HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-07 - Orange Coast Pilot------- SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 11.rn2 OHANGE COUN TY. C ALIFOfCNI A SOC l N l ~ Co:nunuters' a•rival, routes ~efy plans By GLENN 8CO'rr o1 ... ..., ........ You don't need a crystal ball to see the future of Oran1e County's transportation system. Just case tbroueb your windshield on a drive tbroup 1\aatin. In that central city, plannen say, tbe concestion of tbe future already exiata. Quiet Tustin ii the unfortunate home of tbe county'• moat serious bottleneck, the lnteraectian of the Santa Ana and Newport-Costa Mesa freeways. Virtually all of the traffic snarls that beaet Tustin are not of lts maldnc. Most of the vehicles in the customary bumper-to-bumper pose are from elsewhere, Jusl passing through. Slowly. That element too is a harbinger of tralfic to eome, according to a recent Orance County government study. El Toro, Laguna Hills and other communities on major freeways will in tbe next decade be stuffed with other communiUes' cars. The effort to predict bow traffic will flow tbroug.b the county ls part of an unprecedented study by county planners to study in detail whether the region southeast of the Newport-Costa Mesa Freeway will 1row in harmony with its road system. Their conclusion: It won't. Aa part of their attempt to update (See HOUSING, Pace Al) TRAFF1C JAM SPREADS -Residential growth in the south county and a high number of two-income, two·car families have snarled trafic on inadequate freeways and in. mid-county cities such as Tustin. Twice as DMtf ........ ..,..., ...... many cars are expected by 1995, and rush·hour commuters are wondering how they will manage, funneling through interchanges that already delay home-bound workers. A)eef!. budget-cuts sought Spending plan also proposes largest deficits in history AP ...... PEAK VIEW -Spanish Peak, near the border of Colorado and New Mexico, stands out above snow·covered foothills of southern Rocky Mountains after the latest winter storm. <See story, Page A2 l. Riley to propose airport plan delay Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley is asking for a six-week delay of action oo a recommendation that a site along San Juan Creek be considered for a new 1eoeral aviation airport for private aJrcraft. The recommendation la scheduled to be considered by county supervisors Tuesday. Riley tolet his collea1ue1 a postpcmement would allow time for S. Juan Capistrano otfldall to hold local public heartnp on tbewue. The San Juan Creek site - located several milea east ol the San Juan Capistrano city limits along Ortega Htcbway - received a priority ranking recentlY from the county A1rptirt Commiulob. San Juan CrMk waa rated above Santla10 Canyoa eut ot Oran1• and the Armed l'oreea S...flft Center in Lot Alamitol. Acc0rdlla1 to aidea, Riley's olftce tiil been -..,ec1 with letters and WepbaM Hlli from pel'IOftl on •cld to u. aArpwt. commilaion'a ~mmeodadoll. WASHINGTON CAP ) - President Reagan sent Congress a $757 .6 billion bud1et for 19fS3 that proposes the lar1est deficits in hiatory -$273 billion over the next three years -alone with a second broad swath of cuts throuih social programs and a record military build-up. The election-year budget blueprint, which instantly triggered a furor among Reagan's congressional friends and foes , projects deficits of $98.6 billion in fiscal 1982, $91.S billion in 1983 and $82.9 billion in 1984 -the year coogression.al Republicans were hoping would produce the first balanced budget since 1969. A year after the administration identified deficits as the leadin1 cause of inflation, and vowed a balanced budget by 1984, officials tried Saturday to downplay the significance of the red ink. Budget Director David Stockman acknowledged the deficits were being described "with words behind them like 'staggering, towering, gieantic, huge, etc.• But those terms are accurate only if you ignore the fact that there bas been enormous change in the acale of numbers that we're working with over the last four or five years. "They're not laree in the context of a $3.3 trilllon economy," Stockman said. • Otbens were not so sanguine. ·'I was just sort of in a state of shock when I listened to the (budget) briefilll," said deputy Republican Senate leader Ted Stevena ot Aluka. Sen. Dan Quayle, Republican of Indiana and a •tronl backer of the president, said, "You'll aee people start1n1 to Jump olf the abip on Monday." Qu.l.yle aaid he would ''work with the admlnlstraUon aa much u I poalbly can." Tb• White ~ releued \be bud&et Saturday after Utuni a Check out canal controversy Monday embargo. It was already academic -major elements or the spendinJ plan bad long since been leaked to reporters. In a message accompanying hi s budget, Reagan exhorted Congress to stand by bis pro gram or tax cuts for economic recovery. ·'Our task is to persevere; lo stay the course; to shun retreat; to weather the temporary dislocations and pressures .. " And while the president insisted his program would eventually return the nation to a path of strong growth and low inflation, his short·term outlook was not encouraging for the millions or Ame ricans left unemployed by recession. R eagan predicted the economy would begin to recover this s pring , but s aid unemployment is expected to average near a post-World War 11 high or 9 percent for 1982 and remain above 8 percent for much or 1983. The main components of Reagan's new budget include: -An 18 percent. or $33.6 billion, increase in spending on (See REAGAN, P.age AZ) Huntington police arrest man, juvenile in Norman slaying A Long Beach man and a Cerritos yo~th have been arrested by Huntington Beach Police and charged with murder in the Jan. 12 stabbing death of Huntington Beach resident William Norman. Police arrested the two simultaneously in s eparate locations Friday afternoon, according to Sgt. Carl Schellenger. The pair were arrested without incident, be said. Shootout .triggered by breakup Charged in the case are 22·year-old Gerald Henrick.son or Long Beach , who was arrested at the Long Beach Municipal Courthouse. The CerrlW,, youth, 17, whose name was not released because be is a juvenile, was arrested at bis home. Schellenger said a knife was recovered at the an-est site of one of the suspect.a, but it was unclear from reports where it bad been recovered. He said it is unknoVfD if the knife la related to the stabbing. Police developed information on the identity and whereabouts of the auspect.s "after lengthy investi1ation1" Schellenger said. Norman, 541, was found dead ON THE INSIDE DEaBIVE DOZ8N -What .happens behind the scenes wben 12 Jurors get to1ether to determine a man'a fate? Slatt writer Stew Mitchell telll wtdch boura of Ulla civic duty are waited and wbltb are worthwhile Oft Pase A 7. Jan. 12 in the bedroom of bis condominium in the adults-only Huntington Landmarlci Community. He bad been: stabbed once in the chest. Police were alerted to the murder by a business associate of Norman·s who became coricemed when the salesman failed to keep an appointment. ' Investigators at the murder scene found signs of a struU)e and some r ansacking in the home. Norman's auto a1lo was discovered missing. Schellenger said Henrick.son was being held in the Huntington Beach city jail Saturday. and that no bail bad been set for him. 1be youth was beinl held In the Orance County Juvenile Hall, be said. . BENSON BUSY -Geor•• 'Benson 1ay1 It would be '• 'lrr~ble" for him not to ta.te.advanta1e ofllit re<:«dl -touriq to entertain tbe tam. Find out more about hla l\ICctllM 'tn ma_oy 1001 eateco.rtea on P~teD. tu. OrMge Co•t DAILY PllOT/8undey. Febru~ 7, 1912 ·Why should U.S. care? "~ ......... SOUR NOTE -Emily Leung, 5, winces as she hits a bad note while warming up for· performance celebrating Chinese New Year in Windsor, Ont. Emily an~. Christopher Leung, 7, Tina Tschen, 7, and Richard Lee, 9, play by ear accordin1 to method which uses theory children can learn an instrument as easily as they can pick up a new language Wir:iter sends a:nother icy blast across cold Midwest BJ Tile Auoeie&ed Pres1 Arctic cold blowing in from Canad• on Saturday brought another day of record subzero • tetnperatures to the icebox country of the Midwest and pushed deep lnto the Sun Belt where cars and trucks skidded FromPageA1 out of control on glazed highways. The National Weather Service recet ved an unofficial report ol temperatures as low as 50 decrees below zero in Huntsville, Utah, north of Salt Lake City, which would tie an REAGAN BUDGET • • • the Pentagon and on Energy Department nuclear weapooa. The 1883 budget would reach $221. l billion, up from $187.5 billion thUs li9cal year. By 198'7, spending would jutnp to $364'.2 billion. The 1983 increase would allow for a major s hipbuilding program, early deployment of cruise missiles, acqoi.silion of a new B -lB bomber and development of an advanced Stealth bomber, development of a tarter, land-based MX missile pro1ram and continued deployment of Trident ballistic missile submarines. -A $12.8 billion reduction ln anticif&ted spendine for social benefits, includJng Medicaid, Medicare, pneral welfare, foOd sta mps, C'hild nutrition, .unemployment insurance, Veterans Administration. student loans and federal employee retirement plans. The savings would be achieved mainly through reduced benefits and tightened eligibility. J b 0 tl Where it comes from •.. Where It goes ..• • -A $14 billion cut in other. domestic programs, including energy research and conservation, the Envlroomeotal Protection Agency, scbool aid, job training, h o u s i n g a a s i s t a n·c e transportalion subsidies, child nutrition. heating, cost subsidies for poor people and do:r:ens or other areas. In addition, funds for Legal ·Services Corp. and new maritime construction subsidies would be eliminated, and the Energy and Education departments would be dismanUed. \ Con1ressional Republicans ho fully supported Reaean's budget plan last year appeared in a due over \be weekend and talked aboul thorouehly rewriting the new plan. Democrats said the record deficits Reagan is predicting now are still unrealistically low. they said the only way out is for Congress to reverse itself on part of the record three-year tax cut approved in 1981. Source Oflt<:e ol Manaoement and Budget AP Ml•t .... WHERE IT ALL GOES -Chart shows where federal government gets its revenues and how the dollars are spent. President Reagan has submitted a $757.6 billion budget ror fiscal year 1983. CJH-.ct .....,.alng 114,llU-Mn AA otMJ _,,. ....... M2-4U1 all-time record for the state set in 1899 and matched in 1913. It . was an official 42 below at Randolph in the northeast corner of the state. Al least four people were killed iJ1 Texas and two died in Arkansas as freezing rain Jnd sleet spread across the Gulf Coast area. One woman was killed in a three-car pileup on snowy Interstate 93 in New Hampshire. Dense fog reduced visibility to near zero in northeast Florida and southeast Georgia. It was the coldest Feb. 6 on record in dozens of cities from Illinois to Idaho and south to San AhtonJo, Texas. A month-lone trend continued in a winter that bas seen cities such as Chicago, Milwaukee and Akron, Ohio. suffer their coldest days since the National Weather Service started keepinl records 111 years ago. Among the cities reportine record subzero temperatures for tbe date were: St. Cloud, Minn., 33 below; Duluth, Minn ., 27 below ; Topeka, Kan .• 21 below; St. Joseph , Mo., 20 beJow : Rockford, lll., 3> below; Kansas City, Mo., 19below. Mesan stabbed after diseute A 24-year-old Costa Mesa man was reported in stable condition at Hoag Hospital late Saturday arter he was stabbed earlier in the day. Eladio Ayala. 24. reportedly was stabbed by a friend with whom he was sharing a drink in a carport of his Center Street apartment complex. Charged with attempted murder, pollce said was 27-year-old Armando Ochoa, also of Costa Mesa. Police said Ochoa was identified as the· assailant by Ayala and witnesses to the accident. Police said the stabbing occurred wben the two began to argue over an unknown topic. Five hel,d in assault Five persons have been taken into custody on charges related to an assault on two men ln San Juan Capistrano Saturday. Orange County sherifrs deputies said. One of the victims reportedly s~ed a fractured skull in the attack. The names of the victims and those arrested were not available late Saturday. Police said the incident occurred at about 1:~ p.m. near 31CM8 Calle San Die10, and that the two vicUms apparenUy were hit over the head. The aecond vtcUm reportedly suffered leas severe injuries, accordint to Sgt. Doua Storm. From Page A.1 SHOOTOUT bad been the scene of frequent clubes. PoUce said Pike, a sfieefmetal worker', forced bit way lnto the home •t about a:ao p.m. Friday, c:based bl.I wife, twc14 teen-a1e chlldno and' Mt. Skinner into ·~ yard aod opened fire. 1'1. 9'triner'a bod)' wu found on tbe front ltwn wbetl police arrived after Jrecehi.ftl a call about • famU.y dllpute. Pit., who ,Police Hy •aa arme4 wlth a .H·callber revolftl" remal.ned barricaded ln lbe ~ for ftve boun before ·~wit.bout Jnctt-t- • • Administration 'draws the line' in El Salwdor WASHINOTON CAP> -1be Rea1an admlnl1trat1on Is vowln1 to do "whatever la necessary" to atop a leltlat victory ln El Salvidor, even leavln1 open the poqlblllty of aendin1 U.S. troop•. But to many Americana, the more Immediate question la : "why abouJd we care?" Hl1h-ranklng State Department offlciall went before Con1ress last week to make thelr case, ar1uln1 blunUy that U.S. national aecudty intete1t1 "are beln1 lnconteajably challen1ed In Central America." Sect<eUry of Stat• Alexander M. Hail Jr. on Tuesday depicted the admin1atraUon'1 deepen1n1 m ll llary support for the Salvadoran 1overnmtnt u a reaction to "the export of aubveralon and armed intervention" by Cuba tbroulb ''ill newfound ally, Nicarasua." Haig a1ao said that commuoiat arms Infiltration into El Salvador was a1ain increasing, close to the level• of the guerrillas' January 1981 general offensive . The State Department, however. later refused to document Hali's assertion. In con1reasional testimony, Thomas 0 . Enders, auistan secretary of stale for inter-American affairs, also depicted the Salvadoran civil war In dire, geopolitical terms. "The decisive be ttle for Central America is under way ln 11;1 Salvador," ,Enders declared. "If after Nicaragua, El Salvador is captured by a violent minority, who io Central America would not live ln fear? How long would it be before major strategic U.S. interata - the canal, sea lanes, oil supplies -would be at risk? However, recently, the administration's strident warnings have prompted concern• amon1 aome con1re11lonal Dentocrall that the United Stat11 ml1ht be ed1in1 into a Vletnam·llke "quaS"mire." " The "doves" on El Salvador, led by Rep. Gerry E Studdt, D-Mua., rtdJcule Enders' fear about a ''violent minority" selzln8 control of the tiny country and hla belief that the Cubans are behind the war. , "Who ... baa run El Salvador for tbe enUre century if It haan't been a violent minority?," Studds uk4"1 ln an intervtew. He cited the co1.1ntry's put ~ years of often brutal military rule . LA officials probe fetuses discovery LOS ANGEL~ (AP) -Los Angeles County officials pored over u many as 500 human fetuaea found In a metal container in Wilmington, trying to determine Saturday where they came from and whether they were older than the 20-week limit for le1al abortions. ·'I can't say there Is a violation of the law . . . until they eet through with the investigation ," said Al Albergate, a spokesman for the district attorney's office. John W. Finken , a senior investigator at the coroner's office, said the fetuses -packed in forma,ldehyde in individual plastic contalners that bad been placed in cardboard boxes and Jammed into the huge container -were transferred to the coroner's facility Saturday. "It's a grueling operation out there," Finken said of the examination being conducted by workers from the coroner's office, health department and district attorney's office. He said the timing of the transfer "depends on how many there are. I've heard reports that there are as many as 500 of them." Investigators were ti yine to determine whether the fetuses were older than 20 weeks, the limit for legal abortions. Some of them have been in st.oraae since 1979 and some weigh as much as four pounds, police s aid. Police Detective Larry Kallestad said the plastic containers were labeled with women's names and dates. "There were fetuses, records, medical things," he said. "It almost looked like this was a storage cabinet.'' Ralph Lope:r;, a health department spokesman, said Saturday that the container definitely contained the remains or formaldehyde-soaked human tissue as well as stacks of medical documents. ''I think there are several things that are being attempted that have to be clarified," Lopez said. "The most immediate is to inventory or assess what's. actually in there," he said. ''There have been a lot of statements, there's been a Jot or numbers and I guess speculation as to what's actually in there. So the very first thing is to determine what is in there." Problems plague nuke plants One -third of U.S., atomic facilities. not operating NEW YORK <AP ) - One-third of the nation's nuclear plants are shut, many of them victims d problems that include a hydrogen explosion and various equ.ipmeot failures leadln• to radiation and water leak JI. Of the 72 nuclear plants with operating licenses, 25 were shut as of Saturday, accordine to o(ficial Nuclear Regulatory Commis1ion records and an Informal Associated Press survey of the units Eight plants have shut since a tube rupture prompted automatic shutdown of the Giana nuclear plant near Rochester on Jan ~5. Those plants were closed due to maladies that include generator ruse malfunctions, radiation in the main steam line, leaks in a reactor coolant system and problems with a reactor coolant pump seal. With the exception of one worker Utjured by a hydrogen explosion Thursday al the Palisades nuclear plant in South Haven, Mich., none of the latest pr~lems has caused injuries or thre)tt to public health, according to officials. The worker was In serious condition Friday with broken bones and lung bruises, officials said. The blast occurred when hydrogen leaking from an electrical generator ignited in a non-nuclear area of the plant. The unit was not in operation al the time because several hours earlier a valve in the cooling tower had malfunctioned. Officials said it could be sever• weeks before t.be wllt restarts. JD Mldttion to those 12 plants, three other closed plants, althoul)\ t.eclmically licensed to operai., are cenerally excluded from NRC $tatiatlcs on p.laols wilb operatln& licenses. · Those units -Dresden 1 in Morris, Ill., tbe Humboldt Bay unit in Humboldt Bay, Calif., and Three Mile Island 2 in Harrisburg, Pa., site in 1979 of the nation's worst commercial nuclear accident -are closed indefinitely for long-term TROUBLED INDUSTRY repairs and conceivably may never reopen. The Ginna unit is in ·'the recovery phase," while Three Mile Island 1, 1hul alnce the acct.a.m at lta adjaffllt untt.. • the subject of a lencthy restart review. According to NRC records, other plants where problem11 have caused shutdowns since the Ginna accident are: -Brunswick 2 in Southport, N.C., shut Wednesday for high radiation in a maln steam line. -Turkey Point 4 in Turke)' Point, Fla., shut Wednesday because of a leak in the containment system. Turkey Point 3, in long-term shutdown for replacement or a 1team generator. ls expected back in operation in March. -Farley 2 in Houston County. AJa., shut last Sunday for~ or a react.or coolant pump seal. -Connecticut Yankee in Haddam Neck, Conn., shut last Sunday due to generator problems. -Crystal River 3 in Red Level, Fla., shut Jan. 28 to repair a leak in the reactor coolant system. -Cook 1 in Bridgman, Mich .. shut Jan. 31 for turbine repairs. -Point Beach 1 in Two Rivers, Wis ., shut down Saturday to correct a leak that released radioactive steam into a containment building. Newport Surf and Sport 'L "It's A Whole Way of Life" ~ .· .d\ J-r G ~Ir\ STORl t2 210~ Meftne Ave. ......... l'n-7'111 Open Diiiy II 1• I i a "15"' ;: z:;;:;:: •*0 W ¥WWW¥£!U4¥ . . . .. . Orange CoeM DAILY PtLOT/Sunday, February 7, 1982 From P1ge A 1· . . ROUSING PRICES PROMPT 2-CAR FAMILIES, DOUBLE TRIPS • • • Use oount111 ••neral pl1b, the DlUIMrl prtdicrt. t.bat vtnul111111 ol tbe •= portsou ot the aout.b eount1 I); mind by 1• tn won• tralftc t.bAl2 today. And now tbelr bad oewa. Tratnc now wU1 probably never lmprove lo Oran1e County unltu 1tvere economic or pollUcal eventa occur. By 1980, accordlna to the 1tudy, the worst cooaeaUon wUl be ln almo1t all of Irvine, the John Wayne lnduatrial sector, 1'uslln, Laguna Beach and South Lasuna. Those are tbe communities ualgned by a computer model the wont poulble rating, which planners HY at.andl for "severe deterioration" of freeways and major arterla.la. That ls the situation, plannen say, that exists now lo Tustin, where tense rush·bour commuters may line' up for miles to sift through the interchange. Even tbe advent of two south county freeways planned along the Foothill and San Joaquin transportation corridors, while critical mid-term solutions, won't satisfy the insatiable need projected for more roads, they say. In fact, a third new south county freeway Is under early coruslderation. By 2000, almost all developed parts of the south county are projected to be as bad as Tustin. • As a result, planners in the county 's Environmental Management Agency are scheduled to un veU this month a new growth management plpn for the south county, said Bryan Speegle, advance planning director. With a built·in alarm system to warn of imbalances, the plan will be the most comprehensive effort made yet by the county to control bow housing and transportation relate. "I wouldn't want to underestimate the difficulty in putting the two together," said Speegle. The study is based on growth projections compiled last spring and summer by county workers, who assumed growth trends will continue at much the same pace as in the recent past. Under this growth scenario, the south county will be developed according to current provisions in the general plan , and some still·unplanned ranchlands also will accommodate rural-style homes. Growth will continue after 1995 - especially in spacious areas such as Irvine, San Juan Capistrano, Anaheim Huls, San Clemente, Brea and Orange -and the population after "first generation build-out" will ~about 3 million. AccoTdlnc lo this projection. twice • IDa07 can will b9 on ~ county roads in 1995 as today. said ~peegle. The growth management plan generalJy will not involve what Speegle called a blanket "downwrung," the act of reducing an entitlement to develop land. But he said some exceptions to that rule will be suegest~. such as for the region along tbe Moulton Parkway in Laguna Hills". Growth ther e not o nly i s outstripping road systems planned for 1995, be said, but for those • planned tor the nm centuey. J'or th• moat part, tbouab, t.be 1rowtb plan wtll involve a computer-auhted monltortn1 pro1ram ln wbicb plannera forecut how much traffic a new project would aenerate, and whet.Mr lt would overburden the ewUn1 s)'lt.em. If gl"O'\tb and atrflts can be balanced, the county Board or Supervbora wUJ get an all·clear report. "lf they can't," explained Pet.er Herman, chief plannlna aide to Supervisor Tbomu Riley, •'the board ls golnJ to have to take some aort of action to amen.orate the problem." Herman admits the atreneth of the system ultimately falla on the su pervisora ' integrity In not approving projects that would put too much strain on roads or other services. But he points lo their deciak>D late last year in imposing a prototype of the system on property along the Moulton Conidor when faced with a sudden influx or 10 proposals including more than 1 mlllion square feet or office space. The supervisors then agreed not lo approve any project that would significantly increase traffic congestion. Herman also noted that much of the south county is owned by large deve lopment corporations which have "strong motivation" to cooperate to ensure future development. Speegle said a systematic approach to regulating growth and preserving roads, sch<>bls and other SA Freeway proposals need citizens' aid Volunteers are being sought by Orange County transportation agencies to join advisory groups to oversee $2 bi 11 ion worth of proposed im provemeots lo a.id the ailing Santa Ana Freeway. Officials for those agencies. inc luding Caltrans and both Orange County's Transportation Co m mi ssion and Transit Dlslriet, st.aged a workshop this week to rec ruit interested persons. The task forces are being organized by the commission's Beverly Kenefick and the transit district'• Madeleine Dickert. Ma. Blcttert ••id ad•laory groups will be formed to t!xa mine each of the improvement proposals , including the widenin1 or the Santa Ana Freeway by two lanes and construction of a mass transit line probably a rail system -to run through the county. Interested persons can call th" transit district at 971-6579 or the transportation commission at 834·4327 for more information. 1111and ••ll•o ca<1 ••~I u >S me>fl llOf'thH11 winds HIQll• In ,,,. mid to upper 60s, drC1""4ng a l•w ""°'"' -.sa., LOW\ J6 lo~ Mountains can uo.cl •ul to n0<theas1 "''""' NlO mOft IOCl<ly Hlgllt In the «>t. 1°"Q Ill to. to 10W ... Wlnda westerly 1 to 12 II.not• ---------tllroutlh .n..-..-1111cOm1119 llgnt •ndl • =-~=·,= ~';:'1,." •1T emperatures NATIC)fC 200 can •tart conge1tion Wlth freeway traffic movlni at 35 mph, U\e moat efficient tor capacity, a sln1le lane can bold 1,800 vehJclee an hour. If another 200 are added, traffic degenerates into lurching etop-and·go speeds. That "standard en&ineerln1'' information comes Crom Al Hollinden. UC Irvine tranaportatlon lnstructor, who argues that Orange County needs better mass transll systems IC only to remove those extra cars from rush-hour traffic. "If you can remove 1, 2 or 3 percent -or 1n a city like Los Angeles, 5 or 6 percent-<>! the traffic with rapid transit or buses , you really accomplish a great deal," he said. FUTURE, PRES!NT TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS -PAOE 01 services needs to be created. Stop.gap measures to halt construction entirely lo certain areas don't solve long.range re1lonal problems, he said. "ll 's like pushing down on a waterbed," he observed. "You push down in one place and it comes up in another." Despite the problems confirmed by the planning studies, Speegle la optimistic about the attempts to place the south county's future under the microscopic eye or the computer. As bleak a picture as reports paint, he pointed out, at least the county government has tried to reconcile building and transportation plam. ·'The north county , lf I can generalize, has gone blithely on its way," he said, even though 50 percent or the county's growth is expected to occur there through higher density redevelopment. The area northwest or the Newport-Costa Mesa Freeway, of course, is not united under a single governmental jurisdiction as is most of the south county. It is an amalgam of 21 cities plus various small, unincorporated islands. According lo Speegle, .no one has recommended the same spec?mc traffic studies as undertaken for the south county. "In northern Orange County," he said "I dOn't even think there's a percept.ion of what the problem is." That is not to say no official warnings have been isaued about impending transportation snarls. In 1979 , t he Orange County Transportation Commission unveiled it• comprehensive "multi·modal study.'' fn wrucb analysts said DU billion in improvements are needed by 1995 to keep people moving at the same rate as today. Recommended in that report ls • full packa1e of couotywlde i m pro•emeota, lnoludln• a continuation of the Orf.Oge Freeway from the Garden Grove to the San Dte10 freeways and a light rail system to run through the moat com mercta.lly developed segments ol the central county. Many of those projects are still conceptual at best. Others, however, are on approved lists for state funding. The first project likely to be completed is ao extension or the Corona del Mar Freeway to Jamboree Road. and ultimately MacArthur Boulevard ln Newport Beac,b. Comtructlon is expected to begin in the l983-M fiscal year, aald Heinz Heckerot.b, Caltrans reatooaJ director. "I don't think there's any queatiQD that project will 10 ahead," be aa1d. Widenlna Paci.fie Coast Hilhway from MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road and from Dover Drive to Newport Boulevard is scheduled by Caltran.s for the l~ fiscal year. ConUnued widening north to Golden West Street in Huntington Beach is set for 1986-87. Another on the horizon (if you squint> is the redesign or Tustin's infamous interchange for the Newport·Costa Mesa and Santa Ana freeways. The preferred plans from Caltrans engineers is lo replace clogged cloverleaf loops with a third level of direct ramps. But even if selected, it is not scheduled for conalructioo 1.mtil at least the s~ond half of the decade, perhaps 1987 or '88, said Heckeroth. Thus, although several project.a are eyed by experts to help relieve increased congestion, little is expected to be built In the next five years. How did Orange County ever get into th.is mess? Experts say it was a combination or political and social changes t.hat took place in the last decade. And the rising affluence triggered by the mild climate and high property values added to the transportation trauma. Said Herman: "We went through a period in the early 1970s wben it was fashionable for eovemment officlala to ~o alona with public s.entiment aga1nat certain free,.ays." Scrapped were plans for the Pacific Coast Freeway (a precursor to the San Joaquin Hills corridor plaos), the Laguna Canyon Freeway to the coast, the extended IJnperia1 RJcbway <abo known u tbe Richard M. Nixon Freeway) and a freeway roughl.Y parallel to Beach Boulevard. In addition, Herman noted, several other arterial blpways fot the south county also got the at. "Now the political repercussiona are coming around," he said. When those major roads were omitted from county maps, it created an imbalance with the development potential or the surrounding lands. Speegle said the county's "falling" was in not reducing the development expectations. . Meanwbile, tbl PNllUNI to HWi tn Oran1e Count~ ooatlnued, u tbrouahout UI• lun Belt. "Peop&e don't atop comtq," laid lpeel)I, "It' 1 a coftltltuttoa al rl1bt to mt.rate.'' The demand for boual.I la tblt mlld cUmate HDt up the prtce1, attracttna wealtbler .... ...._,or at leut famlll-. lo which tM .,..bud and wife both worked to PIJ the mort1&1•· Tb• county chanted aloq wtlb ill cu.at.oat.a, aaJd Al Holllnden, P"Olfam manaser of UC Irvine's lnatitute ol Tran1portaUon Stud.lea . The demand for bou.aln1 aeot up~ the prices, attractlnt wealthier; re1identa with more can, or at Jeaat,. famllles in which the hu.aband aod wlfe both worked to pay the mort1a1e. That meant twice th peak-hour trips as anticipated, be sald. . 1 Meanwhlle. other famutea that couldn't afford the local bou.ln•. prices settled in distant suburbl 1uch aa in Riverside or San Bernardino I counties. The displacement baa caused workers to commute farther,_ which clogs freeways even more· seriously, be explained. TbLs growth preuure gives Orqe County more intense transportaUon problems than most other areu, Hollinden observed. Women in 55 percent of Oran1e County's families belong to the work force compared to the statewide average or 46 percent, be sald. ConcUJTently, the average family ls shrinking in numbers and more people are living by themselves. The result is a more arnuent population that can afford more automobiles and also relies on them for more daily trips -especially during peak hours -than in the past, he said. A Fountain Valley city councilman, Hollinden cited bis city as an example. Initially expected to hold 80,000 people, it only bas 60,000, but l.bolle residents are generating two to tbree limes as many trips aa planners anticipated 15 years ago from the larger crowd. A few years ago, he added, t5 percent Qf the work force commuted directly to work. Today, with more stops at preschools, day care centers and public schools, that number bu dropped to 65 per~ent. "I think social change la tbe angle biggest influence, so it will drive transportation systems in the future," he said. Customs also dictate the kinda of· solutions residents will accept, experts aay. Spee1le noted tbat reald ... ''want to cet bame la .,, minutes and have a barbecue whlle- the sun'• still up." , Tbui, he says, while new freewaya· ultimately wUI help relieve some' traffic pressure and mass tranalt facillties will offer alternate meana of travel, the most likely adjustment• will be to more ride sharing. "Certainly there is a need for transit facilities, but the immediate need is for carpools and vanpoola," he said. "That way we can malntaln tbe lifestyle people are accustomed to." LB to salute America's new beginning ... Joi 14.., 11 .. 06 ·10 u ,, to 3' H O' 43 J2 12 -K The 16th Annual Patriots Day Parade will wind through the streets of Laguna Beach Saturday beginning at 11 a.m . with more than 85 ei:itries. bands and driJl teams. The theme of this year's• parade is "America, A New Beginning.'' It will feature the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Band and the El Toro Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard. Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, will be grand marshaJ or the parade. The masters of ceremonies will be television personality Bill Gwinn and Jim Lyon, manager of the Chamber of Commerce. The parade will begin at Laguna Beach High School and proceed down Park A venue lo Glenneyre Street and up Forest Avenue. The parade is expected to last about an hour and a half. CAUf'OaNIA APl>leV•I ...... llekenflelel n 21 .. . ... ""' I I t t ..., .... • 2 4 4 ... .. ., ., ,, .. 8erat-a.......-..... ~ .,.._ "99A~i. Me,.,tvllle ~ .. Mofttellelto Meft'9,..., Mt. WlllOll .. _ .. , .._,..,leech Oal..-d OntarlO ,..,_ Sall net SM!..,_ ... ,. Sen O!etQ Saft"t-~O $9f\J-....WA ... ........... --. ...... .... ... ..., IMta...,,. • t w , ..... v .. ..., , t w ,.,.,_. I I W Terr-i t w y- We''e Lisfening ••• I What do you like about t.ht> O.U1 PlJot~ What don't you Jlkc? " 17 " 27 .. ,. .. 17 :: :1 .. .. .. . " '3 st aa st 4S ., ,. .. ., ., 40' u 11 ., 11 " u ., ~ M 46 ., as Ji SI ., ,., •S • 40 °'· w. ., .. . ., I Call the number belc>w and your mes1111 will bt recorded tr•n•<'ribed ~ dallvered to the appropriate editor. . ' Ttle aame 24 hour anawtrtna aenlct may be uaed to ,.~ord let· ter• lo UM ~ltor e>n any topic. Mailbox coatrtbutott must include their name and l•lephone DUmber fOf" verlrtcaUon. No circulation calla, please. Tell UI what'• on your mh.S. HANDPAINTBD FRAM&$: Sc.llo~ tdfe · 2"d " picture 9H. Ill. R~ • S".S" platun .tu, ll1. lfUC1S: lttd (W'.mlC with wflltt llNtU, 16 . ci..r rJ.Ma flrlth rtd 11, .. ,,., u . 'SWSl'TS" JM: Cltlll' glul "1th rwd llHrt., '5 l.AH% O'F SA.UltflO flH INrtlwt Valflitlna. 11111 d\ICO dot ,Ol,Y./oolton nlfbtfOW'll U ~I· .cf 117 JM mulitoolot embrofdtrtd hMtt. Alf.U· • • .tblt lit wflltt in .... P,!,11)... ISO. YOU T H CAP ITA L IZE D -After commemorating the centennial of Franklin D. Roosevelt's birthday in Washington, O.C .. James Roosevelt told students at Our o.lty -..... ., e.., .,...._ Lady Queen of Angels School in Newport Beach of lighter moments and safety precautions during his family's stav in the White House. · Son recalls FDR 's warning Newport students hear a bout New Deal first h and By JODI CADENHEAD Ol ttle o-.y ..... s.ft Rather than getting their history lesson from a textbook, s tudents at Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Newport Beach went straight to the source James Roosevelt , son of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, spoke wistfully last week or his days in the White House following his father's election in 1932. The tall, nearly bald man, who has known every American president since Woodrow Wilson, recently returned from Washington, D.C. ceremonies commemorating the lOOth ORAL HISTORY -Students were most curious about the influence of Eleanor Roosevelt. anniversary or the 32nd president's birth Havmg spent the last few weeks talking to r eporters about the significance of his rather's New Deal programs, the 74-year-old Newport Beach resident turned hlS attention to some lighter subjects. Pillow fights in the White House, for instance. · There were a couple, recalled the former congressman when pressed by a 12-year-old. In fact , one lime he received quite a tongue-lashing from his mother when he told her that it didn't really matter ii a few goose felfthers got scattered around the White House. After au, the home didn't belong to them. Another student wanted to know if Eleanor Roosevelt didn't really ruo the country. ''A lot of people got the opinion that her opinion prevailed," said Roosevelt. "But it didn't. He made the decl.slons." A little-known fact about Eleanor Roosevelt is that she waa so dlatraught by the idea or being trailed by the Secret Service that she volunteered to carry her own gun, be said. FBI director J . Edgar Hoover agreed to admit the feisty First Lady lo a shooting academy where agents were trained, said Roosevelt. But 10 days later Hoover called the president to say it was hopeless. It turned out that Mrs. Roosevelt "couldn't bit the side of a barn," said her son. President Roosevelt didn't care much for the Secret Service either One of his chief delights was hopping in his specially equipped hand-operated Ford and driving narrow trails that lhe agents' wide cars couldn't possibly follow . The most sobering moment came when a student asked if t he president had ever revealed something to his son that he shouldn't have. Almost, answered Roosevelt. lt was following the inauguration ceremonies in 1945, the last time Roosevelt saw his father alive. He was returning to the Navy and told bis father that it would be some lime before they met again since a landing in Japan seemed imminent. "I don't think there'll be a landing in Japan," the president reportedly answered. ··He was trying to tell me that there was a new invention called the atom bomb, but it was terribly top secret," said Roosevelt. "And I never asked him why there wouldn't be a landing." It was during the Roosevelt administration that the "war room" was constructed beneath the White House, said Roosevelt. It still contains advanced communication systems with military installations and enough food and water to last two months in the event or a nuclear attack. rfHREE PART llARMONY •f Archltectu~ Interior ~n Construction ~ • • 'J ' ; Imagine. Your home or oflke tl'\loy. Your personal envltOl'I· t>eaullrully composed with arthl· ment exactly as you dreamed It lecture. lntc:rW>r design and con· would ~: a masterp4ecc: that wlll struc:Uon playlng In perfect har· sing your pralsc::s rOf years to come. mony,All lr1onepacll.age •"'OfOM Contad the RoKwood Oroup ol c09t. Or use only one: scrvke. and Dalwl and Constructlof'l (Of your ~nellt from our .comprc:hcNlve CJt• complimentary t>rochure. perkn«. ~ ~DMLO'M!Ht~ 11~1 ~Street. 5ultc 190, NcwPo't l5eac.h. CA 92660 17141 a,,1 .1931 . ' • ...... ' j HQpefulS meet voters • Groups mull "ERA -Where do we go from here?'' , By CllAIU.F.8 H. LOOS Ol .. INtfr ~Md Ted Brulnama, another ln the lenltby Ust of hopefull ,eeklnt the Republican nomination for the U.S. 'Senate, has discovered Oranie County. He'll be in Newport beach Wednesday speakint to lhe la.diet of the Balboa Bay Re ubltcan Women, Federated. Brulnsma, former dean of the Loyola Law Sch I, will speak during a noon luncheon at the lrvi e Coast Country Club. * * * J JIN SCHMITZ, whose nalr for lantuage has ca apulted him into the news of late, told a gathe g of subcontractors ln Orange County the oth night that be's keeplni the chastity belt glv to him by Gloria Allred. The eather and chain contraption, which touched rr the latest Schmitz venture into notoriety hen the feminist attorney tossed it to him duri a committee hearing he was chairing, r 'es in his Newport Beach office, 'he said. • * • GOOD QU TJON of the week "ERA Where Do We GO from Here?" To Costa Rica election is party SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP> -Despite Costa Ria's near-bankrupt status aod bleak outlook for a fast recovery, the windup of a six-way race for ps;esident was more like a carnival than a campaign on election eve Saturday. Fi reworks boomed and hooking cars festooned with political party flags zipped ttirough lhe streets of the capital of this Central American democracy Both front-runners in the pres idential race were claiming an ed ge as voters made merry before going to the polls They also will ca st ballots for 57 congressional seats and hundreds of mumc1pal offices today Costa Ricans are fiercely proud of their tradition of regular. peaceful elections. They say they don't hold elections. they celebrate them Polls indicated 56-year-old Luis Alberto Monge, the candidate of the opposition National Lif>e.ration Party, would win by a three-to-one margin over Rafael Angel Calderon or the ruling, l!nity Party. . The anawer wlll be aou1bt Tuaday nitht when the Equal Ri1ht.1 Ameodment CoaUUon of Oranae County dluuaaea that topic in Tustin. The pi,abUc IA welcome al the 7:30 p.m . seaaion at Beverly Hills Savinp and Loan at lbe lntenectlon of Irvine Boulevard and Tuatin Avenue. • • * ONE ANSWER to the lood question of the week comes from Carolyn E. Johnson, an associate professor of communications al Cal Stale Fullerton and the new national president of Women in Communications Inc. . ''Despite setbacks to the ERA, we are not going to roU over and play dead," says Dr. Johnson, re-affirming her or1anization's support or the Equal Righu Amendment Sit up and speak, maybe? • • • MEMBERS OF THE vanous units of the Orange Coast League of Women Voters will be gathering this week to pick local issues for study during the coming year The Newport-Mesa Unit will meet at 9 -30 a.m. Wednesday at the home of Nancy Kimble, 407 Snug Harbor Road, Newport Beach. The Irvine Unit will get together at 7: 30 p.m. Wednesday night at the home of Janice Hathaway, 18701 Via Palatino Saddle back Unit II also will meet at 7: 30 p.m . Wednesday. The setting will be the home of Mary Brooks, 24992 Buckboard Lane, Laguna Hills . And the Laguna Beach Unit plans to gather at 9: 15 a .m . Thursday at the home of Barbara Stuart, 536 Poplar St. All meetings are open to the public. Men are invited, too Call 645-7120 for further information. * * • SADIE BURNS will preside when the Orange County F'ederataon of Republican Women conducts its annual Lincoln Day meetmg Thursday. The event gets under way at 9 30 a m at the Newport Shel'aton Hotel near John Wayne Airport • • • ALSO ON FRI PA ¥, the R epublican Associates of Orange County will hear rrom the county"s three GOP congressmen -Bob Badham, Wilham Dannemeyer and Dan Lungren. ' The meeting gets under way at 11 : 30 a m. al the Anaheim Stadi1.1m Club. Elections get ·in gear First deadlines. awroach for candidates in 40 races Orange County voten will be electln1 a full slate of federal, state and county officials when they go to the polls for the June 8 primary and Nov. 2 general elections More than 40 elected pos1t1ons are up for grabs in the 1982 election, which officially kicked off tast Monday when candidates for Judicial and state legislative posts were required to beglll filing declarations of intent to seek office with the Orange County Registrar of Voters Office. Candidates for the bench m 18 departments of Orange County Superior Court and the county's five municipal courts a s well as candidates for the state Legislature must file a declaration of intent before Feb. 10, according to Ruth Reinert, a registrar's office supervisor. She said the filing deadline will be extended for five days if an incumbent fails to file for the office. Persons seeking other than court or legislative posts are not bound by this requirement. Also, candidates for these positions must pay a filing fee or submit signatures in lieu of the fee. Mrs. Reinert said. Beginning Feb. 15 and ending March 12, howeve r , all candidates, in.eluding those already mentioned, are required to file nomination papers and a declaration of candidacy, Mrs. Reinert said. Again, if an incumbent fails to file for office, the deadline will be extended for five days . Six days later, on March 18, the order by which candidates' names will appear on the primary ballot will be selected by lottery. The spokeswoman added that write-in candidates have unlll May 25 to complete their nom inaling process and formally rue for office. Offices being contested in 1982 are: O R ANGE COUNTY SUPER VJ SOR c four-year term): -District 2, which includes Seal Beach, Huntington Beach and Cypress. lncu~bent Is Harriett Wieder. -District 4, wh\ch lncludea An abetm, Orange and Buena Park . Incumbent ~ Ra lph Clark. District S, which includes Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvme and San Juan Capis trano Incumbent 1s Thomas Riley O R ANGE COUN T Y ASSESSO R : Incumbent is Bradley Jacobs. AUDITOR/CONTROLLER Incumbent is VA. Heim. CLERK/RECORDER Incumbent is Lee Branch. DISTRICT ATTORNEY· Incumbent is Cecil llicks. PUBLIC ADM lNISTRl\toR· Incumbent is James Heim. SHERJFF/-CORONER · Incumbent is Brad Gates. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS : • Incumbent is Robert Peterson. TAX COLLECTOR-TREASURER : Incumbent is Robert Citron. ' COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION: -Trustee District 2, which includes Seal Beach, Garden Grove, Ocean View and Huntington Beach Incumbent is F'rances Murphy. -Trustee District S, which includes, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach and San Juan Capistrano Incumbent is Jerry Shaw. OR ANGE GOUNTY SUP ERIOR COURT (six-year term)· -Office 1. Incumbent is Robert Banyan!. -Office 2: Incumbent Is Myron Brown. -Office 3: Incumbent is Luis Cardenas. -Office 4: Incumbent ls Phillip Cox. -Office 5: Incumbent ls Thomas Crosby. -E>ffice 6: lncum bent is Leonard Goldstein. -Office 7: Incumbent is Robert Green. (See '82 CANDIDATES, P a1e AS> NEW! Fish Sandwich Platter $1. 99 You'll love our crispy North Atlantic fish Ollet on a warm bakery bun with shredded lettuce! Complete . .. with fresh cole slaw and golden fryes. it's great for lunch or anytime! Try our Chicken S8ndwich Platter, too! ........ c.. ... · ""' ......... s. .... ..,..,.., ...... ._ ...... • STABLE FORECAST -Delynn Bodenhamer and Marsha Jackson . riding trail near Diiiy ...... "'99111¥ akll!N ........ Central Park. are among horse owners who want to keep space for equestrian living Orange Coat OAJLV PfLOT/Sunday, February 7, 19J2 U ·A Zoning more stable? H B planners consider equestrian estates prof)Oaal By PATIUCK KENll(EDY or .. .,_,.,..,. HunUngton Beach Historian 8ud HIHlnl recallJ a Ume when there wu ~ardly a car ln town, but a horse ln every backyard. Times have chanted but Huntlntton Beach may have the lar1est horse population along the Oranae Coast. And city officials are makln1 plans to eo1ure that there will be space ror horse owners by proposing that 290 acres near Golden West Street and Ellis A venue be desl1nated for equestrian estates wlth 870 stables. "ln the 1920s lifeguards used saddle horses to patrol the beaches. said HJ11ins, a former Ufeguard. "Everyone in town owned a horse and they had the same ri,etits as vehicle& do today. . "The assembly line production of the Model·T Ford ruined Ml lhat," Higgins said, adalng that the city's growing population also reduced the freedoms of horse riders. He said in the late 1920s, horse riding on the beach was banned because several sunbathers were trampled and injured. Today. in H upting~on Beach, there are about 600 horses, most kepl in six stables west or Golden West Street and south of Ellis Avenue. However. those stables are temporary because the land 1s zoned for residenUal and agricultural use. Oil pumps also operate in the area, which Is one of th~ rew lar1e undeveloped • parcels ln this city of 170,000 people. Horse owners of the Equealrtan Trail• Inc. say the propo9ed estates appear the Oftly hope that a large number or hones can permanently , rem aln In Huntington Beach. City officials are proposln1 tb1l a maximum 870 equestrian estates be allowed In • the 290 aeres near Golden West and Ellis, with consolidated stables serving the area. However, city officiala estimate only 20 percent of the homeowners would permanently • use their stable spaces. Local horseowoers say they hope to lease the unused stables of the proposed project. City Planning Commissioners will study the equestrian estates proposal Tuesday, says assistant planner Carol Inge. The City Council must ultimately approve the proposed land use, but Mayor Ruth Finley .. says COW}cil members last year recogni-zed that "equest.rtan estates along with the proposed horse stable In Central Park would become as important to horseowners as Huntington Harbour is to boaters." Starr members were asked to provide an estates proposal. Orang_e County officials ·a.iso have proposed a linear park along the Huntington Mesa west of Golden West (hat would have horse trails connecting lo trails running along the mesa practically to the sands of Bolsa Chica St.ate Beach and connecting to trails in nearby Central Park. ~ • • ' . l ~ • • • • • • I ' • '82 CANDIDATES BEGIN FIUNG DECLA·RA TIONS OF INTENT TO R UN ... <From Page A4) -Office 8: Incumbent is James Jackman -Office 9: Incumbent is WUUam Lee. -Office 10: lncuJnbent Is Jack Mandel. Office 11 · Incumbent is William Murray -Office 12· Incumbent is Jerrold Oliver -Office 13· Incumbent is Ronald Owen Office 14• Incumbent is James Perez -Office 15: Incumbent is Phillip Petty. -O{fice 16: Incumbent is Philip Schwab. -Office 17 : lncum bent is Harmon Scoville. -Office 18: Incumbent is Sheila Sonenshine. . CENTRAL ORANGE COUNTY Municipal Court, which serves Sant~ Ana, Orange and Tustin. <six -year term): Jr. Office: 1: Incumbent is Richard Parslow. \' Minor leak shuts Wisconsin nuke TWO RIVERS, Wis . <AP> -A "minuscule" amount of steam leaked into a containment building at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Saturday, and the plant was shut for repairs, utility officials !laid. The plant'• Unit 1 wu taken out of aervlce at 5 :34 a.m. alter worke" located "a Uny leak assocta'led with a monitoring instrument connected to the reactQr 's cooling system," s aid C. W. Fay, Wisconsin Electric Power Co. assistant vice president. "The leak did not cause a release in radiation outside the plant and resulted m no danger to employees or to the public,·• Fay said. He said the unit was expected to return lo servi~~ Monday. ~ :It . ._THE EARL'S 111.Ult.-o•HeA TIMQ .......... "··~ ~· l.t ,,,.,. ~'~ n.. S'-'t •t 'fOVt Ooor IC ... 5'0f1t ~ittt •0wt _.,.,,. cona•SA641·1219 •ue.._..,. ···-IMJ0'495-0401 ~ c.-. c.,i..- llu °"90 """· at 41 , • Office 2: Incumbent is John.Smith, Jr. NORTH ORANGE COUNTY Municipal Court, which serves Anaheim, Fullerton, Buena Park and La Habra. -Office 1: Incumbent is James Alfano Office 2 Incumbent is Linda McLaughlin Office 3: Incumbent is John McOwen. Office 4: Incumbent is Jean Rheinhe1mer. ORANGE COUNTY HARBOR Municipal Court, which serves Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Irvine Office i · Incumbent is Robert Polis SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY Municipal Court, whic h serves San Clemente and La guna/,Beach: -Office 1 is vacant. WEST ORANGE COUNTY Municipal Court, which serves Westminster, Huntington Be ach, Fountain Valley, Seal Beach and Garden Grove: Office 1: Incumbent 1s Ragnar Engebretsen. -Office 2 Incumbent is Joanne Harrold Office 3 Incumbent is Alan McKone. Office 4 : Incumbent is Kenneth Smith. Office 5: Incumbent is Marvin Weeks. . I STATE A&IEllaLY (two-year term): District SO, which includes Seal Beach, Huntington Beach and part of Long Beach. Incumbent is Dennis Brown, R-Long Beach. District 64 , which includes La Habra, Fullerton and Placentia. Incumbent is Ross Johnson, R· Fullerton. District 67 . which includes ViJla Park, Orange, Tustin and parts of Anaheim Incumbent is John Lewis, R-Orange. District 69, which includes Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and Irvine. Incumbent is Nolan Frizzelle, R-Costa Mesa. • WHOLESALE • LARGE SELECTION • SAMPLES BROUGHT TO YOUR HOME ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE CORRECTION The 8eer1 l uger Cube #1 3 1 72, •dver11Md on Peoe t Of lhe 8e8ra I-Dey ••r ge ln a11u pre-printed ••ctlon •PP••rlng In lhl1 ne'N~•t•r, 11 not Maki~ a start is pro&ably the ml>st important step toward saving. 8¥8 ........ . ·11noerely ,...., eny l nconvenlewoe 1tt11 ••J _.. MJ Of our cueta•re. Sears There is a way to take the initial step and know Vou're on the right track toward a r_:qular, acheduled savinga.Juatjoen the Payroll Savings Plan at work. A little is taken out of each paycheck toward the purclleae of U.S. Savings Bonds. You don't have to worry about making a special effort to J>Ul eomcthing aside each mday. lt'1 all done for you. Automatically. The bucks atart pili~ up, the interest cwa, aod you realiu youve AO~ nd one surefire. ~d"t._ ~ waytoaave. ~~ • • m merica. ,.,_.._,,,.,..OllHp l'ttel ",.,.. ........ OouNll District 70, which includes Newparl Beach, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach and San Juan Capistrano. Incumbent is Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach. U1Stncl 71, which includes Westminster, Cypress and Buena Park. Incumbent is Cheste1 Wray, 0 -Garden Grove. District 72. which includes Santa Ana anc Garden Grove Incumbent is Richard Robinson. D-Santa Ana. District 74 , which includes Sam Clemente and Capistrano Beach. Incumbent is Robert Frazee, R-Carlsbad . STATE SENATE (four-year term>: District 31, which includes La Habra, Brea, Yorba Linda, El Toro and Mission Viejo. Incumbent is Senate Minority Leader WUliam Campbell , R-Hacienda Heights District 32, which includes Anahe1pi. Garden Grove, Westminster and parts or Santa Ana ,. It's a new district so there is no incumbert. D1slricl 33, which includes Cypress and Buena Park Incumbent 1s Paul Carpenter, D·Cypress. District 35, which includes Villa Park, Tustin, Costa Mesa and Fountain Valley Incumbent will be selected in a special election April 13 due to the retirement or former slate Sen. John Bria&•· U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES <two year term >· District 38, which includes parts or Anaheim, Santa Ana, Westminster and all or Cypress. Ga rden Grove , La Palma and , Stanton. lncumbeot 1s J erry Patterson, D-Santa Ana. ' District 39, which includes part of Anaheim, Brea, Fullerton, La Habra, parts of Orange, Placentia, Villa Park and :torba Linda Incumbent is William Dannemey er, R Fullerton District 40, which includes Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, part or Huntington Beach, Irvine, 'Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and parts. of Orange and Santa Ana Incumbent is Robert Badbam, R Newport Beach District 42, which includes parts of Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Westminster and parts or Long Beach. Incumbent is Dan Lungr~n. R-Long Beach. District 43. which includes San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano. Incumbent is Clair Burgener, ft-Rancho Santa Fe U.S. SENATE (six year term>: Incumbent S.I. Hayakawa. R-Calir • has announced he will not be a candidate for re election. GOVERNOR -<four yea r term> Incumbent 1s Edmun~ Brown Jr , Democrat LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (four-year term ) Incumbent is Mike Curb. Republican. SECRETARV OF STATE Cfour year-term>. Incumbent is March Fong .Eu, DemocraL CONT&O L LEB (four-year term), Incumbent Kenneth Cory, Democrat. TREASURER (four-year term> Incumbent Jesse Unruh, Democrat, California. ATl'OR NEY GENERAL (four-year term > Incumbent George Deukmejian, Republican Is seeking the gubernatorial nomination. • avmgs upto40% i • ' ' • • ' , ' • • • • t ' I • • • ' t I I I I I I • J I ' f I • • . ' • t • , I t J • Or~• Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, l'tbruary 7, 1982 • New number quickens emergency responses What 10 years ago was a s uggestion by Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark 1s on the verge or becoming a reality Orange County this year will have a 911 em ergency telephone number system in operation For the first time. all r esi,dents of the county's 26 cities and unincorporated communities . will be able to dial a s ing!~ number to summon police. fire or em ergency medical assistance. The use of the 911 system will replace scores of individual police , fire and medical emergency numbers now in eff eel. Take a look inside your lelphone book to see just how many different numbers exist today. Since the proposal was made by Clark in 1972, count} officiali-. and representatives of the Pacific Telephone and GeneraJ Telephone companies have met to work out the d~tails implementing the $1 s ~iltion system Thal money is being raised via a surcharge paid by telephone users. It averages bet ween 3 and 6 cents per month. 1 nc ..,ystcm will be tested this spring. and likely will be o perational in May. Until the s tart-up date, persons must still rely on existing em~r genry (lSSistance numbers. lmpl t:"m c ntat1 on or thl' system marks a milest o ne development or the county's e mcrgem·y response network. Su re. it took 10 vears to be achieved but in thi~ case, it was wt•ll worth the \Hiit Describe risks first The sense or deJa vu about the El Salvador crisis 1s striking and growing more disturbing As in Vietnam, another dirty jungle war in a difficult political situation, State Department officials are vowing to prevent victory by leftwing rorces . accusations of Soviet complicity in the crisis are heard. the use of U.S. ground forces is not ruled out and the threat of dominoes falling ever closer lo America's doorstep is raised. It is clearly apparent the Reagan administration is heading for deeper in vol vcment in the Ei Salvador clVil war This could be very costlv for the United States.· judging from the nation's experience in Vietnam_ The nation cannot afford to have the sam e mistake repeated Before getting further involved in El Salvador. the admtn1strat1on s h ould stop to thoroughly consider all the ramification~. What is the objective or our El Salvador policy'' b a military solution to th(· war the best course to follow·' HO\\ much aid will be needed·1 Will troops be necessary" What will be tht' effects on our rel at ions with other Lalin American nations" What is the ris k of superpower confrontation" Should diplomac} be pursued more strenuously'! The American people deserve clear answers to these and other questions surrounding the El Salvador crisis before our nation 1s entangled in what could be another painful foreign crisis. Such a proce ss was n 't followed with Vietnam, and that was one of the reasons t: S involvement there failed El Salvador reappeared on the front pages last week when Secretary of State Alexander Haig. in dramatic testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. said the administration would d o ·whatever is necessary" lo prevent a leftist guerrilla victory. . The rebels are attempting to overthrow a junta that has ruled the tiny Central American nation ..since October 1979 Since the Ju nta came t o po\\er. an est i mall'd 35.000 Salvadorans have d.J(•d in politital violence. Hai g pointedly refused to rule out dcµloyment of American ground troops, although he added suc h c.ict1on would not be seriously C'o ns idert:'d except in · · e x t r l' nH' · · c i r c u m s t a n r e s . whatevc>r that means Th e administration 1s planning to send S55 million m emergenC'~ military equipment to the regime. on top of $26 million approved by Congress las t December. President Reagan will seek approval of another $100 mtlhon m military aid later this 't•ar La::.t \H•ek Reagan certified to Congn•i-.s the El Salvador rt'glml· b making progress an upholtlrng human rights That assertion 1s open to qucslaon. at the v.er~ least Figures from the l ' S Emhass~ and church groups show Pol1t1cally r e lated violent deaths are up s harply Killings have bel•n attributed lo the leftists. go"ern ment securitv force:-. Jncl right w1 ng "deal h squads Tht• udman1strataon. which accuses Cuba and Nicaragua of funneling (lrms to the leftlsts. has also raised the .. domino .. theory. used in the 1960s to s upport intervention in Vietnam. In testimony before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee. Thomas 0 Enders. an c harge of Wt.·stern ltcm1sphere affairs for the Stale Department. raised the specter of communist threats lo the Panama Canal and shipping lanes should the (:!ue rrillas win the El Salvador war Enders' fears are worthy of ex ploral1on. but so far. the adm1n1stratio n has not demonstrated to the public that the risk 3ustif'Tes ex tensive military involvement We hope the White House will• replace the alarmist rbetoric with informative answers fo these questions before moving further A military commitment decided an haste would be a tragedy Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on 1n1s page are tnosP ot tneor autnors and arl 1sts Reader comment os 1nv11 ed Address Tne L>aoty Pilot P 0. Box 1Sb0 Costa Mesa. CA 92626 PnOtle \7141 641-4321 L. M. Boyd/Blimp's beginning Argument continues over the origin of that word .. blimp " An officer snapped his thumb against one of . same and said, "Blimp! Blimp! .. t Some claim that's bow the name got , started. A more reasonable explanation suggests it came from the early military label for lbe craft~ •'Class B-Limp." There was a 1'" 8 -Rigid," too, but the word ~ "dirigible" didn't come from that. 1• J)lrlgible means capable of beinc ._,, t ed t s eer . 1 Client uks, "What's the lnscri_pUon on the tombstone of BUly t.bo Kid?" Researcb"Nveals. lt'a "Btlly the Kid, boy bandit kins. He died 11 be lived." At Fort Sumner, N.M. Only one out of every !O of Mozart's musical composlUom were published durtnc his l!f etime. • ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat . Florida get!I more vacationers every year from Ohio than from any other stale Q. Wlfat 's wrong with eating pigeons? A. Nothing, evidently Did you read about the pigeon-eating erase in Lexington. Ky .? City sanitation workers there some time l>ack trapped some birds that had been dirtying up the downtown area, and ate a few of sam e. Testy, they reported. Word spread. Pretcy soon locals were requesting free birdl: Four out of five leen-aice girls who become pregnant don't finish high school. Local law of Hood River, Ore., re- quires you to have a llcen1'e .in order to juggle. Thomas P. Haley PubHsher ~"a.Mii1plnne · Editor B•l'Mr• KNlblch .Ei:tltorlal Pag Editor - . New Cuba crisis irks Senate W ASHJNGTON -An early warning signal has been fl~hed to President Reagan that defense'Oriented senators, many of them solid Reaganites, will break their self·imposed silence and demand decisive U.S action against the Soviet arms butldup in Cuba, using a poHticaJ backdrop that could embarrass the president. Thj1t backdrop is the drama of President John F Kennedy 's spectacular success m backing down the Soviet Union in the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. What gives piquancy to the demand for action is the new disclosure that Cuban airfields now operate as a base for the Soviet TU-95 heavy bomber called the Bear -far superior to the IL·28 that Kenne dy 1ns1sted be withdrawn. Despite the rising demand for action by an admm1stration that has been talking tough on Cuba and the Caribbean for a full year, but carrying a small stick, the consensus within Reagan's national security bureaucracy was described to us this way· "We all agree the Soviets are developing a fantastic strategic opportunity." But as for the U S counteraction, well. let's see wbat happens That is the cycle of inertia that ~nate critics are out to break, and they hope that focusing on the Kennedy performance will help Twenty years ago. when the U S sllll held an unequivocal military margin over the Soviets, Kennedy extended the missile crisis beyond mere Soviet agreement to pull out the medium-range missiles aurreptitioualy unloaded on Cuban wharves He insisted, also, on the withdrawal of the Cuban-based IL-28s , a light bomber dwarfed by the long-range TU·t5 Bear Congressional ire bas ~n rislng months over U.S. intelligence reports that Soviet weapons have been piling up• in Fidel Castro's Cuba But the latest intelligence added a new dimension: Cuban-based TU-95s, the aircraft classified in the SALT II treaty as the primary Soviet heavy b.om ber, have been engaged in r,.r:; IVlll llVll~ !,- reconnaissance flights against U S naval vessels along the AtlantJc Coast for the first time. The TU-95 is a different aircraft from the TU· 142, a reconnaissance plane that often prowls along the Atlantic seaboard The Senate foreign relations subcommittee that oversees Latin America and the Caribbean has asked State Department officials to give It details and documents or the 1962 agreements (that resolved the missile crisis! between John J . McCloy. representing the US . and Vassily Kuznetsov. then a high-ranking official in the Soviet Foreign Office. The subcommittee. headed by Sen. Jesse Helms. the hardline conservative leader. means business but the State Department is exhibiting signs of wanness. Senate i n siders say the administration does not want to reveal the fine print of the written and oral undertakings by the Soviets in the so -called "McCloy -Kuznetsov agreements." A closed-door seseioo scheduled for last week was postponed for at least another week. Rising Senate 1&gitation is based on the suspicion, now nearing conviction, that the McCloy-Kumetsov agreements have been torn to shreds by Moscow. The essence or those agreements was an embargo on .. offensive" weapons in Cuba that could be used either against the U.S . or in Cuban political manipulations against Central America or elsewhere in the Caribbean Assuming accuracy of American intelligence, the prese~e of Soviet Bear born bers on any one or nine different airfields equipped to handle them amounts to a quantum jump in proliferation of more ambiguous Soviet weapon's. Crates recently unloaded from Soviet vessels are believed to contain MiG-23s, a late-model Soviet righter that has been present in Cuba for many months Some specialists, however, believe they may contain the bomber version of the MiG-23, known as the MiG-27, which would a lso appear to be a clear violation of the 1962 agreement. Administration offi cials correctly fear that the coming Senate probe points to far more difficulties for the president than merely identifying Cas tro's most recent Soviet acquisitions. The true target is the president 's curious lassitude in adopting a consistent policy to deal wrtb Cuba's central role in spreading Marxist revolution or civil war 'throughout Central America. What the senators are after is candid. public recitation of the extent and si1nlficaoce of the Soviet arms shipments, their use by Cuba and what the Reagan administration is going to do about it. It may be a lot more than they get Preferences soinewhere over rainbow There are some ideas I slick with even though I 'm vaguely aware that I may be wrong. Last week I was watching a golf match on television and I noticed that one or the players was using a yeUow ball. tor-no reason at all, I disliked it. I thought it was out of place. Golf balls, In my little mind. are white. In this one case I decided to force myself to change my opinion. Why should golf balls be white? 1 remember seeing the results of a study made years ago that proved that the color yellow was easiest lo see. Thal alone i.s reason e nough to make golf balls yellow Tennis balls have been yellow for about 10 years. You can hardly buy a white tennis ball now. I DON'T KNOW how we get our feelings about color. Why does blue stand for melancholy? How come we "see red .. when we're angry? Yellow has always been a synonym for cowardice. That's an awful thing for a nice color like yellow to have associated with it. I remember how slow I was coming around t.o calling Negroes blaclts. About 12 years ago I was asked to write a telev1s1on documentary and the ,~,, -IN-DY-RO-Ofl-IY--..§t producer, a friend named Perry Wolff, was calling his series "Of Black America ... I remember telling him I thought using the word black for Negro was a passing fashion and wouldn't last. I was wrong, of course, Now the word Negro seems old-fashioned and I wouldn't think of using it. I have a lot of color prejudices to get PoWer drive surviving Reading .Peter Brent's luminous new biography of Charles Darwin, I recaJled the remarks attributed both to Slcniund Freud and to Karl Marx. Freud Is supposed to have said. "I am not a Fr~dlan," and Marx, "I am not a Marxist ... Trut or not, what is meant by these ironic disclaimers, or course, is that BYDllY. HARRIS thelr followers and interpreters bad so distorted or vulgarized their theories th1t. t.bey no longer resembled lhe ori1lnal thoughts of the founder. (1 suspect that J esus would have said much tho nme thing.) Jn Duwln's case, the damage has been equally great ln the century since be died. The p~ople who called tbemaelvftl "Social Darwinists" latched on to the phrase "survival of the fitt.eat" and ,Perverted it kl rationallte and jUJUfy mM'I inhumanlly to man. Thll pained Darwin even beyond the alt.ca of hts enemle$, for he expressly 1tated that the struggle for survival unde( condiUons of "natural selection" ru ulfed from aucceaa In ~ the aPides, not success ln enslavlnc. exploltlnl or 1lau1btertn1 ooe'a fellows. And the "ftttest" species were not neeeuJrl.ly the laraest, lbe sttuiaeat, th IDOlt aaeresaive or ferocious. but rather those that beat adapted to " changing condition~ in the environment. Cooperation, for Darwin, was as much a factor in survival af competition; indeed, there is no spedd which has evolved by eliminating its weakest members . Killing among animals is limited to the need for food , and "dog eat dog" is a human perversion, for individuals or the same animaJ species almost never kill, much less consume, their own klnd. Darwin went even further, pointing out that the human invention of war promoted s urvival of the vn/it. As he wrote: "The bravest men, who were always wtlllng to come to the front in wa~t and who freely risked their lives tor otners, would on the averace perish in laraer numbers than other men ..• Jn every country in which a standing army is kept up, the fairest young men are taken . . . and thus expoeed to early death durinl war . . . while t.be feebler are let• at home and have • much better chance to propagate their kind." Actually. it is man's lntelll.genco, not "natural aelectlon," that has 1lven us everythlnl we call culture and civlliaatlon. By lnteJU1ence we have removed oU,.elves Crom the domination of the blolo'1e1l process, to that man la lo large part the master al b.ll own evolution. What we call "ac11resslon" ln man ls quite different from that in other apeelH; wltb them, ll 11 a blind insUnc:t; wttb us tt b a power dri~ t.bat threaten1 to exte.rmlnate our apecles . The salient fact about the Social OarwinlAta la that they arie a:nUaoelal. over. I dis like seeing women wear anything but red lipstick ; I'm not keen on any color for underwear except white, I don·t want to offend a lot of publishers who have spent a lot or money on color presses, but I like my newspapers black and white. The color or something is probably not a very important feature or it but our first impression of anything comes more from its color than its shape. We've been propagandized t.o react to colors. We've used the color red sootlen for danger or as a signal to stop, that we don't pay much attention to it anymore. Ttie backs of some cars show -a string of TM lights that bright.en up a hundred limes in a 10-mile drive and we become so inured to their signal of danger that they're meaningless. Red has become meaningless because all the roadside signs trying to attract our attention use it, too. We just can't pay attention to all the reds we see vying for our eye's attention so we ignore some we shouldn't. Maybe there ou.gbt to be a law limiting the use of red. My favorite color Is dark fn!ell, but I forget why. I think I may ha~ been in love with a girl who said her favorite color was dark green when I wu about 10. My wife grows a lot of Oowen ud my taste for color Is a little more sophisticated than lt used to be. U I hadn't been saying my favorite color is dark green for so long now, I mlaht say it's something else. I just bate to change. It's one of the few questions in my Ute I'm settled on. ROW FLOWERS come up out of t.be same ground different colon is certainly one or the 10 major mysteries or Ule. You put two seeds in tbe around and they look ldenUcal. You Rut a s hovelful of manure in the earth around them and for a few w"b or months everythina remains brown. Suddenly two thin green ahoota :r. Jn another few weeks the two have emerged rrom the manure, both smell.in& great and both lootin1 sre•t but one is a red rose and OM ls yellow. How do they clo thatT Why do they smell lbe same and look different? There are tbln11 we all learn ln school and then intentionally lpore because, while tbe1 may be lrut, they don't flt our sense a bout them. I remember belAt told \hat white llD't a color because lt'a the abeenee ot any color. Black, on the other band, II a mlxto?e ot every color of the IP6Ctnun. I don't care. I lt.Ul tb.1n.k ot whltt u • color and It's at tu belt 11 snow. U tbeJ could only fipre oul a ,,_, to haw snow come down on clUes black ud sradually Ulm wblte .. lt .. dri~ over. walked on and puabed arouDd. To tell you the t.natb, J oaly watched lb.at eolf came wltb tbe pl.,_ U$lAi Ule yellow ball for abou\ lhNe mlnut• - and look wbere It cot 91e. , I 0 ·~--~~--------~------....... ·-----..... _.. ........ • t • ... Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Febrt1ary 7:1982 Jurors' intennissions preceded memorable act 81 STEVE MITCHELL ... CNltol ......... 1f you wonder why the crime rate aeema to . be riatni faster than our COW1I can handle tbe cases, keep thia ln mind: Criminals don't take two hours tor lunch. · ·1t·s amadna aoytbJn1 gets done around bere," groused • fellow Jury member during one ol the frequent breakt ln the murder cue we were tryin •. We bad once apln been ushered from the jury box to the lone hallway on the 11th f)oor of the courthouse bulldin1 so the judee could Ju1ele some p endine cases with .several attorneys. We spent a lot of time in that 11th floor hallway during lbe month-lon1 trial. "By the time he calls us back in, it'll be time for the 3 o'clock break," quipped another juror. the night before as she sat at the dinner table with her husband . "1 don't know why. J just started crylna:· she said . Another said she went home for the lon1 weekend and "drank so much brandy, J was sick the next day." Thill, she uld , was something she rarely did. As for myself, J awoke at 3 in the morning Monday sitting upright In bed in a sweat. I couldn't set back to sleep wttU s a.m . I spent those two hours eoing over and over the cue. Couldn't get It out of my mind. Adding to our anxiety were stories we 'd all heard about jury deliberations. Tales of 12 people locked into a s moke-filled room yell1n1 and screaming at each other An awful lot of time In that hallway. The Judie usually asked us t-0 show up each morning at 9 or 9:30. But we were hardly ever called into the jury box before 10 or 10:30 a.m. jobs, families, likes and dislikes. And quirks. Take, for instance, the secretary who was terrified of elevators. -We complained about the cooling system on the 1 lth floor that often made the jury box a hot box. We bad beard about the lone bold-out who would stubbornly refuse to jc;>in the rest of the jury in a decision, no matter what the evidence showed. So it was with a great deal of trepidation, we all admitted later, that we entered the small jury room next to the bailiff's table. Then there's the obligatory 11 a.m. break, followed by lunch sharply al noon. We would recobvene in the hall at about 1:30 p.m., but were seldom called back into court before 1:45 or2 p.m. Since our courtroom was on the top floor, she wouldn't hoof It on the stairway. We had ample opportunity to good-naturedly chastise our victim on the many trips up and down the building ln the tiny box. -We took turns making business and personal phone caJls with someone volunteering to be "lookout" In case the bailiff called us back into the courtroom. -We tried lo guess what was going on ln the other courtrooms on the floor. picking out the witnesses, defendants, attorneys and friends of victims from the faces emerging from the double doors. What we faced was not pretty. More than 65 pieces of evidence. ranging from a heavy handgun and automobile roof lining, lo an assortment or grisly photos and a mannequin purportedly showi ng entrance and exit paths of two bullets that struck the victim. Another break at 3 p.m. (welcome after a long lunch) then adjournment by 4:30 p.m. "You're going to be a veteran by the end of the trial," one of us remark'ed u our jittery juror stood to the back of the elevator on a run to the third floor lunchroom one day. And a pol of coffee on the table with a sign telling us we'd have to pay $1.50 per pot. Fridays off so the judge can take care of mountains of paperwork. "Thanks a lot," she saJd. But she wouldn't take tier hands off the back wall of the elevator. -And we talked. Hours and hours of talk. "Geez, we're only m aking $Sa day and they want us lo pay for coffee, too," one Juror remarked. To be fair to the folks who work in the 11-story courthouse in Santa Ana, there are a lot or criminal and civil cases that now through the system, with their accompanying records, evidence, witnesses, attorneys, victims and defendants. It is a wonder they get anything done. We bad a morale booster amone us, too. Alter the lengthy jury selection process, the final 12 were mulline the expectecHengtb of the trial when the juror, a saJes representative., presented us each with plastic buttons reading "Attitude." Someone suggested we sbouid get together after it was all over. Another said that might not be appropriate. ...... But we were a pretty affable group. At least until the time came for us to go into the jury room and make a decision on the guilt or innocence of a man whose face we saw every day of the trial. That eased the tension and we all got down to work, comparing notes as each asped of the case came up There was relatively little bickering among us. and the majority had only to persuade three Jurors to come around on one of the seven counts charged the defendant. But a month-Jong stint on a jury panel is an eye-opening experience for the first time juror. And, in the case of a murder trial, it becomes an awesome responsibility for the non-volunteer participants -the jurors in whose hands rest the fate or a defendant. For the remainder of the trial, she would check to see which of us had failed to wear our buttons. Up until then, we had been passive observers of the judicial system. We listened to . arguments, observed evidence and took notes. Deliberations took one aft.emoon and most of the next day Our jury was made up of six mon and six women. Ages ranged from 30 to 70. We jokingly told the older guy he dragged up the average to 40 years. Twelve people with 12 distinctly different personalities. And we all got along great. The long hours in the hallway and the lunchroom were conducive to idle chatter about "Where's your attitude?" she'd say. Diversions outside a courtroom: -We made bets on when the county was going to fix the only drinking fountain on the 11th floor. (It took a week and a half.) -We peered down 11 stories lo lbe courtyard where the flags of all SO states rippled in the br'eeu, and attempted to identify each flag and the state it represented. -Then we tried to idenlily the state bird for each. Now we were to become a vital part of the outcome. We were sent home for the weekend, with the judge admonishing us -as he did every day -not to discuss the case with anyone. Monday morning it was a somber group that met by the No Smoking sign on the top floor. As we waited to be ushered into the jury room. one woman admitted she burst into tears The verdict., We found the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree. We a lso found him guilty of rive nf the six other charges for which he was a ccused. An awesome decision one we'll all live with for the rest of our lives. We all agreed the man had received • fair trial But that last trip down the elevator was a quiet one. MWD's power recovery involves five plants G'OOD NEWS, ANNE! ALL 11--fE COAST <SL.JARD CAN SEND IS SYMPATHY, BUT A CfiAAACTER To the Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to answer Mr Earl Enes who wrote to you on Jan. 28 asking if Metropolitan Water Dis trict had investigated power recovery installation in their pipelines. First of all, Mr. Ene~ is one or the few individuals who have questions about a problem and who is willing to take the time and make an effort to get an answer. My hat is off to you, Mr. Enes. Yes, Mr. Enes, Metropolitan Water District has done something about your well taken point. When oil prices and of MAILBOX course along with it electric rates went sky high, MWD actively tackled the recovery or the previously dissipated energy whenever it became economical to do so. In 1974, Metropolitan Water District began examining its water distribution ay s tem wh eth e r it would b e economically and tecbniully feasible to develop small hydro-electric power plants to recover otherwise wasted energy. Since a warding the first contract in November 1978, there are five plants operating, generating just under 30 megawatts of electricity. Ten more installations are either on the drawing boards, out for bids or under construction. The a1ency which delivers water to your house will gladly furnish answers to any questions you may have relative to water. All water agencies are very anxious to have those they serve know what is involved to have a sufficjent water supply ln •the future, and what p l ans are wo rked o ut t o a void shortages. FRED W. GILBERT General Man ager-Secretary CoastaJ Municipal Water District Fieker •hould re•ip. To the Editor: Tom Williams, director of Airport Coalitioo, is generally thought to be oppostni airport eQanalon, yet be is advocating development of the vacant acbool property at Jamboree, Brtatol and Bayview t.o the board of trustees of tbe Newport M~a School Dlltrlct. Tom Wllllams and other mialulded clU1ens Uke Stan Cohen who sue the airport becauae of expansion are l.Ddirectly advocatin1 expansion of the aJrport by encoura1tn1 development around S.ta A.Da Heiahi. such u tbe Brlat.ol, Jambo'" and Bayview school .~. . Aa moat people know I am uti-airport •xpan.alon, however' the · aame people who are crucifying S 11 pervl1or Rlley are lb• ooea advoutm1 airport e1:pansklo, lndudnl development ol Santa Ana Hetl)atl and paum, the bUck to the school ~- ONS 'IRING about Supervbor 1UM1 .and Im std, tbeJ trill always conftf'H with me DO matter wbethef' theJ are In a.,..edllDt or not. That ta man Utan l '~NY abOut eerlaJD ~ta~ .&.ach. JI prolHmt can't be dlKUIMd I feel that tt.y ran't be 10lved. We u.ndenupd tbal the tiewport Mesa School District has financial problems, however, the school board should look very c losely on the long-term effect it would have on Santa Ana Heights and its people, and should encourage residential development only. of their school sites. I am not advocating that the site lie dormant but I do feel that the site should conform to community plans, so as not to destroy the community of Santa Ana Heights. William Ficker, a member of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Committee, is advocating a plan for intensified commercial development of the school property and destruction of residential and equestrian uses in Santa Ana Heights. It is my opinion that Ficker should hand in his resignation from the committee immediately. His plan would add from 50,000 to 100.000 additional cars per day to the already impacted intersections of Jamboree and Bristol and Irvine and Bristol. Ficker, while a member of the committee, has been rece iving payments fro m a dvocates of commercial development , while voting on the same items as a committee member. He was asked to resign by the co mmittee , but th e Board of Supervisors overruled the judgment of the committee, and there he remains pushing plans that would "wipe out" many tiome owners Which area would De next -the Anniversary tract, Baycrest ... ? ERMA A. BATHAM Spare Salmdorans To the Editor: President Reagan's recent gift or $S0 million worth of military hardware to the government of El Salvador Is a clear violation or human riabts. Thou1h the President claims the Salvadoran armed forces are improving in their adherence to human righta in dealing with the Salvadoran people recent evidence proves otherwise. Reagan's decision to send the hardware comes shortly after It wu reported that the Salvadoran armed forces massacred at least 22 civilians, including a 14-year-old boy and a 57-year~ld woman. The Salvadort.n government braaaed t hat it wH a successfUI operaUoa •ta.inst "leftiata" and a good chance for the aoldien to to out their new traiotn1. AU aides ln El Salvador includinl the U.S. Embuay agree thal human ri&bta violaUona have increased dramatically over the put few months. The war in El Salvador LI not being fought between communiata and a leptlmate 1ovemment u Americans are led to bellevet Clearly the war la b•ln1 wacecl a pon t be unarmed etthcmry o1 El Salvador b1 llDftllltnbMcl a nd Amerl o1'·lralaed Salvadoran soldiers. Rucan•a decllion to pour 1tlll more mlllt.ary aid Into 1:1 Salvador will further eacal• the vioJence 11atmt the Salvadoran .,.opJe. DAVE HALL .. BOAT PA~ADE rs ONTHEWAY! ~· JoJmlbf\l ~ILY PILOT Hayakawa's departure aids Goldwater By CHARLES G. BELL Dr. Char~i G. Bell ia a pro/euor of pohtfcal science at Cal State Fullnton. Incumbe nt U .S . Senator S .I. Hayakawa's decision to retire at the end of his first term clearly affects the election chances of the other seven GOP hopefuls. Hayakawa's realistic decision to not !"Ian for re-election follows a continuous C1UF11111 ca111m decline J·n his support. Campaign contribu ons have been skimpy and Hayakawa bas not even been able to find a political professional to mana1e his campaign. These difficulties were rooted, in turn, in the Senator'• steady decllne In pu bite support H measured by statewide polls la11t year. The most recent (by the Los Angeles Timea) showed Hayakaw~ with support from only 11 percent of the Republican voters. That same SM>IJ showed him ~bind tt\tee of his challen1ers -Congressmen Barry Ooklwater Jr., Woodland ·llWI and Pete McOloskey, Palo Alto and Mayor Pete Wilson of San DleJo. All aevm remain.tn1 RepubUc&n1 are now 1c:rambU01 for ald from Hayakawa'I rank and file supporters. They are al•o etr1,111Un1 to l•l support rrom party leaders and OOP fat cata who were unwUlln~ to make a commitment to the f alterine 11.a,yakawa but who wen alio Wlwtlltnc to IUppMt · anyone eJee aa lon1 as Kayaiawa rtmtlned hi the Hee. Oo balance, It appears Lbat Goldwater will gel more of the ran' and file support than will Wilson or r.lcCloskey. And since Goldwater is the front-run· ner -Hayakawa 's decision gives him a big boost toward victory in the June GOP primary. When asked last year in a statewide Califo rnia Poll -one third of Hayakawa 's s upporters said their second choice was Barry Goldwater Jr. No one else got nearly that much "second choice" support. Goldwater's advantage stems both from his ideological and "name" appeal to the Republican Party's conservative wing. Conservatives, who make up twO-thirds of the GOP. favor Go1dwater over all of lbe other Republican Senatorial candidates - even incumbent Hayakawa. But, their ·second choice was Hayakawa. Thus, with the senator out ol the race the conservative wing or the GOP wUl probably line up fairly aoljdly for Goldwater. On the other hand, Hayakawa's decision hurta the four GOP candidates who are far behind in the race - Con1ressman Robert K. Doman, Loi An1ele1; former Loyola Law School D"n Ted 8ruiuma 1 Rancho PalOI Verd•i State Sen. John G. Scbm1ta, Corona del Mar, a~ M'aUnMm Rea1an. the pfelldau.•a da\&lhttf'. ' These four have a c:baoc. OGly lf the,. are so llWl1 candklate1 IVJUllnc &Mt no one set.a very man1 votee. . The "traUert" atratea ta to develop a 1tron1, tboul'fa 1maJJ. minority 'llt• and bopo for an evea split amoq au tM c:andldata. Perbapa S.o. Sc:bmll&11 recent bi&blJ ~tronnlaJ commeata about polltlcal coupt, leabtau, at1d JtWI ....... dealped to bWld IUCb a lactlcaJ m\nority wldlln lbe GOP. For example, with Hayakawa in the race, if each of the eight candidates got about the same number of ballots in the June primary, as little as 13 percent of the vole could produce a wlMer. But Hayakawa's decision to drop out raises the "magic" number to about 15 percent. And, If two more d.rop out (most likely Reagan and Brulnsma) the "magic" number goes up to 20 percent. More damaging lo the ''tactical minority" theory is the ract tbat a lready Goldwater, Wilson and McCloskey have attracted about 70 percent of the GOP voters, leavinl very little to the four trailers. Essentially, the GOP U.S. Semftiorial primary has now ~me a three-way race between Goldwater, Wllaon. ud McCloskey. The other four appear to be in it mostly for the publtcltJ and p e rhaps some future political advanta1e. Dear Gloomy G03: If Freddie Laker did ~ e.IM. bf bu elven ua all a MW ~" Oil ®rt.roubla. f J.C.V ..... , ... c-..._...._...,.....,, ... .. ~,...., ... i-.. -.......... .-.. _..\ .. ..._., ... o.lt• ...... .,. ,. ) .... 0,.,. Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday", Febrwwy 7, 1882 I I 1 ' ,, Emergency 911 phone system to start • in 81 ;11:n ADL.la " ........... Late .tbl't 1prln1 -moat probably aometime In May - Oran1e County resident. finally will be able to dial tbe lons·awalted 911 emer1ency telepbooe number to summon police, flre or e mersency medical assistance to their homes. Installation of the 1opttl1Ucated i1.5 mlllion system 11 nearing completion and it ahould be in operation by late spring, said Dick Plckryl. principal staff analyst in the Oran~e Cou.Jity Administrator's IOU. CWll• EDGE SHAVE GEL Assorted Formulas tor a Closer Shave Ofttce and chairman of the 911 t11k force. ff e aald testin1 of the new ayatem should becln aometime ln April. Orrce the new ayatem ls turned on, county reatdenta, rather than dlalin1 one of the nrtoua police and fire telephone numbera throuibout the county. may dial only 911 to summon emercency aid. Also, a person will be able to dial 911 and summon emer1ency assistance from a pay telephone without having to deposit a coin, Plckryl said. That portion of the system, bowev~r. will not be operational for about one year. 70Lmt 1.39 .. 1 •' ...... r· ~- Cj.tjlj• Q-TIPS COTIOM SWABS Flexible sticks of softness wilh safety-cushioned ends. IOIOf 170 age OC will be first in Southland Emergency 911 telephone calls will be answered at communication centers ln moet of Oranae County's 28 cities aa well u at a county facUlty. ' County personnel will handle 911 callJI fol\,the unincorporated area• or the county and tbe clUe1 of Villa Park and San Juan Capistrano. Additionally, the city of Yorba Linda will handle Brea's emerfency calla. Emergency ca la wlll be automatically routed to the proper Jurisdiction dependina on the 1eo1raph1cal location they are made from, Plckryl explained. "We will be the first area in Southern California with this selective routin1 911 ayatem," be said. The 911 system, now utilized in many areas or the country, first was su11ested for Orange County by Supervisor Ralph Clark in 1972. Since then, county and city officials have been meetlnl with representatives of both Pacific and General telephone companies to deal1n aucb a IYllem. The entire $1.5 million price lag for the countywlde 911 system Is being paid b7 the state through the one-half o 1 percent surchar1e Callforniana pay on their monthly telephone bU1J. The averace monthly 1urcbar1e amount.a to between 3 and 6 cents, according to Pickryl. He aaid that besides beine a coat-effective system over the 1001-run, the 911 system will better aerve Oranae County realdenta because It will make it eaaler for them to contact police and fire depart.menu, and, thus, cut down response tame. CWIJ.• SHnt "ARE & ICE" MOTOR OIL 10/40 WT WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! Ma~ter Card SCOTED ROSE WITH VASE Shaved wood petals have been softened, leeflttd & Shaved by hand. ~""-~ IVORY BATH SOAP Gentle to the Skin PUS PAW JERGENS AO PRICES PREVAIL · SU NDAY HB 7th THRU TUE SDAY . FEB 9th -2.99 PAMPERS Orr---..-j:5::"" :;-.:--I -- REVLON LOTION Reoular or Extra Ory 150L+ 1.99 5u.FIUJ a cWii·• ltEYU* DRY SKIN RELIEF llOISTUltE LOTION 1UOL5a£2 .79 MILK PLUS 6 '&at..'...._. 24 HOUR MOISTURIZERS Softens away dry skin fast. Cl.UNSER TUT MOISTURIZES ..-----· Face looks soap-and-water fresh & feels silky smooth. s.~5 eL sm 2 .49 -SAVE &oc s LADIES BUCH'S ~~~c ~~! 8.95 ACRYLIC SWEATER Choose from the latest spring colors Long sleeves & lace yoke WHITMAN'S DELUXE FOIL ~=n':r:n~ interpre· 7 s 0 live & natural floral designs 1.U. BOX BRACH'$ CANDIES . CONVERSATION OR SASSY CANDY HEARTS Oeliclous way to "say" what's in your heart. #17tOOlt HEJtSHEY'S MIU CMOCOUTE R-... • .. ·· .. ; I FEBRUARY IS CHILDREN'S 2S9a National Dental Month .....,. DENTAL FLOSS Assorted Formulas for htallhler gums & llllh IOYDL69i Cjijli •• REACH or REACH PLUS TOOTHllUlll Soft or Medium SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 9 00 AM TO 9 30 PM MON THRU SAT /9 00 AM TO 7 .00 PM SUN '°'*'MN VAUIY-M11n111 6 WlfM' -. 'At Home" Socks that Combine Comfort with Softness. NORELCO DIAL•A•BREW II COFFEEMAKER 3-10 cup capacity In· eludes 25 disposable filters. ~-M~26.99 ·~=._5.00 '-~.:21.99 SPECIAL! IOI OF 200 ..... lee* Oft ........ ., ,.. ..... ,.., ........ ·· .. , . --------· - Diiiy Pilat . SUNDAY, FEB. 8, 1982 ENTERTAINMENT 87 Orange Coast's baseball team has young look See. Page 85. D 0 ~ It's showdown· tllne for UCI, Fresno St. By JOUN 8EVANO OttllleDelff .......... LONG BEACH -Since the middle of the basketball season, many UC Irvine players have expreaaed a concern over their seemingly lethargic performances. Jn most cases, and especially in their first seven PCAA outinas. the Anteaters have looked like a club expending just enough energy to win - no more, no less. The players, themselves, have even been puule by their play. Many contend the problem is mental, saying there's just not enough tou1bness or a killer instinct within them to put an opponent away. Of course, that's not an ideal frame of mind to have, especially if you're playing Fresno State today (2 o'clock) at the Long Beach Arena with a piece of first place at stake. The Anteaters and BUUdogs enter today·s crucial affair with identical figures -17-2 overall, 6·1 in conference. Each, in fact, lost their first PCAA game Thursday night, possibly looking • ahead to today's encounter. Re1ardless, lf the Anteaters expect to win here today, they're going lo need to do some adjusting to get themselves in the rl1ht frame of mind. Of course, the possibility does exist that the Anteaters' problems are not mental. In fact, if statistics don't lie -and they rarely do -UCJ's On radio today KWVE (108 FM) at 2 problem may be both physical and mental, with the former being the direct cause of the latter. Last year, Coach Blll Mulligan's biggest gripe was that his Anteaters were too tired during the latter stages of the season to perform at peak efficiency. Mulligan blamed his team's weak showing on the fact his starters had played too many minutes without sufficient rest. Simple econormcs saved UCLA NCAA prosecute Bruins in their glory days? Never! The good folks al UCLA, who would not put us on for the world, would have us believe the Wiurd of Westwood paid no attention to his clods once they set foot off the basketball floor. T.hat is to ~~Y, if Lew Alcindor drove ft practice in a Mercedes Benz with a couple of dollies in the back seat, coach John Wooden would not raise an eyebrow. If Alcindor had come from a lavish apartment in back of the mansion of Sam Gilbert, the Godfather of Bruin basketball, it was no skin off the Wizard. Coach Wooden was concerned only with the fast break and the sky hook. IN OTHER WOaDS, if there was evil in the glory days of UCLA basketball, Wooden never saw it. Of all the items to emerge from the recent newspaper expose on the UCLA basketball dynasty years, the lnnocence of John Wooden would be the only remarkable aspect. Cert.inly, it would come as no sbock that the NCAA lnveatl(ative staff could bave found lrreplarlties in the event it bad cared to look. Reports say one NCAA (Um.Shoe cared to look and was astounded at what be saw and hurried to report his flndin&• to this superior. "But out," the superior said. The reuon for tbla la explained as a maUer of eeonomics. C.0Ue1e buketball wu just beitnntn1 on a roll wbicb wu brinllnl In aeverai million dollars a season from natkJDal televilkMl and It wc)uJd not make tood aenae to proMCute the Bndna wbo were the atara ol the ahow. TBEaEi"O&E, WREN qenta of the NCAA departed tbelr headquarten In MIUk>o, Kan., they caicentrated on other vtolaton. Nott.be least of tbeae waa Looi Beacb State where the basketball coacb, Jerry Tarbniur, wu captured ud convteted and Hlled to Lu Veau. "At tla• Um•," TarkaD.lan 11p, "no one Uatened to my ICJ'Nma." At u1 rate, U.. Mema to be DO lDtentioa oa the part of the NCAA to open 1 aertoua SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER investigation of the glory years at UCLA and the part played by Sam Gilbert, the millionaire basketball benefactor of the Bruins. Any such probe, If 'successful, would result in drastic consequences. For instance the banners symbolic of 10 national championships would be torn frolJl the rafters at Pauley Pavilion which ~uld figure as quite embarrassln1 for the adm inlstratlon. FURTHERMORE, TBEaE would be no guarantee that the Image of the Wizard of Westwood would go untarnished. It would be entirely too bad, from a standpoint of athletic history, to see cracks appear ln John Wooden's feet of clay. Besides, all of us prefer lo believe that Wooden bad no part in anythln1 resemblln1 violatlooa of NCAA n.tlea and reeuiaUons, lf indeed such crimes were ever perpetrated. If Lew Alcindor lived ln an apartment behind the mansion of Sam Gllbert, It would be perfectly lo1lcal that Wooden would have no kne>Wled1e or it unleu Lew Invited him over for dinner. , It Alctndor wore alll1ator sboea, bow would the coach know? He aaw only the sneakers of bis players. And if there ls truth to t.be char1ea that Bruin baaketbell pl~en bad their lirl frlenda' abortion tabe picked up, there is cert.alnly no way coach Woodm would bave kaown about such tblnp. A.nywQ, 1t would be a aervlce to collete coach• of a decide later •ho would know enou1b to call tum meet.lnp and Jnform t.belr oat• about· th• pill. Mulligan, alter his club was upset durin& the first roWld of the PCAA tournament, vowed never to let fatigue binder UCl'a performance agaln. Well, through not fault of Mulligan's, the situation ln '82 is even worse than la.st year, and here's where the statistics take over. Through 19 games ln 1981, UCl's starters had played an average of 150.5 minutes; the ·reserves, 49.5. Jn '82, the starters have logged 148.8 minutes to the reserves 51.2. That means the starters have had more of a rest this year. right? Wrong. . The significant figure to this theory actually comes in the seven conference games UC I has played. Out of a possible 1,400 minutes of playing time (200 per game), the UCI starters have been on the floor 1,252.30 (an average of 178.9 a game). T hat's an incredible 89 percent of the lime. Ask any coach, Including Mulligan, and he'll tell you that's just too much to expect from five bodies. So what appears to be happening to the Anteaters, at least subconsciously. Is that they're relaxing .nentally as well as physically -and thus pacing themselves. That's why their 1ames have been so close, and that's why it looks aa lf they're fatigued on the court. · "I know what's happening," admlat Mulllaan. "but I really don't have any other option. The fresh men aren't ready yet, Grant <Taylor. tender knee) Isn't at full speed and John Barkey baa mononucleosis. What am I suppoeed to do?" . Mulligan appears to be trapped between a rock and a hard place and the Bulldogs, the No. 1 defensive team in the nation (yielding a paltry 43.8 points a game), won !t help matters any, either. Fresno State's relentless defense tends lo wear down and frustrate many teams. Plus, the Bulldogs· style or play -which stresses plenty of patience -is just the opposite of the run-and-run style UCI likes to get into. "I really think a lot of teams have tried to play Irvi ne like we did last year ," says Fresno State Coach Boyd Grant. "Last season everyone played with them and the score was in he ~rs. This year CSee UCI, Page 8%) * * * Higgins: Faceless talent? By JOHN SEVANO Of .... !Mlly ~--Rod Higgins is suffering from an identity crisis. Despite tbe abundance of talent this 6-7 forward possesses, he stands out like a cotton ball on a mountain of snow. Actually, the problem isn't Higgins. Instead, it's the school he plays for as Fresno Slate isn'( exactly noted for producio1 hou sehold names . In fact, naming one alumnj from lb.at campus. in any sport. would be difficult. But basketball, in particular, tends to lean toward anonymity, especially since Coach Boyd Grant came to the campus fi ve years ago GRANT'S PHILOSOPHY stresses defense and teamwork, two in1redaent..s conduci.v• to winntne but not extremely flexible in showcasing talent. "Sure it's crossed my mind," a dmits Higgins of the little recognition he receives, "but we're more of a team at Fresno State And , we're winning, which wall help anybody in the long run.'' Higgins , a s enior, has averaged more than 13 points a game while shooting better than 53 percent from the field during has four years at Fresno State. Thursday night. in the Bulldogs' stunning loss to Long Beach State. Higgms ~had 21 of his team 's 42 points. DAY IN THE POOL -These arc scenes from Saturd~~··!. UC Irvine swimming relays al the He ritage Park Aquatic Cente r At left is the s tart of the women's 400 backstroke Meanwhile. UCI diver John Leonard works on his form <top,, while Irvine's Jamie Eggleton competes in the 400 intermediate medley. You have lo remember, too, that the Bulldogs don't score < 59 2) or allow (43.6) many points, thus Higgins is not going to receive the same attention, say, Kevin Magee receives, who scores almost 30 points a game just taking off his sweats. ··Fres no State is like a breeding grounds ,'' says Higgins. "I may not get the same publicity <of others who score a lot of points). but I'd like to think I'm a better all-around player. "Our practice sessions are not just basically one thing. We practice on a ll parts of the game." BESIDES HIS point total, Higgins ranks third on the team in field goal percenta1e (S3.7), first in rebounding (6.5), first in minutes played (613) and first in <See BULLDOGS', Page BZ> Taylor's goal lifts Kings INGLEWOOD CAP) -Dave Taylor's 30-foot slap shot with less than five minutes remlllning Saturday night gave the Los Angeles Kings a 5--4 Natlooal Hockey League victory over t.be Vancouver Canucb. Taylor's goal, his 28th of the season. came at 15:07, with both teams a man short. . The acore followed an early thlrd·period rally that saw the Canuca lie the contest at ._.on goals by Ivan Hlinka, bl.a seccmd of the game, and Gary Lupul. The Kings, pla)'inl tbelr flrlt game under assistant coach Brad Selwood, who was fllllna In for the suspended Don Perry, erupted for three (lrat·period 1oala witbln a two-minute IPID by Gre( Terrion, Steve ao.t and Steve Jensen for a 1·1 advanta1e. Marcel Dionne tallltd a second·perlod toal, h1I 15th, fbr tbe Klnca, wbo were wlDniq Ju•t their second same in tbelr last 20 -lnclud.lnt nlne Uea. -Orange Coat DAIL y PILOT/8Und19Y, FtbfU.,Y 7, 1882 ---------------------------.. Foeter, New York • nearmg agreement IFro• AP dbpatebea NEW YORK -The New York Ill Mets Saturday appeared to bu clo1ln1 In on the acquisition of 1lu11er George Foster from the Cinclnnati R eda f o llowina contract negoUatlon.s ln Florida between the Mets and Foster's agent. Tom Reich. Frank Cashen. the Mets' general manager, said Saturday the two rarties re,ched "a genera meeting o r the minds," in the discussions which took place in Tampa. Cashen added h e was optimistic that the deal to bring the outfielder lo New York could be completed. The Mets and Cincinnati announced Thursday they had reached a trade in principle to send Foster, who flOSTH is eligible to become a free agent after next season, to New York for three undisclosed players. The trade hinges upon the Mets' ability to sign Foster. Cashen said talks would continue early next week. Quote of the day ·Donald Sterlin,, owner or the San Diego Clippers, arter notifying the National Basketball Association of his team's growing financial problems : "Nobody's as stupid as me. Nobody's going to invest in this team." Seattle takes lead in Pacific Jack Slkma scored 20 points as Seattle rolled past Utah, 129·103 Saturday night to move in front of the Lakers in the Pacific Division by it half-gamP. Sikma scored five straight points when the Sonics outscored Utah, 12·2, in the final 2:44 of the third quarter to open an 89 -72 advantage .. Ray Wiiiiams scored a season-high 36 points to lead New J ersey to a 125·120 victory over Detroit ... Geoft Huscoa sank two free throws with 10 seronds remaining to help Cleveland overcome Atlanta , 88·87 ... Jay Vinc:ent scored Ji points as Dallas, holding Indiana to just 36 points in the first half. tripped the Pacers, 95-89. FromPageB1 From PageB1 809/ oolleota hat triok Jn win the :a u!!'~·=•':J"thafte!t In the NatJoclal Hockey Leaiue, and J•lm 'hMW added two u the New York h landers crushed Detrott, 8-2 saturday nlaht. lt wu a team·recoro el1htb 11tral11bt victory for the lalandera . . Wamm MW.r and Cluil ~netted aoa.111 :37 apart in the tb.ird period, Uftln1 Hartford to a -4·2 triumph in St . r.ouis . . . Ryu Walker &ad O.DD.11 Marak each acored twice to lea,d Wa1bln1ton pa st Pittsbur1b . 8·4 . . . Maril MesaJer and Dan Hui.er scored in the first four mlnutea and Edmonton went from there to handle Toronto, 5·1 ... Doug Wlboo'a goal .ouv wltb 1: 13 left gave Chtca10 a 4·3 victory over Boston ... Martaa 8U1tay and Real OouUer each collected a 1oat and an &l'JSist to help Quebec bold off Philadelphia, 4 3 . . . Bob Gal•ey scored two 1oals as Montreal beat Colorado 5·3 to spoil "Save the Rock.les" nl&ht for the NHL club. A sellout crowd ol 16,384, which included Colorado Gov. IUdaard Lamm, turned out to cheer the Rockies, who are rumored to be leaving Denver after his season. Floyd breaks own world mark RICHFIELD, Ohio -Stanley m Floyd broke his owr. world ~rd in the SS.meter dash Saturoay night, sprinting the distance in 6.10 seconds ln a preliminary heat at the 42nd annual Knights of Columbus track meet. Floyd's old mark of 6.15 seconds was set in the same meet last year. Floyd, of the University ol Houston, raced the final heat in 6.14 seconds to edge Bill Collins and Steve Riddick, both or the ·Philadelphia Pioneers Track Club. The record fell despite a nagging back injury that forced F loyd to withdraw from a meet in Dallas last week. . "I had injured the back before I got to Dallas. I thought the best thing was to pull out and not aggravate it," Floyd said. He said he trained only two days this week to rest his back. Henderson wins arbitration An arbitrator has awarded outfielder Rickey Henderson a $535,000 yearly salary in an amicable arbi"1'at1oi. d!::.pute v.ith the Oakland A's. "Congratwauo1tS. I hope you take me to lunch," team president Roy El5enbardr cabled Henderson Friday after learning of the decision ... John McEnroe, the world's No. l·ranked tennis playe r, upended Australian Pe~r McNamara, 6-2, 6·~ Saturday to advance to the fmals or a round robin tournament in Toronto. McEnroe, 22, will battle Ivan Lendl for the $125,000 first prize today. Lendt defeated Vltas GeruJaltls, 6·2, 6·0 in less than an hour in the other semifinal Saturday UCI •.• BULLDOGS' HIGGINS • • • Georgia running back considering a. number of optionl NEW HAVEN. Conn. <AP> Herschel Walker uya he i1 running faster and better Uum ever. But he's still not sure who will be the beneficiary of his t•lenta oe~t fall. The o.,Uoo.s for the Unlverelty· o f Georgia 's aenaational sophomore runnlni back ue the same a.s they were a year aao stay at Georala for two more seasons and tbua remain eU1ible for a shot at an Olympic medal in track, accept a lucrative offer Crom the Canadian Football League, or challenge (in court> the National Football Lea1ue rule which bars underclassmen unless they huve used up their eligibility. "Right now, I really don't know," Walker said Saturday prior to the annual banquet of the Walter Camp Football Foundatlon. "I thtnk I owe myself the rleht to check e:verythln1 out. "IT'S A HAaD declalon. I'm not an old guy, you know: I'm atlU a youne kJd." Wal.leer will be 2D on Much 3 . "It'a still oren," Walker added. "I'm slU lookin1 at the CFL or I may challenge the NFL, but I don't know tr I want to 10 through that trouble. I could win because I think It'• unconstitutional denyin1 any person the chance to make a livin1 al what he does well. But I don 't want to disturb the American system." At any rate, Walker says he "won't me111s with football until August." Depite Walker's claim that he was considering the CFL. the Canadlln Learu• has puMd a ru It that ll would not t.OUcb U S. underclassmen. In bis first two years, he became Geor1la '• all·tlJl'l• 11round·1atner. while Httrbl national records for moat yards ruahlna by a freshman l ,818 and sophomore 1,891 AND EVEN THOUGH the longest or hi.a 18 touchdown ruDI in 1981 wu only 8 yard.I -M <C; bad seven of '8 yarda or lonaer in 1980 Walker says bia sophomore year waa an improvement. "Everybody knew who I was this season ," h e said . "Everybody wanted a shot at Stadler's hot round puts him in front me and a lot of people were trying. Everyone wanted to see :· me break a big run and they said I was running differently because I didn't. But a lot of people were trying to keep me ..... from getting outside." And in case his critics hadn't , noticed, Walker's yardage during the regular 1981 sea.~ •' was the third best in NCAA r: history. 0Aly M11rcus Allen · (2,342 yards in 1981 > and Tony '1 Dorsett < 1 ,948 in 1976) did PEBBLE BEACH <AP> -A solid two-stroke lead in Saturday's third round of the Bing Crosby National Pro·Am failed to impress Craig Stadler. "It all comes down to what the other guys do tomorrow," the chunky leader said after he'd come swarming out of the pack with a brilliant no·bogey, 8-under·par 64. ·'It all comes down to Sunday play," Stadler said. And. quite obviously, he'U be keeping an eye on Ja ck Nicklaus, the man who uncorked a closing 64 last week to come within a single stroke in San Diego. "Who knows" H I play a pretty good round, I'm in good position," said Nicklaus, whose chance to make a decisive move was foiled by a balky putter. He's now four strokes back. over each of three Monterey Peninsula courses. This one was at Cypress Point and represented a tournament record for that scenic, 6,506-yard layout. "It could have been a little better, and il couldn't have been a helluva lot worse," said Stadler, the man called "the walrus" by his fellow tourists. "The bulk of the round was the fifth, sixth and seventh, where I went birdie, eagle, birdie. Other than that, just a good, solid round. I didn't make a bogey, really didn't have a chance to make a bogey.I' JIM SIMONS, with a 71 at tough Spyglass Hill. held second better. · WALKER FINISHED third in I•' t.he 1980 Heisman Trophy 1/ b'alloling for the outstanding player in college football and n "lien beat him last year, but '' winning the Heisman no longer is one of his dreams. "Losing the Heisman Trophy 1•' l a s t y e a r w a s a bi g · '•1 disappointment." he conceded, •1' "but il was a bigger 1' disappointment to my mother '' Singleton retains lead ·: . , at 208, followed by former NORrn MIAMI BEACH, Fia amateur champion Hal Sutton, (AP ) -Vicki Singleton at 209 alter a par·72 at Spyglass struggled on the back nine ·' Hill. Saturday but recovered to retain Nicklaus finished with a 71 a I ·stroke lead after three "IF 1 PLA y a pretty good and was tied al 210 -four rounds of the LPGA Elizabeth •, round of. golf, I'm in good strokes back -with Bobby ArdenClassic. position. It doesn't matter what Wadkins, who had a 71 at Singleton, who began the day ' position you're in if you play a Cypress Point. with a 3-stroke lead, bogeyed the poor round of golf." "l had quite a few chances 14th and 15th holes on the ' Stadler , seeking a second and s h o uld have made 6.211-yard Turnberry Isle early-season victory, took something. But I just didn't Country Club south course and command of this 4lst renewal or make anything," said Nicklaus, settled for a 1-over·par 73 and a the Crosby clambake with the a one-stroke runner-up last week 6-under 210 total for S4 boles. best round of the tournament. in San Diego. Brenda Goldsmith, JoAnne ' Stadler, a winner in the "I'm only four back. And Carner, Pal Bradley and J• Tucson Open that kicked off the there's only a couple of auya ln defend.in& champion Sally Utt.le, v$\ teams have slowed the play down , set up a defense for (Kevin) Magee and the scores have been considerably lower." blocked shots (34). ''The first thing I'd like to say about Rod is that he's an exceptionally good person," raves Grant, "and I think that's the most important thing I could say about anybody. 1982 Amerlean tour, used t.be froat of me. u I can play a eood •bo tT•ll•d Slnaleton by s ,...., Higgtna will naturally be the best roW1d of the tournament to round tomorrow, it's as much strokes beading into the third' Bulldop' focal point of attack· compile a S4·hole total of 206. 10 ..... my tournament as it is anybody round. fired 1-under-par 71 is to Of course when scores are low usually teams are expending a lot more energy -which is true in the case of the Anteaters and thus leads to furth er weariness today whe n they meet the shots under par after one round else's." tighten the race Anteaters. Both teams enter ......:=:::=....=.::::::'.2:::::......:::.::.=.._.:.::..=....::..:..::.:..::. __ ..;._ ________________________ ~ with identical records and both -need a victory. _.. "I don't think they'll change a great deal for us," adds Grant of UCI's plan of attack. ''They really don't have a large enough space or time to do that .. unless they've been prepanng for us all season " The Anteaters have been too worried about their first seven games to pay any prior attention to the Bulldogs "If we can win the game, we'll be in good shape." says Mulligan. "If not, we have two more tough ones coming up " Lopes headed for Oakland ? OAKLAND <AP> -Davey Lopes said Saturday "just a formality" stands in the way or his trade from the Los Angeles Dodgers to the Oakland A's. ·'The d ea l has been consummated," Lopes said in a telephone interview from Honolulu where be is competing ln a Superteams competition. "I don 't w ant to jeopardize anything but it looks pretty good. There's just a formality that has to be worked out and there should be an announcement in a couple of days." /' .. A good person makes a good ba s ketball p l ayer. He's responsible, attentive and be does what you tell him to do." Those three facets are important to Fresno State's style of play. It's tough to play good defense (the Bulldogs are No 1 in the nation in that department>. or a patient offense, unless you have players willing to sacrifice personal goals for ones that are team oriented. "Our program is just starting to get some recognition ," says Grant of the Bulldogs, who were ranked No. 13 in one poll <UPI) and No. 17 in another (AP> this week. "&ing a team, that's the mo s t important thing in basketball. I think people like Rod Higgins are in a better position than those that just score. "People that know basketball realize the No. 1 thing is to be a team." THOSE "PEOPLE" Grant refers to are NBA scouts, many of which have placed Higgins among the top 10 picks in this year's draft. "He has improved tremendously in bis overall game," adds Grant." "Rod's a player that doesn't make too many mistakes; usually bas very good choices OD the Ooor· and bas always been a very good shooter. He's a very intelligent player." "Irvine will be a real good test for us," says Higgins. "They'll do what they do best and we'll do what we do best. ll's going to be a good game." It should also be a low.scoring affair, too, as it's almost impossible lo rush Fresno State's patient style. "EVERYBODY ON this team understands what defense can do for us." Higgins explains. "We can have an off night any night on offense ... and always fall back on our defense." Grant contends it's that kind of altitude NBA scouts like about Higgins. "He's a good person," savs Grant, "and I think scouts are looking for good people. The pros are getting smarter , they're starting to look for more people like Rod Higgins. "They're tired of people who don't show up to practice or play only when they want to. They want people like Rod Higgins because they have the right attitude and they're going to win games for you ... Bulling signs with Mariners SEATTLE CAP> -The Seattle Marlnen have announced that pitchers Brian Allard and Jim Beattie, catche~ Terry Bulling, a Golden West College product, and infielders Jim Anderson and Paul Serna have signed one·year contracts. ~=•val.le A.UCTIOK==:::-- ey oni.r Of s.cur.ct h"Y FISHING TACKLE (Salt a Fresh Water) $ GRAND OPENING s WED., FEB. 10, 10 A.M. ....,... '• C--lence Of a.le To: 2.45 Fischer Ave., unit 8-1 COit.a ...... C.ltf. HIOHllOHTS 1a.oeo ~ rrwtl 6 .. It Wiit• "::':i ,._.a..,. hitt; ~~.:::.~~It~~ . ,,.:::==:=~~~is:..~ I.-: • All et.m. lft Ofl&IMI lllfs. ~ • for lllustr•I~ 8rodture ConlKt Auctlooe.f, Sai. Under The Supervl110ft Of. 5. ROCRIVl~ O\IPANYAuCT10NEERS JIM H111t ter"I REDWOOD 11101 a. Heritor 8.A. n ~ ·a •I Merctt A9ft 0 z I 2 •I •ctt Hrt .57 ft n J) 2 •I Cir Hrt 1.31 ft "' ;;1 l . 1 ••••• , ••• 17•• ! en r "' _J +2•4 ............. r. J) lit ••U thrv 2/7 Cl> en OfltEN 9:00 TO 1 •00 171·1411 ., •••••••• I chocolate heart• picture framea chocolate heart• chocolate toraoa chocolate hearta chocolate lovers krtin bears chocolate heart• carda of chocolate chocolate heart• record• chocolate hearta chocolate lega chocolate hearta chocolate lep chocolate hearta chocolate toraoa chocolate hearte tenna. nicketa chocolate hearts mllllon dollar check chocolate lovera chocolate lovera chocolate lovena i l-r111 11. •. 1:11.• · .. : .. l'\.!1l'N '·"'t"'·"·~·1.1 -- .) .. ... .... ' ' TOUGH LOA -Despite the career-high 37·point performance from Chris Beasley (left) and 11 from Greg Krohnf eldt (right>. Orange Coast suffered a narrow 91 ·88 setback to Santa Ana Saturday night. Gauchos win; OCCdumped Guard Don Dodds scored 12 Points and dished off 15 assists to lead Saddleback College to a 89-79 Mission Conference victory over San Bernardino to highlight community college basketball Saturday. In other action, guard Chria Beasley tied a career-high by scoring 37 Points but it wasn't enough as visiting Orange Coast College dropped a 91·88 South Coast Conference decision to Santa Ana. At Saddleback, the Gauchos (15·10 overall, 7-2 in conference) raced to a 12·3 lead only to see San Bernardino come back to cut the deficit to 17-13 with 11:21l remaining in the first half. The Gauchos bit t he next two baskets, however, and were never threatened after that, bittin& 57.4 percent of thelr shots (35 of 61 ) from the field compared to the Indians' 38 percent (36 of 94). George Turner scored 26 Points to lead the Gauchos in that department. Teammate Tracy Mitchell added 23. Al Santa Ana, Beasley connected oo l7 of 27 shots from the floor , grabbed 12 rebounds, blocked two shots and bad two steals . It still wasn't enough, however, to offset the five Santa Ana players which finish ed in double figures. Greg West led the Dons 09-8, 6·2} with 17 points, while Willie Patterson and Robert Gustavis had 15 each and Joel Washington and Greg Boettcher a dded 14 apiece. Orange Coast (11-13, 2-6} held an early 26·19 a d vantage before th e Dons put on a 24-6 spurt to lead 43-32 with five minutes to go before the intermission. • The Dons then led by as many as 17 points in the second half before the Pirates began to chip away al the deficit. OCC eventually managed to get as close as 89-88 with 31 seconds to go, but the Bucs wfre forced to foul and Santa Ana hlt a pair of free throws with five seconds left to preserve the victory. Three other players finished in double figures for the Plra\Als u Gres Krolmfeld.t bad 11 polnta, while 'nm K.robDfeldt and Raanl• Calbouo had 10 each. Slow start costly to SoCal College Jeff Robinson, Mitch Lebron and Jeff Apana combined for 48 points to lead Azusa Pacific past host Southern California College, 69-60, in a NAIA Dist rict 3 basketball game. Azusa Pacific, which beat the Vanguards by 13 earlier in the year. jumped out to an early lead and was never headed. The closest sec could get was 32-29 at halftime. ''They played bard," said sec Coach Jeff Malstead of his players, "we just didn't play smart in spots and didn't shoot well at all today." Normally a 54 percent team from the field, the Van guards shot a woeful 38 percent again.st Azusa Pacific. Robinson led Azusa Pacific with 22 points. Lebron and Apana bad 13 each, while Tom Hodson added 11. To J91n aBPOU J'BaBUARY a1 (!OR Yo'u-ii Vin.SO' Dl.IGIM1fDeft'WA~lllllOa& ... ., I 11 PAY ONLY .,.SO TO JOIN AJm ....... OMLY • W'llDU.T, MO OOWlllAC'l'9~ ......... .... ................... ------1 na A nmNoSAV. ';;:so I ......... w....-r •• ,..... ......... ., I ••AYOMLY.,.MTO.IOIN I ' 4"91'1111SM eMl.Y,.f.S WIUilt.1'.JfCl ocmraAC'd .~.,...... 1' .. ~............. .. .. ,. liiiii-- -- - -.. ................. •or Clam ........ t1oa Calli 8H·SS05 Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 7, 1182 .. Nebraska hands Missouri first loss· F ullerton, Long Beach post narrow victories~ Pacific wins in double-overtime f'remAP .... te~ COLUMBIA, Mo. -Forward Orea Downin1 1cored 14 l)Oblta and 1uard Jack Moore added 12 H defen1e·mlnded Nebraaka 1tunned No. 1 aod previously unbeaten Ml.Houri 87·51 Saturday ni&ht tn Bta Elchl buketball. The loq dropped the TI•era to 19· 1 ln all 1ame1 and 8·1 In the Bt1 Eiaht, ai well aa snappina Ml.asouri's 29·1ame wtnn1nt streak at the Hearnes MulU-~e Center. Nebraaka, 12-8 and 4-4, hounded Mlsaourl with a stingy man·lo·man defense, blocklna seven shots and causlnc the Tt1ers to shoot Just 34.6 percent from the field, 20 percent below their season average. The Combuskers, who also outrebounded the taUe Ttaers 35-32, led 29-21 at baltlime and used a 10·2 spurt in the opening momenta of the final period to build a 39-23 bulge. DePaut 67, Marquette 88 MILWAUKEE -Terry Cumminas scored 20 of bis 24 Points in the second half as fourth-ranked DePaul staved off a last-minute Marquette rally to edge the Warriors, 67~. Freshman Kenny Patterson and Skip Dillard scored 12 points each for the Blue Demons. 20·1 with a 15-game winning streak. Freshman Dwayne Johnson scored 14 and Marc Marotta 12 for Marquette, 15-7. Long Beach St . 47, San Jose St. 45 LONG BEACH -Junior guard George McDaniel hit a 20-foot jumper at the buzzer to give Long Beach Stale a 47 .45 Pacific Coast AtbJetic Association victory over San Jose State. Dino Gregory had tied the score at 45-45 when he mad~ a pair of free throws for Long Beach with 1: 42 remaining. The victory gives the 49ers ·a 7·13 overall record and they are 3-5 in PCAA play. The Spartans are 10·9 and 4-4 in league play. Kevin Bowland had put San Jose ahead 45-43 with 2:09 remaining when he sank two free throws. IUSKETBA LL -m Cal State Fullerton 72, Ut•h St. II LOGAN Utah -Guard Leon Wood s~red 14 of his team·hl1h 18 points tn the second hair H Cal State Fullerton held off Utah St•te 12.Q in the PCAA. Freshman guard Gary Davia added 17 points for the Titans and Freshman forward Tony Neal had 15. Fullerton is now 5-3 ln the PCAA and 12·11 overall. Guard Larry Bergeson bJl 10 of UI fleld goal attempts to lead Utah State with 20 Points. Haakon Austefjord added 13 points and Scott Harries had 11 for the Aggies, now 2-6 In the league and 4·16 for the season. Fullerton had a 31 -30 halftime lead and moved out to a 62-SO advantage with 8: 13 remaining In the contest. Bergeson led a Utah State comeback, but the closest the Aggies came was the final four-point margin. Pacific 96, UC Santa Barbllra 91 STOCKTON -Matt Waldron scored 27 points to pace the University of the Pacific to a 96-91 double-overtime victory over UC Santa Barbara, UOP freshman forward Andy Rogers scored a quick four points as the second overtime period started to give Pacific the margin it needed. After trailing 41·26 at halftime, Santa Barbara outscored the Tigers 21-10 in the first eight minutes of the second half, pulling to within 51-47, but Pacific clim1>e4 to a 69-60 advantage with 4:03 len before the Gauchos fought to a tie at 75-75 at the close of regulation play. Santa Clara n, USF 75 SANTA CLARA -Terry Davis scored four Points from the free throw line in the last 23 seconds of overtime to lead unranked Santa Clara to a 77.75 upset of seventh-ranked San F rancisco in a Weat Coast Athletk Conference 1ame Derryl Williama paced Santa Clara with 20 points while Scott Lamton added 13 Polnll. After the same wa1 tied 81-81 at the end of reaulation, the Broncos took the lead ln overtime and never trailed. Eight players fouled out ln the cloae, emotion-packed contest. lo the final two minutes of overtime, three San Franciaco players fouled out. Fouling out for the Oona were their leadln1 scorer Ken McAJlster, who bad 17 Points, their second high scorer Wallace Bryant, who bad 18 poiots, Eric Slaymaker and Eric Booker. For the Broncos, Williams, Lamson, Gary Hopklnft and Mfchael Norman fouled out. San Diego St. 81, UNLV 68 SAN DIEGO -Reserve guard John Garwood scored~ points and power forward Michael Cage added 17 as San Diego State won lts sixth consecutive game, an 81 ·68 non-conference triumph over Nevada-Las Vegas. The victory, the Aztecs' 14th in as many games on their home court this season, snapped a seven-game win streak by the Rebels. San Diego State is now 16-8 overall Las Vegas dropped to 15·7 The Aztecs controlled the contest most of the way, moving ahead to stay al 16-15 with the game jus t 6lh minutes old. They led 45-35 at the intermission Oregon St. 111, Stanford 81 CORVALLIS, Ore. -Oregon State's front line of Danny Evans, A.C Green and Charlie Sitton scored 18 points apiece as the 10th-ranked Beavers ripped Stanford 111 -81 in a Pacific 10 Conference contest. It was the fourth-highest point total ever amassed by an Oregon Stale team and only five short of the Beavers' all-time mark. The lopsided triumph improved Oregon State's record to 9-1 in the conference, a half-game behind Washington. The Beavers are 16-3 overall. Basketball scores IN-DEPTH INVOLVEMEN FOR Co!:r l.0"9 8Mcll St."· San J-St. 41 Pa<llk "-UC Santa ..,._a '1 12 oll wa..........,• . .vi-u WHlll"l!kln St. 10. Arll!Ona SI ... CJ ol) Calltornle 10. ~ tO Or-51 111.Stlnfordll s.110-..sc 11,Hev.·USV_ .. SI M...,.161., UC S... Oteoo" Santa c .... n , USF 1S IOU ... Popp -"• 76. <Joonaoa 61 ICltl Portl-1•. Loyola 72 Sen Frenc:lsco SI 4', H-SI UC ltl~'2.CS HO<tlwl09e S. CllkoSI Sl.H..,......,SI SO 8 1ola M. R .... nds •I Lo• Anoelu SI t2, Cal Poly Pomon•76 ...... C•I Stale Fullerton n. Ulal\ SI .. 8 VU 60. CM«-SI. ,.. MontaM .U. Id-St " Hew MeldGo St. n. Cre~lon .. Wyoml"O ... Ulall S1 8olw St ... H Arltone U -Mellko 61., TeXM·EI PalO 4' Id-ti.Nev A.,...7' ...._-. ... -sc.u Hetw-.6/lli..:.:!1 SI 0•1-as. 1-Sl •• KaftMI St '5, C--,_ O.Paul 41. ~ 64 MIClll-,., llllnolsSJ Inell-51. MinnelOUI SS Pura .. U. WltcOMln 4a Hortflw9 ...... •. Mk l\I-St cJ I-•"· ONG St •Hoo w """'"' 1os. USIU n Tulsa IO. Wklllta St. 7S Mlddle Tenn. 11. v--n SI. 67 °""' u n. E Mlchloan ,.. 8•11 SI M, IC_,,. SL .. llowll119 G,_ IO. Cenl Mlclll- 7' Cotl lllleml n. ,. ""'""' 10 w Mlcl\loan 1s, To-n Evensvlli. 76. Xavier, Ohio IJ TelltlM-TICI\ 7'. A-'°" •1 Deyton M, U s.1i. 77 llllnols SI U s 1111noh SJ Clev.land SI 7S. Ill -Chi Circle 10 Bradley ... lndlaNI SI. n 8oston U. S2. Clndnnetl SO IOCI. -Ollla-SI rt, Kant.H .. Art-61. TeusU IOC I re .... Tedi II. TCU U 8aylOr .. ,Rk eH Houston n. SMU 71 IOCI ArU-St. ff.~ Y Orel R~s 7'. LDYol•. Ill. 1• Hardi~~ 71, Mercer '3 Sa,,.,..,,tO, -Bapll1I SI T••a•·San Antonio I•. S. E. L.oul MaM U w. T ... u SI. }S, Or•k• so a.. Florlcle .. ,A.....,,64 G90f9i• ... v.-111n S1 KenMlly17, T-61 MIUIMltlPl7'.A_ .. LSU $7, -lulpcol St . ., Norttl C.OON 61. Cl~I 46 H. C-INSt.61, F~ H Soutll C-IN .... Cle,,,_ .. v1,..1n1e IO, Vlrolfll• Tech .. Weke ,._t U ~le Tee"• _m..,. SI 14, lol>lsvlll• U loO Soutll F!lwtlN 11, H.C.<Nt'IOl1e n Tn.~G,ManMll .. TulaN ff, ,.._Orte-U Rkllmofld .0, Wllllem & Mery SS S MIMlullioi ta. ~a SI ... E T-to..VMI .. W C-lfta ... ~.,St.~ W KenMky ... --..,SI 5.J Va Commonweallll 6', J ames Madi...., .. IOCI Tue .. Artl~ Tl, Loulslan• Ta<ll M) Ten~ St 16, Miu . V•lle'f S7 Cent_.,•1.Ga Soutr>emSI H.E Loulsi.n. 1$. H.W. LCllllllana ,. SW Loulsi-IS. Mc-M SI M .... Mar'(!.,,., 17, Oulo.e 60 C-'1<11167, a.on COii H o. ..... n . Ullltfl 10 'T-'4..0..•l.W ,,_,, .. _ ... O.Or .. -., 0.C. 11J, s.ton Hall 7l Ufa'l"IC'e M, W 0.st•r $1 61 LAnl I~ U 95. St. Fr9n<ll. P• •• Penn St. 62. Navy S.. Penn S9. Ccr,,.11 4a 51 JOM!Jfl's. Pa M. Oki Oornlnton '3 Vlllanove 11, Maine U Amarlc., u 11. Hofstra" Feh1leld ... 4tm'I S1 9,_,,41,~11» 8..cknell 12. Ri.r 71 Canlslus IO. St FraftCls, H. V U Well Vlr9lnle 1•. Gaorv• ,waalllnQton 71 Georp Ma_, 71, LoyOla, Md. '6 IOCI 8•11lmcre I•. Vtt,,_,1 '7 Maritt 7'. CCllQate It Columbia U, ~lllQ1vn II Syrac: ....... Provioenc. II Vale 16, Harvanl •1 Wae<Mr 92, SleN n ·-, ..... ,,.St 80fwlwnlw.t0 SI P....-s11.~-neo Hort-.n> n. -.. ·&os•on so Plltsbul"Qll tel. Mar.wc..._ru,. FalrlelgllOlcklnM!nlS, Broo .. yn Coll 73 Co~nhy college .... ct. .. ~· Sanl• Ana ti. o..-. Coalt • ,.ullerton n. Oros>mont S4 Cerrito. II, S.. Oteoo Mew .. ,,,........~. s.oo-. ... San ...... dlno" Pal-n, Soul-em 10 .-1 ... ,....ccn.-o-..cc .. -..... ~ o .. -.. -."~ .. Com"'°" 1•, Venl\lr• tJ Moer-11 .. , .. .,.. ... 0•nardl6. UI Tr-h <ll 1• ~la --a SI, WHI L.A .. Women ~ UC lrvlne U . Fr..,,.. St SI UO wome n topple Fresno Leading from start to finish, the UC Irvine women's basketball team leaped over the .500 mark with a 55-51 victory over Fresno St. Now 12-11, the Anteaters were paced by Katherine Hamilton's 14 points. while Dorothy Lewis chipped in with 13 in the defense-oriented contest. UCJ returns to action Tuesday night at 7: 30 when it hosts Azusa Pacific Celebrate Life! "" Help the 'Jt' March of Dimes Figh t Birth Defects ORANGE COUNTY ENGINEERS Living 1n Orange County. you're close to Mc Donnell Douglas Aatronaullca. That means o pportun1t1es for professional adva ncement. efficient commuting and involveme nt in such pro1ects as the Maat·Mounted Sight, Delta, and Balllatlc Mlaalle Defense Program. We have 1mmed1ate openings 1n the fo llowing specialties Communications-Model simulate and analyze high data rate microwave communication systems 10 operate 1n hostile environments lurn models into 1pecilicatlon1 end monitor subcontractor performance. analyze and evaluate 1e1t ,.1ult1. Compoaltn Englnffr-Metall1c/non-me1a111c composites analysis l1n1te element analyses and general purpose coding Control Sy1tem1 Engineer-Capable of analyzing 1n1erfaci>s al radar computers and missile systems 1n close loop systems Dynamic Environment.al Analyata-Define dynamic environmental 1les1gn and test crcterie for missile space and launch vehicle components acoustic noise fluctuating pressure predictions. v1broacous11c analysts shock environment predictions Graphics Engineer-A senior graphics engineer responsible lor dehn1t1on ot mediu m to long range missile and launcn control eQu1pmen1 Guidance and Control Engineers- • Control and Servo-mechanism Algorcthm Development • Commend and Homing Guidance • Guidance and Control Analysis • Guidance a11d Control System Design Matertala A ProcnMa Engineers and Technlclana-Metallurgy composites chemical processing Metrology Engineer-Perform evaluation ot precision measurement melhodsand techniQues required lor cehbrat1on ol standards lor phyr;1ca11mechan1cal lest equipment Radar Hardware Design Englneer-5 years expertence desired in one or more of the following areas transmitters. phased array antennas receivers. signal processors. digital design Radar S yatema Analyst-Radar system modeling s1mula1ton analysis EMl!EMC expercence desirable Radar Syatema Engineer-Radar system evaluation and/or radar system test planning Semiconductor Engineer-With physics or electronics background end knowledge in complex semiconductors Simulation Engineer-For distributed processors u11l1zed 1n m1ss11e control systems Strategic 0.algn Englnffr-Analyze strategic threat-characteristics, strategic exchanges and attacker/d~nder defense strategies Syatem1 Analyst-Capable ol handling interfaces with multitude of companies generating spec1flcet1ons 1n the electncallelectron1c areas Stress Analy1t1-Stress wave and dynamic response analys1s. lat1gue analysis and testing. structural test direction. finite element analysis. composite strucrural analysis. survlvebllity and hardening Structural Dynamlcls t.-V1brahon and dynamic response analysis of aerospace structures, mathematical modeling, lam111ar1ty with NASTRAN and s1 m1lar codes. modal analysls: componenl mode synthesis System Delign Englnffr-Syslem engineer capable ol llelense system functional design. including lunc11ona1 Interlace (lel1mhon and software algorcthms Sy11em Engineer-Model system concepts analytically with detailed computer simulations. compare alternate design solutions based Oil cost end etrecllveness . lyltem Teat Engineer-Define and specify system test requi rements and system evaluation approaches THI Monitor and Control Interface Englnffr-TCM engineer u ,perlenced in Interface of computer hardware and control systems Tfft loftw8re Engineer-Development of teat software and data reduction aofl'Nar9. Thermal Englnetrt-Model therm1I energy transfer In complex lttuc:turMl•nvtronment1 through various materials. geometries and tempor1I variation. 'T1Mfmodynaml1t.-Heat transfer. aarothermodynamlcs. thermal control ol avtonlca. ~ If yo u quallfy by degree and/or experience, aend your resume to: L. A. __......hby (11·1) at th• addreaa below. llCDONN•LL DOUGLAS ASTRONAUTICS COMPANY •1 ... ~"'"" .. , .. , Hunelngton llHch, CA '2147 / MCOONN•LCY' DOUG&•·~ Aft lquel ~ tm~ a U I Cltlffnetllp ~ulred -.. .. 0rMge Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 7, 1882 ~akers-Celtics top TV UCI euffen double defeat Northridge sweeps UC Irvine Relays J Crosby golf, UCLA basketball also on today's.agenda Kerwln Daoley'1 tw.q -run homer to left-center In th• nnt innln1 helped propel San ote10 State to a 9-4 victory over bolt UC Irvine and a aweep of Its co lleatate baaeball double·beader played Saturday afternoon. By BOWAaD L. HANDY ............. A pouibl9 .,,..vtew of the NBA cbampioub!p aerie.a could be In tbe otttn1 tor buketball fua UU. morulnl when tbe Lakera take oo the Ce1Uc1 ln Bolton {Channol 2, I a.m .). A colloae mat.cbup featurtnc SL John'• at Loulaville wUI be aeen at 11 :30 on Cbannel 2 toll<>winl the Laker-CelUc l•UM. Notre Dame vlalta Pauley Pavilion on tho UCLA campua wllb an early 1tart due to Channel 4 alrtn1 the aame lhe acrou the country. It aet.a under way at 11 :30, an unuaual at.a.rtiof Ume for a We•t Coaat colleae same. Then lt 'a off to Pebble Beach at 1: 30 for the conclusion of the Bln1 Crosby National Pro-am lOlf tournament <Channel 2). Following are the top sPorts events on TV today. Ratings are: '''./excellent;""" worth watching; '1 fair; I foroet It. · ~ 9 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Boston. Announcers: Dick Stockton and Biii Russell. Larry Bird leads the Celtics, the defending NBA world champions, In scoring and was the MVP in the recent All-star oame. He Is aver&Qlng more than 23 points a oame and also leads the club In reboonds with better than 11 per outing. He will be facing the Lakers led by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jamaal Wilkes and Norm Nixon. <I) 11:30 a.m., Chann~ 2 I./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: St. John's at Louisville. Announcers: Gary Bender and Biiiy Packer. Neither team Is ranked In the Top 20 but It doesn't take anything away from the rivalry. Coach Denny Crum's Louisville Cardinals have hit on hard times after being ranked No. 17 In January and picked by many as one of the top four teams in the country before the season. The Cardinals are paced by 6-7 junior Rodney McCray who Is averaging in double figures and has better than eight rebounds a game. St. John's Is off to a slow start, perhaps the worst under Coach Lou Carnesecca. David ~ussell , a 6~ Junior forward, Is the key to the team's success and is hitting nearly SS percent of his shots from the fie Id. ~ 11:30 a.m., Channel 4 ./I I COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Notre Dame at UCLA. Announcers: Dick Enberg and Al McGuire. A rematch of an earlier Bruin victory In South Bend. Both teams have been doing better In recent games than they did at the outset of the season. Notre Dame upset No. 7 ranked USF TueSday night at home and wlll be out to avenge that earlier loss to the Bruins. Kenny Fields leads the UCLA attack while Digger Phelps at Notre Dame has been rebulldlng his squad this season after losing Kelly Trlpucka to graduation . . <I> 1:30 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ ./ GOLF: Bing Crosby National Pro-am. Announcers: Vin Scully, Pat Summerall, Ben Wright, Frank Glleber, Tom Brookshier and Ken Venturi. Merlin tops finishers Led by the 67-fool sloop Merlin, three yachts had finis he d the l , 110· mile San Diego to Manzanillo race Saturday night Other finishers were Christine and Hana Ho. Due to faulty communications with the finishing committee at Manzanillo, finished times were not available. Merlin, skippered by Mike Satterlee. San Diego Yacht Club, finished in mid-morning and missed equaling her elapsed time record by nearly a day. The 84-foot sloop Christine was skippered by her owner Fred Preiss. Pacific Mariners Yacht Club. Hana Ho was sailed by owner Morrie Kirk, Balboa Yacht Club. A.-C T ropiut Fish • Fresh e Muine Aq':'uium SuppHes Special Feb. 6, 1982 -Feb. 12, 1982 Elgenfnannla vlrescone: 3.99 Exercise your Imagination. A creature with a translucent body, shaped like the blade of a knite, two pectoral fins, anal fin that extends almost the full length of the body, no caudal or dorsal fins and yet the ability to swim forward, backward, up or down with the swiftness of a missile. Such a creature does exist and I am on sale at Aquatic Tropicals under the name "Glass knife" for only Sl-99· '1510 W. Baker e Co9ta Meea ~·. •1 541-~391 e Comer HartM>r a Baker miiiiiii' 1HI AmY SCHOOL A c.thoflc Boerdlng High School for boyt. C.U• HOLY CIOSS A &umm. ~for boVt 9 IO 14 ,.,..otd. Conducted b'Y the Benedictine Monks of Q)lcndo. in Southern Rockie•. Country En- \draiment'....., lki areas. ....... ........ WTGa Of ADMISSIOMS - THI Am1Y ICHOCl tol ,., CMQ4 CITY, COIAIAOO llJll .._.CMll lJMUI -OI-,., . .._. ..... ,...,.._,_.,._. . T.Olt••CM • t t• HNMI ,; Craig Stadlw shot an ~undtr-91r M S.turday to tekt a two-str<*e ltad entering today's final round of play. Jack Nlckleus Is only four shot& off the pace. OTH&Ut Tl!Ll!VtSION 1: 30 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Tadashl Mlhera CtS.O> dtftnds his WBA Junior mlddlflftlght title ag1ln1t DevJy Moore (S.0) In a schtdultd 15-rOYnd bout, tlPtd Tuesday In Tokyo. AllO! Part two of the World Pro Figure Skating championships, taped at Landover, Md. (7) -SUPERSTARS -A vast assortment of atflletlc talent Is on display In the third men's prellmlnary. taped at Kty Biscayne, Fla. Competitors Include alplne skier Steve Mahre, WBA llght heavyweight champion Michael Spinks, basketball player Otis Birdsong and former Mr. Universe bodybulldlnq chemplon Lou Ferrigno. 3:30 p.m . (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Roberto Duran (74-2) ettempts to become the third fighter In less than a year to win tltles In three different weight classes as "8 challenoes wee super welterweight champ Wiifred Benitez <42·1·1l. The scheduled 15-round boot was taped In Las Vegas last Saturday. Also: The slalom competition In the World Alplne skiing ch,ilmplonshlps. RADIO Basketball --Lakers at Boston, 9 a.m ., KLAC CS70l; Notre Dame at UCLA, 11 :30 a.m ., KMPC (7 10); Fresno State vs. UC Irvine at Long BNch Arena, l :SS p.m ., KWVE (108 FMl. Hockey -Montreal at Kings, 6:SO p.m ., KPRZ ( 11S0). leS5 Fact0ty 2 00 Reba!• -• YO!VA Net Cosl AN81 f'llCIOfy 7 97 Rebate • 1Z50WATIS ~HWOfyw 12~W 2 SQff<IS. 2 hul lie! 1"'05 22.87 ......... .,.. Jn the nl1htcap, the Alteea scored three runJ ln the third Inning and added solo tallies ln the rlftb and sixth to defeat the Anteaters, 5-3, ln a 1ame called after six lnnln11 due to darkness. , Danley'a shot came off UCI left-hander Dave Woodhead and helped stake the Aztecs to an early 3-0 advantage. UCl scored one run ln the bottom or the rirst, but the Aztecs came back to score two more m the top half of the second. In the second game, Dan Trinidad's single scored Mike Rupp In the second to 1lve UCI an early 1-0 lead. But the Astecs parlayed two slngres, an error and a sacrifice fly into three runs in the third. The Aztecs are 2·0 on the young season, while UCI drops to 0-2-1. 0 ••·2' Cal SUte N6rthrtd1e made It a clean sweep at the UCl Invltatlonal Relay1 Saturday u both the men '1 and women '1 1wim teams captured tHY victoriea at Herita1e Park. lwtmmtng ~·--UCI lewtl .. lMl a ... ,1 , .. ...,..... ..... , Crete;.--1. ~-. 7:0 .U; 1. UC ININ,7:a.a.;l.Ce1St ~. 7: .... M, ..0 ....... .,. -I. UC lrvl,.., J:a.,,.; I CM ..,_ Hor1ftr .... l :•.•1; I. P,...e,..N, l:a• a.,,._ -1. uc trvllle, •:11.a . t Gel,.,... ($l01. 4: II.St; I. UC len 0 .... , 4: 1'.& 400 IMKk -I. Gel Poly ISU>I. J:4t.M; 1. Cal SI Nor1'1r ... ,J:s.t.Alt; I. UC lrvlM, l .U .S. 40t l!leo -I. Owrrero (UCll, 4: ...... t Oonotl.,. (~I, 4:1•At. I. ~ ICM $1 NO,,lwldgll,4:17.AI. IOO frw -I Gel 54. Notthr149t, 7:0U7; J UC ,,..,, .... ,, ..... ; .. ~. 7·,.,12 200 lrH -1 cal 5'. Nonhrldgl, t tJ.U; 2 UC lrvl,.., l·V.M;J. ,._,,,.,.., l:Jt.tl. ._ lly -I. Cal St. --ldOe. J 14.D, I ,...,.rdlne, l :a,.JI.). Gel ..... IM.01, I: ... IOO I--I. Gel SI NclnM""9, a: IO.ot; 2 ~ ........ IU1;J UClrvlM,a,-.os 4al00 lrw -1. CM SC .. _,.._. > 11.61, 1 UC lr¥1M, 1'14.31; I . "-rdlne, ,, 1'.66 1,•J0 1,.. -I Uldwlm IUC lrvlnel, 16.H..a, 2. Heister ,,.,._._), 16:17 •. J H ..... IUC s.. oi..,1, ":a 11. 01¥1"9 (._,I -I EllllOfl CSIKI, al.to. 2 Soi. (Cal $1. Non"""9el, 4l7 ts. J Tr...i. ICel St NOf'tllridetl. 4.U." Ol¥lt19 ll·meterl I Tte¥1s ICel St. Hortllrldeel 419.H , 2 ~lmons IC•I St L.M A!!R!leS),40015; J. lundlM IP!f!ptntlM),Jft.U. , ~. t~~ . ,.,,.llllf f JI·•• A 4 Sl!CA! 1oas1et featuring ·Stead Brain·· 10 Hsure •he perfect Shaoe of toast 1'-._.,., I. CAI II ...,.,_. .. I I. UC l,.,IM, 1•: &. ,....,. 41119, UI, 4. Cl'~ I~. Ill, f UC•Oll9t.11;6.&K,rt, 7.Cllk"-A,...._•,a.uclllwor ... ,• w...... ClOU.lff ua1a•a• ·--.. ... ........ ,,.,., (...C .. -I. Cll tt .............. t:•M; &. UC l,,,,IM, t: ..... , l. U( IM '*tit. t il6M. -..,....,. I Cll tt. ~· 41M.11; 11 c.. 11. "•.,..•· •: "·•: a. u s.. ot.et. •11ut. -..,.... _'·Cal It ... .,.. •• •1-..1 I.~ M. ~. S:CIUt; I. UC,,.,._, S:OM. . . .J -.... -'·Cal IC.~. •1 .. •11. UQ .... o ..... •:•.D; 1. cal ............... ,.,.., .. -fr• -I. CM IC. ~. a:tL'7; I. UC lr•I,.., 1:11.n ; I. UC .... 0let9, a:'7.& ' a ,,_ -I H ......... (c;.I IC. ---~· 4:47.U ; t. HIN IC.al M. Nwtlwleeel, 4: &H: J, ~ ICel St. ........... 1. 4!IUI. \ 2CIO ,,.. -I. UC IM Oleee, 1:47.11; 1. Cal St. ~1"". 1·'7 •;I UC lrvlM, t 41 . .a. -fl'( I Cel M. ,...._._, 4' ll St; I. UG INlnt. 4 11A2, J. Cel SC. Heywet41, 4:M.'7. 4aJCIO I,_ 1 Cel St. ~. t:aa. f, UC lr¥1M, t:&t:l, J Gel II. H-41. t :&'7. 41l100 Ir• -I CM It. Nett,.,._, J:Sl.Jt; t. UC SM ~. J :S1 02; J. eel St .... .,_., •:ta.• . , .. ,., ,,.. I .. ...,..., ICal SI ~I, 11 M •S, 2 0.nlortll IC.ol SI. NertlVl ... 11 1a IJ 1', I HIH IC. St _,fvtd911, M:lt..J1. Ol•lnt II-meter) -I eur .. 11 le.I St. Hertllr141 .. I, 401 ot; 2 Het•er IC•I St Hot1flr,_I, aS4 IS, J SIN.-ICM SC H_.41), >a• 01¥1"1 ll·melerl I eureua le.I St, Nortllrl• .. I. J71 U , t Helder ICol 51" Nont\rl ... ), 11t.'6. J SCI-IGel St H.,_.dl, mu. l'eom Sc:or"' I Col SC ~·-· tJ7; t. Ca( St H•YWOf'tl. 1'S, I. UC S... Di1191>, 111. 4. UC S111n-re11st1n1 anodized alumn body Mtld ·IO· strong bf-selec· IOf. "'8rtl* 9.97 10~· fryhrl S1l11e1Stone~ non· lltCk 1nteflOr high dome COiiet, remOll· alllt contrOI Your Choice B Sell cleaning flglitweight steam dry tron wtlh 49 steam vents Wheat wi1h mocha tr•m .............. H ........ llld Penetrat ing moist or dry heat. 3 se111ngs Cloth C0\19f With lies Save . ,. .-0.. Pont F\oo TM 15.9l. ITUFF'ED ANIMALS 4.14 I 11111 C...,lt"'9d .,.. .... _ .. Cute "I'm Banenas 0..er You" mon k.ey , ..... .......... -... 1.14 3.88 ...OftaC1-r a...~ Huvy·base. 111· purpoee tumblers. 6-DAY TIRE SALE ......, Potyeaet Cord811lctcwah Our Reg 29 t7·A78lt13" 24.97 • i.• ·..a ·~--~ J aep1ace 1tCW11 or--) ComPute< ~ ol 4 -4 Algn--._.... ..... ...,,.. ................ .... .-... C t 400-wall p<o dryet w11n 3 1empere1ure se111ngs ? speees, s1ano and aCGeSSOf1es D Can opener/clock w11h megnet1c hd g<abber. easy cleen culling wheel f AMIFM portable radiO w1h sliderule dial, bu1ll 1n AFC J• soeaker. cairv handle AC/DC' ·~-- 47• ltripM DWt Towel, Ribbed Dtehcloth Of absofbent, unsheared cotton terry. Save. leW lft .......... -....011• Oflty 79• Ee. ..... ..... ~ ...... Stendard. For many U.S. cera. ...... ._... ..... __... .. CIMaMa,,_,IAT. auy ony four of "'9M "•m• oftdrec:lfve '2 MAIL-IN REBATE From UNION CARBIDE Qled® PIMHc Storage Product Roll of food wrap or freezer wrap: t50 sandwich or 76 food storage bags. AVAILA BLE AT YO UR LOCAL K rnart · .. • '&ii•. ...... ..... .. , Orange Coal DAILY pt LOT /Sunday, Februaty 7, 1982 .. Orange C()ast College has a tough act to foil ow Defending South Caast Confer ence baseball champions will depend on. a flock of f reshmen, and few returners a y cuaT SBEDEN .................. lt was barely noon on an ovtrcaat May mornin1 ln Loni Beach. Coach Mike Naynt'I Oranae Cout Colle1e baseball team -detend1n1 state champlona -had Just been eliminated h'om the elate playoffs. "We'll be back.'' Mayne warned as bl• dejected players aal stunned ln the du1out at Blair Field. Most or ~se players h'om last year's squad wblcb fini.shed the season at 83-9 are 1one. When they left, some impressive atatilUca such as a .333 team batting average and a 2.S7 ERA remained. They are statistics that the 11182 version of OCC's baseball squad will have a difficult Ume dupllcaling. "Those fieures wlll be very bard to top," admits Mayne. "Thls club will bit the -ball well. but I don't think we'll hit .32S or .333. Our pitching staff is good, too, but our bia stoppers from the last two seuooa are gone." Mayne l.s referring to Don Smith and Mike Hogan who combined for a 38-9 record durin1 their two years as OCC's top pitchers. Both pitch for Ariiona State nowadays. Only \wo starting field players and one starting pitcher from last year's club form the nucleus around which Mayne haa uaembled another 1old mlne of talont. "I'm really not alum. I'm just tryinc to look at thin&• reallJtlcally," Mayne aays. "Tbia year we're fOl.nl to be an almott all-freshman team, ao lt'a not fair to expect these kids to do what the the other two team1 lJ980, 1981 ) did. No matter bow much talent lbey llave, freshmen are freshmen and they tend to make more mistakes than sophomores.•· Speaking of mi.stakes, Mayne feels the South Coast Conference sports information directors may have made one when they picked his Pirates to win the conference title. He likes Cerritos. "We'll be right there. I think our pitching will be better than some people expect, and we'll be adequate at the plate. Our goal la to win a third (straight> South Coast title. If we make good progress in our pre-conference games, we should be a contender when the conference rolls around." The Pirates open the 1982 seuon Saturday when they meet College of Marin in the Southwestern Tournament in Chula Vist.a. Their second round game is with LA Harbor. s29 3.97 4.74 Her'e's a rundown of bow the Buca look at each position: PITCHER The third man lo lbe OCC rotation last year, left-bander Jack Reinbolt&, didn't lose a 1ame. Hb ~ record included a t WO·hit shutout or Hancock io the Casey ~e ... el Tournament at Golden West Collece. RelnbOlti will be backed up by freshman ri&hl·baoder Rich Sorenson, left-bander Robb Munton, both from Edison High, and basketball standout Chris Beasley. Sori!nson was All·ClF, Munaoo AU-Sunset and Beasley should be all-conference in basketball. Sophomore Jerr Sutterfield and freshman Ken Santoro <Corona del Mar) also figure to see duly. FUlST BASE -Jeff Brown, a 6-4 freshman. was an All-CIF performer in both baseball and football while at Yucaipa High. "He can hit the ball out of sight. He also hits for a high average and plays the position well," says Mayne. SECOND BASE -Another All·CIF star, Rick Hopkins appears to have the inside track for this position. The Long Beach Millikan product played s hortstop in high school, earning All-Moore League honors two years in a row. SHORTSTOP -Returner Scott Groot brings °""'""""~~to._. .. ~ .. ffl! ... ._..*""'411 1.)r"N ~•_,. ~ .....,_ ........... ....o. "~ .., f lllo•U ... tv •r t .. ,... .............. ,,. -• ....., ........... ~l.NC:•IJI ........ -.... ~.~~wi·••""" .... .,,..,~ll0°'9UY!t~-... ... II"<» ................. , ...... fO'lot•~.,...,,..., ........ 1. ~ ..... ~ .... .,.. .. 8.97 Digital Clock Radio A M/FM Electronic with fluores- cent display, doze control 2-step dimmer control, hour I minute time setting. AM Pocket Radio Features direct tuning, 2Y2' · speaker. Solid state. Handy car- rying strap. Dry Curling Bruah Professional-type hot curl brush with tangle-free bristle design. MacGregor@ Sweat Shirt Hooded pullover of cotton I acrylic. ~ ............................... 5.97 2.22 M ..... ', Full Ftture 8rH Many poputar styles; easy-care fabrics White. lndMdually boxed Save s7a s237 Whlrtpool Mtero .. ve 8elenc.d weve aoolllno 1y11em. O.frott a~1!1 Aulometk: ehulo()ff V¥W11 ~ St8r1 button end Of 000111n.11 Slgnel Model 111.-.11100 --_ __.._ ........ -~ 1.49 1'-oz. • Johneon'a® Powder Pure protection. comfort f()f baby ................. ..,~ .......... .... .............. .., ......... ~ • ...I.ti ................ ; 2.77 Savel 8taytree® Maxi· Pad•® Box ot,30 beltlea sanitary napkins ............... ~ .................. ,.., 2.97 ~,.......... ~ 2-peck. 20 flashes tot& Save 12.48 ... ,...~, ..... Twin pectc &.ts*iof color. de'1llllope In I ~ 13.38 some commwttty collece experienc• to the inft•ld. He alao brin1s • .281 batlinc aver11e into the season. Last year, Groot collected 12 extra ba1e hits in a mere 96 plate appearances. THillD BASE -Another former Ed.lion 1tar, Tom Ducian. will probably &et the 1tart1n1 nod. A 6·1, 190-pounder, Dunan earned All·CIP and All-Slate honors last year OUTFIELD The Piratcta have two fine centerrielders in Don Blanltesuhip and John Wyman. Blankenship hall5 from Katella msb, Wyman from Lakewood High. Fred Delaine, a returner from last season, wilJ probably see action in right field. He's considered the fastest player on the team and owns All.Century Leacue credentials for his play at Santa Ana Hi&h two years ago. Left field is owned by sophomore Kevio Sliwinski who hit 311 last year. slucged four homers and knocked in 34 runs. CATCHER -Sophomore transfer Darren Puskarich from Cypress College and freshman Dave Tinoco from Kalella, will battle for this position When one isn't playmg behind the plate, he'll probably see action as designated biller. Tinoco was the Empire League's Player of the Year last season ----~----------------· l FOUND: The Fabled l I 200 MPG Carburetor I I It exists and we have 11 -the original patent (now H · I I pired) drawings and descnp11on complete '"how-1t'1· I done .. MCrets of the ieoendary Pogue Carburetor! 11 With it. a Ford 8-i:yltnder coupe achieved 205.5 MPG un· I der normal driving cond1t1ons. according to I I DOCUMENTED tests by Ford ot Canada and other•. After I I the newt b<oke, the 01 industry reportedly panicked and I the cart>uretOf "'faded from public view I Get the fac1s oo the vaporizer-type Pogue and many I I other super-mileage carburetors Learn how backyard I I mechanics now use these secrets to build working units I I to modify existing designs tor fantastic fuel savings If you·re mechanically adept. why can"t you? Send $1 00 I I (refundable for revealtng '"How-To'" Report! I : B-VAC SERVICE l I ... 0 . IOX 3966 DEf'T. CM I L HAYWARD, CA 94540-3966 I --------------------~ • • Let US Do Our Total f ltness Thing for YOU • ICllbtbal • WW/l&fT~ • Swlsm&g ,ool • Roccpll'f lall • VoleyW * AeroWcs * JCllDf'CIM * labysJttincJ * Jacuui ISJAC • tfflfS Prt-lbtal trailil( ti ,,.,.. ,. fll I sn Mwfy. c... .,. ,. n111ri11ces. T m .. 1'1rs. 9:00 l.M. RSJAC lH l M6o.:lw hoe: '""- 551-442 I RMVAC 1600 Admm A•e. c .......... 557-4401 r------------------~ ADVERTISING ~ W'•"e<l ~ pr;x>JCed oncl plo:ed • rh::l1 ell.()IO•r"l!. <!' qn1"°"" ()')0 ~·\ • rhor Pv'~ /OJ' P'OO.Jll tw ~ICe or• rhe t.lf">• ~·b'e 1.qh• • rhor s rorgp•<>1j o 'PCT\ •o me c.rQOE>' oud erxe • V..•<'q ltle nghl ~·O ~r~ '"Of rroy be pr1nr eteoron1c t>illooorc;t, broch.ireo> sole'> aid!. pnim ol ou•chole ~·ngty ex 1n combtnortaf' • rho• coo be e>fforcled ~ A SMALL BUSINESS becc:Me vnoll Mine~ ieed profe').Sl()(l()lty prOO.JCed odli'ftn6'"9 01 on offcxdoble pnce Ccn 1 help vou vnoll bv<.•~s> Gtllf> me o coo and lei s see Norurolty mere\ no ob1tgo11on (7 14) 842·90J2 . I bill Po!!''°" L------------------~ ~J D1HyPilal Classifieds -:-=10 850 S~yder . Needlt• &\ne wor . m\nor en s1300. LoOks nice. p.p. _!IO·OOOQ· - ' 'Sold fi rst da y to the fi rst person that ca lled .,~ ~~tr @s42-s&1e charge It~ by phone From South Leguna a North County cell 540· 1220 toll-fr••. ·. NBA wasT•aNCOMP•R•NC• = o.Ntf!Sl.llt Pwtlaf'd PM9ftl• SeftOletlD PactflcOI.,..._ w L. It• II " 14 u " u " 24 10 14 JI -...D ...... Pct. .. .111 -.... \It ·* 6\11 ,.. Wt s.eJ ""' J04 1M SMAn....J o. ...... JO IS .M7 ..... ltOft Kaf\MaClty VI.all ,. 12 .1n •Vt U t2 Sii 1 U JI nt IS\11 14 )I .311 " 0.11•• 14 JI J04 16\11 IASTlaNCOftPlallfCI A-tic Div--. )4 11 ,, 14 n n nu 11 u ~IDlvlalelt Mllwtu"'- All ... ta Detroit lnOlana Chkt90 Clenlalld JI 14 It u 20 11 10 21 II 8 II l' ._...,.,_ ClewMlnd •.Atlanta '1 0.11 .. tS, llldlana" H-,,_, 1u, Detroit no 5Mttl• 12t, Utah 103 ,_.,.,o_ u...,..•t8oa1on Chka9(>a1 Phll-Pflle Denver •1 WasnlnQCon Pf>oenla at Mllwaull.• Ho.ntonet K-.Clty San A-.lo al GolOel\ !>t•te H_,,.,_yatCle .. l- !>4HIDle00•1Sellllle H-Yoftl al Portl- COLLEGE ,,. - ... 1\11 .. ., .... , ... IJ ... 4l2 Ill .. '26 12 .,. 12 '" ""' 144 20 AZUH Pac. II, SoCal College 60 AZUSA PACIPIC --I 1. H~ II. Apana IJ, Wllllams J, Letovr,,..., s. ~ u. RCIOl-n Totals 27 IS-tUt SOUTitlaN CAL COLL.IOI -Ro«lffts 14, Plulmer I, Roc h• IJ, Porras 11. --4, Corsi 12, Rooon 4 Totals 2J 1•1160 Halttl-ALUM Pacific. J2.2f T OU! foula Alvu Pac; Ilk 11. So<llMm Ca l College U , Technlc•h Porro (~-"'Cal Col!aael COMMUNfTY COLLEGE Santa Ana t1, Orange CoHt 18 oaANOI COAST llHsley >1, T ltreN\~ 10, G. l(rdlnfiltldl II, CalllO..n 10, n.m.s I. -4, ..._In f. Han... 0, Metftleu 0. TcMla: U 1•tt • IANTA ANA -Peic1enon U, Walllnv 4, W.at 17, W..,.,ftOtOn 14, Gusta•la U, 4- 1, ... "°'9r I~. T0\111: M n.J1 71. Hatftlme: s.nt.a Ana. ~. Towl louts: Orengo c..11 2', s.nta AM It; PowlM out: Calhoun (Orengo Coeltl. G. ltrohnfeldl 10r"'99 Coull; TecMk•la 8Maley (OreftOO Coesl), Cooch T-y Glllla IOra1199 Cont CcMleQll Sadcleback U , San Ber. 79 SAN llaNAaDIND -Cler• 21, Armattono 12, Lft 11, &oara 1, Rotlerts l, Yll1-l, H-lfts •• G,_ I, Fl'91>1no 4 TMols: M 7-tl 7'. SAD DLa ltACJl Doddo 12, T utMr M. Wlaniowtlll 1, Mltcllell 23, Doyle I, ,, __ 4.llM~l2.llol01,T<IUlt J$1"2J". Halftlme:~-· Total loult Sa" lernor•l11e It, Socklleboo IS, Tecllnlcal W•"•r !San ...... rdlftO) COMMUNtTY COLLEGE South Coast Conference ~·a-.. w I. w I. Mt. S... ._,lo • I 11 S Futler1ott • l IJ 10 Santa Ana • l It I Conltoa 4 4 12 II Gross..-J 4 IS I Or ..... C-l • II 1J S...Olo9o-0 I I It ...... .,..o-- Oranoo C-al Mt San Antonio Santa Al.-et C«rllos San Oletlo Mew •I Gro""'°"' Minion Conference Rlveraldt CC ~1-ll s... ........ c11 .... San DleOD CC Sout-l«n P•lomor Cllnn c--. W L I , s 4 4 J s 1 1 1 1 ...... .,,.CJ __ San oi...,cc .i ~· Sout_...,,ol RI"'"'"°" CC CttrvtatP.- COLLEGE WOMEN o ..... W L 24 4 IS 10 14 II 11 II • 13 7 11 II IJ UC Irvine 55, Fresno St. 51 Pa•SMO ST.-Golotstieroer 4. Thom 4, StumpS .. Cl8y IJ. Vllclle 1, 0.LotlD , •• wyc...-.14. To4als 1q.a SI UC laYINI Hamlllon 14, R9'1dall 4, ~I• ll, Bu<Nnan 4. Boller 10, Roy 1, S"""'°" 4, Gomer 4 To4olt 14 1 t SS Halftl-· UC l"'IM· n,24 Total foub FrftftO SI IJ, UC l"'IM IS Santa AnH• U.TUao..-''S ••tut. Tl , ... ., .... ,1 .... ., ... -i ... 1 Pl•IT Ill.Cl.• lurtonot. W.1'1ltw1-.YI 3S.20 1i,20 • 20 Sunimor S.llo<' (AlmusMn) S.60 J.40 C-MIOr C-y (Slblllel 3 20 AllO reced: Sh.we Tiie Gold. The Mettlod, Or . G•ddlt ,Pro lessor Green•, Parklnt...-..., Torrllotlal. Tl-: 1:094/S. HCONO Ill.CL I 111' miles. -111·-1~..,, 120 420 l.10 "'"lloctkln lValeniwlal 7 00 LOO ~Miu (Calt.....S.I IJ 40 Atlt ,...., 0. Wiii. .,.._, .... IOW, ftlllOftt, Oft Ytw w ... ~ OYMlty, Wl114I•'• Ollk., l•Mr PaJoro, si .. n ~,,.., Tl-:1:4. '* DAtt .. ., oouaua 1.a1 ~ •1,..11. TNlaDaaca.t~ v~ °'....,_IT-I tt.• .i.• tut TNtl Vt 1011-•l It_. , .. Oelltto H.-CVOllNwlal IM AIH r~o41· ,., Soni. Oroy lw1M, lloulo'I 1.o<te, Prto S11lrll, aoyally ltowor-, ~ .. I. loll• Pa,.._, ...., .. \lllOllCll, Vllle ... lllc, Tlmo: t : .. 4/S. l'OU • .,,. IUICll. 61 .... ..,.., 1.8 l(nlrti: (Hewlr(l '"" s.oo Ml "''"'°Of ..... 11111111•1 10.00 1.• Collk ...., (Ollvar•I 10 • AIM r..i: Jwl Arrlwct Dallllloft, Y .... O.tlro"'· Swift 8unny, Tranwmorlca, All•SIOllC•, l!erly Muter, ••l•mM, SwtwOll. 'Imo: l:CIU/S. Pl"" uc•. •l'I ,.,.....,... on lwf. Groy Oond\t (Howley) IUO 6.00 00 Fl ... I (094~1 t.• U• St•llMtl-.. IGuorral 4M -'!ao raced: Wl110wooc1 Hoat, H•tlvo FllMr, ~. Fr1-ty Unca Alon, Klnv Gonlo, GYllSY Oencor, No SNlnlr.t Time· 1:12JJ5. .. IXACTA CJ.SJ paid Sllt.90. llXTM u ca. I l/16mU ... Slwotl\y IC.--l It «I Lemhi Gold (Go.9rral Call Me Ml-(Pl"'8yl 6 20 J.«I uo uo uo Also racod: Pllllllplc, Summit unracl\arve, ~•t• ,..,_, Run • Time 1·41 1111/INT.H llACI. 1'4 ml'" on lur1 o.1vo1o n-1 10 . ..0 4 '° , oo Podlrac (Cat~) 4.20 J 00 Flylng 0-10.1-.Uyel UO Arao r•ted: t..a1rone, La ramie, Dom Tor.Ill. lntlnlo, SAackoa, Royat 8uttons Time: 2:002/S. u •uCTA 1s.a1 P<tkl no.so . $J PICK SIX (3-S-10-l·S-.SI 1Mtld 11,Jll IO with 17 wlmlnv tkkeh (llvo llor•sl. '2 Pl<• SI• conscMallon P<tld MIJ.00 with t1t wlMlno tickets (folw llor-). llGHTit llACI. 1 fur10ng1. Unprodk-(0.lallouswyel t.oo 4 20 J.20 Prinn Sc>eflbouncl IC•'-dal >.20 2.80 Sopulwlla (Valemuotal 4.40 AllO racod: n.. Cepqln, lrlaller, Oul of Hoell, 5ong"8y, t..uc•y L990nd, Helen'a 8Nu, H•y Rob. Tlmo 1:111/5. IUlfTM llACll. I 111' mlln. S--r 51• Vlncont IOllvare\J 4 60 l «I 2 20 Sofl Ma,_'1 IPlnUyl 4.40 2 «I Aule TN Ma""411 (SlelMrl 2 lO lillso reced SmOln' Hallv•, Mesler Bl-, Pl-Be On Tl,..., Dt Jamel Tlmo· 1•41 3/S. U lllACTA l•ll ~ U4 00 Atte...s.nca· ~. IJt HollYWOOd Park SATUabAY'S a•tuL.TI ,, ... u..._.___..1 Pl a ST Ill.CE. Ono mlle PK• Frostword (~I 1 20 > 611 IM Rornon a-t (0.-.-1 4.«I UO 8'9 !>!>ring 1-1 s 00 Alao rac;ed: a.... Roglt, Sprf'a Bost. Kingsley H--· Pacific O.ubor, Brwts Boy H, ,,.,.,.., H, Our Jet! Time: 2:112 115. llCONO uca. Ono mll• l>OC• MaplOG- W ollandlfllllwn) It 40 t.IO •AO Royal E-d H (Sloethl -10.«I SAO Hevergl-IBalllargoont J.40 Also raced Bryan H, Handover, Cherllght, My Direct Knight, Neutrino Acllos, ,..,.. .. r Oream H, Jullo Harper. Time I ,,..,., U DAILY DOUILI (Ml pold"' 20. THlaD ltACI. Ono mllopoco. Almotos IStomormanl 6.• 5.20 4.AO Mount LObell IHvmMI 12.40 t.AO scotch TlmoMlboe (WI-I 4AI Al••-: -J--~"'8y. Dry Sack, .....,.AM Ort.'V_ llt_ Gory~. 111...,. •oc1. Time 1:,,l/5. P lllACTA 11·2)....., Ml.10. POU•TM ltAC•. 0.. mil• pace • Pos .. r Glr1 IAc..........,I ._,., t .• ._.. Flore Oar H ICr'olll*ll 5 • UI Astrid Ann IY•ll-nghoml 4M AllO rkod Jos»'s Cl'GIGe, S-... "- Oranp•r• Meylly, Gotchocoverocl, No EacuwH Time I ••15. Fl"" RACE.. Ono mlle poco Boclv ci.c .... 1crocii-1 "60 1.00 4 '° Sir R•lll IGNndyl 4 00 1.60 K B ttlnv 1va11-ftQl'8ml J.AO Also rKed ~ Ster, Mr. H.M .. 1180 R09ue, TelJamon. Danie Royal, Andy'' LIOft..StM.t.ppe•I Time· I St 4/S. U lllACTA 12-11 paid i 1n SO SlllTN ltACE. Ono mlle pou. Eatr.onll._.y IO'Brlol>) • lO J.00 1.20 Tlmo SQuer9 e.ron lSNrrenl 4.• l.00 B.C C-(LioMhllll 2.611 A190 recoa· Ablo Gold, Tutor N, Alden H, 8rllllent Jac•IO. Andy Hen4ov ... tar. on .. Line Tlmo 1:•. , U ~XACTA IS-31 pold US SO SIVllfTM ltACI. Ono mile poce Crossgote 1--.1 14.IO 6.20 J 40 Ill.es Marlfw (GoudrHul J lO uo Cool Goy l 8oll«I •.20 Also rocod: OK's Rusty, Oelmead, K-• C"811«f9, Coplaln K111QM H, SM Marlo Time: I :S1 4/5. U EllACTA ls-II P<tld StS SO llGMTit llACI. Ono mllO pece Bo.I Of Atlbo 11.llll'!lhllll ''° >JO t..40 Maple Frtb (Aubin! 2 • 2.20 ~rd '"'"""""nl 2M Also raced K C s Nesbit MlchHlt (ilory, (.or..., -'rvenl. Cralo Del, Aaml>tlno W1111e limo 1·5'•15 NINTH ltAC~. Ono mllO poce T'9or Al..-.nt (0'8rl enl I 20 s 00 JAO Torpids l(nlgtll ISllorrenl 12 IO 7.20 O.nall (Ac.Mrmanl 1.20 Also raced· Flylno Rlv•I, Silent Treolmenl, Scottlsl\ Loch, Sir Rus. Time l:S1 U IX ACTA IH I P<tld $140.10. U .. !Cit llX 110-J·S.S-J.51 peld '29,llS.40 wltll -..... Ing tkMt hi• --.OSI. '2 Pick SI• con.....uon paid WOt.• with 16 •lnnlno tlc.keta (fl .. '-MSI. $2 Piek SI• Kralch consolation .. Id USS.Ill wllll thr .. wlnnlflll tkUts ''°"" llorMt. one acretchl. TINTM aACE. Ono mlle PKO. Bully For You l'--1 lt.40 21.20 11AO Mlcl>Mlt TlQltr IP-erl 6.IO 5 00 Sporty OldAI IT..-iarl 10.JO Alto raced: Hustlln Dude. Andu Fortelablf, Wonderful Spolt, Rey 0.1 Camino, Nttt-f'a Merino. Stud POil.,., S-, 0.1 Time: 2:00J/S. U IXACTA I Ml P<tld WI JO NHL ~U. COMP•a•NC• ...... ~ ·---CMeofy v-..... ~ ... WI. Tel'•A ,.._ '4 U It let DI 11 It M 11 111 M4 SI It M II 1• -#I u • 11 tu U7 •• 11M tlt5 U1lt .......°"' ..... Ml-1910 lt.L..W W111111,.. Clllc ... T-to Ott Nit . u tt" m ,,,. • U U 4 DI l2t '4 •»11•J:MS1 ltlitltMOUI• ... 11 111 ™ ... U2'1tltstl040 WAL.Ill Co.tPaa .. tc:a P41trtcll0tv..._ HY 1118""9n J3 11 6 tM ,.. n l'ftlllHlllitlHll It JO S Ill IOI 61 HY It....,.. U IO I I.. 204 • Pit~ II U I 204 Ht to Wealllntiloft U JI I 204 127 a Mofllrool e.ton lllffalO QuHoc Hartford ....._Dlv!IMll 201112utu•n JI 11 1 D4 1• .. 2t " t 1ot l..S ., ,, 20 1 w m .r 1' 14 11 112 m U ....... .,..k_ ..... S,V-4 c111c ..... .....,, Ouolle< 4, PN~o J 1-S,T.....tot HY Is..,_.. 6, Dell'lllt J Wo~6. Pl'"°"""'4 Harttgrd 4, St l.Ollla t MofttrMI S, C-adll J ,......,. .. _ MofttrMlollC .... MIRllONU ol Cllk090 HY lal~al 8ultalo !>I Lo.Ila al Oetnlll Plttallu<1ill M Pt\11-phla Ouolle< 81 WMlll ..... Toronto al Colgor-f HY 11-" at E*'-ton ~ • • ' I " " Colle119 PIHTOAMI S.O-..SU.Ot,UC1rvlll04 San 01.., Sta• no 001 201-t 1J VC lrvlM 100 030 Ollll-4 II 4 Miiier, _....,_. UI -Ourr•tt. Tatum m . w-..i, c:o111noo m. Hicks m - 8arnord. W Henderson L-W-lleoa 18-So•olowthl lS•n Diego Statel l HRt-OonloY (San Dleoo Stole I C...,mlno• t UC lr•lnol SICONDGAME Solo 0-.. State J, UC lrvlM J !>4lfl Diogo Stale OGJ 011-S 1 I UC l"'IM Oll 010-J 6 4 CrebO, WllllMMOi't UI -OurAtt, Tatwn IJI, Carltoft 161. Somo, Bralts UI •ncl R- W -Crebb L Somo S Wllllamton J8 Giie• IUC '"'Ina), Rivera (UC l"'lnol. O...k-. Cal St•• FullOi'ton I~. Stanford J.S Sant• Cl•r• J-5, Pacific 4-J (lll"tt game, 10 Innings) Molson Challenge (olT-1 ................... John Mc:Enr• def Peler McHamora, .. ,, 6-4; 1 .. n I.Andi def Vl101Gon.tl•ltls, .. 2,w . Grand Prtx tournament llll"-Alrft.~I ................. Guillermo VllH def. Diego f'eAI, M , .. 1; Al•l-Gonulllll def. Peul Torn, .. ,, 1-S, w ..,_., •• toume-ftt we...,.., ................. Alldroo J...,., def Weftdy TUtftbuM, 1-4, W . Mime J-def. Routyn Fol-. w ..... u .... oZ..~,,,, .... ........ S11ycler (UCll def Werd, •·), •·J. Horrm•M (USOI dlll Ou-......... . Mc:Lau1N111 IUSOI *I Mc,..,.,IO<I, M . ._2; .. _,_ CUSOI *' --· 1-4, ._J, 1•, ·-IUCll def Meuort~ • .. 2 ... ,, ' s ..... .,,_, IUSDI def Zoller .. , .. , OeooMea Ouede·Snyder IVCll G•I Werd ·H•r rm •nn . 6 ·4 # t J , Stelnbroner-Mcl.auglllln IUSDI Gel Mc Pherson-Zoller, •·•. 6·4. 1·6, H•llOn ·Ramos (UCll G•I Fordln-.Farrow, .. 1 • ._1 Crosbv tournament (al~llOkkl Cre'9 St..,._r JlmSl-Hel Sultan &--, Wadkins Jack Nlck1- J• Inmon S<ottS1-! O.wSllKkton Chip llo<ll Forrttt Feller GollOl.llller R .. c..-.1 Goo<goa..ma Jet! MllClleH Glb4)yGllben J-yMll .... Ml .. Mo<ley 8oCI Glldor 8ob l!astwood MarllH-HubortG,_ TommyV-IN G'99"-" TomWal- JayH- TlmSlm- Jlm8- l'rodC ...... O.n Pohl RogerMallllla Pt'ltr JocebeM\ Goo<go An:W Mika Aoki Lanny Wadlcl~ Morrlt HatalSlly TomKlto Curtla Strano- Torn WelSllCIP JotlnC- Mar•O'-• 71.71-._. __ 11-11-• 10-41.n-., 11-11-110 • .. 76-11-210 ,_.._111 ... 1,...._211 11-10.1o-a11 ... ~?II ... 1s-11-11t 70.71-11-212 n•1-n -m ., .... 17-lll 70.7Hl-21J 1l-70.11-21J 71-71-71-211 n -7MJ-21> 11 ·70-72-JIJ 7S-71-21J 7S-10-69-J14 "*1-114 76-11-7)-21.4 n-~n-1u ... ,,.12-214 ,,_1>-114 1'-41·1•-214 11·12-71-214 ,, ... ,4-115 7HMl-115 1S-. .. 11-1U 11.1 ... 1~2u 1w .. 1o-au 14-1-214 72-72-12-216 70-70-76-116 1).70.7)-216 71-70.1~116 n.12.1~" 7J.7Ml-11' 71-70-7J-21' STARTS FRIDAY AT SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES STARTS FRIDAY .' - For complete ad copy and art servic~s advertisers all along the Orange c~::~ on DlilJ Pilal . ·' '1 .. ,_._ ........----. . . . .... Orange CoMt DAILY PtLOT/Sunday, February 7, 1812 'Bubble' airs ·ton igh t on KNBC • had aeveral lon1 d1Jcua1k>na with the 8y.lmYBUCK •I~ .......... LOS ANGELES -A1trolo1l1t Evaq Une Adami told the world to buy in the bull market ol 1929, then warned her belleven to aell only daya before ~. 1tock market crub. "She wu an amaaln1 lady," aald Audra Lindley, who play1 the aeer ln "The Day the Bubble Bunt," which NBC will broadcast at 8 toniaht. It ain on KNBC (4). "SHE WAS VE&Y SCIENTIFIC about her predictions. She called lt her ·beloved science .' ·she waa no charlatan," the actresa aald. "She seemed to have psychic powen. And the most important people ln the world came to her -Mary Pickford, Edward VII. She got them out of the market before the crash." The movie leads up to that fateful day or Oct. 29, 1929, when the bottom fell . out. Millions of people who had been buying stock on 90 percent margin lost everything. It ls based on the (actual account by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Willa.. ' "The Day the Bubble Burst" follows an auortment of people, from Wall Street plun1en to blnktrt embtulln1 mooey to apeculate to people acrapln1 to1ether enouah pennlea lo 1et h\lo the 1kyrocketlnl market. llNPO&TllNATEL\', lbat'a the problem: too many people. ll hope and 1kip1 1mon1 them unlll the viewer 11 breathless and conluaed. It la dUllcu1t to dr•w a flx on who'• who, and what they're up to. Furthermore, the aeaea are puneluated by care~ couples dancln1 the Charleston to a loud, brusy jaaz band ln a apeakea&)'. That's to remind us that this la the Roarln1 TwenUes, but lt becomes annoying. Mls.s Undley completed her three~y role in the mm a year and a ball a10. The film has been on the sheU at NBC since then. "I ONLY WORKED In one scene with the other actors," she recalled. "Alter that, most or my work was spent doing the astrological charts for the cameras. The only other actor in the whole mm who worked longer thal\ three days was Richard Crenna. He worked four days.'' She said before she began the role abe dlrtetor, Joe Hardy. Sbe read the book tbe rltm ll baled OD. • • Evan1ellne Ada ma wu a Marie Oreaaler type, 10 I'm not quilt 1ure why they picked me for tbe role," said the 1Um and eleaant Ml11 Llndley. For the role 1he wore black, a black hair band and atrandl of while pearll. "I COllLDN•T PLAY Evan1ellne Adame as she really waa," the actreu said. "That wouldn't mean anytb.lna., Joe and I had talks about bow to play her dramatically and symbolically." Miaa Lindley la probably best known tor her role as the sex-starved Mn. Roper. which she played on "Three's Company" and on the spinoff aeries, "The Rope r s." She wore a 1old medallion shaped like a TV set thal had "Three's Company" written on the lube. She also starred ln "Bridget Loves Bernie," ''Doc" and "Fay." Miss Lindley also appears with Nick Nolte and Debra Winger in the upcoming "Cannery Row." It Is based on two books by John Steinbeck, "C annery Row" and "S weet Thursday." ......... BUBBLE -Actress Audra Lindley is shown during filming of "The Day the Bubble Burst:· the stor y of astrologist Evangeline Adams. who told the world to buy in the bull market of 1929. then warned her believers o sell days before the s tock market crash. Whose Ute lslt JACK NICHOLSON ... NOW PLAYING awaw ll9T1I M c:.1M --•• r 111 CMIT l'UZA ....... ftS.0$48 ...... 55Hll55 T ... caTlll C--.U PAClflC IOlfTII CMl'f Cosll .._ 751 4 I f4 Llguna '-~ (7141 494 • 514 :::.-:--=. I ACAOUIY-111.Y ____ ,.. ____ ...,, . __ ,.. ___ . --....... .... I [£~ B~TPICTURE OF THE YEAR -Hew Todt FDm omc:. Awmd -National loard o1 a.new Awmd WARREN BE.ATTY DIANE KEATON COl"flllGlrTCMCMUXXI ~ INMRA~~·~. AU lllGlm RaoivW r..~ . ~-= ·- TIIM ..-you can ... REDS et~ the1trn ·-.....i ____ .,..._ .....,. ......... 1.. ._..._ .. _ ~·,.nu --cm.WUT --ll9Tl m&IT PUZ& "-"'"n TIMlcuna~c..-1~1 •11• ...... _tt04t21 --·--.... ---, l•ACAOfMYMt"MllN Youreatdwffl _____ l.llO,,..,, . '*' __ ..... ___ . "NUMBl!R ONE PICl1.JRE O F TIIE YEAR ... '~.-.--" Wiallcrof ~ GoW..Qlok ......... BEST PICTURE -ORAMA BEST DIRECJ'OR MnRydcU BEST SCREENPv.Y Ernesr Thompeon BESTACJ'OR Henry Fonda , ~ l ...... ~ai\hlld ...... R v.-... - t11}) ·--~....;;;: NOW PLAYING IMA ......... Ut Sllt CMT&.U ........ -c.. l'luas.Mt711 --Hwft'•W-. _,,, !! ' OI)~ .,.. ttiJ ....,..,llACll UM .,,.,~ THE BORDER A UNIVllf\Al llKOPiCIUR( •BA RGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM (Except Spec11t Eng191ments and Hoticlays) lA MIRADA MAll o Muodo ot llo1ec1on1 LA MIRADA WALK·fN 994·2400 I -------c ~·-"""°" ··RAIOE.RIOF ntELOST AJIK'' ··r.aPS··---...--.................. • ........ Mi.,.. ..... .. ~OOOIMA ~&ACM OAY -~=~= ...... , 1 .. ~r.-;;:if:.~-=~ ~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II ...,..o.. • ..,.~,....,. ,L ............. '1." .... · ~-.-"REos·· j::·· .... .., ~·--·-~~-..... NOW Pl.AVINO ... ~ MClnc:mlll Or-. 0 4 3911 Mcmlll ........ ~ --~ DlllUDI c:m11A "918 UIC-IUU ColQ lllSA .,. 414 I l>ailglt 137 0340 ....... u•aAl:I! _..'™own.-a tn 511 suo "*"Patt 121 4070 ~ .... 5~l1lotl2liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A NIMlµll nLM IC&.&AK snvlA KIUSTU. She gave you "Private La.9on.s." Now take the graduate courae. It~ AU.rtEW and twice the fyn! IMARKY'I MACMNE" ... 1 · THE SEDUCTION" 111 ........... -. .......................... I ....... , ........... ,. 1:1 .. :. ..... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC ·IN "MODERN ""oeLUll:S" -.... &Ala::.M IM.,tea ... , • ..._ tt:a ............ FOUR SEASONS" -....... , . .--. ....... .... _... .......... ... ocutly 01 Conotewood 213/531·9510 .... ,_._~ ..... ~ 'ON OOU>£N PONO -......... ,_. , ....... I""*'-......................... .. .... ____ _ ......... ..., ................... -· . REOS''. IN! _,.. c econ · t..OTNT """'°" "TAPS" 1N1 . ..-... , ............ .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALIC·IN focUlly Al Del AIT>O 213/614·9211 """"** ~ .. •AM.Ill AU.ltt 'RAIDERS OF THE LOST AllK ,. , ..... tM.H M -LAGUNA .._ •.....• "SHARKY'S MACHINE" 1111 ,,.. ........... "VENOM'' 1111 .... .. _..,._,... ___ .. ATLANTIC CTTY" .. , •a...•• .............. , .. _c:moM._ ..... ~ "CHAAIOTI Of ARE" -,,,, .. ._, ......... ., .. so. COAST WALK·IN Soull't Coo11 H1woy ol l roodwoy 494-1514 ---· ~•ONJe:R"1111 _,,..,_ ... , .,... .... ~ ........ , ... -------'A AOTilttlF' -...,..., ...... ... ........... ~, ..... ,ACIFIC THEATllES OlllYE·IN SWAP MEOS Sl.,1C• •Ou• tuCU l't•O ••• tU" llAlllO~ l lVO OlltVHN 6 OAANGE ORIV(-111 1l•10 I .. U luUAt t IV ..... ' ••u ,. .. HtG ,.,..,." '' &UJtt .. ''a.ttv• ··~ ....... , ,. .... e 15 \•• \.,. 6:00 ....... ~,...,.. .. e·•S ,_.Ill IMPORT ANT NOT ICf 1 Ctlll OREN UNOER 12'FRU! """" 1Af Wttftef Mt11 ff\1 w 111 5 30. S11 S111" H•i 4 30rM CM-ll SOUtlO •YOO, l"' CAii AAOtO IS YOUll Sl'UllfA ff "° •"' CMl 'IAOO W!flt OolT"Oo ACU»OllY l'OSlfOt --AM llQllTAIU t•AU ~ OIWf-MS at Oii AM - ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN '"AU.. .......... TWICll,,. ... ·aoooevE. EMMANUEL.LE" 11111 -l••••oy" o• l•"'on SI "SECRETS" toll 879·9150 C•tll r• SOii~~ SHAAKY'S lllACMIN~ Cheech & ChOna:_ Niee ~·· STA:;S .. 1111 ChHch & Cho':!! ... d Mo\M" -L UplnSfnOU '1111 --' llUSTIN' LOOSE" ia1__ ~'"' 11 ~" BUENA PAllk BUENA PARK DRl'iE·IN LlftCOfft A•• Wetl O' ltr'IOtt 121 .. 070 BUI "'A PAllK LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•ncoln Ave WeM of •noo 121·,070 "ARTHUR" -~ "STRIPES" ~t .... .,. "ITIA CRAZY" 1•1 ... --·--"OH Oat.OEN PONO .. --"THE EL1CTillC HORSEMAN' Clltl flSOUltO - lA HAftllA LA HABRA DRIVf IN -------'THE llOOOENS" .. , -VENOM''"" ..,.--. ....... ~ -"llOOY ANO SOUi." iai -'llOUL1VAllO NIGHTS" .. , ---· "TH£ 80ft0er 111 -"CHEEa. 6 CffONQ'S NEXT MOVIE" 1111 CINI II $OUH() -c.-·---"TA"'"-"*9 ''TttE CANNONIAU. RUN" - CM flSOUIOO ---IT'IAU ____ _ "00008Yf, EMA....-i I t · 1111 -'SE~IETS" ... ClllEfl~ ... ____ _ "ON~PONO"­--• -• -.... t tw• .... "TH€ ll.lCTRIC "°"8l!MAM" -~~N2 • OUA .. GI ORANGE DRIVE IN I "ntm HDUCTION __ _....·-··· --~--. .,... aooaoee" ... ~ "ID AHO THI LONIU ''WNOW 1111 '9CHOOUM"L Hn"aMMD" ft a--. • .,. .... · .. '' MISSION DRIVE IN . ....... _..._._... ''THI tlOUCT10M"' .. -"LOOCIR"._ I I 1- 1 I I J DEAJ\ ANN LANDERS: Thll letter la for ~ teln·•t•r out tbere who 1' bolllnl over ~"1 ,.,. because he or 1he thinu hla parent.a m too st.rtct. AU throuah bJCb acbool I wu very renntlul bl auae Mom and Dad tnalat.od on knowln1 "htre J WU Colnl wbene~er I left the bouae. 'fhty allo had to know which trtendl I would be wlth and when t would be home. Every Sunday my brothera and I went to cb rcb whether we felt Uke It or not. If we bo wed mooey we were expected to return It ven 11 lt WU a nickel. I thouJhl thl• WU r cuk>us, not to menUoo 1Un1y. We were not rlc: , but we certainly weren't poor. We all knew better than to touch ct1arette1 Of lcobol. Our father scared the dayUabta out oJ 1 with hi.a "So help me, lf I ever catch you -· speeches. Nooe of us would have dared 10 ne r booze or cigarettes. We all mlsaed the dru1 sc4'1le even thou1h most of our rrienda drank ~r,~r and s moked pot, and many tried ~D and Some psychologists might say scare tactics are not the rlcbt way to brtnc up klda, but t.bey worked ror UJ -and l plan to brin1 up my cbildr~ the Hme way. They can bate me lf they want to -au throuch the teen years -but th•y wUJ bt crateful later. aa 1 am now that 1 am 20. -A TOO ETHER GUY IN TALLAHASSEE DEAR TAUAllA88EI!: Wllat a 1eaerou trlbaie. I lmow your parea&I wW feel awfully lood wbee they •ee tt. I acree tllat fear cali be a beal&hy flllnl. The trouble wttb &oo muy yoUD& people &oday la they aren't afraid of anybody. Kida wbo pow up kaowlDC lbelr parenta are lD cbar1e are much happier. .Anger is seminar topic ANGER wUI be the subject of a Hmlnar led by Pat Benedict at 8 p.m. Mond1y at the MarlPo1a Wome n 's Center in Orana•. Coat ls $2. Information, call M7-&e94. · HEARING TESTS for the elderly will be offered by the Oatll Senior Cltben Center from 9 lo 11 1 .m . Tueaday lo Corona del Mar. InformaUon. call 759·9471. PLASTIC SURGERY facta and mytht wlll be dl1cussed by Dr. J . Kenneth Chon1 Tu~day at 12:30 p.m . at a meeting of the NaUooal Council 2r Jewlab Women ln Newport Beach. lnrormatJon ca 11 &4().2042. ' CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR> classes will be offered by the American Red Cross beginning Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Santa Ana. For information, call SM-5381. RED CROSS bloodmoblle will be at 7466 Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach from 9· 15 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wec!nesday. It wUI be at 425 S. Coast Highway ln Laguna Beach from 9:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m . Thursday. Also, the bloodmobile will be at 10061 Talbert Ave in Fountain Valley from 9·45 a .m to 2:30 pm Friday For information on HWTHHllP donutina blood, call 835-~t LUNG DISEASE will be the topic of a discuaalon sponsored by the American Lun1 Association at 3 p.m. Wedne11day ln Huntlnaton ' Beach. lnformatJon. call 835-5864. ROLFING lecture will be held at 7 p.m . Wednesday In Costa Mesa Information, call 640 7661 MENTAL HEALTH resources is topic of a worka;hop 1.1ponsored by the Mental Health Association rrom 9 a.m lo 1 p.m. Wedneaday In Orange. Information, caU 547-7559. ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE wlll be discuased by UC San Diego physician George Glenner al 7 30 p m . Wednesday in Costa Mesa. Information, call 675·0257. . PARKINSON'S Educational Program will meet at 7:30 p.m . Friday in Newport Beach Information. call 640-0218. agittarius popularity rises, lines of collllllunication open, travel plans clear .. nday, Feb. 8 Bf SYDNEY OMARR ARIES' (March 21-April 19): You'll have greater freedom or thought, action. Lunar and n¥mericaJ cycle point to breakthrough. • TAURUS (April 2Q.May 2Q): You receive c mmunication which makes you reel more stcure, needed and valuable. GEMINI (May 21.June 2Q): Emphasis on ily involvement, calls, letters, short trips and HDRDICDPI a diplomatic resolution of differences with close relative.· CANCER (June 21-July 22): Financial terms will be defined. Puzzle pieces fall into place, lost article is located and you discover ways of Increasing income potential. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Lunar and numerical cycles point to a power-play day. Timing, , RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY . lsift Ttc: -'.'-" I UZ HAHO• IUD. ,CCSTA MIU-54•·1156. on.strUatoru tlrt-1Jrimtt (ages 4-6) Ari academic readiness program with emphasis ori the Arts LIDO DRUGS Nrwport Slusic <l!ons.ttUatorv 1116 u........ tlt .. 211 3445 via lldo • newport.beach •phone 675-4150 WE KNOW -HOW A WOMAN FEELS AmR A MASTECTOMY . 31 I Maill St .. Seal leoch M-...Sat. 1~6 • George C. Scott In "TAPS" (PG> "BOOGENES" p1ua "EVIL SPEAK" "ARTHUR" Ptua "TIME BANDITS" <PG> "Master{ul" -LA. Times. Shella Benson "Wonderful" ~ CHINA SIHSfnmLAX 20.-..2.,...1tt2 Beijing, Nanjing, Wuxi., Suz:hoo. Shanghai Dr. U Kyaw_ Wht 24941 Mlll'-9 Orne La9 .. a Hiiia, CA •2651 (7141 IJ 1-2000 "' ......... , .... ..................... ................ .._ .__.,,.... ....... ... .-..,_AM ..,ult.,. •a•• ea 0.i¥e-ins 0.... 8:30 NIGHTLY Uftder12Ff\EEUnlftlNot9d -Newsweek Magazine. Jeck Kroll ~~·-=:=:· ~;:::::;:::: ~WO holri al 1111-stop thrills." -fetReaj CHARI°? QE FIRE 11!i1J1 UOOCOWMY~llll(Ol.MliAil-l:!:.!:!J ~---..... 0 ..... , ...... ~ ......................... ...._ , - judgment are on target and you'll be at right place at crucial morqenl. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Study Leo message for valuable hlnt. Refuse to be discouraged by associate who lacks talent and ls envious. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct 22 ): Emphasis on romance, hopes, wis hes and a creative move which advances career prospects SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 >: First impressions prove correct. You know wl1at should be done and key is to act on intuitive intellect. S'AGrrfARIUS <Nov . 22·Dec. 21 ) Your best qualities s urge to forerront. Popularity increases, travel or hohday plans come into focus and lines of communication are opened. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Check addresses. telephone numbers, order blanks: your battle now is a1ainst red tape AQUARIUS <Jan . 20-Feb. 18>: Recent acquaintance may expect more than you are willing to give know it, protect sell in emotional clinches. PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): Maintain low profile, keep health resolutions and make amends lo family member for recent misunderstand102 edwards cinema s WHERETHEBES i 0 1CTURES?LA Y A RNetlrlg and Enthrafllng Alm. CttARJOTS OfflRE , ...... Wl • FllUI ABSENCE OF MAU CE ·=m "°"" """1 "NIGHT CROlllNQ",.. " cdwards HA RBO R TW I N -··· •• ::·:.: • . . 631 ·350 1 --£'dwar d r, C INEMA CEN T EP ••U~~.,y~0:0~0,u.L:,-::0 ~~~,'"'.·:: ,. 9 7 9-4, 41 C'd wards CINE MA ···-· •.. :;' • .", •. ' . ., 546-3 102 ---N1wa rrlc;. LIDO CIN EMA .... ·,; •.. ·:.: . . 673-8350 •-OO!l'-''THE ATLAlrTID "WHOSE LIFE SEDUCTIO CITY ISIT Ill~ ANYWAY'" ,._r-.11• .... ,_-. 1:11. 1'111 ----PLUS l"I .. ,_..,.._ .. ,-..,, ...... W8§ "GOODBYE "FOUR EMA.HUELLE" FFUENDS" 1111 ........ _ .... ,.. ...... -. ~ oar me. JOHN HU"T ,..,EMS Q!Ofllll c. 8CDTT "NIGHT T1'10l'M\' MUTTOf'I CR0881NO'' """" ... TAPS .... ,...,., , ... 1111 .... (f'O) "::t~'lll "AIRPLANE" ... -..,..,,_ -·---.... ,,, .... .. ,_,., __ MT-~~ ... ~'"'-..... ,.,. ·-.... ..,.,,.,. I________._ ··dw.ir rl•, W()()()H 1.· 11 ><.I "·~ · .. -)'J l Oti'>':> -"T-••. ---"'°"" "'flN*' .. .::.=.::,- ~-. ·--· ' . ' ... ,,.. ....... ·····-· I heard tomeone mumble tomethina about "dumb dol'' the other day and l aot to thinktna. I decided I'd never met a .. dumb do1." aeated and not even do1-fancten themselves, 1et to their feet, almoat unconacloualy, and often in the middle of a sentence, to let one of our animals in or out. Obviously these dogs have presence. In fact. all the dogs I've ever known -and I've known a lot of them -have been leaders of the pack. "Pack" ls a synonym for "family," ln this case. Our dogs have always sent ua to obedience school and so far, we've shaped up nicely. We're leash-trained, stoppina when we're supposed to, moving ahead when we're supposed to, even getting to our feet on command. Yet, not a word is ever spoken. We respond, without so much as a thought, to a couple of baleful brown eyes. We've even seen friends, com0fortably But, so do a lot of other dogs. We're not the only ''kooks" in the area. In trying to recall even one "dumb dog." I remembered a story I'd heard several Mary McFadden paid her dues with style Mar~ 'McFadden is an American original. She burst on the American scene in 1976, the year she opened Mary McFadden, Inc. That was good year for her. She won both the Coty and Audemars Piquet fashion awards two of many to come. It was also the year. Vogue ranked her among the top 12 U.S. designers and · Women's Wear Daily topped that by naming her among the top 12 designers in the world . But she'd long since paid' her dues. A brief biography of Mary McFadden states she "was virtually born in textiles": her early years were spent on a cotton plantation near Memphis, Tenn. Before going off to Foxcroft in Virginia for her prep-school years. she'd moved with her mother and brothers to Long Island. Following Foxcroft she entered the Traphagen School of Des ign and followed that with work at Ecole Lubec in Paris. Then in 19.59, she returned to the United States and sociology courses concurrently at Columbia University and the New School for Social Research. She came to fashion through the public relations field, having acted as director of PR for Christian Dior, New York from 1962 to '64. From there she became editor of Vogue South Africa , filed a weekly column on social and political life for The Rand Daily MaU and contributed articles to U.S. and French Vogue In 1970, she and her daughter Justine, returned to the U .S . where she COVER: Barbara Bowie wears an elegant daytime suit by Mary McFadden. Understated. Miss -McFadden combines a greige lightweight paneled wool skirt with a grey-green silk blouse and tops them with an intricately quilted off.white silk jacket. held togethet with a single large gold button. The softly crushed leather belt is bronze gold and ties the outfit together. Shoes and stockings of grey-green give the wearer a long-line look. Barbara's dresses and shoes are from Neiman-Marcus. Her ski clothes are from the Newport Ski Co. Cover story Photos by Gary Ambrose and Lee Payne. became Special Projects Editor for Vogue. Fabrics -her own collection of African and Chinese silks -led her into the design field . S h e designed three tunics. heralded by Vogue as "a new direction." and bought by Henri Bendel. Her use of color. her architectural approach to design, and her distinctive use of "Marii" pleating has lead to an almost uncountable numbe r of awards: the Moore College of Art for her artistic development s : the Legendary Women award from Birmingham-Southern College: two-time winner of the south's counterpart of the Coty Award. the Rex Award: a Governor's Award from the State of Pennsyl vania : and the Hebrew Kindergarten and Children's Home Society Charity award. In 1978 -only two years into the designing business she received another Coty Award: the Neiman-Marcus Award of Excellence and a year later, the Coty Award Committee elected to boost her directly into the Fashion Hall of Fame. A Sunday Section of the Orange Coast Daily Piwt Thomas P. Haley Publl.Mr Thomas A. Murphine IEdttof Nora Lehman Styte EdftOf Michael P. Harvey MMtletln9 DINCtor Marjorie Fendel Aetaff s.le9 Maneger For New• Call 642·4321. Ext. 205 For Advertlalng Call 642·4321 , Ext. 251 Main Office 330 West Bay Street, Post Office Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Calif. 92626-0560 • • • months aao. 1 wiih l could remember now who told it to me. I dld find a small note on a crumpled plece of paper saying "fence - dog," but nothing more. It served as a reminder, however. Whoever told me that story sald that they lived on the upper alde of Emerald Bay, way at the top. That their house backs into the hills._ They bouaht a puppy and being a two-career family. they knew the new addition was going to need access to the outside during the day. So. their project for one weekend was to build the puppy a run. From the description. I couldn't help but visualize the white leopard's 125 yards of racing area at the San Diego Zoo.' They constructed a protected and warm area to sleep ln tr the weather turn unseemly. and, if it were nice, he cou charge to his heart's content up and down the slope, with no rear of him being lost or wandering away. As the months went by they became more and more enamored of this f ast-growina pet. It seems he was unbelievably clean. ~ appeared to be the original of the sayiflt. "never soil your own nest! .. His owners couldn't figure out what he was doing with his ... well, I mean, he wasn't getting full in the face, so he had to be up to something. They concluded that he saved everything for his twice-daily strolls, and after awhile gave op thinking about it. When they came home every night. following one another up the hill, they'd find See He Never, Page C4 Daily Pilot Phot-Oa by Lee PoJIM Shopping for Fischer skis, Barbara wears a cyclamen-pink down jacket (right) with navy ski JX;lnts a~ white wool sweater, trimmed in pink and . violet stnpes, all by Bogner. Martin Fallon (above) of Newport Beach Ski Co. fits her in a Lange boot . ' kr6n beara chocolate hearta chocolate heart• ~ate .... I ' I J chocol8te hetirta. picture frame• chocolate heart• chooolate tonoa chocoa.te hearta chocolate love,. ct.col• hearts chocolate toraoa .... racket. chocolate hearts mllllOn dollar cMclC chocolate love,. chocola~ IOv•,. ,I - 4 • a s +=•a 4 o O O O sOUQ I CI ... _ 8 --------· Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 7, 1982 ) ~BARBARA BOWi E: .. ·Orange Coast lady of fashion <I .. , Barbara Bowie could be called Orange County lady of fashion instead of Orange ..Coast lady of fashion. Born in Philadelphia, she was brought to f)range County at the age of six weeks. Growing up in Orange and Santa Ana. the .<taughter of Thomas Rhone. one of the ~unty's earliest surgeons, she graduated from what was then Orange High School and is now Chapman College. She went on to get her AB degree from the University of lorado. .,., It was there she met her future husband. fa~~· and it was there he earned his degree i.n They were married in the summer of ,1956, did a three-year stint in the Army and then, with their then 2-year-old daughter. Becky, they returned to Santa Ana. ~ Alex set up his law practice and Barbara ~gan her long-term· devotion to community ~rvice. A Mary Mcf'cuiden signature dreaa. . one to add to a growing collection Carnation red Martt·pleated cocktail. with three tiers of ruff Les over the slender sktrt "One must give back to the community not JUSt money, but one's own energy," she says. And she lives that motto. A past president of the Santa Ana Junior Assistance League and a former member of the Virginia Castle Auxiliary of the Newport Beach Assistanc~ League, s he lists her priorities this way: ll family 2> friends 31 church and 4 l community servi ce . Community service encompasses an interest in local government from the council to the board of supervisors. as well as an overwhelming interest in supporting the arts. She works, and works hard for South Coast Repertory Theater: the Camelot Chapter of the Orange County Music Center: Angelitos de Oro: the Pacific Chorale ; the Orange County Multiple Sclerosis Society: the Laguna Beach Art School's fund-raising arm, Designing Women: the Laguna Beach Museum of Art, a nd the Newport Harbor Art Museum. The more one does. the more one can do. is certainly the principle on which Barbara functions. She's a deaconess of the South Coast Community Church. She snow and water skis : plays tennis and bridge: collects a ntiques: and is a member of a bank club. investment club and two bridge clubs. one in Newport Beach and one m Santa Ana. Having moved to Newport Beach 10 years ago, the Santa Ana bridge group gives her a chance, once a month. to see her old friends in the inner county. Becky, their daughter was 14 when Alex moved his law practice to the Harbor area. Here Barbara wears another Mary McFadden Beautifully versatile . tl11s Marn·pleated. two-piece cocktail swt can be worn to any evening party -anywhere m the world and their son was 7 Beck) ha~ now graduated from coll ege and 1s living and working for an ad agenr) m Ikvcrl) llills Brian. age 17. 1s a student at Corona d(•I Mar High School. Certainly Barbara Bowtl' tould never suffer from the "empt) nest s) ndrome If s he is, s he's contributing to tht• emptiness. With a schedule like hers. 1t ·s not easy to catch her at home Barbara wears a Marn·pleated slender column of cream topped with a gold lace . scalloped at ·the waist hod1ce by M ary \1cFa.dden The natural ranch mink shawl 1s tnmmed m IU2 tazls In the background .. Persian Tile ... Polly Hope 's quilted predommantly blue wall·hangmg It fills the wall m the Ne11na11 Marcus Couture Salon ~Jf.(£o&m Crear~ve Jev1elers, lnc . we have hearts of gold ....n:.. "<f!1enuiJf/ ~_:f"Vll"f?... £ rG;;e $tpe/{y .(·~arm th<.· heart of your valentine I 2610 Eaat Pacific Coaat Highway .. t:Met:R with these precious heart pendants t corona del Mar Callfornla 92925 ~ crafted of solid 14K yellow tCold ... -·-·-ACROSS f'ROM SHERMA.\' GARDE."\S t AuroRNtA They are beautiful and affordable •· ~~· JEWEIIR!o 60 6 66 cw--.tt \\~M:<:~IAmerlcanE.xp ...... Vba.ndMast~rCard ASSIXIAT101' (714 ) 7 . 7 I I ,, I ~!I I ·:f I~ ~ "' .. .. . > • . • 1 • t ... Ii , •' " ~ .. =· :· . · :· Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, F.ebrumry 7, 1Q82 . Cupid spends time . going to par~ies BY NORA LEHMAN CMlly ~-ITYU • .._ HEARTS AND FLOWERS : The International Friendship Circle, a UCI Town and Gown group, has come up with an a musing idea for a Valentine's Day party . Each m ember and guests from other countries bring wedding pictures and a memento of their courtship. The s haring becomes a learning process about other cultures, other lands Pre-Valentine's Day. the February 11 party 1s scheduled for Rita Meyer's Corona del Mar home. Call 673·7553 or 644-0336 for more information TALK ABOUT HEARTS AND . and this is Corona del Mar. too That community is getting all mushy But. none-the less, here's another cupid party .. this scheduled for the 13th. The OASIS Center has invited the International Ballet Folklorico its 20-member dance company to perform regional Spanish and Mexican dances. This 1s the Center's annua I Valentine's Dinner Party. The doors open at 6 p.m . The cost is $10 . Have a good time! And listen, you people out there ... do report on what you're planning on the 14th' You're all avoiding that "right on " date. GUESS WHAT' That's right , another you know what kind of party This one is a o.ur , ........... , •arv • ...._. This is Leslie Curnow and this is her daughter. Jacqueline. We want to apologize for not getting this nifty picture in last week, be/ore the Cornelia Connelly School fundra1ser which featured the auctioning of this Chagall. fund-raiser for the Silver and Gold Chapter of the Auxiliary of the South Coast Medical Center. It's on the El Niguel Country Club's schedule for Friday, February 12 Gail Gamble, Charline McDermott, Marion Platz and Jeanette Baker are chairing this. For further facts. call Le~ore Ernstthal at 499 -1311. ext 644 FURTHER INFORMATION on one of our Orange Coast Ladies of Fashion. Helen Barrios has been chosen by the .Com· mittee of the League of United Latin American Citizens to be among 10 county women to be honored at their LULAC's third annual Women's Recognition Awards Banquet on February 13 at Saddleback Inn al 6 30 p.m Maria Mendoza of Balboa is chairing the event, and County Supervisor Harriett Wieder and Fountain The Most Popular valentines Gift LeSportsac. Soft. Luggage Systems, handbags, a.nd accessories JoAn~ Mu ]Om.t DeStgnmg Women ( Delly,.....~.., • .,.......,_ Newport Beach Hadassah Chapter President Helene Gortz and Santa Ana·Tustin Chapter Presideflt Joan 81lt are pictured here at the combmed chapters fund·rai$1n(} fashion show. Featuring ethnically rnfluenced fashions designed m Israel Valley Councilwoman Barbara Brown will be speakers. Although technically the reservations have closed, you might try s lipping through the barriers, by calling 543·8366 So congratulations. at JUSt proves we really pick women of distinction SUPER BOWL REWRAP A s pur - of-the-moment fund raiser held by the Chopin Guild of the OCMC whoops another Emerald Bay story at the Walter Alstons. Sue Alston had a hostess committee to help her whomp together this little shindig for a cast of 40. Serving up the taste treats were Maggie Murdy, Pat Burris, Grazie Outmans and Cinrnc Thakara Dick and Johan Jonas, Kathy and John !lardy and Jim and Chery Young were among the crowd How about that "hostess .. committt•e turning into a "host" committee next year '! You could, you should pardon the t·xprcss1on, stagger it and let' the men become the great cooks of Emerald Bay every other yeC:1r I don't know why I got IO\'olved in lhal. c•xcept 1t does seem woml'n get kitchen duty during these occasion:, and gee. some do like football DO WE KNOW HOW TO PICK 'EM or do we know how to pick 'em " Another Orange Coast Lady of Fashion ha'> done it again Flos!> Schumach<.'r has been elected first VP of the V1ennest· Ball Women's Committee More about lht• Ball latC'r. but meanwhile here's to you . madame And looking into m~ crystal ball l sec a presidency in the offering. Oh. and Peggy Cotton, did you really take up the F<?OO and Wane Chairmanship" Lordy. with that east of thousands of press women appearing on our county's doorstep" What a calm. lighthcarll'd lady you are Well. newcomers Maxine Gibson <.ind Lorraine Lippold art' nearby to help LAS FLORISTAS 1s a good name for two of our long-stemmed local beauties: Sue Jarvie and Oianc Kordick They've been chosen lo ht> mannequins for this year 's LF' Headdress Ball scheduled for April :10 at the From left Janie Arnold, New Directions executwe director. Pat Sauer. incoming WAND president and New Directions board of directors president. Sue Schaar at annual WAND dinner meeting WAND 1s the support group for this residential service for recovenng alcoholic women °"'" ...... ,_.., a-tH""" The Stu.art Moores and the Bruce Lamberts at SCR's Cold.en Circle party They are owners of Wyndham Leigh Jewelers and have commissioned a piece much like the ice sculpture behmd them 1abc>ve1 to be raffled m April Beverly Hilton llotel Well. m'prett1es. from what I hear. ~ou s hould have very strong muscles and hold your head high enough to be a path·findang Indian by the time this as over There are only 10 mannequins. so our county got a good percentage We have two florists from the area competing, too Dick Seekings of Corona del Mar and Dick Bartlett of Copperfield's Flower~ in Laguna Beach. ART FOR FUN AND F UNDS According to Sherr~· Upshll and .Joan Owen. the South Coast Junior Women's Club as holding an art auction on February 12, starting at 7 p.m at the Fountain Valley Community Center. 10200 Slater Avenue You'll see Rockwell , Dali. Neiman. Rosenthal. and a clutch of others Call 968-6Z7l for more information MORE llEARTS AND FLOWERS . Chri~ttna Flowers and her sister, Linda Crawford gave a 40th wedding anniversary party for their parents Rolf and Ruth Laib at their Balboa home Appropriately enough. about 40 friends and r clat1\'eS Joined them for l he celebration ln 80 styles. 17 colors and prints See the full collection at your exclusive LeSportsac shop. Write or phone for our new He never wandered too far. • • catalogue, yours for the asking. From Page C2 him curled up on some warm and comfortable spot, rising to greet them. tail wagging and a smile on his face. . But, as luck would have it. one night I he lady of the household arrived home a little earlier than usual Accordmg to the story. he took one la~t tear. racing around in circles. and then leisurely pace. then walked down cas ual!~· and curled up in his usual spot .. lie flopped clown just about the time the garage door would normally s t<.1rt up It was phe nomenal." s he continued "I s uppose we s hould build a bigger fence ... s he said wistfully. "Ufter all. he's not supposed to be out ·· z,, ............. OoMt ..... C&rollsel Oomt ~)Cesa_ QA~. Putting groceries down on the kitchen drainboard. she was about to whistle for the dog . who had not. for the first time. greeted her with his nose pushed against the door to the patio and that familiar wagging tatl • 1 swear ... she said. "he looked down <.it his paw. as if he were Wl'U ring <.1 watch 1 a · Micky Mouse perhap!>. with a preppy band 1. looked up. sniffed the air. and then went into low. second and then high, finally stretching his body out straight.· he ca me flying ovrr the fence ... I hope he's still wandering the Irvine lands daily. a nd I'd reall) like to meet him He'd no doubt shake. wag his tail and smile a kind of secret s mile. and I'd be the last one to tip him off about a nybody knowing what he was up to (71•} 667-1263 Gabby saa.oo . ~- She happened to look up towards thc hills behind the house Ambling. I hkc to think , like a dog who'd read Ferdmand the Bull. across the meado". was their pal Khaki Kid/Bronze Navy Kid1Whlte Vanilla Kid/White ·.::1 .... ~ {-o \, ~ . ·~~ ' "' Navy Kid Vanilla Kid , Red Armada •34.00 Navy Fabric Watermelon Fabric Natural Fabric Liiac Fabric 3404 Via Oporto M.wport leach, Ca. 17141675-5454' .tA ... r\ -~ F · 9•9 71 ~.~ n . ,. .. .··l':\. ./~, -·~\ -" ··,. .... •• • # -. _,,., • • • .......... . ... -,. ... ......... ... ............ · .. ' From her dC'sc riptions . he apparentl) landed like an airplane putting on its landing brakes . all four ft>el an one direchon. his fanm almost touching the ground. He cam~ lo a halt. straightened up. s hook himself. inspected ha s run area at a \ - -~-........................... . Dumb dog mdeed ----------·---·----· Orange COMt DAILY PtLOT/Sunday, Februaty 7, 1982 Idle hands make a better .· .. Apply cutlele remover to ~ach or the tlngen and let lt stay on for no more than 10 minutes. • manicure BY VIDA DEAN ...... .....,...., One ot lit•'• 1reatest luxuries ls to have one'• nails treated to a manicure by a 1ldlled snfeuk>nal. If you are short on time and short on money, don't despair. You, too, can Ii ve yourself a professional-style manicure O you're willing to exercise patience. discipline and persistence. Probably the most important part of the program is to be consistent with your nail care. Establish a ritual and stay with it. And take care as you go through the steps I'll give you here. With rro1_>er care, the manicure you give yoursel can last for two weeks, resulting in never having to apologize for the way your nails look. A good slogan for setting the pace is: "Idle hands make for a better manicure." I've found that evening is the best time for a manicure ... after I have taken care of tbe dinner dishes. cleansed my face and my teeth, I set to work on my nails. MONDAY ,FEBRUARY8 ''The Best of the American Designers Collection" brought from New York by Vincent Knoll, Saks' couture buyer. It includes Blass. de la Renta, Halston. Beene. Simpson, McFadden. Parnis. and Galanos. Saks Fifth A venue /South Coast Plaza through Feb. Kl. TUESDAY ,FEBRUARY9 "The Best of the American Designers" Fashion Show to benefit the Newport Harbor Art Museum. Brunch and fashions by and at Saks Firth A venue. Early Start: 10 a.m. Saks Fifth Avenue/South Coast Plaza. · "Your Fashions and C-Olor Signature." by Virginia Rickter. Presented by the Am~rtcan Sewing Guild. From 9 :30 a .m . to noon. Newport Beach Public Library. 986 San Clemente Drive. WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY JO Queen of Hearts Guild annual Valentine's Day Fashion Show to benefit Children's Hospital of Orange County. Laguna Beach boutiques Dolly Et Cie, Just Looking. Sun Dial. Shibui. Sutton Place, Beach and Boulevard. Phyllis Cameron and Soft Shoe will be featured. Monarch Bay Home. Call 493· 1558 for information. Spring Fashions by John Hogan/Fashion Island. Athena Award Luncheon and show First, assemble all of the equipment you'll need for the job: a towel: polish remover: cotton balls ; tissues; emery board or files: orange stick and cuticle knife; cuticle remover; cream: clippers: a bowl filled with warm soapy water and some alcohol; clear base coat, polish. sealer or top coat. Find a comforts ble workin1 area -a table or counter -because you'll be there for an hour and a half or more, depending upon your speed. Spread the towel for your working area. ... Remove all of the old polish. This can be done with cotton baljs soaked with polish rerrl6ver, but I use what I think is a quicker ml?thod. I pour remover in a small jar and soak two or three nails at a time and then wipe with tissues. If you pref er the cotton ball method. hold the soaked cotton against the nail for a few seconds then wipe off the polish. You probably will have to do this at least twice. . . . Next. soak nails in the warm soapy water solution for five to seven minutes. to benefit the Newport Harbor Chapter of Panbellenic. Cocktails: 11 a.m. Luncheon: noon. Skyliner Ballroom, Airporter Inn Hotel/Irvine. Designers Spring Collections from the Collectors Department. modeled throughout the store from noon to 3 p.m . Cruise Wear Fashion Show in Active Sports Department at 8 p.m. Nordstrom/South Coast Plaza. THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 11 Lingerie and daywe ar modeled informally from 6 p.m . to 9 p.m. Robes and Loungewear Department. Bullock's/South Coast Plaza. ' David Hayes' representative will be available to help with the designer's Spring Collection from 11 : 30 a. m. to 3: 30 p. m. Bullock's Wilshire-Fashion Island through Feb.U. Frank Olive brings his hats to Accessories for informal modeling. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Neiman Marcus /Fashion Island. Men 's Night in the Indi v idualis t Sportswear Department. Informal modeling. gift ideas and refreshments to help men choose Valentine's girts for their 'ladies . Begins at 7 :30 p .m . Nordstrom/South C-Oast Plaza. FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 12 Rafael Sanchez in person in Accessories from 11 a .m . to 3 p .m . Neiman Marcus/Fashion Island. Say "I love you!" with Hickory furms ~ \hlentine's gifts. Give your sweetheart a gift of old-time country 1 I. goodness from Hickory Farms~ ~ Lots to choose from, in almost every price range. 11 ~I Let us send your gifts, we'll handle the details. :I' ~Candy $l9'J/)b. reg. S2 59 lb. It's from all over the world, in dozens of scrumptious flavors. Offer &ood February 1·21 Your nearby Hickory Farms,,, is your year 'round gift store: (INSERT STORE ADDRESS) South Coast Plaza . Lower Carousel Mall OPEN DAILY '!l'IL I P .11.' SATURDAY 'TILi P.11. SUND~Y 1Z ro 5 P.•. ' I . . . Now the cleaning begins. With cotton-wrapped orange stlcka, push the cuticle back gently. With the cuticle knife, 1ently scrape the nail around the cuticle and on the underside. Yo\i may want to add m.ore cuticle remover to the area during this step. <About every two months, I add to this step by scraping the entire nail surf ace 1ently. You'll be pleased at how pink and clean your nails will look. Some contend this step makes the nail grow faster and become stronger.) . . . Put the nails back in the water for V D~ a good wash and then rinse in cool. clear water. . . . Now take a good look at your nails. Check for ragged cuticles and small tears in the nails. For the ragged cuticle. take the clipper and cut off only the ragged part. Don't cut into the cuticle. You can avoid ragged cuticles by rubbing in a good cuticle cream and petroleum-jelly-cream From J .. every night. For split nails, mend with a drop of instant glue or nall mender (follow directions of the manufacturer>. . . . At this point. I file my naUa. Some manicurists swear by the emery board and others recommend the file I u1e the boards with good results. Shape is another matter of choice, but I have found -that if the naJls are left straight on the sides, they have more support, are stronger and are less apt to break than pointed nails. So I make straight nails with slightly rounded tops. The reason I file after the soaking and cleaning is because the nails are softer and less likely to be brittle or flaky. ... After filing, l apply lotion all over my hands. Then with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball. I remove all trace or lotion from the nails. ... Now comes the polish. Apply a coat of base, two coats of polish and a top coat or sealer. Paint top and back sides of the nails for better protection. Allow 10 minutes drying time between coats. Ir you are short 9n time. you can apply base and one colot" coat at nigM and complete the color-coating and sealer the next morning. To prolong the life of your manicure. put on a coat of clear polish everyfther night. Now that your nails are looking great, take care of them and take care of your hands. Use a pencil or your knuckle for dialing a telephone. Wear gloves when gardening and when your hands are in hot water. Finally. use lotion lavishly and cream yqur c uticles every night. Believe me, you can have beautiful nails. on Valentines Day ,. OtWlge CoMt DAILY ,.LOT/aunday, Febru.,y 7, 1982 1 -.................. ____________________ __ his Zaka Lake among best, least-known hi~eaways By THOMAS A. MUR P HINE Of-~ .......... If you suddenly suffer a compelling urge to get away from s mog, commuter traffic, television and telephones and return to nature, you might try Zaca Lake, one of Southern California's best and least-known hideaways. The private Zaca Lake Resort features an 18-acre deep water lake surrounded by oak. pine and sycamore trees with cabins for guests nestled among the foliage and greenery. . Best of all. pe rhaps, this retreat from pavement and plastic signs is less than a four hour d rive from the Orange Coast. COMFORTABLE, cozy cottages near the lake's edge feature large stone fire places with a mple s upply of freshly-cut logs . There is no telephone and no television set. As one waitress in the main lodge s uggeste d. "We have our own little Camelot here ... " To reach the Zaca Lake Resort from the Orange Coast . take the San Diego Freeway throug h Los Angeles to the Ventura Freeway. ( 10 11 and drive on through Santa Barbara When you reach_ Buellton. fa med hom e of Andersen 's s plit pea soup restaurant. you're getting close About five miles farther up 101, a small green highway sig n on your right marks Zaca Station Road. Watch carefully for it. Take Zaca Station Road. a two-lane paved affair. a nother fi ve miles to the Zaca Lake Resort gate Be sure to close the gate behind you so the cows don't get out Heginning to get the 1c!ea" ONCE INSIDE the gate. you're on a small dirt-gravel road for seven mile!:> When the trees and foliage start getting thicker . you're nearing you r destination Don't be disappointed by the first little pond you see to the nght That ·s not Zaca Lake The lake is around th(• bend. Just up a head The main lodge 1s quaint. old and comfortable A tiny bar offers potables but the television over it ~as never turned .on during our vis it. There is a billiards room with one oool table. a reading lounge a nd dining room You can take vour meab where large windows look out onto the lake The floor of the old dining room rather sags toward the lake so all tables have a good view. Del.., ........... "'-'" FAR SIDE -View of Zaca Lake lodge from far s ide of the waters. h1k1ng tra1h . nice paddle boats. rO\\ boats or canoes for the lake. riding horses for hire a nd' tennis courts. I liking r anges from hard trails for the hardy down to a leisurely fl at stroll around the 18-acre lake. which takes about 30 minutes One of the favorite activ1t1es found at Zac a La ke is doing abso lut e !~ nothing It's acceptable conduct Rates arc s.59 a night for two with meals extra. Be s ure to take a good flashlight with you There arc no neon signs in s ight For additional information. contact Zaca Lake Resort, PO Box 187 . Los Olivos or call <805) 688 -4891. Reservations are recommended. -LAKIVIEW -Zaca Lake lodge with ·sagging dining room at left, as viewed from perimeter trail at lake's edge. Meals are separate from lodging and are ample and good at moderate prices. Breakfast. lunch and dinner are served No cooking is allowed in the cabins. And don't tell a nvone else about thE' pla('(• · .. . . .· ')\.(•' /"'. ·hr··~·' Y·~~ I\ "·~ ,.,, ~, t~· ' , .. ... . . ' .. ~. '•,r I'* OPEN HOUSE l.ADllS FITNESS CIMTll Act1vit1es are varied. including Open Sunday Food To Ge Patil llring S..Tole O,..Fw lr11*fad ·P'iu• • S, .... ltti ·S.itwidl• .s.., .s.i.- '79-6735 Also Located On Balboa lslmtd Handmade 9uilts- Gifts • Antiques FABRICS DOLL & QUILT CLASSES 642-3112 ---~---· • •, l~Plllt SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1982 STOCKS REAL ESTATE . . -- 03-.4 os.e Don't pq,nic if your home wlue isn't going up. See.P.age DB. Frustration: Can it raise freeway funds? Orange County leaders figure they can win at transportation poker without drawing many financial cards from the state and federal govemmenta. Not that they wouldn't like a wild card or two, but they claim those faraway funding sources no longer can match the high bids needed to pay for their ambitious improvement program. Instead, they are plotting to raise the billions they need at The Closing Connection • • home. They are studying new , revenue sources, such as use of tax-exempt bonds. determine what can be built physically and what is really critically needed," he said. Three major undertakings top the list of unfunded projects: renovation and possible widening from six to eight lanes of the Santa Ana Freeway, construction of a mass transit line (rail or busway) through the county's center and a pair of south county freeways throu&h tt)e Foothill and San Joaquin Hill transportation corridors. Prospects a r e fOOd th e fr eeway renovation, and perhaps some widening through the central county, will be financed by federal dollars recently authorized by Congress for interstate maintenance, said Cole. The freeway would be repaired in phases with the first 1 work still several years down the turnpike. I .... 0 .___.c::;=---~__. ..... ....:..:.........:_---1i.;.;;....._~o 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 And they are betting that residents will become so frustrated with in c r easing traffic congestion they'll vote an extra cent of sales tax -or some such taxing device -to make commuting easier. A route for the mass transit J line is expected lo be chosen in 1: mid-1983. The project could cost j up to $500 million, officials say, ---------------------------------------------------~ The pot is big. County government projections show current road and rail services will be inadequate in the next decade to handle population increases. Estimates vary on the cost lo build facilities needed only lo preserve existing traffic now. An often ·quoted 1979 multi-modal study prepared by the Orange County Transportation Com mission Included improvements worth $20.4 billion. Today, however, commission ataff aides admit that goal won't be reached. For one thine. the projects couldn't be completed by the 1995 deadline, said Ron Cole, senior transportation planner. "What we're doing is trying to and federal and stale funds won 'l cover il. The Orange County Transit District is relying on key amounts of local funds. Two south county freeways a re expected lo be funded almost entirely by local money. To begin with, developers will be ordered to grade portions of the freeway as they move earth for their surrou nding s ubdivisions, said Peter Herman, planning aide to Supervisor Thomas Riley. But more money will be ne e ded . The county's Transportation Commission and Board of Supervisors expect an advisory committee recommendation In June on preferred wayi of raiaiq \he rest of the combined $815 million estimated for the construction. Fourteen ways of raising money through taxes have been <See ROAD, Page DZ> KEEPING UP WITH COMMUTERS -Graph shows how 133 miles of freeway have been built in Orange County since 1950 as population boomed toward 2 million. Peak increases were 21 miles five freeways that extended m 1958 and 1966 Businesses seek way out of jam Some corporations unite to improve transportation, others leave county· Orange County businesses are finding themselves in a giant traffic jam, causing some to unite for transportation improvements and others simply to flee. One of those lo go is Kyle Technology Corp.. which is in the process this month of movioa ita specialised manufacturtne divisions from lts five-year home In Mission Viejo to Roseburg, Ore. President James Kyle, in a telephone interview from the central Or~gon city, said it was th e "lack o r bard -nosed planning" for the south county community that penuaded him to relocate. "When we moved to Mission Viejo, it was a fine, beautiful community. There was no smog and people bad a ntce spirit," he said. "It looked like it wu eoilla to become a fint! city. "It's not . It 's an unincorporated real estate office." Surface traffic through Mission Viejo, he said, has surpassed what he called the "maxi.mum permissible" level, leaving workers a long and distressing drive to and from the plant. Because housing prices are so high In the south county, most of the firm'• 100 employees spent boun each day oo the road, be said. Kyle said he and his wife and business manager, Carol, looked at 18 cities before deciding on Roseburg. Since then, he said he has received many calls from other Orange County employers interested in moving elsewhere. However, he wouldn't name them . The potential effects of c l ogged Orange County freeways has not gone unnoticed by major employers. Formed about two years aro, the Orange County Transportation Co'1itioo today includes 52 members representing 95,234 workers and (See COMMUTER, Page DZ> Should you pedal, run, steer or· ride to work? Orange Oout DAILY PtLOT/8undey, Februaty 7, 1882 lllllEClllTITIGll Followtng . are tM atock mark« acffvUiea of publicly traded Orange •County firms for the wttk ended Friday, Fttbruaru 5. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. Hiii ~ ::r:: ~!:;o z =~: :!~•· S Aa4r. Paoe. • ..... 0..,. h . l a...r.1'1Hr.,.l t .. k•r l•ll. 9 .. ••·•••Port to laaM~Oran11 t1 ...... " lnel u ltoru.1, tno I) Ir ld1ror• '"· . 11'111 AIJU &U &llOI ""'" AICP' WO llC llPL UID' "CU.1.l.Tr"9l • I~ C••t•t rano Its: -16 Cars lllre:h•r CAl'L 1f Certroe Corp. C•rl ~ ChoM~•• CHU 19 C1 Ut1r.1 &.nlr lO Cole•f\ .SJ• lt (olu.t>h Se•. - 11 CoM l'GO, loo. CNRO 21 co ... ro• 11.anlt - 1• COlt$>r•. Ca,.. CMPH 25 Cowtnaton COYT• U CWlluMIO 11 oot CU-'11 ~· g:!:~::r :;:: lt Dot,_ DUI .. lO Oown•r Se• 03L )1 UCO, lno. UC )l llP "tcro. !IPM ] J lldor1do Ian• ILOI )• 19ul•• Corp D4LI' )~ Ewo1u\. lot1 Tt ch • t 16 ru eul. Ind. Ell )1 hr i.ut 11 n. "'' JS 'tr1t laer. r. r uHI ~i ~~~!~o~~C~n :k:.: • 1 ror htter L. 'ITA' 112 Cener•l &\llO. Ct1U ti) ~n•r•l t.,.._ otrl ... coid • ., w. K. CVH • I'S Ore•t W. lto•p QVHt tt6 Health lf"ld. •t Mel lo,,etlca HJU aie Mar1t•1• &ank HJllTB •9 l•.utron Jno lf'l«J 1)0 leront a, Inc. ... S• lrh Tech. UL£ ~l t.a1. Milli Ut I.CU Sl Linear lnt tru LtNlt I)• Llon CoQfttry C~llA ir,s Lo• &hatto• L&llll" ~~ Lu•"•r 11.. UI rMU ST ftcCoet11 Corp S8 H•rcury S.w. M~L 59 Mloro•••Scon 114JrCA 60 Moraeouaa tnd1Mtl.S 61 M!l 0.t• Corp1MSJ 6l ••tlon•l Id. NEC • 6) lau& l u ,OOd NAUO '' h leon JllaD •!'l.R 6!) levpot't Corp. •tw'• 66 ••wPot't lhot Nl\11 67 •evoort Phare WVPN 69 ••"' Vorld Coe •N'V 6t 1-..cla•r Med. 5 ""-SJ 10 04•ttca ODD 11 Owti .. dle•• Otd1 12 Paot t'lc St-len P.SI 7 J piarwrord ••t• '''' 1• P•nn Pa~.Corp '''c TS Plper N,dro PSIM 76 Pr••l•J Co. 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Mt1alon Yt•Jo La1un.a lftl.h tr• ln• La•\lM "till l.O• Ua•t toe Coi t.a ..... lrwtn• t+unt1. l •aoh S.nta Ana ful larton Co•t • Meu Mewpo,.t Staci\ ru11e,.t.on lr•ln• Goat.a "'-•• 31nt• An• •vport. a.atf\ C'oah ,,. ... llewport hach l nal'ta l• An11\al• i\n•h•t• lewpcrt h1eh Senta Ana An•"··· llla111port •••ott lrwt "• lr•I ne S.nt.a tna lr•lne Lacuna Hl l h h••ln• hwport. &eacl'I T\a1ttn 9'i•u Parlt ... •port IMi•of'I ¥lit.• S.nta An• Coat.I Me•• .tin Cle .. 1't• Carden Crowe Anal\•l• '91&.IC CCllHlllU U&Deo&tt•• II"'"' conn ....,.,... 'J .._.., -.-u1 .. c.-u .. o.!~. '..:~~E-m.,..::··:;~. (TU) ttl•IOtl t •••••• ,. t ' llllltT ,,_, .. , PrlH J IPI P/I oT&U IJll) 0 '"''I Ol-05 ClllMI • I "••ol Mlo,...~t•r l'J• .. vn4 .,_, • .,. ••.Dl•a .... uo ,...,.., Wwll IM Tt .. ,_ ....... u •.• ol .. t. .... , .. "'•,...l •M'"I~ 011 tl•ld oolp. lal"lklnl e.n .. tna 1\•o· In•'•· & •r•~ S.rvlo• 5tat ton• tro1en •o04 •rod. •••l h tete ln•eat . .. n•tn1 r.et foo4a ... 1ne\le hpe pr4-. 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Aroh, Plana !ti•!"'· •• IO'ilrc• ••co••rr rre\1ht rorv9rdtn1 Oll end Ca• uS>ao 1. n 1. oo oTc !IQ 1s.oo llSI 1•,18 11.oo ::::g ·:~ I :~ UI ~.)I ~.)t NUDMl H • l& ":o•out.er C"ont.rol hr• IASIAO 8.~0 &.1~ S.111aoon~"'etor do·tc•• •&SAO 1.1~ I .JS a.nu•• l aSD&O -'l -..oo taro•~ce1"9.rt'-• ,,.od Ott 1.1~ '-1~ Ot l a nd Ga• •AS>liO • .00 • .00 tt.tto Part• ' tee. '"SI 1t.~O 11.11 • 6.8 0.01 ·•b.O O. •9 II<: -llC co. 19) ~-lO-&O ~-10-81 ·. l~ u~ l: ~ 1;:i:::~ -S.9 1. 11 '1J 6 •l·ll-80 ac 10.~I • • '-)1-61 11<: 0.11 r.1 r-11.81 MC (0.9ll 11.31.10 .q.6 • 1.q 1.01 •••• 10.0•1 . l 1 -~' •c o.u llC (0.181 .12.2 2.06 8.' ~-10-!1 -•-)0-8• 1.0 •l-1•-•o •.~ n-1•-!o -l·l•·•· 8.) 11·1•-IO ~' l I ,I 81 ,,11-. l .•'1 ••• )18 t6,0ltt •08,STI ~6H l,690 116,996 ,. • 12'i n,010 10,606 !. 16l 1 .1·~ 111,"'11 " TOU IOQULO LIU TO U.tlltl Wllll'Olrr SICUUTlt! COAP •• llOaTHLf llMSLITTlll "TMC OU llOI coo•n STOCK uron• Ol lllDIYIDUAL Ul'OllTS OM THI AllOtl COMUlllS CAI.I. (71") 9~T-1061 (&a 10l JIF,Hf L. ULIU'!llCl, PH SIOEJrl) A ( ') ll•DIClTIS TllAT U Ml'OU SICUUTIU COlll'OUTIOI MU A P09"13111D IUtilCM llPl"T U AILH LI 01 TMU COMUtn l1ten.al•• •ttort.1 •r• Md• to •••Ur• \.h• acoul"•Of end t.lM l te••• or th• Mt• oont.•ln..S tn th••• tebl••· 1111ttlo!I 1r·• b•••d en aouro.1 M ll•••d to be relh ble. ~t •u<:" aoouf'laor aftd tl•ll•••• .,.. Mt ,..rant.eed &M .. vport S.curlt.I•• a.M th&a ftew•· o•per ... \199 ,,o lhbtlllJ tor ur lnacouraol•• ~ \lntlell U••• of lt•• data CNblhh•d her•. Floating coal across desert -~!• 1,cu ·l' -•67 891 I ,'69 , ,,,00 ·SO• )ll .1 ,9SI •• 16~ ..... 1 l 86S ,,. -99S T ,SOZ DENVER CAP> -Compelled by rising freight costs to consider other ways lo transport coal. W.R. Grace & Co. bas 'come up with a plan it calls Aquatr&10. : Plastic bags filled with coal from Colorado and Utah would be shipped through a pipeline to the Pacific Coast. W.R. Grace & Co., whose Western mining operation includes the Colowyo surface coal mine near Meeter, is looking ahead to the day when rail freight costs bec~me high enough lo make options 'like Aquatrain feasible, says Ira Mc Keever, president of the Western mining operation. Grace now pays $27 to ship a ton of coal by rail from Colowyo lo Long Beach. I .. New products inspired Foundation says will-it-sell attitude eclipses design ~l,.~~ MAYER Safety pin.a and sJppera are 1taplea of Ufe. but lf they were lnvented today, would anybody be wllUn1 to manufacture and market tbem? Maybe, Hys Bonnie Cashin. But, 1he addl, other inventions, perb1pa u relevant to pretent and future Uvea, are atlllbom for want of commercial receptivity to creative concept.a. The designer and her board of 1dviMrt, which includta other1 In the dtallD field, represent1tlves of museums, foundaU01H, buaineaa ind the media, have 1 HOH ol uriency about their ,oala. ''We feel 1n ntenatve but-wUl-lt·aell 1tlltude la eclipaln1 v11ld deaian. We believe aome of today's cons umers are mor e adventurous than manufacturen. Out of the deataner's belief that t.ocl1y 's com merctal climate discoura1ea creative minds and works aaalnst the desl1n and manufacture of the useful, practical and beautiful, a new foundation bas been formed. "If business is ~ad, and lt la bad. lt'a because the available products do not amwer conaumer needa. The creative and innovative person is , furthermore, a member of an endan1ered species," she said. The Innovative Design Fund -Ma. Cashin's baby wblcb baa been adopted by other creative individuals in tbe fashion, home furnishings and desi&n fields -has been formed to seek out lnnovative product.a . The fund, which received a grant from th• National Endowment for the Arts, is preaenUy raisin& funds so that an awards program can be implemented. "We hope to begin malting grants by the end of the year," said Ms. Cashin at her New York studio. "We are interested in creative persons in all fields, including ·what we wear and u.se and what we live in and with." The fund plans to make avallable small 1rants as well as its expertise lo individuals with e creative idea. The grant.a will finance bullding of a prototype product. Anyooe with a good idea will be eligible for consideration. She began working to establish such a group only about two years ago when a relative urged her to set up the foundation if she believed in it. "We are not &oing to put anybody in business, but we will offer some money and the advice and aid of established individuals who care," explained the designer. FromPage01 COMMUTER CRUNCH HURTS • • • an annual payroll of $1.69 billion. With its paid lobbyist in Sacramento , the coalition concentrates on pushing for new improvements and state funding for local transportation systems. Coalition spokesmen, have not suggested that current services have created hard times. In fact, experts say an opposite relation is true: It 1s the economic growth or businesses that c r eates muc h of the 79% Drive alone congestion by adding more workers to the rush-hour traffic. And the increases are expected to continue. Jobs in Orange County are projected to jump from the 874,000 in 1980 to 1 2 million-a 50 percent increase-in the next 15 years, according lo an Orange County Transit District report. That is why OCTD is proposing its mass transit line, with its major spur linking Anaheim, downtown Santa Ana, .,...., ...... .....,_ COMMUTERS' CHOICES U S Census data from 1977 shows how Orange County residents go to work County officials say percentages haven·t changed much in interim. FromPage01 South Coast Plaza, Irvine industrial sections and John Wayne Airport. "We would like to see the bullt of the growth of the county in activity centers that could be served by mus transit," said Brian Pearson, the district's dev elopment director . Oth e rwise, he added , transportation systems cannot be made cost-efficient. Along with locating major bus inesses along the mas~ transit line, Pearson said the sys t e m 1s designed to encourage a denser formation of housing near stations. The approac h would relieve pressures of urban sprawl and enable housing units to be built for less cost, be said . Tbe need for housing, in fact, is cited an a recent survey of employers as one of the major. problems facing Orange Count~ employers. In its December 1981 report, the Economic Development Corp. found that 29 percent of the employers with at least SOO workers have considered leaving the county. Of the 17 firms surveyed, 81 percent mentioned housing for workers as a key problem. Only 19 percent mentioned transportation. _ Corporation president James Bu chner speculated during an 1nterv1ew that the lack ol affordable housing could force the same youthful workforce that powered the local econom) to leave, eventually forcing a full circle from the present ros) employment picture. Said Ky le from Oregon:· "Orange County better have som ething to sell very soon other than retirement houses ·· 1 ROAD TAXES UNDER STUDY • • • discussed, including toll roads, increased sales tax within the county and a payroll tax. All would require voter approval. lndividuaJJy and collectively. members of the transportation commission have expressed likelihood a tax will be needed. To Al Hollin den. a former com mission chairman, an increase in the 6 percent sales tax "appears to me the only way to raise enough money." According to a county study, a 1 cent increase imposed within the county would have raised $127 million in 1980. That's enough to pay off the two south county freeways in five years. Later th.is decade, HolUnden theorized, the public will be de manding a new revenue source, but will vote for a tax only lf Its specific purposes are spelled out -and all part.a of the county derive financial benefit. Thomas Riley. supervisor and commission chairman, said be is more optimistic today about funding major projects than since he became a supervisor in 1974. He said he bas reservations about bonding or toll roads, though. · 'l would rather stay away from the toU road concept," be said. "lfwe do have it, we would thave lo mate an ironclad rule tolls could be used only for construction, not for maintenance.'' :~ HOUSE OF TAJLORIHG hL TERA TION <, FO R ME:N JI. W OME:N ()epanfron t l~ots lll Am.erica. You can be a WINNER ~ Just by sending us your name and address and by watching for your name ID the classlfied ads of the Dally-Piiot. / . . ·:a~a~ ort~~n:1~:.U.6?~t ,mu:im&'l! coupon and m.l l &ocray to lbt: I ,,J.\.1: !\Al~ .1: ~.:' I 0 .. r-r Lr•· Io, Ca, ,---.uv I To Pl ace your "Fast Result" Service Directory ad , ... Call Now 642-1671 bf.JU The fina l 30 ocean front homesites. A walled a nd gated private residential community in San Clemente. Private beach and private Swim a nd Tennis Club. • Interest only financing available (714) 498-2830 or (213) 277-9470. r---------------------, I I Name: Age : __ I Street: ____________ _ I I City: Zip: I --- 1 Tele.J..-...: I ,......._. -------- 1 J--------1 I ~ • lot of caah? Theft call olaMlfled. ThOM thlnQJ taking up ~ln~t home, Item• you twMt\'t UMd In =~Ult tlMMedl.. logtve \II I oell ... It'• eeay to Ult danifled to oet '°"' '** on aameoeah. CIMUlled Depart-Oalb Pl'-! 1 1, ·-Pillit. 331 W. Bay Stred. Co9ta Mria, CA tml 14--------~-----------------'----------------..... --........ ...: ___ .J llil .. • • I -·-· ~--__J .. "'' " ''" n" n " .. u ..=. ~ m c::a u u u a a a CJ m m ~ E! l!!C1C1 ml»CJ QD CI OM!5:!!E: ~DDD CICCI C.I UUU !.31 - ftad1e /haek SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO IHACK STORE, COMPUTER cemR OR l'ARTICIMTlllG DUlER l'ftlell MAV "1"4V AT INOMDl.w. 8TOMt MD OIM.IM Orenge COMt DAILY PtLOT/Sundly, FtbruatY 7, t912 .. .. AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE O\IOfAllCHn IN(WOI fUHIOtl '"I NUI VO-• "llOWUf. ,.,~•1c. ,." tOtfO ... OIUOlt ANO ,, .. ,,,. .. ,.,, UOCI llCM&llH I &110 Ul'OtlTIO If fMI 11.UO AllO llltTI"" WINS AWARD -Mary Aileen Matheis, center. a Huntington Beach real tor and former president of the Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley Board of Realtors. was named Realtor of the Year for 1981 at the board's recent Presidential Awards Banquet. Jerry Beusee of Century 21-Walk In Realty earned recognition as Top Lister and Top Producer. residential; John Saunders of Saunders Real Estate won honors as Top Lister . Top Seller and Top Producer. units Joe Giordano of Star Real Estate won honors for Top Sales Patricia Mac Cowan of Escrow' Encounters won honors as Affiliate of the Year. 1981 Board Pr~sident James C Logan. left. was special guest of honor at the board's 20th annual banquet. At right is current Board President Barry Bussiere New housing fund laws urged for pension investments WASHINGTON -New laws are needed to enable pension funds to invest in home mortgages during the housing industry's worst downturn in 40 years, Stuart M. Lewis, a partner in the firm of Silverstein and Mullens and counsel to the National Association of Home Builders, recently told members of Congress. ln testimony before a labor subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, Lewis said that a sborta1e of mort1age money at savings institutions, combined with high mortgage i nterest rates , bad priced middle-income and first-time homebuyers out of the market. He added that of those builders responding to a recent NAHB poll to assess conditions in the field, 20 percent are operating at a loss and 2S percent are on the edge of going in the red. The total impact of the current housing downturn on the nation's economy, Lewis said, is more than 2.8 million man years of employment, $4.9 2 billion in wages and $15.7 billion in total tax revenues, a combined impact of $223 billion. Lewis said that pension funds, with an estimated worth of $700 billion, could open up as a major source of home financing in the 1980s, but. he said. artificiaJ barriers in the ERISA law would first have to be removed. Lewis cited a 197-4 provision in that law which prohibits aJI dealings between pension funds and related parties. Since mortgage transactions usually involve a large number of parties, including builders, developers, unions, mortgage bankers and other types or fmanciaJ institutions, they have been classified as ''prohibition transactions," he said. Restrictive prohibition provisions, Lewis said, were written into the law to prevent the abuse of pension funds, but, in effect, bad restricted pension investment in home mortga1es involving no abuse but with favorable commercial standards and interest rates for pension funds. Recent attempts to auow pension lun<1S to invest in mortgages, Lewis said, have proved "unworkable." For example, be said, a June 1980 application with the Labor Department for a class-wide exemption aJlowing plans to invest in certain residential mortgages has still not been approved Lewis said that NAHB endorses a bill (S 1678> by Sen. Orrin Hatcb,-·R-Utafl, t.J\at would free plans to invest their assets in the mortgage market. That law. Lewis said, "recognizes that mortgage investment is a stable, high-yielding, long-term investment which has consistently produced better earnings than comparable fixed -rate securities in recent years." HEED TO ST ART A FOUCLOSUU7 '714) 54~5111 ·~~~·. .. e .·· ~) ~ta~~').'\ . I ~ ... I . { ~ '•· STAN-SHAW CORPORATION Professional Excellence Since 1951 Own Part Of A Small El~ant Hotel On San Francisco's Nob Hill The Nob Hill Inn•~ magmfu:ently re~tored from the EJ",1rJ1an era. Tht> ambience " Victorian. A five·mmute walk from Union Square • Per,onal serv1ee. T urnt'J Jown heds at nii.tht. Sh{le~ sh1neJ, huuons sewn while you sleep. Breakfast st>rveJ in your room. Share5 of the Inn Jre now available m modestly pnccJ timeshare unns. Purchase 1s fee simple. Buy a week or more to use annually in increments as bnef as 24 hours at a time. Like other real estate, your timeshares can be resold, rented, traded or hequeathi:d. Full price (one time o nly) from $6,500 plus nominal annual maintenance fee and applicable taxes. Excellent terms. for information on ln1,1ctlon fllthta frtm Orange County, t1l1phon1 1-800-652-1887 --------------.. Nob Hill Inn ' I J006 Pint Street I San Francisco, CA 94109 I Send information about I N~ Hill Inn. I Name f ~~~~~~~~· I ~~~~~~~~~~-· City Zip I Telephone ( ) JI -------------- 0 , Orange CoMl DAI LY PILOT/Sunday, February 7. 1982 .... ~· MOMT ..... . ..... Lingo appoir~ts vice presideRt 1 . Mlcbael Cole bas been appointed vice president and saJes manager of the Laauna Niauel office or Lingo Real Estate. Cole joined the company as a sales associate and was quickly promoted to assistant mana1er after a successful period in sales. Prior to bis affiliation with Lingo Real Estate, Cole wu a teacher and principal in the Capistrano Unified School District. During this Period he also oWlled a successfuJ retail business in Garden Grove. He lives in Laguna Niguel. GU Thibault has joined the same Laguna Niguel branch of Lingo ReaJ Estate. Thibault, who lives in South La1una, is an active community member of several MOVING UP IN REAL ESTATE orgamzations mcluding the California Association of ReaJtors, the National Association of Realtors, the South Laguna/Niguel Rotary, the Laguna Niguel Business Club and the Multiple Listing • Committee of the Laguna Beach-Laguna Niguel Board of Realtors. Arter 11 years as a colJege professor, five at Chapman College in Orange, Thibault decided to purs ue a career in real estate and became a successful agent in the Niguel area • Raymond F. Logan has been appointed executive vice resident/real estate for The Christiana ~mpanies Inc. In hlS new position, Logan will direct and monitor Christiana's nationwide real estnte activities, including the 2,600-acre master planned community of Tierrasanta in San Diego; Seaside Pointe. Huntington Harbour ; Hudson on Memorial, Houston, Texas, Cross Creek, a 936-unit condominium development in Atlanta, Ca., and Moss Creek Plantation, a series of estate homes in Hilton Head, S.C Priced From .. '. Monthly principal and interest payments as low as S781 Convenient location close to excellent shopping, employment centers and the multi~mllllon dollar Santa Ana ~el­ opment area ~ Security gated subterranean parking ~ Central courtyard with swimming pool and spa ~ Variety of safety and security features ./ Studio, one and tv.K> bedroom floorprans Sates office open dally. except T~ IO a.m. to 5 p.m. f7MJ 558-7955 --iiiiiiiii Assoeil.ted with Christiana since l~ and • , serving In ibcreasingly responsible roles, Lotan Is ' also president or tbe subsidiary· Christiana I Southwest Inc. He was elected to Christiana's l board or directors in im. ' • • • Crta Moa&emer bas joined the staff of John W Saunders Reat'ty . Huntington Beach. She · immigrated to the United States from the Philippines ln 1952, and obtained her real estate license in 1976 from Anthony Schools in Garden Grove. Soon after acquiring her license, she was employed by Rex L. Hodges Realty in real estate sales where she worked until March 1981. Ms Montemer owns and manages an apartment complex in Huntington Beach where she resides She also manages property that relatives in the Philippines own in the United States. • J ames M. Fain has joined Amencan State Bank in Newport Beach as vice president of the financial institution's real estate department. Prior to joining American State Bank , 1''ain was associated with the real estate department of South Coast Bank. • Marianne Casino has joined Freeport Real Estate, an investment and home brokerage corporation located in Newport Beach. , Ms. Casino is a member of the National Council of Exchangors, South Orange Coast Exchangors and the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors • J udy Busch, president of Triton Escrow in Laguna Beach, has been elected president of Independent Escrow Licensees of Cahfornia for 1982. She assumes office immediately along with other elected officers including: Tom Flesia, Colony Escrow. La Mesa , flrst vice president and Patricia MacCowan, Escrow Encounters, Huntington Beach, second vice president 1 ---------·--..... ~ ........ Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 7, 1982 We'll take your old home and ive you the best view in an Clemente . ... _ MILLIONAIRE THROUGH REAL ESTATE -Ruth Bricker has made a. fortune via her firm. Empire Real Estate Realtor realizes goal LOS ANGELES (AP> -Ruth Baker Bricker thinks every woman should have a little something on the side real estate. "I'm a believer that everyone should have a job just to live with and then. also have some investments going that you don't have to think about that are making money for you," Ms . Bricker said in an interview. At 51, Ms. Bricker is a self-made millionaire and president of her own real estate syndication firm. Empire Real Estate. But although she's obviously comfortable relying on herself now. it wasn't always so "I got marned when I was very young, and I'm not sure why, but one of the reasons was to be t aken care of," she said. "When I got divorced, I decided I never wanted to do that again. I never wanted to be in the position of having to be taken care of, or to gel married for the wrong reasons So I wanted to become financially independent." Ms. Bricker had been working as an artist and with a non-profit organization promoting the arts, but she knew there wasn't a financial future there. "I wanted to be financially independent, a nd I decided real estate would be the fastest way to do it," she said "I decided that when I wanted to retire I would have to have a net worth or about $2 million. So that was my goal." Ms . Bricker said it took her less than 10 years to reach her goaJ, but s he concedes s he had a s light advantage. · · 1 had a different kind of childhood I was in an automobile accident when I was 5 years old , and 1 was home a lot or the time, sort or an invalid," she said. "My parents were both working . and they invested an real estate, and about the time l was 8. they said to me, 'Gee, you're at home, honey. Why don't you take care of the books'" So I got to hear a lot about real estate, and I thought that's the way everybody made a living." Although she's comfortable with escrows and mortgages. Ms Bricker thanks one or the best reasons for women to be financially independent is emotional. not economic. ·'If you're not, .. s he said "it dis torts your view of men You look at men for all the wrong reasohs - ·can they take care of m e? Is this going to be something where I can <See BRICKER, Page 07) Trude In your old home and move up lo the cxtruorcllnary design und cxqul!>llc view~ of The Pinnacle. With our ~uurantcccl trade-In und other grcut flnunc lnlo( program..,, you won't flnd a better buy on the entire Orungc Coun ty coa~t Only6 honrc~ remain In this limited cdllln11 community sltuutcd high uhovc tl1c !-teu on quiet cul-de-sac street' RJch Mccllte rruneun ~tyling . ..,kyllght....,, Indoor utrlum..,, '->Oaring cathedrul ceilings, spa-like master huth!-t, uncl M> much more. Choose 2 bedroom!> or 2 bed room!> pl u~ bonu.., roo m In up to 2,360 ..,quare feet r ·\ • 30-year 0 fixed rate loans at 123A%* • Guaranteed trade-in • Financing for buyer of your current liorne Models open 11 to 5 dally. Cull (714 ) 498-2218 or(714) 436-0145. ll••tn,•Mlh ,.., ,...,.. .... 1 .. 111111 o .. 1nthl\ h ... 111"1ntu1n ... °" •1u.ulll\ •If ••llltu•ofl OAhW' J~,· ... •111111 On .. H\IUJIC ,ofl,\tl\\ tl..h. trl 1mh· 11,.nh•t1 .. 11111', 1 tu 1•..-lu1 ..,..,, 11u .. , ..!h. r ''' wttltn .. 1l1h1 ... ' •tit tun I 11lu ..,.,111hl .. l111ul I If u1111111• t<,uJ ',11 h1•1u tlh' '-111 I H, ~" J "'' !::,7', ::~::. ~:': r---:;' n"hl •tO , ... t\1h1 .. ttMI n.t.111 1t11 0 \\ollftthu Cltmh tu the lop. Visit The Pinnacle to<iuy. Starting at 8250,000 tl-X' I >!N!\:,.\CLE ... \ L llll '11°1'-I \ Mill the PINNACLE iiiiiiiiiiiiiii a t Mariners Pointiiiiiiiiiiiii At the Pilot, people make the difference. . p eople like these in the Circula ti9n De p a rtment • • I I 1ke 1mrJ.:111g 1nt II the peopie Tiie Pilot has t r1e11dl11 workmy cond1/11ms and 1111' hn.11 rs I rmrk are l't'rtl con re111ent for me · Patricia Gonzale<>, Cos ta )tesa P atricia handll•s subsniption µayment" b~ m ail. and feeds paid in You ma~ have alrcacl~ ml'l '-t'H'ral of these Pl'<>ple It s their 1ob to ~l'I'\ l' ~ou our reader!-> That!-> \\h~ the~· re !->O important to us Recausl' ~ou ·re so important \\'hethl·r it "s answering the phom•. !->elltng !->Ubscnpt1ons or taking paym ents. we depend o n thest.> people to help keep our readers happ~ And without them to !->Upernse the 738 ccirrit•r" that clf'hn•r the Pilot to 36 651 home!->. 549 rack!-> and 62 s tores at all hours and in all kmcls of weather. thl' efforts of our reporters and photographers would go unseen Fi nd ing good people who ltke their \\Ork ma~ take longt•r ancl tost more. but al thl' Da1h Pilot ''I:? kno'' 11 s \\Orth it bl•cause pt>ople do make a difference. ··f like the freedom of m!f JOb You are bas1call11 your 01c n bo.~s With so man!J dead/mes you hal'c.> to he organized · Chuck ~e met. San Juan Capistrano As d1strid mana~cr. C'huck supervises 36 <'a rriers that d eli q~r o\·er 1.500 papcrs in his d t!',t rict .. I started here as a paperboy. then a weekend drwer and now a full time drwer I 111st like work111g tor //11s 11ewspaper · · Mike Artiglio, C'osta Mesa A driver. Mike ts responsible for deli vering newspapers to racks. one route and missed customers . .. 30,. a nee suliscri ptfon mformation into a computer Daily Pilat "Where p~ple make the difference.0 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa 642-4321 • NEWPORT B~ACH #COST~ MESA• IRVINE • HUNTINGTON BEACH• FOUNTAIN VALLEY• LAGUNA BEACH a \ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 7, 1982 Why housing market .l;ias died WE'RE A LOT •RE THAii A BBL Oii YOUR WALL ., IOHNCVNNIFF ............... MBW YORK -How bad la the houaln1 altuatlon? In some part.a of tbe couot.ry people now spend 40 percent of thtlr lncome on home mort1aae1, real estate taxes and ha11rd iruurance. Remember when it used to be 25? Al recently as flve years a101 bankers were accustomed t.o aayln1 one-quarter of income wu the upper llmlt fn bu~eeUng for housina costs. r.tost peof le paid far less than that, 1enerally wet under 20 percent. In 1976 homebuyers spent 18.4 percent of income for mort1ages, taxes and insurance on convenUonally financed homes , according to Advance )rtorteage Corp., one of the nation's laraest home mortgage bankers,. In the latter hair of 1981 it put the percentage at 32.1 percent, the result of the average home price having risen to $78,200 from $44 ,330, the mortga1e to 15.14 percent from 8.87. and annual payments to $9,600 from $3,400, while household income rose only to $29,900 from $18,500. Most people still consider $11 ,400 a fair pay raise over a five-year period, but it was no match for rising mortgage interest and prices . Coral Bay Terrace 'Ne-w condo • San OS.to homebuyers ln me apent 24.2 percent of lncome oo howlln . But tbat, aaya Robert J . Mylod, pretldent of Advance Morttafe, was low n compartaon t.o what ensued. Three years later the percentate had risen to 34.8. By · 1981 It WU U .2, the nation's bilhest. San Dieto, says Mylod, is ''the most psychologically depressed housin1 market." The San Francisco-Oakland.San Jose market was only sli1hUy better last year, with 40.7 percent or income 1oing for home payments. Ir it weren't for unusually big incomes -an average household income or $39,500 -the percentage mi1ht have looked even worse. Prices averaged $130,800, compared with $59,200 in 1976. Buyers in 1976 paid $4,800 on mortgages, taxes, insurance. Buyers las t year s pent $15,500. In Atlanta, Baltimore. Boston, Columbus, Dallas, Loa Angeles. Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New York, Phoenix, Portland, Ore .. St. Louis, Seattle. Tampa and Waablntton the Income percentafe& were 30 or more. Of all tbe major marketa surveyed, o nly Chicago, Cleveland, Deover, Detroit, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansu City. Philadelphia, and Pltt1bur1h rem alned under 30 percent of income tor houaln1. Mylod found Denver and Houat.on t.o be exceptions to the 1enerai trend. Since 1979, the percent of Income needed by Denver home buyers has 1 steadily fallen, from 25.4 percent, to 24.8 in 1980 t.o 23.9 in 1981. In the latter hatr of 1981 tbe fall continued, reachinc only 22.4 percent. It was only slightly hiaher in Houston, with a percentage or 24. 7. The explanation, Mylod believes Hes in the strength or the new·home market in these cities. And it might orrer hope for other cities too. The new homes being built, be said , are "tilted heavily toward the low end" of the price scale. The economy house, that is, is on the market. Says Mylod: "The only buyers left in the market either have incomes well above the average, can settle for hous ing size or quality well below the average, or are lucky enough to find a subsidized mortgage at significantly below market rates." Behind the bell. Behind the famou• s .. coa11 •licker. Behind all the 1~ate-0Hhe art prot~lon device• we maic. and ln1tatl, It SMcoHt central ltallon. When an alarm goH off on your property, we gel the algnal ln a nHrby. 24-hour·a·day central elation. If the algnal 1ndlcate1 tire, burglary or hoodup. we cell the pollce or fire department Since our central 1tallon ii UL lllted, ou r central 1tatlon cu1tomera can qualify for a 1izable dlacount on their 1n1urance And to increase our reach. make rHponse time even fHter and Improve elftciency we're computerizing OYr station But improvements aren t new to Seacoast We ve been getting better for 21 years And today we're the leaders 1n the 1ecurity bu11ness in the harbor area with over 10,000 customers includtng a wide range of big and 1mall retail, Industrial and commercial establishments. To find out more about Seacoast central station write or come by our new faclllty at 2488 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Iii'\ SEACOAST \J ~CURl'TY SYSTEMS 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD• COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA • 92627 • (714) 642-3490 project opens in Costa Mesa Tue ~d design iOr living tnN~ort now is available iOr showing~ . C.A.S. Development has opened Coral Bay Terrace, a 16·unit condominium project in Costa Mesa. The one-and two-bedroom condos are priced from $89,950 and feature cathedral ceilln~s. skylights, custom h ardware, oak cabinets, fireplaces with brick hearths and large double-car garages. Financing alternatives are flexible, with standard JO-year fixed rate loans starting under current market rates . Sp ecial three -year buy.downs help home buyers with rates 3 percent below current rates and a number of adJustable rate mortgages will help rirst·time home buyers. Models are open Monday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to S p.m . Take the San Diego Freeway to the Harbor Boulevard offramp Proceed south on Harbor or Newport Boulevard to 19th Street, tum right (west> on 19th a nd proceed to Monrovia Turn left on Monrovia and continue to 1872 Monrovia • A glass·walled central atrium h ighlights McLain Development Co.'s popular "Plan B" at Wimbledon Village in Costa Mesa The one·story floor plan offers 1,685 square feet of living area, HOUSING BRllfS arranged into separate wmgs and featuring three bedrooms and two baths Currently priced from $167 ,000, the .. Plan B .. is one of four Wimbledon Village floor plans available in one·and two·story designs with up to 2,476 square feet. Other arrangements are priced from $157,500 to $228,000 and feature two, three and four bedrooms. Take the San Diego Freeway to the Fairview exit in Costa Mesa , then drive north to South Coast Drive. Tum right on South Coast Drive and left on Wimbledon Way • M.D. Janes Co.'s condominium development in Costa Mesa, Pentridge Cove. features two.bedroom units priced from $117 ,900 to $130,900. The condos offer wood·burning fireplaces, vaulted ceilings, washer and dryer area, private patios or balconies and two·car garages with automatic door openers. Furnished models are open daily from 10 a.m to dusk. Take the Newport Freeway toward Costa Mesa, exit at Baker Street. turn right on Baker to the community. located just past Bristol. * Butler Housing Corp. h as reduced the prices on some of its. Sandcastle condominiums in Newport Beach by as much as $30,000 on some models. The company is offering a 12 ~ percent fixed rate for five years , which can save owners up to $600 a month in mortgage payments when compared with today's 17 percent market rates. Prices start at $169,500 and four floor plans with up to 1,853 square feet are available. Features include handfmished parquet or ceramic tile in the entryway, a Heatilator fireplace with ceramic tile hearth, wall·to-wall carpeting and a wet bar. Garages come equipped with automatic openers. Decorated models are open from 11 a .m. lo dusk daily. Take the San Diego Freeway to MacArthur Boulevard, proceed toward the ocean to Pacific Cout Highway. then right one short block to Avocado and left at the development. Call 673-3271 for more information. BRICKER ... (From Page DI) going to be something where I can live comfortably? The most Incredibly precious relationship we have, I think, Is between husband and wife, and money, the need for It, can ~ally --distort that'~ Even women who anrdotlq" weU tn their careen s hould hedge tbelr bets with outalde investments. Ma. Bricker said. "From what I'\'e seen of women working ln corporations -and this ls not a criticism; I tb1nk lt'a Just habit -they're used to being taken care of by motbera and fathers, and blatorlcally by buabands, and aomehow a lot of women transfer that aJleelance t.o their corporatlona and have • areat MMe of patriot.ism or whatever It ii to the , corporation and a belief that the corporation la cotn1 to take care of them." abe aald. "And of coune. aa men have found out ovtr the years, that's not tn.ie," she said. Behind dosed gates. -THE GRAND DESIGN FOR LIVING IN NEWPORT The frrst homes at Belcourt are the fifty condominiums of Belcourt Hill $405,000 to $720,000. _1 ... ,. ..... ·-Or.nge Oout DAILY PILOT/Sundey, Februaty 7, 1882 DoiI't p~nic if yo11r home value isn't g()ing up •1 ao•arr 1. aavsa OM.a 808: b lep&eaber ot i• we ...._. Hr M... New •• aut MU at bffaue •1 lau•ud la &ak1111 a aew Jtb la llou&cNI. Al 1" HH81t. we talked te tllree realty • ...., 111Mt lllU.1 .,. llllOme ror 11le. 'ftey ... ,.... • reent 11lee prtcee ot aearby ltomea. We'n come te tM conel..._ U.1t after we pa1 ilHl aalet commtuloa we•u '-* about bwe1Jl evea. Tiiie problem la < U we plkl Cot mac• for ou IH>ue beeaue we laid to ftlMI 1 Mme quekly ... .(Z) a.omee la our area lanee't aou •P lll v1IM muela chle to bl*" mort1a1e lateral rates alld eeoaomk ueertalaty. rr you were la ou IMH&ioa, w•at woald you doT -lln.T.Y. DEAR MRS. T.Y.: Today ls a great time t.o buy a home with aflordable seller flnanclna but u·s a lousy time to sell a OOu,,e unlesa the seller can finance the sale. Homes haven't appreciated much in value ln the last year because high mortgage interest rates are holdinjt down buyer demand. In 1978 and 1979. REAL ESTATE :llllUli when home prices escalated rapidly, homeowners were spoiled by easy mortgage financing. But due to rising mortgage interest rates, except for the summer of 1980 when interest rates dropped temporarily (when you bought), 1980 and 1981 have not been great years for home value appreciation. But don't panic. Your home still has its inherent value, has provided housing for your family. and continues to be a great investment. If I were In your situation, I wouldn't sell now. Instead, I would ofrer the house on a one-year lease with option to buy. That 1s the same way I would acquire a house in Houston if I didn't have the cash· for a down payment without selling my old house. Leasing with an option to buy is a great way to acquire a house while waiting for the mortgage finance situation to stabilize in the next year or two DEAR 808: I want your oplaioa on a sale of our borne we lost because of our realtor. Sbe brought us a purchase offer at our asking price but the buyer could only afford a SIZ,toe cash down payment. Most of this money must go to pay off our $8,000 second mortgage balloon wllkla la daae la April. n.ere was only $4,000 left ao we offered lbe agent $2,000 toward her commission and would keep tbe otber $2,900. We su11estec1 gtvtag lhe agent a promissory note for tbe remalnl.Dg $!,300 of her fee, secured by a lh1rd mortgage on our condo which we recently bought. The realt.or refused, saying •>company policy" reqalres commission payment in cash. As a result, our Interest rates hit Canadiaru FORT ERIE, Ontario (AP> -Richard Ryder may once have tbouabt that bis home wu bis castle. Today -like thousan~ of people ln Canada with short-term mortgages coming up for renewal -he knows better. The 44-year-0ld American janitor was recently evicted with his family from the $27 ,000 house be bought in 1977, and became an example of a crisis that appears to be worsening daily among Canadian homeowners. •'Through no fault of their own, when they bought five years ago on five-year renewable mortgages, these people didn't contemplate interest rates bordering on 20 percent, as they did last fall," says Joe Reid, a member of Parliament. When interest rates began soaring in the late 1970s, American financial institutions started dropping traditional 25 and :JO.year loans in favor of shorter contracts. In Canada, short-term loans have been common for more than a decade. While Canadian borrowers may have always expected some increases at renewal time, 1981 was something else. And the strain is showing. Canadian Housing Minister Paul Cosgrove has estimated more than 40 ,000 families faced foreclosures last year. And be predicts that of about 1.2 million households racing mortgage renewals by October 1983, roughly 100,000 will be hit with doubled mortgage payments requiring monthly payments far above 30 percent of their disposable incomes. "A lot of people are just hanging on before cracking under the pressure of having to pay 50 percent of their disposable income," says John J. Tonner, Ontario regional senior bankruptcy officer of Canada's federal Consumer and Corporate Affairs Agency. Model Home Garage Sale Sunday, Feb. 7 11 aIIL to 4 p.IIL Furnishings from 8300,000 mod~l home in-San Clemente for sale at half price. Includes bedroom and d.Jning room furnishings and accessories. IMaae 11 IWJ wuold. Do you &ll1Dll tile aceal wae wroe" -EUeaH. DEAR ELLEN: Yea. Smart realty a1ents 1ladly accept secured promissory notes for all or part of their sales commissions. Payment.a on commllaion notes even out the peaks and valleys of realty sales comml11lona. With steady monthly income from commlsalon notes, realty aaent.s can eat during aales slump•. Aalt your aaent to reconsider. If ahe still refuses, when your UsUna expires switch to a better agent.. DEA& BOB: I 1radua&ed from eo1Je1e laat .Jue ud ha•• aa aeceantlag job wttJa a real mate developer who II p...,.pe,._ by pattta1 t.o1ether limited partnenblpa t.o lavest In properties. 1 am anxioua to leant moN aboat NaJ esta&e. Wut II the quicks, beat aad leHl expeuln wayf I wlilll now I bad taken real e1tate counea lll colleie. -.lero•eB. DEAR JEROME : A nearby collese or university probably offers low cost. blah quality evenln1 real estate classes tauaht by real estate specialists. Enroll in the real estate principles class and take at least one more realty course each semester. Realty success requires conUnuous educaUon because real estate people never stop learning new and better methods. DEAR BOB: Nine yean a10 I boa1lat aome land as a speculation which baan't paJd off. I can'& afford to pay the property taxes and mort111e payment.I much longer H tbe land producea no lacome. Af&er readl•I your eaplaaaU..1 of tax·dde""4 exchHIH ud &arller "dell1M" uchan&•, I be1a .. to think I could trade •1 l•ad for laeome property Heh 11 apanmea&I or oftleet. Would Ulla qHWJ for tax.deferral! -Vlrdala McG. DEAR VIRGINIA : Yes. Internal Revenue Code section 1031 authorizes tax-deferred exchan1es of "like kind" real estate held for Investment or use ln a trade or business. · Thal JDeans virtually any property except - your personal residence or property owned by a real estate dealer can qualify. If you trade up to more expensive property. without receivin1 any taxable "boot" pe~onal property such as ush or net mortgage rellef, tax deferral should result. Ask your tax adviser to explain further. Design that captures your imagination ... Detailing that epitomizes refinement ... Crafts- manship that demonstrates old-world pride ... Concern for quality that exceeds your expectations. " s These are th e ___ L THINGS demand s of the select few who will study our homes, compare them to A others and notice: Hand carved solid oak entry doors • Schlage Hardware • leaded stained glass sidelights • imported Italian ceramic entry tiles • hand troweled ceilings • oak handrails• furniture finished cabinetry throughout • Kohler bath fixtures • beveled gJass master bath mirrors • hand set Latco tile master baths • raised vanities • Franciscan kitchen counter tiles • Thermador appliances • award-winning exterior architecture ... all DIFFERENCE secured behind privacy gates. Come ... observe ... these are but a few of the special consid- erations that require your attention when you choose to seek out ... ... THE MEISTER DIFFERENCE . . - GATE GUARDED COMMUNITIES LAGUNA HILLS Secluded on a hilltop overlook in& Laauna Hills. l·S to LaPaz exit South 2 to 3 milestoCharlctonlcfl. (714) 831-5380 From $214,000 IRVINE Amona 1he rew remainina sinalc ramlly communitcs in Irvine. l·S to Culver Drive Nonh. riaht on Bryan, left on Yale Avenue 10 Hicks Canyon Drive. (714) 730-1800 From $267.000 Inform.lion reaardina the Community Services Frei available 11 sales ornce. Prica Hfective for date or this Publication. f.iOO. VfltA.-1'0 THI eoTTOM 0//1 THI llA 1:41. Cl••·~ aom.. .. ,~---­...... "" MUllC NfO THI lflOeC8 WOlllO I DAv..N<LA. YOUTH AHO nta 1-:..AHSWIM ..oMPER AOOU IUNDAY~ I.Ale Thornton looll• el gm. 9d ~ and the behev- lot ptotllerN wtllCt'I - to De GOmmOn llmOnO them; .. ,., a-. ptoflMll ff.yew-old tolk .. nget I ~-Ubbe Cotton Q~ a.oeaJP (H)MOYIE * * "The EW:tora" ( 111711) Vic; Morrow. J eutce HMlJ« Two ~ peC>9le -Into • .__ wtth the no1ortoue reputation of c;a.dlng the dMtN of arr/· one Oering 10 llw there 'PO' CtMOYIE * * "The tnc;redlble SMnk1ne Wom11n'' ( 1980) Liiy Tomin, Ctl.n. Gto- dln A houMwlte flnd9 11 hWO to cope wtwlf'I IN ~ b90lne IO e/Vlnk In Illa. 'PO' e10 (%)MOYIE * * * "The Electric; HorM-men" (111711) Robert Aed- lord, J-Fonda A Lu veou c;ow00y ., .... a s12 million 11\Moughbred horM 10 ..... him from Ne exp!Oita1tw ---.. 'PO' t;tO. OOtAllTUEHT D THAraCAT • M>eERT 8CHUlLEA • PEOPl.£1 II AMENCA: THE IECONO CENT\JAY .NEWS 9~ Two~pereone end a -whoea child .. -ely ~ dleQIM how they ha ... IMrned to cope. ~ ~TUAE U.S.A. **'A "$tori• From A Fly· Ing Trunk'' (11178) Murray ~. member• of the Roy8I Ballet. Thfw Hana Chr1a1Jan Ander.wi etor._ ere brought to ll1e through bel!M, " ... action and enl· met Ion. 7:00. • 191NE88 JOUAHA1. D~ANOTHE MJeOr • TOPCAT err•~ D K!NNETH OOPE.AHO • DAY~ EM8COV'ERY • IUNDAY MOfNNO FUNNES • YOGA FOR HEAl ll1 I PUIUC PUl.8E SUNOAYMASS DOTTIE WEST "Speclel De!Nery" Dottle w .. 1 and Kenny Roger• perform eome of her ""* hlta, Including "Sorry," ''Leaaon In LerArlg" and "Am«lc:a-T rllogy .. 7:*> 9 IUNOAY MOfMHG I.Ale Thornton IOOkl at gift· .0 cillldt.., and the Ml'lav· tor problem• which - to be common lf'l'IOnQ them; Jerry Bowen ptOll ... 89-yeer-old IOlll 9lnger I ~-Ubtla Cotton D M*80WPATal ~: Otcll ~- • UTT\..E R"8CAL.8 • CAWU8 PftOFU I JMl'f SWAOOAAT "'8nA ftOGER8 {R) Cl) TV.C LOOQ AT l.EAIMHG 1= TC>MOMOW (H)MOVIE ··~ "Borderline" (11180) CMrW Broneon. Bruno Kirby A police ofllOef dis- _,.•~ring openillng M>ng the M<txl- <:111'1 border end rri.. to keep Incoming .,..,,. "°"' bec;ornlng .,_ to ruth- .... ~owners 'PO' OYOYIE *** "The ~~· L8nd Of Oz'' Some v.ry tamlller lnhllbltanta of the Land Of Oz help • )'OUng boy and 1119 wooden Mend In Ihle lllmed 8tege pro- OucUon by the CN!ck'en'• Thell!•• Company and 8dlool 'G' 8:00 I TM8. THE UR "°""'AHO ...... • NMONAl. mm•ION8 I LLOYD OGll. VII ~rTOUT FMtund: a rtiport on lpf9Y pelnt '""9lng; • pro- ... of delilglw 8«sy ~ I •uMz; Ill ~ w!lt\ I OMlend Raiders' heOM! coed! TOlft ~. I I O.W.MI All .,,,,., PAL.WILL MICHUMMN> MCWll ** "°'91y Of AT~ Hltdllktt'' (l)MCWll Christopher Reeve is Clark Kent and Superman and Margot Kidder is Lois Lane in "Superman." Part I of .the movie is to air at 8 tonight on KABC <7>. **'~ "Snowbel Expr-" { 11172) Dean JonM, Nancy Olaon A New Vorll eccountant Ir.,....-• to the Rocir ... In an anempt 10 rnodemlM the Ohpldat· ed .... •Mori he lnh«hed. 'G' a:ao D OOY88EY Gu.ta: Or B«nMd M Cohen, <ab«>I of TemjM S01M1 In Cenoge Pwti; ~ Woode, pot!• at Mwanetha Vlllege In Santa Ana; Rev Gerwd G Gum. United Nation• Reform and the World Federallata. Loe Angelea. 8 TOOAY'l lkAO< WOMAH D~T-..AT CAJ..VAlfY I AIE:lfNCK K. PNCE NAT\JftAL ...,-°"' OFAtuNKAM "light And Life" Sir George Porter lootta at the orlglna of llfe more than lhf'• billion year• ego. (Patt 2) Cl) TME LAHA YE8 a! KHO'# Y<>Uf' ~ t:oo8(1) ...... 8A8ICET8AU Loe Angalee L.alcert at Boeton Celllc:a I NEWt OOHFERENCE VIU.AALEGM 1J OAAL AOIEfml • IEaAME 8TA!ET {R) ~ rr • WNTT'B' 9:30 I ~MEET THI PM.as II DAY OF Dl8C:OVERY • TMEWOALO TOMOAAOW 0 KENNETH COfl£l.AHO @ MOVIE ••• "The Tenth Month" ( 19711) C..ol Burnett. K.ith Ml1Chel4 A~. Ol'<lorcad woman beclorT.- pregnant and oedo.. 10 keep Ille baby UMOV!E * * "Ttlls la E.Ma" ( 11181) Oocumanuiry Fiim footege and dt-tlo --tlone are u..o to tell the a1ory of Elvia Preale)I' a Hfe and car..,.1PO' IO:OO D AT ONE CW.I Nm dlrec:tor P ..... Mazw9ky D MOVIE * * * "The Ptl~ And The Pirate" ( 11145) Bob Hope, Vlfglnle Mayo g NEW ZOO AlVUE G HEM1.D OF TRUTH • NXHUMMAD • TME LAWMAKERS CoHHpondenta Linda Wertl'lelm4N and Collie Aot>ert• join Peul Ouk• tor an up-to-t,.,..,..,.,te .....,. mary or Conor ... 1ona1 ectlvftlea. ~ MA6'C Of' OIL PAIHTlNO a!N£#8CEHT£1' WEE<l..Y (CJ MOVIE • * * 'h "The C.1 And The Canery" (111311) Bob Hope, Paulette Godderd In order to c:oltec:t their Inherit-. • fwnlly mu9t ~ the night In • haunted h<luM 10'.JO 8 9 I008 ARE PEOPl.ETOO Qowta Marti HamlK, Rle:h- ard Stmmona. "Spece llW9der9" champion Fflll'k Tetto, 17-yHr-old TV reporl• Aober1 Joffe (R) I A08Ef'1' 9CHUU..EA JEMYFALMU • OPEHMINO Ci) MAGtC OF OIL PMNTING a! Y<M«i PEOt'l.£'8 8PECW.. ''Wloner'I '' {I) 8HOWT1MI! LOOKS AT1N1 The -111on.. peC>9le and _ .. of 11181 - '9etUfed In 11111 v-r-enc ......... 11:00 D AGNCUl TVRE U.S.A. • MOVIE **"Sir_,..._ WOl1d' (11175) Jot>n Suon, Kath '-1 Miiier • MAl*"I E#,...,.ll!CI:""" TM!ATPIE ''The Fleme Tr-0t ~ ka: A AMI~" WMn a teopard Inv.OW the Pl6nler home, ..... -d lnalats It mu.t be hunted down and ~.(Penll)Q • WAii •»TOM WIBC .. ~(fQ QI CHICO NfD TH9 MoAN •r..ov. * • • .. ,._.... 0raoon" (1'11) .....,, "-ddy ..... i.y W1nter1. Witt! tne l'9lp of • otlUbby .,_ «moon named Eliott, an Ol'1lflen M09C* lrom .. ~ roeter family and together the two °' them heed '°' Maine. 'G' 1UO9 Cl) NCAA 8A8UTMU St. John'• at loulav\1141 Da!OOLLEGE 8Alf<fTIAU Notre Dame at UCLA 8 9 THIS WEE< WfTH DAVID 9NNU.lY D TBWfOOU- WHrTTAKER • CttUf04 .. ll1E HOMS G WAU. tT'REET WES< "Emerging And Growing?" Ou.I: Mary C. Fwrell. vtce p.-eaklent. 8t'Mn Murray. Roller Seoortt .... Inc;. (R) ~MOW * "Klond*• ~ .. ( tll80) J9ff E.Mt, Rod Steiger The )'O'IOg Jactt lorwlon .eta out to ..-1111 fortune Our· ~the Gold Aueh. 'PG' (8) SEX II A ll1RE.E- l.ETTER WORD Man -on-the-111eet • reaponaea and expett ~ -uaed In !hit doc:um.itary to - -ol the moet-uked ~Iona on the aubject ot MIWlllty Cl) WIDC'f WON..D OF JONA ™AH WlflTSll8 GUM!· Joa Namath t2:00 • L.08T .. SPACE • 8fAACH • MOVIE • *"' ··The s.n P«Sto Suma" 11en) Jeffry Oruce . John Mani RobiMon • Tl4E DUCHE.88 OF OUKEITREET "Poor Lltlle Rk:h Girt" Loulaa and her daughter come 10 biowa ewer LOI• tie'• ,_ c;er.., .. a c;aba- rel llnger (Pert 15)(R)O Ci) MOYIE * * ~ "Sun V""-1 Ser ... nacte" (1941) Sonja Henle. Miiton a.rte. The maneget ot Glenn Ml4ler". band ., lhe Idaho winter ,_, tek• care of • Norwegten -refuge9 wflo jult llN>- pen• to be • pretty allat• ®MOW •• * "The CotnQetltlOn" (11180) Rlctwwd Or~. Amy lrvlng. Two planiala .. a San Fr11ndec:o muelc: compe4ltlon find that thelf to... for eec;h othef con· lltc:t• with ''*' pro1 ... 1on- ., ambit Iona. 'PG' (S)MOVIE * • •'h "BtMlter Morant' ( tll80) Edwwd Woodward J.-T'hc>mp9on. Auatrall- -c;onKtipted 10 llghl on England't aide In lhe Boe< Wat Oec:IOe to llgl\I 1"41 Boer gu«ltt .. on their own term• CI>MOV1£ • * * * "Raging Bull" ( 11180) Aober1 De Niro. Cathy Moriarty Boxing chempio<'I Jake La Mon.'• aptitude lo• vlolence bftnga him ~ In .,,. ring but dllfupt• Na per. 9011a1 Ille. 'R' 12:IO • DINlCllON8 • ntE llAXTER8 "Father KnOW9 Beal" 9 NEWIMN<EM '82 t:OO. THI ....sTEM twman'• twin brother -• k-con ertla1 -~ ttleMurwtera. I 0 IPORTUf.AT T&HTAl.Jt "Chlldren Of Calebrtt ... " • ADAM-12 A ner'ol(Mn recruit andan- get9 the U-of Malloy and A..o • WHEN TI4E BOAT ~ .. "Paddy Boyt•'• Dla- CfWO*'' Gut of wen end with • family on the wmy, Jedi conelders Joining the 8ladl and T-. 1:IO. Cl) -CAOUY NATtONAL fllfW).Mll Flnakounct pley In Ihle pro-c,lllbr1t'I golf tou~ rnent (llYI lrorn Pebble a-ti Golf link•. Mon-·~ Oallf.) D Q! IPOfn8WOALD 15-round WBA Junior Mlddlew9lght Cllamplon- llhlp bout~~ on Devey Moore and Tadaahl Miii••• (from Tollyo. Japen): Wor1d Pro F1gur9 Stcetlng Ctlamplon- .. {1rOlft lAnOowf. Md.I • M"°°" A Pl uMian belloonilt 19 ~ '° mall• llylng 9Qldlefw of the man of F T~ •111 THI IUlll8WTAM eo.r.. °' the lftlrd of rour men'• quatltylng round•. comoatltor• Include St•v• Mahrt, I CHANllL LISTINGS· ~ ~·· Otl9 IW-eong Ind Lou F«'ligno (from Key~ Fla.). • WILD. wa.DW91' w... ... ~~ .. r • KNX f (C8SI D KNRC INBCI • KTLA (Ind I I) 1(1\Br 11\llCI a 1<FM8 CCBSI 9 ICHJ-TV !Ind I a KCST CABCI • l(TfV (Ind.) • KC().p. TV fl ncl.I • ICUT <PBS) -- COJ On·TV 1.. l TV '"' HBO c •r1Mm•l•) ()) (WORI N V Ny «Z> IWT8Sl 111 CESPNI (IJ) ( 5'low1 ,,.,,. ) • SpotllGl'lt • le.bl• Nt~ Networ111 weoon ttelll °' ~· · ln!Nlr~tor·~ <1oue-....ln. • llllCMI • • • "Fl-lftO ,,., .. (1*)0.-~ .... Wt~A1~1\1tY. pulolndlen family I• _...,.. In tM ll*9Clllt of "" lrldlell .... • MMilt-tl ......,,, ... ~ lrMrNpt -- ....., ---10 ow-... "*-'In ....... llddl,tp. • IM,...A'f'n41 IUOU ,..,.,... Jofln w.-w ...... ''Gabbf' ~ lno ''W• Of The OIWM" ( 1932). • ,.,. c;ar\OOI\, and ~ 3 of ''.J411Vor Q..t.ten .. (A) ~MCMI ••• "The p~ .. Cour•o•" ( tlU) Dirk 8oOllrda, Marie~ A WOttd Wiii ti •tcWt Officer, a.. co-ns. ,..,..._. ~ .... IM Nallil .tlO ...,,..,. '° hatd '*" ... _ ..... .LOMTTALY* INCW. The "Flrat ~ of Coun !IV'' elllQll ''Coe! Miner'• c.uonter ... "One'• On The Wirf'' W1C1 other IVta In a ~ taciect llw at Herrall'• In FW!o. i*>. QI I WUN°9 llUHO A young laland girt dealM.a 111a1 "'9 It GI• ga11·1 ... ,..1~ ener he aa-her lrom drowning .MOW • * * "Captain HO<atlo Hornblower" (19tl1) Gr~ gory P«:t<, lllfOlnte M.ryo A Brltlah -c:.plaln Niia lhe oc;Mlll clu<lng the Napoleonlc Wara. • KATHY Thia •tory ol a n.noi. capped high achool gltl, .. .,,. prepar• to ...... lllgh tchOOI and .,,,... college, •~ on he< outloolc on Ute end coctng atrateglea (S)MOVIE '* * ~ "The Lo...ct One" ( 11165) Robefl M orH. Anjanatl• Come• The ~of • dec:eeeeO Hol· tywood atar inc::u11 aoma dab!• and h••d•chH when tt c:omM time to make the lunetal arrang... men ta 2; 111 (l) MOVtE * • "Alice. s-t ~ .. 2:30 D GILLJQAH'S ISLAND A 1melt boat wllh one man abolfd landl on the leland to,_ t~ c;utaweye. a a u.a.A. va. ll1E WORLD IN OL YMPtC SPORTS The U.$ va Jac>an In gym. nutlee (lrom Hemameteu, Japan) Cil MOVIE * * * "The Hound 0t The Bukervlllea" ( 18311) 8aall Rathbone, Nigel Btuce Stl«1oc:ll Hom-lr111•tl- ga1 .. the my8tery ol • can- ine apltlt heun1lng an Eng· tlah c:ounlry .... ,. SI PfEJENT1: "El MMa1ro Prlmlllvo Sen- 10." Prirnl11vo Satito. and Illa orcnwtre ara ._!IK.O, playing • variety of muelcal piec:ee from the Anlltlea I Culbbean end Lelln America. ®MOVIE ••'A "Zulu De'*l'I" (1980) Bu•t Lancaata•. P•••• O'Toole The Engllah wege a bltt• atruggle egainat the Zulu nation In t9th- century Altlea 'PG' 0MOVIE • • • "Agath•" ( 1117111 Ou911n HoNman, v- Redgr•,,. In l onOon In 11126, an Am«IC:en ,_.. paper nlPCW1• ,_. IM>d becomes Involved wllh lamed myttery -11., AQll· 1na Chtlalle. wt>o has left '* unlalthl\ll lluaband 'PG' S!OO D ON CMIPU8 Featu<.0 • loott at lfte uni· verut phenomenon with two exper1a from Pluer College. D MOVIE • • '" "McHala's Nevy Joint Tha Air F0tc:e' (11165) Tim Conway Joe Ftynn An ena1gn on • South Pec;l1c; llland 11 forced 10 impweonata • pllOt and gate lnvotvecl wtlh the er-of • Soviet m«· cttant 1111p fill) AMERICAN SKYLINE 'Ii) BETTYBOOP FESTIVAL Some Of the beel IUma of the lt•a.llllble Betty Boop are INlur.O lnc:ludlng Lh· tie King," "Crazy lnven- tlona" end "Ullle Pal " Q!SUGARRAY LEONAAO'S OOU>EH GLOWS N.-JerMY v. Waalllng- ton, D.C S=30 8 lMT OF ll1E WILD D FNE4Al.l fil QI WIDE WOAU> Of' 8PORT8 World Mar,.a AIQlne Skiing Championanlpe -Sllllom (from Scnledmlng. Au ... trla~ .. MOVIE * * * "The Long Hot Summar" ( 11168) Paul Newn\eft, Joer1M Wood-- wero. 8aMd on the nowl by Wiiiiam Feulkner A stranger In • 1mllll town ~ lfte ._of. '*' of .... ""I young people. • LOI ANQEI EA WUl< INREVIEW ~=nteNAno.I **"Diary Of A T~·Age Hltcllllcer" 4:00 8 INTE:AFACE D aUNOAY Location Fe•llval ot Whelee. Dene POlnt Haf. bor II MOVIE • •~ "Horror Hoapitel" {1973) Mlc1'MI Govott. Robin Alkwilh • MOviE * * * "Gay Purr-.." c 1ee21 Anlmeted voi-of Judy Garland, Rob•rt Goui.t. A group ol Frencti llrftl cat• llnd 9dvtnt~ In PAr'll. • WAU. ITAHT WIS( "Emerging Md Growing?" au..1. Mar, C F-.11, vlCe ptealdent, &Mn MurTey, Aoettr s.c:uritlM. lno (RI ()) V1CTORY AT ll!A "O«ladllleenel" ~·· flrWI giround vtc:IOty In Ille Pedflc II 9'loM1 on c;apo tured Japan••• fttm llCflllMR. IBMOVIE ** "Tantadte" (1g77) JOlln Hueton. Shelley Wlnten. (J)MCWll •• ~ OI '-I" MW NMd by Vftliant Pfloe A IOdl II taken at the IHrlQll 111a1 ttwafan out woncs. "°"' dtvM111tlng -"'"" QI*• to wlballl ..,.. • IOllllona. 'PO' J Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 7, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KNBC It 8:00 -"The Day the Bubble Burst " Premiere o ( a made-for TV movie starrins Richard Crenna. ~story on page R7 KTLA II 8:00 '"Superman. ' l'urt I o( the Margut Kidder Chris topher- Reeve version ls shown. See photo at left KCOP Q] 9 00 "Hee Haw .. Mickey Gilley tops list o( guests. K'NxT & 10:00 "Trapper John, M. O." Doctors confront a rare <·ase of del~yed puberty (.%)-.TOH IEN.£1 MAD MAD WOfW..D M OOMIDY 4: 11 Ca> MOVi. "CNil1iea H Sltub Stale"" 4!a0. NIW8MAKEN • WASHH)TON W&)( .. Alv.w{A) G CAMERA THflH "A Rap•rtory Theat•• Growe In 8'0<*tyn" Seg-- rnenta or the tifll two pl8yt performed b'f lfte 8rOOlltyn Ac:eOemy of Mueio'• new reper1ory theater oompany we hlghtlgtlted. (R) Cl) IN lllNOI JOURNAL (8)MOVJE • * "TM Evlc1ora" ( 10711) Vic; Mo,,ow, Jeulo• Harper Two young pec>C>le move ltlto • houM wl1n the notortoua reputation 01 c;.u.ing the dMrhe of eny· one dwlng to llve ,..., • 'PG' 0 JOHN CUAAY'S ICEOANCIHG Olympic; gold meoa1- wtnner Peggy Fleming and "tee Capedw" ster JoJo Starbuck join Curry for thla o~ ot at!atlng ar1la1ry 5:00 8 FACE THE NATIOH .. 8T"" TN3( 8 MIEATEST SPORT'I l.fOIHD8 • l'IMGUNE "The Pollah Challenge" Ou.at· profeuor Jonn Lullec:.. hletory depart· rnent chalf'rnan at Cl>Mt· nut Hiii College QI) VICTORY BAAOEH Bob Thompeon oller1 ldvtc>a on _,. pn... of Q!'denlnO· Cl) M•A•S•H Hawkeye. B.J and the!• medleel c:oho<'t• find • ,_ way to ~ the deprw- ..,.. atmoeot-e ol the war 1= * * ·~ "Thi Man Who 8- T-.ow" (11181) Ooc:u· mentary • N11H1ted by Or90n WlllM Footage ot ......... he predicted •nd dramatic re-c:rHtlon1 Of hie Ule compriN lhla looi! a1 the 17ttH:ientury Frencll phytbarl, U l<Ologer and mY911C, Mlehel de Noet••· Oetne. known u Nottra- damut PG' 6: 111 (%) MOVIE 11 * * • "2001 A Space Odyuey" (111&) Keir OW- lea. Oary Lockwood Aatroneuta ..,,1 to llnd the Illian lntllllgence rMpon9'- ble tor • puzzling IUnet monolttn muet con1end w11n an on-boar'O compu1 • ., that la trying to teke control Of their ......., 8:30. C88 Nf:W8 D NeCHEWS e o A8CNEW8 'Ii) THIS OU> HOU8E Bob VIia 019Co.lnu plan• for lnatalltng • woocM>Utn· ' Ing 810... and Norm Abr•m d-*a lhe roof O Cl) WELCOME BACK. KOTTEl'I The Swu1nog1 teke met· tau Into thellr own hanoa when • "Career Day" speak Of tr+N 10 lure Gebe IO ChJc;ego 10 work IOt him (t)MOVll! • "Klondllta F_ .. ( 11180) ~ Eut. Rod Steiger The young Jac;k London .... out to IMk 1119 t0r1une dut· Ing the Gold ~ 'PO' -EVENl«l- e..-oo B De N£WS 8LAW....&~ &OOMPAHY l.ftWM Md Shittey quit their jotla ., the br--, end Join the WAC.. {Pan 1) IJ WOMEN IN AOCK 'N AOU. An honwl IM>d Intimate converMtlon with .....,, unique ~. lnclU<llng Joen Jet1, Ann and Nenq Wbon of "He.1," Gtace Slid<, Clvtaune Mc:Vle of '' Aeatwoocl Mac;,'' Ctlak • Kahn and Kim cam.. whO 1111& the r .. 1 p-s ~ of rodt 'n roll • M •A•e•H Ht.-eye wrtt• to hi• lathel' Oetalllng, among other thtnga. Radar'• 111emt>tl a I pualng a high llCl\OOl uam and • wdden c;oollng of altec;ttone ~Frank and Hot ~UTT\.ISTAR GALACTICA I LR ""°"'"° U8 AUTOMCIMO ~ "LM Vegea Otand Prix" Cl) 08INEW8 9 CHAN..11'8 AHGl!1.a A dlatlMbecl ent«tetner -the lllNAelecl ~ of , __ .,,.... per90n- ..,, ... to droe> ~ u to wftO le committing ....... Of murdera . 1:. ..... ••• "The Tench Month" ( 1g1t) Cerol Burnen, Keith Mtlcif'41. A "*Idle eged. dM>roed-~ Pf'90Nil" Md O&ddee lo 11"9ltlebeby. Cl) W/IOIC'( WOM.D 0//1 JONATMAH WINTIM Gu.at: .,. NmrMttt. .MCWll • • • "An Enemy Of The ,..Opie" (1t 71) Steve MoOwan. C'*1ee [)um. Ing. .__, °" ........ pley The dlllMN °' • "'*' town "'111 ~ "*' ~·loclll~ tor Oldllr1nO tM local "°' ..,,. ...,,.... cM '° "°'" Mtoft. ·o· ... "9HT MGIC wmt DAVID HOAOWITZ • LAV'l!1'HI & SHIN..fY a OOMPAH'I L•...,.,.. and $hll19y quit their )Oba et the bl~ ar><t join the WAC• (Par1 21 8THAT9HOU.YWOOO 4D THI! JEFRMOHI All the prepaiatlona IO< Jenny'• baby meka Flor· enoe want • chMO of ,_ own • WHY 1H THE WON..0'1 '1!) CME.Ct<JNG rT OUT Featured • Little Joe C()(l- oert In Dallu, a vtalt wilh o.ignet Oec:ar 0. La ,._, ta; tntervlewa wltn Houaton AlltOI plly«• 0 ~~s * • ~ Joumey Bed! To Oz" ( 11172) Animated Voi-OI LIU Mlnnelll, Paul Lynde Do•olhy ••lurna to the Land ot Oi end encount.,1 the alllet of the Wk:11ed Witch of 1he W•t 1:00 8 (I) 90 MINl/T'ES D a!P£ACOCK SHOWCASE ment oNlclal who wantt to prove the 111ia1ence or UFO. detain• the ellen famlly. (Par1 2) • LAVERNE & BHIRLEY &COMPANY SiJt. Plout talk• the g1rla Into p.-ovtng that they're u tough ea men 8 1!1 COO€ RED The Rorc:Nlll• are plagued by e M<1M of mytt•lou• lhrNIS llnd ecta Of vlM>dal lam D FUP Wtl.80N G) SONNY AHO alER 9) TUTANKHAMUH'S EGYPT {I!) HOVA "The Hunt Fo. The Legion Kiiier" The mtan.,... In,..... ttoatlon launched by 1"41 C-1« lo. 01t1NM Cont<OI to Oitlc:ov., the mlerObe teaponaible 10< Legion· nalre'a 01-11 trlCed Cb> NHL HOCKEY Loe Angelee King• v1 Montreal Can.Olen• 7:30 D LAVERNE. SHIRl.EY &COMPANY Se1gean1 Ptoul goea AWOL IM>d hldet out In the Qina' apartment ID HfU..8 OF OAEEH, PALACt: OF GOLD A IOc* le taken at the Hwa Krlsnne·a .._ Vrlndaban Fwm Community toe.led In the hllll Of ,,,,_ Vlrglnll (C)MOW • *. ~ "The Cal And The Canwy" (11138) Bob Ho99. P!IUiette Godderd In order to COllec1 ,,_ lnhe<ltenoe • larnity mu8t apenO 11141 night In a haunted houM 7:40 Cl) CHAAUE CHAPLIN "~Street" L-00 8 Cl) AAC:tilE llUNl<.EA'8 PLACE D a!MOVIE "The Day The Bubble Bu¥at' (P•emlera) Rot>ert Veughn, Rlchatd Ctanne The evenls ieadtng IO Ille celem1tous t11211 ttock matket c;<Nh are Ohronl deO Q D UHOE~ WORLD OF JACQOES COUSTEAU U ®l MOVI£ * • *'"' ··su~man (Pen 1) ( 1978) Chrlatopha• RH11e, Margot Kl<ld•• MllO-manne•ed 1epot1a• Cterk Kent 1ttwart1 en atch c;rim1nal'1 plOI to d"troy the Weal Coal with a ~t Nr1hquake tJ u rr 18 WArTT£H .. MOVIE **'A "Big Jeke' (11171) John Weyne Rlc;h•rd Boone A grlnlec:t man or the Weal Oellel bOlh Ulll A•my eno lhe Te••• Ranoer-1" n11 ettor11 to toc;ete hi• kldnepped ~andton II) 80UO GOl.D Hoet Aney Gibb CohcMt Merllyn McCoo 0'-11 O.Vo, Rick Sp,,nglleld Mldtey Gilley Kool & lhtl Gang. !he Liiiie RI,,., BaM. Oeotge Certln SI HOYA "Finding A Voice" s. ..... 11 victim• of -· apeecll dl .. bllltlel relate hOw they o...rca.-their hencllcapl ~ lillA8TERPtECE ll1EATRE "The Flame T•-Ot Thi k•: Salarl" tan llnd• that he cannot r•traln hi• tow f0< L41ttlee any longer white on .. 1tr1 wllh lhe Palme<• and Tiiiy. (Part 8) 0 ®MOVIE * * * • "ReGtno Butt" ( lllec>) Aober1 0. Niro. Cathy Morlerty Boxing Cflllft\CllOn Jake La Molt•'• aptitude lo• vlotenca bflnga him --In the ting but dlarupta hi• pet• eonal lftt 'R' (J)MOW * * "MeMll And How.rd" {1980) PM.II lAMa1. JMon Robafd•. Ari otl\enlflN unknown gH 11atlon •lt9ndMt c:felmt 10 ~the r1gf'tltul hair to Howwd Hughff' blttlon dollar •tat9. 'A' .MOiia • •• "The Com99thlon" (IMO) ~ Or"Yf\*, A"f'I lnllng. TM> ,...,.ti al a 8an FrendlOO ~ OOl"C*ttlooft flftd "* .,..., i0'4 tot ~ Othtr oon- lllctl wtth "'* oroMmlon al 1mb1t1ona. 'PO' (Z)MOYll ... •• ''T ... " (1t?t) .......... Kln*I. ,.., ~TiwcMuaflWfllf• poor lngllati termer .,__ the Wltlm of her taml'(• aeciftllelflt 91\0 '*own -.i1~ •. ,_. UO. (I) OHi a.y AT A ,,.. AM'a ~ MOtMr ,... tor P'fandfWI "4ill0- -and .-oi-omo r.u. • THIWOMD ~ HD. Cl) AUCll Mel'• ~' over Na rnother'• .,._ '° PllOllall • OCIOll t>oOll •• dll!'llMd wf'*'I he oi.oo-.. kt hla --oNll rec;lpe .. lndUcl-9d • WILD KJNOOOM 'The Retnarkal>le Fw• ION!" I MCHO HU HAW OuMlt Mkikey Giiiey, J°"'1 Herttoro. Cart Srntth. Jimmy Henl9y -~ THI.ATM ' The FIAIM Tt-Of T"'- ka Safari" ltn flnOa thet ne cannot reetrllin ttle iv.. lo. Letuee any torioer while on Mlarl with the Palmwa et\CI Tiiiy, (Pan I) tJ G AMERICAN PUYHOUU S..N Of Humor Who Am I Thia Time?" Chrlato- pt.., Walllen and SUMn Sarandon portrey actor• In • 11N11t town pley wt1o 1111 In IOW In a telept•y ol Kur1 Vonnegut Jr '• ac;clalrned •horl ltory 0 (C)MOVIE * * "5 FIOQere Of Oeeth" ( 1g73) Lo lien, Wang Ping A young Ch"-kung tu •tudent meet.,.. hla .,, to Dec;om. • IMdV>g expert and nattonai charnplOn 8:30 II Cl) ll1E .ianNIOH8 aeoroe •• o.termlned to oet l•rned goapel alnger AndrM C•ouch to alnO at Jeuica'1 c;hrlatenlng 8 WOALDOF 8URVIVAL IJ MEATH Of' Liff 10:00 II Cl) TIW'f>EA JOHN, M.D Doc;tor1 Mcintyre and Getea confront • •are caM ot del•ye<I puberty end 01ac;ov., that the pellent'a mottler la • me)or contrlb· utor to the problem Dm NEWS fil 8J TOOAV-S F9I An FBI egent c ... cka undllr lhe tlraln ol being under "deep cover '°' • tono period ot tlma G ERNE.8T ANGLEY II) INOEPENOEHT NETWOAI< HEWS 6D MEETING OF MINOS St.,.. Allen contlnoM hit Olecuaelon ol pc>puletlon conltol, tr.. entetpriM and aodal morality with r.Aatgaret Sanger. Manat- m• Gandhi and Adem Smith (Pert 21 {I!) MOVIE • • * "Guli1,....·1 Tre11e41" ( 1939) Animated 8ued on the 11ory by Jon11nen Swill A man la ah•pwrec;klld m lhe land ot the tmalt·alZed Ulllput1an1 (Q MOVIE * • • The Competllton" ( 1980) Ricnerd O<eyfuu. A.my Irving Two planl1t1 at a Sari FtancllCO music eompe1tt1on flnd thar their love 10< eec;l1 aJ'-c;on. tllc;ta wtth thelf pt ofeulon . al amblttona PG· 'S)MOYIE . • • ·~ "Bec;k Roaoa · (1111 ti Setty Field, Tommy l .. Jor-. A ~-and 11; down-on-hla-lucil boutt ...-t et\CI '-d -1 In Mlllc:h of a,_ Ute. 'R' 10: 111 CID MOVIE **'A "Bord«ttne" (11180) a-... Btoneon, en-.o Kltby A pOlloe offio« dla- co....,. a lmUOQllng ring operating M>ng the Mexi. can bordtr and trlea to k-.> 1nccm1ng altene lrorn beC<>mlng al•-to rulh· teu -tanop o-• 'PG' tO:SO QI Jl!MY FALWELL • JIMMY SWAOGART UMOVIE • * • * "Re•utrecllOn ( 1980) Ellen Buratyn. Sam Shepard Alter 1 ,_,. tatel IUtO eccldent, • woman llnda tnat the h•• the •bill· ty to heel other• but 19 p..- sec;ut.O bec:euae ol net refuaal to clalm • dl\/lne Influence 'PG' 11:00BD8(1)9a! NEWS D PACESETTERS D WOALD Vl8ION 63 TOP OF THE WORLD Cont•tanta from the Unit· ed Statea, Great Britain end Auatralle compete In • quiz progrmm that t•t• tri.lf axperflM In a wide vlrlety of aubtec;ta (C)MOVIE * * 'A "Portnoy'e Com- pl•lnt" ( tll72) Rlctiard Benfamln, K.,.... 8IM:k a.Md on IM novel by Ptllllp Rotn A young .W-• tah boy recount• hit onen hllarlou• and amorou• ildwntUf• 10 "'• ~··· lrlal (?)MOW * • *'-' "la Cage .Aux Follea" (111711) Ugo Tog. naul, Mlehel 9*rTeull A nlgfltc:lub owner tr1N to pr9p41re hta tr-111• io-tor a Ylal1 by Illa ton'• ttancee'a tether, the "'°'... commlulon« or Frence 'R' 11:11• CleNIW8 11::80 I POAT8 '1HAL 700CW9 AlllCN!We MOY!& * * • "The Long, Hot Summer" ( 111118) Payl NewTMrl, Joanne Wood· -rd BM9d on the nowl by w-.m Faulllner A ltranger In a emlll IOWft c:MngM ""' ..... of • pelt °' ....it"Y young pec>C>le • TAI.la 0//1 THE lM>CNOJID • IHlfAK lll'NVEW8 Aog« Ebert end Gene Sllkal,........ __ , tlllN Nt n.rty 9'MybOOy mllMCI Ille flret Um• Wound lndudlng "Fln- gere." "Oa• Of H......, .. end "'TN Oftlort Altd." {R) ~ 'AOll THI NAT10N ?.~"The~,,.,. c..-~· (1911) Alan /l••(ft, rt Ouv111. .i' .._..on ~-by l'l1 ...... .~ONG- ~ ,..... .. •• ..... ~,,.., IOr,,..... adW» ~ • nerv•·wreolllftt OIH lnYOIVlnt • llld~ -= • • 14 "Tiie Gangel., Cfv---" I~ 6J(ttl1) .._, Houri. MM 9M- Mn LuelMO end LMMt ~ 'OR a1 the ttia o.tnocrettc conv-"tlOn and MOal ...,.. 911 HH11tn111on attemot •tMOad by .. ...... br04tl9. ("' fl1M·THI~ ..... Aoc*tord tr• • young .,..,.y In the llopee .... ... ... ...,'° .... ,_. -~·000 • *"' "Th• Gano•••• Cttronki:llle'' (Pen II) ( 1M 1) MlohMI Noutt, Brian..,._ ben • UCMI **•'A "The HMl1 II A lOnety ~ .. ( lllU) ""*' A•kln. Sondra Lock• (fJ IHOWT'IMI LOOt<a AT 1N1 The ,_ ttor .... people and -I• of 1081 are fMtutecl In Ihle ~-«Id review 1 -MDIGtrr~ 12:00•TME~ COtllECTIOH Thie Ooc;;umentery chr<W- dee the poelllon of Chrte- 11-Uvlng In c;ommunjiet. controlled nation• Ar1 • Linkla1t• and Mt1 AJat!. sand• SOlltMlnllayn are IMtured tD THE OUCH08 OF OUKESTRE£T 'Poor Uttle Rlcfl Glr1" loulN and her Oeughter <:OfTle to blow9 ewer lot· tie'• ,_ cereer u • c:e~ ••t linger (Part 15)(A) Q ~~ • * • 'n "Sc;ann•••" (111111) Jennu., O'NelH. Palrlc:k Mc;Goohan A lethal c:onlllc;t arl••• bet-two amall groupa ol peC>9le wt>oN utraorOl- nuy paychic po wer• ln<:IUde the ability to kill telepalhk:elty. 'R' 12: 18 (0) MOVIE • • "Melvin And H-ard" ( 1980) Paul leMel. Jeaon Robards An otherwlae unknown ga1 atallon ettendant dalma to be IN rightful heir to HowerO HughH• bllllon dollar •tata.'R' 12-30 0 MOVIE • • "Thia •• Elvie.. (1118 11 Ooc;umentary Alm tootege IM>d OtarnatlC •...creellone ere uMC1 to tell Iha a1ory of EMe f'r-'-Y'• 11e ano c;Meer 'PG' 12:38 (%) MOVIE • * * • "Reglng Bull" ( 1980) Robert De Niro. Cethy Moriarty. Boxing champion Jake La Motta'• 1plltuda lo• vlolanca btlng• film aucceu In the ring but 01.,upta Na per· eona1 Ille 'R' 12'.46 IJ NAME Of' THE GAME Dan F .,,.. t1U8C>9C1 a that an Ag•"Q c;r1m1nat h•• escaped to eld 111 • multl- mllllon-doller robbery (S)MOVllE • * * *•A "Done Flor And Her Two Huabandl" ( 11171) Sotlla Btaga, Joee Willl• A young Btazlll11r1 woman'e boring MCond merr1ega 19 enllverled by the wrto.al of her Int huaband'a PN- elonllte ghoel 'R' 1!00 (C) MOVI£ • * '* "Which Way ta Up?" ( 11177) Rk:hMd Pryor, l orletle Mel<• A Mx- atar...d fruit pk;ker le ceughl In • comic; (;I'~ ~ hi• union and t!\41 Mob, and • hype>erttlcai p<eeche< find• heeven 1n • llldlel' choir. 'R 1:30 (I) Bl t81HE8S JOURNAL 9 A8CNEW8 1'46 (I:t) 8EX 18 A ll1REE- L.ETTER WOAD Man -on -th•·•••••• 1e1pon1e1 ano •~P••t «>Wons -u-i In Ihle documentary to -- eome ot tl'll moet-Mked qu.Uon• on the eubject of MXUaffty 2!00.., TURNA80UT 2:1118 8U8IN£88 JOURNAL @ MOVIE * * ·~ "Carny" ( 11180) Joelle FoS1er. Gary 8uMy An adventurou1 young women joina • eemlval troupe and leerna abo<rt the hidden emotion• and fruttratlone t>enlnd the IUfface hapol.._ of the performers 'R' 2:.SOQ!NEWS 2:468D NEWS (C)MOVIE •• "!5 Angere Of Oeetfl" ( 11173) lo lleh. Wang Ping. A young C'*-kung tu lludent mMt«t Illa art to become • IMdtrlv expert and netlonel c:Nmplon (S) WIDC'f WOALD Of' JONAntAH WINTEN Gueet. Joe N-lh (%)MOVIE **** "2001. A~ OdyMey" (1M8) K.-Dul- ,.. Guy Lockwood Astronauu _.t 10 llncS tt1e ....... lntellgenoe ,..,.._. ble tor • puzzllng --- monolilll ""'"' oontend with an on-.bMtd comput- er t!\411 la trying to t•• conttol of their ....-. a:oo 8 TODAY'9 ~ ·~I ::;:.ilCDll *'*"The~A~ ,..,,.. Of Joe llO" ~ .. A maglc;at Invention -blee • t-~.old boy to ~ • ..,ecllll llO'fl' for the Wortcl In~ ~.·o· .MOYll .... ._ a.y" {1M0) Clint EMtwoocl. Sondra Locke. A former .,_ Mla9men frOM ..... Jtreey ......._ Illa cir-of I*- ~ In • WtlO w..t lflow 'PO' ..l:"AQI **"' ··~ o.-·· {1M0) 11,,t lanoaet.,, Pet« o·r-.. The Eftlll'I .... . ..... ~ ........ the ~ MMft In ..... OlftMy NrioL ·..a· o6:tl(C)MCMI •••M "The CM Aird TM e-f'(ttiat)e. ..... P ... Ood!Mrd. z a a a c a a :: CCC a .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Februetr 7, 1M2 Soldier stayed behind H08pital guarded Acts as 'bridge' between Mississippi, Yellow Rivers SACRAMEN'ro (AP> -A bUI •Hl1ntn1 pri100 1uard1 lo Hupe-ridden Patton State Ho1pltal wu 1i1ned tDto law by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. JILIN, Cblna <AP> He 1peab nuent Chinese. He aeu prime cuta ol meat ~cause bell a frlend of the butcher He Joined the radlcal1 ln tbe Cultural RevoluUon and atJU recltt1 C ha irman Mao Tae·lUf\l'I quotaUom. He ll an American. He ldenUfled hlmaelt ln an interview u former Pvt. James G. Venerla of tbe U.S. Army - captured by Chinese forces In the Korean War in 1950 but opUng to remaln In China when the war ended. He now teaches Entllah at Shangdon University here in Jilin. 600 milea northeast of Peking and about 150 miles from the North Korean border. Here be is known as "Lao Wen." He aaid he was an out-of-work li11.11nra McGAVRAN ELVIN R . McGAVRAN , born on October 23, 1885 In Minneapolis, Kansas. died at his home in Newport Beach, Ca on February 2 1982. He marned Mayme E Hughes on May t. 1910 and •hey moved to Seymour. Iowa. as a new Bride &. Groom, they made the trip by horse and bu1un from Minneapolis. Kans as to Seymour, Iowa and the trip took 1 H'i days. They later lived and worked 1n the states br Oklahoma Missouri, Kansas and Iowa , making 4 states where they lived 60 years or their married lives Elvin was preceded 1n death by his wife Mayme in 1970 They were the pa rent ., of 3 daughters, Mrs llelen Lon dean (Harold 1. who passed away 1n 1979. the surviving daughter,, a rt• Mrs Dorothy Hamilton <Keith> Betty Jedn, who lived with him and c.ircd ror him ror the past years abo survived by I grand\on David Grant. and wire Judy. 1 sister Mrs Allee Agnew or Witchita, Kansas ali.o survived by ~everal niece' and nephews V1s11a11on will be held on Saturday and Sunday, February 6. 1982 and February 7. 1982 from 12 :00 noon to 9 OOPM Services will be held on Monday, Februar} 8 1982 at 2:00PM al the Pat•1f1r Vie"' Chapel with Rev Eu~c·nl' Talbot or the South C:oa:.t Chrisllan Church 0Hi<•1.it1nl( Interment will be at Pac1ric· View Memorial Park. b1.·'ide his wife IALT'l IHGHO,.. SMITH & TUTHILl WHTCLI~ CHM'El 427 E t 7tn <;1 Costa Mf'<.d 6 4f\.q37 t P'tHCl llOTHHS SMITHS' MOITUilY 627 Main St HuntinQlon a. .i• " S36-6~Jq PACIFIC VIEW MlMOllAL , AJI I( Cemeterv Mo<1uary Chaoel·Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c V1f'w D11v1• Newoori BPac.h laborer to Vaoder1rift, Pa .. when he jolned the U.S. Army to fl1bt in Korea and that hl1 famlly later moved to CaUfomJa. Lao Wen said another Amertcan captured in Korea la llvlnt in Jtlin aa well. He tdentUied him as Howard Adami. At the NaUonal Archives in Wublneton, a U .s. Army release dated Jan. 29, 1954, and entitled, "Background Material on Non-Repatriated Prisoners," llst.s amc:.ig its 21 names Pvt. James George Veneris of Hawthorne, Calif., and Cpl. Howard C. Adams of Corsicana, Texas, both World War II vet~ans who re-enlisted in the Army for duty in Korea. In many ways, Lao Wen sald, he is more grassroots Chinese than his third Chinese wife, but he added he still misses Lucky Strikes cigarettes. "I also miss pancakes with Log Cabin syrup, strawberry ice cream and banana splits," be said in the interview. Lao Wen added that he was denounced in some U .S . quarters as a traitor, defector aod turncoat for refusing repatrfa•ion after the war and given a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Army. He is being denied back pay, he claimed, for the time he spent as a prisoner of war. Duri ng China's 1966-76 Cultural Revolution, Veneris was branded as a spy for the Americans and rival Nationalist Chinese on Taiwan. he said, adding that the toilet-paper factory where he worked had to bar the gates to protect him Crom Maoist Red Guards who then were attacking foreigners in Chma. · · 1 am not a Pacifist and I don't believe in communism," said Lao Wen. He wears a faded Mao jacket now but still speaks the English of his coal-mining town in Pennsylvania. ·'I believe in friendship between people," he added. "I want to be a bridge of friendship between the Mississippi and the Yellow Rivers." Lao Wen described himself as a staunch anti-Soviet. "As long as I am in China, if the Russian bear invades us, J'U pick my gun for China," he said. He gave lhis account of events leading up to his life today : After serving in World War II, he was out of work and joined the Army again in October 1950, for the Korean War. On Nov. 28, 1950, Veneris and 23 other Americans were captured by the Chinese, two days after the 644 '2700 -NEPTUNE SOCIETY McCotlMK:IC MOITUAlllS LaQuna Beacn 494 94 15 LaQuna Hill!. 768 0933 San Juan Cao1.,1r,1no -495 '776 HAalotl UW~MT OLIVE Mor1ual'\' • CA>mPlerv Crematory 1625 Gisler AvP Co-;1a Mesd 540-5554 CREMATION a BURIAL AT SEA THE INFUTION FIQHTaa FUNERAL FOtl 1-IEOIATE HIEEOOtl FllEE MEM8ERSHI P POii TFOLIO CALL OR Wll ITE 646-7431 NEPTUNE SOQETY PLIEASIE SEND l'RE( 2400 WEST COAST HWY. POllTFO\.IO Ch lnuse thronted acrosa their border Into Korea. "That wu the tumina point ln my llle," Veneri• aatd. He 1pcnt s~ yea.n u a 9rteoner. 1tudytn1 C hlneae and readlnt Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. ''I found I Ukod the Chinese people and wanted to stay," he added. "I opposed the American propa1anda that the Chinese people were crue l and out to conquer the world. I know they love peace.'' After his release as a prisoner, Veneris moved to Jilin. an Industrial city in China's northeast. His life reads lilte contemporary Chinese history. He experienced the Communist land reform, Mao's disastrous Great Leap Forward into industrialization. He watched the frenzied overnight formation of communes and the s ubsequent "three bitter years" of famine. He, too. was hungry. Lao Wen even took part in the Cultural Revolution and joined the most radical faction. AP-.... PEKING POSE -Lao Wen . also known as Pvt. James Veneris. holds package of Chinese cigareU1es and the Luckv Strikes he says he misses • 14-day school weeks tested He rushed to Peking to join Mao's supporters at rallies denouncing then-Presidenl Liu Shao-chi as a capitalist roader. DEERFIELD. N .H. <AP> -After two Liu now has been rehabilitated months lJf four-day school weeks educators in with honors. Lao Wen shrugs this town or 2,000 say their ~xperlmental and says he does n't really scheduling program has expanded students' understand. horizons while shrinking the school's budget. The meuure, A82315 by A11embl1m.a.n Terry Go11lo, D -San Bernardloo, makea the state Correctton1 Department reepontlble for aecurlty a t the mental boitpttal, where 478 patients have eacaped In six years, 12 i n the pall three mootba. The chan1e was accompllahed earlier by administrative order. "CTITIOUI •UMNaU •AMelfATIMllMf Tiie lellewlflt "°'-' e•• f91ttt ""-'-"' l'UJl'S l'AMOVS HAM&UROIR. tHH <JotNrd, Hullllf\ttOfl ••ecll, C .. llel'flla ...... "f••ltllllro kote1111 '12 t: Hlll ,., .. 1, "-a.odl, Gelll«"'• -Tomltlo Glet'la K-1. m la•t :::S ltr .. 1, &....,. ... <ti, Celllernla Tlllt !IWlllftt 11 <Ofl&><tad tly e .. neral -1N""'P• v-iNrok~ l'tlllU .... 1111.-Orengo C-al Dally Pllot, Fall r "· 21, ti. 1"2 •tA-a When Veneris returned to Jilin "It's too early for me to say all the flaws after the rallies, other Red 3a00re out of it," said Peter Sweet, principal or the Piil.iC .rlE NOTICE OF DEATH OF G ds ted t d hi t -pupil elementary school "But we are off to uar wan O rag m ou LILLIAN MAY ANGOVE, for a "struggle session." and a very good start " l'1CT1T1ou1 •u11Nus AK A L 1 LL 1 AN MA e denounce him as a spy and The school ls one of just a few in the country NAMUTAHMUT A N G 0 v E AN D 0 F • : foreign element. It was then his trying short-week schedules, said Thomas ""~~°!.~·•nv per.o"' .,. oo1nv P E T I T I 0 N T 0 factory protected him. Shannon. executive director of the National PAC1F1c ou1o~s LTo . .., ADMINISTER ESTATE Lao Wen also attended the School Boards Association. He said the idea ~~~= 5''"1· Hun111191.,,. &eac11. NO. A112074. People's University in Peking could prove to be a wave of the future -or a Christopher o co1son, "°' T o a I I h e I r s • 8 n d stud 1 ed history and fad of dubious educational value ~:.~.:~":.=*· Mu11111191.,,. ... ,h, beneficiaries. creditor; philosophy and received a "ll is a brand new Uung, as new as the lhnu .,. e.11nu•. ,, .. , and contingent creditors of d. I B four-day week in the private sector," Shannon eroo•11urst, Mu1111ne10" &Heh, Lillian May Angove and 1p oma. ut he returned to ca111orn1a-. persons who mav be manual work as a laborer . said "They're not prevalent at all. I think New T111s t>usl.-1 " conc1uctec1 "" • otherwise Interested in the ··1 went right down to the Hampshire is breaking new ground. -·•1PM1""°"''P will and/or ""'tate·. Th De rl Id . OlrlstOClfle<' o Col-. "'"' grassroots and stayed there." he e e 1e pupils, in grades 1·8, attend "'" na•-.... 111ec1 '"'"' tht A petition has been filed said "I lived with 2,000 familJes classes Monday through Thursday for 7~ hours cou .. tv c1ert of o.-county on b v Ad a 1 v n An 9 0 v e in a factory dormitory... a day, with Fridays off. The week comes to 30 F-..arv•. ,., 1<tam Harwick in the Superior T 0 day h e 1 iv es m 0 re hours -the same as the traditional five-day Pu1111.-0ranoo eo.11 0.11., P11o1. Court of Orange County week with six-hour days Fa11 7• u .n. 19• 1* m.c r e q u e s t i n g t h a t comfortably in a dingy Shannon said he was concerned that other Adalvn Angove Harwic k three-room flat with dim-light • short-week programs could cut instruction time, ...X lll1C( be appointed as personal bulbs. cheap embroidered chairs . re p re s e n ta t i v e t 0 a n d pictures of the late someth.inghecalled "agianlstepbackward.'' ,..1CTmouuu11N11H administer the estate of Ch · M d h Deerfield's long days could tire pupils he NAMUTATlllUNT L . 11 . M airman 80 an ot er former said, and the three-day weekend could break' the bu!::.~°!.-1.,. pe''°"' ••• dol,,. 1 1 an a V Angove leaders Beneath their yellowed . . f wEooiNG HOTLINE. 1107 <under the Independent portraits hangs Lao Wen's pistol conlinwty 0 the lessons. Sylunlt• Cl•<••. F""nta1n va11o. Administration of Estates and Mao's s logan: .. Power Juditll Bush, a school board member, ca11to•n1amoe Act). The petition is set for agreed that the 7~·hour day is long, but "it Jeifr•v M. W•h•. 11u1 s.,, ..... 11. hearing in Dept. No. 3 at =~~~~ out of the barrel of a doesn't seem lo be hurting the learning process. ~;~,t Fountain v.11..,, ce111orn1• 700 Civic Center Drive. The kids and the teachers are making realJy ca•o1 Ann w.1 ... 11.w sv•v•nll• West, in the City of Santa La s t August. Lao Wen c1rc1e. Fountain V•ll•v. ce111ornl• Ana, California on March 'ed hi th' d ch· 'f good use of lhal time ... School officials came up n1oe marn s 1r mese w1 e, 'th th d t ti d Tiiis bu\llwu ,, ,0.,.,,"tec1 11., •n 3. 1982 at 9:30 a.m . Chen Xiumei, 50, a botanist at wi e 1 ea to cu lransporta on an energy 1nc11v1<1ua1 IF YOU OBJECT to the ; Shangdong University. He said bills. The savings, estimated at about $15,000 for .i.trrwvM w••n granting of the petition, he wants lo take her to the U.S. lhe year, bave preserved threatened art, sports c.!.h~:. ·~~ ~~""co':~~'•:: vou should either appear to meet his 81-vear-old mother. and music programs J ...... ,o.1t12 at the hearing and state "I love her and want to die in The project is bemg monitored by the state ,..,_ vour objections or file ,; her arms ... said Lao Wen. Board of Education, which approved the idea F.':."~'.'~1~~ Coe•t o.uy,~· writte n objections with the She is learning to cook french for a one-year trial. court before the hearing. · d ·'The teachers so far are unanimously PllUC .net Your appearance may be frie potatoes and Amencan rn person or bv your k supporting 1t," said Sweet, the principal. • pan ca es. Th 1 "'CT•Tious •u11N1tu attorney T " ere are ewer interruptions during the day NAME STATEMENT 1 F y 0 u A R E ax man so they have more time for their subjects... Tll• lollowlno persOfl Is dOlftO A . I d "ll took a little adjusting," said science ""''~~~e·s ,.ewPOllT uquo11 ~o~ti~:O,' :r~i~ ~{th: J&i e teacher Paul Yergeau "But people round AHO DELI 2'H Patlllt Coast deceased, vou must file they're planmng their time more efficiently, ;;::;,••Y ...._, e.ac1t, c.o1orn1a your claim with the court SAN FRANCISCO and it's going very s moothly ·· p,.,,. JacQuH 8•••011no H• or present it t 0 the S(AanP>JoseTtahexocwnonesrulotm~ ag The teachers come in one Friday a month ~~.~!~~:~;••<• Co••• .,. .... personal representative for workshops, Mrs Bush s aid. a nd n1. ~,,...., ,, conc1uctao 11., an appointed bV the court service was sentenced to absenteeism appears fo have dropped. 1no1v1-1.. within four months from l three years in federal Student attendance also is "better than Pierr• J ~'"° the date of first issuance. · · f f ·1 'd coru"n'i'y'..,c1~-,~ of' ~.~..,cou•.,111"., 'on"' of letters as provided in prison or a1 ing to file ever," sa1 Yergeau "It's just a better attitude. ~ • ..,.. .. ~ •federal t'ncome tax Th kn th . . l h th F 'd Fati<u•ry •,1"7. Section 700 of the Probate Offex ow ey re gorng o ave at r1 ay ,..,mtt Code of California. The 1,r eturns from 1974 to Published°'-Coe" 0.11• Piiot. time for filing claims will 1979. Harold R. Boylan, The pupils are filling their Fridays with Fat> 1• 14• 11• 11· 1.., nw> not expire prior to four '4 6' wa s 0 w n er 0 f s pecial activities o ffered by several local rnuc ~c months from the date of . Taxright Inc. groups. Mrs. Bush said ""'IK the hearing noticed above. ......------------------------.....------~ ----------YOU MAY EXAMINE ,..ICTITIOUS •USINHS the file kept bv the court . NAMll STATEMllNT . r • · Th• 1o11ow1nv ""''°"' a•• <1o1no If vou are interested in the ,. bu••nen•• estate, vou mav file a THE NEW OllOEll SPACE request with the court to DESIGNS, 1~0 Ad.ltms St,..t, Cotta . , ..... c.,,_,,. • .,.. receive special notice of crelo w J011••, 1,., Fa<Mra1, the inventorv of estate c1>11~!::·;-'~~c·,,~~~s ,...,._, assets and of the petitions, eou1nar<1. ,,_.,.,,, 8-ch. catlfofnl• a c counts and reports tMJ described in Section 1200.s-· Tiiis 11on1neu 1s '°"""""' 11., • of the California Probate -Oft'e••' "=.s"': v.i1ch Code. c;,99 w -H . Jack Hall, Attorney This st-wn Ille<! wit~ IN at Law 881 Oovtt Drive c°"nly c1e<11 o1 <><-c°""'' on Suite Ji Ne.._ .... -~•·.' -Fdlniary 4, 1.-, ' ... _. ' D10'--..n, l'1mu CA.; (714) 642-1441. Publl-Oranoo Coe>I l><Mly Piiot PulllllNO 0r.,. COesl Daily Piiot, Fat! 1 14, ti, a . 1"2 ill.., F•ll '· 1. IJ tte .it_.l PtHCl UOTHHS 18.L 119ADW A Y MOtlTUAIY 1 tO Broadwav Costa Mesa 642·9150 Suite 9 NAME . .. . .. Newport Beach, CA. 92663 g~~T ... : .. ::.: ... :: STATEMENT OF CONDITION --------- FIND YOUR NAME •· 2 TICKETS WORTH S 19 T ........... n.rt., ... 11 "L .. ff .......... JJ u.:.:z~~ 1 MAU Jl TMI ~"lHO..U CMTL I~ -.... -.. ... , .. .,. .. .__...::r.,...,.. .. TICKETS av911able at Clrcua Vat\JUI locatlona and I at all Tlcketron outleb. FOf rn<n c~rcue Information. c.11 (71 4) 821-70.0 8 Winners In Today's Classifledsl 1rs EAS't'I Find your name and address In todey·a . ~ ct•fled eectk>n. then call 642-5678 Ext. 272 ~ to ctelm ~r tickets. Winners each 11411111 ..... . dlY. eo check the ciasalfleda In the ..... rm& PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Additional spaces are now available in a newly ~ devek>ped section of Pacific Vi'w Memorial Park. Pre-need purchaaea Qualify for discounts from $90 to 114'5 per grave. Discounts on crypts are 10%. . Double interment in a single grave may be arranged from S820 including endowment care. ~ PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK " ANO MORTUARY 3500 Pacific View Drive Newf:>?t Beoch, Cclif0rnio (71'4) 644.2700 o PMirce Brott.a Company ' as of December 31, 1981 ASSITS Real ~tale Loans .......... Sl.431.358,094. Other Loans . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . 3,350,241. ReaJ ~late Owned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,412, 709. Cash. Securities and U.S. Government Obligations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,066,(¥;6. Other Assets .................. 131,666,374. Total Assets .......... : . $1,717,853,484. UAl&ll'llS AND MIT WOITH Savings Accounts ............ Sl,22Q,924,950. Advances from Federal Home lJ08n Bank ................ 154,868.,533. Other Borrowed Money . . . . . . 172,800,033. Loans in Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,470,169. Other UabWtles ... .'.......... 81,407,815. Reserves ......... 45,055,707. Surl>lus .......... .25,326,277. Total Reserves and Surplus . . . . 70,381,984. Total Liabilities and Net Worth .............. $1,717,853,43t. l I ! I J J thr .. of.th• arreed ault. GOllll 011 lllDGf Wbat 11 o:rn•r hu a balanced h1u1 and almply w~nt.1 re1pondor to evaluate , bla overall vah101 for cam•'/ Openor can aimply make a trial bid or two no trump. With a maximum. rHponder ii rr.. to bid acame either in the agreed trump auit or in no trump. av CHARI.ESH. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.-la .................. . .............. * .... .... arreement with your partner t.o tho contrary. ........ ...... . NO&TH SO VTB l + I+ '. ' I W aa Ueol•te •a.a· .... fw ., ,.. ...... r ....... I ••' .. te saa•· TIM oppHHtl clollbled ud .. , u two trklu vllloerable. U lVllM out tlaat parioer It.ct a weak opealq bid wldl a lb-card .,Me nJ&. Ho d&bmecl ~ Ide bid of thn• 1,..t.. wu pneaptJve. I maiatala.d Ua.t. aceordiq to JOV writ.lap, It MoWM HU'• VUMI ... lavfted • 1•••· PloaH back me -.r -R. Steblfelcl, Pb.Dade.I· ,.._,Pa. In nicent yaara, however • t.horo havo been tromondo1U1 atridea In b1ddlnic. Bidding theory hu dovoloped faster than any othor lacet of the game. Erpert• found that thoy really didn't need a ralae to three apadea in the sequence you give as an in· vlt.atlonal bid -there were other waya to Inquire about partner'• atrength. These methods include an inquiry about. partner's holding in a specific suit rat~er than gttneral strength. With the lncreaaed u10 of "trial bide," the rurai.e of opener'• ault wu no longer ne.ded u an Invitational bid and was freed for other pur poses. As an example of a pre emptive ralae in the se quence you give, consider: +AJuu <:i's OQlh +An Chances of your side making game are little to nothing. Your hand is riddled with losers and, barring a miracle, partner can't cover enough of them. In add1t1on, his raise has weakened your defensive prospects. If you pass two spades, the odds are that the opponents will balance -from your hand. they m1ghl even make four hearts. So you raise t.o three spades to make it more d1f· ficult for them to enter ! he auction -since their strength rallJ! to be evenly divided. youShould keep them out 1Tlal1 q•eltloD lau been awardM die weekly prize.I A.-You are both right. In the old days of contract, a reraise .by opener of his own •uit was invitational. asking partner to go on to game if he held a maximum raise. Therefore. I do not blame you for bidding four spades. since you had no specific ,Instead of rebidding his suit, if opener is Interested in game, he maJtes a "trial bid" in a new suit. That asks responder to evaluate his holding in that suit for game purposes. A high honor or a singlet.on are or greal value to opener, and if responder has such a holding he Jumps to game. Three or four low cards in the suit are the worst possible holding that responder could ha ve. so he signs orr by relurning . to COUllTIJ I WESTERN Best-selling Country-Western records of the week based on Cashbox magazine's nationwide survey: 1. "The Sweetest Thing," Juice Newton 2. "Lonely Nights," Mickey Giiiey 3. "Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good," Don Williams 4. "Blaze of Glory," Kenny Rogers 5. "Red Neckln' Love Makin' Night," Conway Twitty 6. "Only One You," T.G. Sheppard 7. "Have You Ever Been Lonely," Reeves & Cllne 8. "Watchln' the Girls Go By," Ronnie McDowell 9. "Someone Could Lose a Heart Tonfght," Eddie Rabbitt 10. "Shine," Waylon Jennings POP MUSIC Best-selling records of the week based on Cashbox magazine's nationwide survey: 1. "Centerfold," J. Geils Band 2. "I Can't Go for That," Hall & Oates 3. "Physical," Olivia Newton-John 4. "Waiting for a Girl Like You," Foreigner 5. "Harden My Heart," Quarterflash 6. "Turn Your Love Around," George Benson 7. "Let's Groove," Earth, Wind & Fire 8. "Trouble," Lindsey Buckingham 9. "Leather & Lace," Stevie Nicks 10. "Hooked on Classics," Louis Clark Simenon says • memoirs LAU S ANNE , Switzerland CAP ) - Georges Simenon rises to re-light his pipe from one of the matchboxes piled high on the mantelpiece. ''I hav e sa id everything," he says. repeating the words for added emphasis .. And it will be my last book to be published during my lifetime. There will not be another one." Al 73, the writer spoke of his recenUy·pubhshed memoirs 753 pages - the most voluminous book ever lo carry his name It was also the hardest to write since he started writing 62 years ago, he says, because he had to relive years of torment tragically climaxed by the suic id e o r his daughter. Mane Joe. in 1978 A letter he addressed lo her two years after her death marks the book's beginning and the s u1c1de note she left him e nds 1t. Packed in between 1s a tempestuous story of despair and happiness, o r love and sex, of luxury and the longing to return to what he calls "the little people'" among whom he grew up 1n his n ative Belgium ··some 50 biographies have been written about Hikers discover U.S., selves THE WALK WEST: A WALK ACROSS AM ERICA Z. By Peter & Barbar• Jenldos. Morrow. 350 Pages. $14.95. In 1973 Peter Jenkins walked from upstate New York to Louisiana. the first leg of what would bect>me a more than five-year odyssey across America In New Orleans he met and married a young seminarian, Barbara Jo PenneU, and she agreed to join him for the hike west . IOOI REVIEW It was a lot easier said than done, at least in Barbara's case. Barbara liked pretty clothes, preferred daily baths and detested snakes. Roughing it gave her new rears, callouses, blisters, aches and second thoughts. 1 Peter was convinced he could do it. But he was worried about Barbara and had been, ever sJnce her first reluctant days of trainina. There I ,I BEST SELLE IS I FICTION 1. "An Indecent Obsession," Colleen McCullough 2. "TIM Hotel New H•mpshlre," John 'Irving 3. "Cujo " Stephen King 4. "North & South " John Jakes S. "Matsquer•de,'i' Kit Wiiiiams 6. "NobM House," James Clavell 7. "No Time for T••rs," Cynthia Freeman 8. "Remembrance," Danlelle Steel 9. "Rabbit Is Rich," John Updike 10. "Spring Moon," Bette Bao Lord NON-FICTION 1. "Never-Say-Diet Book," Richard Simmons 2. "A Few MlnutH With Andy ROOMy," Andrew A. Rooney 3. "A Llgttt tn Ute Attic," Shel SI lversteln • ... "Jane "onda'1 Worlltout Book" t 5. "How To AUllt• Love To a AUn," ! Alexandra ,,.nMy 6. "Pathfinders," Gall Sheehy 7. ''WelgM WnMr'I -.S-0.y Meftu C~' 8. ,,.,.... Uni God MMe TINm All,'' James Herriot 9. "Elvh," Albert Goodman 10. "a.tty CNcller't Mk,.wav• CHll.._,, . Courtesy of Time, the WHkf'f newsm.guJM, were moments she was ready to go home to her books, to abandon Peter to his solo dream. But their love and their infinite ability to meet and befriend people as diverse as restaurant owners, ranchers. oilmen, farmers and fishermen held them an good stead. They were so sincerely eager to learn about what makes America America that they bandaged the blisters and kept on going. From the bayous of Louisiana they trekked across the deserts and prairies of the Southwest and on to the Rockies through the cattle ranches of Idaho until they were into Oregon. Joined by family and the friends they had won nationwide, the Jenkins walked the last mile to the Pacific with Peter declaring, "What an incredible country I'd found .... Lavishly illustrated, "The Walk West" 1s a vivid and honest account of how Peter and Barbara found not only America, but each other M.R.Alg Associated Preas JOE DIMAGGIO. By George De Gre1orto. Stein & Day. 2S9 P•1es. $J(.t5. The great Joe DiMaggio graced the New York Yankee out.!ield during the late 19308 and '4-0s. His elegant style, both on and off the field, made him a tremendous favorite with baseball fans everywhere. This "informal biography" follows DiMaggio Crom his youth in San Francisco through his illustrious 13-year playing career. si>ent entirely in a Yankee uniform, in which he played on 10 pennant-winners and nine world champions, and three times won his league's Most Valuable Player award. OIMaggto's first full season in pro ball was an outstanding one, and in 1936 he became • Yankee to stay. The career s tatistics he compiled are among the most impressive in baseball hiatory, but more impressive, perh•ps, are the accolades showered upon him by those who saw him play. "He was called the Yankee Clipper," author George De Greaor io writes, "equated for hls style and grace with the tall ships, their 1reat masts and booming sails clipping off miles with speed and precision ... " Here are the details ot DtMa1p>'s excltln1 S6·1ame hitting slreak, a r«0rd which may never be broken, and bis holdout.a ror salaries which today would not satt.afy a utility player of modest talent. Here, too, •re the many J.Qjuriea -to ankles and shoulders, ulcers, muscle pulls, infections and colds, bone chlpe and booe spurs -wbkh rHd Ute the index t.o a first·aid manual. Thia blo1raphy la an Informative and nostattSc Jook at the career ol one ot tho 1ame·1 brt1htest start and moat lnterutln1 penooalltJe9. , I • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sund•)'. February 7, 1882 a E fit record ends peace All performers should have George Benson's problem !1!!~Y~P8£LL Oeorae Benion ha• a problem a lot of performen would like to have. Every time be decidea to slow down and not work very much. he aet.a l&DOther bl& hlt record. That puts him tn demand for more recording right away. concert.a and other appearances and projects. Last June, be ata1ed llvt sold.out concert.a in London's Wembley Arena. "There was a aeven·week U.S. tour, w1UI six concerts at Came ale Hall," Benaon 1ay1. ··And I did a lot or bit.! and pieces, runnin1 back and lorth • lot. It was a very buay year; I didn't plan It t.o be busy. You come out with a blockbuster record and your peace will end." Benson had a big single in U180, .:'Give Me the Night," and a big slnate in 1981, 'Love All the Hurt Away," a duet with Areth• Franklin. "To get u far as we have with records and throw it all away by not louring seems ridiculous," Benson says. "If I wouldn't take adv.nt.age of a hit record, it is irresponsible. I try to keep lhines in perspective_ When things do slack up, I won't be unhappy. "But if Aretha and I m•ke a duet album, which I'm inspired to do, I can see us dolng stadium dates." Another achievement of Benson's that other performers can envy is his records' propensity for selling in more than one category. His latest single, for instance, 'Turn Your Love Around," is No. 6 and climbing on the pop best-selling chart. The Warner Brothers album It's from, "The George Benson Collection," is No. 20 and chmbmg on the pop chart, No. 9 and climbing on the rhythm n' blues chart and No. l on the Jazz chart of Jan. 16 He wins honors that way. too. In 1981, he won a Grammy for best rhythm n' blues vocal male, for "'Give Me tbe Night" And he won ~ Grammy for best rhythm 'n' blues instrumental performance for "Ofr Broadway" and a Grammy for best jazz vocal, male, for "Moody's Mood." Both "Off Broadway" and "Moody's Mood" are tracks on the "Give Me the Night" LP. His "Collection" album is being called a re· trospective instead of greatest hits. Benson bad the idea of taking musicians from some of those past tunes and playing the "Collection" in concert in New York and Los Angeles. Then, he decided he could get more mileage a possible live album -If they didn't duplicate numbers on an album just released. He says, "Earl Klugh and I recorded together on White Rabbit' i.n 1972. We did a new version o.r it . The rest of the tunes were Jazz standards basically plus some new things." RESPONDS TO FANS -Hit records keep int_errupting George Benson's plans for a quiet year. Benson was born m Pittsburgh, lives now In Hawaii and has six children. ages 2t,.1.t to 20. Growing up, he both played guitar and sang He first became known in the music world as a jazz musician. The firsl of his four albums to be certified platinum, "Breezin," is considered the all time jazz album best-seller The other three platinum Lt>s are "tn Flight," .. A Weekend in Los Angeles" and ··Give Me the Night " "You know. it ·s fun to play background, too. You 're just doing rhythm, still you have a certain freedom there. There are a lot of different ways of connecting chord changes and making harmonic passages I hke to try as many as I can " And what about the audience for jazz? A jazz combo's propensity to draw out a tune at length and for each instrumentalist to lake a long solo cuts down the audience for jazz, Benson believes ·"When people come out at night, they want to be refreshed. If you take up too much of their lime with the same thing, they get restless. They like to put a little variety in their lives. "For some segments or an audience, jazz is new. I think if it is done right, with a good reeling, they're ready for it But I don't thinx jazz would be their choice to hear in most cases " ,....-------------------------------------------------- hurt me in different languages. including quite a few by people whom I have never met," he says. ··More than 50 theses have been written about my work at universities in the Soviet Union, the United States. Japan. and other countr1es Don't you think that the author has the right to write his own before his departure?·· ··Memoirs Jnt1mes ' · <'"Intimate Memoirs"> leaves little lo 1magmallon So little, in fact. that his estranged second wife. Denise. tried in LAST WOADS - ~ovelist Georges Stmenon descri~s his memoirs. vain to have a Paris court haJt distribution of the book, he says, but obtained ·instead an injunc tion ordering deletion of a few paragraphs judged aa intruding on her privacy. The ruling came too late for the first edition of 30,000 copies already distributed. but blank spaces will show in the future what "D." "I don't like to pronounce her name" -wanted to leave unprinted. Primarily affected was a passage in a ca1111etle recording left by his dauahtcr in which she told in delall or wh•t he ducribea u an "Incestuous" experience. Simenon writes in his memoirs that thil alloted incident. of whlcb he learned only after her death, did lutlnc peycbic damaae TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS 1 Electronic detector 6 Shall--pese·a Kat• 11 GeorMtrtc llgur9 teM•WI 21 Hurriedly 22W.lnd ... lltaod 23 Montegue'• IOO 24 PMOO goddeM 25Ti- 26 Ou1 of bed 27 Chi.a' State 28 Bone: Lei. 29 Neutet pronoun 30 .. _Cid" 31 Y•, to30 Acrou 32 Four· Rom. 33 Collgulet• 35CNnt 37Codeman 39 ScYOf 4t Changee 43 Print meeaur• 44Cognlunt 4e 8r1>0t trout s low: Scot. 9 Alclllary 1 Bettte retnlnd«'I 2Dlp,aa doughnl.lta Lemon or lime "ac:ldltM"" S4 Londoner'• apertment 66 Ruan 58 Strainer .58Mlike " motion-.. ualhlp e1 OedlnOd 82T~ t,. 83 Map c:lkec- tlon 117 Pa1tel ehede 88 Minta ee~ l'lof9I 70 L8nr.a 71 Grenulat anow 72 Pllf't of HST 73 Honored 74 Briny 75 a.tor.. to KMll 711 Vlc11m· SI 77TrMtlM 78 Ck>ek• 79 Sew iOoeety 80 Sall edge S1 Twnllh S2 Pwdon SS Pullman bed et Foggy 87 Fur atatf llO Futldloua 91 Mll"ary l>lgwlga 92 N.-Yonc leland 93H-1 IM Deteriorate 95 Com>Oorat• 98 Fiiied 97 Cufrent lac:I NStorm 911 Slmllat 100 Toued 101 Beuta 102 Wlac:on81n city 104 8uc:olk: 105EvergrMn l19f'l'll 108 lbNn ct\arectet 109 Strtlte 110Account entry 111 eg, .. 112 VecatlOn d'°'°9 115 Pe>eelc .,.,.. 117~patt 118 ChoPPlng tool 119 Otltlngulltl 121 WOOtty. e.g. 122 In that place 124 FMt-wt1h r090 t27~out 12S BullneU abbr. 1~ Smallftlh 130 MO'a neigh· bOf 131 Mlled'1 eon t32 And: Lel 133 Exclamallon 13-4 Chemlcal autnx 136 Mualeal note 13e Siiiy 138 SMdeot gre.i 140 Trite 142 Spnng flower 144 J8000'1 aon 145 Prle9 lnqul- elttvety 14e Arrowroot 147 lndlgO pl en ta DOWN 1 Rogue 2 Artemll' twin 3 Y•,ln Moacow 4 Sharl> 6 Ribbed fabric e Leo bone 7NooM 8 Japaneae mite 9 ShOf1 j.ctcat 10 Know•"·llll 11 Elec110n of • type ·t2 Turbine wMela 13 "-. Y91\kM Doodle .. :· 14Wlt,__ 15 Atomlc weigh I 111 E"Of 17 Opera hlghllg1111 111 Earth g~ 19 Joined together 20 Crlllcal 3.4 Denoting origin 35 Moslem faith 3e Fonwarc:t 311 Concerning 40 RRdeC>OI 42 MaMrneet· Ing 45 Pa11 of a city '7 Aware SI 50 Attenc:tlng 51 Very bright 52 Cubed 5" Tax I r !def 55 ""The - Ape"" S&GemMK· lece 57 Land. houl· IS.etc. 58 Hob stem 59Alwaya llO Shette.-ed Inlet 111 Not bettet 112 Nab &4 Seed coating 65 Wlthoot. Let. ee -111e11ne 88Goaipy 69 Georgia fruit 70 Vlrlle 72 lmpulllw 73 Worrtee 74 Briny 78 Stldlum 77 Teut 78 Pondeted 79 Drinking boUt:St 80 Oepwt 81 Tendon 82 Blbllcel name S3 Austrell#I trtbe 84 Coconut pelm 85 Snapped 8& Travelor"t atop S7 Spoiled ehlld ae Seep et Mlmlca 91 Edge 92 .wwelry weight 93 Pivotal point 95 Act of told Ing 9e Mo.1 pietdng 97 Contelnet 911 Acidity 100 lnMr Ure 101GrNt10Y 103 A'*1 104V.,.at• 105 Dfalt 11n1ma1 toe WOOtty plaot getll.ll 10 7 Art gallertee 1 OS L.ampt'ey 110 Come from 111 ar.1he out 112 NoM'1eon t 13 Origlnel 114 Cepora t 111 Parts'ari- t 17 Teke place t18 While 120 Bobwl'llt• 123~ aymbOI 125 Aleutl.wl llland 128 Pitcher 13-4 Pllm IMf 137 Exclamatlon 139 Exlstt 14 1 Jtiwlltl month 143 CNnoee ml6e ~ hl1 ~~rit child.~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~~~~ : . ............. EXPENSIVE ANTIQUE Greg Garms stands. beside a Lincoln KB convertible in Yolo. Ill. The car, which seats seven. is red with beige leather interior. It is priced at $165.000. Buyers get old feeling Sputtering U.S. economy revs up antique car market YOLO, Ill. CA P ) The sputtering economy that has deflated new car sales across the country is pumping up the antique car market, says Greg Grams, co-owner of "the world's most expensive used car lot." He and his brother. Bill, keep an 80-car. $.1 million inventory at their Yolo Antique Auto Museum and Village, 35 miles northwest of Chicago. The Grams take classic and antique cars on consignment from collectors and investors. and sell them to others on a percentage basis. much like a real estate agent selling a home. Between Nov . 1 and m 1d .January. the brothers sold 11 cars. several for well over $100,000. Some or their listings are as high as $250,000. "It's the biggest run we've had in that short period of time for cars in that price range, and it comes in winter weather that usually turns buyers off." says Grams, 31. "Buyers are going for the big stuff, not the toys which are bought for fun. WoDian's charitable work 'Precious' ·'Mos t of the owners are businessmen strapped for cash and reluclanUy put their prime cars on the market. Other collectors know what is happening and are picking them up, some under the appr~ v a I u e When the economy improves, it will tighten up again," he says. Old cars, kept in mint condition and perhaps driven only in parades, are like jewels to their owners, who ship them in special transports to classic auto club shows throughout the country. Most of the pampered machines are pre-World War II models. NAPLES, Fla. CAP ) - Precious doesn't mind that she's ugly. Neither does anyone else, because her appearance Is only the cover for inner kindness IUld beauty. Precious shows up around this Gulf Coast city from lime lo time, whenever a charitable cause lacks volunteers to help raise money, when hospital patients need an extra dose of laughter, or when senior citizens are especially lonely. Wearing "granny " 'eyeglasses. she's easily r~g­ nized in her baggy old jeans and battered brown hat, with its brim turned up in front. She's usually carrying an old broom and. as soon as she speaks or smiles, one can't help notice she doesn't have a tooth in her head. But that's not particularly strange for a flirty lady who gives her age as 101. T.o know more about Precious, however. one has lo talk to Bettye Floyd. ll is this timid 39-year-Old who in minutes is transformed into a brazen centenarian who doesn't hesitate to solicit a kiss from any nearby man. "Precious loves people," Ms. Floyd says with a laugh, "and sbe can get away with a lot of UUngs that I could never do." Ms. Floyd explains that Precious was born more than a year ago when she was asked to help a muscular dystrophy drive at the bowling alley where she hu the food concession. "I had no idea what I was going to do. I was scared," she recalls. With no previous show buliness experience, she created Precious on that occasion. "I took out my false teeth and stood there dressed Ute an old woman with a flop bat on and holding a donations can in my bands.'' . A crowd glthered and be11ui tittering at her com I cal appearance. Instinctively, abe approached a man, puckered up and laid, "How about a kiss, honey?" . She remembers bow everyone broke out lauahlni and the man said: "l'U pay )'OU 1t I doo't ha•e to Ida you.'' "Eveqbod)' •tarted llvtnl me moaey., Pflople would band me dollal'I to olf er a kin to IODle man aad then that man would offer me twice u mueb not to kill blm. It was a lot of f\ln end bel_peid ntae mcaer for • worthy , eaute.'' 111. no,.s ..umatANI Precious WU 100 ,.an old tbat day, ••And 9"f1 . ,ear ab.e 1eta a tar older; Sbe'I 101 DOW and 1 .... reacbel JOO,•• ' aa 1Dc,reutn1 demand Grams works from a "value book" in pricing the gleaming cars, which are kept in heated .. exhibition rooms . Buyers probably will keep them a few years before trying to sell. Like vintage wine, they get better. and more valuable, with age, Grams says. "PRECIOUS" Bettye Floyd of Naples , Fla .. dresses like an old woman when a charitable cause needs volunteers. for Precious· appearance. She's never received or asked for any pay for her effort. .. Because of Ms. Floyd's efforts, thousands of dollars have been raised. She gets peoples' hearts in the right place and she affects both volunteers and those who give," says Peter deVos, the southwest Florida coordinator for muscular dystrophy. Few people cheered by Ms. Floyd's humor are aware of the pathos of her own life. Born in Louisville, Ky., and raised in Maryland, she was struck with polio as a child, but overcame most or the disease's crippling effects. As a teen-ager, her mother placed her in an orphanage to protect her from abnormal adv8J'lces made by her naturaJ father. who bas since died. Ms. Floyd's two marrla1es ended in divorce. She bas worked most of her Ute as a wallreaa to support her f1ve children includin1 her youncest -an adopted girl who ls now 12. Mrs. Floyd ll rather thin, the re$ult of a 1trln& qf aerloua illnesses some years back tbat caused her to lose her natural teelh and under10 major 1ur1ery over a dozen times. She bH been at dealh'a door on numerous occaslooa and wu lo severe pain for years. "There were Umes when I fell like simply 1topptn1 my medlcaUon and eodin1 tt all," · •b• HY•· .. And I ••• bJtter *au" llf• buo't bMD eur-But my mot.bet taucbt me Jove, r eaw her 1utr.r and do wit.bout ' for ua. FlnallY, a f"' years .,o, I rt&Uaed that II I eould help ot.ben and make people happy, tt wOWd btlnc thole thin .. into my boDM.'' "H's a buyers' market now and it's big business," says Grams. "We listed five cars, ranging from $89,000 to $135,000, as "Santa Specials' and sold three of them. ll was a shock. We never expected them to be snapped up like that." Among the five were three 100-point cars, rated perfect in grand classic car club judging. "It is very unusual for anyone in the business to have three 100-pointe.rs al the same time," says Grams. "Last summer there were only 24 'perfect cars' at Classic Car Club of America's grand national shows." Two of the Grams' 100-pointers were sold: -A 1939 Packard V-12 convertible with rumble seal: .It was the last V-12 Packard produced and one of only 16 made with a rumble seat; gun metal gray with red leather upholstry and black canvas top with red piping. Priced at just $135,000. -A 1931 16-cylinder Cadillac .Fleetwood t<¥Jring car in emerald green with gray interior, black-chrome accents and super size whitewalls. Features included twln side mirrors, twin spare Urea, double horns, triple beadll&hls, and pilot ray li&bts lb.al tum with the front wheels. Priced at $125,000. The t.blrd 100-pointer sUU for sale la a Uncoln KB convertible seating seven, 1n rlcb red with belie leather interior. Ford made only 1,800 of these 12-cylinder mdoels, reportedly 1t a ~of $25,000 each, for just two yean. 1932-1933. lt'a on sale fof' tlM,000. Two of the other "Santa SpeciaJ.s" were llst*'.l under the beadina, "Not All ot Ua Are Perfect." The one sold was a '7·Potnt slate blue U31 Packard roadate.r. It wu the la1t of ltl model to be built and only 15 are known to be ln ex.tatence. It waa listed at $12S,OOO. The other II a 1937 Packard Vlctortan eonverttble wttb custom body in delectable cream color. "It runt aUently now, but &c:.t a ball point becaUM of a •noeay• senerator at the Judaln.1." uys Grams. 3 Nurses seek el ...... San Jose RNs strike over 'comparable worth' issue SAN JOSE (AP> -Tb re la an Mrle &Ueoce ln the hallways at San JOH, Good Samaritan, O'Connol' and AJelllan Brothen bo1pltala. More than ball the beds are empty. furniture la 1tacked for cleanin1 and the bustle of nuraea. doctors. patients and visitors has vanished. Some 1,300 registered nurses, members of the CalUornia Nurses Association, are on strike for higher wages. But more t.baD that, they want pay comparable to equally trained professionals in male-dominated professiom. They aay, for example, that hospital pharmacists, mostly men, receive $31,800 a year, while full -time registered nurses, mostly women, earned $22,700 to $24,300, depending on experience. "This is an issue that goes far beyond four employers in San Jose," said Robert Brueckner, San Jo se Ho spit al administrator. "What is the comparable wort.h or different jobs? Potentiallr. it's a very signllicant question that needs to be answered by society"." The "comparable worth" concept was first tested in this city. the nation's 17th largest, last summer, when city workers, demanding sexual equality in wages, walked out . They returned to work after the city offered $1.5 million toward reducing wage disparities, as well as a lS.5 percent general pay increase worth $.1.5 million. At that time, Mayor Janet Gray Hayes hailed it as "a first giant step toward fairness in the workplace for women." A nurses' victory would be a big step toward recognition of their increasing professionalism a nd could alter their relationship with doctors and other hospital employees ·'There are about 15,000 CNA nurses under contract in hospitals around California," said CNA vice-president Or. Lorraine Hultquist. "Certainly what happens here in San Jose is being carefully watched throughout the state and probably around the country." The strike by the nurses is a bid for more money -about 37 percent more over 18 months. The hospitals are offering the nurses about 21 percent more over a three-year period. There's another issue, not spelled out in the strike demands. which bothers some nurses. .......... PICKETERS San Jose nurses walk a picket line at O'Connor Hospital in San Jose as they strike not only for higher wages but the principle of "comparable worth" pay with men of similar s kills. "Hospitals are here to give patient care and it's the nurses who give 95 percent of that care," said Florence Gallup, a registered nurse for 23 years. "Neither the doctors nor the hospital administrators fully appreciate the importance of nurses and that has to change." Mrs. Gallup said that with the increased specialization of doctors and the growth of medical knowledge, nurses have had to assume more responsibility. California nurses are required lo take 30 credits of continuing education every two yea rs to keep up with medical advances. ··As an assistant head nurse, I'm in charge or a 10-bed unit that includes critical patients." Mrs. Gallup said. "When 1 lake patients. l am responsible for them for perhaps eight hours." Wtiile many of ber responsibilities involve medical knowledge, "I do many things I shouldn't have to do," she said, "like mopping floors, changing beds, emptying laundry, movin1 equipment. running lab tests, going to the pharmacy, even cleaning toilets because there aren 't always enough housekeepers or the system i.sn'l working." Drinking may risk breast cancer Mrs. Gallup and other CNA members contend that nurses have traditionally been underpaid because they were considered part -time or secondary wage earners. Many nurses now are full -time professionals with four or five years of higher education, and nearly half provide the primary or sole support for their families. NEW YORK CAP> Women who drink may have a greater chance of getting breast cancer than those who don't drink, but it is loo soon to say whether women s hould reduce their consumption of alcohol . researchers say. A four-year study of more than 4,300 women in three countries suggested that women who drink may be 1 ~ to two limes as likely to develop the disease, which is expected to strike 112,000 American women this year and cause 37 ,000 deaths. The researchers also found some evidence to suggest that frequent drinkers had a higher risk of breast cancer than occasional drinkers and those who had given up drinking, but the evidence for this was not strong. According to the American Cancer Society. breast cancer strikes one in 11 American women some time during their lives. The Boston researchers studied 4,373 women in the United Slates, Canada and Israel over four years. A group of 1,152 women with breast cancer were asked about their drinking habits. and their ~nswers were compared with similar information obtained from women with other forms of cancer and rrom women with other diseases. When the women with breast cancer were compared to women ln the other two 1roups, catculwons showed drinkers of beer, wine or Uquor wete an estimated 1.4 to 1.9 times as likely as teetolalen to 1et breast cancer. The study -conducted by the Drug Epidemiolocy Unit of the School of Public Health at the Boston University School of Medicine -appears In The Lancet, a Brhlsb medical journal. Lynn Ro senber1. an epldemiotolllt with the Bolton Unlveralty ffOUP and one ol the authore or tbe study, empbulled the study II not conclusive. "For Mveral reuou, It ml&bl be somet.blna elM t.bat. accounts .for the •~parent lncrtaH ln rlak,.. aMi 1ald ln a ttJ9phone lntemew. "We dktn't ban lnformaUon on other dietary factors that might have accounted for ttus association, .. she said. "The paper raises the possibility of an association but certainly does not establish it.·· Heavy consumption of meat has been linked to breast cancer in other studies, the researchers noted. The group said they made allowances for some known risks for breast cancer. Those risks include a family history of breast cancer and a history of other breast disease. The researchers partially took into account the increased risk associated with high socio-economic status The study was based on interviews with patients entering the hospital. The patients were asked about their drinking habits, and separated into four groups· regular drinkers, who had a drink four or more days a week; occasional drinkers, who drank fewer than four days a week; ex-drinkers. and those who never drank. The estimate of the risk in drinking was highest for those Drinkers were an estimated 1. 4 to 1.9 times .~as likely to get breast cancer. who drank four days a week or more, the researchers said. They added, however, that the evidence for the finding wu not 1tron1. Because the ltnk between alcohol and breast cancer hu not been proved, the raeardlen said tbe study should not lead to recommendations that women alter tbeir alcohol consumptkm. The BU Drut Epldemlolop Unit la conttnulnc the preteftt study. addlnt more detailed t.nforma*° on drlnldq laabltl a.Dd com9arln1 breut cancer paUentl with a third lf'OUP - women without dlieue. In recent years. more lucrative careers have opened for women who once might have become nurses. That has helped to create the current national nursing shortage and overload existing nurses. In linking their wage demands for the first time to the controversial concept of "comparable worth," the nurses have moved beyond the usual scope of labor negotiations. Brueckner said he doesn't want to debate social issues. He just wants the nurses back at work . Together, the four hospitals are losing more than $400,000 in revenue daily. The strike began Jan. 5 at O'Connor and Good Samaritan and Jan. 16 at San Jose and Alexian Brothers. "I have sympathy for the women's issue and the need for higher salaries," Brueckner said, "but the economic impact on hospitals and the general public of their demands would be severe. It sure as heck would increase costs. "The last place I want to see the nurses is out on the streets but right now we're so far apart, I'm not at all optimistic. The comparable wort.h issue k~ps getting in the way." Hard luck hoop•ten CHAD"RON, Neb. (AP) -It's been that kind of year for the Chadron State Co llege basketball program. Tuesday night's scheduled battle with Wayne State waa delayed 45 minutes because ~ officials were late. They bad been p1cted up for speediq anc1· faned more than $100, a Chadron official said. To make matters worse. Chadron Sports Information Dirtctor Con Manball aald the person 1ln1tn1 the n1Uonal anthem before the same for1ol the wordl. And the karate expert PQtUnt on the halftime abow tried but failed to break &ix brlckl, n.at1J brealdnl two. Tb• outcome of the 1amt· w HD 't IDy bett•r. Chadroo stumbled 1D tbe tec:.d M.lt to Iott lta llfth 1ame ol lbe ...... 7145. 4 a a 5 0 a a J 5 ESQ &!I 3 ' .·~lllllf 111' The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 Among ptople looking for a r~tal, 10'1'c • read real eatate clan1/~ aiU . INDEX ....... ferWf Ho.Mtfw Wf ...... fwWf tto.H FOf' Wf I tto... FOf'Wf •.•......•••••.........•••••.............•.••• ~····················· ············~·········· •••••...•••••.•.•....•••••..••................••••.............................................•••.....•.•••..••••• • .,.,.. 1002 _,,.. 1002 ca .. ,.. 1002 t•r• 1002 .,.,.. ICMl2 •••NI 1002 .._,... 1002 ~ IOOJ ' f ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tt Ptact Y•r M. Cal 642-5678 MOUSES f 01 SAU ci-ul llall>Nhl_, tt.lfMNt fltifU~'Wk c '"'"''•"*' tt.;.,~ ,.._ .. l,hr <•·""'• .............. UTww ......... , .. \ .11 .. , ttwM1..,_ • .., Mt-.1t1 tn ... .....,_ ..... ~ ....... 11.11. ........ , ..... 1 Nit'*' \w,o ~l'i':' ...... .:.h t MAJw•ft 4 •fiNWt•••u lwoool• A ... ...., .... ~ --t...1-.,.,.. ... ,.lff --··-i..i. l£Al (SJAJ( AtfHlt> •or \.ah: Ap.11""111' lor ).;oko 8ro<~"'-"' k>1-'WI Ptupf'rh t'frrwltt\ l.ot .. t "a.it' t""'me'" .. 't''""""' f t='!"~"~":;~, ~~ t~ to br \tv\f'J ,,..,,. Pruprrh hOw...tn•I Ptot>il"' IAI• for'-"' \l•a.tt"',,.. lrtr ,.,. MOWll(a_~ .. r.N'I :!:~~':'~°' tM el 4jj(.t .. Pro., ltltft(Jllin >um~t.•o"'"' • MuJ tAltlr t.-. h•nJt ~ R ... 1 ......... " •Alf\I , IENTALS *'°""" •. \H ~.,tw.s .... H"\ l •f .. , • .._.JM.a ,....._ .. , ...... l ......._.w.m,twrft t .... ftt\11.nhl•f l ... ~ •• , .. • To..........,.. lnl °'"'1ff'' .. ~·vrn 0..WW> l•I ""'' ...... A&Jt' lafurfl Aph f11r"111 l nt """"" Room• 111..,d HOlf'h Mnlf'h C...i '"'-' '-tmmtr ltrn.litl., \•M•Rf'nhh lllf'M•l' to ~rt ~ """"' '°' lhrM ouw ... l f'ftt•1 .... ""'* '""'•' '""'''"•'"",.hi 'ilcw••t Jt .. n1.1, "'.~rd W1.., fttM•h BUSINESS, INYES T· MENT, FINANCE ~''Arn,..,.,.. ~·""• .. •nltd ht\f'\l,,..M ,.,...,-,' la'"''"'"'"•,..~' w ..... , ......... "f.lllW1 ••Mtd \llc-.111u-10, ANNOUNC£MENTS. rmmms ' lOST & FOUNO """""'"""lf'~h C.11 Pool l>t•l 'tlltr,., u ..... t l'l\IN't """ ..... ' VA. ·6H tu~ ,,.,,, SE.IYICES EMPlOYMENT & PttPHATION "~"' '"'''""''°" JM~41'Ht1I llfl~Yo .111"4 II•! MERCHANDISE ~"'~l""'""' ~··"""""' .\\lf"tk>f\ kt."'~ 8"'ktl"' w ••• , .... EQUAL HOUSIHO OPPORTUNITY ...... WTSIDE 11.AUTYI Cbarmln13 Bdrm 2 bath home In primt loutlon. Oreat rinanclne terms available on this one and. ooqualHyma Pnce $149.500 Hurry. call us for complete details . = Only five mJnutee to the BEACH from thl• up-&raded Wtstslde ramily I fiome 3 bedrooms. l'\llUc family room, and TWO brick fireplaces. Cypress ttte Uned yard IO't'e DOWM 1 ~~ 2 out.alandln1 Newport Hel&hlJ coodOI 3 BR . 21-'t ba, IJe yards & paliol 1115,000 Walklnit cbltJln~ to shopping BEST IN BLUFFS 148-7111 ~'tMoHce: 11 profeas1on a I ly All rul estat e ad landscaped. Covered OfllH SAT /SUN I 2-4 l27 OGU ST .. CM We have a beaullful selection of homes at this time. All floor plans. Good views. good financing , good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you. v er t l 5 e d i n t h i 1 brick patio. A one of a newspaper is aubJect to kind delight! See today. VIEW-VIEW Newport Beach 3 BR . 211 tMI rondo F'orma I dtning room, plus llvmg room with Clreplac.'e Large IOX28 balcony w ocean view $225.000 the Federal F11r Houa '129,lM>O Call 979 2390 Ill& Act of lNI which NEW OM MARICET ~1-5 42.2 Vista Grande, view ll'llkes it ille111 to ad· 0.-Sat/S.. 1.5 Meta V.,.. verUse "aAy preference, "Country Dlghah" S..Owplace 1982 Vista CaudaJ. with land 29'5 Quedada w/landl view 2007 Baja 3 Br, 1 leve $410,000 $325,000 limitation, or du· decor Fabulous Mstr Unique tn-level nestled 1.., crimination baaed on BdrSu1Le 3Bdr + Den on a large corner lot 4 1350,000 195.000 225,000 , race, color, reh1lon. $360,000 bedrooms . 2 baths . :~ sex. or national ori&in, lOOOCommodore Rd . NB Formal dining room. CUSTOM NEWPORT 407 Vista Grande, 4 Br .... , or an intention to make separate family room r.altlt Tar Hoa 1"" any such preference, boasts an antique JBJ(.famlly room.den. HREN 8. DOWD :: limitation. or dis -rireplace Terms are formal dln&ng room and =: rnminauon " negotiable and 0111,ner breakfast nook J 11,., will assist with (1nanci· fireplaces. French door!> ~" Ttus newspaper will not ------=--1 II\&. $187,500 Ca ll for an and 111mdo111 s thruou1 R.EALTOIS. INC. 644-0 I J4 , ... knowingly accept any msertirul.e. appointment today. Pnt't'd to sell. $395,000 ~ adverti~!n& ror real ~~MEaw~'!'100th~0WwlnN!'r: 979-ZJ!IO Agt * * * -estate WmCh IS ID VIOia· ""' '"" ... 611 5661 ~ tioooflhelaw. SfEALTHISWKND! As._.bleVA • C.Md)OllOld -· i--------•I $249,500-63 dn·OWC LOCllll 3Z7 Walnut St. ~~~~~~g• 957·<rTH With reasonable down REDUCED $20,000 You ~~~h~ ~1~~~r or A ro ttage for two Woodbr1dg1• 2 Bdrm. lo\ely corner IOI. tS', dwn. great hnant• mg Sl49,000 Warner. .il(\5.'B~ ~-· IWI ... , llW New Two-Way Neckline PRINTED !~: i--------i PATTERN ~ I Ho.es for Salt M 383 :: I....................... SllES 8 11 !~. Gfterod I 002 ,)\1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :::,,..-------~ PINIMSUUPT. j Nrluxe4 Brw/sep. fam. j rm. Formal du11ng 3 rar '"6 j garage. 3 rrpt OPEN ~:~SUN 1-S I S05 '°"'I MIRAMAR . SSSS.000 ~ 673-9060 ~ .. n ,,, .. .. Mo• DAVIDSON REALTT LOW INT. FIN. AVAii.AiLE That s right' Own this "" newly decor a led home 111 one of Costa Mesa's finest areas 4 Bdrm, 2 bath. with great terms FUU price, $129.~. Call .... _,,. .. .... .... rordetalb, '46·7171 THE REAL ESTATERS owner will consider ear EXECUTIVE IUY two free tickets ($19 001 ryll\& the balanre on thtS Cstm bit Mrsa Verde 3 value to the spacious 3 bed rQom Bdrm. ram, pool home. CIRCUS y AIGAS charmer localed near OWC at 12r, Owner t.ai1una Hilb Mall lht Mesa Verde Country transrerred, quiet eul· Feb 9. 11 <lub 2\1 baths. lovely de·sac Prest1g1ous goU City Shopping Center dirung room area and 1 course loc Pnced below Orange fa!JUl.Y room ror enter-I market at on $320.000 Feb 19. 22 GIANT latmng guests. and TWO Call Diana Cappel, agt To chum tickets. t·all EXEC. HOME painted' Beau11ru1 yard 4 " • ext 272 One of Mesa Verdt'') r1replaces Fn•s hlyl 631-1.266 6 2 •&78 Tlcltets must be claimed 1 s pro res s 1 o n a It y by Febru•ry 19. 1982 finest neighborhood:. landsraped $229 ,500 I • • * Beaut1rully derordted WJOY the cool ocean Rep u b I 1 r h ome breezes Call 979-2390 -WILL TRADE I Grar1ous entry leadi. to * CDM ST ARTER* For home or tncome pro an elegant hvmg room. Mna Woodt JUST LISTED perty, Sl.2SK equity in 3 fa mi I y room and Maaic Pn<'edforfast sale! As· br Blurrs con d o ~urmet k1trhen area Handsome f bedroom sume low mlerest 1st $1601mo ai.sumabll'. Kit<'hf'n overlooks 211 bath Mesa Woods Coiy rireplare + 7~1573 ~rgy saving pool and hoft IS atlract1vl'ly de· beautiful k1l r h e n spa 4g1antbdrms.3full roraled Charmin)? din Motivated owner ' Onlv i--------•I baliw. exl·ellent fmanr 1ng room . ramlly ~.000Call673·8SSO • STIPSTOTHE ing$289,000.Exerut1\f'~ room dl'fl. and a rozy GOLFCOUISE & ml.bl !>H MG-2313 fireplace Lot 1s ta!>teful POOL ll~ 7t~~c~:;:~re~n~a~~o 1 Y~r::nte2B~~d~~~ 2~aa~ l#f l{t_A_i~_ area Nice, quiet loca t'<lmbming sremcGreen lion Must seeo to truly STOP!! be ll splendor. w apprer1ate 1210.000 Take 11mt' 111 rl'la~ .incl eleganre 1n 1·ustom E-X•C•H•A•M•G•E Call for your showing I shop al holTlt' ll's s1m appts $189,000 Open for TRADE SWAP 979-2390 pie w111\ Dail~ P1t111 view Sat Sun 12 5 56 IKomt Is TMO.tc~ Beautifully remodeled duplex is t'omfortabl)' nestled on an oversized lot in ptttty Santa Ana Heights Area 1s unin corporated Great rental location You ran ll\'t' in one and rent the other ' I Ownt-r 1s anxious and Class1r1l'<I A1b And if Arboles, Irv 955-1120 Owners may trade 111 .i Bm t""h. C Mesd ~\t something to 1--~!lll'llllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!lll-•l Sl8.cm ""Wl> for MBZ Sell. r ail a rrirndl~ • ., C'I r..., d \' note. or low dn Uni)' ass1 loru A isnr at 1--------Sl~.lm 121 3 Bdm on 642-5678 GOIGlOUS & rtt land Slt'p!! lo beach IAY VIEW 1200.000 eqt S239.ooo Complete redecorated sub OWC 1st ror 10 yrs "Bayside Cove" 2 BR . C;tll 01ana Capl)l'I. agt den penthoust' As!>n 631 I~ Interested 1n pool. spa. pn burh m) exchange program 1Aoks' hkeo model G real I 11 f pt Ol~:i~ • ..... L 17Wl1t °'1N HOUSES 1.5 c.._eo_., ~ T.tor ,.,.._ .. cathdrol celll•91, w.d kltdwm ..... So. of Hw' locate. Fr.t •ff l Id,., SllS,ooo.a ... ..Jt 2 ,._ SJtS,000 or b11l botll for $60 ,000. 411-4 111/2 Dc:Mo.CdM . "'° LeasHokt Worriea lHM hat bff• re· ••Clhd mtd ,, flied for 25 Jn. T oto1tJ ,... ..wtd lniM Temtee l ... 3 la hotftt w/fo111lly roo"'. Sl49,500 . 1436 SertftOdtTffT'OCe Woodbridge Doaoa. 2 .. lodtcJo MOdel, ...., ~oded, tllt utry & · •lrrored wcwchbes. Good a1- tt1Mablt I st Te & owe a 211d. ery lldi•oted. s 149 ,000. 4 Metoctr ..... OwMr-Says Sell! New i.o... w / l lenls for cr-cious U•llMJ + 9t1eat qtrs & 1pa. Modlt-. la nery way. 4 ,..,., library & fCllllity na. Mow of· feffii .. $591,000. 111roppy. COLE OF NEWPORT AEAUORS tSI IL C-1 N•r c.. ......... 175.551 t TENNIS, POOL &HORSES Thl!i lavLSh estate ha~ 4 &Ir + I ac The Isl 1s 214K al 10-9.5'~ SOK un der market Call Tim Rhone, agt for showmg 631-1266or 720-1263 .. ,IJVATI llACH ACCESS ISpectacular remodel. Cameo Highlands. $295,000 L /H or $393,000 fee. $207,000 financing avail. at low interest. P&IMSUU POINT 5 minutes to beaches, 5 BR, 5 years old. $459,000. CONDO OWNll W /AHAMCI No qualifying necessary 2 BR. 2~ Ba, next door to the pool and spa . $119,500 . OME ILOC« TO OCEAN Cameo Shores, owne r will finance. $925,000 fee. Will also consider selling furn ished. 5 IDRMS, $291,000 Harbor View Homes. 5 BR Carmel expansion. Fee land, excellent financing avallable. 16 UMTS Al $40,000 per unit. Out of stale. Call for further information. II~ CAHYOH LliSI McLain 2 BR condo. $112.5 mo. GZUTACDllTA STARNES COMPANY RESIDENTIAL REAL ESl'ATE SERVICES JASllNE CREfl ~-·-' lrllsw.._. ( •ftll"ta\ 4 • 'IUO "'" ~I • (~11 .... , hH '" \oo t'\.urt•\1,1ir• C • .ti11jlf" \..I,. Ikon<" ''°"'""ht-.i •..••• , ,,..,," l.nnlOt' :::. Great fannly home tS', :~ dwn• 4 Bdr 3 Ba. !(1gan tir lot' Northwood. :~;' super terms Sl99.900 "'' ... ... Warner. allt S59 9400 wtU assist you m hnant' I' mg Pnred lo sell at $189.000 Call 979-2390 1107 S. BRlSTOL SANTAANA Tarbell, Of a lot of cash' Then call clusllled Those thing• taldng up space In yoor home. Item• yoo haven't used 1n ages, may be fust Whal eomeon8 else neeaa assumable Tr~ 20', down or6 month.5 option Greall> reduced ror mo t 1 \ a t e d b u y e r S484.000 Debbtl' Frau Macnab Irvine Reali) 642 8235 OPIHSUM 1·5 1011 laplde Co•t East MewportlHcll 91/•%LOAN a.-ed SI 00,000 SPYGLASS IYOWNER ll'here's an eas~ WJ\ for )'ou lo sell that bn·Fle \OU no lonjler u'i: Ju~l .11h t•rt1se 1l 111 I h1· I Classified• C_all 642 S6iK Elegant 2 bdrm & den. Lite & airy w/stained glass, plantation shutters, A/C. Very private end location. Owner financing. $335,000. S.. Cl.IOU McMAHM4 • \t.wlMlll'n .W1wt"'1•-.irw .Wtw'tl~'"•nt,..t \tvw1 •t l""'humrM •"wf'•'6rft 4 t'}.,11, Pf(t Paan•.111 £ ltt«•n "'•1n1 )hdH"*""" \p"ltf\Cl,nr•h "°'~ fthl lil~t •At ll•t ~~·r.ch<J U1t t "-lt"rt"i• BOATS & MARINE r. EQUIPMENT t,,.......J ffr\•h lil••"' "' tff "°"'' ... ,,,,... .... ti. • &o.1ti ...... "" ea.., Rt"I t twrt,., fto,a;h ~11 f flo-4, "•"' Out~ .. "°'" Sp."'1 ' .,. ' t "°'l' Stnun THNSPORTATION • ~:!',;!. ~•.-t4r,,1 l *«tnt ( .,, \lolNlif ..... , \touw l'u"°' Y,dn. Mot«""'"'-~ """"' "" Trt•ttf, Tr•\"I Tta.'-"n l ul1h ~ulO'-°f\tH p,,,, .. AUTOMOBILE • lrt:Mr•I 4't4ktW\ L. l•,•li " f lltHfllliVft \ d~U h " 'Pt•b lhi" w, ••• 4 Wew.1 Urt\f'~ ?• rr .. h t, ~:w., ..... I AWW. •••tf"ol AUlOS, IMPOIHD \frtM'U I ' AM•K•""'" • \vtf1 A•hn lluh\ H'<IV. .~r U1tibwt t'tft •fi .. ,., ........ J•.,:W•I Jt'll"C'ft ~-f'l'WM141fh• .... ,.t.. ..... H,·•k tk'IH ... " 'ft,K ,,.... ... ,,., ... v~~"'' l'un<lt.· kf'tt•-.JI K-..u~ Mv''' ........ ..... ~ ..... . ,~ ... . , ....... ,,.,,, •• ,~n iJ \, .. ,. AlllOS, NEW AOTOS, USED ...... .,. .... .. ,, ::> VIEW VIEW Spnng's smart extended shoulder IS softened by HE\IJOHS So give us a ;; BARGAIN! _,.. Spectacular hidden 2 ::;.: story home m beautiful ••• Mesa Verde Elegant small gathers lo C'reate a lll'!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!ll--1111!!!~ lovely (eehng or ea:1e for this simple rasual Vary the neockhne with the grace of a scarf call . . It's easy to use classified to rovered entry way, formal living room and dining, family room. :];. gourmet kitchen 4 huge ...,, bdrms . 3 baths . :i beautiful view from rear '"'" yard. Assume very high :'.!: loan. Price S239.900 Call Pnnted Pattern M383 b~ Willi of Cahfom1a comes 111 Masses S11es 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18 Size t2 cbust 341 dress takes 3 ya rds <&.S-111ch fabnc. scarf 518 yd ..,.. 546-2313 Send $2.50 for this Print- ed Pattern lo DAILY PILOT. Box S9. Old O\elsea Sta .. New York. NV. 10113 Add 50c for ~~rt• ..... ""' ~ ... , ,..., High on a hiJI in Vista. postage and specia l secluded 2 BR+ den or 3 handling. Pnnt Name. BR 2 ba. Complete with Address. Zip. Style d 1 n 1 n g. fa m i I y , Number and S11e ~~; fireplace. Even a pool & SeMational savings on ~· sea view. s120,ooo by sensational clothes are ~· owner. 714-433-5751 yours with our NEW 1982 -. -PRO MI NEN T !<), -------• D~IGNER PATTERN ~ M09UAUFYING CATALOG YousaveS.SO Lo.llt.n. fit9CIH t.o S.'iOO and more when ..... 38r, !Ba pool S104.ood" you sew• All the top .,14 4 Br 2 ":I Ba Condo names. newest easy.to· ~i.': IJJs'.900. Both xlnt sew designer looks in ~.i, nelghboriloods. Call for dres s e s . r o a ts , ~:~ details J o-An ( 714 I sportswear Plus 50c ::ti 9 6 4 I 4 6 2 o r BONUS COU PON ror ••o E D G E W A T E R any pattern of your ~~ REALTY t21JJ 434 448t choice Send SI SO for ~~~ I 111!!!!!!11!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!11!!!!1' a>Olt_37_no,. __ .,. .. ra• 'fi tJ olll _;., Wi•i ~ .. ,,..., Yl» ""' ..:,1 ..... flW •M ""' riiW '7tl AESIDEHTIAl REAL ESTATE SEllVICES MOYI W TO A DllAM Understated elegance describes WI apacJous 4 BR. + Fam. Rm . Baycrest beauty. Beveled lead ilua entry. Remodeled & enlarged kitchen w/1arden window eating area. Sparklin1 POOL and spa. Assumable ftnt & owner will carry large second. $395,000. IN NEWPORT C~NTER 644-9060 BUENA PARK get yoor tlanda on 7500 El Caney Opn Ilse some caan Sal 12 ~ 994 4097 ... .._. !II!!~~ _, .._ \e somethinit to !lell' == Class1r1ed ads do 1t ~~ ~;:::~~~~~~ RCTaylorCo 640·9900 llWPllT BEACH AREA SPYGLASS-I°"• DOWN Yes! For 100/o down you can own this lovely. 4 BR 3 BA Tradewinds Model ! Sales price reducfed to $495,000 for fast sale, excellent financing available. Immediate oc· cupancy. Try lease option. Call for more information. RCTaylorCo 640 -9900 FOREVER VIEW! OF OCIAM Ir NIGH1' U6HTS OPa. SPACH Ir PAlllS RAND NEW TOWMHOMIS Deluxe, 2 master suites, lar_ge airy rooms . Great financing. Country attnosphere in Costa Mesa. All for the loW price ol: su1,ooo 1r s1n,ooo HAL• PAT IAU. A&TS. 67J.7J~ 094 HOUSI SAT ... SUM. 1-4 ll77,ACl'IC IN Of WILSOMt rlSA WEST TMllMS WANT ,\(.'TIOJI;' l'la~!.ifl'<l Ads li42 51i7!1 f\ill Pnce $575.000 Monthly Payment $2999 SOUTHPORT MO DEL Sbr 4'1ba 4100sq rt 25 Rodega Bay Call owner 759.0737 ------- OPEN SAT /SUN 114 211 Opi, Balm Isl. NEW CLASSIC COUNTRY TUDOR Unsurpassed quality, superbly de- signed with the touch of Old World charm. Featuring solid oak floors, finest oak cabinets. vaulted beamed ceilings, river rock fireplace and extensive use of beveled leaded glass . ·Three bedTooms, including private master s uite, 3 baths, family room, formal dining room plus ex· pansive roof deck. Excellent Island location. $647,000 675-4000. OftN IN IC CANYON II Qlny .. L.- IAT I IUN 1-1 I story ~ home on golf course. 4 bdrm, family rm, beautifully designed & decorated by Canterbury Interiors. Financing available. $1,395,000. WCY IOSI IN NEWPORT CENTER To Place your "Fast Result" Service Directory ad ... Call Now 642-5678 ht. JZZ IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 675-3411 OunT.,.DIMG VALUI! Immaculate 3 Bd rm LUSK built home in Harbor View Hills. Master Bdrm suite, family room, kitchen & breakfast nook loot out on one of the loveliest yards in Corma del Mar. Lowest price in area $299,500. TOUI LUS1 VllW Hat.a IH USTILUFf! Enter thru a large enclosed front cou rt yard to this 4 Bdrm one story Plan D with separate entertainment areas for adults and children Recently remodeled family kitchen area. All this for wader ~.000. YOU OWM lHI LAND! View home in Corona Highlands! Add on potential. Large lot. Excellent financing availa ble . Call fo r appointment. $350,000. PH IN .... TBIACE! 3 Bdrm home on corner locatim with formal inving room, spacious family room and patio. Workshop in garage . Good financing. $395.000. A f11t•.,.et.W.D.a...I S.. 11'' .... c.-tfith9' e.-...... I • ... -., •• . .._...,... W. ttoa..,... Wt ....,.., hr Wt Honn For Wt .............................................. ·················~····· ••....•...•...................•..•............••••.•...............................................................••••••.••..................................... l1•rtl IOH t••rtl 1002 ., .. ,,. 1002 .... ,.. 1002 G....... 1002 Ge•r.. 1002 1002 ~ IOOJ ~ 1002 IOOJ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . ... ~ .. Offtri Hirt'•• · fixer·• 11tedln11 · tarptta. paint. llllna. ttt' New Yock owner llnow1 rondh1on. u P'rtl drUUt' Ct,1\ 4 BR 2 Bl M .. Verde home on qliet <'UI de Ht' Fixed up value about Sl34.9SO A .549·1366 41mlOOMHOMI tnO.llMtu lyrhomt warranty and owner will aulat with t1nanrlnl( lm>.000 Call t1V $370 ALLSTATE REALT S ... --- • SIOOO * • UIATI • on brand new townboroe ! Featur- lng privacy, 2 master suites & den loft overlooking living rm at $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 SB.18 DISPHATI On the water. Price slashed $10 ,000 to $214, 900. ONLY 10% DOWN & owner will finance! ! Professionally de· corated with gourmet kitchen. 556-7035 * WATBFIOHT-HOME * * PllVATE IEACH * Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring French doors, frpl. professionally de- corated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller · will carry ~% loan al 13% ! ! 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 Sll.900 DOWN Takeover $97,000 loan at 11.5"1<'. Hardwood floors , open beamed wood ceilings. A real charmer! 556-7035 * STEPS TO IUCH * I O°lo RMAHCIHG AV AIL.AILE Gorgeous 4 Br detailed home. 1· blk from ocean on FEE land only $299,000 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 * llJ,'40/o AMAMCING * Available on this brand new townhome! Featuring 2 master suites, encl~ed garage & private courtyards. only $114,950. 2670 ·San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-lSOl or 752-7373 • TURTUIOCI * Sl279 flSl MONTH .•. is all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 Br executive detached home featur· ing formal dining, family room & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San .Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-lSOl or 752-7373 IMVUTOR SPECIAL $962/month with $16.600 down. .Effective interest only 11~ ! 1 4 bdrm. 2 bath, new decor Prime rental area. 556· 7035 JASMINE CUB ••PlAH4•• Extremely popular 3 Br plan featuring magnificent decorating fplc, gourmet island kitchen . formal dining. family room & in house laundry. All this & more for only $389,000 FEE. Owner will help finance ! ~ ! 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7J73 4-PUX Prime rental area. $60,000 down & owner wiU finance at 123 Try straight note. $224,900. 963-5671 * SB.LB DESf'EllA Tl * I 21/2% FtMAHCIMG Spacious Rancho San Joaquin townhome w/PANORAMIC GOLF COURSE VIEW !! Featur- ing 2 Br & den, wet bar. f plc, etc. Price slashed for quick sale & seller will help finance. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 75~ lSOl or 752-7373 11.5% I ST T.D. Country charmer with cathedral open beam, wood ceilings, and hardwood floors. Only $12.900 down. 5.56-7035 • • PALEIMO • * HAllOI VIEW HOME ~Uy remodeled by craftsmen! Featuring French doors, wooden shutters, plank floors, used brick & 8001 & spa. FEE land w/ REAT TERMS!! 2670 San ~iguel Dr .• Newport Beach. 759-lSOl or 752. 7373 NIWPOIT llACH OFRCI 2'70S. ..... Driw C714• 119-tlOI 1714• 75J-1J7l Coletworthy & Co. 2S4S EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. &40-0020 SOMERSET MOOEL- HARBOR VIEW HOME You own the land·split level 3 Bdrm 3 Ba. lrg family rm w/frplc, formal dining, 3 car garage. Perfect family home. $298,000. Held open today 1·5. 2001 Prt. Cardiff THE PERFECT BACHELOR Privacy abounds 2 Bdrm 2 Ba, hot tub spa, nu<?ro-wave kitchen , ample use of wood, paneling & glass, 2 car garage + added workshop. Vacant, reduced to $209,000. BEST BLUFFS VALUE Lrg 4 Bdrm or 3 Br 2 Ba + pvt in-law suite or live-ins. $190 000 permanent financing at 123•<-4. this home is 18 mos. new. $298,500 mcludes the land. 21~ Vista Entrada. Wt always hint tht IMst Ust11icJa at the beat prices! ffEN SUNDAY 1-5 PM H.t.or IWgt, 4 .... a•• .. Sl.200,000 ll04 W. ~ ....•... $725,000 700 ~ , .. #22 ...•.....• $59,500 100 u. r..ti Dr # 14 ..•.•.•. SH.soo lack lay, UH ....._ .•.• $265,000 Clffflwy-. 191 I Clff Dr .•• $325,000 , ........ 2137 l. <>c.. ...... Sl31,000 r-. PoW, 209 19111 St ...... Ul9,000 .... l.a.d.117MsW •... S295,000 ,......, 124 w. a.y ...... s 1.sso.000 Per' ', 1723 ...._ dtt Sw $295,000 Udo ls, 113 Via .......... uss.ooo Udo ls, 105 Via .......... $445,000 CclM. 3024 0c .. lfyd .... S 1,350,000 lie) C.,.. 45 C-ro-1• ..•. SJS0,000 **** UDO ISLE CLASSIC ToWy r~ ..t cMconrttcl 2· dory ill the bttt MtldturaHH flcffor. 0,.. briCJM 4 bed. 4ba. with 2 .... for astart .. g ill I Mt. Stailitd 9'-• I opett ~ OW fiHa .-iow ~ dDww paf1118'. $445,000. '31-1400. LOVELY LINDA ISLE-URGE Pl cMdild br 9"••ry I Oii wcrhr with roo.a for ) both. A HIMwcaM" • .... ,, ..,. LArgt _.., .... + 4, for.If ... """ ... fca .... •"' pro- .. ...... ~'ft ..... clp pool I tpa. S I ,395,000. 63I ·1400. SUPERB VU---aWNER AMAN. Etptdlllty 1-. trf-Mnl -.0.e wHlt bta.tlht decor by decorator tlw~ • .....,.,..., I llawy ill ttiia 3 IMd. A fCM _. nit 1 ....ct diR.nn. IMt9f f...,.. + .......... l'OOlll ...... For ......................... root9 + pri•• spa. UHQUESTIOHAIU VIEW OCUM I IA YFIOHT CLOSE--UP! 0-.r wll help~ •. $975,000. LUXURY PENTHOUSE ON WATER ....... .. rill' ... of ArcWtec ..... Digltt 9ld oH.rs dt amtlc cpdty 1Yi119 tt. MJ' Ii. S,.Clom 2 bed. + dttl with .... , ............ wffll flrtploct. Inna. leodtd glals I _... occHh. loat .., ........ TWs h °"" for .... cltal i....,. $725,000. ltlREllBLE VU-ON WATER AU HEW I ._. to bt ca .. lattd 4 bed. + .. .._. °" a ...... Mtwport St. Spa I~ + t.-rooa How's tM ... to .... 'fOI' uWs. s 1,500,000. .... HIM FOR INVESTOR Perfect 3 btcl. 2 ba. M-. • lar'C)t lot. Mew csptf & .... OWMr wij .... fHa s 1I4,oo6. BALBOA ISLAND LOT + s.,., ... " 309 s ........ ,,.... lot + ,._ ... t d. ·~ed to $329,500. BAYFDT--6 BDEMS + PIEi ••• *ldtd ~ ................. ,,.. .... .,..,..:: ......... ..... lwidl ,.. .... fw two 55' , ..... . c ................... tlf*llly ... ............ " .. , ........... ... -· .. + ............ "• Mtftr ...... _...,..,,, ce&'1rHfMtll· .......... A"'JC .............. pl•• wttll • fttll•9 of 'rlucyl ll.tN.000 ........... DIE llTIMATE~ WATER ,......,... ..... loJa" ........ .... ...-,. Yltw 2 ........ Jlfa IH9ttls. ... ,...,,..... __ ,..._. NCI 1•1 1741.000. WATERFRONT HOMES. INC RCA&. £.STAlt S..."-"""'''~·~~ 673-6900 I ~I I Y '\ 1\YLOR CO. l\l 1\l.l"lll\:--. ',JJitt• l~l·lli DICOIATOl'S MASTBNCI Subdued elegance best describes this new listing. Near new 4 Bdrm & Fam Rm. Real library with brick fireplace. Spacious entry. Formal dining. Hugr fam kitchen w/abundance of counter space & island cabinet. A gourmet's delight. Bright, cheerful family room w/fireplace overlooks heated pool & spa. $625,000 including land. Qu.et Westcliff Grove in Dover Shores. 1200 IUll GUM LAME 0..... SUH 1·5 llG CAHYOH llOADMOOI ..W IXCWSIVI S750,000 Fantastic Plan 4. 4 Bedrms. Family Rm with br.ick fireplace, Formal Dining Rm . 2 'h Baths. Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors . Beautiful new cptng & window e<>verings thruout, new marble entry floor. Lovely pool & spa plus spacious play yard Elaborate electronic security system. 14 ~ n& IOA.D Of'IH SUM 1·5 BIG CANYON CUSTOM EXCrTIMG GOLF COUISI VIEW Elegance & dignity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion localed on the 8th green of golf course. Top quality craftsmanship thruoul with finest woods, abundance of imported marble. crown moldings. 612 baths, air cond., 3 wet bars + more. Luxurious mstr suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths, banquet size DR, fam rm and billiard rm. Call for appt to see or a color brochure. $2 ,150 ,00 0 including the land . Financing available. HAUOI VIEW llOADMOOI VACANT-SH AMY TIMl View of ocean. bay & Pavilion lights from ttus prestigious home with grand entry in DeJ P1so tile. 4 Br 21 2 Ba Family Room. 2 Fplcs. Community Pool & Parks. Ideal family home in a prime Corona del Mar neighborhood. Priced to sell $420,000 including the land. Owner will help finance. IHI SUIRJ .. WAY SAT/SUM 1-5 HAllOI VIEW~UGE YAID Quiet. park-like setting. 179' wide rear yard. Rm for paddle tennis and pool Great for orchard Picturesque cul de sac street. 3 Bdrms Fam Rm $379,500 Incl the land. See now 2 Story o..lt• . Gnotty ltdllctd 4 Bdrms 2 Ba in upper 2 Bdrms lower 2 Fireplaces. Some ocean view. Owner will carry T. D of $220.000 al 13'7r. tWw low prict $259,500 1. t-4lrd STIHT OPEN SUM 1.5 WISLEY M. TAROI CO .. lliLTOIS 2111 S-Joocplill H• lood HEWPOIT CanB. M.I. 644.4' I 0 Hitt: 135-2300 Tlttt Mfo: 135-2944 IMTROOUCIHG Dale Rilcon Serving t ht• Nt•" 11011 Be a r h H. r J I f. ~ t :it 11 t·ommumly for American Tttle Co. ..:! :!}j WESTCLIFF GROVE ... Open Saturday & Sooday 12 -5 lfDJ Grove Lane Best locatJOn (bay view upstairs) Large two story with many upgrades including : Hardwood floors, walk ·m bar. 2 fireplaces. glamorous tiled entry, beautiful landscaping. 3 Bedrooms, 3~ Baths . Reduced to $47 5,000 including prime land. Owwr/.,,,,,t. 645-9144 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES SELL OR TUii BAYFmNT Beautifully remodeled S BR Dover Shores bayfront. Owner will carry all financing or trade for home or income property. Take advantage of low down & low interest. Sl.350,000 FEE. See Brenda Peterson OPlt4 HOUSI SUHOAY 1-5 ll4Monll ..... IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 PIMMSULA HOMIS 21 IJ .. U*a Of'IJ SAT/SUN 1·5 Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm. 3 bath. mstr bdrm, ocean view. $425,000 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boals. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1 ,200,000 Oceanfront, jetty views . Marine rm , 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,385.000 UDO ISLE HOMES 708 VIA. LIDO MORD SAT/SUM 1·5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1 ,500,000 Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm .. beam ce1lmgs. $420.000. UMOA ISLE IA YFIOMTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 hath . playroom. cfark rm , den $1 .350,000! CARNATIOH con Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1,900,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3-1 I Roy\•d• D••••· N B bl'} 6161 ~~\~~~ LIFE IN A GARDEN GARDEN PAD VILJ.AGE. at the cor ner of Avocado and Fa1rv1ew Rd . m Costa Mesa, truly offers a multitude of rustom features within its 2 & 3 bedroom Cape Cod styll' co mmunity. Exc·ellent 30 y"r. fmanc- mg with 13' 4'; fixed rate loans available help make this develop· ment a hi ghly successful and a most pleasurable place to live. From Sl37.950 Furnished models open daily 10 ~AM to dusk. · Broker cooperation C.M. Offkt CdM Offict S4S.2U9 ~Q, 67S.2lll l( \11.J~~ lJAJJY ~~. !'JJ~~ D~ LUXURY OffUJHG OM Spyglass. Charming Southcourt model w/breathtaking 180 degree view of ocean, Catalina, Newport Harbor & coastline visible from most rooms . 5 lg BR: 41'2 BA. 3 car garage. pool & spa and much more. $1.100,000. Myrna Boom S.SI-8700 (Tl4 l PAMOIAMIC VIEW OF OCEAN Cameo Shores. sou th of PCH See sensat1onJI :.llfl\l'l:-. & -;h1mml'nn~ sails! 3 BR. fam rm + many extras. Priced to sell al $795,000 Darlene Herman 752 1414 !TIS > HAUOI llDGE 4 BR + loft Beautifull y detorated "Kensington·· w view of city lites. Loft ideal for study or den Lovely spa in entry 3 car garage, formal din mg & more ! 5m5,000 Darlene Herman 752· 1414 <Tl6) A WHOLI HlW WOILD OF LIVIMC'i Beautif uJly decorated 2 BR condo home on Balboa Peninsula. Rich carpeting. exciting wallcovermg & plantation shutters. New light fixtures & brass hardware, steam bath ~ whirlpool Secured building w/heated bayside pool & rooftop s undeck. Excellent location, boat slips & good financing. Low cash down. Assum. 1st & 2nd T.D. Seller financing. $315,000 Bill Wedmore s.s 1-8700 (Tl 7 ) IUUTlN. IUHTWOOD Assume high balance loan on this lovely Woodbridge TWNHM. Spacious 2BR+Den, 2"2BA, 2·Car garage, wet bar, private beach along w /pool & lake privileges . $202,500. Myrna Boom 551-8700. <Tl8) YllW LOTS • LAGUNA HACH· Seldom available · Three lots suitable for building in North Laguna-ocean views & desirable custom location. 21.000 sq. n. to 48,<n> sq. ft. Priced from S13S,OOO to $235,000 Terms available. Lyrme Valentine 644-6200 MIW LISTIMG WOODlllDGI COtl>O Charming "Redwood'' model · 3 BR, 2~ ba°'-'. dining area, professionally decorated in apring colors. Lg patio • air conditioned. Communitl pool, tennll courts & lake. 159,900 Fee. Donna God.sbaU 644-6200 NEWMAN TERRACE 1 IH ~~U Pl.AY I~ H'IVTASTIC HI 11' I 1''4G f01' Bf A( H OPr•N DAil Y I l 3 PM Ntw l urnry ConJOl I 2 J Bdrm> r cnn1s -Poul -Sp.l S80.000 lo $12,,000 Nt.WMA!lj H.IUlACf'.. 1715 N'1Ulll II Aff. llunfin&I041 Bftcll. Ca. 9~ ,,.,, ,,,_3933 Bkr. RCTaylorCo 640-9900 NlWPORT BEACH AREA SPY GUSS-I Oo/o DOWN Yes' For lO~'t down you can own this lovely 4 BR 3 BA Tradewinds Model 1 Sales prire reduced to $495,000 for fast sale, excellent financing available. 1 ••• !"1ediate oc · cupan<'y. Try lease option Call for more information. SPYGLASS s200.ooo UMDB M•lllT Tran.5ferred seller says submit all offers on this huge 5 BR. Fam Rm , 31 :i bath family home perfect for en- t e rt a 1 n in g Complete with breathtaking view. 2 f1repla<'es. dramatic pool & spa area and 3 car garage this vacant cttc;tom 1s now offered at less than replacement <'Ost al $595.000 Call for financing details RARE OCEAN VIEW From ttus magnificent 3 BR. f-'R, 21 2 BA Casablanca model m the Crest pha!>e of Harbor Ridge Of· fered at S625.000 with Low interest assumable financing. liSJ'RUFfS FUST This beautiful 4 BR 3 BA home has 1l all magnificent view, parquet floors . large custom designed fami- ly room. plus exceptional assuma- ble fmand ng All this could be yours for only S299.950 Call no"' for further mformation on this fabulous new hstmg SPYGUSS B.lGA.MCI From this rare Delmar model 3 BR, 2 ba with formal dr & fam room, fabulous mounta in and city light views Motivated seller will assist with finant'mg Offered at $549.000. COSTA MESA AREA .~ ~· MESA VERDE C.C. 1s Just a few blocks from th15 sharp, contemporary 3 BR with fam room & formal dtning room. &>lier bought another and must sell now A great buy at Sl75.<Xl0. BC'tter hurr~ ' SEA llUFFS Just hstC'd 3 BR. fam rm , 212 ba tastefully decoratC'd family home with Dramatic pool & spa co mplex Offered at S2'l9.tKX> LARGE FAMIL Y7 Try this 4 BR + fam11\ room with formal DR and larg(' lot Seller will help finance Offered al $210,000 HUNTINGTON HARBOUR DRAMATIC HAUOI HOME This just listed Huntington Harbor 3 BR with open floor plan vaulted ceilings. serluded pool & spa. im - peccable decor make this a home for the trul y d1scrimmatmg Of· fered at S389.500 with fmancing available HUNTINGTON BEACH AFFOIDAAI This 2 BR condo 1s located 2 ms. from the beach. Good starter home. Nu l'pls rnmm pool. garag<> Great VA lo;in lo ass um<> & own will l'atry sm<ill 2nd $1~.850 SANTA AHA AREA USS 1HAH 100/o Down on this conveniently localed 2 BR, 2 ba condo. Priced at $73.000. Better hurry ! GIEAT INVESTMENT Trl-lev·I condo nr. So Coast Plaza. Comfortable 3 BR with owner financing. Asking $122.900. VINTAGE CHAIM is everywhere in this custom 38R·2 ba e<>mplete with guest quarters near Fashion Sq Seller will finance. A great buy at $200,000 INCll PROPEITY COM-custom duplex 7 prime units Bread & butter:4 plex .. . ........................................................................................... llla.&:ilir:a:t~:k':ll~lr.s.Sl.$ ________ ....... ._.... ___________ .....,.._ __ -......__ ____ ....._.~.~--- .. • ... ··-• 0 0. c 0 ....... Wt ....,.,_Wt Mo.ethfW. ........ Wt "-"'-Wt "-"'-Wt ........ Wt ......... w. ......... w. ......... s. ······················~ ....•......•••......... •••••·············••·•• .•.....•.......•.......••....•.•.••••••••.••••••.....................••...•.......••..•............................ ••••·············•·•··· •.•.............••..•.. ~ 11•• IMJ l1•r• 1002 ....... 1002 l&Mrtl 1002 la•r_, IOOf la•rtf 100.t •••rtl 1002 .......... IOOJ Ga•r_. IOOJ lamotl lltJ • , • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ···········-··········· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ii> ~~ UYVllW BI JUSTllDtdUC~ HARIOR RIDGE DfVllJGHTfH ~o.ooor,ow1io.11 SPYGLASS MUSTUOUIDATE •• , ..... 1 •~ 8 a pntc r UCllWI + L'>..d .... 1 I I l " WITH VllW 4 IWU 2 yrl MW S192K ~ smous uuu '"'' rontracor tllctll fln~cln& makes STEAL owim •n'" .. mt ft ovty A 1uty, 3 drm t Bl. Charmin" Ntw Btdford in(Ulanclna Clt-f'1n.1olf The only way to 1et the lowest !lff'lot Separatt z Br llR· lhi,s • rttl bll,)' 3 Bdrm ~ove ID tomorrow aolar btattd pool 3 Wood b rl d ae 0 n I y With rur:ed •lllrUH 4 Amoou• OWnl'r $11200 COW'lf ' mountain vu poulbl Oil ts 11 over 11ra11 Lra low + dfn, In &rtat Co•t• Seller 1001 to Aapen :!rt':!d :1~ heB• 1· re 11411,900 Patrltk. aat BR 4 BA. pool med yard dwn bl.IY• 1 Rr condo 10 Call nm Rhone. •It ind · • next .:me in:,~ul~ ~~~~ny no~~ t~~~ ~''J:{~;~ 7~~~A 'IJJ~ Me11 area. New full Cul dt uc location. of Costa Jea:·11 n b~~~ + bcuut1ful o~n view of LI.kn am OuUtind1n1 '"it today &31 IZM or lowut price on the arua. Owner ver.; nut the hill• AttrlH'tivi: \'llllN'ofl99,900 W11rnor. 1'21>-1.313 " mortaaae rates come down, they $$7S,OOO. Rldae Showa better bl ...... 1 _, flllincmg 11l!l ~ 9400 won't be nearly as low as our sellers '7S..to60 Ulan a model. Call me •· rul pnce l.S.ooo Ol't:NSUNOAY 1 5 are willing to finance these froperllea and 1 will aet tou t• MORRO BAY CdM for right now and, It's clear hat when lllrouih th•· gnle Im .... IGHT -Lt~HT f61sooo U2 ITl4 (if ever) the rates should come down CDM 6951 Rhone. •«t 63lr1266 or I "+ bav .i;w · · enough for you, the ptices, as always, WHITE WA TEI •p•rious-! Bdrm In $67,950 INVESTORS! •IAYFIOMT• llDUCED! will ltnmediat.ely be lnnated. Think VU S RXEI npp(IS S t:utblurf! 1£1e111nt about It! TENNIS? Stepa to und, rompl<'l«' 11 formi1l dining French HIWPOIJHGTS CUSTOM ' ly brand news Ur. Call JJ ..... ·CCH'OH door11 11nd windows .~ii,,... Merrill Lynch ;,.~Realty .. ~1r:1t tune lnvei.tors or w yel'll 2 Bdrm l'ondo wllh h1q,'t' llvlnll ure.i Low 1nlt-rt:t.l loanb C:o 11 ror more deal1ls ~2313 4r boat ~hp, 11n\Jll' :o The only Lot in Cyprus mt & see it today Tim Bhlrs Ltase option. 2 br. "O"' YACAHCllS s~l'eptllll\'leWSlhruout I CAPI COD Cove San Clemente flhoot. agl 83112118 or wide greenbelt $139.SOO. F1r below market. fo'or Only $305 ,000 Call Over 3000 sq ft on 3 levels for gracious = 't'>Clui::u~!"~!~ 7»-1263 l_)kr, 6'4 0134 _ jet· up ca 11 R 1 c k 1173·~ ...... bdl.'h, lilt.• & l'ht't'f) hnme 3 luge bt'droona 'den, 2 balhs, r1replJl'\' • living and entertainment. This one ume ottered ! Farm 11t anytime '114!'1&0·7292 year old home has 4 Bdrms, family $185,000 Penniman & room, formal dining room 2 used Company. 851·1000 brick fireplaces, 3 decks, and is MOST THE REAL ESTATERS SF:l..L 1dh.• llt-rru. 1o1 1th ,1 Daily Pilot Clas:.1rn·d ~<! 6425678 THE REAL ESTATERS 11nd mul·h mort' Will trade down ' o~nt-r Agenl 673 9111 7 o r ~ 67~7060 ~79,000' •, .,, __ beautifully decorated. $450,000. IAYRONr Lr~ 4 Bdrm on main bay with dock for 45 boat plus side ties. Lease for $3500/mo or offer. IALIOA "Little House Near The Ferry" 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, dishwasher etc. Only $245,<XX>with soc;~ncing One block lo beach. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + 1 Bdrm l Ba. built-ins & fireplace in each unit. 4 car garage & owner will finance entire balance after a small down payment. $315,000. JACOBS REALTY 67S.6670 Hit Newport le.cl.. conMr lOtti c;e: GEORGE ELKINS CO #l IUE FONT A.IMEIUAU ltG CAMTOH OPIH SUH 1-5 New Listing Beautirully Up- graded Dover Unit Single Story 2 Bdrm 2 Bath + Den -Bright, Cheerful Decor Special Wall Coverings -Shows Like A Model -Owner Will Carry Financing - You Are Invited To Inspect Enter By West Gate, And Check In With Guard Price, $425,000. (5) UC~~~~ ·--........... H~wport C.....,. presents SHAIP IAUOA PIHIMSUU POINT 3 Bdrm.s, 3 baths, family room, fresh paint, papers, and carpets. I 525 E. 0ca-. HI 0,.. Sa. 1-5 MESA ~OYE llGHT IM Neat 4 Bdrm, family room. quiet street, move right in. $173,750. 2162 Toe.p. CM 0,.. S-. 1·4:JO HAID TO AND "CAJll.SSUES" Single story 3 Bdrm. Move in condition. See it today. $145,<XX>. 425 G669mt•, CM 0,.. S-. 1-5 SU.-cT CAPE C~ALIOA 2 Bdrms and large bonus room. Owner will assist right buyer. 17006 • ,.. Pt. o,a. s... 1·5 MIWPOIT llACH Wl'TH EXTIAS 3 Bdrms, 2~ batm, 5 garages or separate "granny" or in law qtrs. "°'..,., .. 0,.. s... 1-5 UMvasnY Pill PATIO HOMI 4 Bdrm, or 3 and den, country kitchen. detached home. $157 ,500. 41s..,.oleTrN,ln. O,..Sa.1·5 MISA DIL Mil-WIU AMANCIO Excellent 3 Bdnn, family room, large assumable 1st. $135,000. 2158 .,,... b,.. s. 1-5 CW. HA YIN--GllA T YllW 4 Bdrm, dining rm, pool & spa on large lot, fee land. $600,000. SUPIR IUY-SUPB PRICE Convenient 3 Bdrm, 1 ~ bath close to school and shops. $98,500. HAllOI YllW HIUS-¥1EW Spacious 4 Bdrm, family room Broad.moor Assumable financing. IA YNOMT wnH IOAT SUP Excellent financing to new owner or builder. Fee land. Call for details. JASt ••elm-ft.AM 2 2 Bdrm. 2 firepla~. nice family room, excelleot decor. $349,500. IALIOal-OWUX CotMMatCI 2 Bdrms, dining rm, country kitchen + 2 Bdrm unit. $289,500. DOm~/1ACll a Bdnns, formal dining nn. family rm, spa and fire pit. 1399~. ......alf WAmlflOMJ Vacant commercial 30' lot with room for 60' boat. $650,000. ' HOUSES FOR SALE I IEDIOOM 74 Tangerine. Orangetree. Irv 752·1123 $123.500 Sun 1·5 2137 E. Ocean, Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $338,000 Sunday 1·5 4031 N. Park Circ, Greentree. Irv 552-5884 $128,900 Sat/Sun 12·5 2 IEDIOOM 221 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, NB 67J.7:ll0 $349,500 Sat/'Sun l 4 * * 1033 Bayside Cove E. Coves, NB 644-9060 $680,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 4 Melody Ln (Wdbrg) Irv 675-5511 $149,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 2 D ... FAM IM or DEH 5 Oakgrove (Wdbrg) Irv 551-3000 $186,900 Sal/Sun l S 2 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek, CdM 644-9060 Sun 12·5 227 Via Orvieto. Lido Isle. NB 644-9060 Sun 12·5 8Whltewater, Jasmine Creek. CdM 644-9060 $33.5, 000 Sun 1 ·5 2502 Vista, Bayshores. NB 644-9060 $495,000 Fee Sun 1·4 397 Bayview Terrace. Costa Mesa 963-0767 $210,000 Sa l ·5/Su t · 30·5 19 Valley View (Trtlrck Vista) Irv 759· 1501 $278.000 Sun 12 5 552 Hamilton. Unit Al, CM 759·1501 $114.950 Sun 12 5 417 Seville, Balboa Penm. NB 675-5134 $415,000 Sunday 12 5 • • 10 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 642-8235 $.595,000 Sun 12·5 1409 Dolphin Terrace. Corona del Mar· 644~ $950.00 Fee Sun I 5 1706 Miramar. Penin Pt. NB 642-5200 $325,000 Sun I 5 175 So. A Street. Tustin 546-2313 $129. 000 l IEDIOOM Sun l 5 1911 Court St CNpt Pen) Newport Beach 675-2291. 848-3133 Sat Sun 11 ·5 1126 East Balboa Bl <Bal Pen > N pt Bch 1·524.·5~ Sl,495.000 Sat Sun l 5 110 Via Cordova. Lido Isle, NB 67J. 7:ll0 $425,000 Sal/Sun l ·4 212 Via Eboli. Lido lsle. NB 67J.7:ll0 $487,234 Sat/Sun l 4 3024 Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1 ,350,000 Sat1Sun 1·5 117 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 113 Via Ravenna. Lido Isle, NB 631· 1400 $355.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1245 Blue Gum. Newport Bch 645-9850 or 548-0581 Sat/Sun l 2·4 715 Patolita, Irv. Terr. CdM 644-9060 $360,000 Sun l ·5 1028 Van Dyke. Laguna Beach 497-1744 $399.950 Sun 1 ·5 9 Rue Grand Vallee. Big Cyn , NB 6#6200 $.595,000 Sat/Sun l 5 Woodland · Woodbridge Irvine 6#6200 $159,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 409 Columbus, Corona del Mar 67J.85.50 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1 5 425 Gloucester (Cape Series> CM 642-5200 $145,000 Sa l ·4 30/Su l ·5 13 Satinwood (Vlg 1 > Irvine 675-3411 $173,000 Sat/Sun 1 5 2147 Vista Laredo (Bluffs ) NB 534-4842 $225 ,000 Sa ti Sun 1 · 5 "90'1 Venice Court, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $165.000 Sun 1·5 5319 River, (Beach House), NB 760-0297 $235,000 Sunday 1-5 4827 Bruce Crescent, Npt Bch 631-7370 $215,000 Sun 1·4 10612 Egret Ln, Huntington Beach 96Q..2183 $1, 110,000 Sal/Sun l ·5 2716 SheU , Corona del Mar 644-6200 $695,000 Sun 1·5 2885 Regis Ln, Costa Mesa 54&-23)3 $125,000 Sun l ·4 1806' Beryl <Hbr Hinds I NB 642·5200 $175,000 Sun 1·5 1612 SandJewood, Costa Mesa 54&-2313 $127,900 Sun 1·5 •829 Sonoral Costa Mesa 546-2313 ,139,000 Sun 1·4 3225 Clay St, Npt Bch 759-12'll Sl79.000 Sun 1·4 2647 Westminster Pl, Costa Mesa 645-9429 $140,000 Sun 1·5 14 Landfall, Newport Crest. NB 673-7300 Sun 1·5 J • .... FAM RM w DIH 209 Utica, llunt Bch 536-7542 $210,000 Sat/Sun l ·4 211 Opal, Balboa Island, Npt Bch 675-4000 $647.SOO SaVSun 11·4 1515 Cumberland (Westcll(() NB 540-lUl $240,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 542Harbor 151. Dr <Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 SIS 12:30-4:30 1.298 Redlands <Back Bay) NB 631·1851 S2Se,OOO Sat/Sun 12-S 1810 Tmtin Ave. CNewport ffel1hts) CM Mt-m2 .$180,000 Sun 1·5 ( DIRECTORY • .., ... ......, *9d.., .... ,.. ........... ,.. .. hOIU ....... Al tllle lec ...... ltt.4 ~- -~ .............. ~ ........... ..._ .. ....,., OAl.Y rtLOT WANT A05. ,..,_ ........ .,.. ....... fw ... ,.., -........... -· .................. c ........ s...., -.s...,. •906 Aleppo St, Eastbluff, NB 720-0332 Sunday 1-4 2298 ~ands Dr, Back Bay, NB 631-1400 $265,000 Sunday 1·5 * 100 Glen Cir. Costa Mesa 64(}.9900 $229. 000 62 Drake's Bay . Npt Bch Sun l 5 64(}.9900 $.549,000 Sun 1 4 • 16891 Harkness. Hunt. Harbour 64(}.9900 $389 ,500 Sun l 4 12 Bethan). Turtle Rock. Irvine 551·8700 $185.<XX> Sun 1 5 • • 101 N. Bayfront, Balboa Island 642-8235 S895,000 Sun I 4 4545 Gorham, Cameo Shores · 644-6200 $795,000 Fee Sun I 5 17 Point Sur Drive, Spyglass, CdM 644-6200 $465,000 Sun 1·4:30 2858 Drake <Mesa del Marl CM 642-5200 $135.000 Sun I 5 1525 E. Ocean. Pen in Pl. NB 642·5200 $495.000 Sun 1 5 929 Helena Cr, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $149,000 601 Patolita (Irv Terr) CdM Sun 1 4 675-3411 $395,000 Sun l ·5 r+7 Hartford <Hrtg Pk l Irvine 759·1501 $141.900 Sunl-5 3 Kensington Court, Hrbr Rdge. NB 644-6200 $575.000 Sat/Sun l · 30·5 • •3711 Seashore. Newport Beach 642-8235 $820,000 SatrSun I 5 2100 E. Ocean Bl. Penin Pt. NB 644-9060 $795.000 Sun 1 4 2612 Redlands <Easts1de > CM 642·6368 $149,900 Sal Sun 1 ·5 2113 Miramar. Penin Pl. NB 675-6161 $425.000 Sat Sun 1 5 1900 Com modore Rd. Bayc~st. NB 631-1476 $360.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 1472 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $739.000 Fee Sat/Sun l ·5 1907 Tradewinds. Baycrest. NB 644-9060 Sl'lS,000 Fee Sun I 4 338 Walnut St. Costa Mesa 644·9060 $145.500 Sun I 4 4931 Hemlock . Univ Pk, Irvine 644·9060 $193.000 Fee Sun I ·4 1436 Serenade Terr. CdM 675-551 l $349,500 Sal/Sun I 5 1115 l!:.5sex Lane. Westcliff. Npt Ben 64&6789 $225,000 Sat/Sun 12 5 3013 Nestall Rd, Laguna Beach 497·3511 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2651 Crestview. NB ( Bayshores ) 644·2282 $349,500 Sun I 5 l 11 plm GUEST 2211 Waterfron(, CdM 642·8235 $569, 000 Sun 12 4 3 IEDROOM p6lll LOFT 214 Amethyst. Balboa Island 644-9060 $498,000 Sat 1-5: Sun 12-4 4 IEDROOM 1541 Ocean Blvd . Balboa Peninsula Pt 673-SZ70 $449,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 **~ W. Oceanfront, Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $725,<XX> Sat/Sun l ·4: 30 420 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 759-1221 Sunday 1-5 34lW Windsor Ct, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $26.5.000 Sun 1·5 48 Sequoia Tree (Uni v Pk) Irv 642·5200 $157 ,500 Sun 1 4 7 Shooting Star (Wdbrdg) Irv 675-3411 $197,500 Sun 1·5 118 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle. NB 644-9000 $525,<XX> Sat/Sun l ·5 4 • ... FAM RM w DIH 16231 Woodstock Lane, Huntington Beach 84&1040 $164,900 Sat/Sun 10-5 1119 Main St, Hunt Bch 536-7542 $249,000 Sat/Sun 11 ·4 222 Waterfront Dr, Corona del Mar 67$-3834 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 3202 Delaware, Mesa Verde 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun t 1·5 1020 Whltesails Way, CdM 759-12'l1 $429,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 333 Poppy, Corona del Mar 67$-5511 $598,500 Sat/Sun l ·5 2242 Heather Lane, Newport ,Beach 955-<8>9, $262.000 Sat/Sun 222'1 Arbutus (E/Bluff> NB 6'1~34ll $299,000 Sun l·S 18 Cherry Hills, Big Cyn, NB Mf-9080 $1,395,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 27~9'.~.~ ~~Jsun 1-4 23 Half Moon Hay. Spyglass Hill. CdM 760-0297 $675,000 Sat1Sun 1·5 2825 Zell Ur. Laguna Heacn 831 1196 $800.000 Sunday 1·5 19501 Aragon. Hunt Bl'h 962·8891 $149,500 Sun 1·5 •867 Pres1d10 Dr, Mesa del Mar. CM 547-<m Sl57,!l50 Sund ay l 5 31991 E. Nine Drive. Laguna Niguel 496-1505 $425,000 Open Sun 12·5 1057 Tulare (Mesa Woods > CM 979-2390 $210,000 Sun l ·5 14 Rippling Stream. Trllrk. Irv 752 t 123 $334,500 Sun l 5 35 Sycamore Creek . Trtlrk, Irv 833-9293 $365.000 Sun 1·5 301 La Jolla Dr. Npt Bch 6'75-6670 $450.000 Sun l ·5 1863 Boa Vista <Mesa Verdel CM 64(}.9900 $210,000 Sun 1·4 2933 Cassia , Npt Bch 64()..9900 $299.950 Sun 1 5 320 Vista True ha <Bluffs ) NB 640.6259 $269,500 Sun l 4 2221 Port Lerwick (HVHms) NB 640.0169 SJS0.000 Sun 1 4 ••Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle 642-823.5 $2.225.000 Sun 1·5 1209 Santiago Drive. Dover Shores. NB 642-8235 $.119.500 Sun I 5 1533 Sanltago, Dover Shores. NB 642-8235 $16.50 mo Sun 1 5 14 Morro Ba} <Spyglass > CdM 552·1714 $615.<XX> Sun t ~5 1909 Lanai <Mesa Verde l CM 963 6767 S345.000 Sun l 5 3051 Carob < E 'Bluffl NB 673-8550 $305,000 Sun. l2. 30·4 · 30 2733 Canary <Mesa Verde > CM 631 1.266 $225,000 Sun l 4 •1152 Kingston <Wimbldn Vig ) CM 645-0003 $259.850 Sun I 4 3408 Wimbldon Way CWimbldn Vig l CM 645 0.103 $255.000 Sun I 4 114 Narbonne. Harbor View . Ridge. NB 631-1400 $2,200.000 Sat ·s un 1 4 * 1033 While Sails. Corona del Mar 760-1756 $397.500 Open Sun 1 5 1200 Blue Gu , Ln. Dover Shores. NB 644·4910 $625,000 Sun I 5 14 Burning Tree Rd , Big Cyn . NB 644-4910 $750,000 Sun 1 ·5 1251 Surfline Way. Hrbr Vu. CdM 6444910 $420.000 SatlSun 1 5 1441 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. NA 548-5647 $420.000 Sal/Sun l ·4. 30 133 Vta Undme <Lido Isle ) NB 67:>-7298 $735,000 Sat Sun 1·5 25 San Tropez. Hrbr Rdge. NB 644 6200 $925.000 Sat Sun l S S IEDROOM 29:.> Carob. East Bluff, NB 642-8235 $298,000 Sun 1 5 5 Rue Fontaine. Big Cyn, NB 644·6200 $995,000 Sun 1·5 * •824 W. Bay St. Peninsula. NB 631·1400 $1,550.000 SatfSun 1 5 • •7~ Via Lido Nord . Lido Isle. NB 675-6161 Sl.500.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 IR plllS FAM RM or DEM 2824 San Juan (Mesa del Mar> CM 540-1151 $165.<XX> Sun 2·5 •7 Bodega Bay, Npt Bch 640-9900 S.S95.000 Sun 12·5 126 Via L-Orca. Lido Isle. NB 673-7:.>0 Sun 1·5 * •314 Morningstar. Dover Shores. NB 644-9060 $1.350.000 Fee Sun 1 ·5 6•~FAMIMotOIM 25 Bodega Bay, Spyglass Hill, NB ·7~0737 $575.<XX> Sat/Sun 12·5. 30 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACHaot • 100 Scholz Plaza #~, Versailles 673-7~ $9'1,000 Sat/Sun t 4 l ... OOM 7715 Newman Ave, Huntington Bcb 8'7-8933 SM.MO Sat/Sun 11·5 2 IB>IOOM •300 Cagney Ln Pcnthse 17, Ven.a11les 673-7~ $132,000 Sun l 4 •300Cagney Ln #101. Versailles 673· 7~ $127 ,000 Sun l 4 •2067 Vista Del Oro <Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sun l ·5 1030 Bayside Coves. Npt Och 642•8235 $325.000 Sun 1 ·5 2336 Elden Ave, Costa Mes<i 551-4579 $1 17.500 Open Sun 1·4 7715 Newman A Vt'. llunlrnglon Beac:h 847-8933 St 10,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 2277 Pacific Ave. Costa Mesa 673 7:rxl $189.000 Sat 'Sun l ·4 2277 Pactftc Ave. CO!>ta Mesa 67J..7:ll0 $137,000 Sat/Sun I 4 411' 2 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1 5 Z II plus DIH 45 Canyon Island Dr. Big Canyon. NB 631-1400 S350,000 Sat Sun 1 5 •501 St. Andrews. Nwpt Hghts. NB 67J.7:ll0 $162,500 Sat!Sun 1·4 209-19th St. Peninsula. NB 631· 1400 $319.000 Sal Sun 12·4 •2 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek . CdM 644.9060 l IEDROOM Sun 12·5 7715 Newman J\ve. Huntmgton Beach 847·8933 $124,000 S<tl/ Sun 11-5 56 Timber Run. Irvine 551-8700 $127.900 Sun I ·5 2324 Vista flogar <Bluffs 1 NB 073·8550 $179.500 Sun 12 4 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-551 l S335.000 Sat Sun l 5 862 Bear Crt'ek, Costa Mesa 675-3411 Sl34,950 Sat 'Sun I ·5 3 II plus D&t 225 Bordeaux < f:as~1de 1 CM 645-0303 Sl29.500 Sun 1·4 4 IA plin DEH or FAM RM • ::34 Rustling Wind l Trtl rk) Irv 759-9100 $324.500 Sun 14! 30·4 30 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM Avocado & Fa1rv1ew. C'osta Mesa 548-2239 $134.950 Sat Sun 11 am 2 IR plus DIH #3 Hue Fontainebleau I Bg Cyn l NB 759-9HX> $425.000 Sun 1-5 3 IEDROOM A voe ado & Fatr\'lew. Costa Mesa 548-2239 Sl54.950 Sat Sun 11 am 904 Lombard. Costa Mesa 64&7434 Sl54.500 Sat Sun 12·4 8 Varuna Court. Newport Crest. NB 673-7:.>0 Sun 1 ·5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 IEDIOOM •700 Lido Park Dr #22. Lido Pen!n, NB 631-1400 $.59,500 Sunday i .5 •700 Lido Park Dr #14. Lido Penin. NB I 6.11 1400 $56.500 Sunday 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 • 2 IEDIOOM 209 42nd St. Newport Pemn 642-1355 $350,000 Su"day 1 5 1911 Cliff Dr Newport Hei~hts. NB 631-1400 $32.5,000 Sunday 1 5 3206 W. Ba lboa Bl"d . NB 675-2373 Sun 1 4 2001 Kings Road. Newport Heights. NB 631 1400 $415,000 Sal/Sun I s 3 ll .... 2 II 516 Marf{u{\rila. Corona del Mar 675-3411 $398,500 Sun l·S 604·604'~ Heliotrope, CdM 752-1920 $265.000 Sul/Sun I S 4 ll .... 2 II 11 l 43rd Street. Newport Bearh 644-4910 S2S9.500 Sun l ·S • Pool •• Pool • • • Waterfront & Pool ' ' .. i ...... ~~······~~!.~.5:'!: ........ ~.~~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~.':":..5:'!1! ..•..•.• ~:.':':'..':'!: ........ ,~."::..":'!: ......... ~:.':':'..":'!:. ....•.. ~.':":.~ ....... ~'!:':..~ ....... . tf1 ,.. 100 •••r.t 10 ..... ....., . 1006 C:.... .. M.. 1022 CottoMno 1024 CotteMtto 1014 ......... 1tec8' 1040 .,..,... 1044 LllJ!Mltocll 104' &.ogiiM•och 104' ................................................................... ····••···•············· ................................• , .........•........•.•.••.••••.•..•.....•..................•.......•.•..••.........•.•................... ,. IAMl UPO -tl% w-.u.. story, 4 bdrms, corner lot, 20% down, bank ofrers 13% new loan (o r 30 ears. This home needs some TLC and save$$$! Call for details, other terms vallable. New listing! tlST VA.LUI '" li>ICW•()flT Hfft' ..... TS . • .•• nc.t.. .. u ••.• u. ~ ba.h. ·ommurutr pool. Close to everything. Owner wil lease optfon. $162,500 OCIAMVllW 12% interest! Assumable loan. The most beautiful view awaits you in this 3 bdrm retreat. Decorated in the fm~ Priced at $Z70,000. '91FTSHOP 2 lots in Cannery Village. Going business, owners retiring. Owner will carry lst T. D. Can be purchased with or without inventory. TU.IV&IOOL Lovely 4 bdrm, 3 bath & family room. San Lorenz.o Model in Mission Viejo with split-level yard. Walk to school. $190,000. OCEAN VIEW UASI Furnished 2 bdrm, 2 bath. Move in condition. Yearly lease. Overlooking pool area. Great. amenities. Security building. LOWEST NJCED UDO ISU Channing 2 Bdrm 2 Bath on qu iet end or island. $287 ,000 OCIAM=IOMT REDUCED Sl5,000 Peninsula 2 Bdrm on large lot. Owners will finance. $450,000 NMHSUU DUPUX Cute 2 Bdrm furnis hed units ·~ block to beach. $220.000 OCIAM VIEW DUfUX 4 Bdnn & 2 Bdrm. 100' to beach. Owners will help finance. $240,000 PIOPllTY MAMAGEMEMT SPECIALISTS OPB4 HOUSE Newport Crest. Large 3 Bdrm 3 Ba end unit. $219.000 or $890 Mo. Open Sat. 1-5 201 Colu mbia 675-4630 BURR WHITE REALTOR , Inc. • "'· i ".l ('wport 81~0 Ne wport Beact- Phone 171·,1675 ..\630 1-L\JtB< >H RE.\ LT'\' 100/oDOWM The Bluffs. Spacious 4 bdrm. "C" Plan overlookmg the pool. Only \Or:'~ down with a 121h% fixed rate 30 year trust deed! A super value at $299.500 L.H. Pooular noor plan with one of the bdrms separate from the rest of the house. LEASE Ol IUY The perfect bachelor pad! On the Peninsula with a view of the bay. Full security ba,Yfront building with pool and boat slip available. 1 bdrm condo for rent at $1200 per mo. or sell at $299,500. Try a lease option. DESar HOME Terrific value in this custom built desert home in beautifu l Lake Havasu. 3 bdrms .. 3 baths, large gourmet kitchen, family rm. and pool. Super location overlooks the golf course. Just $160,000 and owner will finance. HOISIY7 An incredible site to bui ld the ultimate horse ranch -estate. 5.5 acres in beautiful San Juan Caf>istrano with a spectacular view. Private and secluded yet only minutes from town . $695,000 owner will fmance or may even exchange. WI# LOT OfJ) COIOMA DIL MAI Btt you didn't think there was one! ,We¥1_ we have not just one but 4 conuguous lots with bay and ocean views in Old Corona del Mar. You can buy 1 or all 4. $595,000 each with attractive term!. Dc<Cf part of monUlly SS.000. DOWN PERFECT FOR MESA YllDE OPEH SUND A y 2 S:tMV El i·n paymul on Balboa IYOWNll SGLS For ~lollt! by OWnl't A~ Shllrp45BrGlrnm111 on • '"''1 e • ce taland property Low ,,...., Tffntce Nearly new rondo haa sume VA 167.000 at 10', rul des11c. HV 1u·1·t1u Lo O.! Lo ·ymt! downor tradt 2 Odr. + Conv den. 1.-.. micro Wl\'f. trplc, 2 2bdtm Men Verde con lrg assuma bit Nu $8f,tOO lil .... 1ty, llttr. Bit, mdr lot. pool/ apa, awtr 1111tes. dbl ear & do. Pl.OOO 751 2.180 ~~llllrying !l&Z 81191 Shlmml'rlnj( 110111 & '75-2166 unme occup. nUUmt muc:h roore St-lier will 4BR, 2 BA fplc, ui.ed brk .... -Cl~llll! :.pM sunound' •!11!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11-~~~I riust tlnanc, 1274.000 "alp rinanr" ~ith lo~ $225,000 16th Pl & tu 2 to 1 1 J owe 9M-007 '"" ., " " HACIENDA I ~ I rye t'IPIJ\ pnc I' _!_ down paym~nl~ f-'ull Tustlll,6313374bkrrnop . of ownership 1(11rdl'n prict! Sll4,900. Call Anoe OH THE HACH , ilia Profess10n11lly di! IY OWNER Mt;Ca.etand, •ll 631·1266 $5000 DOWH $115,500 curlllted with warm for under$17S,OOO? straight note 3 Br wiup p11vatl' rnmmu1111y Dreamy muster i.u1tl' ITISPOSSIBLF.1 , 1 I Pool und !t"J :.11unu, & 111th l'xlra h1deawJ• 2 master BR. 2i., ba dm pmx 3 Ill' on qu1e cu .. , dl' ~11 l'. r a nyun vu, gym 1'\I be a C' h + l'ltllltl ~pal·e and l') I' VICTOllA IUCH Breakfast with the breakers 1 Wh ite water view from large deck. Bachelor perfect beach home with firep lace. Take over existing loan + owner will help finance. Only $179,000. Call Gale Mahon (714) 831·6500 MOPOIHTS As-W.l._ Steps to !Uy, 3 Br, 2 Ba. ntwly r ·roodell'<I, xlnt long ' 'll financing. Ownc1 L.oker, Call Ed M1ppman for 11ppt ~3-01118 Uve m C.Orona del Mur --oice DRtt l~ J VA aoumllble OW<.' Drarn11ti<• hideawuy 111 eurth tunes thru out ln1t-den condo 2 fpk'i., 2 __ , SlZl.!W Ownrs42 7ti71 t'Ofkta1I pat1<Ho overlook operun.i m1m1r~ pall~. dbl g11r Pool, Ulg poundllll( :.url Bl':.t "-'you hke 11 lort lur au •!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jacuzz1, tennts 640 24!14 --------• 5br "Maru.ion" OllMr' yet usume 1011 mtrr('Sl added bl'd room or Chanmng Custom Bwll Home 2 Story 48R, J•,eA Breakfast rm. frpk. Many Xtra~ Open Sal/Silo l·S Wkdy Appl 2'22 Coral Owner Al(t 615-Gl21 Troclt!OMI MESA VEIDE STEAL THIS WKND' 3 bd 2 b h r I dbl ... ti.r·"" Ii'. dn owe loans <.:all 714 847 6100 quieter mo~nh h"' STOP THE WOllD rm, al • rp r. .. ,.,.,. Realty World lleal'lbldt' <·umm.i nd1ng 1 w11o lo tlt:rt>'§ a plat•e to grt oH' THIHAJICHIAY 3bdrm 3ba, ram rm. rompletely remodeled iiuden k11rhl'n, :.per tarular ocnn v11•11, bet· gated, walk to ht>a1·h At traC(IVl' r1naOC'llll! <714 )499 5663 Isl llmr orrered I Ex q.-s1te • br, 3~" ba Some Bay View. ~.000 earage. A I rond Noquulif)inl' !1~1 un4 I ._.DO"-'IU\ open sta1rra)t' & rntt•r LocJted JUSI A SHORT $134,500 Owner will Ji. L"'"'"'"'OnlO""' A A" "s;v 1.unersl1~ rm ll.mt111 \';Tf!OLL f'HOM THI'.: SISl in financm.: ~~s; " 2 STORY + I RoyMcCGrdle, Rltr. 2-4-5-IDRM poo fuul :il $119,900 Sr ... 11 u~:ACll. }ou'll follow FIO $4000 $87,500 11}1111 allu11' as~u111µl1on tht: nal(blone µath jllilSl a 541·7729 M lmrrwdi11te posmswn' of HIGH llALANCt: p1tket frnre lo t he re· 675<J834 talaooP..i.wlo I 007 o,.. Sat1s .... 1.5 Spyglass tlill w/great Qeean vu. upgraded & gd financing 23 Half Moon Bay. Bruce & V1ck1e Blomgren. S56·6516 ftt:nt till your~ Hut• It IU' >: 1n1 raH• 101111 l'l'nlly renovated OLDE AU THIS IM Is I A I g 2 l> l u r y rm In) pay~ all D6n'l LAGUNA CllMtM EH fl&ftHSULA POINT IYOWMU PRICE REDUCED Bnn& $$' Nice 3 Bdr. fam rm. home. Qwet st Reduced to SI 15.500 MESA VERDE townhouse with furmu I ml!ll> this one. Call fJ~t ' l 'nique 3 bdrm floor hvmg. gourmet k1ll'hen. CF:NTURY ZI plan serv1red by 2 bath.' A steal' Sparkhni: 3 bd. 2 ba condo. frpl. bt!am ce1l . patio. el l(arJge. pool l'lubhouse ()"' nl'r earl) loan $15!1 000 Pei: ~~or $l24,SOO l,ivmg rm t'U('kla1l palm and lari:e 1WALI\ IN REAi.TY 1 feature:. OCEAN VU :x~~l 1~1~~ifh!'n 1 ~1~ master swte l.011 1lown 857-2121 M~'Tll SUIT!': 11o frpk . 2STORYHOUSE 4 bdrm, 212 ba, 2 frplc I HOUSE FROM SANO Sundttk ·Ocean view Good rroper&1 760..~2'! -CAPE COD Bdrm l '• RJ pa) ~nl no 11u11hh 1111( 1---------1 form dine rm . l'ountry AK_ent 556 6516 If U R R \ l' ,, I I ~l>ll• l11trhe11 11 all lhl' Allen Rltr 494 7~711 OPN HSE l·S 604 604°, Heliotrope 3 +3 Duplex 751 1920 ajl STYLE Like nu 3 Bdr. fan. rm. lrg pool Submit on ll'ase option Pnce redur1:d lo $179,900 Choire Mesa Verde l0<·a11on 714 96370111 SALE BY OWNER rrodem con,enienc·es & BY OWNER Wimbledon Really World flt>J1h)11fr 2 br ··st ,fro rd . 10 <.' 0 Z \ LIV RM Fant.i)llC bu) ' North end 3 bd :I ho lge II\ frpl. brkfbl Jrl'a ~ l(Ul'l>l qWlrter.. ~ dlk lo bt.>ath Assume luJn Ownrr hl'lp Cinanrr S27!1.SOO Pe_gAllen Rltr 494 7~1H Low assum 10', Isl ATS1SO IMQ Owner frnanrmg a va1t REDUCED $50,000 ASKING $425.000 OPEN SAT /SUM 11·5 lS41 OCEAN BLVD 573.52711 \'1ll<1~l' A\i.uma ble ~ w flLDL' L'ASJI LUC. I '--O (',r0 enlre0 .~1 JO) U" r. r c1 Sl22IOO JI 12 '•'· C rY.-I 44 ' ' ,.. BUHNING FRPLC: Ylew/Har/Ouon Solar f>ool Spa, rnn . $397,SOO Same Agt 760-1756 Cl~ tu pool Jntl tl·nnl\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• graded features I.or un You'll al~o find ex 2 !Jr 2bJ. ah 111111 ;n11t ""'-'LY $4400 O"'-' ('UI de llat· St'llmg lur d dt•n 6446426 vn " SJ2~.!IOO as~umabll• lt'n,1vt use uf Cl' ar bu)~ you an 1mmaC' 2 financing t'all 552.58114 pant'lt'd 11 alls. ltadcd Open Sun J 5 GOLF COURSE SI 17.500 N~W TUWNHOMt-; <)pen Sun I I 2l:l6 ~:ldrn AH' l'M ~57 4579 Bd. A C rondu 11 all OPEN HOUSE g I <1~11 11o 1 n do w ~ & l(ar. Askmg $811,!IOll FM SAT SU/11 12.5 i.k)hlt•s C>ffrred for on Wood.\ COVl'. arru~~ from sanrl, arro~~ from rormer Ut'llt' l>a,·1, r" s1dt'Me ne~ 2 Br. Jen, 3 Ba JllC'. masll'r Ra ~µa oc·t>an '1ew dec·k 2 frplc uten~l\l' '1l'11os o;i.k, mahoi:, koJ, bra~' hxturel> leJdcd ji!la~' rent vac full ser s)'i. S7JS K. 20', down O\H bal 13 5' 494 1235. 64.S 7524 1033 While Sails FIONTAGE Charming contl'm poral')' 4 Bdr. fam rm formul din111g, lovel} panoramll' I u or lush I pvt sho"'ml!. l'all l'l'~ 4WIN ParkCirell· I\ $365.000 fo'lil.L o .. meron, all\~ 9400 l;IUC:E' CALL CoroM .. Mor 1021 .....................•. MUST SEE <Xean & be) vu. 4 Bdr w bonus rm. pool, spa. + cit} htes Prof deror Assume II 78', A great value $429,000 Won 'l last. Patr1 ck, Jl!l 759-1221 COM DUPLEX Best buy in CdM Lri: 3 Bdhome w frpk. t 2 Bd apt Only 1262.000 owe w $40,000 d11 n JoHe Walue, agt 631 l266 -~--JASMIN ~; CREEK.full ocoean vu 2 & den. 2 ba rondo Pool, tennis. 5t'(' <.>A11 rm Open Sat Sun II 4 19 Curl Own agt 640-l~I~ 128·5151 OLD COM $5000 COUNTRY CHARMER OCUHILVD. Watch the whales m1 grate south from this charm111g home etched m the Blurrs o'er look mg Chuta Cove Owner 11111 1'0l\S1der exchanl(e and' will provide exrl'llenl I r1nanr1n~ Jennifer SUrhomel, Coastal Area I Propen1es 675-§870. 720·0366 I wic.r's D~om I Oreanrronl home 3 bdrm, den. lge deck~ Can be a dream house 111 this greal lorat1on Sl.250.000 golr .:rerni. Sel'luded --------• pool an•o p<1ddll' lt'nn1s I crt JACK IE llANDU:MAN 631 1266 * MESA VERDE • WITH POULANDSPA I Spul·1ow. 3 Bdrm. 2 bJ BeJullful arl'a Sl5.000 dn Ai.kin.: $240.0011 Sl&.f> rm P' ml l'f' A!!{ 700. 71ti9 OIEH SUNDAY 2·5 2124 San JWOft, CM WHERE r.1.s1-:·· t'Jn you find 5 Hdrmb 3 *•INVESTORS I DREAM balhl> b11( ram1l) room Sl.1.CXX> m~l')lmt•nt 11111 1 lar.:l'.yarcl with PJIW in bnni: h11:h >•l·ld l.U\Orl a pnme )('l'llOn or l'usta Woodbrodi:c hUllll'. Mc~a for $165.000" Thi~ Sl0.000 undl'I ma rkt•l spa(•1uui. 2 'lor} bt•aUl\ Ask for Ed H..ru1 ;ilk has a huge ll\tni: room I ai..'I with mu~51~l' u~ed bm·k (Uj) r1rep1Jle1 J\,:-UmJ bit' ~i \\\}\l{f. hrldgt! kun J\a1labll' at 13'. R•••lflj Calltostt540115l " 55t :1000 l!:?llRananu l'l.,.,,lt1lllr -~ .. HERITAGE 4BDMTWNHM S I 0 5 K L O W I I 0% DOWN DWN I bu)~ you .i l>l'au11rulh • • REALTORS b & COLLEGE PK 3BR upgraded 3 R!I 2 n .. ,i:1 l~l lime uyt•r' m Nr .ill srhools A <.'.Gar I ram1I} detacht.>11 humi.' H~tor~. 2sly. rlbl gar. Dr C>:inr . Nu R1•c•f A~k1ng Sl34.!IOO t'Jll no quahfy1nl(. no point:-' ' I p [ Short t•M·ro11 Vac·;inl $83.000 1n a~~uma bit• e I! >a me ro n J ~t l'11ll Oiana CJppd alo(I loaru. 11 12 l>n N1111uuh I ~ 9400 631 12li6 f) IOj! $125 lW)(I c-o SI~ Wn&.y H. TJrlor Co. I See lhe potenllal 111 th1lt Realtors ~14 49Hl homr Flexible rtuor BRING orn:RS' plan. f111anr111g . upgrad Ea)L\1dt• IJP'I' But rota DESPEIATE ! lllg. etr A bargain al " Wood d B 'b 111th i:ood f1nJn110.ie bn 1te 3 r -a I 1nrC:uher Walnut > MISS:ON RF.AL.TY WOODIRIDGE Onffte lob 2BR & Den 2Hi\ Panoram11 Ldkdronl \'1C'11 I' .. Cl ( ~ ' ~ I fl II .l I I \ L.11Hhcaped lk,11·h & Tc•nn" l'luh c;oud Finan1·1 ng O 11o n1•r or fl·rcd at $297 uoo ~ 11.162 ~S Cst Hwy, Laguna ""°"' 494-0731 M1n1 Resort Atop Portofmo·s Peak Spec lorular 'll'"' holll(' "'ith J"(>I & propeny 2 BR. 2 HA den. l1braq ~.(XX) Superb Oll'Dl'r fmam·ing Ca 11 owner directly, dys, 545-1166. ('\'~ 499 4252 FOREVER VIEW 4 Bdrms. guest maid's • qrtrs. family rm. game Mo.Mtoia Top nn. 3 frplrs. spat· deck~ MGMiOft & much more $800.000 1110 drgree '1e11 of t'tttland Re.illy 831 1196 l\i.c.thnt> 5 br ~ ba 4000 SEHSATIOHAL S<I fl Prei.11g1ous i:.ued cx-ean 11e11' rrom this 2 t•omm Prl\ pool and I b rt rm c· 0 n d 0 14 11 h Jar MJn} othl'r firl'pl.ue & dt·C'b aml'nilles U"'ner will Ele,·ator from garai:t & lrJdc fOOperatt•"' Bkr i·ummunit\ pool Brorhurl' 7U 646 J911i $24.S.WJ · INVt:STOH BARGAIN w h I t l' II •• t e r I I t' II l.aj!una Rea1·h ~ho;. PIN'!' :Hiii 21 >RA :-pa 2 dl•t·k,, ~k) light . ~ta mgl.a-' p.irl1<1I solar 1 1 $3511 OU() $7 !> 11110 t1 n Sumi• fle).1hil11' no It's true-SSOOO 15 the op UOn °' buy now Thts 3 Bdr family rm + 3 Ba home. I blk lo l>earh. on romer lot. wtmm1 vu Owner IS nex1ble Call Diana Cappel. agt for rrore financing info S?:ll.SOOL H MEW CONDO SO DH I An:oou.' 011ner 1~ h»11 }r ne"' U>11 d<i11n J' Old CclM . root I AJ:enl 631 5737 mg aTl'a ~urrr IOJfl' ;-./1•1·d r J)I I ~or the few bomes 8)' owner two 2bdrm UP~SAT Sll/'< I ~ !tale C•~· lo lh6 beaAh ~ith a tiou.ws on 1 lot Asumu 2612 HEOl.A:'WS DR Sl~TESS HEAi.TY ....,... "' ' ~ Sit!.~ ~2 63611 A•!l 54!17!191 pool 3 bdrms, 3 baths. 2 Ille 11' • Isl TD OWC " REDUCED LOOKING FOR ••. stvle• This homc makes a Matem1•n1 fnr rroney & good ta~l<' ur1 pur.illeled 111 this areJ Oeb1gned for somroue 11ho1i. .irru~loll'll'd lo en Ll'Mamini? oo .. la\lslt- bt·.ile uxdted 111 one or !111.ieuel ~ mo~l pre SlllHOUb l'Udbl.11 l·om mun1t1es LJrj(t lo"' rate .C.)UITlJ bll' loan Sho" n b> appointment on)) $-139.<XKI PRIVACY .•. frplcs. beam reihng. 42nd A!lk1ng $125.000 RB>UCED $7000'1 rn1ve~1l) Par!. 4 BH. ~·.I • n y det'k o ly with "'<Ml() dwn 'Oth & Sk 1 .. h ·h I BA. ~am 1oum. i:n•c11 1n pnct' liul nul 111 l'h11rm You II en111~ lh1· fr'l'hnR of ,p;o1·1ou~nt•s, 11( th" 4 bdrm :!', h.i \'and1•1 htll tn l'.irl. 1 lolll.'' I.>t·~1i!n1·c1 "'1th lhc ram1I) 111 n11nrl '.I 11e11 & l·harm f'ren<·h rounlry ('Ollal(C t f:Ul'>I IK>w.e on est ate s11e lot ('umpl~lely rrmodt•led park like grounds. 50 bt'onn~ rrwt lrl'l'~ en lrJnre court' Jrd bnck palul:> derk '"er look mi: the roa'thnt' Def1nitel~ European 10 < hdrddl't 111lh Arnt'ncan rrr.itur~ 1 'llmf on S525 t• NJ 631-1266 .,u n · n ....,, • Y ilc uni( leos l 1~ hell lc11·:it1nn 1 1hhlt sm.im '1 Porrona 64074&1 Sp"!' 3 "R .... mll\ I u • n 'J · I 'Lone dn1t• & t•nll\ MAUIY STAUFFH • 1 Delight twnhm llighl' rronv xtr.i'' Mu~t "''" SEAUOM lULTY MESA ¥~DE u P I! r .1 ~. ,. 11 sm:ooo ,,.. min 1ln 673-5354 4BH. 381\. I' am Rm 11 i:rrt'nhou~r win 0 wt' 4 r 1 .1 , • ~out SpJ owe As.i.umt' 0014 Ill k1lrhl·n. 111t .. pal11! I Owner Jl!nl ~;? ~.~,: Ill ----I ~\l!>llnj! Loans l'.qu1l) & m1Kh ~m· !ll l<R\ ;1121 5811 8123 I EXEC. CAPE COD ShJnnl! S1ra1ioeht 'lote ~J1r toda) Ii-Iii 143-1 By Ow ..... ER J04 Narcissus or TrJdl' SIR.'i.000 lh I l'entur. 12 (;ulcl SIJI UniYtt'Uty raril ,... OPE~UN 12-5 I t>-<1wr 979 5814 Dana Poiftt 1026 211H 2ba. 2 1 JI 1:.1r.11!•' "NEW" CdM CSTM S79S.OOOfum1shed VA I l1/ 0A ••••••••••••••••••••••• m7) frpl1 nr '''h'"'I' BLT 2300 sq fl Wik to 67S QlOO. agent * 2 O * l HR ind 1001 dt•n ronilo 'hc>i,t. f11\' \ J< .onl r1· ....... B Ba 3BR+l'>l>J 71lK JI ' • • I f .. "''" 3 r 3•, . l'ircular --------•I 1 I "' IJ(iul 11111 'PJ ~ormn I Jo~ or 011upJ114' stairway. skyhtes. grdn CdM Cltortlw D SK.l6pill 14 JXI'~ ~500 1 n mo t11· I" ~1 111, ,, ,. l' ~ n SL'>S.lOl w1ndo11o~ 1\~k1n1: r pb pnnunl~ Hkrtitj7:J>ic,:i I \It'"'' SIOS,900 :Ill H fi.141395 c.11•.:t!•i' s:tSS ooo with flnanc inQ . 3 BH 2ba or 2+ "Ut'~ m LEASE OnlOH I fixt'rl w ,. , l11Jn , l.11" TURRE ROCK OPEN Sat Sun t 6 .. ~ ~.ooo I 11<•" n o ~ r ~t ~1 n..-.... 5 616 M Id owner.. unit ai.)o 2 hr •~ ... ,... .. -n I· 640-4521 an go 637 8778 rental cottage All on I Rfftt S 1,000 mo. llenl') 0" ner'. ,;31 hl\li'i ' 35 Syca1ftl>r'T Cruk shalJI rond w excellol'a $500 cr.dff to Foulitain Val~y I 034 ~1·11o on mJ rkrt Thi~ lion 0 11111er will cJrr) I dW'ft pylftf ••••••••••••••••••••••• hurne IS lhl' qu111te"1•ntc NOTICE! 315-3151, Larkspur IS ror sale and any rusonable olfer "'111 be rons1derrd Buyer respans1bll' for flnaor1ng Jeanne Salter. authonzed al(l. ll?t' 2nd TD Best buy m Ilk 2Ba Frµh palm Trf Le.,~ Pool How of 11uaht) & ~I) It• Spt'• lov.11foronly S280.000 fenl'('(! dbl l(ar. hltn~. ()'411~r 11111 tarn 11apl'r wrnlJr 2 ~ton t•nln l Col 644-7211 dsh"'°'hr t'l<' (;raduated on thi.~ 1en emollonal txlrms 2', bJth' fJm1h -- pa}ments 13'. f1~ed homt' No (.~JM'n'l• ha' rm. 2 f1replJl'I'' 01111111! rate Sl39.500 2960 H11\ al bt>en spared 1n upjlr Jd rm. lo1Ner ll'H·I ma ~ll'r • '. • •. Palm Dr 011oner bkr 111g Central air hu1:r 'u1te Intimate ~k} lit _ 642 7743 master su1lP. :1 11r 4 hbrary or t•onH·r~atmn 759-1221 WANTED. 2 3 BR in CostoMffa 1024 CUSTOM E.SIDE Bdrm~. J bath~ (;oml area. wet bar 1.nt:. ol IO<'al1on $187.500 oak Superb denir A~ Shorerliffs. Old CrlM . ••••••••••••••••••••••• BACK BAY HOME &I Isle Fee only r r OWNER WILL FIN. TRY I 0% DOWN OurTown Rrall)' llurroblr Isl T 0 Owrwr 775 7501or641 O,l!l!I 11111 tarry 2nd T I> ~;,.. ~1004_ -Low rnl. rate. no qua Ii ry Ownr bldr has spa red H18'1tinc10ft leach I 04 COUNTRY ENGLISH lllg, 20 yr loan Cute 3 Bd no expense m this ne11 . •••••••••••••••• •• • • • •• Ou'PLEX B B 1i Ba approx 1850 sq umque rountry English lWE 0n10.., • -4 r + 2 r I • · 4 8d 3 Ba home 3000 ~q " yr ne11o Good assumable ft converuenll} louted ' ft or lu-uf) h nni: " l~ 2-4-5 IDRM Assumable finanring I near NB shopprng manv amrnit1t.>s 10 11:.l FIOM $4000 $398.000 709 & 70912 Sl!S,9>0 Call qwck-Pei: A.'5kiii11$.115000 For pvt :>56 6516 Orrlud Call8Sl9135for Oame ron.aglSS9·S400 showing rall Glen '!)>pt Q.wner bk r -llwarth, a SS9·9400 Plarmi: your Classified I ad IS so simple JUSI • • g1\'e lL'i a call on the ----• phone and we'll hrlp you FRHDOM HOUSE __ _ word your ad for rasl re 3 Br 1 Ba large yard POOi. SPA llOM E suits 642-5678 M.OOI_!_ ji_4_1 0763. Agt MF.SA DEL MAR 4BR. 2BA. + upi:radPS SMAUDOWM! Take over 10' 1 flt A loan 3 Br, I' J bJ Choice H.B location Walk to elem srhl & ~hopping Only 2 m1 to bt>n ch $91.000 1\'k for J im 962-814!1 Agt Call for Appt ARTIST ABODE. I m1 lo Tm: ADRIAN en beach 3 Br. 2 n .. SI !OK I -----u.o.4 i., CUY I rouAN 549 8547 open how.e Sun l 5 20612 E(n!l Ln . llR960 2111:1 1't'llenl \alue al s;~ tMMI CULVEIDALE Price reduced Stu 1100 Out~land1ng 3 bdrm ram1I} rm 2 bJlh' I lorge romer lot ll1ioehh UVKraded lmmJtUIJle Assumable finanl'1ng Pn('(' now $142.500 DAVID D. CAJtlSOM REALTOR 933.9293 WOODBRIDGE CHATEAU 2 ''·'' rondo. 2 mJ,ler h(s + drn 21, b.i '"" len.~l\'e upgrade' ind a r ~, fin at 13 5' B)·o~er, 552·~2112 hdrm.. & f.im rm 11n ''' lt•11•I ~la~t bdrm ow rup11·~ the t'OI 1n• Jn1I h•\l•I Thi:. h ,1 n11hl '''" twlorl' c11•n•l1 n~ 1111 JOI thing ehl' STORYIOOK CHARM Ooetl S..n. 12-4 ~t>t>IS~ll'<; & l'Hl\'ATF. I 11) lhl\ Jl:IR 2R,\ hOml' 111thm 'trolhni: d1~Lanl'e 111 'orth l.J,.;unJ bl•.1t•h1" \rri.:n111e~ arl' 01 t'Jll Jnd wn~l't \ ll'\\' Jll OJ~ , ;1hm1·h Jnd floor, Italian tile' 1 ustom '411<K11•n bhnd' loi: hurr11nR l1r1•pla1 I' ,p,1110U' Jilt! '\f.\t, k1l\'ht·n. t•lt•rl rt 1· ga ra1-:1· .ind hnrk p.11111 I.011 m 1 Lt•rt''l f111Jlllll11! 5315.t•MI tqrqcr :b"'4N:itt("~ I l6i5llll.l.<'ltl-.Sl 17141494·1177 OWC!Sl8,000DH 200oDM/1 2°olHT. lHR IJ\ ISh bJlh IOI! J br 2', ha fam rm 't523 c 1111.al\.. I I hummR r1rl'plal't' glOll!> din rm dhl gar \lo AMrv;,w· RVIWE I mtolhl' II\ tnl! and din ml( opener ,1.:i1ntd glo:.' TUmEROCl</VU 1 . n•om.' l'pper Rlue.h1rd fenl'ed ll(l'an, 1e11 " ., .... u d h ne;ir ll!nnl' rnun~ Good 1 .Sl4.5.t~1 497 1051 1 r "''"' ,...roa moor" 11 la;11 ~heltrr $149.~ !>W('(·pmi: ba' .11111 n11t' 494 7551 SI 0,000 Down hght 1·1\'11 S2HIJMM1 "1th • Lease option avail or trrm~ Dennis H11 kr·lh ~j H&1.ll lake O\t'r lo" mll'rr~t & Asl>OC &51 \M:!-1 J'!'." McCOIMACI II f 1 o Jn l' 1 n g on 1 h 1 ~ •PRESCOTT i Wmdbndgr Pl . quJht1 j' + ~ Brm 3 Ha 3 1·Jr ~.irJRr. formal clm111g ~~~~~~~~~ rm atrium 'l'J tole ruof' E\relll•nt ;.-,urn.1 blJatlOU) Top or lht' World horTW' l.11thl . air; res1dem·e ftatun·~ 3 BR + dt>n on l.irgl' len•l pool i.11e lot S229 500 1111h }Our lHmi. or trade Call 0'4nt>r a1ten1 Wm Hosll'r at 497 3SI I hll•hJJn~ TllRF.f. ARCH BAY l TF.llMS ... ._ .......... MOMTECITO n :RMS TF.llMS' Turtlt•riwk R1!lgc 11o ,., Seller' \Cl)' mot1' ated I Cllmg floorplan 4 llrh to sell th1i. !'harm 1ng 3 212 &1. J frplr~ J ,·ar Bdrm (){'l'an ~•t'w humr i:ara1?1• l 111! r adt•' on a lrg lot w plans ~alore lhl!h '"'lllll.1hk a\ailahlc for a tw•i i.tvn loans .iddJt10n S1tuJt1•d 111 the °'94 SUNDAY 1·5 I 021 Von Dyke Ileau11ru1 uen view~ 3Br. 211Ba homt' Just 15'; down Su bm 1l on term.' $399.950 Tierra Del Sol Hit' 497 1744 ('all Th•· ~1~·11al"t 111 Wuntlhn1ll!t' l'I & Tur1l('ro1k llurn<'!o t'\l'hl.'IH' pn1Jtl' l'Onl munit' of Thrt•(• Arch l~n . lhl' home rnJOY~ 1--------• UM' of pmatr• bra<'ll. 24 You'll want to tear 11 hr 1(1111' l!Uarded Sl'l'Un down. lJul 11.111 • Rent or 0 l-•0"90 .... 6 ICTO"'blod -di below IO ....... 6 ..,..pto -d• , .. ,,. ........ o4 _,, '" "' '-o4 -· B 0 H I B B 'I 05,000 4br 3ba nr bch $1551\ 10', down or less As SlSK dn owe $1200 mo sume loans 3 bdrm Grad pymnts 962 1227 & house Nr hfach 96.'Mi682 54.>1241 JOllN <:It,\ '\,\Tll re~ !192 62'i b STEAL THIS WKN 0 ' ~i \\OOdhrldgc $249 500-ll', dn·OWt: Noqua.liflfil&.' 9$7 0744 Realllj 5br ·Mansion · 011ncr ' (g1 551·3000 O..Pollt I 026 O..Pollt 1026 lt!U11rnnn """'·••"'"' l} 'trnnis niuns Just ll\e in wh1ll' 'l<UU re redured 10 536S.OOO ~ ith rrodel lh~ .inllque 2 BR $192.000 1n a!>suma ble C'Oltaiie + gur'I 'lud10 finanrinR This home Has 100 rarinl! orean :.~ like a dollhouse and. h u I! e s I u n r yt'l 1~ Onl' Of the lowest 3 rirepJare W 111 k lo Bdrm homes in this bearh S212 500 No• l'Ommunity Call Judy quahf}1ng <1~11 now.• H A T T R Y I I I' I I TUG JR E I' I I I I 12.750/oLOAN Assumable w /1 0~ down. 2 bdrm, 2 baron· do nr So. Coast Plaza. Highly upgraded Adult on!)'. $U~\.000_54~·124_l _ •Ym ATI'EHTIOM• Foreclosure Sale Meu Verdt 3 Bdrm Fixer Pnnr onl ~-702.1 Bkr. I H OR F E Z I I I I I If Compltlnfng tenant: "L.u t I . . . . . nlglll Ille pt0ple up•talrs ,---------atomped and binged on '"' COMDO GOURMET I T I R A P Y I tt00t." "Dl<I ti.av wake you?" •1 I ·~, DKorator r d•,.•· -r I I I I ::~~:~!Ofd· "No, I Wit i St.. fl,.,..ct, , .. 'L II E A R L y I ,_.. ...... .r...c~·· (IUOl9d : ~t~O 2 ... btfhl. r'I I 111 I l~~~"'i..:.~;:r: . 675-1111 I p ._ ,_._.,. • I 11111111•· .. ~11 _.,.,:=---r-r-r-rrr ...... r '""lr'~,.,.r .....-r --r .... r T"ir 1 !::J I I I I I I lwvl I I I I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RCTaylorCo 640-9900 ,$25,llJ MOYES YOU IN! Yes! For only $2.5,000 dn. You can own this lovely 2 Bd, 2 BA ocean view home in Dana Point. Sales price reduced to $159,950 for rast sale. Excellent 10% financing available. Try lease option. Im· mediate ocrupancy L...,._ leocll I 041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAUIY·OWHH Immaculate 3 Br 2ba octan view home Features Larite derk oak paneled det'I A~ sumable loan and \l'lltr r111anrU\g Sll9.000 Coll ev!S_O! ~knds 497 ·2766 ll>OegreeOCF.AN VU So. Laguna Sbr lux hotre, almost new Pvt , romm. Million doll11 r ntl&hborhood Asimme 1171 ta·~ lat TO Redul·ed 'prit't, &Y.15.000 Tradt• In ~ Owner ~201J 81 Ownu L111111 n1 Btach. 2 Slory Ortan Can1on V1twa 4BR, SBA 2 rrptc'a Comple\• end lnlaw Apt. Lra LAil AI0.000. Owner •Nltt ....... ' ll loasom for ~how1ng 49'7 64S6 MB Real l'.:.'<tutr 1.tn110 R.E. 714 499 4551 OWMt' wl Ffll•u! • North end 2 Br un1l L·. Crestnl Bay beach ler 1ngo nf1c buy. Sl~.cm •.11-.... L..CJ-VllecJt l.E 4'7-1761 KMOWMAS1HI LAGUNA BEACH LLOYD WRIGHT HOME Three bedroom Plus Guest hou se Ocean and Mountain View First time offered in 20 yrs! S4JO,,lll , j • O.Wa.I... OllrM•.. OtWWll.... ...._.U. .. :d•••ll ..... .. .. • ...... ,., ,. ......... s. ....... ,.. s. .._..,.,.. . ............................................ . ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 411...., JJJJ ~..... ltlJ ... ""Ml, .. ,.... 106' Ml4oeJt ... 104t ·~......... 1069 .............. 106' ~..... • ... --"~rtr 2000 ,._, 2700 .. .-.................... . -.~!.~····· .. ······· ........................... , ...................... ,.................. ....................... ....................... ,.. .. , _........ ... ....... ·ar J .. a ""'t • r la •UCEANVIEW • ,,, ................... , S wait CM Apt tteO ....... , .............. , -~-•I•· rpK". H&1uel Shorel •U.0...-• ~.._~ AlfOU.UU , ... , •• eo.. pri~l241.oooowc so AerH uoudo• bum ccU. 1 tar'"· ••••lilo1A11 ' ,.,, .. , -::.•t'c. ~ br c':itoj WATIUIOMT 2 Btu a.. be1uU/uJJy d• *ACfftYl' * N$.211m 541.5713 Rambo Cel JZ'l Int. iino .f7J lXt Evu. ll!!Odtl Ult.000 ownr I ,.._utucepr onal DOVER SHORES S1>1r10w1clel.ll48r2~ cor1ted " fully U 1"'9 '115,000 Xlnt lnvHt Ch1rm1n1 2BR. IRA . ll n ue nl urea orma 81 d/ 't 111 · h fW'nilJwd! Orean view ... S. Mf 39 P'rplt Oar Q Adull1 •Yl!WHOU E• iln r~' t•m rm tlle.Jnrna"rpat\~/~ "'1ulbhtew1pool,1p1 With or wltlM>ul fura, NoPtC.. A~ t4&029S Jbr 1111 llD $00 Su rlo "'''.1' Aat , B tiful 3 8d 3 b th t ·d 11undkkl etuh hvlna ' um' 2' hr ur a.114 Grwnbrier Hm In ......... .,,,;. Owner.'4t5'$1Gr ~r.!.!.n 11 0 Ihlen , eau rm, a •ex ra Wl c allt'1bett 12$(),000 H.500. 0 1 lbtn nurby l..l1un1 Hill• nlce1t S ••••it JIOO C..W... 3224 ~ v, ... .._., lot on Galaxy Drl ve. Dining room, IMllLIX SJ 11 000 to "'°·ooo owe o w c star p1i ........................................ ••••• • OCIAMPIOMT ..wPORT HGTS family room, 2 car aaragc, patio. I ahort block to ~un 3 Submit down M JM .._ .. .,,... Wllll •tu ihelter' s.11 2 nvtr 8dr·1. mo"''° ~/OPTIOH MOY• Rll'!..HT 1~ View o( Back BaL, Fashion Island & Or z &'a In H<'h unit Hen.ry, 1:11._ 8111\aiful Jb80 Keywe1t my 1/12 yur new Oiplex 2•, Bl 631 12118 John. 4 Bdr, pvt t'omm . only s "' " mountains POO & SPA. $739,000. Sotrv.! oce.n view, sum· Hm . 2Br. 2Ba. TblJ la or txchanae equity for 81 DSOOtroo trade Ownr Pnvacy " •e<'htalon are Owner mothated & will help Cinance. mer rent Owner will S 3 t 0 0 C • S H I.be belt In town .... Trf""" coodoor?Owner. After7 ll,,..,...IOF .. """' tome ol tht 111nenlllH hel fin p 'I c ~ SAM a.IMIMn "'" L_L.....,J )l(lu'll love tn thl1 3 Bdr P ance ot on DOWH! ....._,. ._. 714•1oo..oTM THI LUCKY FIW l.arfest Lmka Polnt Golr hon LOWS HRSOM, •t. 67).1464 doronver1ion? 8eaullfu1 Belair M H Sl~.000 full price. Z2'X C h 0 mt w/1p1, towerlnic WAMTIO, 'AMILY ' U.../Hold wJrmt kit, 12al9 Uv rm down and take over ex JUnt Ul C:o1l.a M u11'1 s:uru ome pen trees + room for ex 4 Br. 2~ a..+ Fimil.y Great opportunity tu 12XlO Matr Bdrm. Enrl l1tin1 loins at 10% ...._.. NEWEST aa1cd 20 I/Sun. Pnn. only . A• 1>11na1on. Sellen hne ~ rm. & 2 car sar. Owner own &nil 3 bedroom. 2 patio. Nr, Hoa& Hoep Owner will carry ....................... Townhol'l'k' VILLACt; aum 13'4 w/~.OOO dn rroved. AHU11'11' loan of will help flnance., baHl home with ~·~ 11ral1bt note for ..._..""1iltlled <.:OMM UN11Y 2&3Br ~25 .ooo Own4lr . SIU),OOOall0.8~.Callto ~ H.t»of'V&.wHlls S189.900. fireplace and optin · Q.ASSIC b1lanre. Projerted ....................... 2"'1Bll.1600·UIOO aq fl or 1505. see.Olano,1 8311266 G} Spa F IJ H DUPLIXS2lt500 btam1. Walk lo bearh nei1tlve less than UU .._hlmd ll06 pune luJCury. G11r1111H. Let Fontt CIR Ma:;~ra~1&~ fe~':t 3 Br. up, 3 Br ,' down Good uaummble loon• MOllLI HOMI per rm. Unusual starter ....................... hydro lubs in m11 i.ter •••••u•••••••••••••••• F1 xlbl $485 000 Some ocean view 2 $13$,000 Owner will sell SALIS opporturuly Bayfroot 3 Br, avail lbru su1 le, dan1ne room a. e eterma • sanglecar earaees Livi! lorll800caahdown' • 2706Harbor,Ste206·A 7/0I, on wkly or mo woodbu.rn1ngt1replat'es . Pnvate 4 bedroom, 2 bath home that shows like a model Over 1000 square reet or derk1ng with spa overlook101e secluded r reek ind woods formal d1n1ng room , 2 custom fireplaces , plush carpel mg, wood plank noonng 1n kllchen and nook area. and atnum orr the ramily room make this borne a true deh ghl 1314.000 with as~uma ble first loan or $159,453 at l21'1'k. Submtl terms to owner 761-4589 Owner/agent Pnre Sluhed Newport Heights Assume VA 111 9'"1. and owner will carry lhe u st JBR. 2BA. rrpk, 1nd oHace Sl00.000 Open Sun !·5 1810 Tustin Ave Agt 644 2282 DISTIESS SALE Brand new 3 Bdrm 3 Ba ui Npt Hgts. beaut1Cully appointed Pnced way below market $1 79,000 Jeanne Saller. agt H"HEIGHTS SECLUDED CHARM 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!111-I A private contemporary entertamment home w 13 Bdrms, cenlr kllch . woodsy sell mg. lots or glass, toweranii lree:.. and spa Room 10 ex pand on & out + alley access Desi sl m Hgts Pnced al only S279,SOO LAKESIDE 38r 21-iba home Comm pool, spa, tennis crts & clubme. S210,000 excep ttonal f1nanc1ng w11 h 30'1 down o we lge 2nd & 3rd Century 21 Berg. ask ror Barry R. 962 8891 orTI0.1756 Mluioll V .. jo I 06 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.u "''"'· ... 631·1"' I OwMt-Dnperott! I 2BR Condo Assume E'< ' 15' FROM SAND 1Sting Low Low Interest Two 2 Br homes w VA Loan Or New Loan ocean vu & new decor Available al Low R ale Patnck, aet 7S9· 1221 giu Owner _S81 1106 •• ., .... , ~676·4494i5411-13oo an~.renttheoth~r -WATliRf'RONT 540.5937 SUL.HACH bul.5 dble car. & bnck m1rro wave ovens. CAMYOM CIEST Cl.Isl.om Baycrest homt Milfo I C~O'lrfH HOMt.'> a.c. a .ooo full price. JOo/c tnT. ~. 752 51~1 pnvate pa110s & yards Sale by Owner. 4 Br + 14A. I AE·Lesr•re 112.~·! Ne""""rt Beach down and o we balance Gardener provided Spacious condo, 3 Br 3 ~ J~., Ba, pool' spa , DOQ(SIDE l .L 631-1400 • m>blle bo~'.2 br, 1 ba, at l03 Cot 7 yurs 2~ <;J,,./2mob~ [i,~u f!~~~· Elegant hvin11 only 15 Ba w/den. Comm. pool. all cabinets 1>olld nr Ltdolsle Holly Love, blorkl to the sand n"ua""1 -t S750' S850 rrunule5 from fashion Jar .&tenmscourt Just walnut Owner will 6737300 Fuhionablearea ...... lsland,7mmutestoSC' list.eel Call Bill or Linda rllWlce 548 8798 Newport Heights 2B R. JBR JBA bo!lll' with sun ' -· Can beunlum 675 9M7_ Plaza or 0 C Airport 63l·<SMorS46·S096_ Comer Lot Low Duwn ny bnck palloa, ouard '2S' AJntream w/room. s.1o11o..1a,1tua..tTI c-~M_. 3122 Jusl l'asl or Newport IEACHHOUSE S"".,.,,O " across s treet from -""""" __ _. ....,._ Cnetl Sl0.000 down will buy I 1-....,., wner Agt gated rommunlly or beach S6000 See at Hun $231,000 full price. ~ ......... •••••••••••••• Blvd. & so or San D1el{o 2 bdrm plus den rondo 3br, 2hba home, 1 blk to • •771·4390•. Bayshores With 2 pvl tington by Sea Park. down and owe balaore Upgraded 2Br 2ba. yard, Frwy Start mg al S900 II Security guard, pools. sand ON FEE LAND ' 0.ltws.d beaches Owner will 21811 Newland, Spare at 12'\ for s years L2SO carport, no dogs monlh 631 5439. 2413 lall\LS $315,000.As~ume Open Sun. 15 5319 3BR, 2BA. Xtra Wide rananre $34.9,5000 Open 110, H B or call sq fl 3 Bdrm 2 bath S'TlS/rm 8731181 Orange Ave . Co!>la 93,r; 151 Owner AgtO River Bruce & Vickie Lot Zoned Duplex. SW! 1-5~1 Crestview, 1737·~--ownersuo1t.9ye1r1old CodoMtM 3124 Mesa ~·3737,H.640.6188 Blomgren Fen<'ed Patios. Front & agt.6'4·2282 A-forSolt 1200 3blockslolhesand. • ...................... 2 Br enclsd garage GoodPros-rtlet Side Beamed Ce iling, --.,-CAU.JOHNTUCKER Mesa Verde. 3bdrm, 2ba, Adull.S ,nopet.s $525 mo ~~~SB~~~~! 760-0297 U!>ed Bri ck Frplc umEGEM ••••;.;;i~·~~~~••u• 7144'34-flt3 lrafamrm.$850/mo Isl TTJW W115:Qn ~1 ~89 Spacious 3BR . 2BA p • ···•--, int Paneling 2 Ca r Gar IMMIWPOIT 60AcresforSale Can be & last, ref's :J8·8381, E Slde2bdrm,newlhru Home On 56 · Lot fftllbuwu O S62S.OOJ OnlySl55,000,oneblock ~forindustnal pro· STUL!! ~5pm ;~Ol IS£!!! ou l. formal din . ln~ludes Ar~h1·1~c·t '• 2 Br 2l, ba +den home 64~Z)~ toocean. f t~ breakfast nook. 2 t•ar • ' ~ ~ N l I l d per l y. arm 1 n g or $36,000 pr unit, 4 bills lO WMl'!"J'°" u 1 plans for addillonal ew ·irpe · x n con COME SEE GorReous 642-5200 anything or your chou:e. ocean, 20'1. dwn. Linda tt.bolr 3 142 gar. yrd, grdnr .., 5 Bedroom & Bonu:. Owoerw1llcons1derlong 4BR, 2•,BA. Fam RM, 5116-7919 ilila 631·1266 ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• ~ Room . Plus Owner's escrow Will rinant'l' Pool, 2 1')-pl's, Terms Luaury lr1 level Lrg 4BR ~xec Style 1961 Rolls Royce Silver s4i 5.ooo Own Agt Open Dally 2242 C:.-ftfyLots/ townhome 38r 3ba Home In Preferred Cloud II. Over $360.000 m 6'1!'>·5134 Healher Lane S262.000 Crypts 1500 • ' · Pool. tenntS. pvt bearh. Resident111l Area. CM Assumable Loans al DUPLEX Also 3BR, 2BA.Pool, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1714)840-~ Brand New, Carpets, 12 3,rt. $560 .000 S192.5GO Owner Agt 2 ce melery lots . Drapes , & Paint '1\4'0 3 bdrm, 2 ba un11s. w p k ...,"' ""-'d 17 ooo Ut 714·559-1623 Isl 11) IS$Umable OWC ~l»IOO estml.llster ar _.,., ..,.,eans1 e ' o rom· .......... 3141 Throughout Every I BR l Ba adull condo, forbothOBO 847 7946 mercial, near frwy ...... ••••••••••••••••• Room & Window 3 Car O.....Holllt 2ndTD. Broker6421355 fully furnished' Pool. lll~=i~=b~ :~a~e o&::J?s• C:O-rclal Sl.2M. ~ financing. Beautifully furnished Gar Fent'ed Bark Yard NWP'tPENINSULA spa. gym and rlbhse. 24 .. ..... 1600 Mr. Rolsi 85l·06l1. 4 BR b o G1 e a n Garden1D" Service. 111 s p M s t & s .... • • ., I 5 OOO ~61Hl678 or 644_:228.J noptny ...... R .. o a un ~. ~ , hr Se<' 30 yr fixed 12•,r, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....,NARCH BAY TER Orange Tree. Water New3slOT)' beachhse Open Sunday 1 4 JO loan $129,SOO Sumbm1l T'IMtUX IM wlp1nor1mk views. Pet1 SubJect lo Ap t911CourtStree1 Located orr PCH &. do"'n Ow c M M ILUffSIOMAMli MIWPOITIUCH UHa.EMa.TE spa,.OOOsqft.$3500/mo pronl lmmed Ore Walkmor rall RI\· er, lhu home1 Henry,6316666 LOCATIOMJ PllCE! High v1s1b1 hty C 3 Walk to beach Large Waterfront Homes S12!i0Mo ~7_897_! -- _6'1S.Z29l ~848 3133 fealure!> new kiu·hen. AMAMCIHG! Ckean view 120 n fron· owner's urut w1pvt yard. 631 l400 Sh a rp 3 b r 2 b a open beam re1ltngs:I r I •Decorator Fu"' * OPIH SAT/SUH 12 5 2500 s&, I 4 BR tage Use exastmg bwld· All urut.s have new pamt Ml_-rf •ecti 3169 pool spa. bbq. gar. NA~porl 0-a~h :,~n clubhouse,pcol,slepslo • "Plus' ly.....,,,SOO ol4000 n b Id & "'-' 9• fY r-' l d .. ~ w oc ' ,.. II h I IT OWMIUl ....... uig sq or w cfl>(s . .,.,.astaog .,4 ., ••••••• .. •••••• ... •••••• carpe . rapes. new !house s1ud10 w bdrm the surf Ownerwi e P Dl OPEN SUNDAY 14 10.IXXlsq ft Owner "'111 loan u .8" gross Sub Ca.Mery Village Mobile k1t c ht>1l S895 mo area SSZ.000 eqwly as ~~e C~mt an~ see ~~ .:::.wport J20VISTA TRUCHA. NB carry S7~.ooo 631 7300. mit lttmS. $198,SOO Home Park ~m11hed 2 Isl lut $500 de p sum $68,000 at ll"•'~ rure rl!Scen I ...... .....,...... . Wtttl 640-6259 I Realtor Br, 2ba, pool. 1dlt.s. no s.56--l_~ S2SK 2nd due or ref man 1 ~Co.try __ __ ~ pets, clOle ID shops & ror re or• O"'ner Agl c...,._ ~// L ~ ~ -•• CW 1 q I & resuurants mo mo yr CHOICE Lr SIDEbl 63t-8Ull _ We have spared no ex f, , '/t/'{(~/.c~/I s:EA.l. ly incl util 673 368S or 2Br. 1i,B1 . rplr. In Harbor Ridge Lucerne. pen.se m lh1s new re· OLD •• 1·525·1648, 1;_772· 1801 range1oven. dshws hr. Mt_... ltoch I 0691' "'-•~te Model $6"<,000. modeled 3 BR 2 BA A E A l T y lt:ZI IAI C patio Pool S600 mo . ..,....... c.o.... ..., .... ~RTILVD --.. Dttorators2BR.2BAB1g adlts , no pets 381 ....................... Horre is SI00.000 under homP All new modern ~nr-v Canyon Twnhome No u . . 1 Off THE SAND I -----appraisal' 10•, do~n kitchen w/ltahan tile. 111111~11 __ _!11 _____ ] 84'2 sq fl C 1 land 2 493--0202 498-1040 Children/Pets SllOO .... nu ton Two2Bdrmhousesw/o C~nal Front, Nl'wport Xlnl terms 760-1977 Frenchdoors&wmdows SanCIN...te 1076 bu1ld10Rs wath 55 .6'6-0295_ Easl<iidelgelbdrm,den, ceanvu &nudecor .. l20' Shores. 4 Br Den ----lhruoul Proressionally •••••••••••u••••••oo•• fr el'wa y window MobllHo. garage, laundl')' racil . from sand. rum Both $25,000down. Ow~er will EASTllUFF Opt HM Sot 1·4 landscaped Too many Owner financed w11h r..ts mc..tf•H A"": bltns Pvt streeL Fresh CorS37& 000, Patnck agl carry Must sell Make Upgraded Lusk 3bdrm. ~ Chonntr nrn?niltes to list Lg eor Great ltt••shMnt rl'Spons1ble down pay 2300 Lovely 2 Br 2b11, VIEW paint. new crpl. S42S 7se-122i · · orrer• TeM1s. pool. walk fam rm. den 4lh bdrm. ~I Spruce, localed '" ner lot . RV a cress or starter ~ut·h humt• ment M;ij;·H~:,',•q•:;t";d~ii' co n d o m 1 n 1 u m ~·5086 after S_pm _ · to beach. Agent 646 1044 1 pool 30 yr assumable the Npt Bch back bay S:?.59.IXXl with a combma S1 lOO,M assuma ble V0A S245,000 park. Garden Grove Beautifully rurn1shed, VIEW FROM or64S·2805 _ loan Open House. Su n· area This home offer~ lion o( assumable loans ~ ~kmg Asi39 .s ° COIOHA PACIFIC $17,l!lXl. 9fi8.2A_12____ arrerut1es include pool , EVERY RM VIEW VIEW' day, 1·4pm 906 Aleppo many upgrades 3 Bdr. &ownerhnancmg 493 5,,.,!;;por 'JSY.t REALTOttS 644-1567 · saun1. exercise rm New 2Br 2,1ba, micro B 'B S • SI Eileen Artukov1rh lugha!>Sumables.lrglol 2298REDLANDS.NB ___ .,_.,2r4 .495-0 Mo••.D•Mrt, A\'31loow Shortorlong s pa S850, 541 ~16S . •Valws °"lido* An excellent selection or borne avail. now ' Ag\. V1r~n!!_ 673 1323 UNDER MARKET Owner financed. lrll beach house den + boous rm Compare at SIS5.000 Della dgt 631-1266 S.'5000 dn. no quahfymit on 2 BR & den. 21 2 ba t•un do. Approx S2700 mo pmts Walk to btal'h ji31~.FJ·!100 Upper lock loy Outstanding 3 bdrm home on cul·de sal' t;,., cellenl rond1tion Larl(e yard w1lh man)' fruit trees Custom spa See & ('Ompare for value tl79.500 DAV1D D. CARLSON REALTOR 133.9293 FAIULOUS SUYlfW Guard gated comm. pool. tennis. \ aew or Catalma N"'pt Ba y etc ml + sq r1 2Br + + 580.000 m upgrades. 3 )TS ne"' <\skin.: $450,000 Call bkr Gene Hill 642-11179 or 642 · 0200 --- SEJ..J. idle items wath a Dai.Jy Pilot Classified \d 642-5678 3 r2'• a 135,000 Rea~~ and u"'ner will help BACKBAYAREA llllOl.oDOW.._. lftOrt 2400 LermS120Clpermo ,,.,51781 w extShnR SlOl.000 loan --""I 1851 631 5067 "<' " "' No quahrying 63l l266 Harbor Ridge, S partner Sl37,500 Call for darec ""' · Lovely 2bdrm. 2ba con 3500sq n N'wport Beach u••••••••••••tt••••••• _Oles_tur_e Rlty 759 1877 John 3gt wanttd to bwld custom lions Jerry. 631 7370 do. 30·yr fixed loan avail commerclli 00 3 C 1 PALM SPllHGS !Te ache r 1w1 re w 111 · honT 75t!H)41H Trad111onalRlty WlilEMOVIMG! w pa)ment:. under lots orrered at land 222·ra1rwaylotoobeaut houses1tyourba) ocean ILUFFS JUSTREDUcED °.ri HM s.. 1·4 Free 1mmed Beaut .. $1200 Dbl gar. pool !>Pll . value or $480,000 goU course. OLScounlfor rrontborre 646.~7 Smgle story 3 Br 2ba I', blocks rrom beach • "'------.,._ br.LR.ram rm.2';ba. 2 blks lo Capistrano ~lldll)'.6733900 ,v cash.548·2188evs. 2Brll'llbile,LidoPkS700 Lmda Plan spa, SJOK "'"""""'" ""' pool. sauna & alarm Bearhes Sl2'7.SOO Open PALM SPRINGS BR dn Lona term hndnr andonly2yrsold Ocean <1827 Bruce Cre~rent is l !'Um orunrum Direct· House Sal Sun OR C:O.cto.ilil••1/Tow11-l lm1111r 3 Br Twohome mg F\Jll pnre $212 soo \1ew 2 & 3 bdrm umls open for your \1ew1ng I r S295 000 choose 10•, inlert>~t i.o..sfor.-I 700 l'Ully Furn Condo Pool. Sl275 "'·-Agt «., 1006 Three bdrm unit great pleasure Redone L1du > rokm o,w,ner I "' u.o•.ooooR VA term' Jae, Tennis Wk ly. Watedront Home s vwuer .....,. -ror owner orcupanry Sands home on lrR lol or ma eo er 0¥.;;r ,\ 496 9786 .NORTHWN·c·aE::.:'ctt" Mntbly, Yrly.645·8_1_71_ 6311400 Wattrfront I 00/o Owner rmanrmg 3\ ail step. to beach Cross SI ~S26'1 6J4.J646 Piii -gt V1rgin1a o.t of eo.ty SEA v IE w F 0 r mer 2500 sq ft condo 1n pre Only S280.000 Call l6da) River PCH & Sopenor IT OWHH Salta Aao I OIO Country Club F.staies ,.._,.,, 2550 nuiel. JBr 3ba Ocean s11g1ous Lado \111lage 979.5370 $21.S,OOO Jem. 631 7370 Hsborli~C t ....................... llle"'•Jbr.JbaCondo , •••• :-;;~•••••••••••••• \lleW. S2000 mo Dennis Area ~ boat slip High A 1 "'--dlt1onal Rlt~ I res No qual 2 stOT)' 5 bdrm L "· R k 1 "" • A··ume $21 ooo at load-' SOO uxuryE~ac5orator **&al TOTAL as11~r ells & Auor assumable 10'. lSl Will LLSTATE · .. , · oeu SIW A''unw .... also consider lease op ,,.. By o"'"ner Ot'e11nfronl 1o~r, owe lge 2nd 3 S144.000al 1i 5•, rr I _ holll! 4 Br + 2 rent ab Bdnm. J baths and den 8J3.33S2 Larry Nebon From si 75.000 MYAI PAYMENT lion REALTORS Seller will rarr) TD I Vaew, night l1ghls & --171418477066 uunn ...... u.fwWslted 8:1143380wner As_c BY OWNER·Exe(· 3Br MPra1cretrn1n.5.()()(641' C7'a31813Paourl j arounta1ns 644-64~-HOQUASASLUIFMYEIHG / SC Plata, JBR 28A. as' 7Xgross ! IS houses.I all ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Mew~lto• ~ sum ii l',, S60K lsl.1 run. as apt. romp u ,._____.. 3202 2Ba. rormal dm rm ram 67J.SSOO UIVt:.LY J HURM "i 2 2nd Sub Panuve rash now Call __...., $1.495, easy termi.' rm. 2 frplrs. over;,z dbl balh condo Creal I.OW. LOW DOWN J yr OWC m1t1erms 1 d •••tt•••••••••tt•••••" ~·dock.fee s1mple allarhed gar. CO\ered HEWPORTHGTS r1nan r1 nR Seller newdreamhouse.3 Bd 2 SlOlK 9641988 [Ul)ror etails. RENTALS 1 524 59llO palio, bltn·varuum S}s. SIS0.000 Owner 1s ~o desparale Open house Ba. fam rm. rul de Sdr. o.6fus/ ~i ~bridge Yearly·Weekly ·Wtnter. $1950001"4 romer lot Sl35.0001nas rrot1valed l'm,ureyou 2147 Vista Laredo. :?rllqar.lrglot.beaut <wtsS. 1100 Re I 23 4 Bd N rt ASSUMA.ILE LOAMS suma hie loans Fu 11 won't believe II! I.ind a Bluffs l to 5 Sat Sun k1tch . owe LellSl' op ....................... a ., . Be~rh & ~:i~a ewpo ror1h1~" bdrm JI) bath pnce $198.lKlO f.4211663 1 Hart,agt6311266 5344842Bkr lion avail Hurry, ~'on'l H.B 4 Pl.EX SS1·3000 J•coas RE·LTY beaut1ru1 Porlofino urh msg. lasl' Susan Han. aRI Near beach By ownrr tntBarrHo P\w),lnl11!' "' "' DOVER SHOIES 5S9-9400orm·0613 Pnncapals only cash ----PROPERTY rrodel m Harbor View lal'CJIHft of tM Yr! EXEC. HOME lowers pnce Comp sale For Sale or Trade By MGRS. Separate mother m-law 6%D.--ly Owntr! Med style courtyard G Owner ( Coron a do qrlr• almo 't new $225,000.842 5763 reg 'Cay-) Waterfront 1 Yr 671:6173 "· " Lovely 3 br N B Golf 1 Tu 3BR H 1 Loi Pool .. Jacuui. overlooks = --~ _ carpeting. close 10 pool Course v.1ew ho.me • N:wnnrt ile~g;l~nS2J9K bay Galaxy Dr forma I LAGUMA IUCH : Old 3BR. 2BA Condo JBR 2BA . frplc. ne"' S3l9.500 Appraised O\er JOOK OWCt 1 Am 6313515 Dm1ng Rm. 2 frplcs ~ET CONDO 10un1tson Clenneyre Shpfor4-4' Boal. For Hse I pa i o 1 SI o. 000 d n . So. Coif. ltalty STEAL S249,SOO' I 5 11· $739,000fee Ckean view, 2 blks lo or Condo Between LA & S8SO/mo Aiient Rich 546-5605 631 -6194 OWC. Noquahrym.:' VERSAILL ES Sll7.000 642·2510/646·4848 2 B 2ba rondo m quiet ocean Zoned for tom· San Clemente On or Nr ~3666 lll;!r:!I~all no"' 957 0744 1 Br Penthouse. adult -area lnler recenll) m'I· 3 comm'I, 7 apts. W a t e r D a y s . LID050'LOT d d pamled Ne"' drape~ m $950,000w/30~ dn Xlnt 213 ·282·0282 Eve ..... laa.d 3206' MESA VERDE 3 Bdrm. 2 ba fireplart>. di shwas her, ren ced )ard S 775 m o w1~rdener ~ 2S74 S300 & S32S Co ttage Duplex. I Br I with sauna & fenced yard No ~ 213 471 1611 [\!~ 28r. lBa nr SC Plaza rull sec pools s pas Acllts only S550 S46 4529 ~ br. 2 ba house. frplr- gar. la"'n ma1nt. S7SO 11'1> 64.Q-7002, 640. t~- East.side Condo 2 Br 11, Ba rrplc, l(arage ~/~ 548356 __ 1. __ Hou.w Westside S475 mo l', Br 1 Ba garage yard K1dsok 641 0763 I Yr New Condo 1400 sq rt 35' Beamed Ceiling. Mlrro"'\" 2 rar gar w opener Pool. Set' ~uards . MORE ' S695 Mo +Sec Call63_l~ Nice clean 2 Br l Ba. enclsd l(arage,)ard. ne"' paint & carpel No pets SS50 + secunt} 2544 Ora n ~e h ouse A S48 2778 LgSo sunnypat10.4BR, Duplex~earBearh bldg guar e !(ale. OPIHSAT/SUMl2·4 LRDR Enrllraritar a.ssum financing OWC 213·576-0732 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Jl, Ba. 3 (pie's Cedar JBR + 2BR unils Rd gym. pool, spa Owner 1515 c .... n.ct. Ml Pool 189.900 Flex rman I C.all Marta 497 5132 ·-C-'-' Bayfroot. bearh. 2 Br 2 IBR dupleJC E c M Pm wardrobe. hydro tub., lerms. S240.000 o~ner INY help wilh rmanc WESl'CLIFF, $240.000 Take over eJ11st1ng --' ..... --·r Ba. 123 E Ba yrroot pallo&yard$37S + util dream kl l ~hen , ;\IO'll67S-2373ori708S98 mg Call Sand) Alu d 1 loans63 098 ly-CDM~ J20Acres 118Acresm Balboa Island 11200 646-3273or6451320 ' ho ander Broker673 27411 Lovely 3 B rm Pus -,. _ _. Almonds 202 Acres 0 1 hardwood nrs. step!> 10 I'll!_ -· rarruly room , located 1n ~ LOCJlllMI 1016 Great rentals. uced Bare S750 000 Sell or winter S140 an nu a 31R. 21A yacht club bea<'h 133 ~--••••••••••••-.. prestigious West chrr •••••••••••••••••tt•••• toS280.000' Call Trade ·Br 0 k er s i Herl>.d~ll3t~78·3577 Newly rmdld No Pe~ Via Undine Ownr1Agt ' Minutes to lhe beach OCEANFIOHT UNIT 679 9667 Welcome 552 8645. 1 Little Jsl1nd 3 Br 2•., Ba New Bil ans '°'"' OW. 675-7291 OP EN Sat Sun SHIMPLACE Of THE YEAR Owner anxious and will with super \ ie"' or -... P,..rty 2000 712·~ rrplc, secluded patio f'rplc etc Lrg Pvt yrd I S _ _ helpw1ththeftnanc1ng waves.rocks.roast E' •••••••••••••••••••••••OCEANSIDE unrurn S12501mo Agenl Dollie 721CenterStreet Rear Fealwed •Dec. 1911 ls... For an appointment lo qu1s1te 2 Bdrm 2ba 9 QUALITY UNITS CM studio apt. Roof pa110, !7s.«xxlor640·0997 CM S72S mo lsl + Dep of"'HmtiMal GNyaphk" see.call540-11Sl S375,000 GREAT ASSUM LOAN 2Br.new. Onocn. harbor .... P..i.s.to 3207 646-6423 --- Elegant in design & craftsmanship! L.,.a Yillaqe R.E. owe GREAT TERMS & r 1 v er v i e w s ........................ 3 bdrm twnhse. 2•, ba. on J>romontory Bay. Beautifu 497-1 761 Bkrm.aJ__ Nortbroas1 Condo S600 Winter 3 Br 2'• Ba fpc, etr Nice S82S mo custom home : 4 bdrms, 41h baths. 11.B . ._PLEX. 3 br, 21 ... ha mo 730-7506, art 6PM $595/mo 30~ Montero ~-5128,_!163·3018_ Interior designed & decorated by !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~OMwrbal&tote owner'• unit. frplc. 00-3363. 67S-15&4or !.:_8795991 2bdrm house by Heller RCTaylorCo 640-9900 SPYGWS HILL IOo/oDOWM MoYIS YOU IN Yes! For 10'% down you can own this lovely 4 BR 3 BA Tradewinds Model ! Sales price reduced lo $496,000 for fast sale, and excellent !inancing available. Ready for im· ·mediate occupancy or try lease op- tion. Call Cor more inlormation. mSHIE 0,. ... Sit & Sii 1 ti 5 14181111Yhl Handsome custom residence on approx. ~ acre. 20x40 pool l jaCUDL Laqe ,.Uo. Flexible noor plan lndllclel: farmal dining rm. rib belmed ceWll, IUPel' family rm/kltdlen rih tera cotta tiled naan. a MLJ.! 1 11: C.'CIDvertible .,. .•.•. .,,..,., Darlene Ferrari Lohr. Slip for your •••••••............... Supertax benefits 2 yrs CM of State Copller-•ecll 3211 Park Adu!ts pref No yacht. CUSTOM MobltHo.s new. Only S39,000dn. By P......,ty 2600 •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• pets Avail March I For private showing. contact agent BIG CANYON For S. 110 ~,Phil. 1 972'9300· ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• Capistrano Palisades tux. 1'2.Simo 642-3837 f M t ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• 32 U 2 YRS OLD Beautiful 100 rt. x 200 rt ocn vws. brand new side 4 Br 3 Ba h..~e . rrplr Patricia Per ette or argo 7tt.ya1Sl George Rd. l2x44 Freedom, ndll HUNTINGTON BEACH froolage on scenic bysideduplu 2masler fenred yard No pel!I MacKerro w. OPEN SAT/SUN 12·4 parit. walk to supermkl S2.472K F/P 1312,000 dn. Rogue Rwer in Soulhern bdnmtbas. walk lo brh S780 mo + dep Agt C707t 553-1211 or 17071 642-1443 ~ Bob Halley. Reallor Sll,950. Agt. 557-9390 or I nu. to beach "Pride" Oregon. Trees, waler $700. t96·2228 642 5722 ... ON SPYetASS HU. This new ~tom home off ert the ul· ttmate in eleaant Uvtna. with warm woods~ thruout, bealit.Uul bevel leaded windows, a library, family room and elevator. There is a muter bedroom suite with balcony overlooking the coastline & city U1ht1. There are 4 additional bedrooms, pool & spa, air condition. inf. alarm •Y~ & 3 car 1ara1e. Offered .t. ~.ooo. 64,...455 _1162~-1888~---l.2S% tu sheller lat yr skiing, close to town ,c:or---.. M.. 3222 3 bdrm. 2 ba. dble gar SKYllSICOHDO '75 5tb whl trlr, 35'. a/r, Call Pt\11 a 972 9300 $40,000. PO Box 469 •••tt•••••••••••••••oo• rarport and pallo Yd ON THE BAY FRONT low space rent 17900 IMCOME ~\~~~~~,4~Legon ShomliHs Mo to mo lse 2 1750 !.~_d~642·4015 wtlh unbelievable view '31·~15'M·3663 PROPEln 8r1''Jba, ram rm. hvmg One bdrm Easts1d e $4'/S,000. NWPT BCH·2Br. pool. SPICIALIST ......., hrw, rm. kitchen, 2 fps . lge duplu Fenced yud. jacuni, bch. SI0,000 Sro'fft 2700 yard Pets/kids ok S9SO. Rrdnr anrl'd. pet OK 0 ..... 1 1 -Bkr/ownerS?S-4010 ....................... !St/last. refs req s:m · " ......,., Select rrocn multiple un IU.o" Only Ptnlnsula Point 2Br Dbl wide across from its. Term.1 available lo OW lmdl Sh ~ $4117155.645·i30I <>ttanlront Just be.ch. Hulhes on Superior & slit)'OOrn~ Approx 10 Acres. Close Lce3 BR 212 Ba w patio Jbr. 2ba. fam rm. Mesa no sidewalk '79$,000 or Placentia, $22 ,950 tn, Including beautiful 'prdener Sl ,OSO mo Verd! Blt·lns. lmmal' maklofr. Terms like r~nt. Agt •• older holM. Possible 640-ISIO; 7eO-l689 Im incl 1rdnr 557-6M3. '7M67' '7M444 S57·9'll0ot962·1868 sub·dlvlsion. Great SPYM.ASSHlll 0.231>.'31·3155 . • poulbillUes. Asltin° c-I ''"•a•rm"Olt1aaw So.A~ 1016 Sollttl.agme 1016 • " .,,..."",1cu ar ocun vu. ........... • ""' ....................... ....................... ~ Dt:, .i 1350.000. Owner w11r 3+ family. formal din pd&ok, today $3'75 ~-carry. Submit Mr ini . pool ., •P• QC·RENTAl.S 750-3314 ************************* 714114101'3 Forney, Bkrl33'2801 COOO/rm G1~ner 1nd Remodtlt'd2brw work : , .. OCEAN Vl£W : 292.SCoUeteAvt 11 * * POOi rare Incl. Altl sbop1tar.kid~S45'I • Costa Men. CA,. 1m •-LL.1.... ~ OC·REN'J'.ALS 750-3314 ... ,,....C Mt It _,.,.. 28R BA 0 I rw· R ... a......• c-~ • Miner St. . 1 . r r P r , ,~. F.NTAl.S It r--•-r-•,., .U • ¢ost&Me11 Bu med Ce llln Iii>. I $br'111200toS2000 It CPI MyT..a. C.tt • APfUVAUIY You are the winner of Caf'11C>t\. Old CdM.1$95. 1~33\4 o!k•n7d11~J1 ! Eicecutive 3Br, fam . room, 21,.. Ba ~ Ta519thr tWQ free tickets <Sl9.00> ~!2!'J .. I .... • .... Ntar new 4·plu. 2 val1.11tol.ht 1 •Home. At the end of cul-de-sac it bdrm, 2 batll tach unit CKUSVAA•AS ,•street with lots of privacy .• wlthnrwpla~.tncloted Lll\lft•HillaMall 11 ! Profuslonall~landscanod, low ~ pat.lo.'"'''· '~~ tat Feb.•· u ... t-• ard A -n d .... Pol Ulh flow. No• at m.-..1.. "" •mauit~ . 500 + sq eek • $151,500. Bill Grundy, y.,._,....,vr:nter : adjol & pool &J openln& up to: tatt1rtu&11. ,:~•.•12 • beaut.llul panoramic ocean tlew. • i----... lli!lml•I To datm uct.u, call •OWNER/AGT. S-,000. i c.M.T•..W Ul·SHI, nt. 2'1 . :.111o•nu flllil4'Ml74 '-•xwn..... °1*1 .. tledahaed .......................... • . ....m/lltMlJI -~'!1• OrMgl 0... DAILY Pl.OT~. F~ 1, 1112 .. , ,• ; , .. -.- -........ ~ • ..,.._ ... ri_,,.. ......... , --··--· .. ---0 .......... , .... ____ . --Orangt Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 7, 1982 Fill c.r,.tltma eo.,.r..._ ....... H..tvu H!Mtcft-&-..i:.L.. -P.,..t.t ....., .••••••••.•....•••••... •······•·······•······· •••!•••················ ..........................•. : .......................•.• ~ ......... ~~ ....•.......... ····•··••·•••·····•···· .................•.•.•• • 8 ... 1wtdc~S'a';,_S1~~ NoSleam/NoSbampe>o COIPOUTIOMS TREES JACK OF ALLTRA01-:s TopQuaUty/Rtin Rol~• F'lne p1lntln~ by Rkhard nu: rArto:R llANCI P.H s~~:~RS,r~R ~ESS>'r• 0~ SPECIAL i ·. ~a·~a7A~o!!7y .. •• "'~· .. , StalnSPfdallat F11t It PARTNE.RSUIPS Tupl)t'd/nmoved, eic Call day or nl&hl. Pref barbelor hon1h Sinor Lie. 1111 13 yra or Pro1 qu11lt)' work Fr Addltloat remodtlll\~ dJl'.. ~'rtoat 139 J$12 Fotnwd by Altorntys Pfrt clean ups, tiwnsre • J!_!'k 87UOJo C2l3>438tl907 b11ppy lot·11l <·ustomt n 1-'rl"(• C'!ll Stt'Yt 54? 42111 rx11 tt est TIO 2?2$ Doors, wi.gdowa, pat O Kaai Shampoo' Stum Reas r!!es. SS7$700 novtt«i 751·3478 Mo.tMrY·Carn11ntry Ttlr TIIE EIROOM SQUA r; Thank 111u. 631,44~ QUALITY · MtwMrf aooflita l'OYCl'll f'reeeat. RelJ ~ tQ ft: Ovtr 1000, aor c.to. WoodwortlilHJ K&l> Landsrape Munt. Plumb Rootiii'1 Re mod ~•Lily kcllutilr I'm Smu 11 My prices l'apt-nnc £'111111111: ·~ality Roufln11 tUr fora 3Uday ad tn t.he DAILY PILOT U<' OI09_43 $4i 2170 That Bid No Xtra Ch1 ... •••••••••••••••••••• RMld /Comm. Clean up tuc~Drrwall S341700 llou:w1·ll'untnj_ 673 31:!1 11n· sma 11' CdM. N R Frtu1t Jim" 552 0231 Flndlomh "645 OUM IM~rcrvHEOM~TS' Rkll,S42·ll!!L_ Cr own mo u Id 1 n & • UH1@n1: 548 2489 HOMElMPROVE ~ENT HOlSEl'LEAN1NG t:xp'd Run 673 6477 W1tllpaprr contrn<1or & S..cllklstMg AdditionalcRemod 11 c:.,.t/Upllolsftry mantlu. will un it•. FonnlngOwn 8ui1ne11, 'nlefioorl renctn11 Pan1t.1tnl!onl,y 8111l'i1 ~L Mun11uoPllinll111t l\11nt,111g L1c ~OOl' ...... •••••••••••••••••• • n1 ........ ••••••••••••••• rablneta. lhrdwood 4YrsEx_p Landscaping, Plumbn& Allimall 11yon11rt'11 )436919 (u,~t work L1c#362478 23 yrs Gisr)' Gompf Bt'OGl!."fHATF.S/l.1r'd sav1c1 D•ICTOIY DO IT NOW • ....... , ..... • NewVr'•SPfcJal!Crpt tf!uUons to wood pro Gnil& & Brick Patios. ~ Z8 yrux.R, 979 2265 I Will <:ltan your lluu~e lru. i''rttl'lll 73182111 ~4366 1.o~min Sml JobsOK uphol rleenin1 Scotch __.!!!_S3l l~ Gntd. Pro.f Service at EuropunCrnrlsman l'leu• .. ('.all \1611 0113'.i NF:LSONS PAINTINCI ,..,.lttftO•ol th·e~t In' S411S81 •-.-... ~rd. Fr~fft.9'72·8839 .,.,......, Pn<'ff Su~ lo Please Ben'stlumr (mprov 1164-41126 L111d11 lot t:xt Re~1d l'omm ....................... S.wing/~• •I C.Wllf/Co11enttt ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~2115 b17·9 & W /E. -Malnt. 964·5231 aft 2 Gl!:RMAN LAI>Y Amust1c cetbnaa Hefs, • llllYANT'S• .......... ••••••••••••• Ur,134~ 770·4SS4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SALASORAPERIES Gardening Co m pl te.di-;.dA -Eitpenenred wirt•r' ht"d f'reeest 11372637 Wallro\ennic HcmovJI 11\/UUSTXl/l.LSt:Wl~G V our Daily Pilot S.rv1ce Directory THOMPSON'S Custom made Work cleanup&frechauhn11 1' oon Call960·071!1 l'AJNl'ERNF.F.L>S AllT)pt'~ ti-1:!1343 &CL'T'TISGoffabnn ~!4~~~~,~.~ t'ONCRETE CONSTR t"'~~/g[sJree ut. rorusable1tems j"iiAitow"oo"o.PLOOHs" lftco...Tu M>RK JOy1~ur. 1n1 fltastttn/Repolr Prff('Sttm.Hc) 5-180450 Representative 64Z.167', tat JU mi. remodel, Fren<'h I.at 1393.1113 64211482 ---Mkh!el~.!734_ Ueauurully deaned ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'xt Acuust1c ~et mies ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Slryl9't1 tl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!l doors.skylights &patio c:.r..&cTlle Drfwal Gardenm1.w11nled · andwaxed, 832-Ullll ~XPt:R PR~l'Altf>:rt Ow\·t~Peinling8475186 l'l.ASTP.RrATClllN<: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Acnmt~ t'Overs 11411-3652 __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• "oiivwA••L•L•••c··0·u··ST··1·~· Mowing, edging, raking .~ Enrollrd to 11rn<'tH·r l':i111t1ni:'s thet:ame. He•tut'r0.& Int r~t Jo ••SICYLIGHTS•• -, llllJ\llen 'sCeramu: Tile IA . • C s wee Pt n g Fr e e ~-., I before thr I RS Quuhl\ f'roen.en's the No1me' •1'l> Ne:.t l'aul 5ir> l977 ,\I 1 51 l"' 1 nst • 11 "d •••••••••••••••••••••• C......M""l-A i;, t4yr.iell.p l'\llly llc'd& estimate 64• 4""2 •••••••••••••••••••••.. ..,,, ... ~. ' ' " ' P/RQlrlles-Ftn Stmts ••••••••••:::;?•••••••• rC100Ntll Showe9r7s2 Tsu!" wuttd 532 SS49 00.5737 s ., .,, or DUMP JOSS Ill rew. t·rn.1 54!124111 Ltt" ~ 642 0862 Nt'al patche\ ~ tnturei. Crt'dl l'mt·~ 1i31 !12.'l!'l ComplSet·Up&Serv. CUSTOMCABINETS ~lime ·4 J" -------·----&Small MovtnJ(Job~ 1-'EDF.RATEU llM'pamlmg collgrdd frffHt. 80-1439 . DRYWALLTAPING CUSTOMGAROENING ''~11MIKL'~•A I T s 7 l l k Tit. Reas. 540·5!3,! Kit . bars, gar units a.Md Care All textures & acoustic Restd'l/Comm 'I ...,_ ., ... u l~JI n('Onlt' ax erv1<·e yrs exp, iua ' Y "·ur l':I>'S l'LASTJ·;H ING ••••••••••••••••••••••• .&....a.. Refs&t5:_6521~91~ ••••••••••••~•••••••••• Fr~est Kevtn6159088 ClnJ!P!893·3577X 43 llAUU NG&D UMP 6.'ll 4ll7tfor oppt l.owr1tles anaS4S lllG9 A111)'pel> lntorE>.1 TILEl-..STALLl::l> ....,..._, Chtldl.'are. Fu ll Time --------....,_, __ JOB.S,askforRandy Motonry LJB PAINT ING ~82S8 ~rt't'l'"t \llK1n1h<juaranleed .. ALLSTATE.PA"viNc .. c.,...... ~a~1 fi1duy My cM ~r:~r111~ II ~1obus:;i>1~~. 1J!~~,~~~~~~~~~. o.111427 a··R··1c'"K'·w··o·R··K·· .. ~···,·,· i~~·ryAL~~~38~~~ 6 PLASTi::R & s11 ('( ·c) Ht·" John 840.9211 Sealcoattng · Stnping ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642 0162 SlS·S20. 7S4 9004, 955 0095 Indoor plaol speruilt~l CLl!AH UP YOUR ACT Sma Repair No Jllh too ~1111 1 ·1btom Ceramic Tile Repairs Comm 1Resid FINEFINISHWORK Mark DominicS42 ... ,51 TODAY' y d Jobs, New11ort l'c1,1u INT ~;XTPAINTING 64.54203 645 ll!r.I l'rnmi>twn fret'ei.t Lie 139'1362 6'511181 RerrodebnglDoors hun11 ~Stnlces ----.., · llr garagl' Mt':..t. !nine Htl' Qu.iht) work Rl'J:> Dt.--"l.... t'hutk67S 14~ Orivewa"". Parking Lot _Randy720 1260CdM ....................... Bedrical Landscaping Yd Clnups dn up, ell' I tern lrutk 675 31i5 ~'reer:.I Stevt'S47 4281 , ,_._"J , 1 • --PEP GIRLS I "•••••••••••• ••••••• "'---tnm·Expert mainl 2163l-1993 !24hrsl •"••••••••••••••••••••• ~Yr~t:"' frt•el-:.,1 R Se I CHAR RENOVATING • r ean1ng •• """ llart M.isunrv flt 11·k l""'UA"'C>V PAl"'TI"'(', • ,. S&SAsphall Int ext Cabinets Boat service. omes 1~es , h r . • ~ ,.. 11 • lllock, l'l>nt·rete 111•( 16 yrs CJ C Tu11 quaht) J h ~92 3382 epatrs, a roallng I H Off F..LECTRICIAN prH'ed Jim !ISi 012'J llaultng rl"an U" d 1 , '""' " " '' '' Vram!I deart•d from Siii lka~onablt-Work c;u;ir - __ Llc 631.4199 docks 2S vrs 645 ,3749 Apts 548·0663 ng t, ree estimate on GARDEN SE RVI(' t: shrub/tree tr1 m, 1·11• Lil' 3611294 tl4t 1597 'leJt St he 334950 Plumbing lkpa1f\ 0 n • -::..i.: ---large on ma II Jobs Tree Tnm R mo I JWlk. lra:.h. 11411 4!1114 f'ree t'ltt M& \I 6-12 !11133 Tl'ff Sen ice • ..___ CUSTOM ADDITIONS COlllrodon, Get1erol LI<' •396621 6 73 0359 <>•~-ll37 aefl • \a '1~C) our Spt·,·1.111}' S4.~ OJli9 839 111116 "'·~-,.. """ " TREES SH RUH 11RIM ('I "l Al ITV INT L"VT A rl.AS PLL \1 Ul!\li & ••••••••••••••••••••••• K 1 t c h e n re mod ••••00••••••••••••••••• LIC D ELEC:""'R ICIAN 1·.m. ~Ull'k. d1•11t•nd.1 " "· • r,., l I' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sk J R r ·' G.......,-.1.r __ I Garage&YdClean up:. II "' " I I ·1 R r •· 1 HEATING REPAIR •~l\pcrt rl't' runmg• AGGRESSIVELEGAL y 1tes tb Bill HomtR-ir Q1•01.workReas.r11tes --.-,,ces L)'~~t 557 8''71 i1•necoa11\~111•io1 .11•1 e~rrt't't'~ llEPLAC'E 64 (' l"ILad .... Representation. Law of ~·0092 All phase1;, lil~-bonded. 1-)-';;e!it. 631·5072Tom ••••••••••••••••••••••• r ""''"' ' •li:ki 234~• ••64ii,IU67• • --· 5 IGISll ':Y.'.~'~,rr;,n" n95~1·::iii11 fices, 24 h~~ 8422 •.... exper Free esl & ad\lt'e Trt'l'Tnm & RemcHal Derrohllon Gradini: ~:XPlHT llHICK \Ml <Jualtt) f'tll Lo" "1n11·r P'roperty Mm10CJement Tired of Plain Walls' In AllenCon~t cM1kel TOP QUAL ITY llome Repair:. Transport Atiphall. um \lasonrr SntJll Joh' &. rJti'\ tn efft't1 llone~t ••••••••••••••••••••••• In'\ Tnm1111: dean UP!i AlllolRoH.. crease the \'a 1 ue & 497.5322 499 41163 It Electncal ""ork at 76i}9W5or 673·9043 I rrete & tree removJI rep;rn~ i''rpk f ai·ini:~ rt>bablr 1141! 56411 PROPERTY \lonth) ,t·n 11·1· frt't' l''t ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• Beauty or Your HolTlt' ADD"NS REMODELIN" ea.5 rate~ 531 ~55 r----.. I Soil prt'IJ & pJ,rntini: Ref, 5514555.11;011111 J• E PJ\IN1'1N<; M•"""GEME ... T I "'" 755fi 1 nn) Ii Trt't' TER.OHYOURC.U W'th Th R h f " Electn1·uurS,...c·ialty' ._._., Operaledeqwp Comm'I "' "'""' " S4·n11·1: I d r 1 e •<' nes~ o Plans LH''d George .-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Resid 'J 642 7638 l.A.l\DSCP l\1.\....,0.\ II\ l"ompl p.11nting mt ext Orangt• Co an•J 15 \ 1 \ T·" . nstea o wax. 40 mo Solid Wood 4966961 Pllmer&Soru.,557.6932 Clean, qwrk, dependa TRACTOR. 1deol for Contn·ft' 1.11 111, fr~~t 1..0 .... r.ites e\penrnre Cdllfor111f11 '"'°""9 wrty 7~5007 752·0892 Custom Carpentr) 8) Add1llons. rtmodel~ ble We do dnys12e1ob ~mall arces~ areds. 4.tS' General hauhng & mo\ ~>~ l-7t't.•t•'l 53'11r.-+u f<,mpl hand)ntan Jndrale~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PROF POLISHING ·Jay" 1 Form tNI & home 1 mprove me nt •631 23!S• "icW Kubota sk1ploader 1ng Tree work gar ,en it·e 9634182 ll~·J11ing & related 5k1ll\ Service at your holTlt' or Tile I 642-8809 or Ca II windows, doors. patios. RESto1COMM "L/INO _p>hr lns"dJ!.42 5006 r I ea nu P Fr,. t· n t Mo•inc) Lu: #412000 Evi. fi42 1305 I < n'tlenll.iled. exp. rar ,~iness.J!.!.r_k675·0J44 _ Answer Ad •s20 at dr1v e w a>·s re 20yrsexp Do my own H•dyina. 714 ~·4597 :·~a(·;;;1°\,j~0(;'~:";~" PAINTERNEEDS ~~~rh~r~1~.~~111~"'m~nni1!"c1" ;~~r~~~a7lmuggradr' labpfftlRcJ ~~..!Ir~ plumbing. etc Ltr work Ltc d Al646-8126 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~iftcJ prof 10 .... roill'S ~111rk WORK' JOyri.e~p. inl tum for offtrc· Rkkpl>! ..,,_ ..... Cl L. ••••••••••••••••••••••• U.b111ets. Counter lo~ J7871l Ph960 0635 Carpentl) Masonry ••••••••••••••••••••••• i·.11'\'ful~en11t' !i~:/ 114111 i·\t .\t•oust1c· re1hn1:~ st'r. avail 54111!127 1 "-"" ~anm9 Babysit, oor ~M homes I Doon.. Greenhou~e ..., 111 Roar Co•erin9 Roof mg . PlumbmJ.: Want a REALLY l'l.EA~ l)J\ 1:. PJtntmg 847 5186 ••••••••••••••••••••••• yr&up,11nylJme rlows ~'i nish work JM~SY1tflns •••••••••••• .. •••••••"! Drywall Stucco Tile llOUSE'Cal1C;ingham 1 ••A·IMOVIHG• Refinisttinq L..tthl'Sun~hmeln " _ 642·~2.646 5759 754.442<> ~'ret>des1Kn freeesl Cari>et & Linoleum 1-'ur Hermdel JR 6469990 Girl t'reee~t 6-155123 Top Qu.d1t) SJJl't'l.tl !->l l'HEMEPAINTl.\'G ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• t"allSun~hmeWindo" Ba bys1 tt1ng Mon Fri Room add1t1ons. tenant ::ome 114~~~5 i . Motor' General MainlenJn1·e ROBIN'SCLli\NING l'Jrl' tn hanlllrni: ;is H' ~'.::n:~~·t.rn ~'.~ ~~r:~! ~ J U Horn Rl'finhh1nl( <lt•Jnm.: Ltd 5.ill 11853 Newborn to 2 yr:. ti to Corf-tSenic~ I ~:~~:e\~~rtntder':~ ome a\e Repairs&Derorating ,Serv1t't' athoroui:hl) t'\I' Compt'l1llH' rJh'' t llhl'<tlJhlt• pri<·t•' ,\nt1i1ul'), kit lJhin.eh j •HE,'-IDf'l;Tl.\I.• s·:.i. CM ~2-2995 ••••••••••••••••••••••• patios Im.ch Doon I •quality • Ray 640 5144 dean~sc 540 0857 i'<t>ll\~l111Tlt" IJO·t:IS.I 'WM 140.'l r)nq.1amtmg h~S Cllif..J \\I( I ~I~ S.111. aq: 2 '11 lNFANTS & UP cured We Ca reCrplCIPaners 770-8067L1r313174 ••••••••• .. •••••··~·••• HOMEIMPROVEMF:N'T I STARVINCl'OLU:c:~. 'PaperilMJ Remc>delin9/Repoir I ~t5 l'hn~957·1!31l8 for. my c M home nr St¥~/k'e;:u~lu~~~ls REMODEL ADD ONS I 1;~~~c~n~~?i:~.· 6' REPAIR P~LIMBING IMMACULATE I sn~l>l~~T.\:i,i1 ';;~(; ........................... ~·;;;,;M·~·~~~t··· I 19th & Placentia C M Work&uar 6453716 &Carpenll') Lil·'d ~1Jderopentng.S750com I Heating, tarpentr~ C~S.r-.ices ln,un'tl MIK4.!; llA"\t,f'<G$ltl RHl.L 646-5759 _ ~ irs lr'.1 In 548 2719 pl CWl_pamted 1640 IOGS I eltt. Ule Free e:.t No Homes 675'.'9755 Off1rc~ WA l'<'ll l S <:HO~, Stnpptni: c1isc on 11a Pt'r /lMDUSTRIAl I wlll care for your infant, Shampoo & steam rlean <.: d .-S I Job too sma IL 645 21411 \'1~u \1l' 1;15 9325 ltE.MODELIHG! 3-18 mos. FTtPT, m) Color bnghteners, wht Jn ~s. trEcturill, F'vniitur-.Rriinlshlft9 1Repa1rs. paint In I!. W RRAINE'S llOME STAIWIN<:ACTllHs Lil' l'/l.l'~:n11,\NGl':H Turn lost or' unuwtl C.M homt 631·1880 crplS 10 mm bleach (,'~a 1,' n g · n er~) ••••••••••••••••••••••• rarpenlry Chn~tian re SERVIL'F. REFS MO\ IM: l'O:ll I'\ 'I;\ l\mtlt1I & ~u.ir '\o JOb ~PJl"t' into .i "'11r~.1l1l1 .:;--., -. -. Hall. h\ dtn rms SIS, C: .. ~ue:rtt~~ 41~ Prof •SPECIAL* ltable1U7 9262 Ow11trans 962 051111·" ~~t & l°Jrt'ful Lu""t'\I ltJt."mallor loo l.iri:i· Jrt'J room' 1111111t•ll wrcy I avg room S7 50. couch .. -An h h d t d RL'A" • I' ... 11 d ,. RJll'S L<i\I \llu ...... \I ( dn .... .tll d I I l' Ii. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SJO <'hr $5 Guar <'hm ll •\t' som .. thln" \11u > c air an ·S rippt> r,,,..,ONABLF. "1 0 11 u r \1s.t Lu· In' fi-Jlllt53 ~°ll't'l''1 TonyK98272K · · "I' I t'! II I:• f'or all you need 10 know ·od • ' .. or rei:Jued, $19 75 A PROMfYf fRE~; F.ST Houseclean1ni: ~;x v I ' • v. 11 lnm t·al'p('ntn 111 com I aboutbank ruptcy call I ~t yr~r ;rptr;,pair k want to sl!ll~ l'lasMfu•cl Toul'h Of Cla ss In I ALMOSTEV1';RY Dep,Art1rul11te $7 50h1 Mak<' ~ou1 'huµp111..:1 \ll~~r;d.[~·~'e";!~.,t 1.1l1·t1oi1 CallTom111 frU 114/835-9lsi If Rx( ~1°01~i°' ads do It wt'll C'all teners.111 W 171h St REPAIRNEEDED Will do W tnduw~ elJ!i1erb}u:.1ni.:thellJ1h Sii rull Lit· 330986 dtft6129l3vr4!1J.lij11ti --------~e ~ :0-.0W.64256ill f!A2,_C M 642·7712 Dl\,VE 6454757 6406858 Maureen P1lotl'la~\1(1edAd~ '\orm&l5.011110 tlJ,,1f11-d\t1' 1,12.'>t.ix e Daily Pilot e classifieds e workfor • you. call 642·5678 e forquick e ca' sh sales. I Rlcll htata-ttie Complete Oran~ Coast Market Place ~n I Motf~s. Tn1st lost& Fowid 53001Lost& Found 5300 Oppor+wtity SOOS Dtfrdl 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• • •• • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••• •• •• ••••• IJ~t P Jrrul. '.'\ml grt.>f:fl ARCADE MEED CA.SH? FOUND ADS ilu"k' t'onure II U MA.CHIMES 1 fru't llt'cd 11111nn .111•a re"ard !WI 16!>ll 41 U1Heren1 f Jtnl J\o!IJblt• :!no ur Jr1t I ARE FREE 1.1"1 RU\'.\H U for Rocns 4000 ltefttahtoShore 4300 a...tal:stose.are 4300 OffiuRewtal 4400JOfficel...tal 4400 ...._trialRlfttol 4500 \II ~e" ('(. Bo,uo E\ J '"mt 1.1r11pert1l'' Wl• : I malt• \1« ,\\enllJ de Id I \1o1w~ ~laktnl! \ludt•I,' rlhnqrl'"•denllJI •If 111 Call "'tll'nan Hu,I..\ ICI mo" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (' h Ctn~ t?' ~ l' ,, I I h.uu.Jh• .t full fJ0~4' or I 642-5678 ~"trelld &. Sierra. ~an Pvt rum bdrm Lil & EASTBLUFFN B Roommates needed to 1!117WeslcllH.N B WJnt , 121 office<; ror rent ap Nll ,3975R1rch llllli/1 .,11 2133457303 1mrti:;11:1· •'O\\•ra11c. all < lt·mentl' t92 60ill bath All ullls 111~) Me~a Fem to shr w ~a me ~hare condo tn beautiful f1nant·1al inst 7000~ f pro~ 400 !><! ft A\ J 1l 1m I\ or l~i. MIA mrH• SV \~·r. l'ttmpet1t '' l' rate:. 1(--0..--d p m b.'liU ver~C M 55660.JJ fumJBr1•,Ba 1·ondo ~ewport Bluffs S21U lstnoorAgent541S032 rred SJ7Smo Supt·rn11 ,pt<r ~q ft \l(t•nt IHTBUORDESIGH t1111rtl''\ to flrot..er' ~ uppy 1 d d Room..:..==.S2.-;,-Pvtentran-ce S250 mo 759 1980. Ask ror Henn •il4 1 EXECUTIVE ,\\{' t'M 6459711.l 5415032 Hr;ml( ~our prao1.11· Ill -14 ·1111~51 a~k fo r J,o:,t \Ir 20th ct r .11m ·0 ' 1 me '1't' Ill( ...., "'"" .~..,, 644-4876 I ~'e\•'. ,',r llu. Jnt' . I llunt1ni:ton lit'Jrh :-,,11 bro."'n "'. blal'k_ Lwk' •-cook g w k ,,...,,...,..., 11..1..-E ·-"' lnd"'lnal bl1l" 1,·1KKI ·11 'tart ~our >U'111~" 111 " ' I Ilk" m ( ll1C' ~s1 10511 • in . or lnl( man SUITES -...,-. 1ec .. 1n I ...., " "• ih h I I , , • Jan 23rd l(rtt'll 1 oll.11 ~ ~ 0 • P:!!!_La_g_!3_£h.49444S9 froom~te2535 toshr Compatible Female to1 IN OfficeS..ltH ft ~'P~°Sler,&lrlrca~',al!im:J~ '11~;,•~Jr·:•i:&,_ .AIWIOWtcemeflts/ HE\\ARI> ~·11, :mo, H~.\\ARD Roomate needed. kttth ~ ~ \964a~~; e~:me I "hare 2 Br 1~ 8: l'ha!m HYIT AGE O.Hiooalln9 ~~~01~1~1>! ;:'.:~t•d ~~l~~ Stu mu H hJ't' 1nrnm1· PenOMls/ I ).}; 4758 IJt-tl Fem \u't S1lk1e pnv1leges Mesa Verde - -~ ar ~ ' r~m Ld,\1 PLAZA Mtwport lay 1111: t'omer nf Rt•dh1ll &. \ttrarl 1 \ l'I\ pn I 1•11 Lost & FoUnd I Lt" I Gr~ "ht mo it I!\ r-. ~ol "•'II '\r Park Area S250 inrl ldry . South Laguna Ore an Eil~~IOO • 1 utl ~ I New lullUI') orrtn• llPJt't' I :.!,!'J()(I~ r , Jvail month 11 1 pa u 13 ri n 11 (' :II 1 11.·rm~ ,,, ,111. JillC l~Ull !•••••••••••••••••••••••' h.Hrl'<I Cat. fluff\. t.J1l , IJclo ;'I;~ .• aaoss from utilities,549·1043 -~~!a~,~~~~~a~·\!Gai~d in ln11w·~ bu!>H''t rrunth ltenantormrlll s.99671 I'\' Arltouncemrnts 5100 \IC ~ll'Sa l)r & Santa lloagRf.\\AH06JJ 3048 trance. Bath S295 + Adult respormblt' per~on l'enter' EJ:.\ fr...,\ .it l'>.l'l'Ull\I' swH•:. ~\il l) t:n>JCXJO q ft h\ '"t J\SITUHI \I "fn°H\"lt I-••••••••••••••••••••••• Ana I 21S Ht·"" Jrd IFuun•I Yc1rk~h1re tl'r Hollis.Mot.ts 41~0 l!ttl Mustbt'empl.ha\C' tosh~pvtoct'anran\On ce:ss A\311 no .... • <.:Jll l:qulpl'd & furn '"'' & 4~15 r .... , ~rum ........... thtn.: \OU C',tfl "" PREGNANT' ~04112 nt•r ft•male Short•1·hH ... ••••••••••••••••••••refs 499-4722Eve:. !!,_om~_, L4a9g760B7l2h I fordeta1ls I Setrrtarial \l'f\ICt'! $504 Mr o l\1•t•f1· 1 \OU"''" l'n•"n,inn te~t1n.o ''J ''"'l S1ame·wl'Jt ll1Jlt• c'mt64-12211 i6(!0940 .r.,u •8 1(M0TR .,..,.,., rl'll c.\es 5511231 640 4230 a\all Free parkino I'· f · It b "'' . " • I d · t' ~ F,childok.shrlux 4br -• • I Del " ~1!1928 'trt•it 1" .inti~ 1111n :.l1tleort•arlvcl1·11·1· neuo>re · gra} 111~' l.O!->T L11\1n~ oranl(t' Wkly rentals now avail t'Olldo. pool. tennt~ etc M Floshr213dr2Ba apt. 0 .,,,olxMe i:ardt'n ~t>lt~ng for Rent5<MJO' ft W1frhu,mr~' i .. 111 Atlmethcxh.ufl11rth t')t•d ··Mar~hin1·ll11" \l.tn\ \1 iat Thunn & $106&up Colo TV llH $24.'imo T.1mm\ • B.UXEOFflCES• t:.u onf'r1 1161\1 ' Cl tn -~roUll'\.i\Jll.1hl1· t 11 \bl 2 h TrJd1· .... 1ntl' 1.11 r1. (\ltiJIKJi Phones tn room r 2274 Sl75 ~5t;J Nan9 0\' 846 :I :i 21 "' l' ~ f'rom I room to 1400 'cl }714> 1>44 !Kl~ dusdlnJfl hldg A\ Jr'' 1111 SI" 1u 11'1·r ' <'•" ... '.~,.~"'11nn l>'rto •<rlllrl n~t Ir H.i.H rt''l '11 HI \\ \R fl J\ , ii ••• SI0223S f\Pr s1153 ft'I l'Tll' ormun•111111,1ll -1 ,,.,,. ~ n11• 1J . ·~· p---' 5350 Newport Bl\d CM om •Q 0 2"11tf1cc' "'""an•h11u"!~68ll s.151JO!t•quirt••I \\om:n,t'entt•r tr>~~ &lti,...t I ~1 Gt&-7445 Patl.Hokomb l..ari:e Hou.\!' CM Nt!ar j lease requi re.d AtlJ spa1·1•a\atl.wethar.•t1 _ 1 S24.tKKJl't•1 Ye.1r lithSt ·~,I0~;<1st -• Found l"o>t·~ J po11 llm ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• 296E Bay St CX.:C SliOmo ·\1rpo~l'r Inn 2112 Du inl'I Nr fwy' & lit lndustnal I ark trn1h ror ~tll()Oltt''l""''d 547 9495 IP l>oh1e ''" l1•111t•1 Affantis Massao. HHOAPUCE? Costa Me&a 5483-195 75153611 pont <.all AM 8333223 .\trport 1mme1I lH' leab(' l!'J()(l 1900 31NNI & \11\ll" .. ~ !15~111:!:! • \II\ n ...... l·I (,n·.11 t)pt•n24hr\a dal- Reas Weekly Rates Yoo are the wmncr of up.in \ $590 J70CI \Q ft unth .\1 Jll • 1 -Kitchenettes-Phones t~'O rree ltckel:. I Sl9 00. f' ,10 shr lilt' J br houw l 7TH STREET ~ 06J111 • mo for 1mmed llCt u11anl'\ Monty to loon 5 025 I UJnt Sheltw 111'11 '1'1 I 'I (' r ~\' J .... t't'k I t "Z"ChannelMovies valuetothe 'llwpt, all pm S275 mo COSTA MESA Offlre & """"'houH 1••••••••••••••••••••••• SCRAM-LETS 1 1er 1'i•e .. hnut11I 1 l'up I '· 111r.>:•·11u" gir > 11 Sandp1per,1967Newport CIRCU M1rhelle5480897 I 2or3roomofhcesu1te; l'nO'l'Newp<in lka1·hnr spal'l' v.1th <'Uqlt't' * * * 'NSW S II"" IH\1\~. "'~!\I µ.imper \ou Jacuu1. Bl.C-OslaMesa6459q7_ Lagun~J.~~~fa~S Rmmte-.anted.Share AC.plrnt~ofprki:t11 1I flre 94hqftnc"l>re dr.lpt'~& .... l'th.ir~· " ER ll \HE<"E .'lt:F! !\,iU11Jl.•1t•Jl'a•~ella~ home Dana Pt non mdA\a1lnov.Call modelt'd. beJuti(ul J6•Jll· a ~q ft ('·11 WMySovthord Bobbin T)r.rnt i~JiJ.l tuur1'1 ' B an i.. On the beach. hotel Feb 9 II mkr f'em S295 t I I Realonom1<'!. 675 6700 Marlt 673 6606 6424463 Mon f n K 5 a 3J49S'mh ,\11• Guttt•r Frozt·n MAM LOSES ~mer11 ud ~1 .i:.t~r rooms, kitchenette & Ctly Shopp111g Center ' · u 1 10 N Be· h N I · I Ctr-tJ ~1\>~J Pant) : IEST FRIEND c h.ir1?c. \mi•nr.in b bath S290 + S290 securi Orange d fi61-8S2S, 831 8626 loo' sq ft ~le>a Verde • J;:,n,, 81 a~ J,04. 4:i4 5SO sq ft I ndu't r1 a I y1111 ar<' the wmiwr ,,, Pla"nfl. r~~-;.r{il\ I Rt·d & wht m,i Ii• Si ti p 1 t· ~ > ll 111 l' r ~ a II ty deposil. 2306 W Feb 19 22 2BR at the lit'h. S28S mo area . ;.,,., 1237 (vi t uc.' Storage · Work We,1 t""o frl'l' ti<'kt'ts iSl!l !M>• """lo•umt• 71-1 645 3433 Oceanfront. Newport To claim h<'kets rail ut1I pd 1st + l.i>l 5454123 r"""t · Priisqdte .~nt""raJn<'~~ (' M 646_-I_~ \Jluetolht• t"nmpl Jinrnl! 11•nant l' llu,k) lost tn ~ .... JJt art>a :?ll~llJrbor Ill CM Be h 673 41iu 6' 2 <67 8 l 2 7 2 67• ~ ' ' l..a!>t night the people SIOO reward !'>411 0119i _a_c_ ._ ... _. • " ' ex .,..,,.,.,. BAYFROl!t.JT S11•rra M JI. m 1 (.'o Rlfttds WCll!hd 4600 CIRCUS VARGAS u~IJir• stomped and .. .. "'mil!? prof man desire& Rtst Hof19s 4175 'Tkkets must bt' r launed M F"s to shr IJl,e houst• in " &11 1324 "•••••••••••••••••••··1 Laguna ll1lls ~1 all hani:i'<i 011 -lhc floor · ~AT LOST.. 1 IH't·ll~ sen~ual lad)· 18 35 ............... , ••• •••• by February 19, 1982 (' M, Own rm & ba I Prune orfke 760-~40 Room wanted 1n l''l'h fnr r C'b (I 11 J 'Did lht') wake ) ou. · I REWARD , tlJ\vnltl':. 720 0296 lroww's GrotlP Hm _ *_!_! S200 rm 645 6109 aft 5 Costa M~a lSO st/ ft MEWPORT IEACH manirur1st prd1r11ri,l 1'11\ Shnpp1oi: Ct•ntt,r a;.ken tht• landlur<I Nn. J Dk brn"' n Hui 11w~1· Sr Citz.ens ~5 6221 Share 2br apt "" pool l' \1 house F 25 35 shr \Wle Sl75 mo L'll ' 1n • f'ULL SERV!C E • sen ires Jtn 559 ll:!JI 1 Orang•· 1 .... ;i, up PL,\\ I '\Ci m) 12)r.. M i:re,•n ,., t"' 11111 -----S250 O'll Gas & wtr pd \I F, 3\'811 1mmed $200 cld 779 w 19th SI , .. Offlc• Space Mature Empl F ~t·1•1h I ~l'l· l'l 2'l n BA I! o Id \ I t I ti I I ' Linda & Vicki's •••••••••••••••••••••••FR --b S •Branchofflce S90,mo . 6,12 567t, ext 2;2 CorPool 5150, Jan 27th Set• llt•tl\ Voutiofllt..tals 4250 642-5073 or6453026 +utils 6428056 I II.SI~ •SuttesfromS49S' SmAptNrBu~lmt• To t'la1m t1rk1•b. rail • V.t•,tminsll'r ~ rl.1~ •ESCORTS• OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br mmt 5 r parious Bluffs S2351mo Private NEWPORT Call 752-6408 494 1332 1'1 k ts t ht I r1 •••••••••••••••••••••••j 1i.1l1JOrt 'Laundc·rl.111ct 1 A.\(1\ & RETTER Avail Winter Week Iv 2BR. 2BA. Full fac CM bitth & bdrm k1tr hen f:xecul1\0t Stutes ha~ or Wanted Rm. Board fur b/F~bru":~ 1!1 1 ~!l:~me l<itll' l'JI poul ".intro N It 4Sll \\ l'st 11" \ ' 11 nl '-" F.V!-;R' 24 URS Monthly 673·78'73 _ A ~~lien ~5 H56 pm 640:1677 546 2429 fire. &\allable nr O (' lilliMH Rttdal 4450 Handt('apped M Student • * * ~h to Cl\1r cr!'ter I.\ 7am lpm llJ1h l \l<'l>l 669-0207 Palm Spnngsarea !Mon Resp Mature F 25-3S Prof Mr O\"er 30 to Alrport.(romS365w full ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nr C'M S40(1 Mo + I Start \I Ork f II AM Sun Noph11n1• 1111"\( (n I cOulC'all l terey CCI condo 3 BR 2 Needed to shr 28 R. 2BA sh a re 2 fl r 2 o a service available Ca II )t.ore or ()(fire 1350 sq rt ~rry '-1!:11·3484. 732 5310 r•l2-51 t4 Ral'r's Luu 1 -1111111!------• Ba . rurn. wi atrium. 10CdM s.125+ i,ul1l Newport Bearh Condo now for I month free Mesa Verde Area Respons prof Woman R.£. LOANS 1 Golf. tennis. Daily , 7~3873 S300 1n rlds ut1ls Lasa8339976 _ S45-4123 desires gara11<' apl :············"········ .. •······ .................................. .. "eek!Y &r monthly rates Prof ~35 w resp JOb lo 64&7332 ~ &-572 sq n SI oo per Beach Store. Newport gue5t house or sma II ava i I 714 · 558·800 I shr house tn N B Avail M 2S+. prof. nonsmkr, to sq rt .. 3975 BirC'h . N B Walk traffic-pnme loca-~ W rent m Nwpt 9-5PM1 ult for Mark. _ Mar. l. I 778-6826 __ shr lge rental. S275 mo !Y.et].t ~1-5032 lion! 800 sq ft 675·418S. l.tdo area Have refs No. Tahoe Condo. 4 Br 5 M/F JO.SO to shr w1F yrly, Balboa Island afire space for rent, 385 673-1401 673-5966 min to Northstar $400 ONE BLK TO BEACH Kew1.675-6656,633·SS79 sq ft second floor HEWPOIT ILVD Resrsnsible ma le 26 w\, Tom8S7·1 Balboa Perunsula Pt X Olarming NB hse-mcl I Prest1g1ous Westrltff Spht•shop 600 sq rt. 'lees l or 2Br hse C M Mamrrolh 3 bdrm rondo lg 2 Bdr 2 Bath Apt 1700 bdrm rbath. gar. lndry. I area SI 00 sq ft Med1ral Des1gner1builder relat· ~-8677 h· m!ig ~$110/night sq n. SJSO/mo yrly. util. ph, ulll. pool. tennis Bldg Call 645 6501 ed 2330 Newport Blvd - __ 499·5304 pd 673·5622 aft 6PM non ,smkr S375 mo Costa Mesa 642 4382 . .._.s/h1nst/ 7:.J.0162 ex 312 Ann 631 49158 11:1...>.......;_ Large Big Bear cabin, ----. S2SS Mo Pnvate office 494-3317 ..--c pool tbl color tv 2 Spt'c view. sec gate, MF Shr JBR. 2BA Hse parltmlJ k1tchenellesp<" Studio space in C.M. ••••••••••••••••••••••• frplcs •. Sleeps j4 pool.Jac.NB.S245tmo CM.S325 +1'rUtil Non l81KK>MainSt.HuntBrh avalltosharew/serlous ...... , ~I&. +It mekpg. 760 9J<.IL _ Smk_!Jl19-9992 Daily Jontr All utll pd art.isl. approx. SSS/mo Opport.lty SOOS Completely intenor de· F Rmmt Over 2S Non 2BR NB Apl lo share w Avail now ' t7l0848·3133 gsz.qr40 557-6274 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cerated & rurn1Shed 2 smkr.Refs~ Balboa. female over .S Sl97.50 Store l~ n, busy, 2330 c;;~~lK~::pe~~n bdrm condo, Palm 673-l908 + '2 Util. 645-'7~60. an CJ fi<'eSpaceforLease Nwpt Blvd, C.M Prkg. 64 Desert, close to shop, M/CHRISTIAN RMMTE 6J!!!I_· __ Corona del Mar llm/mo. 675·7788 -1'0763• AJe'!t . Sl300mo.548,7960 2BR lBA .. E C M M Non-Smoker 2BR _ __JJS·~ ..... to SIMs'e 4300 S:ll3 mo. 631·~96 OaE_ 1BA Apt. 1200/mo lst ar ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Sh•~ nice 3 bdrm house last+ Stt Dep. Stephen execuplan Prol Shr 2BR. 2BA CdM with 2 students $200. 751,.maner6 m. Hie l blk fr Bch. F Pref 548~or&U~77 M/f' Sbr 2800 an ft Lux 9S31l167S.96,t9 Eves Fenwle roommate to shr hm nr SC Pl~a $350 "A New Cone.pt" M R r sm r f)ill1erv1ce/cusfom FEMALE to abut 28r hse. CdM. S325 mo. oTrJOm r urn office•deskspacf. apedous 2 bedroom . I t l'J ut il. 673 2870 54S-Nr o.c. Airport Nawpotl Blvd. rt - furblShed bldg for orflce or mall. Open rafters, f'renqh doors. exposed brtcll, 1100 aq. ft. + 1000 SQ tt . fncd yrd Owncr/A&t: 673·5368 __ C--rdtll ..... 4475 blth apartment In Hunt· Mom/eves ---~ "See to Appreciate'" lnfon Beach.. $200 mo. MIF Shr Furn La1una fwl"" 4J50 7Sll-8978 1••••••••u••••••••••••• 911ft 4 bdrm honw bet 2BA Hae (zs.40) S400 No Ganee. storaaunly, full house In hi&b lrdflc ~ Co needs associate with ~d TD's from SI0,000 SI O,OOO.SS00,000 Up to IS yrs fullv i1rrort1ted 1st TO 'i. s' 00,000-$500,000 Income & romm'I wro)l$ 2 Millott Dolan Straight eqully loan~ I MillottDollon Brokrr calls "' elronw. 937-0131 Moster FMancial M1ri9111a. Tnaat Dticll 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S11.2SO buy11 a $15,000 TO 2S'T Oisrount S2•4 Mo 8 >'.!!. S.S. 7091 Sattler Mh). Co. All types of rtal e~tate 111vmments since 1949 Sptclalal.CJ • llldT01 642-2171 545.061 I ~ 0 Volen11ne message IO thol special person an yoor hie Puf 11 1n pnnt 1n our spec1ol lcm Lanes columns on Voient1nes Doy Sunday, Feb l 4 Just fill an lhe form ~. ix coll us at 64Z·5678 and we'll bell VotJ, But hurry, al ads must be an our office no lofer thon Fndoy, feb 12. ---------------------· Please l)Ut>l1Sh my Velentine message as written below on Sunda\I. Feb 14 (Write one word per space 3 line minimum ColTlPUte charge at end ot hne l • &300 u oo HOO -.om. 8e1dl <kea.n View 2BR. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:,1 Property 2 Br 1 Ba. lllY and Onan. Avail Util. d4·3013 __ or p11rtlal. atta of Westside Costa FeltU7Ul3hftllPM Rmmt WIDted. 1180 Mo •M4Udapof!!r NEWPOITC&n'a Mesa. Tmiflc for Anti· FSlrJBRApt.Avall Feb HB.ClrlScott. .,_......_ hC1l111tOffkt ! ~~~~ ~n~~~t~cg anted. lnvutor for llltL CM Area. No Lut -141-ol72 fcrstoraaeon.'1 HB ~ 1 Xlnt perltln&. Will dla, arowint drapery ('On $25,IMXI to join est i OC Fmn In fart expanoing chemkal titld No exp necessary will train Must have management ability and atarl im· mediately 12.000 mo Should make SCO.SOK lat yr Write Ad 1932 c/o OailY Pilol, PO Box JSM Costa Mesa CA 92626 Giving Name , phone and best tlme to CODI!~ __ WIDOW-HAS us ror '1 . TD's, RE Lo1nii. IOk Up No Credit Chttk, ~o Penall)' Dtnnlsson M 1600 E.111 llnet ate s 1 00 each ctDte.W-5413 Pbal home. muter w/ba. 980:IWO ll80...52IO ~to 2000.q n, Av11lla I CUM remodellna to ault. (.tl'n Dys 8$5 476', evca ... M/Fslltlanulbr, 121s. Noftdrln~dru11 ()flee._... 440 ~l~W-:.F.Cote =.~::,:ire; S..m5'5372189 lmae I»• uzs. noo• 105 a er S: .......... •••••••••••• for cm re la/or IJo • 00 BEA\M'Y SHOP ~ 1 tmkr U2 ·40U M/PfC1rl8Rbm lnw1. 3 oritu suite + "' ma n •5 t mo. 541 5H 2• v~a.,a~ln C.M . for Znd~O:~~:: 11 .... kb. Octan Vu, r~lc. aecreunal, re«ptloo' *Cote~ n ... al'y .... 7'704BZI=;:;;....------___;;;.;::;...:•=1~1·..:;..:;;.,·--•W= MllU-Eaay "u•llfl"• '""· ... wUI •• , ... Jri P l"! ... zztl rue llUI. Avall ill pre· RC ' OHla., Uon, -•• " M•rNr Vie• het a.do eo abr lbt 2\;ba, ttlp 1oc. for tmmed. A UYHtmnt l.!iiltJSM lhke 1our abopplna DowMySavln&a w f 1 •. U + UU. bk, doM 10 111.tlleue. Colltad Betty . 6«).5777 , .., 0... Meta POlt ..... bf_,., IM Dalb ID-Mt? ·ac. .aM• (!14)111•i. M\Nf!!!Omo.Nl·la _Pilllll __ ~ __ ,...A_da_. __ 1_-:::~•• arnt 10C 673-731 1 AOOAESS ________ cm _z1P _ PHOltfl~-_.;,;.~--------~ . . ' ,. . ........ .•.••••........•.•••.......•.......... 0 • • I • ¥ WWW 0 4 •• 0 •••• oz a a a s a o co c cs ,a s s a 2 ¥ I 0 3 2 .... --- !!!ff.-! ......... !?.~~ ~?.~·.·.~ ..... !!~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~ !~?~ ..... !~.~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~ !~~~ ..... !!!! ~!!'!'~.~ ..... !!.~! Wt«•••· attrarttwt 11 ADMlt SALH/ 1181ftalnJ • CLlllCAL ENGINEER IHSU~CE·Etper acd Mtdlc1l1Back omtt ~!~:.~ ..... ?!.~~ ~!.~~.~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~!.~ ..... !!~ 11·1 lid) woWdl Ulkle l! SICT"Y ,. PntMIT&LB l..Hdllla Pitt control fo • ............._......... ••~tlanltt for romJ Pl~T,• •vo'dl Pin EKC , . meet emot o11 Y • NB Com n hH an £xct11tnt OPPortunlty DMdl fl tlme 1ener1l or ~-me.,.-.1 "" W/IN or ,.., a en uncture fl1111cla lly ltt'Urt, lmmed 0:: 'f I for e~ntnred J)trton ll(e personnel Entry OrMet1orol!MJht Ins broktra1t firm In 6'403U ah rp. 'vp ' I YP• maturf ae11"~11v0:iJ J.rtaltractlvtS.vina~4 levelpoe1tlonT)'pan11rt" J::xperd Air Qvality N B, ulary 1:om ~-MOT& ;. .. .._. for shann1 ~, CXPfr in h11ndl· l.Aan Immediate OPfn qwrtd Office u per SPfclaUat. Immediate rrenaurtte w1,1per, for otr I k P ~ wallla. talka, btachta, ins a1'1 ad min atct ·r t.oa olftrt varied duttl'• helpru1 C.11 'Churllt opm1ni SZS·30K Costa an appt ca I t 7 14' Pront tr. e er . art ·~ bolU.1. mtna. travel, !Upon 1nc.lud1.111 prl'I Call Linda n,4 111111 919-tiall blrtWffn 912 on Met>aloc 1144 ~ ---n~,8'230.10 etc StQH ot h1.1mor dtnta' rorr" ndtncl' & r, o E Tueed11 AF.RO COMP INC. NW"llllll 131 • llhn11 In a~tl011 wlll Orann Coast Soinis 714 9~7 &96 lnsuranct hmalt W•nttd ~naual • h. r l' d l' II I I n a 1700Adams. c M Computer TSA/IMSUlA.MCf Slim Temporary or Wll'UJtomu by phont. l'licrow/tlome lo;rn CJC P'tOCISSOI L11ttn1 Rt l1t1onsl\1p prtpu'lng 11flll'1> ordl'r & 0 t pel'lenl'f Part ta~ to Ruponslblt • .ell ~ave Maust Adr1111 IMUlt'ei & othtr relatl'd 8anktnll •ra or »tlrt ~thr850 l20l ilJlrrtlng ind1v . tu pro 14$·1139 Stnsuul Shm cu.tomertunct1oni1 Xlnt TRLER lkink ot~rwport Ii look ESCIOW OfffCER CtM 111.1ur11n('t annu1 Gl!,Y AvtraJe Admln skills required. Newport office ~tcks l2J 1n11 to r brl(lhl, Hlf Broktr owned escrow, ty applicationA for •u i •• '"'II lncludt either SIH or full time Tellers to:x nlll1v11t'<I 1nd1v1du11I to <>Pentna soon. Mu:1t hr Fashion Ila 1nvt'~lnll'nt LVH 3 ll ru11 or part lime ~h l'1.!l Mcd1u11on & trratmtnls. i!ood uh1ry & 11orklnK cond Me.11 Vtrdt Cvn\· llu•~ 001 C~nter St .. l' M ~·~585 .._ _ speed wntin& und ra:1t PfOenrt preferred. but operate ('Omputer and hinulhir with bulk sales ftrm Stati~l1e11 l ap in HunUnl\on Beach arc typ1n.: Ute hkkpna wilt tram with ~lrong relall·d l'('riphtrtl ctr Resume und n•qui·~t IJ(ltude. typing, 10 key Part.~ & u~cess. ruun tt'r Pl.I.AU CALL HERi exp er 1 r n 1· e a + t•ashlering experit.'nl't' Vtl't'll po n..v 3115, Newuort required. Computer exp J>el'800. sh1pplllg & re ,,.~ •"11 If .... I """ ,. ..J .... c II 640 01.~ l't:lvlnl( t'Xfi. necessary ' I t #4 Co l Pl QuullnecJ l'Ontlldate will """' Harnson lout Centu. PUBLIC RELATIONS PART· TIM! "1LLTIME·ANYTtME Co n1ultl111 rlrm •Pttl•lldn1 in OU teeMOIO&y 11 now llt· cptpt1n1 apphcattona Hk for C:art-y 11021 11'~ ~iocust. part tune,~ days, 11rpor1 arN1, no l¥..2!!!.L 7S2 5111 RtteptJon"t Part·llme weeknda. help tor ClubhOU5t or nt'e. C.11. 673·6170 Mon Fri. RECEPTlONI ST t TYPIST l,11guna Ifill~ legal firm R!'qu1rcll general omce skills. [I(' s.u.t.n" TIACMB G lrt Ftldlr t'rttal') Prtvpt. •clioolteachtr w / Boo II kt' e PI n I nttd•d Out of alate Knowltd&t, Rtc:tptlon l'l'CdlnllalJ OK Me 14 .. f!lptrtl'D t'f ' --- Shor0u&nd For PrHi TEENAGERS dtnt It <:ontrollC"r vr Youns A11 re111u t)l.lbllshed Rral Elitatr ittnlJtrt to work tor Orvtlopment <:omp11ny tht Dally P1lol u 1n Puhlon talund Not 1 Salctmen 1n dlUerent I Man I Gtrl C>rflct llrtli.t Now formlna a ~ 8141 trn-be able lo work 3 houn. couplt tlmo u wuk Good Monty • TnP1. Pnit1 Contact Mr G unlhtr. 842 4324 t:Jil 211 SICllTAlY Mort111~e Cumpuny 1n Newport Ht-11rh 1\111 upenln1 for 11 5(•crl'tary Wllh eood or1111ntnllon ~k1lla. t>)'t' for accurll<'Y & alltnt1on to dt·toil Non i;mokl'r, )>ala1y Sl.100 Cull Katie. 640 9350 T ... , ..... OMretOf' Answeno& Servlre 7-3" shift. Many benefits. Ex penenee only. 342 Third SI. SttC. l.Jiguna Be!_ch Palm·Pavchic Readinas '"""" interest.,.. Pease upp n..,. .. h I P·~err.:u • • · ..... Put. pred aenl, ruturr g,!~l High:~a l' uw. pcrform d11tu t•apture GEN~:RAI. Of'Jo'ICE ~ Gartlen Grovt', Uave or a viaor A.dMla.A.ubtant WESTHH und as:ml in butch Bookkeeplnjl up, 1111•1 IMT.DECOI. Toms.54.8506 ~J1~.:ds.1L1c5 I 2 o . To btc. Y.P. RDERAL SAVIMGS ballla11rlnll( dutka ond be9 tylpmg64, lp07116Jrtex Call Anessl dt esttn ·1·1WWll l l'art T11111·1Ptrmuncot c·urate typist. 61 wpm '•-----... ~-! minimum Call M1 ~ 1· Winslow rnr appl , SEClfTAlY/E.XfC. TBJPHOHI SALIS F 1' position open ror u sertlve Pfl'SOn with past telephone sales rx petl ence Apply in pen.on at L660 Placentia AveC M AJJR di lnvl'blment Firm , WI mg o wor l'\Cn1ni: pm . tru1n n v r<• S4HR + IOHUS-tl oes. Pvt & Con N 8 •4 Corporate l'lata or n I g ht , h 1 rt a:. GfHEAAL OFFICE M7 1215 fldmll1I l'\\-port e.Hh, rl' Co tH h --'-'-'==-as 11t wuy neee:isary Journey M ;1n Skill~ 83'1 IOl!O " Personnel Ad v~rt1~1n11 lleeept1on1St, hll' typmi: l>ept has upentrll( per •.• r.~1::: ..... lofl& qui rr~ l>t rong ~d Newport Beach, CA Leading pest control co Maintenance Mun \\-1th N1H1011al Coin pa ny -·--~ _ minn.tratl\e & ... i.. E.OE M f' Pos1t1on require~ an needs(time&eneralor b Openm"Ne\\-OHH·c ()( ,II t h r 1·xpans1on Nwpt Rrh mg, mus a\e i·.1 F\nanc1al •ervl""" firm ecut 1 vi' Secret :i rt a I abt.olule min 6 moi. ex rice personnel Entry eirpenenee in plum inai. renng lntert-~t1ng Work S7001m> start + oppt ~ " .u 640-2950, 9-~m Good typing. )horthJnd ••••••••••••••••••••••• background Good penenrronNCR84orll5 len~lposillon Typing re electncal & ('8rpent1 ) Oil bt.>h.&lf or Major Sd9ools & skills. S II reqmred Ex ltcwty Au i1t. !lenei. with 83 O!)fraltnR quir'd OHtce ex per work f\Jll lime M F Corporations App It ......... 7005 treme I)' he11 vy 11 ork Lu: requ1 r'd 4 da ~ ~ystem and IO ke) pact helpful Call Char he 1 »4PM Salary com 1·anllt must be Mature. Strong exper req Non Restaurant ~moker Call 640 0123 Male or f'ema le f'u II or bel~een 9 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• load Fast paced de week Wed Sal Call by tou"h Ba k 979 ,,.v,1 bel 9 12 mensuratt "1th t"< h11ve a good speaking d'· d b "'1< 0212 ' 11 tntt or """" ween on ""nen"t' Appro~ .., SIU I d Sl I .90, /WI( a une onente JO Non ....,. financial bark i:round l'uesda) r , ~ .., \Olte & esire to earn P a rt l 1 me A p p I ) l-llllllll!!lllll!!llll!lll!l!!lllll!!'!~~·I l<H2AM The RollbM'rlt' - Hot lunch. c M Chrti. a~·uTY µrererrt•d but 1101 rnan ('.,n1~ni1 • N J . smoker Cdll Carrol. i:r hr Ap>j'ly in person I SSS Ad' ann:me nt 2B.I Bnslol St C M l•---~-... ~·I Sei.'rrt• I') To S2 I. 600 Newport Beilch area Bnng your good ~kill!> & professional demeanor to this vast gro111ng lop not<·h Orangt' tounl) rirm You "Ill eompo~e vour own rorrrspon dance & dl.'al tacHully With all le\l'lh Of management Trul~ a prestigl! pas1t1on & Mood bener1~ are orrered ol~Camµub Or . N II &t00123 '""' dato~ • "'... Jtwn SA .. 12 O<JO or poll'nl1.i I E\ l'O in g l•--------•1 llanPresehool 646S-123 Man1cunst "anted. prt-IMMEDIA'l'I:: i.l'Od re:.unlt' to ?II\\ llouri. HJllable & SA.LES Jabs W..ted, 7 075 Ambitious PT stude~ts rPelrabl> with folloll ing We uHer h11thh rum , .... 1 UPbENklN,GSth b 17th St Unit l' 1 l'o~t.i W~t..nd hours 8\ .i1labh.• • M ••••••••••••••••••••••• OK 3 JG-8 JOPM tan) ease cuntal'l Saks pet1tl\t' :.al.11) an1I u" mg ac: in o eJn Mesa.Ca 9262? I 691'M f"or cunr1dent1al f'~~l1r~a~ & Rell.red Gentleman non day1 Outdra~s1stantfor Fifth AH•nue 5403233 bl'ner11~ inl'lucf1oi: market' mtenw11 l•al1Mr Kol.ir Clolh1n o Stort• t:x .,.. smkr will l'xch Ill" rable T\' rt• S'alan ~ X:m9 '1 ·" I 0 I •Lile Industrial • * * I bet""t'n 9A M 6P M " ~ ~ • , r •• l'ull'a ent.i ria Id • Mech Assemblers Dcaa K~all ~ lll'nenre preferred. full ' duties for reduced rm l'Omm ("a II Anthon' Beaut~ \acat1on .ind mvn• 545 5T76 tun.• Charhes Lot"ker rental <s lecp 1ni:1 12131 4340677 hfr!MM Po!>ti Newport :.alon •EIN'tronit•Assemblt>r~ 2006PortLllrd1rt 67~.623() 548·7197 aft 9PM seeks Sl) h:.t J>o,~ n•11 Y.e to\ 1lt• you tu JpµI) •Park mg Newport RC'at•h tal Telt> tlarntipm Moot'rllOtoti!11r2t114 •Warehouse Youarethewmnt'rOI rARTTIME Responsible L1~e In Nurse _ 951·3063 Aj>l 213 Responsible f1nn1sh Woman lo hous~c:lean ~r home . 548 6027 Ellghsh Hou~ekeeper Wilh relerencel> seeks lt\'e in s lluall url 111 Orange Co w 11 h no small children 770 0347 Desire Position A:. Aide Comparuon (w Nur\ml( Sk1lls1 Call Mani, n 9AM-8PM 971 321$ CHILU CARE My Home E\•eninits APT MANt\C ~:H Semi retired couµle . ro1 16 unit complex 111 C M Mwntenant·cex11 n·q 549.0433 67$.:M92 u1 rail Pt•rM111n1•I 1>1·111 VICTOR two Cn~ tickets <$19 00 1 Ii 9pm Expandinl( youth 17Ml76064M•l Tt•mporarySenir,. valueto th1• 1·ounschng firm ha:. Beauty Opera1ur & 5568520 CIRCUSVARGAS opening~ ror 35 ~harp Ma111c411~l btatwns Cur Laguna I hits Mall outi:omg maturt• µeoplt' lease F V l11('8t 1eon ~ Ft'b 9 11 to motivate amh1tious $70 wk . Call Kath) -.....: General l'ityShoµpm i:l'i•nter 10-13yrolds Call~5pm Apartrn>nl Manai:er. t:x ~7.~_ews 643 0688 _ ~&ink The ~lboa lay Club Orange 642 4321 . ext 343 Ask for SALES Ai:gressive ~alespt•rM>n needed to st'll ma rke>t s11 les training malt•n.11 tu businesse~ C'harn lllOns Unhm1ted, Ca II Mr Ward al 494 2805 ma111ta1ned 44 un1b. beauty oper ~ 1rollow O Waitttu/Walt~ To rla1m llcket~. 1·.ill l•------11111!1• SA.LES.ART penenl'ed rouple Beaut b·MANlCU RIST Also Ii f' Feb l!I 22 Andrea C-Osta Mesa Adults. no Adams 1Harbor !Mtba l\.L. Hreakr.istandurLum'h 642 5678. ext 272 ArtSalesforhomeoror p e l ' A p l ~erde area> 549 1005 1 ~""'IX>rt ~Mt ~ 5 da)S pt'r IH't'k l'lt'kets must be rlaimcd rcn...u reople rice f\Jll part llmt' for +salary honu~ 642 4907 &at Cleaning. 8 hrs pr I )t'Jr m1111mum 1•\ b) February l!I, 19112 l\let'tlec.I pa~limc Work creative person Will Wc-ekda,>~9~ "k. $600 pr hr. frm 1Jt'nl'm·e r1'qu1rcd * * * I 151025 houri. PN "eek trJ1n For intl.'nte"' ARTl~I WANTEU Mitl prl'ferred 642 rnl3 Cilll ~m. M f ,.,1.111ng~ and po~~ihl) Jaclyn 759-94$5 !I Spm die agt> or retired pt·r~on Mon!lav --------• ft.ont Desk Cltril LEGAL ASSIST. s d •' I !-.ALES AR1 Int di.' 1i.:111 lo ·'o time .. 'r' l -:;. :\Int uppt") for l Jkc . atur av .-.\Jl('rlcnc:e m , ~ u P "''" ,1 ·--------•11]0t>h\1!1") Orl\t'r o\l•r ti! (jrJ\l')ilrd. fndJ~'and ad tiu1ld1ni: or llJl:I' or sitl1·~ ha c J..i:rnit 557 612'.! 14211 \'orb11 SL • Tu~l111 731·7711 Secretary SR. SECRETARY llus l!I an excellent po~t lion opportun1t) lo utthlt' }our \l'Crl'lanal harkitround in th i'I thdllt>ng1nl( V0\1t1un 111 our µlui.h orrit·e, in h 0 m.. £ x p I l n I BOOKKEEPER· I r,t11Tlt' llnng '1 \'Tl !~Ill Saturda)S f:\po'rll'lll't' l'llarg.e Legal "''"1Jnl m.1keup dr,1rJhl1· \blh hel11ru1 Xlut rom m "illl'rt'olor;, (;Ill (" I 11 M prderrt'll \tile lo d)~Umt' Jll l\ to IHrrk rJ~t Jnd "" n.:xihle hr~ 11111 Ir.on ~ .... "'"4for1nt0 r\ I"\\ ACCou~TA~T oH't'nlld l rt'S"'"' mdellt'ndentl) & . """~ ' • " " I ,..,.. rnr Jtt•I} under pres ... url' 4~ l<M.I Reatestate l)(>,elopnwnt DefttalHyqltnis R uriCI b "'''h rnrp1>rJt1• la11 1 d Ltnda 642 4407 • \r"1>0rt Al'.irh Lad~ w rrg nun.e bark A~ISlant Manaol'r ..., r h h 1 acq . " kn•iu ladn 1 P"r,iin nt•11·, ... an Saar) t• Sales · • " Firm requ1 re-. in "ant.,., or lR <1ua ''' J-a '" c ,.t' ' · I grnd a\ ail a) nurse \ss1Stant Import Sale;, ..... or k rr pen1' un l'll.Pt'rtl•ntl' I F time ~all''l"'r'"" comparuon !'l"pt area ManaRtr $1950 Mo 2 dl\ldual "'11h at lea't 1 lntfl('olfrl c·t• \Ion& \\i·ll t;1·naal dcan111i: J ! ~un s m R 0c ,,.,. in l"hl• OJ11} l'ilot '" an needed 111 "ork 1111 Year boukk1·t'pmu f.'\ St.1rt 1mmt•d1Jt1•1\ hf •· · 1'"port i·ntt•r "llUJI 11pu1•rtun1t• u .. lboJ ls·land .\1u'I be· 8.57 4165 Yr' Sale:. Managemt•nt .. 0 5 q 51 1 rrvmmR' 1 ts "' 2 t'\1'11 tM 2644 d & n ght • ,. • • "" Y t'xp Sprak Read & pt'nenn~ l'oi.illun '" J)' 5· 1 .. , "' tn)(,hl(bpt•r "t't'k · it)" 1 " 1•111plo1l'r Wo1111:n Jr11I Jhle to "ork 1\1•1•1.cndi. 1 ravel i.alu Hi ghly mouvated exper. tn· dMdual w strong ules background Xlnt salary & mcentnei. Unlimited e.1rn1ngi; Newport Bt·al·h Ask for lndu (71411.Jl-!1040 974·~3§.. TYPIST CUH Part tune . 9am lpm. Moo f'r1 S5 55 hr Re 41111ei. accurate typing l)f ~-SOwpm Apply By t'eb 17th to Personnel l>ept . Cttj or Fountain Valley. 10200 Slater Avt·. 963 8321 E.U.E TYPIST At1·urale 50 wpm. 40 hr per we11 k. company benefit~ Apply rn f)('n.on Jewef1 ly Jo~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1·m,~A MESA WA.ITllSS F ti me eve nin ~ "aure:,~ mm 3 yrs din ner exper Rer s re Qutred .\ppl} 3 5pm. No phone t ai ls Joli) Roger. 400 So Co a st Jl,..~ Laguna Bear,!i WAREHOUSE WORKER oung married miln ·, · · tludt's rt>s•w1n~1hilit1t•i. i~!l574 LEG,\I.s•:('RL'1 •\u\ n r 1 1 I would like odd JOb) l'H'~ Y. r 1 t e G e r ma n & '" <-., • n 1111 " 1 1 n Jr 1· c r \"all Annalee at 752 ti77 I & ,..keods Cao do a . English Coordin a te 1molvmg both con~truc: l>ENTAL \SST HI>'\ Ir )OU an• qu,111111·<1 for Ldguna llilb H1·tt'nl 1111iragt'<lt11Jppl\ ur673 4280 ,·anety or hanctvmanl Markl.'ling Pro<·edure... lion & propt'rl) mi;1 I c-~per progrt'~~l\1• pn· an\ ul lhl' Jb<1\t' II''" Callr probalt' l'\ Sul11n1t aµµhration-. .111 Jobs 972.9525 t'\I!;. J'k I Ass1~1 m f ormulating m:inageml'nt JI rnunl 11•11tJll\l' IHJ l"l 1n• tcoru.. µl1•a ... t• tall for .111 penentl' ne1·l' ... ,Jr) E\ rmntrnuntr.r SALES Ideal Citnd1d<tte ~hould hil\l' 11 \rellt•n t wcret<tnal ~k1lb mrlud mi: shorthand <tnd d1l taphone expe nenre Jnd i:<.00 typing ~kills Ba ok 101( background pre ferred but not reqwn•d Reher dnver Must ha\e valld Cahr Dnvers Lie I 497 1741 ror Bill. I Pohc) & Planning ol 1111! Plea~e fur" .1111 rt' 'l/H In me art a 752 1:m1 I pomtment dt i;15 !\tHlO t·ellent l) ping & S II 0~ Coast Immediate opening fur ;1 I Sale) & Commun1rate ~umeto r~t512l bt:ll\t•c11\JA~I & skills req·ct C:all \Ir' I Dai r ilot lull llmt' rl.'ddn Jd w.&..WGftted 7 100 withSupphers Tak ... ad TRA~1MELL l'HO \\ DefttalOfcMgr 4:klPM W 1n~lo11 for .ipµI I llO .loySt. ll'prl-...cntall\e for1n~1d1• ' .. .,. EDD S CO r~1thu;, . l'fht'wnt & or .,.,., I""" I M t ••••••••••••••• • •• • • • •• to 1001 Grant bk 1 1---------•1 ""' """ j ..., __ ta M ... a, C ... ~a es poblll\lll • u~t 'e Account.s Payable A\·eSASantaAna' 17941F1lrhRd i:an 11 pgl.'~p4ia~ 1 -Clf "'"" ... "' ussertl\CP<'"o11"11h Do lr,·1ne.C'1\ 92714 ~k Pd \'at· & huhd.iv' G IOff. ,ight f1.1·c· l.q.:ht ·--------• Robert P Warmm~'ton T 1631170tt Ad M JI)( t'Mra ICt HsehldOullei. $.'lStl llr 31 pasttl'lephone !>all·~ex Company ne e d ~ Pa1dforb1Employer 1-------~-·1 l'. 546 I() Hllrdays 960$1!!!1Em rULSE-PIX prri1•fll'e ,\pph Ill energetic Person 111 Al' t\ltention llo!Tll!maker~ BOOKKEEPER I Dent"t r'\1ll t1ml'. prrm;in1·n1 Work tl'mporan JOh' pNi.on, lfifiO Plac·,.ntiJ counting Department. Nl"t'd 3 people wh1i haH· E;xpenenn•d. PT I Orltw>-R~A ••111plo)'mt·nt ror .im MA.J<EA IUCK 1 1'1"-'rlohurnt· i\11• .(' M E ('el l l Sal Canearnupto SM r ·' .. , ' H1111kke!'ptnR exp pn• " .,. .... .,..,,. ' '¥" Our ~uc·rt•ss 1n the in duslr) allo"' u~ to pro 11de highly 1·om pellll ve 'alanei. and bent-fits m rluchng M~dit·al. Dental. paid 'acat1on anli morl' Apµly Mun Fri 10 to 12 ur 2 to 4 or (•all Per.,onncl llPpt !7141760 6000 WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR WELLS FARGO BANK has an immediate open· mg m the commercial banking group ad - m1nistrat1ve f'inancial Center Experienced re4ui rt-d. 10· IS nex hr!I per "t'l'k I ~ltHS80 for appt t•a II F:neri:d1o• ('\pt'r d "~'" liit IOU\ person. 40 hr ST ART HERE \'ICK I II EST ON Salt's. II llOlt'. Thi• Molt· Real Estate Prefernhlf' $6 h \Ion Tue.· Thur• ··r1 I lalll lll'edt'd !or bll'I I ll~·k ~llllll' ntRhh .!. Sat The Los Anuele' T1m1•, I • ,"S~'V'I ATL:s llole. Lido v1•1~"1'. I'\ x en aq · ClllS49 7942 • . prJlilt't· 1s look1ni: for "ell .'.>400400 1-11·r req 673~655 -Benefits & working rnn BCSBO' &: 54651701\)k Im lu111 I ft•rn-11 Appl\ in pt·r~un groornt'd .... ~thu""''I\ I PllUfO MOOr;t. i\ttr J1 ~ The successful ran ditioostnCo!>taMesaor RUOM SER\'lrt: I orTAll 1:-.IC peopll' to ~arn uµ IO I '''" ne~d~·· ror rull SCTIY/IF1n000" ancial I ~Bank d1date "lit have ex-rice Call Sall) forAp ATTEMTIOH: Da) shifts for hott•I , • .··' ,, hwels lyJoes~Dh 540-$50 d f 1 • ~ .u '' Po mt men t 966 13 33 Am b1t1ou• boys ~nil re.taurant ~\pt•r µref . Ste' t ~ l){>ta1hng ntt ct... SOlITll C:O:\ST PLAZA ho µerk d) or at ""' (11(ure modehni: in our l'rest101oul> firm ;,t•ek" I :i f penence on IBM Dis play ~ " hJrd"ork1n3 t•lt•Jn 1•ut .. uri. "or .i~. 11 1m1·. 1~1mm I l11spla.\ Jd' \er · " • 0 W nter or Sy)ltm 6 EOE girls w tJ years old. to Conta1·t Jan 1'1i I Iii 1 f COSTA M F:SA .. los r~" llci 1r r dvnam1r sdr ~tarter for ---ext 27~ ent•r1tt>t11· <'lJl 1•r or su • '".. ' J ' 1'\)J\'t nl't' Send photo 111 -1\. I. r1 I Must be able to handle A.CCOUHTS "ork one or t"u t•\c:n ., lonRt<>rmt'mplo11•nw nt <:IRJ. f'RIOA' HJ lht>J rrum 4pm ~pm t tr.1111 I' \1 \tn l'lt1t'' I' 0 hu~> 11ff1re B1·nth·~ I ~f'\\'po lug.h ''olume or both or RECEIVAILE tni<~ J "l!<'k gctt1ni: ('\fETERI \ lJll631690U l',,nm,ulJ l"\llt' nun mi: "'II Ill' prm11l1·1t llu\ 2:!5~ :>.t•"pnrt lla)l'S & "~''" 15111 both text and stat1sllral ne"~PJPt'f 'uh,crip Pl.'rmananl "nrk p.irt • 1 1 , \ H ,mokt•r .;noel '"'"' \our l'Jrnillt:' "'' J llt '.tth t" \ ,121,fi:t fur lirookhollo" Or •Ill 1 ( ClERK 1100' Tran .. pcrrtJllunj ltml' ft> ma,,. nul \\'>,..,! •• Gl> !·t·'n'nt•lhFt.'I> r..r .... 'al lll'R \h-ll 111' r I r "'" h1 I S \ !\4!1~ P1•r,unnt•I l-:cn; M f' report prepara ton ora E l bl h d e ~ rt d I "'' • "' I irn•, '" 1'3 i·p . JllP l 'wn it·~. l"'l' free . i• ~ al admin1strall\'e s a is e po and cun..iJnl .i u l "eekends llolllt' µhone 11 1 ,9!>" llSXg Super 01•ta1l l'l'r"1n' b.c.ed on .i i:u.ir.1nt1•t•1J ' '·' "' 1---------ll'ldal\fllytiralstarr Will marketing hrm need~ supen 1swn prcl\ 1dcd 6T.14403 f.H., 1"1 ram 1 biJ 3591 hourh "al(e or SJ so ~ f' 1 rlt•rk '' ll''' '"ml' SCTIY to SI OOO It 5 b d At 1 d account· recenable P'l k r -hl.k h I r I h t nt I SECT'Y/ADMIH ran cri e " a e " CallJtoa JO•• a~ or Carpet l'lt'antnl( helpt>r ERdf'OfticTech Renerous t0mmh,.1on' pl( ep,u u . n lnterna!lonal rumµJm Tak• rhargo ""rcon for n.a tenal for correspon clerk Duties are code & Andre<>. 642 4321 t•\t ZIHO hrs "et'k C"o~tJ Tt"ll. cahbrauon ntdlll I Hcrdw_. Salti . Smc·e this ll> a Ill'". pru I 111•1 l'''an (,real "'".rt. • ' "'" " I d e M l 111put invoices & l·ash re ., . ., ~'·II or Part Time -.;o oram opportuniti•• for 1n•• Jlmo,phen·. :-; R ..eek~ indl\ " gd com :-.; B Ad1cr Promotion enc · us posse~s ...., \l~a area lh er 18 lt'f'lant·t &. repa11 1•\pt'r ." . " ,, " k 11 h n....,I \erbal and wntten re1ptsintolBM System' s.u!S3'14 r"" !>46S344 Sunda)'s or EHnmg~ ad\ancement •.irt· l'' llr' !J 2 t'J ll Jud\ I munteJUOn s 1 ' " o r 1 rm T ) p 1 n g II""" 34 Computer. prepare .... See Ste\ e H \\ tt'llent rail nu" rur !flS 14\11 "'" ha\e opportunll) to Shorthand Phonr' Sal communirauon )ktlls monthl) :.latement:. AutoMechanic ChildCare ELECTRONIC I Wr11(h t ,Co 1:!6 rrurr1nformat1onahout l'Ture 7 da~' 2 hr!> use IBM compu:.t'f ~nt>t24097 type65 +wpmandhave weekly sales rl.'ports Wh eel align l1t1· t'ouplt• on the m11\t· \SSE MB I. t; H ; ttochesterlM th1~ l(reat oµportunll\ .dJtl> AMdrliHr) LA Out:.tanding benefih Sc•"rn. kno"ledge or d1r etc Xlnl beneflli> & ~t'hantCMI Uwu twh need!i lo\ln)!. dt•pendJ I h II Lill Mun r n 4~7 2:lltl Ttllll'~ $100 "k LJ l(ulla 1 • Bentley lla}l'S .ind '' taphone salary Non·smoker un 50'' I' om m II t. NT ble mature lali\ lo ran· 1 (' a enRini: pu ... 111on ror HnuEMlllERS 204 I '<l<' l!">iO Hrnokh ullu" SA.MrLE MAKER ly IMS Eqwpment 2805 1'llTO (' L'."'TL.·R. J"?5 ror.2 ~thool J"I' ·rhlldrt•n pt•r .. on Wllh Jt lc•a,t :! um '"' PX! I I llt."ir l 494 11496 Dr : 114. S1\ 5-l!l 2625 lluntmgton Brh 8911 1991 Excellent rnnge ben,r11s ~ L •"•n ,,., L· ~ in their home Mu\l he 1 ,1,'riilil\ ••• 111,r '11 r d db I l"IA""' E" Barranca Rd . lr\.111,, " "·1 • " "-" ""'r' ele1·tr11n11 " Telephone intef\1l·~t·rs ._. • ..., .. G,.R 11' T 1•fl1 n• .1 ~:.1~1an1 1 Per,onni•ll>1'n111•' wo· and promotional op 551!.!9()1 aguna "·' nu a,, , , , nt•e c· Y nat rnna TRAINEE 11a11h•d Cur mC'PltJI lll'lp frt'I' portunilles Bch-1943322 8338900 <i\ail fur 11'rrnil(hl 1 ··11u1, ,111•111 C,1 I I markt>l re,earl'h firm I\. .cl1'\lh11h'm lrt•a1m1·n1 1 S.'.AJMS"l'H•:s" i•.xiii·rll Student Jobs BABYSITT EH Ill our stays. dnq•r, ill" & rl'f j 11 H.15 !1230 r (I l t II r or. I a rl !' d ~ u r I e' I SALESrEOPLE \1 I h r. r. '' ' HEY! For further mrorma t1un --------•! holrt' for 1 •, Hold F'ur req·d t'all ~Ir' ~I dli•r tn\ 1rw >tudie' No ~elhni: P;;ri LookinR ror an 1•\('1t1n11 ~~11;~~;:.~11 d}\~'H•nt't. 0~ tu "11rk al h~•.~'lt' 1 ".oil l" IOYS-GIRLS 1~inlact ACCOUNTING octa,1on;il ~h11rt term 6'7!">JmJ time e \en 1ni:' &1 1•Jreer in tht• rt'lail 1 111:r,on;ihlf' S5 Pl'I hr 1AJUla} 642J~4 1 fnr 111 .. llow "ould )<Ill like lu l Margot Barker overnights 673212!! C ldCa H II t:mµlo}mcnt Con-ultmi: "!>t•kend~ Houri} pa~ doth111g firld .. lh1, 64IO.~:r2 I t'r\lell eama!>mut'hasSM>Oo..1 1714 1973·$148 E.O E Columbia SttllOJ:'> .• 1 \11lhhiaulo r:im ~ r.r 10 l'nempl'oyetl Ex Hepl) m ownhand~rit rap1dl)e~pan1t1ni:r1•1.ili ) • Sl'l'rt'la~ week'Oo)ouhkedmt• I EqualOpportunil) grow 1 n g r 1 n a n r 1 a I Ra by~ittrr M > 11 ome 7 30 4 day & 3 da}i. "k t•tut•H~ Group rnn,ull in~ mclude ) our phone clothing rha111 " lookrni: 1 . T Si·c r ct ii 1' , T' 111,' 1 Dynamic t'ront Off 1rt' 1 111 mov1!'s, p1rnir .... p1aa Employer M 1 f H leader, has two CXl'l'P ~!ii~~: i·~5 ~~~ 3(;,:;14 ronsecu111el) S3 35 hr inR on l'Urrenl market number. to Trt>ndex I for bright. moll\Jl<•d (Jil ~n, & Rd? 1. U\ (all Secretaq W.int1·d 75 partlt'l>. beach part1e:..1·--llll!'I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ t 1 on a I ear e e r op r Feb 7th. 6 9Prn SIS P O Ro. ~ !15703. Loi. rf'hable peoplt' tu fill !hr 1 .irt bPM 1115 ~242 WP.\1 Arruralf' Gent'rill plw. man) other thtnl(l> • portunities avallabl!' m ~~~~nR~ ~;,;:e~r~·:~ 7+j>~~~3~ lnqutrl! a 1 ~~ 1675 5.~90 .m JOth An,gelel>, CA 90072 position~ or M anagc1 I Public Saftty OHic:t'. Organ1zJt10nJI 1 'Then you "ould probJb) • its beautiful Anaheim CM 646-46.SI I Trainee & Salei.proplt· DilpClfclter I Skills. & Word l'rot'e"'''rl probabl) cnJO' "'orktnl( admimstrat1ve oHin• llo6 ital Xlnl employe(' hrnt>f11<, j 0 0 y u u e 0 J 0 , .1 ~;11periencr n•ci 11ir1•d ror us • If it's got ---------1 Clencal EHGIHEERS p rA.TIEHT mcludmg mr.rrhanct1~;· t'hJllt'lll!l'' (' Jll You $1100 Mo t ll4:ner11 ~ I Ql:ALIF'ICATIONS • handles • -•ccountin~ IA.IYSITTH BIWNC CLERK di~rount:. Appl) JI I make Quirk [krl\llln" l'ontact \1r roku l Oil I I Over 12 )Cars or aRe • you'll grab well ft Pe rson n eeded to IN-DEPTH ACCOUHT REP· Milef''s Outpost under Pres~ure"' A~ ~ t.' d I n d u ., t r 1 1• ' 2 Neal. hone~t and de • I (t...stor Reportifl9 babysit 6 yr old girt I hr E~cellent opportunitr .... VOLVEME~T I '\rule fa re ho!.pll a I Htritoqe PfalG Dil.patt'her Your major 71.J__ 64l 98(6 pendable • a sa e we·re seeking an in everyda' Mon·f'r1 Will for detail-0nented. "el '" " sl't'ks sctr ~tartm.i: m 112801.."ul,er Or f>ut~ "Ill bf' 10 rrart 3 Work after '"hool and faster in d1V1dual expenenced m ha\e to mr't child art er I f;rn,ru~~ 'R~~'r'~,~~~~ • lh\1dual "ith hospital In ine. CA C<1lml\ & f.rrt('l('nt l\ to HEED HELP? Saturda}' • Daily Pilot savmgs and loan or )chool at I 5Spm & keep .\d,ertismii bustne!>s in Oisco•tr your op· b11l1ng collect~ons & Will start aneptinR ,1p I n•la) i·dll11 to Pohcl' or llrl11 \'Ourwll t11.1 CALL TOUAY ' j : classified mortgage bankmg to un~!I appr?" 2 45p~ our Orange Count) or port1U1tit7 for pro· Med1rare Med1Cal t'X phl·at10ns Ft>b ht ftt'<'r!i ~alar> is 57 63 111 lka11mi:~elt•1 t111n11I 537 5936or~l S~i handle investor rePort .\I t;ST BE OE PE fire rou·u need t\ ping 1 ftuiono ad•a"ct· ~rde~rf A~pl~ '::' 1 9 5pm sw :.1 hr Plu' Gcnern11, 11~~h~":;~,'.~~11;~;'l~t'i'r SAM to IOPM 64ad7~.56ca7911 1 n g a ccount 1 n g DA BL E Ml' ST II\ e o( -'5wpm 10 ke\ ;kilb mrllt in our torva ad ift mt' •a r. Y er. on "' l'll) Paid lifneru~ Hr I S I Knowledge or f'NMA within "alkmR d1stan1·e good math abiliti\· and I TODAY'S SPORTS Dept South C t M~ S..~Hy lllJ!ll>SShlrt 11ork llEl.P W \:'\TEil \OS 1111 ... ______ _ AES. GNMA :ind1 toStoneereck El~ml'n preferabh ,ome Jr wdion. ._._....,calCo~-1. 12 s 0 an 0 ~or :il(~<r>eNITn~~~allon f'HLMC and a genera tar)' School. Y. ood rounlm!( ·kno" ledRr --~ "'", and investor accounting bndge Irvine Plr.a~e Duties \Hll be 111, o1t'ing I 31872 Coast High" ay City oflrvine background art' rt call 552 0461 aft!'r and informalrnn pre Samt of our CUl'ftftt So Laguna.CA.92677 p MOHTH 172(X>JamboreeRoad qi.ured 5 :.>pm parallon for computer projech incluct. th~ 499-1311, ext. 610 •All promotions rrom I rvinf', 92714 111put MoSt.Mouftttd Sl9ht. Equal Oppty Employer w 1th 1 n • Tr a n 5 p 754 3600 Sr. Accounting Defta ..ct Hit laUistlc Bonuses . ·Paid Vaca eerorrJ12 R2 Clerk Banlung Salary will he rom Missllt Demse Pro. Housekeepers wanted. I lions .. •Profit Shar l't•opl!.'whonrl'd lll'o11lt• ASSIST A.HT mensurate "tlh sut' ~ For fwthtr In-full. I part time ror mg.. •Young. Sharp peo should alw<1H c•ht•r k lhr . r l'"'""I< M'"'""'"'GER ressrul apphrants polen !>mall retirement home pleprer <.. 0 t h lmiudiate openmg or "'" "'""' llal. bal'kerl hy an i·x 111atlon, che ck in Laguna Beach Must 17t .. J968 355 5 ,,.•n·11•f· irrt· on Ill t ,. an expenenced payroll l'ellent h1•nl.'f11~ TODAY'S SrORTS be able to work some --" __ .:_ JJ.\lt.YPIL.OT clerk to perform all Exceptional opPorlun1t~ Jlat'kage wdioft. wedends P lra~a nt payroll tunctwns for tht• in e'pand111g bran1•h working condnions F'nr association Selected ap Requires min 2 Yr~ L'all Noemi Santo,, plicanl must have ex exp m br:int'h opera c l ten l s er~ 1 r ~, MCDONNELL •1Ppt call 49•1 9458 perience\nworkin g wilh t1ons managrment Man ager a 1 DOUGLAS Uousekeeper,h"emforS computerized payroll business development. !213!~·~01 lo arron~c ASTRONAUTICS yr boy & father Sun, systems Typ111g skills commerc1alloans for an inleniew Mon orr Non·smoker anrequired COMPANY Room . board. sal lo retum wt orrer ex NORTH AMERICAN I 5301 lolsa A.•tnt 1i75 3793 AM. S23-4920 These gro111h p()S1t1ons rellenl salary. outstund· A.DVEITISIMG ~Oltleoch, P~-------are enhanced by allrae mg benefits & pro ht CA. 92147 11ve salaries and ex shanng. For conhden A Sltbsldlory HOUSSCHPYS ceUent benefits includ ual interview. !>end re of Oglt.y & An equal The SeaeUCf Motel. 1661 Ing compan y paid sumt&torphone ~ fite. opportunityemployer So Csl Hw y . L 8 rmdlcal. dental and vis Jackie EK V P ' US citizenship reqw red 4.94-9717 ion roveraae. and Cree AMIEIUCAM Equal Opportunity banklng privileges For STA.TE IAMIC £mployer M/F Make your advertising ClassiCted advert1s1ng Is (Ollfldential eons1dera 500 Newport ~nter Or l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dollar go Carther! List a better way to tell more lion. pleuuend resume NB&4().SlOO EOE M IF Have somelhin~ to sell' your bvsmess every day people about the service and salary history to '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!lj " iii d . 11 111 I.ht Clauified section you have to otter Ask Personn~I Ofl1cer, or 1~ Crass ieda 5 oitwe or this ne ws p llptr •hout our low rates lo call Nancy Perrin al ft.I Plat 642-5678___ day, 642 S878. 17141776-7101 .rxt 426 U-G ' I ·· ................. \ •••••••••••••• ****** ~ AHJ LOAN .AS500AlllN ****** I, ~ Advertisir Sales ~ • n•wn onMMG • 4 "t11pcr. ri1w1p1per dlspl•1 saleaperson· to ' • M. otor •~nnte in Prime Newport. I ~ halld.M ••1 1ccount1 lor Oranie Coast Dally • • • .,.. · • Piiot. Salary, c:ommlulon and ucellent Beach area. Low miles : ap· . btntllta. Growth 09portunltlet ror person • e ~rox.lmately 350 customers. e wi th carter 1mbltlon1. Send cooiplelt ' w kday hours 2·3().S·30pm e m umt to Marji Fendel, PO Box '*· C01t1 • • Sa~e& Sun. Sam-7am. Mtnimum • Meta CA. aas. Nb pbone cells, plelH. An e amOlDlt of coll ect!'1t For de· J'..qu.i Oppartualty Emp.loyer. e talls call Bruce arty or· e : ORANGI COAST IJML Y"N..OT ! .. Foster OueUr.t at 642..mt!. • • ••••••••••••• : DIW.IAYIT~TA.JllSA.CA.aut • •, Ml I~ nMlfY~Yll ,• ..:. .............................. , .................... - f SALES WM $51,• TO $111,11 AllJAU. y ~ ... w__, -·· .... ·~ PRCfE~ONAL TELEPHONE SALES PROVEN OIL CLOSERS ONLY! $100,(XX) YEARLY POTENTIAL TO 25% COMMISSION PAID WEEKLY OOALIFIED WRITE·IN LEADS PLUSH N~T BEACH LOCATION ~ INCENTIVE PLANS * to rAR * HAWAII VACATION * YENl y IDIJSES ( t ___ «-__ ::l ___ , __ , ) WANTED ( {---<OS_,.. __ ) ) ·Newspaper Carriers for {outes in Huntington BeOch, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good EamillCJS Super Tri~ • GreatPrbn • -OflngeCollt ONLY PILOT/Sunday, February 1, 1112 ~~.,... TNdll .,. ...... w...., .. .. ... , ........... _ .................... -" .............. .. ....................... ,, aatY 4WD r.· U rtblt ATT'IMTIOH en en1, but fll, tilt .... mu.. W.._1 ---·arordlOO OWMllS TONN£AU COVER F1ta M0'1, 'Tl· '11 Ntvtr Ultd. $7& Mari Mm lvt ma1 1~ 011, tondlllon ___ au.___ - '71 Toyot1 PU ~zed W/ lfltll, J ol a~. muet He. '7,000 ml 000 5411.:ID!, _ By Wlllltl THE MOST UTllOOYWOHI y lllint·i., to ~ off your I ttO CHIY • ~ 1hou1t W.9832 'IJ TOM P /U ~I llu1 bor Ah d CREATIVE LOVE.LINES! · AT. air, lull power, l'otot.i \lt•5i.~0330 .. ~.a__ •...a.... ~r atecnna. rlwer -----.............. ••••••••• ---... ,. _ I ••••••••••••••••••••••• et, e1aaute, •aa1. WI IUY ·-· 001 IMPORTANT llntedpua lic1W75$9J. USEDCARUTRUCKS ..... \................. ~ ....................... Say .. , Love You" to y()U( apeelal someone with I NOTICE TO SHH COME IN OR LA>SlNO LEASE, quit· • V11tntlne'1 ~Ad In the Oeltrrv Piiot Cleaalfled Love R£ADERSAND 0.1.H" U.I CALL FOR WP811UNSTER S.hmi!¥ Sale. AnUqua, ~ bualneu, ae1Un1 out ADVERTISERS """" ABBEY blby cjothn a. equip· * * * All. •11Pptih and fix · Linet for only 1 a Une (3 llne m nlmum). The price of Items mi E. tatSt ,s A. flllAPNAISAL ANTIQUEMALL ment. like nu, sewlna ..,_LH~ lurtalntludlna: advertised by vehicle --f..41·4471 Connltr·DeLIUo um Wlllln!Atter Ave. mullifte, stereo, a. rnln. a W. Bilbo• 8lvd. Display cua, wa1Un1 It your ad Is found to be the most creative by our panel dealers lo the vehicle 1'74 Courier, S1500or ~•t CHIYIOLIT GARDIN GIOVE Ult UUI S.A H. 9·4 Newport Bl1d1 room cbalu. Buuty of Judges. you'll receive $100 ... to apend on your t'lassified adverllalnc olrer. 1902 Oran1e. C.M 182ll 8EACH BLVD. SSUlo.1 WEARE MOVING! You are the wblner of S1lon he,lrdryere and Valentine, of course. columna doea not In-842·2m7 HUJllTINGTON BEACH L&• selection of home two fr.e Ucte\I 1111.00) bydtlullc c:ba1ra, mlt dude any applicable ·m Ford '4T tl'U(k. Like 147-6017 or CUl&TAILI furn: DR set, LR sofa' valuetot.he ron,ahelveundplantl. tua. license, transfer new. Haa utll utility 549-llll % loun1e chairs, CllCUSYfi6AS Alao,mate.up,shampoo Call 642•5678 fees, finance char1e1. w/tool boxes. alone ---=:.:....:=~--I> In X •Ill 11th Century Oipper Ship Hatch Cov er inlaid Abalone 1hel11 ~ cl a kind. Valued S2SO O +112 50 . 7M-73Hl50 te b d tltl ' L "'l""M 11 andhalrproducll. ' l . poll 1-------w1 f e I DI ll\IUP Pl a CaUQl.-"'•or tetl Of&Jr UlJOOCOn· sides. ftealdt,541~ twin ), dults (also Feb.9·11 .,.,. w-t'1111mdrc..,.. t.rUdevlcecertiflcaliona chlldren'a), chairs • City.sboppiDcCenter aftert,aaoa ,._.II~ ClenHIH. or dealer documentary Y-'570 much mo re Free Oranp JEEPS-Government ,_., • preparation charcts un· •••••••••••••··~····~·· IBUY 1lveaways ! Sat/Sun Feb.19 -22 Surplus Llated lot less otherw&Se specified Movln\; Sacrifice' 70 l~. 2221 Francisco Dr, To claim Ucket.s, call sa.111.00. Sold for '"· bytheadvert11er. Fen! ID Good Cond CARS! N.B.MS-5a7 642-5678, ut. 212. For Info Call (312) ·-• •• Make Offer 8S8-0473 w 9.J&S..9•1 ~Feueb muat1b89 1c~med 931-00.Extms Offlct ... ~ .. •t&tOIS W..Powr 9040 loth.a,./ ~ •••••••••• !!.'.! ~-wrnil~ Ddodae V•n .. lll. ., .. "·CM UT ru.ary •• • -MO"llS -r--....................... Dodi 9070 ....... es, e p11nt 645 ,. ,. "••••••••••••••••••••• f'lfH fll BOATS ••••••••••••••••••••••• WlU Trad• u G 'or VW .J!.. 17th St, CM . 845-2244 ~II. oak chlna cab., .W.,.a, blln, toofs. 5 FAM GARAGER: Pan-in ~-~·h40 cb TVI ance fll.mit:Utt for sale. WU N 8. Slip Up to 38'. or' ~ • ' '73 Ford 300 Van Con Leaded ctau Tiffany han&lnc abides . beautlful colors. Must sell~aft.8 C~H!!! 673-1705 llqlbyorcun cue.MSO 4'oor1, 8'ardwr, t.uticprices. Mult see! ~~~v;ts~~ri: Desb, chain, con/ la· IJM8tl Weter/power, nr Lido 4ff .. 722hn venicn Pd '9600, SAC 080 (pdfUO}. 7SO.I031 lllkrewen w fr-... 318 Moote Vista, C.M. Installed. ~U~ • 189.95 ble, etc. Some never 40• Owens Tahitian. live· 81).Z15' $4500. 53,000 ori& m1 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ AnUque Primitive Pme Mlle. Sat&ln. •1111 UMd. '7'75-7501 abolrd slip avail. CalJ. 67' 1Up Newport Bch Slftlc, refri g, tape declt. 1-------- Jelly Cabinet trom PA. YARD SALE-1 Wk. bide Garage Sale 218·2/7 Bear Cat 2SO Scanner, Used G~r Mdl ~. Judy or Harvey 642·"'4. priva~boatonly. ' "1:t'Jt b ~.cm -Will trade MG for VW or Xln1 cond.151-9049 materials. Too much to 8-4rm 618 21st Street. $250. Chinoo ~mm SLR recently recond. New blW'ft., 9 AM '5 PM. 842-46« 1 '52 '71 GM C Van du r a . Good Running Car H. ... bber .. "IC.I\ ~r. ••••••••••••••••• •• •••• tu AW'TlaUIS lial.IZU W. Comde, SA · (alley). woll, bllcts Camera, fl~. 546·2855 '" · -"'· irvv-5141. BOAT SHOW SPECIAL Pvt OletTy Cove moor (w tel no rust carpet. 499°4722 Old barbi!,· chair, 2 Sit. Feb. 13, 10 AM Ult ? etc. Lion skln, st,800., Zebra P.P. Wellcrafts-<:ost +5'~ tng. dlolce loc. Up to 53'. l>.OOO on rebwlt, si.4oo. 111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ cub refiat.ere, fire call Old dishes, auto parts. Yard Sale-&aa a\ovea, akin s:soo. Sell or trade. Executive High· back, CaJIOlip81ahop64H015 S42-0al &33·7'150 Call btwn 7PM ·BPM box, to be auctioned mile. Items, neat thlnp, misc. furnltui-.. halltd Neil, bf'O'n vlnyl Gunlocke Pre v lous ly owned. Newport 1 Buch boat slip ONLY 631.~60 --Mfol. i...,orted Wed. Feb. 10th. 12:00 reu. prices. 1213 goods. Sat/Sul\ M. JSI 213JMZ..1355 Dest Chair. Orig. over Boston Wl\alers. All forl>'.'250/mo. '73 Ford, conv lo miles.••••••••••••••••••••••• noon. 17IOO RedbUI A'le McCormac:kLn. C.M. HanoverSt.,C.M. Ten auorted Storaae $400. Lib new. $200. Slus. Schock Boat&. 673·7086. auto. air, gd cond. AH.la-o '705 lrvihe Cabinets 120..sso. Oak 2131•15~· . m~ ~ Harbour atlp up to DXlO. 83ll·3ll90 ____, ••••••••••••7••••••••••• <n> yr old bl'OClie oriental aiuch • •1u1 m111 t)']lltwnter with 19" 3:2' f.WUnl boat trawler, 56'. wtr/pwr. S23S mo. Allot W.t.d f5'0 ,.. ir!'..,!MEO Temple IOOI only SIOO! nREWOOD FOR SALE carrla&t l 24S. S /C xlot moflanlcal, gooa (2l3)~·19SI ....................... _.,,_ ~.., ~ ' Dellvered/•tacked. manual portable with electronics: Owner --. a--_90 WIMHDYOUI 2000SPIDEI Amer Oak C urio Sel90Ded.Oakcord$200, cuepD.&l.305 de9oftate-ask1n1 $4000, __.,._...,.. .,.,, GOOOUSIDCAll Silver/ black, excellent Cabinet., $475. Oriental Avo cord SUMI . ..., or '• SmlthCoronawrwriter, wtlftalk.CalllJS.2515 ....................... AnYlhlncconsidered. rondlllon. (ser00684l v-. 14$-$75. French. 0.,. I0401W I t IOIO rordavall.780-1290 office mode Uses 197'7lhrul980 CALLTODAY!'! Wall Clock, S250 080 •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• carbon ribbon SlOO. '78 271,;ft BAYLINER MW SJOIA"E ~ SADOt.11'1.CIC IMW 631 sm Lov t /2 b · MMd Set to lth•tl 541-72'34 UR I a • • GOLDEN RETRIEVER esea , w CU IOOI , l.llique Span GalleonJ I "vicSoria". f1y bridge. Monthly boat It RV lewllhil lltca Gold 1]1·2040 495.4949 •.,e•c:es 1010 Fem, g mos, AKC, $200, ~120. 8 couch wood <' 5..., 6..., 7...,) Pore 'Pih tOl7 VHF nicfio. bait tank. a.oraae for any s1ie, 24 lt57~ ,.. '707 ....................... toloyinJbome 847-1737 ::.._r;_w/3rusblonsll0 CinaerJarativases,lead ....................... depthr..,,outngiers. hr security, free nii-eetops. full power, ..................... .. APHARP' .. ~CREARSE~AVlCE 2 Sllepberd·Malamute crystal, cinnabar. Fr Parrot, beaut. double ~~J~~~tMh t~ii~r8 launr1llin& 11 Nwashing wire wheels. Completely '79AUDI 5000 WUU'f n pupa, 12 wks . de-llUYMNfTVll nautical. 1nndfather yellowbead, roe. lame C&U ~SU Wiii s~ll pnvi eaes. ewport restoredlnSeniorClass 111 lil~e..fy Xlntrond.lowm1. We buy used appliances I wormed, all shots 12.5. Les ,. BST .. 133 clocks, paintings, indlan w/cqe • p•·~n. Must '-•---..,.,___ Dwles. ll.3I Bick Bay in its division of com· ....... u-rbor Blvd aoo 642-3341 Wesellrecond aua Pl II -" ""YI"" ......., .. ~.,.....,. Dr. Newport Bearb · · s ....... 04 -. ., ' 84183 Dinin&Rmtabte/4clln,, ruas. ease ca ..,... .613-3600 64«1\10 petition. erious in COSTA MESA ·so. Assume lease, Audi apeliantts. ~9-3077 Golden Retriever & Bill rms old. Semi smoked ~1·7~Willsellortrade 'Senepl Parrot and cage '79 Bayliner Liberty. 20·. Q\lnesooly 979·2500 S(XXl S. immac loaded, Wubers/dryen. late Lab mix puppies, (6) alau top/bran ltl•· or? --13 m> old. S75. After s IOh rs . SHOO 10 8 0 no m>ney down. lsl & mo d.e Is . 11O0 up .... Avail "IJ . .,............ Ch-1 ... brown/brais 16 ' Cat a ma ran w / ,.. -761-4519 WE PAY l28t m> al .... ady paid D I ~ ,.. ...,. _,,,, '" •• tra l-1 -tbo Su .. ....._ tn4~2250. -Trs 1,arf._ ·~ e ivery , gu~r '•Poodles "R" People• te1a. $800 new, sell i ~ .., x. lUal -......an..-..,. 1090 TOPDOLLAR Days , 714 1851·18'4, Mutercharae/ Visa I T·C T $250 l IC70/bo.mi614 l.25trlilbikt $411...al ..._ ..... .,..... ·59 Classic 19' Chris ....................... ...________ Eves, 714/6'2·57%3 G-ZIMOKlnp ups . oy, o -....................... Craft . Entirely orig Alrcrtft 91101• NewGE24 ft (' I~. Pets Boarded & 28rownstnped Herculon Q)lor-Analyzer. Bessler WA NTED. Mason-Xlnl cond. Sll.000 See ....................... ca.sk'66 FORUSEDCARS '78AudiS(XX).MustSeU ! cu re ng, Groomed 543-28'8 Solas 1150 tboth> brand new $90 was 1150. Hamhn grand piano. Rlddle1 Yacht Sales, P-"'--w-.a.......11 ••MG•• ALAN MAGHOH Best Offer side by side, w/ice water IG <M\ ..,..,1 CallMZ 5381 xlnt --~ · k -_....... Will T k 497 ·-& ice maker in door. erman Shep. pups, .,..,.,,_. · wuu, ivory eys. N.B.orC.11675·3217 "n T210. loaded. oc AP 1 a e Best Otrer PONTI/l.C/SUIAIU --=-=·'MOD=--- Pald 51 460 sell S975. AKC, see parents, shots 51,'l' bideabed couch, gold Electric Dryer 110 Volts. Call collect. 1 ·324 -7525 197 9 A po 11 0 c 8 b 1 n soo hra min. Call Paul or Great Mechanical Con-2'80 Haroor Blvd. ·71 AUDI IOOLS. auto. 9M-2Z72 9 lo 5. 957.3083 complete .f?r I yr w. Herculon. $65. Heal Washing ~achlne. Wash eves. Cnaser. 25 .. Fully equip Jim. 7u .752.2266 or dltion. All New Parts. COSTA MESA radio. good trans ex ...... · ' • vet's cert1f1cate. AKC circulating imitation Basin w/Cablnet, Elec Briokertioff Oak Player. , ... · t. "' & r h 21J.Q9.502l Incl Clutch. lrs. Etc. 549 '"300 549~14_51 !>59__ 968·7304 ~ h f I II.. '-'c Water Healer. All R b ' •Dr ... viga ion 15 mg. --$175 Rec t T ~ --.,,,. """LJTTON papen at pure ase. $275 rp c, ae new, $60. u• e u1ldable. SI 100. xlnt cond $18 900 en une-up -AU 9712 . "" x.., negotiable. 979-1746 Queen Medlt. beadbrd. work fine. S20 Each. Lr& (Good Wood> 645-4199. · · · Motori-4.... 9140 Call, Days, 499-3001 , WE IUY _..,. microwave oven. like Golden Ret Pu AKC S35.Mapleci&.stand.SS Sdng Glass Door, $35. ~ m72Ueves/wknds ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4111-5372.Eves.'99--4722. Q.EANCARS ••••••••••••••••••••••• new,$190/0B0.146-7303 lf»Championsi!i5pTitles Maple mag. rack, 110. Misc. Garage Bein~ de· O..~SIC Bay boat 23· '77PUCHMOPED llUYA_.,. ... CES '9Ua&l Desk,$20.541·'463 m>llshed. 3810 River GA.. 1093 Chriscrafth'ftrakem GoodcondS32SO BO '29F'ORDCABRIOLET ANDTRUCKS '"'"'"""" NB. 675-1703 -..., board w/he1 . can keep S.57·8393 N--'- R1;ria. S2SO., ;::·:~~ y~~~=~~ ~~· 3.:ti0rt:a1n::~a·Ar:~ AICADI e:;:i:i;;~~ .. s;t·s;.~0:;~· slip, $2500 645-9246 1979HONDA EXPRESS-: ~.~~~3~75 ll 'lnt D .. Fr D' ""7 easy chair. must sell u .. C ......... 15 one time, Rossignol 180 21 · IMP 1981, Volvo VB. tredll300 HelmetS40 72 ...... st~,.--. I ry.,.r, eezer, IS· ..... -4084 _,,.. 8S """" "'" ...... "·lo b' d. steno. fresh watu cool 968-7559or752·l323 -,,_.. hwasher IUO f!1 . AKC Chesapeall:e Bay -'· 7-IUl. '1 Different Lalut -· ""' rn:>n in mgs inc VHF Ilk --Less lhan 45. orig mi. S.58411 8' sofa. drk green print. Money Making Models! • poles SISO. Nordica . . e new Moped, Motobecane. ilnt pd Retriever, male, l yr overstu!fed, S8S All New Free PC Board boolssize5'i'IM l60 ~~~ condition 1175 3Slrl 4 s d wire wheels. Refrigerator, late model, ~d. oodlramed Very reas 64(-WS E xc h 1 n & es C 8 11 5411"719 N.B. 33· fibt>rg lass diesel 499·1'39 f:ites.~-4iMsBesl offer very clean, auto defrost, to I home Loves 21J.34S-7303 Kneiul Reisenslalom trawler. like ne.,. ~ ~/ -SW.1193-9060 kids • Wlr Call btwn CbaodelUer. Sl20. End 3l5cm skus w/Tyroha ooo 8'.2·1234 · : 9 MB '58 l90SL. excellent ~efrig , froslfree , 7PM.&PM631-9760 t~bles. ISO ea. Twin Lo"loloo.s bindings It Scott poles. C 150 cond Restored 3rd 1cemaker, hke new. AJCCCockerSpan1els ~.S4S ea Desicoer Helium Bouquets nooSz9men·s boots& e ntury Mahogany ••••••••••••••••••••••• owner 19.000 Wkdays .548-448S Btlf. M/F. For Valen-~comf~ller.sbeell~o" Delivered Great for I carrier. SIS 10' V1;i ~;;,ic~:;4Resorter I ltlOHOHDA 957-8042,6'6-9669 o..1ri Wh' 1 tines. $00. 839-2972 ecor. P1 ows, ~ Valmllnea' CorG>va 673-4063 · HAWK 400 '58 Austin He;ileyl06 ...... aerator· irpool, 761).9031 673-4(19 I .......... / HaaONLYS.OOOmiles& 100/6. Needs Lillie Si~ By Side, Harvest ..,_ .. Yot1 I045 Glrls Druel bdrm set 10 --Ski Boots·Nordlca 12 11 & a..ftr 9050 1s "LlK E NEW .'' Wort. Runs Good' $1800 Gold,LiktNew,SSSO ....................... matching pieces ~ PANAM2forl coupons. 8',,101t men's.Childs sz ....................... <91'237') Was s1995., Firm Call Gerry Kelvjnator 19.3 cu rt F Collie. sable. spayed, aft Spm 840-60l2 · fly free 13 countries 6. Skis Autbier ISOCM, YACHTIHG must sell NOW for s.o-O:ll2, 6la-83lO Froslless freezer up-healthy. needs good G' ,..,., . 7:;&.9320 Rossi g no I I 7 o C M. AU•y . -right., fut freeze shelfs home.~1·2071 ...,..,,.., TOP DINETTE SnowskisVokol l80.Look 752-0729 CONSU&.TAMTS ~ $1395 ·:.i "A" Coupe All ong. r .S40-0302 ,..._, IOSO ~.CoMmttpl/boeleBedfOOm blndincs. Scott poles . .__.._.._. 1094 NCbapt :;._ebr/Power&Sa1I 1'1.UaMOTOIS 1 ~'?«!Int re.storable ......,, a x spnnes: $ 8 5 8 9 2 4 7 6 4 ...,.-...., . "" . 675·2960 2925 Harbor Bl•d rnnu . .-·9673. lkydtt 1020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lwn $80, run $90, Qn 1130, ' . . ••••••••••••••••••• •••• "Your Year Round COSTA MESA I·· MG TC. trophy WIO· ••••••••••••••••••••••• * * I BUY * * Bunks $2 oo. ALL <213>&.8408 SOI.OR.EX CharterServlc_e·· 079 2500 Mana 3 spd $50. Boys 10 NEVER USED ! ! Sherwood am/fm tuner Complete G Y m for L • ner. full pror. re.stora· spd $65. Ladies Cen · ~fiUa~:!:'Q~ilr'~i~ 77o.«Kll S~OO. Superscope 8 tr Home. . 645-0295 .._ W 9060 '80SUZUKI GSS50L ~:.SOOw~~h51~K. sac. lurian 10 spd 1125. Xlnt I SELL C y ""-~•-~ ... S8S d l bl P ayer recorder S50 Slus: Fiacher Auslnan L....................... IOK miles $1750 · . cood. Days 837 _3744• se or or ou vu~ .... ~· • en a e 892·4'764 uer • 13672 with no 963·0794 SWAP MEn -~ MASTllS/l.UCTION S20.lam~ .. ~ 4 dining chal~ S75 2 bar w/Gertsch bindings. mastS7750BO . L .. L •616 I 3 9 25 o•-..., "' New Cond. 20Scm . $50. 830-1»91 1980125 YZ. Antique/Classic birycle. a,ys Mongoose Bike $35. -• l · 6 W rbed K' SI stools 125. 892·4784 . 861.(179! . . XLNT COND. $800. rmtor scooter & motor Ra.llylOapeedMlxte$8S. a> sofu. New. S98. Lov· ate • Inf u, WI (213l:i88-8a -40 Quality Sailboat. Call6'2·8917 bike. Feb. 14th, 7am &thgd. cood. no~ eaeals $88. Sleepers, :ea~~~iif~, ~1fr~t J'b~, JOHN WAYNE TENNIS TY,...,. ~Im Share Lease S2SO '81 ATC 250 R Good 2pm. 1731 Santa Ana Biket6"bo)'lorsirlsincl f198.FACTORY957-5708 Brand New,o~lls ~o; Q.UB MEMBERSHIP tM.Shrto IOfl o. W/12000 Down. Cond.11200.Call · Ave.,C.M.846-74". trainin° wheels xlnt KING IN NERSPRl NG 11100. Sac""fl"e •"""· 6423083 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fi73.tot2 6463192 4--.....Dri 9550 ., " , _..v .=.::;._ __ .......;::.=.:·= MARRIAGE SALE: O:lmpetitlon S.bot 2 Set • -....... •.tt cond$3S.llS7·3414 ~!;~ed~~:,:: Polter Tble·Foldable, Silver um ~ffe~aker Pioneerslereow/tumta-Salls.l&OeBest Offer 71 HOHD'4Cll75 ...................... . MUST saa. "530.sac. S248 del. Never $75.531-ISOI. •. ~.lder.~1tho Com· ble, tuner. amp. cass. 2 640-4337 Ullenew.6,000 ml. ·~fetrkr :~~ 4-r~ ., ... ""-·-~ ll•A'a Vars1' ·~-' rth Sola. F'iMCond. I ' 1225. po1h1t1on w I ce rt spkn. 2 stands & Audio w----'·. -..,,. sa1'lbo~t 540-5221 -Ov hi N I h ~ • .,..., ... .....,,. queen sz, wo 5 .. a 3713 aut enllclty 1195 . gtau cab. 5 mo old .. RCU ~-• er ew c utc . ty Scbw on Bicycle S-, cub onJy, $218 del. ._. 541-27» MUST SELL 1695 OBO W'lll ltade eqwty 1n lrg 3 '77 Harley Davidson. Needstrs. $2000. 5.59-0217 COHHElL CHEVROLET 'X." It ,,.t.,.r l• • ••t'.l\\I~'\ 546-1 200 .. GHIUYEI Top doll;irs for Sports Cars. Bugs. Campers. 914'5. Audi 's Ask for U C MGR JIMMAllHO VOUSWAGa. 18711 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 842·2000 WEMHD YOURlXOTIC &UmSHCAIS IQ 3100W Coast Hwy Newport Buch 642·9405 WANTED! Late rmdel Toyotas and Volvo s Call u s TODAY ''' liar/e Ike Gray <Excellent Cood.) lWailybome, 7$4-7350 New Custom made Oak 1..... wortbf1,000.84H 664 Br l \; Ba NB area Dreuer 1200 CC. $3000 74 Jeep Wagoneer. air, 9IO. Aft 5:00 Mon-Fri wine raclt cabbtet end ...,.. townhouse •/ocean vu MS-«* cruise. AM FM. recent fOYOJA-fOUO 9Q.a74 MUSTSB.1 Wljes$SS,$8S.83J.'7117 lll.'JX13~12SO RCAI9"colorT.V onlyl 759-93)3 '79 Yamaha DTl75 f.n . overhall on brakes. ""......,."•• 10 Slld blke-Sears &ood M-'-cany double bed Un!Rd Queen Mattress 964-6ll2 ~pa011~d·.'1!dwerillwtaakre· Sabal Good Cond Sail. duro. Dirt/street new trans. 4 W. D . a It, c ........ . ccxicliilonf70. ....., & Bal Sp · T ( Nat.uralgupaUobeater ·-...,. ""' · Motor. Oars. raddle tires. looks nu $675 tuneup. radiator. new "u"tlOJwuo.uo 49f.14311. with mattress. Moon t.be Line. ~oJ!.id, o~. S'lO. Lge metal patio um '. . 5411"719 N.B. • 9G.\Z12 67>ZJ71 carb It hoffs. 71,000 m1 .. I _____ ..;...;...;.;.;..~ ~ mirror on bead· L!"-:: a161<. •mo brella w/tab&e. Kn 104 Magnavox video cass. SJ.000 pp "..,·""'" or , UUtiU. ~~ _, VHS HIGH PERFORMANCE '81 K%A40 5,900 miles ,,..., -Top Doi ... $.'5000.80 631·7'197aft6 Kitlbl lM.ll•.rmchalr ViaCorO>Ya.1'13-4083 pim~~~t.:,~S:,~ CAT! Nacra 18. xlnt $1500. 213 ·574·1359 642-5200 j Pai'dNlr 1111. 2 end tbll $40. All ,,......_WC• Micro-wave T.V. anten· c:ond. . Rob846-6078 M·F<714.tt2·91M2SlcS> Tf"9Cb '560 xlnlcond. 840-1,01 Mem berall Ip S lS 0. na. lOObn of movies wk· SAH,fANA 3S -'78XR75 ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Your Car• Fiora! velnt sofa ?'. 98253 ty . 11 59 638 .87 2' Loeded 158.000 GOODCONDITION '72 Ford f .250 Camper JOHMSOM&SOH Good cond. Gold & REDECORATING·Llke 9AM·9PM Schock BData 673-2050 495-9028 Special, hvy dly wood brownf75840-8341 new Forest creen print B .. "UT 2 ~nix Sabots with Yllwna SIUSOS, '80, ex· rac:lt, frt truck for con· U..C..,_.trc_, 4 F\. -'"wood .Ji..,. t•· lined drpl. w /Wood rod. """ IFUL 25.. RCA trailer • Used t wlce. lta 1, w1ndsbJeld. lug-tractor Clean. 12500. 216216 Harbor Blvd: .;;&.;::.;.....1.-_____ n:u I.VU-Pd ........ II S300 GE color 1V H ie. 2 yr Wm· 642-76.11. ~Mesa 540·5630 bk.4/DX>'sold.CosUZSO •.L!WV'" · ty.Sle.Freedelivery. SllN27C.Eves. Pl' rack, 850 ml. like ..::.="'-==-----Selll8$$411..o612 DlhWlhr·&ood cond. ISO. 1V John'U4S-l78S WESTS nu se.1798 '66 Chevy pick up w. . Art deco baveled mirror · AIL 32' '11 Ylhama RD 400 Gd camper shell. netds Fomuca din. rm table, 6 tbl. Pd S1200·aell $400. AICADI '7• Fadoey boat, J cyl cond. Many extras. work , 1900 I 0 B 0 up bot. chairs. ud IJS>l765 u"c-... Es volvodsl. Loaded,. 2 boat MuatSell ...... ...,... 642·3341 tables, misc. lampi, dis· · -"'" ....,,.... .... ct d ,,_......, ..;:;..:;:.=""-----hes, al.I bed rtame, kit. 1135 Cubic Yrds Fill Dirt. 41 Qlfferut Latest v~ ...... wa ...... a ion an Blk '80Chev Luv4x4 .unsils twhl •prp ti Sl.00 Load. AVllJ CdM Money Makin& Models ! will accept any sensible ......,..._ .. S./ Lomi. Mike Reid, wkdys Autos Wanted CASH PAID! RI.Inning or not. $50 to S75 to ~. Open Sun days Free towlng. 891 3300 ..... "' CREVIER BMW 11lt bcffilMI '12 IMW's An ken! A few remaining '81 Models & Demos are still available' We spttiabze in European delivery and flawless pre-owned BMW's Where Customer Service Comes Jst ' Sales Service Leasing 2QJ W l5l, Santa Ana (714 l 8JS.3l71 _ Closed Sund;iy Tht Most bcit91cJ Psi Of Yow IMW flwcltctff Or LHMCCMl!dlt McLaren IMW!! lllyOrLHse ly 0.. Pho...,._, IJ 141522-5333 OIAHGE COUHTY'S OLDEST & Sales·Serv1ce·Leasing IVt'CARVER JOlS-IOICE·IMW '731MW l .OCSCOUPl 4 speed, beige brown. PS. PB. alarm system AM FM Blaupunkl. Ex-cellent condition. MUST SEE' !b"'91BNQI rtdlctdto Sl2,ft5 SADDUl/l.CIC IMW IJl-2040 4'5-4949 '81 m . s spd. 4800 ml. ate, disc brks. tillted glass. am1fm cass. sun· roof. alloy whls, white w. mocha tnm Sl7.000. ' rm. warranty A real £!!!!11.Jl!f f.:.m:~ mattmies, bed/divan, March lit. Call 752-7870 All Ne'fl. PC Board Ex· ctrer. Al our dock. Ernie ... /Sfwwp f 160 75-3047; evs 857-4275 c h a n " e s . C " I I M I n n e Y . B k r ..... 1 ........ • •••• •• • • • n4/541 .. 112 WANTED F.M.C. Motor .... ._. ...................... i'llll .... _ _..11111111 ................................. _... 213-»T!O! CATALINA Z1 inboard Home. Send Info lo V. • I PatMcl. 100 E Gobbi, Ukiah, c. mm -· .. ._ __ _ ..... ,JtW ...... ..,.rW ......... .w ........ ~ ~bs1r1M Wit.be..... ..._.._. ...... • •••• ......... ............ ......... ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ......... 1 .................... -;;{ •••••••••••••••••••• ~-.r .......................................................... . ~ ............ !?.'.~ e ............ !?.~ ~:;~.~ ... !?!! !!'!!.! ........ !?!.~ !~!~~ ....... !?!.! !!':!-............. !?!.~ ~ .......... !!.'.~ ~::r .......... !!.~! : 1'-.WH• B~ .. DNEW 'll M l.C, lvorf A1 IHO VW Rabbit. A 1'77 VWBua A dyn1mlte f l YOl.VODIAUI "11 Sevlli.. loldtd, lint WHOUSAU • Li .a. ~ Mllll t-Ur tlilnlitUt d)'namlte tuslOrn I door 1 pauu11r with INOllAHGE COUNTV I cood, k> G'IJ ...S PP, ..,.IOOI ti& PP~••t ttfer t •P4. 'lotb Int . rdl1I 79-0elor~l·mG w I t b t s p • 1 d 1utomatlc transrn lulon, aUut1.f7:M220 lt7t Mlrc"Y • ,., A ~fM •l•r.o. 1lr 'l'I zsosg c:oitv. reblt ena tr•nemi .. lon harp ! ~tlilead. air t'tlOd tloa SAUS. saYtel Mui w it •• -lattpt lndmore. IM'°'5Ttl W\lt• blk top Askin& 17SS087l S4HS Jim b\I and low mil The ANDllillNG C:..ro ff 17 (Of/flt~ • ~~":tt!ll'Ytondl JUST ~Nl~!MPLt m,000~~7 ::~ Volkswa1.,n. ~~~;~\ os~e~s t~~~ OVERSOOl>nlYJ;RV ia't'T'~;;;;•~•y•,p;; SJZIO • .... !NI"-. wtl OF OUR TR EM EN 7~0 = ~fl'ie~~~ ~~;i 1919 VW Rabbit A Marino Volhwuen, F.XPF.RTS 1 tasa AC. XJnt Co11d =::tid ~~· • .,. --DOUS SALE PRICES trade.1S2-a140 $46 1342 r1.11tom 2 door with 4 M2·!MJO WU HCI . M1·210S v I • -·-blu. .. t , T UR OUOll THIS 'r •pecdtr1111m1.S110n1nd '64BUC.1oodbody,new '71Wbite C1marorlxer Mua. IHOOlO or . ''-':k:WA~r~~· WEEKEND•'' .._ '742 1tert0 rusrtl\I This one ~l. ruN xlnt. ttsoo 1eee ~%~lvd upper. u 1s. tt50 CAS H ~_l_ e c ,,. itaupunltt ~~ _A -....................... I I VH Y s h• r/I ' 1041 COSTA MESA !f·Fl-5~·1733Jo1n 71 COUGAl.XW. • GM REBATES on • *"!• ICOlllt" aboc0 kl.1. •Int ~ n#4, ATT9tTIOM U~~~~o1r:'J»a~~ 1~~ ~:1'~::· ~:d::~ 64'-t 03140..9_4_6_7 a...wt tf20 .l1500__ ~1371 • Ct••· ... s O v BO llL?U"l!l!lll MG 842-2000. A u t o m II t I i: 1980 VOLVO Diesel 264 ....................... ....... 9952 • IEW .,,,, • llil6Wlil o\6A.l-s --lransmts•lon. ···r ~ond1'. GL ThiJ ii I deluxe ............ 'II ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ""-·oo.·es VW left & n1hl ~ , eedall 'Tl Must.nc T Top Ork • lt71 IMW 2031 C. Isl SI TONN£AU COVER door. '73 left door ~ tioniJla, and stereo Tht> · ll le lo1ided and .,.CM¥J C ... Y.th Blue Xlnt · Cond. '13700 • HOSCI Flu MO' a, '71·'81 each W ater t It> hi sharpest one around immaculate. <098475> Dr. H.tdlltctckl • =~1~·~.'f;'.~ Sltt~~e!l4~14 Mlri~~~~n~·1~!maa ~~-f~.~C~r&:;.le ~~:Ox ~u~'e~KJel':i'.j ~~o~ ;n'8.2.~1no ~~:1~·:tmvil:1~~~cg .:=:a~g.c::~P~vx~:~ • CLOSE-OUT • ••• t00dlUon. Low ofbusm~ss2LJ£!1 l!llkl VW convertible A 842m>. __ ~Uwct <3149/$879). nd 1 • • aill*. A MUST CAR '' 'Ill MGB Convert. New Fr dynamite deluxe Habbll l979 VW Bus. 4 spd, air. . .. •••••••••••••••••••• How o.ly $5198 l'O ·a r. $.1350 • =••e11ww 1981 l982 ~~a"cB::t i~u1t~~: ~~~~~~~.~~h sB~:~ ::k!·,Ar~n!1~k/~:! ~ .......... !!~.~ "0:~8u~b;~~ ·eofust:·9:~s•r• Ps. •.LEFT ·AYERS le I 49Mt4t LSWil9 586-2560 Bronze <886ZY VI SllXlllt11ot ofr S40·8039,lv N~'Wl'QJ\TBEACtl PB.289.Aulo,Restored' ..., 11.....llliii MGI 9744 HHS Jim M aran u rmt_ Willtr1ddtG ror ' lll-OSH ~st0ffei:_7Sl·S894 _ • • Volbw1 tn 114.2 2000 1977 \'W Si·iro~co A 4tf-4722 ln1 '68 Mustang V6. needs •••• •••••••••••••••••••••· ....................... ' s '78 MOB conv , Stereo -dyn11m11e ~Porl roupe EE US FIRST! work Perfect ror restor-e Subtract rebates indicated f~ DISCOUNT l'ASS low mileage, manl wmlrl<t:ihrorvw llt lth low mileage, .. Wcfll ftlO Wehaveagoodselect1on lllg,gd. maJeaedrtrans • these prices. a further pnoe reduc-• HEADQUARTERS cont. $4600 Must See Ca II 4ff .... 722 l•et. spe«I transm1ss1on air ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ~-N E1 w, ' U ~ E D ~1~y/~~~~~~4 SS: v~:1 taon! Take as cash or use as part • LE~ OR BUY 640-6344 rond1ho111ng. stert>o and BAU ER "'""vro ets. • payment! Opet 9746 1978 VW Bus A dynam1le ~~~~~G~x;~;9:h ~~~ ·=uni." new engine, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 2 sA~A -4MA ...•........•...••..... 7 passen~er With 4 bpeed •t \ trlM. "ood body MODILS ~ ~-.., 1971 OPEL GT trans m1ss1on Ag att' ~~ 'olk!l wagen, j?~_ .. -_964-3108 •• Bn:md New •91 C .. vy • .._ mll!!!W!l"li!!I Has new paint on a bod)' Sh~rOal\rp~ ~!.'.~ .... oln~~~! D 0 ES • 2-Dr. ,.L-v.-&&.-HafcLL..;.-L·' • ,_. ~ an good cond1llon. runs '""""°" _,.,., 10 \'W Bug Rbll eng '72Mfft.QC011• ~•SIR ~• 'f.:.~7~.:~~ 2031 [ Isl St ~~ ~1 ~~;~~~~~ t~~.~ ;.{ ~'°n ° = ~d:n~"in°;anrer ·~~~v~~ds,~n ~~J: ~ .~~~~~ 0!~e:i~. • t~~~t '::P $5898 • .. 4 t •AL 1 Ty Santa Ana 714/953-4414 Ii p m or 110 0321 'Ill BaJa Bug. runs good . 6$ Squurebark. nel\ IT xlnt m_p&Pl75 646 6663 per( cond Best oHer • No ll4Mi879 "-cw, • •.; I I • 0 w M 1 D t_w_!>!:_k.l_ ___ very clean , S1200 or bt-i.t Pllllllt. nel\ brakes. reblt . "--~kes 842-404.§ • ofrer 645·2.lm eng, twin rarbs, 12 voll 79 Cuevette 4 speed. air. • ••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••• . !ur.:"'..8 .:=;: Af'TIJ ·~MMF~~ s?~ St ca~s l!Bl vw Habb11 Dll'!ll'I' s.?200 oeo 645-S!llG ~~: :!icoe°':,rr~r' ~1:.,t 2dr}~-M~t~~ 7797 • e Jrand New '81 C .. vy • _. lD L WE'VE -67!-8676 [)ynam1tecu~tom'ldoor 79 Robb11D1esel Deluxe AGAIN' 54.5 7001 '66 Mustang. 289, 2nd • CffafflOftH-L.LL.--L 2·Dr.!. Ctl W ,._ t... '73 Opel 4 pd r t h 4 d ~r. 5 bp<l, stereo. AC. 20 ""' L D h 1-· I Sh ~ TOD...-vi... rass. s un~oo'r.a~oo~ ~~m1i.i.1on, ~t!/~ .. l:·k . Gal tank 21K ma ss~o • '&.1e UUnbel~:Jable?';;~ l'':.k.Jn;~.1S423 rp • ~rie:-g::.~ ~a::j 56698 • SALB. saYtCI ~YEDI COl.!d 54S·7643/8Sl-1911 and low milt'l> Sharp' ~~n~b:~~~30 f:Vt'b & M1 Long bed Aut o. '711 . v 8, pis, P1B. air. h 1-. ttc Rebate 1750 • u.-.. l1W IY 1 YISIT-.. t304ZSM I. $5995 J1111 Abtsulutely Lake Nt•w!' A M f' M ra ~ s • ~'. 0 1/68oe Mli'w o.i, __ P..tera 9747 Marino Vol ks\\ a.:en. '62Convert Sharp bod} & 9 ~ 968 7327 CLEAN ' S4 'O<l l>IW • • SA ftAI IUt .&Cl( ,...s"EJ ••••••••••••• •••••••••• 842.2()()() p a 1 n I S 3 9 5 0 . P h 1 11 ""' """"5 ·" . e •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~A ~ p•MfER• '57 Chevy 2 dr hardtop .....,.,_ a.tW us "' "' ·66 BAJA IRS rrunw 1 71449496311 s00>1bstorr Oldi111tbilt e e •and New 181 Chtvy • ,~i: 73 L. Red. ca mpi tenterhnt~s. whl spok~l·19 Convertible. white. SKYL RKs S48 0832 9955 • ADr.H-&-.LL--L Cft-&.tlOll!. le.ti ~m MAIDA whee!-S. power antenna whls 1~r portt'd & • Champagne Eda lion. lo •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ..,. ~ -...r-- .. U:..W:u l•e •• , ~e~e:in~~~s .. l~~.re~ ~~~~~a~~:f,~ri:~~~,s~ I ~~a7i:;;~lnl ('<Ind $6795 Pow:l ls~~:~ power ·~~u~l:e~sb~~p1~!<l!d •• "'N·~r·~~--~~ .... ·50~.cw,~ s7599 •• AV91YPkwy ott 1·5 /Wlli:.:. •R f tll7-0297274·6SIS I pc front end & murh Ill BaJa Bug. S1200 080 brakes. gd rond. runs PP~. 644-8852 ~~ ., 131-IMO ~49 1ou 1111t,._1 tes_1ucu~w. Ponclw 9750 moch more $3200 OBO Call 121J 1S92·3741 morn Xlnt$950S94 ~2 '78 Olds diesel loaded I • a Su ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64S 6861 d)S 54K 7657 1ng.' before llam Chrp..,. 9925 i.un~ top l'Ond1llon •••••••••••••••••••••••••• osed ndays i 9 RX 7 GSl>nrf,S.!tpd l 1971PORSCHE t>\s CHOICEOF 20' •••••••••••••••••••••••~ -••Brand11..1 ..... W 18ICL-• • alum whls. bra super Ii 6 \' o I I. s "' a ll e n ~ llS'YL stereo. clean. $7 500 . 91 IT I 19111 vw S<•1rOC1't) 5 'J>t'l'd ~:aslbal'k "'eed.!t l\O~k 1981 I 1977 CHRYSLER ~~ ••••••••••••• !!.~~ • CL-v.-&&..... HatcLL--L 2· r •• • • Olltm 972 8477271 Its )Ours for only 1 LransmL\~UJn air 1ond1 l1octd tran, car $600 I CORDOIA lll:'TC'T'R' ...,..... •• .. ••••••••••••••••••••MOMf'Clti 9739 ~ o 1:1 o and ne~d' l1onani: slen•o anct .11 OR<IK.\7 q590 CENTURY AT air. full PO l\l'f WHOLESALE : :WRebeh~ .. te~$750·· 11~~. ·e~~" S5ft8 •• 1 .i nght front render l all loyi-. D\'n.imltl' I\ 1th lo\\ Nan• li.JJa Rui: lt)(Ml En!( I AM t'M stt'rl'o. tinted ILUE IOOK redial lilANJ DATSUN ••••••••••••••••••••••• Joe;_it 171414936261 m1~e~ and ltkr Ill'"• Roof RJl'I.. St-r to Ap s I ~lass. i.unroor . tall 1979 FordPillfo CWIANCE SALE ~M~.f'.t~s ~\~~l~r ~:,a~rr:~ ~l~~.~~~·01s~~~s .i.:·~:~1 ~r~11· 548 1509 or $6 9 9 5 ~~:: l~~~J~ :H~ i~~~~;' • :~~= .. :'.C::. ••••••••••• ~· •. EXCLUSIVE 64.S-7431 8422000 VWIUS, '71 I llcs:JrrBr Theodore Robins Ford. • e Brand Mew 181 CheYy • ' . M "-S£B "Tl •75 914 I 8 cstm exhaust '76 \'W Bu.,, 9 pa>~ H'n $3 I ~OiO Harbor Bl\d Costa • ·. . I or.:'LER .. _SHIP! Rood cond Air ('t>Od !I pJsseni:t•r w1ndt1 1\ O.l.H~.t.U ,," ... e82sall 642 0010 ur • •/-Ton LUV Pi"" ... -•• """-rret.palllt,perfert rond Ful'I tnJl'Ctwn !lll\1 \an lirren l\ l\hltetop "'"'" .nv-,-~ • ::: I We'll deliver anyl\here ~"-~8319829 S5.000 12131 596 711115 wt•ll ma1111aaneJ. ~m CHOICEOF'6' l11RYSLER PLYMOUTI • Radio. step bumper, "8 • an lhe world' See us al SACRfflCE. '78 928. :?SK 979 2Mi0e,l-4117 tlt•nt 1n frnt Im mar an 2020 E Isl St. S A V6 Pinto Hat«hbuk Wa, 110 8 engine. E78 tires, s5 • m Im m lal I t"n1•r Dual n11rt un" ""-·--are ··II used car• an wrel'k &)dy and • etc Reblte'600 •r.•cH IMPORTS 1 aro e. ne"' 98 ·w S ' ' "' ' ""· """"" • ~ 541-4471 No .. 301 ""736 "-~ • ~ tu-es. custom 6 speakers 1 0 \ ttrcH·ro A run~ "troni:. lob of for sale with low down franT damage All else • ""' ___, 8-aJDoveStreel.N B st~eo!$_19.8SO 644-2S83 cl)Tiam1te t•oupe l\1lh S p11\e1 S2SIMJ6429387art payments, 48 month 1978CHRYSLER OK V8.'47,000ongmH •••••••••••••••••••••••••· 752-0900 i.peed tranhm1ss1on. air 7µm l\kdays. anytimi-n.nanring ort approvt d LEBARON new trans & radiator. • 198!Harbor Blvd .C M 79928 RED! c'1111d11torun11. rnllg,, .ind wknd, credit. First payment. MEDALLION ~mp, vel)' l!OOd whls & •Brand Mew '81 Chevy • _.....___,.._._...._.<-&......,,.._, 631-7170 s s peed. li ke new stereo Beauurul Ura11I March21st ' AT ractMy air full I ures, no broken glass • 2·Dr. Cit....&.!--H_.tchbackl •• 1984ZINl Brorue 14S07.SR1 $7495 '79 Scirocco PO~er power wan'dows Interi or good Rrd~ 11111U11 GI 9740 L..ase or luy /Make J 1 m M a r 1 n o Loodtd. Mush ell ~ power.door locks. powe; , avail A great deal for • Pwr llmg, 6 ~.VB, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0~ Volk~l\Jg_en.1142 2000 this wf'ell! seatl>. AM /FM slrreo. I rn.-rhamt or parts ~ales • R= ~';,°'·glass. etc $6798 • •Ml.prefer o GeneratAuto Lt'c1sang I lr75~.67541!10 Jc wtu1ew11ll t1rel> wheel Must M!ll all togcl~er No ...... 16 Mli'wCW, • llMd Merudes 673 311 1!177 \'W Con 1 ertl I.lit· . . • covers. tinted gl~si., Ian S700, make orr la 11 • """' 188 ---4_ Uyn.im1te R11<•r lllu1• 1979 \ '-'. Bui: ton\ I dau l"", l•alh"r ant , tilt !a-~ art 7 30J!m I •••••••• ·-• .. ••••••• l•f!tllll'!P.l'-"l~m""'•t too11ew '75914 Ong owner WILL Super Elt-t'lll' Conit>rl• 01mer Shol\room 1·und ~,. .. "' • •••••• • ~else? BE SOLD TO DA y • h 1 e 4 ~ P 1, I.' 11 l!l.<XXI m1 11.000 r1rm Du #I .. Or...pc..ty wheel. cruise ON E 74 PI NTO WAGON • Brand New '81 Ct.•y • Compare House of Im· Hlgbest b1d760·1713 lransm1s1on und vt·n. 6753211$e1 760 S430 OWNF.RLIKE Nt:w 4 speed.a1r,goodcond. ~Dr ,..L-.-.&&....H-£-LL...;.-LI rts DI ect I d 60 -·' 2Sm Harbor Blvd udi62WHA but dented Sl.000 ~ '-'-¥.rHW ~-.. ;;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;:l l po r easun Renault 9 755 sharii 10038521 $6995 ·m BUG COSTA MESA $4511 Jerr ~-1318 • • • • mos sensible p) mb J 1 m \1 .i r 1 n ,, GOODCOt.UITION 979 2500 I Air cond .. tinted gl-. $ "' • D 1 a I 2 l 3 o r ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• 0 ..1. HA.AM 1913 P t 4 d d mkrot&. ctt ~ 5 '79~AJr 714 MERCEDES ·~· 213 RENAl.:LT \'olk!>Ytagen.!142 20011 fi.IZ 111717 I -CHRYSLER PLYMOL'TI I rruleag~n :ioo c~f1 Stt'~t' • •• No~~~MOO .~l:,, • 546-1624 or7l4 6J7 2333 OFFER Wos. Hew 9100 411tos, H•w 9100 .111 Electra ood cond, 2020 f: 1st St S A I v.11da arter 6 & "knd!. ""'"""""" '76 D1uun B210 4dr1--------'fstoSI OOO ••••••••••••••• .. ••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••••• oneOWMT.'n!ac:cadents 541-447 1 67321111 ·•••••••••••••••••••••••••. auto/nu bks/llres I 1979MBCEDES CON ~J~tJE 64M.111 rastS'195 Condh 9932 '&tPtr':ia~~at~o;r.\\:i!~~ • •BrandNew '81 ChtYy • ownr. Sl9000 8063I l232 HHI 300TD RE..'IAL'LT 18 1 CocllK 9915 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SOOI 675 8674 . "l'9 Datsun 2llOZX 2 + 2 Options lnrlude sunroor nusorrerendssi!n ORA .... GE COU .... TY'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• VE'ITE '77 EX L'OND • LUV 1/1-Ton PiW. Truck! • GL Pckg Black Cold &stereo (1~11 ACT TODAY" " I"" COM11MPLATIMG TTOP RACK Sll7SO IP!ywDtiffl 9960 110 8 engine. Mikado • Best Offer. new tires S 19,500 •ALL OPTIONS• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • opt ext decor spec SSl-025.S JIM SL~HS NEW LE CAR .._.EWEST CA.Dill.AC? WHTW TAN INT 1·66 F1JRY Ill Xlnt bod> & ~~ors. etc Rebate $6298 • UoOV " We spec:1ahze an leases pp 714 sst 0736 llllenor. runs itreat S450 • .....,., 7l 24GI IMPORTS $5419 for the business e~ cn.YmE Ml"'E obo114?-S977 No W222l1fXll> .._CW, • 962-798'7 S46-3'7J6 IJOlQuaalStreel Uus '81 romes \\1th sun S~IMIU ecut1ve&proress1onal ""' " I • NEWPORT BEAC H rooC. AM FM stereo and &..,.. Setecfioft Buyanit or sellm.:~ Call 1911 PLYMOUTH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Good16~}2a!t2o. air 133.9300 more st k 4 s 8 Of"Mew 1982 today' Free appra1s.il & RB.JA.MT CPE. •• Brand New '81 Chevy """"· 1----lll!!!!llm--Serl61348 dorum letter Ju't drop AT. air. power l>leenng. • 15250080 642·4054 um MERCEDES BENZ OR.ANGE COAST ~~~II! by Don't bu) or ~l'll pol\erbrakes. whtlewall • RecJllar Reehidt Pickup! • 11 SlO, 4 dr, 4 spd. 8 trk 2 2 0 0 Au t &ln a 1 1 ,, A.MC/ JEEP/ your \'ette before 1·allm1t tires. I\ het'I ro\ er~. lint • .. d 5 1 stereo. rurui great, S7SO " NABER~ .,..., '56 '82avatl l'd •la•s. wtute. SL'PEH "" con · coltsda e 58598 lransm1"1on and air REHAULT DEALE RI "' " • opt V8 HO .,,,..n,.,. e1c • llS74152or548 191S "" • 855·01 "1 l1,EAN uc:2031121 Re..:.. •• ·~50 .....,. v-· . coodit1onan1: Thi~ one•~ 2524 Harbor Bhd ("ADI ( ( \ "' .,.,.., 1981 Datsun 210 deluxe JUSl like nel\ <2159991 ~-~ 645 7i70 , J _./ , Dodgt 9935 ! $5880 • No O:W/&482 .._°"¥ • Airrond.5spd AM/FM S5995 J im Marino Rols Royu 9756 Now ... thedeater that hasgiven , .•• 11i. .. 1 •• 1~... ••••••••••••••••••••••• O.R.HAAH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• cassette. '1100. 831·1199 Volkswa_g_en, 842 2000 ....................... 71/: f So the • ""' \\,, •,.1l1 1111C.1 ·73 Dart Sport 340 .iutu. L'llRYSLER PL.YMOl'Tl1 • •Brand.._...... '81 CL-FtnWt 9723 f:D you 2 ~ a8 One 0 U rn [ air. bur keL' rn~I . ~un t 2ml E 1st St . S 1\ • ~W rw:Yy • ............... ,....... 1972 M2~; ES • "l DEALER IN U.S.A CaJiforma 's leading BMW dealers '79 Afffwood roo<Stf}5 645 5657 541-4471 I Citation 2-Door Hatchback!. 71._TS Rtd/T• 4 door sedan. rY"'tVCAR\fER I is adding THE FABULOUS LINE Brougham F.xtra Ford 99401 ltlOnYMOUTH 1 • Aircond .pwr strng.& Concou.rs Win ner. lease brown l a n Becker f~=<lr c_~ OF sharp! Must sar nrac:e ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHA.MP CUSTOM ' • brlll .. rwllal whites. e«c s719 • orbuy.OAZ831l AM FM Power brakes f'l.A..L,J N..../l\._C Best olrer over S9.000 WHOllSAU '4 l'YI 4.speed. ll\tn I Reblte$750 8. General Auto Leasing power steenng. air con ..,..,.-mco~CJti'lll 'U4_~S280arter6 _pm ILUE IOOK stack AM FM stereo • No 439Mi833 "-CW, 673-4311 dltlOIUllg lbc<M!2FZB> ~11'°' ,,,o«>,... $MrAIU THE' .... ~EST 1971FordGronoda rallye wheels tinted •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a..... 9725 s·-LH•a IMW c10$10SOHo"vs ..._.. i i th t • . ,._ -"' SB.ICTIOH 1262VDX I g ass. co in mor. • Clltd Mew '81 Chewv • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 831·20~ 495:_4949 $ubarw -9 762 of late model. low $3175 SU P E R Cl.E A ~· • ·r 1979 FIAT 16 MBZ 3000 ldsll. 4 dr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• mi leage Cadlllars an TI!eodore Robins Ford. hcOIOYZIS3888 e4·Wheel Drive LUV Pickup! • SPIDER It }ellow, am mar SI 1.500 ORANGE COUNTY'S Southern California• Z060 Harbor Bh·d Costa Step bumper, stripes, 81 ....... th '-n intenor. Makeorrer54S.42S3 ~EST ...... EIS Mesa 642 0010 or O.l.HA.AH e 1108~.BU htes.1tc SJ698. -. ... .., "~" ~ ~8211 CHRYSLER PLYMOLTl l • Rebate ~ • 31,000 LOW miles, ware Must sell 1979 300 SD and Authonzed C ""IL' "-C """"E 1 1 St s \ No 2 _,....., F M T XI d COME ..,. FOi OUI ""' -·77 RA NC H ERO new WOJ • s ·• 1 1.,.,_ "-CW, wheel a . AM I l!IM300 D nt ron SUBARUD EALEH '" 2l600Rarbor81vd 541 4471 I • cauettdduggagerack 700-6285 COSTA MF.sA tires. i.hocks S1700 OBO • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• '7,000/~t offer. Call '78 300 CD Coupe ~.£ ~~ •c10 . y 540 1860 llSIS~9792688 Pontioc 9965 • •Brand 11.J-w '81 CL-v • ' Dave 1t 637-1378 arter 6 Sunroof, Ware Wheels, ~ -::!....__:...;-11111 • '72 Mavenrk 4 dr. 6c}I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ rw:.y p.m. Extra Tank s11.1so .:::P 'IBCPEde VILLE rattory 111r auto low ma. WHOLESALE e Citation 4-Dr. Hatchback! e ,. F\lt Wp 128 All rblt 497 6494 " ~Y rough, runs ok S~t_velwknd S48 fB72 ILUE IOOK • Air cond .. pwr strng, & • RunJ on Reg. Sl800 'fj7 230 SL l Owner 2 ~~~~g~~~! I ALE ~-675·9961 '72GRANTOR INO 197'POftt1oc brlla .. V6, tilt WhHI s7499. OB0.848·2706 Tollfi 'AC. Ori g Paint SaJes.Service-Leasmg ltlOCADILLAC 4drWgn.s1ooor1rm Grc.Mf Prix SJ • RebeteS750 "-,,_ 'l>Brava,2Utre ruelmJ. Xtra Clean. Sl2.950 SADDLEIACI COUPIDEYILLE _6.1101.36art.2 JO.pm 1130599 1 • No.9071l6804 _, • warty, 11,500 mi Xlnt Farm. PP. 494-6387, Options include dual '6S Falcon V·8. Auto. It $5650 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ 7S2-271B Ev I 568-1917• • • 831 •20S4U01A.~9U5_4949 A.._.D comfort seats & Cadillac runs. $.150 0 80 646·0320. Theodore Robin s f'ord • • Ct. • .,.,,..~ "' I"" wire wheel rovers AA5 .00PM Z060 llarbor Blvd . Cost~ Bn:md New 18 I VY • ~~.~:Pei:~:; =~am~t !~~~ ........... !?.~~ • ··y1 •. IG l1Ag;:Y S9895 7~~~:~ve~t~ln:.all~ I ~~~. 64 2 OOIO or •• T·Top Corvette c~1 • deck . fa i r cond Laguna Bearh '7 1 Coroll a . AT. .. MAIMS rondlhon.642-2995 ·so F1~eb1rd Formula Air cond loll power. pD/bltofr. 7S4·~ You are the wanner or eronom1cal. S9S01bsl Of· CADILLAC 77 T Bard, whl. all ov II loaded. 21.000 m1. full» • ~8:~~72 s15 998. '72, a.ufoma tic sedan. two free tickets l$19 001 rer 5'5-20_!4__ $ $ ., 2800Harbor Blvd lions me llhr & moon powered Call Steve • • •f'l'IOIC, •. OBO.Call valuetolhe '81 Toyota Cehca Supra COSTA MESA roof, like nu, must sell 498-1926 Mewo..p I · §wss.\2-3027 CIRCUS YAIGAS Loaded. excellent cond 540-1860 ~/080 851-9522 ·~Lt Ma~s Xtra N1re 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ............_' 9727 Laguna ffills Mall PrlceS9.000. lt71FOID BK> 080 • ,_ Feb. 9. IJ 851·1464 '78 Cpe de Vile, mini __ -~920'1 • :::•H••ON•••0•A•••c•v••c•c••••A• CitySboppm• Center i3 "'--ft. body •· tires oond.. branud nu radial GltAHADA GHIA "'---· 1 • "1• " ""'"'.. .. wtt-•all TIA tires. spec AT. air, full power. ONE .... .., Am. 60.000 mi es • low milH1e hatchback Oranae good rood. needs major ON YOUI RAND MIW tour~n suspens1onl OWNER MUST SEE' Black Black Am rm • • w It II 4 'p eed Feb 19·22 eng. work. '300 OBO U ARU AMI •tr'"st•r""', al M UC H M 0 R E s tereo $5000 080 ..i. da.tm tickets. call 646-346S al\. s. 1982 5 B .,. '" "' ..... 556-7650 trw.m.ilalon. Very p~t· 642.5678 . ext 212. . -lthr l.l>hol.. full power. EQUIPM ENT ANO A • • ty aod 1vptr clean, 'nckels must be clauned 11 Toyota Cel1ca ST Ex· W• ..... n.. M , •• lidu•i I n.t Mtw Call Peter, wkndJ/eves GREAT PRICE"" he i 3GRAND PRIX • (18JXM5). $39tS. Jlnf by February 19 1982 eellent rood. Am FM ltlJ SIMrw lrllt! 673-1409. 9.5 Mon·frl 0491.XA Sale or trade for pickup • Mariao Volkswaaen. • * ~ Ste~.101mer.S7300 PLUS 833-7991 S2tll C.11$48-0832 • ao.ao. 851-14&4 Wt•°"" WW Mt._. '77 Eldo Blarntz O.l. HAAM n.1hr4Mrd '970 • "llflllllda dr Arcord, sun· u '788 ;45058 ,!.,L Absolutely beaut iful. 20aO ! 111 Sl .. S.A ••• .. ••'-•••••••••••••• • • • 1'Gf=uJate. below ,.. • ......, Or"'-tC11••f C. f'iremlst, fawn Int .. 541-4471 'G TB on11 S7K S2950 '68 • .,., . M~~:':3.:4ooo ~~he":, ~m==t ~-a! ~n)'u xltas, must see. '68 Ford St.Uon Wagon T8 orig 77K 11250 OBO • lfttf the...._ Sacrifice . ~36 runa fiood, new ti res. !!!.Pwr. 646-0389 • • '79 Seville, Xlnt cond. $400. J m &U-1582 'rf. I ownr. 26K. ori JI. m 1, l/i .. hlA 9f Iii~. • ' One of ti. &outhlancf e moat expert.nc.d 11lel 33K. 110.500 Sliver. local U.C. tf4' loadtd. like nu. • .... MecArtllur J• u• lfWil encl ie.lflg ltllf. 'Car. 831·7034 548..-0816 • • : , lltmlnltlon Of Ille middlemen by ieaainv dHiet Cad. '81 Seville. blk /blk. ~i ... i.i~~:i~·v:;;:iti;;• I '76 T·Bt~hardlop. 47K 1(1 ~) dlrtctao,.ou01W1 1M•~•unoNl moon rf. 13 K ml xlnt Leather Int. All Pwr. mi .. all pow~r. dun. • 0 II Mu.t1tll&40-U>O Lu11111, Paclt11t . Xlnt !lA._~9157 • • IAAeAJMI Cond K Ml Y. H74 • 1'71 yellow Seville Cad. ~_, ....................... e )H!H!Ui!A·ikJtMtw+t lAJldtd. Yellow fe1ther 'T1 Uncoln Cont. Town 'Tl Vea• Auto. 41K Ml. • ·-~-___ tUt___ • -• i.idl. Xlnl cond. Set lo t pe. ti 000 Fruway S2ltUO. Bu t OU tr , .. "... II.at We~. puoo, 813"280 mllea. Rtal Luaury. Reeondltlon Radiator. • -r P-• "JI &mllt blk/l rtJ lat Sale Car. A SoOd one Llltt New. Call Don • .....,. ......._. • ._..1., • a.ooo Cal, atW ltrtl: 15'7-JlOl. -~&Ill • 1 •• pill!llllll r•u: , •1t.to0 or tah o~er •Nut VI C.tom • I ..... C.U MMlll ll.S 11.0DOri,lltmdftlllD· • ,.. .... ,.. ......... llWIP. • ~· rod ......... . • • AND THIS IS MV NOSE! NANCY NANCY-- -I NEED SOME EGGS FROM THE 5TORE .. IUNDA Y, NMUAIY J, 1'12 ~EEL!TOES~ PAWS! NOSE! THE STREETS ARE VERY ICY--· DON'T FALL WITH THE EGGS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN~ .. ... AND HERE'S SOME TOES THESE ARE MV PAW5 .. . - HE~E'S A HEEL, AND HERE'S SOME TOES .• T~ESE ARE MY PAWS, AND THIS IS MY NOSE! . l'LL BET I COULD 6ETAN EVEN TRADE FOR A NICE MAM STER .. - Z-7 14EEL! TOES! PAWS!NOSE! OH, 'r'E5! OH , VGA~! By Ernie Bushmiller THIS SHOPPING BAG IS JUST WHAT I NEED WOW -- -THE SIDEWALKS ARE AS SLICK AS GLASS TOOK AN HOUR TO WINO T~·l'EM UP INSIDE THESE· BALLS OF KNITTING YARN ! GARFIELD® . POOKV, WrTM vou~ MELP WE !>HOULE' GET JoN·s eT£·AK OINNER TON&OMT DENNIS THE· MENACE 'fou'u. N~Vf:R CA"R:H MC NON! by Jim Davis By Hank Ketcham /Hf: TROIJBU: 15 1 7HE WAY WS 00 l"Tj -rr9 MORE! OF A FAL.1-~?ORT! ,....___ J> > [:> ~l.JDGE PARKER· <l <J <l I HAVE :TO TAKE 50ME PLEASE, DON'T FORGET, As SAM DRIVES lNTERR06ATORtE5 AT THE oAM! I WANTTO L..lNDA MAY BACK OFFICE! I'LL CALL YOU WHEN TALK TO YOU! TO HER }-iOTEL, HE I 'M THROUGH! lf> UNAWA[{E THAT~~ RANDALL.. ANO Aee>EY HAVE eeeN • LOOKIN<; FOR HER! -j/f!PlOJ,P >& 11~ Pf_~' • THERE 'S NOT MUCH 5ENSE IN JUST I 'M CONVINCED YOU TALK\N6 IF YOU REFUSE TO FOLLOW NEED PROFES&IONAL. r--------MY ADVICE. HEL.P! ~~ L\NDA MAY! --- ··~ ,. . I.JOU sHooLD'vE BEE.Nm~, fUNKQ ! L.A5T NIGHT~ c.oNCERT WA5 lHE BE5r ONE I'VE ~ BEEN 10 1N Mo~rmo ! i ... MOON MULL.INS · !HANK you, L.ORD P. ! .. ~ 1 '"THINK IT1S CUTE! DOCTOR SMOCK we1...1..., -rw1NK1e CHOMPeR, s-ruPeN-r NURSES, YA ~IP J-r' ! S~EcL~ SECOND-HAND MEDICAL GARB ~·· UOW WA5 1HE CDNc.ERT, CRAZJJ ? "THERE WA5 NO 8AND 'll-fERE I • by Ferd and Tom Johnson WEGOTTA FUN! EACH PUPI~ SOUNDS ~xcHANGE' GETS oNE Ff<OM coNTAr-1ou~ 1eM IN OUR E:Ve~YBOl>Y EL.S' ·' ,, "' ~. CL.ASS . ~ ·.·, .. e YES1 IT'S SOMETH IN<i SPf;CtAL, K,AYo •• '10U1Ll. W~AT15 SPECIAL ,ABOUT GETTIN~ 35 VALENTINES ADDRESSED To Lli'E IT. · YA"rOOK Y'OUR SN'T"IRES PAYCHeGK AN' e1...ew I 'T" A l-L.-ON AN Ot...P usec:> R.N. CAPe! MA Yee Nex-r MON"T"H :t' t...L-ee Aet...e -n:;, APFOFtr:::> A UNtFORJV\/ , ,, TO WHOM ~-~. IT MAY CONCERN'' . '.>? • • ay George Lemont ----- ' l .. ID I! 6 . -e \ ~eF~10 . ___ ,MV''~ -- SlJRVIVAl- /\AAN UAt..'~ ' ~.IT'S · 11Me5 LIKE "fl.flS YA WISH I '(OtJ COULi? ~EAP.. , Ii LOOKS LI KE. PHIL- "THE FO~ECASTER WA-5 W~ON6' />6N. N f • . . . . "' • . cMI YOU ftUST "°'"' IYllt ftlf'i ete at-1N1t 11a '"'9r· .................................. ,. .... .... ....., -,.. ..... ....,..,_ QteCll ................. W.W. &utntw ''•er-a • 611!n1 ... '' u6ts ·s ,_.,,..,, ,, AllO) .. -. ..... •• ·~ c &u,u1w 111•H ·c ·6u~Cl141 ,, P•.oqcltt) ., :-..1110 ' -:-o-~~~~~...-tiy Hal Kaufman---...... -- ·-~lttM)' .............. C -~ t.PtOW°'Mtf I .... tttwO,L I e Eye-Spy! In your mind's ev.. IUn'Wni • f*tn'f with other pen"les so *et MCtl touches two~ and the center coin. How "*'Y peftftltt wUI bt pr• sent In the rOMtte formed? ,,. "'""'tS • a.ctv Chect&t A ceml• eovemino INMIY W..td seem from ltt .n•tr•m"*9 ftlmt to ctMtst of PAR· TIAL MEN. Whit Mcly? UMcramltleantwer . . ......,.,.,.,. e Rklda.Me-Thlsl WNch dog guantl the M.D.'1 home? TMdoc'1huftd. WMdtterrtertthetstun? TM CU"Y bfue. Which dog keeps time at • racet The clodler .,.nlel. KNIGHT COURTI AIN "'-feftewfnt colon nNtiy to the •MU1lng scene above: 1--... t-U. blue. >-Yellow. 4-lt. IN'ewft. S-f'""-6-lt. trw.t. ,_Ill. ltrown. t-Dtc. ''""· t-111. ltlue. $COii f 10 points fot Wl"t all the tetter1 In the word btltW ,..form -~-~~--~ two complete words: · CRUSAOltl -. . . .. ... THIN score 2 points Mdt fer •II *ttds of four lettets or more ----+-----+->: fCMIM among the lettet't • FACE FACTSI Let's face It, two of the circus clowns above look enouth •like to be twins. Which two •rt they? Try to tan at IHst so pelnts. ·p~··~ :-'69ufttqtCIOd ... ~-SOR.~ I 51RNQ CDRREC.TEO OF ALL IHE '~ IHtNGSToCALL Me., c:roHN -you KNOW t-bW SELF · CONSC.\OUS I AM ABOUT MY I WE\GHT. AC:Tl.JALLY, ON . · . You-tT$~L'I DISTRISOtED ~ 1982 Unlv1n1I Press S ndlcate .) 7 , ., -I I --.. l-1 GORDO j.-1 SHOE r 1'"e ~\'1~ ON 1'H£ OOOR ~A'IS "00 NO'f 01~1-Ufte> ·: .. • -':~ ,, ' ~ ··----~ / ~' -----· 1 ~ ~~ ~ BEm1tNOT . eoBUIM NO'N,MUFF'( ... 00%£K!> CG JOORN~L.l~M ~"rvt'tN1'!S ~l\..'I Ef't"A6EO tN 'f~etR ~ACRE.O OU"f" 1'0 'ltJ'°o«M :f~t Po&L.lG ! I o",' J:"Dit(,()f .• :f~14S 1.-; 1".tf.1iMe ~ OA~ W"£N 1'lA£'1 ALL WATCH , bf.N£RAL HOSf't'fAL. By Gus Arriola by MacNelly . . . . February 7, 1982 llilJPilat IP.ti' ···. ·. -li11 tjtr·1· ~n HU:Jf $~ nu·1r1~ PU ! ~-~ . l':'I ,:t t1°. rP.fs i llf 1 i!J~· t• I ~r g i! ,,. a -~ ~~ f l ·, A 1 1 ~ , · i ; 1 i IL , ~ 1 m p. i 6" .1 a. ~ f w 1. 1 f iR. I·' • · r" t -rf --· -l/' .. rlrr~-~ l .•. {!~~· H ,_ lnrl ~ !~~-~ .~ l . Hh!fri.rrn I !I 11 ... ·, .~·~ ~, ~ .. f • , . .1. . "·' i r1~11 h ot ,. "" :s! I 4._ - -• ~· 1:· , : ~ -·1 . . i ~" l ~ ~ ,i. ·• -t ·~ ·· : •: " .. ·1 ' 1§f 1~n' ti j ~I Jt. . ~1 Q.. ' ''"' , ' i §'ii l"' H~ /,.I I h L ;;l•t ·c.~ I ::-~'' ' ~>.'J i il t l!I' hll f !"1 Q. )J . fifi p-· -fitl'"l r~u~rtn ' ;~-< ~·:·,,. ._ d r1!f1 ·;1r ,,_. :'x ~'( Hru~ ~ -.. ~ ·,,i: ~:~~!~igrd!r~~ldi 111 • I rp I ~~, .. ;~-1~' '~: l'J-~if1fsf~t1;~t1~ II • C» -cro >1 ;» ~-f [iJ f •ttm J !: ~~·~it!'PJ~?'i•;'i~!fbr ni1! -·--· , •• M ~ • -~-rr lrjr ilrH1UJl1fr1!anhhh 0 1 .. 1t;;;1.ta.!1ii~1 11.j riii[ltlJfl~tH!f ~f!J.snn~nl~!d . IL . r-•· f! h •. r I I rbh niU< .: -i""" d5f • -- 1: tJ•!Hs1til .. ff !Jiff[t!Jf r·'''' .,·~ .·. d'•hilllt~H t c~.: .. ,~·~11l:1 .. , .a.[ 't 8f a.ff i i , ,~; "' r(J~~~l~lf. i t ,, , ·) . l -4, h ,;. t tf it·ai•r l 1 :~~JH fl.. .f thlUu ,' ,1f 1it,u~,Jg ·