HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-24 - Orange Coast Pilot:. fJCl study would curtail police deadly force 8y JOl:L C. DON O{ ... OelfW,.... ... Police use ot unwarramted deadly forco could be curtailed If law enforcement agencies provided better lralnln(J, more information on leaal and moral lsaues and closely monitored the shoot.Ina hlstory of individual police officers. according to UC Irvine study. The two.year research project also calls for mandatory Interviews with a 1psychologist for officers Involved In shoottn1 incidents. special groups to help ease friction between police and the community, public-policy statements on a police department's rules for use or deadly force and revised instructional formats to help reduce a police officer's paranoia or unreallstic perception of the dangers of fieldwork . The $361,000 project was funded by the National Institute of Justice. DRAIGI CllST . The study, which focused on 14 municipal police departments throughout the U.S., was conducted by Dr Arnold Binder, professor ot social ecology. Also puticipatlng ln the research were former UCl faculty members Peter Scharf and Ray Galvin. The clUe of Newark, N.J ., Blrmtnahaay. Ala .. Mlllmi and Oakland were singled out fdr speclal ln·depth investigation. Research team members conducted personal Interviews, followed police officers into the field and had access lo revealing internal affairs reports in those cities. Contrary to popular beliefs. the 1,800-page report found little evidence that police departments fostered "trigger happy" officers. And in wake of the 1979 Eulia Love slaying In Los Angeles and other unnecessary police · · ·-··.WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,-1982 · . · shooting Incidents, research~n found racial bias plays lltUe role In shoot.tn1 of membeu or varlou minority groups. Binder noted that about 20 percent of the U.S. population ls black. But about 80 percent or police shoolini victims are black. "Some orsanlzatlons have said that's prima facle evidence of dlscrlmlnaUon," Binder Hid In an Interview. "But we found something that compllcates that interpretation. If you look at the violent crime you'll fipd that 80 percent or the arrests are black. Ir you put that Into your conceptual framework it's not 'obvious that there is a racial bias." In Birmingham, for example, a black mayor was elected soon after an innocent black woman was mis takenly shot and killed by police. The mayor immediately instituted new restrictive policies on the use of deadly force "The v<>licc wtire very upset about the new pulley," Binder sold "But I had coffee with an Otflcer and he SUld 'I'm not IOlng tO l hOOt anybody.' The maJorlty of olrlcer11 are closer to him thun the ones who shoot and enjoy It. ··Police are n o t the cold, klllln1 mechanisms that they lh1nk they are. A number or omcen, for example, wet their pant.a durlna shooting Incidents. If their brain la soaked with adrenaJine they un'l operate very well. So you give them speclrlc rules such as if you see someone go into an alley you call for a back-up unit." Binder also emphas ized screenln& of police n :cruits to weed out individuals who may be more prone to use deadly force. But he said It Is Im possible lo eliminate all pote~lial officers who mav unnecessarily use their g°'- <See POLICE REPORT, Page AZ) • • * • • * . YIUR HlllTDll IAllY PIPIR ORANGE COUNTY.. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Birchers oust Schmitz · from unit Lawmaker's 'public statements? actions' hit in letter from society's founder By STEVE MITCHELL Of lh Dally ...... St.a" State Sen. John Schmitz has a sign hangi.Jig outside his office in Sacramento, just below his name. It reads , "De·chair ed and disassociated." The controversial Corona del Mar lawmaker now can add anot h er word to the tongue-in-cheek plaque: .. De-Birched." "anti-Semitic." was relieved of a leadershjp post in the John Birch Society in a letter from society foundt>r Robert Welch dated Feb. 16. The letter read in part, "It is clear to practically everyone who has had any association with you that your public statements and actions are clearly based on what you believe fits best the political future of John Schmitz "As a result of this altitude and thinking," Welch wrote, "it is obvious that you are not very concerned about the effect that both your calcul ated and off·the·cuff statements might have on the society or its m em bersh.ip." Schmitz, who admits the furor over the statements will help his campaign for the U.S. Senate. has steadfastly stood by his remarks. T he press release followed a series of hearings on Schmitz' pro-life amendment. He termed abortion rights advocates attending those meetings as "les bians," "buU dykes." and "murderous marauders." And he described attorney Allred as a "sli ck butch lawyeress." That remark, among others, prompted Ms. Allred to file a $10 million libel s uit against the senator. The John Birch Society's seven -member executive committee has voted to remove Schmit z from its 30-m ember national council following remarks he made in a press statement last December. The news of the Birch committee ouster came on the same day the Senate Rules Committee reluctantly agreed to pick up legal costs in a $10 million libel s uit filed by feminist attorney Gloria Allred objecting to the same remarks. McDonald's offer: mnney for release Regarding the Birc h council ouster, Schmitz aide Brad ·E vans said he believes the action wa s due to "the anti-Semitic stuff what they cons ider to be anti-Semitic s tuff." Schmitz, reprimanded by the Senate last month for issuing the press release that critics termed The lawyer for jailed financier Ralph W. McDonald says that $8 million in Golden Eagle Investment Co. funds -which prosecutors allege cannot be accounted for will be returned to investors if McDonald is allowed to go free. WHAT A WHEELIE Truck driver Jim Madej of Michigan had a few problem s when passing through Corona del Mar. The trucker. hauling a load of steel to Huntington Beach. unhooked his trailer on East Coast Highway to go get some However, an Orange County Super ior Court )udge Tuesday rejected new attempts by • McDonald's lawyers to reduce bail on the San Juan Caeistrano man from S2 million to $250,000. The S2 million bail had been <See BAIL, Page AZ) H e said Schmitz was "personally hurt" by the letter from Welch. "because for 20 years he's takep the heat for t hese bastards," adding Schmitz s tayed when other conservatives pulled out of the society "It was extremely unpopular (See SCHMITZ, Pate AZ) gasoline only to have the flatbed take a nose divt'. weighed down by 23.000 pounds of steel near the front. With the ht'IP of a Santa Ana tow firm. Madej got his wheels back on lht• ground Monday and continued on to Huntington Beach Female CHiPs strive for fitness BY JOHN NEEDHAM and musc ular endurance, • OtttieD4111Y,.. ... ...,. aerobics. swimming exercises, Womenjustaren'tcutlingitat calisthenics and proper the California Highway Patrol nutritional guidance. Academy. They are bright but At a ·news conference at his not brawny. s pa in Santa Ana Monday, But TV personality and LaLanne said the program is physical fitness pioneer Jack based on a successful exercise LaLanne wants to change part plan designed for the Los of lhaL Angeles Police Department's For the next s ix weeks, femalerecrults. women r ec ruits will b e "What we're going to do is ~rticipating In a workout build their strength,'' said the program that LaLanne deslped 67-year-old fitness buff, "and In to increase their upper body doina so m otivate them/lo strength and build up their remain ln shape." aerobic capacity. .. "We need law enforcement LaLanne. who be1an pJu1gtn1 officers who are in good physical the myriad benefits. of exercise shape and are a good example lo In 1936, bas donated the use of young people." LaLanne said. his health s pas to female CHP "U an officer ls ln good shape applicants. Recrult.t can attend she'll be of greater use to ber the Jpa nearest their home. • partner and in lhe/rocess have The exercise plan ls deslped more energy. An that saves to help women pass the physical lives." a1Ulty test.I requlred to enter Ken fti.Uin.pworth, chief of the the California Hl1hway Pa&rol CHP'a Border Divll!lon, which Academy. coven Orange, San ()iego, The program con1l1t1 of Jmperlal aod Eastern RlveraJde welaht tralnlng, c~rdk>·vaacular counties, said the pro1ra~ ~. } ~d should help in the recruiting of women. "We know that women can do the job," Killingsworth said. ·'The problem has been in finding those who can pass ·the physical training." He added that a 70 percent failure rate in physical tesUng of women Is not unusual. When that figure ls added to those who wash out for other reasons, only about five of every 100 women • are now 8'1iuatlng from thJ academy -abd becoming of· ncers, Killingsworth said. Iraq in appeal KUWAIT <AP) -Iraq joined the slx·nauon Gull Cooper1Uon Council In appealin1 to Tehran to end the 17 · m on th·old Iran-Iraq war "In a manner> re1pecUn1 the le&iUm ate r11bt.t o f botb lloalem nel1hbor states." ''Women can develop a greater aerobic capacity and bui Id upper body s trength through exerclse," he said. "By adopting this program I believe we wlU see a vast difference in the number or women patrol officers." Killing~worth said the CHP has a recruitment 1oal or hiring 60 percent wo'men and minorities over the next three years. or the 2,200 officers expected lo be hired, it is hoped 500 will be women. . The women recruits currently takin1 part in the 'physical training al Jack LaLanne's are scheduled to enter the California Highway Patrol Academy In Sacramento March 15. They will then receive 21 weeks or extensive ph)'slcal training as well as other lnatrucUon. Karen Tantalo. 24, of El T~1 on' of tbe CHP appllcanta, ll.ICI · women recruits a.re required to pull • tbemselv~ over a &-root waJf. , ' DMI, l'I ... _ __, ......... K- ASH WEDNESDAY F:.itht•r R<.1foel l.tlt'n.11111 of St .Joachim of Costa !\1 c•!-;J C'hUrC'h plac.·t•:-. <1sht·" un Deann:.i :\lorn:-.. l:L whill' AngC'I Kol <1r 1:{. ll'f'I and Chn:-. Crill~. 1-l. watt $10,000 awarded to Ediso1i athlete By PATRICK KENNEDY Of U.. 0•11, ,.. ... Si." Edison High School football player Jeff Was hington rs getting a $10,000 settlement from sc h ool orficials who had declared him ineligible for sports but were later overruled by an Orange County Superior Court Judge. Washington, who transferred to Edi son from nearby Huntinl!ton Beach High School . filed a $5 million lawsuit this year against trustees of the 'Onion Field' release ires OC prosecutor An Orange County defense attorney who fl rs t prosecuted J i m m y Le c S m-U h i n t he so-called "Onion Field" murder of a Los Angeles policeman says Smith should not have been set free but instead should have died in the state's gas chamber. Mars hall Schulman. who specializes in criminal defense in Santa Ana, said Smith was a calculating killer who murdered Los Angeles Police Department officer Ian Campbell "in cold blood" on March 9, 1963. Smith was released from Soledad Stale Prison Tuesday, d espite protest from Los Ange l es Cou nt y District Attorney John Van de Kamp. Schulman was the prosecutor In the first Los Angeles County trial In which Smith and Gregory Ulas Powell were convicted of kidnapping and murder In Campbell's death. Both men were originally sentenced to die In the aas chamber at San Quentin State Prison. On appeal . however. the convlcdons were overturned and the two men were tried separatt'ly. Smith was sentenced to Ure Imprisonment and Powell to (See FQED. Pate AZ> \) . Huntington Beach Union High School D1str1 ct because they had ruled him ineligible for football and most of the basketball season School trustees officially agreed to the payment at a pu bhc meeting Tuesday .night. However, last month Superior Court JudRe Thomas Crosby Jr. ove rruled lhe dist r ict di squalification because he said new eligibility rules had. been applied retroactive lo Was hington The $10.000 payment 1s an out-of-court settlement of the lawsuit "We believe Jeff was treated wrongly by thi:! district but the settlement is something we can live with," said Washington's attorney Stephen Berger. Washington. a junior. Is an all-around athlete who enrolled at Edison in the middle of the 1980 rootball season when he and hi s father moved to an apartment near the campus. <See EDISON, Pate A%) ORINGI COAST lllTHll Partly cloudy and hazy this ancmoon. Low clouds and fog late tonight and early Thursday morning. Mostly s unny Thursday afternoon. Highs today 62 to 69. Lows tonight 46 to S6 INSIDf TODAY Cluba to conuoluc.nr ho3pUC1U con wt oolwatterr. For . o . numbtr of WOJll tbot mdividvola may .o.m.t, '" "You Con Htlp" onP.ogt A9. 11011 ---t • • • • • • Otenge Coast DAIL V PILOTfVJednesday, February 24, 1982 (, ,,,,EAVESDROPPER The destroyer USS Caron ''"patrols the waters off the Gulf of Mexi<'o in •.• this 1977 file photo. A sister ship. the Dt·~o. 1-. APW ........... pat!'C?lling th<.• Pac ific off El Salvador. in a pos1t1on to on•rhl'CJr communication~ among gut>rnlla units in El Salvador . ' Wisely insists he arranged evidence Murder defendant Willie Ray Wisely. ending three days of testimony, has ins isted once ' again he arranged to have bogus ·· evidence used against him so he '•would be c harged in h is "stepfather's death to avoid trial ·on other charges in Los Angeles. ' Freq uentl y e x changing 'sarcastic remarks wlth prosecutor Ed Freeman. Wisely claimed Tuesday -as he bas in '"the past -that he gave ''incriminating information on 'himself to another jail inmate so ''Huntington Beach authorities · .. would charge him with truck ··driver Robert Bray's death lest , March. Kis h testifi ed that Wisely admitted lo him while both were inma tes at Los Angeles Cowity Jail that he arranged to kill his stepfather when the older man found out hjs truck was being used all egedly to smuggle drugs Asked by Freeman why he didn't tell Huntington Beach investigators of this "incredible tale" o f offering phony evidence , Wisely srud he mdn't think the police would care. The defendant, a 29-year-old ex-convict. has been acting as his own lawyer in the lengthy murder trial. SENTINEL Map indicatt>s the position when the t;nited States is sta tioning a destroyer ne1:tr strife-torn El Salvador. Bray's body was found pinned beneath the 2 ,000-pound . .,,,tilt-away cab of his 1975 ·! 1 n tern a ti on a 1 H a r vest er ,,tractor-trajler rig on Springdale Street. • Police at fi rst believed his , death .was accidental. They later , charged Wisely with the crime . based on information s upplied Sex club o_.dered to keep rioise down by jailhouse informanLs . Wi sely. who f aces the 'possibility of receiving the death '.penalty if he is convicted of '·first-degree murder and special ''circums tances. claim ed that :•.'even though he didn't kill his •s t e pfath er , h e want ed authorities to think he did for a ··short time to win delays in his ,. Los Angeles case. He is charged ''with robbing a Temple City antique store. • He testified that he expected · the murder charge to eventually ' be dismissed. Testifying against Wisely an • --late December was 1ailhouse :;informant Richard Kish, with j# whom Wisely said he made the ·~ deal to offer bogus evidence. :a jj Force feeding jl for Chapman? ,i MARCY, N.Y. <Al» -State , officials plan to ask a judge : Thursday for permission to I f 0 r c e --lee d Ma r k• Dav id : Chapman, fhe convicled killer of I former Be.U. Johrf Lennon. .. I A depo&lllon filed Tuesday by the stale attorney 1eneral's office lJf UUca srud c;;bapman. 28, had nil e.ten for 19 days. The ~ to the C!>urt was filed on ti.hilt.of Dr. Martin Von Holden , dinclor of t.he · Central New Yqrk .Psychiatric! Center here, where QaapmaD was sen( Feb. 10 m,m AtUca st• prison~ The hearing was scHduled at the psychiatric cenier-before Judge John Tunney. Santa Ana city officials have won a small. first-round court victory in their batUc against operators of a private sex club which stages orgies m a home on an otherwise quiet cul-de-sac. P endin g the outcom e of further city initiated nuisance hearings 1n Orange County Supc'rior Court next week, a judge on Tuesday ordered that the operators of the so-called Club Fantasy hold down the noise at their parties and stop annoying neighbors. Additionally, Judge Harmon Scoville imposed a ban against the operation of any hot tub or jacuzzi motors after 10 p.m. or before 9 a.m The house, located at 3622 S Ross St.. is owned by Clifford Robbins. Operators of the sex club were identified in court doc'1ments as Manuel Sanchez and Philip Perilman. Neighbors have complained that loud and boisterous parties h ave been held at the house since January 1981. And according to the s tatements o f neighbors contained in court documents. "loud and obnoxious noises and the running of a jacuzzi pump until 2:30 a.m ." have been a frequent occurrence at the hom e. The swinger parties usually occur during the late afternoons and Into the evenings. The city -at the request of neighbors - filed its lawsuit against the • operators or the sex club to have it declared a public nuisance. Scoville. after issuing hls temporary restraining order aiainst the club. scheduled ORANGE ~ST D1HyPilat C1a11Nled ......... 114'142-1171 All othef depertmentl MMS21 Thomes P. Haley ,._ -C:-l•ecw-Oltl<:., Robert N. Weed ,_ 'ft\Omas A. MurpMne ...... L Kly Schutu _.......,.. ... 0..-,. ~--­ MiChMI p. Harvey .... Dl!Jel .. Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~o...-. Ol•ltS'kLoos ..... ,.-. MAIN OFACE JJO Wm..., it .. Ca. .. lfNM, q.. Mall-.: 9o• 15IO, C•la Mew; CA. ftl.M C#Y"'JM Im Or ... CMtt ~tfllflt ~­,.. _...., ltl_titi..t..-.n.t~.,.,._ ...,,,..,,,.... ""'91" -... ,.,.._ ....... .-CIAI ""'d ....... llf ~ertrltflt-. f u rth e r h earings f o r next Tuesday. At t hat time . the operators will be asked to s how cause why the club should not be shut down permanently. A club spokesma n indicated afte r the hearings that the parties hosted at the house - which cost between $50 and $100 lo a ttend -will continue. From Page A1 EDISON • • • Was hington played football . basketball and track at Edison. but that summer trustees ruled him in eligible for s ports at Edison for one year because be and his father had moved back to the Huntington Beach High School attendance area. Trustees ruled that because he hadn't lived in the Edison area for one year . he would have tt' be sidelined in football Ir he wanted to continue at the school. However, the court ruled that t h e o n e -year residency requirement was er' new. more stringent regulation that was enacted after the Was hington case had evolved and therefore s houldn't apply · retroactively to him The judge didn't rule on the district transfer regulations, but only on the specific Washington case. Trustees ha d enacted tM tougher requirements because of what they say are increasing incidents of "school shopping" . by students and parents for ~uperior athletic programs. Trustees say many students seek transfe rs to other schools solely because they want to play sports at that school. Jesuits to hear pope's complaint GROTTAFERRATA, Italy CAP > One hundred leaders of the 1>0werful Jesult rell•ioua order, which Pope John Paw n baa criticl&ed for polltlcal activism. cloistered themselves in a rural villa Tuesday foT an unprecedented meeUn1 to hear the pontltf'a complalnU. "It'• all in the pope's band.a," said a Rome·baled .JesuJt -.bo asked to remalt anodymOU1. • Reagan • • issues warnmg U.S . to protect security interests in the Caribbean W ASH l NG T.0 N ( A P > President Reagan "'arned today that the United States Is prepared to do "whatever is prude nt and necessary" to protect Its security interests in the Caribbean Basin. Reaean coupled his w11ming. In a speech to the Organization of American States, wltb unveiling h.is long-awaited plan f o r d evel o pment of the Ca r i bbean-Central American region. The president outlined an integrated program of trade, aid and Investment for the area which h e sai d i s unde; "economic siege" because or deterloratine terms or trade. The econo mic hards hips "h•ve provided a fres h opening to th• enemle8 or freedom, national i nde pendence and peaceful development." he said. If tho United States does not act promptly In d efe n1e of freedom. "new Cubu will ariae from the ruins or today's confli~ts, .. Reagan said In prepared remarks. ·'We will fa ce mor e t otalitarian regimes, more regimes tied militarily to the Soviet Union, more regimes exporting s ubversion . more regimes so incompetent yet so totalitarian that their citizens' Study: Fewerteens smoking niarijuq,na WASHINGTON (AP ) - Ame rican teen-agers a ppear to be moderating their use of marijuana and some other illicit s ubstances in a trend that may r e fl ect "quiete r lim es" for sociely's youth , says the author of a federally financed study. Researchers at the University of Michigan reported today that the, use of m arijua na . PCP , tranquilizers a nd nitrate inhalants was less prevalent among 1981 high school seniors than among earlier classes. It also said cigarette s moking deciined. The report said . however, that two out of tnree seniors have tried an illicit drug a t some time. And while t he use of barbiturates. LSD, cocaine and heroin remained steady. more teen-agers are taking stimulants such as amphetamines. it said. The findings, published in a report entitled "Student Drug Use in America 1975·1981 .'" were based o n a representative sample of 17 .000 high school senior s from 13 public and pr i vate schools a round the country. The results were to be presented today to a Senate Labor and Human Resources From PageA1 FREED • • • death. Both were granted parole · d a tes after the state's death p ena lt y l aw was ruled unconstitutional "In the first trial, I tried them both. convicted them and saw them both sentenced to death." Schulman said. · As ked if Smith, 52. should have died in the gas chamber, Schulman emphatically replied, "Yes." He termed the granting of parole to Smith "ludicrous " and pointed out that Smith had been freed from Folsom Prison only 30 days before the murder of Campbell in an onion field near Bakersfield. The crime became the s ubject of a book and movie, ·'The Onion Field." by former Los Angeles P o li ce se rg e ant Joseph Wambaugh, now a Newport Beach resident. Schulman said he didn't know what was wrong with a prison 'system "that keeps the light offenders in and lets the bad ones out." From PageA1 s ub co mm i tt ee b y representatives of the National Ins titute on Drug Abuse. the project's federal sponsor . Lloyd Johnston, who headed th e r esea r c h te a m fro m Mic higan's Institute for Social Research, called the 1981 figures "an encouraging movement in the direction of moderation" eve n thou g h "the absolute numbers of users are still very high .. He added: "For more than a decade now, American young people have had exceptionally high rates of ill icit drug use, whether by comparison to other co un tries or lo ea rli e r generations." In 1981, 7 percent of the high school senfors one in 14 reported using marijuana daily. Daily use was d e fined a s smoking on 20 or more occasions during a 30·day period. In 1978, the pe ak year. 1 J percent or the seniors acknowledged s moking marijuana dail y . The proportion of seniors using pot at all fell from 51 percent in 1979 to 46 percent last year. J ohnston said in an interview t h at prelimin ary evid en ce indicates increased concern with health risks accounted for much of the decline in marijuana and cigarette smoking. Peer pressure was another significant factor, he added . Nearly 60 percent of the semors attribute "great risk" to reg ular m a r ijuana u se. compared to 35 percent who held that view only three years ago. Three out of fou r thought their close friends would disapprove or regular marij uana use . The proportion of seniors smoking one or more cigarettes daily dropped from 29 percent in 1977 to 20 percent last year. according to the study. And the number of teen-agers s moking half a pac k a day or more declined nearly a third. Sixty-four pe r cent of the seniors said a cigarette smoker runs a great risk of harming himself and 70 percent said they personally disapprove or regular cigarette s moking. Johnston sajd the decline in the use of some harmful s ubstances may reflect a change in the limes . "I think drug use is kind of responding to its own cues. The old catalysts are no longer present -the Vietnam war. ge n e rational te n sion s . Watergate, unrest in the c ities." SCHMITZ OUSTED • • • to be a member of the J ohn Birch Society ... Schmitz could not be reached for comment on the ouster this morning. but his aide said he plans to remain a member of the society because he doesn't want to "disassociate himself from the good anti ·communists" in the group. Meanwhile , Ms . Allred is complairung about the Senate Rules Committee's decision to pick up the tab for defending Schmitz' libel suit. ·'The Senate has decided to subs idize bigotry and provide for its defense." she s aid. "The height of political hypocrisy has From Page A1 .. reached a new high by the Rules Committee action." B ut Senate majority leader David Roberti, of Los Angeles. said the committee made its decision to defend Schmitz two weeks ago "at the advice of legislative counsel." "None of us is ha ppy about having to do it," Roberti said "But since Schmitz was acting in his duties as a senator. the s tate is liable." Schmitz said Tuesday the Rule!J Committee action "is not an unusual situation.·· . ''What I'm being s ued for, I act ed in m y capacity as a committee chairman." he s&d. only hope becomes that of one da y migr a tine to oth e r American nutions as In recent years they have come to the United Stotea." he said R ~aga n d e n o unced the "So v ie t ba c k e d , Cuban-m a naged s uppo rt for· violent revolution ln Central Americu" and said h~ will a.<tk Congress for increased security assistance ror friendly countries of the area. He also noted that the Rio Treaty of the Organization of American Stutes provides for rec ip rocal def e nse resporu;i bill lies Until now. the adm imst ration has shied away from utilizing OAS mechanisms for bringing peace to Central America · Reagan said his development plan will be centered on his proposal for free trade for Caribbean .products' exported to the United States He suggested these products ,. be accorded "d uty free status for 12 years as an inducement to mvestmcnt in the region. The only exception to the free-trade concept would be textile and apparel products . which are governed by other internation al agree m ents , Reagan said. The president also proposed a fi scal 1982 appropriation or $350 million to assist countries that have been h a rd hit economically. Officials have said th e ai d would b e concentrated on six countries s u f'f e r i n g s h 0 r t . t e r,m balance-of-payments problems · El Salvador , Honduras, Costa Rica. Belize. J e1maica and the Dominican Republic. He also said he will ask Congre::.s to provide significant tax incentives for investment in th e Caribbean Basin From Page A1 BAIL ... reinstated last week in South Or ange County Mumc1pal Court after 1t had been lowered by another judge to $250,000 two days earlier. M cDon a ld , a 41-year-old Vietnam combat veteran. had been arrested a week earlier following a sheriff's department raid on his Golden Eagle offices in El Toro. ' Seil.Cd in that raid was about $850,000 ID cash that McDonald"s lawyers said was to be paid out to 1Dvestors as specified ID their promissory notes. However, McDonald himself indicated in last week's bail hearing that he held total cash assets in excess or $10 mil hon. This prompted South Orange County Municipal Court Judge David Carter to reset th e defendant's bail from $250,000 to $2 million Carter told McDonald he would reconsider lower bail if the fi nancier put S5 mtlhon in a trust fund as collateral or prud off investors in full. Santa Ana lawyer Paul Mast. who represents McDonald, said Tuesday that his client would need to go free to obtain the money authorities say appears to be missing. But Mast. a former municipal court judge, could not explain why McDonald would need lo be out of jail. The money . it is believed , is bein g held by unnamed individuals. M as l said he would likely appeal Carter's bail decision - and Superior Court Judge Luis Cardenas· ruling Tuesday to uphold that decision to the state 's 4th District Court of appeal Carter's bail decision - The defense lawyer s aid McDonald . whose h ear in g Tuesday was witnessed again by numerous investors. was not able to post the $2 million bail despite his sizable land holdings in Orange County, including a $630,000 house in San Juan. Mc Donald and Golden Eagle vice president David Biggins of San Clemente are each charged with 19 felony counts, including grand theft, cons piracy to commit income tax evasion•and sellirig securities without a license. Biggins is free on $25.000 bail. POLICE REPORT UNVEii.ED • • • ·'What the department bu to do ts nave constant vigilance o( a ~non·s records," he said. "It may be that if a person has difficulties you don't move him out or the department or fire him. but move him to a dllferent setUnc. · 'Screenlng is only aolng to 1et rid of the gross violators. Dul remember that poUce omcen are human beinC• wlth all the fallln1s of other human beln1s. U you 1et rid of all the macho cops, it may be that you're 1oin1 to have too puaive a police departmt:nt." There may not be "trt.Jc•r happy" police omcers, but there may be lndMduall wbo are more likely to get themaelves ID a 1ltuation where they have to use their nrearms, Binder aaJd. "' empbulaed'thal the Ukellbood of UH of deadly fore ls linked to the klndt" altuatJon that confronts a police officer. Instead of studying a police shooUng as a single incident. the research team focused on the series of events that lead to such occurrences, begiMing with the dispatch call . "Il is a m istake to thlnk oft.he final 1h00Un1 as the event, when really It ls just the final sc:ene," Binder said. "In the case of Eulla Love. the scrtl,ll played out according w somothlnc done ri~t at the bel1nnln1. The officers had a bat~ in one hand and a 1un ln the other. Their options we~ reatrtcted. The probability of a s hoollnc went up enormously." The study also noted that use of non.lethal stun wupont were o.ot belng punued by law enforcement officials because or lack of funds to develop such dtlvtces. l .............. HONORED Ac·tor and director Orson We lles . 67. wa::, inducted into I h e French' Legion of Honor in Paris Tuesda~" T he honor is France's hig hest ranking dis tinction Fre nch Prt.>s ide nt F n rn<.·ois ~l itll0 ranc1 atte nded the cerC'mon~· Singer sells Miami mansion Pop·music superstar Barry Gibb , whQ bought a 10· bedroom mans ion on Miami Beach for $1 .04 million in 1979. sold it for $1 1 million. Gibb. who still owns two mansions there, sold the seven·bath home to a buyer identified onl y as an "Englishman ... according to Despit e repeated assurances from Agriculture Secretary John Block that there will be no new grain embargo, some members of Congress fear that Secretary of State Alexander M . Haig J r . -and not Block -would make the decision. And they. along with their constituents , have been voicing concerns about Haig's suggestions that an across -the ·board trade ,; Ruth FuUer of Rultl Fuller Real Estate. The singer's purchase of the home on North Bay Road for $1.047 ,500 was a Dade County record at the time. Thal figure has s ince been lopped by the $3.2 million Saudi Arabian Prince TurkJ bin Abdul Aziz paid for his h ome in Indian Creek Village. embargo could be invoked 1f the Polish crisis worsens. "We have a sticker in my country that says. ·We 're walking on Haig s hells','' jokes Rep. Pat Robe rts, R·Kan. Add s R ep f C h a rl es S t en holm , D ·Texas . "Everytime Secretary Haig sneezes. farmers of America get sy mpt o ms of pneumonia." Pti)'t111 MtG•ln, one of the lam d atn1tng McGuire 811tert, flled a MO mllllCMI lawsull In Lu Ve1a1 a11inlt world·claH diamond dealer Herr)' Wlu&oo Inc .• clalmlna aems 11he took to be cleaned were replaced with phonies The s uit flied in U.S. l>l 11 trict Co urt by San Francisco lawyer M•hla BeUJ 1usks $10 milllon ln gtincral dllmages and $50 million in punitive dumages from the store headquartered In New York City. ·Winston 11pokes man Ed Glrford said he didn't want to t:ommenl on the suit, but when asked ii he was aware of it. he replied, "Oh, ye . Very aware." Tbe taping of Lawrence Welk's last television show. whic h had been set for Tuesdsy. has been re· scheduled for tonight for undisclosed reasons. the bandleader said. Welk's final show after 30 years of broadcasting will be a very private affair. he said, to be taped on a closed set in H o ll ywood before an Invitation.only audience com posed of family and Cr\ends e>f the W e lk organization. Robert Young, st ar of the TV series "Father Knows Best " and "Marcus Welby, M.D.," marked his 75th year in his usual low·key manner. His seeretary S?id Young was traveling in the East and couldn't be reached. The actor's longtime agent, Herb Tobias, observed that Young "looks terrine and has the energy. physical st.ature and enthusiasm of a young man." Long a movie leading man before turning to television. Young has limited his performances in recent years t o the much -played com m erci als for Sanka coffee. Trapper Wylie Abbot Sr. wo n hi s fifth s traight National Muskrat Skinning Championship by removing the pelts of five muskrats in 1 :07.5 minutes at Cambridge. Md. _ .. I guess I still got m y luck running with me.'· said the 42·year-old Abbott, who has won a total of seven mus krat s kinning championships. Abbott vowed he would retire from muskrat·skinning competition in 1983 to make way for his 20-year·old son Wylie Jr., who placed second In the contest with a time of 1: 16.2 minutes. Cool readings l!Qht -verleble winch thr°"911 1onl9llt. w.,1.,.1v •-II I to J fttt Moslly cloudy n19111 eno '1)0tnt1>9 Partia l cleatln9 In atUrnoon o~clally northern w.ot~n (' Exte'ruled forecast Varl•bleNllf\<._lr>Ht Nill\'*'>,,... low ctouch night -""ilrnin9 "°"'' alOnQ c-HlgM In ~tel .,..., wllt ••"9t '"'"' .. a1 _,,., to 1' over Int-¥u• l -• ... to '6 Mountain ,.._, "'9"' S.t to 60 Low\ JS to '5 U.S. su"imary Tent eratures Colder "" enwlOped Ille <Mtret I 'P par1 of Ille nation T....,.v, ur~tchin9 from the Teu• Panl\.ondle up lllto the lower Gr•.C Lil-" NATION ll9hl rain cl.......-l(anw., while lrenln9 drlule Iced Ille toulhem border Of NebrHk• end enter11 Color.00. S.-tell euou ~"" Albuque A'1\eYllle Atlanle Atlante CIV Benimor• 8lrml119rwn Blsmar<k Boise Kl L• 70 u 16 1' "-1•1•0 ... •· _.. •• , ... ,, .. o•• ~\f'·•· 1• •• Into the weuem D•ll~. Clur •kin ultnclecl from Ill• I-er Mlulsslppl Velley lo the Ohio V•ll•Y -IN IOUlllern ml0-Allen11< Coasl Ctoucly Utlu and • few tutteril'CI •now ~owe" preolltd el0n9 Ille not1h Allentk (OHi and Ille Greet l..allH Tiie Nori-I alto l\ed tloucly, cool WNIMr S11ow wes ••~ 100.y In the upp•r Mluluf""I V11tey and the Great l.Al<n • .ond """'"" flurries wlfl wllllen Ill• upp., Missouri v.1 .. ., . R•l11 wn loreuSI tor N Peclfk NOr'lllwttt. IN mld·All•ntlc Coa•I st•tes, perts Of the OlllO veuo. •lld centr11 Ari-. Cloudy _.,_, will utend acrou Ill• Te11nenee eno Mtn ln lppl ••lleYt. bUI ..-Uy •Ullny Skies will prewall lrom c ... 1r111 Celllomle to Ille c..,lret RoclllH. •ftCI ecrou Florlde 10 Sovttt CM_oOn&. Al1trr-. wmperetures T ... t<Jay re,,..cl from • In Werroed, Ml"" .. lo 12 In e..-vo ... ToH; Merldl..,, Min .. end Yume, Ariz Californ ia Low c!OUIM •ncl 109 in coa•t•I ., .. , end on no<ih 'iooe' of Tellachepl Mou11lal11s Otllerw1 .. Soutlltr" C•\llorlll• wUt blr mottly lelr lllrOUOll TltvrMl•Y. SllOllUY wermer oey\ tor CNttel tr-Orefl09 Coullty ce11 .. peel ht9M from 64 •I blr«llet 10 IS lnl•11G ereH. L-• SOloS6. Inland ••' .. " c.., ••~I 1119'>t arwlld n. low\••-SO Mou11telnt <•" HP«I not1herty wl""' IS-U"""' H'9flot Ill SOt, IOWf lft J0t•lld1-40l. Nonllenl deMfU Ulll ••PKI f\IOM 111 tlM ,._, IO'Jln d to SS. Sou111erll _,,, c .. •-1-hlOl'I ·~. .... 7t ..... -l11'4>t NO'"""" end Ce11lr•I C•llfor11I• will 11ew fair _,,,., lhtOUIJI\ tocley H<• jlMChy loo 9"41 low CIOucf> I" tot1llltr11 Sen Joequln Veney. t11cree tl1'111 <IOW6 trom northweSI 'Tl'tuftdey with clleftCe ot ral11. H9rtl\WOlll wlnti 10-20 mpl\ •IUIKIM 1 10119 llOtlllw•tl COatl alltl Sec:ramenlO Veli.,t. ............ ..., .......... ~ &Olton Bulflllo Ch.orlst11 SC c 11artst11WV Cheyenne Cllkego Cln<l11""t1 , ...... ,,., Columbul Oet-FtWlll O.nv•r O.•Mol110 O.lroll El PISO Felrbenks l1artf0<d ... ,_ HOllOIUIU 110U~IO<I lndlleplls J.chnvlle Juneau l(e11> Clly Le•V~ Lllll• Roo Louhvtlle llilenu>ftls Miami Milw1uk" Mpt~SI P KaSllYllle Hew OrlHn• NewYoMI Olll• Cllv Omaft• P-1• p ll11but9fl 11 • so ,. St tt 11 3S IS 11 3' ,. 40 JO 37 JI .., .. .. ,. S.t ,. JI J7 .. tt 0 21 5' 1t 13 •• .. H ll :M 1' JI 11 0 17 11 •l H 1S " 1• .. 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S.Concl 11'911 IO:ttp.m We're Listening ••• What.do you like •bout w Daily Pilot" What don't you like" Call the number below and your message will be recorded, trianscrtbed and dellvcred to the approprfaCe editor Thie samt 24·hour 1nswerinR service may be used to record let· l&ra to tht-edltor on any topic. Mailbo" contributors must lnclu.d• 'heir name and telephone number for verJficatlon No circulation calls. pleue. T~ll us what's on your mind. 642•6086 l.J u o.• 4.J Orange Cont.DAU. Y PU..OTJWedneaday. February 2'4, H~82 s ~· Growth plan slowed Cuts in subsidies , ridership for OCTD, noted . The brakes are bcln& applied to arowth Of the Oranae County TransJl District for the next five years. Because or a combination or decreulna JUbsidiea from the federal government, fewer than e"pected Increases in gasoline tax revenues a nd lowered riders hip projection!\. the district is being forced to slow ; Its plunned expansion through 1987 , di8trlct offlcluls 1aJd. "Howev~r. the 1eeneral public s hould not Interpret these numbers llS meaning lhere will be a cutback in current ocro services," said JameA Reichert, d istrict general manacer. "Rather. It is a slowing ln our previous growth rate." Last year, for example, the d lat rlcl was projecting to operate 504 larce busea wit.bin rive yeara. Thal riaiure has •n trimmed to 472. There are about 360 lar~ buses operated now. Frequency of service on many routes also will be lncreaaed, Reichert 11id. Probation ordered T here will be a reduction in funding f o r the d l11 trlct '11 Olal·A·Ride service, from '6.4 million lhis year to $4.3 million by fiscal 1985. Officials said the servacc. which operates similar to a i.x1 service, bas been "very costly" to operate as compared to operation of large buses. They said after·hours service and service to handicapped persons will remain unaffected. • in teen sex case Two former Orange <.;ounty Sheriff's Department deputies have been put on probation and fined after pleading no contest to charges of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a 16·year old female Explorer Scout. The pleas were entered Monday before Central Orange County Municipal Court Judge Jacquelyn Thomason by Robert M. Schaeffer, 37, of La Palma, and Thomas J . Barry, 23, of Stanton. Jn return for pleading no contest to a single count of unlawful sexual intercourse. Schaeffer was sentenced to three years· formal probation and fined $500. A year 's term in Orange County Jail was stayed pending successful completion of probation. Barry was sentenced to three years' informal probation and fined $500. A one.year jail term also was stayed. Dealers sue Hobie Cat f inn on coast Coast Catamaran Corp.. the maker of Hobie Cat sailboats. has been sued by two Florida · Hobie dealers who charge price-fixing by the corporation forced them out or business. Jim and Carlton Tucker. father·and·son owners of Playground Sails. Inc .. of Fort Walton Beach. Fla. say they were put out of business by a "pri ce fixing and resale·maintenance scheme" engineered by Coast Catamaran and several Florida Hobie dealerships. Coast Catamaran. founded by long.time Orange Coast surfer Hobie Alter. was located in Irvine before moving its corporate omces to Oceanside about two years ago. Altel' currently serves as a consultant Lo the corporation The Tuc kers s aid their dealership routinely. sold the double-hull sailboats at prices below retail . thus luring customers from other dealers. As a result. the suit clajms, Coas t Catamar an . t hrough requests by the other dealers, forced the Tuckers to raise prices $200 per sailboat. thus bringing them into line with other dealers. Don Setchell, an attorney for Coast Catamaran. s aid Tues· day he could not comment on the laws uit by the Flonda dealership, adding he has not yet receive d a copy of the complaint. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Certified GemoloR1st. AGS A PRETTY EAR and 11' plan• 111 h1st11n1 Earrings are mentio~ed in the Old Testament They have b een around since earliest r e c o r d e d h,i s t o r y . T h e Egyptians of ancient times were especially good 8t doing fine filigree work on gold earrings . The earl y Greeks wore jeweled earrings. Ancient Romans liked simple designs. but decorated them with gemstones. In Oriental history . both men and women have worn jewelry on their ears. Western culture s have generally considered earrings to be for women only. but there is a growing trend among some men to wear them. American women, th rough their expres ions of style, have a strong lnnuence on the design of the world "s earrinas . Nowadays, there Is a trend to wear more than one earring lt\ each ear Hoops, symbols and studs ue often mlxcd. and there are women who have each ear plerced more than once. Even nose "earrings" are bQ;ng seen . 'Mle earring is an 1ncltnt form of decoration and expresaion. , Nolo contendre is a plea by a defe ndant in a criminal case declaring that he will not make a defense, but not admitting guilt. The two deputies were charged in December with unlawful sexual intercourse and contributing lo the delinquency of a minor after an investigation implicated them in engaging in relations with the 16·year·old girl. Al the time, Schaeffer was a sergeant assigned to the Jail; Barry was a bailiff to Orange County Superior Court Judge William Thomson. Additionally. Barry was an associated adviser to Explorer Post 449, lo which the girl belonged. The alleged activities occurred during off.duty hours'. a s heriff 's d epartme nt spokesman said Both deputies resigned from the de partment aft er being charged in connection with the case The district, lhey said, has•n<i plans to change current plans for con stru ction of t>'u s transportation centers In Santa Ana, Fullerton and Laguna HUis o r a proposed rapid traJ1sll system in the northwestern and central regions of the county. Ralph Clark , a couqt y supervisor and OCTD chairman. s aid the amount of federal operating funds earmarked to the district will drop from "$15 million per year "° zero over (ht! next three years." ·'This phaseout may oceur even sooner if there is additional pressure on the federal bud,et for further cuts," Clark said .. General economic conditions have s lowed the now of 1asoUne tax l'evenues to the district and a bus drivers strike and a fare increase las t year "had an impact in lowering our ridershiJ) projections and this will havt> the result of lowering farebox revenues." Reichert said Dumping lees adopted by county A $40.000 program to increase the monitoring of the estimated 4 .000 tons of infectious waste dumped annually at landfills has been µpprnved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Under the program adopted Tuesday. acute care hospitals. nursing homes and other health care facilities will be assessed fees to o ffset the cost o f in c r e ased s urv e illance activities. Fees will range from $45 to $735 annually. depending on the type of fa<'ility Revenue generated will defray the cost o f hating an environmental health specialist to boost the county's monitoring activities. Since J a n 14 . th e environmental health division of the county Human Services A~ncy has investigated 11 complaints involving the illegal disposal of infectious waste at county-Owned landfills In vestigation o f those incidents. according to a report given to supervisors "revealed serious defic ie ncies in the handling , s t ora~e. transportation and treatment of 1nfect1ous waste " In the pas t environmental health di v1s1on personnel have conducted annual inspections at the county 's 38 acute care hos pitals to assess infectious was te dis posal practices. Under the new program. there will be four inspections annually. fnfectious was te includes dis carded m aterials s uch a~ s urgica l supplies. syringes, dressings. gowns and bod)' parts. Under existing standards. s uch waste must be bagged and either incinerated o r treated wi th pressurized s team to reduce any risk or 1nfect1on being spread. In January. more than l60 bags of waste -much or it not treated was round al count:>- 1 and fills . Those discoveries prompted action by supervisors to increase inspection programs The board approved tht• program without comment In other action, supervisors : Accepted Crom the Yamaha Corp a $12,000 gold cart-sly!~ "mini-ambulance" that will bt- used by Orange County Fire Department paramedics in responding to calls in area~ whe r e full s ize equipment cannot travel. s uch as outdoor a mphitheaters and stadiums Approved an agreement permitting the 1982 Gordon Bennett Balloon Race to be conducted May 8 at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. The annual competition attracts balloonists worldwide . Authorized the Academy of D e fe nse Driving. National Counc il on Alcoholis m and School 10 to provide programs for first-time convicted drunken drivers . Pr ograms are mandated by new state drunken driving laws l~(;()T§ are1~ _nf" !nos <;Jle<:ft ~ IOSl"\O" llencl We<:J! Vo.Jr weoOt' in o OUOl•'V 1'1 kaOt gold~ ()"IO c;t'O.n D{ WoOeOCll"d LOOk lltce o Mih•on' &•no rn VOJ .ngot and tet us trcrne ,, or w c1-tose bOlh •ngol a'(l ITc:ini. lr(ll'l'I OJ Cl<Sltl"CIN(! OOltecflOf' QQQQ ~gold "'QOI~ ""'"' rr~"nes ore O\IO•IOble "' rnesc sites 1' ~ or.J 1 ounce or 5 10 )() crod ~ g oms A cert1hc01e O' V.Jtr.ef'll1C1ly occ:crrOCY'.eS e<')Ch ~-.oat 0 llef'( f0Sh<Y1 cote lfM?stmenr• visit us tOdaV . MEMB(R AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY 1823 NEWPORT BLVO COSTA MESA 3& YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION B1nkAmer1card-M11ter Cn1rge · PHONE 541-3401 ,. -. • ' ~· 8 Orange Cout OAU .. V PILOT/Wednt1d1y, February 24, 1982 ( 'Truce puts heat WASHINGTON (AP> -With an. uprialn1 spreadi ng In Congres• over his bud1et and lu policies, President Reagan ha, decided to call a truce witti the othe r m1&jor economic po\tcy-settlng body in town the Federal Reserve Board. Row long the president will stand by the nation's central ba·n k , howe ver, probably debends on how long he can take th~ political heat that comes wiih ~igh inter est rates and rec:ess1on. R eagan put an end, at least temporarily, lo administration grumblings about the Fed by g iving an unqual i fied e ndorsement last week to the bank's continuing strategy of fighting inflation with a light-money policy that has driven up interest rates and t riggered a severe recession. Reaga·n m ade his peace overture after meeting pr ivately with Federal Reserve Chairman Paµl A. Volcker. 11• 11111111 economic &dvisers had been corn plaining the Fed was doing 11 poor job of limiting the growth of the nation's money s upply and was Jelling interest rates rise as a result . But th e 11d m in1stralion 's complaining <;ccmed to do more harm than good by a larming the maJor m oney lenders and thereby prompting them to keep interest rates propped up. O ne sen ior White Ho use official said the president's endorseme nt or Volcker was designed to reassure financial markets that had grown jittery over the possibility the Fed and the admi nis tration would abandon their a nti·inflation course to pull the nation out of the recession. The official said the president has always supported the Fed's on Reagan tlght·money policy ; hts only compluint wa thut the central bank let the nation's money 11Upply swing wildly from week to week instead of sticking to a steady course. '"But the criticism was misinterpreted a nd exaggerated" by news reports as an attack on the Fed's basic policy, which "did not have a pos itive effect" on interest rates, said t he official. who did not want hls name used. Volcker maintained all along that the bank cannot be precise from week to week in controlling som ething as complex and vast as the nation's supply of money. T he money s upply will grow sharply one week a nd drop sharply the next week, but over lime. the Fed will achieve its ioal or slow growth, Volcker said. The real danger, Volcker argues: is t he record budget deficits Rea~an is proposing The Fed chalrm1n has been warning that th e strone economic r ecove r y the administration sees down the road will not materiallze unless the deficits that loom ahead are reduced drast ically to keep interest rates down . Some political foes say the administration attacks on the Fed were p art of a thinly disguised effort to m ake the central bank the fall guy for failure of Reagan's policies to bring health to the economy. T hey say the attacks did not seem credible because the Fed is doing basically what Reagan wants. The critics say Reagan needs to make peace with the Fed now because he has his hands full de fe nding h is beleaguered budget proposals be fore congressional Republicans and Democrats, who are united in opposing the record deficits he projects. AP_,.... PANCAKE RUNNER Ro~t·mar~ l.uugult', 21. nl-(ht. puts on a last-second spu1·t to win thl' ':1nnual Oh1l''. F:n~hrnd Pancake ra<'l' S h C' c:lorkt•d Ii:; .·1 !'>('l·o1ut ... for ~ 15 ~ anb c·ours<.'. It was tht• thi1·d slpt1g))I \l'tJI" shl• hu.., won Women of Olnt·~· h<n'l' bt•en holding a 1·1nal r.ac·\• ..,111cl' 1950 \\ ith women in Liberal. K un and th(' \\llHH·r \\ith tlw luslt•st tinw g<.•t!>i tht• Tran!'> .\tlantit· P :i11c-.1k1 Troph' 1111 1·ht•11 l"Offiffillllll~ The conciUalory presidential en'd o r sem e nt, mad e at a nationally broadcast news cor\ference. puts an increased burden on Reagan to produce sonie positive results . lf his program fails to bring about lower interest rates and a strong eco nomi c r ecove r y, the ad/ninistration will have a hard tim e bl a ming the F ed fo r s taying with a policy the pr idenl has blessed. Atlanta slayings suspect maintains • innocence hether by coincidence or no Reagan's truce with the Fed w followed quicJdy by some g d news on the interest rate fr n l. Rates on short-te rm T asury bills plumme ted M day. ntil his news confer ence Feb. Reagan and some of his top ATLANTA <AP > -Wayne 8 . Williams has turned back repeated attempts b y prosecutors to s hake his story. lashing out at his accusers and declaring: "I'm innocent and that's all there is to it. .. The 23-year-o ld murder defendant testified in his second day on the stand Tuesday that policem e n thre ate ned blm, eyewitnesses made up stories a nd that he feared for his life after being quest ioned last spring in the s layings of 28 young blacks . ··1 haven't done anything, I'm innocent, and that's all there is to 1t,.. he told prosecutors as they cross-exam in ed him following four hours of direct testimony qver two days.. Williams. a black free-lance photographer and self-styled talent promoter, also said that fear of the Ku Klux Klan accounted for his refusal to gel out or his car to seek directions after midnight las t May 22 . when he was first stopped by police. The defendant retraced his act i vit i es on that ni g ht. corroborating earlier testimony by his parents in all respects but one. Williams s aid he left his h ouse bet ween l and 1:30 a .m . EST, whale both parents tes tified he went out around midnight. Jurors furious ly scrabbled n o t es as th ey listened to Williams. who was dressed in a dark, three·piece suit with no tic Williams has pleaded innocent to murdering Nathaniel Cater, 27, and Jimmy Ray Payne. 21. two of the 28 young blacks whose deaths over a 22 month period were investigated by a special police task force No arrests Williams replied. ·Me being m ha ve been made in the other Cobb County at 3 o clock an the cases W1 ll1ams testified Monday that he never met Cater or Pcivnc and did not kill them or the. 10 other young blacks whom prosecutors contend were linked m a pattern of slayings Williams said he went to the area of the Jackson Parkway bridge to search for the addresi; of a singer with whom he was scheduled lo meet the next morn mg As ked why he didn"t slop at a service station to ask directions. morn mg" Sir. they· ve got the Ku Klux Kl<111 up then· " ··vou·rc afraid to stop at a sl·r v1ce station and mqu1re. but not afraid to go up there"' .. asked assistant prosecutor Jack Mallard .. Jf vou're so afraid of the Ku Klux Klan. what a re you doing 1n C'obh County a t 3 o'clock 1n thl' morning"'" · · 1 didn't s ay I was horrified What I meant was, I wasn l going to gel out of the car." Williams replied IllUSeUlll cancels Israeli archaeology exhibit E W YORK <AP 1 The ropolita n Museum of Art has ided against holding an eli arc haeological exhibit, ng too much of the matel'ial Mall a rd grilled the defendant extensivclv about minor 1ncons1stcnc1e'> an the stories he gave at daffHcnt times to different FBI agents concerning his reason for being near the bndge Th e museum · s di rec lo r. board ··we finally decided that before a decision was made. we did feel that we couldn"t Williams maintained he never Phil ippe de Montebello. who it would be inappropriate: William Macomber . president havl· an Israeli s how that was ('h<1ngt'<I ha.., ..,tnry. saymg the v1s1ted Jerusalem in 1980 to th at the museu m would be of the museum , said he was predominantly m adc up of agents simply wrote down the w ork o ut t h e loa n or the taking a de facto stand in vis itcdinDecem berbyagroup thing s rr o m di s put e d lw\ronginformat1on artifacts, said some are from showing this material as the headed by Jack Nash. a Wall territories ... W 1 I I 1 a m s d c n i c d th (' es f r om "'disputed itories. ·· the Israel Museum but most are heritage of the state of Israel." Street broker , whose members prosecutor s contention that he objects from the Roc kefeller He told The New York Times expressed con cern t hat the The Met officials noted that dropped ('att-r·!. bod)' orr a h e Met also c 1ted "the urity ris k from radical Museum on the West Bank, in an interview published museum "'had an anti-Israel the Smithsonia n Institution Chattahoochcl' Bridge Ju:,t captured from Jordan in the 1967 Tuesday that he had told the policy." Traveling Exhibition Service •~ be for<.' he \I, a~ stopped b) a e nts" as a contributing or in t he decision not lo ·bit the collection. war and a disputed area since. Is raelis th at the visit was ··1 said we didn't , tha t we plan n ing a s how o f Is raeli polil'C stakeout team De Montebello s aid that after "exploratory and we'd have to didn 't try t o m a k e foreign arch aeological material and .. , did not thro"' an ~th1ng off consulting m embers o f the Mel's consult our board m em hers" policy ... Macom ber said. "But said the Met hopes to show.'..:.__ __ t_ha~ bridge, he :,aid r _,.., -t-:::~::=::================::;;-·1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~ I FOCUS ON CO MMUNITY HEALTH CO-SPONSORED BY PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY I >O:\.\TIO:'\ T< I \;\lEl~I( .\:\( .\~C"E I{ ~()( wn . XIII.()() Monday, Murch 8 Thuniduy. Murch I I '7:00 · 9:00 P.M. Monday. March lfi Thursday, March 18 Monday, March 22 l I ' • J I I I t l • Thursday, March 25 TO REGISTE R One of the best on-time records going Thats stvle Apprec1· ating vou and showing we appreciate you That's stvle Fares that save you money every day on every A1ght That's stvle. too A1rCal We do more than get you there We get you there 1n stvle1 S£fll IL£ PHONE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY El>t 'C.\TIO:\ DEl'.Hff;\lE:\T 752-8600 LARMEN YI pp,\ CONFERENCE l~.f\ Tl:R 114'419 Ul'la,.ar1• ~Ir<"<·• l'4 Block Souch or \1alnl Hun1in111on R4'a<'h. Lalifumia Who to see • this weekend? • LowCat fares reauire aovancP ourctia'lt' Seats are limited ano otl'ler restnct1on~ aoolv PllotWeellender AIROIL ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New lookl New 1lnt Every Frtdayt You can be a WINNER Just by sending us. your name and address and by watching for your name in the classified ads of the Dally Pilot. Win tickets to the c1rcu5, area imusement attractions or $PC>rtinR events. Just ill out this coupon and mall It tocfay to the: C1Ullfled Department. Dally Pilot 330 W. Blly Street, Costa Mesa, CA tzt2t ... _ r-~-------------------, ' Name:-----------Age :,____ treet: _______________ _ Cll.)': ________ Zip: __ _ Telephone:-------- Dai~y Pilat_ . -~---~---~----~------~ 1mpor ted Teak Bookcases These good looktng, flame-grain teak bookcases are a special direct rmport purchase and are an unbeat.able value. Crafted of ttle flnest teak veneer with adjust.able shetves. 76"x12% "x35". Back panets are constructed wtttl matching PVC. is991ACH BR'S HMt.a•JA • 180 s. Lake Avenue• (2151449·6741 WllTLOI .._ • • 12241WMnlreIMI.•12131820·5918 .. WALi.ft • 122«> 5nem\ll'I ~.No HoflYWood • ll151765·0401 UllTA MM• 1540 E. Wimer• (71., SSNl611 IOUTll MY• 231SS~IMl..:i.!.~ • 12151378·9473 I llll•--•Merguem9~•1714l495·3l52 ..... ,_ ........... , AB f\.lrnlt\n aWf"t90 Of tne ftneSt ~-manv ~are unassemoled In canons fOr easy Pldl up. Pl'l<:ft Ind men::nanatse subJec:t to stodt on hand. ... .. Orange.Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 2'4, 1982 s u .. CHP car lights studied SACRAMENTO <AP> -The state Assembly can't aaree OC)y whether the lights on hl&hwa)" patrol cars should be mounted''."; on racks across the roof, of'1 • elsewhere out of the slipstream. ~&!d The Ca lifornia Highway" Patcol is phasing out the rooftodtl' • light bars because the wind'r, resistance is bad tor gasolin~1 ' mileage. But Assemblyman Herschel''; Rosenthal, 0 -Los Angeles 11 introduced a resolution, HR38t 1b urging the CHP to reconsider. ifl Hvwever, llR38 got only a•.. I 34 .33 vote this week, with •r' voles required for passage. Rosenthal said he would bring 1£'"0 up again later. 1•~ Fare hike approved in SF I ;J ,>(f!j ... c1 ' ; ) :.t i1 , th ,1 I) I SAN FRANCISCO (A P J -11!~ When Municipal Railway rider5r' are asked to shell out 60 cent.f 0 ,1 ins tead of 50 cents per tri~1 11 starting April 1, it won't be an,~. April Fools' Day joke. .. d The fare raise was appr~ve<t,., Tuesday by the San Franc1sc() "''I •~•.....-Board of Supervisors. Senior~''' and disabled riders, however .. .' CHILD RELEASED A woma n. appare ntly gun :at the girl and herself in Ri verside this officer:-.. who later mm·ed in and grabbed thl' will still be able to ride the Muf\\ 11 •,; distraught over a marital dispute. releases her week . Po lice said Chris Bishop, 32. was taken gun awa~· from her face. Th<.• dauj!hll'I'. for a nickel or use a $2.50 pe~,~ 3-~·ear-old daughte r after r eported I~· aiming a into custody Monday <.if'ter firing <.i s hot al ff Am her. was unharmed month Fast Pass discount card J ~ ~~~~~~===========:::::=::::::~~~~;;;;;~l~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~;;;~~~~~IQ c: 19112 us Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish ·Special $2.99 Ifs a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, our crispy fish fillet. plus fryes, slaw f, hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! It's new! It's for you! rs-the Dailf Pilot's I e 6 weekly winners • 50 gallons of gas GRAND PRIZE • 100 gallons of gas . ' You can w in up to 100 gallons of gasoline in the Daily Pilot's Great Gas Giveaway. It's easy to play. Just watch for the complete rules and entry blank in this Friday's paper. You must enter to win, so read Friday's edition of the Daily Pilot to see how you can win. Coming Friday in the lailyPillt Robinsons SAVE 20°/o AT OUR ONCE·A·YEAR EVAN·PICONE PANTYHOSE SALE. Wearing luxurious hosiery is a great feeling you should indulge in all the time A"ld 11 you hesitate? · We ll, now our luxury is trres1st1ble (and in delicious Evan-Picone colors) S·M·L. style 208 also available in XL. II you're unsure of size. please state your height and weight when ordering. Sale prices effective through March 7. Color and size selection will vary by store Robinson's Leg Fa shions. 8 11 151 Sheerest Sheer Control Top Sandalfoot I 181 S1lkee Sheer Sandalfoot # 183 S1lkee Sheer Control Reg $3.50 $3 50 Top Sandalfoot. . $4 1208 Lace Control Top Sandalfoot. $5 11500 Herringbone. . $5 · 1530 Pin Stripe . . .. . : . . .. .. $5 To order. call toll·tree 1 ·800-345-8501 3/$8.40 31$8.'40 31$9.60 31$12 31$12 31$12 Or mall coupon to Robinson's. Metro Box 6080, Los Angeles. Ca111ornla 90055 Please send me the following Evan Picone Panlyhose ltem/Slyle I Ouanllty Size Color ---- Price - Name ______________________ ~---- Address _______________ Phone _________ _ City . --~ate __ zip _______ _ Robinson's Charge O f Payment enclosed O COO O American Express• Gard 0 V1tld data from to _______ _ Account I DP·2-24-8 PIHH add 6% tales t1x If dehv•red In C.llfornil. Add $1 aervlce charge on purch1ses under $10 or plckUP•: •dd S1.50 lor C,0.0.'a (no C.O.O ·a on orders under $10). H1ndllng charges Wiii be 1dded outside our delivery "" ,N l~ •) 1 II. Hf 'J J ,_,; I J -s :; & . . DEAit PAT DUNN: My rrteDd aad I are 18 years old and we are c0Ue1e fretbmeo &tall year. We'd very raucb like to work aa camp cou0»elon tills t ummer, but doa't bow ltow to 10 about 1tttln1 tbese Joa.. la there H Y place we can write to flnd out about title'! • D.T., MoutalD View The Association of Western Independent Ca mps i• sending Its summer camp director y to you. The association's spokeswom an advises you to prepare a resume and contact the camps that appeal to you. She noted that all counselors must have passed a Red Cross lifeguard swimming lest. So, if you don't already have that certification, make sure you gel It soon T he spokeswoman added that many young aqults are more qualified to be camp counselors than they realize. She advises including any and &II abilities you have in art, crafts. nature study. sports, child care or any other previous experience that would relate to the duties ordinarily assumed by a camp counselor The association's address is 1250 Bellflower Blvd.. Long Beach 90840 (phone : 1213) 498-2654). Waiver rescinded DEAR R EADERS · The Depos itory Institutions Dere~ulation Committee <DIDC > has rescinded part of a final rule establishing a new IRA/Keogh time deposit category. The ne w'deposit category <effect ive Dec. 1. 19811 has a minimum maturity of l "'2 years with no r egulated interest r ate ceiling. Further, addltlonaJ deposlt.1 may be added al any lime without extending the maturity of any or all of the account funds. DIDC aJso had proposed waivlna early withdrawal penalties for transfers within the same ins tit ution from any IRA /Keogh account In existence on or berore Dec. l , 1981. This waiver has been rescinded, and any such transfers wUI be s ubjected to the rules governing penalties for early withdrawal Det ails are on page S8285 of the Dec. 1 "Federal Register." D isabled vet aided D E A R P A T D U NN : I a m a servlce·oonnected disabled veteran. I would Uke to rind out the maximum amount VA wlll pay toward the purcbase of an automobile. L.F., Foutain Valley · If you qualify fo r the automobile grant, the maximum amount is $4,400, effective Oct. I, 1981. You should cont act the nearest VA office to find out if you're eligible. • · "Got (l prohlem'' Then wn te 10 Pat Duran Pol w1U cul red /apt> getllng 'It 1 lhe answers ond actton you need lo • sulue mequ111es rn guvemment and ,., busrness Mail l/fJJr QUf'Slions tu Pal • Duran. At Your Service, Oronge COO!I Doily Pilot. P () Bor 156fl. Costa Mesa ('A 92626 As many letters as pou1blf' will be aMwered. bul phoned. rnqumes or letters not mcludrng lhe reader's Juli name. address and busrness hours· phone number cannot be ccmsuiered Thrs column appears daily l'I· cepl Sunday.\ .. TMI cleanup 'too slow' HARRISBURG. Pa. <AP> - Th e cleanup of the crippled Three Mile Island nuclear power plant 1s moving too s lowl y, creating the potential for new pr oblems at th e d a maged facility. the chairman of the onsuuatoru IJrt-tllrimtr (ages 4-6) • ~n academic readiness program with emphasis on ' the perlonmng arts .Newport !lu.&ic . aronstruatoru I I 26 S.l. lrittot '57-021 I ··~--THE EARL'S • ll'lUM91NG·°"•""O Solait .......... ,.~ '"-•. ,, .. ... Nuclear Regul atory Commission said Altho ugh that pot ential "appears sm all. 1t·s not the kind of thing we'd like to s~ happen," Nunzio Palladino said. A low-level alert was declared ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH Friday at Unit 2 after one hand-held instrument 1ndic11ted the presence of com buslible gases inside the containment building. The gauge later was Judged to be faulty and the alert was canceled after 811 hours. , .. ,.,, r~ "i1M1 .. ,, • 1.1 11 •· ' 1( 411 'ttt'lf• ,,. • ..,'°""'' 'f V' .t,,,. t C05lAll•UA641·1289 'S)I ... ..,.,, •••d MISSION Vl(..o49~0401 1"2?C•"""-C.,.•••"'O (I •'-°"'"9D ,,_, M Aw~ "••f t "WE-CARE" FOi All OF YOUR HEALTH MEEDS RlASONAIU FHS Super Boardwalk &-Sidewalk Oscar Fever . . is coming tt Sale SHELF-CLEANING CLEAN SWEEP OF QUALITY CINIQUE ITEMS Relaxed browsing and shopping ... sipping and supping ... don't miss this sa le among sails event of great savings and enjoyable shopping at the Lido Marina Village Super Boardw~lk and Sidewalk Sale! Friday, Feb. 26, 10 am-9 pm Saturday, Feb. 27, 10 am-6 pm Sunday, Feb. 28, 11 am-6 pm LIDO MARINA NAMED C l a1 1'l' Dl'drick . a m emb(.'I' o f l h l' s t a t tt A i r R l' s o u n· <.• s R o a rd . h<J~ l>t•c•n aµµoinl l'<I l' ~ t'l' lll I \'t.• o ffi{'l'I' of l h l' ~ l a l e L a n d s Commission Neut rogena" SOAP The soap that's pure enough for sensitive skin. Third time no charm? Taylor den·ies Burton reunion rumors LON OON (AP J ttuvort11 that actress E lliulJl'lh Taylor m1Khl murry Rlchurd Hu rlon u third tlrnc• are "cod swall op " trnd ":.imr>ly rubbish" and bl's1des, th\c•y 'n• "completely untrul'," Miss Taylor say~. BriHsh tabloids reported thal lt\l' actor longs tor a reconciliation with Miss Taylor und h1ts written a lovt' . poem to her But Miss Taylor. who rect'nlly announced her separation from :.1xth hus band US Sen. John Warner. wa~ quoted by the news papqrs as i;ay1n~ that she hai_,n 'l spoken to Burton 111 years. Miss Taylor is rehean.inf( 1n New York for the London OfH!OlflJ,! or t he pl ay, "The Little !''oxes." Both the Sun :.md rival Daily Stur printed a poem th<·y said was written by Burton, 56 . 1n Austria , where he 1., c urrently filming a movie based on lhl· lift' or t'IHn pO'lt.'r Richard WuunN I lmow a ladlJ .n1.1eel. and shu. OJI hmw I 11ee11 her pas:unu by, Heywfr11 my h~art 1 lmt>w ""'why. l\nd 111'1 I II Love h.-r ·1111 dt4' · The Stur'i. reporter. James Wh1takt•r, saut Burton wrote the vt·r·~t· 11vl'r d1nm·r al a restaurant an Ohdad1. Austria Whitaker said the pol'm wa:. pcri_,onally deli vered lo his l<Jhll' by T11n y P 11lmer, Burton's !1111•t lor, '\\ho ('l<umed Burton was tJlk111g :ib1>ut :.. c·harurler 1n Wagner \\ho liap1H·n., Lo be called Mrs T J~ 1111 F'o/lu1r your team in I he Daily Pilat FOR THE LOOK THAT GETS LOOKS READY TO WEAR "SPONG E-OFF" FINGERNAILS IUl.lllf\JL NAILS IN MINUTtS Easy to apply long lasung Stay on un11t vou take rhem off INSTANT NAIL ENAMEL REMOVER 3.75 o~. JAR BA TH SIZE 5.5 oz. 2.19 NAIL GLAZE "son TOUCHES" w11h Gplatin and Aery he 1.19 u. by Cll1t1 Stkk "SOfT TOUCMU" The mo1s1urizing ltp- sttck that s kind to your lips 1.99 u eur~ NAIL CREME ENAME L in Fashion S11.u1t·s .45 oz. age u . -- CuteK nak.loe HOT TUB ... _ SOAK ~ for NAILS Hol Otl trPt1ln1111I fnr n.111<, /I. r.111u 11><, ------::::.=w.: 3.49 ·--·-4---·- "'1 i s,111e <.lf'.Jlll lor 1(1vo•lif'r n,111, PROF£S.SIOHAL Pierced or Bult on style Earrings and Br ace· 1 aterprool" Perfectly beaultful lashes every time Long Narls 1n Mtnules1 lets :\II 1n sprlnq fashion colors ~•--..-­ accents for today s look 2.29 Mends or lengthens one 01 .1111en nails tn mmutes 4.79 YOUR 2 95 CHOICE! • u . SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK I 'l 00 AM TO 9 10 PM MONDO THRU SATUROA~ · 9 00 AM TO 7·00 PM SUNDAY -' EDITOR GETS BOOK M avor Pete Wilson of San Diego has turn e d ove r his appoinlmt'nl calendar to an editor who sued to gel it Wilson .. gives up listings SAN DIEGO <AP > - Mayor Pete Wils on re luctantly has turned over his appointment cale ndar to a newsletter editor who sued to get it, claiming Wilson spends too much time out running for . the U.S . Senate. ln granting the request or Larry Remer, editor and publisher of the San Diego Newsline, Superior Court Judge Perry Langford allowed Wilson to delete names involved with personal business. A press aide said Wilson deleted three nC1mes. all or political s upporters .. who might be e mbarrassed if their names were released prerttaturely." The appointment book f o r December shows Wil son campaigned fi ve full days and part of ri ve other days for the Republican senatorial nomination. In addition. he went to two funerals, got two haircuts and went to two Chris tmas parties .. It shows a mayor w h o is booked up wall -to -wall wath a ppointments weeks in advance." said pr~s aide Roy Schneider. N"ewsline is a weekly pttblication m os ll y co\lering public affairs. R e m er , 3 1 , had no comment on the action. Kosher • suit dismissed LOS ANGELES <AP> J ew i s h leaders themsPlves must decide what's kosher , Superior Court Judge J ohn L Cole ruled in dismissing a su it b e tw ee n s qua bbling rabbis and a m eal company Acme Meat Co. of Ve rnon and the United Orthodox Rabbinate sued the Rabbinical Council which judges what 's ko s h er - contending the council was preventing Acme from selling its meat. A store Acme supplied, Kos her Bos her, lost its council certification in February 1981. When Kosher Bosher and Acme merged last Ju ne . Rabbi Juda Glaser pronounced the new company kos her The council said Glaser didn't have that power. Acme 's attorney, Robert Von Esch, said h e 'll appeal Col e 's ruling on grounds the judge was restricting fr ee s peech by "e s tablis h ing one religion over another - the Rabbinical Council 's Interpretation of what's kosher over what the plaintiff says is kosher." HBmari graduates Douglas G. Harrison, 100 of Mimi Harrison of 15052 Hanover Lane, Huntington Beach, has been commlaaloned a second lieutenant in the Alr Force' upon araduaUon frorn Officer Training School at Lackland Air Force Base,Teua. Har""" will so for ptlot tralnlnt at Vance, AJr Force Bue, Okla. He la a 1lm graduate of Cal State Lone Beach. • 4 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednt1d•V1 February 24, 1982 Road washout dam'pe~s tourist business on route to Yosemite Closure of Route 41 hurts storekeepers already suffering through slow winter YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK <AP J TempQrary closure of the southe rn route lnto Yosemite N tional Park because ol a road washout has hurt businesses that depend on tourist traffic. week. A Yosemite Purk iAnd Curry Co employee, Willard Hurling, 62, wus killed when be drove into the gup left by the slide. und MaripoRa counties Int"° the park. Business has declined 75 percent or more at the general store and service s tation at Fish Camp outside the park, operators said. slow anyw{.ly , but I have never seen at this slow In the 15 years I've been up here J 11m al the point where I wonder if I should ~ven bother opening up.'· economy also ls playing a part. He suld 700 skiers were at Bad1er Pass Saturday, half the normal number for thls time of year. •·The loss of Hitibway •1 ls affecting our operations, but even with the road back In 1ood s hape, It will not tum the whole scene around," Hardy said. A 100 foot section of State Route 41 slipped down the mountain 6.5 miles north of Wawona last\ The Nat1on1tl Park Service estimates It will luke until March 10 lo repair the routc from Fresno through the foothills of Madera "It's devastating," said Lester Pucheco, who operates the service station. "Normally the winter is Yosemite Park and Curry Co President Edward Hardy said tfie road closure is restricting use or the park too, but he thinks the poor SPECIAL! Exira Strength Formula tor Stronger Action against Stains 11 .00 REFUND CHECK* 1t£vtON FLEX NET IWllSPRAY 'All Weather" 2 09 12 oz. StZE s. ...... Illa • REVLON FLEX . ·:: :-~ -1.00 llW Ctll lht1 1 09 ....... ,... . IAl.SMI f'tOTOll Shanl,oo or~ Restor es body. beauty & mi1naoeab1hly FAST , ... HUEF AD PRICES PREVAIL: SPECIAL I " WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! ··~ l'OREAL EXCELLENCE SAVEeoe ASIOltTU FOl_,W ........ __ 14 . - •. ~oz. 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SST ElfCTRONtc "toNG'N LUSH" SOLID STATE DRYER MASCARA or Bwll·m electronic heat sensor "THICK LASH " ma1n1a1ns steady heat temper a1ure to pi event MASCARA D£THGUfT Gets your wllole wasri clean & fresh ~L 2.93 SAVE3&e BOUNCE FURtc SOfT£N£1 ::~:"'"''~.t.l:1:~1 ,:::v 1 S9 .. IOlWR *8»----Controls static electncny. while adding sollness & freshness to your clolhes 1n the dryer IOlOf401.99 BLACK .,~TOWER SPECIAL I KOT EX U.tmMmllda ltlllN WIN ID.Tl.US Fl~NAPkm Feel more confident and secure -------- CANADIAN MIST c...... Wllltty tfWM-C....Dr.A .... • GORDON'S Dlttille4 L_.. Dty GIN COFFEE·MATE NCMf.OAllY CltUMll ntOll CAIUTIIMI Never needs retr1gera11on :ueL 1.59 SPECIAL I ' Moreabsorbtnt tor tho1t tough wlpe-upat 13! :..1 afW-.• --1 •••'*~-ntn•••ua,......;. WrA AMA-'!1~ ._. ..._. ...... _ .. - .., • • I l I I ' i t ., •• .. l ~ . ' "'1 i • . , ' I I' l .J 1 I Oflnge Cout DAILY PILOT/WtdnMd1y. F1bru1ry 24, 1982 THE FAMIL'' c1act1 more right now, Mr5. Henry. it in o doggy bog?" by Brad Anderson __ 2_·~-4 ____ c_·_~_"""'"" __ '-__ •,_... ____ ~ ____ ~ .... ~~ "That's only the foothill. .. wait till It gets to the mountains!" G:\Rt'lt:LD ACROSS 61 Religious pic1ure 1 Baille: gulf 82 N. American 5 Marc:llof ~ , 10 Blngee 14 Of a time 15legltllt• 1es~. 17 Flmed diva ,. Big knff• 208eMll!t• 21 ()vii 23 DoGrna tree: 2 WOfdS 841mp 85 Take a b11t ee Being: Sp. 87 Froth ee Hebrew YM1mtnl ff Fume 25 -Abnef DOWN 21Belk ·21 fMtltt 1 Ml unit 34 frec:t . 2 "Olla -.. ' 35 Kind of ICll. 3 Audlclty '1 H011t 4 --Otmt UNITED Feature Syndicate Tuesday's Puall SolYld 31 German rh9r 5 C.et. 29 Lodi of heir 49 Hanc1t -~ 8 HlbllUlte _ 27 ~--52 Muet: lllfldl ' ~ 28 Frltt• eway 2 WOJdt .. t Pllt 8 e.tlold: lit 30 EcM>llln OOd 53 Melt cut .a "8flC t Allye 3 t o.lgftetor 54 Color .. T~ 10 c.llbtltlon 32 A¥0id 001119 58 Sting • .,_ tt MlcM 33W"'91911n M Thwedt ......... 12 FenwMI 3e ~ 51 Dlemond • UlfrlllM ti """" 3t K...,.., ~= •,....,,.. ta flklNrl roect '° _,. ""°"' ae '°' It,,__ 22...._lul. ..... - ... , ... , 24 "n.(Nll 46 ~ -IO V ....... 17,,_,., - -•• 47 c.,... • Wood . . .. . . . 81GGEOaGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Aren't prunH 1upposed to be Wltntded?" DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum 1 2 3 4 14 t:>y Jim Davis WMAT AM I '701 NG ? 1 CAN'T TELL TIME PMNtT8 Tl:MBLEWEEDH NANCl' ~~------.J"-NO--THERE ARE I'M HUNGRY---LOTS OF MAY I CUT THE LEFTOVERS CAKE? YOU CAN WHAi IXJE5 IT J.W,..rg ~ EAT .. n I I f I by Tom K. Ryan HMM! ME:'l'e I COOU' VEW rf Wm4 A ,Rll..1..0 f'AV'! by Jeff MacNelly ------- by Ernie Bushm1ller ALL I ASKED FOR WAS A DONATION TO OUR CHARITY CW88tAJ.: BAB'/ HARP SEALS IN .LABRADOR HAKES ME rr<JE.•.,,fBLE/ BAZAAR by Gus Arriola ALL RJ/..tTIC!A.NS "'PARALYZE ~E ··· by Tom Bat1uk , MAIL80)(E5 ~VE lO LEAD 1HE ~ST L.IVE5 IN 'THE (A()RL.0 . TI'5 -rn£ 5AM£ THING ()Al) AFIER M,> AFTER. M-i ! I CX>N'i KNOoJ W~AT I 'D DO IF I DIDN'i HAVE fW) .STAMP CDU.EC110N ! C> 0 0 0 !t.-------1 DR A BB LE • • .: ME.U.O,blRL.s\ ~ 1 c~·r S1~'f AMO CllA1, 8UT I ~£. 10 ~1' W#i.~ •.SMOCK WHY DO YOO SAY THE: DOCTOR MAPe Yoo weAR THA1", MR. FINE:~ FAT, FA\, FRI, FAT FAT.FA\, FATH by Kevin Fagan S-OME1tMES I &ET f~E. itU .. INU 1'"Af MORMAN 1-s fl~'llN6 11.0C.KE.~ 11.h'f~OOT A NC:~. by George Lemont AND HE: WASN'1" 1"00 P~t::AS.f:D Wl'TH HIS Slll'CH ING .Jo e ·' ~Sf. UGH!-\ CAN GETTHEM DaE. ~ IF I LIE DOWN ... J J •, t J I •• I ', .. • .. , •) I :1 ... 1J ,. 1(J I') ..,~ Girl 8eout1 need htlp ln 1 cleanup of Upper Newport Bay !colottcal reaerve be1lnnlnai at 9 a.m. on Jlleb. 28, Volunteers ahould mttt at Men Drive and Birth Street. Call 8'73·4034 tor lntorm~llon. T h e Orange Co11 n ty Fire Department is recruiting rirertgbtera for Dana Point. South Laguna, Trabuco Canyon and Coto de Caza. Call 538·3Ml. Women• Transitional Llvlag Center, a sheller for battered women and their children, needs volunteers for all aspects or operation. Call Miche lle Ryan al 992· 1931. Consumers counselors arc needed at the Laguna Nlg11el branch of the Ora nge County Office of Cons11mer Affairs. No previous experience is needed. Call 834-2039 Orange County Red Cross needs high school students to help wi th the Orange County Special Olympics scheduled for March 6. Orientations are scheduled for Feb 20 and 25. Call 835-5381, ext. 214 SEARCHER Capt Arthur Markl'I hopl':-. to n.•sumt' his st•<J1Th I o r t h <.' ~ u n k l' 11 Til<JlllC' Ill 198:J \ T. . · itanic search mappe d NORFOLK. Va. I AP J -The search for the British liner Titanic, which sank in the North Atlantic on its m aiden voyage 70 years ago. s hould resume in the s ummer of 1983, an offi cial involved in the expedition says. Th e multi · million-doHar searc h was fi nanced a n d launched during the past two summers by Texas oi lman Jack Grimm. The work in 1980 and 1981 was concentrated in a 300-square-mile a rea that statistics had pinpointed as the best s pot to look for the Titanic, said Arthur L. Markel, who is involved in the expedition as senior project manager a nd representative of Reynolds International Se r v i ces l nc of Richmond, Va. More than 1,500 people were killed when the liner struck an iceberg and sank April 14. 1912. Although the area has been scanned by sonar and \he Titanic has not been found, Markel stHI believes "there is a 99.9 percent probability that the ship is still there and we simply have missed her." For nearly 18 years. Markel has been captain of the Aluminaut. an a luminum submarine that can dive 15.000 feet lf Grimm's team finds the Titanic believed to have gone down in 12,000 to 14,000 feet of water -Markel said he will dive to examine the ship. Markel talked about the expedition during a se minar at Old Dominion Unive rsity 's Ce nter fo r Marin e Science ln Norfolk. Goa charge 1tin heat PHILADELPHIA (AP) -The monthly 1as bill came with !A brief note": -· · ·'This bUI reflects the rate increase that was appro ved tiy the Phllade l pbia Go Com mwton. Complete detalll wtlf be included In your Mxt bill." Bul P9cb'o WbarroDdo w1nta to tno. rtght now why tbe montbly bUI be 1ot cy>e to ... 880.M.. ... IJdaeaUoe~I Service Corpe. need• voluntffrt to man Its Anaheim office. Call 844•7870. Rape Crltla Ho&Une needs tr1dnee11 for hotllnea. Both men and women are welcome 11nd can work from their homes . Call 891·5733 ror information. GoodwUI lbdustrles needs a chapel coordinator f or Tuesday and Thursday services. Big Brothers arc needed for three to five hours a week to work with boys ages 6 to 16. Advanced mailing help with flyers for a lOK run on May 1 is needed. A dance for mentally retarded adults on March 20 needs a square d ance caller. Orange County Book Society needs a b ook k eep er in exchange for me mbers hip. Families are needed to host high school-age foreign excha nge students for the 1982·83 achool year Saddle back Ad111t N11trltlon Program needs drivers for dcllvery of meals to elderly homebound Call the Voluntary Action Center ol South Orange Co unty al 953·5757 for lnrormatioo about these and other volunteer opportunities. Oceanvlew School District needs grandparent-ty pe volunteers for classroom assistance Fountain Valley Boys Club needs clerical a.<1sistance and volunteers to work with young boys. Vlcllm Witness Ass istance Pro,ram has openings 111 all Orange County courts to assist victims and witnesses of crimes Convalescent hos pitals need v isitor s and a si.is tance with 1>rograms. and groups or individuals are needed to bring cheer to shut-ins during the holidays. East.er bunnies a nd tray favors are requested. Call the Voluntary Action Center or West Orange County at 898·0043 , Orange'eo•st DAILY PILOT/Wedn11d1y, February 2•. 1982 ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH Super~walk & Sidewalk Sale Relaxed browsing and shopping ... s ipping and supping ... don't miss this sale among sails event of great savings and enjoyable s hopping at the Lido Marina Village Super Boardwalk and Sidewalk Sale! SHELF-CLEANING CLEAN SWEEP OF QUALITY UNIQUE ITEMS F riday, Peb. 26, 10 am-9 pm Saturday, Peb. 27, 10 am-6 pm Sunday, Feb. 28, 11 am-6 pm -------------- 1 '-" From sea to shining sea, Republic flies you to more cities ttlan any other airline. We serve more than 170 cities. Coast to coast. Canada to Mexico. That's almost twice as many cities as the next largest airline. Nobody serves you better than Republic. With con- venient schedules to mo re cities. Special discount fores (just a few are listed here). And our famous personal attention. That's the Republic spirit. So wherever in this big republic of ours you w ant to go, come aboard Republic-the airline w ith a small town smile and a big city sty le. l • From Burbank DENVER N onstop HOUSTON LAS VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX Nonstop SALT LAKE CITY Nonstop From Los Angeles International EUGENE Nonstop • SPOKANE Nonstop TUCSON Nonstop From Ontario , California LAS VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX N onstop From Orange County DENVER LAS 'VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX Nonstop SALT LAKE CITY Nonstop '1 15 One Woy '129 One Woy s39 One-Woy '46 One-Woy 165 One-Woy '128 One Woy '282 Round Trip '49 One Woy s39 One Woy '42 One-Woy '261 Round Tnp '40 One-Woy '42 One-Woy s97 One Woy fores ore sub1ect to chongt' and condohons may include od.ionc<.> purchosl! spec1f1c cloys of trovi•I and length of slov reou1rem~n1s D•scoun• '>e<>IS may be l1m11Pd • - ,, ' . .. l • I l ' I I I ' I I i I l . I I J \ ~ ' J ' i l 1 - ... Ale Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, Februa_ry 24, 1982 Realtors get • annous Budget fore~asts bode ill for housing critics By JO~ CUNNI •·F A ........ ....,.. budget aap that bothers th6m. Wh ite Hous.i can lose public SUpPOrt 1 NEW YORK "We were ready t.o fire a shot across the president's bow ," said J ullo S. Laguarta. It was ju11t a week ago Monday when that sianal was considered by the crew cut , n o -nonse n se, se lf-made Laguarta. It bother them, or courn, because the budcct deficit , which the realtora expect will be at least Sl 18 b111ion. sops up 110 much capital lhut too little ls left, and at rates too high, for most homebuyers. The Idea of a warnlna shot he explain~'<!. was to make Reaian "aware o r t h e dange r of destroylni his buse. · · Laguarta races tough tasks s tral1ht ahead. "We intend to get his attention," he ~romised. The s hot was delayed at almost the last minute. "We tho ught we 0. saw a ray of sunshine, and 11ot wanting to take on the \ president we ~ .. backed off," " Buyer difflcullles quickly a ff ect rea l tors, whose membership dropped by 66,000 in 1981 and seems likely to fall agai n In 1982. "Twice the num ber we lost may be out of t.h e bus iness but r emain members," he said . "We don't know how many are in business. Some might be working fo r department stores. A confrontation therefore may still be ahead between reaJtors ancl the administration if that a ttention isn 't gained. Last week . howeve r . Laguarta thought he detected evidence of growing awareness. "We have some indication the attitude on housing and interest rates is changing," said the realtor president. Asked in what areas there conceivably might be some movement, Laguarta listed three. h e said . "But ," h e vowed, "we won't remain s i I e n t cu•ou"" forever." Julio Laguarta, head of Laguarta Gavrel & Kirk Inc. of Houston, is the new president of the Na t ional Association of Realtors, whose 690,000 members make it the nation 's largest business organization. What upsets Laguarta. whose d etermination. rather than anger seems to be aroused when h e is c h a ll enge d . is that President Reagan , whom he s upports, may not be sufficiently info rm e d abo ut ho us ing problems. In fact, Laguarta says, it must change. More houses must be built, he ins ists, simply to provide. shelter for the many millions or young households that are being formed. If not. he says. young people wi ll simply be priced out or the market forever. Shelter. he re minds yo u. is not just an investment. It is not a security, he points out. "It 1s a sanctuary ... ll is not an o p t 1 on ; lt i s on e o f 1 if e · s necessities F_irst, he said, Reagan may "wtd en opportunities" in the existing m ort gage. bac ked municipal bond program in which home mortgage funds' are raised by backiog them with the local community's credit. He and his fellow realtors would like to see the federal government help homebuilders reduce inventories by perhaps 100 ,000 units through interest cost s ubsidies ror first-time buyers, many or whom might otherwise fail to meet financial Overall, he s upports the president's goals He and the realtors think the president is correct in his pursuit of greater mil itar y security and less inflation. It's the White House Laguarta. father of seveh, I iv cs i n a 6 ,000 squa re-foot house. A son lives in .one of 1.700 square feet "His payments are $12 a month more than mine. I probably couldn't buy my house today ... he said. qualifications for mortgages. They also want the All·Savers Cert ifi ca t e program re-examined to see if money actuall y is flowing into housing, which was one of the chief reasons for giving savers a tax deferral. If action isn't taken against deficits and interest rates, which Laguarta says are responsible for such ·financial incongruities, be believes strongly that the MOTICE Of MONDISCllMIMATOIY POUC Y AS TO STUDINTS Prince of Peace Lutheran School admits students of any race, color. national and ethnic origin to all the rights, pnvileges programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational poli cies, admiS8ions. policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs. AM ... '41 N~tl7tt THE 0 II I GI N A L 0 F T HIS NOTICe 0, Al'P'LICATIOfl l'O• "NOTICE" WAS FILED FOR CMANOelNOWNIE•SMll'O .. lll.JIJ TAX SAYUIS 12 ,._Y ... Ta~ OfS204.t70 A.ocaoo 0,_ lft I-_ .... ~ .,., Ho ete'tof'l•l time r.q1.ttred k50 000 20!ft -DOI ot I 2'" AITO -11•-»•·••1 REcoRo °"JANUARY i.. •ta. IN ALco .. ouc ••VEltAG• LICIENH Only THE OFFICE OF THE ORANGE ToWllOmlt "1'-y Conorn: couNT:o~~i~~~~~·,, ... uLT ... L~8" ... ~!r~ ".~ ~p:1:1:0°1~ ~"~ Answer Page ~=~:~~~::,!~~~~~ ~::.~~:n;:,n' .. :: .. ~~~~E 8:i~':O: offers you all this: AM9-54J WINE IPU8LIC EATING PLACE>. lo '""NO t2lM U ll •l<Oflollc btver•oe\ ., lilt ca if .• I . l •IE: YIEMiLUll>AI Pl•centl• Avenue CHI• MtH, • I om1as argest paging agefl . 1Ml'01tTANT NOT•u c •111orn1• m11 • Inexpensive·· less than 75C a day. F~~E~~~:u::0:e~~~~E15,~~ F:i,u~~~= OrM>90 CoHI O•llY :,·~\ • Wide·area coveraoe-15.000 square miles. A R E e E H 1 H o 1 H Y o u 11 • A location near you. plus field representatives at your fl."YM ENTS. IT MAY 8E SOLO beck and call. \jJ°ITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION, •NI Piil.iC llm • 24-hour service. we never sleep. you mn ,..,,.. Ille leOlll r '°"' lo brlnQ r f I I your •<count In QOOO •1•1'1011'10 DY ,.CTITIOUS euSINUS • Free unlimited beeping. de tvery and u I ma ntenance peylno •II ol yOUf p.nl ow o .. .....,,, NAME ST.t.TEMIENT • Quantity discounts. PIU• permllleO <.Mil .no U"11H• •111111'1 '"'" mol'tlll\ from THE DATE l>u~~-.. ~o;~0-•no per\Oft\ ... Ootnv Keep in touch with home, office. answenno service. THIS NOTICE OF OE FAUi.. T WAS ch I k'd h'>hu itt et S t' d """ RECORDED Tiii• •mount ls \1.2~00 l•I SCIENT IFIC HATCHERIES. s 00 . I s • .,...,,s er. c. ave 1me. gas an mo .... ,. (DI SCIENTIFIC H ... TCHERIES "-11--...... 1...-.. ..... ....__ ...... ---.. I u of J•,,.,.,.,2•, "" •ndwlll lnctuw IHC. 102 E.-elyne Corti., H""llt>Qto<> '-ti _, JVt 1w1••" 1.-.. I n--~•uOft un111 YOUt .cc-1 be<om"1 current 8 tacfl CA.,_ "T.he better beepe(' You mey not,,_,,_ to P .. IM tnllr• DALLAS EARL WEAVER, Ph.D , ® unp•IO PC)r11on ol you• a<COU,,I, even •nd JANET CRDMLE WEAVER, l lS2 R ~~swE·A ~(jE tl!OUOfl full peyt'Mf'll wn O.m•n-. ~~~yne c1rci.. HunlW,qlo<> 8H<h, CA O I • but YOU mufl IMIY -emounl •1•19<1 .. _ r: aboff. SCIENTIFIC HATCHE R IES. Aller lflrM "'°""" lrom 1he Galt ot INC, • C•lllotnl• cor_.•llOfl, I U1 recoroatlon ot lhl• O<Kumtnl lwl>l<fl Evelyne Clrcle, Hunllnoton 8eKh, CA 731 7777 d•te ot rec.cwo.Uon _,.. --•· n.. • · :!!.»~!:':O,:.:.. :·;:c,~";:1::..! ,,.:1~1~!:'~',~=,.., by •n Call toll·lree 1-800·252·9l61 Or call inlormation for Ille only 111• 1e9a1 rl9M 10 .iop 111• Oe11nEer1w .. .,.r Answe< Page o!Uce nearesl you forecloture by P•Ylng Ill• en1lre Sc;lentlltc H•l<...,le\ Inc •mount demended bY your cr9411or O.llu Earl WM¥er. Aqef'll lor Rldio ~.., CofporallOl'I TOFIHOOVTTHE AM<X.I HTYOU ~ ~~~~~~============:r.~~~~~~~~~~~~ MUST PAY. OR TO ARRANGE FOR Tfllt JU_,._. wH tittcl wltll Ille t" P A Y M E N T T 0 S T 0 P County Cieri! of Or-County on JMI FORECLOSURE. OR IF YOUR 11,1'12 l>ROPERTY IS IN FORECLOSURE l'lflJU FOR ANY OTHER REASOOC, Publlllled Orenoit Co.st D•lly Pltol, CONTACT Jamn Rl<fl•rO Vttoot. Feb 11, 14, M<lrc:h l, 10, I.,., 1~1 IU.O HHter. •713. G•den Grow , CA t1MO, let. (1141 f11·24'2 If you fl•v• •ny quollo<>" you •floulcl con1•t1 • l•wyer or tfle oovernmem ~ y _,, m•y ..... NOTICE 0, T•u1n11:·s SALE lnwreo yo.... lo.n. R•me mbtr, YOU MA Y LOSE T.S..Ne.eM6» LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 HOT •-~~~;;fl F'~':nt~~-c:. o~::: TAKE PROMPT ACTION Tiiie lnsurence Como•f'ly, IU N. Noll<• It flereby g iven 111•1 8ro..iway, City ot s.ftt•. County ot CAVALC A DE ESCRO W CO RPO RATION, • C•llforf'll• Or•noe, In IM Slate of C•llfornl• SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE 'orporellon. Is duly •PPOll'll•O COMPANV .• c--•llon, •• TrvSIM TRUSTEE unclor Ille followlno unOer the o.ecl ol Tnnt ewe<ut9" by ffferlbed 0.0 of Trust TRUSTOR: HEN·GEUL YEH, a PACIFfCSONS,•llmlledP ... 11'19f'lfllp, slnol• mef'I. •• to .,., unolvloecl rac0<6eel Jvne ll, 1"1 as00<.-1 no 1..,1 In _.,, 1.itS .,.._ tS3 ol Otfk"°I -tl\lrcl 1-1. YEOHG·SHI LU, • Recordt In llW olfk e of lllt RKordef t lf'IOI• _,.,, H lo en undlvlftd -third Int-I, -PETER K. DAI ol Or•noe County, C•lllorf'tl•, Dy 11ne1 JAN IE c . DAI, flu.tMtno •NI wife, reuon of clef•ull lft tlM peyment or " lolnt l!lnwrlt, H to an upSlvldeO .,.rtorm...ce of ol>41o•llont Mt<ur..i -lfllrd intffell, "LL "S T(NAHTS lflertbY l1'1Cludln9 Ille l>r••<h or IN COMMON. clefaull. notl<.• of wflkfl wH rKorO.O Bl!NEFICIARV JAMES RICHARD 10/)0/el es ooc-t no :i.m In - VILGOS, • tlnolt m..,. 1072 P•V• 1UI of s•IO 0 111<1•1 llECOROEO M<ir<fl l•. lffO, .. Recordt. wilt wll •I publtc •uclloft to IMtrumem Ne 174D, In -1))0, tlle lllohK1 '*"'-' tor usfl '" l•W1ul ..... ,,.. OI OftKl•I Ra<ordt, In "" mo.-.y ol "" Uf'lllH St.tin, """°"' office ol ti>• Aecorder of Oranoe •f'IV co..-or W.n"ellly, U.,,.JWO Cownly: SAID OEEO OF TllUST or lmplt.cl .. "' 111141, POPOtloft, or OESC•••ES· Uf'tlt JO In LOI I of TrKt ef'lcumbr•Mts, for tf'le puf"POH of Mo. 11HI, •t P9f ,,,_rec..-In.,_ peyl1>9 otlllQetlOn.t M<lll"M by Miki ttt. ~ n olld J3 ot Mltc•ll•-Oe1"I of Tn.t5', 111t 1nt.,..st COll,..V.O to M•pt , 11'1 tM qtflce of tM Couf'llf w ld Trull .. 1>y u kl o.ecl of Trult 11'1 llacoreler 0 1 Or•n9t Couf'lh, pro1Mrly sltu•IH 11'1 ttM Covnly of Callforf'll•. SAID LANO IS MOllE Or•nt•. Stale ot Ce llterf'llO •f'ICI FULLY OESClllBED IN THE OEIEO described .. Tiie soutfl•H sterly OF TllUST AtlOVE MENTIONED. 16U7S ,_ of the N911"-fl.,.ly UO SAID o.d of Trvtl "9CUf'ff c•rt•lf'I , .. , of tl'te Soutl>e••tprly ,.,.. onel .. 1 .. 1'-""'"°"" , ... _,, • .., -·"•" --"' .... Jl> of ~ IMSUll'leffll.Gm•. ...ltlllt 11'1 Ille Clh ef c.-.. -· THAT .. a.Mfl< .. 1 1•1'9tt IH!det (9Uf'lty 01 Or•"ll•. u oar mao ... Cl DeW of T""' -, ... ellli.-tlon• ••<••Cl•d In *"" •. P••• ., of M<Ufecl.,......,., Me p-tty Mid lily Mlt<t ll•-Ml4M, l'eC-Clf Mid ftie 11,_,'I c, THAT a~ tf, 0r-..~.c.tlf9nlla. •nel Clefwlt 11'1, IN "4 .... t.M .. , TIM WtNld ~ 8M ~ ol W111<11 "'°' ~ of Trw i. .cw"' t"t• ... _.... _,, .-..~ .. • ., IM!t KC,,,... lfl 11\el _.._,Mt Mt Merell 12, 1'12 Ii fS.t,lat.ta/ Nit ... ,., m.W flf• Tiie lf'ltt•ll"'•nl of -twlll lM,...IHllH_Clf .... lftteffll, wNcll we-_,. OC-r Tl'lt tlr••t etldr•H •llCI olller 1•, ltll, •nCI •II , ...... II.flt com....,., .............. ".,.,,,, .. N ln,..11.......,, r••I properly htttlbOd •llOYO It THAT by reesof'I tllareof, Ille ~IMlfot.:unll-. 1111C1er•le.,.., prtMnl Mfl•flcla ry Tiit 111_,,..,.. Tl'VllM Oltelalmt llMtf .... 0..0f T ......... ·--...., llMll"" tor a11y lftan'O<-ef .... •1e-. .. -duly _........ , ....... ---... ..,,., c-TrustH, • wrltt..i O.ct•r•ltef'I of *"911•tloft, If eny, __.,,.,...,., Oef ........ ~lorMle,_,_ DATEOf'__.,e,1"2. , ...-1tM ...... •Id WIY .,..._ ••t1•flcla ry : KATH•YH s. T,,,,.._, lldl 0.-!If Trwt M1111 •II OAOOl!fT,M_i.11_. -.c11.,. ... tt t\fleM<I"-o_.1 .. 11011• A4141rnt: 1120 Jtlfartof'I Wey, ..Cltn4' .......,,_..._._~ 111141 ....,_. a.c11, CA; Te~ 17Hl .......... 411K19Nelt-MC"'" .......... .. ~ 111u .,.,., ..._..,.,..... IAf'•co tin.a unu•AMCa 111141Nll ............ _...., •• ~ COM~A .. Y,•C.. ....... t ....... .. _ .. ._~,-·..w• A41ttt .. : MJ W Sth SI., SU Utltly 11141 e•llt•llo"' JHUrt41 eer11or4'!116, CA tt40); hle,.._I tMtHor. m•• ....,, OATS1J--..U, t•. ..,1 c..,.w..nco, ,,_Ilk........... ........loc,....,... ,.........°' .. ~ °'"'"' ,......, ~Or--c-o.lty ....... fa I, 11, 0, 14 IW .... , .. , 11, t4, Mlftlla, t• ...... l'fCTITIOUS aUSINIHS NAME STATEMENT Tfl• followlr19 ptf\ont ••• dolf'IQ butln•u•• SAIL AWAY BOAT REPAIRS,'60 West 1111\ S1rtel, 1'a, Cotla MeM, Cetltornl•mv Robul C. Scflmldl Sr., 222' 8 urf'tlno TrM. C0t0f'la, C•llfort\I• "''°· Oevld L Ptnrow Sr .. "7' Ola.,., Rt .. nlde, Cetlll>rlll• tU01. F•-•r El Salem, "" Ole,.,., Rl1ter PC!e. CM~ t1J07 Tiiis bllsl!M$t Is conducteo t>y • oener•• --1"11119: -E. Scflrllldt TMs ·-,. .. filed wl1fl lhe County Clerk o1 Otaf'1911 COUii\)' "" J.,.~ry JO, ltlt "111171 Put>llshtcl OrMl9f Co.tit Oetly Pltot, F.t1. 11. 2•. ~11>. 10. 1tn 15041 ==· :-= r · i-.... - l'lcTIT.IOUI euSINUS "'"" ... "'C'TIJIOUS aUSINUS NAME STATl1MUIT The tollowtnv persons •re oolno l>u\h> .. \H UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATES OF DR EGON, l TO .. 1ro1 0...11 !>Ir Mt, Newport 8Mcft. Callloml• tt..0 Aobtf1 1""'"· WS Crou Cre•._ ....... Mollbu. c.llfoml• 902.S W. Ca.t'k Gr•VM. 16 Se• lll- Orlve, Newport 8 .. cfl, Calltorf'll• '7MO Robt11 8 Miium, Id Rutt> Y"f. N•wport BMcll, Cetltoml• '2t60 Tfllt 1>usl!M$s I• condu<l•O by • llmlttd~rtMnfltp R~8 Miium, ~•IP•rt,..., This sl•t-1 w•• llled wllfl IN County Cieri!. of Or•f19t Counly on J•nuary l"I, 1"2. ,.an1 Pul>tl,_ Or.,. Co.II 0 .. ly Pllol, Feb. 3. 10. 11. 24, ,.., s~ NAM• STATEMENT l'ICTJT10US •vs•-•u Tiie follOwint .,......,., •re dolno NAMe SlATaMSNT l)USl~-;:~~CHE IMPORTS, m 11111 ,,.,!r~~:l_10wlnt pertof't I• Clolno PIKt. Ca.t.-Mesa. C•ll'°""a m27 II I C ' S L. A N 0 S C A P I Elfllly M. Must••n•. )U 11111 MAINTENANCE, 112 Altlen P1ote•. P1•0, ccai. Mesa, Ctlltorf'll• ""' c .. 1. Mwe, CellfOnll• t26f1. EllrlOOll G. Sl>e•rtr, 2'0I Tr-I, lllctM Lee $11ve, Ul A1""1 PIOJ•· Newport BM<l't. C.llfoml• .,.., CftlO MeM, c.et"'°"'le tt.21. Thi• bu••~· h conctucted l>Y • Thlt """-• 11 <~ ..., .,., oeM••• _,,..."", ll'IOl•leluol, Elfrtaelo G S/IHIU Vktw LM Sltvo Tiiis sttlllmen1 -nlod wlltl Ille Thlt _...._.. •• ttlod with Ille Covnty Ciao. Of Or•no-CouM'f .,.. c-ty Cleft. of ()r4H19t C-9Y ... '"· n . t..a ,._. ,..,_,., tt, 1"2. PUbllsN41 Cit.,.,.. COllll O•llY PllOI, l'el>. U,~r<ll J. 10.11, tta M-91. ~ICTl~tUll .. IU -~tTATtMl"T Th• fooowlllt ,__s •r• ~ ... Wtlnen••· I •) RIAL l'ROl'lillTY MANAOIMENT A HllVICES; 11111 ll.P'.M,, tm7 Melft ~ ...... I , 1n11M, CA '171•. ST•YIN AU.IN MIL.Liil, "1 W. l°'kOIOT• $elite AN, CA ""1 Thlt ...._ h ~--11¥ on 1Mh1Null. --A-~ TMt ............ -,,.._ •"" tlll Couftty CIOfll "' °''"* e_, .,., ,, .. ,,1 .. , Ahu.r1. a tale '" ~-read the ad• !!!l'7 day. Mi-:..:Sf'f='-- PIU ll1ll l'ICTITIOUI auttMaU ........ STAtaMSNl T 1141 fellowlllt --· ere do4f'lt Wllllettet; AOVI HTUllE T•Alll!I., Ut '•r•tl A•onvt, L•tun• leech, ~,...,,, ".....vev ... Inc,, 1 Ctl..,.1• t H••retl011, U7 l'oro1t AYtfluo ,• .....-"'9dl, CellMf'Ne ...... Tlllt~ It c~•Yt c~--. -..-r....i.lllC, IWc'-lJ ....... "~ ltUy W . ,arae,,,011 , , Earnings of.A.BC Sanle NEW YORK <AP > American Bro1dcastln1 Compani es Inc . s aid lU fou rth·quarter profit rose 1' percent from a year earlier, ~ Its total 1981 earnings were virtually unchanged from 1980. A BC owns the ABC TeleviaiOfl Network, TV and radio staUons and other broadcasting interest.& such as cable TV. It also IJ Involved in recorded music and publishing. • In the fourth quarter , the com oanv said It earned $43 .• or SS.13 a share. compared with $146 30 million, or $5.18 a share. in 1980. Annual revenue climbed to $2.44 billion from $2.28 billion. $736.7 million from $663 8 million. Al'W.,..,.._ CONFER J ti pa tH'SC· Amc.ric an bus i n l'SS man 'K a~· Sugahara <It.fl 1 and U S Trade Re1>rcscntuli\'e Bill Brn<·k meet at the Nation al Governors Conforl'nce Jn Washin~lun wht•n• Sugahani·s phrn ror u $10 l>1l hon job ill\'L•slm{'nt in thL· CnitNi St<Jle!-> "a:-. clbt•ussNt For the full year 1981 , ABC's profit was rtat at $146.31 million, or $5.13 a share, coupared with $146 .JO million, or $5.18 a share. in 1980. Annual revenue climbed to $2.44 billion from $2.28 billion. H e lp e d b y In cre ased advert i se r demand fo r commercial lime, ABC 's TV net work achieved record profit in the latest quarter and fuU year. Chairman Leona rd H. Goldenson and President Elton H. Rule said in a statement. Trade rumors hit TOKYO (A P 1 Reports that the J apa nese gove rnment s uppo rts a business ma n 's scheme to set up a $10 billion investment fund to create jobs in t h e U nit e d S t a l es a r e "absolutely fal se," a s pokesman for Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki said. The aide said Suzuki has never been contacted about the plan. UVER THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND and the idea that he or t he Japanese government endorsed it was "groundless " ··such a sum would be too big ror' us lo deal with," said the offi cial, who asked not lo be named. Other officials and various members of Japan's business community continued lo react with disbehef to the· proposal. Earnings also were helped by the delayed premier of the faU season bec ause of the TV writer's strike, and a change 1n amortization rates for original prime-time programming, they said The change, begun in the fourth quarter of 1980, "results in a reduced portion of costs being absorbed on the original broadcast. NASO LISTINGS NllW YOllK (AP) --.c11¥e O¥er-..._..,. llOGkS MWfled by NASO .. .,.. Vol-llld ...,.., °"' 1T-• »S,JllO IJV. 11'11 -1'11 . .. 1'2. IOO J1'-JIV. + ... nuoo 1• '""• -2 .,.... ... ,.,400 14\lo 2•'11 .. ll'IWt •• . . 111,400 2~ 24 -..... AlrFI• . 192,000 6 •"'-• "" Eri•tv . •. 1'1~ ~ s_..., .. oe... 1n,...., • •n • >-tt ->-» APllMC . . 154.200 11\li 11'--v, fflltTI s.. 1V,IJOO IN 13" a::.:: ¥M~ ••·········· OC.( ltiuft ............. . Now "ltlllt .................. . .... tio.s: ••. . . • ..••••• , •• ' T .. 01-. • .............. .. .,. um 2.09 u .. II 212 ,.,010,600 H..-!Krt9'0 "''rSy W1 Vl<lMl\I Htlll\E' ... rKuoPI 11'11-1 Geod-~~ Ac.011'1\ AIPN(; """!ti 8••"9• TlleHdCp J_.fNLf P"4JCS llfl H.vtro, S.klf'IS Mltr•I Polych t HL•mpn Hn108 ' Ml.-.~ Htl'°" Synl<fl "" H.,... I HllMN l 2 UCTV Oii J Enter'Sy • Soe<S~ S AmPllnt• • l(e ... l wl ' S..J<o<> l I 8 rwTom t GvlE WI 10 TldtRtJY 11 Com.Ir 12 Comb' 13 ... ,_ u 8u""9tf'I 1S Gerwfl I• GO'OFIO II 8-com fl II Pall• un ;: ~r~~R.J 21 Tev• n "d"C-n Art<MI ' 2• CPAC 2S Co<>JPlr ?6 FIQ1T un 11 1nnot.t1 UI'\ ~~I. ~~. ,~. • 11. S'• • ~ s ..... 1~ v. . . ~ ,~. ,,. 1\. • If. , l·I• • ).16 11', I l' • • \,. I) • I .. ,. .. ... l'"• t-'" )3•1.. + 1\oli 410 • JO 1' • 2 ,, ...... ,... . "' 11 "' 7..,, • v, >J"-• I\? )~ . '"' . ..... ,, .... "' OOWl'5 t...Jl ,."" • , , 1'-2''• ,.,. 131 •• ,.,. "' 1 J ... 1 .... 2 ... , ... , . ., >"'-11"" 1 I 16 l~ II\. , 12 t , 10 l c~ 1 ..... "' -..... .. V> -lllt ,.,, IV. ,.,, .,, I .. .. .. ... \' 2VI -~It .... -I ..... \\ I ..... \\ •4 ,,,. .. P<t Up IS.6 Up U.J Up 11.t UP 111 Up IOS Up 10J Up 100 Up 100 Up 10.0 Up '1 Up ll Up I J Up 1 l Up 1 l UD I.I VD It Up 1 I Up 1 • UP I • UP I J Up 11 Up • ' Up •• Up •• VD 6.1 Ptt Ott 50 .. Olf tu Off ~o Off 200 Off IU Olf 11.1 Dtf II• Off u. ()tf 14 ' Off U I OH 1U Oft U.1 Olf ll.I Olf 12 ; ()tf u.s Off u.o ()tf 11.1 Olf 11.1 Olf II .A ()If 11.4 ()tf 11,J OH 11 1 Oft 11.1 Olf II I Olf ti I Off II 1 Off II I Orange Cout ONLY PILOT/Wedneaday. February 24', 1982 Al I OMPO ITE T RAN ,ACTION ~OT ATIOIO OIC\.UO• 1ltAOIU011 Tiii .... YOltlC, ollollOWI ''• 'WPIC, P•W. I Oi tOfll, Oil •Ol t AIOID ClfllClfllfllli TI UOO' I •CM/4NOH AIOID ltlflOllTI D l 'f f MI MAIO ANO l•\ftNI T 5'1ft Nf1 ~In Nfl \<II•• Ntl WI" Nfl ~10 Ntt I,. ~l:,: .. il ,_'* ~ :; ~i.' ~;~·r~,·~ ~:;-,. u tii~i'r~~ 1t1~f1 ~~~·r·o~: ;~ t'!iflf~ '~i !··~1~·0~~~= \•I•\ .... Hri~·· • 4l 5•1• \ill JO ut 4 , ...... "' If:',.., l J 1 I -\Ir lrl p /1 I 1\4, • pc " e f\ ... ~ ... ., • , • ·~· v. Me "' .. ,...,. ..... I~~ 4 ~ ,., 0o , ,, ,..., ,.~. " c-:'-tow S"l' .. ; •1141 M 0 1 :1110 · '" "'Mel 111250 JI"' ,, i lJ »!4•f~ ''•vn.i. t10 •• w ..... (81 '"" I • 1 " ~... ~· •• f t • !ltlf'llld uo • , .. I 1. "'-tOS 1 10 • ·a u~ ·. " y t ,; H'-. "' ''•Wf ' 1.. • 0 n ... CBS JIO • Jll .. • -1 . I +·11 °" 1.0 • I .. 1/... .... Ma~o ta • ~ "' , 16f ,..... ~ &10-VC I .. 10 u J1'4 .... CCI t'-'" •• J l'll 14ty 14 1 tltt 2"o Mc m I• • ~. 17 11 I\ S9'VC pf I 11QO ..... CLC ! 1'; :011. iW •• ~ + .. 1411 .. ~ I.IOI f lt\4o • \o Mc ,, J Jo ~ ... I• p 1...!., J 1'I f 1.~ 49' o .... SIOMW I -• 11l .. ~ 'e·" ,.., ,, ,,. 11...,. ~ ··: 'T ' ....... ) 1. 1t ..., """·"'Mc .. uo 1; 1• • ~. -· *" ~ 1 1-cn 11 • ,, ,, 14 N•l C A gl I IO 10 j \h < j t + ._. HIM<> Ofl.IO a. 1 , V. McC>ftlct 1 t 1 .. 1 ~· \• p ... 1~ ,: t CQ~• ~ 10!)Sl\p I 11 4 JI 11'4 \ S•'" ~ Al 110e lj ... . ' 1)11 y, + ~ ..._,, .40 IJ •u ,.._ t I\ Mc0..0 1.24 I a111 1fll't• l-t a f.,.. n torTtc 11 )109 H•o, \'1 P I "<I\ Cto.. CllQ ,.C, 1. • 1tt ~ + _ fli MOflOt l6t t ~ ~ -"-McGU t t t7 )I~ W ,. "' ·n • I ~ \2 lor:r n I) 101 H v. ·~1 -i-, a 14-.... ,. N•I t) ~ • •• J,.J ~I· •• " --,-~=:s u~ l ',. ~'.~ ~ :rn:;~ I. 1 Jn :111• ' .. ,.~,I r .. t ,· ii 1~: .... s!:~vri:' ~ ~ !; J·~ ~ ' ... t , It fl! ·~"' el~ ""j t Ill ~ l p J ~ Horlrln I «I 4 ti 1U. McL¥fl ,Ji •)o iato • I\ anlbc ,, ;•\6 ~ S..bPrG 1 to , • '7\\ t "" ~~"•-' IO ·~• Ill+ C•llOI t2 • 111 ti i I 1 Ii Horhon m 1• " .... "'"'" ~ • ' ·~· i ·I! '• '"'""' "" m ,,. • " ,. "" -( ~ 149..C t 44 ~ J6» ~II. MeM 1 I 10) 201' \lo YllOv ._ s .. nea n I I •U I Ho \l'J ,., :· ..... c::e":, • !~ ~""· ~· ·· ! ~ Hotllnu .ov 11i JD"'• 1o. ,..._.,. !iOn 100 ••'-• \'\ 1 • 'A tl s..11c11. • \ ... n A 4 . I •• , I ... , .. ,t;-11 '°' 10 111 111.l~ j" 1 · l .. ,. M4"19M 1 w 7 I ,, ........ M.cllrfl ,. IJ JO) b'-1 er,: ,Jr. It s .. n£1 ,, ,, 10 ..... '"I ;•m , .. , ~ ~cam'"' -, .-~-~ _1 •· 10 • ~ 144"1•"• ,. • nt 11 , lo\ Mello" nJJ• • 1> Js1, "' 1 . JI • • "" S1111Co 110 4 1U4 JS\\ -,. --14 -... _ .._....._ e 't -... MoU.tlnl I tS a ... lilt ,_.!viii• t 04 I '* 41"> • Vt ,,.. ~ SvnC pl 1 Jj • n l/'J JV, IA •,: 14 \It ...... c,.R_:11.~o 't'.»lo i ~ II", t 1' it=..,. 1401n1pl1.llQ e tth+ \II Mer<St 1 • 74 SJ'-' ~ PwTtl , 1•-VI S11n<1t1r 190 .01 l'll• YI I I .. ••• • ·~ t tlC.i ·,. • .w;.;:u.: Mo nl llf•.» 1 ~ "'MarTu I 12 I ., dUv. ~ I •I ii.-14 SunMn 1n IV. ~ I A I\. I C•mp \ I t W1' ttlli • 1.i i Jft " Hovln t t 1a a 1tl1 1.-; V• Merell 1 90 IS IMI 81" I• ~ l 411 !l\4 t 'lo SUl1\l•I 14 U H\ A t.ft"··; & 1J4t.:""'-.·.·.·-...·.· ~:~:~oo::~:. ~~ *!~:. c'" . I ,, ~ ... HOllNO l,IO . ~·ui. 1 Merdlll\11 / "'.'"' "' ,, ~ ~~· ·-. SuprVI\ <&•O IU ••I'll· .... ••• t , m HotlOR¥ 1,nt . 11~ It!,\ \<o "'-r•LY I • ... JI"• \'> • f tO •~' S111>rO, 16 'J/7' en•'-'" A · 14 C•notR "''° \lo 111 It 1. 11 ;·:·· HOWoll tO I M ._.. \\ MtwP • , 917'3 131'>• ~ " 1 $upm-G .0 • o 111-11 t \\ ~"LJ l. '* ~ ~: ~ ~-=~'.~ d~ ·~ .:: ~ ... ,,. W' ~ Mo•PI ·~ 4!: ""' "',,.. .. ,_ 1 70t m mt. 14 I!, ... ! 1 ~ l."' . Sup\Cp II >•~ Ahmftt t.fiUe 1U 11-..+ lit C1r1noo 70 '2 ._.__ mi I ! ~ !lll .. 'd t I • ,, "'~:: 14'f l1 S? '•'!! i; i>ollt11H.04 ."2'11 i \•tt ..., Swb•n~ ,.J.101 •" 11:-:• ~ A~lteft I 1VI •• • CMll\I t • I 110 141'o I ' " .. • • nlHlf'ot11 0 tO 1•~ ' " :;T,:.. ~Fl -.. t .,: ~ l'ffflW' I ~ 12 II 10111 ~I Sy ron -1 1•~' -A '"'"' I t 1.a cQl"4-~ C•'"'' 2 1 ui :19 , S . t I\ H11lfr tO 1 16 ltllo -.... -.,.. ..,... •"" '' ..,......, 4 , 11._ • ..,. Sybrn pn 40 4 2tl• • ''• A, .. ,,., 1J ~ ·~ Iii CaroCO s •• IJ70 .. I CW . .u. 2 + 14 M"OllT t .. 114/S JI" *''"' ' ,, .. "' .... P"rmfto: 111 • ts 141/'J-.. SYll1•• 1«>11• .. , ~. l\t, It. ._ 10 ...._ 14 C•roFrl S6 > 1 """ Al Q .. 1'+ \Ii Mumen \ tO 1• 11'7 t4n MU!f.:1I12 i)O .. ,,,, V. "'!INC 111'52 21'-• '-Syn1• wl I l1 ·im II • • Ul'o. ~ CarP.. t.• I • ., "11 • 0 s .tO II M W\4-14 H11m• ~ ,., . II ""' M.. d lt4. !ft .. PrlmMI U• 10 " I~ "' Sy><O. .. IJ ttl ll"' ,,., ~· "'~!I ·· • 2~~ .... CarPpl U7 " ''" I G ~ "'"'I.' HunlCh '•is JI •V>•'v. M<hEll l.M •• ,. ""'• .... Pf'OC1G 0 0 . U) .,"'."' T T ~~ illl' ., ... 614+ .... C•rTt< 2.10 1 ll SlY>-l .. 614+ .. M111t£P '.IO 1 .,., JIVt 1 "'li"wl 1>1261 1 1'119. . """"' n 14 I ~.. TECO 'n • 7\1 " ..,. ~ ,. ~ t • &10 s.i\4 ..... C••tPlr 110 ,. u-14 '"'" uo J . . 'Ut:'-14 Hv&'elll I.. • 10 111-11 .... M w pt2.11 I IS ...... ,. 1.«I 11 14 j 'I> TRE 1 • 10 ••• ,, ,, Al : Pl ··~ .. 1!1 " • 1 C•rl Hw 1 n ~ .. ,,;; ~11.~1 t. 42 u ~ ~ IC Ind 12o 1;',.;-12". "' =_g•,:.u~ 4: :m. ~:~ ~ I~ 1,-. i =: Pl4 71AJ40 1 s:sd•:!'" I ,.:,.=:1~::1100 H\.'t:it:~:~l~f' J ·; .! lf ... , mr Rd2.1'1 . 10J I"'•._ 1Cl11pqj0 1 m .. v.Mldcr1 1120i• 'IO Jl 11111 ,.tO •~1111'1 r RWpr cSO 1111...,"' Al\llll'lt .tO J I~ u + .. •K NG 1 11 1 ., •• • mry" I • JIO '°"'·.... l(N . ... I" ..... MldSUI I ... 12')4 ,,.. • In"' ,., tJO t• • \'e h < Bo.I tO lOl 71 1, Allleftv t JO 6 11 2A6-I\ • ' ml\tt1 2,40 S 1' lJV. + V. INA(p , t0 11 IM 01' 11> Mid RO\ 1 t0 1 1M 14 .... • "pf .CM • r'-00 I -\') hll8rd '7 t 137 71... 1 Allaerlo .JO • • ,,...._ .... ., .. ,, ID ' IH .. , "'"°' 1.44 •• ,, 1~.. . 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Of2 23 12 14'~ 1, Norlin IJ 16' S(A 10o I ..,, d • ~tlNV 4 s.s; J ;: ~~-~ Arma.Se 2 .... + Vo CwE pl 1 1• 111'0 '6 • ._ GA TX 1.0 • Ill 7''1t + • l(a1yln 7' • , ·~ Nor\tr 111 Jo ll 7>'• "' !>CM 1 S 1)2 020 Un~ l 40 • •21 Cll'I • 1~ """'° 1.IO 1111 21''1-" Com ES • • • J3 .,,, ••• G A T Pl , so 1 d,.... I Kai~ Of I.. . l3 24 • 'I Nor10 (J8 • Sl ''•. • SF N I OI 6 SA ..... u c 20 10 ~ IJ-Annc ... '.10 . l ~·~-·~ com wt 7 JO 11 lit ~·., .... C.CA ' 20 tOI 1)\, •• ' K•lll8' 14 12 ,,, ,,, "' NA(CMI n Ill Ul ,,.. • SPS T ,, J ... " .om. -·~ ,.,.,,.-u i . l 111 ~;;.; COP>yU JJ 11 2«> 10'o "C.E•CO .. ,,. 13'o I Kt lle< -lO • 12 ,.. ., NoAPl\I 110 ' 11 dll'-.: Sabin;< '° ,: ,.,; JI~. ·: 8~~ ,1;; : '*~ ,f"-."' ArmW!n 1.10 1 Ill d1l\\-~ Com~ ll ll'• .. g~~qp 74 1~ ~ ~t • '" ~::=r 1: ; uu ~;: • • ~~~~it:~ .. 1•,~7 •::: • > SOgdB' \ 1111 /I '" • UnEI pl J 1iO 1100 11 -1 ~~;i:E ~~ "; :~ :1~ ~~t,, ~!1:Pi m: lli Ge.,1ou S1 6 SJ 111, '-Kel\fl 10 4 14'Cl10'• \\ N(alSL 17 I'• ,; roS< S/7\~ 1'1 " ~ ~~~::::M ; 11ri' n&::'. ,Arvin 112 • .. 13 ~ v. ConA9r " • .. '°" '. G•n"4!111 n 11 13\ )4 .. Ktnnlt "IO 115'1 lO ~ NlnCIPS I so • Ill 10• •. I ... ~~!;'' 1 bO •• ~3 ,~.. Un El pf 113 1 13V.. v. Arvlt1 pf 2 . I 20'14-1 Cone/ill 170 S 14 1'1~ • '• G•PSlr u • 107 d '~· » l(yUll! 7.20 1 Ill 16V. • ''> NoStPw 1 S6 I '/O'l I~\,• Saq•CP S6 / l" 11 , '• unEt p17 72 ) 1~ + \lo ..... r&' .ID 14 '7S d21Yt-v. Co11nGn, °' s llS 19\. .. Ga•Svc ',. 6 .. 10.. .,.. KtrrGlt 44 s an 10'o NSPw p!J loO 1100 ,. ••• SIJnLP I )0 I l 10' I UEI t.ti • 4 .. • ... ~~:g ~i:: ~ 1ir m:-:~ ~:~:!~ '~ ,~ ~ ~~: :~ g:~·:t , ~ ; m :L : ~:;~~: 1.10 ~ 11;i ~:~ ~ ~~;;:,~1 ~ 41 ~ !: ... d~ ~r::.:p ; ~ ~ l~~ ••• ~~"', , .: ; := d~~ ~ IAlll~..pu " . IS n ConEO ) ,. s 110 1' .... I. G•m(• M " n.. .... Kt yFdl .Jeb 11 21 JOV.-... NlhQ41 Q •• J.. '. S.••nl 611 ••• .. Uiilr~I • J22 •"· ••• :~~ ! ~ .~ = ~\· ~ ~:::~ ~: t ! • ~. ..~ g~r;-~: ! ;c: 1~ a~: ~~: , ~ '! .~ ~·'· ~; ~e:.~.: .. ·: ~: ·~rs ;::: . ~~~!~~ ~;: :;~ ir: · .. 8~:~ r ,. s ~ ~""~ .... AIN!d ti 21 9S 12~ '~ ConFo' 111 1 a IS• ll"' •1 GAm0 1t -14 70 Jl', ._ K'-all M f 11 ]1 ~ , Nwl8<P t M 6 •\t d ll•• ·~ SJu•nR 1• 4t( ) 1 Un8""' 40 * 41 ,...._ .... Allllotlt 1 t0 S I 2l11o \It Cnsfr1 I S1 ) 1)1 JJ\. '• C.n8nll • • 1~ .. ~,, >• l(lmbCI 4 Xl'1 tO'~ • '> N•OIEll 1 IO \ 1'7 11 , Sande" 64 1J 1'1 oO IJBrdpl 1.70 1 ~"" 1 ~t1C1.y1EErol .~ ~ ,..1s dl1lt.I 1~ CMNG 3 I• S 111 dA01 • '" GClnm "6 •IS/I 31'1 + • • KnoMlld t2 ' 16 21:'°' II. NwE n pf7 I) 1' ti.. , StAt\•IRll 6e / ti 14', , UCbTV n 14 21 716 1l -1v. " M -• ·• CnG pl 10... r140 .. GO•lll n 1<1' I IC-l 23 Zldll ' 'l Nw11nd 1 "8 4 , .. &J~. t•. SF•lnO, I b JS18 t~. " UnEN"Q 2 3l 4 l(103 34 .... + V. 'AllRICll 2.«I S s.27 d35 -t CoftsPw 2.41 S "'1 11""• " GnOyn n ' 117 13 "' Kolmor J2 16 11'.'lJ 71 .. ' 1~ NwMLI I 70 7 lJ ''•, ''o SQIWtl t 70 1 ?t 16 'o Ulllum 2 '7 S 14 uJO'/" V. '"''•IQ> , IO ,,.... . Ci\Pw pt1,. uo ., • iv. Gen El ),20 • tM7 61 I '" ~= 1 ~ '·~ ~"'. :',; N•SIW 120 I II d19'• "" Saul RE '°' so I Ulllu pl 2 20 . l?OO 14\,. '4 ::~t .!3 :~ 11l 1: + ~ Cn,...pf 4 .. I 14'4 o "" GnFd\ 1.20 I 456 )O•, '" K-gl 10 ' •csn _1 Norton 7 b IW03J'• '• S .. ASlp 10. I• 7 16 UU011111u1_!:! 1b4 IO 11 2,.s.._: ~ ,.;(OQ; l 10 S ... 1S'I'> + Iii Gl\Pw pf.I" , 2 2A + 'lo GGlh b 41 14 ti... l(roefllr ' 1 1\\• '°' Nor<;tm I 08 I 117 10'4 , ,,_ SnEIP I 11 I 1t 10'• Ut1lll;; %2 I 1iO II'" ~ lt..,.ry tO I M 74.,.,_ -. Pw pr'.U~ l 22~ I GHo\I s 4 I IO'lt • ''o 1(,.-1 72 t 117 ,.... \\ No•o n 27 , .. •',, • Sll•E t>1 I :II I I'• " ._. '1blO -" -.,,, Pw Pr1.D a 14 .... Gln\1 • 01J •14,.37 • '• KubOi.it SI.JO JO 1''1'>• .,, Nucor .. 10 1'10'7 .. '" S<1vln II ••• '• UJtrllll , ,, • 21 11~ ..... A-J 1 2lU 2P4 • I\ Pw pf2 G 1 IS • 11• GnM111, t .. 9 )Ot 31..,, • • , IClll\lm b S 4 ~ • .... o o S•v111 pl I 10 2 •O • • " UICIMM M 4-'"' Aydin 12 St n _.,, IAlr ·· m ~ · GMol 2.0.Jl107S 34'~ • w. K..-C Z2lt 1' 6 JI" '°' O•~ln, 1• 1) )13 11'• , s .. on OS. tO 191 '"" UllPl<Mn ,. 14 Jh . -...... -,'~CoPl:.#'4 .. ~ ~~-~ GMO! pt s • 31~, .... Ky-• 1 td. o.,,,.,. I S2 • .. u·~ .. !o<llrPlo , ... -""' ••• U~FoS S111• .:: .... 1111.Tl~n .-··· ~ I ~ •,,_,,. ~ GN(S <M U 14 """' '• -L-4.-O<c-Pf'!?SO 1 -n ... '• 5<~1111 Olt ~·~ ,, ....... UUSAGlr 2" •, .. ~· ... "' --• ~~>U ~ GPU IS , ........ LFE • • •I-II• .... Ott•P plll>O 'dOI'• 1 Schlmo• 80 11 400> '1 '• s ypS 40 o-w, • llrrlnll 60 I .. 7 "1Go10f 72 's' I '!'""-~ GenRe 2 1610 31• 4''• '~ LITCO 1 11 SO )11'1 O<c1P pt2 1iO t3 17 Sc>All 17 1l IOJtl ll"' '• Uus"t.:" :•.ts lit 11 1:J', 'lo. •jdOf SJ 12 2 Ml 1 .1 --GnRelr 41 • '" l LCCp I ?~ ... , O<clP pl? 11 S l<\o Seo. • M • 711 18 • '' N • dW\J 1:t0 t a'74 T .. U t t 1021 U V• GnSl9~I 1 60 119 lS' 1 •1. LLC(p pl . S d • -•,r. O<clP pt7 JO I 11 '4 ScolLAO • 11 ... • USlAas .0 10 1 13 -"• ltU pf 2.0. •. •1' l~t .. ~ I~ ~"• ~ GnSIHI OAb • IOS ,,,._ LTV 50 2 l3llO 1~ • ,... OcclP pfU 61 I •S"'. •, ScolF•I I llO I U >I " 8~S::,Y5 I~': sn ~::-:z lellCD 1.IO axlO wdsl'JO j 1' 2111. ~GTE JM 11.,_. lit•• \ot LTV ot S .. 10 41V. ... OOECOs 1 1 1fljo 11'> •) Sco11P I S•1t0 ''"° USS-21 .,6 ui,. naDle~ executive VP ·c11m c1,... ____ _ Sheldon Best hus been named executive vice president und chie( operating officer rbr Newport Ucac h·based AirCaL Best . 4t. ts respons ible for the u1 rline's dally operut1ons. including the finance, maintenance and e ngineering, rtlght operations, murketing und 1>ales and customer service divisions l:lesl fills a position vacated by Robert D. Gallaway. who left AirCal tn J une and subsequently wu numed pres ident ut Texas International Airlines. Best . who wiU hve in Orange C.:ount y, serve<! I ~ years with United Airlines. most recently as vlre president , P acific north west. Additional posts at United include vire preside nt/inflight service division. assistant to t he president and c hatrman. corporate director of govemment affairs . and various government affairs, sales and c ustomer service pos itions . E .H Clark J1· . <'huirman and c hi e f excc ut1 vt-of Baker International Corp., a11d Robert L SH r..· L{)(J\' flL,·.~r C hambers . c:ha1rman and r: president of Envirotfch Corp., announced their repsect1ve companll'S have ht-en ad vised by the Federal Trade Commission that an early termination of t he llart·Scolt·Rod1no waiting 1>enod was granted, effective Priday. The com panies contemplate the merger will close as scheduled on March 2 Al Allee Corp. 's annua l meeting of s hareholders l>r Eugen~ C lluebschmann, Courtney V Moe and Vincent P Lomonaco were elected lo lh~ board o f direr tMs STAil (S,_. ____ .., General Motors a uto workers have turned to the ~outh Gate city counc il in ho pe s of wresting a der1s1<1n from GM ovt'r how long their plant will be closed Last week. GM an noun red 1t was goi11 g to close IL'\ South Gate plant "indefinite ly because or high operating costs and sluggish sales. 1dl10g 2,500 workers IARlllSI S; MCA Inc. for 1981 earned S89 78 million. or SJ 77 a "h;irc . down frt)m $119 94 or $5.04 the prev1ou~ year rhc h1gh('r 1980 earnings included extraordinary income of $12 27 m1lhon. or 52 C'ents a s hare Revenues for lhe past year were JUSt under $1 329 btlhon. compa red with s lightly more than $1 297 billio n in 1980 WTC Inc. of Newport Beach for the three montt)s ended Dl'C 31 reported net loss of S4SS.000. or 19 cents a year. v-; a profit of $S5.000. or 3 cents one .Year l'arlier Revenues .... C'rl• $32 2 m1llwn. up from $29 4 m1llton m the pnor year. Fo r the entire year , the compJ ny had a nel loss or Sl 5 million. or 66 C'ents a s hare. compared with a net loss of SI 8 million , or R7 t•t•nt:. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEWYOiiK iAPI -~,.,, 4 pm price ~ nttv~s1'!~"' ~~~t ,:~· ~lt\11 n.tllonelly a1 more 11\an i 1 ' 't Cof'O tH.100 1411> I • ~ • 117,IOO Jll'll , '• ""' .,, • 60'· • ·~ Euon 1 ... a.ooo 11" Warn<C.om .0..100 S.' , -I \It AllRkhftd St2,IOO JS t Amer T&T M ,700 S<I\\ •, EU I ltOdalt StUOO loll • , mrc Inv S,.,tal SI o 1 ~=:-· nu~ ~ · 1~ ~VIII 4",700 ''• ·~ MtOllGll •1,1'00 ~ .,. Motltl ' '7S,l00 22', , ·~ SldOlllnd '14,IOO )I I . AMERICAN LEADERS HEW VORIC CAPI Sain .• pm prlct -ntt1 <'*1111 of 1he ten mosl ocu.,. Amtfl<en ~lo. E1c1\on9a ISWH, 1'•dlftcl ~llorlally •• "'°"' l/\all " MouOlll'r IOl,100 12V. ...,J~ Tow-Pl s Jtt,tOO I -1 .... wano a 110.JOO 10v. • ·-~P1r1 , m·m "" • "· ~.~111"/'s 1~s;a m: -... R•tlQ!tr'Oll !1i.too ~ • ~ RanlburQ 'O,too 1114 -'I• Pt lrol.ew •.OOO "" , 'A Otarll °''' ... SCIO 10 •111 ,.:Ff~:'~:~ ~;nal eo...Jonn ••o• STOCKS 0.... Hltlll Low c.... Olla JO Ind b." 1117J 111173 111.ff • I 11 20 Tm 1>7:1133''6J2t14 DI 11 •I) 1S U11 •OS M 10.. .. 104 IS IOS 1.S • 0 lS .s Siii. )It II m tO ]IS 4S )19 ID 0 n lndut 4,971,100 TrOft I 117 tC)O ~s"~~ 1~::l WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI Feb 13 NEW YORIC CAPI Fet> U TodaJ, Jt• no ,... • 17 8•1•rMI .10 t21ts EUii 07 • 10 1 • GTE pf 21'0 • n ... \, LOulnt' ,. 122 u111 " OQOen •ID s s 70\1 S<olln n a •l '"'' USTObc J ID tO .,. 46 1 11• tGE L .. 1 712 1 J 1 sss .,.,,., • "' GTE pl 2.. " '•"' \A<Gee 2 40 ' 14 ,.... Ohio Ed 1 ,. • ••• 11'• • '• Sco .. u 1 n • 11'• unTe<'h J • s tit •"' • ,,, UPS AND DOWNS IE 1118 4.SO . t220 ~ 2 --··~ 1 Gltrt I lOb .. ··~· ... umS.S JI 4.. ·~ OnEd pl 1 J6 dl20 ... , 1 Scud<!~• n ,. 11'. UT<I\ ... l 117 IO 4•~ • c:..t 1.JO 11 111 Ul'o+ "' .-., 1 .... ~ ... Ge"4!tcO '°' s i.-•r I IO • 41 171,._ ... OhEd pf. 20 rlOOO .... ... Scud Pll 01~ Q ••• UT<ll Pi J" ... ~: ;; METALS er>dtCI .tO • 105 72'1>-~ E S4 4 SS Ult. -~ GnRad Ot .. ,,,,. "-Lanier I )4 IJ 1J9 20•1, '• OllEd pt I IO 1 11' • SHCI pl 1 '6 •1' • • -. UnlTel 1 .. S W It NEW VOAK <A~ -Tiit tOllO•lftO llJI t nP r1' 2 • xi CIJ7 -2 't0 I 171 1.. Gtn .. PI I JO 12 •SS 11... V. 1-earPI 12 • 2S7 d1Jll'f. I'> OhE p 10 .. 1110 14•1y, SuConl 41 S Ill() 19•, I Unllrd, .U 12 u1 ~ " lht ITIOll llfld _, IN ,,_. baMd °" I_.,., .IO S U0 11YH ~ I 14 4 14 ~...:.1 GtM1 9 180 1' !Pol •-. Lewllnl l'l IJ .. lllit • '• OnEd rt I Of r100 U•,, I SuC1 pt ? tO ' 111• • Unll lpll 50 12 n •,...'..1•J11 ~:: ._~_,11"'~Str,~ e:,..~ kNY J.20 s 21 41\'t-..... "' .... •SI 12lt.:; .... Ga PK . l.IO 11 7&'4 II .. Lff!'Sa 1.41) s 11'1 u ... OllP pl(/ 60 11560 461r. S.uh• I .. s 31 IS4. " Unlvar .. • l4 11"" . ~of <'*'91 reo-rdlau Of votumt kOIV• 1,1, • JI UV.-1-11 C«nG f JJ I m .,...,._ •t. G•Pc pl 2.24 1 ?Sii>• v. LatE"l 1.0l 10 Jtll TllJll• v, OhP ptA 14 t<10 ~ 1 s .. cirm I ID S too ll '• • '• VnlvFd '6 1 1S "-"'-v. lor Twtday, ni(Am 1.52 611M 19"'>-'t. Corrlllk 1'1•11 s 20'1o+ 11: GaP .. pU1' 1 14\o\ ,, t=ei·· ... ' ~ 2:, .,. OllP8t071t 11100'1\\·•·-. t:1t:, .01: l~d,:,, ;! Unl.Nf 1'4 . J7 "-" .~~""•-''!ft. ~no~-c~."!!'l<,...'..: _, 2 SO t 17 '" Id I 2' I• 9S l2-1Y· Ga Pw llf1,1S t 1-• ·~ n"' Olln 1 70 S IO It\\ U LI FE M S 2S7 ~ • v. dlffere11te ~ IN -~ clQll~ ,"l~ J 2~ lJ~~ ~1" 111 l 1' + V+ G•-1)11S2 10 '•"•• vt LVI ~ S I u"' '" 0"• E 116 11267u14 ..... SulPw I U, "4 2,._ I'> UlloN> 2 Jt l0tl'e S2Y>-2'1'> _,. ,_ ~.tnt ...... ·~.,.. •u ~ "" ' 'i "' lo 21 IS • ......._!At G•,... P<1 n •10 -+ 1 = 1.Alllt l1J IJl4• l4 OmarlC 1 6 14 IS~• Sterle(', 57171031 311 1' ·~ U LF glJ_J:J I 14-Iii prl(t -IOdrf'I ~Jim orlce I.,~ 11: .m df!~ -1:Z ~~I .ell J ~ ~~;_ i\ ~:'if: I : ~ :: ~~ 1 ... t.s.::!y 11 = i 1n F,: • ~ 8:~~ n ~ 1 : :~ ~; • '• t:f.~, ~ ~ ~ •m ~·:: ~ ~11~:2 ~ 1l 'J:t-'4 ~-LAl1 01o .;.;;{, ... '7'td20 Vt IOtl J 11t U -"• ~rbS< 1110 '4 tt'I+ II> Leuc!,, 1I l t1'4 OHE O~ 220 • I\ 11'1 '• ~<o " SS1ll JO\, Ull PL 220 I W It • 1 A,,_EIK 10 + '"" .,&: 2.• • J 1~ + lt. ~kH 2.40 1 4t 3"" • . G•tt Y , .0 S ••n <Ml I"• LA•l5l t tS 1 S64 ~, 't. O~llk• t I S•~~~IP , ~ '1 2;; l~~ , ~ UtPL gl 2 ID I 1tV. • 'A t E""4POE OfB ' , II) le ,«J ll l2l It' '"' ctr~pl't,11 .. 21 10'.li-~ Gl•nlP 7 ) !1,1rll21' 112 141 l2 Or•nRk I.. M "'°"' '• Shaklet 1 , 164 IS'• h UIPLOf 2.tO JS 1~ , l Col~ Jl!d '°"' + 1 es " .:i~ 10 117 ....,._ 14 ~ 1.CM t J m:.· .. ~ g::[~\ .80 uWt ,: • ~ to" UOl5 30 22""+ 'lo g~~~ ~I~ r. ,;'• :;: SnaQOll 30 q H•• • ... tll~t :n~ .. fi 1:r;: :~ ; ~~ j!~ ! ::.: :~,". 1:4' ~ J: ~~ :z rwlel 7.JO 10 l1l ~ • l'o GllfHlll '1 • 14 16111 V. t.: ~ 4·~ jj 1f r~ • °" OulbM ID • 111 20•. • 't ss:::::'oln 1 !!? ' ~'i dJl•:"',' ~. -11-Y -• hit pfll SJYt • fu 9t yfln 10 U 1'11 • " r~tlr E 4,~ • • l3 » + Ill Glllt11t 7 10 I .. I 32lt. • \.\ Ll:f11;, 1 .O 1 14 l 4V. Ovl!tl loO 11 lJ ', s~ul 1 1;; ,• "':'.. 2S•o '1 VF Cp 1.40 S 1?1 )IY>-11> I HOiiy J7"' , "' 11~ z.n 7 • 17\4 + ..... rum 1.'4 5 ... :ltV.. + 'lo GleHW IO 4 1•10 '''" 1' L-'ta If SO 2~ °" OvrnOr I 20 11 10' • \oo ·~ "' 1' Velt t'O l2 S •14 ln'a • ~ I ,._I r U~ , 1 ll•rull S U 1-.-"' .... :IOt I J4 11•11 . GlobM • 70 '9147 l.V .. ''° LlllyE1f 2 '°9 11J07S sev.. • ,_. Ovrlr s ID 6 >'311 1'•, I r.:::g'~1 ~ ' 1~ ::~ °" Vv~•yln 1 1t01 •, 010o d1~~ ~ ' PlllllOI"-' XI • 111) ::ar1r111 1 • n ,..._.,,,. umEn 1 l 1111 ,.._.. "• GldN .. 11 • 1' n•. uncNt J • 10 """ ., ~1 )0 4 n IJ~ •) ''• -·om ·~ • 10 l!ll'SOE otA l '<t , v. elFd' ! tO t not I"'• Vt C1Krl11C I 10 IJ 7..., !At GldWF 1M 10. S'o •,. Llll(PI H ila . I l~lh e I JO 11 cm 11"-, " Sh•IG pfl 40 10 I"• 1 > Vetco11 1' • ISdlJV.-'-II l!mptrtlllC 14 1 ... , Pf J JI • 47 )S , .__ CllrtW 1 4 10 • Gdrlth I ~ 4 d i It.._, ,,. •lLIOntt4 .. Ml J'l't Ill I .. S Jn 2... ,,.. Snr.,. 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I t 10 ft'-'- !% ' ' _..., ---• '90' ... ..., a : a a 3 3 2 ,... __ ...... __________________________ ~.....;..----~--~~~----~--~----------~------~·--. --...... . .... ~·· C)qnge Coat DAILY PILOTIW9dnffday, Febt'u•ry 24, 1882 .Caught between two :government masters Just call it expensive irony. On the same day htst week that Southern Celifornia Edlson Co. was ofrtclally receiving its test license tor newly built Unit 2 of the San Onofre Nuclellr Generating Station . the • California Coastal Commission . was ordering the uttllty to cough · up $3 million to end a dlsputt! on beach access. The lesson. if there is one to , be learned. is that it ·s eas~· for t wo government agencies in this case the rederal Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the st ate Coastal Commission to easily whipsaw a third part~· at the mercy of both. Edison Co. ·s predicament and that of San Onofre's minorit~· owner. San Diego Gas & Electric Co was this: T o m eet U .S . Nucl e ar R egu l ato r y Commi ss ion requirements on securit~·. the coastal power plant's owners had to fence a portion or beaeh in front of the facility. The NRC iss ues operating ticenses for nuclear power plants and onl~· d oes so wh en a ll o f its requireme nts are met. But the Coustal Commission Issu ed building permits for newly·bullt units 2 and 3 and hus authority over all matters related to the Culiforniu s horelinl' When Edison f enccd off a portion or th«:> beach prohibiting public aeeess th«:> commiss ion r ea cted angl'il~. saying the construction permits Issued in 1974 wer(' bl'ing violated. The price for peaee : Edison agreed to donate $3 million fo1· park improve ments al San Onofre Stale Park while Sun Diego Gas &: E le etrie Co . de dieated an addit ional four aeres to Carlsbad State Park T h e $3 million price tag see ms high considering that the beach area in front of the plant as not the mos t aeccssible. Or the most in demand Who pays'? In the end. it's thl' ratepayers . Who else·! Gun control v iews Last week in Santa Ana, the president of t he National Rifle Association. former Los Angeles Police Department officer Kt>ith Gaffnev. told a n audience. ··we do n ot have a gu n control problem in this country. we have a crime control problem. People do not want gun control. I he~· want crime control." Gaffney then proceeded to cite st atistics which. he said. s how that gun control measures do little if anything to reduce the number of reported v iolt>nl crim es. Gun regulations. s uch as delivery waiting periods. r egistration a nd background e hecks. "have been tried and have failed." he asserted Gaffne~· is c·ntitled to hi~ views. and there's certain)\' no a rgument against the need for crim e control. but his statistics are open to question. . . As for what the people want. a nationwide Gallup poll showed that 67 percent o r those q u. e s t i o n e d f a v o r e d l h e 'registration of all firearms. A . California poll found 82 pereent of the respondents in favor of gun registration. As for the assertion that gun control measures have little 01· no effect . considet the fact that in 1980 there was a total of 263 handgun deaths recorded in J a p an . Great Brit a in . Switzerland , Canada. Is r ael . S weden and West Germany. All seven have stiff gun control laws . In the s ame year there were 10.728 handgun deaths in the United States <the total now has exceeded 11.500 annually 1. NRA logie to the eontrar~·. Americans are not so blind that they can fail to eomprehend statistics like this. A test of true public opinion ma,· come in Ca lifornia this No,:ember if a drive to place <in initiative titled the Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1982 on the ballot is s uccessful The propos ed m e asul'e would n o t b an the posse ssion of handguns. but wo uld require their registration. prohibit mail orders for handguns. freeze the present number of pistols and revol\'ers in the s late al their present level. estimated at fou r million. and pro\'ide mandatoa'.' .l a i I sent en e es for an~· on<' c arr r 1n g an unr eg is tered handgun It does not cteal with rifles or shotguns The California initiati\'C'. 11 approved b~· the \'Oters. could tx• a m o d e l for nati o nwid e legislation. Up to now. the prob- lem in obtaining gun control laws of anv kind has been the e x t r e m c · s u s c e p t i b ii i t ~· o f lawmakers at the s tate a nd federal level to pressure from the w e ll o r g aniz e d NRA An initiative. on the contrar~·. can onl \' be overturned b,· a second ,·ote of the people . · There is no doubt it will be a bitter fight. wi th lht• NRA in the forefront of the oµpos ition. But if l h e people want to s top thr handgun s laughter. at least to the extent of' approving registration of the weapons. t his wi ll be their ehance to sJ)('ak up Draft the oldste rs? A New York doctor. former president of the Gerontological Society or America. has proposed that all able-bodied Americans aged 60 and over be conscripted for two years or public service work. The doctor. based on his experience in the geriatric field . belie ves it is wise for older people to keep busy. both for their economic and mental health. Under his plan. the drafted oldsters would feceive military pay for work in hospitals . nursing homes. urban. ghettos. public pa rklands and othe r public service fields. Arter two years they would be entitled to something like GI benefits. . That sounds fine . But man· datory service would seem to be going a bit far. In fact. many people over 60 si mply carry on with their • regular jobs in order to qualif~· for Social Security. And many of those who do· retire and are in good health participate in a multitude of volunteer tasks. Indeed. senior citizens probably make up the bulk of the nalion·s volunteer workers This procedure enables them to keep as busy as they wish. while still reserving some time to enjoy their hom es. gardens. ~randchildren and hobbies as a reward for a lif elime of work. lt is true t hat many older Am ericans still have much to o ffer in the way or s kill . j udgment a nd expe rience Perhaps the sort or program the doct or suggests would be or benefit to both the participants and the nation but the time has ' h ardly com e for univers al conscription of the elder ly. Opinions ••PenHd In t"-IPIK• •bovt are those of the Dall-. Piiot. ou,.r views ex· 'pressed on tnlJ"page art those ot tne1r autnon an<1 artists. Re.der comment.is 1nv1t· ed. Addreu The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mew, CA 92626. Phot1e ·(7141 1642·•321.. : ,. Thomas P. H•tey Pubtllher ; T......_ A. MaliJ'Nfte Edtlor •arNn Krelltk" Edttortal Pate Editor • The people are speaking out LOS ANGELES-The archbishop of San Frnncisco is lh~ most prominent supporter of a California state initiative protesting American production ot nuclear arms. The archbishop of Seattle is urging parishioners to refuse to pay ha lf their income taxes tO protest that production. The bishop or Amarillo bas told parishioners working in a nuclear weapons plant to consider other employment. THE PRESIDENT of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops has also spoken out against the nuclear arms buildup. The pope himself has attacked the "scandal of the a rms race." In lndianapolis, one small Catholic parish bas voted to refuse to pay half of the $50 tax on its yearly telephone bill - again to protest spending for nuclear weaponry. Something is obviously happening in the Roman Catholic Church -and in the nation as well. What is happening is not religious, but political. We are seeing the democratization of foreign policy. The Catholic Church does not speak with one voice, nor does it speak out only on nuclear arms . The archbishop of New York, Cardinal Terence Cooke , who is the military vicar for Roman Catholics in the United States. has defended nuclear arms, calling them a "tolerable" deterrent. Whatever the merits of either side of that argument -I personally wonder how history will judge the fact that the United States has continually sold nuclear arms to countries around the world whi le the Russians have not - RICHARD RllVIS the big story to me i' that so many people are being drawn into foreign policy debates. Loc al ch urc h es, even loca l archbishops, have not traditionally been invited into the s m all circles that discuss foreign policy in the United States -or in any other country. Decisions on war and peace have been the province of an elite of "militarists" and "internationalists" -some in unifo rm, some not; some in office, some not. . Archbishop John Roach. the president of the National Conference of Bishops, said: ·'There is close to a groundswell of people who are terribly concerned with the possibility or nuclear warfare. They see it as an impossible solution to tensions, are very frightened and are prepared to rally around an anti-nuclear cause." THAT "GROUNDSWELL" -or any other -can quickly be picked up these days because or that much-maligned tool of democracy: polls . Public-opinion research, whatever its accuracy. is a trem endous force for more democratic decision-making. decisions from the bottom up. Each time a president raises the possibility or military action -in El Sa l vador, tor instance -he is confronted with public response within 24 hours. Those poll numbers and percentages a re. at this mo ment, probably preventing one president. R o n ald Reagan , from sendi ng American troops to Central America. And the people speak out more these days because they know more -or think they know more -about foreign policy. They see the same reports each night from around the world because of a nother m alig ned technology : television. The old days when leaders could control the n ow or information, and of armies. are gpne forever. Now, more and more. the voices or the people will be heard -from churches and from a lot or other places. The court invades lawmaking power Wt\fther one believes the owners of r~tal housing have the right to exclude ram i lies with children or not, the recent decision of the state Supreme Court holding such a rule-violative of the U nruh Civil R lll.hts Act was an u n con stituti on a-I usu rpalion o f ·legislative powers. It is but one or many decisions in recent years by the courts which overstep their authority and exercise power s not granted them by the constitution . that of le gislating. In many instances the issue is thin. For the claim for the court's interjection is based upon the constitutionality or a law however nebulous lhe reasoning may be. BUT OTHER CASES in which the court has made law by judicial fiat on claim o r constitutional grounds obfuscated the c lear fact that an acli visl court had legis lated. Such is the action taken by the court in striking the "adults onl y" rule of landlords. In this case the court declared the rule violative of the Unruh Civil Rights Acl, a mere statutory law not a provision of either the state or federal constitution. The Unr uh Act prohibit s discrimination in housing for certain specifics, .namely, "sex, race. color. religion, ancestry and national origin" and is silent on the matter of age. The accepted rule or law is that wherever the subjects are listed or detailed, that which is unlisted is omitted. Clearly then. by finding that the Unruh act covers discrimination as to age, the state Supreme Court justices have indulged in amending a legislative act to include something not before pro vided. It i s an o utright and unwarranted piece o f legislation '. EARl WATERS accomplished by the unbridled power of a court which. pretending to be the protectors or the const itution , itself tram pies o n its provisions for separation of powers. This invasion of the powers of the people through their elected representatives is a most dangerous road for the court lo travel. All kinds or mischief can result from a liberal court bent upon curing the "evils" of society. In his book , "Governme nt by Judiciary." Raoul Berger writes, .. J ustiflcation or judicial usurpation on the ground there is no other way to be rid or an acknowledged evil smacks of the discredited doctrine that 'the ends justify the means .· I cannot bring myself to believe that the court m ay assume a power not granted in order to correct an evil that the people were, and remain, unready to cure." Justice Matthew Tobriner. In writing t he majority op1n1on banning t he "adults only" rule, contends that the court is only doing what the Legislature intended a ll along. But the record doesn't support that contention. To the contrary the issue was considered at the time of passage of the Unruh Act. It was purposely not included. The same issue has been before the Legislature numerous times since and rejected. What the court has done here is to inject its own beliefs and opinions over those of t he Legislature and the people IN COMMENTING upon the court's tendency to overstep its authority. Justice Brandeis warned. "In a government or laws. existence or the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe scrupulously the laws ... Justice Franklurter went directly to the point stating, "Self-willed judges are the least defensible offenders against a government under law." And Berger asks, "How long can public respect for the court. on which its power ultimately depends. survive if the people become aware that the tribunal which conde mns the acts of others as unco nstitution al is itself acting unconstitutionally?·· Whatever the answer to that quest.ion may be. public respect will be or even less duration when it is discovered that the court no lon1er needs to contend a constitutional conflict to indulce in legislating its whims , blatantly usurping the powers or the people and their Legislature. So1ne words c.an put reade r s in a quandary Quenes.and Quandarie8: "Dear Mr. Harris: Can you explain why the person who gives out and lakes in money at a bank is called a 'teller'? I even looked In the Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase· Origins and couldn't find an explanation." -M.R. W .• Raleigh, N.C. It Is a corruption of the word "tally." meaning to count up; a bank teller ~ . IYllll 01111 0 tallies accOWlts; the word ls allO Uled' In "telling" a rosary. a alrln1 of beads on which prayers are counted. "Dear Mr. Harri.a: The flnt words Samuel Mone put on the telesraph were from the Blble: 'What hath God wrouebl?' Can you tell me the pr .. nt ten1t of the word •wrou1ht'?" -L.P .• Cleveland. "W~lht" ll t.b• o)d.fubioned put tenH of "work." It penllll tn the lan1uaie ln "wrousht lroG" and 1uch word• 11 "p l ay w rl1ht ' • and "shlpwrt,h .. people who conltnlet or , work at plays or isbips . C In older times there were also wheelwrights a nd mlllwrtghts. > "DEA& MR. HARRIS : About how many English words does a person have to know in order to understand most or what is being expressed, except for speclaliled or technical subjects?" - N. Y., Toledo, Ohio. A computer count made a few yean ago found that a command ot 3,000 moat frequent worda in a continuous sample of 100,000 running En1Ush words ctves an understanding of 88 percent of all words: and that a f'urther l percent increase can be attained only by the addition of 6,000 more words. "Dear Mr. Harris : When I wu In LondoD-.ruenUy 1 beard people 1peakin1 of buyln1 merchandlte ·on tick.· r never ulted what that meant, and I wonder lf you can tell me?" - A .J.A., Miami, Fla. It '1 the ume a • our "charse account.•• Tlck la a •hortenln1 of "ticket." meanlnt the bill of account U\1t wt11 be malled after tbe delivery of lbe fOOds. (And .lmtaUment payment.I are "blr&purchn.e.") "Dear Mr. Harris: I always tbou1ht that • ahatm._t wu Gandhi'• flnt Po ··--...... name , but then I learned It was ·Mohandas.· What did the Mahatma stand for . and why was he called thet?" -K.L .. Tulsa, Okla. Mahatma is an honorific title in India. conferred upon those . renowned Cor spirituality. koowledae and love of humanity. CGandbi himself never used It, aaked his supporters lo drop it, and said that the title grated on hls ears.) ··Dear Mr. Harris: It •avuncular· pe rtains to an uncle. what word pertalna to an aunt?" -8.8 .. Lowell, Mass. Sorry. but Enallsh has no such word, and should have. nonn•t racism and bltotry tom• ln all colon? 0861RVS1l ...., _ _....,. ....... ., ......... __ _ -.... .... 1............. . ....... . ..................... #.' 'l' ' Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 24, 1982 -EVEN1tG-e:oo1•• NIWI CMANJl'9 AHGfU I WHn'l IHAOOW ,,. JIJ'NMONI • HAWAII FM.o "HOOllman" I ...... MP'ORT ~ (I) C81HEWI I AICHEWI NeCHeWa MCWll ..... "Olert Of A lMn-Age Hltc:nhllcet" ( 1979) Ok:k \'1111 Patt.,,, Char1eM TM· ton. A young C>if1'1 Mle le endangered when she accept• a ride from • 11rwiget. (I) WE OPEN IH NEW HAVEN A behlncMn.--look le tallen at a atlOW P'ec>er· i '°' ltll lkoedwey debut. 1:10 Clt~ICOAE .. W&..COME BAa<.. KOTTl:A • KCET NEWS8EAT wmt OlETE "°8ERTII • lllllNH8AEPORT Cl>8NEW8 9 IMNEY MIU.EA (H)GOOANO AAOONO WITH DOHAU> DUa< Proteaaor Ludwig Von Orllk• u-hi• nepMw Donald u the subject In anothef of his nutty lnYM· llgallon• Into hum•n l>4lha-.tor. (Z) LAST YEAR'S MOOEl. 7•8 C81NEWS G N8CHEWS 0 HAPP'I' DA Y8 AGAIN Foiai. ma~ne. blade• with • French fencing cNrnc>lon who first Insult I Atnetlca and ''*' Joanie. 8 MCHEWS D ., ASKED FOR rT FMlured: "Japan'• Human Bombl" and "Exeluslve· Grand Circus Of Moscow " • M•A•S•H A "ctlMt cutler" and • nurM from Iha 8063<d are aet1l to Iha 40771h In return tor Hawlceye and NvrM Bigelow I J0t<EA'8 WILD OVEAEASY Gu.I: Harold Russell (Al • l:MCK CAVETT O.-ta: Carty. Lucy and Joanna Simon and Chelf mother Andr .. (Par1 2) (J) TIC TAC DOUGH ~ ENnATAIHMENT TONIOKT An lntarvlew with Dido Van Dylla. QITHE~ ~t; Valerle Harper. (O)MOW • •..., "Second 11and Heart1" ( 1111101 Robe•t Blake, Barbati H1ull A T-car-wun attendant wak• up ~,morning co find that he I• married co • nightclub waler... won th<M kids. 'PO' ct LOAETTA LYNN 8"CIAL The "FIBI Lady of Coun- try" lings "Coal Ml,_'a Daughter." "One's On The Way" and other hlll In I p«l«m-taped llve 11 Hartah'a In Reno. (%)MOVIE ACCUSED Venus shouts out In own <l<.•fenSl' us an atlomt•v tries to ralm him during theft hearing 011 WKRP in Cira·annu11 · tonight at 8 on KNXT 121 c:lty to pur-thait M'ibl- tton.. 1:.IO 8 2ON1l4e TOWN FMlured: I visit 10 lhe Shrine Audltonum tor 1n. Grammy A-da Show u ttMt atara arr!Ye; • loolt et Iha MIC!ayvler, • ,_ rnu91c:el 1nt1.-t Whleh is part compul.,, part pl•no and part typewrite<; e step by llep look at the production ot a racotd. Q QIFAMllYFBJO • LAVERNE & 8HIAl.EY &COMPANY L1vetne and Shirley h•v• to run 1111 obtlecle courM In order to quality for Police work 8 EYEONLA. FMIU<9d' Iha eec:ond pw1 of • repon on x~ated movie 11ar John C. HolmN; a loolt 1t pay t ... llltlon; I loolt 11 studio nlUalc:lana. D CELDAITY euu.aEYE m w·A·s·H Hawkeye -11• • lettet to his l•lher. Celling him some OI I hll Wacky golnQ&-Of> In the 40771h. • TIC TAC DOUGH • WACHBl. I LEHRER AEPORT G!) HOU. YWOOO'S CHM.DAEN Roddy McOowlll n1Ur11es • look 11 now 1 ne cnlld at1U1 or ye.letd•y end I001y Mlle coped with llStdorn and II• 1ttarmath (J) P.W. MAGAZINE Tht.. ~ who heel "hllll9h" .--oe.cn ... pe- rlencea; a Hollywood makeup •rtlat re11e1ls some ot his beauty MCrlll. 0 YOU A8K£D FOR rT FMtured. "France'a Wine s_, .. <B)ntOeE FABUU>US ClOWNS Rlch•rd Kiiey profiles tt>e · enle•latner• who h111e made Ina WOtld •auon - Including Fanny Brice. Charlie Cn1plln. w C Fle61SI and many others 8:00 8 WKAP IN CIHQNNATI Venus .-Ives 1 large dia- mond earring from a l>Uo· Ulul wom111 D at REAL. PEOPl.E Featured • dude ranch In Wales, llr .. t gang mem- bers who boJC, • llzans- keeper. • reunlOn ol btaclt World Wit II WACS II MOW •••'A "French Connec· llOn II" ( 1975) Gene Hack· man, Fernando Rey A hard-l>Olled New York cop. Popeye Ooyle. tr1vels lo MarMlllM 10 continue hla relenlteu pw-.ill ot an 1n1arn11lonal drug Oealet 8 (11 THEOAEATEST AMERICAN HERO A Shopwrlcic on lhe OeYll'I T riangte Mii Ralpl\ on tt>e trail of • mammoth ptehla- toric: -cr .. ture and • ruth .... hlleckar e wovw • *"' "The V'°*'I Men" ( 1955) Glenn Ford. Barba· re Sttnwy<:*I. A poMfful w ... emer 11 defMted by YIOl8nl oClPOllrlo torc:ee • P.W. MAGAlJH£ ThtM ~ WhO h4ld "l\ellWI" ,_-death ex.pe- rlencef; e Hollywood m1keup artltl reveal• aome of hi• be1uty Merel• ti) MOVIE "MUltlr Of Tt>e Flylng GulllOtlne" Revenge and honor in the ancient land• of tt>e orient. e HOU.YWOOO'S CHll.DAEH Roddy McOowall n1u1t" a loot< at now t t>e GhMd stare of )'89l•d•Y and today n. ... coped with atardom and Ila aharmllh. {)) PUelJC Af'FAIA8 (C)WOVIE * * * "Oh Godt Book II" ( 19110) G•otge Burns. Suzanne "*hlltt• God return• to Earth and Ch009M tt>e young dlUQh- llf Of In advertising 9ll8C· uu .... to ~ his ,,_ saoe 10 1n. WOtld ·PG' (l)BIZAME "s..p.O.ve" 0 MOVIE • • "Melllln And Howard" (tll80) Paul LeMat, Jlaon Robetda. An 01nerw1 .. 1.tnknown g•• at•llon •ttendant claims 10 be Iha rightful heir to Howard HughH' bllllon dollar ..i1te 'R' 1;30 8 THE TWO~ U8 Whli. In lhe middle ot • c1mp1lgn 1g11n11 awea11nop1. Nan ••kl Btenl'WOOd 10 loot< lltet • hOuMllOld of guMll on his day off . • AU IN THE FAMI\. Y Not -I>'""''• trom GIOrla wlll gee Arcnle 10 Ilka Edith OUI r0t • nlgl'tl on tt>e town. bul Edith la tiled of taking "no" tor •n .,.._ Iii) EVEAE8T IN WINTEA Eight Bntlan mountal.-1 attempt lo cllmb Iha mott dangillOUI aec:tlOn Of Ml Evwest. Ina _, lace, during tt>e winter or 1980; Jonn Hurt nartat•. (J) Wl<AP IN CIHCINNA TI venua ~•large dia- ~ Mtrlng lrom 1 beau· tltulwoman CID wow: • * * * "Alleted Stal .... (1980) w1111am Hun, Blair Btown A Harverd aclen- llst's ~le structur• i. lllerect when ne QOnClucta mll'd-e•p•ndlng ex.perl- menl• with llOl•liOn l•nks end powerful hllluclno- ·A' ~ LAFF·A.-THOH ""'°...,,... Ol llllllC* hle-'Of1 Md ...... .,. dflfMlllild Ill • ..-tut OMWOIW ~ cneted .. 8ltd ~ PauleM ..... Cl) M.....V AWlil'lll» JoM 0.W. '-t.I Uwt 2"411 -* adltJon °' ... ftWdl Oltlll'llOtlY· 10 be teteoa8' ~ trom cne 8N1ne Auditorium In LOI ~ (II) UYI AT THI HANWt'e .._, '1'.,_,,. -C080y end Dl4* $'-' .,e...,,., Cl) WN;ll(V WOM.D Ofl JONATMAN WINTIM au.t; T OftY C>Nooo. .... LOYl. llONIY '--ie trtee to rMlore Pat- 11'8 ~Ion lot doga .... ...... ~ ·M~Wl'TH __ , .......... HMMONV WITH ~ Wablt« l.W la jOllled by "'°'*"'' 8-Mtd lgMar. Sondla Erwin llld IN New England Conlarvllory of Ml"'6c Poet-Pop Orc:hMlra tor a concetl fMIUtlng -or hie lllMt oompo- 11uon1. Cl)WOVW • "The Awakening" ( 1980) Charlton HMton, Su11nnah York. An arcnaeok>gl11'1 daughter become9 poe-Md by ,,,. malevolent aplrft of 111 ancient Egypll111 q-. 'R' (l)MOVIE * + "Fo11t101" ( 1970) Peter O'Tooi.. ChatlOlle tO:OO~~'( Quincy befriend• a mirM who Is .uttering del•~ llr... ayndrome 11 • r-lt of Iha Vietnam War I ••• NEWS 9 OYMA8TY Fallon learna lhal Blab may not be her lather. Alexia r9\lfvea her aftal• with Colby. and Blake announoee lh•t his sight hu~ned • CA088"°"'°8: CAUFOfMA emu (C)WOVIE • •'h "Seven Women" ( 1~1 Anne Banetoh. Sue Lyon. Wom«1 with varying background• and poal- llons 1n1arre1111 In • Ctil- ,_ mlMion IChOOI a1)MOVIE * * * "All Nigh! Long" (19111) Gena Hackm1n, B1tbr• Strelaand. Attar being darnoled rrom COf· porlle e•ecutlve lo ch.lln- st0te night ~. • mlCSdi..aged mM'I 111• •tyla and .,.._ ere turned ~'R' 0W<ME • • * "The Competition" ( 1980) Richard Oreyfl.tu, Amy ltvlng. Two p4an1St1 •I 1 San Francl9co music competition find thll their io... for each other con- n1cta with their profeulon· al wnbltlona. 'PO' 10: 15 (8) MOVIE *in "E)'89 Of A Stranger" (1981) Lauren r-. Jen. nller Juon Leigh. An lnqulllllve TV r•l>O<I•• Ital!• a madman~­ ble tor a -• 01 ••i>e- 111Ufdtrl. 'R' 10'.IG ., NEW8 • CA008AOA08 '1••••{))93 NEWS G SAT\JADAY NIOHT Hoat: Richard Ben)em1n Gue111· The Gr1tet1.1I Dead. D KOJAK • THE JEFffNON8 .&AHFON>N«J80N • CD<CAI~ Guest No,, •an M1net (Part 1) 11:06 (%) MOVIE * * "Turklah Dellghl" ( 11173) Monique v•n ca Ven, Rutger H-'R' 11:80 8 MOVIE TUBE TO-PPERS - KOCE $!' 7:30 and KCET 9 8:00 "Hollywood's C:hildren .. A look ut h1Jw the child stars u( yt>slerduy and Loduy coped with stardom und Its aftermath. KTJ.A 0 8: 00 "The Fr en(' h <.:onnection 11." Sequel to blot'khust<•r movie about drug smugglm~ suu·s lJL·nt· Hac kman KNXT 8 9 ·00 .. Gr·ammy Awards." John Denver hosts the award& ceremony tclccH:;t from Los Anudt·s . See story. bl' low KA8C 11 10:00 "Dynast y .. fallon learns th1:1t Blake might not be hl'I' father and Alf'xis revives her uffu1r with Colby. gle" (tllSOl s1.,11ng Hay. den, J-Whitmore. The pOlioll •• betfled tly • crlmln11 mHtermlnd't half·mllllon-dollar roObe<y (DJ MOVIE * * *. "P~e" ( 1980) Robin W11tlem1, Shelr.y Ouvlll Whli. -chlng IOt hit tither. the llj)lrlach-eal- lng lallOr ........ • qualf'lt hamle4 where he piokl I.IP I toundllng and • skinny -1hMr1 'PO' p(J)MO\llE * * * • "Raging Bull" ( lll80) Robett De Nlto, Cethy Motlatty Boxing champion J1ke LI Mo111'1 aptitude tor violence bring. him ~ In Ille ring but dletupll hl1 per- IOl\al Ille. 'R' 11:40 (8) MOYIE •**'A "Allee . Sweet Ab" (111711) Linda Miiiet. Paula Sholc>cMltd Membet1 of •n ll1llan-Amerlc1n famlty 8'8 victimized tly I . peychollc: murd«er In !halt mldll. 'R' 1t:OO G SHA NA NA Gu.t P1ttl Pege 8 (11 LOVE BOAT An eftlciency ••pert Ir •vela lncognllo, I shy guy and I plaln J-fall In IOY1 and • middle-aged men 1nd • younger "'°'""' keep com-pany. (A) D MOYIE * * * "At1 Down Below" ( 11157) Rober1 Mllcftum, Rita Hayworth. Two Cerfb- beer> adllenlu<... with • boat tor hire agree to 1•"'890'1 • llldy without • pul90r1 from one !Siano lo lll!Olher • a.<E DOUOI M • LOW. AMEAICAH 8TYU "Low And The Wak•Up Olrl" PhU make• e d•le with Ann, I gltl l\e'a - _,, "Love And Lovw'a L-" Dorl and Peter plan 10 c:elebt•t• their lltWllYer. aary. • AMENCA: THE SECOND cemJAY (J) WONOEA WOMAH 12:a0 a a LATE NIGHT WfTl4 DAVID l..ETTEN&AH Gueal· 1cto•~omed1tn CharlM Grodin 8 MOYIE • * '" "The Shepherd Of The HUia" (11141) John Wayne, Belly Field Our1I Mountain ~ 1ttemp1 10 .. ..,. ''*'land from oul- llde lnYadera ·= * * "My Bloody Valen- tine" (191111 Plul Kelman, Lori Heli.t. A small town bacomea • ICetle or terror duting thelf annual v aJen-. llne'I Olly danc. 'R' 12:80 CZ> CtNEMA800AE 1~· MOYIE * * * "The Bect>elor "'1d The Bobtly So•er" (1947) Cary Grant, Mym1 Loy An eltglble bachelor It pur- lued by • lo,,..llrl.tcil IChoolglrl, but he fills IOt her old« 111181' lnateed .. MOYIE *. * "Ju.I For You" ( 1952) Bing ~y. J- Wyman. A remoua 11\Mltl· cal ptoducer 1INgOlea to find time tor hi• two ceen- !QA Clllldtan. 1:0I (Z) MOVIE * * • "The Comc>etlllOn" ( UMIO) Alchard Oreyluu. Amy ltvlng, l WO planlatl II • San Ftanc:llOO mutic competition find cn.1 1t1e1t lo\le tor ..en other con- ftlcta wllh theft e<OllHIOf>· a1 11nt>1tlona ·PO·· 1:10 8 MOVIE * * lh "The Good Ouya And The Bed Guys" ( 11169) Rober1 -Mitchum, George Kennedy. Onoe enemies, 111 agjng marlhal and an a"=-join tore.a. 1:.IO • ENTERT AINMEHT TONIGHT An lnlarvlew with~ VM ~~ cc:l MOVIE * •"' "Shoo! Tt>e Sun Down" ( 111801 Chtlalopher Waltlen, Miitgot Kidder In 18,36. tour dtapar•te mis- fill UM an old mlp 10 -U. for burled gold. 'PO' (H)UPTONOW The l1teal evenla, lde1a ar\d ~Aker• eni paro- died In 8 --OI ComlC lketcn.. :46 (I) MOVIE * * "Hot T ·Shtrta" ( t1177) Ray Holland. Stephenie Lawlor. A tavern ownet racing b8nkrup1cy ~ 10 attract male patron• tly holding wet T·Shln con· lelta. 'R' =1= • * • "The Ooo• Ot ww· ( 1all0) Chrfllophar Walk- 8". Tom Ber9n01f Aller being tortured and ~­ ad by an Afrlc:an ~lltor. • meroenary reluma to lelld • revotutlon 'R' 2:268 MOVIE **'A "Llllet Ftom An Unllnown woman·· ( t9"8) Joan Fontaine. Loula Jour- dan 2::30 • MOYIE * * "Wheel Of F«tune'' (194 1 l F ranc:ee Dee. Jonn Wayne. (H)UOVIE * * * * "R191ng &.If" ( 1980) F\obet1 0. Nlto, Cathy Moneny Bo•lng c:tletnpoon Jelle LI Mo111 ·a 1plftude tor vlolence bring• him aucceu In the •Wig but dlarupll his pet. aonal Ute 'R' 2:408 HEWS 2:80. MOVIE * * • "UUth" ( 111&4) Wer- ren Beatty. JAM S.betg S:OO (C) MOVIE * • • "Oh Godl Book II" ( 111110) George Burne, Suunne Pleshette God teturna to E1rth end c:hoo8es Iha young daugh- ltlr of an advertising exec:- ~ '° aptead 1111 -~IO tlle-14 'll'O' 11 '8 {JJ MCMI * * YTurkllh o.l19hf' ,,.,.,, ~ .. ,. Cle v~. l!Mger .._ ,,_. , UO Cl) OOOKJI 0098 TO THl"°'"'AL Coollll llnde Iha ~Ill I ~ ~ bUI gait by """" the Nie> Of '*' It lelldl 4;00. WOVtl * "Rolling Horne" ( 1948) Jean ~artoet. ~ Hay- Oen .MOYll *. ..... "La Cage ,,..,. 'ollee" ( 11119) U90 T oO· n&Dt. Mlcflej 8em1ult A nlghlGIUll _,.., lr181 to prec>ar• hie cr11111.-11t1 loller IOf a l/l8lt by hie aon '• !lance•'• t11het. 111e motelt ~of Ftencte. 'R' 4:40 ®WOYIE *•in "Cerny" ( 1111101 Jodie Foetat, Oary Bu19Y. An adventutOUI young -an lofnl • cernlval troupe and IMme about Iha hidden amotlOna and t11111ret10n1 t>«llnd the ...,,,_ happlneu of an. periormtf'I, 'R' Tlu .. r•day·• Dnyf h1H• Mot' IP• t:30 (C) * * "One LMI Aide" 00 * * "TIMI BlltOa. Hole" ( 111711) Mllllmlll1n Schell. Roben Fotalet. Vvtlle Mlmllu1 Tne er-ot a luluttallc l(MICMlllp dlll- covera 1nother .,., .. 1 perched on the edge 01 • lorm11i0n which pulls any- thing nearby lnlo 1 g1,n1 void wt>ete time and apajee • 081M to llllal 'PO' 8:00 00 * * * "Mogaml>O" ( 1954) Clartc Oal>le, Ava 08tdnar. Wh«\ I plllllA· tlon ~ lallS In love with the wtle ot •n engl- ,_, conn1cts .,, .. 0 • * * "Ag1lha" ( tll791 Outtln Hoffman. Vanessa Redgrave. In L°"°on on 1926. an Arnaroc:an ._.. Pac:>er •ec>orler ~· lllld bec-Omea Involved with tamed mys1ery -uer Aga· th• Chrltlle, wl'IO 1111 !ell net unlallhful 1W1b1nd 'PG' 1:30 * *..., "The Men Who S•w Tomorrow" (11181) Documentary NlrtAllO by Otaon We081 Foo1age 01 evenla he predicted 1nd dr1m111c r•~•eellona ol his Nie comptlM lhll look •I Iha 17th.century French ph)'lid811, Ulrologer and myattc, Mlehel ca Noa•••· Dame, known •• l"ostr•- dernua. 'PG' t:OO ct) * * * "The Hetl11rom Chronicle" ( t97 ll Docu- mentary. Narreled by L•w- rence Pressman Tt>e ,,.,_ ledautv1Yall~ol 1naec:t1, Whleh m•y -•u· illy put them Into <11rect ind tuOCMalul competl- • lion wolh man, are revealed. ..ao .., • "Oeserl Ttall" ( 1935) Jonn Wayne Mary Korn- man A rodeO alSt Mii out to lr8P • gang ol tlaM robbeta. 10:00 CS)•• lh "Rockanow" (1980) Paul McC1rlnay end w ings This record of lhe band' 1 U S tour tncludel perlorm1nces of "Jet.' "Bend On The Run, "StUy Lo,.. Songs a.nd some Old Bealle ballllda 'PO' 0 * * "Young And Free" Enc Larson, I.A S111n When tregedy rorces a young boy lo jOln 1 wagon train in the rugoed -•. IMI ..... , • young lndlan girl and beglnSI ,_hit 'PG '0!30 CO * * * * "Sayoner•" ( 111571 Marlon Brando. Red BullOt'IS. An American jel ace nu a polgn•nl •Heir w.1h tt>e ster pet'forme< or • l•med J11P-ecllng comoany n:ao 0 •••'Ii· Scarfece" (11132) P•ul Munl 0.0.ge fi\1111 A lflljll .. hoo4-ltm ,... •Ol•ilf top • ltle ~during Pt~ldrl •uo • ··~·.,,_~ M4111" ( tff7) J~ ,.,_, .Anthony P9rlln..Z A • refort'IMTllnded ounflotllet • • pt-1 ·11110 Gfl8 '-' 1M111i. ••• * "9rolt.,, .__,. (tU4) Speni:v Treoy, Mtcl\ard ~ (fon- lllC1• lf\IPI Ill the llllnlly of I THU Clllle barOt'I, llltleakanlng "" power •••"Notl9~' {1Me) Two "*" -..h 11'1- lng ott thll land In Ille •emote Alaskan wtklet· neaa. f-datlO*f and adventure wit!' little help from ~n ttdw'lellogy W * * "Thia II EMI" (1881) ~laty Flll'l'I loolege lllld drAIMtlC , .. °'"''°"' -UMd 10 tell Iha llory ot EM• Presley'• Ute and cat.., 'HO OU ••• "The ~1- tlOn .. ( 11180) Rlall.O Only- IUM. Amy IMng Two pjen- lalt 11 1 San Franciaeo m1.1111c competition rind IMI the!• IOve tor 81(;11 other conltlcll wtttl I he'• 1>•olea1lona1 amblUona. 'PO' 1~ CCJ •• 'A . RocklhOW ( UNIO) Paul ~tney end Wing• This r8CQ<d of Iha tland'• U S tour lnctuoea perlormanc" of "Jet," "Band On The Run," "SWly Love Songs" ant/e«n1 old Bealle ballad• 'PO' (S) * * * "Mogembo" ( 19C>41 Clerk Glble. Ava 01r<1ner When • plant•· tlon o....,_ 1ao1 In love W1tl'I lhe Wile of en engl· n-. conlllata arlM, ':46 (%) • * • "EJv1t" ( 11179) Kun Russell, SNaon Hub- r.y El"'!J Ptesley rl-rrorn poy9tly and Ol>la.tt11y lo IChieYe ,.,,,. and fortune u I 1uper11ar mutleal pet· r0tmet 2:00 0 ***'A "The W1y We Were" ( 1973) 8erbta S1•11 .. nd, Robert Redl0td A young college coupl8 In lhe 1930s d19CQY81 thll !hell pohl~ dltf•- .,. strong enough 10 je0p- 1rdl:ie their marriage. 3~ D • •'Ii "Stingray" ( 11178) Chrll!Opl'ler Mltehum, Sherry Jackson Detedevlfs t•• to Iha hlgl'tways on pursuit of • carQO c:onl8lnlng $250,000 lncuh (C) * * "Ona LHI Ride" 1:30 CR) * * "Tl'l11 ls EM1" (19811 Documentary Fiim footage and d•aMallC , .. ~Uons are u..O to tell lt>e story ol 8"" P......,'s lll••ndcar-4~ 0 • • "Die Laughing' ( 11180) Robby 8en1on, Charles Durning A soogwr111ng cab d••var II a10ec1 Dy a smart moni.ey on Ptl>"'ng hlmMll lnnc>cenl OI • murder chatge 'PG' 4:20 {I) * • "G0tng P11C419' (11174) Get1rd OeperdieU, P•1tlck Oewaere Youth• .,,.t11rll on • boc:ycMI 1np thel turns Into • M•ual odyssey across the French coun 1rys.ae 5~ CC) • • • • "S.yonar•" (11157) Marlon Bt1ndo, Red Buttons An Amarlcan 191 ace has • potg,..,.I Btfalr Wllh lt>e star perl0tme• of • l•rned J1pe.-acting company (I) * *'Ii' s-·· LOI ( 111791 Deoo Sou•. James Mason A novellSI returns co nls l>Oyhood home 10 p;11 llfl end to troubled mem0tl" ~t llnda lhel a linlsler myste<y shrouds hlttown 'PG' 5:30 lti) * • "The Blad< Hote ( 11179) Maa1m111111 Scllell, Robert Forsret. Yvette Mlmleu• Tt>e crew ot • lulurllllG spl081/l4p dts- covers ano1ner vessel !*Chad on lt>e edge ot • l0tma1ton wtooc:t> puMs any- tNng nea•tly into • gw.1 void where time •nd ~ OMM lo exist 'PG' * * * * "Moecow Doesn't ~ In TM<s" (1980) Vera Alentova , Alua l B1t1I011 Three CO<intry glf11I wllh • different goaia and VlluN tnOY9 10 ll>e bkJ CHANNEL LISTINGS A c:ornecllan hOsl and lour comic con1es111111 who compete •g•lnst one another .,, f .. lu<ed In thla unoenao<ed comedy game Show. t:00 8 ORAMWY AWAA08 Jolln Denver hOllu tt>e 24th annual edition ot this -d• ceremony, to be lalecUt from the Stw'lne Auditorium In LOI Ange688. D Qt THE FACT8 ~ l.JF'E • • "OelOUf To Terror" ( 11190) O.J Slmpeon, Arte Johnaon P111enger• 1t1oard a LU Vegas. bound bul are atrandecl In the cs-I -'*' Iha bul le hijacked. JOHN DARLING by Arinstrong & Batiuk 0 K 0 NXT (CBSI 0 KNBC INBCI 0 KTLA (Ind I a> KABC IABCI 0 KFMB CCASI 0 KHJ TV lln<I I ID KCST IABCI ••nTv 11nd 1 0 On TV l Z TV H HBO C: (C.nem<1•I t tWORI NY NY H !WT BSI £ tESPNI $ !Sh0wt1mr·1 0 SPOIHQl'll Tootle 11 mlata.ken' tor • ,_,.age p<oetltut• ""*' at18 ~ ao.1 In New Y«k City 8 ltl TH€ FAU OUY Colt 11 hlted to find ttMt b..._.lpplng managar ot • ladles' wrMIHng team. D 8TCNGHT "' Holl: Johnny C1t1on Gu.11: St-LanOeeberg, Olanann Car•oll 8 ([I A8C NEWS HIGHTlJNE • 000 COUf'l.E • LOY£. AMENCAH STYLE • KCET NEWNEAT WITH CUTE AOeERT'8 D CAPTIONED A8C NEW8 'NELL r !HAI WHITE ~iTUf=F I~ 51rLL COMING DOWN OUTSIDE.' Q) KCOP TV llnO I &;) KCET I PBS) G !Cable Nl'w~ Nrlwork 1 I MERV GIWFIN THE WON.D ~WY AMENCA ~~ WKrrE UCAP£ ml K.OCE IPSS1 * • * "The Aaphall Jun- Grammy ~tonight • ceremonies on Lennon , Cross among hopefuls for 24th annual awards LOS ANGELES (APJ Will John Lennon win a posthumous Grammy or two, or three? Will Christopher Cross make Grammy history by earning a second consecutive record of the year award? The a nswers are In the envelope, please -and a record 61 of them will be ripped open at' the 24th annual awards ceremony of the National Academy or Rec"Ording Arts & Sciences. tonight at 9 on ChaMel 2. Mercifully. not all of this pape r s hredding will occur during the two-hour CBS telecas t to be emceed by John Denver. Although Grammys are given out for just about every conceivable type or. recording -including, for the first time this year . videodiscs -most are presented just prior to showtime with viewers seeing an edited videotape rundown of the winners. There l1lo wlll be a few momenu devoted to new Hall of Fame inductees, r uordt of note made before the Gr•mmya wett eai.bU1bed In 1958. and the Pied Pipers. Bill Haley & the Comets' 1955 "Rock Around the Clock" and Benny Goodman's 1937 disc "Sing Sing Sing" with Gene Krupa on drums. The idea or the nume rous off-camera awards Is to leave plenty of time for the music itself. And if the Grammy telecast has acquired a reputation as one of the more entertaining awards s hows around. NARAS and TV viewers c an thank Pierre Cossette, the flamboyant Montreal-born production whit who a decade ago had the foresight to put the Grammys on national television and who has been doing the show in association with the academy ever since. "The thing that makes the Grammy successful and dlfferent Is the fact that we've never varied from our format, which Is lhat the only songs ever sung on the Grammys are thOle nominated that year,·' the 51-year-old producer said, sounding remarkably relaxed during a ttlephone chat a mere two days prior to the telecast. things for their academy purposes. and J want certain things for television purposes and some times they'r e opposite ," he said. This year, for exa mpl e. three out o f five inspirational-gospel awards are being presented on air. a sure indication that NA RAS' gospel' membership has been lobbying for more exposure. But Cossette Insists that there isn't as muc h maneuvering as you might expect. "We find out who the nominees are six weeks prior to the telecast. so an enormous amount of politicking ts out of it because most of these people who are bot, they're booked and cannot cancel dates. The availabillly of the talent. ls our biggest problem. You Just don't pick up the phone and call Rod Stewart and u.y. 'Ouess what, we want you on the Grammys~." 0 000 000 0 0 LIDOMARDIA 000000 ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH Super Boardwalk & Sidewalk Sale, ~a..EAf'49Wa!P OFQUAUTY UNQUE rT1!MS Thia year 's winners, chosen by a 96·m ember NARAS panel e nd announced Monday, are Miies Davtl' 19Si "Birth of the Cool" LP: Kate Sm ith's 1937 rendlUon of lrvln1 BerUn's "Ood Blua America": Tommy DOT1ey'1 UMl ret,Qrdlnl of "I'll Never Smile Aaaln" reaturln1 Frank Sinatra Coasette admits that In view of NARAS' large a-nd varied conatltuency. a certain amount o( polittcklnt la involved u to wbo gets their award presented on the alr end who 1et.a to perform -particularly ln cateeortea that don't normally 1et much of a crack In fact, Stewart -a noml.Mt ln the malt rock vocal category for "Youns Turks" -was not on the latest list or perrormers. Those who were Included S heena Easton, David Frlnell attd Shelly West, Terri Glbba, Al Green, James Ingram, Rick James, Qulney J onet, Rick Sprin&Oeld, the Atthen, the OeJt. Ridge BQYI and the ON.Helen with Joe Cocker. Paw.II ...... ae.10 .... .-... ...,. .... n.10--e .-._,..,.,...aa,11-.. .- at prime·time TV. • · "The NARAS people want certalfl T he cut ot "Sophi.&Ucated Ladles'' - a best cqt. sbow album {¥>mlnee -will perform "ll Don't Mean a Thln1." \ ! P a 0 0 0 '·' 0 ~ .... Orongo Coast DAILY PILOT/Wodnesday. February 24. 1982 'Bleaclier Bums' a clean hit for theater arts c nter 8 y TOM TITUS Of u.. o.i1., l'llM """ Thettwrgoers who httvc agoniicd to r ycurs o v ·r th<' dis m al torlunt'~ of the Cuh fornht Anitels s hould run. not wtllk. to lht• N<'WPort Thcati:r Arts C o nter for the lltnt• of the ir lives in J ot.• Mantegna's "Ulcttcher Hums..·· It's billed us a "nine inning comedy," and It is just that with a sevt•nth inning stretc h rather than un 1nte rm1sswn Every p1teh of e very inning is playt.'Cl out on the Ne wpot't st age, with the focus ___________ not on the diamond but 11,llllSSION on the motley eollectaon of Jun .... m lhe bleachers who hvc and die with '!l'lm---------lthe ir beloved Chicago Cubs. Direct.or f atr1t·1a Terry <w ho hud to bone up on baseba ll the way Dr J oyel' Brothers beearoe a boxing expert a fe w dt'eades ago> has mounted one of the more impressive rommunily productions of the season, and certainly uniq ue It's populated with 10 welJ .~ast performers who resist stereotype a nd re vel in their individuality. Not that enjoyment and tor appreciation of .. Bleacher Bums" will be• limited to baseball fans "aLIACHEA IUMS" A nlne·lnnlno <ome.ly by Joe M•nloon•, dlre<111d 11v P•lt1<I• Torry P•Odu<ed by P•ltl Gef'• S.mpW)fl il•Qlt ......_, M••v •Cl•••ll C-ll. llQl\t1no by lom Wtlllen\. \Guild lly 8111 Arm\lt"OftO, P'•""'lt'(J Frld•Vi •nd S.lu•O.Y\ •I I p m . SuOO.f\ •l 1 p m , lllr-11 M•«ll 14 al t .... NewPC>f1 T,,..11• Art\ Center, t!OI Clltl Or1v•. NNP0'1 8.a<ll R-rvaUon•67S.ll4J l>e<kt• Mervin Richie Z10 Ro~ Greo. Melody Cllffrle-r Announc~r/G·u.a•" The Kid THE CAST cnuo Cooper Paul Ar>QOlo OILo•ento Rob Kit"'°"''" Phlllp LIW Sor•tlf W•yM ONn Nl<noh • Allton Brown Roell P•llalOll Plltllp Pelll '-'""¥ O'Conl}Of -the events th<tt transpire 111 thl' stands spee1 k volumes about the hum.111 condition. with the na tional pastime merely a catalyst. The Newport production is brimm ing with the sort of energy one might expect on a college stag<', enhanced by the maturity of scasont•d actors. There's the Average American F •1 1Cbut•k Cooperi. a elean cut hero type m a bu:.tnt'ss S111t who serves as lhe reluctant fulerum for lhl• frcn1v around him Therc..,P tht• Wht'eler l>l'all•r 1 Pa~I Angelo 01 Lorenzoi. a Mafia look111g type 1n da rk suit and sunglasSl'!'> who'!> only there lo make a buck at the (•xpcns(' of haplt''>S Cub fans And there's the Work111~ Mou (Philip Lisa>. trying to ea rn a little extra cash b~ gambling mont'v he e an ill a fford to lost', v.;hile his "1fe <Sorrell Waynl·i cancels out his bets by ;1uttmg hPr buck-; down on the opposite !>Ide On the frmge are the 0('111eatl'<I f'an !Dean Nichols), a blind man who s its 111 the '\land:. glued to his transistor radio. t he Fox\ Ladv r Alison Brown ) who's t here primarily lo soak UIJ.'>Ome s un and the Rabid Roott>r r R 1ck Pallazml 1 or whom there's one 111 ever) boll park who takes an evan gel1l'al. all's fair. <1pproarh lo lht• gaml· But the most memorable or the mclangt is Bob Klimov1r h as a Supl1r Nerd who'd hc out of plan• almost anywht•re K hmovieh s d1•moht1on of a frosty malt Jncl hr~ a" k"ard o\crlun•s 10 Miss Brown arc master :.lrokt•s of pure klutz . grotc~<1ue but imm<.'nsel~ e(f('('ll\ e Ph1ltp Palk and Larn O'Connor com1)lett• the tast m mmor :i ... s1~nmi:nl!> Whether vou·r(· a hast·ball fan or not \OU II c heer for lht• Hl<'a thcr Hum., .. on 'llu.l{t' weekends through M arrh 14 at th(' Th<.'aH•r Arts Cente r. 2.501 Ch fr Uri\ t'. "'"'" l"lrt Bl'arh It s J homer m anybod} ~ lt•agut' • BACKSTAGE for ttw LugunJ Moulton PlayhouM? Jm>duct1on of "l>1v1Mu11 Street," <>11t•111ng Mun :h 19 under the d1 rt•<•thm of C:ru1g to'lt·m ing Jl eglnuld Rook I <tkt·s th.-1•1·ntral role 10 lhe Stcv(' Tcs1ch com edy with Kur<.·o J uckm un. C'arol Mack. Reglnii Kuty ftl•<1 ~un . J a1111·~ Bo r css a nd Andy llcddon complt•llnK the rornpuny the show plays three wel•ks of Tuesdays through Saturdays following th<.' fo'rict&) opening at the Moulton, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna BcaC'h C'ALUSOJ\RU Director R1ehard Dra ke 1s lookmg for male sin~l'rS and dancers to complete his east of .. Hells Arc Hinging" for the Cypress Community Om•ntcd T heater tryouts will be Saturday al II a rn Ul the thcutt.>r. on Ora nRt' A vt.>nue nt•xl to the• 1><1h l'c ~talion 0 8ebcwo _t ... 1••· .. _. ..... ""'~'--UPG ._... .. ,.., ..• _ ..... _<~• .......... ~...: NOWt' OAl~Y A INE At A~ Six Cine omes Acocmmv A..-.d Nomnee 'i'f.'!! t~ 8 30 No PH~ No Econ. Seuu ======-..:::::::l Ma11el Hemingway PERSIOMAL BEST CR) 12 30 3.00 s 30 s·oo 10 20 r-= =-b I Audl!mv A.,..rd Norn.nee ~f~lfOF Ji';'jo 2 so 5 15 7 45 10·10 I ~¥EA'fKOfpJrE u oo 2 30 !r oo 7 30 9·SS 70mm No Economv· S&all c:= ==> l I I I 011n~ Kei6ton 1n SHOOT THE MOON (R) 12 IS 2:40 S·10 1 40 & I 0 0:0 J1Jne Al~er NIGHTCRI NG (PGI 12 30 2 40 7 15 9 20 Economy Se~11ng lsl Hour Only STADIUm t':J Scrczczn Dtlue-ln call 639 8770 r +I j I .,. 1\1-11\t ·Jr f I '-~ f ,,. Revolutoon11ry Cone Fi Sound .. . .. ' ' ~ ~ -Kate J1c.klon MAKING LOVE tR) Hos1orv Of I The World f!RI Jade N•chol~n ~RDER t R A so Playing o..t9'.._. IR I Muhammad Alt BOOYAHO SOUL (RI Plus' Gho\I Storv (RI Aco>drmy A-d Nc>ml.-~RSO~~E L A RK Pg & TAPS P Double Terro•1 TORSO !RI Plu•' Au1opi.y (RI ) I • J "Diane Keato. n and Albert ;mney give the I ] kind of performances that in the theatre ; Celebrate I Life! ~ Help the 'lt'' March of Dimes j Fight I John Belushi NEIGHBORS tRl 4 t'I become legendary." P...i.e KMI. THE NEW YORKER MAGAZINE SH<IDT ~ M<IDN BllEA 8•ea Plua 5?9 ~339 COSTA MESA !OA·l•d ~ 'I I 1 Jll 41~1C I I o--.... -. -.,... NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA ORANGE WESTMINSTER l,J1;.J1r "tmc1r .... ,. ~,,. ,.,~ t 'l''l4111 I} RQ•1,4• MISSION VIEJO vu·j() 1 ,,., 1110 i.4·~o I I Magic ..... every piece of m agic nnd s l..ill has been u sed to free our imo,11!inntion. to let it M>ar."-Sls eila Benson, LOS ANGELES TIMES Co Feat'Ke Modlrn wall (R ) No Paste' Birth Defects I l 011Ye·1m 0 1>41n 6 30 ) NIGHTLY Undet 12FREEUnl.uNotl'<I There's A Lot Being Said About M AKI N G LOVE lRJ-o a a Oscar Fever . . is coming *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thr~ Saturday All Perform1ne11 before 5:00 PM (bCfllt Special Engagements 1nd Holidays} IA 111111/AI•" l,IAll M11odo 01 l osec1on1 LA MIRADA WAlM ·IH 994'·24'00 C:llAllUl-MI 'DEATH WISH, II" I'll 11 M. J • •::M,l.M.l.M, , .... tiUCNW. Ofifnau .... ,. JAC* IO .. ·MAKINO LOVE 1111 n•.1•.•._ •• ..-•. u .. -C O<:On TllOOTlf'f MUTT"O" "T APs·· '"°' " ............ ,. , ... I _°"..,....._ .... o .. ,.,,.,,., 09f I ,.,.,_._. 0 • ..,.... ..... ,_."""' -°"" ..... __ .... --· REDS" 1.., t11Jl1t•.LM 104J Detl'T MAVI TO e• c::aAZ'T IWIA--0 C-.loi.UJI TOLNl- RAIDEAS OF THE LOST ARK , .. --..·-I "CANNERY ROW' (POI tit., I:! ... 1,11.1 ..... 1t.:•• ,. ............. , •• LAKEWOOD CENTER WALM IN U-A"'IJ'U9UllN --· "OH OOLDl!N POND" 1"8) ,,_. ,, .... , .. , .... OIOAOI c econ -l4UTTOOI TAPS toei ti ... ,,.,, ....... , •• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl ll IN focull"y 01 Cone11ewooe1 213/121·9580 I '°" DOfll'T MAllS TO N ~ T"OLNl- CANNl!RY ROW !001 tL• 1•.t•.t U ,.. -°" .... ,,.._ ._ o ..... ,_ ":::;: ~':~ .. :..~-.,: ~ ~ "REDS" ll'Ol ........ tllMCt4Al.L. OWTlllAN llA '1. '6.CltlOtl MAKINO LOVE 1111 ,, .. , ......... ., .. """"--a!IM«ll "4.UN j RJllOERS OF THE LOST ARK IPOI al.• CM>ll AHO IAN 04.Alll l.90tl CHARIOTS OF FIRE ,,... t• •» 1 11 ..... n •• t .. J ... ,. .,.,. t• .. LAGUNA so . COAST WALK·IN $Oulh Cootl H1woy 01 arooo•ov 494-1514 YOU DO• T M•Wt JO IC CRAl"f TOLIWI._... CANNERY ROW /POI '"'"'* , ..... . , ... ., .. , .... , ... . ,, ...., ..... .. "' ... WA~NEl1 0111\lf IN .,..,,,.,<ht Wetl OI teot ll 11¥4 M7•Jlf1 I ACAOl llA A.•AlllO llfOllllflt.AflCM't• RAIOERS OF THE LOST ARK 1P01 ., .. .,,.. , ....... I Al I'-"" l 1t 1 4 .. 7U t U ----'" "OltTA ~VIMZ -ll.lOAUI V lllO.IAOOtl I ... 00 ... CiilOAD I UOU*"" tMI' · ouen "°" '""" ...... , ...... ,. ... AWARD ('I 1 n l Jo: .1 :-.. l >,\> o o <I w a s ho11on •cl Iii Las Vega s a-. -.t a r o f lh t• cl (' t· a d l' I> \' ShowWl'-.t . <1 movi~· tr ad<' ut Ma111 1.at1on in the Wt•stern i-.lates I t I ·I .j \ .. lilly Piiat WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2,, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 SPORTS 84 Four ,area high school basketball teams qvalify for the CIF qwrterfirwls. See Sports,, P,ages B4, and B5 . Cave · explorers plan push for depth record By JAY JORDEN ._ ................. It will be something like a journey to the center of the Earth, as a te am of cave explorers, led by two Texans, plans to push for a world depth record next month within a re mote tropical plateau in southern Mexico. The high plateau is riddled with passages, and inhabited by superstitious Mazatec Indians, who believe the cave seekers are devil wors hippers and warlocks , and have c ut explorers' ropes in the past. The search for the world's deepest passage, an attempt to link a newly discovered cave with an interlocking system of shafts and water.filled passages, will require weeks underground and s trategy s imilar to a mountain·climbing expedition, says Bill Steele. co.leader of the Huaulla Project. The project , named for the plate au in Mexico's Sierra M a z a t e c a . h.a s a 1 r e a d y discovered about 9,000 feet of vertical cave and descended 500 s h afts in two years o f exploration there, he says. Sistema Huautla is presently the third deepest cave in the world, but Steele says linking it with another cave. Nita Nanla, would add 150 meters in depth. A connection would place the network close to or beyond the 4 ,624 -foot depth of Reseau Jean-Bernard in France, now considered the world's deepest cave. CAVE EXPLORER TEAM -Cave explorers who will attem pt to attain a world depth record in March in southern Mexicq are believed to be devil worshippers and warlocks by superstitious I ndi a n~ who have ('Ut ex plorer~· ropes in the past. Plans call for 15 s pelunkers to camp in a cathedral·sized room 2,460 feel underground in the new cave, Nita Nanta, and search for unexplored passages that may join the system. Descending the 49 drops to the room will require a half-mile of rope and hundreds of pounds of gea r a nd comp r essed . freeze-dried food, says Steele, a Boy Seoul official from San Antonio. To achieve greater depth in Huautla, cavers have searched for highe r entrances on an 1 ,800-foot ridge and also extended the lowest point downward , sometim es by c l i mbing h ig h '!Vall s and backtracking . . The terminal room where explorers turned back during a previous expedition last May is 300 feet wide and 400 feet long, with 200-foot ceilings and three waterfalls, he says. Expedition m e mbe r s , i nc luding Steve Zeman of Austin. pushed one passage in Nita Nanta to a depth of more than 3 .000 f eel before discovering a side route that leads to the large room. The cave, discovered in 1980, is considered meter-for-meter a world·class challenge, says Dr. Bill Stone of Was hington, a structural engineer and cave d iver who with Steele dove a flooded passage in 1979 to set a present Huaufla depth record. Members of previous caving expeditions have been taunted by Mazatecs who cursed them with shouts of "brujo," meaning witch or warlock , he says. Caving ropes have been cut and stolen. Stone adds. In 1968, a spelunker watched in horror as an Indian chopped through a rope with a machete, hurtling an explorer who was climbing on it onto a ledge 200 feet above the bottom of a pit. In 1978 , Stone s ays, vi llagers wielding rocks threatened him as he guarded ropes for other cavers. "Until 1964 , the area was sealed to outsiders," he says. ·'Then the government built a road into there. But the Indians. who s pea k pure M azatec, resented vis itors. especially I ~ICINblNG -Steve Zeman or Austin. exas climbs down ·1Pendulam Shalt" at the · ita Nata cave site in southern Mexico. Zeman and others will push tor depth record '\within a tropical plateau inhabited by the Ma zatec Indians. \, ·gringos' going inside caves. They thought they w e r e communing with the devil or looking for gold." Despite th ese problems, explorers continue to return to the area. In another phase or the last expedition, members or the U.S. Deep Caving Team, led by Stone, carried miniaturized diving tanks developed Crom lightwe ight s pace shuttle components to a water -filled passage 861 meters be low ground. ·'The idea was to build a new sc uba system," Stone says, "with tanks designed for the space shuttle." Using the NASA ·Acurex tanks , Stone says he found a flooded passage in San Agustin that r esemble d the size of an .. underwater railroad tunnel. Stone's first dive ended when surging water from a violent storm above ground entered the cave, and the team ran out of dive line. Stone reeled out 940 feet of line on his s e cond attempt as visibility dropped in the sump. He turned back where rocks had choked the sump to a narrow fissure. Steele says that in past diving trips , he and St one have narrowly escaped rising water that threatened lo cut off their route to the surface. He says he plans a di ve in 1983 to connect the cave lo springs about four miles away at lhe base of the HuauUa plateau. The springs, as wide as 120 feet, flow nor th for several hundred feet before sinking into the limestone again. The 1979 ass ault in which Stone connected San Agustin to Li Nita in the Huaulla system was the second deepest cave dive in the world. The Explorers Club says last year's dive by Sto n e w as the l o n gest unde rwater exploration at the bottom of a deep cave system. Cavers s a y t he original exploration of a 3.000-foot deep cave is the technical equivalent of ascending a 24 .000-foot peak. The Nationa l SpeleolOtgical Society and the Explorers Club will sponsor the new expedition. to run from late March to early May. FOUR·TANK DtVE -With four tanks of air on veteran explorers wlll descend for weeks his back, Bill Stone starts to explore an underground in a strategy resembling a underwater cave In Mexico. Hla team of . reverse mountain·climblng expediUon. -. ! -( Orang• Coaal DAIL V PILOT/Wednetday, February 24, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •HERB CAEN •HOROSCOPE Answering widow's party plea can save lives DEAR ANN LANDERS: My wonderful husband. 38 year:; of a~e. was cvery\hing a woman could want in a husband. son . rather, brother and friend. Two weeks ago he was killed by a drunken driver who walked uway from the accident without a scratrj). · ' Family and friends gather ed '1round. So often I heard the words, .. Is ther e something I can do'> .. Al the time I couldn't think of anything. but now that my head is clearing and I am re-entering the wo r ld of reality. I have a good answer to lhal ques tion "Yes ... I want to sav to those who asked. "there is ple nty ~;ou can do. The next time you a re al a party where liquor is being s<.•rvcd and people are getting drunk, you c an keep your eye on the door and make s ure no ine briated guest leaves to get into a car to drive himself and other!:> home. .. You can fig ht him for the car keys. if necessary, and insist that he be driven by someone e lse or get into your own car a nd take him home but DON'T let him BIRTHDAY GREETINGS At tor Ro bN t Redford. in Hoston \\ork111g on <i Ill'\\ film. <.iltl•ndC'd ,1 part ~· thl'rt' :\Tonda» to hl·lp 1<.'ave and get behind lht> wheel of a car. The youth who killed my husband is only 19. Ile is u good lad. an honor s tudent. and now under psychiatric <·are . His parents are inc·onsolable. So are m y <:hildren a nd my m-laws. his cotleagul.•s and our friends . It took a lot out or me to writ<" this letter. Ann. but if it results in just on<" reader taking the car keys away from a drunk. it will h ave been worth it. WIDOWAT 33 DEAR FRIEND: He re it is -and you have my word that m any people will read · it a nd take your advice. Thanks ror saving som e lives today. DEAR ANN LANDl!:RS . I apa\ogize right now to any of )~our readers who might be pffended by the subject matter of this letter. but it is imperative that I gel an answer. Every winter my husband and I take a month off a nd go to Florida I needed a new swimsuit for this trip. so I started to ·~· .......... ~1a ssachu~<.·t b St•n Ecl\\ard '.\1 Kenru•ch rell'hrate ht~ .j(lt h h1rthda\ With thl'm 1 ~ Pat nC'k Kt•nnt'ch· · CapriCorn concentrates Thursday. February 25 ARI ES 1Mar 2 1 April 19 1· Yo u achieve go;.il and C'Ould \\in popul <1nt' contest You·11 nrnkt• personal appear;mt'<' and ·'will l'XpC'nment with app<irl'l and products TAlRt·s 1 Apnl 20 Ma~· 20l Impo rtant details are handled behind scenes Fears. doubts arc t•r ai,ed <1s \OU realize bos1c s tre n g th of p os it ion T e mpo rary confinement or n•stnetion s hould not be cause for des pair. GEM I N I 1tvktv ~I -June 20 l · Communication results in change of plans and attitude. i\kmber or oppos ite sex . POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT HOW CAN I HOPE TO CAPTURE YOURHEAKr, '~I CAN'T EVEN CATCH YOUQ. EVE '? expresses feelings Wis h is fulfilled recovered your morale soars Mi ssing ob1ect is CANCER !June 21 ·Jul\' 22 1 · Your own po licie!'> <1re put int o effect in meaningful perhaps dramatic wa~·. You get backing from those close to vou. from associates a nd professional supe n or LEO (July 23-'Aug . 221 Long-range p olicies come into focus : ~·ou make numerous contacts and you can clear li nt's of communication. Terms will be defined and a legal documl.'nt could be s igned 0 VIRGO 1 Aug. 23-Sept. 22 1 Mon('~ ques tions ure resolved : di g beneat h surface. reject s uperficial explanations Some JX'rsons want something for nothmg anrl you could be prime target LIBRA 1 Sept 23-0 ct 22 1. Tie loos<.• ends. finish what vou start and realize that you have yet to reach potential. Focus on public relations. partnership possibilit~· a nd marital status . SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 211: New approach arrects e mploy m ent. bas ic services and those who rely upon your judgment and incom e . Highli~l greater independence. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 211: Accent on e motional responses. affairs of heart . s peculation . int uition a nct declaration leading to commitm ent. Arthritis pain can he relieved hunt for just th<.• r ight one. l s hopped m many storei, the fanciest cruise.wear sections and the bargain basements . Wh at 1 s aw wos upsetting and I need to as k · about it. Women wt•nt into fitting r oom s unaccompanied with the s wims uits and tried the m o n Some of the shoppers I saw were s loppy, unk~mpt and unwashed. One had a skin rush on her neck and arms 1The thought occurred to m e that she m ig ht have it other places. too. whfch prompted this letter.) Whal an· the c hances of a person cat c hing ras hes. female problems and parasites from try ing on such intimate a pparel in a shop" Any suggestion on how this might be avoided » EAST COAST NO-NAM EH DEAR E .C.: The chances of e nding up with a m edical problem or parasites from trying on Intimate appar€'1 are very good. The stores are required by law to insist that shoppers for panty-girdles, swimsuits, etc .. wear something bet ween themselves and the garments. By no means ls this a foolproof regulation, since most women pref er privacy under suc h condittons and the s alesperson rarely witnesses thP c hange. The safest way is to protect yourself b~· kee ping your panty.girdle on, plub pantyhose, and use the extra paper shield provided by the store. Is pot.a drug·' Can LSD. PCP. coccune anrl pills open new worlds for you" Stop guessmq Get the /acts m Ann Landers new booklet ··The Lowdoum on Dope ·· f'or each booklet ordered. send $2 00 plus a long . self.-addressed stamped envelope 137 cents postage 1 to Ami Lander.'>. Po Bor 11995. Chicago. Ill 6061 J Accuracy calculated I LIKED MACY'S ad ear lie r this month fo r S h a rp·s new ··Ta l kin g Calculator ... as follows: ··user presses 1625. Calculator says ·One six two fi ve · User presses di vide sign. Calc ulator says ·Divide by · User presses 25. Calculator s a ys ·Two five .· User presses =. Calculator says ·2s. · Of course it's right It alw·a ys 1s". .My non-verbal calculator . known as .. Silent Cal:· Sa\'s 65. hut I still like the ad. · THE SALLY TANFORD saga continues: Grizzled news men we r e recalling the time Stanton Dela plane filched her o blluarv out of the Chron·s files a nd showed it to he r Sally promptly burst into tears upon reading t he glowing account of he r career as the town's m ost celebrated brothel keeper. and g ulped. .. Stan. t his is so beautiful honest. I can't wait to die" CONFUSION compounded · Squire Fridell forwards a recL'nt issue of the L A Examiner. which reports that Reggie Jackson. who that day sigm'd with the California Angels ... lives in Carmel. a s uburb or Oakland .. Scoopt agam Myste ry at the Wash Sq Barngrill · Earl "Falha " llines. the 1azz immortal. on home • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan 19l: Much act ivit\' rc\'olves around home bas(• \'ou·11 be conce m ed Wi l h rep a i I'S. safrl ~­ m e as ures. has ic values and wa,·s ol improving domestic environment · AQUARIUS <Jan . 20·F e b 18 1: I nvitation rec e ived f ro m recent acquaintance. By accepting. you could ope n new vistas and strike blow against boredom. Pl CES 1 F e b 19-March 20 1. Whal begins as a hobby can become a profllablc e nterprise. Mail. messages. telephone calls represent encouraging responses to ~·our e fforts . ~ HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO arri ves with a party of eight a nd no reservations . The\' wait 45 minutes for a table Finally seated . they orde r 12 hard-boiled eggs a nd l wo tomatoes . That·.., it THE WAY ALIC'E Yaris h tells 1t. Psychologist J oan Vanoni of Ross found a bedraggled bird on her porch after tht' rece nt storms. called info and asked for the number of the Audubon soc 1et~· L'pon dia ling it and h ea ring a m an s ay .. Audubon:· s he s aid. ·-rve got this s ick bird and I don't know what to do with it · · Man · "How old is it '' .. Joan .. , don't know. I think it's ~·oung.' ~an : .. What seems to be the problem·> .. .Joan .. lt·:-. lt stlcss docsn·t fl v. ·· Man· ··Sound~ hk1.• it could be losing compression You betll'r bring it m ·· Joun . "Ch. what plac<' l!- this'' .. Man-.. Auto Barn. car r{•pa ir~ Joan ··Sorr~· · Cli ck "He's off to see a big mouth in the windy city. a clunker in the motor city. and a worm in the big apple" GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. West deals. NORTH •5 c::>U OQU42 +kQlOU WEST EAST •Al +QT02 c::>KQU2 c::>UU O KS OAS yesteryear . Her e's an example. my's last club wu now high. Declarer got. back to t.be dummy with a 1pade ruff and played the e1tabli1hed dub. Obviously, it would not help Eut. to ruff with the ace of t.rumpa. so he dlacar~d anothel' heart. Declarer pit· ched his beart. loeer and West ruffed with hia low trump. J)EAR DR. STEINCROHN: Ten years + JtU + 54 ago our family doctor told my mother he r T SOUTH This ha.nd occurTed in a mat.ch in Denmark. North used the "Unusual Two No Trump," a convention of wh ich we are not especially fond. Il showed a minor two- suiter. and South j11dpd that hit diamond fit and wealth of aces should come cJoee to producing a pme, ao he went ahead and bid it. It made no difference what Weet did. He cboae to return a heart. Dedarer rufred and led a trump, and Lhe a~ and king came tumbling down oa the aame trick. Thue. de- clarer mana1ed to loat onl7 one top \rump trick aad a club ruff to brinr bocnt hie contrac\. aches and pains are due to osteoarthritis. rou1 lllAl '" • A lOtU He prescribed aspirin. Since then she has c::> A lt takea ''on and off -but no&hln~ else ror DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN o J lHT her daJly pains lD her bac9' and hips. ' • At She hasn't visited bJm since. I tell her The blddln1: u: u.ne for another checkup. But .~ sa~s exercises. heat and the newer drugs m ay r:' ~;;a. ~ ~ • It. I a 1'Hte of time and money. T~!re s be the a ns we r she's looking for. It's P .. p_.. , ... nothing anybody, can do for arthritis. she s urprising how man~ arthr.iti~.JtAUen.~t.__..,__ ... ,~~~ ol--Q..·-- ... JUJ.r..M&ybe...,!he a rl1ht1.~&:.J•~--~-..... .,.,,..~---nr,aner what they t hink is a ··needtffs" . visit to the d octor. "I reel so much belt~. DEAR MS. B.: And maybe s he s What a fool I've been to deny myself the wro.na. In my experience t oo m any cha nce for improvefl\ent all these years." p a tie nts s uffer unnecessarlty rrom arthritis because they think there's nothing aoybocly can do. Whatever the type of a rthritis. some measure or relief is possible. Whether lt'. osteoarthritis, J·neumatoid variety or gout, <The three main types. I Tell your m other ttiat special , Dr. Steincrohn welcomes qusstlon1 f mm readers lit ccmnot . answer . all indll)id1'0lly but will include those of (Jtru?ral inttre11t m his column. Smd 11our questtons to him in cart of the Daily Not. P 0 . Bor 1500. Costa Mtl<l. Caltf 92626 Tiie bett and mon prolific of Fnncb brictp wrlten I• JOM i. Dtalu, wbo lt a1lo • "'1 pod friend. Kil .,.. book, juet pubUelted In France. cont&ift• mant In· tenetlor deal1. Wt par· t!cular'1 libel tit. eectioa NetlUn« favorilt handl of West led the kine o( hear\a, and when dummy ap· peated I\ teemed ~r\aln ttw dtduer would have to loee two diamoDdl lnd a heart. Bot '" what a bit of leprff. main eaa ac:compU.h over the f1'"n bafse. D«tl"Nr wolf cM' 'I or bearU. cuhed \M ae. aoct kins of clube Hd · led Ute queen. Sleet dtclarer would dilcard IUI bean loeer ll Eat\ did DO\ ruff, or if Ea.A ruW hlab. ti. rufttd witlt Utt ft•• of lrump11. Dtelartr o"n\lf- f td, caahtd tbt ace otapache. eroeMd to du.mm7 with a aptlde ruff and ntftd,a dab u Cut tl•lftd • htan. Oum· How de"1' of ~-Weet .... no\to-CJO'U&MT • • • Bew .. ,_ ......... ..._ •• 'a...., a-w O..... ...... ..,. •• P•• ...,. ........... ........ Lu•1," , ... II.ti te "G.•Lr fa ,•..,. el &Mi .. w...,_, P.O. la•· N ....... N.j.fll&...-................... ,., , ..... J . r .. . ' ' Orange Cout DAILY PfLOT/Wednttday, February 24, 1982 •• ... _ fllC'n'ftlUI ~·· NMllll HATtMN~ la• lellewlllt .. , .. II la .. 1111 Mlfl9taU. • '"' SOrTWAltl "AllOH, ttee H•mll .. 11 Au~:.•.:.l le llO'. ~·"'-" ... "-..... ltohrt IL 1t1 a11 , !llU H•rllerllree11 Le•e, H11111t111te11 a..ca.c.........i. ..... T1111 ..-...11c-1N9".,. ..,_,., ..... lt*'11t. lt-Tlllt ._.._ w .. 11fe1 wlftil UW Ce1111ly C .. ,, ef Ot....-Cew.ty 1111 '""''"' "· tta f'ICTITIOUt eUllNHI NMl9 ITATeMl•T Tiii IOllOWlnt ---· ere dtil ... tlodlMtt• 11) NI Wl.ANO ""lt0PllHlll, Ctl NI WV.NO R•AL ISTATI: tat NIW LAHD ltlALTOIU; 10 NEWLAND AUOCIATlt, UI NEWLAND AIAl.TY, )U Ad•Mt A••nu1, Hu11lll11ton 1••<11, • tOJ, HIHlll ...... IMUI, C1llfenll' ,_. Ger11d L ConleY. t211 0.Y'-1111 Ori.,., Hunllf\Olon e.ec11, C1lllOr11le .,.., Pllyllb A RllYlfl, lo:JOI JOft Oly, HuntlnVWfl llMcll. CelffO<fll• •-· Tlllt buslneH la condv<llO by • eene••I ~...,,,...,. ~llCI LC ..... y Tiiis • ..._, w• 111.o wltll ... County Cler\ of Or•noo c-ty on Mll- "E'.:~".=:t' Tltt t .. i.w111t "'-.... -..-•. IAMS 19Ul"M•NT •IMTAL ANO AtflMA'-T• , .. Miit .. , .. ,, New..nlleedl.~ ...... Sim GM~...: ltttl llMt, WHlmlftlllf, ,_. TllltMIMtl lt~WM llldl•i..I. 5-ft~la Tllla .........,.,_ ........... .. C-ty C..,_ of Or ..... c-. ,__.,11,1-. " Put>lltllld Or .... c.tt Dolly ~-. ..... 17. 24, Merell*' , •• 1'112 .,..... PIU .. F•btu•rv•. 1m ------------PllWI fllCTITIOUteUIOa•M Publl~ Or11199 Coe11 Delly Piiot, NAMll ITAT•M9NT F1b. 24, MArtll t , 10, 17, 1'12 IU-n . .,.:.~:l:owlnt ,.,Mii la dell'll .. p ENTUIPltlSIES . .M.) "- ' Clflytft Wwy, erM, CA tlUl. ------------Al.LAN EDWAltD Mll.t..1111, t6I Ill~ Youno CM.,.. W1y, BrM, CA._.,, 'ICTfTIOUS BUSIN•ll Tllll ~ Is <OllW< ... .., .. NAMll ITATUMINT llMl1¥1c1Ulf. Tiie folio'#lnt Pl"Otll ere OIMlll All., EdWard Miiier busln.uos: Tiiis ... ._ •• fllM wflfl,.,. PE A FO RMA NC E TI RE OUflty Cte.-o10r.,...C-V111J111. COMPANV, '3171 P1MO Cer¥Ha, Se IS, 1"2. J uan Cac>lsl•-. Clllfornl• ._JS, ,.,.,... lntemotloftll Tire Group, ... s PUlllllNd Or-COIA Diiiy PlleC, Wllllllre eou ...... o. Sull• HO ...... 1y F.0. >. 10. 11, 14. ... JJJ.«I Hlll1, Callfomle tcnn. Pt rform1 nce Tire, Inc. • '9JC 19111 Celllornle <«POr•llon, llJl11 P•-i--------------C•••ua, S•11 J•u n C•Dltlreno, C•llfo•lll• .,,.,,, l'ICTITIOUI autt••• . l~lonel Tl,. G,_ NAMll STAT11MSNT £ntrad nr .. inc Glllefwl U • l•llA!lll't pe•MA-11 Mi•• Pan111r ' • lllUU111t1 et: J Stenle y Oorollek, KATHY HANSEN INTl!ltlOASl Pretldent m Vie LI• NOnl, N~ 9Mcll, CA Tllll N~ WIS lllect •1111 I ... tMl. County Cterll of Orarige COUlllY on J.,,, KATHLEEN M. HANSEN, US VII 20, 1"1. Lido Nord, N-' &ffdl, CA.,.... ' ,.,.,.. Tiiis ~· II condue ... ., .. Publl~ 0r.,. c .. JI Diiiy PllOI, lfldh•lclUll. Feb. 10, 17, 2•, Morch 3, 1~, KATHLEEN M. HANSEN .. ,.., Tllll ,. ........ , •• flled wlfl\ Ille ---------....---Coullly Cle"' of°'"""" COUflly °" J"' I . 1'12. • "-Pu bll lfwd Or .... C-Delly Pl ... , fllCTITIOUS BUSI Neu Feb. J, to. 17, u. 1tC ~ NAMl!ITATllllKNT 1(~----------- Tlle followlno ""OU ''"'' dolno I w ma ~alMUH: lfl--------..,...--.._.. Ill KING ANO AUOCIATEs. 121 fllCTITtOUI BUllNISI H E WPO AT ll RVI NE ARE A T ..-1.0C KSMITHS· IJ) NEWPORT I NAMlllTA •-NT &EACH LOCKsMITHS l•I IRVINE BISON RECOAOS ..... A M11' LOCKSMITHS, ISi 8EACH CITIES :;:;_1 . .._por1 a..c11. Ct llfarnl• AUTO l.OCK EMERGEN,GIES; (6) JOlln Frenll Rtctlll ... A _. 8EA C H·C0 AST H l(>HW AV ' LOCKSMITHS 111 NEWPORT Stritl, ,._,,.,r1 ... <II, Calltvelo CENTEAtFASHION ISLAND Al'EA ~is butlllftt I• c-..Cled 9' lfl LOCKSMITHS. 11) MISSION LOCKSMITHS; 191 DAN~ POINT lnd1¥1oual. LOCKSMITH. 1101 SAN CLtMENTE JOMR-la LOCKSMITHS 1111 Sj\N JUAN T/\11 -I we flled wlfll llW CAPISTRAN O ~OCKSMITHS; 1111 County Clerk of Or-CoulllY °" EL TORO/LAKE FOREST AREA Februeryl, 1"1 LOCKSMITHS, I U I E'L TORO ,.,_. LOCKSMITHS. 1141 I.AKE FOREST Publlafwd Or-Coell Delly l'lleC, LOCKSMITHS; (ISi 1.A(IU .. A AREA Fell. 10, 11, 24, Merell J, ttlt '11-C 1.0CICSMITHS, II•> SAOOLElllt.CIC VALLEY AREA UXK~'(tiS, 1171 Al A PORT AREA LOCKSMITHS; (Ill AIRCRAFT LOCKSN!IT"S, 1111 MOTOR HOME 1.0CKSMl1H5, llt) l'ICTITIOUS BUMHSI C A PIS TRAN 0 V A L LE y NAMalTAftlllaNT ,.~__, ...... MAMf tTATUM•'f Tiie,........ ,.....,, .,. Wlftf ~ .. : . IEOUITY flUNOING I, tttO (ell'.,_. ~ht, "••Wrt ••e(ll, Callfentle .... L.yle illlll< LellHflll, Utlt Ctfl'll111to an1er, 1.e111111 Miiia, c.....,.,. .... """' .. Uftelllll, ., • .....,., ""• L--. Clllflnlie t11'1. SeMy ._....11, •n s a.r<-Pllr•. W.M..._ , Celllenll• ftla. Tiii• ...... _ ,, ~· .. by • fllCTf'heUteuMNlll .... .,,.,.. .. ..., TIM IOllOwl ... __ , ,,. doln1 -I""'"· It t, l 1-SSOC:IATH, !9M IE ... Carll.., .('-. Or11191, t.,ltonlta '*1. ••Y w 0.C•ll, ,., .......... 1 A_,T_..,~.,._, • Pllylllt S. Ham, 11211 A• ... 11 Avt11111, U>t Al1m1tos. C1llfor11I• .. ,. Tllll --It <~IH 11, I ..... 1~: ..., w. Oe(.111 Tllll ...,_. -flltd Wl'I\ -r.-ty Clerll of 0r-.. C-Y e11 , ....... ,,, •• 1 •• ..... ,.,..,......... _,... L'l'litMec~ Put1119MdOr .. c-ACWfv Pllllt. Tl\k .......... -ft .... Wlfll -, .... tt,17,U.Mer<llJ,1'112 SJa.G. C1111•ty Clert! of 0r..,._ c.-ty 811 -------------,..._., '· 19. ,.,.,.. Pia.I 19111 ............ Or~ c-Delly Plleil. -------------, .... >. te, 17. N, t• s..a. ,..,,,,, ......... .,... ITATe•llT Tiie 111 .. Wlftt "'-11 •••111 ........... : •tllOff ........ tit ........... ..... ,..,.,QI..,.,_ Merv o. O'K...,., au ~·,.. .. .... 1 ..... ~ ... , Tltls ......... I• ---"' Ill lflf1¥i.ual, #IMy 0 .0 '1(19fft Tlllt ...-a -.... """' -c-t-r ~ • OrMte e_., e11 ....... "tCTrnout ausi••ll .. ,....,,.,, .... , Tiie fel ... lftt ......... , ,,. .._,,.. -'""'•: NATIONA i. CO "Y CORl"OltATION OF SOUTMaAN CAL.1'011ni!IA, a• Alfwey A-. Ill ... ,, .. c-. ..... Cell..,.. .au. . L.., .. """· 111<., • O.lewer• CttltOrltlOfl, llM Al,.,IY A,,...ue, s..tte 116. C..U MtM, CeltfonN ..a.. Tl\11 -'"'" la c ..... <._. lly • ,..,....Mltft. L. ... $1,.,.., Inc. L.F.Slmt, ,.,..._ "'" ..__... ... " ....... -c-ty Clfftl .. OrOllllt C--, e11 ~, .... ,,_ 'tllNMY t. ,. l'tetW ..._.. ...... Or-. CMtll 9o6ty Piiat. P\*ltMill ~ Coatt Delly PlllC, ,., ..... "· 11, M, "9 511-82. '"· 10, 17, ,., Merell J. 1• '9lS lllll ...... 'ICTITIOUS auttN•SI .,... .,,., ...... , Tiit l•ll••lllt ... Min ,, dtlllt ............ I NAIQVE'S ..OUH: OF WAX, ti) W. t7tll ~. c ..... ¥aal, C•llfofnla 9Kf7 Enri.. A_ Mtflfll, HU E. , ... Strei!, No. o . Newpor·1 •••<II, C4Nlf9...W. t*3 Tlllt .......... II <--by on ,,..,.,._, l!llf'lctue'I H-ol Wu ~A.Mollfll Tali .........,. w• flltd wltfl N c -ty Ctarll of 0r•"OI Couftly en F•uerv n. 1t12. ....... ~Or ..... CoaJl Delly Piiot '~· M, IMr. S, lO, 17, tta t11:t:i f'ICTITtOUI BUll••U .,....,,., ..... , Tiit lolloWlllO PUM>n ,, dOlftf buSlfloUH: PERSONAi. MANAOEillllEN T SE 1tv1ce s . t...,, ,._11111 A-. i...11• F-t. CellfOml• ""° MH F TrMI, 14"2 P-11111 ROif, 1. ... F ....... ,Cefltornl•nul Tllll 111111""' 11 conclu<tH _, Ill lndMduel. MH F Trell Tl\k II.I-•• fllef wlUI -COOHlfY Clorti ol O.a1199 CW'14Y In Flttlnoery 22, 1"2. "_,. ,.Ybll_ Ot .... C:OO.. Delly Piiat, FM . 24, -· l, 10, 11, ltll tn-G fllCTtnous au11•111 NAlllll ITATl .... •T Tl\e followlnt -IOftl are dOllltl blnl-•: KOltONNE INTEANATIONAI. C•EATIVE DESIGNS, ttN Woll<llff Ori••, ..._,.,.. •••<II, Ce llter11l1 "*'° "l..-0 K""*-1---.i, I C.olllomla c....-1oo1. taJ Weacllff OrlH , -por1 .. 1<11, Cl llf.,1111 "* Tl\ls ....i""s 11 c~ltd 1'y • ,._ ...... l'tCTITIOUI MIM•911 NAM8 ITAHMllNT Tiit loll••ttl11t MftOn 11 doln1 Ml ....... , THE WWITLEY COMPANV, Jl7' Pullmlfl Sll'Mt, lllltt 1 U, Co.I.I Meu, Cellllntla.,... \ Terri L. Wllltlay, 2ffft s.-..t P16<•, w..t. ~ Hiiia, Cetlfofnla •:iu>. Tllla .._._ 11 <--W In ,,..,.,_ .. TtNl-ttay Tlllt ste"'"-'t w• filed •ltlt h Cou11ty Ctarti of Oronge CWll4y Oft ....,_,.,.,, .. ,.,.... ,......._.Or-. CM11 Dllly'PllM, ...... ''· "· "· Marc:ltS. ltll ·~· "~"°"' •utt••u ...,... .,,., .... .., Tl\• follewll'll "'Mii I• dolnt _._ .. , EMILY GAii. LfMITI O, 1•n·• S11•r ·-· HUllt ....... a.oc11, CA a.41. ( lillllll.V COX WVf.TT, Ut Povl1r1'w A-. P. I .. , C .... MeM, CA...,._ Tlllt llutlMM Is~...,"" all M l¥!Wlf. Emily C. W'l'9tt Tali 11~ w• ftled wlffl Ule C-h C•rll ol Or ..... C-y on J.,, it,tm. fllt91t Put>tl ...... Or ..... Coot* Dtilly PllM, .'•: J, !O• 17, 24, Ha SI LOCKSMITHS. 1201 MISSION VIEJO Tll• IOllowlne -IOft• ... ...,,.. M0811.E LOCl(SMITHS; 1211 buslMSUJ· fltCM'tOUltust•••ll GOlDIE 1.0CKS, HOME~OCK & EKECUPL.AH , l•U L.1119ley ..... ITAftlle_, ......... Hlrollo l(urolllWI Im. E.._,dlilllter, Ace-- Tall "'-... fl'" wltlt -c-1y c1er11 of 0r.,.. County '" KEV SERVICE, 122) GE ESIS V; Aftnue IS..lte Cl. lrvlM, c.IHerMe T1'e lell-l"9 "'-la N llll (131 GENESIS MARKE T! G; 1241 92114. ~M: FftfM'V 17, 1• . PICTITtOUI e111t••S1 . ,.....,., ...... , GENESIS IHTERNATIOt4A'l.: IHI Che~~rtlel& In......_..... Ill MAIO; (ti l"A#TASYV.ND, THE FIFTH GENERAT',ON. m1 Ill< .•• Oel•-· cer-Mloll. Int DM~ltrM.c--...c. MacArtllur lloulevero, S.ilte 1oa. Blue Kev. c..-del ¥.«, c..tlfenlla flta. Tiie .......... ,.,_ ..... ..., ... .......... , DTA-11, MS .._. llrwt. C•ta -...c .............. .,.U SETSUICO •tllCKL, uu Newpor1 8-:11, C.llfomla '2MO. Tllit l>V'lfllU I• c..-<t.O •Y a CaHlerMI ~. Cato llilleM, CA R. A. King, U4Sl &anon "oad, ~ OTA·ll. • Celltor111• limited ..... --.. -..... 5Crtet, c ... ..... ~ ..... 101·11. L.,.,. Lindi, Callfomla n»i. <or11oretloft · Tiiis bullneu Is uinclu<ltf .,., .., Clleslt r Propertlu & TMa ....._. '' C9fl9uc-.., .., lll<llvldual: 11 ln•Hll'Mfllt, Inc. lftdlv....,, N.L CIWtler. VP. lfftfll ..... Krtt•1 Del Toco, l11c .. • C•llfOl'llll c.--euo.., MS......, terMt, Cata illllHe, c ........... -.. IN TM• IUPl .. CMl COU•T Ofl T"• STA Te CW (AUflllMtttlA Ill A•O flO•T"eOOUNTYOflOttA .... ........ Tiiis 1ta:~11"!n lllld wllll .,. 0pere11eM "-11 ........,. -tllW w• .. County Cltrtl ol Orange County on Tllll .. .._, wn lllM wlltl c-ty Clel1I ef ... ~ C-'Y .. Tltls ~ It , c...-Uld h • llmltffpel'tMt.,._ J anuary is. IW2 • County Clerk of Or~ C-y ...... I , 1-. '1tt .... Fttt>. I, ltC. ...... ~I DT A·ll. a C1llfar11l1 ..,,__.. lfOTICR H INTtlY OP 'uMMaNT !AVINI! UNI "IEO SCHOOL. Pullll-Or-CO.s1 Dally Piiot, Put>ll-Or .... c-Oellt Piiot, ........ Or-. c... o.tly ...... . Fetl. U , MIKlll, 10, 17, 1"2 17...,, Feb. 10, 17,24, ~11 1, lta '61-12. , .... 17,14,llMrcltJ, It, "'2 10 .. . o.tT--. lllC., .~, ............ OISTltlCT, a Sc-Olltrkt tf tM State ol Cal ......... ~lff. vt. ALL PERSONS IHTE•f.STED , .. THI MATTER OF THI VALIDITY 01" ·DllTl llTlll Wtyftl w. Ar1•111re .... p ......... Tltfl ...,.._,wan ... Witt\ tlte ceu111v Clwrll tf 0r..,.. c-y e11 '"""°"' 2, 1ta. THE ISSUANCE 0 .. $l,tl0,tl0 0, llltd wltll "91 ELE CTIO N 1t72, SEAllES " .... c-1, °"I GINEltAL OILIGATION aotfDS, • •utllorl-by ._._,..., NI. llfD.IJ ,,..,, of Ill• 9oard of Educalle11 et U.. WILLIAMS LI. g reat-g randc.h1ldre n and Lawn·Mount Olive Mortuary D 0 R 0 T H Y M A E bro l her • CI a r e n c e o r Costa Mesa. 540-5554. ,.,.... ,._....,. Or .. C.-st Oally PltM, F ... 10, 17, 24, Mw'Cll J, 1• -.a. Publlsfwd Or-Coest 0 1lly Pll04. I AVI N E UNIFI ED SCHOO L Feb 24.-3,10,11,1'112 ~ OISTltlCT, ~. W I LLIAMS. 72. resident o r I mmel . Edwardsville , ltEBAllCllEC1'. Nl.llllll To 111 111no111 l11terMt•f lfl ta. mal"r of Ule •lllcllty of IN ,_ of u .ooo,oao of Eltcl.., 1m, SarlH H t•n•••I olblltallon bon•1, •• l>'ountain Valley . Ca. P assed Illinois 1-·un e ral services C ESSNA R E BA R C H ECK . uway February 19. 1982 in a nd interm e nt w ill be a resident of Huntington Fountain Valley. Ca Mrs . p r ivate. Pierce Broth ers Beach , C a . P assed away Willi a m s w as born i n Smith Mortuary. directors . s udde n ly on Fe bruary 22. Colum bus. Ohio on Fe bruary 536-6539. F amily s uggest s 1982 at Paciflea Hospital. J. 1910 She was a m ember con tributions be m ade to the Funer a l a rrangem e n ts a r e o r the Foun tain ,~a l ley Orange Cou n t y Lung pend in g at Pierce Brothers Newcomers Club . Uni~crsit>· Associullon S miths ' Mortuary. 536-&39 fllCTITIOUI tllSINlll •AMetTAT .... NT Tiii Ill ....... Pl"MHll ,,.. dollltl _._ .. : GAAl'HICS TWO, 1012 BrloM> Drl¥•, Sult• 107, C•Jt• Meu, Cot1*1lla G2'7 P•ul1 J. Z1t1m1ler, t-P•r11 ..... ,..,, • ..._.. ...... CefHwnla fllCTITIOUI BUSINIU ·-·-_, ~ Nt. 11112-U NAMe ITATIM•NT of ... 9oard of Educ.allofl of, ... lrvlftt ---~::!t~~owlnt '"''°"' .,. Oolno, u~~~~~ =~~-v GIVEN tMI 8&8 BUii.DEAS, U10 Al111tme on Ftbr'UelY 17, lte, ) ............ wet Sir"'· -lnoton lleecll, Cllll'orftl• ,.,,.,..,Ill Ille -.Miiied KUoft mAt In f1vor of tN ftlllflfllf ...... ,tltllltl ,,,. lt-n WIJM It-. UIO Al-IN v•lldlty of '5.000.-0 of EltcllOft 1'72, Stretl, Huntl"tllon .. 1<11, C.lllOrnl• Serlea H oonerel o1>110011011 t>ond• .,.,.. 1utllorl11d to be luued by ulf Gu1t1ve Budd y Ce11t1r, 110 ltu olullon No. 11-46 lfld 111•1 M HI ·~hapter No 462. O ra er or Rl;ED 't h e Eas t ern Star ~• T h ea MILKES V E LMA HELEN REED. ""° WlllleM D. I.~ I ... ,_ tourt No 5. Ladies o r the HARRY G MI L K ES. resi~t ol Costa Mesa. Ca .. Oriental Shr ine. hre ll)ember resident or Santa Ana. Ca. age 67. Born M arch 9. 1914 o r t h e Columbus Female Passed away on Februa ry a l Clinton . Io w a Passed Benevolent Society a(ld also 18. 1982. Ser vice!! will be away Febr uar y 21. 1982. a member o f the F ir s t h e ld o n W e dne s day. Survived by d a u ghter, Sally Communilv Ch urch, a ll o r February 24. 1982 at 2 .00PM L.or e nal , Newport Beac h . Columbus . Ohio Beloved at Uarbor Lawn Memo rial Ca • sons. Evan W. Reed. m o ther or W a r ren Lee C hapel with int erm ent J r .. Miam i Sp rin1s. F lo rido , Williams. Fountain Vulley. services imme diately R on Reed. I r v in e. C11 .: _,..n, "'-" ...... c.Mffwel• .... s.rlntfleld No. a, """'lnvfOft BMcll, 1 ........ tfll -flied lfld -H In the Cellto~nia... rteordt ol the Cltrll of llM Ore,... Tiiis -lness 11 cO!ldlt<t.G Dy • .....,.1...,,,...,.... P.,.a J lAlllfn ... r Tll .. ......._. .......... :.:~ C.-ty Clerll ef Or ..... C_.y on ""·"·'•· "'*41 ..... Ot ..... eoa.. D•lly Pl ... ,. l'M, 24, Mer. J, 10, I 7, 1tl2 li.G Tiiis bullneu 11 COftducted by • CW'!4y SuperlOt Court. ....... 1...-.""'-I Oi ied: ..,.....,.., It,,.., 0Wew Buddy Conter ltUTAN & TUCICEll ...,, W•yne A-.-.. .... for Plllllllff Tiiis •-... flled with the 8y SIMI Wol<of1 Cou11ty Cit,,. of Ora .... County on ITAN wou:oTT Fttt>ruery n . 1tl2. • .... a. -_.. ,., ... MILl'OltDW. OA"L. H . Pullll.,_. Or ..... C•Ht Dolly Piiot, llUTAN a TUCet•tl , .. 1'., Mii'. J. 10. 11, ,.., -• .......,..II.~• Ca. Also survt\ ing are ~ rollow1ng. Services under s isters. E liza beth Han d el. gr a n d c h 1 Id r c n . 2 the dir ection or H a rbor Sterlin&. tlll n o ls. M yrtle .::_----------r----------. K in a . Rock Fa lla. Illinois, fllCTlTl...sllVM"• ------------~---1 •1IA .... ......,wf P.O .... ,_ ( .......... CA-.. McCC>aMta MOITU.UIH Ulguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 HAlla.t t.AW.._MT. OUYI Morluary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler AYe Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_CINOTHHS l&l llOADWAT MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Cosla Mesa 642·9150 1At.TZ•6Ho .. IMfT'H & TVTHIU WHTCUflF CHArtl 4 27 E 17th SI Cosla Mesa 646-9371 ,_CllM>ntm~ INtTMS' WOITUAH• 621 Matn S I. Huntington Beach ~539 .• PACIM:vtlW .• .,.. ... , ... CetNlefY Mo rtuary Chapel.ct~ 3500 Pac1hc 111.-Ore~ Newport a.acn 844-2700 • ':NPntune ~i..tv CAfMI"~ "GiAL ATllA 646-7431 I Our literature tell1 the· complete story of our. ~~ ............. e.. ... ___________ ,_. . ..,...,. .. ...__ Plltlll.,_. Or ..... Coe•I Delly f'll04, "'"'· 24, 1"1 .,.., A 11 c e s m it ti • st er 11 n g . IUM9 rTAT9MeWT fl1CT1T1ouuua1N1u llllnols. n-11e Mlll•r . Mo line .... .!~!!.1 .• -•111 "''°" I• dOlll• NAMSITAT•MllNT ~ "' ....,,,_..~ Tiii ftllowlno tttrton Is d1l111 __ ...._ ________ _ llllnols ; brother. Wi llard lt.N.O. ENTE1tP•11u. 1t7u 11o1t111on•: S m ith , C anton. Georgia : 7 ,,..,.,., .. ,, """""t to ••eca, MANNY'S BAR, u 21 Not111 Pia.I Illa d h ltd F I Collfomte..... '•lrvltw,S..taAN,Callfonlla'"°', ------------a ren c ren . unera ,..,.,, N oree••Y. tou ,,_......, J . ......,.... 1114 .,,,.. -,.... .. ser vices will be h e ld 111•e•11eu, Hu11t11111tn ••ecll , s1rtet,s..t...,...Cotlfornl•'21G. MOTte•Of'IAt..•Ofl Thursd ay. F e b r u a r y 25. CellloNll•..,.. T1111 11u1111es1 11 c-.c1tt1 w 111 ltlALNWlllTYAT t982 . \1 :00 AM at Alle n Tiii• ....._. 1' '~'" 9¥"' 1M1¥1c1uat. PltlVATllAl.9 F I H S II .... iv-.... ~J.HOIQulft c-....... .. u nera o m e . t er ng. ~111.o.,e.rv Tllk ...._. •• 11 .... ., ... the 1 ... .....-ce.1 .. .. 1-------------t Illin ois . Inte rment R iversid e Tillt *"""""' -"'" •""' -c ... n1y c1er11 of 0r..,.. C-'• °" ,...,. .. calNMll .. .....,.lllle Cemetery. Sterling. Illinois .. ~:.":f.~ at Or.,,.. c ..... ~ ""'"°'•22.t'll'I. ,., .... 111 '"' =•ttof:::'e ,t•t• Arrancement.s b y F airh aven ~Or .... Cont Diiiy Pltot, l'vl>ll"*I Or .... CO.st Dally PllM, Wll.1.IAM EDWARDS ,ORT. Ill, Mortuary. , ... u ....• ....., .. .-.u ,MArc11>.10.11,1te .....,, Doc•••· SANDLER ' · .,=t: ...,_ z ~ Net1u 11 a.r•llY e1n 11 11111 ta. H A RRY LE W IS '9S91M ...... :f~~~-:..·...:~--=i S AN OLER. 10 -y ear reskSeftt 1-----------1 •o <..,,,,.,,,..._ o1...-~.., C..t. or Huntln-1ton Beach . Ca. "tCTITMUe.UtHHlll "~T1TtOUl9UlfllllU ... ., ....... -,,.., .. ~ ....... P ......a F b 2IO IUIMS l'fATSMS"T ....-tTATaMllN't at Ille otfl<• .. 0.0., Wllfm111, "'"""" •Wa)' e_ ruary 1 T'lll teflewlllt ,., .. II 11 .. lllt Tiit lellewl111 peraon 11 dol111 ........ s&Wlfley,,_CemtluaOrlft, t982, He w• • member or ~H: 1111111-.,· N••fl•" .. ""· c a11ter11I• ...... the AARP of HuntlnJCton c o11111PvH• SOLUTl ... s co.. IVMPMONY 1n1ts, ..... '-ty el 0r.,... 14• .. CM"9nMe. Beach. Ca , Senior <;:ltfaena .., awt11 ~ ..,,._ m . ......., CHll• Ave-. hu11te111 V•ll•Y 111 '"° ,..,.,., lltie .,. """'"'el - Club ol Huntln~n Beach . aeoclt, Cit.._,..,... eotHiwtite .,,.., 41K•-11 ,,. 11-of dMltl .... '" .HM It ........ IUt ·~ aofW• Jo .. ...., ....... c..n. "'° ................ "'"'"' ""' ""' C•. H e la aurv ved by h la .,..,, cm. c--... ce1.....-111• •·-· ~"' ve1iey, Clllforftta .,. ..... ..., • ._. -~ w ife . S •r •. a nd h is son . ,... ,.,._ 11Yfltllfr111et1el1 ... .....,..._....., Id u A C ""' ......... It OIMUC ... IW .. lltll .,..,_. 11 <eMllCted .., ell t1te11 or '" .-1t.1 to ..,., .. Mlf Don• •. ,., S.nta n•. a. .......,..., _.....,, ec ... '""' .. -... 111..,. A ls o 1 ur v 1·v ed b y 4 ,,........._ • ~ ..-... • .,."...., t• a ll 111e certa111 •••' "'°'"''Y tr•ndCNJdrwn. Sel'Vices will Tltll ::.,.,.. -ti ... wt1t1 ... Tltlt ....,_ -HIM -"II .,....... lft .. City .. ~ Of'Me, be held W«lnetd•Y 11 AM at COUlllY Cll,. .. Orllfttt C-'• Ill c-ty Clertl .. 0r..,.. (-"f =: .. :~-=-(=~~=: Harbor Llwn·Mount OUve fl~lt "'L ,....,_.,.,.,., ,.,.... ...._11. M emo rlal C h a pel . w ith .......... ar.., c-w ooii:= PWHIMll 0r.,.. Ceoll Dolly P1i.t. Let"• Tren .... ,......, e ntombment Imme diately 111•.t• .... a.1t,11,1• 111• ,..,.,.,¥erc:llJ.iO,o ,1• ane. ~.::".-=:..a::..''.!i ~~ = f o llo w ln1. Services under tltO cev111y Ae(erdOr et on11to the d ire ction of Hubo r flll lllll -•....,. e.-y. Lawn · Mount 0 II v ••------------, ____ ,..... ___ .. _•~----• ..,.... ~., 11-oti tttaJ = ., __ Ver111 ltrett. 01r•111 o re'tt , M•rtuaey..1.-T. ":.'!!,!!!~• fllCTl·-w•• cat""9111..,. 15.., _ .... ,_. ..-n,.n-.tn T•-• ... c.-1t11.wM_,, CARL-,11\UN 81!8-ERT. Tiii t.11-1119 ,.., ...... ,II, Tit• .... _.,..""" I• •• ,,. ...... """" ........ eMtlrfNtllftlf JR .;~·~ I I.-i"-....._.: ......_.l ..... ., ""(H it '" .. ,.,.,. " ,..._ UI rVme, '-•· TMe ....... DOO•. ......... JIM'I MOlllLI t..OCK ANO KIY twtfee<ef lly ttete 1Kvro• lly Paattd 1way Oft Ft.bru1ry """".· ltl9 e.c .... 11 ...... "• ..... , H1tv1c1,. ,,.. ..,..f cwrt ... _._1illll.,tt•to ., Tr1t11 Dtee ..-, ... 30, 11112. Survtv-by hit wlla .... ~ Yeffrt.~tt• ,,,.....~-.we.'",... co111 If B~t{,e Me--'al 1ervtcts • ......, _.. • .....,. ''" ,_ ,...,.. ..._,..,, '"" .............. ....,.....,....., •""iu ........,.-.. -:.l. "' ...... ...._.1 ~~ .._..._.... 9M<tl, "''•" c ent. fle1111ta111 ""'"· ... w....,. ta• lfl""'""'.,. -_, _, .• ..,. ..,.__,__ Cit""""'"*' Wll1'9rlClllMtlt ........... ~ Preabyttrl•• Church Oft Tfilt ...._ '' ~ "'• '"" __.,_" ~-9¥ • .. _, .... ...., .. ..,.,_.kMMll W ...... ___.. "b ... ......... ~....... ..... ................. . -n---ay. • ru•ry .... -..... .. -..w ~•~.......,., o.-•tt111•e1,....._,,,. lta at 2:001'M wilh Rev, "'" _..,,. -fllM.... .. Tlltl ...._.. .. 11• wtt11 ""• Mfllrl 1..., Lydian~--olfkt.Una. c.-t• °"'., °' .... ~ • c-ey c.... • Ontl9I Ce1MtY • .,...,~ lntt tment w11 prlv•le. ,....n.• _ ~.,.... •--~ r-._A....,. .. .__, Paclflc Vtew Mortuary ........ 0r ... c.-._.,,.... ,_, .... °""""~°"'"llilll ~o-.etc...ao.t"'°""· dl~t.on. .... ........... ..,... ., ......... ~ ..... ., ....... ,............... ... .. PKTIT.-SaUMNlll IMtl a ... CA""" P'*ll-Or .... C:-1 Dilly PllM, '"· 10. 11.24,MwcltJ, tW ...., l'~TtOUI eUM•IM •AMII ITAT9M9NT Tiit ftllOWllll tterMft la feln• .... w-.. : •o • ,AttaANl "A"""" l>UBl.ICATI O NS /OAlt Y a . f.LLISTOH/JOHN' ElLIOTT, HU WUMr A-. 5'111e I", .. _ .... Vlllty, CAfll'GI . J AMES WAINWltl O MT l"L.ANAGAH 111, 7122 HI-Otlft, H""'lfttlltfl leaal, C.A mD Tait .,......1 I• , __ W ., IMlw ldlOll. J-W F ........ Tllk ....,_ •• , .... --c -1, Cttrt< of Or111191 C-ty on FM II, Hl2. ,.,.... Pffll-Ot ..... C-.. o.tly Piiot, Fee. 17, 1.4, Mer'<ll l , 10, 1'112 JP.ct ..... ITAT11N•T PlaJC 19la Th• falla•l111 PtrtOft I• Ooln1...._ ___________ _ '"""'"' ": Or ..... o.Ha-GUl!IT MOME. 2'1' Or.._ Ave-, CMll Mua, "'17. ITATl ... _,.OflWITMOllAWlt.L flllOM ... .,. ...... IP OPI ••Tl• U•Ollt l'ICTITtOUI BUSINUI •AM• t..ettcla CIWtwlllly, IMOS C1lurnet c eun ltlwrll* Cell~tt• tae IOI~,.,_ -• .....,,_ Tllll N!MU• 11 <_..., by on II • tener•I pert11er tre m Ill• 11141.,....._,, P•rtnertlllp -"""• unfer Ill• tAtld •C-ttltY ll<11llou1 bu•ln•H 111m• ot THE Tllla ~••flied wltfl tM TVPESETTING tlOOillll ti )th c.aunty C'"11 .. .or ..... en ,...,_y 1. PWlm ... ..,_, Sul" 1 H, Cate MHI, 1m , ........ .... • .,._. Tl\• flclltloue t11ltlllH'I ••m• Pullll1Mll Oronee C.Unty Dally ~....,..fWIN~•••11"' Piiot, F-. M, 11, U . MM<ll >. tta o"' ..... ~ 2. 1• ~ lite ~ of . ,..., , . -----------Full N•-1114 A-•H et Ille ,..,_..,,....._.,... Lite A. 911Mr, 1601 MKAAltllt 81¥0., ... S...C• ..... 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SPECIALTIES. t:MS Srcemon •-. Tultln, C•lllOrnl• ..,.., SATURDAY. FEeAUAltV 11, ttll; INSPECTION 1:>0 l .fll.; SAl.E STARTS 't:JD 1.m.; LOIS & HAltAY LAaARD SCHOOL. >Ottt CltAIMf.tl 1.AHe, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFO•HIA All1-ln-... c~-•-•ll -.... ·---'*"'' ... "" wcctulwl ..-.. M ._ -OOld Oft •" 0 el It .. .,.. ......... 1111 MVI. •nd u.e Ol*ltt mallet no .,,.,..._, wrlntn or lmplled et to Ille <.lftdlllon Of' "'""' fer ... ., -... " .... llama for u lt, -no cllifll tor .,,., l llOWIMe Of' cleclUCtlofl ..... •u<ll or-t Wiii be CMMderW aft9r ... wccHIM llid ""..., occepllM. Pey-.& lnhlft mwt • -IOU. Olatrlct at "'9 llme of Ula lille, -IN _....,._, ,._._.... •f ~time. Tl\k MClca It In ~ wlttl Seel ... JHJD ...... Cellfomla f.WC.11111 c-. By or41r tJll tN 80lrd ol TN ..... ef Illa H.inllneto11 .. e<I\ City k-Dld rlct BrlallGtrlaM. Clerllof_o->I .... ...... Ol*kt. Or .... c-....CllHonola PWll"*' Or .... CMll Oelly Piiot, Fttt>. 17, 2•, t• 7,._.,, I· .. ... ~c~, Estancia gain CIF quanerfinftls Sea Kings . ha:ve, a gimmick Kraiss' bucket propels Eagles 8y J OHN SEVANO Of .... D.ity ...... MM! For u long time now. Corona del M 1H tlli:h hu:s had the market cornert.>d on wlnmng gumes the hard way Tuesduy night, 'though, the Sea Kinas reached new heights. Comndcrmg the fact it was a CIF 3 A playoff game, and they were playing on a foreign court <Estancia lligh l, and the opponent <Canyon) wali this year's Century League r hampion, and the final score was 54·42. the Sea Kings did all right despite hitting just two field goals the ENTIRE s econd half. And, if you find that hard to s wallow. get this: CdM didn't have a sm2le field goal the final quarter and didn't score a single point for the first 4. 18 of the period. Na tu rally. this is going to take a little explaining. ··Maybe we have a new gimmick." Joked Sea Kina Coach Jack Errlon. ··we don't hit any field 1oals, iet fouled. and hit our free throws.'' lndct.>d, the Seu KLnas did hit the latter. 24 or 34 to be exact and 16 of 22 during the last 3;42 of the final elght·minute stania. . The rC?Sl of the time. however , the Sea Kings displayed no gimmicks ... just good, hard defense. "We didn't attack like we should in the second half." added Errlon. "but we didn't let up for a single second defensively. "My kids didn't give any ground and they fought hard." The score wus tied six times ln the firs t quarter before a Mike Hess steal with 11 seconds left gave the Sea Kings the lead for good at 14· 12. From there, It was the Chris Lynch show as the senior guard helped CdM build a 31·20 advantage al the half by (See SEA KJNGS, Page 86) By BOGE R CARLSON OttMDMtf ........... Estancia High basketball co1&ch Larry Sundermun was holding court with the media and well wishers and as the vlctorious Eagles w ere celebr1&tl ng In their dresstna quarters, assistant coach Joe Reed summed it up in short order. • which touched only nettthe wltb no time left for the winner The first miracle was Jerr Gardner's driving abot through the lane, which came with the Eaales down by a 40·37 count, their worst deficit since the first quarter. Gardner's attempt bounced on the rim and fell for a bucket. and with it he received a s hot at the free throw llne, courtesy of 6·6 Rich Thomas' fifth personal foul. The slick 5· 10 Sea View Leaaue MVP connected with his free throw to tie it at 40 with 1 :05 left. then the Eagles got the break they had to have -a Foothill turnover with ?7 seconds left. MIRACLE WORKERS Estancia High's Jeff Gardnl'I' <left 1 and Stt•v(! Kraiss put together a C'Ol!elc of minor miracles Tuesday night to -catc.q:'full th<.> Eetgles into the Cl F 3 ·A quarterfinals "You need at least one miracle in the playoffs," said Reed . But Tuesday night, before 1,900 at Villa Park High , there were two mlrarle11 In the final 1: OS or the second overtime wliich catapulted the Eagles to a 42·40 victory over Foothill , sending the Sea View League co-champions Into Friday's CI F 3·A quarterfinals against 24-1 Glendale Hoover at a site to be determined. The big one was Steve Kraiss' 12·foot baseline shot, coming literally from behind the backboard, Sunderman ordered his quintet to take the last shot and when it was now or never, Kraiss had the ball inches away from the baseline. "I know him <Kraiss >. he wanted <See EAGLES, Page 86>. o.lly ,..._ _.., u. ,...,,. 114 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. February 24, 1982 Edison's pace still on target Loyola wi.lts in second half, 71 -40 By JIM McCURDIE Of llM Dally f'lltiC SI.off GLENDALE At Edison High, the basketball names have remained largely unchanged during the last two years . But, as Charger Coach Barry Leigh has had the distinct pleasure or finding out this year. what a differe nce that second year makes ' "I was a mazed ba ck in December at the difference between a junior and a senior," Leigh said "It still amazes me." AS WELL IT s hould Last year's surprise team of the 4·A playoffs is this year's odds-on favorite and the Chargers with mos tly all the same faces in all the same places have shown an uncanny ability to play both roles. Tuesday night. the top.seeded Chargers continued their drive toward the 4 A final with a 71-40 rout or Loyola at Glendale High. a long evening. The Chargers have won their first two playoff games by a total or 55 points and may be playing their best basketball or the year. Quite a contrast fro m last year when Edison, a younger vers ion of this year's team, s cored a 48-47 overtime win over Compton in the first round and s tunned Notre Dame, 57·56. in the second round before losing to San Marcos. the eventual 4-A r unner.up. LEIGH WAS further amazed Tuesday night as the Chargers broke away from a Loyola team that for a while -looked determined to take Edison out of its fast break to keep the game close. For a while are the key words here. The Cubs pulled to within two, 20 · 18 . midway through the second quarter a s Loyola's Michael Daly scored all 11 of his l e am ·s points in that period. Edison managed to forge an eight·poinl lead at lhe half bul it was still apparent that Loyola was within striking distance. Big four spark Lake rs By CURT SEED EN Of Ill• D••v ~ ... Su" IN GLE WOOD It was Christmas Eve when the Los Angeles Lakers o b1 ained veteran forward Bob McAdoo from the New Jersey Nets in an attempt to fill the void left when Mitch Kupchak fractured a tibia _ When McAdoo arrived, Laker Coach Pat Riley was still jockeyrng his l ineup - alternating between Jim Brewer, Mark L<Olds berger and current starter Kurt Rambis - trying to find a suitable s ubstitute for Kupchak and a solid backup to K a r eem Abdul-Jabbar. IT HAS BEEN nearly nine weeks since McAdoo a rrived. He does n 't start yet. a nd it is doubtful he wfl l. Riley likes a player like the 6·9 veteran coming orr the bench in a pinch. He als o sees to it that Landsberge r and Brewer contr ibute a res pectable 12·15 minutes per outing There is no intense competition among the big four jus t p l ent y or contributions. Tuesday night, for instance. with 14.072 on hand at the Forum for a rematch with the high·scoring Denver Nuggets. each of the big four did his share as the Lakers rolled to a 145-129 vic tory over the Nuggets for their second straight win over Denver in less than 48 hours. The victory included a Laker season·high 83 points in the first half. RAZZLE DAZZLE Corona Del ~ar lligh·.., Mi kl' Hes~ gl\'l'" a no look pass to unknO\\ n t e <1mm ci t t• d u r i n g fourth q trnrter ar t1 o n Tut•-;da~· aga ln!->l l'cnt u r~ Lc <1 gul' C'ha m pwn C cinyon in a C l F' 3-A contest. f-fl>&s wa!-. foult·d on the play He we 111 to tht· frt'l' thn m li rH \\here he h1l both <:n<l!-> ol .1 onc. .. plu~·om· The win sets up Friday·s quart e rfinal m eeting with Se r v ile al a s ite t o b e determined The Frrars knocked Verbum Der out or the playoffs for the second consecutive year wrth a 75·65 :.crond·round win I f Edi s on 's pla y off pe rformance thus far is any indication. Servile may be in for Then came the third quarter, when Loyola found points extremely h ard to come by . With Edison's swarming defense forcing turnovers and refusing lo allow good s hots. the Cubs failed to score until there were just 56 seconds left in the quarter. when Adonis Turner finally put it in. Jamaal Wilkes, who had a re latively quiet Sunday in Denver with just 15 points in the Lakers' 132 -131 victory. led e veryone on the noor with 31 points. That's a pretty good omen. The Lakers are 20·0 when Wilkes has scored better than 30 points during his career. BUT TifERE'S also the play of Rambi s. Brewer . Landsberger and McAdoo. For instance : Westphal inks Knick offer sheet NEW YORK <AP > - Freeagent guard Paul Westphal, a five·timc National Basketball Association All ·slar, s igned an offer sheet ·with the New York Knicks Tuesday that would pay him an estimated $150,000 for the rest of this season. The offer sheets means that the Seattle Supe rSonics whom Westphal played for last year. have 15 days to match the Knicks' offe r. Asked at an impromptu news conference j us t before the Kn1 cks met the Milwaukee Buc ks what he would do if S eattle m atrhes the offer. Westphal said · "At least I would start playing and wouldn't have to move m y family out of Seattle. That would be some silver lining, but I've s igned with the Knicks and I hope to be playing with them soon." The season has less than eight weeks re maining before the s tart of the playoffs. W eslphal has not played since early last season when he suffered a stress fracture to his right foot after 36 games. Westphal said that similar foot Injuries ln recent years to NBA stars Bill Walton a nd Dous Colltns "certaJnly retarded the . speed or my r eturn" lo playing. "I think I'm in pretty good s hape," said Westphal who has a veraged 17.l Points per game in his nlne-year NBA career with Bost9n, Phoenix and Seattle. •'I've been playing in the gym with college guys. Of course, it's not the sa m e as NBA competition. but I thlnk I'm lo as Cood a Jlhape as I can be. When J come bac k. lt wm be llke the flnt day of training camp for me." 'I • Money is no • object to Allen By the time it was over, Edison had command of the game and a 46·22 lead going into t he final period. Rambis: Starting at power forward, he hit on 4 or 7 shots from the field in 21 minutes , finishing with eight points. He a l so tied J abbar for team rebounding honors with seven. Six or his eight points came early in the first quarter when the Lakers jumped out to a 31·14 lead. He once exceeded an unlimited expense account Word drifted down from Canada that George Allen had signed on as president, chief executive officer and part owner of the Montreal Aloueltes and a guy remarked. "old George 1s finally tapping his savings account. .. Well. not really. What it m eant was that old George was tapping someone else 's s avings account which may be what coach Allen does best. The currency this time belongs to a group of plungers from the Newport Beach area on whose behalf Allen has purchased 51 percent of the Canadian Football League team from Nelson Skalbania, which is a person, not a country. Since he first dipped his toe into professional sports several years ago, one thing has led to another for Skalbania and he is now said to be experiencing a momentary cash now problem. AMONG SKALBANIA'S cash flow problems has been a salary of $450,000 to his quarterback. Vince Ferragamo, who found the Canadian ~e somewhat alien and spent the final part o ast season on the bench. In fact, Vince was not ven on the Als' active roster. At any rate. all of these are matters to settled by George Herbert Allen who works bes when money is no object. George's ability to scatter banknotes was put best by two of his former employers. the late Dan Reeves or the Los Angeles Rams and Edward Bennett Williams or the Washington Redskins. "Geez," Reeves once declared, "I am terrified the guy is going to ~uy Cleveland." Williams' remark. made shortly after Allen took over as coach and general manager of the Redskins bas since become something or a classic: "I gave him an unlimited expense account and he has a lready exceeded It." MANY INSIDE FOOTBALL feel that it was Allen's tendencies in the areas of squandering money and refus ing to consult ownership In matters of importance that kept him out of positions of authority in-the ·National Football League. Allen would prefer yd\! believe lhal the owners of the NFL are engaged in a conspiracy against him. ll ls also suggested that his contract aa a color Qnalyst with CBS was not renewed for the same reasonJJ. Guys travelline with ~lien on lbe CBS payroll tell of S300 breakfasts wlf1i IJ'OUJ)I or cronJes and a classic etory invo1vtn1 Use Umoualne which waa hired to transport the broadcut poup which lncluded Vin Scully, the 1>lay·bJ·play man. ~ . SPORTS COl.UMNIST BUD TUCKER ALLEN'S WIFE WAS ALONG on a particular trip to Washington and George asked the producer if it would be alright if Mrs. Allen used the limo to do a bit or shopping while the game was in progress. Seeing no harm in additional mileage or 20 , or thereabouts. permission was granted. Mrs. Allen took the limo to Virginia to visit friends Precisely how Allen will alter matters in Montreal remains to be seen. Skalbania proved to be almost as talented as George in the art or writing chec ks having purc}¥Ased. along with Ferragamo. such high priced American imports as David Overstreet. J ames Scott and Billy White Shoes Johnson. , It has been suggested that the Alouettes wis hed to unload s ome of these s alaries. <See TUCKER, Page 8 5) "We just settled down and played a lol better team defense in the third quarter." Leigh s aid. "They <the players> knew they weren't playing very good defense in the first half. They weren't he!ping each other." THE STRONG DEFENSE led to a number or easy baskets for Edison as four Chargers finished in double figures . Richard Chang had 10 points in the first qua rter and finished the game with 18 while guards J eff Stephens and Mark Goudge contributed 10 points each. As usual, Rick DiBernardo dominated play under t he basket , pulling d own 16 rebounds A coin flip will determine whether the Chargers will get the home site against Servile Friday. If Edison wins the loss, Leigh indicated It's likely the game will be played at Ocean View High. Brewer: In 18 minutes. he connected on S or 7 from the field , added two s teals. t wo a s sists a nd two r ebound s , finishing the night with 13 points. -Lands berger : In 14 minutes. he scored eight points and added s ix rebou nds . includi!}g three offensive boards McAdoo: Despite having problems seeing after suffering a scratched cornea Sunday c1gainst the Nuggets, he came off the bench to score 12 points (6 of 9 from the floor! adding five rebounds before fouling out in the fourth quarter. ·'I was a little worried in practice," admitted McAdoo a(ter the game. "I still wasn't seeing too well. "I didn't have the <See LAKERS, Page 86) Dodgers depart minus Fernando LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Fernando Valenzuela's agent, Tony DeMar~o. said Tuesday that the Los An&eles pitcher won't be on the plane today when most of the Dodters fly to the team's spring training site in Vero Beach, Fla . Oe Marco. citing the st a lled negotiations between the 1981 National League Cy Yount Award winner and the Dodgers. said: "Fernando. lawyer Richard Moss and I met late this allemoon and decided that we're so far apart in philosophy and fitw'et with the Dodgers that we needed tQ flnd an opport.unlty to &tart makih1 some pro1rets. last season, took the decision not to go to Vero Beach in stride. "The decision was right by blm and lbe two of us," DeMarco said. "It's nol that be is happy or sad ; he feels that what has to be hu to be. Fernando wants to play. be love:i the sport. But we have to take care of the business end of It.. It's not "We felt we had to find some way lo convince the Dodgers that F@rnando should get what he deserves. We feel that lf we don't start 1ettin1 for him what he deserves now, wMJ\ wm we start?" OeMarco aalft Valensuela, a 21·year·old natlve of Mexico wbo alto was the NL Rookte of the Year only the money, it's the principle." _ _ ln a prepared s t atement issued earlier T uesday. prior to the decision that Fernando wouldn't be on the Ood1er plan.. D<>e11er owner Peter O'Malley said: "We have made what we feel is a very fair offer to Fe rnando Valensuela, t1ldn1 into account F ernendo'a acc:ompllabmtfttl of Jut year. ln fact. our offer ll more than lwlce what any second-year player ln bbtory hu r.ceived. ··we wm continue to meet and ne.,Uate ln lood fa.Ith," Hid O'Mallty. l "Bavasi limits AngeJ driving in Arizona •'rum AP dl8pakhei CASA Gl\ANDE, Ariz. -CIUna Ill hiR club's "record for dlSMSter," General Man1tger Buzzle Bavasi says Angela players will not be alJowed to commute from Phqenix durlng spring training this year. The players can either live at the.Fnnclaco Grande resort here or take apartments in town. according to Bavasi. 'Tm not atking any chances," he said. ·'The last thing we need ls somebody getting hurt ln a car crash and missing llalr the season ·· ln~the franchise's 21-year history, three p I aye r.s ha v e . died in, cars -8 r ll; c e Helnbechner, Mike Miley, and Chico Ruiz. Another Angel, Minnie Rojas, was paralyzed for life as the result or an automobile accident while Ken McBride was injured to the extent that he had to retire. Quote of the day Sugar Ray Leonard, talking about•. Roger Stafford, who he plans to fight later this year: "He has power; he's got speed. I'm not too familiar with his chin. but I will be.'' No change, lawyer sues Silverdome PONTIAC, Mich. -A suburban • Detroit lawyer, who said he failed to receive change when he paid to park at the Pontiac Silverdome, has filed a $110,000 lawsuit against the stadium authority. the city of Pontiac and Dome Parking Corp. The lawsuit, filed by Bernard Friedman of Southfield, Mich .. was the second resulting from a decision to "round off" the stadium's usual $2.50 pa rking fee during frigid January weather . The "rounding off" decision was made to a void potential fros tbite problems arising from attendants handling change. Gervin'• 35 P9C* ~ Anton60 wtn Georte GefYlll aeored • PGUlta • aa San Anlo.nlo po1t.cl a iO.aaa vlctory over tbe OoldH State Warr ors ln a NaUonal Buketb.u Aaaoclatlon contat marred by 10 penonal foul calls Tuelday. Tbe Wan1ora leored .o ot tbelr Polnta from the free·throw UM ... Elaewhere iD the NBA, MMel Jlaa..e hlt M polnta and grabbed 21 rebound.a and E1Yt11 Ray• added 38 point.a as Houaton defeated DallH, 106·95 ... •••lie Ttae•1 "°red 1.8 points and Artl1 OU.ore added 24 to lead Cblca10 Lo a 123·122 victory over Portland ... Kansas City took a brief lead in lhe fourth quarter but Atlanta came on atrone at the end with the aid Of 27 point.I by Edclkt Jela9 ... lo defeat the Kines. 103·9-4 . 103·94 . Jolla Orew had 24 polnta and To• MltMllleta added 22 ... The Utah Jaia posted a 113·110 victory over Washiocton with the aid of 39 points by Adrian DanUey. The win ended a four -game losing s treak for the Jazz . . . Michael Ray Blcbarcboa hit seven polnt.s and made two steals in the final 2:•3 to lead the New York Knlcks to a 113·110 win over Mi I waukee . . . Six members or the Philadelphia team §Cored in double figures with Jullu1 Erving hilting 34 lo lead the 76ers to a 115-101 win over San Diego. Rookie Jeads Sl Louis over Toronto Rookie Joe Mullett scored two ~ t goals to power St. Louis to a 3-2 ' National Hockey League victory over Toronto Tuesday night. Bernie P•rko had two assists. helping St. Louis interrupt its longest winless streak in two seasons at eight games . . . El!i_ewhere In the NHL, Real Cloutler's goal with 2: 17 to play, gave Quebec a 4.3 victory over Montreal, hailing the Canadiens' 16-game unbeaten string and their eighl·game winning streak on the road ... Mlke Bolay and Bryan ·Trottier scored 27 seconds apart ln the second period to give the New York Islanders-..-5-1 victory, over Chicago . . . Gary LulMll scored for Vancouver at 13: 15 of the second period, just 59 seconds after Jim Peplbaskl'1 short-banded goal had put Calgary in front, and the Canucks and Flames played to a 2·2 Ue . . . Mike Blais•U scored two goals and Mark Klrtoa had three assists as Detroit recorded a 6·3 win over Colorado ... The Los Angeles Kings assigned defensema n Alan Hangsleban to the New Haven Nighthawks. Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 24. 1982 •• Phlfll• wtH pay Aoee S1 mllUon a Y"' The Phllldtlpbia PhlJUet are \~· ready to PQ PeCe .... Sl mUUon a year uatU I.be md ot llll playlnt career accordJn1 to club preaident aw G . . . . Houston ptkber J. a. &kbrd thl'ew ao erratic 15 mtnutea ot batUn1 pracUce at the club's 1prln1 tralf\IDJ site Tuesday aa he continued hJ.1 attemp( to come back from a llle·thttatenlna stroke . . Joe alldl wu back In an Oaldmd unlform Tue.day and 11Jd, ''It's like getting back In an old familiar bed . . . Gaylord Perry, who needs only 'three victories lo beeome baseball'• l.5lh 300-tame winner, says he may lfOOn Mve a better Idea of his mltjor lea1ue future. "We'll Just have lo wait and see'' he said but refwsed to name the clubs bidding for his services but said there are a bout four . . . Rookie pitcher Aady McGafflJa• wu struck ln the bead by a thrown . ball whlle pilchln1 battlna practice at the Yankee 1prln1 tralnlng camp but wasn't hurt seriously . . . Manacer Joe Torre will areet the full Atlanta squad today in West Palm Beach. Kentucky would host lwo NCAA finals The Univers ity of Kentucky 'Ill' would like to host two NCAA Final Four basketball tournaments in 1985. , The idea is to lure the National Colle1late Athletic Association finals for men and women to the same town at the same time . . . On the college basketball front, Dud Toagal scored 18 points and his cousi.n, Edward leu, added 12 to lead Fordham lo a 6S·SO win over Notre Dame and Rob Wllllams scored 30 points to help Houston to ita seventh consecutive win with a 75-69 verdict over Rice ... The e xecutive committee of the Southeastern Conference will meet Thursday to consider last Saturday's contested SEC battle between Louisiana State ' and TeMessee . . . A federal lawsuit filed by two former world record-holding track and field athletes against the U.S. Olympic Committee has been moved from Syracuse, N.Y. to U.S. Dis'trict Court in Denver. S&epben Smttb, a pole vaulter, and Brtu 014lnelcl, a shot putter and discus throwel', want to prevent the USOC from barring them from the 1984 Gammes in Los Angeles. .Televisfon. radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Hockey -Detroit at Kings, 7:20 p .m ., KPRZ (1150). Ski Report -Snow conditions in Southern California mountains. 9:43 a.m., 12:43, 3:43, 7:43 p.m .. KNX (1070). Fielder's steal aids Monarchs Inglewood. next for Mater Dei By RlatARD DUNN oitt1eD111tY ...... lleff /\ Cinderellu team It might well be, but Mater Del Hl&h proved 'J'uesduy nlcht that it ls ror real. The Monarchs. third place tint.hers n th e Angelus Leorue, rolled over St. John Bosco High, 53·49 , al ~rvile High to advance to the CIF 4A quarterfinals Th~ Braves finished second In the Del Rey League, and ended the season dropping to 21·7 The.llonurcb.5. 16-9, got a steal from Mike F ielder with 2:31 left to go in the game, tied at 41. From the re the Monarchs outscored the Braves, 10-2 , in the next two minutes "The steal was the turning point in the game." said Monarch Coach Bill Alexander "We really flOl a lot or momentum after that, and really took charge." TAKE CHARGE IS exactly what the Monarchs did. With the game tied at 33, at the end ol the third quarter . the Monarchs started working the ball. Inside. and put pressure defe nse on St ·J ohn Bosco. "ft came <town to our game, working the ball inside to our l>ig guys," Alexander said. "We rlnally made some free throws at important times. when we really needded them " The Monarchs sank nine or 14 free throws, but four of them came with less than 53 seconds in the game. Mater Dei shot 50 percent from the floor, banging out 22 field goals Sophomore Matt Beeuws aert poured in 21 points to lead the Monarch attack, and Fielder added 15 points. along with his seven rebounds Mater Dei played very cautiously in the second half, working the ball in lo Fielder a nd Beeuwsaert. It turned the ball over only once. a nd committed only one foul in the pressurized fourth quarter. The contest had been tied throughout most of the game , unljl Fielder's steal, when the Monarchs pulled away with a comfortable lead. CHRIS JACKSON, one of the four sophomores ~tarting , added 10 points and grabbed eight rebounds for the victorious Monarchs Apparent~y Stevens played very well "We're finally hitting a point to where we're improving and improving at every game," s aid Alexander. "This is a great win, and I'm looking forward to the quarterfin als ." The Braves, who shot a dismal 35 percent from the floor in the second half, got good outside shooting from guards Brad St rachan and Tyron Tait. Founiain Valley's All-American quarterback headed for UCLA in the fall They comhined for 35 of the Braves 49 points. "Not bad. Matt, but it wasn't as good as the last time." ''Not bad. Matt, but we've seen you do better " "Not bad. Matt. but ... " For a youngst e r who hasn't even been graduated from his 12th year of school, Fountlin Valley High's Matt Stevens has heard an awful lot of flak about his performances on the football field .. but he has only himself to blame. When you display All-American abilities as a junior, well, everyone knows a year's maturity and strength is going to mean you 're several notches better the next time around • AN ALL-CIF SELECTION as a "junior. Stevens found himself relegated to second team all-league as a senior behind Ken Major of Edi.son. who came on with great statistics. great efforts and great results. But. when it comes lime ror the kickoff in Pasadena July 17 at the aMual Shrine football game featuring many of Southern California's best Stevens will be in ttre South huddle, certajnly a tribute lo what others think of him despite the fact that he did well. but .. "It's been ironic ." s ays Stevens' coach. Mike Milner "Every article that's ever written on him mentions he had a down year. Slevens_ is a~ All-American despite a down year "He's on the most elite team in America <Parade's All-America selections). so obviously it wasn't as down.a year as some or the local med ia thinks." Wen. coach. 26 interceptions can hardly be addressed as anything r esembling an up year for this athlete. not with his arm and not with what he s howed a year before. MILNER EXPLAINS: ''He started off behind a very green offensive line. Greg Bolin was the only player who had ever played in a vars ity game. So there was an adjustment period. "He received so much media attention. the constant interviews were a distraction factor." After a while, Stevens got fed up with the whole thing. and simply -refused interviews. twe aking some or Orange County's self.appointed authorities in the world of prep sports. who give a 17-year -old about the same consideration they would llie Nastase. "There were limes when Matt thought things were getting a little unfair," adds Milner PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON Somehow, 2,088 yards never seemed to wipe out the interceptions. ·'It was tou1b on me for a while (the criticism )," says Stevens, who doesn't turn 18 until two weeks aft.er the Shrine game. ''Your confidence starts to break down and it really did affect me. But you have to learn the ropes.'' Why UCLA? "Greg (Bolin) and I were both impressed with Coach Donahue. he's a super individual. And, we're familiar with UCLA, it's our type or kids from the Southern California area.·· WHEN UCLA BECKONED for Stevens. the Bruins also went for Bolin, the blg tight end who opened the holes fo r Rod Emery. But Bolin will be in the stands for the Shrine game a victim of numbers because of the fact Emery, too. has been selected. No school is allowed more than two players in the game, and Major is a victim, loo. because of the fact linebacker Rick DiBernardo and fullback Dave Geroux were chosen. Bolin was also ~ victim or numbers at tile All-CIF selections when he lost an 8-6 decision to another outstanding athlete for the honor. "It doesn't bug me," says Bolin. "I'm just a tackle that catches passes, anyway. And I'll be in the Orange County game." Stanford and Arizona State were in the running with UCLA for Bolin's services, but only on the surface. "I've always wanted to be a Bruin and with the chance to go. I wasn't going lo pass it up,'' he adds. EMERY. WHO HAS reaped the harvest or Bolin's blocks. and is headed for Nevada-Las Vegas In the fall . was the only Baron to earn All·CIF honors. "Last year Matt and I went up lo the South's· training camp to visit Emile (Harry) and we dreamed about playing in this game." says Eme ry. "but it was just dreams." Barons host LB Poly Estancia, CdM women also at home F ountain Valley. Es tancia and Corona del Mar draw home court assignments for the second round of the women's CIF basketball playoffs whi le Huntington Beach travels to Buena High for its game tonight. Davis, Ronda Barton and Arledge. Coach Joanne Ke llogg's Olien have a tough assignment away from home. Buena Is ranked No. 6 and has lost only two games this season. Buena toppled Simi Valley, 61-32, in first-round play. As fo r St e ve n s and Bolin heading to Westwood to join former teammate Duval Love. Milner says there is no surprise. but denies any "connection" with the Bruins, despite the fact his team is now employing a UC LA -type ground game. , ''The UCLA program speaks for itself," says Milner. ",And the ones who have decided to go there have a great respect for Coach <Terry I Donahue. ffis record speaks for itself. ··we picked up a lot or things from them during the spring and changed our run game to what they were doing," says Milner. ··we wece looking for a more simplified system in terms or terminology and philosophy. .. I came away with a good reeling and a belief in the system." Regardless of what transpires in the Shrine All-star game, you can be certain you haven't heard the last of Stevens. Bolin and Emery. • * * JOINING THE COMBINATIONS from Fountain Valley and Edison on the South Shrine team are Mater Dei guard Brian Lopker and Mission Viejo defensive tackle Chris Gahagan . The South will be coached by Ron Smeltzer of Ser vile and Henry WasbJngton or Jordan. The North coaches are Lompoc:'s Mi.ke Warren and LA Kennedy's Richard Whitney. From Page 84 TUCKER ... particularly Ferragamo's. bul Allen does not operate in that sort or squeamish manner. "U a man can help us win," s ays George, "the money Is well spent." If IT HURTS the club down the road. so be it George AJlen trades draft choices for experienced players. His success or 1971 is now the problem or the incumbent coach of Washington. The story is told about George having some mature and expensive trees removed from the Reds kins' practi<:e s ite in Was hington and replanted at the Allen residence in Virginia. .• George may have traded them for some saplings on the premise that in the art of landscaping, the f"ture is new. Gauchos, Tigers vie in shoWdown Saddleback Coll ege and Riverside CC square off for the third time this year. Golden West opens Southern Cal Conference Shaughnessy Playoff action , a nd O r ange Coast closes ou t a disappointing year in community college basketbaJI action tonight. Top billing goes to the Gaucho-Tiger clash. set for 7:30 p.m . at Cal State Fullerton Saddleback and Ri verside CC tied for the Mission Conference c hampions hip with 10·2 records, setting up toni ght's showdown. The winner advances to the s tate reg1ooal tournament against the wild card entry from the Western State Conference. either on March 5 or March 6 The loser tangles with Southwestern Saturda) night (7. 30 > on Its home court in the Mission Confere~ce wild card playoffs. Meanwhile. Coach J im Greenfield's Golden West outfit <6·8. 19-10> entertains East Los Angeles < 7 : 30 l in Shaughnessy Playoff action The winner meets the winner or the Santa Monica CC-Rio llondo contest Saturday night on the home court of the team with t he best conference record . OCC. 3-8 in South Coast Conference play. closes out the season at San Diego Mesa Groot's single gives OCC win LOS ANGE LES Scott Groot belted a ba ses-loaded s ingle to drive in two runs to highlight a four-run rally in the eighth inning as Orange Coast Coll ege defeated host LA Valley. 8·4 , in non-conference baseball action Tuesday. Ron Rooker picked up the victory with four innings of re her work. allowing one hit and striking out fi ve batters . With the score tied al 4-4 going into the eighth, Rick Hopkins walked to open the inning and scored what proved to be the winning run on Groot's bell Five Orange Coast players had two base hits including Dave Pinoco, Kevin Sliwinski. Groot. Tom Duggan and Deron Puskarich. Ort THE WATERFRONT lrt rfEWPORT BEACH Fountain Valley 07-7> will host Long Beach Poly (15-6) in a 4·A division outing. Huntington Beact) (17-8 ) travels to the Santa Barbara area to tangle with Buena (18-2 ). lo 3-A division 6lay. it will be La Serna (20 ... ) at Estancia (11-6) with Burroughs (Ridgecrest ) (18-7) at Corona del Mar (14-7 >. Starting for the Oller• will be Tammy Buckel•. Kerri Carr. Tracey Clark. Belly M~ndou and Cathy Townsend. Corona del Mar held the lead all. the way In a 51-47 victory over La Qulni., the No . 3 seeded team In Utt let US DI Oii T Ital F1tliss · Dill fir YOU Super Boardwalk· & lhlewalk Sale . Long Beach Poly Is the seventn rated team in the •·A division and won over Alhambra, 13-44'; to first round play. Fountaln VaUey woo a triple-overtime deelaloo from Culver City , U ·57 , in Ill firat·round encountu with Sam Arled1e lead.lq the way wtth 21 point.a. C9acb Carol Strausbor'a Barona suffered tome Ulneu durlnc t.he put week but the 1tartln1 lln.eup la ex:J)eded to be "'"' for &GllJcbt'a out1n1. It wlll include T'herut P.ucballli, u,.. GlDl!bur1, Oeann1 • • playoffs . Sea Kln,-.m'm'I" f'OrC6ac aren Oearhardt.. Include Cindy .Kendall, Heather E s tey, Llaa Oreenber1, Kathy Briscoe and Marilee Olcbner. Coach Joe Wolf's Eatanela 1t11la breeied to a M-38 victory o~ TalUn while La Serna, the Whltmont League champloo, wae wt..._ oftr San Lull Obispo,~. 1:1uncla 1tarten lDc.lude DlbWe Hughea1 Amy Hatbeoelr, Joa• Holl Md, Sally Cbrtlman and 'Cbrtl llacMUlan. • .. •• ·-~A ... ...... 117 ... l Rt'laxed b1uw11ng snd hopp'"9 ... tppll\Q"'111ll""tupplng: •. don"t ml11 thl1 aale emc. .. g aalla ewnt of gnt•t savlnga •nd enjoyable 1hoppfng at the Lido M1rtn1 VIU.ge Super Boardwalk end SldeQQc Salet ~~ . ~ .. . . ·: :· ;. ~· .. > ( ~ ~· .... .. ' '- .. . ; ·: Orange Coast OAJL Y PILOT/WednHday. Febru1ry 24, 1 ~2 · • >-C. NllA W•IT91tM COM,-•1teMCI ...-. '""1• 0....1154'• lt'-"la POf11t~ S... Dl<too lt9dfl(Olv ..... • 0 ,. I, ,. II ,. 1• 2t 2• 2t u u 40 M-...Dlvll ... ltct. 01 ... .. , 1¥1 so I ~ 11'1 SH • HJ JJ S.11 A n'91Wo U 11 .WO HOU•I°" JO 2A .s~ w. O.nvtf 21 » .s It ,.,. Ul•ll 1' U .JU 1•1'> 0.llH 11 3' W 111'1 ~nMt Clly 11 J7 .ln 11 IASTlltNCONl'tEltlENCI'. A-tic Dlvlt..., P"ll•Ot~ <10 1' llollon l7 IS ...... J_, 11 ,. WH"lnf'On U 21 Hew Yor\ I JS )I c..tnl OlvltlM ·"' -,,, , .... ,,..., .,, ••Ill U6 ,. ¥11•••'*• Atltnl9 Delrolt " is m 2' ,. .. , ,. .&U II u. ui-. l70 ,. 1nc11 .... C"lc-.o Clevtltnet H lO 24 ll 20 ,. 12 41 ,_, .. S< ..... '--.. " 14), Oenvtr 129 Ntw Yotk 113, MllwaukM no All•nt• 103, K•MH c11, .. Ultll Ill, WMhl119'on 10. S.n """""°I~. Goldefl Sit le 11J Chk •oo Ill, Pot'llllrld 122 Houston IOS, D•ll•• 9S Pllll~• 115. ~ D~ IOI , ......... co- Ultl\•18oflon MllwtlAI• •I N-J•"*Y New Yot'k •I lncll- Po11i.no •• K•ns.s cnv Hou•llOrl •I Denver Cle•ei.nd•I P-1• n• i.111 Lakara 145, Nuggets 129 DtlNVllt -En911•1\ 16, V-~ II, Intl"· DUN! 13. M<Klnney 12, TllomPW>n 7, GOndrerlck 1t, Roe,..•. HOf'dQe• 11. R•Y 10 Tot•ll: .. 17-4' 129. LOS ANGIL.ES -R•mbl• I , WllkH 31. Abdul·J•bb•r 11. Joh nson IS. Nl•on I, C-r 1', M<.-. 12, 8re-r 10, JorCSAn 13, L•ndlMr~r •• MCGH 7. McKtnna , Tot.ti· .. 1'·1' 10. Sc-lly 0-rltn Denver 11 U J7 Jt ,,. Los A1>9tlel Cl Cl 11 U 10 TllrH-poilll OOtl• -JOIWIW>n Foult<I OUI 8rt-TOUI IOuh Deftver 11, Loi A119tl., ?9 Ttchnlct l Oen••• Co.<11 Moe A -1',on. HIGH SCHOOL Eatancla 42, Foothlll 40 tlSTAMCIA -GerdMr 8, Mavooi. 10. Mldl9"d •. l(relu 10, Tlfl 10, McC•hlll o JOftnlttllO. TGIAll: 1' IC>-11>42. 'OOTMILL 8elltr<I 16, Thoma• 11. Dutrtuc I. Hely 1, Sc-•rU 2, Luo. Tot•h 11 ... 40. E1lencle Foollllll Sc_...,....._ •1'111 0S 47 l•S2003 .0 Estencl• IS Foolhlll IS. Tottl 1ou1• Fo11led OUI IFCIO!hllll Tiit IEst•ncl•I Thome• Corona dal Mar 5', Canyon 42 CANYOM -Mol)t~-ry 1, 8"tley 4 "-11er 0, ~r •. Con,_..•. Lonv 2. Mli.v I. McDtnnon 11TO!Ull:11 .. IJO COltDNA DIEL MAii -LYncl\ 21. Heu ••• Olto11 4. Goeoel 2, VtnSlfffthuyw O. Da•I• O. P•ter..,. 12 Tottlt: IS 2 .. 3' S• k-.,, Ooltntn Ct nyon 11 I I 1• 42 COf'on• dtl Mt• u 11 7 1• Sc ToUll fOU11• Canyon 17. Corona ~I Mer 11· Fouled out: Hui•• ICenyon I, K••ler ICtnyOll), '"-1Cenyon1 Eclson 71, Loyola 40 IOISON -St•plWn• 10, Goud99 10, CN"ll ti, Dllle<'n.,oo 11. Bin•~• •. _.. 0, WHlllllQton 0, F.c>t•n •. Smllh S. Mtlo< O. LHvtY l . Mlll•nl 1. Mc.Anc>-2. Mute"°" 1 Tot.I•· lO 11-16 71 LOYOLA -S.lclclo o. Diel 0 T11rne< 1 W"ltlet •. D••v 16, Gaine s o. Cler • o. Chtnel .... 0, J.,,.,_., I Cull.n •. --1. Sol•no 2. Cslu•r 1 Total1: IS IC>-1' <10 k-llYO...rttn EdlW>n 20 I 11 U 11 LOyOll '9 11 1 11 ~ Tot•I foul• EdlM>n ''· LOyOI• IS, Mater Dal SJ, St. Joh~Boaco 49 ST. JOMN eosco e ••• , .. '· Scott. B•llln •. Strec.,...11. Tait I< latal• 21 111 " MATlll DEi 8"uwltef111, FO. l lOltll 22 t•1' SJ k-llyO... •" St J ofln Bolco 1• I ,,_.., MtMr Dtl IS I 10 SJ Toi.I toufl· Sl JoM 10, Mt1H Del tl, Technk•I T•ll l~o) Woman MIOMSCMOOL A•S..Yltwi..._ ,...,.,_ Robin Holmu. "" El Toro, LIH Grt•nberg, " , Coron• Ott M•r, Joan Ho\orlerlCI, tr .. E.ttencle; Nor• S.t9tr v • C.,UI Melt; LIM Sl!Ksmen. sr , Irvine SK-T.- Klm °""'· v ., Irvine;~ Huot>ft. Jr. E1ttncl•; Monie.• Contrera. Jr . Unlwnlly, Cllldy ~. " • cor-dtl Mer. Amy H•lfl<o<k, ...... E~enc:i.. MllP -11*" Holme. El Toro C.OKll ttl Ille v .. r -5"«on 5-ctr, El TOf'O Comrnuntty coHaoa track Or .... c-.e 74, , ........ 71 100 -I . .,._.._ CFl. 111. 1 Slt!>ltnd IOCCI, 11 2; l. Dlllancl !Fl, 11 l 100 -1 J«k_, '"'· n .s. , a,...,.,,., (Fl, 12 •; J. EMii COCCI. 1• 3. t00 -1. Dulle.an IFI, S1 •. 2 c-. CFI, 51.t ; J ElllS ((>CCI. So I --1. W.rlng IF), l,H .l ; 2. H...,I IFI, 1:00; l. TOITM (Fl, 2:00.t . 1,500 -l. s.mt IOCC). •.02.1; 2. Uchytil COCC), 4:0SA; J. 811n <Fl. •:Cit.I s..--1. 5efN COCCI, U: IJ.1; 2. H- (0CC), lS!lU; J. UM (F), 15 1'.4. lttHH -I. s.ut""'-IOCCJ. 15.2, 2 O•rclt IOCCI. IS.4; I. Tre~ <OCCI. 11 J, ...OLH -l. s. ... 1-COCCI. 1:•.o; > LMMr (()CC), l :OU; >.,._,.,.,.!Fl, l:Oh 400 ftley -I Ortng1 c-t, '-S.I. .... ......,-1. l'uller1*\,J:2A.t. HJ -I. HtrrYf\'ltll (l'I. .. ,: 1 0 .. ,.11 COCCI, W ; a. Wtlv.,. IOCCI, ._,, U -t. Olllete (F), 22~¥1. 2 °""'" COCCI, II .. ; a...,_ COCCI, u .. ,.., -1 ....... 11'1, , .. : t. c ... o.ct (Fl. 144;1.~(l"),1~ TJ -1 '-4 (l'I, U.S; 2 0,....,.., IOCCl,Ol'J. OttlMI (F l ..... JT -I. o.ilaft COCCI, (as.1, 1 l<t llJ 1' 1. 17 ... ff; l. ...._.. IOGCI, t ..... Ill -I. Olk-~Cl, Jt.10; 2. H.....,, .,,, 4MI l. ...,,_COCCI, *'S OT -l, ~ COCCI, l»O; 2 HttOe IOCCI, 11M; I."'*-(Fl, IH-l. ==z Clll ............. ............. Clll*rO.tl•I ............ ~l ......... ......... , ..... c..... . ......,_ ............. . ' cu• eccc.r o1eyott1 aovs· WIU> callo OAMI. •• Dlv1•1• Lt Mlr<MH J, ,.._... 0 Cenlral ~, 11-0 S.tv11e 1, Cypre"o Sittre Vl1t• '· Clllno ' Olltl.S' WILO CARO OAMU .. AOlvhl- Mtu lon Vl•IO l . "-l•ln Valley I 1 u-.1a 1,w..-o Lo1Alemho1 TUtllOAV'S RISULTS 12"' ........ ...,._, "'"" ... ' l'lltST llACI'.. Ont mile Ptet. Summer Frolk IAndenonl S.00 1.IO J.Jt Ano••• Key CSllvt l t . .O t 20 ArvtrM'• Girl <Retchford) t IO Aho •teed Btsl•tlreeu, S11ndek, a .. -n CIWIJ, ~Renn. Ml~lff Wlllltr. Reno Meld Time· 2 03 t1S U t: XACT A (1 .. ) otlCI \ 11 .0 S&CONO ltAttE. Ont molt ltol CH ltln Sii~ IPtrUrl 7 IO l IO JOO Si.r Em-!SN,,t11l • 10 I tO Mtillt M<ltt. ... jty I Ritchie I l . .O Also r1Keo· lmc> Imp Imp, Mini Pr"to. Ct~ht ~lno, Pomoon• JOlln, Ooctor ronv Tim.· ?:OS 1/S. THIRD RACC. ()ntm11e p.ao Loolt ,,,,_ CGo!IMttul J oo 2 10 1.l'O 81•m•rll H_, IBtyltul 2 . .0 J 40 OrM'!'t'SCl«t (Shctrrenl t IO AllO race<!: Live Wire. M1c111oen ~II. Col!fflu, Front PA119, N•lchu Lobeol Time: 2:t:U/S. U EXACTA ~I) P<tld U IO l'OVltTM It.AC'-Ont mil• p.,.., .... (catan) 110 • 10 l 00 Lff'!l4'n l,,.,,.....Yl • 10 l .0 Hot N 8-tcl (H'\'~l 1 40 AlllO rtetd: ~ S<ol F•r•w•v 8111, AIM!ut Llod'(. John Jonn D A Gtmon Ci. Andy'IAt.. Time: 1:0. •IS ,..I l"TH llACE. OM milt Swttl Su. M (Aubin) Prlntm•Ker IC•.,• I Papa Jov• (L'91\lhllll "'''°raced Poothle 8 J J•nlct. MlllerlO 1q IO 17 00 660 • '° I l'O U40 L•ru" Counlry Time 2 OS I'S U EXACTA ls-41 .,..., ,83 .0 SllCTM RACE. On. milt Armbro T ••orlle.<'"•11 7 10 J 40 loo Noble Vk14rY H (PtrkH' ) '° l 00 Scot'' Sclell IS.vies.I > oo Aloo r.ceo: Hunter ' L.cty Doan" c..., R E Toclc:I. Ci•llon'' M1Uy Too C•I N, Mu~• Win Song T lme 2·0. 3/S. SEVENTH ltACIE.. o,,., mile Sliver's Slipper (Parktr l S 00 l .O J 60 Hele yon HA11 1Wffhburnl 11 40 • ll Howdy ScOOI C~ru .. 1 ) IO Alio raced 80••,.o C'1••f. Hunter·, ""nttr. For•ver Wolh Love AbOy' 8•tfV\O fox Houno. Wlnterh•wk Tim• 1 031/S U EICACTA CJ.SI p.oHI ~ <O U ltlCK SIX IS.l-J.S-1 ll P•ld \I US 00 w1th U WIMl<>Q lkkeli 11'• "°'~1 U PIO SI• ContolotltOn .,..., Sl1 .0 wllh IU wlnftlnQ llC kel• Iii"" hor'wtl EIGMTM It.ACE. One mile -e C•Pl•ln Knl9f'ol (LIQll\111111 J 10 J 00 1 00 Hobie R1no IAndenon) •AO • oo Richard H_,,., CM 11trman1 l.-0 "''"° r.ced· Ci9(<I Rend. Jetemlall'1 80\I, h•POrt Sono. IUlr, s.-r Seem. PMntom Don. Tim•: t·m '15 U IXACTA 12"7) 11<1lcl ,,, .0 •UtTM ltAt;L 0.. tY\llt P4<t L C't eyNt (0.-....t I • .0 l 00 > 20 Hendovtt CCrOQh.lnJ l 10 1 .O Sltooe H..,,.,,,,... IGrun111 l 60 Al$O raced C•llnu• Armoro J•"'•' V•t tor CNrlei. Ktw1 Btf' ,..,, Ru,hc S<ott l lmt 1 Ol<IS "EXACTA IS.l l P•Hl'll .O TENTH RACE o-mot~ O•<t T rlb<ltt ITOddl 17 60 I 60 • 00 Coullor , ,,,,_ IGoudru .. 1 II 00 "10 J •mo Grt11tn IA,..,..N>nl • oo Aho r•c•O Ht>nty \ Drtam. Or•noe Juice M1n1§ter 8f'rt Vlt'n¥•lt11 Fooli~h For1une. Sy., Aw~y Time 1 00/S U EXACT A 16-•I P<J•ll \~ &O Allendanc~ '·"• Horse racing standings CT"'-" Feb. 111 JOCl(EYS -IJ Ill lM P1n<AY OelthOUU<t'lt Gwerr• Mee Beth M Ce•lantd<t Velen1u.1a Corci.ro Sibille llO •I U ,,, }.I ll "'. J1 1• 1)1 17 .. 173 1S ,. 14S 2S 11 Ut 16 JS )<() u 11 119 l9 l1 ... 1• " Tr•I ... ,.. L Barrrra Whltlll\QNom Frenkel M<A,,.lly Ailtno Leethertturv Lukes Ven Serr~ Carroll Ci Jonn St.1111 1'1 JM l>6 IS 9 •• 11 • ,. 11 11 ., ' . 111 21 l'O •II l2 19 1• • • I S 10 11 •• II t 0 11 1 HOllSES 11 I Tiit One Score T_,tv·Four S.lt Pity Hl9'1 C-.-1 Tiit 8tr1 Un1K"tdlclable Alch tncl AN!Clv CllPt<OV'I JoY Prince $ptllbond Woodland Ltd St.Int 111 l"4I 3 1 0 3 , 0 1 I l 0 I I 0 l 3 0 • 7 1 1 1 I I • ) 0 TPA 1t•tl1tlcs SCDRIHO Ll~Dl ltS p.,._ \l.Oti.l!O I o..oos •10.no ·~.'17 •SJ.610 ..O.JlS 611 )11 S70.l10 S6t.710 SS.,JSS p,.,.... '592,1'1 44S,S<S 1's.tos 320,•11 11S, I 11 1•1,1n 2.0.140 , .. ,4ll 2•.s.1 2•.oos ~ .,70,15() 150,tfO 110.-117,llO IOS,0 0 "·100 '7,350 "· ... ft,300 11.ns 1 (llel Jol\!lny Miiier enet Tom Kii•. 69,0S l . Wtynt L.,,1, ... fl. 4. Scott Hoell, ..... S C•lwln ,._...,.,,,,, AV&ltAOI OltlYINO DISTANCI t. lr11c• Oougl•u. 17•., 2. G•r, Tre•I-. 772.$ J. Fuuv Zoeller. 271 I. '- Tom Wt lMaof, f71.l S Ttlto Ocekl, tJO • OltlYINO lttERCa NTAOtl IN l'AlltWAY I Ct M n ....... .na. , Dtnlly £crw-. ·* , Oelll'T--41, .n 4 4 Mike lltle, 162. i. e111a...,..,.1s.t_ Gltl&lllS IN •IGULATIOM I (tltl J4'WI ~.Md Ttfll Kiie, .m. J Alldy ....... n1 • Miu Aetd, no s Ktl"' Fe'9U1, .JU. AVlllAO& llUTTS llllt ltOUND '· w ..... Lt<tl, ..... t. Menk .. attlM!y, 11,JA J, Cr•ll 11Mltf1 tt,Q, 4, OIMly Gii...,,, atO, S, JftffY ·-· tt.05. lllltCINTAOe Ott IUl-ltAR NOLH I Tom Kite, .212 2 Tom WM.Miii, .2.S >. w ..... Levi • .uo ... F11uv z .. 1ltf. ·'"'· s. c;relo $1....,, .u1. IAO&A LIADa1t• t, Jff'fY llllllil, ... I . Nie.It '•'°*• S. I. (1111 Tom """1-, Atwty Nortll, Tem w.ttM.Ollf. ~ Af'tller,,, e11t0ta LIAM .. t. ltlt l tcllll lllNloM -'V-• H~. ,., J ,_,, i..tlef', IOS.lt 4, TMI 1("9. lft a. eratea...r. IOt. """'~'°" c..e.A,....cc.&.a..._.., ....... .. 1Z ........ c..111 ...... St -~ t""'l; W -...... lfftell CHel, ICwt 'Myt IHet, NHL CAMHIU. c;QN,-.ltlMCa ..,.. .......... ... ,,_.,. ..,_ c .... ,, ..... Cet9•_. MlllM- St 1.0llll c .. 1c .... Wlnntpeo roronto De t roll W L T O' OA ..._ It I, 11 Ml 2•1 .. U M II 111 lit )t 12 ,. ,, w * ,. II 11 tJ , ... .S .. ,. 11 '" ... ,, -•Dl• ..... 1S lt11Mti.• U IO l JQ MO S7 JJIO IOhJJIJW 20 ,, ti U• t.. l2 17 )I ,, 2Q HO ... 11 n ,, 21t * • WALH CONtt•lllN(I '"*klliOM~ NY hl4tncltt\ 41 1' • JtO l'IO • P"lltdelCJflie JI 24 S 141 U S '1 NY Rt,.n ,. n 10 m uo .. PlllW..rQll U 2t 10 2ll i..s 19 WtJlllll9'0fl II W t ts. JS/ 4J U-Dhlo- >S 12 14 JM 111 .. ,, " I , .... u U 11 10 U3 1• 7• tt tJ 11 11• Kl .. '• IO •• :ioJ ~ .. ,_.,.,,<_ Quebec'· Morltrffl J NY hi•-• S. ChlttOO I SI. Loul!t 3, Toronto, DtlrolU. CoOClftdol C•lgary 1, Venc0'1ver 2 r......,..•O•m.• Detrott elKlftt• Clllcaooet NY Atnt)efl 80llon ti Htr11otd Edmonlon •• a ... 1.1o Toronto ti MlnftHOI• Pllll•w.,.,.i. at Wlnnl1>9Q Woman'• tournament l•IOtllllllOcl) • .,....-51 ...... 8ertwwe Patttr c»t. Su. Barker. •"t , ~. ._.. SvM• H..iu c1e1 Ive e...,.ro ....... .. ,; 8ett1nt ~ clel Ntncy 'l'urgtn, .. 1. ..2, C.-ie HotMlt dtl Slttron W•llh, 1 ... 1 S .... I; p.,.. SNl•er del J11He Ht ,,lnqton, 2 ..... , ... ,. Communhy college Onfttl CM9' I, l'wlle-I ,_... Fedderly IOCCI def Kt11099, 1 ..... ,, Klint COCCI cle1 Ponce, .. 1. 1 S. ReMorlk lDCC I del Tt1wr•. 7.s ... , • Boni• (OCCI clef Osw•ld ........ ,, Sctluiltr IOCC1 def Furlne, • 1. 6 O; Collet\ IOCCI del . NlchOloon, • • .... 0-1 K•ll OQQ ·P on c • IF) de f F edderly Rehtorl•. •·l , >·t . 1·•. 8Ml•-C-IOCCI del Tehuye NlcholW>n. 6·0 6·l . K.i lne Scnuuer COCCI def F•,,•n•-Osweld ..... • I ~••,ltlerceJ Sl ... ln Serl-ISi cle1 Rovc»n t l. ~ SI,_ ISi ct.I Anot<W>n. .... ..0, Olm\IHd ISi d•I Selehyer t J ... C,,.rltl IPl del ~"-"'· , .. , .. 1 ... 3 Bit< 11\IOM (5) cle1 w1w ......... , Miller ISJ oe• Gor\leni.ld, .. 1 ... 1. o- Aoydet>-WIW! IPI del S<rll>tltr Olmstud, 6·•. 1·1. rtl CNrln S.lthY6' (P) Gel Slrobl·Slel>Nm, .. , .. J. 1 S Mill•• LttOt (SI Ott CierstenfelO-M( &fide, I ••• , Women COLLE OE UCLA t. UC Irv'-t SIAflff Kell IUCLAI °"' -··· Myor• 7.s ...... Aucllon IUCLAl cle1 l(ffllr\9 ._,, .. 3. ~·• IUCLAI def Mehndt Myet\, .. l 6 J, 0.Wb IUCLAl del Nhon, • >. • I Cem~ll (UCLA) del ElltdQt. • l •-2 8r11no (UCLA) def Mtllorv. 1 s .... -... 0 '8r ltn·Mtl>t•1 I UCLAI del Mytrt ·Myer>. • 2 • o. Otwl~ Hu•0-1 IUCLAI del MAiiory Keeling, l·S, 1·t , llruno·J•dlono w IUCLAI def Nl•on·Ellf!Cl9t. 6 l . • & • ._, COMMUNITY COLLIEOE °" ... c.tM '· , ..... -0 ~ II-(01 def. Vinci, ... , .... l . Goettsch (01 Clef COSIMU, .. l , ..... Khotty (0) def Dolw•n .... , ... ,, Ei.tn 101 dtt Klnq •-1 .. , Darwin 101 c1e1 Tumo.11 '"° • J H't'fld,.,,.,. 101 Clef Rhl...n.'1 ... >. l 3 0.... Aetd~t\c:h 101 Gel Vind nqt .. n ••. • 0 IC llor•y El•ltl 101 d el Co•l •nt• Rom i ne • 0 , •·0 D•rwln-Hyndm.on 101 0.1 K1nv lurnbilll ... I .. , ~ . ' . " Colla9e UC lrrifte •, Al.,....lteCHk l A.1uu·P.oc11;, 000 001 100 l t • uc 1r .. 1~ on 020 03• • • o Sc•rlh. S•m•t Ui Co su (II end MCCttdell. c-en. HKh 111 end Bernard. W Cowan L Scttlh 18 R11P"lk IAI, Bernard (UCll. H•-lh (UCll. Hemmond IUC 11 18 lnolehtr1 fUCll Communhy collage Of'-CMll I , LA YtllO 4 Orenqt Coest :IOO 200 ~ 11 • L!< I/ •llty 110 010 000-4 • t Helllet. Roo-tr 1•1 tnd P1111ter lch; S•l•1ar. Roy tsl. BtnfGk l 111, B••YbrOOll I., a nd T•sterm•n W R ooll.er L 8enecllcl 28 Fllwln•kl IOrenqe CoesO. Sk••lh-ILA Valley I College score• LoftQ lleedl Stele 11. UCLA• Ce l Sitt• F11llel'1on •• USC) (II !Ml~ I C•I Sltle Hor111r•Clor 1. Pe-rdlne • Arltont SI "· 0om1_, Hiiis. S.n Olt90 SI 1, UC lll"'lrslde, Whittler 17 C.ltecn O Cal Poly Pomona•. UC S.nte 8trbiltt 1 81ol• 1), F'Olnl Lo,,,. J This week's trout ~lan11 LOS ANOELtE5 -Big Rock Creek. Ctslelc Lelle. El Dor.do P•rlo LAke, Ell1tbelll Lake. H.,,_ O.m. ~ Ullft, Llto• Rock CrMll.. LIHI• lloc:k 11-l"YOlr, Puckllng•t-L•ll•. Pvr•mlo Lake, s... DlmH ............. S...te Fe ReMrvolr. Pto Perk LIM. RIYllUIOI -Cthlllllt I.All.a. Still\ner Ukt. SAN llltNAltDINO COior-Ill••• et N-les, Lvti. CrMk (MldOlt tnet Nor1h l'orllS), Sii--U ke ' Y&lllTUlt.A -CnllH LtU , S.nl• Paule Crffll, 5e4)e Crweto (~r S.Ctlonl. KlltM Ht11 Perk Uh, Kem RI,... llklt•ll "-'*'te ,. ~ •• ,De m, KR) ,._,,,.._IO Utlt IMtleHt l 1 -Tu.Mlll~•nHctiDn• M LI. ............... ._ C H ICAOO eEAltl N•m•cl P•t Mc Ct tllt'f .....Oot o4 tMMk f'tltllOllL (;\.EVEl.ANO IROWHI l ltMe 0..,. LMll&,. ~·. -.... ._ ~. ,._.,.., e.o. COLL•GI ARMY NalMll Miiie lltf..._ tft9Mlw N<;lk~ '-" Clftll Cllel11a , ..... ~..,. <-~. MAltYL.AND N•-41 ltlO lleflff , fttltttn1..,...1c-11.. ltO(l(Y MOUNTAIN 11--.-... fHltn•Uoft •I Tolly ........ "'e"'• bOtli.tNM c-11. lte ...... C..lt Mlffter, •e"1e11't llHll•lllell UHll, lro"' llor tlNIWIC\ 9ffoctl\oe OI llM •1111 Of IM-, From Page 84 EAGLES TRIUMPH. • • -0,lly ltllel ltMte lly UM Pa- EA$ Y TWO Corona cl('! Mar lligh gua rd Chris Lynch SC'Or('~ two of his 17·f ir!:>t ·half poinb agamsl Can~·on I ligh in a Cl F :1 A pl:.i~·off gamt· T ue s da ~ night l.yn t·h fin •~heel "it h ;c g~1 ml' h1~h 22 pmnt:-. J" tht• Sl·a Kmj!s \\on 5-1 42 From Page 84 ~o s hoot tha t. ball ," s aid Sundermun. "We were lookina for itnyone to shoot out or our sunner ofren:ie, but I prefer red . ail her C ardner . K ru111s or <Chris> Maydolc " Kratss. the burly 6·1 foOtb•ll s t ar wit h the mu11cles lo dominate inside and th" soft t o u c h to win games, wa s mobbed by his team males. "It felt good," said Kraiss about his winner. "But it was a bad angle and I wasr1 't s ure." The arching shot waa perfect. ho wever. upping the Eagles' r ecord lo 224. ll wa.' easily the game or the yeu for Estancia llO this point.1 the Eagles appeared to have a lock on t h e game with a nine-point margin as deep as 3 . 36 Into the fourth quarter. But Foothill, which opened the game with. a~ 8-0 lead,. fought back to w1thrn 33-31 with 2:34 le ft, stayed within range on a pair of Thomas buckets from the perimeter and finally tied it at 37 with a 15-rooter by Thomas with 25 second s left 1n regulauon. The Eagles had a c hance to win it i n reg ul a ti o n , but M a y dole's alle mpl missed , Brian Midland was ham mered 'on the rebound without a whisUe and Foothill rebounded The Knights losl track of ttie time , hurrying off a 45-footer with still nine seconds left , which missed. a nd Gardner s ubsequently m issed a 35-fooler at the buzzer. So IL went to overtime the Eagle!> got lhe tip, worked the dock down, but lost possession with three seconds left Thomas, who scored 12 points 1n all, intercepted and •threw a 90·~oot attempt at th' buzzer , which hit the backboard. Then the final three ·minute overtime Foothill got the three-point lead, but Gardner tam e through with the biggest three·point play of his life and Kra1ss topped off the wild scene with his soft archer ·w e were just looking for a good shot ·· said Sunderman, SEA KINGS ROLL .• • scoring 17 of his gam e·h1gh 22 J>Oints ··w e played a horrible second quarter and he 1Lynch 1 really hurt us the entire fi rs t half," admitted Canyon Coach Tim Owe ns. whose team finished 14 11 for the season. "We opened up in a zone a nd with the m playing only 5 or 7 guys we probably should have started in a man ld efenseJ to try to wear them out. But t!Uirs hinds ight now .. Both sides pl:..yed a tough man·to man defense in t he second half. and whi\e Canyon's was e ffective 1CdM hit just 2 of 12 s hots >. the Sea Kings· was 1us t th at m uc:h better lthe Comanche:. hit only 10 of 291 "We played good defense, loo T h ey j u st pl ayed b e tte r ... sum med up Owens Afte r missing four straight shots early in the quarter, Errion was content with running the clock down and letting the Comanches foul "ll wasn't a real good playoff game It just didn't flow ," said Ernon "They (Canyon) did a lot of things that kept us from gctl ing our rhythm, or any momentum offensively. .. Defensively, we just didn't quit." Supportin g Lyn ch in the scoring column were Mike Hess 114 points and fo ur rebounds > and Kurt Petersen (12 points. five rebounds! T he· Sea Kings, 19·4 overal·I. now ad va n t'e to F'rida y·s quarterfinals against Pomona . CO M will host the g ame a t Orange Coast College From Page 84 alluding to Gardner's drive .. But he always haa the 1reen light." The Eagles fought back from th1:1r 0·8 start to outscore the Knights by an 18 2 marai.n with the help of the press, to · as ume an 18· 10 lead und they were n command from there until f'oothlll finally got back ml<> the 1am e with the same tacticti. F oothill's wide 2· l 2 zol'e had E11tancla working hard to get any kind of shot off. There was little penetration nnd the open shots were from a deep ranae . Foothill, me nnwhile, couldn't get the ball to Thomas inside, forcing tilm lO the perim~ter virtually the entire night. T h e Eagles went to the four.corners as early as the start of the third quarter with Gardner the catalyst. "We were playing against the clock instead of Foothill," said Sunderman. And it was al most enough Kraiss' 18.·footer at the third quarter buzzer gave Estancia a 26· l 7 lead and nearly half way through the final segment 1t was s till a nine·polnl margtn. But then Thomas. who had been held firmly 1n c he<'k by the Eag les' defense. ros e to the OC'casion. "Th o ma s ," mumbl e d Sunderman. "You can 't stop him. We were trying to milk the clock d o wn beca use of the fouls." (Kraiss and Tift were hobbled with three at halftime1 Maydole, Kra1ss and Tift led Estanc ia with 10 points each, Brian Bailard ( 16) and Thomas ( 12 l led Foothill. So now it's Hoover wh1c:h slands in the way of a sem ifinals berth at Long Beach Arena. The Tornadoes. with a 24 · I record. The loss? It was in December. in Las Vegas to Estancia. CIF soccer playoffs set First round action in the CIF m e n 's and women 's soccer pl ayoffs ge t s unde r wa y Thursday with seven te ams from the Or a nge Coast area competing for t he men·s titles U niversi t y's Trojans ar e seeded No. 2 in the women's playoffs and will meet Ctuno at home while Sunset League winner Edison is at home to Sonora. Estancia plays at Upland Thursday. In the men'a d i vision , Marina's Vikings are Sunset Le a gue cha mpions and host Rolling Hills while runner-up Fountain Valley plays Canyon at home and Edison's Chargers are at Channel Island. These are all 4·A games Mater Dei will be at Pacifica in a 3·A game a s Angelus League No 2 representative In the 2-A playoffs. Estancia hosts Mission Viejo. Irvine is at Dana Hills; and Corona del Mar. the Sea View League champion. is at home to Brea·Ohnda Canyon got as close as eight five limes in the second half but couldn't score that pivotal bas ket when it counted. And. it was n't as 1f both sides didn't have their s hots they did The pro blem was connecting LAKERS RIP DENVER • • • "If either team gets hot they blow the other one out." claimed Owens. Th e Sea Kin gs , though, especially m the fourth quarter, didn't even look at the basket I under Errion 's instructions l Anteaters rip Azusa l:JC Irvine's Anteaters reached the .500 level Tues day afternoon aft e r s h e llin g visitin g Azu sa ·P ac if ic , 9 ·3. in non·conference baseball action. The Anteaters jumped on Azusa.Pacific pitc hing for nine hits and never trailed. RBI doubles by Steve Barnard and Steve Haworth got UCI in front, 2-0, in the second inning. t hen Ron Cummings' s ingle sparked a two·run third frame. The winners upped it to 6-0 in the fifth inning wh e n Azus a -Pac ific pitc hing went sour with three walks preceding Barnard's base hit. Three more runs scored in the eig hth inning for the Anteaters as pinch·hitter Paul Hammond s troked a double and Mike lnglchart and Carlos Rivera followed with base hits. I eye 1. patch taken off until thj& morn mg .. My eye is still scr atchy but it feels a lot better ... he added. Sin ce joining ·the Lake r s. McAdoo has scored exactly 200 points . He needs just eight more to reach the 16.000 mark for h.is career. McAdoo. in fact, is the fifth highest active scorer in the NBA Only Jabbar. Elvin Hayes, Bob Lanie r and Calvin Murphy are ahead of him "l'M NOT A scoring machine any more," McAdoo continued. "We 're a very tale nted team and I'm looking to do other thing$ than just score " Rustlers' Rhodes headed for Georgia Wide receiver Gil Rhodes, who broke Golde n West College's s ingle·s eas on and career records for pass receptions, has signed a le tter of intent to continue his collegiate football car eer at the University o f Georgia. The 6-2. 185-pounder out of Edison High, was an All·South Coast Conference selection last season. l{e was on the receivins end of 59 aerials for 884 yards . "He's starting to look more like the old McAdoo ... added Brewer. "He 'll probably get even better." Brewer . for one. s ays he's not co n ce rn e d ab o u t an y competition with his teammates His only goal is to keep the team out of slumps. "S ince I've been here, we've always had som e peaks and valleys. Most of them are peaks, fortunately But no m atter who we have on the floor. there's always som e one there to pick us up." Tuesday n ight, the Lake rs reall y didn't need any one·man s ho ws. although Wil kes was pure ~il k with a IS·for·20 shooting performance from the fie ld. Meanwhile, Jabbar, who also earns valuable rest on the bench when any of the big four are in the lineup, 1s back looking for the basket once again. despite Riley's earlier insistence that the 7·2 center could help. the team even m ore if he were to concentrate on defense. "KAREEM HAS been a factor in this league for 13 years and he'll continue to be a factor - any way he wants." noted Riley afterward. "We want Magic. (Norm) Nixon a nd Cooper to know that No. 33 is out there on the court." College, prep basketball scores Collett• .... ... WtW II '°.::d:..-.. ,...,., .... 1" ltke .. ' THU A&M 9), TCU 1' lt111 A1"11'k 8'1 It, Nkllolt• St. 16 I NH-Ion ... 111 D. NI U..ISIM• ·---"•""*" "· ,...,. o.n.. N .. fll/ellle9M .... ~ U llll11th II 61~ N, I-Jt •• t lllMll ,. """""' u. " Wl<llltll a.' W. Tllut M ft ... "v •. ._,.,_, ... ~ Wllllt!ft " Mefy'1 ,,~ .... , ......... _ .. All 08lrml...,. 40, S.mtorcl t1 leM SI J ..... '11. Pe JI, lll'Ml1CM> U. ... .... ,.u ... , w ""'" HOiy C....111, Ma-11\toMttl .t St.,.....,., ... ,,,.,._,..,,,. lone ,,,.. u 10, ....., ............ II ............. ti,.,_., ~ ... "1MoMn 4J ...... ~ Cl,.._,,. """'11 ~ .. _,,,....,..... .. s;~V~OoiU I ... ~ .. ,_.., OM U, If. Jtllll e.t• 4t ltOfllllt Htllt 11, "-ly Hiib " L ....... 11.s.rr•tJ ~ Daily Pilat Wednesday, Fieb. 2•. 1C>82 OUT OF THE KITCHEN MICROWAVE RECIPE SUPERMARKET SHOPPER SLIM GOURMET _____ ........ ___ .. _ ca C9 C10 C13 Fish speaks with a Mexican accent . ~ . C9 Le1nons put the squeeze on seafood The combinations of seafoods a nd fresh lemons a re ever popular ln appetizers , salads or entrees Add a touch or herbs or s pice and simple lo prepare menu ideas la ke on a special rt air, whether for family or guests . Easy-to-serve appetizers are a lways in demand. Alaska King crab legs are ideal for festive occasions . Simply defrost, if necessa r y , a r range on a n a ttractive platter and serve with fr es h le m o ns F or s ubtle contrast or fl avors. try one, two or a ll three or the following dipping sauces Lemon Curry Dip, light, lemony in color and flavor. Hot Zesty Dilled Butter. a thick buttery s a uce flavored with dill. mustard and fresh lemon Rosemary's Lemon· Dip, rosemary, parsley and chives fl avor this sour cream dipping sauce. Always popular and always available is c anned salmon. Hi gh in protein, waste-free and si m ply delicious as it comes from the can, salmon lends itself to an endless variety or menu ideas -appetizers. salads or en trees. For a colorful entree for two, try Sunny Salmon Salad. Fresh vegetables combine with an he rbed lemony marinade to complement the popular flavor of canned salmon. Lemons and herbs can be a s e afood cook's best friend. Lemon wedges are a must for s queezing over seafood, but don 't forget the zest that fresh grated le m on peel add~ to sauces and marinades ldeaJ for garnishes. fresh lemons can be c ut in many ways , such as wed ges. stars and cartwheel slices Halibut is a nother seafood fa vorite for its versatility. It can be broiled. fried. baked or barbecued . Broiled Lemony Ha ll but . cooked to perfection with a hint of fresh grated lemon pee l and s erved with Quick Herbed Hollanda1~e Sauce, will please any seafood lover. The d e lic a t e f lavor o r halibut. teamed with fresh lemon and herbs. is s ure lo be a fa mily and PERFECT MATCH Lemons combined with herbs a nd spices are a fresh flavor addition to seafood dishes s uch as crab legs and ha libut <See ·Seasonal,' Page CH ) • .. Falling for fish reeipes--hook, line and sinker By MARY JANE SCARCELLO O.lty ,.!tit.._·-- Som e thin g 's fi s h y 1n Huntington Harbour these days . It's the C.J . Fis h Co ., a restaurant open since late last y ear a n d spec ia l izing in products from the briny deep. "We'd like to bring flavor and ideas from other parts of the country, like the South. East and even San Francisco, where they have a great sense of the classic seafood tradition," says Randy La Ferr . a partne r in the business. "It's som e t h ing lacking in a newe r area !Ute Orange County." H e first opened a seafood restaurant in Santa Barbara. continuing with another in Santa Monica and now the third at Peter's Landing. Beginning with about 10 menu Items at the local waterfront location, he has expanded it to a bout 40 and is constantly looking for new ideas in deep sea dining. Although much of the fare is grilled over hot mesquite coals, La Ferr has tried to branch out with adaptations of regional specialities. "When I was In New Orleans, I was strucktl>y how shellfish ls a finger food," he says. "'Ibey serve big bowls of shrimp and crab cooked in the s hell for people to eat with their hands." A result of the visit is a dish he calls Loui&iana Purc hase, consisting of a pound of crab legs and half a pound of shrimp, marinated and then steamed in theabelb. Hts experience working in San Francisco restauran"' resulted in Cioppino, with a 6aslc sauce created ahead of time and then heated to order with the seafood. •'I put new dishes on the blackboa rd with the day's calch," be says Of his culinary innovations. "lf they 're well received, we put them on the re1ular menu. The bluest problem ii creatin1 a recipe conalstentJy tood when fixed by any cook for several hundred · dlnen." Be for e open in g his own establishment, La Ferr worked in Orange County at the Five Crowns restaurant in Corona del Mar. the Quiel Cannon in Dana Point and the Crab Cooker in Newport Beach. so he had a variety of styles lo choose from at C.J . Fish and Co. "We're trying lo serve good food at moderate prices. right n ow 1n the $7.9 5 to $9.95 bracket," he says, "but that's getting harder and harder to do with seafood. In the past six or seven years , I've seen a rise in prices of what we call 'market fish' -red snapper, swordfis h and halibut. "The s upply has remained stable, but consumer demand has gone up, and there's more lowe r -quality seafood in the market now. "Actually , seafood is a n unr egulat ed fi e ld. because there's no De pa r tment of Agric ulture inspector at each dock and no packing or grading process. We have to rely on the Integrity of the wholesaler and the fisherman.·· La Ferr uses farm-raised fish, such as trout and salmon, when possible and is looking at recipes using other types of seafood. "The trend i s toward under-utilized species -at least In America -that have been eaten for years In Europe and Asia," be says. "We use squid for bait, but people in Southern Europe enjoy it. Abalone is very expensive, but, s imilar stew can be cut out of a giant squid and tenderized with almost the same flavor at "11 to 1/10 lhe price." Crab c akes, an Eastern favorite, were adapted by La Ferr for the restaurant and are vers aUle enough to be served on a burger bun with tartar sauce for lunch or grilled as a dinner ltem. He bas developed thre'e recipes for use by home cooks who like the restaurant 's aeafood but don 't cook for seve ral hundred people each evenlnj. Fish in the Ciopplno recipe ( can be varied, according to what the cook has available , La Ferr s ays. CIOPPINO 114 cup olive oil I large onion, coarsely chopped 3 cloves garlic. minced 1 medium·large green peppe r, finely chopped 4 m e dium -large tomatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped paste 'h c up tomato puree 14 cup sherry 1/4 cup Pernod 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons tomato Fresh ground peppel', generous sprinkling 2 tables poons fresh parsley, minced 'h te aspoon oregano Pinch of basil 1 pound shrimp, shelled and deveined 'h pound cracked crab claws 12 medium scallops 'h pound rock cod fillets , cut into bite-size pieces 8 littleneck clams in the shells Heat oil ln a large kettle or Dutch oven, add onion, garlic and green pepper and saute about S m inutes . Stir in tomatoes, tomato puree, pernod, s herry , tomato paste and seasonings. Simmer about 1 hour. stirring occasionally. Prepare seafood. Arrange ln the sauce with clams on top, cover and cook over low heat 10 or 15 minutes until fish is opaque and clams are open. Ladle into s oup bowls. distributing the flsh evenly to serve. Sauce car;i be thinned with water, fish stock or clam juice if desired. TllOVT IN A BOAT salt 1 8-ounce trout, boned 1 ounce butter v.i t easpoon seasoned ~ teaspoon tarraaon lea yes powder 14 teaspoon 1arllc • 3 sprigs parsley 3 thin slices of lemon Arrange open trout. s kin side down, in a piece or aluminum foil about 18 inches square Sprinkle with spices, add butter and close trout. Arrange parsley and-lemon slices on outside or fis h. Crimp closed all edges of foil to make "boat" shape. Bake al 400 degrees about 12 lo 15 minutes. Remove foil and open trout on plate for service. MARYLAND CRAB CAKES 1 pound crab meat (may be canned) parsley 'h cup bread crumbs 2 eggs 2 ounces mayonnaise 1 tablespoon chopped 2 teaspo o n s Worcestershire-sauce 'h teaspoon French-st yle mustard peppe powder 1 teaspoon seasoned salt 14 t eas poon white 1/4 teaspoon 1arllc Mhc all ingredients well and form into 4 ·ounce ham burger.style patties. Put between waxed paper and chill about 'h ho ur . Pan fry or deep.fat fry until warm and crispy. Ser ve two per penon with tartar sauce for dinner or serve slntlY In a burier bun with sliced tomato, lettuce and tartar sauce. " \ ....... ..., ......... MENU CHOICE-Randy La Ferr, a partner in the C.J . Fish Co .. stK>ws his version of cioppino and trout. • ' ('; r. .. Ora~ge Coa1t DAILY PILOT/WtdnHday. February 24', 1982 lippery fish curriculum By JI• A.8UM8 ._ ................ TOKYO C u tuna lhrouth the curriculum can be 1 allppery lask ~ but forelgn and Japanese graduates of Tokyo 's "Sushi U n lversily" find tuna -sllcln1 and seaweed-wrapping are akllls to be nurtured ln a world huneering for Japan's raw fish and rice delicacies. '·we can't keep up dollops o r bolled. vlneear-soake d rice, l•ced with a fiery green horseradish called waubi and dipped ln soy sauce. Wltbool the rice. It is called 111himl. Either wuy. it ii Japan's gift to the culinary world, and evlaently enjoys growing popularity abroad. students enrollt.'<l in the pro t e 11lona1 s u s h I three-month course. A "ltamae ," or c hef . few are Japanese Manysaythey si1nedup w11nling to learn how to simply because they like auuck a shrimp without to eat it. racing the Mgors of a ·'I joined because J re1ulat school. The rest am very heaJth-mlnded are outsiders with their and sushi ls so good for own r,asons for wantin1 you ," said Marlene to leamsushl-mak1n1. Tibbs, an Austrian "Japanese cooking native married lo a courses are exacting, California banker. Said and I couldn't handle Jean Pierre Richard, 26, half-hour sessions ot .a student from Paris : "I onion-c uttin&," said just llke sushi." I· with demand," said Hirokazu Takeuchi, a 21-year-old entrepreneur who founded the school The 100 students in Takeuchi's professionaJ course are all Japanese, heading for Jobe in New York, Paris or Rio de Janeiro after a year or intensive schooling in the art of wedding rubbery octopus morsels to fragile rice balls or forming seaweed rolls topped with salmon Nancy Gallowar., 33, or J a c It Nagata , a New Orleans. Here I Japanese-American can relax, .although I from Chicago who has was shy at first because worked in sushi shops it's such a Japanese and teaches the thing." int ernational class, I :·.two years ago lo train I: Japanese for jobs in I: s ushi shops outside •:Japan . "Sushi J l: r e s t a u r a n t s a r e I 1: s p r i n g i n g u p i . 1 everywhere around the Restaurant consultant p 1 a n s t 0 e n t e r a Ramon Toca, 218, of New Japanese electronics York, said he enrolled in company this s pring the coutSe because."you "I 'm here because i are ~ only leammg a enjoy it " be said . . eggs. cuisine, but also a ' : ~orld, and there is a · dire shortage of chefs." ,: Sushi is a concoction ;. of raw (ish -any one or l, a number of varieties - I cut ·in bite-sized slabs ;· a n d m o u n led a top S ince last April, Ta k e uc hi also has offered weekly classes, in Engli s t). f o r · foreigne r s seeking initiation into the mys teries or sushi. There are now SS culture and language." St uden ls pay a n Few students in the enrollment fee of 10,000 international c lass yen ($43) and 3,800 yen expect to don the white ($16.50 > for each of 12 uniforms, high-heeled lessons, with the fringe c 1 o gs a n d r a k 1 s b benefit that they can eat h e adbands of the their handiwork. I !· NEW CUT M..OM) DOTTa> UNE ~~.-~~--SAiESTSOe j5o-;r : ~.dnl when 1 Family Size (10 lbs. 11 oz.) ~-you or 1 King Size (5 lbs. 4 oz.) .-or 1 Giant Size (3 lbs. 1 oz.) buy or 2 Regular Size ( 1 lb. 4 oz.) We'll dish out s 1.20 · to pro\ie you'll like lemon fresh Joy better · than the brand you . use now. I : Take the Jay challenge. You 'll see how lemon fresh Joy deans down to the shine-better than the brand you use now. If you agree, we'll send 'you S1.00 worth of Joy coupons (5-20¢ coupons) by mall. If you are not : satisfied we'll send you a 50¢ refund. 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Now when you buy a 10 oz. bottle of Vaseline• Intensive Care• Lotion, you can get a $1.00 refund or a coupon good for a free 10 oz. size bottle of Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion. Just aend the certificate below and your dated cash register receipt with the purchaae price circled. Be swe to copy the code number from the bottom of the bottle and indicate whether you want a $1.00 check or a coupon good for a free 10 oz. bottle of Vaseline Inten· aive Care Lotion (retail value up to $2.00). •C~·atnc FOR <MR-DRY Sl<IN Vaseline Intensive care 1 I I I I I I I I I 1------------S.Dd tos VCIMUae hateul.,. Care Lotion ____________ 1 I I luy One O.t One Free P.O. lox 4008 Jeffel'90D Cttr. MO 15102 ·I I I I L PleaM eend m• a eoupoo good fot Q hM 10 OL bottle ol VaMllne lntenllff Care Lotion 0 11.00 CClah relwad.. "AME ---------------------------------------~ I ADDRESS ------------------------------------~ crTY ------------------STAT£ _____ zrp _______ I Copy I lrom tb• bouom ol fO\lt Va.Milne lntenaift ear. Lo41oa bottt.. -------------__ .. ____ .,. ___ _ _ J .. ' \ Orange Coast DAILY PIL'OT/Wednesdav. February 24, 1982 ~IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS .-------\bhune---i' 0 F VALUES ...__EdJdoo_XJ _____ -. DEL I' Vienna Extra Lean CORNED BEEF Reg$5.491b $4 .98 lb New York Kosher Hebrew National SALAMI Reg $4.49 lb $3.98 lb NEW YORK MUENSTER CREESE Chunk or SUced. Reg $3.39 lb $2.79 lb JARLSBERG SWISS Reg$3.98 lb $3.49 lb Sweet and Sour CATALINA SALAD R1$1.791b $1.49 lb PROVISIONS Alta Dena Pasteuri7.ed COTrAGE CREESE Reg $l.07 plnt 89 ~ pint Maitre Jacques MUST~RD -. Nine Flavors: Grained, Salt Free, Green ~.Shallots, Lemon, Red Pepper, Herb, Extra Strong and lilrragon. 7 oz Reg 99C Whole Bean KONACOFFEE 79~ It's the real thing, straight from the Islands! BulkOnJy. Reg 87.19 lb $5.49 lb YOGURT CONES Reg75( . 59 ~ Boysenberry SMOOTHU:.. Reg $1.55 Avan.ble at the lbstin store only! Limit Rights Reserved . No Dealer Sales. 98~ St or" /lour\: 10 um tu IS pm. Se11en DaJ'l / IRVINE STORE lrrine Ranch'• Finest ASPARAGUS Sn'HID ·~ Standard Large f)&(e lb $1.69n. $t891b Jumbo $2.49 lb bunch NATURAL FOODS Johnson's PASTA SAUCE fREE I lb package ot Johruion'• Whole Wheat ~ttt Pati. with pul"Chue ol 32 oz jar ol Jobn900'a Pui. Sa~. ThlA Wffkonly. 32 oz Reg 82.99 $1.95 Pure & Simple ROMANO SALAD DRESSING 12 oz Reg $1.59 Barbara's Bakery WHOLEWHEAT SESAME BREADSTICKS 95~ 4 oz Reg 81.09 59 ~ PITTEDDATF.s ORIENTAL PARTY MIX Reg S2.75 1b8ulk0nly. $2.29 lb WHOLEWHEAT FIG BARS Ret Sl.99 lb Bulk Only. $ l.69 fh PEACH APRICOT BARS Rec 81.99 lb Bulk Only. $1. 69 lb BANANA CHIPS Rea 81.55 lb Bulk Only. SI. 29 lb 16 oz Res 82.85 $ l.95 VITAMINS Wm. T. Thompson NOn:: UWan Grant. nutrtdonJM. author, and lee-· turer, will be., the 1lllda Md Newport *-8 to demoNb'ale her Uf'E MIX ••. •deUdoua. ~food. Wm. T. Thompson ADULTPLEX BUFFERED C-1000 90 .... ~ .... Reg 8Kl.95 AT Nl!WPORT: Frtdll!y, 2121 AT 1\JS11N: 5-bwda)', 2/H $4.97 Ret38.95 ~..,..."9""..,.,...,.....,. ___ Where Tradition u Country Frealaneu. MEATS TURKEY·BREAST 4 to6lb • Reg $1.98 lb ' Marinated BEEF KABOBS Reg $l.9S lb $3.49 lb Fresh GROUND VEAL Reg$2.98 lb $2.49 lb Marinated CHUCK STEAKS Reg 8 1.79 lb $ l.29 lb Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets BACON Reg $1.98 lb 10% OFF~ 10 LB STEAK BOX $5.00 OFF ANY 50 LB FREEZER PACK $10.000FF ANYtOOLB FREEZER PACK Available at the Tustin and Newpor1 stores only! SEAFOOD Fresh SEAFOOD KABOBS With Swordfish, Halibut. Shark. Scallop and Sea Bas& Reg $4.98 lb $3.98 lb Fresh CANADIAN COD Reg $2.98 lb $ 2_49 lb Monterey . STUFFED SOLE Reg $5.98 lb $4 .98 lb Canadian Small COOKED SHRIMP Reg $6.98 lb $5.98 lb SNOW CRAB MEAT Reg $9.98 lb $ 7 •98 lb Available at the lbstin and Newport stores only! BAKERY Homemade 100% Natural DANISH SWEET ROLLS Package ol 4 $1. 79 Irvine Ranch Farmers Marketa Homemade KAISER ROI.IS Packqe ot e $1.39 Prices good through March 2, 1982. ~/tlfr.• """": v 11111111 'J /Ill/ 'ic•1•1•11 /)"·' \ 14002 Myford Road At Santa Ana Freeway 838-2851 TUSTIN STORE 13152 Newport Avenue At Irvine Boulevard 838-9570 COSTA MESA/NEWPORT STORE 2651 Irvine Avenue South of Mesa Drive 631 -4404 Stu" II ours: 9 am 10 8 pm. St•Vf'n /)u.l's • ~ . ' ' ., Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 24, 1982 .. alamari grows in popularity with sea/ ood fans What's the hottest new 11•n ClllllB sail and pepper lo m ln fish market.II and ta11te menus'? No doubt Thaw squid and clean. 0 u t It , 11 qu1 d 0 r Reserve tentacles. Cut c laamarl wins hands Drain and cool. Add IA cup oil Into :V.. lnch rin1a and 0 w n 8 t t e r a d tentacles into one-inch enomenal arowth In squid tHl pars ley to 2 lurge cloves pieces. Saute In hot oil • vinaigrette, marinating garlic, minced ( th.r · t •dd pularlty during the ror at leq~ 30 minutes. . or ee m1nu,es. ,.. t five years b d r garlic, lemon j\Jlce, dlll on g Pr I zed b Y Serve on a e o 1 tablespoon lemon weed, sail. pepper und dlterranean, Oriental lettuce. j uice wine. Cover and simmer d Mexican cooks. it's C A LAM A R 1 '.\!teaspoon dill no m ore than 20 0 ly ln recent years the NEOPOUTANA weed minutes. Serve with 2 to 3 pound whole · M k r N EW 1 0 EA < '<ll :1mu1·1 111 tomato ., u u l' (• m ~1 k l' :-.. u 1·orn plt.'ll' m1..'a I wtwn s1·rn·d w1I ha :.:dad t ne r al public has squid,frcshorfrozen lcupwhitcwine ricel · 8 cs our untoappreciatethis -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-se_r_v_n~g~s-·~~-;;:.-:..-:;:;;;;--=:......_~~~~~--:-~~~~:--~--:::::::---::=:--:=-~~~~~~~;""""~~~~~~~~~~~-unusual creature. -w ... In expensive, in e ac· c'e I ALL co :~pep~~ne~~;er:e~:1~,:~ p upons in protein and other r:~:~:~~~.:~:~1~~:~ 'from other. Super-market. s! fascinating us s ince ancient times. U!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ T h e first literary mention of sq\lid was by Aristotle back about 300 . B.C., but they really didn't gain prominence until Author Jules Verne featured tbem in his adventure nov e l , ·'Twenty Thous and Leag ues Under the Sea." unrortunately . the image painted by Verne of a sea monster may have done the delightful food more harm than good. They belong to a family of marine mollu s ks called cephalopods, meaning literally "headfool" because their tentacles or feet grow from their b ead . Other famil y m em b ers a r e the nautilus, cuttlefish and octopus. Actually, the giant s quid or Grande Calamari avaialable in California markets comes from waters south of Baja a nd reaches only five feet in length Most or what we eat isn't that large. Jn fact, the most popular species caught '\loWI lllCHTs IUfMO NO $Alf 10 c~w otAl(tS ()I WMOlfS41.ftS. SOMf son -· "'°' AYAllAlll ... YfN1UI• '°""" Thi• od onlv 1flec11v1 at Huoh" El Rancho ond Hu9he1 Lido Wlwa.CO•FOODITWIW, .. 1. Eaplred ..JOupori. 1101 occepted. 2. Contlnvity pt0motlon1 & 9r0<ery putehoMt coupon• not o«:ept.d 3. Onty fft0nufoctvret'1 coupons of S 1.00 °' leu con be doubled 4. Subs1t1uhon of 1t1m1 on monul0<turer's coupo1n prohibited by low 5. Value of all items Ofl retailer coupons de.termtned by our shelf prtce 6 II we do not OO<k the item •pecifled on other food morhf'1 coupon, we will sub1titute on Item of equtvolent volue 7 liquor. tobocco & dairy producll ••eluded. 8. Subiect to limih lmprlnl.d on eoch coupon 9 Appl•e1 only to •11permorke1 coupont from lo1 A11911iK, Ventura & 0.-onv• Count;.,, 10 Offer oood Feb 25·Mor 3. 19B2 . BEEF· ROUND STEAK U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Round SWISS STEAK . . lll. 1.75 U S 0 .A. Choice Beef Round OMAHA ROAST ................ l& 1.99 U S.O.A. Cho1<e Beef round BONELESS RUMP ROAST LB. 2.49 U S.0.A. Choice Center Cut BEEF SHANKS ............ . LB 1.49 &lie or Ponie1 ... Doe1 Not Eitceecl 22% fol 8 LEAN GROUND BEEF .. .. . LB. t. 9 El Rancho RANCH STY LE BACON FLOWN IN DAILY FROM PUGET SOUND BONE IN UMIT 2 LB. El Roncno Sweet & Hot ITALIAN SAUSAGE LS t.39 . LB 1.69 FRESH RED AGH~~fi~lElBS 399 KING SALMON......................... LB. Monterey Fillell FRESH BUTIERFISH P0<1fic Center Cul f<ozen LB 1.69 SWORDFISH STEAKS E R Pork Seo\Onong LB 1.69 BRATWURST SAUSAGE Milli fed 8on<elen Sliced loon & Roond Cul SCALLOPINI VEAL LB 5.99 Mill. fed Bonelsee Slteed le><n & Roond Cut PARMESAN VEAL lB 5.99 Milk fed Bonele\i Sloced lo.n & Roond Cul WIENERSCHNITZEL VEAL IB 5.99 Milk Fed 8oneleu Ploon & Brteoded lB 4 .99 CUBED VEAL CUTLETS in Monterey B ay is Armour'1VeribettFrotenWhole ... Avg \.216;;,a.t. about eight inches long. PORK TENDERLOINS .. -...... LB. ~. 79 Cooked & Peeled Frozen DelrOlled AtlontK frozen HORS D'OEUVRE SHRIMP .... LB. 4 .99 HADDOCK FILLETS LB 4.99 LB 1.89 Molk Fed Extro Leon l B 2.89 while two other species caught on the E asl Coast are around 12 inches in length. Usually squid live in deep orrshore waters. but during s pawning season migrate closer to shore. It is excellent broiled. boiled , deep-fried . sauteed. marinated or baked with a stuffing SQU ID A LA ABALONETrl 2 pounds squid . cleaned and cut open into flat pieces (approx. 8 medium) 1 :i cup evaporated milk 1 teaspoon sail 1 cup cracker meal I medium eggplant <optional) I egg, beaten ·~ teaspoon pepper Cooking oil 2 cups s paghetti sauce Thaw squid. if frozen. Clean a nd cut into several pieces. Combine milk . egg , salt and pepper. Dip squid in mixture and r oll in cracker m eal. Place squid in single layer in bot oil in a 10-inch frying· pan. Fry at moderate temperature for three minutes. <Overcooking will make it tough.> Turn carefully and brown t he other side. Drain on paper towel: Wash eggplant and s lice crosswise. Fry until tender and drain. Place eggplant in single layer in a well-greased baking dish approximately 12 by 8 by 1 inches. Place fried squid on top of eggplant a nd pour spaghetti sauce over entire dish. Bake in moderate overn 350 degrees !or 10 to 15 minutes or until heated t.brough. Serves three to four. SQUID VINAJGRE'ITE 1 in pounds squid, cleaned and cut into rings oil 6 tablespoons olive 1 \abltl'°°" lemon Juice l ta bhapoon parsley. chlpped 2 tablespoons wine •vinegar l 8 ·ounce can artichoke hearts Romain lettuce salt and pepper to Laite Combine oil, vinegar. lemon\ salt and pepper tn a arge bowl. Add artichoke h earts . II artnate for at least two hours. Immerse 141uld rln_., ln boUtn1 weter for JO 1ttond1. • . U.S.D A. Cho1<e Boneleu f1<1ro Leon STEW BEEF ............................ le. 2.49 ALL PURPOSE WESSON OIL 24 OZ BOTTlE 99~ IT. IYl'S IALI! Fresh Froren/Defroiled Avg 1 '• -I 1-t lb• SKINLESS CATFISH ................ le. 2.89 PACIFIC LOBSTER ............. le. 4.99 10.C• Orteoo TACO SHELLS 8 or Mild & Ho! ORTEGA TACO SAUCE 7 01 lhrown Stuffed Monronollo ST AR GREEN OLIVES Reg or Ooel. 12 0 1. Con\ GIANT TIDE 49-0Z. INCL. 15c OFF LIMIT 2 1.79 .69 I S·ol Denn.1.on Hot & Regular wt&eon\ CHILI CON CARNE .69 B 0 1 Wt,hbone lite "'" Voroelo,.\ SALAD DRESSING 1.39 I lb lub Regulor & UMohed CHI FFON SOFT MARGARINE Hefty Toll JO· Ct .85 .79 .89 GROUNDVEAL ROUND leone\t Gund Doe\ Not EAceed 15qo fot CHOPPED STEAKS tB. 2. 19 Jojobo, HenllO, Alo. Vero 12 PACK PEPSI 3.99 KITCHEN BAGS . 2.19 - 18 oz. SHAMPOO 1.73 16 ct Flovor11d •n t Vo,,et•e• .89 LIPTON TEA BAGS 16-01 Non doory Crl'Orner COFFEE MATE C.ETAFMf 180l 2 59 MA TC HIN(', CONOI T ION( R WllH EACH eonlf Of SHAA\POO PURCH"S(O f4 • 4 01(11>0M,1101 lotion 1.49 ALOE VER A ................ . 1 ltter 8o11le Reg & Sugor free 7-UP,A&W I IUNllllT . .85 ·ARTICHOKES ~ LARGE ;rmcs '~ Tttr ,,~£C'IT '"' ov• ,.,~ NOOuCt °'" Jo,.9~ '' 01 ao~ TEMPURA BA TIER MIX Fre"1 ~hiro~Au ICoto~u•••o 1101 ao. .85 SUGAR POTATO ST ARCH (h ..... S..0 6)) Ot P\9 1.89 PIAI FRV·N-PAN NOODLES $hof0~~v h t•y""• Nou I 01 SEASONED SEAWEED eo ......... tt..ii..o1 c- .75 .59 LITIUCI ............................... (A .29 1.25 MUGMlta.eallCM. 'AfMMA~I U6• I Mevlt.., '••~•o• Me11t-, .. ~ ••• ,.., •• ....... u.e. ..... TalACM ,.,, ..... l•tl• o. ••• ::n:M'~~~:.~ 2 •s ~ 5-oL Fiiti & Chlp1, 5 ~ ·ot. Solisbury, 9 V. -01. Meotboll SWANSON ENTREES ................... rs 16-oi. Stokely Ant. Vorleti4" .. 1.09 COMBINATION VEGETABLES. 1-lb. loaf &r1d9fofd HONEYWHEAT BREAD ......... 89 9-oa. f nlr" GREEN GIANT lASAGNA ...... " ..... 1.21 ·---•n•a•CMO· ...... U"•••t\lty oncf Mlit'h•I••"' -..~ v •• w c." ... ' ......tl\eAIK .... .... ,,_, ... IACM ............... lffnt •aHM•A '''""..,' eftd Mwtthftft•n> I~'~" (e•netl ........lll•AIKM. ...... ,. 16-ot. 8UUCHllll 129 808'1 DRllllNG . 12 01 Roth JUMBO CHICKEN WIENERS . 9. 5·01. Pillsbury • CINNAMON ROLLS 1?·01. JONES SLICED LIVERWURST 12-01 Cordenio Sq11ofe MOZZARELLA CHEESE ....... .. ==-··---r ' 101 "' """~ °' ._ ... kMo Mitt <Ml• ...... ll •A•CM· 'IAITaWH I.II>() AND~ .69 .89 1.39 1.19 CRIBARI JUG WINES 2.49 17 or N R lofllfl Rev 6 • Pcx• 2.99 9.98 DOS EQUIS BEER SCOTCH 0.•QOI' ANIOUPIAal l •• 35 l'lttCU UffCTM 1 OAYS I A Ill\ THUii$ . 'fl U """ WIO . MM J 191? wt wtlCOMl fOOO STA## SIQftllS °" '"" ,. ........ ... w.,.,., •·••-' Al,_..qw•" fHe, .. ,.,Mell no"' c.i.. • .i. 1J..<1 ti ,,10..,... o ..... , nu t.n11t111H o. .... .... ,~ v...,. ,.,., .. THIS 1.0 O NIY EFfECflV! AT HUGHES El RANCHO A LIDO l1m•I r19hh re1er.,.d, NQ •olt\ to deolen I I ·• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, February 24'. 1982 Hot dog! for versatile hot dogs · The all·Amtrlcan hot pineapple c hunks In doc •till enJ011 top heavy syrup bUUn1 with famllles for' " cup duk cor"n economical, oasy-lo·flx ayrup and 1ood·taaUn1 meala. S tablespoons soy Whether It's bolled, sauce fried, barbecued or 2 tablespoons whlte Included u the proleln vinegar Item ln a casserole, the 1 teaspoon Kround hot doe ls ll farnlly atnger pleaser. ...., te aspoon dry Here are some recipe mustard Ideas for new twists on 2 tablespoons corn an okl favorite. starch C H E E S E · F a A N ll 14 cup water PIZZA 1 can (8 ounces) 1 package dry yeast water chestnuts, drained 1 cup warm water 1 teaspoon sugar · 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons salad oil 2% to av. cups flour Pizza sauce (see recipe below) 1"' cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 cup chopped onion 1 can (4 ~ ounces) chopped ripe olives, drained 1 cup chopped green pepper 1 can (4 ounces) mushroom pieces and stems, drained 6 rran k ru rlers' sliced In a lar ge bowl , dissdlve yeast in warm water. Stir in sugar , salt, oil and 2 ~ cups. f.Jour and beat until s mooth. Turn onto floured surface and knead in e nough remaining flour to make dough easy to handle. Knead until smooth, 2 lo 5 minutes. Pl ace in greased bowl , turn greased side up and let rise until double in a warm place, about 45 minutes. Prepare pizza sauce and set aside. H eat oven to 400 degrees. Punch down dough and divide in half. roll each half on a lightly floured surface into a 12-inch circle. Place on ungreased baking sheet. ICE.BER LEIT(JC and sliced Stir into skillet mixture. In a aklllel, heal oll Bring to a boll over over mWJum heal. Add medium hept , 11llrrln11 rranka and cook 3 conatantly, and boil l mlnut.ea or until U1htly mlnule. Add pineapple browned. Add pepper. chunks and water Stlrrin1 conJtanUy, cook chestnuts. Cook until about 2 minute« or until heated through. Serves tender. Drain pineapple. 4. reserving ,syrup. In a FRANKLY SAUCY small bowl stir together CAMEROLE pineapple syrup, corn 6 bacon slices syrup, soy s auce. l !ill cups chopped vinegar, ginger and on ion mustard. Add to skillet 1 be II pe pper • and brlng, to a boil. Mix coarsely chopped corn starch and water. 1 teas poon curry 11>0wdt1r (optJon•I > I pa c k a ae spa1hettl sauce mix with mushrooms 2 cuva water 2 cups tomato sauce 6 ounces spa1hettl broken tn 2-inch pieces 8 frankfurters In a large Dutch oven, fry bacon until crisp. and drain on pape r towels. Drain all but 2 tablespoons bacon rat from pan and use to sautc onion and green peppe r . Add c urry powder. apaghetU sauce ·mix, water and tomtto Juice. Stir a nd brinf to a boll. Add spaghett and frankfurte rs <left wholt or cut in pieces). R e d u c e he al a fltd simmer, uncove r e8 , ·unUl spaghetti is tender, about 10 to 12 minutes; s tlr often. Crumble bacon and sprinkle on t'l> p before ser v Ing. Makes 6 servtngs. WIM WITH. VONS LOW PRICES AllD SOMETHlrt' EXTRA. WE'LL DOOBLE THE DIFFERE.NCE OUR O<JARANTEE OF VONS LOW PRICES to convince you d Vont comm~ to low pocu. we·re ~ "'" offt!f. If )'OU can find tower poces ovenil~ this weell 111 eny other su~rmerile1. Vons will f111Y yoo double the difference Just shop at Vons Buy 25 drffe<ent Items worth 1120 Of mcn Comp0<e pnces on tilt' same Items et any othet supermorilet •If their total Is lowff. bring your Itemized Vons receipt 11nd the other market's prices to Vons end we"ll pey you double the difference In c11~ Vons-Low poces you cen bt- lieve 1n \ \ . ,. ,, . ,,, ·. ·~\fl '. .. ~ . \ t:..O .... ,.,. ' A ' ~ ._, :l RESH FRYIJ , CHICKEN~~~ USDA GAADE A-WHOLE 80Dtr. A L~ tpurchase ~ lim~ reg prict lb .69>L.8 W Spoon half the sauce on eac h circ l e and s pread evenly to outer edge. Sprinkle each with •r.. cup cheese and then the vegetables and meat divide d bet ween the pizzas evenly. Finis h with remaining cheese. Bake one pizza at a lime on center rack of oven 25 m i nutes . Mak es 4 servings. FRESH-CALIF. -SALAD FAVORITE .29 PIZZA SAUCE 1 6-ounce ca n lomato paste, 'h cup water l teaspoon s alt 1 teaspoon oregano I/• teaspoon thyme V.. teaspoon marjoram ~ teaspoon garlic salt '>'it leaspooon pepper Mix all ingredients thoroughly. HA WAllAN FRANKS l tablespoon oil 1 p o u n d frankfurte rs, cul in 1-inch pieces 1 medium green pepper , coarsely chopped 1 can (13th ounces ) U"\fT 4 (Purchase Cl'>'er limit-reg, price a A9) I OOCOONT-AMALCiESIC LONDON BROIL ]78 ~~~!-~~~~ I B LIMIT 2 ll'll<c:NK CM< hm• reg ~ 2 ,7) BTM RO U'VT 2 (~ °"" llmil-<e,i price lb 2 291 Chili cook off PRODUCE MEATS LIQUOR GROCERIES GROCERIES The Irvine Chamber or Commerce is looking for chili teams to take part in the 2nd Annual So uth Coast Chili Championship set for April 17 at Bommer Canyon. Civic, comrr•mity and service organizations. as well as indivjduals are invited tp sign up by the March 1 deadline. P articipanls wi II be limited to just 35 teams, each made up or one cook, four assistants and a support group of no more than 25. Any l eftovers, (money, that is>. will be donated lo the Chamber's scholarship fund for local college bound high school etu- denta. For entry forms and further information, contact Ralph Rodhelm, this year '• chili committee cba.irman, at 720-2225. 25th year Anniversary a_. In Uie Harbor Area ',-;:..... # f-.S--.. 4410.. ........... ~....,c,. .. 6Jlo174t • ~rt:flA­IUllan Squash llOllSTCOOll W ftD Peanuts I~ I 0tr<CE llO\ Ch1mpton Raisins !l._Ol. ~-"DI Oft \.:neny Tomatoes Ill .49 U1 .39 111 •99 .~ .49 }29 8Sll .69 HEAL TH£ BEAUTY ~;Ofta~n?,_ 366 aOL U"-ClO.AW'. OOOll~ t 97 Jhirmack Shlmpoo ~~s~rr-~·oJ 28 DAIRY PRODUC JS I UI CTTO -5Tlt'l Q.WnDIS Blue Bonnet Mli,..,tne ~CJtru• Punch ~'~~ .59 .89 .93 St RVICF . S f-AFOOD --~St~ ~399 ~~ Ul .59 ... ~T .. I UI 739 11.aL ~ llUT -O«JCll Oii Boneless Family Steaks 1-fKl'OOl!ql -l!WlC\'t Spencer :steaks 18 2 19 111 2 48 ltl 2 98 T~l(l'OC)-111~ 11D.~'11~rvt1oe} 98 Bondess Bed Rump Roast lll L Aft.f,,Kl!'C -L,,.."'-.CENTl,R c 1n Beef Chuck :steak.S Bo~~~ewlng Beef 111 }69 II\ }99 lll .99 TAlllf"-..C-D()(S1'0ftJICl~~rAf t 88 Fresh Lean Oround Beef 1e I~ .99 llOl I'!\() !J!l~o<ll.Sl'<OllLO 'I• I ll } 29 Armour :star tsacon ,.,.. Hf.~'111!" 9'0KCO POISh Style Sausege lll 2 49 Jl OUNa-AU,. ~All£TW:S Jlll•l'IY DtN0 l 4 9 Fresh Pork Sau~ I.A DELICATESSEN ~~nZ8:~'b6<)l 1'1\0 l 49 ~0-.e Dreulng } 49 O~t;g~-~UI 229 ~~Melt Bologrw } 25 .98 lfOll'OIO 11!.00lt~ 79 Foster F.ma Wieners • · ~STIW)HI Bourbon 499 ~Gin 499 ~hCrum 1299 -...JJT'El! Scoresby Scotch 499 llOl CNt-VAOl-IEO,UOWT Sim Price Tiii Beer }49 '~·-cw.a... -... llO!il Carto Rossi Wines 229 &~~o~~ 319 VONS BAKERY v~-~~~~JCM.49 ib:ie~~cg-s.= IO .89 ff~~ 'fiiled1 Danlah Q~~~~e tf~a Senchltch Roll }55 11s .79 FROZEN FOODS ]39 \t~ Juice .69 ~~~Dough l 179 ]89 .79 ~Ol8~-oaM~·-rape It Ju e Cockt.aD }39 ~..rcrc-~~~ nnlsons hRf s .79 t 'OUl'<t. C.-'"'1 ~-~~· t 79 Vons Apricot Halves • ros l~OUM:i>C>'" • ~ ~ ~ut Butter }33 Vons each Halves ~Pl ~t~trl> l'\A>()ll$ IC N Drinks .68 ~~nu Sim Tiii Pancake 5)n.lp }95 ~L,JAA-i~"/ e Oil Pk:kles 111 l~"'lc; Bliggles Sandwich Bags .93 ~~P~~oo }38 ~COl.lff ~ ~C'OltJI"-ons Facial sue .53 PLAY VONS $2,000,000 SOMETHIN' EXTRA GIVEAWAY • fht'•\' \ no purcha•e nt"C"\""IY Mu\I ~ 18 0< olrll'• to Pkl1 Com~•~ rule5 <1nd d~11lls <Na•la~ 6t 161i Vor" ')tor~ '" Caldom111 and "i~llda So Comt' 1n 11nd play today ~·~ there could bt' '>omt'lh1n E.>rtra we~1ng fOf yO(J at Vons Vons S2,()()(),000,Some1h1n Extra ends May 5 1982 Of when all poece• he~ been dlttribvt~ Odds The followmg odds are In dfK1 unt~ JO deys •fte< feb<uaty 4 1962 Th.,-ffftt!f updat~ odds wt bt' pOllled in~ Vons end~ ~·eds "'8CIS l!Pnc:TM ntdltS. lMIQ wm.., I'm 2.5 TO llWtOt J. I M2. CAU (21 J) 57• , 400 P'OR LOCA""°" Of' ITOM l"lfMUT «XI. rtOf A£L llW Ne "9CD l'I .._,_ Ut11DM AT~ »J4W.lnt n~ 1500W. PtCOaV0..6571 W.IO™ IT~&..Oa MCl!LQ, SM DIEOOMD LM~.IMOtl lleTALOUNmlaOf'LY. lllQ9T lfOMI ~.""'TO......., 7 Dii'ft A W!IA SCHUJNQS VANUA EXTRACT 4«. 3.04 BIZ ALL FABRIC Bl.EACH 200Z. 1.53 )a. • CRISCO VEGETABLE SHORTENING 2.06 "°z. "~ .. -· . ...... - CARESS BODY BAR DUNCAN HINES ~ MOFFl'i MIX t,k. I . t 3 .44 BAAN~MIXt.~ 1.13 Int. , . . ,_. ... Vllil9y • ._.,.. lenllMl!I M 1191......, • ~ : ·1ne-. c .... , ........ ... ~~ ~ .... ~.._.., .. ~ • ' , ''• • J .~ n,• ,,. •.r. ••• I \ .,. . .. • I , .. ,. .. ,. ... . .· ••I ' ' , . •••• •I I I )C'I I • j ',., .... r ( I • I I" I '•rt , ' ll(\f' IN} :tt<..• /1-i I 111 11 . 11T ,~,1 l(I .. fl f\ 1 'I .,, ... , ~~ .. • (1J ... :r ... ·Ii i ;_l•• •, ,, .. 11'., (I l'f' -t ., t• 1lll'fl •itO Ulll ·~(! Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wedne1day, February 2 ... 1982 Bl TOM HOGE A ........... W*tP Holla~d. wblch bu been maltln1 cheese for more than eig ht centuries, was one of tht! tlrst counlries to exwrt to A~rica. The Pt11rims set sail aboard the Mayflower for tbJ New World with lhe a1Up'$ hold stocked with round Dutch cheeses. Bigger &better from Lawrys. SAV~ ON JHe-HofOOGS TH~f ARE ROASfED~ t SAY ROAS1EO r'OR fL-AVOR/ Now the Netherlands has created a new type of cheese, giving it lhe romantic name of Pompadour. This delectabl e, semisofl natural cheese com es in two spicy versions, both of wblch will be distributed throughout the United States. One i• studded with fine herbs and garlic, the other with bits of fresh green·~pper. The Dutc)l are best known Jor their round Edam cheese and the somewhat flattened Gouda. They used to make Edam from whole milk but now the fat con tent is reduced. Gouda ls made from either whole or partly skimmed milk. There is an ancient Dutch claim lhat Edam can only be made from milk produced in the pastures of North Rolland and Friesland provirtces. Government scientists decided to test this theory not long ago. They tried malting it with mHk from the same breed of cows a nd identical milk ing conditio ns in other places. The cheese they produced wa s acceptable, but lacked the specific Edam taste. A Dutch cheesemaker is supposed to have a good ear as well as a sensitive nose to be s uccessful. He should know that a hollow sound resulting from a rap of the knuckles on an aged Edam means insufficient cur ing , or too many air pockets. A dull thump means the cheese is good. SUPER SIZE JI TAGOSHEllS FOGHORN LEGHORN c WARNER BROS INC 1982 ... -------I I l2l62't OOlhh Save20C I I I I I I I I on any one pound package of Oscar Mayer' beef franks, r~ular wieners or cheese wieners. V • C>o.-14.:' Vu1.1 _.,~ _.u,not11ft(J to kt u ag~t ~ 11 " •' •oi OSC.AA ~AYlR 6 ( "~ • ..,, '~"°" f ,,.,, c..~ ~,~ • ._,•&.Co l'f'K .,.., ,..,m b\of's.f" 10U IO• ft•6' fM,t• '1iU(' nt lt\t. l OuPQn Oful IC tor "·•nrthng 1t vou •t1c.4it1vc ft on ine U't of &nv lf>e tJQunll i>tG:'AOf' o• Qs.c.41 Mayer• w-ener' r..e-•Jf•"''torc~~sano1•uoonf1!0l.*st ,~ ~·I e~rw e ol W(;f\.AM tri-er-ot Uh\ t .. ctOt't 10 0 111;at ...-ave, ' Co •nc: Coupon "'""" not DC' .a\S~f\tt<J (J( tr•naterr•d <.i• reoroovten < ... 1.atom~r mu..i OllY an>; u ea 1a.. VotCJ W'f"•''f VO'l•bolc•l lA•ed at reu,.c.•eobvlaw Goooorw1 """'USA "'-<>R....,.naUS c,o-._....., -.1.11\at•OI'\ •'" v•lut' 20C Counon 11t·M no1 ut ·20~ ~ c t981 OSCAR!olAVER& C.0 44700 129727 -----------RFOFFMPROMPTIY __________ _ --------------------------------------- savings when you buy .. brim· DECAFFEINATED COrfEE STORE llili'l>N ••llJl'O'l "VI v•(Jll' lll!M. SilS Tori. .. u.~ \.."""'"'°''" 40¢ pelf .... ""•• rf'll'P(U~ .,.:..; -._.. '""' l••••..,nltlll>•-plli\ 7• rrw IW!tlknq +I Y'AI '«"wit on fN-.,,. .. Of 1~ ~111t'O P' -·..,., ~ UO<I' •r<lUN ~ "'°""' .... """"' l!ltl«JOW1"1"'1·6;\ci(A'11<f_1fu60\,IJIP..~"' (f.14.#f\ '"41~ tkJI ~. ~ ~,.,,...,~,f'CJ gr ti0f10Jli.td lV'Jmlt1' mW DI~ Ml~ ~ ,d, lti-0 _, pion.1111..i r.ueo or '~'"''ea oy i. .. C.000 O"ly., USA U11> ••~ VlO< l -"'" .... nol llt """""" ,, .,,..,.,,..., '"'""" °""-it """""' llr<MT'oor ~rwr,....,.,,..,.,14,.rw,, it l>("'cJ our """<.Nndl<.f or !l'fl•IK~ -:-""'"°'''t!<l ll)' U\ lu pinml •OUl>O"\ '"''-""JI f0< •fdf<rc>!oun uf P'•-ll •«to"'1l -"l ....:It'd ,~ tNo•ln t..,,,. •. f.,.,.,.(otpouuor l bl.C>(1'""°'""11',. .,,., P< &olOJ ~" •-llCAol Off tr''-""' AIHJUil J. 1981 lhl\ '°"""' (jll(JO (Ill) m 0.-~ o/ ptllOu<I rndoUIN .,.,,.,,,...,.,.. . .,.,.., ...... ,,.., 4()¢ (Ml Oii( lOUl'f"' PfllPUfl(t4A5( --------------. IET 32 OZ. OF WOOllTE*FREE ... llol • 11111 ....... ...... 1181111 •d Jlln U.lr Join S.A.V.E . and SAVE money! Your $1.00 enrollment fee brings you $25 worth of family products-brands you know, use and trust. And you get a surprise new- member gift worth $15! You also receive a coupon for a free 32-oz. bottle of Woolite~ How do you sign up? For complete details, look for the 32-oz. size Woollte with this special neck tag. Woolite keeps your fine washables fresh and new-looking for pennies. And to make it even easier t(} join S.A.V.E., here's an extra fifteen cents off your next purchase of Woollte. TllJST WOOllTE I I I I I I DECAFFEINATED COFFE E Fill your cup totherim with the richness ~r ofBrim. -- l l•ti.l~···~ ' The Fust Mother's Day Pendant Authorized by the Hummel Family .. Devotion to Mother" Pendant IMued in a limlted, exdu.stve edition. The First Mother's Day Pendant is inspired by one of Berta Hummel's eariy original works of art now m the Hummel Family Archives. This exquisite pendant is reproduced 1n beautiful Damascenc by one of America's most prestigious and oldest silversmiths -Reed f, Barton. Damas· cene is a rich blend of pure silver. gold and copper over bronze, set In an elegant 24Kt gold electroplate frame. Each pendant ind~ a matching I 8H gold-cov- ered chain, is beautifully gift packaged and will be sent with II cenifteate of registration authorized by the mother of Berta Hummel. Mrs. Vlktoria Hum - mel. attesting to the authenticity of thls historic Fll'St Edition Mother's Day Pendant ---------------------------·I w The F1nt Mother'• Day PerMlailt I Pie-ft1ler my Oftter IOf the Mocher .• Dey~ I llUlholiled by the Hlwnmel Femly I heve enc"-d my~ ea follows: I Pendents@ • 19.50 eech • -- ~Ind hlnclW>g {>.1 •175pef~ • OTY-----S11IT!'.--1'--I TOI.Ill emount 9nc1oMcr • -- PleMe ,,,... c:ti.ck 0t rnon.y onttr pll)'llble ID NCC 0 "'-WCwd OVIM Cwd "'-" u I TtE ...rw !MOlNC> COW!~'S SOCJE1Y I c... "'"· SUI.-8l¥d.. Rlcfeely. MD 21660 ~ ~ ....... --"--222l'S --~------------~-------------~ I ~SAYE~ ~s • ~redeem ttiese"llllll ~ coupons " at any Store ~ r selling these ' products I I I I I I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, February 24, 19.82 sAve., 13 Ii ON ANY r Lipton. ~Cup·:a .soup VARIETY C7 • One me 1111 oil • Yellow and blue.~· 1---------------• Dtowst11ng neck with hOOd. ona snoP'tldes 10 GEi YOUR PONCHO SEND 1M eo<t~ic;ott ONJ 2 ICIOel' hem onv l!> 01 Cflel Soy.QI~' conrwd "°'to A <:hlle). Of n>Ot>ili OIOll< IOt $19!> s;MI> i I l.l! P<lil008 ooo noooono ll\>lol $8 9:>) µoyO(Jj(l tu Chet 8ov 01 doe· Pone no Ot1•11 PO 8cu090 G•een' form' Cl O<>ol36()QQ() PLEASE SEND MV PONCHO TO Nome AoClt8\S C11v •,totu 711) This February Vou Con SOve Money and Eat Hearty with Chef toy-or-dee' Delight yOur Bacon Lovers withNew · • Only 25 calories a strip •No cholesterol • Costs less than bacon 1 I I I I I I I I I I I SAYEISC ON TWO CANS ~ 8oy·aFdee' 15 OZ. PASTAS fu c;,,, ic;., fitt<JfHilTI f'no\ GOU POI" '" •!.< "'"'le ''°"°'"'O l>'O .. ~, ~~ 'e<• V941 •' """vour '• IO •ote (If on., I '~ 01 r.nttt Sr ,..o,.,.1e., · c O'" 01 Spog< •" b Meat tJ1.)11, (.n, not1or., lO\OQrO &&•'OQ•ll• e..tt.111.;1 0tt:n•I Moc. An,on..,CJP(.llGO '""' ,, ,, fule\ht.Jt..lf] c~ 'tl"OfOondfOf '• ,.,.~ ~ 'Ot.Jf '00'...;r." lf'\tOl'Ce\ P'<>• ng °" Ct·\J•e ot """• •"' •1oci.: te,, cover 01t te<>vrt.ptl(.lf'J oe r'l'.>4 pt<X:kl<:..tKS on ~'' ~t~-~~ Good On c. • L'-"l'O'• "o"IQN!ld ••CJIW.,.•eo "' pie 5'AGHETII • -'".! '"' ,_..,,..,...,.. DY Cl'• nc.• 0 ••lo• MEAT&Al.LS O•~ ""'" o' "'• P'C.OUC• Coupon ¥000 ~ CAHNfllON to.9<.I P'IY•~'«l QI ,.,.,._led Dr lASAQN.\ IO .. 1;.mn vO've I /() Ol I Ce< I llEHOGm,.. Cv1tomtoo ""''' p0y any M>le• QI llEHAAONr c'~°'.:~~:"o"' ~~~ CHlll MAC _ ''" u •O 5Jl\4 Tt .. ..i.tltr'~r~fooai Co<p "'••Nn0111soyo11tot.,... •xevatvtOlll>SCCOJllOll Oll4 It to< ~illl<l!t"O ~ you •ett>w ~ on lf'lt !Wit 01111e Sj)KlllOO p!Cl(lu(l ..,., d "°"" ltQud 'jOll S4bnA ~ ol Plo'Cllolt """"" ....,,..,,.,,., to Gent!• fooos Cotll ~""l'l>llllt~ '~"'•rc0<•eg<-c.,_....,'111'1'J'lll~ Ill~---WtOO< tSllaeGO, .... ~O'f'l .. U S• """1DR~ 11111 US Govl """" CWI •al"' 1 ?0t Coupon " ""'oe nono>•tO t 0<.-llVOuQll °"™Ot ~ l>ro'tf\ Q< Olne15 •no ill "Ill t~I O•Sll Du101S OI Ovl "'°'Cl\lnddt Of \4)1Ctlal') •U11'0lllt0 D'/ US 10 D<n<nt COUllO"S l<)f -fotlldtmOl>OllOIP"ooe<')•t<.tw<lil"O,..,_C~ """''" ~f<lellh Colp PO eo. I03 ~ IL flNl1 r"" -OOoO O"'f on purtllt>t 01 P"OIMI ~ ~ _, .,w C011S1""1t\ hM OltotU,lrtl .htM 30 tM1 limH -1)110 -••• '°' ,...t-Ht c~1 "-._.,tSi•~J''. In yow C1occr'1 Bacon Sttc11an • GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION --------------- ,. 2222 QUALITY KITCHEN SHEARS M.1.1 10 NEWSPAPER CO-OP COUPONING Sunset Blvd. Rldgefy, Md. 21660 Ptease seno me lht-K11cnen Snea•~ '" $4 95 plu~ $ 30 Po~I age ~no nan<Jhng 101al $5 :>S 1 n,1v.-enciosed my 1em111ance as follows 1111ct1en Stlears '" $4 95 Pa S Pos1age & handltng '" $ 30 e.i Snea• $ Totdl 11mount enrlosed S I~...-. dle<t.1 peylllble to NCCI '• ---------------1oaacco STAINS OfF! ; 2scOFF. SAVE 25¢ ON REGULAR OR KING SIZE ZACT 25¢off Regukror King size ZACTI I ZACT safely and effectively removes I tobacco, coffee and tea stains from I teeth. Brush daily with Zact and see whiter teeth in only four weeks. I SAVE SOC on any size Hel-GM for Large Breed Dogs eq•~ 0oo Food ~C RPCo 1'lel • Nutrition For The Strongest Bones Possible SAVE Joe on Dogs love Bonz like dogs love bones! C RPCo 1981 ~ save2sc ON THE EIERGIZER FROM "Eveready" I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------- SAVE 50C on any size c:ourOll lUIAlS J ClllUUT ZI IN) SAVE30c OH lOUR NEXT PURCHASE Of N4Y SIZE COUl'Oll U"llU /., AUCUST JI !M7 1 l~ 3 ---------------IX·cwr I lonw., mul ( :attl<•n.,• -~- NOW onlySl2.95 ~-19(111••··· '11 9$ <:All-31111e Favorite ~cipe~ • 1,007 llll·llm• faYOtll~ rttl!M• • 160 11111-color photn• • Mlnowaw It ct'OC'lr.,7 C'OOlrlnjl dlrtttkwu • Cookh•ll Ill ull ratlon_a and "hart• • 480 plljfH, hardto,..r bound NEWSl'APlll CO-OP COUPONINO ' SIH>MI .,,... lll<lt•''· MO a1uo PleJ~,. ..;'"' ~ the BH & 1. A.u fllf'ne-fM11n11ft1 Rp.-.po·, ec,,. ooo• ,i S 1 ;> 9!> ~·~•' S 115 ooa•aoa ill l ~ 1n J Q l~A SI• 10 1 navf' 11u·"< 90\«P<' m.,. 'etni"ant.flt _. 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'"' cw _, 22211 ---------------25 ' 1111 save 2sc ~ HJWZ llSW2 ontheEJERG/ZEB 1111 trom~-Q~AA.AAA. ·~Clf"Cll.) .cina IOOllll.l~ ._. .. -• ., • .,_.., .. ...._ ... _. _ _..,._ ~ _ ...... -.,.. ...... ~_ ..... _._..,. .. _..,..,,.,.....,.. ..... --~ ..... -.... -,,,_..,,.......,. fllC,"4MAtoelll ....... ... .... , ....... -~-· ... ._...,,.,..........,.....,_ ............. __ -:,;:,~ ,_,... -.. ---llllllolln ••...... ·=-·--* ................... ,,_....,. __ .......... .. .. -~ 1111 1 --·····-n..'*"".-................ .. .. ___ c..-.. ==~:-"\.-:=:~..:.:. .:.:.":':==ar&""· ... ilii ~ .... Tl' .. _0.C.-Jt ,.., c.-i.111, m•2 Wll' ,,,,7 l.001.014 ---------------. ' • 'I ., . •1 ,• .. .. ·. I ' I ~ I l ! I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednHday, February 24, 1982 ~ 'AilWng to llie Creole-style fish 1 '--:.!.:.£~er hour P'or the bes t filb Ya cup chopped a boll. Add flah. Reduce i tl.l:IQI recipes )'OU Kave but to celery heat, cover , and 11immer turn ln the direction of 1 c Io v e I a r I l c. 25 to 30 minutes, or until coaatal and river arna minced llsh fhtke.~ easily with a -places where fish and 2 tablespoons butter fork. Serve over beds of a eatood have been ormar1artne flufry rice. Mak es e I By MARY JANE SCARCELLO II .... "911t.._. • ..., Most families have a se(:ret they'd rather not admit at least they don't 110 out of their way to discWts It with strangers. 1'hey're not aahamed , really, so much as they don't want to be thou1ht decloaH or unlntelledual. Most families watch television, or at least have the set on, during dinner. There. we've come rtsbrout and said il. l ln spite of what psychologists tell us at>out sltti~ down together to communicate and all those other unlikely ideaJs, most families dine to the gentle strains of the evening news or the Brady Bunch. But for most viewers, "'hether paying close attention or using the lelevi.sion as background noise, commercials a re a deterrent to di1est1on. In the fi rst place, most ._.re too loud. The decibel level from ads has the same effect as I ·Ill If THI llTCHll exceeding the speed limit in an open convertible ' -the hair flies back from your face and your eyes water copiously. · Engineers and ad agencies follow the same philosophy most of us use when talking to a foreigner: talk louder and repeat yourself often enough, and somehow the poor fool will catch on. A second objection is subject matter. Logic would assume that commercials played during what passes for the dinner hour might be oriented toward food products, s upermarket specials or restaurants. No such )uck. The overwhelming number of wQrds from the .sponsor deals with such tasteful topics as horror movies, body odors and illness. Goodness knows, it's tough to down a piece o f m eatloaf w hil e someon e's being dism embered on·scr een accompanied by piercing shrieks as part of an enticement to see the latest thriller I chiller movie lo hit town. And some of the most offensive advertising comes under the heading of "pe rsonal products," as they say in the trade. The dining and digesting public doesn't ~nt to hear abolJ,t smelly feet or underarm odor, and 6:30 p.m. isn't the ideal lime to view the couple waking up with morning bad breath, although that particular commercial doesn't play well at any hour. The fertile field of illnesses attracts many dinner·hour advertisers, especially during the winter months when we're treated to medical diagrams of sinus blockage and people whining a bout cold symptoms as their mates deliver what we hope will be a fatal dose of sleeping potion. · For some reason, sponsors assume the public needs to hear the grim details of someone else's headache before trusting t heir own pain to the company's product. "ll starts right over here by my left ear," the housewife assures us while reading her lines in a flat voice. "and then the pain goes down the )lack of my neck, over to my right ear and around and around Pretty SOQn I think my whole head's going to explode." Yes. we know the feeling. As for t he ads on irregularity and indigestion. the less said about them the better, except to note that even nine out of 10 New York doctors don't want to see the results of stomach acid while cutting into a piece of rare roast beef. It's enough to make a person appreciate Cal Worthington and his dog Spot or a good, crass toy commercial, batteries not included. If your family s urvives the electronic assault on their senses and sensibilities, they dese rve a good dessert. Sometimes there's more to getting through dinner than just polishing off the broccoli. Here's a pie that's easy to make and irresistablc for chocolate fans. -Cut in smaJI piece to serve, because it's quite rich. VERY CHOCOLATE PIE •;,cup butter or margarine o/4 cup sugar ~-'.! teaspoon vanilfa 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted 2eggs Baked pie shell or graham cracker crust With an electric mixer, beat the bulter or margarine, sugar and vanilla \1nlil light. Add chocolate and blend. Add 1 egg and beat on high for 5 minutes. Add other egg and beat s more minutes on high. Turn into pie shell and chill several hours before serving. Save money and shopping time R ead the Daily Pilal ST ART 1982 WITH OUR RESOLUTION AND BOOK I NEVER PAY ; RETAIL 1912 SICOMD IDITIOM The only comprehensive guide to Discot11t Shopping in Orange County by Sue lee and Starr Ptlilhps 251 stores in 31 cities 1116-00\-010..11'1'110l ......... 10 IMtl $6.50 plus S1 .15 postage. tax, · and handling charge. $7 .65 , --------------------• Pie .. eend me . coplff of I NEVER PAV RETAIL .. I • I Enc!oe9d is a ctwc;ll for S~ • • . • • • •.....•.•....•• , • , • . I I I Heme ..•.......••••••• ••• ••• •••·•·· ·· · · ··•••• ••• I : Add~ ···~.. ........ • •• .. ..... 1 . 1 ~1!t9 ·~· ~·r.· t>,.. 10 1 NtveR· i>'Al~er AiL ·and ·~•·ii io I I -E 171h s .. Ste. 183A; cseeoo. Cotta M .... Ca. I .. 92627 0/fl ,,,.,.. ---------------...... ·--. • cooked for hundreds or l can (15 ounce> servings. years. tomato aauce In the United States, I teaspoon salt New Orleans Is one such l t easpoon curry spot, famed fo r lta powder combination or early · 1 tea s p oo n French cuisine and the. Worcestershire sauce Ingredients native to Y• t e aspoon hot that part of the country pepper sauce including fresh and 6 frozen fillets or s all water fish and sole or other whUe fish seafood . (a b o ut l 'h pounds, The New Orleans partially thawed Cre~le touch .con~erts 1 cup chopped green routine ~hite fish ftllets peppers into a !ash that tempts 3 cups hot cooked anyones palate, even rice. the person most timid . about trying a new fish In a large skillet cook dish onions, celery and garlic NEW ORLEANS FISH in . butter. u~til tender CREOLE c risp. Stir in tomato 1h cu p c h o ppe d sauce, se~sonln.gs, and onions sauces. Brang mixture to Chuck Roast .. 87° NEW ORLEANS CREOLE <Microwave Method) In a shallow l2x8·inch mlcroproof dis h melt butt er o n High <maximum pawer) 1 to 2 minutes. Add onions, celery. and garlic; cook on High t to 2 minutes, or until tender cris p. Stir in tomato sauce, seasonings, and sauces. Cook mixture on High 4 to 5 minut.es, or until bubbly. Add fish. Cover : cook on Hig h 6 to 7 minutes, or until fi sh fla kes easily with 3 fork. Serve over beds of fluHy rice. Arm Pot Roast ~ lb 11•• Sizzlean Breakfast Strips 9Mft '1.:'1" .•1• Fresh Pork Steak 8QOe sr...-Chuck Short Ribs ~ Boneless Beef Stew s.1ewayCWJt1y 1b 11" Sliced Beef Liver ~~=Id Beef Cube Steak ~~ • 125' Beef OxTails 0::".., Hen Turkeys ff::=. • 69' Chicken Patties ~~ Lettuce "'""· c.i.p 3 I 0 ~ -· Each ,.. Solocl1 Ancl s.~ -... --· Cornice Pears ...,~ Fresh Pak Orange Juice Bru~ Sprouts ~.,... Citrus Delight Fruit Drinks Mariani Dried Apricots Sun Maid Raisins I: ... "' - ""~ Onlens U.L 4 Ne I •• ( lb 59' Fresh Cilantro tt: ~1218 Fresh Shallots =: · • 69' Black Eyed Peas ~ 1125 Hot House Rhubarb ~ 1115 Pinto Beans ... :r.t:-. '~ 1111 6-!nch House Plants ,35• lb 1111 ID 99c "' s1 1• lb 1291 Men 10' ~79' '~69' lb 99' !I , FISH DISH Nt•w Orl e&.in!-. c·u1s11w lt·a tun·:-. fbh flll'l S tll a spie~· tom alo sauCC' C-i> Ivory Liquid ~s:' n °' '12s Boni• ~Apple Sauce fown Ho.ISi so°' s129 Gmtm;le"' S.Zt Mother's Cookies -.::" ~~;.<No I I C ~ -11-oi. s2n '"e· ~ \lmdl ,.. ....... o.. .. i.-1 f l 1t1 C-i1Honey Bran Bread w::~IS ~~~ 89' C-i>Sourdough Boguettes w'::J,,, '~~ 99' m$corn Tortillas LIQUOR AND WINE ~ C I Ro 'Rh' •ClllCl'l 2 15 s5oo _..., ar o ss1 ine •Vin Rost l l'"' ~ Riunite Lambrusco 2 750$500 ml1 ~ Taylor Light • Cllitlll • "4114 •Alline 2 1 s s700 lill'I • Gllbey's Gin 80 P!OOI I 75$999 l~I' • Kessler Blend ICl-P!ool I 151999 lllll Gallo Rhine •Mm.Vlftl- • "-ty '""""'Y ·~ lleftc • """ Cheltll• ••-4•-· ...... At Stwe Now Enioy a Game and LOW PRICES TOO! OVER ~$11~1~000~00.a II HIZH AVAILAIU! f01Ai.tOUVAlUf Of' ,_tlH l lS HS ISO •oo1•tt• t 1) It ••+uJ~ ..... c-..-t••" or ,.,.,, ''c"'' '"•''' .. c.-...... w ..... 11 .... ,It, ,,,_, ......_.........,. ••ooo ,. MOOO. ,, .. , ,, .. , ........... . .... ,., ..... ' ...... " . .. .. ...• ,, .... . ....... I ,. t t " t ~-=::::...~=::-=.... ~ ... ~...: .. ::':.-:::::.:...-::::: " .-. ---... -__ , _______ _ - FROZEN t: £1 Lucerne Ice Cream C::.. '1" --:, Manor House Meat Pies 3 ''°' 1100 P\91 ts $1 Mrs. Wright's Biscuits 4 ~ s100 ------ (B LU E BONNET Margarine · Blue-BoMet Mor9orlne Cube• 5 1 la MUflllAll ¥ 11Ut ...... 1-lb. , .... , S \~ Carlon -4 (-{> Lucerne Yogurt :::: Lucerne Buttermilk _.. Jars Lucerne Sour Cream 3 ~1100 ~95' c::~ 99' HEAL TH 6 BEAUTY ~Aqua Fresh ~·Aloe & Lanolin :H· Aqua Filter Too111putt 30c OM a 1-oi s131 TIM 8-ol '1" llol!lt . C-i• Brocade Air Freshener Salld t: 69' ~Melitta Coffee Filters :So 99' SAFEWAY • i .. ~ I I i ' . . • ( • I J ,. ·.l ' .1 I I I Fish fillets are easy to preparl' with a ~cxiC'an ansp.i n.•ci Orange Coast OAJL Y PILOT/Wedneaday. February 24. 1982 Eowe r calories Flab, &I\ ancient and unpretentious food, hes taken on an aura or g l amour amo ng nutrition and calorie conscious Americans, according t o th e California Dietetic Association <C DA ). Oran ge County Area Dis trict. "Not only does fish provide a high-quality protein. but an average three ounce serving of most varieties contains approxjmately one-third the calories of an equal amount of red meat." s ays Ma r y 0 . Pitt ; president of CDA. Fish with Mexican accent "lt is also comparable an vitamin content to red meat," she adds. "All fish contains significant amounts of vitamins 81 , Balter-Frie d Fish ·Fillets with Mexican Sauceis the idealsupper ·for Lent. It's easy, fast, and inexpensive. And becaus e it 's Mexican-inspire d , it makes the days and evenings seem warmer, much less like winter. The batte r-fried fillets are quickly cooked and the sauce speaks loudly with a Mexican accent. done to adapt them to the fish fillets are being 14 teaspoon sugar B 2 a nd niacin and one 's most unusual prepared according to 114 teaspoon salt canned fis h s uch as dishes. package directions. the 1-i! teaspoon pepper salm on and sardines Frozen batter-fried sauce is readied. Cook batter-fried fish provide a n excelle nt fi s h fi llets are a vailable BATTER-FRIED FISH rillets as directed on source of calcium. just about everywhere. FILLETS package. Prepare sauce · · A t h ree ounce They contai n cod, WITH MEX I CAN while fish is heating. p o rtio n m eets the had d 0 c k , 0 r 0 t h er SAUCE Cook onion and garlic in criteria for one serving delicious fish species. 6 frozen batter· fried oil in a small saucepan from the meat group of fi s h fi lie ls ( 3 oun ces until tender, not brown. the fo ur food groups - Good cooks keep them each ) A d d r em a in in g milk , meat. vegetables in their freezers ready 34 cup c hopped ingredients . Simmer and fruits, breads and for unexpected company onion uncovered to bJ e nd cereals. or for serving at a fine 1 c I o v e g a r I i c , fl a v ors and thi c ken " Fis h h a s o t h er fpmily m eal. Unusual minced s l ight l y, about 15 advantages," Pitt adds. sauces can top Ure fillets 1 tablespoon cooking m In utes. Spoon ~ of · · I. t · s ex t re m e l y or they may be served oil sau ce over fish and digestible and quick and alone. · 1 can ( l pound ) s e r ve with remaining easy to prepare. A fresh c• • ., Baller-fried fish fillets are found in the frozen rood department or favorite supermarkets. They are generous in size and much can be In this recipe , a peppy stewed tomatoes s a u c e . M a k e s 6 fillet can be broiled ln Mexican sauce tops the :~~J~t~a~· ~b~l~e~s~p~o~o~n~s~s~e~r~v~in~g~s~.~a:bo:u~t~l~~~·~c:u~p:s~m~e~r~e~m~i~n~u~t~e~s~,~f:o~rJi~~I!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~§§§§~~~ fillets colorfully. WhiJe ,.... chopped kreen chiles sauce. example." MICRDIAVI CDDIHHi Jtcipe RED SNAPPER IN ORANGE J UICE 2 tablespoons butter or margarine I teaspoon grated orange peel 2 tablespoons orange juice I teaspoon lemon juice l pound fresh or thawed frozen red snapper filets Ground nutmeg Snipped parsley Orange slices In a 1-cup glass measure, melt butter al high for 30 seconds. Stir in orange peel, orange juice and lemon juice Place snapper, skin side down, in 8 by 8 by 2-inch baking dish. Pour juice mixture over fish. Spr inkle with sale, pepper and nutmeg. Cook, covered. at Medjum-High for 5 lo 6 minutes or until fish flakes with a fork, giving dish a half-turn once. Spoon sauce over fish to serve. Sprinkle with parsley and garnish with orange slices. Ser ves 3 or 4. WECATEI TO LITTLE HAMS. J ANO WE HAVE 1Hf RECIPE FOR IREAT IJET-TOGETHERS. A party troy os a relc»c«J ond OJr cOll'U'otlOtl DU!let rcUdes pleO!onl 'WC1V to entettoin atte< a a HOnev 8olcecl Harn °"°'190 IPO'f""9 event o conc&f1 0t o ploy CNl&sel. sie.O dell meoll ,.,...., Of 11 seNes as a pel!ect oune1 IOI lalods and ~Gods A seven oav onv spoclOI evem such as o wecJ.. nonce 1$ apprecoted so we riove ding. hOICIOv °' Omrve<SQfV hme IO orepo1e" Pl~ 5':sal lliced Honev 8olced Hom iS E "9f'V Honev 8akeCI ~ 't0te 1"8 ptrnay ddlltcocv"' OUt seleCllOn cote<s 10 vo..i w.111 an une<).IOlea al HOstesa Helper party trovs Eoc11 seleCllOn al 111e ttneJI cheeses l10m '' $m()l(ed SJowlv wtlh rea1 mode o..itslondlng donieshe ano hlekOIY chops bo~eo 10 pe<1ec1ton imporfeo wines and o hJI Sl)MC9 and g40ted ....,,h tionev he<t:>s and Qeltcateuen $PC~-----------------............... ~~-GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTIME NONE'l IAKEO NAM ........ 3JOOE Coast~• (714)~ --· fheVlog&center • 1Z12SO 8'00klVSf(Al8aH~ood) • (7\4) 036-2461 A,.,_ Bit Tower l'tJ2o Nor1l1 • 2A601 ~ Wo; (Al B lao llood) • (714) 837 ·3822 ---------·!0()60 Beocn~ (AIGafleldnex! IO~S) • (7\4) 1148-a575 ---14lON T1.am(Acrossrram TovotaotOroroe) • (714)997-9QOO -----· n.()34~ ln(Rtrd'O~ogitPlalo). (7\4)~ ...... ,. 5V6NtrQICTIAl/fl (\"IOO"nan~Cenler) • (714)~1 rADt6'oiiVii&f7 Cooyrtgh .. 1911 Honey lated Hom, Inc. Help Prevent 8'rth Defecta - The Nation's Number One Child Health Problem. "" luppcwt the 'Jt1 Ma$!]£>f.J2i.riies l . ' t I l ' ' Cle Orange Coast DAIL y PILOT/WednHday, February 24, 1982 :Re ileem couP.Ons for entertainme~t; profit. 81 MAaTIN SLOANE a total vwue of $20.24. 1982. 11, refund . s c n d the lhto, wrap.around label and the Seneca lo10 D EAR S lJ p I!: R . These offers don't These offers require 11111111 lllPPll required refund form rrom the 4-or or 8-ounce from the label of any MARKET SHOPPER req,utre forms; forms : I and proof-of-purchase jar or the 2·lncb square Seneca Apple Sauce. Mynepbewa,aaettand REALlME. Thal ·INTERNATIONAL seals from any two pieceofplasticfromtbe ExpiresJuly3t,1982 \1, orten vlsit me on Lively Lime Twist, P.O. COFFEES Sample Pack packaget of Nestle Hot ltd of any Sanka can Here 11 a ref_. for• weekenda, 10 1 a m Box 5733-C, Maple Plaln, Offer. General Foods lnt ~rnat1on1tl Coffees the required refund Cocoa Mix. Expires plus the code number to write for: Tylenol, always looklnc tor Mlnn.55348. R ceivelhe Corp. Receive a sample circled. Expires April form and two entire April30,l982. found on tbe bolt.om or 'Band·Ald , Jobnaon•a Interesting experiences cookbook "That Lively o r G en er al JI' o o d s 30, 1982. la be Is r r om 10 ·or SANKA BRAND 1982 ~the can. Expires March S t a Y t r e e t r e e for them to share with Lime Twlst." Send the International Coffees LIPTON LEMON 15-quart Lipton Lemon CalendarOtrer. Receive Sl,1982. Paperback Offer. P.O. me. word ''ReaLlme"rfrom and a refund or your TREE $1.25 Coupon. Tree Lemonade Flavor a 1982savlngscalendar. SENECA Bottled Box 4213 , Monticello, This past weekend we the front panel of any postage . Send the Receive a $1.25 coupon Drink Mix. Expires Dec. Send the r equired Apple Juice Coupon Minn. 55365. Thls ofter shared an unusual one. bottle or R e a L l me. required refund form for 10· or 15-quart Lipton 31, 1982. refund form and three Offer. Receive a so-cent of a paperback book Thethreeofuswenttoa Reconstituted Lime and two register tapes Lemon Tree Lemonade NESTLE Hot Cocoa Sanka proors o f co upon . Send the worthuplo$3.95expires nearby supermarket and .-J_u_l_ce_._E_xp_i_re_s_D_ec_._s_1_._w_l_l_h_t_h_e prices of Flavor Drink Mix. Send Mix Offer. Receive a $1 purchase. The proof is required refund form May 31 , 1982. bought $13.69 worth or :_ _________ .;.._;..;...;;;~;;;.__..:.;.;;..;.;.._;....._ _ _;..;...:.;.;;..;.....;...,_;....._.;__ ____ __:_ _ __;...:...___;...;_ __ ......:..;:....::..:.:.::._.:..:..:..:.:..:.... _ __:. ______ _ groceries for just 18 cents in tax. I had planned this caper fo r seve ral months and saved many or the free-product certlricates that 1 had received as a result of manufacturers· mail-in offers. I wanted the ex p e rience to demons trate that a penny saved is a penny earned. But our shopping trip bad more Impact than I had expected I chose the cashier with the most experience, but when s h e rang up o ur purchases she insisted on calling the manager since she had never had anyone give her coupons that were equal to the value of the items. The manager came over and told my 'nephews that this bad never happened before in his store. He said it was a fine thing and that more shoppers should do it. We had the cashier autograph our cash-register tape. Then the three or us left the store with a lot t.o talk a bout and ·lo tell our friends and relatives. So, in addition lo savi ng mone y, refunding can provide so me unusual entedainm e nl. - Edelene Wood , Parkersburg, W. Va. DEAR EDELENE - Thank you for a most e njoyable letter. The e ntertainment you provided your nephews· certainly s howed that you bave "star" quality when il comes to being a smart shopper. DEAR SUPER · MARKET SHOPPER - The refund form that I found on lhe back or a jar asked for three !ables from the s ame product. Can I assume that the label on which the form was printed counts as one of these labels and that I only have to add two more before sending fo r the refund ? - Ca rm en Dyer . Springfield Gardens, N.Y. DEAR CARMEN - Yes, the label on which the refund form was printed should count as one of the required proofs of purchase. H the manufacturer had not · wanted to count that label as one of the proofs, the wording on the form would have read: "Send this label and three additional labels ... " CLIP'N' FILE REFUNDS Beverages <FUe 8) Clip out this file and keep it with similar cas h-off coupon s - beverage refund offers with beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting lhe needed proofs or purchase while looking for the required refund forms at lhe s uperm arket , in newspapers and magazines and when trading with friends. Offers ma y not be available in all areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks lo receive each refund. The following refund offers are worth $10.75. This week's offers have Going Into Business? Aa requftd by l•w, new bueln••••• u si ng • Fictitious Buslneee N•me must regleter thet neme wtth the COunty c .. rk. Cell the DAIL V PILOT Ll!GAL DIPARTMENT fOt tonne and fwther lnform.aton. ---- 142-4321 Ext. 332 7 Piils EFRCTIYE 1 Fill un • -• • •I Ill 12121 "' 27 .. 0 0 ~~V STAAIP8 p A ONL BEEF 21 11 2 3 I T·Bone Steak uck east LB Porterhouse .... LBs2.29 _,0110•111 M)l 89C • ., ....,. CllT LI 11.19 HP l.AllOl DID SLICOUI cmsrua 11 llAST FROZEN DEFROSTED LI 11.89 Turkey - FRESH FROZEN Sole Fillets LB OALLO ~lie IUf LAllOf lND La 11.89 1111' -0 _, "' Ll 11.89 Drumsticks ••r11le• ••U umllTIM LI 11.39 Ll•1.a M>IJU 11.59 UUPlPfta llSTUI .. llAST _,ACWIC ---·-•S...W19t uc UTTlf -1t llM>Z lA 11.09 --NllL<'Oll Ll12.U ---llOlllOO Ll•2.u 49~. ALU POTATO SAUD ,...LI IOSUPPO --TIPSll• •llAST ,_WU1Ulll IAl..L,6"1!-.fOll •M>l 11.89 -ILUllU'llil LI 18.29 -WllUUC"UCK LI 12.09 111.ICl 10 Olllltl! .. u 11.39 PASW. IYSTDS IWIOllS SPOCll mamllAST "Ll 11.39 1W1U4l u 11.59 niaH LUIO I001 TO OCHD D'!I. '"' 1 89 -(UM-LI 11.99 ,_CV1 SIZlWI C-IOJ LI • STtWIDT JACI CESE I ' t . ~ I ~~ 9 I 1---~., I ITATUMOI.. ~ lllUOOOI lllOMOllAU.'f~ TIMUU CORN CHEESE KLEENEX FLAKES FOOD SLICES SORIQUE AUOllTUI COUHI °""""' NORTHERN TISSUE fOll DllHEI JOY DISH LIQUID -~ KERNS CATSUP CORONR TOWELS ' Your M~nu With These Stater Savers! Plan IOO'llo ~EY 111.UtJITI. SOUl!DOUOKfl LACll •11uo. WKl.A 1111/1.D w,,.,, '°" """' SI•,.. ft UOA 55cJ Bro• 5;~~;, our ~ MARCARlll OU•A•ERS -.oz Savers ....--~----~--~~-- s,.,., Sevtll 1ndlc•l• I" Cll£S£ $119 J ,,...,, wltlclt lt•'lt °"" · flJOO l:,tdEE~ eAOS ' 11,..,. • apecl•I lem· '" wR•• a.oz 1 po11ry dracounl by Ille ::::=========================:::. menutecturera W• peu ,,,.,. 11•ln11• on to 'AIEllCAll SS 29 yo.. by tur11ttt reouclng DUI SDK lft •••'Yd•r iow-10 .. prlcH on l"llUW l:..~~tt lllOS ..oz • :r.=~->ill1tund1tdt ot n•m• orend --------------~===~="•'"• H ett end rte'Y wHll I SWIFT HOMEMADE STEW STARTER 7.6-0Z 11.65 OR 3 VARIETIES Soup Starter ... REGPKG •I.I9 I BETTY CROCKER NOODLES & CHEESE OR NOODLES & CREAM Tuna Helper ........... REGPK 89° I GOLDEN VALLEY Apple Julee ........... 128-0Z •z.99 I Siiliibettl"'Sauce . •5-0Z 77• I CHEF BOY AR DEE 2·PACK Cheese Pizza ..... 28718-oz •I.89 I Charmin Tissue frR0~1.59 I PURINA GOURMET OR TUNA Tender Vittles .. 2A·OZ •I.37 I Kleenell Tow-els .... t·ROLL 6I' I I JOHNSTON'S 9 VARIETIES Yoprt ............................... e-02 39• I BLUE BONNET OOARTERS Marsaftne .................... 1e-0z69' I AUNT JEMIMA APPl.EICINN, ORIGINAL. BLUEBERRY OR BUTTERMll.K w a1nes ...................... 10.0Z FROZEN t9• • tTAID tAY-UYI YOU M-YI ..... .._.. '-... --_ ...... __ . ~.._...,,,_........,,.., ,,,. -.... lecl,..,, Wt ..... --lol ...i,..o .... , ... ,..,_le .. ----...... _.,.,'°le" r \I a COCA COLA OR TAB ,.,'41 " • ·t I -.It , •. ·••to.r 53.59 PEPPER ~~GUl,lA 5\IGAAFAH ... .,, '1.99 .•. ,.,, 53.19 ( WELCH'S "°' '1.83 GRAPE JUICE .. .,, '1.69 ~ M OI w f DW. MOI 95' BAR SOAP GOlD .... 75' --'1.37 -• ..,, '1.32 ..... w "°'. .a• SUI -$1.59] .Jae) STATER BROS. HEARTH BREAD EA ---2r "°' 51• ... sl.8 _ .... •.• }1.14 iiiianoi (A33c £XTllAf~NCYf(NDfll l1AllAN •ac fANC•LAllOll"""OOUl!NAVlL• aac SQUISH • OllllEI . · LA~(,,NOftNOOGllll" ~89c EllTIIA,ANCYT[IOOlllOllCEN LL.age amcHOIES EA BROCCOLI . ~~l"~S~c!.quo~ f SCORESBY SCOTCH 1 1~ um '9.99 GUiieys Gin · . ~· lllA '9.99 Old Crow a.rta , ••Lill~ U lessl.-=~':¢" _,,.,. 141 ~ lll:f81lC9'1 '°"" ""°" o~ lllWllbl ... IJllJ~CAHI s2.91 Cslo Rossi WI• •YU .~,(II SUI Gallo WlllS tv•~·" \ @~oil~~~ lrtlb hllJ .. or '1J5 .. ~ lllls =·-'1.19 Sll1.h1*1 lrall .. 01 95' Dmt1 fZ°''" Sl,J9 gwanson 1J'~oaen tloods I SWANSON HUNGRY MAN ENTREE Salisbury Steak12.5-0z•~.27 Fried Chicken .... 32-0Z •z.98 \ ~ Stieb =MAIO •.. ... lf~:;;f\\ QlcDI tllSt =='IWI ', ,.., r.ic-· t lalll & Q1na =.. . LISllll =.. I ,,Ml s1.- 111M11 '1.47 .aaar '1J1 IW 11' 1>QI 'lll ------------ .. -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, F•bruary 24, 1982 • • • Seasonal seafood with a ·squeeze U' ~rom P .. eCl cnterttinlna tavorale. ,_,LASKA KING CRAB 1 LEGS ~W I T H D I P P I N G t SAUCES ~ 1 \• to 1 \AJ pounds !1.haska Kln1it crab leas. ,~pllt JI Fresh lemon stus ,,,vr wedges · Any one or more or the following dipping sauces Lemon Curry Dip ...., tetts poon drlcd rosemary l eaves. crushed In 11mall bowl, soak boullloo cube 1n lemon Juice to soften: stir w dissolve . S t i r I n remaining ingredients. Chill. Makes about 1 cup. BROILED LEMONY HALIBUT fre1h lemon Salt l'•prikn • halibut steuk11 < l IA.i to 2 pounds total) Qui c k H e rbed Hollandwse Sauce Le mon cartwheel slices Parsley lncht!li from he.mt Cor 4 to 6 m i11ute11 on each aide until fis h flake!'! easily wit h ro r k B r u sh OCclUIOllUlly wllh remaining oil mixture,. Meanwhile, muku Quick ll erb ed Hollandulse Sauce and serve over cooked halibut. Garnish with lemon cartwheel s li ces and parsley. Makes 4 servinl{s . QUI C K H E RBED llOLLANDAJSE SAUCE lemon < 1 1,~ table11poon11) v. teas poon dried tarragon, llill or ba11il lea vcs, crushed Gen erous das h white ()el>~er Copt1onal ; 3 egg yolks 1 tab l es p oo n chopped fresh parsley cup SllU('C SUNNY SALMON SALAD 6 brocco l i flowercltes 6 j ulie nne strips carrot 1 can C7:V.. ounces> salmon Lemon Marinadu 4 mushrooms, halved 4 slices cucumber · ·~ tomato, cut into 4 wedges Lettuce Lemon Marinade: WITH QUICK HERBED HOLLANDAISE SAUCE 3 tablespoons salad Hot Zesty Dilled oil Huller In sma ll bowl . co mbine sal a d o il , lemon peel, s alt and paprika. Brush halibut steaks lightly with oil m ixture : place on broiler pan. Broil 4 to s •,, cup butter Juice or 1h fresh ln s mall saucepan, heat butter with lemon JUiee choice of herbS and pepper until bubbly. Add s lowly to egg yolks, beating constantly with wire wls k . St ir i n parsley. Makes about % Fresh lemon wedges Ste am broccoli and carrots for S mlnute11 : cool Immediately. Drain 11a lmon , r eaervlnf l tables poon l iqu d , separate Into chunks. Pour marinade over all vegelitbles except the broccoli: <'hill 1 to 2 hour11. AJso chill n lmon t1nd broccoli Arrange sit lmon . d rai n ed vegetables and broccoli on lettuce·llncd plates. Ga rnish with fr es h lemon wedges. Ser ve marinade as dressing. Ma kes 2 servlngs. Combine Juice o f ~, rr e11 h l t>mon . 2 l11blespoon11 each cider vinegar u nd oi l , reserved 8almon liquid. 2 t easpoon s f i n e l y c h opped o ni o n , 1 teaspoon chopped fresh pars ley, ~ teaspoon ucb grated le mon peel and sugar. 14 teaspoon each salt a nd bull leave&, c rus hed . 111 teaspoon each garlic salt and freshly ground pepper R ose m a r y's Le mony Dip Thaw c r a b legs H necess ary. Gently remove crab meat from s h e ll a nd c.ut into bite-size pieces: return to s hells. Arrange on serving dish. Serve with lemon stars or wedges and choice of dipping sauces. To make lemon stars: f;se a sharp pointed nife . Hold lemon at tem and blossom ends ith thumb and middle inger. Make a "jaws" ~r sawtooth cut around ftl iddle, cutting to inside ~enter of fru\t. Using ~th hands. gently puU uit apart. LE MON CURRY DIP ~ 1 ha rd-cooked egg ~olk ~ Grated peel of Y1 p-esh lemon . ~ 1 teaspOOIJ curry ~owder • 1 2 cup mayonnaise r salad dressing !,) lf.l cup plaln yogurt ·.~ In s mall bowl, sieve or f a s h egg yolk ; add mon peel and curry . . radually stir in 'lnayonnaise and yogurt. l(;hill. Makes a bout 1 ~up. 80T ZESTY DILLED ~ BUTTER ~ •,-i cup butter Grated pee l and Ju ice of 17 fresh lemon I tablespoo n Dijon-style mustard 12 teas poon dried dill weed In s mall saucepan, me lt butter w it h remaining ingredients over low heat. stirring cons tantly. Heat just until butter is m elted and sau ce thicke ns . Se rve warm. Makes about~ cup. ROSEMARY'S LEMONY DIP 1 chicke n-fl avored bouillon cube Grated pee l and JUiee of ih fresh lemon 1 cup dairy sour cream 2 table s poon s chopped green onion or chi ves 2 tab l es po o n s chopped fresh parsley Sole food SOLE GARTELL (Serves 6) 2 pounds Sole 6 ounces Dungeness ,Cr a bmeal 4 teaspoons flour v. pound butter I If~ cup milk , 1 t e a s poon ~ry •mustard ii Hot pepper sauce Hew drops) 112 teas p oo n ~ orcestershi re sauce ~ '-'! teas poon s t eak •sauce ~ 1 teaspoon crushed !pepper n 1 temon (juice only) '1 17 c u p c ho p p e d l~reen onions I• 1 ~ c u p c h o p p e ti !bacon bits : I tablespoon garlic lpil or crushed garlic • 1 1 I tables po o n s ~hopped parsley !l 1 teaspoon MSG 1 2 cups Hollandaise ia uce I 1 tablespoon 1l-rus hed oregano In a sa uc epa n , l~m bine garli c, butter nd 2 teaspoons of flour. liWhen hot, add milk and 'the rest of the flour and cook for S minutes. Add ltra bmeat, mustard . salt, pepper, pe pper s auce, st eak sauce. c ru s h e d peppe r , ~rsley. MSG . bacon bits. green onions and lemon Juice. Stir a few minutes over medium heat until hot. Put aside. Saute the sole. When ole \s cooked, pour the ontents of the saucepan ver the fish. Top with ollandalse sauce and rown 1n oven. Have 10CDet.hln1 YOU want toMll? c1 .. mec1 ads do tt well. la•NTI. LOWER PRICES OVERALL GUARANTEED! PfllCES EfFECHVf WfO FU 7' IHllU IU(S MAii '2 rtaz All OUANlllT lllGtUS •UfllYf 0 MO U lt 10 ouuu 011 FOii ll(SAlE 011 COlllMfllCIAl \IS( es 99 EA. Red· X Produce Sale Red·X Grocery Prices ~ CIKINlll YltleG ti .25 CftlOfrt Burq..ndy Cl< Rose 5 .99 White rapefruit ~Taylor Cellars Wine 3o::· ll•qy B! Fresh Lemons ... 10 ~ M~s~c~0~·Lig1htwi~;0 3 .69 Zipper S•rn lb .39 l Ply JJ G11 ~Minneola Tangelos ~Glad Trash Bag s l0<• 3 49 p-q • Fllfltl Ov1hly 4 1. 79 ~ s~·~·d;ich Bags . 79 ~Chrysanthemums ,., ISO-cl Pkt Red-X Grocery Prices Red-X Frozen l'oods Red·X Vitamin Sale m RU11nl Ytllcy UO Ill G 1.19 Vitamin C IOO·cl bll m llH11nl Ylflly 700 I U 1.99 Vitam in E 100 ti bll A1d1l nl Yflley IOO·CI 811 m &-Complex / Natural C 3.49 7·811 , .. , 7.79 ~ Theragran -M 100 • JG-cl 011 Service Bakery fJ Hot Deli • Good Onl'f Al Stores Wotll Btktry Cl< H11 fMd1 0.lt ~ F;~~ch Bread 11~:i . 79 lb 3. 96 r 99~. "-------' BTL. Red·X Meat Prices ra Rib''si;~kd lb 1.88 ~ P~~khtWoast lb .99 Fronn A1mou1 1117 l b\ ~Butter Basted Turkeys 10 • 69 ff'1t ft 7i·ll·Ol •~9 ~Medallion Game Hens lb .89 Red-X Seaiood Sale! , .. , ~ Eastern Sole .. OIH•t ~Pink Salmon Cl8 ~ Cout DAtL Y PILOT/Wednelday, February 2'4, 1 ~2 Scallops are simply elegant Tb• 1ecr1t 'to preparinl &ft1 CS.Uelou 1callop cilah lt to kHplt 1lmph . Wlletller poachln1. frylns, or brollln1 , never uu ln1udlent1 that wUI ovtrpower ttM dtHcate ta1t1 and lu1clou1 texture ol the acaUopa. A new , remarkabl1 1lmple, yet ele1ently appeUllnt way to aerve 1callope It to marinate them flrtt ln a white Mosel wine from the world's norlhermost vineyarda. Then drain and cook briefly ta the reduced marinade with melted butter, and aerve them with the remalnllll wine-enriched sauce. The distinctively ele11nt fl avor of the Mosel wlne penetrates the scallops with a hint of frui\ and pleasant acidity, addine an almost undetectable taste that complements, but does not overpower the natural, delicate s weetnes s of the scallops. And the buttery rich sauce made from the Sahnon • recipe Here's an old favorite with a unique twist - salmon croquettes with a savory cream sauce. For color and fiavor, the croquettes and the sauce are spiced with bri1ht red pimiento pieces. For value, remember that canned salmon is virtually 100 per cent edible and compares favorably in co.t with other meats. And for convenience, the croq~ may be made up ahead of time and s t ored i n the refneerator. Serve this dish with green llma beans ud small white potatoes which bu been cooked together and seasoned with bacon drippia1s, and crisp lettuce wed1es topped with your favorite salad dressing. ~~~~WITll SPICY ftmEN'l'O SAUCE 2 cups salmon 2 cups soft bread crumbs 'ril cup milk 2e,,_ 1 teu~salt 3 dropl 'hot pepper sauce 3 tables p oons chopped pimiento 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon lemon juice Bread crumbs or corn meal Drain salmon and separate into fine Oakes. Over low heat combine bread crumbs and milk and coot five minutes. Stir in unbeaten e11s and remaining ingredients. Let cool before sbapin t croquettes. Make into balls and shape as desired. Coat croquettes with finely sifted bread crumbs or com meal. Let stand to dry. Place croquettes in bakin1 dlah, brush or drlt1Je with melted butte r or bacon dripplql. Bake in 400 deeree oven until 1olden b row n , about 30 m inutes. Makes six croquettes. I n the meantime, make sauce: 4 tablespoons butter or m ar1artne 3 tablespoons nour l cup milk 1 teupoon onion salt 2 whole cloves 2 my leaves "' eup horseradish 1 can or jar, 4 01., pimiento, cut in pieces "' taupoon su1ar 4 tablespoons sour cream (optiollal> In taucepan, melt butter, ttir in flour to blend. Add milk and liquid from pimleatol, 1tlr aad cook uattl 1U1btlJ tadckeaed. Add rem alnlDI in1redienta except IOU!' cream, and continue cooktas to. medium conatat1ae1. Stir In 4 tabletpoons IOW' cream. if-~. ; Pout around croquett• ln batlu dlab, beat 1eotly to 111...s navon. • • • , MW fl't I ::&.:--· :~~-~· .w&eM.-. ......... ler•e It HOB lfttr ....... ••1111 wlne marinade en -superb scallope, you can bancet the navor and say : "The s~cret's ln keepa the acallope moltt your 1laas. German and 1ucc\llent. wine and seafood -a An added tlp : maclc combination. b•lthten the enjoyment Proslt!" of tbls O'flallndlnl SCALLOPS MOSEL seafood entree by lcupMoselwine s e r v l n 1 l h e s a m e 2 pounds scallops refresb1n1 Moeel wine al v. cup butter the table -ao that when 2 l a b I e s p o o n s your 1ueats ask what , chopped parsley m yaterious seasQnin1 Pour wine o ver was used to make such scallops; refri1erate at p.DEL MONTE 69 A ?!ACHE~101 c.n • Slc9llorMIWes BLADECUT 87 ~~KROAS~b • FRYING CHICKEN ..,.. IOOy, cndt A. SOUtflem p.DEL MONTE 49 ' SPINACH 15 oz. can • peDEL MONTE 59 6!.2aMAT~~ c~• IBUDDIC 65 SLICED MEATS . s var1tt1es •oz Pllg • f"MONTEREY JACK 129 6 2!~!.SE , oz Pico peswANSON'S 2~9 '~~~EN u oz eox peTOLET 89 A~~~ ns SF Ptcg • wntte. Vf/IK1W or"'* G!NElllCS. GENERIC OATMEAL a & ·~-98 • ' \ I peDEL MONTE 45 6 92!-~~N ~2'!,N. Crtam Style . TOP SIRLOIN "238 STEAK llOneteSS, llOnOecl Beef lain LONDON .. 21s BROIL STEAK eonetess. tonOed 9"f ltOUtld LENTENrrEMS PACIFIC "139 RED SNAPPER Fl'Ml'I Fiiiet FILLET .. 139 SOLE Fl'ozen COOKED& 148 ~~~~~ SHRI~~ Pko HALIBUT STEAK center Cut, Frozen CANADIAN COD FILLET Frozen PACIFICA SCALLOPS .. 3~8 .. 239 "°' ... 498 PEELED& 548 ~c!.~~ SHRI~ 119 KeyBup man atnl udng.t. Kty luyt arc hem• prbd below their everyd1y diacount pric:cs as a re1uh or manuf1cturuf tcmpor1ry promo1lon1I 1llow1ncn or uecptlonal purctia.n. You11 find hundreds of Key Buy itcmt twry time you thop. /Yo ll""'e.t or glnunlclr& ln11tad o( .. rnn. teamp• or aimm1cka to lllr1C1 customtn. wt offer diKo\ln• priclna. u1urin1 you a lower oVtrall fOOd bill and no costly frlllt • , ~ a DELICATE Scallops are simmered in wine for a s ubtle seafood Clavor !DELMONTE 45 PEAS 11oz can • peTOMATO . 37 cL!it!CE 1soz c~• !PINEAPPLE 87 JUICE Oii MOnte 46 0t can • CROSS RIB ..198 BONELESS .. 1~8 ROAST RUMP ROAST BoneleSS. llOOOed Bfff Chuck IOnOed 8ftf "°""° FRESHIDAHO 89 PORK SHOULDER 98 TROUT ROAST Clearspring. 16·20 Oz Each lb . A'eSl'I, Pirnie Style lb . COLDEN DELICIOUS JUICY BANANAS APPLES LEMONS Economtcat. ttpe Red WISlllngton. Extrl Finey ••~no ~29 .. 3 ~.79 .13.~ OOlDEN DEUOOUS FRESH TABLE OUEEN APPLES CREEN BEANS SQUASH Wasnlngton Extr1 F~y ~lnAlvor Otlleatl ""'°' . 39 .. .79 .. .39 .. 0... --ICf'oelft _, ..... "" ._ P'tt" !O llt tf'-tlW f-ll'IC"-tfNn ... ., Slntl ._, -Siii U'8-~ _., ...,_.. J• tlW\i T-y -) , .. , • • { "1=.!.......~;;;;==:=:=;;:::.::::=:=::::::::::::.=:::::;::-:-:--:--:;-:-:-:.;~~---..;.----.;_.;..;;~--..;;,,;,---------=------~0:r:ang~e~C~o:as:::tOAJ:;::~L~Y~P~ll..O:::::T~/W::ed:n:•:•:d:a~y,~F~•:b~ru:•~ry!:,!2~~.~1~9:82!.___: __ _::.:..!:!!. Tuna Speaks ltaliari without e xtl!a calories • B1BAaMa A GIBIONS . You m•y think or tuna fish solely u a sandwich fllllnt. but Amerlca'a favorite flsh Is equally popular i n ltallan cul.isi ne. When your ~rer.rl1eralor meat drawer Is empty and you need somethine l nt ei'es ting (but non f atteningJ for dinner, why not reach into your pantry for pasta and canned tuna? Together they 're bellissimo. This tuna wlth red sauce is particularly easy: TUNA MARINARA P RONTO WITH SPAGHETTI 4 cups tende r · cooked spaghetti 1 8-ounce can stewed tomatoes 1 8-ounce can phlin tomato sauce 2 tablespoons dry white wine (or water> ~ teaspoon each: dried basil and oregano <or to tasteJ 2 cans (61h ounces each l water-packed so lid white tuna , undrained While spaghetti is co oking , combin e tomatoes, tomato sauce, wine and herbs in a nonstick sa ucepan . Simmer uncovered, 10 minutes. Flake tuna into the simmering sauce and simmer until heated through. Spoon over hot draine d s paghetti Makes four servings, 300 calories each. Cooking with c la ss WILLIAMS-SONOMA in South Coast Plaza will conduct a class in "Un Petit Diner Francais," a French dinner taught by Tarla Fallgater on March 2. Gerri Gilliland will instrucl on recipt!S from famous Irish inns and castles on March 9. Call the store at 751-1166 for information. SHERMAN l.IBRAR Y and Gerdens in Corona del Mar will begin a ser ies of c lasses in international dinners on March 2. Included will be cuisine from Italy. Fran ce, China and Mexico. Classes are held from 11 a.m . to 1 :30 p.m . and each class fee is $20. Call 673-2261 for preregistr ation and information KITCHEN THJNGS in Corona del Mar will offer two courses by Betsy Moulton on March 2 and 16 S h e has completed a co mpreh e n s ive and advanced cooking course with Julia Child at Ma Mai son in Hollywood and will s hare adaptations of the newest recipes . · Kay Pastorius will teach classes in Greek cooking on March 3 and Indian curries on March 10. R oy Pingo will instruct 1n rresh pasta on Thursday and on French dessert s on March 4. All courses are held 11 a .m . to 1:30 p.m .. and fee for each is $20. Call the store at 673-3444 for registration. FASSE R O'S International Cookware in Corona del Mar will conduct a c l ass in Spanish cooking taught by Kay Pastorius at 11 a .m Friday. Betsy Moulton will offer a course in salads at 7 p.m. March 10. Cost for each course is $20. and reservations are available by calling the store at 673-2343. MR. STOX restaurant in Anaheim will conduct a class in soups and dess erts at 10 a .m . Thursday. An Enellsh hJgh tea with scones and clotted c~am will be presented at 10 a.m. on March 5. A gourmet dinner blending French and Chinese cuisines is scheduled at 7 p.m . on March 2. Cost is $40 per person. CaU 634·2994 for class information. The restaurant will conduct a culinary tour through Parl1 May 6 through May le and In clude demonat ratlon cla1se1 rrom L1 Varenne Cookin1 School. Call PhyUle Ann Marshall at 637.-S tor deta i ls and trlp entoUmedl. f'or a Northern Italian pastu dinner for two, try thla: SIULLET 'tUNA MACARONI; MUSHROOMS AND CHEESE For 2 ervlngs : 2 cups tender· cooked macaroni or shells (or substitute tender·cooked linguini or spaghetti) ~" cup thinly sliced mushrooms 1 s mall onion, thinly sliced 2 tables oons dr white wine 2 tablespoons water Pinch ot drled baaU Pinch ol 1rated nut· meg 1 6~·ounce c•n water·packed solld white tuna, undrained Salt and pepper to taste 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons m lnced fresh parsley Whil e pa sta is cooki ng , s pray a nons tick s killet with cookin s ra . S read 1111111110 the mus hrooms a nd onion In a shallow layer. Cook over moderate heat untlt mushrooms and onion begln to brown. Turn to cook evenly. Stir in wine, water, basi l and nutmeg. Add the Oaked tuna , Including any liquid ln the can. Cover and simmer over low heat just until tuna Is heated through. Stir In the hot drained pasta and mix lightly. Season to taste. Spoon onto 2 plates a nd sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and minced parsley. Makes two se rvings, 345 calories each., T UNA LASAGNA MARINARA 'h c up c h opped onion part·akirn p1na ctleese '..\ c up c hopped <mozzarellaJ celery 2 cans CO ounces euch J tomato paste 3 cups water 2 teaspoons garlic salt 1 teaspoon oregano or Italian seasoning l pound lasagna noodles, tender-cooked 2 cans <7 ounces each > water-packed tuna, drained 1 cup low·fut cottage cheese 4 ounces shredded Combine o ni on, celery, tomato paste, water, earllC salt Dnd oregano Simmer 30 minutes, covered , until ce l ery is tender . M eanwhile , cook lasagna according to package directions. Jn a 13· by 9·inch baking dish. arrange layers of lasagna . tomato sauce. flaked tuna and cottage cheese. Top with a la.yer or sauce bnd •hredded pizza che.-.se Bake In a 37S·dcgree oven for 30 minutes or mo,e, until cheese Is well·melted. Ltit stand 10 minutes before slicing. Makes el&hl servin gs, 370 calo,les each. More calorit·•aving 1dea1 with Amer rca 'a favorite seafood' Send a stamped self ,addreued envelope and 50 enit• to SLIM GOURMET TRIM TUNA RECIPES. P 0 Box 624, Sparta. N J 018'11 Ralphs Years -el Low_.Priees! Double Coupon Present tn1s coupon along with any one Manufacturers' cents orr coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item Not to include "retailer", "free" or groce1y purchase coupons or exceed the value of the item Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Newspaper Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Eflectlve Feb. 25 thru March 3, 1982 Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents oll" coupon and oet double the sav1nP.s when you purchase the Item Not to Include "re1a11er · "free" or "grocery purchase· coupons or exceed the value ot the item Excludes l1quo1. tobacco and dairy products limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and limit 3 Newspaper Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Eltectlve Feb. 25 thru March 3, 1982 1 lb. loaf II Assorted Frozen-Beef, Turkey or Kosher Heinz Buddig Sliced Meat Banquet Chicken Pie Dill Pickles Double Coupon ·~, Present this coupon along wtth eny one Manufacturers .. cents otr coupon and gel double the 5av1nq~ when you purchase the Hem. Not to include rrta1ler tree or grocery purchase~ coupons or excePd the vdtue of the item Excludes hquor, tobacco dnd dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Newspaper Double Coupons per Customer, Coupon Elteclive Feb. 25 thru March 3, 1982 Ra lphs-Over the Cal f \ Men's Tube Socks 09 Size 10·1 5 99 2V2 oz. pkg .• 8 oz .• pkg. Spacial Seafood Savings ~ from Fisherman's Cove Fre•ll ILlmlt 8 Troul Per Cuslomet) .98 • Rainbow save ') Trout -1.81 lb . Fresll tllml1 •lbs. Per Cualom•'1 Froztn.Oelroaled Pacifi c ... e 1.29 Sea Bass save Red Snapper t.20 pt• Fiiiet .60( -lb F'•o11n D1ho11ed 2.49 Fronn·Oelrosltd Halibut save Fancy save Steaks per lake Smelts .3o 1.SO lb Fresh 2.69 F"ro,.n 0.hosltd Dover save Easter" save Sol e -l caffetla 1.00 lb 1.50 F111 ·0el 3.29 FroHn·Delrolled S Iver save SM all .... S1hnon Steaks uo pet Gree• Sllrl•P 1.00 lb Frore11 Dehosltd 2.89 I '" Whole or H1H save ea tern eave pet Oya t en Sliver S1l•on 1.40 lb .30 Froan 0.lrosltd 1.89 ii;-•0.lroi ecl Cod seve •••• •eve Fiiiet -........ .60 Ill .50 r:nt•;" Frot Del 2.89 Frnll let:11I 00 •d . save •awe Crab Clusters .30 "' ...... .50 lb Cop'1t1ght I 982 by R1lph1 Grocery Company Alt Rlgtlls Reserved. We reserve the rl91'11 to llmll or '9fuae salea to commercial deelers or wholeaaters. Savings relate to prevlou1 Wffltrs Ralphs price, Of last dale j»flor 10 lnlll•I price reduction exclusive of edvertlHd or promollonel price&. 2.89 -lb .99 11b ,., 3.99 -UL 3.29 -lb. ·1.89 •en. "'' .59 -Ill. ~ lb. .59 • 111 ST., CISTA llSA ' •-., ~ 1W UI I IMflll · HSU • fllllCIA. U.. ES UM -. Tll1ll, BNll I -an. JmTllT• UI · •WI a, AT IMJll,... .11~1.111 IT., llSlll 32 oz. jar Reach or .99 Reach "'Plus" Toothbrush HCh w ... d. Unwued, ""'"Fine ••Mlnt9 9 Johnson's Dent-I Floss sc;,~:: • Relphs·Seseme ~.·; .59 Hamburger Buns cr..i:~m·o~ .... c ••• •• 99 Rolls P:,gi • Potato Crtsp-Froun 119 Gorton's Fish Sticks 801. pkg. Potato Crtap·Fronn 179 Gorton's fish Fiiiets t2oz. pkg. Lawry's 5 pr. pkg . Beef Stew Mi x French's·Au Gratln or Scalloped Pot atoes Blended Whiskey Seagram 's Seven 12 o.r. Can1 Budweiser Beer ,~ ... 45 pkg. . '""' 69 pkg .• 4~e 750ml. btl. 398 12 peck Prices Effective Feb. 25 thru March 3, 1982 I I Advertl .. d lte~ln '"ii ad•• ttle same price Of lower In 1111 11ore1. Price• other thlr1 ~tlsed prlcH m•v vary de~tldinv \ upon local COft'PtlJtlOf\, COii laclo11 01 9eog11p~IC IOCltiOn , l 111 l i-.:.. ~ ==;.-=-· -15111 l •~mir.1111•'lli \ ._, .. • CIGl IDA ; ' -1111 ..... W HWY Slm..S: .. lllllJ,M""~ ' • Oronge Coast OAlL Y PILOT/Wednosd y, February 24, 1982 MMt OeM ......... F~ 24tti Tilrv T-..J:;, ... di 2114. S-..1.._ At i;llr "'91. AIKEN'S 'HIS HOME -Se n . Strom Thurmond . H-S <: . ha s not lived 111 Edgcfil'ld. S <: . fo1 35 years. ht• said Record set straight WASHINGTON 1AP1 Se n . Strum T h u r m o n rl . t h 1· cha irman of the Sl'n:.ttl' Judiciary Committee. said he just wanted to set the record st raight on Edg<'f1clrl County. SC. · ·1 have rt.'Pl•alcdl.\ heard Edgcf1l'ld Count~ referred to as the home of Senator Thurmond While il i!. trUl' thal I was born in Edw~r1eld . I ha ve not livl'd thl•rc in 3 5 y e a r s · t h l' 79·year-old Rcpubl11::.tn told his commit tel' ··My ho me 1s Aiken. S C . and has ~l'n for almost four dcca11<-s :· he continul•d ··o r course. I make thl!> po111t as :.i m atter or clariricallon for the r ecord , not lo cast aspe rsion in anv way on the people who live 1n Edgefield " The subject came up as th e J ud1c1ar) Committee w<.1s discussing an extension of the Voting H1ghts Act Edgefield Count~ ha'> been invul vcd 111 a series of well pubhc1zcd \'111 lnJ.! rights disputes Home or no ho ml·. Thurmond waxed eloquent on the county s ·tong and illustriou-. history of ach1l'\ l·ment and aC'h1evcrs Nol o nl v has the cou nty .. p i-o v 1 d l' r1 I o governors and downs llf congrl•ssmen .ind JUdgcs." 1t was abo the h ome or an earlier Senate Ju dic·1arv Comm1tt1•e 1·ha11mar\ Andrew P1ck1·n., Butler and or !>('Ort.•., or 1Jlhl•t ··h is t or 11· 9 g u 1 t• s. Thurmond bt1a.,ll'<I Thurmond latl·1 had h I :,, r 0 ll I p ii g l' apprce1at1011 or Ed ge f1 l•ld Count) duphcatl'<I and hundred!> of copies .,l•nt to lhl' Senate news ~a llencs. ··Ma ny people have been given the wronl( impre ss1011 o r Edgefi eld. · Thurmond said "I fl'l•I that 1L 1 ... unfair to tho .. c• who hvt' there to allo\\ the r l'cord to reflect anythrng lc-,s than a full and acruratc picture.' Sailing class set atOCC A four-p a rt OC'ean s ai ling class titled ''Adv en tures U nd e r Sail" is being offered an March by Orange Coast College. The course m eets on auccessive Saturdays starting Mar 6 from 9 ... m . to 5 p.m . Two other tour-part courses are scheduled to begin April 3 and May8. Each course is limited to 12 p a rtic ipants Students will sail aboard OCC's 51 -Coot ocean racer "Scandalous." Registration is $100, a n d a d v a n c e registration ls required. Visa and Mastercard will be accepted. The coune Includes day-Jong sails to various Southern California desUn.liona. lncludin1 Lona Beach Harbor. Los An1eles Harbor, Dana Point Harbor and Catalina Island. For f urther lnformatlorr J>bone 558-5880. f I • f HUNT'S CANNED FR UIT IN RICH SYRUP l~>-Ol While stocks lost lim1l 6 per customer SUPER PRICE !SI MARUCHAN SUPER PRICE INSTANT LUNCH 3 7c ~1R!~~~.~e ~?c~~~tES l1m11 6 per customer PACKIR'S SUPER PRICE PRIDE ·129 PURE APPLE JUICE ~ 0 1 bollle While stoc~> lost l1m1I b per cu>lomcr UNION 76 PREMIUM 30 I WT MOTOR Oil Ouorl While stocks losl l•mll 2• per cu11omor DADDY CRISP REAL POYATO CHIPS 8 oz While slacks lost lom1t 6 per cuslomer LIBBY'S PACIFIC PINK SALMON IS I 2 0 1 While siocks lost l•m1t 6 percustomer SALE PRICE 74 c SUPER PRICE 9tc SUPER PRICE 119 SEVERE ·-·~....,.._.._,_ ... _...,._,., .. ·-COLD ............. . ._ .,~ .... . .............. ··-~ FORM ULA iiii'I ----~ ...... .o•--..-.-.iL ... •-CAr$Ulil CONI AC REG. 2.06 SEVERE COLD FORMULA CAPSULES 1 49 Fot lost po1en1 relief• In pock of 10 cop,ule, IHERAGRAN REG.7.99EA . HIGH POTENCY 6 49 !!~o~ ~' ~~~!~!~5 c~~~~t 1oblets bollle of 130 ' h ' PHILLIPS' ~ MILK Of MAGNESIA I'! :1U'ti!. jl \AU'M! .._., ... G.#.,4~.: ROBllU SSlll CF f~;9 EFFECTIVE 159 COUGH FORMULA Suppreuont. ••pee toront & nosol decongestant •·or PHILLIPS' REACH REG. 1.29 EA . YOUTH ORADULT 99 c ~~?~~~~~~~~on YOUI bmtl~ Req °' Reoch Plu, OIOIQ AQUA FRESH REG. l .89 FLUORIDE 12 9 TOOTHPASTE fl 1 I 0 01 doily orol <11re lor the lom1ly CLAIROL ''CONDITION' I HAIR CARE I IJ ot P1 Ke includes •O< off lobel Stock up now• REG. 2 .19 FA . 133 . COKE OR TAB REG. 2.49 NALLEY SUPER PRICE MILK OF ! 1 ~~? ~;~~:~~;~~~" 6 7 c ~~~~~;~~~ 1 1~ REG. 2.09 "LOVING REG. 3.09 CARE" i19 ~~!~~~~~~01B.!0~!AIROl son DRINKS Stock up on '""'" lo.· rilt1\ 1n l 7 0 1 con .. Gentle shampoo 1n lormufo PLUS •• GIAii.idi51TitA1iii0 iALE! 11 -I N CERAMIC GOURMET PIE PLATES Heovyworghl pie platen 11, w1lh \Colloped rims ond glozf>d 10 df'"9'" Get Oii JI SPECIAL BUY! ,~~~~ WHIU STOCKS LAST BREWER II 12-CUP DRIP COFFEE MAKER With hydro cl9on pump brew selec: tor morel AS16W 23'' USS Mfl'S. 400 MAil-iN llHTI. . . . ::~~ 19'' COSl AITRlllAtl •••tOM11am •'9t1U..• ......... ,. .,..,....., .. .,......._ ..... ,... •llU1 ..... ~ ...... • \ llm Alf Olll f A ffW Of 1111 MA#Y ITEMS Oii SPfCIAl THIS Wlfll DELUXE FRAMED DOOR MIRRORS l? ,45 ·or 1' x54 brol\ 9'' tone 11 x5• venation or 16""56 Wolnul l1n1sh REG. 14.79 TO 17 .49 ,~~' oaiu111 n ~' lllllfn sroeu 20-PC. IRONSTONE DINNERWARE SET ::.:ie~r::P!::t 19'' plotea ~ 1oup dl1hes SIT REG. 26.99 ........ u .. _,~,_ ( ' REG . 5.99 MAMDTOWUS llG. l .H ........ 2.99 WASM QOTHS ltG. 1.H ........ 1.59 BIG 24'' x 42'' DELUXE AREA RUGS Plu1h polye1rer rugs I~ high wear oreos In your home. Colors I YOU'D IJIH<T TO 'AY $$ -flGI '11SllMITYI 449 CllTA MISA •IAL IM-c ... ......... c..e. .......... ,_ . ........... ~ DUPONT DACRON II® BED PILLOW SALE! QUllN Sill IUG. 1.4' IA. 2for 12.00 llNG SIU lfG. •.n fA. 2for14.00 STANDAIO ~~'J. s·10 7.49 EA. 2 FOR I hey re guoronteed to l.cep their quohty for yeotl I HEAVY SOLID OAK ·FRAMES WITH GWS W1lh scoop or reverse 2'' mold•ng l•ghr or dork l1n"h Wf\1le stocks Intl • ~~·.~~:~.:::::.::. :::: ·~~r UAllAIU" MOtl Tiil"" '"'" llmm •MM.._a,.,• WISTMl•sta ... , .................... . • I ··~-YATMKn•s EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY -· ,.", ............ : All rul estate ad · vert ised 1n tbis newspaper ls subject to the Fede.rat Fair Houa· in& Act of 1968 wbjcb •• rmkes it illegal to ad· :: vertile "any preference. ,,. limitation . or dis · :: rrimination based on "" race. color . religion. :: sex. or naUonal origin. -OI' an intention to make 2: any sucb preference, U11 limitation 1 or dis · :,: criminatioo. · --not llilD --I'll-JIOO ~ l .• ,.,, .. ,..,. JM This newspaper will not knowin~ly accept any advertising for real estate which is in viola- Uon ol lbe law. _,..., ... ,"' JM r:::::::::~:· = 1--------·1 To-nlloae t~w," lQ f:;..~}."' = BIOIS: AdYtfffMn =-.~.l•f = ..... ~ ........ ""'l.•f--..... "''"°' '•' lliO» Mr ... ,...,.,.. .... =::::·u..... :: ........ .....,. n. :!~·= :: I DAILY PILOT•-• St.l1111Mr ll(ftlal' UOI Vtt••-l~I• 42!0 ....., for .... first ~=::,·~;":;:: :: l•cornct IH•rflH Offw-f'Af'MU M!to -. ..... .u -~. fNvltnat •rM•I '* ~ :!t~! ••need !: ;·• --------1 PIMMSULA HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm,.t,batb. mstr bdrm with ocean view ~.000 .. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath Sl,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdnn, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. • UDO ISU HOMIS Prime Lido NQJ'd bay!ronl. 5 bdrm, 5 'bath.1..ge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. UNDA ISU 1A"-ON1: Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath playroom, dark rm. den. $1,350,000! ' CAINATIOH COVE Soectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. · BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J~ ~. ,. . l• LJ1 •' " .. t'\ f) ") ttlb! CORONA on MAR CONDOS ~26ftopt11~ ......... Hw .,. .ct l.t.,..sH.4J l•••ls Md ..--roo-.. u.Mt-l .. + .. Oii CCN'W". M.y _ ..... , .ct loh of 141 footop. US0,000 ...... Aass. 111vEsY. -1 ....... for w. MOil, FINANCE I••••••••••••••••••••••• Wft,. TERFRONT HOMES, INC == :: I~ I 002 REAL ESTATE :::::::: ~ ~ ioai ••••••••• ••• •• •• • • • ••• • ~ R...,..,, Pt\1Pf'tt'1 ~nwne := ~~.:. = ~; r~~~~::l~ ~!f~~ 2~~B!:C~v.v 3 ~'r:i:; ,..,.. ..... rn. -career opportunities 6ll·14M 67Uflt AMIMCEMEllTS, w i l h T H E R E A L PUSOllAlS & ESTATERS. Licensing•--------·• LOST & FOUND school fees completely By ownu. trade or sale, 91/4o/o LOAM ..._ ... ,.. refWldable to school of beaut. home , very ex· 1t•cJd$IOO,OOO f.:::....... ::;: your1 cho!ce. ExFtensive elusive area. Close to SPY&LASS LAii • ,.... wi sa es tram.infi. or in· Stri .,_ 000 4 BR 2S/_ '* • ,;_ 1c1 •1s1 p. ....... · ... 11 OWMll ~~;... :,: ionnauuu. ca " "" ba, 2 wetbars, patio. · Tr••fl• s..., i--------•I saima, pool, ..., acre lot. Fu PricelSJS.000 S£1YICES ... YROMT• Aulo sprinkJe.,, lots of Moatbly Pai~~~ ._,.,.o., ..... , ....., -mature trees. For more SOUl1IPO OIPl.OYMCNT& CASH TALIC. details ca II o wner lbr/4'°'ba. 4100aq fl SeUer Will listen . .s'T boat 702-73UT76 Z5 Bode11 Bay PIEPAIATION .,, sli~L~-~vate beach. lite 1----------1 __ c:au_owmr __ 7_Sl-0737 __ _ 7!":' ...'.::::--·-"• & CDeef)' home. 3 large Kril>"-•.r 11oi bedrooms & den , 2 MCICHANDISE baths, fireplace and c.......u === .. 1'~': -..-.. ....... n..11~• -..s..i -..si1,. DoO> -.~·!Ill• 8-.l.Si••r• TIAllSPOITlllON -"rtull Celftprn~ MHt fJ..c1..rtfCan -C)otlol.S..00..•' -Hn.,_\ow A"" Ttet'"1 Tttwtl l::o~!~ .. J.,,. AUTOMHILE ...... 1 • ~r'-»n• l4'Cntt.e \tftK~ ~'~~~~ ... , ,, ... b ~­A"'u&Ao1a1 .. _ ....... AllTDS, IMNITED ..... ., AreAaeJ• '""' 4.U. Hir•I•)' MllW C•1r1 ~ I) ...... t"err•n t'wt -· ,., ....... JMNn k•r""'""""•• ............. W4td• "•rtf'fk'\fWIU lit; • »GI 0.01 , ... .-,, . .... .... ......... lt••vM llollll Mt)tP "-'" = -"' ~ \ ..... ,.,. v .. .. -. much. more! Will trade :,•: down! Owner-Agent : 673·9187 or 675-7060. -~'19.000! = 1 ................ , -= ... OC .. EAH--R•O•MT--1 : CAMEO SHOIES :;: Jl&Sl listed! M ignificent -oceanfront home with :: surf breaking on the -beach below. 3 bdrms .. :: maid's rm., formal din· -ing rm. and den . : Architecture with a : touch of the tropics. ~IG toa ... -----!OIO S:Z.900.000. t11• A Di \'1s1on of ;~ lh1rbor Investment Co "· 1=····=··· ,.. ,,,. """ IU'YllS W AMTIO. -for houses. condos, units and investment pro· :!: perties. All types of .... fuancing available. In· :!: dustrious agents are :,: awaiting to assist you. -Call now 979-S370 ; A"iLSTATS ;: • · RE~TORS flU tJlf '111 ml "'"" "16 fill <T>i Ylll 11» ml flll ,;. '(IU ,, .. 1716 '711 ,, .. •llO '1» 't!M m1 = -'* "" f71t tm -., -•ll •u •II -Ml ., -------•1 ---., -- Qa~~'l:Ume, with spa, new copper plumbiDI ' 2 c ar Pf'lte. A.Mum lat ' owe lrs tnd. A1tin1 SW,OIO. :r. .................. ~ SOILS S V C A 0 E L L W 0 S T T R E l J l C 0 0 H Q J E U l J R E M F T L C L T E T B L V 8 N P 0 E L A 8 U K K F P X Y 0 8 G 0 I E S S I I 0 A L 0 A Y A l C P K 0 l A B U G R l 0 0 L R C A V M S N A Y M V M R{S 0 I l SjE E V l A Y G K E T 0 U A Y H C H D A R T M C U G H 0 AH H 0 NA AC UT 0 S I US A ~.O A M 0 U U X l G l S H N E l N R Y U 1 R I T L A S C P U l I I A N C E W W N Q X C T I T A 0 N M S A R A Y T S M A S A I L T N N 0 C S 8 C T C H T I N A Z H T K N T I 0 H T A 0 H X H 0 R B C C W Y A 0 L H T E Z R l 0 0 A P E 0 L S R ~ P A C C 8 E X C Y R L A 0 A K A Adobe Clune~ Gumbo HullM Mold Klolinit• ~ Fullll'a EMth u Clli111 City • Pontf"a ci.x Arvil Tomorrow: Orvms ..... ,_ ,_ ·-· ...... ="-l. :=., .. ... '-'••"*' ..... ... 1>1£:!=:::=i :: ~ !•OtfoM'O"I ,,,,. ,.oe,.c, 11()1 ,, ... .,,,. ~~~ ~:...., .. Jt ....... ,,., ..... n-• ,. , . ",..,, ,.,,,..,., fll'llUQUL..-l ""'"-. .., ...... ,._ ....... .,. >ti• JU UCO.• ... _ .... ,. ..... )7TOUf ..... ·-....... .. _ 110-.• .,,_ .. c:.iii•~ ~ .. ..... •lTo .. ,,.. ..• .. _ .. !OT ... .. -\)-lo.IW• "''"'9f'IC•., B•ow ..... , ... '70Mt IU $ti• ., . .... ., ... &SL .... _.. ........ ·-·-· .,, .. ...,. M_..., M-,._ """"' IJC....C.• ,,_ ,,_., ,,_ ..... ,,_ ",..,.~ ...... •• .. -. .. llJY .. Q-.. _ ·--·-.,_, MC.. Ml ... ·-(),:.,., Wedn11d1y, February 24, 1N2 Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification '8050 ad . ..... ,., w. ...... ,., Wt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100! Ge .. ~ IOOJ Mele 1024 C:O.MeM 1024 106' ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WIWTOWNHOM MBA YRDI Canal rront, Ntif.ott MMter iulte.: Vlew1~r MISA ••DI 4 Bd.rm-3ba. poOIJspa, Shores. 4 Br. en al)acet. S117,000. Xlnt ~r will 11: finance equity. Sell. ctfer! Tennla, pool. walk <kean ' N' bl light.a lbdnn~2batll frpfc dbl t,e ramUY rm. Ready to SZS,OOOdown. Owner will ~tt Area. l'arti1 , open ~·· A •1 co'nd ave IJl{o. Owner will cany. M. ual sell! Make tin. Hal or Pat Act• nDancini trade or slr11gbt note. to beach. Agent 646 l~ I m -8805, 873-7300 a.,McC..:., 11tr. 1185,000. Owner979·S814 or~2D . ' 141-772' DwPoa.t I 026 4 Br~. ~home, MIWl Y USTID '"YHSJJ&.LIS" Spectacular Deane H omes "VersailJes" located on large lot. Golf course view ! Professio n a ll y landscaped yard. Lovely lge pool & s pa. Attractive gazebo. Gated front courtyard entry with fountain. Marble foyer with glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms. den. formal din rm. 41h ba. $950,000 including the land. WlSlEY M. TAnOI CO .. HALTOIS 2111 S-~H•Rooct MEWPOl'T CENT'S. M.I. 644-4910 · MD9'Jll".n oci ihis neat l drm. larse yard. near Mile Square Park Asking 117.900. Submit your tenm. Murchison Eaiterplraes S5i-173% •TUl'n.80CI * Sl.17' PB MONTH ii &Jr you pay~ wien you Preslictous Eatatea m • fllhlonable Mohler Ca· nyon, Anaheim Hllla·4 bed, 3 ba, F/R, G /R, Koi lagoon. Attract l vely landKaoed. Decorated By L Hardina. $49S, 000. Arorn R ealt y 7141974-7333 twllOl llDGE $lH,OOO '10 Vienna·sin&le story home . beautirul view, cul-de-sac lot at ion. OWC. Model perfect. fast escrow. Call Tim Rhone 631-1266 or .I ··~ RVM* Ot••.-t. Cele ), ... , .. ~· ........ ·.;/) LUIUIY DUPUX SOUTH OF HWY. Two1p•lw l Ir, 2 .......... u,,.,. It•• •l•I •I•• of --···*1.-. ............... te lr•la• T•rr•u . $49,500. takeover exl1tin1 lat T.D. Spacioul 4 br ex· erulive detached borne futurtng frml din. fmly rm 6 rr~lc . Only COLIOF.....oRT 121uoo. FEE. 751-1501 1 MALTORS cr'/sz.7373. JIU LC-Mwr. ~ Walker & Lee Cet_ ...... •75-5511 To buy. sell or rent use a low toll classified ad. 142-~ --·-- ILUFfS SNiU UV&. Lovely View -2 Bedroom. 2 Bath -End Unit Decorator Wallpapers, Drapes Plantation Shutters -Super Financing Large Assumable Low Interest Loan -Shows Like A Jewel Price Reduced to $235,000. A "Joy of Newport" listing 759-9100 #ZC_,_ .. ,,._. M~C..tw llG ClMYOM-<YIEW .... UtS.000 English townhome located on 6th fairway. 2 BR feature French papers & fabrics & custom pa neling. Good financing. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644~9060 LAMI FAMLY7 Try th.ls 4 BR + f amlly room wllh format DR and large lot. Seller will finantt. Offered al 1210,000. OWMrSepSel! Mtwi.o.t w/J ...... ............ + C)llHt .. ,. I Ip•. .....,_lit••HY • .,. 4 .... llltr•ry & ,_., ra Mow of• fend .. SStl,000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• gated rourtyard. dbl *MBA Y11D1 * U,000 DOWN rrptc. newly redec ln· wrnrPOOLANDSPA lBfllndconvdencondo side&out.10"' ... .assuma Spacklul 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. w/pool and s pa. Mini hie loan. 1275.000. $1300 a..autJful ar'"a $' • 000 OCUll view! 1105,900. 30 ltlO 7cz. '><Cll .,. " · ..,, yr fixed 14-IAI% loan! · " ,_,.,. dn . Asking $240,000 O.W.C.0Wnr.631 ·6e66_ ••CU~~· $1eo5/mo pymt. pp Agt. l9w Cm• 7tll).'f9 led I 040 Sale 1'y Owner 48 t 1w OWN& •••••••• .. •••••• •• • • •• den 3.,.,BA Pool & Spa WimblldOnVilllle. 405 TR I UM ENTRY All Cabinets Solid It Fairview. Assumable welcomes you into this 3 Walnul. Owner will 1122.400 at 12~~. Close Brtfamily rm near rol r1D&DCe. MB-8798 to pool and tennis.. 2 Br lege and shops. Only CdM DPLX lw OwHr 2ba. Terms negotiable. Sl29.900.Bkr.848·0709 -$295,000 O-llner will ~ Sil.GOO carry at 14 o/c Cull CHAIMll Exlstirig ~K at 10,1,c; 675-Wor679-9667 2 Unita + Separate Cot-$10K down, will tarry. tap. Great Owners Unit Owner. caJI 962-5689 FORECLOSURE or Rental Prop. Cabin cou OFNaW'°"' Like Int. Eastslde. 1044 MAI.TORI Creal.Ive Terms. Trade •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• -R1er-0ceantroot duplex. 2 lge 3.Br2ba units. Try low or no down. Lender /Owner can be very creative P\aya R E. 673-1900 U!l I. c-1 Mwr. Cet_ ..... ., 975.5511 UDUCm $101 Five pnae or owners~lp E. side units. New price is $339,500 and owner will help with financ1og. 1bere are two 2 Bdrm ll'llis and three I Bdrm Wilts. Call now . F& IM •¥1 .. l'HIACE Charming 3 Bdnn home on comer location with formal dining room. spacious family room and patio Work.shop in garage Call about great f inanring . $395.000 Bev Wiltse a5~!~rg3 Bdrm home w/frplc, + 2 Bdrm apt. Only 1282.000. owe •1140,000 dwn. Joyce Waltu, a1t CD·lB. With !?? Brltr. W~IDD~Gl ••MS-62M•. • L.ll -__ , .~ HERITAGE I REALTORS ~ OPEN ~OUSE REAL TY / Ma ,,.,...... ' .. , ....................... OCIANYU OPMAU.Wla &H'lW'f~ II W/IONUS RM . UPCtaded Palermo with pool in ff V.H Prin on ly_ ~000. 760-8063 WIS TC LIFF Beautflully decorated and designed 3 Br 2b11 w/great office/den and 2 frplca. Assume lge 12'i In w/209.. dn. S269.500 fee I and. 1145-7 408 j PETE J BARRITT .. REALTY 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •EXCITING• With ~~t~ turn. 24d4 Gfftftbrier H m In Laaun• Hills nitest 5 star pk. ae.~Jt::J~west Hm • 2Br, 28a . Tllis Is the belt Ill town. ata'1~~.H w/fmt kit, lhll llv rm 12110 Malt Bdrm. F.ncl ~.Nr. Hoaa H~p cussac WOIUMOMI -~tltl·A MNf 11 IMJOY THI PllYACY of this home's lovel y backya rd w/covered patio• hot tub. 3 BR. ram rm 6 dinlng rm ph• central air t-OndltkJalnc. Good assumable loan. 1114,900. Mack Hanson »1"100 (V2JO) JllOOL IPA AND CITY UTll! ~ ll.M . .......... W•'t Yw111*•t.llta..t'Gltef .... ,....,_.,all 1 a elualfld 8' -I wllttlter rt1U11 tr· MNI • Mii .... A .......... .., .. th DtllJ :ftlet'a ,d ···~ ' F UCIM!! l IOI wit II an IM tun. sport, Klton on t~1s crut qu11t• F1om flyinc to saitms to motor· Mina. these endonna SPoftS "~ ot Ille lut111t ao. Co So! Em-btOlder 1 ·tn blocu lcw 29al8-ln L. 1lf '°"i'-. lff 4.\T..... Quilt Pattm 1319 bltlsftf ot v7 . -11 r;.ottfS, diletltOllS $2.25 for uch pattern Add soc uch paltef n for postace START SPRING 1n hith st)le and handliftr S11d to: •1th a sl!mm1111. body-s~mroinc Alict ...., drm and easy. !oncer pcket. NHdlecraft Dept. 105 Enioy the pluswe of tooklnuour Dally Piiot best Oii any and all ocwions. .. 1'3, Old CW. Sta., flew l'rinttd l'altttn 9329 Hall Yll\ IO 10111 l'rilt ..... Sim l&\11, 12!;. 14~. 16~. Addrm, ~. 1'""'11 hllhl. 18~. 20~ Silt 14~ (bust 37) I -HIZ lleedlectlft C*'I: 3 dress takes I 5/8 yards 60-inGh tree patteins inside. 170 bat SeN SU5 i. _. ...,._ iac~ts dolls. quilts. mote' Md 51C .. _. ...... tw Knit Clotllel lmbtotdei SI SO .... 9d ...._ 1-4 11: AU WIT IOQIS. .$2.11 _. llMWI llMTlll All lelb 114 ........ ~ 5IC , ..... o.,e. 442 ,. ~::. r=.ra. ~= ~~~"r.·St.,-.Yn,llY l~HQllkl~giA 10011. hilt ... MmSS. lm...-..... Olillitl ZIP M 9d STTU MIR. ll2.Qlat ~ wt1l1 wH 1 wtM' rind the 1JO.~f1111•su.131.S6 answen In our NEW SPRING· l~·~ Qlllts SUM~~ PAnERN CATALOG l~ tw1. S.. SM. SM-!Jke ldYlotace IZW... '1jb':'1,E ol free Patter• Coupon 0.. ln.stifdl ,11, Patdl • 100 styles. Ca!Jloe. SI 50. lU. ~ff ,11, l'iff . AU CWT IOlllS .• SUI_. l2'-Clldllt Y• l l WiNlt 'Cllcllll 11 H111J M ti n.. Cldet 117.f.lw M ti R11 l1' i'nt ll"Riflr ~ Qli1ls IZ).$1itd :~ '*11 Qlilts ll~U., M tf li"1e Cltcllet I~ ti (tlf Trwters II~ Cit llll Boolls';and c.taloe-tdd soc lot.Sew+ Kllit ,._ 1illlle illdl tiCll lor PG!5UCt and balldhn& 1 OS.l.m.t CNcllet Sunshine. Special! 112·111-Qllills 101~ W ClllktiM I Newest Soft Toys ................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ....,..._. ii•t &.,....._. n• c.-.w... JI J24J ....................... -·················· ·-·················· .................. Lawn studio, spa, TV, ta~JIL Bta 1 BR. quiet bld1. aa.rfroot Broadmoot .-..olT llACN nld' Mrvlce phones. New(f 4 • Cu pd. small dof• acu9ted ~.2ba. rr,lc, wet· ca.eo ···-= encl .. r. d /wuhtr. bltnt. 21 ...... , .. or blr, GD1 .. r. 1Up 1v11l. 1 ~· 'f l>atll UP· pool, bbQ. Adults. n ...;.., ___ .,. ______ _ patio. 11100 /mo . srldld c.so wltJl new "nJrtlNdl J16' .IG-5071. <TM>fn.ll7f. carpet• drapea •P· -..... ....... •••••••••• ~~ , ... , JIH .JI...._' ..... 'J OCl!ANFRONT 2 6 4 Br. " ,......._, wu .... r. aryeri Avail WllllLtt ·WMkly/ UIS . I r. l Ba. tr11h compaftor, poo v ..... .;.,u na.ms Adult• only enclad !Mier entl small l Br spa1 clubhouse. UW>I, -"Y· · prqe, wuhef~·UP. VIila wltn co11_rtyard. Illa nm. 11200 Ptr Want 1ometbln1 1tra email yard. Call for QI.Ml. "° peu 137$ W>- 111>atlL 114 s.1.-. ext. 1_9tclal la a 2 Br. 1(111( £wn. 1115 furn. •-Cll03. ~ M·F 8:IO·S:IO. TO'lmboule completely ~MGMT 642·1603 •11U. · f\n? •.Mo. ?fO.tm. 1100" off tat Mo. Rent. OCEAN VlEW ! LI 2•2• ~ 2 Br, 1 81. ms. . fpk. apli~ level, adlU Ofl 3Br.1'-" Ba.~. Lal.Ill· Jz."7$mo. 49Mt71 dry lac .. pool. 548·9556 lkzla9• INdl J140 .... OCCPH~YI ••••••• .. n•••••o••••• •tmo . 2 Ar. 1 Ba . uJ!'G~mAf'J. All A~uJta. pool, beamed WJ pd All amenities ceilia1. ral&Ddry room. 14&-0tlt No peu. No lut mo • ...;.;;.;;...;.;;.;;~· -----rent. Deluxe poolside xtra TSLMGMT 00-1603 larft 2br, 2 ba, bltns. dlwhr, 1 ~ miles beach. • 3 Br. Condo nr S.C. Adults, n.o pets. l$00mo. Plaza. S.A. Pool, spa, SJS.83112. Br 2YI Ba, F.R .. rrptc, 3 BronaethSt .. :::: 17~ BayfrtSBr/d()(k .. 132SO Nr. Lldotlge 3Br ~ ... IMO WAT RFRONT ~ SIUdtOS, one and two bedroom apart· menls. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED. garage. 1'150. -'--------~or64J.1460 ~. Sharp 2BR . 2BA . ,.,_ ,........ 2 b b dbl llr, blt·IDI, $825. l••:•nA>ua&e. r, l a, 644-1490, 851"'220 patl(), _yd, 1ar .. $SU. HOMES 631· 1400 Oakwood also olfers ----------Mint. Nr Bet,. Ideal Beaut. 2bdrm condo. 111are rental. No 'Pets prime S.C. Plaza 10(. 833-Dn, 642-1339 BACHELOR, $375. Utlls 2 bdtm, 2 alory , I \'I ba 631...a20 agt condo "The La k ea ". · Xlnt. toe. Beau dee. ref 8.htfs. Front row, bay ean 2 ~r. I Ba. enclsd req'cl. no pets. S6SO mo. vie•. 2 br, 2 ba, de· WANTED; Howse on Lido pr., pnvale yard NO ~ corator home . Adults. no Isle for income proper· PETS. $495. 541-6680 1 ..... '"LS -~ts. 11200/mo lease. lY. Prin only. 642·03m a.•"' ... , H de t R It ~-...;.....~c...;..;;;;_;.;...;.;.._ 2bdrm. $450/mo. ht .ti lbr, tba $650 uut ar s Y ea or JUnits. S30K Eq_uity. last.2031 Wallace. 3br,2ba S&2S _7_60-_824-4 ___ _ Ea=M. 675.Q936 3br2ba lllSOCosta Men ~STCLIFF --------lmmac. hmhse, 3Br 2ba. Le Raiaor Rlty 133-aeoo Very pnvate executive J •All Utilities Paid ·immediate OcaJcJency ·st Miiiion In AecrMtlon And Much More• For a month or a ltle- lltne Models ooen daily ~pets 111ly encldblgar.nrS.CPlu . 4Br. 2Ba pool home, Pool, kids ok. $600, wshr/dryr & refrlg Qa Shoppln •••••••••••••••••-..•••• 548-7374 av a i I S 16 O o mo kwood acres.' c~'::e;~fidf.O ...... FawllMid Elide, l& cor 2 br 1 ba. 2 Gar den er & po o I G.den Apertments llOOed Clll busy frwy of . ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar. Patio trees ch/pet 3 oeollie only, 2400 . rt. servlcel incl. Lois Agt. Newport ee.ctt/No. ramp nr Corona In fast ..... ..._.. 3106 oU58549M820 4bdim home. gr_,ei::t>ett, &3H2J1Sor64S-Ol08 8801rvtne ,_.,_ "'JV I Ufl-l AUractJve 2 Br 2 Ba 2bdrm. E. side, $575/mo. ' · · (714) Ms-1104 Waterfalls, streams, spa, pool. 1800 /mo . (714)673.9019; 675·0540. IAYTIMIBS SPACIOUS 1 Br. Cathedral ttilings, walk ill cio.et. diJhwasher. fireplace,ga~age,pool& laundu acility . MSO/rro. 399 . Bay St. 64'-tll3 Wcmtfield growin° area.· Sale •••• .. •.•••••••••••••••• · c11l·dt-1ac upgrades ...._.=U... (II 111111) !'"""'or w qua ni A all th · J · + $~ sec. 673.4899 Avail 3/1 .. Un1vers1tr. 48r3ba, frml · m1. f/r. t n vest or R & W v · now ru une 549-2515 • Part. Appliances inc . study. beaut. dee. lge au.......-Beach/So .A.PAITMINTS 7D.!~ .. ~opment Corp. BXl/mo.67S-968'7. I · S950/mo . No room· deckdeds. lab. view. pvt ""'~ 161n SI · Beautiful garden apt.s. .-_... Hecsprtleedl 316' EXEC3br,21,',iba,pool rnates:nopet.$.7S9·0600. guar gale. pool/ten· !Oove,,4161111 Patios/deck!. Spa, heat home, chefs kitch. $650 W . nla. S3200/mo. Agt. Bob (7"•) .... 2 5113 paid. No pets. CO. .. tBCIAL .......... ~ ......... ~ .. QC-RENTALS 750-3314 2 Br armrnaton orDovieKoop.759·1221. ... ,... . 28Jl2BA. $52:5 Cannery Village Mobile Townhome $700/mo. -------SffW Wllloo 63l·SS83 ~ Home Park FUrnished 2 E side studio house LoisMIUer.Agt631·1266 S.Cle•• 3276 --·------~:r~;e~!~~~~ !'!1. 2bi;~· at~ n~ wutilt,1epdp. kitch/ .ti ba, yd, Colle1e Park 4bdrm ••••••••••••••••••••••• Overlooiina Newport PINE BLUFF APTS. with 3 d IJ'!U, c-to a • ..,... • . $390 mo 546-4253 2 ~b 11't I 1' Ocean view Spanish " 2 Br. 2 Ba. No pets. popular,rt~~~:~s ~U:~~~~Y:;. aftS pool /:1ia.8frdnr. :v~j stylt,4Br.2~Ba Wood ~l'Jo.2:!i iB~en~fsg Patio, view. frplc. RHtaurant. Asking l.ZIM 1-772·1801 OC-RENTALS serv. No pets. SIOOO/mo. decks, frplc .. prof. de· Sll~ Mo. Long or Short jacuzzi. gar .. gas stove, MIS.000 witb attractive ' l·Sbr's SZOOto S2000 mS631. ~· washer/dryer. bit· t.enn. 646-6350 SSSS. 631-'107 terms SEAVIEW : Former 'J».3314 7·dl)'I an s, many ot her . . ~et lB R Garden Apt. li14J 67J.4400 · ' model, 3Br 3ba. Ocean Woodbridae Condo for amenities. No pets. Whitewater ocean ~1ew, 'Wtw Carpets. Bit in IJll' ,Jl.,JIH view. t2000/mo. Dennis 31Brt.f Ba. SllOOd /moit ·ea· ls11t. tse..~.6~· frpt1c. gar, Sl200/mo + s1200 20 •':'P' to sand. Ni cely O/R, Fridge. $370. Gas Ricketts & Assoc as "'sec. epos · patio ....... e. poo s. ten· Security +S200cleanina. fumislied 2 br duplu Pd. N ts N B ar HARBOR §l-04Z4 S4M.118alt.5 nls.$750permo.~·4139 Call Ron 213 /924·7896 1Vail now to 6/1. Shops 0~3563 r us SHARP2br, lrg gar. ~ ~ wt,Sr • i~Y· 7~4/492-9763 eves lllX>/mo. 631·0174 --· rncd.PN. TODAY $475 ~ A k:nds ~IAMFIOMT Bachelor& 1 Br. Apu. All QC..RENTALS 750-3314 2000 aut . $750 mo. --b .1 adult. no pets. Pool. bbq ltlo/lllo. Patrtck Rem11 S..,._ 3 !2 a. AvaJ mon· .ti enclsd garages 2bdnn Iba 1ar fncd 7S.lZ2l a&t C I I www ]271 tbly '\.ii summer S750. S3115/mo. 631·2276 ~~er·P:!!,t·up~~··~::; Lllf-W l241 :·;;:;; .. ;i;;;;;~;~ S::i10 ... 3776 Lh. lri# ••rt nice. No peta. 1 child ot ... -~··••••••••1s••••••• apa ' frplc., l900 mo.• • Lar II~ I• Bk dd w n llOO/ ~ CD-0111 413-33115 ....................... w/pallo • yar , up II•-------• ____ mo_. __ .-·---• ~----_ • 2 Br. 11,',i Ba. walk to w/bakony & cathedral •••••••••••••••••••••• I block from beach. Dari· 2 br, p.rap, let fnced ..., ml~~ bd1. 34 hr s.t.A. 3210 beach. 225 La Paloma. ceiling. frp lc, d/w, pool. S.C. Plua. JBR 2BA. U · In.I 1 Br house. Sips 4. rd, boat 1tora1e. Pet aecurity, Iota~ coves ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Apt. B. $450. 637-7918. s.pa, car port. No pets. sum 11.1~. MOK 1st, Winter rental. I.SO, OK.l500/mo.*-7$0I rocb, 2Br. adlta only, 4 Br. 2 Ba. Dining rm , S...A. l7IO QUiet & private. $465 & OWC2ald. Submit terrna. Joye!. Dl-12111 NrSC ... __ &' .... _,.,. 3 br, 2 oatJ-eodoa, 4 to choose 2000 sq ft. Newly rt· up.~Harla. 549.2447 SlotK.114·1981 • '"-°"-trom.-lo11000t714) d d ••••••••••••••••••••••• L.....-••*r 200 3do.BR}to""9BA t b~60011,Con· be. frplc, atrium. ram. -..i . ecorate . S7SO/ mo. 2 bdrm condo, bit Ins. QUIET ADULTS over JS. -n l'T1 " mo'·•~ ~ nn.. O'loota park. 112:5 I m.&m.546~9 part furn, pool, conv lmfum I Br. low~r. $340 ·-•••••••••......... Btl\CifuJ mo.5i5f.8019 2BR. l...,BA, frplc. View. 4bdrm. 2ba, lrc home. re· transp, secure. quiet. Beautl landscaping. No AlftlaYA.U.IY Af.790-1811 • 2111 Kristin Lane NewCarpet.Older Cot· modeled. earthtones C&1110rt.Pvtpatio,small pets.LEEWARD APTS. .. TaSMlw UwtJor6Vidoria) Lae taee.•lllo.57s.030 950/mo. +last+ S350 docOK.SSSO 2IJ20f\lllerton.631·0397 Near new 4-plex 2 u CNlo't bdrm. 2 bath each unit 11tautmme10r ·•· · ~ or lse opt. 2 Br 2ba ....._ "'te l267 sec. 673-4899: 64.S·29'1L ""1'"""' 1lfE VICTORIAN New- with ti~lace, enclosed 2Bra»biJe.Udo .... $700 1 twn!-e. 2 car 11.r, end -·-• ............. C # ', s.A•-371 ly deror. 2 Br W1ft1ar .. patio. garage. ~3 1st. lmrmc aisrTlmhs 11275 patio. Lie $715. Sale HOMES FOR RENT 1t 1 • ..1 3 ...,..... new crpts & drapes. bit· Pos cash flow. Now W A T E R f R 0 N T I 1121JOO. 644-6426 a Bdnl'll 1175 F ed w • ali 10 425 ...................... ins. patio. Adults Call SIS9 SOO B'll G d HOMES . . e.nc ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Beach. beaut. between l·SPM. 636-4120. l Rltr 67Hl6~ run Y. 631-1400 I lflliA VERDE. tBr Jbaj yards ,!~araces. Kuis & So Coast Plaia I Br w /24 funi .• swte 2 ~R. spa. 667 ··G" Victoria $470 • · pool/spa. ram rm Aval ~ me. ~2000 hr att. Tennis. pools. sau.n1. satellite TV. --------1 UHITS . now.•tmo.grg..5114 ,,....~.nofee. spas,MSOi.nclwtr.Agt.I maid serv. S300 wk . PALMMESAAPTS 7.1 X't GIOSS Uaha wl1t.4 14 Br. I~ Ba. large family f41 90rt IHdl J26' 91S1-0'Z22. 714.-2227 _ 1561 Mesa Dr High demand ren~al ••••u::~·••••3••2•0•6• h!>me. Built .in gas , •• ;. ........ •••••••••• Beaut 2bdrm condo 2 Br. unfum. S42S 2 Br area. Assume exlstmg -kitchen, family rm. SC Pl 1 ·,.tis rllh fWTI. $465 Adults Call flnancmg ol 1150,000 at •••••••••••••••••••••• r~ace In living rm. • ... Y-MT pnme f i · au or I T!Lfl-rWw' ttwn9-4 546·9960 10~ and owner will )'front, beach. 2 Br. 2 cuprts drapes 2 rar -""' waler a ls. st reams. -•~ rarry Full price Ba. 123 E. Bayrront. · io siizst 2story. 4 + bdrms. 2 spa, pool. S800 /mo ·••••• .. ••••••••••••••• RoomyJBr.Townhouse S240,000Call979·S3'10 B~lboa Island. s1200 r::rcfse· :!!her dry~: baths . fire PI ace. Q 14)673·9019: 675·0540. ..._..._. 310 ~ in quiet adult com· 2 Br I ba, nr Hunt. Hrbr ~cl 1ar. encl patio, no pets $450/mo. lst/lut + SZ50 sec. 84Ull8t * •HIW• * •W ... SAS• Adil ortented apt 2Bedroom 2 blkl from ocean paddle teMh c:ts balconies or bk yard carports all util pd except elec Nopeta Atlanta·Delaware, HB <n41 536-4400 2br 2ba in 4·plex. $475 . W·d hk·up, prv patio, enclsd gar No pets 64.>MM. (21 !bdrm cottages. $.1115-$31S/mo. '1'l bl()(lt to beach. See manager. NJt. "D" at 12:2 7tb St H.B. Sharp 2 br, bit-ins. waaher/dryer, •undeck. pool. Nr Slater • Newland. SS2S + dep. 887-8720 DILUXI 2 •• I IA 1-nilfteach. frp c, encl gar. dishwasher, blt·ins. s111>ke alarm. balcony. Water pd. $465 before 8 PM98Mll4 se: ADUlT _' .. ._. LIVING AduJt living sea env1rorunents • Securtly G'tes • Pool & Rec Roorn • I & 2 8A Paho A.PIS • G'r~ LlllOSCJO•no • 01snw1shtrs & 880 s • Jog to Buen & Snops r • ' • I I I • ~ ~ .. ~ . . ... . . . ' . . . THE WHJFFLETREE 1-:t.3 Bdrm. Apts Gym. Spa. Saima. pool. tenrus. etc. 846-0619. 2Br . I Ba . 4 Pl ex . $490 mo New paint. carpet. Murdy Park 846-8Z74 A winter SHOO annual refrige. Avail. lmmed. :W~~!~..V,!!wr ~i'i:'v~~~ So Coast Plaza 2 Br w/24 •••••••••••••••••••••• ex.I Newly dlsedrorat~: L LSTA TE Herb, days 213 /418·3577 3094 Ye.llowstone. off Feb. i,""",... hr sec Tennis. Pool , 2 bdrm. l ba Encl gar lf'!P ace. enc patio"' _ 1'1 ..... ]222 Paulanno. nr S.C. spu. SS50 incl water Avail Ma r 8.Jcearly ~ge. Ad~ltSs7~~Y REAL TORS _._ • . ~a1..'e~~\'r1:~~ '::~~t N#.. 951-0122 ~~:~~ ~41ot3.r.~· 64.>Dllngr~s.5949. o. ~~~ ..... !~~ --IT OWHll pectacuJar ocean " city 91S1-0701or951-0669. SO. COAST Alli Beautiful 2 Br. 2 Ba OCEAN FIOMT lights vtew from every 2 Br. I Ba. A/C, pool rec ..... Pa•.... llO dis· Moll elegant apartment 2-4Plexes,4200sq.ft .612 room Large2Br.rrptc. Greenbrooli 3 BR . fplc. facil., sec. gates. no ........... ••••••.••••• SS.SO/mo. Carpets. buildin• in La•una & 614 Calle Campana. man" amenities . patio.m5mo. .K'"".P.P.""'•""'•" OC11t"' ... FIOMT hwasher, Avail 3·1. ~ " San Cle le S2d soo ' .,_, _..._ ~ 61S4I06 Beach. Finest locallon in men · • $1200/rm. Call Anthony 1 64().6161 nal Frollt. Newport l 2 bdrm, 2 bath, new · town Breathtaking each, 523· 160 inco~e da)'1 642·5157 · eves ' ~ Shores. 4 Br+. Lease or paint & carpet. Yearly Newer I Br. pa ho & views. All blt·ins. heated eac.h. S36,000 down m wknds631"630. PoW 3226 _.'-to buy. 11500/mo. TNIK.UFFS ~ S76S. Call Linda or N I b l982 9V. 1s t T D. •••••••••••••••••• .,.,._. Spacloua four bedroom. Art,675-708(). esrage. o p ets poo . SU t . gara~e. 714/4118-*'1. R, lBA. Frpk. Patio, a Crest. JBr Zba , Tennia, pool , wallt to three bath condo. /rm.64.>SS77. elevator. Lease on y T~/Poo4 -Gar. S700 Pl Sec Dep. 1frplc, nice yard. 2 car beadL Agent646-t044 or "Guadelupe" Model. Nu2&3BR, 2BA. yearlf IHSTA.MTIN! • BO' up. 330 Cliff Dr NEW RT HEIGHTS. P!>',,..ll3·450-1960. Eves. g~geA.2".rlsM.newh.VCeryl 64.>2805. Near shopping and ~lc.Cbllt-ins.tgarb.par,· S41S/mo.1Br.1Ba Apt. -~-ll8.1 __ . ____ _ S270 . 000 Sam / Ag l ....,..,.,... c..,an. vaJ arc · all llA CA.NYOM LSI schools. $1195 mo. Year· ing, ose o •Y Frplc, CllllOrt. Jaundry Ot'eanlronl 1 Br. + Den. 760-1756 ~E OR OPTION 4br eves64.>1771 or960-5844 2lfl{ If cl.a in COnoo. ly lease. Brolter631·7300 ocean._Brtr67S-4912. room. Cat oil. Real sun· rrptc. leaded windows Walk to beach, beautiful 2ba vu exec hm. $1400 ~....... le It 3240 n~mo.CallCerry ll'50. Util pd.1 Br. duplex ny. This one wont last. Single preferred. tri·pltx, 2-2 Br. 1·3 Br. mo.Ownr/Agt. 759-8006. '==~ .. ~....... 7711or780·139'7 3 br, 2 ba. Nr SC Plaza. 417 E. Bay Ave. Balboa TSLMgmt.00·9412. 1925/mo.640-5629. ~~ f!J>lhc .1ssz05.000. Snaf•tHll SBlliswocean. Elegant2 ao. Pool. Jae. rec rm. 542--0190,547-llSS i Cute 1 Br w/yard ttazp.rtleecll llH VWur;J will e p nance. SpttflMar ocean view. Br. Family .Rm & Den. •CANYON 54S-7131. S4.S-S323 Steps to beach cute 1 br., Eastaide. $300 /mo. nc ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646-1044 3+ family, formal din· BO Mo. Plush crpta. 21,oa Lux u rl o us th re e hu&e yd. qUiet street. kitchen. 752·2197 bt wn pUlf MttllPQIT I UNITS ing, pool/spa . S2000. Ba. Cedar • glus. sun· bedrooms. Two baths. Near SC Plaza, 3 Bdrm. 2 ldeaHor cple. No kicb or 8-S. No pets. •• l'KW In Newport Beach, Fee TIK).m3agt. deck, dbl car prv Formal dining room. fullbaths.upstalra. Pool .-. 1415/mo util paid Land. 11.75 x Gross. aarage. fully malnt. Ridllydecorated in mut· '6 clubhouse. S6SO mo. ,__. · · 2 Br. 1"'9 Ba. Townhouse. • C~Y CLUI minimum 200K down, Mete 3224 yard. Nopets. lnquireat ed tones. 3000 IQ. rt. lit & lut. Gerry Jones. r~i:;~~ 316 673·4484. gara1e. patio. small U¥1M6 OWC bal. for 5 yrs at ••• .. ••••• .. •••••••••• S2'7l!th.St.-.ml. Jacuui off master 631·1316,ait. yard. No pets. SSlO Bachelors.1'2bedroom 12'\. P.O. Box 7183 , -M~f~ 2 bdrm condo, new cpt, bedroom. J car ~ara~e. · I lBR 1BA with fire~lace. &45-4137. ~townhouaes. ~ort Beach, CA. Re~fi~~:ta 'J:Sa·s drlla, frid&. pool, ten.nil, 1"2050 moc n1t111. eariy .,_ ...... ,_,...._,.. f::tg!·-8:/~ enn. DLX 2Br. 381 Condo ~11000 644-1900 __, handball, clbbae. No eaae, I 131·7300, ·-•••••••••••••••••••• -.... frplc. 1ar. lndry, pool NO FEE! Apt. & c--""o me eiustmg 91; to NEWEST 11ted 20 =· s.szs lJl, last S200 Raltor. ........_......__. l7061 OCEANFRONT patiofTOOmo.644·9908 .,.... loan . O.W.C. Znd. Townhome VILLAGE 768-7633 --rtnUls.VlllaRtntals. Spacious well kept Tri· COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br "••••••••••••••••••••• Wake u:i to Catalina • 1 Br Condo nr s c 67$-4912 Brobr. plex near So. Coast 2~ Ba. 1600-1800Gsq . ft. of HOME FOR RENT 3BRPOOF-~~MB~ Ba 2 br, r ba, for 2·3 people. wiU ~ a 1 plde,gree. view. Plau. S.A. Patio. Pool '---1BR. UJtilil pd. Spot· Plaza. New carpet & pure luxury " aragea, 3 Bdrm. S700. Fenced ut•-• Y avail. l/lM/12, on Bal. ruque • ra sla1rcase Spa, Carport 5450 Sm ....,,,_ $450 .. paint in two units. Built· hydro.tu~. 1n master yard• garage. Kids & WOO/moCaUSuzanne Iale.IS50/mo.673·502:5 et1trance\ king si~ed PetOK lea Q\iet. . 2421 E f d d ' suite d1n1n1 rooms pees weloomt 54s.2000 f7~1gnt bdrm. kitchen with .__ ...... or~.1.1460 lllhSl. ~711 ~~5cio!:~ee.1r'arges. woodburnmgfireplaces: Aleot~fee · -.... , ..... 1707 1tove, refriJ• & dia· _.,.._ ... Soac.tor2 br apta,lm• OPEN THURS ·SUN mlcro-wa.ve ovens, • . ~r Harbor/Ocean Vu .............. •••••••••• POii!. , large t1vlng room * 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo nr from beach. No pets. WEEKLY 87 i .1 · priv1tepat1os&yarda. 5br,2ba,1825/mo.Swlm· 3 R.2ba.Slll5mo.231 Wln&erllelatall. ~Blkfr lrcanfum.Loolllngfor a S.C. Plaia S.A. Patio M2·Zl5'1 Lane C 11· 1 enm er Gardener provided. mini pool. Marina H.S. Otel8 Vlft.f?S-2111 BdL tBR $480. IBR 1515. special person who en· Pool, Spa, Carport.1575 -------- • · · Elepnt living only IS callaft.5.M1·3'03. !l!fle .... f?S-1325 ms privacy. non smok· Nohta. Sle$ll to beach. 2 Br. 1l, ... S mlnuta from Fashion Nearbch2br 2ba w/ M.YMDMT abdrm ..., btocl t d lni pleate. no pets .. IS90 54Nmor641·14e0 Ba, frplc . Jmmac.ulale Five near new units. l:::!·~r~.~~l~p~r~: aar,pat1o6PetNt5 Pier iDi SllJ>-for larf• •niio. till m~·~:~e: yrly In c Ids uti la . lbr,2car1ar.w1opener cond.ll.W.f73..2507Act! Sellermayacceptequity Juat eut of Newport OC.RENTALS 7S0-3314 boat. furnlabed *I t7W'710 m.G72. frp lc . micro. dlx ~3BR28a.fplc. in a aiqlt ram11y home Blvd.• ao. of San Dieao QC.RENTALS d~· nve 4b•dthl! a.--r·"----~· R 9m. 2br. l"' ba. No pets. IMO/mo 545-3m dftb.1ar. llSO. • dDwli paymeaL Al-'""1· Sttrtina altlOOa l-Sbr's-to--room ID en. -UL'_..""" tu· lit, lalt • sec Avail m.tolOaCtt1t aumt over SZ'70,000 W -nth. ••t·SOt, zns ..,..., ..,_,,d Ten11l1 courts and tal JBR JBA, prime 3/tm-41lt . . Bachelor. E'side lou -TD fUU Dri -000 ·-"" '1»1114 • 7· aya beec:bm. aort term or 11'M, l.btt eond no pets. lion. Patio. Stovt/refrig. $72$/mo . a Br. 2 Ba , H• •. f!.? Pr:d:7l'c 1r : ~~:••Ave ., Costa SBdnnZBatblikenew. 1eart ltut . suoo CaUFllrYOW'Rettrva· OttenlrontS BR 2 Full nndennPftl.11opeta. ~.\lllPtr.Newpo,i _ Old ·Town HuaUa,ion lllOlltlt. lrol&er,tit·1100. Uoa Now! 114·Sl'7·2414 BA. prime area. xlnt liBO.~ SllOres area. En clad Br. enclsd 1an1e. Bdl. 1750, ~ after • 11441$.W after 5 coad.. DO peta. 11100/mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba. aood East.aide ~ ~..?t.Subatlt mW. llOn. '31·... DUPLEX -119 HllDl· _, .... , .......... ,... 1~ a er$ lo 135e/mo. Cua del Adula~fN.Som/mo. !pm It• W' 0 M C..,._ J724 p4·'U7 ·24.ttl4 days Irle.UC., matun adult. TSLMGllT ~ia.1eos ~Ave.Oteuvl.-, I Ir. count CM•DloaG c:.-...... JIJJ lbrApt&.147E.lllh.St. W~ 110• volleyball crt, 1 Br 1.w ...... ~ ~· apaJ All.lJfl'aJftd'PAJD -................. Ooah Me a a Stt • •t•: 2 Br S75'/mo: uae. ""'· .. MU• 1 Heir U.. ocua, lrt 2 Br, Real 1lce Ir 2 la ................. ....................... orl'lllt mutt d•la ror llkr. Compare before JOU ftla DJ amen i l I... BIAtmnn.2 Br. z Ba. W/tpe la lllltr ... bh:irl tllOO/mo, Call Bob 2 Ir. 1 la. Newport real Cuatoa dH}(I D /IDO. D~ M2·5757. • .. v... lrllcll., frplt, dbl car Fantastic opportua itf for 1 or Mveral friends to parChde newly remodeled duplex right on tk sand lJn Balboa Periinsul~oder market for quick sale at ,000 on tee land. 2914 Octanfno4. Owner. Call S44-0814 or m.rm. ...,_ 5IWllO, otc or ..._. Vf/tf privaw. ftatura: Pool, 1841, ewtltwadtlSl.eao 0...AM. praat, + 2 tckttuaeal •·711Zlilome. ~'ti.~· nor Hoac. co•'rd/arace. nr· ••.21r,l la,bttaa. Prtk.a.tr,,°"w9'r. °"4 IP9Ct!l·Sl•. UrcondoarBolaaQlca rounde wltll plush llOOI. 11 ... lJ clfforated. bdotM1•a11.•. mlifi'"'~.tf10 • Hell. '900/mo + last Udo Ille 4 BR I Ba DO lllldlc....,. No..... ...... ........ No peta. • ... S4MOll 1 •·••maft!pm. eets. Avail 1mm'd. llr.flft ,.._.,. .•1111(M) 1 1r IJl6de. ••ll lMll zw.na,.., ...... . 1VACAH'l'llll,2Ba.pre· ,._ ••n: .... ••.WU... ea.mi UNUllUAL 1 11 apl a t••r •/Iota of Hit dlS. Mw•iler. •· • I illt• 11l1llborllood. •· ::rfj,._ blh fr•• btu·•. Wllil •·Addi •'1· ANl.M•.I. ... ~ __ m.4nl __ K_ek1' ___ • l•V,hw IYall. ta 11 lliltr :;,•:..•· etl1 •ul. ..._ fl'N8r,...._ r ...._.Ir. l .... Ill ........... 1'• I I tHrlt, Sir ¥•t•"'11t llAQt l ... = ~ I Ute• r ,1 r •, # llM r~ Ut. f!1r -· C11oo 11 ,.;,rr ,.111. Aiolll, .. *r, .. .a' l p::o..'::i -~~~ &f,_ ~.=.••·•· =·clc·•-~j ¥::1.:.~ "'oii;'G: llit - -'!l·e.i'I!'·~ ~&"It && · 1 , ... .. , .. ...................... P/R Qt.rlliet·PIA. Sllnta ODqil s.t-Ulp. Sen. .... 540- Hive c&kulatot, wlll travel! All acd1 ltt'V. Call fora , Tll>-7122. C.,11•• ~ ..................... . ......... ••••••••••••• alAa RENOVATING AU.Sl'ATE PAVING ~· iDt/at 6 lllolt Sealcoat.ill1 · Stri.pil!1 docb.15 . '45-17 ~.Comm./Reald. FINEnNISHWOllK Uc. tS1JG' "54111 8-N~Doon WI Drivewayai.Partia' Lot -UIOCdll Repeln, ::1ealco1UD1. • • * * * S•SAtphah 'nrtdolPtaia WaJll!la· Uclll·41• creHe tile Velie • Rea/eomm. Sealcoat.,,. re· Beautr . of Your Home pain, rea11rface. nee Mt.II Tbe Rlcllla111 of tst.~Sl78ev1/wknd SolldWood.--1 , ...................... ADD'Nl/llMODllJNG Pl111.1. Lle'cl: CJ1tr1e Pllmr•a...111 .... ....... "· ...... ....................... ~-~·~-!!!· ,_,. • ... ,. ·~t. . ... t&I!! ··--Cl8TOM ~AaDININO ._.. /Qlaa'I a. .... ..,.x .a ftlGMlmOPPIR ea .............. t. ~ ................ ~~.............. ~ ............ : .. l>V~ ,.::.~"=Jz. "'A:..:~· =.•J.-::..~;'fc '"911L J ...... l UcHl--~ \'IM.Ue/IM.,,..., ........ to11tr1dor 6 RobrLIAl?f???T? ...... Uc ... O.C. eo.trtallll•loe DPD. PllPAlll :. f:· G•l'J Gompf ...,., •ro&IM tt .1netle••............ ,.,.. •t. •• Wn 1M JU. riz11t ftlt ~bf liehrd r..pert .UCO trta I.I ..._... ...... wt. -11 = f:i!e.::.':.~ .... ....: ~ :A*: !!!!£!~ ............ . 11DDAftD ,,... Gl4'JO Orn I !tw AMlaameat ·r~·· ..._, .. a.rm. -=,._.__=~;;...-'1:--=.~=i .... Al · JTin T••r.11.ct. __ m_.-_l_for__.Ql!t....._._, -r®<t WALLPAPllllNG ONlt Prt•.at·taS l'All'·ACCl1aATI a 11'1 ap. ' .-.i. lsp'd, bo•dtd. Lie . ..._ca..mn.,_, ...._ 1111• WI. Color Ct,_.., Dileouata oe lit I09IN'la.IAMING .._., lft!. --1 !Q!!t.ID•U IMO ~p. Free est. _ ................ . ~U..OUWY ....a. 1..._, la· NIUIONIPAINTING Wl·'7»-' TILEll'STALL.ED ~-...., co•• Tu lttun lllt/l:llt lelW/Coem .__._...... AJlio..Guaruteed •ftml•arvl'IBO .. I -... .... '-A all I AeoUltle ctlllao. I.ta, • ..,...-..._ IWI JolllllM0-1211 ~ • ~·--· • or le'd. rr.t1t. Of.mJ -.. • .. ••••••••••• IDVICl.llrt. ~·· .... Of· --"----.~="'-=-=-'--1 •IRYANT'S• ~c:tr1mlcTUe OWatnM. -..10.n ftcie or Hom Appoint· LJ.1. PAINTING WaDcoverinl Removtl l'romllitaerv. Freeeal. Ta9auMtY/ltu ........... ,, ... L. ZJm· QU~M!laftAS... All'l)p!. "2·1U3 ClaurU7S.1a PNl.MitaalorM•• •nma.CPA.MMIU - (111).-T 'fll:::}•P.!t!rJ INT!UTPAIJlril.NG ....... ,,..,. .. '!'!~ .......... . 111SllOOM8QUAD y.., 1*Jda1. Sml Quality--'. Rtu. _ .................. •ElpertTreePrwlla1• QiM11tJ ·Reliable ~ ftiuee. ,,_Ill, 8lew NT.all Neltpe&dMI 6 texturea Commercial Ludaupe. ------------1 J!!!!~!!!!~'1~1-~1~12!!Jl BOODANOV PAINTING ,,_.... nJ.14Jt S.W. Nt.af lay '• R .... ,.. O.,a..dtheSummer thr ' ll1ftO.C. Top,uaUt7. PLASTERPATCHING CcmpleteTreeSenlee Service. ~..!!1!1"· Cleufa1 your Houae ........................ H91La.Ue.DM50. Reatuceo1. Jnt/ut: 30 ' Get'lcln·lllP•~ ....... ~.,.1 . Lil IODGDe t1ae do It BIUCKWORK : Smell .-,_mt yn.Nut.P8UIS4s.2171 Lawarenov. 14 · · for you !!!!!! Call ioba. Newport, C.1ta QUAUTYIHT/IXT -Qi.(,, .... rpn ....... .... !!:~.:. lrvlae. Rab. fJc'cl. Rell. Free est. IOl.l'J>'SPLASTIRING T,., ... Pata~ rntl ix up .,_.,., • ...,.lOl7•• All?Yvea lat or Ext. ......... •••••••••••••• ' . ' l!xp'd Nlil_,le cle1111D1 . l6llSI Free est. DElJNQUENT? = · re••· Jerry• 1.ay, 1ood ref1, Call ·EXPERT BRICJC AND ~Y Pt&. Low wiater Jllltid&I Forecloaurea Udlaf7S.21M 111Mw7. Small joba 6 r.aa ill eftect. Honest, A 'II I HaroldF.McGre~Elq. u:.>DG./ADl).()IU ... ,M~Jerv. I-'" ......... _ ....... bome a1 repeln. P'rplc facinp. l'lliable. ..... • ............ •••••••••• -1-1111 •c.n.trY.IJt'4. ,._..lee try ww~.,_--IWl.561-4SS"5,7I0-7014 DrainaclearectrromllO ""' .,,.. -,,,,.s..,nt p ~u ·Ull my on. Dtlltad1ble, MASONRY PAJNTERNEE.DS Plwnbhtfhpain ~-.·1.ia-•n. ,.....1ble.1Si·to20. LANDSCP/ WORK! •ynexp inti rr.ee1t. IOill "2·9033 T ...... )'z~,=~lllat ....... a~;r·:ic fNttnllD· .. t. v.nu9Add ~ mlLRAHDYMAN Qadt)' DeDtedeble Coec:rete. Uc, lu. at. Ac:iowtic cellift11. -••••t.•• .. ••••••••••• ~~.~':.'fl:o~ ~0:-.:!.,~ CallPam.filrobDwlpt, JOlft.~euat.SJMtl4 DlvilPliDUnl 147-5111 Pttpu1yM••i••.t Reedin1 •related ak~a~· J.etH.•~iJr. OIU' 1,.cl1lty. }Uke m70l2 C\ll&omBriek,S&ooe, Ooilele lb!deot T yn H · _ ................... ~ai::~:~rede~ lta• -OUI -:m· P•b sa. a•. RHla~n O...o.&r. w-11u ........ Bb:kL.Coetrete,Slucco. per.lnt/at, ref1. Du• ~rSlefn ltlw4 144-7779 _.. 1...,1netectCab6Deta el.IMM" Rm.rreel'llt.S4t·tm •119<teeptrzlai> liL-R..... · ah&f»i WoadSlinaorFtr11lica An~. W.. • DeMMa~le • Ho1tt1t. &1tcli81,1>tlroomi, ,..__ P •-u-Ohnle Co. 1ree. 15 yn ~~- U ·. •11 .. /coma/lad111. -·••••••••••••••••• Unlta "5Cl/Nt-1• IDIL Ditcto&r. adidta. WIUoa t tlllome MASOMIY llilbop ....,.. 1w .... 1 aperience Call for info ,,....,__..._ AGGRESSIVELEGAL . ..,.. .. nu .., nit ............... r! 30 yra HP in Buch llldnt. . . ...................... . ll~ell&a·•· tree ~Uon. Law Of· CUstom Carpentry By ........ --=·=..... A .... UDl¥eni&yofU· ll/!lft '7MJt4 ft'eust 5411029 . SAME DAY TYPING b ,Jtbn.54U422 "Jay". (Yormlu • c.lmW11•wov-1 • bie.U..4'54 ... eollete 1radu1te .........._ ~a. · · '6WllJ Service-now serving Tile> 14.2 .... or Cell-............... ......_ ._....,to become• ..._.._.. _. --.........,,.__.. local buainea1e1! Will trim. • tit. MMOil ,.. ... ........_ A Ad •ezo t ,,._.. ....... -OOD ..__ Callfonla mlllloaalre ....................... ,..,.. ---w-..-pklllp•del.551-2724 ~TreeTrim ....._ /Comm'I . JIWWUt nawer " a """av wuw ...... ,............... ·bf HAID WOIK. SIM --'IC WO. .....__ .......... ••••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• - ........ •••••••••••••• &a.GOO, 3' bn. lataion, ban, ... u.. DUllP JOIS u..d1 It.la• lood It.I.rt Qlict-eam\!l. 552·0.10 HANGING tlOIROLL CBEI Typin1·reaumu. term Bebnit,ourCM bome1, 1 Cabmecl Cou t t llbrarle1, ublaeta, •a-11M..n.1Jolll ia YoUI' uea ud can Strillllin1-dilconp1pe~ . papen. diaertlllons. yrfu~.aQJtime. Doon G~ :T:: bookc11ea1 1k71ltea, -.... CaUllIXE•m1 prorida TOP ref *l.ol WO'*-* VISA/MC 64$-tm . word ~ill&. Reas . "2-Ml2,141-57S9 dowa: Finish work . c111t. molalna. Refa ........................ ! HAVUNG6DUllP forlttallllt •:aces Top Qualft1,. Specl•I Tuna loat or unused rat~•· L.P . OUiee A'* .. -ltl. ..... Bab lttl M -F I 7$MG1 ...._ TrteTrim6 ae•nl JO. llU llalld ~vs.,. :t;: .>e.t tare bl bandlillS. 2S yn UC. PAPER HANGER II*!! into 1 worklblt Servica: 541·713.5. N~ ~ 2 ':: er tO Dlryw.-~ a.. a.in .. 1..:r y, tlO ev.;., two weeb: ap. ~pet.ltlve nta. aiaded •par. No Job 1rea-room1 d ivided 5:30.Sllllr.Clll.YMZ·2115 Cuatom ·~eek,s, -............... --•ITJ.toa 1'orrwtilerdetalla,caU Nooverti-. 7•UU ~11111llor.}:l•~27za drywall, drop eelllnp ' WIM9wCll•lr1 . ~· ~·km.3z~ccl. DRYWALL/AcotJmc So\llEDAYDILJVllY GWUPYOUIACT TMlllOOM""AD srAJlVIHGCOLL!GE eeat. Y trfm carpentry.to com· ...................... . l.Jc'd childcere lovln1 or c J4yaap.rtaUylJfcl• .,_.,.lenlce aow 1UDAYI Ytfcf/jara11 mn.z1 m.JDENTSMOVING WALLPAPER ple&iiae.CaUTomorJefl "LettbeS&!JlshiMln" care • compuiomhlp, 8Db'1 CarpentrJ·remod, imured. •· ..-.-.i._.-... da-'li etc. 1 t. tnacll. CO.IJc. ITI.M-al. Allk:JDda. Free est. 1Ul1·2tllor.,,.JJM. CaUSUmbiDeWlndow fenced yd. 551-JOll repair. No job too amall. •••W -..f& •171' " •· ·• <M lln> Eu'd bouMcle1ner IDalll'eCI. 141-MZ'J Sll/roll. Ue. SIOlll ..... C'leaninl, Ltd. 541.1153 Rel Freeest....., By0.day,owntr1na. WAreH\JSGROW! Norm~ 203Moothly DilcoWlt Uc'dmot.berwUlc1nfor · · -........... _... l4KoUllia1, t le1DllP. HAUUNG-atudetlt h11 Aa.oeompanioa.541...a ....................... - yourtoddlerlllon-Fri,11 SELL idle items with 1 LIC'DELECTllC~ ........... jolaa. rr .. tg: Lowtat rate. Compue~oreyoubuy. ntEPAPERHANGER REPAJRSPORLESS •RESIDENTIAL• yd, nutritlo111 mul1. Dally Pilot Cl1ssified ~wortl ·le~ lei t1t.eiao Wl1m. aft C.ll'flt.lfM. Sell! Sell! Se.II! And let Clwifiedlftlkeaiteuy. Prol.,quaUtywork. SlliDll•. nat. IO yrs Av11 sty PO; av1 2 sty l6W Ad. "-Ill. 111~ -.1•. clauified lie . ~:~~-·-. IGSll __ _ Free tit. Steve 547-4211 . rreuat. 710-2125 MS. Ouia 157.,.. 44M 4400 ..... ...W 4450 ....................... ....................... .. .................................................................. . Newport Beach near .-.C:ALSUm ... +cartA•n_. EXECVTIVESUITE Storeor0ffice.W01q.ft. eo.c Hoap. 1000 aq ft .. •Iii. I\. rroat 1round •• f\sQ-2001 Nwpt Center, ocn view, lla&VtrdtArea 91mdllooroftlen, am· floor.;..~rn aettln1. comer ofc, ssoo. fu ll 54.5-41Zl • perkjq, well main· prd bids. iD top Irvine Airport .nee. Mnicie 79-IOM .... .....,_ ..__, __ _ t.-. Well. Vleky clays .,... cl Newport Beach. suite, nice ofticea in · · .........,.,_.._. apace to 71'/145·4100, e vu Xlnt accea1 to Hoa1 friendly 1tmo1J1here. Ptime Newport Beach of. let. G5 ~ S1'75J:r mo . ............ 4111 Ofllt.... • 714/f11·1112. leave Haap. $1.25 aq. ft. Loe1 ADI. Mt"V. ,lael. 1'Yflnl. fice apace. Newly re· i..,-.. 17~ 22 -•i 11 n•l•M•M•"•" u1ni .... •"--•••0 . term lew avail. Call X...avail l57•m lllOdeled, bet~ful. Call STORE. 2340 Newport Bl. ...... IWt '1edl, •1. • ... a. ... V_. ......U.at'• what you llMI01 fOf appt. ·--It's IO-O-O easy to u1e Mart m.tlllll. CM. 21'&20' for l200/mo. r1;;1;zn1i ... Ill 1' ..... to .... .._ . 1et wltla cl au Hied. StllthinpCut with Dally cluailled. J111t 1ive 111 at·~ w~t you w~nt in _MS._BD _____ _ ~ ... .... MMUI fG..5171 PllatWentAda. ~all.IC-~-.... -·. Daill PilatClu1il1eds -~-~,- ..... ~~All.' 6 IAY'9ftMT eelee•eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeue·"• Pri~'C.~ -------1 tw::.·r~ ftllt.r.lfw•lall*. ,....mee.fra'.1•. • on bllly Pac Cit Hwy . .._.,.,...._ •II '9111!.: 1 Mk tn. Clll.e .... •"·ft. • 8 D •y WEEK SPECIAL • ldealforretailoroffi« tndlla: c ...,.. ..fLJl .... lt + lttl1 .... ""'•· UUll •· • • A Ille. 1.000 to J,000 aq ft 0-......,Amfka. -~ eY. nt W. ttt•. It. • avlil. ,,.,._now.... _ ..... e I Deya • 3 Linea • I Dottera __ 1_1'_~_1_1_00 __ •. Lar,elbclrmlnaecurity Furn Clll Hiii. suo. *"'off• .... '0 "1..!!!'A .:'re':;'~r~ <11111..-.r.re9t.115 e It's easy to plac""' your 0 0ayWeek Classified by mail. and 1t • C rcW bldl. View of Catalina. MS.am or Call Aoawer dl!Dwlll a_.... = J..S•Maia~ .,.. ft. lftOM OMr. -c; O"' • .... 4475 • m:>. 9134112 1 to 5: uu.M2-000 ..., .. Ml·t8" •ta 1 ct 1111u .. Phltie'"' WHtellrt e costs 1ust S8 -that s only a dollar a day1 To qualify for th is • ••••••••••••••••••••••• eo99•wbdlUM945. t • ' • ..... ~ft. Meclkal ff t be I ff Prime T111tin 6 Sin • Cdll~t. entr•n · .,,... · ~.. e special o er. you mus a non-commerc1a user o ering offi .Nwpt Hll. 2 br, 1 ba. ce/ patio Fl!ni _ ..__..... , _.. · •·• Clemt!M retail or ce frplc, yd, 1ar, s.u>tmo . Beamed cei1tn i: 3Uht;J~!'·•-°'• •1Ih~N.l.2w.• to e merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the price must • II*!· T»1'70:a 1.-s. no .m .51o:s l.lltmce. Microwave• teuta . .-.. 540-tnl. "'Ata_.. ••Prt••"""' be in your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad a1o-12 w. eo11t Hwy. 2 Bdrm' 2 beth near the rdit,. Avall 311. Qaet, ._,m •1•· -'llll~•Jt • needs eight days selling time or just one e N.B beacb ttOO per mo reap. non-1mkr. Gar<*•· to*"· 08 1WI'., WX T.,.e ...... ll.H•tlcll. • • 1.lllOaq. ft. MIU uJes ti ( '> 752-21M1 . Id& i.t/lut/clep. ta00 rm 6~_, Or .. ••• W/ff et Pit NWPT. A~~.(1·1All4) ... tlti1~. l«Vice,oowauto1tereo. · incf~ll. 7st-Ul3. b1* ..... °"" .,n. Iv~ a YT H 1 N o ·-_,.,. fu.. e Use one word 1n each box About 4 words make one •tmo. 2u1•·5NS or Bayfront 2bdrm, 1 car Rmml ..... ,A ihr ?BR Call Wen lPll or 1ft. ft1MllllSD! A .. 11 J.l I f d I f t M d 3 I Pl t • ,.._.1' 1a. r , nr .Lido Island. AJll ci.an\CU.., SZ'75 Mo lOPM,..,11m.MO-Ml5. to T-1. '500 mo. CaH • 6 SThq. ft S1 00 ,.r e c ass1 1e 1ne o ype 1nimum a 1s ines ease prin e $700/mo. Annu1l lse. loci ut11~!·11 Steffi~ ADl'Wtr Ad ti 12. aq. ll .. S15. aittt.:. N.B. • plainly I t I......... 4HO 551-0m. after5·30NMlO. ZI001q ft coedo to 1hrJ II NMllll,M In. AlmtMl-SlllZ • • .... •••••••••••••••••• 3 bd ,. b lb t . rm1 OD beaatinl ' • r-----------------------------, N.B .. 317S Bittb. 11101q. • m, ~ a. c sed o Roomivt bath kitcb Greablt 6 view of. Ole Prof. wo ... a w/ R .S. •H UN TING T 0 N • ft. or lell. MlA &One. 50' ocean . 1175.41112 a , . ID "'· • Q . t ""'••I-55'7·7'113or ...., lleedl r to illare I!",....• • I . I per iq. ft. A1ent m1211eve, Bkr pnv. • rum. Ille _,, -· C1'lll Ull•IW-MOO + ""'" • 541 poolbome.Sl75,545-S105 .... "'..., ... "" IW!'&'ofe • I I -DZ. 3 Br. 2 Ba. 1$~ 5b~/: ;o lft5. re+ to• c.•. ct1111lex. -""" 2 t do • • a I I • muooo aq. ft. by Npt. ~rj& .. ent 17S.237J Room In private home. L1e Yd . Pt•111t «?.!.· "'~111·~wli> S::an~ utli • *2!':\Aet':: • fwy • 405 fwy. From -~ · Kitdlell privlle1es. Nr. IDS/mo.+ 11 . ....,... ..r..~-• I~----..------......... ----..-----...---• U04 Mr. O'Kufe or .. .,._. occ. truap. PartiD1. t1ct Karen 547 -1151 .,.,.,_ A..u.lllt llOW·lat PtCMll' I S I 00 • .,..,. 1 BR, pool, block to ms. After 5 Piii xm. .; can (fW)lll.IW • I ........ ----+-----+----~----+---·-~ ocean. Slngle adult. $32$. f'1Nl7t ... DAHA POINT. Shire ..... "llACM . 10•• • lnd!!ltrt.al Part Unlu for ~ ... "-It '°:=;* •I• · ...., avall•"e 90•· ~· cr.iiiilli of • I :-ewiit1:'°. A.vllOOau.· r11or~im1~ Furn. room, kltcaea l'lanl, at • · · ~----+-----+-----+-----+------4 • n. 2Br, 2Ba twnbse. 1ar11e privp. Female. oely. a/... -4llt •·•.~-~= t9 ','{" 14 ft. • I 13. mtd. omipenc:y. Office :~J: peUo, 1475 C.M.S170mo.~. Rmmte wealecl, mil ..,. 4 Br. home btwn ;ri: . ..e..a.o • \ ...._----+-----+-----+-----...---·--.. • ~;l.'C: :~ · Furn. room la Co1ta owr a, _l!DPl'dtJ~et, 'layf&Otean .. Av•U lit. • I 11.• • ban. »-0• a aq ft . Call 38r, 2Ba, r.,,ic, am patio, Meu. Quiet bome for llbenl. ..._ 1c11 ie m.• atttPM. I ~----'-------'-----'-------------1 I0-4m. Mon·Frl. a.5. :::i •1~r. -mo. =~·=·WI· F ........ '" .... bit. J1 +. , .. ,..!., execup an • I Add 12.IO for tech addltlonal llne for I time• • -C.11.w/F.stllD +~ diMD. 1ban •Ice C• L--------------~----------' e J...._2k ....._.._.. 41 .a.+dllp:daysiaocb -. .,, ..... sm1mo. aA .... Crmr e I veryclOMtA>Ocean.SS75 _ ............... 145-2222, ••n Pfaac7 Gl·)IM MeinJ:(tiilOa • I • a . au.am ~~~au. :.=..,.tetoahrcon· .. .., .. -•IM ~~~~~· • Publ ishmyadfor8daysstarting _________ e ..... 4SH ....................... G1ra1e for real oo Balboll Pea. out to Fun Zooe UO~x20~ >, SlSO mo. f1S.ZM3, 17Ut30. 3 Br yearly. Near beach. $105 • up. Color TV. do ID N.B. llOO + 111 --............... · ''9eato~--1" Classification__________________ • ms. Play1 R.E. ~r~ &f::.· ~~ ..a__. -=-ear J:.•t:t haU e • t • m{ttttfttj/ m.LtOO • .;r.; Pl'ol. penGll to'"" fl'llet ~· · 1•· • Name______________________ • _ ...................... . S.Cl11 r• 317' twl!Me, HB. llltr ate~---·-----• ....................... ,...._...,. 4n • :;ac~~--· ,.... it•-. ... La Address_____________________ e 2 br ne1r oce1n ·-.. ••••••••••• .. • adr•lDl ll.S. C.• Call aft« • . • OCIANPIONT 2. 4 Br. , ..... c·t z Ph • "111•. lit 6 lut mo. A..U Willter Weekly/ r ...... t.e C.111. -I . ...... • I y ip___ one ____ _ :.;::,~.5;g: See lloa!Nr.m.ma. 11 :;.·~·Mi-. ;;.:::~~,!:.~ ::,---~"· " .. 11:" e Check or M.0 . enclosed O • ~.sc._ . ..._ ~~~·.<ari 11ruircoM9. ,......... · · ~ .r.c.ote t c • 1 ':t •• :~ii:~tl, Ba furn. •/•trium ............. tftall, ...._ Gar,,., ·dow•· ,..,. UOll harge my ad to: • •• •·t"4eftl:30 · Golt, ten11. Daily. •.:.elk-... .,. o.ta .... hf· tC ,,. ......... e ~ • --*1Y6m~r1tet ••· __, wll 11 ete-..r; .. •Y • O . # __________ Exp. __ _ s.llMI auil. 11'·5Si·IOtl ''°* w/M • r . IQtr M. a l•Yel&metd • .• -................. t.5Pll, alk for llart. delm, wtb loe. NI er.-........ ._ ... S777 • • COUNTRY SETTING Mtl""dllbdraacoado. dD..,...m... ....................... . • 0 •---~----------Exp. ____ • ~~1~. ,·,':""'.it':: •su•1a10&. r • 11 to~ •r •• .,._.... N.i . Wut 111111.1.. • L.. e ~;,.,,;., frpk, .... C.ll.•t •.•+".W ...... lalt. ""'·'· ,.~ ---------~---------~--------kl~a/pttl ol:. SSH .......... 4JH .... ,..,,. 111. ... Ap!Ml..sa .... ...... .. ·• r········· WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ............. , • ...;--.:.=...:=;........ __ • ___ 1-•••••• .. •••••••• hamma.w...e.lor ISUIWI ,,........., tee. Jael • 1 e , ... MOUOIAY l!Qul'-=af center. D\. I W /'&lat loe. ~o yr lelN. Nat'l 6 rocel t'nlelt rnt11. M0.000. <•>--aft. Spm. CW• t •1 1111 ... ................... . l11••1tor /1 W••· ted·St0,000 tot•I or lNl.•. 3D'lft. I yr. totn ...,. Mil. --· , ... leC.) PLUI ~ Q_tp. wrtto«f PU1S Bt; T11 Cr'ldlt PLUS$~ of IMI· .... Ht. Call ltll .... fBMll :.::.· ~~~ ... ='i'lJ~ttP. NN~~rs;A~G: • ·-••• .. ••••••••• -JE iM11&J: l:,"1'· :-'i>H=. 11 u ·• tF MAllEO 1 • SIAWIMD .... .,... •3 · T•r. IA . • I IN TH[ g • ·-,,=:.rt::=: ~.At.L-ee '.f&~f~~ ... i • --------------. IUNITEDSUTES ,,., • ~~= ... !~~ YILLA51 To...,..lbed,..Mil· ...,,..,..... 18 lnlH 1 hileu eawlrtl .. at <no • BUSINESS REPLY LABEL .. e .... Nlw:: = i•:.~ .. v._ _.._.ti.c~~ ...,. ,_ ,....,., :"~:' :,,9(1 c:i .... . • . ----->; • " 1u• .... , -.. ., .. F .. -......... ,. ,..STCl.A,OUMIUO U,CO$TAMUA.OLI'°" .. '' ' :: • 'f Ill; ~·s't:w. ...... ,: ;,:~~u;;o.~::.':~ .:. ... ·;.. '•Hai ··-~ .. t···•H Iii • a.._ _______________ ·----· I '*' ...... ~i~1·a~ ... ...,..... '~ti·a· . ::. m·--· :e:....«:!'ir:.:: • I o:~:.wc:~o:;~;r.:u ja • ~ ,_ _.,. '"1191 ft'tfaraa.aACG .. ,Mt.I .... _.lJW --']MaM • .. Diiiy Piii ·: ~.~.""'" ...... 11 '•IJlt ft'tlli ... .,.... .. 1arrM.rPnf. r... <"8> .., tNmll.ll•Jt· .... .. ...... • ... -;:..,.... ~·'"" ..... lfortl .... .,........... --L lal!t ....... Im'"" .. ...... • Q. I '!.. .. ... . • -latt• a. •• , ................. Pref .••••• .,,, •• -'*F.!i lr'AT Fr&... • a Clll •• f.C' CfM> ._ Wiil• lk' .... aan.r Vl•• •••• a , 11 &Mr11•11 .. · • · • 111 I ' • ...., ... Ce•~r1•a• .. le1wla• Yltla11. •/ .. •ll It+ ''"· ;Jtr •In 6 . •. -• lh ,. ~8"'' . a I ~ --,, tr, ..., • ..,..,., •• ............ ._ .,_ .. ._..,_ Celtl ...... CAaal •• . -•• • -........ ~ ·• . •:iflll!I~--· ~ •••. • I I. I .. " • • • Orange Coul DAil Y PILOT/Wldnelda~. flbtUllY 24. 1812 ~ _ , , '~= .... ~~ ""-._;_~'•· 1111 ...... _, , 71·!~~· ~71 ~1.wiW..W ~ JIOO~w..N -1111i.w.w ~JtM f~ -_. 71~ --" ·Ill-_ ----·--... __. ....... ....., n al:t .. : ""''~a4HM..._... ''IB~H••··~~ l•~T~UH••• !~~••••• •-H••HHH•••tM• -••m•WAM•H•• ~--w.:r••~·;;~:: -.................. . htll •at.• " cau lli1111 1. f1111a IAIYllTl'a-w..... ......--._...fll10.1q. ,,. .., iilaW-iuu •m. 'TN .._.. ,_, •• for llfna. suo. ua.ua. Dl•I•• ,. .. , aa ••• 1-: toaa. • • 811 r... 18 )tear lo ~ Mar. Ill. Ill. m-tOU. do 11 a r :io m ~ • ~ ....... ll~ 1oudl , .. ,,_., ilWl water •·~It tfltttl. a• daln. SHS. Miii -,.... .:ti~* --=~~r.oN.M, ~. 1614 Woiillffp Homa t1ta la le Dl..V)' )'our~~ couu.1111• flr.m .... r:::r••I• I.IC eru .... i.u.,,. .-ua.r1 OIO NNUL -a:fi-• 1 1 'THANIYU• :~Rs ...._ ' .,t1Hut. ~ ''1!:'11 • b111r Mtdtbelphn:_r~uaf Wa8t mouvated ahary ....,. tor 1-s ,..,, dnvlaf rttord • "1fr, 1 7r old, •· CotnpleC.t tittn 11.1111 HI · "· -to •tart, hue own trinsp mtoorwom111torm11111 ~ IDIW.J*>Plt llWI&. Pd vat.00.. in· Relra( 2 Jrt old , l'OOIDMC .... ••••••-.. •••••••••••• 6'f.0217 ~W.W ~'! .. !'!'!_~111urajt1 Laurit:~l llllltUoet. Set 1our owo &o motivat.• lmbltlout 1w ,t1c.Call4IMlll. SI00/10. •H·Sffl, • CIU·m..en AJISAi~ft· COuklll) a Olct~l& --.......,.ty lo ob hourt -rantutlc In · :.11iioldt.CIUZ.5pm. S..C llll AM·UOPM. ID\WlJleDtlaintt IN. (Donna~ r••· Call: Mary Anne, bewn Eaperlenh not nee. lirtd.14M705. Atwtru. ~r e 0 m • Jhfrla. tro1t lru. typet a ttt•t• boa • ij~ 1 potlUoa. 40 br wttll. ....._JC......, come. No .. 111.,1 re · ,eat.30.Altfor <ran •','6r:'" -~ .......... NOii. HCOIT .. 12 .... otUl.o?SI ne.x.lble hrt. Apply In u.....i.--• .. aJot1 .. 1l1tloa for ho .... "::!.~.~ lc.aaalltr. •lal cond. WTD1 ~-iiMIK.1pm ~.mature for =between 3·5PM :~tllin~ to learn Otpat~lain b1a1· mo . ._ ~~u,i ~ :-~t; '42-2'71 545-0 1 l OoedlwoWcl love to party ~r f;!~~~Ue ='!.t~~Yw~U.m , c~i'io:.~~:,ewport tor rt1>1r1131·t424, ~,..... Ins•. ( Int com m. '='.:1r'nlotldtt1 Mt. lilORE!!! 120to'11S WlDOW HAS US for with you. Leslie or • l'flPOOllbie atudtol or · TMIAO•I OI 00 I.Al!~ 957.1115a tlO.W. Worll l'Jt.1440 ll"'pm). ..,· .W.·l5Cll • e OPEN HOUSE. Sat 10.i TD'• R£Loan1, IOK Sylvia, anytime . aduitaeectedat5:30pm COblS ·\!Oua11>Dii £mi)k)y Mechanic MB£ ' nperw"k, SNilSLADY •'* orByappt,SSl·ISZS.13 Up. NoCrtdlt Check, No Tiil 90.1e to trwport d1ltd from F\111 or pan tlrne . Ex· forelin 'made. •ro~~o. evenlnp aod po11lbly wanaea'f'orrttafiatore Ln Relriaerator, Wt1tln1· Platall, fr"in• . . ::.-J:l:n1::nnlnon A•· ~.· •• -.•. •S..lut ll60 r.t"t'~~~f'Ys'!1~Y :1~~~~n1;.c1E~;: AOOHdiXAI R§ io BMW ' Mercedes . ~''ruTfcti~pet,ei';:,~ ~=·Beach, p/Ume. houle~O:.~v:sc'· 'm'o•i8':·t~t~o:~ - -••••••••••••••••• qien. 8'7·912S, 9$5-113~ Ptt{, but oot nee. Apply ~hr. Ptr. Car. 64$·5E?_ -.Olts. rmlleup detlrablt. A bill· , •FtXEO RATE 2nd TD SWEDISH M~SAGE (Pei) in peuon Coco'• 78 ........ 4ultt.t ty to work taal and ac. SALES "PR" peraon1 Hotoo6nt 15 coppertoae I 1 w n mower • S 7 $ ••\illy Amortized Rel11ln1. non·•exual. Faalllon Island Squ'are HOUSd dE?-EANd ERS . 1 ~t11C'ed lrontoJtke CW'lteJy under prffeurc needed. lh&k lll1nd la ,..,.rta, 11Dt cood, Sl25. •1m •F\lllyAu11mable Robertflel-7820(104) NB ' nee e .or omuttc Medical Aulrtant ntce.ury, Salary de· looking tor a few In· ••· o.tom 1· round bed & •No Pre.Payment .-, Hltl IAl~Slnll ~· Ji J -deanllla service. 'ood Ne_wJ>Ort Beach, OB· pends on HJ)erlence. teJUgent llltactlve and Waaller au dryer headboard, titted 1old .... (orP:~1ally K~...... Peron nude-d to toP:'-6A~~Mon&iTues. f:/.~t:::~~~~s:b· GYN. ~Utime . rtl. r~. The Daily Pilot ii 10 1lnceh peuona to Workawell llothSlOO · ulln abeet.t, cu1lom .......... ip,~-0283 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• bllbyslU/)lr old1lrfl/br Windwll'i Donut Shop • qlired.C.11645·7170 equal opportunity ~them in tbtlr ffS..S. q_wululttd spread, com e.,...,A.u M hi Wiii H~a employtr. Women and Private Club Ill Newport plete, m>. 541·754.t lr\ltftt·Newport Buch Sd1M61& 11A;e~et~hlld ,after ~!.~· 17th St Costa -~"!~~· MODB.S minorities ue en. Beach. Interview• re· liltpomt .Refria. I/yr old, trust dftd investment&. .......... 1005 school at l:SoSpm' keep 5 d1y1, t ·4pm. Perm Opportunfly now r,r l'OUl'a&ed to apply. qi.ired. Clll for an •P· Harvat Gold, xlnl cond. Like new • I' Camel Call for latest list. •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• until approx. 2:4~m. Delivery men over 18 for l>O•ltlon for mature. girllll&iolderwhowaM Submit applications at IJOintmenl. M Mon·hl, 1250/080 over S200 CordutOJ Sofa S300 ~ li-21~ yield 1·3 yrs. D9iceCleun MUST · BE DtP N· l..A. Times to homes In Englhh speaking lo bave a career 1n frmtcou.nter. uk lot Mr. H1lber1 91J.ata. Wirkercteopalraloungr Pnn. only. Craig Glass, 6 wt imlons S t "-II C 11 f 87~ chain $75 each. 2 Nl1bt IW/Maa 758.1221 ~ every a DABLE. MUST II ve C . M . 3 a m · 6 a m """a with aood ability mo ...... na a or 1n. ::i C...t Seen l7.l cu ft rtJri&, St.tndt double drawer! _ be1lnnin1 Feb 27th. witbln walki.nt diatanre Economy car required t.o1n1wer phOne &i take lerview Saturdays Plot SIC'YTAllCHAl61 w/lcemaller. almond, SlS eadt Carved Wlnf Aerobic dance, begin· to Stonecrttli Elemen. No co 11 e r t I nc meuaees Car ner Gd lO:J>.1·30, 551·3119 (uk Por aates 41-1 rvlre. oc -·-It 1 • I r.-flh/ ninaJaudanre&dan tary School, Wood· $400.~/mo + bon~ workin.a ronds. Small forMike). llO .t.ySt. Branch ofli~~. Saiary -Ml·-•.. Cabinet $15 . Cal l ,.,_,,./ cercise. Classes held al bridge, Irvine. Please MMaT. famllY. Send reply to . .ttAUil.LUS C.. ....... CA. open, Established Com· Free:zer szoo. Washer. S4MIM7. l.olt&Foimct ~a::."i.c:,i1~u~1!~~ catr 5$2·0461 after O..WOfe MF. -Ad, Box~. Corona del ~THClUI pany. All fringes plus diyer, dt W, 1ml refn1 Tnnile Bed. aolld bard ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIU 5:~m. Dllhus , efficient & or· Mar, CA.~. lnstructton posit ions rA.TllOU 0.81 pension plan. Ca II 111'5ea.1146-SMI wood ends, CUilom cov *•1• c_... 5100 84().5Z2 337 gan. w/bkpg exp. 4 day Howek 'd avall f'ull&p/tlme. Ex Detailed--bf.wultty Normaforappolntment. ~M.hrt•I02S er It bolsters. S250 ....................... 1,846· 1 _A_, wk. Pd var." holidays liable~':~;, e~~r.' ~e~ per.pte!err~~57-6226. re~' lnp~l " record (213)677-8167 ~ ............... _m._121_1_. ----~ ·~~rr1r"_A} .W. W...t.d. 7 075 ..._....... C.M. 546-3000. _ children. S'iJ.2584. • NW"Slng ees>tna. Mtnlmum ell· B. i..&AW 25,,~ Couth, new, Sl.50. Rattan tff;-.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• HEW ACCOUNTS Dental Reteptionist/ Of. Hsi!... per. rf!C1uired. Newport •I nv din. sel, new, S250 181~$. r ammo Real, Young married man fire Manager. Xlnt _pay lliiiY--I Cooli LVN(J..11, 11·71 f!eacharea.640·1950. MT Redwood 2x6 ec inc Refrie,13S0.63HS08 San Clemente. 492·7296. would like odd job& eves COUNSB.OR w/beneftts. N.B. office Moo lh Fri l·S. Non Relief nunies needed for To b pects of 4-~' Ions; alto redwC?OCf fUlly lk & wk.ends. Can do a FVLL TIME 646-4868 smoker. S80 wk.MS-1737 Christian rttireme nl NI,..\<!! At!tA. Y / runnina an active sales fend n1. Lowest price Bunk beds, 1100. OBO. variety of handyman Experience preferred, · INSURANCEE bomewilh33bed SNf ~"IT~Y depattmentinthegrow. gua.r Jim or Ken Blbycrib,SSO.washer1 <lold Party ·Wholesale .iobs. 972.9525 eves; ask ~~chC:fi!~nlington DentalofficeManager assistant ·roxf'~:': Near Dis neyland ~:ine~!~ M~~t sb:":,~ inf field or RESO RT anyttme,1146-~. dryer.SZOO.Mll-088 ~C::~~'1iaf~a f!.10·2. lor Bill. Contact: John June N.B. restorative rirar mercial lines w/major W a I n u t M a n o r ' ganlz.ed. neat & able to T ME .SH AR I NG , Shelving system 8 unlt1, Solid Bitth hand madt HOUSECLEANING , 8411·0111 lice seeks exp. earn Ins brokerage firm in ~~ handle a variety of Min imum 10 year s 45 shelves 71hX4'w twill bed frame , com, Loaf I "-cf 5300 TRY US! Reas. Depen. oriented indiv. looking NB · s a I a r Y r o m · Nursing duties. Send resume to; serretarial experience. sbel\les 4"' lon1, 5 ply plete. SSS. Call; 631-46311 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dable. Ref. Call 631 •""2 for a hlghly responsible rn-nsurate wtexper, for ......,,R"'"'S *IDE 711 W 17th St Box G 6 Real estate or escrow or pplywd modular make .,...,. CALIFORNIA position. Returning 3 an a ppt ca II l 7 l4 ) ,_ ~ ~ . ' . • fice background pre· otter lor 1000 If storage Oiina Cabn'l, 3 glass drs. FOUND ADS AIE FREE Call: or7JS.S808 high level of est 6445522 Exper'd. all shifts C.M.92627 d p · 1251 2 Jiau shelves, int. Temp. jobs, your office, fEDl:'ILll Xlnt frinJe ben eer~~ ·, ............... CE -~v. H08JS. N1p'& BJcr· Photographer-needed. ~:.::Ort. &!~~1 ~}ri~! ::_~~Best over o. liglll. Antique Wt. Xlnt skilled secretary. pro-LML Sl600 + incentive 1 r "-""'" , ng your,smie 0 n Good Pay. Call Jennifer. location. Salary open. oood. S7SOS4J.S002 ofread er . writer, s.n..&Loe. quallfied.S:u.2490 F'GS has opening in us.FreemJr.med .. en Before 4PM .551·3924 Send resume to· Ad C-,..& 642.2!42 212 Edfii Anaheim for automobile taJ It life ins. Call Mrs - - - -#IOlS, Dally Pilot, P .O. ._.,_., IOJO Dininc rm lbl w/4 rhalrs -Hu~tington g:!"~r~~ .. CA Dental A.uistant Trainee. saJes rep. Inside sales. Sone: 6'2·a>4•. __ Pool M a~ n ten an re. fk>x 15&0, Costa Mesa .•• ::?:'••••••••••••••••• Seats padded·cane back Het,Wmhod 7100 $4/hr. 28/hr week, Mon· no prospttting Allrac-~EWOR*' Laguna Buch, pre· Ca.92i&?JS.0560 Rollie twin lens, 2.SF Antique Wt. S6&S~l·S002 '42·S671 92647 Thurs.642.7988 _ t1ve compens ation vrrn.. " ferably haveown truck. ~ .. "d' d .. •••••••••••.•••••••••••• Equal()pportunity I package 1 1 r Sat&Sun7amto5pm 497 5109 Sewing ma c hine (me~tr c~upled ), . cuu s es., S11S A.CCOUNTA.MTF~C Employer De~~I~~~~ in ~ts. in:.u'dmgr~~~e I ~~~.~e~~'~f ,~I ---operator.exper .. quality ~~illf · mtnt. $400 becb.h=~dSof.7~~~ --------•I Position w/Ne-ort person between J.5PM panypaiddenlal. Rapid start Must train Mon ...... k •I a must. Piecework. --------Elec. gui tar. SBO Found · Black, brn, white Bch Propt ·y M' gmt. f /C loo .. ,,.., F/C daily . 210 Newp ort I advancement potenlJal lhru Fri. 6734700 ask foil ihl .. :..!~i!n1~ ~to~'; Good benefiu. 642·9652 Doga I040 !ISUUlll younAufemale Husky firm. Outs tanding Real Estate 11\vest~nl Center Dr NB Some a~to exp · & Mgr reliable, conscientious ••••••••••••••••••••••• B h It management Firm ·· I casually license desa ra--I G .. _ KE"'""'OND Pu AKC Almost brand new 7 · nux nt c 897·5097 Ca reer Oppty-G I L. THI GOOD lilTH ble, but would consider afire work. mature in person ood m~. good :it.uoentJOOS c.;,n ps wt»te linen down-filled •-t F II Lb A P/,AIR.w/empbuis~~ mature, resp ID· _EqualOp_pEmploy non·expe.rienced 1n I d's", will train 912 pay Mgmt. possibibty, HEY•. Champ sire.M/f Ptt& sofa, "Casablanca" LU>. ye ow a . I yr ' Ill rlllallc1al analysis. 1!1,-.:Vldual to. take charge d1vldual ir otherw ise M~·Fh all day Sat need own veh1de. ex-s h ow . p vt Pl Y old. w/leather collar. ' you're bright w /prior ol accounting dept an~I Dl»T.S qualified For appoint "•< '>CN\ • perienre not necessary. IOYS--4tRLS 2U/897·134S aft 6 pm ~/080. 759.()600. "Neala", Edinger & F1C exper., we'll help payroll, AP/AR. gen I Telerommun1rat1ons men 1 r a 11 J ud Y ~~--Contart Gre1&: 645-079S How would you likt to 14. orange oval shag rug. Bo Isa Chi r a, H B lrlJJl yoo & provide for ledge.r thru tnal bat. & engineering firm needs 71• 77,,9 1 Offk.• w-..._ earn as much as SS0.00 a <l'lly 2 left ! fem .. blk It Xlnt cond. s 65 Tall Reward 897·519 2. career advancement. banking for numerous drafters experienced an l .. 1 ... 141 _ Permanent p~ti me . week?Do you like drive· wht .Engl. Springer bn' dll 962·11192 _ CaU·~123 accounts.Contact Janel Leroy, utk It r:,ncal on LEGALSECRETARY Filing. telephone and ... COOK inrrovies,pirnics,pizza Sllpaniel pups, r 1 dhamp ~pl!y r:bn'?i."!~:~t -----833 3544 V ... lum •-uy ar Good L H'I R Experience not nee. palties, beach panies, nes. H wka o . all S70 ,..-1r tbl 1 found. Brittany Spaniel. · a "' l" • aguna 1 Is. erent typ111g. 9 AM to I PM h t s15o •· S"OO """ee I ass top ..,, a I e , vi~ c 0 st a 1,...,...,.,-~ attitude & hard workers Ca l If. probat e ex daily Mon·f'rt Phone for neiuble hrs Apply in plus many other things? ~o7!;. • .r. • a ·541.5002 ' u• ' IAssemblY vva" need only apply K & 8 E person between 3-SP M Then you would probaby ·-...... Mesa/SA. 754 0630 , I IMMEDIATE Newport Bear ad· E 1 I penence necessary x-appt daily . 210 Newport probabl · k' ......;..~;;;.;.... _____ Spc butcher blk/wr. iron 99Hl621 vertising agency. Duties n g n e e r n ll cellent typing & S H 714/645,2016 IOf' us Y eTIJOY wor ang •Poodles "R .. People• din I Getting 0 ~~,~~~he J'ob include T/B. PIR, A/P, (714)540-1614. -s! lib req'd. Call Mrs ---CTen .. ler ~OD E*ITH QUOf'WFICATIONS· T·Cups. Toy, S2SO to vel~:rtas;~·of~.cS~;oon Found. Britlany Spaniel. AIR, payroll, billing, a Rl'>fRICl·u·• Winslow for a ppt. ORDER DESK RECEP ..v A • ssso. Pets Boarded & male. VI C Cos ta mirket? ~ """ m .1(Wj() TlONIST Looking for EQuat<>DoEmplo_y. l.O\lerl2yearsofage. Groomed.546·2848 64.J.l.399a.ft.6. Mesa 'SA 754·0630. Toppay,bonus, ~r.Resumewlth salary 2-5 years commercial - -bn:f!:tpers t h 2. Neal, honest and de· 991 """I Never a Fee! hist~ to: Fors)'lhe A,d· experience. 646·8200 UGAL SEC'Y or r deskon s0' eavyl rtlMTIHe -.fable. Golden R.etvr. ~uppy for Walerbed. the fin est """" verus1.11g. 1617 Westrliff -----Newport Center real erue 0 ea--ra/plaleroom as-.,....... m 1 de . K i n g s i z e Lost B 1 u e Ve Ive 1 ·.i;;:;:i~~~eg Dr., Suite 212. N. 8 . Exper'd floral Designer estate llt1gation firm ~_le'f°_u_f ~II ~.~ler slsi;;l. Mon, Tues, Fri It ~~~;,~er school and :J~S::.~~'. 6 wks. Beauty rest flotation ~ewelry Box & contents. Work close lo home 92660. needed. Carriage Trade needs ve ry ex pe r' d --Sat. Will work vertical CALL TODA y ! mattress combo. Perl. Vic Newporter Inn, NB Shop. 645-0093, ask for Legal/Exec Se<''y Xlnl Part·Ume rommerrial ramera. S3'7·S936orS3l·S2S7 MmiScl1tauzer, male 10 coocl 6/mo. old. Cost Or Elk s Cl ub. NB VICTOR IOOOHl'llF/C SallyorDiane typing . dictaphone & .......... c ,. _ _,,_..11, Knowledaeof PMTpro· 8AMtolOPM wb.Showdogsire $200 sum: will Sil'. for .,,_ Temporary Service fOf' CPA firm nr 0 C -----s horthand a mus t .--~ ~lol R Pd' C II ~2'94 REWARD 760-8645 • 556-WO AilJiort.152.9396. f~Tf'OODS Sal ,,.n"""" cess ~lpul.Xlnl for rol· s ...!\768ane 1g~ePeM a ---·------Part·Ume or Full· lune. _ ary oS>!0_ ....,._,,., $4,lllr. + lo•s lelestudents with relal· ......, er .. 1:i~iC:~~I ~ill~~et~ ASSISTANT ntEROTISSER11': UMECOOK e rlasses.A_ppl y in TEACHER·AIDE. pre. Great Dane. F 2 yrs. Manner/Highland 2 20 needed tor busy Bal Isl. IOOICKllPllFJC 260Brislo1St.,CM Expenencr preferred. Brand new Newport person. 1660 Plar-entii school. immed employ·!~ Bm/Wht Harla· Reward646-3S75 saloo.673-40l3. Position w/Npt. Bch. In· AtlNCHTUTOI but not neressary . Beacholficeofoneofthe1 Ave .C~. -ftnt, benefits. Por infc quan S75. 1175·3689, 2 blue stnped crushed velvd L. R. chairs. SlSO pr. 2 ha.uorks SIO ea. 968-2956 A......_t v estment F i rm Needed-Must learn salary negotiable w11h ' Na t ion 's leading ,.IMTSHOf' ral1 S48-2SSO _4194-_1_'8'7 ______ _ 1..art· Orange young Tab PART TIME. Orange Responsible For daily Baste f'renrh for travel j experience Apply in telemarketing firms has Musllype40wpm •• ., ... ln"P by ma le rat Wh 1te Co. Swap Meet. Sat an· financial transactions & person between 3 5PM several open an cs for 3333rd_St. ~{~a Brh WAITRESS /WA IT ER .._..,, 1 IC.it tbl S94. LIVlng rm All cbalr l&O. 2 end·tbls S40 All xlnt cond. Mo.1401 chest1paws. COM HVH d or Sun Apply SWAP Computerized G tL's. 2u.592,4045 I daily, 210 Newporl res_pons1ble. motivated w car for wicker baskel Female, 4 years old 759-an8 M EE T O f F 1 c E Analytic a I minded RtOtfT OfACE Center Dr .. NB industrious represen llCIPTIONIST lwidl serv. 9:JG.I 30pm shol9 SU0.1146-7580 Wttkends 1AM lo I PM person. Expr. Reqwred SICIET.AIY THE"'_1'.0D "'"•TH t.allves I Ne w P o rt Be a c hi Mon-f'r1. Eam S1SO-Sl7! PIT BUU.S UKC. reg 3 lc6t · gray & white F cat. CaJ1 ,,.,,,0123 ..v .-;AA Prolessional office. de· wkly Must be t collar w1rab1es tag from ~[airgrounds Costa '""' :a;~d. !':~~~~t zs I Eq~ QJ!e__ Em'!_loy _ PERSONABLE. I sires a rerept1omst with penmable It ener::t~r ~S:.r:"1· S75. IMH630. Saudi Arabia, Laguna . Generai Office & Word I LINGER IE SHOP ARTICULATE good typing ability & 979-0747 alt IOam foa Niguel. Reward 643·0158 A T T E N T I O N CAFETERIA. ma tu re Processing ex P req l · has e>perungs for rlerks SPEAKING VOICE I ple~t telephone man-appt. Warehaired fox Terner Found: Schwinn men's lo Need3peoplewhohave ne o~osition , no +Benefit:s. Conlal'l Mr. MACtlHISTHRrH 640-2912 AKC . 8 wk s . S250 s_P.dbike.Call1nd1den· 10.isnex.hrs.perweek ftek .Call 673-4403 Tolto.Un1ted lndustries I Exper helpful. Will Calling a ftern oons. llCIPTIONIST I WA.UltOUSICLHI 84S-<M72 • illy. 6JHZ7S _ _ Can earn up to S6·S8/hr aft. 6 Eves. 7l4-&M·f!806 tr a 1 n 11231 you n 0 everung.S, Saturdays on neecfed for busy Op. Expa:Ddfrig electronic ....__toy - 1 ---for romplete anforma --.. behalf r · t t firm seeks responsibl ~ • 045 . . CARPr-rlNSTALLER'S GARDENER I R i v e r . f V . o maJor c ien thalmo lo•lst's offl~e 'F1 d Old C · t lion call · ~9-7942 ""' I L u k .. ' pers«1 for immed fut ••••••••••••••••••••••• Krtcllen table and chairs. SlO. Ca ll 5'0-9038 8:J0.10p m Din.inc/Game set Wood table It 6 upholstered chairs. S400 775.Q37 Leather rerliner. Maple coffee table, Velvet rocker. 840-22.S 7 aft.Spm. HOMEMAKERS Fmle.part·tlme. perma· s 1300 Per Mon l h. !~ S48~C.~ A MUST • ners Salary open. ~ puppies, Male It fem.tie ·~.Vic c~{'(:0~~ · · HELPER. will train Wanted for lawn rare tJ~4 )SS7-J3110.Mark. _ ~~dl~e~frn::ph~~e· Mbusttype &havesomet t i me o pening in '"--'-' River Ave .NB. Iden clean·rul ma le flex. Dependable C M MA.KEA.il~EK For interview app't r ail ookkeepang skil ls.I warehouae receiving & M ·n.32 -'lllfi"h111J,.rf"fo""£•sl!l!o•&~J•ol!l!a"k tify.645-8914 A.TTINTION: hrs &pay. C.M ~·9265 646-9154 STARTH Mr Gary 545·6808 646-<M7I. -shipping dept. Call 3 Id 1 . d ~adboard for dbl bed . Ambl.t1ous bo s and evs_ ..,..__ I · R"""....,.10 ... IST ""'·· ca. -"" o ma e maxe perfect __ _. S8S OBO girls l0-13 yearl old, to --GEHBAL OFFtCE "~ Los Ange es Times Pan lime. general office 1 ns """'...-' "(f l<ANI • .....,._, breed dog. Blk & tan ~ w•"'· · Found: Bracelet Feb 17th. Vic. Costa Mesa Call to identify. 640.1310 FOUND: Pet Bird. call to Identify. Newport Bch. _ On Peninsula. 673·~ work one or two even· Co.w.r&Host.11 Insurance Agy in Costa is looking for well Insurance ex per uranre o ice markings. All shots al't.6. l'ngs "•week tett1'.ng Apply in person between Mesa has openin g for groomed. enthusiastic helprut flexible hours I Tlll~e~.~. mail & typ. $240/weet. for indiv.id.uals 548·1200 ----------. 9AM and 11 AM. t 1 h people to earn up to L B ... 7~.!l,..., to distribut l I 11:--s. 1055 ~i~~:.Pl!f,~'nssp~r~~[::~ loblens di'!r~ea~~~;~7 ~rri':e ~~perday for a few ..;._gooa each J ohn RE-STA URANT Food products. N~ ~:1u;~0~! Fwudlut IOSO :.:::"?" .............. .. and constant a dull Rnt-•I. duties. Must be respons1 hours work as p/time -----Prep. Counter Service It qwred. For information. •••••••••••••••••••••., GMAM SA.LE Call 3 to s·JOPM , ask: for Rapid advancement for rrom 4pm·9pm & train· you are fnendly, cons· stamped envelope to· Good , _ _., '""· 't • brass fillings, all sires, FOUND: Sml male 8enJ1 Andrea, 642·4321, ext. CASHIB/SALES nght person. Paid com ing will be provided rienuous & dependablej Modem Concepts, Box . .._ r urn1 ure .• ''all new '', man y supervision provided. 11 fashion Island NB ble & willing lo learn sales rep Hours are Busboy. now hiring. If send self-addressed] * * I BUY * * Nuts. bolls , screws. type dog, blk w/white HOUSEW~E DEPT. pany benefits Call Sal Your earnings as a wt want you from llAM·. 566-S, American fork APl>liances-OR I will thousands Filter c:lotb legs It chest. Red collar 3'3 Part.t i me . A pp ly . ly, S49-992l T1ftssales rep. will be 4PM weekdays. Apply 10 1 UT84003. te1f orSEU. for You b.>: large roll Meta.I oil ~ Crown Hardware, 3107 u_a_~t based 00 a guaranteed ,........RTU ... tTY person, Stonemill Ter-1 T"•o-sou MASmSA.UCTION falter r ans. Sell t o -These little ads really E.c:oast Hwy CdM .._. hourly wage of SJ SO + ..,,-.-v " -r~ " F'~: larf: r~male d~, w 0 r k • J 0 1 n the • Join our p ol\,"ess1ve generous commissions knocks often when you rare. Restaurant. 2915 Responsible wilh valid 6461616, 13).9625 highest olfer Bob Koop, '!;~au arano, c thousands of other peo-a.EA.MING :::'~ ~ou~e:a~e!r 'O~t Since lhas IS a new pro-~ recrll·getting Daily Redhill, C:,M_ --I Calif. Ur. 1971 Platen· 20 lolu. New .•. Lov. <7141758-1221. · _ _ pie 1.n this area \\'ho are 3-4 brs w~kh. Depeakn1.d0a ... unlimi'ted If you gram opponunlties for ~a h assifaed Ads to UTAJL SALES lia,c:osta Mesa 7-2 PM aeats $11. Sleepers., fhe desk~ S95ea. ofr chr Uist. lge bUt F dog, pt reg u I ar u s e r s o r ble, Englis spe g, .,.ys advancement are ex· ... r the Orange ('oa~I Permanent ptrt/ti!J?e 'L • ••• mt. PACl'ORY95H708 S20, refng S95, gar dr Lab/Shep, w/blue col Classified Call our ad refs req SS per hr are into hair ca ll. rellent Call now for market ~Ip wanted We wall .._ • -·- 1 q:nerl85.t7$-032l Jar. Dana Point. 953·~ la~er 31642·5678_. -631-4761 546-7186, ask for Gloria rrore 111formation about Phone 642 5678 tr1.1.11 WMend work re· •••••••••••••••••••• ... , KJNG INNERSPRING I.has great opportunity quired Transportation ......... 1005 EXTRA FlRM mattress Frig SJOO. Sola SlOO, Wood $100 REWARD Blk Call Mon·f'ra, 9572361, needed Cal1 768-0349 •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Mt. never used, worth Patio F\lrniture SlS·SSO Lonahalred rat. "Meat-LOOKING FOR A JOB~. ext.1204 Make i ureat d1sroverv Oak. Desk S15.0. Pie. ID),11(.12.adel. Never 900 Sea Lane J79. CdM balT" 673·8972 dys. C Sh "'i d , Cabinet szso. Fireplace' used qllffn n . wonh 760-0583 9'7S-3'T1Jev. Have something to :.ell• op~ assafle for MantelS.100 832·4096 j Dl.cashonly,SZllldel. _..._..;,..:_ ____ _ Class1hed ads doll well today s best buys · l!suaUyhomr 7$4-7350 Harws 1060 l-Ost: Black male Lab. TEMPORARILY 'D• • * ' 642·5678 Liquidation sale, to make • •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Vic. Newport Heights. CC room for more merchan· MUST SIU For Sa.le POA Mare, 8 Feb. 18th Fa mily dise.Sweet~weetSpirll, Mahotany cfoUtile bed yrs, $200. rail Candy ~~:d!~ .. ~ ~.:93~ "oi :m.namalton, HB. with mattress. Moon _642-_7072 ______ _ 644-7183. LOOKING FOR ~ l ~. mirror on head· Wanted: gentle /well ( l ~ ) Victorian loveseal. 6', ..... " trained ridina hotse(sl· Found; Prescrifttion . ___ ,,....._ __ ) rust color. lulled back, lllOOOBO 631·77t7al\6 reu.lorpvt.ranch.San-:::~:;~:~(fmo MONEY??? llNTBD .::~~~:: J.M-i\'1.., ;:•"' C•::~o : old. Trl-c:olorl blk, brn bralsdblebed. Matt. in-Like new Simmon s ••••••••••••••••••••••• : and while. Mae 963·2062 We're Ta king Applications cl'd '350. SSJ.lll3 S&eeoer Sota, ~town tonr ' Custom·m• de rork:lall Found· Bike. CdM area. d I f · · • ....,. IO 10 prinl. P50 080. ~.mo rin~. 10 diamonds . 1 ct. CaJlto idenUfy. an n erv1ewmg 4f&•Ctt Aak forDianattoS. set 111 lold la~ Must :·Fowid: :~months SATURDAY, FEB. 27 ONLY ll C c Cd> ) > ·:=\~~ie;;~· ~. ctrmer 111~. slack ~~.~~ · seu o1c1 oacribe and puppy We~~liances ~U.:..trw~~· :J· t' 31 Ill I071 • ii )'OW't. su, 7~. 8 to 11 AM or 1 to 3PM ~ sJ~ Sola• -.eaa ••• .. •¥• .. •••••••••••• ~!f'bwld: M gray kitty, v1r ·~ · • · HORIZONTAL MILL ~;1'.lltin' 17th, C M . on We are ~LSONIC. INC., manufacturers o( air cond1t1onmg untts for ewspa' per Wubers/dryeu, late CUltom made stttlonal wlauto. leed.900. ~ u -.a-~l NISSAN (Datsun). We need "t~ra"" employees for Iona and short· mod t la . S1 o o up . Iola, cost SllSO Sell MWllS ' ,......,.y. ., Iii' Dell v•ry . I .. a r . MIO.~ If no ans lerm assignments in 00t clean. easan1 maoofactunng fao 1ty to do hght "' • au--·'-1•mi!!~ll!!I~~~~-• Found: fema le Lab. handassembly and packagingonourdayshift. Mutercbar1e1 Viu. c _. i· ~,~::i'f.~~;g;'. N~~~~~:V Carriers for r'outes ;:'A~~ ... =~~~i~~ : :~. =:J~:,~~~: wE wu ru1NI! in Huntington Beach, ,..._ Our only reqwements are good attendance, ability to speak English : .• ··'25 ..!.• .. or .. c.• · Founta1·n Vialley & Newport Beach ~ l "IO ;ind work ltg.,lly in the U.S., and availabiHty for some overtime, IJe re.dy • for 10 hoot days (7am-5:30pm) Mond.lys thru Thursdays, and a hour ••••••••••••••••••••• days (7am-J;J()prf1) Fridays and Saturda~.:.sometimes. We won't 11lways need YoU all o( these hours .. .but we m1ghll Af'ftY fmUARY 21, SATUIDAY ONLY ... frOfY\ 8 to 11 NA or 1 to l PM NOn : , I~ lllled • iii befcwe nd are• a~ .... al ....... bow ,Wrt ........ ,, .. Pl') ISWISO, t11ttt• lit. Come co ~ N:.. 9·Holllnd. !Mnt. CA by ta""'8 the Llkt Fomt eilt olf lo-5 lf'lllnd. uyq left on MuiNndl, tWt on ~ llO Holend Wtftlft--~~·· • Good Emaings • Super Trips • Great Prfzts Ref rl1erator 1200. w.a.r • dryer Sl.2$ ea. Dl1bw11lltr SI 00 . ..... Keunore washer ' dryer .. \ f 9tGry It CJarl COlllOle • F'rencll "°'. It Ht. tone Ir eolld. tun. se.7272 'iOl TH < () .\' T Dodge 2118 lllU'tlor Hh d. l'~t11 Mt'll Ml ODI UllDJ!Uft_UCl.I oor.t1oi CALL JOI ~ -. 'Or1ng1 C0111 OM.Y PILOT/Wtdnttday. February 2•. 1982 • . . BRAID. IEW 1981 T • 1000 OR Ale ONLY 33 IMCLUDll& PER MONTH DOWN PLUS TAX. LICW ... DOC. Fii 5500 .FACTORY REBATE . ~ PlllCI S4HI .......... le. .. ~ ..... '"'·" Dew.,.. UH.ft ... llJl.11 ................. 21.M Dec-1stu, ....... uoo.tc .. illl'Y • ....._ ._. • ..._, ef SltJUO 0-. ,.,...., c..a. w "'-*• -4 HUI,___..._. H ...... JJ"tM ...._. ct.n,e. A.I.I. 20.JJ<V.. •tw•i4,.,.... ,nc. sn~uo • ....,...94 c,.... BRAID IEW 1981 PONTIAC PHOENIX_ SJ $ OR . s Ate ONLY ..CLUDIH& DOWN PLUS T~ LICINSI Ate DOC. Fii 00 5750 FACTORY REBATE S~AUf'ltlCI 6?!_!.00 ...... S k.3.,.&91~ "",· ffS.00 0.-.-1 ~HS ta1 141.00 DMY ~ c.__1.. JO.II Dec-wl&f '9e, GllllllS7H.OO ............ w.t.tU a.. --P'...-t,c ...... ..._.,_ 140.vo-u .... fwHu....._'l~lst.oo...._.-~ u.a.20JJ% DdwriMI SI0.275.tl• •M....a. r-· -,... . ' BRAID IEW PONTIAC J-2000 BRAND IEW PONTIAC 6000 '81 '78 '79 EXAMPLE: Ser. 11523883 EXAMPLE: Ser. 11509553 FACTORY REBATE FACTORY REBATE ~&,":~ $6495 4 cyl. or. 6 cyl. Automatic trans .. factory atr cond.1 power steering & brakes, low m les (1ANA817). OYH 20 TO CHOOU flOM! ~c:~~i~ s3295 4 cyhnd8f engine, 4 speed trans . AM·FM st8feo with tape deck & only 43,467 miles (322VAO) Super economy! CHEVROLET $ atlYITTI HATCHIACK 4 cyl., auto. trans .. air cond.. 429 luggage rack. excelle~ cond. & only 27.906 miles! (489YHJ). TOY OT A CBJCA s.ftA........USHI 6 cyl . auto. trans .. factory air. pwr st. · brakes · windows. AM-FM stereo & cass.. tilt. cruise, rallye wheels. (884XJW). s739 ,78 FOU~UHADA $3"695 "MCI FA.MIL Y CAI" 6 cyl .. auto. trans .. factory air, pwr. stMr1ng & brakes. AM-FM stereo & Cass .• WSW tires. (706WKU). FORD PINTO '76 Economic~1"!~~1~;d~r engine. s2495 automatic transmission. factory air cond .. power steering. wsw tires & only 56.556 miles• (717tN/Z). IUICK PONTIAC TRAMS AM • '78 Automatic ... tran~.= air, pwr.s5495 '78 vs. auto~~s~. 11~~~ .. alr, pw. r. $6395 st. · brakes · windows . dr. locks. st. · brakes · windows · door tocks. AM·FM stMeo & 8 track, Landau AM·FM stereo & 8 track, raJlye top. tilt, cruise & morel (991UJU~ wheels & 37.949 miles. (963VOM). , ~ • DATSUH 20051 -" TOY~~~c::~ $6995 ' "'SUPla SH41P" ,, 4 cyt., 5 speed. fact air, AM·FM 80 4 cyl., 5 speed t<ons., AM-FM $6195 81 •tereo & cass .. sunroof. rallye 1stereo & 8 track tape, wire wheel wheels. t0.414 miles & super covers & 22.627 miles. (767ZLO). · clean! (1BIG717). . '79 vs. autor~~~ air. pwr $7695 -8 ·1 ~~;~~:,-SJO st · brakes · windows · seat · dr. AM·FM stereo & 8 track. tilt, ,--·--locks, AM-FM stereo & 8 track, tilt cruise, cloth int.. turbo wheels & crulM & wire wheels. (830XEM~ moral (1BUF760). . Suggeeted retail price may ha¥9 de.,_ lnatalled 1cc .. aor'-•· All c .. SOid On ApprOlled Credit. All Cera Plue Tu & LlcenM & Doc. F ... All C... Subject to Prior S•. Pricee Good Thru Mondey. Man:h 1, 1112 Fectory' .._.. lnoh.1dee 0.... Partlclp.tlon. ue1 study would curtail police aea llly f or.ce &y .IOSL C. DON e1 .............. Police uae ot unwarranted deadly force could be c\lrtalled lf law enforcement a1enctff provkled better tralnln1. mor. lnlormaUon on letal and moral l11ut1 MMt clotely monitored the •hooUnc blatory of individual police offtcens, accordlnc to a UC lrvlne study. The two-year research project also calla !or mandatory lntervlewa with a peycbolo11.tt ror omcera Involved in 1hootin1 ll\cidents, special 1rouP1 to help eue f rlction between police and the community. publlc·pollcy statements on a police department·· rules tor uae ol deadly force and reviled lnatructional formats to help reduce a police officer's paranoia or unrealistic perception of the danters of fieldwork. The $361,000 project was funded by the. National Institute of Justice. \ 111111 CUil The atudy, which focused on 14 munlclpaJ pollce departments throu1hout lhe U.S.. wu conducted by Dr. Arnold Binder, profaaor of aoc lal ecolo&Y. Also partlclpatlnc lo the reHarch were rormu UCl facWty members Peter Scharf and Rtty Galvin. The clUes of Newark, N.J ., Birmln1ham. Ala .• Mtaml and Oakland were 1tn1led out for special ln·depth invesU1atlon. Research team members conducted personal lntervlewa, followed police officers lnto the rteld and bad acceu to reveallnC lntemal affairs reporta lo those cities. • Contrary to popular beliefs, the l.~page report found little evidence that pollce departments fostered "lrisger happy" officers. And lo wake of the 1979 EuJia Love sJaylne in Los Angeles and other unnecessary police WEDNESDAY FEBRUA RY 24 . 1982 • 1boottn1 Incidents, rt1earchera found racial bias plays little role In 1hootln1 of members of various minority groups. Binder noted that about 20 percent of the U.S. population ls black. But about M percent of police 1hootlng vlcllms are black. "SOnfe oraaniutlons have 111~ that's prim a facle evidence of dlscrimlnaUon,' Binder Hid In an interview. "But we found aomethint that compUcates th1tt inlerpretaUon. If you look at the violent crime you'll find that eo percent of the arrests are black. tr you put that Into your conceptual framework it's not obvious that there LI\ a racial bias." ·In Birmingham, for example. a black mayor was elected soon after an iMocent black woman was mistakenly shot and kllled by police. The mayor Immediately lnatltu~ new restrictive policies on the use or deadly force. "The police were very upset about the new policy," Binder u id. "8ut I bad coffee with an officer IUld he said 'I'm not 1oln1 to ahoot anybody.' The majority of omcera are closer to him than the ones who shoot and emoy It. ·•Police are not the cold, kllllne mechanisms that they think they are. A number of officers, for example, wet lhelr panu durin1 ahootln~ Incidents. U their brain la soaked with adrenaline lhey can't operate' very well. So you give them specific rules such as if you see someone go into an alley you call for a b•ck-up unit." Binder also emphasi~ed screening of police recruits to weed out individuals who may be more prone to use deadly rorce. But he said il ls impossible to e liminate all potential officers who mav unnecessarily use their gun. <See POLICE REPORT, Page AZ> ....... YDll lllRnl llllY PIPll ORANGE C OUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Heather fights FAA noise move . N ewport mayor travel.ing to W ash.inyton to di scuss proposed leg·i slation The F e deral Avia tion Administration ia drafting legislation Adminis trator J . 'Lynn Helms said would permit the agency to override locally imposed noise r eduction standards al airports throughout the nation. The FAA proposal. outlined by Helms at a speech in Dallas Feb. 18, drew immediate opposition today from Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, vice president of the National Organization t o Ins ure a Sound-controlled Environment which goes by the acronym NOISE. Footballer awarded $10,000 By PAT&ICK KENNEDY Ofllleo.lty .......... Edison High School football player Jeff Washington is getting a $10,000 settlement from school officials who bad declared him ineligible for sports but were later overruled by an Orange County Superior Court judge. The settlement ends a $5 million lawsuit that Washington fi l ed this year against Huntington Beach Union High School District trustees because they declared him ineligible for the 1981 football season and most of last year's basketball season. Washington , a junior , transferred to Edison from nearby Huntington Beach High School when he and his father · moved lnto the Edison area. But he was disqualified for sports at Edison for one year when he and his father moved back to the HUHS area. However, Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. overruled the district on Jan. 22 because he said new eligibility rules had been applied r etroactively to Washington. Crosby didn't rule on the $S million damage claim. The settlement wa s unanimously approved by trustees Tuesday night. Washington, 17, will be paid the $10,000 by March 22, trustees said. "We believe Jeff was treated wrongly by the district but the settlement is something we can live with," said Washington's attorney, Stephen Berger. Washington is an aJl-around athlete who enrolled al Edison in the middle of the 1980 football season. He played football , basketball <See EDISON, Page .U> May or He athe r , who is traveling to Washington D.C. Friday for a NOISE board meeting, said she is hoping to arrange a meeting with Rep. Robe rt Badha m , R-Newport Beach, and Helms to discuss local opposition lo the proposed legislation. In his address at a law sy mposi um at So uthern Methodist University , Helms said the FAA would resist any attempts by local a irport operations to interfere with air trarfi c by imposition of noise-control standards . Helms indicated in U)e speech that the FAA would b e particularly hard on operators who impose curfews forbidding aircraft operatio ns during certain hours of the day and other unspecified restrictions. Such a curlew is imposed by Orange County government at John Wayne Airport. Jets are forbidden from taking off between the hours or 10 p.m. and 7 a .m . Monday through Saturday and until 8 a.m. on Sundays. The county also is requiring new entrants to the airport to fly new and quieter jets and agree to not serve destinations more ............. AND oEBIRCHED State Sen . John Schmitz of CorQna del Mar finds some humor in actions taken against him b,v the Senate. Now the John Birch Society has removed him from its national council. Birch Society ousts Schmitz from panel By STEVE MITCHELL Of ... 0...-,........... . Stale Sen. John Schmitz has a sign hanging outside his office in Sacramento, just below his name. ll reads, "De-c haired and disassociated." The controversial Corona del Mar lawmaker now can add another word to th e tongue-in-cheek plaque; "De-Birched." The John Birch Society's seven-membe r executive committee has voted to remove Schmitz from its 30-member national counc il following remarks he made in a press statement last December. The ne ws o f the Birch committee ouster came on the s ame day the Senate Rules Committee reluctantly agreed to pick up legal costs in a $10 million libel s uit filed by feminist attorney Gloria Allred objecting to the same remarks. Schmitz, reprimanded by the Senate last month for issuing the (See SCHMITZ, Page AZ) than 500 miles from Orange County in a single flight. Helms did not mention John Wayne Airport by nam e in the Dallas address. However. the FAA chief did condemn the California airport noise control law. He predicted that standards in the law could force several airports in the state to close down J ohn Wa yne Airport has ope rated under a variance issued by the State Department of Transportation under that statute. Mrs. Heather said she wanted <See NOISE, Page AZ> Trial halts as~an questioned The Or&DMe County Superior Court murder trial of Patrkk Fo1arty was halted today as sheriff 's inv e stigators questioned a man they think may be able to shed more light on the killing of a Laguna Niguel man who dated Fo garty 's estranged wife. Chief DepUty District Attorney James Enr ight s aid John Dinsdale was scheduled to be called as a witness for the prosecution this morning. Howe ver, Enright said . detectives began questioning him when the prosecution told DinsdaJe's attorney there were aspects of his planned testimony that were incomplete. In opening statements to the jury earlier this month, Enright had said that Dinsdale, a friend of Fogarty's, would testify that the defendant asked him to give him an alibi for the day Donald Frank Cook died in his Laguna Niguel home. Cook , whose throat was s las h e d . w as found by a roommate in the bedroom of the home they shared on Feb. 2. 1981. It is alleged that Fogarty, an Irvine city employee at the lime, killed Cook out of jealous y because the Bec htel Corp. engineer had been dallng Fogarty's estranged wife , Andrea. Enright said if there 1s any likelihood that Dinsdale is implicated in the crime, he would attempt to have him testify ror the prosecution under a grant of immunity. Defens e lawyer Thomas Szakall h as asserte d that e vidence would s how that Fogarty was returning his young daughter to his wife's Costa Mesa residence at the time he said that Cook was fatally stabbed. Lawsuit heats up in Laguna Cany~n crash Caltrans and Laguna Beach accuse~ of maintaining 'unsafe roadway' 18 1 IOllN NEEDHAM °' ................. • Testimony continued today lo Oran1e County Superior Court on a lawsuit cbar1ln1 that La1una Beach and the Slate ol Cal ltornta were par tially ruponalble for a La1una Canyon Road crub three yean •co. Attorneys for two La1una Beach reaidenta LIQund in the accident aUe1e that Cal.trans a nd the city lt n owln1l1 ID aJntalned an untafe r'Ndway at tbe lite of the collilioD llGO I• nortbotatc._. On Tueaday a pande of wt~---WU Cflled by Sala • I Ana attomey Gene Goldsman to testlfy on r.Qlld conditions alone the 7.5·mlll atrelch of state bitbway. Called to the stand were former Laguna Beach Police Chlef Jon Sparks, Larry Campbell, past publllber ol the Tides and Timea weekly newapaper, former Mayor Jack McDowell, cartoonllt John Lara and county 5th Dhtrict Supervilor Tom IUley. . • Goldsmah la rtPNHftllnl Art Colony reaklenta Peter Mo&r. a. and Diane Gonaalet. 11. On Ma rch 18, 1"' abortly after 11 p.m . wbUe drlvtn1 1outb on La_iuna CIQYOll Roed they ~ struck beadon by another car. That vehicle. driven bv Lisa Chaffin, 21, of Mission Viejo, crossed over from the northbound to southbound lane of the roadway and rammed the oncomln1 vehicle. All three auatalned injuries ln t he accident. Goldlman and hil asaociate, Ira H. Zlnthefalty, are arsuin1 that the dl)' malntained in.dequate Utbtin1 a1on1 811 Bend at tbe time of tbe accident, which dlrectly contributed 10 the craab. In adcUtloa, they cbarce that Caltran1 a h ould bave constructed a median barrt•t ~ along the e n tire roadway, especially at Bil Bebd, simllar to the median strip rrom Canyon Acret Drive to FOf'est Avenue on the roadway. By not havint a barrier. Caltrans knowlncly allowed a potential haaard to ea.lat, tbe auit alle1es. Accordtn1 to Gold1man, lf a barrier had been In place and licbt1nt had beeft better. &.ht accident probably would not have occurt'ed. The attorn e11 for lllu· Gonaalet and Moir have not apectned tbe dollar amoum \bey wlll be aallln1 forEraonal Injury and mental dil . (8"~0N.Pap )' .,..,, ...... --. .......... ..... ASH WEDNESDAY F atht>r Rafael Luev<.ino of St. Joachim of Costa Mesa church places ashes on Oea nn.i ~Torris. t:i whilt:.' Angel Kol ar . 13. l('ft . und Chris Cri ll~·. 1-1. wait 'Onion Field' killer 'slwuld have died' An Orange County defense attorney who firs t prosecuted Jimmy Lee Smith in the so-called "Onion Field" murder of a Los Angeles policeman says Smith should not have been set free but instead should have died in the state's gas chamber. Mars hall Schulman. who specializes in crimina l defense in Santa Ana, said Smith was a 'calculating killer who murdered Los Angeles Police Department officer Ian Campbell "in cold blood" on March 9, 1963. Smith was r e le ased from Soledad State Prison Tuesd ay. des pite protest from Los Angel es County Di s tri c t Attorney John Van de Kamp. Schulman was the prosecutor in the first Los Angeles County trial in which Smith and Gregory Ulas P ow-e ll were convicted of kidnapping and murder in Campbell's death. Both men were originally sentenced to die in the ~a s chamber at San Quentin State Prison. ' On appeal , howeve r. the convictions were overturned and the two men were tried separately. Smith was sentenced to life Imprisonment and Powell to death. Both were granted parole· dates after the state's death penalfy law was ruled unconstitutional. "In the first trial, I tried them both, convicted them and saw them both sentenced to death," Schulman said. Asked if Smllh, 52, should have died in the gas chamber. Schulman emphatically replled. "Yea." He termed the granting of parole to Smlth "ludicrous" and pointed out tbat Smith had bffn ·freed from Folsom Prlaon only 30 daya before the murder of Campbell IJa ao onion fleld near "Bakenfteld. Newport Beach Police Chief Charles Gro11 was a Loa An1elt1 Police Department watch commander ht 1183 Ind k.new both the murdered. oftker and bll partner, Karl Hettlnpr. He uJd alain otncer Campbell ' was not the only victim in the shooting. "I talked with Karl the next morning right after he got back from Bakersfield and saw that he nad been d estroyed as a pe rson." 'He said the officers were very close. "When Ian was shot. Karl died al that same moment, .. the chief addect. Gross said he blames the state Supre me Court for Smith's release. He said he has no strong feeling about Smith. "The people of this state," the police chief said, "anticipated he <Smith) would die and his not dying fails to represent the will of the people." Gross termed the officer's death as a "cold blooded murder · that was thought about." He s aid Smith's release stands as an example of how criminals can "fttl a little freer lo kill" because of the elimination of the death penalty. 111111 CUil WUTlll Partly cloudy and baty this afternoon. Low clouds and fog late tonight and • early Thursday morning. Mos tly sunny Thursday afternoon. Highs today 62 to 6~. Lows tonight 46 to 56. ,18111 TIDAi Club• to conoale.c•nt ho.,ntall c:ora uw oolwffn. F'or • o , num~r of wa111 tlMlt indiu~ mOJI .osdlt, le~ "You Con llelp'' °"Rage Al. 11111 l -------- '(fi ,b ~ nc \ ol '( br ~1 ..> Signal lights stunning show ON THE ROAD DEPT. -Are you one ot our coa:stllne's hapless .ind harried commuters who gets to· olav Rabbit Jump every momin and evening between the traf(ic signals of our area: '· Have you tried and f ai l.ed every day to figure out the sequence of reds and greens on Fairview Road in Costa Mesa? r 'll Are you the one who gets trapped at mid-intersection on Coast Highway in Corona del Mar while everybody else. gets a green light'! l r'JI t I n l ;-I Ji ,, .. ·11 f )I 1'1 ,;,, b b I) 11 0 le t ? ") .. ,, ll Do you become confused on which green a r.row you're supposed to follow on Jamboree Road at Bristol Street·? Well. if you've been doing this for 1.ong in o.ur coastal region, you're steeled for it now. Th.al 1s. you figured qut how to jam through a left turn against the red on Coast Highway at Broadway in downtown Laguna. WITH ALL THESE experiences every day. you s hould be warned. however. that if you vis it downcoast to downtown San Diego. you might suffer a terminal case or disorientation. It happened to your faithful correspondent on a recent weekend. There is a main drag through the downtown sector of our border city called Broadway. From the waterfront section, ~v~u can drive up San Diego's Broadway rightthrough the middle of downtown. . It is numerous block:;. almost as far as the eye can see .. So yo\fre down by dockside on Broadway and you hne _ up at°the red light and know Y<?U're in for a long afternoon trying to maneuver through downtown. BUT WAIT! THIS is n't Costa ~esa ·s infamous Fairview Road. This is not the centr a l stem of Corona del Mar at rush hour. It isn·t lhe traffic madness that. Lagunatics fight daily. You're in San Diego. Abruptly. your Broadwa~· signal turns green. You stare in disbelief. You are numbed and unable to move the gas pedal. . As you look up the San Diego downtown boulevard. ALL THE SIGNAL LIGHTS HAVE TURNED GREEN YOUR WAY AT THE SAME T IME . Som ething·s really wrong here. . . You note that all the traffic is moving out. It is all flowing togethe r in one happy motion forward. As you continue driving up Broadway. you note all the trnHic signals are turning amber. TOGETHER AGAIN ~ Then they switch to red. Everybody stops together. All the motorists going the other way on eross streets now have green lights. YOU FIGURED THIS was probably som e computer m a lfunction but lo. it happens again. Your light turns green and so do all the others going your way. If vou didn ·t know better from your long and wear~· experiences in our region. you might have guessed th~t some traffic engineer in San Diego actually planned It that wa\' S urelv the San Diego people will get this straightenl'd out soone'r or later. r THEY DON'T SEEM to realize when ~·ou ~ive .a motorist•a green light in o ne block. that the next hght ts supposed to be red by the time he reaches !t. If the San Diego traffic engineers continue be baffled like this. ther e 's an easy solution They can always come uµ here and study how we rlo it. "• From Page A 1 ., .. 1"press release that critics termed 1. "anti-Semitic," was relieved of il:a leadership post in the John "· Birch Society in a letter from tt·society founder Robert Welch • dated Feb. 16. u• The letter read in part, "Il is 'c lear to practically everyone _who has had any association ·with you that your public statements and actions are clearly based on what you believe fits best the political future of John Schmitz. "As a result of this attitude and thinking," Welch wrote, "it is obvious that you are not very concerned about the effect that both yo11r calculated and orf·lhe-cul statements might ha ve on Uaa society or its membersl\lp.'' Schm~ '4Jbo admitia the furor over the statements will help his campaign for the U.S. Senate, has steadfastly st<><>d by his remar~ The ~ ~lease followed a · series of hemngs on Schroll&' pro-life ~enl. He termed abortion dShts advocates atlendlna tbose meeUbl• as "lesbian.a;" ••.IM.ill dykH.'' and "murde,,.. lbaraudera. 0 And he .. cribedt stlomey Allred a a ''slick butch lawyeress." • • • That remark, among others, prompted Ms. Allred to file a $10 million libel suit against the senator. Regarding the Birch council ouster, Schmitz aid e Brad Evans said he b elieves the action was due to "the anti-Semitic stuff -what they cons ider to be a nti-Semitic stuff." H e said Schmitz was "personally hurt" by the letter fro.m Welch, "because for 20 years he's taken the heat for these bastards," adding Schmitz stayed when other conser vatives pulled out of the society. "ll was extremely unpol>ular to be a member of the John Birch Society.·· Schmitz could not be reached for comment on the ouster this morning, but his aide said be plans to remain a member of the society because he doesn 'l want to ·'disassociate himself from the good anli·communists" in the a:roup. Meanwhile, Ms . Allred ls c.omplainfng about the Senate Rule• Committee's, decision to ptck up lhe tab for defending Schmitz' libel suit.. • 'Tbe Senate has decided to 1ub11dize bigotry and provide fOI' lta deleose," she said. ORANOE COAST , Diiiy Piiat C.e11-.. ... u ... I n-...a.-n An ott. ie.911""11• MMUt Thomls P. Hale¥ .......,_ w Cllltl I-YIM OI_, Robert N. Weed "'-Thomas A. Murphk'le .... L 1<81 Schultz ......... -~-oii---Mc:heel P. H•rvey _.,.....,, Kenneth N. Goddard Jt, ~ Clll9llllr OW.H.\.oo• ~ '~ llAIN 0FPa ..... ...,.~ c..u MeM. CA. -.....-..: ... , ... ,c....-.:CA. .... e.tf'llM .. ~ ~ ,. ........ ~. ... _.,......., .................. ., .. ................. _,. ... .... , ..... .-1e1.-rr111i..111~-. • • FromPageA1 CAN¥0N ••• •·At thls time all we are aeeklna ls a rullnC that the 1tate and ~fy were foot-drag,ln1 and knew the road wasn t sate, e.speclally ln Ucht of the lar1e number or previous accldenta," Goldsman said, He added be would 1eek damages at • lat.er date accordJn1 to proof. State altoroeya Larry Danielson and Nancy Zeltier are representing Caltrans tn lhe case, while Santa Ana Attorney Robert Casllt!berry ls representing La.guna Beach. Civil enalneera employed by Caltrans testified before a Jury and Superior Court Judge James L . Smith that Laguna Canyon Road was not an unsafe roadway. Chuck Boyer, a senior civil engineer, said the lack of median strips and the presence of sharp curves of the road were not unusual "considering the configuration or the surroundlng area." Lag_una Beach Munic~al Services Director Terry Brandt was scheduled lo be ca(lett to the stand today to testify about.. the lighting of the Big Bend area..aj. the time of the accident. The city is accused of not having enough street lights. causing the long, sweeping curve to be dark and thus a traffic hazard. ln early 1979, Laguna Beach residents signed petitions in an unsuccessfu l effort to win state funding for widening Lagupa Canyon Road, the site of 22 traffic deaths since 1975. At that time, white \Varning crosses were placed along the side of the road· to symbolize the deaths. La s t Jun e , work was completed by Caltrans' crews on a $160,000 widening project from. El Toro Road to just south of the San Diego Freeway. From PageA1 NOISE. • • to remind Helms that that noise control law was an outgrowth of the administration of Ronald Reagan when he was governor of California. Helms said the FAA would stand willing to cooperate with airport proprietors in working out solutions lo confli cts between noise control and transportation service. But be warned that the federal 1overnmeot would rue lawsuits, U neceuary, t-9 maintain service and said the agency will draft leatslation to give the FAA the ript to approve or disapprove noise control programs devised by local jurisdictions. School pot . jailing sought SACRAMENTO (AP> Possessing marijuana on school g r ounds would be a crime s ubject to arrest and lockup, under a bill approved by a Senate committee. SB1351 by Sen . Robert Presley, D-Riverside, won a 5·1 Senat e Judiciary Co mmittee vote Tuesday, and went to the Senate Finance Co mmittee. The bill represents \he third attempt in four years to raise the penalties. for marijuana possession in school. Reagan issues w:anling U.S . to protect security interests in the Caribbean WASHINGTON (AP > ....i President Reagan warned today that the United States 11 prepared to do "whatever I• prudent and neceuary" to protect lta security interesta ln the Caribbean Batln. Rea1an coupled hls wamln1. in a speech to the Organization of American States, with unvellln& his Iona-awaited plan for deve lopment ot t h e Carlbbean·Centr al American region. The president outlined an integral~ program or trade, aid and investment for the area. Wisely: 'arranged evidence' Murder defendant Willie Ray -Wisely. ending three days of testimony. has insisted once again he arranged to have bogus evidence used against him so he would be charged in hi s stepfather's death to avoid trial on other charges in Los Angeles. Frequently exc h a ng ing sarcastic remarks w it h prosecutor Ed Freeman, Wisely churned Tuesday -as he has in the past -that he gave incriminating inform a lion on himself to another jail inm11te so Huntington Beach authorities would charge him with truck driver Robert Bray's death last March. Bray's body was found pinned beneath the 2,000 -pound . ti lt·away cab of hi s 1975 Int e rnatio n al H arvester tr actor-trailer rig Fire victim • rernams 'critical' A 6 0 · y e a r · o I d w o m a n, remained in critical condition at the UC Irvine Medical Center bum unit today after receiving serious burns during a fire al a Garden Grove manufacturing firm. Four others were injured. Accord.i.ng to a spokeswoman for the Garden Grove Fire Department, Sophia Rucker of Cerritos, an employee at The Keyboard Company , n''1 Patterson Orin, received second-degree burns to 30 percent of her face and body in the incident Monday morning. The spokes worn an said another employee, Tam Hoang, 19, of Stanton, was pouring flammable isopropanol in a soldering machine when a small explosion and fi re occurred. Ms. Hoang was treated for injuries at the medical center and released, the spokeswoman said. The fire at the firm. which manufactures business machine keyboard s , had been extinguished b y the time rirefighlers and pa ramedics arrived. Other employees injured and treated and released from Los Alamitos General Hospital were Ca rm en Lopez. 35: Debbie Parks, and Shirley Von Sickle. 50. Cities of residence weren't available. whlcb he aid ia under "economlc aieae" becauH of d eterloratin& terms of trade. The economic hardshlps ''have provided a fresh opening to the enemies of freedom . nallonal ln<tependence and peaceful development," he flld. 1f the United States doe1 not act promptly ln d efense or freedom, "new Cubas will art.le fro m tne ruins or today's conflicts," Reagan said ln prepared remarks. ''W t. will face m o r e totalitarian regime., more regimes lied militarily to the GETS OFFICE Kenneth Fowler is new h et.td of 0 r a n ~ e C o u n t ~· C o a s t . \ssoC'iation Coast group to induct Mesa banker Kenneth Fowler, a senior vice president of Citizens Bank of Costa Mesa, is to be installed Friday as president of the Ora n ge Co un ty Coast Association. Fowler will replace Newport Beach architect William Ficker. who is finishing up his second term as pres ident of t he business organiz"1.lon. Installation ceriPnonies will be held at the Irvine Coast Country C lub in Newport Beac h beginning at noon. Costa . Mesa Assemblyman Nolan FrizzelJe and Newport B eac h Assemblywoman M arian Bergeson will be the speakers. Joining Fowler on the new board will be R . I. ·'Cuba" Morris, vice president; Don Walter, vice pres ident; Jack Feehan. treasurer a nd secretary Ralph Kiser. Atlanta trial defense rests in death case ATLANTA <AP> T h e Sovhit Union, more regimes exporUng subvertlon, more realmes so lncompetent yet so totallt•rian that \Mir citizens' onl y hope becomes that of one day migrattns to o th er American naUons as in recent years they have come to the United States." he said. Reagan denounced the "Soviet · backed , Cuban-managed s upport for violent revolution In Central America" and said he wUI ask Congress for Increased security assistance for friendly countries of the area. He also noted that the Rio Treaty of the Organization of American States provides for reciprocal def e nse responsibilities . Until now. the administration bas s hied away from utilizing OAS mechanisms for bringing peace to Central America. Reagan said his development plan will be centered on his proposal for free trade for Caribbean products exported to the United Stale'S. . He suggested these products be accorded duty-free status for 12 years as an inducement to investment in the region. The only exception to the free-trade concept would be textile and apparel products, which are governed by other international agreements. Reagan said. The president also propased a fiscal 1982 appropriation of $350 million to assist countries that ha ve b ee n hard hit' economically. Officials have s aid the aid would be concentrated on six countries suffering s h o rt -term balance-of-payments problems . El Salvador. Hondur as, Costa Rica. Belize. Jamaica and the Dominican Republic . H e also said he will ask Congress lo provide significant tax incentives for investment in the Ca ribbean Basin. In addition, he said. the United States is prepared to negotiate bilateral investment treaties with individual countries . From PageA1 EDISON • • • and track at Edison during the 1980-81 term. but that summer trustees declared him· ineligible at Edison for one year because he a nd his father had moved from their apartment near Edison. Trustees ruled that he was ineligible at Edison because tie hadn't lived in the Edison area for one year. But the court ruled that the one-year residency requirement was a new. more stringent regulation that was enacted after the Washington transfer and shoul dn 't apply retroactively to his case. The judge didn't rule on the district transfer regulations. but only the Washington case. Trustees had e nacted the tougher requirements because of what they say are increasing incidents of ··school shopping" by parents and stude nts for superior athletic programs. Trustees say many students seek transfers solely to play sports at other schools. Sex club ordered to keep noise down defense rested its case in Wayne B. Williams · murder trial today after the defendant took the stand for a third day. call ed hi s prosecutor "a .fool " and told him : "You don't h ave any evidence that Wayrie Williams killed anybody." William s , who began his testimony Monday and spent a full day on the witness stand Tuesday. responded angrily to .many of Assistant District Attorney Jack Mal l ard's Sunny skies for Thursday~ Low clouds and haze should burn off by Thursday afternoon. according to the National Weather Service, making way for sunny 70-degree weather a long the Orange Coast and inland. Santa Ana city officials have won a small. first-round court victory in their battle against operators of a private sex club which stages orgies in a home on a n otherwise quiet cul-de-sac. Pending t he outcome or further city-initiated nuisance hearings in Orange County Superior Court next week. a judge on Tuesday ordered that the operators of the so-called Club Fantasy hold down the noise at their parties and stop annoying neighbors. Additionally. Judge Harmon Scoville imposed a ban against the operaUon of any hot tub or jacuzzi motors alter 10 p.m. or before 9 a.m. The house, localed at 3622 S. Ro,s St., is owned by Clifford Robbins. Operators of the sex club were identified ln court documents aS" Manuel Sanches and Philip Perilman. Nelgbbors have complained that loud and boisterous parties have been held at the house alnce January 1981. And a.ccordlnc to the s taume qts or n el&hbors coni.lned in court documenla, r •'loud and obnoxious noi1e1 and the runnbt• ol a Jaeuui pump untll 2:30 a .m." have been a fre quent occurrence al the bome. The awtnaer parties dually occur durtnf t.be late afternoom and lido the eftldnca. The dl7 -at. the request of nelAJiion - filed It.I lawsul\ aaa1ftlt tbe oper ators of the sex ciub to have it declared a public nuisance. Scoville. arter issµing his temporary restrain ing order against t he c lub, scheduled furthe r hearings for next Tuesday. que s tion s today as the prosecution wrapped up its cross-examination. Al that time, the operators will be as~ed to show cause why the club should not be shut down permanently. A club spokesman indicated after the hearings that the parties hosted at the house - which cost between $50 and $100 to attend -will continue. Asked whether he became concern e d after r eading newspape r accounts about evidence found on the bodies of young blacks. the defendant r e plied, "Sir. I didn't kill anybody, so I wouldn't have no reason to be concerned. You don't have any evidence that Wayne Williams kUled anybody . . . all you got is some hearsay mess." A weather service spokesman said intermittent drizzle, which began falling this morning, would pro bably continue through tonight and gradually clear by Thursday. No major rainfall is predicted. Low temperatures tonight are expected to be in the low 60s to mid·50s. the spokesman said.· Highs Thursday should be iii the mid·70s, with nighttime lows in the 66 to 54-degree range. FromPageA1 POLICE REPORT PNVEII.ED • • • "Whal the department has to do is have constant vigilance of a person's recordl," he said. "It m ay be that lf a person has difficulties you don't move him out of the department or fire blro. but move him to a d.1.tterent aettJna . ·'Screening ls only 1oln1 to 1et rid of the gross violators. But remember that poUce oftlcerts are human beln11 with all the fallln1s of other human belng1. 1f you '-et. rid of all the rn acbo cops. ll may be t.hal )'OU ..-,olna to have too pNSI ve • police department.'· Tbere rnay not be "triper ba_ppy" poUce officera. but there may be lndivlduall wbo an mor-e likely to fet themMlves In a altuatJon where &.bey have to UM their flNU'lb1, BlDcler uld. He emphulsed that the Wtelibood ol UH ol deadly force ls llllked to tbe kind ol lltuatlan • that confronts a police officer. Instead of studying a poUce shooting as a single lncldent. the research team focused on t h e series of evenu that lead t o s uch occurrences, beglMSng with the dlspatch can. "It ia a mlstake to thlnk of the final 1hootin1 as ihe event, when really tt ii just the final scene," Binder said. "In the case of EuUa Love, the script. played out accordin& to t0meddn• done ri&ht at the be1lnnm1. The otr\cert l\acl a baton ln one band and a 1un ln the other. Their opt.Iona were restricted. 1be probability ol a abootina went up enormoualy." The atudy 1lso noted tbet ue ol DClft·lethil 1tun weepoaa were not belq•pmned bJ law enfor~t olftcla.lt •aute Ol leck of funds to develop aueb dtvlc• l I .I Pfullll -~ ... OM o1 u.e tamed 1ln1la1 MeO•lre ' a11a.n, flied a MO mlWoD lawault ln Lu V•t•• a1alnlt world·clua diamond dHler Harry ....._ Inc .• clalmlns •em• 1be took to be cleaned were replaced with pbonJea. The a ult filed ln U.S. .............. HONORED Actor and director Orson Welles. 67. was inducted into the French Legion of Honor in P a ris Tuesdav. Th e honor is Fra nce's highest rankin g dis tinction. French President Francois M itter and attended the ceremony . Singer sells Miami mansion Pop-music superstar Barry Gib b , who bought a lO ·bedroom mans ion on M i am i 8 each r or $ l . 04 million in 1979, sold it for $1.l million. Gibb, who still owns two mansions the r e , sold the seven-balh home to a buyer id e ntifi e d only a s an "Englishman," according to D es p i t e r e p ea t e d assurances~ from Agriculture Secretary John Block that there will be no new grain embargo, some members of Congress fear that Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. -and not Block -would make the decis ion. And they, along with their cons titue nts , have been vo icing con cerns a bout Haig's suggestions that an ac ross·t h e ·boa rd t rade Ruth FuUer of Ruth Fuller Real Estate. The .singer's purchase of the home on North Bay Road for $1 ,047,500 was a Dade County record at the time. That figure has since been topped by the $3.2 million Saudi Arabian Prince Turkl bin Abdul Aziz paid for his hom e in Indian Creek Village embargo could be invoked if the Polish crisis worsens. "We have a sticker in my country that says, 'We're walking on Haig shells '." jokes Rep. Pat Roberts, R·Kan. Add s Rep . Charles Stenbolm, D -Te x a s : "Everytime Seeretary Haig sneezes. farmers of America get sy mpt oms or pneumonia." Dhtrlct Court by San Francisco lawyer Mehl• Belli aaka SlO million In 1Jeneral damatH and tSO mllllon in punitive dama1e1 from the atore headquartered ln New York City. Winston s pokesman Ed Glttonl said he didn't want th comment on the 1ult , but when asked if be was aware of tt. he rep~ed. "Ob. yes. Very aware." The taping of Lawreace Welk'• last. televlsion show, which had been set for Tuesday, bas been re· scheduled for tonight for undisclosed reasons, the bandleader said. Welk's final show after 30 years of -broadcasting will be a very private affair, he said, to be taped on a closed set in H o llywood be fore an invitation-only audience com'posed of family and fr ie nd s o f th e W elk organization. Robert Young, star of the TV series "Father Knows Best" and "Marcus Welby, M.D.," marked his 75th year in his usual low·key manner. His secretary said Young was traveling in the East and couldn't be reached . The actor's longtime agent, Herb Tobias, observed that Young ·'looks terrific and has the energy. physical stature and enthusiasm of a young man." Long a movie leading man before turning to television, Young has limite d h is performances in recent years to t h e mu c h -p l ay e d co mmercia ls for Sank a coffee. T rapper Wylie Abbot Sr. won his f i fth s traight National Muskrat Skinning Champions hip by removing the pelts of five muskrats in 1 :07.5 minutes at Cambridge, Md. "l guess I still got my luck running with me," said the 42·year-old Abbott, who has won a total of seven muskrat skinning championships. Abbott vowed he would retire from muskrat-skinning competition in 1983 to mfke way for his 20-year-old shn Wylie Jr., who placed second in the contest with a time of l : 16.2 minutes. Clearing on Tlwrsday Coastal Fair tllrough Tilundo t acept lor low clouds nlonts end mornln9s Highs lrom Met llH<~ to 75 lnlenCI Lows )() to 56. HyntlnQtCW>-N•woorl erM Mor> ol U, low of U. Els.twhert from Point COn<·tt>llon to the Mealcen bOreler end olJI M> mllH: LIGM verleble winos night •nd mornlnQ -·· South to,.,.,._, 10 to U •nots with 2 to J foot w ind wevu. SoutllwHt to west winos at • to u knots ThwSO.y etternoon Ont lo J foot -wly •-II•. Some low <IOudS end log but <INrlnQ TllUN<ley efl9r-. ·V.S. su·mmary F09 -IOW <IOuO\ ln the 1-coastal w•lltfS wlll 9 lve we, Tl>urMS•y to WftSlllnt •net w.,,,,.. temperaturH, with hlQh• from M to 7•. The CIUtrl ereas wlll h•v• con•ICler•Ole 11191> <loudlrwn tooay •net < lt•inQ ton'911t, woth WMlllM end wermer t-•t1vr~ TllUnday Hlohs will be In tlle IOo In low Ots.trl\ and" to 7• In tlw h!Ofl Gt-1•. In LCK AnvelH, hi9fl\ will~ In Int ,,,kl 70s The ~n lltrnerellno V•lley will hew lout log tonight, t>vt otherwlw ~ fair w ith mostly sunny si.1u oredktecl Tl>ur'MMy •fl•,_ The lmpolel, Coeth•ll• and 101.,., Coloredo River ve11en wlll heve conslderalllt hlOh cloudlfleu loday, <1 tarl n9 tonigh t Swnshlne Is e>reelk t.cl TllutMMf, Extended Snow end fr•rlng <trlule fell lodey 1n ,.,. nor1t1et11 Pt•lns w1111 • .,_ '°-orecast wH rtpot1ilcl In ltM _, MlululPOI J '. Ve lley e11d strong winds r••ell HsttrnCol«edo--EnQtend. SOU THE AN CA L I FORH I A Ttmpet .. Ur'H _,. in the IHn• COAnAL AHO MOUNTAIN AREAS end slnot• e111111s a<ron northern Vuleble 111911 < loucllnen •Ith MlnnetOU and Honn Oekote. II wH some low <louO> nlO"t •nd rnomlnq cio..cty 0,.... the nG'thtrn .,., ,..,trel hours •long coesc "'°"' In co•1*•1 Plains to .. o...i I.AU$. ertH win ra19 lrom .. et -MS F09 lft~ u. mld-llllMlnlppl to 1• OVtt lni.nd arfft. Lows 4 to 56. Velley end _...., -•Ions of u.. Mountain rtlOrt 1119111S4to60. i.-s cent rel Plains. Rein enCI snow 3sto O . •-•rs _..,epor1.c1 over K•MH, ---------- •• 10 ~~-=- , ... , \• '""" • 0,i•.,d•O mm:m ---=== Chert1t11WV Cl'leye- .. 41 S4 " ll ,, ... " 47 ,. SI Jl 13 ff S4 23 JI JO " n ,, ,, wltll per11y <lolidy slllts with rein and s11ow showers over th• Peclflc Horth..--norU>trn Roolts. 11 wu motlly ctoudy over the tov~n C1tk 990 Cincinnati Cltvtlelld COiumbus D•l·FIWlll Denver Dts-lnff Dtfrolt Oululh l!IPno Felrwnlls Temperatures · =:~!:" -• HOnolulu " .. ·ll JO RocUts. Albenf ·~ Arnerlllo Ml La l'R<. ,. .. 70 11 to JS ,. " Holl''°" lnclMOlh '•· n. .. ......,. Horfol- Oii.ie City 04 Omehe Orl•nCIO tJ Phlle<tpNe Plloenla Plttsllvrgh Ptl•ncl. Me .04 Ptland,Ort 07 Repkl City 13 Reno S.11 lAk• SH111t At Lovls SIP·h,._ SI SltMMlt Spoliene Twoon Tulsa WHhlnQln .01 Wlcltlle Felr lilies were repOrttd lrom C.lltorllle lo W'J'omlnQ, llftd II WH felr end mJICI lrom Ille lower Rio Grendt Velley ol Teaes to lht sowthern Allallllc Coest with tamper-In IN Wt and WS. ·-•Ill• At1e111.t Atl.tlltc CIV 9elllm- 91rmlnohm 91smarck llolM 77 52 ,, JO •• 59 • Ja<llSllYllt JUflt.tU Kens Cllf LesV- Lltlle A«• L.Oulsvlllt Memplth Mleml Mlfw-.._..st.P NHll¥111t Mew Orlt- NtwY- •2 JO JS " 71 u 75 ., 51 JS 77 0 • s "6 JS 72 .. '° f7 1$ " ,, f7 CALl~IOA 77 JO " 10 10 " 24 ...... ,, .. Id 91ytht e .. ,.. ... Frhno Tiit Hetlonal WHllter Service forecHt rein contlnulnq over tht Paclfk .__., -,,_ ecross MlllMtOle, h ....., Greet u •ts llftdtMu-~Vallty. ~'°" erownsvlte 40 ,. u ,, n ,,. JI 27 l4 21 12 ,,. lAn<HI« U LosAnotlH luttelo Cherlstn SC 31 " '° ~ 11 51 .. . Snow we ·~ to <llanQe to rein ec..-JOUthern Ptnnsylvente an4t Merylend. CIC>Wy sl!IH -rt predicted from southern New E1111l•n4t ec:rou lllt lower Grut u•" end._ Oltlo Vellty, es well at"" ceMl'il4 Ml .. IMllll)I Vellty - ..... --------~111~---------( tM l11leM ,.,.,,..... Ttm_.._ M'OUftd lllt Mf .... early t ... y l'"tnoecl from nro In GIHfOW, Mont .. to .. In Co<pllS OWlstl •!'II McAlltrt. T••••· •nd Key I west, Florida. I H If RIPDiT . . ' ·-..... ....... T" ..... Marysvllle MoMltrtY Hffdlei Oalll-Peto Robin ll•d 9lllfl Redwood City SM,.....,.. S.llnH S.11 flrenclKO Tidea TODAY 57 ., 71 J7 J7 J t Ii 45 51 lll ., 5t 5.1 12 J6 11 •S M 3' • 5J 2• SI • 41 M 70 S7 72 • ,, 12 J6 2' " S2 " " SS 0 60 XI 60 0 IS 50 ,. S6 0 71 0 11 M 5• M 17 ,, ,, .IJ .. ,, so n 60 ., st • ~·~ en 01 OJ .OS .IQ 1Calif ornia fetr ,.,, " " Sec-low l:~11.m o• ~ It ..Wk1" fe# Tlwn41af tllro111haw1 Mesi et So11t1ter11 Callforttla, W IMft Wiii lie hltlfl clawlt an4t II••• vntll the11, lht N41tlefta4....,.. Servkce Yid A tllfM<.,__.ef ~ U llb In I~• Ht1lller11 mownl•lns to<tay. Otflerwtw, van.It "'°" c-ere •••u••• wltll slllts Clted ttO TllvrMlay. Hi.M wlll be near U T ...... .., .... ......, .......... ... ,'J, felt 1.ir ... r ••Ir f.ir SJ JJ JJ " ,. ,. ,. J7 M lalr SJ t :a • ,..,, .._, •:n 11.m.: s-1 ~: .~L~ening ••• SK-...... 10:11 o.m. U TitUalo.&Y Fl'11 low J;«aa,m. 1.1 "'"'' hltll fl41 e.m. S.S IK..,..... •:tt o.m. o a SK .... Np 10:.0 P•"'• •·• Sutt Nb tMey el St• •• m .. rl-TIMondey .t •1t1 a.rn. ~ ,._ .... ,, .. ,,, ........... . t1•:ao.m. Wh,t &) you Ulle 1bout the Dally Pllot? What don't you lllce! Call lM numbtr below and your tnnaa1e will bt r~corded, transcribecl and delivered to the 1pproprl\C'e editor. T-same at-hour anawmni MrVlce may be I.lied tc> record let· ter• to Ow editor on any topic. Mallbox contributors muat Include their na me and telephone numbtt for ve~flcatlon. No clrculatJon c1tll, ple&K Teti us what's on your mind. ... Orange Coeal DAILY PtLOT/Wedne1day, February ~4. 1982 Growth plan slowed Cuts .in subsidies, ridership for OCT n noted The brakes are belnl 1ppUed to lfOwlh or the Oran1e County Transit Dlstrlct ror the next five • years. BecaWJe or a combination of decreuinc subeldiea from the federal 1ovemment, fewer than eipected increases In 1asollne tax revenues and lowered riders hip projections, the dlstrict Is belne forced to slow • Its planned ux_panslon throu1h 1987. dbtrlct offlciala 1ald. "However , the aener1l public s ho u ld not lnterprea. these numbers as meanlnt there wtll be a cutback In current OCTD services," s uid James Reichert, dis tric t gene ral manaiier. "Rather. it is a slowing In our previous growth rate." Last year , for example, the dlatricl waa PfOJectin1 to operate S(M lar1e buses Within flve yeara. That figure hu been trimmed to 472. There are about 360 lar1e buses operated now. l'•requency ot servlu on many routes al.SO wlll be lncreued, Reichert said. Probation ordered There will be a reducUon in fund Ing for the .district' S· Dlal·A·Ride service, from ts'.4 million U\ls year to $4.3 million by fiscal 1985. Otrlcials said the service. which operates s imilar t-0 a taxi ser vice, has been "very cosUy'' to o perate as compar ed to operation of large buses. They said after·hours service and ser vice to handicapped persons will remain unaffected. ' • in teen sex case Two former Orange <.:ounty Sheriff's Department deputies have been put on probation and fined alter pleading no contest to c harges of having unlawful sex ual inte rcourse with a 16·year old female Explorer Scout. The pleas were e nte r ed Monday before Central Orange County Municipal Court Judge Jacquelyn Thomason by Robert M. Schaeffer, 37, of La Palma, and Thomas J . Barry, 23, of Stanton. In return for pleading no contest to a single count of unlawful sexual intercourse. Schaeffer was sentenced to three years' formal probation. and fined $500. A year 's term in Orange County Jail was stayed pending successful completion of probation. Barry was sentenced to three years' informal probation and fined SSOO. A one -year jail term also was stayed Dealers sue Hobie Cat f inn on coast Coast Catamaran Corp., the maker of Hobie Cat sailboats, has been sued by two Florida H o bie d ealers who charge price-fixing by the corporation forced them out of business. Jim and Carlton Tucke r, father·and·s on own ers of Playground Sails, Inc., of Fort Walton Beach. Fla. s ay they we re put out of business by a "pr ice fixing and r esale-maintenance scheme" engineered by Coast Catamaran a nd sever al Florid a Hobie dealerships. Coast Catamaran. founded by long-time Orange Coast surfer Hobie Alter, was located in Ir vine before m oving Its corporate offices to Oceanside abo ut two year s ago. Alter currently serves as a consultant to the corporation. The Tuckers s aid the ir dealership routinely sold the double·hull sailboa~ at prices below retail , thu s luring customers from olher dealers. As a result, the suit cJajms, Coast Catamaran. through requests by the other dealers, forced the Tuckers to raise prices $200 per sailboat , thus bringing them into line with other dealers. Don Setchell, an attorney for Coast Catamaran. s aid Tues· day he could not comm ent on the lawsuit by the Florida dealership, adding he has not yet received a copy of the complaint. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Certifkd Gemologi1t, AGS A PRETTY EAR and Ifs place 1n hutory Earrings are m entioned in the Old Testament. They have been around since earliest re co rded h is to ry . The • Egyptians of ancient times were especially good at doing fine filigree work on gold earrings . The early Greeks wore jeweled earrings. Ancient Romans liked simple designs, but decorate d them with gemstones. ln Oriental history, both men and women have worn jewelry on their ears. We stern c ultures have generally considered earrings lo be for women only, but there ls a growing trend a mong some men to wear them. American women , lhrouah their expressions or style, have a strong influence on the design of the world's e1rrlnJa: Nowadays, there II a trend to wear more than one earrlna ln each ear. Hoops, symbols and atuds are often mixed, and there are women who have each ear p erctd more lhen once. Even DON "earrinp" are betl\I seen. The earrtnc 11 an ancient form or decoration and ntr~. Nolo contendre is a plea by a defendant in a cr iminal case declaring lhat he will not make a defense, but not admitting guilt. The two d eputi es we re c h arged in December with unlawful sexual intercourse and contributing to the delinquency or a minor after an investigation implicated them in engaging in relations with the 16-year·old girl. At the time, Schaeffer was a sergeant assigned to the jail; ' Barry was a bailiff to Orange County Superior Court Judge William Thomson. Additionally. Barry was an associated adviser to· Explorer Post 449, to which the girl bek>nged. Th e a lleged activities occurred during off-duty hours. a s h eriff's .d e p a rtm e nt s pokesman said . Both deputies resigned from t he de partment after being charged in connection with the case. The district, they said, bas no plans to change current plans f o r con s tru c ti o n of bµs transportation centers in Saqta Ana, Fullerton and Laguna HDls or a proposed rapid tranjit system in the northwestern abd central regions of the county. R a lph Cl ark, a county supervisor and OCTD chairmllll. said the amount of federal operating funds earmarked ·to the district will drop from "$15 million per year to zero over the next three years ... "This phaseout may occ~r even sooner if there is additiOQal pressure on the federal budtet for further cuts," Clark said. General economic conditiop.s have slowed the Oow of gasoline tax revenues to the district ~d a bus drivers strike and a rare increase las t year "had an impact in lowering our ridersttip projections and this will h~e the result of lowering farebox revenues," Reichert said. ., . I Dumping fees adopted by county'. A $40,000 program to increase the monitoring of the estimated 4 ,000 tons of infectious waste dumped annuaJly at landfills has been approved by the Orange Co~nty Board of Supervisors. Under the program adopted Tuesday, acute care hospitals. nursing homes and olher health care facilities will be assessed fees to off set the co~t of i n c r eased s urv e ill a n ce activities. Fees will range from $45 to $735 annuaOy. depending on the type of facility Revenue generated will defray t h e cos t o f h i ring a n environmental health specialist to boost the county's monitoring activities. Sin ce Jan . 14 , th e environmental health division of the county Huma n Services Agency has in vestigated 11 complaints involving the illegal disposal of infectious waste at county-owned landfills In vestigation of tho;;e incidents, according to a report given to supervisors "revealed serious deficien cies in the handlin g. s tora ge , transportation and treatment of infectious waste." In the pas t environmental health division personnel have conducted annual inspections at lhe county's 38 acute care hospitals to assess infectious waste disposal practices. Under t he new program. there will be four inspections annually. ' Infectious was t e includ~s discarded materials s uch ps s urgical s upplies, s yringes, dressings. gowns and bo•y parts Under existing standards. s uch waste must be bagged aod e ither incinerated or treattd with pressur ized steam Jo reduce any ris k of infectitn being spread. • In January, more than 16o bags of waste -much of 1t flOl treated -·was found at county landfills. Those discoverits prompted action by super vis<t'S to increase inspection prografllS. The board appro ved t'e program without comment. : In other action. supervisors:: -Accepted from the Yama•a Corp. a $12,000 gold cart-st:i(le "mini-ambulance" that wiU )>e used by Orange County Fire Departpient p aram edics n responding to calls in arils whe re full -s ize e quipme t cannot travel, such as outd r amphitheaters and stadiums. : , -Approved an agreement permitting the 1982 Gordon Bennett Balloon Race to be conducted· May 8 at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. The a nnual compe tition attracts balloonists worldwide. -Authorized the Academy of Defe nse Driving, National Co uncil on Alcoholism and School 10 to provide programs for first-time convicted drunken dri ve r s . Program s are mandated by new state drunken driving laws. .bn ltlt$ geol new~l!erct Weot VoJ weal~ tn 0 quoli!y M kOrOI gold pendC1\l ond Ohan py w~ l.OCAI tlile o Mll<Jnl &ing 4f't yOJ ll"QOt (Ind let US ll'ome 11 ex P1S01'0$e bOth ingoi ond ltome lrom OJ os1rcrlY9 o6nection QQ9Q tire Q01C1 ingot$ wlh fraT\&5 ae Ol()IO()le tn tt-.eso $Ile! 16 I? O"ld , Q...nCe ex 5. 10 20 ond ~ g oms A cert1feole o o.Jtl"lenllOIV ~ies eocn ngot o V(!(ll fosh<:n Obie ln.<Mlmer•tl V1$1• IA todCJf, J. C..JJumplw6 J.,,,.t,.6 MCM8ER AA1EAtCAN GEM SOCIETY !&\ 1823 NEWPORT Bl.VO . COSTA M(~ .~ \ tlftARIJNTHEIAM~LOCATION , 81nkA1Nrlcard-MeMer Cftef9e • • .'1H<>NI! Ml...,...IU .. .._ . H/F OrangeCoa1t DAILY PILOTtWtdnHday, February 24, 111a ~nator att~mpting · fo rewrite bUdget ~ASHINGTON <AP> -The Rep\lbllcan cbatrman of the Senate Budset Commutee ls ~akin1 wh•t h is Dem~ratic c unterpart in the Houae calls a "extremely significant" step toward a bipartisan rewrite or Pres i d ent R eaga n 's deficit-ridden budget. It calls for less military spendjng and more laxe s than Reagan has proposed. Sen. Pete V . Domenic!, R-N .M., the Senate committee c hairman, declared Tuesday that -"in blunt terms" - R'.'"agan 's 198;1 spending plan "!limply doesn't pay tor all the gXntt tbings it wants to do.·· [\-;Congress just won't pass" R'-eagan's budget, Domenici said, adding that Its huge projected deficit ',.threatens to crush any hop~ of economic recovery." Communist parley opem in Poland American policy , but Washington shrugged off the Mexican proposals. The Communist leader said his nation, 90 miles off the Flor)da coast , would "collaborate" in the Mexican peace initiative if the United States ·'promises not to assault its neighbors, if it stops its continuous threats, tr it stops .using its arms and money to support genocidal regimes, if it stops its subversive activities." .' Nuclear treaty proposal nearing". WASHINGTON CAP'i -A new U.S. proposal for a strategic nuclear weapons treaty with the · Soviet Union ·i s nearing completion, according to administration officials . ll would reduce the two powers· long.range bomber and missile arsenals as wel I as their destructive force. Ml.4 delegation leaves Jlietnam .~ .......... !WARSAW, Poland (AP> Gren . Wojciech Jaruzelski, Peland's Communist Party chief afid military ruler, opened the pirty's first Central Committee meeting under martial law today. He sought party unity and public support, the official PAP n s agency said. HA NOI, Vietnam (AP> -A U.S. delegation left Vietnam today after two days of talks with Hanoi officials but apparently failed to meet their stated goal of findjng out more about Americans missing in action during the Vietnam War. MARDI GRAS FACE The head of a Jester on a fl oat grl'ets tht• crowd on Canal Street m New Orleans Tuesda~· durin~ the annual celebration. A s unnv dav with a record t«.•m peraturc of 81 warmed the crowd· of hundn..-d s of thousands ,__, . .,ntown Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - veral sticks of dynamite ploded today near a crowded eet in Moslem West Beirut t there were no injuries The two sides agreed that specialists on both sides would meet "when necessary" to deal with America's MIAs and that' V i e t n a m w o u I d s e n d a· deleaation to visit the Joint Casualty Resolution Center and Laboratory in Hawaii, the nerve center or America's etrort to locate and identify its Vietnam War dead. Repayment ordered Watt hit for cost of Yule parties rted. o one claimed responsibility the explosion , which came a y after two car bombs !oded nearby and ki lled at st 12 people and injured more n 30 others. stro overture ~ected by V .S. EXICO CITY <AP > sident Fidel Castro said he uld accept Mexico's peace n for Central America if the ited States reversed its Latin Slwttle checked for heat tiles CAPE CANAVERAL <APl - Workers examining heat-resistant silicon tiles to see that they are properly installed on the skin of the space shuttle Columbia are expected to finish their checks this week, a K e nnedy Space Center spokesman says. FOCUS ON COMMUNI'fY H E ALTH CO-SPONSORED BY PACIFICA, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AMERICAN CANCER SOC IETY STOP SMOKING CLASS 12 HOUR COURSE FOR SMOKERS I >OX. \TIOX TO .\~I EHIC \:\ C.\XCEH SOCIETY:~ 10.00 7:00 -9:00 P.M. Monday, March ~ Thursday. March 11 Monday, March 15 Thunday, March 18 Mo nday, March 22 WASHINGTON CAP) Government auditors say Interior Secret ary James G Watt must repay at least $4 ,300 for his unauthorized use of government funds to throw two Christmas parties. The comptroller general of the United States said the Interior Department .. wa s not authorized to use either its operating appropriations or donated funds to pay for either of these receptions." While Watt's official reception fund could pay some of the costs or one or the par ties, the auditors said, that fund will fall at least $4 ,342 s hort of the expenses that were wrongfully charged to department funds. ·'The amount of any shortfall ... must be paid by the Interior officials who authorized the expenditure:· the legal opinion said. The opinion was issued Tuesday. A copy was obtained today by The Associated Press. In terior D e partment s pokesman Phil Million said Watt would have no comment on the opinion. '"We have not seen that report yet and would not be able to comment on it," he said. I . 1' Thursday, March 25 TO REGISTER PHONE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY EtJl'CATIO:\ l>EJ>AHT:.IC:\T 752-8600 One of the best on-time records going That's stv1e Appreci- ating you and showing we appreciate you That's style Fares tha' save you money every day on every flight. That's style. too. A1rCal We do more than get you there. We get you there 1n stv1e1 S£fll IL£ I 1' CARMEN YUPPA CONFERENCE CENTER 11481 9 Ot•lawar~ Street C'A BIM k Snuth of Malnt Huntinf(ton ~•ch. Ca,lilomla W.ho to see this weekend? • lowCai fares reau1re aovar>ce ourcnase Seat~ art hm1teo al\d otMr 1estnctions aootv 0 A PttotWeellendei AIROIL ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New tookJ New alnt Every Frtdayl You can be a WINNER Just by sending us your name and address and by watching for your name in the classified ads of the Dally Pilot. Win th:ketl to th~ circus, area amusement attnctlonl or •POrtlna events. Just rm out tttls .coupon and mall tt toefay to the: , Cl...alled Departnaea, Dally Poot 3N W. Bay Street, Cotta Me.a, CA tia. r-~--------~----------, -"-·... - Na me: _________ _ Street :-------------- City : _________ Zip: __ _ Telephone~-------- ~--------~~1---..... ---~~~ lf .S. stations <Jestroyer off El ·Salvador WASHINGTON CAP> -Tht United Slate• la atallonlnir 'a dHtroyer near tht etrlf •·torn Central American natJon ol El Sal vador, Pentagon sourcea confirm, but defense ortlcials say it la not intended to be a show or force. -O'he Pentagon aources said Tuesday night t hat the purpose of having a vessel there is to monitor radio communications In the area. The defense officials, who requested anonymity, dlsm\ssed s uggestions that tbe warship was stationed there as a show of U.S. might, notlnR that a single destroyer does not have enough com bat power to do that. The revelation a bout the destroyer came less than 24 hours before President Reagan's scheduled speech today to the Organization of American States on hi s administration 's '"Caribbean basin initiative"' of economic measures to boost economies of the area and combat subversion. While d eta il s of U .S . Intelligence gathering methods generally are kept secret, it is known that some destroyers of the Spruance class are filled with the m ost advanced equipment for what is known as communications intelligence. The Deyo, which sources said was on station in the Pacific off El Salvador starting some time in January , and the Caron , which they said recentl y relieved it, bot h are of the Spruance class one of the most modern U.S . warship designs. One source passed on a report that they said the Deyo had been hailed by a gunboat from an unspecified navy, believed to be Nicaraguan. which asked to send an officer aboard, but the request was refused . A Navy spokesman refused to discuss any details of the Deyo's mission , but he did say '"at no lime did any ship from any foreign navy try to stop'" the 7 .OOO·ton U.S. vessel. Accordin g to the report , however, the gunboat moved alongside the Deyo and an officer asked to board the U.S. s hip, claimin g it was in territorial waters. Howe ver, it was reported that the Deyo·s skipper· dented permt111on to. board and lns~ted h1a ship wu In lntemaUonal waters. The account did not make clear who4e territorial water it was supposed to be in. It could not be determined whose radio traffic was bein& monitored, but from that area commun ication s amonc guerrilla unlts in El Salvador and betweer\ those units and support ers in n eighboring Nicaragua could be overheard. Tbe Reagan administration has accused Cuba or supporting leftist Salvadoran rebels with arms s hioments funnelled through Nicaragua a nd Honduras. * * * Guerrillas stage raid on hospital SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador <AP J Leftist guerrillas staged a daring daylight raid on a hospital near the capital and seized medical s upplies, witnesses said. Armed guerrillas reportedly invaded the h ospital in Suchitoto, 30 miles north of Sao Salvador. collected medicines and surgical supplies. then fired on the army garrison in the town of 15,000. Suchitoto 1s on the slope of a volcano that is used as a guerrilla hideout. and the army concluded an offensive in the area two days before. The guerrillas ' Radio Venceremos reported a five-hour battle in the little northeast town of Yamaha! and said the guerrillas captured 20 rirtes and inflicted ··serious losses" on the local civilian defense force. An arm y o ffi cer in San Francisco Gotera. the provincial capital. s aid the attackers withdrew before troops arrived and .. secured control. .. Neither s ide mentioned casualties. Judicial authorities said the bodies of 20 people shot to death in the capital had been found since Monday lmpOr tecl Teak Bookcases These good looklno, flame -grain teak bOOkcases are a special direct Import purchase and are an unbeatable value. Crafted of the fl nest teak veneerwttn adjustable shelves. 76"x12% "X35". Delt C)lf*5 are construct9d with matc:hlng PVC. :.ggm B'S J • -Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/W9dnHdav. February 24. 1982 H/F 39 .stars tape patriotic r-ally J Show organized, as response to Ealwell, right-wing religious groups LOS ANGELES (AP > - Thlrty-nlne atars turned out for a flac -wavi nt rally -ex.trava1anaa ln celebration ot producer Norman Lear's riChl to d iaa1ree with the Rev. Jem Falwell. "The point of the show," a-.td one pro1ram ataffer, "la rtclalmina patriotism from the conaervaUvee and givln1 lt back to the American people." The Washington's birthday s h ow, a taplng or an ABC television special alated for alrln a on Marc h 17 , was or1anlzed by Lear throuch h1a people for the American Way foundation, a non-prottt group "dedicated to celebratln1 and protectlna Americans' Flrat Amendment rights," in response to a pe rceived threat from right-wing religious aroups s uch as Falw~n·s Moral Majority. Among those who turned out lo lake part were Mayor Tom Bradley a n d Sen . Barry Goldwater, R ·Ariz., plus entertainers Burt Laocaater, Kristy McNlchol. Mary Tyler Moore, Desi Arnu Jr., Bonnie Franklin, Christopher Reeve and Dionne Warwick. Each tossed out a little patriotic pitch on pride in country. Barbra Streisand sang "America the Beautiful ," on tape from London. Robin Williams came dressed as an American flag. "Flag," he asked himself, "how do you stay so young? ls it J0Hin1? II I tennis? No -lt'a wavln1. Ea&.I you r heart o ut R ic hard Simmons." The lone First-Amendmenl m essage featured a mm clip ':I the late John Wayne, telline. interviewer Barbara Walters what he thought of Jane Fonda: ~ "J think she's a little mixed u~~ In her thinking and she probably , t hinks the same or me. Thal'ftK our right as Americans." County lawmaker loses half his staff Johnson also gives up office space in feud with Democratic leader .11 .,, ......... SACRAMENTO CAP> -The third-ranking Republican in the s tate Assembly has lost hall his CaP.itol staff and office space in a tiff with a Democratic leader. The battle Tuesday between Minority Caucus Vice Chairman Ross Johnson. R-Anaheim, and Assembly Rules Committee C tf ai rm a n Lou Papan, B-Millbrae, is the latest in a Ion~ personal feud. Each accused t he other of lying after Papan delivered letters to Johnson advising him that his staff would be cut.. SPRING IN AIR A s ure harbinger of spring in Sacramento is the blossoming magnolia trees outside the state Capitol. Backlit by brig ht s unshine. the scene reminds \'isitors that warmer weather is just around the corner. Boyce escape based on film LOS ANGELES (AP J Christopher Boyce. whose Soviet e 11112 us Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special $2.99 It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, our crispy fish fillet, plus fryes. s law & hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! rsnewl · rsforyoul rs the Dailf Pilot's I e 6 weekly winners • qO gallons of gas GRAND PR.IZE • 100 gallons of gas You can win up to 100 gallons of gasoline in the Daily Pilot's qreat Gas Giveaway. It's easy to play. Just watch for the complete rules and entry blank In this Friday's paper. You must enter to win, so read Friday's edition of the Dally Pilot to see how you can win. espionage adventures sounded like a spy film , based his later prison escape on a movie, "Escape From Alcatraz" but added dramatic touches or his own , documents disclosed at his sentencing revealed Tuesday. executive editor, Robert J . Cochnar. Sh 'd 1· . d' rt l e sat pre aminary rea tni.h{ Municipal Court Judge Wayne Kan'emoto ordered Bunting, 25, on Tuesday to spend 60 days in jail, but stayed the sentence for two weeks pending an appeal. taken this winter found fog wi~Q .. pH readings oJ 2.2. "sufflcientl~SJ acid ic to sting the eyes. nose and throat and sufficient to corrod~f'I metals." .. '.,, Reporter get• 60 day1 in jail 'Acidfog' 1hows inU County 1q 400 more fetu•e• ~:; re~rtedly found ') SAN J OSE <AP> -A judge h as sentenced a news paper re porter to 60 days in jail because the journalist refused to ans wer qu estions a bout the killing or a 14-year-old girl. T he rep or t er , G lenn F . Bunting or the San Jose Mercury News, will appeal his contempt citation, said the paper's deputy SACRAMENTO CAP > -A scientist has collected fog in Los Angeles and Kem counties that is more acidic tha n vinegar , says tl1e chief of the s\oate Air Resources Board. ARB Chairwo m a n Ma ry Nichols testified Tuesday before the Assembl y Select Committee on Acid Rain. LOS ANGELES <AP> -A$ many as 400 more fetuses wen° take n rrom the home o r a Woodland Hills man who hai;,) been questioned by countJ ! authorities after some SOis fetuses were fo und in a meta&l! container that was repossesect1t from him . the Los Angelefc'JI Times reported today. Robinsons SAVE 20% AT OUR ONCE·A·YEAR EVAN·PICONE PANTYHOSE SALE . Wearing lux urious hosiery is a great feeling you should indulge in all the time And 11 you hesitate? Well. now our luxury is irresistible (and in delicious Evan-Picone colors). S·M·L. style 208 also available in XL. If you're unsure of size. please state your height and weight when ordering. Sale prices effective through March 7. Color and size selection will vary by store Robinson's Leg Fashions. 8. # 151 Sheerest Sheer Control Top Sandalfoot. I 181 Silkee Sheer Sandalfoot. . I 183 Silkee Sheer Control Reg $3 50 .. $3 50 Top Sandalfoot. ............ $4 1208 Lace Control Top Sandalfoot. $5 1500 Herringbone. . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 1530Pin Stripe ................. $5 To order, call toll·lree 1·IOC).34W501. 31$8.40 31$8.40 31se.eo 31$12 31S12 31$12 Or mall coupon to Robinson's, Metro Box 6080, Los Angeles. California 90055 Please send me lhe ronowing Evan Picone PanlyhOse· llem/Style I Quantity Size Color Price l -= -·-- I ,., . ' Nam•---------------------------Addrese _______________ Ptlone _________ ..,.. City State __ Zlp ______ _ RObinton'10lar09 Of Payment enclosed D C.0.0 O American Elcpre11• C.rd O Valld date: from to _______ _ Account f DP·2·2•-& PlffM add 8\\ aalff I•• If dellwred In C.Utorni.. Md t 1 Mrvlce charge on purch .... under 110 °' plckupe; edd 11.50 for C.0 .0.'1(noC0.0.'t on ordtft Undtf 110). H1ndllno chargee wlh be lldOed outtlde our dellWty arM , \ h .;J q J • ' . I Orange Coast DAJ~ Y PILOT/Wednesday. February 24, 1982 ,,.-----------------------------------------------------------------. H IF .. .. OMPO ITE TRAN ACTION •VOJATIONtlN<l.UOt ••••UOlll T .................. ilaCllllC ..... I OtTON, 01uon &110 (IW(INloAll nou tlClfUIOU Al60 llNllTIO O'I 'IMI ;!A'O 4'10 llllUtilflf If you heve juat flied your new Flctltloua BualfteH Name end have not yet aubmltted ft for publlcaUon, pie••• don't tor .. t that ~ llmttatlon 1a· 30 daya from date of ftffnjt. .. The qAIL Y PILOT wlll pu'ttUab your •t•t•m•f't fo( -t~:sp. Our chculatlon Incl'""• tM entire Orange Coaet area and tegal notlcff 9ppear In alt e:cltlona. tn order to aubmtt your et8tement for pubic~ Mftd ~i:•• copy •ncl • CMck to IL y PILOT, P.O. 80• 1llO, Coeta Mata, CA. 12121. We'I CID ... reet. For lntonntltlon illiotll .... , •dv•rtlelng pleaM cal l42-Q21 lat.m. slip in J anu~ ;111111 <;::z~---- Orders for new durable ioodJJ slumped l S percent In J~nuary, the filth decline in the past six months and a fresh signal that the receulon continued unabuted, new government Cigures indlc:oted. The Commtirce Department also revised a previously re1>0rted l.6 percent gain 1n orders ln December to a 0.2 ptireent decline. November orders rose 2.8 percent . . . The Tr.-uury Deparlment said the Reagan administration does not intend to supp<>rt renewal or legis lation making possible the so-called "All Savers" tax-free savings certificates. Current law. approved lasl year under heavy lobbying Crom thrift .1 institutions. expires at the end of 1982 .. Con g r ess ional lov~s tl gato rs said that com modi ties fraud h as grown Into a $200 million a-year .. rtoating crap game" that easily eludes the ftideral agency responsible for pohcmg Ute industry .. Economic recovery in the United States and other industrialized countries late this year will rcver11e the current trend or declining demand for petroleum, according to Exxon Corp 's latest forecast Gov Bob Graham, who last w~k told about a $10 billion "Japanese Mars hall Plan · LO help the US . economy, was never in conlact with the Japanese government concerning the program. the Florida goverl'\.or's press secretary said. ITITI D~---... ~ I The U.S. Labor Department said it has restored $20.6 million to JOb service programs in four Western states to help unemployed workers find jobs. The California Employment Development Dep&rtment will receive $1.9 million more to bring the 1982 fiscal total to S58. l million A consumer group has asked a superior court to investigate at least $2 m illion in alleged fraudulent claims against the Levi Strauss Co. The group contended in a brier filed Tuesday that the fraudulent claims. if allowed, would sharply reduce refunds to honest claimants in the jeans manuracturer·s $12.2 million price.fixing settlement with the state Bank of America rePorted that in 1981 California experienced its lowest number of housing starts In more than two decades. Total housing starts in 1981 amounted to 94.491 units. down 27.S percent from 1980's total or l30,300. Between 1961 and 1980 ttw lowest number of housing uruts constructed occurred in 1966 when 105,180 units were built fiJ\ancial Federation Inc., a Los Angeles-based savings and loan holding company. has riled In the U.S District Cou rt a lawsuit charging Severyn Ashcnazy, it large stockholder. with an attempt to seek illegally control of the company in violation or federal securities laws. c .a.••-"-......6~---------- Assemblym an Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana. has introduced ~ bill that calls for cable television to be regulated by the state Public Utilities Commission instead of indjvidual cities. If it becomes law. Ca lifomia would be the onl y place in the nation where cable TV franchises are granted al the state level rather than by local communities . · Assets of Capistrano Bancorp's principal subsidiary. Capistrano National Bank. surpassed the $60 million mark for the first lime, ending at $60 2 million as compared with S43 8 million on Dec 31. 1980, a 43 percent increase over the prior year. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS . .. l.W Y°"lt 441"1-........... t~ .. tef• COIM, ~ Witt! ,....,..,., ..-iu. ·~ ............. , ..... " ... .......... 1 .,.., ..... ,, .... ,, .... ..... ...... , • ..,., ........ tJ., ~· u, .._. IOI 09W11. .... tl'9'f ••·•GUI. ... ., .. ' *'t~ o.11·"":'9 • WHAT STOCKS DID NIEW YOlfl( IAPI F-'> H W><~ l A .. £• OIO HEW YO~I( IAPI Fell 1l METALS TodlJ1 :ii.• 110 "' ' n NEW YO~K IAPI SPOI nOfll•nous mete! e>rkn 1-y Ctlll•er 17\\ 10 Cf'fll' I PIUn8, US clollnetlOn\ l.•H 1t <.nts I pounO lhK ~JC~$ I _,,.0, ckllv~reO Tin '7 2'90MIU1i W-<-•II• IC> Ahlm'-'! 1•11 L..-U I -· H Y M1rcwy Sl15 00 r-• ""~ l'ta1i-s.M 00 troy oz N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ••TN a.-11_. l'nn S.'-tllcl-1CIOOIO P~I<•• COdly· ~' """""'911•1~ "'1 IS. uo•l.15. L.,.._: •fie-ll•tno ..,., IS, 110" 15. '8rtt1 .a.e..lt. Off 10 tt, ,,_....!~ ... up" 00. iw1c11: I.Alie 11•1~ ~ 00, up .,. 00 lllcl. t*OOe..., M•••r • M•rfllen: on1r deify 4wot1 u.1.1s, ""''·"· I ....... : Ollly .... ,, ~ ~IS. ._ tl.7S. ,.....,., C.,1y c1111, q11e>1t r.-.1e-"""·""" ... SYMBOLS liljNit WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2,, 1912 . I lllTlllTll IEICl/flllllll VllliY CAVALCADE B2 SPORTS B4 ~ / ' . Deity~ ... ,_... .. ., oar.,.--. BE PREPARED When 140 people tried o ut to be lifeguards at Huntington Beach State Beach. the first 1.000-yard s wim in 58 degree water narrowed the field to 100. Then came a 200-vard run. left. a 400-vard swim . finishing above. ·and a final 200-~·ard run. Todd Brinker and other hopefuls s hivered and waited for the results. Scott Matauda finished fi rst in the swi m and f irst running lap. Sixty qualified for inte rviews from wi_ic h :l> will be c hosen ror tniining and hiring as nel•ded . Valley to close five schools? A Fountain Valley School Dis trict advisory committee has reco mmende d five o f the system's 17 schools be closed over the next three years because of declining enrollment. trustees, say district officials. The committee recommends Bushard and Wardlow schools be c losed in the next school year. Nieblas School would be closed for the 1983-84 year, and Harper and Fountain Valley sc h ools in 1984 -85 ter m . School officials say s tudent enrollment is dropping by 400 s tudents a year. Dis trict enrollment currently is 7,770 students, down from the 1972 peak of 12,000 pupils. The co mmittee also recommended that Newland and O k a sc h oo l s b eco me kindergarten through grade five schools in the next term . and that Arevalos and Talbert schools become middle schools with grades six through eight. I n 1983-84. Cox School would become a kindergarten through grade five school and Masuda School would become a middle s chool . according to the recommendation. The 13-member School Closure Committee of pare nts and teachers also recommended the district's kindergarten through grade eight schools be altered to i~clude three middle schools and fpur kinderearten-through- grade-fi ve schools by the 1984-85 year. The committee divided the district into three areas and r~commended closur es and alterations be phased in over three years. College fact night set In 1984-85. Courreges School would become a kindergarten through grade fi ve school and Fulton School, Moiola and Tamura sc h ools would be middle schools. The committee has scheduled 7 · 30 p.m. public hearings on the recommendations on March 1. at Wardlow School, 9191 Pioneer D r i v e , H tin ti n gt o n B e a c h ; March 2 at Harper School, 18658 Santa Ynez, Fountain Valley; Ma rch 8, at Nieblas School, 9300 Gardenia Ave .. Fountain Valley and March 9, at Fountain Valley School. 17911 Bushard St. , Public hearings on the recommendations are scheduled qext month by the advisory c,om mittee a nd by school R e presentati ves of local colleges and universities will present "College Information Night" at Huntington Beach High School on Thursday at 7:30. Representatives of Universtty o·f Ca l j f or ni a and State U ni versity systems , plus officials of Chapman College and Golden West College will participate. The event will occur in the school cafeteria, 1905 Main St. For further inform a t i on , telephone 536-2514 , extension 249. Something smelb; a bit fishy, Gloria . J I I t I I I ' I • I ' By· NORA LEHMAN Of .. Delf'f .......... BIRTH CERTIFICATE NEEDED? I can hear it now : ··rm buying this for m y daughter She·s 2s.·· sa~·s the obviously over-49 lady. Or. says the under-25-year-old. "My mother wants this for her birthday. She ·s only 45. ·· Let's face it. Ms. Vanderbilt. there's going to be some fibbing going on here. . And what is going on? Well , a press kit arrived on mv desk from a Mr. Frederick W. Jackson. III. yet. Seems Mr. J . handles public re lations for Gloria Vanderbilt. Or at l~ast he handles the perfume for her. And the latest thing he's into -or more exactly. s he 's into is perfume. Designer perfume. That's hardly new. but there is something «bout it that does fascinate• me. It's to be ··a rich (of course It's rlch, it's a Vanderbilt, isn't it? I and radiant <how. tell me. can a perfume be radiant?> new fragrance of florals. fruit• and spices . . . desiened for women in the 25-to--49-year-old market.·· ~ IT'S OBVIOUS FROM that statement that 1vt ~ Vanderbilt who . I believe. won 't be able to w(•<.1r her own fragrance doesn 't want just an~·one splas hing the stuff around. Maybe ~·ou must sign a statement or µrondc a birth cert ifi cate . You just «now some rebellious young kid's going to put on a drop or_two. And some woman. who won't admit she·s over 49. is going to defiant!~· march into some s ton' and demand the stuff. A postscript her e : A friend of mine who's been in public relations for many ~·ears claims it"s OK to be in the PR business as long as you don't start believing what you 're writing. Mr. Jackson should remember that. I ND~GENT SMILES: This certain Orange Coast lady st anding down the counter from me s hopping while he r hus band wandered around the department. She'd made her purchase. had h.er checkbook out and was reaching in to her purse for a pen when her s pouse came up to the counter. "Sweetheart:· he said. ··you can·l write a check on th~t account. There is n't any money in it.·· ··But how can that be'!" s he asked. looking up through her long. dark lashes. ··1 have all these checks left.·· THAT TOOK ME BACK to Mrs . Clarence Day In "Life With Father," explaining to Mr. Day. that because s he'd returned the hat she'd bought. he now owed her the money. a ; Four .area high school basketball teams qualify for the CIF quarterfinals . See Sports~ P,ages B4-5. 0 a •Transit board position open Huntington Beach offac1als have announced an opening on the city's Transportation Com mission that advises City Council members on traffic issues. The volunteer commission meets the second Tuesday of every month at Ci ty Hall in room 0 ·8. For information on the commission pos t . c all 536·5511 from 8 a.m . to 5 p.m applications are available at the city Public Information office. 2000 Maio St •Political panel official due An official of the State Fair Political Pra c t ices Commission is scheduled to m eet nex t m onth wi th Huntington Beach candidates for city office, their aides and candidate committees to discuss ca!'lpaigning laws. Helen Andino of the state regulations on March 5, 9:30 am .. in the civic center, 2000 Mam St . room 8·8 Fo r rese r vat i on s, telephone Rosalind Lear at 536·5209 no later thao Ma~h I , say city orf1c1als . Four City Council seaL'> and the office of City Attorney are up for election on April 13 •CPR classes slated at Hoag Two t ypes of ca rdi o p u lm o n a r y resuscitation <CPR> classes are being offered free of charge this month at Hoag M e m o r ial Hospita l i n Newport Beach . CPR classes, which include· training in one-person rescue and c learing o bs tructed airway, will be held in the hos pital ca feteria meeting room every Thursday from 7 to 11 p.m A class in basic cardiac life support will be held Feb. 24 in the hospital confe rence room from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 760-5923. •Sign language course offered A semester-long course in American Sign Language and Signed English will be offered by lhe Huntington Ueach Union High School District's Adult School. The free course will meel from 1 to 9 p.m . Tuesdays in the faculty dining room at Huntln&ton Beach High School from Feb. 23 through June 8. The class will cover the origin, vocabu l a r y a nd syntax of American Sign Language. Interested people ca n register in the classroom. More information Is available by calling the Adult School, 964-MSS. •Typing competition 8cheduled· The Harbor Area Legal Secretaries Association is challenging sister associations throu1hout Southern California to a "Faateat Fln1ers ln lbe West" typlna competition. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at lhe Driftwood Beach Club, 21482 Pad.fie Coast Hltbway. The .competition 11 open to all iegal secret aries associations. The Harbor Area group includes secretaries from Huntintton Beach, Co6ta Mesa , Newport Beach, Fountain Valley, Irvine and Laguna Beach. The fee ror each team 1a $45. Tickets for spectators are $7.50 each and include lunch. More tnfomwUon on the event can be ;9btained from Mutlya Orr, M2-5100 \ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, February 2•. 1982 H I F 81 , ,.. .. ~ t( _NUllll;r,·:· ~: --~--.. -------=: =::'"::.,.=::1:-:•=1a==·==;1~ __ t111_..,..•_a ______ -~ -.x ... ~ •tennMev.. •• li » •tC1tnouteU1t•ata0 ;~ ~· ·-• • ....... ..OTIC:I OflDIMOt..WTt• ·-PtC.tTtOUt•UM•lli-,• •-.. ----~flU--.. -------1 •~----PIU--llna---.--. ..... tTATWMCert MAMetTATWllfT tTATWWA~I .... ., PICTt'rlOUteUMMl!lM OPPA•T•U .. 11' NAMllTATIIMellfT Tiie ...... r ... "'"" " "''"' ••ION "'C0"01 ...... a.111 ... CTt,...:::"........ ......,. • ., ...... , NOTICI ·~ GllllN llWMIOlll It Tiit .......... --.,.. ...... ~ .. l llrH I, NewMr\ ht<ll, Cellfwlllt Tiit felltWIAt '"'°"' lla n fllo ........... --• a re ...... h<tl•"• IM11 .... Ulll.t .., "'' IMltl""-'" ll • T"l IOrT"llllA•l ITAtlOH. tMot..... ........ MIMMai C""'MMMC..INl•N1Wf9* •VN COA l!lHl llA ~ N • ""..!.!!.!.." Avt .,_..e, Iv Ila llt. ,,_,. PNiM ..... la, -· a.. ;;:..::.n::,.: -.... ~.... t OWIAll .#C)lllJ Yl'lllTUllll, tMI ..... et Wl•Olt0 ICUlllOKAWA CO .. TlllAC'T°"'-Qll7 """ ......... ~..._...._"'~"~ Slfffl, ... ....., ... (II, Ctllt.flllt ......... -I NA D•V•l.Ot'llllllNT, 1100 Illy ""' C lrcle , rvl11• •IMI OIOlllOa w. OAUL.OINO, '"··Drive. •11llt .......... ". Hlll•1 ,..,,,, 111 "•1111, 11••• t..a " ..__~ ettlfitnlla•n•, 119,...._ ....._ .......... ~..,. Ca1 ... ,,...tMA N•rlterltr .. u \.t11•. H1111llntlt11 TPllt ~ It ~M WWI (::.;;--IML, .. _. ... ...,.., hec... TN .. ltk ~.t Ctlltwtlla tlrlll "'-of IVICO C"IATIVI S1111 CtUI 1>evolo•1111111t -..11,CtlHWlllt'Mo16. IMht....._ Tll P'I tlll I ,.,.........,. llOlt $1.y l'or11 Clfti., DlllONI, ti , .. Wtttcll" Orl,..,~~etloft,' c:.IMlfllia •-•llell. 'l'lllt ........ , It C..-.Clltll '°' ff .ltM ~ t < ..,, I Vt At O No-lrvlM, Cellfot.We 91114. ~ .. "'1 lleotll, CtllfO<'l!lt. Ml IMtlol U111 Pltte ,.._ D1hlt, M'9 IOO, llMlht...._. Tiii• ........ 1 •• 1t1M *"" "" ~"" .. .._••filed 1" °'""' 1owdl11 c ... •1r11c11011, 111t., , _._..," .. "' "*-Y n. 11111. w U9uM .. 1.,., Ctl"""'''"'i' ....,. "· --Co'""'" Cit• .... o.. ..... (9\lftf'r Oii .,=.Ill ...... ta. 1•· l'llt "''· C:•llftr11I• <0rtMrallt11. ns EHi OIO"OE w OAVl.OINO, J"-· "" Tiii• lllltl-• I• c.INWU•CI lly • Tll6' ... ..,,_, ... flltd wtvo U. ,tllllf'\lt rte. 1• I NA O I y I t.. 0 I'M E N T WHlllllttOll IOlli.vtfCI, l'a~OM, tMI •net IJ!lltll<Ol!On GI Hiit NtlC;e .. c.or-.tlOll, C.Wllly ci.rlo el Drt llt9 Ct11nty Ill l'I_.. COlll'O"ATION!.., Ca llltrlllt c111wllltt114M. dlttthl!IOll l\O Pf'W' fltt tlllllttllY w l\lllCcaHI l'~y II, 1111 .... 1111•.llld Ore11tt CtHI fi>'!IY Pli.t tw!Ml'a\len, p,o, Na U4, c..r.itf, lllt MIMU It <OllOll<I•• lly t lllCllf tft\I *'tttlOl1 Oii lltfltlf -' -Dt Ills -C~tlloft ,,._ ..... 10,11,,.,""'<lla,1"2 •1w:r c.IM,,......, 91Mttl~ ftflllerlltm llt1lll1'A.lt. ""414l-Or ... c .. .i 04llly l'llol, ,_.-----------HICTOll MAllllACH INC '"' ltrltk e,...,-y, A 0-... W. 0 0\llctlflt, Jr. S.C.l'Nry '*· u. Mftdla, It, 11~1m ,.Z42. Ct11terllla '*'"'•llell, ,.,., ~= Ctftl. ""lllltl>M Orenoe Coa•I 04111¥ !"llOC, Tiii• lll.-...nt •• 11"9 wltll IN -• _, "!IJC 9lftC( I 11"4-,Hwol.,.._9-h,CAllM1 , ~L . ..,l\K,l"rl!t._.,. "'all.t4,ltm 1 l lM:I etu1111 (ltrlo of Ottl!Ot C:o..nlr on ......, -·-,.-------------Tllk ........_ -"'*<M by a Tlllt ...._. •• II ... wltll ... --l'ttl tt. IW. r------------... PICTITI...... .......... 9Mfftl-..... CtoiAh Clefll Of o..-. e-1 "' .. I .. -• .,.... -:::;::..,_ .. __ .. 1~. J-rv 1', I.. -W' lll1C( , P11llllllwd Or .... (Mll 04111y .. ICll, llAMa ITATWM41NT , ..__ -.... ., ~ , ~....-• 10 -l ht l~IOWlllt '""'°"' ll'9 41101111 ~Mentel\, •Ill Ftb.14, "-"·"' • 11• I.., l11_., ,.,...., ITAH#INTOllWt'ftteAA•AI.. PllOM .......... ~ .. ., .... ....Ptrfl'*'I IWIMl ... HMle "" ................ w..,_ u o t•ntrt l 1'trl11tr frtM Ille •trlllt l'tlll• .,,_,.flllt 11..-r Ill• llclll!Oul ~ ..... fJI otlANOI COUNTY i..-Clltl. CL.tNIC, ,,, ... N, T111f111 A-, , nl, ~ /4M, CA. Tiie llClflltlll ltu•tn .. t llt mt '"_ ....... ..,,...""' w•• lllM 011 Oat 1, ltll In lht Ct11111y of o ...... Pull Name an411 Actdrau Of Ill• P9rNll Wll ..... IWlllO MIC14-'1l P' PA"lll, llOI I Pef'IK_.. Pike,"''" •• ,.,,,..,..A .... Cl> '1101 ~·"·""' l'.-i ..... ~ ..... C-Oally Pllol, \.AWOPl'ICHOP .. ... "· 17• u . Mt«ll l, lw:J •nc MICMAIL "· l"Allll '1°'*41 . , PmJC 1111£ 1•1 .... ,..,..,_. l'ltca,...,.. •• .., P ICTlnout IUMNlla NAMll ITATIMI NT ft•• lollowl1t1 peraon It Cltlllt llu&i-IH lllltl"'tt ••: ~ ..._.,._Or~ OM'* OtllY l'I~ -• (I) l(ING AHO AUOCIATU 111 I NA o. .. --. C.•p. l'e41. J, IO, 17• M, 1 UI ' "~~m::-:::· ...C ll'fa fllCTITIOUS e VllMUS Nl!Wl'O•Tll•VtNE A•lrA OeloidW ~. Th I II I I I NAMll lTATeMUtT ""'-A• C:A fUl1 Poil>iltlltd °'""' Coa\I Otll'I Piiot, 1"•11 10. 11. 1'. Merell a. 1t12 ... ., OHION •v MIMI, iu """"'· ••411M lllMCI, Ctllfoml• .,.., LOCKSMITHS; UI NlWll'O"t ~ • -Ill' -llutl & o ow llO Pt•IOn ' Clo ng l'ICTITICMltlutlNISS Tiie lelltwlfto perSOflt ere del"t IEAC:H LOCICWITHI; 141 IRVINE Tiii• ........... -llled wllll ... r--·""-"""'' ........ ,.TUMNT IMIUlltU"' ....c •lll Mary 0. O'Kltfft, )If $000llirt, .... ltlelllll, Ctlltornlt ~ LOCKSMITHS. ISi ll!AC.H CITIES s::i:l' ci.rli Of 0r•fl99 ~ll' 911 -t~~r~;..~=N~~A::!'! :p:j Tiie ltllOwllli p,,,..,,. ere dolnt IOVTH COAU E NGINl!L------------- AUTO L.OCK l!ME"OINCllS; i.1 · 1• 1•· l'ICl'ITIOUI eu11Ne1t T c; 111 1 .,U, ' .....in"• • ., "EIUIL.011'6. 3INt Elite•Pf'ltt, c;.,,. 1111• ~ '' c-.c1ec1 llY 111 lllClhtfellal. 81!AC H·COAST HIGHWAY ...... J ... OreftteC .. 11tOtllyl'llo4, NAM&ITATeMINT oro, • orna I y 010 PA•AOISI 1 Ud MIMC:ellfon\ltftUlo L.OCKSMITHS 111 Nl!Wl'ORT PtD.l7,~4.MtfC'llJ,IO,lta 7u.G. Tiie IOllOwlno -MN!• ere cto1110 N orma~ ~tn lit, JJOll• Vlt Str"~ ........ e..dl.Ct1ito!~ •. r ~ltnpa u Coml'any 111c, a "ICTITIOUS IUSlllllU NAMe STATUMNT Mary G O'Klaflt llle. A...,,_I w• "ltd wttll IN C.01111ty C:let1l of °'""' Ctullly on F1llr11•ry I, tw:J. C:INTlR/l"ASHION ISL.ANO A•U """""'" ~~~nra. Mu on \/ltlt. Ctllornla Ot Mlt A. Youno, Jtti &lr<ll C tlllornl t ~orpora llon, HO LOCKSMITHS; Ill M ISSION 1-------------THE \.ATEST THING, e147 TIJla -Int•• la COll<klcltll t>y.,, 51,.._.,StMtAN,C4llllOfl>la.,10J, 1!11ler11rlM, C•la MtH , Ctlltornla "'" IOllOWlllO Ptn•n ,, 001119 llu\lnfftMI LOCICSMITHS, (ti OANA l"OINT _.,. --Prestwick Clrclt. Hutllln-n llff<ll, , .... I Id I "'I d w K I 6010 "0 '' .... LOCKSMITH; (101 SAN Ct..l!M5NTE ~ -·-Ctlltorf\lt92IMI> ,,_ '"'" 111 .-oY ' ay or, • Tiiis b<itllltSt I• cOflduci.ct lly • 908 l'ARAAN /FARRAN PU8L.ICATIONS/GAllY 8 ELLISlON/JOHN l!LLIOTT, •us warn•• "'"'-· Sult• F, F"'"leln Vtllty, CA•noe l'llH:U P11llll-Or-. CCIUt Dally Plitt, LOCKSMITHS: 1111 SAN JUAN ·-----------...--·-l(lm AClkllU, 2400 EICl•n. •20 Notmtll-111• lrNtor4ll.S..UA11e,c.i1ton11en101 cor-•tltn. CAPISTRANO LOCKSMITHS; 1121 PICTtTIOUSIU51N5H Hlll'll~ loecll. C•ll-t '262P Tlllt IUll.._t ,..,. lllfCI w1111 Ille Tllh llu•lnan h <ollcl11Cltd llY '"'-""-'Y tnc. EL TOllO/L.AKE l'OltEST ARIA MAMalTATaMIENT COUlllJ Clark OI <><•• Co..n1y Oii lndMd11tll. LOC KSMITHS,· IUI EL TORO Tiie IOllowlng -'°"'a rt ctol1111 Mtr l' Lou Wlllltm•. ll'1 Ftbruarv22. 19'1. OentllsA. Y-.O MkNll R.M<Ottlltl. ... _, PAtlwlck (lfClt, Hunllllflon a.a.ch, P'IUUI Tiiis ... ...._. WM fli.cl wKll .. ~ : •Feb~ J, 10, '7t 24, tta J1s.t2. JAMES WAINW•lGHT f'LANAGAH Ill, 1121 Nll'nnllft Ot1.._, Hun1l11(11on _,.,CA_,..,, LOCKSMITHS; (141 I.Al(£ FORl!ST -· MM•s: C&lllOrnl•.... c • ,...... ,..,, • 1111.t .w--.1 Wts 111.0 •ii~ Ille Locl(s~ITHS,• (IS). '""UNA AREA EQUITY l"UNOING I, suo Pullll!>hedOr .... coe,, Otlly l'lk>I, oun,y ....... of .......... COllll•Y ""c l'lt;TITIOUS IUSINIHS LOCKS;ITHS, 1161 SAOOLE&ACK eamp11s Orin, Newporl aucll, NIO. Wllllt mt, '"' Pr .. lwlo. FM> 2•. Mer 3, 10, 11, 1112 ,.._., FMl<u•rv 11, '*· t1t•lv C:lefk of Or•"91 Ct.inly "" NAMESTAT8M•NT ~~~~;T ~E~ ~~~,I~~~ .. ::!! ~·"~'y~:-::~ ltnlOdell, nlJI ~i.i Hl#KlflllO<I 8Ncll, Ctlllornl• PUOlltlWf Oranet CMsl 04111~1=-FWllatYI. Itel 1'11*5 .... !rn~.~o~owln9 l>tfMHll •r• doln9 AIRCltAFT LOCKSMITHS, (111 cc~::~'·~·" l.1111111.,.' ~I.JU, ..::!!~,~~: <OllOu<led llY .l ____ PIU ___ lllll ______ , ..... ,,,U,Mt<cllJ, IO, ltli ,,..., F~~ir=3~ D4111y :~ Thlt llUW~1o I\ <Ondu<led by an llldlvkl....i J-W.F...._, This ~ wat llltct wnh 1-"' C011nly Cltrll of O<anoe c-1., on 111 NEWLAND PROPERTIES, MOTOR HOME LOCKSMITHS, 11'1 r a . l(ff'nlltflyA.Adlllns C A P I S T A A N 0 V A I. I. E Y HIOll\ M. .._.,...., •lSJ ~. T I Cll NEWUINO REAL ESTATE; 13) LOCKSMITH$· l20l MISSION VIEJO ;Ant L-Cellfomlit1701. 111 llt*'-I Wet flltct wllll lllt NE w l AN 0 RE AL l 0 Rs; "4 l MO 81 l E LOC KSNll THS u 1) St llcly l.tt>tdell, tns ••«el-C-ty Cletll ..... °'"* Ceunly Oii NEWLAND ASSOCIATES . ,,, GOLDIE LOCKS HOME LOcl( .. l'lti.e,w....-r,Ctill'°"'l•tMaa FeOrveryl,1tm. ~EWLANO REALTY,, .. Adams KEY SEA\/ICE·'1n1 GENESIS v · Tllh bllslflff• "(ondll<lff by . P··•11·..:..0r-c-·IO•lty"1:::11• ~v•nuo, Hunllno1on llHCl'I, • 10S, · _ • generel ~P "" ---· Hunllnl)IO<I 8Hcn Callfoml• '1Mt (231 GENESIS MARKITINQ, 120 Lyle MK.t.af\ldetl FM>. I, 10, 17.1•. 1"2 SIJ,., Gerald L co:.11.y, 1)11 'DryllotM GENESIS INTERNATIONAL.. CUI Tiii$ ....,_. •• flied wllll Ille Drive, H...,.inolon llffcll, C.lllor11I• THE FIFTH GENERATION. m1 County Clel'lo of 0tefl99 County on '1'46 Mee Artllur Boul•••rct, S11llt IOI. "'•llN•rt 1 l"2 Pnyllh. A Rhyan 1!»01 JOfl O•Y Newpot1 BHch, Ctllfoml• nwo. . . ' • A A. Kl119. 1S4U 8•t10fl lloeo. "lltlll Hunllnglon 8N<h, C•lllomlt 91-. 20I B l.ofN Lindi Ctllfomlt 9US4 f>uOll~ 0r"'9t C•IA Otlly Plloe, Tiii• lluslnttl Is conducted llY a Tiii' 1111 I 1• Conclll<IH .... . Fe41. ), 10. 17. 24, 1"2 S!l42. gene••• Ptr'l,....i.lolp s •MU s v, an Ger•ld L Conlty lndi.ldutl Tiiis ......... n, .. M llllKI wltll ~ A A 1<11>1) Counly Ciera of Oranve County ..., This sltlomenl w" 1110<! wllh 1"" Februaryt ,,., C01111tv Cleta of OrtnQe COllllly °" ' l'ltUJS Januuy U, 1"2 Publllllld 0<9n91 Co.ul O•lly Piiot, Foll. 24, March l, 10, 11. ,.., 16j.C l'ltHM P11llllsr.d Or-CMll Otlly Pll04. Feb 24, Merell 3, 10, 11, 1112 t7W1. PIU~E l'ICTlflOUS euSINESS l'ICTITIOUS IU$1 NHS NAMll STATEM•NT HAM• STATEM•NT 1111~~!.~o~~~wlnl) 1>trson1 ere doing Tll• 1ollowl1111 person h dolno SURFSIDE STEREO GI Nortll lluslMUu Oe L.t Estrella Stn 'c1e menlt Ill MAKI, ltl FANTASYUIND, celllotlll• mn. · · :J3.44 Calltomlt Street, coue Mesa, CA JCIMtlh P, Elles, 1nsc. Palme-• .,,,.5 ET 5 u IC 0 it A I c I( L l) .. 1rv1ne, C..lfornlt m •• · June V. Abetlll, lnw PalmMIO CelUornla Slreet, Cotlt Mot, CA 1rvl11t, C..ltornl• '261•. '192•2•· Tiiis llllSlneu Is <Onchltl•d by • This lluslneu I• concluct..i bY .., venertl _,,,.,.,,111, lndlvklv"4. J-V. AllQr.tl S.bllao KriOI Thll •l•lemenl wu flllKI wllll tne Thi• llt1-1 wes llled •1111 Ille Co11n1y Clerk ol Ortnl)e County County Cieri! ol Oran09 County Oii F•brueryl, 1en Ftb l , t"2 ,,_~ l'llD71 PublllMG O.•noe Coa11 O•llY Pilot, . PuolllNO Oritnoe Coail o ... , Pllol, Fob. 10, 11. u, Merell l, 1"1 •11-t2. 1·ell. 17, H, Mllt'Ch J, 10, ,.., 741-t2. Ns-tt ... "ICTITIOUS IUSl"aU •AME $TATll-NT The lot1owl119 Ptf'MHIS •r• ctolng llllslneu .. : PEllFOAMAN CE TI R E COMPANY, 33111 P-Cw.,_u, San Jlltfl ,....,,_, CelUornle '11'7S lnterntlfontl Tire Group, "" wusnc,. aou1e .. ...-4ll. Suite •10. Btver•v Hiiis, Ctllfornlt to212 Performance r•re, Inc a Calllornl• corporallon, 3Jl71 Pttao Ctrvtn, S•n J11tn Ct1>t11,.no, Ctlllor"'• tll'7S. In..,_._, Tl,.. Group Enlrtd Tlrtt, Inc , G-r•I Partner J . Sltnley Oorob~l . Presldenl Tiiis W.'-1 was lllecr wllll Ille County Clerlo Of Oranve County°" Jan. JO, I..,. ,,., .. Pulllilllld Oranve '°"" O•lly Piiot, Fob. IO, 11, 14, Merch J, 191? ,.,.., "tCTITIOUS eUSIMHS NAMll STAH MeNT Tht lo11~wln9 per'°"' are doing llllllMHH: R & S ASSOCIATES, 1n. l!tsl Ct rlton A,,_, Ora,., Calllornl• ., .. ,_ Roy w . D•C•"· 14160 Redhill Aven.,., Tvstln, Calltornl• ,,_, Phylll• s. Ham, I ltlO ~ .. 9an Ave11ut, Lo' A1ttnllo1, C•lllornl• '0710. Tiiis bullMH I• cotldll<ltd llY • QtMrtl~; Roy W. 0.Cell Tiii• Jltlemenl w" 11111<1 wit~ Ille (.01111ty Cler• o4 DI•-County Oii Ftt1rua...,1.1m l'llltn Pullll">ed Or•-CMSI Dally Piiot, FM> 10, 17, 2•. Marc:h l, 1"2 ,,._., NM1'9S .. lt;TITIOUS e USINllH NAME STATEMll•T Tllo lollowln9 person\ ••• dolnv blnlntu ••: NAT IO N ... L C:OPY CORPORATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, )100 Airway A,,..,.,., S11lle t 16. CClltt MHa, Ctllfof"'• ,,.,. -----------------------------------------! L F., Slmt, l11c., t Oat-tn 1111,H llTICl-1 corpo,.11on, JIOO Airway A.venu•. "111• '16, Cost• WM, Ctlllornl• .,.,. Tllh IMISIMU Is (ondu<led lly • fllC'TITIOUS eUSINISS NAMll $JATIM•NT The lollowl11• person h ctolno tMnlnen .. · ENRIQ~Jl!'S HOUSE OF WAil, tn W. 17111 Slrwt, Co&lt Mt .. , Ct ll..,,,I• mn Enr'-R Moflnt, 2•1S E lMtl Slr••I. No. o , Nawport 8•t<ll, Ctlllomlt '26'> Tnlt lluolntn Is COtldu<leCI lly an 1nc11vldue1 Enrique's Hou" of Wt • Enr!Qut A. Moflna Tiiis staletnenl Wtl Iliad wllll Ille COllnlV ci.r• of O<anve COllllly °" Fellrut ry tt, IWI, fOtUdl P\I011"'9CI Dr--. Co.ti 04111y PllOI, Fn "·Mer a. 10. "· 1112 to7~ ,_ICTITIOUS eus 1M'SS NAMll STATllMENT Th• 1011owtn11 p., .. 11 11 dolno 11utln•1't1: PERSONAL MANAGEME Nl SERVICES, 24091 P•rkhlll Road, L.akt FOl"HI, C..llomlt ~ M•• F Tr•ll, 24091 Ptrlohlll It-, L.ltl• Forttt, Ct1ll0tnl• ~ Tiiis llu•'""' Is conduc4ed by •n lt1Cllvl411utl Ma~ F Trait Tllll sit-I .,..,. 111.0 wllll Ille County Clerk ot O••noo Counly °" Ftt1r11arv n. 1'112. ,.,.,.,. Publl.,_. Ortnee CO.fl Delly Piiot, FM> u ,Mer. l, 10.11, "" tn.., "ICTITIOVI IUllNEU NAM« ITATaMENT Tiit lcallowpl110 P••ton 11 doing b\lilfl"S"' 1"£ WHITLEY COMP4t<NY, J116 fOullrfot n Slrwt, Sullt IU, C061t Mew, CtlllOrnlt ~- Terri L. Wllllle~. Jffil Svne .. 1 Pltca, Wt1t. l.t9lll\t Hllll, C•ll..,.,,la tltSJ. Tiii• w.i-°' <onduCllHI Dy tn lndlvldutl Ttffl Wllllle• Tiii• tit-w•' llled wl111 -County Cltrk o/ Or•"11" County 9" Febnlaryt, lw:J. ,,, .... Pt;Oll...., Or_,.. CO.SI Oally P4'91, F!°.10.17,14.~h>._1'12 tlMl, PtCTITtOUS euMN•U NA.Me STAftMa NT Tiie lollowlno perJOll It 1101110 llllSIMH 9': EMILY GAi\. l.IMITIO, 7412·8 Sltler A,,_., HW11lf1910n llM<ll. CA ftMJ. E M ILY C:Oll WYETT. HO Pa.itarlno A...,..., P. '°'· C_.. -"· CA '161', Tiiis IMIS!ntn It c-ltd lly .,, IMlvldutl. • Emily C. Wyell Tlllt .........,, •• Iliad wltll 1114 c-.nty c.1ot1l0f0<-C011n1vonJt11 ,,, ltll .. , ... , Pulllltltecl Or"91 Coast Deily PllOI, -------------• .FM;l • I0, 17,U, 1w:J Sl..et NU !Im l'ICTITIOU$ IUSINESS •AME STATllMl!NT "ICTITIOUS IVSfNe SS -------------· "•II 11, ltm. "ICTITIOUI I USINISS "'""' Putlllt-~-Co.ti Dally Pltol, FM> 11, 2.4. Merell J,.10, ,.., 1S1-ti .. ...,,.. iTATEM•NT NIUC lllll 'nit lollowlno ptr\on I• doln9 lt.-------------b<ltlllris ": 0••19 0.Ht-1 GUEST HOME, Ult Ora.,.. Avanue, Coste Mua, n.21. Y llcll C"""*llky, 15'0S ~afUfl'tl court. Rl-$1<M, C&IJfornl• '1* Tllll llusiMW It Canclllcl.0 by an tllCltvldual LAtklt Chtnletsl<y Tiii• 1i.1e.._1 w• Ullld wlln lllt c....tlty Clttli of 0.-on F•t>ruary I. S TATIMINT 0 1' WITMD•AWAL ""°"" l'AltTNI HMIP Ol'E•ATINOUNOltt "ICTITtOUS eV51NES.SNAMI The foltowl119 per\On lltl •llllOrtwn •I a .. nertl per l"er lrom Ille pert11er1lllp """"no uniter Ill• llcllllou• ll111lnns n•me o4 THE TYPESETTING ROOM •I JIH Pullma11 street. S..11• I IS, Coslt Me ... C•lllOr.W. m2'l 1'92. ,.,_ Tiie llcJfllous bu•lnns ntm• P11blfslleel 01•n11t Cou111y O•lll' 1tatement '°'Ille ptr'IMf'IJ>ll) WH llltel. Piiot, fO..C.. 10, 0 , 24, Merell 3, ltli °" OK-1, 1'IO In Ille Co..nly of • .,...., o ....... ------------_ F11ll Name a11d ACIOte-n o4 •lie , Person Wlfl!dt-lno PICTITI~ eu1111ass NAMll STATllMEHT Tll• 1011ow1no "''°" I• dol110 l!Wlneu ts: l!. LNT PltOOUCTIONS, 1701 Fairview A•tn11•, Colla Meu. C•lllor-nlt 924» Litt A. 8rlnn, ''°' Mt<ollt111ur 81vCI , 201(, Stntt Ant, Calllornlt "'°" /~UMA 8r1ner -1'1*31 Pullllsllect 0<"'99 Co.51 Oelly Piiot, Fell. tO, 17,24, NIM.>, 1"2 fols.tl Ottn E. Dem•"•• t7'J Hiii ' s""'· Rl-.1ctt. c.iifor'nlt nso. l'Ueuc; AUC'TIOtl NOTICE 01' SALE OI' l'Ueu c l'ltOf'ettTY Thi• ~J ,, ~oncluc:led .,., '" lllCl1vl4lllltl. ~E OcllfnarM Notice '' 11treby 91ven lhtl 111e Tiiis Rt~ WaJ llltct wltrt -Purcllotl110 Oeptrlmtnl of Ill• Co..nly Cltf11 of or.,,.. Ctunty .,.. Huntln(llllOn 9M<ll City 5'llOef Oblrk1, February I 1'112 w111 nold • Public Auction IO< tlW Stte • P11MM of S11r1>1us ...._ny, l11<1uct1no. but""' P11llll•lltd 0r.,. Co.it Otll't l'llot llmlte« to, • I_, Pkk Up True•, t Fn.10, 11,U , Mar J, 1"2 •1...i ~,:;~~1:1~~·F:::-~: •. It roe ------------.. ,_. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1"2; -II' '9TIC( INSPECTION l ;JO • m,; SALE ~ STARTS 9.30 t m ; LOIS 6 HARAV <MJIO' aOo••. LF. Sims. Inc The IOllO!OtlllO ... rMlns are dcMllll ; NAMe STAH ..... T PICTITtOUS I U51NaU llutlneuas: Tll• lollow1"9 Hf'IOllS .... dol1111 NAMll STATI M•NT La8ARO SCHOOL. lOUI CRAIMER LANE, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNl4 80\'0 P a u I 1 n t: W 1nf11.' Id of ROBINSON ALIC E BOYD. resi<tcnt or Beaumnnt T exas. Clarence PAUL J ROBINSON . L.F. Simi, Prt•ldtnl Tllll stalo"*'I WM flled wllh Ille County Clerk of 0 rt"99 County °" Ftt>rvary I, 1"2 KOAONNE INTERNATIONAL b111l-t1: L CREATIVE DESIGNS, ll03 WKltlllf HAJt&Olt $TA" MARINE, 160J.C. ~~~~"'9 ""''°"' ... d<Mne Drive, N-porl Beach, Catlfor11I• Superior Avenue. Co•I• Mesa, SWEET CAEANIS ICE CREAM All ,..__,In,,.,,_ In <MUOI •nd r•moval •n Ille r-tiblClty of tM SIKCHSflll -All lttmS are M>ld on •n '1a.s ,, .. ....a ''w"9r-e is•· be•''· alld lllt Qftlrl<t m&H no -•nlff, written OI" 1tn1141ect ts 10 -<.-1•-or Illness for .-or .,.,,_ of Ille Item• 40t "le· M"1 no <ltlm for •nv •Uow•nc• °' oectue:Uon llf>04\ \u<tt gro..nds will lie cOMldtred •~ the WC< oUful llld lltl t..... tc:Cept9d Orange. Ca Passt'<I a"a~ nn .Judd of lkJumo nt. Ca . Carl resident of Corona del Mar. February IR. 1982 Sht• llt Fredericks o f Mudr1d . Ca Pa ssed aw<t y on s urvived by her nt•phe" Spain. Dorothy Frt'<.lcnck or February 22. 1982 Survived Jame!> D T ru l'l>tll•l I of Huntington Reach. Cu and by hii. wife Edna R o binson . 2 Corona dcl M ar. ('.1 ;ind Carol~nt• Ba1i.lc) uf !>on s Or PaulJ Robmsonof Theodore II Truesdl'll or Garden<•. <:u . abo s urv 1v111g l'urtlund. Ore,:ton and David Newport B e a l'h Ca arc 211 grand chlldren a nd 14 T R obinson of Corona d el grandnwcco; PatrH'IJ r> great gra ndchildre n Mar. Ca . 1 l>ISler Virginia Bierm<in and .Ju<11th 1-: Friends ma~ call ;it Pierce Elms of Palm Desert. Ca Tag gart 4 11 1hl'1 Urolher.. Smith!>' Mortua ry ;ind 4 grandchildren grandniecei. Jnd ·nt•phe wi. until 9 OllPM toda' "he r e S ervices will be held on and 4 great grandniece~ amt fun1•ral 't•rvit•ci. ,1,lll be Thurs day, Fe bru;1ry 25. 1982 nephewlt Final intl'rment eonducte<t o n Thursday . at I LOOAM a t St Michael':. o;er vice-. will ht.· ht•ld at th< F t·bruan 2.'>. 1982 Jl I OOPM and All Angels Episcopal Dow C it ~ Cemeteq . "'th lht: Rl•\ Allt<' Starns Church, Ni.>wp(lrt Beal·h . Ca Denison. l•J\\a s4·n'IC<':. <rnd R ev !Jan Moorl' of the-Friends may nill ul th<' under lhc direction of Baltz Fountain \'all<',. Church or mortuary on W edncsda). Bergeron ·Smllh & Tuthill Goel ofhclallng Interme n t Fcbruar) 24 . 1982 from 12·00 Westclirr Chapel M ortuary will be ut W ri.tmins ter noon to 9:00PM Interment ,.,.,..., Publl\fted O<-Coasl O•lly Pllol, Foti. 10, 11, 1•, Merell 3, ,.., n..a C.lltornla~. P A A LOR, •It 17t11 SI rttl. Hlrol<o l(~oflawa lnlernallon•I, • Joll11 P. Glt<li, 62'3 -ro Orlva, Hunllnoltn &..<II c;.lllornla,,._ . • CalllOtnlt ,.._,uon. tl03 Wtil<llfl ltencho PMDI v .. -.. Ct1ltot-11la '0274 ' Drive, Newl)Ort Buch, Ct lllor-nlt C t rollne A Gll<k tU> llober1Mattln,Jr.,>Ot20lllStreel, .,... _,,.,.on... R.hO P•lol VerdH H1Hillft91Gn Btotll, Ctllfomlt '11641 "''' 11us1ness ts condll<t•d by a Ctlltomlt to2J4. ' Tiii• business IJ conducted .., .,, corporatlOll TlllJ llllllMo\• " '°"""<led bit •n lncllvldlltl HirOlio K...-we Int. lnctlvldutl. It_, MM1111 Jr E-• Miller, At<OlllllMI JofWI p Gllck Tllll SW-I ..... tlled Will! .,,. Tiii• S1ti.mtfll .... llled wltll ... Tiiis Nletnent -meet wltll ,... COtlnlY Clerk ... Oranoe COllfllY on Payment In 41111 ""'"be m.o.10 IN Oh Ir let ti IN llm• of Ille Wit, -Ille eQUlpm0ttl •.........Sal tt>tl 1im• NM 16tl "ICTITIOUS e uSINH5 NAME STAHM&N~ County Cltrk of 0<•"99 Co..nly on COllllly Clerk of Oranoe County °" Fn rl••fY I, Itel F•bfUary 17, 19'2 Fellnitry 11, 19'2. 1'112111 PublllNCI Or ..... Co.ti Daily Pll04. The lollowt"9 "''°"' are d<Mnq lluslMUH: OTA·ll, 3'S &Oller Str .. t, Cotl• MHa, Celllomla '262'. OT A·ll, • Cali lorn,. 11 m ll•d pertnerlf>lp, :M5 B•..._r St-1. Cotta -... C•lllor"'• '2626. Del Ttco. l11c .'. • Ctllfornl• <Ol"l>Of•tlon, )IJ a.a .. Slreel. CO'll• WM. CalllOmla '2t.26. l'IQM l'latll l'ullllsllld 0r.,. Co.SI Dally PllOI, PUlllltlltd Cranve C•s1 Delly Pllol, Fell 2•. -J, 10, 11. 1112 &s7-&2L-Ft_b_1_7._1_•·_-__ <_h_a_, 1_0_, _,.., ___ .. _1_..,_ l'ICTITIOUS I USINESS IN THE SU ... •10tt '°"•TOP TM£ NAME STATIMINT STAT• 0,(ALIJIOltNIA !NANO T lie lollowlno pe,.011 '' do1n9 l'Olt TM• COUNTY OFOllANG£ bu.tlntH H : NO._,.. of Costa Me!>a 646 9:i7l Cemcler) P iert•c Brothers at Pacifcc Vie" M emonal MILKES Smiths' Mortuary directors Pa r k Pa c 1f1 c V 1 e w ""' butlneu Is conducted b~ • 11m11ao """"*""'°· DTA·ll. a Ct lllornl• partnerllllp J T STRIPING, 1741 Pomot1t. NOTIC•O,.llNT•YOl'JUOGMllllT Cott• MtSA. C.lllomit '2•17 I A\/ IN E UN'" IE 0 SC HOOL JOfln ._r, 17•t Pomona, Cotlt DISTRICT, • SchOOI Ols1rkl of Ille a36 6539 Mortuary directors . HARRY G Mll.Kfo:S ,' -·COLLINS CONATV resident of Santa Ana. l'u ELIS IE RIES CONATY. Ot4 Taco, In<., • Callfoml• c.orpor•llon, W•yftl W ArmstroftO# MaM, Ctlll0rnl4t n.21 Slelt of Cttflomla, Plallllllf, 111, ALL Tiiis lalllMU Is <ondll<ltcl lly .,. PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE lt1Cllv10uat. I MATTER OF THE VALIDITY OF Pass ed awa~ on f"l'bruar.\ FLO RENC E ll COLI.INS 18-1 982 Services o n a rl:'s1dent of Lagunu Beach . re~1dent or Balboa bland. Prttkltftl Tiiis sttl..,_I w• Hied wilh IN Counly Clerk o4 0••"99 Co..nty 011 Ftt1r11•,.., 2, 1m -'-Hffly THE ISSUANCE OF U ,000,000 01' This "•'•"-I ... , llled wlln "'" E l E c T I 0 N "72. s E R I Es H C01111ly Clerk of 0.•nqe Cou111y °" GENERAL 08LIGATIOH 80NOS, M FM1ruarr21.1m. aul'-lllCI bit RHOlvllon No. 11/G-IJ 'lt>U7 ot lht 806ro of Ed11calfon cal Ille Pu11li.-O<tnQe Coast 0•11'1' Piiot. ' R v I N E u N I F I E 0 s c H 0 0 l d Ca P assed awa .' on W edn<'sday. February 24. Cu Pa ,sc d"av on t982 at 2:00PM ;it H arbor Fl'bruar) 22, 1982 Surv1"cd February 23. L982 Born Jul} ,.,_ Pullll•llod Or-Cotsl Dally f'llot, Lawn M em onal Chapl'I '"'h b) t clau~hter Ruth J 7. 1914 '" Ch1c:i go. lllmois i n l 1' rm e n 1 s r r ,. 11• cs Rarfc•ll of Laguna Beach. S urvived by sons Frank and 1mm ed1alelv floll1rn 1ng ('u.3~10lt l.ester ll Collins P aul o fNewportBl'ach.Ca Sen ices undl'r lhl.' illrrclltHI 111 L.iguna B each. Ca and Mark of Oak Run. Ca ofHarbor Lawn·M ounlOhvl' Bradford L C ollins of and Lt Col P eter Conaty of M o rtuary of Costu M esa Fall brook. Ca. and Or. K e llh Balboa bland. Cu . daughter 540.5554 A C:olhns of Va lle~ Center. Ann Blacker of Porei.tville. Fell. 10, 11, 1•, Merell 3, 1"2 ....., 1'1CTITIOUS I USINES5 NAME STATEM•NT The 1011ow1110 persons tre dolllQ lluslnen tt: Fell 2•, Mt• l. 10. 17, 1'112 IOs.tl DISTRICT, Oefendtflll l"ICTITIOUS eUSINEH NAME STATEMENT Th• lo11owon11 s>e•M>M trt dolno 1xnln•1' a' To t ii person. lnteruted In Ille mttler of !he v•lldlty ot llW lu...n<e of U ,000,000 .. EIKllon 1'n, Serie$ H 9tnu•I olllloa!lon bond,, •• aulllorlreG bit Attohrtlon No 11117·1) of Ille 8oard of EOUC..llon of tllt I rvlne U11lllea Sc-Oti!rlct. REBARCllEK Ca • J Sllllers, flennet~~ Ca . 5 g randchildren. s is ter CESSNA REBARC HEK. Bulpitt of M!"'nolulu. 1-lawa11. Mary Trahan of Newport age 8l. a resident of Elma Armitage of Rogue Beach .Ca and Irene Ries or Huntington B e ach. \a R1v<·r. Oregon und Jessica Woods tock . Ill i n ois Passed away on Monrlay. CI 11 r k or Scat l I e . R ecitatio n or the H oly February 22. 1982 a t Wa s h 1 n Rt on 8 Rosar y will be o n Thursday. Pacifica Hospital M rs gra nd c h1l_dr e n , 11 Fe bruary 25,t982at7:30PM R e barehek was a member o f great-grundeh1ldren and 1 al St. J o hn Vianney Chapel. the Women'!! Aux iliary of great great .grandchild Balboa Island. Ca Mass of the World War J Velernns o f Services will be h e ld on Christian Bunal on Friday, th e llunt ington B each Thursday. Februar~_25. 1982 February 26. 19R2 at R e be k ah L o rt g l'. th l' al 2 OOPM a t P;ic1r1c View IO:OOA M al S t John V1anney Huntington Bl'ach Senior Chapel "'th interment at Ch apel o n Balboa Is land Citizens. and the TLC Puc1f1c View Memorial Interment al Pacific View Luncheon of the Senior Pu rk . Newport Bea c h M e m o rial Park. N e wport Cit izens and tbe East e rn Pacific \'lcw Mortuarr Beac h . Ca Mrs Conaty was Star, b e loved mother o f d1reclon. a Librarian ut the Balboa G RAPHICS TWO, 1012 Brlo'o Drive, S111te 107, COIU Mn•. C.llloml• '2U1 8 68 8UILOERS. tJIO Altlltmt StrHI ... unllnqlon 8"ch, Ctlltoml• ., ... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN llltt on Fe~uerv 17. lta, l\ldon'ltnt .... renctere In IN --lllllKI tcllon 111 favorol111e plalntlff Hl•llHthl119 lllt valldlly of u .000.000 o4 Elt<tlon 1'12, SetlH H oen..-al OOlll)•llon llolldt au1nor1 .. 11 10 lie luuod lly u l411 lletolullOfl Ho. 11-0. and lhtl Mid jUC19menl wn 111.0 •llCI e11le<ed In Ille •.cords of tht Cieri< oi Int! Ott"OO Paul• J zeumaler. ••'° P•r" Newpot1, NewPOt1 S.tc:h, Calllornlt '1WO Wllll•m 0 Ll-O, lftO Pat11 Ntwpot1, ,.._oort e..cn, C•lllornl• .,WO This buslnen Is <Olldu< led ll'f • generel partnenhtp. p..,,. J lt11m.ier Tiits 11e1......,1 '"" llOIKI ,.';,1~: Counly Clerk ol 0.•"9t Counly ..., Feb 12, 1'112 Published Oranot Cotti 08llY Piiot,. FMl.1t, Mar. J, 10, 11, 1"2 11M1 Roller1 w a.,... Reed, 1310 Al•llemt Strffl, Hunllnqlon Betc:n, C•lllon.i• '1Mt Gutl•v• Buctdy Conltr. 210 Sprl119fk>kl No e, Hunllnqt..., Beacn. Ct llfornla .,... Tllh buSiMU " <Olldu<t•d oener•l~iP- ll'f • Co..1tly 5-rlor Court GUllt .. Buddy Confer Aobet1Wayrrt!Reed T Ills sttlel'IWllt Wff II ltd wllh Ille C011111y Clerk of Oranoe C.oun1y °" Febr\ltty H, 1'112 l'IU63t Pullllslltd 0r._ Coa'1 Dally Piiot, Fell 24,""' J. 10, ''· 1m ....., Oiied Febrvary 1', 19CJ RVTAN & TUCKER AKOtNYt IOt Pl•lnllU By Stan Wokot1 STAN '#~ Slalll#Nt.MMI MILfOOROW. OAML. Sii. •UTAN & TUCIC•ll Alt-yutl.allO -------------1 411 All·--·- • 6 _.,. ·-• P.O.eHttto ------------.------------. Branch Library for 20 years. Picnnous 1usi••u In lieu or flowers memorial NAMe STAT•M4f"T l'ICTITIOUS 1 us1NEU r-•~ C..UMaM,CAmJI , .... ----------~A.._.....,.,....... r -COllMfOC MORTU.U llS""' Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Holls 768 0933 San Juan Capos1rano 495 1776 rNentune Societv ' CRE~~ lklf!IAL AT !fEA 646-7431 Our literatvre tells the! complete story of our1 socletv. t..11or ... ...-111..l4-c--. . ., Pllbllshecl Orengt Coast Delly Piiot, contributions may be made The follow1n11 perso11 h doln9 NAMESTAT•NIENT to Friends o( the Library• 1111•1~•~.~'. ENTEAPRISU, "713 1111!1':i!.::~1owln11 perfon ts dolnt --"----------- N cw p ort Beach or the 1ri'v ernu1. H11111111010 .. aeac11, MA'4NY'S &AR, un Nor111 PlllJC •llf American Cancer Society ce11torn1e.-Felr,,1ew.Stn1tAne,C•lllom1a.,10.. _ P:acirlc View Mortu a r y Roller• N. Gregory, 1'1U Manuel J. Holollln, 112• Wttl 2rod ""'" .. di lnvernau. Hllnllnolo" 8•tch, Sl•Ml,S...ltAN,Ctlllom1•.,70J. lllOTIC.IOPSAL•OI' rectors c.111or"'•~ T111s llUYn<Ks '' c-1.0 .,., anl •UL. ""°"'••TY AT SANDLER Tiiis llullnns 11 conctucle« by an lnCIMdu.I P•IVATe SALi H A R R Y L E W I S lrodlvkl.,.,. Me,,.,.1 J Ho1ou1n GaM 111e. A 1t1 ... S A N D L E R I O AOlltrl N, Gl'f90l'y Tiii• tlt'-1 wn 1110<! with Ille IA _ 5-,.... C-' ti .. "'° 24, ,,., 87 ... , • a Y e a r This si..-1 wes llltct wllh Ille COllnty Clerlt ol OrtnQe CClllf\1¥ on S\tlt .. Ctlffenll•, fer tM HAUOll UW~MT. OUVfM--------------1 resident of Huntington Counly Clerk of °'"'09 CClllflty °" FM>ruarvtt.1'112 ~tto.-.,.. Morluilf'1 • Ceme1ery Beach. Ca. Passed away on F.o. u. '*· "'in.a "'uue 1n 1h• M•U•• 01 '"' E11••• ' Cre matory February~. 1982. lie was a Publltned °'""' COHI D•lly Piiot Pu1111.-o..,. CO<l\1 Dally PllOI, WI LLIAM EDWARDS FOAT, Ill 1625G1slerA11e member o f the AARP o f .""",.·.~-a,10,11,19'2 ~ F•b 24,Mar<ll>.10.11.1.., ..,...,, o.cu-r " Nolftt 11 ... •tbY 91.,,.n 111•1 Ille Costa Mesa Huntington Be ach. Ca _.,._ • uncttn1gneow111w11 .. Pr1valeW1t, 54 0-5554 Senior C itizens C lub of ,,_,..,~ I l'Ulll"11£ 10 111e11...,...1-11e1o1 ~.s111>1e<1 f'IHCl llOTHIU llLL .. OADWA Y MOtlTUdY 110 Broadway Costa MeH ~2-9150 IA1T%1HG80H $MT'H I TUTHtU WfSTCUPJ CHArtl 427 E 17th St Costa Mes11 646-9371 NIClllOTMHS SMmt$' MOll\WI Y • 61:1 Ma1n St. ~n11ngton Beech S36-6639 ·-.• ,M:lflle ••• 1•11>11A&. , ... c.mttety MO(IUtlf'Y Chapt..0.matory 3600 P acific VI.,,, Drive Newport Beech' 644·2700 • ~ .... !"io ...................... • ...... _ ... ..,,~, Rowers help ease· the~. H Li. gt' n-h C H •-------------.1 lo c.onllrmetlOll Of Mid 5-lor C-', un n on ocac • a e 1s -' ,_1CTIT1 ...... eus iN••• .. .,. ., eflotr 1,. S111411ay of March. '*· s urvived by has w11e !:>ara, P1CTIT10U11v11••ss ...... '"'- d h ' Do Id H NAMll STATeM9NT ,.AMII STATI M•NT ti lht ofllc• ol Oood, Wlh,m•n, 8n IS SOn n a . Of The folloWlllO perlOn IS dOlnt Tiit lollowlno e>trton h dOlllll 'Het,..U & Walley, jQOl)Ct ,_ Ott.,., Sant a An a , Ca A Is o 111111,...,.., ....,,,~ .. , Newport aucPI, C•lllcarnla ., .... survived bv 4 grandchildren. COMPU~Elt SOLUTIONS co .. SYMPHONY IYLKS .. ,. Lt Cwmy of Or .... SI•• .. CtlNof'lll•. 1 -1 11 Pl SI I Sul~ 171 N---' CHllt A ... 1111a, Fo1111tal~ \/alley, •II Ille rftlll, tllle -1"'-1 f1I Stle Services on Wednes day. -n: ,.. • ... • •WP"" C•fltornt•'"" et<Hltd et IN II"" Of°""' onc1 111 Fe b r u n r y 2 4 . I 9 8 2 at hecll, C•llfomlUlt60 eerlwA .10' R• ..... 1154 Lt '••tit !flt rltl\I, lftle ·-tnltfHC -1"9 Jolln It . ...._, UJO v.......,.. -• ....,. -~ MICI oec· ..... ·--·•.-. l l : 0 0 AM al H a r b 0 r Way, Cll7, C.I• Wit. C•lllOrnl• Avenw. '"-''" va1i.y, Ct llfoml• ....... • .._,. ·-"-· ... M 0 '2?GI. lly Otlfrellclll of I-... .,..,..,_.. ""'' Lawn· ount live Memo rial ~ Tllll bUllMO Is <-..Clotd lly .... lhlll or In Mdltlon IO tlltl .. Mid C h apel with e ntombmen t .~~'~""' 11 '_1., llv •n 1..-1.,,.....,. M<NMCI." n. 11..,. et t11Mt11, lft,.,.. I mmediately followina Jdlll• . ..__ ..,_•"'"'"Y to '" tllt <tr1Al11 111 .. 1 •r'''"l' S I nd th di ""ti Thi __ .....__. -11~ W1lll ...... Tlllt ~ w-fllOICI wl-...... llltll.Med Ill "" CltY of O.,_ Oro ... , erv cea u er e r""" on s _ _,_,, w.. .... .... c-iy Cltf1! Of ~-eM. "..": COllM'f .. °'..,..· tt• et ce1....-..1 •• o r H a r bor Lawn· Mount Ollv~ c-1., Gttf'll .. Of• .... c-tv Oft .. ..,llMYU.1"2. ....... y ..... '''"<lllt rly ... crlllff ......... . Mortuary of Costa Mesa F""'MY2'. 1•· .,1.... PlaHt .... .,. !WO ~ ""'".,..er.,.. c•• 0101 l'11et, 1'11114111\ed er.,.. c.tM1 0111, 1t11o1. Lat " .. n.n 4152 • "' "'-ECKES FtD.U ,Mor.a, 10, 11, 1"2 111.u "eb.J4,Mar<fl>, 10. 11.1ta .. 1c. ~~~~~ a::,..1..:, :,_ ... ~~: HAROLD ROYO ECKES. ---• -Ill• Ct1111ty Rtetr411•r •• Ortllt• resident of Sont• Ana, C1. Nal Illa ' -· -· c-ir. P -"' F b ~ ,..,_ • -· ~'Y •-a•: llstt 111so:u away on e ruary • • _ -........ v•r11• s1r .. 1, o,rdan orovt, 22. 1982 at the age or 17. Ke PIC'ftT1outevttM111 P'ICTh..-al~1•1u • c.i....-. ..... 111 aurvl ved by hi• wife "AMelTATWM41WT ...,. .,.,...._ .. r Te""' ...... <Mii 111 laollM _, Mvrt)t ol~anta Ana, Ca., t ~.!~!~~ ... 111• "'"" 11 ••111• •Th• '""•1nt "'"" 1' •ol11t lott11e~.....,.w<Wll-lellll ' ----llutl_ .. : talt , " l'ltl C .. 11 t!ICI ltt ltllU dauahltr R uby B otts o f THI O•llN ooo". N•wleM J1111111s lllllOltLI! t..OCllt AND KEYt•••ct•"c" •Y ""' ucwrect '' S1nta An a. Ca. and 2 c..-........ 11..,,_,,...,........, 1ov1c;a,1,..""'1<:-1.,._...,,, .. ,. .... ., ,,., DtH ... 111e d .. ild ... E II. e.teJI ~-... Vtllty.~ .. ,... ~""' ........ Ttll -'4111 .. 1r1n c,. ~ ... r. c~H ,.-.,,_, M41rl• •• .. ••l'. •••• J•-111ww4 " .... ,,.,. 1,.. .,,,..,. ....... ...,... .... ...-.. waa a volunteer wlth llCNll _,.., .. , 0t1 ... """'~°" lff<tl, 1tra11 ce11r t , Fount•t11 "'"'"· aio. fl/....,.• M "'_..... -M e m 01' la I H 0 Ip Ila l ~--Ceflfernlt..,. f.-111 ..................... tffk. .. __ ..... ~., ~ Auxiliary. tn lieu ol nowen ~ 1• \\...-tM .. "' TlllJ ........ 1• ,_ ..... M .. OllY ..... ""' ............... " .. *' ~lU ,_ •• , •• ..,_ •• , ,,,_..._ ..... y... ~ .... .....,.. ......... . wtrh.._,.lalcare contributions may be made -..,,.,..,"....., ,._,...,."~ 0.-.,.....,.., .. 111__.,,1 .. .,..--to Hoaa Memor1al H oeplt i l, Tt11e .......,. -,.._ -.. T11i. ........... -"'"' "'"" .. ..,, .. ,......, \..._ ~ Cancu or Heart Fund. C-ty ~et o...,.. c.-v .. c;WfltY Oet11 .. er.,.. ~ .. .,...,~ '-~-....,~'""~"'!~-... _-'!" __ '!!! __ !!""""!' Pl~rce Brother• Bell ~.tt.t• ,,,_ ,__.,a,.,., ,.., ... , • ....:~°:.' .. ,Pl Broad w a 'I Mort u a r )' ,........°'._ c.... DllllY "'""' ........., ~--c.. Oell'P,..... ,...._ 0r .... c.... Dllll'P ""• dlr~~l.Onl P•t~Mar.1.tt,t1.• .... '"·tA.lllll9fc.11&,10,11,t9 --..~ .. n M.Mw.1.1• _. • r:-.. 10, 17, 24, Mer. J. IW2 ttJ.17 NM1m l'ICTITIOUS eUSINESS NAM• STATEMENT The lollo•lng ""'°n' •r• dol119 buslneuas: AR80L SPECIALTIES, IJU Syumore A_,..., Tustin, Cahf0<"'• ,,.., Tlllt noCtce II 1n K<Ol"O wllll :-..CllOft JtSJO of lllt C•lllomla Ectuc.tllon C- 8y ordt• of ,,. S..rd GI T rvJltfl 01 tho HunhnQton 8etch Cl1• S<llool 01llrl<1 8rl.,, G"''"°• Clerlo ol tlle Go"9<11ln9 116'1"' Dt•lrl<1, 0..,90 Counl'f, Ctlltornl• Pullll!IN!CI 0.-.ge Co.'1 Dt1ty PilOI, !'•b 17, 2•, 1'112 1ff.«2. Lutky L.ortll, ll•S Sycamore Awnve, Tustin, Ctlllornit .,.., NOTICE 01" T•UST-••·s SALi St •H lttW•t•, USt SIOllU u.ftlllo. llMfl2 a .. nw, \.os""911ts, Calltorn1•-T.i. 'Nt. JJU•· .. a . Mu ........... ""° Adml .. 11y T 0 SERVICE COMPANY t) duty W•l'. M .. lne del Rev, Calltornl• '°"' •PPOinlPO lrv\IM ..,.., ... lolloWlnl) Ktn Sll<•lclt, IS> W•""'lcl Ave-cks<rtlled -ol trull WILL SELL n.,.,Sout11P.-,Calllorn1t'10l0 AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE A•bo4 SoKlallltl, 1•s Sycamon HIC.HESl BIDDER FOR CASH Avenue. TUllln, Catltornt• '26IO IP•Y•blt •• llme of WI• In i•w4ul Georoe Hullet1, 11s Wttl JMU mono ot ,,,. u"1t..i St•tHl ail riOftl, Ro•d, Tllouw11d O•h . C•lllor11la 1•11• •lld tnlerHI CO<Weyltd lo -now "* held llY •I uncle• s.ld !Heel of Trusl '" Oon --""· no. &lo"' SlrMt, '"" proper1y 1>tre1naner dtterlbecl Kelso. Wa1'\lnqton_,. TAUSTOR MELVIN H SANCHEZ Thi\ llllSlness II condu<ltd Oy • •rod l(AAEN 8 SANCHEZ. ~ llmltect par1M<'\lllp •nd wl4e •~ IO•nl IO•n.,,1' Lucky Lor•ll, Gonutl BE NEFICIAAV • LINCOLN Partntr s E R" ICE c 0 A p 0 A AT t 0 N. • Tiiis "''..,_... wts 111e11 w1t11 IN corpor•~ Counll' Clerk ... Or•noe COUlllY .... I RKonled Oc•-••. '"° .. l"'tr Jtnuary U, 1m. •No Us.t, In -tlm. -UeG of l'lllm 0111< ltl Rf!Conb '" ,,,. olfk• of 111« PUllll\Nd 0r-. CoeSI Delly Pll04 AKotO.r ol Or-.ge County, talct -.... 10 17 2, Ml!nll) 1_, _.,. of lru•I dH<rllln the tollowln11 ~ • • • -' prOC)f'f'ty PARCEL. t Loi 1 ol Trtc:I l'llO, In II>« Clly of Irvine, County ol Or11t1oe, St•t~ of C..•lltorn••. •s e>•r "'•P AMa m recor-tn -... .,... •• -s. T.S. lllO. 19'14 Mluell•-M<t1>1, In IN office o4 NOTIC:• OP TlllUSTll•s· SALE Ille (OlllllY re<on»r ol Mid <ounly On Maret> A, 1"2 ti 11 00 • m Finl PARCEL l Eawmen11 H IU<ll Ameri<lltl Tfllt 1 ....... nc. c-v .• HWmenb .... paf11cul•rly WI IOl"tll In Ctlllo•"'• <GrllOrtllon es Truslee, or 1ne •'11<1• enllllPCI "Etsemtntt" o4 Succeuor Tru"u or S1111111tu1ea Ille OtclttAllon ol Connanls, TruJIM. of lt\tl cet1ain o.eo of Trust C:ondlhons -RdrlcllonJ rtc:Of- ueculect by \/lncenl J Sura<•. a11 tn boo• 111 ... 11•0• 0 0, Otll<lat unmerrl•d man, and rocorcttd A•cord~. ol Mid County, wllll tnv February 6, 1'11 as ln•tr11mt111 no. •rn•M,,,.,.I> or n11,.,_n 111ere4", 1210, In -lJMI. Paoe .... Offlcltl under -lion llttdi1>9' "'IUCh At1kle Aocorft o1 Orange C-tv. cantofnl•. •nlllled ~ lo4~ "OWnen R'911U trod --1 to 111411 cert.111 Nollet of a11a Dullu. Ulillllu and Ctllle Oel tull •nd Elec.llon 10 Sell ltlovlslon", ''Sldey•nt Et tam.,,11", llltrt-recordtCISee>lemller4, l•I "S11ppon •nd Sellhme111•• " 111tlrument no 147, In boo!< 14219, "Encroac..,..,.111· •nd "Communlly ptge ll», of Offldtl Rt<ords of ttlO Fe<lllllH Ea~1· Coun1y, Wiii ullder •rod p.....-....... lo ' EXCEPT THEREFROM •II Oii, OM. t•ld DHct OI Tr11,, stll tt pullllc mlner•ls enct ot11t1 llyctrocar.,.._•, a11<tlon tor~ 1awt111 ,._Y of Ille below• dtOlll OI 500 lwt, wltllou1 llW U11llect Sltlol of A""rl<t , at Ille mt111 •IOllt ol •llfftc• Ottlry, a1 ,_,_ 111 tnlranu to Flrsl ollmerlun Tiii• l11tlru~l'lts ot recorct. Aeldreu: • ln•urlnc:e Com,,.ny IOCtled •I 114 Robin, lrvlM, Callfomltt2114., EHi Flltl> Strtet, '" -Clly of Stllta 111 • street acid,..,. or cwnmo11 Ant, Calllornlt. all 111411 rlOlll.1llle and d nl9n•lfon U sllown •Ill••, no lnter"I ,.,.,....., toaftClllOWlleldllY II •• 'rtnly Is 0 1 ••n •• to lta under H id OHO o4 Tru'I 111 1.,. complete-or <0tre<lne11.l ~rtv 111 ... 1ec1 111 wld Countv -The bentfkltry """'"r wold OeH O' Sltlt CIMGr9-"· Lot .. OI Trecl No. Trust, by,.._ .... bre«-11 Ol"Oeftull •7'1, " Shown on • "'tli rKOrwd In In Ill• oOlig•llons 1ecurtd tlltnby, Book U7. Paves 39, •O and 41 of llerololore Htc..ted -dellvwed 19 Mh<t ll•,..out MtpJ, recoru o4 ill• uncttnlqned • written Oeclar· IC>rt"fl c-y, Cellfoml• •llon OI Ot4tult a11ct Otm•~ '°' Euot1111111 ~ •II mine"''· Sale, allCI -inen notke Of -11 tlld t••, oll '"" HY*oc•rtlon tulllltMllt Of tlectlon 10 ceuw tllt uncterslofM<f lo lllt11411-ltld1Mldbe-•dt0tlltl stll Hltl Pf'operly lo .. t1s4y Hid JOO IHI, 11111 wl1llo111 Ille rlolll of obllo•llons. •nd lll••ttlttt Ill• "'"ac• ......,, 11 ,._,.., 1n IM °""' 1111c1tn1"'" ui11MC1 ••Ill nolk• of from C.. Do t..e Cvttlt, a t..lmlltd l>rtt<h -of •~loft 10 bct •acorOtd l"ortnertlllp, rec..,.. Octttlltr 21, 1'10 No_. S, 1Wl" IMtr. No. IMJ, In Ill .... "4>1 •........ et Offklt l botk lt1C, ..... 164, Of NICI Oflltl•I lltctrds.. lttc~ Ntmt an4ll --Of IM llM\tfltlary Sale .... will lie m.-, but wl1llOlll ti whow ._. Ille .ete la Mlf)t covt11t 111 or wtr·r111ty, ••P"" or (Oftd UCltd. Ar .. t lll M . Sehwell. ,,,,,,.1 .... ~ IHle, --""°"·., l:l'rvs• clo ~ IWM lttft, ~-tit llt'r "'9 ,_..,. ,.< . .__1'_•111 Dove $1,..1, Sull1t ttO, Pf'IMl.-1...,,, ti tllt Mte ttellf'tlll llty 'ftW~ llet<fl, CA t7tM .. Id 0.. .. Tr\111, wltfl l'*""I M ln 01/eu i... M IM .... ,,....,.Y ulcl ...-..,......... .. -. ... If Mil', "9y Ill ...,.,.. ..-, ,..._.!flt -llfl4lltr IM -GI Mi.I OeeCI ti TNlt. n wrlllflt fil9lll lN Mltlfk!W'r wllttl!> ~'"'· <Nf9t\ tllCI '"-""-et .... 0 dtl'l trom tl\e llnl '°'*l<Mlefl ot , TNll" '"'° t//f tllt l"*t C.rMtM by lllt llOllce. IMMI Otecl Of T'rvtt &ele ..... wtM .. Self Ni. wlll be mNI wlt.lltvt ,,.._ °" Moftdty, ~II IS, 1• el tlttllt lll or Wlrflllly, t•Pl'ftt tr ,:00 •·OI ti Ille ~I\ A""ue mpllM, " It tlll•. HUtttlt11 tr 1111tence II> ._ Ch•lt C.....,. lllHl!ltl, I )11C11mwflll(t1 .. tatl1'y Ille ""1NICI 1')00 (HI Clla lH!ltll Avt11ue Ill tllt WlltllU ..... Oii Illa -er ntte• <HY elf Or .... , Ct1"""4a. iKVrM .. WINI ~ .. TNel, ... Wit; Al lllf tlfM ..... lnltlel .-ik•I.., llU,JU t4, ''"' tllt folltwl11. 'oMlll• ~t ... ltlt l e..-. et ti. tttlmtlt411 <Hll , lllHftlH a11d ll"l't lf btlt ll<t tf lllUlitlltt llH t«vOM" Ill ... lllM .. Wit iflttlol MCvM 1111' Ille .... ._,..,. ..... IHllillklltltll ti 1111• Nelke et kit. trvet tl'4 """-'d ~ ,.,.._,. ..... -&). •II• ..... "'" II au t,•K.41. " OATID....,_.,l,lta. dellrrnlM "'9 *""" -· -_, "ll!SlAM«lllCANTf't\.S tall OW ...... INIUllAMC:E COllllll'A.NV, A Otte ,.._, 10, 1•. CAl.lfllOMf!A T,0 ~~ • co""°""''°" "._.. r ..... DAN O"MallOD C11rt1 T ..... AVT)t()lllllDOfOPICllll 1 A ...... """'9ry ,.......... ~ aWllC...Dlt_ ......... .. ..._Alie, CA ft'llt 1t11 f*ea. C•-tt• ,.....,1 fh-0 -- ~o ... C.... Oafly " ... ' I ......._.0..,.. C... ~ ....... .... .._ U, a.,.... ..... ,..._ U, M. #M'dl a, ._, ,.._, •• ---·----------- Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wedntlday. February 2"4r 1982 ~==r TM ............ _,,,. ...... ~.._. I lllCUftl.ANI , ... L.111111y A-,..,_ C:I, rvtM. Ctllf9nlll W114. C._., ............ & 111_1_.... Ill<, I 0. ...... ~....-.-.... ,>;"ff llul ICtY, C-WI MM. Ctllflr"'- ,,~·, llW!Nll II C-CleG DY e cw_..-....,., Cllnler "'""'"" a 111 .... 1.......n.. Ill(, N.L.. Cllet~, V.lt, 1111111 o.r.1 ... 'hlll ~ -lllH Wltfl tlll C-ty Clertl tf Oftnee Cou11t'f Oii 'I'!·..... .. ..... ..,...._.. Oflflll CoHl Oell'f ftll9t, l"M, 11, 17, M, Mllftll J, lta ..,_., -Bigger &hetter f.rom Lawry~. f'ICTITIOUS IUSINIU NAM9 ITATSM•NT Tiie fellowl111 P•rH11 11 dol111 4'11111111111· KATHY HANSEN INTElllOllS, '*'Vy llclo Nord, H--1 IMO, CA .,..,,, KATHLEIN M, HANSEN, ,.U Vie llclo Nord, N--1 IMcll, CA ftt63. Tlllt llu$lnft1 It c-uclH ..., •11 lncllvlcll'tl. KATHLEEN M. HANSEN Tlllt ••~t wM flied wllll - Cou11tr Cllrli of Ofenge COUftt'f on Jet1 . •• 1"2. l'lllUJ P111>ll~ Oranoe Caesl Otll'f Piiot, Fe«>.l.10,ll,~1"1 ~ "1c:nTio.n.aus111 Eu MNMSTATSMENT Tiie lollowlng PtrlOn 11 doing l>uslneu 11: 81P ENTEllPlllSES, '6J l ...... CtnYOfl Wey, 1 .... CA '2'21 Al l.AN EDWARD MILLER, '6J l egune C.,'fOll Way, 8,..., CA '2'21, This DllslllHS '' Cond11Cl9(1 l>y an lndlvlclual. All., l!dW•d Miiier Tl1k ~t-t was fllH wl111 - County Cioni of 0r.,. c .... nty °" J et1 u . 1"2. ,.,., ... Pul>llt'*I Or._ Caelt Oall'f Pltot, Fe1>. l. 10. 11. i., 1ta us.a "'ICT1TIOUS IUSIN•H NAM• STAThHNT The tollowlng p.,son 11 doing butlnessu: SAMS l!OUIPMENT RENTAL ANO ASPHALT, 106 14111 Street, Newport 9ttcll, Celltomla t2"J Sam Garcia, 7t2t 12111 Slrtet, Wutml-r. Cellfomlo .,.., Tllll but!llHS It COllCluctltd l>y an lndlvldual. s.n.Garci. This ttete..-w., lllH wl111 -County Clerk of Ora1199 Cou11ty on F-ryll,1"2 "'1U.U Pul>llu.cl Or-Cae1I Delly Pllol. Feb. 17, 2•. Merell 3, 10, 1t12 •1~. "'ICTITIOUS aUSINElS NAME STATEMl.NT Tiie following person 11 doing buslneuu All THUR JA M ES & ASSOCIAT&S, ,016 Crethlew, L19uno Hiiis. C.lllomio m» Ar tll11r Jeme• Sa llu, JOU Creovlew, ...._. Hiii" Calltoml• mu. Tiiis l>llslnes' It conducted by an Individual """"' J s.11 .. Tiiis 111-1 ••s Ille<! with u. County Clerk of Orange County on Fel>ruary II. 1"2. ,.,__, Pul>ll$11ed Or•noe Coast Dally Pilot, Ftl>. 2•, MarcllJ, 10, 17.1"'1 ..._.,, SUPER S IZE m TIGOIHEUS --------------- savings when you buy -bnm· DECAFFEINATED COFFEE --------------80 32 OZ.OF WOOllTE.FREE ... lk Ill*: .... ,... ... ... ........... , .... ........ ,. .. ,.._. ... .... _____ .... __ _ ............ ___ . ""'"' ...... °' ...... **• .... *¥lb•ll• ....... Oii ...... "OOllPOll ........ .... ...... ,........, ... .... ......................... ................... .,.o... _ _,.,. ...... 0!"'1111111111•--·---C• """ t/20I. Melt ...-• .. , .. Q llMlllll. P.(), .. ~7QZ1. lat* .......... ... 1111111 •1111111111111 U IE: Join S.A.V.E. and SAVE money! Your $1.00 enrollment fee brings you S25 worth of family products -brands you know, use and trust. And you get a surprise new· member gift worth $15! You also receive a coupon for a free 32-oz. bottle of Woollte~ How do you sign up? For complete details. look for the 32-oz. size Woolite with this special neck tag. Woolite keeps your fine washables fresh and new-looking for pennies. And to make it even easier to Join S.A.V.E., here's an extra fifteen cents off your next purchase of Woollte. e..-. ... 1-ll m =•• 11111:.,..,. ·------·-----··...---...c.~· t1 ' m I I I I I I FOGHORN LEGHORN C' WARNER BROS INC 1982 r-------- 1 I l2lb 2'I OOlhlt Save20~ I on any one pound package oi Oscar Mayer-beef franks, rejular wieners or cheese wieners. I Mt 0.11..-vou 0-rt autf'\Ot1ted 10 1c:c •• agent Pl!>nt•'t"".J '' ''"">tt"le<J lt,,owon wtaioe aQent..1e' I k>f' OSCAA MAVER a CO tNC tot redemptt0n ot t1'01o.e-1\ ~ f.>H"''" Nt'lo d'to nO' '•tail n11tr1<>vl0t1 '"•• c;ovoon Osca< M•Vttt & Co Inc W'I" tt1m ot Ololt 'N''' "''nc1·M! or ~ 1ttc1uv •uthOftZVO tM..•t.e-yov tot tne race wal"9 01.n,, couoon Olut 0y us 10 O't-w,,1 .0upon~ tQf' '~ion F"0t I 7c kw ~l'fyout~ffontne.,...o•anv reotmot•"' ' .. C"'OOttft-v r~..eo •NS ~ndled """"°""" ~ ol o.c.. .... .,... -· c-...... I ~· .... ....,, ' Co .,,., PO I IJHl~-·°'"-""-·""''u-.•eQl•HI 9o• 1&21 "'nlr.n IA !>273• '". '°"°"" QOO<l t()U l<Jl)mjl ~of l>UtCl>aM lhlreof Ubl 0'"• OI' O..•tll•~ <>I O'OOVCI •ncloe.ale<I An; cA- lllCI.,,., 10 O.C.r May., & Co Ille ~mar ""''cons""''~""'"' QITE.11(~""1(.SF'EB&l\J~Y I no4 l)t •Mlllnecl or ...... ,,,.,.., or rlljllodveeo 18 1983 LIMIT ONE COUPON P{IH'URCH-'SE C ... atom.. mull OIY a'\y ..... IA• I/old -·· O' OSC ... f'l MAYER' BEEF fRANllS R£GUl.4R I ""'"'°'led IA•.cl orrHltlClldl>)'lewGooctcrly 'ME,,.ERSCIH.HHSE ""'(<ICRS .n~uSA ~Rlcxlenousao--... I -·~· '"·~"""."'-~~ I~ C1982 OSCAAMA'l'ER&CO 44700 129727 - - - - -------RFOEEMPROUPTl Y-- - - - - - - - - - Allyourcup totherim with the . h ( ... nc ness ~F DECAFFEINATED COFFEE ofBrim. -- • The Fust Mother's Day Pendant • Authorized by the Hummel Famlly "'Devotion to Mottws" Pendant iMued In a lmlted. sdualve edition. The First Mother's Day Pendant is inspired by one of Berta Hummel's~ original works of art now in the Hummel Family Archives. This exquisite pendant is reproduc~ in beautifUl Dammcene by one of America's most prestigious and okiest sitversmiths -Reed t. Barton. Damas- cene Is II rich blend of pure sliver, gold and copper OYet" brorv.e. set in an ~t 24Kl gold electroplate frame. • --1 R&M~ OC1At4 .. OMY IM\IX I~ DOWM Fantastic opportunlly tor l or several f riendl to purchaat newly remodeled duplex naht on the aaod on BalbQI Peailllul-. .. V!Mlef market for quick ale at a5,000 on fee land. 2914 Oceaarront. Owner. Call ...... ~--' .. SPACIOUS I Br. C.thedral ceilings. walk in dOMt, dishwasher. fireplace.1ara1e.pool& laundry fa cili ty. ~Imo. 3"W. Bay St. 64'-tlll Wcatfleld • •MIW• * •LAS lllSAS * Adlforiented apt 28edroom 2 bits from ocean paddle tennlJ cts balcorua or bty ard carports . all ut1I pd except elec Nopeta Atlanta-Delaware, HB (714) 535-4400 2br 2ba in 4-pJH $475, w-d bk-up, prv patio. enclad ear. No pets MS-9t94. (2) lbdrm cott11u. s:aS3&5/mo . ..., block to beach. See manaeer. Apl. "D" at 122 7th St. KB. Sharp 2 b-r , bit-ins. wubu/dryer, aunded. pool. Nr SI at er & Newland. ~1.5 + dep. fl11-3120 DILUXE21a' IA 1 ·m.retacfl. frp c, encl gar, dlJhwuher, bit-ins. smoke alarm. balcony. Waur pd. 1465 before 8 PM980-ttH .~. :. AD ULT : ,. L1VING • Secv11ty Gitt$ • Pool & Aec Room • I & 2 BR Palto Ap!S • Garoen l•JWtsup111g • O.srr.~ntrs & 880 s • Jog to Beach & SllOps ...._ • :, • f' • • It ltl ._ I I • . . . THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2'3 Bdrm. Apu. Gym. Spa, Sauna, pool, tennis. etc. 846-0619. 28r, IBa , 4 -Plex . $490 /mo . New paint. ra~t . Murdy Park. 846-8274. COUMTIYCUll UYM Blchelors. 1.a bedroom apts & townhouses. Fromts.o-$1000 ~-1900 NO FEE! Apt. & Condo rentals. Villa Rentals. 875-41112 Brobr. Larte IBR. UUI pd. Spot· leu. Quiet. $4SO. 2421 E let.h St. &u-4718 Soec. l or 2 br apts, I mi from beach. No ~ts. 642-Z3S7 Slepa to beach. 2 Br. 1"'2 Ba, frplc. lmma culate coad. llllO. f73.2501 Agt . J llllll 111£1 /lllTI £1111 CA VALCAD E SPORTS 8 2 84 omty ~ ........... ~,Gary _ BE PREPARED When 140 people tried out to be lifeguards al H untin gton Beach State Beach, the first 1.000-yard swim in 58 degree water narrowed the field to 100. Then came a 200-vard run. left . a 400-yard swim. finis hing above, and a final 200-yard run. Todd Brinker and other hopefuls s hivered and waited for the results. Scott Matauda finished first in the s wim and firs t running lap. Sixty qualified for interviews from which ~ will be chosen for training and h iring as n eeded . Tryouts for Laguna Beach lifeguards are on March 28. Boy, 8 , hit by car c ritical Pioneer's rites set An 8-year-old Laguna Hills boy was listed in c r ilical condition tod ay a t Mission Community Hospital in Mission Vlejo after being struck by a car Saturday near his home. L aguna's Florence Hughes Collins succumbs at 91 Offfoer Dick Van Cott of the California Highway Patrol said tbe youth ran along La Paz Road w.hen he was struck by Cheryl L~nn Coates, 26, of Mission Viejo, who was traveling at a~ul40mph. .Miss Coates was booked on a cbar ge of felony drunken driving at Orange County Jail in Santa Ana following the incident , Van cpu said. Funeral services wi ll be held T hursday fo r South Orange County pioneer Florence Hughes Collins, who as a youngster helped her father load coal at a mine near Silverado Canyon. Mrs. Collins died Monday at her Laguna Beach home at the age of 91. T he 59-year Laguna Beach r esident was born in Ladd Canyon near Silverado Canyon in a board and batten house near her father's coal mine. -Hel' lather operated a coal mine in the c a nyon , and Florence, one of four daughters and a son, often carried food out to her father and helped tum load coaJ. She married husband Arthur Collins in 1911 in a ceremony held under the oak trees and grape vines in what· is now Irvine Park. The couple moved to Laguna Beach in 1923. She and her husband opened a build ing material yard that year , on a 9,000-square-foot .parcel at the corner of South ........................ r iCLI ftAlllNQIR HU"T -Firemen mlnilter fint ald to Kathleen Land, 20, of. Hkln Viejo, a rasaen,_ on a motorcycle ven by Danie Penrod, 21, of Michl1an er the cycle crashed Tuesday ni&ht near yea P lace and Sout h Cpaat Hi1hway in L11guna Beact\. Details of the er.ash were sketchy today, but officials at Mission Community Hospital in Mlu ion Viejo said t he younc woman remainl in serious but s table condition. Penrod was reported in ·1atilfactory condition at tbe same hospital. I J r -- Co a st Highway and Bluebird Canyon Road. where Bluebird Center is now located. They built a house on the three· lot parcel. Mrs. Collins often helped her husband load brick and s hovel s a nd and gravel "whe n the re wasn't another man around," her dau ghter, Ruth Barfell of Laguna Beach, recalls . Mrs. Collins wasn't a joiner , but she was elected president of the Laguna School Board in the early 1930s and was active in the approval of the current high school on Park A venue. During World Wa r II , while l wo of her sons were off to battle, M rs. Collins worked at the consolidated feeder plant. where the Village Fair is now located. The couple later moved to a hom e on Temple Hills Drive where Arthur Collins died three years ago. Mrs . Collins is survived by daughter Ruth Barf ell of Laguna Beach; and sons Lester c..;oums, also of Laguna ; Bradford Collins, Fallbrook and Dr. Keith Collins of Valley Center. She is also survived by eight g r a nd c hil dren , 11 g r e at - grandchildren and one great- s reat-grandcbild. Ser vices will be held at Pacific View Memorial Park in Corona del Mar at 3 p.m. The family requests donations be made lo a favorite charily or to t he South Coast Medical Center in South Laguna. 'Cop Bow(' game slated Tickets are on sal~ for the annual Orance County Cop Bowl football c am e set for April 2 and , pitting officers from Costa M•a and ~rvlne a1alnat Garden Grove and Buena Park poUce officen. 1 Last year t.tie Cop Bowl ralaed more than $50,000 for various bitb achool athletic prosrama ln the county. Tickets for th• same· at ?.'~,. Coat Cone,. are tu for Wee, t5 each for adult. mnd $3 tor i tudent1. "t ' . .. F our farea high school basketball teams qwlify for the CIF quarterfirwls. ·see Sports 11 Hages 84-5. Something smells a bit fishy, Gloria By NORA LEHMAN Of -DMIY ~ ... St.ti BIRTH CERTIFICATE ~EEDE O'? I t un hl·ur 1t now : ·'I'm buying lhis for m~ daughter Shl' ~ 26 . · ~a~~ t he obviously over-49 lady. Or. says lhe under·25·ye<Jl'·old . "My mothe r wants this for her b1rthdav Sh<.''s onlv 45 ... Let's face it. Ms . Vanderbilt . thcre"s going to be soml' fibbing going on he re. And what is going on ·) Well. a press kit anwed on m~· des k from a Mr . Frederick W .Jackson. 11 I. vet. Seems Mr. J . handles publir relations for Gloria \'anderbilt Or at lfast he handles the perfume for her. And the latest thing he's into or more exactly. she's into is perfume. Designer perfume. That's hardly new. but t here 1s soml.'lhing a bout it that does fascinate me It's to be "u rich 1of course it's rich. it.'s a Vanderbilt. isn't it "1 and radrnnt 1how. tell me. can a perfume be radia nt" 1 nl'w fragranct• of florals. fru its and spices ... des ig nt.>d for women in the 25-to-49-year-old ma r ket. .. IT'S OBVIOUS FROM that statemt•nt that Ms Vanderbilt who. I believe. won't be able to \\ear her OW<l fragrance -doesn't want just an~·one s plashing the stuff around. Maybe you must sign a state ment or provide a birth certificate. You just know some rebellious ~·oung kid's going to put orr a drop or two. And some woman. who won't admit she 's over 49, is going to defiantly mareh into som e slore a nd de mand the stuff. A postscript her e : A friend of mine who's been in public relations for many years claims it's OK to be in t he PR business as long as you don't start believing what you're writing . Mr . J ackson should remember that. INDULGENT SMILES: This certain Orange Coast lad y standing down the counter from me shopping while her husband wande red around the department. She 'd made her purchase. had her checkbook out a nd was reaching in to her purse for a pen when her spousp came up to the ~ounter . "Sweetheart," he said. "YOU can't write ~ chltk en 'that account. There im 't any money in ;t, .. "But how can that be?" she asked , looking up throu1h her long, dark lashes, "I have all these checks left... . 111111 _,., .. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2•, 1982 CAVALCADE SPORTS " - B2 B4 Four -area high school basketball teams q'Ualify for the CIF qwrterfinals. See Sports~ P,ages B4-5 . Irvine_ seeks final 'no' tO airport pr~posals Tired ot belnl peppered with propoaalJ to convert El Toro Air Base into a commercial airport, members of the Irvine· City Council set out Tuesday to quash the suggestion once and for all. They ordered City Attorney Roger Grable lo prepare what they said will be the definitive Ie1al document listing case laws tbat will finally discoura1e varloU5 planning groups from considering the Marine Corps air facility for a new relional airport. The action came al the urging of Mayor David Sills and Councilman Larry Agran, both lawyers. Both men said after t he m eeting that several laws on the books appear to invalidate Deltr ..... ...._.,., LM ,..,_ FURRY FUNCTION -When owners and pets gathered at the Turtle Rock Community Park, Jeremy Powers' hamster was judged the most unusual, Dana Carrey's Russian wolfhound and Heidi Huntley's cockapoo tried detente and Kristen Auedian had her hands full with Holly the kitten and Candy Kisses the cockapoo pup. froposals to fly commercial jets rom El Toro because of problems related lo noise ovec established residential districts. They said groups that since 1974 have been proposing commercial use of El Toro don't · seem to be aware of the legal implications. The proposals, although becom,ng more routine, still require official responses, lhey said. .. fo""rankly , we're getting a little bit tired of going through this exercise every two years," said Silts. Once completed, Grable's report will be made available lo all planning agencies and other interested parties in v~ ved in Southern California aviation planning, added Agran. The latest proposal involving El Toro was made this winter by a so.called "blue.ribbon " advisory committee formed by the Orange Cou nty Board of Supervisors lo recommend new regional airport s ites . It has suggested buying El Toro from the Marine Corps to clear air space for other airport sites or possibly to become a civilian airport A bout four months ago, Suts said, tbe Southern California Association of Governments began again to consider El Toro, a nd the 1981 Orange County Grand Jury also mentioned lhe site for a commercial a irport. The council's action Tuesday i n c luded a call for these planning groups to look more c losely at aiq~ort sites on undeveloped inland sections of 'Camp Pe ndle t o n , another Marine base just south of the county line. Agran. however , said he sees a distinction between the way N e wport Be ac h council members point to El Toro lo remove expansion pressure al John Wa yne Airport and the way Irvine members •point at Camp Pendleton. The inland s ite. he said, wouldn't involve the s ame noise probl ems as with E l Toro or former coastal sates considered at Pendleton. ·'There is a lot more potential for Camp Pendleton that has h e r e tofore been publicly acknowledged," he said. Disagreeing was Councilman Art Anthon y, a retired lieutenant colonel in t ht> Marines. He c:•:i rf oppo:.itiuo from the federal ~o"' 111m""r.t would be over whelming Mural get s backing in flap Written comments from 1,200 people wh o viewed a racially controversial student.prepared mural at lrvtne Hi gh School were overwhelming in favor of it being placed on permanent public display. That ·s according to Irvine High Principal Gary Norton who has the tough job of deciding what should be done with the 47-foot·long mural, which has been praised as an educational work of art and criticized as being objectionable to blacks The most co ntrovers ial portion of the mural depicts blac ks cons umed by flames e manating from the hoods of Ku Klux Klansmen. The 1,200 written comments came from Pe<>ple who viewed it during a two-day showing last week ordered by t he Irvine Unified School District Trustees in an attempt to find out what the public thought of the mural. No rton is to d ecide the ultim ate fate of the mural after a committee formed to evaluate the written comments makes its recommendation on the matter Thursday. Irvine Unified School District Trustee Gordon Getchel said frvine group to focus on alcoholism in a telephone interview this • morning he 1s in favor of the mural being hung but would like to see lhe controversial portion revised or elimtnated. The Irvine Unified School District Trustees are to meet tonight al 7:30 but aren't slated to consider the mural matter. Tht> trustees may take up the subject at a later date if there is puhlic opposition to Norton's decision. . & GLENN SCOTT 01 .. ~,....,.... I . •A public forum on alcoholism hls been scheduled for March IS id Irvine, but the volunteer ' group sponsoring the discussion has told the city council it wants to do more. Al Waterson, a minister at University United Methodist ' Church and spokesman for the task force on alcoholism, told city council members Tuesday his group has more plans to publicize ~ts cause. The group initially was formed lo organize the forum. but council members agreed to keep it together as long as the 10 m e mbers want to continue Something smel/,s a bit f ishy, Gloria I By NORA LEHMAN °' .. ...., ........... BIRTH CERTIFICATE NEEDED? 1 can hear it now : "I'm buying this for my daughter. She's 26," says the obviously over-49 lady. Or. says the under-25-year-old. I --~ i n "My mother wants this for her birthday. She's only 45." • Let's face it, Ms. Vanderbilt. there's going to be some fibbing going on here. And what is goin1 on? Well, a press kit arrived on m y desk from a Mr. Frederick W. Jackson, III, yet. Seems Mr. J. handles public relations for Gloria Vanderbilt. Or at 1,ast be handles the perfume for her. And the latest tblna he's into -or more exactly. she's lnto -is perfume. Desiper perfume. · That'i hardly new, but there is something -about it , that does fascinate me. It's to be "a rich <of course it ·s rich, it's a Vanderbilt, isn't it?> and radiant <how, teU me, can a perfume be radiant?) new frasrance of florals frulta and spices . . . designed for women in the 25-to4year-old market." • IT'S OBVIOUS FROM that statement that M s. Vanderbilt who. I believe. won 't be able to wear her own fragrance doesn't want just anyone s plashin g the stuff around. Maybe you must sign a statement or provide a birth certificate. You just know some rebellious young kid's going to • put on a drop or two. And some woman. who won't admit she's over 49. is going to defiantly march into some store and demand the stuff. A postscript here: A friend of mine who's been in public relations for many years claims it's OK to be in the PR business as long as you don't start believing what you're writing. Mr. Jackson should remember that. INDULGENT SMILES: This certain Orange Coast lady standing down the counter from me shopping while her husband wandered around the department. She'd made her purchase. had her checkbook out and was reaching in to her purse for a pen when her spouse came up to the counter. · "Sweetheart," be said. "you can't write a check on that account. There isn't any money in it.·· "But how can that be?" she asked. looking up through her long. dark lashes, "I have all these checks left. .. 'ftlAT TOOK ME BACK to Mrs. Clarence Day in .'·'Life With Father,'' explaining to Mr. Day, that because she'd returned the bat she'd bought, he now owed her the money. .. • I I efforts lo focus public attention on the p e ril s o f over · consumption. The forum will be a two·hour session beginning at 7:30 p.m al the Irvine Council Chambers. lt will be televised on the local cable· TV channel. Included in the presentation will be a specially produced videotaped inter view with Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Bob Welch, who discusses his former dependency on alcohol. Also included will be a second viedotape o f a drivi ng experiment recorded at the Academy of Defensive Driving at the Orange County Speedway. In that presentation, Irvine Police officer Al Murray. Paul Todd and Larry Hoffman, were tested in a surprisingly realistic setting on how well they could drive arter drinking various levels of alcohol. Todd is a city Com munit y Services Commissioner ; Hoffman is •president of the Irvine Chamber· of Comme.rc:e . Waterson said the men were s urprised at first by their abilities to drive. "Even so, Paul missed a bi1 turn and would have wiped out hair the block if he'd been on the. hJahway," added Waterson. The task force 's future programa are.n't yet spelled out, although Waterson said lts general I081S are to create a hilher awareness of problems asaociated with drlnkln1. and lo review city policies on aJcohol·related problems W a tenon said more than 800 ar~ inYO&ved in pro1tams at b1s church to help them ertd or• reduce the i r alcohol depenctenv. The mural was or igin a lly tntended as a student project lo promote racial unity at Irvine High. However. after a private s h owing, two Irvin e High teachers and some parents said the mural was objectionable to blacks. Other parents. students and teachers s ay the mural is Cine and s hould be hung as is. Addit iona l classes top ic of board m eet Irvine Unified School District trustees will conit tder final approval tonight al 7: 30 at Lakeside Middle School, 13 Lem o ngrass, Irvine , of a \curriculum_ ptacin1 added em pbasis on instruction in !scien ce, economics and consumer education in the school district. The plan calls for student.a to be liven a science proficiency teat in 10th gTade. Thole w,ho ,don't pus would be required to take one additional science 1claas. All students are now required to take two science 'classes In ordeT to fraduate. The plan al.lo call.I for ci- . currently required Ala AIMltcan. history, Amertcan IO~ and 1lealtb and clrher•s · 1ed.eaUon to include .....,._, hut.ruction ln con1umer • education and eeonomtca. • , 1111111:1111 ,M,Pllll WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2', 1982 CAVALCADE 82 SPORTS 84 ·area high school basketball teams qualify for the CIF qtlllrterfirwls. See Sports,, P.ages 84..S : N-M trustees close doors to 3 Mesa schools. By JODI CADENHEAD 0( ................. Truateea f or the Newport-Mesa Unified School District have voted to close three schools in Costa Mesa in June and convert a Costa Mesa middle school to elementary because of decllning enrollment. The decision came at Tuesday's board rne•ting, leu tban a week after _Superintendent John Nicoll had recommended closing Evening Hieb Scbool, Lindber1h and Woodland elementary schools and coovertlng Kaiser Middle School to elementary. Nicoll withdrew an earlier recommendation t o keep Woodland open next year for klndergartners, saying the district will save $230,000 by the school closures. The plan approved by the board includes: -Closing Evening High School and transferring the students to Back Bay High School in Costa Mesa. -Transferring studenta from Kaiser Middle School to Davis or Ensign. -Converting Kaise r to an elementary school for grades kindergarten through six next September. -Closing Lindbergh and Woodland school s and BLUFF REPAIR JOB -Back Bay Drive. sl)own here in a less than driveable state. will remain closed for three or four weeks while work crews from the Irvine Company repair a. bluff below the East bluff community. The De.,~ .......... hillside , officials say. suffered erosion two years at the hands of heavy rain and ground squirrels that burrow in the earth. The work crews will rebuild the bluff. , transferring stude nts to the reopened Kaiser Elementary School or Mariners School. -Converting all elementary schools to kindergarten through sixth grade. Trustee Forrest Werner was the only board member to oppose the closure or Lindbergh and Woodland, saying he wanted lo keep "neighbor hood" schools open. The plan approved by the school board differed s harply with a r ece nt c itizens ' committee report that suggested closine Kaiser Middle School and keeping Woodland and Lindbergh open for the 1982·83 year. The Educational Resources Advisory Committee s ugested in a report released earlier this month that the district could save about $250,000 by closing Kaiser. ·'The best thing for lhe kids is ~o combine the talents or both staffs4' said trustee Todd Ht!SS ··No n e of us are making d ec1s1ons we like We 'r e dismantling the school district." Since 1976 the district has IOsl an average of 1,000 students each year. figures show Last year Rea Middle and Corona del Mar Elementary schools were closed University Drive nixed Newport council shelves plans to finish cor.inection By STEVE MARBLE Of Ille 6.i1y ...... ''-" \ After years of back-and-forth debate. the Newport Beach City Council has effectively thrown in the towel on pursuing plans to finish long-planned University Drive. Mayor Jackie Heather said the council, thanks to the state Coastal Commission , had little choice in the matter. Other council members were less sure. Councilman John Cox suggested it might be worth taking the commission to court over. But in the end, and on a 4-3 vot~. the council reluctantly agreed to accept the state commission's r equest that University Drive be erased from road maps contained in the city's local coastal plan. Cox and council colleagues Phil Maurer and Ruthelyn Plummer voted against the conditions. The commission approved the city's local coastal plan last November on several conditions, including doing away with University. com mission's permit· granting powers being shifted back to the city level. It also dims hop es that ·University Drive ever will be connected a cross the dry uplands of the Upper Newport Bay. · The road now dead ends on either side of the bay. Jts planned connection has long been viewed by some as a needed traffic link between Irvine and Costa Mesa. Environmentalists as well as the state Department of Fish and Game have been opposed to the connection, claiming the road would cause ecological dam age and disrupt nesting birds. Although the road now has been removed from coastal maps, it remains on the county's circulation maps. But if the road is ever to be fini s hed , the city mus t get approval from the commission and modify its local coastal plan. Mayor Heather said she now intends to focus attention on getting the unfinis hed Corona del Mar Free,.-ay .-xten6Prl The freeway exte1. ~:..,n would run parallel and raorth of Lhe University f'r1'''" 'tj!~?:!neni Mrs. Heather s u1.;ge.;t e.: that once the freeway ;.:; extended, traffic experts ran better gauge th e n ee d for f i n is h i n g University. Medical building out Plans for a multi-story medical building adjacent to Hoag M'emortal Hos pital in Newport Beach were dropped this week moments before the city council was to vote on the projed. applicants Park Lido Ltd. - were bowing to the c riticis m even though the project had been recommended by the city1 planning commission Park Lido Ltd also owns and operates the existing medical structure near the hospital. 1: 'l)uke' comes to rescue The council agreed to accept the condi(ions rather than risking a court battle or dumping the entire coast plan and starting from scratch. The move means~ that after years or work, Newport now has an approved land use segment to its coastal plan. This will eve ntually resu lt in the Residents near the hospital as well as doctors in an existing .medical building on Hospital Road had complained the new lower would ca use t raffic. parking and noise problems Opponents of the project were joyous al the news but expressed con cern the plan likely will reappear later. ..It's going lo come back," sai d Ralph Gray . o ne hospital·area resident . , .I Wayne film festival planned to help pay for-Statue A John Wayne film festival is being planned in Newport Beach to help bail out a completed but as-yet-unpaid for bas relief of the city's most famous citizen. The city-commissioned art work, which depicts Wayne in a s cene from the 1939 classic "Stagecoach." is still sitting in the garage of Corona del Mar artist Chris Matson. The Newport Harbor Jaycees, which had agreed to fund the project several years ago, remain $13,000 shy or paying off artist Matson. The Jaycees, city officials said, also have balked al s igning Charles Gallaher funeral held in Cd.M Funeral services were held Saturday in Corona del Mar for 2().year Newport Beach resident abd businessman Charles A . G;lllaher. who died Feb. 18. International, the Society of American Military Engineers,' the Lynwood Masonic Lodge and the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Newport Beach. - a contract that would allow the city to lend them the $13,000 lo speed things along. Jim Dale, a Jaycee official, said he understands the group does not want to get tied up in a legal commitment but is willing to help raise the money. There currently are tentative plans to hold a Way ne film festival, which would include the s howing of "'Stagecoach." lo raise money. Other fund·raisers are being considered. The commission artwork ran into trouble last year when it 'unexplainably increased in site and price. going from $17 ,500 to $35.000. Artist Matson said · he was · given permission to embellish his work and add the likenesses of Andy Devine and J ohn Carradine -both stars of the 1939 movie -to the Wayne memorial. A s pokes man s a 1d the Mr. Gallaher o wned and ojerated Newport Beach based Facilities Maintenance Corp. aJid previously had be~n em ployed as an engineer in Anaheim for 23 years. He was a member of Rotary_ He is survived by his wife Alicia and daughter Patricia Herren. He also leaves a sister, Betty Byron; a brother. Earl Gallaher and two grandchildren, Mic hael and Milinda. Last month, the Newport Beach City Council agreed to lend the Jaycees the needed money with the condition the bronze not be displayed in city hall . QUARTET HONORED This quartet ha ve been honored by Lincoln Middle School PTA for conti nuing s upport. From left are Bert .,.." ...... ""' "'9et Peffers. Carole Tompkins. Pam Howa rd and Ralph Werley. Peffer!-. has a broken fin~(·r from an accident in rla~:. i ·s > ' . I . I ~ r I Something smells a bi( fishy, Gloria By NORA LEHMAN .,. .. .....,,..M9ft BIR'nf CERTIFICATE NEEDED? I can hear it now: '"I'm buying this for my daughter. She's 26.·· says the obviously over-49 lady. Or, says the undet-25·year-old. IT'S OBVIOUS FROM that statement t hat tv1 s Vanderbilt who. I believe. won 't be able to wear her own fragrance doesn 't want just anyone splashing the stuff around. I Maybe you must sign a statement or provide a birth certificate. You just know some rebellious young kid's going to put on a drop or two. And some woman. who won't admit she 's over 49, is going to defiantly march into some store and demand the stuff. A postscript here : A friend of mine who·s been in public relations for many years claims it 's OK to be in the PR business as long as you don't start believing what you 're writing. Mr. Jackson should remember that. INDULGENT SMILES: This certain Orange Coast "My mother wants this for her birthday. She's only 45... lady standing down the counter from me shopping while Let's face it, Ms. Vanderbilt, there's going to be some her husband wandered around the department. fibbing going on here. She'd made her purchase. had her checkbook out and And what is goin1 on? Well, a press kit arrived on my was reaching in to her purse for a pen when her spouse desk from a Mr. Frederick W. Jackson, III. yet. Seems came up to the counter. · Mr. J . handles public relations for Gloria Vanderbilt. Or "Sweetheart," he said. "you can't write u check on at 1,ast he handles the perfume for her. And the latest that account. There isn't any money in it ... thiag he's lnto -or more exactly, she's into -is "But how can that be?'' she asked. looking up perfume. Desianer perfume. · through her long, dark lashes.. ··1 have all these checks That's hardly new, but there is somethin1 about k , · ~eft." · · that does lucinate me. It's to be ·•a rich <of course it's · . 1 rlch, it's a Vanderbilt, lsn't It?> and radiant <how. 'tell .: ~ THAT TOOK ME BACK to Mrs. Clarence Day in me, can• perfume be radiant?> new fra1rance of floral~ ::Life Wlth Father,'' explaining to Mr. Day. that because frulls and spices · · · detifned for women ln the she'd returned the hat she'd bought, he now owed her the 25-to-49-yur-old market." money. -... CdM school honors four for top service The Lincoln Middle School PT A honored four people today for outstanding service lo the school. The awards were presented during an annual Founders Breakfast In the school 's cafeteria in Corona del Mar. Among those receiving awards were: Berl Peffers, 'cosla Mesa. an industrial arts teacher , Caro le Tompkins. Newport Beach, PTA president; Drunk driving R a l ph Werley , Orar1g e , vice·principal at the school and Pa m Howard, Newport Beach. coordinator of the school's Extra Time Classes. Peffers will retire in June after 33 years of teaching. He is a past winner of the PT A award and bas taught at Lincoln since • arrest& rise Arresta for drivina under the lnfluenee ol alcohol were up 45 percent during the month of January in Newport Beech, tramc olftcera reported. ' The police report said lhi• 'follows a 100 percent lncreue durln1 December and Is due, tara•ly, to a stepped-up P"trol ln the cltf f« drunken driven. Tba patrol is to contlnu~ throu,ii tbe 1ear. · For tbe second air.•.Jtbt month, poUee said Oae llltlMr druaken clrlviJll arrett ftpre we.nt lland-in-band wltb a decrelM ln ttaftlc accld•ta. Traftlc eolliliou ln JIDMJ')', >police Hid, were down u r:::::.:s do~ 13 pe~c.nt In ~ · the school's openin$ in 1961. Mrs . Tompkins taught handicapped students before moving to Newport Beach several years ago. It was the second PTA award for Wer ley, He has been vlce-prlncipal since 1961. ·'The difficult times ln education make this award all the more appropriate, .. sa_ld Werley. M ra. Howard wu hooond for / ber work ln tMlpln1 Ii.rt &M Extr• Time ClMHS. a II'.,..._. offered after school. •'With all the tbtnp-;we become lnvolvd ln ln our liftl I cH't think of ,nytbilll more fulfllllna than wotklnt "1th CM' tbildren," said llrt Howard. I I tltJli stu-ay woulil curtail police deadly force ay SOD. C. DON ............. Polle• ua• ot unwarruted deeclly Iott• could be curtailed 1f law entoretmeat a1encles provlded bttter t.raln1n1, more tntorlbaUon on ltlal aDd moral luuet and cloeely monitored th• •bootinl hlatory ot lndividual police olflcers, accordln1 to a UC Irvine 1tudy. ·The two-year raearch projeet alao calla for mandatory lntervlews wllh a peycbolosllt for offlcen involved ln shoot.lna incident.I, special 1roups lo help eue friction between police and tbe community, publlc-poUcy 1tatementa on a police department's rules for use of deadly force and reviled lnalructlonal format.a to help reduce a police officer'• paranoia or unrealistic percepUon ol the dangers of fieldwork. The $361,000 project was funded by the. National Institute of Justice. The study, wtUch focused on l• mwtlclpal police departmtnta throu~t the U.S., wa1 conducted by Dr. Arnold Binder, professor of social ecolo1y. Also partlclpatln1 in the reaearch were former UCl faculty membera Peter Scharf and Ray Galvin. The cities ol Newark, N..J .. Birmlnsbam, Ala., Mlam1 and Oakland were 11.Dlled out for apecial In-depth lnve1U11t.1oo. Research teem members conducted peraonal lntervltwa. followed police officers into the field and had access to revealing lntem&l aftairs report.I ln lhoae cities. . Contrary to popular beUefa, the 1,800-pafe report found little evidence that police departments rostered "tri11er happy" officers. And ln wake of the 1979 Eulla Love slaytn1 ln Los Angeles and other unnecessary police 1hoottn1 locl<lenta, reatarcbers found rect1l b&a1 playa little role ln 1hootJn1 ot •tm be rt of varlou. minority 1roup1. Blnckr noted that about ao J*Hftt ol the U.S. POOUlaUon ls black. But about to percent of police 1hoot.tn1 vlcUm• are black. ''Some or1antsaUou bl~ aald Ulat'1 prlm1 fa.cl• evidence ol dilcrlmln.aUoo," BiDder 1akl ln an interview. "But w• fOUDd IOllMthlnt that com,Ucatea that lnterpret.aUon. If you le>M at the violent crime you'll find that IO perc•t of the arrest.I are black. Jt you put that lnto your conceptual framework It's not olt•loul that there la a racial blaa.' • Jn Blrmineham, for eumplt, • black mayor wu elected sooa aft.er an lnnocent black woman was mistakenly shot and killed by police. The mayor immediately lnat.ltuted new restrictive policies on the use of deadly force. .... "The poUct were very upset about the new policy," Binder said. "But fhad coffee wltb an otflcer and he aald 'I'm not 101na to •hoot anybody.' The majority of offlcert art cloaer to him than tbe ones who shoot and enjoy It. "Pollce are not the cold, killln1 mechanlam1 that they think they are. A number of offlcers, for example, wet thelr puta durtq 1boolln1 l.ncidenta. If thelr brain Ill soaked wt"' adrenaline they can't operate v.ry well. So you 1lve them specific rules such aa.. if )'OU see someone 10 Into an alley you call tor a back·up unit." Binder also emphasized screening of police recruJt.s to weed out individuals who may be more prone to use deadly force. But he said It is impossible to eliminate au potential officer11 who may UMecessarily use their gun. (See POLICE &EPORT, Pace A%> WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ·Heather fights FAA • noise move Newport mayor traveling to W ashz'ngton to discuss proposed legislation The F e deral Aviation Administration is drafting legislation Administrator J . Lynn Helms said would permit the agency to override locally imposed noi se r educ tion standards at airports throughout the nation. The FAA proposal, outlined by Helms at a speech in Dallas Feb. f8 , drew immediate oeposition today from Newport .Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, vice president of the National Organization to Ins ure a Sound-controlled Environment which goes by the acronym NOISE. •·Mayor Heather, "llho is ·"traveling to Washington D.C. Friday for a NOISE board meeting, said she is hoping to arrange a m«-eting with Rep. Robert Bad ham , R-Newport Beach, and Helms to discuss local opposition to the proposed legislation. In his address at a law s ympos ium at Southern Methodist University. Helms said the FAA would resist any attempts by local ai rport operations to interfere with air traffic by imposition o f noise-control standards. Helms indica~ed in tl)e speech that the FAA would b e particularly hard on operators who impose curfews forbidding aircraft operations during certain hours of t~ day and other unspecified restrictions. Such a curfew is imposed by Orange County government at John Wayne Airport. J et.s are forbidden from taking off between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a .m . Mo nda y through Saturday and until 8 a .m. on Sundays. The county also Is requiring new entrants to the airport to fly new and quieter jets and agree to not serve destinations more than 500 miles from Orange County in a single flight. Helms did not mention John Wayne Airport by name in the Dallas address . However, the FAA chief did condemn the California airport noise control law. He predicted that standards in the law could force several airports in the stale to close down. John Way ne Airport has operated under a variance issued by the State Department of Transportation under that statute. Mrs. Heather said she wanted (See NOISE, Pace AZ) I F oqtballer Trial haltA awarded $10,000 B J PATIUCK KENNEDY ;of-o.llY ...... ,.. : Edison High School football }>layer Jeff Washington is }lettiJ)g a $10,000 settlement from -school o fficials who had iteclared him Ineligible for ~rts but were later overruled ~by an Orange County Superior '.Court judge. : The settlement ends a $5 "million lawsuit that Washington liled this year against -Huntington Beach Union High ~chool District trustees because :they declared him ineligible for the 1981 football season and most of the 1981·82 basketball ;season. . Washington. a junior, \ransferred to Edison from inearby Huntington Beach High !School when be ~nd his father .moved into the Edison area. But :he was disqualified for sports at lEdlson for one year when he and !hi• father moved back to the ff BUHSD area. : However. Orange County t :Superior Court Judge Thomas . Crosby Jr. overruled the district on Jan. 22 because be said new ' r eligibility rules had been applied ~ retroactively to Was hington. Crosby didn't rule on the SS million damage claim. The settlement wa s unanimously approved by trustees Tuesday night. Washington, 17, wUl be paid the $10,000 by March 22, trustees :said. : "We believe Jeff was treated $rongly by the district but the 31ettlement is something we can tive with," said Washington's · ~ttorney, Stephen Berger. ~ Washinlflon is an all-around :&thlete who enrolled at Edison in ~he milidle of the 1980 football ~eason. l He playecl football, basketball pee£.,..., Pap AU > AP..,....._ ANO DEBIRCHED -State Sen. John Schmitz of Corona del Mar finds some humo r in actions t a ken against him by the Senate. Now the J o hn Birch Society has re moved him from its national council. ' Birch Society ousts Schmitz from panel By STEVE MITCHELL Of .. Detty ...... ._.. State Sen. John Schmitz has a sign hanging outside his office ln Sacramento, just below his name. Jl reads, "De-chaired and disassociated." The controversial Corona del Mar lawmaker now can add anoth e r word lo th e tongue-in·cheek plaque: "De-Birched." The John Birch Society's seven -m e mber executive committee has voted to remove Schmitz from its 30-member national council following remarks he made in a preas statement last December. The news of t he Birch committee ouster came on the same day the Senate Rules Committee reluctantly a1reed to pick up legal costs in a $10 million libel s u it filed by feminist attorney Gloria Allred objecting to lbe same remarks. Schmitz, reprimanded by the Senate last month for issuing the <See SCIDlrl'Z, Pase A!) as man questioned The Orange County Superior Court murder trial of Patrick Fo&arty was halted today as sheriff's inves tigators questioned a man they think may be able to shed more Ulhl on the killing of a Laguna Ni.cuel man who dated Foearty's estranced wife. Chief Deputy District Attorney Jam es Enright said John Dinsdale was scheduled to be called as a witness for the prosecution this morning. However . En right said , detectives began questioning him when the prosecution told Dinsdale's attorney there were 1spect.s of his planned testimony that were incomplete. In opening statements to the jury earlier this month, Enrllht had said that Dlnsdale, a friend of Fogarty's, would testily lt\at the defendant asked him to give him an alibi for the day Donald Frank Cook died in his Laguna Niguel home. Cook , whose throat was s las hed , was found by a roommate in the bedroom of the home they shared on Feb. 2, 1981. It is alleged that Fogarty, an Irvine city employee at the time, killed Cook out or jealousy because the Bec htel Corp. ensi neer bad been dating Fo1arty's estranged wife, Andrea. Enri1ht said if there is any likelihood that Dinsdale la Implicated in the crime, he · would attempt to have bim testify for the prosecution under a 1rant ol lmmunlty. Defense lawyer Thomas Sza kall has asserted that evidence would show that Fosarty was retuming his young daughter to his wife's Costa Mesa residence at lhe time he said that Cook was fatally stabbed. ILaJA'SUit heats up in Laguna canyon crash • It .. • altrans and Laguna Beach accused of maintaining 'unsafe roadway' I_-JOllNNEEDllAM Ana attomey Gene Goldsman to struck beadon by another car. alon1 the entire roadway, If .. ...,........ testiry on road conditions atone That vehicle. driven b• Lila etpedal.ly at Bia Bend. aimUar ! Testl.mony continued tod_, In the 7.5·mlle stretch or state Chaffin, 21, of Mission Viejo, to the median 1trlp from CM10D Oranp County Superior Court highway. c r o s s e d o • e r I r o m t b • Acree DriYe to Porett A •eue °" on a law1ult cbar1ln1 that Called to the stand were northbound to southbound lne lhe roedway. Lasuaa Beach and the State ot rormer Laeuna Beach Police of the roadw_, and rammed the By not bavlnc a -.arrl•r. Callfornta were parUallr Chief Jon Spark•, Larry oncomtnc vebic:le. All tbree Caltrane k.Dowtn1l1 altowM I rnpoHlble for a Lacuna Campbell, past pubU.her oltbe s uatalned lnjurlu In the potentialbuanltoexllt,J,heauit Canyon Road cruh three years Tides and Tlmea weekly accldt!M. alle1•. Accordlnl to Goldlm•, aco. oew1peper, former Mayor Jack Goldama and bi1 11aoc:late, lf a berrter b8d beeB la pa.. AUorae11 for two Lapna McDowell, cai'toonlat Jobn Lara Ira H. Zlncbef1ky. are artuina ud u.-.unc W bMn b9lt«, the Beacb NlidtDll lDJured In UM and couoty 5th Dhtrlct that th• city maintained accldtnt prob9blJ would 90t acdd..t allece tbat Caltrua Supervisor Tom Riley. , inadequate U1htln1 alon1 air lln• oecurnd. aad tlat elty lpfowln&I J Qoldlman" ~Art &endattbettmeoltbeaccw.t, Tiie attorn•)• for M\11 matMallled aa uuaf• roadway Colony ..-ideata hter Molf, •. which directly contributed to the Ooaaal• ind Moir Ila.-Mt ~t UM• o1theco1¥1ion100 fe.t and Dian• OoDaal•, tt. Oa crash. , lfMlW tM ..uar. ....-.._ ilortll ol.. ...... llarcb 11, lift lbertlr alter 11 In addWoa, tbeJ cbarp tW •ill 1M Hllla1 fer ,. ...... 1 Oa T11Hdar a J'rade of p .m . wblle clri.a:J aoutb OD Ca 1tran1 1 b o u Id b av• ~and m.tal ....... . ........ •• call bJ ~ La...f\IU c..,. U., _.. coHtrucWd a median bent• (IN~· .... Al) · .. DellY ...... ,_.., •k .... ll_ ASH WEDNESDAY Father Rafael Luevano of St. J oachim of Costa Mesa church places ashes on Deanna Morris. 13. while Angel Kolar. 13. left. and Chris Cri ll~'. 14 . wait. 'Onion Field' killer 'shOuld have died' An Orange County defense attorney who first prosecuted Jimm y Lee Smith in the so-called ''Onion Field" murder or a Los Angeles policeman says Smith should not have been set free but instead s hould have died in the state's gas chamber. Marshall Schulman, who specializes in criminal defense in Santa Ana, said Smith was a calculating killer who murdered Los An3eles f\Olice Department officer Ian C4 mpbell "in cold blood" on March 9, 1963. Smith was rel e ased from Soledad State Prison Tuesday, des pite protest from Los Ana e les County Di str ict Attorney John Van de Kamp. Schulman was the prosecutor In the first Los Angeles County trial in which Smith and Oreaory Ulas Powe ll we re convlettd or kidnapping and murder 1n Campbell's death. Both men were originally sentenced to die in the ~as· chamber at San Quentin State Prison. On appeal. however, the convictions were overturned and tbe two m e n were t,r ied separately. Smith was sentenced to life Imprisonment and Powell to death. Both were granted parole· dates alter the slate's death penalty law wa s ruled unconatltutional. "In UM tint trial, I tried them both, coavicted them and saw them both sentenced to death,'' Schulman aald. • Asked tr Smith, 52, should i.avt died in the 1aa chamber, klna.._ emphatically replied, "Yea." He termed tbe 1ranUn1 or ,. ..... SmiU. "ludicroua" and ,..._. out that Smith had been 'treed from Folaom Priaon only ·• da71 __ before 1" murder of Cam,..U ln an onion fltld near Ba•enfteld. I Newi-t Beacb Pollet Cblel ClaarfH Orou wu a Loa A•l•I• Police Depar\meat watd e-eerntr la 1111 _. ....................... aM~tax,&ul~. a.~ .. .mew ea., ... was not the only victim in the shooting. "I talked with Karl the next morning right after he got back from Bakersfield and saw that he had been destroyed as a person:· He said the officers were very close. "When Ian was shot, Karl died at that same moment," the chief added. Gross said he blames the state Supreme Court for Smith's release. He said he has no strong feeling about Smith. ·'The people or this state,·' the police chief said. "anticipated he CSmith I would die and his not dying fails to represent the will or the people." Market jumps NEW YORK <AP) -The stock market rose sharply in late trading today, with the Dow Jones index of 30 stocks gaining 13.79 J>Oints to 826.76. DRlllil CIAIT 1111111 Partly cloudy and hazy this allemoon. Low clfuds and tog late tonight and early Thursday morning. Mostly sunny Thursday alternoon. Highs today 62 to 69. Lows tonJgbt 46 to S6. llllllTlllY Club• to co11valucut tao.'pitoll can ute voltmttcr•. F'or .a . taan"-r of U1Gr• •Aioi mdi.nduat.t mar .cwi.tt. nc "You Con ff tip" on. P.oge A9. 11111 • • ~· · UP 13.79 • CLOSING 121. 71 slip in January IATIM ~------- Orders tor new durtble 1oods slumped 1.5 percent in January, the fifth decline in the past six months and cl fresh s ignal that the recession continued unabated, ne w government fi gures indicated. The Com merce Department also revised a · previously reported 1.6 percent gain in orders in December to 'a 0 2 percent decline. November orders rose 2.8 percent . . . The Treasury Department said the Reagan admif\istration does n·ot intend to support renewal or legislation m aking possible ttie so·called .. All Savers" tax.free savings certificates. Current law, approved last year under heavy lobbyin g from t hrift institutions. expires at the end or 1982 Congressional Investigators said that commodities fraud has grown into a S200 million·a·year '"fl oating crap game'" that easily eludes the fed eral agency responsible for pohcmg the industry. . Economic recovery in the United States and other industrialized countries late this year will reverse the current trend of declining demand for petroleum, according to Exxon Corp ·s latest forecast \ ITATI 0----~ ~ I , The U.S. Labor Department said it has restored $20.6 million to job service programs in four Western states to help unemployed workers find jobs. The Ca lifornia Employment Development Department will receive Sl 9 million more to bring the 1982 fiscal total to $58. l million ... A consumer group has asked a superior court to investigate at least S2 million in alleged fraudulent claims against the Levi Strauss Co. The group contended in a brief filed Tuesday that the fraudulent claims, if allowed, would sharply reduce refunds to honest claimants in the jeans manufacturer's $12 2 million price-fixing settlement with the state ... Bank or America reported that in 1981 California experienced its lowest number of housing starts in more than two decades. Total housing starts in 1981 amounted to 94 ,491 units, down 27 5 percent from 1980"s total of 130.300 . Between 1961 and 1980 the lowest number of housing units constructed occurred 10 1966 when 105.180 units were built . Financial Federation Inc., a Los Angeles·based savings and loan holdjng company. has fil ed in the U S District Court a lawsuit charging Severyn Ashenazy, a la rge stockholder. with an attempt to seek iUegally conlrol of the company in violation of federal securities laws c.a.11.n..._rJ. ________ __ Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D·Santa Ana. has introduced a bill that calls for cable television to be regulated by the state PubUc Utilities Commission instead of individual cities. If it becomes law. Ca lifornia would be the only place in the nation where cable TV franchises are granted at the state level rather than by local communities . Assets of Capis trano Bancorp's principal subsidiary, Capistrano National Bank, surpassed the S60 million mark for the first time, end ing at $60.2 million as compared with $43.8 million on Dec 31. 1980. a 43 percent increase over the prior year STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS • I Pict. Up 16 1 Up 14.J Up 11.S Up 11.1 Up 10.0 Up '·S Up •• Up U Up U Vp ••• VD 11 Vp 7S Up 71 Up 1.0 Up 1.C U11 t• Hg !:! 1 NIEW Y°"I( (Al"I -li'r1c" t.te T--, .... ,, toln•, <~fH wttfl ~1'• Dflct K,...mMlll, I ll'O' ..._,.-.rs, Oft '1·•· .......... I tn, OJv sao,11, ofUt.00. ......... '° -· u ,,., .... ..,. "" "" "ts. ....,._ !Ot<.-. '-tlroy 01., s.MUS • .... , .. ' METALS HEW YORI<: (AP! met•I prlu" t-y '''''' 11~ 10 tenh • pound. de>llnetlons L.eM 21 c.enls • paund ZllK 0 Ctnl> •pound, Oell,,ered Tiii S7 1"° 'Ht•IS W .. k <Oml>O'ilt lb. Alwm-1/l.71c..,heP0\11141.H Y. Mere"" UH oooer fl~k l'l•llllllftlU..OOt•oyot., HY SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS 8yTlleA-i.tMPfftl Selected-la IJOIG pricH toda y. v.s L ....... : "'°'~ 11•1"9 ~ U , uo St.IS Le!MIM: efte,,_llX1"9Ui! IS,up•t 1S ftarlt: ~,''·oft to .. ,.,_...,.: S)U,.,,upst.00 llH'kll: ~ ll•lllO ~oo. up "oo 11141. ~-OO •t*lt<t. M•••Y & Mar111••: only dally Quol• la2.7S,ut>Sl.U ......... : °'"Y cl.ally ~ U.U'-.. $1.U • ..... IMrtl: only Nlly QUON l•bl'IC•lM UI0 ... 1111$1, .. SYMBOLS