HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-20 - Orange Coast Pilot- ' -11111• llllY Ml SATLIHUJ\Y ~~HIHJAH-. .•11 1 · · ( 1 • i A r~ c • t c c ~, : n r' ~ A l 11 1 m N 1 J\ 15 c ENT s Court bars discriminatory school .tax credits WASHINGTON (AP> -A federal appeals court aald Friday lbat It bu barred tbe Reagan administration from givin& tax breaks "t<> any school" that dlscrtminatea a1ainat blacka. The order 11 tbe latest in a serie$ or sharp twists that followed lbe administration's announcement Jan. 8 that il was liflin1 an 11 ~-year -old ban on tax exemptions for such schools. Tbd"announcement led to such a public outcry that four days later, President Reagan asked Congress to enact by statute the UCI clinic approved. By GLENNSCO'IT OtUle Deity N.e ..... UC Irvine officials received permission Friday lo build a $10 million health care clinic on campus at a fi ve-acre site near the college or medicine. Authorization for the long-sought outpatient clinic came from the UC Board or Regents , which met in San Francisco. According lo the university's plans, the college of medicine will pay $4 million toward the facility and will get a S6 million loan from Long Beach MemoriaJ HospitaJ. That loan is to be paid off over 25 years from profits at the clinic. The university an~ the hospital curre ntly have a working relationship in which a dozen faculty members and a bout 100 medical residents work in Long Beach. The approval for the outpatient clinic is considered the first breakthrough on plans to locate other health care facllities in Irvine, on or off tbe campus. The university already operates the UCI MedicaJ Cent.er in Orange. But Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. has said he hopes other clinical facilities can eventually be constructed on campus. UCI Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor Dane Ho i berg estimated that it would take two years to build the clinic. University officials unveiled a plan to build the outpatient clinic a year ago but only took it to the regents recently until other matters were clarified. including the status of a contract tor the medical center to provide health care for the county's indigent population. However;, administrators say they have been tinkering with the plan lo locate the clinic on campus; where It could serve as a teaching facility, since 1967. The ~linic decision may be just the tip or the ,iceberg for Irvine residents, who have been the target of several groups trying lo win approval to build a hospital in the city. Directors of virtually every large hospital located near Irvine have expressed an interest in expanding into the affluent community or 70,000 persons. There is no hospitaJ in their city. However, the county and state (See CLINIC, Pa1e A%) Money supply off sharply, bonds benefit NEW YORK <AP) -The nation's money supply dropped substantially this week, the Federal Reserve reported, sparking hopes that interut rates, on the rise aiain. may be headed back downward. Experts, however, said a tonier period of slowin& money gowth would be needed before rates could tum aubltantlalJy lower. The decline alao rallied the bond market, when! pricea ol aom e ..Jong-term government bonds roee after the flsurea were releued by nearly 1\.\. polnta, or $15 for each ti.a ID face value. Conversely, rates on tbree·month Treuury bills fell more than one-third of a percentace poUat. The Federal Reserve said Ml, thJ butc money meuure that iDcludel cash in clreulaUGD and moat cbecklDl·ty,. accou.nU fell to a aeaaonall1 adJUiieci neraae 144t.S bUlloll fn the week ended P'eb. 10 from a re•lHd t•0.4 bllllon tb• pnYioal week. ' 1 tame b~ that he clalma tM 1overnJDent bad no rlal& lo enforce admlniatraUvely. Many coo1rea1lonal lellden aay t.be legi11atlon la unnecessary because tbe ltM Civil RlgbtJ Act and variout court decisions Jive the lntemal Revenue Service authority to deny the tax exemptiona. Before Thursday's court order, the adminiatraUon aald it would go forward with plans to give tax breaks to two schooll that bad challenged the old policy. Tr~asury Department officials said they planned to luue the exempUona to all racially dllcrimlaatory aeboob tJaat otherwise qu~ -ll it became clear Concreaa would not act. But. the U .$. Court ot.Appeala for the District of Columbia brought the admlnistratlon'a plan& to a halt -at lease teeaDll'Vily. Tlie ._.unction will lut witil U.ie court bu more time to the cue. There wu no I ation of bow Ions that would be. At the White House, deputy press secretary Larry Speakes bad no immediate comment, aayin1 the court ord•r would have to be atudled. "We will comply," 11ld Tr•uury spokesman Marlin l"ltawater. At Bob JOll .. University, one of tbe two acbooll cballeniini the "''er, apokeaman Bob Harrison declilMd to comment on the court's action, but the lawyer for the university, PIUWp llurren. said he thought tbe order would have little effect on the case because It waa an interim measure. • Althouth the order was issued ln a separate case, the action will. prevent the administration EFFORTS REWARDED -Brick pathway. arched bridge ~nd secluded patios belie the ..., ................. ._. once~overgrown status of Liz and Ken McFarland's Newport Beach property. Ah, wilderness refined· NB family turns creek, jungle, house into showplace By STEVE MAaBLE °' .. o.lty N.e ..... In the beginning, the place was a jungle, a wilderness in need of some taming. At least that's the way Ken and Liz· McFarland and their son Edward remember the Tustin Avenue home In Newport Beach five years ago when they bought it. Much has changed at the two-story house which sits on the west side of Cherry Lake, a manmade body or water near the upper Newport Bay that is secluded from the hustle and bustle of downtpwn Newport. For starters, Ken rented a tractor, dredged out a mosquilo-~J clraina1e area leading to the lake and in lta place carved out a creek that now meanden ~long one side of the house. Then be hauled\in 180 tons of granJte, placed tbe boulders aloot ~ creek and stocked a pool at the rear of the house with Koi and blue 1ill. To keep the creek in check, Ken also built a fortress-like puniJ> house which regulates the water now and slapped a surplus submarine door on the place to, keep the equipment dry in case of flooding. The family theni backed down some of the dying trees, brought in others and built a pathway which follOJVS the creek a&onaslde the house. 1be pathw•1 tis dotted with seYeral small alcoves -large enouJb for patio fUJ'lliture. Inside, Llz ata1'ed 1andin1 the antique white paint off the oak staircase, helped reftnilb tbe oak plank noon a.ad came up with a ceramic white tile and wood dealgn for the kitchen noor. Eventually, the trio knocked the back wall off the house and utended it about 20 feet, <See WILDERNESS, f'a1e A!) FLOWING SWEETLY -Water lily meanders down McFarland's creek. AirCal pilots involved in Ontario mishap suspended ONTARIO (AP) -Ttie pllot and co-pilot ol an Air Ca11f0raia jet that clipped two pow•r Unel near Ontario International Airport and nearly crulMld ba•• been auapended from duty pendinl the outoom• of a federal in ve1U,.Uoo. • Air Cal 1pohsmaa Mart Petel'IOD uld Prida7 that c.pt. Thomas Hall, 41, and Pint Officer Joee H.......,.. Mataa, •1. wW nmmn •rM ,.._. nilht dutJ wltb paf 9ldl • •tfiere ll IOllM eort ol deftalU" conclualoo" to a National TransportatJoa Safet1 loud prolHt. Federal tnve1U1ator Kt tb • McGuire said "his tests so far have found no problem with either the airport radar or tbe plane's altlmete~ and atlU cJoean't know wby radar failed to warn controllers the plane wu too low. · The redar 111tem ii d•iped to beep and flub to alert controllers when • plane dropa dan1~1ow. HoMftf I McGuire ... d that the ah"pmt'• ...... path -tbe balf ol tM airport'• iutrummt landDll Qltal (ILS) tJaat radiot altJtade lafonnaUoa to p&aau - wu out ol ordw at UM ua., ol tM lDeldmt ud at1U ... DOt back in Gp9l'atlaa P'riclay. ' The glide path was removed from operation more than two weeks alO and a new, impl"Oftd system should be installed "within a few day.1," McGuire aald. The portion of the ILS that btlps Une up planes borilOatally with the runway remains ln operation, leavlnt the pilot to rely on b1a altimeter and vttual m art.r1 to brlDI the plane dowa. Jn Mooclay nt1ht'1 accidmt, tbit AlrCal Boeln1 m on a fUlht from S.aWe Yia Oakland, bit the cabl .. atop tbe lH·llO-foot power pole low' mU• from t.be l'UllWI{ in rainy weather. 1--~----...__~~~~~ from Solng ahead with ita plans to award tax-exempt status to Bob Jonea University ln Greenville, S.C .. and Goldsboro Christian Schools In Goldsboro, N.C. The schools' challenge . to the ban on tax exemptions ls pendln& before the Supreme Court. 1be administration uked the court to dismiss the appeal and said it pJanned to grant the exemptions lo the schools even before Congress acted. "The bottom line is the government can 't give exemptions to Bob Jones or Goldsboro or to any other racially discriminatory private school," said Norman Chachkln, a lawyer involved in the cue. The appeals court ruled that parents of black students ln stat.ea rangini from Louisiana to Massachusetts have le1al standing In their attempt to force the government to revoke lax exempt.ioM. Cbachkin, of the Lawyert Committee for Civil Risbta Under Law in Washington, said Friday that he's "enormously pleased" by the appeals court's action. Alfaro family fund $4,375 By GLENN SCOTT of-. Oe6ty ...... ,_ Rosalba Alfaro was given $4 ,375 Friday by organizers or a fund for the widow, whos e husband was shot to death la.5t week in an apparent robbery of Winchell 's Donut House in Irvine, where he worked. The ceremony at Me rit Savings & Loan Association , 5392 Walnu\, lasted only a few minutes because Mrs. Alfaro was overcome by both the gift and the bright lights of publicity. Left to care for tbe couple's five children, Mrs. Alfaro is unemployed and s peaks only Spanish. Bill Acjcman, a local merchant at Camino Plaza. where the doughnut shop is located, noted that the money was placed in a passbook account for the family at Merit. He said others still may make donations. Scores of merchants. workers and local residents sent in gifts of $10 lo $2S during the put week, said Ackman. Winchell 's and the h:vine Company· each donated Sl,000. Several persons donated clothes for the children and one man dropped off a frozen turkey, he said, adding ''There are a lot of nice people out there." The doughnut s hop was the only business open all night in Irvine when Pedro Alfaro was AT&T tells plan for 7 holding firms WASHINGTON <AP ) - American Telephone & Telegraph Co. has tentatively decided to form seven new holding companies to take over its 22 local telephone operating CQ~panies, AT&T announced Fnday. Company sources who asked not to be identified said the plan also contemplates that AT&T will issue new shares of stock in the holding companies to its existing s hare hold ers. maintaining their proport.ionaJ ownership in all parts of the present Bell System. The key decision on splitting itself up is expected to s atisfy concerns of m e mbers of Congress and officials of 'other telephone companies that AT&T might c reate a single huge holding company for the Bell System operating companies that could stymie competition. Jt aJso avoids any problem of the operating companies trying to stand on their own. AT&T's antitrust settlement with the Justice Department, signed Ja'l. 8 and awaiting approvaJ by a federal judge in Wa shington, requires the company to give up ownership of its wholly owned Bell System companies. AT&T would be allowed to retain its lone-distance, Yellow Page, r esearch and manufacturing facilities. In exchange, the Justice Department. agreed to drop the antitruat suit aa well as a 1956 order that has prevented ATarT from entering new, unre1ulated. businesses like data proceasln1 and computer production. The aetUement leave. it to AT&T, subject to J uatlce Department review, to devi.le a <See PHONE, Paae AZ) Teet your brain with THE QUIZ Pope John Paul 11 visited several African nation• recently. Are most Africans Moetan or auiltl•T For the an1w•r, aee THI: QUl.t op Pa1e A"I. ) shot dead at about 3:030 a.m. on Thursday. Feb. 1 L When police officers arrived, they found the cash register open and empty and speculated the killing took place during a robbery that netted the suspect less than $100. In an unus ual circumstance, Alfaro was working by himself because his co·worker had called in sick. Police investigators say they have few clues to the identity of the suspect. Man held after chase·; in Newport Newport Beach police reached" speeds of 65 miles an hour alone city streets Friday afternoon aa- they chased a man believed ~ have robbed a Fashion Island savings and loan office only~ minutes earlier. : The suspect, Theodore c ... Klise, 58, described by a poUc4! s pokesman as an unemployed transient, was arrested by authorities after his car crashect into an unmarked police car and one other near the interseeyoo- or Irvine Avenue and Orchard' Drive in Newport Beach. A Newport B e ach man , 52 -year-old David Crumrine, who was driving along Irvine Ave nue when the lhree·car. crash occurred. was treated for head injuries at Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian and later r eleased , a ho spi tal spokeswoman said. Klise, who did not require medical treatment, was booked into the Newport Beach jail on a charge of armed robbe ry, Patrolman Glenn Caldwell said. Bail was set at $25,000. According to police, Kllse, around 3:30 p.m., held a small caliber revolver on a teller at Pacific Federal Savings and Loan, 690 Newport Center Drive, and demanded money. After allegedly taking a litUe more than $500, Klise got in his car and drove off, but not before witnesses had copied his license plate number. Several minutes later, Newport Beach police officers s polte d the car near the intersection or Dover Drive and Pacific Coast Highway, the police spokesman said. As officers followed the s uspect's car. it speeded up and attempted to elude them. The chase. which involved three Newport Beach police vehicles, a police helicopter and Costa Mesa police cars. wound its way through eight miles of residential Newport Beach streets, crowded with children (See CHASE, Pa1e AZ> 811111 CUil 1111111 Fair through Sunday. Patchy early morning foe or low clouds near coast. Slightly cooler. Kigbs in upper 808 at beaches. 70. inland. Lows in 40s. 1111111.Ut A solar JwoUnQ awarna. aftd wood atove drmrtcalJ11 cut OM fmrdl)l'I wtfttn ~ bill.I. SH~ AS. 11111 MY-""*• .. ...... Cll9Pdl • .......... ~ Cl.W =:.... =:.. a M ,........ =·· 't:J T ..... . ..... a ..... ...... l ..., ,._ .... . ., ,. .... a ·~ .., • :s ' CHASE ENDS -Robbery s uspeet's wrecked auto, center. was-stopped by three-car crash on Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. The suspect. charged ·with robbing a ...................... IC.-w Fashion Island savings and loan. crashed into a police car. and then swerved into an oncoming auto. Minor alert called at TMI MIDDLETOWN, Pa. CAP) - A minor ale rt was declared Friday at the Three Mile Island nuc lear powe r plant after technicians discovered possible "combustible gas or gases " in the crippled Unit 2 reactor building. A plant executive said later Friday night that the latest readings showed no levels or combustible gases. but the alert was not called off. Offi ci al s mad e a "conservative ass umption" that hydrogen was present and plant offi cials worked as ii the level we re potentia lly com buslible, T M I spokesman Doug Bedell said earlier. The "unusual event " was decfar ed at 5:26 p.m . after t e c hnici a n s di scovered increased gas levels within the building housing the damaged reactor, which was closed by the • worst accident in the history or commercial nuclear plants, in March 1979. The declaration is tbe lowest o r f our e m erge n cy c lassific ations use d in the E l Salvador, Watt news s how s ubjects Here are the scheduled guests for the Sunday te le vision inte r view programs : ABC, "This Week With D a vi d B r inkl e y ." H .E . A I e j a n d r o 0 r r i' I a ,. sec r e t a r y -gen e r a l of the Organizatio n of American States. Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, 0 -V t.. and Robert White, former U.S. ambassador to El Salvador, also will be interviewed. CBS, "Face the Nation," James A. Bake r III, White House chief of staff. NBC, "M~t the Press," inter ior Secreta ry J ames G. Watt. Upcoming Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes'': ''Welfare Fra ud .. -Ed Bradley examines welfare cheats in Massachusetts, and wh at the s tat e has done lo apprehend them. nuclear industry. "The indication we have right now is that the air inside lbe building does not c ontain detectable levels of combusUble gases," said Robert Arnold, president of GPU Nuclear Corp .. the plant operator. OCC eyes study. program in France Next year, some Orange Coast College s tudents may find themselves strolling along the Champs Elysees after classes or s tudying in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. The Costa Mesa -based school says it is planning to become the only community college in the nation with a satellite campus in Paris. The over seas study program. called "Semester in Paris," is expected to be launched in the s pring of 1983. The colJege will offer eight lo 10 courses from its regular cata log. The classes will be taught by three Orange Coast College instructors who wiJJ Oy to France with the students. Joseph Tomehak, an Orange Coa s t College anthropology professor who is organizing the program, said be polled 1.000 students last May to see if there was any interest in studying overseas. "It might be too contervaUve to s ay 80 perc,nt were interested," be says. The college anticipates that 90 to 100 students will enroll in the program each .-emester and tak.e a full load of classes wilUe in Paris. The students will reside with French ramilies during thelr visit. Orange Coast's claues will be housed on one of the Sorbonne campuses. "The faculty members are being chosen for beinl fluent in French and for their ability to teach in several areas of their discipline," Tomehak s aid. The instructor said he expects student d e mand for the semester abroad to exceed the available spaces. He said a s creening process will be required. Tomehak said each student will have to pay for the charter flight to Paris and for boarding e xpe nses with the French family. 2 countians indicted . . in drug sale case Two Orange County residents we re among four people named i n a nine -count indictment returned by a federa l grand jury. They we r e charged with conspiring lo selJ prescriptions for Tuinal and Ritalin. Named in the indictment were Geraldine Marie Blodgett, 43, of Huntington Bea~h ; Robert Anthony Gibbons, 42, of Garden Grove; Roger Angio, SS, of Las V e gas, and C arl Vernon Hartfield, 36, of Compton. The indictment charges that from late 1979 until Sept. 25, 1980.,,.th e four illegall y distributed the controlled dru.gs. Ms . Blodgettl owned and operated A medical clinic at 4513 E . Compton Blvd .• Compton. at which thes e pres criptions allegedly were sold. Hartfield is charged wllh assistiug the operation of the clinic by taking money from customers and banding out prescriptions An indictment Is a char~ against a person by a~ ~ury. It doesn't establish or innocence. · The indictment d escribes eight occas ions in which undercover investigators !'received prescriptions without seeing the tloctors. From Page A1 CHASE ••• oul enjoying sun.shine and warm temperatures, the spokesman said. Kllse's car was brought to a stop, aboul 35 minutes after the robbery, when it crashed into an unmarked Newport Beach police car that was blockln& Irvine Avenue, just south of Orchard Drive. Alter collidinl with the police car, Klise's car swerved into the lane of on·comin1 traffic and hit the car driv~n by Crumrine, accordi.ng to police. The spokesman said the money alle&edly taken in the roJ>bery was fo und on Kllae, but the arrestin1 officers could not Immediately find the revolver sll}d to have been used in the robbery. It later was recovered by police detectives along lbe chase route. Apparently. the suspect threw the cun from the car during the chase, the spokesman said. He added that when Kllse was pulled rrom bis car, he offered no resistance. El Toro pil,ota in bomb derby Flying out of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, M~rine Corps reserve fiyers are scheduled to compete today in a bombing derby. Hosted by Marine Attack Squadron 134, based locally, bombe r c rew s flying A·4 Sky hawk attack bombers from Ala meda, Calif.: Me mphis , Tenn.; Jacksonville, Fla.; South Weymouth, Mass .. and Willow Grove, Pa .. will join in the com petition. The bomber crews will make six bombing run s , u s ing non-explosive practice bombs, on the Loom Lobby Range, west or El Centro. "Inside the Vatican" -Harry Re asone r profiles Pope John Paul II. ''Llste ning In" -Morley Safer reports on bow a British physics teacher and his students ba ve discovered sec rets of the Soviet spy sateJJile program. The U.S. Attorney 's office contends that physicians Angio a nd Gibbons would allegedly write prescriptions for TuinaJ· and Ritalin even though there was no medical purpose lo do so. As sistant U .S . Attorney Anslruther Davidson, who is handlinc the prosecution, said - each count carries a maximum punishment of five years in jail and a $15,000 fine. From Page A1 WILDERNESS SHOWCASE • • • adding enough room for an airy. glass-paned living room and a sundeck upstairs. In putting the finishing touches to the home, the family added four outside speakers and four more inside all hooked to a stereo system. They also hooked up 44 outside flood lights conneeled to a bank of dimmer switches. "For a very long time," recalls Liz, "we had every room in the place tom up. "It was so bad that there wasn't even one room left where vou could iet awav to where things were halfway normal." But the McFarland family ls used to having things in some dlaarray. One might even say they're professional borne Weer-uppers. Until ther latched onto the Tustin Avenue hornet the McFar)ands bad moved in and out of 12 homes ln only three years. "We never gave ourselves the chance to unpack," explains Ken. This time they did, although there's now talk in the McFarland household that it's time to move on, to find a new place that's In need of care . "We finished up last July," says Liz, "and when we realized we were done, we didn't exactly know what lo do." For a family that did without windows for three years and slept under netting t.o keep out the insects, life in Ii finished home may be more than the McFarlanm can take. "Yeah, maybe we'll sell," says Ken. "I think we're ready to build a place ourselves -from the ground up." Dana Bluffs develuprµellt work t.o begin. er .JOHN NEEDHA• *'., .............. Members ot Carpenters Union LocaJ 1168 In Dana Point were in a Jubllanl mood Friday alter learnlnc there would be a call tor carpenters Monday mominc lo work on the Lantern Bay development on the Dana Bluffs. George Quinn, president of the South Coast local, said many members of the union had not been called out on a job for months. "You might describe thQ as the aacendance of private enterprise over government," Quinn said. He was referring t.o the 13 years of delayst denlala and debate that preceaed n.naJ approval of the project last October. Quinn said an 8 a .m . celebration would be held Monday at the construction site, located just 500 feel from the union hall. "We'll be burning some photocopies of coastal com mission regulations a.nd driving a tractor through streamers of red crepe paper. You know wbal that represents." Quinn said the project, being • developed by Smyth Bros .. Inc. of Newport Beach, would mean hundreds of jobs for workers in the construction trades. The 7fJ..acre parcel. atop a bluff overlooking Dana Point Harbor, was purchased by the twin brothers and Pacific Mutual in 1988. The Smyths are buildin.& a mix of condominiums and single family homes. a hotel complex and public parks in the blufltop property. Plana call for 112 townhouse condominium units. a commercial office complex, ~ single-family residential lots and lwo public recreation areas betweea Paclllc Coast Highway and the harbor. This area will include a 3,ooe.r~long jogging trail aJona the length of the blufftop. Other facilities of the $UC> mlllion development include a 300-unit resort hotel, which will ·ove rlook the harbor, and a 60-unit bote l condominium development al the intersection of Golden Lantern and Del Obispo. Commercial buildings will be constructed adjacent to the hotel condominiums . A s econd commercial area will be constructed al the intersection of Golden Lantern and Pacific Coast Highway . About 30 percent of the development will be developed as open space and parkland. The developers hit a snag in 1977 when the state announced it wanted to purchase the easterly 40 acres of the 76-acre Smyth parcel for use as a 'day park or recre"t l onal vehlcle campsround. That plan was opposed by residents who aaid they didn't want the smell or camp bacon drilling up to their homes ln the mornin1. The state plan v..as also oppos ed by the local Chamber of Commerce and t.be politically acllve Dana Point Citizens for AcUon 1roup. Those or1anbationa, alone with the Oran1e County Boant ol Supervisors and the now defunct South Coast Recional Coastal Commission, sup1>orled the Smyth Bros. development for Lantern Bay. With the June 1980 defeat ol Proposition 1, the stale parb acquisition proposal, the state • r e moved the site from its acquisition list . The project cleared it.a fuaal hurdle las t October when Orange County Superior Court JQdge Edward Wallin ruled that approval or the project by various agencies, includina the Coas t a l Commission, didn't violate the California En vlronmental Quality Act or the Coastal Act. Laguna Beach physician Dr. Gene Alberton filed suit over the commission's approval of the development, claiming il would destroy s ome of the last remaining high coastal bluffs in Southern California. But Wallin held that the bluffs were already badly scarred during construction of Dana Point Harbor in 1968. when one million cubic yards or fiU dirt was removed for use in tbe harbor. Grading on the multi-million dollar Lantern Bay development began in the fall or 1981. 1be project could be completed by 1984 , according to Smyth Bros. officials. From Page A1 CUNIC. • • review procedures to build a hos pital are muct> more extensive than those for building an outpatient clinic and efforts to win approval should last for several years. In other action Friday. the regents agreed lo raise student fees by $100 a quarter from the amount paid last fall. The Associated Graduate Students, a group representing a bout 1,650 s tudents, bas scheduled a campus rally on Ma rch 12 t o protes t the increases. UCI undergraduates paid about $272 a quarter last fall and administrators estimate they will pay about $404 in the fall of 1982. The 1.ncrease was approved to belp offset a $33.5 milHon cut in the university's 1982-83 budget. by TROPITONE ORANGE OOMT Daily Pilat ce • .....,.., ....... n~ All olMf d ... 1""'9"'8 M2-4m , From Page A 1 PHONE ••• Canttna brings the 90lld feet a old world craftsmanship to contemporary standards of s1yle and convenience. Thomas P. Haley ..,_,_Mid Ct\WI b K UI• .. Oll- Robeft N. Weed ........ Thomas A. Murphlne r- L ~Schultz lllcie ,........,. n OWtd4r OI a..<_.ion, Michael P Harvey ....._,.~ Kennetn N. Goddard Jr. ~°'"°'°' Chatt• H Loos ........,.., ... . ' MAIN Offa •w.ttM¥k, c;-. ..... ,CA. Mall...,..: .. ,.,c..-....cA. ... ~ .. '1: .. :.===:=:-~ '"° .......................... ···---... ....... , ..... ~- · delalled p1'n for reorcanlllnt itself. The tim ln1 of the com pany'• declalon to create · seven beklln& companl•, Mell of whlcb would have s10.s12 billion ln aueta , waa unexpected. Paclflc Telepboa• • Tele1rapb, which pro•ldH phone Mnice in vanoua .... tbrouOout CaUlornla, lnehldlDI tbt Oran1• Coast , would be fnNped wttb BelJ ,.., ..... Co . ol Mencia in one ol SIM bold ... companlel. • 48" sq. rd. Table&.4 DtnlngChalrs ... Reg. 8966 SALE '676 _,.._ 42" sq. rd. Table&4DlnlngChalrs ... ReQ. 8942 Sun Ctlalse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. 1340 °"" .......... ~ ... llDadaf~ .... Aoloa._..,_.._111"'""'1leooll NURSERY • N:>OOR Pl.ANTS ~ FLORIST • LANOSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES • OPENING NIGHT Three actresses in the Broadway play "Come Back to the Fit-e and Dime, Jimmy Dean " celebrate A~WI ........ backstage after thl' s ho" ·~ o pe ning F rom left are Sand\' Denni~. Cht•r and Ka r en Bl a<.·k · Dolly Parton recuperating The doctor for singer Dolly Parton o rdered her lo rest at home for at least the next month to reco ver fro m emergency gynecolog ical surgery, a spokeswoman for the entertainer s ays. •'Her personal phys ician ins isted on complet e r est away from w o rk and strenuous activity for the next four weeks," Beverly Magid of Solters. Roskin and Friedman. a Los A11geles public relations firm. said Mis~ Partoo's scheduled performances March 5·6 at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, plus a ppearances at the Holiday Star The ater in Me rrillville, Ind .. and Front Row Theater in Cleveland next month were canceled. Ballet superstar Mikhail Baryshnikov canceled his scheduled San F rancisco and Los Angeles performances with the American Ballet Theater because o f a n injured left knee. Baryshnikov will undergo exploratory microsurgery at a Los Angeles hospital to determine the extent of the injury. which the dancer s ustained while rehearsing in Chicago 10 days ago, the dance company announced The problem has been tentatively diagnosed a s torn eartilage. It was the second straight year that a Chicago injury cost San Franc i sco it s sc h e dule d Barys hnikov appearance. Dashing Prince Andre w, second in Line to the British throne, turned 22 Friday Andrew, a s ub·lieutenant in the Royal Navy. spent his s p ecial day aboard the a ir c raft c arrier HM S In vincible in the North Atlantic. "fl is more than likely that any birthday celebration will be postponed until after the exer cise when they get a chance of a run ashore,'' a Navy spokesman said. The wail of· funeral horns and the slow beat of drums bade ' a mournful fare well today to the 12th Chogyal of Sikkim, and a chant of lamas and ceremonial presentation o f sca r ves h a ile d his s uccessor T h e It ·hour ceremony. e nding wit h t h e pageant.filled. m ountain-top cremation of forme r Chogyal <K ing i P ald e n Thondup Nu m gya l . wa s s a i d by observers to in effect be the enthronement of his son The recognition by the local populace of the son. Crown P rince Waogchuk, as the n ew chogya I h as no orficial basis and as certain to s train re lations between Sikkim once an Indian protectorate lucked in the eastern lllmalayas and New Delhi. Actor Richard Burto n , twice divorced from actress E lizabeth Taylor, 1s getting a divorce from his third wife. it was disclosed Friday Burton. 56. and his wife of more than five years the form e r Susan Huot, have been separated since Augus t. Sht' will file for divorce soon, Burton public1~t Nan cy Seltzer said Fair and ivarm Coastal LIOlll, varlable wlnCI• tl\rouQI\ ton'9111 u cepl -•terly wl11Cls 10 to IS knots allernoon. One to 1 toot westerly swell Fair tllrOUQll tonl9nt but patchy IOQ and low cloud\ '"" morn I no U.S. Sllmniary Extended foreca$t Monday·Wedn4!>day Fair .. cept ~ome nloht •nd morn1nQ low uouctineu c0Ht11 ar••~ winch' 1n mountains and Cooler Highs Monday 68 to 71 co.ntal .,,., ano ~1 to 1>1 on mou11taln\ c oo11na s to 10 ~Qr~\ l•t~r •n Pf''kld LOW\ O to iS co•\ta• •r1•\1 ll to 0 1n rnount•lni, cool•nQ a-.1 S a.Q<e<ts later '" l><!r!OCI LIOlll snow fell from ., .. tern S,...fllg P•""'Yt•.,,I• to northern N~w ''"" E"Olalld on Frloay -.,_mixed Tl\t Air Ouallly 1,1.,1na9ement with ralft, sle.I and 1,..11119 rain Olstrl<t Pl'.alclecl OOod aor quality peltff Ille Cefltra1 A-tachlans and tllrOUQh 1,,. _....., for all uus of IO<ltllltm N-Enqland tfle South Co.ut Air Basin. wlll\ Snow cha119ln9 to rain pit the pollution \ttnelard lndes rating> mld·Atl..,tlc Coe51, alld hQl\t rain fell ~turday OI •I In the San Fer-. on UICI e-.. Great La~ states. Santa Ctarlt•, Sa n G,tbrlel and Rain fell In HOrtllltm Catlfomla. Pomon valley• ano o elsewhere. WallllnotOft, Idaho and Montana a nd • showers end thunderstorms were -----------rctPOr1ecl In IOUlll-Central Tuas. Slllel QIM•ally w .... ,._u, $Unnyl T emneratures alMWllCI,. T The Natlo11a1 Wealher Service fo,.casl tor today called for rain NATION alOftt Ille -1hem Pacllk Coast and In tlle nortllenl Plateau. S-rs will be K al•recl acrou Ille Alo Gr...- Val•y In Teus -rain mlud with snow win llff the G,."1 ukes states and llOrtllenl -Enotand Elsawtwre. s11i.1 will be mos11y sunny. Temperatllfts wlll raflQe lrom ,,.,. JOs arOl.ftl LAii• S.-lor and In New E119land lo .. 40s In lllCI nmaln- of tllCI Nor'INMt. Hl9h1 wlll rHch the 10s In Ille Oanlllnas -Vlrot11la. 'Temperatures around th• COfttlftefltal Unli.d Stai.a at mlddey Frida y r~ tf'om a low of 2• In Montpeli.r, VL, to a l\lllfl of 1:1 '" Metbour,.,Fla Albany Albuque ""'""'-AsllClvtlle HI Le ll 26 " JI 03 -0. so 34 •1 ~ 4l J1 '3 32 ,, ., <M 10 S4 0 3S JS JS 32 M •S ., . SI 16 36 31 34 32 ~ J1 JS J3 11 31 ~ ~ --- Las Ve~ L1t11e Ao<k Louis vi lie Memphis Miami Milwaukee Mpl .. St.P Nashville New Ori.- New YMk Okla City Omaha Phllad(>Na ~nl• ~llS0..'911 land, Me ptland,On Rapid City A•N Rich- Salt Lake SHttle St Louis St P·Ta"'lM Sj)okaM TUOOft Wnfll119tn Wlcfllta Atlant• Atlante Cty Battlmore BlrmillQIWTI Bismarck Bolsa Boston Buffalo CIM1111tn SC Cllartstn WV CllClv•nne Chka90 ClllClnnatl Clevelalld Colvmblli Oal-FtWtl\ Denver '1 JI ., 2' CAL"OlllUA California Des Molnn Detroit u JI Apptr Valley " .w BakersllelCI .25 lla•s-n e.a.....-• Bit Bear ... , ""'"• ..... " .. ,, , . 10 .. .. • .-0 JS S• 36 78 68 36 JO JI 1' SJ l'I .. )7 JS n ., JS S·l J3 l'I J3 IQ •• JI n l3 06 l>S .. l>l J3 .. • Sl 35 S2 J3 ~ '3 S4 u 11 S4 S4 ll 11 ll ~ J.; ... JO Lenurter LonoBNCh LMA119elfl Marysvllte Monrovia Montebello Monterey ... Mt W11son Needln Newpor1 &each Ooland Ontario Palm S!>rlnQS Pa...,.na Pa\O Aollles Riverside Red 8•1111 ReclwoodCtty Sacramento Salinas San Bernardi"" SanGeb<i.1 San OleQO San Fr•nckco San JOM Santa Ana Santa Barbera Santa Cnu Santa M•rle ~nt•-.lc• Stooton HI Le Ta-Valley •• XI Tt>ermal 70 4l Torrance 0 Yuma 1' '•1 f ,. CANADA 10 12 IS .. 13 11 6S .. 11 ,. 70 .. IS ,, 71 71 .. 10 •S 71 76 es " .. 7t IM 11 1• 77 ,. 10 60 IS ,, 13 lJ .. SS so ·~ .. so 0 SS st S3 " SI SI • so ff SI so 46 4l 0 52 S2 SI S9 .. so 0 SA 0 21 60 •• ,. Sout....., C<tllfornla wlll lie lair""' _ ... ....,. llUI ..... "111 "" Nkl\y aarly momlno lot or low clouch aion. <Nit. Slltfllly <-In coestal MClklM IOdey, llUI a lltti. warmer .,,... ...... El Pu o Falrbellks Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston lndllapllS Jadsnvli. Kens City 71 llW.C. S9 lllytlle 32 Catalina 70 12 s. 11 12 74 6S 6S JS st 60 S3 ff C•loary Edmontorl Montreel Ottawa Re111na Toronto Vancouver Wlnnl1199 HI l.a .., n Ol'a1191 County c ... HPKt 1\19~ In lM llllP9f 60l al ""' DM<llCIS, ranolno IMo tllCl 10s Inland. Inland valleu wlll han l\lgl\s ..... , end Suncley 111 low IOI. lows efwndJO. ~ wlll haw llltflS In JOo ... IOw60l.lows30toO. NorUIClnl dlHH1.s wlll l\aV9 ...... In Ille 701, lows 30 ta .S. h<ltllern -.ertt can •-• MtM '" h mid ... IOwt dto u. ... rtllerft end Cemral C.llfonlla wot ... ..,._._,..,_..._,, wlll\ c11a11ce el sllewan ,,raadlftO lllHlfl....,. -Celllomla lly lllMay. l'.etlly nlQIM MCI m«t\lftt '"' cloudl 81111 Ille. "-lewl 6,000 fMt 111 .. _,,., 1.000 !WI Ill ceftlral lie"•· .., .... Dtt.wy h ....... ~ SJ Eureka 30 Fresno URf RIPORT Stiff .... A~ z-2 5-ftt• -lea 1 .... "°" 2 Sift Oi.tll Cwntf 2 a... ......... S,...y: Llttlec11M9e. ... Mu J l J J .... ""' 10 10 IO 12 ................ A"'--· Dir I 2 W 1 2 w t 2 w I 2 W We're Listening,.· • Tides TOOAY 3' 20 7' H 1' IS )7 ,. ,. ,, SS o .i 2.S First low 12 41 A.tft 1.2 Flrsl hltfl 4 W a m U $KOlld -l OJ p.m. .O.S $Kond lllOll 1:31 11>m. u S..11 MO S .. IO p"' • rlsat Wuntay t :Ua.m. Moon rtlft S11h1nlly 4.32 a.m .. seu 2:49p.m. Whal do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? C•ll the number ~low and your D'IHsage will be recorded, tranacrlbecl ~nd delivered to tt-e appropria(e editor. Thf same 24·bour ana-•rtn• service may be used to rHOrcl Jet· ter~ to I.be editor on any topk. Mailbox ~ntrit>ulort mual lncre.te thejt ume 1nd teltl)hone number for vef'lficat.iola. No clrevl•tJon ulla. please. .,.II ue wha t's on your mind. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturd1y, Febryary 20, 1982 .48 Matriarch has quite a family: Sixth generation due any day SAN FRANCISCO <AP> - Mee t Frankie Underwood, and her daughter, Olene, and Olene's daughter , Kathlene, and KatbJene's daugbler , JoAnn, and J oAnn's daughl~r.,Kimberly -who is about to have a baby. When KJmberly Peters' child is born on the peninsula south of · San Francisco and it's due any day now the newborn will becom e the si xth living generation in the family. To put it another way. Frankie Underwood, 90, will become. a greal-grc at·great grandmother. HC\I grcat·grandaughter will be a gr andmother. · · r talked to my doctor last week and he th inks it's going lo be a girl," Mrs. Peters. 19, s aid, noting the four ascendants leading back to Mrs . Underwood a re all women. "But don't get me wrong If I have a little boy, 1·11 be just as happy " Though she says she will be quite honored to be one of only a few women lo give birth lo a sixth living l(eneration, that honor had nothing to do with her decision to have a baby. She recalled in a tele phone inte rview from her San Mateo hom e , "My husband and l were married for a month and a half a nd I just started getting sick one day I went lo the doctor and that !pregn a n cy ) was t he problem I'm reall y excited." Back an Fitzgerald. Ga . Frankie Underwood is already getting excited. too · about a reunio n . She says h er g r a n d d a u g·h l e r ; K a l h 1 en e Langella. is tentatively planning one for the sprang. ·'I said · 1 roney, how do you s uppose we're ever going to get together'> I'm in Georgia and you're in Californ1..a..: " Mrs Underwood recalled "She said we'd manage ~omehow " "l didn't know anything much a bout my grandparents," she said "I just remem ber scelna one or my grandmam as I was very young then · · Mrs . Underwood hus 58 living descendants, including the HJ gre at-great ~rand c h1ldren or Mr s . P eters· ge n e ratio n . The Census Bureau does not keep track or the number of Jiv ing generations. The Gulnneu Book or World Records notes 22 cases o r g r e at gre•t-areat grandparents in the las t 28 years. but does not say whether any o f those were slx generations or women. Most or the ramily IS In Cal1forn1 a. with K athlene Langella , 55 . la vi n g in Burlingame . a nd J oAnn Jacobi, 37 , in Foster City. However, Olene Cox, 73, lives in Macon. Ga. Mrs Unde rwood. who was born Sept 24 . 1891. and keeps track or family birthdates In her B 1 b I e. ~a y-6 s h e b a r e I y r eme mb ers h e r o wn grandparents. SIXTH GENERATION DUE Kathlt•m• Langell a. 55. right. p u !-. t' ~ \\i l h cl a u g h l t• 1 .J 11 Ann J <1<'ob1. 3 7 . I e fl. and ~r am.ldaughlcr K1mht•rl\ Pctt·r~. 19. "ho is expecting t o gJ\'C' hi11h ;.111y da' Tht• hab~ "ill b<! the sixth living gt•m•1at11m in thl• lamrl) :\lr s Langel1<1 .., grandmother. 90 ~ l'ar-old Frank it• l 'ndt•rnoo<l of F itzgerald . Ga . will bt•comc a g re<.1t ·gre<1I ~rt•at j!rancimothe r INT£QIOQcS) 5Y I lkS)K-c~J~I~ . Irvine, 17550 Gtllrllr Avrnur. (714) 957·1656 Anaheim Hilla, Canyon Plaza. lmprrtal and Santa Arni Canyon Rd off R1vrrs1dt Frtew11y Rancho MtnQe. 70.213 Highway 111. (714) 324-8241 Santa AM, WarrhouH. 2400 S. Pullman Avenur. (7 14) 751-0792 Crystal Trifle Bowl 8" diameter footed bowl for elegant entertaining ' SAlE 51.188 • All II ores open 7 days a _week Westcliff open Tllura. tll 9 P.M prlo.s v•lid thru Feb. 28. 1982 , (71 4) 974-6802 CROWN HARDWARE Everything you want in e hardware store • WISTCL., 1024 IRVlti AVt. NEWPORT BCH. 6C21W • tldlOI YllW l6l4 SM MtOOEl OR., NEWPORI BCH.' ~JO • COIONA DIL MAI 3107 [. COAST HWY.i &nm JZTI .. --\ • J Driver training "targeted • District wilL also seek to double up on ldndergarten teaching duties BEATING CITV HALL DEPT. -One of our Orange County magazines recently issued an article to inform · the citizenry on how to get along with local government offlclals. Many of our coastal area Politicos were quoted. Among those offering advice on how you should go about fil i ng complaints at City Hall. or promoting a cause, were Newport Beach Mayor J ackie Heather . former Costa Mesa mayor and now Councllwoman Norma Hertzog. former mayor and Irvine Councilman Bill Vardoulis and several others. Well, it was a long article. pac~ed with a lot or counsel. In the sum, it says this : If you're. dealing with City Hall. don 't get mad. KEEP COOL. SMILE. Don 't pound the council podium and scream at your beloved city officers. Take t he street upon which you live as the hypothetical center of your problem with City Hall. They've just torn out all the pavement and bulldozed , through your waterlines. The park department then came ·along and uprooted your 20-year-old s treet tree~. Then the planning department sent you a notice that they're going to allow an open-air disco dancehall. with liquor license and electronic games arcade. tq go in on the vacant lot next door. The water's been on and off for a week. turned rusty brown, and your aged grandmother who lives with you can't get down the street to her bingo games so she·s hogging the television every night. Faced with all this. you may have the urge to go down to City Hall and beat up on somebody. But our local politicos say better to stay calm. COUNCILWOMAN HERTZOG was quoted as saying one of the big proble ms is citizens wait too long to voice an opinion. Obviously. if you're the hypothet ical case cited above. you did already wait too long. All the officials quoted in the magazine said that getting abusive won't help. Councilma n Vardoulis particularly doesn't like personal attacks. Mrs. Hertzog says she won't discuss anything with people who are angry or drunk. NEWPORT MAYOR HEATHER says. "Ideally. the citizen should put the issue in a win win perspective.·· That's wonderful. whatever that means. You take the guy with uprooted trees. destroyed street. no waler and a disco hall going in next door. and you find it difficult to see how he's going to put this in a win/win perspective. About the onlr way he could turn his problems into a wi.n /win perspective is to get angry and drunk and throw out his grandmother. - While I wouldn 't want to give a citizen bad advice. I'd rather than have him show up a t City Hall. angry and s taggering. than have him throw out his grandmother. SOME OF THE OTHER advice on how to make an impression on City Hall came from San Juan Capistrano Mayor Phillip R. Schwartze who advised if you show up al City Hall with your lawyer. you have immediate!~· created the suspicion that you are in "an adversary relationship" with your beloved municipal politicians. On the other hand. Newport Mayor Heather says "being right" at Cit y Hall isn't enough. You may need a trained spokesman. Like a lawyer . If you have trouble wit11 this conflicting advice. just remember a couple of things. Alwa ys be in a win win situation. J\na don't get mad. now. Li/eguard jobs open Competition for summer lifeguard jobs will take place at 8 a . m. Sunday at Huntington State Beach. Stale cf,fficia ls say the com petition will include a 2 ,000 -ya rd s wlm and a run -swim·run co ntest. Participants should enter \be state beacb at tile Bea'cb Boulevard entrance. Those und.er age 18 must have a parent's permission. More inform ation can be obtained by calling 536-8807. The Caplatrano Unlrted School Ol1trlct wtU be aakin1 the State Board ot EducaUon to let lt drop driver tralninc. hold 1chool on Martln Luther Kini Day and double up on klnder1arten teachln1 duties. The district also wlll seek to have school malntenance crews do major palntln1 projects rather than cootractin1 out for the work. The south county school district has been forced to cut Judge cleared to sentence An Orange County Superior Court judge who sentenced each of three teen-aged rapists last year to a 100-year-plus prison term is not prejudiced against a fourth defendant in the case and can sente nce him as well, another judge bas ruled. In a decision handed down Thursday, Orange County Su p erior Co urt Judie Alicemarie Stotler said fellow Judge Francisco Briseno wu not biased against either defendant Tung Thumb Le, 18, or his lawyer. Judge Stotler was ruling on a motion brought by de fense attorney Clarence He watt, who claimed that statements Briseno made last year in sentencing the three co-defendants showed that he had pre-judged what his client would receive. Le was found guilty on 40 felony counts in connection with ti ve rape incidents in 1980. He faces a possible 186-year sentence. H Is com pa'llions were convicted of 50 felony counts eath in connection with six rape incidents. Brothers Bo Pham and Dung Pham. both 18, each received 118-year sentences while Minh Quang Nguyen, also 18, was given a 100-year sentence. Hewatt has said that he wants to be sent to a state hospital as a men tally dis ordered sex offender, but believes Briseno has already made up his mind not to do so. The defendant was sent to the California Youth Authority for diagnostic tests last year, when be was 17. No sentencing date has been set. Four nabbed ,,, in theft Police in Costa Mesa arrested four men in connection with the theft of $2.500 worth of tools and wire allegedly taken from a construction site. . Officer Scott Heger stopped the four men Thursday near the intersection of Victoria Street and Pomona A venue for falling to have a license plate on their van. Inside the vehicle police found copper wire and tools allegedly taken from the Pacific Federal Bulldin& under construction at 400 W. 18th Street in Costa Mesa. Arrested on suspicion of com mercial burglary and possession of stolen property. the men were identified by police as Robert Elmer Cable, 18 ; Frank Ma nrriquez, 19 ; Raymond Dean Reyes, 19, and a 17-year-old juvenile, all of Costa Mesa. Ali Mattresses 112 pr1ee Recllnenreg.$341to'419 Nowl4r9cel..- ,.... NOW ~·--NOW 1095 LOSQWAT 318• 699"oAfiftM-nlll" 19" BUNKBEDS 91" m'coc§liftO.fAulll" 170" TWIN MATr. SET .... . 1495• 3 PC. SEcr. Ill" 169" DIJllrr .. 189" CDST BED Ir 12" ST\}121~ ... CUSTOM DRAPERJEl--MVI • ti\ MJNllUNDl-CARPETING .......................... --..... .., .... nearly~ mllllon frQm ita bud1et over the put few years becau.te of Income UmitaUona. Sharon Tanner, secretary to d.lalrlct Superintendent Je~ Thornaley, 11ld bud1et cull dictated the diatrlct'a move to seek walvers. If 1ranled by the state Board of Education, one waiver would allow the school district to have kindergarten teachers teach two 150-hour sessions instead or the current single 180-hour session. Stud~nt.t would also 1tt•nd school Jan. 15 on Martin Luther Kini Da~ which wu celebrated for the tlrst Ume laat month. Mrt. Tanner said 1tudent1 wouJd UH the study day to learn abo\.tt the late clvll rights leader's work, rather than spending the day playing. Another ..proposed exemption would 1Uow the district to drop the behind·the·wheel portion ot Its driver education program. Cl1ssroom instruction would be maintained. The measure would save the diltrkt $50 a 1tudent, M r1. Tanner said. A fourth exemption being 1ou1ht would allow dlatrlct employees td do palntln1 whlch must now be offered for bid to outside firms. Mrs. Tanner said currently maintenance crews employed by the district are limited ln the kinds of work they can do, especially when il comes to major painting or other maintenance projects. Irvine Cof C to get new chief Harry Bozigian lo succeed Larry Hoffman Harry Bozigian will be installed as new president of the Irvine Chamber of Commerce at its aMual instaUation banquet next Friday at the Registry Hotel. Bozigian is co mm unity relations director for Dewey's Rubbish Service, a firm which ho ld s the city contract to remove solid waste. He succeeds Larry Hoffman as president of the chamber, whkh in less than three years has enlisted 550 members. Five committee chairmen and Nature walks scheduled in Newport The Environmental Nature Center of Newport Beach is sponsoring a series of nature walks continuing this month to raise money for the center. The walks, taking place from 3 to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays. will focus on different aspects of the environment. They are: · Feb. 24 : Animals and Birds - binoculars needed. March 3: Indian plant lore and uses. Mar. 10: Native plants and animals in their natural habitat at Crystal Cove State Park - binoculars needed. Walks.are limited to 30 people. Th e price is $7.50 per walk for adults and $3.50 for child ren. eight new met]lbers of the board or directors also will be involved. The cost of the sem i·formal affa'ir will be $25 per person or $250 for a table o f 10 . Reservations can be made by calling the chamber office at 641 ·1667 by Tuesday. Bozigian said he hopes to continue policies established by Hoffman to promote a .. Discover Irvine" theme to encourage residents to shop· in village commercial areas rather than outside the city. The eight new directors joining the board are Gary Blodgett. vice president of Mits ubishi Bank; Sam Bonnick, district manager or Southern California Gas Co.: Norma Brunda1o?e. co-owner of Travel Company of Irvine; Les Card, manager and transportation engineer for Van Dell & Associates ; educator Hedy Kir s h ; John Nakaoka , marketing e xecutive for the Xerox Corp.; lawyer Howard Reich. and optometrist Mark Slosar. LB school staff seeks Bo/o increase Non-teaching employees or the Laguna Beach Unified School District are asking for an 8 percent pay hike for the 1982·83 school year. in addition to an increase to reflect the median pay level of the Orange County Salary Survey. The Cali fo rn ia School Employees Association, Chapter 131 , which represents the district's llO classified workers, submitted its initial contract propos al to schoo l board members Thursday. Classified employees include c l erical sta ff members . gardene r s. maintenance workers. bus drivers a n d janitors. The current collective bargaining contract expires in July. Laguna school employees also are asking for three additional paid holidays. including'the day beror·e Christmas. the day before New Year's Day and Martin Luther King's birthday. Upward adjustments also have been proposed in the district vacation schedule for employees with more than five years of service. In addition, automatic pay increases are listed in the initial o ffer . Th.ese would give employees $100 a month in extra pay after 25 years or service, ITS THE LOOK . . . Get into it ota\.'1\ of\'IS t & sun Sa --~ lounge Choir l95J)O ' Madogasque Club Chair 115.00 Come In and see OJr huge selection of hondmode Chinese, Pa14ston. Indian and Dhuny Rugs. Sole~ to~ on hand. SOUTH 8fW AREA: 1550 Moholo P1oc9 (21 !) S!7-!4Sll. QMNGE <OUNJY; In Th. Anttqve Guld oo the M.uorine. HarbotfuiytoArt.aa~(Tahe<entrol&t) 1 bk toMoholo. 1801 East°"'*' Ad.. Santo Ano (714) S40--0S22 AEOQM)Q 8(ACH: J44 N. Harbor Dt. (21~) 179-1794 WEST C0!f': 1114 W Garvey Av' S. (213) 962-!597, · West C~ Fashion ~ lot ocross fTocn 8ulod<s. f1RS60M; 1 UJ. c~ AY9. ceu> 4it9-2053. N.W C ol ~ e Felt Oehl. • -.. Wellness Week 1 due to begi·n SACRAMENTO (AP> -Okay, CaUfomlana. Put down the cl1arettea and junk food and 1et out your Jol&lnl shoes aod vttamlna. It's lime for "Wellness Week." Sayln1 Californians should "lncreaae their commitment to individual health," Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. hu proclaimed Feb. 21-28 "Wellness Week." The week la intended to increase interest in 1ooct health and the Individual's responalbillty for it, Brown's Council on Wellness and Physical Fitness announced. The council said that it would bold a "Rally for Wellness" Monday in Sacramento that will feature dance performances, stress and fitness testin1, clowns and a seven-foot carrot cake. More than 30 state agencies have also planned displays and lunch-hour activities to promote good health among their employees, the council said. -~------- ,.,.....,.... '' Increasin1ly, private businesses are discovering the benefits of employee health promotion programs," said Theodora Wilner, the council's executive director. "Healthy employees use less sick time and tre less vulnerable to work-related stress and JOb burn-out. We want to demonstrate that wellneSi pays." GRASSY REST STOP -'"Duke," a visiting 3-year-old French poodle. takes a gander at sign outside a gas station in Salinas. Station owner Harold Gordon says the area is / . well-used and appreciated by travelers. "l?kk" Jher-ldan formerly of Gory Comptons Now with Newport lack lay Halratylllf 2675 IMne Avenue Newport Beach. Cohforn10 92627 (71 4} 631••111 CIOSed Sur$y--y Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 20, 1982 Law .lifts news requirement SACRAMENTO CAP) -A new law will let the supervllora of California 'a larce counties bow out of the news business. The bill , AB2137 by Assemblywoman Marian LaFollette, R-Mallbu, waa 1l1ned by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. It offers the 18 count!ea with more than 2SO,OOO population an alternative to the present requlre~ent that boards of aupervuors publlah fair atatementa of all proceedlnp within 10 days of each meelln1. Instead, the supervhora need only provtde copies of a1endu and summaries of proceedinp to all newspapers, radio and television stations and libraries ln the county. as well as any person reques tln1 suc h Information. However, the board must flrat resolve that its meetings are beln1 adequately pubUclMd by means other than ha own pubUcation of fair statement.. The counties listed ln tbe 1981·82 California Roster u havlnt more than H0,000 population are Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Loa Angeles, Monterey, Oran1e. Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Die10. San ~ Francisco~ San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Stanislaus and Ventura. .Draft registration • increases WASHINGTON <AP> -Draft registration has jumped sfnce President Reagan decided to keep the program ln operation, Selective Service officials reported Friday. Aeling deputy director Ray Wisniewski said there bas been a definite increase in signups since Reagan's announcement Jan. 7. When registration was reinstituted in 1980, more than 95 percent of eligible youths registered, but that percentage had dropped sharply in recent months . That decline was attributed to uncertainty over whether the program would continue, considering Reagan's opposition to registration during his 1980 campaign. However, in the wake or the Imposition of martial law in Poland, Reagan decided to leave the program in operation. While there is no actual draft under way , o ffi cial s say the registration process could save several weeks in the event a callup is needed in a national emer~ency. All men are required to sign up for the draft at any post office within 30 days of their 18th birthday. IE HAVE ml $ I 49C!!uel Me~rahlp COi.ii, I.a AMI lllTE • PllBTIDll TllEYISIDN. ALL IAllS, STDEDS All VIDEO PIOIUC1S PICED FOi •DATE CWIAllE. llllY FOi THE LOWEST PICES AllYIHOE 011 ZDITH PlmUCTS. IEIATIS AMI W PICf.S DI FQ. 24tl CALL •mt FOi PllCES Oii AllY ZDllTH PIOllCT. 675-1171 3295 Newport ICMllevard N~ leach~ Callfornla (on Penln•ul• Acrou From Clty Hall) The IONNAAD • N1310A -13# diagonal Zenith Color TV Slim-Line Portable. Trl·F~ua Picture Tube. Trlple-Plua Cha11l1. Auto-Control Color System. Super Video Range Tuning. Synchromatlc 70.-Poal· lion UHF Ch1nnel Selector. Electronic Power Sentry. Foldaway Carrying Handle. Almond Textured Finish. •.-11!1.-1t111 ..... ............. .• ..... ~ =...,.,.. ,... .. .... !W..prtcehlNlow ......... c ... ........ ~ ... , ... , $ EYEI FOi A ZDITH COUI TD.EVISIOll 00. • • \ • • • ; f l I OVER 50 SHERMAN CLAY STORES CELEBRATE PIANO&ORGAN Modef SN4~5P • New GIANT SCREEN TV Push a button on the S~e Command Remote Control. .. 45' diagonal Giant Screen rises from cabinet• Includes Advanced Spece Phone, Direct Video Input and Ouahty 4 Speaker Sound Unique system provides a sharper picture than ever before possible in projection lV. Simulated wood cabinet Model SN2~1X •TM Penorama Beautiful 25" diagonal SYSTEM 3 Console with Advanced Space Phone includes Time Control Programmer to turn set on and off automatically and guaht_y 4 ~ak~r. sound .J RED TAG DAYS!~~~ GRAND PIANOS . !'ROM s2500 ( WE OFFER OUR OWN CONVENIENT FINAllCll8 ~IN. AJt«J CCMIAM OUR TEAMS Bxcellent S.lectlon of New •nd UHd ll•Jor Br•'9d PIANOS •nd ORGANS FULL SIZE PIANOS ASLO~ AS [7 _,.. ~ ORUNI from _s_!_::_ .. ~$~!~.~ ·~ ..... ·· "......... ··---··---.. :::.=::-= =.=.-.-:-· =:.-r--.-=~=.-:::.,. ____ .. ____ .. CAU 968-3329 FOR PRICES CALL POR LOW NICll IHOWM tS ONLY OMI OI MHY' d• WACI PMOMI -..OTll IM STOCI. CC*I le fOl A ... 0 . ZDITH COIPUTEI SPACE COMMAND -IBl8T£ CONTIOC SPECIALS LMST .... ,,._ mlJI !!f~749°' COMPUTER SPACE OOMMANO-3000 REMOTE CONTROL Featur91 IC&Mlng ('If favorite progrwnmed c:hlMM using CM CHANNEL UP or CHANNEL DOWN button, or chlnnel Mlec- tion Ullno ltl8 numbered buftonl. Tum Mt on or off, make tound louder or eofter ltlrOIJOh a contin- uous rlllQe. mut1 eound end r9Call channel number and current time on the picture ICl'Mn Pt .. " Auto ON or Auto OFF butk>ns to actMlte Timt ConCrol PrograTomer ......, ............... . ..__ _ __, WHY IUY AT AIC7 Alk for term• • VIH or Melter Charge Accloted • 3 YHr Pl~'419 TWI, 1 Yr. Plrtt, 1 Yr. llNtct W1rr1n1y ofl .._ COlarTrlk and ~ Ill eon.o .... Dllll"!Mr AulMnmd 8IMol on Premleee •All ;\9" .. 't ........ in llootl •No Commlllk>ned '1C*'°"' •we Know Our ftroduct IMlde nt Not Jult The • '1rioe •ot:aulilty • tn990rtty • Hal..,. tr .... SPACI PMOMI , ...... ar .... SfACI '"°"' '1P ... .. -. ""' Orange Cout OA.tl Y PllOT/81turd1y, February ao. 1912 Governor has knack for turning ad situations into advantages y THOMAS D. ELJAS When he was governor during the s, many of his Political friends and nies thought of ~dmund 0 . "Pat" own u a bit of a leprechaun. But after his first seven years as vernor, It's now clear that Pat's son rry is the Brown with more of the lsh luck. ~Since he took office in 1975, the iUnger Brown has backed many an popular cause and had his share of f!>litical misfortune. But all except one ~ his missteps occurred, as if by plan, ~ a Japanese quarantine of all California fruit would ca use a lar1e·1e-al~ "boycott Japan" media campaign paid for by California growers, thus reviving medfly memories. But tJle Japanese relented before anyone started a boycott -and Brown bad escaped another sticky situation. There have been other unpopular Brown causes and actions, none of which has yet done him any real harm: ln 1976, he took a firm s\and against the death penalty. but it was restored to California law anyway . That same year. he alienated many b~iness and labor supporters by backing tough anti·n~clear power laws. .. ~ . J ANDWEQN oo rr Pf:JIJN. @.. 0 • • • • ONE ~~f-OR W RIPPER! ~ 0 ! at least one year before the next general election. And Brown managed to turn Pro position 13, his only election-year mis.hap, to his advantage in 1978. THE LAT£ST example : The Mediterranean fruit fly. Last year, the .pesky insec\s made large headlines as ithey spread from the San Francisco .Bay area to the eastern suburbs of Los Angeles and the edges of the San In 1977, the national Fantus Report called the business clim ate in California abominable ... at the same time the Dow Chemical Co. canceled plans for a large Solano County industrial plant be cause of Brown -in spired environmental restrictions. JN 1978, BROWN led the opposition to Proposition 13, which passed by almost a two-thirds majority. Sun, wood cu~ expenses ,Joaquin Valley. · , But thal was six months ago, already :r,eceping into the back Qf the voting pubhc's short memory. There was a .~trong chance only a few weeks ago that Credit check data eyed for renters ,c...i ... -lerlrlc• •'SAC RAME NTO -R enters in California may win the right to review cred it c hecks run o n them by ~ros pective landlords if a recently introduced bill is passed by the 1,.egislature. ·sena te Bill 1406, by Sen. Dan Boatwright, D-Concord, would require landlords to advise prospective tenants ~bat the landlord has requested a credit ¢heck of the prospective tenant and would further require the landlord to ~h:>vide the prospective tenant with the n~me of the credit reporting agency Which supplied the landlord with the credit check. , "Although many landlords use credit ;reports to decide whether to rent or 11ease apartments, most tenants have no <opportunity to either inspect or correct tinaccuracies in information which can 1cover anything from bad checks to ·oer3.onal idiosyncr~sies," Boatwright I'!;-Boatwright's measure also would hibit credit agencies from releasing ormation about unlawful detainer .actions in cases where the tenant who > Uhheld rent eventually prevailed in urt. Senate Bill 1406 would extend the rotections of the lnvestigati ve nsumer Reporting Agencies Act in der to include credit checks on nants. Jn 1980, he became a laughing stock during his obviously futile presidential primary campaigning. Then came the medflies and Brown's reluctahce to begin aerial spraying to eradicate them. But only one of these episodes came when it was likely lo be fresh in most voters' minds at election time. And Brown and his campaign strategists have always banked on the public's short memory. What's more, the combination of Brown's luck and skill were never more obvious than in the post-Proposition 13 sum mer of 1978, the only time potential disaster struck in an election year. FIRST, THE LUCK: His Republican opponent. Evelle Younger, took a thr ee.week Hawaiia n vacation just after the primary. That left the stage to Brown alone and he promptly began dominating it, so much that within two months most voters thought he had always supported 13. It was Brown's skill that let him take advantage of a political opening. But it took luck to get Younger out of the picture when he could have been exploiting the new and popula r tax limits against Brown. So far this year , Brown's luck has held . For now, the medrlies will co ntinue to fade o ut of public consciousness. allowing Brown to control the now of his campaign for the U.S. Senate. That could change in April or May if new medfly finds cause a renewal of the Japanes"t? quarantine. But even if that happened, Brown would have four months after the June primary election to react, and he's s hown that he can turn almost any situation around if he's given a little time. So all those Republicans trying to beat him lo the U.S. Senate will have to cope not only with Brown's luck, but also his proven talent for making the best of what seems a bad ~uation. Thomas Elias. a free-Lance columnist based in Santa Momca .. analyus rwrth-smith state issues By PAUL J. SHANE AHecla ... ""-Wrltw WEST CHESTER, Pa. -I'm saving \· money and mr. house is warmer tba~ when my family was at the mercy of our furnace and fuel oil. ' This is our second winter of energy self-sufficiency. Our furnace still works -I tf!St it from time to time to make sure -but our needS now are met by a solar system I installed myself, and a wood stove. Conservation, such as sealing windows and doors and adding insulation, has helped keep us toasty no matter what the te mperature Is outside -or the cost of fuel oil. It all began when fuel oil prices rose to a dollar a gallon. We had used about 1,500 gallons of fuel oil the previous winter and knew that prices were going to keep climbing . W E LIVE IN A four-bedroom , two-level house with an unheated, two·car1 garage. The house sits atop a hill facing south, catching the brunt of north and west winds. By this winter's end, I will have recovered the $6,000 I spent to install the solar system, not to mention the $400 a year we a re saving on our electric bills because our water is mostly solar heated. A $2,400 income t ax credit for ener gy conservation knocked the cost down to $3,600 for the solar system, which is about how much I would have spent for fuel oil these last two yea~. We use fewer than four cords of wood a winter to beat o ur ho m e , and purchasing wood in the future is the only major energy cost we face. I'm handy, but it was more work than I expected to install the solar system. Once I'd spent all that money though, there was no turning back. The system worked the fi rst time I t urned it on, and has never suffered a breakdown. Aside from three pumps, the solar system has no moving parts. USING ORDINARY tools, I spent the better part or my free time during the s umm er of 1980 con s truc tin g 336 square feet of sola r panels on my ' south-facing roof. To make the ir appearance as unobtrusive as possible, I built the 7-foot ·long panels on the same angle as the roof, 25 degrees. By covering the entire 48-foot length of the roof, I more than compensated for not having the panels at a n o ptimal 40·degree angle. Inside a wood fra me made from 2x~. l laid Tbermax insulation to prote~t the roof. In summer, the heat could melt the roof's shingles if not insulated. Then I hooked op the collectors. a series or long rubber·like mats with six tubes each attached to a central copper m a nifold that brings the unheated water to the roof. then carries it away to the storage tank. Atop the spaghetti-like solar collector mats. I placed 12 fiberglass-reinforced acrylic sheets. These 4-foot-wide sheets give the appearance of 12 panels, but actua lly they cover just one large panel fed by a single water pipe. In heavy snow, I sweep off the panel. THE HEATED water nows from the roof to a 700-gallon storage tank in my garage. I constructed the tank from four. 4·by-8-foot sheets or plywood, styrofoam insulation and a plastic bladder. The pumps, which use less elec tricity .than a television, a computerized differential thermostat and heat exchangers were added to the tank, and I connected pipes from the tank to the water heater and to the baseboard, hot-water heating system. On a hot August day in 1980, the pump sent cool water to the roof, where the sun-heated collectors warmed it a degree every 10 minutes. By the end of the following d ay, the water bad reached 120 degrees and I was able to shut off the electricity to our water heater. The differential thermostat has a sensor on the roof to measure the temperature of the solar collectors and a sensor in tbe storage tank. When the sun makes the collectors 20 degrees hotter than the storage temperature , a pump is activated to send water up to be heated before flowing bac k to storage. The circulator continues to run as long as there is significant heat to be gained. When the pump shuts off, the water drains back into the storage tank so there's no danger of freezing. EVEN IN THE worst months or winter, the solar system provides about half our hot water needs. The water in the storage tank rarely drops below 90 degrees. about twice the temperature of water coming into the house, and thus only needs to be heated 30 more degrees by the electric water heater. The solar system provides all of our h'ot -water needs the rest of the year. and the baseboard system is sufficient to heat the house in spring and fall. We start building fires in the wood stove in mid·Novem ber. and by early March, we're back on the solar system. The wood stove. a fireplace insert with jacket and fan, cost about $600 and -was installed about t he same time the C!' solar system was completed. The stove is in the lower·level family room. which was too cold to use when we depended on the furnace. We stoke the stove each night before bed . then the first one up in the morning adds a couple more s ticks. It's not much trouble to keep the home fire burning. ~ew Federalism' reaches hack to 1st president By W. B. ALLEN Dr. Allen, .an .auociate professor of government .at Harvey Mudd CoUege. i.s ·,planning .a series of programs and researches in honor of the Bicentennial of the Constitution. 1987-1990. I The reason we remember George Was hington when we do and the way we I do is that he quite literally formed the 1 mold of American politics. l Today, politicians and officeholders do not often remember that there was a time when the institutions and practices they count on so heavily did not exist at all , a nywhere. They seldom as k themselves what they would do if, instead. of just moving into their fancy offic es, they had to creat e the mechanisms of democracy. Our current president shows himself a str iking exception to this pattern. His State of the Union address offers one or the finest cele brations of George Washington we have had since Light Horse Harry Lee's eulogy dubbed him "first in war. first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." When Reagan set his own program for America in the context o f Washington's firs t State of the Union and first inaugural a ddress, he appealed to a deeper understanding or Washington's purposes for America. WASHING TON SOUGHT to place America on t he path of safety and prosperity, benevolence and justice. By the lime of his "Farewell Address" he considered it estabfished. Washington's . I wlili ~could help, Cinderella ... but aome clown h•• gNen ~ "'' .,,. beck to the ..... . • . ~ • view was tested in the Civil War, and Lincoln saw us through. Nevertheless, Reagan needed to explain wny we do not now seem to enjoy the fruits of their efforts. To do this in a way which would not discourage his fellow-citizens, he leaned on the leeacy of Washington and Lincoln for inspiration. Reagan suggests a new source of discord, introduced 50 years ago; to wit, 1932 and Franklin 0 . Roosevelt, who began "taking power away from the hands of the people in their states and local communities." How did he do this? -by building a legacy of "tax and tax, spend and s pend," which makes every generation at once the enemy and bond-servant of its forebears. Reagan was able to set forth a posi- tive view of the reforms he proposed, drawing on the plan for "compensated emancipation and colonization" from Lincoln's seco.nd state or the Union address, and Washington's articulation of the need fQJ' relying on the people. R e a gan 's speech c h aracterized American government as an overweight patient whose biggest problem is that he has more than enough to eat and to spare. O!l(E WORD recurs frequently and emphatic ally : uncontrollable . .Everyone , be argued, see s our problems of the federal budget, the economy1 and government programs as uncoJ)t.rollable. "The time bu come," he said, "to control the uncClftt.rolJable." For, be argued, nourishment is 1olng. "not. to the needy but• tp the areecJy." Reasan·s response to "SO years of takln1 power'' from the people la bis "New Federalism." ll follows that the era launched by FDR bid made America the land of the areedy. While the preeldent rec:oplled tbat no American preaident should ever 1tl1matbe htt people at '"8dY. any more tban 1" 1t,o\&Jd au.ct Ulem at eowa~y. hel\iru yet able to u~ tbelr being the kind of people "who may not have realized their. dreams themselves but who then reinvest those dreams in their children." Although the nation's problems began with Roosevelt's derailment of t he rounding , the call fo r a ''New Federalis m," inspired by Washington a nd Lincoln. is far better. than an accusation that the people are slaves to the two things Crom which Roosevelt most aimed to liberate men: want and fear . Reagan encouraged the people to expect of themselves the same elevated s pirit and deeds that characterized America's founders. Self-sacrifice and bravery are the standards called for by Reagan -they are his version of Lincoln's "new birth o~ freedom ." IN HIS SPEECH, Reagan quoted Wa s hington who thought the preservation of liberty an..:.!.axperiment entrusted to the hands of the American people." That sentiment ~hoed what Washington said in his 1783 "farewell," when he disbanded the Revolutionary Army and "retired" to his Virginia estate. By the time of Washintton's last farewell, in 1796, he was able to claim that the "experimenl'' was a success. W asbinston believed that the people were well fit for sell·rule, moderate in their ambitit>ns and !Jettied in the resolve to defend freedom. The ordinary dangers of political life of course remained. War wo uld lbreaten again and domestic discord would always hav• to be retOlved. But Wubln1ton concluded that the fobndat.lon for peace and proaperity bad been well laid. So he could retire, knowing that 1ood prevailed on the domestic as on the forel1n ff'Oftt. The people'• u1umpUon ol pewer wlthln their states an<t locaUUes u well as lll the shape of a 1in1l• people meant Just uu., that a ~ ordel' ln the part.a h~d ltecom• the louadaUo-n for 111 justice in the whole. The "New Federalism" recovers Was hington's conce rn with safety. a~d his reliance on the people . But 1t is modeled on Lincoln's compensated emancipation, right down to the careful • prescription fo r gradual change and allowing the states themselves to judge when it were wise to alter their practices. WASHINGTON AND Lincoln both i ns isted in placing the r eins of government in the people's hands. Washington's last farewell seems to have prematurely concluded that lhe people were "ready" to assume the burdens of self.rule. For Reagan, this may not have been true even "20 years ago," let alone 200 years earlier. But now. in 1982, we "be lieve in the integrity. decency. and sound tood sense of grass-roots Americans." We can henceforth look to them for our heroes. And "two centuries from now" our posterity will say we were right. Thus. Reagan modestly coR)pares himself to Washington, rather than our "greatest president" of "120 years ago." He closed the 1982 State of the .Union address by uniting bis two icons in bis own project to preserve "the sacred name of liberty -the last, best hope of man on Earth." ORANOI COAST The comment page of\he Daily Pilot seeks lo Inform and atimulate readers by present· Ina a variety of commen,ary ~n topjcs of inttrut and 1t1nlflcencc from inform•d ob· aervers and spok•amen. Uncle Len'a very apeclal friends in Room 13 at Willon Elementary School lo Costa Meaa were liven a nice treat Wednesday. One ol my helpers visited the class and described bow the Daily Pi.lot is put toeether each day. My be I per reported the class was very well-behaved and bad many quesUons about good old Uncle Len. The clau even posed for a pictu re which appears on today's Youth page. Ob boy~ Uncle Len thanks ~ entire group of youngsters for their support and hopes they enjoyed the visit. Of course, now I expect Room 13 to keep up with the contest. That should never be a problem since it's fun to enter. • All of my friends ~ust have had a great time this week. There were many good Disney character drawings, which ma.d~ it dilficull to select winners. In fact, Uncle Len had to seek the advice of some of my wonderful helpers. GD 0 FY We all agreed Scott Borack's entry was tops. The 11-year-old Costa Mesa youngster took first place and the $5 prize. Good worlt and give thanks to your mother for hand-delivering your entry at the last minute. FIRST PL.ACE WINNER Scott Borack of Costa Meia Coming in second was the nice drawing by Karla Erik.sen of Fountain Valley. Karla is only 7 years old and her work shows she's well on her way to a career ln art. She gets $2. Con- gratulations! · Once again, there were lots ol honorable mentions. Thanks to D ylan Rogers, 7, Heather Grosdldier, 6, Kathy Flanagan, 14 , and Meghan Tracy, 12, all of Costa Mesa , Molly Deneher, 8, of Newport Beach and Rodger Healy, 11, of Laguna Beach. Uncle ~n gives Heidi M. Edmunm, 9, of Corona del Mar a special thank you for the be\ated Valentine's card. It was real neat. Cartoon characters seem to be a lot of fun to draw. And many of my friends say they love to draw them . Uncle Len has never bad a contest with the Fliolstone c haracters, so let's try them next week. You can draw Fred Flinlstone, Barney Rubble, Bam·Bam or any or the other characters or creatures from the TV series. SECOND PL.ACE WINNER. Karl.a Erilaen of Fountain Valley Uncle Len, as always, reminds his friends not t o trace the c haracters from books or magazines. That's a No-No. You have to be original. (Uncle Len has a lot of trust ln his friends.> If you have some trouble drawing the cha racters, you may also draw a F lintstone house, car or some oUler thing from the show. Remember to use black ink only on a piece of paper 4 inches square. You can use ball point or fell tip pens. Send your entries to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calil. 92626 so that they get to me by Wednesday. Try to mail them by Monday. You may also deliver them to the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St. Don't forget to include your name, address and age with your entry. I expect all m y friend are going to have a yabba·dabba-do time with this contest. I like the Flintstones. I'm not so sure about smurfs -there are so m any of them it's h•rd to decide on a favorite character. But one thing is for sure . Uncle Len likes all his friends. We 'll always be the best of buddies. So long. Home sweet 1home in tepe~ Students tackle housing problem with backwoods bungalow J UNEAU, Alaska CAP> - Tepee living in Alaska? That's the solution two University .of Alaska students have found to cope with the lack of housing at the UA 's Juneau c ampus and a tight rental market in Alaska's capital city. With the blessing of school officials, David Wa rren and Lauralee DeLuca are living in a tepee pitched on university land along the shore of Auke Lake. The scenic lake is on the edge of the UA campus, which is about 12 miles from downtown Juneau. ................. LOVU YOUNG NOPLI -·n·· 9-moatb-old female Buerrji mix ii pntle and would make a 1reat friend ln your (amUJ. U JOU'd like to take her home, contact tbe Oran.. °"8d1 Animal She~, 581 City Drive Soutb, Oranp. Telephone 134· 7301. Warren, 20, and Ms. DeLuca, 22. said they had considered various options when they heard of the tight housing situation ln Juneau, and had finally decided to buy a $600 canvas tepee. They also bought a woodburning stove to beat their ho me when the temperature drops to near zero and snow piles up during the heart of winter. The students use buckets to catch rain water for drinking, cooking and washing, and kerosene lamps provide light. Warren said UA officials bad helped find a spot for the tepee before the students left their hometown of Seward, Alaska, to move to Juneau. •'Of course, we have a severe houslne situation in Juneau and e1peeially with students, so as lon1 as we can legally help them out. tbat'a what we'll try to do," said Harry Keim, UA vice chancellor for administrative services. F uture requests to live on acbool property will be bandied on a c-::i-cue balls. Keim said. He MDitary aDd o&ber' ~would baw to be met befon permluioa wu srant.t. T lae Juneau campus llaa boallal for about 11 lludmtl, wllleb means the reet of tbe acllool'a 1,MO moatly part·tiDM 1tudenta must flnd tbelr own bou1ln1. Tbat'a difficult in Junea, a community ot about J0,000 becau11 little rental boullal II Hallable ud priell ......... Por a.ample, on a recent clQ onl y fi v e ren tall were acl•erU1ed in tb• local aewtpepll'. Tbne..,. tor more tlau MO,.. moatla, a.DCI cme laoa1e wa1 •••llable for '1 ....... -........... t. .; Orange Coeet DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 20, 1982 ........... LOYAL FRIENDS -First-grade students from Room 13 at Wilson School in Costa Mesa we all smiles after a visit fro1p one of Uncle Len's helpers. The pupils, regular contributors t6 Uncle Len's Comer, were treated to a discussion on what the big, funny people do at the Daily Pilot. Also pictured are teacher Marjorie Holt, right rear. and aide Marilyn Eisenman. · " I .' I Group teaching play s off .... C HICAGO (AP ) -For a youngster who is just starting out at the piano, 10 or 12 hands can be better than two. .. Group lessons give youngsters the confidence to tackle piano w ith the same uninhibited ener gy they bring to basketball or soccer, according to two prominent music edu cators . And, as in team sports, being part of a g r o up boos t s confidence. "One of the major advantages of group teaching and playing is that students immediately learn to p1ay something musical," s ays Marg u e rite M ille r , coordinator of keyboard studies at Wichita State University and an advisor to the National Piano Foundation. "They have the instant ! estjoyment of success which spurs them on to new accomplishments.·· In a typical beginning class, Ms . Mlller ex plain s, each student learns a short, simple melody. while the teacher and other members of the class provide back-up accompaniment -usually a jauy sound made b y cy mbal s, drum s. tambourines, o r softletimes unconventional ia struments s uch as slicks, pots and pans or jingling keys. "The total sound gives t he s tudents a sense of ma kin g music," ,says Ms. Miller , "and that's very satisfying." Generally instructor s are d iscovering that theory and mus iciansh ip -especially c reative activities -can be t aught more easily and quickly in groups, notes Dr. E .L . Lancaster, associate professor of music at the University of Oklahoma and e du cation projects coordinator for t he National Piano Foundation. ·'T he new version of group leach ing stresses creativity. improvisation and feeling for all types and styles of music - ethnic, rock, folk, ragtime, classic," she says. "The aim is to expose the child lo popular as well as serious music, not for the purpose of playing all the styles, but rather simply to recognize a nd identif y t h e musical elements.'' The arrival of new technology -audio-visual equipmehl, tape recorders. cassettes -in the music studio has helped to fan interest in group teaching, La n caster says . Some instruc tors use p o rtable keyboards for classroo1'il activity. planning games ana contests a round s uitcase-siie modules, as they're called·. Some of these modules, whidl sell for under $200, have an organ·like touch, but allow the young students to transfer easily to the piano keyboard. As for the students -"They think it's a treat," Lancaster says. \ Ms . Miller agrees that the neW electronic equipment is a boon to student and teacher alike. ''Recordang devices aN! revo·lutionizing m usic education, enha n c ing leachi n g a nd learning." she says. Students in her classroom use the taJte re co rd e r . for e x a m p 1 e , .!D e valuate their progress ana check on the sounds they'r~ making. Or cassettes can ~ sent home for students w~~ might have missed a class. An unexpected but pleasani bonus of the group-study movement, says Ms. Miller , ~ that music is moving from ttit\ \ classrooQ'l into the hom e, wher~ young students inspire theiz; par e nts to join f a mil ~ sing-alongs and add-on harmoq)oi play e d with improviseq instruments found a round Uit; house. Answers appear (upside down) below quJa world scope (10 potnt1 for uc:h queatlon an1wffed correctly) 1 Members of both parties reacted harshly to President lle<1g<1n1s 1983 budget prop<>Sil. But there was bipartisan support for an alternative suggested by ~or Ernflt Holling'-TRUE OR FALSE: Hollings wants 10 freeze benefit and military programs for 198} al 1982 levels. 2 Inflation rose at an annual rate of 0.4 percent In Janut1ry, the (CHOOSE ONE: lowest, highest) annual rate in almost five years. J In one of the worst sea disasters in recent years, one of the world's largest oil rigs collapsed in a Morm off the coast of (CHOOSE ONE: Louisiana, Newfoundland), killing &4 crew members. 4 The Ford Motor Company ind the United Auto Workers reached a tentative contract agreement. TRUE OR FALSE: Under the contract, UAW members would receive substantial pay Increases. S Israel responded harshly to repom 1hat Secretary of Defense .. l .. had diSC\.lssed the ~le of advanced weapons to Jordan. hraell offlcials~he move as part of a shift in U.S. policy t ar 1he Arab countries and away from lsrae . newsname (10 polnte It you c:en ldefttlty thl1 person In Ille newt) Despite early denials, my Syrian government final- ly admitted that fighting had broken out between my forces and the Moslem Brotherhood, a group of Sunni Moslems dedicated to the overthrow of my r~lme. Who am 11 match words (4,...... .... ..,,.. IMkflJ 1·1nterc'ede a-join tot18'hef ).Intercept J..lnterlock 4-incedope It-mediate komlna and goina .t lntetvals e-MOp or lrtterrupt • news picture H (10 point.I II you •n•-r lhlt qve1tlon corr.ctly) In his first trip ou1 of Italy since the auempt on his life last May, •1 Pope John Paul II traveled 1'> Nigeria and several other African 1 nations. There he addressed thousands of church members, and•' ordained many priests. More Africans follow the (C HOOSE·! ONE : Christian, Moslem) faith than any other religion. I/ peoplewalch/spor tligl1r~ (2 polnlt for each quutlon 1n1-recl cor1'9Ctly) h 1 Warren Beany's film, "Reds," was nominated for 12Aademy f Awards. "Reds" is the story of American journalist Jack Reed's 1 experiences during the (CHOOSE ONE : Russian, Chinese)" revolution. 1 . I 2 Henry Kl.singer, former Secretuy of .. l .. under Presidents ,, Nixon ·and Ford, underwent successful heart surgery In l Boston. a-Defense b-the Interior c-Slate J VlctCK Jory, the veteran (CHOOSE ONE: actor, newsman) died of a heart 1nadt at the ap of 79. , 4 "Mun" Joe Greene, star defensive t.ac:kle for the (CHOOS ONE: Plttsbu'1h Steelers, Oakland Raiders), announced hi retirement after 13 years In professional football. s Aher a heartbreakint IOIS In lut ye.r's race, Bobby Alllso won the 1912 (CHOOSl ONE: lndlanapolh, OaytoN ) SOO, th world's mmt prestllff>'ls 11odi car r.ce. roundtclble ,...., •••1IDft (M aceN> Under what condltioM, If tny, milltlf'Y force Into El S.1¥ YOUR ICOftl: t1 .. 10e •• -~ ICORll 11 to tQ ....... -11.....,_., 11 to M ' ' •YIO, lnc,,222·12 l Orange Coa1t OAfLY PILOT/Saturday, February 20, 1882 llOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMAAR · H4by, F'ebnary 21 AaJU <March 2l ·April 19): NolhiD1 la likely to occ'fr halfway -you're ''involved " and relatton.1hlp1 Intensify. Accent on creatlvlty, dedlcaUon and romance. TAuaus <Aprtl 2<).May 20> · PresU•e ls on Une; cooperate In community or charity pfojeet, be sympathetic to needs or those who are temporarily handicapped. . GEMINI (May 21·June 20>: New. siart, fresh concept.a, creative people in your life -these blend and focus will be on plans ror education and Journey. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Yo1f II learn more about money , partnership proposal, investment schemes, tax shelters and bow to protect your own interests. CEO (July 23·A ug. 22): Spotlight on social activity, Improved communications, long-distance call relating to travel, publishing and legal affairs. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Check fine print, be aware of details, realize that puzzle pieces can be put into place. Keep recent health resolutions. including proper rest and nutrition. LIBRA (Se pt. 23 ·0 cl. 22): Spotlight on excitement of discovery, stimulation or creati\>e r.rocess, romance. speculation and the kind or ntuitloa which enables you to win contests. SCOaPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 >: Basic issues are setlled, especially those involving major sales. purchases, domestic adjustments. Harmony can be restored at homefront. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 2q: Short trip is part of scenario, involves special requests .and relatives. You 'll see people as they are, meamngs will be clarified and you'll accurately perceive Motives of t hose a ppa renlly dedicated to deception. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·Jan. 19): Realization strikes home that you'll have more responsibility, press1tre and that long.range decisions can no longer be delayed. AQUARJUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18>: Popula rity mingles with sentimentality; people recall favors and you could be "showered" with profuse e~pressions of gratitude. Take it in stride! PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20 ): Productive Jneeling takes place with one who appreciates your finer qua lities, s pecial talents. You'll be in pos ition to dance to own tune. Confidences are exchanged, restoration of morale is highUghted. • . come to Plummer's and get it all! ·The absolute best values in fine international contemporary furniture! Teak TV /Serving· cart Multl·llse for TV stand or food service. Large easv·rolllng casters Lustrous OPtlOns to complerMnt INlltc unit: o~:~ ~<>g~~ Set of 2 wood $ 59 smart1v ano orov1oe doors $75 val . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. temflc space tor Glass doors llbrarv ano an pieces 589 val.... . a.lie unit"""• Set of 3 drawers ......,.. ,,.. .11JD"•1S" 5109val .. Set of record S IMltllll Te•lr IUnlcbed You get OOUbte value In these st\lrOV bunk beds wtttt safety rail & ladder. Made of teak fOf a smart~ Whettier st.acked or ~ sepame1V. Don't De caught not Wike UP to U'llS great Ptummer'S value I NotshOWn tn w. LA store. Mattresses not Included. Outdoor stacking s24 EACH Chairs ..,. •llroom In White Lacquer Available In bott'ltwln anaoueen • sites, It enhances any decor Matctllng nightstands 119¥. x 15y, x 20% > add a complete 1001c and convenient storaoe Queen bed TWln bed Nightstand $235 val 5169 val S93 val $169 $129 s71 Nice for so many \ occasions In handsome solid natural wood $22 value S14 eac:tt. ~\-~\ ~=-==l*~,-d!Vkllef'SS3Slilal-.=-~,..-..-..~--.;==~""!l"-~==""":r-c~ ..... --,_..,... --Drop lid s 75 "''"" ~ Cigarette data asked DEAR PAT DUNN : Where can I get an ur.dated list of the tar and nlcotlne content of c garette brands currently on Ute market! I have a lJst that's several years old and some ol the brands being lold now weren't around when my list was published. W. F., Newport Beach The Federal Trade Commission has publis hed new test results showing the tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide content of 200 cigarette brands. Copies of the "Report of 'Tar. Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide of the Smoke of 200 Varieties of Cigarettes" can be obtained from the FTC's Public Reference Branc h . Room 130 , 6th S treet a nd Penns ylvania Avenue N.W .. Washington, o.c.~. GI benefits expire DEAR PAT DUNN: I've jusl retired arc.er 28 years in the Navy. Do I stlll llave It .....;ears rrom the date of my discharge lo u.se my GI Bill education benefits? S.D .• eo.u Mesa No, under the present GI Bill, education benerits for all veter ans expire Dec. 31 , 1989. The last veterans who had the full 10-year period are those who were separated from active duty prior to Jan. 1, 1980. • ·Got a problem" Then wnte to Pat "'I Dunn Pat UJlll cul red lope. getting )t J. lhr ansu>ers and actwn you need to solrw mequll1es m government and ,.., • bu.~mess Mail :,our questwn.t to Pat ' I Dunn. At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot P <J HoI 15611 Co.,ta \tesa . CA 92626 As many letter11 flS pos.~1ble u:1/l be ansWf!red but phoned mquines or letter11 not mcludmg the reader's full name. address and busme.,.~ hour~· phone number cannot bf' ccmsu1ered nus nilumn a~ars daily eI · cept Sunday.\ · SM and free Info clinic thle Sat & Sun, Feb 20 & 21. Collectors & antique ~ pretent unusual dolls. eoceSIOries and hou9et. Huntington Cen-.r Mell. 405 fwy & Beech Blvd .. H.B. "WE.CARE" FOi All OF YOU. HEALTH HEEDS or£.N EVEIY OA Y lYIHl~IHD 9:00 AM-9:00 l'M 1 Tropiut Fhh • Fresh• Marine · AgUMium Supplies / ljiMl8t F"e6. 20; 1082 • Feb. 2t, 1112 aunocephelu• coracoldeue: 1.H I am from Brarll, • bottom dwelttno c.atf lsh, nocturnal In my habits, Often burylnQ myself In the gravel, a good move on my part •s I am absolutely the U91'4tst crHture you have ever' seen but I am a t rue scavenger, lngestln~ ewrythlnQ, whether or not It Is dioftt•blt . See me- • t Aqu•tlc Troplc•IS end m•rvel at my' l'}9teQMct. I em • "B•nto' Cat" 1.99. 1111 w ..... , • c-e...... • ..... 1., •Comer"8ltlora....,_ , 599val Teen set with Bookcase and Matdllng Dressers TeakWood teen bedroom set. Includes platform bed. headbOard and storaoe unit by Ervt S405 value. Night Stand. 3 drawers 16 X 19¥, X 21 H Hl~h dresser 6 drawers 29y, x 16 x 40 H A value at S99 Low Dresser 4 drawers 29y, x 16 x 28 H A value at 5139 •noc snown1 A value at S199 Double Dresser 8 drawers sax 16 x 28 H A value atS249 eeautlf\JI student desk. 3 drawers W/lock, & bullt·ln bOOkcas~ . 47y.··x 21%" x '271/,'' H. Teak Sideboard & Hutch AcQultable De.-d'8lr WooO INC-s59 UOhO'Stef'!O Wit, s79 V~COIOt'\ l>aet YJMOU\COIOt'\ S1'JY>I_,. m~ LUXO De.-LlfnO In vanous colors. $39 val ... s 19 fine china or art obJecrs. Ttlere·s p1entv$ These sleek llnes light up vour room 595 while the llghted shelves set off your of storage space In the sllclln9 clrawerc; and cabinets below 47Y• .. x 1111. • x 471 S835val Danish Teak stereo Bench 41 x 17' x 23' H plus four record compartments and two large shelVes for ~~ss~rnlut. II I •I I scan Teak Pedestal Dining Table Elegant 47" table U'lat extends 369 to 69". corgeous WOOCl·grain. $ A $559 value now at lnventorv price Whlle U'ley last. ~~-...r---.-- T9911 Al!9' O.W s89 S119value TUllSldeO.W 75 599vatue s Imported Teak Bookcases TW0for$178 TheSe gooo IOOlclnQ, flame· grain te1k bOOkcases af'e a special direct Impart purtnase and are an $ 99 unDeatabtevalue Craftedoftne finest teak veneer wltti adfUstable shelVes. tney measure 76" x 12v." x 35" Back panels are constructe0 wlttl IA. rmtthlng PVC Also avallabte In rosewood at sHOht1V hloher P'tCeS. INTERNATIONAL CONTlllPORARY FURNITURE NUDIRA • 180 s. Latce Avenue. C215) 449·6741 f1WQ btoctsJOum ofeotorldol WIST LOI M'GI' •• 12241 Wilshire Btvd .• C213) 820·5918 nwobloclts west of IUndVI , SF YALUY • 12240 Sherman W.V. No foiOUVWOOCI • C213) 765·0401 Cllt'Men Holl'f waod FWv & lJIUret tanvon1 IMTA W • 1540 E. warner• C714) 557-o&11 cE>Ctt O¥'I' ltd. on NewPott Fwv• j IOU'nt IAY • 23855 HIWthOme Btvd .. Torrance• C213> 378·9473 cone t11oct "°""Of com HwV> •neGN VllJO • Marguerite Plaza• C714) 495· 3252 IMW .. n crown vaeeev' AWfV F'NVl W.10tlol-9'WYNOOlltDI All fUmttvre ct'lftfd Of tne ftnest *'""-mtnY Items n UNSsemoteo In~ fOr easv e>tctc up. Prtc~ and mercnano1w sut>t«t to stoctt4" hand ( Chargers celebrate in style By JIM McCUaDIE 0( ....... ,... .... It was party lime Friday nleht In the F.clilon Hl&h nm. A Charter cheerleader received a sln&J.nt teletram at the intermission ol ~dison's CIF 4·A playoff opener against Mira Costa. Charger Coach Barry Leigh was afforded the opportunity to let all bis players join in the celebration. And, wben it was·ume to turn out the lights, Edison bad rolled to an 84-$> win to easily advance to Tuesd~'s second round. The Chargers, the 4-A's top-ranted team, had virtually every part of their game working to perfection. As a result, Mira Costa could stay close for about five minutes. From that point on, it was all Edison. Richard Chang hit bis first eight shots, Rick DiBernardo dominated play inside and Jeff Stephens broke the school record for assists as Edison turned it into a rout midway through the second quarter. . "The kids were just really ready to play ,'' Leigh said. "That's as well as we've played all year, especially during that first half.'' Realistically, the lights could have been turned out alter the first half. Edison passed the ball around and through the Mustangs' tone defense and went to a zone press that forced numerous turnovent-to build up a 44·21 halftime lead. "The press really hurt us," Mira Costa Coach Jim Nielsen said. "We just\didn't attack it well. "We looked really tired ... we looked really passive." The fatigue may have stemmed from the fact·that two of Nielsen's top players - Jerome Wiley and Pat Chance - have missed au of this week's practices with the nu. "That really affected us," Nielsen said. "But we wouldn't have beaten them anyway, even if we played our best game. They're just .a better team than we are.'' Indeed , Edison looked deserving of the 4-A's top seed Friday night. Chang led all scorers with 20 points, DiBemardo had 14 points and six rebounds, Stephens had 12 points to go along with bis record 13 assists and Mark Goudge contributed 15 points. Pete Binastci didn't figure heavily in the scoring, but be was largely responsible to holding Wiley to 15 points and led the Chargers in rebounds with nine. "Binaski played well on defense," Leigh said. "With him there, we can hopefully keep R ic h <Chang ) and Rick CDiBemardo> in the offense and out of foul trouble." The Chargers were the only Sunset League team to advance to the second round as both Marina and Ocean View were eliminated Friday. Edison will carry its 23·2 overall record into Tuesday's second-round meeting with host Loyola. HOME FINALE FOR ANTEATERS UC Irvine students can pay a h nal tribute to Kevin Magee and Co. tonight (7 :30). when the Anteaters.host Utah State. The contest will mark the last appearance or five seniors at Crawford Hall. Besides Magee, Coach Bill Mulligan will also lose Randy Whieldon , Kevin F\Jller, Rainer Wulf and Grant Taylor after this season to graduation. _ service , Magee bas totaled 1,386 points for a 27.8 average. He is the first -and only - Divlslon t All-American ever t.O come out or UCI in basketball. SATURDAY, FEB. 20, 1982 TELEVISION E N TERTAINMENT BS 86 IT'S MINE -Estancia's Randy Tift c foreground > screens out Cantwell def ender while teammate Steve Kraiss --- Deity ...... _..,a....~ looks on during Friday's Cl F action. Eagles won. 5845. See Page 83. Weiskopf shoots into LA lead Miller falters on 18 ; O'Meara looms into contention By HOWARD L. HANDY Of .... .,....,_...,. LOS ANGELES -Those haunting footsteps of golfs big names started to close in on relative unknown Terry Mauney during the second round of the Los Angeles Open golf tournament at Riviera Country Club Friday. But they weren't nearly as loud for Mauney as they were for one of those top names, Johnny Miller. Miller was tied for the lead with Tom Weis kopf with o~ hole left to play Friday before a record crowd of 22,376 on a sun-drenched day. Bµt be had a double-bogey on the finaJ bole Che started on the back nine) to fall into second-place tie with Mauney and three others. Mauney, who fired a course-record 63 on opening day Thursday, fell 10 shots below that figure with a 73 Friday. He is tied with Tom Watson, Mike Morley, Wayne Levi and Miller at this point. Weiskopf, the former Ohio State star, fired a second straight 67 to take the halfway lead at 134 . He played early in the day when the course was in near-perfect condition with few footprints on the greens. "I PLA"VED WELL today and I enjoy a round like that," he said. "We got a lot more roll on the baU today and the course wasn't as difficult. "A course like this <Riviera) bas everything. When they bring the PGA championship here next year, I hope they allow the players to play freely. It· wouldn't be right if they tightened it up and everybody had to use a three-wood and irons off the tees. ·'This is one o( tbe finest courses we play and it ranks with Hilton Head, Colonial, Muirfield and Pebble Beach as one or the best. But it will be tougher for the PGA tournament because the event will be held in the summer when the grass is growing in its prime." Weiskopf said he used every club in his bag during the first round and all but the three iron Friday. Then, when be went to his scorecard to review bis round, he added: "I used a driver and three-iron on the first bole. I guess I did use them all again today. I had forgotten that shot." Laguna Niguel's Mark O'Meara moved into a contending position, rtve strokes off the pace, with a 68 to give him a 139 total for two rounds. He is tied with three others for 12th place. O'MEARA STARTED on the back nine with a bogey on the 10th hole, then settled down with a string of five 3s that included three birdies. But bis finishing nine was also erratic. He had four birdies and two bogeys to give him seven birdies and four bogeys for the round. Miller pushed his tee shot, then had his second shot hit a tree and it took four shots to reach to the green with two putts, on his finishing hole. •·1 desecrated the round today. It was a fiv e -s tar performance . I thre w a lot of opportunities away to take the lead. "I was all pumped up to drive the green on that last hole CNo. 9 ). I don't think I've every done that to a round when things were going so s moothly," Miller added. "I feel like that last hole was a nuke. "This round today had so much potential. I completely dominated the course today -until that last hole. "Right now I'm playing as aggressively as l have every played. I'm driving the ball solid and longer and I feel I am in good shape in this tournament." Like the others before him, Miiler praised the course. "It's a super course and it's faster. There is no mud on the ball and if the weather holds up, I think somebody can break my tournament record." Miller set the record in winning last year at 270. This time the Lakers do the slicing By curr SBBDEN 0( .. ...., ....... INGLEWOOD -All seuoo Jone the Golden Stat• Warriors-have made rbablt out of sllelnl sound Later lldvantaces - leads al • many u 19 pojnts -down to tbe Mre mlalmum. Twice, such rallies have carried the Wanian to vlelOriea -bath la Oakland. TIM otber time, wlMn tbe two teaim met on 0.. 11, u.e Warriors, down by tbe earlMr .-loMd 11 po&ata, trimmed tbe Laker .tnDta•• to jut one .n. a:• ,......._ • tbe fame. JD tUt oae, UM Labn DMded • tbl"M·pomt,.., .., ..... c , ........... u..*torJ. No.tuell lndiftdual a..ro6e1 ._..needed '"4aJ.,.... at tbe Forum. The La.ken successfully he ld off any Warrior comeback attempts, and you can credit everyone from Jamaal Wilkes who scored -t'1 points-in the first half and flnbhed the night with 24, to Bob -.cAdoo who came off the bench to score a seuon·hlch 22 polnu. "I'm very excited to be abead by 20 and not really surrender a lot ol our effort,'' noled Coach Pat Riley after tbe La.ken breesed to their 128-108 victory over tbe Warriors before a sellout erewdol 17,505. "We have to continuously worll at It. We play well and feel to pod, but team'• Just keep tomlnC back al ...... IWe, CODtLDUld. The Laker coach aald the Wanlora are particularly Ml9Pt at dlllOIW., beaJtM Laker advanta,.. "I thought we outplayed them <Golden State) in the three previous cames. We were ahead by 19, 11 and 10 wlth three-minuttt-left. (Warrior Coaeb) Al Attles• personallty Is right there with the way in which they keep baWing back," Riley added. · Magic, who led everybody on U-. court wlth 26 polnts, sparked the Lakers to an early 11-3 JPUl't. He flnl1Md thf first 12 minutes with 1a polnt.t. Tbe lecond quarter beloqed to Wilkes, wbo scond nine point.a and t.be MCODd half w .. owned by M.eAdoO who bit on 7 of bla flna) 10 •hots. .. No, I'm not coD1lderln1 atartl•• McAdoo.'' Riley l"Mpoeded to ta.. most <See LMtEU, Pafe M>. Estancia, CdM enj oy succe•iful opening nights . in CIF. Page B3. I Sutton does Shakespeare 'Much ado about nothing' By CURT SEEDEN of-Dlllty~S'9ff It started out as a friendly little chat with KMPC radio's Robert W. Morgan Wednesday morning. It has led to an investigation by the baseball commissioner's office. "Shakespeare would have loved it -much ado about nothing,·· said Houston Astros pitcher Don Sutton Friday afternoon. Sutton. you see, is. a resident of Laguna Hills. Therein lies the problem that developed over coffee with friends Wednesday morning. Speaking on Morgan's radio s how, Sutton noted that he would like to finish his career on the West Coast. The reason? Sutton and his wife Patricia are thrilled with the NelUe Gail Ranch home they purchased in September. They also like the education their children are receiving at Capistrano Valley Christian school in San Juan Capistrano. HOT WATER That·s wht=rc: former Dodger pit"'hE'r Don Sutton found hin1self after comments Thu:-sc!:1:;. power that they ueed. Tht:y seem to be in a lot of low-scoring games. ··But Houston has intimated that they want to go to spring training as is. Don was strictly - talking on his own," Patterson "I just can't understand why the commissioner would fine someone for wanting to spend three extra months with his children ," Sutton lamented Friday, prior to helping the Saddleback Valley YMCA kick orr its fund-raising campaign at a luncheon. added. . _ __ ;:__ Sutt.on, meanwhile, was also quick to point out he has absolutely no qualms about playing for the Astros. The problem that developed Wednes day surfaced when Sutton joked around with Morgan and Steve Sommers on the KMPC morning talk show. ·'T here were jus t some flippant remarks," explained Sutton. "Yes , Sommers probably led me because it's (KM PC> tied to the Angels. l just said I wasn't lnterested in the Giants, A's or Padres," Sutt.on recounted. "I thought we were just having a good time." However, after making the co mm e nt s. Sutton has reportedly become the target or an inve s tigation by com missioner Bowie Kuhn. The reason -alleged tampering. At the lime, Sutton's remarks may indeed have been regarded as flippant. But the Angels are reportedly intereste d in obtaining an Astro pitcher. "We have had conversations with the Astros about their pitchers, but not specifically about Sutton," admitted Red Patterson , Angels assistant to the chairman or the board, Friday. "We feel we could supply them <Houston> wi~b the ''When we were first negotiating with the Angels (in 1980), we looked around here (Laguna Hills). I told Patti this was going to be our home some day. I wanted to finish up my career at a stadium that I could drive to. "At Houston, I'm playing with 25 of the greatest guys I've ever known. There are absolutely no negatives about playing there. I would be so comfortable if they could move the <Houston As tro)Dome to San Juan Capistrano." Sutton added. The former Dodger pitcher. who signed a $3.6 million contract to play with the Ast.ros last season, said he just couldn't believe "all the flak" that came out of the radio show. "Anybody that knew me from when J was with the Dodgers knows J .Qon 't s ugar-coat anything. I iiless now It seems that ~~e best alternative. At what point are you supposed to stop being a human being?" Sutton asked. Mesa turns it over, Dons accept, 50-47 By ROGER CARLSON Of, .. Delly ~ Staff COMPTON -Costa Mesa High basketball coach Tim Parsel's dream of a second round CIF 3-A playoff berth turned into a nightmare in the final seconds o( overtime Friday night -haunted again by the one thing that has plagued his Mustangs since season's start - ball handling. It was a 50-47 overtime victory for Dominguez Hl,gh's Dons, but under the surface of the final score are 41 good reasons why Costa Mesa has been eliminated. Turnovers (23) and 18 missed shots out of 22 attempts• by all hands (except Ken Bardsley) were the te!ling factors, capped by Bardsley's loss of the ball with s econds left as t he Mustangs invaded Dominguez H igh territory for what appeared to be Bardsley's last shot. Dominguez took a 48-47 lead after Terry Carr connected with 15 seconds left and the Mustangs called time out lo set up a final effort for (who else?) Bardsley. The slick, 6-4 All·Sea View Lea1ue star had siuled since the outset, hitting 13 or 19 (88.4 percent) and all three of bis free throws for a game bllb 2t points. Nothing seemed to atop Bardsley as the Dons pllt four different players on bim, and DpminpeJ switched from man to zone, trytng to keep Bardsley away. But u Bardsley came down court, wt th no defenalve pre11u....,. on him, the ball lot awa1 on the dribble -the RnaJ ol Mesa '1 23 tu.rooven -and k wuover. The DcJM c:rotsed up ...... , defense with a lon1 pe11 and an easy layup for the final bucket and a three-paint margin. "We made a lot or mistakes," said Parse!. "We bad good shots, but it was a bad night for everyone else to go cold. "Most of our turnovers were pretty much our own and we missed some timely free lhrows. But our kids don't have anythin1 to hang their heads about, l was proud of our comeback." The comeback was after Mesa lost a 27-23 halftime lead and fell behind by a 36·29 count in the third quarter as the Dons went insi'de for the firs t time successfully. It took Costa Mesa 3:40 to just get a shot off while the hosts were hitting 3 of 9, then sWlk another to take a 31-27 lead. , Mesa trailed, 42·35, with 3:44 left in regulation before Bardsley got the Mustangs back in the game with three straicht perimeter shots, the last one with 59 ticks left to narrow the margin to 43-41. The Mustangs rot the ball wilb 50 secoods left and crossed up the Dons when Dave Palmblade passed to John Rlabebarcer inside for an easy bucket with 38 seconds to tie lt, then Palmblade'a 81).foot overhand shot at the bu11er fell short by inches, bitlinC the nettJns. Bardsley sent Mesa in front, 47·48, wltb two buckets in overtime and Palrnblade'a steal with 45 aecondl left ml1ht have betn the play ol the ntcbt. but two mlaed tree tbtowa wttb • seconds left burt M•• bedly. Domiqua cot UM NII Met and CUT, the All.CIP' pard ....... ffniabed wllb 11 polata, 1ot tnalde for the to-abNd ,...... Still, lt Wat 11 ... •1 .... til win -only to loee. , . , . J ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 20, 1982 Ashford be&tsi mark in San Diego meet SAN DIEGO -Evelyn Albford From AP cll9pateltel m abattered the world indoor best time in the women'• 80-yard dub with a clocking of 8.48 seconds in the San Die10 Invitational ~rack meet Friday nlaht. The mark was marred by a controversy as three of the runners -ball the fleld -thought it was a false start and quit nmninl early. Ashford's time shaved .12 second orr Jeanette Bolden'a recently establlahed mark ot 6.80. Dtaoe Williama was second, well behind at 1.78, .and Japan's Eml Ak1moto was third. but with no time recorded. MMt olficlala al first announced that the race would be rerun, but later declared the results official. Apparently Bolden bad her starting block slip at the gun and she, alon1 with Alice Brown and Yvette Bullard, pulled up after less than 20 yyds. Ashford the two·time World Cup champion in both the ioo and 200·meter sprints, jumped to a commanding lead early and steadily pulled away. She had won the eo in the meet in 1981, but her lime then was 6.68. ' Quote of the day ' · ' Tiger Lyou, on the Pac·Man craze this winter: "It's becoming Chicago's favorite. pastime. Buy a ticket to HonoluJu and Pac,'. Man." Gretzky breaks own point mark Wayne Gre&lky scored three ~ goals and added two assists Friday , night, smashinf his own National 'Hockey League single-season point record and leaving him one short of the goaJ-scorillg mark as Edmonton defeated Hartford, 7 .... Gretzky's second straight five.point game eave him 166 tor the season, two more than the record he eslablished last season . . . Da.e Cllrt.stJu's goat with 1:06 left to play gave Winnipeg a 4-4 Ue with Quebec . . . The Los An1eles Kings announced that defesneman Tre..-Joflauea bas been claimed on waivers by Toronto. 1"x6"x6' CEDAR Reg. FENCING 1.19 DOCli IAllD TOP SOUte 6IADI .. 1 ·:x6"x6' ;REDWOOD . I ~!i llAU1WUL STOCI Reg. 1.69 : l"x~'x6' I REDWOOD FENCING Reg. .98 co. •• Me D06 IAllD 2''x4"x8' REDWOOD Reg. 2.49 3''-''x8 ;REDWOOD Reg. .POSTS 4.99 · PllPf STOCI •llAT 9UALITY 6' .REDWOOD R~. 16. 9 LATH Bun<M ~- Reg. 5.99 n.;-.:=:~::·:·:=;:~ -Vikings fall short and Maartee C...ll1 added lt as ~ • b k t Phllade:lpbla rolled paat the Utah ~ .. n come ac ry Ja11, 132·117 l"rid•r nlcht for the 76en' •lchth ., l\ralcht Nation• Baaltetball Auoclatlon victory . . . •••••• Jolualoe came orr the bench to score a career·htgh 27 points and pull down slx reboun.dl to lift KansaJ City to a 113·97 triumph over San Dleao 1 • • MOM9 Malo•e scored 34 J)()lnta le1adla1 HOUl1on to a lOl.18 win over New Jersey . • . Lela 1'1'nlcll" ......_ scored 21 polnt.s and Oeaall JaM8• bit ID or hls 28 ln the first haJf to lead Pboen.lx to an easy 104·90 victory in New York ... Gearae Gent. followed up a 49·polnt effort in bJI lut 1ame with 38 points as San Anton.lo held off a Denver rally to defeat the Nuaget.s. US-121 . . . Larry Bird hit the key basket.a ln the cl<ieln1 minutes as Boet.on he ld on to a fourth.quarter lead to beat Portland, 127·117. Four Celtics scored more than 20 point.a. . .Sid.My Mcmerlef scored 26 points, all in the first three periods, to pace M lluakee to a 106-88 rout of ClevelaDjl. UCLA escapes with overtime win orrseltln1 a 36·point m performance by California center Mark McNamara, the UCLA Bruins posted a 70-65 overtime victory over the Go~den Bears Friday ni&.bl at Pauley Pavillon an a Pacific·lO basketball game. The Bears had rallied from a 12·polnt deficit to tie the game, and had a chance to win it in regulation, J>ut guard Mike Chavez missed an out.side jumper at the buzzer. Mike Sanden had 16 to iead UCLA . . . USC kept its hopes for secono place in the Pac·lO alive with a 74.59 win over Stanford, which only had eight players travel, due to illness Postlewait leads LPGA tourney Kathy Postlewait shot n • I ·under-par 71 Friday for a 36-hole total of 7-under·par 137 and a one~shol lead over two players in ~ LPGA Bent Tree Classic in Sarasota, Fla. Barbara Moxness and defending champion Amy Alcott were second at 138 . . . DarreU Waltrip, last year's Winston Cup Grand National point champion , won the pole position for Sunday's Ri c hmo nd 400 r ace at Fairgrounds Raceway . . . The St. Louis Cardinals basebaU team completed a six·player deal with S~n Diego, acquiring left.hander Al Olmsted m exc ha nge for righl·handed reliever Lois DeLeoa ... Australian Bob Shearer tightened his grip on first place while Tauneyuki Nakajima or Japan tied the course record Friday in the second round of the Australian Masters golf tournament. Shearer, shooting his second straig ht 3-under-par 70, took a thre~·slroke lead over American Mike Colandro and six others, all at 143, By HOWAaD L. HANDV Of--~~ ..... BEVERLY HILJ.3-Martna•s Vlkln11 inade a vaJlant comeback after apotUna lhe boat Beverly Hills Normans an 18-8 advanta1e ln th• tint period but fell two polnt.s short in a !f04 first rowld CIF 4·A baaketball playoff loss Friday nllhl here. Even at that. the Vlkln11 could easily have tied the count or gone ahead in the cloein1 seconds. The Marina attack was to 1et the ball inside to Rick Smith and with elaht seconds remaining, he found hJs way into the lane and a pass attempt was made. But Smith found four Normans surroWlding him and went down as Beverly Hills recovered the ball. "We don't get a foul caJled at that point and that'• the ball game." Marina Coach Steve Popovich said. ··we also missed a ll those four fouls . But we put ourselves quarter and Smith had to sit out most of the second period with UCLA tops Irvine, 4-2 Freshman left fielder Shane Mack hit a two-out, bases-loaded double to score three runs in the top or the -Sixth inning, and added a run scoring triple in the ninth, to lead the UCLA Bruins to a 4·2 decision over host UC Irvi ne in no n ·conference collegiate baseball action Friday afternoon. Mack's bases clearing double came off UCI left-hander Dave Woodhead, marring what was otherwise a strong performance by the senior. Woodhead, 0·3, allowed only five hits and four walks, while striking out four in eight-plus innings or work. UCJ (5-4·1) took an early 1-0 in the third when Mike lnglehart doubled, went to third on a fly ball by Dave Glick aod scored on Trov Ybarra's two-out singJe. in trouble early In the 1ame and tbey play much bt11er thaaj.hey really are. I sUll .felt we abOu.Jd have won lhe 1ame, thou1h." The ViklDp arrived eart.y I« some •hootina practJce In tbe unique 1ym where tbe basketball floor covera tbe 1wlmmin1 pool and makes It humid inside. While they were on the fJoor, the scoreboard read. 7·0. in favor of the Normans. That •s exactly the score before the Vlktnes made thelr first basket and the margin widened as Bobby Kay put on a brilliant individual scoring display with 12 points in that stanza. Whlle the die bad been cast, the Vikings didn't &lve up aod came roaring back in the second period to pull within one at UH8 and again at 21-20 before the Normans moved ahead again by 10 points at intermission. Marina moved back to within . one point again ln lbe lhlrd period b e fore Robbie Countryman bit a 20-foot jumper at the buzzer to make it three. The fourth period was clos e all the way with the Vikings actually taking the lead for the only time during the game at 46-45 with 3:56 left to play. But Kay came through with a follo wup s hot and Countryman hit on a baseline jumper from eight feel to make it 49-ts. When Marina's Scott FiJipek bit on an inside shot with 1 :40 left, it was 4948 in favor or the Normans. Then it became a game of give-away as the Vikings forced a shot and Beverly HUis was called for traveling. Then the Vikes tried to get the baU to Smith fdr the final shot onJy to have him end up on the floor and Beverly Hills taking possession. An intentional foul with three seconds remaining found the Normans' Kay bitting the first, then darting to the corner to retrieve a loose ball after missing the second and the game was over. Rusden end dey. &pell against OCC Golden Weal Coll•I•'• Rustlers hadn 't beaten an Oran1e Coast Collete bueball team In four years, covena, a span of slx aamea, but tbey made It count at lbe ri&llt time Friday, movin1 into tbe Cuey Stenlel Tournament flnall on the beeb ot a 3-2 victory over tbe host Pirates. Golden West meell Cerritol today at 2:30 for the tourney title on the latter's dlamond, while Orange Coast Colle1e muat settle for a shot at third place against Citrus on the Pirates' field. Saddleback. which ripped Pierce, &-0, goes for fifth pll1ce in a 10 :30 game at Cerritos against Hancock. Golden West got ill victory by virtue or a three-run 1lxtb Inning, as Bob Grandstaff opened with a sinele and wu sale at second when a lrounder to short was muffed into an error, giving the Rustlers two runners. Chris Schultz singled up the middle for an RBI, then Chuck Spiegel scored on a sinele to right by Curtis Gervais. Jobn Altobelli then came up with the game-winner, driving a sin1le to center to score Schultz. V anguard.s reach NAIA playoffs Southern Cal College's basketball team qualfied for the NAIA District 3 playoffa Friday night with a convi.nclne 99-71 decision over visiting UC San Diego. The Vanguards, now tied for second in the Southern Division with a " record (the top eight teams quaWy for the playoffs), h ad five players score in double figures led by senior Rick Porras' 22 points. Junior Mike Roberts was next with 19 point.a. The Vanguards broke open a close affair early in the second half, stretching a 43·37 halftime lead into a 20-point advantage with 15 minutes l,n to play SALE 99c n YQrk·tQwn. SALE s11s SALE 79c SALE s1s1 ,SALE s34s SALE sg~ SALE s3ss , Mediterranean-Styled Condominiums on the Bluff INTEREST ISAVAIWLE (13.SO/o A.P.R.) Details at the Sales Center I • RXED RATE FOR THE 1st 5 YEARS A view ... A practically maintenance-free lifestyle, and Huntington Beach, too! Welcome to an uncommon resldentlal opportu· nity, and a luxurious new, practically malntenance- free lifestyle. It's all available NOW, and In your choice of 8 architecturally designed 1 & 2 story Ooor plan arrangements ranging In size from ap· proximately 1524 to 2142 sq~are feet. Outatandlng appointments for vaur elegant, new 11/utvle In· elude: Carpeting • Wood-burning fireplaces • Microwave, plus a continuous-cleaning oven • Cathedral ceilings • Ceramic tile counter tops • Distinctive hard-surface entry foyers • Private patio, deck or view balcony • Double. attached 2- car garage • Red tile roofs • Pressed steel bath tubs •Onyx pullman tops with oval basins. Community amenities Include: A completely furnished recreation buildin~ with lounge assembly room and men's and womens shower, pool, hot water swirl- pool spa. 2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 It 3 bath• from $139,950 to $179,950 mep not to ace .. (714) 963-0NJ (714) 963-7tltJ Orange Coat DAILY PfLOT/Saturday, February 20, 1982 •• CdM cOach still sees ro·o·m for imerovement Despite 22-point openjng-round victory by Sea. IUngs, Errion not totally impresse~ 4 DOUBLE FIOURES -Hank Goebel <left > and Chris Lynch scored 11 and 16 points respectively. in Corona del Mar's 68·46 win Friday. By &latAltD DUNN °' ................ Aa far as Corona del Mar Hilh Coach Jack Errlon ls concerned, the Sea K.lnp 1UJ1 have to Improve, but lt sure didn't seem that way Friday nllht. The Sea Kines won handily at Sanuaco Hi1h lb the flnst round of the CIF 3-A playoffs, 68-46, in their quest to defend their UUe won a year ago. "It's late in the year to say we have to improve, but there are thlnp we have to improve on a Utt.le bit," sald Errion. "I'm not 1etting greedy,. but if we're going all the way, we have to Improve.'' CdM led throughout the contest, busting open a 14-8 lead at the end or the first period. By ~alftime, the Sea Kings were up by 10. Estancia wakes up in • tim-e After shoddy first half, Eagles make quick recovery By ROBB MUNSON OftMDelly .......... It wasn't the e as iest win this year for Estancia, bu( in the CI F playoffs you'U take them •any way you can. The Eagles turned around from a poor first half Friday night and thumped visiting Cantwell , 58·45, in the first round or the 3-A basketball playoffs. After scoring only 11 firs t half points, Estarttia regained its us ual form by outscoring Cantwell 47-25 in the second half a nd giving Coach Larry Sunderman his lOOth win in five years at Estancia. ''It's a helluva better than 99 and turning our gear in on Monday," said Sinderman. "We decided to play basketball 100 percent of the time in the second half.'' J eff Gardner picked up the slack for the Eagles by making 14 or 15 second-half tree throws. Steve Kraiss added 10 points and three stea ls as well. Cantwe ll lite rally threw the game away in the second half by committing 15 turnovers, as Estancia defenders zeroed in on errant Cantwell passes. "We weren't r e ady to play in the first quarter." said Sunderman. "We had a lack of con centration. We knew we had to play 16 minutes of good basketball or the season would be over ." With the halftime score 20-11 in favor of Cantwell. the Eagles scored 10 straight points, four by Chris Maydole. After an exchange of baskets Estancia look the lead for good as Gardner made a pair of free throws. College, high school basketball Coflege .... LC>n9 llMch S!Me IJ, Utah St !A UCLA 70, C~lfoml• lS (Oil USC 74, St-d S• SoC•I Col~"· UC S.n Ole9o II AlllW-PKlfk n. Pofnt lorn. S) B•lenfleld SI. tO. UC Rl...,i!Oe .. UC O•vl• 76. Clll<o SI. SI C.I Slate Ncw111rldQe ... c._...n '2 S.n Francltco St 61, Stanl•l•u• SI Sf (el) W••trnont fl6, LA Baptllt 71 ~SL 7•. Humboldt St 6S Al••••·Anc llor•o• •4, E WHlll11910nS7 W. W~lftolon SS, s .. 111. 41 Peclfk Lutheran 19, l ewis ., Clar• S4 IS llKllle• Ul•h 61, Brlof\em Youno •• Air FOt'Ce 60, ColOreOO SI. S1 .... Colum"'-j(,, O..vr-111 45 H•rve111 S2, C-11 St Penn I I, Yele'2 Prine-. 71, II,_ 5' F•lrlelof\ Ole-In-"· T-ton St. Community coUege ~caic....._. LOI AnoelH City 14, Goldtn Wm n ,, S.nte -· fJ. LA Souttl..st '1 CTP<•M 37, LA Herticw ll E .. t LAU, RtCI H-SI ............. c-.-. P• .. -12. LA V•il•Y 1' l A Pl .... c• ... LA Mlulon 1• Lono S..Cll City SI, El C•mlno 4f Hlah school c 11F'PL.AYOl'l'S IPlntR-1 4-A Ed'1on M, Mire COiia 60 loyoi. S1. H-SS S.rvlte 41. PelOl V•rdH 40 Vert>um Del 74, K•t••i. M Cemerllto 11, Sent• Monk• 6J 1no••-11.a.-.. St. John 8-o 60, Alheml>r• !A ~eler Del SZ, Mlllllan SO Rolllno Hiii• ... K--.ty u lknrly Hiiis SO. Merine '8 Serre 71, P-SI l •••-74. Bis,_ Montoy so St. Antflony 7J, Venture SI LB Poly 6S, Simi V•ltey SI E•peranu 61, Oc•.., Vie• St COii Cruol 7J, Cr.sunla V•lley 41 J.A St 8-d st, Lcti Amigo> 2' MOreno Velley 10, 11.ot.ndS '3 l>oml-• !iO, c ..... -.. 47 latl W•sl c .... in.n. •~n CdM ... Santi~* C:•nyonti, HH Wll'°"U Pomona !A, Rubidou• 40 Riv Poly .. , Font•M SI Hoov.,.. 77, W•rren so Cler•rnGf'IC SI, NOf'ttl, Riv SS F-tilll 43, Le Quint• 41 Estet><le SI, Centwell 4S Lynw...-.... 8-oTecll•O lo• AMOS 107, SA Velley 1S Pelm *\nos St, All• lome SI Sen GorQonlo 102, None \llU• t9 1·A LA SerN n , Yuc.tlpe SO Keppel '3, Ceftll'el 4S L• Mir-St, Fullenon St N~le1 SI, S.v..,,,. SJ RIQIMlll ... 8etlfl-oo Son0<• 11, 0.... Hiiis '3 S.n Bemerdlno 11, GMey '1 BurrOUllhl "· Nortl\ylew U ArroyoGr.-u. Brff-Ollnde ff Monttl•lr IO. Pelo Verde S 1 Arroyo 72. Arl•si. n Cepl>tr-Vettey 11, -bello '3 LA Hewe M. Anei.lm •7 Sen Lul1 Obltpo n . Antelope •lley » Indio 7S, _.,.,,... 7J G..-n, Vklot V•lloy 4t ••• S...la CWll 70, lllsllOP Ole90 4'I Peoo 11-..n. T~ u Pe rris S1. s... Ol~ SS Cllemt,_ 46. LA Luther on n Mooroerk S7, C•i.11.,, .. S2 Ou•r1e '3. Mlrele>te j(, V•llO Cllr 9), Aqul.,.s SI BennlftO .... T,..... SO St JOMollh fl, Lev1tnoer 42 Soulll Pe~ SJ, Bis,_ 4'I Rio Mnefl. Oewn 44 Cerplnterle ... SI Monie• SI Tw•ntynlne Pelms 61, B•ll·Jeff S4 Le C-61. Roye I Oak Sf Avl•tlon ff, Notre Oeme (Riv I 44 Nelle• vs Wlllttler Chr ltonto1111 S-llK ..... 1 Clled•icl '2, MO...,. 60 ShenOOllH. Temc>le Ct>r.68 Llberly Ov. M, N-tw~ U SMrman Ind. 103, Oewr1Sun4l Crour-St, Ceo Vel. Ct>r. 4t. Co.st Union 10. Flln\rld99 Prep. 60 Lui,_,.., 10<'.I ''· Pltorlm 41 Ce mp -11 •s. C•I Prep 70 MelOdyt.lnd 10. Llllfleld Ct>r. 4J llrent-0,0-1Ve lley3' Rio Hondo Pr-.>11. lnlend Ct>r. Jt llOYI R.....otk Jt, W-ldoe l6 MonlCl•lr Pr.ti '3. 8'9 Pine so Sllv•r Velley j(,, H-1• CIW. U Provldenc.e fl. HOiy Me<tyr1 S4 Av•-... lwlnsPl,..47 c-f.W'tSu.EH Goldefl We9t 12. H-k 17 Baske_tball, golf top TV menu By HOWARD L. HANDY Of -OMIY P!Me Siii" Following a re the top sports events on TV today. Ratings are: ' ' ' ., excellent; • ~ • worth watching; ' ' fair;' forget It. ~ 10 a.m., Channel 4 I I I COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Missouri at Georgetown. Announcers: Dick Enberg and Al McGuire. Missouri's Tigers a re ranked No. 4 this week and Georgetown's Hoyas No. 13. Missour i has made the best start in the school 's history and has used balanced scoring and defense. , ~ Noon,Channel2 .(.(I COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Notre Dame at South Carolina. Announcers: Gary Bender and Billy Packer. Two coaches who are well acquainted with each other meet in this game. Digger Phelps of Notre Dame is in his 11th year at the helm of the Fighting Irish while Bill Foster is in his second campaign at South Carolina. ~ Noon,Channel4 I I I COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Stanford at UCLA. Flex-a-Bed is the only comfortable place to read a scary story. What happens when one o( you c.an't put the book down and the other wants to sleep? The electrically adju1tablc Flex-a-Bed in twin sizes is the perfect answer. All other sizes, too. Try it at your dealer today. Bring a good book and put it to the real test. OPEl:..N- 8'JNDAY8 1Nl .. l:OO Announcers: Barry Thompkins and Lynn Shackleford. ...... The .. rejuvenated Bruins don't appear to have much of a problem w~n they host the Cardinals today. Stanford is 2-11 in confere nce play while the Bruins are ~-3 even though they are not eligible for post-season plav. ~ 2 p.m .. Channel 2 I I .( / GOLF: Los Angeles Open. Announcers: Vin Scully, Pat Summerall, Ben Wright, Frank Glieber and Ken Venturi. Tom Weiskopf shot a second straight 67 Friday afternoon to take the lead with four others tied for second at the halfway point. OTHER TELEVISION 11 a.m. (5) TENNIS Noon (28) TENNIS 2:30 p.m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLQEN GLOVES 3:30 p.m. (7) -PRO BOWLING 5 p.m. (7) WI DE WOR LD OF SPORTS RADIO Basketball -Stanford at UCLA. Noon, KMPC (710); Utah State a t UC Irvine, 7:30 p.m., KWVE (108 FM); Cal State Fullerton at Fresno State, 7:30 p.m., KWRM (1370); Pacific at Long Beach State, 7:35 p.m .. KLON (88 FM); California at USC, 8 p.m ., KDAY (1580). Hockey -Calgary at Kings, 6: SO p.m .. KPRZ Cl 150). 1 What was the las1 year UCLA won the • NCAA basketball championship? A Where can Sports Fans. !Ae A. Enjoy $100 Well Drinks & Beer from 4--7 p m ? B. With Free Hors d'oeuvres? C. Anc Continuous Wide-Screen Satellite Sports? D. With Great Food.and Lunch Speciafs? dOONnow tU. .. Odl iHJ. ·a dOONnow IJ.WCMI aHJ. ·o dnONOOY 8J.MOd8 31HJ. ·a ... dnoHnow sutOdl iH.&. ·v V 9L8~ ·~ SHIMMY The Sea Kln11 out.cored the Cavallert in every quarter, and took a command1n1 83-40 lead with 2: 15 left ln the 1ame. Junior iuard Mike Heu led the way ror the defendin1 CIF 3·A champlona, by pourin1 ln 11 points. Chris Lynch followed with 16 points, Hank Goebel added 11 and Dave VanSteenhuyse came off the bench to score 13. Santla10 simply bad trouble flndln1 the basket. Il shot a hlpleaa 36 percent from the noor, and only 57 percent from the free throw line. The Cavaliers were ln foul trouble the entire game, committing a team total or 25. CdM lolilled In 18 of lts 30 fourth quarter potnts on free throws. The Sea Kings sank 24 of 33 tries from the line, for 73 percent. "It was juat a 1ooct team effort tonight," said Errion. "We played extremely good defense." Extremely good defense is exactly what the Sea Kings had. They held Sant1a10 to only eight points in both the first and third quarters, and to lO points in the second. The only bright spot for the Cavaliers was Charles Lewis, who scored 18. Lewis was tbe Garden Grove League Player of the Year, who was averaging 23 points a game. "If I hadn't seen Le wis play before, he would have had 30 points." said Errion. "We didn't s hoot well as a team (41 percent). but we worked the ball In and got good shots when we fled lo," Errion added . • ,J._.. THE EARL'S l'l.~·HeAflNO ....... -......... S1 lff 1ttM'" ~ .. , • ...-~ ,.,,.,,.. .. ,,,, ... """' o. .... • tC .. t! S•rw,. ....,.,HI""""" Ar#~U COST_A•SA641•1289 '"''"--MISSION vruo495--0401 1.n~~ .... II•• Oio9t '""" et A•"'l h"Y I MOVIE AND VIDEO RECORDER $1 QOOPER DAY Refunellblt aec:uuty depe>IJI will be 19qUlfeel The Video Station Newport/Irvine 2201 Menln 1103, tmn. ln the Hora Hut Ptau, ne•t to Aegl1try Holet, __ .,_,...,. . ., ..... ...._ 0-1111 ........ _ .. ,_ ._ IJte•- 955-1070 Oscar Fever . . zs coming D D The Sea Kln11 will now hott Canyon Kiib at a neutraJ slte Tuesday nJ1bt 1n t.be second round of the ph1yoff1. Canyon ls the Century Leat'ue champion, and took an 82-63 decision over HH Wilson. "We're going to have to 1et some kind of extra errort on Tuesday." Errlon said. "We'll be compeUtive, and 1 would think that tMy will be better than Santiago. Th~t't not t1ldn1 anythJn1 away from them , they are a aood team." The Sea Kings, ranked fourth in the CIF 3·A poll, lapproved their record to lM. Rustlers fall to LACC Los Angeles CC hit eight straJght free throws down the stretch to hand host Golden West a 74·72 set back in the r egular·season Southern Cal Conference finale for both schools. GWC, with its 19·10 record overall and 6·8 third place finish. advances to Wednesday's first round of the Shaugnessy tournament against East LA. The Rustlers will host the game In their gym. In Friday night's encounter, the Rustlers didn't have enough shooters to overcome the efforts of LACC's Bill Sturgeon (22 points) and Mario Gaines (20) • Darin B<!wen, who fouled o ut Jate in the game, led GWC with 18 points. Guard Truiett Hatton added 16. tt ~ REBATE MONTH Side Dishes: Served by our Super Dish Antenna, direct from ......... : Frtday 2/19 Live Top-Rank Boxing . Saturd.-y 2/20 footbell Follies Sundlly 2121 • Australian Rules Footb911; Crazlneea from Down Under ... Oon 't """ ltl ::nu-, 2125 Lak«a YI s.ttte 7:30p.m, ON ALL 13'; 19• AND 25• COLOR TV SE1S WITH ELECTRONIC TUNING AND SELECTED AUDIO PRODUCIS. Model 5054 Model 5054 ..... Price ., 07t.tl Special Price s 8 6 9. 9 5 PLUS 560 REBA TE With Remote Control CHECK OUR lOW SALE PRICES Then get an addltlonal rebate from Magnavox ... ...... , •• --------~ Orange Cout DAILY ptLOT/Saturday, Fet>fuwy 20, 1912 .. aA .......... COM"•HMC• WMrs '""" Oolclt11S..• ~ .. "41 """"'" S4tfl o .... "•lfklMvlla. W L • 11 H 1e " u 11 n 2t » .. ,. ,,._DI,, .... Pct. .. .. ,,_ M01 .549 , .s.t 1 .Sff 1 .... 22 5-An ...... ....... ,~ ,. 11 .661 -,. n .Sit 5"' °"' .... ' Ut.all K•llMtClty 0.llH 2tM .Ul6Vt .. ,. .>46 14\lt II "5 .M 17 11 ,. .m 11 IAST••N COMf'••INCI A-*Dl••IM Pflll••... • •• 8olton 31 t• N•w Jerwy 26 27 WHlllftllon 2S 2' NewY-U JI C-•IDl•klM Mllwavt. .. Atlan .. Detroit lndleM Cllk~ Cle vet and " ,. n a UJO n JO 1' J3 II •I l"'"*Y't ker• L.all-126, ~Ste• 106 Houston 1CIJ, N-J-y '6 Phoenix ICM, N-Yor11 '° Plllledtlpflla 132, Utall 117 KenwsCltt 1u.~ Dlegot7 Mllw-106, C ...... encl • Sen AlllDfllo 12', ~ 121 Sot;-12'1, ,.,,,,,_ 117 T.....,..·,o- u1a11at.....,Jenrt DalluatC- lndl-at °'"roll Safi Dleoo M $en AMOl!lo w .. 111...,.. at Golden sw• . 7'1 - .125 Vt .... 1 12\lt MO 12\lt _.,." .7'1 - • .WO u -~ ISVt ~!Slit .J6j " .212 11 L•Un 121,-Werrtor• 106 •OLDI M ITATI -5llot1 11, Snlltll 0, Carroll 20, ,.,.. II, o.te 0, II-t, Klftll ... Ha-.. Pe..-.r 11, ........ O, w111i-It. Meo-II I. Toe.It: _. 11-21106. LOS MeOILaS -II-• 2, Wiit.i'S M. Abd11l·J-r 11, JollMOft 16, Hlaon 10, C-It,~ tt, •-2. Jew-. 7, LelWIJber-.. r Z, McGee 4, M<K•~ O. Tolelt: 511 . ._,. 126. . k _.,,o.an.n Get•11 5'19 to JJ H 211-IOI Los A....... '1 JO SI M -12' Tll._.....,,.eoelt-HHMtt. FouledO'lt- -· Tot.al to;its -(;olden Ste• 31, LM An .. les 2'. Tecllnl<ih -lAkeo Coe<h lllley A -11,JOS. COLLEGE SoCal Coll9ge n , UCSD 71 UC SAit 04100 -WteM 1 .. ~ t . Deb.lllnYll 10, ~rou 11, F1•'9 I, a..c11 •. McCllllOllefl 7. 81"119"'M • TOlets· U 1 .. 15 II. SOUTMl•N CAL COLLIOI. -Aoller11 It, Pt11lmer 13, Monlnton •, Corll 6, Aocr. 1', Porres 22. ~n IS, R09tr\ •. ToUI<: ~ lt•U". Helftlll'W: S.O..U-.m C•I C011e9t, ·~l7. T olal louls: UC SM Diego 1e, ~"' Cel ColM9a U ; F-.i -: A-rt• (~ Cel eo1i..1. COMMUNITY COLLEGE LACC 74, Ooklen Weat 72 LOI AMOl!ULI CC -G•l,.s 20, Golfts 16, St11roeon 22, ,...,., 12. Smltll •. TCIUls: JI 12·1' 1 .. OOLDIJt WIST -HMtoll 1', Devil 6, 8-n 1', Klft9 IO, JK-6, 0..rtwm 2. Ev•r-11.., 12. lt9vls I. Totals: )4 ._. n. Helf1tme: GdCltft Weit, •K Total -.: Los Atlotlts CC t , GOidMI WHI IS; ........ O'lt: 8-I~ West). From Page 81 MDtlCMOOt. ............ c....11 Mt•A COIYA -CllMh I. ....... II, ........ 111 ~I•, VeHIM J, IC.._ t. Cet'I-.. .,.,.,,.. .. t ......... '· '--" .. T ... 1t:t11N1•. ···--...._. "· 0...... ••• bwia •• Of.._. , ... ltlMIMll .............. ,.._,. I, ""''" I, '°'""•Y •. ,..._ l. Mlli•N t, ~,_ 2, MCA-'ftl t , T-.: Jfl ....... le_...,..,.. Mire C-. I I 1t 16 t)..41 ....... 11 u n . .._.. T...i -...: Mire C:•te 11. ••i.-11. ••vMr Hiie to, Mertna 4' .... ._ .... -......... "· W1'Y ........ "· K*--' ~T8'1f\t t, C"""'41 O. Tt4.elt! 1t 1MI& ••••llLY MtLU -J-1', S.... 4. ICey '9, C:.. 91 I'll-IO, ~ J, a11tKll 0. Twlt:!t~tUt. .....,___... Merlfte I 11 11 lt-4 ....... ,., Hllll 11 11 1t ._. Tot.t ...... : Mel'IM It, .. w n y HIHt !2; ll'WIM N ! 5-t , .. _,, Hlllt), k«ll ( .. Wrl'rHlllt), Eaperena 11, Ocean View 51 oc•AM YllW -Uwvltcll It. OeS-14, J ...... t, '#trMr 6, ... ,., I , A-"'I ... 0 Touls:•t~ltff. l!t .. l•ANZA ---· IS, a&eftCllarcl 12, S~t. U-I, Wltl&.fft•I, .....,_. I, Odom$ I. Tot.Ills: 21 M UI. ~ltyQM.-n 0<•811 Vtew 12 II 16 1• ..._,. I!_,..,_. 14 II 10 11 ._.I Total folll•: Elfl9'itn.d U, OcHft View II; Fowled out:,_; Tecllnk et lout:..-. Eacanc:ie 51, CenhNtl 45 CANTiftU -VIiie.._. 20, G ...... 12, lle .... I 1, ~I 1, P9re1 •. GeAolt 7. Tot.ets: 197·12'5. llTAMCIA -G.,._ 16, ~~ M, Midi-IO. KrOlu 10, Tift t, Mcc.i.111 l. Tote ls: 1' J0.2' JI. ~..,~ C•ntwelt • n 6 1~ Estencl• ) • u u-. Tolel lollls: Cantwell It, f:tlitn(le n . TKl\nk el: Micl.tnd llltlMKMIJ. CdM II, Sendago 44 co•ONA DIL MA• -Lynell "· ,._ .. ,_ 4. Hess 17, OI,.. I, 0-.C 11, V.nSt__,,. II. ~ 1, 0e¥tt !. • Klnc-2. T~: 222..,,,61 SANTIMM> -UWlt 1 .. -.,. 10, ,._ S, Condon s. WetH1C>Mr 0, Gonia .. s 1, S!Oftfoer 7. Touts: 17 12·2146 Sc_..,....,. Corona del Mer u u 10 ..._.. Senlleoo • 10 I ~ Total lcMs: OW-del Mer 17, Sant .... U; Fouled-: Pace tS..tllJ-J. Domlnauez 50, Coate MeN 47 COITI M ISA -8ercl1tey tt. ~~· 4. S4r•-7, 11 ............. J. Fle1c11,,._o.c-o Totals: 1111-11 "· DOMIMOUU -Cerr It, Ilk"-...... 10, S.-lcllt 1, ~ I, $tllMt S1 ~ 5, ltllCllff 1. T-s: It ll·21 SO. 1c-.1rr-.. Coete Mew 12 If • 12 .._..., Ooml-1 11 " u ' 7-!111 TOCel 1-: C•le -H, Ooml-111. s:r,::•P· 39, Woodbndae 31 W a100. -Fortnetr 6, '\cw-6, WIM 6, -->. A-k ll 11. BIH1le 0, Ar"'11r...,.o. Tot.alt: 1114-20 •. •OYS •lll'U8UC -J__, I , S..111_, 6, Flntey 2, Law II. Clerk ). TCIUIS, II ~U ,., k-.lrrO..Nn woooor ICloe 11 • ' n-a Boys A~ I ll I lo-.Jit Toul lauls: WOodbrklve II, 8o'ft A9'11A11k U, FoulM ou1: Forlft9er (Woodbrfd9el, Morelend~IOttl Meter Def 52, Mllllkan 50 MAT•ll Dal -Cooll •• TarMll '· h•u•.-t tt, Jecksen 14, FlelO.r •. Me .. ller O, ..._. .. Totals: 201244 Sl. MILLllUUt -0-If, Wl>lte 12, Smlttl l. WHhlngton 12, Hlftln• 4, W•lker s. Twit: ... llSO. ._. ......... Meter Oii 1J 1l • I• 0 ....c MIHl•eft 14 II IO IJ 0 2 ..... Total -.: Me'9r Del IJ, Mllll .... It, Fowled Olll; Wel!IM I MllllllMJ. LAKERS ENJOY ROUT. • • • obvious question. "McAdoo contributed very well tonight. His shot is stiJI a bit inconsistent how, but it's going down when it counts." , Mc Ad oo. like his coach . doesn't mind coming orf the ben~h one bit. "Starting doesn't matter to tne ... the only thing that counts is the minutes," the 6-10 veteran forward s aid. "The pressure is not on me like it bas been on all the other teams I've played on. This team is deeper at every position. Talent-wise, Jhis is the best team I've ever been on. It feels good." • W oodbridge ~liminated : CHINO -The Woodbridge High basketball team will just have to chalk up its first trip into the CIF Small Schools playoffs. , The Warriors lost a )ow-scoring tilt to Boys 1tepublic, 39·36 in first-rotmd play Friday night. It ended the season for Wood~rldge, which Jost its fourth straight game and ended the campaign at 13-10. After taking an 11·8 lead after one period, the hosts began controlling the boards and Anthony Radovclch and Mark Foringer each were hurt by foul trouble. Foringer eventually fouled out with just six points, nine below hls seasonal average. ·•If McAdoo continues to improve, other teams will find him very hard to deal with," added Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. who derives great benefits from McAdoo's presence. "It looks like Bob McAdoo is starting lo come a round," understated a dejected Attles arter'Ward. "He gives the Lakers a new dimension , especially when Kareem is on the bench." The Warriors tried in vain to make one of their patented runs al the Lakers. But with Norm Nixon and Michael Cooper combining to hold guard World Free to just 18 points, and reserve guard J oe Hassett unable to rally his team with bis notorious three-point set shots, the Warriors saw their record dip lo 28-23 , dropping them below Portland and into fourth place in the Pacific Division. "We're just trying to get it all' together for the last l\Al months," noted Magic. "I think we're getting better in all phases of the game. We don't need any killer instinct. We just have to make the big plays. And we have the big-play man in Kareem." Jabbar, in his battling with the Warriors' 7-0 center Joe Barry Carroll, finished the night with 17 points and a solid 10 rebounds -all in just 25 minutes of playing time. Friday night, the Laken bad two "big.play men." ll should be noted that McAdoo played 28 minutes. GWC shades Hancock COM...,.., COUHI WOlllN a..... w..u ......... .,., ··~"· WllT -CIHllUlt It, 11r111er111111, ~1e 11,...,... a. Hw,._t. :...-....n i], MollMwt t6. TlllA!t: » IH4 MAMCIOal -C,.,., ~.c::."' t , J-. M. ,,,,.,,, • ., II. MllllH It, a TNlt ... t-U '1 . Helftll'M! 0...... W.., ..... Telel ,_,..I 0...... w.-la, HMCNll It. Ore"M Coeat 74, ID ..... U ...... COAIT -Effllleer It, Cerrtll J, MM• t. ......,.._ 6. ic..,.., 0 , ,__ t•. hrry It. T .... 111~16 14. IAll Diieo MllA Tenter t. Hltlll-.-r 1 J9'IMM I , W..t~ 4, 0. ~n, ...:iln .... , T ... lt . •l·ltU. HllHllllW: ..... Olett Mete, l t.t7 TNI ....... Or .... C.... 16, .... 0-.. ..... 1'; fll9!Hff M ; enlnttr (Of._ CNtt>, CMftll (OfM .. C..10, l(reyer IOren .. CMttl, HitlltH1er ( .. n Dteto ~ .. ). ~ . ' . ". ~ ~~ ... , UCLA -ON •1-4 5 I UC l,.,,IM •1 -•1-1 11 0 c-.......... ''" y .... , "' .. OW!m: ~. Hkkt It)~__., W-Cle-nts. L-w.edll .. 41. S-Ye ... r. ta-Meet. UJCLAI, lllvwe IVC lrvlnel. YNrr-e (UC INIMI, l""9Mf1 IUC INIMI, H•mmGnd (UC INlll'll l 18-Meck IVCLAI. OIMt'k-Arl1one1, COi St•• 1"'1111.non 1 Cll...,_ 11, A..,_PKlfk 2 L°"9 llH<ll St. 12, Sout,,...n Cel o ~.=tr Plerc,e 000 000 Olt-4I I J $e41111eMC11 011 -10..... 1 0 Her-. Flynn m, 0-tet (71, l>Ollclla 171 end Matara; 1Cl1111ey •nd trwln. w -Kln,.,. L-Hermon. 28-Mlcuns IPJ, Orey IS), Irwin (SI. HA-Hellllle 151. ~ ... ,,aw ... c-wtt Golden Weal 000 00) OC»-1 11 I Orange C-000 •1 I.._., I J Meyers, Mersll 111, Malloe (t i encl kllvlU; I( ...... R-.r 161 -.......... ldl. w~. L -K ....... 29-<;e....als IGI. o.wac-Cerriw. 6, cu,..,, l Han<Odt 6, ~ llH<ll CC 6 (HeftCock advanc" eft9r wlMlnQ <eln tllpl Women'• gymnHtk:• COMMUf,ttTY cou.•o• ~-C-.-1JU, II C--. llU VavlllnQ -I. Small IECI. l.S; u .. wn N rt -I 5-lrlnger COCCI, e.1; BelMKe b .. m -I. Hoffman IOCCI. l.S; I"'- • •ere IH -I. Sprln9er IOCCI, l .J; AIMr--1. -ll'IM COCCI, lU. NHL .. .....,.Sc:_ OW-•.W-'"94 E~ 1, H.,,_cl • T ........ sO-c.i .. ry ... .... &oston 81 Detroit •vff•lo .. ,..,.,_, H•r1fenletvenc.,..., ColCW-fll,J4Y I~ Ptlll ......... al .. lttlbu .... SI Lollis at T-to w.-1......, •t Mi-.oc.. Mater Dei p11lls upset in 2 OTs LONG BEACH -Sophomore M a tl Beeuws aert scored 19 po ints, including three in overtime, to 1$ad Mater Dei High to a stunnmg 52·50 double overtime upset victory over host Millikan in the first round or the Cl F 4-A basketball playoffs Friday night. Mater Dei, which came into the contest unranked, posted its stunning win against the No. 4 seed and tri-cbampion (20-3 overall> of the Moore League. The ru.,.and-tuck contest saw no team lead by more than six points. The biggest margin was five for the Monarchs early in the first quarter, wblle the Rams led by as much as six in the third quarter. &.oeA...a.aOpen TOl'll W•llll• .. ~-·-6)-47 _ ,,. 'T-W•t.I •e.t -la. Terr' M--. ~71 -•• 'V-·~ ..... -1• Jellllny Millet .... -1• w., ... "'"' ., ... -, .. .......... y 61..i-1• Jec:ll 11-,..., -111 JeyH-..... -t• a111 11...,.. 7MI -t• l!tl( ....... 6 .... _,. ... c....... JMl -1• Jim 11-11,.. _ ,,. Tim"""*"' 7H6 -11t l'rllfllt c-7o..t -11t ........ O'MNr• II ... -1at .._., li.o.wrn 11.., -'" Jim Netfenl 10.10 -141 Rel SftWcl 1U1 -140 TOl'll IClte 11·10 -141 OeflOI l.lttlff 7 HI -141 -..r11 ...... , ... -1'1 Oon .... 11 ... -141 Slllp Du= 12 ... -w """" k 70.11 -!fl Jerry ,.... 70.71 -If! Tam ,.11,,_ 70-11 -141 CMrtHCqod\I 11·70 -1•1 JOllf\C-7Hl-lfl Hale lnolln 74-41 -10 J im ·-1~11-Id l ... Aolrl 6,_7l -IG Oenny E-. 11·71 -141 L_ .. Clltmlfttt 74 61-10 o,.. ,._.. 11.11 -1a Crele Stadler 71·72 -10 k on s........, 7).70 -10 Jim Coltler1 1J.70 -10 JKk l"'eret11 7 ..... -14' Hid• FalCIO 1~ -14) llOd F..-tl 7).70 -143 Andy NOttll 7,_70 -143 I rv<• Doueia• 1~1) -143 Merll Ha"" 72.71 -143 Torn J -lnt ,._., -10 J-A~ 1 ..... -10 Fred~ 72-71 -IQ Ooft Jl-V 11-11 -1 .. Gery Kocll 14-70 -1 .. Al G•l*VH 7~11 -1 .. k otl Stete< 74-70 -1 .. Cur11t Str-1>-11 -1 .. Wood'r l"'IQlluoll 74·70 -I .. •·Sam A"""""'°" 7S-4t -1 .. aooo,. w-"'• 1i.11 -, .. Gary Hall..,9 7).11 -,., Eel f'lorl 11·12 -1 .. Oe•ld E-• 1~ _ , .. • .,,.., J--.t 1~11 -1 .. Morrb HaU!My ... ,. -1 .. Miiie Smltll 7:1-11 -, .. Auatr•!\::.'!!::t•r• <•• ' loCI ,,,.._ 1~10 -140 Mike l'.r~ 7t-70 -14l Noel llatcllffe 1~-1.u Lynchey 5'tilf*I 7~7J -14l GreMm Me"" 11·72 -1.u Alilr• y-11·11 -10 Miiie CCllMldro 11.11 -10 Ted I an Js-71 -IQ Bent Trff CflHalc lets..-. ...... , Kellly Po91-0lt ... 11-1J7 larO.r• Moa;w• '1·11-t• A"'Y Alutt ... 10-1• Lynn SI,_., ... 11-1,, Sue Er11 1.--uo JoAMe<Ame• ... 11-140 ~·He.,.. 71-70-141 p.,.. Dtet.n 11•'-141 Becky ,...,.... 11-11-10 Betll D...... 71·11-10 DOI Genne.., 7~12-10 Ayako Ok.afnolo JJ.70-14) .... ,,., I( ... , 7~1'3 Sally Little 72-12-10 Dianne Delley 11·72-14l Catlly SNr1t 14-4'-10 Jucly c1a..-7>1C>-14l Jerllyn 8rltz 72-11-IU Clftdy Hiii 7'·11-U> Bettis-... 11-7J-14l L-• Mur--.a 7~7>-U> Pal Me_., 7S-4.._14ol J-w.-.. ,,.11-1 .. Mane,. H.... Jt-71-1 ... Ge ll Hlr.U 7~74-1 ... Community c:!!:~• Or-CMtt-. .. 1.-c.-.-..cc1 ar-..c.•• ...... Merk -., 1'; Scott M<C ...... 71, C- McKM. n ; llOl'I Wettel, 11, Torn Bell, fl, Jefry Todd. n • .. ~ ......Mite ...... ,. ...... "'" , ........................... , l'l .. T UC•.t~t\lr1eflt&, 119141111ti.r <~I e.• •• &A .__.,... (ak(M,.,, , .. , ... O..Wt 0-W , ........... , ... Al .. , ... : ,._., (ivy. II-~ "" Or••"'· lertelln l, L•tenf.,Y I.••· ..... _..,, ~ ...... ,.._ .. ,....,.. CrMlt~•.ww...,... ~1-:ltM.,.S ••COMO llAC•. I f/16 mlie., CMCll ..... IV ..... .rwelel t .JO J.11 ut ... 11,.(~J •·•ta ltreiecter• <Z•l '"" AIU t-: ~ I( ... lffet1i.w,, Trewll119 ~ On Tiie ,.,_,, ..,... (Nef, ... °"""'· SflOct '"· ~ ,..._,,.., AllleM. TIMe· 110 1/S. t,l OAILY OOUM.• 112 .. 1 "" U. .•• TMlllO •ACI. 6 f.Jlon9t. ~ (.._..yl Ult 1.00 IAO lleb't OU!Mlw IL .......... I S.40 UO Mr. Mffllor l....,roul 6.20 AIM retec1· HMM, Pettlot J .. , Au HI J .. , JeMIC.'• a.a, Reel VOi<-. "rlll<e't ,..,.,, Royal f'rtm, Humllolcll c-.ly, Mench Alloy. Time· 1:0U IS. "OU•TM •ACC.•~ lvtloftes. Oewll Me -IMt_...,.I J .0 2M tM Min Pef'\Nletl l~.,.l 3.40 UO 5" My A...,i (A-nl 4 40 Alto reced: lnltfeda, Ouen SunMI, DrHmer'• Holldey. Time: 1:1' 1/S. l'l"M •ACI. 6'h lllrlonot on lurl. AyHn lo.t......,..,.1 7.IO S.00 1M H• ..... ty MHl<e IMcHe,_J 14 20 t.00 MolltebMll lT-1 ... AllO r-: •Ollr-vkll. C:.11 Me Ml-. Rau P-., "-' 0'00'0, Pockett111 In 11e11. Everybody'• TO'I, Go Tell Bonni. Time. I 14 l/S. U IX ACTA (J..tl ,..Id '401 00 SUITM •AC•. 11116 mllH All lnclllllve IT..-01 1 00 4.tO >.20 Noble J.-.,,. 1$ .. lfl'lr) U.00 7AO Ffflllovs Fltl*r (Pierce) UO Alt• raced: Beotey, 011• IHI Coe>y, MllClle RIM, Ar9'fle's Brotller, JIAt G<aoflil, Ovtdoor 11 .... r, R ... Pl'tyl, LllHe ~. L111:•y V-tno. Time: 1 ' ... 4/S. MY•MTM•ACl.6fw"'"91. Mlrec:11low K• IMcCerronlS.40 2.60 uo Grllftdpe't~IMcHe,_I JM 2.M Friede FrwN 10.W-..,.I J.JO AlllO rauics: llMlelllout Ll1. An-11, PM worc1. Time: 1:09. U IXACTA ( .. 1) l)elclSzt.00. U '"ICll llX l .. 7+S.11'41 ,..Id ,_.,AOwltll Its ,....,.,. ll<llel• his florWI) U P k k Sia t-letloll llelcl $21.00 wltll l,tlO wl""'"9 ll<kets (fl .. "°"'"'· U Pi ck 5111 l(Tetcll <-•tleft ,..act VJ.to wlbl ._ •'""'"' tl<lleb Clow"°"'"· -s<raklll llOMTM •ACI. t llt tw~ on hwf E•clleble Uc1¥ 10.lel'IOuHe'ltl) Ptenly O'T-ICMleMClal S.1'6ft ISlellllel s 00 l.10 uo J IO UO uo ...... Alto raced: P...-.1 .... Swift C twc• D LllCll Time · 1·1H IS. NINTM •ACI. 11116 mites RUMfl ToACt (Gwer-r•l '"° 4 20 1AO P.-..11tlolA Ucl¥ 111 ... ruue1e1 11.20 6.00 J-'• LAd\I IMtH•rvuel •·~ Alto ••<•d: Pell••lr , S llemeen, En11t1vety, u Prt..c.esse, Let-. 11.-Y• llr~y. HeN To 8old,.u , Cr Fl, G•anje M<H:lleclle Time: 1:.0 llS. U •llACTA 111 .. 1 ,..Id '1tl SO An.-.:n ,7a. Yofteybell COMMUNITY COl.UOI S.nte AM def. Golden Welt, IMS. IS.lO. .. IS. IS.ll, IS.II Women'• toum•ment '..::.::-' ' llem Sllrl.,., flf. w.My ~. M , W ; Sue a.rur *'· .....,. llm~. w , t-7, ~·· IAN Drl•O ~COLLl•IATI TOUIUIAMINT (alU ......... ela-'*'91 ~ ....... Jim Snydtr IUC ln11NI "91 llott' K-IU&c:l, .. ,, .. 2, Gery 0..-lly IAll-kt dal. U rry Wntft IUC ~· BerMrel, M , 6-1; Eric ·Olle* cue lrv1 .. 1 .... ,...,, CIYmberlhl IUnl.,.,tllyofArl10ftel, 6-1,W ; "°"" Ven NotcrMcl 1"-•cllnel 41el. TroY Cotllnt IS... 0teeo St.),._., M , 6·1 .............. $fty .. r IUC INlneldef. OonMll'f (Ari- S t I, •·•. 3·6. 6.J; Ven No 1trencl ,..._,.,., "91 o.i.de IUC lr•lnel. H. .. 1.~2 Women ARIJ.OMA INYITATIC*AL lee ...... Trillley t, UC,,.,._ I ....... Allen (Tl def Me. Myen , 7·S, J-4; AH<llletor• CTI def Keell"9. 6-1, .... De""'•" CTI def. EtledVt, H . H ; 111-:.:: ci::: :'i~i:~~ .. N,s...:.-:~~ .. 1 ... 1 Dellliles Rew 11leior.A11en (Tl def M'l'fft-M.,.,., 4-1, •·•. Seueno·Denman IT I def. Mellory·K ... 1"9. ~. H ; Elllolt·Llltlll ITI del Nl•on.Elledtl, 1·,,6·1. A,._6,UCINIMJ ....... Tellbllne IAI def. K .. 11"9, W . "'· M ; Me M_., Ill .... N-11. M , Ml, Rll!'Wr {Al def NI-, 4-4, J,S, ... 1; El._.. (II *"· 8eclllle, M , .. J; J-. (A) def Me. M"'"-~2. M , Pief''9 (Al def. Mel~Y. 6·2, 6-2. 0..... Myer .. Myers 111 def, Te*'ft·S..lemk, •·t. 6·1, •·•; Almer-Ne•ell IAI def Mel~Y·Keetlng, U , H , M ; J_,.B.-illo IAI def El~Hl•on, .. 1, M . Men's soccer MIGM SCMOOI. C4IM 1, Ulli...,vty 8 Corona del M•r uorln9 Korcll<" McG11~ lfYIM 1, , __ , Irvine s<orln9 D Ed!IA' CHI• MHe tcor1"9' Abdltl·l!Mtlr ~ ' . . " Women'• softball COMMUNITY COLLl!GE Or .... C-11, lll_..,..CC 1 0re,.c-S02 on 0 -10 11 1 Alve"lde 000 010 0 -1 • 5 C11IO, ~ Ill -Crw1. Myre -Porler w <;Ulp L ~.,,.. 2a-crw1 101 Ocean View dumped in OT Seahawks have. no defense against smaller Esperanza .... By J ACK MINTER OftMDMty ...... S- The E speranza Aztecs, playing with a s ignificant handicap in the height department, outlasted coach Jim Harris' Ocean View Sea Hawks in an exciting 61-59 overtime victory in their home court Friday night in the opening round of the CIF 4A playoffs. Ocean View, playing with what coach Harris described as "the worst defense I've ever seen in the first half of a game," turned 32-23 hall time defi cit into a five-point lead (52-47) with just 2:07 to go. "You can't take anything away from them <Esperanza). They got the crowd behind them and that one basket when their player went up with the layup untouched," Harris commented. Aztec guard Paul Moralez pulled his team with closing distance with a field goal with one minute to go in regulation, then stole the ball and scored again within a span of seconds. Down 53-51 the Aztecs fouled Ocean View guard Scott DeBrouwer in what appeared to be tbe turning point of the game with just 35 seconds remaining. However DeBrouwer's free throw w4'nl in and out or the hoop, Esperanza rebounded and forward Dave Bainter made ~ood on a 15 foot jumper with nine seconds to go the game at 53 sending it int-0 a three-minute overtime period. "I've seen our kids do this before. Look real bad one hall and come back. It's a game or four periods and you have to be sharp all four periods." Harris said. "The guys we re drained after last week's games. however I'd think that after a week we'd be all right. Tonight they just weren't inspired until the second half," he concluded. The overtime period was a s hooting exhibition for the Aztecs as they displayed their wares al the free,throw line. Six or their eight overtime points came at the line as Ocean View was constantly pressuring them and drawing fouls. Center Byron WiJJiams made good on four of six tries as he was stood centerstage in the Aztec gymnasium. Ocean View got the overtime tip-off, via the hands of senior Jim Usevitch. The 6-9""$ senior scored 29 points in the Sea Hawks loss. After getting the tipofr in the right direction be headed into the key and DeBrouwer fed the ball into him as he scored. Actually, it looked as If Mater Dei (15·9 ) might win in regulation, but Milllkan's Brain Dawson came up with a loose ball and hit a basket to knot things at 48 as the buzzec Golison wins Cup sounded. DeBrouwer seemed to take the game into bis own hands on many occasions when Usevitcb wasn't getting the rebounds or the offense wasn't putting up the poinu. He would take charge on offense and defense until his team responded. DeBrouwer ended bis Sea Hawk career with 14 points. He was an all import.ant si:t-of-seven from the line. The firs t three -minute overtime stanza saw neither LONG BEACH -Mark Golison of Cal State tea m s c 0 r e a s M i 11 i k an Long Beach won the Douglas Cup match racing controlled the tap and held the series Friday with a perfect score of seven wins ball for the final shot, only to and no losses. Golison's crew was his brother Jay miss at the buzzer. and Mark Lowe. The second overtime saw Eight schools competed in the event whJch is Mater Dei take possession first symbolic or the national Intercollegiate matching and Beeuwsaert responded by racing championship. The series was sailed in J -24 bitting a jumper to put the sloops. The final three races were sailed ln a light Monarchs up by a 50-48 count. northwest breeze in the ocean off the Long Beach John Cook then followed by r--b_r_ea_k_w_lte __ r. _____________ --1 bitting one of two free throw •--------chances to give the Mollarcbs a three-point cushion. •IOU.MOW .. Agam, not to take anything from Esperanza, we could would have won the Empire League <Esperanza won the championship>. It just takes ooe night like tonight to end your seuoo," Harris related. f COLLEGE BASKETBALL SANTA MARIA -Golden West CoUe1e's woD"en's basketball team bad five playen score in double fttureS u tbe RuaUen leoNd u D-77 decision over holt Hancock here ln community c ......... ...,.,... ...... '""-UC lrYine . colle1e action Friday ni1ht. . Janet Ramaeken, a freshman from Marina Hl1h, led her teammates by pourtns ln 17 points. Teammag Mareia Matbewl addeJl 11 ~. wbile Carol Kri1rorian ad JIU Gutbrltbad 15 6adl and Kana a.mentl toaled 10. Gaueboe hoet Soathwe1tem · ~t eou.ae. WW. MC.'cmd pl11e9 ...... HWD up ID tbe Mialon CoDf~ buketball raH dalll Giit replar .. _. Dl111 taatpt wbea itM o_._ bad 1out1a.....,. <1:•>· 8nt0 1"9et, .... 1'7·18, wW ~ ID the coat.,...•• "lhauibaeelJ PtaJOfta. befbualn1 ,. ............ . RANCHO SAN JOA9UIN GOLF COURSE FREE LESSONS with PURCHASE C>F '2000 ISCOll« . RAl«H CARD 111Pr11tt ... nt thlt ICf' and·rbfv~f3 Fr LM Trevino Balfl when you,enrofl. RElllllNG 'lls 2-5281 AUTOMATICS 2-3201 5 SPEEDS I.AST MOM1M TO LIAll LIAll Ol IU'll ................ Roy Carver BMW vs. UTAH STATE TONIGHT 7:25 p.m. K-WAVE -Fl-108 .... .i ' KISSING COUSIN -Stella's look·alike cousin OelJa (lfarbara Eden in dual role 1 _sets marriage sight on Bobby Taylor <Rod Mccary) on "Harper, Valley" tonight at 8:30 on KNBC t41. eotrW Into pop lir'OfnG ~'PO' NOi LIAWITTOllAVIR DMGMCING .... , .... .....,111111 Qrend Prix" l ~~Q ....:AN ~ OMOYll '*'*IA "Plnchcllt1 Gr end Prtlc" Anlmllted. Atter hie CW deelgrl le .. ..,., by M ••-coHMgue. • brllllant medlank: deddee to ~Id M -Mttw reclng mecNne end cornpece with 111e NmMl8. ·a· .... 8 (I) IUCll 9'MNY I N)AD_...,. 18MDIR.M.tM ~~ GOUllEGOU> 8 CHUN::H W THE HOW • GllTMWJTH FNDiNCK NOAO -~ GO\IBW ... IT 90:00 8 8COUME MtQTMU MINour1 at Georgelown I IHANANA 9 FONZ I HAPPY D4Y8GANG I ~~ IHOW t11Y NOP\.! 8 TMt Ol.D HOUIE 8otl We ........ --In the meeter bedroom Md Norm Abram etMMS how to conetNC1 kltc:tien cebfnet• (~Q • VOTM'S "9NLJNI In ~ 8leck Hl9tory Month, JWn Coopw lnt•- vfew• aucceulul end fnlfuencfel Sieck• In Orenge County Cl>MOYll '* * *"' "The Wwy We Were" (11173) Berbre 81r91Mnd, Aoeer1 "9dbd. A young COiiege C011S* In the 19309 ~ tMt "'* polltlc:el dlftw--•reno 9r10Ugt1 to )eop-.,.... ...... INlrflege. -· '1911CA•TOPTIN WILD WILD WOMD 0//1~ I M'MMCMN' NA.tHW.U Mt.: ......... FOMWlll The .. of woedew- Auoi-t Colbtr•. a•tor of• 11..c of mlnleture _,. tt-*'O ne¥1g11Uonef hlato- i •.::=. ..... PASTIU (C)MOYll ... 'A "Shoot The Sun Down" ( 11180) Chrta1ophet Wlllken, Margot Kidder. In 1838, four dillOerete rnll- llle uee M o4d meci to -di lor bu<led gold. 'PG' CH>MOYIE ~ '* .... "Pec>/llOn" (11173) 81-~. Duetln Hofllnen. A pelt of 0...'1 ~ ODn\llcta IPWICI their lime plennlng their eec:epe. ·MOYll· * '* * .. Pwed!M Alley" ( 11178) Sylvwter Stellone. Armand Munt•. Three ~ Motherl from the Hel'e Kitchen Netlon of IMw YOttc City comblM "'* .,.... of brWne end ~ In tMlr eftort• to cr .. te bett• llvft for 'ttw108I•• 'PO' 11•• WCTTBNI '200,000 World Ooubtee 8eml..f'lnala •a wa CB1D '"°"" 'Sc:wvffy'' Alt orphaNd puppy ...,,. the ,,.... of loy8I frlendl. (Ptlrt 2)(A) • wa.D WILD WON.D t1:JOI~~ 9 ~v.IBICAN MNDe'TAHD I WILD, WILD W9T .AA.IA CM..O AND MOM~NtV 8 CAI UCMW'HY -AFTERHOON- 1HD•<I> NCAA MlaT'ML.l Notfe Dame ., South Cerolrie 800.LW MllCITIW.L. ...,,.., .. UClA 8 LOIT••AIDI TM ,_....,. .. *" on e ..... ,. ......... ~ "'dlldren.. . ..,. **M """""~' (1 .. 1) AoDert Ta)tof, Ruth ""-9y. AC-. .. _,_.hie wlngl" In a rough-and. IOUOh l\8V9f flight equad- fOn. • MWit-11 . .,.... "1200,000 Congoleum OtMlllce~·· l f"BUCIW'T 0041 .. IAtlCl'TMl.I. ~ - H-.1111 T-EI Peeo ct:J MOYIE ***'* "TMt" (111711) NMtuela Klnllll, Petw Firth. Tiie daughtw of e poor Engllah termer ~ the 1'lctllft Of her fernlly'a uiphtlone end her OWi'I beeuty. 'R' Cil ~LOOQ AT 1tt1 The -ltorlM, people end -I• of 1981 .,. , .. lured fn ""' ~-wld r9'11ew. Cl>MOYll *'**'* "My Unde, Mr. Hulot" (1958) Jac:quee Teti, JeM.Pietre Zola. Mr. Hulet INll• M 8Wllwerd •llemc>t to c:onWlce • rem. Ny tllet they don't reely need ell the l•tM1 modern ~ to run their houeefldd. 12:a0. W&KINO HE1'0Q •• John Madden'' • MOYll .. • "Gl#w Of Oleblo" (11184) ~ Bronaon. ~ O!Mw. • AOM6-11' • NID..8CIWT 9 KIDeWOH..D Feehnd: ., ,.,..,...... with .. eu... Of Hamlrd" ltar Ric* Huttz: • repott on ''the Or1en4 Elqnee" r~ ~fn~()ty. 8MOVIR • • • .. An Enemy Of The P9ople" ( 1977) Sieve ~ CNrtee Dum- ino. lllMd on lbeen'• pley. The dUmrl9 Of a emel ._ ... ~ .... ~-locel~ tor ......... locel hoe .-.~dll9topc»­ lulloll.. 'G' 1•1:.~ ..... "8'*'°"'" (tMe) Elvle Preeley, Shelley F..,_, A bMdtMder men..,.. to en1er99 '*"" ..., with ... cers. • MOYll • * "Phantom Of The Rue Morgue" ( 111$4) ICM1 ...... den. Patrlda Medina. • CMOWINO Y1AM "'*edlty And Et>Won- rnent" 9 MOVIE * * "The Ama1ng Wor1<1 Of Pl)'c:hlc F>t'91-.. ·· ( tll75) Documefitary. Nar- r•1ed by ~ &urr. The '*1ed "*"*'••Ions or the ~•tvrel In modern tlmea ere 00:~ WON.D0//1 JONATHAN WINTal Gueet: KM Elerry. 1:JO I ,... TROOP GM>SllNG YEAM "Prenatel Oewloc>ment" CB>OONll• ... MPOft'T9 .. PMllEitlj--ITl- "The Smart Buy Show" Tlpe on QUlllty. Nfiety and MWlg money wflel\ buying aoap, food proceeeor., wood 110¥99 lllld ... Wound tepe ~ -pt-lled. (I) IHORT8 aoac 2:00 • (I) CIUH CAUP: na L08 .&HM! R CNN QCU Third.found pley of ttlle 72.f!Ote TPA ~ (llve frOfll the RMera Country Club, Pecfflc Plllludee, Cellf.) 8 ATONI ~: Arthut Aehe. • Qiol 1 QAN'l llN.AHD A big geme hunter ler"'8 on the lllend. • MOYll • ·~ "Drecule" (11173) Jeck Pelence, Simon W•d. .... WllNi H~I' • UfC-IANDNa HUlllANMttA~ "Co"aclouaneH And 8-" a ..... C8'IT1M wmct..Y CB>MOV!m **. "Al lcf-.ct Up" ( 11178) l.ulgt Dlller1!, ~ --.... .• Dw.at9d .., UM w. .. , ...... A .,... Of '°'*""" ~ try '° llnd ........ ,_..,.,.._ lnNoiWm-,. (l)lllCMI \ JelW ,., JeM w~. O'..._ M -..c:MI ...... ,....T_ Wet 1.1:& .... !OM\ ~ ''GNM .,.. .. • UND9•tANDllO NUIMH 19tAW. "Allwtid ...... Of ............ ~ IL °'*1 ·~llONA ~TOU!lt l110,000 TtUt v .. ,,,_ LMdnwlt Aeor .. Mlol!C.-ln~ 8MCMI ··~ lag••• *** "Wh.,e DIN" I 1•t NcNtd ...,. '°"' amt f.ailNood. Med oMotl' .. ,_,. ..._,...i.r_ An •llMdol ~-o.w-. •JOHNOUMra temA .... O\ympjc oo•ct m --~Almlnt ''Ille OICNldee" et• ~lolneurty ~of~lnlWy .. 1 •wm.vou ed•I• Md JoJo '°'Ihle =-DC.J..T\JM ''Alllufn Of hp« U.8.A. .:1~ Bug" •• ~ "The Hight Of Orialy' ,, .. , Cllnt ., • tMrttle H)'et, The Wlllll• I POeTLW:WI HOW~ ITMTNK l:ael·~ * * "A OUnllgiht" ~. DougfH, Jo (1117t) hnny • INM'rMilN Locetlon: 11¥9 from Cllellelieerw 1'°'1.9 Club tfle -SO. Centtel toe~ • ~•llONAL In ~!.~ Open (from Landment Aecf eUon Ceriter fn "-le. • lfOllEHHCi • Ill.). " !=CIMD&tB '**'* "The P-.-c la Courege" (1983) &oowde. Mana Pwechy WOOd Wer H Btlt ..... omc. Ch ...... Cowetd, '9PM fy outwits IN Nazle •ttemc>t to l\Old him .. Dirk .A led- wllo •· -l)rieoner. a:4I Cl) MOYll • .. .. "The Competrt 11980) Rk:Nrd ~ Nny lrllng. Two pien1ata Ion" ., r • Sen FrMCleco mue1o ~'°" find !flat lhel row for Mell other oon- fllc:1a with their pr~ el emo!tlone. 'PO' 4:00 • GNlJI. y AON.II Grizzly Ademe r ... t .. how hie ~ blood ~oeher end Ben the be« laugh him how to~"' I the ---·-• O\'RWIUJ! "The Acee'' Wlllle re111 tor • Puerto Rlcen girt from Peiw 1ett-lie llteftlng her eunt fn the Big~ Q ·~ 9IOl.OQY Cl) WONDa WOMAN a """"'MNlmn' .,....~ .............. ~ 8tallofte, NcNrd Orwy "'-· "-Geroer end . ~Aoont¥. CB>MOYll * * • "The fclollneller (IMO) Rey Sftettcey, Toveh Al6dltluh. A ~ maneeer -••rlou ~ to cetapult r.o ._ .. • egert Into pop lir'OfnG -.rdom.'PG' (l)MOW . .. ·~ "Bon lloyaige, Cher .. .,_ .. (11179) Al*ne1 . • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 20, 1982 TUB~ TOPPERS KNXT 9 7:30 "Dance Fever ... Sur.y Chaffee Is among celebrity Judges . Charly McClain is guest perl'ormer. KNXT fl 8 :00 "Beyond Witc h Mounta in ." Two e xtrate rrestrial chll.dren possessing psychic gifts leave thear farth sanctuary to search Cor anothef s pace tra veter. KTTV • 9:00 -"Battle of Las Vegas Show~lrls ... Twelve showgirls compete in zany. lighthearted sports KOCf; 9 10:00 "Aust in City L1m1ts ... The Bellamy Brothers are guest a long with John Anderson. """'* tfle artetocncy; the M•~St.EW~la mutdlnd In hie bed. (Pert 3)(A)Q Cl) WILCOMI llA()e( • K01'TIR 9 WIOI WORLD 0//1 ll'OlllTI World Wrl•I W•Hllfng Chemplon1hlp1 (from Peltluma, CAlll.): lnterne- tlonel Tendem Surfing ~(from Oehu, H_.,.): WOOd Two-Man 8obeled Chempfonahfp (from St. Morlu, Switzer. lend). CC>MOVIE * '* "Ml8tw Buddwlng" (l)MCWll • * ~ "Snowt>ell E~" ( tll72) Deet1 JonM, Nenc:y Ofeon. A New York llCCOUntant lie,.... WM1 to lhe Roc:aJea In M etlernpl to modernize the dllflPldet· ed 1111 r-1 he lnhertted. ~EvaetG---1== * * "They Went Tllet·A· Way And Thet-A-Wey'' ( 11178) Tim Conwey, Chucl! Mc:Cann Two ~ inept poficelnen -eent to prteon to COllduc:t en under~ -di for • c.che of stolen money. I ntE WHrT'l SHAOOW *'~ ~ The Dr~" (11173) en-l•. John Suon. A kung-111 ••P8'1 It eeelgned to penetrete en l8laf>d fortr-In order to deltroy en oplum-eno- w!Wt• .,.""' ~ empire. • MM YOU THEN' "Sporta Prome·· Two unaung Afro.Amerlcen 9'>0'1• greet• .,. prollled • • lhottslop Artie Wllaon /lltd Ol)'mCllc: gold rnedellat Allee CCMldwnen. Q • 8POln'I AMENCA "College Swlm•Nig And OMng: ~Ila. Iowa" CH>MOYll ...... ~ .. (1feo) Robltl w---. ~ Dwall. ~~tor hi• l•ther, the ~-1- fng Miler vtelt• • quelt>t hemlet ...... lie~ up. foundling end • elllnny -.'-1.'PO' {%)MOW • * * * .. ..._ Doell Not 8elleve In T .., ... ( 11180) Vere Alentove, Alexef Betelov. Thrff coun1ty gfrte with dlf1erent goefe Md v~ move to the big dty to ~ their embltlone.. mercenary relurne to ie.cs e re\'Olutlort. 'R' MO.Cl) WALT~ "Beyond Wltdl Mounleln" Two eirtrllenwtrlel c:flll. dren p 0tU11 lflO pe)'Chlc gift• ..... their Eanh unc:tuwy to -oh '°' anothef .,,_tr~. 8 8 ONI Of' ntE 90Y9 ()II.., get• In ~·· wey while recuperating lromthe~of • draaOc diet. •wov. * '* ~ "8111C1t Oak Con- eplracy" (111n1-.. vin1. Karen c.tteon A South- erner •••It• revenge agalnlt • crOOked lewman •nd • cebel or ~,,., .. 80 ICINO'S CROlllNO Cw.y dlecovwa thet one Of hlN' CO-worlterw It en o4d flMM of Bllly'a, end Wiiie ptepar• for her llr11 dete with her penpel. a wow .... ~Of 0..th" ( 11172) Mike Re\len, Mer- guerlte HerdfmM. llemplr- laltl terrorizM cltiz-In Englend durtng the 1700. • OUR LOVE• HEE T08TAY • MOYll * * "The Night They Toole MIH BHutlful" (11177) Chuck Connora. Phll Sl!Yera. A group of terror. .. ti hll*:*t M elrllner with nve buuty pag9MI r1na1. 1911onboerd. 8 LRONEARTH "ln•Uion Of The Lend" De¥ld Attenborougn loolla el the enceetora of amphl- blenl, end tile cepture of • c oelecenth •• • 11th lllougtlt to t>e·extlnct until 11131 -.. ,_ded on Nm for Ille ht lime. Q CH>MOVIE *'*** "Altered Stet•" ( 1lllO) Wlltlem Hurt. Blelr &town. A Harverd eclen- Uet •• oeneac 8tt\lc1ure .. ....., ..._. he conduc1• mlnd .. xpenolng HP4"1· "*"-....,., leolatlon tenlt. Md ~ halluc:lnc>- 00~ * • 1+ "Smokey And The a...dit U" ( llllO) Burt Aey- noldl, Jecltle Oteuon 5'lerffl Butord T. Juetlce Calla In ,. two ._.. b<othere to atop • retired l>Ootlegger, the Bandit, from lreneportlng • beby elaphent, 'PG' OMOW cm~ '"'*' ~ OI ttle ftft ''Wlntt 0. AMlrl- Gll'' '°"' i.r PM Moeert-~ Met .,.. .,...... ""°" ...... of .... .,,,. I'm AINl!ieet," "Jee" Md ''Y....,dllV'' ....... .... !loht 11\0w. ' t0a00. 8 llU.Y CfW9TAL ~"°"" °"*1ttl l.)WI Aector-Mel Tiie, • 11 =AIY lllNC> Tettoo goee (nto the mt1chmelt1ng bu1lneee and .,,MOM for two wom- •'°~Mt.~. and a ~ oomedlM ,,.... the ftmlly he lnvwll· edtothleect Q • MOYll •• * "fW!d On EntM>be" ( 11171) CNnee Broneon, Pecw Flnc:h. A band of ,.,..., commando. •lllQM • daring alfileld rllid to "• 104 alrtlne P9"-0«• held lloeteoe by Areb ••· rorleta. .,....~ Pl.A~ "Sen .. Of Humor• Come Along With Me" Eat .... Pareorw ponreye • r--.1 widow determined to become ln\IOIYed "' lhe 1Up81'Mturel Q • AWT1N cm-UMITS The Bellemy 8rotheu· eonge combine with the denoe 11a11 mue1c: o1 JoM Andereon. • ®MOYIE *'** ... "Affce, SwMt Alice" ( 11187) Linde Miller Peule Sheppard Mem~ or en lleli•n·Am9tlcen femlly are victlmlud by • ~lie murderer In ti*r mldat. 'R' Cl> wow ** "S.vege Weettend"A weekend hOlld•y becon'Mll • nightmare for ,,.,. frlendl wllo .,. •lelted by • killer 'A' 0 lNI FAOM TH£ COMEDY 8TOAE· 10: 11 {%) MOYIE '* '* "Turltlah 0.Ughl" ( 11173) Monique ven de Ven, Rutger H-'R' 10'.*>·~ NETWON< Nl!WS 11•18(l)OQ!JNEWS AMERICA'S TOP TEH M0A•8°H The benz9dtine pill er..,,.. ,..... to give him eome -gy hu llrange reeulta. • PMONER: CEU lll.OCK H The revetetlona contained In Peter'• lheela on the priaon revi.. the rivelry bet-Jim Md I/ere. • GOIPEL AOCON>1Ho TOI A pr-t•tlort of thr• lorl'N of Cllrletlen muek:: lllrlllnlen RM"" tlnga tredttlonel churell Orien1ed mualc; Tony-winning Broedwey eter Linde Hop. kine preeertft goepel lhlll hu made lt1I way to the record cherlt: Afbett• Bradford end the er..uve Mo¥ement Compeny ._ to IN atory of ~ 8 80UNDSTAGS "Chick Coree And Friende" Ctlldl Coree end At Jerreeu perrorm "Speln," "Hot Newa -.. ... "My One Md Only Love" end other d-time revorttee. (R) Q (C)MCMI ..,, ... bnltlW• ..... _, ...... ._. Cl>MCMI * *~ "The tflllliftf'' (ttto) JO ..._,.,..,, ._ DIMI. °"'*" ~ ·~~A...,... . ................ ..... ----tot • reMOte, and .... lllW "--'· Cdot"edO ....... .. ~ ..... .. wtte Md oilllao,.1t ~ IOI'! '"' (J)MOVIR •~ "lnW rne Oreean'' ( 1173) ~ ..... Jofvl S.-. A llUftO ru .....,. 11 .....,..,.. to----....,,., _,,... In ~ 10 cttiwoy .,, oPlwtl 81'4 ... ......,, ...... ,.. 1uoe MCMI •• "DoonMalotl" (1972) lal\ lannen • .Nay a-i. A man OOlldUctlnf undw· ,.. • .., r-ch -e _.. lelMd dleoowett lhel the ...... CCIMllfne redlo- ectl¥9 --. r•rponelble ror . ~ deforming the lmland' • lntlebllania. 11:.4a cm MOVIE * '* "Pllftoreme Blue" ( tll80) John HolmH, ~Bond A_... Of erottc epleoOea Jl'obl nw OUtW frtngee of MIWlll llCtMly. tt:IO CB> MOW * * * * "Reglng Bull" ( 1980) Aotlert De Niro. C.thy Morler1y. 8oxfng Champion Jelle t. Motte'• •Ptftude for ~lolence bflnoa him -In the ring but ~· hie PM· IOtltll 1119. 'A' 12:1» 8 MOVIE * * "Hijecll" ( 11173) Devld J.,_, Keenen Wym. A ll'\ldl driver le houncMd by detwmlnect llll*:*en wt111e •reneportlng catgo from Loe Angelee to Houe&on. 1:00. AOC* C()fa!RT 0ueeta: AIJ.' Daryl H .. end Jofln 0.1... .io.n Arll'.ettedlng. Devld Frlmlll end Shelly Wett. 8~ATTHE IMPROV Holt: AoeleGr-. 9MOW * * ~ "The Shining" ( 111801 Jeclc Nlcholaon. Shelley DINell Oitec:1ed by Stlnley Kubrldl. A former eChoottNCh« hired .. • winter caretelter lor • rwnote. Md llPC)WWltl)' lleunted, Color.OOhotel, la enowbound , ... with hi• ..... and c:lalnloyant young eon 'A' 1:J08 MOYIE * '*,.. "The Dar1c Angel" (11135) Fredric Merch, Marte Oberon. When two love rlvela mwdl off to -• -Of them ,. blinded end 111-1 up for deed 8 MOYIE '* * '4 ·-n,e Judge Stepe Out" ( 19411) Altn Sott!em. AlexenOer Knox. A judge hiding In the ot>ecurtty of • lllor1-order COOlc.. Job retuctentty r.iume home ..._. he IMme lie hi to 1:461~£'* 2:00 .._. MCMI ......... ~ l)nde, Mr. Hutot" (11M) Jaoca- ::!c ~!:"-~ •lllmpt 10 • rem- fly ltlet lhey r.-, need .., the ,.,_ modern ~icee to run their houeeholo. 2: 11 (C) MCME . ed. Dncted by 8111 Melen- dez. Snoopy end Wood ltoell loffow exchenge ltudent• Cherie 8'0Wl'I P~t Petty. Uhua end M•de on M ecMln- tvr.Med tour of Englend .. 18(1)Q!JNl!WS * * '* "Popeye" (11180) Robin Wlltlema, Shelley °""811. While -Ching for hlll•llllN'.the~t­ fng Nllor vtett. • quaint llatNet where he Jlie*• up 1 foundling end 1 lldnny ~·PG' '* * * * "Tna" ( 111711) Nettaale Kln911f, P.-er Firth. The deughter Of e poor Engllah termer becofnee the victim of her flmfly'a eeplretlone end her OWi'I beMrty. 'R' OMOWE •• ·-a-°"" Pt~" endF,_, 'G' 01.0MTTA L YNH 8"aAL. The ''Ar9t Ledy of Coun- try" lingl "Coel Mlnw'a Deugnter," "One'• On The Wfl(' end other 11111 In e performence lllP9d ..... Ham1h'1 In Reno. I 4:JO. 10CCU1 MAo. w G&IMl'Nr 8olMa ... &tall ·~ llOLOQY ... ~ ADVINTUM ·=~ • WDIWORL.DOF 8"0ln9 World Wrlet Wreatllng Chemplonahlpa (from Pettluma, Calf.): lnlerM- tlonal Tatldenl Surflt>g ~(from Oellu, Hew9M); WOl'ld Two-MM 8obaled Champlonr.hlp (from 81. Moritz. 8...itz.- lend~ • K().W( With hetp from her pollc»o ~ •• heroin llddtct trtee to reform. .MCMI • • ... .. John Goldferf), PIHH Com• Home" (1116&) Pecw Uetlno¥, Shir· l9y Mecl..elne. A plk>t ..,_, • pflologi l!Pf*·wtit• ,..,.,, up when the letter le amug- Oled fnlo • ~ klt>gdom ,...., to do • etory. I 80l.JDGOU> IOCc.MAo.W -.WW lloll;te ws. Ind Cl) M0A01°H Wtien ,.,.,. oeee • .._, ....... out.• IMWlo .. Ille moMy to hie wtte Md .. hie CllothM to Hot i..:.IDIWIUC "TrtlMe To ln4ng 8'rln" CD>MCMI . ' 7#) Bn"l!RTANmff TNIME< Int.mew. with Syt..eeter Stallone, Rlcllerd Orey- "'-· J-Oernw end Mk:*:ey Rooney. • WHY W THE WOfU..D? 8 IN IEMai °"-· "Wefll Of Jericho" 8 WHIM MM YOU? 0 ntE HARDY 90YS / NANCYDMW .. ,.,_ Frenl! end Joe get CAUOlll up In • dangeroua ~ lure tm.oMng a~ Idol ttelen lfom M Egyptlen ~Miid. • LAWNNCEMU< 'Tr1bu1e To Irving Bertin'' • a.ac:tNCI IT OUT Feetured: • Uttle Joe con. cert In Delee; • vtalt wtth ~ o.c., De Le ,_.,_ I •; lntenllewe wtth Hoidton Aatto. players. Q • MATINEE AT THE 9IJOU J .. t ohn Wayne 11era In Wlndl Of The Wett• ~.. ( 111321; the ehor1 eubjecll lt>cllAde • ,_.. .... Md 8 Belly Boop CW• oon; end IN eerlel la Chapter Ii of "Junior 0- Men." (A) (I) W leUOf ~-· .. The UlllmMe DleMter" 9 P'IEOPlEI COURT •nt1~ Oueet:Z•oMoelel -~LEWll: MAGIC 7:JO ·DANCI~ Celebrtty )udgee: Rip Tay- lor. Suzy ai.rr... Jeff C-.,,. au.!: Charry McQefn. I t..OOKATUI OIN:ntENIW ~ Fealurect: • ~ l•t for .... "**'Oltle; tectt- ~ to concrol ntreme -"* 0011dltto11• from ~-meny-of ltle .... beM\. ... I ITS (J) OllN: THe .__ ....,.., .. a .Ma( WMTl'9 JOllNW. .......... : 811 ..,, ....... 11 ... GI .,, ,,.,. piracy'" 1911 DltfCk _.,........,. \lldlo ...... end ... Nt '=*> D 8 HARP£A llAU.EY Stelle'• looll-elih COU9in plena to male• Bobby Tey. lor her fifth huaband CD THIB Ol.D HOU1E Bob 1111• lnatelll • .,,_ ln the muter bedroom end Norm ~am lhowe how to COM1ruc:1 kitchen ceblnels. &MOW * * ''llMI IS Elvis" (1981) Dooumenter;. Alm footege end dramatic r..crMtlone are UMd to t .. the etory of EMe Preeiey'• Ille end cer.w. t:008 MOYIE ···~ ·-n. 0r .. 1 s-ilnl" (111711) Aotlert Duve11. Blythe Denner A QUnC>-11o Merine pllot bllttlee Wlttl Illa •tr~ but eenel- 11\'e eon Md witft the mili- tary. 88MWM MAICIN!L.L. ANO ntE MANDMU.MT!N au.ta: Tom Jenee, R.C. Sannon. 89 LOWIOAT T'hr.. ,,.... tell for .. Nm• woman, Capteln Stublng underOC-e ctr.. tic I* eOI~ Clhange, end • men ,. Jiited by '* ,,,... tr .... Q • ntE llATT\.a 0//1 ntE LAI V8MI IHOWCWll.I T..,.. of Lee veo-· mc>e1 t>Nutfful lhowglrla pll egelt>el ..cfl other In • number Of nny flgh"-1- ed apon1. Hoeta: Reg1e Phllbln end Den P•orin.. eGMAT ···~ "Brldaltleed Aavlelted: A 8low Upon A BNIM'' Setleatlan, uelrlg Chartee'• money to buy eloonol, cHunltenly dlerupt• the Mardwnelrl'• ,.._ v-·· •Oellll edoft, (,art 8) Q 88fMIP....._., ..... .,.,,_.loa'M ,..,,., Don- ald lMftbto ,,..... with ..... ~ eoono-,...... ..... Odllr.....,. ""° Mltdl ....,....,.,,. ~*•'A "Soldier 0 1 Orange" (t9711) eowwo Fo11. Suun PenNligon. Sl11 a-.1 .. a1 • Du1Ch ~ go their ..,... ,., • ...,. when ..,,., l>-Mli• out In Europe. 'PG' 11:15(D)MOW •• 'A "0..ttl Ship" ( t980) George KeMedy, Rlchetd Crenne. Af1er their luxury 11nw 8lCP'odM on the high -. • group of ~ -"reecued" by • large, bled! empty_.., 11:211 NEWS 11:30 QI) llATUN>AY NtGHT LNI Hoet: en-Dern • MOYll * * "Molher, Jug9 And Speed" ( t971) 8111 Coeby, ~Weld!. Thr• rned- c:ap ambulence df'tven fry to keep their employer from going benltrupt .. the r-.;lt of too meny law- eultt. I:.--.. *~ "John Goldterb, Pl•••• Come Home" ( 1986) P9ter u.trno., S.W· l9y Maclalne, A pllot and e pflolograpfler-wtfter teem up ....,, .,,. ..,,., .. emug- Oled Into• ~kingdom ~to do• atory. Cl) MO'M * * * "Rio Grende" ( 11150) John Weyne, MllU- ,_, O'Hara. During the ~lndlM Wen, e tenecloua commender IMda hit troopa 4lgalnat ~~· * + * "Famlly Plot" ( 1971) Ba,bara Harrie, 8ruc:e Olm. A 9'11ftt'*lll end her unemployed boylrlend tMrctl for • mlMlng heir wtlO le a pror111lo•nel IUcf. r--. 2:30!= * *... "Cethertne & Co .. 1111131 J-B1rtc1n. Petnca 0--.. A young gltt .,._ ,.... to Pen. to become • high fMNon model bu1 her plllnl fell tllrough encl atle opena • highly lucnltl\'e e>roelltutlon ~.'A' l:OO(H)MOW * *. ''Modern Rom.-'' ( 1118 t) Albert Brootte. Kethfyn Hwro4d. A rllm edttor Ir ... rec>eetedfy to win bed! ""' ,_, of ""' womenhefOwe.'A' 1:111 NEW8 a:ao MOYIE * *'* "MeM Str .. le" (11173) H~ IC.,,.., Rob- ert De NWo. A .,..._time hood w hie ln'eepotlelble friend find plenty of trouble In New Yor1c '1 L1ttte Italy. 'R' ~ct:J MOWE • ... "[)jary Of A T-.Age HltcMllter" ( 111711) Didi I/en Petten. Chartene Tii- ton, A )'Our'O glrt'1 llfe le endengered """en ahe eocepl• • ride from • llrenger. Mt8 MOYll • • ''Dengeroue Mleejon'' ( 11154) Victor Mature, Piper Lane. The eclle wit,_ to • gengfend murder bec:omee tfle object of • cr-.oountry pur9Ult "' mobltera. eMOW **~ "We Uw AOefn" (tll34) Fredric Merch Anne Sten. Biiied on ~ nO¥el by leo Toealoy. A ~ prince dllflM .. tradltlona of ~ 19r 1J11 .. r .... love .... wlttl • lllmple .,.....,,, gltt. 4:00 Cl) MOVIR .... '4 "The w,,, w. Were" ( 1t7S) e.,1>ra Shteend. Aober1 Aadford. A )Q#IQ OOlleOe couple lrl tfle 1t30I ~ "* --~ ......... _,. *°"I *'°"811 IO )eop-.,.... .....,~ (J)MCMI * * "TllRiefl Delloflt" (1171) .....,. WWI • CHAllll LISTINGS *** "T ..... ToAled "-"CttMt.-..c.,. llflt ...... ,...., ........ .,....,...........,. .. • ••• ''The 8plf1t Of 8t. L.oult" (1N7),,.,,_ ....,_ ... Mllrf-, ~ lft 1121, CMrtl9 A. Undo .................. .................. --~o.... ...... ... ~ ...... ......... pe ' coh11""'" llfre1111 ......... ... -wltfl Mwtoen °"'" ........... OM\ "'°"' .... °" pern. 11911, Autow Heuer. '"' e l(NXT CC8S) e ICN8C (NICI e kTLA find.) e 1CA8C IA8Cl e 1<,MI ICIS> e KHJ·TV Clnct,l e KC1T (A8C) e 1tfTV UNI.) • KC,()p. TV Clnct .I eKCl!TINS> e.coc:t: cPISI CO) C>l•TV Ill Z...TV ntl H90 CCI CClnttn.111 J II> IWOlh NV,,N,Y @ IWTISI (I) (£$~) "' l5')owu1n9 J • 5"tll9ftl • <C.. ..... He1wo,111 ~ ...... '° ... ~----CZ>lllCMI ** . ._ ......... .. ,,.,...,,,,, ..... ... ....... A.---., ................. 01... ""'" •f1•r fie ...... ....., ...... ........... ---.. WE·::,.~ • -MY· &cMI .... ·--............... ,., .MCMI ···~ "Tiit w,. .. w.... ( 1t7i) •• ,..,. ......... -..~ " ................. -. .. ,... ...... ... ................ _ .................... ·-[:~ I =--A "A T-. Of TW '*let'' M ~-...,°' .. .... .... .... ... I ' • 'MmMUI ''" o-t:e...~. (rJ M0\111 • " ''Olety Of A hen-.Aot ......... .,.. (ttn) Otdl II .... ... ,....,,, aw... Tio • A '°""' Gift'• .. II ~ .. "'*' .... ....... ,...._. ~. (DJ flllMm • ... ,...-.r-...tfili-t:Tw.r· ( .. QirlJllJ.. ...... ,_....., ___ .. ... .......... ...,.. ~-.Mteln.....,,a .. ~· **" "The ~....... Of .... ee,w· (1171) .... .,. ......... ,....~ ............ _. ........ orOOll ..... • G{llM rtno. .. (rJMCMI • **" ....... TM ""' OWi'' (*'J ~ ..... ...... -..Ill ................ ..i.-......... .. ..... ........ ..... ~ 1 • . . * Orano•. Coa~t DAIL V PILOT/Saturday, February 20, 1982 If ,11 Tiit ........ ttWMfl• el't ..iet NU ma IUMIMaYO• AllOPfaD .. DIMMeea oaDtNMtCa IM""..._... .. Ml Ill '-'I .......... ,_ .. ..,_., "· .•.. ,.._.___.., ............ r.il Ull ..,..., (-II _ftl .. f'tl AVll: kllelet, Hiii, HertHt. IM,_tleNI, ~. NOH: "-· AlllNT; ..... Top triviaddicts tally 1 O; party planne d r ~a':A ..... COMMUNITY !I MOl~IT~ P• 9MCll ........ ,_, -~~ .... ,. • ._ .. C-lty H ... 11.1, • 2 Olll•t• ciwwr•••. 0611 lhe<ll ? ~·w. ...._. ... ,-. 011 ..... 1. ........ ....-1 c.,.,., •. •• ~_.......11 ........ ~•llN, ._. ,..,., Cell-le 11 • Tiii• ~· It ctM\ICI•' •Y a ~ ...... . • ... llC-ltyH-llel e11e11a ... ,_ HHllllal cw.w.-• ,__. D9MllW, Jt ~lh(f.U,., Tlllt ....,._. ... lllff Witt\ Ille cw111y ci.n "4 Of•• C:-'Y on · Ort1l11•11<• tt-4 rot11I•,.• mMll• x•rn 1111IU entl •ttlll .. t tar Ille •••llelllllty .. ••rtY lllm T flt flllt IHI ef lllt 11repeHtl ...illlellCt -" M '9etl In IM City Cler.,'• Oftt(• et n flelr or1 ... c .. ta -... lllffnfl ..... lnMy CllVClerti city ti C•ta MeM ...... 1 .... Or .. cat• Dell't ....... '"·JO,,. ea.a. l'Mnier;' 11• 1•· .. ,..., l'ICTITIOUI eu11N•H ~·--Or ..... c...a Deily fllloC, .. .,,.. STATllMllNT ..... !O, 11, Mat.'· 11, 1"2 11t-t2. Tiie followlno perio11 h dolno -----------llvslnene&. A.F H 1!1.ECTROHICS, '°" See Blutt Ori,.., Co.ta fo\eW. Calllornle 1""u-,.-.-.-,.-c-ou_•_T_O_fl_C_A_l._ll'_oa_M_1•"" 92•2~1i,.n Franr Hlrmar. '* s .. COUNTYOl'OaAMOI Bluff Drive. Costa Mew. Celllor11la A•H1117 '2621 ottMa TOIMOW Tlllt -9nen It condUCIM II'( an C:AUMI Hit lndlvld ... I C:...._. 01' NAM• Albert Hlrmer In t.,. MMIM M Ille ••lutlo•u of Tlllt steM<Nnl wH llled wl111 the JACK & SIMASTASZEWSKI: County Cler'k ot Oranoe County on Wll•reaa, lllt "tlllon ol Jee• Januerv :it. 1"2 s......-1 -SlrM Sla~I twit .. 111tM ...,. filed wllll ,._ c1ei1i M 111i. court Publl•-Or•noe c .. ,, Delly Pilot, ,., •11 _.., cl\eftell\o nama lrom fet> • IJ 10 n 1"2 601-t1 JACK STASZEWSKI lo JACK STAAV . ' ' ' ' . -from SIMA STASZEWSKI lo SIM.4 STAAV, '-11 ... ly. PUil.JC •TICE IT IS HEREBY O"DERED 111411 ell -----------pertOftl ln .. retl•' In w ld melter .,..., taeofore this court al 10: JO, l'ICTITIOUI 8USINISS Merell ll, 1"2, lfl ttw courtr-of NAMI STATIMINT Oepl. J to lllow ceuH why ll\ls Tiie lollowlno ,.,...,,, are dolno epplkelioft for c...,... M Mme sllould lluslntts at Mtlla.,._., O N·l.I NE PERSONNEi. IT 15 FURTHER ORDERED that• SERVICES, 12'31 Hewpof'I Avan.,., <•Y of ltlls .,,., to,_ UIUM be •101. P.O. Box "3, Tu1t1n. Celllornle •11t>lhllad once • week tor lour 92680· wcceulw -s prior to ttle day ol Tiie Jemet Group Inc., • .. Id llaarlne In ,.,. Delly Piiot e C•llforni. corpor.tlon, 1~1 H-von 1ta•1Peper of .. ,..rel clrculation t.ven11t, •101, P.O. Box m . Tutllfl. iwlnlff In Illa County ol OrM91 Celltornl• t2tlO Deltd: F_,..,y 17, l"2. This t>uslnHs I• conclu"•d 1>y a Merk A. SoOtn corporetlon Juctoe of the The J ames Group In< S-rlor Court B.J Fls<ner, PrH. "'*11"'911 OreftOll c; .. 11 Delly Piiot, Tllb Kele..-nt WM flied wltll IM ,. .. JO 27 MM 6 u, 1"2 tDa County Cieri! of 0••"09 County on • ' ' ' ' • Feen.e-. II. 1"2. .. ,_ Pvt>U.-Orenoit c .. '1 O.tly Piiot, Have eomething to sell? · CJauilled ads do it well. Feb. 20, 11, Mercll t , 13. "'' 111-n &ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Including BEST PICTURE ·~~ fW~•~\1' lkl~OJI , ·~~--...... NOW PLAYING M: , . =:\ "NUMBER ONE PICTURE I OF THE YEAR .... ~JOIUI---~ I Nolalaeted for 10 ACADEMY AWARDS , .... ....,.,,,. BEST PIC11JRE -ORAMA BEST DIRECTOR Mark Rydell . BEST SCREENPLAY Ernest Thompson BEST ACTOR Henry Fonda BEST ACTRESS Katharine Hepburn BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Jane Fonda The three top-ranked trtvtaddktl all tumed ln scores or 10 tbl1 week, tbua retalnln1 their respective 1tandln1, whlle a shakeup wu recorded In the middlti rank!. . The lon1·dormant Klaatu Barada Nlkto Society may be start1n1 up •1aln, bo~fully fanning some more Interest in lhe column. Traey Godfrey would like to host a trlvla party on March 20, and asks anyone Interested t.o contact him at 839·5998. Here are some more pearls from the trivial oyster as we pass the midway point of Trivia Bowl XXV. Have fun. l. Laszlo Loewenstein cul his name down to size to make it big as whom? 2. A butler named Bumpkins shows up in what comic strip'! 3. What TV series featured a basset hound named Cleo? 4. The longest sentence in literature -823 words -is contained in what classic novel? 5. In the movie "Sands or lwo Jim a," what TRIVIA BOWL XXV STANDINGS 1 ••• kiw-tef 11fl 1J l .A .... •(te) 7f 1.0vtr .. MMI0.,..(11) 62 •. , ... O....ltl " ....... _.._ ..... (I) " ...... .,,...111 4t t .c:..-••111 B \I> J, !..,..,.. .......... 11\1>1 M\I> L'•1c11w-m u t.J .... a.-m n "~.,.. ........ Ill " • -_., ,....,, .. -... N el IHI "-...... was John Agar's wedding present from his buddies? 6. The psychedelic Rangers became better known as a rock group when they changed their name t.o what? 7. A rormer college basketball "player or the year" played one season in the NBA -and 14 years in major league baseball. Name rum. 8. Arvide Abernathy is a character from the realm or musical theater, round in what show? lbu'ft never been scared 10 )'OUW been scared in 7 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Including BEST PICTURE BEST DI RECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR ,. ======:::=::::~=-=======~ 01ARl°1' Of f1RE ~,~ .. .,., ii:~ :'f'3i •• 9. In Ronald Rea1an'1 famou. (!) movie "Bedtime for Bonzo," Identity (a) Rt.,an'a c:olleae and <b> the amount of money tbe achool paid for tht chimp. 10. When Bill 1ubmer1ei bJI own peraonality, it led t.o a Jot or monkey buslnesa ln what movie? LHC Week'• AMwen l. James Darren <name cbanae> 2. Dick Tracy (Diet Smith) 3. "It's My Party" <sons sequel> 4. Finland (Somen Tauvalt.a) 5. "Sadle McKee" (Joan Crawford movte> LOVE "" • •.e.:u. ...... "''--··· t•,l4'. ••Nllll JAOC NICHOLSON ., THmllCJlllMll l!I ·~,..... .. o ... ,.,. 1'111 ...... ., .. .,.,_ , ........... .. ~~i CHARLES BRONSON "DEATH WISH 11·· (RI -•:» 1'111 .,,., ........ "'"-· ••. -.4'11. .,, .. .,.....,,. .. ,-..,, ... ,. A Riveting and Enthralling Ahn. CHARIOTS OfflRE "''·'::+=.-., ... ,,.. ·······- "WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY'" fll> ·--~TOC_ ... _ _... ·~ft .. , __ "SHOOT THE MOON" 1111 . . . l "1t 'l '-, I' -.. .............. I l 'I\ I·' 11 : i 8 Peter the Great C Ruaalan rock.ti 7 Don Drysdale In 1959 (all·•tn pitcher) 8 "The Olrl in the Freudian Slip" <Dewey Mau1ham> 9. <a > "Saoll'a Souped Up Slei1b." <b> "Satlsfactlon" ("Melvin"muslc > 10. "Kina Kon&" (movie rlddie> ts.nd )IOUr.anrwert to TRIVIA, clo t~ Doil11 Pilot , Boz 1*1, COiia Mel/O 9%626 AU "11.W• mu.st be recefwd bSI Wedne.0011, olhenoiH hol/ the p1o~·· £Oli tCON tDiU be.owar<kdJ. l -0 1 ,mu~l~ ,_ .. , ... . .., ....... , ... , ... . .•. , .. CHARL.ES BRONSON "DEATH WISH It" (R) ATLAXTlC CITY ~ ..... -.. ,,,_"' 4rthur' ,..., .... _!"It .. ,."'" __ 1_ JOHN HURT "NIGHT CROSSING" (PG) CHMUI IRONIOH "DEAn4 WISH It" .. ra. .... .... ...... , ....... ,.. ... ....... . --···-l&T,.UM JU ..... te-•f'I BODVHEAT This Khool is ourhonw. OEOllQC C. SCOTT no.c)llfY HUrTOf'I TAPS ~~~:_=-·Im n.1.r-.1:• ur-.1•>..._ .,., .. ,, ..... llAl'SJA~ lllCtlMl.OltTICUlt "MAKING LOVE" ,,., (!J ...... -OU., """"" ''" ····-IAT•UM 1_a,a..-. ·-1hi•7imch '"" lfMOllfO Uffllan Nll:M , .. ,-~- "DEATH WISH II" -·.-.·;JI.-IAT-1-. ... .......... -(II) There's more to~~ MAKING LQYE ~-· ~,, .. ..._ ... _.,. ......,. .. , .. ..... ~,,.._ ...... , -_.._._ ---NOWPlAYINO CSTA..U EW.e•-!1'0 7444 ll1'19 --Edwltot ~ V•,... r-sa 1 ~ ntooee ,..u.uun ....,_,.. f~I-UAIUI 11141961 tZ'I ltJ0~4f M.UllT• H-. S1S 4 7 4 7 RENT · s500 ~:~~ INTELLIVISION VIDEO GAME & CARTRIDGE Relund1ble NCutoty ~t Wiii be <eQUlted The Video Station Newport/Irvine 2201 Mantn 110S, l.W. tn ette Hora ""' "-a, n11t to Reglalry Hotel, ---,,_ . ., .. ...,,.. ~--...... _ .. ,,.. a-. tt ... ,.. 955-1070 NWW/~Al~Y ATI .E At A Six me omes M«lef Henun~~y 11£..mMLmsT IRI 12:30 3:00 5:301:00 10:20 Dia..., Keaton In SMOOT TMS llOC* (IU 12111 2140 S:10 )140 .. 10tOS v..,AM_,, ..... ................ ._, .... ..,...,... .... ..................... ................ ..,, ..... Kite .IKklOn IMKl.aLOVE (RI Hlltor;o Of TbeMll!I .• NOW PLAYING IMA CllTA... -lkta l'llD Edw•cls cw-. c.w.. CNdlllle 5tf.53H 171~141 634-2553 19 .. 120 COITA MIU ·-"""' Viejo Tw~ 130.ttto Eftlrdl Soulfl Coast Pl.U• (714)540711 l!0,.....,!9C!r!lf@M1""'9'11 wil There's a lot being said aoout. MAKING LOVE: "The first contro~al movie of 1982 •. A completely successful telling of a very tricky subject ... A fascinating and well-acted story." ~ SISKfl. CHtCAGO TlllUNE "A refreahlng change ..• MAKINO LOVE 18 IHtnHt and touching ... llCt9d with alncetfty . . • written with lntegrtty Md compaaslon and directed with love and care." ~••Reed, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX Presents 1 A PRODUCTION OF THE INDIEPROD COMPANY AN ARTHUR HILLER FILM MAKING LOVE I MICHAEL ONTKEAN • KATE JACKSON • HARRY HAMLIN WENDY HILLER·and ARTHUR Hill Produced by ALLEN ADLER and DANIEL MELNICK Scrffnplay by BARR Y SArqOlfR ·Story by A. scon BERG Oir~cted by ARTHUR HILLER Mu~c by LEONARD ROSENMAN (UUW II\' Ol 1~· ~ ~'-~"'JMIPf"M" .. ••OM.......,tW'llfo ... , L~ _Magic ·• ... every piece of magic and the 9kill of every craft has been used to free our imagination, to let it soar with the film to what life may have been like 80,000 years ago.'' -Sheila Benson. LOS ANGELES TIMES .Impressive "QUEST FOR FIRE it perhaps the most impressive physical re-creation of prehistoric times ever put on film ... Ultimately, QUEST FOR FIRE evolves beyond anthropology into a love-atory-in fact, the Fi~t Love Story ... QUEST FOR FIRE is diverting and well made, and kids should love it."-DavidAMU", NEWSWEEK ExtraOrdinary "In its most elemental form, what we have is a quest movie, in the great tradition of EXCALIBUR and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK •.• it'• one of the most extraordinary , • ._ -.n." Orenge CoMt ~LY ptLOT/8aturday, February 20, 1M2 * ( . • . . tender and entertaining Melvyn Douglas And Brooke Adams In You don't have to be crazy to live here ... but It helps. A #!\. --MGM/lkllted Ar1l9tl V. Ootlltlbutoon 11nc1 Merlte!Jng Ct .. a.ttTAO OOl_OW'tN MA•(llllfllMCO • NOW PLAYING MIA ll TM LAIUIU IEActl OIWIGl Illa Pllzl Edwards Sadoleback South Cols1 UA Coty C-1 5215319 581 5880 49'·1614 6343911 ClllTI -.U .... ..... wtlTM•ITlll EdwltdS C-Ctftllt EdwatOS WoodblidQI Orange liUll U.A. M.il 979 4141 551 Ol55 f37 ·0340 ""'°se. (MO ,Aiid ACCVTIO '0" THll INOAOt'.1111.NT I When Charlie Smith went down to the border, he foend more than a line between two c0antries. He found a line within hhmelf. • • f • .:::J • -.. uo_,_,....___..__. lldVIY DnU VALUll PIUINI WAUIN OlTIS -llJllDIA ClDllJA) .......... ~·-·M.Ofil~ ........... .._., ......... ~ -•ITCDOOll ~....._.~llAIT'Ln ............ ~~II_..,.,.~ ............ ...-........... ~i"bi~~g~ •I-,:,=~= MOllCEOl'..U8LICHHltlMO NOTICE OF DEATH NOTICE ISHEltHVGIVl!N 11\ell EUGENE E . BARNES pu1>1k -'"9w111e.heldbvt1•Clly AND OF PETITION TO Caun<n of.,., City o1 Cotta _ _.°" ADMINISTER ESTATE Marc1' u, ttl2, In 11'• Council NO A11"""7 Cl\emllen of City Hall, n Fair Ori,,., · ~ · Cost• """"· .. •:• p.m •• or •• -T 0 a J I h e i r s ' , :::::!!~~: P<4'<11<alll•, on IM benefici aries, Creditors GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT and contingent creditors of GP.n-1a, c..a. 1111ese c11y c..-11, 10 Eugene E. Barnes and a1M11C1 tM i..w,,. •"9M•ten o1 perso n s who may be ~· 1oc-11t m. tti. _. 221\'f otherwise interested in the :::.=i1.'':'=••H~:,.::<·~~ will and/or estate: Envlronm•nta1 D•l•rmll\atlen: A petition has been filed "="~ =-~, _. s-. by Betty Gene Crook In the 1ilc01pcw ..... ~-_1.., c Su perior 'eeuc:l.. of Orange J. s..ei11ren1 and SoM, nu l"•ln•• County requesting that llHd. Coll• MUI, af\d CHll Betty Gene Crook be cemmllftlly c .. 1 ... n1s1r1c1, u10 appoi nted as personal Ad•ms Av•n .... COiia Mesa. ler property 10catec1 el ,,.. nort1'•••• r e p r e s e n t a t i v e t o corn•r of Adams Anf\ue and administer the estate of P1ne<rM11 Drhle: fNVlllONMl!NTAL Eugene E. Barnes (under IMPACT ltEPOltT tw ~el ~ Am•llCI-GP4MA; GENfllAL t h e I n d e p e n d e n t PLAN AMEHOMfHT GP..,·IA, 10 Administration of Estates ~i;;:-~ '-':~~'T.:..":: Act l. The petition is set tor C•mmerclal to Urblft Cef\ter hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 1tffleletll..,; anc1 REZONE PETITION 700 Civic Center Drive, HM1,torll9Nftlnlonter•--West, In the City of Santa -1Y ....... fllrOl"-e2·1AfromMI, A C llf I M h c1-cP, cL _. 1 anc1 R to 1'011.uc na, a orn a on arc CP11nMc1 Oe••••~ot A.-ldef\11e1 -17, 1982 at 9: 30 a.m . · Ul"INlll ClnWI. I F YOU OBJECT to the NOTICE IS FUltTHE!lt GIVEN that granting of the petition, et Mid time end place, ell IM•retllld ,.,_ ,,..., ......, .,.. "' 11ean1 bV you should either appear t11e City c-H °" 111 .. to...rnen11onec1 at the hearing and state metten. your objections or file ~~:-"·PHINNEY, written objections w ith the Publl,.... 0r ... C•st 0et1y P11ot, court before the hearing. ""'· tt. 1m ~ Your appearance may be .In person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CRED ITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your clalm with the court or present It to the personal representative 1ppolnted by the court within four months from the date of first Issuance of letters a$ provided In Section 700 of the Prot>.lte Code of Callfornl•. The time for filing ctalms will not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing notlud above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the flit klPt by tM court. •----------If you •re Interested In the Ill.I -Ht•t~1 you mey fllt a .._ _______ .._..,. req""' with ft. court to ,ecm-..,....... receive special notice of ...-na"N••T the Inventory of estett .:.:.::.~ ...... "'-1• •1"' HHtS and of' the petitions, MOMa .....,...._It* ,.._ accounts and nports c.w0r .. u.-....... c .. ...,, described In Section 1200.S -.:~:C-r-... ~. :9 of the California Probett ,..... ....._ 11 ~ .. "' -. COdt. ....... Aarw ....... ·- Tllll =:.a:=.-.... """' • Attw .. , et L••· nii c.-ie, _. • ~ c-icy • M•rMr 9ht., Wta .. , .-.... -. Ce1t• MtN, CA tHH; ~--ci... ~·= '','U f4t ..... c.-°"" ........ ., ... ~... ,.. ..... " ... ::;, = I AU.NIC.tfJ=w 1 , • .~:.w~~:~~IAI ... ., ...... r Thie..-you can'" REDS et._. thee.,_ . __ .._. _...,. .... _ ......,.,.....,. ... .,.. -~t>O lttO ~tS.HU ..... _ ... l --"*''~ •-Ht JIU f-CUT•-c..11ra 1~1 ••I• .,. ........... ~1 ..,,_._..,u• .. •-- l•ACAl)(MY .,._.,. v ..... ...,.. --'°" -"""'-••to """J . .,.,...,..,.,_ ....... _,"__ . * •ARQAIN ,MATIN•IES • Monday thru l1turd1y All Perform•ncH before 5:00 PM (~ Special En91111Mftt1 11141 Holldaysl ---· "DRATit W1tt4 11" 111 ............ -. .... _ --... ,. __ "lllAICINQ LOW"' 111 ---·--·-"· -c.~ -lllm'llll ,_:z:.~t:-___ ,.,..,...__.,.,.,_ ..,,,_...,.....,_,.,_ -°""" .. ...., ___ _ .... IDS"" , .... -.-----"AAIOl"8 OP THI LotT Al'IC' _ 1 ---, ......... ,NI,-"':ANHl .. Y ROW"' ,.. ·-·----LAKEWOOD C ENTE~ WAI• IN ... ___ _ "OH GOLDIN ll'OMD" ,.. ·-.-... -.-.-· -o . .on ---"TAN",.. ·----- I At<EWOOD CfNTUl ~OUTH w•t• '" 'OCllll\t 01 Conc11 .. ooo 21J/ta1·fNO ___ ,,. __ ,,...__ .. ----"MAKINO L.OVI!" fl! ,.,.._.,.., ____ " .. --·~--~ ·••-•1--..-L-••"''' -----...._" vr ,.._ ...,, _,,. "CHAllllOTI Off '1RI" ... ........ l<.e,-tt... I , ____ _ I --~-.. --I 10..--·~---"RAl~"8 Of' THE LOST AAK" ''CAHNPY ROW',.. ............. ---...-.-........ I --·~"--.. , . ._.,,.,.,.,,,,,_ • .., ,.., • ._., ,,.. e 1 s '" ~ .. 6:00 \ ...... ,,,.. .. &;4& IMPORTANT NOTICE' CHILDRIM UNDER 12 fRU! Marlltr .,,, Wt1to01 .... l .. • fro 5·3() • h i Sv• Melt4:30 ,. CM-A $OUo!O • IQUll AM CM llAOC> 1$ 'IVIM Sl'fM9 '" HO All CM MOIO WITll IQNlnO!f llCUSscaY llOSITIQll -WIG All ~ 1•AU CM"' IJIWf4IS AD Oii "' MOD ANAHllM ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN "•••OY ti OI le mon SI CllWl\&t-• "DEATH WI,.. ti" 111 ~ .. ':''THE IUW'NIHG" .. , 179·fl5() Cllil " SO\J..O -.. ~HO-if~A~NO=-iOiHi,.,..,,,~ .. ,,.,E""D"""-,.-1-...---,,:"%,iEOOCTioN----;;-;1-- ~TOO HOJ TO KANOU" 111 ~"IODY HEAT .. 4111 -~ .. "Oi..Lt A .. E l'Ofl LOVING" "ltl.UE LA,.OOON" flt Clllf 11 SOU110 Citot -I Wlloou • ~ .. e I•• A PAW• BUENA PARI< DlllV! IN ...,..,,....._ ...,,..., .... ' ·TO..SO"• Ufteolf\ Aff Weil ol llllOM 121-4070 ti ~~A ""Alir J LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•ncOtf'\ Aw• We., of Cl'\OM 121-4070 ... ----, "OH QOLDIEN "*D" - :THE ELIECT .. .;:,..KMAN" ..,I CIWt JI IOUllO -AIT._,-."'°"'-"0H0ST ~Y" ,., I -"IE'(IL.INAIC" 4111 Cllll SOUllO f. • A, ol, i. A LA HABRA [Ill~· N -AUT~Y"iat -·-...,,. __ "MAKING LOY£ 1111 -' HISTORY OF THE WOALO PART ONE 111 -c. KOn -"""'* "TAPS"-klll "MOOIE .. N ~09LDIS· - .. ...,-- ..-.. 900Y HUT' 4111 -"ILUIE 1.AOOOH'' fll • Cllll " SOUllO ...----"°" OOU>fN flONO" ---• -·--1 --·~ RECTIUC HOftlOIAN" -17MMI ----.... ' ORANGE n 111vf 1N --- ~ ........ ~ M IC\C\ION (\QI\• IN ..... ~ .. ... -. . . "~9ANOO'S" ... ... Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 20, 1982 .,,..~ rn~a~rn~rn[~l uWHAT DID JllUS TEACH?" .,,.,.. ., ' WILLIAM MILFORD CORRELL, C.S.8. ~ South Coast c2~~~~~¥,!;~~ch .., ~-... ,,__, .. Ille._. ti &Mi ..... .. TM """411or "'"""' 1119 '"~ Olllll411 91 Clwlel, kltlltitl.llllMMll.Me--•· Gospel concert set PrettnlfHI by Corona dtl Mar High School, 2•01 Eattbluff Dr.,'CMona dtl M1r GOIP&L Mll81C'S TOP Female .. MUSIC FllOM TH! llOYAL wedding " Is to be presented by the St. James Choir and Orchestra at 10 e.m. Sunday in St. James Episcopal Church. 3209 Vla Udo, N ewport..Beacb. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST '" tM Ctudl ldlfloe TUESDAY EVININQ, '11 .. UMIV 2J, t:OO ,,M, JESUS: STUMBLING-BLOCK OR STEPPING-STONE Tim Tlmmon S~aldng I Voe.U.t far 1191, Cynthia Clawaon. la to partlclpate in 9:30 and 11:15 a .m . H rvlee1 Sunday at t he Cry•t•l Catb..traJ, Garden Grove. Also. abe MIO MESA Vl .. DI D'tlVI UIT , COITA Ml.IA For Info: Call ~-1350 la to preMOt a mW-concert al 7:30 p. m. Sunday. A MARDI GRAS F ESTIVA L , aponaored by the Chrlstlan Service A1ency or the Roman Catholic 1:111£1 11111 C. EARLE ARMSTR()NG , a visiting Christian Science lecturer ls to speak at 3 p .m . Sunday to members of First Church of Christ. Scientist , at Murdy Community Center, Huntington Beach. ni. l'ullllo 11 lnvllecl Clllld c ... P'cwkMcl Ftff Plllolng NI k e lnvtled ro fhis Free Public Lecture CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PROCLAIMS: "WE BE BRETHERN " by "MATERIALISTIC TIMES AND the Teachings of Jesus" is the title of a talk to be given at 8 p.m. Tuesday at First Church of Christ, Scientist. Costa Mesa. Scheduled speaker is William M. Correll, a Christian Science lecturer. C. EARLE ARMSTRONG CSB of Rocky Point, New Jersey ...,_ OI IM CM••-k-loerd OI LKIWMlllP SUNDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 21 , 1982 3:00 O'Clock • 17C&fL Diocese of Orange, is to run all day toda y at St. Barbara Church. 730 S. Euclid St .. Santa Ana. Dl.d~ • ~ EwRocb 15 "TIME TO RUN." a movie that looks at conflicts that often develop wltb.in the home, is to be shown at 7 tonight at Melodyland , 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim. Admission is free. MURDY COMMUNITY CENTER 7000 Norma Drive Goldenwest Between Werner and Hell • "-~~ • ~Docn & t.\ich Mote • ltC&fL _,,,, S P ECIAL SERVICES to dedicate it s edifice at 2880 Mesa Verde Drive. East. Costa Mesa, are set for 10 a m. and 3 p.m . Sunday by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Costa Mesa. HUNTINGTON BEACH Translation for the Hearing Impaired Fr.e Nursery Care .. presented to the community by FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Corner Eighth and Olive Streets HUNTINGTON BEACH TOIOI &i.qy Sow-.q SY'tem "8111CE 1"2'" ''UND E RST AN DI NG EACH oth er," a marriage e nrichment· seminar, is to run Crom 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at Lake Hills Community Church, 23331 Moulton Parkway, Lacuna Hills . Information, call 827-7729. THE CHRIST·A·LAIRS ARE TO present a program of music and testimony al 10 a .m. Sunday at Mesa Bible Chapel. 1734 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa. BREAKFAST AND BRUNCH In the Arboretum is to be served each Sunday al the Crystal Cathedral. Garden Grove. beginning Sunday. Information a nd reser vations. call 971-4063. Help Prevent Birth Defects - The Nation's Number One C-hlld Health Probl,m. ""MO'fch of Dimes GARDEN GROVE APPLIANCE OPEN DAILY TIL ' P.M. SUM. 11-4 P.M. Wlille~'-t PHONE 537-1333 , GMIOIJI ~ k llO ~ ,_ * CLlllTVI I ~...,....,_ A SP AGHETTI DINNER is set for 7 to night at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 9 Hillgate, Irvine. 'lf' --llmM oaia:TI fOC.ICllUIONlllliillil 13111 HARBOR BL VD. (Betw•u G.G. Frwy. & G.G. &Nd.) ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY Freedom of Worship An '"You've tried the rest. NOW try the BEST!" Rn. Dr. a.--C. JtlCklOll ..... ~ arilfie ......... Mewn-pt C.,..._Ct.rcll s.M.y,.,..... ..... ~ ...... '""'.....,_. .... t•.JOA.k '™'.,_OH THESE THINGS" ' I'<>" 4H tNSf"IATl()fj"L MESSAQf DIM..,._, ,_.. . ....,...,..... .,........, ....... ~,u . hu;cn of St. Ma·tthew by the Sea (Tredmonal Episcopal) HOLY COMMUNION · Each Sunday· 9:00 AM (Booli of Comn:>ri Prayer · 1928) Ctiurch School pr0vlded MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona <lel Mar 111it ~· . .._. Hoht.W -532·220 I ST. JOllt'S , .. IPISCOPAI. C .... CH IM COSTA MISA hySlrfft.tONlp.A.,,_ 1:00 Holy c ... -1. I 0:00 Hofy hcltorbt l 0:00 5-day School . . Nurter"Y Gare ..... ,,,.c__........,.t,Tk•1 541-2237 -1-· ST. JAMES EPtSCOPAl OUKJt ,..,,....-:---. WELCOMES YOU .~Via Udo, NeuClpM't leach ~ IMA.k,...,_ ... ....,c '1n ~ f:M .A..M. a-II w... .............. -..... A.k ,.,,.,s-., . ....,,. .... .w,c ...,. ............ ...., .......... . t:tt & ..... .A..M. ~ c.. CHAllSMATIC MASS Pint S..-, ef ........ -1M P.N. T--.,-lt:tl.A..M.Nllf .. ' ... ...... s.nlaa Will~ Oii Of.._. .... P.A. .. ....__,._., II NEWPOIT tHBOI ltl11BM CJUIOf ,.,. 7tl hYar Dr. MIWPOIT llACM .... ,.,. .... J. ..... ,.... ............... ,.... WORSHIP SERVICE . .. .. , • .. • .. "I~ AM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ......... 9:15 AM. WORSHIP SERVICE . .. • .. • .. .. .. . 1D:30 AM .-.CAii••-r WILCOMI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES OF THE ...OTHER CHURCH THE FIRST CHURCH Of' OiRo!H SCIE•HIST IN BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS 11MIND11 ,...., 21 , 1912 Coste ....._ -Ant Ct.rdl of Cllrftt, Sci..tht 2aao ...... .,.Dr .. c....MeM Clmrdt & S--, Sc-.. -I 0:00 A.M. ....... .-.2 ............. Dr. 'A.M..4:Jt,.M. .......... W . W.& 7·7:IO '.M. -,.,:JO ,.M. lr.iM -First c..rc. of c"lwkt, Sci9.ti1t ._.. s...,..... .... _ .... Sdleel 4HI .. , I •CMMrT•I ei-ct. & S--, Sc ..... -I 0:00 A.M. C>ill.D CARE ~D "' SUNOAY SERVICE ............. .:.._ ...... a..rcll of a.mt, Sc ..... •&Ql.e.1 ......... a.-.. Clmrdt & S...., S.C.....-10:00 AM. ...... a--121 ...... st. ~r=:...._. -Ant Ce.d of Cllrfat, USHlpDrf .. Clmrdt & s-llfr Sc._. -I t:.o A.M. R ..... t--214'-"tAft. Mew~ IMdt -Flnt Ca...-ce. of Cllrftt, Sc ....... J JOJ ¥'-Lw.. H..,_t .._. Clmrdt & s-llfr kMel -':00 & lt:JO A.M. l ..... R-.JJISYleU. M-..,.s.t.-' .A..M.· S P.M. T-.-J .,P.M. C:-CMI ,.,,,.,_ T---t JC>ll :JO AM For Sludy hN Newport IMdt -S.C~ a.rdt of Clrist, Sc ....... JIOOP9dAcvt.wDr .. C_ .. ..._. Clmrdt & s-llfr kMel -I 0:00 .A..M. ....... •--Hff "I" I. c..t Mwy .. C4M WID. IVll••• nsnMOMY ~iiMeS - I r.M.. AU CHUICHIS AM 01• C...---IO._.., i... C~ - -......... , ... ..,.,,.._ Ol 1 ... R~ "-"'< CtlW c ... '"!~ AT AL_;,l ,.avecas MSTMINSla WTHEltAN OUtCH .................. IMeat lo S-IHaip flrwr. & W~1t l 1tcu •&1 -WOltSHIP smmclS - l :JO & I 0:00 A.M. 'ASTOi JOIL A. SwteeUM P'MOt4I HMJH . CHltSTL C CH !Missouri Synod) 760 Ylcterie st. c:..te ..... U.-Y.T-.P ..... -H l·l61 1 WOI SHW SIHICI -1:11 & 11:00 .A..M. S--, ~ & .......... 0..-,:JO A.M. C.,...._ .._.. ScllMl-141-6166 SerMDllTopk,.._ 21st I t:OO ); • 0:30 A'li. . • .,... l.oY• Secrcla" ......... ,..., ....... C HUl<;H OF RELIGIOUS SCIEM~CE Member of the United Church of Religious Science SEAC:Uf'F VILUIOC SUtTt 0 2223 M"IH STREET >iUNllNGTOH BEACH. C" -....... ~ ,.. 9006 IO:IOAM ... _ ........ ..._ Freedom ,Of, ·Worship . A ComAl lllCM FllM Tll llllEI CllllCll Of CllST C~cml c..un.a. 61 I H•a1r.,. A .. ~ c_ .. ..._ ,44-7400 • ~w . ...._....._ I 0 A.M. -S-.., w...., °"""" ScN>ol -.. ..._Care MU... COIGWTIIUL cmtl )40 st .......... . .. Gl11• ''' 1, L .... lffcll 494-IHI J OHM M. lHHOU>S MAaG.A.HT ...... UTMC>l.DS ........... 10.A..M.-S..-,W ...... Clllwcll~&.._., HARIORetmmAN CHUICH CINK ...... antl 24019""9.t~IMW 641-5711 :! Attend The Church of VourChoice ST. MAB PRfSIYTlllAN n&mnr ........, Dr. a ••• ...... Mew,..::i"iHCi°. •••.W.-Mc~ ...... ,_,w .... , ..... Lffle ............. ~---, ..... a-ell~ & A .. C ..... 1 -t:OO a.a. WenMp SerrK.-IO:ff ~ ~ C-...... SW'fkffl' fer lafo: c .. 644-1 J4 I · F~qnwutli l -l11~qn:qllf io11t1l L l1ttn Ii 32U •OAD ST .• NIWPOltT llACH '42-2740 S..clav Senic• -I 0:30 A.M • 'The Parable Of The Sow•r" Peri I: So•lf'"91ty .. P.A.STC>a fOM'f CUITO A onllCll Wetc ... fr .. THE UNITED METHODIST CHUICH Costa Mesa AtlSTUMTID MITHOIMST CHUlCH 19th St & Harbor Blvd Clilwcll w.af t:JO W.,..,. I 0:45 Charles D Clark. M1n1111er COSta Mesa Nonh MISAYIDI Huntington Beach AHT.,..,._ MITHOIHST CHUICH 2721 17th SI 53&-3537 w_..,~r. IO:l l aa Nur-vC..e.U...,,_ Cllmrcll Sc~t:Ot aa . U""1D MITHODIST CHUICH Huntington Beach Nonh COMMUMITT UMIT9 MITMOIHST CHUICH 6662 Heil Ave 842.,..61 w......, & a.rctl Sc ..... l:JO • I 0:00 .A..M. Dr. wm-1. St..t cAIKfclWA HTMi llA Newport Beach 1400 W BalbOa Blvd 673-3805 Rev Robert SheJ)ard. Jr w_..,a c....a~ ':Jt .A..k WW.., ...... ScllMl/hr c ... 7!00 ...,,._.. P.M. WwtMpSarrka l :JO & 10:00 l :JO S-.., w.af IO:ff Foum.in Valley FtaSTUMm MITHODllT OMCH 18225 8ushwd St. HJ.JltJ Or Carroll E. Word, Min11ter WenMp&a...~ ti• .A..M. .. l9Mill. ... 0.-c:M NEWPORT CIMTm UM19 ...-ntc>DIST • .................. c.w .. ... ,44-0741 WORSHIP I CHURCH SCHOOL-9:30 A.M . Rev. 1<91'1 McMiiian Y•Wll•Wll11 • -~II-•• . FllST CHllSTIAM~ ..................... '"" IUD9Af1 . Cl Ill ....... .... w...... ., ...... AM. .... ,.. ...., ....... -.-...Y ....... , ~-TIM. ... ,...,. TW ~O...--.&f ......... llA......,onoM-llM ... OM.e-116-net .,_ DD ,a.w..-.1m• This Sunday Worship In ST. ANHIW'S f'ltHIYTalAM CHUllCH 600 SI Andrews Road • Newl>0'1 Beach • 631-2880 Dr.~ ............ "'~, ...... WenMp ~kff -7:JCM:4S _, l_t:IS A.M. ...aOWIM6 TOW.A.AD WMOUHIH - ... F.A.Voa wnH •oo" Dr • .,... .A... IWf I Jr .. ,,... ..... PIOMAMS . 7:Jf.... ... ........ ••••• ..... CtlW c-1:41.... ... .......... A ... c-... 10:11 ....................... ,...a.... AIC H ... t 645-2222 PRES8YTBtlAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2150 ,_.,, ... R4.. C ... a MeM -H7°JJ40 Ince.A..._.,..,,..._ Sunday Worship a Church School 830 5 10.00AM Child Care Available Ca :msltf Prftlayt .. a-Clmtt .. 41IJ....t.A.••~~IMdl 4'4-7111 Rev Ar1hur J. Tankersley Rev Craig Williams Chnshan Education Hour 9:00-10·00 AM Worship -1o·15 AM -.a1;y CAii« ~Ml~ AT AU MltVICll CHURCH OF C .. IST 281 w ........ c.......... ... .. ,.,, We re A Going Glowing Growing Church SUMDA Y s•Y1Cff tllU STUDY ' .A..M. WOISNP I 0 A.M. & 6 P .M. '15 THEllE A CHRISTIAN VIEW OF AIOITK>H7" , ... n.-. ......_ -o.,..c.. , ... Ml.war t:ll P.M. 7:11 P.M. Rabbi Bernard., King Jamboree & E1stbluff Or Music Arie Sh1kler Newl)0(1 Beach. Calif , Educator: Nancy Levin '-lafwazlw c .. '44-7HJ "" v""°" •- TEMPLE SHAl\9!ative~ . ¢ · Rabbi Hershel Brooks . 617 West Hamilton, Coat. Mesa, Calif. 92627 C7141 Ul·J2'2 • .... s.m.a SHANA T SHYICIS ....._.,._w,1f'.Jt&a LiwLi11~ FM A C.i.~I. Clm~t·C1•11/fr1•1I (fiun Iii' /1•111 l/$ f,,, \V1ir-l111• l\t 'MARINERS CHURCH 1':1l11 Ortl1111d l'nwli11111 q_oo •m. W,•r•h1p ·.-nd SundAy Sch • ._,j (0 to blh Rr•drl 10.15 .1m, Bible> Cl,1ues 1Ch1ldrl'n & Adults) 'a;~'" At•r11ur 111 /11111l1nr.·1· 81111/r1•11nl fllitJttl' tt40·bCl 10 For I 11form11lint1 · 1 ~And thr pt''"" of Cod, which 1urputrS 1111 romprrhrn· •111n, •h•ll auud your he.11rts 11nd your minds In Christ lnu1." P~llippl•n• 4:? ·Attend The Church Of Your C.ho~e T-hiB ·Sunday~. l EXAMPLE: Ser. 1145809 Ora Coalt DAILY PfLOT/Saturc$y, February 20, 1982 IRA•D •EW 1981 I· 1000 Me Ot&Y 33 ,,. . MONTH MCWD•• DOWN PLUS TAX. UCW Ate DOC. .. · 5500 FACTORY REBATE flllCI ............... ._, k. A he. .... ttl.H hwll ,.._ HM.ti .... SIH.H DMY ..... cti.r.Jt, 20.N Dec_, ... p .... -4 HOU .. illn ...... fw • M.i eUIHl.tt hwll ,.,...., c..a. er ...... -4 SH.JJ'per ..... tw H ........ SZfftM Ptit.ce dl.p. U .l. 20,J,.,_ . ................... 11111.1•-.... "' ~. .OR s MCWD•ta DOWN PLUS TAX. UCINSI ' AND DOC. Fii 33 PER MONTH 5750 FACTORY REBATE EXAMPLE: Ser. ~ FACTORY REBATE 78 ~~~~ 53295 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed trans .. AM -FM stereo with tape deck & . • only 43,-467 miles. (322VAO). Super economy! ,80 CHIYIOLET s CHlvtn'I HATCHIAC« 4 cyl., euto. trans., eir cond., 4295 luggage reek. excellent cond. & only 27.906 miles! (489YHJ). 79 6 cy1 .. :~~'::1r.pwr.$7395 st. • brek• • windows, ~ stereo & CMI.. tilt. crulM, rattye wheels. (8&4XJW). , PONTIAC TUMS AM 81 wr___.•MCIPLUI '$10 va. 'aUto. trllM .. feet. air. P'#f .... - brakes · windows · dr. locks." AM·FM stereo & 8 tractt, tllt.1 cruise. cloth Int, turbo wheefs & morel 1 BUF760 · ,78 FOIDMAMADA s3e9 "MCI,......_ y CA&M 8 cyt., euto. trens .. factory eir. pwr. 5 steering & brakes. AM·FM stereo & cass .. wsw tires. (706WKU). · FOU ""10 '76 Econo~IC~~l~~~r engine. s2495 automatic transmission. factory air cond .. power steering. wsw tires & only 56,556 milesl (717NWZ). '78 Autometlc~~~ air. pwr.s5495 '78 VI,~~=·: pw•. se395· st. . brakes . windows . dr. lock.s. st. · brakes · windows · door lock.s. AM-FM stereo & 8 track, Landau AM·FM stereo & 8 track. rallye top, tilt. crulM & morel (991 WU~ wheels & 37,949 miles. (963VOM). . _ '80. D=sJ=I . ·$&19. 5 '81 "cyl~~y:L~~M~M 4 cyl.. 5 speed trans.. AM·FM stereo & cass.. sunroof, rallye ·stereo & 8 traci( tape, wire wheel wheels lO 414 mites & super covers & ~827 miles. {767ZLO). . . clean I (1 BIG717~ , ·' 79 VI. euto~~~ air. pwr. S7695 at. • brakes • windows -seat · dr. locks, AM-FM awreo & 8 track, tilt cruiae & wire wlleela. (830XEM). CHEVROLET coaYITTI T-TOP 10 VB. auto. trans .. rectory air. pwr. s at. · brakes -windOwa • dr. locks, AM·FM atereo & 8 track, tilt. 7 9 e<ulse, "dlol•. mog• & mo•el ' (1BUC9t0~ ' . .. a ' . ~ Cout DAIL y ptLQT/Saturd.y, February 20, 1m 0 "I'm stiN reading itl When I've finished,THEN it con go to the Boy Scouts." by Brad Anderson z, "I take it you're postponing your trip until spring." JtDGE PARKt:R ACROSS 1 P1Ck1991 & Flbulltt 10All - 14~ 15 WllNn: Pref. DOWN 1 Miine port 2 U111t Pr•· dllh city 3 Wllhm: tr. ...... ~ UNITED Feeture S~ Fr1d1y's PumeSolwd 5 Vending 2t Autom1t e ""*" 21 Sc:retctt out 7 Length unit 28 Mtgn1 - • Otlllflofnl 2t ~Id .~:.. 31~ :~ =· 32 SMlpa• 12llwl :::: a.... ...... ............ ·--., .... .. .. o..e ...... .... . ,....,._ .,. .... . "2-"SO "No, It'• NOT 1 w1ter ~." DENNIS THE MEN i\CE Hank Ketchum SHOE ~1£ P$5 YfAA.AlDTc:f SURENlE ~wt N"JE~ING. ~V!-------------. ~--------.~·- • l JI I1M HOME, AUNT FRITZI YES,_0UT I LEARNED ALOT NOTTO BLOW BUBBLE GUM ONAWINDY tT~k ,. "INkt:RBt:i\N Dear Band Alumni, This year's na:necoou112'1 will include many fun activities fbr former Westview band alumni ... ~y including playing in t.00 aJ.wnni bani at halftime ... -n.P!TAP.' rAP! ! r 1 1 .:. .. ~. ~~--~~~--'---' I KEEPrr ... lteHGNE tr~flS f\ QF1": -"'8•1tlfi •u,n""fw...L..~ o---...-. ... by Tom Batiuk and then going out and selling band caney after the game! by Kevin Fagan 'tCTITICIUI 9'iMMtU NOTIC• 0 .. D•ATH 0, ...,...,,. ........ , .. O'Ytet11""" ... •'" •L•N • WILK•w •No Tiie ••11n1111, "' .. " ,. ••1111 N•tl<• i11~111r1t '""' * "'"'"''"' "" "" ... • "" M ffwtau • C•rret WoM "" .. '""" ... .,...,."' 0" ~•TIT t 0 H T O MIOH CAl.IH,., 4' ........ ._ elld "''•N~ioe••ff"• elcictet111t1t ADMINllT•R £STATS '"·c.,_ ........ «..., '"'.a.Na CJIY of ,_,.in v.11., .. 0 ... ,,_ • au.,. I ~. , .. ,. Oelle 111') ~I ewt 111 • "" ._. ~' onw. o... 1191111, c. _. _ .............. 0r' ,.~ .... _,1 PIMt T O e I I h t I r s , f'lllt ...,._. It <eMwc•M w .,. ,~~ .,... -.. .,.. f UMi btneflcltrlts, creditors 1Mt11-:....,, ..,. ind contingent creditors of Tiii• ....._.,.. ~ .... wllll 111e ... ------.,,------- A I In R . W 11 k t y Ind c-tv c .. .-tf o..,... c-tv .., ~ ... ,~ 6 4 persons who may b t ,.,.,_.,,.,,. -..---------- othtrwlM lntertsttd In the ...._,..,,. o...,. , .. ,, o.i~'= NS.'1571 2 Wiii and/or estate: C"· IS1 le,J1,MlfU..ltG.. utt1 A oetltlon hH been filed r by Betty G. Wiikey In the MJC 9la NOTfCt; OF DEATH OF DOROTHY CLAYTON ' COLBY ANO OF P l!T ITION TO Superior Court of Orange c1Tvo•~TAMl1A County requesting thclt ouMNcouMn.cau110 ... 1A Bet t v G . W 11 k e v be 11t1HUCT•ON1TOllJ001111 c1 p p o I n t e d a s 1• '::':! !'!ei'! 1 ~~ ;~r::~"',.,": ,::'. personal rtp(85entatlve to lrtntpOrt•ll011, end ttlClt other administer the estate of •1<1111 .. , .-INY .. re<1111r.c1 1ot 111e Ala n R Wllke"JUn"'-r the <•rutrucllon 01 cuu Mtu • ' ..v Comm11nl<t1loM Ct11tor el 11 l'tlt I n d e p e d e n t Otl••· C.•• Melle. wlll .. fKelffd lly Administration of Estates .... City of COil.ie -•I, ... Offk• ol Act) The petition is set for 1'-City Cler\, n F.Wr 0r1ve. ca.tt · MeH. Cellfor11I•, 1111111 the -· ot ADMINISTER ESTATE • NO. A·112171. To all h ei r s , beneficiaries, creditors 5 a('ld contingent creditors of DOROTHY CLAY TON COLBY and persons who UmlflED HIEX IOITALS Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday. February 20, 1982 ...... ~ ..... !~.~! .................. ~~!! .... ~.~ ...... ~?.~ ~!~.~ ..... ?!.~! ~!'!!~ ..... ?!.~! 1411 W11t.rUf/, N 8. Want S.000 aq I\ renC'ed, nr So U..t 2112· f brown ll&et Anlwerln1 8trvlcep no ~ ..... .... fhluctal Iott. 70001.f. Ctt Plau SUO mo. cat. whit\' tumrny, ~fJ:t fe~~~~r'Y·,brr7~ ~P.tt~•ws:,ort lit. Ooor. A •nU41·'°32. &11.a22, U0.8299 ~How colJar, vie 25th fl avau' ~~te/ In CM. w 1\ E ;:·,tie=~ UICUTIYI Ston&e Arta or ) Car lboa.N B 67H100 Call IM4~EOF. ~ Ga.raee. Nr 11th ' Npt io'uwld Black. bm1.wb1tt APT MAN AO P!R ...__ SUITNIS 8Jvd C:O.ta Mt11 Alley you111 ft malt n uaky Sfl\I rrl!red couple. for OaUI Rtttptlon.llt/ Of. f N Aett'li ~ DUI Aunt B<'h 897 .soo7 16 unit complex m (.' M nre Manas er Xlot ,ay •rTA•t s..-w...e.n. !Mt Blk brn <'orlcl'r M1111tenanctup req w/btoef11J Ne office Pl.Ali 34Xl2. ~B Aiea $175 nux . aml M. bt'11e col Sd0433 _.. New lwiury om~ S\)IC't rro lar Vlt Ca 0-WU Shi s.w .... .o In lrvlne'• bu11ut M2-ZZ.SS afters 3C>r111 rl'w.itd 1173 28S9, ASstSTAHT Oenl1St llSMSS,lllYEST / Mllll, nMANCC ho..,., llj ..... O ""'-'' ..... ..., lo\"40• "I ......... I hn.-MfPtN •• ,..~ M-•t.tlA•• "(""'' .... 1 .... 'lort•n•i. lO" ANHOUNCEMCHTS, PUSOtlllS l LOST & FOUND ... "' ... '""'"' • "' h.J ,,,,,,,~ .. ,,_.. '""'''"""' ........... ,. "· ... f ..... "• ... :~ mrtt,ro Eaay !o'rwy at• ~ l5M 760 cw nft'decrror l>uay Bal bl Ortlto-IDA •w rea1 Avail now ! Call u lon 8'1HOl3. niercetlc uper'd Aul•· lil.'I tordet1Us. Gerace r,,r rtinl un l.()f;t I' yellow Lab l ~1 tant needed for buey ~ HI IZll 40. JJO Balb>a Pen nut to Fun old, w1lr;ath1•r 1·ollar, pra<.tlce _ _:____ _ zone 110 .... 120\-.J. $150 "Neolu", £d1n11l'1 & ATTIHTION: S48-5l70AJldo_r_Tonl •DILUXI OfffCH• tro. 673·2lM3. Ci73 3930, Flo I b & ch tt·". II 13 Amb1l 1o u11 boys and Fromlroomupto2000 •~w......a-..i 4'00 Re-.u d 897 S I !!~ iiirls lO lJyearsold.to IQ. ft From Sl 18 a 1~ ---002 ~ work unr•or two r vrn fl. No lea•M r•qui·r· . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1nii• a week f ellin11 0" " "" JUST MARRJ""D n·'->d "'ound •m11 II ~h1•lt1r "r p ::;:, I Adj Alrporter Inn 2172 ... · "' " MV.6pt1ptr ~u s. 1 11 Ou~nt Call AM home nearC01ot Rea.. f1·m11lr :l Ii f.ardton lrun) Tran,porl:ttlon '" ..... rent Call Mike. 549 ~70 Gm\ t' Area 636 0447 ii nd < oM t ii n t ad u 11 ~D ~ '"' -found Hnttan) Sp.inll-1 \uprn 1\lon pro\ 1drd SP<'~:~~lleh, hve in e>r out allo cue for 3 month old Call on Sat Sun or alter 8 714 002·1.SZC DIAFT~S heariOQ In Dept. No. 3 at 11 oo e m.on Mtf'c111t.ttt1.e1 wn1<11 700 Civic Center Drive 11me 111ey will 11e To_, rt,:tciy - West, In the Cit y of Santa ~::_;~.,.::.:~ ... :'~r ~:':::'!, mav b e other w ise Inte r ested in the will 6 and/or estate : A petition has been filed SfRYICfS .... I 7TH snm m .. It' \ I r c· II ' I .o I 1111310 5 JOPM . a~k fnr COSTAMISA -....s/llYttt/ Mr~• ~A 7H 111130 I ~ndrt'a 642 021 rxt 2 or 3 room office swtes ""-Ct '1JI 06ZI 343 Telecomm un1t'a1tons en11toeerin& firm needs drallers l?XP<"nenced in Leroy, lnJc & pencil on Vellum " Mylar. Good altitude & hard workers need ooly apply K & 8 Engineeri ng . «7141540-1814 by JOHN BANCROFT ........ 1 ...... COLBY, JANET ELAINE 7 COLBY , a nd JANE C AME RO N i n the Super ior Court of Orange • County requesting that 8 JOHN BANCROFT COLBY, JAN ET E LAINE COLBY . and JA N E CAM ERON be appointed A1C, plenty of prkg Ut1I •••••••••••• ........ ••. --------•t Ana, California on March ,,.. wor' •nd 111e 1\11"'41 01 t11e bklcltf 17, 1982 at 9: JO a .m . IM no otlw dlstlfloulSlll"9 m•rks. Any IF YOU OBJECT to the llld1 ••nlved •"" 111• lCMduled granting of ~he petition, ~~!:7°11~~c':n~': ;::~ !'1d~~; VOU Should either appear 11noptned II llltll lie Ille sole a t the hearing and state rHpo11s1t>1111., ot ,.,. bldOer 10 -t1oe1 your objections or f ile 111s1110 lsr.c•l•t4l lnpr-r11rne , . A Ml of p(-. 5-1•1 Provisions. written objections with the --ttleM 10 ~ ..... 1 Provhlons 10 COUrt before the hearing. ttle SliOftderd Soe<llk•llon1 mey 1» Your appearance may be ollt•lned •• '"' oltoce ol Boyl• I Arclolltclurel Al-l•lH, llOI ~II n p erson Or by your StrHI, Hewpott 8eec11. Celltornle, attorney. -···-IMIY_...I ol uoo 00 I F Y 0 U A R E A Eeclo 1>10 111•11 IMt m-o" 111• c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a propostl form ll'OVkM<I In lhe contrect do<U"'41n41 -sn.11 be e<<~nieef contingent creditor of the 11., • cenllled or cu111er • cheo or • decea sed, you must file blO lloNI 10< l\OI IUs 11\en 10 percent of vour claim with the court 1,,. •moum of ,,,. l>ld, m..,. 1M1v•111e to o r present it to the ~~.~1:\~ ~":':.~:"r.~0 e':r.'~~ pe r sona l representative •«ompenleO 11'1 suc11 c•s111er·1 c11eck. a ppointed by the court ces11, or llkklttr·u,onc1 Ith I f ~o 1110 ""1111 be consklereo unleu 11 W n Our months from Is m-on a l>lanlo lorm lumosheo by the date of first Issuance Ille City of (11$1• Mew MO I• m-on Of letters aS provided in •<cord...c:e wllll ll'lt Pn>•islons Of lhe Section 700 of the Probate ":=1:::;;:"w •k•nW<S en0 Code of Califor nia. The a1"° P•t<l'MlilleO • .,eciu1rec1 Dv ••w time for filing claims will Tl'lt con1rec1e>t "'811, ,..oor to tM not expire prior to four eaecutlon ot 11111 con1r.o<t, 1urnos111wo th f bollds •PC>rOW<I l>'I ltw City. OM 1n ll'lt mon s rom the date of •mount ot io .,.,..,,, of 1110 conlrect the hearing noticed above. Pritt 10 ou•rantee the ••othlul YOU MAY EXAMINE per1orm.nceo1t11e"'°'•·•no-1n the file kept bV the court. ~~1.~";·~~.°:0 ~..:,:~~:;•,.0.,',,;,~ If you are interested in the 01 •" <l•im• for ••bo• ""° me1.r1•1s est ate, YOU may file a fur11 islled H1is contr•cl shall not r equest with the court to 11ecom• ettectlv• un111 such bonds.,. . . supplied to INI •PP<OVed llY lh• Chy r eceive special not ice of T11e con1rM:10" ,.,.11 1>eo1n -r• the inventor y Of estate wllllln 10 dO\ •lier •wero ol the assets and of the petitions, ~~~~=~~.~' ~~:~·u~°"1~~· !~!"~~ accounts and report s comp .. 11on i.tor• lhe nCMr••-of,.., described In Section 1200.S u1en0•r oev• trom ttw oe1e 01 wkl of the California Probate ·-:.·;~ OO<umtftl' will be ... .-Dy Code. m111 w11111n 100 • .,. 0111-e 1>1<1 oet• RI cha rd D . Kin er, Tiie cur <Aunc11o111w co1v o1 cost• 8 au s man and Kin e r MH• rewr ... II• r19hl lo ••tKI •n, Att ' or ell D•OI •no to wl•ve •ny orney at Law, 335 lrnoulerHl~·-·••eciwllhl>oOO.r"' Centennial Way, Tustin, P•oPOW• CA 92680 · (714) 838-7055. Tiie 11._,..s •11•ntlon os Oirect.o 10 Put>llllltd b.-eno-Co.nt Oally Piiot, l>'O•lllonS In Se<llO<'I 2 ol ltw Gener•I l'ttl. It, 10, 2', 1"2 79'-V Cono1llo11t. "ProPOwl Requirement\ •no Condition,." ol tlle St•nd•rd Piil.iC •TICE Speclll<allons ror ttw •equiremen" -----------Ind concllllonl w111<11 lie mu11 -rve NOTICI 01' SALE 01' In Ill• pr-lllion of IN pr~l lorm A v•ssai. VALUED AT •NI lllt •ubrrilulon ol ll'lt 1110 MOtllE THAN.-Tiie Gener•I Pre•elllno w-Rel• Not ice 1$ ,,.,..by olvOf\ """".,.,1 10 IPC>ll<ablt lo the •re." es Clelermlne<I ttellol\s !00. '°'· 501.S, !02 end 503 01 ,.,,., pul>ll$1wd llY tl'lt Olrtctor of Stele 1"8 H•~ & N••loetlon ,_ of 1.,. lnctustriel Ae .. tloM o.p..n.,...,,1. Stew Of c.t""'"'I•. Ille -•lgfMO: Coples of 11111 dOC-1 ••• on Ill• In Tttly Erlln .... will Mii '"' l'Ubll< llw office of lht City C .. rk of Ille Cltr •uctloll. et 10 _,,, ce11ectt.. Sovtlo of CM!• -•no .,. _., to out>IK ~.Ill 12!• P.lft. on w ..... M•rcl> ln1Pe<llon ,,., ,.,,, Ille lollowln9 d .. crl-81d• •re'-"°" lot Ille ..,Urt •Mk ~y, towlt· Hdes<r1-....-eln "'° Glusper Do at. Motor/ 1 o ll•m No 1 ~nllly Lump Sum CFMOS8N. HuH no ttXAOOl'I. also en Stoeel• I J4, llllt 11\ttl, •nd Amerlten Tr•ller. 1 o No Ot003*. specll•tetlomoelec!Octot>er "· ltCl Lk. JV770'. BY OROl!R OF THE Seid wit Is lor Ille purpose of CITY COUNCIL OF .. u.lylno """of Ille unclotrllQne<I for THE CITY OF COSTA 11?11?1??1??????H???H?>H~ In MESA.CALIFORNIA Ille •mount ol ~100 811 on note Ind EILEEN p PHINNEY 11•4.25 stor999 t09etller w1111 costs ol CllY Cler\ 01111~ eclvertlslno-••-~of w••· City Council ol ln• as personal representa tive to administer the es tate of DOROTHY CLAYTON COLBY, Newport Beach, CA . (under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Acll. The petition is set for hearing in Dept. No. 3 a t 700 Civic · Cente r Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701 on March 10, 1982 a t 9: 30 a.m . IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear a t the hearing and state vour objec tions or file writte n objections with the court before the hear ing. Your appearance may be 1n p e r s on or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you mus t file vour claim with the court or pre sent it to the pers onal re presentative appointed by the c our t within four months from lhe date of firs t issuance of le tters as provided in Sec t1on 700 of the Probate Code of California . The time for filing claims will not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kept by the court. If you are interested In the estate. you mav f ile a request with the court to receive special notice of the Inventory of estate assets and of the petitions, accounts and reports described in Section 1200.S of the California Probate Code. CMrtOYMENT & ,.mmtoN Y.ftl•~· ln ... uu.t 1101\ • Juh'A.i11twol 11•1~ V.•nhrt \I' I M£RCHAMOIS£ 4Ml<tloH .\,"llhA • """'"" "'~· ' t .. h .......... "·"' ,1 '•" ••"•••·•••H ' .. ..... ..... 1..,\"" t ........ ,. ........ '4. """' '"""-'* .......... . J,-..1n 1,~"11,.., \t,.f~ ftt·h \,1vfU11ne~l\t \11\!Plt,uw•., '4 .. 11h+I \41,t11•i •I ln•ll "", m I II h1t t Mfli A tl~lfll· r .. r •• ,... '1•1 ... 11 'w ",,." \I• 1\1~· v., ... , .. , .. , ",,. ~. "·"" .... h ... ,.,. .. v 1 k~lto II t ""4•1 BOATS & MARIN£ EQUIPMENT 1 ....... . tt.... "•" ""~ "'·' ~.. . ... ''"•' ...... .... •I k•nl I i-•1111 I\. .,1 "•1 '" • ,.,. ,,, ... ...... , .... ,,, 4 ..... tti ~! ""''·I 0 ' TUNS PORT A TIOH '·' ,,,,, •11!1•if'''"''' ftt f11 ., .. 11,. •• ,jl \11.htit ll•ll•I \l•lf•lf l It '91..,1•1 \l.,f II '• • Ii h••I• I"'" ,,,,, 11 '"' """ .... "lUIOMOBIU '··. '" \ I•• 'ti• • .;110 AUTOS, IMPORTED 1,.n.1.- \11 .. H .. , .. I \.;t• \.,, ... ,., .. ,' t•\f~ '•1" I I u ....... . . ,.., .. ••• 1 ..... '· -J-,,, h••...,,· ·~ ,,,..., \t. '· "'· ' ... i'-•• "'· \t•1I ~-I• • l'tv ••4 I .-1101\0 "' "• ,, Hou .. 1 ... '\.1• •• l•H ·•• I 1•1+1•ti incl Avail. now. Call mt:No Lup l':trt•tl r.1h • I Rulonom1cs 675 6700 1u9i11n t11l 11ray wht 1 t'lluv. Auto Glas~ lnsta lt'r ~"'" SOOS l,11iar 7S4 3734 1-:xpe11encrd in a ll :~~. tQl sq. ft. Mesa Verdt' vprn ·-... , j Phases 40 H" llunt ,11,, area ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'ound M <It' rm~ n ln1t1011 lkh S4Hl23 t:Xt:Cl!1:1,V~. SlJ IT": Slwpherd, hrn hlk, n1·.1r 53h t.5&1 Aflr r 5PM . AND Sfo.C Rl'.TAHIAJ. llead1 & Tiil hrrl 1 %0~ BAYFRO .... f BUSINJ::SS Arn1lahlr 111 K-112210 :::" f""lll Irv Int' Cu r rt•ntll \l'TO MECll !)J-.R\'tn~ ... Pnrn?offlce 6131003 Oj)erateng und al mu~t Pcno.Mlh 5350 \1GR t:~pt'rt .;II Jround ~.. ~ & 572 sq n $1 OONPEr full Perrnt for pro ,....................... ,,_,thJnll 14 llh fJUll<(Olll l( ...... fl.'!ISaonal worruanto work • ll•'rl>un.iht\ Tremr n :~ ~ ft • 3975 Rlrt·h · B 00 her own 111 a s1tu.11111n Affanhs Massa9~ clouo; op pl 1 to g rov. Agent SU_ S032 wtuch has pro' en ,ur Open 24 hri." d<1' v. m·w 'JIOrh q,•h1cle be :,;" Qfire spa ct (or rent, 385 res!§ Ca 11 P RT A' . ,. 7 dil}~ J ~ ePlri. u1.: 1ntrudu•·t-d lrHO So .,, sq ft serond floor l>()('lales IOAM 3PM on Ml Gurl(l'UU' l!irl' 111 C';ihfan· .. Sl.•nd Hl''ume Prest1g1ous Westcl1ff I) 17 14 1 9G2 83 11 111 ~ampn iuu J;1<u111 In llav.k Vl'hl<'ll'S, tt52 .., • area SI 00 sq rt Med1ral w r1 t l' I 8 911 I! M 1 Sauna Lo(li1' J' 14 I'll ·" l'Jrmi.' 111.1 l.J~una Ht•h ;:; Bldg Call645·6501 D~ml'te r. F uu111 ;1111 touri~I~ H.J1lk ('.1tl~I .... , valley.CA 9270ll. 1~m1·11r u rtl . ,\1 J'I.'·' .... --( har~<· Anwni·,10 I ' ;,::., '2MMoPnvateom ce IWOAIAKERY 1irt-i.> 01110 ,, all ::~ l8600MalnSt Hunt Reh Top location ·ad1a11•111 ~ll211arbor UI t M llAHYSrrn :H I r mporar~ ~I .ituri• v.11man for 111 & :l \ r olcl <Mlltr.tn~ 54117136., H ·~ I parkm11k1tchenettl' spc 41 Yrs a mom!\ maker v.1·lcutTMc i 11 111~1 :11:1:1 ••• Daily Jantr All util pd to Balboa Pai 1hun Guotl ,.,.. Av:t1Lnow11714 1848 3133 1 lt'Zl.St' f'orinformallon •--------MEL f t..CllS IAIYSITTB I ' . . REALTOll Linda' Vicki's 1'1•rs11n nl'l'dt•d 10 I • H l N T I N G T 0 "\ I 6i5 812\1 I hab\'111 li ) r nld i:1rl I hr • BF.ACH• •ESCORTS• o'\l'nd .. , \lun Fri Will '.'-1010 S/F S..ik lflvHtwttiwt HACK & fir.I n ;H h.l\t-tu lllt'et rh1ld .i ftcr :·~ 1 · • 3 Prna(e Ot'f1<'es OpporlwWty 50 IS TII \\ !-:\ r.:n • :!I II H!'I ,dic-.11 .. 1 I sspm & kt't•p I .::." • •2Starr Art'a) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 669-0207 u11111 Jppro' 2 ~5pm ... • • Wet bar S25,000. S50,000 • Oull dll t \1 l 'ST B ~ DE PF:~ "" A\wh1ble now·ISl fluor 1 tn f1nantt> ~mJ ll fJ,1 1 1),\(11.E \ll ST 1111• Call 111411W8·3133 Rrov.tn~ ro Low n'~ 1 v.11h111 "Jllonti: d1:.tun<P I percl!nl f bub Han(t) •PROF ESCORTS• 111 St1101-rrf1·k ~:lt·mt-n I '"' MEWPORTIEACH • Si 5061 1 11.\\f l \\1 t.•r' ~o·ho111I Wood ::!: AIRPORT Custom of II --\11111 r'r1 11411 '11:11 l hnol1!1• tn lllt' l'lt'Js .. •I• fices. 00() tO li()O SQ ft MYHt.Rf 1'.ill :152 1141il n(tt'r l "'' Fr 90< ( K1·11n1 1;r.1" ''" om ~r s W.t.d S020t l'lt>~t' r.:ill \11uo '"'o't ~ :JJpm :~~ Mu_!!.an ty S4-0 2960 ••••••••••••••. ••••. •• • ilfi ki2 4835 fl .uH·, ,,11 --------- ---------WE 81.lY h1Rh e4u1t) pro I pe rt> in e"1'"" of J PROF. ESCORT lexecup an MILl.IO:-.S ~K~IK 1'n~h 54980'J6.ifl ipm .• ~Ir:~ ;~~~rot~ ~.~!:~c:': • • •• ~?.2.~ I l~~ v.~~~d 1111, :: ~1i\':.J r1~ > ·-'( &d k 2nd TD to SI m1ll .1·1 ::i~hi;1 ,1 n.t 1m1 '" U1 ice es sparr qua hf) Dov. nt') SJ 1 7til ·•~lfi Nr 0 C Airport 1ng~ M1 Md)aurr10• ::::·. ,_·.·SE·ie·'~.;.p1.;:.i.1a.lt'···_, 96.1-2611 Sugar & Spice :::. "mtY~ll~fc~~ =~:: Modtb bcorh II 1 ~ 1• ~ t o r t' n e l' d ~ 1•m·r11 .. 110 pt>rson for •lUtk A. \.lrtUU~ tlUllt'\ ~14t> 'o·v.µcitl Ill. Cu!>lil \lt-.a I lootdc~r /Retail 'liev. rel ail ~tore needs J.1Jrt lltTMc bkkpr Hrs mll.'lt tw fle~1tile Apply in pcr~on \1onrla~ 22 !I 12 JI Hl't.1 H.i\~tdl' Or, '\/Hor Tue~ 2:1 l tor !'all t.IOWOO 631 -7903 ··o M Offfct Space Re.tats: l()()l(ICEEl'H F/C •·.:< •Slntes lrom $495 I Office lllildlaqs. •t'll.\l Fn l H. for er \ firm nr 0 c •.• •Branch office $90 ITl() Low\'> to ~.000 Term) AHlll 111 dnH , 1111, I \lrpcJrt 7~ 93911 "~ Cal17S2·64M I to3 years ('all to ~et> If !Jl'n.<>nat iar fur .on\ •H '·-------... ~ .... , v.e h.iH• the best r.itt•\ .ision reh 5J6 2111:1 I IOOKICHf>ER F/C •·•L HmtldlLteH a\a1lable for your loan l 1• s t 8 h J :: •. Rrookhurst Garh eld Call \fr 'l;rl,on itt j \lf.RCll\'\1.., 1111,1 ',':'~1~1~~r r~rm" '. ~ approx 500 sq ft all. or I 966 0755 (.',. mbridi:o• nesspropl•· l>o \ uu1 He,1111ns1bh• For da1l) part 9$' per ~q n t'pl Capita l Group •• c1uahf.1 lo :J<Tl'PI tin hn.1nt1 .. 1 trJll,lll"tlOn~ & wmdow ooverinK incl d Cahforma real l''l.it•· r \RD' lnt·11"1't' hu,1 I cnmrutenzl'd G L , , • non srn>ktr broker al!'o act mi: "' .i n • ..,, profit 111f11 " u uli \n .i , 111· 111 m 1 n d t'd • · 714 963 5647 _ lender ' h~ \11 Grl't'n1· t;t,7 Oi7°1 1~ E~pr Rt•qui rt•ct :::. IUSIMlSS ADDRESS Ptnonal S~rvlces 5 360 CJll 64!1 ui23 ····I Ans wering & m :11I LOANDUE? •••••••••••••••••••••••l•----•••-1 t:.am xlnl money part· lJITl! selhng lingene at holTl! parties. ~~ Expanding Bus1ou1 Loolunc for 4 Responsi- ble Ambitious Adults Ca l l f o r appt 714 964 1862 E:xper'd F1oral Designer needed Carnage Trade Shop 645·0093. ask for Sally or Diane. PAST FOODS Part lime or Full-time . TiiE ROTISSERIE 260 Bnstol St . CM Female Gym Instructor Superbod1el>, A Ntw Fit ness Center an Costa Mesa 1s Look111g for an atlrat11ve. energl!t1c. & Phys ically f'11 Girl Start March 1st Call John or Rudy for Appl 17l4 1S4fl 1931 FlfNCH TUTOR Needed Mu st lear n Ba~1c ~'rem·h for travel 2ll·S92·404S FIOMT OFftC E SICRETARY Wanted M1n1mum 75 WPM Arrurate General ()(flee & Word Proress1ng exp req $1300 P rr ~onth . + llenef1ts Contact Mr Toko. United lndustnes 114 644.9800 GlH'ffl/:a~GH A new ex c 1t1ng restaurant will open m Jul). on the bay , !liewport Owner looking ror l'XP General Mgr. to hrlp through construe· tJOn. ordenng a. binng-r T pos1t1on. salary + bentf1ts Ov.ner. 646·4419 or61S 9613 O•led tllk '"" oevot Fet>. t9t? Clly OI COit• Mew. Tony ErH-(.eUtornie PullllsNcl Or-COllSI O•ily Pilot, Pul>llslleO Or•noio Coul O•oly Pilot. F.O 20, ,.., 837-tl Ftll 20 U, 1.., ,,..., W itter a nd Ha rpole, Atto rneys a t Law, by M yron E. Ha rpole, 610 Newport Cent er Drive, S u ite 1530, New p o rt ! Beac h , CA 92660 : te l . :1141 644-7600. l C' ... >'llllll•Nd Or-(o,ul 0.oly Pilot. Ft'I> 70., 0 11 • ..., l40.t1 I AUTOS. NlW MOS. USlO : sen 1l·e. conferenre NPoCASH ?' IURGLAJtALARM j I room AdJ OC i\irport ' Compt>l llt'l' rail.'' 1111 *THE* I TECHMICIAN $100 mo 71 4 ~I 1342 , rrortgaJi!l' loan) 151 2n•1 I 11.ii J.11>5 76() 36115 ~ewporl Be.a <'h nt'ar ~d~~t~P i~ i~~~1~1:. SWEETHEARTS ,. I Hoag HO!>p IOOO ~q 11 pmp Junior loan~ 111 S'S 2'1 llR ESCORT" <;fHBAL OFFtCE lnsuranre Agy In Costa Mesa ha s openmg for l'nl'rl(el1r person to ban die variety or ort1r:e dut1(~ :.1us1 be respons1· ble & v.1lhng lo learn Rapid ad,·ancement for nght pe™>n Paid r:om pan) benefits Call Sat l).~9923 HAIRSTYLIST needed v.1th follov. ml(. Rat l~I 673·4013 I ;~· . DIATH 1mc11 ! L I;;.:~. wcond noor office~ am mil C'ourtl'W 1., tii..r, rn IC \l I O'\ U pie parkmit v.ell ma 111 i00.155 I Steil'. 111 Ou.mt· 11<2:!0, :-;,. 111 Rh 11 t.al.llt'd bldg \'1rk> day~ COST\ \I r:s \ ,..,, 714 64 5 48 00 l'\ e' Prwate mone) .1\l1dJhh• 64 1 1522 GIBSON AUBREY K G IBSON . resident of Calais. Maint· Passed away on Februar~ 18, 1982 al the age of 75 He as survived by 2 sons Roy E Gibson or Newport Heach , Ca. and Aubrey K Gibson. Jr. of f1orida. 2 daughters Christine Gidney and J ean Cousins both of Maine and 5 grandchildren Fune ral services and interment will be held in Calais. Maine Pierce Br others Bell Br oadwa y Mortuary directors. Phl•lw· • .., '111\1\o•d h1 :n P11 l'lllc· \ 11" :\l1·n111r1.d I A de:.n•1HlJ11b 1\ :\-lil1la l\ P :1rk 1'.11·1l1r \·11·\\1 •c. 714 673 311 2 le.I\ I' from $1(),0011 up C.111 l ,\J.i. Hiii ;:~ rressa~r Tom 642 88j2 , V\ f El\ E.' n !'\I' 1-~ I \ 1 UC Airport area 1120 'q Mort~s. Trust _. & ... n 69' ~CJ fl ~ u111s, DffdS 50l5~Ymt"! CLERICAL I honl llf1· l11l'h 111 I 'II r .I 111' I II ( t 11 ~·I'd' po• , , u n " p h 11 n ,, j 111•r,11n,1lll1 &· l~ p11111 1 'kill' w 1lhnl( In learn h1l'""'" ~· T 8!>1 311131 \,k l11r f'.0111 Hm re llome cleaning sernce nt'<~ help 1mmed Must ha1e own tran s p Laune 645 0961 HOfJEl~jUET PHE LPS, SR. WILLIAM H PHELPS. SR. age 80 or Sioux City, Iowa , died on Monday. February l. 1982 in a Long Bea<'h. California hospital after a long illness Mr Sen •1c1• v.a~ ht•ld .tt :.! OOPM. :\l11rt11.ol\ cl11(•Cl11r' rm Thursd;I\. F1:hru<111 I C:!ST s 1982 ;it Hl\t•r-.1c1t• '\:<1t 111n.il \I ' II\ ~: 1; l!-.T . IJ J '\I I Cemt'll'f\ :\1r Phl'lpi. v.a~ n ·,11h•nt of ('0,1.1 \1 t·,a. Ca born 1111 Juh ~6 1901 in l'ai.wtl JV.CJ\ un Ft·bruan Salem. ~fl!\~oun Ill' ..,t-rvt•l'I I Ii 1982 ~ h l' "J,. J ;1 s v.1th the l S Arm~ m World apa1 lmi·nl m,1n.i~t·r for the War I and "''" "1th the Rl•d n ,1 ml 11 (' 0 n,. l r 11 r 1 0 r Arruv. lJI\ 1s111n lhro)ughoul Com J>.lll\ ro1 1tw l.IJ'l I ;I Franc·t· lit• "'a!\ t•mployc·l'I at, t·ar' Sht• •~ ... urv11t•1l h' I Armrour & ('umpan~ Meat her nl'phc·"' .Jnhn :end Dan I Pat•kmg l'lanl m S 111t1\. Ctl) Kersch. hot h of 1.:i Habra Iowa for 23 ycJr::. lie was a c a St•rvtt•cs "111 ht• held on mc~bt•r or th? American t\'l unt.la). di 9 .llOAM al F LI.' R 10 n a n.11 \ t• I .t' r a n ., o f 11 u r tJ 11 r 1. a v. n M c· m 0 ra a t For cq.:n \.\a1" S11rv1vnr :.ch :.qH•I v.1 1h 1nl t•r m en t include 3 """"·Wil ham 11 sen itt'' 1m1111•0 1a t l•I\ Phe l1>s J 1 o r Spokane . folio'""~ Sl'f\ 1<·c ... unde1 I Wao;hin)?ton WaltC'r I. lht' di11·cl1t1n 11f llurbor j P h e I P s o f C <' n t e rt o n . La" n Mount Oh H' ~111rt uu r .. ArkJn:.a' and Robrrt T or \o,ta \11:.,u 5411 55!'14 Phelp:. 11r SH>tl\ Cit~. lov. a. J Lt' WIS E daughters Mrs Belly :\I \ l l L" "' • S 1·, E ... ('"' R ------------Williamson of Santa Ana . f ~ • ... 0• · " r. Ca • Mrs .Jud1l\ I Stahl of ~ E \\ IS · r l'' Id t' n I o ( r-----------......, Mesa , Ai ii.on ~t and Mrs Gardena. Ca Pasi;ed a way Mary A. Cooper of Sioux on Fe b1uuo 14.,1982 lie had D Cit\'. Iowa. 13 grandchildrC'n ;.ervcd m lht· V1<'1na m War rAClftC YllW MIMO•l·U r.atlC Cemetery Mortuary Chapel·Crematory 3600 Pac1hc View Drive Newpart Beacn 6«-2700 McCOIMtat MOHUA•tES laquna Beach 494·9415 laquna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAUOI LA W.._MT. OUYE Mortuary • Cemeterv Crema tory , 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 .... ClllOTHllH l&L llOADWAY MOITUA•Y ttO Broadwav Costa Mesa 642·9t50 l.t.l.TJ ..... OM tMnt I TVTHe&.l WUTCWP CHAM 42'1E 17thSt Cotta Mesa 84&.9371 and 1 t gre11t ·l(rnnllch1ldren 1~ Germ.11ny I le. "as also, a Also survivc~d by 3 s isters n.1t1 ve Cahforruan lie-wa.i. Mrs Bertha I Wmdles of em~loyed by. Stand~rd 0 11 Sioux City, lo" a Mrs l.111\· R.ermery lie is survived b) Poches or South Sioux City. his wire .fudy or Gardena 1 0 v. a . and M :.r r ) 0 f <:a . parenl' M.1r~ Jane and C , 1 ( 1 I' o r r es I D I.<'" 1 .. ur a • or n 1 a and 3 s 0 lluntmnton Bcarh C· I n u m erou"i nit'<'<'<; und ,. · •1 · nephews lhs ~•f<' l.ilhan E brothrr II a nd~ s1-.ier Phe lps preceded h m in Alison . 2 iirandmother:< 1 Sad1 \' L e \\I!> and He le n death on cf ~~J~~~ Pri<'hard all. of ltunt1~gton C H A R r E S A Rea«h. Ca Ser vices will bt.• 0 · • · · held un Saturday. February ALLAHER. passed away 20 1982 al 2 OOPM at on F ebruary 18. 1982 A 1n'glcwo nd c "emet e r y resident or Newport Beach. Moi tuary lnf{lewood c11 · Ca for the past 20 year:1 · · Survived by his wife Ahci:i , TEMPI.ETON . , daughter Patncia Herren. 1 H 0 Ii K R T L 0 U I S 6 4 2 sister Betty Byron and 1 TEMPLETON. passed away brother Earl Gallaher. 2 on Fe bruary 11 , 1982. lie was grandcl\lldrcn, Mi<'hael and a member of the Santa. An• • Milinda Mr Gallahe r Elks Lodge #794. the C1tr\Cl ownc-d •nd op e rat e d Belt Traffic Club. the 5 . fo'acllltit-s Maenlcnan<'e National Crt.-dit Managers Cor poration s inc e 1973 Association. the National previously employed as an Froien Food As1'ociation electrlcnl engin eer rorand t h e American Ro berts h aw. Controls In Management Association 6 Anaheim Ca. for 23 years He ls turvivcd by his wlfr fo und e~ o f Am e r lc an Vernu, 11on C11lvin of T\111Un, J n s t 1 t u t e or p l a n t Ca , dau.ihtcr N:mc-y or Simi EnglneerinJr, pasl·president Valley, Ca . brother t'.W 7 a n d R e 1 l o n a 1 Templeton or Houston. Vice·p~ldenl, II member or Texas. father Robert L Rotary lntematlonul and the Tcm pleton. Sr . of Fort Society o f Am erlcafl Worth , Texas a nd 3 . . MUltary En(lntotra. Oranae 3rttndchildrt'f'I Scrvlc will 8 County J>ott, a member or be he.Id on a turdey the f')'llwoad MMOnlc Lodge! F t b r ua r y 20, UU at. and a member ot the Bahia 10· OOAM at Harbor Lawn Corinthian Yacht Club. M\'morial Chapel. Servk~a Strvlrea wlll bo held on undtr tht direc t ion or Saturday. February 20, 1982 Jlarbor Lawn•Mount Oli ve at J:OOPM at Pad llc Vlew Mortuary or Cot1• M•••· Cb a p el Entombment 640·SSS4 l itlj .. :: ~7 49LJ 731 J&n 1 ••••••• •••••• •• • • • • • •• • Prf'Porotton "' ...in.ss Re..tal 4459· Sotffer MtCJ. Co. ••••••••••••••••• '••• •• •••••••••••oo•• •• • • • ••• All I \"P<'' nf rt•a I 1·'1 Jk Sdtools & •·· StoreorOfflr:e 1350\Q ft tn\·l'St11Tnls~m1t l~l'I IMtructiOft 7005 Mesa Verde ~rea SpecioiiM9 in •••••••••••••••••• ••••• 54Sm3 hdTDs $31.90/WK .. . I .. OfficeRe..tal 4400 ~e v.p o rt Bhd re ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• futbished1 b01dg for u,1rr.re or rfla1 pen ra ers. P.S1S!~~tk French doors. expo~ed :-learO C AIRPORT bnrk. 1100 ~q ft + 1000 f'i-om Sl z, sq rt up s q f I f n c d y r d Own!r Al(l _ 673 5369 Iii Fu~r. lkr. HJ visibility. Attrart 1vr 546-01_14 store 2330 Ne v.p ort (Jf1ce ~pace for rent. 606 Blvd CM 1200 ft Gla~s sq tt. pnme lo<'allon. E front age S6oO mo I 17th St. C ~1 Ground 675-7788 llcll tun< h r \I 1 hn' 642·2171 545~06 I I 11.cn Prr:-choul 1.~1t .t-ILJ WIDOW llA~ SS$ loo TD"s. Rt. 1.11.10, 11111 Jobs Wanted. 7 075 l:p No Credat t'he«k "'' 1••••••••••• • • • • •• • • • • • • Penalty Oenm~son A~ Y nun ti ma rt 11· ol 11 ·' 11 soc 673 731 I v.ould hkt> odtl JOIJ, r1 "' I & wkrnd~ l'Jn 1!11 J I <tFlXED RAT": 2nd Tl> 1 an<'I> of h;11111' mJ 11 • fUlly Amort11t'!I I 10~ <1i2 ~5~ t'\, ~ .i'k • fUll) Al>Mlma hlr for 11111 • I\ o P r r P a \ n1t· n I I Pena It' \."SIST \ \:T !\sk for Skip :116 02tl3 l'rofe«1onal l'' 1 11r11 floor Avail 1mmed StudJo-bus1ness spac<' to $650 mo Ca II Cra 1g 1~ 62S sq ft s.175 pr mo J r I'! • rt· .1 • r J I t• ' Rr.I 15:! I Batley,631 0213 l...agWUI Bch• 67~ 2722 .....,._.,..,.../ --P~/ llOl'!'~ n ~. '' 1'1. ~n sq dfrollt gr1~und CM Z?x20' for $l00 mo ••o••••••••••••••••••• tiublr Ref Call till 1692 MIDl~AL SUITE Sl'ORE 2340 Newport RI ' Loli & FoWtd I THY rs· l<l'J' llt>J•t'n oor. ~ar en se. •tng, 645-3503 51 OO or73.'>-58il! I professional bldg. in t.op ~""Rh Needed for luxury Lagunll Beach hotel t'onldCI Jan Flood .m 44TI CLERK t-: 0 1-: 11.11 l~or Munmpal l ourt I HOL'SF.Cl.EANF.RS t..o~ 011t·nm1:' for mt'n & needed for domestic v.11nwn If ~ou q pe rlei.n111g sern ce good lltwpm I. .in• ml<'rt'~led ood c II R b 111 >.Int ht•nd1h w 1th a ~ay ~ hrs a 0 1 ir 11 n i: .1 l.1 n or e·s ag Mop S48·0'1S.!_ S!i ti:1 hr 40 hr" Pt'f 11 0\JSF:KEEPER To .. ,.,.k 'all 11:1~ ~11. ext hve.1n. agt' 30.55 pre :l._1 fnr m11•f\ 11'14 4601 ferred. 556· 1000 .lumb1rl'I' 1111 ti :lo ll j --f. o r. Housekeeper, L1 vt o~l. must have xlnt refs CUIK TYPIST PART TIME Our markct111i: dt•p1 1~ lunk1n~ f1•r .1 I lerk fl Jll't Thr 11t1•;1l 1u·r~on ffill'I 1\1><' 50 liOv.pm .t<' our Jtt•h ! v. orrl pro r"""''r l''ICJll'r ,, .. ~ hr~ . 1 d,1\ to be 11rr.111Red If lllll'.IO'~l o•ll 3pph 1n Speak En11hsh 811? Ca· 1 n ~·o n area . own transportation 5 days, no children SIOO v.•eek 644·5W7 Hc~nr~wG area of Newport Beach. M.WDOri leaclt ••••oo••••••oo••••••••• ~llf'r Typ1~1 for /1t•rm Xlnl access to Hoag Rtta1170fce Space •5'1RrTUAL PT or F i m mv wm•· PUSSY Hosp SI.25 sq rt. Long Pnmt tiuslness locat1on READING* f'.l'. & dt'hv ~'16 :!124 I SEMICOMDUCTORS 5 days. 9·4pm Perm position for mature . Englis h s pealnng woman w11h good ability to answer phone & take lll!ssag~ Car ner. Gd working ronds Small term lease avail Cail on b~y Pac Cst Hwy J81S S. El Camino R~a~. Comp;imon St•<· , ~•·1>k ' lli4l Kaiser A\'t', ~l for a~t. Ideal for retail or office San Clementi' 492 7~ ll\'e In position prl'f In me. CA 92714 family Sfond reply to: f I use. t,(XX) to 3.000 sq ft fUll[!ic LJ"UM lkh ~;1l111 .1t•·•t. ·--------•t omct spact' or e~se. avail " 1 ... Sl50/mo. Balboa Island 714.a45 7100 Loli & Fowid 5300 Ir a' r It'd ' I \l'<o "' I Ad. Box 43. Corona del Mar. CA. 926l.S --- Call 12131289·9307. ask •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• f.urope II yrs 1 clrl\l' COOK for Mr Pembt'rton. -rcial Lall, 2 12 \'If oc AirJll <iood ~ol ref, l\:ll %71. \Jil(res~1\e talented 111 HtkllrCoc* Moo lliro Fri 1·5. Non srmker S80 wk SS6 1737 KOUllV,1141 11 ..... 4475 Gldn Relnr I yr Ml nu l\Jl ch\ mm 2 ~r~ cxper (MDU$\. ""I• •00•••••••••••••••••••• cir. ans to OaJC 496 8954 ~1aturr L.id\ a \ ail a~ ~rrm•h Rest .. urant 1m INSURANCE 2400 sq. ft total 900 sq C~.~ntral C M .450 sf. •fW••oi.i,i,t. Uime Aide, Lt lb !\pi;. f1'lt'(J l'all \hrk 64070'J2 f'GS has opening tn fl deluxe office 1500 sq slAlable for office. busi " -'Jlll"StnR ex per s.is 7217 Anaheim for automobile ft i.~. • • -e or other. S22S mo. LOST · Blue & Gold ~ PtnOtl sales rep. Inside sales. wareuvuse. ,_,.., u, ACAW PAR ROT n..r.-' Id k I .ri.....-R-..i. eo.t.J to Mn 631.Q'Q, S.0-8299__ _ ... .,.111~ a Y see ' emp -~· no prospect1111. Attrac· (71•)~Y 1 •760 S Virg1maPl &EldenAve a s c o mp.1n111n. F T matun-. for shoe t1ve rompen satlon .. 1S.,, Prime Tustin & an CM 646-1322 housekreper. hou~e~ll n•p111r & retail store package1 xlnt fringe -.-Oil-----CIMJ'--.• ---I Clemente retail or office -· ----ter. Gourmet <'ook f're1• <A>od manual skills nee. benefits, including com- MIWPOIT ace. 730-1410;~1·8899. 1:id. G~de~ ~~ri01eJ lo lr11Vcl Refs l'ttar11r "111 tram /\sk for Tom · pany paid dental. Rapid Elegant . Exe~ suites in 63UH2 w. Coast Hwy, Collar. 962.8966 842 1411 564 IHH 752 Tl!ll advanC'ement potential. preat111ous toe. Joel N.B ' ~ aMtd 7100 Some aut o exp .. le secretarla 1. recep-ll001q. f\ retail sales &< REWARD' Lost 2 Docs • ...,. W -·c· ... -~•-•811• ... •TlllO~l-1 casualty U~nse deslr•· t.ionlst. telepbone ans l ttn'lce nowautoatereo. I Sm Brn puppy 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Grow~& e ed;n1~ dis· ble. but would consd ld 1 er rmtt. Ofcs from S436 •1m0. 2131&5985 or Medium Blk Curl) Accessory & art sMalu tri ... utor !leeks good non·experience n· ~. Oo·call otc• Sl6S M4-914 AJ'ler•PM -~ rart or f tune. ust u d1v1dual 1f otherwin mo THE H EA 0 . -havf f111t for de!o~n. I) put to traln for on hne qualified For apJ>Oln(· QUARTERS c OM. lr*'*MI...... 4500 4*. Gtrtn Shep ml>. rolor or art. Y(ill train computer system. Xlnt ment ca 11 hd y PANIES:Aprolesslonal •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Ctm Lost llarbor / Xlnl <'omm Maui opportunities & com l71•17'19!91Cl environment. (7U) N.B.. _,,Birth.• sq. Wilson area Pleasecall ~.675-4122. panybeneflt.s Coll tln. ·------- 151-0al fl. or lees. MIA zone.~ 6.11·2034 an 5.30 551-:BBO 1 ~=:~J.~IOI Dailf , per sq ft A1nt 1.o1t:Chocolate Lab pup. ~ 5'1·5032. rem tan collar lost ln Large 1fc-,--s-i>ace. ,,___,.. t• ... N t i.iun• Cn>11 m em OJrcj\1 ckll Mar -1141· .. uY P · •875'-9510• (W'J It 405 fwy. From eves. __ ''::;llllJllJ!lll••lll UO( Mr. O 'Keefe F'oynd : BannJ1 Club I• an.a w1lbft to place n . bark· MIWPOIT CIMTll CONST. CllCU less dog that yodels la Int OHlcit 2'0D aq. ft . im1t Incl m -•-•---- 1 .. l9iie ... ft. ol office + 5000 sq. fowld: lon&batnd M ut. 900 to _,lq ft. Avail•· fl. feeced aaphalt cvv· whltt/.Ytllow, Ward " ACCOUMT AHT F/C Position w/Newlfort Och. Propt'y Mgmt Firm Outstudin11 Career Oppty -0 IL, A/P AIR w/tmpllHtt in f~ctal analy~ia H )ou're b11&ht "' prior FIC txptr . wf''ll help train you A provtdr for carffr advanctmeiit. Call. MO-Ol.23 bleblAMI · ered1atd. m.0.r.v .,... 1arC::!':.-.~i. .Cs'Kttfl~to"' ;,ov:::n;d~·;C~o~ck~t:r~m:l.ix~.I ............ ~ Wtlall Corrie, Splu ml1. *c .Jl ••·")' Doble rnla. ltuslly , '"""~... Bu1l• 1nl1, Great A 1 ... estment Dane. lrvl1t Animal M0-$171 ClrtC..ttr. 154·!!!! TWO DPllllNCm SA&IS PIOflLI wanted for top llne euto dealer. If you are motivated. ag~resslve & can handle high tr•Hlc 11111 Call usl le1S1ng experience IS helpful. Top comm4tslon plus dtntllo medlc1I & Demo. Call Mr. Hunter ot Mt. Wright. 546-9961 ,,, 4t~ 11 JI " ( The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 .. -·' D :<i I j ~ "" ... ~"' I :e >~ J 9 ~ • • :· ~"' I ~ ~, ~~ ~ ": ) }; l·~ • ' t ,;·,; I ) •• ti fl i. ~· ' .,, ., .:.~_:_. C........ • ...... • U •A " • ...... ,. . ·-...:.::::.: •.---.._:.... •-,-_:L.;,'Alet•lll ~ ...................................................................................... ....:: ..........••••.•• ~ ....................................... ~ .......................................... ~ ..................... . :~~•il ~ee~-~~= =~~., C:;ru:i: 'c;~.~"lr::i;~~=.~ .=.~~ice 't~~:';~~ 11~1'-t!:::J~i1c. :~·k.u~fr,~ · ~·hnult~I TNrkmollDtuolt a...rNI. Ul·IOU D1ywalf.st11eco-Tu. d!Hf.Freeelt.W ·atT a14rlfotUot. MolwloealC\lltol.nert. Cf/W, Dlacountaon 1t1m1tre11. '42·t 71 Havuakulator, will Doon. "'4owt,p1Uo Wotltpar. MS-l'Ut lledrtc a-..i It 1 a.iiodtl. .i.1.w.• ,.,,... ,.,..,R E 1'iilkrou. es1.44JO wal.leovtri•P· Free est . ...;:ev;.;.;•==------- "'"'l All1cd1aerv. t.'0Vtrt.Jrtt•t.R111. No=/N ft: at OW'ul ~·J.11. ,..__, tt1•1•-· 10Q1 ·Aw., AT ,._.__,ft.. RodMlt-5100 Dreu kbll Call fw annt. 'Jto-11.22. Uc. '31*2 IMf.2110 o ampoo ..... an. qu. c , -&>e-•· .._.., lfaiDteoaoce ....................... lncoml t.111 Hl'Vlce·your -i-and ,..il:" Uoil ., Specl1 t. Fut "-·We do aanbe job, Repe!n U>ecoratin1 Wut 1 RIALL y CLEAN home by appt. NMUl a yn e~. c. l, l'"1lllP"" '-"1 ra · ......... ,JP1NROr.VHEOMME~TS dry. Frte•t.D·l5U •Gl·ZS45• •Qu&Uty• RayN0.5144. HOOSE? Call GlnJruam n-.-.1 ~. B •-,_ Boilded. w. Ref1. Color ....................... Sb1rley•Sl50 .....,.-._ ,, ,,,_, .--• 1&1we11 w · eoert.IG-OtllDlck •BRYANT'S• ...................... , Additions' RemodeUn1 c.,.tJU.•1tst1ry RDID/COIUl'L/JND HOME lllPROVElllNT um. Freult. "5·5 tome Tu Return Wallcoveriol Removal Sllyl .... ~~!.11~~Vri~JNIDG~ '"••••••••••••••••••" II Pl~· Do my own R!PAIR-PLUllBING ROBIN'SCLEANJNG flrtparaUoa. Avail for NELSONSPA~NTING AUTvries 1142,1343 •••u••• .. •••••••••••tt _.__ .. _ ~ NewYt'aSpedal!Crpt wort.lJcclAlW.1.lJI Heat101. urputry, Semee-athorouthlY ~11•Weekend0f· lat/Ext ~~id/Comm · ••~HYS•it .,...Comm./ tt . sun coaat 1010-TK ~.deanlaa.Scotcb .._.,..___._ elee, uae. Free ett. No deuboUle. 54C).Ol57 lb or Home Appoint· A~c ceilinas. Refa, ...._.Jlep9r All Size-• -Jut11lecl. Uc . ..,. MS-llll camera • l\l&l'd. Free Ht 972.1131 -·-~ jobtooamaU. MS-21U mtllll. Jame• L. Zlm· Uc d.. Free est. 13'7·.211137 ....................... Oreat Prices, Ul·taS Ort P .... ,_ . ~·=·~~·Llool••••••••••,••• JA,.,OPALLTRADES LOR.RAJNE'SHOME merman.CPA.MS-OU BOGDANOVPAINTING Nntpattbes•texturt1 -- YeWl)'I, •••wfLot Uc.~ 770.1$$-c...t/c..u.t. ._..,., • eum or Oatlcla -• h SERVICE.REFS. 14 OCT li ----. ..e •• R~kSelkoat 11. u.ttALJCAa..tSTI. ....................... Home , Van ' Motor Y°"'""f t, Owntrw. IG.QSlOeva ••• , Ne'tf'St ·li · ~· ty: ...-• ltl-1439 ..................... .. u Alpllalt "'a11omno ""-i THOlllPSON'S Hocnt.847"'585Dave. •JacU7S.IO.. TopQlr·" -········ .. •••••••••• ·~, .. sis PLASTER PATCHING TILEJNSTALI.ED cGl-4l• fn':.to::mod'!t''Fr~~';j CONCRETECONSTR .... , Rl'MONABl.E ~Y~'\::'tioRatet BRICKWORK: Small ·l ftettuccOI . lnt/~xt. 30 AUKindaGuaranteed Allllw,. ..a.;._ a...u h·-·-I Uc.193383 14% ... 2 ......... , ............. PROMPT.FREE EST. 1'2••c)·-·1107mH Jobi, Nlewpol rt. CRoaft• ~ALITYINTJEXT yn.Jt'eat.P1ul545·29'17 Rell JohnSC0-9217 uuun, ••7 I "' • pat ' R-• u ..,.,.ST EV"'RY ... -llle1a, r v ne · e s. c'd-. "·fa. Fre• est. -,,....,._ Ce mJ Tll ·AOO'am.Vi'ii:<iAL. roven .... 3W ~D.coNcRtrE + TIHS REPAJRN1wED. nmBaooMSQUAD m.im. ...1061•~ u. ED'S PLMTERING P::: .. ~~ rr~.:t. ..,.._.tioo.'Law of·calMf...... ~~~~1~::f Tupped/removed, clean DAVEMS-4757 QuaJity .ReUab&e Muomyo:urSpeclalty! Quality pt1, Low winter ~ 1"i,°!e~~: Cfiuck67S.1408 fkel, JI Ian. S45-M22 ...................... ip, lawn ~v. 7SU47I ~.ca ntry-Tlle lbMcle.anin1. 6'1S.3l2l Clea, quick, depend•· raUs In effect. Honest, 25 Yrs Exp. Ftee Ell. W-llft Cabineta 6 Carpentry :: ............... ,.. K.60Landscape Maillt. Plwnl>-~1-Remod Exp'd Houaekeeper, hie. Wedo anyalujob. reliable. 8411·5'411 ft~rth.9 Reasonable Work. Ouat. SmaUJoba•repairs ....................... a.&d/Comm.Cleu-up. SUlcco-DrywallW-8700 avlil. rpomin11. Hard· •131·2345• ....................... John492 .. _ .. --............... Free est 845-~ .,, ... ~!n!t-Lt lbulin1. 541·3'• -ti'Oltin1. honest, relit · EXPERT BRJCK AND PAJNTERNEED~ Dral.ns cleared from $10 . ·-Fo1'~~ 5~o. C.,11t~r ~ addi~~=!nt GardeniDc -Compl. ~l~:e. ~!,?dr~p~i~a~ ble. Refs . Call 831-7591 M11C!ft1Y. SmalJ jobs" .:~RK1!!1Jce:fij~t~. Plumb~:lpairs TrMs.r.ic• ,nz,50071752.0992 ....................... Improvement In· ctnnue6freebaulln1 paillllaa•carpeotry.lS att.s. repam. Frpk facln11. Davi1PainUn1 M7·Sf86 Freeest. 542·9033 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PROF. POLISHING CHAR RENOVATING aurance work. decks, for 1111.ble ltema. 'fl'I aper.14M331. Don't Spend the Sum mer Refs. 551~· 760-7074 CoUep student 7 yrs ex-"41ftv M•• 91• .t c=r!i:i ~i;:idna~f; Service at_your bome or O>mpl. int/ext' boat patiol Miebae!MS-1734 Cpatry, Hm '1'" drwl. Clearun1 your House. LANDSCP/MASONRY per. Int/ext. refs. Dana ••••••••••••••••••••••• Services 9S7·8388 bulilleu. Rlck67S·0344 docks. 25 yrs. &U-3'74t 'T1o.a7Uc313174 Oardenln1W1nted pntoa. rnt 1 ix. up . }:,. ';:~e! ~~!e 8°a :~ 20 Con~rete. Ltlcc'~a09.14 146-18119 (keep trying) =PIONln FINE FINISH WORK REMODEL/ADD·ONS Mowlq,edtuic. ratlna. yrd~. reu. Jerry, &31-4IOI yrs. neees ,,,_.., ~alMINT ComplmTreeService .. ,...... Reimdeling/Doorshung •Carpentry. Lic'd. a weep In 1 . Free 11155-_, Orange . area. lS yrs Gen'ldn-up&lrrie . ............ ••••••••••• Randy 720-1260 CdM 25 yrs. Irwin 548·2719 e1tlmate1. 845·4372 or Broomhilda'a . We'll turn ~m Brick, Stone, i.~·.~·•••u•••••••• experience. Call for Info. Lawn renov. 536-0914 Bltf:lt,ourCM bomes. l ~S137. Ben'aMalntenanceServ. your dunleon1 into Refs. rr.C:~et~eS..~~~:· HANGlNGSlO/ROLL and rates. ITrwthe«k 'f1' ~=S759 nredo1Piai:wa11a1 In· ~~~~~::,11,.. CUSfOMGARDENlNG P=~Jec~fit::~1 ::is:J:t st. Ref's . u.uOMRY =~-d.lsco~:r~ t 6Mll2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• creue the Value & Veryreu.Uc.3902SO. Relid'l/Comm 'I SKILLHANDYMAN ~ l im •alnl/..,., DELINQUENT ? Baby1lttln1 Mon-Fri. Beauty of Your Home JadtH.BenneU,Jr. Qn.ip.llS-3S77,X43 SERVICE GERMANLADY Sll•ft 67Mlt4 UC.PAPERHANGE R ..... ••••••••uuu•u• Judicial Foreclosures ~-toc .. 2 Y .. ~.; .!,!.< With The Richness or Gen.Contr. »2·9142 'JHEGDu.•rHOPP~R . y .Com_P2:.~0me HouM'worlr. Esp, Refs. &>nded" gua.r. r<o job CBI HaroldF McGrath Elq . .. :...,."PA, ... · ,,,_._...., SolidWood..496-«Ml .....,.. repeu. our n~ are ••teo-0719•• ........ too1meUortoolar1e. IA! SSl-1771 Uc'd cblldcare, loving LaminatedCabineta ·• WOCMtweftiltt =ia!,~~~au!i ~.;:::!:lty . Mike Ma • H 1 1 ....................... f'rteest. Tooy891-2'128 ,.,.. care ' companionship, Wood Skins or Formica •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Domi.nicMZ-41Sl the rt~ 1 3uaec ean nf. -.Ale MOYIM6-UC PAPER HANGER Turn I.oat or unused ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• fenced yd.. 551-3089 Units. MUS2l/549-l68S C'lJS1'0M HARDWOOD ........ irll me $lO. of · QWct-:.canful. 552-0UO &>ndect & guar. No job apace into a workable Reading' related skills. lnt.erion, bars. mantles, LandacapinJ·YdClnuJll ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Rd.1ts-7221 aA4PM. •A-I ~YIHG • toosmallortoolarge. area·rooms dl.~lded . Credentialed, exp, ca r Rea&>oulble exper lady Custom Carpentry By libraries. cablne-ta, Treetrim-Expertmaint. DUMP JOBS 'Jboroucbly done honest T Q S 1 Freeest. Tooyll98·2'128 drywall , drop ceilings & ing. Specializ.lng erade! will alt eve1 ' wknds. "J ay". (Formica ' bookcaseaJ skylltea. JlmlSl-0129 •SmaUMovinaJobs reuonable rates free op . ua 1~ pecia tnm ca,,,entry-to com· lthr4.644-TI79 6C2.-i'2evea. Tiie) 642·8809 or Call cust. molaing . Refs. Mowln~, SlO, SIS. $20. I C.lllUKE&46-l.3tl eel Delhl536-2I04 · = ~~·~Utl~e ~Ce~~ WALLPAPER pletioo. Call Tom or Jeff Cred. teacher Instruct Lic'd111>lher will carefor Answer Ad 11620 at 846-0!82 H 1 D , ....__ Noovertlme .730.1353 Allklnds.Freeesl. at861-2913or493-3886. toddJ .. 642-4300 2Ahrs au DI/ umpln1 .. a.1ANWYOUIACT ,.,....,bouaecteanln1ln ex-Sll/roll.Lic.330986 ~m reading, spell your er on· Fri, lg • · · DryWGI ~.fO· 754-9804, ~-0095 1'0l>A\'! Yarcftaarace chqe for gd running SfARVING ACTORS Norm64S-0880 ..... 1111orucs ESLM1-6S54pm yd, nutritious meals. Cabinets, Counter tops,••••••••••••••••••••••• Mata cln-up. etc. 1 ton truck. car. Exp'd, ref's, Linda: MOVING COMPANY ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 T t S h Al 8'.S-$313 Doors. Greenbouse win-DRYWAIJ./ACOUSTIC R Id . azs 631·1183 124 brs> 'T15-D4.. Fut' Careful. Lowest TilEPAPER RANGER REPAIRS FOR LESS u or rn11 · l..ovlna exp'dllomw/2&' dows, Finish work. l4'fl'lexp.Fu Uylic'd" Me!,_ /colemm /1ndus. . Mature lad y desires RatesLa. wAllows. MtC Prof.,qualltywork. Shiruclet, nat. 30 yrs. Le"..!!.~UalA,.._DlltLoere~ 'Id b . '™-4421> lnlured. 532·5$49 ...,t, c. an-ups, tree Demolltion·Gradlng Fretest. Steve547-4281 exxDp ... trtr eeest.770.272:5 !!.c!='' ...... rn 3 yr o . 1by11t for trim. 'Free eat. 641-1098 , l'rMIPort. Alpbalt. con-hcuekeepin1. xlnt refs, Vm. Uc/Ins. 673-0853 --.r._ aamekor younger, Ftr, Custom 1p1 decks.·-• • ~ crete " tree removal own trans. 847 ·8530 ..___S..k QUALITY HuberRoofing-alltypes. D /w .556-272'C.ll. patiol. Fr. doora. Llc 'd .•• ~;::::; ............. 0 ,_ -.r--1---SolJ pre_p 6 plantiu: <Mn.Smelt> ·--, " Paperlng/Paintin& New·rtt0ver-decks. WW..WC~ I • .. JolmorRick979-3218 EUX:I'RJCIAN priced ---_,-y~ ~t.edc~ulf. Comm"'I l'VV•EC ... •••••••••••••••••••• Freeeat: Jan.is»2·0231 Llcll411802.S48·9734 •••••••••••••••••••••• g_z_ er -....................... , · ....,.... ESTUDENT Privlte Nurse available "LettheSunshineln'· •• .. •••••••••••••••••••i' Shampoo & steam clean. ript., free ~le on TreeTri.m ff ft. emoval " Id I. . 6311 Will clean your condo. lmmed. Full or Ptrt· Wallpaper contractor & ROOF LEAK•????" C.11 SUnshine Window For all you need to know c.olor brighteners, wht :r,e~U )Obs. Home Repaira HAUUNG -ttudent has Askfor Bruce, 77S·368l. ti me , XI nl. Ref's . PainUng. Lie 328240 O.C Courtright &Son Cleanin1. U.ct 548·8853 about bankruptcy, call I crpts · 10 min. bleach. c. 673-0M9 781)..Sor673-9043 !Je truck. Lowett rate. 7J4..7796 23 yrs. Gary Gompf Roofing 20"k Monthly Discount 71'/s:JS.9162 Hall. liv /din. n:na SlS; LJC'DELECTRICIAN --Prompt.C.11759-1976. I-Ta -_496-4366_,;.....;_ _____ f'reeF.tlt. S86·S292 Make your advertising avg room f7.SO; cou. ch ~· __ _.,.Reas. rat---Thank you John ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• L.J.B. PAINTING •RESIDENTIAL• h G I ...,... ..., --' . EXPER PRE PAR ER QUALITY REAS Expert. wallcoverin~ in· S •*l•M--A 1 t ....,. 2 t dollar go farther! List SlO; c r ~. uar.,e am. eat. 631·5072Tom ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · · st.allallon. Reas pnces. ~-•·-•..., vg 1 Y ....,; avg 5 l your business every day pet odor. Crpt repair. TRACTOR. Ideal for Have something you Enrolled to practice Larry 645-9383 aft. 6 Cons lt t As i t ••••••••••••••••••••••• -=~~·Chris=;::;· ..;;.95::..:7...::-8388=-- ln the Classirled section 1S yrs exp. Do work Bl.Iyer meets seller-with smaU acceu areas. 48" want to sell? Classified before the IRS. Quality INT/EXT PAINTING u an s gnmen BUDGET RATES /Lic'd New in town! Classified of this newspaper . myself. Refs. 531·0101 an effective classified wide Ku~ skiploader. ads do It well -Call atreu. ~t. 549-2418 Quality work. Reas. 5Sl-8580 Low min. Sml jobs OK. can help you meet many 642-567&, ~1 i.Ua jt ..... e M2.56711 ad. 642-S678 $30 hr. Ins d. '41·500I NOW, 642-5678. Wll!l Ad Results 642·5f78 Free est. Steve 547-4281 Cl.aaified Ads W:5678 Free est. Ins. 64 l-7S8l of your Deeds. 64.2-567& · lWpWmltd 7IOO HalpWmltd 7100 HalpW..W 7100 twpW..e.ct 7100 HlfpW..t.d 7100 ..,m•i:ft IOIO Dep IMO fw wllwt 1050 fwwlk:e 1050 Fazllue I050 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... INSURANCE-Exper acct PAITfllME llC.,-.OMIST Saleawoman, appare SWIM COACH HARBOR AREA KEESH~D Pupt. AKC. 20 IOfu. New. 1811. Lov· Olne back wood poster OUna Cab 83 inch high, aulatant for com· Establish d Newport needed for busy Op· exp, mid·aae. CM. HaU Odie~am. bana Point APPLIANCE SERVICE Champ sire. M/F. Pet " eaeats $81. Sleepers. waterbtd, klnj. all ac· antique wh.lt~. 3 &lass merclal Wiet w /major Beach firm needs I C· thalmologlat 'a ofhce. Siu Sbop. Stdy p /T. -..0/4f3..8205 We t.o' uaed appliances s how . P v t p t Y $198. FACTORY 957·S708 j cesa. S1cri race $250. doors: lg dmin~ tble, 4 Im brotera1e firm in curate t ypist. Call Must type~ have some &»M30 TEACHER·AIDE pre· -Wuellrecond541u1r. 213/9'7·134.Saft6pm. llUYRllMITUll 646-elJO. chn. cane bac s. well NB , salary co m · 64.>tt7S. ::~~eepang skills. SAteWICHSAUS school. lmmed employ· IDDliances. ·3077 7Pit Bulls,UKC . Lei 957.3133 2DesbwithfileunitS12S. paddedS4l·500'2 , ~~ ~~~~~ri /~~ Part time, Tues-Sat.. · £'1tab1iabed accounts. ment, benriits. For info Freezer·upright·U OO. SlOOEa. . Fold.in bed d bl 2 llt vanity, with lighted Trundle Bed. solid hard ...._5522 7·12. Drive 1 forlt lift.1--.. -----•I Mon .. Fri. 8:30am·lpm. call548·25SO Wsbr-$95. both clean. IM7-4630 968·5009 I • ou e u . nurror 1200. Down Wing wood ends. custom cov· -1r-0- 01 .-n-1-p-e-r- 1-0n--n-on-1 ~hr. 876-2000. ac.noMtST / • Com m I a s ion 0 r ~ wort Jood. 5411·4485 German Shepherd Pu~ ~~ x.lnt cond. SSO. NBaBclt chair SlOO. 631·2126 ~12&11bolsters S250. smoker to do my iron.ing LMMf'f TYPtST minimum. &42-l900 (bet. t Ref rl i. fros tf r ee . Bnd Puppies.1250 · · -'""-"""'-------in your home. uperi--------•IGl.amoroual,U-loffice 961> For ons. icemaker.UkenewS2SO ud&-0862•• ••MEW•• Couch & loveseat , w/rda.m-4725 PJ.ITTIMI In Newport Beach. Ex· Semtary M/F. Good future. ~ lllli10Nd'9........ D. • bh)t'Jgreenqwltedfloral 6-9pm.Ell)ltldin1 youth ci~ po1ition for tbe Career Oriented Girl steadyemployment. GoldenRetriever,Black Sofa Ta.ble. Paid. $650, •e lllAtlfS! pnnl, like new Ong LEGALSECRETARY counselin1 firm has rl ........,...-..mtyp· Fri"•uforYoungG o CalJ«".7MO Refri1er1tor S2 00 LabPuppies.S3SEA Sell S32S. Coffee Table. DES NERmustSELL sa>O.SACSZ2S.673-1923 La,una HJlls. Recent openinp for 3-S sharp in&. 'rbilliy 7;rbandle .....,. r W· ff"' Wiiber •dryer $125 ea. 642-S838 Paid $600, Sell $300. C 'f b "'•""""f. matu--le inalllan"1cturin1Com· D1's hw1 sher "100. Nl""t Stands p .d •u" ·42" md butcher bllt U· w•-1-S .....i E to motvate am&itlous .,..,., ...-. · ..-.v.:essin1 TWXOPBATOI 146--5141 vuq m . em. • • Ea h Sell Sz2S E h e ........... ew rass 81 Fartory dirttt.28styles """'eott necessary ll· 13 olds Call 2 5 company benefits. or computer Ex-il>latJo wbt En1I. Spr1 ncer Pl r ·Ml ac · sink. $100. s· custom PiM & oak High hne. a I . pro ate ex · -· ....... vr .__ ...>.-. Excellent ~ Word ...___ · • ~1u 2 I_.., F bl" •· 1 6U 11 ....., bl .. ..,, N b b ~•9' K¥ cellent typing " S/H lO. yr · 343 Aa{f1· perience desired. OC Good, typ .t or TWX Kmm>~ wuher & dryer Spaniel pups. champ Pl us sc, Cubes & sofa, $2SO. Wicker Vict low prire. ca 11 for akilll rtq'd. Call Mrs. 642-4321. ext. · or Grubb• Ellis Airport Location. Call machine. WtU tr~~· Ex· 1 yr old $200 uch. lines. 14 wks old . all anten. 957·3063• Ext chair, S3S. Plus more · 850-0535 Winslow for appt, Andrea. Cont.act,Peen Walt 54M458forappt. cdlent opf:rtun1t1es a. Refri1. 1 yr old s100. shots. $150 & uoo ., 2251ftff5PM.9SS-2272. 781)-3667 pnces. . &'17·l060 (714)833-2900 SIC'YTJ.ll CHARGE compa~ neflta. Call D/642-4715 E/646·2757 168-7489 Like ntw Simm'> n 5 Couch. new. SlSO. Rattan L~~n~~:;k:~d.e{t1~rs;;l•-•,•-,. ... -T1•u-1--~--------Foraales&aervice, OC Elsa, 3880 Walher, dryer & refrig. •Poodles "R" People•· :rnr.~'oe~'°;~\~ Twin bed w/frame, $30. ~~rigs~n~~isJi250 -• ""' l~Sec'v Brancb office. Salary All xlnt cond. SlSO ea. T-Cups. Toy. $250 lo A.skf0r0iana 9to 5 · <:omer step table. S15. ' ---~1:1 :~3::. ~mp~ Penoo to deliver Daily Bealtiful Npt Bclf real open. Dltabliahed Com· TYPIST 831.a72or559·l24S ~. Pets Boarded & · Pole lamp. SS. Uphol ~ ... s. I055 ala.ry 645-0092 Pilot auto route in estate office (Fashion pany. All fringes plus ExJ!lrienced, accur~te 1' bm. Whirlpool elec· Groomed. 546-2848 Two twin beds. maple wing chair & ottoman, ••••••••••••••••••••••• s · · = ~.;~· (~~~o~ Island), exceptlooal sur· ~on plan. Call: typ11t. 15 wpm, with tricdryer. Gd. cond. $60. Golden Retv r:. puppy for 1headboarda and foot-HS. Towels. 25'-SI. Mechaalca.I or cu station to 5:30PM. Moo tbru r6undings. very busy (2l3) sJ~1appointment. permanent background. All 4.30 MZ·&l!M sale. AKC. male, 6 wits. ~or-' Gd cond. Both 646-9094 SWAP MHT exper, willinf to learn phones, typinlrequlred ..., S7 San Clemente. 161·6111. · · · old......, ,, •"" E t&'7-30ili2 Sat6Sun.) Eamln1s -Cal1 Marcy.759-l22l TYPIST~B'T Fr t Fr t 0 door Frw oeedabo fri d notauon, great for up· 3prn, Orange Coast radiatM' repair 631.9424• Fri) and (SAM to 7AM. Good 11.lary benefits. • Refrlserator like new. __ -_._646-5591 ___ .__ 751-4651 Waterbed, King siie. very Sunday , 8am per size of route. Call ~;:.:....;.;~;:..;...;=-=~-•I For Christian leat~er ~ -~ • lY Siij Tiu. F':8male~nali Wicter Gius .toP dinin1 stairs S32S/obo. Lov· College. Fairview "Ari .......UOk, MB Exper. & &G-4321. B_ryan Holland. llETAA SALIS HT company. Good typme · alllltl 142-3"33 tbe. m1tcb1n e ch rs, es ea t & c h a i r inpoo. Costa Mesa. Ad· foreip ma.de. Volvo, --------Permanent part/time To . . pects of skills, 10 key adding. Frilidalre, frostlree, 2 · etlaeres, love seat ' wood/plaid. coffee & 2 nusslon free to buyers. BMW" Mercedes. help wanted. We will l'\llllWlllnlctavesales CaU~C.M. drwtaitexlntcond.in • MinlScbnauur.male.10 footstool. S600. 8 mos end tables $350 /obo. Seller Reserva · -.oit3. p--a.. train. Week.end work re· ~f fleidn~~ :f'~/Gft,: Mii t ••H ~S190.'M6-192t wb. Show do1 1lre. SZOO new.64S-S899 673-87 t.ions/lnlo. Medical ~'pa~u~ork qlired. Tran~rtatlon T ME -S H ARIN G . •••••••uueuu••• .... l.4ewbtteGEF.roatFree ~~~!:;i Ca ll llA~FULIAI NEVER USED : Qn SS6-Sll80 •.A.Cl OFFICE l.5 to 25 hours per week, needed. Call 7 0349· Mlnlmupa 10 yea rs ....... 1005 Refrl1. Sl.50. 63l·SS82, 6' 11mi-c1rcular dark B d r m S 5 8 O . ~lor n~·war evenings and po11ibly S..C1orclHtor1 secretarial experience ........................ 131·12N Great Dane. F. 2 yrs. oak,willexceptany reas sofa/loveseat $300, Hanes 1060 Nune or wanted. Saturday.Experience ln Gal l e r i.e Hom e Realauteorescrowof· Spede.Bm/Wht.Harla· otrer.Moving.536-4461 bunks $200, mat·••••••••••••••••••••••• t!;y''e~::~~e.'~i ad building or page Showcase seeU people flee back1round ,Pr•· iblllN§lit!i 5:: KTmoreld··~ quin. ns. 175·3689 , 8'sof 1225 lo tS.125 tress/box springs: Qn For Sale POA Mare, 8 for bltervlew, M7.2595 makeup desirable. Ablli· for home showings. ferred. Prestigious ABBEY er, yr 0 • Id· 494-1467 1 'rr vese~ boUi tm. full SSO. twin S80. yrs, SZOO. call Candy ty to work fut and ac· Elegant porcelain bang· Newport Beach office ANTIQUE MALL Ref rt f> 2 Y rl 0. • browncJ:: · con • MORE!! 770.0901 642·7072 H.B. curateb' under pressure! Inca. Xlot comm. location. Salary open. um Westminster Ave 1300/B . 499-5061, 8 IJ.$SITT $3llO. tv. nds rep.. r . ........ ..._. necessary. Salary de· Bl440(ll-4pm >. Send resume to: Ad GAllDENGROVE . AM.S:30PM. Famle.4yearaold.All l50.551-M74 Complete rattan avmg .........., 1070 ~front o(fice pends on experience. Salel •1ou. Dally Pilot. P.O. 554~103 Rdrll Whirlpool, side by abotsSl.S0.64l-7SIO 54" Round Solid Birch room~ii~.4972 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Medical Aulstant The Dally Pilot Is an F /time salesperson &x 1580, Costa Mesa, aide, kUVest Gold, like Lahaa Apso lovable Table. 6 Capta ins BURMESE BLUE SAP· Newport Beach. OB· equal opportunity needed to work on C..931a-a510 •-.... curio cabinet new,•.a1.1509 IOldenfema:e.2yrsold. Chairs. J"ew Condition, :Ali'Ca PHlRE. 7 7S<'l A G.L. GYN. Full time. ref. re· employer. Women and Balboa Island. K be SECRETARY/ RECEP """'r. _.. 6u broken. s bots , l!OO.Twinlleds,AnticJue cert. rare, invest qlty. quired. CalJMS-7110 mlnori ties a r e en. · ust · $t7S. Orienut vases MS .,.. IOJG pepers. SlSO. 720-1211. Wht French Provlnc11l II SU,000. (602) 299·1414 COUJ'lll'edtoapply. able to .wort weekend•. TIONISf ·work for S!ll 4'S7S. French wall clock ._................... S50 F.acb. S7S for Both' Uv nn IOfa. loveseat. Newlpeper atltfer, L.A. SUblnft applications at Appll m person: The firm overloot:lng wtr ID '25().080131·58'79 Mt!n's New Motobeune PIT BUUS UKC, reg. 3 165'718 • la.m .. , tbl.t Queen si Br .... tlJ l'J I071 ~t_ EaODlryly. MSuuantdabey front counter. PMearsn· ll!moAn TreBea,lb2o2a9 ~ VW.1e, non-amkrs lOapd. S200m, muataell. ~ ~· $75. M7-4630. aet,llORi.! ! ! $20to $399 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --·-C:O..t 1a1.J~ ve., ""'f•ml850 idift&J§i§Xff m.0308 --· OPEN HOUSE. Sat 10·2 Deltaradlalarmsaw.8", 11.MM4(tor146-14ll. not p ~1' . AllPrtcesCut .... M•1rWtl025 ,,_ .. ,. 1041 m.er-s.'2a1;b't1ita~ds~ or 8Y ·~· 551·9523· 13 ~~·~·,'::S/• rr:J~ Mninl ~ ._St SALIS ~ t~L 3 a.ya per Ant;quea. pldurea, bric· ••• .. ••••••••• .. ••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• headboard and frame . Pintail. rvine. 16S'l98 MUISISAIOI ~ -r • FantutiCulea oppty. -·'YJlllll60wpm+. a-brac ,More! BEAUTIFUL (doubie)SlOO. MOVING!!MUST -------- Elpei'cl. all ablfts . C:O.MeM. CA. Advertialnc/Publlr dictapbooe tnowled1e. 1511 Monrovia Ave 112 MOW 25''FT Shep::!l'3eplea 4 SD-48llafterSpm. SELL!! HORIZONTAL MILL Olav. Holp. Nwnt. Bch. ·-------~Relations. New concept. breeallpflftautel bknuotwledno''t NB.Sat9-3 ~20'~ ~!. eedckina, wb. . _..· Ele11nt unused sofa w/auto.feed,$800 -r Top commission. Start ... -: .._, r wooa bed. Oak 6 piece bdrm MS-5916 :ot~•mllel~in PAYIOUQ.RI lmmed. Ca ll : Grace, oeceuary. WilJ tralo, fenclna. Lowest price Free F Bl~ German Dlnlnl room table let S3SO. Contemporary ::.·,;.~.~u ·M~~: Detailed bl-weekly 617.qm h la.ry commensurate DOU.SHOW 1uar. Jim or Ken Sbepberdltix.9Mo01d. w/\eaf.•lchalrs.$145. sofa' loveseat, orie l•-------• Skme IC-IDM Dm'Ol1 input' record wtthexp.,Call : Loretta. Sa[ll§iii.206:21. Free aaztlm!.141<tm. Sbota._ Good wtcbUdrtn OB0.~2ll1 moo. nc S4SO. Solid J.llCOMPllSSOI : · keepm1. Minimum ex· ('114)142-7702. adml11ion. E•blblt 6 Terr,flc Watcbdo1. pecan cotfff, end tbls lhppc)rt.8Uill$150 ~rtuDlt' for crew per. reqli~~wport S.. Sew i 0 I m 1 c h ID e Ille. HunUllston Center r.utta =r.. "3-2'1111 ~~wctional sofa, re· wtwall unha. Beaut 2S" BillbpressurepoUIOO cler. counter Budlatta.-. Looklniii-lor Ex· u.u~--.a.•-acb r-tlF u l B d • ...a....i.,btenew,bestof· ......_TV S'""' N l k 5••t1J.J ..,. ....... avill. at pertenced Salesperaon. operator, exper., •uality ...... -"'' .. ,. •""" With Polilbed BraN fill· ...._ • xed ree ;;:""llST.a..u. """"' ..... o un - lln. "•'jd':'1 Cookies, PLUMIM ColfSbopSalesltBuyer. a mu1t. Piecework. Blvd.,H.B. tW'tl, pl• Tall Ban1 Doi. Btn/Belp. Approx -.Umlllte!Orld. •52 0 1--··----- •-•m"'"iter Mall. ll Plumber repaTr-work. Parl·'l\me to FUii Time. Good benefita.142-11852 Tall R.1=1 Etc. Pala 25ltil. HMkb. 541·1200 Amq. dmler Sl70. Slack 'fr: .__.. I t d ...... I IOIO "-•u lul ~-=.:-.:COBO) bllcue $300 Lib tbl II.._,• n con • swfl 111-1'1 o1 aae. Apply In Install new plumblna Salary + Comm on. SH<ESALmPERSON • .._.,.rsl. 5..;.,. ;;-..., ll22S Free puppi11 Golden • Inlaid Wood · IZ70• o I 0 B 0 . New ...................... . ._M .21,24,25. syaleml. 2-3 yeara ell· Newport Beach Golf F/tlme for 1 blab _,. _,.,en e ~mix,' Sol••·••• · lawnmo wer , SH. LOSING LE~E. quit· ........ Soatt m.A. perieace. $12Jbour. Take Courte. CoDtact John f11bloa aboe store ln D ER muatSELL ... 1112 •1m Una bUADaa aellina out WH tmluhr Matt , ad to EDD_.. 1001 S. lAourd. m-4153. FllMcn lllud.. Gd pay M. o1k Wfet, •· 4 MVlq tYlleti'I t uftttl. Qilt.om made Mdional Cultom . d bed It AU. auppUn and r11· W.C• ' rter. GrlDd Av., uota Anad. 9a1e1pmon1 It Cubier •-.nta. Boom for ad· ladilr·b9ctdaaln,$100. 45 111tlvH 111aX4'w, "8 I • IOIO Iola. COil SllSO. Sell ...._ad ...... ~-drounfitt·"" Id twt1lllcludln1: .... .._ ..___,._t oor-~.1-~. Ad paJ No ... =,,.· No Nl1trta. YlilctllMBl. ror ID · Jacobean u p. Ubl• ............. -· 5 ply -................. ... ~ If no us --• C'U • 0 Dilplay CIHI waltlna .--.-...-..--.. ForbytmDmYll'. _t!. tol. t.rritwcaU·7•r700 IBO Id Tabria. •· ~-.... •·r • -·ke I IUY .... 11 .. -i.. aatla 1uet1, custom h 1 ·a. t • MAftOMAI. CO. • Ofl•ll MIWOMCI ,_. -· · Plait rack 115. Plus _,,_ • -* * * * ~-q_l&l1ted apr•.•cl. com· room c • rs, .... au "-R~llT'S WWW-~1 ..n • 1000 If ltor•I• Good ...S hrdllre 6 llA'M'llUS• ~.-.541.1$49 Salon ~tlrdryen aad C.• room 11· tmN!wprtBlvd.Cll _._ "*' .,.._,Int O'ltr 850. Allllllaat19-0R 1 will IOXSPRING hJdraullc chain. mlr· ._ cm, 'nm, rrt6 SALIS "PR'' penona HIYI •llf7 ..-UorSIU.forYou ND SeUll50 I PC BDRM SET ron.-..veunclplaolS. Set. WW won vertical Dlldlll. llaalc rilaad It IOn....elll.S ~Oak Dt1k UIO. Pie -I u••-s ,._TIOM 3D yr warranty. PUlow LR FURN: tabln. ~=·lltampoo commertl1t camer1. • Jooklel for 1 few la· How Wo.Jd JOij-Uie to ea.._ ... f'lm>latt .... .. llJI ....,,..,_ -Olmlort.......,. chairs. sofa. p ies. .aeta. 9f/IW + wttJ bow. ln· ~· ~r,:C::: telltlat attractive aad .,. • aawb M llf.00 a lllllllel p!O. ia-• ..!JJ!": ...... ,.... 646 1411, IJl-ttll °'-Ftllri 1, C • .. •• ·S:,-:1= ~o1e:."f: ==&.with relat: alaure &:uou lo _.,Do rwMhurtve· QUILTS-labuloul 1e1ec· ll ~ ~ Co 1Dp let• KING J"NIRSPllNG lDXliltOaod. c ouca. ' .,_,.__.wtttfDa el cta11e1.Apply ID #:aub:N~ =-~~ ••'•·•·1.Doo't ....... w/JllDHI, D'l'IA Plllll•ttna ·--•ft~~f.i. MOYM mL"=!~ ••lroa•1&. Con•· ..-: • Placnua 8114 latervlna r•· •mi11ot1m\lllllo~ •11.a• =·.,. + Xtraa. :!:,...._.~wort' 'oeeoraaor m•t tell-lllltl ...... ~ ............. Appli· Awe .. C.11. ....... Call"' .. ll. ~ ......... 'b W11ben11r19r1. tale =w.o. H1·4TH ~..... ·"= w .... ll•t~blal art. u u,uu . I t'· OOMTCOllMUHln ' F .. • ~~ • .-~~ -="~lllCl't;;.SNOP.,.. CL',...•~=:r~r; r.r-;-.., ""••, g:f1'~!i-,.",0.:~:....,. ~ .... •4?i':.~;; .... =~~~'-;:.rat ::-U~ =a'.::.1 D1ST& -· _. --QUAUft:AnONI: t llu&trtblrlt VIH . 6 ......... -; U!!!llr ,,.._,_ 010 . Hl·SHt Aft 1'I , ~Al-IL ldl -L0..11,_..fl.,. ... .....-,_Plll•/8• .. r:!Pll .,......._ ------e.-.. "9 r!!AT.,._ Ul..BJllfM ............ 6lllll1•N hr..... ,L ~IAU 1 llM111• •j~l ~F 1re1 if'ftim, •--.MM-ffl'.wpolt IMAllUAllCll U U; P•I ;r: ~ W "™· 1.,n •a, ILlllll ... •I' Ca•I -' ~.,-1 ~·.!•""· Un •r~ J:J:l· •Ill••·_. ... "='81f: .__..._. ... f.ti -~·--_._,!IF!!... ::J: .... "-............. ..,. •·a .-. -. ......... ....,.-=-....... 1·~-'!I:."'=.,_ .. .., ... 2~.-... ''JI:;:., i=:..;;r~ &"1.tUr.*" ·'• ·-... _ ... -.,,.,., ••• ~·l ~~·~;TE ;'bl~ !: • ....,.. ,., • 'l•J""' ........ a.-.'-. ...I, , L-L~r:.w: -"' • ... _ , ...... •• r;-... .. =·~·~ ir--i•: ~~ .• ou ~.:,:,:r..,. , . ,, iii•~ ...... ,. •. J'ilireV -,... --.. '··~ illi" •11·: m IWl ·~• .. •••· -..;, ----__;: •• ; ···-..... ~ ........... ':D.'*Ci!:!~W.: n .. L ~•aed IX, SJTJ, _ ___:.Hl~!!.1 ....... --&o alM llO'IJ ...;;;;..;...==;;;;;;.. ____ _ • • + tu • H~lce, loe•l1nol1 t ·S comp. i. ... ,.."'PWll A all atb o 11 t YI or a ltkm, lhrkfr bind· •'VkUM1'• ,,, , ~ Ina • .-. twit New VHJ' ,..., "" t.ed (IU)'JOl.arfO ...,., Will 1tll llts ........... o.tria;;;J • Alllque deskl • mile; Bait • .., ..... AM~· A10Udl -~r -.._,, roucb, XL ladJet ft....... 1"4 ~=l\w .. ~ Haveo -0 vr -..... + m11eb more ........................ beJuetofto. •'I 1fr'HA n vi , 211 Slerh St. c.11 . Total Body Bulldln1 . t ~ ~ :~h i'v• (NuraJlUtOr e). lhcblne (Uolverul •• tot half a miAd tO set Pitney Bowu Auto Gym), t lllOt old, nl'W '72 TOl.LYCI~-~'! ma med," conunoled ,_..e macb, Mdl 5'75. ra:t.= *°· ••• r::,er:,: !.d. Uk~ th .. vout bac~elor. SW:S.Ms-1214 ar DIW Cov'd a&ora&e 16' ..;..;;.;~-'-------i ~··:~:~·~1~11dy~1J ,... IOI Scui. diver'• •P .. r 1un. 1n.'11 .. 4, 11Uey, bead or Sbop beat.er, small 111 HAVi... .. ... ••••••••••••••••• llrt!• "1:to.a10 6 t\all lutlwnenll. Dllll '.>' atove, Parrot, at11, m · &Ile trtr. Muy ..iru. Sat ,. • IOAM ? L ALL E y I AL I , I BIG ,,.G OAR AGE 's;!fr!:.n ·a~ I ~.z:; -.... --Mcher~---;;....;B""""k>c.;..;k...;..._ta_·, •H4Nor8134113 Gol(tq\ipmeol, arc~ci 800alloaAquarium T¥..... 1141~ cA ='~~· d~bJ. ltr~:t lO:..~~~~· ADUiqua~1~at 1M. Ullqt, d'Niaen,' clotbet ~"4 Cue Bottom PmAm 2 tor 1 bo•= ~~'::1: i:~~ n d 1 ~fro~ Draio~~~ Nit ShrWe IOtt P.-r W.W 1 ., • ''""'• reu Prtca. ..~P"''-r CM thWi&ema. GOO 1 s.tSkin ........ orth up to • 1 · ........ ••••••••••••••• u tr &e1r1y-SD-m· tlllCl"oc\llAve. r.v. U'AlllLYSAL& .... -. . polte, Z.&H ..... eoou: Mitt' "$125 T5tt320 ' Fot Sale Python with BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA manllate. Ideal for, ... llll1Pla CM Slt.t.5.teslldtemont Sale G1r•1• Sale. Sal 'tZL<r.'Myalc~fnMIL~ Sl00.TWl8MOl1 or ' · Searl lOin Radial arm e11e.taotrockls'water oolotTVllle.2yrwrn· hloeorcn.itlo&lnclN.B,. l ·S. o::.:rsale . ~J Dr. (Hell/!dwudt). lCM,SloY!_tDltaun 1111 Ill. s• l I t ~ 2500 WU Eledri Cuahm Vertical uw with au.acb.menta. bowl $1. 00 9el-10l'7 ty.St•.Freedellvery. ~lpermo +eqlli·. 'M1W PV. :11.·;A __ H.B •. hra., air cood, Wb1I. nt. Admlnl ~ ....... N'0~!~N20,I G t • ••so oc BtindNalu~e for Slid· tab.Isle sm.549·3152 . . KC 8 TVJohn'aMe-11• ty . Dl)'I s.51-932'7 or • · -· """" ... ••6Mlllld Item P'reaer Surfboard Oak ---. -TI ...... enera or· •" r 1 •• Door $.10 ColllOI~ Doberman Pupt. A . • C'lotbea lac ~ . ' ~ tikt, bunk bed, Barbie Reuoeableotfer. mreo Walnut S50 • ..e.c1l•r-Weeki. Blk/Ruat. St.SO. Mlcrowtve TV Antenna. E ' · Set/b OClly 315 E 20th Hall Tree. llaay Ort .... dDIJa • cm:fir .• like 5814708 ""•1•11' ' W'...........,. tOll lit VAClncluded. 100 bn ot Movies Wkly. 28' Crla..ctaft. yre11. Juat moved-too mueb St C u ._able ·,a... Iliac.Items. 2071 nta l ... d _. .. -1-9pu 1918 Cl • at' for new home• fl.Ina .. . .... ' ... AnaAve.CM. new ce-atea Y e,114 4' '-•Redwood Coffee 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 964-3654 $1.W.1131"'72' .. . eao . ~I . let I . 'i l250; 4" jointer, $100; • Reidtl II ' w /pro -1 Wheeldaalr S2()0. OB . w ANTED ' s el 0 f u Newport Slip, ... n1· P14 urea, m ac. 2i14 baad 11w. Sl75; 2hp e <Wfice Dsu ai CU-t, blades. baby clot.bei • Table, peld '250. aac. 14 Wooden Chain, 110 WORLD sOOKS Less Tame CockaUel w/cage SACRJFJCE new, qua ty SID.500. Tracks. Fiauc-t. Catamaran, H.B . .,at, compreuor, un" Lmpa.,rut,Copy Macb, mudunore.101512tbSt. •.$41-0C. r..._.. thanlO raoJd ~ &~n. $.10. Linda. :!:s~:t~W~Kelly, iyavall.P.P.813·5200 •• ~. me. clotbel, bouaebold pr Dr Or.r, fridfe, (Oft Lake Park) H.B. 1 yr o&d Hitachi etereo FIRST QUALITY Shag . 1 . Evea/Wknda. •80 ChrU Craft Z8' Ex·~ Oance Salt, Iliac. un· ltema,etc. ~e"'te}V · ~~~ 1t;:i1a5 Sat. f.IJ. Redwood Patio w/I trk1, amlfm1 Sl30 CatPelins. Lllte New! $t 1Mlalall Warm F1"fy Himalayan Pl.oneer KP 2500 Car preaa, loaded, mint', !.~.":i»:W:b~:: ~ebE:::w!.ft~: ~.~B.9'75.cmi ~~n~~~~k~,~~~'4 =.·.:,.~£ coior tv. ~Golden Belce.11 .. ~.':'!'!'~ ..... ~!~! ~meJ:d~ ¥:'~s~n;:s ~{Jo~ 1 130. New. ~tp:,S.,.~~·ooo·.,... ~~=Uff) NB. 9 KB. Power tools, anti· ~t-5,~ •IFTS MISC!!!! 1743 Bayport Klaa Wllterbed long 1ife Uke drapes lovueat ~ ~rapblc~~alli!Tr. OBC)) .... C...... .O' Owena Tahitian, Uve·/ ___ __,_ ____ , ques, baby fum " much ia .. :ft~ Glllt t 'f :t Way. NB. mattrea. Bai.ty used ....:vox atereo, power er siso~a~!i7~ c · •· ,._ & Or...-IOtO Al1 b-,..... mo-dela • ac· aboard slip avail. Call, L«lf ol everythlDJ. boat, imre. flll•"rei potle,.y' ~e: Wel~bta, bench preu. noo. 813-0308 drive vacuum. N&-8021 OUl' TAR F d t I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~"· FaFctollry orig. Judy ot Harvey 142·"44, I urn., mlac Heme 5 Family'• household .,. ' • boo• bet tabl • . ·en er, e e· W II 0 Mdl t';!c.aaes. u warr .... wn 9Au •-5PM t-Sa m . , . corator itema. Sat thru .. ,.. , child~ . t bl e •' Teal 10xl4, sleeP1 8, com· Don't lb.row that old yarn c.aater Gibson Ampl. ur tier I rf • n . U for prices llS0-053:5. ... .. •.,. . ~ t. Suaau furn .. clotblnc, appl. Mon. Feb. 20 thru 22. uiaea, c • a e • DWe. tao or bell offer. away It will co to a aood liOOtbcith. 983-0'93 407 5, m ~ t I · matt c -• '79 Bayllner, Sacrifice. • .B. misc. •t W. 11th St .. t-Spm. U39 Monrovia, ~ii clothee , etc. •sm came'S42-~7 · ~uton . 1600 , ~vox 6' rccan con· 32• Conquest\ snbrda, Giaot1' Sale. Film, Hsebld, ~· Monrovia C.M. Sat Ste. 31, N.8. MUST SIU ed d Giblon Les Paul Custom. TV. am rm phono. two ·vo1v06, 5 pa 1, ful. .~ce;a~v:. PJ: 3102 Moving Sale! ! zo Yr Stove $35. Coffee table• Beal&iful white weddinc u~odero:E~.f~~rs~~~~ '?00-. Fendet-~::rs~~i Thomas Electric Or1an. "°°· 76CMllO. cav. $38.000. 760-0924 ~1 ••iiiiiiit!Wii!llilllill•mjMOVING SALE-COuch, Colle.ctlon. S ma II Sl0.125. Lots of misc. dress, lone aleeves. 671-liCIOevea tf a~:.\100 839•4720 2keyboard. Xlnt shape, 1Mh&M9iltt 13• fiber(lass w/trailer,. hall tree, bltfat table. Jltldce File Cabinet/6 Items. S&.Sun M5-elll pearled top, lace, never · ~r • · Muataell 848-8123 , ... ,..... l300 ,1 Antiquea ai Framed ro ck1 ~r . TVScab., dram, work cabinet, 2300Blk Santa Ana Ave I.Md. Si.&e 5. Slip allo. RancboMesa1Vberde Vlolin,new 'hsizeus~2 s.wa....w.•llta t ff2 ....................... · 535-Q28. Prillta.Some Items up to re c 1 n er • ears 40X36 Sma 11 A p. c .. .,:,,,. c Items a (I DOG. •s.>alter8pm. Health Cu m:1 from Yates Music. .., • Vc ~ oil Everything Must mkrowave, crib anti· liancei. beddln1. dia· ·•· •1• n Memberahip, szoi>. 833-9139 ..................... ~. IMh. t4 laa•c• 71 Unifllte yacht, 32'. slip Go! I Sat 9·3. 1539 que agl ~/foot~ard, C "pots. 100 new pair Refri&S75. 612-5837 A 111 GO.. pow ere d SlOO. M0-6188 SX Electra 4000, or11 ~ 020 avail .. low hours. extra ~ llclmoviaAveNB. br~wn mini blinds , of pants 15 ea. ll9' 11US1Sfr! Final movina wt.elch&1r solves walk-, .. ood Offlc.,.,...t & $300. Never used ........................ clean. •IPI 7, shwr bait --------I child's dreuer , Mary Allanta. Sat. aaJe 4 BR house &i furn. lni proble'!l· Uae indoo~ SURFBOARD, 8 4 •I -.,.,_.. IOl5 Sl.50/bstolr. 64&·1'68 Marine.Electrician tank, ato~e. auto p{Jot, 2, Kay prod. ucta (l~ om. . Must sell q ul cit ly . or out, euUy traneport abape. '1(1~,_1471 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ca.u.... 1093 DeslCD/install/repalr mi.. flymg bndge, ice , Give-away pricea! Sat. toys, kit. apples, decor. Antiques. Wicker .Furn. Sat/SUD 10.5 2221 Fran· edCall67J.ZIS4 ,_ 1 -.... Qual. work 549.2520 cabin. • t-5. Antiques, plumbin1. items. "14 VWSqbll (xlnt Sofa. Dealt, Chairs & ciaco Dr NB 6'S·5261 : WHE CHAIR ood MICIOWAYI T.Y. afice Desk s100. 2 drwr ••••••··~··•••••••••••• 554-S222/64G-5814 etc. UOIDover Dr. N.B. price). Sat/Sun 9·4. Misc. Sl50 to ~. 390 6J4..3848, Pia EL ·I AMTIMHA legal me cab, l!llO. Sctry Hart Lanicas. 17S, us~ 4 IMh, MariM Come early for beat Santa Isabel. CM. condltionS75. Z4 Hra uninterrupted chrl25,673-0309 ~imrs. Ty. 360D bmd· ........ 9030 MUSTSBJJ , HUTU.; PVKNll)HIN\il) selection! 1397 Gari· ~»16 tl&ln M . Quadroflex 673-2111.54 Moviesll"5.957..cn'4 TI h A i 1n1s., Scott poles , o•u•••••••••••••••••• \2boltowner )SEARAY from est.ale of SS.year· ioiford.C M 546-1713 etereo, antique EDJI. Mink coat fuJI length e ep .one nswer ng Dolonu~ slr.e 10 boots. '80Jomson0/Bmotor 1s um~ ft Cuddy Cruiser old. t!M4 Continental · · Sat. M . Walnut table, armoire, couch, p1c·i Fmle pelts use.a 3 Two early Cucaro oil Machine, .GTE 3000. Full pkg. S150trlrm. hp SIS xlnt cond rl95. twin 470 IO Meres. Bet· Ave .. Colta Meaa.Salur· Ut5 Laurelwood Dr. tures, wicker, TV's,, limea 'sz 000 ~-Ol95 paintings, vibrant col· brand new Ill boll. Cost 780-0753.afterSpm. SJ5.1w 536·S796 . ter than new 150 hrs. dayonly J.2..4.Pricedto Hunt.Bch.btwnEllls&i Gabriel air shocks · ' · on.P.P.720-1211 Sl7U5, sell Sl25. Call . . · Aslong SJ6,500.Da Nil. • Garfield. off Newland. mile. 101 Dahlia CdM: lrviJle Cout Country '81 GI'--"" b d SG MZ-7572. Ask for Bill. SkiF.erehtop quality s9ko11 EVINRUDE 1979. 6 HP 213 /278·8610 eves " Sat/b ~ , Cl be hi Sl200 ...,., cire ran isc er Comp I • Lone sh.aft Xlnt cond wknds714 /673 2058 ••1!11111-----1 · ub llem rs p. deluxe &uitar $400/bst METAL DESK &i SlSO+Kniesel 1509 $100, $t9l5 Call 552-8656 · • + Trans le r Fee · ofr.41M-1580 SECRETARY DESK poles, boots mens 9~ ' 25 rt Day Cruiser V8. 714-915-1485 RlC)lt: drawers. lA!ft: Lowa $50 San Marco 1981 Mercury 9.8 out· VHF, SIS Radio, lo hrs. •'I\lnl to today's classified Retail 1howc11e, S150. typewriter. Open pull SlOO, sweaters. parkas, board motor, xlnl cond. xJm r11hmatdivin1 boat. for the best ouys. Camper, $250. Iron patio typewriter is ready to sltl pants, acces, &ood lohrs. l.IM!d. llSO/bst orr. u o. 5 oo or o rr er ===~---...-.....i 941-5"11 tbl/chrs, $250. 67U022 JO. SUS. 964-8008 ldda arMS-0387 964-2al7 714-499-1983 --------,,, Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line • Bring IN"' or nwll them with con'ec:t CHh to D.aty Pffot, 330 W. Bey St .. Cqlte MeH, CA. m2I our famous DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. • Eich Item muat be priced wHh no Hem over S50. 20c pe1 ltfte -S1 .00 ""''""'"'· • No lfveatodl, produce or pla nts DIMES-A-LINE FOR lNFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-5678, ext. 319. • No commerclel Ida allowed SURFBOARD, Larry TWO Van type CapWns McGeely 7ft lin. S35 seats with arm rests, 988-1'81 brown, like new 150 RUBY glass. lamps. cast each. Two nl«ht stands Iron base S3S each. S.S each. 9&8-Ml3 · Sears dishwasher. near SOFA 8 foot $50. 2864 new $35. Rattan drop Monterey Ave .. Costa lea ~ table $50. Four Mesa. 545-3'153 chairs $.15. each Toast Master Confectioo oven, RABBIT hutch. large new SSO. Delux table top homemade with lop oven, electric S35. planter. \.'I baa f~d. Rotisserie oven SIO. bottle, met.al feed dish, Electric roaster SIS all for S20. 7SZ·6830 Bug ·away electric Santa Ana Heights. lantern S7.50. Rotating lawn sprinkler. new GOLF ~lubs : Waller S7 50 Louvered window Hage~ 1~ 3·~W S50 · · · Pro Une mixed irons S3 glass 36!n long Sl.50 each Carts SS.SJO_ Kids each. While vinyl chair Klubs with bag SlO. $.50. Hassock SIO. Coral Mixed woods SS· $25 vinyl chair S35. Lamps each Mens L H and $15. O!d lace, cotton and R.H.· starter s'els S20. t a t t I n g So c . $ I o 549-4398 Costa Mesa. Luncheon Cloths SlS·$50. Napkins Sl.50 MOTORCYCLE helmets each. 640-7785 SIO. SIS. Maternity clothes. siie •• Sl·SlO. Womens shoes like new. site l2M Sl-$20. Roller skates $10. Birdcage $5 Aquarium S5. Cradle (completel S40. Baby clothes Sl·SlO. Tire K I D · S Dirt b I It e . FOOS baH table $40. Yamaha to oecids wort Pacblnko 12$. Antique S50 Pinn. fMS..0490 SM M Kodak camera · S20. Larae wagon FORCED air furnace barbecue sso. 87$-0lel S40. 10..speed bike S20. --------Sewing machine with 4 ROOM aim piece ot cabinet l40 Desk ch.air brown carpetlna with S.S 549-3111 pad. like new SSO each. MINI blinds, while SlS. Wrought iron and wood shelf unit S50 Antique gas stove U>. Assorted &ardening tools S2-SS. Maple cup shelf SlO. Bird c age with accessories S.S. Iron and Ironing board $5 each. G.E. Toaster oven SIO. Lamps S2 ·S 6 Lawnmower. not working $5. Toys 25c·S3. Electric fry pan $3. Assorted rooking utensils 25c·SS Shop vacuum SIS Car rack S3 Cr ock pot SS Assorted games SI each. Maple chair S.S. Twin headboard S20. Mattress \bunk bed> S4 each. 9·3pm 2278 Columbia Drive. Costa Mesa. 642-9873 :.> inch G&S OOPptrtone cas ranee 135, good condition. 30 gallon class water heater I years oldl 130. Two walnut panel wardrobes S20 for both. Z4in bath vanity with lavatory and faucet. like new S50. srt riberglus tub and shower t'OITlbinalion S4S Glass doors for above $20 . almost new I lftll9ft s uspended ceiling complete with 2ftx4rt inslllaled ct!iline panels $40 Two clear plastic panel,s and l 4ft hghts S16. Good wood kitchen cabinets. top and bottom llO·S20. Ant ique adding machine $20. Tnatk lid luggage rack S2 ~8-3994 WJNGUARO UHF. VHF color antenna. great shape, Includes 8ft extension S20. Two hundred pieces or clear glass tile (12inxl2in) SOc each or $5 per dozen. King size headboard $15 . King size box springs (2 halves) SlS. Please call in mornings or early arternoons. 673·356'7 chains Sl~. Poloroid CH EST set SIO . Oil BIKE men's s speed has c a m e r a S 7 paintings SS.$.50. Heavy new $15 Health Saddle. Saturday/Sunday 9·2 duty drapery rod lSOin.. reflector peds, cables, 631-5752. 318 Ogle "E'', new $5. El~tronlc Pest looks. rides ne w S49 CostaMesalnrear. control 125 .. new. cash.548-«>66 KEN u >-RE •lectric Speakers S.S all sizes . .,..:_ ______ _ ... v " T 1· · on SS FUR Seal coat, full --------.,-s•mln& maAhine. $SO. rave ing ir . RUST sha& rug. pad. .... ' 552 3519 length S50 Mirror 12x20. Needs cleanina Two pair +2 single 1--·-------24inx72in $26 Mirror $20. Chrome bathroom water skis. all S50. Free 6FT Alumin um step 141nxS4in with wood rods and knobs SJ. standing lavatory aod ladder. like new. cost frame and back S15. 54s-4293 faucet SlO. 1.avatory $45, sell SJO, 20in Girl's 644·7676 --------1 and faucets 42in top $5. bike S 2 O. Pair of -------- ROCKING chairs S20 Used cas fire log set s8. crutches s10. 631-4266 FREEZER older chest each. Clothing 25c·$5. lOOft new ~.in plastic type, works good S.SO. Iron $3. Electric perk coated wire cable Sl2 DOU BLE headboard Dishwasher, works good $10. Lamps 2 for SlS. 962·3891 with shelves •· Vanity $50. 548-4485 Records 50c-Sl. End with mirror SlZ. Brass -------- tables S2.50. Good MATCHING Love seat fire screen 18. Ladles LADIES bicycle S45. carpet 115. Crockpot and coucbS2S each. lron cashmere coat , rur 11•13 carpel <green I $7 .50. O>mpounds Bows single bed $25. Mattress collar QI, CoftM pot 13. &ood cooditlon S3S Oil $50. Bikes sso. 891 W. $2S. Springs $25. Uvin& p I um bin e v a I v es painlino 115-ISO. Santa 17th Street. corner room lamp $20. Maple SOC-12.50. • Wallace. Ana Ave and Santa M on r o v I a , Cost a corner table $20. Books, Costa Mesa. 548-7011 Isabel, Costa Mesa. Mesa .. Saturday 9-? paper t*ks lOc. Hard books 20c. ltin. black POLOROJD rum pack GLASS slide doors rwo lllt.lque white wall and white T.V. sso. (40SI $50. Belller Motor (2..ixeftxSI Ills atandard l•lllJll '30. Three hand Mickey Mouae wall drum base ISO. Voltace unit S2S. 141·1511 or pa an led l ta Ii an clock S20. 1588 Santa reculator for enlar1er 847·7716 canlsterl $25. Two end Ana Ave .. Colta Weea. UO . Smith CoroJia --------ta~ ao. Quall\y 6 foot manual typewnter $25. dreuer and mirror SSO. BIKE pis StinVd)' $25. ZXL toy robot and Ulpa 831·~ All tadio wUh clock ST. S4 s . Two st e e I Record pl1yer wltb develosiini reels for DO r<>Al'l'KASTER 4 slice Am I Fm rad Io end film 110. ~mens blue touter, dual control•, .. I t 118 ed ......_ '--•-M' .. like ntw SIS. Preato apea.ere or een · IU e 1"""' .... .-. a.ae • 113-23.9 115. Brown. bei,e. whlte a I u m I n u m 1--------plaid chair wltb nn multJ<"OOOktt fry pu, MUSKRAT fw coat $.10. upbol1tery IJ5. Cull top .-SIO. z bumtt Two browtl and wblte nwm porteblt eltttric uable cbaln ISO eec:b. Two 1---------rant• ttS. Bundt Flutad •mall bootca1ea SlO Tube p.a. Nonlk Ware, uch. CtfP"ltr tooll larlf, never 111ed SS. ll·la each. kildi11 Sil..,..._. tooted tray hardware 1oc.sio. ~ l 4 I• 11 ti• W 6 S twin bed• $21 each. Blectiltm .. ber GT, Picture• '2·SIO. Two mod ern HO. Sliver bammertd aculpture In ,...., ,... ~2~ fraaea U2.H uch. oaa clothtt $1-SSO. Polorold camera IZO. ill•JMC4J ... .... ..... Sic~. ,. .. w m •· NlsM. teble SS. Cotler Sillet'11• .. "8rJ _. teble 91. Slcll roo• drtU a nft ......_ equlpmttt SS.•. 1147 .. ie..-INcltr Ml. P • m bro k r I. ant. ,...;._ ______ _ ...._ • ...._.,.,. Mewport lueb aaa,.... t•uttllff aru >. --! TWO large rabbit cases CASSETTE de'ck fSO . NEW wall chime clock 31 USED carpet 3 rooms. I BOY'S 10 speed Schwinn M A TT R ES S a n d • and 1 larte doc house. 1200 Reel to Rttl tapn day key wind. walnut gold, approximately b 1 k e . like n e" boxspnng S20 Silver S20 each. 54$-1718 SI and $2. 5'0-9719 f 1 n ish $50 Double 10ftxl2fl SlS each piece. Exrellent cond1t1on S50 service. Coffee U S. mattress and boupring . 830-1729. Mission Vie Jo. 962·6974 alter 6pm. Cream and su1ar S35. OLD 7'Mt comfortable TELESCOPE 80 power S20. Fiberglass VW Tray $35. Lawnmower . orange and yellow n--and tripod SlS rront hood SUI': M>3&03 SLIDING ~ass door. 61\ HO Trains for sale Tyro S.S Collectors doll 125. flowered couch S2S. re ~..,, · wide, 80in high, S2S Freight train with 2 64S-Ol9'1 3ftx4fl beige formica Belgian desi.gn rug CRAFISMAN rout.er bit Cement building blocks. diesels. trark and -------- dinette sd with 2 ctuiirs, 8 rt 2inxSfl"*1 n S20 set 26 pieces. new S4S. lOc each.. 675-603' transformer S3S KaslJe good condition S2S. Can ist e r vacuu m . Solder acid core and s ki with Tyrolia TWO twin box 1pr1ngs S2!1 each. One twin frame SlO. Canopy rra me S20 847-7567 Brown recliner S2S complete S20 After Ro s in core S6 lb. BATTERYforsmall~ar bindings In good Cute custom made 10:30 646·!525 Craftsman inside mike l22Fl like ne.w SIS. Tire cond1Uon S20 10 gallon child's wooden rramed BABY Furniture Crib set 11-, to 1212 new $45 1 F7814 > with mu~h "show" aquarium. bed 34iox5Sln with 2 and mattress S2S 3000 root elertric wire tread Sl_S. Poloroad fluorescent lights. new GAS dryer works great mattresses 125. 41\ high Port·a·crib $15 High l6·18 22 gauge 2c fl. ramera wtth extras SIO. pump and sub sand S50 Sliding glass door,· Butane gas cylinder chair $20 Car seat SS. Cash only 897·3489 1631-4286 rilter S20 559-5662 8ft with S<'reen S50. Sel partially filled S20. Booster car seat SS C RIB mallress SIO. TWO Goodyeur 9 50xl5 BA BY Clothes 25r·SS ~{::'itoiS~r!:':'.P~oSs\ot ~8·9197 or 543-2617 Stroller SlS. Swing SIO. Black and white TV trac ker 0 W L tires Stove $.15 Co<ree tables Mesa 645-9210 • COLEMAN 2 burner Playpen SIO 960·7954 S3S Double bed frame. I mounled on white spoke SIO S25 Toys 2Sr·SSO -------- s tove $20 Coleman askforKen mahogany S4S Double "'heels . fit S hole 2073 Nallonal 64S·6911 GREETINGcardd1Splay t'ooler 14 gallon S2S. ROSE beige sora SSO. mattress set S40 Cooch ' Chevrolel $35 each Saturday and Sunday racks. 2 wood S2S each .,. Double mantle lantern Matching chair SBO a nd Love seat $40. _96_3 .... ·l_626 _____ ~= CAR PET Id h 2 wire S10 each. 675-8975 . S8 6424809 Table with four chairs Small dresser SlO MARTELtubetypeHiF'1 ·go s ag. 10·6pm SJO Bo•·s bi kc S2S Childs desk SIS Desk stereo rece1 ver w1Lh I 2x 13 approximately· TYPEWRITER Sis J L .. ....,.. T · excellent cond1t100 S40 WASHER and dr-ver S50 Lamp S3. Wall clock S4 S8 amps ...,._, win speakers S30 Marine ·, A t. noo lamp .-.~ d h E d I 644 2586 each Dishwasher SSO. n 1que r _, ColorTVS50 64S·9467 be s S3S eac n radio le eph o ne White infant changing tables SS.SS. Couch $.50. 1 r a n St' e iv er. need Rotory power mower···' table SIS 2 White THERMADOR electric Kina mattress S4S. Cot rabinet S20. AM lfM CAR Top ski rack made S.SO Power edger $.50. • h ... bv Barrl"<'raflers fits in El t ower s•o • bookcases SIO eac · ranee top. perfect bed S8. Springs S40 Multiplex stereo with " ec flt' m .. '· rain cutter, minimum El t · edg SlO .,....,. ' Copruor saute pans S8 condition SSO Whirlpool Frame ...... 543-2987 or I r eAord rhanaer and ec nc er ~· .. ~ _, ' .. width 45 inches S20. d SlO p h each. Wine rack S3. automatic ice maker ta 667·1109 speakers $45 Am/Fm sp1 ea er us , Men!I 10 speed $25. Size new one costs S800 + > clock. light "'eat her S48·9634 mo"' er StO. Vacuum ,. 6D boys black cowboy needs minor repair S50. JUNIOR and Xisses ra d io szo. Buill·in SKI coggles. new . cleaner S2S. Saturday·, boots U>. Size 6D roller Fiie cabinet, 3 jumbo designer clothes 50c·$5. c 0 r n er seat s 5 o. "Smith" SlO. Ski caps s.s afternoon. 221 Flower skates $10. Sewinc drawersS50.Glasaware Two matching T ypewriter portable new. New Fisher ski's Street.CostaMesa boxes $4 each. Kitchen 50c·S2. 513 Narcissus. mediterraneen style Sl5 8tracktapegulsS8 200cm Tyroha bindings SIX pair or antique " items 50c·$5. 1964 Ford Corona del Mar. in alley lamps. like new S25 Van able ~rob light St2 S50 Ski sweater SlS Ski hi'Akory and oak snow auto transmission S.SO. Saturday/Sunday 9·2 or each Raichle slu boots. 15 h tire and wheel I $5 ~ 3519 ' .. Alf 't r II ',."7109 Sl5. "'·II s1· ... wh1'te lace me g oves · skis SlO·S50. Twenty's Spanish s .. ., uni or ca '""' r u ~ $20. 8 track s~reo with d k. 1 C • wall SJD. Saturday 9·5. canopy bed t'over and record changer and SNOW chains m Step goo wor tog •· ., 970 Linden Place 1932 DATED six O~vor top S20 Dolls SOc·SIS. s peakers S28 Radio ladder $15 Ironing Smith ty~wrlter 518• 646-0467 or 642·2167. penny gum machines New Tennis dresses SS control buiJdozer. as 1s board and cover SIO. Large Calif. Bear nag .. S25 New Flight Ace Material 50t' Elastic SIO 21:.> Doctors Circle 1 Tree saw $12 Stamp SH . Good 55 incl) FISHING reels, large pilots cap 7~ $15. 12 uA ZI 'KA L · -tubular welded steel ~· ppers """ arge ap\ D . Costa Mesa catalog S2. After 10 rear hand truck .... 1 '--en'no 3 spi n s1 2 . Penn inch hand engraved ·c basket ss p C U4J IK .., beachmasur Sil. Fresh brass oriental vase S6. ~::t~~e frames Sl·SS: 642-7589 2277 omona. osta wheels $25. Solid brass , water splnning rod S4. Heavy brass silent Dishes. pots 25c. New '72 VEGA 4 speed Mesa.536-llO:.>. Hadley dual air horns Wormdrive "skil"saw butler '3. Lombard lcebucket$5 Newsofa transmission S50. MANV50lidwood chairs with switch $20 Old $4S. Rockwell ci~ular En&lish brus 12 inch pillows S2.50 2 speakers 289·2BBL ·carb and and rockers S4·SSO. street car Conductor , saw $15. Blades 50c·S4. waste baaket 110. 10 S8 Saturday 10·4. 220 manifold S25. l51n GNC Mission oak rocker S20. chance maker SJS. 014'"' Old brass headboard. inch brass spittoon S14. Camellia Lane. Costa wheels and caps 12. '64 Fine old windw chair phonograph cuttln g r needs cleaning S45. 6 Inch embossed Mesa, between Orange Riviera hub caps $20. S2 8 . Good Lewyt machine. wood cabinet• Trailer axle, springs, English brass planter and Santa Ana Avenue. '64 Riviera rectory vacuum clea11er SIO Set SlO. Boxes ol Nautkal' wheels for small trailer with lion's fed $4. Pair service manual S20 20 of 4 bent oak a nd gear. lights and ro!Hl.v ••5, Men's ski boots, brass Meno rah $13. DOLL bassinet. wicker 11 a I um · di bild h lOc SlO 4 inch 1M2 Navy " tyno ••. Pair br"u birds g a on qua r spm e c rens c 11rs · . . Nordica. size 9 SI. English solid brass .. ~ ~ ....., complete S20. ·11 Fiat sis tach. Old oak till boat compass 118. Solid-1 Walerbed frame and firewood or magnme SS Tiny vases and 850 carb SIO. Game swivel office chair Sl2. brass single headboa~J heater SSO. G·78 radial basket S12. Ten classic figurine; Sl. Xilk glass table SSO. 4 chairs $40 Modem oak. cane and S18 . Vintage 11004:1 Ure, good shape S7. solid brass fireplace S2 · Purple am ethyst Ni I It e a I um In um rhrome chair Uke new working solid coppe,... Assorted wheels and sets 19·$24 Larg e vase . flared SlS window 6rtx3rt 115 $30. Oak he~rth rocker radiant electric heaters.· .tires Sl·SS. 19771 variety or lights and Wooden b oxes to Lawn edger IS Cast su. Good wooden 19·Sl2. Auto trunH:. id1ewood L a ne , lamps from every era decorate ;J. Indian rug Iron laundry tub 110. roldlng chairs $4. Good accessories and lam~0 Hunlincton Beach. ror floor. table and 30x56(handwovenJS2S. Barbi<. doll house 110. upholsteredbarrelchair Sl·S35. Custom auto\ 963-4319. celling 13·P>. 21 inch Lace cloth for table or M&-0022 11 2. Two vlntaae trunk shaped to old" --------1 1ood 2 candle 2 shade bed Sl5. Family slle wooden bedsteads. one sedart ISO. Model "T~1 LIKE new Ures, L78Xj5, table lamp f7. Unique cuaerole with cover S3. ' 6 a C A D I L L A C s pool OM waterfall S3S carbide bullseye lam~ LR70X15 $11.50 eacb. old Laboratory desk Box of kitchen ware $5 Fleetwood parta· Rims each.' Nine desks. school 118 30lnx221rt deUcat•, Malcbin& BR78XU $25. llcht aotM brass S2t. Larat doll S7. 543 15111 5 hole fits all big toomceSIO·SSO.Oldoak whHe wrouaht l ro~ _63_1·_3'10_t_a_n..;..yt_lm_e. ___ 1 Art deco 32 Inch solid Victoria. Park In yard G.M. cars S15 each or' mission Library deak \able. ntwly palnte•.e THICK pile off white nap, 1Ul3, 8Xl6, 3X8, 3XS feel. Sl.50 aquare yard. 631-3701 anytime. brass tjble lamp StO. 10·5pm. Wboth.4Deluxewheel s.so.Tet\dlning,kltchen while 131. 3Jtxsrv: Butane 111 outaide COLORED leaded alus ~I~~ nt~:r~: ~ and lamptablelllMSO. compact wood tb:W poreh laMe:m M. Brda windows s.s each. Oak SlS t1ch, S50 set. Pair ot Hard wood maple drop tablt and deep ru T.~ atudtnt double cllimney cha Ira U ·UO. Oval rear fendtt -'"'·•ell leaf dlnlni table sso. lined crap1 table .' floor lamp AO. Many bntled mirror sa. COvtU ln pttfect Child's roctltr S7 Many. complete with ball6 KUO E n.wt1 of pine old and antique oil table Cobblers bench coffee condition Sl5 each. S25 antique WIOCldttl trunks, r~clt anc1 Cuti MS. Fl.Ill firewood•· Sc\ilptul'*i lam pa ~-. Lovely 16 t bl $3$ PlM 81 ket chet\I and boxn 12-11$. s1ae ~ IQe cutter "'rtnwood for table or inchaoUcl.....i1•"'-'brus a e . . in for both. Factory Square wl" .. tr trunk StS. Gooa old head \ltd "' ...,._..... cheat '10, Foot Moo! $8, ·AM /FM ridio with s ,. l1mp bite SL5 ADUq111 oil table lamp SIS. Buutlful hind made •-alters. DOG value for from \D's make Mal Tft oval ra1 ru1 ISO bu Utt SO. 5 piece Come&ete '" fin to1 pillow a F1oo I ~ table G . ~man trw1k Rallf'ON hllMI lanttrJM eblldrena bed.room Ht Sll. Bria umbttlla ot · r •mPt P>. Bum.per Jack SIS. brns locks and fittlnp SU . Sollcl mahc>1•~ Sf4, Tetherbell pole a. cane st.Ind $4.50. 8 way SIS. Bentwood hat ret'lt Trunk lid, 4 doora with SH Ver• old Cedar twentys Vit'hol a, m. Frames ind prints power windowe, power I .. , I .. t -· HamPltM' cqe $1. 20 floor l..np, 1tas 1h1de Sl•RO. s,nottln& et•lld Mtt ao tach, 4 floor t'htal. carwd mda ISO. caa net • t.. unonn lnch lieytle 1a111 rear ornate '*' SlO. Many •u p tttr" u l lt Antique wall medicine Its•. sre•t for lttnm wbtfl$12.12foot.-C old ca. irm or brlll 01.ie. Md ,De& :~u ,~·~~ = t'httt witJI sround 1&11t co111pount1 SJI ., 1l111doorwt&l9lpuelt fireplace Mdlron sett Roc~ln& chair us. l50elldl.Rtarteat•. dtalp oa mirror Saa. variouaUnslftd..a' ... • , .. ol "' ... • I •• 2. . A n t I q II • C1mtl bark lnK't ... A.ltent•. •Ir C'OftGJoD .,. ~ ot 111Uqut Fial lo M""'" .. PVC 11111 ..._ *' • plumtaa nxtur., door Oval lnWed rui tu unit. power ttffrl•I and ..._. r-ud ae lnci. Fer4 •1 Wlalte toUet •· New holll ud lock aet1. Pair maple kllchu tualt, tlrakt •Hter kltch• lotll Hd w9'etb IM ----= ... 1111• ,., ... ••d .... A,_ .. -....... -" c...-.. .... Old .-..... . _._. • I I I t t ~ ' _.. -U... ... '*•= A.mt....__ ",_ lr1'8 ,.~ta ........ ... Sil torn • • 1· it. aeu llo1rnla 11 ·-~ -...,. ..... w1•11 '1. ea W. lM ' •at.e • lld. • trau .. Ila W. 11&11 Nw•• _. J"'lllllll• 'rt._......_ Street. Cetll 11111.' perkl•t lot. betwteo ......., .. ....,. • l tr"', C•l• ··~~1 l l rt1U. H l·ll ............... ....... •. •• .. 1•• .. l~ """'· ......... .,,... ..... • .. ..... llllF-~ ..... Celltlll ll: PllCHUI •• , •• ,.. OllM.... ...,, .. , .. llrMla. ~ ~===--... Olllll........ :::.:--N , ,. • .,. Ml•I II lelaHI' f.'jijlliiij ,. ... ,_ 1·-·· '. _,~.:r C'lllrW _.. .,.... .. --' .. ~._.;;;.;._.,,; .. ---.-..,;:=si--•.• -M'°'A Allfol w ... c1 .... W MM or llilll elftr. Xlot coed. 1PICIW ~Pd! ~--• .... •••••••••• ....,, A11 oma c traa1., or aot. llO to io•.Jrtatcoedltloll4 ft-.... weu.r. Ort•l ,. , .......a. a· R taDWWU •boot• IA t75 . Qptn Sun· 1pd, J(cireo cauette le air ... ,a1 .. .,... ~11 t&ener, e1ctllt1t eoadltlu 1 clQI. rr .. towm1. ..,. etll thJI weelleod ' .. • .,_,, all Uw opUou, lo ml, <-ml). UW51tll), •t·llOO MOOBOf7S.TW .i-M-41» alat cond. Atkin & Saltpriceclat aocs SDort Cpe rare I SZl.H0 /080. 114 / OM.,' Mtfl Clar or Truck Needed: I lJl'J, afnt cond,' mual 'U I wood HMT'JS, nt 42. or . ~~ vw lltvt900CASH Nil Sd lt.31/5.57 7010 ~loop tell D• Sl-4172 • •Ml-5172• ' ' • IZ'J.4480 tva Grant -'1U lalttrAvt ....... t.o.eeleuln IA 9715 Dl·'1511 ' ,,..,.. 9 I 70 Wetimlutt r chin.. for d r~n~x-..................... . 1 f G •••••u•••••••••••••••• car Exp'd r!f•1 Lind ~ 'Tl Capri. Sunroof, A/C 18 l. uppy clau SCAMP Travel Tralltr · ' · •· ' iiallboat. with trtller. llld MW 5th whael.'AIJ .. ~v.2~Too Stk Bed. _m...:...;..Dt;.;...;;... _____ 1 1l1500orolr. m.1•1 flberalua llaht·wel&bt. '3000. ..,, Downeuter •'. ru11u FMtory direct. C•ll toll S.-5103. Jim ......... rW &oflCled wttll Ftnley Jib fret l·IOO·Ma·4N2 for •• Ford T~k F250 31K ...................... . \9lm lllr auto pilot. Xlnt fret color broc~ure. original miles, g pack ..,..._. 9101 9720 ,Cond. Purc1'a1td new SAVE BIG BUCKS. eamper stove, table, ....................... •00••••00••to••oe• .. ••• bott Owatr desperate. 'Tl Alfa S$' sth Wheel, t;' 1\ffper & Jack. MIW & ... l'llMT IAJfUM •.ooo. 114/'21·1431 or 1lnt cond. See on wknds .64U5ee. ALIAIO ti .,.., HR m t ... 171. or eves after Spm. Moving? Out of work Oranie.CoUn I oldest c~r•••E s••( Wm.CM $1 5,500 /or o ffe r . carpenter bas l&e 'le.adin1 dealer1hlp. ~ AL ~OC!P· VOlfo-dlis~ with (2lJ)3.1Z>,,_ ~14>-Ask for Lonnie. ~g:..:, Ji:e uln t ~~ . ..\ ... f"O'~ Newport moor· ........, UtlltJ 9 t IO 82. 111 ... lf the GTV& and the f'l'-W~lll IZOl ........ ••••••••••••••• '75 Luv Ml.ltado . .1lnt SpiderVeloce! . · t.mUTY TRLR 4x7 with CODd. New paint. Tires 11.ACH IMPOITS ... BOCHAN-B STAR totally Steel Frame. SUS. S2:5000BOl31.{l8SO -iiDOvestifft. N.B. • redone, 3 set sails 2 rod 673-1834 • Co · 7~ot0l riUS w/trlr lmmac & . 72 uner ~.U . New .. · 21M5Harbor81vd. fast Best' of D Mini Truck Bed Trailer. en~ .• new tires, new 19811Har Blv .C.M. Coeta llesa ~ r , ID =o:oclia~= Mags. ~h $1600/0BO. Ul-7170 714/540-6410 ~~ye=~ si~ry o~~ Allos...tc., ..... ·-'570 ~9.lJMIO lB'12 DATSUN 240Z. Tb.ls 131-<mcl &_.cc....n.t 9400 ....................... VIDll Is a dynamite classic --------••••••••••••••••••••••• is Ford Van. ElSO. IOOK Silver/ lack, excellent coupe with 4 s peed 14' Luer Sailboat. w/dol· mi. V8. AC . PS. Oil condition. (ser00684) tranamlsslon. In sharp ly, xlnt cond. $1250. Change Everl 5000. CALLTODAY !!! condition! (772EQFJ. 675-1798,173-2068 14.TTIMTIOH $3100 952 890 Aft S3995. Jim Marino MG · . er SADDUIACI IMW Volbwagen, 842-2000. IOlh.SU,./ Docks 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... .,.,. Mn• Da, wit, month 1146·0551 OWMBS SPM. 131-2040 495.4949 T~ft!~:a~fiY,fiR ~1i.orG!:i0::ra~d~~~ ·11..,.... Gr Power. 12800. 645·4626 with alr; Blut: rass1 snrf, Never used, S75 Jerry 5 spd. 32 mpg, snp1kn M*1'ia631·7797 lvemse _..;.......:.. ______ covers. croma dora N. B. Slip Up to 36'. --------1 ·es Q,fvy van, new tires rims. 3SK. fantastic car. Water/power, or Lido le clutch. $$50. Arch. ~. l.f74·31M7 ~.f13.27$6 $S/4.VISAYI$ 63J.7~eves ..W Jtmtmgton "arbour Boat WITH USID PARTS ....................... ~~e~~~~~I Slipa Avail. Huntington ImporlidCar parts n \.llevy Nomao ..,_t : Harbour Bay " Racquet JM PORT conven., auto. p.s.,air, $ 9712 Cub. 714-841-7766 AUTO SUPPLY sun r oof, til t wheel, 101 N M•Rcbester cni.se etc. Xlot. cond. 'Tl Datsun Kine Cab with Ca mper. low miles. 1 aiiomaUc. S3500 or best 'W 911 T. ICIK Ml. Many Xlru. lllnt Cond. 6'4-QIS -PondM MIA cpe, tGtally reatored ln1lde ' ~t. Jluat sac. $9,800. TI4·*"251 •• 1IO SE. Super clean, Gd mech. cood. Re1 &as --------1 s.»OONl·IOl5 •i!J:r 2 door. 5 speed, fuel In .lect. «!1 aJr, power steer lne. auoy wheels. SAVE dl2ft.IO• BUY"nttS WEEK F.ND ' ONLY ... $5995 '12 IOOD TURBO. Avail June. New. Made to Your Order. Big 011· t'OUDt, 731-0202 '» Poncbe 356A Cpe S b ow co n d '81 MBZ. 300 SD. Turbo $13,000/0BO. Dield. Silver. Blk Int. M.S-4159/645-3101 29K ML S:U,7SO. firm. C&ll between8AM •4:30 .... leyu 975' PM. Weekday• Only . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 55'1-Ml9 Private Party. '*1 D£AUR IN US A • 76 4IOSL ' ' ' llCI MILLER 2 tops, foaded, alloya RJr' CARVER A/4.T/LAMCI~ newcon~~,7SO. PP OClJ.5-l{}i(E l.20 W. Warner, S.A M>.w.aocBAO-aMllt 5 ·2 I ~. *ChDls. silver couperf . -l!JI()< tfVJ~ --.:%.~.!..%.lL---... re w ' cass.. sn .. ~ CLOSED SIJNOAYS tto.da 9727 45K ml, xtra tank. ..................... •• $17,250. 497-6494. SH HllDA SANTA ANA AHDSAVEI Gili/4.T S&ICTIOM CIVICS ACCOIDS PRaUDES '73 4SO SE. Best offer, must sell In 2 weeks. a.5081, AM-.5:30 PM . 16 MB 4.Stt;E Blue. Orig owner. all extras. Retail $16,235, STEAL MINE for Sil.~. Ph 64H226 '77 MB 300D. 36 gal tank, snrf. lmmac. Asking S13 950. Desperate/must sell. Make offer. 675·6311 eves. 548-7430 301 W. Warner, i,; blk Mfi 9742 watolS. Main ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9762 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~fs'V"Y'S Authonzed SUBARU DEALER lS82 MODELS HERE NOW!!! Sales-Service-Leasing SADOLHACK * SUIAIU lll-2040 495.4949 I offtr.Call675-6108eves. 1978 HONDA A low ATTIMTIOH CIEYJEI BMW ! 1976 610. 4 dr. Mag whls. mi I ea I e C V CC MG Isthmus Moorine to so· · ... orig. owner (714)963-1209 • Pvt Pty. Prime Loca· Anaheim 77s..9900 or968-5430 tioo. , ............. ~---~-----! '74 Subaru. DL. 2 Or 4 Sod. 89K mi, 1 owner. NewTrs. Great Running c.ond. Good MPG . $1200 PP. -..... ._~'12 I AC. lo mi. 12350_ Must Hatchback with 4 speed ~~~~ •--sdJ. 644-7 transmission This one ts IMW'1/4.te ! 475 very pretty and super TO A C VER 7144'6-9636 -------1•------.iA*'I Wmltcl 95'0 67' slip, Newport Bch.. ro'tlP~sllfLY ••••••••••••••••••••••• pnvateboatooJy. ONI WIMllD Y40UI ANAl CLEARANCE AJJ remalAina 1911 • U881TS • IESELS •VAIS • PllUPS • SClllCCOS DEMO SALE • '81 SCllOCCOS • '11 UIBITS • '81 DIESELS • '81 CONYEITIBlES BOB WITHAM vw 7600 Westm.Lnster Ave Westmwter A few remaining '81 1 772IOI clean. (IBJXM5l. $3995 Flta MG'1, '71·'81 Models le Demos are XlntCondition. Lo Mi. J 1 m M a r 1 n o Never med, S75 still available! We LotJofXtras! Vdkswagen.842-2000 Maria63M797 lvemsg T.,... 97'5 638•7880 ' ~ialize in: European 54S-S4.59orS56-4488 '72 Honda 600. Xlnt cond.1•-------••••••••••••••••••••••• 893 7551 642 4644 Al.soshell for sbortbed ID USS> Dock. N~rt Peninsula •CHEAP•. ----• 5 • 36•·•!1832-t =g coosife~\ now. Ron 673'2824 paint-up to SO'k off you r very and flawless 4 SALE Rebuilt eno. 40 mpo. 'fll MGBConvert. New Fr '70Toyota Corolla --=:....:.....:::_·-=....;=-=-=-- '18 VW Bus. llh new . .-. 7·puH11ger, 111n· tf,aut.o.MMNI. l9f1 VW SQ11areback New Diglne, SUlllO. 964-8001 ' 73 VW, ttblt eng, t 1pd, red, bra, xJnt lnaide. 4t 01.t.12• 0Bo. na.~p is Popeop1 low mileage, great COllQ. $6.250. 67S.01l8 '76VW Coovert. Good Cond. 54$-9697 it VW Rabbit Diesel. L Model. Snrl. AM tFM. Ta . Heater. 640·0646 '72 Sqblt, auto. Amt Fm. clean.ong. owner. C!C)OO. 644-1419 '65 Squareback Rbll Eng. New Paint. AM1FM . $1~. __ 64_S·S9·.:.;;.:16 __ _ CONVERTIBLE '69 : S2950 or offer 645-4007 '75RABBJT Neweng., clean . S2400 557 ·321181731 · S3113 '67 YW Camper, super clean , runs great, $31001 best. 673·27SO '78 Bus. 30,SOO Miles Snrf. AM FM & Tape Mint Coodition" 64J.1040 Days 675-:1767 Eves. is VW Bus. xlnt cond. reblt engine. $5500. 5.51-2990 '71 VW Bus. Dual-port engine, runs strona. szsoo. 642•9387 eves. pre-owned BMW's. . . " " End •-B k Cl h S300 un..-r•Custo"""'r 1980 Blue Metallic S1Z75. 536-3410 • r s. utc . Calt"•".·8926 19*> YW Smocco. This is "'"' ~ """ R G d S2 loo '"" d · • '67 Beelle. Stock. clean Service Comes lsl! Datsun 280ZX Coupe u n s oo . . a ynam1te coupe with 5 Sales-Service-Leasino G~and Lu.x.u!Y Package. ~ACPreludl e. lo md1. sste7reooo. Sll&-2560 '71 Corolla 2 Dr. Radial speed transmission. air oond. st.It. radio. radials. up to 27 ft. Available UTEBODYWORKlf ~1'17tbru1980 SIDE TIE. up lo 20',, body shop est.536·9832 Jc water & power. Nwpt I Island area, Mainland ... ..-. .a......,._._ 3CCe\S, S6/ft . 673·2968 -nw ~ #I ( • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I . Ill Or_,. C-'f """W.•·t.SantaAn"a Min. t l'Ondtllon. 35,000+ · x nt con · 5 ---------Trs ood d s 200 cond ition1n°. ma a -'S27"'-'"00""-.--'m-·-'-1597;;.;._ ___ _ """ "' 833-LS.16 moms. '79 . Clean. MCB Midget. . g con . 1 . " .. (7141835.3171 rrules. Sl0.850. 964-8008 $4000 646-l116.642·8982 wheels and s te reo '71 Sqblt Wgn, clean, best MOORING for 40' boat IMPORTANT 2925Harbo"r Blvd .. w/22' boat. NCYI'ICE TO COSTA MESA C'--"Su d '78A"cord Hatchbk Beautiful Brazil Bronze olf"•. CM>.3019 aft. 6pm . .._,., n ay '81 280'LX 2+2 5 S""ed T-~ 962-8229 ""'"'-1· M t ZSR -...., .. -Topcond.$4700 .,.,.....,ica: anyex ras. (45-0 ).$7295.Jlm (AliOmar) top,Xlntcond,buyoras· 6'19·"""""or 673,.,,,.,., MG Mid aet '74, low 28Kmi.S6500.640·1677or Marino Volkswagen, sume leue552·8554 """'' """" miles. m~l cond, Sl,998. _546-_2'_29______ 842-2000. 'll>SCIROCCO "S" '7l 1AOZ 4 •"".· Am/Fm 15 Honda Civic Wagon. 645-5036 .76 Corolla Dix. clean. J:MVW AIC. S spd, Recaros, 1714) 673-7996 READERS AND 979•2500 ADVERTISERS 40' BOAT, S200tmo. The price of items 30'BOAT.Sl50/mo. advertised by vehicle WE PAY 673·6022 dealers in the vehicle ~ Al cood. En1ine over· mint' S7500. 559·8024 good ·cond1t1o n. $2300 hauled S2400. Ph 673·7359 16 Midget. white, new best offer. S-48-3019 aft E IUS /Newport 60' slip, xlnl classified advertising TOP DOLLAR loc. & stturity, private. columns does not in · FOR USED CARS OB0.67~laft.6pm. . . top,t.onneau,wirewhls. m(AliOmar) 7passengermodel.(Stk. '7 1 VW. am /fm cass, 7 3 2401 77 Accord. auto, air. xlnt.$2.650.963·6583. 3234 1. (7l4VQH> Sale reblt eng, new paint. P/P.673-7677. elude any applicable taxes, license. transfer ALAM M/4.GMOM SHAIP CLl/4.Mll AM /FM . 42,000 mi. pncedat ~$2600.963-5766 MOOEU Auto. At. AM t fM . S4700S48·5!M6 MfH 9744 OMLYU295 Yd't 9772 IMh, S1or't1p 9090 fees , finance charges. POMTIAC/SUIARU ••••••••••••••••••••••• fees for air pollution con· :MS) H.ar6or Blvd .. IN STOCK Mags, Ru ns Strong ! '77 Accord , auto. a/c. ••••••••••••••••••••.••• -----'-----IOIWITHAMVW ••••!••••••••••••••••• HOW• lllOOOBO. stereo cus . electronic 'Tl MGB, clean. white. n..pll 9767 7600 Weslminster Ave ________ , trol device certilication.s COSTA MESA .'STOIA,.£ or dealer dot-umenlary 54f.4300 549-1457 • prep1raUon charges un· Monthly boat 6 R v less otherwise specified WE IUY storage for any sl.u, 24 bytbeadverti.ser. a,e•1o.1 C ••s hr security, free .._,.. 9510 '""""" - launching &c washing AHD TIUC11S privilegea. Newport ••••••••••••••••••••••• " Dlmes. 1131 Back Bay ._.,..111 .. P•lllf!lllPI Dr. Newpo rt Beach. ~10 or., 4H-47221-ftt COMM Ell CHEVROLET :i-..,.,_ P.,• '•. H ' ' I~ I \ \1 ~' \ c•ecll •• ; t••lil ••S48·!M35•• ip.$4700.642-0879 $3,SOO. or best offer.••••••••••••••••••••••• West.minster i.cttee .. ,, . o.,s. ea.sao. aft. 4:30. l9'19TRfUMPH TR7 Con· :•.Iii 9 u A~ IMTOY "13 :MOZ._ Automatic, a/c, ....... 9710 631~11 vertlble with 5 speed 6Jl.7110191-7551 ' • I • 0 W M I D new J>alDl. shocks,carb. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Tl MGB Con rt R II· transmission, air condi-AUTOMOll II•,... a..A.SSIC. S4l00. 642-4566 '76XJl2L Jaguar. Excep· Bar AM/FM v:..00 ° lioning and stereo. • .._ ._ .....,. ~401 Sll50 4 s,d t.iooally clean & in 1ood · 551.3337 Super sharp! t729YNY I _. UiL Lie 564WJ\G ' Resale I ccnd. Sl6300 080 Call $6995. J 1 m Manno CtlarC-lit Sales 443W. Ba y. Costa Paul 714 /833 -22 12. 1 '73 MBSEL. . Volkswagen,842-2000. I Mesa.~2963 8:30AM-'PM. Xlnt Cond. Mon·frt, o~et "·'tin . TR TODAY! After5.M5·2434 "~&' ~ g 76 7. 1978 VW Converllblt This is a super sharp white Bug Convertible with only :n .000 miles 10028181 $6995 Jim Marino Volkswagen. IK2-2()00. SA&.15 • SBY1CI '80210WAGON W.. 97ll nueng, rrore. Trade! WSING 5spd, l5K ml , $5.300. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Opet 9746 67J..7081n 52.23s2 1972 YW f!•DDLEB•CI( 642-22101evsS48-1558 1ILIMB ......................... ,v~-9770 411WAGOH ~ " ~ 1971 OPEL GT -·-~-Excellent economy & 350 4 Bolt Main. Short 16 Datsun 280Z 2 + 2· ••••••••••••••••••••••• transportation! (Stk Block + Xtras. S550 --='--teG--H-l_U_Y_Y___ IMW b:OOw~'.r·~~e:~;.5~~ii DISCOUNT ~:Sw::dltf~n~ ~~ 1980 v.w Rabbi t A 29341. (248FT0> Sale 546-1200 Tr•1partlltioll c_,.,., S./ 0~720After 3PM. Top dollars for Sports Jl40Z MAMUlln1 l629S 644 6306 but ~ some engine I ~anute custom 4 d~r priced at lailt 9120 --------1 Cars, Bu~. Campers, rtlWY. · . 1-EADOUAITHS work.SJOOO Call546-S967 with .al!tomat1 c OMLY$1495 ....................... W-1/ 914's. Audi s MISMOH 'Ill.JO 11 SIO 4 dr. 4 spd. Runs LE~ OR BUY aft.er 6 p.m. or 770·0321 . transm1.ss1on a~d air IOI WITHAM VW ~llcamperlorimport ,..t!::1:... 952 AskforU/CMGR AveryPlcwyottl·5 great. S850 857 ·0952. 5 ~ (worklandaskforSue. con d 1t 1 on 1 n~ 7600W-tm'"'•terA ve k · bo d' _. 83) fW\M\ S48-l915 A--A 'MA (l8GJ4'3). S499S. JJm ~ uw true · ice x, mette, ....................... JIMMARIHO -~ 495-4949 ~ ......, Clean Maroon ·74 Opel, 2 Marino Volkswagen. Westminster ....................... #I YOLYOD141.11 fN ORANGE COUNTY ' SAi.ES. SBVICl AMDLIASIMG OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS EARLflKE VOLVO 1986 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 646-UOl 540.9467 1980 VOLVO Diesel. This is a rare 264GL Diesel Sedan. It is loaded and like new (09847S t . Sll.995. Jim Marino ~olkswageo. 842·2000. 75 VOLVO 164E Loaded -$.1995. 675-4016 1500. 00.3413 1957 T-lird VOUSWAGEM Closed Sundays ax6X. l980, a/c. stereo. mmr.1a door Sedan, AM I FM 842.2()00. 6Jl.7110191·7551 F\'--glass camDPr shell Att:Collectors! l87UBeach Blvd. xlnt,15,500mi. ster eo cass • spd (o"""rr •79 Cou rtf'e-r), pd Concourse condition~ HUNTINGTON BEACH ~======~ 642·1931/557-7010 ma 1 t · "51200 W VW Bus This is a (14772) -20JI [ 1,. SI nua rans. . llll!l!Wl~~-!111111 .. -I dynamite 7 passenger '81 Volvo DL . Bu rg. ,..,,,.um."2·4627 · 142-2000 ~ IW 9725 • · Ol ... mo.813·8876 " '" with "tom•H< w/tu '"· Poo•m Molorbtd.._. 9140 OM.Y $l6,900! ijJI ,. -••••••••••••••••••••••• Silla Ana 714~14 ,_.. 9750 4"-4722 bn. transmission. ovemead :~~~r 1 ~::::. ~t-~r;d': •oo•••••••••••••••••••• y TIC ltit Or ,. · •••••••••••••••••••••• 11rcondlliorung,1ndlow wio,·•rdri'"e P in -~~~fuacyecha~~n~ 1 ' c~ ~IMW!! •FANT•TIC• a f:t "itn~i l ~Ji~~T114isd'!,~ ~~~1tt~~e (~t~:~~ !~~~~~·~te'!'~e~~: lock.842-51115 ~ ..,Or •FIATS• 1M~I' ·~ 5 •• tra~A'Lt FM l with. ~ speed $4995. Jim Marino lnlocall.S48-3B2l LAeM IMll!fvm! stereo tape &c ext ra t~an.sm1~~10'?· factory Volbwagen. 842-2000 ----'---'----moped-fantast ic buy ! lyO..,.._,._, HIMISB.ICTIOH W15 W5 clean! Super sporty' aJ.r C'Oadlt1orung and 11 1981 VW Scirocco A 'llJ Volvo l42S 2dr Mint Dependable trns $200 . (714J 5••533~ ~· .., (Stk.378$1. l&S6MZ0l. super cle~ 1366~). ..._ . ·s· od I . th cond. l owner. S2100. 080. Call 968 -2917 -..-~ ---SS995 Jim M -vuaJDJle m ~WI Call631·9117PP. ,.._..,.."_ • -.-y $549" · a ri n ° " s--" lransm1ss1on _.;.;:;-'-:..;._:_'--'--'----Karen '68 T·Blrd convertible, • JloOW.CoastHwy. TY'S B•f --• Voluwuen 8422000 " "'""= --------1 beaut.iful car! S3S50 or Newport Beach ""' 119 IT & NI•.. IOI WITHAM VW -' · · _ and air conditioning. On· ~ GLE. dlx sedan, fully HONDA 100 lnlde.8.15-6684 642-9405 SPOITCARS ~Mll.'flJ 1800lVestiriliiiterAve. '79Pop-top,.stove,refng. ly 19.000 miles! Like equip, incl. AMt FM sz:so. 646-6825 5"' Model A's. 1 or all SPIDIRS&ll/9t u Westminster fm~.likeaew,S97SO. new! UCCD66l 17995 cass.snrl.lth_rint.lfu. Motobecane LaMoped. Must liq. AJI kinds un· WANTED! TOCR~FROM y~ 6ll-7UO f). 551 ~~=~·L566 S . 1 t~~ag!.:U~~~ 0 =s:t~oom~-~~~;rm bl.ck w/gold whls le restored. 67S.3175 Late model Toyotas and Sales-Se-'i"e·' -a•lna Eum..._ MAIO. '74 Tar1a "le a d rocro. pecia I o v o l v o s . c a II u s JOt1 CARVER,. ' '""' " • ~: • ~==-==i~ · ' an n Edition While. 4 speed , ·~ '65 VW left & nght '70 1800 E. classic, very ~:lld~~er~4oo. T-Blrd '5Ci, xlnt cond .• TODAY!!! 19IORAT /J•.· p• straight. Sl3,7SO Eves transmission, cassette! door, 13 lef\ door SSO gd.cond in &out.Needs ----------•restored. $15,000. PP 2000"H ,..,. a.. 9'1-4129 and ve r y c I ea n each. Western style whl good home Fuel inj. "71 Motobecane Moped . ....;644-4250..;...;...;:;.;;..;.._____ l(l15-R)i('E·ttv1W 5-speed; ~fuel injected, st mia•sascsm 70POISCHE914 (439VRO l. $4995. Jim rims for Super Beetle A/C. 4:spd w/0 .D. xlntcood.1275. '6'2 Hearse. runs good , ~~~ stereo can. alloy 141s• · 78,000mi amlfmindash Marino Volkswagen, $3lea.S48"744 S5.500.FirmS86-7957 498·25216 good body, S6SO/trade TOYOTA.YOUO wheels. '5133. '79 Mazda Xr7. A· I. radio, moo. 842-2()00. Must sell . classic '68 Mtt.•:111!~==-lfdtK/ 9150 1 1146-.-4161 ""~•·• 'BBllaBc~. amotd'Bspo5rt, 1edm: $6495 LOADED. Xtra Wide 1114 ... 8008 'lllBUG blackw/redinl. '76 SCIROCCO Volvo Sedan. Red. new c"teM••• • BS Radials. Mak e OUer . xlnt ah ape S22"0 or Lo ml, slslver. ma0ny9 e0x· ft•'ftt. 4cyl. $1395 c-... " •• .. nu• 540•901 m1c., loaded. By appt, 496-8807 Have ~me thin! lo sem _..._ • " t r as · 4 2 O O I • ..... 673-81163. 615. 7579 ....................... '"W ' 9540 d ys 845·4330 ; evs 197911114.T .s;Jus[ic.d,ads!JQlt well. lr ...... 8.15-6684 67_5-4_77_5 ______ ,--'-::...:..:.;;.:.:..;;.;.;;...;..;..;.;..__ U~· RX~t1~0:Jf ........ ••••••••••••••• --------1 7~70(askforRkhl ZOOOSPIOll '1Kl6216~rtCour..1s.ooo Alllol.Htw 9 ..._,Mtw 91 ....._ ... . e. · · • 11 Ex c A Lr B u R . J• ft.liar '72 BMW 2002 sunroof, Automatic, stereo cass. !11.i xln' 17cood000. ~.'pd AC. •••••••••••• ........... •••••••••••••oo••• .. fiL'C).OBO.M&-2528 PHAETON. Maroon/· ...... auto.alr,AM/FM,flxtr· Only Hi320 origin al tora -5eoo '1J RD 400 loob and runs Creme. Lo Ml. 615-7397 Pail r. C!SOO. 54$-0882 ml.Jes. 11 88 ~.l;,Jl,,!e,Y extras. 4-..........Drt•ff 9550 "" y C $5995 ~ RX7 GS, 24,000 mlles, stereo/cassette, air oond., m>on roof, xlnt co nd . S l0 ,025 . (1ACM168) 497-6333 or ~216ZO. ~ _......., .... _ ror our ar! '77 3201. a/c, allor•· •00•n••••••••••••••••• JOHMSOM & SOM am/fm stereo, m nt '79 H.D. Lowrider, mint "13 Ford 300 4 whl Drive U.Ca .. Mtrewy 63c o1n31~~ . .!? ~"~~ 0 B 0 . ~· lo mi, xtra.aci best Van Conversion. Pd 2DSHarbor Blvd. · ,.,, .,,,,..,,,_, tlfer. 549-1077 ays; MOO. SAC $4500, S3,000 Costa Mesa ~5630 '79 BMW 320i. 2eK Ml. •1oozeves. orig ml. Sink. refrig, : ~· CllSO tape deck. S48·0882 Premium prices Every factory opt.Ion . ~,_.,•vus-' car 11\JSTSELL! ! S10,500or JI. $$50. 131·519' 1112 Toyota •X4, SRS,, ..... -, "" Lab over ltue. 7SOM2. 'l..!Hond• XR75. Like lolded. S10.7SO. or best ripordome1Uc> . u---t L Ba" .. otrer.640-1J50. 6'0-2018 lauoOdcoadil*. . 'Tl BMW 3201. Air, Snrf, ""'"' rr-• ~• 'See Ua First! Amo. New Met Paint. lia. Trl.Afftad. '350. ,.... 9161 111•11.i SHARP! S73SO OBO . tner.~ ""*•••••••••••••••••• llUST SELL! 552·1412 , :rtltaw..UILTDlOOO ·~ E ... 5GllOml,xlntcoad. a..,, I 19 • BMW, black on saa1010. Slf.379' "'-·r 0" . (. J ) • l>lack, 81apltat, air. -=-~.-....-------1 Price:MOta; GM rt• US __ _,, D 000 I : »~ ..... , ... , .......... . !..~"" ... !lwp, '""""1· Nl·S221 : ONLY SHH .18118 t~ Rl\'d • m HOWAlr,a..r.. Cost11 Mt•!la ~ 0110 : Ese.ieet 1hape DoYe/ alil'SU. ;cau--aftfpm. NEWPO TBIACH WllUY ..... -.'IO. Ex· IJHfll usmc&w~mocKS ... t. 1nlldlllleld, lq· 197' CNIYIOUT CALL roR ,... rack. llOml. Lllit LWfllCIW 1111.&JIPIAIS/4.L ""'·.... 11111ad0 l 0 ft I bf d I . ·<!iiliUif.Df[J)lo '11 .._.. IL ISO Xlnt ._Ut tram. 6 air ~ II. L·o Ml 'sns coad. <Slk . ITU). ·-· VD. ·-· . . (1J18).A .... -·1Dat ~ -.-l:Ml'l'INGTON BIAC'H ._.HlldalartJ ONLYU7tl 147_.7_. • • Ran !\07:!~. Ill 1971AAT IJ4SPIDY 5 speed. beautiful choc. brown with tan int. and Mww•slta top. One owner. Only ••oo•••••••H••••••••tt 31.m rniles.OSSUPQ. •ML~ e $5795 ....-~. 19771'1/4.T t24UIDll mlnt concl,'-5 •peed, at«eo casa., faolulic ,... P1ltll wiQ bei1e ~.tACPm. S4tt5 ~-:..1 Com~ollm· porta Direct Jeue aad IO moa. 1ta1lble /Ymll. Dlal 21 or 714/lllRCEDES la 111 or TM/GT.ml " SA00l.EBACkVAU£YIMPORTS OIWM9E COUNTY'S NEWEST SUBARU DEALER! Now ... the dealer that ha given you ~ ~ • one of Southern caHfomia'a leading BMW dealerl ii adding THE FABULOUS LINE OF ·IUIAllU CO. .. l'OIOUI mRMDMY IAl.I .AMI) SAVI BIG ''' ONYOUllU•MIW 1982 SUBARU w ...... ,,.. ... ,.hd I .......... ltaW..htl Pl.B ••• We sm °""'WW Me ... Or ..... C.....,Ctll ' EJqJlfUy sun.cs. lilOlt modem .,.,ic. l perts dlpei'llt•lll for the eww more l~t eervlce .,..the ..... I One of the Soulhllnd'a lilOlt axperienced ..._ Ind lmlng IWI. I E""*iellOn of the mlddlenwl by leMlng <19* dif9Ct IO ,o&I C1r1 .... Witt morel .. l '1S llcmJa Hatc.bback 4 IPd. a/~ IOOd ecoe. tt40 ear. SIJDO/uBO. "5-41111 .. •••••••••••••••• •• ttl5 fil5 hkoo, • en1. Auto u...PS.S*. I .................. 1-...at2 1~ '"1111' "JI Pielta. Witll Air. Lo YSLER/PLYMOUT Ml. Very Good Cond. Santa Ana lll50. • NEW 'IZ l40-8'IT1 PLYW>UTHCHAMP '73 Capri ' 1ood I s door, .batc.bbaclt, twin medwlicaJ body rouab aticlt tra~··· 1400cc &ood transport s100: , eaclne, rwlio, ateel belt· Don't expect a miracle ~tr.~ ~2 Serioul only. 780-0753. . REBATE .......... 300 LMM,..._ YOU PAY ........ SS372 We have over 20 Ford1 ~dailY 'Ultpm F1irmont1, LTD 1no ~Y 'til lpm . Plntol. S It 8 cyl. All BOE.tnSt.,S.A. have air, ulto, PS, PB 141-4471 and radios 111d ue Price&oodWZ/21/82 waranteed. E11mple1: SA1ilT A ANA ·s ,, P'airm>nt Wa1 $2700 EXO.USIVE "11Fairmont4dr SHOO CHRYSLER/PLYMOUTH 'lllPiol.oHB U ,000 DEALER!!! ~ :.:: {llAAll' The above lease return YSLER/PLYMOUTH can are only eumples Santa Ana ot the many cara we NEW 'IZ have. 11aey mlllt be sold PLYllOUTHSAPPORO immediately. Drive 1 Z door, lwuary h1rdt0j>. 4 littlued anea lot! cyl, It., 2llOOcc en1me. 'nJST1N MOTORS air., cruise control, 8IOW. tnSt. Tustin All/PM ~ ca~te, g.1373 551-5'58 buebt seats, ateel belt- ed ..... (IOOf18) SALEPRJCE .... 195 REBATE ........ '.. 300 YOUPAY ........ *'5 ~~~~,;~ 141-4471 Price &ooc1thru2121182 SANTA ANA'S EXQ.USIVE OIRYSLER/PL YMOUTH DIALER I • Daily Pilot e classifieds • wortlfor • you. can 642·5671 e forquick • tashYles. I 1n2 * FAIRMONTS * IJSTANGS $ SOMETHING DIFFERENT! !_ u..al Can. Classics, .......... lace, & 0.-of a kW! ""!~.~ ....... ~!~·.~:.~ ....... !~: HEW 1912 EXP'1 AHD ESCORTS- 70 TO CHoOSE FROM 54"..tf ............ ,nee ~5% off from ............ '-4 •., 1t12 neon .. UP. 11111111111111111111111111111 "'*1 lilils Offtrs Y• hr. NEW 1982 EXP LEASE FOil JUST 5 141~,. .... ~.-IC --._,'°' .. ""°' °"" ........ ~ C.lMICI W'4 .... ........ ""'"-' °"*'°" l ... .,,-.. ,........., ll14 C. Coll M l\7 .,. .... --* 11>'1 .. IW ,.,,., '" - * GRANAIJAS FORD FACTORY REBATE TO YOU ! *VANS, TRUCKS ~TOJ.~ ~LUS WE Will NOT BE UNDERSOLD * CWB WAGONS · _ __ !~:: GIANT DISCOUNTS I t .STOP *SHOP *AND SAVE! FOID MOTOR CREDIT COM,AHY * * * *,RESENTS RED C>.R,ET LEASING 'LAH -OH *. * FOID REIA TE VEHICLES -HO MONEY DOWN .. _...... ...... , HEW 1980 MUSTANG CO!ffllTlaU 51500 5- -~-­,.. 111111 ... .. I Oranoe Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturdb. '•bruarv 20. 1112 *380 l'actory Bebate Payments as low as •3so Jt.ni Marino Bebate s 1 4 B 8 9 · *700 B PIBATE · • ' '31630 (3101 ) Take Your Baliate In C&sh --Or Use Toward Down Payment! 1981 & 1988 v.w. JBT'.l'A'S - *1800 Jiii MABJB'O UBATll s7so Jiii KABIWO BJIBATll .... \; i;,....,__ ______________ --+-------------------t 1981 & 1988 SCIB.OCCOS 1988 QUAIV:tUfMS s3so Jiii MA'BISO OBA.TB s3so Jiii MABIRQ UBATB .. 1981 & 1988 ISOZU SBDA118 & COUPBS 1981 & 1988 ISUZU P/V'a s3so *BOO JIM MABISO.m•n JIM •a•mo DBAD ._ ....................... llillilllilll ___________ ... _,,.. Orange County Your Complete Guide To Real Estate Sales and Rentals SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Oof.1 20.2 saturd•y. February 20. 1982 Energy conservation can save hoineowners $78 Five steps to reduce fuel consumption By BE111 BALDWIN S.-lel lee*-Wrtter If homeowners ln Southern California follow five steps to reduce fuel use, they can save as much as $78 annually on utility bills, according to a feasibility study on implementing home energy conservation measures. The fi ve steps listed in the Southern California Association of Gov e rnments report include cov e ring water beaters with ins ulation blankets, installing lowllow sbowerheads, caulking and weatherstripping, covering cooling ducts with insulation and insulating the ceiling. U all homeowners followed the same initiative, fuel rates would not rise as fast as they have been, according to Helen Clement, author of the report. This is because reduction in future fuel demand would also mean a reduction in time and money spent developing new energy resources. Also. air pollution would decline as a result of burning less energy. the Southern California Association of Governments study revealed. The study showed estimates of 2.25 million gas-heated residences built prior to 1975 in a four-county area. U each of these homes was retrofitted with energy saving devices. the aggregate first-year dollar savings would be approximately $106 million , according to the author. Additionally, Clement wrote that 5.3 million barrels of oil would be conserved annually. The· United States imported 5.2 million 'barrels a day in May 1981 , according to lhe "Monthly Oil Report," published by the California Energy Commission. The weatherization mea•ures already are included in tbe present building code standards u IUided by the California Eneray Committee's adoption of Title 34. Proposed state legislation AB781, if passed, would require retrofittin all homes built prior to 1978. The legislation has been approved by the State Assembly. Clement estimated that it would cost $790 for contractor inatallation of these weatherization devices. Homeowners who install their own would pay $40. U A8781 becomes law, homeowners may have to pay an ext.ra $50 for inspections that would verify compliance with the law. -Tbe payback perkxl for the cost or the measures wjg listed in the r-e port as from 3 to 11 years, depending upon weather conditions. Government incentives would reduce the co~ _of retrofitting homes with weatherization devices. Fifteen percent of the cost of weatberization, up to $300, can be deducted from federal income taxes. The state allows a 40 percent tax credit or rebate up to $1,500. Taxpayers who earn under $15,000 or married taxpayers earning less than U>,000 are eligible for a 40 percent refund or the retrofit cost. Persons with low incomes may a1so use federally funded Community Block Grant Programs that are admini s tered through the Interest rates dividing United States in half High interest rates are further div)ding the United States into a dual society ol haves and have nots, according to Newport Balboa Savings and Loan president, Fred Forster. In expiainine his concern for housing market slumps, Forster said high rates are creattnc the haves, those who can afford to own a home and the have nots, those who cannot. "The more we foreclose the opportunity for new ownership, the greater risk we take or rebelijon," Forster told the Newport harbor/Costa Mesa Board of REALTORS recently. "Housing opportunities are fundamental to what this country is all about. Destroy the dream and you take away a vital dedication to the way the country l.s structured," be said. Forster said the economic forecast for 1982 is dismal, but that be expects rates to come down by Seepaaez m 4nicipalities, according to Clement. Utility companies alJO help cut the cost of weatherization installation. Southern California Gas offers an 8 percent rmancing program for weatherizatlon and a $50 rebate for insulating the ceiling, according to the report. Southern California Edison gives electric heating customers free blanket wraps for the water heater See page% Orange County Real Estate Your complete guide to real est ate sales and rentals Contents Houses For Sale . . . . . . 1002-llOO Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . 1~2900 Rentals ................ 3100-4650 SP ECIAL FEATURE OPEN HOUSE DIRECl'ORY PAGES S-9 \ --- a-<Rnge County ReaJ Eatm(An MMltialng Supplemlnt to the DAAL Y PILOT~. Fetn.y 20. 1982- Mortgage plan offers hope for ho·mebuyers Fred Forster Interest rates. From page 1 1983. "I think the budget will be modified, defense spendjog will be cut. so interest rates should soften up a bit. Mortgage rates shouJd drop by the middle to third quarter lo the 14V:z range." he said. Rates haven't dropped already because Reaganomics promises haven't been fulfilled, Forster said. "R e agan promi se d the implementation or cuts, cuts in taxes, spending, regulations and money suppJy." Forste r s aid that instead taxeshaveincreased and government spendingcontinu.?slorise. He said he does believe the battle • • on inflation is being won. He predicted the prime rate shoulo drop to 14 percent by the end of the year and the GNP should show a 3 percent growth. Forster qualified what he told the audience by advising that economic forecasts a re ofte n wrong. He quipped that in this high ris k business ''forecasters always keep a current resume on file ." He later joked again about the precariousness of his position. "I asked my wife the other day if she would still love me when I only made $S,OOO. She said. 'Not only wiU I love you, I'll miss you'." By .JAMF.8 M. WOODARD ~--llrvtce There is a liUle-ltnown plan now available that allows many families lo finance a home purchase who .would otherwise never qualify for a mortgage loan. The plan can pull that infamous inte rest rate down by as much as three percentage point.a in the flt'St year1!1 of the loan. That would double the number or first-Ume home buyers who could qualify for a loan to finance a home of their own. It's called a "buydown home mortgage pl a n ," r ecentl y authorized by the Federal National Mortsage Association <FNMA> affectionately known as Fannie Mae within the real estate industry. FNMA is the nation's largest secondary home loan buyer. It purc hases home mortgage loans already funded to a home buyer by an approved primary lender (savings loan association, bank, mort"age broker . etc.). FNMA wiJJ purchase "buydown" hom e mortgages from lenders, thus making them a very attractive type or loan for lende rs and home buyers . Basically. a buydown mortgage loan on a resale (used> home wqrks like this: ___ · A l the time of purc hase, a one-time payment is made to the lender. who holds it in a special escrow account. For a specified period (one to five years), the home buyer m akes reduced monthly payments -the rest or the payment coming from the escrowed funds. The one-time, up-front payment is usually pajd by the property seller, but could come from the buyer's pare nts or even the buyers themselves. The plan, to be acceptable to Energy conservation ... From page 1 and free sbowerbeads. EdJtson also finances attic insulation costs up to $1 ,000 for qualified single family residents and $2SOO for multiple units. Borrowers would pay 8 percent interest and have five years to pay it back. ADVEBSE EFFECl'S Weatherization measures may . have drawbacks though. According lo the report, weatheriuUon may negaUvely impact the sale ol tbe home or foster unhealthful levels of indoor atr pollution .. Research found that •hen retrofitting is done at the time ol home sale, the weatherizatioa costs may be financed throush tbe mortga1e. As a result, the down payment and monthly mort1a1e payments would be raised. Tbe author wrote, however, that the hi1ber costs will not be sipillcant enoulb to deter a potenUaJ sale. ndoOr pollutiOo may become a coocem u the indoor/outdoor air exchanle flow rate ls reduced due to air·tltbt homes, tbe author wrote. Buildins materlall someUme1 eontaln or emit nox:to. ·----~--'- Radon, for example, diffuses out or bricks, concrete, water and soil. It produces a byproduct that may be harmful to the lungs. Other INSTAU.Anofl DIVD OlllMD Uft'.CT OIA'tCULTY ... ._..~. 11111i.jolm i,.. ol Low I'-.,__.,,. ~ Aect.-~ ~-bl 111\tcrtWed "°"' • pipe ..., ........ , --- w-~ ~._- lrltlllilllon from ranlllO none .,..,,.,.. -"91i• ~· ~-,...._,iM19ol w ....... lnHflretlon wlMllMCMllll• lt'1llelfno lftto llOllll ~.,,_.,. Vn._._.,ducte Ovc1 ~ltlrougft lneulellOn un.-d.,.. -clofliOul!y -'-1!0 ~-· c.llH'O ~..----iC:oJl!yend ~ ""°"""' lheoelllftO ~-,_. """''*' unhealthful ele ments that may contribute to indoor pollution inc lude formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. "~ l'lMT VIM DOU.NI "" Y1IACIC l'lltlOO IMITAUil> COIT INIAOY IAVWOS M-10 ,,3_24 It .,..,. ,_ ------ ,,~ ..... 2.,,.... '30 $1001 s1,.... + • no ''001 31 ..... .. '""'IQ " '1«105 ......... ~ + + _,,,,.., -...... "lldpOinl , ..... lcllntlllld lft ...... ci.. Coun'1 repotl -~ ••1-..... IDIM'-.. FNMA, can effectively reduce the interest rate by as much as three percentage points over an initial p e riod of one to five years. However, it cannot lower the rate below 12 percent. The key benefit of . the plan is its effect on quaJification re- quirements. When ahome buyer applies for a mortgage loan, the lender (and FNMA) is primarily concerned with his ability to make his required monthly payments during the first years. With a buydown mortgage loan, those e arly paym ents are low . T h e r e f ore. ma n y more home-seeking families can qualify for a loan. For example, a home seller may ~gree to buydown the purchaser's interest rate by two percent for the first three years of the loan. This woutd lower the buyer's monthly payments from $652 to $S73 for the first 36 monttis. In this case, t he one-time buydown payment would be $2,844 -that is, the $79 m onthly reduction multiplied by 36 (months>. Without the buydown, the buyer would need an annual income of $27 ,950 to qualify for the loan. With the buydown, the reguired income is only $24,500. Several variations of this basic p la n , designed to meet special buyer and seller situations, have been approved by FNMA. And there are a number or requirements not covered here for structuring loans that are acceptable to FNMA. For information regarding a possible buydown loan to solve your own home buying or selling needs, contact a local real estate professional or mortgage loan officer. Cleme nt wrote that research findings show indoor air pollution is not significantly a ltered through retrofitting. ltlCOlllllmHOO> WIATMP ""°°""° MOUlllhHNTI - Sh_.,... lltloulcl -Tiiie 24 llandatd• un .... .. .....,. _..,,,. r-41 In.., eQIHY-1 now, ... or ............... -Oft . Del~,O ... l lype ~ "9Quire """'4elton IWM"9 A4 or h!OM< •elue or I -"ic:IUl'9d ._...., -........ All,,.,..._ .... 119 10 -•••• ll>ol;ld be .... ......... Slldin9 tlWdoOfS lhelvlcl bl ....... ,_.,,_......,,.~_,.,,-bl co11191ieno11C1 ~-........ and,...,... lh•l -it lifht lflotlld--~..._..,lnillllf•llo!IC-IMI ,__. WlllOllt ~ llflOClllfel .,.,,,. "-ldld .. CIPI _,.,.,.duel It 1neoc:.Halb .. Celllo9 ..... to IHlllNled _ _,.., --''"' ......-on ..... bl~ 10 A-It (aempllon Mould M llleMd lot _...,,.. 11e1uno •C-'1111 ltt!O .... '°'~ ""°'" ..... 'bWd Oft: ............. SoulNl'll C...... '11c wsr1n d ~ llWf\JW!-. - OEAOUNES F0t Tuelday through Saturday publlcations. 5:30 PM the pr9111ous ~. f or Sunday 1nd Monday publications, 12:00 noon Saturday. ERAORS AMrt1sers should check their ads dally and report errors imrrediately The DAILY PILOT MIOOWS liabthty for the hrst mcorrect msert1on only • REAL ESTATE . ~ 642-5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate ad¥ert1sed 1n this newspaper IS subject to the Federal Fair Hou11ng Act of 1968 which nwkes it illegal to acMlrt•se "any preference. limitation, or discrimination based on race. eolOr, religion, sex. or national origin, or an Intent~ to ITllke anysuc:h preference. limitation, or dlscnm1natt0n." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adYertislng lor real lltllte which IS in violatio n ot the law. .USFll SAU "-rol -..... .._. -.... ..__. -~-· ... .... C....Cllll 1111 c:...11--!-. .... ·-ltlTW'O -r-v~ -.............. ... .,... ' --=Hit' ,. "-" ..... ,. •-v..;o ltll ~·---'* ... S.J_('.....,_ -~AM -Stll-, .. _....,_ -... _ .. ---·-, .. .............. • • ~--.. -~ IJll ...... ' ,. (:Mew)' Lolls emu I• ~~ -,. 0..W-li..UW. --i.llo-M , . -~ -~s."-"r Ull me ....,.H,..Trtr rtll• mt -..llfMfl ..... -~.,.~a-. ~ °"" .... -_,_ .. c;_ .. 1111 _,,..,..1: • ..._ -R<ttl l!f\IU'lr6Mtd - 'Ads In this category must be pr.-paid Open 8-5:30, Saturday 8-noon (Cloeed on Sunday) :m w Bay SL, Coste Mesa. Ca. 92627-9983 ---.. , IOTAlS ._.,.._ -...... ~ --"""•Utl = c... .... _,,.., • ,,,,.,.. •• Uttl -_,.,. -T•-llel -a..i.-rwa -o.pin•Uel -""' """ Jiii ....... ~ -~""11•1111 -----·-----419 c:.. ...... .. -~ \·-----_. .. ..,"' -c._ .. ~ ... .. OIMld.i -......... -,_ ..... -=·---.... ._ - .......,...w. ~"-"ForW.. ..._.,...w. . ................................................................... .,. ...... 100 ....... 1 .. 1 c..... 1001 ...................................................................... . I - ~ForW. ...•................................................................ , ... , ......................................... . 11•:• IOOJ C1•r• 1002 ._... 1 .. 2 Wi1•r• 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WAIMIHGTOH EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,....... •• MoMc.: All rul estate ad· ver&lsed in this WOW! Come see 420 Dahlia &mday. Fabulous 3 or 4 Bdr1 80~ financing. Solla oak. wet bars. Jen· n-aire. ·Tb er ma dor Kitchenaide, Baldwin fixtures-, 3 hplcs, etc, etc. C.U Tim Rhone, agt ~ -· '· ·.· '. ~ RVM~ SN.ADO WI UH 4 Bdr-2 Ba in excel!. cond. " only 3 yrs old. noor plan Is perfect for rmre than one family. Call ror more de(alls. Aane McCasl1nd. •It Dl-1.211 RVM~ newspaper Is subjert to1-=======-i u.e Federal Fair Hous· ....,.~015 . --------°" Act or 1968 which •nu•~· Ul!.s• VERDE nkea It Illegal to ad· SPECIAL l"'IC "' vertise "any preference. Five 4·plexes. S300.000 DECUTIVE II mil a ti on . 0 r d Is. each. Sell all or OM. Call BucCOii built home with cri minatlon based on now. 913-'118! double door entry : leads r1ce, color. religion. into formal Uving room, ?.:~:~~:~,~:~n~c~~ rtqf{tfl.~ ~~i~!1r~~~~~~F; limitation, o r dis --kitchen. All overlooks crimination." spectacular pool and 4 UNITS spa. Elegut mHler Thia newspaper will not knowinJI)' accept any 1dvert11ia1 for rul estate wbi~h is In viola· lion of the I a•. DISPEIAH suite. 3 other larae Ocean, mouotiTn " bdnns. plus a den with IMllln bookcases. Truly •coune Views built to ID Uttutive home for Condo specifications. 2 Ollly S299,000. Owner will yrs new. Call Tim Rhone help with flnancinc. Call llllliilllm ____ .__ .. to He them. Aat . now.s.&-2313 .. ,, ' , . HimetfwWt ....................... ._,... IHZ ....................... COIMBLOT CDM 4 Bdr + den + 11tUn1 rm + UDUlic nn, J Be ud 2 pwdr rma. 3 dectl, l'r. doon t.llruout, brand IN. Come see me Sunday 1·$. Call Tim RboM. •ll R&IM~ THE ~EAL ESTATERS FOi Alll1llllM ,,,,.,,, A#llTll/11 Ill The ultima(e address at the end of a pl'ivate road. The surroundings n a nature IOYe<'s paradile. The qu.lity and charisma of this traditional residence Is unperalleled In design for functional liVing, lavish entertaining and healthy recreetlon. $2,800,000 Fee Land Jea fures (~ !Amenilit>: • Orwna1ic ~tory entry with custom oak, lead9d l stained oi-doofs on hydraulic p1~t ' Tlv9e ,._..tot ... of hving and 1nt1rtainlng • Cuatom 1111, carpet and Olk eccen11 throughout • Four ~IOUI bedroom$ with private bethl, Including 1,000 ICI. ft. meatw suite with 'Pl • • SellWI IOU! bllltlfooml • Oetl~llnged blltlft or piano room ' Tenn11 room with full ber In Olk with bru1 railing • Formel living room • Formll dining room with wet bar • Le>c*' chlnge room .Q/,/a lt>r/.-otil <J{ome11, !],.". lkahur., :Jl5 Mar1n.'..\Wnik'. l .. l.,111 J,.lan.l.C\ !12fina? i 14/673-6000 .. ,. "' ~f!/,, @~/;/cwn;a BKAMT W ATEIFROMT -FEE LAND New exduaive. Fint timt! offered. Exteuively improved. 4 bdrms, 3'12 b•. Teak paneled library. Rieb oak custom wet bar. Gourmet kitcb. Superb master suite w/rosewood paneled sitting rm. QuaUty and luxury throughout. Decorator's masterpiece. $1,500,000 including land w/st,' frontage on the water. llG CANYON COLONIAL MANSION Elegance 4 dignity in this MajPStic Colonial Mansion located on the 8th green of golf course. Top quality craftsmanship Ulruout with fin.est woods, abundance of imported marble, crown moldings, 8-'1Al baths, air cond., 3 wet bars + more. Luxurious master suite plus -4 other bedrms with private baths, banquet size DR, fam rm and billiard rm. $2,lS0,000 including the land. Financing available. May sell fully furnished. Call 644-4910 to see Saturday or Sunday. MIAT .SSUMAKI AMAMCIM6 Prime Harbor View Homes location. 4 bdrms, f am rm, 3'12 ba. Ideal guest or teenager's private suite. Private spa. Community pool. Security system. U.S,000 including the land . $52,000 dn. Owner help finance. Vacant. See anytime. Vf!ry desirable Portofmo model. · 1107 MIWPolT HILLS DI. IAST SAT/SUM l·I H ~OM •OADMOOI MIW DCWSIYI S75Q,HO Fantastic Plan 4. 4 bdrms, family rm w/fireplace, formal dining rm, 2'h baths. Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng 4' window coverings. New marble entry. Lovely pool 4' spa. Spacious yard. E'400rate security.system. Spacious 3 car garage. ..1... 14 .. •lltmlOAD °""Su" l·I MIWLY.U~ '"YRSAJtUS• . . Spectacular Deane Homes ''Versailles" located on large lot. Golf course view ! ProlessicJOally landscaped yard. Lovely lge pool le spa. Attractive gazebo. Gated front courtyard entry with fountain. Marble foyer with glittering chandelier. 4 bdnns, den, formal din rm, 4'12 ba. $950,000 including the land. HAllOI YllW HILU llOADMOOI View ol ocean, bay • Pavilion ligbta. 4 br, 2~ ba, f amlb' room, 2 fplca, coaum.mity pool 4' parks. Ideal family home. Priced to sell '42o,ooo including land or $331,000 leasehold. Only $8'5 per yr ground rent until 1991. Owner will belp'rmance. Will coosider smaller home in trade. 1211 MMM WAY SAT/SUM 1·5 DWI.II MIAI 'IHI WATll SJst.IH Only $39,500 cash down. Seller will carry $220,000 at 13% interest. 4 bdrm 2 ba upper. 2 bdrm lower. Some ocean view. See anytime. Call now I Lim AT THESE LOW PRICES s 74,tll 1171,HO I•"·'°' SJJI. ... 1401,IOO HAl1.B<>R. REA LT\' IPICTACW •I OCIAN flOMT Just listed! In exclusive Cameo Shores overlooking the private community beach with waves breaking on the beautiful rock formation. A spectacular setting! Spacious 3 bdrm. home with separate maid's rm. or 4th bdrm . + den, formal dining rm., workshop, wine cellar, solar heating, covered oceanfront lanai and adjoining 9'mdeck plus much more. A tropical atmosphere, very open with lush landscaping. Definitely one of a kind. $2,900,000. OCEAN YllW LOTS COIONA DIL MAI 4 contiguous oversized R· 1 lots with bay and ocean views. Ca n be purchased separately or all together at a discounted price. Quiet location away from summer crowds but near the water. Owner will finance with as little as 25% down. Priced at $595,000 each. IUUI COIONA D& MAI Another Qew listing! Vintage Corona del Mar mooey maker - charming and cute as can be, but still with some fix up potential. 2 bdrm . house and 1 bdrm . apartment over the garage. Terrific location less than 2 blocks from town. Owner will finance and look at the price -just $289,500 ! 10%DOWM 1Hl ...... 5 Extra large "C'' Plan overlooking the pool. 4 bdrms. in cl uding separate bdrm. downstairs ideal for independent teenager or in-laws. Unbelievable 90% financing, 30 years at i21h%. Priced for sale at $299,500 L.H. Fee is available at 162.720. lAND U ACllS * CAPISTIAMO An incredible site ,lo build the ultimate horse ran~ -estate. Located in beautiful San Juan Capistrano with a spectacular view· from Saddleback to the ocean. Secluded and private. $695,000 submit terms. SAM IBNAIDllO 1-J 'Highly visibility apartment site oo Highland Ave. near the cross town fwy. 7.3 acres approved for condos and surrounded by development. Out of state owner says .. Sell! " Asking $2,100,000. IMSTMOOS · SHOPf lte CINTll Corner ol West 19th St. and Maple in Costa Mesa. Clean slip center 1003 occupied. Offered with exceptional owner financing. $477,000 L.H. .......... w. .............................................. ••• SPYGUSS-10% DOWN Yes ! For 10% down you can own this lovely 4 BR 3 BA Tradewinds Model ! Sales price reduced to $495,000 for Cast sale, excellent financing available. Immediate occupancy. Try lease option . Call • for more information. IAll OCIAM Yr/NI . From this magnificent 3 BR, FR, 21h BA Casablanca model in the Crest phase of Harbor Ridge. Offered at $625 ,000 with Low interest assumable financing. EASTaUfff FIMIST This beautiful 4 BR 3 BA home has it all -magnificent view, parquet floors. large custom desiJned f amity room, plus exceptional assumable financing. All this could be yours I or only $299,950. Call now for further information on this fabulous new listing. YOU MUST Sii THIS Rare Spyglass Delmar model 3 BR, 2 ba with formal dr &r ram room, fabulous motyl~in an.~ .. city ligb views. Motivated seller will assist with financing. Offered at $549,000. NIW SPYGUSS ... ANCI This new custom home offers the ultimate in elegant living, with warm woods used thruout, beautiful bevel l~ded windows, a library. family room and elevator. There is a master bedroom suite with balcony overlooking the coastline &r city lights. There are 4 additional bedrooms, pool " s pa , air conditioning, alarm sys\em " 3 car garage. Offered at $2,500,000. HAllOI •II SACllACI Spectacular view and price ori this newly listed 4BR Lautremont model. Prof esslonally decorated 4' landscaped. What a value at $729,500. ltllmtliTON BEACH AIU DIAMATIC H~ NOMI This just listed Huntington Harbor 3 BR flith opeo Ooor plan vaulted ceilings, secluded pool le &pa ) impeccable decor make this a home for the truly discriminating. Offered at $389,500 with financing available. AlfOIDA&I Thia 2 BR condo i.s located 2 mi.· from the beach. Good starter home. Nu cpta. comm. pool, garage. Great VA loan to assume &r own .. will CIJTY small 2nd. $Ul8,850. ................................ SUN Ate SNOW ~7IO.OOO Secluded waterfront home with 36' boat slip and wide water view. Conversation firepit ln living room, fireplace in huge master bdrm suite with 2 walk in closets. 4 skylights, wet bar, beauutuJ plantation shutters thruout. Don't miss lb.is property. Call for financing possibilities. Condo in Vall. Colorado mcluded In package at this price. Truly a year round package. Don't miss It. call . Coldwell Banker now. 894-7521 $255,000 SWIM.SUM.~ Spacious and elegant 'nd location. All wrapped into this 4 Bed1'm 2~ bath pool home. Close to fwy & shopping & golf course. Features include: huge family/living rm, den and master bdrm w/fireplace. Plus large bonus rm. Call 894·7521 ltlof.AWOUADllS Localed in beautiful Westminster Villaae. Eleaant 4 Bdrm 3 bath bas l bdrd and bath dowmtalrs. Large Uvtn1tdining room. den w/wetbar & fireplace + 3 car garage. Close to Westminster Mall and Fwy. Asking $255,000. Call 1194-7521 .. VISTOIS SPICW. 6+ bdrma in downtown Huntington Beac h! R·2 zoned for 3 units. Assume large 1st. Askin& SlS0.000. Call 894-7521 TIADIUPTO Tlll•AD ISi Ale Trinidad Island home on water. Amenities include 40' dock, Italian llle. gorgeous spa with waterfall. many upgraded. Seller wishes to trade for Harbour condo or off water home. Asking $72:5,000. Call 894-7521 TRADITIOMAL B.EGAHCE SJ 65,000 .. Gori~ Showcase home. Rose garden. aazebo accented spa plus 4 Bclrms. 3 baths. separate maids/1uest quarters. Assumable loan. Now listed $16.5,000. Call 894-7521 MOUNT AIM RETllAT Towering trees + oversized lot creates the romance of a secluded mountain retreat. Dramatic entry. Spacious liv rm + formal dining. Massive beamed ceilings. Billiard· size ram rm w /entertainers wetbar Serious owner drops price to $228.SOO! Art fast, caJI 962-SSlt> llG&VACAMT Brick courtyard entry enhanced by lush plant1n11. Spacious floor plan offers sunahine kitchen with adjacent laundry room. Family room w/cor.y fireplace. Solar healed pool, large cov. patio. decklnJ & fire-pll -all In a very private setting. Redueild lo SlSS.000! Now vacant for fasl possession! Hurry -call 962·SS8S. $16,0441 That's aJI ooe needs to JO s ubject to this loan balance! Hidden on qwet cuJ de sac sits thia sharp familf home. Large ope:n kitchen. Covered patio. Near new 'tarpets & roof. Owner ls ready to go at only $123.000! Hurry -can't last, call 962-5585. SHOWPLACI TWOIMONI Taatef. uJ. custom wall coverings enhance this spacious family borne. a big bedrooms plus 37'X18'bonus game room complete with full bath fc bar. gpijat for separate guest or In-law quarters. Seller willing to obtain financing to fit your needs. Just listed and anxM>ml Don't wait -call 962-S585. SM..YTSTAIT SIJ,tOOt Get olf on a smart s tart in '82 with this spacious end unit condo. Quiet courtyard location. $10,000 down & owner will carry balance with paymenta to fit your pocket book! At this price and terms il can't last! Hurry & call M2·5585. S IDIM IA5AIM Sl41.IOO Sl>acloua S Bclrm plus 2\.'J bath family home. offen fonnal dining and bonus sized ramUy room with wetbar, serious seller will carry balaDCe with reasonable down. Hurry. act now, 982·5Sl5 COUNTRY CLUI ESTATE Own your own pool, s pa & putting green. Steps to tennis and golf. Treat yourself to resort living in this spacious custom home Priced rar below replacement. Be first. Call now. 645-0303 NEWPORT TRIPLEX • Only $20S,OOO! Fixer is ideal for handyman. buiider or investor. 1 block to bay. Doo delay. Call today. 645·0303 SI 22.000! MESA VERDE Can you belleve this price in prestigious Mesa Verde? Owner is anxious -you gain! Spacious home with loads or privacy and easy rare yard. t:n joy Costa Mesa's best address now! Call 645·0303 IASTSIDI CHAbB la fresh as s=t! Brick fireplace. plush carpetl. hard noon. Cheery kitchen. Larre covered brick patio. Separate 1arage. Huie yard. Priced to s>?ll fast . $135,000, hurry! CaU 6'5--0303. TIOPICAL SPLINDOR Gently swayinc palm.a beckon you. Enjoy privacy and seclusion beside sparkling pond in your own back yard paradise. Fruit. trees, separate storage area. Charmine home feat.w'el brick fl.replace plua 4 large bdrms. Only $122,900. Call DOW. e45-0303 -TOllACH Approx1mately 1 ~ mUa alOlll reaional tralla. Exquisite townbome features tUe entry, fireplace. a klnf she bdrma. Charmlng covered peUo and mini yard. Near acres ol part and trails. Take advantace now ol this terrific buy. Call 6'5--0303 WIMILITON WlteB! Exciting near new home! Soaring ceilings, 2 fireplaces, wetbar. gourmet kitchen with sunny nook. spectacular master suite tvith skylight. Loads of used brick enhance fount.ain, spa and gazebo. Comm·unity pool, spa and tennis courts complete this winner. Fantastic opportunity! To see call 645-0303 NEWPORT RIVIERA Only $129.SOO! Hu ge townhome has cozy fireplace. cheery family room. rermdeled kitchen. King size master sulte. "Sunny private patio. Community pool. spa & tenn.is. Best buy! Call 645·0303 EASYUVIM& Would you like the convenience of a condomlnlum but. security, privacy and appredaUon of owning your own home? You can have lt all! Unique designer owned bun1alow. charming Eutslde Colt.a Mesa. One~ a kind. Hum! ~ MIWPOln' a&fff'S Excl1.111lve Newport community, spacious 2 story condo overlooklna lush greenbelt. Enjoy prestige. privacy, low maintenance and convenience every day! To see -call today, 645-0303. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. 8:30AM TO 8PM E. H•tinitan Beacb (714) 912.5515 (213) 592-1525 at ......-St & C.tieM, H.B. .. .. ) 5--0range County Real Estate/An Advertising SUpplenwnt to the DAILY PILOT/Sllwmy, F'tbr\.WY 20. 1~ ~.~~ ........ ~.~.~••••••• ~.~~••••••• ~.~~•••••··' Howtt For W. HomH For Wt Ho.Mt For We Ho.Ms hr We · ,,. ,. 1002 1..... . 1002 I • .. ..................................................................... ······················· I . • .. ,.. 1002 •• , 1002 .... ,.. 1002 .... .. 1002 .... ,.. 100• G .. 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• -•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••' a••r I 2 ' ...... . ........•.......•••................•.......•.••....•....•••...............•.•••.••. CONTOtPOIW NEAR BAY 0,. .................... ... ...... ,..., 2 .. tory .......... , c ...... --......... ~ .. , ............... ,... + 2 otMr ....... ., i.ua _, ...,_ be .... .... w.11" IK..._ Cel for .... o. ... ... ::th $431,000. 631-1400. CODA on MAI CONDOS s..9t 26' .... ..._, ..... ...... ..... +w. ......... & .... , .. r-..,.... 3 w,.. .... c....., .... -r ........ & .... ef !l• ........ $350,000. 701 ·····~· UT l0 5PM. I.ABE lllPLEX BY BEACH ... CIJ ...... f0od1-mhla .S 4 & 2W. ,,....,.,. S.. YU & imt • ......... t•row" · to leecll. •ood • ... ~ $269,500. ***** MMllFl:ENT UOO ISLE ,.......... .... .,, ...... Udo ... --·-C1 l:f Frwfa 4 ._ .. ,., 31/2 Wk, 3 flnplece1, pl.tetlo• tit....,.., '"'911 fl...,.t. H•dwood flMn, Mwtlf_, tl .. 1. CJOWe• oek 1te1rc... ..tcMlg well 'onn.t•· ........, ... will .,. ~ flreplec.e. lJa41c .. 1 d "r logen G.-•-. Vltw S611,toO. •fM llpd. 631·1400. BEAUTIFll ON WATEI!- ••• lctlllll..., _, ........... .... ... , . .,......, ........ -.r. CllJllc ......... J w + .. _, ,.,... 1-.dtc•,.d r.••• wltt. ape,· ......... ,.... ......... .., ,..... .. ,... ... for 45' ...... o ..... .................. ...,.,. u11.••• ....._ .iecoo. .s UllM ISl£ EXTIAVAGANT 2...tlry • 4 ....... ;, IHW't .................. ...., ............. umlry ..._ Liia •c••d .. perftc ...... tlrld_t• •••r ~llp·poel Hd 1p1. 11.m.-. Sip ... J ..... Ptrfecf .... WATERFRONT HOMES.INC RfAL ESTATt S.. Rm.i. Pr-•¥ M.Np.._ 1436 W Co.st Hwy 315 M~,.._ Avt Nfwpo<I Bf¥h &Ibo. fwnd '31·14M 67Uttt rrCOULD •YOUISI ,...,.. ... 11ou1e la tlM D1ll1 Piiot'• ''°'911 °"1l1 UAL l l TATI " uerf •.. .. , Yoa'U like the low eoet ~ a tlaullltd 8d -wllttber rnti•I or b17l11 or telll111. A llttlt ....... Wl1 .. tbe D1ll1 Pilot'• w.Mlld ..... FROM TOP TO BOITOM THE FINEST HOMES IN NEWPOOT BEACH FOR SAl.E • Harbor Island Custom .. $5,000,000 4 Bedrooms 5 Baths • Linda Isle Custom ...... $3.600,000 6 Bedrooms -51"2 Baths • Harbor Ridge Custom .. $2,300,000 4 Bedrooms -4'h Baths •Big Canyon Custom .... $2.300,000 5 Bedrooms -41/:z Baths • Big Canyon Custom .... $1,800,000 6 Bedrooms -4'h Baths • Big Canyon Custom .... Sl,750,000 2 Bedrooms -2'h Baths • Harbor Ridge Custom .. $1,595,000 4 Bedrooms -3'1'2 Baths •Big Canyon Custom .... $1.595,000 6 Bedrooms -5 Baths • Newport Custom- 1.1 Acre ................ Sl.200,000 4 Bedrooms -3 Baths • Big Canyon Townhome .. $895,000 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths • Big Canyon Townhome .. $659,000 3 Bedrooms -2'h Baths • Lido Village Townhome .. $595,000 2 Bedrooms -3 Baths Big Canyon Townhome .... $549,500 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths •Newport Island Area ...... $545,000 7 Bedrooms -5 Baths • Big Canyon Townhome .. $500,000 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths •Villa Balboa Townhome .. $249,000 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths • ~ewpott Crest Townho.me $225,000 , 4 Bedrooms. -21.h Baths· • Newport Crest Townhome $165,000 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths • W estcliff Townbome ...... $129,500 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths F~ LEASE • Balboa Peninsula $3,000 per month 4 Bedrooms -4 Baths • Big Canyon ...... $2,600 per month 3 Bedrooms -21h Baths • Villa Balboa .... $1.~ per month 2.Bedrooms -2 Baths •Waterfront ...... $1,100 per month 3 Bedrooms -~ Baths 2075 Ian Joequln tlltll Ad. Acron from llO CANYON Newport ... MO-Sm ~-......:._ THE REA:. ESTATE RS NIW USTIM6 DOYa SHORES 2 years new. 3 bdrm, 311il bath, family room. Well maintained. Delightfully appointed. 30 year fixed loan at 131,~%. Make offer. $449.000. IAYROMT Need a home for your 85' boat? 4 Bdrm, 3 bath, YOU OWN THE LAND!! Main Lido channel. Shown by aJ?pt. only. Owner will carry 1st T.D. with~" down . $1,200.000. -.UFfS COMOOS 3 _bdrm, 2 bath, single story Bonita on wide greenbelt, overlooking pool. New carpet, immaculate condition 2 private patios. Good income prope~ty. Low price at $215,000. Very private upgraded condo. 2 bdrm r plus loft. 3 baths with view of bay and -! beach. 3 patios for entertaining. Owner very flexible on terms. SUWIHD CONDO 2 bdrm. 2 bath, largest 2 story unit, lovely beach retreat. Own er will consider trade. Priced low at $149,500 . ~ WOODllMt TOWNHOUSE Immaculate 3 bdrm. 21,; bath. Largest Parkside model. Family room. Fabulous recre ational facilities in cluded lakes , poo ls , te nn is'. Assumable loan . Owner ~tivated. llG CANYON McLain Greenbrier split·level condo with golf cour se view . Pool·spa·tennis-security. Assumable loan. Asking $265,000. VILLA IALIOA CONDO ~njoy ocean ~ay views in this just listed 2 bdrm. 2 bath with den. family room;·dl.rUflg .. room: ·'fireplace & large windows to add more light. Security guard, pool & jacuzzi. MOllLI HOMES HEWPOIT IUCH Live near the bay at affordable prices. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, pool and rec. room. Well maintained. Priced from $37.500 to $62,500. HIWPOIT CONDOS Studios, I & 2 bdrms, from $88,000 and up. AJI have good assumable loans with low down payments. Pool, rec. room, sub.parking, sauna & jacuzzi. and some with ocean views. GE GEORGE ELKINS CO LAGoUMA tliKUB. OCEAHFIONT Gated Community Of "The Shores." Custom-Built 4 Bedroom Home On .~te Sandy Beach. High Beam Ceilings, Graceful Circular Staircase. Owner Will Help' Finance. $1 ,450,000. Et BALJ) IA Y MODERN Ocean View Home. Superb Modern Styling. Sharp, Clear. Clean Features. Man y Special Attributes. Excellent Financing. Undoubt edly One Of The Best Priced Homes In Emerald Bay. $695.000 . IWffS SIHGU LEVa IARGAIM Lovely View -2 Bedroom. 2 Bath -End Un it -De co rator Wallpapers, Drapes -Plantation Shutters -Super Financing - Large Assumable Low Interest Loan -Shows Like A Jewel - Price Reduced To $235,000. SADOLMIP tH HOllSE COUNTRY Dramatic Home -Approx. 2/3 Acres -4 BR -Pool -Spa - Park 8 Cars + R. V. -Great Location -Keep 3 Horses. Maybe More, On Your Own Property. $289,000. Sl'ICW. CUSTOM IA YFROMT FEE LAND . New Carpets . 3 Bedrooms + Conv. Den. 31h Baths. Dep. D.R. Huge Fam. Rm W /Wet Bar. Sauna. Wood Deck. Dock. Good Financing. $1,400,000 .. ATTIHTIOH IUtu>BS Near Big Corona Bea c h - Detached Home On An R-2 Lot. Ready For Builder To Add Unit. Only S290.000. IUUX CHARMa Not Only Loads Of Charm But Owner Financing. Secluded Duplex Located On A Quaint Street In Corona del Mar. 2 Bedroom Units Are Surrounded By Lush Lancbcaping, A 2-Car Garage, And Charm~ Charm, Charm. Offered At $272.000. ·--.. __.,,.. .. 759-9108 #JC.,. ........ Me..,.. c ...... ·~.~~······1 ~.~.~·.······~ ~~~· .. ·~-~' ,ee-r.. 1002 'lwr.. IOOJ .... ,., IOIJ< ~·····~·~·~·····~ , ..................... ~ , .......•....•......... STOP!! WC'ODlllD61 Take lime to relax andj For Classified Ad LAIROMT shop at bome. It's slm· ACTION • 28~.i._?A, Den, <Could pie with Dally Pilot Calla buaa)SpaclouahaW'7 Claulfied Ads. And If Daily PUot QMo w/views fore.er. ycu bave something to AO.VISOR Xlat ftnaocln1. Try lK se ll. call a friendly 642-54578 Down. 55'·S1U or Classified Ad-Visor at · SSz.tlOO. Lynn Noab, 642·5678 ~~~~~~~ -'Own'-.;.;.;ner __ l_Az..Jl_· __ _ 675-3411 SOUND OF THI SU9f In North Laguna with a white water view. Steps to the beach. Custom buill 4.bedroom home, oversized rooms, high ceilings, loada of closet -space, large sundeck. Room to expand $685,000. Maxine Propp YOU OWN lHI LAND IN COIOMA Hl6HLANDS. 3 Bdrm home with lots of blue water VIEW. Add on potential. Large lot . Excellent fi nancing available. Call for appointment $350,000. Mary von Geldem ,. .. •YIMI TlllACll Charmjng 3 Bdrm home on comer location with (ormal dining room, spacious family room and patio. Workshop in garage. Call about great financing. $395,000. Bev Wiltse LUSI .. IAST ILUflff Charming one story 4 bedroom 2 ~ bath home with a VIEW . Separate master suite along with separate entertainment areas for adults and children. Two fireplaces and lots of built·ins. Under $300,000. Maxine Propp ounTAHDIM6 VAWI! Immaculate 3 Bdrm LUSK built in Harbor View Hills. Master Bdrm suite, family room, kitchen &c breakfast area look out on one of the loveliest yards in Corona del Mar. Lowest price in area $299,500 LH or $378,000 Fee. You make the choice. Maxine Propp ,_.OF OW.a.SHI'! 3 Bdrm, 2 bath condo in great Costa Mesa location. Large assum able lst and owner will carry a second. Try low down. Act Now. Only $134,950. Harriet Spencer CONDO IN SOUTH COAST YIU.AS! 2 Bdrm, 2 bath adult condo in top condition. Security and all the amenities. Super financin g only $96,000. Bev White AICH llACH HIKWfTS. Laguna. Spacious 3 Bdrm, 2 bath VIEW home, spa. Try AITD with 20% down. As-king $229,500. Lu Supple A ...... .., ef.,... D. &.81111 S. 2s11 w.c......_ • ., c... ...... * 12.9% lMTIUST * HAllOI VIEW HOMI Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2 br /den, frplc le spa!! Low interest financing available $241,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373. SILLll DISPllATI On the water. Price slubed $10,000 to $214,900. ONLY 10% DOWN Ii owner will finance!! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. 556-~. * TUITl.80CI * Sl.nt Pll MONTH is all you pay when you take over existing lstJ'.D. Spacious 4 br executive detached home. Featuring frml din, fmly rm & frplc . Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373. II.I~ IST T.D. Country charmer with cathedral open beam, wood ceillnp, and bardwwd.J)oors. Only SU,900 down. 556-~. -*LOW. LOW .. i&UT UTIS * When you takeover existing fmancing on super town home! Featuring 2 master suites, frplc and $137,500 price. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373. S 12. tOO DOWN Takeover $97,000 loan at 11.5%. Hardwood floors, open beamed wood ceilings. A real charmer! 556-7035. • Sl.000 . ••ATI • On brand new towDhome! Featuring pri vacy, 2 mstr suite & den/loft overlooking Jiv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759·1501 or 752·7373. 4-ILIX Prime rental area. $60,000 down & owner wiJJ finance at 12%. Try straight note. $224,900. 963-5671. * WATaFIOMT HOMI • ~- PllYATI llACH Sensational 4 br home smack on the water !! Featuring french doors, frplc , professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 le seller will carry AITD! 2S70 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373. *'~~OCUM IAY VllW * •CLllP HAQN * Unbelievable VIEW from spacious 3 br home on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club ' Chamel. $650,000 FEE with great terms! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach, 759· ISOl or 752· 7373. ~llACH 2'70S. ..... Dme .,, •• , ...... , 712-7373 HUMTIM6TOM llACH tHZ..-..Aft. 1714tt6J.1671 116-1tJI * lllAL9AISI• * 1WO lll1S-ll.mA ISL w ... _. .... ._.2w1111mt ...2 ................... .. ..... s,. ............. . ...... -....... ,...,,...,. fJH.lff. '7Wto0. ULBOA ISIM ..._E! ...................... , ..... ................ u.. ...... .,,., ... .,, ,.. ....... ..., c.,. Ce4 ....... 111 .. •1~ .. ,,... s.. .... ...., ... • sns..,_ •11-1•. IMMaATE/Fl£SH BALmA IS. 0.. .................... ... ......,_. • ...,..,, ••• za..4 + ... ,.... sm.-. '7WtM. !!!. ......... CIUNTIY RECAllE Little Is. = :r; .:..-: ::-::: ,...,.._. ........ _a..4 +. ...... .................. ..,. $171.0M. '7Mtl0. fllt M1h11 ..... ....... IOI UTll BAYFIONT-o.e, 4 ,..,.. ... .... .,,. .. ,., ........ &..wt411M•••• , ........ phis I M4Ne• .,.t...t. nrH ......... c•a•4 a•11 JI '"' le• fer .,,... ...... ., SJH.001 --111 .. 111111 1~ .......... 91H. .................... '7Mtl0. 2 CllDS at• CllAI. 'AMJASTIC .... ..._ ON WATll • .... ..w. • ..,..,.. ...... w.( ... twe .. MD1i111lilefta..t .......................... ... .. ._,....,..,,JWlll.2cw ...... ..., ,...... S.W1 .. l1W. •Ntlt ,....._ er ..,. ~ ,,._. ·rHHI 111 0.... ..... C•1t•r •+ I lt.t••M'7Wtt0. WAT£RFRONT HOMES, INC. llM.ESTATt s.t ..... ~~ ... 14 - 8--0range County Real Estat&'An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY P.tLOT/Saturday, February 20, 1982- This Weekend! 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 67~ $498,000 Sat 2-5 3013 Nestall Road, Laguna Beach 497-3511 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2901 Catalpa, Eastbluff, NB 720-12ll $260,000 2612 Redlands (E/Side) CM Sun 1-5 642·6368 $149,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1907 TradewindS, Baycrest, N.B. 644-9060 $325,000· Fee Sun 1-4 13 Satinwood (Villg 1) Irvine 675-3411 $173,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 124 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle. N.B. 675-4562 $695,000 Sun 1-5 • Keep this htindy directory with you this weekend tis you go house-huntlfif". AH the locations listed Mtow tire dffcrlbed In gretiter detail elsewher• In todtiy's DAILY PILOT clHSlffed MS. Patrons tidvertlslng open houses for Silfe or rent In The Dally Piiot mtiy list such Information In these columns each S..turdtiy and Suftday. 1515 Cumberland (Westclif() NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 2113 Miramar, Penin Pt .. N.B. 675-6161 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands <Back Bay) NB HOUSES FOR SALE Z llHOOM •4172 Old Mill (Gmtree) Irv. 759-9100 $124,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Island 673-6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 507 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $235,000 Sat 1-5 Z • .... FAM lM or DIM 1842 Port Wesboume, lMi, N.B. 759-1501 $241.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2512 Santa Ana #E, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $137,500 Sun 1-5 3 llDltOOM 20612 Egret Ln., Hntg. Beach 960-2183 $101,000 Sun 1-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 640-4521 $385,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 1911 Court St., Newport Penin, NB 675-4746, 675-2291 $399,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 1126 E. Balboa Bl (Bal Pen) N.B. 1-524-5980 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach · 675-1771 $275,000 Sat 1-4/Sn 11-2 123 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-1771 $399,500 Sat 1-5/Sn 1-5 432 Fullerton (Nwpt Hgts) N.B. 646-1220 $198,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 •1993 Prt Seabourne(HbrVu )NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 Rue Fontainbleau, Big Cyn, NB 640-5777 $500 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3024 Ocean Blvd., CdM/NB 63"1-1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 408.Qnd St., Balboa Penin., N.B. 631-1400 $136,900 Sat 1-5 701 Golden~..,,.Corona del Mar/NB 631-1400 ~.000 Sat 1-5 2189 Vista Entrada, Npt Bch 759-1221 Sun 1-5 1812 Dover Dr., Westcllff, N .B. 673-7300 $185,500 Sat 1-4 212 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $487,234 Sat/Sun 1-4 2647 Westminster Pl., Costa Mesa 645-9429 $140,000 Sat 1 : 30-5 420 DeSola Terrace, Corona del Mar 675-3411 $350,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 2048 Commodore Rd ., Newport Bch 631-0680 $399,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 ••1418 W. Bay, Penin Pt, N .B. 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1-5 1330 S. Van Neu, Santa Ana 546-2313 188,IOO \ 409 Columbus Cr., Corona del Mar 673-8550 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1245 Blue Gum. Newport Bch ~9850. 548-0581 Sat/Sun 12-4 l II .... FAM IM or OBI 4392 Manzanita, Irvine 675-42'l5 $147,500 Sun 1-5 542 Harbor Isl Dr (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1 ,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1974 Pt Locksleigh Pl(HVH)NB "644-2573 $274,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 317 Poinsettia (Old CdM) CdM 67S:SOOO._ $550,000 Sat 1-5 4161 Branford, Huntington Harbour ~2727 $270,000 Sat 1·5/Sun 1-3 •2221 Arbutus, Newport Beach 759-1221 Sat 12-5 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 $595,500 Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Blvd., Bal Penin;. NB 644-9060 $795,000 Sat 1-4/;::,n 1-5 4931 Hemlock, Univ. Pk, Irvine 644-9060 $193,000-fee Sun l-5 1543 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM · 644-9060 $350,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •l~ Glen Cir., Costa Mesa 640-9900 $229,000 Sat 1-4 2001 Yacht Resolute, Nwp't Beach 759-1221 $489,000 Sat 1-5 631-18.51 $259,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675-5.511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 4521 Hampden, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $299,000 Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Rd., Cliffhav~n. NB 759-1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk, Irv. 759-1501 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 10731 Skyline, Tustin Hills 963-6767 $299,000 Sat 1-4 18726 Racquet Ln., Huntington Bch 963-6767 $159,900 Sat 1-4 •1472 Galaxy Dr. Dvr Shrs, NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1·5 J • .... ..UEST 2211 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 642-823.5 $569,000 Sat 12-4/Sun 1-5 4 llDIOOM 222 Coral, Bal Is land, NB 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1207 Sussex Ln (W estcliff) NB 759-9100 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1412 Serenade Terr (Irv Terr ) CdM 759-9100 $378,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ••~ W. Oceanfront, BalPen 631-1400 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 105 Via Ravenna, Lido Isle, Npt Bch 631-1400 $445,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • •1313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Pen. 631-1400 $795,000 Sun 10-4 With all the interest in real estate as an investment, don't forget that your home is also where you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing needs now. For a good balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Each one is required to be a real estate professional, actively engaged in real estate, and publicly committed to a written· Code of Ethics. REAL TORS® are experienced In helping you find the right home for today and tomorrow. It could also take a heap o' lookin'. Before yoo start, c.11 a REAL TOR® first. m _.fAlfOff • 105 Via Ravenna, Lido Isle, N.B. 631-1400 $445,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1720 Candlestick Ln (Bycrst) NB 752.1920 $324,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 • ,.. FAM IM or DBI • •1801 Antigua Circle, N.B. 548-8798 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 27061..ighthouse Ln CHVHls) CdM 675-6000 $495,000 Fee Sat/Sun 12·4 1844 Port Charles, Harbor View, NB 631-6194 $319,500 Sun 1·5 7 Trafalger, Harbor Ridge, NB 640-5TI7 $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2220Waterfront, Coronadel Mar 760-9333 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2012 Port Ramsgate <HVHms > NB 644-8907 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 124 Grand Canal, Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $850,000 Sat 1·4 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 631·1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •1840Tradewinds, Baycrest, NB , 644-9060 $395,000 Sun l ·4 • •1617 Bayside Dr, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $1,795,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1B Cherry Hills Ln, Big Cyo, NB 644~9060 $1,395,000 Sun 1·5 1807 Newport HUis Dr. E .. HVH, NB 644-4910 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Burning Tree Road CBig Cyn > NB 64f.4910 $750,000 Sun 1·5 1251 Surfline Way (HrbrVu His) CdM 6444910 $331,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 25SanTropez, Hrbr Rdg, NB 644-6200 $925,000 . Sat l · 5 •1707 Bayader e Terr (Irv.Terr) CdM 644-6200 $975,000.Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Monterey Cir .. Npt Beach 640-9900 $459,500 1 Sat/Sun1·4 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, N . 8 . 548-564.7 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 22'n Arbutus <E !Blurn NB 675-3411 $299,000 Sun 1-5 4511Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $925,000.fee Sun 1-5 121 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, NB 675-4562 $72.5,000 Sun 1·5 310Aliso, Newport Beach 631·1266 $269,000 Sat 1 :30-5 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Sup~lemtnt to the DAILY PILOT/Satl#'day, Febnay 20, 1~ I 3408 Wimbledon (Wimbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 $255,000 Sat 1 ·4 1108 Dana <Plaza del Sol> CM · 645-0303 $219,000 Sat 10·1 5 llDIOOM 121 Via Firenze, Lido Isle, NB 645-9950/646-5719 Sat/Sun 12-4 ••824W. Bay, Balboa Penin, NB 631·1400 $1,550,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * •708 Via Lido Nor, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1·5 S ...... FAM IM or DEH 126 Via Lore a, Lido Isle. N. B. 673-7300 Sun 1-5 * •1008W. Bay Ave, Bal. Penin, NB 644-9060 $2,200,000 Sat 1-5 * *1415 E . Bay Ave, Bal. Penin, NB 644·9060 $1,800,000 Sat 1·5 2074 Pott Bristol (HVHms) NB 673-7761 · $298,000·fee Sun 1·5 1533 Miramar (Penin pt) NB 673-7761 $459,000-fee Sun 1-4 1930 Port Chelsea, Newport Beach 494-1840 $450,000 Sun 1·5 6 R ..... FAM. IM or DIH 70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $1 ,595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 PENTHOUSE FOR SALE Z llDIOOM 27706Campanet, Mission Viejo 963-6767 $229,000 Sat 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACH&OI * lOOScbolz Plaza #205 Vrslls, NB Versailles .. NB Z llDIOOM 2336 Elden, Costa Mesa 557-4579 $117,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 1024Seabreeze Dr., The Bluffs, CM 631-9127 $126,900 Sat 1·5 2600 Block Santa Ana Ave., CM 631~194 $129.500 Sat/Sun 11-5 2277 Pacific Ave .. Costa Mesa _671-7300_ $189,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 • 10&1 DOver -0-r., W'estclilf, NB 673-7300 $149,500 Sat 1-4 :30 •25 Canyon Island, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1·4 :30 2277 Pacific Ave., Costa Mesa 673-7300 $137,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •300Cagney Lo., #101 Vrslls, NB 673-7300 $127,000 Sun 1-4 909 Van Ness, Santa Ana 675-5511 $140,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 41l'h Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675·55ll $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 II ,._ FAM IM or DEH 1404 French St., Santa Ana 541-8670 $94,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 •lOCurl Dr., Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-lSlS/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11·4 45 Canyon Island, Big Canyon. NB 631-1400 $350,000 Sat 1-5 209-l9th St .. Bal Peninsula 631·1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •lOCrestCircle, Coronadel Mar 673-8494 $16.5,000 Sun 1-5 • 503 A venida Campana, Bluffs. NB 673-7300 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •501St. Andrews Rd, NwptHts, NB 673-7300 $162,500 Sun 1·4 #7 La Serena, RSJ, Irvine • J59-1501 $1801000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3 llDltOOM •55 Ashbrook, Woodbridge, Irv. 673-7300 $164,000 Sun l ·3 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 614 Shasta, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $136,900 Sat 12-3. TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE Z llDIOOM Avocado& Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $134,950 Sat/Sun 11 a . m . 3 llDIOOM Avocado & Fairview, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 11 a .m . DUPLEXES FOR SALE J II It IR 315-3151r.z Iris, Corona del Mar , 644-9060 $347,750 Sat/Sun 1·5 3 II ,... I • 1510 Abalone Pl., Balboa Island 673-6900 $.575,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 11 ... l IR 224 opal, Balboa "Island 673-6900 $460,000 Sat 12·4 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE 6 UHITS 2567 Elden, Unit A, Costa Mesa 979-5099 Sat/Sun 1·5 HOUSES FOR LEASE Z ... OOM ••3 Beacon Bay, Npt Bch 640-9900 $2000/mo Sat 1·4 4 ... OOM 1533 Santiago Dr, Dover Shores 6'2~8235 $1650/mo. Sat l ·S ... 111.M HOim ZllUeU"AI ONM SAT/SUM l·I R......s1l1d, dec«ajed 3 bdrm, 3 bath, IDlltr bdrm, ocean view. sm,ooo. 1411W.01AY OPIM SAT 1·1 Welt Bay bayfront. Slis-for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,385.000. &*> ISU Mo.es • 7•YIA &*> MOID SUM l·I Prime Lido Nord bayf ront. S bdrm, s bath, Jae L.Jl. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceiliqs, $420,000. t.W ISU U'll90MJS Lqooo view from a bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dart rm, dell. $1,350,000! c.-..w con Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm , 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1,900,000. BILL GRUNDY REAL TOR --·-------- WTmlCOITMI 2 Bdrm 2 Ba, nu crpt. patio cover le garage. Alsum~ exilting financing and OWC with small down. Full price $126,500. ~-H.i. 'COl90 Lrg 3 Sdrin 2 Ba, former model. Amenities include 2 car garage, • comm. pool, A/C. Assume existing fmancing. Full price $129,900. AESIMNT1Al llEM. HTATt SUMCO 1 IA Yc:mT ••••••.••.•• --•••• SHI.IN One story custom home on a quiet tree lined street. Move-in condition to be sure! 4 BR, Fam Rm, formal DR Is exceptional pool, spa 6 patio area. Realistic owner transferred. Tenm available. IN NfflPORTCENTl!R 644~ IALIOA Nice 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. near everything. AskinJ only $2.45,000 with super finaocmc. IEACH HOUSE 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, Peninsula home on a big R·2 buildable lot, 100+' to sand. New carpeting, drapes tbruout. Only $U9,500. DWI.EX One block to beach. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + 1 Bdrm 1 Ba, built-ins le fireplace in each unit. 4 car p.race le owner will fmance entire balance after a small down payment. $3U,OOO. MEWPOITl•eHTS Custom. near new Is IOl'geous thruout Cape Cod. 4 Br Bdrm, family rm, formal dining nn, 2 brick fireplaces, 3 decks with ocean peek. ~.ooo and terms. IALIOA 6 units-treat condition. All 2 Bdrm 1 "'2 Ba near the bayfront -excellent rentala -$650,000. JACOBS REALTY 67M67t 2tltMl.,....~wJO• DIM. NU 1HIOUIHt $15,000 Dn. No Qaal! Beaut. 3Br bome+huge F/R s~ tropical atrium. Under mkt ! Submit! $129,500 0¥11 JIOI I/ff Huge pool home on ovenz lot. New upgrades. This 4 Br is a barsain at SlM,900. Call about tood fmancinl. SH,IOO.IJOWMI lmmac 2-sty mansion down by the sea. Only 7 yrs old. 3 car gar. Cozy w/pvt yrd. $159,900 or submit to anxious owners. ** STAii.i. ** 754-62'2 presents tlW LISTINGS LIDO ISL.l-llAMD MIW HOML -Custom built on street to street lot. Soaring ceilings, 4 fireplaces. a Bdrm plus master suite. No• expeme has been spared to uaure . the finest' quality and amenities in this home ! Call Ann Peters. CLW HAYllt MST 11MI Olflla Brina the f arnily ! Spacious ~!inl room with heavy beamed celliDp and a friendly hearth combined with a country kitchen to invite the family to eather. The bedroom winp open to a sparkling pool and sp•. Bonus view from 1ae1t .apartment! Sii' f STllY PEltCTION Thia 2 Bdrm, den <or a Bdrm> bas it all! ()pea beamed eeilincs. cstm abutters, mirrored doors, central air, formal dining room, enormous wrai>around patio by Rogers Gardens and much more ! Superb decor tbruout this Newport f mer townbome. Must be sold . Submit on your terms. Now only $255,000! Call MAMCY IMlllMIMO 759-1221 (~Rea.) GllDIS SUllSETS-IOOL--SPA 3 Bdrm Calif. ranch, gated for privacy. Views thru wall1 or y1ass. 2 fueplaces, family room, forma dining room. nook le more! View from secluded mstr suite, sunsets, Newport le beyood. Minimum down. Anxious owner. Assisted financing. Now only $8,500! ' MAMCY 11•••0 71"'1UI 644-6636 RE/Mt-.'< of Newport Beach FmvEI VIEW! Of OCUN I .....i &MHTS CJll9t •ACIS I PAllS Deluxe, 2 master suites, large airy rooms. Great financing. Country atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All for the loW price ol: SIJ7.0IOi Sllt,000 HAL• PA1 IAUB A6n. 67J.7JOI °'94 HOUSI SAT ... SUK 1-4 zm,.Aewte (9e Of WI.SONI JISA WEST TOWtllOMES WANTED -RAID People who would like to own their own home-but HD 't fulfill the full down payment MUST have impeccable credit, history of lon1evity Is employment, few outstandin1 financial obligations, be capeble in meeting and fuHilling STOPGAP owner standards. • Shared Tenancy Of Potential •rowth AndProfit. • Copywrite Proeram of Equal Opportunity. • Properties Loe. in & Abo+l the Costa Mesa &c Irvine Areas. * Priced Between $110,000 to $175,000. •A Rewardina Experience. *Principals Need Only Apply. CAU TllAY CHA• ... MIW NOMI Deli&htful 4 Bdriti with traditional desUcn. library, deo, formal dining, bay view. Corner location in Old Corona del Mar. $650,000. OWC. HAllOI YflW HUS Attractive 3 Bdrm + family room, many special decorating reatures, inter·com, central vacuum, huge tree covered lot. $379,500. owe. OCIAM YllW DWI.II Large 2-sty 4 bdrm, 2 fireplaces , + 2 Bdrm over garage. Steps to beach. $39.5,000. Easy terms. \ 714 / 760-9333 W11ml IAl9AIN • SJUH IOWM-114". LOAM Owner financed-no lender qualifying! 3 ~ · 2 ba custom, quiet cul·de·sac. Parquet entry brick frpl. Tiled kitchen. Pantry. Family rm Water fllter and softener. Spa. Enclosed off street RV pad. Giant J>atio. Storage sheet Fruit trees and much more ! ! Reduced to '$167,000 ! Call Bob Licata 759-1221 R&I M ~ of Newport Beach -- I YW FIXED UTE 13%% INT. LOANS Why do people buy townhomes during a real estat"4! slowdown! ! We think it's our s uper duper assumable low rat,e loans. The new residents of .... r.ti V..., tell U$ it's the inherent amenities like the gazebo and garden Ii ke recreation area, the Cape Cod environment and the convenient loodies that go along with each fiome, and the unique location (close to everything). Furnished 2 and 3 bedroctm models and recreational facilities are open daily between 10:30 a.m. and dusk. Located on the comer of Fairview Rd at Avocado in Costa Mesa. From $137,950. We'll welcome your reasons too! • -Orange County Re~I Es tat&' An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sllll'dlly, Febnay 3>, 1982-.l I ....... For Wt ....... ForWt ....... For Wt Ho.et ForWt ....... ForWt ....... ,.,. Wt ....... ForWt ...... ForWt ........•.•............ •·····•················ .•...........•.............................••• ····•·················· .................................................................... . ~ IOOZ G1•r.. IOOZ '"-rtll IOOJ G, .. ,.. IOOJ e1 .. rlll tOOZ G1 .. rlll IOOZ ._.. IOOZ l1•rtl toot ·•···•·············•··· ..................................................................... •••!•··········· .. ••••• •••.....•.•.•......••.•.•.••••.•..••••••••.... ·····~····!··········. Asswne Lst Trust Deed it very low interest! Beautifully papered and pant'led throughout. 3 spacious bedrooms. V~ry quiet location. Walk to spartcllng pool. THE REAL ESTATERS CALL 67J.1550 IMTIObUC,._ II* liaa Servin& lhe Newport Bu ch Real Estate community ror American frtle Co. SM: llS.Uto ~ Tiit W.: llS.2144 ~ BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selection of homes at this time. All floor plans. Good views , good rinancing, good buys, Some lease options. Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you. OHM 1·5 ttu vw. c ........ '-cl I t7l VW. .. Oro wµ,.d 65JVht9'-h.Yltw 4UVW..,_.,•ltw 407 vw. .,..., 4 Ir SJJS,000 Sl05,000 SZtS.000 $410,000 UZS,000 HREN B. DOWD UALTOIS. INC. 644-0134 Y.A. oa Y.A. COMYINTIOMAL ,.C:O~~MS- o,. WIS. I I te 5 2600 mocti 5-kA. AYf .. COlh M.N Truly elegant 2 Br 2~ baths for $139,500 and 2 Bdrm 2ba homes for $129;500. •••••••••• • 10% Down w/payments as low as $889per mo. • VA financing -seller will take back 2nd to lower payments. COtlJOS * 11Y $10,000 DOWN. or more. Only $ll5,000. PATllCK TIHOU. 759-1221 • 2 .. 2 ... in ..-wron. $145,000. PATllCITIHOU. 759-1221 * 3 Br 2 IA. Wmf SZ0,000 DOWN. A beauty at $152,500. PATllCIC TIHOll. 759-1221 • 4 -. ~ FT, condo. $249,000 $49,000 DOWN. OWC bal. at 12%. PATIUCIC TIHOIE. 759-1221 75f·IUI RV M ~ of Newport Beach WTSIDE -, COSTA MESA ~Aun! CONDO MAMIA Olarmin& 3 Bdrm 2 bath aiorceJ4super condo$, home in prime location. all in exceJI. locations, Great finucin& terms p r i c e d r r o m avaUable on this one. llM 000-$114,900. Seller and no qllllifyina. Price wiii help fuiance. Anne SI•.500. Hurry, call us 111131-1211 ror complete details. S.7171 • • • SMAITIUY BOW MAllET Ttm one is rea11y priced I.owestprfoed 2 Bdr2 Ba right! Large family cmdo In So. Coast Plaza home with 4 bdrms. 2 area. Fresh paint· bit.bl ud bic, bl1 bonus ••'-· o room. Owner wUJ assist THE; :REAL ESTATERS w .... paper-carpet nly in fina.ncini. Full price $83,000. Act. Allan, 731-lZZl C::.' ~ I ..,...,. .:... • •• t' PRESENTING . . . FREE BUYERS SEMINAR I How to buy wittnrt lender qualifications. I How to buy with little or no money oown. I T~ basics of buy/sell agreements. I The OOilefits of co-ownership. I Plus much, mtJCfl more. Date:Sahrclay,Ftb.20 lu•1 c ltlJI •• It ... I' I ... .... Tlllr. It .. t ..... .,. AM. SJ I • tMM-IJ:Jt. IAYlllOMTS f"lnandnl all ready to llO-Pier and boet tlip for each home. Move in Im· mediately or take ad· vantaae ol financin1 lo remodel. Call ror de tails. 642-5200 A PETE BARRETI . REALTY THE :REAL ESTATE RS ---- TIADE/SWAP GIAITHIS OMI ~y lU~ for $100,000 llSUmlble loans buys a 1ourmet kltch., aur· rounded by a 3 Bdrm houle, tr1 lot, RV ac- '91, no quaUfylnf S25K down. $1050 P I/mo anves you in. Doo 't de· lay, call Diana today. Diana Pleteapol·Volpe . . ·'~' RVM~ ----. -- CUSTOM MIWPOIT 3~.J~Jo~_,.en, format dininl room and breakfaat nook . 3 fiRlllacea, FreJicb doors aod windowa lbruout. Priced to aell, 1395,000. Afl,. Hl01UI Owners ma~ trade: (1) Npt Hals home for in· come, not.es. low down, equity $50,000+. (2) 3 Br OSI Fee land, steps lo beadL $200 000 equity. a .ooo. owe for 10 yrs. ~ Diana Cap~I. agt 63Hlll lnlttesled in my esdlanJe pro1ram, tan -------J DISPllATE & DISCOUNTID Price lmt JO.i""tted 1o~J now SUl,500. Only 1011. don, UIU1De lK loan (effective Interest>, Slll1 P/11. Take advan· tate ot this a Bdrm 2 Ba lbllle nlol, llled brick, prim area. Woa't IHt! w.IOUSI eomM! ~or•t•d "Ba,aide Cove" 2 BR, dea penlhouae. An n. ALLSTATE REM.TORI .: llOOI. 1pa, prt. beach. .._111111!~•!11!1!!!--I Loob like model. Great.-IOAT a. :::~':.,~~~ lntluded wfth lhla Greatly reduced for NEWPORT BEACH mot Iva te d bu 1 er . .._ 2 It.or)' towahoue. ::;ooo. Debbie P\-att . J bilrm. 2~ ltatb, ~b-l"lH Realty :;:-,i:.::1:':C-a':::t Gf9t SUM 1·1 =,....· F\IU prtee ·::::· ........ .... .. .... ... -·-" ... '1.... .,,..,..... YOU CAii WiN UPTO•! ~more prizes too! V11Jt one ol our open boUleS between 12·4pm SUNDAY YEB.21 l.4IOk ror ,W.t ballOODJ or call ror directions. CENTURY 21646· 7434 s .......... .. ...... J ... Jlfa .. , ...... c.-.. ceMe. ....... c •• 2 DAVIDSON REALTY '"' ....................... &I AA I &nW1 p•yment on Balboa ItlUd proJ'(!rty. Lo• down or trade. .... .., ....... '75-1"6 • cs acl-4 ,.,.,., ....... yer& ,,._ locetlo1. Ow1tr ------• lrw ... 1M. _.Ml. ,....~~·..._ J1•t r•d•c•d t I ~•• l'im Ea, • · • 2-aty Don Peteraon S14'.IM. ftt ¥• bomt, breaUut rm. Mia ftrtdace. many extras. 95 at.ooo. m Coral Open C:.... C..-. s.u&m 14. wk41 app(I. a...., ,.. ...... Ownr/Afis-em c ...... , celll•ti • .._, ,1 .... 1007 ...... di I Alll--•HH•H•HH Se. et Hwy tec•. Of9e NOUSI Fr.t .... ll .. NEWPORT SUI.-....,_. 2 11~~au · ... SHl,OtO or Newaltoi,buctabociae IUJ ~ o t • for ltllc.ourtSLN.B. ....... 411-411'/i WaJUaorcaD. i ....,~ m.za1orMWW c.-...... 1122 ....................... OMTMICl.lff Ouaafroat lot. Call BrHdoa l"Hbera, A&t . 144-Ttlt dJt or 166.-rn•. .......... 1116 • ........ Wt .......... Wt ....,.,_Wt ....... ,.,.Wf ...... ,.,.Wf ..._.,_Wt tte..t,_W. .,_We I ..,,, ,.. .................... ~ ...................... 4 ....................... ........................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ................................................................... . C.W .. W.. lttt ....... Ill Mete IOJ4 C..MIM 1124 H M , ...... 1141 1044..... 1144.,... 1044 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ~'211. ~· ~:..A o~!nct -.,.pMIHem **NKI OWNJAOTrtNANCED ...... =• Bdnn. 2 be. ~Tri-~48r,3be, ~·r ..... llSALIS ....-ua •imtl-TIM1Sl OUt CDM d .. la.na. p.s.ooo ram rm, triple 1ar. AS· Ur-PRI decorated • College Park Cornell . . . . . . S176,000 STllTEI' Clil•f.u 11. Ala DI 12•0,000 SUM I!. I 12 I k at Great for Datertalaill& • Woodbrid10 L d' g $317 'lN\ • tfr• · -"""" ._, .. pymt. PP· A&t. 118/1111> Only $1TI too ~e an m · · · · · · · · """" J Bdrm 2 ear 1ar11e-de· :::.t ~ ·~~ ;t-1 _._ Open s~n M . 81tr: AlfwSIJt.IH •Colony Plan 400 ............ $185,000 tatW i...e. "f1': pa.int 2 CJ. "* ldm. famUy, + l By oner: two 2bdrm m.aa 671-tnl •Northwood Andover ........ $185,000 ~~luib le 1~ ~ :t,• jw. •a_.: •· .-... r.o.1 term .._. oo 1 lot. Aluma-= • Northwood · One story ...... Sl75,000 1121 NI ..., -..._ octup. we fiaaace of 1211.000. '* 11'-. lit T.D. owe 2 UaMa + rate Cot· •Northwood . Two story ...... $225,000 Ast i • Ifill s.. ,., T.,....n. .u. Prieed to ..u owe 2lld. 42IMl.. A11tiD1 11~1000 tap. Gnat ra Unit C4 fw ,,... ...... or · Ill• Hbli•I flue. c.. lllDYt fuU Leue with 25,000 dwn. ilUUl fl or Rental Prop. Cabin ~i ~•rWtc 914-0WC.llMOU. Olltioe llOIO too. Call Pomooa.•7414. ~,Int. Eaataldde. MACNABA-llRanVIBeeNEl REALTY ....... , Olaaa Cappel, a1t. .-A ¥m1 -..-ve Terms. Tra e ~· rw .-.-ti-oner . .u. With ?!? Brtr, Woodbridge Vi 11 age Center SSl·3Mt 117 *~* • ~t tondo 2 Br. 0-...t !Sweep. ~1i:·~~l:!: mo.ooo. Vu from every (714)551-8700 ttznarruu P\wy.l"w ._.. lacom•bei. rift. Lov· do. 9".000. 751.2310 Larfe 4 BR lie.a Verde, rm.Aaamlll.8"U192 4764°Barranca Parkway, Irvine 5818 SLASHES 1!'.'t· :.. cT.t1:: 751-GIOlelYt muaa;e. =-~~~~ro::~ A B s 0 L u T E L y I PllCI uooo .. • la ... 0•11 U'75,000. =mr:---00..~K 3BR Suo 12:30-5 Ast. Ann ~~~:a: s!!i. r:,: • fl .. LJ?. ~ Sl2t.Wlor thia 3 Joyo Waltu •It. Pl-.-a1J .AIC:Gar C21Ber1.ll2-818l ao much more. Every ,.. •RIEJABl( BdrllevelSmokeTree •·la """"--' .,.__ ze°'Reazen " Dr Opn.r, Nu Roor. OP ... SAT--SUN mde Finest area 4 IR 3 I .A townhome w/ceatr. air, ~ .... • A, SU,000 tD auumable ~ • .. ~ ....... "'··In 1· A 9.625°/o ~patio, dbl 1ar. frplc, Poo!1 Ju. Boal Slip IOUll. ~bmlt do. paJ. 4 bdrm+ den, 4 car 1ar. aelievbi-~'ik'' N-07~ 1 12'/•0/o 4 D l I_. nr pool-apa.teUJs. lO'l Avau.Jm.00. PrincOG· Noqvdf11D1.112uoo. t.ompl. remodeled It I · r OWNER LEAVING "' dwn. $1010 Pill/mo . .,,!!~~~~~~~1::•=·;•;7JfJ;;;;;;~;;;1 w...M. T ...... Ce. =.5CICl~bo~~1~:~ I' I --STATE! Your op-LOW.OOWH Dem'\ delay. call Diana -a.aoit\ -·~10 Dr.(trouStreetlhul llut1 104J ~rtunlly lo asaume Useit.t t4dQ. IJ!!~I NMIOl W tlUS SOUJ'H ___ CO_AS_T_V-JL-LAS--: SeeiD& II buyi9&. Jim ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• 'terrific fan1ncin1" 2· OWNER FINANCING! Diana Pietea l·Volpe _. to . 95000 •• • 1-·-· BEST BUY Trinidad aty beauty on football You ml.lit come aee this .,. ,_ m. So/mo _ _.~,._1_., bnaa'11l*lbedroom 1 _.._. ~Prime iot 38r 3ba. field sized lot uross very nice all around ,......, to JIVCbue __. __ "" batll CODdo baa been BACX BAY, 1140,000. One OWC at 14% Int. Bkr. from 20 ac. .t•rk. All Camily home. Family Olfiriian. Db. eoado, Wt .. ,,.. ~~~f!'!IY~l~ra,!:! ol a ki.d, 21ty, woodsy, TomGclttier641-t200 bldll comider llove in rm. fortnal dinlng, 111111· I poel. )le, patio bib to forlorh-.UMmuor .....__ rambliDI bme. Open nowat$113,000. ken livtnl rm, Ira rard ' oteaa, umpf. rum. toedoa within area. MU. Prt•ate pa area. Sat. 1 :II». Call Jackie 0.-Houle Sat. 1-5. Sjan. OPEN HOUSE w/spa fr kldclle s ide. CdM. 171-304 or Pritt 11 uduud to Luably laodacaped Gills 541-DiO ... f.J. Ull Branford . 3 SAT/SUNH AblOlut~el oulltaodlng ... , .... ..-. _ -........ o-c sroud.a wltb a com· ' Bdrm. + Den, Hot Tub, eo mymout.h Northwood ""~at ....., _ • ..._. -.--"" · munlty POOL! Private SREDUCEDTOSELL private baclr yard. n ""'7 :.;;:1..,.,· w.1..-&ce. '* eatrance. Clole to 3 bdrm, 2 car pr. s10K -.zm1r1M1-l37l. Warner.all ~9400 OPr..n HOUSE ''CAllUIOO E GREENTREE" 3BR Comer Lol. Hu1e eo.&ry Kit. Atrium fr Study Area. 1147 .soo. Good Fin. '7~. Open Sun 1·54112 Manzanita. SWllLOCATIOMI '7J.1600 everytbinf! Walk to below marliet. 20 ~C SUNDAY l-4 ••·• Ba. htoJT, (3400 South Coaat Piasa. lla1nolla. Now only ,,.... 1044 c...JYf:.._ _ v'a"-n'.uy o( 5SilverRun·Northwood aq. ft.). <>tea.a view.t•.-------i Priced riabt at 17S.OOO. 1142,500. Call Jim---·• .. ••••••••••••• ~ ..... "' Warner.all S59·9400 Oner auioua • 1111 C:..MIM I OJ4 Call ror l"mancin1 de· owner : u 2. o u o. I Oo/o DWH-~ II filllncin& alternatives. w~~ ~ acotller. Call a1ent ....................... tai.la!f'79-23IO 7»1221 -~--m· •n'tac· Goraeou1 l Br 2"» ba SI Colleen lihAuley t,..,,MTOIS . ........_ " " bomfwit.haumerouaup-d maaor•1...... P 11 FI C·T l~Dwn.steal rz•.500 Pvt area ol Irvine. 2-f.radea. Cul-de:sat at. 2BR, 2BA, Den, (Coul llAUI OONDfU Br. 2 Ba , . P~a location 7 O ~~Tl!! sty. 1~ Bappool .. park t:-' mp. tot.he lake.()(. be 3BR> ::rocious Lux-Mute y ur,1raded • oeeam ia Ki1lel Fully R ~1· !~ Newt:.O.a. 1 pymtJ :_~rj]·ow2n1i~~Li tml~Su:..~· 1 " ,u!!.v;r0• 'k1:t ru:.~1c~:,~ ~~. ~aB.. l~q~,!',; r I •·I I ,._.,. ._,, •...a&"'--9 • .a No quail~~ move to---· vr-.,...y .,. vn .......... 1..w. .,19 ooo Wll. D rn.. l'OO · • · F "-·-a.a----• . 1111>. Jtr"' Jooes, a'"". ".,_._ .. Cov• "'-' l~ Down. 559·5164 or -..,.._,. •• . Prof. operated. L111-''""" ......... ay ., •· ,,,_..., " ''1 b 9M-ll20 .-.11~.-. Low a E-!Ztoeee 2JJ6 ... An. Hurry tali OWNR Gl·ml WayneStewart,A1ent or 562-llOO Lynn Noa · -------- w/bal. at 12~"A>. Cbuce ccutl "~ 117-417' 1157-0'744' ••ti Owfttr/Af. mT •YM ol I lifetime to own . T·tzll. lw~OWrt• u usT SELL TRIS CCNK>IUY! Bawa.Ii 1ar•en apot. c..~.. T IUUY WimliWOe villiae. 405 WEEKEND ! E /Slde lnumculate Northwood O..../Af. 752-lm fdr 1 • Fainiew. Alaumable dream home. A1kin1 1 Br overiookinl lab '- COllft'IT ...USH ~.!.tr rm -~rpk,' : $112,400 at 12 ..... Clole sie,900. Call for details. * •POil & SPA a MM:NAB ~i 'P::,li /:~u:~1· !KJPU!l-4Jli ·+Dr, 1 c:!:tr 1 e d k l t t be n . to pool and tennis. 2 Br I;"-;:~·-~ .. ~~~~;; 1'la Ute new ezetutive mr.1a.11C: tM.500. Xlnl rtnancing. ,., ... •.ooo . .,. " to .. '" CN\ 2ba. Terms oqotiable. nw•~ 0wnerm1923 701~ Orthld. Ca ll ..... ,.,.,.,. -'l_t4...,.14_&311______ SHAIPIASTSIDI ~ise=d•~ REAlJ'Y 1151.fmOwDerlbllr . JACXIl!HANDLEMAN 6PLD bas tuatom reaturea ·-· .. --~?.fl .ASSUMI SI OJ 000 -..y t-.. DOWN 1a1ort. Alarm system d .. MSt••ca-Superb lotatlon- eseelletlt coedltlOD I 2 Bdrm plus den, 2 ftnplaces, vaulted cell-... 11111 attradlve U · auaable fl111nci111 . ...... 64J..52H -- A PETE BARAETI ~ REALTY ' 38f+Jiupadd-o.ior4t.h .;;r-owner;ifi rtnance uauru security . 4 Vacant. t'lean. rea Y lo Br, 2Ba, 11 covered to qualified. buyer. Well Bdrm. 3 Ba . Askin& DllAM HOMI IN TVITLI IOCI Up rmve In ! 3 br. 2 ba sgl petlo. RV atcesa, areal locaUd. SoOcl looldnc I ~.900. Ask for M•1· grades everywhere, beautiful family Broadmoor loc. owe at 11.,. 111.000 unit.a + 4 car 1ara1e + Of. custom brick jacuzzi overlooking ~~~· c 1 11 n ° w • -OM UP ............. "'""'' _.. -~ e.1ow 11 (~iJ'lllM•rWte bills o1 Turtle Rock. Carpets I< ----:ilnlzG-Glve yoarself Men UOOO DOWN Umnarou. . draperies are decorator perfect. U5T"4 = ;:.~ S:z;. ~ ·a lifnD,-2 be. new root1 ~,.., 6"-721 1 = , Located across from comm. pool Willow Wood Model in eul-de-aae. OWC lrl 2Dd newapt.llultatll! Cal ' . & spa on quiet cul-de-sac st. OWC lbe Dune Homes. 3 T.D. FaJJ price $134,sOll. aow,5'5-UU. mt "'"0 ftwy,lnw Lg 2nd . $354 ,900 . Pat Aden ~':bi~°:"~~~: m.-i IOo/o DOWH 855-4343 Ceramic Ute in the en· .UC• ~ ~ a baautUuJly try. family /kiUhen and 16.MOI upCraded 3 Bd 2 Ba 111 .-. Th · brulrfut nook . Ex· O...WiD' carry fmant· ._,... I 02' ramltY detached home . IA• orrmwa e view never tellent location nur RE/Mt¥: c:::. ' ' ~ . ' •--------------• in& ror 7 yean at below ........ •-•••••••••••• .UklnL Sll4.toO. Call stops from this highly upgraded adloaia, pool and tennis -----·--•101Wlm. Will,_. .. rket Bdrate. _,.,er· U.NOOOWM. Pe ameron , •&t Woodside in pre))tigious gated 9252,000 . Pmr·Uner L*iat~ate,noqu"alffj: dehae 4 rm up· lBAUdcoavdeacoodo Arbor Lake. This 3 BR +home ,___ lou--OWC •»yrloaD.C11ttJBcl O'ldal.Quletculdesat. •/pool a.ad apa. Mini sets on the lake. Mirrored dining _.. m 980 1-Ba tll50 1q 11 4 3 • t O O -a c l ocean view! St05,too. 30 -Af· a, · · ft. Y:b: l ted now....-.1u1 yr riit'd u "" loan ! & living room walls, wet bar in ~ ne~NB 1bop":1an1. o.w.c.0wnr,a1..-. den & wallpaper tbruoul. •'if.tfm" JUt,IOO. Call uldr·Pec IWl ,_ .... 1040 **E TID£! Fantastic financing. $349,900 YOUCANArFORD ----·••••••••• .. • Would like s ma lier Gilda Fisher 855-4343 SN7 .... Barbor View liiill••--••fA TR I UM I! N TR Y 1rviM property for the flls.lllr,2be..CaUa&t. •m:=ri===-•1 welcomeayoumothill eiaWt1 m my beautiful CHICI THI NICI Lowest priced -=~ ...... = ~=---Br+farnilJ rm near COi· yfew borne in Santia10 rr mod I . Woodb·r1'dge , _~--· ~ llt , mm1·~u1a••. ~e e ud 1110-. Only ... Je erson e 1n "' -~ : :: -l!!!:9 • d ~ " ~.. -Bkr W-0708 CaQJOG. 111 new, zona. Estates. Ready to move into. ~ -,_, 15 t nicely ludKaDed 4 Br .-. · tor honn. 3LOO aq ft. i II Vtll AU.: lltta erde home oa cuf·de·uc. IYOWMB AsllforCbuck. Spotless & profess ona 'I 11523 CMWSDt.:~ L..-IMdt 1141 •it r •T• W naer. 1122.000. Print ~ rooma. View ot Red~ed 111.seo. s5K 11· w..-... ~ dee.orated two BR, den and a lten.tClr .. C.. i-•:i:iiso.iii11Diiiiiiiiiii8k~rii.iiiiiiiiil tpl/counefrom p~per· nf.A, a br. 1~ ba, up· ~I """" ,....... spectacular backyard w/wood Of9t5'14 9.1 ,. ~:•r a1111ted lfadedtowlllw>me. Good Rea .. I deck, paJoda & spa. Assume S*.•. tlO.• clown, .-A Y11D1 Call m0.S:,:1•uoo., Beadl 6 •f:f::C· N9° ss1 39M · $117,300 in loans. PRICED at ~at 10.~ StoOOor sbdrlll-;-tbaUl.frPJe, dbl 'A1now 1 aar.s. Call ween 1· • -· tr....... •t78,000 Mary Welsh 855·4343 lllON~m>at.IL Canyoe J.~:!e· A· I cond. -• -• 1 tlfl.59. mt na•o .... )'. ·-• o.ta1owtstpriee!See m · 0ner wm 11· JLSTATE i4br 3ba nr bch ,1ssK. wF.mn;' ,,uuaaoday ! .. -lilt f'lnudn1. • -I SUK dn owe. SHOO mo. toULIDftll.!OIAUA!llllOlm " ·~JJJla. ... ~.--REALJ'OM .. I ~.t12·lZZ7fl 2iANORAJ1l' LMUJIAJDLLI ~ l .. 77Jt £0~ --LaktfroatVlew Al1c1&omceP1.rk *"::r=; u -DOWN • U · f.'•slde ref. rl~C ::: 1 ~1.':l~,l:r. 2 ~c::.:s: 0a::c~ 11 ~:.:'~06 Of~ -AVAlou.Cleaa SUMAILS AT t'i; ... 111.~._..~n.l·S. Tannla Ch1b. Good C714)86&-4M3 a..tLc...ie..,..om 11r.-.•.Princoe1J f::W'°· 111 .zu.z . *u •snt a.r.. HB. rtaaKial. o ... , Of. _ _J~~~I ·~~~l~ ...... •zm -reredatll)T.ooossum !! ....................... A ltffll Sparlll.n1 3 bd. 2 ba condo, frpl, beam C'ftl .. patio, el. 11ra1e. pool. clubbouse. Owaer cany loan. $151,000 Pe1 Allen. Rltr. •M571 BUOY! Sweef\111 Mean vlewa fl'Oln UUa aew 3 Br 2'it llMlt liloma e¥erlooklin1 VlcWta a.a~ SMS.oot. O... tio.e SUa 14. at 8 llolaea "ay. Mae ~all. fl AllOC. .: ......... OllerlNI•.... o.ra..1... Oltwl ... llt• ............ ,,. ......u. ....... , ....... u. ..... , H..nu.fwJtl' ....................... ······················~ ....................... . ............................................................................................................ , ...• ,. ........... •new .. .._,,.,,,., HOO Qlef~ ..... 3122 C.W .. ..._. JJJJ C..MIM lJ24 .._. JJ40 flrlllt 1111 --1111··········· ... ••••••••• ,..,,.., 2111 ................................... , ....................................................... . 11111111"111"•• .. ••.. ....................... _ ................ V\ew home overlookla1 SDedlCWatoceaa'tlty CHCICILSIDI 5a.tooetan.Ele1ant2 NOlmlLONOllACH UMCHOIANJ4fl bey•ocean.28R 2Ba. lpu view from every ZBr, l~. l..Pli,blln Br. Family Rm' Den. *EICITll * 'idiift OffM9t. llOOI. avl Mardl 1 to May room. I.up 2 Br. frplc, ran1etoven1 d1hw1h r . a'§O llo. Pli.wh crpll, 2~ ~':£::~... -l5. ll800mo.115-2713 ma n y a mt n i ti ea . pa&io. Pool. MOO mo .. no &a. Cedar ' 1lau. sun· Nftlbr oaeoo': OM of a .S.F.'1 best SUOO/mo. Call Anthony pets.•1Ham1lton. deck, dbl car erv ..... !Amn'Decor ....S landmarb ii 1 INcll 31" daya 642·5757. eves & 1ar11e. fully m~1nt 1Nla ii-Wfdiiii fva, taru •'°' fabulaullUUtop Mecliter· ........... ,••••••••• wbdaGl-6630. Vf!rY ~~~-3 BRE. l~\~t, jard. No pets. lnqwreat .... Gn•llriu Rm la ---,...... llome 1uarded ~ V-.Ua1t Mobile . au UU\lltC on I e. 5271.Mh. St. 960-6331. = llUll~eeat 5 (oo~~ 1US11M4oPl.Ef ft::r~·~·:A~r:,~~~ ~zt!~r.a~ct\'~! 2y~"f~f~l~t~.ea0n~ ~";~~~R CON· 3Br.with1ara11t .Chi.ld& ........ ~~ &.C. Pim. ua ZBA, ... Pride•:;ao::.,.,,p. 7.0 frpb,. more tbu toOO pets. dale to ahopa ' f150leue.MO-l177. DOON ELDEN ST. ~~ ot. SSSO/mo ~' eat IAllD 11.1~1.c ~K lit, Cap.'*· Larp lat TD. 1q ft of meticulously ratauran*;I. $750 mo yr· 2BR. lBA, Frplc. Patio, ~·1447 1-'--------lla . ar, ma. Is OlllCM S..Dlllil tenm. au u ma b I e 9. 75 ~ . mainlalned Uvin& apace b' incl ut1l. &U-31185 or Gar. 1700 Pl Sec Dep. 2 bdrm condo. new cvt. t111a.t i....... SIOII.•tm Owaer will carry on 4·1C. d Eac•lyptus 1-525·1&41, 1·172-llOl Day 21H5CHMO. Eves. 'bif.~J~a14Jc,~f ~. fridi, pool, tennis, ..._ ... belMce with~ down. clad ri~ • ~d:utts· SEA VJ EW : F ormer 610-0308 Dep Wo Cali ft 5 ; handball, clbhse. No 11.:&r~wr·11.e. llM IMlt.::M•..:,uali:~ que~·llnit~· ~. ser 3ba. Oce~ Mete 3224 646-2s42.Avau.:arc~r · ·~~t. last 1200 wjfrd. kit, 12Kll tiv rm. .. ................. ltruct . . VI -nLTON VleW. IZOOO/mo. DelllllS .=r;;·..:.:::~=-----Ulll lblr ldrm. Dael lk1boa Pftia. dufilu, acee.. Priced to sell, Ricketts Ir Assoc. •••••• .. •••••••-•••••• F.utlide CM. 2BR, 2BA. HOME FOR RENT .... !tr. ao.1 Hosp. ~~~.wrplc. ~~~11 John I cOUNT:.~~OMES 851-0at I ~ff-u ~~~Amenities. 3y-~,· f100,.:. FKeidnsce~ IM.5m. .,_.., a. .-J,000. Ontheranthstnce1931 Rent in COsta ~~a·s · .. u"' ara ... • CLASSIC Low down . A 1t : U*IMAllACH I n4/75'-2t22 ...OIAYROMT I NEWEST aattd 20 E/sideCottage,2br, l ba. r:mwelcrme· 545-2000. MOl&IHOWI ('114)5IWllO. -•;;YJIW4"119 ........ ,..,... 2 ~m a!Mf -den. 2 Townhome VJL.LAGE patio, yd, &ar .. 1595. ,no et. ·~ .._,,.,.rti, JIM ___.. •.,:;;;:. 2700 batb1 private patio. COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. BACHELOR. $375. UUls 3 Br. 3 Ba. Spa, 1 bill to - • l,,_DOWM Available tbrou&h 2~Ba.1600-1800sq.ft.of 631-4320a&t beacb.W75/mo. lyr lse 2111 • " --••••••••• .. ••• Take over exiltin1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6/'IO/C. $1,700. month. pure lwcury. Garagts, & Cal1Aft 4,S36·381S . ... ,17 H.B.4-PLE.X,3br,2~ba ~. l2llO 141.ft. I BR 10 Acres a vocados . Broker S31·7300 hydro·tubs in master 2~rm2inFw~mo . 1st ---•••-•I owaer'• .uolt.1.._frplc. phll 1 tecal units In Rancho Cal. 1~3 Int.. · · auit,e, dlolne rooms , .ast fttr:: 4 Bdr 3 Ba, pool.-YJ mi. • •• Aintl'Ma-w/room, Slliper tu DeDeDU. 2 yrs aepar•le ltul ldin&. I $115,otO Xlnt invest. wooit burninl fireplaces. I from bu ch A rt 6, acrou atreet from =.~s:t-:r~a:f bloclla to the beach. 557·3218 mic ro-wave ovens. I •SIOnESS• llM-a&O.tlSO. 1-S. ... Seutllun· 111.-..' • =: jfutt ,retducrd Nr V11alia. 1.5 acrt. nat, Di. ea.,.. ~v~e patios & ~~r~.' 2 Br. carpeuh drapes. 5br.2ba.Sl25/mo. Swim· tiaatoe bJ Sea Part, -~~ _!11 'ea1 ri· xlnt aoil, ditch water, U15 Elar etnelir .provil e l~ yard, lndry ook-up, min& POOi. Marina H.S. ?lltl N lud S IZU · 2YIUiOLD w ..... au oa. well, fttw 2 br mobile DICUTIVIHOMI tgan vmg 00 Y " pr SS50/mo Call All. 5.147 3I03 H,. • pa~ KUN'J1NGroN BEACH JORN TUCKER home. 32xlO farm bide. WITH YllW minutes from Fashion 618Hamillon' 960-31189 . ' . . t~'.M . o r ca a.mK PIP Pll,!00 dD. 1t~J4.tJH trador, equip. 1175,000 lsJand, 7 minutes .to S.C. I __ .__ 3B 2b 3 • J IA •-~::::::;::;::::-:-:--:--I l mi. to beadl.. "rride". J tM•" •7.u. <JWC. (.2JOl)$21-M74 Plua or O.C.Atrport. mma c. twwat. r 1 , 3 Br. 2 Ba. 1paclous • NIWiiGit BliCb De AaJa ~ tu allelter lit yr. '1IP7 -Eleaant furnishings in· Just east or Newport encl dbl &ar. nr S.C Plia. m>dml. 9-ml ba7froat Part. Mint Call Pldl, all. 17z,9300., 1111... cludint piano, pool la· Blvd.•so.olSan Ditao Pool. kids ok. $600. cmil 'II double wide. 111..-.. DLXHOMEUNCOllE I t JI 2100 hie, tine antiques. New fhvy. Starting at S900 a 5t1,7374 7:~Uo~:·~ ~ kit .... 000. 8-.U Alftl~ 2W1 Elden Ave. Un.It A ... •••••• .. ••••••••••••• lwcury ca~t month. 631 ·5439• 2473 £.aide duplex, l Br. den. OC-RENTALS 750·3314 Grw!dJt7Ulll. T• C.111. ()pee 1·5 Sat/SUo, Wa a tu shelter! Sell $4,000mo ~~:ee Avt., Cos ta lauodty, titteoOK. ~. OCRENTALS Mln•fw~ IJ Near new 4.p n . 2 2~ yrs old, income 11\Yl/tzyearnew~plex MCH511 · 661l)l,S48-7SSS 1_5 br's l200lo l2000 ......... _ ........... b*a,lbetlleadlunit $C2.'100.f7'9.SOlll «ttc:ban&e equity for lblocltfrombtacb.Darl· 2 Br. enclsd garage. 3bdrm. 2ba1 bouus rm, 7~3314 7-days ID AcN -reels ID Pilla, with ftreplace, eacloled W-n. •-.._ .... , '--·u .. 'ul ~_or~er. After 1 Mulls, no pets. ~/mo. I · 1 I I r-e .at.•. ••t aa w -.aui _.., "' 1n-•-•<PW inl l 8r house. Sips 4. .,...W Wilson 631 •"89 encl JllUO, rp C, serv Ce , ... ...._ nr YOMmlte, 12080 to • PJ'lle . ...,.."' .... · lli·plex, 2-2 Br. 1·3 Br. WI I S4 1"1 • • • .., • porcll, int/ext redone. no --~-.... Olll'J few left (71') os c11b flow, Now Patio, frplc. 1525,000. JbrbomeoeR21otin old ~°!t~{.~1 450· 4 Br. 3 Ba . bse .. frplc, pets. $750/mo. Rumi: Hetau 3242 fl5.W =·:.i~I Grundy, Owner will btlp fin ance. Cdlll , s uitablt for · fen«<! yard No pets. (TI4)99S-6'766. • ..................... . ~Pt rt. 14 . •tlM4 duplex, txcb. for income DK-orator's Big Canyon $780/mo. + dtp. Agt. VIEW FROM EVERY Waterfront Broad moor -... , S '"'""'" CM BlrpiD ten ~~" 7t!O. property or lots or ! Townhome, 2bdrm1 2ba. 1142,5722 nu B Ba 2bdrm, 2ba. f~lc . wet -.. •••••••••••••• · "'-· · Vatiie2iOIOl f71.ll58 adults~oo ts. allOO. run. New 2 r. 211t • ba dbl I II ~1·"" ~ sza. c ~. 11 .... ~tt I ,,,,,_,._ I IN<J\ r. gar. I p ava ' ~ . . . " se Ownerct.iresresidential ,,..: . -~1...;lm. cro. spa,_,.,. pat io . SI 100/ mo -"--"1 V.A.Appr.a!,!1!.t.!!11· .J, 3 . a, water. UI ... '" (n4 .... "7171 m.•· BkT -...,,.. __ ,, ~730l,_1'1UU •tor tneome prop in ex· 3 BR 2~ BA + bl ... s COn· gardener included. 1795. tv•" · ni...1121 cb for 212 acftl Patent· do.&t.o9mo's.Sl600/mo. 2chlldok.644·ml Ellide. lg cor 2 br l ba. 2 2bdrm lux. condo on 1.1~"11>ss td Gold Mibe oa Mother Beautiful gar. Patio trees ch/pet Lqoon, 2 frplcs, !ar & C ecW Hi&ll femand re. ntal ,___ •rm•2 b th Lode. No leu than Ag1. 76()..9678 Wesu111de.":O BrG. 1 .:•· ok•49IM820 many xtras. S90 /mo '5tp1 e, llft. ~ e111llD1 7~ 't:u. ~ta llm,000. 114(642-lJOZ. ;~ iod;;.: 641~00~.e · 2bdrm howe1 E. side, dis-~1t:::2 (714)840-6309 ...................... ftnwina d '150,000 al + • UDJ • HAVEZBr zsa upgradtd U. .. -....cl poaaJ • dianwashtr, Jrg ...;;°'.;....:.;~·..;..;...:..;.;';__ ___ _ llMISTl.IAL 10., and owner will =s S2000/ mo · 5 Newport BCh Condo for ...................... 4 Br. 3 Ba condo, many ~I sutil~ded. Cblot1.1·1r~n. ':!'ts· HUii BOLDT lSLAND W.ec.tall ... newbip carrJ . Fall prlc acu .. 7 1ara1es. Sl.24,000 w/163.000 ott 1202 amenities. $800. Dys .... o " II"' 4 Bdrm with 40 rt d()(k . . =-·-___ .,,_, SMO,OOOC.Uf19.Sl70. flnaacm&. $410,000. = 673-3335· eves&45·2439. olt. Cootact Mike Crow, 12 2 0 0 1 un: .... --....... r. -. ltany' I I . 3B In •• f ....................... I '1Wflef'/a : 645-3176. I m 0 y r y 1q ft • larpr. A 1 .. • r s . In: am Overlooks park. very Waterfront Homes, Inc Cluaet Splller. a1t LLSTATEj• re11dence in H · B · PITS/llDS. i OK n1c:e 3 br, 2 ba. frplc, 2bdrm, E side. $575/mo . ..;;&1;;.;;1;..;·1..;.;400:.:_ ____ _ _ • w/slmllar equity ' P•Y· ~RSES=CONDOS fam. nn. '850. S5M019 + $350 sec. 673·48ff; Im.. 1244 -a• -menu undtr $700 mo. ' '·'/all eas prices S.251S. ' . RVM~ "~'~ •• ' $UNWE.W REALTORS ~ ar • · 3BR Duplex. 2618 Santa ..;:;..;;;-=~-----••• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ,~csBllS -..zz SlSfee.Guar. 850-0535 ~ Ave. Costa Mesa. EXEC3br.2~ba, pool 3BR. De n. 2BA. AC. _. _ bome,cbtfskitch S6SO Comm Pools. $850 'l1le CUJOll COUJl· TRADE lor homt on .....__.... ••a.. ~&S48-5707 QC-RENTALS 750-3314 Leue.Call~l·2'106 ----~ -•i::===-=~=-~ try dlll> area. U apts, Lido, clear 950 acre cat· -••- mo :&&mtr.--c:a. ~=:•By oner, ~1j:~·1* · =.~m::-.Le~f. ~~ ~~ ;~c:~i;r~!iit~ ~}"S:,1, J.roc~~:ie ~~: ~·s S200to S21':ya Olem view. IJO fl. froa· d .-.u.aailtlll&WW. ITOW'lm flrS. J2M taw, apprec. LoU Balboa lslan . Sl200 59-3227 SHARP2br.lruar. 1111a1ao~.ft.orbuild ,.........,.:.ft .llZ .. •• ................... ~~ti.111' fisbinl. =eda~I::,4~;$~1. $325. Cotta&e Duplex. tncd,peu.TODAV$475 Woodbridlti Cottage. Charmine Decor. Nr New. 2BR. 28A. Dbl gar, frplc, AC. NO PETS leue. ms. Own/Agt. 79-1067 _., _ '"*'"· Yf ....... ,..,.l=---4·';'•;,~f U• na<b nr B!'lant ... ••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR. nice yard' trtes. l OC-RENTALS ..,.. Iii-ft. 0... will 6 114 Calle Campana Veatura Ke}I I usury lot • · Newly rtcon.dltloned. OC·RENTALS 7S0..3314 esrf. '"". •· Gl·,_, S. Qemellk. 1241.SOO _.. ...utuaed v~ WANTED; Houeoa Udo Bayfront 3 bd13 ba, h ty. IBR. Sauna • Fenctd UNIVERSITY ~ARK ..._ eael, SU.LIO income d <.'luluef. Space 65 Ille for In~ proper· wit.bar, patio, balcony, Yard. No Ptts . (213) .,_,..., 3226 4 Bdrm or 3 + den. 2 -------mf-.d&. Pl,000 down i.D bolt. \)wner IDIJ betp ty.Pri.Jonl:y.642-mel tr,lk,ofcapc .• llOOyrly. 471-1671 ••••n••••••••••••••••• patios. Sll95 mo. yrly . • !I~ ltlZ. I\\ tat. T .D. fiDHi:~. U00.000-SUftlts.SJOKEauity. -DM.Bayfn>m.173·9* 2 Br l Ba Full arpeU Uana Crtsi. 3Br 2ba, Aat.Unda.'42·5200 'lM/.-T. ..-t238.I06-4M-2l4Z F.a.UldeCfl. ....._. l22J enciad 1irage.c fenced fl1>1c, nice yard. 2 car Deetfiekl 3 BR. 2'' ba. " " . ~ MISTOIS U o•Detert M6-G11 ....................... bact1ard . petlo. =:e.A~~fsM~~t\.vJ!"h twn!une.A/C,2 cargar. aere1. Oat of tow a t wib la-c.ta flaa 3 W • 2400 I YI LIASI wllber/dryer area. No eved45-l77lor960-S844 patio 1750 mo. Agt ..... ..-.•Tenm. BdnD°'""81'111nit. Take ....................... & wtthoptiontobuy ~ p«a. $500/mo. 548·5442 -079-..;;.;...;l.234=.:------(nc) ..,.1271, m 3> OM" t9udat-AP1>n>1• Equity Partnership or. r.'ii:r::' .r::'::;! ' 111>ve1 ~ in. $7So/mo or1'J0.5G9. T.. JJlJ ...-4,anold .•• ooo. ferecL CatbeclralCanron SmllhRlverfrontllome nat~tofiu.rcban lllp48R l&toba family -.. •••••••H••••••••·••WOO•llDCE _... eeMef' site, lt LUSlllALn =~~!.BrC:O:· ~rorrea~~7~.or :. pool ·J~u~taTI:· boa. CpU,. ~~·A2c•!1 3 :,i:r~:~JcH treetsidt Por.••r. 3 ..,.,, toamerclatly 671-141 I -u· · -.owner .. ,_... ~to 'ocean' pt' ..,., yard for~· v11 _ _. · K'ds 6 Bdrm 2 Ba cu -de-sac ..... ...., fnrJ off· • T.-. ct Oner ......... -··~r;1 · 2/20. 3094 Yeltowstont y..,. "1ara1e. 1 hllhly u'psradtd: • nllf • o.r.a 111 fut Two Jlftcle d onenlup 'TM-.0125. f\n. "41a, ,., ... --' or <Nr Paularino • s. Cat pttl welcome. 545.2000. 9111J/ 1 rlease &:'•• area. I~ Covmc,oa t -pluu. Tw ~ d ownertbip N /474-5:211. Piasa>. Wubr/dryr , ,oofee. I °" Y · 1 ... ~r~ .·'r: " = ...:-o':.e~ ~-:'~ JHO f,:d.nfc!.O!a:•:.!'fil ~! 3 BR •••• fplc:, retrtc. w.Wr ~ f:o~rJt ...... ,..., JU4 ~I "bod•rldte l>e••••••nt Corp. lilltiY11fA lllbmlt JOUr -'-1 ............ Grat Joans. O~r 11 f:i.' ~~c ~P~0·.~:: f!!i. ~c.pelS7-0701 or _ ....... ea"""j•••;•••;; •. 1111 a9L tndt.QPP,af1Sl·l211 ttulu ... c..ut lllltivated. SUbmit your IM-D • 957..-qt. 4 Bdrm 2 • rs e1nc1 551.3119 lAere fftlDtlMlld trldt.QPP,afl51·1217 -yard, 11ew rup, rpc, Culrmhlla~•.,.. TIWllllPMI in sl:":,.ctaula; LE~E OR OPTION 4br 38r, 2~8a, fam rm, din great family home, no mt mun ,..,,.,irvtlH' ........ 1711 NdPOIY'tlllGHTS. vl~• ol c:oulllne. l.... 2ba vu oec bm. $1400 no modem kitchen, •l· peg.S750/mo.SCl-l904 3 Br 2~ Ba, F.R., frplc . ....................... $270,000 Sam /~lt Pwmitlnproceaa.Good t"_ ................. m>.Ownr/Ast.7-. taeiiid 2 car 1ar, llOO HOllEFORRENT dbl 1ar. blt·ina, 1825. --•tm ownertennal125t00 1 ...... ,. 1ht1~ . 111D.25l7EldenAve.Call 4 Bet . suo Fenced '44-1490 al-4220 ~-.... ill ll1M .... COITAGE I i: _ ............... a JlllDIM. 2 br, dea, owwf'1'1.5Cll ...... rm, . , Kl... ... • V.A .•4 ..... _. """" · · .......... JIN t .. ba, •. Altolbr,l ywu•Pl'•&e. .... lflhwth..ti lilt ¥•2Zl'7. RI. .J8r.28a. (107)137-0m belfl.MC-4119 Olla·Z Br. l Ba. enclld ~ wekolne. 545.2000. DrNebf lit.If lhyap· -flplr + 1 1 If. 1 la. ....................... -..,. .. _private yard. NO ~.oofee. =I bdrm 2 batb ~I ~11ta, belt licW~ ..... ,...._" a MW .,,,._ Allrld.koe I Ir. 2 Ba . s.i-... Pm. ... MMllO . 2 car 1ar lm: ......._ llUll 11,_ fiH•d•I fer s fo'r ·~.;: SH th AftM. llOW tk'a Juae. 9pedWar ~ vtew, J br, 2~ ba, lam. rm, ~CQl>ancy · $7$0 m . !ft ,..,. .. ._. .. ~,. •DJ 1Dtoc111'1 •1•.m-..,. ~ti , formal din Jllr~,Z~Ba,frpk, 'Dburon eoado, no pet.a · ~ r /lllr •... : ~ 111 Oft d111m · eoluaea. la • 11pa, ""'· ete. N•ee _,H •o. •ld.a/l4NIU mo. M4.a'7 ~t• 151,zm. ....,. CIMlllledMl•1171 If· -.am .._.Uah •••~ U.fa "•• .._...,.,. ......._.,.,. 'llud c o '' e, I rt l'9 ·••• At ' •*~ Af IL11tt......_ ........... ~......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ................ "..... ,, r , a • a•n ••••• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ... •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,... U44 ..... J26t ... ,.,..... JJ6t * ,....... JJ6t .......................... 11rt.... J76t ..... I •• •17 c........ JU4 .............................................. ....................... ....................... . ... ,.. ............................................................... . 'l'ftllome,new3br.3ba. !:~.,, MARBORVUHOllES J"'lllNt:cr.EEK 1"111.Ufh . OCIAHFRONT 1 br, PINEBLUFFAPTS petio, 1ar. Park. pool, 3 br. 2 ba. comm. pool, lmmeulate P a112, wltb 8Detioul f0Ui Wroo111, qaiet • M<!ure • .Adult, no 2 Br 2 Ba No pets jac.97S/mo. 133..JOS7 3 . Z~ ool frplc, 950/mo. 144·3'05 ocean view,. 2. Bdrm 2 t hru bath cond o. pets.• yrly. Incl utll. Patl~, vte'.w. frplt : Ualvenlty Park, 3BR, JacunitiTeuil. Newly Harbor View 1uper 4 Ila, formal dmm1. Sl2$0 "Guadehape " Model. trMl72 jaeuai, pr .. cas ~love. 2BA. ll50 + Sec. All dee. VacanU l..ZOO/Mo. Bdrm 2i,; Ba Palermo mo.142-5300 Near abopplna and • UW _.. Br d I 1'155. Ul ... 107 w-. u T_._ Co · scbools $1115 mo Year· · .-1 • up ex Amtnliea. &73-4141 or RealtM"" _,"i44..4fiO anr, '°t aero., fro: BAYSHORES tylaM·. 8roltrUMJOO '17 !. Bay Ave. Balboa Quiet lBR ·Garden Apt. 157-aMOAf f!~olt !i~ ~ ry:~ 1: awmm1 2 + den or a 5G-01I0,54'MW w 0 11R•w ~d.,,ell. BltGln Northwood Home · aarduer . Call eve1 ldrmillpvtcommunity. Bayfron t 2BR IBA. I • rrcn. S3"/0. as 4bdrm, 21,;ba, air, 2 IAYflOMT WaftlPM Qww location wltb Pvt 'f ........ hh• adiiltaOllJY. no.,.u. $700 Pel No . Nr Bus ' frpk , microwave, no 2 1tGry, 4 + ~mi.. 2 petio.l1250mo.NZ-5200 _ ............ _.. m>intutll~ Shop. 3563 pell. SHOO/mo. Incl batb1 . fireJla ce , 4 1eMe rt= avail. ln NEWPO RT CREST ........... J706 U. ~ Alrv f'°1r.15Hl14: ~1-4236. P~~vlew. ieAr aainld ~.~t.!· Some dlstrtsa Uke new 2 Bdrm +den. •• .. ••••• .. •••••••••••• ..... llUCSK>t. one ':it~· '!':1rabp~e1~0Neo La r 1e -~1 ~-k' db w n n u _.oSA.N J OAQUIN -per mo. v · .. ,...._... 2"'·ba.---mo. 2 br, 1 ba, for 2-3 1'61\1!9· ll'dtwobedroom..,.,i· w/j)atlo " yard, up ~~~a 11 I I 2 1. Af. 760-9671 ~ ...,., all 3/'"' '"/12 ,,.,_ 1 mtnts. FU,.NllHEO pell. Avail 3-10. $750 mo. w/bak:ony • cathedral ,.,......,....., ap t· eve • av . ...... , on · UNF\MNll HEO yrty. 173-2512 d Br. den. Oil coif course. s 0 pH Is TI c AT ED Ille, 9550/mo. '73·5025 lftd • ceilin&.. frplc. /W. pooJ, 2"'2 Ba. AIC. view. ms. flMn'l lfS 11 ... ( . LUXURY • .. • 3707 Oakwood al10 otters StePI to beach, cute 1 br. 'P.l\.car ~.rt.~o .~~· 75'-7900 •taLAJ R Soarinc walll or win· .... 71 a 1r1 •AJI UtilllleaPlld huae yd~uiet 1treet. aawu only. -• ..., IXICunYI HOMI dowa provide U1ht le lov· ....................... • lilM i llW& Jdea.l for . No kids or JllOHarta. 549·2«7. WOODllllHHMIW ety lake view. 3 BR con-Winter Reatall. '-"Blk fr OocuDanoY pets. sns. mo. utll paid, QUIET ADULTS over 3S 2 er: aen.-eomer unit. WITHVllW do at Harbor Ridce BdL 18Rl480. ZBR $$1S. t\lllllonln yrty. av.all 3/6 873-4414. unfum l Br. lower. $340. sin&le story• fully ahul· c.anal Froat. Newport Cl'elt. $liOO mo. 142-SZOO . • DOO. 173-93ZS • ~ lr7Ull Beautl landsca~ina. No tered, frplc. atrium. Sliores.4Br+.Leueor 4 Br . 2~ Ba . 2 "9cr9llllOl1 Near pool tennis . ~to ... _. Sl.500/mo .' flreplacea, pullin g ~·ftJ"ltcuSTOu Cdll BAY FRONTAGE beach, NwJ Much More• 2BR lBA with fireplace, ptU.. LEEWAR APTS. •97"'/ i. t5' ~ a....l... ,,,..,, • J,1iel' 2 Br flSO UUI pd 1ara1e. Balboa Penn. 211r/JOFullerton.631·0397 . • ... mo . NO pe . ftlJlis. pool, walk lo areen.1 .. -ner. oloceanfrom2BR Tll'I S·27 . '303 l::, Fo11mon1t1.ora llle-Polnt.,Sl75-8990 ~ ~~A. ltnt 646-1044 or oaa .. ~700Joi~:'Edland !!*. oo Poppy Ave. 9100 attt. l..f1l·Zl66. time ModelsopendllfV ' 11IE VICTORIAN: New· 2 bdrm. 2 story, 11~ ba _.._,., ........... 1235 .... 91tnto9Pm Adullsontv. c:.r.. .. w. J122 ly decor. 2 Br •/car., condo "The Lakes". •CANYON LSI "2· Blrrett RJty,iU-5200 Bldl Full Kit. DSG Yrly no pets ••••• .. ••••••••••••• .. • new crpts le drapes, bit· Xlnt. IGC. Beau dee. rer 2(fR l<cLaln Condo 3 BR 2 Ba. pool, dlninc Incl utll. Quiet, Mature. Near Uw OOHI>, ... , 2 Br. Ina. paUo. Adults. Call req'd, no pets. t6SO mo. SW5per mo.Ca11Geny rm/fam rm. uoo Clay, S.CI••• J276 Non-Smkr.813-5580 Oekwood many 1 men i lies . ~~G"Vl·,·~o~a636-4~0 64IMQ50. 873-7791 or7IO-U97 NB. Sl.000 per mo. Agt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• c:.e. Mele lJ24 Glfden Apertments 1750/rm. Days 642-S7S7 • ...:"":.;:.:_'....::;__;_;;;;.;.u;.:.;.;.-0.----:"..:..:...;. ~:i:_, ... s = L.~ft~,~~ ... 7.:o.r ... c" .~~. 'iAMJiB;~~· .,~~ ;;~.;~~::: ~~~~l~'. 3br2baSllSOCosta Mesa '--'-ms. Two ba'"'·. C~ likenew,approx 3.000sq (714) ... ~1104 Mature adults. No pets. ·-·,,_..,., LeRaisorRlty83H600 ~ ""' ft 2 f I ' f ~ 781).11.911 lM ) ~ Formal dfolng room. 3 bedroom 2 ath up. . rp cs. view ocn Compere be ore you Newport ~So. ..;..:;,"''~_.;.--'--'-'----1 EASJ'SIDE J IDR W/SP A Richly decorated in mut-(raded coado with new ~rom bv111gS r~5 gn cul· rent. Cua tom design 1700 16111 St !b. HWY. 2BR, I BA. Pvt 1 br. 400 sq fl. Ire yard. 2000 ... a ut rnn mo ed tones. 3000 s q. ft. carpets. drapes ap-c:!-~ .. c. 1 mo . featurea: Pool, BBQ, (Oover1116Cl'tl f)Jtr, Patlo, encl pkn( . ......, uo ..... ""1 y, .,,,., · Jacuzzi off master r::uces· washer. dryer ...,..7...., cov'rd /'rage, sur · (7'4).,.2·51t3 quiet. l .. lure adulls on-..-. .-.-...... Month to month bedroom. 3 car garage. h i S 1 h rounde with plusb ly. Ref Req. 675·3446. 759-1221,ap. y 1 u compactor. poo Ocean view. pans landscapine.Nopets. PALMMESAAPTS i20SO month. U r Y spa1 clubhouse. sauna. styit. 4 Br. 2VJ Ba . Wood 1 Br. furn from S46S _6"-0ll97________ ~1 Mesa Dr &..flMIHdt 1241 lease. Call 631·7300. ana um. $1200 per decks. (IJ>lc., pror. de· 365W. Wilton. 642·1971 Vi oltbe Ocean 2Br. 2 2 Br. Bay view. Close Lo 2 Br unfum. $42.S. 2 Br. '••••oc!l!0 .. MKT••u Realtor. ~·~~~~·;~~:J. r:s .~~':~~ry~rthb~t; Wanted: Plant Lover For f Frpi~::cp. ia,t:s~r ~1~'.J~~.' 3·1. =~546.~~ Call MO HOMES POOLHOME Karen. amenities. No pets. Fum Studio IFlXER oa1 · ...::;:.:;..::.::....:.:..:.:.::~:::.;;.:.-- \1 mi pvCIX:h. 24 hr 3BR Fm home Bk Bay $1200/ mo + S 1200 UPPER) + Utll S200 642-5465 2bdrm. 2ba '" a pt, E. 9osta Mesa Bachelor secunty, lots of coves & ~trmCallSuunne Newport Hlbts s Bd. Security +S200 cleaning. llo.541·7576 a.ch. apt. No stove, 100· wasber/~er. S6001mo. 111Ut.no~J:01mo. rocks. 2Br. adlts only. 67S-344Sagnl Cod den ame Call Ron 213/924-7196 . fl from ocean. S3SO mo. 709i., Heliotrope Ave. I · · only-no dop. 4 to choose ~ 3 ca~ gar• k + dally, 7141492•9763 eves Mewlott1Y= MZ·79UI after S. MU400. I UJStairs 2 br apt. encl. ~:5°to siooo. m4 > ~~ ~ba~:/1~•::.~ sq ft. walk to hi:sch.ool. h'k:nds. Two~is courts. Laraie lBR. Util pd. Spot· Sfi60 Mo. Lrc 2BR. IBA. :ftr!!e. =~°f· Call OceanView.675-2967 Mar JO lease option. S..AM 1210 s wimminc pool. Jae . 1esa Quiet M.50 2421 £ Aull Im med . N0 1 • ..,,m. - 28R. H'IBA. r~lc, View. -"-'...:..;;;;;;;......;..;__....;_ ___ , Cal Diana. •Cl 63H266 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• sauna. Hn.d volleyball. 1~ St. 545_.718: PETS. Carport. 5S9·926S • 2 B r 1 8 a N r New Carpel. Ider Cot· 2bd/S500. Share 4bd/2ba 4 Br. 2 Ba Dining rm. billi1r<t Sorry. no pets. 1776 So. of Hwy. 2 BR 1 Ba. S.C.Plaza, very clean tage. 9895 Mo. 675-0349 14YflOMT bee Penn pt hoUJe/yard 2000 sq rt. Nt'wly re· 1395. 63S W. Baker. S.a...• clean. attract , beam S.SS0.646-4667. Pierand sliplorlarce w /prof wm&dau . deconted. S7SO/mo. SS7-007S ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.lp. Pool. Avl S650. 3BR. ZBA. Pantal Ocean View House. Close to Bch.•1460 2 bdrm $800. No steps. ocean view 905 Temple Terrace. 494-0154 boat. Furnished six S3&--0370 97M423.S46.Q4. g ~ .. • ~740 2 Br. 1~ Ba . walk to 7sz,5065 •Spacious lbr. poolside bedrooms. rive b1Lbs, •--r• ec ~ beech. 225 L1 Paloma. New I y d e c o r , dining room and den. OC·RENTALS 4bdrm. 2ba. lrg home. re· ...................... Apt. B. "50. 637-7918. DPLX 4 bib ui bch. 2Br. landscaped garden apt. Tennia courts and l·Sbr's S200toS2000 modeled. earthtonu. H.• 'sFIMEST prage, wshr/dryr, SS3S No pets $340. Agent bucbes. Short term or 7S0.3314 7-da)'s .O/im. +_last+ S3SO ~F.alaleLivang! s.t.AM 3710 rm.7etH3S6 541-41127or731.Ql29. years lease. SSSOO 1«.67J..999. 549'2515· BealAlful park-like sur· •••••••••••••••••··~··• l br. Adults, no pets. 717 rronth. Broker,631 7300 THlaUFH ...... ~or roundin1s Terraced 2 bdrm condo, bit ins. c:.e.MIM 1124 W.18lh St. llD, SJSO/mo. &..flMHlptl J252i•--------i C:WC.Pr rti !hf! I h d 3300 pool. Sunken &as bbq . part furn. pool, cony ....................... ~1926 •• .. •••••••••• .. ••••••• .,. Ml -•••a• ltllgl t ·ns transp shops secure 1a211Jll. __ ....;_ ____ _ Niguel Qiunll")! Club, lux· DOVa SHOlf S v.-& AYlllllMe ••••••••••••••••••••••• spar -n oun 11 quiet, (arport. Pvt pauo: Newly decor'. Gas pd. USO l Ir. 2 le. uricM.-2 Br. 2 Ba. lake Nr. new. bdrm ram Best bay vif-w. custom M CAMYOM Spa c I 0 u ~ .r 0 0 ms . p end car. d/washer. p~~ no pets Rears c view condo on coll srmec.luhdoe~d Wlnesqlucile1. ft1 townhome , spacious 3 bcfr;Di, 2\it~b~. pool 1nd ~Pr:'~ duui: !rte:. 541·5002 pool, bbQ. Adults. no Plw.s.s.9908. . . , · ay All ·-n1'tles 1 (2300 .... rt.) 2 bdrm ltMll, secunty. 11100 a · n c 1 • -'• 80·5073 urw · ..._ · Grove. Fonnaldln. rm .. aultes + f1mlly rm. mo7804!83 homelike kitchen "Se.AL...-l716 cw· · Roomy 3 Br. TOWlllioust ~~:i\s~~~.rn. library w/brick fplc. massive Uv. rm .. form. cabiDtt;!:.!_alk lo Hunt-•••••.•••••••••••••••••• INSTANT IM! £ quiet adult com· tiuce ram. kitchen. Pool D.R .. pvt courtyard. C di 11 I lnalon._...,r. La&une Beech, be1ut. $365/mo . I Br. 1 Ba. · Newly decorated. AT B!ACH-"SHORES" 61pa.SZ.500/Mo. bl ghly upgraded. Uset.-htrd 3425 1 Bdrm,fum.1485 tum .. suite 2 BR. spa. Adults only. eacls d ace, enclsd patio.& neMr •Br. fam rm + w... M. T--'-Co. UM>O/mo. ....................... No Pell. sauna, satellite TV, 1araae, wuber book-up, ~1e. Adults only. din rm, belled pool, new Realtol\ -r74H910 Beaut. 2bdrm condo, Utilities Frtt! maid aerv. ssoo wk . 111110 yard. Call for , no pets. ts7S Mo. spa. Wik to bch, tennia1 ..;...;""-'-"------1 100% location, endless prime S.C. Pina toe. 114.-2ZZ7 appt, 1145-3311 call btw119-5:30. l&UDIS. Inside guardea I• ~~y 0 M view ol gorJeous waterfal11, 1tream1. LAQUINTAHERWOSA n;t.MGMT 64.2-1603 ~~3 B p I R P •a comm •1100 mo --from lh11 v•a; 'fia~ol •1001mo I .. •-Im• ,...,,.. r. 00 • ec rm. -· • · .,.,.._ "' • · • · JQU Parltaide Lg, 1 b" "'"fij'"e ,1..., · bOO oil lit Mo. Rent. Utila J>•ld. Walk So (213) ltf.1613 dy1 , or 3 Br. •I 10 course private 3 bdrm. 2 bat ( 14 9019; 175•0540. w ol Bea h 3 bits s of -.. _.. SiNldoul B Ba PIS PI ea <n •>•S030eves. view, tennia, pool. s pa, (aD new Interior> l alory r..cimae c • . ...... ; .. •••••••••••••• 3llr. I~~ r, 1 L . Cout au. LI collect The...:....:..;.;.Shorel ___ -3-BR-.-2-B-A-.' ~e. 11300. 644·7424 bome.SllOO/mo. 2~1~1'i ~ec ;47·1 41 ._,... J102 ~i~~poOi.s::.tJeun· mBrrm-.Ba. l f "-ea.n v u. Pool. ~a. ...... r 1'1 · • t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 arce ront • "" ~ce end uru'\. Lovely ac " aec. aa ea, no 1-a...--!A.. J7• M9 OC~CY! yard. Refri-. Oran1e ~ua. Teen la. P· ...._...., tt-bd pets l5IO PP 998-3952 -.---B ·~ anca. Guard Ga~. 8111.'U 4 Br. 2\t ~.:-Ju.st v\ata, 2 story. 3 rm. · · · · -•••••••• .. ••••• .. •• PITS/ml Oil .,..,, 2 r. 1 a . Ave. a75/mo. m.1~. llo. 9'70.7740 After redecorated, cloae to 2~ bet.II with brand oew New <.'Ondo, Irv. LI 2 br, Lmuiy lludio spa. TV. AP'fS:llSIS=CONDos Adulu, pool, beamed Be utlhal 2 Br 2 Ba Stwtmd' _......a ._ ,.1300 crpt, paint, drapes. 1~ be frplc poOl/jac · ild · ' ....,. et Lllt/aDareu prices ceiJia& laundry room a · · 1 ~ • .Jllrk. • Irr». SU00/111>. uaodatioa due• Incl.: =:.w11".;;n .....,a • P5t. G • -.u No peta. No last mo: •t•. C.rpeu. dia-........... H67 aachadiDI 1ardener . "'75/mo Call after I -. . war. nm. bwaaber, Avail. 3-1. ........... •••••••••••• •1115. Former model bome. lf7•1 119111 J16t T!ILMGllT MZ-leol m.DS. HOMES POI IEHT •r.; be, fp. sunded:z Dramatic floor plu, S.C Plau/S.A 18r Iba. _................... P • •• •t7 • a Br. CGOdo nr s.c. Newer I Br. patio • 3 Bdnlll . .-,S. reaced d ... lei. by N'wp'1 IPlit·~ bdrrn • .,:: ....... lllO 1Br 2 NTl 6 4 I r. •-••••••••• .. Plua SA Pool ~pa 1ara1e. No pet1 . )' .... .....,.. .• u•• vi •. flH/mo. 1/1. bllll • lteft ·~be 9175. Poo11,' 1paa, A•all. "1Dter. Wffldy/ OCltlROMT .... me. . .• , •. ~. c;..weko•. 545-2000. C!ll;l·TJl.5194. · • .,. extru . No '"· lll!!ll!IJ.m.ma. 2 ......-. Z-fi•tht new 541-lmorl41·14.0 IMSTAMTIN _,aof•. 1BI llWP'PS. Spac • Afll'T..-Z Want 1ometblna lltra =:.~IJD::'!! Beaut. 1bdrm condo. "'1.5TlliD. ilk.-f~. Apt. Ml flrf.... JHf '-c. I 8R. lam rm, J WnD,2ba,arSo.Cout Otdal In a 2 Br. Art,175o1080. JlriD S.C. Pina toe. Frpk, ~rti..laundry -•••••••••••••••••• .. 2~ be bome •Ille ewl. Plua. •· Adulu only. ~1.. completely Waterfa ll•. 1tream1. raom. 9-t ol. l\eal sun· Harbor Rki1e leaae. 4 Br, Delio. Non-1moker pref. I •Un hn. •· •o. 7IO-tll7. Nu2• J8R, 2BA. yearlY. spa, JHIOI. 1100/mo . IV· Tbie one wont lut. -J Ba,D.R.,F.R.,atudy. Mo pet&. USO /mo. 1 Ov I .. ,_ N ort Frplc,blt·inl,1.ar,parl· <TI.4>1'1M01t·l75-G540 'niLll&mt.M>Nl2. = upf:.acled, fab vu, m..m1 j llr In Sant.a AAa, eew er oo ..... a ewp In&. Cloae to bay le • · . · ia .pool/teuil, 1 Br. 1 a.. Newport cwpet.$UOmo.+uUI. Bay. 28Rt ~~AT, Lr11 oceen.Br\rl7Mtl2. Cute I Br w /yard. 141-llOZ PatJo, Poo1 • enn •· • , !altllde. SJOO/mo, no /rm. Bob or Do•I• IWPtl. Very private, 1 BrGll .U. St SWO llo Loe& or Sllort Lar 1• 2 Br. l Ba . ft£& tft • I kik bell. 752-2117 btwn .a 151-1221 f::if:.· near uoaa. BaJf.rtllrtdocL:imo wm.l4Ml&O f:'•·aa~ri1~~.; • N.Nof!!!. PllYATIPdl Nr.Udo. ... SBr .... .ao filll~OI -.... ~•• •Mw, ......... Sauae .... -~apta . ..:.._=.;..r:;::;te:.:_.6_1_pe_cloul-3 ,. --UdD ... BR 3 Ba. 80 " A T t:. r R 0 N T Am~OOI ·= to ..... Nicely ...... ...... r.;:w-..r:1;, '•t = ... C11b. roftred .2~~.... "''· Avail lmmd. HalllS Ult/alarw,pdcea. ,. , I ~ ..... n•a •.11t.lut~• .. lllld.Jlte-· I Wlpr .. •TSmo. No pet1. J oh. ast 1-. ••u:......, m ,i• •r..o..r. --auU aow to C/I. -.•.•Hard1al8t. t a11A. · • • ._. +Me..Nopltl. •·• If· ••·•"m mm1 w . ._ •·-~1111 .... .. ... *f ' , .. ..._ · *falmldt...... .... 40HY .......... 4JH ...... -. 4300 ..... Olt ~··········· ....................................................................................................................... ~······ ............................................. . ,C..MIM JH4 INlli ... ... ......... •6t lts1ft... J16t Wortiu fem IMO.~ OCEANPIONT26 4 Br. ZBRA&Jt Rap, SUai*. r. lbart J8r lloae la • ........ ••••••••••••••• •••• .. ••••••• -••• ... • .. •••••••• ....................... IA belt. N.8' .• llllfuni., Avail. Winter. Weekly I Noa·Smli:r. ii /F. lb; C.•. w/P. SJ.II mo. + \; lU. F.ubide. Beamed 2 Br 1 ba, ar Hunt. Hrbr. ,. ...... , f72S/mo. I Br. 2 la. ..-lllDkr. sza. f75-170S ~. 111-7178. . ::: Spectacular Wbt ~ + dep. clays Sandy ~~·Yrd. $17$ fttd ..,, WI~. DO 11'1 .,....., ... r. Newport aft.4. •• _,..,bdrm coado. h!!!! ~-~~o· ::;=· UH Nancy pdlM50/mo. lit/wt t ~ SMrH area. !nelsd Pin rm for rent in •'110/Diillt .,'ii· · ' Tri·Plu . 28R, 28A, ••.IC--W•lmlll• ~bakoQ.&abmlt N..e~port USO/mo , •5JOt Female: Claarm. ial 2 Br. EndaledGara1e. Laun· -.ull81. llA ~llG~6)1ft1"21'03 fem11tPAi. "5-344111 aft. 4Jff FSbrHMw/2 Brothen. Cdll apt. with Crplc. dry, Betc:ooy. "100 Mo. 1-mne~ bucb, frplc. COUMl'IY CLUI · s. ......... Noo-Smli:r. SllO+.Cindy71MZSS 2271 P 1 me I a La H · e a c I 1 d I a r a g e • 1 -...... IM MIWPOIT CllST ....................... 1'1'3-11111 3rd rooma11te to ahr coo· MMm dlllwaMr, blt·inl,amolle .,.,.... Lawary lbdrm, 2~ batll PVT. ENT I BA · For frllll f . do in N 8 1ZOO b lBr.PG.ltv/ref/pool alann.1.:~lcoey. Water MIWPOIT CODdo. Wet bar, fr]>le, quiet-oo the (O L'°'· rUMU ~~~ tJ:. ~~: utll~ + s r mw. a.! S.·9516 r:!Jr· Beron IPM. llACH = ~e!!i•. ~lu1tom ;l'~ refs. u . .MllllJ( Sele. SZ3'1.50. Nl-7583 Aft Prof. penon to shr quiet Aduhc:om~s.nopets. · • ... ,... •• paper. _,. sPM twnble. HB. Matr ste, 1 • 2Br. lBa, beautiful, 1 Br. frplt;;.Uoi wlk·in AIJ ad"1t community 00 ~= Eves 6 Flar~SM ea"M11 'A1210· WH"(ll. Roommatewanled ·, Male pool, Jae, sauna. Non· -clmet.a, • aalt lvnc the Baell: Bay. Spec· · .__ or n1wer Ml _ .. :'·~:!1.f!~·~nmtryo. "50."2• tacwar Spaf 1 swim· ~tobeadt3bdrm,2 UU."2-4300 Tosbate3bedroomMls· over 21, $360/mo. ullls auarW-722l,l1·5. Qub.S..·1131 · _,,_.,I lahledten-bl duplex. ll50mo year· Nwpt. Bdl. bouae priv slcln Yaejo house. Full pd. Cdll. Avail 3•L all Fem ahr bcb hie. San 21Jr, lbe. duplex doll hie. nil UIUIU, bib trails, 1y lew. 5S7.a8$ DOD•amkr, furn, D001mo' Driviltt:el. GOO iachid· SPMl7~l72l Clememe. S2IO mo. + \'a •llAU11fUL.• ba.cli: yrd. 5ar • new p ult In 1 1 re en . WfATaJllOMT 631-'72U Uic utlli\les. Ask for Rmmle wanted, male ~l. Ch.ild7 Employed. 1 BCl>ool: faundr(· peinl. crpl.t, :·MIS. Bachelors. t and 21 WITHIDOCI Mike al 770-7921 or over 35, empl'd, quiet, 4112·730 evs/wknds balcony. stove, rr I lmNewman. ·1511 bedrooms apartments, 0 _ 1 _, B Newport apt. lo empl ~1200.ut.34.. li.beral.La1Bcb4'4..Qll MH9Cdy! avail. 1315, Watert,ua. WALK TO BEACH: IDd townc;:: from~• wee 2 r 2 Ba lld:y. Li&bt bHbkl prlv. ...;..;;.;:.=:.:_:i~----pDS. BedL stove " rtfri e ~to S1000 monlb w/spa in mslr Ba. bll·in Pvt BR' BA. $41-4077 Prol Shr 28R, 2BA CdM fermle to shr w /same. Shr 2 br condo, Fairview 14SEutlllh. M5·210I Gas & water pafd· ODJam Al ldtcb,. frplc. d~J. car A ail M h I l R HlelBlltfrBcb. f Pref. tum. nr Orange Coast & Se1entrom, tennis . ......,. · San Joeql.i.n Hills Road 11e + 2 1dd1llonal v art s · oom. 561-5.111, 675·Ml9 Eves Co!lgen/smi 545.4009 pool, etc. $300/mo. E/Side, lie, brlgbl 2 BR. -trtt>.531-7'19 (77114 ,..._ ... ltOO itr·1t1P.ces.1l300. Balb, Garage, Pool. 540-34921754"464 1..., be fDIA h s:soo ,_. JOtcbm Priv ~ NBprol. malewilJsbr l&e Wort.In& woman lo share • .-. pore · ..... Jl44 NO ,.,.,.E C il.,...,W... . Harbor View home l'llY house near ocean. M pref. 25+, non1moke, mo.~ ••-.. • .. ••••••••••••• ra:. !Apt.• oodo 875-if73 · 17$~i0Cdltpvl. entran-w/adult 30+ 1315, w/aame.CdMS400plua ihr2brhouselnC.M.l.st E/Side 2 BR lP,I, ea nso 2bdnn. lba. ale. condo, rtftlall. ViUa Rentals. · ce/gardtn patio. Furn. 1eo.1m2 ...,uW. 120-1u. " last + cine dep. 1q,ft. twnbme, 2 yrs old. by strearft, adults, no l'1S-tll2 Broker. 2br, 2 be. ear .. pool, sun-Be a med c e i Ii n g . • SOJ/im. Steve631..o650 •tmo.5N·OIS3 pets. 9550/IDO. Avall 4/1. ~· dilhwuher. $650. lll/nite. Microwave • Prof. M/f over 30 to Student needs same. own ....;..;..~=.;....;.;;.;;....;..;;.;;.;_ __ , S5J-3119. Avail.Mar.S. remg. Avail 3/1. Quiet. 1b1re 2 Br. 2 Ba . bath. Baell: Bay C.M. Busine:sa man w/1br 2br 2 Br. 1..., Ba. T~wnhouae1 OM~lff.1 1'1'3-2287/14&-2992 resp. non-1mkr. Gar Newport Beach Condo. M/F. Nice place 1250 2ba del~x apt w/pool garadceN. p1t1ot, s1m5a101 W.-IHdt J141 ~.tJrm.01 ba:~~ VERSAILLES ~ .. IJt/lut/dep. S3(IO S295 lncl ds ullls. cm.7~ C!50.orf1cd31-0115 ~ 0 pe s. · •••QCiAM•FiQ;n•••• loat.ed dirtttly acro11 2br. 2ba. frplc, ocean inclutila.7»-1363. M-7312. Privaey•falrrent! RaunUtosbtoceanfroot · Moitt~lantapartmenl fromdlelleubenE.Lee. view,9170.MZ-1149 ~-furn. bdrm. LR Ir Shrlr&luxhomew/prof. Roommate t o shr hff.N.B.S350mo.Fum. DLX 2Br. 3Ba Condo, building in Lacuna Just remodeled with VILLA BALBOA Bath All util incl. Meu person. 111., last & dep. twnhse In C.M. $300. Pauline646·19'5 £rple, pr, lndry. pool, Beach. finest location ill new carpetla&, drapes, 2 br, 2 ba, (rplc, micro. Verdt.C.M.556-W3 Dl5m> . .,..79 ~722 h:l!.t paUol'700 mo. 644-9908 B b .. · kitchen cabinets • ap-ba · town. real ta.in& pllances. This upitaln l/c, Ottan • Y view Beauty, quiet, pnvacy, M/F to share 2 Bdrm. nu fw 4350 Mesa Verde, 2br, new views. All blt·inl. healed unit la lodes fi I 9!06CU149 ldt.. priv. for emp. non· ROOMM •y condo 1265 inc Ida ulil. El •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• crpt, drps. pnt. Quiet pool, subt. &•rage. mlrrorc-A bda ireplacet. '-lBr+A-.. vrl" '""""· smltr,etc ......... E. Bluff, A E Toro. Robert 557.0977 ~e carCJaraf:s, full ....... cuJ.A-.11c, no -ts. elevator. Lease onlv. "" rm c ose _.. ..., ·• , ,,,...,., ....., J( -.. ..., ""' ..-_,. "-..-Clltr o' doors" a specious deelt AdJts, pool. encl gar. NB6"-031111 Fl.._.DERS wkdys. as&-8051 wknds Ir ~. • trno. k15.•l.9M.9116-l46S -•up._, r. overlooklnc the bay. 5'501J /I " eves. ~1 . ......... CPYJ?"•· ~. SlltlOmonlh.Utilitiesin· newcpts. last + RmmlwanledtoshrZBR Oldest•larantagency. _c..;.;:..::.::..:.;;.;.. ____ _ • -•"" SllO lee. ALSO Bachelor Apt. CM area. $275 Mo. All clients scrttMd with Will •h•re 3 bd m 2 ba in Soeciou1 E. Apts. Oceanfront l Br.+ Oen, duded. For appt. call 1215/yrly.640-5078 Joel util. Call Steffie ~lrreferencea. Cost1'1 Me!a' near AlfOIDAILI ~cl(ar,pallo.dshw1hr ~le. leaded windows. (710720-2473. Mon·Frl ~~o· -•-5·30••""1,.... :"-mo1pouU1tan ••-•y •stove. Most util free. Single prehrred. 8-SPM. , __ 1 "'r1t Al\CJ' · _..,,.. GoodM~gAmtrica. Airport. S2SO + ~ util. -A-Nol)tU. 925/mo.~SQI. --ro sttu )' Clwming NB home , incl ............ .,.._ M\-2$.17 can be yours wilb t.BR. l Person S42S bide. Yiew of Cata.Una. pti gar lndry ba Non· ·-aomorrow ~..,w. F hr r hundreds or homes lo 1BR:2Penons S460 tll:,.rtlMdl Jl'9 ~~ ~~ U~~;..S2po1 Et· tliO ~· ... 9-6J:l,.1,! .1..12 5; smkr. 0refs . $a25 mo. ;~~bi,~!1pl:ce: ~1mom~5~r p'!r.·J.~: c1boose from in the, Z123EldenAve.CM •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ,,.__ _ .... ,,...,.,. -eves.w ....... _..,,.._. s:t)-41158 · (213)925·8322 <wtdya c asslfied columns o 142.7905 ~A.YI tetbSt.l45-47l8 S.a1 ,... 3176 ri HIWPOIT '4l0 ltff t.51 the DaUy Pilot. -P.W ~•z• z Br2 a.. (rplc, aarace. S..c. 1or2 br apt.s, l mi .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Ldsp olk P vacyoJ. -COCUecte --------1 _______ ....... .,._ _____ _ --1525/moyrty.S.-54182 rrom beach. No pet~. SAMa.IMIHTI ar area o1 a Ml' F h "*'"11.,..u1' Cl~1l .il -f)-C. be.• ~ .. • ....................... 3bdnn 2b d I \; 142-2357 Golf course/hlll view 2 Mesa. TV " p ool. a ure s r W/111114! v~ l'~ <b P<r;J -Si.,er neat. amall l Br. • a up u . bedtoom apt B ·it.bi beautiful balb. Prefer ~ 3 br; 2 ba CdM a.4 lot Cl&• a. POUMI ---- VIJla with courtyard. blocltto~ FantastkOcn frtvu! carpets. d·ra:u . '2 Female No Smokers. •m~bao~~~rbr • .__ '"""""' .. CJUlft, no ~· $115 un· ~~~~~ce rms. encloled carports, laun· 1225/mo. 548·2733· '-..,......., _. tie. ~ um.493-0803, Udo8ayfroat,2br,2ba. dryfaclllty.Twoadults. Ocean view bdrm. ror M/F -3 BR Park low to tor .. 10.,_.._d> . .....~lY~..:!'!•5ufl. Sles:-Ba fto bel ac,b. 2 Br.llt\'a NoAvaila~bl· ~ modi~l~~ste. rent until '" after> Na1~a l~nTnbn~eu. t~clk/ I H 0 CV U A I ~. 2 Br. ocean view. uc.rn.'Vr.,,IM'-• mo. · rpc. mmacuae eimme •~Y August in lovely S . .?:''~ · · /!!!'4h-...i::V'~J11r1 bakony, fUl&e. clean 673"1.Z83or675-35Sl. cond. •· 673-2507 All Owner !710642-0138. Laguna private com · y. Jan 7S9-0048 I' I' I I I • · 3tC ''A' Cordova Dr. BIG lBR, w/Ocean Vu. Specious3 BR 2 Ba, fplc, Adult Studio. Stove, munily. (Ocean side). ftA>sbare w/M·F, Super · · · · · I 213/402-211157 (collect) Qilf Havea Area. $600 decks, gar.*°· re:fri&. util.1245 mo. Ut.e cooking & laundry clean weU iocaled N .B. I s A l E E I II M rt• INd 3140 RicltW.1T14,&42·72114 173-IOIOa&ent IS25movein 492·0180 priv. Single resp: adult condoll75mo.175-9'43 i-. -,-1-1-l__,;;l--i ; r ,..... IHdl J140 2 b anly.12'15/mo. Ml 5NI. ZiOO sq ft condo lo shr. I~ . . . . . ·r~~=.~~~·:•u•••,••••••2•3• --llu•-•IHdl J14o ...,r. near •. olcean . S II r rms on b aa utlfu l ... .__.. num.l·· ........... ••••••••••• ....... •••••••••••••••• .. ,5/Jll).lst. 1.stmo. ma urn. room . " '"z! Bdrm. AJ>ll. Gym. 332 Q,dno Ln, S.C. See Lacuna Canyon. 150 per Greeablt • view of the I N A H E V • "11111• my new Oki ftiend IO Jacl&ni. Sauna, pool, K bunk t? Manyer in Apt. tC. wet. <Sl50. i.n advance 111.y, w/poob. 557.7113 o .... -1-1-r-I--' m'"'11.. r" oot 11e11 a mind 10 leDDil, YOlleyball. enne por , ..._. SC .. ''= required).Sin&lepenoa MtG.11 _......_._......_._,__..._ _ _...__ ~ getmMri«l.'"commtnledlM bleketbalJ, game room. . . ...-. onfY.•1·5149. ,.~ ..... -d•vou1 bachelor. "Wall," HMnt. Bcb. Ml-Ol19 Wasn't she the biologist who won l bdrm, stove. Cl ls. --t i. I G T u y , ,.,,11~ Illa friend, "lhal'I all -=='-::.;;;;;;:...;..;~;.;;.:...c· __ ,111 avall Yeb21. 1370 mo. Lqlaa Lrg Furn Room. 2 BR 2 Be, 2 dttlts, fplc. ------· •. 28R. ZBA. Mint. Nr The Nobel Prize for Medicine In 'f!IR •HM4 aftl:30 Pvt Ba. LlfteOl.IZ4S Mo. WtD,D.30 mo.+ \'I ulil. I' I I I r • ~ :-.... ~ ·.:: 8cll. Bell Area. No Pets. ~f'Y"\~ lit. Lut. •5550 lit. llll + clep. req 'd.. . • . . • _ ~ ......, i.-"" No. 1 bolow l33-m7 lf.2.1319 ...:.--..::...;1 kl'-=-'" -:.J S...• lllO Must be empld, have • .. ................... In Newport~. Prv. Ba refs. 'J5l..Oll5I ; ~1o.~~ "'rbANSWU.'!r=,~:..s nJw f f ~r I' f I' 1. •*MIW•• lf)'OU~":.i~""~~=~ c=~~rs:;~ ~Ff'-ay.~1~:i.~mok· M1F pro1. to sbr 2 Br =:..:=..==: .... = .. -· •• -= : d . .AS~* l<lnnytlUnkportlsontofl4cistinctiwly pm..enelyard a/c bit;............ 41H boweCdll.A.1UorJohn Mltanenled apJ different aplftment tloorJ>lan$ at Seawfncl VIiiage U111 Cr]>lt1/drpi, fj.plc, ....................... 173-.JUlorN0-5511 dya 28edroom lnu...--a.cJ\.SllwlndWl-luresult klas/peta ol:. 1595 . ~··MOT& Kale nnmte to shr Jbr SC1•M-UTSAelw~ .. Cl111Nh1lh IOIO 2blbfromocean ""'™'.,,.....' ·--...Z. ratall now avail. to. lo Irvine w/2 pro- peddkteanis cts of toQ19 penondiedp1ofalionll pllnnlno. ,.. lift 11 • up. Color TV. fnaional1. Avail 3/l. ~1 bakoain or btyard Tht ldncl of attention~ dlserw. ·-••••••••••••••••••• Phones · 11 room . 2274 551.Jl.51; 551•1. ,. 111..ui!':':!ptelec ~~:w:=~~~QU!et ~2~.~~~1~ ::_7~rt Blvd. CM. F~l·.cip:~~ • AlluU·=are, HB po005. c.oolld by llll\nl ocan breezes. Add to AlbMe. A(ltC. '40-$071 Oa the beach. bole I Bil. •· + Dep. CM . • ....... · (71') 518-4400 that tennis courts. swimming pools. 1jlcuui Ind roums, kltebeneue • _'4_1..-______ 1 ,.,,., __ • IVlfj I COIMflient locltion nur ~ nl ~ .. l~~.::cu:· F Rmmt 8'r 288, 2BA -ar a. II .,._._ M'7S. _,_ llld ""'''wt""*•,.._ --wou1c1 ....................... '1 •eo• t. H rt. tunt. apt. Lapu kll. _. "'".,....,,"""'" ,.,.. v-...-. -·,....-WIML A8h Oceanfron , ewpo ae.. Vutwrrwe. l305 ::.r:.eJ.~atto. ptouelytilll homt.(E* Kennybunkpof1J) f\ani .-::=n T bdrm Btada.'7Mut. +..U.4M-tt• ··~-. ao., *· fttsb as new. One and two bedroom. one Ind two blth apt. All ~d. A II ..._..... 4ZH Prof.•+ •r new Jbr 2 l'll/frSI( I,.,. lmdrat.l500. -~fromS480 lllltlllttiel. lt. llAUJ .i::i•••••••,;•• i. .._, a ml. to 'SC ·~ o. ....,. .._ 40M oee.itront ~tr !net:: Plm.ftJ . ._,._.,,., tlSS " ... .....,.. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• P15 wt/'800 mo· 2 br. Prof. to ••~ ~/llllM -0 WALK TO BEACH: 1 Br. "' .,._ Llalma Beach llotor Inn. 1315 wli: /SUOO m 0 • havnoul 2 Br. t.ri·level stove 6 r • fr l & e . ti& No. Pacific Coast 157-3111 con d o w f v I t w fl 1175/mo,S»-mt. t55S5ltllung110n Vlllgtl.n ~BNOl.CA ""'! La1uaa Beacb. Pala~pare~(lloa aanittn. See lo ap. ,, TOMrl Zbdrm, l~ba,2•~ coa• (7t•) __......,.1 • W.-i,, Kitchen •-) _....... BR 2· PNdaW. Harbor Kaoll. ""' d pool _......., ava able. Low whl&er -~ -•· ,.._ ...., /w, • P vaey1 , __ c-,_,_.....__on........... _._ -.. .. -.. • f•ra. w/atrlum. ---·---------• petlo ee~I .. 1ar, •I• '"'"u·-·-·--"'""'""u' _.,.., , _ _._. Goit waala. DallJ, ,.._..lo alllan 9'ce I lloolll:ap . UH /•o. ~--onW'aldlntos.:MdWllgt. N. 111. • umlllal or :I'....., rates Wrm llome w/ume Ima:..,.... •'d11: ~.....,..·•~ tOAM 'llllMk. drtaldM. qalet •over nai . Tlt·Hl·IOOl • lltllut. CaU aft ,............ .., ... ....., ...... .,.. ...,..,.1 ... -