• atw Jeys 4, I.._ I T orOfllO 002 100 000-4 7 0 Clevelenct 000 000 010-1 ' I TOdd -8. Mertlne1; Gerl-, L..ecey (4), Monoe (II -Heur,. w -Todd IH I. L -G•r1-(2-J). A -24, ..... ~7,T..._t Be!Umon OOI 210 010-1 14 0 Minnesota oot 000 ~ s 0 St-, Fon! (JI -Oempt.ey, K-. ' Cooe>er (41, JetktOn (1) -But.re W - Ford 11-01 L -Koosmen Cl•I HA - Belllmore, o.mptey C». A -•.l02 aeyela7,aMka6 K•nUS City 100 600 000-1 11 , Botton 000 10t 100-. n o Gure, OlllaenlMrry 171 e nd w11111111; Ecllersley, Relney UI. ~II Ill -S.cllmldt. w -Gllr• 14-J>. L -EcllenleY ().ll. S-Olll-ry (2) HR -ICe,.,_ O· ty. "'"-m. ~A .. Cll ~ton, ,...., (').A 2',101. Y--.r,--...s S..ltle Int 001 000-S • I Mew Y-•» 100 001'-1 t I GIH lon, Oey m. L. --171 -Bvlllnq; T. u...-. Bini UI. 0.....,. (I) Md F-W -Bird 12.0l. L-G-. 2•1. s -Go....-1101. Hlh -~nte. Grey 1 ltl. A -Xl,15'. WMMS111t,R~al Tu.. 000 000 010-1 t 1 Clllceoo OSI 020 IOI!-' 10 1 Derwin. ~ (41. Bekocll 171, Scllmldt 111 end Co•; 8utTa -Flaa, Hiii ltl. W -Burna IJ.11. l -Derwin l4·JI, HA - c111ceoo. Loalnsal 141. A -20,206. ..._..4,A'a S Oealend 320 000 000-S I 1 Mllw ... I<• 400 000 20ll4 t > 1Cln9men, Owcllln~o 171 and H••tll; Lerch, Ctevtl•nd 111, l'lnoert ctl end Moore. w -Clevel-12.01. L -Owc....,..o 11.11 s -Flnotrtt'I. A -u .n 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodger1 9, Meta 0 NIW YOalt LOI ANOl!Ll!I Mrlllll ....... lever ... u 4 O O o L-1.11> 2 > 1 I Stu rns c J 0 I 0 Moftdey, rf 2 o 1 1 Meu111(,<1 4 o 1 o Ruuell,u 4 o 1 o ltlne,..n, 11 • O O O Friis, n o o o o Y~l>lrl,rf 4 010 Beller.II 4121 ~~=~~;:.b ~ : ~ : JOllllston, 11 I 0 0 0 l'lynn, 2b J o o o Gervey, lb 4 1 I I D.R*•· p O O o o Cey, JI» S 1 2 > Miiier, p , 0 I 0 Giierrtr. rf ) I 2 I •cam", p11 1 o , o Y•eeer. < 4 o 1 o Felc-, p 0 0 0 0 TllotnH, <I • 0 0 0 Cllllbee, pll I 0 0 0 Hootoft, p 4 I 2 0 .......... p 0 0 0 0 Tot1ts 31 o • o Tote la J7 t IJ t kert~I ...... Mew YOrfl 000 000 ~ Lot A .... lft HO JOO '°"'""' E -ltlnerMft, T ewrt~ 2, Y~. OP -Lot A .... 1. 2. LOB -Mew Yon< s. IM A .... lts L 28 -C.V. Ru-II, HA -~ IJ), CtY tn. SB -i...,. 2. S-Ruutll. Iii-Ytn II' M II aR aa IO D. Rotaem 11..>-Jl I 4 S S 1 0 Miiier 4 S > 0 I 2 ,.al<-2 ) I I 0 I Rter6on I I 0 0 0 1 LA ........ Hoototl (W,HI t j 0 0 I 5 O. Ro«ltf'la pllC-lo 2 IMttera In Ille Jftd. T -2:21. A -St,000. ........ , ..... ""'"""II OClt OU OCI0-4 t 0 Pit~ 000 000 ~ S 1 LAC... end D'Berry; Scvrry, CTUI 161, hk11lvt 171, Romo COi -P,,ne, w - LaCMS (t'4). L -SclH'ry (t-2), A -11 ..... ......... ~. Meftt(MI 000 Ml 001-S 1 O "" "'-*° 000 000 000-4 4 1 LH llM Ctner; Gflfflll, Holl-Ctl 4lftll IMM, W -LM (Ml. L -Grllft11 tWI. A - 11, tU. ' ~·.~t St. L_.. iOO ltl __. 11 I AltMta --•-t te J Mef'llMt. WW m 8M S-lwl: ~ Ht ..... t' 16> • ........,_. (t ) .._. ~ W -~ C1..t). L -..... 04). S -t-fn. HR -It '"°"'9 • .._..ltt I'). A -n..s1. --•.C:...1 C:llK... ... -__ , • 1 H--000 .. 1111-4 te I MerU. ~ m, t.•. tm1t11 m. "'-"' ............ ; lttlfl, s.MI .. (I) .... ........ W -.,,_ C .. 11. L -Mlttt ll•JI. S _..,,,.... W . A -4.nt. ............... ,,............ ... .,. __ , .. .... o-. -., •-t Q • Cfti' n •.. .,.. en •• .,.. ,., ... ' .... ;....-,1.1 ..... (1) .... ~. • -~ ,..,,, #cOr .. (1.1), ... -....... .. ~ ...... $arl oi.oe Mearw.. l'tllledelllhl• RalMI,......, Y__.,.,....,v..- Hr"'911, left FrM H-•.H ....... M11411100., ~tuM91\ col II 1ts, C "1c ""'911 A-. 1'1111 .... lpflla ·--·· C•11<•P<IO"· Cl"<lll"all. H; •erwey, ON .. ,., •: kllml4'. Pllll-lllfll•. t7. Fouer, Clftc...,...l, U ; J. Crvr • .._ ... , JA, Cey,0...-,M. ........ (40.-1 V•lta111ela, 011411ttta, t •OJ Cerllon, Plllllftlpllle, t .. , H ...... ~. M ; Rhoden, Plltall11r9h, 4·0, ""tllwen, PlllllCS.lllllt•. s-1; ~non • ....,.t,...1, 4-1, Slllrlty, St. ~ 4-1, a-enyl, ClllCllllllU. 4-1; '-•-.l:IM ...... 11,4·1. Coll•ae l'IHTO~I! uc,.........,•1.uc•l'YiM• UC lrvlne 001 003 ,..._. 10 0 UC Slftlt B«lleta 000 010 Ull-1 It 4 WOOrltlMCI, AMNll (I), Hl<llA Ill ancl El· lloH · Wlbll .,.., Ferr-. W-Wol"'-L-A 1~41111 , te-Neol•, Ollllu IUCI), Uyemetw, Ferrtf'O, T"°""" (UC.Sii J8- S.utr CUCS81. HR-<:terfl IUCS81 HCOtlOOAMI UC 1.W. H, UC ..... ..,_, II UC lrvlne 111 101 000 204-14 tA l ucse 100 220 100 100-10 11 • LaClerc, 5offll (41, Hl<let C61, R ...... H ttl, c-•n 1101 .,,, a11101t: P\Ollll•Y. M..,ione (41, Yolu ... tl• (IO) -StatlO'lkll. ,.,,,_ ttl, t<lmball (I). w-cowen. L-YOlllOlllllJ. 28-.Sl-I, H-111. GllU (UCll. HRt- CerrOll, N19le CUCI), Redfield IUC$8). SCBA 1tendlng• (l'llllALl W L T •• ·e el Stal• Ful-22 • 0 LOYOll lt II 0 M L-Be~SWll 16 II 0 Siii u .olSMOlteO U 12 t 7 ~di.. 14 14 0 • UC lrvllW II U 0 t QI Slelt 1...0S Anet!«" I to 0 14 UC Se"lt ...,_,, t 11 I tt • -conf •r•"<• c f\•mPIOf'L S-WY'•~ UC $efU lltrt>er• 7-10, UC lrvlMl·U Loyole 6-3. C.J St411t F\lller-1' Pe...-rdlnt ... ,. L-Beith Siii• 1-4 U. of Sen Ofeeo I 1_., Cal Stele LM A_... 10-l Community colle99 ........ I.~--· Gol*n w.st 000 000 000-0 10 I Rio HoadO 000 011 00.-1 S t S-, ,...._IS) -Sc""'I; S.-..... Salfu. W-S.-. L-S-. H -Sc:l>uU, Gr ..... IGWCJ, Devit (RH). MllSIOM COMl'a•hc• cMAMf'IC*IHI" s en ""· s.. o.._.cc s S... Dl19o CC 000 IOl 21»-S I J S-1-a 001 OU IJll-10 IJ I Yelton, Armet.eee 1') .,.., Tr""9; ltl,..y a"d lrwll\. W-Kl-y. L-Yellon. 2a- We1-. 9rlllll9y (SOCCI, Hlrrtll, Only, lff (SI HR-errtll, Ameye, Sc"-' ISi. Souttt.rn Cel Conferenc• saa.o R~Mo (l'IMll W L Oa '(;eldtn -10 4 •L,A He.-10 4 Rio HONIO t S I LotA ..... •CC t 6 2 EutLA ' I 4 Seftle Monl<.e s • s LA SOu-4 10 • Cypreu 4 10. • • -Tllitrt """tit e .... .,..,. T-y -- Got•n - -LA HI,_ IO .. ""''""" Ill• ••<O"d ro11nd <hemp l o" ~·le-. Alo H-I, 0-WHI 0 Cypr ... IS, SMta Moftk e S Los A~ CC I), LA Hertior I) IEHC LA 10, LA ~tt Lo• Alemlto• SATURDAY'S RaSUL Tl (1nt.elt14'1M~-.. ---, Flrat rece -O..·OU.I Beeton ICM.,.,I, •.•O. 1.00. s.20; OH·Mlsty Bu ere.a tatoolU), SAO, s•, 4•; JeU Ce Olrldy CClerlstt), I.to. '2 tU<ta (..,) paid .... 20. 1.2 eU<ta (9-4) peW W ... DH-lldlllM. S..Ofld rec.e -A·P•Y Tiie Nollt (Mllcllell), 6.40. 4.00, J.00; Idle S.lly ICr-rl, '-'°• • . .O; Tiie G4imblln Min (Adelrl, S.IO. Tlllrd reca -Ctr1erll0 tCMllOZal. J.611, l.10, 2.IO; [)H.PIM!ty OI Netl>lnQ (POVlllWl. U O, UO; OK-1.om'n Oetk CllMdl, J . .0, ,_., DH-dolldllNI. Fourth reco -Wood•toc ll Bro•n <•roollsl. 12.IO, 1 • .0. 4 . .0; IEIMS .._ I Mltcllelll, 7 . .0, •.40; MltlltY a Qul<ll I Cre-l. 4.40. 11 eucw ("'3) paid., ... ... Fllllt rece -Holmo ._ (Otrlutl. ... . J.20, 2 . .0; 8Nu Sabreolr (Mlkllelt), 4M, 2.IO, llllllo Ruler (AM!r), 2 611. 51•111 rec• -Froa1Y J lrn,,...r (Pe11ll1WI, 7 .40, 4.00, J.tO; P e n tllemontylltnty (Cre-1, i.AO, 2.611; JQMOO 1Her1l, UO. $2 t..cte 11~1 peld Ul.IO P•IMtno All<e"IUlllllll CeU\y MIM KalllY~ J-·-=-Amy Al<OCI Jane BlllO<ll 81t11Danltl MerlMH- 0.0llleA .. lln llkkl Tabor OotGermeln SMiiey Hlmll" Myrellen"- J"""'R-111 Sllwle a.r1olet<llll College crew WllTl!RN SP'alNTI (elV-,le,Ce.J ,~ .• 71-47-1• 11·70-141 ... ,,_, .. •t-72-141 7J.47-142 7Wt-142 70-72-142 7).70-143 IJ.12-143 11·12-143 70-71-143 ... 14-143 14-10-14' 11·72-14' IJ.12-14' Ju"lor verllty efal>t -1He411 -1 1. UC lrvllle, J.OU , 2. L-Beech State, l : IU; l UC Devit, J: tt.J. 4. H-ICl1 Stele, J. a.s. (HNI 1-1 I. OrlflQll Cotsl, J:00.74; 2. UC Senle ..,,_,,, 3:12.t ; l. UC S... Diego, ) 1•.S. VtrSlty lou r -IH••I IWO) Drenee c oest,nou,,..., Ver"ly tlQM -(HNI one) I UC lrvlne"'° limo. NASL ~-k­Te mpeley I, ForH . .....-rdll•OIMI Po..11-2,ColQ9<yO llen<...,_J,s..t1101 Cofleae track PCM CM""""C*lttlf'I <•Ulla IMCil SVtel ........... 1.-.. 100 -I l(tft n.n-(SJ.SI, IO.J1; 2. U die c.,..,. (UCI), 10.SJ; J. lllr9ll Torrtfta ISJS), 10.M, 4. Dwayne Gr_, !SJSl, 10.71!' S. A-Scon (FSUl, 10.tl. 200 -I Eddie Corey (UCll. 21.2'; 1. Vlr9ll Torrent• CS.JS), 2UO; J. A-Sc.on CFSUI, 21.17; 4. Clrlyle Kidd (UCll. 21.71; S. Dwayne G,_ (SJSI. n.Ot. •oo -'· Tony Well• (UCll, 44.H ; 2. Cltvtl•nd Prlnu (SJS), •7.0>, J . 0H tl Tllompson (FSU), 4'.J4; 4. Urt 1( ..... , CSJS), 47.1'; S. Herry Cl,,._11ISJSI,47.a. too -1. Aon Amolrl IFSUI, l:SU4; 2, .. •releln (S.JSI. l:S1.06; J. ~·-• MUIQr-ISJSI, l :S2.ll; 4. lob Taple IFSUI, l:U .41; J. lleve Klrclloff IUCI), 1.52.41. l,JOO -1, Joe Y~ IUCll, l :4'.7t; 1. 8ryen FOiey (1'$U), J :41.a; J. l"edn> R.,et I UCI I, I: S0.17; 4. Tolft Hwuey (SJll. ):SUS, s. 0-.. U llle IUCI), J :st.o. S,000 -I, Terelel Llnctvto-IU5'.ll, 14.20.41; 2. '*°' Herwy ISJSI, l•.24 ... : a. GMrllt Ghrl*-IUCll. 14:U .n ; •· S..... ........ -. (IJCMI), 14:J7.tl; s. -s.i-($Jf), 14:.0.ft. 119"H -I. Wiii l'alltr10n IS.JS), 14M; 2. 1111 Oonoell CUCll. 14.Cll, a. Larry ei.a 11.as1, 14.22; 4. Miile Ha-<SJSI, 14.at; S. l'renll Wllllllt'l-'IFSUI. 14.SO. 4001H -I, Suitt We!Uf (USU), SI.JI; t. 8 111 Oer'vell IUCll. SI.ft; J. Alllfl ,,_ CLISI. SJ.M; 4. Gree MerJllftd IUCll, SU1; S. PelN-IUCll.SJ.27. 400·meter rtley -1. "-" Jose SIAtt (Cleve._.. Prince, Ken Tllo,...1, OwlYM Green -Vlrtll TorTtllCe), 40. IJ; 1. UC INlne, 40.1'. J ,.,_ State, 41.IJ; 4. UC 14111le ........ 41.15; J. L""9 .... II 54.Me, 4.l;)t, 1. Mlle rtley -I. UC lrvlne (T-Wellt.. Mark C•IHlln, 8111 Oorvtll alld e-. Cerey), J :Glt.A; t. Sall J -Sltft, J: 10,*5; a. l'rHno stN, J:l4.14; '· Utan Stal•. >:lt.7; S. UC Same a.niere, J:20.t. U -t. EltOld!M Attllade ISJSI, t +IM; 2. RIO Ho411d9y (UCll. U-11; a. "-Y IEJ. terd (l"SUI, 1).1014; 4. Tom 0..-ey (U$U), IM; s, Mttll "-'1 IUCSBl, IU\lo. II' -1. MkMtl Slnltft <LNI, 6'>~/ J. Roll lllelfltflll (SJS), "4~; J. Ptul a1.._ (IJl)1 '-'1"'; 4, QfW9 McS.-.y (LIU), s.M; J ........... (UllJI, U.1'111. JT -I. Kent lleftdl-tUSUI, H6-4; t. Ntel ,.._ (USUI, Ut->; I. Otfllel 8- (LIS), nM; 4. Olvlcl •Ider ILHl, 11MOI S. TOfll .......... ll"SUl,tOMl, HJ -I.""''"-""' IUCll, 7 .. ; t. JefWI 11•-llM (L9$), .. 10; J, Ofln M<N-• tl"IUI, H ; 4. tbndy kM1 (I.Ill, M : J, Wt l ""'' ..... tUCll, tNI 8flell Mm1 ILHI.~ Decal*Ml-1. ~k,_.,.r tUCll,7,,6* ~ta: t, M .,_ (UCHl, 1.-1 J. .. aeut41 (1'$U~ •· ... ~ IUCMI, 6,dl; S.1111 IUCMI, 6.tM. """'-_ ,. 1111 J-. Mftt, •1 t. IJC trvltlt, 11; a. r_.._ ... 1 '· ...... tlMdl ...... a, l. U'911 Mata.I.•; t. UC S-.. e.Mra, 161 7. Clll ~ .. 1111tne11, •• ~ool .... trectl IOUTMlaA CAL .... ._. .... , .. ...,.<-.~• ... ,....,_,....,._, '· ................ / '""' ._, '· .. IAC. .... ; (HMt lllNI) LM ....... CC.•l.t&. ........ l&t1191 -...... _, '· ........ 1-.1AO,t1M.a; o-..twe1 '· ...-.1• CMeeo -..1, t i tUJ Otllen1 a. Mlf'llt fOr .. o..o ......... -I. 0..Wlftt (11 UhllClll, ... 1 ~ 6. Mlllt Ill. •t1t1 7, ... ..._. (I), ·l·J ..... 1..etit = -I. Mtrrl1 (P1U4llMI, •1CW.1 I McKIMW II), ..... , ....... -'· --1.....-c.1. 21Mt J, t~otlott (CHljltft w.eo, ,..., 0ti.n1 H .. ~(OCC>,Hl4. , ... ,,....,. -(HHt _, '· LHc.ll , .. ca.NM>. a1a.tt1 o..n: o.iw1t coct, t ; .... 7 (NIM 1-) I. C:..r (el ~. a1tUl10.-0: t. Uc11Ytr1 COCC1,11D.AL .. _..,. -(NIM_, t. H_, C .... .t.MJ. t11tM1 ot1wn1 ......,_<SI 11...a; IM .. t twel t. C111111lfttllem (Mt . ':t· 1:n .Jt; O!Nn: l.........., IOWC>, tt& I CMMt ttwwl t, "'-lf9" t•I CoellllM, 1111 • .-1 OtMrt; ,, ... ,......... tt~wel. 11.tr.JJ. -----, ..... _, ,, ... ...., u.-. e.cll CC, IUIJ Ollllfl L .... tGCl. M.M1 <..._ twal I ....... tML UIQ, .... ; .......... ,, .. .....,., ..... ,....... ffi. SUit) OIMnJ ........... cowo. ... -C""'9 -1 t • ...._ COtrwll, t•; .... 1 09ltn; t. ~ COCO, M11t.M1 ...... ._, 1. ~ coca, t4:a.: ~ ·-1tl IGWC), lltt&.a. • Olk11t -1. Mlltf ti>. \U.J. J o.iw• IS), '61-lt; L a-,. (II, &•ltll •· ~ COWC1'1M, '*-"' tO llr-. Cl),, ... """ ...-t11,1w1.-w...1. TJ -I. f.,,., (LAll.,...CCI. ••Ill It.• -I. ~ (OC(I, • 11"11 l. '"'"' (~I. at J1 t7, • An• IOtUt-1111. M 4t.t11 6. "•Ht 1e 1 C-IMl, ... \Ml t. ,_._ 10~, 11.tt.W ,! &. ltWlt 11'.,..... ... I, JI a& o.,..,,.. ,...,._..,coca.• • ttttt eohool tree• ,, ...... ..,..... 1•v...._1a..,_1 ( .. .._... ........ -~) ...,. t• ( ..... -· I f'-"M I •I""* ... l•l, 11.ltl •• ~ 11,......1, II .. / (llMI 1Wt) I . ....,_ (0-WI II Uj I ,.,, ('4111 hrlitrt!MI, II"' (,.et lloo) I Cattman (M911tewla t, II ti, I Otey c.-1,,., ......... ,, II U1 a ,_ ltlw• m~I, 11.•1 I,_., '-1 I 11-1~ , .... ,,, 11 ... 11. P'lllwlWler ( .. ftrlf Hllltlt..11 .. * -( ...... -I I ...... _ 1 • .,_,_... n ": t. Otey "''"'Ill* ,....,,, n ,,, t &lthllltllW <'-'1ti.11, U II' I,_.. 1 .. 1 I TMl'llH (Ill.., ....... ,,, t rt, J ft- I Otmlet1), ft,.,, (,_., llltMI I ,_, tCtltrll .. 1, tJ •11 1 O• .... "' IU--l, IJ tfJ (llNI ltutJ I c.i-IMeN .. lel, tt.H ; t AMI,_ lo.ne.NI n .. * t...,_11 ,_, 1~111<11, .. n, 2. M-INertll •tw t .iat, .. II, IM .. '-1 t. Otllllllrl ,.,,,, ....... ,, 10 It, t ...,. (~.,_,_, 11_.t. Choo .. 1111•1 I Ot- (HerU, ftM, t it1,,. 1....,,..,,,.,, .. tt J RM• (Laa.,,,...., .. 41, , ..... ._,' ..... ,_ .. _ ... ,.1 ... .,, ' w-- 1°'6er11 Hflll. .. ... t00 ..... ,-I I tel•• 11'1-•tl, I M ... t Laft4lle 10..lf!HI (fr-I, I ti tt, llletl 1 .. 1 1 Klllf IHew111t-1, IO 11, •ot1rt111 1u -•I, I ., n , '"' .. W•I I a11r1111 (lrvlnel. I .. U t H ... llU- IOle ..... le), I • », Ille .. -I I ~llerty (Alte L-l I tt It, I ,_,, tu111 .. 01 lyl, I SI "· f Ott-IWfft CllYI, I ti Ill 1600 CllNt _, I Her .. 11 111-1, • 14 "· 2 v .. ...,., 19, ........ , 4 ,, ,,, • Mcc:Hvern IQller\t HllCI, I JI '6, ,,. .. two) I. Le C,_ (Getll -1, 4 • tll, J f' Or• CUplenlll. 4.tO tt, t a itllff ( .. " Liilt OolaMI, 4.U t i, 1"911 lnt•I t I.I Ort l Up lalllll, 4, ll,tt, t Oal..,. llt YIM I, •·tJ.2>; t ,.,..,,. ... Cl,,,tOUlf>tl, 4 U It I noo ,,. .. _11 0•11...,.,1c--.,.. Merl,' oo.oa. 1. we1wi t <Allylfll,' •·•· t Ze"elll (Ai19le Velley). t tt 4', ' Jal ltrwhlte llrvlnel, t.rJ.14;, ,,..,, •••f I Alt.lnton (Mire Cettel, t u.•; 2 Meyw f\llJIVtrallyl, ~· JA.Qt, t N .... "I CC\llver Cl lyl, t .JS.Ot, 4. J--IAr•OyOI, t .U 11, S Veu911n 18rMI. t ·ll 01 110 HH ,_ -· I K.-1 .. lalelrl, 14.•t, 2 HOOt11 INOf'111 al .. talO.I, IS JI, J W-•erd (9-llnel • ., U ; (Mel twel ' J ohn•on IC•brlllol, U 44, 2 Ooode" IGenHhel IS,,,, (heel lllr•I '· l'Oft4<• IGtnetNI, IS 21, 2 -ltlWy IAll ....... I, U .M , 1-1-1 I Cr•-llllffnl .. Po. ly), 14 ... J Mea .. y '"~"'"" ,, " JOO LH -1 ... 1 -I I 0.ll(IM IMI•• Cotl•I, 404t, 2 Br-(Rlverti• .... Yl, 40.72 , (lle.t t-l I Jotw .. ofl ICellrlllol, JI.II; J. vovno Ctt••tllOIMl, 2t 21, > Ptero C&lafl< .. I. "17, (lwtt lh•M I I Crlaman (RlvenlOt Poly), )I 4'; 2. hylcW 18tYl fly Hllltl, 2t 11, (hell fturl I l(nowln (Bi.Ir). )I SS, 2 Clllt•n 10..,.. do<el, :no 4QO reley -(--1 I 8 .. lr, 4.2S, 2 Geneslle, 43-U . l. Beverly Hiii•, 0.17; lhMI lwol 1. eor-Oel -r. 4' 01, 2 •-. .. It ; llleel tllt•I I 8 Moftrovte , 43 JI, 2 l•vlne, 4J 56; 1191 fowl I Rl.,.ralele POiy, .,, ... ; 1. LeS.rnt,'4 u UOO rtley (heel one I I Cebrlllo, J ;J t.50; 2. Rlvetald• Poly, J 1J.U ; > Burblnlt, J•»-24; (""'two) I •--"'· J:U .Sl; 2. unlvenlty, J•2t II; Clleet .,., .. ) t. Gorden Grove, J.U.». 2. Sen L11ls Dblsoo, J:U.64; (-IOIH') I HewlMrM, J·H.4; 2. G..,_.e, l :Jt 7. HJ -Allofl C81elr), Bonner (1119-), Jon11 (A•lln9ton1, Herper (Arlln91onl, T•l•ne• (OuefU Hiii), Wllllemt (OMNaN), Cellawey IPec:lllce). H•mner (Ii;-) end Felnl'th (81.,...ly Hlllil, ell et M . LJ -1. Ho .. (North Rlversldtl. 24-S; t. 8Df'tner ll~l U.114; J. Herpter (Ari· 1n9ton), U ·YI 4. Jones CMornlntslclel, 22·10¥.; s. Teteb<loc• CHn1t11rone1. 22-10; •· P orter (Gennlle), 21 ·1; 7. Halo (Monrovl•I. 21-t7¥. I. Wllllt CCllellol. 21.1-., t. p._..., (Arroyo). 214~. TJ -I Pierce (Pllrndalel, 4 .. 11 \lo; 2. Holldey (Upl-1, 44-t; ). JO«lan IS<llurrl, .._....,; 4. -(NOrtll Riverside), U.J\11; s. Swut (8rH), •J.11...,, •· Miiien (Mon· l•bellOI, U.IOV.; 7. Whlt(lty (Arllftll'on), U.7; I . Kint <C.lonl. 4>-4, t. Ac-IC:.- 411 Merl.42·7 ..... PV -~ 15cllurrl, &..omNlm (11- <lel, J-•-(~le Vell•YI. ~ (8urb•N<l, •II •I IJ.0; Oootoy (ArntYO Ore-), McGndy (Aile L.Mne). 1( ...... (Clere,,....U. •-•l•I" (Herl), Slleplro (Beverly Hlll.i, ell ti 11• SP -1. Frt1lor (Antelope ll•llo l. 62·11~; t. Ptlllllp& ( .. verly Hiiia), 5"'S~; J. Dl1on I 1...--1. S~2; 4. l'erfls 10..fftyl. SJ..t...,; s. Bolton tit.ncllo A11111l1MI. ~; t. Fll1oer•ld (~l. SJ·IO; 1. we111.er (S.nte Merle), Sl•; I Roelnaon IBl•lrl, Sl·l IYI; t . -ltenlly ICvl .. r City), Sl·ll . High school track Cll' IA l'nlt- Cat Y .... le Mltlll (Ill ....... -.1· ~kl Olrlt 100 -1,...1 _, t. Blocai..im (C•Jonl. n .'2; 2. "'*"°" (Culver Clly), U.12; J. Compton IA-..Sl, 11.M; llle•t two) 1. Emenuel IOWrtJ Hiii), IJ.tJ; 2. Grl!Ola C Blelr l, U .04; llleeC three) I. Rogera IU"tversllyl, 12.53; 2. Jollnso" IC•IOfll, IU•; (-fOllr) I. Hell (Geflfflwll, 12.10 L J-• 1 .. vet'ly Hlllsl, 11.71. 200 -(llNt -) 1. eom.iton (ROMmMll), it.SI ; 2. Aslllury (lleleN:l•I. 2'.71; lhMI two) 1. ~ (Alvenldt Poly), U.tl; 2. Wllll•m• (H•r11, 2'.tJ; 111ea1 lllrMI 1. Aoeera (Unlveralty), U .ot; 2. A-r-CCwlwtt CltyJ, ».17, (lloet fOllrl 1. M<Gr- (G-11\e), 24.Jt; 2. Uff*I (u HMfel, 24.54; J. Wllllem1 IS..~11sl. 2'.04l; J. u;no11 c 1..1 H-•I. 2 .. s.. •OO -(l'ltll o"e l I. Zendberoe" (Pt tlllce), 5'.15; 2. Mer11" (01 ...... lel, 5'.75; (-two) I. McGr-Co-.Nl. S1 M (-CIF IA rec-. eld ""''-56.» tlY D••11ls of Monrowle, lt7t l ; 2. ltrl•MI (Peclll< ,.,ot; a. .. _.. Ill Toro), Sit.JI; 111111 lllrW) I. Cur1 l1 (Ciilwr City),-..; t. 1rni.1>r-(~I, ,.,a , (lleet IOllr) I. Ar lllur IE1peren11l. 51.•2. 2. Jorde" (Pio-tl,,. .... 100 -(llo., -I I. Gottlleb (a.-ly Hiiis), 2: 17.0; 2. ~(OW-OtlMer), 2:tt.7S; (--I I. ll4'oo«s (Ywcelptl, 2:11.0 , 2.11 .... ~ 11,.,,1nt1. 2:22 .... ,_ 111rMI 1, Curtis (Clllver City), 2:12.11 (-c IF M rteonl, tld ""'11, I: IU by "-Of H•. Terrence, lt7tl; 2. Miiier (Hor111 Riverside), 2:20.41; >. HlndlO" (A1191• Vlllty), 2:21.7'; (llMl '-'1 I. Keti.y (Colle M .. 1 1, 2:11.•; 2. OWNMI• ($t. Li.t<YI. 1:20.21. 1600 -(llHt -) 1. ~ta (Reelondo), J :OO.tU; 2. Itel..,, CC.II Meul. s:,o.D; Mclll<tr IMerf), S:ll.lt; (-twol 1. lier• rlos Ulllwnlty), S:ot•; 1. Gottllff ( .. _. ly Hllltl, S:IJ ... ; I. Hvflmen (0 ........ ) S:ll.56; (l'ealt!Ywl I. Pl-r IUnlwnttyl, 4:St.H ; 2, HHlltl IS.111111sl, S:00.10; J, a11ue (ArroyeOAndll. S:00.4. noo -,,.., _, 1. aarr ... 1u .. 1wn1tv1 11:02.1; J, ..... Ill (Loi AmlgM), 11:1'.4; J. Wllllt (Sonorel, ll:U .4; 4. For"ler (SIUliitl. 11:2t.2; 2. Whit• ('o"or•), 11:11.S; 1. Al'nWftlrOlll (Unlwra.llYI. 11:12.0; 4, Nk llOll tal OOrMol. 11:\U ; S. lllltwlU (H-er), 11:14.7. 1100 LH -(llNI -l I, Mlevtt 18111r), 1U11; 1, T~ (lrvlnt), IS.ti; ( ..... t-..) I, l'rk ll• t.-rl, 1S -(llklor Yllley), u ... ; (hNI lfnol 1. "Kil IEI Tor•I, u .n ; 2. Ktverttne (...,_), IS.ti; a. C...,tt l "osemeMI, U :tl; (llfft f-) I. Mllb IU"lvortltvl 11.n. 2 ~ (-.ri, IS.SI . JOO LH -(--I I. #llli.tns (t,eUllll), •t.U; 2. T ... (Bewny Hllltl &»; (._.. tw.l I.,,,,._,.__.,, -.a1; I. Hl8ra llJ9<111(e), 47.,.; 1-..,..., I. CMM!ltf (VllCI ... ), .U•; t. AIMtt (U,.eN), 47,a; t. T .......... (~), 47.t?; (llellt ,_, 1. 8rHllt (YllCI ... ), ... 941 ... , t . HIMI • (~Mlll),41.tJ. _,.,..,_, .... _, 1.-.... 1';1. uMw-.•t1:t11M1-i1.~ .... u: J. u111--.. ..,.,.: '""' 11r .. > '· ~ .. ... , t. 11 Twe. •.JI; (llHt f9w), 1 • o-eM. &11; I. llewtfv Hiib, ..... ; S. OooettaHlll, .... , .. ~-( ..... _) '· ...... -. • ...... ; t. ~. •: .... •: (Met ... , 1. o--. ti••: t. .._.., "'"'· •:f&.': CllMt tfnel I,~• 4;.U; I . VIII.._ ry, 4: ... 11 U.. Mir) I. 11 Tere,. 4! ..... ; t. ....... •18'M;I. .._,...,.,tM. MJ -..._ (.....,_), .... ., (ht• ..... ). 1<1111¥ (trW!e), ... .,. (Ulll--), tMttt' (....,..., cw-. <Oii• Otf), ...... ICle,e;;;;;/), ell at t<J; OMflt <I """91. a.a. u -'· ~ u .. a ....... ,.._"': t. Ye .. 11 CL.a .......,, ,,._, a. K~ , ...... ,. t1.J1 •• ~.., ,...,.., HI*>, n ,a; a. .... COllMW~ 11'11111 L I'-(I,••••.), IMI J, Wl"ll (....,, """"' .. ~ (lntllii), ,.......: ...... c~w-.).~. •P -t. led ... <"'""-1, ~ 1-Clpt aA _._, ... _..,, ...... ......... ....,, .. c....., ...... 4Hllltl t. ....... (......., -..,t1 ... ~ ,..,.....,, .... , J. ... , ..... .....,,~ .. ~ (IMlll), """· 1. , .. , t lll--*1, 1M1 o. •me I..,...), IM/ t. ---1~. ...... Hlth echoot •"""'"'' ne CJf'M._ML.i ( .................. ~,, Mt,.,...,. relay -i. Wll-, 1:,..J7, J. Le~. l.'1M, a. IM lllMlfle, 1 G.tt, • Miilt, l:CLa, S VII ... 1.0 >l; 4 L.w AllM,1• ....... Ht free I ..... (&I TertJ, I O •: t "'',." (Uplaftfl, 1:•1.n ; >. ere"-• (C..t• .... J ,, ..... ; •. AMll\lltfl ((;e¥. lllel, l· ... 1'7; t. ~ (Wel.,uO, 1:6'.121 6, TH&er (,.wltl1efl UllMI\), 1 ••• 02. JOO I ... -I Moller41 (Ger-WI Merl, t SUJ; 2. Olltltfl (Cy,.,.M), 1.Jt.t7; >. a. UY CWlllllllll, 1 ••. 1 •••• Nltlmerlne (1(- ,,.,y), I "·"I, ~· IWelllul), ,,,.,a; •. J Le11 IW.....,.l,1102.7'. N lrw I .... ,. IHotv9'1, tl,M; I ,WIN(~(.....,. Hiiia), 11:.0; ,, M-rt II.I C•"lf•I, Jt.61; 4 ,M!Nf'ttofl IW•lnull JI "· •. e..,., (LH Allot), n .... '· Ore .. -1 C'*"il.iil, tt.21 1• lly I a. '--(Welnul), SOM CCI,. > A reote,.., ,...,.k, to.ti, 8 . Lev, 1•1; 1. Le,. .. (Wel"ut>. JI U ; I $1etel l l•H•111&el. n It, 4. ""It" lAr<ediel, U "· S , .......... ICINe MIMI, U S4, 6 ......... 11 .......... " 21 , .. l•M I Miile ..... (HM'terl. 4t M, 1 , .. ,__, CWelftOlll, 0..11; J k-'1 I••" Merl11e l. OU, 4 aekm eft 1-k lolt), a.JS, S Horn (Avlelltfll. ft 04. • C-U . .aaA.1 ... l,4'.tl MO lrM I, Kettetf IUpllMI, 4 11 it ICIP' >-A, ..... ,, o141 ""'" 4.Jl.11, Miu l l- 1e"''"· Mii MMIM, lt141, 1 ........ IEI ferel, • ti D; 1 Moll•r• IC--•t Mell. 4 21 tt, 4 0..lefl (C,,_ul, 4 JS.SI, I -· ,,..., IWelllutl, • 40 •2, t Svtlllrlln Cl.M Alem11 .. 1, 4 SI 12 t• -II. I R~a I&.. Cen-1. t.4.0l, J MHvll (Mel\(<lelr), 54.4', i Gt.._..I 1 l>emle"I· Sf ... 4. eelley (Ml•ele•lt l, u 11 , s T•lff Cl'llllel'IOll un1on1. u.tt; ._ ,..,, CC1¥-I. 5' t4. 100 bf-1 Devit (El Torel, 1:01 st.1 LleMI Cten -tlllO), 1:01.t4, I . 811ra- IOlen4ltra1, 1.02.21 , • Lu"U (LH Alemlloal. I Ol.4~;· S. Sltlle CUple"411. I OJ.04, •. Meflt "ul'il WllnuO, I .OJ.1'. 400 f-rtley -1. Walftllt, l: 14.lt; 2. CorOfl• clM -r. >:lS.63; >.El To..o, J;l0.7'; • Sen Marino, l : 20.11, S. Claremont, >'21 41 ••. U..Atemltos,):tl.1' .. hem""'"'" 1. W•lftllt ltl, J. San -rlno ... ,, El Toro"· 4. Corone cMI Mer 12, s. LA Women MIOHICKOOl Cll').A l"IMb JOO medley ,.I e y -1 a .. rrovell• AIOte<rHt, 1:5"1.tl; 1. Wll_,.H,H., 1:5.S.JJ; >. Los Allot, I: st.IO; • Beverly Hiiia, I; S7 .70, S. Arc.adll. I :SJ .t21 t . Sl,..I, 2:oo..M. 200 lree -1. P,,\M'Mlrl IAll\tl'll4ltel, l:SO.» (CIF t-A record, old rneri., MelMI• atle. Rlveraldt Poly, 1:51.0S, ltlOI, 2. Sltf1UI (Wllson-H H.), 1·s1.u . 3. 511""9 IGelltl. 1.Sl.H , • ~9 (Simi), l.St.10; S. Htfl CLO.re), I:" >3; 4 OucSMll (Moftlclelrl. 2 00.12 200 lndo 1 Alie IAlveraloe Poly), J O'.t l. 2 HemplOfl (Cr•Kenta 11111...,1. 1 10.IJ J. Low IAl...,..tlOt Poly), 2·10.SJ. 4 Grener ISt .. rnerdl, 2.12.4, S. To,,_ CMe•bury Peril), J •lJ.32; 6 Hk lt_, te..r •OUVll.,RklQ.I. 2: , .. It . so lrM -I. ••r-11 (Wlhon·H.H.). U.7S; 1 Grey CAr<eclltl, 24.11; J. Reed (Indio), 2S 12. 4. Tr.or-a 1-ry P•t-l, U ... ; S Vollmer (Ar<odl•I, U.44; •· H.nMft CIM Allos(, 1S.U . 100 tly -1. 11..-11 (Wllton·H.H.), U G ; , Hempton ceresuntt Vellevl. se:ot; J Evena (-r1y Hllll 5'.93, 4 Hk ltaon (Bur ro119lls·AldQ I. 1.00.41; S. Bll•d•• (MerlllorOllQll), l:00.7t. •· Simmons Ile Ce"..S.I, I :01,SO. 100 frM -I. All• (AlverstOt POiy), St.7', 1. Sier••• CWHIOn·H.H.), ».OO; J. ore, (Arcedle), U .06; 4. Vollmer (Arcedl•I. S4.U ; S. ~~ (Le Cenedel, SUI; ' A a me aw 11.M AIU.I, SS.91. SOO tru -I. Peterson (Alllembra), 4:0 .50; 2. ~(~I, 4:5'.12; J . Dlldall' (Monlcltlr), S:l .. Cll; •. Nurneno (Areoctlel, s· It.II; s. Simmons (U CAnldel. S:11.";. arln9f"., ICNffty), S:2J.t1 .. 100 11«a -1. ~re !Slmll, St.7S· 2 Nell ILoor1),, 1:00.43; J. Grener (St Bernerd), 1:00."; 4. Chol CSolltll Hlllsl t·OO.t2; S. A...s lllldlol, 1:02.t4; 4. P,,ttn (ThomtenclOelisl, l:OU1. 100 -.t -1. ~ (Wll-·HH), 1:07.13; 2. OollUr IArc.adlel, l:Cll.Ol i l. UM I a lvertlde Polyl, \:Ol.>t; 4. o Connel 1Cller1er Ooltl. I; 10.06; S. FOftll IAllllMOrtl 1· 10 .... t.Gfehanl ICNfteyl, 1:11.a. 400 lrM ret.y -t. Rlwraio. Poly, J: ..... 2. Le Cenelle, J:•l.06; I ~ AllO&, J:&'1, f . Wl,_...,H J SI.DI ; S. Aoyel, t :SUO, 4 Arceclle,J:Sl..SO. hem ICOf'l9 -1. An;elde 142; 2. Wli- He<lende ... ~" IJ7; ). Alversloe "°'Y 110. Germen lnternettonel ( .............. w..tOW-fl ltfNllMIU..-. Jimmy Connon c:ltf. Beleu Teroc:ry, U , t ·J, ) ... M , M ; P.ettt MctO,..ere dltl. H•rold Solomon, M , M , •..t. Men'• tournament (et TlllU, Ollll.) l'IMh Dl<ll Stixk.ton .. f. ROICOI Tenner, ._J, W . .,....... ""'* Tom GUClltlton clef.Stan Srnlttl, ... 2, I_., Junior tournam•nt (M .... l ... y) _. ....... llr9tle9 Sl-ZlwoJlnovl< def. Alldr'N aonauJ, , ... 2 ...... ,. Moe'tl'IMI~ Erl< Korllt-Jemmy BrOWll clef, Melirlee l'erltln.,Tony ......-... 2,M. ........ ,. .... llr9tle9 Anne ~ def. e11.-111 s..,.,... 1'4, ..2.w ...... ,. ... Dacieloe Ce111tr1,. u ...,,111-n. Ll"°'trorn *'· Elene Sullow~• Malen•, M , M , ..._ Chelt.nge tourn•m•nt , .. ., • w ,-...0) T.iiy •ocN cllf. Cliff Oryldele, 1•, M . Alltel!• coumament tat....,_, llelJ'l ,..,....... Slcttlts J-'-"'&Cler< Ott. def. l'evet Sozll, .. l, .. 2; Allli Remirta cllf. Gllta Mol'tttoll, H , .. 2 P•mod Trop~urnemnent , .. ~ ........ , ............. J e11 G-.on def. s-KrvlevltL M , ..... ._....,.......,._ RtM Un Ott. Lesley Clllrtes, t.2, W , ..a. Wortd t9f'nla tourn•ment (etftllye) Mlili'll-'flMI ....... 8rl1111 TMCller .. f. 0-Me.,.r, W , M ; 8111 Sc.anion-by Otf...,.lover I wen Leftlll. .......................... Ttec:y Aw&lll cllf. P1111 Mltlftr, H . H ; Andree J-Otf. Ott. a.tllN 811ft99, M , ..... Women'• SWIM OP9n , .. L..-, 1u1twc..-1 .................. Cllrlt I_, ~ dtf. RttlM """'*-• .. ,, .. ,; VI"""" A.akl Ott. Sylvlo MMllU, H ,M ,W. a.v.ntHn T of C IM ...... V .... I ........... , ... ..,,.,....... T•ll-5clli 111 .. 'fl Wf, OIMy ,.._...,, 7.J, t-t, ..a. ...... .,........ ......................... ._1y .... ... ........... ,. ..... ,oww. IMI 04lr'rtllMI llal. Kat!IY R!M1411, M , M.. ~ • • .. · . ..._n'eaoftMft CDP u•n~• WC.TM d ............ a c ......... ----' ....... or._.CMr iii• .. _, ' • ,....... __ _...,, Cil'tJ .. O..~....,._,v...._ ..... :..,=-· O..,...a..t ... .... ......... ... ...... , c.. U.-141 .. OWi o..-_..,., Mollard, Sea Kings e • unpress1ve EAST U()S ANGELES - Corona de~ Mar Hlgh's ~ott Mollard, in fifth place at the ha lfway Point, passed everybody during the breasUlroke en route to a 200 individual medley vie· tory at the CIF 3·A swim cham· plon11hips here Saturday night. Mollard, whose goaJ Is a berth on the 1984 Canadian Olympic tea m , dropped n ear l y three seconds from bis previous best mark in recording a t : 55 63 at East Los Angeles College. lt was a llfetuf\e best for Mollard, a junior who has dual citizenship in both the U.S. and Canada. "He'll probably have just a lit· tie easier tJme trying to make th~ STnMMING Canadian Olympic team," noted CdM assistant coach Jim Turner following 'Mollard's victory. M ollard edged out Cypress' Jim Obrien and Walnut's Ben Lau to take the 200 event, but Lau came back to better his own ClF 3·A record in the 100 butterfly with a 50.65 clocking. He also led an easy Walnut team victory with 191 points, compared to second -place San Marino with 84. El Toro finished third with 76 and the Sea Kings came in fourth with 72 points. The Sea Kings' 400 free relay team managed a second-place fin ish (3.15.631 with Moll ard, Scott Morrow. Dave Smith and Ra ndy Taylor bettering their prelims mark by nearly two seconds. In the 500 freestyle. Upland's Jeff Kostoff raced to a 3·A record (4. 28.55), beating out second· place Craig Popp of El Toro (4:31.331 and Mollard (4 :32.851 in third. Top individual performanc'e of t he evening went to Hoover Hi gh 's sophomore sensatio·n Mike Baele, who collected cham· pionships in both the 100 free ( 46.85 ) and the 50 free (21.24 >. In women's competition, Wilson·Hacienda Heights stan· dout Mary Birdsall broke her own record in the 100 butterfly with a 55.83 mark, and won the 50 freestyle with a bris k 23. 75. -8 y CUrt Seeden Doehring leads area track athletes SAN DIEGO -Jim Doehring of Saddleback College, a former San Clemente High standout. qualified fi rst in the Southern California Conference Pretims at Mira Costa College Saturday with a toss of 58· 11 'h in the shot put. In other events, Orange Coast College's Mike Herzog was second in his heat of t he 3,000 steeplechase (no lime recorded) to qualify for the finals . Mike Scarlett of Golden West tossed the javelin 208·6 to easily qualify for the finals. Greg De haris of GWC and Steve Uchytil both made the finals of the 1,500 with times of 3:56.52 and 3:57.46, respectively. Greg Ra msey of Golden West clocked a 1:55.91 in the 800 meters to just make it for next weekend's fii(als . Greg Moiso, a former Costa Mesa High star. clocked a 54.24 in the 40(),meter hurdles. Brian Harold of OCC qualified In the 5,000 with a time of 14:51.81. In the cliscus, Ken Mills of Saddleback qualified first in the discus with a loss of 167·2. Mills, the former University and UC Irvine standout, also qualified for the shot put with a loss of 58-l'h . Finally. i.n the 10,000, Mike - Lansdon finished l lrst in a time oC 30:21.47. Sof th all crown won by GWC Tammy Delp scattered three hits over seven in nings as Golden West CoUege captured the Southern Cal Tournament wlth a 4--0 win over Oranae Cout In wodlen'a community colleae softball play Saturday. The Pl.rates quallfled for the cbamplonahlp by dereat1n1 Palomar, 1--0, earlier in the day at Golden West Colle1e . In the cbamplon•hlp finale, Delp got all the runs abe needed in the fourth lnnlnt u her team: mates scored twice on an error, a aactlfice, a 1ln1le and two walJta. Jan Delp went aU the wa.y for the Plratea ~baorblDI tbe de· feat. Sbe U.O tcbed aU MYeD l.naln• llJ·· dl1 ates• vlctorJ ov•r 'Palomar. , 'the 'rictory Improved GWC'a record to 81· U , while ooc·1 dropped to 2$-1. • BoUI U. PIJ'ata aod It.....,. bne qHJlfted for tbe stat. ftnalt NrUill Friday. ·Backer :now enjoying new role NEW YORlt CAP> -When Woody AlJen'a "The F1oatin1 Ll1ht Bulb" opened here, varloua and sundry acribea aou1ht inlerviewa with the stars, Bea Arthur, Jack Weston and, lbey hoped, the reclusive author. All are famous, Miss Arthur via "Maude," West.on via films and Broadway, and All• via bit c~medy, bis wriUna, actin1 anddlrectin1 lo rums., ON THE OTHER HAND, there's Brian Backer. At 24, he's an' unknown, even thou1h be, too, is in "Light Bulb." "This Is my second interview -In my en· lire life," h~ says with a shy grin. The major trilics generally knocked the play. But not Backer. who not only made his Broadway debut in It, but also hls debut as a paid stage •ct.or. T.hey cfteered bis support.Irie work as a shy, stuttering, 17-year-old budding magician In the blue-collar Brooklyn family or which Allen writes in "Bulb." "I DIDN'T READ THE reviews until the next morning," Backer says. "My heart was in my mouth. But they were so good, so kind to me." It's been said Backer's character probably is that of a young Woody Allen. He bears a slrik· ing resemblance to a young Allen, small in stature. shy, a little hesitant in speech. Only the owlish glasses are missing. Both hail from the Flatbush section or Brooklyn. But there are many differences. Backer. for example, says he lacks a comic mind. His Is the quiet life or the unknown support· Ing player, one who until now has been unable lo afford seeing plays on or off Broadway. HIS FIRST REAL AUDITION was for New York's ramed High School of Performing Arts. Accepted, he later studi~ at institutions or higher emoting run by Lee Strasberg and Herbert Berghof. To enjoy such luxuries as three meals a day and a place to sleep, he took assorted jobs: "Let's see, I was a receptionist in my father's office, also a clerk in a record store. And I was a messenger for six months." His actor's life began in a hotel basement here, in a tableau called "The Life of the Male Calico." a showcase production. He worked in it for no pay in hope an agent might sight him and get him_ work with pay. Didn't happen, not right away: Brian Backer ... Shine$ like •Light Bulb' \ from" the show and sent me to audition for an m· dependent film. l got the job." That was in "The West Orange Cowboy." He says it turned out he worked on a "salary- deferred" basis . He grins when asked if the salary has checked in yet. . '·No, and I don't think it will, either," he says. But things were looking up. He did a TV special with Hal "Barney Miller" Linden, then a soon-to-be-released horror Click , "The Burn- ing." But nothing s ubstantial seemed on the horizon, he says. Then. "a friend or mine called and ~aid, 'You've got to go to this open call audition.' " To his surprise. it was for Woody Allen's new play. THUS WAS HE TRIED as were more than 100 others for the part of Paul Pollack. stuttering, frightened boy magician. He un- derwes t four auditions. one before Allen. A ter· rifying time. "Sure, I was intimidated," he says. "It's "AFTER THE SHOWCASE, I made the not often that you get to meet a genius. But he rounds, something like 70 agents, with my pie· turned out to be a really sweet man. Still, I tell Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/SUnday, May 17, 1981 C€l€BR'1t€ Newport's 4th Anniversary Tuesday, May 19, with 1977 Dinner Prfcesl an extended "Cask Hour'' with Two-for-One Cocktails from ~j 11 :15 A.M. till closing, •·.:-~ l Complimentary Desserts ~ , and other f estivitles. .. lure. One of them, Louis Ro.seiiiiinm'mre'cmomgln.iz·e~dmmiiiie .. 1___:.Y~o~u~,~l ~w~a=s~d~y~io:g:::...=.o~f ~fr~i~g~ht.:....:..at~lh:..:_:_a_t_a_u~d-it_io_n_.'_'~~~__:=================:==:::::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:=::=:::=::::::==::=::=~~~~~~........., .......... ~ OWUl'l.wPOal IMwpol1 llucll 644·0760 NCWIC ... TII COUT Llguna llNc~ 494 tSU ...... ruu B<u S'9·S339 .. ._ UC.... Wa11ftntllf 893.(15.46 owue·1•1Ue1MU MositOll Vit!O 49S·6220 , .............. . IMnl 551 065S Clll-. 0ran9t· 63HS~ IT ........ Or1n91 639-9770 1a11, ...... 8"IN Pat~ 921 4070 ,, THE DECLINE OF Western Civilization 12:00-2:0CM:OO 1 :00-8:00-10:00 The comedy tor everyone who's had it up to here ... .. . and Robert 'T' Hays hasn't had this much tun since 'Nrplane"I ... 1UCD11U.--w1•••-rr _,_ -~ -1111111 1'111 Ell ---~cm.I-___ _...... ._.. -..... -.. -MUICIE -.. __ .., .... ......... -.. _,----Al UllA .. PM IMITU -.. -. IUllll81 . __ ... ,_ ... , _ _. .:.. .. •-•• OI«*.,,,...,_ ----. -....---===·~-----1 .........._ ........... __ "Jt\,-• ••• ~·-~·· ,,,, .. ,., •• "'~···-.., ....... --~- _ ... .,. ... "LION OF THE Df;SERT" (PO) "TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT" _ .... .,. "TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE rr· .. "°""'""" "TAKI! THl8 JOB AND SHOW IT" ""' ~I ICOI• WW "°"AOUATtoN DAY'' 1111 .... Nl,"'1f .................. ... -~·"~ I .......... -.- "' 1"91 "COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER" -°"~ ·-....... -''fESS' • ~ •<•..-... ""._.. ........ -.. THE ELEPHANT MAN" ·~,~ ~~' c-~ "-''GRADUATION DAY"1111 ~~ "FIRECRACKER" tlll _, ... .,. Ill "TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT" lf'Gt l'LUI FOl'g'ld by a aod. Ii found by • King. . EXCAUBUR 0 (!) ' "" '"·''* MT/IUN t:el. 4A. 1·•. ll:lt I I j 1 f . t ____ _....r-............. -....... _____ _.,,..... ____________ ......, ___ .._. _________ ..._.....,.... ~-·~........----·~__......_--····· ... -.. .-.. -- -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 17, 1981 Mare keeps getting 'wonderful stuff' LOS ANGELES <AP> -Mare Wlnninpam bH Ju.st turned 22, already la an Em19y winrier, and bu 1 ·atrinc of remarkable performaneea ln televlalon moviet t<> ber credit. "They just se.Djl woodetful stuf my way," 1he says of her roles. "I 'm very 1rateful." She ls planning to direct her first movie, a amall·budget indepen· dent production called "Comlng Attractions." It's about her junior high school classmates ln drama class, and most eapeclally about Linda Darling, the teacher who Inspired her and euided her toward acting. "It's sort or a thank Mare Winningham you, really, to Linda for . what ahe did for us," she says. It was written by Howard Cu.shnlr, a classmate who is one of .her partners in Dreamline Productions. Mias Winningham was born Mary Me1an Win- ningham, but at an early age attached heraelf to a teddy bear. "My father called me 'Mare Bear' and the name stuck," she says. She grew up in a large, gregariou.1 family in the San Fernando Valley. Her mother is a high school English teacher, her father a football coach turned university athletic director. She was dis-• covered in her senior year play. "The Sound of Music." HER AGENT QUICKLY got her 'roles In episodic television, then parts in TV movies, and. finally, there was her captivating, Emmy-Winnlng performance in ... Amber Waves." After that, she MU. 111U UA CltlfMU MAll B•u ~;og ~Jl9 Wtt'"""\'• 891 o· •~ AMC OllAllCll MAll lDWAllOI' SADOUIAC• O'""?f 637 03•0 ll 10<0 '>81 '>880 UA CIH4CllltMA lDWAllOS' CllltMA CUITUI O••nqe 63• 1911 CosJ• Me..i 97q • 1 •' lOWAJIOJ' FOllHAlll HlllY f oon1a1n Vallfy 839 1 '>00 •llOIC t •·J.1"* '' ~J' .. ' OllAllGl DIUft·lll o' )f' ~· ""'.>8 10, llllCOUI DlllYl·lll BuMol P•ll 811 •Olli •l'AUll tcCUTP ... '9.- starred ln "Off the Minnesota Strip," appeared ln "One Trick Pony" and co·1tar1 with Don41ld Sutherland in the upcomln1 movie, ''Threshold.'' . Jn "Freedom," which ABC telecHts Monday, she playa a teen-age wbo runs away from borne. She joins a travelin1 carnival, where sbe lea.ma the meaning and importance of beln1 part of a famUy. Mils Winningham 1ln11 six 10011 written for the movie by Janis Ian. "Freedom" was inspired by the experiences of Carrie Morrow, whose mother la screenwriter Barbara Turner, author of the movie. Durin1 the AVll~!!,~ 11\hill~ • \ l ! .. ·~M l...J!f~I ...... _. ......... ( __ ....-~~ IRle. NOWPUVING ··-- EDWARDS VIEJO MALL MANN SOUTH COAST "''"'°" vi.io 4'~ • coei. -.e w..nn llO 'AllU ACCl,TlD fCNI TIHI UIUllMllT "STUNNING" _,'" v...,. "-'· Wl~l (OA~l PRlMllRl ENGAGCMENT NO\\' SH°"11NG • Otonoe CINEDOME • eo.10 Meta. HAllOI TWIN 6U•UU 621·1101 Daly IOOl'M SOI S... I 00 • 4 )Q I ~ l'M producUoo, Miss W~~tn1bam moved in with Mias Turn•r, who w• a ''den mother" to her and the carnlval workers, some of whom acted out their lives ln tbe movie. f IT WAS IN IUNIOa hilh that the Uthe )'OUDI actren found her calling. ''All oo ac~nt of tb11 teacher, thia incredible teacher I bad," ahe says. "She'• still my beat friend. "How Linda was there, I'll never know, but, boy, she chan1ed a lot of kids' llvet1. She cot us ri1ht at that molding sta1e, when we could have gone In eight directions.·· 4 ACADEMY AWARDS BEST PICTURE DEST DHUCTOA 11.obefr r\edford DIST SUPPOIU1HG ACTOA T1morhy Hur ron DEST SCAUMPlAY ADAPTATIOH Alvin 59rgenr AMC ..._ llAU lDWAUI' YIUO TW1ll Of1119t 637-GJ.40 M•s.POn VlljO 830·6990 llWAMI' MllTOI. lDWUOI' WOOHlllDGl Slnia Anl ~ 1444 11~.ne ~~1·06!.~ fOWAIUll' C*MA WUT Wesrmins1er 891 393~ lOW Allot' lllHIT lllQ TOii Huntington 8Qch 148 Ol88 ITAOIVM OlllWl·I• 0"119' 639 8710 .. PUIU acc:uru JOll , ... muaMaT There are 200 seniors at Mi And seven days 'til graduation. '~• CKRJSTOPHER CEORC£ _.PATCH M.ACKfNZIE f!. - ~ ;,".M•1...;1•·l 1 ~ ,_ ....... ~,..., -·~ - t ,_,._,.'T&.tAllNI ~ l~111 ~~·I .. ~~=:~; · -. ... , __ .,,..,_ . .._-.,ne·-·- -"'' '""_,. <911 *Ei:.L:~=::~: __ .. --lllf:f·-"THI ,.,. .. Ull -.... , .. ~ ...... --·-·-·-·- 90&.&.' •LAT • ..... "NINI TO fTVE" IN ) ............ ..... -. ... •·-·-·- l"ACIRCnmA --~ ll1m1'Cll \'OUlt 811Caa--,_ MY AT -----·---... TO IM M1W9AY I .... , _,___ ... ,_" _ _ ....,.._ .... ................... ~ ... .......... ~ • I !· I • Orange Coast DAILY PtLOT,&.mday, May 17, 1981 J Size 18-and-over models show spring styles for Big Beautiful Women in youthful skirts and blouses (left), lingerie, matching separates and casual wear. 'Dori 't look small look terrific' By MARY JANE SCARCELLO °' ... D9lty ,... ""' The fashion show commentator came right to the point. "Fat-and-ugly is not one word," said Carole Shaw, editor of Big Beautiful Woman magazine. Her audience at the J.C. Penney store in Fashio.n Island rela~ed and smiled. The 45-year-old speaker, who referred to hel' weight as around 200 pounds, understood tbeir problem. "There wasn't a Monday since 1949 that I didn't start a new diet," Mrs. Shaw continued. "After chasing a lettuce. leaf around a plate for 30 years, I gave up and d,ecided to accept the fact that I was putting my life on 'hold' because I was putting off buying pretty clothes and doing things I wanted to do 'until I lost weight.' "But when 1 went out to buy large clothes for myself, all I found was the 'bullet-proor dacron pantsuit and a maternity top.'' She and her husband began the Big Beautiful Woman magazine (BBW> in April of 1979 and saw circulation of the bimonthly publication jump from 50,000 to 300,000 within a year, she said. "Beauty comes in all sizes" is BBW's motto and ap- pears on each cover of the'nationally-distributed magazine. Models in advertisements, like the women showing the clothing on the runway at Penneys, are au size 18 or above, and Mrs. Sh~w won't accept ads for diets or run stories about new diet plans. "I'm not telling anyone to be fat," she said, "but gov-• ernment statistics show there are 25 million American women over the size of 16 and we're disenfranchised from. the fashion industry. "I didn't create those 25 million women." As models showed the queen-size fashions, Mrs . Shaw combined descriptions of the clothing with fashion tips and upbeat philosophy. Dresses are biggest newsmakers, with styles and fabrics running the gamut from free-spirited gauzes to crisp, clean classics in linen and blends, but between the two extremes is enough ro0m to suit any fancy. ' Dres~ed, but not dressed-up The news for spring from Lane Bryant is an easy. re- laxed way of dressing for women who wear larger 1lzes. Clothes are versatile, and accessories follow along. Shoe heel~ are lower for wearabillty. and jewelry is bi& and bold. Skirts ranae from the all- A merican cla11ic trouser style in khaki cotton to basic dirnd.11 in peasant printl. Llaht volle, e•otlcally print- ed, la tiered and flounced for a lady-Ute touch. Pant.a variety al10 are aeen In a variety ol styles 1ucb u denbn, and chino jeU. in balaiel and &be flv• ket type appearinl ~-cot-tWW work pant.I. . aata can be trim, trd- tlaeal troulen or b1ve loft .1at1a... and pleata at the waistband. To accompany the skirta and pants, tops· are tope for beaUne the heat in style. • Camisole $ets, the ul- timate in lightweight Jayer- ing1 ~me in breezy gaus ana cottons and often are touched with delicate em- broidery, lace or ruffles. Other blouses are con- 1ervaUve in plaids, strlpe1 or solids or wild and wbhnaical with beads and feathers. St_yles ranae from T-shirts to alr)' bloulons. Dreuea are the bt11e1t Dewtmaken, with 1tyle1 and fabrta runnin& the aamut from free·aptrited aauzea tcr~, clean clutrca in linen and blend•. but betwem tbl two estrem• ii enou1b room • to 1ult any fancy. 'I'm not telling anyone to be fat , but government statistics show there a're 25 million American women over the size of 16 , and we 're disenfranchised from the fashion industry. I didn't create those 25 million women.' -Carole Shaw Carole Shaw, editor of Big Beautiful Woman. ,. "This is a summery gauze skirt and blouse," she said as the model came out, "and notice that her blouse is tucked in. Wearing your blouse out doesn't make you look thinner-: it just makes you look pregnant.'' She was dressed in ajadegreenskirtandjacket with a navy blue blouse which was tucked in and accented with a gold-tone belt. ''Lightning won't strike you dead if you wear a belt,'' she .. said to laughter from the audience,'' and it· s a nice finishing touch to an outfit." To complaints about difficulties in finding belts in large sizes, she answered,•• Most stores are starting to carry them. but if you have trouble getting your size. go to the curtain de- partment and buy a silky drapery tie and cut it to fit. They come in many colors and aren't very expensive." More old myths were exploded with models showing dresses and T-shirts with horizontal stripes. •'The rules about vertical stripes and dark colors making you look slender aren'tnecessarilytrue," Mrs. Shaw said. ••Dark colors are dull, and pretty dress or top is still pretty, no matter which way the lines go. •·Don't dress to please anyone but yourself.·· When a model appeared in jeans and a T-shirt. she said, ••Remember when all those years they put you in overalls and tried to tell you it was the same as Jeans? "Or if jeans fit in the hips and waist, they had )egs for an elephant.·' . Models showed dresses, separates, casual wear, jogging suits and lingerie in bright and young designs as Mrs. Shaw said," Don'tlook small-look terrific." Noting thatlarge women often are careless or uninformed about makeup and accessories, she said, "There's no such thing as 'fat' makeup, hair styles or jewelry. And a smile comes in all sizes. "Besides, ·rat' is not a dirty word," she concluded. "The sin isn't in eating the food -it's in hating yourself. Give yourself permission to be beautiful, thin or a&Ot." .. A black and white dress with assymetrical detail- ing (left) and a white camisole over a print skirt are new looks from the Lane Bryant's collection /or large-size women. • ••• 6. .. • ... -\ • • ...t.U!'a···· h . . . . ( • Orange Co .. t DA.IL V PILOT /Sunday, May 11, 1981 Just a bit of N~Orleans ~ANDl&JOY .......... T be aceo• wu ffl1 N•• Ori.MDI at Lp FJoriltu' '8rd annual noral beadd.Nll ball, a poeb beoeftt whicb COit u eatlmated •.ooo to put on a.ad few which ticket.a were SlOO per pereoa. Lacy Freoch wrov1ht lron omate lamp eci-ta. larae trees and abundant f~at• decorateCl lb• Beverly ltilton's International Ballroom for the event, themed "The World ol Mardi Oraa." Street ai1n1 tdentlfylo1 auch locales aa Bourbon Street, the French Quarter and Rampart Street. and paths of 1reenery leadlnt to the 1t11e wJaere lar1e 1Ubo11eltea ot jau lnltnamenta framed. ill U1hta further enhanced the decor. Completing lbe scene were pinwheel llthta entwined with balloon clusters on the cellln1, HAPPENINGS treasure chest centerpieces from which aouveolr coins flowed onto the tables and a prolualon or told and p11rple flowers, arran1ed In cooperation with the -Southern Call{qrnia Floral Asaoelallon with whom Las Floristaiiias worked for more than four decades. ' The ball's proceeds, an estimated $150,000, will benefit the Lu Floristas Handicapped Cblldren'• Clinics at Los An1eles County-Unlveraity of Southern Calllornia Medical Center and Rancho Los Amlios Hospital In Downey. In the beat New Orleans tradition, jazz clarinetist Pele Fo11Dtain headlined the entertain· ment prosram and the Ron Rubin Orcbestra pro- vided special music for each headdrela present&· lion wbUe celebrity co-bo't.s Mary Ann Mobley and Gary Collins emceed the noral spei:t.acwar. Amoog the dozen entrants in the headdress competition were two Orange Coast womeJa, Julie Lee of Irvine and Beth Lane of Newpor<Beach. Mrs. Lane wore a creation called "Egyptian Fan· fare" created by Neat Things & Flower~. Too of Newport Beach. Others from the Orange Cout attending the gala included Sue Hall of Corona del Mar, who took second place honors in the guest headdress competition in which the ladies wore miniature In- terpretations or the ball theme. The sweepstakes in the floral displays com· pttiliun was won by Flowers by Morri of Costa Mesa with its entry called "Neptune, God of the Sea." Other floral display entrants from the Orange Coast were Monarch Bay Florist, South Lag11na, and Reher's Mission Floristas and Gifts, Mission Viejo. Other Orange Coast participation in the ball came from Marshall Jarvie, who was among sponsors or guest headdress prizes. and attended tbe ball with his wife. Sue. B ack on the Orange Coast, Las Marineraa Au xiuary of the Family Service Association of Oranie County. will present its annual spring champagne luncheon Wednesday at u.e Newport B•acb home of Mrs. Harrison McCormick. Members and their guests will dine on a 1ourmet meal, then view a fashion show in the aarden presented by Nordstrom of South Coast Pli\1a. The main purpose for the party, said allXiliary member Barbara Sandberg of Corona del Mar, is tq raise money to support programs run by Orange COunty's Family Service Association, particwarly its programs aimed at dealing with familr stress situations such as child abuse and family violence. Luncheon chairmen are Mrs. MLlton Harvey, Mrs. James Dowty and Mrs. Jack Sparks. Greeting guests will be Las Marineras Presi· dent Mn. Robert Bonsack. Among models will be Las Minera.s members Elaine Ba.smajian, Kathie Bond, Karen James, Betty Rubsamen, Irene Sparb, Haiel Uplinger and Pat Wilson. Tickets for the $15-a-person affair can be ob· tained by contacting Mary Harvey at 646·1086. A ida Chapter of the Oranee County Mualc Center will stage it.a first fund-raJaer S\Ulday with • pre-theater wine and exotic international hors cl' oeuvres party at the Costa Mesa home of Margot Quon. From there, guests will go to South Coast RUFFELL'S let US UPHOLSTH Y .A_;.1 .. , leY• .,_ .. -... remuue ltJJ HAHOI JU D. your CO STA MIU-141·1 IH ·~~~~ kitchen!· 584101 CITIDHS SPICW. O/o Off A&.L SB W-.. T.n.. WM. 0., . HAii HAMDLMS Call UI ooll, tor eJq)l(t help -.e'--t,...••---'111 with yow kllcMf! remodeling "' , .. ~ ............. .. ... '"'" ..,.._....,.1141-0.. ic.a--·-.... , "9fA..,.M1•1211 .......... -_ ...... 0401 _ ...... ......_ ....... ...,_ . .....,-, .. plane. IA! UI atlOW you how to P>NMAlfy 9l1d modernize. at 1w· ~low OC)lll to you! ·BARKER=~ 2'960 Randolf Ave. Costa Mesa 754-0370 · ~ blk. W. of Bnatol et Bake~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• We're giving away Our secret! ·: • • • • • • • CONTOUR PAOAL LIFT 5 Look Years Younger I f'Or O¥tt kn ytat1. knowledlitatM womm h.ave u.d • i.. s.nt ._1'oalt rqularly to l~ the vWblt li(plf of • ... ,.. A h rdlydratl~ ftcltl PfOY«t'I 10 lfl\llY Ughtfon • .._,. *"' wf IOltm wrtnkltt whit. It moltturltet. • i.. s.a.t II avalltblt by m.iJ only! For your Introductory • ~ -.id tuo f« poMJlr • Nndll111 to our Am«r'kan • ~ le t.Clllll • tMI ._.. MoNc.a llvd., Sul~ 101, e.v.rly Hiiia. CA 90110 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. Beth Lane ~La 'Egyptian Fanfare' Repertory Theater for a showing or "Anything Goes." For tickets and information, call the Music Center at 556·2121 or Ms. Quon at 957-8140. A 1982 Ford EXP, a trip to London for two. a weekend at Bunker Hill, a sailing trip to Catalina, a cocktail crwse on a tugboat replica, a catered party in a suite at an Angels· Yankee ballgame, 100 gallons of gas. These are among Items to be auctioned at the May 30 al fresco din- ner sponsored by the Mozart Chapter of the Orange County Music Center. Chairing the party. to be held in the atrium at 1601 Dove St., Newport Beach. is Mrs. Kent Snyder. For information, contact the Music Center office. Maturity 1ias its· bonuses Every once in awhile I let a cravln1 to aee a mature woman dellverin• the alx o'clock new1. t know I'm taw.nc cruy, but aomeUmea t think lf I aee anot.ber •llktn·balred nymph with c•1>Ped teeth and wet lip• wr_.pped around the f1U· Int economy, l'l1 1c1eam. At times when I Jtke to have died from 1lttin1 there fl(\.lrinf out bow piany ways there are to Ue a acarf. I'd turn on Walter Crooklt~ and try to tm. .,tne b.lm wttb hair parted ln the middle and rolled into• bun at the nape of his necll. One of the thlnga people liked about Walter was that be not only delivered the news with wl!Jdom and experience ... he gave you the im- preaaion be was goln1 to do something about it. An older woman could do that. Experience could be an asset to a mat11re woman newscaster. Take the other nilht. I saw a youo1 anchorperson . . . no more than 12 years old . . shove a microphone into the face of a 23-year- old woman who had j ust given birth to five children, had four others at home, a husband out of work and she asked , ''How do you feel?" A woman over 30 would have known the answer before she asked the question. The print media, somehow. do not indulge themselves in that kind of discrimination. We have scores of mature women wr iters who wear glasses, swfer from paleness, sweat, frown, have poor post11r~. small eyea, b\ly borin1 coata. and don't care diddJy about the weather . t used to know a lot of women who we,.. ln- vol ved in broadcastln1 to or 12 years ago. One of ~ Elll lllllCI ~ ... __ _ --------~~-------­ them had hips. When the School for the Terminally Serious began to tum out women graduates, they were reassigned to small booths In radio stationa and eventually phased out. Most of them are un· derground now, leading beige lives and watching their old tapes. Granted television personalities should look at- tractive, but a word lo the eye-liner and lip &loss set inside everybody is a mature woman fight- ing to get out. I'll never forget the late Totie Fields who ap- peared one day on the Mike Douglas show. When a sex symbol joined them the audience nearly went crazy. Totie walked out into the audience and shouted, "What are you applauding HER for? Every one of you in the auclience looks just like me!" ' Scorpio: Conununication is e nhanced Monday, May 18, ltSl By SYDNEY OMABR AIUF.S (March 21-April 19): Hidden emotions surface, you learn more about where you stand with "special person." Money and love dominate . TAURUS <April 20-May 20): It's "crunch" time where legal affairs are concerned. Emphasis HOROSCOPE. on decision, responsibility, pressure and commit- ment. ' GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Take ring roads - complete project, be open to suggestions regarding long-range policy. You're due to be "upgraded" where employment enters picture. CANCER (June 21-July 22 ): You are more vital. vibrant. "alive." New course results in fresh, exciting contacts. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Join forces with one familiar with finances, funding. Emphasis on LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Details unravel in connection with money and bow to earn more of it. Accent on breakthroughs, obtaining supplies, de- ciding on investments. SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21): Ability to com- municate is enha nced ; articulate feelings to member or opposite sex. Emphasis on speculation, a variety of sensations. gain through written word. SAGl1TABIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Change in lifestyle rughlighted; someone behind scenes is at- tempting to "tell you something." CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Refuse to give up something of value for mere promise. Accent on hopes, wishes, successful result of investment, professionaJ endeavor . AQUARIUS <Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You asked for certain responsibilities -now you get them and "chips are down." Focus on career, challenge, production and relationship that is "feverish." PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You have rigbt to "great expectations." Emphasis on journey, com- munication, education and spiritual revelation. You' II successfully complete project. security, delay, restriction, obtaining truth about ·-..-_-_--:.,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.-:-::: ___________ _ reat property as contrasted to frivotollS claims. MOUNTAIN su••••cR CAMP VIRGO CAuJ. 23-Sept. 22): Scenario is not n~ ominous; eonfus1on is order of day, nothing really dire. Leave details for another time. Socialize. in California s Beautiful High Sterras LAKES -FORESTS STREAMS -l1lAILS ~ Poe~ to suffering test-taker $245 00/Wk. Perm.nerc Ng11 Queloll>lcllll"f• Mammoth Ldln, CA -Jt,_. 8oyo I Glf1a -7-14 DEAR ANN LANDERS: When 1 was in junior high you ran a funny poem about the agony of tak- ing tests. l wish I had clipped it out. I am in the middle of studying for fin als and would surley love to see that poem again. How 111 lAIDIRI about it, Annie? -SWEATING BULLETS AT OBERLIN DEAR BULLETS: Here It la. Now 10 bit tboee boolls. They aren't glvba& A's tbll year for perspiration. TEST PRAYER Now I lay me dowa to study, I pray the Lord I won't go auUy. If I aboald faU to learn tb1a Jule, I pray tbe Lord I wW not Ouk. But if I do, don't abed a tear, J ust pat a rOM beblad my ear. Tell my teacher I did my beat. Theo pile my books apoo my clle9t. If I 1boald die before I wake' That's oae le11 teat I'll have lo take. -SUFFERING STUDENT DEAR ANN LANDERS: We are in our mid·20s and have been married for three years. My husband and 1 get along ftne. The problem is his parents. '4otMC>eo '"'"'9 • --IN'rlltli;J pool • 27 cal p 1.,.. I n-4peren• ..,.,_.,I • ~t> Own • l,..ftiln9 • aa.i4"'19 • r•"tftf • f"9~' • _._,IO lef> • • .,.,.,.. • 06Clll~.iQ • plliy .., ano• f7& IWl'W'nltt llft'IO) • o.woeu • wotteymtl • aoccer • erchlory • cnfltl • lt•k • C>et•b-Q a ~ coempOVlt • w., troptu• n ooori1 and ••ltdlt AO\.l. T ITAfr For FT.. lroc.._ of .. IMw!MJ lay-~ ....... -~ Mr. and Mrs. G. Hartman. l:)irectora Box 8143. Newport Beach. CA 92660 Phone· 71~1-0034 ._.c ... .--.~ George and I have de monstrated that we know how to manage our financial affairs. His parents, however , want to know exacUy what we do with every penny. You wouldn't believe the questions they ask. 1 have gotten to the point where I am ~================~~~ afraid to buy anything new for rear or getting the third degree. On several occasions my mother-in-law has said things like: "John works SO bard, I hope you are very careful a bout how you spend bis money." I have never shown my irritation about such remarks because I don't want to hurt her feelings. She is a lovely person, really, and we have no other problems except this. What can you suggest? This problem is beginning to get under my skin. - NO SPENDTHRIFT IN OREGON DEAR OREGON: If /oa and yoar basband were manacln• pborJy an bad to H k tbe ID-lawa for flaandal help, It woaJd be ftHoaable for them to mue nell laqalrtea. Slace IUCb ii DOt tbe CHe, you and yoar bu band aboa.ld acK be treated like fiscal ldloU. It ii llP to yoar b1l1bu d to &.ell lbem t.Mlr re- pealed qaestloa.1.Dg aboat yoar flllaaclal affairs. Hllatl that tbey consider yoa lrrespo11•lble and yoa both reseat It. I bope be ba1 tbe pmptloa to apeak ap. THE MEDICAL CARE CootR HOURS: Every Day• 9 A.M. to 11 P.M. EVENINGS WEEKENDS HOLID.A YS FREE! ILOOO PRESSURE CHECK IWITH ADJ •Fully Qualified Physician On Duty For Treatment Of Illnesses. Injuries And Routine Check-Ups • X·Ray & laboratory Facilities • Reasonable Medical Office Fees At large Savmgs Over Emergencv Fees RITE DRUGSTORE rt beach• phone 675.0150 Collfornla's Largest 5electlon of Bridal Fashions 'I Ccllfom6o'I Largeaf lal1eloi1 ot lltdal ,.,.,..,.. 3404 Wfll!.1 Westminster Averve Sanlo Aro CotltorrtiO 9270.l (714) ~11871 Sal'*J Ano • Demref ..___,.._ _____ Member Natlonal Bridal Service ------.... -- The difference in cost between a routine dental checkup and having a tooth go beyond the point or saving is staggering. It could be the difference between $9.50 now or as much as $8QO or S900 later. This is exactly why all or the family dentists belonging to the California Dental Council are offering a complete dental checkup. including all necessary X·rays and an unhurried Doctor· s consultation. for only $9.50. So you can have real peace of mind knowing It won"t become too much of·a pain and strain ... on you and your pocketbook. Don't wait untJI it hurts. Call your nearest CDC dentist Immediately for a checkup appointment ~ ~i!'-1415 ~:Wan 714/9111-2553 IMllE•llM • Glor 8ralthw1ile 10: lfAQI Dr.Ma~ln 11 7"/963-4511 • Dental Checkup: $9.50 rru Ors. Turin & RostnbefV 71-4/846-Cld :.WmrkKonworthy 714/561·2al& -Or. Aonatd'a.rdlltr 7141645-5010 IAIU AIWTUITll Or. Aoblf1 Ttd'tdl 1'1415"4.o140 I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT$unday. May 17, 1981 \ This realtor doesn't fret o~er affordable housing When you sell to the stars in Beverly Hills , million dollar sales are not too unusual BEVERLY HILLS <AP> -She can't do math and her fingernails are too long to work a calculator. Fortunately, Elaine Young rarely has to count in anything but round milllons. "It's easier lo sell a $5 mHllon home. Usually the buyer will just tell his business manager, ·t want it. You work it out,"' said Ms. Young, a flashy blonde real estate broker with a penchant for snow-white convertibles and extravagantly ex· pensive houses. IC you're looking, Co{ a starter home. Elaine's not for you. But if you need a place that has every- thing so you can get away from it all, she's the one to call. Elvis, Barbra, O.J. and Raquel did. "I HA VE THE MOST fabulous job in the world not only am I with glamorous people all day long and outside with the top down on my car, but it's very, very lucrative," said Ms. Young, partner in the Beverly Hills firm of Alvarez, Hyland and Young. "I love houses. When you find somebody a house they really like, it' Sp, wonderful," she said. "Natalie Wood and Bob Wagner, fot instance. I really think I found them their dream house here in Beverly Hills." Born Elaine Garber, the daughter of a studio executive, Ms. Young got into real estate 26 years ago while a student at UCLA. She has maintained a career through four marriages, she retains the name of her third husband, ·actor Gig Young. and says she never bad to sacrifice femininity for suc- cess. "MANY WOMEN, BECAUSE of the feminist movement, have really taken things a little too seriously and they're very, very tough in busi· ness," Ms. Young said in an interview. "I feel you can accomplish the same thing by being soft and feminine. I think you can actually do more." In the ultra-competitive world of Beverly Hills real estate, where a 6 percent commission could be $600,000, a smart broker doesn't wait for customers lo walk in. "I try to be everywhere," said Ms. Young. "I read the trades Just so I know who's moving here and who's getting a divorce. I go to parties because at parties invariably they'll be talking about where they live and where they're moving to." Divorces can mean big business for brokers, according to Ms . Young, who says she sometimes knows a couple is breaking up before they do. "Years ago a divorce meant you sold two houses. You'd sell the house the people got a divorce in and then you'd sell the man a house," she said. "Now it's almost four sales. You sell the husbandca house, you sell the house they lived in and you sell the wife a house. Then~ if the at- torneys like you, one of them may buy a house from you too." San Diego Federal reveals adjustable mortgage loan Elaine Young's commissions could run to $600,000 on a single sale. From lbe Business Wire SAN DI EGO -San Diego Federal Savings & Loan Association has announced it will begin offering on Monday, an adjustable mortgage loan with an interest rate factor of 13 percent for the first five years of the 30-year loan. Known as the Affordable Mortgage Loan, the program in today·s market will have borrowers paying a re· duced interest rate over the first five years of the loan. The monthly pay- ment will remain stable for the first five years with a payment adjust- ment made at that time to reflect in· terest rate changes. "We are very excited about offer· ing our Affordable Mortgage Loan at this particular time," said Gordon C. Luce. chairman and chief executive officer. "This loan program will ena- ble many people, particularly the young and first-time home buyers. to purchase a borne whlch they might not otherwise afford." LUCE SAiD THE Affordable Mortgage Loan will offer relief to many homebuyers who have been priced out of the housing market by high interest rates. The new program will initially carry an 18.53 percent interest rate but with borrowers paying at a 13 percent rate through the first five years. Monthly payments will re- main stable during that period. As an example, San Diego Federal's 30-year fixed rate loan cur- rently is 161h percent. Monthly pay· ments on an $80,000 loan (assuming a 20 percent down payment on a $100,000 home) are $1,108, with an an- nual household income of $40,000 re· quired. The Affordable Mortgage Loan on the same home with a 13 percent payment factor will have a monthly payment or $885. The annual household income requirement is re- duced to $32,000. Executive Vice President Thomas F. Carter said San Diego Federal's AML will have monthly payments adjusted every five years. Interest rate adjustments will occur each six months, based on the weekly average U.S. Treas ury Bill 26-week maturity auction. "ESSENTI ALLY, WE are forecasting that mortgage interest rates will average approximately 13 percent over the next five years," Carter said. This program is clearly structured lo reduce the impact of today's high interest rates. "We believe that housing prices, inflation and interest rates have tended to move in the same direclion over the past several years and are directly related," Carter said. He said should mortgage interest rates during the five-year period average less than 13 percent, monthly payments will be reduced accord- ingly. San Diego Federal Savings will continue to offer 30-year fixed-rate and variable rate mortgages at market rates. The association 's Affordable Mortgage Loan was developed following authorization from the ~deral Home Loan Bank Board on April 30 to offer flexible mortgagt loans tied to an economic indicator not under control of the lender. San Diego Federal's new loan pro- gram will not have a prepayment pen ally. All affordable mortgage loans will be assumable. San Diego Federal has 78 offices throughout the state and assets In ex- cess of $2.5 billion. The association is California ·s oldest savings and loan with a federal charter. HUNTING I ON BEACH Ocean-close tennis townhomes HUNTINCTON BEACH-Beach Blvd. and Atlanta. (714) 536-4400 ~I Zand 3-bedroom town homes Uve half a mile from the seal Refreshing designs. fine features. lennls court and recreation building. from$149,990* "ltll•-------~~ 1---------------------------------------- Drama by the square foot. Views '9~·:~""~·~ >.~~~ .I-. 'J, ''.:'. ( / ~ 7 / 1r: . ~~ ~ "' ~·. \._ ' C oming home to Mystic Hill is likl' coming home to an elegant New England hideaway. The architecture speaks to you in charmin~ Cape Cod accent!> of steeply pitched roofs clad in cedar shingles, paned dormer windows, herringbone- patterned brickwork-even weathervanes perch here and there on selected rooftops. Choose from four inspired floor plans with up to 3,200 square feet of beautifully designed liv- ing space, lavishly appointed throughout. From high vantage points overlooking the coastline in San Clemente, many of the homes at Mysric Hill offer spectacular blue-water 1mport<Int bt.>nef1ts of ocean l1ving -l rom .1 cl imJte that is comfort<1ble tht• year 'rounJ, to sparkling ocean <1ir th.Jt charges your spirit with that special 1L'C"l1ng nt the !>NL And no m;:it - tcr which homt• you choost , t'xquis1tc nce.rn view ... .:ire an everyday part of livin~ in this exclusive coastal community. Our specia I fi n<1 ncing program puts Mystic Hill well within your reach. 13% (13 1/.% ocean views. Every ~===~~~~~~~~~ home offersthe /[ I ar The Coast in San Clemente ~·-1i -.......... ... »· .... APR) interest 1s available for your 30-year loan. 00%, loan~ up to $222,250 .ire also avail- able (see sales rcpresentatiVl' for <let ails). So ~ollow the co,1~tlinc home to Mystic Hill today From 5222,250 to S317,500 ( 714) 492-2765 ~lie..~ oflkc: h<lUnl: <l::1ily 11 a m to t; p.m c:JosdJ Tirnr.-.<.br :ind Frklar ' ~--------~-----·~-~----~~--.--~----~._. ......... __ _.._...._ .............. _.."""' ..................................... !!ll ..... l!ll.ii!!!19 .... ll. ··Q------·-·--·- . .:••• Orange Coast qAIL Y PILOT /Sunday, May 17, 1981 Near Huntington Harbour from $108,990 ! •Exceptional opportunity for first time buyer! •Extremely easy qualifying • 10o/o DowA • 127t'e0/o Interest •Immediate Move-in • Co\fered garage with each unit •Special financing available for Investors Luxury Condom1n1ums adjo1n1ng Huntington Harbour Beauldul 2 and 3 bedroom condos amids I a picturesque setting o l waterfalls, ponds and streams. near the exclu- sive community oJ Huntington Harbour. An architectural triumph highlighted by red tile roofs and extensive use ol extenor wood treatmeQJs Impressive interior appoint- ments include vaulted cel'fings. woodburning fireplaces and gourmet kitchens Spacious private patio or deck. Elevators lead to upper units and penthouse models. Sw1mm1ng pool and therapy spas. with all amenities and grounds professionally maintained. Over 3/.., Sold! s ... ,. o'Eoo l"wr ,40 I lllN!ol 14 Avl $) Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 846-5557 • v• .. ··-• '° • t See salesperson for a!!~ dues and lonanclng details A Classic • • opportunity IS WAl1~j( II A. I about to~ )\)ti by. A new financing plan ha. been inic1aced co m?ke this one of the most out- srnnJing new home investment opportunities in year!I. The Wesccliff Grove "Classi c Financinl:( Plan" offers 100% financing with no monthly payments for six months. le means an opportunity co huy a pre~qg1ou1' home in une of che mo t pre tigious area:, in the country. But Jon 'c wait -there are only 8 lefr! We tcliff Grove 1s a very rare offe ring of '>lX)fl·to·be classic home.,, with amenitie'i ~f11 • u ng rhe classic Newport way of life. 3 & 4 beJmom residences From $370,000 cu $42S;ooo•. Call for w mplete detail:, Ph one ( 714) 646-5092. ales Offi ce anJ mix.lei homel! open daily from 10 n. m. to 5 p. m. .. ' .. "" () ' ' " ' • Prte~~ rffectlvC' J.uc o( puhli~ .H11111 ' "" I II -- . - New terms could wipe you out 'Cr~tive' contracts may contain hidden traps The dangers Inherent ln the "creative" new home mortgages now being approved by U.S. rea· ulatory agencies for offering to you, lhe eager homebuyer. are emerging on an ever more frightening scale. Just as you, the lender, dlust be on guard against the hidden traps in today's new "creative" contracts, so must you, the borrower, be aware ot accepting terms lhal actually could wipe you out. These loans go by a variety of intriguing names and Initials : Alternative Mortgage lnstru· A ~~l SYllll PORTIR men ts <AMI): Variable Rate Mortgages ( VRM>; Increasing Rate Mortgages llRM>; Renegotiable Mortguges (REMs or RENOs); Wrap-Arounds I CWRAP>; Adjustable Rate Mortgages <ARM >. By any name, they flas h : Danger. Be on Guard!" WRAPs ARE SIMPLY second mortgages by one leading institution. REMs or RENOs are basically short-term loans . After a few years, you agree or dis ugree on terms or a new contract. East lo understand, but both types could turn out t'Xceedingly costly to you. In the Graduated (Increasing ) Payment Mortgage (GRIP), your monthty payments rise a specified amount (or percentage) each year for a period, then level off. This pattern has special ap- peal if you are young and fi gure your rising in l'Ome will cover your rising payments . Say you want to buy an $80,000 bungalow, have $20,000 for a down payment and must finance the remaining $60,000. Al 13 percent annual interest. a typical 30-year loan would. require monthly pay- ments of almost $664 under a conventional mortgage Thal 's too much for you lo handle now, but the lenders will approve a GRIP. YOUR FIRST· VEAR payments would start as low as S504 a month, a total you can manage, then jump about 7.5 percent a year lo about S673 a month by year five. rt seems a good deal. inflation could continue at a 7 5 percent annual rate: your income, and your house's value. s hould exceed that. But It's now five yeara later. You've paid more than $35,000 all in Interest. You've not paid off one cent on the loan's principal You actually owe S6,325 more than when you started. Now. you face lhe moment or truth. to pay off your $66,325 loan ln the remaining 25 years requjres monthly pay- ments or some $748. EXTEND THE LOAN term? At $673 a month, you would never be free. Increase the amount of your loan? You've automatically been doing just that. To redu('e the principal requires more dollars per month and even 1f you boosted those payments anothe r 7.5 percent in that sixth year. to $723, it would lake you nearly 44 years to get out, from un· der. Whal about Eftl ARM, Adjustable Rate Mortgage, which the Federal Home Loan Bank Board now says national s avings and loans and mutual savings banks may orter? With an ARM. your annual interest rate is pegged to some com- monly used money cost index. such as the so- called "prime rate " Again, consider your $60,000, JO-year loan. At a low 10 percent rate. your monthly payments are an easily manageable $527 SAY, THOUG H, THAT after a year, comes a computer printed notice "Your new interest rate has been adJusled to 11 percent and your new monthly paym ent due is $571 " Manageable? Probably But what 1f the computer says "16 pefcent"? Thal means a budget-busting $803. It's entirely possible in this era. Could you extend the loan? Sure, but not at $527 a month, or even at $571. You never would re- pay unless rates fell drastically and fast. H ow about •the "Shared Appreciat ion Mortgage," known as SA Ms? With these, you gel a lower "preferred" rate (say 10 instead or 15 per· cent) for which you agree to share any profit (say one-third) on the value of your home with the lender By s haring, you s lash the net to you and if you try to buy a new house or equal value to your old. you'll be short. And 1f you retort, you JUSt won't sell, JUSl re- read your SA M ('Ontracl You probably would owe the lender a "sJlare" after a cert&n number or years. whether you sell or not You are being invited into a "no man's land" or c reative contracts The "mines" or mortgage finance can be JUst as destructive to your savings as the mines of war's no man's lands are to your life I The argument I : over housing By J OHN CUNNIFF .... ~ .... ,,., NEW YORK From academe and Wall Street, from industry and even from government, economists are staring at computer printouts and declaring "Housing's the thing that keeps our productivity low." Nol all are saying it; they seldom agree pro- ductivity to that extent. In fact, only a relatively few economists hold to that viewpoint, but their arguments are s ufficiently contentious and catchy to badly worry housing people. The anti-housing argument includes these con- tentions and several more: Too much capital is consumed by housing. Unlike more money for fac- tories, capital absorbed by r housing leads lo no decrease in the cost of goods. Instead, it creates inflation. And because or s wollen housing equities. it discourages savings that are needed for capital formation . It • also crowds business from the / ~ capital market , or forces it to ' I pay dearly. I 4 ii':. The various charges a re L... 111111-----~-­ sometimes molded into a broad cu""'"" generalization that leads to an obvious conclusion : Tax and other priorities will have to be shifted in order lo discourage investments in private homes. TKAT. SUGGESTS the US. League of Savings Association, is a signal that somebody is reaching for their jugular, and as the biggest lenders in the hom e mortgage market. they have prepared their reply. ' It begins with agreement "We must invest more in new technology to increase productivity and bnng inflat1on under control. say James Christillll, senior economist. End of agreement. Disagreement begins. Sacrifking the dream or homeownership for a generation of Ameri('ans won't reduce inflation or help reindustrialize America, says Christian. Just the opposite. he says. To reduce housing produc- tion would raise prices, because demand is rising from the post-World War II babies. lie denies that housing ls absorbing too much capital. He contends that the federal government instead Is "the capital glutton of recent years." and he supplies Federal Reserve figures as documentation. BETWEEN 1950 AND 1975, he says, citing the Fed's now of fund figures, the federal govern· me nt's share of lhe capital pool was about 7 per- cent. In lhe next five years, however , it rose to 23 percent. These funds were used laraely for Income re- d is tri bulion. he declares. "They contributed nothing to productivity improvement." The result- ing deficits were "financed by the cruelest tax of all -inflation." Over lhe same periods, boualng's share of the capital pool -that Is, residential mortgaees - barely rose During 1950·1974 the percentage was 26.2 : in the next five years it equaled 26.6.percent of the pool. Based on Christian's rendering of the figures, business' share did drop -to 31.2 percent from 38.4 percent. But how, he asks, could any objective person blame the decline on bouslng rather than government? · TAX TREATMENT OF boualnl also occuplet a prominent place In the anti-housing case, malnly because today's lncreasln1l,y larae mort1a1e debts and real estate taxes are deductible from Income taxes. But housing lsn '\ treated preferentially. Chri•· tlan observes: "All Interest on debt. whether for frlvoloUI or productive purpoeet, 11 tax deductible, as are state and local income and 1ale1 taxes." And he maintains, it lln't true ellhel' lh•t beneflta and capital are ~led maln11 to eabt· Int homeowners wbo refinance, rat.her lhao to new buyen. Or tb1t bomeowntn are bulD• a ftnanctaJ fle1ta by tapplnt their tnflated equltl11. To tbe contrarJ, he a.ya, manJ bouMhoWI are fOtted to offer ftnandnC thauelv• wlMa they MU UMlr homes. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 17, 1981 a I Be sure the buyer understands ' . Singl _e Fa·mily Homes By &OBEaT J. BRUSS DEA& 808: Ail a real estate broker, I am cHeeraecl about my le,al dat.y to my lto meba,yen •~ea I arruce a •e• mort••1e. u .. .uy I &eU my buyers wlakb leader lt ofJertq ti.e bfft ••rtC•I• term a. My quea&loa: Am I Jacuntac fut.re llabWty lf tbe buyer cets oae of "°" aew •ort1acea -~ere Ute 1.n&erest rate can be *reMed •IU.oa& HmJt! Altbou&h I dJsllke tbe new mort1a1ea, I'm aue m any homeowner• wW accept Utea at.tt tbe alternatJve I• not to buy tbe home. -JERR Y G. DEAR JERRY : You are to be commended for your concern for your clients (as well as for keep· Ing yourself out of trouble). REAL ESTATE MAILBAG If a real estate broker arranges a new mortgage for a buyer, the broker should be certain the buyer understands the important mortgage terms. These include a due on sale clause (which can hurt the home's future saleability). the len· der's ability to raise the interest rate, prepayment penalty (if any) and other important loan terms. I share your dislike for the new unlimited in· terest rate mortgages authorized for banks and federal S&Ls. If these had been allowed the last few years, "it's possible that a borrower would be paying hundreds of dollars more per month in in· terest than he expected to pay when he obtained the loan. To avoid future foreclosures, a limit should be placed on the maximum annual interest rate increase for these loans, perhaps at 1 or 2 per· cent. Also, if your buyer ls taking over an old exist· ing mortgage. be certain he understands its terms. For example, in my area many mortgages from federal S&Ls are non·assumable and ·this drawback must be explained by the agent to buyers. Misrepresenting home finance can be just as bad for a realty agent as misrepresenting the property itself. How to deal uith I.ease options DEAR BOB: I enjoyed your recent article U · plaining the difference between Ion& and short term lease-options. My realty agent 1a11eatect I of. fer my home for sale on a three year lease·optlon so lbe buyer can exercise the option anytime Lake Chateau Swim Club is a highlight of the community. 6 lwmes left at Lake Chateau · The last six homes at Lake Cbateau in Laguna Niguel will be offered for sale this weekend only, the last weekend before The Baldwin-co. closes the sales office and models. The model homes are priced at $194,400 and $205,700. Four homes re· BRIEFS maining are priced from $180,700 to $187,700, each representative of the Baldwin floor plans with thr~e. four and five bedrooms and two or three baths. A financing plan features a 1314 percent ID· terest rate for the first fi ve years, amortized over 30 years. That interest rate will only be in effect until May 20, 1981. To reach Lake Chateau. take the San Diego Freeway (405) to La Paz Road exit and go south lo -Aliso Creek Road and turn left to the models and sales office, open from 10 a.m. lo 6 p.m. for this final open house weekend. For more information, telephone 831 -0541. • • • Prices at Huntington Harbour condominiums in Huntington Beach begin at $108,990. A financing package is being offered by F. W. Development Inc. whlch includes 10 percent doMI payments and below market interest rates of 12l'e percent for 4Y2 years. The community is more than three·quarters sold. To visit Harbour Vista take the San Diego Freeway to the Valley View/Bolsa Cbiaa exit and proceed south on Bolsa Chica to Harbour Vista, at Heil Avenue. A sales information center under the direction of Walker & Lee is open dally, from 10 ~ a .m . to 6 p.m . For fu rther Information. call 846·5557. - FIRST TIME llJME BUYERS SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM First Time ltllli Buyers Sponsors • lilt oPPOrtunlty to get a ti.rt _. the MCurlty of hOme own~hlp MOW! • MALP the down and MALI the mthly. pymta • The satisfaction of helping otti,ra to help them•NM. • Lucrative flnancial and tax be1"19flta. C .. MnJ .... .. 611-0771 forfllHllOCHUll SB.LEIS! ~'!"'~":.- wlthla &hat period when m·ortcace latereat rate• drop. Tbat'• floe wtch ~e, but •boald I set tJae option purebaM prtee at today'• valae of U.e boue or wbat I ezped It to be worth la three yean! -LYNOONW. DEAR LYNDON : That's a difficult questioo. With average home values appreciatint recently from 10 to lS percent per year, in three years your home may be worth 45 percent more than lts value today. But potential buyers may not accept an op· lion purchase price 45 percent above today's market value. A better approach is to provide for a gradually in creasing option purchase price, perbape 1 per· cent per month. This will encourage your buyer to exercise h.is option as soon as possible. Further lease-option details are in my new re· port "How Short and Long Term Lease.Options Can Increase Your Realty Profits." To obtain a copy send a $2 c h ec k p a yable to "Newspaperbooks" for report 80111 to The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 259, Norwood. N.J. 0764&. Tax can be avoided DEAR BOB: About three years aao I got divorced. As part of tbe settlement, I got the bouae wblcb ls now worth about $19, .... Last monU. I m arried a dJvorced man wbo owns a $75,0M COD· domlnJurd. We want to sell both tbe condomlalum and my bouse so we can buy a boue &o1etber. Slnce we both bave large profits, ii the~ any way we can get out of paying taz oa our aale profits! -SALLY ANN W. DEAR SALLY ANN : Yes. In 1975 an Internal Revenue Service ruling held that IRS code section 1034 (the residence replacement rule) requires tax deferral when two people sell their principal re· sidences and, within 18 months before or after the sale, buy one together costing at least as much as the total of the two sales prices. ' In your situation, if you and your new husband buy a replacement principal re~idence costing at least $165,000 ($90,000 plus $75,000), you must defer your profit tn. But if you buy a replacement cost· ing less than th.is total, your profit is taxable up to the difference in the two prices. For example, if you buy a $120,000 replace· ment residence, up to $45,000 of your profits ($165,000 minus $120,000) is taxable. See your tax adviser for full details. -· ---·-:- in Huntington Beach from $164,990 • Builder pays non-recurring closing costs (limited offer:) • 10°/o Down • 12%o/o Interest • Fee simple title • No monthly association fees • Immediate move-in Detached Single Family Homes. Only 35 magnificent 2 and 3·bedroom-t'lomes across the street from scenic Lake Park, only a short walk to the beach. Creative exterior designs are in perfect harmony with the ambiance o f the ocean Lavish in tenors offer an abundance of, open space and feature sumptuous master suites. Hand·set ceramic tile' counter-tops highlight the fully equipped kitchens Massive hand· made wood·burning fireplaces with attached two and 3·car garages A warm village atmosphere. plus the convenience o f a central location 1n the charming old tree sec tion of Huntington Beach. Over 3/4 Sold! Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 536-1459 See salesperson for financing details HEIL AVE ... > < ;;, ... W-'RNER AVE ~ 0 > ...J a> J: u < ... a> ELLIS .. VE -'0-"'45 -'VE Ahout two year~ ago we startcd work un whal is pc..'rhap~ the: moM de~irahle rc:~idential site in all of Cowan l kight~. Thi~ Wd..'> only a fc:w month~ ago. Anu pc.:opk arc.: still stopping. In fact. we've..· alr~ady -.old 11 of the fir-.t l.2 homc.:~ in our initial rdcasc.: And thc.: modds arc.: -.till only in the final ~tagc.:~ of constru<.·tion. Sinc.:e then in a very mc:thodical, mc:ticulou~ and carc:ful way wt: have nearly compktcd the emry. the country duh facilitk~ and the firsl four homes in the area we: now call Rockingl-lor~c . .' Rjdge. The entry, which will be.: protected hy a guard house: with 2-t hour protection. the clubhouse. rhe :\ tennis couns. 2 tacquct· hall court~. the 25 merer swimming pcx>I and ~pa and th<." fir~t four homes are vi1'-iibk from Newport Blvd. Because of this and quite likely because of the impo~ing size of the d ub and of the homes we have been unahlc: to kt."c:p people: from c.:oming in to find out when the homes would bc.: availahle for purcha~e. They a~ked .the plumbers. the carpenter~. the °<:kc· tricians and anybody else they could stop who in turn referred them to the job superintendent who In turn called the home office and kept giving us names and phone.: numbc~ and con· \'inn:c.J us to put a company repr~entative on the site. \ Hc.:causc: of thb intcrc.:st. we've put a traikr on site and turn<.·d it into a saks office -of sort~" aml dc.:cided to have a prt:·prc.:vkw showing of Rockin~Horsc.: Ridge su that evc11·ont." who b in· rcrcsted has an equal chanc.:c.: at th<: r c.:majning 11 homes. If you·\ t' h<.·en looking for ju:o.r the right homc.: in tht." right place ~top and take;-a look at what'~ going on at Roc.:ki ngHorse Ridge. From the ~wn·ping count11 vic.:ws. to the.: magnifi<.·cm homes to the incomparahk count11· duh you'll find nothing to <:omparc.:. It\ ~till a bit du~ty and w<:"n : a hit of work to do on the fir~t four homes. hut thc.:rt."\ no doubt that you'll -.ce w hy s<~many peopk havt." hc.."c:n ~o intc.:r<.-stc.:d and why 11 tamilic~ fdt th<.·y just had to Ii v<.· her e:. Priced from $373,000 . : ' i i l Gl "VI Al lll)I >IN(o Cl~lllll 11' l'iU(t'I '"l~C f tlH lfA 'lllllOl'l .... , .. • , ............ . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 17. 1981 \ .. ' I - You ean feel the excitement in the ~ir. An ambitious idea is becoming ~dynamic reality. Growing. Thriving. Making the dream come true. It 's , tailed the City of Irvine . Come see the homes. Detached. t\ttached. Townhomes. Patio homes. • Apartments and condominiums. t_J}iversity in architecture and envi, t.onment that fits so many lifestyles. , Look at the sc hools. Regarded 1 ps some of the best in the nation. ,A/isit UC Irvine. A major university tight in the heart of the city. Walk te parks. Enjoy the lakes. Rush the et on a tennis court. Ride a bike ail. Enjoy the shopping. so close I o homes. · Discover a variety of commercial nd industrial opportunities. Offices. fndustrial land. Locations for retail nd serV'ice businesses. And more come. It's all part of the dream that is ine. And you can see it coming ue. Start at The Irvine Company formation Center.* It's on Culver rive between the San Diego (1-405) nd Santa Ana (l-5) freeways. At the rner of Barranca. (714) ~51-1500. OU might find your own area ms can art coming true in the City of Irvine. ·--- HOMESFORSALE Turtle Rock Tl RTU: RlX . ..: Hlt;HLANO GARDEN HOMES l\rcn C1111rany A\,11l,1hl.· lrom $219,'li.\~ • L1ll11r 11-11 ti14t4S5 l24S TLRnt RU:K RllXil: Homfs by Br•·n• Ava1lahlc fn•rn $1 \ i <)()(' Callon-1\lr 1714)HSI 114'7 H.1nu·, hy Irvine: P~c1ftc he •m $2·W <)\'\) 111 $ \HQ,9(\1 CiTI or mu 17141552~17 No rth Woodbridge \\'OODBRlfXil: CREl:KSIDE S1anJard-Pac1h' Corp l 1nfumll>hrJ mcw:ltll $1 58.~ m $175.990 Cllll fur arp.11ntmcn1 \714l 55Z·3Jl2 lcluscd Wed & Thurs I \\'OODBRIC)(i E TOWNHOMES• Warmingtoo Dl-vdopmcnt, lnc Available fmm $125.990 to Sl+t,990 Call or vmc (714) 559·1351 Southwest Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE SOMERSET• B.1ywc~1•m1·' Fr1•m .000 ro $120, SOO (#illorv 11 liH155Z·40001cl°""dThursdayl WOODBRIDGE PARK VISTA• Irvine Pac1f1c 584.0CX> to S~l. l88 lqu1ltf'ta111on rcquirtmcnul C11l <tr vi~u 17141 552·4101 \\'QODBRllXiE PARKVIEW• The Wclham Lyon C.Omptny Available from $117.990 Cnll llr ''''" i7141 )511.4(1()} lclo"4.-d Thursday) ~ ----...---.--. -.. --· COMING OFIR 7\1• HIOf>t~ .,,. urlul 1: "·"''''~"/ /)ftt{tf"u 1,,J•lr ,,. 11ttf'{,1H1 .,,~ ,,.. (. ,,., ·./ ,,l ,,,., ',, ""'"' '"""'" """ "'"'"('"'a,,"' p/UH»rd ,,I, IH•I ,,,.,.,. ,,.,mr .,,., """ HH lf//J,av,f ''" ''°'' ;1t ;1h .,_tfttlf' IJNd p.f/1111' ·•II p/tlH' Ulf •l'lt,i,, ''""'"''''" 114iHI #flltft OINI •d••N ,.,,,,..,,,,,,.,,,,.,. ,., ... p1a,,, JwJJJ'JfltJ//' 7\;-,,, '"" ~=r:~~:·~:W;,':!;;.::~~::~;,~!!j:;~:~, --~-,_,d+; 41/"otf) lt'1t f lflt1'4-111/ tlt1, OTfUI, d1 JHrll1#1 Mufi Mdh 71w 01fwmal11lff tlt11;,/d ;;111 ht tltt' vJr ,,.,.,,,,.,,.,., .. ,,.,,.,,..,,,,.O!tif 1•lr11w WO/('f'H("rl" ,,.,.,.(m,flnuH .. Tl'PI Current Development Areas OlJJ'ii1lillil11'\J'lru Near-Term Development Planned (0-5 years) o o o CJ Proposed Road Systems t MAP NOT TO SCALE WOOOBRIDGE CHATEAux· Irvine Paafic From $123.500 to $1 50.0CXJ Call or vis11 (714) 551-0Ql I WOODBRIDGE WILLOW CREE..:· The Akins Company From $126.000 to Sl65.CXX> Call or vis11 1714) S'i9·11111 WOODBRIDGE SUMMERFIELD Srandard-?acifte C.orp $141.990 toSl68.490-All homescurrenrly <,olJ ur rt'\<'11 •·J Place name oo waiting IM Nexr phase: Late Sprin{l Call or visit for availabtlity 171 41551·3312 lc~d Wed & Thur' I WOODBRIOOE WINDSOR ESTATES· \a.'armington Ckvclopmcr11. Inc From S147.000 to$188.000 Call or visit. 17141857-12~1 University Town Center COLUMBIA SQUARE• Homes by Bren first phase: All hom<'~ cu rrently rC'$t·n l'O Next ph~ to open soon Call or visit for availab1liry 171418Sl·S~M CAMBRIDGE COURT- Broadmoor Ho~s Fim pha&e All home~ curr<'nrly rN.'rvl·J Next phast" Scheduled ioopcnJunc. 1~~1 Call or visit for Avallabtlity 17141955·1994 COMING ATfRACilONS Southwest Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE LAKE SHORE• Irvine Pacific Luxurious water'('lncnred cnwnhomcs Scheduled to open latc fQSl f-orinformariooaal1(714164+3Sl01 Mon .fn t WOODBRIOOE COVE" lrvi~Padfk Adult"Oriemtd lak~rde rondomin1unh Scheduled ioopen Spnn11. 1982 for 1nformannn call 17141 li+t· lSIO I Mon ·Fri I RESALE HOMES Call Mamah·lrvtnc R1~alty tn lrvme Campu\ Vallr-y Center (714) iSZ-1414 \\hxlbrtdj,?e \'11la11l'unrcr 17141 551-8700 APARTMENrSFORRENr for tnft•rmauon call 17141644· 1269 I Mon ·Fn I COMMERCIAL LEASING OPPORTIJNI~ Office Leasing SKYPARK AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER For leasmg informa1tnn on ex1stm11 ~pace call1714)6~·3495(Mon ·Fn) EXECLmVE PARK -C.Omplcrron Summer 11181 For leasing rnformattnn on new 'pace call17,141M4-3S'i'i1Mon ·Fri) ' Shopping Center Leasing WALNUT VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER CAMPUS VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER PARK VIEW SHOPPING CENTER UNIVERSITY PARK SHOPPING CENTER WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER For len~tnll mformauon call 1714) 644·1495 (Mon ·Fn I INDUSTRIAL SALE OR LEASING OPPORTUNITIES IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX -EAST Improved mdusmal sllM available Vanety of site) l:xccllcnr fr .. ew11y acce5s For lnformarion call your bmk<'r or P3ula Mathews ac 17141644-31 HIMon ·Fri.). Pr1ce.s i!{/ecm e a.s u/ dase of publicatron swb1«t ro pnor ialt' on or a/tc• d~11dlme o/ thu cd111on Homeownen 1A.1Jll\:14rtons mpjl(Jrlcd b:i aU reJtdenu mairuain com'"on /ac1lt11t.'1 Alka ">Die\ reprcunrall\'t rnpnJ uileJ office fur dt'tarh • Ftaturin~ wndom111111m ownt'nh1p IIDA BEl"l'ER IRVINE. _) ' ' . 1 ... -....... _._ ...... -........ "' . .,. .,,,. 1 ....... ... • _. .... y S!.e:.:M.._J • ~ • ,. •• Daily Pilat SUNOAY,MAY17, 1991 STOCKS CLASSIFIED C4-S C7-14 Honest consumers return duplicate refund checks to the manufacturer ... C2 • • 'rbonias Bros. IDaps out new strategy Irvine firm plans promotions to spur street atlas sales By KEITH TUBER O.lt}' ................ Ir Dionne Warwick had had a Thomas Bros. map, she never would have had to ask if anyone knew the way to San Jose. The map-making company moved its production operations Crom downtown Los Angeles to Irvine last May "because we simply ran out of room where we were," said company Vice President Barry H. Elias. "We wanted to do our own col- lating, but we needed additional space: We investigated building up, but that turned out to be ridiculous . "AFTER CHECKING the geo- graphical center of our market area. we decided on Irvine." A staff of 85 here and 15 in San Francisco chart, index, color· code and update the products. Elias knows something about geography. Before joining Thomas Bros. in 1961, he taught the subject. He was also an asisistanl planner for the San Bernardino Planning Com- mission -his working tor a map·maker would be akln to a mouse holing up in a cheese fac- tory. termine the exact number of sales. A company that's a carto- grapher's delight is a boob keeper's nightmare. LAST YEAR, more units were rltpl'fted than were anticipated. Since large orders qualify wholesalers for considerable dis- counts, the tendency has been for them to overorder. ··Returns were a problem last year," Elias conceded. Another problem, though not as desperate, is determining product turnover. Do consumers buy new guides every year? Every two years? Every three? "We haven't been able to te ll," Elias admitted. "When the yearly revise comes out, busi· nessmen often take their old company guides home and use them for their personl use." TO ENTICE buyers to purchase guides yearly, the company bas become more ac- tl ve in promoting its products. Working in conjunction with several major department stores, aggressive marketing campaigns have been devised for Father's Day and Christmas. • And, despite a recent luJl in the industry, he remains at ease, a man in his element surrounded by a myriad of pink, orange and green·shaded wall maps. "THE ECONOMIC situation has been tight," Elias said of business in general and his in particular. ··Businesses that use people to deliver items or goods have to be cognizant of hourly costs for manpower and fuel," Elias said. ··When their drivers are dis- pa lc hed, they have to be able to find where they're going without looking around. Ir they spend 15 minutes looking around, it pays for the cost of a new addition.'' Barry Ebas of Thomas Bros. stands in front of one of hia firm's wall maps at company headquartera in Irvine. "We don't reveal our profits or sales, but often we don't even know what we've sold until after the new editions have been dis- tributed." It sounds unlikely, but it's true. Thomas Bros. policy allows wholesale dealers lo return atlases for fuJJ credit when the _annual updated editions are published. Until returns are counted, it is difficult to de- Some might argue that the maps don't change much from one year to the next, but that's wrong, according to Elias. In the 1981 edition of the Los Angeles atlas, more than '800 new streets were added, con· tributing to 2,000 index changes. In the current Orange County atlas, 2,100 index changes were required, for finding the addl· Uonal 800 new streets. Inf lat ion spells Ruff times ahead By JODI CADENHEAD or 111e o.ity,.... , .... It's been two years since economist Howard Ruff rode out across American spread- ing gloom and doom with his national best seller, "How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years." And today, the white knight of the distressed middle class is saddling a horse of only a slightly different color to pro- mote his new book, "Survive & Win in the Inflationary Eighties." In a phone interview from W ashlngton. the California· based economist took time from a 23-city book tour to talk about his latest work and the future of the American economy. "A LOT OF people have lost purchasing power in the last seven years," said Ruff. •'Inflation is going to ac-· celerate until it comes to a climax ln 1984 or 1987." In his first book Ruff in· troduced the average American worker to precioua metals, futures markets, commoditlea and discre- tionary fwMls ; be adnfonisbed them for keeping their bard- earned money in aavtncs ac- counts and told them to invest in 1old, silver, food aod small town real estate. Ruff baa not strayed from bis basic investment advice, but he's added a few aunes· tions. COLOaED GE• atones are now fourth on bla llat of recommendations, behind food, JUIAk silver and sold. Collectibles tn the form of rare coins, aotlquH and ba1eba1l cards ban been added, too. He also la atron1ly recom- m endln1 the purchase of South African sold shares. A recent trtp ~ convinced him tbe couatry hu at leut five ,..,. ol ltabWty ahead. Raft Mid be would have r~ South African 1old ltoelEa "" )'tan aso, had M tboulbt tbe 1overn· mentuble4'ft0Ulb tow .. tlMr lll probtemtohodal unrest. Although he claims in the book that anyone failing to follow hi s investment philosophy will be im· poverished in seven years, Ruff believes his new work is more positive than its pre- decessor. "This book says let's get in there and fight," Ruff said. It has a far more positive pro- gram for dealing with infla- tion." HE OUTLINES the "li· quidation of America," which he believes will find corpora- tions, savings institutions and private pension plans broke before the end of the '80s. He predicts Americans will look back on 20 percent infla- tion with nostalgia. "The fact is earnings are not adequate to 9"'er taxes," said Ruff. "Cor-porations are paying out money that they really aren't earning." RUFF CONTEN DS the profits announced by com- panies are misleading because they faiJ to account for inflationary factors. • "If present trends are not arrested, when the blJtory books of the 20th century have been written, the great event of our times will be the liquidation of America, an event of such ma:gnitude u to dwarf any other econonitc happening in the last 50 years," writes Ruff. Ruff admits the bleak aceoano outlined in b1a book could be altBed with tbe IUC• cesa ol Rea•an's plan to cul personal and corporate tax ea. "I TBIN& TBAT tbe Rea1an admlnJatrattoa la 1tvtnc us our lat clHmce to !?,H• a clwlce," 1aJd Rd. ' It'• abaolutel1 eaaentlal that be conUnue in tbe di.rec· lion be bu." A cleparture from hit nnt boot b Ruff's new found Interest ln polltlca. Rea1an la the ftnt polklclan to will bl.I pubUca~ Lot,.-Ru« MlPed form a poUUca'I ~ eommtu. and poured 1111 010 ot ldl own mon•1 aiHI •••tiller SJ00,000 ln COfttrtb\ltlolll to Not all of those streets are re· al. To protect against copyright infringement, phony street names are added to more readi- ly identify illegal reproductions. ·'By adding some street names, and by our placement of names and symbols, it's easy to spot an infringement," Elias said. ··Depending on the infringe- ment, we will negotiate in order to make the copy legal, usually by setUlng on a fee for a formal coypyright release. ·'People lake maps for grant- ed. They think they can do whatever they want, and that just isn't the case. "We do work with banks, S&Ls and real estate firms on maps, for which they pay a fee." Thomas Bros . Maps was established in Oakland In 1915 by George Coupland Thomas and his brothers, who eventually left the business. The founding Thomas continued as the com- pany's sole proprietor until his death in 1955. In 1946, Thomas Bros. began publishing Its Los Angeles and Orange County street atlases. It takes a considerable amount of time -and money -to keep up with the tremendous growth that has characterized the West and Pacific Northwest, Thomas Bros.' market area. ··we just finished our Phoenix revise," Elias said, "and we s pent some 3,ooo· hours on it. When we expand to a new area, it's hard to pin down how much cost is involved, but it has to be upward of $50,000-$60,000 easily in addition to taking several years." The expense is a big reason oil companies have bowed out of the map business. It wasn't too many years ago that you collld pick up a free map at your local service station. Of course, in those days, you got service, too. ''In the crunch of "73-74, all the stations had to do was sell gas," Elias said. '"They no lon~er had to advertise by giving away free maps or glasses." Times have changed. In 1951, Thomas Bros.' L.A.-Orange- Counly st.reel atlas cost $4.SO. To- day it costs $14.95. Local firms coinply with state ad order Brokers try to correct 'illegal' conduct By PAT DUNN OI .. Delly N9l IWI Fourteen Orange County mortgage loan broker (MLB> businesses were included in the statewide DegJlrtment of Real Estate s~p against what de- Fraide, a li censed architect who opted for a midlife career change to the MLB business three years ago, says he welcomes valid criticism, but the circumstances of his firm·s involvement in current alleged CONSUMER CLOSE -UP partmenl director David H. Fox called "an epidemic of illegal conduct." Desist and r e frain orders charged 81 businesses with using false, deceptive and misleadini advertisements and/or engaging in unlicensed activities. NOTING THAT THE claJmed illegal advertisements appeared In newspapers reaching more than S million readers. Fox warned that "the false sense of security promoted by these ads may have lured hundreds of in- nocent investors and borrowers into seriously jeopardizing their financial futures." The cited MLB firms control an estimated $50 million in in· vestor and borrower funds, Fox added. wrongdoing is conf"5ing. "Our situation is that we have a loan officer on commission who distributed a flyer to broker acquaintances which stated we had funds available below market rates, and intefested brokers were invited to phone (See MORTGAGE, Page CZ> The l>epartrMnt of Real Eltate charged the following Orange Coun- ty buaine•~· with tuing falM, de· ceptive and mialeading ad~mng and/or engaging in unlicen1ed GC· tivittea: . -Assured Home Loans, 7901 Westminster Ave., Westminster. -Cal State Leaden Service, 1661 E . Llncoln Ave., Orange. -CaWornJa Caatlet lac., S>6 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim. Howard Rufi ue1 inflation escalating 1n the 'I01. The state plans the quickest poaalble enforcement action.a "to reduce the risk of lou faced by thousands of consumers invest- ing in trust deeds or bC>rrowinl against the equity in their homes through transactions with MLBs." James Clary, 3008 Meadow Grove Road, Orange. -Eqaltraaa, 7980 Orangetborpe Ave., Buena Park. support several senators. He bas since formed a W11hin1ton·baaed lobb1in1 JfOUp, """ tbe EasJe, with 000,000 received from su~cribera to h1a newsletter Ruflnme1. A 1eam1tr~1· aon who once couated oalt ru.ae iD bl1 pocket after. cte.iariQs bankntptey in i.-. Ruff.._. UtUe paUence for thole who ny they can't afford tQ follow hi• teacblnp. · • A survey of involved county MLBa indicates most are or already have complied vtith the state's orders. However, three of tbe 13 Ucenaed llLBa charged do not have telephone numbers and nve are 10 new their phone num· bera are avm.tbable only tbroqb lnformatlcm. A broker in Otanp cbar1ed wttb unlicensed "llLB activity apparently baa no phone. l I -Pldellty Equity lavest- mea&a, 22800 Lambert St., Lake Forest. -Goldell West Rome Loa.a, 3Z3 W. Court St., Anaheim. -lavetiors Mart lac., 9252 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. -Mlpel Mon1a1e Corp., 80l- N. Main St., Santa Ana. -Mlleatoae Flaaaclal Services, 1'5 S. Brea Blvd., Brea. -llor$1a1• Ballken Capital lae., 4S8 K.ateUa Ave., Oraqe. -NeeM 8 I 111 l:ne.....-. l•e., 11'3 s. J>ou1lH Aoad, Anaheim. -Ne-..n Pacific ,. ..... , Jae., 4000 lbeArtbur Blvd., .. NeWllQlt S.ada. -ta ....... ,., NIHaacel, ml PaMO Del Campo, Lacuna Ntpel . ., ------------------------· !\•e 'Mb ' - , T Orenge Cont DAIL y PILOT /Sunday. May 17. 1981 LOOKS LIKE SPAGHETTI -·But it's actually electrical cord sets s urrounding Dennise Benson of South Easton, Mass., as she in- spects them at the Almor Co. plant in <From Paie Cl) .,. ..... Bro<:ktc}n, Mass. The cords, sorted and hung over containers, are destined for use with lamps, fans and other small appliances. MORTGAGE BROKERS COMPLY. • • • for more in/ormation," be ex- plained. vestigate any MLB rum before 202-1136, or by writing to 3348 investing or borrowin1. Overland Ave., Los Angeles ·'The department pointed out that this statement was an in- fraction. The Joan officer was reprimanded and cure nyer wa:s no longer distributed, even though it was directed to brokers only -not the general public. 4 They should contact the 90034. Department of Real Estate to find out if the company has a IUCHABD CARLSON, Depart- valid license and if any formal ment of ReaJ Es(ate assistant disciplinary actions have been commissioner, s aid, "Any con- taken against it. See bow loog sumer who considers lending the firm has been in business, money secured by real property ask for names of satis fied particularly if he or she is in- ·'Our attorney responded to the department's charges. ex- plained each alleged infraction and promised immediate corre~­ tions would be made. customers and make s ure alf flue nced by advertisements in- transactions are in writing." he di ca ting a high rate of return - advised. should ask questions before tak- .. Anyone wanting to find out if ing action. Who is the borrower1 a particular firm is a member of Whal is the borrower's ability to our association can do so by repay? Can the mortgage loan "WE ASSUMED the· matter phonin& J 213) 872-0265, or by broker provide a credit rating on was settled and heard nothing writing'fo 17000 Ventura Blvd., the borrower '! Why does the further from the department. Suite 217, Encino 91316." pros pective borrower need a We were shocked when our firm Mortgage Brokers Institute loan? The reason may reflect on was included in those cited. executive director, Clive Hof-the ability lo repay ... "We are contacting our in· fman, says problems in the MLB Carlson added that if the bor· vestors and providing our ex-industry concern lenders with rower is a mortgage loan broker planation of each charge. To a funds available for investment or an indJvidual or company af- person, our investors have ex· more than borrowers . filiated in any way with the pressed the opinion that there "STATE AND FEDERAL broker. the prospective lender may have bee n a misun-truth-in-lending laws protect should "take a good hard look at derstanding with the regulatory borrowers. but the lender is in a the proposed transaction." agency." more difficult position." he ex-Carlson cautioned consumers Fraide expressed concern plained. "Higher rates of return to learn as much as possible about the effect such charges allowed by the passage of about property that secures a may have on his company's Proposition 2 attracted many loan. "Find out the borrower's Jocalbuslness relationships with lenderswithfundstoinvest. eq uity , c h eck to see if a financial as well as investor coo-"Unfortunate ly, many con· qualified, independent appraisal tacts . sumers don't taJce the time to was made, make sure there's a "l don't want to be critical, find out how long a mortgage title search to disclose possible but it's unfortunate that the de-broker has been in bus iness or to encumbrances to the property partment has to swing out so far check with the Real Es tate that could increase the possibili- to snuff out abuses that are oc-Department for licensing and ty of fore~losure," he said. curring," he said. "Although I complaint information. am in total accord witti valid re-"Investors should be wary of "ALSO CHECK WHAT hap- gulatory action, somehow care any firm offering a tremendous pens if foreclosure does occur. bas to be taken not to deface an rate of return. Any rate that is How can you protect your entire industry which is critical· more than five points above the funds? If a broker is guarantee· ly needed in today's economy." federal discount rate should be ing payments to you, it's likely Spakesmen for the California suspect," he warned. he's offering real property as Independent Mortgage Brokers Hoffman urged consumers s e curity. Remember that a Association <CIMBA> and the never to make a Jump sum of1 • permit is required for this. Mortgage Brokers Institute their money avrulable without a Finally, make sure 'a lot of len· ( M Bl) also expressed concern speci/ic loan being offered by de rs are not included on one for the reputation of MLBs on an the broker. "The broker should note." industrywide basis, even though have the piece of property to Carlson said that while the 74 the state agency noted that show lo the lender. An appraisal licensed business which were members of these trade associa-by an independent appraisal . cited will be allowed to continue lions generally are among the firm should be made a nd a in operation. the d esist and · · m a o y M L B s prov id in g credit report on the borrower, ti-r efrain orders immediately pro- responsible good quality service tie report and photo of the hibit an)£ continuation of the to the public." property should be available for charged illegal conduct. and the )ender's examination." ongoing investigations are ex- B I LL COART, executive MLB membership in the pected lo trigger the filling of director of CIMBA, s aid coo-Mortgage Brokers Institute can additional charges in several sum ers should thoroughly in_· _ _:b_:e_:c.:h:ec::k::e::d:........::b::y..-tiipiiihiloiioiiiniiigm (li2ill3ii)•ilciiaisiieisil. ••••••••••I COLLECTORS CORNER A•r• Coln• & St•mpe GOLD & SILVER 70% Bank Financing Now Available On Gold & Sliver ,, _____ ... c.e ... .-..... . (114) IM-fllO South Coeet Plau VIiiage ......... _ .. , ___ C-l'IMal USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST RESULT" SERVICE DIRICTORY For Result Service Call 642-5671 bt. JU ............................. --. e LOOK • • 700% RETURNS Tllll 1 what you could 111 .... m•IM t>uylng one llOy • been cC>fllrect 1n Mey t990 ano M lllng It 1n Dec , • 1910 Y!MI eou10 hne maoe an eddltlonel 700' • by • • MlllllQ 1no111tr conttll!I In Oe<: 19IO and t>vytng II • • beek In Feb Hiii f That 1 11oh1 111 cominOC11ti .. there Is no aucn , • lhing ... bad mllll•t Subltlntlel O••n• or IOSHI • • can be (llllM •• prlcn '"°"up or 00wn 8ut did you • • hnow 111111 ••• wly• ol llmlUllQ your t11U l>ut '.l2! • your profit pot1nt111? . : Art you 1ulled tor commocllly '°"ul11J<>n? You , owe 11 10 yourMlf to lnvo1101t• thlt 1n .... 1trnenl • 1llt•n1tl.,.. leNI -lor •Im Mo111et • Hll OUf lol~frM l'llHlllMf 14CIO<nt••'7, . • • JUITLH MANAGPllMl • 10 Wt•t tftHt, Suite 1909 : New Yotlt. NY 1000& • 2.12 227 208 .. I'd "'a youf , RlE t>oolllet • • • • : Pflnt Ntmt : MfiMA .. -----=;;-. : Cllr -State --l ip --' • ""°"9-~ ( • • ~· ( I • 1--~ W•l-1 ,_ -•C..----• ............................. · .. EXECUTIVE SUITES JADE MANAGEMENT 881 Dover Dr., Suite 14 NEWPORT BEACH , 714 -631-3651 $50,000 to $500,000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS ......... -'" .. v--. ··~ • C••••tdel ........... • w-1a1v eo••lbl•C. ...... .wy ....... .,_.._ •• s...,. • .... lltena Callf ...... Contcl<t o ur loe• , .. _Dot.~ 1111 wur linclnClng ne..-d~ 1 (714) 75tM515 AMPllCAN NOMI MOflTOMI 730 N•wport Cent•r Or1w1 ,\ o .. ion ~ta Newpof1 •••Ch. I C1ij!Ornlt 11eeo Patrons send back duplicate checks to Kellogg 's By MARTIN SLOANE What should you do I/ you receive a duplicate refund check lo which you are not entitled '! ~ Many refunders who recently received such checks from Kellogg's decided the pro· per thing to do was to return them lo the company. Arliss Benham, Kellogg's consumer con- sultant, was so delighted and impressed with this response that she sent me copies of some of the letters that accompanied the duplicate checks. "Today l received two envelopes, each conta ining a $1 refund check ," wrote Mrs. R.C. Miller of Taylor. Mich. "Since l only sent for the offer once, the second check must be a mistake and it does not rightfully belong lo m e "IN THE P AST I have received many re· funds from your company, and I have always been satisfied with your products . l would like to be able to send for future offers with a clear cooscience, and I am enclosing the second check.'' Ms. Benham sent copies of similar let- ters from Carolyn Madison of Des Moines. Iowa; Maureen Schafer of Bowler, Mich.; aod Linda Guffey of Hollywood, Ala. Kellogg's r esponded to those who sent in the duplicate checks in this way : "Bless you for being an honest refunder! "We sincerely appreciate your honesty in r eturning the duplicate check to us. It e nabled us to find a problem that has hopefully been corrected. "We are most happy lo tell you that we consider dedicated refunders lo be great as· sets. Because you want these offers to con· tinue, you send In the correct proofs. you follow the limits of one per family and your couponing and refunding clubs encourage 'cooperation with the companies that make these offers . . "Thank you very much for writing. The interest you have shown In our company and its promotions is most appreciated." Kellogg's also sent something special to each of these special refunders. The reaction from Kellogg's is not un- usual Many companies are surprised when refunders go out of their way to deal with them fajrly I hope that we will continue to surprise these companies unlit they fully recognize that the vast majority of couponers and re- funders not only are honest but also are their best customers . REFUND OF THE DAY Write to the following address to obtain the form required by this offer : Eveready FlashUght and Holder Offer. P .O. Box BK, Chicago, 111 60677 This offer expires Sept. 30, 1981 Your postage will be reimbursed. -------------------------------------· CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS Me•\._.,, leef9M,~ 111•1• ~ , ....... Clip o.A '"'' Ille -keep II wllh llmli.r c-.off uupon• -INver•ee refund olfe,. with beverage CO\lpoM, tor •Mf'llP4•. Sien COllKtlno ,,. ...... """"' ol purcl\e• whll• IOOllll>Q lor the r.,...11'9d ,_ form• al lfle _,....., In ne~pers and megellinM, -when lreclfn9 wltll friend• OH•,.. may not IN avellallle In •II ar-.., the c,ountry Allow 10 --to rK•I ... eecll rell.tftd. T ............ -. en w..U. e ._ .. JU.JI. T1lh _., ........ c-...UJ.01•••.-~I AaMOUa TaUT A .. und Otter. AKelft • $1 r• fl#ld Send Ille requll'9d ••fund form and th-frc1nl lelMI\ from Armour St.er T-1 E•l>lrH Oec.ll, '"'·. AllMOUll Ori.ct e-t Aelund Otter. A-.... $1 r• lund s.nd l1'a ,_.1,.., r .. und f«m and fi... comptele label• from A,,._r St.er Dried B"I EJqlires Dec. ll, , .. , •OOTH Batter Offer. AKelve • $1 •-'"""-Send the required r .. 11nd form end the -II-fisting 1,.,... dlenll from .,,., t-of the followlr>Q -products: 8uttermllll. B•ll., Fried Fl•h.< 8utetrmllk a.tWr Fllh SllO•, Crunchy Corn S.ller n led Fl!lll, c.n.intl'ty Corn l•lltr Fllfl SllcU, 8"r B•ll•r F rltd Fllh, Bette<-Fried Fllfl 'n' CN11$, B•ller F"h Stlckl, lffr Balle< Shrimp, Shrimp 'II' CNps E•plr•l J11ly ll, l .. t. Alla<h the p.-ooh 10 a WIM'r•I• "'"' ol _, with tran•perenll-E•plr .. De< )I,'"' Lt••Y'S cn11 A .. uno Otter AKelv• •ref""" ol 1S cent•, l1 U or U Send Ille require<! r-torm -label• from et .... , •-ol Ille tollowlno llllb'r"• p.-o-duct• Polle<! Mui , Vie""• Seu .. ge, Sloppy Moe, Corned e.f Malh, Clllll, Corne<I 8Mt or Si-You wlll receive IS cel'lb tor lour label•. $1 U tor •I• I-• or U t0< eight lallelL El(OlrH S.PI lO, '"' MOaTO.. CelebraliOn AKal.,. a ref_ of IS Ctflb, $I jO or U IS Send Ille requlr.., refund form.,,,, l4)Klel "Annlvervry JK-Pot" •ymboli from _,.,.. Froi.tfl F-• You Wiii rKelve IS Canu fOf PfCIOh '"°"" elglll polnh, $1.lO for Proof•.....,,, IS polnh and U.IS lor p.-o-oh .. orll\ U polflU You •Ill 991 -point IOf' prc1oh from M«10tl Pot P~. ik>unc• C••-OM•, 8oli-n-&ev encl GrHI Llttle O.uer11 YO\I wlll 991 ._ poiftts for prooh from Morton Froren Olnnert, -Y •un\, Donull end Pastry Shop PIH Yov wlll oe1 11\rM points for proof• lrom Morion Klnv Siu Dinnen, Klno SIH En-''"'and J-p>Wld C..wrole• You will oe1 five polnt1 tor proofs from J·PQUl\d Morton Frl•d Chicken faplrH De<. )1, 1 .. 1 SWlf'T 8r-n 'n' Sente C-boOk Otter AKelve Ille Better Homes -Gerdent "Fi• II FHI" , __ •nd $1.10 worth Of coupOM Send the reciulre<I r.iund torm encl Ille heallno dlrecllon1 from \I• Brown ·n· s.,.... SauHge s>.c"-'· Expjru Sept, I, 1'91 KllAf'T DINNEa Grocery Otttr. Recel.,.. e store ctr11tlc•I• Of S1 or U . For'"" S1 certlllcete.-"' Ille re-quire<! refund torm end proofs 01 pure-(the ovet• on WILSOH fl IS Mam A•fund. S..nd 11'\e required r• '"" llcM 1*'91• with the word• "The One IC.IOI LIU ") fund torm and one oroof-of·purthaw tllp f.....,., lnsio. a from 10 P<Kka91t• of any Kraft M.caronl -ChMSe Din· can of Wiiton Albbotl end S.•I H•m or ont Iron! label ner For the u cer11flcala. wnd the form and u ~. from Wll'°" BoneleU Mam E •PlrH Al>Q. ll, '"' _____________________________________ J ...... Research project to continue HONOLULU (AP> -The Reagan admioistra-It is one of several alternate energy projects bemg tion has scuttled a key element in a project to con-developed in Hawaii, which depends almost entire- vert the difference in ocean temparatures into ly on imported oil for fuel for electricity. electricity, but scientists say they will continue the For the past three months, the program had program in hopes of easing Hawaii's heavy depen-centered on OTEC·l , a 500-foot-long converted dence on oil. •tanker being used for full-scale testing of equip- " We are looking al ways to salvage as much of .ment off Hawaii Island's Keahole Point. the OTEC program as possible," says Dr. John But despite reports that experiments had been Shupe, energy research coordinator at the s uccessful, the Reagan administration eliminated University of Hawaii. federal funds for the project. OTEC stands for "ocean thermal energy con-"I am disappointed that the opportunity that is version," a process of generating electricity by us-there is not being g rasped by the federal ing the temperature difference between warm sur-leadership," says Hideto Kono, the state's plan- face water and cold water from the ocean dep~-ning and economic development dire_c_to_r_. ___ _ DO YOU NEED HELP? Anawer Network can help Increase your profit• by lowering overhead. With Answer Network'• thared·ovarhead concept, you wlll have available every office service you n-.d, Including your own phone number and anawerlng Hrvlce ... all at a fraction of th• coat of expensive facilities and t taff. COMPUTUl COMMUNICATIONS llAYICH AYAILAIU: 0 An•warlng M rvlce 0 Conference room• 0 Quote prlcet 0 Payroll 0 Make appolntm~t• 0 M•ll 11•1• 0 ~tt9fl end typing 0 Tele• 0 WOfd PfOCIUlng 0 FK•lmll• Q 2• hour dictation 0 P90lng S,.Clallzlltt lft: Certified H rvlce call dl1patchlng, Of'der taking and credit checlllng. An1wer Networ11 ha1 a Solullon, Cell: ll9JJEA NETWCJAK 714-953-1234 ld.114 RADIO PAGER ~.65 PER MONTH For services only Unlimited pages and pur- chase your reconditioned pa- ger for only $100 with 30 days guaranteed parts and labor. Be paged in a four county area, Los Angeles. Orange. San Bernardino and River- side Counties. 401 S. SANTA FE SANTA ANA CALL 714/835-3305 ORANGE COUNTY RADIO TELEPHONE SERVICE $10,000 to s1.ooo.ooo loans based on equltv In homes. units, commerclal, or raw f and. Short 'n!rm Swing loans-with no monthly payments-also AMllli._bte. 'J-14/955·2602 COMMUNITY HOME LOAN, INC. 1401 DOVESTUlT. SUITt 100. NEWPORT l!ACH.CALIFOtlNIA91660 1 ICENStD 8ROkER • • • .... c • 0 0 ¥ .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/SUnday, May 17, 1981 ca ;lJ.S.-Japanese auto standards: A comparison WASHINGTON <Al» -President Reasan uys 1overnment r e1ulatlons put American automakers a\ a competitive dlsadvanta1e. but Japan's own regulations for can are oo leas strict -and in some cases are touiber. While Japanese automaken are quick to say their auto emission standards are the most alr· Jngent in the world, however, lbey have manased to tum them into a remarkable asset for compel· lng In the world market. "Becau.se regulations are so toush here, every aµtomaker ln Japan has the tecbnoloty to mHt the regulations set in any nation around the world," s aid Shlgeru Sasak of the Japan Automobile Manufactur!rs Alsociatlon in Tokyo, TBEV DO SO WITH some of the moat ad· vanced, computerized assembly lines In the world. ''On the same line we can stick on a special windshield wiper required by one country, put on a thicker bumper for another and put the steering wheel on the right side ror a third," said Yoshiaii Tabuchi, director or international public relations for Nissan. producer of Datsuna. Most U.S. assembly lines are less automated, ma king such flexibility difficult to achieve. When Congress began to tighten American exhause em· isslon and ruel economy standards, the Japanese a lready were making smJller cars that were easier to adapt for compliance. "IF YOU GO BACK to the 1977-1978-1979 pe riod, they were selling the cars they had been making all along," said General Motors President Jim McDonald. "We still had a lot of V·8s as part of our lineup. It's a lot easier to meet emission standards with a V·4." American automakers add that the Japanese government and a uto industry have worked together to develop auto regulations, in contrast to the often adversary relationship ln the United States. One of Reagan's repeated campaign promises was to get "the heavy hand of government off the backs of American industry," a promise he often made to the auto lndustry . "I'd like to get rid or several thousand of what I think are unnecessary regulations . . . that have -·------ PUBLIC NOTICE . caused your problems," candidate Reasan told workers at a Chrysler Corp. plant in Detroit on Sept. 2, 1980. "I know the concern of many of you have with imports fro m Japan. I thin.k Japan is only part of the problem -the other part is Washington, D.C.," he said. IN OFFICE, REAGAN bas advanced a plan to reduce a variety of regulationa affectln1 American cars and trucks, and has reached agreement with J apan for voluntary restrictions on export. of Japanese cars into the U.S. The Japanese government agreed to limit auto shipments to the United States to 1.88 million in the 12 months that began last month, down from the 1.82 milJion shipped ln the comparable period las t year. Japanese car sales h·ave risen steadily d'uring the past decade and now stand at more than 20 percent of the American market. Government regulations for autos fall into three broad categories -environmental, fuel economy and safety. Exact comparisons among various standards a re not necessarily precise because testln1 pro· cedures differ from country to country. But here are some comparisons of the United States and PUBLIC NOTICE Mosquito oomrols Wged P~c:!~':°:!:~!'::r NOTICE OF DEATH OF , ... toll-1"9 ... ,_.. • .,. doln9 JOHN c. ROSS ANO OF .,.,,1,..ues· PETIT I 0 N T 0 AD · BEA~:. ~,~,'i!!.,!." w~y~~ MINISTER ESTATE NO . ... <II. Cellfonil• tJUI A 101690. Ll .. d• Fromm For .. sdl. uu T 0 a I I h e I r s car11111 .... W•y, L••11"• B .. c1t. b eneficiaries creditors American cars protected the occupants better tban mos t Japanese models. While the differences lo standard.a between t.be two countriet are not aubatanUaJ, there are bit dlf· ferences in other important areu. -The size of cars makes a major dlllerenee ln how difficult it i11 for each nation's manulacturen to comply with regulatlona .IAPAiiiESE PRODUCERS h.ave always em· phastzed the smaller can becawse of thal naUon's almost total dependence on Imported oll and lta narrow streets and exlraordJnary tram~ Jama. U.S. automakers, In contrast, long produced big, heavy, high.powered can to run on wider streets and wide-open highways . Gas was cheap for decades and Americans sought the physical comfort or a large car, despite its low gas mlleaie. When autom akers faced demands for hJgh fueJ economy and tlght emission standards -two somewhat conflicting requirements -it was much J apanese standards: easier for J apan to bring their small car Unes into -Environmental standards. National limits on compliance. e missions of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide .----------------------~ are about the same in both countries. IRS RULES THE U.S. LIMIT on hydrocarbons nationally ' is 0.41 grams per mile, almost the-same aa the IN Y:DUFI l!!!A'IQfll Japanese rule, after the Japanese limit is convert· --~-• ed from grams per kilometer to grams per mile. Similarly, the limits on carbon monoxide TAX SHELTER SEMINAR emissions are virtualjy the same -3.4 grams a MARRIOTTHOTEL(Faetilonlalend), NEWPOATBEACH mile in the U.S. and 3.~ grams a mile in Japan. 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM Thul"9d-v. June 4, 1981 ln Japan, the standard for nitrogen oxides is s tricter _ equaling about 0.4 grams a mile versus Gain valuable knowle<;ige lrom prominent C.P.A's. Attorneys, Brokers, and General Partners about Tax the current U.S. limit or 1 gram a mile. Sheltered Investments. How to identify worthwhile -Fuel economy rules. J apan's standard is shelters • Tax Considerations • Legal Pitfalls • more stringent overall, requiring new cars to Risks/Rewards • Investment Timing • Economic average just under 30 miles per gallon by 1985. The Merits • and more .. U.S. standard for 1985 is 27.S mpg. -Safety regulations. Standards vary greatly Designed for beginning arid experienced Investors and are often impossible to compare. They range who want to preserve and increase capltal. from rules on the strength of bumpers to the color REGISTRATION FEE: $75-SPACE LIMITED of turn-signal lights to bead restraints. Sponsored by the Institute for BualnHa Education (IBE), a C.llfomla Nonprofit Public BenefltCorpomlon. There is evidence that some U.S. safety stan· dards may be more stringent than those of the RESERVATIONS/MORE INFORMATION J apanese. U.S. government crash tests found CALL (71 4) 851-9063 ~---~~~---~~----- Warm as it may be, the Orange County Vee· tor Control District is concerned that mos· quilos nonetheless may be breeding in standing water. Celllo•nl• n.51 ' Jo AM Oel~ R--. UU Cerlb-and Contingent Credi WrS Of .... ,. way, i._.. 11Mc1t. c.11wn1e JOHN C. ROSS and persons nu1 who may be otherwise in-Thi• 11usi,,.u I• '°"""<'•d 11' • terested In the will and/or ~-------~~ .. -----------~ .. ~------~·~~~~~~~~~- District officials a re ur~ing residents to emp· ty any water that might be standing In buckets. rain barrels, cans, un· c o vere d boats , barbecues. old tires and unu s u ed s wimming pools. The district controls m osquitos on public rights-or-way and pro· vides, free of charge, mosquito eating fish to persons with orna m en- tal fish ponds, ram bar· r.,.s or unused pools. The district may be contacted at 971·2421 UJW drive dinner set The Lawyers Division dinner of the Orange -County United Jewish Welfare Fund campaign is scheduled May 21 at .the Registry Hotel in Jrvine. Harvey B. Schecter, director of t he Anti· "defamation League or B 'nai B'rith's Pacific .Southwest region, will lecture on "Res urgent Anti-Semitism: Menace or Myth." Cost for the dinner is $20. For information. call 530-6636. ,_ ______ _ PUBLIC NOTICE e-,..••1 "C.=::W..... F--1 estate. T1tls •11t1-1 was 111ec1 w111t uw A petition has been filed co""'' c1••• of °'9'99 County °" by Colonel Selim Herring April 30, ltll. ir141au F r a n k I I n a n d A I I e n Pullllsl!M Orengo coast O.llr P1to1, Shamlck in the Superior M•y J, 10, 11, u. 1t11 210CM1. court of Orange County re· PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUS 8USIM•U MMYITATSM•MT Tlte loll-lllO per_,1 ere dol"I .,.,,,,,. .... , POST PltOOUCTI°" SERVICES. 1702 M11rp l1Y Ave,.11e. I rvl"•• CelllorPlle92714 Jem" H Rou. >07 Nercl11111 Ave!We. Cor-Otl Mir, CelltorNe t»U o ....... L. RoM, >07 Nercl11111 Aft-. c.-... -. c.tlloml• mu Tltls --I• <OfldU<9d by .,. - ll'ICor-lllecl --i.clon -...., • pe11M•INCI J-H.Rote This" ~ w .. lllecl wltlt U.. c°""" c1e<1o of 0r .. ee Coumy °" questing that Colonel Selim Herring Franklin and Allen Shamlck be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of JOHN C. ROSS (under the Independent Admlnlstra· tion of Estates Act). The petition Is set for hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive, in the City of Santa Ana, California on June 10, 1981 at9:JOAM. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or file .A4>rll27, 1tl\. .,...._ written objections with the P111111-0r-eo.11 Delly P11o1. court before the hearing. May J, 10. 11, ,., 1t11 201441. Your appearance may be in person or by your at· PUBLIC NOTICE torney. --------I F Y 0 U A R E A "CTmousau11•11u CREDITOR or a cont· T1t• ,:~,::;:·.~. c1oi,., ingent creditor of the de· 11Us1 ... 1us: ceased, you must fil e your SOLAR SHORES, 11400 Mein claim with the court or pre-~~~,~~,1~~ Hun11,.11on Buell, sent it to the personal Hervey Gombe••· 1uo1 Hl.,.1k representative appointed Circle, H...Cl""on hecll, Cellfo<nl• by the COUrt Within four ..,..., months from the date of H""~=:.:=~·~.!.!i-:9~c1e. first issuance of letters as h•rv Smith. uo1 s.e--u. Hllfl-provided In Section 700 of 11roo1on 11Mc11,Celttom1•nwf the Probate Code of T1tls 11U•1,,.n 11 <Ofldv<tect 11Y • California The time for fil· ..... ,.1__.....p. . _.,~ Ing claims will not expire T1t11 __, •H 111ec1 w1111 ,,. prior to four months from c°""1Y c1er1o of °'~ eou..iy °" the date of the hearing AprllJO, l"1. '"'.a noticedabove. PvlMl_ Or.,. Coel1 Delly Pll«. YOU MA Y E XAMINE M•, >. 10. 17. u. 1"1 JOtMl the file kept t)y the court. If PUBLIC NOTICE you are interested in the estate, you may flle a re- -r;-quest with the court to re· "CTmous au1tM•u ceive special notice of the T1t• ,!::~TC!=".~. c1o1"1ll Inventory of estate assets! 1Mi11....... and of the petitions, ac-CASH LIMITEO. 171 Sovtfl Anita c 0 u n t s and r e p 0 rt s "CT1nous au.1MHS r;,_r:,;.•· "" .. im, 0r .. ee. c:eittonol• described In Section 1200.S •AMII STAHINMT A11>en J.1.ew1•. mov11i. OelSol of the California Probate Tlte lol-1"111 .,.,_.,, ere dol"I A llel Hiii CelHoml '*1 lillu•IMH•: ,..Clle~ 1: 8nlsU .. UJt Ctrcvlo Code. MAPLILEAI' MARl(l!T1Ho, m1 oa11, A-mH1111,ee11,..,.,.1a..,1. Co Ion• I H • r r Ing S . llrcll StrHt, S111t• 01. H•wport Tllll ws1,.., 11 •<ondv<led 11y • Franklin a..c1t. Celttom1• nwo 11m11ect _.._.,,1p 3"4 G --c I J-JOIWI Hiiis, 2111 L.elelle, At•rtJ.\Awlt 6 r--aM CMI• MfM. c.tlffomte ,,.:Ill Tllll '"''"'*'' ... flied wlllt ,,. Balboa Island, ca. t2'62 0.'*9 Key Hlllt, •1• L.eS.11•, co.. .. ty Cl••-of °'9'99 County Oft (714) ~7111 .COS•• Mete, alltoflll• f2'» Apr11 JO ,.., P bll hed o Co t r1t11 Ml,..., ,1 condllc1ect by.,. in. • · Pma... u s range as dlvl-1 PvtMI.,.., 0r.,. CoHt Delly Pli.t Daily Piiot, May 16, 17,23, o.e.ie IC. Hlllt M6f J, 10, 11, t•. 1•1 2I01 .. •'.. 1981 231().81 Tiiis ..,,_. w• llled wltll ttwr-----------------------1 (O<lflty Clen of Or .... ewnty °" AIN'll io, t"1 "•"" • PlllM'-Or .. CMst Delly 1>1141!J /MY J. 10, 11, l•, 11111 ,..._.l, Jack Anderson D ·1y p·llD( reveals in the ~I . FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach An Oscar is to a Movie as a Findley is to a Bank. Each year a respected new letter; "The Findley Repons:· covering all Califom1CJ independent banks announ~ its coveted Premier Performing Bank awards. For the year 1980, CommerceBank qualified for this special recognition. To earn the "Premier Performing Bank Award" a bank must have a minimum of a 15% total deposit increase dunng 1980. CommerceBank's increase was 256.Jr,q . the highest percentage increase of all the"Premier Perfo rming" banks. Another qualify- ing cri teria for this award is that Lhe bank must have net operating income ns a percent ofavcragc total assets to be a minimum ofl.25. Commerce Bank wa~ 3.01c,q. What docs the selection of C ommcrceBank to the" Premier Perform 111g Bank" list mean? It's a reflection oft he business and professional community's recognition ol the excellent service Commerce Bank provides its customers. Wh y don't you consider having our Premier Bank perform for you? All you have to do is call CommerceBank and we will do the rest. HEADQUARTERS OFFICE 4525 MacArthur Blv~. (MacArthur at Birch) Newport Beach. CA 92660 (7 14) 540-6961 MEMBER FDIC BUENA PARK REG IONAL OFHCf· 6122 Knott Ave. ... (Knoll & Santa Ana Fwy.) Buena Park . CA 90621 (714) 739-2711. (213) 691-0551 Each depositor insured to $100,000 . • ,. ' ~. l • NYSE OMPOSITE TRAN ACTION QUOTATIOfl) IN(LUDI lUDU ON THI lllW YOH, MIOWUt, 'ACl,IC, l'IW, Mttto.t DlUOtT ANO (IN(INNATI ITK• llCCMHOU AND .. '°UID l'C, THI NUD AllD INOINU • ' .. ----------------------- -•• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT,SUnday. May 17. 1981 £1 .. ·1 I s s sos s a cc & au cs OrangeCout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 17, 1981 • extends its deep . appreciation to . all the Corporate Benefactors, Sponsors and Patrons for t~~ p':ticipation in the 1981 Le Grand Casino. CORPORATE SPONSORS AND BENEFACTORS Fluor Corporation Beacon Bay Enterprises, Inc. McLain Development Company Gene Washburn Winslow Maxwell J.M. Peters Co., Inc. Saffel & McAdam, Inc. 4 & tit . The Irvine ComJXlny Occidental Research Corporation CommerceBank Mekler Gallery Gallery West Neiman Marcus Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steele P.acific Mutual Bank of Newport Bullocks Wilshire Jack deKruif £ Z ,.¥9U Marc Friedberg American State Bank Canvas Specialty Balboa Bay Club Virtue & Schec'k Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Bryant III Beeco T . Phillips Morgan Orange Coast Daily Pilot .. GRAND PRIZES -DONORS Treasure Tours International, Paris Jean Claude Murat & Ruth Jensen Fairfax Hotel Washington D.C. -John Coleman M oet et Chandon, France Domaine Chand.on, Yountville The John Wayne Tennis Club -Ken Willig GIFT CERTIFICATES Charles H. Barr Jewelers -Brooks Brothers -The Broadway - Command Performance -Courreges -Croum Hardware -Gelson's Market - Halston Boutique -B.D. Howes & Son Jewelers -John Hogan -Ivy's League - Matthews -I . Magnin -Nordstrom -Richard Ouellette -Saddleback Interiors, Inc. - Saks Fifth Avenue -Slavicks Jewelers -The Storekeeper - Templetons -Ullman Sails -Veta's Lingerie -Amen Wardy ~ Mn. Albltrt A. Adam. Mri. Tmd Arre• Mr. <Horge L . ArOtlf'O• Mr. Hancock Bomdno lll Mr. Htm'JI G. B1'bb MTI. Word C1aombtflfn Mri. Alms. Coz Mr. Jock H. ct.Kndf Aire. T°"lf DtLop Mr. John I . DIOdft II I BOA-RD OF TRUSTEES Mt. John Martin Shea -Prendent Mra. Ernelt A. Br),(Jnt III -Vice Prelident Mr. Charle• W. HtrteT -Vice Prtlident Mn. Anthon11 Otting -Vice PrenMrit Mr. Roland SpeeT•-Viet Prendent Mra. Frank A. R.hock• Jr. -Secrttary Mr. J. T1'of'ra(u Van Dol/1en -Treaaurtr Mr. T. Phil.Upt Morgan -A1rirtant Treaaurtr Mr. Marc S. F~g Mri. Wolter D.K. Giblon Jr Mr. MUn'Clll A. Gnbtn Mri. John P. HurnclalJ ldri. Manhall Jarvie Mr. Rat/ ff. JolNon Mr. Peter C. Krtmn Mr1 . lM~ Kuhn Mr. Donald E. Lagerberg Mr. I.Aon LI/Oft Mr. Robert B. McLain Mr. John D. Nicholl Mr. GtOTfll R. Richter Jr. Mr. HO"l/ s. Rmur Mn. Ha,,,_., Somtt• Mra. Ygal SoncnihiM Mn. Richard Steele Mr. Hrrbn't Sulton Mr. David D. Toppan Jr. Mn. RU:hard H. Wbacldn A Public Service Sponaonhlp ot t.M Oran.i' Cna11t Onlly Pilot •I I - INDEX \, ...... lbothtetit . .. ..; . . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT,&inday, May 17, 1981 Ho.Ma For SclM \ Orange Coast residents bought 42% of all new cars sold in the county ldst year. HoutHForS• HoltJ•• For s. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tl rtxe Y11r Ad, Call GeMrol I 002 Gewr• I 002 GeMt"al t 002 G-.ral t 002 GeMrol I 002 G....,-ol I 002 GetMrol I 002 ········•••••·•········ .............................................. ···•··················· ••.•.••........•........•.........•......••••• ···:··················· 642-5678 HOUSES FOi SALE SERVICES Stn itt 01nf1or> fMPLOYMEHT & PREPAUTION Sthoob I Mt rw I •ot1 Job W ~uulfd • lklp \lo IOlfd M 6 I' MERCHANDISE ""'-" AppA1a.nir.-Aw1-::~1~: Malert•b C•awru fll t.qwpm"'"' c.u Doc• ~HIOV°" •"Wrrulu~ G1r1et S.I• ~(.-· J .... 1..,, Ln"tncll M1<11Jnn1 NiM"elftnf'OU\ M1M't'll1M"OO' ".ntlf't't Mu-'•taJ ln,hutrM'ftO om ... t'urn. t:qu1p p .. . ~=~~«~~ Spo<t.1n1 Goocb Stort. RHt1ur ent. Ber ~.1if:dt<>.ll1t'1.:.tuw BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT Gtft•ral 11oi1u .M&1n1 SH••c• &.II MorlM f.qu1p lloll•. P.,.. tr 8oao.Rrnt ('h.,1., eo.u.s.11 Boll>Sllpo Oo<h lloauSl'f't'd•<;111 -1>.S&or••• TRANSPORTATION Ant"nn CamtMN.Ml.t Rt"nl f'JH1.nc-C•n MolllieJt-n llator~l•.~tt•• lllOlOO' Hms.S.I• Rtnl Tralk>n Tre"tl i:~'t'r:.~:1~ert1 AUTOMOBILE Gt'Mral .. Aaf:tq~ (.'l•.H ll"t Rttre-•tlCN\ \ fltUt lft Sport~ R•t·t' Ai.11th .fWhHIO,.\U r ........ v ... A..WLn11n1 A""'°WIAI.., AUTOS, IMPORTED G•Mrel AhRonwu AUii• Au.tin Hf'41f)' BMW C1pr1 ~ Coil Det.aun fttran ..... H<l<ld• J•cu .. t ,_. Kar,...Mllh11 ~llorlhllll M•tdtt Mtrc~dn U.n1 aw MGll ~I PAMtnt ,..,,,_ ~ .... a-1• ....... ,, .. 11.-H !L T.,._• Th_,.. Vtlllf•HH Vetve MESSY :; MESSY TOMORROW'S HOME TODAY! New luxurious 6000 Sq. Ft. 4 Br. 5 Ba. hom e on a 1 .8 acre estate . Breathtaking view of ocean and hills. Complete privacy with security. Tennis court, 2 Jacuzzi's, Sauna, custom s wimming pool and many, many other "Executive" reatures. 1011 Vacant giant! Huge 4 ::! EQUAL HOUSING Bdrm; 2 story! Coiy 1a " fireplace! 135,000 down :: • QPPORTUNITY movesyouin.Takeover 10.0 9:V.. ~ loan. Owner will 1044 Pllblae..r·s Motk•: rinance remainder. Save ll: All r~al e&~ate a~-thousa nds! Owne 1~ v e r t 1 s e 4 1 n . t h 1 s sacrifice. $145,000. CalJ :: newspaper ts subject to 963-6767 •0'1• the Federal Fair Hous-1 ............. . ::: ing Act or 1968 which •m:!'.9-~·!!I :: ~~:! .i.~n~~~!}e~n~~: r:i.~6fi¥tFi Localed in charming Laguna Beach Realistically priced at $2,500,000 Cal :~ 11 m It at I On . 0 r d Is. ··~-~~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~~ .. crimination based on .::. iaio raC4!, colo~, relig_i~n. ADULT CONDO 1:ioo sex, or national ong111. 1Slo0 or an rntention to make ONE LEVEL ::; any such preference. Special Eastside priced HOO limitation. or dis-forquicksaleand seller 644-8382 ::;: crimination." will assist with financ· to 1H thl1one~.__. ~orBon d}l-ounf}, e&aitor 1100 ing. 3 Bdrm. frplcJ. dbl ~ This newspaper will not garage, no SljpS. ::>ales 2DI knowin~ly accept any price $117,000. Diana :;: advert1s1ng for real 631-1266. Agt. uoo estate which is in viola-------'=------PACESETTER HOME· : lion orthe I.aw. E-Z DUPLEX VlEW OPEN HOUSE ~ CONVERSION $169,500 In Laguna 21100 Costa Mesa R ·2 ! Niguel!4Br.,l :V..Ba.,2 332 Poinsettia, CdM Come &: see th.is brand new home with jts Old World Oak cabinetry. Sat l ·Sorcalltosee. Tim Rhone. 631-1266 ERRORS: Act.erflsen should check hir ad1 daily and= .,.. rors 11'111111 ty. The DAILY PILOT OSIMIMI' labllty for the fint incorrect Insertion only. ASSUME I 00/o This CdM home has ~:: great potential to go )200 with very creative W> financing. Only 1 blk ~ from the water on a cor· 1o<io ne r lot. Call r.1e at 631· 1266 or 67J..0055. Tim 11000 Rhone. 100r. 1Ul) 1100 llm llOIO IOIS !lllllO lllm ll03D tlOl!I _, ~ -~ ...., !IOIS imo ...-a ll071 llOIO ltCJlll llOlll !IOIS llOl'7 lll!lO OPEN Sat jSWI 1-5 275 E. 16th St, C.M. 3 bdrm, family r-oom . re- modeled on large R-2 lot. Ow n er may h elp finance. $165,000. :: 317Jaunine,CdM l!Oll6 4 bdrm, family rm, 2 :: fireplaces plus 3 bdrm rear unit with fireplace & beam ceiling. Close to beach. Good financing Potential. $495,000. MAURYSTAU~ SEA LION REAL n 67)..5354 URGE ::: ASSUMAILE t1:io Take over $85,000 loan ::: and owner will carry a tiill 2nd on this great 4 •1ie bedroom beauty. Only :!: $129 ,500. Call now 979 5370. ALLSTATE REALTORS IRVIME TERRACE M.I . Lovely 2 + Den, park like yard. Large as- sumable loan. Perfect condition. $269,950. DOVER SHORES M.I. View home 4 Br., 3 Ba .• pool & spa. '625,000. VERSAILLES M.I. Penthouse studio. Com pletely rum is bed by Decorator. PoO'f & clubhouse. $1.20,000 WOOOllllDGE IRVIHE 3 Br. 2~ Ba. Family Rm, planked floors. Neat lake. pool & tennis. $169.500 FAllt&L la CO. 759-1092 DICOUTOR COHDO SI 19.tOO Wlndlnf greenbelt.t lead to bright alnsle story condo. Exqulsltely ck• corated with custom wallpaper and cabinetry tbruout. Form.at d.lnln.I room loo! Owner wm coo~al• with tllftanc:· lo1. Won't last at °'11 price, 10 can now. Remodeled 4 Bdrm 2 ba story family home. Rear h · h f' living room overlooks ome wit ireplacc, beautiful hills, used copper plumbing. Could brick, noor to ceiling be converted lo duplex. Only $112,000! Call to fireplace, huge master see! 646·7171 suite with 2 large closets + walk in, built in gas kitchen. family room, family bdrms complete-THE REAL ESTATERS C.D.M. Owne'r fina.ocing on this 4 Bd 6 yr old family en· tertainer's dehte Pvt sw1mm111g & tennis On- ly $269,900 Norm & Kasey Mc Kinl ey 631 -1266 R~MfalC REAi. TllR~ DEPRESSED AGE.HT DISTRAUGHT WIFE DESPERATE OWNR Make an ofrer--0wner tran sferred. Oreat neighborhood to raise children. New int/ext paint, lge rear yrd for entertaining. Ex.isl VA at 7%. S24S PITI. Sub· mil! 545-9491 WALKER&LEE R.E. / ly seperate on 2nd level. SUPER DUPER 2 car attached garage, Beautiful. immaculate, lotsofstorage.Amustto l nicely landscaped 4 see! Drive by 245<Yl Los I bdrm home on cuJ·de- Serranos at Niguel Road sac. Spacious rooms. & La Hermosa. Open Sat View of golf course from 16th, Sun 17th from 1·5 property. Owner will or by appt. help bn financing. C)nly ORANGE COAST $139,500. Call now F I N A N C I A L 979-5370 REALTORS A Ma"$.$;finger ._L_L_S_~_J1_T_E_ AITD Will handle the financ· - ing on this 3 Bd 2 Bd duplex in CdM. Both un· its have been re - furbished. Pick up the phone now. Tim Rhone. 631-1266 615-8411 REALTORS 180 DEGREE VU of t he blue Pacific. Watch the swiset behind Catalina. Lowest priced view in CdM. Call today. See me Sunday on Opn Hse 1·5. Tim Rhone 631-1266 RVM~ H~'Al.T11Hs WATERHlOMT -Fantastic jetty view. One of the Maikai's loveliest 2 Bdrm 2 ~ath condos. Lge lanai w/detailed lattice work trim. The superb contemporary furnishings may be purchased. An exceptional property. $549,500. EMERALD IA Y -Enchanting 3 Bdrm cottage with plantation shutt~rs, used brick, sunny patios. In one of our finest communities with private beach, pool and tennis. $370,000. TURTLEROCK HIGHLANDS -A stunning achievement by Pollock Interiors. Exquisite decorating thruout this 4 Bdrm, 1 sty home with separate dinin~ room and large master suite. A new and exciting offering $312,000. HORTH LAGUNA -Magnificent "white water view by day and lights of Dana Point at night. Outstanding custom built 4 Bdrm North Laguna home on the ocean side of the highway. Large lot. Just steps from the beach. $685,000. OWNER WILL TRADE -20 acres. near Rancho California. Owner wants condo in Nwpt, Irvine, Costa Mesa. Can be divided into 4 to 5 acre parcels for small equity or $140,000 takes all. CORONA DEL MAR DWI.EX -One of the few duplexes w I a pool. Desirable street w /hi income, comfort 3 Bdrm owners unit. $320,000. JASMINE CREEK -Comfortable 3 Bdrm home with plantation shutters, parquet floors, lush carpeting, tast eful decoratinf(.. Within the security gates of Jasmine Cr eek . 914 % assumable loan. $335,000. TUlnEllOCK HIGHLANDS -2 story' 4 Bdrm 3 bath MacGregor, built by Lusk. Step down living room, large dining room, bay windowed breakfast nook with sunny s it-down view. Exquisite in every detail. $365,000. COMMllCIAL LOTS -3 contiguous lots, zoned C2 in San Clemente. Office building plans available. $296,800. ULTIMATE BIGANCE If you appreciate fine things you must see this outstanding Eng. Tudor estate high atop Harbor Ridge. Ocean. harbor & nite views. 7500 sq ft of superior custom design. 5 B<lrrns , 51r.1 Ba, pool. spa. your own tennis courts. $2,900,000. Call for appointment. LIDO-ISLE Super sharp 3 Bdrm with s p a. Completely remodeled & redecorated. $525,000, 15<7< down. Owner will carry balance. · HARIOR RIDGE Beautiful customized La Tremont plan on view lot. 4 Br + den, park. parquet rtoors. spa. $699,000. owe $.500,000 at 131/2'7<. TOP OF SPYGLASS owe saso,ooo Gorgeous custom estate. ocean & harbor views, ultimate design & decorating. 4 Bdrm, 31h Ba, formal dining. $1,495,000. 714 / 760-9333 REALTORS 675-5511 NEWPORT SHORES. Excellent FtNAMCING AV AILAILE. Great 3 ldnn 2 la home; ~beam c.ilncp: easy aCCHI to oc•• beach a1td c,..._. with tenNs & pool: iu1t s 135,000 ... Opt today 1-5. 423 LucJonlo, Ml. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 25 15 E. Coalt Hwy., Corona de4 Mer 675-5511 Fiild what you want ln l Have something to sell ? Daily Pilot Classifieds. Classified ads do it well. Town (6 Country ft QE/\LTOQ0 V'dll 552-1800 ASSUMABLE LOAN! 4 Bdrm, 2¥.t baths, J .M. Peters popular Plan 324 in Woodside, Northwood . Decorated in earthtones. Associated pool and tennis. Assumable loan. $218,000. Open Sat/Sun 105 1-6 at 6 Cintilar. UNIQUE! A University Park townhouse with no connecting walls. Fully detached "Cambridge" model. Backs up to park on corner lot. Huge living room wi Ch frplc overlooks sunny atrium. Formal massive dining rm, large kit c hen , 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, new cpts, fresh paint. Attached 2 car garage. Walk to pools, spa, tennis and s hopping. $139,900. Open Sat/Sun 1·5 at 4106 Seton. TURTLEROCK TOWtlfOME Room to spare with 4 Bdrms, 3 baths, plush carpet, plantation shut- ters and many upgrades. Fantastic view of valley and city lights. $320,000. Open Sat/Sun 1·5 at 12 Canyon Ridge. WOODBRIDGE LMfFRONT The most dramatic lakefront loca· tion can be yours with this spec- tacular 3 Bdrm. family room Ddrby plan. This home is totally upgraded throughout with plantation shutters and top gr~de floor coverings. No expense bas been spared on the landscaping. Extensive used brick, patio cover, gas fire pit and bricked ln spa. Day & Night vtews from nearly every room. Flexible financ- in1. $3_5_41900. Open Sat/Sun 1·5 at 36 Wooa1rove. &-CountF REALTOR~ . 552-1800 • DON'T LOOK You don't want to read this. This brand new 3 Bdrm 3 Ba house plus 2 Br 2 Ba income unjt over a 4 car garage wouldn't interest you. So what ir it has a s uper location near everything in Corona del Mar? How much ? $325,000 Owner will listen to all terms. $6,600 DOWN Per re ct s tarter tor budget conscious couple or in vcstor 556-7035 ~Walker B laa REAL EST/\ TE OWNER MUST SELL IN 72HOURS Opportunity knocks. Take advantage of a $140,000 let TD al 12'7.. Lovely 4 Bdrm family home in Corona del Mar. Call Diana 631-1266. Agt. JASMINE CREB Lo•ely 3 ldnft 21/J lath COlldo located In priYot• area of Corona del Mor. 24 ho•r ~ gate. 6 ...... c...ts. 3 pool1 and apos. G ... at crea wffh SCNM oc.-•lew. Two patios. lo•ely landacopllMJ and uhmd pri•ocy. Offffed at $395,000. Open HouM Sunday I ·5. # 11 c.t. MUST SELL tlCJhly llpCJraded 4 .... 2 la ColecJe Perk hoMe loc:ohd la lnlae. Cudolft brick patio w ,.1acunl -.......... liq. .... ... to appreciate. Jttlt lthd at SI 55,000. IEST IUY-OCEANRtONT 3 bedroot11 2 b9Ht hw, fGlllly '°°"" profeallCMMlly decorated, •w kltchH, 1.-ge elect wffh foamj, ri9M °" ............. lhhcl for $575,000. NEWPORT HEICiHl'S 3 ..,.., 21/J la, ~ c:on.r lot. Hardwood floors _, ,.eat ..,..... pot...tlol. $279,000. WO oo·s .COYE .httt •hp• to Woocl'a Con a Mduded patio & spo Wglll #'s this 3 ldnft 3 late. .._ . with fireplaces. be-c....,._ _, apectoc.ear wt.It.water oce. Ylewa. $175,000. LEASES VIEW, VIEW Iring your eue11the tllat appreclatu locatlo11. Wltll Canora111lc •l•w of ••tire arbor, lo••ly 1h•lt•r•d ••...NncJ pool. -......... 1rti.. Terrace IMHM. ,,..,_. Z..3 Y•cA' leaae. Offered at $1500 /MO· GOLF COURSE VIEW Wll IHM or Ntlt thla 2 '*"' Z la condo Oft Ilg C-ra-9C!ff c:ourM. lncllldea r.trlges aloi 'H nece11ary. Lawdlord pays aasoclatlOR dH1 wlllca. ._... teHlt a11d 1wf1W11tl•9 pool. $900 /MO· For lftfOfW41'ttoa md ...... -ollNt' filte propertt.1 c.t ow .-.11HGI D.,_ tww .. 644-7020 ' ' • -. . ----------~~-----~~----------------.. -..----------·-----••-.... • ... ·------e~•-...,.•""'•-~ -. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, M ay 17, 1981 •.....•..•.•....•.••... ····················~·· •.•....•.............•......•..••..•••...••••. ..._..,_s. ........ ,...s. H111ftWS. I ....... ,_s. ....... Fors. ••• ,.. 1002 ........ 10'02 ........ 1002 ._,.. 1002 ........................................................................................................................................................ , ........ ······················· ··•••··•··•••·····•··•• .,.,_, 1002 ..._... I 002 •••'-' t 002 ., .. ,.._, t 002 ........ I OOZ ................................................................................................................... Dalebout Bay & Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 FfMAMCIMG117 MO . PIOILIMlll WE HAVE A BROAD SELECTION OF HOMES UNCLUOlNO T HE 1 OPEN HOUSES LISTED BELOW) WHERE THE SELLERS OFFER 1 SPECTACULAR F INANCING. PERHAPS WE CAN BE OF HELP 1 I ----------7 -- - OPIH SUND.A Y I ·5 COMI WITH US .•. TO DOVEi SHOii$. P R ESTIG IOUS WATERFRONT HOME Wint PIER AND SLIP .. SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM WITH VAULTED CEILING .. FORMAL ANQ INFORMAL DINING ROOMS .. COZY Jo'AM ILY ROOM WITH WET BAR TWO PATIOS ONE WITH FIREPIT. BAY VIEW FROM FAMILY ROOM. LIVING ROOM AND MASTER BEDROOM .. SEI!: SUSAN FROST OR RONNI E MARAVICH . , 103' POL.Alts DltVE .............................. $995,000 COME WITH US •.• TO LIDO PAIK DllVI f ·2. ENJOY WATERFRONT L IVING TO THE FULLEST .. THE VIEW FROM TllE LIVING ROOM IS GLAMOROUS -AND THE COMPLETE HARBOR VIEW FROM THE BALCONY IS SENSATIONAL .. TWO SPACIOUS BEDROOMS AND DEN .. PROFESSIO~ALLY DECORATED BY LOIS HARDING INTERIORS .. COMPLETE SECURITY .. PIER AND SLIP AVAILABL E .. SEE BRIAN SCHOFF¥AN. 633 LIDO rARk DRIVE F-2 ......... , ............... $650,000 COME WITH US ••• TO WESTCLtFF. SO IMPRESSIVE IS THE CURB APPEAL IT WILL BE "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT" .. HUGE LIVING ROOM AND D I N I NG ROOM -BOTH WITH BEAM ED CEILINGS .. FOUR SPACIOUS BEDROOMS .. LAVISH USE OF FRENCH DOORS AND WINDOWS. POOL SIZE YARD .. GAZEBO ANO FOUN TAIN. BUILDER·s OWN HOME -AND OFFERING UNBELIEVABLE F1NANCING. SEE JANE FRAZEE OR JIM MELSON. 11 18 SOMERSET LAME •••••.••••.•••.. REDUCED TO $525,000 COME WITH US ••.. TO HIEWPOIT ISLAHD. WATER ON FRONT AND SIDES 116 FEET OF WATERFRONT THREE BEDROOMS TWO BATHS .. TWO CAR GARAGE. YOU OWN THE LAND YOUR OWN PIER AND F'LOAT .. SEE VIRGINIA SWAN. 301 31Ht STREET .•••.•.•••••.•••••••••••••..•.••.••• $525,000 COME WITH US .•. TO IAYCREST. QUALITY AND PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP IS REFLECTED THROUGHOUT THIS FIVE BEDROOM CUSTOM BUILT HOME. BEAMED CEILINGS IN LIVING AND FAMILY ROOMS LUXURIOUS BUILT·IN CABINETRY .. FORMAL DINING ANO FAMILY ROOMS BlJILT·IN BBQ .. HUGE VARO WITH PADDLE TENNIS COURT SEE PIA O'AURIA. 1818 GLENWOOD LAME •••••.•.•.•.••••••......•..• $49 5,000 COME WITH US •.. TO DOVER SHORES. ELEGANT FOUR BEDROOM HOM E .. LOVELY VIEW .. SPACIOUS STEP·DOWN LIVING ROOM .. FORMAL DINING ROOM WI TH FIREPLACE. LARGE FAMILY ROOM WITH FIREPLACj: .. BREAKFAST ROOM .. DARK ROOM IN THRE E CAR GARAGE. .SEE TOM GUY OR BARBARA ARMSTRONG. 2012 SANTIAGO DRIVE ••••••••••••••.•.••••••.•••• $350,000 COME WITH US ••• TO WESTCLlfF. ATTRACTIVE F OUR .BEDROOM HOME. STUNNING COUNTRY · KITCHEN WITH OAK CABINETS, BOOKCASES AND DESK .. ALL NEW APPLIANCES IN KITCHEN NEW CARPETS THROUGHOUT .. CUSTOM DRAPES ANO WALLPAPER .SELLER'S PLANS CREATE A GREAT URGENCY TO SELL .. SUBMIT OFFER .. SEE OOI'TIE AUSTERO. 1112 NOTTINGHAM ...••..••••••••••• IEOUCED TO $315,000 COME WITH US •.. TO UGUMA IEACH. STIMULATING OCEAN VIEW POTENTIALLY ONE OF LAGUNA'S MOST C HARMING PROPERTIES TWO BEDR OOMS .. DINING ROOM TWO F1REPLACES .SEE JANE MINSKOFF 161 HILLCREST DRIVE ••••.•••.•.••••••••••••••••.•• $219,000 A VAIL.AILE IY APPOIMTMEMT COME WITH US •.. TO DOVBl SHOIES. SPECTACULAR f'OUR BEDROOM HOME DRAMATIC ENTP0 ,'F CARVED WO OD AND ~::~i5 w~gg~~~~fR~~r~ ~rt. ~~~N.wl'ftrY'J ~11::~Ll5~ PER BAY ANO NIGHT LIGHTS .. ~ Ol . 1{0NNIE MARAVICH. 1244 POLARIS DRIVE •.•••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• SI 15,000 COME WITH US ... TO DOVB SHORES. STIM ULATING F I VE BEDROOM HOME vPPER BAY VIEW IS ENJOYED FROM MOST OF THE HOM E ESPECIALLY THE MASTER BEDROOM .. FORMAL DINING ANO FAMILY ROOMS SPARKLING POOL .. FEE LANO, NCYl' LEASEHOLD OWNER ~1LL HELP FINANCE. ASIC FOR RONNIE MMAYICH .................... $'65,000 COME WfTH US •.• TO DOVB SHORES. A DREAM HOME F'OR PRIVACY ASO RELAXATION S PAC IOUS LIVINO ROOM WI TH DRAMATIC VIEW OY POOL AND GARDEN T HR F:E 1,0VF.LY BEDROOMS ELEGA!\'T FAMILY AND DINING ROOMS PROPF.RTY IN IMPECCABLE COSOJTION ASIC FOi DOTTIE AUSTBO ••••••.•••••••••••.•••.. S4H.OOO COME WfTH US •.. TO HAUoa HIGHLANDS. A <-lLJAl.lTV lfOM Y. IN A BEAlJTIPL'l PAMILY NEIGHBOHllOOO YOUR BEDROOMS FAMILY ROOM .. NEAT DINING AR EA 7hl 10 POOL.SIZE YARD ASIC FOR SUSAN HOST .......................... S270,000 1617 WESTCLIH mlVE I OCIAM UMTS $162,000 Unbe lievable! Seller ia motivated. Assume loans with $20,000 down. Great investment opportunity! Isn't it? C .. SAMDY IOllaTSOM THE REAL ESTATE RS I Hi-6767 __... ................ ~ "'"' """ ,.,,. f OPEN SAT.fSUN. 12-4 PM . . 1973 Vista CIUdal, Ne.,art lia • End unll. 3 bdrm + famUY room, 2~ baths, lofted celling. ~p,ua area .. Great remodel posalblUt:les. Good ftnane- lng. OwWr I• 9421,IOI 6J 1·7JOO H•rt.orVlewH ..... Charmlna "MonteJ(o" 4 Br 2 81, fam rm, clln rm, pl11 nlfltlon 1hutten. 1Avelor1, pl11nk noon1. Man)' up1r1dd . fl79,000 fee. Open Sun. 1 5 11t 2070 Port 8rllltol Cr. CAMYOt4 calST Prole11lon1Uy decoral ed CdM condo. Choice location nr pool• tennl1. 3 Br 21,-\ Ba, den Call for appt. sm.ooo le11ehold. FINANCING A PIOILIM? WELL, NOT WITH THESE: Owners will carry lower rates AND without points and tough qualifying. Two triplexes on the Peninsula. Good mcom~. Buy one at $270,000 or both for $530,000. Low down. 8 oce1rnfronts from 10<fr·l2:~•'fi interest. Several with real low down payments including two buildable oceanbluff lots in Encinilis from $225,000 up. THE V AMISHEO IREED An extremely speC'iaJ oceanblulf site in beautiful COROMA Da MAR overlookimg the Newport harbor en trance and with coastal approval to build a single family residence with un· imaginable views. Over 130' in width ltwo lots>. Owner will subordinate Asking $1 ,2!J5.000 .. lust picture the r~st /\ couple of 6 7 year old duplexes near the bench a nd park. $318.000-$325.000. Pl.t:ASt-: CAl.L Jo'OR 01-:TAll.S ON THESE ANO MANY MORI:: JACOBS REALTY 675·6670 2919 Newport llvd. comer 30th * OPEN l910USES * COROMA DEL MAR DUPLEX JUST LISTED! Overlooking the nature park al the top of Jasmine Ave. Large 2 and 3 bdrm. units only 6 yrs old with beamed ceilings, brick fireplaces. built-in kitchens. car.pets and drapes . A nice woodsy feeling secluded and with lots of parking. The best buy in Cororia del Mar at $.120.000, but that's not all ! Owner will carry $250.000 1st. 720 Jasmine will be open Sun. l to 5. LOTS OF ROOM They don •t build them this way anymore. Custom built family home on quiet str eet i n excl usive Baycrest. Terrific entertainment home with a huge 2nd story game room complete with full size pool ta· ble, stand-up professional bar, hi-fi , gun cabinet. tons of built-in storage and more. In addition. there's a paneled family rm. a formal dining rm. 4bdrms. and an office. Then there's the pool, private a nd sheltered, with a nearby fire ring, and a sewing rm .. and still more. You really must see this home to ap· preciate the value. Only $449,500. Submit on terms. 1730 Marlin Way. Will be open Sat. and Sun. 1to5. WESTCLIFF CONDO It does not seem possible that you could live in Westcliff for $129,500! This is a private 2nd story condo on a lovely tree lined street walking dis· lance to shopping and transporta· lion. 2 bdrms: and 2 full baths + a brick fireplace. bar. deluxe kitchen and pool. Assume the low interest first. 1242 Rutland Rd will be open Sun. 1to5. MORE HOMES OVERLOOKS MATURE P ilk ln the very popular Harbor View Homes area. The Somerset Model 5 bdrms. and a large family rm with its own brick fireplace, wet bar, and bookshelves. An extra large lot, enclosed yard. covered patio. all nicely la ndscaped. Motivated seller hus reduced the price to$329.750 MOVING TO MEW YORK? Well, if you're not. maybe you know someonl' who is and this kind of pro- perty In this locaCion does not come on the market very often . A 3 story Victorian Kty lc New York townhouse locatud In the Upper East Side only 2 block11 from Carl Schurtz Park. Priced rif(ht at $550,000. INVESTMENTS llVERSIDI ORANGE GROV! 95+ acres in lhe lovely Arlington Heights Areo of Riverside ideal for home deve lo pment. Well main· tolned. Less than 3 miles from Tyler Mall. Assume 8"k 1st T.D. Only Sl0,000 per acre. SAN.JUAN CAPISTRAHO s a nd 1tll spectacular acres with a vlew from Saddleback to the Sea. Ideal settina for a. horse ranch or palatial est.ate. Convenient location only minutes from town yet secluded and private. $650,000 submit terms. • ..,., Ii a.tiita 67J..176l 7'~1Jt7 CAMEO HIGHLAM>S . Fixer 5 Bdrm, some ocean view. Nice lot on lovely street. Needs TLC, $359,000 (ee. $520,000 each 3 DUPLEXES IM CdM How about a brand new luxury home with into me unit attached'! We've got three of them call for details $420,000 each CAMEO SHORES Exquisite entertainers home with 600 sq.fl. entry hall. Ocean and jetty view steps to private beach gate. Inquire. $925 .000 SPYGLASS HILL Breathtaking view ocean . harbor, city lights. Mint condition model home. 3 Bdrm. 2 bath. pool and spa. $635.000 PENINSULA POIMT 5 Bdrm. 3 baths . architec t designed home 4 years nt.?w. P.riced below market. $459.000 HARBOR VIEW HOMES Somerset Model with secluded yard. Reduced $t 0.000. Owner anxious . Move in condition. Steps to pool and greenbelt. $329,900 Somers~t Model 5 Bdrm, 3 bath wilh custom wood railings and pl ank floors. Choice location in Phase IJ. $349.500 Montego Model -huge yard with pool and spa. 4 Bdrm.s 2 baths. new carpets. Reduced $5 .000. Owner motivated. $254 .900 GEUY a ClllUITA 673-7761 760-1397 STARNES COMPANY HARBOR RIDGE ESTATE MAGNIACENT OPEN TODAY I ·5 #3 MOMACO Truly outstanding. The award winning "Jodelle" Estate Home situated on hreathtaking ocean. coast & c ity lights view lot. An e xtremely spacious townhome of quality & distinction. 3 bdrms plus family room. formal dining room. exquisite patio areas. lofty trestll' ceiling & gorgeous decor. Prt'l>C nted at $885.000. See Sim Hastings. Pete Barrett Realty presents JASMINE CREEk HEW OfffRIHG! One of t h e most tastefu lly decorated homes in the area. 2 Bdrm, 2 bath. 2 fireplaces, den, formal dining. Add to t h at, s kylights and newly landscaped rear yard with s pa! Owner will carry $150.000. Priced $.175.000. Call Ken Knight for details. 5 Morittme, CdM 0,... S-. 1·5 DOVER SHORES-MOVE RIGHT IH Owner offers terrific financing on this lovely 5 Bdrm home. All large rooms family room. dining room. etc. $389,000 includes the land. 1412 AntlCJUa, HI Opeft S-. t ·5 RARE OPPORTUNITY Single story condo in excellent location. 2 Bdrms, 2 baths, fireplace and large patio. ONLY $119,500. 1741 Tvtthi A••··# I IA, CM S-. 1·5 EXCITING ONE-OF-A-4CUC> 3 Bdrm, (amity room, dining room home o n the Peninsula Point. Space. light, a nd many extra fine details are in clud~ with ample parking. Call to see. 501 "I" Street. DOVH SHOIH-«EDUCID $50,000 Prime location on Galaxy Drive. Estate·sized grounds surround this lovely 3 Bdrm home. Lots· of used brick , marvelous l a n ai for entertaining . Assumable financing available. Call for details .. Fil IMD OF ISLAMD Bay(rOnt with pier. Two 2 Bdrm units a single story with b~slde patio. and upper unit above double garage. S uper opportunity for $7951000 ! Call Cor details. OPIN TODAY 1·5 UNIQUE IH HARIOR VtEW -Country kitchen. super master suite. lovely y_a rd , 4 bedroom Palermo model. $325 .000 Fee. See Lynda McRoberts at 2018 Port Ramsgate Pl. UMIQUE LEASE IH OLD CdM Spotless 3 bedroom. skylights. stained glass, walk to beach 219 Jasmine. See Barbara Hutchings. $1200 per month. month. UMIQUE IH IACK IAY A three bedroom Country doll house at its very best. Used bricks, French doors, huge family room, pool size private yard. This is your dream house. Unbelievable at $225,000. See Nancy Laux al 384 Mira .Loma .. UMtQUE IH WOODIRIDGE 4 bdrm., 2 bath highl y upgraded. next to park. mountain views. $189,000. See Nadine Crout at 20 Whistling Swan. UHl9UE PENTHOUSE Wet bar, 2 bedrooms. new carpel and drapes, mirrored fireplace. sophistication at its best. and a breathtaking view. $275.000. See De nnis Scholtz. 100 Scholz Plaza PH 10 UNIQUE IH OLD CORONA DEL MAR - Country kitchen. sophisticated master s uite. two fireplaces, three patios, bay view , two bedrooms. 212 baths. $324 ,000. See Binnie Dixon at 502 Acacia. UNIQUE IH MESA VERDE Large well done cotonial with dormer windows, earth tone decor. clean. s bedroom. 3 bath . Y ou 'll th ink you 're in Connecticut. Terrifi c financing too. $249,000. Set' Natalie Fogarty a t 1841 Tahiti. UNIQUE tH HARIOR VIEW HOMES -4 Bdrm .. 2 bath Montego, well cared fo r a nd beautifully landscaped. Lowest lis ted a t $241 ,800. See Jaqueline Pearson at 1955 Port Ram.sgate. UNIQUE IH UNIVERSITY PARK -Four bedroom. family room, formal dining room. beautiful decor, cul de sac, high ceilings, community pool. tennis. spa. See JoAnne Perkins at l.9 Klamath. $225.000. UNIQUE tN HARIOR VIEW HILLS - Beautifully remodeled home on large corner lot with some ocean view. 3 bed room 2 112 bath. Teak kit chen cabinets. pl a ntation s hutters. neutral tones and many decorator touches. All this for $355.000 Fee. See Mary Ann Anderson at 1132 White SaiJs. UNIQUE IH WEST NEWPORT - Waterfront 3 bdrm + unit. boat dock, exquis ite. $750.000. Treat to see. Kathie Shields at 4000 Ri ver. UNIQUE IH COST A MESA -Charming 2 bdrm .. 1 bath on large lot with lush landscaping . Assumable 1st.. $149,000. See Sharon Corzine at 213 Magnolia. UHIQUE IH HARIOR VIEW HILLS - Ocean v iew 3 bdrm .. 2 bath o n oversized lot. $425.000. See Susan Harder at WOO White Sails. UHIQUE tH COROHA DEL MAI - Duplex with 2 bedrooms in each unit, skylights and bay views. $450,000, call Laraine Shaw at 675-6000. I J~IVU~ ti()Ml:i REALTORS. 675·6000 2443 t-.11•1 OHi Highway. Corona drl M•t WI: HNI: 47 Of TI tr BFST AGENT~ IN TOWN BAYFRONT EXCELLDl:E--!JDO ... ....... Mei VtlW .. IM WAT& .,._ tt.ls hlt•fou 2 ·•~ nald•..c•. bc.,tloHl:Z. decor wltlt ..,_.. Mfan1•ty llOVttlMl .... ,....ttea fnMfl doors, _,. .. fie S .. H. la ~ ...... Se,_ ah ._ wlttt i::;11huA .arranct bar: •l••.tecl ,.... Prl•ate nt•rlor •P•· Pl•• tot•I ... ..... a.cw. 2 ...,. ........... & •ti co•fort ••HJtlH. lxterlor retr.ct•flll• •w11l11t •••r p•tl• + .. ,.. ... coclctell ~ ....... to ,.... -4 allp for 2 bocth. S.,W.tlc.a.4 MC.tty ,,..._ Sllowa fllr elhaae~. ...... ff•d ltuy•n. Si,400,000 tee. 6Jt-l400 ' WATERFRONT HOMES, lNC REAL f..5TATC i..t.• 11~111~ P1t.prt1,. ~,,_., • ..-•> MOYE INTO llVINI . FOR ONL y sn.soo Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 17, 1981 HcMtt Fo S. HcMtw For s• Hwtet For S. Hotiset For S• Ho.nn For S. " ,. . ..... ······················· ................. . ·····••················ ••••••..........•..•.•. ...........•...... ····· ~~!'! .......... !~.~~ ~~~~~ .......... !~.~~ !1:~!'! .......... !~.~~ ~~~~ .......... !~!~ ~~ .......... !!.~~ ~~::.~~.~ ........ ~?..~~.~ ....... ~:::.~.~ ........ ~:!.~-~ ...... .. 2 U.._.ITS s~~.!01 ·!:~ .......... !~~ ~:'! .......... !~!~ G.....,.. 1002 G....,.., 1002 ~ ~~·~.., ·•··········•···••····· ····••···••·•·•········ l u cllff••T..._ $94, 900 ~ " Rl~~upoocedl! WHuaK"rt'a18dr1 anmd 1"' year new, apl.11 level, LoPAYI M3f:NTSb ·,,.rts~!mho C .M. FIXER vii... · le 3 Bdrm, 2~. ba end unit ve Y ·4 r "'' aue lie. 4 Bdrm townhouat' only Super ltlveatmt!nt ! Two "" ~,.,,,_ bonus room here loo! 4 E t t i d I h $110.000, w 111'.~'1; 1st 291 $101,000 Low down with 2 Bdrm w1it11. ont! wat h 1lt-H1t ~:i"Jat~~':!c~:.'~inha'!!c~ wi:h'"to:im~TrJanmt!g 1~m~ Monte V1sl1t . C M prea rranged lmane1n11 f1replac:o' Current 111 t L 11n d &ourmet kite hen ., ....... 646 4289 Call 0111_.!.'.~63l l266 Ali!t come-S740 mo 1-'lnunc tn& 1~ grea arge as-Recreation 1ndudei.. Super triple wide mobile home in · On AllOllLAJCE s umable 1st TO and Hart»or V&.wHonM tng' e yeur hotnt! pm owner will h•ln with tennlS & racquet b111l II hi ~µ °' fr. beautiful adult park. 3 Bdrms l ~ Ba tection pJa n i nl'ld WOOOIRIDGE "'... Sl60 000 Ii } dcslrablc lnra.e '",.'rr"',,".' C.~-0 -1'.: C.• ~.·. · h Hurry. thii won't last 1 Perfection 111ad priva cy rest Uon't wult. Cull 'f c) U (: H s T o N 1-: corner lot Newly de v\!o l' lJ ., -wit ass umable Isl, ho qualifying. 646·7171 ln this 3 Bdrm plus den 631 6990 REALTY ~orated famaly hornt• on .._, ., C&AY • ~ ----- THE REAL ESTATERS $50, 000 dwn will g e l you $850 ., "mountalnhide a·way", (I) 963-<1167 fee land Too m any 0 •"'''°•""6oc•ambl.d payments . Als o other terJns. Call with sec·urity gate, pool amenataes to m ention 4 ...,,d, below '° ....,.. 6 and tt'nnas $UIO.OOO BREAK EVEN Br Palermo $349,000 =:," .• "':~ .... ~111~' °' Colleen at Katella Realty. 552-I714 . 759•1616 House+ 2 units. owner Ownr_.A~l 75ij 1698 SEA CO VE l1n a nc1n e $1 19,o oo r--G--.-O_E-r-s..,o,...r ....... -1 IEALTOIS DOMT MISS T .. st WANTED: REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS PROPERTIES ~c°Ktn~y. ~31-~~ 8 e Y &~~~I~~ ~~Ro~J 5 I I I I Ji 7 14-63 1·6990 Br 4bu with lurge polen .---------. l -tial in 111w apt 3200 sq ft I HA VS IN ,.RIME + 9 2 s s 11 g a r a ~ e i..1--.-I -,..--.,..--.1,.......,lr--i COMM'L CotlNER $275,000 . . . . . . SI 4 m ill.Jon. . C 0 Y P 1 L A Sale You can make even in these times. The largest "1650 sq. fl." Condo for sale in area. Cement dr;ives, air conditioning , mic ro-wave ovens. trash compactors, pools, parks ide & all shopping locations. Owner wi 11 consider local exchanges. WILSON PARK CONDOMINIUMS 380W.WU.- Costa M•sa, CA 714/631-5055 We have u few openings on our staff for some expe rie nced. professional salespeople. This is your opportuni· ty to join one of Newport's most d yna mic and fo stest growing com- panies. H you can handle a fast track and hig h e nd properties and want to join a company that offers the best sales s upport and com - pensatio n plan available . drop us a note tellin~ us about yourself ... today ... our sales staff knows a bout this ad. •2 blk to Balboa Ferry. O wtt/Ag!_548-Pl50 I 675-1771 :=i·==i-=i==i =1: SID 3BAPOOL f:xecutive home I blk from goU course Large assumable ll>l owe 2nd Won't la.<>l ! Phone t o n1le . T i m Rhon e 631 1266 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Terrific locotion -I lg lot with 2 doub .. gara9H plus Hpca ah 1forOC)t· room. Very well kept -updoMd 2 b.droorn H pandable honw. Lob of potutlal here. Excellent buy ot $205,000. I LE B WOL I _......,, 1 ,'-'T' 1 - 1 ..-.- 1 '-'T'l ',--1 Nelghl>or "I hear you've . . _ . _ . had car trouble." New car owner. "Yea. I put every I ,... _L_Y _E_H -0-F--. 1 new gas saving device ....... ....-....--.-....--.---1 there Is In my new car. I 1 I I I' I I '.raveled 40 miles and the ..... ........... __._ _ _.... _ __, _ __.._.__.. gas I ank ··········." t--,---,..,,......,--,-,~ 0 C°"'plet• "'-ctt..c\I• _ ... I BRIHDO I I I , I I 1 ' • b~ 1.11 ... g ....... ..,. ... .., -d ............... __._. ___. _ __. _ __.._,__,_ '°" d ... •loc> '·-""" No 3 t..low .._, ............. _ - • ~~~{18•,c0 I' I' I' 1· !' I' I' 1· r r• I P.O. lox 7964 Npt Beoch, 92660 R&'Mtte • Nm:r I I I I I I I I I I I OPTIMUM NEWPORT IEACH WATERFRONT UVIHG • Small pvt island • View of 4 islands. peninsula & turning basin • Accommodates 3 seventy ft. boats • Spacious custom 5 BR/5 bath residence w ;qua lily throug ho ut • Family rm w/s it down wet bar, rustic billiard rm • Expansive terrace w/145' on the bay • Offered at $4 ,250,000 including prime land Joann J\kermun 644 -6200 (1-44) CORON.A DEL M.AR l.AYFIOMT + PENTHOUSE. Is l time offered! Fabulous sing le-story traditional home w 1s hake roof, 3 BRs, 3 baths , luxurious kitchen & high beamed living rm w /used brick fi r eplace. Love ly patio + deck. New penthouse w/beamed ceiling, full bath. efficiency kitchen & view! 3-car garage + parking. Private pier & s lip for 42' boat. Appt. only. $3,000,000. David or Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (1-45) IOAT PARADE EVERYDAY! Enjoy a Linda Isle front row s eat. Prime bayfront w 170· pier head to accommodate 4 yachts. 5 Brs, 5'h bath s pacious home. Shown by appt only on this s ecurity island. $2,100,000. Dona Chichester 642-8235 <I-46 ) NEWPORT 'S NEWEST IAYFROHT COMMUNITY. With docking for lg. craft along its 147' of bayfront, this clean-line con temporary home celebrat es t he waters ide life! Beyond its sky lit 2-story entry is a step-down living rm w /fireplace & wet bar, dining & brkfst rms w/bay views & a library w /bath which converts to a gues t rm.' Upstairs, an entire wing enfolds the master suite w /separate sitting rm & fplc, and another wing holds 2 more BRs & baths. Ma id's qrts has private entrance. $I .500,000. Larry Dyer 642-8235 <I -47 ) HAllOR RIDGE "JODELLE" MODEL. 1st offering! This professionally decorated 3 BR home is a sparkling jewel which has been professionally decorated in elegant style. Found throughout are custom wall & window coverings, oak floors & cabinets + a un ique s tained glass ceiling in the kitchen. Spectacular views from family rm, kitchen & breakfast rm + used brick wine cellar, expanded family rm, air conditioning & private security system. $1,175,000. Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (l-48) THE IAY, IE.ACH & IOATIHG ACTIVITY. This love l y new offerin g combines sophistication w /the casual living desired oo Balboa Island. 3 BRS & Family rm on the bay -surrounded w /vie ws! New c u s t o m con stru c tio n . Comp le tion scheduled 6/81. Slip for 30' boat. Call now to view this architectural delight . Seller may assist w /financing. $1,150,000. Jane P aquin 642-8235 (1-49) R F.Al.TOHS MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A Sl.BSDAff'( OF TIE IRVINE CDfJPANY H.ARIOR RIDGE "DEVONSHIRE" W1TH VIEW! Offers exciting li ving w/atrium, master suite, d e n, fa mily rm. formal dining & living rms upstairs w/unsurpassed views! Down s ta i r s, a 2 nd family rm accommoda tes pool Lable. T.V. & game ta ble. lg. g uest suit(.) w reading rm + 2 additional BRs. Amenities incl. custom wall cove rings. tile entry, vaulted ceilings, private patios & decking. Security & · gate-gua rded community. $975.000. Lynne Valentine 644 -6200 0 -50) DRAMATIC NORTH LAGUNA OCEANFRONT. Private cov~ jus t minutes to Newport Center. 4 Brs, family rm home w/crashing surf below and Catalina sunsets beyond. $895 ,0 0 0 • include s land . Terry Hanes /Barbara Aune 642-8235. OPEN SUN 2-6 132 Mc KNIGHT (l -51 ) LOVELY llG C.AHYOH. 6 Brs home on large lot w /p ool and s pa, open patio and charmer kitchen -Excellent value at $745 ,000. Gated community plus private alarm syst e m . $745.000. Hele n Wood 644-6200. (1-52) SPYGLASS. Ocean & night li ght vie ws! Beautiful 4 BR & d en home wtpool & s pa. 2 lg . bri c k p a ti os . Gr e at home fo.r e nte rtainin g . $729.000 fee . Mari lyn Ker s hne r 642-8235. O PEN SUN 1·5 49 MONTECITO I 1·53 1 GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX! Situated on the sand , just in time for exciting s ummer fun in a world famous atmosphere. A 3BR plus a 2BR to li ve in or rent. $725,000. Coby Ward 642·8235 (1-54 ) IRVINE TERRACE FROHT ROW! Fabulous view or is la nds a nd lights. 3 spacious BRS, 5 baths . Seller will he lp finance. Asking $690,000 leasehold. Cathy Schwe ickert 642-8235 ( 1-55) PRICE REDUCED $80,000! The most e xciting & livab l e ho m e in Cameo Shores! Marvelous 4 BR home w/family rm, den, terrific ocean view + beautiful custo m spa & pool. Newl y remodeled kitchen. $595,000 leasehold. Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes. 642-8235 (1 -56) SHORECLIFF CUSTOM HOME. Ideal lg family residence w/4 Brs, study. library & country kitchen. Upstairs ms tr s uite w/fantastic whitewater view of Corona del Mar beach. $595,000 includes land. Creative financing owner will carry a lg 2nd TD. Sharon Smith 644-6200 (1-57 ) OME OF A KIND! Fabulous 4BR & pool home in Newport Beach on large private corner location . Totally remodeled with exqui~te use of rare woods. beveled glass, Fren~h doors, wall treatments. European designed kitchen. One of the finest offerin gs. $450,000. Holly M arkas 644-6200. Open Sun 1-5. 1756 Skylark, N .8 . <I·60) FULL IA Y & OCE.AN VIEWS! f''r om this freshly decorated 3 BR home w /ne w kitche n & ba ths . Fabulous ms tr s uite w fplc & s pa . P vt pool area & lots of open s pace for e ntertaining. Owner will help fin ance. Assume low inte rest rate loan. $437 .500. Claudia Ding 644 -6200. OPEN HO USE Sun 1·5. 1101 WI-UTE SAILS WAY . CdM (1 -61 ) TURTLE ROCK PRESID&n'. Prestigious home w/4 BR, 2112 bath, powder rm. family rm w/fplc , brkfst nook, formal dining. lg living rm w lfplc plus 3-car garage . $410,000. Lee Henkel 752-1414 <I-62 ) CUSTOMIZED E.ASTILUFF HOME WITH VIEW! Truly one-of-a -kind -panoramic view. Expanded family r m beautifully paneled in warmwood, bookshelves and we t ba r. Large formal dining rm. all new carpet s · drapes . decorating -stained glass window -crown moldings · 4BRS and 3 baths. Immaculate condition. Assumable loan. $349.000. Rosemary Sietz 644-6200. OPEN HOUSE Sun . 1-5. 2933 CASSIA ST ., NEWPORT BEAC H. <I-63) BEACH HIDEAWAY! Charming home in ntint condition jus t steps from both s andy surfing beach and tranquil bay on prime penins ula point lot. 2BRS, 2 baths. living rm w/fireplace. separate spacious family rm w /s k yli ght a nd s unny bric k patio $342,000. Joyce Edlund 642-8235 (1 -64 > HEW LISTING -E.ASTILUFF. N ew ly re modeled 5 BR home wtcity light & sunset views + great pool-size yard ! Tastefully appointed in earthtones. $329,500 leasehold . Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes 642-8235. OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-4:30. 2215 ALTA VISTA, NEWPORT BEACH. (1-65) IALIO.A PEHIMSULA IAYFRONT. $329.000. 2 BR, 2 bath condo w /patio overlooking pool & bay. Owner will help finance . Ba rbara Callihan 642-8235 <I -66) VERY RARE OFFERING. Seldom a vaila ble Woodbridge Place "Biscay .. f ea tu res 4 BRs, 3 baths + 3-car garage. Comple tely upgraded t hroughout incl. air conditioning. Prof. landscaping & beautiful patios comple ment this outstanding family home. Low interest assumable loan. $269,900. J e rry Thomps on 55I-8700 (1 -67) CHARMER IH OLD BLUFFS. Highly upgraded Franciscan model -3 BR, 2'r2 bath in the most desir able section or Old Bluffs on beautiful expansive greenbelt. Featuring imported porcelain fixtures throughout, Mexican tile in entry & kitchen, quality plush cptg, custom shutters, designer wall coverings & drapes, marble flooring in bathrooms . Th e ultimate condominium &tvle livine. Washer. drver & refrieerator included. $239,500 Young Park 551-8700 (1·68) SCIA.M-lfTS .An1wen ift Clcn1Hicatfon 5 I 00 I THE BLUFFS. Fa ntastic 4 HH. 3 bath "C:'' plan w 'high beam ceilin!{S, _par9uet fio~t~ & shutter s thro ug hout. Shows like a model. Owne r wi II assist w fina ncing . $239,500 leasehold Donn a Godshall 644-6200 <I-69 > NORTHWOOD BEAUTY! Bea utiful "J asmine" Plan in Northwood 4BRS. 21'2 baths . La r ge deta c hed home in super location. $212.000. Darlene Herman 752-1414 0-70) 4 IR POOL HOME $208,000! Owner says to submit a ll offe rs on this approx. 2400 sq.fl. home featuring redwood decked no-care yard, country kitchen, formal dining rm & sep in-la w qtrs . Many custom features! Owner wi II assis t in financing to facilitate an immed. s a le! Paula Bailey 642-8235 Cl -71 ) SAM JOAQUIN VILLAS Popular 2-s lory Carmcno plan in the best of locations. 1 BR plus den /loft. Ste ps to pool & spa. Low interest finan c ing available $151 .900. Barbara Grounds 551-8700 <l-72) COZY CONDO. Wrap around greenbelt ados to the charm of t his 3 BR end unit condo m Brook\'iew. Short s troll to both c:omm. pool & te nnis courts. $149.500. Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-4:30. 612 SEA VIEW LANE, COSTA MESA. Cl -13) 3922 BANYON This lovely home s hows like a mode l. 3 BRS. 2 full baths. central air cond, beautiful wooden floors, combined w/cptg, warm fplc & lg family kitchen. Sho ws pride of o wnership. Priced at $147.000 including land. Super financing avail a ble. Alan Beel 551-8700 0 -74 > RARE FIND ! D e autifully up g raded Warmington Fa irfield "Plan F". 2 s uper BRs w /mirrored wardrobes, 2 full baths, warm decorating & fplc. Central aif' cond. Lovely pa tio a rea incl. fountain. Priced for immedia te sale $140,000' Alan Beel !).')] -8700 (I. 75) DARLING 2 IEDROOM DEERRELD CONDO. New o n t he m a rke t ! Features lus h greene r y w ' trickling fountain in patio area, 2 car attached garage & upgrades throughout. Assumable loan -long esc row desire d . $127.500. Darlene Pe intinge r 551-8700 ( 1-76 ) LOVELY 3 IR "llRCH" in Woodbridge Glen. Loc ated on a lovely tree·lined street w/easy a ccess to a large park, pool a~d re creation area. Price includes central a ir condition, levelors, upgraded carpeting, patio & great a ssumable loan at $127.000. Call .Jamie Willonson. 551-8700 0 -77 ) IALIOA ISLAND HEAR BAY. Enchanting English bungalow w /3 BRs & 2 baths . Only VJ block to south bayfront. Full size lot . Seller assisted financing. $375,000 incl. land. Dick Halderman 642-8235. OPEN SUN. 1 :30-5. 118 COLLINS AVE.1 BALBOA ISLAND. (f-89) !O!AL SIBVIOIJ. !OT.AL 8Atl81AC!IOB. • mvm• O&mpua ~Center Woodbrldge Vlllage Center 4848 O&mpua Drtve 47e4 Barra.no& Par~ Irvina, OA aane Imne, CA e2114 -~ ------------------------------·-·----. --------- ------_........_ - - - -_., -------..---------... .-1m111 ... -.......... .. ~·· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 17, 1981 HouHI for Sak Hou1e1ForS• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HMMt .... S-. Ho.tsH For S-. tto.Mt For S. HowH1 For S. HoMttt For S-. GtMf'ef I 002 G""'ol I 002 <HMr• I 002 G.-rol 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• _.....,... I 002 G~et . I 002 ChMret I 002 G1Mr.. I 002 CietMf"_, I 002 .•••..••............•........................................ , .............•.••••............... , ....•......•.•.... * * * * * * Heritag~ Collection. ........ ..,a,._, ..... oce• )00 n. WATERFRONT HOME 0. tM , .. of Newport 1"-d . BEST IN BLUFFS CUSTOM E 'LAN IA YFltONT Spectacular view. water. sunsets & birds . Lovel country French decor. Ex· pansion of all rooms. 2500 sq. ft. Large kitchen. Latest appliances including Jennaire Range. 3 bdrms. fam.rm ~, form. din. 31'2 baths $495.000. LARGEST I LEVEL llEAUTY. End unit, 1900 sq . ft. Paula P lan. 3 bdrm, 2 bath , large master bdrm sµit.e with sitting room. Finest upgrades including A1 C. Private patios . Kitchen/ fam. room. $325.000 including the land. Excellent terms.OPEN SUM 1-4 436 OHDA IOH V11ta Ol'IHldal OWNER AHAHCED Large 4 Hdrm 2 bath home, beauti!ul wallpaper~ thruoul. Cul de sac street Owner wi II carry AITD for 7 years at 131 5'/r interest. Open Sunday 12·4, 3120 Lincoln. Costa Mesa . 540-1151 DECORATORS DKJGHT Upgrades thruout. Beautiful batk yard with spa, 2Bdrm + den. 21 2 baths, double garage. 11 2 years new Assumable financing available This · condo is offl•r ed at $148,000 Opcn Sunday 1·4. 33 Glenhurst. lrv tnt>. 540·11 51 OWMER WILL CARRY I at TD An exciting, sunny open design all view home. 4 + bdrm. den. rec rm. bar, dining rm, huge panoramic deck , pool site, s wim beach , dock & parking galore. Walk to ocean. You will own the land & much more. Beaut1fu~ condition . EMD UMIT E PLAN, Lovely park, fY!OUntain view. 3 bdrm. 212 bftth. kitchen w large breakfast room, fam rm w blt·ins S255,000. 2200sq ft. MESA VERDE POOL HOME Ju!>l 1n time for s ummer ' This eharmmg 4 Bdrm home features huge family room with bar. sky lig hts a nd st ai ned glass windows overlooking b1:auuful solar heated pool a nd s pa And. for t he avid photographer. a compl ete dark room with custom <:<tbtnets. sink. separate water ,heater. li ght se<ilcd <.1 nd ventilated. Beautiful wallpapers and lcvl'lors thruout. Aun- ique kitC'hcn with ct>dar skylight a nd n.:eesscd lig hting This customized home 1 ~ a must lo see. Offered at $199,900. For an appointment to see,' call 540·1151. Owner will finance. $1 ,500,000 By owner 673·0202 C/B LIDOISlE flleaH let u1 show yau our exclu1I•• U1Hnga. HELEN B. DOWD 2 bdrms. 2 buth, 1m maeulate cond1llon with expans•on potential J usl $330.000 REALTOR, IMC. 644-01 )4 r PRIME WATER VIEW In ofiginal section . Immaculate condition. 3 bdrm, 21 :l baths. Owner will carry 1s t T.D. Submit terms. J eannette Havens. o,.n Sat/S-1-5 2 14 Via Dlion 963-818~ List & Buy Witt. The Experts 2017 VISTA CAUDAL OPEN TODAY 1·5 §1-1~1?Mt\~ t\SS()CIAT~~ j3ea ut 1 ful new l·cmdos. xlnt terms 13', interest for 3 years INC 600 Newport Center Drive • 640-6500 12132 Edmger. t; or II arbor Blvd OPEN SAT S N 10.S .\gt 641 1991 . 631 4361 WOODIRIDGE CONDO WEEKEND OPEN HOUSES • HOON TlL 5:00 P.M. *FREE HELIUM BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS* 15 Sea Is land, Big Canyon -2 br, $1.100 mo. Linda Csigi 5051 Yearling , Irvine -5 br. $170.000 Ed Is rael/Toddy Smith 308 16th Place. Costa Mesa· 2 br. $100,000 Vi Saxton. Open Sunday only $147,500 3 Bdrm. 2 1 2 bath with double attached g ara ge . air conditioning, wood burning firepl<Jce and only 2 years new Super financing witb 10', down for qualified buyers . 2033 Port Wey bridge. Harbor View Home · 3 br. $1,200/mo. Frank Jolly /Carol Jeffs CO·BUYERS OR INVESTORS SINGLES OR MARRIED COUPLES This 4 Bdrm custom 2 story Newport Back Ba y beauty is geared to buyers who want to share expen ses in owning a home . The 2 mas ter bdrm s uites are totally separate. The large kitchen has microwave oven and allows s pace for mor e .than one coo k . Landscapin g is gor geous and financing is great . with large assum able loan a t 1012', in terest and selle r will leave furniture if d esired. $325.000. 343 62nd St.. Newport Shores -3 br $175.000 Bill Aubert 2521 W. Sunflower W-2, So. Coast Plaza · 3 br. 5123.600 Ray Davies Jr. Margo Green 1001 MacArthur. So. Coast Plaza -2 br. $87.900 Juanita Bowman 6 Winternight. Turlle rock · 2 br. $165,000 Ann Bement. Open Sunday only 14671 Kimberly. Tus tin Me adows -4 br $187,000 Harriet Aubert 6 Queenswreath. !rvine 4 br, $176.900 PEMIMSULA COTTAGE $225.000 Walk to bay. beach or center of town from this 2 Bdrm l bath ~harming cotta ge. with fireplace . Owner will carry loan s plu s propert y i s a vailable on a s hort term rental basis. Perry Bus hard /Frank Vaiuso. Open Sunday only OMLY $94,500 Charming s tarter home, 3 Bdrm, 1 bath, fe nced yard. Seller motivated. 17141 759· I SO I Walker &Lee Real Estate 10 UMITS 10 2 br condos being sold as bulk sale with ver y creative financ ing. lO'h down & low. low negative! Only $71,950 per unit!!! 759·1501 or 752·7373 OCIEAM VIEW DUPLEX FIXY!! Bring your paintbrush & broom to save $$$ on this dirty dawg ! ! Prime Laguna Beach duplex with attached gar age. Submit offer! 759·1501 or 752-7373 $7,275 DOWN 2 br, 2 Cull ba w /seclusion & privacy. T /0 $850/mo. 5.56-7035 ssss $711 PH MO. ssss is all you pay when you take over existin g T .D . on this spaciou s 5 bdrm home in lRVINE. This home ls located on quiet street. Perfect for a large famtly. Only $170,000. 759-1501 or 752,7373 17141 752·7l7l ( Exceptional commission s plit for lis ting oriented realtor office in choice location. Have. 2 openings. MEET JEAN KERR She e1'emplifies the meaning of the word professional In everything she doesll A· consistent award winner *th WaMcer and Lee. Jean believes m the total service concept tor her clifints. Due fO her superior geographies/ msrket knowledge, she has done business in 1981 in Lake Forest, Huntington Besch, Garden Grove. Westminster and Santa Ans. That's qurte an sccomplishtnenl for a woman '11110 also finds time to be *th her husband and children. Jean and her farrlly Jive in Huntington Bffch and she specializes In tl'Wt //ttfng of homes in the Seacl'" Cotm')' CJtJJ end "Old Town" areas of Huntington. Wl9thet you 're Interested In buying or •elling a 1»rson1t residence or a home for ir'IYMtment. you'H receive auperlor aervlce from Jean. C.11 tw et ~71. CAH YOU WAlf7 or s hould I ask, "Can you afford to?" Fresh paint in & out. Take over existing 7% VA loan,. $243 PITI. Hurry! ! 545·9491 ERITAGE .HARIOR VIEW HOMES ULTIMATE FAMILY UVIMG OPEM SUNDAY l·S 1848 PORT KIMISll Y PL Ftnest Somerset model on the market wit.h• exlenijwe use of wood panelling & wood floors. Come by & see me ~Ill HLEY llAHHIS 11\. <~~~r.:.:,('~ ~:~~~'>!~~~~ ~ ,,.,. ,,_., '*'"'"''' (';~· ~ , .~fl I 851 -1361 675-9434 Ill '>l(lf Niii\, •·1 A I ..,11111 ... l lh111 I '> YOU'RE INVITED To a VCJY special .. one time only .. opportunity to see for yourself o ne of Coro na d e l M ar ·s most spectacular view properties. There arcn "t many ~ua rantees in our lifetime. but we·11 proudly guarantee the view you ·11 see \\>ill be o ne you · 11 long remember. The viewing hours a re from one o'clock til six o 'dock . Please mention this invitation for admittan ce . Hostesses: Evan Corkett & Ly leen Ewing, 2741 Oeean Blvd., Corona dcl Mar. $1,350.000. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 RETIRING SOON? Three bea utiful lots in Baja. CA (Baja mar>. Private seaside community. Owner will finance! Call for comple te details . 545·9491 DESPERATE!! Take over $645/mo pymts on this 3 br ch armer 1rl mile to the beach. Seller bought another & is very motivated. 556-7035. $6,600 DOWN Perfect starter for budget conscious couple or investor. .. 556-7035 * EXECUTIVE SWllT • Sensational 2 story, executive home featuring 4 large bdrm.c;, 3 baths , formal dinin g, family room & bonus room. Located at end of q uiet cul-de-sac. Only $187,000 with assumabl e financing . 7~501or 752-7173 W LSI.I·. Y N TAYLOR C Ht-:J\ l.TOHS ..,1 1wt· UM ELEGANT .. VERSAIWS"--UCLUSIVE OM llG CAMYOM GOLF COURSE S p e <: t u t • 11 I u r D l' u n e ll o m e s .. Versa1lh.·~' lol·atl·d on largest lot ot a 11 D c.• ant• II om l'~ Bt•aut 1 fu I golf t uurs c '1cw ! Prolcss ionally landstapcd yard w mature trees in a private.· park·like s£'lting mc luding a lovely largl• pool & hugt• spa + an at- t rc1d1 n• g a1c.•b11 (;att•d fron t courty;.ird t•nl r~· \\ 11 h fountc.tin '.\1arble floor 111 foH·r with ~llltt.•nng c han - delier I Hd1 nh. dt·tl. formal d ming room & ·11 :i huths. Pru·ed right at $895.000 Cull lor ilppo111tnll'nl A. VERY SPECIA.l HOME \.\1th fc;.iturl·~ that arc hard to find loda) L<.11g t•. ovcr!>tzed lot . lmm ;H·ulatt• l<imbt.·apmg front &'rear, coz~ \.\ ork ~hop off l l·ar garage, \.\>Ood hurntn~ f1n•plan' & a warm. friendly foclmg throughout St.-e this 2 hedroom & dt>n home Now. $183,000 <"al l for a ppomtmL·nt BA. Y CREST CUSTOM HOME Designed for 1:ntl•rtammg & family living 4 Bdrm, huge living room, largl' formal d1r1111g & family rooms. Gourmet k 1 t eh t• n ~J as t l' r suit e s eparut<.• from olhl'r t·xtra·lgl' bclrrns. Pll'asing prl\·an 111 pool-sizl'd lwc·k yard. (;n·;tl lt·rrns S:1!15.000 MR ARROWHEAP-VU TO CATALINA l"1111t11>t·th·d \ u·w ~;, It ;H-ro-.-. to see the \\ 11r"ld :j Bl•droom.-. Wt•-.l1·rn red et·d<tl" llh ldt· .ind out .\r1'111tl!et ·s i.I \\ ard 11l·s 1gn !',t'L' 1l t h1·11 II\ t• m 1l. SH;.;;1H1 WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., REAL TORS 2 I I I San Joaquin Hills Road ME WP ORT C EHTER. H.B. 644-4910 A RARE FIND Make an offrr thl•v ean·t refuse. This L"\qu1...,llt• :l bPdroom home needs ahsolutc.•h· nothrng but a new O\.\ m•r l I has ht•t•n proless1onally de- cor<Jlt·d . landsn1pt•d nwt1eulous ly. has s parkling pool ;.uul s pa. ;.ind as- sumahle lo;,ins II this tn Spyglass 11!11 for S.l5~J.5011 Opl'll Sunda~ I 5 8 l\lonlen·~ ('1 rc-IP IN THE BLUFFS Lovcl)-l:.irg~ ··1·:· plan \\1th country kitcht·n . H<·n·11th rt>modeled. · Pri vaey plus 1111 a <iu1l'l c·ul ·dc-sac. F:arly Bluffs lot•<it1011 large loan avail ablC' s:rno.ooo. Open Sunday 12·5. 523 A n 'n1da l'<t mpo w ·B SPRING FEVER . . is wh a I you · 11 gt•l when you stand on th<.' detk of thb beautiful 3 bl'droom µool home :.ind gaze at the view of Nt•wport Bl'a<:h and bay by day. a nd <:it~ light~ b~· night. Offered at $345.000 SUNSETS, SEASCAPE, SPYGLASS & MORE await you 111 this magnit1ct>nt Southport Th 1s ta::.tt'f ully decorated 6 bed room . <I ' ~ hath new home has so m any optio ns ava1luble you·11 bchcve you' n • in a eustom built home. The m.inv t1c.·rs ot usrcl brick b oth front an.cl rear add total dimension tu thl' lush gardens. Of- fered al $fl9H .500. OWNER WILL C.ARRY Beautiful 3 ot•droom Newport Beach home with .Jcirgc lot. s pa , french doors. oak cabinetry cind love ly landscaping. llealislically priced at $269,500 Fe<.>. Open Sunday 1·5, 1212 Be rks hire <Wcsttl1ff area ). RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN Adorable, a ffordable l bedroom and loft condo in the Villas. This bright, cheery home is pe rfet'l for the s mall family or s ingle . Just reduced to $153,900. Open Sunday 1 5 . #17 Morena <Irv int' I. ORIGINAL ILUFfS 2 bedroom H plan with partial view of the back bay lovely upgrades, .:ielightful deck for viewing s unsets. Large patios on lus h greenbelts, pool and putting green. Excellent. financ ing. $230,000 LAKE ARROWHEAD EST A TE · 6700 square feet English Tudor. 5 .bedrooins,6 112 baths.spa,sauna.300 feet on the lake. leaded glass, wood floors. oak paneling, double dock , boat, gated community ever- ything imaginable. $3,500.000 - owner will finance.· fi.11 9~l~Jn 7fi0 0835 Wew ... .., Ital• w11• t ..... ., 0 I., .......... .tJ400 W. CMlf tl-=9) ... _,,, 2 .... ...,. We'I • It• lt••ldl•t • ••• llt•lldl•t fer W•rfr..t Hwa. IK. .t 2436 W. c.-Hltllw.,. GIAllEUR ON UtllA ISLE A retld1Me ..... pelf I,._ • ,. ........ u.. l• ........ .... .. .... • • .,. ~ .. ..., & dip flNA/.,,. te ..... , .... ct Two....., ..... .... wl .... o4* ...... ., • ...., f ... t•I•. Por••f II•... roo• wltlt ..... f-'Y ,,__ .......... ...... •er. t&•r••I cll•l•t ra + ··--· llltc ..... La.-. --..... + 4 rn:· llM..... ...... ....... ,.... M.t dock • .., fw J ....... SI ,Jt ,000. U 1-1400 OCEANFRONT EXIJISl'f( , ....... wcllffec._,... •11 .. tplece • cener. Hew wood Ir CJ1me. a.ti. oak ........ & ..tic ........ dicer ... ..... 2 .. twy law wl.. •• -· ldtcti. & 11h••t ... ew ..tt.. Twrtflc VU of ... & .... fro. ..... 2 bed. ._,,.. ..... , • 2 bed. ............ Y• a.Id ..... ........... ...., ...... S97',000. ATTENTION BllUDS Mld .. 11 1.1 lot, pod loc"'-... old C.D.M. DrlH by a c.-for .... h. A1kl•9 $215,000. J 14 Merl told '7U900. 50 ft. to SAND-URGE VU ••HM c•to. ..... _,,,I ,._..old. 0.. block to S_.. AM Jetty. L.p OWMr'• ... with 4 ....... pHc.e.d ..._, 1h11Hd glean & spolles• dlcor. S..--VU of swf. Lcrte J bed. ,....... .it. be ..... A..c ... $675,000. LARGE VU FRONT ON CLIFF Gora.cl proportlo111 ttin tWs w...ty •orated ) bed. ............. ~ VUs frOM "'°'' roo.s. Sp11eS.. ._,,_ bllllerd ""· fortHI ....,._, S.,.• s.aa na. ,.... be..tfM ~ & ... $975,000. OWHEI WILL CAllY AHAMCIM&. U 1-1400. BETWEEN BAY & OCEAN A • ...,.... t.o.... .. tt. f ••• allll1 poW. TWt J be.no.. J botll. ...., ..... h ready for 0 MW foMllr, ...., tt. lefty tWs •-•r. OWHr flll•cillg $425,000. 631-1400. BEAUTIFUL CONDO--a:EAN VU ProfeuloHlly decorat.4 by l099r ,...__, ASID, L..-. leoda. "-I M Mtwport <;.rest w /lbd. llld. _.... ..... •-.• fa•1'y '"'· & p•Oi ....,c VU. 9 .. ty & eleg•c• llw c palA 0-- wll cony AfTO. $270,000. 631-1400. NEWPORT CHARMER-IDOL ..,......,.,... .............. . l..-ve pool md •II ..... OMC ..... -..Ci y•rd Hrr ... decl by tre•Mry. Op. ..... ,..... wlttl ..wt, • NiJI 1hled ldtdea. Two .,_.oo-. + dlM te.t C.W belrdltt ..... SIH,OOOt.e. CANAl.FRONT---OPEN SPACE VU a....ey ~orehd 4 bed ..... Z..tory wtf'ct.ana.~ ............ . ............ ,.... wltl9 patio & ....... ~ •k. Wall to pool. .._., & beecla. a.-ect to $255,000. ~ ......._ w.•1 NEWPORT CUSTOM-URGE S,.CkMn 2bd. 2 be. -.... .,.. .... d ail. IOC. ,..., ro--. ntr. lcJ. lot ,.... for pool, cnto. Wt fw . _.. .. OWMn, My MMllatecl. Mmly a....Jtl.L $249,500. lack lay we& AXER-' REA T LOCATil*-VU ........... p ........ PoW ..... ...... fro. My -block .,_ oc--. llltM acrot1 lro• Mewport H.t.cw Yedlit C .... $335,000. '7U900 OCEAN VIEW-Et?ORT Two f•lly ._r11l1taecl ....... I• •• excel'"t locetlff, I 20 ffff to tt.e ......... .,.... ...... 2W.. a.. ............... 2W.. lb&,.... ....... ~ wll c.-ry 1 tt. SJSS.000. NEAR NEWPORT-aJSTA MESA ...... hoMe .. ,Ml .... tot .... QUllT ....., ..... '-'-cl ~··· .. el. '?rt• of awwsHp" .._ wltll 3 ..._ ... 2 ~. o,...._,urry 111 TD wt .. 2~ cetla .._ ..,_.., •.ii.cecl to SI 72,000. '31·1400. - VILLA BALBOA COIDIS t, ..... OM wl .. .,,,.L 1400 Ml ft & 2 ldr, Jlte. Ow11er will cerry o r .._./opHM. St 14,100. 2. Two ... Jbe, ..... ded&. ......... .... ...,. .. d kite ..... Poal. team'· ... •9· Vee_., oww -·-sno,ooo. M IF .......... BALBOA ISLAND CMllCll. MltW A•-Ce 1 m1rcW _.. twrfflc .......................... J ... fw ...... w7 Slfl,000 M '7Mtoo BOCH DUPLEX FIB •• Oce••f re•t dm,lex t••t ••• be ........ .... ,. ............. . ........... C.-fW ...... '7Mt00 LOWEST PllCE--lDl ISLE 111111 a ........ , ...... &..wett .............................. • -&We ................. ,.... ......... ,.. .......... 2w..1 w.-::1 ... ,., .,. ... ...... -t-t .... ·m.c-..... . ... •• . u" ..... ., ... .. • WATERFRONT HOMES.~ ~tlTAT! ~ ""wtrrv ,_..,,....,,.,,. 2AMW COllttt.y 216~Aw. """""'°'1 .. h W-i.NI ...... ,., ...... OCEANFRONT ESTATE .. lock.ledae .,....._SH' . Super view ol die ocean and famous coast 'Une at MOSS POINT, Laguna Beach. Private stairway to beach - walled a nd gated -beautiful garden with jacuzzi -pool and koi pond. 48 48 home + 28 2B guest house. $7 Milllon. Brochure on request. Carole Tatum, Realtor 494.0029 or 494-1681 CIE llDlll ILllllS CD. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE I 100 rORT CAILOW HAllOR VllW HO..-S OPIH SUH l·I Desirable Corner Location In Phase lI Harbor View Homes. Popular Montego On Fee Land. Secluded Yard With Spa. View Of Fashion Island & Big Canyon. One Block From Community Pool. Park & Bike Trails. Owner Very Motivated. $295,000. 542 VISTA GIA.HOE ILUFfS OPEH SUH 1·5 Expanded "E" Plan. Lovely Turf Courtyard Entrance. End Unit. Three Bedrooms Pl us Large Family Room. Eating Ar.ea In Kitchen. Master Suite With Extra Closet s . Three Patios For Indoor-Outdoor Living. Storage Galore . Great Financing. Large Ass umable Loan . Come See Realtor. New Price, $249,500. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. 40'5 VISTA SUHTI ILUFfS OPEH SUM l·S Located On Wide Tree Shaded Lush Greenbelt. C l o se To Pool & Clubhouse. High Ceilings In Living Room & Mas ter Bedroom. Two Fully Assumable Loans. Fee Land. Open For Inspection. $259.900. I 07 PIMIOM THI LAME COSTA MESA OPEN 'SUM l·S New Listing. Jus t What You've Been Looking. For. Three Bedroom Plus Two Bath Condo. Near South Coast Plaza Shopping. Spacious Feeling With Skylights, Decked Patios. End Unit. Large Utility Room . Assumable First Trust Deed. Priced At $139.000. US AMl&OS WAY, #1 5 EASTILUFF OPEH SUM 1·5 Former Model With View Of Big Canyon. Three Bedrooms Plus Convertible Den, 2'h Baths. Wet Bar , Inter c om . Lovely A p p o i n t m e n t..s Th r o u g h o u t. Community Pool. Best Value In Are a. ·Listed Under $200,000. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. FU IAYSHORIS Prime Bayfro nt. Forty.Foot Frontage, Pier & Dock In Exclusive Security Gated Bayshore s Community. Love ly Two·Room Master Suite With Fireplace. Plus Four Bedrooms, Bonus Room & Oen. Stepdown Living Room With Ten-Foot Ceiling. Spacious Dining Area With Wet Bar. Truly Gorgeous View Of Islands, Channels. An Extra Large Front Patio & Deck. Owner Wants This Home Sold Now ! Reduced to $1 ,300,000. "LUCKY YOU" "And It Has A High Assumable, Too!" This Incredibly Beautiful Contemporary Home In Costa Mesa's Best Area Can Now Be Yours. Features Include Five Large Bedrooms. Two Impressive Fireplaces, Gorgeous Living Room & Family Room. Skylights, Wall C.Overings, Wet Bar -Fantastic! Price, $229,500. Call Now To See. OUTST AHDIMG IA YPIOMf HOMI Lovely Custom.Built Home On Promontory Bay. Living Room, Formal Dining Room, Den/Library. Spacious Master Bedroom Overlooking Bay Has Fireplace & Luxuriously Appointed Bath. Three Other Bedrooms & Maid's Room & Bath. Pier & Slip For Large Yacht. $1,850,000. H CAHYOM CUSTOM-IUILT HOMI Overlooking 18th Fairway. Epitome Ot Understated Elegance. In The Family Wing There Are Four Large Bedrooms, Each With A Bath; Master Has A Fireplace, Two Large Walk·ln Closets, French Doors Opening To A Brick Terrace. Formal Dining, Gourmet Kitchen, Bonus Room •With Bath, Plue Mald's Quarters . Call for Appointment. $2,200,000. MIW•OH MAMll' Rare Three Bedroom Unda Plan In The Blurts. Exquisite ~· All One Level le In Top CondttJon. Don't Wait On This One. $240,000. ~ 10•· 1.:.1 #2 c.,. ...... =r-... ~ Mls.JWtC-.. ·------- "ANANCING" & "IERMS" ~ 11·7 /l°I• COLLIGI PAIK $27 ,900 down lo an AITD of $110,000 . 11-7 /8% loan. Super sharp 3 Bdrm 2 bath, family area. Brick fireplace sparkling PMJ , many extras. Call for more details. 546·2313 IJ-7 /l°fo $14,000 DOWN That's right! $14,000 down, 13-7 /8% interest. A must see, huge 3 Bdrm 2 bath, formal dining room, spa. Pride of ownership, $138,900. Call for more details. 546-2313 IZO/o MESA YaDI Very popular Republic home with covered entry, massive living room and family room, fireplaces, elegant formal dining room, huge country kitchen overlooks sparkling pool. 3 car garage and many extras. Owner will carry 1st TD at 12% interest. Priced at only $265,000. Call for more details. 546-2313 VA TllMS OI. •• Owner will sell VA at $136,900 and pay 6 points. Magnificent 3 Bdrm. 2 bath, large family room 2 brick fireplaces, huge corner lot for privacy. Call for more details. 546·2313 NO DOWN AND $9,000 Total cash needed to close escrow. Must qualify for loans. Mesa Verde's finest 4 Bdrm, dining, 3 baths, family room. fireplace, patio, huge yard. $165,000. Call for more details. 546-2313 $6500 "WESTCUFP' $6500 total cash needed to c lose escrow. Must qualify for loan. Least expensive town home in Newport Beach. Private adult community. Price, $129,500. Call for more details. 546·2313 I J1/i0/o OWNEI WILL tBP FIMAMCE 13'h% 1st TD $105,000. Spacious double door e ntry, 3 Bdrm. wood burning fireplace, family room. $154,900. Call for more details . 546-2313 $4400 DOWN Super starter home, 95% financing available. 3 Bdrm with bonus room off master suite . RV access. double detached garage • super financing. $87,950. Owne r anxious. Call for more details. 546-2313 Meed Mtp wltll •du da ilslg flll.-c••--? Call n , .. w• wit try to Wp''. 13% FINANCING HUGE NEWPORT BEACH FAMILY tmME With approximately 30% down owner will carry balance at 13% interest. Motivated owner offers magnificent Newport Beach family residence on FEE simpfe land. 3200' includes lux- urious MASTER SUITE with separate sitting room & JACUZZI spa in master bath. 3 additional bedrooms. huge BONUS ROOM + panelled f ami- ly room complete this spotless pro- fessionally decorated home. Pric•d way below appraisal at $399,500 FOi SALi -IY OWMll tJOHettfllltl•M. Hewportleedt 631.0479 OPIH HOUSI SAT·SUM. l·I MIW UITIMa SPY KASI 4 bedroom, on e 1 tor y Newporter. Famftr't"OOm, Pool ck Spa. Beautifully Uplfacled. Lu1b land 1capi n1 with Kol Pood. ONLY $S21,500. -· __ _...._._._ -, ___ _ . . . ... ..... .... ' . . .. Cll RE SIOE N Tl Al RE AL f STA Tf SER VICES OPEN llHJSE 1·5 OfllH ON UDO ISU Completely remodeled 3 BR. custom. Large assumable loan & seller will carry. $52.5,000. See Nancy Hurst At 510 VIA LI DO SOU D OPEN OM UDO ISLAHD Smashing 3 BR. + Den. Atrium POOL. Entertainer's ·delight. $650,000. See F.die Olson At 204 VIA EBOLI OPftt IM THE ILUPfS 3 BR. 21"2 BA "V" plan in mint condition. Great assumable loan at $177,000. See Lisa White At 410 VISTA ROMA . 0 .... IM SPYGLASS Outstanding 5 BR. P layroom. Famiiy + Bonus Rms. Submit all offers. $595,000. See Eleanor Bowie At 6 MALIBU C IRCLE 0 .... IM THI ILUFfS Inviting 3 BR. Tree lined street. Great price. Cozy & warm 2 story condo. $157,500. See Betty Richard At 2205 VISTA HUERTA . OPIH IM HAllOl·VIEW HOMIS Beautiful pool "Palermo". 4 BR. 2'h baths. $284,900. See Cora Baldikoski Al 1901 PORT CARDIFF OPEH IN CORONA DEL MAI Two BR. 2 bath condo just a few blocks from CD M beaches. $247 ,500. See Nancy Simmons At 329 DAHLIA PLACE OPEN IN HAllOR VIEW HILLS Dramatic ocean view. Newly customized & elegant 3 BR. + Fam. Rm. POOL $525,000. See Rita Quiggle At 1100 WHITE SA ILS OPEN IM llVIME THRACE 3 BR. + large F.R. on huge lot near park. $387,500. Fee. See Evan Corkett At 2001 SEADRIFT OPEH IM IA YSHOHS Dis tinctive Cape Cod. Brick fireplace. Beams & shutters. 3 BR. 2 BA w /2 patios. $33.5,000 LH. See Melinda Marston At 2661 CRESTVIEW DRIVE OPEN IH IA YSHORIS Charming 3 BR. Large rooms. High ceilings. Lovely private patio. $365\000. See Mary Harvey Al 2451 MARINO DRIVE OPftt IN IAYSHOIES Picture perfect charmer 3 BR. near beach in delightful gated community. $425,000. See Lavonda At 2801 BAYSHORE DRIVE OPEN IN RANCHO SAM JOA9UIM Upgraded Spanish viUa. 2 BR. + Den. Private Patios. $169,500. See Jane Mitchler At 14 SEGURA FAMTAmC SPY&LASS VIEW There is no better view in all of Newport including Harbor Ridge and the Spyglass custom areas. The house is model perfect has 3 BR. & flows beautifully. Over sized dfoing room. Enchanting breakfast area. Large .family room & lovely maste r suite. $659,000. A SPECIAL HOME Desirable Plan II in Jasmine Creek with 2 BR. + cozy den. Decorated in handSome earth tones & situated on a beautiful spacious lot. 24 hr. Security. Tennis . Pools. A perfect home. $326,000. CAIENH UVIH& OH THE RIDGE Dynasty model. 2 bedrooms. Co nver sation area. Large master bedroom suite. Seller has resources to decorate and landscape to buyers taste. View. Large assumable loan. $375,000. Fee. PllME OCEAN AtOHT DUPLU Classic 3 BR. Cape Cod beauty. Picturesque bay windows and vaulted beamed ceilings. Relaxing Master BR suite with reading alcove & fireplace. New and custom des igned for your comfort & pleasure. $850,000. HOaSI PROPIRTY . In beautiful Back Bay area. 2 BR. Study & overnite loft. Formal dining area. Gourmet kitchen. All redecorat.ed. Great country /city living. $335,000. FllNCH COUNTRY From charming brick courtyard entry to country dining rm. with fireplac~. 3 BR. 3 BA. Secluded second story master suite . Magnificent storage. Artist's studio & dark rm. Family paradise in private Bayshores. $335,000. 15LAM> UYIHG Move in for t he s ummer. Beautifully maintained Balboa DUPLEX. Within steps of So. Bayfront beach & located on one of the most desirable Island streets. Ideal for owner occupied home with income. $450,000. YllW tH IAST&Uff Spacious family home featuring 3 BR. 3 aaths. Family room with wet bar is ldeal for entertainins. A lovely night light & mountain view ln a great community. $250,000 . CDM LAM)MAlll One of the truly charmtna CDM duplexes la now available. Beamed, cathedral ceillnea, used brick fireplaces, custom bullt·lna, diamond framed windows• much more. $319,000 • ..... ~ POIMT " On quiet Belvue Lane is locatA!d Ulla hl&bb' dealrable, well cited for 4 BB. + Fam. Rm. Sunny patio, autom-'lc sprlnklera & f abufout storaie. Stepe to ten.nla , ocean~ • bay, yet Quiet, quiet. quiet. "30,000. · ;- - J l .. OOM 100 Sc:holi P.H . 10, Ne~ Bcb 675-eoe>o $275,000 Sun 1·& 213 Magnolia (Eastslde) CM 675·6000 1149,000 Sun 1·5 18 Briarwood, Irvine 551·8700 1121 ,000 Sun 1·6 •1741 Tus tin Ave, #llA. E/Side, CM 642·5200 Sl 19,500 Sun 1·5 116 W. Cordoba, San Clemente 496·8122 $137 .500 Sun 1 5 23271 Pompuli. So. Luguna , 831 ·8440 $230.000 ' Sun 1·5 I~ Wykoff Way, Lagwu1 Beach 497-MM $250.000 Sun 12:30-4:30 #29, 700 Lido Pork Dr . NB 646 3255 $49,500 Sul/Sun 1·4 ·502Araciu <OltlCdM >Cd M 675-6000 $324.000 Sal Sun 1·5 902 llollowbrook. Cost.-Mesa 556-5388 $125.000 Sun 12 5 685Seavlew. Laguna Beach 497-3331 $179.500 Sal•Sun 1·5 214 Via Dijon, Lulu Is le. NB 963 8182 $315.000 ·at Sun 1 5 123 Via Zurich. Lido Isle. NIX Bcb 631-1400 $299.000 Sun 1-5 1228 Rutla nd Rd., •6. Nwpl Beach 631 1400 St24.500 Sun l 5 J H ,._ fAM RM or DIH • •633 Lido Park Dr. Unit •El. NB 673-0248 Sat 1·5 lSOOSerenade. Ir\'. Terrace. NB 760-9340 $269,950 Sun 1·5 ••633 Lido Park Or. Unit #El. NB 673-0248 Sun 1-5 37 Willowgrove. Irvine 551 8700 $167,500 Sun 1-5 10 Sandbar (Jasmn (;k ) CdM 675-3411 $335,000 Sun 1-5 33 Glenhursl, Irvine 540-1151 · $148.000 Sun 1-4 •5 Ma ritime <Jasmn Ck) CdM 642-5200 $375,000 Sun 1·5 28076 Gunnison Crl .. Lagwia Niguel 831 -7634 $154,900 Sun 1·6 868 Hillcrest Dr .. Laguna Beach 631 -7300 $289,000 Sal'Sun 1-5 1903 Yacht Camilla. Newport Beach 642-8235 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1 44 Willowgrove, Irvine 644-6200 $175.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1401 Dolphin Terrace. CdM 644 ·6200 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 HOROOM 5315 Bruce Crescent, NB 675-1771 $179.950 Sat/Sun 1 5 • •6408 Oceanfront, WF.ST NB 642·3215 $598,000 11·5 Daily 400 Vista Quinta, Bluffs, NB 760-6028 $249.500 Sat/Sun 12-5 31343 Los Rios. San Juan Capo. 496-8122 $95,000 Sun 1-5 1612 Lincolh Ln., Npt Bch 752-0207 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4106Seton, Univ. Prk, Irvine 552-1800 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 20612 Egret Ln., Hunt. Beach 960-2183 $107 ,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 14931 Piper Circle, Irvine 559-5483 $143.500 Sat1Sun 212 Via Eboli (Lido) NB 760-9333 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1000 White Sails Way (HVHls > CdM 675-6000 $425,000 Sat/Swt 1-5 1261 Conway, ~osta Mesa 557-3881 $129,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 335 Nassau Rd .. College Pk, C.M. 545-9491 Sun 1-5 #15 Swift Court, Newport Crest, NB 640-5357 $240,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2048 Paloma, Newport Beach 631·1400 $172,000 Sun 1-5 1023 Bonnie Ooone, Irv. Terr. CdM 644-9060 $.598,500-f ee Swi 1·5 •2312 Redlands. Newport Beach 631·1400 $197,000 Sun 1·5 924 Senate St.. Costa Mesa 545-9491 Sun 1·5 • •1010-12-14-16 E. Balboa, Bal Peninsula 642-8235 Sl,350,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 2302S. Diamond, Santa Ana 645-0303 $96,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 17181 Rotterdam, Huntington Bch 963-8377 $109,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 421 Fern leaf, Corona del Mar 642-8235 $349,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Acorn (Woodbridge) Irv. 673·8550 $149,500 . Sat/Sun l ·S 5811 Lourdes, Huntington Beach 963-6767 $126,900 Sa 2·5/Su 12-4 4821 Cortland, Corona del Mar 631·1266 Sun l ·S 260 Shasta Ln., Brookview, C.M. 979-8373 $134,000 Sun 1·4 2661 Crest view Dr., Npt Beach 644-9060 $335,000 Sun 1-5 703 Balboa, Laguna Beach 831·9165 $469,000 Sun l ·S 2063 P r esident Pl., Costa Mesa 556-2660 $100,000 Sun l_. 2812 Drake Ave .• Costa Mesa 556-2660 $131,900 Sun 1·5 ·~Rollins, Huntington Bch 979·1050 $124,900 Sun 1·5 2'5 LaJolla CN~ Hgt.a) NB 6'5-0303 $298,obo Sun 1·5 612 Seaview Ln., Costa Mesa 642·8235 $149,500 • Sun 1·4 :30 1212 Berkshire, Newport Beach ~4-9990 $269,500 Su.n 1·5 299 Mesa Dr., Costa Mesa 631·7370 Sl«,500 Sun 12-4 423 Lu1onia, Newport Beach 675·5511 $135,000 Sun 1·5 10 Sandbar (Jumn Ck) CdM 67~34.11 $335,000 Sun 1·5 •5612 Castle, Huntington .Bch 963-6767 $136,500 Sun Z.$ 8'8 Hun ter, Santa Ana 159-1818 $94,SOO. Sun T-T -. Cheyenne, Costa Me.a 546-2313 ,138,900 Sun 1 ... --• 0 DIRECTORY ....... ....., .... ..., .................. c ........ •:z:; .............. ~ ..... -....... II.,....., ..... ., ...... --6a ...,.. DA Y N.Ol WAfff AH.,..,_. ................... .,,.. .. ~ .... -..................... _ .. ....., _. . ...,. 3 II plus f'AM l.M w D .. 2016 Port Bristol Cr. HVHrm. NB 640·2888 $239,000-U H Sun l 5 3174 Bermuda. Costa Mesa 631 1266 $143,500 Sun 1·5 2030 Paloma Dr. Eastside, C.M. 646-7418 $179,000 Sun 12 4 •20342 Bayview, Santa Ana Hgts 631 ·7370 $210,000 Sun 12·4 34022 Chula Vista, Dana Pt 831 ·8440 $319.000 Sun 2·5 1721 Iowa St .. Mesa Verde, CM 631·1266 $159,000 Sun 2·5 14 Rue Deauville <Bg Cyn) NB 760-9333 $575,000 Sun 1-5 1602 Elm (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0300 $146,500 Sun 1·4 3840 Windsor (WiJmbdn Vig) CM 645-0303 $229,900 Sun 1-~. 1721 Kings Rd. CCliCfhvn) NB 642-5200X216 $655,000 Sun 1·5 523 Ave. Campo, Npt Beach 644 -9990 $300,000 Sun 12·5 8 Monterey Cir., Newport. Bch 644·9990 $459,500 Sun t -5 •3467 Windsor Court, Costa Mesa 646-7434 $195,000 Sun 1·5 13391 Cromwell Or .. Tustin 752-1700 $152,500 Sun 12·5 1100 Ciandpiper (HVHls) CdM 759 -1616 $395:000 Sun 1·5 464 62nd St, Newport Beach 642-8850 $329,950 S un 1·5 ••36 Woodgrove, Woodbridge, Irv. 552-1800 $354,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 •4 Atoll. Jasmine Crk, CdM 644-6397 $450,000 Sun 1-4 22852 Via Cordova. Laguna Hills 851 -3851. 499-5347 Sat/Sun 1-6 21591 Bahama Lane. Huntington Bch 536· 7542 $149,500 Sun 12-4 1061 Skyline Dr .. Laguna Beach 494-7631 $495,000 Sat/Sllll 11-6 #5 Silverfern. Turllerock. Irv. 851 -9099 $290,000 Sat/Sun 10-6 3905 Calle Andalucia. San Clemente 497-1761 $525,000 Sun 1-5 :30 * •38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 675-7060 $525,000 Sun 1·5 •32201 E . Nin e Or.(Lmk Pt )Lag Nig. 445 gate $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2921 Jacaranda (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $134,900 Sat/Sun 3-6 1132 White Sails (HVHls) CdM 675-6000 $355.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1100 Dennis Or .. Costa Mesa 557-3314 $245,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 #14 Mallard, Irvine 551-3000 $220.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1528 Cornwall Ln., Westclif(, NB 631-7300 $229,SOO Sat/Sun 1-5 421 San Bernardino. Nwpt Hghts, NB 631-7300 $330,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 9551 Chevy Chase. Hunt. Beach 751 ·3191 $175,000 Sun 1-5 5372 Sierra Roja, Turtlerock, lrv. 640-5357 $169,900 Sal/Sun 1-5 •1100 White Sails Way, HVH, CdM 644 -9060 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 1830 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach 644-7020 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * • 308 38th St., Nwpt Island, NB 631-7300 $525,000 Sun 1·5 17 Rocky Knoll, Irvine 752·1414 $249,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 •1101 White Sails Way, CdM 644-6200 $437 .500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1761 Port Manleigh Cir., Nwpt Bch 642-8235 $279,500 Sat/Sun 11-6 2375 Redlands (Back Bay) NB 548-7729 $220,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1515 Cumberland, WestcliCC, NB 631-5150 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 120 Quito, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $475,000 Sun 1·5 4 Bluff View CTrtlrk Hln) Irv. 675-3411 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3116 Klondike, Newport. Beach 631 -1400 $320,000 Sun 1·5 005 Columbia, Newport Beach 631 -1400 $270,000 Sun 1-5 2323 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach 631 -1400 $975,000 Sun-1·5 4 llOROOM •1873 Rhodes, Costa Mesa 675-1771 $225,000 Sun 1·5 3120 Lincoln , Costa Mesa 540-1151 Sun 12·4 •1194 Atlanta Way, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $126,900 Sun 1·5 2317 Irvine, Newport Beach 759-1616 $325,000 Sun 2·5 683Senate St., Costa Mesa 548-1731 $115,000 Sat/Sun 10.6 1800 Port Carlow CHVHorne1> NB 759·9100 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 6 Cintilar, Northwood, Irvine 552·1800 $218,000 Sat/Sun 1-8 21212 Cu par Ln .• Huntinlton Bch 963-7881 $137,500 S/Sl2: ... :30 10402 6hrlstmas, HuntJntton Bcb 962·8636 $1221500 Sat/Sun 10.3 •26671 Valparl10, Mlsai<JR Viejo 831·8440 $1'73,900 Sun 1:30-S 2520 Westminster Ave., Costa Meta ~ $123.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •8531 Oxley Circle, Hunt'I Bch 982·80tW $187 ,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ua VJ a lth1ca1 Llclo lale .. N.B. 873-7300 S.t/Sun 1·5 Zl2 Vla San Remo, Lido 111e. NJJtBcb 01·1400 1175,GQt &It/Sun 1·5 • •503 Edgewater. Newport Dch 631 -1400 $995,000 Sut/~unt -5 3089 Klondlke, N~wport Beach 631·1400 $209,000 Sun l 5 •9662 Scoti;toun. Hunt. lk>ach 963·8377 $105,000 Sat/Sun I 5 #6 Warmsprini<. Irvine 645·9850 Sat/Sun 12 5 280 Bowling Green. Clg Park. CM 979·5370 $129,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 4 I• pht9 PAM RM w D .. 4191 Williwaw. Racquet Club. Irv 552·6940 $169,500 Sal/Sun 12·5 2720 Gannet Or .. Costa Mesa 979 5099 $190,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 24502 Los Serranos. Laguna Niguel 957-0701 $169.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 ••2274 Channel Rd . Bal Penin. 6l5·2311 $1 ,650,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 12 Canyon Ridge, Turtlerock, lrv. 552-1800 $320.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 9'20 Nottingham Rd., Newport Bch 631 -0479 $399,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 305 Prospect. Newport Beach 540-1720 $228,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1822 Tanager Dr., Mesa Verde. CM 545-8320 $228,900 Sun l 5 •204 Via San Remo, Lido Isle. NB 640-5777 $649,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 20 Whistling Swan (Wdbrdg> Irv. 675-6000 $189.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2731 Pebble Or .. HVH, CdM 640.5560 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2018 Port Ramsgate (HVHms> NB 675-6000 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1955 Port Ramsgate (HVHmsJ NB 675-6000 $241.800 Sat/Sun 1-5 2208 Port Durness (Seawind) NB 640-9900 $479,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 42 Mission Bay Dr .. Spyglass 752-6269 $645,000' Sun 1-5 19862 Providence Ln .. Glenmar. HB 631-7300 $123,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *•1036 Polaris Dr. Dover Shrs, NB 631 -7300 $995,000 Sun 1·5 21821 Harborbreeze, Hunt. Bch. 963-8182 $249,500 Sun 1-5 •1862 Bayport Way , Newport Sch 963-8182 $312,000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Ln. Westcliff. NB 631-7300 $525,000 Sun 1·5 2012Santiago Or. DoverShores. NB 631-7300 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1112 Nottingham, Westcliff, NB 631-7300 $315,000 Sun 1·5 566 Pebble Hills Dr., Laguna Bch 497-3331 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1867 Braemar Way, Newport Beach 642-4447 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • •8 Collins Isle, Newport Beach 631-1400 $1.200,000 Sun 1-5 •1801 Santiago, Newport Beach 642-8235 $398,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2121 Yacht Yankee. Newport Beach 642-8235 $398,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1 Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge 644-6200 $1,795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1730 Marlin Way. Baycrest, NB 673-4400 $449,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2321 Aralia, Eastbluff 644-6200 $315,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 1978 Port Chelsea. Hrbr View Homes 644-6200 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••2274 Channel Rd. Balboa Penin. NB 675-2311 $1,650,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3202 Delaware Place. Costa Mesa 979-5370 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 18112 Dewberry <Un iv Vlg) Irv. 675-3411 $155,000 Sat/Sun l ·S 30942 Colonial, Laguna Niguel 631-1400 $389,000 Sun 1-5 • 1734 Santiago, Dover Shores, NB Sat/Sun 2-S 928 Coronado (Mesa del Mar) CM 631-7370 $132,900 Sun 1-5 18005 Antioch, Trtl Rk Hls, Irv. 640-5560 $210,000 Sun 1·5 1863 Boa Vista Cir .. Costa Mesa 556·2660 $224,000 Sun 12-4 19 Klamath <Univ. Pk) Irvine 675-6000 $225,000 Sun 1·5 •2919 Paper Ln (Back Bay) NB 645·0303 $190,000 Sun 1-4 3771 Hendrix, Irvine 640·9900 $176,950 Sun 1·5 2933 Cassia, EastblufC 644-6200 $349,000 Sun t-5 49 Montecito, Spyglass 642-8235 $729,000 Sun 1·5 ••132 McKnight, Laguna Beach 642-8235 $895,000 Sun 2·6 •49Montecito, Spyglass 642·8235 $895,000 Sun. 1·5 3 Dorchester E, Irvine "\...., 551·8700 $199,500 Sun 1·5 2070 Port Brlst-01 Cr. HVH, NB 644·9644 $279,000 Cee Sun l ·S •487 Esther, Costa Mesa 631•6990 · Sun 1-5 1712 Highland, Newport Beach 631·8990 $379,000 Sun 1·5 18l5 Tanaaer <Mesa Verde> CM 546-2313 $262,950 Sun 1-4 4 Fortuna, lr~lne 731·6226 $212,000 Sun 1·5 2818 Redlands Dr ., Costa M~a 546·2813 $198,000 • Sun 1·4 5 llDIOOM 1.82$ TahJtl Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 5'8·2813 $239,000 Sun 1 ·5 201Jl B venide Dr .• Co.lta Meta 546-2318 1181,500 Sun 1"" 20121 Rlvel'\ldt Dr., Costa Mesa 546-2313 .PT&,000 Sun 1"" -OPJC4¥Lt$1 i • J a=•• -• .. 1850 Capri Cr . tMesa V rde> CM 546-2313 · $475 ,000 un 12 5 18 Mandaran. Woodbr1d1e. Irvine ~2-4666 S295,000 Sat/Sun 11 s S II ,... f4M RM °' 1>94 • 146 Shoreclltr, Corona del Mar 760-1410 $645,000 Sut/~un l ~ 1818 Glenwood Ln, Baycr~t. N 8. 631·7300 *495.000 Sun t s 16526 Mt. Neola. Fountain Vall4'f' 963·8182 $154.900 Sal/Sun 1·5 4521 Dorchester <<:am~o Hinds> (.;dM 760-1397 S359,000 rce Sun 1 5 1827 Port Tiffin (HVllm.' NH 760-1397 $349,500 Sun 1 5 183~ Port Shcrrield Clf Vllrrus 1 NB 760 1397 $329.900 Sun I 5 1533 Miramar, Balboa Pt-nin pt 760 1397 $495,500 Sun 1·5 5 Deerwood. Big Canyon r,i14.s200 S2,000.ooo Sal/Sn 1 5 1407 Santanclla. Corona dcl Mar 644 9635 $340,000 Sal/Sun 1 ~ 2735 Cibola. Mesa del Mar. CM 631 7370 $176,000 Sun l 4 1412 Antigua <Westclf Dv Shr> NH 642·5200 $389,500 Satt Su.n 1-5 1841 Tahiti <Mesa Verde> CM 675-6000 $249.000 Sun l 5 2215 Alta Vista, Eastbluff 642-8235 $329.500 Lil Sun 1-4:30 6 IR plus FAM RM or DEN •1524 Keel Dr Ofrbr Vu H1s) CdM 640-5446 $'139,!){)(J Sal/Sun 1 5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE STUDIO •101 Scholz Plaza. Versailles. Penthouse #27. NB 759.1092 s120,ooo sun 1.4 I IEOROOM 17172 Bluewater Lane. Hunl. Bch 1-524-6757 $124 .995 Sun 1·5 1119 N. Sturgeon, Santa Ana 963-6767 $61 ,900 Sun 1·5 2 IEOROOM 22 Arboles. Irvine 833-0864 $187 ,000 Sun 1·5 31636 West Nine Dr .. Laguna Niguel 494-1081 $139,500 Sun 1-5 2400 Elden #11 , Costa Mesa 546-23i3 $117 ,900 Sun 12·4 413 Gloucester Or., Costa Mesa 675-5200 $125,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 •435 Gloucester Dr .. Costa Mesa 642-4799 $139.000 Sat/Sun 12:30-5 • * * 31 O Fernartdo, Unit 406, NB 640-5357 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1242 Rutland, Westcliff, NB 673-4400 $129,500 Sun 1·5 12132 Edinger. Santa Ana 641-1991 : 631-4361 Sat/Sun 10·5 2000 Meyer Place, Costa Mesa 641-1991 ; 631-4361 Sat/Sun 10·5 ••1235 Bayside Drive. NB 675-3411 $549.500 Salt Sun 1·5 2 IR ptu1 FAM RM or DEH •16 Encore Ct (Npt Crst> NB 631 -6344 $235,000. Sat/Sun 1·5 ft7 Lago Sud. RSJ. Irvine 552-4477 $190.000 Sat 1-4/ Sn 2-4 644 Lido Park Or. F-2, N.B. 631-7300 $650.000 Sun 1·5 3 IEDROOM 2501 Sunflower #SH. Santa Ana 540:1720 $92.000 , Sun 1·5 #11 Curl (Jsmn Crk) CdM 644-7020 $395,000 Sun 1·5 4310 Spindrift, Park Lido, NB · 675-8676 $149,500 Sun 1·5 15 Creekwood, Irvine 551 -3000 $154.000 Sun 1·5 #17 Odyssey Crt, Npt Bch 675-6670 Sal/Sun 1-5 •405 Vista Suerte (Bluffs) NB 759-9100· $259,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 107 Pinon Tree Lo ( Lrl Pt > CM 759-9100 $139.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 6.10Skyview. Costa Mesa 540·1720 $134,750 Sat/Sun 1·5 501 Vista Flora. Bluffs, N.B. 640-5560 $265,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 3 IR plus FAM RM or DEH 1973 Vista Caudal, Newport Beach 760-8507 $425,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 431 Vista Suerte, Bluffs. N.B. 640-5560 $228,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 532 Cancha. Bluffs, Nwpt Bch 631-7300 $194,500 Sat/Sun l ·S •835 Amigos Wy #15 (E.bluff) NB 759·9100 $198,000 Sun 1·5 •542 Vista Grande (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $249,500 Sun 1·5 #3 Monaco, Hrbr Ridge , N.B. 640-5560 $885,000 Sun 1·5 4 I• phn FAM RM or DEH 11 Kiuola Court, Nwpt Crst, NB 673-7300 $225,000 Sun 1·5 •374 Santa Isabel, Costa Mesa 548-0041 $131.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 1-1 IEDROOM 4711 Seashore, Newport Beach 631-1400 $650,000 Sun 1·5 J-lllDROOM 4601 Seashore, Newport Beach 631·1400 $975,000 Sun 1·5 2516/2518 Bayside Dr., CdM 675;6000 $450,000 Oriye by J II,... I .. sos Poppy, Corona del Mar 64o.8358 $326,000 SaUSun ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 . ..................... . LOWIST PllC! In Northwood.a th.ls l Bd Caodleberry mdl 11 1howroom l)l:!rfeet CaU today Set> tomorrow Tim Rhori. m uee DWLIX 3 bdrm. 2 b11th each unit f'lreplace, bullt·lllt Ea cellent r.-ilal area. Near beach Ir bay. l'l:85,000. Ml 22$3evea associated U fJ r )'1' f fl c~ 11 t h. l TC' I.I"'> I ' I .,,,, I , 1., , ' 't '• owe E 11de COila Mesa con do, pool, spa, 3 Bd supe1 steal Talk to me Tim Rhone 631-12166 WM~ H t.Al.TllH!-. IAYAlOHT OPEH SUHDAY 1-5 ll lc6ooCon1 BOAT SL.JP SANDY 8 EACH + large 3 bdrm & den 2 bath home & rn uc·h more' $525.000' Owner 1Agent673-9187 REDUCED $100,0001 OC EAHFtlONT <.:hoice comer duplex. J bdrm , 3 bath up 2 Bdrm, 2 bath down. Can convert to a larger home. SELLER WlLL HELP 1-'lNANC"E "at 13%. $795.000! lalboa lay Prop. • Realton •675-7060• CDM owe IST 3 Bd 2 Br duplex. 3 short blks t o the water Lowest price m town Call me toda y Tim Rhone 631-1.266 R~MtlC R t:At.TORS HACIENDA OHTHEIEACH $125,500 Dramatic hide-away in pvt community with pool and spa, sauna. wym, pvt. bea c h . cocktail patios overlook pounding surf. Best yet assume low interest loan . $566 per m o Hurry. call 847 -6100. Realt y World Beachs1de FIXER In Npt Bch. RV access, owner anxious Won't lut f Call no~. Tim Rhone 631-1266 R&'MtlC Rf-"Al.TORS THIHKIMG TOWMtOME7 Call the specialists at the condominium in· formation center. Touchstone Really 963-<IJ67 BEHIND IN PAYMENTS Owner is motivated. See this 3 lld pool home to· day. Call me Tim Rhone 631 -1266 R~MtlC Rl-"\l.TCIRS HORSE PROPERTY Lots or wood, stained glass and country charm describe the at· mosphe. ~ or this Santa Ana Hgts 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home The owner will carry large 2nd and you can assume the lst. FuU price $163.900 UNIV. PARK 4 bedroom, 2'h bath w /frplc and balcony orr 3 bedrooms. · $140,000 Best buy on the market but needs a little paint. 751-3191 OWC9'/•0/o Picture perfect 2 Bd home, 1 Br apt in CdM below the Hwy. See to- day, bu1 t.omorrow. Tim Rhone. '31·1* ~ RVMJ.X ICI· \I I • H'. T .. AMTH&PS .......... cc .. 2 Bdrm nualn rib 29 fruit treee. BloC!lc wall encloau swt bach yard wllb alley acceu. Separat.. !)echelon \llll.t b\comt helps make your payment. o,...._s..1.1 u ..... , ... St. IN NEW POJt T HllGRl'B SUN BOW a SALTY 6Jl-ll4J i 6 u ·f • I I • r. S· It )· ) m t . .. fi .. t ~: I HoitM1 For Sak HcMIHt For Sak Ho..-1 Fors. ...... Fors. ...... Fof-S. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 17, 1981 ······················~ .......................................•......••••••••.••..•......•.•..••.•................. Cll G1•r• t 002 G...,... I OOZ G1Mr.t I OOJ G1M:.. I OOJ • ._,_. I 002 ..._.. flor S. ......_ ,_. S. H1-.n fw S. He.Mt,_. S. ..••..•...........................................••• , ..............•............................•................. ,...................... ....................... ......••••........•.••• . •.........••..••..•.. 37 ASSUMABLE LOAN No Qualifying, small down payments, low interest rotes. no loan points . 2, 3 & 4 BDRM Houses & Townhomes. Jn good areas or Orange County REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Always wanted to invest in Real Estate-but don't think you can? Let Golden West Realtors show you how to invest with little cash & no "Tenant Problems ". Call now for more details. WANT A HOME?· But don't think you can afford 1l. Golden West Realtors has designed a program that has allowed many people to enjoy home ownership that never thought they could. Call now for more details . 848-8588 RARE OPPORTUNITY . IM CAMEO SHORES Lowest priced fel• simple available! Great ussumable lst TD. Enjoy afternoon sun and views from wood deck . 3 beautiful pnrnte beaches. "Onl y $549 .000 ! Ci:i ll today! SAILBOAT WATCHERS This Cameo H ighland~ beaut) is priced to ~ell ! S339.000. Only 10', down with owners assistanee! One le\'el 3 Bdrm plus huge yard llurry! GIANT BEACH BARGAIN Charming 4 Bdrm. Living r oo m features cozy wood burning fireplace. Huge lot. Ow ner v.1l l 11elµ linanc:e : Only $209,900 ! THE REAL ~STATERS 673-8550 BAYFROHT HOME CUSTOM ESTATE Open Sat & SWtday 12.4 2274 Cha...e Road Brand new home on Newport's ex. elusive Peninsula Point This 4 bdrm 4 bath home i{lcludes an ex - quisite maste r s uite wi th balcony overlook ing pri vate dock and neighboring blue Pacific. Available at Sl.650,000 Including the land or $1,295 .000 leasehold . Ow ner wi II help with financing. Call Dan Bibb regarding this listing. QQ, QC ~}~JJ0 QJ.AJJ)r 675-2311 • .., tWt lledy directory~,.. Hilt ............ ,.. 90 ...... .._..,..A• tt. loc..._1 llttH Mtow -4MK""4 • .,. ........ by .tT.nt .. .. ..._. i. hlcWy't DAILY P'llOT WAMT ADS. ,..,_, .ttowMwj .-"-" for Mk or r...t - ..,ct to llat NKll IRfon.tlolt Iii tMt ~--.Mell PrMMy, Sefwdey 4111d --,. DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3 BR plus 2 IR 310 Alvarado Place, Balboa Penin. 752-5710 $399,000 Sat Sun 11·4 720 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 1 673-4400 $320,000 Sun 1·5 ••4000 H1ver, Newport Beach 675-6000 $750,000 Sun 1-5 700 Marguerite <Old CdM> CdM 675 -6000 $449,000 Sun 1·5 HOME plus INCOME FOR SALE 2 IR pltts FAM lM or D&f 1101 Balboa, Balboa Island (213 l 434 0908 Sun 1-5 PROPERTY FOR LEASE l II ... PAM IM or · OIH HOMI 219 Jasmine <Old CdM> CdM 675-6000 $1200/mo. Sat/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSE . FOR RENT 2 Ill ,._ PAM llM or oe/ 2'106 Hillside Drive, N.B. 851·2077 $9751 mo. Sat l·S Pool Water(ront Waterfroat & POOi LIDO ISLE llJMES OPEN SUM 1-5 -120 9UITO Featured on Homes Tour. this lovely traditional spacious, custom 3 bdrm, 3 bath home , newly decor~ted. Priced to sell quickly at $475,000. N(wly re modeledlbdrm, 2 bath plus ' lge recreation room & 2 patfos. Beam ceilings. Great for entertaining. $420,000. LINDA ISLI Wide ch annel view from spectacular architectural designed 4 bdrm. 5 bath, pool-home. Slip for 2 large boats. $1,495,000. By appointment. PENINSULA POINT IEACHFROMT Panoramic bay & ocean view at wedge, from prime large lot, 4 bdrm, 3 bath custom home. 3700 sq. ft. reatur· ing ma rine room, entry, living room. dining room, built-ins. etc. $1.385,000. Bl LL GRUNDY , REALTOR J-ll Boy~1tl1·Dr•v• NB t>l'> oltil HACH HOME, POPUU.ll MOOR. OPEH SAT /SUH I 2:JM:30 Walk to beach. Assume FNMA loan at ll:Y..% 1st TD, $84,800. Monthly pmts $856. No qualifying. Gorgeous country kitchen. 4 BR, or 3+den. Dining area overlooking patio. Plush upgraded carpet thruout and much, much more. Asking $137 ,500. BKR. Ask for Mary Anne Holsey. 963· 7881 ; 963-8793, res. I .. l(•I \ I Ill·.'. I ('II \ I l·:tt .fttl 'l 'f .' Is six miles and a gate in Newport worth a premium of $800,000? An extraordinary flalf·a cre custom res1dent11JI INh1tewater and city v1ewsile is olfered """'" tfJfTTllS and SUOOfdlnallOl'I V1s1t Harbor Ridge before you VlfJW this property and compare values By ownerlagt $550,000 You've Arrived at ... BIG CANYON Custom I Ith Fairway Newly listed 6 bedrooms (4 in the main House >. 41"2 baths. family room . billiard room, large breakfast room and a very private pool. Completely separate guest /· teen o r in-law quarters with 2 bedrooms. full bath and it's own liv- ing room , (plumbed for a full kitchen ). Exclusive with Cote Real- ty at $1.7 Million. .J BIG CANYON Milionaire '• Row The entire cul-de-sac boulevard (7 custom homes> nestles the firs t fairway in Big Canyon. California's most prestig ious country club community. This Tudor estate offer~ the ultimate in prestige, s ite, location, view, value, appreciation and finan c in g . $1.l Million in assumable loans and owner will carry subs tantial paper. Exclusive with Cote Realty at S2.3 Million. BIG CANYON Cu1to. Cioff Coww Terrific bachelor pad with 4500 plus square feet. Just 2 bdrms -but my, oh my is this house super! Huge family room with sit down bar for seven overlooking the fair way and greens. Large billiard room is completely wired for stereo. Owner will carry complete financing with 25 % down . Exclusive at $1.8 Million. BIG CANYON Cnto.lsed D._.. This highly upgraded 3 bdrm, 3 ba home has it. all. 3450 sq fl including custom pool, spa and sauna. View of the go1' course and all new carpet com pliment the many refinements . A huge kitchen, (amity room and formal dining room complete the amenitles. Couple the above with excel. assumable financing and you can move ln before summer starts. Exclusive at $875,000. APPRAISALS G1M18' 1002 ewr.. • 1002 ........... I006 ...... 1012 BYCOtil.PlrrEJl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• We will clve you an ln END YOUR OC dlcaUon or the Fair Si!•RCH 2 BdrmirJaiuz•b•a°"ru MAMIYOUITllMS UOOIC .. 121/t't. Market Value of any 1:A New sa:idyrl)t • Ull m . P r I me du p I ell -FtMAMC ... House or C()Odo ln Calif Tbl1 home baa ever· · · lmmacula~ front ap&Jt. for only '50. Call wkdaya ytbma you could want. 4 IA YRtOMT ment with fl.replace and CDMCon'A(H 9-5. S75 8383 bdrms, 2~ ba. a spark! 3 Bdrm, 1 ba, W\fum. mini view plu1 Juae ina pool, 2 fireplaces A MUll cond. ~yrly. modern 3 Bdrm 2 bath PLUSIHCOMI OCLURONT very priva~ backyard CHAN.._ FtlONT apartment. Ex~ellent SS0.000 dn~/•lt w1U with citrus trees To 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. untum. financln1 will h.elp you or 3 Br 2 ba home with l1olated master bdrm /pa.mrt retreat or In -law quarters + 2 br couaae. Any way you describe it · It's charm· In & . up lo date and beautifully decorated. Priced at l280,000 with v•ry special financing. 0 ALL FOlt Dir AILS AlTD at pl' mo, s view thll delithlful pro· '750 yrly. own ttm deslnable pro- Yrt 133, M.S0,000/offer. perty, pleue caU us for perty. Call fordetalla. associated 8Qt)"'E•1<; •lfl\t.Tr;u·. 2•10 w Oc'"'anr o t an appointment. Al· s31.a199or8'1s:i307 r n ' aumabre loan owner will 642-5200 help finance. J .' VV h • t '' 1-' I,., t 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IAYFROHT A PETE BARRE TI .. REALTY 644-7211 Gorgeous Medilerra· 1--------nean 3 Br at the quiet 1101 Balboa Open 1·5 /Jn Nllil l iiAll I Y t-. end of the ls.land. One A TTllACTIVI year siew, pier & slip 2 STOllY A 'JSULI All 'J Sl.600,000.Call67~1633 +MODERN APT. SPYGLASSHIU Nr bays, charmln& xlra Ocean Ii Nile li1ht view. lg. 2Br, bride frpk, din· 4br. 21,)ba, $645,000. n1ng rm, B.Ba. dbl Open Hae Sun. 1·5 42 garage + Ulcome $495 Mission Bay Dr 752"41269 MESA VERDE $191,500 Owner transferred and must leave charming 4bdr., single level home . Lg. secluded pool & s pa. oak counter tops in kitchen, light & airy liv. rm: Jackie Handleman 631-1266 NEWPORT CR.EST -$115.000 Great Joe. overlooking pool & tennis courts . Delightful 3bdr., 21hbas. condo. Jackie Handleman 631-1266 CHARMING REMODB. $159,000 Charm exudes as you enter this delightful home. Large double used brick fireplaces, 3lrg. bdrm., fam. rm. Jackie Handleman 631-1266 OUTST AHDIHG INVESTMENT VALUE! Balboa Peninsula duplex only $260,000 ... location and excellent financing offer an exceptional opportunity for shelter, growth & development, 201-201112 E. Bay Ave. Clint Moses 631-1266 FAIULOUS IALIOA PIHINSULA HOME W /VIEW You 'll be impressed w/this four bedroom home one bll<. from ocean. Super street appeal -move-in condition. 1541 E . Ocean Blvd. Open house Sun 1·5 Clint Moses 631 ·1266 WA TElllRtOHT 30' DOCK Bachelor pad, very private. master suite w /view & spa. Lrg. sit down wet bar, grt sun decks, price $.S25.000. Excell ter~Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1266 W AWRRtOMT EXCLUSIVE 4br, 4ba + maids qtr., huge master suite. room for 2 lrg boats, terms, terms, low down1 price $1 .100,000 Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1266 NEWPORT CREST CONDO 4br, 3ba family room, wet bar, din rm, ocean view, tennis, pool, "3" to choose from. starting $197 ,000 to $210,000. Bob & Dovie Koop 631 -1266 SPYGLASS .. u LEASE 5br, 4ba family rm., .formal dining. Balcony off master bdrm. Super vu. $2000 /mo. Bob Koop. 631 -1266 DOVER SHORES RtOMT ROW 4br. 4ba, formal din. family rm., pool, super view ocean, back bay, st~aJ this total fixer. Seller carry 1st T.D. Asking $480,000 Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1266 llG CANYON LUSE 3br, 3ba, formal dining, large master suite. very sharp, pool, view. hot tub. $2000/mo Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1266 SPYGLASS .. u LEASE 3br, formal dining, family room, 2 fireplaces. lrg . yrd. $1600 /mo Bob & Dovie Koop 631·1266 llAHD HEW OH THE MARICET Beat the crowds lo this 3br 2ba poo\ home, located minutes from Mesa Verde GOLF COURSE. Call Anne Mccasland 631·12fi6 VALUE+ sura LOCATION Sharp 2 bedroom condo in Mesa Verde. Priced to sell at $98.000. Call Anne McCasland 631·1266 UCILLIHT AHAHCIMG AVAIL 3br, 2~ ba condo + bonus toom in Fountain Valley. New carpet, ceramic tile and loads or stained glass. $112,000. Call Anne McCasland 631·1266 HIWPOllT llACH.aUFf CONDO Beamed ceilings in liv. rm. & master. View or Fashion Island from sun patios. Spa off master suite. A good R.E. value on FEE land for only $335,000. Call Pete Johnson for details 631·1266 MUST CLOSI ISCllOW JULY I , 11 Large three bedroom Bluff condo. Owner will carry AJTD with $60,000 down. Priced to sell now Cof $219,500. Call Pete Johnson 631-1266 "' .. mo . FAB ULOUS ___ __;, ___ _ FINAN C E Save Thou.sands m. Appl Casto MftO I 024 REHE llEAL TY ••• •••••••••••••••••••• 121JI434-0tOI POOL & SPA l~~~~~~~~~I Larfe 5 bedroom 3 bath, I-pro euional decor & lolM>o Pa• •• I 007 air /cond. Loads of con· •• ••• •••••••••••••••••• crete decking w /space DUPLEX for boat storage. Asking $232.500. Creative financing available Glen Hellwarth . Newly upgraded "'a block to bay. Xlnt loc. 399.000. Op.n Satf'S-11·4 310 Al•_.... Plac• Rita Writ., Rlty. 752-5710 675-,437 Capistrano hoch I 018 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 559-9400. IUSINESS OWTY Established well located beauty salon in prime location. Submit oo terms. Touchstone Realty. Inc. ~ Beaut. 180 degree sweep· ing ocean vu add 2nd level & en.i<lt rare 360 deg vu. Jtlr 2 Ba. privacy. walk to beach S 2 o 9 . ~o o O w n r 1-677 6533 Tired of look alike ---homes? Well presented 3 1--------•I Bd 2 Ba with a Oair of its IUND MEW DELUXE own. This coWd be tor 0 CE AM VIEW yo u . Call J ea nne Dlft.EX 631-1266 Quaint Gary Clamp1tl built Victorian Style duplex. Quality, cuslom construction inside & out. Easy walk lo beach location. ThlS is not an -------- investment but gorgeows Two 2 Bdrm houses on retirement home quali· one lot. W Costa Mesa ly.MUST SEE·S240.000. Assumable loan OWC ~ •• ~Rl1C0••:11•aR~i SB t=EAL •• ESIAIE 493-0202 498-1040 Corona del Mor I 022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jasmine Creek decorator home, plan l on green· belt am mac. $305,SOO ~8145 CDM DUPLEXES GOOD FINAHCING 2 Bdrms +loft w/frplc, wetbar in each unit with great tenants HOM E + RENTAL lovely 3 Bdnn. front unit with frplc and beamed ceiling plus 2 bdrm unit w /years lease Call Barbara Glass Century 21 /Sandpiper 640-4950 851-9541 lrg 2nd. ~7464 $1200 Per month moves you in· to this 3 Bdrm. 2 Bath hortle near So. Coast Plaza. Shared apprecia tion mortgage-owner c arry. owner agent. Rick. 631-1266 or 346-6706 EASTSIDE CONDO $139,000 One story 2 bdrm 2 bath with view or landscaped Brounds. Parking access m rear. patio, pool, adult complex. Open Sat/Sun 12 :30 to 5pm . 435 Gloucester Dr (off Tustin, btwn 20/2lst st. JoClfl Lt•-ff lealtot- 642-4'°799 EASTSIOE Pride or ownership. 3 BR 2 Ba ~ fplc . bl-i n "s Woodland school-dbl gar. w /opener. Sl49,SOO. Agt 642·4447 1------·1 I 00/o D.P. Jasmine Creek decorator home, plan 1. greenbelt loc. $305.500. 640-8145 . TRIPLEX Three units with fire places. on a 45' Corona del Mar lot, for the price of a duplex. Favorable assumable lst loan. seller w /carry 2nd. Priced at $322,000, down payment SB0.000. B y o wn er wall cooperate.675-3141 Cameo Shores Camden SI 15,000 Eastside. 348 Hamilton St C omplete ly re· furbished 4 Br. 2 Ba. Frplc. dbl gar. & fenced. D.S. Educators Really 642.7743 MESAYHDE SLOWDOWNS This lovely 4bdrm. 2ba home for $165,000 could be yours with as little as $20,000 down. Owner will assist with financing of balance. Call S4G-.0842. Dr .. 3 BR. den. 3 Ba, 31--------car gar 600' entry w /retractable roof Call Two Longs. 760-1397 : 673·7761 SPYGLASS CITY & OCEAN YU Immac. 5 bdrm home . $640,000. 153' down. Aa· sume l s l TD . OW C balance at 12%. By owner, 963-4759. Opn HsSat/Sun 1·5. EASTSIDE 10% ASSUMABLE Owner wiJJ help finance. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, spa. Only $127,900.&f.5.9161 . OPEN HOUSE REAL TY /. 146 Shoreclifr Rd. !~~~~!!!~!!!~ Exclwsive Shoreclirf. 5' 1 • Br 3 Ba, pool, jac .. ocean Beaut lge ranch style 4br, -·" ooo Own IA l 2ba, 2000' VA terms, as-~~ 1tto~r76o.0680r g · sum 5.63 M2K owe at 123.1137,SOO. 545-7081 JASMIMI CllHIC Exec. home. 3 Br 2\AJ ba, IMVISTOll 6 plan. Vu terr. $450,000. M011YATID 644-1395 NO DOWN Bach. Flat. Total Securi· La, <f"eta-~-, ~-~~do. s1oa ,ooo REAL ESTATE 644·6397 -------E. Side lovely 2bdrm 110 Newport Ctr Dr, NB home on nry lrg Jot. POTIMT'W. PLUS 3br 1"4ba home need• 'TLC". So OfHlahway. Room for 2nd unit. $245,000. Call Stephen Meyen. 780-3520 Beaut. cul-de-sac $145 ,000. Call a1t: Christina at 557-2783 or W.3255. PAVMENTSf750/mo Lovely,._. br £/Side b.ae. suo.ooo, w /8~3 lit. 291 Monte Vista ...... Fronta Golf Course Santa Au. Cowttry Ch.ab Beautiful 3ibc' by owner ~5010 Irvine Terrace. 5 bclno. a $1000 DOWM ba, ram11¥ nn. Xlnt 66. 3br CONDO H4 /mo. Prtc. NdllCH move• you b\! No q1&all· to SM0,000. Fee. Open f)'lntl AOT/541-lOet Sat.SUOl4. 1407 Suunella. AIL •br, l ,,.ba, bud wood ....._ lloore, new paint , aioo+&Q.n Harbor V• Hl11a, Owners wlll belp finance. Ownr/Act: ...... carpet, drapea, plumb. bat, su.a,000. 0.... wW help wltat flDaaclna. Optn atoue l•t/Sun lMPll. • s..te St. BY OWND •1111 01 .... Presenting the new Audi "Coupe." A high performance machine designed using the technology developed for the Audi 4000 and 5000 series automobiles-taken one step further. T he styling is an aerodynamk tour de force. Its ride is invigorating, with outstanding :ig1luy and tracking. Even standing still it looks fast. And, with It!> 5 cylinder engine coupled to a 5 speed transm1!ts1on, 11 1s. Yet, wirh all this exhilarating performance comes exlellent fuel economy. The new Audi Coupe. Come by and experience it today. · Thi• vekend only, we're heving our eensatlonat once-~ demo · . ._, This la • great opportunity to own an exciting sportl cw )Ult in time for 4ummeJ. All CllS .. in top condttton, eact) being maintaiMd by · our factory trained ~ And all are equipped just the w.ii you want -most have stripes. moldings, ~FM stereo cassettes, some hav. luggage racks -and all .,. reedy 10 go this WMkendl DON'T MISS OUTt-· ..... •• .. 19 '80 T97 Conv. '80 TR8 Conv. to4663 '80TR7 Conv. f06212 '80 TR8 Conv. f12108 79 Midget Cc>nv. '#21048G 79MG8Conv. #0164G '80 XJ6 Series ltt #16395 '80 XJ "S" #04697 '80 XJ6 Series Ill f 18508 u.tPrtce wtrrtc. . $10,580 St,791 S13,245 s11.m $10,580 St.n• $13,5()0 $11.nt $6,600 Sl.ttl $7,840 t $6.791 $25,445 $ll,2tl $30,445 sa.H• $25,445 ·w.n1 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport -Beach 642-9405 • 540-1764 \ .. ~~\ l4't1· OYER INVOICE SALE ON ALL 1981 210s AND 310s IN STOCK Ask To See Factory lf!voice -If you don't buy your Datsun from NewPC?ft Datsun, you are ing too much. . , STYLE CEl:ICA SPORTY -TRUCKS - I ECONOMY CRESS I DA . LUXURY COROLLA SMART SUPRA ----- . ' -;rww..-; .... ,_..._ ... , ____ ,. ___ ,.._,,.. ____ ,_....,.._,. .... __ ,,__......, __ • ______ .__._-. .....--__....._...............__.... v -- Orange Coast DAIL y PILOT /SU nday' May 17. , 981 .._, .. For We ...... POt" StM HotttH FOf' s. ....... For 549 Hot.Ht ,or Sale •..•..•.....•..••••..•• ······················· ....................... ··········•············ ..•....•••••.....••.... • ......_ ..._ ,_ • ......_ lnlM '9044 lrflM I CM-4 '"'" I 044 L.ef1-.._. I041 ....... H• I OIO ....... fer I.a. H ... " '9r..., ~ "«: ~ " ,.... •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••• .. ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. f.·~w;; ....... io'i4 •H•;;;:·:u•u;;,;~ ~w;:. ....... io.i4M:;H;~·~·i04o TH..... Lrc 2 Br 2 Ba, dbl 1ar. CULVllDALI OCu.ttflOMT SPICTACULAllVllW a • · .. TOW~l-•7 Univ. , ..... ·:radley" Juat Hated! Larae 4 ln Pl'lvate,aecund com •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... --1• ..... ITS C II tb I Jl1u t •12e ""00 o c A t Bdrm, famlJy room . 2\AJ "" mun l t y . La au o a llOUCID $14.000 1 Block to 17th S\rfft. 2 s ........ ,~... t:e co:d~~nTum .~. i?o.1810. a. 910.iJ.1' . bathe. XJnt r1nut1n1 No. 1.a1un• ll,7~.000 Mtado_,.1. Profeulonal· BeautUW 2 1ty, :t BR1 Houses· 4 Br 2 Ba +2 Brookvlew Charmer a GOl.De4WIST fonnatlonce:n~r. llU.500 1ppr Only Sl.S00.000 ly decoraUci, 3br. 2ba, fam nn, lnaide jacuu1 Br. l Ba. t'ull price Br2~ba.A1Jnewcpt'ai, llTATIS TouchatoMRealty OranaeTrMCoodo,Plan DAVIDD.CARL•OH w lonly 1203.000dwn At 1p1 , deck. Cully 00 CdS. $1S6,000. Agl $170,000. Owner wlll beaut.dt~r Mustseeto Beautllul~4beclroom 983-088'1 5,2brlbaSlCX1,SOO Call llALTOl.IJ).9Z9J 1um1 12~111 SI.~ Int ru r nlthed. or un · 846-4380 flnance at14Yt~ W/25% appreciate. Open Sun· Executive Home. W_·755_2after7p_m. annuall1 Bkr/Ownr furni s hed, broker down Aicent /Ow nu day 1-4 at 620Shuua t..n. eleaanl ~bar. bullt·in ASSUMA.M.1 lst Laci-a leedt 1041 Will carry bel1nrr owned!M:.:..;:.l·..:.~~1 __ _ Mesa Verde 3bdrm. 2bll, aolld nnancing $139,500 By Owner556 7174. SS6 ~:6~w CONDO &~~!t~e ~~~i$;s. ~~l. :t~~ l:!~l! :cr~l Cln7l~ ~·: ~r ~ 2 ~:o~:. :~~~~~ y~ rau:~,;, ;;;:··~:·:;~;.-::::·:;:~ l~;ln r~o· n~, (;~'all t'1Ml1 lck ........ Clo...t tury21/Ber1 In& a bu&• yard that Creative lln. Only Super location. Owner'• aolar 6 d'"ckl vl•wa ~ ~ Newer 2 Br. 2 Ba. Many bac:k1 to a beautiful !~.,.4.~~~~.o. By owner, bouabt another and re· 8 · h "v 11• 1 "' · • , • ,· Two lu1tw1oua 4 Bdrm upgrades. Larae H · D p W 1026 park Juat3yoar1old. ....., .._., ady to move. FNMA ea c I a a e -· , alate1 In fabulous Foit· a um able loan. Seller will .~ •• ~••••••••••• •••• 963-t 112 financing. Call today 1495,000PP 4~·7631 boro. 1270,000 le S290,000, carTY larae 2nd. TD with OP&I SUN l ·I WOOOlllDCH Edmund l<!m, Atcl. .Uk 10% dwn. O'Pn Sat/Sun G 20'7r down. 1 OCIAMVllWLOT 21121 ~.. COTTAGl lng Sl$9.000 1-5 D92Cypress Pl 0 Bourli:e Realtor Abon Dma Hart.or Bodega Plan, 2Br. 2Ba. ~ CUSTOM CIR . 54S-9950 v. acre, plans. permlt. 3 family rml comer lot. LAGUNA IST AT.I ,.., minutes lo Dunn aaaumab e al 13•1.,, 21 Matinirlcent48drmcon •• ... 1·•· BY OWNER·3Dr. study, Harbor. 3000sq I\ home. $158,900. 551-1183 · 1 (" • • tewvorary home with t41WPORTHGTS 2 \12 8a , 2 s t y , spa, Will s urbordinate 'Ir 1 , ,d • hrt11HhU1kln1t1 ('Ou~thn1• Ranch style 3 Bdrm + $245,000. 557-3314 $135,000. 7l4/898·760'7 TURTl.aOCK Sand...!-640.4950 v1cw Tucked owuy on • family rm on quiet tree· -----1 Garden Home By Bren. :r::i::-· vr1vull~ mud, ufrt•rlnl( lined st. Fa bu lo us Fow.toln V•y 1034 3Br., library, family rm, Mew .. .--.. to m pl1-tl' 111itlu11l ttn financing. CaU BUI or 4Ci\RGARAGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~~~~!"'!!!!!!!~~ r 1 di 1 b Sft11rklin1< "uurrnl't L inda 631 ·0884 or h 1-.--------•I orma n ng rm. 2 Wood r1d11e Somcr11(•l " Super ome on very 1• H...tlRttc.. frplca. over ,2.500 sq. ft. "C" Plan. 3 Bdrm, 2 bu k lchen. sun drenclu1d 114 760 <>JH 646·5096. qu1l't street , 3Br, & 5 IEIMlOOMS Harbiw 1042 Assumable loan at 9 $125 ,000 Tol1tlly u~ breakrul room. 4 deck• formal dining rm Beautl!\h family home ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7/8%ornewloanat12% graded. $79,1100, loan andmuchmorc Truly a GCJ'MOMkJ-1 IOSl 2 br twnhse, $115,000. Obi car gar .. frplc. cov'd patio & more Owner will fin w /5': down 648-2142 or 642 3613 w1Crplc, on the E . Side with custom wood pane~ ---------15 Sllverfem. M1·9099 balance, Sl.120 m o Ln au n n po rod IH $146,000 in& & shutters. lite & _ IT'S SIMPLE Open House. Sat/Sun Owner Aaent. Ml 0109 •95,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• AW ARD WIMNIHG READY FOlt-airy county kitchen -10-6. THE SUMMY open\ng to redwood cov· 3Br, 2Bo Huntington .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ' d 1· 1 blk t Riveria Sl17,SOO, S25 to l>oot, spa. covered pallo, ere pa 10 o •· h-h •-$30K dwn. Owner will blln BBQ&bar + 38r& grammar.,. 1sc oo ... 0 Sat JC..-. I 5 carry 2nd TD for 5 yrs ram rm $117,000 p4n ,_. • Existing 1st at 91•'< $79,500 16526 Mt. Meota Call for details Jo-An BY OWNER OR COOP /A W oodbrdge Span Prescott TU In.MOCK lraa!Mloor Beal priced 3 8r. 2 ba. r11m1ly rm Prll'l!d re duced to $169,900 Open Sat /Sun l 5 al 5372 don osen t ••.dt,,r, I.AG UNA BJ::ACll 497~ MESA VERDE 4Br, den, beautifully de corated. $190,000. 2Br. swimming pool. 96l-l 112 &46·9012 BBQ, rec room t secur1-EDGEWATER RLTY $295,000 Sierra ROJll. --------- MHmwATH VIEW CONDO Oecuralor'11 delight from Plaotat1on shutters lo Se1sal rarpel Totally rurn 1i.hed All fum~hmgs included in s;,le price View decks 20', down $249,000 ASSUMEATlO·M'< Unique Foxglove model in Lake Purk 2Br. Den. 28a Vaulted ceihngs, frent h doon. Prof de- s 1 g n t: d landi.c ape. $154,900 Open house Sun I 6pm S unday PP 831·7634 or759-2465 OPEN SAT/SUN 15 27l20GANNET DR. ty gate. <'lose So. Coast (213) 434-4481 Plata DRASTIC REDlfC'TION Py Lake ! Beach ! C /21 Newport Cnlr 640 5M7 76().6767 Lagoon Agt. 979-5099 642-7404 Atlt fot' Ron Lowe 3 Bdrm 2 \? 811 1" Townhouse. pvt ynrd. 2 <> NEWPORT 5Br. 3Ba. 2Frp. JGar Assm 38M OWC SlOOM 2Nd ORAHGETREE Lowell priced 1 Bdrm + loft condo. Very sharp end unit Vucant and has a lock box. car auto garage. 3 decks CN!J=D HORIZONS off bdrms. frplr in liv rm ~REALTY Huntlnc)ton leach 1040 BARGAIN BUYER'S LOOK! No Points! l8Mandarin Open Daily 11-2or Appl 552-4666/213-788·4430 C /21 Newport Cntr. 640-5357 760.6767 & mstr bdrrp, sep. din· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing rm & mod kitchen. 21--------1 MARINER'S COVE yrs old. Comm. pool/ 2 Bd i1,., Ba. 2·sty condo lroadmoor Plan IV spa/track. Close to bus HEWPORTHGTS w/altached garage. Mi. & S.C. Plaza. $170,000 2 duplexes w /li(~al loca rrom beach in guarded Low down, terms Paul 111111 & rinuncing for comm. Assume lO'Y. Hickey75~8485 l)wner octupant. Call loan Owner has <igenl. MtCoy. 631-7900 pure h ased anol her HALECRIST s110.soo. Wendy Sitler By owner . Three $15,000DOWH 759-1221. bedroom l"'• ba. Beau 4 bdrm Nr S Co11sl yard. concrete drive. P laLa T otall) re - new floor:. Close lo 11ctoralcd 01'ner agl everything Fin Avail w i 11 l' arr) T [) or $12.500 BUYS YOU• a lovely adult condomm1um in Irvine's highly ac- c laimed Oron~etree l Village l Bdrm. lofl 1 w h1 beam ce1hngs, beautifully appointed 1 Bubbling brook right orr our s undel·k plus a cla:.s) pool. tennis courts. sauna. gym & tons more' All lh1!. for a mere $88,500 559 9400 Turileroclt Beaut1rully upgraded home with atrium & spa View or the tily lights & lots or brirk work . 4 bdrm. 2~ baths As sum able loan MAKE AN OFFER Priced IOOO's under markel 3 Bdnn + den. lrg ramtly k1l ('hen. comm. pool u rew doors away Owner's mot1vat ed Call nuw' w 20 ver tent dn lea:.r opt $11 9.500 $129.000 675 2345 Open Sat·Sun 11·4 1261 Conwa y . C M SAMTAAMAHGTS 557·3881 I I yr old lwnhome. 2 br + S•~ dt.-n . 212 ha. 2 c·a1 Kar. --~ Upgrades Ret· fac FIHAHCIMG s129.000 751 ~ Backbay Condo. Lge 4br, 2a.2ba. frplc. patio. pool lenrus. assume lst al ll '•'; Asking $131 ,500. >48-00U, AGT Open Sat !Sun. I 5 $105,000 3 bdrm, l"'• bath, new pi!.lnt In & out. Rcully sharp! Redh 11l¢~Re.1lty 1 ;-;-:~ -:-:-;110 Specao. Ir LICJM "Impressive living room hl~hlighted by vaulted ceiling! Cook gourmet meals in handy kitchen Master suite w 1skyltte lor that "open 'n air}" reeling Two more bdnm. for kids & guests This twnhm is pnced to ~ell fas\! Callnow646-7434 Cen(ury 21 ~Id Star COLLEGE PARK ARIA Super nite home on cul de-sac st. 38r+ram rm FRESHLY PAINTED in & out Two beautiful fireplaces, paneling Motivated seller Priced right. Open Sal 12·4 at 2512 Duk e Pl ace Cheshire Really759·1877 3BD CONDO 100/oDH 2000 lt ol new luxur) Good location 1179,995 Patrick Tenore. 631 1266 Open Sot/Sun 1-4:30 4 I 3 GloucHter Dr. r:ASTSIDE orf Tustin I\ ve near 20lh St 2 story l·nd un1l condo in unique selling. i\dult l'omplex. Double garage. large patio. pool. dubhouse. Owner will help finance. $125.000 GIB WALOI Realty 675-52~ LUXURY LIVING A ffordalb~ Price MF.SA VF.ROE! Costa Mesa':. be~l lotalwn Charming 3 BH home s hows p ride or owner:.h1p thruout. SpaC' ram rm w :.hding walls or glass open to plus h outdoor entertain mcnl .irca Take ad\'an· lali(e now '645 0303 COLDWeLL BANl(C!RO BUILDER REBA TE TO I]% Beaut1ru1 new condos. lgc pvl deck and patio. Onlv 11e r1 OPEN SAT SU:-.1 10-5 2000 M F.Yl-:R PLACF. Agt 1>41 1~11 . 631 ·1361 HO QUALIFYING Seller w /carry at 13', for 3 years N1•w condo. 2 or 3 HR, 11gl. 641 1991 . 631 4361 LOW COST R&'M~ Rf:ALTORS DUTCH HAVEN Very sharp 3 Bdrm 2 ba home near Beach and Warner OnJy SHJ!l,900 Call Ron Ort al R.E Profflsionol1 96l-ll77 Pierpoint Condo By owner. new 1 bdrm, I b11. end unit. Nr ocean, garagl', frplc . patio. pool , jac., tennis, etc Assumable loan. $92.500 842-2701. 962.7824 OPEM SUH. I ·5 1 br Sea ~larbor condo w 1ocean vu. Pror. decor. Assum. loon $124.995 17172 BluewaterLane REALTY BY WALK EH l-524·6757 DESPERATE!! Takeover $654 /mo p y mls on this 3 br charme r '2 mile lo the beach Seller bought another & 1s ver) motivated 556-7035 ~Walker B lae REAL ESTATE Demolished 3 br. Cheap 556-70351545-9491. WALKER&LEE RE SPANISH HACIENDA POOi.HOME 4 bdrm pool home So. H.B. comer lot. Owner will sell AITO or con· tral'l. Submit on terms S159,500 Great invest· menl! Redhdl~Re.uty 1;-;:: ~::011 DUPLEX ~~~~~~ J Bdrm l '• Ba 1-~1xer-HO DOWN Upper w1lh tax payers 1 Eiaht new homes, 4 Hr Unit Near parks. .. pla)grounds. Boys & blocks rrom ocean Condom I ror sale G iris Club. Library rrg~~~isUN 1.5 Sl2S,OOO 2Br. 2Ba Cd Ori\ e by only 620 Ask for Womer R&'MtlC Rt:Al.TORS *•WILLOW! This papula.r 4 Br 3 Ba home on a super cul·de sac has great available financing and is dose Lo srhools, lake . parks, & shoppmg Call !>oon w,l\\db ridge Realty 551·3000 1920 1\arranl .. 1•i.,.h ln1nl' DEERFIB.D TOWHHOME SUPER FtHAH. Lovely 3 Bd 212 Ba plan 3. over 1500 sq fl. has $91 ,700 assumable loan al 12'> int. Plus owner will carry 2nd TD No qualifying Offered at $139 ,500. Fred Gibson 559 9400 R&'MtlC REI\ I.TORS *•ATRIUM! Vau lted ceilings . seduded mstr s uite. tor ner fireplace, and so much more Call now to see this lovely auarhed hmome-close to park and adult pool 1 $154.000 W\'odbrldge RealllJ 551·3000 lt?tllhrranr • ri. .. ,,lnlnf' financing a vail 902 Center S t $109.500 40816thStreet. HB S h R Wknd11, 7l4 960-6500 ~ ~~ w brook · C M ~tauxc~Jl r~r wit e Wkdaya, 714-846-5573 WOODBRIOG E · KELLVSNOWASSOC Must sell brand new 41DIM&DEH $10,000IWdMctioft POOLHOMt:4Br.:l....,IJll. Peters 112 Plan. 4Br. S120.000 Meta V.,. $159,000 6 yra old. ownr/agt. 380. close to lake. 28a, lnaulated, pa.11Clled 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, istory 962•80IM Open Sat/Sun 12·5 thru-out, copper plumb-1861 RltODES n6 Wonn1prlng Ing. new root. covered OWC2nd or Jrd 1 ml. tn beach. a llr 2 Ha, 1245.~ patio & gas BBQ Tree Call GLORIA 557-8320 cedar poncllinl(, 11tllnet1 64~ 9illl0 dys, 67&·9857 shaded "HugeCorner" <.;entury2l/Agent glau. dun. $107,000 tlVllfl OLDa.TIMES ·-.-------•I Opn 11111 Sul/Sun 12·5 1--~~~~~~ FINANCING. 1• 20612 1-:arct l.n. Nr 645·2319 <Owner) 6 PLOJIASTSIDl Reach & Atlant1& IED. to $325,000 .NEWLISTINC With Sl52,000 in aaauma-IY OWNER Of>ENHOUSE ble loans ranaing from Nice 4 br, 2 b•. frpk. SUNDAY 12-4 9a. ~ to 11 % . S27 .450 ta OW A 1uma 2030 Paloma Dr. Ex. itross income annually. new crp ' · .. ~ ... ble. ll22,5CX>. 962""""" 1 clutlve location. Only Well kept single story -~-- 1179,000. AaentMCl-7418. un1t1 with 4 garages Gorgeoua 4 Bdrm. near 'Ix & ~"'Yiu PLUS off-street park in):-. the water No qualify ~ m On60'x300'1ot. Ing. Jual Sl41.000 Bkr. 'Br a Ba. 2 Story Mesa 644-7211 848-0709 , Verde well located $155,000 Full Price. $25,000 do pa)'ment. Owner wtU finance at H"· A1e111-..1&. MISA YaDl'I IHT Where can you find a custom home -4 bedroom & pool .across from coll course. walk· lna dlsta.oce lo tennls. A.au.ma· ble loan and owner wiU help rmance? 1268,900. BEACHWALK. L.oweat price ln complo11. *135.500. a r. 848-01'08 GITIMntlSWIM Pool com• attached to 8 Bdrm 1~ bath home. Great location near Golden West Colltl•· Weatmtnater M•ll • HunUn1ton Mall. Only suuoo. ~~~ 9'¥a. SIAWl4D D .. l1ntr'1 CUJlOln 4 Bdrm a Mlh .POOi bom• lo So. H B. •e•r Brookhunt Ir Atlanta. Sl.15.100. ... , ........ •' t6Nl77 *•GORGEOUS Univ. Park townhome 1howa like a model. 2 Bdrm a 8a -+ hideaway loft. rlnlAbed 1ar•K•· All lhl' cittraa + great loca· lion ac 1111umable rinanc lnll Won'tla1tl ~-. 1,.\r"-;1 H I I ''I I l •,•,I ·111)11 LOCATIOM- LOCATIOM J .... 2 ... l1M.C.-.. Hlfh In uclu1iYe Turtlerock, 3 pedo view of mountain • clt1 l11ht1. Entry foyer opena to upper level dlnln1 room I llvlnc room I fireplace. lar1t kitchen/ nook, family room I bar, aeparate bedroom wln1. 2 car 1ara1e + bonUI room. Commimity pool/ 1pa / tennll, ...... TM14t000~ Near beeetl/ 1hop1 / 1chOoM Under marltet ., sat,000. Low down It ltrmt. Paul Hlcb)' m.1110 96l-1182 e-HANC H RfAL f Y ~~1 2000 GREAT FIMAMCIMG Lovely 4 bedroom~ story home. Nicely upgraded with decorator wallpapers, located on a cul·~e­ sac. Community recreation facilities n earby, $176,950. WOODIRIDGE Sycamore Model · detached 4 BDR. 2112 bath, 1,843 sq. ft. $184,500 Danbury Model · End unit condo, 3 BDR, 2 1 2 bath 1,601 s q. fl. $164,500 Cardiff Model · condo · 3 BDR. 21 2 bath, 1,446 Sq. ft. $149,500 Woodside Model · End unit condo 3 BDR. 2 1t2 bath 2, 100 sq. ft. $190,000 •Poplar Model · Detached · 3 BDR. 2 bath 1,532 sq. ft. $167,900 Camden Model · Detached condo · 3 BDR 2112 bath, 2.020 sq. ft. $209,900 Danbury Model · e nd unit condo. 3 BDR. 21,4,i bath 1,601 sq. fl. $166,950 NORTHWOOD Plan 204·A · Detached 4 BDR. 2:11• bath, 2,550 sq. ft. $213,950 •Willow Model · Detached 3 Bf>R. };4 bath. 1.532 sq. ft. $156,950 UNIVERSITY PARK Edinburgh Model · End unit condo · 3 BDR. 2 12 bath, 1.635 sq. ft. $149,900 RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN San Luis Rey Model · End unit con· do . 3 BDR 21 :i bath 1,890 sq. ft. $209,990 TURnEROCK Highlander Model · Detached 3 BDR 2 bath $2,000 s q . ft. $298,990 DEER Ft ELD Elkwood Model · detached 3 BDR 2 bath 1,650 sq. ft. $149,500 C. J. BONNER ANAICIAl. CORP. CAlL 752·1282 Cowtet~ to It aM" •lttdlc•• Opett H..,.. s.d9y 1·5 P."" TUITLllOCI IXICUTIYI HOt• Lovely family home in 'futt.lerock. 4 bedroom 2 bath With atrium dose lo schools, comm . pool & t ennis. AS· SUMABLE LOAN . ONLY ,$212,000. ... I llt-1440 VICTORIA llACH '°'l block to s teps lo beach A home of charm 2 Bdrms, dining 1---------•I PANORAMIC OCEAHVIEW MOftarch Swftmit II Uulslanding 2br, den. lwnhse. commly pool & spa. $22.'i.OOO. Open 1-5 22772 Tolana Or. Lou Gres!.1ngh, BKR 493,0941 11rea, fq~lc . der k , beamed ceilings. panel- ing. encl. yard, parking for J cars. 1269.000 EMERALD IA Y Never orlered before I\ dramatic wood & glass view home, with owner WEST HIHE CONDO on El Niguel golf course Upper end unit with partia I view of ocean. 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. air tond Open house Sunday 1·5 at 31636 West Nine Ur Laguna Niguel. $139,500 J1nanting S675.000 R 0 B E RT L E r-: U 0 M . BKH. 494 932!.I ewport leach I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TF.MPLE 1111.LS ar<'a HEWPORTSHORES COUNTRY LIVIHG An immaculate home w1lh pnvaty. 180 deg views Skylights 3 Bdrm, family room. 2'> balhs. lots or .:lass $365.000 .QOHHA MONDOR Realtor 494-1081 Laguna r harm er $110,000 2 blk.s to bea<'h l Br 497-4126 i\genl YOU CAN AFFORD thlS ocean view tustom in an executive ;,irea Large view det·ks - beauliful home. 3 Br 21 i bu. den. Only 315.00 Loquna v1a. R.E 497-1761 STEAL! WHITEWATER VIEW 3 Bd 2 Ba, room for pool Low down Lease oplmn $270,000. 540-3666 Whelan Real Estate COLDWC!LL BANl(eRC PLUSH CONDO OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY The nicest available ' J us l a few steps to I Diver's Cove. less than 3 years old. Super ocean view. in move·IQ cond1 lion. 3 bdrms. 21-.: baths, 2 fireplaces. den, tenlral vacuum, close lo town Ca ll for detail s .... $42.'i.OOO. COUNTRY FRENCH Emotions run high '" thi s exciting rour bedroom home. Extep tionally designed & con- structed. Nl'Stled in the halls one enjoys a panoramic coastal view Shown by appointment onl . Sl.125.000. 4'9-1320 IJl.011' ------UNOISTRUCTB>-. home on private view lol Speclal·ular ol·can views , .:ourmcl k1tchi:n with skylight + art1i.1 'i. studio "" ·rrplt wt•t IJ:.i r SJ65.000 Loquna VlllacJe R.E 497-1761 2 STO RY A FRAME Try 20'i down OWC balantc 14', interest Submit oHer Asking Sl 77 ,500 Open House Sat 223 L.ugoni11. JUST LISTED 4 Br 1-'amil) Rm + loft with spiral sla1rtase Canal front $279.500 LAGUHA CLASSIC 4 Br 21, Ba on tht.> Assunw $215,000 water Try Gold. Silver Low 1ntere!>t ' 2 ~tor}. Reg Diamonds ror :.hini:lt•d un a vark hke dowm pml Or will con lol m North l.Jguna 3 sider trade for sm11ll Bdrm 2 bath, dining rm. Cos t a ~!e sa House Epll'Url'Jn kllt'ht'll , $275.000 butler:. panlr). Oak 3Br J Ha oothewalt-r noor!> .ind !>lair~. frph-& Fee Lund I 3 Fireplare:. and otean 'u hall'Hrlll'!>' $32!1.950 Super Le rm!. $34!1,500 avail BRIHG $300,000! J Or 2 1111 Canal f'ront To 860 Fen Way owe S239K For your down p;,iymt•nl PAINT & SAVI:: 3 Br 2 on 2 house!> on J JarJ,!c Bu 2 Story $163.950 R 2 lot Bal.inl l' ,,r Hlnfa Janis O 'lrlen SJ9!1 .000 al II '•'• 642-8850 asking $22!1,IX>O John Coombe Bkr CLOSE TO SHORE Partner needed. Monthly See 161 Lalrea . payments only Other Gre!il l slo~y. 2~ )art~~ partner will suppl} to Sh:.iws Co\i: 2 hui.:e d a ment John ma:.le r :.u1te~ t i:ut-sl own P Y b~~ h1:.'. 3fo11~~:~· c\: ~l~c~ lijru;ai~63i1A266h •. ram rm on 50X 120 lot F • DO "COMF IN' IT IS rAH Ntr ~:n INSIDE' j -~~ ' Te r r I r 1 l' I() J n l' J ... ) ST IUY lerm~ SJ15.llOO IE Prime 3br. den. 3 ba. ln le\el llrdwd nrs. fresh paint mlr OWC AITD or 494-7551 ""'~ liH l•I 2nd or contra c l --M1 ORMA ~H I $198.500 with 16'. dn "OUT OF SIGHT Walk lo bear h1pool T o m Cottier. Bkr G46 9200 OUTOFMIHD" Thal 's how our 11UI or state owner fot•l s .iboul 2 mstr Bdnns. 212 Ba. l h 1 s I'll JM E J> ,\NI\ 9"•'; loan. Greal terms. POINT L>UPLr:X lm·at John Marshall cd on a romt>r lol JUi.l :.i 631·12166 short d1stant•e from the Dana Marma Owner oc·c·upy the 2 bdrm. I bulh up11er un1l w1 BEAMED CEILING, FIREPLACE. DINING AREA & EN<'LOSl-:0 PATIO ; & ust• the lown un1l rental mcomc to Rl':OU CE GUST OF OWNF.RSlllP Or. rent the upper un1l and use th e lower ti s a "weekender" whilt> en joy ing the bt•a1·h & marina' We believe you'll a~ree it 's an ··ouT OF SIGHT" VALUE at Sl44.000 FULL PRICE' TERMS AVAILAIJLE MISSION RF.ALTY 985 S Csl Hwy, Laf(una Phone 494-0731 R&'MtlC R EAi.TORS SUPYIUY Spaciowi 2 Bdrm, den. 2• • ., ba trl·level owe financing al 15'"'c down & 13"'< int. Comm pool. ten- nis. $176,500. Bl<r, Tom Gottier 646-9200 __ _ ocean views . A rabulous building site in a quiet area. The price of this double sized wooded lot includes Lo9uno Hills I 050 plans & pennils for a ••••••••••••••••••••••• BREATH TAKING OCEAN VIEW!! 3500 sq . ft. ,home XL HT FI MAN· S205M,oooYS. TIC HILLS CIMG-$197.500 ....... $96,500 A beautifully main· IOO/oloaft. tained cU1tom home on a large lot. Superb ocean AulllM 2nd TD. views & Catalina sun Impressive English sets. 3 bdrms. 2 baths. Tudor on comer lot over Seller may help finance. 2400 sq rt. Prof lndscpd. You C ...... H "'VE oc covered patio. Super ~ "" kit w /microwave. Jenn· lovely ocean & hillside aire; nook area w /vault· views from this 3 bdrm. ed wood celling 3 car 2 bath home on a larae •1 lot. Sellers may help garaae. air cono. lndry rm w /tub, upgraded with financing. $395,000. "Warm in~". Exll 406 YES. from high atop this lovely penthouse. your own 1 Bdnn, you can St!i? the entire coastline & Cata Una on a clear day! Handsomely decorated, just a stone's throw to ocean & beach! A must see now !! $2U,OOO 559.9400 A .. forWOIMr ~~... al AUc1a. West on Alicia 'O\fMoe~-,, to Hon. right on Hon to HAllOI VIEW HOME .,..,,, .. , Georgia Sue, rl&ht on "Monteao" 4br. 2ba, Fee Georgia Sue to 2411112 Land. loan assum Oeor_Jla Sue Dr. Open 675·2139 Sat/Sun. ...:.:..:....:.:..:..:.------ u.-s a.-11 1041 HVESTOIS/11..DR! --!IC~-----~•••••••••••••••••••••••• R·2. duplex. Zii>K. owe WHAT A YllWI Lovely 3 bedroom home with fantastic ocean & canyon views. Stt ln the gazebo & enjoy. Lush landscaping compliment.a thlJ lovely home. $299,000. -· Ir 2nd. T .D. Della. 831·1266 R&'M~ fl ~ \I , , IH'- 4WAIDWIMM .. G HOMI 2750 sq. rt. con\em porary Lldo Jale home. 3 bedroom. 4 bath plus 1tudy. 3 elf 1ar•1e. Street to street location. Newl)' carpeWd on ra dlullf heated noon. 2 pel1ol .... 000. t\t-• t\~:ll 1f~l\1 1lt\' I 1 I II -~-..-.--.-. ~.~~ ........ ~·~~ ........ ~~.~.~ ........ ~.~.~........ Oran2e Coast DAILY PILOTJSonday. May 17, 1981 DI ~':!.'!~~ ... !~~! ~~ ......... !~! .... ~~ ... !~.~! ~':!.'!~~-~ ••• !~! ~~~~.~~ ...... ~~.~~.!!!~~ ...... ~~~'!'.~!~~ ...... ~~~~.~!~~ ...... ~~~.~ ...... IEACH IAIGAIM TWO HOUSES .,........... AP..a......... . Coado111•l-•fro •11-lltcw ,,.,,.,., 2000 '-cw rro••r+t JQOO FIXEI Qpod Terms! By Owner for s• 1300 for s• 1300 ho••• for .. 1700 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Stce-to the water 011 rec, 1189•000· 64~9628 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• H.I . Tltl9'LU lxGIOSS land.latT.0 .lausuma n B. ~ 2 8drm, 2 ba, 2 CIU l ~O ft fro m 101nd IOadultunit.a&npcrfcct bleat 9.50%. 3 Bdr fam1· I I 0 °/o D 0 W H for Sale iiora11e Low aoterest Rt-dur1·d wS279K Sl7)K ly maintain~ coe>dltlon. ly home. Seller will llWOOI' (IQ,C owe r11les Assumable loan on 30 yr assurn1tble loan Only $160,000 total price carry &: aulat with r -.a, Cuttom Heittht.a 3 Br 3 princ only. Days (714 ) at 131•'7r · No <·o.11tw and owner will help financing l>iana . ,, 81. + Family rm 523 1391 Evei t714 1 OWC 7141898-7607 finance 11Ua la by f11r 631-1266. Alt I 1295,000. Owner/BrokGr rrHtler I 09 Unit A.pf. Coftlplex 760-3675. the beat invt11tment op- 0. ~ '~ ad 1•98or6411638 portunity in Phoenix. C4 ,... l"Onf ....,. .. . f DllDlt111t•1 .. / NEWPORT BEA.CH Great rental ania. Call LIDO IAYAtOHT ._,.. WHtclff $2391( Located m the Hancock Park Ar'c~ o 0111 S-. 1100 for detail.a. S56-2MO Cuatom cowitry Fn!ncb warm family home 3 Los Angeles. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 bdrm, 8 bath home br. 2 ba, 1am. rm. Cluse NEAR THE SAND with .• f ier " slip. Spec to tchools. A&t. 631-5150. For information contact: lalboa r-. D...&.x Prime Preaerties TR I PLEXEf-rn CdM Oce11n side of hwy Three to choose from C:::. ' ,f I I ( I -9""' I 11 (( JI 11 i < 1 11 ' 1 tacu ar vaew from This 5000 Sq. Ft; Home sits on Linda .,... bay11de brick terrace. I 1 A . rd . THE ILUFFS R099r Ctc:.i& Seconds lo the wuter. s e . prlvate gua ed Commuruty in J--G v •--"'--& ... ,.......... Excellent 3 BR owner's Features provide the heart of Newport Beach. Boat Viewaofupperbayand unn • a ..... .-""11oc..,.t "home·hke'' uult & 2 eleaant charm. Call to-slips for (3) 55'·70' Yachts. For Sale or mountain&. Front row. 17 I 4t 752--2404 BH, 2 ba, rental unit DUPLEX~ on Balboa Penins ula T wo to choo11e from. TAXSHB.Ta day. Sharp 3 Bdrm. Fee land. Ideal for home & an Trade. Only $347,000. t•ome. Close to Newport 5 UN ITS DANA POINT All units in good condi- tion. Minutes to beach & harbor. owe $239,000 Rl't lh 1 I I~~ l\l'.llty f;-;-:: -;-: :1111 NEWPORT HGTS 10% dn will purchase this 3 Br home. Asking $194,500 VIEW, VIEW 3 Bdrm , amazingly priced at $267,500 ASSUME I 0>/4°/o INT. Extravagant 3 Bdr w /pool & spa. Leverage down payment $279,000 RAE RODGERS 631-1266 Agent for REM AX 'bUrLEX on WA. TER Dock for 30' loat 3 & 2 Bdrms, 2 frplcs, decks and patio. C /2 I Mewport Cftfr 64().5357 SHAU FAMILY HOME 5 bdrms. new pool. new· ly decorated. move an condition . Newport Beach. $389,500. Redh1ll~~Realty li7:~ 7 :~00 WESTCLIFF Price reduced + seller will carry lrg 2nd. Total ly remodeled 3 Bd 3 2 Ba. Purchase price $279,900. Assume Ist. $104.000 al 10.25%. QWC 80K 2nd at 12'7< for 9 yrs. Ask for Darrell Pash. 631·1~ R~M~ tffAl.TORS OCEANFtlONT $450,000 This first lime offering is an estate sale. One of Newport Beach's finest views. 3 bdrms home with guest apt or 2 units. Rea lonomics 675·6700 VERSA •·•".-.·""'" view, low dwn. fying. $140K . 7 dys. 642-2682eves. RARE orroRTUMTY OH LIDO $50,000 REDUCTION This 4 bedroom newly furnished home offers truly spacious living in traditional elegance on beautiful Lido lsle. See· ing is believing this ex- cept ion al value . Call now! Rcdhill~Rl'.1lty Ii 7:; -;-; :1111 C /2 I Newport C ntr Saft Cle..... I 076 Mobile HoMn pier and shops S289.9SO DUPLEX on lhe water We are developers so submit land or 640-5357 76().6767 ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Sole 1100 Wesley M. Taylor Co. with boat dock. other Real Estate to owner Jim ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Realton 644-4910 OCEANFIONT Rea l Doll llouse lrlr Thompson. w1cabana. aldt park. FOU• .. ll!v 0.. re•1• rcM.t P . ls I 645 3<Y70 "'"~ $895,000 nnc1pa on~_:. -$4000 Down C7141IZl-1210 '21JI 591-1 J63 CIOOJ J52-J710 VIEW, VIEW $20,000 dwn. Assume loans. Luxury condo with secunty $137 ,500. Rae Rodgers 631-1266. Agl. •CREATIVE• Fresh paint. nu carpet/ drapes, makes this re· ady to move in Westcliff home a must see. 4 Br 3 Ba, pool. Opn Sat/Sun 1·5 161 2 Lincoln Ln. Unive rse R~alt y . 752·0207 OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 28' Layton with Cabana in Mo•t1youlll! 1706E.OCEANFRONT !!:ARLY AM ERI CAN Newport Beach. Across OWC J ason!W7893S Owner/Aeent 675-8676 DELIGHT the Marina. $6,500 cash. or67S.8444 714 /653·S<K6 Income rropHty 2000 Located close to beach, •• •••• •• ••••••••••••••• A.DULT COHDO Beautiful qujet home close LO ocean. Move m cond. $149,500. Call for details on fman. Ho•• Wood, Realtor 675°1676 675-1444 ,!HTHOUSE s hopping , ond ARTISTS RETR EAT transportation, this 2Br, 28a, den, sunny darling 2 bedroom, 2 porch. wlk to Bch & bath home is a super op-stores. Agt 49~824_0 __ portunity for investors or a young couple just startin~out. $138,SOO. 498·4950 A.FFOllDAILE HOUSIMG BREAK EVEN House + 2 units. owner financing $119,000 No rm & Ka sey XcKinley. 631 1266 R~M~ R ~:Al.TORS F'OURPLEX 1n roun lain Va lley.• All la rge assumable ~ •• ~RICC•• EIA:n"ll BB REAL •• ESIAIE ~·-· ... -·, loans All owners motivated For detailed 493·0202 498·1040 tofo t·a ll -~~~~--~~ C /2 1 Ne w port Ceftfef' lftdetltrial/ 640·5357 76().6767 rroperty 2 I 00 --~~~~~--1·· .................... . LAGUMAHACH Canyon industrial bldg near town & art festival grounds. 9600sq. fl. Cully leased. Gross annual in· come $54,000. MAKE AH OFFER! 5 Income Properties Eastsade Costa Mesa 20<·; down. Owner wall l'arry Pncedtosell ' Realonomics 675-6700 * FIHA.MCIHG * IAYVIEW OCEAN VIEW HIGHT LIGHTS Out of FlcH Patil This lovely 1 BR 3 ba home has lge paneled Cam rm, w/fplc & wet- bar. ideal for entertain· ing. S6SS,OOO. A rare op-portunit y UHl9UE COHDO _________ 1 wath boat dock. pool. sec urity + 180 deg ocean, Catalina, bay view Fee land. $450,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-4 at 310 aungo Lado Perunsula mobile home. 2 bdrm, I bath. Priced to sell S22.900. Owner Wlll carry with $10,000 down. Arr LE VALLEY Near new 4-Plex . 2 bdrm. 2 bath each unit with fireplace. enclosed patio, double garage $165,000. Bill Grundy, Rltr.675 6161 NEiSsER Open for inspection Sunday 1-5 Offered by: BAY FRONT PROPERTIES 642-5000 X216 ; 642 5002 Forei91 l..-eston! Coshl.yen! I Waterfrontcondo. Multi· Million S View: 40' s lap avail. $400,000 assuma- ble Call now ! 673·0248. SUPERB! 5 Bdrm ,.J.,IUertalner's delight. seller will listen LO all creative financing proposals Som merset model on fee land ... RED CARPET Ill 154.1202 BLUFFS CONDO Beautiful Bluffs condo w /spacious wrap- around patio. End unit Delores plan w/3 bdnn. 2"'2ba. Open Sat/Sun. 12·5pm 400 Vista Quin· ta. Creative financing available. $249.500. By Owner 760-6028. Harbor Ridge Condo. Lse /opt. assumable 10.750. 3 Br 3 ba, lot\, pool. s pa , tennis. '$550,000. Close at\ Jan lst. '82. 759-8903 Lido Comer Lot 4 Bdrms Newly re · modeled 4 Bdnn, 3 bath house including family rm , 2 frplcs. Immed possession. $475,000 pr incipals only. Call 67>6634 IAHICUPO Ea1tblllff Estcrt.1 4 Bdrm, 2""2 bath with plush carpets & wood floors. 2 fireplaces & family room. Great financing. lO"k down Bank will finance at 13~. Fixed rate S24S.OOO Hurry. Wlth tenns like this It won't last! ReJh 1 ll ~~Realty 1 ;7:~ -;-:wo 1 Br. Versailles pen- thouse Imported tile thru-out Sl.22,000. TSL Properties 642-1603. CdM DUPLEXES Beach area amenities. Live in one rent the other 2 & 3 Bdrms. frplcs. wet bar. garages Walk to bch Good finan Two to choose from Owner says "sell!" Barbara Glass. ()rq fr~~ rvr21. Sand 64().4950 20'7. ON OWC beaut. house & grounds. Spa. must see. PP 64>1496, $190,000. 30 S'!P! to lay 1129, 700 t:ido Parli Dr. $49,500. 646-3255 Agt. EHTHTAIHB'S HOME Spacio us yard s ur- rounds a spectac ular solar heated pool & patio for BBQ's & entertain· ing Fonnal dining room for sumptious entertain· i ng . Use d brick fireplace. wet bar. love· l y li v ing room, 4 spacious bedrooms. Oww.r will fiftmc:e ora.SUH 1-5 1162 layport way HUll2 ~lb.If.•··· Fernando (U400 l. Smith Walk to beach l 8R, spac. Meye r, Bkr adlt condo Te rms . 640.5357 760-6767 $86,900. Agt. 492·9496 ; SPYGLASS RIDGE 492"4121 Superb 4 Bdrm family Saft JIHlll home. Prime cond1t1on Capi1m.o I 078 and location. Partial ••••••••••••••••••••••• ocean & city lights view. Assumable C1na nc1ng. Computerized security Best 4 Br value in beach system throughout community. $127 ,000. Somefinancingabvaila Lingo R.E Dennis ble. ~9.ooo. I 495.4950 C /21 MewportCftfr. 1 Pan ~r_a_m_a_c-oc:;:n & 640-5357 760.6767 mountain views 4 Br ·~ VERSAILLES acre Horses Below N EAR HO AG marke t $349,900 HOSPITAL Broker. 499-1526 Redh ii I~~ Realty 1 i7:~ i:rno Put your wife/children in spacious 3 Bdrm mobile home nr beach for under $59.000 Assumable loan Agl. 492 4121 SS.OOODOWH 4 • H.B. 2br, lba, 300 yards to ocean POSS LOT ruRCHSE 5• Laguna Hills 2br, 2ba. AGT 752-5836or964·6833 1 Bdrm, completely Santa Ana 1080 Ac~a forSale 1200 furnished condo. Walk to ••••••••••••••••••••••• «Je b h S . I ••••••••••••••••••••••• eac · ecuraty · poo By Owner. OWC at 13•:1, 3 San Diego Rancho Santa Priced below market at Br. l~ Ba.,. Crpk, tJbl Fe. bordenng exclusive $112,000. gar. New pamt & carpet. Fairbanks Ranch Dev C /2 I Mewport Cntr 751-8045 172 acres, tentative map 640-5357 76().6767 2 Bd 134 Ba condo nr So ready to present LO Cty -• Coast Plaza. lower. 80 potenllal estate sues leallt.OceanVu Id w /lake $40,000 pr ac. 2 Br, den. 16 F..ncore Ct, patio. 24" hr sec b g Terms avail 714/755· 115 Npt Crest. $235.ooo ~ii~3~:idrr3;2!~ 51. Gunther· Rtty. Box 540-3006 162 Solana Beach. UMITS..C.M . 14 units. E-s1de. pool, 101 z'i hnancinR 11 unals. near new house w n rent a Is cm ny.t:m~1 1!1k 71 1 641 07fi3 2!125 College J\ \ l' ro-.ta ~l e\J CA 17 UNITS !I ocean vtew apts. 11 rom m 'I. underground parking elevator. fron I a ~e on Coast llwy TSL Investments Prime Laguna localaon 642-1603 540·3666 ____ ,Whelan oc~~Ew ~I Estate STOr llEHTIHG Industrial condos for sule. 1000 to 3000 sq. ft. Huntington Reach & Fountain Valley. Call Paul 545·6Q57, Agt. Loh for Sais 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAN VIEW LaCJIMG leoc• $170.000 with $90,000sub- ordination. 90' rmtge . gentle s lope . A llan Heller. Bkr. 7141851-8050 R-1 Whitewater V• G real tenns, subord. 714 /492·8320 ----Drast ac rerlu<:tion nn brand ne w Balbou duplex tsl owners 200'; depreciation Great ren tal area. 100 feet rrom beach Large 3 bdrm. 3 bath plus 2 bdrm. 2 bath Owner will assist an fmancing $425.000 ---------Buena Park, 14 Unit site w ith plans , pe rmits Redhill~Realty 1;1:~ 1:wo 12UHITS Excellent Costa Mesu location a!00.000 9 6X gross Low inter est ranancang with 15'. rlown. 1031 OK Prine on l) Agent. 631·7215 --- 19 UNITS engineering $268.000 Submit offer Comer In· diana and Whit ake r J ohn W Saunders Real- ty 1148·400l Moblt.HotM rarti 2300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Whelan 2nd T.D. Ownr. 894-2592 For sale. condo 3 BR. fteal Estate Woodside Village Open Ap_artmenh for Sale I 300 ~ . ••••••••••••••••••••••• C M Tri Plex. near park COSTA MESA 'I.fl', carries itsel r S\'l7o.ooo lOX gross Wall take 4-plex or ? m trade P rine onl} Agent 631 7215 M•ts.I lnmmac '78 Holiday 32 ft Adlt Pk Costa Mesa. $13.500 w I shed. S90 rent P 'P Lic#MW9964. (714) 646-9546 or 839-7585 ora. SAT /SUH 1-5 2375R ...... MI (Between Santa Isabel and 23rd Street) Back Bay 3 Bdrm 2 ba home pfus ideal mother- 1 n -1 aw quart e r s Complete with bath. $220,000. Roy Mee.cit, IUtr. 541-7729 rroperty House Rlty 6d-3850 House, Sun. May 17 2521 W. Sunnower Unit G 1. Dys. 213-785· 7236 ; evs. wknds, 213-999 1622 DUPLEX. Pride o f Ownership. Low , low down. with xlnt rinanc· ang. Call Owner /Agent Ron 752-5111. ray $705 a MOftfft For 2 years with SB,100 down . Exce lle nt 3 bedroom starter home. Gardeners paradise of a yard. May be used for commercial use. SIU .500, TARBELL REAL TORS. 540.1720 So. Coast VIiia Prime 2 Bdrm condo w assum loan. Owner anxious. Priced to sell Shown by appt. J . Doran, Bkr 851-9522 Rent covers paymnl, avoid high i.nt 8 units CM $310,000 un down OW C 14 1:1, Owner (213)431-4432. --Cemete~ Loh / Crypts 1500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ce met e r y lots , Westminster Memorial Park Good section worth S760 each. asking $1200 for both 714 1 642-9136 eves ------- Commercial Property 1600 .......•...•........•.. NEW CENTER 9°/oCAP. Major tenants Xlnt Mis-sion Viejo location. Trades accepted Full price $6,000.000 Agent 714/644-9315 South LCICJIMCI I 086 -------••••••••••••••••••••••• C:-2L<>T Spectacular ocean view. 4 Br. Private area. ten nis . P riced bel o w market. $549.000. 499-1526. Bkr. 50X 105. NewPort Blvd . near 17th. Sl00,000 Roy Mee.die, Rttr. 548-7729 OC EANFRONT. Oup Tustin 1090 . XI l loc fin price' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Close to Airport. Large n ·.. ·• · comm 'I potential lot 673-7873, 673-7_67_1 __ IH FORECLOSURE 646·6710or645·l103 Agt Moana Bayfront1Slip PRICE REDUCED Condomtnl..,.1(Town Ex c I u s i v e Co 0 p with $9,2000 cash take houses for tcM 170 Townhouse m Adult 12 over vacant home and Unit 2 Br. 3 Ba enc umbrances. Price ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fireplace. large deck. S 18 9 . 9 00. Approx. pool. wfl lk to village market value $209,000 $495,ooo. cre·at i ve for Tustin area pool IAYFROHTCOMDO financing. 673-2181 h o m e . C a 11 L e s FULL SECURITY BALBOA COTTAGE Two bdrm Spanish style Frplc. gar, pvt patio & yard . Good location. Steps to beach. Only $174,500. Owner financ-1n g OK ! Call now! 645 7221. Ownr I Agl. 559-9400 or 559-0769 Prin. only CREAM PUFF TUSTIN MEADOWS Elegant waterfront Ii v ing an exclus ive a ll security high nse build ing. Views from every room. 2Br, 2Ba Boat slip available Excellent f ina n c in g Price $425,000. DEMHE SOOERUHG REALTOR 64().4511 s189.ooo owe w 25', down Bkr 979-4383 INVESTORS r ..... S"-"/11ftf"Yol DB.IGHT Ownership 2450 --- New lasting. Large• 3 Bdrm owner's unii & two 2 bdrm wi1ts. E's1de $250,000 646-67 10 C>r 645 1103 Agt. 2 units on lot. Seller will ••••••••••••••••••••••• rananre al 13'' for 3' ~ Want to hunt deer & elk . yea rs Beautiful tree vacation in Montana? lined street in Orange Would l ik e to sell Agl 641-1991 ; 631 4361 ownership in vacation Costa Mesa 5 unal:.. $240.000. lg lot , great loc Rents below Markel Agt .. All&n 9_'.!~ 1577. Have something yo u want to sell? Classified ads do it well. 642-So/8. OCEAHFROMT DUPLEX Beauuful 4 Br 2 Ba Upstairs. 3 Br 2 Ba downstairs. Flreplare&. garage, laundry room Xlnl loc TSL INVSTMT 64 2·1603 HEY, INVESTORS? Newport Hqh duplH, CJNC1f 1tarhr income unit. 2 '*"" I la, with 1uper lo cotlon. SI 79,900 AMAHEIM HILLS TRIPLEX Vl.w locatiott, the only ,...., units hi area. Pnde of oWMnllip In cludes a i r c ondltlonlaq . washer J dr yer. refrlqeraton. Apt. owner ouoctation ,_.. all la11d1caplnq and Ht.rlor moifttetMlllU. Lli VE IT UP OR TEAR IT DOWN lor«J• 70x I 20' lot pre1et1Hy occupied by a 2 ldnn t la house and two .acant buitclnql. OffeNd at $149,500 condominium at Fair-m on l Hot Spran ~s. Anaconda, MT This LS 1 week (44th I wh1rh 1s Nov. 6·Nov. 13. Just right to make this a base for hunting big game nearby. <Reasonable). Call l -406-745-4431 or write l o Galen Simonson, Rte 1. Box 73A. St lgnallus, MT 5986S. CMofC~ rroperty 2550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bdrm, I bath rental. $4200 per year income. $15 ,000 down. Apple Valley Sale price $52 ,000 Ownr /Agt 641-2003. 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llORSE PROPERTIES Cstm home on 3 a c w/bam T /O 11% OWC 5 ac on split ocean vu lots Capo Hills OWC Nellie CaiJ Rancho on 1 vu ac . Assume 9\1.'7.. loan. Ranch & Inv. Prop. 855-8441 Real Est• bChCllMJI 2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Trade or sell Long Beach 3 units. ocn area + Laguna H ills Le1sureworld 28r , 2Ba CO-OJlt A· l cond for place nr ocean. (213) 437·7674 ~ .. -----------------------------------------, f WESTCLIFF REAL.TORS OCEAHROMT 3 Bdrm, all new paint & c pts. Pool size lot. LARGE 10"', AS · SUMABLE LOAN. Call ~~~~~~~~I Sandy 631·2242 - DUPLEX IN ORANGE rrld• of ow11er1hlp, ... w c.,,.ts. drapes. til., ,.. & happy httalth. Siltqle story 2 ldrwi I la wtlt1 with •"9e ccr CJOrete• betwee11. OH.red at SI 59,900 Npt Bch decorator home ' 3 Bdr 2 Ba, den, frplc, pool,. fine investment. $182.000 exchange for low pr ice Leisure World condo. s.8-3665 .. • • f I PROPERTIES Come & experience the lovely VILLA BALBOA adult condos on t he bluffs above Newport Bay. Choose your .own from one of the many noorplans available for resale. You can also take advantage of assuming a 30-yr. loan w/ flxed interest rate. Pl&ll 1 2BR, 2BA Large deck S2U,500 Plan 2 lBR + Den w /skylights $184,000 Plan4 2BR + Den w /ocean & bay view $385,000 Plan S 2BR. 2BA ocean view $279,000 2BR. 2BA ocean view $212,500 2BR . .2BA + Fam. Rm. $210,000 By owner, 3 Br. Room for 2nd story. owe. 64~ Oceanfront 1076 (9 Sunbow ReahyJ Just starting up ln a busi- ness of your own ? A good way to tell people about it l.s with a low- • ··.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.• Sell things fast with Daily cost Classified ad. Pilot Want Ads. _P_b_o_n_e_642--__ 5678. ____ -t RIXllU FtMAMC._l Avallable on this charm- ing abr home located above tbe eieht (reen or the S.C. OoU Coune. Hat beautltul swlm mlng pool. owe. Preatlgloua bucb commty. locatlon. $235,000 ~ •• RIRC•. -~ITI BB •• r:EAL IAI& ---. ........ ,,..,.,.., 1400 ....... ,. .,......, 1400 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT OFACE BUIUING AIRPORT AREA 15,000 SQ n $1,200,000 LIASID LAtC> WESTERN TERRAIN, INC. (114) 549-1• . • 4-PLEX $247 ,000 M.cr So. Cont l'tn• ...... with COlltlllURlty pool Hd recntaHon rooM. Otte l .._ w4th ~II ......... 2 ...._ Located M C ....... H ~d .............. As.-.•le to.. .... • ..... 100/o. MIWPOITHGTSDW\.11 1'wo J ... 21/J h tow fl LL Vlllllttd u ... ..,..,..... two C9' ...... ,.... •• ....,,.... ....... cll•l•t ,.. .. It _... Aa1•llllt l1tT.D.M~& ...... ,. tt.rryl A • Hiii ~y. '3 I 07tOO. SZ ,000. ....................... ..................... ~ ... ...... _. o., •••••. he.._,...._., For H•wport hoc .. 3 Kona pr operties, waterf ront & views. P rlced at ~SK . As· s umable loan $250,000, equity $335,000. Prin- cipals ofll:r. For further lnfonnatioo ltaet up call Newell or Gill. Re( I h 1 I I ~~.p l\t "1lt\· ' I-.· • I ' : I I I j I . .... ....................... "••"'* ht•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• JIN ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yea.rly cute cotta1e. 3 Br . 2 Ba. 8ellt. '740 Jlo. 209 Gamet. i_.l-0883. Co,... .. Ms JIU ....................... New paUo c.ondo, recrea· lloD area •Jpool, Jae, 18Q. Bllra &o beach. 1 bclnn 1)1111 l\ill\ alffp. l n1 t lreplaee, adlt1. S..mu a.-. Wiater PIO mo. tTM) ~ aft I . .,. t-• -_...., ,._ ---•-F'""#_Q_W_O ... Q_W,...V""O_U_U-... V-O'"';s_O_O"'V .......... P--U--,;,..9--.-.," .... -----------....... --.--,.._-----____ _....._-,-,-,, .. ··-· Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT /Sunday, May 17,.1881 • • Cash in on 7 or 11......_Here'•. eure ttllne tor Oran" County adYerUMr•- There are two ways to win with a DaJly Piiot High Roller Ad Run 7 days for $7.77 11 days for $11 .11-3 llnes Items totallng $500.00 or less Call 642-5678 Daily Pilat Pri vate Parties only -no commer cial businesses please . Any c lassification. No cancellation Rebate . .._. •• u.....,.. .. d Ho.at fwtlilsllitd Hot11ff UwM 111"'94 ••••• • • • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • ••••• •• • • •• c;;•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••Coate M... 3224 Mewport leach 3269 Hone. U.............. .,.,... ..... FwWthed ApartlHRh u..tun.. .,..... .... u.tw.. ..... fMHh u.fwa. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rotta def Mw 3 122 Corona def M• 3222 •••• •• •• • •••••••. •••, •• •• ••• ,. •• ••• •• •• • •• • •• • H.wpori JHch 326' L....-leech 37 41 Cotto M... 3124 Cotto M... 3124 &At-o leech 3141 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2br, lba, Jge f11m. rm TWOGRIAT Coro.. .. Mor w/frplc, fenced yd, aar SUMMMRIHTALS (Irvine Ter;ace) Maa U75 /mo. 548-2252 . £a c h w 1th three 180 degree view. C1.1.11wm 64e 5290 bedrooms. two batha. On home Min. I yr lease. 3 -------- View S675 3 8d 2~ Ba townhome. Z m11tr Rdrm11, 2~ Ba $650 W /VU. John Manihtall 631-1266 the sand. SlOOO week for bdrm. 3 .,.., ba, Liv rm , D•a PoW 3226 one , the other SlSOO lo DR., den, maids rm BU ••••••••••••••••••••••• $1800 per m ont h around atrium w/ pool •Closeto manna3bdrm, 631 -7300, ask for Be rta By owner $3,500 Mo l ~ba , trplc, y ard, Farr, Agent 700.0189. C all Collect (2 12l $600/mo Townhouse . Logmalffdl ]141 ~j/·~~30 or (203) _49_5_·4_486_._* _____ --------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• --FoW1talft V.., ]2]4 SPYGLASS LEASE Walk to beach 2 Bdrms.1 Charm in& 2 br, 2 ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Bdr + maid's qtrs, ba , lease $650 /mo w lfrp. No pets Lease lBdrm,dblgar,$375/mo. beaut decor.super vu, Aaient. 498-8057 $'700 mo. 759-1243. wash/dry, pool, oo pets balcony olf mstr suite. M.wporilHch 3169 FAMTASTIC Isl/last + $200768-7533 $2000/mo. Bob & Dovie ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br Jamsmine Crk, sec HW•CJb leoclt 3240 Koop. Agt. 631-12166 BluCCs. Sharp 2 Br, 2 Ba gate·pool·tennls etc ••••••••••••••••••••••• N l T 2 Bd 2 B W /Sun Deck. Near Pool Asking $1400/mo. For New townhouse 3 Br 2...., P errace 8 & Tennis. Immaculate. ap~t. call John Carey, Ba tennis crt, '1 blk bch. condo, pool/Jae • encl. cant.Agent._759:_9100 United Brokers.673-7771 Atlanta/Beach Blvd. gar, 16~/mo. aa of 6/l, -3224 $85-0/mo. 213~4027 a!ISoc. fee Incl. 846-3942 LIUO ISLE charming 3 Costa Meta bdrm, 2 bath, playroom •• ••••••••••••••••••••• 5 blks to ocean. Elegant 2 SPYGLASS LEASE J ust remodeled. $16~0 1 Br,2Br &Junlor.2 Ten· bdrm, Cam rm & den 3Bd,formal dlning,fam mo to mo. Bill Grundy, niscrts,pool,jac,snuna, ($750 mo.) Pl1.11h crpts, rm, lrg yard, 2 frplcs, 675-6161. sa nd volleyball. pool 2'1\ ba, cedar & glass. $1600/mo. Bob & Dovie tble Adult sorry. no Dbl car pvt gar, fully Koop. Agt. 631-1266 Big Canyon Condo 3br, decorator furn, view, poo l , tenni s, l se SUIOO/mo 640-0099 2 MOBILE HOMES IN LIDO PARK pets . 635 Baker, CM malnl. yd. Adults, no Newport Crest2 Bdrm, 2 557-0075. ___ _ pets lnqu1re at 527 18th. level condo. pool, tennis WALK TO POOL 'St. 714 /960-6331 court. 211 Wildgoose the d k 3 f750 (Ticonderoga to In· or s un on ec · 3br, 2ba, DR. Crplc:, dbl trepld to Wild goose l or bdrm&,~ baths, spacious gar Walk to beach 1675 213169 1-7537 4bdrm, 2ba, fam r m STUDIO also room prtv MESA VERDE home at 2 br, l "l ba, oo children, w /frplc, cul-de.sac, 19()() ent1 batha. Patio, non motphere 2 & 3 dhc avta. 11mall dog OK. $425. 610 Incl aardener " water. 1mu 40+. 494·0451 No pets 5'6·1034 J oann St 642·7344 Avall6/20. 642·7830· M.wpori lhoch 3769 2 Ur l Ba.-~l Mavle • 2br 2ba condo . nr W. Newpo&1l yearly, 2 Br, frplc, yafa & gar IMO 645-1387, 552-8343 EXIC renHOUSE Versailles. huge 1 Br + den.-2 Ba, adults. secur , all amenities, lfJOO/mo lae or mo to mo. Ag\ 760-8617. 644--0322 THEIWFFS 3 Bdrm condo w/vlew. Remodeled, like new with gounnet kitchen. 1 yr. lease. $1000/m o. 760-9678. -------South LCICJlmG 3216 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Village Beach House t Br. fireplace. lmmed. avail. 31642 Fairview ~95/mo. @9-2986. COt1do1111nMM Unftlm.~ 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2bdrm. 2 car gar, covered patio, y, mile t.o beach. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ave i\dult, refrig, no S.C Plaza.S A ~ no SHORT TERM Rental11 pets Qui~ 1375. Sierra pets. 549-3232. Weeklyflmonthly Mgmt Co 641-1324 Agent, 675-8170 THE "GOOD LIFE" YEAA-AOUHD FUN· Social ACllVlllH 01 rector • F11111 Sunday Brunch • 880 a • PartlH • Plua more GR!AT RECR!ATIOH; r11nn11 • Ffee L11sson1 (Oro & PIO thopt • 2 Health Club• •Sauna • Hydromaneo11 • Sw1mm1ng • Golf Driving Re11oe BEAUTIFUL APTS: S1nglu I & 2 Btd rooms • Furn11h11d & Unrurn1$hed • Atlvll L1v1ng • No Pe(s • Models ppen Oa11y 910 6 Spacious 3 Br Duplex $425 Pool &. laundry fac 548-9556 MIWLY DEC Oil. l Br gas pd, end 1(11r d/washer, pool Adulti1 MEWPottT APARTMIKTS 2-lBdr avail. $270 mo Plus utils. No children, no pets. no waterbeds 24~0 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa 642 5073. Beautiful 2 Br Adult Con VILLA CORDOVA do SC Plaz.a ~5()tmo Moat uUI free Nf'w crpt. ~6 ~ e n c l g11rage, patio , 2 Br 1 •~ Ba ·Townhouse. dshwshr, lndry rm No Valencia Car port No reiRM ~ts. l Child OK . $450 1 BDRM ~~ Sierra Mgm.!: 641:_1324 2323 Elden Ave <..:M £o:.side sharp, 2 Br. ga r, 6'&2-7~ deck. $450. AdulLs. no Newer 2 Br. patio & dogs. 54g.7933 garage Adults, no pets. Duple x 2 br l v, ba $415. $435 /mo. 645-!)577 No pets. 2 HUGE Bedrooms 1n Dave A~~ 644 7211 2 Bdrm. 2 bath from $650 Nr water condo w1lh sunny decor. 642-3743 962·7788 $825 mo. Call Barbara at ----· ------ Barrett Realty. 642-5200 4 Br 3 Ba no s mokers 3 Br 2'"' Ba Condo. Access to pool & courts Ocean view $800/mo I ~75 H.B. (2131925-4796. OflkWood Garden Apartm.nt• s uper location. Fully EIToro 3832 carpeted , built i ns .••••••••••••••••••••••• ground floor Adults, no New 2 Br 2 Ba Condo pets. S350 mo. Apply Apt Pool. patios. built ins. B 5 6 8 W W i Iso n . $500. 714/496-9602 646-4477 ---H..tlnC)toft leach 3140 !bdrm , ocean view, large deck , block to beach , ~5(). •94 2246, 751-4293. Extra S pacious Lux urio u s I BR . deck , gararae, ocean view and a ll appliances Ver y near beach in North Laguna Lea.11e June I, \650. 497 · IJl86 ----- M.wpori leocJt 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT IEACH An adult community on the Back Bay. Spec tac:ular Spu1. 7 swim ming pool!!, 8 lighted ten· nis court!, hil<e trails, putting gree n . Bac he lors, l and 2 bedrooms apartments, a nd townhouses from ~10 00 per month On Jamboree At San J oaquin Hills Road ( 714)644-l!IOO Wate rfront Ho m es , Realtors, Inc 631 1400 aslc for Dan NEW 21R W /AtPLC Bu1lt-1ns. Ac)ults. no pets. 642·al35. li75/Mo. Cover ed spa. clean Near Edison H S Sl0001mo 714/895·3300 Ask for Ron 752·~!._1_ 1 m_4_>_67_5_-4902 __ . ___ _ Deluxe 2br. 2ba. McLain SPYGLASS HILL Newport Beach H. 880 Irvine i.1 1&11>1 (71') 645·110.. FAM Ill ES· Sparkling, ••••••••••••••••••••••• clean 2 Br $450 Fncd. Oceanfront for Winter Rentals. Furnished & t~o AOUL T WESTCUFF Avail immed 3 Bdr, formal dt.n., fam rm . 2 fireplaces. lrg yard S1600/mo. Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1266 Agt unit at Big Canyon incl washer /dryeT, frige, un- d erground pkr, sec. pool, & tennis. 644-9584 utils pd Refng, 2 small unfum Broker 675-411l2. children OK No pets. _ __ ..di~. LIVIN G 3 Bdrms, available July 1c ute condo 2 Bdrm, no 1 1900 sq rt , neutral pets ~25/mo. Donna tones. seasonal or year Ric hardson Realtors 3 Br townhome 155() Newport Ba.c:h s. 1700 16th SI (Oo•er al Ullhl (7 14) 642·51 13 196-0 Wallace,54~9626 NO FEE! Apt. & Condo • '4 11111 '"'° 4P" rentals Villa Rentals. 963-7177. SS7 4889 2 STORY PENTHOUSE Vacant lbdrm d ..,,,tex. S to ve, refrq~. -washer /dryer. Adults. • Oo\~••Sntt> & 880 \ 675·4912 Broker • Pool 4 Art lloom t · Sll.50 a month Call 76!_ 5600.83'7·5916 ~· 642·5~ Charming Duplexes, 2Br. Park Lido 3 Br 2•.., Ba lBa 2107 Orange Ave. Downtown 2 Br beach cot Lage, xtra lrg yrd, $5 45 /mo. Mr Smith 536-1453 SAMTIAGO DR. Panoramic oeean, mountain & city lights view 2 Br. 2 Ba den. frplc. Never li ved in New! $1000. Avail now 2914 W no pets $330/mo lst. • G••Otn t •nO\UP•0v Beaut 2 Bdrm, frpk, • Joo 10 Such & Shoo\ ba Icon y. quiet st reel 3l5 Condo Frplc. patio. Avail l mmed. 2107 1'1 pool Non s m o ke rs Orange Ave, CM Avail Beautiful house avail now in elegant area 4 Br. 3 Ba Dining Rm, Living Rm. & Family Rm New wallpape r, cozy k itchen & muny many xtras. Children & pets OK. 759-8974 Oceanfront 2 Br l Ba last + sec 631 50111 , F ire place, garage 5364333. S c; E Bay ~· 962 884~ SEA ENVIRONMENT %J7 1~AMll TON H B %] 4'>00 Owner tiroccupy I Br May 23 $460/mo Isl. 4 Bdrm 2 Ba . Near Spr $450. 673-2181, 631 0133. last, $309'Sec Will show. ingdale & Westminster Ma y 17th I 5pm . $560 per mo. P /P 966 ·6720 dys, 962-0088 963·6263. New la rge 2 Br 2 Bu Villa palbo11. Owner. 879·2174. Eve. --- . 2 Br 1 Ba lwnhm. nu 3 Br. 2 Ba. patio home, carpet /paint. pool etc ---------•I beaut decorated, with No pets . Avail. now UDOISU atrium Near S.C.Plaza. $450/m o. 846·137 1 or Spend the summer on & Irvine Industrial area. 970-0400 Lido Isle. We have 2 $750 per mo. 731·4710 or SPYGLASS HILL 4 Bdr + majd's qtrs, beaut. decor. Super vu. T o p o f Spyg l ass $2000 /m o . K oop 631· 1266. A£._ bayfront homes with 731 ·4991. '"' boat slips and 2 bayfront HufttlftC)toft Westc liff 3 Br. 2 Ba. ••ptson sandybeaches 3 Br l ..., Ba, dshwshr. HarbOw 3242 Familyhome,new cond, ReJl11ll ~~ RL".1lty I;-;-:; -;-:~Ill) Crplc. dbl car gar. lrg rec ••••••••••••••••••••••• gardener. no pet.a. $'795. rm. encl. backyard, nice :;o rgeous waterfront Avail. now. 646-2389 area. f700. Marguerite. Penthouse Cond o ---- 540..3666 Security gate. Great ----view. Sl500 mo. 642-8850 ~~~~~~~~~I Beaut almost new 3 Br Agent = house, 2 ba. hv, din. ---------- Bloffs Upgraded 3 Br f r p I c , d b I g a r • 3 Bd 2 ba, Cam rm • duung "E" Plan Prime Loca front/back yard w/lawn rm. 975/mo. Call LUlda. lion Lovely Greenbelt service Next to park. 2 Agt 846·1371 Lg Fam 1 I y R oom year lease Marned cou-Gorgeous 2 & 3 Br Con Bro ker . 7511910<1 or pie Non smokers. No dos.Somew/boatslips. 644·0496 pets $750/mo lst,. & SllOO to $1400 mo. lsl & •• fl/I'> last. $200 security. lastreq.(213l44>U84 "°'II•• UnfwNshed 751-7328. ••••••••••••••••••••••• - ------'""'• 3244 ,...,.,,.1 320 3 bdrm. 2 ba. fenced yd_. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• car gar Nr Placentia Woodbridge, 3 Br. n~ Ba. Garden Grove. S885 3 Br ~00 754.7425 · Condo near pool, tennis, 2 Ba. Fireplace, new 3-B-d 2 •~ b t h school. 9650.114 /495-1695 r m • n 8 aft 6PM. paint, stove, rerr1ge, townho use, pvt yard, 2 --------- ON GOlf COURSE View 3 Br. 3 Ba.+ Den & Bar. $1100 645-7605 or 646-1713 ----HARBOR RIDGE Ocean View Lux. 3 Br. 3 Ba. Lgt' Master suite , den, wet bars. f.p . tennis. pool. j ac , S1900fmo 675·4078, 549·9<»9. --------- Hart>or View KftOh Upgraded 3 BR twnhme. avail now Pool, Jae .. tennis. Close to shops. $975 m o lse 27 06 Hillside Or. 1·568-9343: 1·346-2034 ' carpels, drapes, 2 car car~uto garage, 3 decks Enjoy lovely view from garage. 21.3/464·8011 . off bdrms. frplc ln Uv rm this custom decorated 2 ---------• •• Ibo.II.._... 320 & mstr bdrm, sep. din· .Bd + den 2 Ba home. BAYSIDE CONDOS: -s · u JC t 2B r 2~ ba Optional •••••••••••••••••••••• Ing rm & mod kitchen. 2 pac1ous v rm w rp c, d 'Charmlnf 3Br. 2Ba . yra old . Com m . formal dlningarea.Eal· slip:lcon oon water,I pool /spa /track. Close to in kitchen. dbl sell-clean w /view· From $2000. Yr· ' frplc, pato, lndry, gar, 1 w terfront Homes NO PETS 9850 mo yrly bus & S.C. Plaza. f775 oven + dshwshr. Patio, Y · a &75·0349 mo . Pa u 1 H ic key comm. pool. jac, tennis. Realtors.Inc. 6311400 Also 2 Br 2 Ba. ocean & city Ughl.5 view. From $850. 675-9113 & 675-9132. Recreational Condo. Lg tBr, w /prestige Nwpt toe. Party rm, pools, spas. nr bch,. ~5-0 mo Todd < 213) 24~9077 . Nr. S.C. Plaza 2br, d bl gar. refrig,4'1\dry. pool. $57 5 /mo_ 645 ·620 I . 751-1162 S2 00 /week ()pen 7 14 /751 li l4 7 or 213/331-5417 Bachelor s uite ava II June 15, com pl. rurn, "tialboa Bay Club (must be memben, month to month lease. $1000 mo 552·9646 aft. 5::.> Park Newport 28r. 2Ba. sublease May 15 July l S900 mo. (714) 323-8022 or 768·4747 AVAIL JULY /AUG APARTMENTS Beautiful landscaped garden apt.a. Patios or decks. Pool & Spa. cov ered parking. Adults, no pets. 2BR 114 BA. $470 398 W Wilson. 631 5583 lBR. $410 28R ll:M. $t75 2250 V al.i.!uard Way . 5.!5'.9626 Big Canyon CONDO 3br, 2br/2ba condo-fcg wtrbd 1 • 2 IR ..... 5 2'AJ ba, on golf course Sl300/2mo631 0564 evs • AT• Se t I l POOL,C&D.AGT c gae, poo , ennis. OCEANFRONT dlx 731·6829or548·0574 Sll00494-00M>.85l·5977 2 4BR And Lido Isle ---- IThe co .. t boy front hme w /Sm 2bdrm. util incl Pool. Au .... $349,000 hoats & f,()' <lock Wkly quiet. mature couple 673·SURl'.87J.7877 pref No pets o r Penthouse with view or ch ti d re n $4 25 ca II Bay, Columbia model DH·orutor furn ished ~8-7689 Professional decorated Townhou_,es t925 - ---- 2 Bdrm & den. In pre-700.9117 2 IR CONDO 2 Br Ph Ba. gas pd, S350 + $350 depo6il. Crpts, dr apes. blt·ins McFad· den nr Bea c h Bl ADULT S , n o pets 893-4894 or 646·!1243 THE WHIFfU TREE Luxury Adult units at af· rordable living. 1.2 & 3 Br Well decorated Olympic aiu pool, lil(ht· ed tennis <.'Ourt, Jacuzzi, park like landscapinJi. Most beautiful bldg in H"B F'rom ~ 846 0619 Avail now 2 Br 2 Ba Apts Garages. l child OK , no pets Water /trash paid $475 964-2566or973-297l Agt , no fee stigious adult communt· Designed for shared tiv- ly , pool, spa, Near 2 br. 1 ba, 1,'J blk l>eac:h. in g o r famil y with De luxe poolside xtra Balboa Island.Call Deb· avail. yrly. June Aull children. Private slnk in large 2br, 2ba. bltns. bie. 953-0300. Agt. $1200 mo. Sept-Moy ~3-0 e a c h bdrm. Fenced dswhr. l~ mites beach. By So CsC Plaza. lg 3 BR. mo. 642-8216, 846 3567 patio & laundry hook-up Ad Its, no pets. $395 mo. lmmed. occpy. 769 2·B 536·8362. __ 2 ba, util pd, kids, pets 2 8r. I Ba Steps to beach Ha m ilton. $455 mo_ ok645·0193 Sleeps 8. $375 /week 963-8182,Agt. •21RToWfthotne $550 Property House. 642·3850 Gar , pool, park 963-5191 •partm.nts,....,.d - - 2 Bdrm 1 bat.Jl duplex. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Carpets, ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAlli..JfRO.._.T large patio, pnvate gar. " " small pet OK S45() per ds hwr, encl garage. lalboa lllmld ~ 3706 Furnished 3 Br. 2 Ba. mo. Call Pam, Duve or $450. 842·8032 ;;~·07,:;;~·~·;:~·r:i~~·;~ :1~rhoff!c~i~ c~~~s;:~e Larry, 546-5880 Avail. 6·1 Large l Br private2Br.w /sundeck. Washer & Dryer incld. t bdrm , lndry fa c ., patio & balcony. SJSO. Over garage. 306 Coral Avail. now. Weekly adults, no peta. 311 w 1st last + deposit. E · Ave. Do not disturb le· TSLMGMT. 642·16-03 Wllaon.6Jl·2lTI,S325 l nge r /Bolsa Chi a 2 BR. l Ba, l600 mo. yrly lse No kids, no vets 673·8222 Newport Shores 3 Br 2 Ba Frplc S725. Adults. no pets. Avail 1mmed Savage Wilde & Co. 675·6606 ------ I Bdrm , avail J une Ul V r 1 y I s e $4 5 O I m o l st /last & sec. Stovt', refrig, cpt.s. drps. encl gar 2 blks to ocean 213/277-4640, 714 167J.~34 Ocean view Lge luxury 2 Br 2ba on the Bluffs $7 50 55 7. 19'.n Rutland Road, Westehff area. $500/mo 18drm Comm 'ty pool Walk to sho pping center Call 675-6646 or 833-3622 VILLA IALIOA ADULT ONl.Y I BR. l BA From ~75 J RL PROPERTIES 645 4566 645-6459 Lge 2br, l ba. steps to bch, $700/mo. ref's required. 642-6217 al\ 4PM twknds. OCEANFRONT 3 Br. 2 Ba. Duplex 2 ear garage with auto -Cpener Yearly Must see to appreciate! TS MG MT 642· 1603 )890 nants. Shown by appt. -----840-3711. only_ 213/657·3535. t ..... ] Ir ToW18'w Security an1c , lbdrm & Super s harp custom 3 ~· ,. .. ,... Avail now super lg 3 • ,.,_, Bdrm +den, quiet re-Col"CNladelMar 3722 UnfwNthtd Newly decor. gas pd., 2Ba. F /P wshr/dry , 2bdrm. ut1I pd, adults . ---751·8485 Only $650/mo. Call lalboa P1Nn11da 3207 559·0378 alt 5:30 PM or sidentlal area, prof. re-••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••3••1•0•2• ~~~1Ja~-~~· dswhr. Hk-ups , pal101---'Ed ~~ J'~5 From s375 WOODBRIDGE decorated. Terrific pool Spacious 1 Bdrm with .... ,... inger/Bolsa Chica. ~50 ----- ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm w /gar $500/mo. wknds. Steps to bay/ocean 4br, ~2 Pomona Av. Days den, 2~ba. 2de<:k.!.... s..4·6450; eves 837-5009 3 Br 1 ~ Ba condo, &spa.Agreatplaceto oceanandharbor vlew •••••••••••••••••••••• 21r.llaADt mo . l s t /lst + dep .. 000 S645tmo incl. all club ent ertain. $1500/mo Designer deeorated and APTMTSFOltREHT Newly decor. C:as pd 840-3711 ROCHRI .. • $1250/i.e. IJ7.)·3268 , Mesa Verde/bea u. 2000 Summer or year round sq ft. 4 br, 2ba, atnum. rum1Shed/ wlfum1Shed. new paint, new c pl , tBr. lBa. on 25th St landscapine Close to membelrship privileges Agt. 673·6413 beautifully furnished H.B .. N.B .. Co6ta Mesa encl gar . pool. dshwr ••••••••••••••••••••••• &. m a n l 54 5-5 4 38. Lots of decking and 1 Something for Everyone Adults. 642_5073. H.ttlaC)toft Laguna Beach Motor Inn, 640·2036, 898-1441l sch ls & freeway. S850 731-2680 THE ILUA=S block to beach. $1,000 Bach. t.o 4 Br Unfum. Hctri»Ow 3142 985 No. Pacific Coast Woe....U-CCMMto Exec. home. Spacious permo.Aet.759·1616 Arts. Certaa.n locat ions PINEBLUFFAPTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hwy, Laguna Be a ch Co.J1tr..ole«h 321 m o . Avail. July 1. .t:.. .•..•......... .. _S46_·_04_80 ______ _ 28R. 2b.~ar garage. (2000 sq. ft.) 3 bdrm. 3 Coita M--3724 o fer : P oo I. a Pa . 2 Br 2 Ba. Adults, no 2br, lba, w/encl gar & Dallt1 • bwl eekLoly, Kitchen Fpc tlO. $700 mo bat h , ram I k I t . ••••••••==•••••••••••• fireplace\ laun room. pets. Patio. view. frplc. patio, 2nd floor $435 /mo ava a e w winter 3 Br 2 Ba. luxunous & lov ely, no pet.I. $750. 493-0467 • cov pa • · town home End unit, beam ea c e i II n B s. encl gar.. gas stove, 893-6103 or8J2.2153 rates. 494·5294. MESA VERDE 4 BR 2 640-1010,675-2558 near pool, deluxe in-CASADEOltO garages , all built ms. ~25 bath , double garage. &...-. leach 3241 terlor. avail now at $1000 ALL UTD..ITJF,S PAID Garden & Townhouse SPMC 631-6107 1"111• 3t44 Very pr1v. detached sm lmme6d.2oc5c200py. f77503 m39o6. ••••••••••••••••••••••• per mo. Ag~t. 640-S560. design. NO FEE. ••••••••••••••••••••d••• gf~rr~g~a. ~~ ":,k: Q~~t Col"CNla .. M• 3222 Agt 4 · : 6 ·• Large wood & olass 3 br Compare before you TSL MGMT. 642·1603 Lrg 2 Br 1 Bn, great Woodbridge 3 br con o, ••••••••••••••••••••••• evs 21 b f mil • 2 BIG CANYON LEASE re nt. Custom desi~n O E.alde location. S475/mo lower corner unit. 1600 adult S350inc utl 645-2663 4 blkstobeach.3 Br.2 Ba. i.-.i a , a ynn .. cat 3 Bdr 3 Ba, formal din· fealure1: Pool, BBQ, alboaP1•A11a 38 1 yrly lse. No pets. Call lease.675-8389aft6. Mesa Verde 3 Br. 2 Ba. garage, ocean /canyon ing, pool, hot tub, vu, cov 'rd garage. a u r· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lloyd, 675-6670 • Com pl. furn. rooms, good New crpt, fresh paint. Garde ner . $700/mo. vl~w.Nopet.s.S1025/mo. very sharp. $2000/mo. roun d ed with plu sh $400Ulllapd.2Br0uplex. 18drm +loft CONDO neighborhood,wcst C.M SB95.642·5290. Lease option avai l. Sierra Mgmt. Co . .Bob& Dovie Koop. Agt, landscaping. Adult li v-Balboa.Nopets. ClasslfedAds642-S678 a dulls , tennis, pools , S48·6892aft.6pm. M6·7174. 641.1324· 631·12186 Ing at Its best. No pet., 547-l W 730·12.50, 542-7600 House privileges, non· JASMIHICHllC MESA VERDE 3 B 2 Spaclous3Bdrmhomeln ~ Bach fumiBhedS370 CorottadelMar 3122 H•tlnC)toftleadt 3840HuntlftC)toftleoch 3140 smkr. over 30, fully Beautifully upgraded . r, pr ime North Laguna TH E BLUFFS 1 level 3 2Br fumlshed $500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• e m ployed, $200/mo Plan 5, 3 bdnn. 2~ balh, ba, elec. kltch, dbl gar. area, with magnlricent Br., highly upgraded. 36S W. Wlllon, 642-1971 Im mac. l Br, ocean vu, 1 557·5~0 family, air cond., plan· Encl front " back yrd. view. Walkini distance SHOO /mo. SEAVIEW 3 Cute 1 bdrm fum. cot· blk from bch Shared --------- talion 1huttera, 1ome Married cpl. 9675/mo. to beach. $1300mo. Sr., Den, tennis, pool, garage, laund facll. Kennebunkport? S240 /mo lnclds utlls. ocean view . very lsl/last +SlSOsec.Days OONOSEN. 1ecurltygate.Sl295/mo. t ag•. I person.Clean& l650/mo.Aat87J..1 MU North Mesa Verde. private. Vacant & re· 645·2284, evess.:16-8643 REALTORS A1ent 758-1092. private. No pet.a. M25 in-, ____ ;;;;______ Isn't that the horse that won Avail 5·16. 546-4781 ady. Only $1300. mo "'pt Ht1 2Br 1 ba, new 49'7·4848 •Br 2 Ba, Blutf1 cl. all uUls. 548-Q'522. Enjoy summer living all Th T . I C . ·727 r• , ... .--S year. Wlk t.o CdM beach, e np e rown In Prl. enter &. kllch <~ dJ vf{m cpta/drps, stove, la yrd. ~ H• 3250 t800/luse. SUS C"'~" A . 2br, frplc, tae deck. encl prlvgs Lge room, share <>,U>na~· No dogs. 370 La Perle ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avall.6/U.644).1374 Furn. l br. apt. 1325 & parklna. f750/mo avail ~fD~ bath. Nwpt llght.s. S200 * ~ Ln .$825/mo.760-0758 HOMEFORRENT 8 R b h up.Encl.pr.Adulta,no lmme d . 675·8589 or lfyov·renotsurewho(orwhlt)Kennybun1tnnn m o. Incl. utll Female 3 Bdrm '800 lo'enced 2 ' 1 ~ a l pets. 2110 Newport Bl. 642 7544 "t""'' only 642 7450 &13-849~ •E. Side 2 br, fenced yd, yard • iara~. Kida • w/flreplace. new stove, S48-4968btwn 8&5PM 1 __ . __ __. ____ 1 was. don't feel bad-y~J're not alone. · · · 2,311 Coaat Hwy. CdM 1ar. crpta, drapes. Kida ~ welcome. 964·2588 refrla erator, carpets. llullMJ._had 3740 Spectacular ~un at city KennybunkpOrt Is one of 14 41stlnctlvtly Room with kltc he n • · • OK. no pets. $43S/mo. or 973-2971. Alt-, no tee. HH patio " 2 car Rpark· ••••••••••••••••••••••• llahta view from every different ipirtment noorpllnS at SNwlnd Vllllgl privleaea. AduJta only. '75·0169 1-.. 32-lna. Yrly leue on Iver l.1'15 /up 1.2 bdrm pool room . Lar1e l Br In Huntlngton Beach. Seawind Village Is a reult 862-7520 lmn:aac. Jbr, Zba, Jae, .....--Ma-I •• Ave. '550 mo. Davidson ';,/,. ·rtd • 9600/m o Call Anthony f 1 f-·•--·• 1 1 frplc, aar, SIH fmo. 1 Br. with 1tove, covered •••••••~~•Itt•••••••••• Realty, 842-7450. Jae a dlt, 1'892 r io a, · o totally personal Zed pro lll»IUllOI P ann oO· Penln8ula Potnt $140/mo. n•S0111orm 2111t attached parldni . $400 Three bedroom, 2 ba . h B 142-2834or 642·3112 wkdya ee5757 eve• " The kind of ilttentJon you deServe. P rivate entrance, no mo. "8-2C58or 53f.7t79. Fenced yard. F1pc. Kids Baytront, Pier • Slip. 3 · H . .l.'I Fl .... IST wkndal44-89. A perfect blend of naturw and IMng-coo k I n a 11mok In a. Larae 2 bdnn. family rm 3 8 8 La kl ti. • pets welcome. f100 Br 3~ Ba. New Kit chen. " Bachelor, w/aep bdrm, nestled In a forest With bat>bllng brOok.S and qultt 67S.4419 on Iar1e 1ot. Som• ~•an r. 1 a. rae tc n m o. 495-3147 " C o m P I e t e I '1 Spanl1h FAute Living! anal empld adlt. No view. StlOO mo. Aieol, 6 di n ette, e n c l1 d Refurbis hed . Vea r Beautiful pu k·Uke 1ur· dol •· $325/mo. Ulil pd. Po8f2S.cooledbynat\lraloceanbrwzes.Addto f7,.UM, sara u . waaher/dryer ... .._ YllP JH7 Lnto. $3600/Month . round In&•· Terraced 7ecue57 lhlitennls courts. swimming pools. ajlcuuJ Ind ~~..;..;..-------t hook·up, rerrl1 e. No ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brokt r '7»9100 pool. Sunken aaa bbq, 1---~-------a convenient location near shopping and Jlemocl. 3br, 2be dplll, I peu. $4e0.7'7~5829 HOME FOi\ RENT •parkJln& founta ln1. 28r. Frp,c,crpta61tove. loy d · I Id blb beach, aep. yd, no 3 Bdrm . 9575. Fen ced Harbor View Palermo s p a c Io u • r oom 1 . Balcony vtw,Adukl, no emp ment an you ve got 1 Pace anyont wou pet.a, $7ll0.'40-7142 Rent wltb()ptlon2Story4 yard It prep. Kid.I 6: w /vu. 4 Br. new cpt, n r Separate cllnlna area. p e t 1 . u o o. 3 2 2 proudly call home. (Evtn t<ennybunkpOrtl) Br. 3 Ba. Xlnt Meu pet. welcane. 964·ZWM comm.pool•cta.Avall Walk -I n c h 1et1, H e li otr o p e . Ave . Oneandtwobedroom.oneandtwobath :,.tASMIN£C.1'El!K.Ellec V erde loc at io n . ort7•191LACL,nor ... e /U . SHOO /m o . J . ho mellte k it ch en 6 f7S.80'U.Openl2<4. adultapartmentsfrom "40.00 f IBr. Iba ho m e . Vu. '750/r.nt + MontJI ln· Mew,.rt..... l26' Doran, 81D-.a,,1"522 cabinet.a. Walk to Hunt· ~ nd $1.IOO/mo. YHtment 6: Iha re UM ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• , 8 ,. 8 a.-to.._ h tntton Cider. Baclltlor unit, no kitchen. ~I -1aln. Al ent5SM6H . • r. • a • .l:il&eJlt u.ac · I a..droom,rum, f'AO bot plate• s m all refr1t oozv CAPE OOD. 18r Coium. pool It tennll. 2 Bedroom-f\lm •10 carport. Avail June 1 1n H\lnu ton Vll119f na, ta m rm . au Men VerdL Loftb'J Br YILLAIM:IOA 1750. Property Houae, Adulla,n0~. seft a. DOG/mo. Call I , llariMrtae ....... ~or I S.,q111tl1t. AvaU.e Otlttt.....,¥'1ew,°'"• ld·.O. \ltllllt. FlMl G or 1a M cCor d : •SO/mo. M2•i lll, or • baJ. Cones' lop floor .. I 1._._ a ;. ----, •Qu -AuL•RMOSA (%14)a51-1111'7. 1555! Huntington Vllllgt Lint )iunlfnllOn llO.CA A t1/ .-:z:;;> f7t.7'71 unit •'*1tlllU. Adil, .. r. " .,., \oft!llD u • ...-••u n.L (714) 81&5198 l -4# ,,,,,. ........ H C11rlt7 . ll60 ... or .11 .. u.. Walk to bea~h. 18211 ParbideLn. l blk Col"OU Hlchluda. 2 8 R 1 From the Sill Dlego'F'~ dtM nol1tl on lllCft IO 'IUl UTIU Mt•at7 ,. .. 211\~--clbl month to tn00th. Ast-pool1, lem\it. N .. port W.ofBeach.lblbS.ot e.1 fpk , lmmac cood. M<Flddtn.tiwnwestonMctlebnlOSelwlftd*'la. -tar. •at. IU·Utl: 'Tt9-•Uor....-.Z 8 horta. SUl/m o Edln1er. seoo mo. Call Mary , rum--tvalae* .,_ ._ •O AM 'ttdullC N .. JG11 ai&rDr.NB Gl-'lh. Id-~ 14'7-5"1 L01kRea1t1.t?a.1m ,. -~.,,. .._. .. Hohh,Mahla 4100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SEAWI MOTD. •Weekly rent111 now a vail. ••and up. •Color TV. •Phone. lft room1. 2274 Newport Blvd. C.M. 641-74t5 Y....U. Oce.anlront Hotel •••••· peo U p + '"•"" ..,.. .. aeo. ... :w. Onaal,..t. -.a.N. ·' I I \ l ,. ) I. n D • s 1r ._.. uoo-• • .. Mi... 000 Offlu • ..., 4400 Offt-.11.W 4400 Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT ,&.inday. May 17. 1981 DI ............................................................................................ NewPort Beach • Swn Sbr eleaaot Twnhl . 1811 WettclUt NB. Want Prltn I lne Offk Mo,..1 .... T,., M1rt1111a. T,.. hn11• Ul1Jo1H w--. 7075 H•lp W..t.d 7100 cntr R.atala. 1-<t Bdnn.1. Beaut vMW 3Br 2\1\8: financial hut. 7000..r. • " • D"4ii IOJI DeMi IOJI • ••• • •••••••••• ••••• ••• •• • •••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••• • ••• Aaenl Judy. 558-9400 '325 + laat " ~ec NB lit. noor. AIUI 541-5032. s~ ....................... ..............•..•..... c OVER GIRL ComplllllOO Houaekeeper ADMINIS1'RATJVF. S 848-98CM. S:SHW ........ c ..... r Dr. avail s dy• wk. Nursing DEi um mer lo Santa ' •DILUXIOfl'ICIS• 2J67S aq ft Will divide •OUTCAU.• . batkairoWld 8917123 Barbara. Larae 2 Br. Share 3 br condo . 1RoomA 2 Room No Fullaervke SUOperft DISCOUNTED lST JD ~-ems MCNISA ---FIELD OFFICE Apt. near Mach. June Buahard/~m 12UO, ~ leaae required. 2172 Du 213/393 7276 • • Matur\l hady w\abu llvt' 16th thru Sept. tsth. $311.$ utility Close be.ch. Poot Dr. Adj AJrporter ---$71,000 discounted 20% wlll yield 20%. A.TUHTIS lo nurae /compa!'1on ASSISTANT mo ~l.Sf7 964 6071 4·10pm Hotel. ~3223. ~12 Larae 2 room. atreet tloor $650/Mo 120'< i·nterest. All due 1·n 4 M••• al'!LI s•• poaltlon. Good driver, Im med opening In field ---·---O f({Ctl lO Shute I C ,..._._ f'"A non SmOkcr/dtinker llllle& Office localed ID Bleaant 4 Br, 3 ba F 25 M to sbr w/ume 2 CdM Deluxe Sultea, AC, Furniture In cluded years + 2 months. 3br, 2ba, home In Be p•mgered by 1s Call Ad 1474 Daily Pilot the airport area Miat :_urn~•=·, Ml~t:~.~ BR 2 BA, CdM dplx. ampl J>k&, utJJ pd 2855 suo.Ga1.32(»J. Co~ta Mesa. Sold Cor$103,000 JulyoC '80 ~::~tuU1;· d<~··'./,~ 6424300 _ ::d1:1n~~uf~~ans~~~n~ ac . mo. • $300. lncl utU 875 2988 E. Cat Hwy. 675-6900 t'our nice orric-.'11 + recep with $32,000 down. Can sell all or part! • Phone 64S-J433 SEC'Y /COMPANION typing aklllli with 1110d Wanted : Beachlront ren· Rmmate to ahr Ira 3 Br PERFECT tlon area to suble&Se in LIVEIN t~lt'µhone maimer Will tal z aummtr WU, by ln-house CM. ms. Resp. Or Cty airport locauon JOHN BAR RY -BROKER Will do t.'OOkina ' drive handle om~ Ul ablt•nct land Npt home owner Fem. Plenty of privacy. LOCATIO~ Ideal for sml bwnness (21 ~I ~s7.at~... $11( ~n car). 548 8672 of :1alc1i~1>le Please Check WI out, oo bkrs ?6()..099l, 67c ,,_3Kelly. J""ll • • ~ ----r utl or mail resume 548-0397 --,,_.., 405fwy./ ~~~~·::~~gde~18:~ (213)351-4100 ES C 0 R T S & ~~~:~;:~i1n!~!tr~n DATA Roommate wanted H..taorlt.d. 1 MOOEUNG • ~. ELECTR~ICS BEACH FRONT 4 Br 2 Laree 2 Br 2 ba HB upt UIO S., Ft. al or put 7~0l~ -UM ltt ~9-0373 a,._7_:...,_ .. rn. _...,. B11 . Completely furn. u2o/mo + "'I util. offk.. A.Motae_,./ -MITSTUDEHT IHC. h ome. Fl replace, 960-966.t = · lmill111 R....., 4450 lenilleu r nOMk / M1ts¥ucbuaetll! lnllllltute 2192 l>UPONT on . STt; washer /dryer, dit· ----....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Opportw.lty SOOS Lo.at&__._. SWEETHEARTS f T h 1 .,· eer 20l hwasher, 2 car garage Fem. -2br, 2ba condo. n r tf A/C F'or a tor~ & orrlce apace ••• ••• • •••• •••••••• ••• • .._ .... ISCOITS • 0 ec no ogy cn.,m rn VINE. CA. 92715 N II t bl t ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ang student want.s sum •71.).52 7840 o peu. Ava June lat beach, S230 Answer Ad 979 9997 11 reuona ra et 24 HOURS mer employment aft ' " .. 30th. $900 per week. 11541,6424300,24hrs. • 500to2700St1Ft. H""llSTVIJ ..... G li.Mo•CllMtlh 5100 v•su /MC 5·""'t9'.., 6/1 Ca11Grega8urgess. F:Oio: M_!ll 6449 00 M s RDEDR "" ,, .. ,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I.. ~ '' ... . S829r213/82'7-Sl . Prof to shr 3Br P11rk 1 25 t11 fl E AP~ SHOP * CASTIHG MOW• ~~~~~~~~·I ~·0242 or I 5213266 ext Adv Consultant Balboa Is. Wkly. Jbr/3ba Newport Townhouse • """ on 1525 Mesa Verde E. c M PRESTIGIOUS SHOP l'aclficCutlnc PSYCHIC --5 PEOPLE 2br /lba, cute, clean, Approx. $250/mo incl NEWPORT 545-4 12 3 near 0 . C AIRPORT Registry Readina" JackSS61l?S HelpW..t.d 710CJ rurnuhed 642·5713 spa, Jae, tenrus, racket· Excellent gn>llS plus in· lnterviewinf for: ----••••••••••••••••••••••• NEEDED Cathy ball & S•c Call "-s Ad Space f<>r n-nt in act1've come from sub-lease of • MODELS· emale, R"laxtng massage by MEDI T · ~ · ~· ff 1DDQR •u:-upstairs nail salon. Four 1a:22. good figure for ~ Accounting IM A ELY Lr& lbdrm house 1n ::~3• 642-t300, 24hn per MD ~ayutl:~1181~u~~~i~r~Y stations aeparate holtub brochure; fall ~=~:u0/'~!11fk~eev8e~ SEHIORA/R Guys or Gu~. t-'uJI or Sunset Beach."°' block . --1 ok.Fashionlsland,N.B. s hampoo rooms -fashion catalog No exp 548-2817,IG-iPM CLStl<t~ p T Com1>any will to beach. $400 /wk. Female l o share 4 • Pat: (7l4)640-60'l3. lounge, waittng le nec. --Challenging l)081t1 for ..,.uain Call Mr.; Collini. <213)51*2·2991. bedroom apt. Ste pa to 3 0 3 5~. Ft. -----~~o::rizlee.~~::!c~~~=~ * .Mth0r0f2~Mho/F, 20-25, Buddy now here from the a responsible mdivi uu at 751 s~ after ll beach. NP. $250 by mo rL-L Wl aBauvuS wexp. Spa Hotel. lo perform all Accts • . Newport Beach. Weekly v.util 979-0045 -us PRIME fully equipped shop *CHARACTER AC· 548·2817,MS-0400 .1~7 Receivable functionsre· AIDE, Cumµan1un (or Rentals. On & near sand --lay Views 1mprovernent.s & lease! TORS.all types, tor al· -latmg lo our Apt J>rO disabled woman S hour &surf Fwantstoshryourhouae rmaleftllffos Ra••L Cal l Bebe Smi th , mosphererolesUlmajor jects. Cable TV CO , & lyorhve1nrm.board& or apt, have rumllure. L t of WMdo N 640·80SO motion picture. No exp THE publishing r1rm Ma/or :im salary 548-8~96 t> CM /NB 548-8672 ° 1 '!fl LOCATION lalboalayProp. nee. ~-responsibilities mvo vc • --ra'"9gGClnlCJI Realon 10am·6pmrorapp't GirHriends general ledger entries. AIDE Work W'han ~ Sharmg Better Living 1-'orthebusinessman 1750 S Ft •67S-7060• 558-860J reconcihallon of ae d1capped adults Must Coast H~emates. Con-Who wants lo make a q. • *ESCORTS• counti., bilUog handhnl(, he strong. w11lml( lo .ts venien t roommate goodimpression Comerlocatlon sc1•u•ns H /Office/Hot I etc IO·key by touch & SIS! ID tusks SUl'h Bl> personal profile service. W01t't Last. Ouhtonclltg SMet Partner, Active/Inactive Mt1. oMt t CRT Terminal ii. desira toileting . (t!ed111g , gen. Dnay 4941294. CalT...&....! 1..a....1 16500 inv -M /F Plumb· ANSWERS * 759-1216 * ble deanup Excell val·a __ ..,_, •luw dlwttty. 24Hrs. Now H1r1ng A 1 lion & in s uran c e M/F roommate to shr (7141675-8662 Htgotialbt.T•nn1. ~~o~~frai~;c~n':t~1~ Stooge -Vanish -Male/FemaleEscort wlHEIRVINECXMFWth' benefits United Pro-rty u ___ RM.. cozy E. SideC.M. hse. 28 -Call 6 75-8662 <714>952.00529AM.5PM Policy _ Bellow -MC VISA 1061 Camelbuc·k St Cerebral Palsy Asso<·. ,..-~ "' + No kids, pets. S32S NEWPORT HA.CH Felony -Morbid -Santa Anu. 546-5760 642 3150 -------Newport Beach. 92660 __ • mo. 631 -0318 eves Convenient Peninsula Approx 1400' retail. New OVERFLOWED BUSI. BANKRUPTCY EqualOppl!:mplyr So L k T hoe 2 8 t Sharon location across from Ci bldg 6 pkg spaces. Xlnl PAMPEllEO PETS Ne 1 g h bor : "I hear Reorganization & h Am ST · a e 8 • rap· ------ly Hall. Executive style loc Cd M Coast Hwy have loved lh1s cozy you've had car trouble." qui·dati·on by exp at Memor ial Day, furn., M roommate wanted to ff ff 11 ·c · · I ( N "V I o ices w u serv1 es Agent 76().1410 groom 1ng par or or ew car owner. es, ( )851 0611 S3SO 5 dys. Ne11r caiunus. shr lg Condo nr SC. avail From 215 sq.ft __ -some 19 years. Central put every new gas sav· lomeys. 714 · _ 642·4~ ____ Plaza, saWla. pool /jac, and up. No lease re Retail/Offi ce space, 700 Costa Mesa location ing device there is 111 my Driving to Tulsa May 3 Bdrm 2 ba home. pvtbalh.Availnow$2SO qu1red .CalJ67J.3002 sq ft, Westchff area, Great parking. $17.500. new car. I traveled 40 22nd.Sharegas.4930250 Furnished. New port mo. + exp. 556·5847, Uayfronl office~for Nwpl Bch. 759.1550 submit ypurterms. miles and the g~~ tank evenings. lsld Wkly SSOO. Agl 751-7287 --lease. 1/mo free rent -----, r J f I N OVERFLOWED. -- 673 8849, 833-2650 Chrsln male share Bch 646·4419. C nHne~lat I 'l,o'llJfUl aet. v nai Lo t I Fomd 5300 Ver Y attractive 1" '(-at' ·-R...._......a.. 4 250 apt gt locale H B no . . Rtfttah 4475 •• ~?~~t-/ieJ •• :•••••••••••••••••••• lelligent 40 yr old la1y ac """ ..,,..._ k · Prest1g1ous Office Spa<'e ••• •• •• ••••••• ••. •• •••. ""'7' s e e k 1 n g P r o ••••••••••••••••••••••• sm g, drgs, parties . ., d ff' I 6'7')-co'-9~. gentleman,age40·60for ..,.,., , til.,.... 4318 ., win ow o ices ava1 a· OFFICE-STORE 1v .,., ., •NW PT OCEANFRONT ~+ ~ u °"' --ble in ruu service Legal 52.5 sq fl or lll50 sq ft. 2435 E. CoHI Hwy., CdM fQIJND ADS n:iarriage P.leasc only & Lido Isle bayfront. sm Male needs apt to share Suite m Newport Center Carpet, paneling, park-smcere rephes. Reply boats & dock Wkly or look together, N.B. Avail May 15 640-5640 ing. Newport & Bay ARE FREE Box #745, Daily Piiot. 673-SURF --area645·1711daysChris EXECUTIVESUITES Shop Center . 2052 lnvtshneflt PO Box 1560, Cos ta L k A h d Cod Newport Blvd . C.M Oppo~ 5015 Call Mesa.Ca. 3 e rrow ea . n ° Empl. Fem. Share my Do er Or Nw t Beach cc:" •181 ,, .. 2228 • ...... , • --Beaut furn spacious 3 v . p ....,., . ., or ...... -••••••••••••••••••••••• • PROFESSIONAL Mal0 • '1 · home Refs. Near Hoag. 714-631-3651 wkdys ---------642·5671 ~ level. 3br. 2 '2ba. Pool, $190 incl uuls 548-0027 lftchntriaf R...tal 4500 Escort. Dinner & Dan<'· wlk to lake $700/mo ---· ----Cannery Village 450' or ••••••••••••••••••••••• 23. 75 % minimum an ing 645-1426eves. 640·1605 Fem rmmle to shr 2br + f1ce or shop s pace in S.S75. Approx. 2000' In· nualized return on 6 twnhse. $250/Mo + shr quaint ch.aracter bldg dus 'l /Office 18 l 01 mos . T .O.'s. Well ---------1 util. Patncia 631-7364 $475/mo avail June 5th Redondo Cr "Q" HWll secured by Saddleback SAM CLEMl!NTE ---673·65229-5 Bch 842-2834 Va lley homes. All docu LOST· 4/28/81 Male Wht Preventative & Stress Samoyed 6 mos old. Vic Reducing Massage by C M R E W A R D ' Doris .. Intro .. Special' OCEA..HFtlOHT Active rem., prefer same. --- ---ments provided includ-635·6200 548-0400 D ram at ic 6 BR, ex nonsmoker,tofind&shr ·PECTACULAR MESA 1ng appraisal In elus ive gated Cypress apt, Nwpt/CdM ar ea. > dividual notes from Shores. Pool. tennis. $300-$35-0ea 545-4436 HARBOR INDUSTRIAL 2·5K. CaU for current Dre a th taking view. ---availability Southcoast LOST : Man's Diamond Ring vie. Hoag Hospital, REWARD ' $1000. 557-4281 Sacrifice now at $2500 M/F to shr 2 br . 2 ba VIEWS PARK Financial Group. Ask l6000mo.summer. Bkr home , 300 yd from 440to 4000Sq.Ft. forRob 937.5667 Lost April 17, Safeway, (714 )499-1320. beach , j a c . Po o I. Prtt"-PeNnallla 71 I w. 17th St. ~~~~~~~~~I CdM . Wbite leather bag ~~~~~~~~~I $300 /mo incl ulll. H B. ....,.. Costa tii4eso. Cafff. -: containing Jewelry. 536·5184 locaHoft. Investors. Will sell v.r int Generous reward. No Lake Arrowhead, nr lk ---pa.-G-642-4463 in equity. Newport Hts. t · k d w/view. Deline 38r, 2Ba Flo shr w/same, 3 br -.., -~ home.CaUG42-6848. que s ions 85 e A frame. rum. w/bch home In Turtlerock, Very Ft.xlWt T•nnt. 1980 sq ft. Unit avail _644_·9523_. __ Lost. small cat, just Yours For The Asking ! Sal vation And Love Through Jesus Christ The Lord! POETS MUSICIANS SUNDAY6:30 In Park, l.Sth /Balboa JM DATING SERVICF. All ages register SlO 835-0489 estbl ·sg club priv. S i ps 10 pool. spa . tennis, lyAppuJs1hcMtMOnty. May lsl Carpels. S475/wlt97S.0492 S350 /mo +.,.. utll (714)675-8662 drapeswetbar •336·:W 851-1351 sq. rt. •Leasing office Partner, Active/lnaclive $6500 inv Mt F. Plumb- ing & Appliance repair. Good steady income. (714)952·06.529AM-5PM spayed, black & orange. --------- Lu"ury oceanfront --hrs. Mon lhru Fri 8-4. KaanapabBch.condoin VW Mechanic seek s DR'sofc.mDwntwnHB. Sat.10-2. white paws & stomach, CliH & Pirate, N.8 . G,..at C0111pC1111y Etcoris Maui. sips 5. avail 7122 house or apt to share 2.000 sq.ft . $1200 lse Red to 8/5 Days 632·4204 . ext 645-9407, S200or leas Carpet. 893-135_1 __ _ 10. -------Fem to shr (25+) new Lake Tahoe Incline Vig condo Irv 2br, w /d, New 3 Bdrm condo S295/mo. + 'h ut1I. non· Compl rum. 115 per n1te smkr Jan 759 MOS eves, ~15 per wk. 549 0012 559.0457 0 Shr m y plush tri-lvl hse: Rtflfab to S.... 43 0 micro, frplc, balcony. ~'2 ••··~··•••••••••••••••• mi from bch <HB > S2SO Moving?. ~void deposits incl all. 536-8090 & cut livmg expen8es' ----- Professionally since M/Floshr2br,2ba NB 1971. CON DO Patio, frplc HOUSEMA.TIS $290. Call646-7332 COMMERCE PLAZA MAKES NEWPORT BEACH AFFORDABLE 475 to 3l60 Sq. Ft. • J•itoriat S.r¥ice Ir INDUSTRIAL SPACE FOR LE.ASE COSTA.MESA Builder desires $200,000 · well secured 1st T.D. lfigh Return. 760-1368 MoMy to Lo. 5025 .................. ~ .... 641~463 * 0 n e 2 7 8 o. sq ft CREATIVE $ $ warehouse avail for 1m· ,3 0 FWldlng if needed med. occupancy. •Two ay . l 1600 sq ft units. office & No pymnt Ins special st warehouse space avail. Homeowner loans a June 1 •32<·33< per sq. cr.nch I .Lg loan amount fl. •Leasing office hrs. s pec1ahst Land, apts, M th F . 8 4 S t rentals, comm. 1st. 2nd on ru n · · a & 3rd TD's Call Dick, 10-2. Bkr 556· 7341Mon-Fn9-5 548-6519 24 Hrs. 641 0180 FOUN 0 : Lhasa Apso, Caalt/Chltcka Cocker mix, Cockapoo. AM EXP fMC /Vita Shellie, Terrier mix, ~~~~~~~~~I Red Dobie, Beagle mix. - Shepherd/Lab m1", Cats ---------1 & kittens. lrvme Animal Care Center754·3734 FoWld Female black lab. 2 whl feet. vie HamUton CM 645-6887 *FANTASY *STUDIO• ........ Prlvale Jlooms 8324134 Career fem to shr 3bd de· UtilffH lftdltded 8, 700 sq ft offl<'e + WIDOW has money for •Shar.dLlv"-• cor furn Woodbridge * A.dfactnttoA.lrport ware house. Irvine In· 2nd T 0 ' Sl 000 •· ' Found : Terrier mix, black & white, female. Retriever, black male. Shepherd mi.le puppies. tan & white, male. Great Dane pup ple, t r i- colored, male. Newport Beach Animal Shelter, 644-3656 The Beach area's closest le most exotic reading studio. 8125 Bolsa Av , Midway City (2 blocks E. of Beach behind h quor slott). Open lOam 3am dally except Sun. -.. & R ...____. R d t I I S C>' · · 8· o. .. up. Counselors to personally co n d o S 3 0 Om o + ff.__.., ow us r a near an iego E·Z CR EDIT. No pnlty. select your compatible am en 1t1es 951·8014 . • Acceu to 3 MOfor Frwy off Jamboree Call For action call 67J..73ll rmmle to suit your 951 -4830 fwy.. 646·1044 or inquire lifestyle. Shared· Living. ---------Maros1 Co. 16753 Noyes. anytime 833DoverDrSuite31NB Wanted: Femaletos hare 833-8813 957-9266. Brkr. Coop In-MoneyWcdtd 5010 Found 541-9243 631·1801 luxury furn Condo. close vited. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Misc Jewelry ;;;; _______ •I ~~CJ~C~·aii11!t!~~: --·H·E·WP--OR-·T--W-a-rehou-si_n_g-sp_a_c_e si0c~~~~olst~a;_t:_dh1gh ----7-S0._1290 ____ .-t !~:.~1 •••••••••••• ?~.~~ ....... _, __ _ Oldest & largest agency in So. Calif. since 1971 Credits: ABC,NBC.C BS. Cosmo, Phil Donahue H'aort• lo all who need a place. Newport Beach, 641-1899 Serving all the S. Coast 556.4776. avail , 5000 sq . ft. Found : Irish seller Vic _________ , CENTER Complete service. Ship· return. 760-1368 Bushard &Brookhurst. •A.UST1lAUA• Furnished Condo near p,..loc= ping/r eceiving /book· 968-3076 30 Day expedition de· S.C. Plaza . .Full recrea-keeping. etc. 540-7063. Morf904JH, Trwt Loat: fem. white Persian parting June 20th . lion. Mature, neat. flexi· 963·50S9 DHda 5015 wildlife /photography, in b I e person . S 3 0 0 . 3 window offices availa· · --••••••••••••••••••••••• cat , 1 blue, 1 gm ~ye, search of wildlife and S40-SlOO. ble In Full Service Legal R...tah WCIWted 4600 5 114 , H arbor V 1 e w you. Suite ln Newport Center ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sattt.r~ Co. home1, N.8. 640·8560. W.A..Y. Tows Newport Bch. or CdM. Avail May 15. House wanted 3 or 4 All types or real estate Reward Mature Fem wants 1 Br, 605640 bedroom, 2 bathl. will investments since l949. ----------1 C7 I 4t 974-4332 I~~~~~~~~~ S-c~L. FOUND: Very friendly,~~~~~~~~~ 1 Ba . in prlv home or rent for four months. ,..--~"" :: 2ndTl>s white, blk bunny. Vic. -bach apt. Tel 640-8324 17th STIHT, C.M. Call 547·31B2. Sa nd cast I e , Cd M. fM91oYM"!! I Roommate. young, to sbr 2 room office suite. Exec. desires to lease lg. 642•217 t 54S-06 II 640-4028 PnportiffcMt 38r. 2 sty twnhse, fully Great parking. Great home in SpyglaH, Big Want Investor for Npt ••••••••••••••••••••••• rum. spa/tennis, racket. bldg. $Z20mo. Canyon, Karbor Ridge. bayfront home. Give Found 2 peklnese dogs Jobs W..e.d. 7075 Realonomics 675-6700 1 f vie Brookhurst & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 759.0988 X nt re 968-~95 well secured lat or 2nd Hamilton. 968-5439 Career Garden Grove, 895-3482 Fem. 30+ shr 2br, 2ba Approx. 450 sq. ft. 1.oned ~~~~~~~~~I house, Nwpt Sch . Pool. C-2, crpts, drpJ, $1~ mo. Pvt beach _,, ""'"8286 130 E. 17th St., Suite 0: T.D. Agt.675-6161. Minded W --£ 21•2-,0 YL...1....11? 2 Little Dogs Male short Accountant Exp. Pvt. ..., .-,, -hair tan,· Female long Pty seeka secure perm. NB atrt prof aentlcman • _,.,. VIO-C.M. 548-1188 will abr beaut 3Br 2Ba Two prlv. rooma at baths home w/emplo M /P, in larae. luxury BACK Office to shan! near So. ~er 30. $.\50 utll ind BA y CONDO. Super Coast Plaza. S2Zmo. 780-0802 recreational fac:ilitlea, 641-2000 NEWPORT CHTR Pre1t11low tuU service ocean view oHlce. 50().8699 sq ft. &U-7180 On your T.D.'s Notes h a 1 r t a n . v i c . po1ltlon locally. Top rer. a.llt•H SSRaiaera·lnvestoraS$ Broolthurst /Slater. Sal open Mr . Hill n-.........._ SOOS Call DeMl.aon Aaaoc. 968.3491. llSl-1484 _.,...... ,,_., 673-7314 .·.··.·.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.••.•.•.•IO __ w_n_e_r_·_B_r_o_k_e_r_w_a_n_t-s 1 F 0 u 0 d : M an x Ca l • ------·,·~·G-!•I AnomoN•. $20,000tolliO,OOOaecured Female, black/white. AHMO&»eC" .. by 2nd TD on own N.8 . Vic nr. Hunllnaton VISITING tMTaUOa realdence Prlncip1l1 _H_a_rbo_r._848-4223 __ . e_v_es_. _1 DICOIATOltS only 644-1817 aft 5pm, Lott: Fem. blk spayed HEAL TH ••••••••••••••••••••••• $275 • s:JOO. Includes M /F ahr 2 br apt, F V., utilities, kitchen prtv, $200 + ~ \ti.ls. 963-28-01 waaher/dryer, miponsl· Sun. oraft. t :30pm b I e e m p I o y e d -----------1 FEMAL ES o nly ! Cualom ahadel drapery _~_o_m ________ 1 cat. vie. of E. 20th nr Office Spaceroraubleaae. and carpet oualneu OST Tu.alin Ave. 648-7134 SERVICES AC C OUMTIHG(.Clerii Se;i & Pac1f1c Sk1pµt'r. a lead111g monthly boatin~ maga21n~ loc-aled in Newport Heuch hai. an Jo:ntry Level opening for ao artist to assist in lay out & pa!>le up The posi· tton requires an ap· propriate degree lie /or an equivalent combUla t1on of education & ex- perience Please send resume with salary re· quiremenlli tu. P 0 Box 1698 . Newport Beat•h. <.:a 92663 Pum. Partt nw Busy office with friendly atmosphere need s permanent p 1t imt· employee. General ac cnts. payable and light typing skills Job re quires 20·24 hrs P.Cr week. We offer Oex1ble schedule. compet1t1ve salary & good benefits. Please call l.mda Foster al 714 54~0500 for an in terv1ew apµt or !>end re sume Attn: Personnd.I ________ _ Presley of Southern Cal. ASSEMBLY P 0 Box 2200. Newport Beach.92663 Accounting CLERK TR.AIMEE Established Irvine Insurance brokerage req md1v1dual to learn data entry in basic acctjl functions. lO key by touch & typini; at 2.5WPM nee Test given Xlnl ben Call 752·2255 ext 305 Anderson & An derson Ins. Ukrs. Int· EOE M !F'llf - ACCTGCLBUC 20 lmnwd opettin9' Start work fmmt!d" Noexper req Work s win8 s hift (2· lOpm ) for nice /dean Irvine Co Good pay. pd wkly. Apply Mon I 4pm and Te us 9 4J>m 2061 Bwtuiess Cnlr Or Ste 200. Irvine Off MatArthur Blvd b~ Moonraker & Ca s a Mana Restaurant EOE M 'F Excellent l·ompany1--------.. benefits, pension & pro ASSEMILHS fit sharinlo( p la n s . Loe . Mission Viejo co. medical & dental cov needs Assemblers w /'Z erage. Prefer 10 key by yrs. e xp Candidates touch &c knowledge of must have gd. manual how to post & balance dexterity, gd eyesight. accounts . I yr in ac neat in :ippearance & de· counting, AIR or A1P pendable Work 1s rn life Contact An. 540 8671 support medical elec EOE tron1cs Gd benefits Only res pon s ible persons seeking perma· nent emrlyml. need ap ply Cal Mrs. Parelh, 581·3830 ACCTS PA VA BLE Lam Ina ting firm seeks sharp ind1v1dual w /strong A P hac k ground. Xerox ('Ompulerj-~~-~~~~~ applicuuon knowledge a 1 ________ _ + but not a mus t Congenial work al mosphere. excell com pany benefits, salary DOE Apply Personnel Dept . Lamination Technology Inc 2720 S M ain .SA.~ 1460JOIN A HAPPY WORK TEAM & GHOW WITH THE COMPANY. ADMIH.ASST Plush office for Newport Center investment firm Super opportunity for ambitious person. Good secrel11rial skills. Ex cellent salary & bonus package. Hours. 3 days 1·9pm, 2 days 11·30pm Call 644·2507 ASSEMBLER Electro Mech t:lectron 1cs Co in Laguna Bch. needs an E t M ussemble r ""1sodenng & E/M as sembly exper Abhhty lo use basic test equip. such as power meters & bridges would be a big plus We offer Xlnt pay & ben +a 4 doy wortt wk. Company 1s 2mi from Coast Hwy & 8m1 from 405 &c S F'wy Please caU for appt, Te Ionic Berkeley Personnel Dept 714·494·9401 E.O.E. Gerald Kozak I~~~~~~~~~ Kozak Flnmtelal S....lus Have s omething you want to sell? Classified ads do 1l well. 642·5678. Happy outeoln1 Prof fem 541-C*aevea/wknda., »40 to th my Npt Ht.11'---------- Zbr Zba pool hm. No amt _ _ --"- a50 Inc utl. 645-21863 for ""' 050 Taatefull)' decor•~ ore w /npandlnt Interior WI PA. YTHIM "TL-L···L(ompon aulte contalnlna 4 of• dealan clltntele.1500sq For yourT.D.'••Notu Lo1t : M. neutered M. w':'hArrneBIGHr:&Df'Y ~-~ Aj rt' '"'•rona del Mar with at Dennlaoo Auoc. Himalayan Cal, I yrold, " ~ Use """tteV"" service ncea, coofe-nce rm • """ -'"7"11 "" Cout Hwy frontaae. v•.r"' collar, "Houd i n i", PROVIDING HOME h I i d kitchen area. 1.300 a/f. Xlot Iona term leue . TD 642-62111 Reward! C E 8V W en p ac ng your a ... a Location: Corner Met• well under market. i.t · · sio,ooo. 2">, 2 -------AA Daily Piiot ad number will Verde Dr. It Aclama, tod udM atock fr FFE.P yea r due. SlH per Found Pem.ale callooc:at PROFESSIONAL& appear in your classified ad CM. 714 mta55 172,500. month. 840-7346. Unlveralty and Irvlne CARINO NURSES Youn• p 19-21 wantalOfflcel.... 4400 -------· ... ·~·..... &HOMEMAKERS we take your messages ••m• to tl\r )'OW' plac.i-······················ Offlce /1300 sq . ft . *c ~ Builder <S.lrea $300000 .. ve.--..... • •• or look tOfdlw. Non ell PLAZA . Carl)eta, drtpea, a/c, » ote ReaJty lll T.D. -well aec~red p..,..,. UH EmployH5 thotou9hly 24 hours a day ... you call 1moker.CM0tN8area. 01e·-··-ICJ· f\. OtftcefUm av1ll. & lnvestmfttt -bi~hreturn.~l-....................... tcreened, insured, In at your convenience .., ............ ,_ ...... 7 ...... --·5Cllii .L-sn1 bonded/<4hr. v6itsovoil. 540-tul,._..... .,..,. -·-· _. JK Yao t FIRST LADY during office hours and get Elderly tndspendentlad)' ''1'h•Nludltforence:' WlsneGT91 OUARAN'l'EEDI E rt U-.1-ls For perwnol chat obout the responses to your ad ... Met• 1lmlllarto1hrber ltaOe Beadl Blvd. 1200 Take over IZU/m o. On any amount or ICO • l""IVUW how we can t.ip you Of mode.ta.-. H.B. apt. 714n1UZM 1q.ft.Clltolcelocatlol\for Flower Sbo,P, lnloe. T.D.'a.bacbdupbyllO P.trD•nn. f;IX lo~ ones (()II. this ~Vice IS Only $7 .SO -... 2101Zllldiel9onn12 j •tor.oroft'lce..Bttw .. n Attu5Pacoa1i.-MUUooc:•hiillMICDtd, 97•-1~:.1 week r more lnforma ·-2 r m..-well 11cured T.D.'a. * • ~ * 1'CT: • • rem'I, ' daUd •Ive • .,. •ou. cttna .. r:.an. or s:n:;·~h ~ ~"'1 ~~p~ BHldea monthly P•Y· 1-;11iiiiiciiii•iiV11Am.:+;;tce~ptediii;;;I Donite Co~pe tlon and pfac:e your ad bome. as111111, Call MIWPOIT ...,.:..... .. c .. --ft Capistrano 111.11101 ruDte 1H are alao1• 96l>0985 -.... call 642-5678. "Jfllln.ap., ,, 11t1aal ~........ .-.-.--·--. iuanntMil a '"_.o.a 1o • 'OSf LMY • lD »rHlil• locallon. or::;.z:-HaU. 11 "*t. ao. lJOO\ J•1 Kil • monll» 11100 lllaJn OU"l'CAU,OffLY If.,.,. con't t*P. ..... ,.. XW~ ht lllt It 8a llr Wld OOtDpltd.e tvpp0rt ...... ( 110 t•l • ll ti or Call penl•oll A11oe. VIL\ llC fer you to IOf'l'leO!• wM ""' .... 11oa1, .. 1811U'-drtnter, .. "1<9. rtoatlpilaTrilile ~ ~<na)41T.., ..a t al'rJ' 175-ms lot tJCdlftl .. con. • ~ 1~ ..... ~.-1-. -~ fUMl-.&~ lM*1·illl l.,.IMM. , =ta=Ua=. ====~-:=l!!~*~tJJ.~~·~··~-~~~·~~~~~~~~ib====-==~~====111==-=·,::!_ ~ J • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dana Pt. Lerse apt, pvt sso per month, 1tora1e ba, S250 mo. UUl Incl. lit. only. N. C.M. al\er tpM It laat. 4934117 7~ c.all 548-7%14 . ' ·~ .... ,, .... •\. '...Z:,j; ........... __ ..__....::: ............ -..-o1 ...... ___ &9,.,...._ ......... ____ ..:-~- " • • -•• - -•..:II. -,_ -.. _-__:__ _- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 17, 1981 C•:e'" C_.uec:tw ......... Herdwood floon $ .. El ~~·T;;;;·;;;.:;;u;,~·;; ·~·:r·;::t~~:~;;,:;~·· ···~·~~;;~;···· ·;;~;;,;;:x;~·;;,c;oM· S*'-'W. Repairs, top quallt.yl.17 SmaU}ObJ-25yraexp. Yd Clean.up. Tree trim Cleaned&Wued rDI yn lo aJU. Uc'd. Mr. ~le 3091~ 543 2719 min a S41H1708, 4-8pm Anytime, 832"'881 S.A M&1 L. Da Palombo;ll62-8!14 u--... nA If CONSTR.lrREMOD Yard c leanups, tree .-.-9 't'aALLyou jily All Around Carpenter. Plans. Lk'd. Georae work, lrrlti•taon & re-••••••••••••••••••••••• for a fl'lnlab & Rou&h. Free Pllmer It Sons. 557-69!2. pair, areen belt lndscp'g Haul, cleanup, concrete 30dayad Est. John'TTU()U ._ 8Sl·Ol29. removal.D\.lmptruck. In \he Co•.-...,. --'-"--------Quick aerv. 642·7638 Ma s t er C r11Us man ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXPERTLAWNCARE DAILY specialbi.na In finlah1nlt Private Educ 11 lion Monthly aervlce. Trees 1'1..0T &remodellng.t99·3105 Cons ultant; fo rme r & cleanups M ike S•VICI Co....t s.r.tu owner-administrator 548·2<M9 DlllCTGaY ••• ~~;~•••••••••••••••• Montessori & K 9 ------DOITNOWI Shampoo & steam clean. teacher 6.ll.-5529 _ THE LANDSCAPE CO. ... For S..... Color brighteners, wht Drywol . Notblne F\ner in Ma int. Your Dally Pllot crpts 10 min. ble:ich. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M9·20~ anytime Service Directory Hall, liv.-din. rms $15; DrywallS~iallst Comm 'l/Resld. Ferti11i '4R1·e5p~7ten, •ta~vlel I av& rm $7.SO; co~ch SlO; Qua!. & prod. New & re-Ing, tr imming, planting, • ""' chr $.S. Guar. t;hm. pet mod. lt38!844. S32 5549 clean-up 645-5409 ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I odor. Cr pt re pa 1 r . l5 yrs ------exp. Do work myself. DRYWALL-Ou r ex· MOW & EDGE-l<l'h dis Acco-.llloa Refs. 531·0101 perttae. We can band le count '>'I price winter •••• •••• ;~:............ --bl 631 2004 • F /C BKKPG SERVICES We Care Carpet Cleaners _your pro ems. ·--rates. 955-1328 All Taxes-Costa Mesa Steam clean & uphols. Electrlcol CALIF GARDEN DUMP JOBS Small Movlna Jobf Call M[J(E~\391 Haulln& & Dump Jobs. Ask for Randy. 641-8427 HAULING-student hllll larae truck. Lowest rate, prompt 759· 1974 Thank you, J ohn. HAULING-CLEANUPS Garages, yards, junk . dirt ; s hrubs & trees trim /remove 842·5274 !!~'!:~~!.! ......... ~:~ ................ !~,~.'!'.~.~ ..... ~.'!'.~~~ ......... .. "Tbe Doer". llouteclea_n. ABC MOVING. £xper DOC ~s PAINTING has LOCALSANOW..ASTER ln1 done. Call eve.. only prof, low rates, quick rt:lurned ! Docks, boat Lie. Ina. reu No Job too afler8pm.~1•. carefuhervice. 552 0410 sllpa , Int /ext hse . blg/emall.840.7900 SHJPTOS.HORE "MOVIN·MAN " Pro m pt, re II ab le ScrHM Boal &I House Clean In It 15 careful courteous ts service. Dave 645-0389, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reliable--Exp. Bonded cheap. Pla\~aJl642·1329 839-5&51 •ON·Til&SPOT• Eat. ~z:M2. 54$ 9789 ,._.. l..terior Screening, Reacreenlng N ... a., 5er¥1cn • Mik0964 9190 HOUSICLIAMIMG ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••··~··••• Ref. Xlnt work. Aft 6. PRIVATENURSE lnte~1or plant design If S.wlllaa/...,...._. Hannah 521().0761 Any ahlft, l2 yn exp, ma111tenance for hom~ ••••;•:•••••••••••••••• --conaclentloua " rellable or office Plant It . Alterations If Oresamalt· HoU1eclear_Un1-Call J "n, 642.8494 anytime. 5$1·2894 In 1 , exp' d , re a• ny, thats my thin& --,..sterJRepolr $40.3593,84&-3393 Ref1 , reliable. 541 3708 Palilta.91"•• Mg ....................... c. ....... L•-,. --•..•..••......•.......• ..,,.. .. ... &..chca.ma •STEVENS PAINTING Neat patches & textures ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••1';.;:••••••••••• Int/ext. Free ltemiied meest. 19).1439 CONSERVE WATER LANDSCAPING ellt Ne t uallt k A u l o m a t e Y o u r Rotolllllna, clean-upa It a ,q y wor ED'S PLASTERING Spr i nkler Syst e m Ideal. Lie IJ43.M41 832·~.546-4S6I All Types Int/Ext 714 /586-1591 Renovatlna· R.otoUIUng Sprlnklers-lawn11·clnups Dave M2·4853 Bud~MSI WAUPAPltllMG 845·8258 FREE EST _S_P_R_l_N_KL_E_RS-. _&_S_O_D_ Prof. installed, lit roll Plaster Patching, int-ext, Tree removal. DIG IT hung free. Answer Ad 11468, 642-4300, 24 hrs or 30 yn exp. Neat work. Landscape, 646-7010 HAULING & Matottrv GARAGECLEANUP ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call646-L5961645·9580 Wor k guar. Truc k ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tree trim, clean·upis. ce· .__._Ke •-a... mount unit. 645-3716 ELECTRICIAN priced ment work. 646-4655 1·639_·1_429 ______ 1 _54.5_·_297_7_<_Pa __ u_I_> ___ TI• Fane painting by Richard Sinor. Lie. ins. 13 yni or happy N.B. customers Thank you. 631·4410 PLASTER ING-Houses. •••••••••••••••••••••• • additions re-color over TILE INSTALLED _F_re_e_e_at_. ___ 63_1·_09_5_3 BRICKWORK Sm a 11 -......---.--right. free estimate on ---------••••••••••••••,•••••••• UPHOL & DRAPES large or small jobti LAWN MAINTENANCE Guar. Used refri&. Cleaning m your home. Lac. 11396621 673 0359 Cleanups·Landscape Goodcood.Sales & TIP-TOPCARPET& ---- block w~lla F~ est All kinds, guaranteed. Low rate&. 586-4892 , refs. John. 893-1667 Service. 642-77$4 Floor Care. 960-6266 REMODELING Free est. 642·1337 A•phalt Electrical work. res1d. & Sprinklers. hauling, trim· c•.....,YowAct We clean out garages. I ton truck. $25. S48-4769 Jobs. Newport, Costa Meaa_, Irvine . Reta. 675·3115 -----College Student, exp'd, ,....,_CJ Tutoria9 int /ex. any job for less! ••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••• Alex851·9371,S52·0231 PLUMBING-new ~on· Summer tutor needed? ••••••••••••••••••••••• NoSteam/NoShampoo comm'I 6312()()4 ming clean-ups mow Stain Specialist Fast --o 645.7287 M6-Ss28 Driveways, parkmg. lot dry. Free est 839 1582 FonnlcofTile 01•· ' repairs, sealcoatrng. ••••••••••••••••••••••• GARDENING , cln-ups. Howeca...g ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROBlN'SCLEANING Service-a thoroughly clean house. $40.0857 BRICKARTISTRY Pool & spa copings , brick pavings, block & brick walls. 960-7421 PAPER HAHGING struc~lon. remodeling. Credentialed expe r repairs, restaurant. . · . S&S Asphalt. 646·4871 CelhCJ, Acoustic Formica ~un~rtops mowing. edguig, raking, Lic'd. •••••••••.••··~··••••••• Custombuilt&msta.lled, sweeping . 548·6!130 Automoff.. Acoustic Ceilings -t latest colors & designs. Chuck IRICIC & STONE Tile, Marble& Frplcs 25 y rs exp. Free est. Fast{ neat. reliable . Sll/ro I & up. 645-6490 _ electronic leak detec· learning_ s p ecialist lion. Top. Hat Plumbing te~ch~r will tutor yo~r 636-2030 child 10 area or need this s umm e r . K a r e n 2 13 -698 -9!159 or 714 /551·8224 eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ustom hand text.unng .!:_ree es.!.:_ 646-4871 ---- Alan's Luxury Motor Car Lac. 389944 532~! ~--n / r.a..._..J.....CJ General S."k" . rwvv ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~are. Waxing, polishing. C t /C -.A... ••••••••••••••••••••••• SENIOR CITIZENS mt. Home/ofc. SSS-.151 etnett OftCmT CRPT-LlN"' WOOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• ". We provide transporta Babysitting Foundations Retaining Lnstalled !repaired. Lie lion & do odd jobs. Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• Walls, Hillside Restora· 1136.9260 __ 2_reg 499·2652 Kim or Jim. 839·2544. c:;~e ,c,~.r~/t "dfys~0e~i:n~ ~l~~k &s ~1ri~t Lfc1:'J.i OS. Fvmltu.... Handy;-an ings Call 631·7886. 642·8387 eves /960-0539 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---Refinish cane veneer HOME IM PROVEMENT lnlneu Senk• CO.NCRETE & BRICK sandbla~t From patio 10 Remodeling-Odd jobs •••••••••••.••••··~··••• Driveways. patios. piano to cabinets A 28yrsexpe~. 979-2265 Personill Ball Payrng & walkways. 855 0930, Touch ofMagic.831 0517 --Tax Record Service. 962-0986 Carpentry · Masonry Trust Deed collections. --Gard.nin9 Roof mg· Plumbing 675-9132, Ceromlc Tiie ••••••••••••••••••••••• Drywall Stucco · Tile • . .J•~-rs ••••••••••••••••••••••• CLEAN-UPS/LAWN & more J. B 646·9990 --Matntenance-1.nds9Ko-r ---I • • • • • • • • • •• ••• •• • •• • • • • I ... MIERT TILE L· 642 R 0 0 r' n g . p I u m b I n g . a.A rreeest carpentry. pa1·n11ng.1 D. & D. ~n Kitchens. bathroom s. Designers. Cust om entries. Lic'd.978 0320 Gardenrng. landscaprng, floors, repair /remodel. homu . 37 yrs exp Fin. tree trimming & re· Freeesl.968-~aft.5. a vail. Charles (7 14) • moval, major clean up, 898-3141 Al (714) 963-8433 COllfroctor free est 752·1349 R E A S 0 N A B L E • -----·----••••••••••••••••••••••• PROM PT. F REE EST. Make your s hopping Construction·Alltypes Prof JapaneseGardener ALM OST EVE HY easier by using the Daily 20 yrs exp F'ree est Lawn cutting. tree trim ~REPA I R NEED t: D Pilot Classified Ads. Lie. #334589. 645-5973 mrnii:. weeclmg. 548-8375 CHET. 645-4757 ASSEMILER Plastic products. Im medidate o pening New p ort Bea c h 518-9818. ------ ASSEMBLERS. We will train Apply 7 AM MacGregor Yachts, 163l Placenlla, Costa Mesa Assistant needed for busy hair salon. Must be l ice n sed . Aura , Newport. 631-1390 AUTOMCYnVE Reli~f Cashier/ Phone Operator Som e auto dealership experience helpful. Full lime Tues. lhru Sat Con tact Elsie Tompkins or Sid WigglJIS at Earle Ike TOYOJA.YOLYO IU•H..-..lhcl c ........ .. rt.. 64._tlOl w '40·'461 . ·••••• • Daily Pilat •· . : Accounts Receivable Clerk : • Prepares classified advertising data for. computer input. Handles inquiries from both • customers and sales staff Heavy detail work .• e 10 key adding machine & light typing. Com-· • pelit1ve salary and em ployee benefits ancl ud·· ing dental insurance Call· 6424321. Ext 277 • for appt. • : Classified Advertising : e supervisor for Classified Department. e .Experience necessary Excellent company . • benefits. Salary commensurate with . experience. For appointment for interview, •call 642-4321. ext 277. • I General Assignment : Automotive PEP BOYS Manny, Moe and Jock •INSTALLERS • It AICOCM5 Together at PEP BOYS! FuJI Time We are looking ror a bright. self moli v ated people to install tires. batteries and other a<'· c esor1es on our rustomers' cars We of. fer good pay and a benefits package that m· e lu des discounts , bonuses, paid varahons, m ed1ral and life ms pension and moral Apply in person al PEP BOYS I 5221 Beoch llYd. Wes~ter.Co Equal Opportunity Employer M /F AUTOMCYnVE BANKING TELLER Part Time The bea utiful Lake Forest office ol a leadmg savings and loan is seek· mg a Teller to provide extra coverage during peak savings ho urs. Some Saturday work will be required. We offer an excellent salary plus free parking paid earner apparel nnd a beautiful work en· \01ronmenl Please call to arrange an interview · FIDELITY FEDERAL Sa•incJI and Loan Asa (7 14) 768-2946 An Equal Oppty Emplyr Com~~r Rey. &i Rey. Vim 11. Ex· 1·--------• p e rienced PREFER· RED. Will consider trainmg the nght appH· c ant Mus t be good ty pisl. Contact Elsie Tompkins or Sad Wig gins at · BANKING TB.LBS Want a REALLY CLEAN HOUSE? Call Gingham Girl. Free est. 845-5123 Experti5e Housekeeping Supplies furni5hed Personalized. 641 -4970 NEED YOUR llOME CLEANED? Evelyn, 642·0728 art. 5 General Housecleaning Reliable-References Own trans. 962-0510 SUNSHINE HOUSEKEEPING Gave your home that spr· 1ng cleaning look all year·round, with quality & dependable work. F r ee estimate, r e - f e ren ce furni shed , licen sed & bonded. 952·3034 Find what you want m Daily Pilot Classifieds . BANKING SAYINGS REPS Fidelity Federal Sav lngs, a growing leader. has two excellent career opportumtles available in its Newport Beach of· fices. ln addition to lop sta rling salaries, these positions offe r paid career apparel, free parking and a beautiful work environment. PART TIME Located in our Bayside office. this position re· quires previous cashie r· ing or cash handling ex- perience. Teller back· ground ls preferred. For more informat ion, please call Venda at (7 14) 642-4000. FUU TIME We're seeking an ex· perienced Teller for our Westclirr office. S&L or 673·66.'50 (213)634-0140 Custom Masonry & Con- crete lOO's Local Ref's Lie /Ins /Bond 645·8512 J im, 840.1705 Rod . MASONRY &TILE Our specialty. We solve your problems 631-2004 Brick-Block-Stone Very reas. Lie, bonded Bob 548-2753/536-9906 Mlnllh• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mini blinds & woods, wm- dow tinting, vert1cles. Phone est. MS-0536 Mo•lnCJ • •••••••••••••••••••••• Moving? The Starving College Students Moving Co. has grown, Insured same good s ervice. l!T124 -436 License 641-8427 Wall Paper Hanging i\ll wori guaranteed Terri . 545-62168 Holleman Plumbing Sales-Service-Repairs Free esllmalN SS:!-7183 Real htate Senkn DAV E'S PAINTING ••••••••••••••••••••••• Serv sallllried cust. 9 Newport Real Es tate Yrs . Qua!.· ante g r ity. agent w1U consider trad· ~eas , Ins. Uc. 760-7301 Ing services. Whal have INT /EXT PAINTING you got to trade? Bruce Blomgre n . RE /MAX Lorates Prompt.neat Realtors. 759-1221 . Free est 848-5684 760-0297 AGA PE FORCE R•flnlshlncJ PAlNTING COMPANY ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 G~nerations of J .D. Horn Refinishing Pam tang Excellence Antiques. kit cabrnels 8»-5851 Fine pamtmg. 645-~ 0 I y m p 1 c P a 1 n t 1 n g RooflnCJ Int /Ext . Free ••••••••••••••••••••••• Estimates, Good qual. QUALITY ROOFING work, low rates. 554 1903 All l)'pes, free est. RENTALS PAINTED v~,~:BcOR R00~~~30 Int /ext. Prompt Seaside Painting. Greg, 536·4806 ----- Have something to sell ? Classified ads do it well. ---------•I Banking S&.L Banking TELLER BARMAID TRAINEE Fullerton's S & L has opening for FIT Teller in POSITIONS Newport Beach Must type 30wpm C all Must have minimum of6 (7141871-4244 for app't. mos. office, cash handl-E.O.E. mg or public contact ex---~-- per LAGUNA HILLS OFFICE • AccCMMh Payable Cleril <Must be abl(' to type 40wpm I •Bonk Reconcllotlon Cleril •Teller <Full & Part Time) We offe r growth OP· portunities, e xcellent working cond itions, s alary & benefits Call Carol Tbuyns,832-2811 BANKING TB.LER Columbia Savings. a Browin' leader, has an 1mmed1ate opportunity in it's beautiful La Mirada orfice. Selected applicants will be knowledgeable in Teller ope rations. have h ghl typing skills, have re cent banking or S&.L ex· perience, and work 30-35 hours per week includ· ing Saturdays. Pa rtl1me. Need e n· thusiast1c person. Dart B ar, Costa Mesa 646·9935 Beaut1c1an lolboal~~llllb is now hirilMJ Hoin~st Preferably w/follow1ng Xlnl working cond Please call Tues-Sat 642-0092 Ask for Joyce Beauty Salon Make Up Artist, full lime. Rive Gauche. 2300 B ristol St.Ne wport Beach. M~8177 ------Beauty Salon Needed models for hair culling classes. Free. Newport Beach. Aura, 631· 1390 Beauty JOJOIA/ALOE commercial bank back-ELDORADO IAHIC ground Is needed. Select· E o E This position offers an exceptional work en· vi ronment. excellent salary and out.standmg benefilJI including com- pany paid career ap- parel, dental, vision and life insurance, free park· Ing and special banking privileges. Please call Jeanelle Moor e at 213-943-3767 for an in terview appointment. COSMrllCS Laguna Beach salon now interviewing beauty & fashion consultants. No exp. nee. Company training. Call Sandra 494·8~ . ed applicant will receive , .. -~~~·~· ~~~~I a ruu benefits package.1· Please apply on Mon· day. May 18. from 9 :30 am to 3:30 pm al l515 Westcllff Drive (a t Dover). Newport Beach Banking TELLER/NEW ACCOUNTS People who need People Co-.... SaY.__t That's what the -n;, ·DAll.Y PILOT Let us include you as a andLoanAMn SERVICE DIRECTORY WeldlnCJ • •••••••••••••••••••••• Jndus. /Comm. /Resid. Atlas Mobile Metal 543-95(17 WlndowC~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Let TheSunstune ln" Call Sunshine Window Cleaning, Ud. 548-8853 Sell things fast with Daily Pilot Want Ads. To Place your "Fast Res ult" Service Director y ad ... Call Now 642-5678 bt.lU B eau t1c1an s & M amcurists with clien tele, be sell' employed. pick your own hours First class sal on . 557-2234 BOAT RIGGER Expe r ienced. field service. quality rontrol Knowledge of boat con· str. Lancer Yachts, 1939 Deere Ave, Irv. ---- BOOKKEEPERS Newpo rt Beac h real estate development company with projects 10 So. California and Florida needs exprd. full charge bookkeeper to handle all phases or pro- JeCl accountmg. Salary open. Call 546 9316 for in terv1ew appl BOOKKEEPER Full exper. thru fin slmts. AIR. A/P. P /R . jmls. some cost Com puter input exper .. systems dvlpl, hvy de tail , nn-smkr. Sal. com mens. w /ability-exper. Loe. C.M. wstm area Pleasant working condi· lions, benefits. Call Mr Perron 833 -229 S eves/wknds 7~0139. IOOl<ICHPElt • Secretary to • Earle Ike PART TIME Newport Beach Branch · 2 positions 30 hrs. per week Includes 'til day Saturday for individuals interested in learmng S&L Light typing . Cash1er1t1g background helpful. Ej(Cellent benefits and working conditions. Call Gloria FIDB.ITY FEDERAL So•lllCJlandLoan As-. part of our friendly staff ~~~!E!O!E!M~/F~~~ la all about.! at our beautiful oflice. = ----------1 Real Estate Investment Co. w ith multipl e partnership entities needs full charge book keeper to work in all aspects of accounting & quarterly rmancial re· porting. Please send re· sume to PO BOX 305<l : Executive Office : • lmmedJale opening for versatile andiv1dual.. Must be capable of handling last-paced, • varied and loteresting duties for newspaper. • executive &: personnel administrator Call :. • 642-4321, Ext. 277 for appt. • • classified Outside Sales • • Salesperaon lo handle Rea l Estate • •Development accounts and automotive• • accounts . Must have al least 2 year s e experience. Salary plus commission. Must • have car. mileage paid. Excellent company • • benefits. For appointment for interview, call . 642·5678. ext. 277. : Janitorial : • General maintenance & janitorial services .• P/Ume temporary position. Call 642-4321. ext . . 8 277 for Interview appl. : Wllb news!~!~8~PP!~ Part lime,:. • boura Uam·3pm, Monday thru Friday. • Excellent company benefits. For appt. for e • lnt.ervlew, call &U-4321, ext. 277. • • Trainee : • for Dlttrlct M• 1 u e •11111 hJahly su.cce11ful local newspaper has an •. • ~ll lot a trainee In the circulation dO· •partment. Baa lc s kills will e nlalle supervillon of 10 to 14 year <Md boy and ilrl. e bom• dellvery c arriers . Areas of e •upe11l1lon will be delivery, eollect.lona and. • tales. Selected appllcaota will receive. re111l•rl)' 1chedule d raises, bonus e opportunJUea and many fringe benefit. such e • cocnpany PIJO oeotal an<I bealth plan. &roupe Ute lnnrance, vacation •nd aick leave. Com·· • PM1 vehicle ii lumltbed durtn& worldn& • llourt. Appllcanu mu1t be ovu J8, have a e 8QOd drMn1 record and be neat appearin1 .• • Boun are renerally Monday t1'N Friday. e Some overtime available. U you are qualified e • end tnler"t.ed ln learning lbe clrcula\loo e bullMN eontact Don WllU.mt or Kttl God· e dard. AIP1Y ln pet10t1. 8.30tol0:30A.M or 2:oo e • to5:00Plll. • • °;: :-.:.-' : •• 330 W. Bay Stl'eet • =Meta, CA • ···=~··•U:•~·=·· TOYOTA·YOLYO "" H..._ 11•4. c •• , ....... An Equal Oppty Emplyr ""•4'·'101., 540-907 Doty. 673-3130. BAB•YS ITTER. Lite IMPERIALS&L Use the Dally Pilot "Fast Result" service directory Your service 1s our specialty. Irvine Savings is looking for a mature resident of the area who wlahes to work as teller/new ac· counts on a {M!rmanent parttlme basLS. Please call 552-6551 for an appt and inter view Exper preferred. hskpg, 5 yr old girl 38 Equal Opportwiity hrs week. Refs req Npt Employer M/F /H Bch. 644-8071 eve aft 6 &I~~~~~~~~~ wknds. IRVINESAVINGS 14376Culver Dr. BAKER Exper'd. Assembly & baking or breads & pa st r y. Ca ll Dick Boga rd 673-2040 bfr 3PM Banking LOAN SECRET ARY Lociil Newport Beach savings & loan has 1m· med. opening for a Loan Secretary. Will con.sider trainee. Salary com· men11urat.e w\th exper. Full insurance benefits & paid career a pparel. Please call: Ms DennyParlsla 71U4.S-6505 MEWPOIT IAUOA SAVINGS & LOAN E.O.E. Banking TELLERS Newwrt Celt.er Branch. 2 poal!Jon$, l full Ume poalllon tncludet tome Saturdays. l part Umt Pollllon, Jelus, per wHk with no Saturday work. Llfbt typln1. E•· pe.rltnct l)ftftrred. E.x· ~lltnt benefib. Clou to bua. C•ll Lynn Juon, 14Ht01 IMPllW. Sid. Equal Op'Portunlly Em p1ozer m 1r lh Wbn ,.. call CIM&U\.S IO pla~ Mad, JOU'N •• nrecl of a frlendl1 welcome lbd .... , m wordlaOCIUlr ..t fof bat rt1ponH. Call Nowl SU.N71 SELL Idle Items with a Dally Pilot Classirled Ad. 642·56'78. Call 642·5678 ext. 322 IRVINE. CA 92714 EOE.M/F You Should Be Here! Our relo•ed and professW style of banking hos been a favorite among Newport Harbor area people since I 972. Not only ore we loolting for experienced banking personnel, b.ut we also encourage students, fwst·rime job seeter1 o~ those .r~tum~g to tNt wotk force to consider fJI or fledH port·hme positions an the following areas: •SECRETARY Operienced Full-Time • PROOF OPERA TORS Exf>f!fienced Full-Time · • TELLERS TrQnees or Eaperienced Full ond Port-Time • FAOLITY ATTENDANT Relioble Port-Tim, CM enthus:cntic sloff tnjoys Cl'I e.cellent tdoty ond compreheMive benefits package inc:ludlng Medical. O.,,tol. poicl vocation, reti<.ment and mor •. hr II' -•lllldllto I ...... " .. ,." ...... 1714) 76MOOO ~·~ty~llW ' 001 ·~~;NTINCi FOR US REALLY ADDS UP. You know banks spend a lot of tim e counting money. Unfortu- nately this counting doesn't always add up for you. That's where we're different If you count for us, you11 count for something. As a matter of fact, no bank otters the chance for ad- vancement we do. We're UCB and we're looking for commercial and chief tellers to perfonn multiple teller tasks. All you need is a basic under· standing of math and the ability to communicate with people in a very friendly way. So if you fit the bill get in touch with us today. You could be a teller that makes counting for us add up for you. Call for an appointment Commerdal Tenen WestGardenGrove(714)891-1951 Newport Beach (714) 6Sl..S200 San Pedro (213) 831-1281 Downtown Los Angefes (caJJ be- tween 10:00 am and 2:00 pm M-F) (213) 614-4478 Clllef Teller In Laguna Beach (714) 494-6546 UNTEO CAUfOANA BANK m A FutUN Wll\11........ I . Equllll OooorlllMy E~ WJ/H • . ' N.B. CA 92660 IOOl<ICHPIR P rr. payroll thru trial bal•nce. Sala ry com · mensurate with ex- perience. Call Lois Sm ith at 675-4930. IOOKIC_..~ /C Salary commensurate with ability. Newport Beach. Call 851-1.502 fo r app't. loold&H~r Full charge. uU time position. Xlnt benefits. $1400 mo. Nliuel Shores Commun.lty Aun. (714) 4.93-0122 IOOICIC.a F /C Growing So. Org. COunty Co. aeeka bkkpr. Exp'd In Journals, ledgers • P&L stateme n ts , , 1upervislon of A/P le A /R p e r1onn e l. Life /health lna. Profit 1barlng, ESOP. Send re- 1ume to: PO Box 2711, Capistrano Beach, CA 92824. Bookkeeper, Sportswear m af baa opening lo Nwpt Bcb. Xlnt opp for right lnd . Please aend Reaume Box 2135 Nwpt Bcb l>*3. loollP...._ P fl'lme Mon, l :IOPM to fPM, Tu.. 10:30AM to SP M . No exper necessary. Apply Pen- ne)'Saver 1680 PlaoentJa Ave.C.M. CAI WASH C •• bJera wantedd Ana helm la ClnJlte. Ca 144.._, llllt for NIJIC)' or Ano. CASHm~ 11 Toro. Deb aru1. Call etlda ..... J I I I . Orange Coast OAJLY PILOT,&Jnday, Mey 17, 1981 •7 ~!~ ..... ?!!C! ~~-~ ... -!!~~!~!':':' ...... ?! ... ~~~ ..... ?!!4? ~.~~ ..... ?!.~ WHle~~fer u:-Cltrlca1 1 -'-~ ·lfAmFY vnul se~~~ae'a P /'~t!f"r!~1;' e1 · ~~~ ..... !!.~~~-~~ ..... !!!4?!~~-~~~ .. .?!!!~'r.~~-... ti.«!c!. pertence, but wUJ train. 'IUU Reatauraot, r.aauo perhmced, Fri • aome Florlle'. eal)tr, full time. HOSTESS: Pauttime,ex-....,. ... ~~·-•·• Newapap•r dellvor1 Apply lri penon, Mon B b ........ _,. Sat. SlO pr hr Npt Ctr De Muri Floriat 14•• r1 A -... --Fri, tam-llatn. Stan-wo1• Uft eac . ._........ 760-9357 . -pe 0~ neo.ury. ,. T •• .-.................. peraon, 11 or over. • dard Shon. 8077 s " COOIC New p o rt Bl. c M ply In penon. Le Blar-eo.· ,-Driver'• llceolt ln Brbtol,C.M. At Pacific Mutu•I. you'll enjoy one o1 tho Immediate op"n loa. DENTAL FRONT 646--4479 rill,4ttN.B.6'5-ffOO. ~\'l:; re1~1i::•l!i. aurance, eoooomy car. CASHIER • most t>eauUful worlclna environment.. In Niabt abllt. Excellent . OFFICE GEMEAAL OfffCI HOST ~llSS dlvldu.al w /mln 2 yn Npt Bch·lrY.cc.t. M•a HOUSEWARESALES Oranre County, and areat benefit.I too. Ulce be n e fll1. Apply in Full lln:1e potlt.loo <.:osti1 Good t...JRI , .. 'I'-, wor.. Full • part time avalla-collt•e. lo management, ~re,.a. 1 d)'I pr wk . Moo· · a 7\'a hour fltxtime work day. tuition person . Jolly Roaer, Men. 2 ycan1 exp., mat led,_. .., "' a ble App~ In peraon E x p e r I e n c e / r r • 2-SPM. 81\/Sun Applylnpenon:Crown relmburtement .. van poolins and 2300Harbor8lvd,Costa be sidlled In strons lad~anc'ede~~~~.fi~l· S.5PM.Jc Rorer,400 upervl1lon, workln& 4-7 :30AM . Approx • MAH rdwCadrelll, 3107 E. Coast comprehensive medical, dental and Ule Meta. telephone communica Victoria Stnwo:;u. cu ~ .. 71,... So. Coast wy, Laauna w/pubUc to maoaf• ont SSOO/mo. CaJJ 5'0.8Q01 wy, lnlurance plans. tloa. peg board & an '" ~ ..., Beach o f It • lac: 111 le s bet. llAM·&PM. A.Ilk for CASllEIS UTDTEM MARK£TS For 2nd & 3T<l Shift.a We promote to manage· ment & 1upervision from within. WANT A CAREER? Costa Mesa 111 Del Mar 631·9421 Laguna Beach 494-9233 Huntlnjton Beach 962-9116 CH.AUfflUI H.AMDYMAH Responsible, auto/boat maint, odd hrs. Call wk dys 494-1112. Chiropractic Clin\~ needs dependable person for busy front o ff ice . 64~6002. Ask for Judy CLERICAL Leading k>cal pest con· trol company needs fulllime general om ce personnel. Entry-level position. Typing re- q ul red ; office ex· perience helpful. Call Tim. 642-5922. Clerical TRY COi! n. t0Jlowin1 career pc>11lt.1om att av&Jlable · for tho.e who would like to 1row wtth a major corporation. CLHICAL SPICIAIJST Knowled•e of 1eoeral office procedures. 'I)tpin1 and CRT eXl)erience helpful and 1ood mat.h/accounllne apptltude DAT A 'IOCISSIMG OPERATIONS Sr. Data Encoder -Days or PM Cade Keydisc experience. Univac Sr. EDP Operator -Working Knowledge or JES2 MVS. Data Conversion Specialist -Un.lvac Cade 1900 experience. Swing shl!t. SR. WORD ,ROCESSING TICHMICIAH· WAN~ Syste m 30. Typing 70wpm plus J yr. expenence. SEC I ET .ARIAL Executive Secretary -6Qwpm typloa. 90wpm shorthand .. Human Resources Dept. Secretary -heavy phones and typlne 70wpm. ST Aff S,ECIALIST Group In sura n ce bac kground In administration and claims. Performs production control of drafts EOB's and computer generated reports. .ACTUARIAL SPECIALIST Performs cost calculation and annual valuations on group benefit pen,,ioo plans. Past expenence beneficial. College algebra and computer/programming background helpful. Come join one of the nation's leadlng Life Insurance companies and perhaps we'll make work a beautiful experience for you! For specific position information please contact, Marilyn Thoms, at (714 ) 64().3538. CDI 11 expmt6'g its ct.ricol opp1ratloft1 a. OralhJe eo.ty. If yo. ha v • chrl ~a 1' PACIFIC MUTU•• Mcretorial or cptteral ,._.. office ·~•· ap-700 Newport Center Dr De~. 151 ply at 0 .,. Ora1tge Newport Beach, Ca 92660 -t Cou1tty Office. We i Equal Opportunity Employer M/f' wffld lllre to speak to "!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ you todcryi = CDICORP 330 3 Harbor ltvd. Ste D-2, Coda Mesa SSM022 Equal Oppty Employer Mtf' CLERICAL Clerk. Drycleaoeni, 3dys CLERK. 7-Eleven mkt, prwk. P IT. 24 hrs max./wk, 646-7621 graveyard & wknds. 1920 CLEJllC-TYPIST Ba I boa, N. B. 673-6190. ~.lU6.19perhr. COCXT.AIL 2~30hn. per week WAITRESS Reservations at front C ............ 0 counter or Community ,..,...'" Services Dept. Required MHJc:. Rest. typin~ of 45 wpm. Apply Apply in person lo: Caty of Irvine, 17200 20111 Brook:hursl Jamboree Rd, 754-3639. at Adams before May Z7, 1981. --------- COLLECTOR Clerk typist, SO wpm. cor· Costa Mesa collection INSURANCE CLERK respondence and light agency Is seeking We leave • Hee... filing, some olfice ex· telephone collect.or. Ex- oppo rtunlty for a perience. $4.SO per hour. perience preCen-ed, but peraoa with atrORCJ Office houni 8 to 5 Mon· will train. Salary & com- clerical .. to assist day thru Friday. mission. Health in · Ith I I 645-2937 sura nce & paid vaca· w •111p o_yee n· tion. Contact Mr. Gibbs ..--Ce octlvtty. at 957-1047. Experince "' .... .... IWOltCe fWd wll M helpfell b.. not ,... cpNred. CLERK TYPIST --------1 Energetic person with COMMERCIALS, films, good typing needed for models, extras. SCAS busy managing general needs new fa ces . agency . No exp . 957-0282 necessary, but ability to ---.---. --learn a must Attractive Compan.iontSec y. Lave salarr & ali company In, some cooking. Own benefits. Call Linda at car Newport area. 549-8161. _548_·_867_2_. ----- hcellnt salary mtd ~ beMflh. eo..tad~ The fastest draw an the s.carro1 546-7360 NATIONAL EDUCATION CORP. uooc...-Dr. Hewport leach. C.A. EqMtOppm.lty e..-,...MF CLBICAL Our expandinf bWllness has severa i mmed openings. The following positions are avail: MAIL CLE RK · CLERICAL, typing 30-40 WPM , malling, riling, general office duties. CLERK TYPIST, t:;rinf. 4~45 WPM. genera o . flceduUes. Office uper helpful. Good company benefits. Hrs. 8AM-4:1SPM. Call for an Interview appt. 833-8450. COMERCIAL BANKERS LIFE • 1401 Dove st .. Ste 550 Newport Beach, Ca. E.O.E. M/F Clerical CENEIAL OfflCE ASSISTANT I mo. tem_pono ••l&n· mtnl avail now ln Santa Ana UH. Mut type AOwvm . GeMral otnce dutfea. Call toct.y for Appt. cn~L1n·:: 1'M'OllM'fWFI.._~ t J72J ......... .... ~ .... ms . ··-·- L West. .. a Daily Pilot Classified Ad. 642-5678. CLERICAL ® n.co ,.._.eo ... y Automatic Data Processing is the world's lar1est Independent computinf servlcea company. We use more computers in more ways for more people In more places than any other company of our kind. -CLERICAL SUPPORT - - o;i'. rapidly growlo1 Pension Servlcea Division administers retirement prosramt for the sell emp,loyed. and for 1mall .t.o medlum·ailed bualneaa and ptOleulonal cor- poraUooa. '1be clerical staff plays an lntearal part lo UM admlolttrallon of the retirement plan.a. Our contJnuin1 eirpaotlon meana a comtant need tor enChualutJc and HrVlce oriented peopk. OpportuolUu uist ror peqple with dutca.l or butln.., backlJ'OUftda. For Lbete potlt.lou we requJr. lllht t.YJJinl, math ap-Utude a.nd or1anl11Uonal aldU.. -aa.u1n1 or broker•1• eaperlence \• a plu1 . • Opportunlllu alao exltt for tome lne:1P.rteoced pec>ple •ho are wt illnl to ........ ADP beU••• l\ncourq!nc tbe .,..iop. runt ot akllla Dd 1upervlaorY upertiH from ..SUila UM ortW..Uoa. We allo ba" the kind of beneftt peclla1e )'OU would US*\ ol a comp•D.J of our 1tatW"9. 1 • .,, Par *8!denUoe, Ylai&.our Plli'onMl otnet 11 btt .... t aat ud • pm ar clill -..-0 •· Ill for .,.,. Mc.alll. .;! --• }, .J ... . ' -... ·do ..... --=--==-.~ --~-= ~- ' Cook 1urance. 631-1420. E.O.E. Mecbaolcal aptltutt. a Lee or Bob Pina. Short Order GINRAL OffltCI Hotel plua. Benefit packalt __ N_U_RS_,....._AJ_D_E __ M uat be 18. Apply D EN T A L 0 F f' 1 CE JF YOU. H .. HT .AUDfTC>a provided. Salary baaed .,.., 311 Palm Balboa M A N A G E R . e n Like People Exp. NCR 4200. 12 mid· on uperlenee poe,entlal For reliremeot hot•t, tbusi11stlc, erricient & or· Know Ofltce Procedure• night lu aam Apply ortunlty la xlnt. Send re Fri & Sal, mldoJ1hl. • Cou nt er Help o r 1aniied w/bk.kpgexp. 4 AremoneymoUvaled David McNeil or M rs sume It aalary hlltor> PtrpoelUOnfora.naMS.. SMandw~clh CPallersoof •PIT daywk,paidvacalion& Cal 7 l 4f7Sl·f 700 Baltaurbetw~ uam-to. 1925 Church St 5pm-11pm. Newporl on.· r · or appt. holidays. Send reJume, _ Spm, Hotel LagWla, 42S Co4taMeea.Ca9'2'7. VIUa,642-*l. 752-5401. Gary'• Delle. will contact Box 742. GEMHAL OflACI S Coast H~, Lattuna Managem~ M~ Co..tw~ Daily Pilot, P.O. Box Experienced office Beacb.4M-1· OfCice buildlnf manage1 RN or LVN, tMpm1 3 .. ld•-,.: 1580, Costa Mesa. Ca. to .. ln all Monday Fr ay. Super .....,..., peraon wora am ROUS_... ..... ~ERS re q Me c an I c a l nltes _per week. Pvt. u SandwichSU.4887 '"'''~'" ple~~anLt aalea offiCoce lo To IS/hr""', car~. 845-.. 5123 knowledce euentlal bed Conval. Hosp. 8.A. D • Sou arma on ast Able to me tools In ar Ht.a. S.A ~3'llll. COUMTa NltSOM esaaner llwy Good typist, non .,..,,332 __ _.;._;__.;._;_ ___ _ To write contracts ln HVAC Corif'm /lndust. smoker, P/ft.oatart Im-emergency,_,. 1· HURSIMG tool rental counter. Must project.a. Min 3-5 yrs ex· mediately. $4..50/hr. Call Hom ........ JM~ M.AMICURJST Need Ro or LVN for pm work wllends. Benefits. ~r .. Mech Consultant& 499-4504. LiYe·in. Pv\ bcfnn. View u 9-4 Tuel S t shill In conval. hosp. Will t lo A I """"" home, N.B. Childcare, .,ra • ·· a · XI •-..._ ft ra . PPY ~ r.OCAirport GEM._ .... _..,.E lt.cleaolng.6"4·ll90 Newporter Inn Hair nt sal&J')' ... ...,ne ta. La mbert-1203, El Toro. Dahl, Taylor& Assoc Leadln~a~con· . De1i1ns, N.B. 644-2580. OIHereottal paid for COUNTBHB.P ~5234 trol company needs Houaell~eper , live-in, --------• ~eM~enno~~·~~~i:;;,~T!: F/t. P /t, days, apply an ---------fulllime general office ~~:pf:~onustfso!..aekldEenrlgy MANUFAcnJRING c .M . person. 711 E. Balboa DISIGM personnel. Entry-level · r:-, . · Bl d EMGINEll position. T{ipinf re· & have vallddnver s Uc. v . D ... T... MCg.co.inMlssionViejo qui.red : ho ficl' ex · Refsreq'd.548-0794 "" "" area need.fl exper in ~f:;;~::i~seJ~pful. Call Housekeeper/Companion 'IOCESSIMG electrical connectors , Live in or out. Responsible person with h e r m e t i c s e a I s , GEMERAL OFftCE 83J.3lC». data entry experience transducer design, com· SmaU office needs airll liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiimm•I for Laguna Beach D.P. ponents materials & " Ill 0 p e r ation s . X I o t methods. ~ood 0 0 phone, lite typ-HOUSB(EIPSt beneCits. Non-smoker. Duties include design. _i_ng"-._C_a_Ll_~_lS32 __ . ___ 1 lmmed F tr opening 7-3 494-5766. drafting'-materials lest· GEHEltAL OFftCE shifts. Hospital uper Ing & ri&D projects. pref. Appy btwn 1-4pm DELIVBtY DRIVER Mechanical Engineer Looking for a very in· Mon-Thur. Costa Mesa For auto parts store. Ing degr ee pref'd lerestlng part time job Memorial Hospt. 301 Must have valid Calaf. Qualified candidates an pl easant office ? Victoria. CM. 642·2734 d · u •-ood d I Clerical, for mature E o E M/FJU ravers c .... g r v-send resume to: Mrs. Loe · pc H · · · '" ing record. Aprly at Hub J a n s , 2 3 8 9 1 v i a ~rson. ation · · ·· j~~~~~~~~~ Auto Supp y , 2120 FabncanteJoSuite 603, pl. Bch. Exper. a H bo C M "'A"' ... a. must. Accurate typing, HOUSEW ARE SALES asffo/CIB.~ · .....,...,..,,..., Mission Vie .ca.92691 no s horthand. 20 hr. CASHIER week includes Sat & Sun Apply in person: Crown DELIVERY Donut s hop. Early AM Call: 646-7431 __ Hardware, lQ24 Irvine, F rr time for local de· shift, no exper nee. App-General Office _<W_e_s_tc_Urf Plaza) NB hvenes. Xlnt dnvlng re-ly · Dipplty Donuts. 11154 HllPll lNSPECTOR cord req. Phone for Newport Blvd. C.M. Appl. 557.9212 Ask for •• Exp in blueprint read· Mr. Emmons. Newpart DRIVER ing, and measuring 111· Stationers Inc. needed, must have good We are an need of a struments. Send resume driving record. Room creative gen. ofc. clerk to: Aluminum Forge Co. Delivery I for advancement llunt. for a long term lem-502 E. Alton St, <PO Box TV IMST jDaV I Bch. area. 5JS.2S93. _ ~o:srb/:~:Jr~~=~f~ 2125). Santa Ana. 92707. Mon-Fri l2-7pm. Approx ORIVER with numbers, gd. phone _E_._o_._E_. M_/_F_. ---- 30hrs/wk. Salary com· manner, professional al· 1o...15 mensurate w/exper. Ap· MeyerhoC's(xJrimary d " URAHCE Ii or rood litu e impt. Call: 01d 1. • ply in person Kerm supp er g sto 1ne insurance Rima H ardwa r e. the Irvine corporate IVICKI HESTONI brokerage ~uires ex· MHEC. 2666 Harbor communit y needs a _ p'd~rsonallinesacct. Blvd . C.M. responsible & fl exible admmistrator for Irvine person to do rood prep & & Auociat.1 corporate ok. Strong DEMOHSTRATORS back-up deliveries. Mon· 5Jn ftJftO tech background a PART TIME Fri & Sal. Fri,8-3pm.Gooddriving lfV'UIHI must. Competitive Work in your area. Car record necessary. Starts Specializing m benefits include profit nee. $4hr. 541·07UI at $3.45. CaU Susie al Temporary Clerical sha ring ; dent a I, 557-6232. PersoMel medical, and life cov· Dental Assistant, FIT or erage; paid 1;11 day orf P I T . PI ea s ant •DRIVERS• --------•I per month; educational established Costa Mesa Full & Part lime. Must General reimbursement. Please office. X·ray lie. & exp be 18 years of age & have The lalboa lay Ci.b call : 752-2255. ext. 305. . req 631-1420 a good driving record. Is now~: Anderson & Anderson Starts at $3.35/hr. Call ... ...., Ins . Bk rs .. Inc. EOE DIMTAL.ASSISTAHT Mark. 8AM-5PM Mon M /F /H Chairside. RDA, X-Ray day lhru Friday at SHck'-Coolts ---------lie F /T. Beach city. 751·2680 Fast rood exper. INTERIOR DESIGNS Salary open+ benefits. ---------Summeronly. Busy Home cenler·NB. Non -s mok er p r e f . EHGIHESt Exp. req. Flooring. 847-2569. Structur al: 4yrs exper. lest Hod~has draperies, consulting. NwptBchofc.675-6110 EXP. REQ. Thur, Fri, Personable. well· DEHT AL/P'• F ""ST FOOOS Sal. Sun. 6-10 pm groomed. mature. non· Non smoker, back or-"" smkr prer 2 3 d pe lice. Roving assist. now, Cook & Cashler Exper e k f'loo. · ·t. ys .,~ front o(c in 2 wks nee. 504 Pacific Coast Gate 'ef"ICMI w e · r 1me. ""'" 644·0611NB Hwy. HBS36-4445Eves. Fri &Sat 7am·3pm co mm /net s a I es +$35 /hr consultin g. Dental Walhr/Waitrff1 640..9193 E · ced O hod FILE CLERK 1 Y r EX P R E Q . ---------xpenen rt on-lO:J0.3:30orS.ll pm JAMR'ORIAL tic, chair-side assist Large insurance agency Stock & delivery person, 546-5170. eves: 557·7077. has immediate opening Sec~ Gmrd 7am-4pm shift, Sunday • for fast, energetic file thru Thursday. Xlnt DHtalH~f1t clerk. Paid company 1 yr. E PREQ. benefit s . Apply In PIT for bmy ofrice near benefits. Call. Linda at peraon, HVi'ime Liquor. S.C. Plaza. Thursdays & 549·8161 Store Ct.ril 495 E. 17th St. C.M. Fridays.54.S-4553. 1~~~~~~~~~ PIT, Cash Reg. EXP PREF. L A N D S C A P E CONSTRUCTION posi· Gate,et"'ICMI lion. Must have all· f'ra . Sat 7am-3Pm. rac· round exper. Top pay & quetclub benefits. Please call (714) 768-4751 f rom ' l!li1 CLERICAL Please call for apet 9AM -3PM. PACIAGING Orange County'a leadine manufacturer or healll- prod u eta requ i r ef packaging penon. Read labels. run labeletlc machine, pull orden and package bottles other duties as assigned. Apply In person to: Vil AMER LABS A Div. of Anabolic, Inc. 17802 Gillette Ave. Irvine, Ca 92713 Equal Opportunity Employer M /f' M.ARIME RlaGLASS ,a SOM lmmed employment fo1 top flight glass person Must have exper. Ge! pay. Apply in persor 1640 Babcock St. CM daytime, or caU 631·2Sl9 MEDICAL COUftlER Mu s t ha ve owr transportation & b< familiar with Calaf freeway system. Mon f'n, 9-5pm. 768-8500. MEDICAL TRAHSCRllER Work at home, top pay Req u ires min imum 5/yrs acute hospital ex perience in all ehases ol medical dictat1on. Cal 768-8500 for interview MEDICAL Immediate opening e..x· p'd medical records & chart handling positior f o r b u sy N .B Orthopedic office. Som< insurance also. 5 da) week, x lnt fring< benefits. 646-5995 fo1 appt. OIDa..FLLH Must be accurate, no exp. necesary Apply In person 511 E. Goetz S.A. 'ACKAGEllS FEMALE $3.40/hr. to start. Merit raises. 1537 Monrovia Ave,N.8 . Part/Full time JOb at home. Send stamped and self-addressed en velope lo O.N . En terpr isea, Box 5439, Pl.ne Bluff, Arkansas, 7161L Part time at home. Nd 6 dynamic people, will train. Richard675·5895 ,.ARTTIME To deliver Daily Pilot auto route in Newport Beach HOURS: Mon. thru Fn a pprox 3 :30p m to 5:30pm HOORS: Sat & Sun 5am-7am. Earnings approx $350 per month. Call 642-4321 Cor Bryan Holland or Sheldon Harte. Equal Oppor Employer PART-TIME lntematiooal exchange proJram seeks responsi ble tndividuaJ to locate & interview host families for high school students from Europe , So America & Japan. In-teresting position for a person who enjoys work· ang with people & Is in terested In promoting in· temallonal understand- ing. Write P.I.E .. 1356 Sunset curr Blvd, San Diego92107 .. ,ART TIME Earn full Ume pay in your spa re time ! $250-$400 /wk is yqurs, guaranteed as a consul· MISSIHGH tanl fo r Import Co. 6 mornings a week, Desire for big$$! Call Mon: 5:30AM to 8AM. afterlpm :67S.S299 Tues. thru Sat: 6:30AM Part lime lo 9AM. Excell. driving .. _1 rec. req'd. Apply : Pen-_.. ..... , nysaver, 1660 Placentia Why..of? Ave., CM We started our own dis· MMGMT ,osmoH Fabric chain, C.M .. Anaheim. Xlnt opp. Geri, 646-4040. Models-female, tall. non· fashion, magazine. Sharp only. 642~282 Bob. tributorship because It offers lg. income poten· tlal on a part-time basis working at home with xlnt travel and ta1 ad- vantages. If that ap· peals to you, caU us at : 551 -5822. 7-9 wkdays. S!J WE'RE THE BANK THAT'S PUTTING AN END TO THE DULL WORKDAY. 645 -7358, Mon·Fr1., 9:30-5PM PART TIME Legal Secretary, exper. MlltEY RECEPTIONIST Workdays at UCB tend to be anything but dull. Because we off er the kind o'f atmosphere that's conducive to the chal- lenging work we'll give you. Credit Checker-In this posi-- tion you'll process and verify credit checks on consumer k>ans. Respond to other companies re- quests for credit information from customer . credit applica- tions. All it takes is basic typing and communication skills. Consumer Loan Proceuor- This position requires a solid understanding of the consumer loan process. You 'll type and process dpcuments on direct consumer loans. Verify and ob- tain credit information. Obtain insurance policies on loans. Plus take care of many other process- ing functions . You must have good math and communication skills along with good typing ability. Call us if you're qualified for either of these positions. And leave the duU banks for those who want a dull days work. Call for an appointment ~t1Mdten Brea (714) '29-3991 HuotJnaton Beach (7M) 847-2$81 • eo....er Lou PrOCftlOn Tustln (714) "8-5943 Brea (714) '29-3991 If . I•' ? l~~~~~~~~~J Up to $1400/mo. Send re· fQR Real estate company General sume . P. 0. Box 6114 ; COLI.EGE needs a part/time recep-Lag Ntguel92677 In Ju.st two years you tionist for weekdays . .VICKI HESTON. LEG .u couldhaveupt.o19.000to Some light typing re· -SEC'Y l/ help pay for your college qufred. Excellent work· • MEWPORTIEACH costs. And a skill that in g con<llt1ons. com· f~ Full time 9 to 5:30. CaU you'll learn ~lus ex-~~~!~f:. !~!O:P:~~t T Cl I I J oyce for appt. ~56.W. perience ~ricing with srec1' a I con•1'derat1·on emponry er ca others In the U.S. Army. " Penaonoel LEGAi.SEC'Y lfyou haveahlgh school g ven to real estate 540.0400 Pro bate exper ience, d i ploma you may licensees. Write telling r a t p /T l·r r ainln d about yourself to : General ~ e m n en . qua 1 y or tr g an Receptionist, p .O. Box e w po r l 8 eac h . service to your country 7964, Npl Bcb, 92660. Help W..e.d, If Mail room. Mon-Tues night.a. 5pm·2am. Apply 1660 Placentia, C.M 673-7120. w bi 1 e you serve 844_9990 yo urselC. Call your ---------LECiAL SECY• Army Recruiter for ':'!Ti 5£ ... IOR ~R more information: 1 1 ......,. r-•"" Costa Mesa S40-l026 Fu 1 time pos on. Full Challenging position for HunU.gt.on Bch 962-8821 company benefits. Ex· top secy w /Xlot skills. Laguna Hills 768-5251 per or w /train. Apply General ,,....._Helper Mon 3:30pm·tam. Tues 2:30pm-12:30am. Apply 1660 Placentia C.M. Deluxe ofcs OC airport S PENNEYSAVER 1660 ·area. Gd ben. Sal. Com-anta Ana 542-4763 Placentia Ave. C.M. GIRLRIDAY Needed for Cast growing small Co. HUNT. BCR area. s•2593 mensurate w/exp. Coo-ARMY. BE AU tact Cindy. 752-7551 Lite-Mfg Full .& Part-YOU CAN BE. lime work available. 642.sJCR NAnOMAL CASH CARD Gift~ M.ACHMSTHB.PM Parttlme.OrangeCoun-Full lime. Must read Advertising sa les ly Airport Area. Self vemiers/micrometera. 6 repreaentaUve. Career starter with strong or-min exper. Laakmann sales opportunity with a ga nlutlonal and ac· Electro-Optics. tnc. multi-dlvtaionalnatlonal co u n ti n I a k I I la . E o E San J c compe11y. We wUI train Minimum Ute typLn1 (7·14) ~ uan apo you to contJ'OI 1-00-1 in· Top 'dollar and flexible ~~~~!!~!!~~ tervlewa with bual-houra for rt&bt person. .;: n e 1 a m e n • p r o - '152·8905 --------feaal.ooala. We ~rt by Gro•dlKMMr Mil.CUB. ~:·:n~:'~!:V~ orounda kees,er rfffded ~!l.~ ~U:.C:r: lillt btnelb both bust· by HuntlUtoo Beach Cl-very flexible. CoidweU ....,. • oomumera. ty School clstrict. lllO to Ban ker Real Eat ate, We offer complete in-$1233 per mo. dependln1 F11Mon laland, .,k for auranc• packa1e. ex-on exper. Appl)' '7as 14th ClarleJobmoft,...,.9080. pellM bonuaea. Ir rapld St., H. 8. 53M&Sl advancement. We work 1 00 • COtnllliNion basla •UAIDS with tl\e averaie ac- Full It part lime. All M~I count eucutlve tarnln1 ,.ATROUCLalC 2·3 days per week. Hn. 9-5. Apply: 1660 Placen· UaAve.,C.M. ,.XR~iolll1t Laguna Deb mfar Co. nds sharp person ror our front ofc lo operate awltcb~, band&e Co. mall & do a · variety of personnel dept wrk . Busy deak, Iota of people contact. Typlo1 of ~60WPM req. Clerioal ex per. desired. We offer Xlnt pa)' IC ben. +• 4~ .... ..tc Company II lan1 from I eo..t Hwy• am• rrom · 40Ur 5 Fwy. Pleue call for •PllL ' T.4.lonlc BdilieJ- P tr"° DO• I D•Pt. 714-41M•t40S &.0.1:. • , •AH. Unlfol'tnl rum'd. TICHJTIAIMll sas,OCJi>.S.0.0DO annuall1. Alea 21 or over, retired Dot/cou dllt · tlie rreat We nMd 4 ~to train 1 welcome. No cxper. nee. ou oo-t ., _ -· ln for rnanac-nent ln ou:r L .. .;-"; Apply : Uni vera a I •• -· y,,_ · newly®'iMd W91t coul 'L r.~.: ~ ProtecUon Service, lD8 tereated ID maiDtalnlot office. We otter the me»t -~~1 pubUc putca..c... ~lnp d w. stb St., Santa Ana. or •lhet.lt ,. City ot trre~~a,_ue complet~! If it's_. WfMei1 l:~~~~hn:t-UltH, lrvine ill Ndllll peopi. lndast-.~~al:; iou'n1:::.-tt ~ to rm maloteaarice poll• • , --............ ",-.' H tlona u they come peraooal attention asterln• ~~·· AIRSTYLIST I CUT· available, Malot.eunce •Part:C:U by friendly / Dallv Piiot i~ · ~tRrn~Jd c~'!'n'r:i:: TecbnJclan ulary la &1ftbt11 ~ for claUafled , Permanent po11uon. ~-~'i!'a~~-C:..~e':: to1en1ew .... -. •• acl. C.lt ~h 611~~ •;•~·d':'J~~ Malntea.nce .J:ecbnl· 8GDdaJt.bntWedwda1 641·5'11Hd-~ ..._. ~·~ :C."!r'tu1 Qt?.-:'. l'Mrt"a • ...,._ wa.1--foi' . We .--.n • ·:· !I.!,~ ,..,. to .... &bat ~ .., db .... ..~~---: '·~-~ ~-1' ~ .... •• j-~ CtlJ °' =.-;zr.=-.!' ' .. ~. -~. ::.::tt:"rt-r.. t':! ~~r~i~~-=. ..o:IMILY . ~"1°c:~ ~ I Clautlledt CaDNUat. _,;'.;.:;"';;.;..._· --.-...~__.;__ R&PWAN'l"D~ I rtf',lv; ·----"'• --•--,.. -.. r ..---• --• -~-·--·..--- -Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 17, 1981 ~:\'.!!~ ..... ?!~ ..... !!~ ..... ?! ........ !!~ ..... !!.~ ~!!!~ ..... !!.~ PESTICIDE SPRAY l-~~!!!!~~~-11 _______ -!RetatJ OPERATOR·E1ptr llC.noMST 1£SJll•IMJ THE MAY CO .r/pHl ~ontrol ap· IJ:JO .. I ...,.. • plicator be. Top pay 6 Reception.lat • typln1 pr:~ AT beoefli.. Ple11t e11J dutlea for Executive 0 UWlllN S..... C.... ,..._ <n•H•asuA•r.aP... ~~~~u~·for a~r· BOB'S II BOY! H• .,. ..... fw: PICTIMI PRAMi COSMITIC lhnuf1etllnr lookln& No ex per 1 enc e It SALISPBSOH for EXPERIENCED llCIPTIONIST rMtCeuary. We will traln b.ard worbn. lnvolvH Growln& S.A. company ! A 1 1 rram. a .. embl .. , mat h _, __ , you pp y n peraon 1 aa ope._ •Or recep-between Z.4pm for any of cuttJnt, 1w1 cuttlna. t I o n I 1 t I t y p I • t the rollowina poeiUont · etc. Pay 1ccordln1 to w /pleuant phone tkllla. CoA& Mna arH. peraonallly. Typln& WAnaS '*"4113 (M) a k I 11 a o t 5 5 w p m W _... -•ss•s ReaponslbWUee include ""'-., PIZZA typln1 of orders. in-CASHllllS Dellverydrtve.r14'cookt volCt!I, quot~Uona, cor· 9&&2AdamaStreet needed. Men Ir women reapondenc6' etc. Ex-at Brookhunt 21 yrs ot age, good drlv· cellent star1ln1 aalary HUNTINGTON BEACH inl record, valid Calif w /periodic reviews. For or drivln1 Ucenae. Willing personal Interview con-1S4 Eaat 17th Street to work eves Ir wlmda, tact Cy Simp1on at at Fullerton full . Me-N·Ed's Plua, 558·2603 COSTA MESA 147·1214. ·--------- Plastic• MecW.. 0,.u utor / , ..... o.thr Looking for exp. or trainee Machine Operator on our 1raveyard shift. Aleo openln1 avaUable oo all abift.t la our trim room dept. 1ortln1 4t trim· ming plutic parts. Must have ·manual dexterity. Xlnt benefits include paid maJor medical, dental +Bfe tnaurance. Prefer English speak· ina. CIMCO 265 Briggs, C.M POOLllOUTI With own truck. Ex· perienced. 964-6308 (24 hrs) RECE"10HISTS I ~oodJol»for 2 Good P"fll- These att permanent, part time positloo.s that offer you nellible work· Ing hours (minimum 24 hours per week). Tbil ls an excellent opportunity lo arraoge your schedule to your conve· nience. Requires some typlng: PB:X helpful but will tralri the nght in· dlvidual.e. We off~r a good salary in addition to paid holidays and vacations. Please call or apply at: WllMEISCtfiillTlll 4440 Von Karman Newport Beach, Ca (714) 752·5800 WAITERS WArTRESSES COOK TRAIHllS CASHllllS 7311 F.dinger at Gothard HUNTINGTON BEACH or 23952 Avenida de la Carlota at El Toro Road LAGUNA HILLS or 3355 South Bnstol Ave. at MacArthur SOUTH SANT A AN A or 4501 Campus Drivt! at Verano IRVINE or 28502 Marguerite Pkwy at A very Parkway MISSION VIEJO Eq.ualOppt'y Empl M/F PllSCHOOL Teachers and Aides needed, part & full time. Newport Beach. 64().8820 equal oppt)' employer m/f /h --------Restaurant PrWllla SGT .PffSt <>HI'S Im mediate e>Qenina in one of our prNtl&loua cosmetic Unea. Only ex· perlenced need apply Must be available eves & weekeods Salary + comm!aalon Apply in perao11 , Mon -Thurs. l0-12pm or 2·4pm, persunnel ortJce, 3333 Bristol, Costa Mesa E.O.E. REWARDING POSmOH F /T Housekeepe r Waitress for small re· tirement facility. Hours 7·3PM Weekduys, con· l11ct Mrs Collins 494 9458 ROUTEMAH Mature yowig man over 20yrs for Soft Water Co. tn San Juan Cap area. Must have gd dnving re· rord Pd Vac, Ins. etc. 493-4535 SALES ADV AMCEMENT POTBmAL Are you a motivated self-starter. looking for high earnings? Secured Financial Investment Inc., Southem Oregon's major mortgage invest ment firm, needs exp'd. s ales people. For in- terview, cull Robert K. Bur hanan 1·80Q.452· 7977 (1n Oregon> or (503)779 2839 (outside Oregon) P /tame , plafe room R•cepfioNst helper. Mon 3PM to ap-Bus y Corona del Mar PIZZA STORE Sales prox 8PM, Tue. 2PM to Real Estate office. Light Now hiring for full & Enioy reodlncj approx 7PM. No exper t . 1 part time openings at necessary. Ap~ly Pen· ypang, sa ary com· locations at O .C TlwPl'lll'lysca·nr7 I S I . m ensurate with ex-Airport. Varying days & The Reader Ad Dept of ney aver 1660 acent1a pen"ence. '"·k for Loret· h p A c M "" hours; ideal supplemen· l e ennysaver IS ac· _v_e_._. _. -----1 ta Vanat. 675-3411 t a I 1 n c 0 m e f 0 r cepting applications for Procllldlo.Won llECErTIONIST homemakers & slu a part·time sales pos r -ad'-g c"•• ... te tapes dents. Our progressive. Clear printing, nd. spell· ...., ... -~ · Good front office ap· f · nd ·1 lat .hift ... ,,. ,,.,_ growing comn.uny offers I.Ilg & a ne Y sm1 e . ........,..., pearance, tlping & ..-b · opportunities for advan· are the as1c require· PllOOUCTIOH general of ice ex· cement based on your ments We willtram Ap ASSIST.A.MT perience required , job perfo rman ce . ply: l660Placent1aAve. P I e a s an l P h 0 n e Pleasant working cond•· CM -----Needed full or part-time. personality. Newport - N b t tions. Must be 18 & over S . o exp. necessary u Beach. S.9-2988. Apply in person btwn 1 & ales. experienced, p~rt an eye fordelail & abili· ---------1 6PM. tame Ladle:i spec1ahty ty to work at a fast pace RECEPTIONIST . · 2300S E Bristol shop, Fashion Island. ls required. Starting With or without typing Santa An~ Heights Flexible hrs. Call Mimi S3.35/br. Books on Tape, needed. Top pay. Tem· 759 9951 lnc. 7ll·C w. 17th St. porary & full time. Call (Neirt to McDonald's) · C.M.548·5525. TodServiceaat979-8900. l~~~~E~.o~.E~. ~~~ PROOF UADEll Part time position after· noons for secretarial service in Irvine. Must have xlnt spelling & grammar skills. Some reception duties re· quired. CalJ 714 nS2·0234 Real Estate CAllmOPPT'Y Joln the team that year after year consistently lilt.a 41 sells mor~ re-sale properties in Laguna Niguel. Take advantage or the many benefits we offer. Call Ken Strang for a confidential in· terview. (714)496-40.0. LAGUMA MIGUB. REALTY Receptionist GENERAL omcE ESD Company has an immediate opening for a person to handle recep- tionist and general office duties . Thia includes answering phones. light typing &c filing. and pric- ing sales paperwork. Mus t have legible handwriting, previous customer contact ex- perience, and type 45 WPM. We offer opportunity fo as excellent wages and benents. Please apply at· lllClf'TIONIST position avaU. with a well established busi· neas firm In Laguna H ills. Must be well· £SO CO. dressed tk groomed. Lite typing req. Beautiful of-~Clinton· fices & xlnt benefits. Costa Mesa, Ca Retail THE MAY CO. South Coast Pkno Has optftinc)S for: ASSIST. DEl'T. MAHA GER Immediate opening ror aggressive career minded individual with previous retail ex per1ence Some college preferred. Good com pany benefits Apply in person. Mon·Thurs. 10·12pm or 2 ·4pm . persoonel oHice. 3333 Bristol, Co6ta Mesa E.O.E. --- Retail Sales High Fashion stor e needs help. Salary + commission. F (f. Ex· perience desired. Male or female. Responsible. 760-0872. Hrs: 8 : 30·5pm Call 540-9101 Judyat58M400. ~~~~~~~~I RETAILCLEllK RECEPTIONlST/ Irvine RESTAURAHT Costa Mesa Stationers Distributor has lmmed. Hogue Bannichael'a 270 E . 17th St. C.M. SALES Catch this opportunity SSO-SlOO /day. Young am· bilious crew has room ror more. Training & transpo provided : 540· 7652 a~ 1 lAM SALES FtlAHCHISE AVAIL.AIU No invest m ents . $30 SSOK /yr Intangible sales background Call Mr Carl btWll 7·9pm : (714)792·1637. Sales FIT sales pos1t1ons in the following dept Shoes Garden shop · Automotive major ap- pl 1 an ces sporting goods. P /T sales positions: Credit · Garden shop spurts wear. Xlnt Co. ben. mcl dis count priv, Ins plans, paid vac & profit shar- ing & peMlon program Apply in person J .C. PENNEY 24 Fashion Island, NB E.O.E. M/F open in a for energetic &t Door person, cooks & FIT Apply in person c heerful receptionist. bus help. C.M. 645-3678 ____ 1G-_12_o_n_ly __ . ___ ~~~~~~~~~~ Heavy typing & 10 key (JulesorHarry) by touch req. AIR exp. a -------""'"-- +. Gd Co. ben, salary Restaurant DOE. Call 754-1931 ask Exper. Waitress. all for Wayne. shifts open Apply Irvine Prime, 2·4. Shirley. ll£CEPTIONIST 751 5223 Front office. Modern lamination co. in So. RESTAUIAKT HB.P Santa Ana hat Im · Del Taco in Newport mediate need ror an exp. Beach ls now hiring full receptionitt. Gttet via-& part.time help, both llora • handle bu1y day &t night shifts phones, lite typing, available. Starting wage 50-tlOwpm. Must have $3.35·$4 hr. Apply 2112 1> I ea• ant v o I c e & SE Brtatol (near John personality Ir 1harp ap-WayneAirportl. pearance. We ofler a -----------• friendly work environ· RESTAURANT F rr. P rr JJient. exoeU. benefit.a, & sandwich man & counter 11lary bated oo exper. help. Plaza de Cafe. Come Join a happy work Gary's Dell, 752·5401 team &t grow with the -~---'----­ company. Apply Person· nel Dept. Lamination Tech noloay. 2720 S. Main, S.A. 556-1460 llC.,,ONIST For F IT po1ltlon In Chiropractor's oltice. Mutl be dependable, ef· flcient • have 1ood of· fice 1kllll. NOft·lftlOlcer eretured. Call &al-Seto. uc.r /llC'Y P rr Wed·AWl. Yacht Club, 1801 Baytlde, CdM . ......u>. ICPTI'_..._, CARL'5 JR. HELPS MAKE BND5MDTf! Lite lnmt, f\Ha1. Wed, U1•rt, frl. Nice So . ....... omc..•ae.s llCn/Tf'MT Ne•port Bea c h Ba1front Law Office. i..111 upr. not req. ,..., Cori's J r would like to help you rnekeendt meet. We have 1mmed1ate FUU °'PART TIME employment opportunities available COl1NTU HBLP A•al•TANT MANAGER We olfef Clftllent benefits. super workfng conditions and good pay! A• thllb M avallable so you rnllY be able to work hours lhtJt 11re <'orwenlent to your Khedute. And out f0t yourself what Catf 1 Jr. has to offer you! PIHM ~ In perwon lOC c.ri•~ .-r. ... .... ....... .,. •• ~ ... JloU ..... AIMI ............. • ~,.,.....,...8llNI. fnllN ,,..,.,.. !quit OpPonunftv CmplO!J«f,.,' T ... 'w9ofT...., • • - w '4' • • • • •• 4 a 0 5 5 a 5 a a 5 0 a a 0 . -\ ~'r.~ ........... ?!~ .... ~~ ..... !!.~ ... !~~ ..... !!~! ~'!'.!!~ ..... ?!!! ~.,.~~ ..... !!.~ ~ALUCLmlC .. .W Ofrtce SuOPly Comsi-ny lua1 full tfm. po1ltlona aval11ble Will train. Newport Stationen Inc. ~1-11212 Mr. Emmona. Sales HILPWAMTIOI Telepbooe 11les. No ex· per nee. Eitcell. co. benefit•. Corumi111on pro1ram &t profit ahar- ln&. Apply ln person· Pennyaaver, 1880 Placentl• Ave., Costa Mesa Sales JOIN A SUCCESSFUL NATIONWIDE SALES Tl!:AM Be one or over 600 in· dependent sales agents sellinat producta of The Thos. O. Murphy Co .. a pioneer ln specialty ad- vertis Ing since 1888 Through our sales force, we provide imprinted calenders, specialty items & executive gifts to thousands of busi- nesses who advertlSe by giving gifts to their customers. This la your big opportunity for good romm1sslons & con tmued income from re· peat orders. lC you want Independence & a selling career, contact John E. Morrissey. For personal interview Ph o n e ( 714 l 557·3010. Costa Mesa , Orange Co. Airport Holiday lnn, 3131 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa, Ca. 921626. Sales & UCJht lldcpcJ. at J ohn Wayne Airport for l person otrice. Need take-charge person. Exp. nee. 549-2203. SALESMEM-IOAT Schock Boats. Scott at 673-2050. SALE5"1lSOH Fulltime. Tues.·Sat., 9:30·6 Must have at least 2 years ex~nence to a card & gift shop Hunt. Bch. 962-8910. saa..rlOfts High Casti1on women's apparel store in Fashion Island. Salary. comm .. good benefits, Exper req. 644·7100 Sales PEPBOvs~ Manny, Moe and Jack IF YOU UK£ SALES YOUULOVE PlPIOYSI Full Time Take advantage or this oppor tunity to }oin Southern California's leading auto parts re· tailers /service centers. You'll enjoy our friendly atmosphere. lop wages and progressive think· Ing . Our benefits package includes dis· counts. bonuses, paid vacations, medical and life ins., pension, and moral. Apply in person at· PEP BOYS 15221 leoch lt.d. WestH .. IM, Ca. Equal Opportunit y Em ploy er M /F SALISP/T We need a 1harp people with f11hfoo backaroWld to work lo OW' men '1 & women'• dept Salary • commluloo, ca&ll for appt THIL()()I( ~ SALIS PaSOHHIL tor dynamic contem· porary rttlall 1U>re Only career minded, matw-e women need apply At least 5 yra. retaU '-'XP4!r req 'd, S1t l11ry plus SICUTAIY Irvine advertlaln1 aaen· Cy, &ood t)'pinl Sltllll • pltuant phone voice. Salary commen.aurate w /exp Call Elva 557·0642 SICHTA.RY For a &rowing fast ~aced conaultinl farm ln l''aahlon J.alatld. Typma 7Swpm ACCURATE Mml computer & Htl' boolclceepm& up. Xlnt benefits. 760.8111 Ms Marma. Secretary SICaTAIY SICRIT AIY /llCP Pcrton•ble, mature. hi.ably competent MC'J· r e cep 't for rornul Newport Cent.er Office, Exten11ve l to 1 rel• tlonshap wtth principal. Netd for Individual Jud1ement It decl1lon maldn1 Shorthand & medical front office ex perlence hei9tuJ but not e11ent111l: 8 5PM 200 Newport Center Dr Suite 004 N.B Salary commensurate with ex· perlencc. For mtervlew call840·~ comm Please apply in SECRETARY person or call: Apropo, Good om ce skills. Start 644-2652 or lt29 Faahion Immediately. Salary Our Pro~rty M1mt Financial De~ seeks a rdpooslbl.e IAdMdual to perform Secretarial, aeneral omce ruoct1on1 Job reapooalt>Sl.atles lo cludH 1t0Wtical typing, lG-key by touch. phone• " li te rU&na. l 2 yra Sc-cretarial expcr., typ inc of GOwpm, number• oriented. & a finan clal/clerlcal ba c k ground art' Ill! dl!sarable. We oHer competitive salary & exceU benefits packaae. Submit •P· '!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ plic11tlon: • lsland, Npt. Bch. EOE commensurate with Howard Derman S •LIS ll• ability. Newport Beach. a "' Cull 1151 1S02for app't 1HE IRVINE CIMW-N Jewelry & crafts Part tiane or othe r lines Secretary 1061 CamelbackSt Temptations, 644·6017 LEGAL SEC'Y ,Newport Beach, 9'.!600 -P /T ·Newport Beach EqualOppEmplyr Sales, Students 16 & up, Small congt!nial firm l~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!-•I need summer Jobs or looking for intelligent, P /tim e year round efficient, friendly, exp SECllETARY work Call Mr Jones Legal Secretary with Full time sec'y nwded 541·4118 corporate/litigation exp for busy real estate of IBM J;tem ory 100 hce. Good typing & Sales typewriter & ProData phone sk1ll.e essential THE IUCK comp billing knowledge No shorthand requarl'd ST "'RTS HERE helpful Salary com· Good benefits Contact "' . mensuret.e with skills & _C_h_r_15_644 __ ·7_020 __ The Los Angeles Tames exp Health msurance &i·--------•I Circulation Dept is look· park i n " provided mg for weU groomed. en 640 5640 Linda or Debra SECRETARY For C.M. Firm. Good typing skills. Start at SlOOO/mo. Xlnt benefits. 957·6596 -----SECRETARY Secretary TOP EXEC. SECRETARY MJr. electronics co is seeking a career person who hltes a busy dl'Sk. has s kills of typing 80wpm & sh rthd 90wpm. We are in need of an organiied, self· starter who enjoys detail & diversification Non Secretary We....d S~r .. oriHut0w forP ... Offlu •Secretary• toSl.200 Stat typist needed with 2 3yrs11ecty ex per. Dictaphone &torSH •Secretary• 2·3 yrs secretarial ~J>t.r. IJte typing. • t::xec Secretary• SDOES • 6 yrs secretarial exper, typmg80 + Sii 85 + dactaphone •ExecSedy• $DOES Word processing or data processing a+ S harp typing & SH s kalls. 4 6 yrs exper Ca II Judy 54~6(X';5 Coastal Personnel Agy . 2790 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Never a fee EOE M/F thus1astlc people to earn up to $4().Z() per day for a few hours work as part ·t•me sales representatives. Hours are from 4pm 9pm, and tra1n1ng wall be pro· vided. Your earnings as a Times Salea Represen tative wall be based on a guaranteed hourly wage or $3.50 +gerwrous com· missions. Call now for more Information about thus great opportunity (714)957-2361. ext. t204. Sea & Pacific Skipper, a leading monthly boating m agaiine located in Newport Beach, has an 1mmed. openini; for a secretary. Position req minimum of 2/yrs ex· perience +typing skills of 45wpm, shorthand lie sirable but not man· datory Xlnt benefits in elude group health/den· tal /profit sharing . Please call for interview smoker. Location close -~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~ lo all your personal needs M lss ion Viejo 1 •--5•E•C•R•ET-A••1•y-- area E 11 b r t Newport Beach area To x c e · e 11 e 1 s $1700 Impossible to men· Sales TOP package. Salary comm. lion all the amenities m with exper Only those seeking permanent thisdreamspot.Justex· employment need apply peel the best and it's Send resume or letter of here Small busy cor application to Mrs porateofficeof "Orange K yle. 23891 Via Counties Finest" In· Fabricante, Suite 603. teresting veriety or DOLLARS Earn $30,000 + lst year with leading llBA Com· pan y Looking for app't (714)64.>1611 · managemt!nt and ---------M1Ss1on VieJO, 92691 duties involved 557-612l,731-771 I 100' < Free to Applicant management trainees *•SECRETARIES•* ~~~~!!!!~--I Call Mr Fleetwood AcctAsst/AAdegS15,600 ~ _558_·0288 __ . Bkkpr/Sht/80Sl6,800 SECRmRY t-c-ta~fR---'•--lst Sht80/FashlslS15.600 Fashion lslan'\-l"an ~ .... ~, .. -.. WordProcessingS15.600 t t" k c' d Arch1te ural Firm look as 1c wor mg on • Expd. Consultant Ours lions & good future ing for sharp person Liz.ReindersAgy,lnc lrvmePersonnelAgy ren-!Sef>•lo with professional al· 4020B1rchEst'64EOE 488E 17lh.CostaMesa 14211 Yorba St, Tustin titude. Located near Newport/833-8190/Frtt Suite 224 542.1410 Orange Co. Airport o nd E · Please call Elaine at ~ ipen Mo ay venmgs 75l-3853. _________ 1 _________ ~~B~Yy~A~p~po~m~t.~m~e~n~t On~l~y~ Secretary . Secretary Reception 1st Go for The h st! SECRETARIES F'or test!n8 Lab. front Enhance your career in ofc Typ.mg & pleasant elegant offices overlook· Huntington Beach Union personality a must Cd ing the Pacific. Prof. Op· Hi gh School District has on phone, filing & acctg pty for person with these openings for well exper desirable C111l Secretarial s ki lls oq:an1zed md1v1duals 891·0206 jffi{e ular salary in· with typing 11nd c ases. Benefits. 100'{ shorthand skills SECRETARY~LEGAL ee . Call Marjorie 2 career oriented pos1· Sullivan 54~5001, Snell· EXECUTIVE tions open in lrvi~e. 2·~ in g & Sn e II in g or yrs. legal experience Newport Beach Agency, SECRET ARY Xlnt benefits & working 4340 Campus Dr .. EOE SI 159-$1436/mo conditions. Call Fran -~~~~~~~~ .!_33_·35_22___ SECRET ARY SECllETARY Newport Beach General Contractor has im mediate operung for a construcllOn secretary Xlnt working conditions & company benefits ~ood typmg skills re quired Send resume to: Margaret Holmes PO BOX 2390 Newport Beach CA 92660 M /F EOE. Secretary Fun Chal1n9u! Bnn(: your sunny dis position & good skills to this stable. monied Co Except1onaly nice boss +com plete benefits $1365 DOE Call now ' Kay Bazan 540·5001. Snelling & Snelling of $972-$1205/rno HBUHSD 1025 Yorktown Ave Huntington Bch Ca 92646 equal oppempl m 1r lh Newport Beach Agency, l~~~~~~---·1 4340 CampusDr., EOE Sec'y Bright person w/gd phone voice & R.E lie. for salaried position Mrs. Pregler 494 ·0748 Laguna Shores Realty Co. SEC'Y-SEC. Admin. Asst. Excellent typing & SH skills re· quired Salary com mensurat e with ex penence Contact Erie Hill or Cy Simpson. 558 2603 Sec'y /&KAlfl•e to maintam & run well esta blished manufat .. turers rep agenrr Exp d1ctaphone & shorthand Full time. Office in your home CdM , NB or CM All office equip. furnished PO Box 746 .... , Dally Pilot, PO Box 1560, Costa Mes11. <.:a 92626 ~-THE BROADWAY-11111111111i. ** SECRETARY s~c·y /R•cep't. fast paced advert1i.ing agency m Irvine }eeks responsible person to f11l entry level pos ition Mus t have poi se . personality. xlnl typing & orgar1i1.at1onal skills Xlnt working t'Ondit1ons and benefits Exciting opply for the right person Call Madelyn at 833 3960 aft 2PM Southern California's exciting Fashion Retailers has a world of opportunity to offer you!! Permanent & extra on call positions available. Immediate discount. SALES FULL TIME & ASSIST ANT DEPT. MANAGER POSITION • Linens •China Dept. •Women 's Sportswear •Children's •Cosmetic Demonstrator •Housewares ,, SALES PART TIME I Daysi •Men's Shoes (comm1uion) SALES PA.RT-TIME ,..,..,..._......, •Men 'a Sportswear ' •China •Stationery •Junio·r World SALES SUPPORT •Stock '44·121J Legal Dept. If you are a self starter with 2·3 years legal ex perience. you are the person we are looking for. Excellent opportunity for dependable 1n d1vldual lo work for two attorneys and one legal assistant and direct clerical respons1b1hties in our legal department Type 65 70 W P M supervisory experience helpful FHP oCfers an attractive salary based on ex· penence and excellent company benefits For interview appoint m e nt please c a 11 (714)962-4431 FAMILY HEA1.TH PROGRAM 9930Talbert Ave. Fountain Valley, CA92708 Equal Oppty Empt M /F SEC'Y.RECPT. Growing C M Co near 0 C Airport has opening for receptionisllt ypist with pleasant phone personalit y Res pons1biht1es incl typing orders. quota lions. invoices. & cor· res ponde nce Xlnt benefits. good starting salary Pleasant air conditioned office. Xlnt oppty for s harp in- dividual. 979·8912 for appt. Serv Ice Station atten dant, r /time, exper pre· fd . Chevron Station. 3000 Fairview, Costa Mesa. ShHt M.fol M.c:h. Class B. Do own set·UP & some layout. So. Santa Ana area . $5 .50- $8.SO /hour. 549-0505. Work after school and on Saturday g_.ttl ng new CU'itomers for the area's ltedlng newspaper. Big $Plus prizes, trips and bonuMI. · c11111ca.c. '41·021. ut JI I Equal Opportunlcy Empl~ "' • ~w...... 7100 W-.4 'llOOA.fl.111 IOOIDofl 1040 ........ IOIO .......... ······•················ •.•.•..........•.............•.••• , ••••••....•..••...•.............. ····\·················· ~ TYPIST 1IOS uno wtcter chalnl, e mot Red Doble Pup Jewelry from ll • re-Ga,..,. S-. IOll Mlsc1l•H• IOI Mile.el• • •• IOIO Office Fwwluv Ir _ _,,.. S R E E T M E T A L C r .. '"" cords a •-ac'--......_.__ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .__.___. IU.J. Part time. alter*'°°n• tablet, 10fa • chalae, AK emaJe N..v • " .... """""· •..-.....--TRAINEE t ~pC.lonla ·-u hl 117(1 m a a • I I n e I • • ••••••••••••••••••• ·••1 Mue t know matb . or ~ntAireal,. I t:lc.Sat.llSun.390SanlJI ~ ldtcbenware, eoll lroru, M OV IN G M oytea • Paymaater Cn ee'k Orange Coast OAILV Pll!OT,&mday, May 17, 1981 - Permanent po1ltlon. ~fu':iln~&u~~rna~~I· babel.C M. < z > AK c R eg . Lab Iota or mens and womt:ns washer fr d ryer, botb WE'VE ADDED SQlMnlNG NEW! Protect.or~. z Olympl'~ Salary commeMurate 4,,aoKft 1010 Relretver Pups, CH sbue1 and Ck>t.ht!ti, nt'w worklne. 125 ca Nice •tf'I . Mdl ~ lypcwnten1 s2:fq with nperlence. Pie~• 1'ypllt ••••••••••••••••••••••• llo ea , bave shots undal clogs llt hair :~·~~~~~ ~~~':; , A·COPY Cena u,9120071 _ ~J apply • lm Plaeftll F V firm Meda report HARBOR AREA $200 /ea 0 80538-0006 price, allll padt1t&ed, c~"' & n...-.. 1090 C.M. t}'plat; will tralo on WP APPLIANCE SERVICE --ne w paclta •ed candle Klna bench dnll. needs OFfSIT 9\IALITY ""'"~ Pl.oa _..,,_.,. Typlna ~. dktapbone. We buy\&led appUancea FRBEl Loveable Doe to ty~ Utiebulbi, 'iAI pnce. mplaotnoe~:jo:e:.~0~:0~r. 5C Per Co'L ;~·R~~:;~;;,\~·=:~~;;:; noa /h Call Mary. ··we aeU rerol'ld, &uar. &ood home! Shepherd vw Ptexirronfend cowl ,. SU ~ appliances 549-3077 Golden Mfx548-3'l81 Ina tor j Ullt S'90 : xlnl 140. Misc. toob, hshld, • 20 LI model 4410, two 44·no~ I 20 .. s h 1 3 etc ~~ F.. 20th, C M II/,"' x f I 1 ltt:ybuiard#, 13 pe d I.Uy -••..ac~"' MIN SCHNAUZER gira c wnn Sat.&Su(l Alsos1·zessi"-x 14"and ll "x17" notes.aut.otooe cootro , SCKn.1£1 T,....... C-6.. Arrrr .. .-.... ~ PllP speed blke only 140, r4 "" h J"Ck uuUd Mjl l!:lectr~ co. In "G•CM' Les ~7-8133 Sall • pepper male mana 10-apeed, 1reat Exclu1lve Bayaho ru Stocks Available Various Colors -pi:"w~~atctWii benc'1: La1una Bcb needs •n Long" thort term. Top Chest freezer, Sean. Show quality S hots, b I It e ll t SU ; t w <> moving sale . 2 Antique (slight xtra charge) 1400 cash or '450 de- e.per Salk Screener to Pay. NoFN. o lder model. worki papers & lie noo Ukelelea,goodat S20und Schwinn Bikes Men & MATTE FINJSH-(;IRCA 83 livered 547·.IMS ,· operate Thic k fllm &ood. ~.979 oo.3 496-0339 $35d; Globel me•tl/h women 2111". Xlnt Cund. \ LINN ENS i'°"OX RIVER S'6" AB. Chue Louhl screen prinlf!r to do a pro uce ,sea es wor S95 ea. Tw111 bedspreads, variety of acreeoloa Wa11her & Dryer , good Australian Shepherd pup-loLS more lhan my $90 Unen, chikb lrirycle $10. XV Am pico rcpl'Odu~ operat io ns on condition,se.5 each. plea.$50toS100 price ;Anawfullotmore Good luggage, bm·a V. I P. ing grand p lirn 6 ~ SUBSTRATES. Re· 631-9ll9 545-3315 at the right prices. Fri/ k j I Completel,y rt.'Stored It quires ability to read -------Sat/Sun May 15 16 17 kbrlat c 'C08tulml e ebwekry, ·• • • reblt. Piuno ur1g.mall¥, I I bl i G E U . h N . • . ute ns s, uu s bit ,_ 1921. Llk" new., s mp e ue~r n ts, P 2019 t'U Ct. • .. pr1g t Needs new home. orw. 9·5. ~ EstherSt.Costa M , 42 •. H e ting u• "' r k led , ll"""rt F F t F' E l'-h d f 1 en s sz "'.... x o ' uood '1nve•lm"nt. Cu116 "· now ge o a "" . EqualOppEmplyrM/F reezer. ros ree. • oun • e ma e, Mes a , 2 blocks so. of Uke new clothes $1·15. PRINTING & COPY CENTER " .. .. ...,. Micrometers, etc. &~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~ $175.645-°'90 s payed, papers, 8 years 20th ju.st east of Santa Women's st UH2 many tors 1tt!m A!!lunc basic math, r 848 3780 Eves. Ana 'st. 646-7900. orig. never woiii SI SS. Visit us -we 're on the corner of 18th $2 o. oo o. 11 11 n1 mu nd UPHOLSTERY G.E. 15 cu ft. frost free ------Sat l-4. Sun 10-4. 2450 & Newport Blvd. . .the co(fee pot is Org1111 & Piano Center We offer Xlnt pay & ben +a 4 cloy woril wk. Top quality upholsterer refrig, $225. Whirlpool Fr .. to,_ 1045 HEYB usm t'llM 644 89~ I wanted . Mu s t be washer$125.Norgegas •••••••••••••••••••••••Glass top dinette, $300, Marl.no DrNB548·2381 alwayson. . ---- Company la 2mi from Cout Hwy & 8MI from ~&5Fwy. familiar with converti· dryr $75. 546-8672 Lovable gentle 3 yr old Herculon sofa/loveaeat GARAGE SALE Anttq 1795 Newport Bl vd., Costa Mesa llAM MONO ORGAN 8000 ble lops. installation & II a. 8020 Boxer M mix. Best $315. clean bdrm 1540, furn , camera & wtnd up 642.5280 St!rtei. Leslie AmmJ1 fittings 559-8207. eye I friend dog Neutered. mattresses/box springs: Vi ctrola, toys, cloths. lion S2495, 536-4912 _ • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • 957 0560 . $75 full -$125 . Wa1tresses,P/l.lmedays. BOYS'SCHWINN tw1t1 • -..,qn • bicycle parts, air com Betsy Ross <Lci;t¥J Please caU for appt. Te Ionic Berkeley Personnel D ept 714-494·9401 E.O.E. Over 1B Will train lOspeed Runabout. 145 Free Golden Retra-e-ve-r bunks, more!! 7?0-090l pressor. Much Much Kirby Vacuum Like new For salt> 280ZX cheap, spinet) 88 keys Gd con~ SHIRAZ 548·7948 645-7176 mixed puppies (mother DblbednewSlOO. More' 347 Hamilton, with ALL attachments portabl e color TV , $800bstofr 642·6289 pure Golden) 645-LSSS 1~3471 C M Sat & Sun Will sac for~ St!e to Moped, baby stuff C11ll -, WAREHOUSEMEN Unused 3 spd, upright apprecl:itl' 960-5844 962 0686 Kawai Consoli! p1a111>, needed . Duties r ange handlebars by Colum FREE Red Dobie Lab 5 Custom made antique Patio sale-books. plants. eves. - -walnut, 10 mo 0 111, from pacldng,inventory bia.Hand&pdlebrk.Pd yrs Male, trained, obe-styleoakldtchenlable& hsehld itms. antiques Bedside convulest'l'nt perfect,$1700~62~1 ' STATIONIRY control to shipping/rec $160makeoffer549-8448 d1ence,loveable891-3118 chairs. Antique country Sun 9am6pm 1012 W Be s t qualit y STAR patty chwr . brand new Store in CdM needs Sm all business w/poten-french kitchen-dining Ba lboa Bl vd Balboa RUBIES from lndfa On· $75 salesperson F /lime, 5 llal for advancement. l·WHEB.llKE Young Fem'I German Pen. ly $20 per stone! 640-8688 days. Xlnt working con· Salary negot. w /ex per Adult. SOO. 642•8866 She p, nds children. Call rm hutch. Antique coun· Antique C hll'kcr1ng Grand Piano completcl» refinished ds. Especially fln~Uen· Call for appt. 536·4664 846-8258. try kfrenc~-~dmbinahtio1n tele; Phone 644·7 for W R HOUSE Hiu • A~C reg. Lab pups, good boo case ex p1 geon o e app t. A E u.r-lines, $200. Free White booted kit-desk. 759-~ Wholesale/impart com· 559-9603 tens, black or gray, 7 STOCUROICEtt pany needs warehouse weeks. 9002534 TV, $275. Desk & chair TlAJNH he lp. No experience l•HcU111g Mcftrials 1025 --SSO. Kitchen set , 140. <A>llege grads. Oppty in ne ce~sary Pl~~sant ••••••••••••••••••••••• Free kittens, sofa , c hair. 1150. Newport Beach area for work 1~g co~d1t1ons. REDWOOO 2X6'S weaned &trained. Mahogany twin bdrm hard working en-Goldens Magic Wand, Xlntdecking.8-20'1ong. 646-3107 set , $375. New dryer thuaiastic indiv. Send re· 946 ~ · 17th St. C.M App. lOK • on hand. 55, /fl. Fu,,. ..... ,. 1050 $125. Refrig, 16 cu. ft sume to: P.O. Box 430, ly 9am-llam 646.9885 anytime n• $150. Queen bdrm set M I N J ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . ar ton, ew ersey, WAREHOUSE 1550. Antique sewing M053 1-:arn $5-0/day. Call aft JO" wood patio or back * * I BUY * * mac hine $150, Cedar Student Jobs llAM 540-7652 door with doublt> up/-Good used Furniture & chest, S75. 642-7727. 253 down glass panes and Appliances OR 1 will sel Santa IsabeJ -S I 000 /MO TO WAREHOUSE MA N screen.used $20; two orSELLforYou START F!time. Exper. nee. Ex used pair Louvered glass MASTEtlSAUCTIOM Beau. 3fl x 5ft smoked SUMMERORCAREER eel co. benefits. Call : wind o ws. sit.e 30x41, I glass top din. table w/4 Due to expansion Balboa Marine.M9·9671. 2234, S20 and S30 pair . 646-1686,833-9625 1 brass & leather c hrs. company needs many E o E M/F/H expe ns ive 12 .. a c SlealtheselatSJOO. secretarial, marketing coustical tile, fancy rest I IUY FURNITURE 586-2697 & warehouse po&tt1ons Weekend S upervisor . quality with bronze Les 957-8133 Will be filled 1mmed1ate· 4AM s t/Sun 16 Elegant din. nn set, 6 off· ·noon, a alum over plat1"ng SSO ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD ly. Must be lB & have L t I h p · b 15 wht uphoJ. chairs, lge be II o a rs. nmary JO per 100. $375 per 500. fr · " I LR transportatJon & we be duJ 1 o urn1ture 1orsa e. . walnut table, 2 lvs, like groomed. mg certa~ a tau o 646-7909. bdrm • 0 R & patio new 552·8530 Call loam 3pm carrier pie up p~pedrs Ever ything near -new Unique Sale-Sun Only! Frigidaire stovt:, arm chrs, vario us hse & garage items. 476 Shady Dr ,C.M. Movlng&Gar Sale Furniture. tools. plants & m a ny items 5 cents $300. 9·4 Sat & Sun. 2018 Dover Newport Beach SUit 7A~7P'M Obie bed, Like new $40. Toys, c.'lothmg c•h1ld 'i. dsk S25, m 1Sc hseho!d items 2906 Quedada <East Bluff A re a ) N B.64C>-5234 -BLOCK S ALE, 1561 Pegasus. S.A llgts. Sat & Sun Boats. motors. refrig . freezer. gold dredge, lruck & camper, arcade games, misc 631 IJSM Lo•• laloon1 K e n m o r e s e w 1 n g 759-QJ Youhavenotreallybeen machine ~abanet & -- loved until you send so· chair, S75 cash CuttmjoJ Kawai Grand Z yrs olll meone you .love 30 multi· board. $3. 642 IJO'l white high Polish finis h. colort>d huge Helium - -pcrf. cond Mu.st sac•. lU Balloons Perfect for Picnic Table ull 2 X 6 below wholesale. f,~~~Y-6~~.~tion. We de· ~~:~~· lung. new YA MAllA model E3-:fun -----kt>yboard automatic WOOD WOVEN BLrNDS Love laloons switches 968-9897 Xlnt cond. beige colors. Helium 8ouqu{'lS de ------ Used 6 mo. MUST SELL livered. Perfert for Sewltt9Mac~1 8092 $100 OBO 96().8362 Call evt>ry occasion 673 .t419 ••••••••••••••••••••••• days before3:30pm. - -M UST SELL -·-Camper ice po wcr~d 3 sewing machines and 1979 washer & n:iatchi~g ref rig, S50 Webc1 BBQ 40 pieces of material a tta gas dryer m wh1tt.>, RCA grill, $30 Or best uffcr:; many other tailoring a~ Whirlpool perf cond 675-6764 cessories. S57 8393. $195 ea 552-47al John Wayne TennlS lub family membership, best offer. l"or info. l'all Kathleen, 642-1463 8 piece fme China set , xlnt cond $.50; code a POOL TAILE Com-0p $500. 646 9935 f"or sale electric cord or gan, bunk beds w1lh mattresses Call 645 0321 aft e r 7pm Sportift9 Goods 1094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Golf Clubs M ep 's Northwestern Pro-Linc; 1 2-3 4 woods Li ke new Irons 2 thru wedge Put tcr $100. 646-0191 Eves. 17141147_001 1 on time & monitor"' e· CONSTRUCTION SALE Mustsell immed. Offers. Garages. 8055 hver complaints called Ne w & us ed b Id g ••••••••••••••••••••••• in by c u s tomers mate rials . '•" plate Delivery 549-9010 Old WHEB.Ett Aoh phone 2000. no remote. S e a r s e I e c t r 1 c Ant1q ue Gun Cabinet BEING OEMOLISA EO ret•ords calls $.50 ; suede wheelchair, barely used SSOO/OBO Switchboard Operator. approx. 30/hrs week. Niles & wkends. Will train. 542·3013. ~ TEACHEll Pre-School. parenl participation, M-F 8·12. 968-1135 or 9fl0.1327 Teacher ,Rg.SCHOOl Teac her s and Substitutes needed start- ing no'ti thru summer Alao in rau. 968-8833 SlOO/mo expense check glass, electrical, 8' steel S3S0hrtostart.Mustbe beams, all sz, rebar. 21 or over. Valid driver's new house panel. 3Z9 he & insurance. Call Roches t er. 11 A. CM Queen waterbed, triple dresser & hutch, I n1te stand, new $1600. Sell for $750. 645 78al after 5. 540.3007 11AM-2PM. Ask 645-2586 for Bob or Lee ---------3 R' couch, good cund. Cats 80 5 Warm colors, blk wa lnut Wo rk e arly s u_mme r ••••••••••••••••••••••• back & sides . 1300 eves. & wkends. P /T. Pedigreed Pure Male 675·6~1 Welcome new residents. Black Persian 9 mos. ----- Hosp 1 ta lit y Host ess super c ute, $150.644·5168 7 rt. na''Y blue couch. needs a few good people. Very com.ft. Xlnl cond. Ca r & typewriter D091 8040 S175.551-5007eves. needed. 547-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut. India Cotton Garage Sale. Sat. & Sun. Everything goes . Apt kmgsize bedspread with SSOO: antique~. English 646-8723eves 9·5. Furniture & misc. furnishings, linens, Ioli. pillo w s hroud S4 5: p1ano$900.7516016. Swaps --9-0-""'-6 items. 2200 Waterfront f I 1·d uff book I 6 .., Drive, CdM. o rea o st . s. kitchen tab e. seats , Mlscellaneoua •••••••• ••••••••••••••• doors, old fixtures. elc, $20: small drop leaf ta-W t-...e 8081 ... IV> rth f Star Rubi~ h •· All etc,etc.1115E Balboa ble $25 Call T om Clftwv ..,,,.,wu o Tras °' treasures. ey Blvd. 0 ••• •••••••••••••••••••• from lndfa ! Will trade Sale. 504 Fullerton, N.8. HERE UNTCL SOLD ! 548-714 . Box spring and mattress, for antiques.640-8688 Sal. & Sun. 9-5. --Any size, good cond1twn - Moving Sale. everything 2 Antq. lbls, oils, lmens. Wedclftca Dreu 559-1143, evenln!s TV H~d~o~ 109.8 much hshld m1Sc. See White wedding dress M I I -' goes, 890 W l5th St. 01· m es -a L1'nes 1992 ... ca •••••••••••••••••••••1• Be h h & size 5; never been worn. -Newport ac . < l5t Balearic, Mesa Verde S200 or best offer. Call ln1h •1w11h 8083 Beautiful Color TV. 2 yr Mo nrovia) Seacliff Sat &Sun.9.5only 548_5956 aft 4PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• wrnty Free delivery Mobile Home Park, Sp. 1~~~~~~~~~~ CONN Director trombone Sl48. 646·1786. 19 . Honff 1060r with case Excellent ------~. TEA C HER . PRE SCHOOL. Also AJDES. Full lime , liberal benefits. ratses Call Melissa 847 5284 Hwit Sch . area YACHT SALES Need aggressive person for outside sides in N. B. area Call Jottn 675 90071 eves 960-1725 SHIH TZU • AKC Champion Yummer's Bummers. Male, 7 week old puppy for sale. Rare gold and whrte .. all in- t e rnational champion Sofa /Loveseat. $500. SA T I S UN 9 AM Coffee Table set $J50. Washer/dryer , r efrig. Oen Sofa $100. Sacnf1ce misc. 15892 Boga rt ••••••••••••••••••••••• condition. SlOO 675-8052 13" Color1V, remote cop No Wax Lmoleum. 30 col after 6PM trol. d1g1tal tuning, 5mQ, For sale Pinto Arab Filly with some tack Call after 6pm. 548-2347 or s. avg kitchen $99, old $300 966-1363 labor and m ater1a I Wurlitzer e lec piano, prices. 347.9295 Court, Ftn. Valley. bloodlines. S300 firm. Dinning Room Set · S y ARDMAN CalJ 760-1973 Piece· Solid Oak· Ball & Tool rentals. Neat ap-Claw, plus !ea r Xlnt Telephone pearance, gd handwrat KEESHOND Pups. AKC d -. .... B Lamp PHO ... E pas,..._. 1ng Benefita. Wiii train con . ........ rass " """ I A Champ sire. M/F Pet & $45 Call 760-l:li.S. P IT phone ferso n Careeropportunty p-s how P vt ply needed to cal & set ply l930 Newpart Bl vd , 213 /697-1345 aft 6 pm. So. Amer hand-tooled app'ts for busy Solar C.M. or 22600 Lam· leather bar & stools, Energy Co. $4.50/hr + bert 1203• El Toro. Poodles, AKC, mini toy value $1000, sell $595 bonus.AskforAI: white/silver M&F.Cash O B'O. Recline r . $40. Ll9UIOYHE MerchonclM only 979-5228 548·7871 EMEltGY SYSTs.tS ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ------545-6793 754-~35 Antlcf-1 1005 Shih Tzu pups. 9 wks. Sofa & loveseat. beaut. ----+------••••••••••••••••••••••• AKC , c hamp. lines. fabric & pattern, near Telephon H WANTED TO IUY shots , S175. 644-9571 new $45-0. 831·5825. LAY THEIEAC I bu y o ld guns, CAIRN Terrier Fem 8 Sofa,4uphol.sidechairs. . A&:L DAY . diamonds, ivory, jade & mos. shots, AKC reg Usable condition. 5 1mm~te !>penmgs. collectibles. Call 1714) $150492·8600 644-0678 Short applicaU?n. W?rk 97Z·4926 & ask for Dane. ---- 5-9pm. Mon-Fn, talking ---------Novice Obedience Dog Captain's armoire, solid on our telephones. Deep Training. Classes now wood , walnut finis h, voice s preferre d WESTMINSTER · M w t $3.35/hr guaranteed. s t arling. es a es SSOO/OB0.645-8017 ABBEY Veterinary Hosp 1870 ----------More m oney easily ANTIQUEMALL Placentia St. C M. Ory bar, curved, 3 stools passible. Come by 3 L 0 ·1 ,.6 F · l" 9 b h od v Ent. 1180 N. Coast Hwy, a1Y1,.. • n "' 642-5104 "' Y c ro-m em. ery N. Lag Sch. Wltdays at Closed Tuesday sturdy S900. 979-0734. F f l 11751 Westrom.st.er Ave. AKC DOBERMAN Pups 3pm. lrst come, irs Garden Grove 554-6103 Bred to be miJd man NEW SOFA, 7', blue & hared. nered. Black •-red TELPHC>tieE Old Oriental Rugs Want- SOUCrTOllS ed. any size or condition. Im med. openings now & Call ll-800) ~8003 for summer. Work 3-9, Mon-Fri. No selling Call "LIQUIDATING Entire 966-0151 after lpm. Stock." Prices below TRAINEE wholesale. Antiques, old Show Horse stable, live· & olde r. Hundreds of in. (7l4)Z44-221B. Items. Two Dealers. Newport Unlimited & TRA VB. ACHHT Tuttles Anliques. 130 E N.B. Agcy needscomm'I 17th St., C.M. units S & agent w /2 yrs e xp. T , behind Mike s Apollo trained a +. Call Carpets. Mon-Sal 10-6. Norma 644-5373. Sell will cont witil stock °' white. Cost $1200, asking S200 /up. 536-4014 S65Q. 2 Mmi blinds,..new, AKC black M Lab, 8 wks . dew claws off. shots & wormed, good line, $175. 534·0565 Dalmatian Pups. AKC, Champ line, 9 weeks, shots . Pvt. party 6«-4455. orr wnite. 46" wide x 70" long S35 each. 831-1076 Dining Rm set oval lbl. 6 chrs w /gold velvet seal! will seat 12. $300, game tbl w /4 arm chrs, very nice set 1400. 2 Iv rm chrs gold velvet wood a rms w /wicke r xlnl Darling Cockapoo Pup-cond $125/ea 963-1461 pies 5 wks, weaned, $35, Twin bed & nite stand, healthy. 855-3228 eves complete $75 ......... 8005 Tree trimmer, exper. In _i.a_;;;g;....o_n_e_ . ....------••••••••••••••••••••••• a ll phases of tree work. 646-412B Near nu Herc. so(a· sleeper. Earth tones . Very nice. 1475. 631-2423 Top pay & benetit1. Pia 'call 714 1768-4751 bet 9·3PM ATTENTION REG !STEREO Arab. GAUGE SALE quarter mare perfect AT WAREHOUSE d i s p o s 1 t 1 o n • 9 lo 5 SAT/SUN Items in-Western /Engl.lsh. tack e lude furn, sporting included Sl.500. 957·8390 goods, toys, clothing & Ho-·L.-t...1 ,._ __ ......_ 8065 decorator & misc. Too .... .._ -- num erou.s lo mention ••••••••••••••••••••••• ite m s . blk no rth o r 60 yds good used h1-lo Segerstrom. off Garnsey bm/be1ge crptg. S98 all at 431 W. Roland in Sun-or $3 yd. 675-2172 ta Ana. CaJI 5.57-1307 Gas Range Coloric dbl Sorabeds, din. table & oven-lo broil, eye-level oven . 1 yr old ha rid ly chairs, refrig, lamps + been used, timers & more. Sal./Swi. l0-4. 701 digital clock. Gold. $385 Goldenrod, CdM . Call 645·8989 Mon4_ay 8·5 Giant garage sale g~ Jewelry 8070 mdse, Sal/Sun 9-4. 10 •••••••••••••••• ••••••• _T_i_ll_er_W_a..;;.y_._C_dM ____ Orig design, lavender 20131 Bayview A Vt>. Santa Ana Hgt.s. Satur· day & Sunday 9-5 Girls 10 speed , Metal Cabinet, Games, Books, Baby items, Maternity clot hes, Junior Girls clothes, TV & Misc. 20261 Meander Lane. Hunt. Bch. (Across street from Adams & Magnolia).Sat/Swi. 9-3. J ade gold ring. w 112 run cut d1 a $2500 /080 644-2790 REDWOOO 216"5 522·8601 s450 or best offer Amateur radio trans mh ter lleathJut 1958 VIO Trundle bedtcouch. 16" 548"8878 aft 5 tag. e 0 X l 00 c I e a!n ran, 10·· radial arm saw. Guitar vocalist wanted. manual, $125 544·4536 ' fir 2x4's + many m isc soft rock 'vanet} Jake. 1tms 968-0462 545-3871 '°:::.~- Office~ & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gir ls 1ceskatess1ze3S.P E--'--' I085 G•neral 9010 Teri Pro blades. Xlnt •••• "!:'!:':::: ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond SSO SIOO (2pr. l S m I t h <: o r o n a Non pro fit org. needs 552·9<174 typewrill•r, Model 300 your !?<>at, plane, car, John Wayne Tennis Club Good condition $150 etc Liberal tax deduc F amily Mt>mbers h ip Call Da lebout Bay & t1 o n advantage~ $650. (1) 496-1352 Beach Ask for Janet 2131,!>54 2341 ____ .,_ Magnavox color TV, works. $75. Redwood picnic lable & 4 benches, cost $325, sell for $100. After 5pm: 631-7383. Smith, 631 7300 ------ 19527 Beach Blvd., tlllti1aton Beach (&Mdl encl YOl1ttown) • m 960-6755 Avon 9 ft .. w!floor. pump, mtr mount. $436. 645-9020 I Ancho r Windlass · Sea horse SL513. new. never used. $225. Call 675·1156 TYPESETTER ( Compugl'aphlc equip. r "Positions open in Dana Antique china cab & Game table w/4 chairs, Xlnl decking. 8-20' long. cheat teak headboard wi c ker chairs -sofa , !OK ' on hand. 55•/Ct ........ _..__. ............... 11111!-..11111111111111111111_._ ........... ..., .............. _._ .......... _ w /bed. coffee lble & chr, misc. 390 Santa lsabel, 646-9885 anytime I Point & Costa Meaa. Good pay, ~3541. nrtST Word _proce11lng exp. desired. Must be faat Is ac.curate. Sabin 950 Verit.ext exp. a +. Nice ofllcH, con1enlal co- worker1. Salary ne10Ua- ble. PoaJUoo avail. June 1. PJeue call Marilyn Celley, 955·2000 for app't. TYPIST Otntral ofllce help needed ror bull' C.O.ta ltna ofnce. IBM Ex-~Ulbt ~rtence pre-ferred. ""1ble hours. M0-2A2. TmST Word _proc.stlnl up. d•lncl. Mmt be tall • accurate. Sa•ln HO V1rta.n ap. a +. Nice ofncet, fOll•tolll CO• ~ s.JelJ ....... .......... lJ\IM L P .... cal Maril1o Ollllf.---..... 1 A-AMERICA. INC., of SEATTLE, WA .. cordially Invites dealers of to vialt our Traveling Display Show in Santa Ana and p~vtew our 1981 line or Flne Furniture. Ant-lque Reproductions, solid Brass Gifts. Decorative Accessories and Collectibles. Many new Items in oak. cast Iron, glass, ceram ics and flee quality braia. An extensive selection or elegant bathroom, kJtchen and household fitUnas. nautical fixtures, solid oak rurnlture and acceuoriea. Hundreds of Items available for Inspection, order and prompt shipment from our lmmerue warehouae stocks. Many apeclal olfera available on mercband.lse In llmlted quanllles only. FREE SHlPPlNG ol $300.00 or more placed al our ahowa. DEAL~R IDENTl FICATlON ~EQUIREO. IHoW TlWAI: S-......, t1t111IOA.M.te1'.N. ....... W., IM IM.M. te?P.M. ,.... ....,. , .. 10.U.. .. •.M. IHOW lOC:ATIOMf ._. ._ .......... It. 11-1 .......... -;lldl ..... A8&. CA mt1 f714la~•• • ~ ,.,. ll'UMl. M.8 • \I~ TO Ollll&09 YQ -..,_. 2 wal barsUa, dsk, and _c_._M ________ 1 mlsc. 645-9829, 642·3478, Yard Sale. Yard tools. Phone-Male Telephone 232PlummerCACM ma' c. ha'-' .. items, many Ans wering Machine ,.., with warTanly f79. With Rattan dinette set w /4 antiques. Everything remot..e $14.9. 7~3791. padded chairs, x Int must go. 313 6lh St, H.B. cond, $295. 644-1974 Sunday 10.5. GIANT VAC-7 hp vac- cum. Briua •Stratton. Mlsc .. •1oea IOIO Maul••-IOIO 1250. 549-4.'IM ...... .. . .. .. .......... ..... ............ ... ... ----------· ma" Special .._ .... NVELOPES ANO LETTERHEAD ' ---_ __.... -~ ---.. -------------- r·- t ---...... ________ ------.. --. -------~ ·--~---~...-~~--~-----.~----~·-.. ....-_..,4,_. ____ __,.._..._ ............................................. , .... a•~~~11 ••• Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT !Sunday. May 17. 1981 •·'""JM... lotlh.S.. 906 MotorHw..W./ ~/ l• .. p• •• 9030 ....................... l..t/S...... f 160 Cleatka 9520 ~ ••••'••••••••••••••••• CHEOYl.El: Offsho~ SJ' •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •·Wanted: MettorSuzuki Dal crulaelrtcb "4,900. WICAHSILL PUMA, li78 exotic outboard motor Nwpt moor. avail YOUA.a.V Brailllau Import, mtnt 100-lSOhp LOn1 ahatl for 675·904T .,_ -.. • (actor y con d Lo 21" 'l'ranaom. Marc L h 12 R 1 ____ .....,.J....,. ml.$U500 (714)758 1135 Woods~2289 e muon ac ng , Dlu&hy. 2 aatls S500. 957 RENT . 22 I u x mt r l'loncbe, 1963 wn ~'UU"'" 673 8741 hom". Slpa 6, sell-cont .. -$295 /wk + a• ml ." Preah prof. ~tor1.&tion 24' Trlr for SEARA Y Bo•t. Askin& $1650. 8'2 S.05 642-7796 K 38 HulJ •1. classic 640.8585 Olk /tan \nt Ca. Cur, no SID, sloop at our docks ---------ru.st. Many JCtrllll $12,500 AV 0 N • S C QR . S . Sea rroperlles, Ltd <2131286-9681hft 6pm RESP. COUVl.£ wants SEAGULL'$, best cash 673 2810 ~ to rent sell contained Puckud. 1956 400 2Dr discounts! W /deliver Cal 2·25, bk Oat-sel. van or J.3.20 f'l motor hard top, pwr stetrlnl(. 49J.4820eves many xlras. t 11ell. home, approx July windows &seal.a K1&dlo, ._ ........ ro-9040 M a k e 0 r f " I' 13-19. CalJMll-8192 healer, auto trans l''resh -•· ....... (714)962 8269 restoration $4,500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · (213)286-116119 art 6pm 31' .......... SF. ·1979. 23' Albalt08s, by owner. Trallen, Tnanl 9170 a.thr fhmt MW. SaY• $750. Side tie ava il ••••••••••••••••••••••• '29 Model A Town St.'<i1rn, 551·6130evee WANTED: Oki 15' or 17' 4 dr, restored ldhl for ••tr $40,000. Ownr. travel tra1ler to be used student. $\0,600 ALSO 671-6670,673-4585 KITE JOJ72 sails. cover for paru. Al.so utility '46 F ord Woodle . 33' OW ENS BRIG S tF & dolly S600 trailer. 535·ar76 restored $13,500 673-7032 w /Newport Sh p, new '78 24 · Metoo Trailer. a IC crusaders, trans & pro-SABOT hberglassw te11k awn . rear btke hatch '29 Ford Phaeton $4200 '28 SPort Cou~ $2700 675·3175 ps. Radar, pilot. baal trim, good cond. S295 540 7063. 963-~ \&nit, Halon fi re system, 642·7830 $17,500~7246 '75 16' Centennial, iclnt Recreational -----..,....----Cal 21 Sleeps 4 Jib. cond, self cont. no hot Vehldet 9530 •ZODIAC* rOltT-A-MARIME IMFLA T AILE COATS 2925 College, Costa Mesu (714) 54~2070 '77 Wellcratt Scarab 30' w /trlr very nice. low hrs, very fast. many xtras, twin mere 280's 122.000 759-1913 Ex-fishing boat with mooring for sale. Days 547·6561, Eves 631· 1096 TRADEWlND YACHTS 31' Chris SF '80 $49.9K 32' Luhrs '70, Dsl. $23K 33' LaPaztrwlr $49.5K 38' Bertram '80 $205K 40' Pace SF Dsl 's St SOK 47' Chris gls dsl. SUOK TERMS AVAIL. 675·9007. evs ~1725 main. motor trlr, xlnl wtr, otherwise loaded, ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond $4500. 586 8260. $2500/080. 548-9521 DUNE BUGGY 645 7292 . & Trailer, new engim• 1 1 · S e r r o S c o t l Y 496· l6<Y7 loots, Slpa/ Sportsman, sips 4, good ---- Docks 9070 cond. Nu tires S450. SP_!»rts, Roce, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·6181 Rodi 9540 Sade Ties for rent • •• • •• • • ••••• •• • • • •• • • • S8 SlO/ft. Hurry! Trailen, Utllty 9180 '75 Bradly GT 23K ml, 646-4419 ••••••••••••••••••••••• clean, many extras Wanled slip for JO' New 5x10 utal trlr All Erickson sailboat, love steel C0!151. Elec brakes, ly cond. 552·0664 8 ply tires. Spare tare --Sl 195 or ore er. See to a p- • • • 12h ·beam, up tu 44' preciale. 642·3047, Can lngth, On Edgewater see at 2453 Santa Ana $4000/firm ~3636 '62 Dart 440 s uper stock H.T 440 magnum eng, (disassembled I 456 rear end. Lots or good stuff S995. 536-~ or 847 6444 673·1943. $400mo. Ave., CM Auto Se"ke, Parh ' 8 O ~ I G I M G T n 35'MOORIMG Walh 20' Sailboat . $15,000/080968-3965 & Accntoriei 9400 Reph <:ar, xlnl rnnd . T ron1portatioft • •••••••••••••••••••••• All'Croff 9110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $6500/0BOOOO.S:l94 ForlGM 4Wtt.elDriHs 9550 Dats1.11 Z motor ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Toyota 4X4, xlnt eond, many xlras. 847·3716 ----..•............•.••••.. + otherport1 768-5837 16' Fiberglass 4 bucket, PARSONS' AIR 11 & h ls . 2 motors Sales·Mallll -Rentals -----Evin rude 3.S h.p & 4 h p, Instruction top, trlr . everything Tie·downs avail for 400 toes $1300. CaU 548·085-0. Series aircraft. John SSAVESAVES WITH USED r ARTS imported car parts IMPORT AUTO SUPPLY 101 N. Manchester •79 CJ5 Sliver Gray , loaded. low mll~is. S6000 848-5393 I •26' CHRISCRAFT.. Wayne Ait:port. 557-1900. Recently hauled /ready CamP!"· Salte / t.o go. Cheap!!! 552-9250, Rent 9 I 20 $44·7122. Good cond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18' Bay Cocktail cruiser. red & white canopy Character boat parade winner 673-SURF. 673-7677 73 VWCAMPEI Dynamite Weslfalia pop·top camper. Only 54 ,000 males with 4 speed. stereo. 1m maculate (IXW887) $4995 JIMMARIMO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd 842--2000 Anaheim 776-9900 VW Plexaglass front end cowling. IKI Mags for Toyota. Datsun and VW. SlO ea VW wheel & spare tire. SS VW rear window Sii. 646-7909 '78 Chrysler engine 440 18 ,500 miles Sl200 or BIO. 645·0046 Autos for Salte Trucks 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Special Purchase!! Low Ml~! 1980 4 tpd. and 5 1pd. Dohm rick Up's Tremendous Savings!!! M•dOwn and tnCMlftlly paywMnh BARWICK DATSUN Son Juon Cap,.trono 831-3311 Ill P -SPort Boat Specials at dealer discount prices. View at our docks. Newport Beach. tease purchase availa- ble. Buy now & SAVE for bOUday & summer fun Sea Properties, Ltd 673-2810 10• 1 Camper Four Star ••••••••••••••••••••••• wuh refrigerator and IMPORTANT ====~-- stove and port-a-Potty. NCY11CETO •CHEV.NU '81 13' Boston Whaler. 3.'i HP J ohnson. Trailer Very clean $2500 559 5010, 644·0778. all butane. queen size READERSAND I TOM STAKE bed. sleeps 6 It 1s well ADV~RTISERS 12 fl. model with bftgate. laid out for sleeping and The price or itemi; duals. air cond . H D cooking My price $1500. advertised b1 vehicle springs, pwr steering, 631.7657 dealers m the vehicle aux. lank & more • class1f1ed advt-rt1smg Workhorse complete : $3,000 69 VWCAMPER columns does not in· (39Sl). 35' Owens w/slip. Twm Fully c arpeted & elude any applicable OHLYSl2,498 en~. V8, Marlin Chrs. panelled. Must see taxes, license. lransfer bait tank, radios . CB & QKK6 7) fees. finance charges, HOWARDCtt.•roltt marine dire c tional c 5 feesforairpollulioncon-Dove/QuailSts. finder, auto pilot. H·C· $2495 trol device certifications NEWPORT BEACH water pressure, Covers, JIM MARINO or dealer documentary 833-0555 reCrig, aux pwr supply VOLKSWAGEN preparation charges un· llOV . Sl5,000. (213) 18711 Beach Blvd. less otherwise specified 594·6188 842-2000 by the advertiser 1978 El Caman o, very clean 29,000 m1, every xtra. S52SO. 642·7404 Ron 31 ' JERSEY S.F . '73, S:-Fibergls shel~ An~HI/ ALL GLAS.5. S12K dwn Chevy or GMC truck. Clil11ic1 9-520 '71 Datsun w camper, nu OWC. bal. of SIOK. Xlnt cond s5oo t bsl ••••••••••••••••••••••• tires & nms. Best orrer 675·9007 or eve ~1725 968.8283 PRnTIEST Mt5, 752·9001 Bkr. - CATALlNA EXPRESS: Motol'Cy~ln/ 23' Cabin Cruiser. '79 Scoohn 9 I 50 Wellcrart inclds trailer ~··••••••••••••••••··~· le Newport Beach slip. 74 Honda 750, 29,000 m1, S . . runs good. clean, New $22,000. . acrtC~ce $1100/ofr. 631-2059 eves '57T-llRD IMTOWN! BEST OFFER! (()(X;UKZ) THEODORE '65 Chev panel truck 327, 4 spd. am/fm stereo. nu tires, nu clutch 548·6508 bme 957·2071 wrk '65FORD S400 I A..to1 WCllllH Hto Allto1, IMpot+.d AMto1, I~ ....... l•pertwd AMto1, l•,.,+ed •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WEPAYTOPDOLLAR IMW 9712D..... 9720Mercedna.. 9740 onclw 9150 tot top u1cd t u rs ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Curea~n. domestics or For'The~l '78 280Z. a uto , air , '72 91U: Tara11 White ch1111c1. U your i:ar 11 Huy OrLeue Ueal AM /FM stereo rassette, MERCEDES w 111lkJy11, Sl0,000 or be11l extra clcun, see us In OrantteCoWlty . Xlnt cond. 80,000 mi. orr. 645 3013 FIRST' ~omc See Us Todoy ' $5900/080499-3836 #I ltt 0r_,. C..ty 2925 llarbur Blvd COSTA MESA 979-2500 WANTED!! Clean= T'fo1c111 Call Jim Hoc)on or MlkeLalle Cre•ier Motors 835-3171 W C"'ll Buy Or Sell Your Cl<"an Import On Con.,,iqnm<'nt' '' Call Our U\ed Car Manaq<'r TODAYll! 831 -2040 49S·4949 Saddlebac~ BMW Missian Viejo TOP DOLLAR PAI.I> FOR GOOD&CLEAN USED CARS! miracle mazda SADll.EBACK BMW 28402 Mitrgut'rile Pkwy M i1111lon Viejo Avery Pkwy. exit (oCC S Freeway) 131.2040 495-4949 Closed Sundays CREVIER &I ST 6 llOAOWAY SAHTA AHA 835·3171 r1<f ULTIMAI( DIUVIOIC MACHIHI •USEDIMW1• '76 2002 4spd (06031 '79320i S IR <58941 '79 5281 S /R 0076> '81 3201A (0115) ~ loHd SWtdays 76 IMW 2002 4 speed. Very clean lot·ul car. (123RKL) $.5895 JIMMARIMO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Bl vd 142-2000 The Most bcitin9 Part Of Your IMW Purchase Or LeaMCouldle Mclaren BMW!! luyOrLease ly Ow Phone Pion! (7141 522-5333 2150 Hcrilor llYd. ORAMGECOUNTY'S Costa MHO 645-5700 OLDEST WANTED! Lale model Toyotas and Volvos . Call u s AY !'! 19UH.,._lh4 c ......... . ,,._ 64'·'10) ..-S40·f4' 7 Top Dollar Paid For Your Car' JOHNSON & SON Lincoh-Mercury 2626 Harbor Hlvcf Costa Mesa 54!).5630 We Pay OVER llutlook For Your Good VW . Porsche or Aud a VW~PORSCHE·AUDI 445 E . Coast Haway at Bayside Drive New Port Beach 673-0900 Premium pnce:. pa 1d for any used car <forei~nordomestac) an good condition See Us First' :!AA8 ll<Jrbor l\lvd l'•1~t:.1 \il'~..i ~o o:i:10 Sales-Service-Leasm~ Roy Ca"er,lnc. Rolls l\oyce BMW 1540Jamboree New Port Beach 64~6444 USEDIMW's EXCELLENT SELECTION! '7 6· '80 MODELS l201's, 530i's, 521i's. 630c1i's. CAU.USFOR OUR SB.ECTIOM! Soddlebock &MW Mission Viejo 831 -2040 495-4949 Closed Sundays 198 I IMW l20i Demo Meta II al' cashmere. mocha m terior. airconditiomng & A M /FM cassette (0730) LEASE OR IUY! ROY CARVBt IMW 1540Jamboree Road NEWPORT BEACH 640-6444 1979 IMW7331A BBS wheels. low miles. purchase or take over lease! C843ll Saddlebodl IMW Mission Viejo 831-2040 495-4949 Closed Sundays '76 BMW, 2002. A /C, sun· roof. AM /FM stereo, perr. cond. 644·~ CONCOURS 5301, 78. 4 '74 Uutaw1 Wagon t1rcul car• Great MPO• $1500 84().4853 .,. aaoz hpd. u 1c. am ttm. maa wbeel11 , best orrerM2·7937 '73 240Z lHOO. many elC tras 67S.99tl1 '78 Datsun B210GX, very gd mpg, lo mi, xlnt cond Am /Fm stereo c•ass 5spd. $3,495. 497 -3865. Ferrari 9 7 2 3 • •••••••••••••••••••••• FERRARI '8-0 512.BB. $85,000 '81 4001, a uto . $80,000 '81 3011 GTSI, $52 ,$00 Orange County's Exotic Car Store Trend Imports 631·6941 Ffat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 FIAT XI /9 4 speed trans., AM /FM stereo cassette & an ex t•ellenl condition! (3561 > WIU TRADE! Sadclebock IMW M ISSIOn Viejo 831-2040 495-4949 Closed Sundays '78 Spader 124 Convert BUY FOR LESS! COMPARE & SAVE '76210C 81uc/Blue (8116> 52.k Low Miles I.ow Pnce' '79 210CE Sil Ulu !Blue 06844) Sunroof, Loaded, 6k Low Miles r riced lo Sell ! '79 300SD TURIO DIESEL Maple/B:ambou (04777> lllk Low Males I' 1 Iced to Sell' '80450Sl White ·Sienna <611221 14k Low Miles, Balanct- ractory Warranty Priced to Sell Today' '80 lOOTD ·STATION WAGON Bla('k lliamboo (13063) l lk Low Miles, BalanC'e Fal·tory Warranty P m·ed lo Sell Now ! JIM SLEMOMS IMPORTS HnO llARBOH BLVU COSTA MESA 631 1276833-9300 Ked tblk top Ssp 32,000 1980 Merct'des 240D Choe m1 Am tFm stereo Cass. Brn Xlnt Cont.I. with xlnt cond $5800 /0BO 893·8276 Eves. ma1ntenanl'l' rl'<:e1pl 22,000 m1 Sl !l.200 731 0193 '72 914, xltll cond. Xt rua. $5 ,400 ur best o rrer 646 07 0 l • s:tll-1130 '64 356<.' 1''11'4l S3750 takes' Runs great 970 W 19th St CM 646-8S27 Rolb loyu 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ROY CARVER ROUS-ROYCE l)40J•mkrtt Hewpe<1a.uh \'-----' ........ ClOSfO SUNOAYS Saab 9760 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LEASE DIRECT! 1981 SAAB TURB01 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT llEAC"ll 752-0900 79SAAI Dynamite sunroor <.ii.I:: sedan Loaded 11.ath all xlras Low miles, sharp. o rig anal (997VSM I $6995 JIMMARIMO VOLKSWAGEN 111711 Beach Blvd 842-2000 Honda 9727 •••• • • • ••••••••• •••• • •• '73 45~ E. lw•de". lo nl-1. Toyota 97 65 ~ \I ••••••••••••••••••••••• VISIT YOUR same body a:. '80 300 --------ORANGE COAST Turbo Os l Sl0.900 496 4162 '56 t90SL. re:.lurl'd l't>n· l'OUrse 99'. . lJolh lups, '77 CBJCAGT L1rtback 2.6,000 ma, good cond. $4375 7»0M7 HONDA HEADQUARTERS TODAY!!! UNIVERSITY SALES&SERVICE OLDSMOllLE HONDA GMCTRUCKS 2850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA beuutarul blue $15.000 75 l'ellc·a GT, 5 spd. beaut 760 81160 <'Ond Must see $3400 ,63 220SE c~v. oao 114&8924. 8<1<>-4556 _.... 1Jdl1AM,:.tit4PM 1131 2244 966· 1055 -'79 Curollu Ltftback SR5. MB '78, ~CU Muple xlnl cond . am /fm . yellow Orii.: owner, •1!12009316 9orwknds1 sharp, ~un Snrf Loaded $17,000 9611-4254.119-1 4833 540.9640 1970 Mern>tles ~Silver '77 Cavac, htchbck. 38.000 full pwr . air, am fm m1 . 5 spd, am rm. xlnt stereo xlnl c·ond $4975 cond 968 3411 497 2978. 496·8011 '79 Prelude /\Jr. sunrf. stereo cass, loaded Xlnl cond. $7200. 494 1300 '78 Honda CVCC Wa~ 40,000 m1 Xlnt cond in 821 MB ~D Turbo DSL. loaded. snrf. under 350K m1. !.acrificc sale more lhan 10', off Last pril'e pp (714 )55!1 0552 side out am /fm slcro MG 97 42 l·a sselle Nace wheels & ••••••••• •••••••••••••• tares $4 ,300 OBO 631 7383 aft 5 MUST SELL! '79 Toyota CELICA lo.idl.'d 1>nd, uuto am rm d es l)e r :itl' 673 7320 197912 ~upra t-:xec car ll!K oriit m1 Loaded S8500 or t.ike over lse for $500 541 5625 da , 644 tm7 eve Triumph 9767 .....•....•..•..•...... '7V Triumph Spitfire Con \crtable, low miles. $4988 (()92XNZI Barw1<•k Oati.un 831 3311 1!16!1 claS!.>tl' I\ cyl ~GC '75 llonda Civic Wagon t • (..' 1-; t::" 1 GT 2 + 2 '68 TR IUM Pll GTG A C, AM /FM , great Coupe Only buait for a New engine. need:i bud> cond Yellowtblk mlr hmrlcd time' Best orre1 • work 962 llW9 $27001bstofr. 631-2242 Call 857·0901or495·0507 9770 - , Vo•swagtft JOC)uar 97 30 MGI 97 44 • • • • • •• •••••••••••• • ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 78 VW DASHER '67 Jaguar J 8 MK llS all 1977 MGB This ts a great little or1Jl very well mum· N<>wtop.stereo e t·onomy s port cur lawed Must San1f1c·e Call 1151·9:112 duy t 984 UJ X ) Its bargain ·=~~8::~ Coupe. Xlnt, Isl '76 ~7~:~:r~:n~dull par•~.·ed magnon $5000 takes il 4!l9-2883. owner, 39,000 mr Wht. work 896-1992 always i:araged See tu Beau salver grey, reeond eng, comp. overhaul m April 4 new Michelin Tires 69,000 mi. S9.000 ·7~1~:~: ~r: m~2~8=7rm ~ontiac 549-4300 675 53al. 675-1723 cass. lugg rack, wht w blk int xlnl cond $6400. 851 5073 A new-looking XK E '74 MGBS3000 Jaguar, 12 cyl, lo mi, Conver1 Gel mech. cond. yellow hardtop coupe. J 751 9195,644-4157 t ame owner returning p t 97 .. 8 East $14 000 644-6913 •ugeo .., . . . . ..................... . 241!0 llwrbor Bl·al F'11r Costa Mesa '74 vw 1>unroof. AM /FM $2988 (22lLPDl Barwick Datsun 831 3311 $13,500. To right 1n----- / dlvldual share boat with '79 CX 500 Custom Hon· 13000 down payment. da. faarmg & cargo box. ROBINS FORD 64s.8746 Auto1, lmpcried ------...................... . spd. all xtras + BBS Maida 9738 whls, sacrif. 548·0117 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LEASE DIRECT! 80 VWDIESEL Dynamite L Model 2 door 4 speed with fac- tory aar Very s harp '719ZSM I 673-6411. S2000. 964.6289 10b0 HARBOR RlVO COSTA Ml SA Ml 0010 Bass Boat , 17 ', 50hp '75 Yamaha 650 newly Jlerc, elec trolling rebll, bucket seal, ex· motor . swivel seats. li ve tras $1300. 891-5225. P orsche. 1959 356A Coupe . Fresh prof ground up rest.oration. Red /tan int. Ca. Car, no rust. $11,SOO. (213) 286-9689 aA 6pm •ell, fish ftnder, trailer. !tuns good, looks good '2200. 76().1643. 24' Secray F /& Twin 16S Mere. 1/0 , electoronic full cover, USCG equip. 838·9349, 730-2027 42' UMI, S.F. '78 TW. dsls, ld'd, w /equip owc .. toseOK. 675--9007 eves 96CH72S Bkr 42' G.B. trwlr. '74 &lass, rdr, Sl49K. Bkr 557·9007, eves 960-1725 to.h,I_./ c ........ 9050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yacht CRITERION 7 l' Clusic Yawl Harbor Cocktail Cndalng Cat.llna, Channel late. Ha wall, Tahiti~ Paciflc Home port Nwpt Bch (7U) 83J.5W {218) 328-5827 ~;.~ ........ !~!! '11 21' Scbock, s leeps 4, Berth Avall. Acces. CaU 544-32711 4 lalt. Fm. Good cond. ~ce tnchldel lraller, r111tn1 6 ...U. '750/btt ...... ...., , AJeort "Jltft1.(llh" ·, dl&e, _..pt equlp, ,..., '80 Kawasaki 750 LTD. 6000 mi. Like new. 498·5173M5 '78 Yamaha Yzso' like ARAGE SALE ads ln new. $500. 360 Enduro lbe Daily Pilot brine '74, dirt only, S500. Hon· happy resulta. To place da 50 mini-bike, SlOO. your drawing card , 645-7176 pholle 642·5678 today! Motor HCMMI, S.-/ tor H .... S. I Rent/Stora,. 9160 l..t/S...,. 'I 160 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DO YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE? •We will pay $500 advanoe •Stability -8 yrs. in the buslnest •Net up to $250 per week , Our company pretently ha 2.6M In advance European "Fly-drive" contrects end wlll peak at 4. 7M. v .................. ow Jwt S.••"' u .. 1u• Vfffil'! ....... Wt tncourage ~u to~ ut watn Othttt -COm. In tnd ~ OIMr our C'ESERVATION own'& W• Mee4 M.,. 1919-11 Mlnl-MotOthomM A B~ToP Ven Conver9ION PINN Cell or Write for Info On u .. ~ of Your Owl\ f/111 fK '80 DODGE 'D50' PU Alfa Romeo 9705 auto, p is. a /c. stereo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• sharp. SSS00646-6149 '76 Toyota P.U Very clean, mech Al. new paint. $2975. Ph641 0442 . LEASE DIRECT! BMW '80 Ml, S95,000 '81 745i Turbo, $48,500 '81323i Conv, $31 ,500 Orange County's Exotic Car Store Trend I mPorts 631-6941 '79Mazda GLC Sport Xlnt cond. 3.S lo 42 ma MPG $4200 or best orrer 975· 1637, 857.4545 '79 RX7, a ll options. 14,000 mi, must sell. best orfer. 673·5874 ·79 Chevy, ~T cust, dlx 10. P /$, PB. A/C, 21M ml, x'lnt cond. $6300/ofr. 644·1395, 644-6397 1981 ALFA SPIDERS Capri 9715 '77 Mazda /GLC wgn, 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• owner, 22,000 mi, 5 spd, BEACH IMPORTS •'74 Capri, 4 spd, a 1c. re· xtnt cond. 492-8.536 848DoveStreel liable & looks ~ood Mel'CedethM 9740 '69 EL CAMINO Very sharp, best orrer. 499-1093 NEWPORT BEACll $1900. 646-5151 ••••••.-•••••••••••••••• 752.o900 -Doh• 9720 -------'80 lOOTD '72 Dal P.U , AM /FM Attdl 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cass, snrf. make offer ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Datsun B210 4 speed. 962·3656. Real nice! 78 AUDI FOX radio. S2188 C824RFC > VOftt 9570 Oynamite2doorsunroor Barwick Datsun831·3311 ••••••••••••••••••••••• with automatic & air. '78 Ford 150. Custom. 38K. Elec /water outlet, air. 675·6999 Very clean. (53.SXOF') $4995 JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN '70 DODGE rblt, 3 s pd, 18711 Beach Blvd. looks great, runs xlnt! 84z,.2000 19MPG. $1500 /080 ------- 548-6980 '72 Audi 100, 4spd, SU>OO '74 Dodge Van. Good orbestorrer. cond. $2750or bst 673-1732. 5'9-0012 Divorce Sale. '72 Ford Custom Van, extras. $2500. 548-2252, 646-5290 '79 Ford Maxi Van. E·MO. Duel air. $420-0, call 64H4SS 9HO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 77AUDI Dynamite Fox 2 door sunroof. 4 speed, air. Very clean . (779SPZ) $3195 JIMMARIMO VOLKSWAGIN 18711 Beach Blvd. 842-2000 ---------1978 Audi 5000 silver 71DATSUM2102 Dynamite 4 speed coupe . Gold beauty, very clean. (839HDD) $6995 JIMMARIMO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd 14~2000 STATION WAGON Black /Bamboo (13063) llk Low Miles. Balance Factory Warranty Priced to Sell Now ' JIM SLEMOMS IMPORTS 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 631-1276 833-9300 AUTHORIZED M ERCEDES·BENZ DEAL.ER 831-1740 495·1700 198 I PEUGEOT TURBOs BEACH IMPORTS f\48 Dove Street NEW PORT BEACH 752-0900 ---- 74 PEUGEOT 504 L>IESEL ' S unroof sedan Papers on engine, xtra c lean (059LFF'l $3995 JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd. 842-2000 Po nett. 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75 Ponche 914 546-0248 '70 Targa 911 E Clean eng Best olfer. 494-1300 $6995 JIMMARIMO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd 842-2000 MARK HOWARD VOl"{SWAGEH La rge selec tio n of Volkswagens with com petili ve prices. HfMJl Uowoul VOUCSWAGlN INC ~100 13731 Harbor Garden Grove 80 VW SCIROCCO Automatic, air. Only 8000 miles <0301601 $7995 JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEH 18711 Beach Blvd. 842·2000 80'fWRAllrT Custom 2 door 4 &peed. Factory air, only 7000 '77 Targa, wlute wttan actual miles. Original & Int, 40,000 ml, a ir, sharp. (1ADL6'98) AM /FM cass. PW, new $5695 tires 7 " whls, 64~9429 JIM MARINO '67 912 White new seats. VOLKSWAGEN am/Cm cass, rblt eng, 18711 Beach Blvd. x I n t con d i n I o u t . 142-2000 ~700 /0 BO 676-3424 ---• '60-'65 vw te n &. right '77 9115, wht, 11ir, pwr door. '73 lei\ door. SSO windows, cruist-, snrf. each WeAttem style whl AM /FM cass .. S16.97S.. rims for Super Beetle 832-SZ'74, Jim 856-4CMO S20 ea. 548-9744 WllUY CLEAN CARS AMDTIUCICS metelUc. Lo mL Full lux· ury, pwr. package, 2 way elect I UD d . AM /FM stero cassette. $7900 . ~ 1804 saom t/4PAGIAD OMTHIPOUI Dt..Ua IMPOl'T rACMIH TOOArsrAPa 'Cl8 M .8 . 25(61. Rdstr, rblt eng. new clutch, clean, orig. lnl. a /c, 45pd, $14K (213)427 1590 7S 9US, nice car, best or- ---------fer. 73VWIUS D)'namile 4 speed. MAC wheels. Top Runaer. (018282) '70 Mercedes 280SE 4 dr CONNELL C HEVROLET "74 Audi lOOl.S, •uto, tun · roof , air. new ens. MIWPoaTDATSUM sedan. very clean, lo ml. '8000. 875-8811 '73 IH4 New eng . & clutch, AC, cleen. Xlnt mpa. Muat 11ell. $4300. 498-3862 SUS0/080 .... '8J.6 888 Dov4tSlreet M 8 "79450Sl. mp! yellow, IMW 9712 NEWPORTBEACH leathtr, cauette, 19,000 •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• IJJ.Olll m l. Mint P/P. 84().t2L8, ·• • • I' ,. •, \1 ' \ '>4b-I 700 T ~=-~porta '7& 2ooi 'BMW: AM /P'M •'72240Z,new pabltlfup. •-54-2-2-11-2 ----- C:s;. 8 Campen CatMtte, tunroor, low bOI, anth. gay, 74,000 MBC91S llMI ,.,.1 • A.Jr.· · mil••••· Xlnl conl. ml, 1utp. ~. ateerln& 500SEL50C6LC~L ~fOrUICMOR f7000, Call 840-1'13 atk klt,customatereo."500. Ufl J1M ....... 0 torHal PP, Cbrlltopher S.11 'IUOGSl..C.•.500 YOLDWA.. ''11 3201. Sletta &el1e. n.u, U'l-27'112. ~-::.:, P> llTUleeebBlvcl. auoroof, lmmu. A•· '78W1t>llO,lowml,auto OranttCounty's IWNTINaroN 8£ACH ..... i. ... or ,...cha... 1reat cood. n.w pajot, £xo4..lc C.t StoN to.JOOO PP+ 1•aJtvM. $1900.848-1355 Trfnd ITQ.PON831_.U 1...;. ______________ ..... ~, ...... __ _..;. ____ ~1 ~ ,, f\•re 1978 912E Por. lo ml. 1lntcond. 552"'819 - U'91 JIMMAIJHO VOLISWA61M 18711 Beach Blvd. 141-JOOO '79 VW R&bbk dleKl, L mdle. sompe. Sunroor. air, atn tank, Stereo lape, X.lnl. ... 14N211, -.im '71 VWo.ber MUST SILL .. AkBOFnR MNU9 ' - I s ...... f•port.d ...... IMport.d ..._,, UMd , Alltos. UMCI ...... UMd •.•••••••...............••.••••............... ················t······ ·····••··•·····•······• ·······•·••·······•···· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT,SUnday, May 17, 1981 DI I V•sw..-t770 V~o '772 CecH.c "I 5 c-ero . HI 7 CM•rolet "JO A.ufo1, Used W.s, UHd Allto1. U1ed ...... UMct ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~~rewbe~tf,~· en1 lhol, Dyna!,~~O:.~~ door ~7~~~~~eL~:!r: E Air, ~~t,~:t~ power ·~e~~~vroJet c~ for aalo :~~~ ......... !!.~~ ~~:1:1 .......... !!.~~ ~.':'~~'!! ....... !!.~~ ~ ............ ~!! 9&0-43'2, fM8..40C» w•aon. 4 a peed, air, OFFER 1teerln1. 27,961 miles, 968-1189'7 '79 Corvette, loaded, 7 ,000 ORANOECOUNTY'S '8,0 C utla11 Brouaham "IS Pinto wan. lmmac. II 64,000 rotle•. Sharpest ~uo (882VEI)' mi Aasume teau S32S ~ S«-d. Sf.000 or uako over must'"· PS. PB. tz200 ·a9 vw ·Bua. Rebu t. one ln town. (01.Z201) ELOO '74 _,_. d $4tll ' '!!w~ron$300te. CPvt•r .lop. a~lyl Mo. 759 CMlll LJNCOl.N·MERCUttY 1eaH. $114/DlO. Loaded, 891·3U8 am /fm iapes. SJeOO. Mttl AW• con • new Barwick lmPorU .... ., .. l>EALERSHlP VS. 132>5'74, 552-1800. -r--- '97·527'1 aft.era. JIM u.o.•a..ao braket, .Ura, etc. rea. l"'l·"'"' 11 CaUl'7S·2l40. "-.&-"35 '74 Pm' to...-. door auto _.. • •~ ..__,,.. § __ #1/Jl'Ad°'•• '7 • 0 l d s. C ul I as 1 air, ,..., ' · ·~.W 411 SQB, 98K ml !~1~":~~> !;'r!~~t-~oewcarbeat '76 Camaro 4apd, fuJly '8olwnCeor.rvala!rayc1p1ea,rao1redl1 .. :;.•i);~~·;·;;l•;:i;~b~';; ~ ,._......,_ B~uaham Good cond. Call!IM-1253 67" ..,..18 I d d II t ton a uto, Qrig. Int, run1 LINCOLN·M£RCt1ftV Moet all opt.lonal equip-. ,,.,., 14Z.2000 '76 ELDOCONVERT oa e • ra Y s por • $1MO. 540.S'727 xlnl, $62S. 499·5'764 UI 1B Auto Center Dr. ment. $4695. ~74lU. PlyMoelth t960 --------1 Choe. bm 1lsaddle Int. & $4.200/080646-0667 SD Fwy-LkForestexlt • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Sl VW Bus, am/fm cau. ORAHGICOUHTY top, lo ml, $10,000. C-*"...., ttlO Ford "40 lRVrNE lW77 Olds Omega, 1 ownr, '77 Volare. 6 cyl, •uto, anrf. tires & rims, runs VOLVO Consider pickup as part Ct..•rolet tt20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 110.7000 ' 6 cyl. 36,000 ml S3200. air , PB. $2000 ~all id. Body nice. MU1laell L tV 1 ....... 1 trade 760-8860 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '6S 4·dr convertible. '73 Ranchero --639·1136,SS7-ti10ext2216 960-2346 734-6587. arg~ o vo..,.,a er beaut. drk red. only 72K Sl800orbe1torfer. 77 MBCURY •74 Dasher~. Wan in OrangeCountt '19 Fleetwood Brougham SEE US FIRST! mi, must sell ~SOO CallMS-3008al't SPM IOICAT BUY or LEASE loaded: '92:50 We have• aood ielectlon 998·95&4 --Auto, air, 49M ml, oria. DIRECT p o f NEW Ii USED '75 Gr an Torino, P /S, Automatic lran1., --· '67 Tornado. 1360 firm '76 Ply. Volare Preiv1er Clean. R~ well Call Wagon. All pwr, •tc. Ad Sitter #224 at x lot cond. Best ofr owner. 494-0291 ' erry 549-8871 Cbevroletal Cont. 2 dr '80 MKVI, ap-P /B. s tereo. lrlr hitch. AM !FM whitewall tires. S 13M . dlx t s 500 "'""' ( T z z 2 l 6 ) L 0 0 k I ----'72 VW Bug xlnl cond, ~t ·~· ~(~-,,~·~ '79 evllle, DIESEL.. prox m1, s ereo, 1 . 656-......., fl r e a t ... r u n s '77 Orneoa. Good cond1· r-.....a•-c •t65 642-4300, 24 hrs. 673-2490 , ..,.....,1080 Ive mA"aaae _,_. -~ ----loaded, 21,000 ml. As am /fm cass. leather . ·~..a.,, ht' .. lllllftTIU .., ~1"872 ..... • e s ume lease. $416 mo. crul.Je s plitseals,loaded '70 Maverick. Xlnt cond. Ulae .. prh.-.:ung · t1 on. Automatic, air •••••••••••••••••-•••• ...,. 759.0481 516,900.964-7284. Several new parts. magnon cond.$2S-OO.SS9-6277 TRAMS.AMS! $1500 645-9594 eves. '7l VW Squareback, Sl800 t0120Garden Grove Bl '72 Cpe de Ville 17 MPG Co"eth 9932 • '79 Toronado Dsl. SOOOM La r ge selection• Takt< or best offer. Must sell Garden Grove 53(}.9190 ree gas IOOd shape ask ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 Tonno. auto. Bir, 4 dr, m1 WAIT. Aux tank. A IC. ro~~[·, c~~f~~'So~~ &42-S422. 11lg $1200. 64i-8357 '80 Malibu Classic, mint I t71 COllVETTI S9~. pont1'ac .. •oo PS/PW• dr lock.a, tilt. hard to rlnd models at '76 R.ABBJT DLX i.96e Mdle 1225 sta. wag. cond. loaded, 6 cylinder. T·Top, polals/allver red ~2826. 549 ... ., cruise, "AM /FM st er bargain prices. AM /f M caaa .. A/C, xtra AM /FM , needs work '79 Scio 2 dr , only 6,700 mt, leathe r , only l8,000 '73 RANCHERO perfect 2480 Harboz:.Ql·at Fair tape, V top, wire whls. a, magnon nice. $2495/ofr. 640.-5234 $900. Firm • All xtras, xlnt cond 762·1010. · , mUes & has all the op· cond, shell. new brakes Costa Mesa ' split pwr seals. Looks lions! (20010). S2300/0BOS40.5149 -and runs xlnt. Must sell. '69 Bua. Perfect paint & 960-l38I Ho ccnh flit. '84 Impala. 48,500 ml MUST SH! --'77 Cougar XR7 . all xtras $8995. 951·7199 intr. New en a w/rcpts. ·T2Vo1vo. Good cond. 644-4916 Originalowner $1000 Sadcleboc:llllMW '79 Ford~. low miles, AM /FM tape · 53000 . 0 . , t' S2l3-0 1~13982 C U 6427100 · · assume lease. Balance mi -$2900 562·5522, 7L.lds Vista Cruiser pon.1ac 549 .. 300 ' · $2800. 8 848-2320 days, '79 Eldorado Diesel, · M1551on Vie}O _.,., ._. '76 Rabbit 2-dr, snrf, 4 536•4781 eve1!1 __ 27,000 mi, triple black. '78 Mah bu Classic, 6 cyl, ll 1·2040 49S.4t49 $5000. 646-~ --549'1414 -----64$-0721 spd , lo m i , $2895 '62 Volvo 2drsedan.body moonroof. CB, loaded, 4dr. drk blue, fully ~ ClosedSundays '79F1esta,x.lnt cond,new Mtltte9C) 9t52 • -.-Od 497·2580, 979-2460ext 382 good, needs work, make $'799S. 640.5884. 554·5222 equip Xlnt cond. SJOOO. tires & brks $3250 pp .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Convertible 73 I s Air 2480 Harbor Bl al fo~air Costa Mcba 961}.7278 * 645-7211 . . 1965 FORD Fully equip Rare item '67 Rrebird, '66 VW, compl. restored. offer. 646-4348 ___ '6 4 C on ve rt i b I e : --· --$2495. 646-4996 Xlnt C.:ond 49112782 Porsc he eng & paint •75 Volvo WGN x lnt Navy/White top, red in· Must Sell '74 Chev M'onte '79 Ford Mustang. Xlnt MUST4NG GT ------ Everything new. Mint cond,stereo, $4U>e) terior. Xlnt cond. Beat Carlo 78K m1, dependa· 11 cond. like new. 4 cyl In good ~ondition • '78 Culla.ss. fully loaded, • SUHllRDS! cond. See lo apprec 494 89Gt offer 673-2181 b l e Sl 700 642 2456, llo.JEW 1981 a utomatic, peach color Automatic trans. & dist exceptionally clean, Looking ror a bargain" 1 941·1291. · . 957·18SS "" 35,000 males S3950. brakes. Make offer. Call S4800 s5i.52 u Real value'> Come in -VOLVO •74 145 Wgn a/t 78 Cad Eldo 2 dr, Gold. -CORVETTES 548--6446or548-9744 642·9924 ; if no answer .. 77 Old Cutl s emc and see the buy1> \\e '74 VW Beetle xlnt must auto, rack . a~ r~ 39 .OOOm1 Like new. "Maiden A~t" '61 Chev PLEASEkeeptrying' Brougsham,at~ad~':[. all have! We'reofrermgthc see!S2500/lrade646-7515 stereo. pp $2795. loaded.newllres.$6,700 4dr.xlntmaml.,83Kml. THREE Uncoln 9945 extras, auto cruise lowestpriceseveronour BKR 752·85J6 644 4774 looks & runs great $1000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67 6 cyl. 3 spd stick. S3700. 851-0114.-entire inventory! '73 vw Super Beetle xlnt •77 Coupe DeV11le, perf . .; 73 '0231 4 SPEEDS ' ·~~~rL ~l~~~o7r.!9i·~7stereo Pint~ ----9957 a magnon . x tr as $2500 /trade Autos, Used cond Loaded. 40.000m1. '76 Laguna Malibu, sharp TO CHOOSE FROM MAKE OFFER! 642·8110 646·7515 BKR ••••••••••••••••••••••• need fast sale $5850. & s porty, a steal at CORMIER·Del.11.:LO '66 Must. 6 cyl. auto, xlnt •••;••••••••••••••••••• • . General 990 I 552-6461 $1895. 675-7978. '70 Continental lthr int, 4 cond. reblt eng. & trans. 72 PIHTO WGH '73 K Qhja, 65K m1, a /c, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------CHEVROLET CO. spkr stereo, AC. tilt PW. S2000 536-5090 Auto. gd cond. 631 5208 pont1ac 549-4300 42MPG.S3600/0 80 JEEPS : CARS.c 9917 ·11MalibuClotsic (7141147-6017 PB, Asking $1300 ---- 673-6996 PICKUPS amaro Fully loaded with many ~ 642-1268 '65 Mustang. orig owner, SEL.L idl~ items with a 2480 Harbor Bl.·at Fair ---from $35. Available al••••••••••••••••••••••• xlras ! S acrifice * air, 289 auto, pramo Daily Pilot Class1h ed Costa Mesa * • '73VW.xlntcondm& local Gov't Auctions. 77CAMARO $2,495/oHer.640-5234 Want Ads Call642·56'78 cond .$2800.6314958 Ad . _ _ - out! Stick. lo mi, $2500. For Directory call Air cond .. tilt. power Auto H ~ 9100 Autos, Mew 9100 A..tos,Hew 9100 A..tos,Hew 9800 1·497-1597 S urplus Datu Center windows & door 1.ocks. Autos, Mew 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 s, ew ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . (415)864.<fi44. , On l y 27,770 miles. •••••••••••••••••••••••1 •••••··~··•••••••••• .. ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 2 V W ca m p e r , (095SL0) m a tching dbl side drs. i It 991 o' $2000. 6.4~5387 834 2664 u c t ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 VW, xlnt runn1nJ{ '568uJck. cond , needs paint & up I Call an.er 5 hol, $1200. 545-2296 962 3000 '73 Super Beetle. Lt Blue. '72 Buick Electra Ltd Am/Fm. Nds minor t•os Xlnt Cond. All luxury metics. $2000. 631·2568. e lec options. New paint. new steel belt ti1·es. 'S7 VW convert., '67 71,000 m i. 1 owner. chassis , ou top & int Sl ,900. 955-2117 $4995 Nds some body work S4500firm. Aft 6. 839-6L28 Cadillac 9915 --- VolYo 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• #I VOLVO DEALER IN ORANGE COUNTY! ••••••••••••••••••••••• COHTEMPLA TING CADILLAC? We specialize m leases for the business ex· ecutive & professional. Lo,. Selection Of Mew 1911 Cocllacs '69CAM.ARO l owner, clean, auto. mags, 3'11 eng 2 barrel c a r b u r a fo_r , d i g it a I clock. amHm $1500. 995·8989 Autos, UHd ••••••••••••••••••••••• SALES, SERVICE AHDLEASIHG OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS HowlnStoclt! NABERS ~f&E~~ CADILLA~ Eill.EIKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 646·9303 540.9467 Z(J()()H.uw 1~,1 ~ Co-.1,1 IV\'' 540 '1100 ~ A..tos.Used Autos, UHd •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• True ks, Vans & 4X4s We're your Ram Tough Trock Center' '7t DODGE '78 FORD ':i::'::r: .... , (1&&$4j ··suRFER" v AH eon--j931UVOI s9597 '6997 ·n rLY. TRAILDUSTH WAGON ~ 56997 '71 DODGE RAMCHARGER 4X4 !>11111 '76 CHEVY >/4 TOH r/U 11'*711) '3997 '78 TOYOTA P/U 11l.A11491 '4997 1980 CADlld.AC COUPE DEVILLE C604ZBJ ) s12,595 1980 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD IROUGHAM C325ZBW > S13,995 1979 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE C453WWZ ) s9595 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE (38-0le.l) s9995 1971 CADILLAC SEVILLE 13S8VOY > s9995 1977 CADILLAC SEVILLE C&SSPK> s9995 I t71 CADILLAC C()\lrl DE VIW (793VAZ> s7995 I t7t CADILLAC SIVtLLI (711VB0> Jl 1,995 I '7t CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI \ (W408) s12,995 STOCK SERIAL NUMIER ~UMlll MODEL STICKER PRICE YOUR PRICE DISCOUNT STOCK SlllAL NUMUI NUMall MOOIL • STICKll YOUI NICI NICI DISCOUNT ALL BRAND NEW 1981 's ALL BRAND NEW 1981 's RABBIT 6708 052259 '7680 '6896 PICKUP 6977 101224 '7545 '6595 . *950 RABBIT 6631 023153 $6730 •5998 PICKUP 7384 010213 ,7395 '6695 *700 RABBIT 6988 100847 '6750 *751 PICKUP 6892 077131 '7870 '6810 *1060 RABBIT 6716 056305 '6649 '996 PICKUP 7069 126621 •7715 '6695 •1020 RABBIT 6834 073409 •7400 '6635 '765 PICKUP DIESEL 7397 098981 q595 '265 RABBIT DIESEL 7001 113430 •7775 '6888 '887 PICKUP DIESEL· 7 435 128026 •8035 •340 RABBIT DIESEL 6687 048175 •7735 '6998 •737 SCIROCCO 7166 020771 •9225 '7995 •1230 RABBiT DIESEL 7082 118693 '695 '6977 '718 SCIROCCO 7194 020835 •9265 •8095 '1170 RABBIT DIESEL 6886 079259 '8250 '7583 *667 SCIROCCO 7309 020478 •9885 •8771 RABBIT DIESEL 6888 080048 '7686 '674 SCIROCCO 7195 023115 •9265 •8095 '1170 JmA2DR 7341 287534 •8480 '7589 •891 DASHER DIESEL 6918 902172 •10,505 9265 '1240 JEnA2DR 7342 293660 •8545 '7589 $ 47 DASHER DIESEL 7154 910912 ,10,715 •9395 •1320 JmA4DR 7338 287636 '8700 '7698 '1002 DASHER DIESEL 691 o 901448 '1151 JmA2DR 7378 383997 '8995 '7997 '998 VANAGON 7040 033238 •11,655 slQ,195 '1460 JmA4DR 7131 322481 s8960 '7881 •1079 VANAGON "L" 7140 077136 '11 ,550 •9995 '1555 CONVERTIBLE 7412 011765 , '10,395 VANAGON 737 08577 4 •11 , 140 . •9795 '1345 CONVERTIBLE 7420 010336 tl0,290 19131 •1159 VANAGON 7138 077379 •ll,700 •10,195 '1505 CONVERTIBLE 7428 013880 •10,290 '9286 s 1 004 CAMPER 6928 029983 '14,535 •12,888 • 1647 •14,555 •12,995 • 1 560 '71. HONDA ACCOlD ._, ........... ,..,,.._. ........ ..,..... •• ,. \.e ........ •1-............ t11flttJ, '74 V.W. THING • ...... ,..... ""'"'· ................... "-nil .. 11-. (eUJIMI) '74 HONDA CIVIC -"···-·---....... ....., .... -........ (tt111 ... l '76 Pl YMOUTH ARROW t ..... .flM .......... ,... ......... ff •lfltft I ...... ,. .......... ,......t,.•••n ?.! Y?..~·!!! ·-.... ,, $2995 l•toria•I~ :?! ~~!!!.~ .. -.. $3299 -•i..rl-.jitUtQI ~~&° ... ·---'2175 74VWBUS 4 ,.,......, tllM IM-ell•t, ........ , ..... ,.. h (.U.ftt .....,,,._1 IOUt It} 79 DODGl OMNI' .... fNftt • tllM ~tt_ .... .....,,.. ...... 0... _ ... .,, .... .., ......... , ... OM) '71 VW KARMEN GHIA 4 ~--... , .. """'-' ...... , .. , .. _., 80 CHIVY MONZA •447~ ----•• , •• , • oPMOI. --... • -•. ,,.,. ............... -........ ,,.';o:t, '71 DATSUN 510 --. ............ --~··­_,...,.,JWMIJ •13,905 '12,495 • 141 0 '77 VW SCIROCCO Awte, '"""· A.M.fM •t•'" 10111091 '77VW8US c..._u-. • ...,.__.__ ... -111urr1 '77 Ctf EV 1 /2 TON PU .... -.-~ .... --...,_ ., ........... ....,...,, tilt .,..,_L .... ._.., . wW. ,,,... & ....._... • ••uoft.M ..._. • 1""w '73VWIUS -.......... -w. ... --. ..... -... ~ (...m) $5675 79 VW UllfT DIHEL $5 92 •<yl..--.-.......... -.... __ ,...__ . ..,,..._IN-1111 ,, :7 .. s .... vw •l'!-........... w. $4975 .. ......--(1-J) . -\ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/SUnday, May 17, 1981 ~~D 1981 ESCORT 4 DOOi unoAn Power frt disc brakes, r.cflo, atl radial tires, tntd glass, $Ide • mldgs, rack & pinion steering. omn> (COOi $ ' •• TOYOTA '79 FORD '71 CllY PICIUP llD-LAllDAU IOVA CUS10ll fql.ftPd_H.,._ v .. -...... ,_,"' • Or Ill _..,. llelarV • -··--... (\<'I """"""' ...... --""""""' ...... ,..--...,. -5llOO --.-. --· ........ '-'· .,. ... C1'--14*) 1\IO)t2) __ ... """.., ... ,.,.....,.,....,=...,.-.._ ... -lb •ll"WPI 107) .-wlll ('fO»tl $5999 $5299 , $3399 . 1171 FORD .. FAllOIT I'll• ..... -...... ···""--· ....., ... -................ ....... ~-o::a --.AM-.-.---"""-..... ~ =1~:=" ~ ..... _ca.. (llt lt7) ~~D 1981 MUSTANG I DOOi HDAN Power frt dlK brakes, stHI radial tires, wtw tires, recllnlng bucket seats, mtdgs, rack & pinion strng, lockable glove box. (119242) (C0145l $ '79 TRllmPH '79 F• •• CHEY '71811 SPITf 1£ .F-1• !'If! CITITIOI m2 CPE °""' 1100 • .,. ....... -........... -·----·-.,. ...... ------·-··"' , .. rD•-.11111' .... ""' ...... ,.. dilC ,,... ... ·--· .... _,.......,~ "" ----... a --.-.. ,.-. ... =-~::0.7'"" ~-· llllCIHoo9 -. "" -::&i'i~ ..... M!'Ttl =*"'~· .... ,_ I SI '15319'21 '4199 $5999 '$5299 $6999 117 f llD 1111 F• 1 71 CADWC LTD ._ TIIUllEllB JI! ti! !l!.. ·f'/1.--.-.......... _ ........... v ... --.... •-·-·""~ .......... ='"'--· "" ..... ,.-....... ,., llcl ·-· ......... ""' ..... ,,.. ..... ... .................. _,,.., ,. -. Mil-Al die ::..:: ""*"· IMI . -.. ,._ ... .......... -. ....... .... '* ................ ..... -:'-· ............ ". ~ .............. ""c:=-..--... .,,. .... = ..... Cll "*'· ..... -""*'' .,,, .......... .._... ,Cll ... 1111111211.01 (m\Q) CUOl64\ 55299 55999 YAND NEW .. . . 1981 FIESTA 3 DOoa HATCHIACK Power front disc brks, atl radial tires, tntd glass. bucket seats. rack & pinion steering. (531110) (C01'1) '79 CllV 1• FORD 1971 BUEi IWJIU CLASSIC IUSTAllG COTURY ...... w.--.--, .,.,_,.,.·--· .--..,..v ... -.... .. -. .......... ""'die --"""" ........ ""' =:r::-J.::.:: ---.-·,.. -"'--·-_.,,._...., ... -... -~.....,. _...,....._..,~ 190IJ(IM) IC-OIMI) I'll ClcmllOl 11 ) ............. mm1• $4299 55299 ' 53499 1171 FORD 1177 IEIC. 1171 Fm FAJWT CPE. IOMRCH GHIA -·· f qi. --· AM -· fl)rY.f-HWa.le&I• •qo1.--·:t.."! -·.,,. ........ _ -"""" ""--.,.,.-. -. ...... ,,,,_ =1'21...,. 1111 (mVll) -.-....... _.., ,..,...,_,.,,,.,_...., ~"ric.'°'I....,. ... ::0.""&~...,. 1•1 , $3299 '· - IUNDAT, MAY 11, "'1 · U CINfl \ lfi>[Et!J[f!JCVJfl$ AND MA'-IBE A UTTLE MAl{ONNAISE .. featurirtq dd®@@@J @09 ((:&@~O~@a>©tWtru ~9 ~ G"cllvtz, HERE'S 'i'OLIR . T~ANK SANDWICH, . \{QU VER'/ 816. B~OTHER MUCH +: . NANCY IMAGINE ME GROWING-THIS PLANT ALL BY MYSELF • lF LIOU WE~E LIKE VOUR D06, VOU'O DANCE AAOUND WHEN SOMEONE FE.D '(OU · . . . flt' f • • ... , 0.J.• U.ect~• ~·· '"6 .• , OH, SLUGGO--COME RIGHT OVER AND SEE THE WONDERFUL PLANT I GREW AW--THAT STUFF BORES ME I NEVE~ REALIZED T'1E'( LAU6HEP /rJ ME SE~UND MV SACK •.. By Ernie Bushmiller OH, ALL . RIGHT, IF You INSIST . ------HE MAKES ME 50 MAD--- ., . • • • • 4 • • 4 0 4 4 ) ~ ... -. . . .. .. "" . -. -. .. ---...--. .......... ------....... -----~~-'T""-...... ,....."""'!""_._,......,. __ .... ...,. _______ ........ ~ ...... - AND WE'VE NEVEi'. HAD A ~PECK OF _ TROUBLE WITH HER.' 1 WONDER IF t COOL" STANO ON "U5T 'TWO FEE1'? •1 . ' • THAT'S WHAT WE THOU0HT! WE'LL 5EE YOU LATE!'! • ' YS$ l3tJT 'JtX.IQE THE 0Nt.Y O"#E M-0 'M?l.JL.D THINK CF IT. l ~TILL CAN'T BELIEYE 1HAT MARE ACTINC:> UP LIKE f>HE DID.' HOW LONC:> WILL THEY t\Eff IF EVEl"YTlllN0 60ES WfLL. !)HE'LL MR!;. BEN60N IN THE HOorlTAl. BE BACK HERE IN 24 HOU"~.' Ml!:i~ SPENCER.?~--- A6fJEY, I DON'T THINK we HAVE ANY CHOICE euT TO 6EARCH MA001'5 eELON0· IN 06.' 11'6 IMPORTANT FOR THE DOCTOR TO KNO W WHETHER OR NOT ~H1!'5 6EEN TAKIN0 ANY DRU05.' WHICH 0VtSl ROOM 15 SHE ·ocCUPYIN6? IF IT WOULD MAKE YOU FEEL ANY BETTE~. llt">"w-- ['tL SEARCH IT ALONE.' I I l 1 - -~ c ·- . . . .... . . ~ -I o· 5i i rn Kl ~ 0 z 5 ----------~~---...------------~I . ' 0 ~~ .. I 0 ·;.:_;------ z ~·_:-_--r i ~e~ rn .... ~ Weber Deluxe Cookbook Kl a $7.60 value ... only $4.50 ,~_.., s. lllOlll ti pulCNse ~ r11Ct1111 ~ ..,.ry cadl lr0111 .., al IW ..-a lllOMI Ill llWs Id il'CI !QI CMI OUICIQM W.0. i ... Colleiaai .. 17-'0..,., kr onlJ u 50 ,l ;...- lllM I MOON MULLINS , . .. I KNOW EXACTt...4 WHAT l.,()cJ AR€ I • SUNDAY BREAkf=AST, FOLKS! BLUEBE.RRY WAFFLES ! ... ..:=.~- -·MODI Fl ED soy PROTt:=IN, C~LLU LoS&GUM, SILICON . Dio.XJPJ: ,.BLUE 2, RED 3 .. '{E'i.ib\J.J &>, MALIC ACID.'' MoNoCALCIUM PHOSPHATE, FERROUS FUMARATE ., '{EL.LOW 5) PYR/DOXlNE HYDROCHLORIDE ... DOCTOR SMOCK :t've: ee:e:N HS:AP CHS:F OF 4-S"TAR Re:s-rAuRAN-rs 'N PARIS, t...ONPON ANP. ROME$ ••• "T"He -Joe's vou~s ! F'u-r o....a i:"HIS UN·I FORM AN C' c:;e;,-"TO WORK.' l • ~I lEAPIN6 O'ER IHE . PL.ANETS t . . . . ~ ... JUMP/N' JUPITER c.ARL SAGAN iOkD ME SO! r=r:z ... MAMA WAS AC~EMIST FoR DuPoNT··· ' , .. l'U.. GIVE IT Al-L iD 1HI! SALVA-rlON NAW:! YOU MEAl\J 'ARM'{: . ~ .................. ·-....... ,, .......... , ..... r-r1. 'fOUR MONBVS NoT'1HE R&ASON, Hll-PS~RP HAMHOCK&RJ4 I DID V0U KNOW™AT \OJ'RE THE ~ln-H S\TTE.R tv'OviMV ~NED? 11-E OT14ERS WERE ALL Bl.JS,Y. GOOt7Y. l'M GL.AL'YOU . Rt:Al-fZE MONEY'S NOT IHAT IMPORIANI. $9 95 Buy two (2) Switzer' a candy produc11. Sand u1 both big• or 10011 bar wrapper• and Sii tS In tE._., .. .,.,, "°" check or money~ cno cast\, please) along with ,,.,,.,., •nd OtllfJ mcllHJIHI this coupon (order IO<m). Mail 11: Swllm Lemp Otter P.O. Boa I Alll11«a111. Mt• Ywk 02010 Enclosed 11 my check for I for _ lamp(•> at H .15 ••dt . ; -' ' ~ E'AAMP\.E, WHEN YOU 5EE A. FORMATION LIKE !HAI IN "THE SKY ••• OH, tT5 GO'T t"T6 HIG._.5 ~D L.OWS/ rr MEANS A COLD FRONT ts APPR~MING/ ~ 'iO\J 'AN ~it, t'tJE. 1'4,lll0£0 A 'Ot.U~£1'& 9A1io, A WOOOEN PA'flO 'OVER, A &RICK 6EtJC~, Sf'A AR&A, ANt> \'A~t~ Vl.AN'f <S, ~___, ~"IW6S, ~01Rt~. 1 r M). ---···-·--· / WHEN '1. GROW UP, 1. WA.Ni "TO 0E A WEATHERMAN '-'W6T UKE '<OU, OA.O! ---- SW Btr: WHuBirll@' ® -----.-----by Hal Kaufman-----.....-- • HOUSE CALLS.I E"er bMI • houM tuest wN _,.tut hi& w her welcome? Thil •otl olK«v•ffM on n. sublect II •ttrilHifM to WIHlam D•H Hewetlt:"Sofftep..,.. UMt .,,_ ..-rtn ....., ....._" otMr sunl MWMtt." Rur- BEAT STRENGTH WITH MAGIC! • Ask a strong person to place one fi st atop the other, as shown ebove. Insist that you can separate his or her fists with a fllck ot your Index fingers, Then demonstrate, us· Ing fingers to force the fists left and right, as Indicated by arrows. f''* 'pKlnt fer ..... .. ,.._ •111 •HJ~ II~~ ..... ,~ U1511U .. dNcl-$ .. e Find • U.S. st•te in NCh sentence: I. I do mllS our Intimate talks. 2. They cut a hit record. 3. Ida hoped for more.•· Oh, I owe you so much. OfllO • Oii~ t ,.••n c tJllCKS•w 1 e ROUftd Humbert My'-and bo"-"' are round as • Mii, IM#t wttMut '"Y .., I •"' "°"""' •t all. What nu,,..rdoes ttlls suttat? • 1~6tt '*IW"N • Tongu. Tesh! 8111 Briggs' brother Bob bought• bok of books for • buck. Saucy Susie sifted several sacks df sooty cinders. sarah Sklnk's short story stinks. Say fast, and repeat. ! ... e i 11 DIGGING INI Apply colon neatly above: 1-Red. 2-lt. blue. 3-Yellow. 4-Lt. Brown. S-Flesh. 6-lt. green. 7-0k. brown . •·-t>k: green. 9-lt. purple. 10-0k. purple. 11-Dk. blue. SPELLBINDER scoaE 10 points for using all the letters In the word befow to form ----+----two complete words: MISTREAT: CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? Thwe •re •t le.st six dlffer- encn In dr•wing detall1 betwffn top and bottom ~nel1. How quickly can yov find them? Check Hswers with those below. Now, hold out your own /lsts and challenge your adver· sary to part them slmllarly. Should be a cinch, right? Wrong. In placing your fists together, slip your lower thumb Into your upper hand, and alakaiam I. when struck, '(Our fists won't budge. THEN SCOf'e 2 points each fOf' •II words Of f°'lr lett•rs Of' mof• ----+---- found •monv the 19'ters. 'llui111w •10•1~ '·11u1n 1w •l .. Pll~ 1od s ,.,..,.lllP •I .,I'd 't "'"'lllP II M•>l•IJ9 'C 6"1n1w 1111-e ·c '6"1111w 11 e>ue,. 'I .u:waJtllfO COLLECT CALLI X marks the spot where the collector nets the bUtterfly. Which route leads to its capture? Try to score •f INst ~ poiftts. 'INl'WI'! •W.~6-~~ M\CHAEL, YOU'RE. A BlG' C.LE.\/ER. BOY NOLU . ~. I GUESS \ RE.ALL'/ AM A~K\D Nowt r Worse OAOD)' ANO I FE.E..L rr's liME. WE GA\JE. YOU SDtJtE. GROWN UP a...._ Re~ON~\BILITY. FROM NOW ON, youR vO~ WlLL BE. SETI1N6L ANO C.LE.ARING-TrlE lABLE, KEEPlNG- lt-\E. ~KOE CORNER \\D)' AND PU1\ING AWA)' '{OUR OWN Lf\ONDR.Y ! e 1981 Univertol Preu ndicate WKATEVE.R You SfHD-SURE YEAH. !ROUBLE \S- WORKED \ 1HAI PLO'/ ONL'{ WORK~ ONCE. WHAT'S WllH THE BOOK? I'M IMPROVING MY WALK , BY G-OLL Y, I SHOULD TRY THAT MYSELF. I'M GETf/N' A LI TrLE SLOUCHY. l . . • . . • . oz PLUS TWO SEALS LIKE THIS ~l!J· . ONE FROM EACH Of TWO CkocM COLGATE CARTONS c., a) "'"4 a"'-------------------- ITATt ~.-~ I 1wlf ;;&Jl611 - ,.._. altow H ~tor dltlwry. Ofter OOod onty in U.S.A. Ofter expltes NOY 36, t981 Mii tD: C°'Olle~-~·· ... 0... P.0.8oa 2793t~tu.0720I --------------------~-----------~~~----------------9499-----------· ·. .__ _______ ..,.., __ &• 4 5 May 17, 1981 DAILY PILOT VANTAGE ULTRA LIGHTS THEm YOURSELF StnO int 0111s11011 11 1 ...... 10 4$& f"""" WH~•v 6.i Lt""!l!on •"' lie* 'IOI• 11 v 1oon We M OIY S~ IOI OUIJl.S/led OUtMM)lll Sotty *I C-' I ll'S*fl Ol"f<\ FOR .IAMES A. BAKER m. White Hoc.ate ChW of Scaff. How much ~ 11 OW.S to the U.S. Gowmmmt? -B.R.S., Bw:hwood, N.J. e I'm glad you asked. This Is a prob- lem area that President Reagan Is bound and determined to do tome· thing about. A recent report lndk:ated that the Government Is owed slightly over S 17 5 billion, consisting prtmartly of outstanding loans. Of this amount, $25 billion is delinquent. The Reagan Administration is In the proc.ess of ex· amlnlng In detail various approaches to solving the problem of overdue debts. We are conftdent that we will make stgnlfk:ant inroadl In Improving the Government's ability to collect Its debts In a timely fashion, as we cannot afford the needless expense of defaulted and delinquent debts. FOR MEJSSA MANCHESTER, compoMr-record1ng IW Why hew you bec:ocne lnt...-.d kl ~? -P.O., Decatur. Ala. e I want to he.Ip college-level students who want to become singers, songwriters and musicians. They need guidance In a difficult field that frequently rips off begin· nm. If they learn the rules of the game. they will be able to detect the sharple.s. It will prevent shock and career headaches. FOR Cl.ARA R. 4'ACKSON, mother of bueba11 star RegQMJackton Did you apect your eon to tum Into a eupentar, and what'e your flwortte piece of ad\ltce to him? -P.R., Panama City, Fla. • I suppose I expected Reggie to tum out the way he dJd because he had all the natural talent In the world. We knew h' was golng on to bigger things. He always said, "I'm going to be a super player." I tell him , "Make sure to say your pra~ and all will be well." FOR TiiE •ASK"' EDrroR An Bo 0... ad bUllband .Win~ lnwlwd In the hone.owwmg crw? -C.R., s.-h, Ga. • The answer ls probably yea. The Dereks recently bought dcMtl to a hone auction In Scottsdale, Ariz. The day wu btg for hone-breeder Al Jardine of the Beach Boys who aoki "Frye-Love" for half a mllUon dollars. Among the celebrtty ticket holders for the auc· don was Barbra Streisand. As for Bo Derek, perhaps she was loo&cing for a .. 10" to match-her figure. FOR 1ltE .. ASK• EDrTOR We often hMr that tod9Y• et.an don't ..,.....,. up to tboM of~· How and why? -N.R., Od.ea, TGM •Writer-producer Andrew J. Fenady told us: "I've had the good fortune to work with some of the best and the biggest, and It's true, the big· ger they were, the nicer they were. John Wayne, Ray Milland, Helen Hayes. Agnes Moorehead, Broder· lck Crawford, Dick Powell, Robert Taylor -they had more grace, dig· nlty and charm In their little ftngers And~w J. F~nady: Bigger la be.It. than most of the current aop have In their entire bodies. They were profeSlionals, cognizant of other people . Never late on the set, always knew their lines. What I mean Is that these stars had a ~that nothing could dull. Kids today make It too fast via 1V. There are a few exceptions of coww -De Niro, Padno. Hoffman. Redford." FOR .IENU.EE HARRISON, star of Three'• Company Are VtMI thtnldnt of qulttinf acUnt and go6n9 Into ral estate on a iaJl.dme bMle? -G.A .. s.aam.nto, Calif. • No. I suppose your question Is based on reports that I manage my own Income. Investments are something my parents prepared me to handle. I Uke the challenge of Investing. It's not only financially rewarding but also aeattve. The sensation of making a good deal Is as exhilarating as the roar of applause. I feel secure In the world of high finance. FOR lEWlS REGENSTEIN, executive vice president, The Fund for Anlmala How do you IMI about Nancy Reagan'• waring fur coats? -E.R., ~. Colo. • To satisfy the demand for fur, millions of animals are caught each year ln steel-}aw, leg-hold· traps. These devices are so painful that a trapped animal will often chew off Its own leg In order to escape. The ra· tionale that the animals wed In a fur coat are already dead Is not valki. The next shipment Is still alive. FOR TICHI WILKERSON MILES. editor and publisher of the Hollywood ReJ)OMr and founder of WOtMn In Film An there peop6e who don't ... you ~ In your .,. • .,,_ becw ,,.ou're a wow? -J.M., Dowr, Del. e1 believe that durtng office hours a woman must af. feet a buslneal!M attitude and dress seriously. If you do that. men will raped you and the difference In sex will not be considered. In other words, I am always taken seriously. PRO s..tor .1 • ..._ &on, co.-Neb.1, Senate Budget Committee PROAnDCOO CON ---Ted s.v.. (R.•Aluka}, chairman, Potbll Optntiona Subcommltt.ec Saturday maU delivery ln met· ropolttan anw should be dltcon· tlnued to help get Federal spending under control. There are h~ priority needs for our Federal doUan, not the least °' which .• redudng the F~ dc8ett. Dll- conanuing Saturday delivery ln maopolltan .... wouJd MVC hundreds ol mlllont of dolln wtthout major MCrtftce, llnCI thoee who want to ~ mad on SMurday couJd wal< to their local pc)lt olftca, which would remain open. o.ttv.y thouJd continue In rural -where dllDnc.e prohiJHa miking • jomNy to the 1ocel ~ ... Sh~uld Mall Delivery Be Reduced to Five Daya aa an Economy Meaaure? ...., ...... .,u..._..,....• ... _._ ............................ a..-,__._, Mll.._.A .... -WM,•'t t..U.Wf'l•tltllf-....... Presendy 95 percent of maU ls debvered wtthln three to four days. Wtthout Saturday MrVk:e. mall delivery would take MVen to eight days at Jeaat. This could cauae ihe Poetal Service to &o. large vol· umea to dtJlwry IGV!ca, and re· suit In tubltantlal loll of NWnue, requlrtng lncraMd rata -prt· mar1ly (cf ftnt~ mall. amNtlon °' Sllurdey mal1 would not rauJt In llrge Avtngl fer taxpeym, nor 1111 necs•rv-The PO?tl'nlllMr Gen.al hM Mid that tM Praldsnt's ~ S30().mlllon cut In poltal Pibsidm wtJI be abeocbed without the dmNtlon of S.turdlly llMcl. ,• Ente The CQCOI belo# IS no Mlnivy ~ r • SMS )OU 25C on the !UdlaSe ol 7UP n1 dOubles as an entry mn to one ot !he most exC1111YJ sweepstakes MW. First irtze IS one trip b 6 to the wmir·s ctoce ol 7 great 5'QUlO l!'tlefllS. AtWJ b a PC$llial S10,000 8-, lake )OUr encry mn to the 7UP dlscUt at ~ local sure and ~the cooed CllOIDogie;al <J1ier Cll lhe Ml-.s So tdl out !hiS ~ and sa-e 25' on 7\JP 1t 1ust mqn be )OUr lflming tdet More than 5.000 Prizes r I I I I I I I I I I Adlnu~~~~~~~- 1 ~~·-~~~~~~~­ ' &•••-~~~~~~Z~·-~~- 0 0 0 "° I'- Wfll 8 ......... I In CJOlr II bl .. ., Chi s IO IXXl 8inls -wlllCller ~ -Of ... 1*11 " DC*· muSI llM Ille -IOClllS -I """""'° In .. CIOfltcl ~ OIOlr llOlll I !Ille ..,.st 0CCU ""O -II .. )Ul IO 7 11111 IJllSI OCCUITlllQ -'" aw ,..., Tne I corltCI llQlllllCI ts no! ,...,.cs IO wm Ille ,._ ~lllMS irtl'9 Ol'lly Ille bcnlS IWI See aclll $SIQp 1)1 7UP oocues R cnins M Pl w ~ I ., ""con.a~ al"""" *~-Sl.cter !low!=..:-___ -- ' Nl3'. SocQr ~-us <loin ac.. ..,..,,.,.,.__ ~eoo~ Wor10snt __ u~ .......,T19Ms~--I I I 1 25cAHO•uP;:=.-=;;;--25·c L __________ _J .,....,.._ ... l I I What Has Catol Butnett Wtought? Many people saw her libel dedalon as a victory for truth. But truth ia elusive and, says the author, "we ahould be very c.areful about the leat10na we c.any away from thia show trial.,, By J. Anthony Lukas R fter a California jury conduded this past March that she had been bbeled by the Natk>nol Enquirer and awarded her a whopping $1.6 million In damages. comedienne Carol Burnett was asked at a news conference what principle had been vlndk:ated. 'lhe principle," she said, "Is truth." That same night, a continent away In New York, singer Mel Tonne was Interviewed on a talk show about the Implications of the Burno verdict. Weren't celebrities like himself fair game for the press, the host asked . "Sure," replied Tonne ... We're In the publk: eye. We're fair game - with one condition. They have to wrtte the truth about us." And so It went. fv::ross the nation that week, show-business person- alities from Johnny Carson to Elizabeth Taylor rejo6ced for their friend Carol. And nearly everywhere the same lesson was drawn: It was a great victory for truth.· But was It? ls that really what was at stake In the ballyhooed Burnett case? From a strictly legal standpoint, the answer Is: no. 1ne test In lbel cases is not truth or falsehood. The standard which a judge or jury must apply In determining If a public figure has been libeled Is whether the reporter and J. Anthony Lukas le a Puttt.r Pl'W·wfnnlng }o11n1ollft and author of fflghtman: The Unde-llde of the Nixon Yun. I e 'NA.Y WHKLY, Mil\' 17. "" journalistic institution have displayed "malice." And there are. in tum. two atteria for that judgment. Have they published an item knowing ttult It was false? Or have they shown a "red<less disregard for truth," that Is, have they failed to take the steps normally con- sidered necessary In the profession to determine the truth or falsehood of such an item?. To some readers, this may seem a quibble. designed to becloud a simple issue. But to' reporters, editors and publishers, It Is an essential distinction. vttal to the performance of their pro- fessional duties. And If Thomas Jef- ferson was right In holding that a free press Is the best guarantee of a free society. then tt is a distinction which should be lmpor1ant to aU Americans. Justice William Brennan gave the most cogent analysis of the dangers lurking In the simple standard of truth. In the Supreme Court's landmark Ube! case. New York nrnes us. Sullluon (l~ he wrote, "A rule compelling the attic of offidal conduct to guarantee the truth of an his factual assertions -and to do 50 on pain of libel judgments vtrtualJy unlimited In amount -leads to 'self~nsorship' ... Under such a rule , would-be critics of offidal conduct may be deterred from voicing their a1Udsm even though It is believed to be true, and even though It Is In fact true, because of doubt whether It can be proved In court. or fear of the expense of having to do 50. The rule thus dampens the vigor and limits the variety of public debate." Carol Burnett o/tJ!r her Enquirer ulctorv: 'The prlndple ls truth." But there Is still another danger In such a standard. which goes to the very nature of truth Itself. To many readers and viewers, truth may seem a simple commodity. Either It's there or It isn't. lf It's there, you report It. U It Isn't, you don't. But professional newspeople -not to mention tcholars and scientists - know the truth Is much more elusive. There Is no simple litmus test to detect It. In many complicated stones, a reporter may feel his way for months before he reaches anything that could be cailed even a ~h approximation of truth. In other Instances, he never gets that far. 1ne "truth" 1tes out there somewhere, always the reporter's goal but rarely something on which he can put his hands and ay, .. Eureka! This 1s tt! Thi. 1s truer' Only a few days after the Burnett \lerdlct came a story which demon- strated an too dramatically the ephemeral naiule'of truth. With the ~repons of an attempted as- satlir\atlon of Pretktcnt Ragan t aD thrM telMdon MtWodcs plunged Into live neWICaltl. The reports -con- firmed, part)y-conftrmed, unoon- ftrmed -hurtled ac:roa 1V 9Cl'eens. The President had escaped Injury. 1ne President had been shot In the ribs. The President was undergolng open-heart surgery, a life-threatening operation for a 70-year-okt man. The President was having open-chest surgery. a relatively routine pro·- cedure. Presidential Press Secretary James Brady was dead. Brady was abve. None of this Is cited here as a1tidsm of hard-pressed news- men chasing a dlfflcult story. But the assassination attempt did sitve viewers a rare glimpse of able proleuk>nals conducting their se'Nch for truth -and frequently coming up conSderably short of the mark. Ultlmatelv -by the next morning, at least -the combined efforts of the Washington press corps an1ved at tomet:hlng that could be called a .rough approximation of the truth in the Reagan shooting. But can the 1ame be said of the John F. Kennedy 8llalllnatkm 18 years ago? The truth In that Cate was so dlf • ftcult to debmnJne that a Praidentlal commllllon had tO be appointed to IOlt out the conftlctlng venk>nl. Once , f • .. .. • • the prestigious Warren Commission had delivered Its conclusion -that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone -a consensus seemed to coalesce around It. But later revelations about the methods used In that study and about the evidence withheld from the com· mission have shaken that conviction. Today. I know of few well-informed people who beUeve that Oswald acted alone. Yet just who conspired with him and to what end are matters now probably lost forever In the mists of time . And what of Watergate, probably the biggest news story of recent years? At first. the break-in at the Watergate office buUding seemed a simple enough aime, a .. third-rate burglary" as Presidential Press Secretary Ron ljegler described it. Only later. as a few reporters began gnawing away at the case, were some disturbing ques- tions asked: What were an official of the Committee to Re-Elect the Presi- dent and a consultant to the Commit· (continued) Carl Bernstein (left) and &b Woodwards Watergate reporting forced Nixon's resignation: At the beginning. though. "uery little was ueriftable as absolutely true. " We ends May31 at pm licipuling Olympic Dealers: Anaheim Hawkins Paint Imperial Paint Co. Rancho Hardware Buena Perk Paint King• D1n1 Point Ameritone Paint Ctr. Dana Point Hardware El Toro Gallons with ·specet Price" labels not included In tl"ts otter. Huntington Beach Montgomery Ward Laguna BMch Laguna Beach Lumber LaHa~ra Dickenson Lumber Los Alamitos Mission Viejo Montgomery Ward Orar\ge Bayshore Builders Sply. Santa Ana Colorama Paints Montgomery Ward Tustin Tustin Lumber Yorba Linda • Jl J Coste Mese Montgomery Ward Green Thumb Saddleback Lumber Fullerton Montgomery Ward Barr Lum~er San Clemente Tom·s Paint Yorba Linda Building a HUttnrx H1rmome11. ~------------ the prestigious Warren Commission had delivered Its conclusion -that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone -a consensus seemed to coalesce around it. But later revelations about the methods used In that study and about the evidence withheld from the com- mission have shaken that conviction. Today. I know of few well·lnformed people who believe that Oswald acted alone. Yet just who consplred with him and to what end are matters now probably lost forever In the mists of time. And what of Watergate. probably the biggest news story of recent years? At first, the break-in at the Watergate office building seemed a simple enough crime, a "thlrd -rate burglary" as Presidential Press Secretary Ron Ziegler described it. Only later. as a uMil STAINlll few reporters began gnawing away at the case. were some disturbing ques· !ions asked: What were an offtcial of the Committee to Re-Elect the Presi· dent and a consultant to the Commit· (continued) Carl Bernstein (left) and Bob Woodwards Watergate reporting forced Nixon's resignation: At t.he beginning. though. "uery little was ueri/loble as absolutely true. " We ends May31atpat1icipu1ia19 Olympic Dealers: Ana helm Hawkins Paint Imperial Paint Co. Rancho Hardware Buena Parle Paint King Dana Point Ameritone Paint Ctr. Dana Point Hardware El Toro Gallons with ·special Price~ labels not included In ttis offer. Huntington Beach Montgomery Ward Laguna BNch Laguna Beach Lumber LaHaltre Dickenson Lumber Loa Alamitos Mission Viejo Montgomery Ward Orange Bayshore Builders Sply. Santa Ana Colorama Paints Montgomery Ward Tustin Tustin Lumber Yorba Linda • JI J Costa Mesa Montgomery Ward Green Thumb Saddleback Lumber Fullerton Montgomery Ward Barr Lumber San Clemente Tom·s Paint Yorba Linda Building n ttUttru~.x. Harmom<:a. ~--. --------- Seatch F0tTMh (continued) • tee doing at the scene? Why was the burglary apparently financed out of a "secret fund" maintained by cam- paign treasurer Mawice Stans? Was "hush money" being paid to the • defendants to keep them quiet? Not unttl March ~. 1973, when Judge John J . Sirica read In open court a letter from convicted Watergate burglar James McCord, was the true Import of the burglary revealed. And It took 15 months more -hearings before the Senate Watergate Committee. a seaKhlng In· qulry by the SpedaJ Prosecutor's Of- fice and a meticuJous review of the case by the House Impeachment Committee -before the Presldent's abuse of his powers was fully .displayed to the country. Aloha to delicious Tropical Fr O'C'CE:I Save10c 10c1 CO"SUllfP ~Jtar ""'"''°" ~o-or"tol-•CQnClllrts ~...,so..• -""' ~ rr.11111"1 .&aOK.lll • .... , :UtS ,..,, .,.r. •W C""'111"1a "'"" ll Mil O'Cf GOUllO'i ?fP "IJ•C~ASE qr·&1,E~ q,-'~s Int ""Dal lac:t •• u. OI ""\ ~"pcM'I o u 1' ~nar l'liQ iio )Oltt:t •~kt'ft~ 0"0¥ OIO 1NJ ~ow f\ln KctDllO t~ co..oo• "OI"' • . .,..,,..,.."....,; ='-"'"':Of' 'tt IOK 'ltd l>f••o 111'41 ""r otrt1 ""' COllS' "•IM •·.i..o >Otc.;·· r><od" l>"•"t"W "'"' Dt '~~"'Wlltll or "ta""' P1; ... "1 Ir' "°' 0t r"~,,. , .. , \"\ ontT 7 tOJWI .,..., ,, "-' OC>"'°.)l'I '"" tr r"'l ~ .... "'Ot Oter"i CO"tO tff:) ••t"' 11' ' CG.,1:>0f"S \'-inlllC ttrd M.('t ~00"1 lf\1'111 DI CO'l'ftJCjttQ YtJo wrtt rt ''C"I 0 tK l41'tl( )f rHI' '-'fC by 14A1 Co1o1QOn) '1'1\iSl Ot •ttti\tC •l t&OOfti\ :itO-~ 14.tt • l"li'I '°'' fT"«"r' ,.,,... ''""'l'lt., C11l.t ::tt '1tfa n.tflOI" I I I I I I I I :..s.r _, ... , • 1c .. ·: .:. :Ji",.,.,,.) .. , .~1so•c )t'"'•,"'«h.~ I Goocc·~··• s's-·~oo:oc·.~-J -""°''"-'"-'-''" f 3, ,0 10c PQlo,JOQO l.,,,rc•Sl..-·.:i··~~ JIJJI couPC\ OP R•· o·. :i 'E • !' e~ .. I ---------------------~ Even now some intriguing "dark holes" remain ln the Watergate story: Just what was the purpose of Uw burglary Itself? Who was "Deep throat" and what was his motive for leaking Information to the Washing· ton Post? How much did the Central lntelllgence Agency know about what the Nixon White House was up to and how did It try to exploit those ac- tivities? What role did Howard Hughes and the shadowy men around him play In the episode? We may never know the answers to these questions. But enough was known to force the resignation of a President. Because we still don't know the full "truth" of Watergate. should we have sup- pressed those piecemeal approxima- tions of truth which forced Richard Nixon out of office. If Bob Woodward and Carl BemsteJn had been held to a rigid standard of "truth" In the early days of their Watergate reporting, very little would have appeared on the story because very UttJe was I A reporter may feel hla way for months before he reaches truth. • vertllable as absolutely true. The story was built -as most complex stories are -out of hints, intimations, ac· cusations, denials, doors shut In a reporter's face. the look on an offlcial's face when he asl<ed a ques· tlon. But what. It will be asked, do Watergate and Presidential assassina- tions have to do with gossip about movie stars? If reasonable latitude should be given to reporters SQrChlng for truth In matters of state. why need it also be granted to sensation hunters seeking for smut or titillation in the bves of celebrities? Nothing here is intended to defend the NatJonaJ Enquirer or the kind of gos.sip joumalisJTl It exemplifies. There is no eVidence that the Enquirer made any serious effort to check out Its allegations that Carol Burnett drunk- enly Insulted Henry Kissinger ln a Washington restaurant. That Is "reckless disregard for truth" and deserves to be punished. But precisely because the Enquirer Is such a widely read goalp sheet, because Carol Burnett made such an appealing plaintiff and because other celebrtties have trumpeted her victory to justtfy thetr own anger at such stories, we should be very careful about tbe lessons we carry away from this show tr1al. The Ant Amendment Is tndivisib&e. If, In our outrage against publication.I like the Enquirer, we begin requiring that reporters not only search few truth but ftnd It -and prove they have found It -we will create a chmate In which It will be much mona dlf6cuJt to . arrtw at even a rough approximation of the truth on matten which 19 touch us all. l&J I • .. AMIL'r WUKL'r. Mey 17. •1 ~ I , r l 1 · • I . ~ . ... -------------------,.--.----.- • . Mrs. Eleanor May. Headache Sufferer. "I had this throbbing right on the top of my head. Then I took Anacin~ After taking Anacin pain reliever, Mrs. May's throbbing headache was gone. Anacin® has more pain reliever. Two tablets of regular strength aspirin or non-aspirin products contain only 650 milligrams of pain reliever. But Anacin gives you more. 800 milligrams in a special formula. Mrs. May got rid of her headache fast. Next time you get a headache, get the Anaci n difference. Tablets or capsules. Use only as directed. Get the Anacin difference. ~~.::z===:==o---nunnr.K. n1nnomaa. Supet Summet . Gatdening Tips · By C.Z. Guest G ardenlng Is a terrific hobby - whether you're a homeowner with a big backyard or an apartment dweller with just one good window for houseplants. But even the most enthusiastic gardener can sometimes run into dif· flculttes and require a little help. I thought I'd share a few of the In· teresting questions I've received recently from celebrities. Their gardening problems may be slmUar to yours, and thus the advice I offer them will help you get your garden off to a good start this season. Q I have a house an New York •City facing south. There is a huge sycamore at one end of the gar- den and a mountain ash doing well in the center. But tall buildings cut the light, and though Ivy thrives, wisteria seldom flowers , and impatiens tend to get stringy. Shall I just give up? Katharine Hepburn A Kzitharine Hepburn give up? •Never! Ivy Is nice but your garden stUJ needs some color. Get your wisteria under control by pruning It back severely and then pinch off all straggly Impatiens shoots. U these still don't do well , try some other colorful flowers such as geraniums, petunias, primroses, hostas and begonias. Mak~ sure they are planted where they can get the most sun. Katharine Hepbum Andy Warhol Q What can you grow In a e Campbell's soup can? Andy Warhol A You can grow absolutely •anything in your soup cans, but you must punch some holes in the bottom for drainage and add some stones before putting in the potting soU. Then decide what you want to grow. Why noc try an herb garden? Chives, basil, rosemary, oregano, CZ Guut i. the co-author with Ell/In McDonald of C 2 . It EJvtn 's Wnldy O.tebooli and Garden P\enncr 1981 (Cti.lwo HouNJ. She II alto 81\ vdent ~. columnfst. wtfe and mother. savery, mint and sage will grow year· round in a sunny window. Q I live in Hyannis Port on Cape •Cod In the summer, very close to the ocean. What plants do you sug· gest for my terrace? Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy A There are many different plants •and flowers that thrive in the salt air and mist. I live near the ocean and I Jove big pots of scented geraniums (apple, peppermint, rose, lemon) and dwarf fruit trees in terra-cotta pots. Hydrangeas are another favorite of mine. but they should not face the sea because the salt spray Is the worst thing for them. They come In lovely shades of white. pink and blue. Be sure to water any of these plantings three times a week. Rose Kennedy Norman Mailer Q My chUdren have a vegetable •garden at my place in northern Vermont. We were told to use hay to keep the weeds down. We also found It kept the bugs away. Why? Norman Maller A Your chUdren had a lucky •season. Hay mulch usually does the opposite and invites snakes and slugs. Q Can you please give me some •information on plants that can be brought back to the United States from other countries? Douglas Fairbanks A I personally think the best thing •to do Is stick to the nurseries that specialize In selling plants to peo· pie returning to the United States. These plants are already inspected. Other plants and cuttings have to be j Inspected by government officers I ' and sometimes quarant1ned . Of course. this depends on the type of I < plant. If you want to Import plants, I you can apply to the U.S . Depart- ment of Agriculture and It will Issue you an ldenttflcaUon number. which makes the procedure easier. Q If you were designing a •greenhouse. how would you go about It? What exposure, how (continued) I 'l , Mall-In "Official Lemon Entry Form .. CP!l!I&!L~ MATCH rnE LEMON SWEEPSTAKES $100,000 §l~\0 Jl'U.8 ONE THOCISAND •JOO INBl'ANT WINNEa 0 111111111 55111 6)42 HOHr.r.R Harmonle1. CASH GRAND PRIZE All the goOc1 natural lemon flavor In Countiy Time eomes &om real lemons, picked-from-the-tree. Pick up a package of <!:Gantry Time at your store and match the lemons. YOU MAY HAVE $-fno ALREADY WON 'J..U IN CASH! 1 J . l ' ~ I Werning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Deng•ous to Your Heelth. ' . ., Super Summer Gatdenlng Tips much light? Estee Lauder A There are many dlf- • ferent kinds of greenhouses, but whatever type you decide to build, the four essentials are heat, ven· tilatlon. water and electrlcl· ty . Your greenhouse should be oriented so that the long side has a southern ex- posure and can receive full sun for at least half the day in the fall and winter. Q My daisies and zin· • nlas are delightful In May and June. and, In the cooler days of fall . chry~n­ themums. a variety of mari- golds. later-blooming zinnias and dahlias are beautiful. But In the very hot summer, the pickings in my garden are slim. Do you have any sug- gestions for getting bright flowers to bloom In central Texas during July and August? Lady Bird Johnson A I know that you are an •avid gardener and nature lover -the planting you did in Washington. D.C .. brought joy and beau· ty to millions and we thank you. There are many annuals th¥ will tolerate heat and drought. One of the most colorful ls the annual phlox which blooms especially weU In Texas from July to Sep- tember. The star-shaped flowers come in shades of pink. purple. lavender, red and white and make perfect cuttings. A second choice for your Texas garden Is the nasturtium. It, too. makes beauttf ul cuttings wt th bright flowers In a wide range of colors from yellow to ~1- mon-plnk, scarlet and crlm · son. It will bloom from June to September. Q What Is the best time e to prune roses, and what Is the correct way of doing It? You can Imagine what an amateur I am when It comes to gardening. Bob Hope A You may be an •amateur gardener. but the question you've asked Is a very Important one. The rose just happens to be one of my favorite flowers. so I know quite a lot about It. It roses are Improperly pruned or not pruned at all, they wlll not grow well. In your area, the best time to prune roses ls around the first of De- cember. Since you live In Palm Springs, they don't need as much pruning as they would In northern areas. Cut each branch back only one.third of the way and always cut on a slant. After pruning. don't feed your roses for three months -it's time for them to rest. Toward the end of Febru- ary, they'll start to wake up. and then It's time to start their cycle all over agaln. · .. You don't prune again until next December. &b, I've also looked up a few of the roses that will grow best ln your area. Try some of these If you haven't already: Troplcana. Cay· enne. Color Magic, Promi- nent, Pristine, First Prize, and King's Ransom. Roses are a sign of love - maybe that's what's kept vou so young all these years! FAMIL y WEEKL V'S next gardening column wilt run In early fall. If you have a ques- tion you'd like answered ln the column, send It to: C.Z. Guat. fAMR.vWEao..v. P.O. Box 5132. New Yo.tc.. N.Y., 10022 r-J,/e regret that we will be unable to answer all questions.) I decided to ask The Muppets to send me gardening ques· dons. I was sad to recelue the response from Miss Piggy that she "lsn 't interested In grow· Ing flowers -just In acquiring them by the corlood from adOrlng admirers. " What a snob! Happily , though. I re · ceiued questions from Gon.w and Kennlt: - Kermit The Frog Gonzo The Great Q How can I raise edible •toadstools to sit on? It ought to be easy, since I've got a green thumb (and everything else). Kermit the Frog A Kermit, it's O.K. to •raise toadstools to sit on but be sure you don't eat any. They're poisonous and we don't want to lose you. What would Miss Piggy do? Anyway, I don't think there are toadstools big enough to hold you. Stick to Uly pads!! Q As I guess you know. e I'm crazy about chickens. I understand there's a plant called hen and chickens. or something like that. Can you tell me how and where to grow It? Also. wlll It have beautiful feathers and an adorable beak and a terrific figure like my gor- geous girlfriend, CamUla? Gonzo the Great A Sorry Gonzo, hen and e chickens don't look ' anything like your lovely · Camilla. However. they're · probably easier to manage. • They11 grow any place that's S dry. and they multiply quickly { to form mats of pink and red • / rosettes which com-j 1 pletely cover the ~ j ~ ground. -:- l'AMILY MULY, Mey 17, ,_, • 131 .. • I I I I I I I I f ) f { t. ( ' a !I I• .1 ' I ' • r t I f '· -~.... ...... .. ~W.Gemwty • ............. .. wortd ..... -MJ..Humlnlt'° ...................... e Nora ·Niison 1 • , ...... Mild ma __ COCA COL\ eonu <>PfNEll(a) NAM __________ _ 0 °"' tor oMy '2 91 plus 75-.... & l\Mdllng. I 0 SAVE! 2 tor~ $5.49 plus t5t Polllgl &hlnclllng. AOOMSS ---------- 111. Y. S• mldents add~lllaslllll___ CfTY TATE n P__ I Sltlllactloll ~ Clill Swvicl: (516) 673·5811 I Elldolld 1s s_in Cheek 0t mcN¥ ordlr ~ID: PlllM lllow 4-6 Wlllcs tot •flillllino. I NORA NELSON. ~-~~--~~~~~":: .. ~~~~_J Fltedl How to Sutvlve the Blow I 8y Kate Jordon 0 n a Friday afternoon last winter, the famUy of David Mason, a senior manager at a larg8 manufacturing plant, was gathered at home, awaiting his arrival and the start of the weekend. It was an evening this family would re- member well, for when Mr. Mason, husband. father and breadwinner, waited through the door. lt was with the news that he had been ftred. The Involuntary termlnatlon of em- ployment hits au types of workers with particular force In these lnflation- tidden times. Recent figures released by the U.S . Department of Labor show that there were 3.8 mUlion per- sons "separated from their jobs" by dismissal or layoff In March of this year. A )ob loss placesa stnitn on a f amUy both financially and emotionally. "Your job takes up a huge chunk of your time and your Identity," says Leonard Greenhalgh of Tile Amos Tuck School of Business ai Dartmouth College. "The loss ls bound to have cumulative effects on the people around you.~ Ac.cording to Dr. Laurence Stybel, a~nt professor of business man- agement at Babson College and head of Stybel-Peabody outplacement ser- vice, open discussion about the f aml- ly's role in this difficult period helps to pinpoint trouble spots and ease the family through them. Stybel and his partner, Mary Anne Peabody, often condud support workshops with a maJTied couple at the same time they help the unemployed spouse find a new job. .. Mounms( and Anger Tile Initial reactlo!l of wage earners who have lost their wage Is often akin I~ 8 ,..AMILY WUIC.L.Y, l'AMILY Wf.EJU.Y, M•y 17, 1•1 to the grief that follows the death of a close relative. Dr. Stybel points out that many dedicated employees feel that their colleagues are sort of a secondary family. "After you're fired , . that family begins to treat you like a pariah," he explains. "And you realize it was all a mirage. What " usually follows Is a reawakening of need for the primary family." Family members usually tally at this stage, making every effort to cheer the worker up and let him know that they still care for him. regardless of his job status. But. true to the pattern of mourning, the stage which follows can try everyone's patience. The worker be- comes angry over his loss. and this may occur just at the time when he should be looking for another position. U attempts to find work are unsuccessful and the family begins to seem less sympa- thetic, a profound depression and withdrawal may follow. "I can remember wondering if I could continue going home each night to a husb4nd who had sat alone all day~: remembers the ' wife of a lald-oH teacher. "I wanted to scream." U your husband or wife has been fired, try to understand the depression that has resulted. You can bolster your spouse's confidence by callin,a to mind all the skills and strengths he OT she has as a worker, partner and par- ent. Be a sounding board and, rather than simply offering advice, ask ques- tions that will help your mate reflect on what his or her )ob assets and babil-. !ties are. Money Worries To allay money anxieties, couples should assess their finances reallstl· ca.Dy and decide what will become a priority and what can be given up. "You can't do everything, so you decide on your trade-offs." says Dr. Stybel. Hejpklg the Children Children will usually take their cues on how to react from the fired parent. If the parent Is Increasingly with- drawn, children are likely to feel frightened. A parent who appears to be coping well will ease a child's fears. A realistic explanation of famUy ft. nances will help children understand the luxuries they have to give up. And, most Importantly, sharing your hopes and plans with your chU- dren can give them Invaluable lessons in strength, empathy and co-1'!111 operation during adversity. ~ I •• , t l ~ { t I l '· .. Now, everybody can be a musician! , c I The only Complete ·Instruction Package! (Hohner Harmonica. lnstruction·song Bo,0k and Sound Recording) from the Basics to Advanced Playing. The Complete Instruction Package: Learn Over 40 Songs • How To Choose The Right Harmonica For You • How To Hold And Play The Harmonica ·Types And Styles Of Harmonicas • Mouth Positions • Proper Care Of The Harmonica • Learn To Play Blues And Rock Styles ·The Cross Harp • Special Effects You Can Do ·Chording Styles The harmonica has always been one of the most fun-filled musical instruments. It's not only easy to play. but you can take It with you anywhere -picn ics. parties -wherever you want a little music. And now. with this Instant Play Harmonic• Set from Hansen House. you·11 be amazed at how quick and easy it Is to learn to play the harmonica. In fact. If you·ve never played a muslcal Instrument before -even If you can 't read a note of music - you can actually play a song the minute you open the book. The Instruction Gulde Is also a big song book. filled with 45 great songs you'll be playlng In almost no time at all. Old time favorites. pop standards. country songs. and even ~he blues. lmagln~I Now there·s a real musical Instrument that you can own. and learn to play. for less than 113.00. It comes complete with the easy-to-follow Instruction Gulde and the 45 terrific songs -a step-by-step sound recording to play along with -and. of course. your own world-famous HOHl'U'£ H1rmonlca. The harmonica is a true musical Instrument. lt"s inexpensive and easy to play. With a little patience and practice. you can produce music with a traditional flavor or a sound as modern as today's newest hits. We'll show you most of the special things you'll need to be a good harmonica player. It's all here. from the basics to the advanced effects and techniques. HITS INCLUDE: FNllnp Auld Lang Synt Biiiy Boy (Tiit) Blue Tiii Fly Buffalo r..11 Clmptown Rectt Down In Tiit Ylllty Gentle On My Mlnd Or•n.Gr•n Oh. My D1rllng Cltmtntlnt Shenandoah lbm Dooley (Tllt) Wlbllh Clnnonblll Wt ·11 Sing In T'tle SUntfllnt When The Sllntl Go M1rdllng In Ytnkff Doodle Dandy (The) Vallow ftoM Of Taus Ind over ZO more. includes. ~· RECORDING Hill, Hell Tht r..119·1 All Hert Horne Sweet Home Kum II Ylh Moon River Morning H• Broken Tlus complete Instruction Pac~ge '1295 contains: Hohner Harmonica. Instruction Song Book and Sound Recording. GUARANTEED MONEY BACK OFFER. Your NO RISK Order Form ~-----------• F.W.S17tl I Han•n House • 352 Evelyn Street • Paramus. New Jersey 07652 I Yes. please rush my Complete H1rmonlca Instruction P.ckage. which ln-1 eludes the Hohner Harmonica. Instruction Song Book and Sound Recording. I Enclosed Is my check or money order for •12.95. plus •too for postage and I handling. I understand that I may return this package for a complete I I refund within 30 days if I am not completely delighted. I Total enclosed (New Jersey residents 1dd 51111111es tax) I Name I I Addr I f • I ~~er ut Zip • ! I ~ I Charge Visa C.rd No. " I t L Eaplratton Dat Signature i I f ------------------· I J I ; • I I I ' I I t } I ' l • f'. f l OF THE OUTD RS · BY Tom BROKAW A s a child growing up along the Missouri River in South Dakota, I led an idyllic life of hunting , fishing and camping in the hills and prairies sur- rounding my hometown. In those days before lightweight camping equipment and freeze-dried food, I lugged an odd assortment of Army surplus and Boy Scout gear to favorite camping sites such as "Cow Chip Flats" or "The Artesian Well ," familiar but not exactly picturesque gathering < places for weekend outings with half a dozen of my friends . We started young, at age 10 or 11 , and it was a valuable lesson in per- sonal feSponsibility. When the temperature dropped during the (continued) I t '· t t Joy of The Outdoors South Dakota nights or the pot of chfh burned, there were no mothers or fathers handy to offer a warm bed or another meal. Within my circle were a number who were skilled outdoors· men by their early teens. us backpacked through lhe Black HUis for a week. often going off established trails to find our way by compass to the next campsite. Even though there were a couple of aduhs along. it was a heady taste of freedom for a group of 13·year-olds. However, the adven· lure was not a crystal ball on anyone's chances for success or failure in later (contmued) Some of our trips were more ambi· tious than overnight treks a few mUes out of town. One summer, a group of H you had to hike hert; youU still be hiking. If you're planning to walk to the great outdoors, you could miss a great deal. Because a lot of the places worth going to are too far to hike to. Introducing the 1981CTI10 and the CT70, two Hondas that'll take you almost anywhere a trailleads. A dual-raDF i>r wbr.reYU you l'UllC· This year, the CTUO features Honda's bandy dual- range transmission. Instead of one set of iears. it has two. A low range that 11 pull you up hills, a high that'll zip you down the trail. So whe~ver you range, it can handle the trip. Automatically euy to ride. The slightly smaller CT70 is designed for slightly smaller riders. but it still has a lot in common with the CTI IO. Including an automatic clutch that lets you concen- trate on the scenery. completely street-legal lighting so you can keep riding after you return to civilization and a reputation for the kind of gas mileage and reliabi- lity that made Honda famous. See the CTUO and the CT70 at your Honda mo- torcycle dealer. They're for all those places that are too far to hike to. And too good to miss. HONDA IOU.OW nu: LEAD£R ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET AND EYE PROTECTION. DesitpedforopmtoruKonl>tSpeoficauooundavallability subject to ctwiae w1tboul ootice. C 1981 American Honda Motor Co •• Inc. For a frtt brochW't', aee your Honda dealer. Or writf!: American Honda MOlof Co .. lnc .. Dept. 651. Box 9000, Yan Nuys. California 91•09 life. One of my pals. now a respecre·d high-school principal. started the trip with a complete set of new equip· ment. He then proceeded to lose it piece by piece so that by the time we returned home he was down to trou- sers. shoes and a borrowed T-shirt By the time I was 14 I had grad· uated to the role of Boy Scout coun- selor at a camp several hundred miles from home. For eight weeks I lived in a tent and taught swimming. canoeing and basic camping skills with such en- thus0sm that no one who knew me then could imagine me later giving up that Ufe . I did. though -for girls. cars, sports and the other attractions of high-school and college years. My camping equipment grew musty and rusty In the basement of my parents' home, and I rarely thought of It as I chased my career goals from Omaha to Atlanta to Los Angeles. Then . In CaUfomia . a friend rekln· died the old spirit when he returned . with his wife from a 10-day backpack- ing trip through the High Sierras. Moved by their magnificent photo- graphs. my wife. Meredith . and I quickly decid.ed backpacking was just what we were looking for: Clean air, good exerc~ and an escape from the pressures o f big<lty llf e Since Meredith was a rookie. we decided to begin with a weekend Sierra Club trip to Mineral Klng, a beautiful valley in the Kings Canyon National Park. Meredith was eager but a trifle ap- prehensfve. "What about bears?" she asked. "Do n't worry," I said, "they won't be around. And if they do show up, rattle this pan with a spoon. That will scare them away." ' The first night out we spread our sleeping bags on a level spot and. since the skies were clear and the forecast favorable . we decided to forgo a tent. Just as we were dropping off to sleep, Meredkh uttered a finaJ. weaker note ol concern. *I guess there won~ be any bears.~ she said. (continued) II • l"'AMILY WHlU.Y, Mey 17, 1•1 I l l I I ~ f, ' j Joyot The Outdoo1s (continued) "Nah." I reassured her. When I awoke the next morning Meredith was looking at me with a small. embarrassed smile. "I almost woke you up in the mid- dle of the night," she said. "I was sure I heard a bear snorting around. but then I realized it must have been a dream or my imagination ·· I gave her my best Dan'! Boone smUe of understanding and went off 10 retrieve our nearby backpacks - which turned out not 10 be neartsy. ..Meredith," I asked, "where did you move the backpacks?" "I didn't move them," she said. My city instincts took over. "Some· one must have stolen them." I thought. Quietly. I began moving toward other campsites, hoping to catch the thieves, when suddenly I stumbled over our bags -upended at a bend In the trail. They were in pretty good shape except for punc- tures in the compartments where the food was stored Even a city boy realized instantly that the punctures were the shape and size of bear claws. Fortunately. the rest of the week· end was bear-less and so rewarding we became firmly hooked on back· packing. Every summer now we try to pick a new area to explore, often just the two of us, making our way across a piece of the Rockies or the High Sierras, guided by topographical maps and our ever-expanding under· standing and appreciation of the wil· derness. Since that first weekend our expo- sure to bears has been li mited to vie w- ing a large grizZJy from a comfortable distance in western Montana's Glacier National Park. However. then! are other hazards we have learned to take in stride . As you might expect, weath· er is a big factor. Although never welcome. inclement weather certainly makes a trip memorable. Two sum- mers ago, Meredith and 1 were as- saulted by steady ra in and hail during a climb into the Beartooth Wilderness area of Montana. Finally. after two days, the skies cleared, and we left our campsite to go fishing in a small lake about a mUe away. We were well above tree level so there was no real protection and. shortly after we arrived. another storm roared up the canyon, catching us with no place to hide. We huddled in the crack of a large boul· der and pulled our ponchos tight around us. Face to face, with the water dripping off our noses and light· nlng flashing overhead. I said to Meredith, "Think of all the people you would not want to have with you at this moment." For the next half-hour we giggled through a long list of un· likely companions. The laughs didn't keep us dry, but they did help pass the time and. who knows, maybe they even chased the rain away because the rest of the trip was all blue sky and sunshine. Our early trips were so intoxicating that nine yea~ ago we decided to bring along our daughters: Jennifer. then 6: Andrea. 4 . and Sarah, 2 . We figured a weekend tr!p to Se· 20 • FAMILY WUKLY, Mey 17 198l ----------· \ • ' ) I ; 1 I quoia National Park was the place to begin . and we had visions of the girls hiking cheerfully through the red · woods. The lma91ned scenario went like this: Aher a hearty dinner around a cozy fire. they'd retire quietly to the tent while Meredith and I enjoyed the starlit night in a double sleeping bag on a soft bed of pine needles. It wasn't the first time in my life that expectation and reality didn't mesh . To begin with, as we unrolled the tent we quickly learned one of the fundamental truths of camping with young children: They aren't much help in an activity where a lot of help is needed. Meredith and I were, in ef· feet . their hired hands. even more so than we were at home. And some- how in all our descriptions of the fun of camping, we had failed to mention the realities of outdoor toilets. They looked at us in disbelief when we said, "Yes, that's where you go." For a while there I worried that one week· end would undo years of toilet-train Ing. Bedtime was not an easy seU. either. First they embarked on a fin~ romp. playing monster games in and out of the tent. Monster Sarah was so effective she collapsed the tent by re peatedly throwing her tiny body against the outside wall while giving off yells eerie enough to do Bigfoot proud. F inally, they settled down -but only untll we were comfortable In our sleeping bag outside. Then, in a discordant chorus. the complaints began: Something - creepy was crawling across Andre6's face and Jennifer was taking up too much room and Sarah wouldn't be quiet and how do we know a bear won't come? Reluctantly. we agreed to join them . And in a tent meant for three people, this was quite a trick. Unfortunately. our presence did not end the presence of things that go bump In the night or crawl over An· drea's face. and we certainfy didn't quiet Sarah. She chattered brightly until dawn. insuring that she'd fall asleep during the next day's hike. Subsequent camping trips with the girls were better organized and more reallstk In their scope. And camping has become an Important part of our l'AMILY WUJU.Y, Mey 11, 1'11 • t1 family life, principally because we have not pushed it on our children. We let them help pick the trips and set the pace And, of course, we do have some wonderful memories as well as those that aren't so wonderful. We have canoed together on pristine lakes In Maine; slept under the broad skies of North Dakota before going on a long trail ride with cousins who are real cowboys; watched an eagle raid a gull's nest tn northern Canada; ckmbed a fire tower in a national forest: slid down a waterfall In South Dakota's Spearfish Canyon; searched for a lost lake in Colorado, and even gotten momentarily lost ourselves (Dad's fault) in a Connecticut state park There have been sunburns. poison ivy. complaints about the trail (loo steep or too long), mosquito bites and dirt in the food. But If there is a constant it is this: There's never a dull moment Fur· thermore, if you want a warm feeling, think of all those parents stuck around highway-adjacent motel pools as you watch your own children step Into a clear mountain stream for the ~ first ttme .a.J ---------· I l f t r • Best Bets fot Campets On a Budget 8y Ginny Ade Have you been prom ls· Ing yourself that someday you'll take the kids to se2 the Grand Canyon. Yellowstone National Park or the nation's capital? That someday you'll all watch the Indy 500, fish trout streams in Montana. see the graceful plantation homes of the Old South, tour the picturesque New England st.ates. or ride the cable cars in San Francisco? Before your somedays slip away. why not take action. Sure. inflation and the high cost of gasoline have made traveling expensive. but there's a way to have a cost· efficient, fun-packed vaca· tion : by camping. Homeowners and apart· ment-dwellers who tum to tenting and/or towing a light· weight, fold-down camping trailer will find that this mode of vacation travel offers the perfect respite from the daUy treadmUI of work and home. How to ~lil:iiiil~~-• Save 'With Solar• - - I Return thl• coupon for your frM Mell to: I I peulve eol•r brochure wtth •II of Miies' •LES HOMES " exciting peulv• eoa.r model•. L•m 4100 NetMn Lane, P.O. Boa 41310 I I how you can teke 8dv•nteoe of the Min~•. MfnMeOta 55442 I force. of nature to cut your energy I coeta by u much•• 30-80%. • ~ -------------I I ~ Address I GiiiJLn.l _,. ~--------: ---.. ~· Zip __ _ I w..tre Mila abtac1 wtlhno Phone I I down pl)'llla• I L--••••••••••••••••••••·-1 Eating outdoors is one of the joys of a c.amping uac-0tion . .Y .~ a chance to put aside status and strivings and an oppor· tunity to make new friends. MHave fun in a tent?" you ask incredulously. Well, a tent or a tent-trailer is merely a means to an end. It's basically )ust a place to sleep after a day of travel. fishing , hiking. horseback riding, tennis or swimming. In fact, many campgrounds now offer all the amenities of a country dub -pool. tennis courts and games and activities for children. The famUy can be together. yet each member can enjoy the vacation activity he lites best. And you can't beat the price. Admittedly. a famUy tra· veling by car for any reason will have to budget more this year for car expenses. In Its recently released annual computation of estimated driving costs. the American Automobile Association (A .A.A.) states that the average cost of a gallon of gas Is $1.40. This means It will cost around $7.50 for every 100 mlles, based on travel in a car that gets 20 miles per gallon ! If you 're towing a tent-trailer. you should figure $8.40 per : 100 miles because the tow· ing will add an extra gallon 1 for every 100 miles traveled . By camping, though, you can stretch travel dollars significantly when it comes to lodging and meals. A.A.A . estimates that the average cost of lodging for two In 1981 will be $44 a night (25-percent lower in small towns; a whopping 75-per· cent higher in large cities and resort areas). Campers. on the other hand, paid only an average of $7. 91 a night In 1980. with a high of $15 and I a low of $3. The couple eating in res· taurants while traveling and vacationing will shell out $44 a day according to A.A.A. 's estimate for 1981 . whereas food costs for a camping within the normal amount budgeted for weekly grocer· ies at home -around $50 a week. You will. of course. have to pick up camping supplies. Falls In Yellowstone Park: The ulew is free . such as charcoal for the campfire and flashlight bat· terie.s, but you can balance out the cost of these extras with smart shopping. For in· stance, because you11 be cooklng on a grill, you can get away with less expensive meats -everything tastes good grilled. What's the bottom Une for a two·week vacation for two? The box at right gives a trip comparison based on 2.000 miles of travel. It's easy to see that the family that camps can enjoy a two·week, 2,000·mlle vacation for con· slderably less than the famUy staying at motels and dining out. Here's an Idea for a couple who'd like to try camping: If you own motorcycles, you might consider camping via your bikes -with your camping gear strapped on the back. Even with the extra weight. most bikers get 40 mUes per gallon, thus spend- ing only $3.50 for every 100 mUes traveled. Bikers who want to take along more than the bare camping essentials can pur· chase a cycle-traUer to tote their tenting gear. Believe It or not, among them are a lot of "empty nest" couples with silver In their hair. R nd families that can't afford or don't want to make the initial long· term Investment for basic tenting equipment or a tent·traUer do have alter· natives. Many private camp· grounds and some state parks rent tents or traUers equipped for camping. Just bring yow own sleeping bags. cooking utensils and a small supply of staples, and move in. Camp stores stock all camp supplies. To locate these campgrounds, consult the campground directories found on newsstands. These directories will also Include the franchise campground chains such as JeDystone, Holkiay Trav-1 Parks and Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA). In some of its camp· grounds, KOA. has tent vU· lages -six-sided structures bulh on concrete found.a· tlons. In each one, there are six pie-shaped, partitioned areas which provide a tenter with a sheltered space for cooking and eating, In· eluding a cabinet for locked Gaeollne Meals Lodging TOTALS Two-week Vacation for Two Car/Motel $ 140.00 616.00 616.00 $1 ,372.00 Cu /Tent Car /Tent-trailer $140.00 100.00 116.60 $356.60 $168.00 100.00 117.74' $385.74 • exb'a for electnc hookup in camp advertteement SEND ME MY FREE CAN OF HAPPY DAYS •• Fill out and send to: ·smokeless Tobacco; I P.O. Box 2900. Dept. FW 102. Greenwich. Conn. 068301 Name and complete address must appear on outside of en-yelo~. I Nome City Slot• I I I I I Zip "9•· I I Umlted 10 one .ampllng per family. •OFFER N~T AVAJLAILE TO MIMORS. I ~-----------------~ storage. counter hooks, an electric outlet and a picnic table. Making tent·site reserva· tlons In advance not only helps you to avoid head· aches, but It saves money, too -you won't have to drive around looking for space. Keep reservation costs down by calling on ·week- ends when telephone rates are lowest For example. a rhree·mlnute ca ll from Chicago to reserve a tent site In California costs only 54 cents If made between 8 A.M. Saturday and 5 P.M. Sunday. m any campgrounds now allow you to use your cretilt card to book a space in advance. If you don't want to plan so far ahead, park operators will book ahead for you from one · campground to the next, just like motel operators. for a min~ charge to cover tele· phone costs. Another new R_rogram KOA is adopting to attract small-<ar tourists and tenters who don't always want to set up are cabins on camp· grounds. P\ans are In the works to buUd up a network of cabins across the country so that some tourists can travel from coast to coast car· rying only sleeping bags and a few supplies. The rustic cabins have a porch and include windows for ventilaliOn and four to six bunk beds. No utillties are of· fered, but water Is available nearby. as Is the case with tent sites. A picnic table and grill are also furnished. Another way to keep camping cost-efficient Is to be on the lookout for camp· grounds that offer some type of discount program. KOA, for example, with more than 500 franchise parks involved In the program. has a KOA Value Card. It offers a 10. percent discount on campsite fees at participating KOA parl<s, plus express check-In, best available campsite and a money-back guarantee within one hour of check-In If the site doesn't please you. These cards are avallable at any KOA Kampground for $2, or you can mall your $2 (check or money order) to KOA. Inc.. Box 30558, Billings, Mont .. 59114. FAMILY WU:KlY, M•y 17, ttll • 23 \ • I , , , . , j ' ' ~ I !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ r ~ • t t.. t t !- ' f II f, a v ti t • Once You Get Thete: A Tentet's TOp Ttlcka If you've never set up a tent before. don't panic. Just keep these guidelines in mind, and you11 pitch your tent without a hitch: •Before you go: Practice setting up your tent a few times In the backyard. You11 also want to water· proof It : If your tent Is nylon. apply ''sealer" to the seams; If It's canvas. apply beeswax to the seams In the canvas part anq .. sealer" to the seams in the nylon floor. You can buy beeswax and .. sealer" at your camp· Ing store. Canvas tents should also be hosed down: This shrinks the materlal to Its proper size . •Choosing your site: Every park has rules about where you can camp. Be sure to obtain these from the ranger stadon before pitching your tent. Stay away from hollows and low, marshy areas. Alm for a level, dry spot near but not under the trees -bird droppings stain canvas and can damage nylon. The ground should be rea900ably 90ft, not sandy or rocky. • Pttchlng the tent: The following procedure, suggested by Hudaon's Camping Headquarters In New York 2• • l'AMILYWHKLY, lll•Y 17.1111 City, applies to most famUy-slze tents: Clear the area of loose rocks and debris; unroll your tent and stake out the comers; Insert the top poles first, then the end or side poles, and the center poles last. •Remember the environment: Observe your park's environmental regulations. Don't clear away under· brush (lf undergrbwth [s too thick. find a cleaner site). Don't break off boughs to make a "bed" for your tent (a foam pad under your sleeping bag will cushion just as nicely). And ddn 't dig a rain trench around your tent. Tent floors are waterproof, but If you want extra protection use a nylon or plastic drop cloth underneath. •Bear-proof your tent: To keep bears, mice . and other hungry animals at bay, store your food and cooking utensils outside your tent. Either put them In your car or pack them In a knapsack and, using a nylon cord. swing the sack over a tree branch at least 12 feet off the ground and at least 50 fat away from your tent.. -Mary Ellln Barrett Befote Going: A Camper's Checklist Whether you're a first-time camper or fancy yourself another Daniel Boone, an o utdoor vacation Is going to be easier and much more fun if you plan what to take ahead of time. Here's a Us1 of the basics. Don't leave home without them. Tents. The usual camping rig con· slsts of a ground sheet and tent, set up with poles. A 9 x 12 or 10 x 15-foot tent should be comfortable, and you can buy your own or rent one at a state park or private campground. Food and Kitchen Gear. You might survive outdoors without shelter. but not without food. Those who don't plan to backpack their sup- pbes everywhere (campground users, for Instance) should pack canned goods (soups. jukes, fruits and vegetables) , seasonings, cooking oU, baking soda. flour, powdered mUk. cereals, dry mashed potatoes. clieese, jams, bread. buns and crackers. You 11 also need a camp stove, either liquid or gas-fueled (a three·bumer would do nicely). You should also take a cooler, Ice blocks (they last longer than cubes), a coffee pot, paper towels, plates, cups. cook· lng utensils, pans, a kettle, a pitcher, plastic contatners, plastic garbage bags, soap-fllled scouring pads, aluminum foil, a water jug, a can and bottle opener and matches. Bedding. Campers must bring their own s1eeplng bags. One with two or three pounds of down or a good synthetic f1berfill ls adequate for use from spring fhrough fall . Bags cut to about 36 x 75 inches are roomy enough for most adults up to six feet In height. For both warmth and com· fort It's a good idea to buy an air mat· tress or foam·rubber pad to go under your sleeping bag. You11 also need your own towels, toiletries. soap. toUet paper, mirror and clothespins. Tools and Equipment. Essentials lndude a lantern, a slx·voh. water- proof. floatable flashlight. flares. an electric extension cord. nylon cord. repair tape. a first-aid kit, candles and bug spray. You should also carry a knife (with a four or ftve·lnch blade), an axe for chopping and a small shovel for extinguishing fires. When you venture off the road. take a local topographical map and compass and always let someone know where you're going. -Roberta Adams I ~ A Spottsman's On-T0t9et App1oach By Norm Froacher coted to bowhunttng and wildlife management. Almost an octogenarian, Bear, amazingly, still hunts, going after turkey In Florida ("a smart bird, dif. ficult to get wtth bow and arrow") and deer once a year in Michigan . He's also hoping to make It to Alaska for one last hunt. Age has brought Its handicaps, however ... I don't go running up and down mountains anymore," he ad- Ray-0-VdcS mlts. "I really enjoy the outdoors, but I don't have the yen, the zest, to shoot things like I once did. I have to be more selective. thinking about CMJY· Ing back what I've shot." But as he says, "You don't go hunt· ing to kill, you go hunting to hunt. There are hunters and there are kill- ers. To the true sportsman. the 1'911 kill is an anticlimax." l&J R 79-year-old wonder who has stalked big game from Alaska to Africa. Fred Bear couldn't have a more appropriate name. Yet, paradoxically, Bear ls also known as a conservationist, prtmarlly because of his hunting method. He uses bow and arrow and must trek deep Into the woods, going eyeball to eyeball with his prey. Built to take it. Built to last. With wildllf e dlrninishing rapidly, Bear sees this approach as the future of hunting. "The people who take up hunting with bow and arrow are assuming a big handicap because while it Is a deadly weapon, It's a short -range one," he ex- plains. "You have to get real close and there· in Iles the thrlU of the hunt with the bow .... A couple of deer taken in minutes by a hunter with a rifle might afford a very Interesting week or two weeks or month for half a dozen people with bow and arrow." Reared in the hills of central Penn· sylvania, Bear was the son of a"9U0- hunting fa th er and grew up with the outdoors at his side. He recalls that a turning point came in 1933 when he shot a monster deer in upper Michl· gan. "It was so easy that there was no challenge, n.'.> thrill," he says. "I decid- ed that from then on I would do tt with a bow." There was a ~ of good equip· ment avallable, however. So Bear set up a workshop in hi$ garage and began producing his own. By the end of World War 0, his archery business had outgrown several buildings, and then the advent of fiberglass really helped his business hit the bullseye. Bear reallz.es that hunUng as he's known It Is rapidly disappearing: "Most of the big game Is pretty much gon8 .... We're taking away the wildlife habitat at the rate of several thousand acres a day. When you take away the wildllfe habitat, you're going to have to be satisfied wtth less wUdlife ." Bear and hls wife of 34 years, Hennetta, now live In Gainesville, Fla., and he still puts In 40-hour weeks at the headquarten of Bear Archery and the Fm! Bear Sports Club, an 0tganll.atk>n of some 25,000 members worldwide who are dedl· FAMILY WllKLY, M-, 17. ,., •Ill When it says Ray-0-Vac Sportsman, you're getting a light that will deliver top-notch perf ormanc.e, even under rugged oonditions. Take our Sportsman F/uorescenl (Amping Lantern. The hood and lrase are the same material used in pro- football helmets. The clear globe is shatter·proof. And two long-life fluorescent tubes give 360 regrees of bright, battery- powered light, night after night. So there are no delicate mantles to fiddle with. No fuel. No flame. No danger. It's weatherproof, to shine through rain, snow, wind Nothing else on the market can match it. RAY-0-VAC CORPORATION •C---• -- ... Need a smaller version?. Consider our single-tube fluorescent Sportsman lantern . It's tough, impact-resistant. Lightweight, compact. Yet it throws 180 degrees of light where you want it. There's solid-state, all-transistorized circuitry. Weatherproof oorntruc- tion . And all the flame-free advantages of the larger lantern. Final!;~ the Sportsman Flashlight. Without doubt, the standard of the industry. Each one is extruded from a solid slab of steel. Then double chrome-plated. For a body tough enough to with.5tand years of dropping and to&5ing. And a finish that resists rust and oorrosion. The bulb and lens are spring cushfoned to reduce breakage. TI1e reflector produce; a bright, round, even spotlight. And the switch-all steel and brass for better oontact -has three positions ( oon.stant bearn,flashe~ oft). So whether you need a rugged camping lantern, or a flashlight made to last a lifetime, tum to the Ray-0-Vac Sportsman line of lights. But choose carefully. You'll have them for a long, long time. Look for them where you buy outdoor equipment. If unavail- able for any reason , call toll free during business hours for a store near you: 1-800-356-902 In WISCO . 1-800-362- 5414. ' ,1 I I ' Favorite Food~ake-Alongs fot Family Camping Ttlps 2 Whok trout, dr~ 1 leAton, siad thin, ~nc:utln haf·sk:es 4 Tbsp. butt~r ~·mbc seasonings, Kai In foll: Y.tsp.~ v. tsp. gran. onion, 2tsp.~ ~tsp.~s.it Place each hsh on 4 Nlf·slices c:J lemon on a length c:J Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap (3. 4 times width c:J fish). Season cavity and skin Dot cavity with 1 Tbsp. butter, edd 3 half· SN~ d lemon. Close cavity, dot tq:> with butter. To seat toil, c:bj>le·fold owr fish and clt ends Cook alfljt 20· 25 mirutes owr ~dium·hot coats. turning once. It'• fun to relax In the great out-of-doors when you know that you have made whokaome anaclcs ahead of time for the whole family to enjoy. Sy ffiotllyn Honaen BACKPACKERS'SUPERBARS a;, cup bUlttllr or .....,.. ~ all' peck.t brOWll ....., a;, cup ... -c:oob.t ~ ""' cup ...... whole what lour "" cup ...... al-purpoM lour '4cup....SwhMt,.. ! tMIP a a• .,...S or-.. rtlld 2 .. 1 cup whole bkKbed elmoedi '4 cup ....... '4 cup IM..t cocoout y, cup ......... chocolate bb 1. Jn medillm bowl of electric mixer, beat butter with l/z cup of the brown sugar un- til soft and blended. 2. At low speed, beat In oats, whole wheat and all·purpose flour, wheat germ and orange rlnd. Pat into an ungreased 8 >< 8 x 2-lnch square pan. 3. Mix eggs. almonds. raisins. coconut. chocolate bits and remaining 1/4 cup brown sugar; pour over the base and spread evenly. 4. Bake In preheated 350°F. oven about 30 to 35 minutes or unUI almonds are golden brown. 5. Cool. then cut into 12 bars or squares: Wrap with plastic film to keep moist. Molca 12 ban HEAlllf LOOS s a.-chopped ..... eprtcoca . 3 cups c:bopped. pitt.9d. clnecl .... y, cup ...... elmondl ""cup I HI-.... Yacupwt.-..... '4 cup or .... _. 1 .... (6 089.) ......... chocolate bb AeluMt c:ocoeia 1. Combine al Ingredients except c::oco- nut. Shape Into 2 logs. RoU In coconut. 2 . Wrap tightly In plastic wrap and store In rebigerator (will keep for several weeks). Makes 2 logs HOT COCOA MIX l~a.-......... ..., ....... • I .... l aip .............. .,, .. ,_., laipw 1 e,a6ewpo.dlr "aip -11°1 •• c:oc:oe 1 ..... ---. ............. 1. In a large bowl, llir together sugar, nonfat mUk powder and creamer powder. Sift In cocoa; llir to thoroughly blend all lngNdJsnts. I. Fiil • 1-qt. ... ,.. wtth tM mixture. lnMrt varna. beM down <*\tier of ,_ to add flavor. Sacw on,_ aip tlghdy. Store In • cool, dry piece. S. To make one eervlng, pilCll 4 to 6 huplng talpoons mix In a large cup or m1.19; add boang ~ and lllr. V1111Y mealUN ol mix and watlr to ault own tau. MoJoa about 4 cupe mix, enough for 16 one-cup..,..,,. 21 • f'AMILY WEIJ(LY, Mer 17, ttlt 1 ; ' t ' J t ' I ' ~ I ' , I ~ • I I t _..:AMJNAS Y,cup~ y, cupeuear l en l cup Ufted aU·purpoM flour 1.At cup dry ..... eolkll l ...,._ bUdnt powder y, .....-. ealt 1,4 ~eoda \4 •....-each, Qutmeg ud dn11amoa l \4 aipe qukk or old.fMhJoMd oata 1 cup .,at.ed calfot or gramd rew ._. po .. to ' 1.4 cupralllne 1. In large bowl, cream together molasses, shortening, sugar and egg. 2. Sift together flour. dry slodm milk tollds, baking powder, salt, soda end spices: stir Into creamed mixture. l . Add oats, c&Tot and ralslns, mix well 'Drop by level tablespoons on greased rookie sheet Bake 8 to 10 minutes In /'reheated 400°F. oven. 1 Molce• 3 1/2 dozen (45 cookies) : • WHEAT GERM GRANOLA 21.4 cupe qUldt oata % cup laked COCOIMll % cup chopped almond. 1 4 tablnpoone butter or mupr1ne V. cup ~ ct.rti brown •utar ... cup hooqi 1111 teupoona vanllba atrlld Y, cvp whut ....-. regu.lar or aweeteMd y, cup datk ,...,. 1. Spread oats, coconut end almonds In a greased 151/2 x 1011z.1nch pan. Bake In a 3000f. oven for 20 minutes. tossing ocaslonally. 2. In a small saucepan, combine butter. sugar and honey. Simmer over low heat until butter ls melted . Remove from heet and stir In vanilla 3. Increase oven heat to 350°F. Add wheat germ to toasted mixture and drizzle wllh sugar mixture. Toss with a fork to coat evenly. Bake 5 or 6 minutes. Add aislns: mix well. Press mixture down lrmly In pan. Bake an additional 5 min· tes or until golden. . Remove from oven and let cool. reak Into pieces. Store In an airtight ntalner Malcu 6 cups QUICK ENERGY GORP y, cupl'lllllM 'la cup~ or pMnun 'la ~ ~oeted chocolate 'la ~ ~ chopped drted .,ncota. ,,__ ..... ""~· .,_ .... 'lac-.~ dMwed .w ....... •a-....-t . Mbt lngredilnts In laige bowl. OMde llmOftSI MWr&I plattic beigl and ea1. Mobrl 4 Cupt RUSSIAN TEA l'A a,.. (or one 9-01. )at) orenge-ti.vored lnltant b,..,_t drink .,.,. cup wpr Y, cuplnetantln Vs *"-poOfl pound dnnemon '.4 ••111 a Dfl gr04IDd dow9 Deeh ealt BotUat weaer C.lftnamoa •tit, opdonal 1. To prepare Russian Tea, combine In· stant breakfast drink, sugar, ln~tant tea. spices and salt Stir well. Store in tightly covered labeled jar 2. For each serving of hot Russian Tee, plaa! 2 well-rounded teaspoons of mix in a cup. Add bolling water. stir until dissolyed. Serve Immediately. garnished wtth clnnamon-stlc:k stirrers. If desired l . For 1 qt. of hot Russian Tea. combine 1;, cup of the mix with 1 qt. bolling water In a heat-proof pitcher or servfng bowl. Molces 2 cup$ m ix. enough /or 4 qts. or 24 (5·~ . .siu) cup.s BEEF JERKY l 'la IM. lank •.U. perdally &°'"en 1 lQIPOOft .... 1 lcatpOC>n tlquid 1mol&e y, t-.poon ptlk: powder Y, ta.poon Found bladl pepper 111 w.poon monoeodium glutamete 1 tuepoon onion powder IA cupeov-• 1,4 cup Woro.l.ashlrc MUCe l . S~ce flank steak In thick slices diagon- ally acr055 the grain 2. Combine seasoning mixture and brush on both sides of meat. Arrange meat sllces on two 10 x 15 >< I ·inch }eUy·roll pans 3. Place In preheated. very low 200 °F owen for 8 to 12 hours, turning meal sev· eral times to dry out evenly Or hang oul· side on string. away from animals, in cool, airy place to dry. 4. Store in plastic bags in refrigerator or freezer Makes 'I• pound PEANtrr BUTIER SUPREMES 1 pkt. (12 oa.) ... J.lwftt chocolate bltl 1 1.9blftpoon butter or m.....,tnc l cup MMat dry mllk powdeT 111 cup creemy peaaut butter 114 e.-poon vullla atrlld 2 cupe UMllked, city roMtcd punutt l cup 1'alllllM . 1. In top of double boiler ovC1' simmering water, melt chocolate with butter. Re· move from heat. 2. Beat in dry milk powder, punut butter and vanilla wth a wooden spoon until falrtywnooth. Sdr In peanuts and raisins. 3. Spread In buttattd 13 >e 9 x 2-lnch pen. 01ll until ftrm . Cut Into bin. Mota 48 two·lnch bars 'AMll.Y WUIU.Y.M., 1P, 1•1 •21 Now you can have a crisp, . apple fresh shave every morning!· Colgat Instant Shave Apple. Start your day with a most refreshing shaving experience. Every Colgate Instant Shave gives you an apple smooth feeling ... and now there's one with a burst of apple freshness. I I !l I I I I I ' ; s t j 1 1 r I I I 'I I This S1•11lll1.er Choose AKOA Adventure Adventure .. a word to stir men's he-.lrt.s and imagination. The start of every you enjoy your stay today . for wonderful rnemori~ tomorrow. memory. And your introduction to camping at KOA Kamwrounds whether you choose a weekend or the most memorable vacation you and your Free Directory family will ever enjo~'. • • • •• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •• •••• • •• • •• • • • •• • • • Low Cos& Now KOA make5 ramping even more affordable. llecau!ie KOA camping mea~ leaving high motel c.'OSts behind means you can • forget costly restaurant meals. The trip you plan for is the one you ~t. System Wide KOA has more than 800 camp. grounds throughout the U.S. and Canada. . offerin~ advance re;er- valions . clean rest rooms, hot showers and the friendliest hosts you've ever met. .. nmdy to help Here's my $'2. Please send my embossed Value Card to: City ------------- State l'ruvmct' ______ __,,,,,, __ _ Plea."' allow Ii WM'k~ for lirh\'f'r) 'isit a nearby KOA Kamwround soon. Ask for a frE>t> copy of our 108-pal{e Director~. designed to help you camp mor('. ('amp better. You owe it lo ~·oun;elf and ~·our family plan to 1-eturn soon to the be-t \'a('ation ad,·enture ~·ou can find KOA tamping. Save 10% And for even more value we offer a new Value C'.ard with such benefitg as a }l)Oo ciiS<·ount off the ~istration fee at more than 550 participatin~ KOA Kamp- grouncl~ through 1982 .. money back guarantee within one hour of cht'<.'k-in and murh morti all for just si.oo. Order with coupon. l'AMILY WEEKLY. Mey 17, 1181 • 29 ·--------------------------· The Soaring Success Of Singer Anne mutta.Y Sy Stu~ Pollock J Ft t the opening of the second half f of her concert at the Sunrise Theater In Fort ~uderdale , I Fla., Anne Murray came trot· ting onstllge In a dark blue }ogging : suit. She seemed equally as comfort· able In It as In the sequined gown In I which she'd begun her show. Some· 1 where between those two very di!· 1 ferent lmoges hes. the real Anne Mur· ray and the key to this smaU-town I girl's very big suc.cess. "My mother tJ'led dressing me up In little dresses from the time I was old I enough to wear them," Anne rec.alls, . "but I just used to tear them off to climb trees or play baseball. I can ~ remember being 13 or 14 and all the · other girl$ were getting asked out on 1 dates, and I was getting asked to play 1 centetfteld." Now, at 35, this ex-centerlielder. 1 former college hockey player. mother I of two and Grammy winner In both ' the country ("Love Song") and pop ("You Needed Me") categories can ' flaunt her sequins with the best of them. The daughter of a surgeon and a nurse, Anne grew up with five brothers In Springfield, Nova Scotia. She loved listening to the New York rock 'n' roll stations on her brothers' radio at night. Unlike the vast majority of her peers In Springfield, she went on to college (as a physical eduction major), and prior to her entrance Into show business she taught high school for a year. Early on, she learned to co-exist In competition wtth men. and that prob- ably played a part In her success as a slnger. "I've always said I'm not really a driven person, but deep down I think I am. I want to do things weU. And as a kid I never had anything I could do really well -better than the boys -exupt sing. So f decided at one point that I was going to do It." Almoft from the first she was a Canadian superstar, with "Snowbird" launching her In 1970. But American success took most of the decade to achieve . She was rather rough hewn as a performer, appearing In Las Vegas as a barefoot folkle . and she soon got locked Into the "country" category. "I wasn't always able to go out and talk to an audience," Anne says. "It was something I learned because I worked at It. I've done all the television shows there are to do. all the nightclub situations. any kind of concert you can Imagine. Now It's becoming comfortable -after years of making myself do these things." As she bounced In the early ?O's from hockey rink to state fair. from Nova Scotta to us Vegas, releasing a bunch of singles -some hits, some misses -and a slew of albums. the Anne Munoyi name hill Hollywoodi 'Wolk of Jome .' dream kept j receding. In I 1975 she de· i clded to gel off the road for a while. and It was during that time that she married Cana· dlan 1V pro· ducer Biii La ngstroth and had her first child When she re· sumed her ca- reer full time a few years kiter, things took off like never before In 1979 she won her Grammy In the pop category. and It was obvious thot she wasn't "just country" anymore. Anne's big goal right now Is. admit· tedly. a lofty one . "I'd like to relax a bit," she confides. She and Biii have renovated a house In Toronto, and her prime concern these days Is bakinclng her career with her family life 'Tm doing II right now." she an· nounces emphatically. "That doesn '1 mean I don't elways feel gulJty when I leeve home, because I always do. I don't think there's going to be any way around that . But I do feel satls· fled that I spend enough time with them." When Anne Is away touring. Biii takes care of Wiiliam, 4. and Dawn, 2. Anne's latest album -Where Do You Go When You Dream? -was released last month and promlsa to keep her 1uccess soaring. But you can be sure success won't spoil this 1'111 small·town girl. ILi 'AMll'I' WUl(L'I', May '7, lttl 8 2t Enda AH Th•" POEdOTSra: • BATHROOM • ..,.......~ • GARBAGE • MOOLEWO ONIONS • Mil • SICKROOM •GARLIC• • CIGARETTE SMOKE •MORE! THE FABULOUS, BEAUTIFUL ODOR EllDERN PLANT ......... Da1'1tJ1•• Leaves your bathroom, kitchen, your entire home smelling sweet and fresh! GROWS UP TO 112 INCH PER MONTH/ Hang one of these beautiful plants In your bathroom, nursery, sickroom, pet area: anywhere odor accumulates! Absolutely fantastic in the kitchen: try fish, dice onions and aaute garlic without complaints from t he family. You can even remove odors that cling to your hands by simply rubbing a leaf against your fingers! It does not require direct sunlight and THRIVES on the humidity provided by shower and running water. It grows beauti· fully without plant food of any kind. and is pest resistant. Stays healthy and lovely all year round. It zooms upwarda about 112 Inch a month. Let It grow Into a miniature tree or cut it back to any size you wish. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED --------------------------• DU"HAM HOUll, 0..t. 206 Allow 3-4 weellt for '"'1>"*"' I .. ~ Driw . Db ........ Yorti 11741 us A only (N 'I' nltl!Oenlt ldd Mlet , .. , I SHIPPING LAIEL IP,._ Pttnt) I Pl•-Mn(! -()-., .,..,. "9flt(t ), I 0 Order ONI! tor $3 H 1>fw1 tot f)Otl/ktlldflng Ntme I I o~~\rs119p1ues110~ AOClr... I I a= =1 FOUR tor s1uo PIUt suo c1iy I I pott/NnOllng (Total StUOJ s.... Zif) I t.nd CASH. CHE.CK or MONEY OROEA or"° °""'-°'-'"' ,.., ·--~-----------------------· ..... ----------------------------~~~~~~~- l FIVE PRETTY COLORS: Brown. Burgundy, Navy, WHITE,& Camel and Proportio1 Tailored te Fit in Petne. Averaga, & T .. I AT lAST- HABAND for HER! Haband is• conJCientious family butinetl m.t bu bem briD9in9 the best fflues in men'• dot.bing fmions to men· than 2-millicb ArDtric:a.1r homes liDca 1925. NOllf at lut there's HABANO FOR HER I For you I Beeau.e you're entitJed to Haband Value, Fadtion, and Speedy Sertice, too! We know this ii the beginninq of• beautiful f~:_ I-. . : L~ ~~~NT HABAM> GfORH~~ J'5 Nol6 9dt SL. ........ N.I. 07Sl0 ----------------------------------------1 Ladies Knit SLACKS . . PAIRS for Only ttu, a.re the best lookin1, best fitting all-purpose knit sb1cks you tuve ever loved! Deli~ed right straight to your own door to see and try on it home, AT NO RISK , at a price to make you purr! And these are no ordin.try slacks! They feature all new fil"re-Line proportion uiloring, senerous ultn-comforuble fit, and a nutet, more flattering ~punnce ! • GMtlt! •/attic S-T·R-E·T-C·H waist pulls on t!asi/y, moWts wht!n you do, ,,...,,,, binds! • Built-in INDELIBLE CREASE ls actually STITCHED IN foe the life of the slacks. Easy. confident, care free 900d looks any time! • 100% Permanent Pnta NO IRON Welh end Wurl • 1f:J!J% Po_IY_tntt!r NON.S,NAG Doublt!Knit. No mags, no l»gs., no picky-p11/1ng I Haband s Two-Way Knit means Two-Way Fit, & ~t means Double Value! You save big money on this amazing low purchale price, and you Aft again and again on the long wear and care: NO MORE CLEANING BILLS! NO MORE PRESSING BILLS! I WHln I I LADIES KNIT 3 rairs19111 ! SLACKS i~ry -1 I ~,.,. HAIAND 'IQ HP.ll, I I 265 North 9th St., Paunon, N.J. 07530 I Y s ! Please send me the ....... pairs of ladles Knit Slacks, ~;;:;;;;:;:;:;;::::=======..II for which I've enclosed my full remittance of S , I plus SI .25 for posup and handUna. ··•··•·•····•· I COLOR I Of Oteree To: OVISA OMMtero.rp IAcct*~___,,,~~~~~~~ I hp. Date_LL CAMEL GUARANTll: I u~ wr if on l~/pr I do not whit ro -•r tM ll11ekl WHITE .. • c I/ m•11 rwturn tMm within 30 dily1 for • NA VY full rwfund of Wiry 1»nn11 I paid you. t::B::-:U:=R-=a:-:UN~D=-:Y:-:-0+--if----+--+-_.-~ 1, 149·AOI ._8_R_OW_N __ •......__......_......__.....£... _ __.._--' I 4 for 26.SO 5 for 32.95 , Name ~~-~-~--~-~~--~~-- Look What YouCanlllake With Plastic Foam! Make •mall plana from foam egg carlona. You won't ndd to go any farther than your refrigerator to find the plastic foam egg car- tons and food trays that can be used to make everything from pencil holders to toy planes. Both kids and adults will discover how much fun It ts to make and "fly" foam planes. Beaiuse of their light weight, they'r& safe for In- doors or backyard play. You also can -aeate sur- prisingly attractive waste· bMkatl from foam cartons. They can be multicolored or In a single color, depending on the cmtDla 11vma.bie. These lightweight baskets are al9o handy containers for your knitting or crochet. Pluac foam Is an exc:elent material, too, for making unusual Ink stamps, whkh. can be coated wtth Ink or PQltC paint. Ute the lt.an)ps to penona1lze stationery and note paper, design your own greeting cards or prtnt unique wall plaques. Wtth practice, you can create prints that resemble woodcuts. Nifty storage boxes can allo be daigned from foam trays. Using permanent Ink marking pens, paint or I ~ p&uac for decoration, you can dlsguJse them ao wd that no one A prettv balket from foam troy•. will guea they originally heJd meats and vegetables. For beginning sewers, foam trays can be used for lbnple embrok:lery -to make three-dlmensk>nal pic- tures or a plaque for a child's room. It's a good way to use pieces of leftover yam. The boaoml of egg gp-- tonl can be turned Into small-change holden (for iwaglr1g on the W9I) or •, roly-poly toys that act like Mexk:an jumping beans. These are good for party favors, too. Complete lnstrudlons, In- cluding photos or lllustratk>n$ of the protedl mentioned, are Included In a leafiet. For your copy of "Fun With Foem," booklet #344, send $1.00 plus 25 cents postage and handling to: F...at,W..W,"••-"" P.O. Boa '31, Dept. T .......... N.. Ycft. N.Y. 10011 Be SLU'e to lndude leaflet number and your name, ad- draa and ZIP code. (New York State raldents, 1'111 plcaM add ... tax.) .., • Loose-fitting windows waste energy. •Who wants to putty/paint windows.• Ugly windows lower house value. •Drafty/warped windows are a pain . ... with.Andersen: I I Quality. Andersen ha.A bunt prime windows tor over 75 years. Fuel savlnp. (i) Naturally immlating wood. ~Two panes or g1au t.o cut he~ lou. ~ Optional removable triple glazin~ system to cut more heat loss. Weatherti1htneu. @ Two time11 better at sealing out drat\.8 than standards reQuire.• Low maintenance. <S> Tough rigid vinyl sheath won't need puttying or painting e very few years.•• Fast instaJlation. Andersen'i; Window Replacement System cuRtom-fits Perma-Shield• "'inrlows to your window openings. The beamful way IO~ tud. Andersen·\Vindowalls· ( ~-· I ------------------------ Get uactJy the inf•innation you nrid to niplac:e your window~. Th: Andenien Corp .. BOJt 12. Bayport. MN SSOO:t I Pleue s11nd a FREE <'(Jl'Y vf thl• Andu'!len Guide lo Window and Clillinc Door R .. pla«tm•·nt I I Name·----------------------- I Addrt'1'!'--------------CitY'-------- I Rtate ________ Zip1 _____ Phone..._ _ _,_ __ _ anra t.'odt" I I L- ~TWO OLD COINS ACIO«I' 00<1<1~ -DtATt -Hf ~H Drocnure '*"" orot1 MOMV·Ooldr -.antee VIUACI COIN SHOP DIPT. W ~ PU.ISTOW, N.H. 018H ~ Open to all poets! Poetry Contest A 11aod enze of SlOOO will be awankd an a new poetry contest sponsotcd by World of Poetry, a quamrly newsknier for poem. Says Poetry f.ditor Eddie-Lou Cole, --w~ ... , to GlCOUl'llp new poeC9-eftn poets who llaw wrinm oaJy ow poem!" Por c,o,,,pktt mfo,.,,,.tiort ""'"· World of Poetry, 2431 Stockton, DepL P, Sacramento, CA 95817. Easy I Packables i Quick knit slippers. one pack!> inside rhe other Craft 616 hns full directions. Crochet fami!Y sllwers. Craft 2679 hcis directions for S. M and L tnclu~lw Toorcler. Mnd $1.50 plue 25 Cf cw s>09ta~ and Mndling fM uch pattern to: Famlly We.kJv Magazine P.O. Boa 438. IHpt. A-136 Midtown Station, New York, N.Y. 10018 ll ~·..C4?..•"4-•4 Dept FW-518 14 P1r1c Rd. Tinton Falls. N.J. 01124 ..._ Mftd Me !fie~ ........ "'"""°' ......... I~ r9CUm IN~ In 10 d9YI. If unworn end~. -get_...._ ptlce of 1'1e i.em,... __ ... _. ___________ _ S.._..No. 1•Colof 2ndColof Size Price Sii •Oll0"9 ttld "*'°'"'9 Total S ldd SIO<HC ........ " 1 CPAEPAIO-I enc*-the full price pti.-S 1 T& ""-""end lwndllng for each ttefll 0C 0 .0 . I ~ 15.00 Oeooell for Mdl it9lft end wll 11SY DOltmen ...,_ plul OC*898 end ~ aw-. No c.o D Of'Oerl wt11 be eccet*d wllfloul reou;reo oeoo.11 To~tt~cl9dltCMt O IMI O'lu•:dle• C8ld HO ,,.,._,.. No EllOlf8'°" De• --- CAEDH CAM> HOUJEAS MAY NOWOMIEA TOU FREE AOUHO TWl ClOCK IOCMSt-2731 IH HY ~2-UMO . I Is Self-Esteem . A Key to Happiness? By John E. Gibson TRUE OR FALSE 1. Your happiness depends on your self-esteem. 2. How much you think of yourself depends on what you do for a living. 3. How you feel about yourself depends on how physically adequate you feel in a love relationship. 4 . Spending a few minutes each day In meditation will increase your sense of self-worth. 5. If you are quick to infer from people's behavior that they dislike you , your low self·esteem is causing you to project these negative feelings. ANSWERS 1. True. In studies at Boston Uni· verslty. subjects were administered tests designed to show their degree of happiness. Finding: .. The degree of happiness correlated positively with the degree of self-esteem7 2. Folse. Subjects in the same study represented four sodo·eco· nomlc groups: blue-collar workers, white-<:ollar workers, professionals and people with alternative lifestyles. Evidence faUed to indicate that the professionals possessed a significant· ly higher degree of self-esteem than the other three groups. How well you perform your work. rather than the nature of your work. is what con· tributes to your self-esteem. 3. True . But only for a man, as evidenced by a study conducted by in· vestigators from Kean College (N.J.). William Paterson College (N .J ) and Fordham University (N.Y.). which showed that feelings of inadequacy tn the love relationship Mhad the most im· pact on the self-esteem structure of males." The study repons that the satisfactory physical relationship factor_ had no self-esteem component for fe· males: that also. unlike the males. fe- males have two sources of self-esteem that are totally detached from their sexuality: social-ability confidence. based on items related to interaction skills and social-acceptance con/I· dence. based on items related to likableness. 4 . True. In studies conducted by a team of behavioral scientists at the University of Queensland (Australia). subjects were divided Into two groups: meditators and nonmeditators. All were subjected to a battery of standard personality tests Results showed medJtators to have a higher overall level of self-esteem than nonmedi- tators. 5 . uue Research both at the University of Massachusetts and at Germany's Marburg University has demonstrated that a person's self. esteem strongly affects the inferences he draws regarding another person's feel Is toward him. The studies showed that persons lacking In self-esteem con· sistently fancied slights when ra.I none were Intended. aalJ QUIPS & QUOTES ARMOUR'S ARMOURY OPENING REMARKS Automodc doo,. fly open At supermarlceu and such . Thev work In aome m111terloua wav Without the illghtat touch. And vet It takes aR confidence And faith I can command To lcup on walking stralght ahead And not 11/t up a hand. Some day, J'm aure, the opener ~n t work. and though I paa From out to In. vou 11 -. a tieene Of blood and broken glcm. -Rlchord Armour 22• 'AMllY WffKLY, Mey 11, 1'e1 GARDEN VARJElY Perfection Is a state .that man Can never hope to gain Because Adam sinned in Eden And started raising CaJn. -Janice J. &leer We the PftJp/e: Each momlng Grandpa tolcu a walk around the backyard before his usual walk 1 around the block. He claims that Its the preamble to his conJtltutlonal. -George Bergman COMMAND PERFORMANCE This is true. We witnessed It In one of the aisles of broken dreams In our supermarket. A man was pushing a cart containing a screaming, thrash- ing, bouncing boy baby. The man kept repeating such admonldons as "Don't yeU, Brian." and "Keep calm, Brian. Don't get excited, Brian." A woman standing next to him said, "You certainly are to be com- mended, young man, for trying to soothe your son, Brian." The man looked at her and Mid, oh ao soberly, "Lady, I'm Brian." -Al Batt . I ----.._ Onty 1 mg tar Saft Pict: 1mg "ta(.'0.1 mg nicotiM-100'1: 4 mg "t•C0.4 mg nicutin11Y.Plf cigarma by FTC Method. L • ,..---------SATISFACTIOll CUAIAl!TUO-MAIL couro" TODAY?---------~ OLD VILLAGE 8HOP, Dept. Vll-M32.MO Popi• atreet, Hanover, Pa. 17311 Pleest rush _ pn .. of Jht Cenuint leatlltr ''WlllC·Tlp Brorue''(a) for the amuJn1 tow price of f11st $19.81 pr. plus $2.90 post111 and Mn· DDfNT NAME illln1 Oil full l'llOlltY-blCk llllfUtM. '" ----------- 0 SAVI MHll Otdtr two p1lra lot Just $311.00 ADDttESS plus $5.00 llOIUI• alld hlndlin1 on same ------------ monty,Oacll llllllftlM. CITY _ -P'L Bliek (M2719818) Size/W1dlfL._ ------------- -PIS. 8ro1¥11 (M271999B) Sltt/Wldt"---STATE -------ZIP ---CMQll IT1 0 Amtfic111 Eaprtss 0 Diners' Club 0 Carte Blanche 0 VISA u Master Ctwoe O Chee~ M•t 1nd 1tnd ~ lot • yt1t'1 111bter1p- tlo11 to our fvll-colot cat11ol of lllM 111tS. (VUl996UJ Wt 1h111 w1th111 4 hout1. Any Cle· 111' 1101ifltd promptly. Dtllvery 1u111ntHd within llO d1ya. Acc't No. Exp. Datt ---- Ellc~stdis._ ____ _ --------------·Q:> Old \llllllll'I ..,, 1•1-----------:----- • Amerk.M Mllde GENUINE LEATHER only$19.88 save 81. 76! 2 pr.. 838.00 _, • 0..: Wing. Tip Stying • PtoelctMt Sam Well • °'8ble Molded Sole. ...... . • ~*>R:wd ...... n. hullcy. hlndlorM ~ newr loo6led bcner1 The qualMy Ind comton -. bulll In Jot yan ot~ Mldng! All at far a lhlin it. prlca charged by fency !NI\ •• lhopl! J\111 check II lhllf i.tw.! The ttJll\lted lather UPPIJ IJtl your foot Ike • ~ ... pefil Ind wlng-4lp sdlcNng l1lAM IC• clwk. 5crong. lolble molded comrpOlllklt1 dr and hell CUlhlon cwry Alp. tW I NINott«1 for atppOft Ind dur.t>llily. AolTn well .Ida mr• protldkll1. Nylon IAc:es ra61t toll. lldd. oil. Cobbler craftold In lhc U.S.A. Step on IC ... don't mill out on ttw ~value of it. ~w' .._ •• ..._ 7. 711. 8. 8"'. 9. 9"i. 10. 10\ot. 11. 12 WWdia: C. D. E. C.....: e&.ck Ot Brown ElbB fllJl:A&! SHEJP. H•novtt, '•· 17331 r-- - - - - - -SATISFACTION .GUARANTEED-ORDlR TODAVI -- - - -- - -'1 I llMOYU "°'"· ..... U-4471, Mt ................ ,. "'*' . I I Kllldly rwh _ Ubrlrr looka .. C•l Cl35Sl21) 11 CUlll m o Amtrica11 [Jpttu O VISA I 1111 •matlnc tow Pflct of Ofl:l is ... t1ell pl111 o cam llllldlt o Dl11t11 Chlll c Muter caro 1 I n::r::..c:-J..'rr.wr.::s:. ~~:r.~ ::::~:t. Met. *· llp. Datt--' 1 will mum tor 1 lull rtlund ol 1111ttllase Orict. PlllWT NAME I I 0 SAVE! Order TWO for Just SUI plus $3.50 ADOllUS ------------ 11 0 C'v't ~f·Onlef TitllEL for Jun $1UI plut CITY STATL-Z,, ', U ,00 post. l lldl.. ::J Cfltc• flttt end Miid 50C for ,.,,., lllbtal.- 1 O UV£ $7.541 Ordlt rou11 lookcu11 for tu1t lion to our fint cat.lot of unique and prKtlc11 I I $15.99 phia $8.50 poat. l hdl1. mtrch111di1t, (l3H932X). Wt •hip within 48 I (nclOtedbclMc:klll'montyOrdtrlor$ hou111 Clt!•Y• riotlfttd pt0mplly. Oellwry IUtr· l C'A rftlC1t11t1 tdd U IH IHI tnlltd witllln eo dap. I -------------~*no-..r~-1~-------------AN AMAZING FURNITURE BUY! )..._HOLDS COMPLOt ENCYCLOPEDIAS!~f Thia Cu1tom Walnut Woodgrain Library Bookcase .... '-.......... lnftMtnl Here is your "buy-oC·a·lifetime"! Now you cao have that c:xpcnsi\'c, warm wel· nut look at a fraction of the c:051 you'd Clq)«t to pay in fine forni111rc stores. This sturdy l·tier library book.cue ~ constructed of • new process \Uptt· sirooa modular K.tk!tboard and GUAR· ANTEED ne\'er lo u11 or bul11c even under the hnvlest load! Here 11 la•t i• a bcauliCul w~ to display your favorite boob and encyclopcdlM or th~·ex· quisite collector's hems you've been sav· ins. And ... because of the qualily worlunamhJp. dun1ble com1ruction 1unl rich walnut -~ sraln ... nobody bul you wW ever know or even l\JC)S that you paid so little for so much. So let yoonclr IO ... order several. they m:di.c perfect room diYiden. And with the tremendous savi~. Ju~t think ... you can now 80 out and buy th~ fa\'oritt' boob you've bttn meanina to own . ......, ....., ...U.it c.a ... ., ••arantu We late audl pride In 1he ~rcllandosc •r o«u that we're a>mpleteb' confldcftl In otrCrini chi• NO.LIMIT IUUI DI«: II at an) lfme )'Oii .,. not 11Udled for 111y rrll\On whatsoevtt with your order, plo-c '"""' l« a full rtfuod of )'Our pun:baw !'ri«. A Wilfted CUMOmtt b our lfHttsl ttward. HllMW tom, Mllt'ftr, PA t1U1 IDf."L FOR HOME, OFFICE. DENl CHILDREN'S ROOMS Lcl's fact 11 ••• every home or office oetds mort' SIOf'Dft 'PICt. And w'iat more bc1u1iCul way is there tu fH'O•ide th~ •pact in :iny room. than ""ith this h:ind-ome lihr:ir,r bookcaw. T~ overoll )i/c iv n h11ac 2.. by 21 " deep, :ind will c~ily hold two complete encyclopedias. A•wmhltt usily in 'ICCOnds with no tooh nccd•'<I. Order right aw•y wltile our •uppl~ la.\t. LJIKARY IOOKCASE(Z353UI) SUI ,,......... Sltlep Oil , .. Or Men! They're 1reat In pelrs or as alibi c.t1rcorntf a btrt soot In your home or office. or divide • room lht smart decorator w1r. Even place them btclt to back with more tt:tn ont. 1111 usn 111 endless. And here's how to save more: •TWO ftr t111J UM • TMIEl ftr _., $U.a • FOUll ftf""' $1$.M (Ttl IM $7.S4) L SO~T SIZZLING SE:NS~TIONt\L THf CIAPHIC f'ltlNT lHIY lOUNGH .•. ablue with the colors of a tropical sunser. Striped and su~r·1mposed w11h flora from a h1nrasy rain· forest. The essence of life on the easy side, w11tr seductive sl11, s1de-~m pocket, a trio of bu11ons to the front z1p~r. Created for casual hos- tessln& covering up at poolside, sipping P11\a Coladas on the patio. Absolutely undemanding in washable aceta1e/nylon terry that packs up per- fectly to follow the sun. Yellow/orange or Blue/ green. Slz.ei S(8-10), M(12·1-4l, l(16-1B). (M218164), SALE! '1988 FIR~T EDITION~~ Fuhlon As Spec1 .. 1 As A Rare Firsl Folio H1nov.r, P1. 17])1 r------------------------, I f1lST WITIONS, Dept. JM-7SS6, 340 PoptM St., Hvtovef, PA 17331 I I Kindly Hnd -Terry loun1erl5) (M2181641 I I for 1u11 sa.-each plus S1.SO e.ach posu1e PRINT NAM I and handllns. I 0 SAVE! Order TWO loun1er1 for jun ADORES I I aa. plus Sl.75 pst1. & hdl1. CITY I Slze(t) and Color<•>--------1 CHAaGf rT: 0 American bpren 0 Visa STAT ZIP I I 0 DI Cl b 0 C Bl ch C Chtck 11«1 alld Miid ~ for 1•r'1 IMlllwlp. I nen u arte an e llOll to t11r Clblot o1 flH !Nita' .,..,11 111111 I 0 Mailer Charge ecc-ltt (~. we 1111, wltlll11 41 I A ..,t ,..,_ d t houri! d•lan 11otJllM prOfllllll). Otll••r)' llllf· I c.. no • ...,. a e 111tMC1 wttfilll IO *"· I L~~~~s~:~~"::~:~---~!~=~=----J . --· ··--· ·--, ... --- ----------------------------------- '1QT IOfTIQM., ~ Jlll-7Ul, SolO ..._ snec. "-·,A 1m1 "'-•M ruah .... Crlllll .. ~ TOll(tl (M23"tl) n CllAAU Ill C "-•IUn [•P<tH .J You lllcliutaf llelow. Oii F111! MoMy lack ~·••tff c Ollltrl Chlllt 0 Cert• llancM c Mn I tr Clllr1t 'l'our chol" of •1ro11tant colon: a 0rtnc1 o ~ a 'l'•llow .J , • ..,,, AGc'l llO. [Ip date -- 0 [Jl(loMd la I cc h•c• 0< ,.._, orlltrl Yttl I want to llvtl lellcl .... OM TOP for Jutt 111 II ,.INT w•M[ __ plua $1 .25 POii.ait 1114 ll111c1t1111. "" Color __ _ ADOllESS ------ Yu! I Wint to .. ,,. $4.001 Se"4 mt two TOPS for CITY _____ _ Jiii! $19.71 pl111 Wi -tap INld lllfld1t111 STAT£_ ,., __ _ Colon ------.:i CM<' ...,, 1fld Miid 50t for '""' 111t11Crlpl1on Yu! I ••llt '° Uft fl.001 Seed.,.. tllrtt !Oji• tor to 0111 utalot of ,. .. l1Gt11• •~rtl tllcl K Cll· joist 121.54 ,. ... SJ.JS ....... lfld Mlldllnc. IOI ... (MJl9tsall Wt 1h1p Wt1hrll " hourt, lie l•JI eoltlltd prOfllC)11J. Oelt.,ry IW•••tHd within Colon - _ _ IO U,... L-------------· ~ ,.,,, rd1t~ns, '•'-------------- -100% PUii( Crinkles Go All Out ~~fl j To Top It Off In Colors ~ G1uze ... becluM 11'1 got It 111. Vivid color ... Mn111ional ltyle ... freah texture ... 11atural cool- ne11. The llbuloualy ftowlno 1h1pe m•"-• It HIY over city 1klrt1 or ccwntry jeant-1nd ...,.rytf'llng In be._nl S.autllully dealgMd with gentle g1ther1 1ottly epraylng out 10 1 rippled hem. Self binding 1M1nder1 Into tin at 1he b1red etlt bo1tnecll 1nd puahup 11eeYM. 11'1 lhe perllct yeer-round OYerblouN, reedy to pertc up the 1plr1t1 of 1nyttllng you -•r ft with. Cool. wlllh- 1ble 100% hand·IOOIMd cotton-only the COIOl'9 ere werml Orenoe, Red1 Yellow or Purpfll. In OM HIY ,,,. to nt ail. OU" GUAMNTH II ~" are llOI IMolut.ly detlahted wltrl '°"' ... _ "°"· 11mpl)' mu"' " to ..,. wttnl" t4 d.,. Of receipt ror • prOfllpt, lull reh111d Of purdl-price. "° q-11-H-•dl ne llMlf'I , .. -.y, tllt """ p1111ve1 Two tor sgae only 11 THREE ::~ sa ~~ ONE a':,~ 511 88 ~EDITICTK · "-wr,ftA17U1 I ····················--------------------------~--~-~-~-~--~-~-~--~--.............................. ·: II The Jumpsuit-Now Weat It Evetywhete By Rosolyn Abrevaya T he jumpsuit has long been a staple of science fiction and daring-young-men·ln·thelr-fly- lng-machlne movies, but this year It has landed smock in the middle of the fashion 1eene. In Its many vari- ations and fabrics, the jumpsuk Is bid· di~ for "most versatile" status. This season there's a jumpsuit to serve y0ur every mood and attlvlty, whether you 're the sporting kind or enjoy frequent candlelit evenings out. The jumpsuit actually dates back to World War U and, as Its name Implies. was worn by parachute troops and adopted by civilians for sJ)eedy dress- ing during air raids A spirited Winston Churchill was a fashion har- binger in those days as he swept about in his "siren" suit. Until recently, only models. movie stars and women with great figures could wear jumpsuits. But the good news Is that flt is no longer a problem. Most jumpsuits now have an elasti- cized waistline -or no waistline at aJI. a dvertleiment Top designers this season are tum· Ing out jumpsuits in elegant, after-five sUhouettes or directing their talents toward Innovative sports looks or de- signs with a bit of fantasy thrown in. ''The jumpsuit, In beautiful ,ersey febrics, Is superb for evening," says designer John Anthony. He believes it tuls a void in a woman's wardrobe. especially If she wants to look dressy but not too formal when going out for dinner and dancing. Perry Ellis, one of the newer talents among American designers, believes the jumpsult's popularity can be traced to Its one-piece design. "Not only does it make a woman look taller and slimmer, but It's comfortable and easy to wear," he states. Designer Dianne B has shown )Ump- suits conslstendy for the last few sea· sons. "A woman can slip on a jump- suit and, with a smart belt and some 1eweJry, she's au put together ... says Dianne. "And, In the summer. a )ump· suit can go from the seashore to din· ner effortlessly," she adds. Betsey Johnson. a veteran design- Smart piped jumpsuit In Cre•lan and cotton. Bv Fe/co Sport, USA. er with a flair for fantasy, doesn't fall short In designing )umpsuits. She re- ports that two of her current best-sell- Ing styles feature elasticized harem- type pants, one with a Victorian U·neck bodice and long. leg·o-mut- How To Add 20 To 40 Pins To Your Bowling Average-GUARANTEED! -by Andy Carter Frankly I'm not sure of 1hr 1t•r.hn1cal Spe<:l&l 10 NtUooal p,_ . . reasons that my liowlrng lmprovrmr•nl From ~lS moment on, forget every-method works so wPll-ll just dot:,. ll's a thing you ve ever read or beeo told about simple new way 10 "smarten up" your improving your bowhng 1kll1 and P.nJOY· techni~ue. ment-because .almost overnight you can I'm thr llvin11, brealhing proof 1hat my add 20 to 40 pm~ to your 1verage. personal method works. It works for Sound ~mpo111ble? women. too. A friend of my wifl''s who Well, 111 not! bowl1 in the local womrn's lca11uc• trircl Let me explain. my plan and brought up her avero11r (rom Quite by accident I stumbled onto the 133 to J64. real method o( bowling 1ucce11-and I Now thet may seem like a boast. but Improved my own bowling average by I want to assure you thal sending mn lO 32 pins. dollar1 for my personal method is the And, Im going lo ask you to send me smarteat thing you've ever done. 10 dollars for th1t method, even though . It's only 1 few minutes worth of reading Because, If you an anything llke I used mater11l. I hope to make it 10 appealln1 .I', be-you are being robbed or "1e real that you'd be crazy not to do It.' ~ ~le11ure1 of bowl~ng. What difference doe1 It make ir It takes fail im .. lne bow much moN fan bowl· you only a few minutes to learn the Ins would be Ir yoa almolt alway1 b.it the method-IC It workt7 l ·J pocket-if yoa picked up dte 1·10 tpUI And suppose, I'm 10 sure that my bowl-mGN tliaa hall dte tlJM:-ll yoa b&rdly ing Improvement method wlll work for ever lutd an Opell fram-.f you HftllP YOU too-that I'll make you an ironclad. eoancl 29-40 plaa. oo-ntlt guarantee? Here la that guarantee My peraonal method will do all thia for My penoaal matJaod MUST improH you-and more-or it won't coat you a yoar ~· avanp by at Jnat 20 single penny. Fair? But now back to me. pla.-or Hild It b1ck. Your money wlU be For year• 1 struggled to improve my N lunecl tlaat vary day. I'll nen retuni averqe. I tried everything J 'could-prac- llM !DOH)' II coet to ,.twa tlM metbod.. llced two or three tlmea a week (when I Sorry, but I can't tend my peuonal could afford lt)-bought expensive ahoea method and bill you later, or aend It C.0 .0 . and aven my own personal bowling ball. That taku too much bookkr.cplng and ft'• None of theee helped me one bit. a bother. A.ad MJW•Y I'• about to sin Then I discovered my personal method JC* .... , you've ~ Mll'CILlal ro,_ of bowlin1 Improvement-the real "aecret" foolproof, easy way to .. , llON alrik• that improved my average 32 pins. ud pick mp .. ,. .,.,.. ti.at'• abeolalal1 I dJd better dla I ... r ttio.pl po111"t p1raet-4 to wcntt •r '"' .. .,. ~ -a.,rond .. ,. i. J .. 1 a COllple of w..U wttt.o.t ~or......... tMt I Md la mon ..._ twe ,...... • It's a real pleuure to ao bowllq no~ to have the thlrd-blahett 1ver1ae ln our local league-to be the anchor man OD my teem-never to choke up under pre•· sure-to have the reaular thrill of 11tt1na at le11t one turkey every tlma I bowl-to ton sleeves: the other preening a strapless, corset-type look coming to a pointed ballerina waist. The variety of Jumpsuits Is endless. They are being shown with plunging neckJJnes. spaghetti straps, halter and camisole tops: wrth short sleeves. long sleeves , roll-up sleeves; ankle length (sometimes elasticized), mid-calf length, knicker length, short-short Fuhlon Tips 1. Do check for proper fit Be sure the jumpsuit does not bind anywhere. that armholes and crotch portion are not cut so deep they actually constrict your movement, and that there's enough material through the legs and seat and across the back not to put a strain on seams when you're active. 2. U you're wide or short-waisted, choose jumpsuits with undefined waistlines, then cinch with a narrow belt 1n the same color or fabric as the Jumpsuit. If you're long-waisted, wear wide belts to make the waist appear higher Ideal now would be a soft wrap belt. 3. If you're narrow-hipped, you11 look good in a jumpsuit with hip pockets or one that is softJy gathered. If hips are too wide. avoid fullness at the hlp~ne, as well as shiny, filmy fabrics and light pants bottoms - which also would tend to accen-f'WI tuate thighs. IAJ have the fllll of knowing that t'm a really good (but not great) bowlerl And I'll show you jull how I did It-In a report I call "The Andy Carter Bowling Improvement Method"-• personal mttbod that I've shared with only a few close frlenda till now. W1Ma YOU follow my ample, euy•t .. ud1rstucl. ea•y·to-follow metJaod, I'll parutee tJaat your anraae wW aoar J .. t as lliae cUd or Y"' ...., l>-ck. I feel certain It makee DO difference whether you are a man or a woman (It worka for both)-whether you are young or old-whether you've taken leuona or not-MY METHOD WILL WORX or It won't coel you a •laPI peaay. There 11 only one way to see If I'm riaht-to aet your guaranteed copy of "The Andy Carter Bowlln1 Improvement Method"-end that'• to order It right now -by mall. It 11 not available at Ill)' etore In the world. And, you might be lntereated to know tJuit It baa been Reglatered and Copy• rlahted with the U.S. Govemmant 10 that thla person.al method cannot be etole.n or copied. furthermore. you can order without • worry ln the world beceuae you are fully protected by thlt Ironclad auarantee. Yoar bowU.1 eftfllP ...t l•pron bJ 21 lo 41 pt.a 01 YOUR MONEY IACK witlieet qalbbla ., q1MetloL So. to get your gual'9ntaed copy of "The Andy Carter Bowllna Improvement ·Mathod" tlmply print the worda "Better BowUns" on I plain piece of rper with your Name, AddreH and Zip . Then 1t· tacb your check. c11h or money order tor Ju.t 110 made peyable to Andy Carter and aend everythina to me right away: Mr. Andy Carter, 185 Crou Street, Dept. AC-lOI. Port Lee, l>lew Jmiey 07024. "---do ii aa aooe u pa ca9-TODAY If ...... ! $1.05 Coupons in this ad S2 .00 Refund by mail Receive Sl.00 cash, $1 .00 coupons 15¢/2 KLEENEX Facial Tisrues. 25¢ KOTEX LIGHTDAYS PantiLlners. 20c KLEENEX HUGGIES Diapers, 25¢ NEW FREEDOM Pads, 15¢/2 KLEENEX 1bwels Just send in 6 (six) proofs of purchase from any 3 diaerent products listed. KLEENEX® Family Size 280's Tissues KLEENEX~ BOlITfQUE~ Facial Tissues KLEENEX' Dinner Napkins KLEENEX• HUGGIES~ Diapers NEW FREEDOM" Pads (Maxi or Mini) KOTEX~ LIGHTDftYS1 PantiLineis KOTEX'* Feminine Napkins 25¢ Donation to your Amertcan Heart Association trom Kimberly-Clark Corporation. 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SAVE 25¢ on KOTEX~ LIGHTDAYS• Pant I liners . . . . . . lli!tll One Couoon "" l'litellaSe Good Only : On llOTD UGNTIWS 'lll!Ulln Allr Oiiier UR IS frm.tlenl : Wt ,_,_...,_.,..,Cllf"•l-~C.,.le2.0.1111$27l4 l•m""' • 111 •as• .. • lill • 111 ta•. Tt •111 Clillll ....... ,. .. ,. t.-s Die ~----llJ.-Alr••~blt i.ca--. .. catlllllhc• ..... _ .............. -----·~ -~ llS1"9111 Wies ta .... 1*111-111! I lat 50 • a.s Cd &lie I ~U IC &; ...,_. •....n ti l'*'t(in r.., Q ICC 1111 •"'140 : 3b000 11~722 ~ 25c . r. OttiR •• equ. -~ ci~est· •• RF~o.iunnn ... d .......... , ...... , ... ~o~;Sl~.·oo~~i ,;~25'· ~1· ... ~II· -~=:·and·.~~:~~ .IO.= .Good ••• ·L·~~.· . °c)ffici~ ·[M~· ...................................... ? : \,Gi)ll 1111uiiu Sl.00 _..... UUIUIC' ""' 11111 A 'l'Our reciutst 11111s1oesuommeo on111is Ollici.11 AellMlO AeQUtSt FOl!ll Theft reoro- o booldet. and &a1d to the American Heart Association OUCttOll '* Of 11tJrchase o11r.s rorm 1s PfOl\lblted casn vllue 1 20tn or one uni 0 Sl 00 In ~ ald "Gulde to the Good Ute'' booklet and send 8 Onlr Pfoducl cooe symbOIS complete w11n numoers ano PfOOllCt 1oen111tca11011 from • Here are SIX (6) IJO()fs of IUChase. 51:25 10 the Alneric3I Hut Association · Ole to1m1119""" PRW:1 ~ies CM1 be acceoteO as nlid DIOOfs 01 ourcnase : including at least one each from '*>DUCT COOi MAIL TO: Good LHa Refll1d Ofler KLEENEX' Tissues F~ Size 280 s • ttree (3) of the following product (-ol Post Office Box 91Krl KLEENEX' BOUTIQUE' Facial Tissues nm.no:·. ..._c:.. .. -St. o-~. M"--... ~ 55198 KLEENEX' Oillner Napkms "'""""' 1Lorr11ow-..-.,...,, .. .,. nui;"""" Klf£HE.X' HUGCIES' 0.•s Kl.EfHEX • ns-flllltf SUI 2*J'L FROM: NEW FREEDOM' Milli Ind/or Ma11 Pads : KLEENEX• BOUTIQUE• Fldlln.-. KOTEX' LIGHTCWS1 P1t11lUners : Name KOTEX' Felldnlne Naoklns • KLEENEX• Ollllr.... 1Pleasepnnt1 C AefunoreQUe$t51!111$tbe~bWS1•161oroo1so1ouu:nue 1nclu<ll11Qa11eu1 • KU:ENEX• HUQGES ~ '*'-'· one eacn from ttwee 13) ot the drllerenl cateoones SllO#n ln AIJle B AOmm Ape # D lm1 of one l'IGllSI '* t• IJOUl)Of ~•oi llucJhQte reauesis constitute l!auo NEW FRE£:00M• -.i ml• Malt P•. e Ollli!f gooc1on1yril!le50 Unreo StateS _, fOf ''"""' oersomei w1111 APO FPO Ill· • llJTEX • UGHTIW'S • Plllll.Jllrl. resses Yokl lWtle!e prollilllCed 011es1t~ D¥ la • llJTEX • r..... .._._ City State Zio F AllOw 4-6 wess IOI maillllQ or fOIJr 1etund • ....,._. IAIQuirld) G Off'O D"llU JUlY 10. 1111. ~ ............. -. ... ~~-C> ICC 1111 OFRR EXPIRES JULY 10, 11111 .. . v • . . . . . . ·······••••••··•·····••·••••····•••••••·······•••···••••••······•···•••···•·•···••·•··········•·······•••••••···•·••••·····•••••·•·•····•·•·•·····••••••••·•·····•·• . -· -... .,~,,""' .,. ri Inmortant news for ultra low tar smokers. Now the MERIT idea has been il1troduced at onlv 4 mg tar-New MERIT : Ultra Lights. A milder MERIT for those who prefer an ultra low tar cigarette. i · New MERIT Ultra lights. It's goti1g to set a whole new taste standard for ~ ultra low tar smoking. I J , MERIT --Ultra Ughts- Only 4mgtar Regular& Menthol 4111g "tar:' 0.4 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by fTC Metflod Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That C1garene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health . ....__ ______ ____,oP~Mordl lnc. IMI MERIT · Ultra Lights : ' ' • r. I l.atl!J Holmes: Shadowboxing The Legend of All Long /lue the Icing : Holmes rejoices as Muhammad Ali con~ answer the bell By Eliot Koplon I maglne you 're the crooner sched · uled next on stage ofter Sinatra's just belled out "My Way " And then imagine not only foUowing some- one so revered. but also having to beat him up. · When you c,,n Imagine that, you can undemand the Ulsk heavyweight champion Larry Holmes faced on the night of Oct . 2. 1980. when he pum- meled his mentor and friend -and one of the planet's authentic Uvlng legends -Muhammad Ali. Aher 10 tortuous rounds. the fight Wa6 mercl· fully ended and Holmes retained his crown. Let's face It -Larry Holmes has a problem. The problem Is a .k.a . Muhammad Ali. "Ah Is a phenome· non." explains spol'lswriter Red Smith. who has covered boxing for over 50 years. "And having to follow hlm ... weD, to a whole generation. Ah ls the greatest thing since girls.'' Ar. Holmes himself declared before the All fight, "All I want to do Is go out there and get the monkey off my back." Has he? Today, Holmes says, "Yeah. the monkey's gone, man. In some people's minds It's still there, but I'm not gonna worry about It 'cause as long as I get paid to do a job, that's all that matters. And I'm doing a helluva )Ob, knocking thOM suckers out.· Al Casey Stengel would aay, you can look It up: The 6-foot-3-lnch, 215-pound Holma has had 37 wtns In 37 fights, 27 by knockout, a 1trtng he hopes to continue In his upcom- ing fight against Leon Spinks. Still. In tM chaotic world of pro boxing. a world of hype and jive and boast. maybe Holmes is too stable a personality. He Is what he is . a quiet guy who likes to stay home with his wlf e and daughter. All fine and good. except Ifs not "The Ro pe·a·Dope. ·· ''The Shuffle,· "The Greatest. - Holmes further contributes to his undefined Image by avoiding the glare of the New York/LA. circuit, living Instead In small, worklng·class Easton. Pa .. his home since he was 6 ''There's not a lot of excitement here In Easton," explains Holmes. sitting In hls office and propping his feet up on the desk. "It's a quiet town where you can raise your kids. Big cities are Just too fast. and I don't want to live fasr I just want to live nice and slow:· If Holmes, at 31 , seems content to sit back and take life easy, It's perhaps understandable. The seventh of 12 children born to John and Flossie Holmes, Lany's done It the hard way His dad left when Larry was In 7th grade and he dropped out of school to shine shoes. work at the car wash and In the steel mills. drive a truck . He loved football ("I could have put Tony Dorsett out of business"). but he real· lud that without a •6ollege degree there'd be no pro career. So he decid · ed that the qu1ckest way out of the ghetto was t() fight his way out of It It was an Idea, however. that Mama frowned upon "I remember he told me he was gonna box, and I said , 'Oh no you're not,"' recalls Aossie Holmes. "But he said, 'Mama. I'm tired of this . I'm going out to make 10me money.'" Today Holma .Is worth In the neighborhood of $3 mWlon -a posh neighborhood Indeed. He's hUi the (oonlln~J Adver11Hment Diamond Earrings, Bracelets And Pendants $5 A!> part of an advenbing pro· gram we will ~nd a diamond bracelet. diamond pendanl. or a "-pair of diamond carringi. to an> reader of lh1s publica1ion who respond!\ to thill nocice by m1d- nigh1 Ju~ 16. for the sum of S5 plu!> Sl.50 \hipping and han- dling each. Each pair of ear· ringi.. bracelet chain. or pen· dant i' highlighted with a I(). faceted Y4 point of genuine dia- mondi.. They will be acrnrn- panied by a Cen1ficatc of Au- then11c 11 y and arc ideal a ' personal jewelry or a!> gift!>. This advcrfoing program " being conducted simulta- neously in ocher publication!>. If you sec it in more than one. please let us know as thi~ in- fonnation 1!> imponanr to u•;. Should you w1 h to return your diamond earrings. braceleh. or pendants. refunds will be promptly made. While this pro- gram ends on June 16. 1f you are able to rc!.pond hy June Q, and you.rcque!>t a 'ct of one each of earrings . braccler and pendant. y()u may request them at a ~pc· c1al price of Sl4 plu' ~I ~o 'hipping and hanJltnl! ()OU ..ave S4 1 There \!olll be: a limn ol l\!oO ~l!! or 6 ind1v1dual ucm' per addre~i.. NtHcque''' \!, 111 ~ ~cepted past m1dn11!ht June 16 Any check' p<>,t-markcd later 1.1. ill be re1urned unca~hcd Please enclo'e th1' original nocke with your requei.t. We will ali.o accept credit card or- der,. Just give u~ the na~ of the card. account number and c11p1ration dare. Or l\e nd appro- priate sum cogethcr with your name and address to: lnttrna- Uonal MoMtary Mint. Gem Program. IHpt. DS-750 •• WO Pike Road . Hun11ngdon V.ille). Pcnni>ylvan1a 19006. r "'' , __ _. ,.._,,. '41M Would You Like A Solid Silver Ingot for $8? As pan of an advertising program we will send a genuine solid silver ingot to any reader of this pub- lication who responds lo this nocice by midnight. June 23. for the sum II SS plus SI shipping and handling. There is no Should you wii.h 10 return your s ilver ingOl!I and chains. refunds 1.1. ill Ile promptly made. While rhi~ pro~ram end<. on funher financial obliga-,..._"''"•'Sh June 23. if you~ able to respond by June 15,and you roque t five ~lid 'l il- ver ingots you may re- quest them at a ~pccial prict of $7 each ltlld we will pay aJI e;hipping and insurance. You save SIO There will be a limit of rion. Each ingot is one gram of solid (.999 fine) silver. II ll 21 mm. ready to wear on a favorite .999 Pure Solid Siha' .... chain If you wouk1 like a match- ing 16 .. solid sterling silver chain. please indicate this when you make your request and one will be included free of charge with each ingot you order. These Ingots are ideal u personal..iewel- r)' or as a ajft. This advertisina proaram is beina conducted si· multaneoualy in other public• dons. If you see it in more than one. please let us know as this information is lmPoriant to us. five solid silver ingots with chain!> per address. No request~ will be accepted pasc midnight. June 23. Any checks postmarked lattr will be returned uncashed. Please en- close this original nocicc with your ~unt. Send appropnate sum toacther with your name and adcl.rqs to: l•..,..doaal Mone- tary Ml•t. Silver Advertising Propam. Dept. DG N · 100. 390 Pike Rold, Huntingdon Valley. Palnsy,vania 19006. ''"'--'"-"'"" l Advel'liHment Advertl ffmtnl Diamond Rings 53 apiece This is not a misprint As part of an advertising pro-ttons. If you sec 11 in more gram we wall give a genuine than one pubhcat1on. please diamond rang to every reader lea us know. as 1h1s informa- of this publication who reads 11on 1s helpful 10 us. Should and responds to this printed you wish to return your d1a· notice before Midnight, June mond ring you may do so at 15. for the sum of S3 plus SI aov 11me to the address below shipping and handling. There and receive' a full refund. 1s no further monetary obli-1 L1m1t 6 rings per address gation. [Each ring contains a (please do not request more genuine .25 pt diamond and than 6 rings). No request will will be accompanied by a be accepted after June 15; Certificate of Authenticuy to your uncashed check will be that effect.) This advertising returned if postmarked later noucc rs being placed s1mul-than that da1e. Complete and taneously in other pubhca· mail Request Form promptly r--DIAMOND RING REQUEST FORM--, M•ll to: ASERNATHY • CLOSTHER, L TO .• OiaJ9ond Rine Pro.,.na, Dept. 61l-'8. Bos 1310, Westbury, New York 11590 I am responding before June IS. Please send me the genuine d1a· mond ring(s) indicated below: 0 I rang for $3 plus SI sh1ppmg and handling. 0 2 rings for S6 plus $2 sh1pp1ng and handling. 0 4 rings for S 12 plus $3 shipping and handling 0 6 rings for $1 8 plus S4 i.hipping and handling. PlaN 1pedfy •ln for uch rlns: S.•ll (strt 5) IAlllUI MHium (slu •I •AKlKKC>J lllow MAllJ~ llo• -•J' urse (MH 7) •A0U7• ho•_,~ (No more tlaan 6 rinp per •ddrt11 will be permincd.) Total of ... s ____ enclosed. N•me ________________ Apt.•-- Addresa ------------------- Chy State Zip -----L-- --------- -c ,., AO.'"'•~""•C•0tt,..., uo .I I l.atf!I Holmes (continued} title for three years now since de· feating Ken Norton In June 1978. But It was a long time coming, a long time of dark gyms and cold locker rooms and small purses ln places like Scran · ton. Pa., and Pensacola, Aa. ~ he says, leaning forward, "People think La.ny Holmes got to the top over· night. It didn't happen overnight. It took 14 years. Nobody gave me any· thing. I did the httttng and I took the shots. My jaw's twtsted ; my hand's been ,broken; my arm's gone ou1 of place. St1JJ, guys say, 'You're getting X mUllon to fight this guy.' They forget the S65 paycheck for my first fight or the $100 for my second. I made $900 one year. Everything I got, I earned." Ironically, It was All who helped him earn It, by taking Holmes on as a Larry • oorlte hobby II horsing around with daughter Kandy Larle and wife Diane. sparring partner In the early 1970's and getting hlm prehmlnary fights before his own bouts. And Holmes's gratitude toward All put him In an emotional vise during their fight. He knew All h&d nothing from the start, and though he jokes now that "$5 million makes anything easy," he teemed truly tom throughout the ftght. When It was ftnaDy over, Holmes ran across the r1ng, tears In his eyes, hugged All and whispered, "I love you." But of course, It was All, even In defeat, who grabbed the head11na when he claimed that a steady d1et of diet pl11t -not the fluny and1fury of Holmes'• ftstJ -had sapped his strength ... Everybody needs an ex· cuse," shrugs Holmes. "If he'd beaten me. I'd have said I was sick. All the other ftghten do It, I guess, but no. I never thought Ali would have to." Holmes has leam«d a few things from All'• follies. For one. unlike Ali's huge entourage of hangerJ·On, who've robbed him of predous 11me and money, Holma keeps onJy a lmall clrde of advtsen, mostly family, old &tends and, more and more, pro· _motet Don King. And Holme• has In· vested Mlely. h's doubtful you11 see him fighting strictly because he needs cash , doubtful you11 see him taking on a sumo wrestler as All did In 1976. 1"he Interest alone on my money will take care of my family , thei' f amiJy and then theit family , too," says Holmes. That Interest is Indeed sizable, and Holmes has spread the wealth around . "I paid over Sl mllbon In taxes last year," he boasts. "And I remember where I came from . I don't have amnesia." He helped keep the Easton Boys' Club afloat and recently built a $150,000 training center for youngsters and a disco In town. As for his famUy, at least five brothers work for him In some capacity, and Mama doesn't mind net boy's choice of VOCll· tion so much anymore -Larry buUt her a new house. Holmes's father died a decade ago, and Larry reflects, "He knew I was a boxer but never saw me-fight. And sometimes I wonder, What would he think of hls son If he knew he was heavyweight champ." j Holmes also recently built a z $500,CXX) dream house on 21/2 acres 1 oubide <:A town for his w'ie. Diane, and I their infant daughter. Kandy LArie. (Holmes has two older daughters &om a ~ rela~ who live In Easton with their mother.) The palatial showplace features a flve<.ar garage. nlne ~throoms and, something even All would envy, an Indoor swtromlng pool shaped take a boxing glove, with a Jacuzzi bulh Into the thumb. "I've always been a loner." Jays La.ny. "Even as a kid, everybody had a real buddy-buddy, but not me. And that's why I built this house. I can just m y home with my famUy and relax. go in the pool, the steambath, the sauna. )ust do whatever I want and not have to go out." -• Still In his prime, Holmes Is talking retirement, perhaps as early as the end of this year. He has bttJe left to prove, and the only opponent who might give him a decent tut ls Gerry Cooney -a matchup that's being discussed for September. Whether Larry Holmes will ever get hll due as a boxer Is doubtful. Red Smith, for one, says he'll go down In pugilistic lore "near the top ol the sec· ond rank of heavyweights, along with Max Schmeting, Jack Sharkey and Jim Braddock" Fine fighters all. but not Dempsey, not Louls, not Mar· clano. Not All. But fni.nklv. Hoines ls unconoemed. He may finally realiie that Ali's shadow will always loom, but that as shadows go, maybe It's not too bad. And, as he points out, "I have my prlorttle$, the things that keep me going." Those are simple enough to decl· pher. Before the All fight , Holmes taped a large, hand.prtnted sign to the waD of hll hotel suite. The sign read: ARST: MY WIFE. MY CHILDREN . MY FAMJL Y. MY HOUSE. 1111 P.S. MY POOL. ILt FINE MEN'S WEAR SINCE 1945 Mr. Shop "The Perteet Olft For Or.ta & o.dl., THE MON OGRAMMED ALL-IN-ONE SIHRT NOW ·1'6.88 ~ 2 For $32.00 Offer Good For A Limited Time Only • Free Monogremmlnv • FrM Po.tage •Free Handllnv • &ty Car• • Handlome Styling • Guaranteed Work1n11mhlp • 100% Cotton Lining • 100% Polyester Shafi • 4 Gr .. t F11hlon Colors FOR FAST PERSONAL SERVICE Call 1-308-532-7882 Chari• Ordu1 Oi.111 r----------------------------------1 The Mr. Shop Indicate Color, Size 1 Box 264. OgaJlala , NE 69153 R-N I ...., avy Wte. Brn. 1 Print Name ......................................... .. I I I I I: Address. . ........ .. •. ......... .. s M l X·l I City. ..... State •.. Zip I I I: I Visa Or Mas~er Card I . .. .............. . lnltlale [3 Maximum] I .___ ........ I _ ....... I __.I ! Signature ........ . • Nebraskans Add Sic SaJe11 Tax Per Shirt ~ Checlc :..::: Money Order : ._ _ ~d~i~o~a: ~~~~se-~~~l~ ~~ _____ ~_:~a~~ :_ar~ _____ J Presenting ... "~nrman R.nck\~ell" Collector's Plate Faltlllwl r.11 caler re,ndttet'9w .. ........ ~u. ,.,al•I• Dia..-... , ..... ........... W' SPECIAL PllE-PUILICATION PRICE. NOW ONLY sgu Aft• ,.wkatS- tlate. t~ twtce el till• , .. ,, wUI ,.,... .. a.114.tl. "Helpin1 Mother" Thie is your opportunity to own • .. aulne A .. rtcaa collectible at 1 eurpri•lnaly affordable pre-publication price. N..,...,, Rockwtll It t ... 11 .. 1.loved -1 le· Yo11r telloltctlon It , ... ,.,.1 .. d. or your mOfter -u•. 11M1 1110•1 widely col'-<ted Acacrklft beck .,tlll of 111 t1111e £11101 tlllt uCA1pt-•I v1lue .. order ao•I Now, the 6ttrlli.a Tl'u111rr proudly P"Hntt C&&DIT CAaD CUITOMUI CAU. 1111. r.11.,rul. <1111 tolor ,..rroc111cllo11 or hi• • rou..raa , .... .u.-aeu 1ai.aa.w _.. .. slonout 1tld louc:hlne •Ot ol 111, "Holplfll .. -------------------------Moti..r,• • ' TIM boftd ol tllteUOfl aitd "'l*I belw1e11 I ITUUNO Tt&AMJI Y. °'r.' Nfl-2090 I chlld a11d P•rtnt It t recumee the-Ii. No"""fl I Sltrll"I llulldlns. C11·ntrvll o, N.Y IOIU I Roekwt'll't worh. Nofte llh111retH tblt •11bf«t I v ... I would llh IOOWll lhlt "N_ .. Rockwell" 11 wllll ••" -r1111h Hd b.euly lbH "Helpl111 1 Collector'• Pl••• ,1 11111 •-l•I _. 1t11bltullOt1 Motlwr." .--...... Tiii• bH11lll1I peh111t111 ol 1 boy olf•nnt 1111 I pnc:. ! ktt• tyt1l1ht end ttHdy IMi.d to h tl1f 1>11 I PlttMHnd1M--plo\euloalylt.taMch I 11\0i.,., .,.ob 9'0f9 tloq11mtly ollove. th•n•nr I pl111 SI so eecll for po11e,. Hd heridll"I I wCH'dt ever could. I !lotl-d 11 1 I W1n11 Hr1h1HH or .............. browll nd '• CHAR CB IT: D VIM c ...... re.rd •, 10ld ll'f tlroftl tlld c1"r oa 1lu•llll whllt ~·•la. 1' Clrd. •, · Tiii• ·w,,. ... Rockwtlr' colltclor'• plat• h • 111 1,.. tl'lb•I• ,. I .. •trtq1h ., , ... "-ri<ll• 11111111 .. , I I Volt t••lly wlU •ht ra •• ltt bta11tr ror , .. ,.. lo I NIMf ce... Addreu I A .. ri•l·•v•btNd urtllk•I• of .. 111a..tlclt'-11 Qtr ,, 11 ,_, wllllo aocll "No,,...11 11.ocloweU-collte:tor • pletr ,... °'*' i S1~1t Zip I .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------------------------' - • PRD HILP C•Lml NOTH IN DIQUTION From the new book Cele - Ir's estimated that some 23 brlty Trlulo by Edward million Americans suffer Lucalre. here are a few tidbits from digestive disorders -we bet you didn't know: ulcers, gallstones, constipa-Young Marlon Brando used tion, heartburn and the like. to stray so frequently on the Aware of their misery, the way to kindergarten that his American Digestive Disease sister had to take. him to class Society last year established on a leash .. Comedian Lou Gutline, a phone-In service 1------------.------------.-----------_... Costello loaned Dean Martin that enables the public to ask doctors questions on these disorders. The service is cur· rently avadable In three cities. But this week, you can reach Gutllne toll-free from .zmywhere In the country. From Sun- 800- 223- 0292 day through Wednes - day. you can caD be- tween 11 A.M and 2 P.M. (Eastern Time) and then again from 4 P.M. to 8 P .M. (E.T.) The number is 800-223--0292. One of a rotating group of gastroenterologists will discuss symptoms and problems in general but will not c:Jfer a personal diagnosis or pre- scription. Nor will the doctor's name be disclosed (to protect him from charges of soliciting business). SAl'rl"Y Sl!COND dreaded blackjack") NOT .SAFE clstms about 400 members. Including Steve Allen and 16 U.S . Congressmen and three Senators who prefer anony- mity. Concludes Lowder- milk, "Anything can be dangerous If you follow it down an extreme path. These regulations began with a noble purpose, but the bureauaacy made them into collective dumbness." For information. write: NOT-SAFE, Box 5743. Montecito. CaUL 93108. THI! Ml!DIUM IS THl!MmssAGIE The latest way of saying Happy Birthday -or words to that effect -Is a New York City service called Strip- A-Gram, and it's taken off so . fast that branches are due soon throughout the country. For $80, Stnp-A·Gram will send a man or woman dressed as a party guest, of- fice worker, etc .. to deUver a surprise greeting: $150 Having conduded that ~~~~till America Is being buried under a morass of Gov· emment regulations and safeguards. Dale Low- dermilk has decided to ~ht back -with sattre. So last year he founded NOT .SAFE. the National Organization Taunting Safety and Fairness Everywhere. Lowdennilk's purpose is twofold: "To get people into the politk:al process and to have a little fun." ---'• Alcl\MI hnnelt HIPPOCRITIC OATH? Many American doctors have been accused of be· Ing callous technocrats - highly skilled physicians with Uttle regard for their patients. to med school now is strictly de- pendent on grades and test scores." he says "Volunteer work Is considered merely an orna· ment to your , , " resume And the cau5e may he in our medical education sys- tem , suggests Charles LeBaron, a third-year stu-HOW MUCH dent at Harvard Medical IS THAT DOQQll'. School. whose new book, DOW Gentle Vengeance, sensi· IN TH• WIN ? tively chronicles his first year To an adult. Inflation might of study. According to mean putting off that new LeBaro n , med students car. To a chUd . it might mean hardly ever see patients one fewer comic book. and rarely discuss So-called "kidfla · the humanistic 1111111 tlon" IS viewed as aspect of heal-I chUd's play by Ing. Instead \? many adults. they are re-f but it's serious quired only to S business both me m or I z e I for kids them· reams of com-~ selves and plex chemical manufacturers fonnulas. vying for the When stu -$45 billion dents finally do yo~ers aged see patients. it's 6 to 16 spend ohen In gruel· annually. And Ing, 36-hour hospital shifts. since every nickel Increase In "Patients may be compla in-the cost of typical kid Items Ing of pain -either real or means huge percentage lmogined -and aU you can leaps. kldflation has In some think about \s going to cases outpaced the aduh sleep," says LeBaron, add-variety. Ing, "And I think this imper-WhUe adults often get sonality is carried over when cost-of·llving raises, children, doctors enter private prac-whose chief source of in· tlce. It's hard to ditch be-come ls usually mom and havlor learned over a dad, are losing out. "The decade." money kids earn hasn't LeBaron, who began med changed much over the past school at age 34. aher 10 seven years," notes George years working In inner city Mosch15. a marketing pro · cUnlcs, suggests admitting fessor at Georgia State. students to med school only "And many parents are after they've gotten practical making their kids go out and experience In dealing wtth work or else do household sick people. "Being admitted chores for their allowance." E Peul Lantdele the money for a nose pb. Cher has a tatoo of Oowers on her derriere. . Charlie Chaplin o nce entered a Charlie ChapUn look-abke contest -and came In third ... Johnny Carson's first stage appearance was as a bumble bee In a grammar school health pageant.. John Wayne once won Las· sle In a poker game ... One of Robin WUllams's pet lizards is named Truman Capote be- cause "it has no neck." -Eliot Kaplan BIRTHDAYS (Sun.-Wed .. Tawus. Thurs.- Sat., Gei'nini) Sunday - Sugar Ray Leonard 25. Monday -Perry Como 68. Pernell Roberts 53; Reggie Jackson 35. Tuesday - David Hartman 46. Wednes- day -Jimmy Stewart 73; Cher 35; George Gobel 61. Thunday -Raymond Burr 64. Frlday -Laurence Ollvler 74. Saturday - Rosemary Clooney 53; Artie Shaw 71 D•Vld Hartnuan, Char To that end, he proposes such tongue-ln-<:heek regula- tions as providing free psy· chotherapy to dogs being housebroken ("for the trauma"): banning hot dogs ("Half of chUdren 's deaths under the age of 12 are from choking, and In 'Is of the cases, hot dogs aN the cul· prtt"); and forbidding the elderly to ploy bingo ("eould lead to poker or even the brings two strippers, either of ~----------.,_ _________ __..,_ _________ --1 the same sex or a male-fe- male combo. It's all above- board. too. The strippers, as· pb1ng actors and dancers, show no fuU nudity and offer no sexual service$. Nonethe· less, It was r~d that a Strtp·A-Gram delvered dur· Ing a MaSion of the New York Stock Exchange stop~d tndtr\g for 15 minuta. • Taste in a low, low tar. Come experience it! Warn ing: The Surgeon General Ha s Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Ki9: 3 1110. •11r; 0.3 mg. nicoliw 1¥.1* cigntte, FTC Report ......, • llO Sa 5 1J1t. •11r; 0.8 mg. nico1i1e "'·is c:iglnal by FTC Mtlhod. c "°'*"'!. u s A., 1911 'I. ... .. ·- L i This handy walnut-finished 1 BOOK RACK FREE w~en you preview The New Encyclopaedia Britan_nica 3 For over two hundred years. the old idea of the encyclopaedia remained the same. But now. to meet the demands of our changing world with its vast amount of information ... """"there is Britcmni< u J. This is a completely re-designed ency- clopaedia. It is written in clear, readable language ... the language of today ... so that even the most complex subject~ become much easier for your children to understand. What makn Britannica 3 unique? Britannica 3 is more than an encyclopaedia. Ifs a revolurionary Home Leaming Center ... America·s only encyclopaedia arranged into three distinct pans. I. 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It's a fully-featured knife, 4" long, with a barrel and bolsters forged from a massive block of solid brass. And handles are rivited to the body to give you a safe. sure g~. The blade is razor-sharp, hand honed stainless steel, 3¥4'' lonQ. And, it's prob- ably the safest folding knlfe ever made. ~ .. .......... ............ ........ RETAIL VALUE $1.99 When you snap open the blade, a spring-steel bar locks the blade in place. It simply can't be closed until you release the lock. This is the knife for hunting and fish- ing, f()( ca'!'ping._,for just pl~ cutting up around the ho<J&e. Simllir knrves seU for up to $25, and this exact same knife Is nationally advertised for dollars more than our IOw $6.99. And, if you order now, we'll even engrave your initials FREE In a solid brass plate on the side of the knife. #71217 Htlllti .. bite ......... 2/$12.• F,t.MILY WEEKLY. May 17 llllll ~~-------------------................. ...... Trim Tough Toenails· Even Ingroavll'Nails • QuicJC, Safe, These spec1a1 toenail IC•SSOfS ,,.II. 1!•1•1 l·O·n·g shanks lot eatra i.verage to you can cul tne tougr.esi roena•ts ealllly af'd aaf P( TOUO" WtQtCal.quallly steel anO nttfTow blllOe Easyf Oftl<,jn !els you get to sens.trve SOOI• wnnout 1mtat•nv 1•un even get 1n unoer ingrown 1oena~s to rembwe them qO!Ckly UN these toe"al1I ICIUC)f'I IOI r99lJlat tnmmtngs Ind you may never be bolrtefed by ~ tnQfOWl'I toen•la •"' Great lor pe0eu11 manieure and Oll'ler hOuMll040 uses Tough SIMI won I bend°' b<Hk blades Slily kHn lot yeara ' I0!'9 Made 1n Ger. many Oroer yours tOO.y Only S3 99 r-11 SclMOt ............................. 13." ZJH,tt 1c SALE End worries lrom ruat dam•9• Amazing_ "Rust Killer'' REMOVES ROTIING RUST BUY 1 tor \2 qq Gl't thl' 1c $econd lo• AND REPLACES IT ~~r---1 WITH FIRM NEW COATING .......... 1111 ................ -"'"" "'*' . 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New 1bmato Caae Holds Twice As Many 7bmatoes In Half As Much Space! • No stakes needed • No ground rot • Protects plants from animals Now you can produce twice u many tomatots -1n half the garden space-with our fabulous new TOMATO CAGE Each cage 1s 26" i.11. rugged and $1urdy It gives your tomato plants gentle. all·around support without lylno. without staking Prevents wind damaoe. ehmtnatts ground rot. even protects tomato pqnts from 1nt1Nl pets. Tomato Caoe Turns Your Garden into a "Shop· ping Basket" Of OehCIOus VeQttlOitsl Use TOMATO CAGES for other veoetablts. too They Qtvt perfect support to eggplant. beans, squuh. peu, cllmb1ng strawbemes and all heavy vine veoetables 0 Plants wrap around the baskets grow larger and yield more proouce. Absolutely great 10 any garden• Each TOMATO CAGE 1s ltghtwetght and rust- proof. These sturdy Tomato Caoes disassemble and fold flat for easy storage' and assemble In minutes tor use season alter season Only S6 99 fo1 a set of three-order yours today. ,..... ~ 4'71111 .... It.,., SUI 118'111 t.11 ( THE TllY Fii WITH I New! "Water Bed" Insoles Cushion Your Feet ... l THE 01111 BREEZEI You ~k On~ So Your Feet ·_ 1==-.,, -_ t(J, ~ Feel like !11f!t re ~4°:9 ·· .~~r ~ -· _:l~ Walking On A1r! L-..:..-J;~~~-~; s Ideal for Policemen. UM MIN .. FAN Anywhert1I POAlA81.E MTTERV Of'ERATED-USES HO ELECTRICITY- i<EEPS vou COOl WHEREvm vou oo• Postmen ... No rMtd IQ IMlllMI ltlC lU!le• ttll'OUQll lllOl!ltf ~ol M1mrnt11 BtQvr.e ou• ~Olt A Wh H l>l!ltl'/•Po'#fl.0 MINl·f.\N "''OS ""9 yOll COOi w,,., ... , '°" "'' n yone 0 as So C0-1-,ow t1<1 p4.u 111>•1Ct1talll' ~" ro.i want ktlc.ften 1>e<21oom onru K11001 M<1onro••afldj1!\0ofro•0n..,1·ntQn •lh ...,. "'c:o06ngC>OWer•lll To Stand On Tired. -*Ml\' amau )'OU' ...... FAN .. ~--.... IQ eny .. -~·ecu a COOllf'Q OtM:re -Aching Feet I -you ...... " Aun• QUl9llV Oft !WO ~ ttalMgl'll -(Nol """"*' ...... F.., I 0.0.. yo,, MIN'"AAH iooty' And -1"9 P>M1 llll ..,,..,_ IOn9' In lkl - Of09< -lot 'fO>JI • ......, • ..,.,..., '"""' ~ Vol"' l'Jll wNtn '/OU -ti -·~$4 99' Mln~M lftel22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .... .$4.99 2/lt." KEEP ROOMS DRY ~ FOR MO#THS.=-==l~----i'> • •• lllllftw IM 111a1y Mtri 111 cl ... 1 cltetb . ._......,_a,rll.mt,..alt....__ • i..;.cn IM IMl111lf11Y h• lllln, lllmluln Ille """ 111111 ... lllltll " 111lldtw. NOTHING TO PLUG IN ... NO ELECTRIC COSTS. Draws moisture out of the air Protects dOthes. furniture, toots. etc from rust. eorro· sion end mildew ~ngs room and closets dry fQ( months Non-toxic Dehumldlflerl91537 ...... $2.99 2/SS.50 D 2 ~ "Walef 11«1" Insole molds itself to your toot ... Ifs ICUl!y a SIZE c= ''WIWbld" iflliOe YfM shOe! Men's Small (7-8) #9'137 Men's Medium (9-10) #94145 Men's large (11-12) #94153 ladles Small (5·6) #94161 ladles Medium (7·8) #94188 ladles large (9·10) #94196 ,AMILY WEEKLY. Mar 17. 1911 • So convenient In office, bedroom, denl Versatile Multi· Tilt· Top Table! Thousands Sold at $24.991 Now Onlv Sf499 SAVE $10.00 Adjusts Instantly To Any Angler -. It's amuJt for convalescents-and a• real convenrence for anyone who re- ads. eats. or works on a Charr or bed The sturdy 3-wtleeled stand shdes easrly under any bed And .a the table top ad1usts from 29'' to 4()" tall The large. ,-=--~ walnut woodgrarn·ftnlshed 22" x 15 .. top tilts 90 1n ~ either direction What's more. the enore table-~ ; f stand and all!-can be folded to a compact 2112" ~~ narrow. to store easily under a bed or 1n a Closet. ~ when not rn use. ~ ,- Tables rdentlC81 to these have sold nationally lor : $24.99-and were a bargain at mat IOw pnoe TILT· TOP TABLE #76718 How much Did You wa111. Joa or Run TodaU? LET OUR PEDOMETER TELL YOU! 00c1ot1 agree !NI walklno toOQl'IG JllCI 111nmno att eiccelltnl ways to keep yourlttt in top p11yi1~1 conc11t10n1 Now ~ Wll bt tuy for you to se1 Q<111S tor yourself by knOwUIQ euelly llOw mucn disunc. you rlJVtf um !lour. dly or '#tell wllll this prec1SK>n pedomectr II reo· !Sien uo 10 5 l!Mlls 111 v. mllt 1nciements ConvtOltl1t cil> ICtaClltS peilomrltf to your bell or waist bind Accurattly clicks at! eYtfY st~ you tikt and ltlS )'OU know 1ust llOw far you Yf oone You 11 oe surprised how muCll you wall& rust rNlanQ your ditty rounds a1 school work or hOITle II s IN tun way 10 help you keep yourself 11tahhy Oroer you r pedol'nfter IOdJy h s oflly S3.99 PMometer •15311 ................ 13."'2 Sl.H Ind The Agony of Tight Shoes-Forever 1£r!rEl:.ica:-~., , ............ , Now you can s-l+H C·h 1IQht shoes 1ua1y where they hort' R1•ev1 the pains caused by corns and ounions last' M.u your shots hi hke costly custom-made shOtmJ~er shoes' AMAZING SHOE S·T·R·E·T·C·H·E·R ACTUALLY ADJUSTS YOUR SHOES TO THE EXACT SHAPE OF YOUR FEET! 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MAO I I I ,._.. llow • ~ ftnl 11e c•••-of your~ fllir .....,,..,, of'°"' CNdK _____________________________________ J 0 Portable A• P Automatic Mightlight Gives 100115. .. llir PresMe ~11111~ ... 111 •••• W\f at-~ Turns Itself Due to a ~~ 0:-'"'r Punhase NOW On At Might. No"' a11yonr ca11 p-p 11p ..,,o lim h1 Jlllf 1111.,... 1110 IOYJ. tr.Ill. tporu ~uipmc111 •• ., mall~. rahs alld bob llm p11mp 11p on 8tt0tlds! Tiu• rugrd. comp!K'I au pwap is ltaM wiaht. ecMl!pklcly p«Ubk. •oft• with • lop-toe K'llOll 1ha1'1 so easy 10 do Ytt llltJ •INl•ntlY pow<rf.l pump 11'0 JOll llp 10 /00 fl'Jllflll of ptntll<C Ill• 11•111/t, Come• complete wuh • flcaiblc. l4" 111111-JKTau<e how and air·ll,111 quk li-toc:k clamp that con11ttt1 10 afty lirt °'air tllock llllHlc •• Alto coma w11h fn t l11ftncl •alw for 1nfla1ablc IO)'I. Nowada)". with .,, WI llatG to find '" Ml"llCC lll&Klfl. yo11i1 .,. ... 10 onkr t•o -oiw for llcirw. OIW 10 hep Ill t he ''""" ol )'Ollf car for tllllfl'h-ctn! J 11tt SI a each. or ordtr t•o for SI& a aftd ...... ,_...,Air ..... ,,.,... .... SI.A 21111.U " JUST Off In The 88 Worning, -- ''"'" Actually lasts !m•-::-::------I more than 13 years • • In normal use! N11 o,,, ,.,,~ k o l at/ways j :,, ., No Gue11lngl · Built-In Pre11ure Gauge Glve1 Exect lnfletlon At A Gl11ncel Uses e>nty pennies worth of electricity In• year! Gara~e • i '1 1 (• eye • 1 ~ This amazing little nightlight Is for a full year's use! i ! buin with space-age circuitry ... a light There are so many places around i sensing Melectric eye" that tums it on your house where you'll want to use t · at dusk, off at dawn. these convenient little Nightlights. ii Plus ... it contains a special long· The nursery. The bathroom. the µp- lasting incandescent bulb that will stairs hall. Even·in your garage and ; burn tor 50.000 hours ... more than 13 ·entry foyer. And. at just $3.99 each. t : years of normal use. And, based on you may want to keep a few extra on f; the national average of 31fz• per· hand. just in case. Send for yours. Si kilowatt hour, this Automatic Night· today. light uses just about s• worth of power #13117 Nl9htflght ........... sue 2/M.tt I I ESCAPE PLAN TAYLOR MADE The Americana at th• United St.atea Embuay In Tehran had t>Mn held hostage by lranlan revolutlonarlea for ap- TV WEEK. MAY 17, 1991 proximately thrM month• on the afternoon of January 28 . • 1980, when, In another part of the Iranian ca pit.al, Canadian Amba ... dor Ken T-rlor locUd the door of !tie Canadian Embaay behind him and hung on II a hand-printed llgn "Cloled tor Canadian National Holiday." Taylor w11 actually closing hi• Emb111y lndeflnllely, hav- ing quietly ahred<Md Ila more Nnaltlve document• and daatroyed 111 aecrat cOdlng and communication• equip. ment. He had tlrat Mnl ona final message homa to Canada: "Dull• completed. Mlaalon dlacharged. Thia 11 Featung (Fortreu) Iran signing off." Tha mlaalon, aecrat a1 It had been, waa to ba headline news around the world In a matter of hours. It w11 alao to become Iha aubjact of Eacape from Iran: The Canadian Caper, a dramatic naw motlon-plctur•for-televlalon airing Sunday at 8PM on CBS. Taylor and a handful of his staff had planned and e><- ecuted tha escape from Iran of six United StatH Embauy staff member• who had coma to the Canadians tor aid after having slipped ft9Y when the lranlan mllltant1 were taking their fellow diplomata hostage on November 4, 1979. After walking away from hi• deserted Embaaay, Taylor headed for tha Tehran alrPort where tha six Americana, who were then out Of Iranian airspace, had taken off ear lier In the d1Y en route to Walhlngton, D.C .. via Western Europe, with forged Canadian panporta. He w111aavlng behind a home. many balonglngs, the danger he had lived with for t 2 Wffkt, and mixed memorlel of a country that had changed around him. He was alao leaving behind relative anonymity to t>acome, lnadvettedly. an lntarnatlonal calebrlty. The 4S-YMr-okt Calgarlan wu mobbed by cameraman whan he arrlYad In Pa.rlt from Tehran. He was ottered the i.ya to the city when he stopped In New York to change plan• en route homa to Canada. A grateful United Statn Government wlll soon prewnt him with a apeclal Congrn- llonal Medal. Taylor's dutlea In New York precluded hit being able to vlalt the locatlon1 In Toronto, Canada, when Eacape from Iran: The Canadian Ceper waa being filmed there. "I wu conaulted from th• start, howevef." h• N)'8 . • THE~MO\llE It'• c.naor9d. That'e the flrat thing you probably think when that famlllar phr ... "edited-for-TV" cr9Wfl acrou the acreen. But cen10t1hlp le only half the l'MIOf1 networkl edit movlM. They ll&lh the molt wholeaome ~to tmltherMna. Flrat, th• movlea are cut to flt a time tlot. What happeni wtWI you have to flt a ~ hour movie Into • 2 hour elot? Say goodb)'9 to • half·hour of movie. Then there .,.. commercial• & atatlon brelka, IV9rage 72 P'f' movie. Say goodb)'9 to another 25 mlnutee or ao. We preeent the whole movie, exact~ the way movie theelrea prnent them. EV9tY month, M ott.r 20 rec.ntly retMled movle9 & epec:lait that hew never been teen before on TV. Wt don't 9dlt. w. don't go In for centofthlp l there are no commerc1111. Glw us a call, we nwce IA.IN~ '" Ill the mew,.. the way you Jhould be ... lng theml • MAY Sl«M'11ME fEAJtWES. I • TV WEEK, MAY 17, 1981 proximately thrH month• on the afternoon of January 28. 1980, when, In another part of the lranlan capital, Canadian Amba ... dor Ken Taylor locked the door of the Canadian Embaa1y behind him and hung on it a hand-printed 1ign "Cloled for Canadian National Holidav." ~~-------------------.......... TV WEEK, MAY 17. 1881 NOTE: This lot is lite most cur· rent listi•I et prt11timt I net TV WEEll ls lklt respoMIMe fOf 111y llst 111lnut1 tlt1n11t 1111d1 by tltt n1tworu. 8:00 8 Jum•; Voya1e Tues & Thun ()) Jill ..... , 8 Hulttl lltM/KllowtHp •WtrJ ••• , .. blf. Sa••......., • lllllllf S..111•rt e fllllll lfllt T tldl -6;30- 9SllllltflNe ., .... • Da1'rttk LA CJ) Ulltlllltd WlrN m me.rt ..... 0 M111th fltW e C111tlt11t4 AIC 11 .. 1 Empt Monday. a Asrklllttrt USA a 111ttrtet1e1111 "'"""" 1100 • @ lllenlMc e G 8 Tiie TMIJ S.... • ,.a. . • CJ) Ill CN4 Mtr111111 ._,kl Wrth host 01vld Hart1111~ . "" , ..... ... ....., . , ... "' ..... .,, .. , .. ,. <II '111 llldltll/Ullrer ~ -~ .,....,. OIMllllf .... 11 81..tt'• ... Dal • "" Dedric C..,.117 10:00 • CJ) @ rr1ce 1s 1111tt • 2 a ..... rtrt .... : CJ);&~.,_ t.M ... , •MW-Mtrwll& LA • I Drtttl If Jtullle • TIM Dlril °'l!; 0 TIM Oedrk "' • a.... l..m.ctllll ...... Lttllt .......... ,,,,,...,_ ............. &; Ollct u,.. • a.le (C.C) Moll -10:30-e u a r...n rt• •FlllMJMtlr ms.,.n..11 Oftlbtr• Ill 1Mtrlldl9llal rrttr1111111ttc M0t1 1110o •o.0ar111n.. • u a c.n1 .,.. ........ • ()) 9 • ,....., , ... Wilh PIM show host klllrd OIW10ll ())TIMTMtllle......_ ."" ....... ,...,..., a:JO.•c.t .... ..,.. ....... • "" Dedrlc c.,..., ............... -11:30-• aJ SMrdl fer Tlllllrflll e ID TIM Dldln --------------~--• Cll • ., .... ...,. I llliill: Set d1ytlm1 mO"tita. ctl"-... ,..,. •fiTll .. Tr* / 1 1m1www .. 12100 e91'11TMtlllll....._ 1ce .. z:u. I~;~::: ·=--12:•-()) ........ , __ 15.':' .. _,,.,17 ltM • ID • ...... Ctr••' •Is HodtOll Rockets II loltOll Cities, if 7111 JllM la Hettally. st:• • ..... TIM Clllloreie Allctit et tltt DthOll flltfa U:Jle e+: ........... a.. l:lt:?: W Tiit fourth 1111 wltt Of tlcltl •ltla co.tl~I IOlllt of ll1t COMptlitlwe ICASCAA Crend lhtlonela, 2:11 • Cl) • ...,_ ...,..._ Ka111y Hwn ud C11c En111 lud en ,._... ... dowll tl1t J1t1it Riwtf hi Mtmo. Jatk11 Sttwt11 llllnts &rOUM It Sc:otlelld; Hd ~ K1111!ffr Jr partlc1p1tes 111 llUIAI IUrU. J:••<I>• ............... • ....,_._ CMflll ol 1 ad1td111M lllllt 1111~ 10-rotlftd Milt..,..... chlftl)loii Edd. Muttete MuUlllmad •lld Retlldo~ ud tM W...'a Woflcl ~lllldiitt ClllmPIOflllllp lfOlll Alla11hc City, .... ~ ~. """" """ l.teM* t.11 e CJ) • "9 ..,MIJ 111 .,., n.. Tri. Cowtr11• 114 Hit 111111 di'/ ol 4111l1ty111C liMt lrifb f0t bit May 24 Indianapolis ·500 ' FUAY, llAY u 4:• • ..., Tiit lM All&tlts Dodc•n at flit C1n,1nna11 Rtda • IATUllOAY, llAY n 11:11 e 0 II ....... The Loa Allttlts Dodatrs at Ille Cmclnneh Reds OI the Bllthnort Orioltt 11 lht Detroit Tiaera. • W.W C...,lullillJ Ttllle John McEnroe .._ Elhol ~·l~tclltr • ..... Tht Los A/la•let Dodam 11 lhe Ci1JCinn111 11tC11. z:tl. c... .... o.we.r.u. !:lt • CJ).._.., W TMllllNM •CJ>~ J:lt. CJ). '".._,,Stlriill Tw The SIOS.000 Nor111t1n C.hfoin11 ()pett ill frtlllOfll, C.lifw11ll ._ • 9 CIS S"'1s S..., 4:• Cl) ..... The Sin 01t10 Padres at AllJnlic Bram • CJ) ...... " s,.ta Seti ....... " s,.ta 5:310 WW. .... " s,.ta l• • '• W f1IMa tittle '70'1 Muhamm1d Alt vs Leon Sp1nu in tht11 Septtmbtr 15, 1978 hmYttti(hl bout from lht Sliperdomt 1n Ntw Orltans. SUllNY, llAY 17 6M • "SW C.." (•~) '7S-John Oavtdaon, fom111y Atk111s • .. ...._ FtRa" (111$9) '73-Cknt ustwoocl, Hal Holbrool 1:11 • CJ) llJ (l?J "bu,t ffM Ir•" (d11) '81 -Gordon P1nsent • CD 9 121 ....,,_ !tit ......._ ..._,."(ell•) '79-5.trty fltld, Michatl Caine, Karl Malden, Slim Plcke111 ... ..,. Ill tM llH"(dra) '10-CllH Gorm1n, L1urence luck1nb1N. t.t0 8 0 QI "llleatMlts" (com) '19-8111 Murrey, Hervey Alktn lllOllOAY, MAY II 7:Jl·e ''Set.,.,,.,., j,.tMjy Hur1s a.r. llM" '78-Peltr fr1mpton. 1:11 •·~Part I. -Cadv) '60-K11k Dou1111. Laurene• Dirtier •"Tile Quiet llhtt" (dra) '52-John W1yne, Maureen D'Hara t:IO e 0 QI "littet Klnat" (di•) '81-Ron Howard, An Carney •CJ) (fJ) 121 "fr .... " (dra) "8l-M111 W1nn1n1h1m. Tony Biii TUESOAY, llAY 19 1:11 • "Caepl'1 llld1" (cln) '68-Cltnl Eastwood, S!iJ,an ~ • .,,.New" Concl (ICIY) "60-K11k Oou&las [aumice Olivltf m "Stactaedl" (•es) '39-Jolln Weyne, Cla11e TrrWOt t:00 9 0 <Ill "Tiit VillltlM pf S¥lti llltO..U" (du) '81 -Pauy Duke Asttn. Ned Beatty. WllNIESOAY, llAY 20 l:GO e '1ell n.. Wiiiie .., It Hert'' (dra) '69-llobtrt Redford •"TM y_, 5"1 ..... (dra) '61-Burt Lancasler, Sheller W1nteri. • "c.Mll, UJ. 111.-111 (wu) '13-John W11ne, Ceorae Kennedy. t:OO a CJ) 9 (l?J '11Mlit: IMtr H•r" (adv) '81 -Ron letbman. ntUISOAf. llAY 21 7:>0 • "Sil,.,,.,., 1..-.., Httr1s C.. lettr (m111) '-Ceorae Burns 1:11 e "1\e Mtwlt lll•rlltftf" (mys) "70-Anhur Kennedy, Robert Webbe1 . • 1IC Q" (d11) '74-Jolln W1yne, Eddie Albert t.oo e ~ "ltt'1 DI It.,. .. (com) '75-Sldney Poilter, 8111 Cosby FllOAY, MAY U 1:11 e 0 QI wAllilul Mlee" (com) '78-Jolln Beluslu, Tu11 JQtllesoll • .. ., ..... (dra) '77-0al Alnaz J1 . Robert Catrad1ne e .,_., ..,. (tm) '70-C.ndice Ber11n. Ptler St11uss m "TM S..rdlen" (•es) '56-Jolln Warne, ldtrt'f Hunter t:OO • CJ) (JI 8 -su.,i." (dr1) '81-Shelley Smrtll. Otrk Bentdtct SATVIOAY, llAY 23 ':GO 9 Cl) (fJ) (l1J "SNll'1 I.tr (llof) '79-0awtd Soul, James Mason l:lO e "Wolldtf W...:i" (scll1) '76-Nancy Kwan. Ross H11en VIDEO CASSETTES FOR SALE OR RENT • c-.eOfs..... • n.c._. •C..,... ........... • ,....IU11 ....... ............. • HMy . ,.,.,. ....... Mm • ..., 1'"4f .,, ........ • s...w .w ... w ... c ... Pl.US 100. OF OTHER TtTl.ES -4lL RATINGS HOME MOVIES & SLIDES OONVERTEC TO VIDEOTAPES -..... ..... __________ ~-----~ (U) ........ et.•ea,tt1n1d ftf' tllt llurllla·i..,.lrtd. NOTE: Tllla let la tM _. c1tr- rt11t llllilc 11 ,,_... 1M TV l((lllt ... ...., .... , ... .., ......... dll ....... .., --~b. 8100 ............... • ..,.,...u ...... ,..... ., ... , ....... .......... -~ ... ...... OlllC ..... -1:30- • kt Ow n.a CD Wcie tf ~· • Tlllf• Cit •LIMN ........ .,....7 1Y I Leib .. L11r-. • O...,&W.e. • DIMttafy ..., ., ..... litt .. 7:00 • T-,·. bllc*i U Str~ e Cryttll Cat!M4ral • GE<*E VAllDEMQ; * 19tt e UOYD JOHN KtlVIE * 'UT 500 LOVE YOU" -~J-.~ (JIJlnyf ..... • Clll'--..... lWa ID Wcie If~· • • Otdrfc c..,., . ., .. ...., . ..., ..... .... ~ 10:00 G ())OJ '""1: • llllMt• W Cllll1pl1 1tlt C... (If Ctftlt 1111111bt1 7 rs P'tytcl). (]) .... " ,...,... (C-(} B AIO..• • Cilol'• llMM • Cllftt ....... .... ,...,,,. ... .._..r_ DUC-.ti ..... a.._..:.._.,. .. ,., .. •• tit LIOb .... o.tr (com) '&&- Doris C>ay, Patrick O'Neil. as,1111...a -10:30-• SIOIT'S: ....... Tiie C.lrfornla Allcets at t~• Ottrolt r,m e (J)a1e1w. .,, ,..,.. T• -~CdlMrll ............ • Calwafy a.,el • ..., ... c....., 11:00 e o.c...... mn.Sla..._I ... Gt Clilwdl II llt ..._ 8 lllN: "DW Y• M11r ttie Olla AMII ... TraMliq s.11111-,r (COlll)-f'llylhs Dtlltr, Joe nynn .... ,.. TllMtrt: n. WI!· .. llw4 (R) a s.c.r, awe 11 c...., -11:30-• .. c ......._ '1he New L11S> sez.falfe" •ro a....._._. e Rtt. Ttny CM MittaMr cm hMk,. a s.. °"" c..ty ~1 ... CJ),_ . ..., •F·T .... e VOll'S: l1le Wlr&WI ._Cow· ~ of OM of tM MASCAii Grind ..... b.. . ............. aaoo CJ) '1'111 ~· TIMI! .......... .,....,..., .. ....._"(dra) '62-Vincent Price, Besil llltllbone . • llllle; "l1le ~(adv) '59-Jeff Clllndlet, ~-Partier. ... .,.,.. ..... -2:30- • C]) 9 Alltrk111 s,.rtMUt Coftrlt• ol Kathy Hearn arwl ulC bans lted111t u eaptdlbon down Ille spedxul¥ Jatate RMI In south· em liltlico; Jettie Sttw•rt ll1111l1t1C C: it Ills 111tlwt Scotland, and Kenllldy Jr. particloa1tn1 in slier' ttainc compehtlon off Mon· ta•k Lone lmnd. New Y°". • M;i;: "flit 11114111" (wes) '75-Rober1 Conud. ID! llttit: ... , SNtt Clllllit" (d11)-Patty Duke Astin, f«d Rainey. ........... .... : "Dlrtr .... McStt" (wes) '70-frank Sinatra. C1or1e Kennedy, Aline Jlebon 8hljedU..,_ 3:00 9 2WMllY• • l1lil "" AIMflca • r• nm ft611: .,... ... lldlll ...,...... (COlll) '67-00ll Knotts, Mllur O'Connell Cl) c..i .....,. ~· 0 lleMMy c..tw Ttlllcltt .n..,... .... I A"•RNOON -3:30- ......... lf1 I e s.nMtN • • ()) <II QI srom: n. We w..w If s,.ts 1 2:00 •ID<It ta .... &'-"s Ds..rdl .Tllil .......... ... Qll..., 0 °'*" ca n. ftnJtt s... ===-.,~= (I) l1iia ..... ill ...... •n.~ 4:00 8 lllN: .......,.. (dra) '69- Piul Newman . .fount Woodward 8 SPOITS: s,.rtArN Coftract ol 1 sclltduled IO·roundtr belwten h&M hmywei1ht thampton Eddie ............ * ...... ==,:~ H11 .... ,., Wei" Ou,111•• .._ M· ;c~ .............. ..... ~ .. ,....., .. ) .-::: =....-,;::-:=_ ,......_,_.er .. ..... ~ ...... (llof) 'S3-VlllcMI P'hct, rreM ""'"1. •'-"-"• . ........ ... a .... .,.,. .. ,., lllld lillln ..,,. (dta) '10-F'ltrid ~. ltickrdWid· llltfk, Aifll Aldi. ..... -., .............. -4:JO- CI) f•Trllf 9 ..... 11 ........... ..... ""' •• Of ........... 1 100 .Tiie ....... • ()). SPOITS· l1le ....... • 1lt' T-. TrWI Cowtraae ol tllh event rtferrtd to u "Bllmplll1 Day." Ille lit11I dar of q111tity1111 111111 trills '°' the Ma1 24 Indianapolis 500. Cl) ra-rH Ill ... 0 Cllrl11i111i.t11111111 ........ u ...... ..,. O~tr.t811hMU, •flrillU.. • nil~ ..... (c.c) -5:30-.... Cl) ..... WK.ew <IIW .... 'a....., on.w.11rc-,. .. Uftc111 0 r• Gtlibr II""''• 11 Yw MNllll (C.C) •vl111ii I 8 :00 98•Cl)<llD811ews CJ) r.r.. e ""'7 Days ApHI Fhl • FOilt II HOU)WOOD .... : ..... ,,, 0.,. Apll: ..... lyweM" (tom) (90m)-Ron Howtrd, Henry Wi1kler, Tom Bosley. foruie Is discDffitd by a talent SCOlll and is offered a trip lo Hollywood"!« h11 b11 screen test. e ... : "SWI C..." (adv) '75 (90111)-Joh• Dn1dson, Tommy Aikin!, Mane O'Br10 A C011V1tted con man risU another pnson term wtlen lie sets out 111 Robin Hood style to fltece tilt crooked hud of a bit clllrity fund . cm•~,.. ····~·H • .... : "MIPllll f«u'' (susp) '73 (2hrs)-Chnt Eastwood, Hal Holbrooll. A ho1111cide detective 1n. vestiptes 1 rash of c•ncster murders and discovers they are the work ol 1 poli« ISSISSllllhon M!Ul d @~ • M Ctutw• Crut Nit s..11 ra ,., c.. .._ c..try as.a ~s.a -5:JO-e Cl)a .... (])tlW ...... e 11ewsc.Mrt11Ct .... c... ,. ...... llcklletttf @Iliff ..... Pege 5 j Love. Emotional and sexual. It's timeless. And as you ~et older. it can get better. The fact of life is. anyone can find passion, • t ACROSS 1 ..,.._" ....... .... IO ..... CIMir..1 Ulll*- 11 "'\.II'• -...... o.lft" .. ,., ......... 21...., II CM9: Be -C-H _ •• ,,.. ...... . . ,. ' .,.,... ........ 11 ,... __ , ..... M Tw -,_ C.-... __ ,_ 11 I SJ! Liit • -~·u.. ., ----a -c... DOWN A,,swer at end of tM Saturday 109 ~ ~ ~-.,-~~~---------------.~------.... TV WEEK. MAY 17, 1981 1' \ f ' DO noses run il1 your family? Allergies. They can drive With Your Allergies:· Dr. Art you crazy. They can even Ulene's relieving, revealing kill you. But they can be . Eyewitness News Closeup. avoided. Watch "Coping Tonight through Friday. EYEWITNESS NEWS{i)SPM Because there's more to life than news, weather and sports. ~-------~~~- _ _ _ _ •w:wwww- fl "' ·u~3·111 I: I rt't:. ,~.,,,, 11 .. _1 f r If . ! f _l_ie.!-, ill~i !ff1' ' ~·I•._..i .... ~I I J'• I !if1~11~1li~fl 1211 •!-,1E ''''!11 1•r= i !g~-5JilJifi 51! .oe Jl. r ! ~J~~ ( ral lll@H81~~i~i~fl •i 181 lllll@lil8181 1111 ii•·1n~~0! ! 1-~1 ~1 111 Hi H'il::•~ii'•i1 121, i J ~ .. , = "J=l~ i .. ;:;) 5 !:I' I i11·2r ii I i ' !• ir f !!tin' 11111 gr~rl: .. iir 'Pit .. j, i~·~i~ 11~i 1 · t' 1 r .. jifif!I I ~tsH · Hi -l•ffG.1 ~,ff 21 ~ l.i. Jr~1lh 1. l1 'tlf'' !11~!i~!!iril: i" :'!1tGt.118tt !1! rrn lil'I Ji .i ~ • t!r .. i i·t ~ ~12~ a-..a1·, ~11111 . IJ1'· .. , .. ~ ~·, ~; .f(fi,l, ':trb» , !1!'18 I I llJil·i~ ii1!' 1!i?.~ if.!j~'I !ii!~! t1fi!i1 ~ I ~{:i>, l.Jl.-r •. ~: ~-. -·~. ~3 ·. il~~n_J, !;ll;f ·. btr1 I i:l HIH i'!nn nli i! 1 ~~! (, 1 !!U -~ ·, jiff!•· .!!IJ(I~ _·~!!f!!,-<•I! ·-11111 n•••t: 11111111 i'if!!1r;111 111lififfl1!1 · 11: · y111· .;q.,111 -~,! · ;i!. 11m .. P.11·1H:-4. ,~;j;:::. ~':1iit11:r:. ~If J''' 11~1~:. ~ ~--~-,.1;if!E+: j . ·'. ;: 11~ I' ~~ I !;; I !1ir ·!I Jr; r., Ii~ at jl!f !1 1r"f J; d . lrf !"'l!Jjt s. J!.~":? ff!t ... -,r r . 118 ._ I' I ~ . • 1Jt .,, r f 1~8 l1!t 1 1rt1f " r i1rJJ:'ff·8 i: •P ~-. ,~ .:. ;~-~,~J~,I~ ~· ~ -"1 ,-__ ,. _ . f · " -f . J 11 .,. fs.1f Iii J 1}l!ri :"1 •• ,1 . · ii.ft ---. I _~. l· . _ .. . _ ~ f ilr ... 1 i~s 11,111 I • ""..., .. sa.. 10100 TOGETHER-AT LAST! Once upon a lime-not all 1hat many years ago-a lit1le girl in Detroit saw ~ometh1ng on television which delighted her so much she never rorgo1 it. It was a bit in which a dainty little ob,ect, which looked to her "sort of like a lacy doily," was lovingly devoured by a mon- ster to the soft strains ot "I've Crown Accustomed to 1 Her face." The kid wa~ Lily T omltn, and the number was one of Jim Henson's Muppet performance classics. Liiy couldn't have realized then that she'd wind up being a guest star. together with Dudley Moore, on a television special produced by 1he creator of that "lace doily," Its devoured and every other Muppel 1hat's ever been. The special is The Muppets Go to the Mo1des, airing Wednesday at 8PM on ABC. It's the Muppet's own loving (if irreverenl) 1ribute to the movies, and Lily lends her comic brilliance to a number of classic film roles. ~~ . Liiy Tomlin i$ /ane to Conzo the Ccear's Tarzan. Liiy hu waited a lo ng time to Join the M,uppets on the same sld,e,of ~he TV camera. She found it an experience worth wailing for. "It was everything I Imagined It to be,'' she says. "llm and his people are thorough professloNls. Every detail of p«fomiance and ptoductlon II so wetl wortced out. Thefr standltds are so high you Just naturally try to do your best, 100-and not only because they're IO good professlonaffy, but al!to beuuse they're to nlu, ~tdy." tMrpanlcullr IGYe ls "trmlt the frot. "He't to..- aiid undentar.dlfj Ind comptex-l find hfm the "'°'1 ""9Mn of all,'' tfte WIV•· '71..a you hOw iC 11. In the Kene In the 11t11 movie In WNcft ..... ~ ri lyioa In I holphal Md, with ~JOO':....., lft f~ I f9ll IO sorry fOt him ... ~. rw--..to~9'1fn. "--'futt .... ,..,,.. ' WM pllvJrii WhO w.ntecf thil l did, too." .._ ... TV WEEK, MAY 17, 1981 I 8 G 8 LIM (R} "Th Girls TU•SDAY with tllt Stolt11 Boches" Lobo re ._________ ctl'fts lht aslln of Deputy Pt1kms llAY It Ftf ........ ..._lillllp, plt1M Mt DAm l l P'IOUAllS. ... , IW,.. CAUHIHct, tft ltll . ., ....... DAm ltl llCMD 11:11 • • ""' Ll'llltll .... till" (wtS) '36-Jolln WaJIM ll:lO • "A Fla II ltll CtM" Cone! (d11)-Andy Criffith, Pa· trkil Neel, Anthon~llCiosa. lZ:IO • e "TIWI '"1" (d11) '61-Klrk Oo111las. E.G. Marshall, llobtrt Blake, Rkhll'd J1ecktl, Cllris1Nlt Kauf11111111. 1:11 • ....., " Al " u,s" (drl} '72-Tueaday Weld, Anlhony Per'-ins, T •m'!.'J Grimes. J:IO • "c.. ..... c:--. .. o..-r (com} '67-Katllanne Ht~urn, Spencer Tracy •:• .... SllCC'9 w ... ,..._r (com) '57-fony Ran· dell, Jame M1nsllekl. and be1ins 1n investi11tion that ludi him to a 1roup of atlJICliYe ftUfseJ II I SUppostdly le1rt1m1te hospital (Rachedultd) e CUIT WTWOOD IS • HOT /COOWl'S llUff • MIM: "Celpl'a II.tr' (du} '68 (2hrs)-Chnl Eastwood. Susan Ctar11 An At11C1111 deputy slltnff roes to New Yoi• to utradrte an esaped murdt1er. • w 9 a "'"' o.,. "Mother 111d Cluld Reunioft" The customarily unrtappable Fonrie is, knocked IOI 1 loop wllen lie discowrs 11111 1 nitrm 111 1 roaclsldt diner btars a remarkable resemblance to his lona·losl motht1. ()) Tiie ...,, • llllllr. ..,...._ .. Concl. (adY} '60 (approa 2t11s}-K11k Oou1tu, Laurence OIMer. Jta n Simmons A at1dlat01 rebel escapes hom slavery and with 111 11my of staves chal lenses Ille awnome miclll of tmpe· 1111 Rome, bteomin1 1 sh1111111 --... ·m--iii1-,..--symbol ol frttdom '°'an '""''"'4 . ..... 111U I •"'..._... .__ .... oiiiiiiii..,.....,, _ __. • "*-e ~"(wts) 8:00 ee<IllDOIB""' . ....., .... ••wa.a11n • Tic TIC Dllclt .... -s ... .... n.. a on ... 111 w .... ••• Dldrk c....., _,:30- (J) (J) (JJ ...... ........... (11 ...,..., ............ .. ..., ..... .......... a.Mn ......... ........ 7100 I=· ... tr:c£• 1:::i... ... ..... -s-tl O ltT ... T,.. .............. ,..... ................... ., lti.?lf:: .. -7:JI-! '• • '-irF,... -=IA ... :.:4 b ..... ...., ..... i'·= ... -::::::-..... a ,, .... .... I O P' ' WD ... .. ............ , .... .. ........... __ ... ................ ......... I '39 (2hri}-John Wayne, Thomas Mittlltll, Claire TrevOI. Tiie reacllons of a 1roup of ptOplt in 1 maecoac:tt under Indian attltk. O....,ryArl e llM (W) "Mov1n1 Still" Tllis pro1r11m reveals lflt story of hllw photoeraplly and recut techniques of freezi111111ome11ts of lifllt brine 111 1ntlpts 111to our "'1cl and life itMlf ~ ~ s.r,..t CIM -1:30-li Cl) <II • lMrM • ,....., "Sine. Sinai Sine'' The COl'llictl COlll · blftttion of llftrne'a tin tat ind lllOOdtn .. knocb lheftl dtM wlltn lilt hlrmo11l1es ill '41111 with Sllltlay and lht pna after """ 111utlcll ltsSOns from Clrmine. ()) ..... ,.... .c..e ..... ., .. ~ • 0 ...... lrta ClllCiell 8100 . •())a -r:: """ ...... ..... <*'> '11 (21Wa)-httt Ne AMifl, MM ltltty. A ltadltf ,... to Ill* IMlllll4" tllt tpttll, • IMt llM 1111Y ,.,_ lllt ,..,.... et '* aetlool. , .......... (2tirs) ~r:..":=:~ .., ....... ...... ""' ........ ,.,.... .. tit "' two ......... ,,........, ... ... .., tlleir ..... '* a ..... ........... = ... --"""" " "" ..... .., ......, .............. ....... ..., Ltlllt'• i.11 ....... "' tlllll'•llllllll ....... ... .... ........... .... .................... ........................ f ..:.•.:-s:::i,:i ......... ,...., .. ................ ... ....... :\=== 1 ............ . ... ................ .. • e • • • • • • • • • • -• e e • • • • • • • • • • • 10night at 7:30, a •pedal movie e fantasy of music and •aglc! e Today'• greatest stan create a Uving e Beade'• songbook. e • -• • . ~ ~ • • • • • • • WORID T.V. PREMIERE __ e ..... 11 Talk about myaterlesl Never was there anybody more in th• dart! about the perpetrator ol the dastardly deeds In Why Didn't They Ask Evans? than the cast ol the made-lor- televlalon Agatha Christle mystery which Mobil Showcase Network I• pretenting Thursday on KTTV (Channel 11 ). at 8PM. (KCST. Channel 39. San Diego. 1s also airing it.) The only one who knew whodunit was producer Jack Wlllfam1, and he waM't telling. To make sure that the Identity of the murderer didn't leak out. he didn't give the cut the l&1t five pages ol script until the last hour of !liming. So each and every actor was a suspect, and didn't even know II he hlmtelf had dunit Francesca Anni1, who plays an aristocratlc-turned-ama- tuer sleuth In the production, really didn't think 1he w11 the culprit, nor did James Warwick, cast as the almost lngenu- ,ou1 Bobby Jone1 who seemed to be going out of his way to eolve the mystery. And It didn't seem likely that Bobby's TV WEEK, MAY 17, 1981 father, Vicar Jones (Sir John Gielgud) could have strayed so Then two possible perpetretora are Dr. Nicholson (Eric far from the Ten Commandments as to klll the stranger who Porter) and Sylvia Baufngton-ffrench (Connfe s,ooth). gaeped "Why didn't they ask Evans?" wHh his dying breath. On the other hand, mindful of Agatha Christie's positive ~nlous for detouring her readers ~n a labyrinth of very wrong roads, no one tn""e cast or crew was taking any beta-not even host narrator P9ter Ustinov, who Should have been able to finger the murderer, considering his experi- enc::e u Dame Agatha's Belgian detective Hurcule Poirot. In the fllm version of her Death on the Nile and In the new Evil U~r theSun. A• Conni. Booth, who plays a lady with tha highly suspect monlher of Sylvia Buslngton-ttrench explained, ''there was • MCOnd renon for all th• hush-hulh on the. Evans set. "The Idea ts that If one of us knows that he or she ts the gullly party It might affect the way we play the rote and th• w-r • taHl to the pr.M." . Wiii beautlfulledy,,.nc.1 Derwent(Fta~ "lll#e'' Anni•) and her friend 8obby Jon•• (Jam•• ~rwlck) Nnd Ou1 *"odunlt , Fnlnceect AMII won the hearts Of mlllloM of Amerlcant • the un~. teendatous Lltlie Langtry lf'I ,._r- • plec9 T1INfN ptOduetlon of lH#le, and hat coeter JMteS Wilfwk:k pl8W'9d L.Mie'I NCOnd hU9bend Why Dldn'f Tr.ey Atlf fven• lllO reunited Ffenceec11 Ann" With t.,o motW of ... L-~.lbn,WhermbV lndJedl Wlltlema. MIO .,. ..outNe PfOduC9t /dlr.ctor •nd producer, r~ Wher1 Mly Didn't They A .. Ewtnt 1lred In Engllnd 1181 IMIOl'I, one ...._ crtttc ldvlMd vtlN9n to "canoe! • • Ut\WltllfY lflllgemefttl, ... the .... phOM oft the hooel end ...... ~ ... ""' fellow ...,. "*'-might be ..... Vo"' ............... '°' the chnlloft of the "'"' .. Alecttoft ......... "9 W from the book l'ftllWrl _,,.,. ,,.,.. -........ -. in 1134 . ... In 1134 .. loMttonl kl Welel. Thew... Countl'y, .............. ~ .... WflOduntt lnvoMI ... ~ rtcM-..i .. , Nn whole .. WDfdl, ''Why didn't..., 1111 hint'' n IPOllln ID LedJ Derwent'• ohllclhood lrllnd • .. --........, ........ JoMI ~ ... ffofft .,.._.,en_......,_..,..~ Ind L.edyDeNentontlW ........ ""of .. ..,....., - 'Ill"°'"" -amees. s,_,.letl ol tilt ~IOIOIS Oii, Cnbb MIS ~ 1'9t 1 CMUitl .. 11 Uo.ir a .._it,....... for a,ll1t1111 "'1J lbl •ll•W. fiefftlllll .... CU> -!:30- • w a '" c .... ter ~ (I) "llle 11or 111 t11t Bud'' HtflrY fllldl lie• a Ill 4oublt jeOjlardy when Mu1ltl't old f11mt comet to ton.. ec.w 10:00 I ..... CJ) <II Qt Hart ti Mart '1tvrdet Taus • 8"" .ltltntt.,·a dtltll XHt In • tomm11111ty play mlnon rtaltty whtn htr 1nvotvtmet1t with a ptaywri1M marks lltr for dtath ..... ""-' .... ac............._.. • Tiie Miii 11 F ... "CUey Sttn 1•1" Clllrlts Our1tin1 portrays IA.My Stt111t1 111 Olis one mi n chlrKtetlia· tlOfl ol tH fttSty et m1n11tt of the N Y. Yal!Uts tlld tllf " y Mel$ .......... ......... -10:30-.. ., .... an.~ 11:00 • CJ) at @ a -..s e•W DQI.._ .. ,,.. ..... ....,.'*-····~ .... ..... ....,MllJS.... OU..fi..._ 9DiclCl..u -11:30- • CJ).@ c.t•• e G tB J11N1111 ClrtOll • CJ) <II QI ltictltlnt eltfsMeaO..I •1t1W..Mr• ... ,"" fD 8 ca,tlolll4 AIC ltlWS .... 12:00 e-..: "fttttMSMt't fl'trt•r" (wes) 'SS-Ronald Reacan. e CJ) (JI QI! .... : "The Dllln ~ ~" (com) '79- Jtllt Seymour, urarnt StepheAS =~.-ie -12:30- • 9 CB Tiit TMorr" Sllow C..t .. c.sa • OM Sl'll ltyond 1:00 • 'SJdlk ,......."'· Ille '1lor1cl ..,... • hwlt: "Mtdt for Eacll Otlle(" (dll) '39-James Stewart .., w.111 "'*""" ..., -1:30- 11) ...,..; "Wt'rtltAilctls" (com) 'SS-Humphrey Boeart 2:00 • -..: "JM fi111tn" (d11) 'S2-J1mes Muon e lllewles: "hwhi••." ''Jlmtlu ...... -2:30- 1211 T t T .. tile T rvtll 3:00 at llewlts: "Ad af YioleMt," "Al· fair ii ""'" lw•D•••Divl llAY2t r._.._..._...,. "'"' '" DATTllU rtOUAlfS. a.., tef,.., CUC l•Ct, Ill 1lllf ..,.. ..... ll:OI • "S.1t1 ft lb•· .... "(•IS) '38-Jdl.e Wtyllt 11:31 ........ Oft" (lllyt) '74- Robttt Bti'-, trnut Bcwan1ne, C.thenna Sput A bo,m. lremtd for tht murdel of his l'lllAl1•. uti out to hnd tlle lilltn IM dttf luf!IMlf ll:tO • "1tJ Sii lMtl" (~) '63 -Debblt Rtynolds, Cliff Robeitson A 81otd'#1y 1111 ar 1rvts at h11 country home end dlSCOVttS Ill 1bllldoltd Cllll drtfl .,. llv~t l:tO . "LMJ (ctm) ·12-SophJ1 Loren, W111i1m Dtme. ,. Q) "PrW. • ,.,...._ .. Pttt I (dtt) '40-Grttr Cttw. l.au11nct Olmer. Mwy lloltnd. J111t Allste11'1 des.sic of • proud an4 splnttd Enalish 1irl's h&hl •&•inst prejudice < l:JO G "Tiie iie LIM" (ldvi 'S7- Altn Ladd, Vrt1111t Mayo, Ed mood O'Snen. Dan! Lado 8100 e C11 r. (II) rite 1ntrlfid Lal Allellts ...... ., (llOI ... fyrl "" OI I llldttl .. ,...,_ .. w1lo NJttnlllftds I JMllllt ClllM WIVt tlorit Stuttt 1utsta. ) e 08IMI ,_.. (C.C) (R f U lllltS lftCilldf I WOllllll .ottd bd wart• .. II Aaltrlet ~ 7,DDO truc1 dtlvm: • '•ldttt Michelin&', ~ clllmperutt thtl hel~ hll ·1 '" family by dfi¥1111 the trac Of 1114 fetd~ tllf cowa. • womea •1111 • coltlctMlll of Oftf 3.000 dolts. • lady who dfw.$ bkds it costumes 111d Ila M tkm to $Ina popul•r JOllU. and a look tt punk hairstyles • lOlllT lfDfOIO Ill * TtlllllmMtlly ...... "' .......... ..," llert" (du) '69 (21\rs)-Robtrt Red IO<d. lllthtrn1e Ross Tilt stor, of 1n Amtfan Indian's desptfale su1ch for 1n identity lht wh1lt 1111n's woild refuMi to a11nt. • CJ) <II a SPECIAL: Tiit ...,,... Gt i. tti. ..... (2hrs) MISS Ptqy. Ktrmrl tftd lhe MllPl>CI ' tnl •tt )Olntd by spe<aal auests Liiy 0111hn a11d Dlldtty Moore for 1 SPt cltl hour of music and comedy u they ttkt • lnp throut h c1ne1111 hist or, . • lltti•: "Tiit YMll s. •. ...... (dra) '61 (2hrs)-8urt lancas lei. Shellty Winhn. Dint Merrill A --"="=:":'::~:O::':"'--, slum·born dntrlQ ettolney b1tllet I •V•NINO I street ranis 1n quest for 1usllce. Ii. _ _.. ____ .....,,____ lollowlfll 1 murdtt 111votv1n1 two juvenile 11np on New Yoi~·s East Sldt. : :~ •• U.S. lllnall" (wts) '73 (2hrs) -John Wayne. Georae Kennedy M1rshall Cahill dis covers his two nealected sons are m1ud up with robbers tD @ GrNt P'tfttnu11ets: LM f,.. u.c. Cttiter "Alt En n1na with the American Ballet Theatre·· Ma11us Pehpa choreoeraphs I his eve n1n1 with the AmerlCln Ballet The alrt 1n new production$ of "The Sleeo1n1 Beauty." Acl Ill and le Cona11e " -1:30-• ear .. k r11ett ID CUrytill 9 TillSlll...,_•,,. 9:00 • Cl) (IJl Mowit: ''tlftlil: lell11ty Hllflttr'' (adv} '81 (2hrs)-Ron Leib· mtn H1rry Mor11n. H11old Gray This drama is based on lhe rnl life uploits of Stanley R1vk1n, a He- Y01k-blSl!d bounly hunter who hat been tra<luna down bad 1umpers loi more than 20 yurs 1J QJl ff Diffr ... Str•es (t.<t (R) .. Junk food Junkie" Mr Drum mond orders th removal of the 1unk food vendinc machines lhat 1 com peny lie owns ope11tt$ at A111old's school and the kids lake 11 out on Arnold. CD Merv Griffin Sllow -9:~­ • (D Fads tf lit• m c.lotiu • (8) lM Ui¥t 10:00 e @ 9 QWicy (R) "Headhu• ter" Alt 1lfllnt stewardess, who 11 romant11:ally involved wltll 1 narcot ia olf1Cer 1s sliln and Quincy's tu topsy rtPort involves the pohce dt,aro.tftt't lftlt<lltl lflalq u11it ift UN llWtlllpltlOll .... • I . . ...... i ... Conll rue 0.11 reluct111 IOils loms w1tb • psydlle lo tilt dan1erow5 t11ll of 1 kidlltooed lltlf · ess. dupitt tltt lloniblt bowlff .. tut 111t 11eauttf..,1'"' ui wttllalH Dan's rltmaa 11 • n10 lt111fl WISIOll ............... .......... -10:30"' ..... •an.. Stlrdl ........ tti. C1t1t '1f.oftqmt of the Perilln (mp,, .. Al11and11, now 2~ ltt4s hb a11111t1 out of EaJpt and llodl ftOf1ll r or lift lorl& 1tlfl lit Im wapd •tr •s11nst D111us. •t last. Olnvs s.tllds hn 11my 1pinst Altllndl1 11100 ••<1>00 .... e W<Il98""'9 •SWTrtk • .... ....,.s. .. • u•a•s•li e Tiit lelly Mii SM -11:30-- • Cl) !II llowle: "II "* " Ol~tr Wt••" (d11) '79-Kartn Sleet Tom 8e11n111, Ale11nd11 Stewlll, Susan StrnbtrJ, Helo Shaver, Manlyn l•clltlton• e aa..,ew.. • CD <II a lllcMlluit G lat's lhU •Dell ...... w..i. e1ertttt ID~ryAr\ ID IJI c.,tilllM UC llWI ., ... 12:00 e Melle: "'-" Tltua" (nm> '67-Sonny and Chtr Bono . • CD <II a Tiie LM t.t •"-'-'• .... i.,..... m~ -12:30- .. 9 Tiit TMttrtw sa-. c-t .. c.st mo..si.,..,_. 1:00 ~ ""-"'· tile ...... CD M"it: "Pt1trtlt of Jt111l1" (dra) '48-Jennifer Jones .., w.rw lttwor\ ..... -1:10- • MIN: "l1le UIClltioltf" (dra) '70-Georae Pep~rd, Joan Colhns. Judy Geeson. A British undercO¥er acenl sets out to prove tbll • col lu1ut IS a dovblt •etnl QI) Tt Ttl Ille TMll -1:38- .., Mt.it: "Ht•. l1p1,.s M"•· lMrts of 1 Yt111 lla11" (dra)-R1ch11d Beymtr, Paul Ntwtlllll 2:00 D MIN: "llnl II ParMla" (adv) 'S l-lou1i Jourdan, Jtff Clla11dltr, Debra Pa&el A frelldl advtnlurer accompt nltS a son ol an island rulet back to lhe plau of birth, u d finds romance lhete ~ ,, ·--= .. .., ... _ "l1lt lljdlt &M Ille City" -2:40'-m lllowlts: "Th• lost ....... , ... "AccAIMplkt" Pege11 ~----------------.. ----,..,.,,~ deep 1n dtbt, and the loan shark wants hii money e oo..-:"w.a1HMe" (com) '78 (2hrs)-John Belushi, Tim Matheson, Donald Sutherland, Verna Bloom This stoiy takts place dunna fraternity rush week of 1961 al r aber Colle&e. wlttre lhe Deltas are out to prove to ont 1nd 111 lhat they hr1t a corner on btzane and outllndrsll bthevior at the school • 3 IJ KWs .. Ma41y • trip JOY RIDE l4111t e 111ttt•: .. ,., •i4•" Cd11> ·n (2hrs)-Otsl Arm Jr • Robert C.r rad1ne. Two boys and a airl leave C.lif01m1 end head for Al1sll1 seek rna adventure e Cl) <II IJll It•'" "lite suer" Benson is 1fr11d he's co1na to 10 cmy with alt the love and atten hon levislltd on lllm by k111is, a ~ h1llnous chanae 1n thew rel1t1onsh1p 11111 occurs elter the qu.Ck think1n1 Btns0n ., ... her ltlt • ..-: .,_., .... ("s) ·10 (2hrs) -C1ndice Bt111n, Peter Stretiu, Donald Pteuance, Dina Elur A U S soldier and ,-'white woman who had been kidnapped by Indians two years btlOle attempt to stay altvt 11ntil they an rt,a<JI an Anny OlllPoSt ._....llltF..., ... ; '1)e Sttfdltn" (ldY) '56 (2hrs)-John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter, Net1lie Wood A Cltil War veteran sets out In 11Jtrch of his two nieus wllo wm captured by lhe ljommallCheS IDllllMSbry .u ......... •••llr..t .... -•:JO-• Cl> ID• I'•• .. "'1._ CR> "Fur and Loethln& In Gtorae town" An ominous phone celltr 1111les £411 so rttnous tlllt she lllO'leS Ill Witll Otl111, Ind Ult wtlf· 111 .. 111111 Nttl .h1stlll$ a comput· erlztd p!Olection syste111 iii Ed1t'a tjlllt!Mllt taat'l 10 C011phcltl4 "It the two "°""" '" IClftd Siiiy ""'" I~ .C Md to•lltt 1111ttment. ···=·· • ••11111 .............. ......... 8100 •(J)01'11Meltl ...... (.., Mt• C.., •Ins Ill tllkle lltlpi"C 111t 0.e COUlin&. tt1tJ IMI COflPtlftd to lltft llilll trill tilt 1.0. Hoa Fillt All...i Haulf4 = ~ lllM dt1ft c.oter·a • .. elf ......... c..tt l ... d ' tlM lolinf Clrl ~ *°"' 1111 the "°"tty of BoSs Hoa ~ tllt • ......, " tllt fiM Jl!lllt °" Ille raca ...etJ ~. • (I) 111 ..... """'"" <C:--C> <•ra) 'II (2'n) -Sklltf • Wtl. Oill '-'let, Olp ....... SwlMt ...... " ---............ ~-........ ,.... .... *' 11•~-:.&:ri ............ . ell :-.r= 1111 .. l·=urr .. -..... m-w -1:11-llT , ......... ..... 10:00 . II Cl) Q1) Ddu (R) Sue Cllen's f1n1tfll11nts ire 1dent1f1td on the sun thel wu used lo shoot JR and she 1s arrested •nd l'~ed 1n the shoohn1 ot her husband U l1J) 0 Sl'£CIAL: All Cem111tr· rials (R) (lhr) Sieve Martin's wild and crazy romp thlouah the WOfld of eommemals futures spoofs and par odits o4 p1oducts lrom "l1umen ca pole Jeans" lo "Schntlul Ma ll Liquor Beer " ....... G)Werld~lltwl 0 SKr1111tlltt Wttli ii ltTin Gt lluttrpiet• T11utre "Colden Bowl" (R) G>kM a lltdlt a lill .. .,.n' .lollrul -10:30- G) II) Q) llews @ Tiit llw llabn 11:00 • • <1J) 121 QI """' • Sttr Tr• • (J)<JD)r8l llews • flit ,....,... " .. e 111•a•s•M Q) TIM ltMy Hill Shew 9 flit .... ¥oke • Dia Clfttt 0 Sntak Pmitwa -11:30- • Cl) <1J) .. : ''The ......... trick" (wes) '78-Chartes Frank, Susan Blanthlrd, Jack llelly. J1111es Gtrner, Suvn S11lhvan 8 11» *:?cf:: e CD CJIS . Gltt'tlllMaO..I • flllwle: """' •114 ~· (mys) '76-0erren McCawln, ken Oullu, Robert Rud, Suzanne Plulltlte, Junette Nolan. ... , .. ., 90.lllM ··~-..., ..... 12100 e hit: "Fratbnttitl" (llof) '32-Boris Ka'1olf. Mae time. • Cl) <II ~ hi•: "'Biik CM H'• FrUtJ' (com) '79-Jeft Goldblwm, Oonnt Suml'lltf . ....... . ..,... .........., -12:JO-• a• ......... f :00 ~ftllPIUJe, .. lhfN -...~ .... -l:ll-..... : .......... ~ *'11' 0-) 'l2-Llft CllelleY. ...... ; 'llM&t ...., '"'" ...... (COlll) 'M-l"t lta...a •100 l ... c.w.~­hTel•tw.a -2.~ ...... : ""' .....-....... liilr. <••> 11-AMI "1 -2:--............... ....... .._,, ...... SATURDAY MAY 23 MORNING 1:00 ()) lest " s.nn. Sulesttr D Strt114ipity G Ctnw!IHity FHAa• m CMplic.adlsitllt (R) -6:30- • Su11rlte Sttnester CD Yllll Altar• • TNt'sCtt • <II It's , .. , 11111...., Cl) Vote. " A(riCllltlirt •t:'&Watll • ko.t ..,...,., ...... St C."*"4 UC llews a • l<MJ a.Ml! fD Cara J lieatls (R) a Hot ruq. TV WEEK. MAV 17, 1981 .......... lldt II) llleM: llf) w"'ll ' fl19 Dlt• •~" (hor) '!>6-Bel1 Lu10S1. fD 'Mdlftctoll ltar (R) ·o w .... .-w.-1111..,. -10:30- • Mtric.t's T., r .. • Cl) (JIJ a TkMln • A*tt"' c.t• m Do4111 °"'"'"r""" ED COlrdttlillC 1TM1 tlle ,..... u, 9 v.ten',._iillt 11:00 11 CUI Tiit ""7t ltttr .. IHI u srorn: ....... LOI Aneetes Oodaers 11 C1nc1nnall Reds OR Btlhm01e Orioles al Otlroil Tt gru OR Boston Red Soi at Mil waukee Brewen G "OITS: World C~1111,iollslll' Ttuls Elhot Tellscher vs John McEnroe 8 (J) (JD) !2IJ Wtth114I S,.d1I (R) Concl "Maydey, Mayday•" m ~: ...... Los Anaeles Dod=rs al C1nc1nnali Reds m sQdlttl O llie UU..,. -ll:JO- • CIJ <II a ....u ...... IC.Niii Wtltl llosl Oitk Clen. CD Ltt'a lec& SI c..1111& llula11 ......... , a• ..._ '-'*- An'aRNOON I J I '"' rouoa l~•llttjat~ 1•lv1111Jts (n11. trMllll • ,..., ... • htfd ,_ ______ ..__, Ollly Ill INlllflY, '411 •11 lllO(W Mdl of ~ llllW'a .. f100alrty IS rewultd, [ti11'1 fervent romtn" I 1v11111iCi e:oo • r.: CJ) <Du ..... ...... •(1)9•8 ..... e Tk Ttc Dllcfl .......... es..n.. 8~ e T...,,../lMtJ .. "' Oectric c.,..., _,:l0-(1) aJ)QI ..... ........... Ill ....., llllltr ...... iK'Wttr • "'..., Hiii ... ........... a.te llMl1s • M•A-J•H ...... ,.. 1100 eeelUlllM CJ) llt-., Miltr • "*" .,.,. .,.ill Cl> Tktac o..p ....... 0 "" Crilflll ""' ...... .,." (I) Te T .. ltll Trlltll • Tiit ltrttb ti S.11 frtncbc.o 8 TtlNftw/TMtf e OMr b9y (C·C) ........ ..., a TIM Mldleil/lellrtt 1.-,t -7:30- • 2• ltll T'" ()) """ .,,,. .,. • a a r..ay r.-• MeM: "Set. ,.,,.,., l.Ntly Hurta C.. 11114" (R) (mus) 68 (2~hrs)-Gtorce Burns. the Bee Gets The llllYOI of Hmtllnd, u s A t11es to ~rep th1n1s lottlhtr •hilt w!llJ1ns plot lo th1111utt 111 kwe 1n the WIOl'ld, btt1nn1n1 •1th Hurtllnd US.A eE,..itiie1alA1 (() "' Mlpzi• .,~ ..... .. • All "' ... ft111My (JJI M0A0S0H •• 0 .. ,_, Miller 0 Gtllt r.rft1unces tD Tiit Meclleil/Ltltrtr lepert ...... Ujoa a...__. 8:00 .. 9 (() {[J) Tiit WllttM A charm lllfllS 11110 • lit!lt!Mtt ................. ........... , .. ~ ~ l~!'t::,= lu111 Olll It M tM fuMMst dl11ner Cutlb Ml .-.n tMrr boa. llVth Du•r. 1nmt1 thtll '"' lo Ult bra It tJ1tit ""' Oft t ~ llCCOllflf, tnd tllt '""' lllf• • '111tl t\'tlllftl 11110 • 1111111 1101 .... :.,.. ........... (myi) '70 (21KJ)-Atttlllf KlllAHy. •obtrt WO•"· Warru Oetts. A lofl1·tt111t 111.,r•11et deims iiupector ind • bncht r::111 ftltcltvt jOtll lor'a 111 tr"k nc '"" ttl t r10111st #floM &pte-1t1tr 11 tW borllb1nc ot ir 1nts 1n t~&ht. QI SPICIM.: _, OW.'t n., A (HH1 (3hra) Peter Ustinov hosts this prasenttlton of Aa•lh• Ct111stlt's comedy l hr1nt1. e lllMle: 'lllC Q" (21111) (dra) ·1•-John W1y11t, tddie Albeit. A police lieutenant rwcns to trac• down aome 1>11 dope dtaltra lnvolwd 1n kilhn1 poOtt onietrs. e !lllMle Mtfy Thia MtttS 1u1111n lnl preN tchV!lltl la tllCllofed by Hodd1n1 C11t11 tnd Pftstn11 the fo1btes of t11t p1m 1t1 skits !II TIM llllak t4 Oii ,..._. -1:30- • (ii Ill) llllt' & ...,, (R) "Mtndr Gtt.s Her ~" Mindy hittd by a ~ti TV 't1llon, Im 1 d111slrous on c1111t11 debut unltl Mork leaps to tllt rescue w1tll lltS (ar out Oiun prrsenllho• ol the eve "'"'news ID MilMes II U.. ID S.U• Pmitwt ID Cm '9 ,...,._.. u llltidt ""' 9t00 8 Cl) (JJ) SPECIAL: Tiit 1 MI Mita USA h&tNt (2hn) The 30th annual event, 1n wh1Ch SI of lht most buulllul women 111 Ame11c1- representln1 the 50 Stites and the 01str1Ct of Columbia-will eot11pete for lht coveted hJle of M1$S USA. 1981 at the Mi$$1ssippl Col$t Coli uum and Convention Center '" Bllo11. Miss. 11 ~ lllMlt: "ltt's DI ft Ac1hl" (tom) 7S (2hrs)-S1d11ey Poitier. Bill Cosby. C,ly1n Lockhart. John Amo$, Jimmy Waller Two blue«ollar woik· 11s wllo coneerwe a risky and 1He11I 5Chemt to 111n SS0.000 so lhal lhe11 masonic todae u11 erect 1 ne• bu1ld1111 • (lJ (JI ..,...., ...., (c.t) "l1qu1~lt0n" It's lite kind ol cmy day the squed un ltwe without wllen a newsstand owner 1s 1rrtstrd '°' ••lk1n1 tltlouah 1 conitruciion Slit 011 his ••Y to wor~ and a man 111 lhtlll>f sinp his way into 1111 whtn he disturbs I ,OIUrt maker'' demon strahon 1t1 1 department store m ® .,....,, c.11 , .. s,.re • litli111? This hwe t1li·1n p101ram locusts on the state budctt and summ111m 1111 1980 81 proposed bud1e1 and cut backs ()§l C.liforllil M1k TV s,.c.ilt -9:30- • CJ) (f"' 121 Tali "Lalka, the Playboy" ti's an upr<1111ous turn about when l1tkl Gr1vu 1s rebuffed by • btelll) wtlldt oio111ots tllt me dla11le to p on • ,r1dl C04ltM ti •11111111 5i"1lt f#IOfl r"41ftlfl& HI hit Ncomlftl. fllQd ttilHll bort lrflo Wlllt Ille Wiiow Cllid 11111 111111$ off lhs fntnds .c.i.lM t0100 ..... • all21/21 ................ I. Aliericll """''"'· ......., :=:r.. ~ -10:3Q-.... r•w.r ..,....,, (C:.C) 11:00 ee•CD9 9lhwl I SbrTr .. ((JU811eft .......... ~ •lllt1t1111rHlllS-<HS.kPr..._ • Allltrlcttl ref'MJCtM: AMttltr vi.. -11:30- • (lJ Tiit ltfftneM/llkllll· IMIMWlh 8 QI JtllHf C.11111 • ()) Cll • _,.Mae • Ltt'I Ml I Dul • •M•A•S•H m ~rtttl a~ '-le:. C.11 f~ Ill .... St B~AIClhwl 12:00 • Mffit: "D11k Vktery" (dr1) '7S..01ubtth Montaomery • (1) (II) Chrtit'• ...... -~ ...... ~ m Did c.wttt -12:30- .. U Qfl Tiit Tt•otttw Sh" CNlt" c.. m OM sie, leJMd 1:00 :,."1~ic P'lltl!OlllW, tllt _._ m lltwlt: uarid&• of Seti Luis .. , .. (d11) '44-lynn 8111. N111m1W1 -1:10- • llowit: "Tiit CM•tl!Clol" (d11) '72-lee Van Cleet. Jack Kelly Cit C.rol lllt!Mtt (21) T t T tit t11t Turth -1:30-m lllffit: "Witches Mtu11t1it1" (hor)-Pally Shepard John C.ff111 A nt•S pllotoarapher pho1oc11phs Witches Mountain and becomes ton winced ht 1s be1111 pursued -2:35- 8 lllMt: "TIM U11111"9C1M" (m,.s) '47-JOln C.ulhtld Claude RJ1ns. Consunct Bennell A soft Sj)Oktn 11d10 commtnlalOf is Kiii illy • crawtn murdt1t1 8 lllttiu: .. 111 lttt 111d W1r," N ... ate C.!Wff" .. fillwltS: "Gitt it1 tllt ......... "TM EJ-11111'1. llrMttfd" 3:00 .., llowit: .. c.,.. tf the va...ir•" (hor) '70-Amaha Fuentes. Eddie Gire" A brother and sister learn tlmr mother is • ••mp11e ll:to• ......... (Ht) 'l •-,lolln W•JM ll:• • ~ Colld <••>-lolli W11N. IMalM 0.y. 11• • .,.. ..., ewe."<••> '5~-Pavl ,.,... • I:• e....., 5tller(' (dre) 'i2- Jen11ftr JoMa. C11tttt0t 11111011. J:Ot 8 "Wile~ t1 Hit .._ .. Colld. (dtt)•Plt1I lukae. lttte 01v11, Oontfd Woods. l:JO I "'""...,. c ... > ·1 1-"' le P•1•lns. Jeck ,.IC!lolloA, Will Hulthina, W1ntn Oatu. A myst,r10111 wom1n parauadta • former bo1111tr l\unt11. turned 11111111. •net h~ ptltntt, to pldt her on • journer of herdshlp 1n4 const1nl d1n1tr to • rendmoua Wtth rtYIAlt 1v1w111 eaoo . ••• 90 ... •CJ>fll ..... .......... G Tic Tac '*Cl! e S'°aTS: IH•Nll (Contt11111d trom • 30PM) The lot ~tits Oodc· tra vs tht Clne11111a11 Reds -~n.. o~,.._..., e 111 Tiit l*t~ C.,., -6:30-a> a .... G1'1JeWaWIN .. ,.,, Miller .lllt ..... JHlllSW • .......,, • ci.e. Mn e 111•a•s•H H SWilStt 7100 .... o ..... Cl) larMY lllilltr • ...,,, .,,,. Aa•lll Tktic.,... • Mle)'t (II fllerw Crlffle S-. (JJ) lo T .. Ille Trvtll ., Tiit Strttb t4 Sall ftHCilicll o w ................ ., °"' bty (C..C) a 111•A•s•11 ............. r 18) 'flit llbdleil/Letirtt ..,.,, -7:30- ~ z "' Ille , ... .. ='&. °'l'Z ... .~ ..... ., ....... n!MepriM G Fact ltll Mwic •@ lll•A-S•H D ltrlltJllillr O We11$trwtW... • Tiit lltdltlllltllft ..,.,, CD ... Ml.eiet 9 Tllt ..... (~ .. 8:00 8 ()) ([J) TN l1crt4i.1t1 H•lk Unkno•111clr. D1Y1d is 111med n • partner in 1 aarment l1ttot) wllit~ Is ,..,.11 TV WEl!K, MAY 17, ftlt CAR BUYERS GUIDE IOI Mel U .. S IMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -122-IJJJ AMC-JEEP COSTAMISA ~-«IMAULT 2524 HarbOr Blvd. Costa Meu -Mt.,OJJ CA DILLAC NAlllSCADILLAC 2900 Harbor Blvd. Colt• Mesa -14•tt00 A11.AS CMIYl&a .... YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Cotta Meea-14'-ttl4 OhT<,UN MIWPOIT DATSUN 811 Dow Street Newport Beech -111-1 JIO 01 D\t.-.OHILF CllYlll MOTOIS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -Hl-Jt71 CHEVROLET COMMIL&. CtilVIOUT 2800 Harbor Blvd. <l>lta Mesa -146-1200 GMC uMmlsm OLDSMOllU 2850 Harbor Blvd. Cotta Mesa -14M'40 PEUGEOT IUCHIWOITS &48 Dove Street IOY CA1V9t IMW · 1540 Jamboree Road Newpcrt Beach -64M~ SADDL.mACI IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 131·2040-4tMt4t MAZDA " MllACU MADA 2150 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -641-1700 TOYOTA twport Beach -712-0tOO MIU .. TOYOTA POR~CHE-AU DI CHICI IV•IOM. IMC • . 445 e. Coat Hwv. Newport Beach -'7MtM -.&. VAN '°"ICHIAUOI 13831 H#bOr Blvd. Garden Grove 61WIH SAAB ·==----. -=.a.le («) I ... n. ... ,.. 8100 • ID .. : ~'1 Lit" (liar) '79 (311n)-Dtvi4 Soul Jamu Mato•. lHet Kt1w1-Vt111p111111 Jllai ,..,.., .. .....,., day .... CflClalMI wMll • Jll(.Ctuh1J Mftllsl aaoo ret1111tt to Ills llofflood holll• dtltf • r_..,.. ftlllllt .,.. ... I lllMH to put '" tlld io his bopoc.d •" w = ·11-o.!4 L-.J!:!!!!!!!!...:..J •"*"1 O'r.-.... ~~= ....... .. l..~~~.;~wtt) 8100 I IPOIYS: ,., .... n.-" t11t ..... ti (•) •Z::' .. ,.'r: ....... ' ttM~mmld._Allln5 ll9t01178S,.nh •J7-a.t c.tw.od, MllllMt W -.-= (COlll) '7'-lwt RtyllONs, Alt Ill ,..., .,.p11m .... 1 • llm1 9 ..... '1ecrtW' (*') '77-lloy ClrMY• lM of *"'1y llllllC, roll wtl&llf bollt frOlll lilt S\lpetdOIM 1n TM11-. SuaM lltMty .ta.. tttti...... .... .,. ••• llew 011tani a Gt Id..... """ ,.. """ .... • 1ft' -r:; •' a ua~t 1a l11t11111 • M ... ... ~ •t=.11• COii lftlSI 1111 (c.t} "fatlltr Knowi 8111" Jt1tm1 • ...,, TIW .._, a L ~ :::" btcomu • 11111tw1Y Whtn tht 811d 9 It, t, "'-It 1 .., u .., • ,,..... lords an~ his real t1lht1 enter "' _ ~:lO-• a. 1'91 1 a.le: 1't 1• trnollolitl bettlt tor hit Mlody ~ .. (C.C) A dttN1lt1ho11 of tbt Sil • Th ,.., wa. .. e (...,.... Witt Scott ....... t•·t t •· pt • lNl Mrt. A111trk1 r111111t • Cl) • WOITS: Pttf .... 11 durl:~ ttie r:Un~ 1""1 ICt 8trt r11b and V1kk1 C.11 col\oll ...,. ltttlc T• Th SI0~.000 • y Mllfa 0-f .. .._.. II h4 CMll Con men 11tttlltt11 C.lifola11 o,tn. 9 ni. .......,. kidnap a youn1 boy and end up •,..... ............ PIJi"-1 his lather to lah hHll bKk ...... ,.. -1:30--~~ • • Gil .... • .,.,_, (C.() "Key to Ille land 4100 Cl>~., of Sllt11et" TIM Jtory of how Jtan • (IJ SNITS:.,.,_ WwMJ • lllly ._. Francois Cbmpolhon finally de Cl)....._ II n.. 0 n. ,.,.. Slll9 codtd tllt hltrotlyphs key to under <JI..,_ fllM 8 lecat, II '*-"' 1111M1tnc lift '" anc1tftl l&Jpt an.,_, s-. • ,__., ,_.. · a Secc.tr, ...., ill C..IMllY • ,,..... • ,_ W... lllfirt -1:30- 111 Jll* ~ l.r (1111) eullll4nct e111Mt:.......,,.._."(sc1h> .~-=-O.n111s, bloll 8t11amy 8 * .,.....,, , ... tw IM F• ·1&-Hancy l(wfn, Ro" Hacen An twe (c.c) 111veqator clle,kmc into a me of -4:30-7:00 mlSS4n& alhletts d1scowers a myste Cl) UOfTS; latOan Sa11 Oleso • 11 llltdl Of •.• ·i11t fountlin nous doclof and her band of lllOllW Pedfn at AllantJ bei oJYOlllll" women • 0"'....... Cl) Cll "'....... Qt s.M ,,.... 1100 • !~fllll 1:00 • Th...,_....._. A In • ~ ... l'Mt TIM •@ 0 SPfCW.: 50 Yun 114 IOll on llow to 111u111 Ill• ~ ol I JICi ~•:,a.. c.MrJ .... (R) (21us) A 110\t ol ,.ydiv'"t • 9 <It "*-" M s.. eou11try m11$1C stan come out to e ,,....,.. (IJ lilt ""' celebrate Ille history of country e Th 11e11c ..._ • 0 WW~ music. • CJ) ......... ,, lf*tl • "' ... c.-. .... f11 • IMM: "ll111t 5allt1J" (m) e .. 41t f11t11c9 • ()) CD C2IJ lm .. al (C·C) '69-Joan Cre.tord, Barry Swlllwen u Th ..... btMlll (R) In "Isaac's Teacher," lsa.ac's hleh 9 .... school tuchtr boards with her son • lllM: "treuy" (com) '14--7:30-and Isaac and Copher con1urt a Willllill Holdtn, lltY ltni e Th 111..,.t SM (R) With cuts1 scheme to impress her Lillian Gish ID .....,... M lhrtiman. and Ch1tst1n1 Hart cunt, in • Sul ol • lhwlt: "lllt rl•• r11tlltr" ()) o.,. -.. Awoval," a man Ines to pluu his (com) '64-Peter Setters e F fM Mal instead of l11msell until he meets a Wlc ...._,a r..-ltf tM F• • l\et'1 ....,..., a dellclltful woman Do"'ld O'Con!IOI twt (c.c) (.I) .. s.tfdl Of • • • and Geor11a Enael cuttt and 1n '1he ---------------------Succusor:· a woman who 1s '°" w111etd slit hu a shOll time to hv, W1nts to pick the perfect nul wile lor lltf husband flofence Htndtrson and Jeff Ta11bof 1uest G Tiit rllau Guests include Vt~~. Carr. [ddit f1wr 1nd Lou Rawls • llltn "iftll SMw O CAl • 1 ... nctiff Ttltwisiott · Hopi' Wayne [wine's do<u111enl11y on Hopi l/lbe members who shll lollow Ir~• llOtlll ways eT.iitlm a s,.u A1M11u -9:30- 9 llllll Allltllca 10:00 ...... • CD C11 Qt Ft11t11y lll1ntl A poor Mea1can farmer's pride 1s bfuistd when his wile arranaes !Of an .. t11wtt• blftha1,..1y11111t1tt..,. tllel wtll bt Mid tor by e ~ <MA. '" a ~ou•c WQllljll r .. ,11$ • w. 1$ ell ebOllt willl ll1t htl• of IM G:f.'•moheu. H~ of r,., : "11Ptctlfff1" (•v••l ' 2 (21wi)-_.,1\oll ..... ICwyY M dttlll. StttNl\ot lffcN4ll Two er pllaned dlll4r111 view tleath as 1 1t11•MW1 of ~tf OlltS tO thty 11111idi91 llltif pcr..u llld Illa p<Mlltf. .YWl ... 11 ...... .............. ...._ .. LM • .,_.,. s..-CWM (e.t) ec.exi. W.C.,&w. -10:30-....... u ..... : .. ,_,.... It•" (do<) '11 AlllOld Scll••l1zentQtr ., lllttlt: "0.1 ll*Uttt Mii• jtlltfll" ID SM 4lt ...... ltr11I 11:00 ••ClJ ...... U cti ([Q) ID Q)) lltwt • flit llllllJ btfttl ... • liltwlt: "lfttq" (COM) '74 W1lh1m Kolden. !lay ltnt ms.1111 ~ U llrlltJ llllhr m To Ntmy: .._. et Gilllb IJ4l Sollllfttt&t (C.C) -11:15- (1) Mo¥1t: "Tht Sea tf lltlt D· Mr'' (wts) '6~ Jolin Way11t ati Coon Wtsler• 011ltlNO•a111 JtlllfltYIO~t -11:30-D Mom: ~a.rM"r .._,. D QJl QIJ SatllfdaJ 114Pt lM • llltwit: "Th '"" tf ,,....... sl1111 (llol) 3S-[1$a l1nchtslt1 Dr f1anl1t11Sltrft IS forctd IO CSUlt a b11d• IOI lh• lllOllSltl Il l lllowit: wl\e AllM" (wtt) '64 John Wont. Riehl1d W1dm1rk (jQ, lkiwit: ww ..... ,." (di•) '16- Sa111 [lllOll Anne Archer 1W llloflt: lo be announced fD lkiwit: "lilollty r,tllM tM Ille Holy G11il" (com) 'IS John Cleest. Graham Chapman A spool ol the leaend ot K1n1 Mhur -11:45- • Movie: "S.h1 611111" (com) '71 lamu Ga1nei, Lou Couetl, Susan Cluk, (dward Asner 12:00 D Mowit: "ltcMIM Tltat $<11111114" (llor) '7 l l1lh Palmt1 .., .. Wor1tl 1:00 • D SC1'Y T~ llttwll\ 8 Mowit: "Soll tf Frtllltlllttift'' (hor) 43 Basil Rathbone ID lllotltt: "Yottpry, ..._., Ir• the Dttp," "llact s-Qy" "U• NSled" ti) T alts ti t11t U1111,.ctt4 "' ... c.c.ert -1:30- .. ha t.Mer1 .., Mowltt: .. , .... " ,.,,.,; ... ""' " UYilll ... ,,.,.. t°D MON: "la~ 4t Pam" 3:00 U lilcMI: "bta'9 fr• Coltlltr'' (adv) ·72 Robert Wiener, David Mc C,llum WW II p11sonm attempt lo escape trom a suppo5edl~ e'stape proof castle converted to a N111 prisonu of w1r ump 8 Movies: "The 8'ac• Cal," "T .. Man Wiit •eclall!IH Hil ""'·" ·Pege11 •